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The Morning Record, June 07, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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BBB&n zsn
Pl«Bt7 of Bnola—■ Tot for
l4»4 Boborta.
Srittah OtBpiat Men*.*op W
bu««d Wttti
BoOT CBpUiod ♦«) •»
ISO IKrnMm-Vxnehi. «»Ul. ««•
mdandtoBullOT'a rerot.
Deitobten of John Woolford MM m
Saqilden of Orine of Korder.
npeclel toTbe Heralae BMord.
Aabom, lad., Jnne ft-The eaddi
and naanpeeted death o< John WoolCard, an avod eUUan of (ftBraboaeo,
a few weeke ofo. hee beoalavoeUi
The etonaeh i
fonnd to eoatala a larso qaentltr of
eUerlde of cine. The eonner teeom■eaded the appreheMloa of Woolfordh
daacbten, Kn. Leer Boheea of ladlaHapollB and Jeeale Blnler. of Find'
lay. Ohio. They have not heretofore
been enepeeted an la any way ooaaeetod with the old nBUenaa’a death.
Mn. Woolford and eon Oeerve are aleo
held la bond an wltaeeeee. The enpative to the erine wne the
of the life Inaaranee whleh
Woolford earrled.
Srwui M n* M««iac
PnMTiB. Sua»r Blfku «l» Lotmm
<• raported ttet
0 ^ o<
prtMMn rMtardAy. PrMld«at Sleja
lawaiotEnmtBdftdruMlas tow«rd
WUWf. TJm I*Uw»J hM bMB dw
tMTMl tor k loaf dlstUM* death of the
VmI river br'Tree SUten.
Pretoria, Jose ». vie lioreaso Herqow. Jane t—At the reqaeet of Umer»I Boiler e three de7«' ermlitlee wee
weed to hr Bethe. the Beer eoBBtend' Amsadmsiit Fssssd by Both
eretumre Mek. Both ooBBtendeii
House and Ssnate.
met end held* e eonvereetlen. Utreeht
hei eiimls eeee eveeoeted hr the BrlUeh
who retired on the mein foree nt Meant Appropriating M.OOO.OOO Cor Fac
Pretorie, ondeled. vie LoresM Merqoee, Jane s^rifbtlnf et KUp river
and Bleberf hee been ette-'-'
Pretoria. Jone 8. noon, bjr-----------to LoreoM Merqoee. Jdhe 8-Utrecht.
HeUl hee been eorroderedbj e e*e”
petrol to BaUer'e forcee la order i
avoid bombardmenu Btronf Boon
areeUUet lAinTeNek.
A heavp ereneot (on on a hUl eoet of
MoU'e Kop boatbarded the Brltleh
oentpo reeletdep with dleertreoe e*ect.
at a dteteaoe of eU ntUea Pretideat
Stern tetetrraphed trem the'eenth of
KrooBBtad that e batUe atBlddelb*
bars, near Beaakal. Mar ». reeolted
aeeteaoeMetnUrtothefedecmle. Poor
hmadred and elthtr.jrloooen were
token, while on the field were foond
*8 Brltleh kUled and no woanded. On
the foUowlns der another eueeeee in
the vlelBl^ of Undler when tea BritUh were klUed and 40 oaptnred. Dewet
le new between the Yael river and VereenlrlBf and Mrertoa.
London. Jane 7-ItU generallre*peetodthnt Lord|Eoberte wUl heltet
Pretorie before ettemptlnf to eaptnre
or diepoee of the Boon etlll la anae.
Prom the preeeat Indleattoaa thle teak
win be fally ee dlflleBlt ee the well
oi tae oars sen •••»«
Eeboru may find It neeeeeary to retnm
aoath peraonally to direot hit foreee In
the Oraofe Free Stoic.
London, }ane e—UntU the eltoatloa
in the aelrhborhood of Pretoria theU
- Mve been enllchtooed. offlelalehere
finddifilenUy In prefnoetloatlnf ix»rd
Boberte’ profram. BvldonUy General
Botha with all hU rone withdrew in
rood order.jwobahly alone the Delaffoa
Bay railroad with a view to Jolalnc
Preeldent Kroner. So the Trmntvaal
foroM are practleally Intact, with Preeidanu Kmter and Stoyn, General
Botha and State Seeretory Belu aU
aafe la peemon to eoatlnoe the dlreetion of affaire. OpUmletlc peraoae eee
la the fact that the wlvat of Preeldent
Krater and General Botha ware left is
Pretorie as indloaUon that the prealdent done not eoont on lone reeletonce.
Driving Park Aaaoelatloa will Bang
up PuTMt Aggregailns Over SI.000
tory and Antfaorlzlag Becretory of
Wavy to BuUd Plant if Kanntaetnr
era do Mot Make a Fair Price—tale
In Both Brancbee
tipcOal to The Memloc Rword.
Waehlngtoa, June ft—After one of
the moot bitter flghU of tbleaeMloa
tU eenate today yielded* to the judg
ment of the honaa, that the aeeretary
ettheaavy ahonld net be hamper,
aa effort to complete the naval vaaeele
now ready for armor by having eon
greac fix np and eat a price loiw than
neeapt.nadna an allcmaUve bnlldlag
vemmeat plant for the mnnntaetare of armor plate.
The eenate did not aopompllah the
provUlon ee drawn to the blU, bnt the
Peareee; '-That the ieoretory of the
navy U authorized to procure by .eontract armor of tha boot quality for any
or all the vcceeU above referred to.
provided eontraeto oan be made at a
price whleh In hie jedgment U renaonable and eqnitoble, but In-eaee he It uu
able to
theabove'oondlUone he U authorized
to procure a cite for and erect the.
a factory for the masnfeeture of armor
had «t,000.000 U
tpward the erection of cald factory."
The adoption of thU amendment by
the eenate wac praoaded by a long and
aerlmoaloue debate in which the oppo•Ition dwelt upon the determlnaUr
armor plate ansataeturora to rob
Wacblngtoe. Jnne ft—In the houee
he eenate amendment on armor plate
wee adopted Yaea. 1S4; naye. M. At
8 o'clock the houee took a receae uuUl
Watalngton. June ft-The houee at
10:13 took a recem until tome
morning nt 10 o'clock. The eenate
may oontlnue la acMlonvall night.
Tecterdny'c Baae Ball Oomce.
SpeciAl toTbc MorslDc Becorxl
Kennedy and FarweU; Garvin and
New York...........................
OlnelunaU ................................ li i*
Dohey, Hawley and Warner: Brelteaetoiu and Peltz
Plttebnrg ...;.......................
ft lo 8
Orth and Douglaae: Waddell and
9 .1St. LouU.................................. 1* 16 1
Cuppy and Clarke: Hufhey and
rorslfn WsrsUps Band Kon
XsD to Tien Tain. •
ngbt Betweea Boldierc and Boxere
Beaulted la Knay XUled^ea Both
Staten Oemiui
Ordeca Admiral Bemey to StrungtheaMnynltoreelaChiaeeo WatereGanbont Selena to Proeeed to Beene.
np*elal to TUe Metukoft Baeore.
Tien Ttln. June ft-All foreign warehipe are landing ti
Tien TUn, Joua ft-In a batUe be
tweea Boxera and Cblacae troopc many
irere kUled on bott aid*. Japan hne
protaetod agnlnet Bnmla'a landing
troopc In China.
Shanghai, Jnne ft-Soldlal* diepntehed to nttoek the Boxeiu fought an esgngamant quite cloae to Prkla. Many
irere killed on both side*.
In eottBtqaenee of the repreeentotloni
of Japan, the landing of a large Bui
elan force at Taku ie alleged to have
been ctopped. U le believed here that
ahonld Rnicla pemUt in tending a pre
ponderaUog mUltoiy force to the from
a coUlelon with Japan would Inevitably
remit. Alarming reporto arc current
here Of hurried complcUon of the luobl
lizatlon of the Jeptncec fieetThc Raielao mluletcr at Pekin made
another attempt to Induee the Cbincee
foreign office formally to requeet Rufelan aMiitohoe to reatore order, bnt the
offer hee not yet be
Violent d
.are reported bttween the Chlm
Jung In. and Prinec Oilng Tuan, who
1 tha/wOBto^ the
dowager ampreae. la aihangly enpporting toe Boxere.
The mebe who murdtajto the BoglUh
tnleelonarim Boblneon ^ Morman,
mutUatod and dlaembowled toe bodice.
Tha ■tatlM at Yan Tin, three mllee
from Pekin, hie been burned.
Weahlngton. June ft— Mlnieter Con
ger caUed today that the ritnatlon wne
wome at Pakln and tola, la eonaectlon
with Admiral Eempt'a eabl^ram yettorday, nnnonaeing that an engage
ment had began, decided toe atote de
partment to elrengtoen the naval force*
saareet toe eoene of tranble. A cable
gram waa eent Admiral Remey
ManlU dlrecUag him to diapatch at
once to Admiral. Kempf* coma
the gunboat Helene or another cmft of
eorrecpondingly light draft, an efficient
warnhip capable oLaceendlng the Pel
Ho river a* far at Tien Tain.
Admiral Kempr* flogehip,
Meirark. drawing twenty-three feet of
water, eaanot eaoend the river eetely
beyond the Taka foru near the entranoe bnt the Beleea, drawing only
elevnn feet, can aafely necendtoTien
Ttln, forty mllee above. She waa tpecleliy deelgoed for aerrlee la tbeee
Chineae river* and to it likely to prove
more effeetlve than any otkar of toe
foreign warahlpe. She earrlee a bat
tery parUenlarly adapted to .^tng
with each mob* aa the Bonare.
Kern for Governor and Fall Btnta
Tleket Momlnated.
Bfceui to Tta Uorulnc Itoeord
diaaapollB. Ind., June ft — The
Dcmoeratle etote oonventlon eoaeinded
Ha work at ft o’clock tola evening. The
following fall ticket wee nomlnetod:
Governor, John W. Sern. IndlanapoUe;
Lieutenant Governor, John C. Lawler.'
Salem: eecretary of atote. Adam
BeUnberger, New Albany: auditor.
John W. Mlner.lndlanapolU: treaeurer.
Jerome Herff. Pero; attorney general,
Cbarlce P. Drummond, Plymolb: re
porter of ■npicme court, B. G. Yergln,
NewCaatle: superintondem of public
inetmctlon. Ckarlce Greatouee, Mt.
Vemoa: chief of bureau of etotietice.
Edward Herff. Madiaon; judge of
enpreme oonrt, first dletriet, Q. L
Belnbardt^ Bloemlagton; fonrtb dieiriot, 1. W. Adair. Oolambla City.
for Bvente of Jnly Srd. 4th and fitb.
TbaTraveree City Driving Park AnaociaUon propoeee to make the Ponrlh
o( Jnlyraee meeting one of exceptional
attraction* and over 11,000 will - be
hnng up In pnrMt. Already the three
dayt' meeting la being talked of among
noted bOTvemen abont the etate and
many good trotten, pacer* and >nnnlagboineiareearetobe here.
Saperintendent Peter Wnrzbnrg of
aMKRit-ax LxacuB.
the Aaoelatioa ha* eompleted hie fig.
vret of the amonau expended for ImCbieegav*ClevuUnd.mln.
proyementi on the park and the total
0 * t
etneede tl.oOO- The track le conceded
to be the beet half-miU track la thle
Dowling and Smith; Cronin and
part of the etoie and aa good ae any In Bynn.
ntarenting Inoidena Tol' by Soldien
Miehlgan. Under the exUtlng eoadiWho went from TraverM City
ttoo* the meeting during the big oelcBhret and Fiahar; Dnmman and 'The Mensixo Bxoomo le In rnedpt of
bmtloa le eare to be enecneefnl and aa
•evaral letien from Traveme City boyt
event of morn than ordinary latomtU Hevdou
la the PhiUpplaee, which will be pnbUehedia nfew daya Aaeo^ (hem le
Geer and Geadlar Booker and one from Braae Schofield, together
iHthaanmber of Interettlnc photoBoth LooalTcnto and HlvtowUlJoia Speer.
of eeeaea In the lelanda torangh
la Servicto Dext Snadny.
which our aoldien have paaead. Be
next Sunday «dU be the E. O. T. M.
And attow matting ntrleUy nteaat, aleo eende aome Manila pnpnre, nrannd
nbtnUowing tor freight or eotteC
Ketoorial Day and praparatiOM ara la
rhich waa wrapped a page ed the
IBe Dcetoa StoreprogTCH for a fikUng obawvanee et the
MoBxtxo Rxocbu of Feb. 88th, TIm
oeeealoa. Travwaa City Test, Mo. >71
aadTravameBayTentMo. lUasdboth Btmiabtr
USsSi-..... :::::
2» I
hivoB wUlJoln Is a earviee to beheld la
Fdraaton' hnU at t p. m. at which Bev.
A. A. WaU wiU oOelato. After the
nervleae the Maeeabeaa and L. a T. U.
wmpreraedto.the eneeitoTy.t^era the
gvnvueot dapnrtod netobeca irlU ha
nmiiubt >dUM
the efiee of pabUeation.
The Icttera oontoln mneh of great
Inteitot and come exeiting tolee of experi^eeewith HUatoea.
CiB aU liana at the Barton Btoca.
Ponrth Year—No. 964
Dwittg to Lame Bead He ie Oompelled
to CAll off the Kateh Arraagad
With One BnhUa.
aiaetoi to T>e MeBxim RKom
Mew York. Joae 6-Bob Filnlamona
compelled to eaU 'the mateh *Hth
Gee RaUin off. owing to the faetthtt
hto left hand melajnred in hla reoeat
mator *Htb Bd Dnakhoret la a very
bed way. Tha mateh waa origiaaUy to
have token plaee at Taekaho. M. Y..
Jane 1. bat bit bead eaaaad Fitaelme to aak for a "poatpoMmeat natD
June 18. FltxtlBimoBa forfrite 41.00&
We will gift a'pair of hoMevahoer
FREE to mery baby bom in
tano. Not 0 penny da you have
to pay—Juit bring u« tlie
New assortment of the latest
and best goods just received—
Also bus bolls and baU sup-
Call and see them,
I Mackintoslies and Umbrellns
A lltUe money spent here
will keep yonr feel eaay and
comfortable during the hot,
sultry, foot trying montbr.
Women's Oifotds
Black and Un—eeveral trim,
neat atylee to cbooae from—
•1.00 a pair.
Men's Canvas Shoes
Men's Bicycle Shoes
8150 kind — extra quality
eanvaa top*, leather etoyed,
elk eolee—81.00 a pair.
Boy's Bicycle Shou
Chooblate' color, all leathern.
The Leader In Fine Footwear
Bike Wateb Caeca
of values or miBrepresenlation of styli' and iiunlitj’
here—none of the cheap
John tricks so conimon to
bouses that are coDtinnally
ert^ting ‘’Special sales’’—
\\'e sell strictly uew go<^
St the lowest regular pricft
—Our congratnlatioBs to
those who have their eyes
open and know
btiaw Bat*
5 eu to 81.50.
Newjand Bata
81. 83. S3.
Union Mode'
81 00. 81 «5.
I'oioD Mode
OveioUa 49C.
New Tiee
35 and 50c.
Top Coau
•S.OO.fT.OO, 810.00.
All worth
a great deal mom
Are you amongPthose who have taken advantage of
the specialSprices we are hiakiog on
In-all desirable styles and|materials? ■ ?2.98. >4.98, >7.98,
$9.98 buys suits that were priced at about a half more—
One, two of a kind—that's the reason.
>11.48 takes choice of any suit in the store.
Minute Rates
Isphamtng, Iron Mountain
and other
Upper Peninsula
New Lines
Low Bates
Ladies' Eid^ace Shoes......................... 98o
Men's Batin Oalf Bale ............................88c
Boy's Satin Oalf BaU......................... $1.00
Ladles’ BlacX|and Tan Oxfords.......... 76c
Misses BozlOall Lace....... .................... 75o
Woman's Kid Button.. ......................:. 7Bc
Serge and Carpet Slippers................... 25c
Woman's Oil Grain Button Shoes .. ., 87c
Men's and Boy’s Working Shoes.........88c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Ozlords
at...... ............. .......... 50,60 and 76c
Get them of thelOld Beliable,
New Store
Have You..
• For buying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get
242 Front Street
5 Are Your
I Feet Tender?
Do you have trouble in getting a new shoe; ^
that is perfectly easy?
It you do you ought to' try a pair of Minor’s
Easy Shoes, and know what it is to have
one pair of shoes that ard'as comfortable as
a stocking'.
The easiest ’’Easy” shoe made for ladiesLace or button—$2^0. .
J McNamara Block
ncnc OF OLD settleks
ns Mourura ssoobo.
am Dope tmtlAed
bolamd-wbigMt. '
ttethemweeMeattteoo the BlaekVwymttpWoddiMM stun BttMt
eotadap. Map t7. belag
PlMSttSt OttthariBff ot Fl»>
ia<aio*a difeao by Mr. eod Mra. ITleekmtB
TsMdapbeatwtbea aam cattle la
AwoddlMof wteipteustte TravBMW Bt Old MissiOB.
toraed them apoa Ue
emCt^FOBaf paepto was the mar
owapnmtaee. Wlthteafew atamtee,
riage of OM of iMlr aambsr. Miss
Mr. aadMie.Blaekmaa appeared, and Mopallp MtamlaaS bp
Daisy BoUad to Mr. Jama 0. Wright
«M. T. Bact«:ajci> J. W. B*nn'
what ha weald releaec
QfuaaviUe. Tha aaramoop took
Paeple MaettM Uwslp AitaMed
f. w. BAnu. Bdi*er wd Mmc«- attte for. He aid that bo weaU
pUaaatthahomaef the hridab parand
etaiae that tbe
Mta, Mr. aad Mia. V. A Rolaad on
wlad bUw Mro. TUeelrwami
aaioa WUl be in Tracama Oltp.
a T. Bloat of Otaeo
aeide. ead be mw a toreiear that aba
Tbe aasaal meeting of the Old Bplaeopal ehwuh offleUtlag- The
honao was prottUp daeoratad
A Old Mtt
Wkaa bo dkeoforad the cerolew. be
L, roam aad earaatlMs.
paatwdapwae a gnat saoeeas. The
«w«« So
Mre. Bleekmaa to
eiR caecum
OalamUa had bean aaebrad te Tha bridaamald waa MM Gapla Be•Gat late the read ae qalek M Oed wUl
If you once try an iron bed you will never use a
taka tbe enarttoaiats from Trareree land, aad the hast asaa Mr. Earl
ilsed Ue ramarka
OraanvlUs, the groom's
and remain at Old Mtaion to bring
wood bed again, '^he iron beds are so neat, clean and
, . .
dedarod that Mta
tbam baek la the aftanoon. Tbe brothar. Tbs brida won a travallng
Blad«a8 pointed the reetiw at hie
durable and furnish a room so nicely. I have a very
mamlag opened an ideal dap for eaoh gown of tan broadelolh aad carrtad
wife M aha paaad. and that be told
a trip bp water, and the Oolambla left plnhroam. MMGaplowasdraaaod In
large line, ranging ia price from $3.75, $4.50, $5.50,
bar that Uehedidaotgotoetoftba
pink and earriod a largo boaqMt of
the dock wlU isi
S6.00, S6.75 and on up to S30.00.
letatoaoe, bewoold laVhar bralaaeot
Omene the Oeieent was met with M daiaiaa, RetreahmoBto ware aorvad
with a harp iqoara that ha had la hte
1 Morthport and tbe aftor tha eeramoap, eaoaisttac of plak
We can please anyonj in both style and 4>rice.
hand. Beaaeared the jarp that ha
traneter was mads te tbe Oolambla. At aad white lee eroam la heart ahapad
for we have about 70 styles to select froirt.
woald have doM it. too.
Old Himlon eeceral hnndred poopU tens, and eaka Tbe bride and groom
0011,9 Ctark N.wk. wunrato. oirf
gaca tba rlsltors eordlal weloeme at
g to the eleetloe
tte dock aad the Old Mtaioa bead G. R. A I. train and were aeeompanled
retaraa^ Mn. Bleekmea wm aot a pebto the traia bp tbe gaesu, who sent
made Sne maaie.
Ue ofteer. eoaetable.
A large aamber of Tracane atp them OB tiwir jonraap followcH bp
aap officer of the peace.
people bed Uken advantage of the showers of good wishes for their fa tare
-lU aaUM
Mra. Daps teetided to the etorp enb- beeatlfnl drive end bad gone to tbe
in whteh many friends in
itlellp BB told bp her baebaad. BMtlag in that wap. aad the Onekaose .Traversa City wilt nnito.
olalmlag that la addlUoa to polatlag farooght over a erowd from Blk Bbpids.''
the recolvermt her, Mra. Blaekmaa
Grange ball was opened for t^
alao pointed it et Mre. Dope' eon.
M M foUetro. M • bMl> 0( oi
ceMlonbalwas not large enongh to
•.or ft BOK17.eo*t oi
(or rKb
Mn. Bleekmaa tettided that ehe aad bold the erowd and maap eompanp
her baband Lad had a greet deal of picnic dlnoen were taken on tbe grats
troable with tbe Dope lamUp, and with under aearbp trees.
othera of their nelghboia. She •nede
The Old MlaioD people treated their
OftrAftM. ■■•■.
auBp ettempu to go Into the hletorp gaestv In e ropal manner and nothing
of the troable for peara pact, bat wae waa too good for the vieitora.
at permitted to do ao.
verp proper that this aMoUng ehonld
She told bow.the eatUe baloogtag to be held at Old Hisaloa. as that
familp liclBg aboat two milei awap,
Brat point on Grand Traverae bap to be
had been Impoanded bp heraelf and eettled bp white men. over elxtp. peers
TkAlr Hope Bating Is Bitu.
habaad on Sandap. bow thop bad ago.
SemoerAUe aewipera aake maeh atraped Into the nlghwapend bad been
The basiooM meeting waa eaUed to
MpUal out of the «xUtlBf
hU lot bp Ur. Depa. She order bp the president. H. t. Brink
Today we offer 25 pi>er cent,
o our entire stock
^ dtsconnt
la the PhUlpplOM en< refer freqneotlp tattfled that the and her bwband bad
I, who weleomad the old MtUers
of ladies' Tea Shoes and Oxfo
fords Onr footwear is strictly np-toJate
to the eppereat \aeblUtp of the edmla- goneorerto *M aboat getting them
mat eordlallp and gave a pleasant ten
and allsizea .Onr aelling prices arc ?150. fc’.OO. $2.50, gt.Ou. S350.
Jatretioa toeabdae the laennecUoa. again, and that tor fear that Dapa
minntM' Ulk. Tha band gave |ood
Aoday we offer
Oner 2-i
2-5 per
ner cent,
r^nt disconni
Hia.9%nni from
fr-.-n above
akn,.... prices—iuctudiug
At the eeae tliae Demoeratie eclteton woold earrp oat threata of personal
music aad tbe glM elnb reeelved
the Jennem Miller Hygienic Shoes. They fit the feet as natore in
is thU eoaaUT ere Urgelj i
cioleeee apon Mr. Blackman, she took
J "fti, dinuii nfMOY'
merited applense.
tended. Now if ev»-r yon want to buy good -shoes cheap—this is the
far maeb of the deUp ia eetebUehlnc aloog the rerolTer, eanplBg it openlp
Tiavara Cltp waa MlectOd as
shoe chance of the season. Come ipeaee la oar aew pSeeaeitoBi F. O. labor hand m that no eberge of earrpplaos of holding tbe annual mating in
rith tUe ing oonoealed wapona might be
Jane. IMl, and offieerpjsana^eeted as
. aamber of the brought against her. ea bed bwn made
Pelted Sutee hoepitel eorpt ia the egaian both her haeband aad her son.
Praldent-Thos./T. Bates.
Waad of Peaep, wrliee that the FiUpiShe was empbsUe In her declaration
Boeording SeereUrp—C. H. Bates.
Boe ftrmljr bellere ihat the
that the reeoleer waa not coneealed et
Corresponding Se^tarp — L.
«UI gala their ladepeadeaee after the anp time, and her hasbud's teeliaioap
•toetioa of W. J. Brpaa. To thie the agreed with hers apon the polot. Tnep
Treasarer-~Lowell Soars.'
writer attributee maeh of thereaU- both told e etorp that eoandeS straight
Vice Presidents—Grand Traverse. F.
taeeeoftbe aatl?M to Amerieea aelagh and apoed in all
HamUton: Benzie. R. B. Bepnolds:
theritp. ae tbep cUag to the hope Uiat tlealsrs, bat was in straight eontadic- ___ ,___s. Wm. CoreiT Antrim, J. J.j
letheeTeotot a Demoeratie rietorp tloD to tbs tesUmonp prea br Mr. aad
McLSnghUn; Ealkaska, A. B. Palmer;
«Ue fall the Phllipplaoe will be re- Mn. Daps.
Charlevoix, W. A. Smith.
laaaed from the eoatrol of the Uaited
The attoneps ‘made their pleas and
BUtorlans — Grand Traverae. Mia
BUtee. While there It Dot erea a nte ease went to the jarp aboat K NstUe Orap; Benzie, E. Li^letter;
■ote poetibllltp of Brpaa'eerer beoom' o'eloek In tbe erenlng. Thep were oat
1, Mrs. J. W. 1
teg pmideat.eTea thoagh there abOBld bot a abort time when thep brought ia
trim, Alex Campbell; Kalkaka, J. M.
be a Demoeratie rietoiT the Fitiplnoe a eerdlet of galltp, but
T^nklepangb; Cbarievoix. E. H. Green
«oaU hope lor no better ehaage la the the aeeosed to tbe mercp of the eonrt.
A bavp rain Mt in after dinner, and
attltade of thie eouatrp. The more
Jutiee Brosm eospended aentenee
le meeting broke np somewhat
raaeoaeble of the leading Democrate of for two weeks, and iastmcted that tbe
arlier than it btherwue would have
the oonntrp recognize follp the wiedom revolvers owned bp Mr. end Mrs.
done, tbe Traverse City eseursionlsu
of the eonrae of the admioUtratioa and Bleekmen be deposited with tbe proseG o’eloek.
ttap also know that a departure from eating ettomep, who engaged to pep
Tbe last pear'-Sa been the
the ptane oaUlaed la refereaee to the them whet thep coat.
Mr. Pratt is very anxlons to get this oeafnl one in tbe hiatorp of the aPhUippinee woetd lead the United matter MtUed a there has been so
and thie mating
matee into grace dlfflenltlee, and be- maeh troable In that part of Pi^ise
Paradise iI,giuag close to such e pear.
_pidee, iBTite the dlaapproral of a great
I map be
■hjoritp of the Amerioaa people.
3od jangle
A Life and Datb Fight
•anoa'p trade leal p'
Mr. W. A. Hina of Manehater, la..
■boat e miUiOB dollare,
GlOO Reward, llOO.
Is spent tt the table eating in a
writing of hU almat miracnlous aHas been helped on the road to
thea half being importa. 'Hie balk of
The readers of this paper will
eape from datb. aps: '‘Expoeure after
year (that’s only half an hour three times fortune by his neatness and taste in dress.
,leaeod to learn that there U at le
U waa tcaaaaeted with tbe Ai
measla indneed serious lung tronblr.
The ehare of the United one dread dlseae that alena ha ban which ended in eonaamptioa. 1 bad
fashionable men’s outfitters,
able to cure in all ttt staga and that 1s
d onlp to tlST.OOO, bat Oaterrh. Hall's Cstarrh Cure U the freqaent bemorrhaga and eonghed
to sit on. Our unequalled seller is $6.75 and our sales show that the public appre
erfU BOW tapldlp iaereeeeonly poeltive -eure now known to tbe
ma^ frstemitp. CMtarrh being
for a set of six. Of course we've cheaper ciate our efforts. There's bicycle clothing
Okaibmax Ekkk. of the Demoeratie eoaatltaUonaldlseea. reqnira a' a
eUtnllonel tratmat. Ball's Catar..
;dvia and all ap it never falls to
ones, but this we pride ourselves on. If —best suits in the lapd at $5. $7 and $7.50.
Owe Is taken tntemslly, aUng directThroat. Chestand Langtroubla."
■kpi that he hae eeat oat pn
Ip upon the blood and mnwns aurtaca Regular size SOc and SI.OO. Trial bot
you want a good comfortable. ser\’iceable and our great line of $7.50 serge suits,
UtelepoecheetUepear. Tbereleao of tbe cpstem, thereby datroping the tles iOc at S E. Wall and Ja. G. Joba—-______.______
disease, and giving!
____- I son's dragstora.
chair buy thi^—other prices are S7.75 and our uneqiulled line of down to date
Bemaad for ellcer Uteratore, the cab- foundatloo of tbe
the psUent strength by buUding apl
paet belag a dead oneS8.50. Sq.45. Stt.50, Si6. SiS, S20.
* £
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
We Make Eyeiy Day
A Special Sboe Da;
in Oar Store
A. 8. FRYUAK, Practical Shoe Kan, IStl Fmt-Stnet
Results of Buyinff
At Our Store
You get the latest and most down-to-date goods.
Wo only handle goods that will retain your patronage.
Wo buy for spot cash only; that always means the low.
est to us and our customers always get the benefit
31,850 MINUTES
TnntxeaKE pn
«rlp a mlliloa
- toae more eoal laet pear than in 1«»3.
Tbatoagbttobe an. iadostriel objeet eure.
Send for
fnv Itat
li.t of
«f tatl^nUla !»« Should ssy they were.
ire. Send
to tbe eonth, eepeeiellp ae
AddreaF. J. Chaep ACo..Toledo.O.
Sold by drugglsu. 7ie.
on poor side. L6ok th.
eellp tbe whole of it wae ated et
tbe bat.
-tbe taetoriee of that etate.
\ Out ?\IL9 ICUlinery
Jwy Bboommended Keroy
For Mrs. BlAokmsD.
Two Veeka, StipnlaUag That Her
PtotolebeTaned Over te Proeeea- tor—latwerttng Teeiimoop la the
Thejuyin tbe eea against Mrs.
^aGlet of gntltp lest evening, making
• recommendation of mercp to the
«ent. The eea ooeapied mat of the
•Oenoea aad evening in Jutia
Brown's oonrt, end wa strongly oontastod between Proeaentor PmU for
Me people and M. O. Dodge for the deTGeoffana ehnrgod wee oarTplag
MGaeled wanpeM. Beth the earn------------------Dnpe. and the
MdAcrthepatGa peara theca hae
Mm mmA ill feaUaf aad thim* iHm
a ta a eeadltfoa that stroogip eavM a plaa te lam happy than par ■ -
Black Crepons for gi.it.. othera in
proportion, at The Baton Store'
Is going very fat daring tbU sale.
It is the big reductloas that dealt.
-Hie Baton Store.
—Groceries that insure and pro*
mote health, and prices and quality that mean
economy and satisfaction.
Our every day prices are always as low as the
' special sale figures of others. Convince yourself
by calling. We are here to please you and all we
want is an opportunity.
Phone 149.
Up.To-Date Grocer.
Just rest on one of our couches—,
got a line never before touched'at the
price, $6.75. Your liable to pay $8.00 for
the very same thing anywhere else, and
they are fully worth it. but we bought
them cheap for spot cash, and that means
We are giving.you the benefit. Other
prices are SS.oo. S9.00. $10.90. S12.75, S15,
S18. up to S47.75.
Those are our rockers. Nothing
so restful after a hard day's work as an
«asy rocker. We have little rockers and
big rockers for little money or big money.
-You're the one to be pleased. One style
sells for $1.35; cant seat with braced arms
for S1.50; Big Bostoa, big dad easy. $a.io.
Choose from these: $3.00, $4.50, $6.oo,
$7.50, $9J», $10.75, Sn.50. $12.
hats—the Kiffesbury at $3.00. the champ
ion at Sr.50. and the King at S2.50;
And'we caMnol devise clothes
that the modefn^boy will not wear out in
time, but we are selling some clothes that
will wear longer than many that are sold
for the same money. And those boy's
knee hose—they, ha-ve a quadruple knee
re-intorced heel—the best ever put on'the
market and they sell for only 25c.
But a lucky purchase enables us
to offer you some suits that for quaUty
have never been equalled, and one
line will cost yon just an even Four for
tbe entire suit. G<k AGother bargain that's
yours for just Five^ Dollars, and yet an
other bigger and better that goes at six
—only the early ones get these “specials.”
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
^ ■
jttUr From Oaraaea EoUar ia t
PkaipToca SaaeriMac tka Life
Homaiaa et Waltou HeOoy wHi be ^t
Klchlgsii HardwooA Lomber
An order haa beau to««ndtoam the
Sasodation Msetinff.
wardapanamt by Ooegtusnaa
8. Beada baa Jaat raaalvad a latter
tactteegnMr ooutrr ia bekaU of
aiA tor the ahlpment of tbe remains of
Ibair fOfWMwt. Th^ go tnm MIAAdhraad Xnspaetlon Bureau Plan of WaltonMeOey toUs former borne
ploya. MW tn the Philippian witn
Sm to tba Iron werhi at Plttabarf.
South Boardman. McCoy wm former
Hatlonal Ataodatien-Haeb SilabCompany 1 of the Forty neoad Daitod
Tba faoafe of alau aaditon baa ally with the Thirty-Sinth vDlusteer luStotoa VolBBtaer lafaatry. Xaadditloa
UAad lnq>eetiOB Firm to be Bepu- fantry at Manila.
loaradLoaiaSekmidtof Oraad Baptda
aoldaadar tka }elat naolaUoo of Ae
tieaVodorSBrveyerOeaaral Walllar
Qloetou# Jfewe"*
.laat UflMatu* aatkarUiaf tke board
have baaa made by a baad of whlah ha
SstohUshad Prieea to ha Halntalnad
toteaaaUirata tka
wee a mamhar. He wrltoa:
ff tka Ion of hia ana while ftr—Urveat Kactiny
■‘On tba nth day of Match U aaan
tasanlata at Onad Haaaa aararal
The moat profitable mutiny of tba
Fianaro. ISm reward wOl be |»td from Compaay L aad an eqaal aamber
from Compaay I atortod oa a three year was bald in the parioA of Park
out OB her head and face, aad the
to a lanp aas.
day's aoonb Tbe Snt day we foaad Place hotel yesterday by ^ Micbiyan best doetora could give uo help: but
^Patoakar will kaaa aa old faaUoaad
BOtbiny worthy of aetc, hnt the aaeond Hardwood Lumber Andidation. The uow her health la axeellant.’' Electric
Bitters is the beet blood purifltt known
Smth of Jalj ealabratioa: Saarly
day wa laa into a band of Udranas ofiea of the aaeratary waa not larye
•LOn waa aabaerfbad Moddar; aod at
aad captured them befora they eonld cnonyh to hold all who were preaent
a altitea'B maatiac bald ia the
open fire. Tba eaptnre Inclndad aever- so the hotel parlora ware obtoioad.
Iwoaa a foU aatof eoamittaea
Tbe delayattOB who went to Clnelnal prisonan, aewny them an American
aoUUar by tba name ef Jaan Morray naU to the Hattonal Axwdatlon re Only 50c. S( d by 8. E. Walt uad Jas.
At Port Hone tka dlaaopaaraaoa of
of Company K, Twenty-ftiat Infantry, ported tbachanye In the InapeeUon 0. Johnson, i mg^t. Gnaranwad.
Uttla Fred Cbanaj on Satardaj baa
who bad baaa bald a ^iaoner since ratea and also ibelr *iawa oa the snhbaan elaarad op bj tba fiadlaff of bk
Jnly 12, -16»o. Wa also took l' bamboo ieet of national inspection.
' body la Blaek river.
not remove from Kalamazoo, the fact
After an earnest and thonyhi
2 brass cannon, its Manur
the company
Jlra. J. J. Telford of LoniaTllla. Kj.. and Remlnyton riflu. SOboloa. 100 tmy* eusslon the aaaoeiation aptwotod of and that a reorganlsatioB
haared betaelf at tka Aleta aaaitarian. oneta, 3S nniformi. 8 taddlaa. SOOponnda indorsed the plsn of tbe Inspection
under way bavlug probably
Ska waa mentallj nabalanead. She lof rice. 8.000 ronndsof ammoaition and Bereau adopted by the Xstional AjeO' given rise to the reoori.
atranrled banalf with the atrap of
a larye qnantity of eorraapondenea ra- elation, with tbe undcratandlny that
If fortnue disregard thy claim
talaaoopa eaartatiny to, a battalion that haa baen|
Don’t hang thy head In fear and.
Horace Oarlar of Alaja. la taklaf3a formed at-this plaee.
be appointed a deputy, so that their ehamd
dcaa of epaoB aalta nade a mUtake
■'On March 25 a datoehmant from boslnesk relations wlih manufaeturera
aad awallowad a Uberml qaaatitr of this company eaptnrad Oan Miguel would not be changed.
aalpbauofalaa. B7 tbe prompt ef- Aynlno Bamablc, and on April 1 an
It was also decided kJ reaolntion
Ask your druggist.
ferta of tka doelora hla Ufa waa aavad. other detachment captured' bealdca a that the prieea etublUbad by the AaAU Wool
.At Saclftaw Meadar afternoon Oor- a quantity of imaller arma, papers per- Bociation should be msintoinad.
oaar Stewart ordered Skarlff Hewtoe tolnluy to tbe formation of another
Scotch mixtures for -ISe i
Surveyor General M. M. Wall of
to axbame tka reanlaa of Mra. Jacob company of PUIplnoa.
Buffalo aod Mr. S. D. Strode of the
Uaar. wko died reeeatlp at Baer.
I think wa will have made a record Chicago Hardwood Record were pres
towaahlp. Saclaaw eoaa^,
ent aud contributed much to tbe Intor* eaptnrad before we laare
naderallacad paaellar etreomataneM. serrloa. It U jait like yolny fixblny to eat of tbe meeting.
Tsk* the iceulee. •rlflasl
Tka iavaeUfatloa wiu be ooodaeted yet after tba FiUplnoa. They are easy.
A s^e pf 150.000 feet of maple, l and
aadar tba dlraatiea ef Max Seblaflra of
I S in. tbldk.%as made by one of ibe
Tonza truly.
bat Jerdaa. Chartaaol^coBatp, lather
members at |14 per thousand, log-run.
Claranoe BeUey."
keeps TO" weU. Oar trade
ef tba dead wonaa.
A partial list of those present Is as
SxenisloB to Omeai
ta an looked for.
follows: O. B. Day, Glen Haven; U.'
a tats. Ask ywir dranUt.
Mra. Jobs Ooota ef Port Heron threw
ThceteamerColnmbla wiU rui
B. Lewto and W. B. Chandler of Blk
bar babr fro« a berainr beUdlnfr excursion to Omena tom»row, ica
Bapids Iron Co.; James Cameron of the
Teeaday. and It waa aafalf caacbt Ua dock at 10 o'clock. This
Cameron Lamber Co.: B. B. Portor«nd
She then iempad harafif. landiar In aflord-an excellent opportunity ... Mr. Frost of East Jordan Lumber Co ;
ladles and ebildran and indeed whole M. OberlinofBlaghamiW. H. Whito
MaTor Leiek of Ann Arbor on Satnr- families to rialt tba resort for tba first of White Lumber Co.: k-XTetodslay
day rcMivad a oonmnnloation from time this year remaining ashore about and C. Von Platon of Boyae City; Jerry
San Franelaeo atatlny that mlUlona of three hours. Tbe fare will be bat 25 Sullivan of Cedar Ciij4 W. Case of Cuee
doUata worth of eropa wonld be loat canto and eraryone will be aaiurad oLa Lumber Co.: H. 'CbamMclln and G. F.
tbla aeacon beeaeta of the lack of help. pleasant trip.
Brown of Central Lake Lumber Co.;
J. F. Ou of J. F. Oti d; Co. and L. BobThe oommanleaUoB eoatained an ap
Omena Inn Opened.
erU of Palgbum Manufacturing Com
peal for men. aad many applicaUona
«1 T. Paye was in tba city ye
pany: M. M. Wall of Buffalo, surveyor anv other store in town.
have been made to tba mayor by
Repairing neatly and quickly done.
who hare bean nixed with the Idea day on hla sray/from Orand Baplds^ general,: S. p. Strode of Chicago: In-
Iky !
Jl 7M veer onV of onr
aev Hsn, Schaffaer A
Man snits this setaon, yon
have the beet clothee
money can buy.
They’re worth more to
any man than other clothes,
hot the way ve ere selling
. them they will co<i yoo letg
than many oibera.
They’re tbe kind adver
tised in tbe leading ntgazinea and vom by good
dreaecrs everywhere.
Dont Be Fooledi
... ..
Don’t Pay High Prices
that they want to yo to the eoaatClaraaee Confer of Benton Harbor,
nyad I2. haa attracted tba attention of
people of that place by faU wondrrfal
knowladye of electricity. Tba lad
allmhad Into a tree and topped a SOO
Tolt electric trolley wire by remorloy
the InaolaUon. A wire waa eonnrctad
with the boy'a playboota la tba atU:
of Ma home, where babaatneandeaecB'.
Uybla. awitchea. yaneratore and other
alaetrioal machinery. Where the boy
obtained hla electrical machinery ia a
nyatary. ^ elrcalt waa eompletod by
eonnartlny a arira to a water pipe. The
lad ia BOW in Aarya of the offiaara for
j"—-tne^ u electric wire.
Omena, and reporu Omena Inn open
and ready for businam. The formal
niny is yenerally about tbe 2oth,
people are applymy for board mneb
earlier in the season than usual. The
Paye cottage. In ehsrye of Mrs. Helen
Oarllle. will open the 20lh.
Conyressman William Aldan Smith
hs called upon tbe presiden
cratoryoftbe nary and
that Grand Baplds would be a yood
name to call the next armored crulaer
that ibc yovemment waa to tom out.
Be called attention to the fact that
porta, and made a atrony plea for the
yrantlny of his reqoeat. Congreoaman
Smith bellCTes be nas rcaaon to think
that the next armored eralser or at
least tbe next ynnboat will bear tbe
naate of the famitore city.
speeton J. Gillett. L. A. Hoyt. M.
Chamberlin and Chas. CbrUtlanson.
Under the inspection bureau
adopted at Cincinnati by the National
Association each Inspector and deputy
Is-rttisired to give a bond and all
apections of lamber shall be made un
der the administration of Surveyor
General Wall. When mcaberis ship
ped tbe figures of tbe local Intpeeimnst tally with that of the Inspect
or at tbe other end and the locaes if
any. shall 1>e ma^C4food by tbe inspect
or at tbe shipping point. This rule, it
Is expected, will make tbe inspection
uniform and the certificates of the
local inspector Aall be sent on with
tbe Alpment the same as a bill of
lading, thus obviating much of the
difiienlies bereufore eonteeded with.
A Moneter XtoTil Fish
itroying lu victim, la a tj
Constipation. Tbe power of ibii
The smsUrr Die fish tbe more II
Ptmlns th^ veraV'li}' or tb<' fl»hi-niian.
Every lurruum patron wito get* a
bCPil btdps tlu- iiroiirlelor to get abend.
As the IB-Ig la lieiit mi Ih Die small
boy incUued to abool—out the Lack
himself boa n dlHI
ruh Job ou, Liiuil.
AVbrk anil dun't worry If yon would
be liiipji.v. tVorrj- and don’tI work If
■ yo\i Konld l«« oDiei-BThe woman wlio marrii-s a man be
cause she is Kitrry for him Is apl to be
aerrj' for -tiers«-lf later «>u.
Tbi-ri- Is always risiiii at the to{w
and It li's a wiiunnV h-ticr. there la
always riH.in at the Ixittoiii—fiir ajwstBcrtpi.
Only n •.trong-nilmhsl man oan
a boiile of I
1' N«-wii.
Bate* teptr M.
Here lx u rlianiiing aud roaobing
Story of thf quM u and Udy Uoliens.
tTben Lady «ot»Ti» wa. at WiDclsor
a f«w wn-ka spi ilu- (im-vu band
liUDdnl h
janvl, .aylug:
••Her.SOpHdblDg that 1 haw Di.lI up
up' »1.„
my own hands, and that 1 l«-c v<iu not
to opem until you pi-t homr" Ou her
return borne Ijdy icolx-ns found that
tbe percrl rontalned Die Victoria Cnws
Woo by her dealt son by hi. gatlADtry
•t tbe first tmiDi- of Coli-nso.
A number of wool growers have less
edtoomthe Union Pnelfie Land Oo.
HHte * mUlte ner« of laad In
IMiW .
wm b. wd u .
viator mate tor ahenp gmslng. ThU
to the Urgent trnasaetioa of the. Uod
which tom been B m In thie oonstry.
We. the enderelfMd. de hwelw
, eree to refund the money oa •
•eat ho^
botUe ef‘ Oreeae'e
* “
Wsmeted ^iBpotTUr
, M TUMf U feiie to enre your eoagb
OTeeld. iWe aUo gnerutoe n u-eeat
8 r Wait. Bajh^A*Ba^
l^,Jamee«.JshMeB,F.O. Themp.
Concert at Blk Baplda
Prof, and Mr*. C. E. Horst will give
1 concert at Elk Bapids next Friday
evening, under the auspices of tbe woPliUareaMfeaad certain ears. Best
I's club of that plaee. Mlm^er
in the world for Stomach. Liver. Kid
neys and Bowela Onlv 25 cento at'S. will act as acMmpanUt.,'
Jnbnaon's drag
A Wealth of^nty
Is often bidden by-nnsightly Pimple
Eczema. Tetter. Erysipela-. SaltRhenn
Baeklen's Amlea Salve wUl gloi
be face by coring atl Skin Enip
ttODS, also Cute, BniisM, Burns. Bolls.
Felons. Ulcers and wont forms of
Pilee, Only 25c a bos. Cure guarnnteed. Sold by S. & Wall and J«s. 6.
Johnson, druggist.
Opera House
Saturday, June 9 I
Right from New Vork CUt.
I In four acts, dramatized from Alpbonae
Dandet's Famous Novel-
Under tbe laBifemiot of Jis. D. FIjn
Interpreted by e aplendid company
—beaded by.
Miss Nellie Elting,.
as Fanny LeOraw,
Tbe InoKbing Ceree in ^acta,
^‘My Friend Tom.’
A laogh from sUrt to
Tbe Coaet-of-MaiDe Drama,
A play that toaobea tbe heart. It
baa the merit and similarity that
made “Shore Acrea" famooa, an#
gave it length of daya.
MpecUl Snmmar Prloaa—10.
20 and 30c. Seato on sale at box
offioe tomorrow morning.
New and beautiful scenery.
Gorgeous costumof.
At 25 per cent off. Toe Boston Store.
The greet ball room scene.
Tbe worlds famous stairesso seen*.
2,000 CUldren't silt.
25 per cent off
Onr swell line of silks.
Th* Boston Store.
*5o\)iv A)DeeKs
The various departments in our store will be
•actively engaged in reducing present stocks to pre
pare for fall business, and the following is the
”?Togram 5 or
“iWee La^s*.
THURSU.XY-.Sp=cial .Sal. ■ „
ored Dress Goods.
Wrappers and Kid. Gloves. ’
and Col-
Waisls and Ready Made
j Prices...... ,2.j. .>0, 7.>c and Sl.LK)
New York's raging sensation.
Opera House
June 11 and 12
314 Front Street
Steinberg’s Grand
Two Nights
For fine cotton warp Jap
anese Mattings, in sever
al choice designs—Qoalities are 25 and 28c grades
See t>ur window.
Reliable Drj Goods. Carpet.., aad Clothing House.
SpedaVs 'vw *DTasa 5oo4s
^OT ‘^WsAaQ.
Black Crepons............................................ for 88c
Elegant Black Brocades. Stripes aud Sicilians $1.00 for 68o
Small line colored Serges, extraordinary values st........ 696
Handsome lines of Plaids............................... 60c for
56 ineb Plaids, prices from $1.2.3 to $2.H0 per yard,
at HALF PRICE, viz......................... e84cto$1.46
Magnificent values and splendid fabrics for
rainy day skirts.^'
25c Brocades for..................... ..................... ..............
Many other specials equally good and* cb^p. '*
10 per oenu dlMoont on aU other wool dreee goods.
W. Milliken
Are Visiting the ©BAND TJNLOADINQ SALE at the Boston Store each day—and each day the
appreciation of our wonderftil“offerings is more noticeable. The experience of ithe past tew days
has taught us that prices will sell the goods at any season of the year, and we mean to make a
dead sweep, and do it Vrith low prices.
To a wise purchaser the significance of this sale is well imderstood, but to others we can
only say INVESTIGATE. Wejcan save you money on any article in oim Une,.and will take great
pleasure in so doing, providing you make your purchases in the next few days.
Take advantage of it now.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Love are the parBantlln Garland’s Lstcet boodBtory. enu of a ten pound daughter.
Georgs Thlrlby is seriously 111 with
Mr. HsmUn GarUnd's most reoent
work Is s vigorous story of western
life, entitled Tbe Esgla's Heart. Ii
Nelson and Mate Bill brought in a
tbit brillUnt story be draws a remark fine eateb of trout from Cedar Run yes
ably etrong picture of the adventnront terday.
life In cowtowoe and mlnlog eetileBert EUls and bU son Bert. Jr., msde
mtnU. and shows every phssc of tbe a fine eateb of black baas on Carp Lake
aggrenlve existence of miner, plalas- yesterday. They had In all sc ^unds
man and cowboy. An absorbing love of bam and pickerel.
store is skillfully woven into tbe fabric
Frank Hamilton bss received bis ap
of peril and adventove.
pointment sa a member of the govern-,
The Esgle'e Heart.suberblyUluatrst.
ed by Mr. Harrleon Fisher, will begU ment road committee of tbe ettW. to
attend tbe Matlonal Good Boada Coe
in The Bstnrdsy Evening Post for Jnne
10. and mn through the summer nnm- grene to be held A^TorTBnron July t.
Owing to tbe PrmrtbofJoly oelebruben of tbe magsslne.
tlon in this city ^ will be unable to
Suit Over Water Mights. -
Tbegresi St. .Lauto fslrot IMS !•
BOW Mnred. CosgreM bu agreed to
.glre that elij gs.cm.oOD ia aid 6t the
.MBoaJtloB to eeleb^te,tbe pur*'—- -*
<tb« LonUlaoa territory on c
Uiat the city andeute fintapend 810.
000,000 to be ralaed by prirate enbacriptios
At Badeswetler, Baden, Stephen
Oraae, the Amerieu antbor and war
eorreepondent. died Tneeday. aged SO
yean. Crane was oorreepoBdent fora
t York I
r daring the OraeooTnrkiah and I
«Bk beaY known books are “The Bed
Badge of Oenrage” and "The Little
b. O. Tnmer has been ratalned
B^iinaat.'' BUdeaUiwaadne tolnng
In an Important Uw snlt tobsteledat
troabie, the reanlt of the Onban eam>
Harbor Sprlnga Tb; ease is that of
itopber Bankcy vs. Frank WlndTbs fOTinsr U propristw of
Cron Alginra. portray a eerlona altnntlon. Tboneanda et Moon are naea- grist mill on one side of the river at
Ing at ngnig and In the neighborhood that place, wbUe tbe Utt«r owns a
woodenware factory on tbs other side.
greparlng for a detemlned attack npon
the adranee posts of the rraneb. The Tbe snlt involves tbe wster rights of
Vrmeh oolnmns hare iolned bands at the stream. Hankcy cUims that Wind
Zonbl. bat the Den saffered Wrrlbly sor redneed the power of tbe river by
(nm beat and thirst, and bnndreds of not allowing lbs dam to be raised and
oaDcla died. Tbe Ftencb are proper- WUdeor claims damage through tbe
' ing lotrencbmetrta and are confident of atteUpU of Hankey to raise tbe dam,
their ability to repel an atUck and tbrreby allowing tbe water to flow to
«rea to take the offenslre against waele. The suit promises to be a hotly
contested one.
An eminently hktiletl and accompliebed artist. ^ X wonderful and
Thi-ro nr>' jilfiiiy nf pirrlsuas and
sieges null n-IU.fN In irlli] life, and suiue
of tlieui very iilurkll}' sustalmHl. Short
ratioiiK, sorties mul asxnults m-nd
each iitliiT’* tall*, and the tHwh-gen do
not always gi t llir
of It;
Thu t'hniiiiihiii U-Mh-grr Is u wild pig
called Uiu iMti-ary. wlileh is alwut the
most frigtiiful Is'irst alive .mil llvee In
hi-rds In the’ Somh .Viucrh-an forests.
You cannot discourage a i>eccar} ;, you
cun only kill lilni. These U-iists have a
particular dislike to mmike.VK and fre
quently watch for au opjKirtunlty to
cut oDe off from the malu tv<HKls. Now
and then the herd will manage to sur>
prise a i>arty of monkeys
lated tree or cluliip. Tluy make the
moet of the chance.
The pigs rush forwnnl. and the mon
BixageaU are eanvaastog the city keys skim gayly up the trees out of
toklng orders for tbs Saturday Evsatog liarm’a way. But aa the clump Is isolat
ed from the forcet Oicre Is no escape
A petiilen U bstog eireulated by Or. Tin the tmuches. and they dare not
come down ami run for It. The pecC. a. Enselaad protesttng against tbs caries aurrouod and Invest the tree
building of tbe O. B. A I. bridge acrom clump, and there they will sit patiently
tba rivar near Cam atreei.
for anj- length of time, while the mon
In the fire which dastroyed Peter Pc- keys chatter angrily aloft. If a mon
tenon's mUl at Buttons Bay Monday key comes (o the end of the ratlona
within reach and hecomi-s m> desperate
night about 8400 worth of lumber bethrough hunger tiutt he irlihi to run the
lODglDg to the Catholic aoeiety was gapllet, he is tom to pieces 1>y tba
tusks of the lH>slegers In n few seconds.
Tbe regular monthly meeting of tbe The only chance of «-sca|iu Is that some
W. C. I. A. wUl be held in the L. L. A. Of the prowling Jagtmrs—a kind of
parlors si t:to o'clock tbU afternoon. Icopanl-ln the nelghlurhood may get
Matten of ^Iness of great Import to know of the siege. If they do, they
will come to the r«‘i>cue. not fur tbe
ance will bcoonatdered and m full at monkiya' sake, hut huciinse they
tendance U urged.
j arc fond of jK-ct-ary.
Tbe Michigan Telephone company; ItcloagucrtHl pirriKou psmiini vlillo the
reporU a net gain of iiei snbSeribe e rrilevlng nduiun Is tackling die liiveetin May. making a total number of 3T.-'
l*ccarlea Hut thi-ee |.Igs are so
Hsv list
51st The brte
Erie I
»».8. subMiribeTS on May
tUorouKhly ijualitied pbotoyraplier.
grapbr^^ are cordially Invited to visit fait studio and test bis ability as an up to
date photographer.
(liBl, Urst. cut tiBlIs arc .aupcriui
wire nalla iu nil |•u8llioM; voconil.
mala odvautage of the wlrc nail is due
to its possessing a sharp point; third,
if cut nails were pototed. they would
he -M |»er cent more' elllcleDt to direct
teoilou; fourth, wire nails without
points ha^c hut one-half their ordinary
bolding power: fifth, the eorfaev of the
Lll^ould he Bllghtly rough, hot not
ti^bdd. Barbing decreases the efficlency of cut nails shout 32 per cent.
The pointed cud enables the nail to
enter wood without breaking Its fiber
excessively, thus presorvlng its grip.
A serious defect of wire nails Is their
readiness to rust. They are made gen
erally of a sort of soft sted. and steel
rusts more readily than some other
forms of Iron. In some [«rts of the
country. It is said, shingles put on with
wlrc nails drop off after six or eight
year*.—BaKImorc Sun.
A KwBBtaw Prise.
The Acndcm.v of Sciences of Russia
holds iu trust a fund of IJW.OOO ru
bles which, wllh nrcumulation. Is to be
bestowed as ti prize. In liKlT,. It repre
sents the principal and Interest of -fiO.000 rubles left In 1S13 by General
Arekczeljew. who provided In his will
that at the end of the first quanet of
(be twenUeth <x-ntur>- three-fourths of
<iiui should Ik- given i<> the writnr
of the Iiest history In Russian of tbe
reign of Alexander I. The other fourth
(k- s|K-m in printing the work to
having It translated lolo French and
Oeriunti and for u prize tor the autbcc
sf the aixTond l>est Work.
ArkaeUe Bros, bare annonneed that pc wr'«(BTipr W
BK BK l*r It
they hare adraneed the prloe for their
brand of package eoffee half a cent a ^ TH£ fiTAQE
-^ponnd. This pnD tbe net price at 11
The lusber plant at Stee Eltenne dn 'kALiiiALAu*tJdEidtmLMlMtsd(.iMh
, bleb In
foruildeblc of licslogcm are
Tbe adrsnee representative
of oompany. reports a net ff*U «>l 8.M»:
Bagnenay, belonging to Prince Bros. A
,,, epotral Africa,
Co. of Quebec, was destroyed by fire ‘Bapbo-- whleb U to be aeen U the subscribers in May. making a total; Those will liuprisou oveu a i*antUer If
A'onday,night. Tbe loos wUI reach City Opera Bouse Bstnrdsy night, nnmber of its.Tllsnbtcribera of tb s they iret hiiu lu ilio o|»-o. The panther
• tbst in spile of sll thst bss been system on May si.
‘ gtts.ooo. Forty famillw are
geouniUy makes for a high rock, but
aa the Imirulucs eaulirowse on the grass
derogatory to the play, there Is
aaa reanlt of tbe conflagration, and It
J. B. Bush bas put I the atreaU
. „
„nn .ut, th. uist trouud. they will Indd out any length
nothing in it to offend the Udlee, but
-.to ibellered eereral perUbed In
delivery wngon with the seat
panther surves.
rather a moral lesson which hsa an
OOT««1 Wit. . CTWU,.
I»wl«l The, ^ri„ . Ll,. Immlm rtwl. nuwl
site effect to that which bas been the driver from sun and rain.
Fbe Bor. Dr. Blekard SalWr 8U
M.Diincia keeping an eye
paster emeritus of tbe Cbnrcb of tbe npreeented. The play ecmes ben
Praparallona are in progreea for an' on tho U-sleged Ixwat while they
Fllgrims, Brooklyn, died at hU home Witt a oompleU outfit of epee'^ scenery axelttogracemeettogbareonJuIy Srd, browse. Ofieu a man gets tr^ in
ll; of Knglaj
asd tbs company is one of exceptional
Tneeday nlgbi, aged T» yeata.
When .Mrs. Sarah Bartow of Xew
...wtd tth. Tb. «tk u lb ■"•■““'y.oapablllUes,
At Ban Franelseo Bobcrt Bradley,
Bninswhk. N. J.. eelehraml her I'Hih
birthday n-.-.-nily 9 lgliiy<mu of hci di
pelf-eonfeesed counterfeiter, dropped
tract me speediest boraes in northern j,,,
nere prs-M'lit.
««endwben aenUoded to three yoara In The piece U to be elaborately staged Michigan and many from tbe southern
,, ^uy wind, and It alWvIkt's opera of *Tihi-ron,
and the maaagement of tbe City Opera
- the psnlteotlary.
pan of tbe state. ThUwlllbea good i
,^rei ihu kuffaioes off.
which Hiii|ieror WIIMimi la to bate prcBoose
At Pbllsdslpbls arrangemenU are
drawing card for the big celebration. I It Is on the sen t>oUom tliat some of lU-'nitHl soon, the Sci-lier.V I-.
•early completed for tbe parade of fim class production in every respect.
Sam lies and Tony Novotny returned j the cpiwn-st sieges *iecur. If two or piiiuietl from designs mmh- by Ihi-sulII of Ttirkey.
-Ante on Monday night. June ll. tbe While much baa been said about aHeg- last evening wim M pounda of trout! three lohsiere or lighting cralw cornu
Tlie.pi-ople of St. 1‘nal and Mliiiu-.
ed obJeeUonable features. It U emphat* . ajEtd ^rlous to the opening of the
ukbb lrbib.Pbb«o« bnwb. Tbb, bbd
apolls nrc riilsipc a fund (o |ia-y off
leally declared that many plays pre
hiding In a hole, they frequently Jolu tiiongage on Hie home of Mra. 81.
BopubUean national eoneenlion. Grand
forc-ys and l>esli-ge him. Hut ibv usual Wilkinson. who«- iois|«ind, MaJorWIsented here nbout which there bss some veiy floe speclment.
- Maiahatl Wegner says folly ss.ooo men
been no erltlolsm have shown more onkiiisoii. wna klllcil in tho Indian out
win be in line and^ba^thU will be the
soft bodied crab tlial lives In an old bi-^iik «r tss-ch laike. Minn.
desirable elcmenU than tbU.
HMot brilliant epeetacle in political
Mias Lillian WcUt bas gone
ber xiiii-ik shell, with Ids lmr.1 ehiws hang
.'tsrali tJnind does not-lM-llevc In the
history. Tbe peradera will' be nniing out. The other cralis siircuund this tradlllunal Idea Of a slepinollicr. Sin
The Altman Dramatic Oomnany will borne at Ovlatt for the aommer.
Ilic hei-self and clierlsln-s the iI'H.ii
formed in illk bau. frock coati, tight
Hevdames P. E. Travis. P. J. OurUs. iH-lllgercot and try to Ktarve him Into
open a two nlgbu' engagement In this
affis-tioii11 tor her Me|ison. Tor^i,
tronsere,'black eboes and black Um.
Myrtle Umdon. Samuel Walton. ElU sarrynder. They sit down Id n circle
city aVsiemberg's Grand next Monday
Ik- owi-s nitu'h of iiPjrC(t)tr
By the will of fillcn Amarman,
Ely. H. L. Bbeffer and A. W. Bnshee of roiibd him and- wait. IhiI often one of arv sii<-c<-«s.
evening. June ll. ‘ms is one of the
widow of ea-Congreesman ol Pennthis city, and Mn. P. £. Whitman of
It Is rciK>rt«-d In
whelk Khell w ith his 'oUu'. ThU sel
ableet and heat equipped organJestlons
aylranla. a peculiar prorlslon is msde
Northpert. are attending the W. C, T. dom BOCCcedH. for such shells are very Huif >:nip.T<ir Wmi............... ..
now before tbe public, tbe plays prefield-ifiarshnl. I'oiml vou Bhifor the care of two bones and s dog Int'.allver anniveraary at Petoakey.
iougiL The hermit mu walk slowly, ;
dneed being new. copyright pieces, and
einded In tbe wDte.Tbe snm of tlo.ooo
Mra. Deborah Lackey it vUlting {lulling the shell with him. but when .iiil-nthal. by <>b-v:itiiig liiiii to the rank
nf :i prim-*- on .Itilv Sti. wln-n Hie hoin
tbe players people of recognized abil
is provided for the care of tbe anlmsls
friends in L*nstog.
he tricA to do so the
w’ill l>e 1M> voiirs old. Field Mnralinl
ity. -My Friend Tom" wilt be tbe
' tbs inooBse to be used npea them wbl'e
Bober^napp left yesterday to at him and grab at hit ]irutrudlug lega BluinoDthal wns chief of staff <if Kni
opening bill, f^ls U a ranilag farce
they live. Bev. Jos. K. DlJcon U tie
tend tb^. A A eneampmant at Grand lie has to draw them In and remain pesir VrwIorloU III. during the wars
comedy and vraaan enormous suoeess
BtlU. Bouictlmva t)>^ siege Is raised by of IStMl and IkTii-’Tt.
of Ibis tnnd. The anims s
at tbe Bijou Theatre, Mew Y<wk. and Bapids.
tbe arrival of Urgor see prowlers, who
The house In Market square, Lich
•re to reoelve thentnsoetoonslderatlon,
Mrs. A B. Paxton and ebUdran have attack the Investors, but more ofteo, field. to which Dr. Samuel Johnson
oontlnaaos laugh from start to
nepsclslly tbe bones, which art to be
as the liealegen grow hungry and find was lorn, ha« iK-on purclisBod for 81.. On Tuasday night "Flood
fiasderly treated when they are beyosd Tide" will bsprsstnted. ThUlsaMsw
W. J. Bowler, to advanee of the Alt- the hermit atlll holds out, they begin 2T,n br Iho <-Uy corporation. !i was
tbe age of neefalaeea
an Dramatic Company who are to fighting among theniselvi-s, end the be- 's<i1d at public nuctlou In 1«*7 for 84 England drama of tbs "Sbors Acna"
to s iiiHU who was a namesake, but
alcgeil hermit escapes to the confusion. nun
By Ue death of Mn.Pierre LorlUard,
not a relative of the lexicographer. Ho
type. Is which a»e blended comedy, appear at tttatobarg's'Orand naxlMocBonalds DUger of Kew York, wli
and Tneaday, azrivedin tbe ^ty Somellnies. however, the siege sac- restored It to Its original lines, and
pathos and strong dramatic situations.
cc«0a but thc-bermit dies at Uls post on Ills death It went to the city for the
mrrlsd Franeklyn Beglld, a yonthfi I
U tbe tvrocemsdlas tbs ladles of tbs
Ue la then hauled out and eaten.
sum named.
•eter, tbe Utter beoomee a mlUlonalrr.
have an ^portnsltyte dls- ^*1^ Ida Pickard of Latond. la vlaHIn Lard times rats are apt to band
Thennioa was oonsammated uarly
together to raiding {larties, and noth
________ j stnnalag gowns. AUapeeial IngMltaUea MeOoy.
ml* yean age. Tbs bride was then TO
A Doctors Word.
sooner^U cmrrled for "Flood Tide" and
yean eld. and the groow bseomes • a fine prodnetion is arnnred. In "My Haatlnga yeatorday.
exlat to colonies, burrowed an Inch or
Dr. J. W.BatetotCarto.N.Y.,wr1tea:
widower et S4two below the surface of tbe groond.
Duriag the nasi rear-I have proaeribFriead Ton" tbe ebarming little artist,
When Doeton Fall
If the manndlug nu can find a fairly ad Dr. A. W. Cbaaob nerve and
sgeth net yet 1 am always Mabel Giaoe Pardon, vrill be eeen in To cure that weak lame back or any lonely colony—one Uint la not connect blood pUla freqncnily to enaaa of axtrouble of tbe ktdn^ liver or atoaaaeb. ed with half a doaen others, that is— bsogted nervea and woman's wenknem.
try Dr. Cbaee-s Kldaty-Livor PUU they they mount guard over the outleta and with very graUfytog rvsulta. 1 eoMddar
Madiaon Medleiae Co., “
ItdnlUtbeeecythe of Father Time, are ateolutely gnarranteed to ralleve try to ttnrre the mice out. The be tbemauimrlortoM^j|te
Ask your dragrlsl.
0, nU
drivee awny wrbiklce of approaching ang caee. no matter of bow long etond- sieged are no fighters and morcly
_______I elixir of life, that pnu tog. IS cenu, all dmgglato or Dr. A. and cower, aud ibougb they sometli
Baffalo. N. VW: Chase Med. Ca. Buffalo. M. Y. dead
Vp to SfitO
hope to tbe human
- •
itamp for aamplee. Tlmy wlU bSp make a aonle and get promptly eaten
Tailor made cletblag at prlCM pssi- Mountain Tea.
they more often friUuate the tate by
ttvely serprielag, at The Besien
Ask year dm
an Mmtn'i tUiUe
1-3 Off
OnWaUFngnr at TheB«BMB«|»m
Thi Zatln Stock
That ZUgant Httlng
at a 88 par oast Alt-
Wi>« Halls a»4 OM ■-»Oaictoi cxpartoMato are aald to ah«w
Thee king of phou^pbers in posing, lighting. dra|riB|r and^^Mging^ie
/mcu^*’vbe^Ph<fto°bnUdlcg'opposite toe Hotel' ^olumbto^^ Front
street and has remodeled it and pul it to order for strictly up to date pbotc-
M-ew Discovery for Bloodpoisoning.
OF SEVEN CUBES, l------------- ----------remedy, and for all dlaeaacs of tbe skto
and blood, from Oontnet and Secondary
or Hereditary Canaca.
fricN AN Cut
In two on our oatlre atoek of aklrte
anlta and Jaeketa.
Tbe Boatoe Storo.
spoK KALE Nr« bouw tvsdj to ocespy.
A 6ra»ll nsrtD*ot dowo. kialsocr estj terms.
W. k Brawn. XIA Writ Testl, sirerl.
V|r*KTBl>-9iesm>SBd serspen, wattled SI
nsii, lestn sed scraper.
Mi lt •
^^ANTXO CuDpelenl plrl wanted sl^^once
liaraer. ntttouib Voioii street.
Ml if
/’XHH' tCANTXU At wore.
Mrs. 1X11 go.
TSOKTV AGRga Wood ps.lure teo allies
X «e«t cipoat odKcr. (drtroi. rrelertSresI
one party.^ApiUyst ^^fsra.
WANTXU Two rood tire busiliaa Menu
rrSBkllostiwet. City.
IPOK BALBI -Good, A Ko. 1 work issoi; 7
*•"' ‘'ISfQ.iaL WANTBb -At IH Bast Kitlitk^iyet.
A ;a-iee. l>ropp>>aislsBd they wtU be delliei^ SBywbrre. O. rras.ke. Trsrerae City
^la BALE OK XXCUANliB-TLs ourtb t* of
C south esei uusner of •eriloD 19. town ts
■'•s: '■”9TpOR SALX-I.OI. 7S and 77. Osk BelgbU.
JC «uill«-wesi rurorr of Kerc street sod Boyd
srraor. Lanx lots.
sold at. less^t^
ypoit hAl.K SceoraoB bossc. and lot dOsUi
leri. :illSouili UiTlitoo street, oe esay
t'rms, Eo.iuirr of Dal B-iulers,
L'eifAi sirrrt.
ptoK KALI Suscres rholcr Isso near city.
X luij.Ktot! trail trees, or will irsdc for city
properly- J W. I*sichln.
F ll-<^^»ti«Vrcbesl!’’'Tr.iJri^?*
*tngy^sratle aod easy Bilker. Isqojp-ol
hortboB s store. Finder leave at this
QOLDIBKS AimmOK - It yM located
June S.K1.1 will pay yon C per acre for
bslsDceefyeur clsla. Addreea ti. A. Bria-
K... .
pOB UALS-aeod week boTM. Itou welaUC loanlreefN. Lueaa. «D a-eneier street.
pok BALB ■auae aad let oonk-weei cortoe
A nABOAlM-ln H loot lota ee FrMt aad
A BtstcatreeMteresakorewterBs Also
uore bnUdinc for Mia. CsUatM: gsallhimu
CtLAT TO RXNT'AI W, cerssr Caka an*
AT Bseentb atrstts leaslre op naira. T
TP VOL- WANT liuursaee of mas ktod Is tarn.
The Waukazoo House!
Tbe beat iornlahed and bast kaat
ot the ewelleet oho« to tkaeityfO-,
known omnppMwrtlon,
I Bntea
Beaten Stor^ '
_ thM toommiQ BeedftPjU'BtmsDAYinjNBg?, iwo
B. ..M a. M* tnMH k. •
Ma iw* kMPi
«wir «
fl »M M BMB «M k
• ttfrir, aai Ik* BI
« iJijtiiB. md pmtm
Ummm VntnetwnaM.
*I tIBnk tbe moat gtotoUy t^lag to
OTftalnlwaya that It baa ever beeo my
m htekUo nu op
Bight last winter.” aald a well known
BAwwaper laaa. ”1 bad been over to
denry CUyto nee aoate wcatm tftends
off. and aa'tbe boat Bwong up tbe Hwl'
aoa I wan itoaBlBg over tbe rail on tbe
lower rear-deck watching tbe Ice filled
ed, a
with hU
_____ _-two ladtoe from Bm“ . totoctacto. AcruM t t boat.
imr For tbe tanm blmarif had retara- abonld« agalnn a pillar, itood a
ed from Berlta only two days betom. In a llglit coat be aad I being tbe only
-H'm' Tmp todtoa,” thiain lifi»
Brit “It can't be tbe old Paltte Atoi
ker darter Ui-tow. They wealdBt gd
tbe oU man M rattled. BmMaa. thv
know aU about the wooda and toe dear
erery day. (Tito fedtaie* estate to «a|y
a few mllee froai Bottwttad TheA who
thedeneecnaltUr Aa 1 waa thtoUag
about It 1 aaw tbe baron gel into tbe eaf
rtage and beard bhn UU tbe eoaehmaa to
M yw MM «• «U *rM y«. M M
Si is:- ■
M y«a IM«M m' M «M •vBitUat •*•<
VMw U* etk«^,
"At Brut I auppoaed bo bad stepped
cooMn't be sure, tot tbe old tody. wbcM
«M tW mU t* Nfl
k*W<M-BM «B I* tbe UtUe one called ’'maaima,” didgH tnakle. but happening to glaneo back 1
■ecm Uke a baron’s moiber-in-Uw eaaalive gale stood
ly. tjh, dl^’t bold her bead bl^ ; open, ami aa 1 bad been the Uet mao
IB Ik* M.
en^, yen know; there wasn't en^ ' on board 1 knew that iboae gatea bad
M BkfB Ik* BMBlf’* to* «B< ■<
, coaiprebettalvely dW I search tbe boat
AM ‘tw voU k-Uytof to k* aiM M wk* apologlie fur being here at aU.
Bat 1 snppoae there are pleaty ot «amt DOt BM a Bmn In a light overcoat waa
thing* like that, only they're not commne there aatong tbe paiaeogere, and aa I
M •• tkM> • Uttto M M il
aroaod here, and I wan't oaed to them, i Boatiy returtied to tbe lower deck and
I atom heard from old aanile-that was Jpoked again down at tbe dark, swirl^ oW amid. Bleaeke. who keW the tU- m, ,ueam. with Ita contInuoM probcan ralM svir.
Ml ■ I*
• Mr Mm la r*g* md. pmtmtm »U M tu*.
that while my back bad t>een turned
AM rwi M»« M tiM tor tottirto*^ mM
things from the bouse.
Bo the Spanish mnbaiay erldeotly la- tbe deanerale finale of a life's tragedy
I* UM Mtk a
V aM M-f* tended to rrnabi with as tor some daya
At diener-t was caUed la to help with
a Ml «*>k*«ra «klck Btofi tack day tiaa rla* the waiilug-tbe tall^ ran on bnotlag.
tool to MB.
fm M-N ktortaa tor (tonltj, M H Ik* *f«
tors. Procter, tbe wife of Barry OoniWrUAM IMM.HM me to Ike b«M* to>tk* • aqolat a
walL was a great figure in London litarary aoclcty when Mr. Lowell waa
The master kept grittag more and mote United States minister at the court of
oaeomfortaUe aa abe went on ulkbig 8L James. Mra. I*rocter was moat
abeat ahuotlng and aaying that abe bad anxioua to bring Tennyson and Mr.
never aili-ndcd a hunt and (hat this w'aa Lowell togetber. Tenuyaon. who
tbe mala reason why abe had accepted wbUuBlnil In hla preju«licea. made vnbis invitation to visit hia estate. Tbe riou eicuacA and affccied to bellere
old lady didn't aet-m to care ao much
Sunilog and aald very Uttto. I. that
_ Mr. Lowell waa a poet of Ilttla Iminncg o!
ebe bad come for the oaka of tbe
and an after
pboae graces
dinner, aud abe ate Jlld‘dwk~'e^ugh; Rboae
of style
• cAerrai
Otti- (lay
told Mr TenOe1WtloftotiotKiMtK>lio
Well. next dan Ibe baron took tbe giri' ni'aon that Mr. Ix>wcll bad written
aud that
No, air, yoa naato'l think the ahooilnx
Wben the Uivn came out without • gim.'Mie must lailat upoii reading them to
Wd w> llrrir here. We ilo tbe
young Udy bc-nied *urpri*edL but abc u,. *
ka*a a bit of a|>ort. now that the roong didn't aay anything. She *sw that 1 had. ^
mater’a to poMesaiuB, but in the old a gun. and |«-rhaps abe thought I was' ^ Engllah^met-too^ at her aa■aalar'a tlroe it waa reryr dilterwit.
differeot. I oaly carrying it for the maater. Aa we’>“'«* •“‘1 •uf.ralllwl wllb bad gtaco.
. . . him
_ dlare^>eet.
.................... air.
ir. He waa a drove along, tbe aaod niad throogb tha'Nra. Procter dW not g'- further than
good man. waa the old maater, God Ueaa Plue#
lues 1.............
toward the buoliag ground 1 beard, tbe opening gne. “1 know a glrt-they
hoof beat* behind i
too good, loo aon heartta). . He couldn't through unr iirivaie IS “Who is riding aay ahe'a elghl>.^’
V I thought, ] Tennyson scowled and sprang to
beaitt die,
die. joat
jn aa If we
, I saw
gi«turv off 1Ittipallci
II hare*
k*e fb go aooner or later. Well,
irda. air! And yet, do yoa
^w, ha reaUy wae
,ime up arid rxplabied that barbean. It wai In the blood, you
lac a few da.vs* furlough, he^was spendKf ea the game nrolectioo aoriety tlu
iM them wllb hi* mother tad that be had"
bHungM to couldn't take it aU out ot bin. rlddra over to Itotlwlu to pay the baroa to bring the two jsw-ts together, aod
So hr had bU apon. but bo took it in
a neighborly call. 1 saw tbe left corner they finally mot and l>ecatue luUiuate
tunny way.
of tbe master's toouih go down and knew frlrodL Mr. Tennyson was a luun of
ITor inaUnce. be would go out os oar that he was none loo well pirated,
many caprices and bad a.loucb of abyUnto lake here and fiah all day. No. bad
had counted on having the little
llul one to ncaa and coW romrrve which made talui
then Un't any ftahing to apeak of, but himto-lr. liut be rouldo't hell)
reanrve wnicn maae niui
help himselfblmarif:
bUII one can get a Ult now and Iben.
ilu to ber and* '<
■ atmnger.—Youtb'a
• Well, the maater would Uke hU t
invite bill) to go along. ...________ _
and rod and Une like anybody etoe. bat doubt. Ibat the eaptain would deellne aod I
■ever a book. He would pat a piece of
•uid say be was afraid bis borae would
bnad OB the end of the lloe. drop it
ABd then he'd pull up the lloe and put a
freah pl««a of bread on it.
Bo be almply fed the flab and called It
*1Snl*be fauutlug—that waa worae yet.
It wu ao queer in fact that I’ni afraid
you'll bard^ bellere me.
**nAaa,"be would nay, '-we’ll pee If we
can't knock orer a atag today.“ Bo I'd
•r took
A gua, but be always bad with him a big
«M tBibioned walklog atick. with a bandao^y carved ivory handle. It hangs up
is the blue room sow over the fireplace.
No doubt yon've noticed H. air. Ihe deer
vei«a‘t ao wUd in Iboae days ai now.
and we aaw plenty ot them. They knew
they Were aafe. Ibe canning creature*.
Tltere'a a fine stag. Herr Baron.” 1'
yram bln.
Z uaed to be mad dear through because
I contdu't take a shut inyaeir. The aug
-------- .
. aland
. nd Btariog at ni a*
Use aa a cow. The old wan'd pick up
bfi attek, pTMi the handle light to hia
leful al
l^en he'd turn lu me aud aay:
"He'a done for. 1 look him right
tweaa Me eyes. Now. we will
One 1a enongb today.”
Tea. I aaid youu wouldo't
e It,
II but
'U^ a fact all the aame. And be kept up
year lu and year out.
He thought'it
)t a aln to kill God's cna.
tana, hut the
... old
Adam in him bad to
T(«t. Once this bunting farce
that he didn't Uke a bit.
abe waa a pretty giri, and
I have to laugh even yet whcni-ver
think ot tbe way abe punlibed the «
AMB for bla eentlmeptal folly.
But. by you leave, air. before I tell the
story Katie must fei<.h nu another half
A man rauat keep
rp h
bi» atren^ Up,
fVn was one particular aort of game,
dr. that tbe dd matter waa fonder of
otaiklng thaa aay other—t tDeao the kind
ttet wean pettlraata.
Re fed them Jua
uat as
It cost............
mw. Bat be was rich, and
R was Bohody’s hotlaeas anyway, for be
had been a widower for Veain. And be
Mated tbU aort not oedy to rise to tbe
halt but to swaUow the book and be
caught. They did It aU right too. tor he
VAi A Terr handaome man in aplte of hla
Mit. and liberal-yea. too Uberal by
hair. n>r fiah whew they are once caught
d BO more halt. But with womea the
r Juat » •
Havrever, that'
I'a neither here nor there.
• I'm opeaking of would
long neck—I
t mooB a foot long, you» knew, hot
nedc: iome-
_- ____ _____ _
■•Ter aaw a real■ Bpanlah
■ ‘ woman,
tt I.
Ahrtya Imagined them looking like that
la CM word, ahe was a beauty, and no
w.. oc «h.
------ iaaUMafttoehaj^haiaall-
I SM the Bwty •
1%e free trade New York Tlawa Myi:
“Ballway earnings and ercry other
ofdlnary •
Wan atreet to blue. Only
CamUen are trying to dlargadlt ttaa
coontry's good tlmea.”
nw Tlmea to caretoaa of facta. There
are etbeiu beaklaa •yecktooa gambtow”
wbo are Oytw to discredit tbe eoonIfy'a good tlnee. Thtj V*
wbo, Uke l^e Tlmee Itaeir- are tryinc
to pereaede tbe people of tbe country
to vote for a ebange of poUcy. Tbelr
only hope for eecnring ancta a change
Ilea in convincing (be people that preaeat tlmee are not sorb ffoed Utnea after
all Yor If Almee are good why change?
It to a bard task to convince Ibe people
of any euob nonaenee, and It will prove
a bopeleea one.
it to pkwaant. tbougb, to know bow
Tbe TUnea wben for tbe moment It
confrerua In tbe buslneea of dtocredltIng McKinley and "UcKlaley'a policy
. - .It -to not ao tar
wrung, after all. in ctoaslnc them In
with '-reckleea gamblera.'' They nro
ganiblere. gamblera for tbe epolto of otflee. -nie country’! stake Id tbe ronteet
laonrnatloBalproapertty. Fortunately
tbe game W abeolutcly In tbe hauda of
the pe<^ and It lbs alone with them
,10 decide whether they « U1 keep tbelr
or let It be awept away (roo
them by free trade Uwa. aa It w
18B2. It to pfetty aafe to predict that
proapertty and protection wlU g^ tbe
dectobm tbto time, though.
Wb4av aid, par ba.
WhaaV par ba. (dot
Oala, Ha l. per ba.
ZaAIm. "Tm eas Jaap aa U tiaapto ea
It. untltwllleome np atmling SVery
Ume'-Oalmaa's KtoaUeFloar Varntoh
8 B Walt.
A Qr»at X>i»ooT6ry tor Cbiioor
WlMDMIK. OXT.. JaU. S4. 1000
Ito. C. D. Warner. Dear 81r:—I have
od of
tbe great
pnriftcr, with rxeallent reanlu 1 do not
It tor the par
..... for wbleb tt tonaed.
ed. lu effeela
> the TbesHea et (he nralnaahcrt timeao manifest that it
fall to give tbe greatest mttoJaa Cl uuisoa.
the United Htntea afford a atriklngieeeon of tbv fallacy of tbe old Democratic
theory that a i>roteotlve tariff will pre
vent our aun'Ius producik from gvltlng
out into tbe markets of tbe world. Tbe
following are the treasury deportfflcnt'a flgurvs:
-----p---- FOR
First Freeze
Clear Ice, from Boarilmaa lake.
$1.00 a Month
At rttoidonca's—same in* laoi year.
IxouBlea to Omtu.
J. A Jackson
Bolb'Hhooes. No. t
XlBball Planci ^wsyt plea
i*s,risi.M> Br. W. J. SlgglnA OparaUtre DasUitty
Fire InsurancB.
1a. I* A. BoUdlns.
Grtfid KipldB ft iDdiioiRj.
Duriug the free trade admlntotratlon,
grrtvsl sad dras
«r irslo* si Ti
btosk, tie avast
Msr::7ib. IM.
when there was no tariff wall of pro- TsMtOos* Ms. SDD.
terUon. we eX|iorted on on arerag*
«141).034.'MU each year more than we
Import (hL
to. BMldviKv.BeUau; »*>(«.
During tbe protective urtS admlntoInitlou of I'rcaideot McKInU-y we have
fxportfd au average of «M.708,01D a
w X. a W. a. Moon, gsavrsl srorticv SlM
year more tban we luii>ortrd.
U SBrolslI-USvr, ssr. BM-ssd gpslto urlWith tbu tariff wall of protection BsrydlssSM. OU'pkaDV.W: M*«. 107. OtIf bp gueaaeO '
built high up around our borne market tee Oprrs Usuw BJock.
(binkiog. accepted the invitation and said | morning to the offl.v* of u well known the mariu-ls of the world have taken
every year gas:i,T4;i.auiI iiiotv of AmerlprodurlB and niauufacturea tban
rode along by
him and tbe gl
they Uid under five trade.
ed him, and. air, tbongh 1 cuuldu'
Moral.—Uruiertton to the better poli
that be knew bet already. I got the Idro U off la an Instant bo bad b«vu burned cy for the Aiiierican farmer, wage
C UlLBBRT.AMorasr; Apsolsl snssUss
that he koewI- very well what a dainty
enritev and lUBUufacturcr.
w ProbsU arscues. nssws S sss le
crealore be would come acroas In tbe treated Ids lujurloa wo wr-te iiolh ot
ssUte Os. BIsek
Koltw IU w oods. One will gv't auel^ no much puxxlod to flud a cause- for the
lere Labsr Cemrs la.
tions. yon know', air.
sudden outbnrat. But Invoatlgnllon
iwhile 1 raugfat sight of a stag showed that he was in the habit iif car
After us
, _ tbe first thrve
little girl aaw him at
It tbe
browsing. The
same instant, aud In her excitement she rying looto-ly In bla watcli |sH-ket two years of I’re«ldeiit McKinley's admlul*-'
clapped lu-r bauds, The stag, of course. or three of the tiny i>«iaab loxcngea tratibu amounted to |1,-I!£1.00U.(M10.
wbleb ao many iKHipIo flud useful for a More Ibaii ouo-balf that sum reprvran away, but they
those days when none of them bad been aore throat. Ainiuig them- be thought- Oeula vx'but was paid for labor lu tnnnu-'
abot (or years that we soon saw snotber. leasly bad thrust a Ih>x ot safety luatcb- facturtog these eiporta. for which tbe!
TtOa time tbe littls black eyed puts sat et, tbe covering of which forms wllb
Frkodrk-b-><M-» Hturk.
as BtlU'as a cat watriilag a mouse, but poUsb a cbeuilcal cuatolpatlon which n>si of the world jiuld. In other words, BmIiIcdo III Wi snk
uiut;luu k'nwl WuBVS'a
panting wii
with excitement Ibe altghteat frlctioa will set Into a tbe Itepubibau ]>olli-y has obliged tbe cklldi
TSc4:S p. oi. train Sea psrlur car 4e (trood
world In tile last three years to pay al Sours: Nto >:s. B.:■.Ti;
and waiting for tbe iboi.
Bapld*. sod alecpiuk ear and ceeek UcoM
Well, air. will ;
least 1740.000,000 to American labor. Boll 'sSaus. Northrrs'sSuur Mu.
bspulA to CSIceco
Unfonunalery. too. bis gold watch which would employ 740.«»
■nu. k. S FLOOD, OB(v Is urw Tucsellvr -Trmtoarri.lncat Itep le Sa« alccprr tts
clB»stltoi)rat>dUspld>sodcoacS and eleop
through tb«‘ whole performance, waa prote<-icd by one of Uio common
year at a salary of gl.600 per year.
lui^cs^Cklreiro to tirsnd Uepuls sodcSsIrc**
as uaiuL Von ought to hav-e caoM of tranaparent celluloid, wbleb is Thto to one reason why work to plenty, alfkl MortS*n.-|>koae.S: Bcll.sil.
a<-<‘n the girl's lace wben the old man nothing but a furtu of blghly explosive
Stssup. at. See cSsIr car Ft
X I____ rot. PhydcISB sod sarveos. Office. *“Tust Trlrlof
tirsaJ Kapidaoud cksir car OraM
aald “Paff:” It was an old atory to the gun cotton, no tlat la fact bo had Inuo- wages good and tbe home consumption J- LsdiF* Ubcsrr;auil>ltoc.iB*U pSe«e -o>of American pruducU has largely In- Scc.Mu W tT«ldcMV. No Tt. MortketB^honr
captain, bat be bit bis Upe Ull tbe blood
B. Hl-ltSAV.J
itly funned la Ids walsienat iiockct Ctvsmed.
(1. r ATS . a
sof r
^K. A J.
Vcyrl^^ry. Hargyap. M
laeroBss la llsasr Tolaas.
1> by ikc latest sad ndu spTbe treasury deiartnient's latest clrHe explained i gTcBl length, telling
., Dsy^ n^ki calU pra«paj
eutotlou statement shows the total
>r that the pi*
V«aA>lnrr Ctome Seek.
omount-of money In circulation In tbe
■ted in brealfain
A New Jeraey farmer tells thto re
'TILT. Vcwtwy Hnr^M aud
United Rtates to have been ff2.00D.S25.OOINO SOLTB.
ing aim at it. Thfs,kUUng was tbe un- markable atory to Tbe EvangMtot and 40l A year ago. on May 1. ISM, It was ttoe-MtosBcit loV^iV* Dnisatorc
Ooed bM to p^oBscctlaa^lor -SaUreu.
pleaasnt psrt ot the Mslness, ao ha avoid vouches for lu truth; "1 bad more plga only
having Increased ■treat.,
■ leh St I
ed that. Ukiag tbe sieet and leaving the than I wanted to keep. ao.I sold one to more thou ffl20.000.000 within a year.
.JcselU be
a man living to the neighboring vUtoge.
Then ahe exploded. She laughed and The little pig bad been living In the
DMTOll ... I 4 espw Hltfq>V00Stol
langbed as If she would never atop But pea with bla brotbora and aisiers and ISOd. It was ffI.52S.tS0.403 and bos toMX. X.CLaPP.Slci>aFr*L
: k lUp.tolluaipTlSawl
writer, roea (, Teaseller b
abe did got through at last, and then she had never been outside of It until tbe ervased 35 per cunt since that time.
. Boto lelcpbooee No. !S1.
man wbo bought blui pul him In a bas
I A M : p II I For.
VXEO MOKSB. herd Sales osd Seoec psisl
ket. tied down tbe cover luid put It In
bto wagon to carry to the new home.
amlkd and uId she
“Late Id tbe attornoon tbo farmer spend
T^laMO Tt'NINU-J. W. ClISc-’pi
know enough to fire his shot wbo nold It aaw aomethlug coming stuns, terminal improvementa sod roll Ir ptoBO tuser. ulth WJW.KiBlto
at tbe (Bvorahlu. moment. He looked at amaa the awampy meadow below bto
Fruat etroci. Traveroe Oltf. HlcS.
ing stock. That great Republican war
tbe giri oat of the corner of hla eye na borne. Ilo watched
be aald this, and abe had another tough through tbe wet placet, climbing tbe rior, General IVosjtertty. to atill fight
ing for wore work for tbe wage earner.
ing fit
Well. sir. it'e geRlng tote, no 111 cut
pig. all covered -with mud and
It abort. Tbf giri went away ttbe I
ProteetUa (
very tired. He went straight toward
day and the old woman witb her, i
There w ere 425.352.187 pounds of bathe barn, against which was the only
tkoogb the baron
Uron did everything
erwythlng h
ported In IMHO and 502.051.480 WrSICLgaSOSB Mr* FrsBCie A S*I>IIS. a. P. MOSLLXa.
L Aciin*
Acti ti. P. a
home be rccognto«L Tbe money waa
to Indacc them to May longer.
Oroad EepUe
puu^s lu IMM. Tbto vras an Increase
Before abe
■be left she
i- bauded
• • me a large returned
to tbe man wbo had bought of 187,000.000 pounds lu the exports ot
ve and told me to give H to the lit. and tbe little pig aUld at homo.”
Bbbut not until he bad come bath
pnbtlcan policy of prptecUon.
from seeing them off.
I’t tbe oM
■ad te'mat Him.
man furious when be opened ^ envriA creditor calto uimn a dcbtor.'vhoB
■hows Stesaarth.
Opel All It contained was a
tutwUeh be flung acroas (be room an^hsa
Democratic opposition to tbe Foito
ruahed ool, aweariug like a pirate.
Kico tariff bUl fell fiat. Ibe great Re'•Sow. air," anld the Tlallnr. “we yon pnbUcan vlctoty sbosri tbe strength off
Well, air, I't* got a little cnrioalty, the
' r bilks,
f.dkt. and I picked tbe
aaiay as other
u; C>A>Srssrr.
g up and looked at It. It was ber'
rail, and on the back were some IlnM
rrltinc. i
1 haven't a stlv<
whole affair
0 ridlcu^a BuMi “Why. air. when a man cannot pay
As long SB competent and patriotic
tenet them and l«.ro^'toT
bualncaa to be cat- Isederahtp to unable to secure a followbete^they are._
In the Democratic party tbe voters
The Fen luqiene Sallniii
l£SSt^tr *”srrjfp;
uniu UD Ninuinu L t
DL 6iium£n,
M to«rSS* •
■■Atom, my drar air." aald tbe debtor.
Thu Util* ptwugTsiA et BM
I lifting tbe aervlene to bto eyee aa
teeau give yut awriet natora
^ (bough dee|dy affacted, “I couldn't af^ Yea, It was cruel al^the little tal^ but ford Ita keep.”—London Anasrera.
ter. quite right. Y'hat aame after-1
1 Ftoii - - cuachawe' told ma that
tbe espUIn had miused to Bertto. Ha
“Madge aaM she would marty t
^ itorU.”
“WbaCa tha tdenr
ate^vSfff thSb?'
J2« I
ahe oaid aho wtrald than
alght. alr^^tbSTJS.
^3 P"P«a- to cope with Maud when
gstKTtoaalatod Fur Mew XarttOate-.CBBto borne braigiBffBbOBt bag
ABosMMUgSMsmtoWsgraffs. I
Tbe Ftattena Tta&ssa.
Stoux Falls sets tbe pace for PepaIhRlc platform making. Tbe Kanoas
ORy tinkers will be compelled to meek
ly faQ Into line.
The gold standard Is safe «R|y aff
Fiienl Diracur.
“• —'ssi-rga.'
■.«-OOMniKlRAII. J
rM* paiBw riMiv rw «k*
la a Mtar to Uto N«v York gaa I
. PorfctiML. aa- aetlre ttardcr aad
•tnwd obwrrrrr, vrltM u fuOowa:
mt Mtl*. A rxcMoi U fwM M to tw ■
•f to» pMpi» to
aw aw Rim .to wiB* mtmr
• fmtoc
lar«a a <tu|i^ «m m mtl
II Uw 4aal>cto4 aipirtiUnM
awtoc taia to MrUakr- Mur to>4M itol
Stotqr *UI mry Odcmk, to 9ii.«tob«.
PNto to. (to Ktu. ibicmto a • Cfwt ttoC
•OWR. auto *M Whwl B«to. Thrr to«to to m»
M aw tolTw to ctoto laltotota uto to otoflar
tto hwiOi to V (iwt toJm mw mwa
VWa I mM • toarkM to IMto wkr bt
AMOtto aw tm Mtow. to itod:
**«ar. *» rtow •a.wo.niu vMtfc to ««to to
Itoto «to dUr
imth to Rim. «t m
Mr wtol kto/U «r itorr Mto «MUt aw «w to
t* tor dmlwto aw «Ml aad kaxfe wr «Mn..
MB vartk to wl *>w bw » «mu to L T»
«> AM ■*■!> wr w BM colic Miltoc inwd
•Mb »7I|'|-Utiti4> tto tow tolm wd cto Mb-■Kew.- to tetotowd. *<«« «.<»,«» w
wto to nhnl*. Woto tm *w «> te » >
. wd Iwta err too aloibb to wU U ur *rtc«.
Md tto toOtoT »• tto <to cdMto Md Ito^ I* (OOd
to cold."
1 mto I icrdirUto Utol Ctotorodo will to • Mw
ftodMc mu II Komtowr a Orrw uto tto Eu-
rJ’isrr.z:-“ ~.rsir
Otowood to«acv Colo.
Tbc atmv raUUKiattmi In Ootondo, addi-d to utbrr buOaecc latcmu
that liat'v ae«>a • rn«t light alnc* the
BiTiui ttf* •ur<f foUjr atole away Uielr
coninon aetMo four year* ago, may eaa
tly turn the t4ecfoml role of that aute
to Um nepgbllran ticket tblc year. Tbo
atoo^ MOBUd now btflug Uken by the
Amcrlcwa Pruiective TarlS leagtu
abowa aomc wotxlorfta rbangea that
' have grown out of the rejectloo of the
free wool atrocity of the Wllaon tariff.
Mr. Uryu. It will be remembered
alated In the iienietration of that atroc
ity wbeo a rennweDtatlrc of tbe Flrat
dlatrtrt of Nebracka In the Ftfiy-tblnl
ODQgrcaa, and tvittaln- tbo iiait
montha be ^ publicly declared that
• bli vJowa regarding free wool ore tbo
aune now aa they were la INM. Protortod wool U today far more Impor
tant than free allrw In Colorado and
Idaho. Uoc^tblng la reriain, Colorado
and Idaho are tbe galacra by many
mlUlotw through the Iringley tariff on
woo], wliervaa the |N-uplc of thoae
ttatoa, outalde of a few ailrer mine
ownem. have noihlng whatever to gtln
by tbe 1C to 1 aobeme. It la far from
cerulu that Ur. Itryan trill receive
' Idaho'a and Colorado’a electoral TOlpa.
The balance of trade in faror of the
United Stalee during the preaent admlalatrallon liaa renchod tbo Incredible
auui of •l.dW.noc.oou. an amount that
paeaes the jHiwcr of cowprehonalon.
The balance of trade In favor of tbo
United Blalca during all the admlnlatmUona Hliat preceded that of McKin
ley, from WaahIngtoD to Cleveland lacluaire, waa g3N3.000.000. To put tbe
mailer In another way, three yonra of
the McKinley admlnlatratlon have aeon
a traik> Inlaure of $1,100,000,000 great
er Ihnu wni accuuiubiicil during the
/----- ~xc(itury preceding iila Inauguration.
The'hdrancc agimt of pmaiiorlty liaa,
made gtKxl hli prumlaca. baa done teu
tlaic* mure than be prumlacd. and the
people who know a good thing when
they ace It ^111 1m‘ alow bi change aoch.
• certainly for,douhtful promleea.
The niaHacN are dally brought under
greater Ilmltalluna-Ituffalo Timea.
Thrap iiifcnml Ilinitatlona ragi>d mom
arrloMaly duhiiK the rub- of the free
booter WIlMin larlff, by which our boncet brraduiuucra wen- kicked out of
a mlUlun lulia and knocked out of
WBgea and-lluiltt-d to tramping tha.
■tn-cta liT valii fur work and flcndlahly
llmitnl to aeuilalnrvatloa by that learn
ed Buoli, who acciucd to cara no more
for the |Hur than the aavagee who
acaljicd womcD and children and bon
ed their ca|>tlve« nt ihc Make.
Llmltatioua! Well, we ahonid gucesi
trado that the aniall temporary duty
topo«-l on
Iron. ,■„««
drtiounccd aa a nattoual diagracc. Wuro
that party to gain control of the goreremeot It would altctupt to oataWlah
free trade l>etw(<cn the L'nlted Btatca
and .Korvitr, no that ev-erythlngoira
bought with the cheap money It profelaea na would -be made In Oermany.
England or any other old place" rather
than In the United Butea.
1«e TolM of tbo RUIte
Tbcatrlcal managera nay that the
pnwent aeaoou la by far Ibe moat preaperoua ever known In the hlatnry of
American anmacnienla. Tlie country
baa git-ra no h<«M than $3T>,oon,000 to
tbealrlcal and operatic managera. Tbe
proaperity of tbe tbcatrlcal world la alwaya one of the twat Indlcca of nation
al proaperity. Tbe voice of the lUalto
will be for McKinley. - Worceatw
(Maaa.) Spy.
Hural Wall Dellvevr.
Bnral frm- delivery la being egtcndcd
•mong tbe farmera under IlopuhUcao
ndo In tbo ciacntlve departmenu and
porpoae to il.T90.O0Q, ao that more
tannera than ever will aoon bo bartag
tbrtr maU dellvoiwd at (belr doora.
Porto KIco baa been impwYlag $2,000,000 worth of cotton goods every
yrar. but only $879,000 wortti from tbe
Vnitod Btatca. Tbe new coadlUana
arm now give ua thla trade aod ao ban«St oar cotton gruwera and tnaoofaeturm and Inctdeotally oar wMe papto
itctoR U toll Mto'litolh eg
to (to toltova'* tote. '
MaU tor^
Cm <teU rtwml to tor n aS
WUto tonrUil Itooufk Ito (IVH
to «Mwd to. aimra omr w.^
-CIrt/a than to Leito-a H
Hew.Martht Swiani Attriaed lhaOto
H« AjQbhiae.
For 20 ymra the town of Bt. Johu
had takcB tbe drudgery of Mlaa Martha
HeaakuiB for granted. Her place. It
tacitly admitted, waa ie the kltrtkcn of
the Whberapoona. ThU did aot meaa
that abe waa the aervaot of tbe Witherapoaaa—do, no! There wero two reapecti
la which ahe diffetfd from the ordinary
•rrraat. One waa that ahe recelred no
aalary. The other was thathhe waa of
high birth. A common peraoa may receire pay for aerrice and rejoice la IL
Bui Mlai BeoalQaa. daughter of the Hod.
Peter Beaaluoa. now many yearn with
and dull forbeara, could
not. eren hail-abe been offered money,
hare accepted It. What ahe did wai to
Ilf* la the home of her married aUter.
and night of tbe
do mnytUng
other folka ohjeetid to doing.
Barak Wltbcrapoon bad not been one
> let the dUtlagnlabcd name ahe bore
. dlbj- had girea
fortoiw In the abape of
her aoBa and daugbtera. and for each and
erery one (rf thcao little onea Martha
Bcaaiona, tier aUtcr. bad cared. In abort,
Martha wak the' liibrlcaior of Ihc douealic wheel* and did ererything fur the
family that abe coold- do. from hemming
tbe UBpklni to idtUag bcalde airk beda.
Hbe waa tbe lirat up In the moming a^
the laat to bed at night. Bbe aiarted the
kitchen fire at dawn, and abe looked the
front doer and wound the dock ofiee the
ctbera had retired to thdr.rooma.
.Yet It waa getfrally uodcratood in the
U............... W
the table. eaiM-•
Id the liUobM to diri>rt the aerving ahe
IN-rched uncwally on tEo edge of herduir
ready to roab into tbe fray at the aUghteat algn of confualon.
There waa one oauae of chagrin, howerer, which even thU modern Uriaulda
did not bear patiently. She waa too much
occupied on.thc ftabbath to utlcnd church,
for the large family dinnera and the aupperi at which frionda uere lufennally
and generally inrlied kept the honaoheJd
drudge at her poat at the hour* of aerrIcc. Uoreorer. ahv had tbe |»in of hear
ing her own particular eburrh and ractiir
apokeo of in tcrmi bt derinino. nod the
unfathlonaldc. cultlrated aod cuoaervallve congregation of which abe wonW fain
have been urn- waa the auun-r of much
nilnb to the WUheraiK>oii*. wbo went to
irteat of aacn-d ediUoiw and wboae
preacher waa renoanrd aa an after dlut-r apeaker aod a aodal lion.
Hut one
me day
...... .........
IM-ued. It I* dificuU to hdivre it. allbeogh
it l« now andenl bUtory. t-VedcHck Be*' ina. granduncle to Martha Biwukina aod
Karab Wiiherap»n. died at a., great
ige tl
• -..........
- .. hove
that be
am-med• already
In-en dead for a decade whenii hi* obituary
lUlahcd, and In dj’Ini
he lM>iiiit>atlied to -Martha Bewdun*. ih<
all land*, fund* __
prnpertlet of which I ataud pmseiwed.*'
The newa «a« bronght to .Martha Sealona one morning when abe wa* aortlng
over tbe week'* waahing. nod she came
down to (be parlor In her worn gray
frock and while apron and met tbe Intel
ligence with incredulity, lint when ahe
waa quite coDvlnred of ibe truth of tbe
thing ahe aatonlahcd (hr link- lawyer hy
laughlng In a youthful way. .. ______
pect(<d ncrroui and grateful tear*.
■ ‘ ave tK>u>-mlon of
■” can
Uaya yon
o ptraaejrUb your own. and I can ad
vance youniuney today to any amount
you may deairv. What would you like?"
Mlaa Beastona did out ebtJniy naderatand the drift of tbe quertloo and an*
awtTcd with a vague tmUc:
“I^atould^Uke to aik the rertpr to tea.?
“Tbe Her. Mr. Blliaon. yon know. I'm
nnt mnch acqnalnted with him. but he't
tbe rector of my church, only UDfortaBBiely I've not atteaded church (or the
laat few yrara. But 1 can now. Do.you tblak. air. that I could have a new
bonnet try Sunday r
"1 will wriir yuu a check (or any
amnnnt yon diwlte."
"Tbank you. 1 abool^ like to build u
houae if poaallde before I had Mr. BUInon to tea. It would be much fdeaaanter
to eateitalD Um at my own board, of
coutoe, than-—
"Oertainly. Miai Beadoaa. Why not
build a boater* He waa an aatute and
dc little man. aod be knew
of (ha atory ttf MMa tamlnai'
------------- nderateod by a met Of tntnitkm
that abe was groping for her Indlrldiial
form of expmalon. To have tbe mla-
ktoOy. Bat Mim BmIom aaitM a
■MMatlral amlto and made «o topiy.
That evealBf when the family Mt M
drawing room Aant Martlte to tha
amaMMWt of every one, entered
nay. Bvery one looked up in aurprloe
tad waited. They knew tbe oecariea
eanid not be an ordinary one. She uM
her BFWB wHh dignity. There waa a
gasp, and the face of Sarah WUherapeca
turned BcarieC
of the time* 1 have entertained him and
the favora be ha* received at my kaader
Martha Beaaion* smiled draamlly.
“Of course yon wlU see that tbe prop
erty b divided half and halt Mhrtha.''
pleaded her abter.
Martha shook her bead abwiy.
-No.- she aaU. ‘it b mine. I have
■ever -had Buythiag before. I am | ’
to keep wkat b mlnew*
Her sifter aprang to her feet, hi
with wrath and IncrednUty at (he tura of
the worm.
-I ahaU contest the will." ahe ecreaiDod.
Her husband pushed her into a
“Bit down, Sarah." be maid la a i____
Ufleeat Tidee, -and let me talk with this
riper we hare nuraed la oar boaoms, thU
benefirbry of oar bounty, who forgets
tbe little children wbo hare played aboot
her knee and all tbe yeare she -baa
upon our generoalty.”
But Martha inteiruirtcd him and atpae.
-I'm afraid 1 hnven’t lime to liatcn."
•he aald. "I know what yon wlU MgceaL
You will kludi.v offer to invest my money
for me. You will
apeak to mo about aemdlug the hoy* through
coUege and the girta
aemluary. When have any of you.
young or old, eome to tbe room where 1
nt alone, wondering what I bad done to
be imt aside like an unloved dog? Vi'taen
have you spoken to me. rxn^i to aik me
to do some favor fur you? What standlag bare you giveii me In the community?
flow hare you ail<^-d mo to go clothed?
What eateein do you aup|>oac people have
for me? Many do not know me from
oervant—me. Martha Seaaloiii! No.
haren't time to liaten. I've too much to
think about." She started toward tbe
door and then turned and-heid
"ni take all my woMa back." she aaU,'
-if only eonie one wIll^O);—say be b sor
ry—that I am guing.”
No one »j»kr. Her alrtVr turned her
hark vi.dently. Her U>lbrr-ln-b'
a face of atone. The four loya. big and
little, feigned to be occupied with OtliM
. and the |
no reply, but at the Ski second llnvid.
tbe yniingift biy, \vh< wa* N years old.
ran to her and raugbtltier hat '
•■Can't 1 cviuc to i*«tyou
after y.nfgo away. Aunt Marthar be
oald. There were tear* in Lia eyca. The
lonely woiuan buutched him to, her bungrlly for a monu-cl.
“I think he -ha* lifted my curae from
yonr roof.” »hc uiO and went out. The
•<• Ktlll
. Bnt
when they beard tbe front d.«r algm they
no to the window to hnik out. Bore
enough. Annt Xianha wot walkingdown
the path bravely, hut with her bandkercLIef nt Lit eyes. One of Uie girhi waa
toot up to her aunt'* room, t>ut it waa
found that of her poor bvloagiagi none
bud b(>eii taken from lu plnre. Nor did
the ever send for them. .
The town wa* all agog over the activity
of Martha Be**ioi>s, the heiress. Within
24 bnun she had parcha*cd a village
lot. mui-h l*-auillUM hr tree* which bad
yean before been planted alioiit the sits
of a hiniM- siuee iiuriK-d.- She cuntra
(-J for the* huliainfr>ur n tiny home a
henelf din-cted (he |il.tua. She npi>cai
drtwaed iu »lmi>le IhK line gartui-nt*. s
ahe wore nu nir of iimlnMe dl-^tinrliun.
It wa* the same air abe had nlw
except that her lilM-rated spirit InAed
out of her eyri, I'toirfe enjoyed the ro
mance of It all, and they enjoyed Miss
Martha, whom they disrovered to I
a singularly well Uiformol woman and
lady of eX(vll<-iit taXe. She wa* iiiriled
to tea at the inoxt exclusive boUHC* iu
town. She nioved nt la*t iu the society
lu which »bc had been l*>ru. I'cople offrn-d to n**i*l her In the buying of pic
ture* and china and liueli.
And at the end of three mont^ she
t book
lined I
Wlihh she hod always 'louge.1 and by
touching the little U ll nt her hand could
SUnmoD her w bite capped inaij, wbo wu*
deUrtXcd to serve her. Slie could look
With liaiipy eye* at her o\u« gold hand
cd china aod Lave tbe pleasure ouec s
week of polishing her daluty *Urcr and
glaaa. She was full of doineatie entbn■iasin and a* lm|N>rlnut aa n child with
n new toy. She hnJ her chirilies. and
the was already recugnlacd a* an ardent
member of tbe rhurcl^
Moreover, there came the hour of the
effect climax- -shiiTjad the n-ctor to tua.
t wa* a woiidc-rful oecaiion. Mr*. Drib
A btat gw cr B or « mtra with Mf
Mnneysi that wwe fan «(tanra. cuto
«» IWISTM hMWtol. New York. tW
other day, aya lAsUe'a Weakly. She
carried n rat ta her nraw. The rat had
been wotuMled by n street ear, nad oae
b« was bsdly mnogled. At tbe gnu
tbe dri told Ton. tbe big goUeemns,
that tbe rat was bnrt.
-I want a doctor to be*p Hr ^ raid.
Tom took ber to tbe recrtvlng ward,
where there was a doctor who bad
BotblBg rtne to do.
"Here’s a rase, doc." raid the poUcemnn.
-1 ain't a"- the doctor began. The*
be raw the glri's eyen. "Let me see."
be continued.
-Pirtty had.” kran tbe doctor’s «
inrot. Tbco be gut tome knlrra. a IHtie bottle of rtilorofonn and some band
ages. "Yon most belp me." be nnid to
tbe girt. ' . *■
Bbe aided bravely, though It made
her very pale to aee tbe ebarp knives
amputating the kg. In a few mlnutee
It waa all over and tbe rat was pagtly
recovered from -tbe aturatbrtlc.
-Now you ran Uke your kitty borne
with yoo." the doctor esid.
“It alBt mine." tbe.glri raid. -Idea
JOiiDd n. Now 00 take rare of it
The p
a and doctor made faces
at rach other, then sent the rat to (be
Society For the rrcventlmi of Cruelty
to Anlmalii.
Aa Bartr ■•twia* Kptoade.
The gray light of the niurulog waa
atcallag through the windows of the
Brown homo. Solemuly the clock oo
the mantel chimed the aleepy hour of 9.
Suddenly the doorbell clanged with a
Wild, fierce tbrtck. Again and again
It re-echoed to lla wildly reverbera
"Fire at the atorer thought Brown,
turning pale.
"A telegram saying that mother It
mr thought Mra. Brawn, with
strange fear tugrtng at her heart.
Brawn hurried dreaaed. In bis ex
citement uot forging to upset« few
chairs, thus adding to the frar of Mra
Brown, wbo brenthkoaly awaited the
return of her lord.
She heard iiim open the door. Then
niDufDcd exclamation reached her rars,
and tbe door tbui with a bang. Then
n volley of aonnd*. which arv generally
dc’seribed as making the air turn blue,
reached her eiira. The sounds came
ncori-r and neaivr until Bratim had
finally cliuilNtl the laat step and stood
outlined in the la-drooin door.
“A telcKrniii. Jolmr Inquired Mra
Brown In a tcrrltdo toi]H-n*t- aa sbo
clutched tbe covers and, awaited the
“A wlatr roared Brown. “A wlml?
Henven.* and earth, no! That neigh-,
bur'* buy brought back the umbivlln
bis mother l>orrawcd yesterday!"-IndlnnsiKiliB Run.
At the coucIukIou of fu-rrlce the uiln*
later of a certain NnnconformlMt church
t dnw u the aisle, nt was hit unran lng cUKtotn. to g(\x-t the strangera In
the congregatlun. tays The BoutUsb.Ntueriran. "1 don't tlilnk you are a
nenthcr o( our church." tald he to ooe
no he warmly ihouk hi* jiaml.
"No. tlr." replied the itrauger.
"Well, you win not think me unduly
curious If 1 ask to wliot denomination
you helongr' asked the mlnlttrr.
tupiKitc.” rcKjHinded the other,
"I’m rcalf what >i>u might eatl a sub
merged rrealiyterlan."
•ubinergtxl 1‘resbytcriauT” ex
claimed the inlnlKler. "I should l>e
glad If you'd explain."
"Well. 1 was bruught up a l*reebyteriaii, iny wife is n Metluxlitt, my eldest
dnughter it a ItnptiHt. iny son It the
organist at a rnliiiriau eliurch. my tecond dnughter slugs In a Church of Eng
land cliolr. ond my j ouiigesl goes to aCongivgnUonnl Sunday achutd."
-But." Mihl Ihc uiltilxter aghast, "you
COHtrIhule. doubtles*. lu some church?”
"Yes; 1 e>>iitrn>ute to all of them."
was the answer. “That’s what aubmergea roe!”
trmiimt UttiiQtrm Mb
wt panoM mgy tera dlffawmt
te tblnkt^tbat tha mkar
cffanUagatralMA flMMtoo iHffoMr
thaffrrataatewM ofabda^. HoMwOl
ntytbataora mraMoraenivtaff hlffharadneation than qaa aara laiga In.
aomm^virtra.ofIt OtbraswlUera>
tatod tbai man ara hdaff raaoUlv
tnlMd for raruia elarass ofoa
e«bma will pc4nx to tboas wbo. tboagb
promWng wall la ooUaffe.'bavs fallod
U atUr Itte. Tbo answar to all tbese
wblek Praaidaat Aagall of Uo Uaivar•ily of Mlehlgaa make. U Tha YoaUh
rarabla hy i--------• w
kai MTor been k
'it H —
bo k tiaak
I. o. O. F. BBUWON.
AT •
etc., with the Admiral aa tbe gamtS
Iwor. PoraMarqaett agaata^eaU
tleketo ooJone iiandir atoaetara
rate, good to retarn aaUl Jum ic.
Ob traia ioaviagTraverwaty atS:U
*. B., and arriving at Grand Baai^ at
io:&o; returning leave at 5:30 p. m..raU
$3W. Yon cant afford to mteUk
great event.
H.F. Monara,
AcUag O. P. A,
amid 0tttM7 0«<* Boot
Herald, Traverae City, Mich.
EnameliiigBest to be had in
the city is at
^ samples in window.
:.Fire Insurance..
If JOB have a da
barn, or any other
want to writs ibe
tnuranee for yon. and will
win glvsipoa
prompt aod earefal nttontioa.
Only the mwi relmbla etoA Innar*
Bates very low.
Johnson Block
NOTICE Reduction
in Icel
Coleer •( rrawB.
I have bought the celebrated l‘erFor many yeurs.Coldwater has bad a
colony of craws varying lu number
choroa StglHon,
from 800 to several tliousaod. Tbe
dusky feathered tribe assemble in what
Is known as Soi-lcy's park, a tract of
-vernl neit'S thickly covered with ev
ergreen and oak tte,-s of large aUe.
AlMUt sunset eacii day (he crows rc- ,
turn by huiidjxxU and before "ivUring" ‘ lonaerly owned by Peter Waig-
General Custer Now 75c a Month
r ruir
•wool* kM oase taraxmMS,
pruportlraof ooUraa brad i too to oar
k not I
too great
k Uia daaffor of baaomlng too
irrrav Wbelhor or not tbo maa wbo
have bad the advantage of tba
blffber odorattoa, rralia* tbstr ambUions aa to Ineonn. Uioy doabUM
eoamand larger (see or Mdarka than
Ibey could hategaiuod wUJboettbeir
ayeeial iratning. Preaidant Angell he
lleves ako that there k al*raye room U
tbe apodal ooeapailona, soeb as aagiaooriag, arebiteciure and ehornktry, tor
men wbo have fitted tbomtolvea to por•ee thoae voealioas. Whon the eoantry k prosperous aad indmtrieaare
abrmally acUvo there U a grealor domaad for each omn than tbo eoUsgra
eanenpply. It is no dosht tbe fact,
•ays Vrssideat Angoll. that it k now
■-tofioddoetorsol pbUoaophy
giviag InstroctloB in blghaobookor
aeadoBios. Hat thk U not to be ro
ffroUod. in tbe iatarosU of good odacatiooiand tbo eomponoation
poato k oftoa qslto as good as It k la a
eollege'faeulty. ItU rather a raaso
(or oongratolatlon that tbo poolo in
important aehook aro oomlng to bo eatoOBod ao Jast as doxirablo for oaiooat
aebolarsaspostsloeollogos. It itweU
known that each bss long ooea tbe
raoo in England "
damming up the eaoe (or the eollcge
bred man, I'reaident An^l aaya: "If
oollego tralniag bao really aoeoBpllahod Ito work wg^b any maa tboa bo k
more of o man boesuoe of it, Ho bao
not o^y-more vatoahle acquIsUions of
he baa a broader and a
bettor view of man aad of life, and a
better power to nee whetever feeniliei
in tbedieubarge of whateverdnly may cjmo to him.
“Can there poeaibly be a eurplasof
men no trained? Ie not every man wbo
bns received oneb training himMlf Ue
better for liv Can sxslety have too
mnayaoeb mea? Ie there really any
danger of 'a glnl'of them?....
"How often do we find in eeclnded
towne and vniages that the ooUege
traiaeo man. whether i>reacher
physician or lawyer
former. Iseoenler of intellectual life
to the neighborhood, atlinnlatlng the
young to eindy, wkely ahaplfag tbe
opinions of the oomumoity, leadlag
bk neighbors in all goc
In social or poliUral life!
"Of conrae It may be said, and truly,
that all college men have not tbe mor
al impnlae and character to perform so
benign a Uak. Bat. np» the wboI^
it can hardly be denied that the gen
eral infinenee of our ednraied men on
oar national life hae been conservative
andaalnUry. To diminish tbe proportioB of them to the popoletion iroa!d
bo a dkUpct retrogremion"
Ibe high schoul-and young Caroline Ar
nold. the artlM. and the Iter. Mr. Ellison.
Martlia's right hand. What
hour! How the
e gold iandi
land* t
shone! How the
rtsKH a
lowy was the linen! H
cate w re Ibe pinks!
nil remalils quiet In the settlement un-I will be found at my bam,
Bnt what wen- Iheto gloHes to Miss tU early the next morning, when they lo*,*., -h-I.
take flight. prahaWy In search of food.
IVhat they sulmlst on during the winSaid Ilorao will be here Thurn.
her band* decorated vilb two modeat ter months is a mystery. One frafbro ,
diamonds? AVLat a'lady! What a mls- regarding the rather singular encamp. I‘“y*’ tYldaya and baturdaya.
treaa of a fine (seaslon! Iteally it waa a
^Oa Moml.y, >1 Snlloin B»y, .nd
hour. Ii(fnt may 1h-that tbe thing 4ng. although no one has been able to '
b made h«r happtest. even happier find their nesting places. The place on Tuesdays and WedBesdsys at
than tbe prxwencc of the tier. Mr. EUi- they bare pre-euiptcd Is almost In tbo
wn* the fact that dose IwSlde her, In tirart of the city. No one dlsterho Monroe Center.
UDday l*-Ki. with a sndle of contentmmt on hi* fare, sat DarM Wltbcrapoaa, them, even tbe small boy respecting
their ctalm to tbe wooded |«rk.-Oraad
Rapids Herald.
;o Tri'bune.
■••••reea •( (toltnsw.
A diaUnguinbed lecturer once toM a
story of an eurageim-nt he bad made to
dcUrer a dlaeounu- In one of the Interior
towits oa tbe subject of -The Beacon
Lights of drllisatioii." .
-I reached the place." he aald. "a little
behind time and went directly to the halL
ycr reflected
A large andicnee had assembled. 1 was
U entitled t<
Introdncvd In due fonn by the presideni
of tbe lUirary sock-ly under whose aus
I was to appear, and. laying my
deeWon with which thla hitherto patient pices
mannscript to the deak before me, 1
—omau acted.
ope^ It fad waited a moment for the
-If yooH b
npplattte to subside. Imagine my horror
found I bad accidentally bron^t
-ni pnt on my bcunet and go down town ajong 1the
irong lecture^-ope on ^
with you."
Modem Klectricat
-To the baakr
“To nee a coatraetew about my beuae.**
It appeared that here waa a rampant
tmaglaatloB. glera rein (or tbe ftnt time
in Ita Mtetence.
-Ton family wffl be mock latereataA
kt 9«B a«>d lUrtnw- hM «te Mt^ nattsM «Unt kMW tto «
"Some pcoide, men es|ieclaUy. ac
quire reputations (or excellent taste In
•elecUng ptvsenta. when In reality tbey
haven't tbe slightest Idea witat U being
nrat." said a oalosmaD In a fasbitmabie
street Jewelry store. "They Just don't
want to be bothered with mafciog a
seleMton themselves. Several regular
customera « bo have accoonts here In
variably come to me when tbey receive
wedding lavltatlona or have to give
preeenta of any kind, aod teU me to use
my own Jottement In making a selec
tion. Of coune. they tell me bow
moch tbey want to spend, give me tbe
c and address, together with a
card to be Inclosed, and go about tbelr
buslbras. They haven't the allghtesti'
Idea of wbnt tbelr gift U until tbey
reertve a note of tbnakn.*-mindsl-'
to priynte fiuitillM .
PayBble.monthly in adwaaM.
Chas. W. Merrill
Bote pbuoeaNam. sisW.FteMaL
1 have bad my bailding
rebuilt and pnt in good
shape aad km now ready
lu receire all oM patroim.
John R. Santo, Good
SiMnl lisiriiM.
Lioe of JoYdry
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Bldnnlk Lumbar In aU
won (• Ththm Ottx ante Oe.
BBB&n zsn
Pl«Bt7 of Bnola—■ Tot for
l4»4 Boborta.
Srittah OtBpiat Men*.*op W
bu««d Wttti
BoOT CBpUiod ♦«) •»
ISO IKrnMm-Vxnehi. «»Ul. ««•
mdandtoBullOT'a rerot.
Deitobten of John Woolford MM m
Saqilden of Orine of Korder.
npeclel toTbe Heralae BMord.
Aabom, lad., Jnne ft-The eaddi
and naanpeeted death o< John WoolCard, an avod eUUan of (ftBraboaeo,
a few weeke ofo. hee beoalavoeUi
The etonaeh i
fonnd to eoatala a larso qaentltr of
eUerlde of cine. The eonner teeom■eaded the appreheMloa of Woolfordh
daacbten, Kn. Leer Boheea of ladlaHapollB and Jeeale Blnler. of Find'
lay. Ohio. They have not heretofore
been enepeeted an la any way ooaaeetod with the old nBUenaa’a death.
Mn. Woolford and eon Oeerve are aleo
held la bond an wltaeeeee. The enpative to the erine wne the
of the life Inaaranee whleh
Woolford earrled.
Srwui M n* M««iac
PnMTiB. Sua»r Blfku «l» Lotmm
<• raported ttet
0 ^ o<
prtMMn rMtardAy. PrMld«at Sleja
lawaiotEnmtBdftdruMlas tow«rd
WUWf. TJm I*Uw»J hM bMB dw
tMTMl tor k loaf dlstUM* death of the
VmI river br'Tree SUten.
Pretoria, Jose ». vie lioreaso Herqow. Jane t—At the reqaeet of Umer»I Boiler e three de7«' ermlitlee wee
weed to hr Bethe. the Beer eoBBtend' Amsadmsiit Fssssd by Both
eretumre Mek. Both ooBBtendeii
House and Ssnate.
met end held* e eonvereetlen. Utreeht
hei eiimls eeee eveeoeted hr the BrlUeh
who retired on the mein foree nt Meant Appropriating M.OOO.OOO Cor Fac
Pretorie, ondeled. vie LoresM Merqoee, Jane s^rifbtlnf et KUp river
and Bleberf hee been ette-'-'
Pretoria. Jone 8. noon, bjr-----------to LoreoM Merqoee. Jdhe 8-Utrecht.
HeUl hee been eorroderedbj e e*e”
petrol to BaUer'e forcee la order i
avoid bombardmenu Btronf Boon
areeUUet lAinTeNek.
A heavp ereneot (on on a hUl eoet of
MoU'e Kop boatbarded the Brltleh
oentpo reeletdep with dleertreoe e*ect.
at a dteteaoe of eU ntUea Pretideat
Stern tetetrraphed trem the'eenth of
KrooBBtad that e batUe atBlddelb*
bars, near Beaakal. Mar ». reeolted
aeeteaoeMetnUrtothefedecmle. Poor
hmadred and elthtr.jrloooen were
token, while on the field were foond
*8 Brltleh kUled and no woanded. On
the foUowlns der another eueeeee in
the vlelBl^ of Undler when tea BritUh were klUed and 40 oaptnred. Dewet
le new between the Yael river and VereenlrlBf and Mrertoa.
London. Jane 7-ItU generallre*peetodthnt Lord|Eoberte wUl heltet
Pretorie before ettemptlnf to eaptnre
or diepoee of the Boon etlll la anae.
Prom the preeeat Indleattoaa thle teak
win be fally ee dlflleBlt ee the well
oi tae oars sen •••»«
Eeboru may find It neeeeeary to retnm
aoath peraonally to direot hit foreee In
the Oraofe Free Stoic.
London, }ane e—UntU the eltoatloa
in the aelrhborhood of Pretoria theU
- Mve been enllchtooed. offlelalehere
finddifilenUy In prefnoetloatlnf ix»rd
Boberte’ profram. BvldonUy General
Botha with all hU rone withdrew in
rood order.jwobahly alone the Delaffoa
Bay railroad with a view to Jolalnc
Preeldent Kroner. So the Trmntvaal
foroM are practleally Intact, with Preeidanu Kmter and Stoyn, General
Botha and State Seeretory Belu aU
aafe la peemon to eoatlnoe the dlreetion of affaire. OpUmletlc peraoae eee
la the fact that the wlvat of Preeldent
Krater and General Botha ware left is
Pretorie as indloaUon that the prealdent done not eoont on lone reeletonce.
Driving Park Aaaoelatloa will Bang
up PuTMt Aggregailns Over SI.000
tory and Antfaorlzlag Becretory of
Wavy to BuUd Plant if Kanntaetnr
era do Mot Make a Fair Price—tale
In Both Brancbee
tipcOal to The Memloc Rword.
Waehlngtoa, June ft—After one of
the moot bitter flghU of tbleaeMloa
tU eenate today yielded* to the judg
ment of the honaa, that the aeeretary
ettheaavy ahonld net be hamper,
aa effort to complete the naval vaaeele
now ready for armor by having eon
greac fix np and eat a price loiw than
neeapt.nadna an allcmaUve bnlldlag
vemmeat plant for the mnnntaetare of armor plate.
The eenate did not aopompllah the
provUlon ee drawn to the blU, bnt the
Peareee; '-That the ieoretory of the
navy U authorized to procure by .eontract armor of tha boot quality for any
or all the vcceeU above referred to.
provided eontraeto oan be made at a
price whleh In hie jedgment U renaonable and eqnitoble, but In-eaee he It uu
able to
theabove'oondlUone he U authorized
to procure a cite for and erect the.
a factory for the masnfeeture of armor
had «t,000.000 U
tpward the erection of cald factory."
The adoption of thU amendment by
the eenate wac praoaded by a long and
aerlmoaloue debate in which the oppo•Ition dwelt upon the determlnaUr
armor plate ansataeturora to rob
Wacblngtoe. Jnne ft—In the houee
he eenate amendment on armor plate
wee adopted Yaea. 1S4; naye. M. At
8 o'clock the houee took a receae uuUl
Watalngton. June ft-The houee at
10:13 took a recem until tome
morning nt 10 o'clock. The eenate
may oontlnue la acMlonvall night.
Tecterdny'c Baae Ball Oomce.
SpeciAl toTbc MorslDc Becorxl
Kennedy and FarweU; Garvin and
New York...........................
OlnelunaU ................................ li i*
Dohey, Hawley and Warner: Brelteaetoiu and Peltz
Plttebnrg ...;.......................
ft lo 8
Orth and Douglaae: Waddell and
9 .1St. LouU.................................. 1* 16 1
Cuppy and Clarke: Hufhey and
rorslfn WsrsUps Band Kon
XsD to Tien Tain. •
ngbt Betweea Boldierc and Boxere
Beaulted la Knay XUled^ea Both
Staten Oemiui
Ordeca Admiral Bemey to StrungtheaMnynltoreelaChiaeeo WatereGanbont Selena to Proeeed to Beene.
np*elal to TUe Metukoft Baeore.
Tien Ttln. June ft-All foreign warehipe are landing ti
Tien TUn, Joua ft-In a batUe be
tweea Boxera and Cblacae troopc many
irere kUled on bott aid*. Japan hne
protaetod agnlnet Bnmla'a landing
troopc In China.
Shanghai, Jnne ft-Soldlal* diepntehed to nttoek the Boxeiu fought an esgngamant quite cloae to Prkla. Many
irere killed on both side*.
In eottBtqaenee of the repreeentotloni
of Japan, the landing of a large Bui
elan force at Taku ie alleged to have
been ctopped. U le believed here that
ahonld Rnicla pemUt in tending a pre
ponderaUog mUltoiy force to the from
a coUlelon with Japan would Inevitably
remit. Alarming reporto arc current
here Of hurried complcUon of the luobl
lizatlon of the Jeptncec fieetThc Raielao mluletcr at Pekin made
another attempt to Induee the Cbincee
foreign office formally to requeet Rufelan aMiitohoe to reatore order, bnt the
offer hee not yet be
Violent d
.are reported bttween the Chlm
Jung In. and Prinec Oilng Tuan, who
1 tha/wOBto^ the
dowager ampreae. la aihangly enpporting toe Boxere.
The mebe who murdtajto the BoglUh
tnleelonarim Boblneon ^ Morman,
mutUatod and dlaembowled toe bodice.
Tha ■tatlM at Yan Tin, three mllee
from Pekin, hie been burned.
Weahlngton. June ft— Mlnieter Con
ger caUed today that the ritnatlon wne
wome at Pakln and tola, la eonaectlon
with Admiral Eempt'a eabl^ram yettorday, nnnonaeing that an engage
ment had began, decided toe atote de
partment to elrengtoen the naval force*
saareet toe eoene of tranble. A cable
gram waa eent Admiral Remey
ManlU dlrecUag him to diapatch at
once to Admiral. Kempf* coma
the gunboat Helene or another cmft of
eorrecpondingly light draft, an efficient
warnhip capable oLaceendlng the Pel
Ho river a* far at Tien Tain.
Admiral Kempr* flogehip,
Meirark. drawing twenty-three feet of
water, eaanot eaoend the river eetely
beyond the Taka foru near the entranoe bnt the Beleea, drawing only
elevnn feet, can aafely necendtoTien
Ttln, forty mllee above. She waa tpecleliy deelgoed for aerrlee la tbeee
Chineae river* and to it likely to prove
more effeetlve than any otkar of toe
foreign warahlpe. She earrlee a bat
tery parUenlarly adapted to .^tng
with each mob* aa the Bonare.
Kern for Governor and Fall Btnta
Tleket Momlnated.
Bfceui to Tta Uorulnc Itoeord
diaaapollB. Ind., June ft — The
Dcmoeratle etote oonventlon eoaeinded
Ha work at ft o’clock tola evening. The
following fall ticket wee nomlnetod:
Governor, John W. Sern. IndlanapoUe;
Lieutenant Governor, John C. Lawler.'
Salem: eecretary of atote. Adam
BeUnberger, New Albany: auditor.
John W. Mlner.lndlanapolU: treaeurer.
Jerome Herff. Pero; attorney general,
Cbarlce P. Drummond, Plymolb: re
porter of ■npicme court, B. G. Yergln,
NewCaatle: superintondem of public
inetmctlon. Ckarlce Greatouee, Mt.
Vemoa: chief of bureau of etotietice.
Edward Herff. Madiaon; judge of
enpreme oonrt, first dletriet, Q. L
Belnbardt^ Bloemlagton; fonrtb dieiriot, 1. W. Adair. Oolambla City.
for Bvente of Jnly Srd. 4th and fitb.
TbaTraveree City Driving Park AnaociaUon propoeee to make the Ponrlh
o( Jnlyraee meeting one of exceptional
attraction* and over 11,000 will - be
hnng up In pnrMt. Already the three
dayt' meeting la being talked of among
noted bOTvemen abont the etate and
many good trotten, pacer* and >nnnlagboineiareearetobe here.
Saperintendent Peter Wnrzbnrg of
aMKRit-ax LxacuB.
the Aaoelatioa ha* eompleted hie fig.
vret of the amonau expended for ImCbieegav*ClevuUnd.mln.
proyementi on the park and the total
0 * t
etneede tl.oOO- The track le conceded
to be the beet half-miU track la thle
Dowling and Smith; Cronin and
part of the etoie and aa good ae any In Bynn.
ntarenting Inoidena Tol' by Soldien
Miehlgan. Under the exUtlng eoadiWho went from TraverM City
ttoo* the meeting during the big oelcBhret and Fiahar; Dnmman and 'The Mensixo Bxoomo le In rnedpt of
bmtloa le eare to be enecneefnl and aa
•evaral letien from Traveme City boyt
event of morn than ordinary latomtU Hevdou
la the PhiUpplaee, which will be pnbUehedia nfew daya Aaeo^ (hem le
Geer and Geadlar Booker and one from Braae Schofield, together
iHthaanmber of Interettlnc photoBoth LooalTcnto and HlvtowUlJoia Speer.
of eeeaea In the lelanda torangh
la Servicto Dext Snadny.
which our aoldien have paaead. Be
next Sunday «dU be the E. O. T. M.
And attow matting ntrleUy nteaat, aleo eende aome Manila pnpnre, nrannd
nbtnUowing tor freight or eotteC
Ketoorial Day and praparatiOM ara la
rhich waa wrapped a page ed the
IBe Dcetoa StoreprogTCH for a fikUng obawvanee et the
MoBxtxo Rxocbu of Feb. 88th, TIm
oeeealoa. Travwaa City Test, Mo. >71
aadTravameBayTentMo. lUasdboth Btmiabtr
USsSi-..... :::::
2» I
hivoB wUlJoln Is a earviee to beheld la
Fdraaton' hnU at t p. m. at which Bev.
A. A. WaU wiU oOelato. After the
nervleae the Maeeabeaa and L. a T. U.
wmpreraedto.the eneeitoTy.t^era the
gvnvueot dapnrtod netobeca irlU ha
nmiiubt >dUM
the efiee of pabUeation.
The Icttera oontoln mneh of great
Inteitot and come exeiting tolee of experi^eeewith HUatoea.
CiB aU liana at the Barton Btoca.
Ponrth Year—No. 964
Dwittg to Lame Bead He ie Oompelled
to CAll off the Kateh Arraagad
With One BnhUa.
aiaetoi to T>e MeBxim RKom
Mew York. Joae 6-Bob Filnlamona
compelled to eaU 'the mateh *Hth
Gee RaUin off. owing to the faetthtt
hto left hand melajnred in hla reoeat
mator *Htb Bd Dnakhoret la a very
bed way. Tha mateh waa origiaaUy to
have token plaee at Taekaho. M. Y..
Jane 1. bat bit bead eaaaad Fitaelme to aak for a "poatpoMmeat natD
June 18. FltxtlBimoBa forfrite 41.00&
We will gift a'pair of hoMevahoer
FREE to mery baby bom in
tano. Not 0 penny da you have
to pay—Juit bring u« tlie
New assortment of the latest
and best goods just received—
Also bus bolls and baU sup-
Call and see them,
I Mackintoslies and Umbrellns
A lltUe money spent here
will keep yonr feel eaay and
comfortable during the hot,
sultry, foot trying montbr.
Women's Oifotds
Black and Un—eeveral trim,
neat atylee to cbooae from—
•1.00 a pair.
Men's Canvas Shoes
Men's Bicycle Shoes
8150 kind — extra quality
eanvaa top*, leather etoyed,
elk eolee—81.00 a pair.
Boy's Bicycle Shou
Chooblate' color, all leathern.
The Leader In Fine Footwear
Bike Wateb Caeca
of values or miBrepresenlation of styli' and iiunlitj’
here—none of the cheap
John tricks so conimon to
bouses that are coDtinnally
ert^ting ‘’Special sales’’—
\\'e sell strictly uew go<^
St the lowest regular pricft
—Our congratnlatioBs to
those who have their eyes
open and know
btiaw Bat*
5 eu to 81.50.
Newjand Bata
81. 83. S3.
Union Mode'
81 00. 81 «5.
I'oioD Mode
OveioUa 49C.
New Tiee
35 and 50c.
Top Coau
•S.OO.fT.OO, 810.00.
All worth
a great deal mom
Are you amongPthose who have taken advantage of
the specialSprices we are hiakiog on
In-all desirable styles and|materials? ■ ?2.98. >4.98, >7.98,
$9.98 buys suits that were priced at about a half more—
One, two of a kind—that's the reason.
>11.48 takes choice of any suit in the store.
Minute Rates
Isphamtng, Iron Mountain
and other
Upper Peninsula
New Lines
Low Bates
Ladies' Eid^ace Shoes......................... 98o
Men's Batin Oalf Bale ............................88c
Boy's Satin Oalf BaU......................... $1.00
Ladles’ BlacX|and Tan Oxfords.......... 76c
Misses BozlOall Lace....... .................... 75o
Woman's Kid Button.. ......................:. 7Bc
Serge and Carpet Slippers................... 25c
Woman's Oil Grain Button Shoes .. ., 87c
Men's and Boy’s Working Shoes.........88c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Ozlords
at...... ............. .......... 50,60 and 76c
Get them of thelOld Beliable,
New Store
Have You..
• For buying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get
242 Front Street
5 Are Your
I Feet Tender?
Do you have trouble in getting a new shoe; ^
that is perfectly easy?
It you do you ought to' try a pair of Minor’s
Easy Shoes, and know what it is to have
one pair of shoes that ard'as comfortable as
a stocking'.
The easiest ’’Easy” shoe made for ladiesLace or button—$2^0. .
J McNamara Block
ncnc OF OLD settleks
ns Mourura ssoobo.
am Dope tmtlAed
bolamd-wbigMt. '
ttethemweeMeattteoo the BlaekVwymttpWoddiMM stun BttMt
eotadap. Map t7. belag
PlMSttSt OttthariBff ot Fl»>
ia<aio*a difeao by Mr. eod Mra. ITleekmtB
TsMdapbeatwtbea aam cattle la
AwoddlMof wteipteustte TravBMW Bt Old MissiOB.
toraed them apoa Ue
emCt^FOBaf paepto was the mar
owapnmtaee. Wlthteafew atamtee,
riage of OM of iMlr aambsr. Miss
Mr. aadMie.Blaekmaa appeared, and Mopallp MtamlaaS bp
Daisy BoUad to Mr. Jama 0. Wright
«M. T. Bact«:ajci> J. W. B*nn'
what ha weald releaec
QfuaaviUe. Tha aaramoop took
Paeple MaettM Uwslp AitaMed
f. w. BAnu. Bdi*er wd Mmc«- attte for. He aid that bo weaU
pUaaatthahomaef the hridab parand
etaiae that tbe
Mta, Mr. aad Mia. V. A Rolaad on
wlad bUw Mro. TUeelrwami
aaioa WUl be in Tracama Oltp.
a T. Bloat of Otaeo
aeide. ead be mw a toreiear that aba
Tbe aasaal meeting of the Old Bplaeopal ehwuh offleUtlag- The
honao was prottUp daeoratad
A Old Mtt
Wkaa bo dkeoforad the cerolew. be
L, roam aad earaatlMs.
paatwdapwae a gnat saoeeas. The
«w«« So
Mre. Bleekmaa to
eiR caecum
OalamUa had bean aaebrad te Tha bridaamald waa MM Gapla Be•Gat late the read ae qalek M Oed wUl
If you once try an iron bed you will never use a
taka tbe enarttoaiats from Trareree land, aad the hast asaa Mr. Earl
ilsed Ue ramarka
OraanvlUs, the groom's
and remain at Old Mtaion to bring
wood bed again, '^he iron beds are so neat, clean and
, . .
dedarod that Mta
tbam baek la the aftanoon. Tbe brothar. Tbs brida won a travallng
Blad«a8 pointed the reetiw at hie
durable and furnish a room so nicely. I have a very
mamlag opened an ideal dap for eaoh gown of tan broadelolh aad carrtad
wife M aha paaad. and that be told
a trip bp water, and the Oolambla left plnhroam. MMGaplowasdraaaod In
large line, ranging ia price from $3.75, $4.50, $5.50,
bar that Uehedidaotgotoetoftba
pink and earriod a largo boaqMt of
the dock wlU isi
S6.00, S6.75 and on up to S30.00.
letatoaoe, bewoold laVhar bralaaeot
Omene the Oeieent was met with M daiaiaa, RetreahmoBto ware aorvad
with a harp iqoara that ha had la hte
1 Morthport and tbe aftor tha eeramoap, eaoaisttac of plak
We can please anyonj in both style and 4>rice.
hand. Beaaeared the jarp that ha
traneter was mads te tbe Oolambla. At aad white lee eroam la heart ahapad
for we have about 70 styles to select froirt.
woald have doM it. too.
Old Himlon eeceral hnndred poopU tens, and eaka Tbe bride and groom
0011,9 Ctark N.wk. wunrato. oirf
gaca tba rlsltors eordlal weloeme at
g to the eleetloe
tte dock aad the Old Mtaioa bead G. R. A I. train and were aeeompanled
retaraa^ Mn. Bleekmea wm aot a pebto the traia bp tbe gaesu, who sent
made Sne maaie.
Ue ofteer. eoaetable.
A large aamber of Tracane atp them OB tiwir jonraap followcH bp
aap officer of the peace.
people bed Uken advantage of the showers of good wishes for their fa tare
-lU aaUM
Mra. Daps teetided to the etorp enb- beeatlfnl drive end bad gone to tbe
in whteh many friends in
itlellp BB told bp her baebaad. BMtlag in that wap. aad the Onekaose .Traversa City wilt nnito.
olalmlag that la addlUoa to polatlag farooght over a erowd from Blk Bbpids.''
the recolvermt her, Mra. Blaekmaa
Grange ball was opened for t^
alao pointed it et Mre. Dope' eon.
M M foUetro. M • bMl> 0( oi
ceMlonbalwas not large enongh to
•.or ft BOK17.eo*t oi
(or rKb
Mn. Bleekmaa tettided that ehe aad bold the erowd and maap eompanp
her baband Lad had a greet deal of picnic dlnoen were taken on tbe grats
troable with tbe Dope lamUp, and with under aearbp trees.
othera of their nelghboia. She •nede
The Old MlaioD people treated their
OftrAftM. ■■•■.
auBp ettempu to go Into the hletorp gaestv In e ropal manner and nothing
of the troable for peara pact, bat wae waa too good for the vieitora.
at permitted to do ao.
verp proper that this aMoUng ehonld
She told bow.the eatUe baloogtag to be held at Old Hisaloa. as that
familp liclBg aboat two milei awap,
Brat point on Grand Traverae bap to be
had been Impoanded bp heraelf and eettled bp white men. over elxtp. peers
TkAlr Hope Bating Is Bitu.
habaad on Sandap. bow thop bad ago.
SemoerAUe aewipera aake maeh atraped Into the nlghwapend bad been
The basiooM meeting waa eaUed to
MpUal out of the «xUtlBf
hU lot bp Ur. Depa. She order bp the president. H. t. Brink
Today we offer 25 pi>er cent,
o our entire stock
^ dtsconnt
la the PhUlpplOM en< refer freqneotlp tattfled that the and her bwband bad
I, who weleomad the old MtUers
of ladies' Tea Shoes and Oxfo
fords Onr footwear is strictly np-toJate
to the eppereat \aeblUtp of the edmla- goneorerto *M aboat getting them
mat eordlallp and gave a pleasant ten
and allsizea .Onr aelling prices arc ?150. fc’.OO. $2.50, gt.Ou. S350.
Jatretioa toeabdae the laennecUoa. again, and that tor fear that Dapa
minntM' Ulk. Tha band gave |ood
Aoday we offer
Oner 2-i
2-5 per
ner cent,
r^nt disconni
Hia.9%nni from
fr-.-n above
akn,.... prices—iuctudiug
At the eeae tliae Demoeratie eclteton woold earrp oat threata of personal
music aad tbe glM elnb reeelved
the Jennem Miller Hygienic Shoes. They fit the feet as natore in
is thU eoaaUT ere Urgelj i
cioleeee apon Mr. Blackman, she took
J "fti, dinuii nfMOY'
merited applense.
tended. Now if ev»-r yon want to buy good -shoes cheap—this is the
far maeb of the deUp ia eetebUehlnc aloog the rerolTer, eanplBg it openlp
Tiavara Cltp waa MlectOd as
shoe chance of the season. Come ipeaee la oar aew pSeeaeitoBi F. O. labor hand m that no eberge of earrpplaos of holding tbe annual mating in
rith tUe ing oonoealed wapona might be
Jane. IMl, and offieerpjsana^eeted as
. aamber of the brought against her. ea bed bwn made
Pelted Sutee hoepitel eorpt ia the egaian both her haeband aad her son.
Praldent-Thos./T. Bates.
Waad of Peaep, wrliee that the FiUpiShe was empbsUe In her declaration
Boeording SeereUrp—C. H. Bates.
Boe ftrmljr bellere ihat the
that the reeoleer waa not coneealed et
Corresponding Se^tarp — L.
«UI gala their ladepeadeaee after the anp time, and her hasbud's teeliaioap
•toetioa of W. J. Brpaa. To thie the agreed with hers apon the polot. Tnep
Treasarer-~Lowell Soars.'
writer attributee maeh of thereaU- both told e etorp that eoandeS straight
Vice Presidents—Grand Traverse. F.
taeeeoftbe aatl?M to Amerieea aelagh and apoed in all
HamUton: Benzie. R. B. Bepnolds:
theritp. ae tbep cUag to the hope Uiat tlealsrs, bat was in straight eontadic- ___ ,___s. Wm. CoreiT Antrim, J. J.j
letheeTeotot a Demoeratie rietorp tloD to tbs tesUmonp prea br Mr. aad
McLSnghUn; Ealkaska, A. B. Palmer;
«Ue fall the Phllipplaoe will be re- Mn. Daps.
Charlevoix, W. A. Smith.
laaaed from the eoatrol of the Uaited
The attoneps ‘made their pleas and
BUtorlans — Grand Traverae. Mia
BUtee. While there It Dot erea a nte ease went to the jarp aboat K NstUe Orap; Benzie, E. Li^letter;
■ote poetibllltp of Brpaa'eerer beoom' o'eloek In tbe erenlng. Thep were oat
1, Mrs. J. W. 1
teg pmideat.eTea thoagh there abOBld bot a abort time when thep brought ia
trim, Alex Campbell; Kalkaka, J. M.
be a Demoeratie rietoiT the Fitiplnoe a eerdlet of galltp, but
T^nklepangb; Cbarievoix. E. H. Green
«oaU hope lor no better ehaage la the the aeeosed to tbe mercp of the eonrt.
A bavp rain Mt in after dinner, and
attltade of thie eouatrp. The more
Jutiee Brosm eospended aentenee
le meeting broke np somewhat
raaeoaeble of the leading Democrate of for two weeks, and iastmcted that tbe
arlier than it btherwue would have
the oonntrp recognize follp the wiedom revolvers owned bp Mr. end Mrs.
done, tbe Traverse City eseursionlsu
of the eonrae of the admioUtratioa and Bleekmen be deposited with tbe proseG o’eloek.
ttap also know that a departure from eating ettomep, who engaged to pep
Tbe last pear'-Sa been the
the ptane oaUlaed la refereaee to the them whet thep coat.
Mr. Pratt is very anxlons to get this oeafnl one in tbe hiatorp of the aPhUippinee woetd lead the United matter MtUed a there has been so
and thie mating
matee into grace dlfflenltlee, and be- maeh troable In that part of Pi^ise
Paradise iI,giuag close to such e pear.
_pidee, iBTite the dlaapproral of a great
I map be
■hjoritp of the Amerioaa people.
3od jangle
A Life and Datb Fight
•anoa'p trade leal p'
Mr. W. A. Hina of Manehater, la..
■boat e miUiOB dollare,
GlOO Reward, llOO.
Is spent tt the table eating in a
writing of hU almat miracnlous aHas been helped on the road to
thea half being importa. 'Hie balk of
The readers of this paper will
eape from datb. aps: '‘Expoeure after
year (that’s only half an hour three times fortune by his neatness and taste in dress.
,leaeod to learn that there U at le
U waa tcaaaaeted with tbe Ai
measla indneed serious lung tronblr.
The ehare of the United one dread dlseae that alena ha ban which ended in eonaamptioa. 1 bad
fashionable men’s outfitters,
able to cure in all ttt staga and that 1s
d onlp to tlST.OOO, bat Oaterrh. Hall's Cstarrh Cure U the freqaent bemorrhaga and eonghed
to sit on. Our unequalled seller is $6.75 and our sales show that the public appre
erfU BOW tapldlp iaereeeeonly poeltive -eure now known to tbe
ma^ frstemitp. CMtarrh being
for a set of six. Of course we've cheaper ciate our efforts. There's bicycle clothing
Okaibmax Ekkk. of the Demoeratie eoaatltaUonaldlseea. reqnira a' a
eUtnllonel tratmat. Ball's Catar..
;dvia and all ap it never falls to
ones, but this we pride ourselves on. If —best suits in the lapd at $5. $7 and $7.50.
Owe Is taken tntemslly, aUng directThroat. Chestand Langtroubla."
■kpi that he hae eeat oat pn
Ip upon the blood and mnwns aurtaca Regular size SOc and SI.OO. Trial bot
you want a good comfortable. ser\’iceable and our great line of $7.50 serge suits,
UtelepoecheetUepear. Tbereleao of tbe cpstem, thereby datroping the tles iOc at S E. Wall and Ja. G. Joba—-______.______
disease, and giving!
____- I son's dragstora.
chair buy thi^—other prices are S7.75 and our uneqiulled line of down to date
Bemaad for ellcer Uteratore, the cab- foundatloo of tbe
the psUent strength by buUding apl
paet belag a dead oneS8.50. Sq.45. Stt.50, Si6. SiS, S20.
* £
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
We Make Eyeiy Day
A Special Sboe Da;
in Oar Store
A. 8. FRYUAK, Practical Shoe Kan, IStl Fmt-Stnet
Results of Buyinff
At Our Store
You get the latest and most down-to-date goods.
Wo only handle goods that will retain your patronage.
Wo buy for spot cash only; that always means the low.
est to us and our customers always get the benefit
31,850 MINUTES
TnntxeaKE pn
«rlp a mlliloa
- toae more eoal laet pear than in 1«»3.
Tbatoagbttobe an. iadostriel objeet eure.
Send for
fnv Itat
li.t of
«f tatl^nUla !»« Should ssy they were.
ire. Send
to tbe eonth, eepeeiellp ae
AddreaF. J. Chaep ACo..Toledo.O.
Sold by drugglsu. 7ie.
on poor side. L6ok th.
eellp tbe whole of it wae ated et
tbe bat.
-tbe taetoriee of that etate.
\ Out ?\IL9 ICUlinery
Jwy Bboommended Keroy
For Mrs. BlAokmsD.
Two Veeka, StipnlaUag That Her
PtotolebeTaned Over te Proeeea- tor—latwerttng Teeiimoop la the
Thejuyin tbe eea against Mrs.
^aGlet of gntltp lest evening, making
• recommendation of mercp to the
«ent. The eea ooeapied mat of the
•Oenoea aad evening in Jutia
Brown's oonrt, end wa strongly oontastod between Proeaentor PmU for
Me people and M. O. Dodge for the deTGeoffana ehnrgod wee oarTplag
MGaeled wanpeM. Beth the earn------------------Dnpe. and the
MdAcrthepatGa peara theca hae
Mm mmA ill feaUaf aad thim* iHm
a ta a eeadltfoa that stroogip eavM a plaa te lam happy than par ■ -
Black Crepons for gi.it.. othera in
proportion, at The Baton Store'
Is going very fat daring tbU sale.
It is the big reductloas that dealt.
-Hie Baton Store.
—Groceries that insure and pro*
mote health, and prices and quality that mean
economy and satisfaction.
Our every day prices are always as low as the
' special sale figures of others. Convince yourself
by calling. We are here to please you and all we
want is an opportunity.
Phone 149.
Up.To-Date Grocer.
Just rest on one of our couches—,
got a line never before touched'at the
price, $6.75. Your liable to pay $8.00 for
the very same thing anywhere else, and
they are fully worth it. but we bought
them cheap for spot cash, and that means
We are giving.you the benefit. Other
prices are SS.oo. S9.00. $10.90. S12.75, S15,
S18. up to S47.75.
Those are our rockers. Nothing
so restful after a hard day's work as an
«asy rocker. We have little rockers and
big rockers for little money or big money.
-You're the one to be pleased. One style
sells for $1.35; cant seat with braced arms
for S1.50; Big Bostoa, big dad easy. $a.io.
Choose from these: $3.00, $4.50, $6.oo,
$7.50, $9J», $10.75, Sn.50. $12.
hats—the Kiffesbury at $3.00. the champ
ion at Sr.50. and the King at S2.50;
And'we caMnol devise clothes
that the modefn^boy will not wear out in
time, but we are selling some clothes that
will wear longer than many that are sold
for the same money. And those boy's
knee hose—they, ha-ve a quadruple knee
re-intorced heel—the best ever put on'the
market and they sell for only 25c.
But a lucky purchase enables us
to offer you some suits that for quaUty
have never been equalled, and one
line will cost yon just an even Four for
tbe entire suit. G<k AGother bargain that's
yours for just Five^ Dollars, and yet an
other bigger and better that goes at six
—only the early ones get these “specials.”
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
^ ■
jttUr From Oaraaea EoUar ia t
PkaipToca SaaeriMac tka Life
Homaiaa et Waltou HeOoy wHi be ^t
Klchlgsii HardwooA Lomber
An order haa beau to««ndtoam the
Sasodation Msetinff.
wardapanamt by Ooegtusnaa
8. Beada baa Jaat raaalvad a latter
tactteegnMr ooutrr ia bekaU of
aiA tor the ahlpment of tbe remains of
Ibair fOfWMwt. Th^ go tnm MIAAdhraad Xnspaetlon Bureau Plan of WaltonMeOey toUs former borne
ploya. MW tn the Philippian witn
Sm to tba Iron werhi at Plttabarf.
South Boardman. McCoy wm former
Hatlonal Ataodatien-Haeb SilabCompany 1 of the Forty neoad Daitod
Tba faoafe of alau aaditon baa ally with the Thirty-Sinth vDlusteer luStotoa VolBBtaer lafaatry. Xaadditloa
UAad lnq>eetiOB Firm to be Bepu- fantry at Manila.
loaradLoaiaSekmidtof Oraad Baptda
aoldaadar tka }elat naolaUoo of Ae
tieaVodorSBrveyerOeaaral Walllar
Qloetou# Jfewe"*
.laat UflMatu* aatkarUiaf tke board
have baaa made by a baad of whlah ha
SstohUshad Prieea to ha Halntalnad
toteaaaUirata tka
wee a mamhar. He wrltoa:
ff tka Ion of hia ana while ftr—Urveat Kactiny
■‘On tba nth day of Match U aaan
tasanlata at Onad Haaaa aararal
The moat profitable mutiny of tba
Fianaro. ISm reward wOl be |»td from Compaay L aad an eqaal aamber
from Compaay I atortod oa a three year was bald in the parioA of Park
out OB her head and face, aad the
to a lanp aas.
day's aoonb Tbe Snt day we foaad Place hotel yesterday by ^ Micbiyan best doetora could give uo help: but
^Patoakar will kaaa aa old faaUoaad
BOtbiny worthy of aetc, hnt the aaeond Hardwood Lumber Andidation. The uow her health la axeellant.’' Electric
Bitters is the beet blood purifltt known
Smth of Jalj ealabratioa: Saarly
day wa laa into a band of Udranas ofiea of the aaeratary waa not larye
•LOn waa aabaerfbad Moddar; aod at
aad captured them befora they eonld cnonyh to hold all who were preaent
a altitea'B maatiac bald ia the
open fire. Tba eaptnre Inclndad aever- so the hotel parlora ware obtoioad.
Iwoaa a foU aatof eoamittaea
Tbe delayattOB who went to Clnelnal prisonan, aewny them an American
aoUUar by tba name ef Jaan Morray naU to the Hattonal Axwdatlon re Only 50c. S( d by 8. E. Walt uad Jas.
At Port Hone tka dlaaopaaraaoa of
of Company K, Twenty-ftiat Infantry, ported tbachanye In the InapeeUon 0. Johnson, i mg^t. Gnaranwad.
Uttla Fred Cbanaj on Satardaj baa
who bad baaa bald a ^iaoner since ratea and also ibelr *iawa oa the snhbaan elaarad op bj tba fiadlaff of bk
Jnly 12, -16»o. Wa also took l' bamboo ieet of national inspection.
' body la Blaek river.
not remove from Kalamazoo, the fact
After an earnest and thonyhi
2 brass cannon, its Manur
the company
Jlra. J. J. Telford of LoniaTllla. Kj.. and Remlnyton riflu. SOboloa. 100 tmy* eusslon the aaaoeiation aptwotod of and that a reorganlsatioB
haared betaelf at tka Aleta aaaitarian. oneta, 3S nniformi. 8 taddlaa. SOOponnda indorsed the plsn of tbe Inspection
under way bavlug probably
Ska waa mentallj nabalanead. She lof rice. 8.000 ronndsof ammoaition and Bereau adopted by the Xstional AjeO' given rise to the reoori.
atranrled banalf with the atrap of
a larye qnantity of eorraapondenea ra- elation, with tbe undcratandlny that
If fortnue disregard thy claim
talaaoopa eaartatiny to, a battalion that haa baen|
Don’t hang thy head In fear and.
Horace Oarlar of Alaja. la taklaf3a formed at-this plaee.
be appointed a deputy, so that their ehamd
dcaa of epaoB aalta nade a mUtake
■'On March 25 a datoehmant from boslnesk relations wlih manufaeturera
aad awallowad a Uberml qaaatitr of this company eaptnrad Oan Miguel would not be changed.
aalpbauofalaa. B7 tbe prompt ef- Aynlno Bamablc, and on April 1 an
It was also decided kJ reaolntion
Ask your druggist.
ferta of tka doelora hla Ufa waa aavad. other detachment captured' bealdca a that the prieea etublUbad by the AaAU Wool
.At Saclftaw Meadar afternoon Oor- a quantity of imaller arma, papers per- Bociation should be msintoinad.
oaar Stewart ordered Skarlff Hewtoe tolnluy to tbe formation of another
Scotch mixtures for -ISe i
Surveyor General M. M. Wall of
to axbame tka reanlaa of Mra. Jacob company of PUIplnoa.
Buffalo aod Mr. S. D. Strode of the
Uaar. wko died reeeatlp at Baer.
I think wa will have made a record Chicago Hardwood Record were pres
towaahlp. Saclaaw eoaa^,
ent aud contributed much to tbe Intor* eaptnrad before we laare
naderallacad paaellar etreomataneM. serrloa. It U jait like yolny fixblny to eat of tbe meeting.
Tsk* the iceulee. •rlflasl
Tka iavaeUfatloa wiu be ooodaeted yet after tba FiUplnoa. They are easy.
A s^e pf 150.000 feet of maple, l and
aadar tba dlraatiea ef Max Seblaflra of
I S in. tbldk.%as made by one of ibe
Tonza truly.
bat Jerdaa. Chartaaol^coBatp, lather
members at |14 per thousand, log-run.
Claranoe BeUey."
keeps TO" weU. Oar trade
ef tba dead wonaa.
A partial list of those present Is as
SxenisloB to Omeai
ta an looked for.
follows: O. B. Day, Glen Haven; U.'
a tats. Ask ywir dranUt.
Mra. Jobs Ooota ef Port Heron threw
ThceteamerColnmbla wiU rui
B. Lewto and W. B. Chandler of Blk
bar babr fro« a berainr beUdlnfr excursion to Omena tom»row, ica
Bapids Iron Co.; James Cameron of the
Teeaday. and It waa aafalf caacbt Ua dock at 10 o'clock. This
Cameron Lamber Co.: B. B. Portor«nd
She then iempad harafif. landiar In aflord-an excellent opportunity ... Mr. Frost of East Jordan Lumber Co ;
ladles and ebildran and indeed whole M. OberlinofBlaghamiW. H. Whito
MaTor Leiek of Ann Arbor on Satnr- families to rialt tba resort for tba first of White Lumber Co.: k-XTetodslay
day rcMivad a oonmnnloation from time this year remaining ashore about and C. Von Platon of Boyae City; Jerry
San Franelaeo atatlny that mlUlona of three hours. Tbe fare will be bat 25 Sullivan of Cedar Ciij4 W. Case of Cuee
doUata worth of eropa wonld be loat canto and eraryone will be aaiurad oLa Lumber Co.: H. 'CbamMclln and G. F.
tbla aeacon beeaeta of the lack of help. pleasant trip.
Brown of Central Lake Lumber Co.;
J. F. Ou of J. F. Oti d; Co. and L. BobThe oommanleaUoB eoatained an ap
Omena Inn Opened.
erU of Palgbum Manufacturing Com
peal for men. aad many applicaUona
«1 T. Paye was in tba city ye
pany: M. M. Wall of Buffalo, surveyor anv other store in town.
have been made to tba mayor by
Repairing neatly and quickly done.
who hare bean nixed with the Idea day on hla sray/from Orand Baplds^ general,: S. p. Strode of Chicago: In-
Iky !
Jl 7M veer onV of onr
aev Hsn, Schaffaer A
Man snits this setaon, yon
have the beet clothee
money can buy.
They’re worth more to
any man than other clothes,
hot the way ve ere selling
. them they will co<i yoo letg
than many oibera.
They’re tbe kind adver
tised in tbe leading ntgazinea and vom by good
dreaecrs everywhere.
Dont Be Fooledi
... ..
Don’t Pay High Prices
that they want to yo to the eoaatClaraaee Confer of Benton Harbor,
nyad I2. haa attracted tba attention of
people of that place by faU wondrrfal
knowladye of electricity. Tba lad
allmhad Into a tree and topped a SOO
Tolt electric trolley wire by remorloy
the InaolaUon. A wire waa eonnrctad
with the boy'a playboota la tba atU:
of Ma home, where babaatneandeaecB'.
Uybla. awitchea. yaneratore and other
alaetrioal machinery. Where the boy
obtained hla electrical machinery ia a
nyatary. ^ elrcalt waa eompletod by
eonnartlny a arira to a water pipe. The
lad ia BOW in Aarya of the offiaara for
j"—-tne^ u electric wire.
Omena, and reporu Omena Inn open
and ready for businam. The formal
niny is yenerally about tbe 2oth,
people are applymy for board mneb
earlier in the season than usual. The
Paye cottage. In ehsrye of Mrs. Helen
Oarllle. will open the 20lh.
Conyressman William Aldan Smith
hs called upon tbe presiden
cratoryoftbe nary and
that Grand Baplds would be a yood
name to call the next armored crulaer
that ibc yovemment waa to tom out.
Be called attention to the fact that
porta, and made a atrony plea for the
yrantlny of his reqoeat. Congreoaman
Smith bellCTes be nas rcaaon to think
that the next armored eralser or at
least tbe next ynnboat will bear tbe
naate of the famitore city.
speeton J. Gillett. L. A. Hoyt. M.
Chamberlin and Chas. CbrUtlanson.
Under the inspection bureau
adopted at Cincinnati by the National
Association each Inspector and deputy
Is-rttisired to give a bond and all
apections of lamber shall be made un
der the administration of Surveyor
General Wall. When mcaberis ship
ped tbe figures of tbe local Intpeeimnst tally with that of the Inspect
or at tbe other end and the locaes if
any. shall 1>e ma^C4food by tbe inspect
or at tbe shipping point. This rule, it
Is expected, will make tbe inspection
uniform and the certificates of the
local inspector Aall be sent on with
tbe Alpment the same as a bill of
lading, thus obviating much of the
difiienlies bereufore eonteeded with.
A Moneter XtoTil Fish
itroying lu victim, la a tj
Constipation. Tbe power of ibii
The smsUrr Die fish tbe more II
Ptmlns th^ veraV'li}' or tb<' fl»hi-niian.
Every lurruum patron wito get* a
bCPil btdps tlu- iiroiirlelor to get abend.
As the IB-Ig la lieiit mi Ih Die small
boy incUued to abool—out the Lack
himself boa n dlHI
ruh Job ou, Liiuil.
AVbrk anil dun't worry If yon would
be liiipji.v. tVorrj- and don’tI work If
■ yo\i Konld l«« oDiei-BThe woman wlio marrii-s a man be
cause she is Kitrry for him Is apl to be
aerrj' for -tiers«-lf later «>u.
Tbi-ri- Is always risiiii at the to{w
and It li's a wiiunnV h-ticr. there la
always riH.in at the Ixittoiii—fiir ajwstBcrtpi.
Only n •.trong-nilmhsl man oan
a boiile of I
1' N«-wii.
Bate* teptr M.
Here lx u rlianiiing aud roaobing
Story of thf quM u and Udy Uoliens.
tTben Lady «ot»Ti» wa. at WiDclsor
a f«w wn-ka spi ilu- (im-vu band
liUDdnl h
janvl, .aylug:
••Her.SOpHdblDg that 1 haw Di.lI up
up' »1.„
my own hands, and that 1 l«-c v<iu not
to opem until you pi-t homr" Ou her
return borne Ijdy icolx-ns found that
tbe percrl rontalned Die Victoria Cnws
Woo by her dealt son by hi. gatlADtry
•t tbe first tmiDi- of Coli-nso.
A number of wool growers have less
edtoomthe Union Pnelfie Land Oo.
HHte * mUlte ner« of laad In
IMiW .
wm b. wd u .
viator mate tor ahenp gmslng. ThU
to the Urgent trnasaetioa of the. Uod
which tom been B m In thie oonstry.
We. the enderelfMd. de hwelw
, eree to refund the money oa •
•eat ho^
botUe ef‘ Oreeae'e
* “
Wsmeted ^iBpotTUr
, M TUMf U feiie to enre your eoagb
OTeeld. iWe aUo gnerutoe n u-eeat
8 r Wait. Bajh^A*Ba^
l^,Jamee«.JshMeB,F.O. Themp.
Concert at Blk Baplda
Prof, and Mr*. C. E. Horst will give
1 concert at Elk Bapids next Friday
evening, under the auspices of tbe woPliUareaMfeaad certain ears. Best
I's club of that plaee. Mlm^er
in the world for Stomach. Liver. Kid
neys and Bowela Onlv 25 cento at'S. will act as acMmpanUt.,'
Jnbnaon's drag
A Wealth of^nty
Is often bidden by-nnsightly Pimple
Eczema. Tetter. Erysipela-. SaltRhenn
Baeklen's Amlea Salve wUl gloi
be face by coring atl Skin Enip
ttODS, also Cute, BniisM, Burns. Bolls.
Felons. Ulcers and wont forms of
Pilee, Only 25c a bos. Cure guarnnteed. Sold by S. & Wall and J«s. 6.
Johnson, druggist.
Opera House
Saturday, June 9 I
Right from New Vork CUt.
I In four acts, dramatized from Alpbonae
Dandet's Famous Novel-
Under tbe laBifemiot of Jis. D. FIjn
Interpreted by e aplendid company
—beaded by.
Miss Nellie Elting,.
as Fanny LeOraw,
Tbe InoKbing Ceree in ^acta,
^‘My Friend Tom.’
A laogh from sUrt to
Tbe Coaet-of-MaiDe Drama,
A play that toaobea tbe heart. It
baa the merit and similarity that
made “Shore Acrea" famooa, an#
gave it length of daya.
MpecUl Snmmar Prloaa—10.
20 and 30c. Seato on sale at box
offioe tomorrow morning.
New and beautiful scenery.
Gorgeous costumof.
At 25 per cent off. Toe Boston Store.
The greet ball room scene.
Tbe worlds famous stairesso seen*.
2,000 CUldren't silt.
25 per cent off
Onr swell line of silks.
Th* Boston Store.
*5o\)iv A)DeeKs
The various departments in our store will be
•actively engaged in reducing present stocks to pre
pare for fall business, and the following is the
”?Togram 5 or
“iWee La^s*.
THURSU.XY-.Sp=cial .Sal. ■ „
ored Dress Goods.
Wrappers and Kid. Gloves. ’
and Col-
Waisls and Ready Made
j Prices...... ,2.j. .>0, 7.>c and Sl.LK)
New York's raging sensation.
Opera House
June 11 and 12
314 Front Street
Steinberg’s Grand
Two Nights
For fine cotton warp Jap
anese Mattings, in sever
al choice designs—Qoalities are 25 and 28c grades
See t>ur window.
Reliable Drj Goods. Carpet.., aad Clothing House.
SpedaVs 'vw *DTasa 5oo4s
^OT ‘^WsAaQ.
Black Crepons............................................ for 88c
Elegant Black Brocades. Stripes aud Sicilians $1.00 for 68o
Small line colored Serges, extraordinary values st........ 696
Handsome lines of Plaids............................... 60c for
56 ineb Plaids, prices from $1.2.3 to $2.H0 per yard,
at HALF PRICE, viz......................... e84cto$1.46
Magnificent values and splendid fabrics for
rainy day skirts.^'
25c Brocades for..................... ..................... ..............
Many other specials equally good and* cb^p. '*
10 per oenu dlMoont on aU other wool dreee goods.
W. Milliken
Are Visiting the ©BAND TJNLOADINQ SALE at the Boston Store each day—and each day the
appreciation of our wonderftil“offerings is more noticeable. The experience of ithe past tew days
has taught us that prices will sell the goods at any season of the year, and we mean to make a
dead sweep, and do it Vrith low prices.
To a wise purchaser the significance of this sale is well imderstood, but to others we can
only say INVESTIGATE. Wejcan save you money on any article in oim Une,.and will take great
pleasure in so doing, providing you make your purchases in the next few days.
Take advantage of it now.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Love are the parBantlln Garland’s Lstcet boodBtory. enu of a ten pound daughter.
Georgs Thlrlby is seriously 111 with
Mr. HsmUn GarUnd's most reoent
work Is s vigorous story of western
life, entitled Tbe Esgla's Heart. Ii
Nelson and Mate Bill brought in a
tbit brillUnt story be draws a remark fine eateb of trout from Cedar Run yes
ably etrong picture of the adventnront terday.
life In cowtowoe and mlnlog eetileBert EUls and bU son Bert. Jr., msde
mtnU. and shows every phssc of tbe a fine eateb of black baas on Carp Lake
aggrenlve existence of miner, plalas- yesterday. They had In all sc ^unds
man and cowboy. An absorbing love of bam and pickerel.
store is skillfully woven into tbe fabric
Frank Hamilton bss received bis ap
of peril and adventove.
pointment sa a member of the govern-,
The Esgle'e Heart.suberblyUluatrst.
ed by Mr. Harrleon Fisher, will begU ment road committee of tbe ettW. to
attend tbe Matlonal Good Boada Coe
in The Bstnrdsy Evening Post for Jnne
10. and mn through the summer nnm- grene to be held A^TorTBnron July t.
Owing to tbe PrmrtbofJoly oelebruben of tbe magsslne.
tlon in this city ^ will be unable to
Suit Over Water Mights. -
Tbegresi St. .Lauto fslrot IMS !•
BOW Mnred. CosgreM bu agreed to
.glre that elij gs.cm.oOD ia aid 6t the
.MBoaJtloB to eeleb^te,tbe pur*'—- -*
<tb« LonUlaoa territory on c
Uiat the city andeute fintapend 810.
000,000 to be ralaed by prirate enbacriptios
At Badeswetler, Baden, Stephen
Oraae, the Amerieu antbor and war
eorreepondent. died Tneeday. aged SO
yean. Crane was oorreepoBdent fora
t York I
r daring the OraeooTnrkiah and I
«Bk beaY known books are “The Bed
Badge of Oenrage” and "The Little
b. O. Tnmer has been ratalned
B^iinaat.'' BUdeaUiwaadne tolnng
In an Important Uw snlt tobsteledat
troabie, the reanlt of the Onban eam>
Harbor Sprlnga Tb; ease is that of
itopber Bankcy vs. Frank WlndTbs fOTinsr U propristw of
Cron Alginra. portray a eerlona altnntlon. Tboneanda et Moon are naea- grist mill on one side of the river at
Ing at ngnig and In the neighborhood that place, wbUe tbe Utt«r owns a
woodenware factory on tbs other side.
greparlng for a detemlned attack npon
the adranee posts of the rraneb. The Tbe snlt involves tbe wster rights of
Vrmeh oolnmns hare iolned bands at the stream. Hankcy cUims that Wind
Zonbl. bat the Den saffered Wrrlbly sor redneed the power of tbe river by
(nm beat and thirst, and bnndreds of not allowing lbs dam to be raised and
oaDcla died. Tbe Ftencb are proper- WUdeor claims damage through tbe
' ing lotrencbmetrta and are confident of atteUpU of Hankey to raise tbe dam,
their ability to repel an atUck and tbrreby allowing tbe water to flow to
«rea to take the offenslre against waele. The suit promises to be a hotly
contested one.
An eminently hktiletl and accompliebed artist. ^ X wonderful and
Thi-ro nr>' jilfiiiy nf pirrlsuas and
sieges null n-IU.fN In irlli] life, and suiue
of tlieui very iilurkll}' sustalmHl. Short
ratioiiK, sorties mul asxnults m-nd
each iitliiT’* tall*, and the tHwh-gen do
not always gi t llir
of It;
Thu t'hniiiiihiii U-Mh-grr Is u wild pig
called Uiu iMti-ary. wlileh is alwut the
most frigtiiful Is'irst alive .mil llvee In
hi-rds In the’ Somh .Viucrh-an forests.
You cannot discourage a i>eccar} ;, you
cun only kill lilni. These U-iists have a
particular dislike to mmike.VK and fre
quently watch for au opjKirtunlty to
cut oDe off from the malu tv<HKls. Now
and then the herd will manage to sur>
prise a i>arty of monkeys
lated tree or cluliip. Tluy make the
moet of the chance.
The pigs rush forwnnl. and the mon
BixageaU are eanvaastog the city keys skim gayly up the trees out of
toklng orders for tbs Saturday Evsatog liarm’a way. But aa the clump Is isolat
ed from the forcet Oicre Is no escape
A petiilen U bstog eireulated by Or. Tin the tmuches. and they dare not
come down ami run for It. The pecC. a. Enselaad protesttng against tbs caries aurrouod and Invest the tree
building of tbe O. B. A I. bridge acrom clump, and there they will sit patiently
tba rivar near Cam atreei.
for anj- length of time, while the mon
In the fire which dastroyed Peter Pc- keys chatter angrily aloft. If a mon
tenon's mUl at Buttons Bay Monday key comes (o the end of the ratlona
within reach and hecomi-s m> desperate
night about 8400 worth of lumber bethrough hunger tiutt he irlihi to run the
lODglDg to the Catholic aoeiety was gapllet, he is tom to pieces 1>y tba
tusks of the lH>slegers In n few seconds.
Tbe regular monthly meeting of tbe The only chance of «-sca|iu Is that some
W. C. I. A. wUl be held in the L. L. A. Of the prowling Jagtmrs—a kind of
parlors si t:to o'clock tbU afternoon. Icopanl-ln the nelghlurhood may get
Matten of ^Iness of great Import to know of the siege. If they do, they
will come to the r«‘i>cue. not fur tbe
ance will bcoonatdered and m full at monkiya' sake, hut huciinse they
tendance U urged.
j arc fond of jK-ct-ary.
Tbe Michigan Telephone company; ItcloagucrtHl pirriKou psmiini vlillo the
reporU a net gain of iiei snbSeribe e rrilevlng nduiun Is tackling die liiveetin May. making a total number of 3T.-'
l*ccarlea Hut thi-ee |.Igs are so
Hsv list
51st The brte
Erie I
»».8. subMiribeTS on May
tUorouKhly ijualitied pbotoyraplier.
grapbr^^ are cordially Invited to visit fait studio and test bis ability as an up to
date photographer.
(liBl, Urst. cut tiBlIs arc .aupcriui
wire nalla iu nil |•u8llioM; voconil.
mala odvautage of the wlrc nail is due
to its possessing a sharp point; third,
if cut nails were pototed. they would
he -M |»er cent more' elllcleDt to direct
teoilou; fourth, wire nails without
points ha^c hut one-half their ordinary
bolding power: fifth, the eorfaev of the
Lll^ould he Bllghtly rough, hot not
ti^bdd. Barbing decreases the efficlency of cut nails shout 32 per cent.
The pointed cud enables the nail to
enter wood without breaking Its fiber
excessively, thus presorvlng its grip.
A serious defect of wire nails Is their
readiness to rust. They are made gen
erally of a sort of soft sted. and steel
rusts more readily than some other
forms of Iron. In some [«rts of the
country. It is said, shingles put on with
wlrc nails drop off after six or eight
year*.—BaKImorc Sun.
A KwBBtaw Prise.
The Acndcm.v of Sciences of Russia
holds iu trust a fund of IJW.OOO ru
bles which, wllh nrcumulation. Is to be
bestowed as ti prize. In liKlT,. It repre
sents the principal and Interest of -fiO.000 rubles left In 1S13 by General
Arekczeljew. who provided In his will
that at the end of the first quanet of
(be twenUeth <x-ntur>- three-fourths of
<iiui should Ik- given i<> the writnr
of the Iiest history In Russian of tbe
reign of Alexander I. The other fourth
(k- s|K-m in printing the work to
having It translated lolo French and
Oeriunti and for u prize tor the autbcc
sf the aixTond l>est Work.
ArkaeUe Bros, bare annonneed that pc wr'«(BTipr W
BK BK l*r It
they hare adraneed the prloe for their
brand of package eoffee half a cent a ^ TH£ fiTAQE
-^ponnd. This pnD tbe net price at 11
The lusber plant at Stee Eltenne dn 'kALiiiALAu*tJdEidtmLMlMtsd(.iMh
, bleb In
foruildeblc of licslogcm are
Tbe adrsnee representative
of oompany. reports a net ff*U «>l 8.M»:
Bagnenay, belonging to Prince Bros. A
,,, epotral Africa,
Co. of Quebec, was destroyed by fire ‘Bapbo-- whleb U to be aeen U the subscribers in May. making a total; Those will liuprisou oveu a i*antUer If
A'onday,night. Tbe loos wUI reach City Opera Bouse Bstnrdsy night, nnmber of its.Tllsnbtcribera of tb s they iret hiiu lu ilio o|»-o. The panther
• tbst in spile of sll thst bss been system on May si.
‘ gtts.ooo. Forty famillw are
geouniUy makes for a high rock, but
aa the Imirulucs eaulirowse on the grass
derogatory to the play, there Is
aaa reanlt of tbe conflagration, and It
J. B. Bush bas put I the atreaU
. „
„nn .ut, th. uist trouud. they will Indd out any length
nothing in it to offend the Udlee, but
-.to ibellered eereral perUbed In
delivery wngon with the seat
panther surves.
rather a moral lesson which hsa an
OOT««1 Wit. . CTWU,.
I»wl«l The, ^ri„ . Ll,. Immlm rtwl. nuwl
site effect to that which bas been the driver from sun and rain.
Fbe Bor. Dr. Blekard SalWr 8U
M.Diincia keeping an eye
paster emeritus of tbe Cbnrcb of tbe npreeented. The play ecmes ben
Praparallona are in progreea for an' on tho U-sleged Ixwat while they
Fllgrims, Brooklyn, died at hU home Witt a oompleU outfit of epee'^ scenery axelttogracemeettogbareonJuIy Srd, browse. Ofieu a man gets tr^ in
ll; of Knglaj
asd tbs company is one of exceptional
Tneeday nlgbi, aged T» yeata.
When .Mrs. Sarah Bartow of Xew
...wtd tth. Tb. «tk u lb ■"•■““'y.oapablllUes,
At Ban Franelseo Bobcrt Bradley,
Bninswhk. N. J.. eelehraml her I'Hih
birthday n-.-.-nily 9 lgliiy<mu of hci di
pelf-eonfeesed counterfeiter, dropped
tract me speediest boraes in northern j,,,
nere prs-M'lit.
««endwben aenUoded to three yoara In The piece U to be elaborately staged Michigan and many from tbe southern
,, ^uy wind, and It alWvIkt's opera of *Tihi-ron,
and the maaagement of tbe City Opera
- the psnlteotlary.
pan of tbe state. ThUwlllbea good i
,^rei ihu kuffaioes off.
which Hiii|ieror WIIMimi la to bate prcBoose
At Pbllsdslpbls arrangemenU are
drawing card for the big celebration. I It Is on the sen t>oUom tliat some of lU-'nitHl soon, the Sci-lier.V I-.
•early completed for tbe parade of fim class production in every respect.
Sam lies and Tony Novotny returned j the cpiwn-st sieges *iecur. If two or piiiuietl from designs mmh- by Ihi-sulII of Ttirkey.
-Ante on Monday night. June ll. tbe While much baa been said about aHeg- last evening wim M pounda of trout! three lohsiere or lighting cralw cornu
Tlie.pi-ople of St. 1‘nal and Mliiiu-.
ed obJeeUonable features. It U emphat* . ajEtd ^rlous to the opening of the
ukbb lrbib.Pbb«o« bnwb. Tbb, bbd
apolls nrc riilsipc a fund (o |ia-y off
leally declared that many plays pre
hiding In a hole, they frequently Jolu tiiongage on Hie home of Mra. 81.
BopubUean national eoneenlion. Grand
forc-ys and l>esli-ge him. Hut ibv usual Wilkinson. who«- iois|«ind, MaJorWIsented here nbout which there bss some veiy floe speclment.
- Maiahatl Wegner says folly ss.ooo men
been no erltlolsm have shown more onkiiisoii. wna klllcil in tho Indian out
win be in line and^ba^thU will be the
soft bodied crab tlial lives In an old bi-^iik «r tss-ch laike. Minn.
desirable elcmenU than tbU.
HMot brilliant epeetacle in political
Mias Lillian WcUt bas gone
ber xiiii-ik shell, with Ids lmr.1 ehiws hang
.'tsrali tJnind does not-lM-llevc In the
history. Tbe peradera will' be nniing out. The other cralis siircuund this tradlllunal Idea Of a slepinollicr. Sin
The Altman Dramatic Oomnany will borne at Ovlatt for the aommer.
Ilic hei-self and clierlsln-s the iI'H.ii
formed in illk bau. frock coati, tight
Hevdames P. E. Travis. P. J. OurUs. iH-lllgercot and try to Ktarve him Into
open a two nlgbu' engagement In this
affis-tioii11 tor her Me|ison. Tor^i,
tronsere,'black eboes and black Um.
Myrtle Umdon. Samuel Walton. ElU sarrynder. They sit down Id n circle
city aVsiemberg's Grand next Monday
Ik- owi-s nitu'h of iiPjrC(t)tr
By the will of fillcn Amarman,
Ely. H. L. Bbeffer and A. W. Bnshee of roiibd him and- wait. IhiI often one of arv sii<-c<-«s.
evening. June ll. ‘ms is one of the
widow of ea-Congreesman ol Pennthis city, and Mn. P. £. Whitman of
It Is rciK>rt«-d In
whelk Khell w ith his 'oUu'. ThU sel
ableet and heat equipped organJestlons
aylranla. a peculiar prorlslon is msde
Northpert. are attending the W. C, T. dom BOCCcedH. for such shells are very Huif >:nip.T<ir Wmi............... ..
now before tbe public, tbe plays prefield-ifiarshnl. I'oiml vou Bhifor the care of two bones and s dog Int'.allver anniveraary at Petoakey.
iougiL The hermit mu walk slowly, ;
dneed being new. copyright pieces, and
einded In tbe wDte.Tbe snm of tlo.ooo
Mra. Deborah Lackey it vUlting {lulling the shell with him. but when .iiil-nthal. by <>b-v:itiiig liiiii to the rank
nf :i prim-*- on .Itilv Sti. wln-n Hie hoin
tbe players people of recognized abil
is provided for the care of tbe anlmsls
friends in L*nstog.
he tricA to do so the
w’ill l>e 1M> voiirs old. Field Mnralinl
ity. -My Friend Tom" wilt be tbe
' tbs inooBse to be used npea them wbl'e
Bober^napp left yesterday to at him and grab at hit ]irutrudlug lega BluinoDthal wns chief of staff <if Kni
opening bill, f^ls U a ranilag farce
they live. Bev. Jos. K. DlJcon U tie
tend tb^. A A eneampmant at Grand lie has to draw them In and remain pesir VrwIorloU III. during the wars
comedy and vraaan enormous suoeess
BtlU. Bouictlmva t)>^ siege Is raised by of IStMl and IkTii-’Tt.
of Ibis tnnd. The anims s
at tbe Bijou Theatre, Mew Y<wk. and Bapids.
tbe arrival of Urgor see prowlers, who
The house In Market square, Lich
•re to reoelve thentnsoetoonslderatlon,
Mrs. A B. Paxton and ebUdran have attack the Investors, but more ofteo, field. to which Dr. Samuel Johnson
oontlnaaos laugh from start to
nepsclslly tbe bones, which art to be
as the liealegen grow hungry and find was lorn, ha« iK-on purclisBod for 81.. On Tuasday night "Flood
fiasderly treated when they are beyosd Tide" will bsprsstnted. ThUlsaMsw
W. J. Bowler, to advanee of the Alt- the hermit atlll holds out, they begin 2T,n br Iho <-Uy corporation. !i was
tbe age of neefalaeea
an Dramatic Company who are to fighting among theniselvi-s, end the be- 's<i1d at public nuctlou In 1«*7 for 84 England drama of tbs "Sbors Acna"
to s iiiHU who was a namesake, but
alcgeil hermit escapes to the confusion. nun
By Ue death of Mn.Pierre LorlUard,
not a relative of the lexicographer. Ho
type. Is which a»e blended comedy, appear at tttatobarg's'Orand naxlMocBonalds DUger of Kew York, wli
and Tneaday, azrivedin tbe ^ty Somellnies. however, the siege sac- restored It to Its original lines, and
pathos and strong dramatic situations.
cc«0a but thc-bermit dies at Uls post on Ills death It went to the city for the
mrrlsd Franeklyn Beglld, a yonthfi I
U tbe tvrocemsdlas tbs ladles of tbs
Ue la then hauled out and eaten.
sum named.
•eter, tbe Utter beoomee a mlUlonalrr.
have an ^portnsltyte dls- ^*1^ Ida Pickard of Latond. la vlaHIn Lard times rats are apt to band
Thennioa was oonsammated uarly
together to raiding {larties, and noth
________ j stnnalag gowns. AUapeeial IngMltaUea MeOoy.
ml* yean age. Tbs bride was then TO
A Doctors Word.
sooner^U cmrrled for "Flood Tide" and
yean eld. and the groow bseomes • a fine prodnetion is arnnred. In "My Haatlnga yeatorday.
exlat to colonies, burrowed an Inch or
Dr. J. W.BatetotCarto.N.Y.,wr1tea:
widower et S4two below the surface of tbe groond.
Duriag the nasi rear-I have proaeribFriead Ton" tbe ebarming little artist,
When Doeton Fall
If the manndlug nu can find a fairly ad Dr. A. W. Cbaaob nerve and
sgeth net yet 1 am always Mabel Giaoe Pardon, vrill be eeen in To cure that weak lame back or any lonely colony—one Uint la not connect blood pUla freqncnily to enaaa of axtrouble of tbe ktdn^ liver or atoaaaeb. ed with half a doaen others, that is— bsogted nervea and woman's wenknem.
try Dr. Cbaee-s Kldaty-Livor PUU they they mount guard over the outleta and with very graUfytog rvsulta. 1 eoMddar
Madiaon Medleiae Co., “
ItdnlUtbeeecythe of Father Time, are ateolutely gnarranteed to ralleve try to ttnrre the mice out. The be tbemauimrlortoM^j|te
Ask your dragrlsl.
0, nU
drivee awny wrbiklce of approaching ang caee. no matter of bow long etond- sieged are no fighters and morcly
_______I elixir of life, that pnu tog. IS cenu, all dmgglato or Dr. A. and cower, aud ibougb they sometli
Baffalo. N. VW: Chase Med. Ca. Buffalo. M. Y. dead
Vp to SfitO
hope to tbe human
- •
itamp for aamplee. Tlmy wlU bSp make a aonle and get promptly eaten
Tailor made cletblag at prlCM pssi- Mountain Tea.
they more often friUuate the tate by
ttvely serprielag, at The Besien
Ask year dm
an Mmtn'i tUiUe
1-3 Off
OnWaUFngnr at TheB«BMB«|»m
Thi Zatln Stock
That ZUgant Httlng
at a 88 par oast Alt-
Wi>« Halls a»4 OM ■-»Oaictoi cxpartoMato are aald to ah«w
Thee king of phou^pbers in posing, lighting. dra|riB|r and^^Mging^ie
/mcu^*’vbe^Ph<fto°bnUdlcg'opposite toe Hotel' ^olumbto^^ Front
street and has remodeled it and pul it to order for strictly up to date pbotc-
M-ew Discovery for Bloodpoisoning.
OF SEVEN CUBES, l------------- ----------remedy, and for all dlaeaacs of tbe skto
and blood, from Oontnet and Secondary
or Hereditary Canaca.
fricN AN Cut
In two on our oatlre atoek of aklrte
anlta and Jaeketa.
Tbe Boatoe Storo.
spoK KALE Nr« bouw tvsdj to ocespy.
A 6ra»ll nsrtD*ot dowo. kialsocr estj terms.
W. k Brawn. XIA Writ Testl, sirerl.
V|r*KTBl>-9iesm>SBd serspen, wattled SI
nsii, lestn sed scraper.
Mi lt •
^^ANTXO CuDpelenl plrl wanted sl^^once
liaraer. ntttouib Voioii street.
Ml if
/’XHH' tCANTXU At wore.
Mrs. 1X11 go.
TSOKTV AGRga Wood ps.lure teo allies
X «e«t cipoat odKcr. (drtroi. rrelertSresI
one party.^ApiUyst ^^fsra.
WANTXU Two rood tire busiliaa Menu
rrSBkllostiwet. City.
IPOK BALBI -Good, A Ko. 1 work issoi; 7
*•"' ‘'ISfQ.iaL WANTBb -At IH Bast Kitlitk^iyet.
A ;a-iee. l>ropp>>aislsBd they wtU be delliei^ SBywbrre. O. rras.ke. Trsrerae City
^la BALE OK XXCUANliB-TLs ourtb t* of
C south esei uusner of •eriloD 19. town ts
■'•s: '■”9TpOR SALX-I.OI. 7S and 77. Osk BelgbU.
JC «uill«-wesi rurorr of Kerc street sod Boyd
srraor. Lanx lots.
sold at. less^t^
ypoit hAl.K SceoraoB bossc. and lot dOsUi
leri. :illSouili UiTlitoo street, oe esay
t'rms, Eo.iuirr of Dal B-iulers,
L'eifAi sirrrt.
ptoK KALI Suscres rholcr Isso near city.
X luij.Ktot! trail trees, or will irsdc for city
properly- J W. I*sichln.
F ll-<^^»ti«Vrcbesl!’’'Tr.iJri^?*
*tngy^sratle aod easy Bilker. Isqojp-ol
hortboB s store. Finder leave at this
QOLDIBKS AimmOK - It yM located
June S.K1.1 will pay yon C per acre for
bslsDceefyeur clsla. Addreea ti. A. Bria-
K... .
pOB UALS-aeod week boTM. Itou welaUC loanlreefN. Lueaa. «D a-eneier street.
pok BALB ■auae aad let oonk-weei cortoe
A nABOAlM-ln H loot lota ee FrMt aad
A BtstcatreeMteresakorewterBs Also
uore bnUdinc for Mia. CsUatM: gsallhimu
CtLAT TO RXNT'AI W, cerssr Caka an*
AT Bseentb atrstts leaslre op naira. T
TP VOL- WANT liuursaee of mas ktod Is tarn.
The Waukazoo House!
Tbe beat iornlahed and bast kaat
ot the ewelleet oho« to tkaeityfO-,
known omnppMwrtlon,
I Bntea
Beaten Stor^ '
_ thM toommiQ BeedftPjU'BtmsDAYinjNBg?, iwo
B. ..M a. M* tnMH k. •
Ma iw* kMPi
«wir «
fl »M M BMB «M k
• ttfrir, aai Ik* BI
« iJijtiiB. md pmtm
Ummm VntnetwnaM.
*I tIBnk tbe moat gtotoUy t^lag to
OTftalnlwaya that It baa ever beeo my
m htekUo nu op
Bight last winter.” aald a well known
BAwwaper laaa. ”1 bad been over to
denry CUyto nee aoate wcatm tftends
off. and aa'tbe boat Bwong up tbe Hwl'
aoa I wan itoaBlBg over tbe rail on tbe
lower rear-deck watching tbe Ice filled
ed, a
with hU
_____ _-two ladtoe from Bm“ . totoctacto. AcruM t t boat.
imr For tbe tanm blmarif had retara- abonld« agalnn a pillar, itood a
ed from Berlta only two days betom. In a llglit coat be aad I being tbe only
-H'm' Tmp todtoa,” thiain lifi»
Brit “It can't be tbe old Paltte Atoi
ker darter Ui-tow. They wealdBt gd
tbe oU man M rattled. BmMaa. thv
know aU about the wooda and toe dear
erery day. (Tito fedtaie* estate to «a|y
a few mllee froai Bottwttad TheA who
thedeneecnaltUr Aa 1 waa thtoUag
about It 1 aaw tbe baron gel into tbe eaf
rtage and beard bhn UU tbe eoaehmaa to
M yw MM «• «U *rM y«. M M
Si is:- ■
M y«a IM«M m' M «M •vBitUat •*•<
VMw U* etk«^,
"At Brut I auppoaed bo bad stepped
cooMn't be sure, tot tbe old tody. wbcM
«M tW mU t* Nfl
k*W<M-BM «B I* tbe UtUe one called ’'maaima,” didgH tnakle. but happening to glaneo back 1
■ecm Uke a baron’s moiber-in-Uw eaaalive gale stood
ly. tjh, dl^’t bold her bead bl^ ; open, ami aa 1 bad been the Uet mao
IB Ik* M.
en^, yen know; there wasn't en^ ' on board 1 knew that iboae gatea bad
M BkfB Ik* BMBlf’* to* «B< ■<
, coaiprebettalvely dW I search tbe boat
AM ‘tw voU k-Uytof to k* aiM M wk* apologlie fur being here at aU.
Bat 1 snppoae there are pleaty ot «amt DOt BM a Bmn In a light overcoat waa
thing* like that, only they're not commne there aatong tbe paiaeogere, and aa I
M •• tkM> • Uttto M M il
aroaod here, and I wan't oaed to them, i Boatiy returtied to tbe lower deck and
I atom heard from old aanile-that was Jpoked again down at tbe dark, swirl^ oW amid. Bleaeke. who keW the tU- m, ,ueam. with Ita contInuoM probcan ralM svir.
Ml ■ I*
• Mr Mm la r*g* md. pmtmtm »U M tu*.
that while my back bad t>een turned
AM rwi M»« M tiM tor tottirto*^ mM
things from the bouse.
Bo the Spanish mnbaiay erldeotly la- tbe deanerale finale of a life's tragedy
I* UM Mtk a
V aM M-f* tended to rrnabi with as tor some daya
At diener-t was caUed la to help with
a Ml «*>k*«ra «klck Btofi tack day tiaa rla* the waiilug-tbe tall^ ran on bnotlag.
tool to MB.
fm M-N ktortaa tor (tonltj, M H Ik* *f«
tors. Procter, tbe wife of Barry OoniWrUAM IMM.HM me to Ike b«M* to>tk* • aqolat a
walL was a great figure in London litarary aoclcty when Mr. Lowell waa
The master kept grittag more and mote United States minister at the court of
oaeomfortaUe aa abe went on ulkbig 8L James. Mra. I*rocter was moat
abeat ahuotlng and aaying that abe bad anxioua to bring Tennyson and Mr.
never aili-ndcd a hunt and (hat this w'aa Lowell togetber. Tenuyaon. who
tbe mala reason why abe had accepted wbUuBlnil In hla preju«licea. made vnbis invitation to visit hia estate. Tbe riou eicuacA and affccied to bellere
old lady didn't aet-m to care ao much
Sunilog and aald very Uttto. I. that
_ Mr. Lowell waa a poet of Ilttla Iminncg o!
ebe bad come for the oaka of tbe
and an after
pboae graces
dinner, aud abe ate Jlld‘dwk~'e^ugh; Rboae
of style
• cAerrai
Otti- (lay
told Mr TenOe1WtloftotiotKiMtK>lio
Well. next dan Ibe baron took tbe giri' ni'aon that Mr. Ix>wcll bad written
aud that
No, air, yoa naato'l think the ahooilnx
Wben the Uivn came out without • gim.'Mie must lailat upoii reading them to
Wd w> llrrir here. We ilo tbe
young Udy bc-nied *urpri*edL but abc u,. *
ka*a a bit of a|>ort. now that the roong didn't aay anything. She *sw that 1 had. ^
mater’a to poMesaiuB, but in the old a gun. and |«-rhaps abe thought I was' ^ Engllah^met-too^ at her aa■aalar'a tlroe it waa reryr dilterwit.
differeot. I oaly carrying it for the maater. Aa we’>“'«* •“‘1 •uf.ralllwl wllb bad gtaco.
. . . him
_ dlare^>eet.
.................... air.
ir. He waa a drove along, tbe aaod niad throogb tha'Nra. Procter dW not g'- further than
good man. waa the old maater, God Ueaa Plue#
lues 1.............
toward the buoliag ground 1 beard, tbe opening gne. “1 know a glrt-they
hoof beat* behind i
too good, loo aon heartta). . He couldn't through unr iirivaie IS “Who is riding aay ahe'a elghl>.^’
V I thought, ] Tennyson scowled and sprang to
beaitt die,
die. joat
jn aa If we
, I saw
gi«turv off 1Ittipallci
II hare*
k*e fb go aooner or later. Well,
irda. air! And yet, do yoa
^w, ha reaUy wae
,ime up arid rxplabied that barbean. It wai In the blood, you
lac a few da.vs* furlough, he^was spendKf ea the game nrolectioo aoriety tlu
iM them wllb hi* mother tad that be had"
bHungM to couldn't take it aU out ot bin. rlddra over to Itotlwlu to pay the baroa to bring the two jsw-ts together, aod
So hr had bU apon. but bo took it in
a neighborly call. 1 saw tbe left corner they finally mot and l>ecatue luUiuate
tunny way.
of tbe master's toouih go down and knew frlrodL Mr. Tennyson was a luun of
ITor inaUnce. be would go out os oar that he was none loo well pirated,
many caprices and bad a.loucb of abyUnto lake here and fiah all day. No. bad
had counted on having the little
llul one to ncaa and coW romrrve which made talui
then Un't any ftahing to apeak of, but himto-lr. liut be rouldo't hell)
reanrve wnicn maae niui
help himselfblmarif:
bUII one can get a Ult now and Iben.
ilu to ber and* '<
■ atmnger.—Youtb'a
• Well, the maater would Uke hU t
invite bill) to go along. ...________ _
and rod and Une like anybody etoe. bat doubt. Ibat the eaptain would deellne aod I
■ever a book. He would pat a piece of
•uid say be was afraid bis borae would
bnad OB the end of the lloe. drop it
ABd then he'd pull up the lloe and put a
freah pl««a of bread on it.
Bo be almply fed the flab and called It
*1Snl*be fauutlug—that waa worae yet.
It wu ao queer in fact that I’ni afraid
you'll bard^ bellere me.
**nAaa,"be would nay, '-we’ll pee If we
can't knock orer a atag today.“ Bo I'd
•r took
A gua, but be always bad with him a big
«M tBibioned walklog atick. with a bandao^y carved ivory handle. It hangs up
is the blue room sow over the fireplace.
No doubt yon've noticed H. air. Ihe deer
vei«a‘t ao wUd in Iboae days ai now.
and we aaw plenty ot them. They knew
they Were aafe. Ibe canning creature*.
Tltere'a a fine stag. Herr Baron.” 1'
yram bln.
Z uaed to be mad dear through because
I contdu't take a shut inyaeir. The aug
-------- .
. aland
. nd Btariog at ni a*
Use aa a cow. The old wan'd pick up
bfi attek, pTMi the handle light to hia
leful al
l^en he'd turn lu me aud aay:
"He'a done for. 1 look him right
tweaa Me eyes. Now. we will
One 1a enongb today.”
Tea. I aaid youu wouldo't
e It,
II but
'U^ a fact all the aame. And be kept up
year lu and year out.
He thought'it
)t a aln to kill God's cna.
tana, hut the
... old
Adam in him bad to
T(«t. Once this bunting farce
that he didn't Uke a bit.
abe waa a pretty giri, and
I have to laugh even yet whcni-ver
think ot tbe way abe punlibed the «
AMB for bla eentlmeptal folly.
But. by you leave, air. before I tell the
story Katie must fei<.h nu another half
A man rauat keep
rp h
bi» atren^ Up,
fVn was one particular aort of game,
dr. that tbe dd matter waa fonder of
otaiklng thaa aay other—t tDeao the kind
ttet wean pettlraata.
Re fed them Jua
uat as
It cost............
mw. Bat be was rich, and
R was Bohody’s hotlaeas anyway, for be
had been a widower for Veain. And be
Mated tbU aort not oedy to rise to tbe
halt but to swaUow the book and be
caught. They did It aU right too. tor he
VAi A Terr handaome man in aplte of hla
Mit. and liberal-yea. too Uberal by
hair. n>r fiah whew they are once caught
d BO more halt. But with womea the
r Juat » •
Havrever, that'
I'a neither here nor there.
• I'm opeaking of would
long neck—I
t mooB a foot long, you» knew, hot
nedc: iome-
_- ____ _____ _
■•Ter aaw a real■ Bpanlah
■ ‘ woman,
tt I.
Ahrtya Imagined them looking like that
la CM word, ahe was a beauty, and no
w.. oc «h.
------ iaaUMafttoehaj^haiaall-
I SM the Bwty •
1%e free trade New York Tlawa Myi:
“Ballway earnings and ercry other
ofdlnary •
Wan atreet to blue. Only
CamUen are trying to dlargadlt ttaa
coontry's good tlmea.”
nw Tlmea to caretoaa of facta. There
are etbeiu beaklaa •yecktooa gambtow”
wbo are Oytw to discredit tbe eoonIfy'a good tlnee. Thtj V*
wbo, Uke l^e Tlmee Itaeir- are tryinc
to pereaede tbe people of tbe country
to vote for a ebange of poUcy. Tbelr
only hope for eecnring ancta a change
Ilea in convincing (be people that preaeat tlmee are not sorb ffoed Utnea after
all Yor If Almee are good why change?
It to a bard task to convince Ibe people
of any euob nonaenee, and It will prove
a bopeleea one.
it to pkwaant. tbougb, to know bow
Tbe TUnea wben for tbe moment It
confrerua In tbe buslneea of dtocredltIng McKinley and "UcKlaley'a policy
. - .It -to not ao tar
wrung, after all. in ctoaslnc them In
with '-reckleea gamblera.'' They nro
ganiblere. gamblera for tbe epolto of otflee. -nie country’! stake Id tbe ronteet
laonrnatloBalproapertty. Fortunately
tbe game W abeolutcly In tbe hauda of
the pe<^ and It lbs alone with them
,10 decide whether they « U1 keep tbelr
or let It be awept away (roo
them by free trade Uwa. aa It w
18B2. It to pfetty aafe to predict that
proapertty and protection wlU g^ tbe
dectobm tbto time, though.
Wb4av aid, par ba.
WhaaV par ba. (dot
Oala, Ha l. per ba.
ZaAIm. "Tm eas Jaap aa U tiaapto ea
It. untltwllleome np atmling SVery
Ume'-Oalmaa's KtoaUeFloar Varntoh
8 B Walt.
A Qr»at X>i»ooT6ry tor Cbiioor
WlMDMIK. OXT.. JaU. S4. 1000
Ito. C. D. Warner. Dear 81r:—I have
od of
tbe great
pnriftcr, with rxeallent reanlu 1 do not
It tor the par
..... for wbleb tt tonaed.
ed. lu effeela
> the TbesHea et (he nralnaahcrt timeao manifest that it
fall to give tbe greatest mttoJaa Cl uuisoa.
the United Htntea afford a atriklngieeeon of tbv fallacy of tbe old Democratic
theory that a i>roteotlve tariff will pre
vent our aun'Ius producik from gvltlng
out into tbe markets of tbe world. Tbe
following are the treasury deportfflcnt'a flgurvs:
-----p---- FOR
First Freeze
Clear Ice, from Boarilmaa lake.
$1.00 a Month
At rttoidonca's—same in* laoi year.
IxouBlea to Omtu.
J. A Jackson
Bolb'Hhooes. No. t
XlBball Planci ^wsyt plea
i*s,risi.M> Br. W. J. SlgglnA OparaUtre DasUitty
Fire InsurancB.
1a. I* A. BoUdlns.
Grtfid KipldB ft iDdiioiRj.
Duriug the free trade admlntotratlon,
grrtvsl sad dras
«r irslo* si Ti
btosk, tie avast
Msr::7ib. IM.
when there was no tariff wall of pro- TsMtOos* Ms. SDD.
terUon. we eX|iorted on on arerag*
«141).034.'MU each year more than we
Import (hL
to. BMldviKv.BeUau; »*>(«.
During tbe protective urtS admlntoInitlou of I'rcaideot McKInU-y we have
fxportfd au average of «M.708,01D a
w X. a W. a. Moon, gsavrsl srorticv SlM
year more tban we luii>ortrd.
U SBrolslI-USvr, ssr. BM-ssd gpslto urlWith tbu tariff wall of protection BsrydlssSM. OU'pkaDV.W: M*«. 107. OtIf bp gueaaeO '
built high up around our borne market tee Oprrs Usuw BJock.
(binkiog. accepted the invitation and said | morning to the offl.v* of u well known the mariu-ls of the world have taken
every year gas:i,T4;i.auiI iiiotv of AmerlprodurlB and niauufacturea tban
rode along by
him and tbe gl
they Uid under five trade.
ed him, and. air, tbongh 1 cuuldu'
Moral.—Uruiertton to the better poli
that be knew bet already. I got the Idro U off la an Instant bo bad b«vu burned cy for the Aiiierican farmer, wage
C UlLBBRT.AMorasr; Apsolsl snssUss
that he koewI- very well what a dainty
enritev and lUBUufacturcr.
w ProbsU arscues. nssws S sss le
crealore be would come acroas In tbe treated Ids lujurloa wo wr-te iiolh ot
ssUte Os. BIsek
Koltw IU w oods. One will gv't auel^ no much puxxlod to flud a cause- for the
lere Labsr Cemrs la.
tions. yon know', air.
sudden outbnrat. But Invoatlgnllon
iwhile 1 raugfat sight of a stag showed that he was in the habit iif car
After us
, _ tbe first thrve
little girl aaw him at
It tbe
browsing. The
same instant, aud In her excitement she rying looto-ly In bla watcli |sH-ket two years of I’re«ldeiit McKinley's admlul*-'
clapped lu-r bauds, The stag, of course. or three of the tiny i>«iaab loxcngea tratibu amounted to |1,-I!£1.00U.(M10.
wbleb ao many iKHipIo flud useful for a More Ibaii ouo-balf that sum reprvran away, but they
those days when none of them bad been aore throat. Ainiuig them- be thought- Oeula vx'but was paid for labor lu tnnnu-'
abot (or years that we soon saw snotber. leasly bad thrust a Ih>x ot safety luatcb- facturtog these eiporta. for which tbe!
TtOa time tbe littls black eyed puts sat et, tbe covering of which forms wllb
Frkodrk-b-><M-» Hturk.
as BtlU'as a cat watriilag a mouse, but poUsb a cbeuilcal cuatolpatlon which n>si of the world jiuld. In other words, BmIiIcdo III Wi snk
uiut;luu k'nwl WuBVS'a
panting wii
with excitement Ibe altghteat frlctioa will set Into a tbe Itepubibau ]>olli-y has obliged tbe cklldi
TSc4:S p. oi. train Sea psrlur car 4e (trood
world In tile last three years to pay al Sours: Nto >:s. B.:■.Ti;
and waiting for tbe iboi.
Bapld*. sod alecpiuk ear and ceeek UcoM
Well, air. will ;
least 1740.000,000 to American labor. Boll 'sSaus. Northrrs'sSuur Mu.
bspulA to CSIceco
Unfonunalery. too. bis gold watch which would employ 740.«»
■nu. k. S FLOOD, OB(v Is urw Tucsellvr -Trmtoarri.lncat Itep le Sa« alccprr tts
clB»stltoi)rat>dUspld>sodcoacS and eleop
through tb«‘ whole performance, waa prote<-icd by one of Uio common
year at a salary of gl.600 per year.
lui^cs^Cklreiro to tirsnd Uepuls sodcSsIrc**
as uaiuL Von ought to hav-e caoM of tranaparent celluloid, wbleb is Thto to one reason why work to plenty, alfkl MortS*n.-|>koae.S: Bcll.sil.
a<-<‘n the girl's lace wben the old man nothing but a furtu of blghly explosive
Stssup. at. See cSsIr car Ft
X I____ rot. PhydcISB sod sarveos. Office. *“Tust Trlrlof
tirsaJ Kapidaoud cksir car OraM
aald “Paff:” It was an old atory to the gun cotton, no tlat la fact bo had Inuo- wages good and tbe home consumption J- LsdiF* Ubcsrr;auil>ltoc.iB*U pSe«e -o>of American pruducU has largely In- Scc.Mu W tT«ldcMV. No Tt. MortketB^honr
captain, bat be bit bis Upe Ull tbe blood
B. Hl-ltSAV.J
itly funned la Ids walsienat iiockct Ctvsmed.
(1. r ATS . a
sof r
^K. A J.
Vcyrl^^ry. Hargyap. M
laeroBss la llsasr Tolaas.
1> by ikc latest sad ndu spTbe treasury deiartnient's latest clrHe explained i gTcBl length, telling
., Dsy^ n^ki calU pra«paj
eutotlou statement shows the total
>r that the pi*
V«aA>lnrr Ctome Seek.
omount-of money In circulation In tbe
■ted in brealfain
A New Jeraey farmer tells thto re
'TILT. Vcwtwy Hnr^M aud
United Rtates to have been ff2.00D.S25.OOINO SOLTB.
ing aim at it. Thfs,kUUng was tbe un- markable atory to Tbe EvangMtot and 40l A year ago. on May 1. ISM, It was ttoe-MtosBcit loV^iV* Dnisatorc
Ooed bM to p^oBscctlaa^lor -SaUreu.
pleaasnt psrt ot the Mslness, ao ha avoid vouches for lu truth; "1 bad more plga only
having Increased ■treat.,
■ leh St I
ed that. Ukiag tbe sieet and leaving the than I wanted to keep. ao.I sold one to more thou ffl20.000.000 within a year.
.JcselU be
a man living to the neighboring vUtoge.
Then ahe exploded. She laughed and The little pig bad been living In the
DMTOll ... I 4 espw Hltfq>V00Stol
langbed as If she would never atop But pea with bla brotbora and aisiers and ISOd. It was ffI.52S.tS0.403 and bos toMX. X.CLaPP.Slci>aFr*L
: k lUp.tolluaipTlSawl
writer, roea (, Teaseller b
abe did got through at last, and then she had never been outside of It until tbe ervased 35 per cunt since that time.
. Boto lelcpbooee No. !S1.
man wbo bought blui pul him In a bas
I A M : p II I For.
VXEO MOKSB. herd Sales osd Seoec psisl
ket. tied down tbe cover luid put It In
bto wagon to carry to the new home.
amlkd and uId she
“Late Id tbe attornoon tbo farmer spend
T^laMO Tt'NINU-J. W. ClISc-’pi
know enough to fire his shot wbo nold It aaw aomethlug coming stuns, terminal improvementa sod roll Ir ptoBO tuser. ulth WJW.KiBlto
at tbe (Bvorahlu. moment. He looked at amaa the awampy meadow below bto
Fruat etroci. Traveroe Oltf. HlcS.
ing stock. That great Republican war
tbe giri oat of the corner of hla eye na borne. Ilo watched
be aald this, and abe had another tough through tbe wet placet, climbing tbe rior, General IVosjtertty. to atill fight
ing for wore work for tbe wage earner.
ing fit
Well. sir. it'e geRlng tote, no 111 cut
pig. all covered -with mud and
It abort. Tbf giri went away ttbe I
ProteetUa (
very tired. He went straight toward
day and the old woman witb her, i
There w ere 425.352.187 pounds of bathe barn, against which was the only
tkoogb the baron
Uron did everything
erwythlng h
ported In IMHO and 502.051.480 WrSICLgaSOSB Mr* FrsBCie A S*I>IIS. a. P. MOSLLXa.
L Aciin*
Acti ti. P. a
home be rccognto«L Tbe money waa
to Indacc them to May longer.
Oroad EepUe
puu^s lu IMM. Tbto vras an Increase
Before abe
■be left she
i- bauded
• • me a large returned
to tbe man wbo had bought of 187,000.000 pounds lu the exports ot
ve and told me to give H to the lit. and tbe little pig aUld at homo.”
Bbbut not until he bad come bath
pnbtlcan policy of prptecUon.
from seeing them off.
I’t tbe oM
■ad te'mat Him.
man furious when be opened ^ envriA creditor calto uimn a dcbtor.'vhoB
■hows Stesaarth.
Opel All It contained was a
tutwUeh be flung acroas (be room an^hsa
Democratic opposition to tbe Foito
ruahed ool, aweariug like a pirate.
Kico tariff bUl fell fiat. Ibe great Re'•Sow. air," anld the Tlallnr. “we yon pnbUcan vlctoty sbosri tbe strength off
Well, air, I't* got a little cnrioalty, the
' r bilks,
f.dkt. and I picked tbe
aaiay as other
u; C>A>Srssrr.
g up and looked at It. It was ber'
rail, and on the back were some IlnM
rrltinc. i
1 haven't a stlv<
whole affair
0 ridlcu^a BuMi “Why. air. when a man cannot pay
As long SB competent and patriotic
tenet them and l«.ro^'toT
bualncaa to be cat- Isederahtp to unable to secure a followbete^they are._
In the Democratic party tbe voters
The Fen luqiene Sallniii
l£SSt^tr *”srrjfp;
uniu UD Ninuinu L t
DL 6iium£n,
M to«rSS* •
■■Atom, my drar air." aald tbe debtor.
Thu Util* ptwugTsiA et BM
I lifting tbe aervlene to bto eyee aa
teeau give yut awriet natora
^ (bough dee|dy affacted, “I couldn't af^ Yea, It was cruel al^the little tal^ but ford Ita keep.”—London Anasrera.
ter. quite right. Y'hat aame after-1
1 Ftoii - - cuachawe' told ma that
tbe espUIn had miused to Bertto. Ha
“Madge aaM she would marty t
^ itorU.”
“WbaCa tha tdenr
ate^vSfff thSb?'
J2« I
ahe oaid aho wtrald than
alght. alr^^tbSTJS.
^3 P"P«a- to cope with Maud when
gstKTtoaalatod Fur Mew XarttOate-.CBBto borne braigiBffBbOBt bag
ABosMMUgSMsmtoWsgraffs. I
Tbe Ftattena Tta&ssa.
Stoux Falls sets tbe pace for PepaIhRlc platform making. Tbe Kanoas
ORy tinkers will be compelled to meek
ly faQ Into line.
The gold standard Is safe «R|y aff
Fiienl Diracur.
“• —'ssi-rga.'
■.«-OOMniKlRAII. J
rM* paiBw riMiv rw «k*
la a Mtar to Uto N«v York gaa I
. PorfctiML. aa- aetlre ttardcr aad
•tnwd obwrrrrr, vrltM u fuOowa:
mt Mtl*. A rxcMoi U fwM M to tw ■
•f to» pMpi» to
aw aw Rim .to wiB* mtmr
• fmtoc
lar«a a <tu|i^ «m m mtl
II Uw 4aal>cto4 aipirtiUnM
awtoc taia to MrUakr- Mur to>4M itol
Stotqr *UI mry Odcmk, to 9ii.«tob«.
PNto to. (to Ktu. ibicmto a • Cfwt ttoC
•OWR. auto *M Whwl B«to. Thrr to«to to m»
M aw tolTw to ctoto laltotota uto to otoflar
tto hwiOi to V (iwt toJm mw mwa
VWa I mM • toarkM to IMto wkr bt
AMOtto aw tm Mtow. to itod:
**«ar. *» rtow •a.wo.niu vMtfc to ««to to
Itoto «to dUr
imth to Rim. «t m
Mr wtol kto/U «r itorr Mto «MUt aw «w to
t* tor dmlwto aw «Ml aad kaxfe wr «Mn..
MB vartk to wl *>w bw » «mu to L T»
«> AM ■*■!> wr w BM colic Miltoc inwd
•Mb »7I|'|-Utiti4> tto tow tolm wd cto Mb-■Kew.- to tetotowd. *<«« «.<»,«» w
wto to nhnl*. Woto tm *w «> te » >
. wd Iwta err too aloibb to wU U ur *rtc«.
Md tto toOtoT »• tto <to cdMto Md Ito^ I* (OOd
to cold."
1 mto I icrdirUto Utol Ctotorodo will to • Mw
ftodMc mu II Komtowr a Orrw uto tto Eu-
rJ’isrr.z:-“ ~.rsir
Otowood to«acv Colo.
Tbc atmv raUUKiattmi In Ootondo, addi-d to utbrr buOaecc latcmu
that liat'v ae«>a • rn«t light alnc* the
BiTiui ttf* •ur<f foUjr atole away Uielr
coninon aetMo four year* ago, may eaa
tly turn the t4ecfoml role of that aute
to Um nepgbllran ticket tblc year. Tbo
atoo^ MOBUd now btflug Uken by the
Amcrlcwa Pruiective TarlS leagtu
abowa aomc wotxlorfta rbangea that
' have grown out of the rejectloo of the
free wool atrocity of the Wllaon tariff.
Mr. Uryu. It will be remembered
alated In the iienietration of that atroc
ity wbeo a rennweDtatlrc of tbe Flrat
dlatrtrt of Nebracka In the Ftfiy-tblnl
ODQgrcaa, and tvittaln- tbo iiait
montha be ^ publicly declared that
• bli vJowa regarding free wool ore tbo
aune now aa they were la INM. Protortod wool U today far more Impor
tant than free allrw In Colorado and
Idaho. Uoc^tblng la reriain, Colorado
and Idaho are tbe galacra by many
mlUlotw through the Iringley tariff on
woo], wliervaa the |N-uplc of thoae
ttatoa, outalde of a few ailrer mine
ownem. have noihlng whatever to gtln
by tbe 1C to 1 aobeme. It la far from
cerulu that Ur. Itryan trill receive
' Idaho'a and Colorado’a electoral TOlpa.
The balance of trade in faror of the
United Stalee during the preaent admlalatrallon liaa renchod tbo Incredible
auui of •l.dW.noc.oou. an amount that
paeaes the jHiwcr of cowprehonalon.
The balance of trade In favor of tbo
United Blalca during all the admlnlatmUona Hliat preceded that of McKin
ley, from WaahIngtoD to Cleveland lacluaire, waa g3N3.000.000. To put tbe
mailer In another way, three yonra of
the McKinley admlnlatratlon have aeon
a traik> Inlaure of $1,100,000,000 great
er Ihnu wni accuuiubiicil during the
/----- ~xc(itury preceding iila Inauguration.
The'hdrancc agimt of pmaiiorlty liaa,
made gtKxl hli prumlaca. baa done teu
tlaic* mure than be prumlacd. and the
people who know a good thing when
they ace It ^111 1m‘ alow bi change aoch.
• certainly for,douhtful promleea.
The niaHacN are dally brought under
greater Ilmltalluna-Ituffalo Timea.
Thrap iiifcnml Ilinitatlona ragi>d mom
arrloMaly duhiiK the rub- of the free
booter WIlMin larlff, by which our boncet brraduiuucra wen- kicked out of
a mlUlun lulia and knocked out of
WBgea and-lluiltt-d to tramping tha.
■tn-cta liT valii fur work and flcndlahly
llmitnl to aeuilalnrvatloa by that learn
ed Buoli, who acciucd to cara no more
for the |Hur than the aavagee who
acaljicd womcD and children and bon
ed their ca|>tlve« nt ihc Make.
Llmltatioua! Well, we ahonid gucesi
trado that the aniall temporary duty
topo«-l on
Iron. ,■„««
drtiounccd aa a nattoual diagracc. Wuro
that party to gain control of the goreremeot It would altctupt to oataWlah
free trade l>etw(<cn the L'nlted Btatca
and .Korvitr, no that ev-erythlngoira
bought with the cheap money It profelaea na would -be made In Oermany.
England or any other old place" rather
than In the United Butea.
1«e TolM of tbo RUIte
Tbcatrlcal managera nay that the
pnwent aeaoou la by far Ibe moat preaperoua ever known In the hlatnry of
American anmacnienla. Tlie country
baa git-ra no h<«M than $3T>,oon,000 to
tbealrlcal and operatic managera. Tbe
proaperity of tbe tbcatrlcal world la alwaya one of the twat Indlcca of nation
al proaperity. Tbe voice of the lUalto
will be for McKinley. - Worceatw
(Maaa.) Spy.
Hural Wall Dellvevr.
Bnral frm- delivery la being egtcndcd
•mong tbe farmera under IlopuhUcao
ndo In tbo ciacntlve departmenu and
porpoae to il.T90.O0Q, ao that more
tannera than ever will aoon bo bartag
tbrtr maU dellvoiwd at (belr doora.
Porto KIco baa been impwYlag $2,000,000 worth of cotton goods every
yrar. but only $879,000 wortti from tbe
Vnitod Btatca. Tbe new coadlUana
arm now give ua thla trade aod ao ban«St oar cotton gruwera and tnaoofaeturm and Inctdeotally oar wMe papto
itctoR U toll Mto'litolh eg
to (to toltova'* tote. '
MaU tor^
Cm <teU rtwml to tor n aS
WUto tonrUil Itooufk Ito (IVH
to «Mwd to. aimra omr w.^
-CIrt/a than to Leito-a H
Hew.Martht Swiani Attriaed lhaOto
H« AjQbhiae.
For 20 ymra the town of Bt. Johu
had takcB tbe drudgery of Mlaa Martha
HeaakuiB for granted. Her place. It
tacitly admitted, waa ie the kltrtkcn of
the Whberapoona. ThU did aot meaa
that abe waa the aervaot of tbe Witherapoaaa—do, no! There wero two reapecti
la which ahe diffetfd from the ordinary
•rrraat. One waa that ahe recelred no
aalary. The other was thathhe waa of
high birth. A common peraoa may receire pay for aerrice and rejoice la IL
Bui Mlai BeoalQaa. daughter of the Hod.
Peter Beaaluoa. now many yearn with
and dull forbeara, could
not. eren hail-abe been offered money,
hare accepted It. What ahe did wai to
Ilf* la the home of her married aUter.
and night of tbe
do mnytUng
other folka ohjeetid to doing.
Barak Wltbcrapoon bad not been one
> let the dUtlagnlabcd name ahe bore
. dlbj- had girea
fortoiw In the abape of
her aoBa and daugbtera. and for each and
erery one (rf thcao little onea Martha
Bcaaiona, tier aUtcr. bad cared. In abort,
Martha wak the' liibrlcaior of Ihc douealic wheel* and did ererything fur the
family that abe coold- do. from hemming
tbe UBpklni to idtUag bcalde airk beda.
Hbe waa tbe lirat up In the moming a^
the laat to bed at night. Bbe aiarted the
kitchen fire at dawn, and abe looked the
front doer and wound the dock ofiee the
ctbera had retired to thdr.rooma.
.Yet It waa getfrally uodcratood in the
U............... W
the table. eaiM-•
Id the liUobM to diri>rt the aerving ahe
IN-rched uncwally on tEo edge of herduir
ready to roab into tbe fray at the aUghteat algn of confualon.
There waa one oauae of chagrin, howerer, which even thU modern Uriaulda
did not bear patiently. She waa too much
occupied on.thc ftabbath to utlcnd church,
for the large family dinnera and the aupperi at which frionda uere lufennally
and generally inrlied kept the honaoheJd
drudge at her poat at the hour* of aerrIcc. Uoreorer. ahv had tbe |»in of hear
ing her own particular eburrh and ractiir
apokeo of in tcrmi bt derinino. nod the
unfathlonaldc. cultlrated aod cuoaervallve congregation of which abe wonW fain
have been urn- waa the auun-r of much
nilnb to the WUheraiK>oii*. wbo went to
irteat of aacn-d ediUoiw and wboae
preacher waa renoanrd aa an after dlut-r apeaker aod a aodal lion.
Hut one
me day
...... .........
IM-ued. It I* dificuU to hdivre it. allbeogh
it l« now andenl bUtory. t-VedcHck Be*' ina. granduncle to Martha Biwukina aod
Karab Wiiherap»n. died at a., great
ige tl
• -..........
- .. hove
that be
am-med• already
In-en dead for a decade whenii hi* obituary
lUlahcd, and In dj’Ini
he lM>iiiit>atlied to -Martha Bewdun*. ih<
all land*, fund* __
prnpertlet of which I ataud pmseiwed.*'
The newa «a« bronght to .Martha Sealona one morning when abe wa* aortlng
over tbe week'* waahing. nod she came
down to (be parlor In her worn gray
frock and while apron and met tbe Intel
ligence with incredulity, lint when ahe
waa quite coDvlnred of ibe truth of tbe
thing ahe aatonlahcd (hr link- lawyer hy
laughlng In a youthful way. .. ______
pect(<d ncrroui and grateful tear*.
■ ‘ ave tK>u>-mlon of
■” can
Uaya yon
o ptraaejrUb your own. and I can ad
vance youniuney today to any amount
you may deairv. What would you like?"
Mlaa Beastona did out ebtJniy naderatand the drift of tbe quertloo and an*
awtTcd with a vague tmUc:
“I^atould^Uke to aik the rertpr to tea.?
“Tbe Her. Mr. Blliaon. yon know. I'm
nnt mnch acqnalnted with him. but he't
tbe rector of my church, only UDfortaBBiely I've not atteaded church (or the
laat few yrara. But 1 can now. Do.you tblak. air. that I could have a new
bonnet try Sunday r
"1 will wriir yuu a check (or any
amnnnt yon diwlte."
"Tbank you. 1 abool^ like to build u
houae if poaallde before I had Mr. BUInon to tea. It would be much fdeaaanter
to eateitalD Um at my own board, of
coutoe, than-—
"Oertainly. Miai Beadoaa. Why not
build a boater* He waa an aatute and
dc little man. aod be knew
of (ha atory ttf MMa tamlnai'
------------- nderateod by a met Of tntnitkm
that abe was groping for her Indlrldiial
form of expmalon. To have tbe mla-
ktoOy. Bat Mim BmIom aaitM a
■MMatlral amlto and made «o topiy.
That evealBf when the family Mt M
drawing room Aant Martlte to tha
amaMMWt of every one, entered
nay. Bvery one looked up in aurprloe
tad waited. They knew tbe oecariea
eanid not be an ordinary one. She uM
her BFWB wHh dignity. There waa a
gasp, and the face of Sarah WUherapeca
turned BcarieC
of the time* 1 have entertained him and
the favora be ha* received at my kaader
Martha Beaaion* smiled draamlly.
“Of course yon wlU see that tbe prop
erty b divided half and halt Mhrtha.''
pleaded her abter.
Martha shook her bead abwiy.
-No.- she aaU. ‘it b mine. I have
■ever -had Buythiag before. I am | ’
to keep wkat b mlnew*
Her sifter aprang to her feet, hi
with wrath and IncrednUty at (he tura of
the worm.
-I ahaU contest the will." ahe ecreaiDod.
Her husband pushed her into a
“Bit down, Sarah." be maid la a i____
Ufleeat Tidee, -and let me talk with this
riper we hare nuraed la oar boaoms, thU
benefirbry of oar bounty, who forgets
tbe little children wbo hare played aboot
her knee and all tbe yeare she -baa
upon our generoalty.”
But Martha inteiruirtcd him and atpae.
-I'm afraid 1 hnven’t lime to liatcn."
•he aald. "I know what yon wlU MgceaL
You will kludi.v offer to invest my money
for me. You will
apeak to mo about aemdlug the hoy* through
coUege and the girta
aemluary. When have any of you.
young or old, eome to tbe room where 1
nt alone, wondering what I bad done to
be imt aside like an unloved dog? Vi'taen
have you spoken to me. rxn^i to aik me
to do some favor fur you? What standlag bare you giveii me In the community?
flow hare you ail<^-d mo to go clothed?
What eateein do you aup|>oac people have
for me? Many do not know me from
oervant—me. Martha Seaaloiii! No.
haren't time to liaten. I've too much to
think about." She started toward tbe
door and then turned and-heid
"ni take all my woMa back." she aaU,'
-if only eonie one wIll^O);—say be b sor
ry—that I am guing.”
No one »j»kr. Her alrtVr turned her
hark vi.dently. Her U>lbrr-ln-b'
a face of atone. The four loya. big and
little, feigned to be occupied with OtliM
. and the |
no reply, but at the Ski second llnvid.
tbe yniingift biy, \vh< wa* N years old.
ran to her and raugbtltier hat '
•■Can't 1 cviuc to i*«tyou
after y.nfgo away. Aunt Marthar be
oald. There were tear* in Lia eyca. The
lonely woiuan buutched him to, her bungrlly for a monu-cl.
“I think he -ha* lifted my curae from
yonr roof.” »hc uiO and went out. The
•<• Ktlll
. Bnt
when they beard tbe front d.«r algm they
no to the window to hnik out. Bore
enough. Annt Xianha wot walkingdown
the path bravely, hut with her bandkercLIef nt Lit eyes. One of Uie girhi waa
toot up to her aunt'* room, t>ut it waa
found that of her poor bvloagiagi none
bud b(>eii taken from lu plnre. Nor did
the ever send for them. .
The town wa* all agog over the activity
of Martha Be**ioi>s, the heiress. Within
24 bnun she had parcha*cd a village
lot. mui-h l*-auillUM hr tree* which bad
yean before been planted alioiit the sits
of a hiniM- siuee iiuriK-d.- She cuntra
(-J for the* huliainfr>ur n tiny home a
henelf din-cted (he |il.tua. She npi>cai
drtwaed iu »lmi>le IhK line gartui-nt*. s
ahe wore nu nir of iimlnMe dl-^tinrliun.
It wa* the same air abe had nlw
except that her lilM-rated spirit InAed
out of her eyri, I'toirfe enjoyed the ro
mance of It all, and they enjoyed Miss
Martha, whom they disrovered to I
a singularly well Uiformol woman and
lady of eX(vll<-iit taXe. She wa* iiiriled
to tea at the inoxt exclusive boUHC* iu
town. She nioved nt la*t iu the society
lu which »bc had been l*>ru. I'cople offrn-d to n**i*l her In the buying of pic
ture* and china and liueli.
And at the end of three mont^ she
t book
lined I
Wlihh she hod always 'louge.1 and by
touching the little U ll nt her hand could
SUnmoD her w bite capped inaij, wbo wu*
deUrtXcd to serve her. Slie could look
With liaiipy eye* at her o\u« gold hand
cd china aod Lave tbe pleasure ouec s
week of polishing her daluty *Urcr and
glaaa. She was full of doineatie entbn■iasin and a* lm|N>rlnut aa n child with
n new toy. She hnJ her chirilies. and
the was already recugnlacd a* an ardent
member of tbe rhurcl^
Moreover, there came the hour of the
effect climax- -shiiTjad the n-ctor to tua.
t wa* a woiidc-rful oecaiion. Mr*. Drib
A btat gw cr B or « mtra with Mf
Mnneysi that wwe fan «(tanra. cuto
«» IWISTM hMWtol. New York. tW
other day, aya lAsUe'a Weakly. She
carried n rat ta her nraw. The rat had
been wotuMled by n street ear, nad oae
b« was bsdly mnogled. At tbe gnu
tbe dri told Ton. tbe big goUeemns,
that tbe rat was bnrt.
-I want a doctor to be*p Hr ^ raid.
Tom took ber to tbe recrtvlng ward,
where there was a doctor who bad
BotblBg rtne to do.
"Here’s a rase, doc." raid the poUcemnn.
-1 ain't a"- the doctor began. The*
be raw the glri's eyen. "Let me see."
be continued.
-Pirtty had.” kran tbe doctor’s «
inrot. Tbco be gut tome knlrra. a IHtie bottle of rtilorofonn and some band
ages. "Yon most belp me." be nnid to
tbe girt. ' . *■
Bbe aided bravely, though It made
her very pale to aee tbe ebarp knives
amputating the kg. In a few mlnutee
It waa all over and tbe rat was pagtly
recovered from -tbe aturatbrtlc.
-Now you ran Uke your kitty borne
with yoo." the doctor esid.
“It alBt mine." tbe.glri raid. -Idea
JOiiDd n. Now 00 take rare of it
The p
a and doctor made faces
at rach other, then sent the rat to (be
Society For the rrcventlmi of Cruelty
to Anlmalii.
Aa Bartr ■•twia* Kptoade.
The gray light of the niurulog waa
atcallag through the windows of the
Brown homo. Solemuly the clock oo
the mantel chimed the aleepy hour of 9.
Suddenly the doorbell clanged with a
Wild, fierce tbrtck. Again and again
It re-echoed to lla wildly reverbera
"Fire at the atorer thought Brown,
turning pale.
"A telegram saying that mother It
mr thought Mra. Brawn, with
strange fear tugrtng at her heart.
Brawn hurried dreaaed. In bis ex
citement uot forging to upset« few
chairs, thus adding to the frar of Mra
Brown, wbo brenthkoaly awaited the
return of her lord.
She heard iiim open the door. Then
niDufDcd exclamation reached her rars,
and tbe door tbui with a bang. Then
n volley of aonnd*. which arv generally
dc’seribed as making the air turn blue,
reached her eiira. The sounds came
ncori-r and neaivr until Bratim had
finally cliuilNtl the laat step and stood
outlined in the la-drooin door.
“A telcKrniii. Jolmr Inquired Mra
Brown In a tcrrltdo toi]H-n*t- aa sbo
clutched tbe covers and, awaited the
“A wlatr roared Brown. “A wlml?
Henven.* and earth, no! That neigh-,
bur'* buy brought back the umbivlln
bis mother l>orrawcd yesterday!"-IndlnnsiKiliB Run.
At the coucIukIou of fu-rrlce the uiln*
later of a certain NnnconformlMt church
t dnw u the aisle, nt was hit unran lng cUKtotn. to g(\x-t the strangera In
the congregatlun. tays The BoutUsb.Ntueriran. "1 don't tlilnk you are a
nenthcr o( our church." tald he to ooe
no he warmly ihouk hi* jiaml.
"No. tlr." replied the itrauger.
"Well, you win not think me unduly
curious If 1 ask to wliot denomination
you helongr' asked the mlnlttrr.
tupiKitc.” rcKjHinded the other,
"I’m rcalf what >i>u might eatl a sub
merged rrealiyterlan."
•ubinergtxl 1‘resbytcriauT” ex
claimed the inlnlKler. "I should l>e
glad If you'd explain."
"Well. 1 was bruught up a l*reebyteriaii, iny wife is n Metluxlitt, my eldest
dnughter it a ItnptiHt. iny son It the
organist at a rnliiiriau eliurch. my tecond dnughter slugs In a Church of Eng
land cliolr. ond my j ouiigesl goes to aCongivgnUonnl Sunday achutd."
-But." Mihl Ihc uiltilxter aghast, "you
COHtrIhule. doubtles*. lu some church?”
"Yes; 1 e>>iitrn>ute to all of them."
was the answer. “That’s what aubmergea roe!”
trmiimt UttiiQtrm Mb
wt panoM mgy tera dlffawmt
te tblnkt^tbat tha mkar
cffanUagatralMA flMMtoo iHffoMr
thaffrrataatewM ofabda^. HoMwOl
ntytbataora mraMoraenivtaff hlffharadneation than qaa aara laiga In.
aomm^virtra.ofIt OtbraswlUera>
tatod tbai man ara hdaff raaoUlv
tnlMd for raruia elarass ofoa
e«bma will pc4nx to tboas wbo. tboagb
promWng wall la ooUaffe.'bavs fallod
U atUr Itte. Tbo answar to all tbese
wblek Praaidaat Aagall of Uo Uaivar•ily of Mlehlgaa make. U Tha YoaUh
rarabla hy i--------• w
kai MTor been k
'it H —
bo k tiaak
I. o. O. F. BBUWON.
AT •
etc., with the Admiral aa tbe gamtS
Iwor. PoraMarqaett agaata^eaU
tleketo ooJone iiandir atoaetara
rate, good to retarn aaUl Jum ic.
Ob traia ioaviagTraverwaty atS:U
*. B., and arriving at Grand Baai^ at
io:&o; returning leave at 5:30 p. m..raU
$3W. Yon cant afford to mteUk
great event.
H.F. Monara,
AcUag O. P. A,
amid 0tttM7 0«<* Boot
Herald, Traverae City, Mich.
EnameliiigBest to be had in
the city is at
^ samples in window.
:.Fire Insurance..
If JOB have a da
barn, or any other
want to writs ibe
tnuranee for yon. and will
win glvsipoa
prompt aod earefal nttontioa.
Only the mwi relmbla etoA Innar*
Bates very low.
Johnson Block
NOTICE Reduction
in Icel
Coleer •( rrawB.
I have bought the celebrated l‘erFor many yeurs.Coldwater has bad a
colony of craws varying lu number
choroa StglHon,
from 800 to several tliousaod. Tbe
dusky feathered tribe assemble in what
Is known as Soi-lcy's park, a tract of
-vernl neit'S thickly covered with ev
ergreen and oak tte,-s of large aUe.
AlMUt sunset eacii day (he crows rc- ,
turn by huiidjxxU and before "ivUring" ‘ lonaerly owned by Peter Waig-
General Custer Now 75c a Month
r ruir
•wool* kM oase taraxmMS,
pruportlraof ooUraa brad i too to oar
k not I
too great
k Uia daaffor of baaomlng too
irrrav Wbelhor or not tbo maa wbo
have bad the advantage of tba
blffber odorattoa, rralia* tbstr ambUions aa to Ineonn. Uioy doabUM
eoamand larger (see or Mdarka than
Ibey could hategaiuod wUJboettbeir
ayeeial iratning. Preaidant Angell he
lleves ako that there k al*raye room U
tbe apodal ooeapailona, soeb as aagiaooriag, arebiteciure and ehornktry, tor
men wbo have fitted tbomtolvea to por•ee thoae voealioas. Whon the eoantry k prosperous aad indmtrieaare
abrmally acUvo there U a grealor domaad for each omn than tbo eoUsgra
eanenpply. It is no dosht tbe fact,
•ays Vrssideat Angoll. that it k now
■-tofioddoetorsol pbUoaophy
giviag InstroctloB in blghaobookor
aeadoBios. Hat thk U not to be ro
ffroUod. in tbe iatarosU of good odacatiooiand tbo eomponoation
poato k oftoa qslto as good as It k la a
eollege'faeulty. ItU rather a raaso
(or oongratolatlon that tbo poolo in
important aehook aro oomlng to bo eatoOBod ao Jast as doxirablo for oaiooat
aebolarsaspostsloeollogos. It itweU
known that each bss long ooea tbe
raoo in England "
damming up the eaoe (or the eollcge
bred man, I'reaident An^l aaya: "If
oollego tralniag bao really aoeoBpllahod Ito work wg^b any maa tboa bo k
more of o man boesuoe of it, Ho bao
not o^y-more vatoahle acquIsUions of
he baa a broader and a
bettor view of man aad of life, and a
better power to nee whetever feeniliei
in tbedieubarge of whateverdnly may cjmo to him.
“Can there poeaibly be a eurplasof
men no trained? Ie not every man wbo
bns received oneb training himMlf Ue
better for liv Can sxslety have too
mnayaoeb mea? Ie there really any
danger of 'a glnl'of them?....
"How often do we find in eeclnded
towne and vniages that the ooUege
traiaeo man. whether i>reacher
physician or lawyer
former. Iseoenler of intellectual life
to the neighborhood, atlinnlatlng the
young to eindy, wkely ahaplfag tbe
opinions of the oomumoity, leadlag
bk neighbors in all goc
In social or poliUral life!
"Of conrae It may be said, and truly,
that all college men have not tbe mor
al impnlae and character to perform so
benign a Uak. Bat. np» the wboI^
it can hardly be denied that the gen
eral infinenee of our ednraied men on
oar national life hae been conservative
andaalnUry. To diminish tbe proportioB of them to the popoletion iroa!d
bo a dkUpct retrogremion"
Ibe high schoul-and young Caroline Ar
nold. the artlM. and the Iter. Mr. Ellison.
Martlia's right hand. What
hour! How the
e gold iandi
land* t
shone! How the
rtsKH a
lowy was the linen! H
cate w re Ibe pinks!
nil remalils quiet In the settlement un-I will be found at my bam,
Bnt what wen- Iheto gloHes to Miss tU early the next morning, when they lo*,*., -h-I.
take flight. prahaWy In search of food.
IVhat they sulmlst on during the winSaid Ilorao will be here Thurn.
her band* decorated vilb two modeat ter months is a mystery. One frafbro ,
diamonds? AVLat a'lady! What a mls- regarding the rather singular encamp. I‘“y*’ tYldaya and baturdaya.
treaa of a fine (seaslon! Iteally it waa a
^Oa Moml.y, >1 Snlloin B»y, .nd
hour. Ii(fnt may 1h-that tbe thing 4ng. although no one has been able to '
b made h«r happtest. even happier find their nesting places. The place on Tuesdays and WedBesdsys at
than tbe prxwencc of the tier. Mr. EUi- they bare pre-euiptcd Is almost In tbo
wn* the fact that dose IwSlde her, In tirart of the city. No one dlsterho Monroe Center.
UDday l*-Ki. with a sndle of contentmmt on hi* fare, sat DarM Wltbcrapoaa, them, even tbe small boy respecting
their ctalm to tbe wooded |«rk.-Oraad
Rapids Herald.
;o Tri'bune.
■••••reea •( (toltnsw.
A diaUnguinbed lecturer once toM a
story of an eurageim-nt he bad made to
dcUrer a dlaeounu- In one of the Interior
towits oa tbe subject of -The Beacon
Lights of drllisatioii." .
-I reached the place." he aald. "a little
behind time and went directly to the halL
ycr reflected
A large andicnee had assembled. 1 was
U entitled t<
Introdncvd In due fonn by the presideni
of tbe lUirary sock-ly under whose aus
I was to appear, and. laying my
deeWon with which thla hitherto patient pices
mannscript to the deak before me, 1
—omau acted.
ope^ It fad waited a moment for the
-If yooH b
npplattte to subside. Imagine my horror
found I bad accidentally bron^t
-ni pnt on my bcunet and go down town ajong 1the
irong lecture^-ope on ^
with you."
Modem Klectricat
-To the baakr
“To nee a coatraetew about my beuae.**
It appeared that here waa a rampant
tmaglaatloB. glera rein (or tbe ftnt time
in Ita Mtetence.
-Ton family wffl be mock latereataA
kt 9«B a«>d lUrtnw- hM «te Mt^ nattsM «Unt kMW tto «
"Some pcoide, men es|ieclaUy. ac
quire reputations (or excellent taste In
•elecUng ptvsenta. when In reality tbey
haven't tbe slightest Idea witat U being
nrat." said a oalosmaD In a fasbitmabie
street Jewelry store. "They Just don't
want to be bothered with mafciog a
seleMton themselves. Several regular
customera « bo have accoonts here In
variably come to me when tbey receive
wedding lavltatlona or have to give
preeenta of any kind, aod teU me to use
my own Jottement In making a selec
tion. Of coune. they tell me bow
moch tbey want to spend, give me tbe
c and address, together with a
card to be Inclosed, and go about tbelr
buslbras. They haven't the allghtesti'
Idea of wbnt tbelr gift U until tbey
reertve a note of tbnakn.*-mindsl-'
to priynte fiuitillM .
PayBble.monthly in adwaaM.
Chas. W. Merrill
Bote pbuoeaNam. sisW.FteMaL
1 have bad my bailding
rebuilt and pnt in good
shape aad km now ready
lu receire all oM patroim.
John R. Santo, Good
SiMnl lisiriiM.
Lioe of JoYdry
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Bldnnlk Lumbar In aU
won (• Ththm Ottx ante Oe.
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