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The Morning Record, May 15, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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r Plott So3
I Boo m
AtSorityte Oobu tool SouAoL
traverse city, MICH. TUESDAY.
All Styles
Bo«s StumM BMpmMk- OjinitetealtomlaoOoeartPostmsstsr ThompsoB of Hs_ ar, Porsaad b7 British.
M tfOter Plotb TSBA BoBOTSd front Offles.
hmt Ooc. witkOoMtepo toOoMNte hotoo
powar te toaotfifote Uto pootel Moodol
UOto oad ka 0000 aoaMM «hp hk
poriaa tbanooteto Mradoood bp
hortt—o* Zn
Snoter Bom of niwfli, pmtdlw
ferofaUtamtlcotoofiho oopatdifarZU ttmtamk at Ootootol Prlo- ten of an poWo aoii^flrf to teloM.
Oabaioma pateettbtOBiMdBtetoo'
bte it hold U troot bp to cotoa
^MtAl M n* MMM BMW*.
TcHno, KV IS-WhOo to. to
•m it ooooroBUr Soltinc M Kma•ladt to ropolr tSa roUvaj ud Mac
^totparti.thtohitftotarwt imtha
SottSAitto wooliii M MO oo»
Bssehsd on St.,
ton lo Hotel. At j*\ too it ae oSetel Mm of Oooanl Bailor'* moro.
Bo q^OaX
Xiools SoborbAB Xiins.
teaTnaaltLlaca. Howaror. aa All
Bap'e Ooafenaee VaUaff to Break
X>aadloek->Xa8Baa Oitj Strike a
PaUnre-StTMt Car Bea la Doptoa.
O.. Ault Beeanoe Baaacer Befnaed
to Boeocalxid Voled.
pUmty in OptraHana of Bari«y~
SaaaralBoatetaatan UteaProriaaa
viUbaAitaatad far Hovtaff Bad e
•aUtp Saowtadco of tea rnmh Parpatoad—ZamtifaUea Shorn BxtaaSad Imcmiarttlaa.
meltl lo Toa Measnie kaceBB-
MAY 15,190a
Ira Hit test wonn's
shots tilt noN; cai
Bovoao. May 14—Today’s daval^
mb la tee poatofiee aeoadol abow
widar imeaurittat thoa ot flnt oaUatpoted-lPootmaolar X P. Tbompm of
tea Hovoao loeal ofliea boa bon aaeand loproetieoUy oadar ornab Bdword Moya oad Jotca Moanro, Otbaa elarka in tbt ttomp deportIt. hove baao orrortod lor com^ielty in tea fraud*. They on oUecod to'
hove been folly eocnlxont of Neeley'*
operation# and aborad the profile with
him. ItU expected to aaverol poit■ten In tea province wUl be teken
into eottedy, ot evldeqpe.'-lt—beinc
Cateered which tbowt Hteley't c^enUont could not hove beM eorrltd out
wlteoot cailty knowledge on tbe port
of tbeoe tnapacto.
Fonith Yo
in Stationery
Ws havs just received direct from the celebrated
Whiting manufactory a large and elegant line of their
finest sutionery in their Angora, French Crepan, Gre
cian Bond. Organdie Bond. French Organdie,-Imperial
Bond. English Vellsm, is the very latest shapes.
The ladies are especially invited to call and see
them, at the
The Did Reliable City Book Store
Ite Uteot dJopol«6 roeotvad it from
Ctmpt Pom. doted MoadoT oicbt.
oOTi^ thot tea Boara avoeutod Balplaookor, oad lAot Ooo. Dai
o to Biaokoploocte. ■
nlloi tron Doodoe, trbera t bop troro
aoklnc o tUad at tee time the dlt- apMlel to TOe HoRiU« Bmerd.
pateb wot teat.
8k Lonla, Mop l4-ma boa bean o
Lndoo, Mop l«~Tbo war omet boo day of conterenee over tbe etreet eor
naalved teo tollewlac from Lord Bob- iU-op. Late toalcht it wot civta ont
Yon can buy Soroeu eboce
tliot on ofreomoitt hod been reoobed But Senate Will Kxpeet a Modification
, Mop !>.—Baplplaf to
in Traveree only of
o ootUomoat of tht troablod of KoyTonnoefate TTooty—IbTorpoortelecnmofMoplA OoMortblt wboreby
ootet tetot
oUe Aetlea on Qonol BUI.
ItipMOfted to Proaideat Kroftr to
oad eon opmoied ao aonol to
Ihadhoard to prIooMn from oar reoebed
morrow. With tee tnaalt Uaee. bow OpKUl MThe Merulae BmwO.
I botac traotad oa ever, tbe deodloek ie oabrokea.
Waohtneton, May 14-Tbo Niearocao
t ia a Pnlorlo Batlneee men. toxpoyen, employee eonal bU wot nportad to tea aeaote
JoU, teat oatartafOTor wot omoBC team oadoBeenof
tee eompoay wan ia today by tee eommlttee oa later-ooean
oadtomadlMaa oad oomforta
Then were ao
oU tbe of teraeoa, bot foUod
iwaAtok lalaootetedto BapaV to ocroo OB oay one of tee polati ot The MU before tee aeaoi I h jott 00 it
The Leader in Fine Footwear
Ikaoa todwi of aror, fonlfoort oad iwne. Meantime two more llnei wen pemed tbe honae, The<
boirkva, wan tnotad olilca. Ot pentad today than on Sotndoy.
roewd tee ratnoe o7 tea MU from tea
April M Krocar ropUod teat ao differ
eoauaittea aa a vietory. It wUl, bow.
Strlkort Lena ia Koaaoa Cl^.
am bte beta mode botwooB ooloote
be a bama oaa ao far aa aetloa
Kouoa City. Mo., May 14-It may be byteaaaaatete aonearaad. Tha &toM oto primon. Oalp a omoU
aambor of eappeaod to be tplet oad ■oldtojteeotrael eor atrlke bon U
1 majority in the aanata bat no
Mot teat it bat bMQ offielolly lalaatioB of ptatlac tee oaaal bill
oteaa wbo bod ei
nartlal low or triad to eoeope. bod declared off by tee union, b«t beooaie oatU there it aome modlfieabon of tbe
---btealmprUoaed toioO, bat bod boea
Clataa-Bulwer treaty aa they do not
ImTltport from ariodomoaoati oad except for potUnc 380 ttrikan oat of care to violate tee treaty ^ pattlac
Jobo. Oort on rannlnr ncnUrly ox- teebUl. TbeieUanewttoaty before
oetly at bsfore tbe etrlke wot doelored. tee aeaote which, if properly ameaded
e favor, oeoordlax to Krofor.
Uaion Bethted la Dayton.
aad ntlBad.wouId make proper lecitlawot varp prevoleat omoap tee eivU Dayton. O.. May 14 — Tonlcbt Mon- tloB perfeeUy proper. While the Bute
pgimlotioa ot wMl oa tee tee pritonort ocer Kerper ordered all of tbe electric departmeat aupportad by tee pretldent
oad oToip poaolble lotoni were beiap eon of tee People'# lineo ran into tee loaiau upon tee Hay-Panneefota treaty
tekaa topreveatteetpreod oftbedloTbe motormen ttrnek boeonte a* necotiated. and tee committee of
0000. wbleb to o creot ezteat bat aae< Kerper would not raeocolze the union. oa forelcn nlationt l^Ut upon ^y
Be hod SS motormen hen from Cin- amendiac Ik there te no hope
•'Oo April MI ropliad otoliac I
elanotloadwoicalactoput teem on, favorable action oa teat treaty by tbe
Clod to raoalvo to oatonaeo. Ipteat- bat appnndad tremble and otopped oU eenate. Aad wbUe tbit difference of
YoJuo ot Um. ih« ul*).boe.
ad oat teat ao dlflaroaea
teo can natU be ormaUie depaty opinion remain* between tee admlnlamode botwooa barchan oad
oad polieomea to proteet tee property. tntion and BepaMlean taadera In the Jrtlh w*^.'^eSwopo!aieB« *oS^rwao**iy^
whom teen micht be i
iota there It no> hope for-tbe eonal
Cnood tor aotplelaa woold trp to otMU.
u BoMoio Dot how luer, or lio<
oopo. tteoacbtoaeb oi _ , fOVO
•l^toopoek.ttoT»lrpboo* U oloi
It tea
note for oboaoo bp eSelola wltboot
t^roar btdOJDr AD* hrloc on Id
Ipiotexim In lUlk Ooaoeo Sorloao
kaowladcoot tbo oateoritlao.'OrOof oe* put lo today.
Tronble to ffoaUp of BATaekar af TwoBamped BaakSobbaro Captured
Weot Tenth Street Snadop Nbrbt.
Zaat Nicbt-Strenc Talk
Tbe tomUy of Bdvnrd Toteerof
of Lynbhiac.
. of Mmpln Weet Tenth otnet wen pcOooaed Sun aporiel to The Mmltf Bmerd.
pnvidod for ia Aaawo
Bmporla, Kta., May 14-B*lalle and
In tee mOk teat they utad for thoir Murphy, two eaeaped bank robbeim
lioa BUI.
Abont half oo boor after they who broke jail Friday niebt at MaryaaeeelelteTM Moralae dMem.
hod partaken ot tbe mUk, they were vUlaandldUad Maraball Boberta, of
LoBdOB, Mopl«-la tee bocte of •eUed
with terrible point and a pbyLap. were oaptored toniebt
00 osbuaoned. He diornoeed Island in tea Neeabo river, touib of
latrodoead tee AoatroUoa commoo^
cote ot tyrotoxioon poIoMinc. ob- bora. AU tea larmera ia the vielaity
woalte bill. He oold be thoocbt moap tee
-were out with etto* and there
inooibtn woold envy bim the privUece
Mn. Tnekar wot tee flnt ooe of tee
ot tatoodoelBC tbe bill teat marked a tomUy to be eeind. followed by her ttroac talk of lynebinc bat the anthorlUeo tnooeedea in lodciac them la tea
Cnat oad importoat atop la the orfoaItaUoB ot tee BriUtb empire, ne tvro ebUdren. her fotber oad her bu- Bmporia jail. bill, be oold, wot tbe reoalt of eanfol bood. All ore now neoverinc from
Teetatday'H^taa Ball Seofaalabor oad tee obleat otatomea of Aao- Tneker, who It tUll tuSarlnf
traUa. U eaoblad te^^ fnat laload wbok
VATIOXAl. LKAOVK. eootiaeat to eater tee wlnaioc ebxle
a H
of tee BacBab ap«*>^
Have never been ecjnalled by
woold aolaacer ooaaiat of eeponte
Oileoko ........................... 4 10
ou^Tvee or otberm They are
New York......................... o 4
atotea. wbleb la teemaelrat micbt bo Xnelndod In Provtelona of Maval
Oarvia. Nlebote: OoRTlek. Warner.
a ooeree of doofer, trletioo and weakriatloa BUI. Pamad by Gobi
^lOc Tblnea and will not last
Pitteborc.......................... 6 iO
son. Bat If tee bill poaaod AootroUa apKlel toTkr ^rmlec Bwor*.
Boetoa....... ..................... 3 7‘
long. See them.
would be an Inditaoloble fedenl comteiacton. Miy 14—Tbe aenate to Obetbero. Zimmer; Diaaea. Clarkamoawealte. Snnljr nnlted, for monp of day petted tee aaval
- tea neat Importoat fanetlona of gof bUL It ptoridea for at
eramaaV After tee blU poawd Atm- S44S a tea udoateoriiai
tMto woold hove oaiform poatol tole- loa of five aubmariae boata of tee HolCrofb aarviaa oad probably o toUwap teAdtype.___________ ,
apotam OBdar ooo moaacement. Ihtra
would be inter colonial free trade and MAJOBXATBBOMBMIBOVMD
oommea coatt^ of aatkmal defeaao.
Briatow wiU Sueeatd Sim aa Dlreotor
Wanbarc Block
DsnosHcr bill pasbbd
Hobart, Bescher Co.. Proprietors.
gAarre B.oj.a! bttt.t. oxr
3ToAll?o&ib $
Of 3ihe Canpote
To those who o|i|ireoiate
*r »T«r.v daecripUDB *t prlc«* tOat err Hfti.
r. »SC to >10
8. BENDAACO. Straw Bate, to to Sl-U
A Bunch of Shirts
Special Sale at 49 cents each
, „ . Ytetenlay motning we placed on ule at 4i«c each, a laige lot
of Men's Colored Shirta, 65c. 7.‘>C. 90c and 11.00 grade*. coosUting
of Mft, aemi^ft and stiff bosom etylea They are one, two. threa rf
a kind—some in one size, some in another size, bnt in the whole lot,
nearly all sizes. Vrry desirable goods, at a decided bargain,
Young Men’s
The fact is this department is our^obby. We take
pride in dressing up the young men in all the latest
fashion. The young man of limited means will find
here a gentlemen’s suit, of good woolen materials, in
neat patterns, stylishly cut. for only $5.oa
For $2.50 more we will give you a' swell suit in the
nobby checks and stripes, double breasted vests, in all
wool cassimeres. and fancy worsteds.
To the young men of the senior class we make
special inducements on a very fine line of black clay
^hhy Nor
John R. Santo,
Geiiral lisiraioo.
Oanin aa Aptng^tiaa of Naarlp
Four BUlloaa.
Speemi W*IM aomlae BMwd.
Waabtoon. Map 1«—Xa the beoaa
todap tea atlUtaiy ■eadamp aad cenanlAaSalaaey appropriation bUla wan
ncprtoA. thaaa/two maaaana earnplate tea Uat of c«Mrri appropriatioB
bOlo for teh ooncram The boota tbaa
Bpeeiel to «h* MwelBX Bmon.
' ii^V toto " ”
Waablnctoa. May 14-Fo
teal Faatmaatar toecol Briatow baa
baoB rotated to aaeeaod Major Bateboaa, dirootor ot poata in Cabm
Bart, Dicflas; Sbrat, Ftebar.
Qaiak Tto fiamPateakay
'nmataamarmiDOte arrived 1
l:n Uste moruioR from Petoakey. mak-1 Goar. Baydoa; Loa. Daab, <
rtee“:^‘2: «mta;:;C^ur SThto!
in Icel
Now 75c a Month
laakUmetee minoU wUl touch tbla »ami»l teTho MocdIo* awer*.
• Kokomo, lad.. May
nipped in tea famny of;
to priWAtA ftUBfliSA
mtac, fear —n^ aortb ad aelto paate You oa«bt to mo the f”
Tha dteaaaa waa eoa.; Fsjsble mOBthly in SdwBBOS.
raab la oar pant dapartmeak A' *'**
moaicated from aa Btwood man. The
i moai
Ohampalcaa. UL. May lft-Ovare.000 Bteda A Oo.
latatoboardbaa ordatad a atrtat ^aa4'
people telo alicraoon mw llUiwte de*
to Mtebiraa by a aeore efll to A
hr f. L DNNiui Am frto Fryian 'sattaa.
Bote’pbeaaaHaim. uaW.ltotSk
llniaany MU white wia pamad,
Black and tan. welt and band tom aolea, $3.50
For Bale only by
Chas. W. MerrUl
McNamara Block
XBB xourura bboobd.
awawtwB ono A PEAT
k T,
w. ]
a .•
m. •>< «»
iMr Ud IkU
tkv bad broken wbrnla «o earn ier.tnisntiw ilTmr r-r **" oaet aida of Oaaa
Maal.soatkefthebddcn. wbw
tely tka dray (d Frohop-SKyaalka
earn# from. beUad Xmtdia>e Mate
wHkthadr^.lBMOdtbamlaBdlBr on
top of tba w^on. tka other (Otar eianr
arm It.
Both wharta wmn badly
beetanap bat tertanataly aaltkarof
Ike sMma tw«0^
nay wlU
b4»mora oantnl 1« '
■ m 9iawmm CUr.
«anyoftkaBMataitha:aty. Prob
ably Priean la>(by IFOnM Flraa-G
bttoUMtUr^ rmn th« Bmabcr
4MmMd Igr 44 pw
Bvlar tka MB pwtod Um asakw of
90Mt tnd« bH Inarwiirt
47 per
ThaUtlw M pmMBMft from
a of foral^ oiili. wkUe
«ha formar ara Bot.
1 tka ataal
sad wlra oooMsa abew that mn Uc
braala eauui ampata {.ai^Uj for
»ada. 4aamaHaroffBet.tkaUcirar
Ika ledrpeastlds aad'tba non U at*r, tka Bora Talasrabla
iliiU Itdoaa not daai falrlr
yskUe or ita empl
crROxnr ooum;juro»8
iMPOara of maanfartaraa of iron and
Fife Lake—Jamm Mnrphy,
Steal hare daeraaaad by ss par east
4arlaf tbs laat thirty yaaia, while oar d-Tracy.
Oarfldd-WaUs-B. .Millar. Aa^ine
aaporla of AoMrlean
ins and steal bars Ineraaaad by
Oraat-Wm. Brmxataridse, Sera Bean't look as tboncb proaaU
tartiw tsjarad tba anport trade!
Green Lake—Wm. M. Ham, Cbarlm
Bdbopb affords the baat market for Oraly.
Leas Laka-J. B.J Dnrya. Cha^lm
tsfoa, bpyisf fimm as almoat to tba ax-. Corbett.
Mayfldd-noa Bawilasa.
iMtotabUliondoUara a year. Why
Paradlaa-Bdwmrd WaU, A. A. Bowwt keep on terms of friandship with
oar baat enstomara?
Ooutiaolea Wm Baenra Xitlmataa as
to Cost of ImprovaThm board- of water «
kaldan informal
r yostardsy
■Mciiliic to take the inltiaUve steps
eats in the
dty water syeUm. The transfer of
tka plant not yet harinir bean made
from B. D. OampbeU A Sons to
dtrltlslimpaaaible to make daftniU
a for extensions at <
bst the eommlseloa proposes to leae no
time in (Stuns down to bnUneas as
aoon as eooditfons warrant to uke
Aaflnlto stapa to Improre the system.
Jnat what axtansieos will be made
flrat or when tb^ will be made la stUl
sseattarof nneartalnty owln( to the
oosdiUon amtad, and win depend
larfely npoe the nnmber of eonsnmere
in rartOBS loeallUas. but the eommisn wUl draft eatimataa of Uie eoat of
sariOBs extensions where needed. This
will enable them to do aomethins defisite as aoon as the transfer bat
been made and the neeeaaary repairs
to Ue plant bare been eileetad. ^ere
sriU be anotker meetine of the board
aoon u take farther steps. While no
ntdieal cbaacss will be made at once
1 not i(nore those
whleb are demanded.
Ibe transfer of the plant will be
lennd the
to Mr. OampbeU as soon as tbs form
of bond has bean perteeud. whleb Is
BOW In prorrem and will probably be
oSseted in a rery short time.
•oraaan Brown TrontOsnrbt Snnday
[ S« Xnehm, and Weigh
inc 8 8-4Poanda.
Tka reeord lor big troat tkU
was again broken Sondhy by Loois
Oalmaa, a bla^amlth who worin for
Vietor Petertyl. and tba 8 pound rain
bow trout eangbt by George BaS wUl
haTateaarraodarthapdm, ao far aa
•etaal weight U eonearnad, to a 0«man Bmwa trout eaptared at Miteb
Tba flak was eaogbt os s shiner, and
maariTail «6 inebm la laagth, tba
J««tb aa tba rainbow eao^t by Bail.
BatthaOarmao brown wdgbed 8)(
pounds, making It three <jaartara of a
peoBd baariar than tba one tbat bald
flkaneecd bafora.
«of tba Bteyela OrdlaaMs Gobs into aOmt TMay.
Tke bicycle otdimaeewhieh pceUbits the aaa of tba walka by W^le rldaradntaftba aammar moatw (oes
into atfoet today. OhM Souio dadim
hw dwt Arrtred-Cbpltallala Baady to call pardanlar attamtien to tka pewto Adraua tka Manay. Mew That ddema of tka o
tkat tka law will ka aateead.
tba Otty Pmaeklaa Baa Bean Ob-
W. aJokneaetBaw Yerk .atrtaad
hi tba d^ yastwday. and ka and Ua
wife bare taken op tkdr abode M tka
Penlasnla-F. .L.] Jobnaon, W.
First Ward—John Mnllen. M.
Second Ward—Frank r^tsn
Third Ward—Edward Beaear.
Fourth Ward—John Tbaeker.
Fifth Ward—C. H. Hantar.
Whllawatar-Georye. Llnday.
A Feat Bleyela Bidar
often rac
reedre painfnlentaAPialaa
orbrnisaa frea
from aorldanto. Bneklan'a
Arnica Salre,
ra. rwUl kin the pdn and
heal the Injury
jory.It's the eyaliat'a friend.
bytbe Xoln^r^M
Tbaadltoraof tb^Trar
annad to be iasnad by tba Clam of
1900, bare let the eonbaet to the In
land Pram of Ann Arbor. They wUI
do both the prloUny and tba enyrarIny.
Tba annnd will eonaim of abont 200
paraa; flbdy Uloatratad. It will be
prints on beary anamel paper, and
boand in doth to aeU at SO eente per
copy, or in paper at 25 eenta a copy.
Raw Praddant of Ctarka’Daice.
Tka BataU OUrka' Daiea kdd a.tacy
plaamataid peefltable meatier laat
algktto C. 8. P. A kaU. Tkare waa
ami a teod aodal
tima. Tka priMipal tmten of tka
aeanlnr waa tba alaetlen and taataUatte of WtUiam Johnaon. tka popalar
diy fooda salasmaa of tka Beotna
Stece, as praaideat to aoaeaad A J.
wkem radmtfam waa
aeaaplad. Two new mat
taken in and after the
tka aaadoa leaeraam and caka won
Mr. dobamn aaya that tka preapaati
tor tba bdliiaf of tba Tiasacaa
andMd Mtadon Boetria taOreod are
rery br«kt. new tkat|tba
from the d^.tbetktmr that tba aapttaltetakara bean holdlnf off for
Be aaya that the Raw Jack
bankara who hare premkail tba money
randy to farnkb it, and tk^
tere a firm in riaw to do tba aetaal
Jim Marekie Wanta It.
work of bnUdlnf tba road.
m Marekia kas formally annoBBIt baa bean nacfaatad that tba work
ead kia eaadidaey for tba Bapabliean
by loed eoBtraeton, and Mr.
Hominatloa for aberiff of Grand TravJohnaonaaya the <
oonnty and be says be k
bare the ditbteat ob}aetkm. proridad
to the flnidi.
that the eontraetora bare ead fnmltb
that tba men who
are pottlny in tba money can led as
safe as tbonyh the work ware is <tba
bands of tba Arm that they know.
•araral of Tham Cbptaiad.
Qaali oarrent'etraa. are a liMla
oatef the ordinary, bnt tb^ were la
snee yestsrday, and noma of 1
dty they are qnlta planUfol. driren la.
itia tkoeykt, by the foreM firee.
Oae of the birds flew-.lato the Bold
Wkitias in the meomiac, and waa eaptarad bdUad the door, wbara it was
flBttarin(aad,tr7in(toret onw Anothar flew aydast the window of Fred
Beektd'a aaioon. end waa stnnnad so
that it was readily eaptnrad. StUl
othafflaw into Kortaa's ban on State
SI(h Sebooi Anand wUlbe Piintsd
atraat, and waajalao eaptnrad.
Ir tka. Bypablleaa partp ramaina in Paaat Drawn fot{Snmmar Tana Wkieh
pewar tkara wUl be BOBM daflsJte 0cmOearanaa Jbb<U.
a in rarard W tka
Tkajorj tor tka Jana term of tka
spatroloftroataaothattkar abaUnot eironit oonrt waa drawn yeiWSay.
OooH wUl eonrena Jana ll, end the
daatrlea. Ohio baa aonsdad tba Lay- toUowlnr la tU pend of jnrors: ^
Aerns Frank Atwood.
OU UMiott M4 wm Sow
WUl be Xarrlad Soon to Xim ZeUa
Bnid of Ann Arbor.
Itia annonneod that L. A. Pratt'of
the Inland Press of Ann Arbor, form
efiy of this eity. is to be married In the
tntnra. On the 34th
A of Smooth
be will wedMim ZeUs Hard of Ann
Arbor. His maoy friends in this eity
wUl extend their
A Woman's AwfnI Peril.
"There Is only one ebance to
that is tbronjrh an operaUon" were the starULny words beard
by Mrs. I. B. Bant of Lime Bldye, Wls..
from her doctor after he
tried to core ber of a frightful oaee of
......................................................... kundiee.
•tOBMha*.______ _________ ___
beat coagb rasiedT on eaith. raresVcold •tantly grew werae- Tbeo she began
•e Electric Bitter*
P------ wbleh
in one day if taka in time. SSandMcta
wonderfol ■tomaeh,
kidney remedy.,
rensedy.^ Cares
Bwda's sample pent sals Is a eorker.
dyspepsis. lem of appeUte- Tiy It-Only
Mott. Gaarantaed. For sde by &B.
Wdt ^d Jss. G. Joboaons. drafCteta.
^8. S.
For jaotu ISiffitboa go to Frpul
mUr Bad t^nickMetl Steel
Baagee. fnan tSOiOO. A
little ceali down ead the
belaaoe ia eeey p^motU.
I here A foil Kae of 00(4
Atorea, quick seAl gteoliae
apd quick meal blue flame
oil etoree.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 E^XLt Stireels,
Spring Shoes...
The newest of-the new otylee in footwear
yon will find here. Never have we shown aneb
. _ Jough, *
BronchtUa and Ino___
ConaumpUon, la
beantifnl, attractive, dnrable aboee aa we offer
at oar low expense and cub system prices.
This is a big saving to yon. Onr aasortment is
so large you can get what yon want.
Come and aee the men’s shoes we sell
and guarantee at kl.tH, in tan and black, in
Tici kid and satin calf, coin or plain toe. lace
and congress.
136 Front 8t.
New Boat for Carp Uka
J. H. Modar of Proramont. of the
Moaiar I/nmber Co., waa in the eity on
bnUnaas yesterday. Mr. Moaiar stated
that his esmpany bad porehased tba
tof J. T. Banaoma of the esUta of the
Leland Iron Co., which wUI
thwonyhly orer^nled, remodeled and
pnt in first clss^abape for aerrlee on
Carp Lake While this is an old boat
it boa flrat clsss machinery, and with
entire new flttinys she wUI be an axeellant boat.
Jut as w«U ae not—I bar*
A Urge line of tbe Peaio*
Pnotical Shoe Man
Warm and Windy Waathar
and CbbI Clothing Go Togathar
We sell you the latter to give you com
fort in the former. Trading here always
means your money’s worth.
Summer Clothing
Straw Hats
That means solid contentment in the
days that are to come. The light gray
serge, single breasted, at $6.50 and S7.50.
As good a seller as we have is the blue
serge, single breasted coat anJvest. at
$6.sa Have you seen the double breast
ed ^lue serge, silk faced coat, to be^worn
with duck trousersr It’s a beauty, and
sells at $7.50. The skeleton coat, with
trousers to match — nothing cooler
more comfortable for summer—sells at
And comfort are synonomous terms:
Never carried so fine a line of “comfort
hats" as now.,
Have the latest in rough braid—com
es packed in a neat leatherette case, (fin
est thing when youTe traveling) sells at
Wheeling Needs
the Proper Clothing
That's what you always .^nd here—
the right color, the right quality. Ae right
Have three counters of bicycle suits
to select from. The $5.00, the $7.00 arid
the $7.50.
In bicycle pants you can’t fail te be
satisfied, no matter how exacting. There
are dark and light and medium shades,
and all manner ot checks and stripes, and
sell at $2.00. $2.50, $2.75 and
Two other grades of rough braid,
and they’re dandies, sell at 75c and $j.oo.
The split braid hats—A splendid as
sortment to select from, selling at 25, 50'
And 75c.
The Mexican hat for girls at 50c.
The sailor hats far girls at 50. 75c.
Negligee Shirts
Have one of the biggest bargains
yet offered.
A fancy shirt w|th two collars and
a pair of cuffs for 50c.
The Madras shirts in all manner of
colors and a full line of sizes, at $1.00
and $i.5a
The Chambray Shirts—A beauty with
three plaits in front, and trimmed in white
at $145.
Xhe Cheviot shirts—The finest line
on the market—as good as any custom
made shirt at $3^10 or$5.5ix and ottr peic*.
is just an ev^ S2.00.
A Xaoa Ooar Brain,
•Bd Urer. Dr. Qagk Raw Xifa PUk
-- ----------------• - agih, a kasB. al«r
m, A u eaat box
wm make yoa taalUka a new ;
•eUWAkWkHanA.}aa. &
Store open Tuesttay’e and Saturday's until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile^Co.
This 01t7
FilMlny to
stow «,0M
fM<it*t«ka«itauthto Juuudtb*
wftac*»«T«*» V>#to7»t WOl Attate ^estiac tf tte l«acna
ctf Mishiynmat
Eto MM* OhMi elrt fi( OUe kM
tor aty Bndaaar VortbM*a*^*J MieUna *»r * *vi« M M
••M. M4. M MtoUfia hM M f^*l*r
np-«.E.*l. BaOnte Vents To
•Ivk. tM Mftuw chM* «l*b, wUeb
Band as XxtMkm-XAke ^Tanm*
Iiiilna th* bMH*^. will wy *0 wMn MMfk vtojm to «iur to* «■•
Farit Aawfte MbwB
tte water works matter was brouyht
up. ate bad to be explalaed to tte
aldarmaby City. Clerk Bickmd.. Be
siatod that the transcript of tte proesadlayi of the eeuaell ted been aant
to SoMoa, Good A Mayor, ate that tte
tatkmseou^ co no father tUl
ttey fate aetodte tte matter. BeaaI tbe eoea£ that tte trawfar of
tte plaat to tte elty weald be made as
M peasiUs. attar tte bonds war*
ttaued. AMtionof Alderman Sledar;
waspamed. hewurar, prondiay that
tte mayor ate el^ attoraey eoafta
with Mr. Oampball m to Jnat when be
will be willlay to traasfer tte preverty
to tte elty.
eeonelablo'tbendet C. W. Aabtos. with a P. Oarrar as aaruty was
tastruetad to taelad* ia tte bteyat
tor tbe jmr as apprapriate of filM
for toU park, wbleb with tte tlOO
already tn tbe park fate wlU asm to
fit up this plotoffroqndqnlta nicely.
Under tbe hate of appointmenta,
Mayer Friedririi aamed tbe foUowiny.
ware prompUy eonfirmed by the
Frank Bartley.
Special poUoe without pay-Pat
Duns, James J. fiakar ate Duncaa
Member Beard of Bdneatksn. in
^aoe of B. W. Bnote. raslfMd—John
A Mil of Jamec ATccy for flii», for
buiylny four dote horem that ted
been dragfad oat into tte nfth ward,
was allowed.
W. F.
toereetabouaeoe Bay etreet.
Osaaeat walks were ordered bnflt by
tbsMseeanflle Oo- epnthand west of
their store, by Frank Friedrieb In front
of hU store, ttt Front street, by C. B.
McManus A Oo. in front of their store
cm Front street, by B. Bristol on
Eighth street, by Vilhelm Bartak A Co.
on Front street, by the Hannah A Lay
Co. In front of the east wing of Park
U by TBomai Pierson on
State street and by F. O. Henmann on
Eighth street.
AsaiMaltof tteaettomof tteeonaaO last If1^. It to probabla ttettte
I **4 r*mc*t M EMkmw •»»
elty wfll am^ B. F. Berthnp as
dty aaytnsar for tte year beyinnlny
«*. ThMM frut wfll probably
with tte Irat Moteay la this month,
Ttera was a sharp euntost for
cdat a salary of $l.a« a year. Mr. North- flee of prealdaat pro tom. bataraan
rap tea bad a fiattariny oSar for aa- AUarmaa Bmith who was net praaaat
lao4tM BMttoOoM ftorolted <
other pnallkm at a salary of fl.800 a atttemasttay. ate Aldsrman Bastp*aj.«tofco«*pll*l of M.OOO.MO *Bd *
yaar. but oflarad to rsmaln ate yin Isya. who did set waat tte peaitiOB
hto aetlr* tte* to tte rity, if it is re- ateporiflTely dadload it. Aldwmaa
M. Stoy, «Uy tooMior of B*UU
qnirad, for fil.MO a yaar.
Smith waa fiaaUy alaetsd.
'Cboik. to* foudbto tetter attor a
Tte propodtloa to plaee hla MJary at
The queatioo of permaant etraet
•Mcebofttyaan. Ba wmlattelUlthat flynre eallad oat a yraat deal of work. wUck thto eeaelon was to oonaoto Meldtorr Boa*. Tte alter Blaj
Tbar* waano qnaatioB as ddar. waa taken up twj Uttie. A
mattatotte war ate dartarkto abtothafitoaaaofMr. Nerthnp for tte qnasUon as to wbat parmanant atraat
aaaaa a aaa waa bars. Betera tte
poritioB, nor was tl,MD a yaar conald- work ahaU bs was dtoauaBad. ate it
tethar eosU raton bto wife tead ate
arad asalary fora
aaciaav aaamad to ba tbe aeatlment that half of
tte latest waa ptwrlted wUb a boas.
who daretee Us aatlr* tte*
M to tte
IteB bacaa tte aaareb that tea jatl
woric of the ally. Bnt it was qi
qaatUoo- ate tba othar halt by tha ewaan of tbe
adbyaararal whatter tte elty eouU ad jolainy property.
A rallrote men rays that ttiere Is ne
Ktoi Minaia Ua, a rwt at Faw Paw
tnralsh anonyta work ter aa enylasM
A petlUoa wst reeelTSd tram abont a limit to tbe else of the American locoUte.aaar Oolaaa, was'polaoBad ate
to aflord to pay that flynra for bU aer- hundred clttona asklay tbat tbe part Dotlre. and "u long as beary rails
aada daaffmtey iU Friday araaiaff. Tloaa.
rmn be secured, Just so long will
Tte polaoa was tnste to iM ciaaa.
The aayytoUona of tha board of
Sloes grow. Home of those days we
Tteaua Oaiway. >c yaan old, whUa public works and of tha water oommU' fierentb streat be set adds ate bsantlfl- will be namg two hundred-pound rails
ridlBC a fatoyale Baaday at Orate Bap- aionen, who held a ■aasion. to eontider ad as a city park. This petition was and tocomoUres twice too slxe of those
reoslTed and filed.
now in nee.
Uto, oeUidad wltb a atraat oar aad ro- tbi qnaatlon ycaterday mornlny,
Tbe reetynntion of B. V. Bound
aatrad tetal Isjorlaa.
fanwable to the employment of Mr.
from the board of edneation was ac
Nofthrup at the mlary named Aldercepted.
V"---------flpaa ara is troabls. It to afaiaattba
Baetiayt mored that tha elty em
On reeomouendatlon o^tbe committee agree to refund the money
aoUat* ratoa to oat tobaeeo, yet tboas ploy him ate Aldermen Oarrlaonand
bottle of Greene's Werranu
foatlaaiaa a&okad pnbUely ate net a Moore supported the motion in unison, n streets and walksi rebates were eent
amount rap of Tar if it falls to enre your
aamberof protoasor* wbOe they . . bnt on the snyyesUon of City Attomeyor eold. We also guarantee a SS-eent
bottle to prore satisfactory or money
tbaaaaJoylarthefflsalTss. Tbeteealty Daris that this salary would bare to ol S3.0S.
The special park committee reported refunded. S. E. Wait. Bnybee A Boxtea waned tbaa that tbay most stop be fixed by an ordiannoe, Mnyor
In taror of aetUny apart for a park the bniy, James G. Johnson, F. C. Tbompaasoldar or Uara.
Friedrich declared the motion out of
part of Lake atenne between Union eon.
Stadant Haary Brink of Hamlltito. order and U was not put
and Berenlb street. It was prorlded JoBbs Pa&u Sargalu at Benda's i
▲Uacaa oouty, who would ten tradAlderman Moore then mored that I*
pie eale.
tbat some other cite be aeenred for the
mated from Hops Ocdl^ this month. be declared the eense of the couneil
enylne bonse, and that two boUdinys
wBsatraek by Ufhtalny and ioatasUy that the waya ate means oommlttoe
tbat are set parUy on tbe park site be Serfild CiBtarj' Cook Book.
IdUad While waahtef for braaktest at ambody in tbe a
A limited number lor eale at ti oenU
kted. The report of the committee
tte home of Banry Laideaa at Htflaad tha annual bndyet. the employment of
each. WlU bsmaUed
was accepted aad adopted.
00 receipt of the price. ____
Mr. Morthmp at the ealary named.
Tbe eommittee on ways aad means
Herald. TraTerae City, Mich.
Charles Baooz dlad la OadlUae Sun. Ibla motion was carried. Aldermen
day moralat at tte boma of his par- Montoyne. Binder aad Wriybt roUay
oata, tte raanlt of an aoddeat wbloh ne.
ApetiUoa was preoented from Ue
oeemmd Batordoy arenlaff. Heeox atG. R. A 1. Bailrote Oo. for permiuion
1 to boards
traU at Leroy and fell ondar the to build a bridye aenwe Bm
rirer, from the leedhouee to a point
whaala, his left foot belay smpnuted.
just west of Oass street, and to extend
Be was unable to snrrlro the shock.
e track from that point In tbe rear of
Heeos was about ts yean old.
the bnUdinya on Front street, crosslny
The Mlebi^ stole firemen's assocla- Union street at yrtee jost south of
tioa will hold iU tctb annual oaoTea- tbe north Union street bridye, and
...tte In Kalamaroo June M aad SI.
ronniny to a point near the Front
Tteralslny of yarden truck <
etreet bridye. Tbe pillay to to be pnt
lO.OOO-acre farm, to be sentby the ship in alony the.bank of tbe rirer, ate tbe
load from Muskeyon to Chloayo, Is the bank filled in to the cetabllshed dock
plan proposed by Herman 0. Lanye. line.
City Attorney Darls informed tbe
aaerctory of the Peryason Foundry
company of Cbleayo. Tte land to be eouacil that it wnot In their prorince
derotod to celery, oabbaye, onions, to yrant permliaion to bnlld the bridye
lettuee,'radiates and all the prodneu acraee the rirer, that power being
rested in tbe boefd of superrlaors.
of tte yarden U In the Hnsk^n
Blnoe the railroad oompany bad eeTalley ate Use atony the north benk ut
the rirer. A leree 11 mUes lony is to eared tbe right of way from the propbe built fire feet biyh ate so feet la arty owners alony the proposed road,
thlekaees. With e lake rate of 7 oeoto Mr. Darls informed the ooucU that
a hundred and a nlyht's eaU from tbs tbe only tblny that they eonld do was
market. Mr. Lanye aad bis aseoelates to proride for the eroariny on Union
baliere they can sasUy epmpeto with etreet. That if there are any eonthe touch farmers of the Chloayo dls. dittone to be imposed in tbe way of a
ttieV The eoat of this ImiwoTeaw
flayman, tbe matniananee of a liybi
aatimated at tdo.ooo.
there, or other oondlUoos tbat tbe city
The ponltoT aad piyaon fanelan of daalrad, now to tha time to fix those
Bly Baplds aad Tlelnity are plannlay oondiUOQS before any ooneessions i
to oryanUs and hole a show there nest yranted.
The matter wes fiually referred
the eommittee on etroets nnd walks,
At Orind Baplds an unsophiiUc
. doctor marehed Bdward Phelps, whoos aad they were directed to report u
the next meetlny of tbe council.
Tite meetlny of toe Leayne of Mich
tlons, throuyh the <
I atTMte.
We just received a lot and they are going
ate into the health offloa in tte city lyun Hnnleipaliuea ,1s to be bald at
hall Baturday to find out what ailed Jackson MaylJ and 34. Tbe question
very fast. One lot assorted colors for $1.00.
wes .bronyht up.
him. The patient was ordered to the
pest houae, and tha entire section of After toe aldermen had strnyyled for a
Another lot for $1 50.
to' fin(4 out wbat
tte city hall In whlrii tbe health office
Is loeated. was deserted by elerka and they wanted, it wes roted that the
mayor, with two mambeis of toe connfnmiyated.
mberot toe board of pablm
At Honykton miners to the number
■luted by him. toyetoer witc
oft.WOareon strike at the Oeeeola
ate Uulney mlnea. Thereto a etrony tte City Clerk, be toe deleyeles from
tola city, toe trareliny expense being
probabUity of tbe strike spretelay.
borne by toe elty. Later toe matter
Keepsrs KImbell and Bennett of the
Uybt eUUon nt Whltoflah Point ahot at Jehnson’a drug store, and it
a IM-ponnd bear Saturday mornlny la tnslly decided toet nt least tw wonld
tte yard at tte Uyhtbonae.
go, ate toe expense abore toe flee full
farce furniehed by toe city be borne
.There to more eataarh in this aeeUoo
.ly. Boit;ie protoble that this
Of the country than all other dtoeaeea
put teynther. and until tbe laat few mty will hare a large repreeeniaUoB at
rmwasaapposed to be incnrabla. Jaekaon next week. SsTaral enbieett
will be diseuatod^t toia meeting of too
league that wfll be of wpedal Interest
ad local tumadte, ate by eoMtoaUr
fafliay to ear* with local treatmMt to tUa elty last at toe preasnt time.
Amocy them U tte mattor af rateOne light double wagon, Harriaon tnake, with double box, spring
In regard to the matter of parma- aaat, nearly new wagon, 3J inob tire*, priee $40.00.
wt street Improremcnta. Alderman
One 3 inch tire wagon, Petertyl make, all complete, been used 6
Our Top Coats
very much in
evidence on the streets.
there are a few
young men
yet imsupplied.
To those we
extend an invitation
to make an
from our really fine
On Exhibition! stock.
HO^ES Hamilton Clothing Co.
A carload of fancy drivers, farm
mares and Sbavy work horses,
from stock farms at Stillwater,
Hlnn. Call and see this load of
good horses.
State Street.
Suit V.\v« 'SlvVuq ^OT a 'V.ol 'Daq
Vs a Ccrasrt SVItV
Wagons and Buggies
IFox* Sale
week*, good as new, $40.00.
ItoMl ear* ou tte oaAat It to taken Tiding that tte board of public works
(hw Spring wagon, long box, two aeata, a good (arm. wagon
tetsnmlly U doam tew lo dr^ to a fnraUh to tte conaeU aatfmatae of the
prababl* coat of pariny FVont atreat prioe ISO.OO.
One lumber waff» 3) inch tiree, pri^e $30.00.
TteyeSsraM bateite doUara from UaioB to Park with tte boat qnalVraayasa it faUetoauiu. Bead for tV«fpaTlachriek.ate
One phaeton baggy, painted and in good shape, $40X30.
riteriatuate toaltaaMals. Addrem,
One oovered milk wagon, in good ahape to hitch to, $35.00.
. «F. J. OBBnr A 00., Tblade, O. alaobs furnlabed on two blocks of
Tba rasolntioa
One road oart, in good ehapst price $7.60.
BaUbVateIiM%li M tte baM.
One <^ien boggy, in good eemdition, prioe $30.00.
One platform wagm, low wheels, with pole and thills, good nsr
Tt 3m~UMp^li 14 IMES.
kat wsgon, prios $1500.
Me naedjr aqaals WaBns’i Wsm draft aa ordiaaaea, in aaaecdaaa* 1
wora or Tab stbof for this terri- tte'fusolutlaa prsMatod fay Aldarmsa
One canopy top surrey^ jost out of sbe^, in good repair, newly
U dlssM*. U taken thorbafld aU oeMt walks !a tha fitura. psittted, prioe $50X».
Tte motloa waa aatriad.
□TteqBMtkBaatte unal Mata o<
B. J. MORGAN, Propr.
r' m
Ladies’ Composite
Three dollars.
Ladies’ Gloria
Hod’s GoYomor
Foot dollars.
These are out leaders—made by shoe makers
of reliable footwear. Sold by the Old Re
Frank Friedrich,
Ne^ Store, 242 Front;Stroet.
wwwwtwmraw tnwwwwnc
* MD\v\.\6
The width makes the length, and you
buy as much as you like—usually a yard
and a half. Prices. 10, 12 1-2. 15, 20c
and up.
Plain, hemstitch, fancy stripes, etc.
esasiismix aaaakaa aaaaiiiawmtw
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purpose^
SMnralk Lnmlwriii «U itaaa
■•on t* Xnnn* Oity
/# MMT iTMtii I
Wd«M, BM> * Op., of Kmm* Oitr.
te»*s«wMet«lth Um MUk r>«MBMBt to tafBkk U.OOO hon« bpfen
the morning record.
Paoriab Lean. Oar Oaia.
Oaariu Praehaaha. Jr., aadwlfadapartod on a lato train lut tovanlny for
TritvmMOUy.Miab.. wbara tbay wiu
make tbalr future boua. Mr. Prabu
Mlebiyu Btonb ai
tj, Of wklab ba
Mca JohnDasBto prapaiiay to pal Olmrifatox WUl
oBMatotomtaadtoffolai utttrwiM
•w aortoad am tacte fU* «tok to
Moddt Ui dwoOtocadJalatocPuk
tbo oddltta of a Ttoaada.
•Xlw baOdtoK «m atao ba patotod.
Mawtoll* bot« baatod OB lha ooni
oMa oTOBaA waBaratorr to «ba bmOd*
AwntoiAi O^mim, t. a.. tad»7. h*9* *1^«MridMtoU7orpvpoMlyMi •» to
» taifP pfi« of tomd IsmlMr whteb had
Dtoa aad Day wm clva i
toMotondto tko ■■rkat beow Md plaatoBt daaolac par^ >* Vi
ballthk tfmiag. lotraabtoaB
iMtoUaatod at»lM,«oa aad nadac
F. CDaotooed aad B. Brtatol waal to
BaarOraak oa a flablaf trip yaatorTba paMkatiOB of tba wQl of John
■a^laibnawfbatbta piranaal aalato
Bto WChal* aad Toay Hovotay
BBBOBlycio^ aUtbat waa laft of waattoBaar OraOk ytatorday for a
to falbarb baqaaot of
tefnak QbtopbaU of Sbarwaa.
dfiarwiuitora acda ad igowaU la
- tka Woxford dlatrtet
Wa tomar awaotbaart. Bany
pnapareaalabBriB^aad bair to aa twetorMtothalaylalatan.haB —
aatoto wortb 9m,9m, took earbaUa ad bU toatUy bora aad will aaka Tyav*
iMaaddlad. TbaaaJaidalaattnbatTbamaatlayof tba Ohaptor of tbo
adtodaapoadaaay auaiwainf bla raOiteoftbaGanaia Star, wbleb waa
latfoBa with tba Toaaf weattatohava baaa bald tbia avaalny. baa
Work of tba Ohka«o •
____ ,_„._jdfor oaa waak. by tba
far 1000, ^Boat eeaplotod,
kt tba pepatotka ^ Oblaare worthy Matroa.
Tba Maaocb naloe wU maat Wadla Bot lato tbaa 0,001.000.
naaday avaalur aa araaL
J. L. Merray baa baaa aayayad by
PUno Aynoultaral^ Maablnary Oo.
1 aad oada Jana IS. wUl probably abow
alhlybar fiyara tbaa tbia by aosa 00.- of Chleoyo. at ayank
Do aot ride you whaal oa tba walka
today nnlaai yea daalra a foroad eaU
BarUnd U writbartny la tba eUwa
of a coal riny.Tba prloa of eoal baa raiaad apoa Beeprdar Bobeito.
Hanry WUebnevrakl to preparlny to
M pareant-tbe pralext balay tba heavy
datnaada for tba war, bat coal ownan. epea a aaw barbarabop naar Randolph
Bay atreeto.
BOW wbaa'doBoaUe eonaaiaption, aava
far cooklay. baa rlrtnaUy atoppad, • aermaina Broa. have aold to PbU C.
■aleUlB tba prlea to tba toraar ax> Baoar tba handaoBM aaddla pony
travayaat fif^ra. aarloaaly arippliay “Major." jut bronybt from Cbieayo.
■any Indnatriaa, aapaalally atael aad
The Oval Wood Dtob Oo.. bu aaear^
from Oamalna Broa. a baavy ^raft
Tto board of foralyn Buaalona of the tana. t.MO walybk
A handaoaa aaat baa baaa nude tor
PraalTtorlaa ebareb of tba Oaltod
■totaa. will eloaa ito ftaeal year May M. tba yroeary departaant of the Meroanfcaa froB dabt. Tba amoaat appro- tUa OoBpaayb atora. Tba aaat to mada
prtawd for tba yaar waa POU.SSl. troaaalaetaherry. andwUladd mneh
Paada aafletaat wara rataad to pay aU to tba oootfort of tba lady patrou of
a and laava a balaaea of tbaatora. Tba material to a portloa of
a fine lot of ebarry left over whan tba
1,107 ter tba yaar.
atora was bainy ballt. M yaart ayo.
Tba Bombay oorraapoadaat of tba
Tba Hiyb Bebool Jnnlora have toanad
Taalrr Tiwat aaya: “Tba ebblara eoa
ttooMtoraya In tba famlna oampa tbalr Invitotlona for tbo annnal raaapTbara bava baaa 400 daatba in thraa Uon to tba aanlora. wblob will oaear at
Montayu ball Friday avaniny. The
d^ al Maadlvaa and ao ai
are written in UUn, and
tba eaaarat (todra that U la lapoaMbla
to aoUaet tba bodua. Tba paopla bava are jvj anlqu.
n avaanato
W. J. Parker of 1_________________
dad aad cannot ba indnead to ratsm.
'""A-atinUar atote of tolnya pravaUa at anllariny with favor. He hu baaa 111
) tima,aad u yet thara to no inBraaeh.”
of improvamwt In bto oondlMarUal law baa baaa proolaliaad la
tba provlaee of Baroaloaa aad Valae- tioa.
Senator J. W,. Bnmphray wiU oomala. Spain.
_ianu a aariw of revlvaU for the
▲Botbarmqwnaiva Bulan
of land In Eoru hu been dtoeloaad at Otanreh of Ohrtot next week. Ha vru
bare lut wlatar. aad wu vary anooaaaPort Chin b’a«. oa tba wut eouk
Upon hto lalnre to dmartoa from ful.
Mr. and Mra. Otorye Rooma are the
Bnr^ next Aayut, Rav. Oharlu M.
Bhaldoa intaada to write a eoval. bav- paranU of a baby boy.
A dtopatoh wu
lay ulto object tba aolntlon of the
ihpaatlay tolliay of the aaddan
aervast ylrl of Amarloa.
duth In a talooa toara of a maa by
On tbaatoamabtp Ptoa, jut airtvad
the name of Peter Jaekaon. rappooad
from Hambary. wu tba laiyut oolleeto bo a raaldut of thto dty. Tba
Uoa of
ever bronybt over tba
had jut arrived tram Dnlntb. wbera
AUanUe at one Umc. Tbara wara
ka alalmad tbu ba bad bean drnyyad
alapbaata. Uyart. aamato, and olbar
and rabbod. Tba addnaa that wm*
aalmala. toytthar with a larya uaort
I to ba bto bema in tbto city
meat of blrda and r^laa. The trip
wu 80S Slxtaastb otraak Thus to an
arar waa paaoafal with om marked oxeaeb number oa tbU atruk and an
'oapUM. That wu oaa alybt whan
wnma to know of enah n man.
Panther Jake, aa aaraly baui. aaupad
frmnbtoeaya. He aroaaad to a eoracr
Viator Patolek aadwtta oftbaAayon tba back el tba alapbaat Ooddaot
Diana, tore bar daab, and then rapeal- lam. wut to Grand RapUto and aonth
•a Mlohlyan yuMrday for a vtotk
ad tba operation on tba tab other Wy
F. W.^Punlnyion of Intorloebu,
beuto Karl '/.ellar. one of the keepan, toally klUad the panther with a aput Sunday in the city.
R. B. 8a^ wu In Klnyaley m ba^
rifta. Moatef tbaanlmaU came from
Berlin aad eonaiynad to Now York. Inma yaatorday.
Mtoa JnUa BUUnyi huairlvad is tha
They wUl be divided amony Pitmbary,
Chieaya Mra BUUsyavriU
Clneianatl. Cbhaayc Pbiladelpbia aoe
be hare soon fram Grand Baplda, whn
ft to
in the Atbau papaia they wUl yo to tbalr
that toe prlaoaaa of Walaa and bar Fdyewood.
H. B. Wbbe to is Orand Baplda on
danybtor. tba Prinoam Vlctorto, are
aoon axpaeted to arrive at Corfu, and botinaai
MartBordubuyosato Norwood to
that Immadiataly attar tbalr arrival tba
bathrothal • of tba Prtneaaa Victoria work.
Clark Murray of Kallfuka county
with Prince Uaerya of Uraaca to to be
wu In tha city yutarday.
Samuel Owland bu mae to Ann
Tba firat letter mailed at tba United
Stotoa put ofiu at tbaParia expultion Arbor to attend tha maatlny of tba
wuaddiaaaad to Praaldant MaElaley Oommandary, and alao to mttoad the
by Oommtoatoner-Oaneral Peek aa4
Mtoa Mary Hookarvtaltod bm mother
naebad Waablnyton Sanday.
Fonr millloD Iren and atoel mann at Imka Ann Sunday.
Mrs. Waablnyton Pound hu yoaa to
toetaru bava arrived In PbUadalpbia
from Bnylaad on an Importont into- AUuan and Orand Rulda for vtolto
aioB for the Brtttob yovemmant. Tte with friuda.
Mr. and Mra. 8. K. Walt have you
vkdton are ani9uad to have eoma to
nmnyamanta with the Panonyd oa a visit to their dauyhtar. Mrs. Fred
olvar of Saytoaw.
im Oa for tba cautmetlon of aavaral
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. MusBoa have you
brldyu to ba balU in Soatk ACriu
to Abn Arbor to attend the May Futiattar paau bu baaa rutotad.
ao. Turner wut to
A WoMab Frlud.
Weak, narrou woman arUl find a yaatetday to attend a rnuUny of tha
Mead of, triad worth in Dr. A. W. Stow Board of Pardou
^wb nerve aad blood plUa. They
W.a Jokuoo.tha pranoterof tba
wUl roatoro tba vlyor and ri^W
bar yonthlnl days and malm Ufa worth Travona aty. Old Mtorioa A P
railroad, arrived framCUeayo yutorday aoeompaniad by Mra. Jehuu.
They are U Park Plaea.
SbarUr A, E. Baillayarof Maple City,
wu In tha oty yutarday d^ a llttla
mtoakaaiy woric for Attorapy C. L,
• «M QtMtonb VMttf Dayton, who to aa aaptoaai for tba Rafor tbaloytolalura
from Laalaau eona^.
Sr. W. t. B«
D. Z. Oarttoa of Detroit, oryaaiaar
nnd praaldut of tha Mlebiyu AaaecUtedD^UaB,wwlnthaaltyaabert tlma
*aka Thto Part
r.a AaayawlUba
AtotbaMmaaf tba.bly •
ttet Mbs tbto perk ThalUlBotowlU
ba dtoeaatianad. aad will net atop hare
tUl tba faU rub of fralybt taaalaaaa.
Tbi to foljowlay tba aama plan u mat
ba aettvoly asyayed la Uo I
of tha eanemw. Ha rayrata Maearaly
> Peoria, but bu a
Oharlavoto wlU toava Ctotoayo naltm1i« nffwiiir
ba did .not
aaebaraakonTuadayatl p. m- and tael that ha aeold over look. While
on Friday at 7 p. m.. yedayu tor nartb dsplorlrybtod^mrtsnbe bu a but
u Harbor Bprinya. Ratarninf. aba of friuda bare who wiUwtob him tba
wUl iuva tbto part oa Snnday at 7 v yraatoat of aoooau in hto saw Said. Mr
Prashnskn bu bau aayayad la baalm. aadoa Tbvaday at S:M
Bom In tba dtr for more tbu ton yaart
puk and dsrl^ tbto time hu oadaaradblmaalf tePaoetouaad tha travellaypnWmuwalh Ba bu beu tor
JtonatWfwrwnwwtTWTWWWtwa: aomayaara tba pnatianl manayarof
Uatavoalny Mra Obartoa Pat^ bto totbar In tha boSal baalaaia, bett
^Wabatoratrul, satartoinad a earn- at tha bid Praebuha and tba Hotel
pany of friaada la boaor of bar Urtb- Oruk aad it to bopad ba wUl ba u
ufallabto uw And of labu.day aaalvacwiy. Tbara wu a plaaaantyr««immof mnato aad nthar fan- Paoria Harald-Traaaeripk
taraa, amoay tboB balaya NerwalylaB
aeay by tba bootou. Talayrami of
Below to a Itot of tha auylny ud aaii
wara laerivad from
Chlcayo aad Maaomlnw aa4 lattora
from Norway. Mra Patonaa raoaivad
arou aad appropriate yifta to eom(near Pork par bbl, a
£¥Em !» tocitrr.
Tba iwaatyoeoond birthday analvaraary of Henry Defer wu oelebratod
lut avaniny wy planaaatly by a Bom
ber of bto trienda who yatharad at hto
bema The avaniny wu d^ghtfnUy
peek daUoiou ref^menia- addlny
inch to the plauu^ of the yneau.
80 to FTjMMt.
1. k uimia
The Waukazoo House!
Billiard Hall
Tba hart fsralabad and beat kept
to nady tor
b.0—. »,«.itbayurroud. Good
with thabonaa.
livery ta eoau
Batoa asada kaewB oa aapUaattoa.
For Sale
Eiigiire at
Fin Insimnca.
..Fire Insurance..
114 Front St.
L. L. ▲. BnOdinff.
©end) CZS ©
Tbrtnrad a Witoau.
lay vru udurmi by
rila. of Dixie, Ky..baNew Ols_ kva lutont relief. I
T which ysi
uad ItIt is
is my ___
tor four
years ud recommend'Itutha
It utha yreateet
remedy for
.. couyhs.
. , ,____
aod allall
throat, cheat and luoy troubles. It will
stop tba worst eouyb. ud not only
praveou but mbsolniely cares eousumpand *1. Every bottle
fake Wsnier’s White Wine of Tar Syi
For Dilw lUe
Good Hue ot Jofeliy
To Oopo a GoOd Ml One Day.
puts, ns sin
Cigar Store
If you have a dwelling, stock, store,
srn. or any other property insnrable.
kindly remember I want' to write tl
iMuruce for you, snd will ylvayoa
prompt and oareful attention.
Only the most reliable stock InaurRatu very low.
bone 79.
Bortxa uaTKs or rmaTBau omr
A modern rullway mall car, equipped
with the lateat contrlvancas eucb u
vesUbuIee.auto9iaUc coupler.alrbrakee.
etc., cuts between IS.OOO and *6,000.
Tha yoTcrameut pays for tba
railway mail care at the rate of *40 a
yur for dfty-fSdt car per track mile,
and *50 per year tor a aixtr-foot car.
A Soldlarto Snffarlny.
cFarlasd a vatorai
liviny at Batb. N.
—____dnu tba war 1 t
troubled with rbeumattom ud kidney
dtauM. I tboufbt I abould die at
tlmu bat Dr. Oiaaa'a KIdsey-Llver
PlUs made anew mu of me after ualny
them leu than three months." 35e. all
drnyrtoU or Dr. A. W. Chau’s Med.
Co.. BnSslo. N. Y. Sand stamp lor
fru umpla paeksya
1 hsTS had my baildina
rabolH and put in good
abape aad am now ready
to leceiTe all old pataont.
- Aiddletown.O.
nnoaneu hla Aaplratiou for Z.aylc
iaUva BoDora to Bneoeed Fuiar.
Bx-Proanentar C. 1.. Dayton of Laelanan eouty wu In the city yutarday oa bulnau and Inoldeatally to
known to bto Grand Travaru
inty friaada that he to a eaadldato
for tba BapnbUoan nomluUon for rap
a tor tbto dtotrlek to aueead
Bon. W. H. Futor.
lUc beat cough mnedy ou earth.
5» «'
Johnson Bloek
Third Chair.
I hare placed a third chair is
IBT barber shop in order to secomotttemy patrons.
(jarefnl attention jnren to all.
A. M. OVUTT, Pfopr.
id Pteber cwpkaM.
ft lldbttSl.
■ •as
ssxBS jssssysyssssl''
First Freeze
Clear Ice, from Beaidnian lake.
$1.00 a Month
At reaidencee—same as last year.
Wcenta. _______________________
Have larya quantity on bud,
Ladtoa. “Yu eu Jump on it traapto oa
make a apaelalty of car lota.
i, but
hut It wil
win coma up amillny aveir
your lut year's hat to be trimmed Ik
LDa "Oalmu'a BluUc Floor Varnish
tima-Oaover at 1'
SB Walk ___
ylvu In
Both 'Pbonea, Na T.
A fine line of dreaa ud walklnr bato
tvary elothlny itaia is salllny pants,
at Mis. a Wlokbam. 4M South Unkn
but Buds >s seUtny more pairs of
pum tbu all otbara eamblsad.
J. A. JackBon
Fruit Trees For Sale
For hfiMlI SbOM 80 to Prjaut.
At Xaow Prices.
^^AitTXD 1
isi-r ^
CharlM hwlu*Ss. oriea I
Peach trees 97.00. Other trees lo^MkrOMsae u OrsU Bepl4» sU cSsir ear
semTiusltaOp. w. ku ekalr esr Pt.
reasonable. See us on comer of
ieOntUBepldasaC ekslr ssr OnU
Front and Union Sts.
e's KrmxAT, apvsl
STOVER A SOMEEH c.i.uxmwooD.a.p.ara.
L. D. CURTIS The Fen lirqiette Eiilmd
lv« Opera Bouse Block.
Faneial Jllrectoi.
BoressUlc Oe. Block.
C*Oa SALB-Oeod w«rk Socso. Ijm s*l
J* taquliv or M Lues*. MS Wesoler sk
Both ’phonu 04.
Sri SSi
tk« IsMol SU ■
oousSor.ohslclBr.lotdoo, eboJis. stools oie-
1 » ftiol loU oe ProBt
Best to be had in
the city is at
^^*BoSeTu(*SH^ ^U1*PV*B
j^nlro SI tUovww Bosso or
Lt Ord 1
E. P. BOKtkBE^AeU^q.^^
nlfSi HoriSots “pSoao.m; Botl.tC7
proporty. J. W. Pstehls.
It to a little early to talk about lea,
but we have a lure aupply put up for
We wUl furnish lamUiea, this snm■. with ice washed cleu and pat In
SSSii, 'ioSiZ
oUl'a^s iltiiiUoe Is prirsts teoiUr. vhen tossdr esplor-
Lv Grd BspM*..
rass'.£s;.r.?.r.si," a;;,
"srisaisa: ....
Ion ol Bro4ksaoc’t or ebmao'o lOU
s vlU be piOBpUir sueoCod to. Sons,
wu^b^oaiee lai. titacci.l'ortbon phoei
See aamplu in window.
”**~n*•"-------- --
^ £.r
eSHS.Isu'^.’ S.; H't.ssni£V'~ ksssstwr VOC waHTtemuesofasykMisaiM
■irooL TracerM Ctiy. Mkib.
wars at mum iisMbH sraU. nui
w«rk ••pptlstU.
New OBM. Karkbam Blpak
r Plott So3
I Boo m
AtSorityte Oobu tool SouAoL
traverse city, MICH. TUESDAY.
All Styles
Bo«s StumM BMpmMk- OjinitetealtomlaoOoeartPostmsstsr ThompsoB of Hs_ ar, Porsaad b7 British.
M tfOter Plotb TSBA BoBOTSd front Offles.
hmt Ooc. witkOoMtepo toOoMNte hotoo
powar te toaotfifote Uto pootel Moodol
UOto oad ka 0000 aoaMM «hp hk
poriaa tbanooteto Mradoood bp
hortt—o* Zn
Snoter Bom of niwfli, pmtdlw
ferofaUtamtlcotoofiho oopatdifarZU ttmtamk at Ootootol Prlo- ten of an poWo aoii^flrf to teloM.
Oabaioma pateettbtOBiMdBtetoo'
bte it hold U troot bp to cotoa
^MtAl M n* MMM BMW*.
TcHno, KV IS-WhOo to. to
•m it ooooroBUr Soltinc M Kma•ladt to ropolr tSa roUvaj ud Mac
^totparti.thtohitftotarwt imtha
SottSAitto wooliii M MO oo»
Bssehsd on St.,
ton lo Hotel. At j*\ too it ae oSetel Mm of Oooanl Bailor'* moro.
Bo q^OaX
Xiools SoborbAB Xiins.
teaTnaaltLlaca. Howaror. aa All
Bap'e Ooafenaee VaUaff to Break
X>aadloek->Xa8Baa Oitj Strike a
PaUnre-StTMt Car Bea la Doptoa.
O.. Ault Beeanoe Baaacer Befnaed
to Boeocalxid Voled.
pUmty in OptraHana of Bari«y~
SaaaralBoatetaatan UteaProriaaa
viUbaAitaatad far Hovtaff Bad e
•aUtp Saowtadco of tea rnmh Parpatoad—ZamtifaUea Shorn BxtaaSad Imcmiarttlaa.
meltl lo Toa Measnie kaceBB-
MAY 15,190a
Ira Hit test wonn's
shots tilt noN; cai
Bovoao. May 14—Today’s daval^
mb la tee poatofiee aeoadol abow
widar imeaurittat thoa ot flnt oaUatpoted-lPootmaolar X P. Tbompm of
tea Hovoao loeal ofliea boa bon aaeand loproetieoUy oadar ornab Bdword Moya oad Jotca Moanro, Otbaa elarka in tbt ttomp deportIt. hove baao orrortod lor com^ielty in tea fraud*. They on oUecod to'
hove been folly eocnlxont of Neeley'*
operation# and aborad the profile with
him. ItU expected to aaverol poit■ten In tea province wUl be teken
into eottedy, ot evldeqpe.'-lt—beinc
Cateered which tbowt Hteley't c^enUont could not hove beM eorrltd out
wlteoot cailty knowledge on tbe port
of tbeoe tnapacto.
Fonith Yo
in Stationery
Ws havs just received direct from the celebrated
Whiting manufactory a large and elegant line of their
finest sutionery in their Angora, French Crepan, Gre
cian Bond. Organdie Bond. French Organdie,-Imperial
Bond. English Vellsm, is the very latest shapes.
The ladies are especially invited to call and see
them, at the
The Did Reliable City Book Store
Ite Uteot dJopol«6 roeotvad it from
Ctmpt Pom. doted MoadoT oicbt.
oOTi^ thot tea Boara avoeutod Balplaookor, oad lAot Ooo. Dai
o to Biaokoploocte. ■
nlloi tron Doodoe, trbera t bop troro
aoklnc o tUad at tee time the dlt- apMlel to TOe HoRiU« Bmerd.
pateb wot teat.
8k Lonla, Mop l4-ma boa bean o
Lndoo, Mop l«~Tbo war omet boo day of conterenee over tbe etreet eor
naalved teo tollewlac from Lord Bob- iU-op. Late toalcht it wot civta ont
Yon can buy Soroeu eboce
tliot on ofreomoitt hod been reoobed But Senate Will Kxpeet a Modification
, Mop !>.—Baplplaf to
in Traveree only of
o ootUomoat of tht troablod of KoyTonnoefate TTooty—IbTorpoortelecnmofMoplA OoMortblt wboreby
ootet tetot
oUe Aetlea on Qonol BUI.
ItipMOfted to Proaideat Kroftr to
oad eon opmoied ao aonol to
Ihadhoard to prIooMn from oar reoebed
morrow. With tee tnaalt Uaee. bow OpKUl MThe Merulae BmwO.
I botac traotad oa ever, tbe deodloek ie oabrokea.
Waohtneton, May 14-Tbo Niearocao
t ia a Pnlorlo Batlneee men. toxpoyen, employee eonal bU wot nportad to tea aeaote
JoU, teat oatartafOTor wot omoBC team oadoBeenof
tee eompoay wan ia today by tee eommlttee oa later-ooean
oadtomadlMaa oad oomforta
Then were ao
oU tbe of teraeoa, bot foUod
iwaAtok lalaootetedto BapaV to ocroo OB oay one of tee polati ot The MU before tee aeaoi I h jott 00 it
The Leader in Fine Footwear
Ikaoa todwi of aror, fonlfoort oad iwne. Meantime two more llnei wen pemed tbe honae, The<
boirkva, wan tnotad olilca. Ot pentad today than on Sotndoy.
roewd tee ratnoe o7 tea MU from tea
April M Krocar ropUod teat ao differ
eoauaittea aa a vietory. It wUl, bow.
Strlkort Lena ia Koaaoa Cl^.
am bte beta mode botwooB ooloote
be a bama oaa ao far aa aetloa
Kouoa City. Mo., May 14-It may be byteaaaaatete aonearaad. Tha &toM oto primon. Oalp a omoU
aambor of eappeaod to be tplet oad ■oldtojteeotrael eor atrlke bon U
1 majority in the aanata bat no
Mot teat it bat bMQ offielolly lalaatioB of ptatlac tee oaaal bill
oteaa wbo bod ei
nartlal low or triad to eoeope. bod declared off by tee union, b«t beooaie oatU there it aome modlfieabon of tbe
---btealmprUoaed toioO, bat bod boea
Clataa-Bulwer treaty aa they do not
ImTltport from ariodomoaoati oad except for potUnc 380 ttrikan oat of care to violate tee treaty ^ pattlac
Jobo. Oort on rannlnr ncnUrly ox- teebUl. TbeieUanewttoaty before
oetly at bsfore tbe etrlke wot doelored. tee aeaote which, if properly ameaded
e favor, oeoordlax to Krofor.
Uaion Bethted la Dayton.
aad ntlBad.wouId make proper lecitlawot varp prevoleat omoap tee eivU Dayton. O.. May 14 — Tonlcbt Mon- tloB perfeeUy proper. While the Bute
pgimlotioa ot wMl oa tee tee pritonort ocer Kerper ordered all of tbe electric departmeat aupportad by tee pretldent
oad oToip poaolble lotoni were beiap eon of tee People'# lineo ran into tee loaiau upon tee Hay-Panneefota treaty
tekaa topreveatteetpreod oftbedloTbe motormen ttrnek boeonte a* necotiated. and tee committee of
0000. wbleb to o creot ezteat bat aae< Kerper would not raeocolze the union. oa forelcn nlationt l^Ut upon ^y
Be hod SS motormen hen from Cin- amendiac Ik there te no hope
•'Oo April MI ropliad otoliac I
elanotloadwoicalactoput teem on, favorable action oa teat treaty by tbe
Clod to raoalvo to oatonaeo. Ipteat- bat appnndad tremble and otopped oU eenate. Aad wbUe tbit difference of
YoJuo ot Um. ih« ul*).boe.
ad oat teat ao dlflaroaea
teo can natU be ormaUie depaty opinion remain* between tee admlnlamode botwooa barchan oad
oad polieomea to proteet tee property. tntion and BepaMlean taadera In the Jrtlh w*^.'^eSwopo!aieB« *oS^rwao**iy^
whom teen micht be i
iota there It no> hope for-tbe eonal
Cnood tor aotplelaa woold trp to otMU.
u BoMoio Dot how luer, or lio<
oopo. tteoacbtoaeb oi _ , fOVO
•l^toopoek.ttoT»lrpboo* U oloi
It tea
note for oboaoo bp eSelola wltboot
t^roar btdOJDr AD* hrloc on Id
Ipiotexim In lUlk Ooaoeo Sorloao
kaowladcoot tbo oateoritlao.'OrOof oe* put lo today.
Tronble to ffoaUp of BATaekar af TwoBamped BaakSobbaro Captured
Weot Tenth Street Snadop Nbrbt.
Zaat Nicbt-Strenc Talk
Tbe tomUy of Bdvnrd Toteerof
of Lynbhiac.
. of Mmpln Weet Tenth otnet wen pcOooaed Sun aporiel to The Mmltf Bmerd.
pnvidod for ia Aaawo
Bmporla, Kta., May 14-B*lalle and
In tee mOk teat they utad for thoir Murphy, two eaeaped bank robbeim
lioa BUI.
Abont half oo boor after they who broke jail Friday niebt at MaryaaeeelelteTM Moralae dMem.
hod partaken ot tbe mUk, they were vUlaandldUad Maraball Boberta, of
LoBdOB, Mopl«-la tee bocte of •eUed
with terrible point and a pbyLap. were oaptored toniebt
00 osbuaoned. He diornoeed Island in tea Neeabo river, touib of
latrodoead tee AoatroUoa commoo^
cote ot tyrotoxioon poIoMinc. ob- bora. AU tea larmera ia the vielaity
woalte bill. He oold be thoocbt moap tee
-were out with etto* and there
inooibtn woold envy bim the privUece
Mn. Tnekar wot tee flnt ooe of tee
ot tatoodoelBC tbe bill teat marked a tomUy to be eeind. followed by her ttroac talk of lynebinc bat the anthorlUeo tnooeedea in lodciac them la tea
Cnat oad importoat atop la the orfoaItaUoB ot tee BriUtb empire, ne tvro ebUdren. her fotber oad her bu- Bmporia jail. bill, be oold, wot tbe reoalt of eanfol bood. All ore now neoverinc from
Teetatday'H^taa Ball Seofaalabor oad tee obleat otatomea of Aao- Tneker, who It tUll tuSarlnf
traUa. U eaoblad te^^ fnat laload wbok
VATIOXAl. LKAOVK. eootiaeat to eater tee wlnaioc ebxle
a H
of tee BacBab ap«*>^
Have never been ecjnalled by
woold aolaacer ooaaiat of eeponte
Oileoko ........................... 4 10
ou^Tvee or otberm They are
New York......................... o 4
atotea. wbleb la teemaelrat micbt bo Xnelndod In Provtelona of Maval
Oarvia. Nlebote: OoRTlek. Warner.
a ooeree of doofer, trletioo and weakriatloa BUI. Pamad by Gobi
^lOc Tblnea and will not last
Pitteborc.......................... 6 iO
son. Bat If tee bill poaaod AootroUa apKlel toTkr ^rmlec Bwor*.
Boetoa....... ..................... 3 7‘
long. See them.
would be an Inditaoloble fedenl comteiacton. Miy 14—Tbe aenate to Obetbero. Zimmer; Diaaea. Clarkamoawealte. Snnljr nnlted, for monp of day petted tee aaval
- tea neat Importoat fanetlona of gof bUL It ptoridea for at
eramaaV After tee blU poawd Atm- S44S a tea udoateoriiai
tMto woold hove oaiform poatol tole- loa of five aubmariae boata of tee HolCrofb aarviaa oad probably o toUwap teAdtype.___________ ,
apotam OBdar ooo moaacement. Ihtra
would be inter colonial free trade and MAJOBXATBBOMBMIBOVMD
oommea coatt^ of aatkmal defeaao.
Briatow wiU Sueeatd Sim aa Dlreotor
Wanbarc Block
DsnosHcr bill pasbbd
Hobart, Bescher Co.. Proprietors.
gAarre B.oj.a! bttt.t. oxr
3ToAll?o&ib $
Of 3ihe Canpote
To those who o|i|ireoiate
*r »T«r.v daecripUDB *t prlc«* tOat err Hfti.
r. »SC to >10
8. BENDAACO. Straw Bate, to to Sl-U
A Bunch of Shirts
Special Sale at 49 cents each
, „ . Ytetenlay motning we placed on ule at 4i«c each, a laige lot
of Men's Colored Shirta, 65c. 7.‘>C. 90c and 11.00 grade*. coosUting
of Mft, aemi^ft and stiff bosom etylea They are one, two. threa rf
a kind—some in one size, some in another size, bnt in the whole lot,
nearly all sizes. Vrry desirable goods, at a decided bargain,
Young Men’s
The fact is this department is our^obby. We take
pride in dressing up the young men in all the latest
fashion. The young man of limited means will find
here a gentlemen’s suit, of good woolen materials, in
neat patterns, stylishly cut. for only $5.oa
For $2.50 more we will give you a' swell suit in the
nobby checks and stripes, double breasted vests, in all
wool cassimeres. and fancy worsteds.
To the young men of the senior class we make
special inducements on a very fine line of black clay
^hhy Nor
John R. Santo,
Geiiral lisiraioo.
Oanin aa Aptng^tiaa of Naarlp
Four BUlloaa.
Speemi W*IM aomlae BMwd.
Waabtoon. Map 1«—Xa the beoaa
todap tea atlUtaiy ■eadamp aad cenanlAaSalaaey appropriation bUla wan
ncprtoA. thaaa/two maaaana earnplate tea Uat of c«Mrri appropriatioB
bOlo for teh ooncram The boota tbaa
Bpeeiel to «h* MwelBX Bmon.
' ii^V toto " ”
Waablnctoa. May 14-Fo
teal Faatmaatar toecol Briatow baa
baoB rotated to aaeeaod Major Bateboaa, dirootor ot poata in Cabm
Bart, Dicflas; Sbrat, Ftebar.
Qaiak Tto fiamPateakay
'nmataamarmiDOte arrived 1
l:n Uste moruioR from Petoakey. mak-1 Goar. Baydoa; Loa. Daab, <
rtee“:^‘2: «mta;:;C^ur SThto!
in Icel
Now 75c a Month
laakUmetee minoU wUl touch tbla »ami»l teTho MocdIo* awer*.
• Kokomo, lad.. May
nipped in tea famny of;
to priWAtA ftUBfliSA
mtac, fear —n^ aortb ad aelto paate You oa«bt to mo the f”
Tha dteaaaa waa eoa.; Fsjsble mOBthly in SdwBBOS.
raab la oar pant dapartmeak A' *'**
moaicated from aa Btwood man. The
i moai
Ohampalcaa. UL. May lft-Ovare.000 Bteda A Oo.
latatoboardbaa ordatad a atrtat ^aa4'
people telo alicraoon mw llUiwte de*
to Mtebiraa by a aeore efll to A
hr f. L DNNiui Am frto Fryian 'sattaa.
Bote’pbeaaaHaim. uaW.ltotSk
llniaany MU white wia pamad,
Black and tan. welt and band tom aolea, $3.50
For Bale only by
Chas. W. MerrUl
McNamara Block
XBB xourura bboobd.
awawtwB ono A PEAT
k T,
w. ]
a .•
m. •>< «»
iMr Ud IkU
tkv bad broken wbrnla «o earn ier.tnisntiw ilTmr r-r **" oaet aida of Oaaa
Maal.soatkefthebddcn. wbw
tely tka dray (d Frohop-SKyaalka
earn# from. beUad Xmtdia>e Mate
wHkthadr^.lBMOdtbamlaBdlBr on
top of tba w^on. tka other (Otar eianr
arm It.
Both wharta wmn badly
beetanap bat tertanataly aaltkarof
Ike sMma tw«0^
nay wlU
b4»mora oantnl 1« '
■ m 9iawmm CUr.
«anyoftkaBMataitha:aty. Prob
ably Priean la>(by IFOnM Flraa-G
bttoUMtUr^ rmn th« Bmabcr
4MmMd Igr 44 pw
Bvlar tka MB pwtod Um asakw of
90Mt tnd« bH Inarwiirt
47 per
ThaUtlw M pmMBMft from
a of foral^ oiili. wkUe
«ha formar ara Bot.
1 tka ataal
sad wlra oooMsa abew that mn Uc
braala eauui ampata {.ai^Uj for
»ada. 4aamaHaroffBet.tkaUcirar
Ika ledrpeastlds aad'tba non U at*r, tka Bora Talasrabla
iliiU Itdoaa not daai falrlr
yskUe or ita empl
crROxnr ooum;juro»8
iMPOara of maanfartaraa of iron and
Fife Lake—Jamm Mnrphy,
Steal hare daeraaaad by ss par east
4arlaf tbs laat thirty yaaia, while oar d-Tracy.
Oarfldd-WaUs-B. .Millar. Aa^ine
aaporla of AoMrlean
ins and steal bars Ineraaaad by
Oraat-Wm. Brmxataridse, Sera Bean't look as tboncb proaaU
tartiw tsjarad tba anport trade!
Green Lake—Wm. M. Ham, Cbarlm
Bdbopb affords the baat market for Oraly.
Leas Laka-J. B.J Dnrya. Cha^lm
tsfoa, bpyisf fimm as almoat to tba ax-. Corbett.
Mayfldd-noa Bawilasa.
iMtotabUliondoUara a year. Why
Paradlaa-Bdwmrd WaU, A. A. Bowwt keep on terms of friandship with
oar baat enstomara?
Ooutiaolea Wm Baenra Xitlmataa as
to Cost of ImprovaThm board- of water «
kaldan informal
r yostardsy
■Mciiliic to take the inltiaUve steps
eats in the
dty water syeUm. The transfer of
tka plant not yet harinir bean made
from B. D. OampbeU A Sons to
dtrltlslimpaaaible to make daftniU
a for extensions at <
bst the eommlseloa proposes to leae no
time in (Stuns down to bnUneas as
aoon as eooditfons warrant to uke
Aaflnlto stapa to Improre the system.
Jnat what axtansieos will be made
flrat or when tb^ will be made la stUl
sseattarof nneartalnty owln( to the
oosdiUon amtad, and win depend
larfely npoe the nnmber of eonsnmere
in rartOBS loeallUas. but the eommisn wUl draft eatimataa of Uie eoat of
sariOBs extensions where needed. This
will enable them to do aomethins defisite as aoon as the transfer bat
been made and the neeeaaary repairs
to Ue plant bare been eileetad. ^ere
sriU be anotker meetine of the board
aoon u take farther steps. While no
ntdieal cbaacss will be made at once
1 not i(nore those
whleb are demanded.
Ibe transfer of the plant will be
lennd the
to Mr. OampbeU as soon as tbs form
of bond has bean perteeud. whleb Is
BOW In prorrem and will probably be
oSseted in a rery short time.
•oraaan Brown TrontOsnrbt Snnday
[ S« Xnehm, and Weigh
inc 8 8-4Poanda.
Tka reeord lor big troat tkU
was again broken Sondhy by Loois
Oalmaa, a bla^amlth who worin for
Vietor Petertyl. and tba 8 pound rain
bow trout eangbt by George BaS wUl
haTateaarraodarthapdm, ao far aa
•etaal weight U eonearnad, to a 0«man Bmwa trout eaptared at Miteb
Tba flak was eaogbt os s shiner, and
maariTail «6 inebm la laagth, tba
J««tb aa tba rainbow eao^t by Bail.
BatthaOarmao brown wdgbed 8)(
pounds, making It three <jaartara of a
peoBd baariar than tba one tbat bald
flkaneecd bafora.
«of tba Bteyela OrdlaaMs Gobs into aOmt TMay.
Tke bicycle otdimaeewhieh pceUbits the aaa of tba walka by W^le rldaradntaftba aammar moatw (oes
into atfoet today. OhM Souio dadim
hw dwt Arrtred-Cbpltallala Baady to call pardanlar attamtien to tka pewto Adraua tka Manay. Mew That ddema of tka o
tkat tka law will ka aateead.
tba Otty Pmaeklaa Baa Bean Ob-
W. aJokneaetBaw Yerk .atrtaad
hi tba d^ yastwday. and ka and Ua
wife bare taken op tkdr abode M tka
Penlasnla-F. .L.] Jobnaon, W.
First Ward—John Mnllen. M.
Second Ward—Frank r^tsn
Third Ward—Edward Beaear.
Fourth Ward—John Tbaeker.
Fifth Ward—C. H. Hantar.
Whllawatar-Georye. Llnday.
A Feat Bleyela Bidar
often rac
reedre painfnlentaAPialaa
orbrnisaa frea
from aorldanto. Bneklan'a
Arnica Salre,
ra. rwUl kin the pdn and
heal the Injury
jory.It's the eyaliat'a friend.
bytbe Xoln^r^M
Tbaadltoraof tb^Trar
annad to be iasnad by tba Clam of
1900, bare let the eonbaet to the In
land Pram of Ann Arbor. They wUI
do both the prloUny and tba enyrarIny.
Tba annnd will eonaim of abont 200
paraa; flbdy Uloatratad. It will be
prints on beary anamel paper, and
boand in doth to aeU at SO eente per
copy, or in paper at 25 eenta a copy.
Raw Praddant of Ctarka’Daice.
Tka BataU OUrka' Daiea kdd a.tacy
plaamataid peefltable meatier laat
algktto C. 8. P. A kaU. Tkare waa
ami a teod aodal
tima. Tka priMipal tmten of tka
aeanlnr waa tba alaetlen and taataUatte of WtUiam Johnaon. tka popalar
diy fooda salasmaa of tka Beotna
Stece, as praaideat to aoaeaad A J.
wkem radmtfam waa
aeaaplad. Two new mat
taken in and after the
tka aaadoa leaeraam and caka won
Mr. dobamn aaya that tka preapaati
tor tba bdliiaf of tba Tiasacaa
andMd Mtadon Boetria taOreod are
rery br«kt. new tkat|tba
from the d^.tbetktmr that tba aapttaltetakara bean holdlnf off for
Be aaya that the Raw Jack
bankara who hare premkail tba money
randy to farnkb it, and tk^
tere a firm in riaw to do tba aetaal
Jim Marekie Wanta It.
work of bnUdlnf tba road.
m Marekia kas formally annoBBIt baa bean nacfaatad that tba work
ead kia eaadidaey for tba Bapabliean
by loed eoBtraeton, and Mr.
Hominatloa for aberiff of Grand TravJohnaonaaya the <
oonnty and be says be k
bare the ditbteat ob}aetkm. proridad
to the flnidi.
that the eontraetora bare ead fnmltb
that tba men who
are pottlny in tba money can led as
safe as tbonyh the work ware is <tba
bands of tba Arm that they know.
•araral of Tham Cbptaiad.
Qaali oarrent'etraa. are a liMla
oatef the ordinary, bnt tb^ were la
snee yestsrday, and noma of 1
dty they are qnlta planUfol. driren la.
itia tkoeykt, by the foreM firee.
Oae of the birds flew-.lato the Bold
Wkitias in the meomiac, and waa eaptarad bdUad the door, wbara it was
flBttarin(aad,tr7in(toret onw Anothar flew aydast the window of Fred
Beektd'a aaioon. end waa stnnnad so
that it was readily eaptnrad. StUl
othafflaw into Kortaa's ban on State
SI(h Sebooi Anand wUlbe Piintsd
atraat, and waajalao eaptnrad.
Ir tka. Bypablleaa partp ramaina in Paaat Drawn fot{Snmmar Tana Wkieh
pewar tkara wUl be BOBM daflsJte 0cmOearanaa Jbb<U.
a in rarard W tka
Tkajorj tor tka Jana term of tka
spatroloftroataaothattkar abaUnot eironit oonrt waa drawn yeiWSay.
OooH wUl eonrena Jana ll, end the
daatrlea. Ohio baa aonsdad tba Lay- toUowlnr la tU pend of jnrors: ^
Aerns Frank Atwood.
OU UMiott M4 wm Sow
WUl be Xarrlad Soon to Xim ZeUa
Bnid of Ann Arbor.
Itia annonneod that L. A. Pratt'of
the Inland Press of Ann Arbor, form
efiy of this eity. is to be married In the
tntnra. On the 34th
A of Smooth
be will wedMim ZeUs Hard of Ann
Arbor. His maoy friends in this eity
wUl extend their
A Woman's AwfnI Peril.
"There Is only one ebance to
that is tbronjrh an operaUon" were the starULny words beard
by Mrs. I. B. Bant of Lime Bldye, Wls..
from her doctor after he
tried to core ber of a frightful oaee of
......................................................... kundiee.
•tOBMha*.______ _________ ___
beat coagb rasiedT on eaith. raresVcold •tantly grew werae- Tbeo she began
•e Electric Bitter*
P------ wbleh
in one day if taka in time. SSandMcta
wonderfol ■tomaeh,
kidney remedy.,
rensedy.^ Cares
Bwda's sample pent sals Is a eorker.
dyspepsis. lem of appeUte- Tiy It-Only
Mott. Gaarantaed. For sde by &B.
Wdt ^d Jss. G. Joboaons. drafCteta.
^8. S.
For jaotu ISiffitboa go to Frpul
mUr Bad t^nickMetl Steel
Baagee. fnan tSOiOO. A
little ceali down ead the
belaaoe ia eeey p^motU.
I here A foil Kae of 00(4
Atorea, quick seAl gteoliae
apd quick meal blue flame
oil etoree.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 E^XLt Stireels,
Spring Shoes...
The newest of-the new otylee in footwear
yon will find here. Never have we shown aneb
. _ Jough, *
BronchtUa and Ino___
ConaumpUon, la
beantifnl, attractive, dnrable aboee aa we offer
at oar low expense and cub system prices.
This is a big saving to yon. Onr aasortment is
so large you can get what yon want.
Come and aee the men’s shoes we sell
and guarantee at kl.tH, in tan and black, in
Tici kid and satin calf, coin or plain toe. lace
and congress.
136 Front 8t.
New Boat for Carp Uka
J. H. Modar of Proramont. of the
Moaiar I/nmber Co., waa in the eity on
bnUnaas yesterday. Mr. Moaiar stated
that his esmpany bad porehased tba
tof J. T. Banaoma of the esUta of the
Leland Iron Co., which wUI
thwonyhly orer^nled, remodeled and
pnt in first clss^abape for aerrlee on
Carp Lake While this is an old boat
it boa flrat clsss machinery, and with
entire new flttinys she wUI be an axeellant boat.
Jut as w«U ae not—I bar*
A Urge line of tbe Peaio*
Pnotical Shoe Man
Warm and Windy Waathar
and CbbI Clothing Go Togathar
We sell you the latter to give you com
fort in the former. Trading here always
means your money’s worth.
Summer Clothing
Straw Hats
That means solid contentment in the
days that are to come. The light gray
serge, single breasted, at $6.50 and S7.50.
As good a seller as we have is the blue
serge, single breasted coat anJvest. at
$6.sa Have you seen the double breast
ed ^lue serge, silk faced coat, to be^worn
with duck trousersr It’s a beauty, and
sells at $7.50. The skeleton coat, with
trousers to match — nothing cooler
more comfortable for summer—sells at
And comfort are synonomous terms:
Never carried so fine a line of “comfort
hats" as now.,
Have the latest in rough braid—com
es packed in a neat leatherette case, (fin
est thing when youTe traveling) sells at
Wheeling Needs
the Proper Clothing
That's what you always .^nd here—
the right color, the right quality. Ae right
Have three counters of bicycle suits
to select from. The $5.00, the $7.00 arid
the $7.50.
In bicycle pants you can’t fail te be
satisfied, no matter how exacting. There
are dark and light and medium shades,
and all manner ot checks and stripes, and
sell at $2.00. $2.50, $2.75 and
Two other grades of rough braid,
and they’re dandies, sell at 75c and $j.oo.
The split braid hats—A splendid as
sortment to select from, selling at 25, 50'
And 75c.
The Mexican hat for girls at 50c.
The sailor hats far girls at 50. 75c.
Negligee Shirts
Have one of the biggest bargains
yet offered.
A fancy shirt w|th two collars and
a pair of cuffs for 50c.
The Madras shirts in all manner of
colors and a full line of sizes, at $1.00
and $i.5a
The Chambray Shirts—A beauty with
three plaits in front, and trimmed in white
at $145.
Xhe Cheviot shirts—The finest line
on the market—as good as any custom
made shirt at $3^10 or$5.5ix and ottr peic*.
is just an ev^ S2.00.
A Xaoa Ooar Brain,
•Bd Urer. Dr. Qagk Raw Xifa PUk
-- ----------------• - agih, a kasB. al«r
m, A u eaat box
wm make yoa taalUka a new ;
•eUWAkWkHanA.}aa. &
Store open Tuesttay’e and Saturday's until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile^Co.
This 01t7
FilMlny to
stow «,0M
fM<it*t«ka«itauthto Juuudtb*
wftac*»«T«*» V>#to7»t WOl Attate ^estiac tf tte l«acna
ctf Mishiynmat
Eto MM* OhMi elrt fi( OUe kM
tor aty Bndaaar VortbM*a*^*J MieUna *»r * *vi« M M
••M. M4. M MtoUfia hM M f^*l*r
np-«.E.*l. BaOnte Vents To
•Ivk. tM Mftuw chM* «l*b, wUeb
Band as XxtMkm-XAke ^Tanm*
Iiiilna th* bMH*^. will wy *0 wMn MMfk vtojm to «iur to* «■•
Farit Aawfte MbwB
tte water works matter was brouyht
up. ate bad to be explalaed to tte
aldarmaby City. Clerk Bickmd.. Be
siatod that the transcript of tte proesadlayi of the eeuaell ted been aant
to SoMoa, Good A Mayor, ate that tte
tatkmseou^ co no father tUl
ttey fate aetodte tte matter. BeaaI tbe eoea£ that tte trawfar of
tte plaat to tte elty weald be made as
M peasiUs. attar tte bonds war*
ttaued. AMtionof Alderman Sledar;
waspamed. hewurar, prondiay that
tte mayor ate el^ attoraey eoafta
with Mr. Oampball m to Jnat when be
will be willlay to traasfer tte preverty
to tte elty.
eeonelablo'tbendet C. W. Aabtos. with a P. Oarrar as aaruty was
tastruetad to taelad* ia tte bteyat
tor tbe jmr as apprapriate of filM
for toU park, wbleb with tte tlOO
already tn tbe park fate wlU asm to
fit up this plotoffroqndqnlta nicely.
Under tbe hate of appointmenta,
Mayer Friedririi aamed tbe foUowiny.
ware prompUy eonfirmed by the
Frank Bartley.
Special poUoe without pay-Pat
Duns, James J. fiakar ate Duncaa
Member Beard of Bdneatksn. in
^aoe of B. W. Bnote. raslfMd—John
A Mil of Jamec ATccy for flii», for
buiylny four dote horem that ted
been dragfad oat into tte nfth ward,
was allowed.
W. F.
toereetabouaeoe Bay etreet.
Osaaeat walks were ordered bnflt by
tbsMseeanflle Oo- epnthand west of
their store, by Frank Friedrieb In front
of hU store, ttt Front street, by C. B.
McManus A Oo. in front of their store
cm Front street, by B. Bristol on
Eighth street, by Vilhelm Bartak A Co.
on Front street, by the Hannah A Lay
Co. In front of the east wing of Park
U by TBomai Pierson on
State street and by F. O. Henmann on
Eighth street.
AsaiMaltof tteaettomof tteeonaaO last If1^. It to probabla ttettte
I **4 r*mc*t M EMkmw •»»
elty wfll am^ B. F. Berthnp as
dty aaytnsar for tte year beyinnlny
«*. ThMM frut wfll probably
with tte Irat Moteay la this month,
Ttera was a sharp euntost for
cdat a salary of $l.a« a year. Mr. North- flee of prealdaat pro tom. bataraan
rap tea bad a fiattariny oSar for aa- AUarmaa Bmith who was net praaaat
lao4tM BMttoOoM ftorolted <
other pnallkm at a salary of fl.800 a atttemasttay. ate Aldsrman Bastp*aj.«tofco«*pll*l of M.OOO.MO *Bd *
yaar. but oflarad to rsmaln ate yin Isya. who did set waat tte peaitiOB
hto aetlr* tte* to tte rity, if it is re- ateporiflTely dadload it. Aldwmaa
M. Stoy, «Uy tooMior of B*UU
qnirad, for fil.MO a yaar.
Smith waa fiaaUy alaetsd.
'Cboik. to* foudbto tetter attor a
Tte propodtloa to plaee hla MJary at
The queatioo of permaant etraet
•Mcebofttyaan. Ba wmlattelUlthat flynre eallad oat a yraat deal of work. wUck thto eeaelon was to oonaoto Meldtorr Boa*. Tte alter Blaj
Tbar* waano qnaatioB as ddar. waa taken up twj Uttie. A
mattatotte war ate dartarkto abtothafitoaaaofMr. Nerthnp for tte qnasUon as to wbat parmanant atraat
aaaaa a aaa waa bars. Betera tte
poritioB, nor was tl,MD a yaar conald- work ahaU bs was dtoauaBad. ate it
tethar eosU raton bto wife tead ate
arad asalary fora
aaciaav aaamad to ba tbe aeatlment that half of
tte latest waa ptwrlted wUb a boas.
who daretee Us aatlr* tte*
M to tte
IteB bacaa tte aaareb that tea jatl
woric of the ally. Bnt it was qi
qaatUoo- ate tba othar halt by tha ewaan of tbe
adbyaararal whatter tte elty eouU ad jolainy property.
A rallrote men rays that ttiere Is ne
Ktoi Minaia Ua, a rwt at Faw Paw
tnralsh anonyta work ter aa enylasM
A petlUoa wst reeelTSd tram abont a limit to tbe else of the American locoUte.aaar Oolaaa, was'polaoBad ate
to aflord to pay that flynra for bU aer- hundred clttona asklay tbat tbe part Dotlre. and "u long as beary rails
aada daaffmtey iU Friday araaiaff. Tloaa.
rmn be secured, Just so long will
Tte polaoa was tnste to iM ciaaa.
The aayytoUona of tha board of
Sloes grow. Home of those days we
Tteaua Oaiway. >c yaan old, whUa public works and of tha water oommU' fierentb streat be set adds ate bsantlfl- will be namg two hundred-pound rails
ridlBC a fatoyale Baaday at Orate Bap- aionen, who held a ■aasion. to eontider ad as a city park. This petition was and tocomoUres twice too slxe of those
reoslTed and filed.
now in nee.
Uto, oeUidad wltb a atraat oar aad ro- tbi qnaatlon ycaterday mornlny,
Tbe reetynntion of B. V. Bound
aatrad tetal Isjorlaa.
fanwable to the employment of Mr.
from the board of edneation was ac
Nofthrup at the mlary named Aldercepted.
V"---------flpaa ara is troabls. It to afaiaattba
Baetiayt mored that tha elty em
On reeomouendatlon o^tbe committee agree to refund the money
aoUat* ratoa to oat tobaeeo, yet tboas ploy him ate Aldermen Oarrlaonand
bottle of Greene's Werranu
foatlaaiaa a&okad pnbUely ate net a Moore supported the motion in unison, n streets and walksi rebates were eent
amount rap of Tar if it falls to enre your
aamberof protoasor* wbOe they . . bnt on the snyyesUon of City Attomeyor eold. We also guarantee a SS-eent
bottle to prore satisfactory or money
tbaaaaJoylarthefflsalTss. Tbeteealty Daris that this salary would bare to ol S3.0S.
The special park committee reported refunded. S. E. Wait. Bnybee A Boxtea waned tbaa that tbay most stop be fixed by an ordiannoe, Mnyor
In taror of aetUny apart for a park the bniy, James G. Johnson, F. C. Tbompaasoldar or Uara.
Friedrich declared the motion out of
part of Lake atenne between Union eon.
Stadant Haary Brink of Hamlltito. order and U was not put
and Berenlb street. It was prorlded JoBbs Pa&u Sargalu at Benda's i
▲Uacaa oouty, who would ten tradAlderman Moore then mored that I*
pie eale.
tbat some other cite be aeenred for the
mated from Hops Ocdl^ this month. be declared the eense of the couneil
enylne bonse, and that two boUdinys
wBsatraek by Ufhtalny and ioatasUy that the waya ate means oommlttoe
tbat are set parUy on tbe park site be Serfild CiBtarj' Cook Book.
IdUad While waahtef for braaktest at ambody in tbe a
A limited number lor eale at ti oenU
kted. The report of the committee
tte home of Banry Laideaa at Htflaad tha annual bndyet. the employment of
each. WlU bsmaUed
was accepted aad adopted.
00 receipt of the price. ____
Mr. Morthmp at the ealary named.
Tbe eommittee on ways aad means
Herald. TraTerae City, Mich.
Charles Baooz dlad la OadlUae Sun. Ibla motion was carried. Aldermen
day moralat at tte boma of his par- Montoyne. Binder aad Wriybt roUay
oata, tte raanlt of an aoddeat wbloh ne.
ApetiUoa was preoented from Ue
oeemmd Batordoy arenlaff. Heeox atG. R. A 1. Bailrote Oo. for permiuion
1 to boards
traU at Leroy and fell ondar the to build a bridye aenwe Bm
rirer, from the leedhouee to a point
whaala, his left foot belay smpnuted.
just west of Oass street, and to extend
Be was unable to snrrlro the shock.
e track from that point In tbe rear of
Heeos was about ts yean old.
the bnUdinya on Front street, crosslny
The Mlebi^ stole firemen's assocla- Union street at yrtee jost south of
tioa will hold iU tctb annual oaoTea- tbe north Union street bridye, and
...tte In Kalamaroo June M aad SI.
ronniny to a point near the Front
Tteralslny of yarden truck <
etreet bridye. Tbe pillay to to be pnt
lO.OOO-acre farm, to be sentby the ship in alony the.bank of tbe rirer, ate tbe
load from Muskeyon to Chloayo, Is the bank filled in to the cetabllshed dock
plan proposed by Herman 0. Lanye. line.
City Attorney Darls informed tbe
aaerctory of the Peryason Foundry
company of Cbleayo. Tte land to be eouacil that it wnot In their prorince
derotod to celery, oabbaye, onions, to yrant permliaion to bnlld the bridye
lettuee,'radiates and all the prodneu acraee the rirer, that power being
rested in tbe boefd of superrlaors.
of tte yarden U In the Hnsk^n
Blnoe the railroad oompany bad eeTalley ate Use atony the north benk ut
the rirer. A leree 11 mUes lony is to eared tbe right of way from the propbe built fire feet biyh ate so feet la arty owners alony the proposed road,
thlekaees. With e lake rate of 7 oeoto Mr. Darls informed the ooucU that
a hundred and a nlyht's eaU from tbs tbe only tblny that they eonld do was
market. Mr. Lanye aad bis aseoelates to proride for the eroariny on Union
baliere they can sasUy epmpeto with etreet. That if there are any eonthe touch farmers of the Chloayo dls. dittone to be imposed in tbe way of a
ttieV The eoat of this ImiwoTeaw
flayman, tbe matniananee of a liybi
aatimated at tdo.ooo.
there, or other oondlUoos tbat tbe city
The ponltoT aad piyaon fanelan of daalrad, now to tha time to fix those
Bly Baplds aad Tlelnity are plannlay oondiUOQS before any ooneessions i
to oryanUs and hole a show there nest yranted.
The matter wes fiually referred
the eommittee on etroets nnd walks,
At Orind Baplds an unsophiiUc
. doctor marehed Bdward Phelps, whoos aad they were directed to report u
the next meetlny of tbe council.
Tite meetlny of toe Leayne of Mich
tlons, throuyh the <
I atTMte.
We just received a lot and they are going
ate into the health offloa in tte city lyun Hnnleipaliuea ,1s to be bald at
hall Baturday to find out what ailed Jackson MaylJ and 34. Tbe question
very fast. One lot assorted colors for $1.00.
wes .bronyht up.
him. The patient was ordered to the
pest houae, and tha entire section of After toe aldermen had strnyyled for a
Another lot for $1 50.
to' fin(4 out wbat
tte city hall In whlrii tbe health office
Is loeated. was deserted by elerka and they wanted, it wes roted that the
mayor, with two mambeis of toe connfnmiyated.
mberot toe board of pablm
At Honykton miners to the number
■luted by him. toyetoer witc
oft.WOareon strike at the Oeeeola
ate Uulney mlnea. Thereto a etrony tte City Clerk, be toe deleyeles from
tola city, toe trareliny expense being
probabUity of tbe strike spretelay.
borne by toe elty. Later toe matter
Keepsrs KImbell and Bennett of the
Uybt eUUon nt Whltoflah Point ahot at Jehnson’a drug store, and it
a IM-ponnd bear Saturday mornlny la tnslly decided toet nt least tw wonld
tte yard at tte Uyhtbonae.
go, ate toe expense abore toe flee full
farce furniehed by toe city be borne
.There to more eataarh in this aeeUoo
.ly. Boit;ie protoble that this
Of the country than all other dtoeaeea
put teynther. and until tbe laat few mty will hare a large repreeeniaUoB at
rmwasaapposed to be incnrabla. Jaekaon next week. SsTaral enbieett
will be diseuatod^t toia meeting of too
league that wfll be of wpedal Interest
ad local tumadte, ate by eoMtoaUr
fafliay to ear* with local treatmMt to tUa elty last at toe preasnt time.
Amocy them U tte mattor af rateOne light double wagon, Harriaon tnake, with double box, spring
In regard to the matter of parma- aaat, nearly new wagon, 3J inob tire*, priee $40.00.
wt street Improremcnta. Alderman
One 3 inch tire wagon, Petertyl make, all complete, been used 6
Our Top Coats
very much in
evidence on the streets.
there are a few
young men
yet imsupplied.
To those we
extend an invitation
to make an
from our really fine
On Exhibition! stock.
HO^ES Hamilton Clothing Co.
A carload of fancy drivers, farm
mares and Sbavy work horses,
from stock farms at Stillwater,
Hlnn. Call and see this load of
good horses.
State Street.
Suit V.\v« 'SlvVuq ^OT a 'V.ol 'Daq
Vs a Ccrasrt SVItV
Wagons and Buggies
IFox* Sale
week*, good as new, $40.00.
ItoMl ear* ou tte oaAat It to taken Tiding that tte board of public works
(hw Spring wagon, long box, two aeata, a good (arm. wagon
tetsnmlly U doam tew lo dr^ to a fnraUh to tte conaeU aatfmatae of the
prababl* coat of pariny FVont atreat prioe ISO.OO.
One lumber waff» 3) inch tiree, pri^e $30.00.
TteyeSsraM bateite doUara from UaioB to Park with tte boat qnalVraayasa it faUetoauiu. Bead for tV«fpaTlachriek.ate
One phaeton baggy, painted and in good shape, $40X30.
riteriatuate toaltaaMals. Addrem,
One oovered milk wagon, in good ahape to hitch to, $35.00.
. «F. J. OBBnr A 00., Tblade, O. alaobs furnlabed on two blocks of
Tba rasolntioa
One road oart, in good ehapst price $7.60.
BaUbVateIiM%li M tte baM.
One <^ien boggy, in good eemdition, prioe $30.00.
One platform wagm, low wheels, with pole and thills, good nsr
Tt 3m~UMp^li 14 IMES.
kat wsgon, prios $1500.
Me naedjr aqaals WaBns’i Wsm draft aa ordiaaaea, in aaaecdaaa* 1
wora or Tab stbof for this terri- tte'fusolutlaa prsMatod fay Aldarmsa
One canopy top surrey^ jost out of sbe^, in good repair, newly
U dlssM*. U taken thorbafld aU oeMt walks !a tha fitura. psittted, prioe $50X».
Tte motloa waa aatriad.
□TteqBMtkBaatte unal Mata o<
B. J. MORGAN, Propr.
r' m
Ladies’ Composite
Three dollars.
Ladies’ Gloria
Hod’s GoYomor
Foot dollars.
These are out leaders—made by shoe makers
of reliable footwear. Sold by the Old Re
Frank Friedrich,
Ne^ Store, 242 Front;Stroet.
wwwwtwmraw tnwwwwnc
* MD\v\.\6
The width makes the length, and you
buy as much as you like—usually a yard
and a half. Prices. 10, 12 1-2. 15, 20c
and up.
Plain, hemstitch, fancy stripes, etc.
esasiismix aaaakaa aaaaiiiawmtw
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purpose^
SMnralk Lnmlwriii «U itaaa
■•on t* Xnnn* Oity
/# MMT iTMtii I
Wd«M, BM> * Op., of Kmm* Oitr.
te»*s«wMet«lth Um MUk r>«MBMBt to tafBkk U.OOO hon« bpfen
the morning record.
Paoriab Lean. Oar Oaia.
Oaariu Praehaaha. Jr., aadwlfadapartod on a lato train lut tovanlny for
TritvmMOUy.Miab.. wbara tbay wiu
make tbalr future boua. Mr. Prabu
Mlebiyu Btonb ai
tj, Of wklab ba
Mca JohnDasBto prapaiiay to pal Olmrifatox WUl
oBMatotomtaadtoffolai utttrwiM
•w aortoad am tacte fU* «tok to
Moddt Ui dwoOtocadJalatocPuk
tbo oddltta of a Ttoaada.
•Xlw baOdtoK «m atao ba patotod.
Mawtoll* bot« baatod OB lha ooni
oMa oTOBaA waBaratorr to «ba bmOd*
AwntoiAi O^mim, t. a.. tad»7. h*9* *1^«MridMtoU7orpvpoMlyMi •» to
» taifP pfi« of tomd IsmlMr whteb had
Dtoa aad Day wm clva i
toMotondto tko ■■rkat beow Md plaatoBt daaolac par^ >* Vi
ballthk tfmiag. lotraabtoaB
iMtoUaatod at»lM,«oa aad nadac
F. CDaotooed aad B. Brtatol waal to
BaarOraak oa a flablaf trip yaatorTba paMkatiOB of tba wQl of John
■a^laibnawfbatbta piranaal aalato
Bto WChal* aad Toay Hovotay
BBBOBlycio^ aUtbat waa laft of waattoBaar OraOk ytatorday for a
to falbarb baqaaot of
tefnak QbtopbaU of Sbarwaa.
dfiarwiuitora acda ad igowaU la
- tka Woxford dlatrtet
Wa tomar awaotbaart. Bany
pnapareaalabBriB^aad bair to aa twetorMtothalaylalatan.haB —
aatoto wortb 9m,9m, took earbaUa ad bU toatUy bora aad will aaka Tyav*
iMaaddlad. TbaaaJaidalaattnbatTbamaatlayof tba Ohaptor of tbo
adtodaapoadaaay auaiwainf bla raOiteoftbaGanaia Star, wbleb waa
latfoBa with tba Toaaf weattatohava baaa bald tbia avaalny. baa
Work of tba Ohka«o •
____ ,_„._jdfor oaa waak. by tba
far 1000, ^Boat eeaplotod,
kt tba pepatotka ^ Oblaare worthy Matroa.
Tba Maaocb naloe wU maat Wadla Bot lato tbaa 0,001.000.
naaday avaalur aa araaL
J. L. Merray baa baaa aayayad by
PUno Aynoultaral^ Maablnary Oo.
1 aad oada Jana IS. wUl probably abow
alhlybar fiyara tbaa tbia by aosa 00.- of Chleoyo. at ayank
Do aot ride you whaal oa tba walka
today nnlaai yea daalra a foroad eaU
BarUnd U writbartny la tba eUwa
of a coal riny.Tba prloa of eoal baa raiaad apoa Beeprdar Bobeito.
Hanry WUebnevrakl to preparlny to
M pareant-tbe pralext balay tba heavy
datnaada for tba war, bat coal ownan. epea a aaw barbarabop naar Randolph
Bay atreeto.
BOW wbaa'doBoaUe eonaaiaption, aava
far cooklay. baa rlrtnaUy atoppad, • aermaina Broa. have aold to PbU C.
■aleUlB tba prlea to tba toraar ax> Baoar tba handaoBM aaddla pony
travayaat fif^ra. aarloaaly arippliay “Major." jut bronybt from Cbieayo.
■any Indnatriaa, aapaalally atael aad
The Oval Wood Dtob Oo.. bu aaear^
from Oamalna Broa. a baavy ^raft
Tto board of foralyn Buaalona of the tana. t.MO walybk
A handaoaa aaat baa baaa nude tor
PraalTtorlaa ebareb of tba Oaltod
■totaa. will eloaa ito ftaeal year May M. tba yroeary departaant of the Meroanfcaa froB dabt. Tba amoaat appro- tUa OoBpaayb atora. Tba aaat to mada
prtawd for tba yaar waa POU.SSl. troaaalaetaherry. andwUladd mneh
Paada aafletaat wara rataad to pay aU to tba oootfort of tba lady patrou of
a and laava a balaaea of tbaatora. Tba material to a portloa of
a fine lot of ebarry left over whan tba
1,107 ter tba yaar.
atora was bainy ballt. M yaart ayo.
Tba Bombay oorraapoadaat of tba
Tba Hiyb Bebool Jnnlora have toanad
Taalrr Tiwat aaya: “Tba ebblara eoa
ttooMtoraya In tba famlna oampa tbalr Invitotlona for tbo annnal raaapTbara bava baaa 400 daatba in thraa Uon to tba aanlora. wblob will oaear at
Montayu ball Friday avaniny. The
d^ al Maadlvaa and ao ai
are written in UUn, and
tba eaaarat (todra that U la lapoaMbla
to aoUaet tba bodua. Tba paopla bava are jvj anlqu.
n avaanato
W. J. Parker of 1_________________
dad aad cannot ba indnead to ratsm.
'""A-atinUar atote of tolnya pravaUa at anllariny with favor. He hu baaa 111
) tima,aad u yet thara to no inBraaeh.”
of improvamwt In bto oondlMarUal law baa baaa proolaliaad la
tba provlaee of Baroaloaa aad Valae- tioa.
Senator J. W,. Bnmphray wiU oomala. Spain.
_ianu a aariw of revlvaU for the
▲Botbarmqwnaiva Bulan
of land In Eoru hu been dtoeloaad at Otanreh of Ohrtot next week. Ha vru
bare lut wlatar. aad wu vary anooaaaPort Chin b’a«. oa tba wut eouk
Upon hto lalnre to dmartoa from ful.
Mr. and Mra. Otorye Rooma are the
Bnr^ next Aayut, Rav. Oharlu M.
Bhaldoa intaada to write a eoval. bav- paranU of a baby boy.
A dtopatoh wu
lay ulto object tba aolntlon of the
ihpaatlay tolliay of the aaddan
aervast ylrl of Amarloa.
duth In a talooa toara of a maa by
On tbaatoamabtp Ptoa, jut airtvad
the name of Peter Jaekaon. rappooad
from Hambary. wu tba laiyut oolleeto bo a raaldut of thto dty. Tba
Uoa of
ever bronybt over tba
had jut arrived tram Dnlntb. wbera
AUanUe at one Umc. Tbara wara
ka alalmad tbu ba bad bean drnyyad
alapbaata. Uyart. aamato, and olbar
and rabbod. Tba addnaa that wm*
aalmala. toytthar with a larya uaort
I to ba bto bema in tbto city
meat of blrda and r^laa. The trip
wu 80S Slxtaastb otraak Thus to an
arar waa paaoafal with om marked oxeaeb number oa tbU atruk and an
'oapUM. That wu oaa alybt whan
wnma to know of enah n man.
Panther Jake, aa aaraly baui. aaupad
frmnbtoeaya. He aroaaad to a eoracr
Viator Patolek aadwtta oftbaAayon tba back el tba alapbaat Ooddaot
Diana, tore bar daab, and then rapeal- lam. wut to Grand RapUto and aonth
•a Mlohlyan yuMrday for a vtotk
ad tba operation on tba tab other Wy
F. W.^Punlnyion of Intorloebu,
beuto Karl '/.ellar. one of the keepan, toally klUad the panther with a aput Sunday in the city.
R. B. 8a^ wu In Klnyaley m ba^
rifta. Moatef tbaanlmaU came from
Berlin aad eonaiynad to Now York. Inma yaatorday.
Mtoa JnUa BUUnyi huairlvad is tha
They wUl be divided amony Pitmbary,
Chieaya Mra BUUsyavriU
Clneianatl. Cbhaayc Pbiladelpbia aoe
be hare soon fram Grand Baplda, whn
ft to
in the Atbau papaia they wUl yo to tbalr
that toe prlaoaaa of Walaa and bar Fdyewood.
H. B. Wbbe to is Orand Baplda on
danybtor. tba Prinoam Vlctorto, are
aoon axpaeted to arrive at Corfu, and botinaai
MartBordubuyosato Norwood to
that Immadiataly attar tbalr arrival tba
bathrothal • of tba Prtneaaa Victoria work.
Clark Murray of Kallfuka county
with Prince Uaerya of Uraaca to to be
wu In tha city yutarday.
Samuel Owland bu mae to Ann
Tba firat letter mailed at tba United
Stotoa put ofiu at tbaParia expultion Arbor to attend tha maatlny of tba
wuaddiaaaad to Praaldant MaElaley Oommandary, and alao to mttoad the
by Oommtoatoner-Oaneral Peek aa4
Mtoa Mary Hookarvtaltod bm mother
naebad Waablnyton Sanday.
Fonr millloD Iren and atoel mann at Imka Ann Sunday.
Mrs. Waablnyton Pound hu yoaa to
toetaru bava arrived In PbUadalpbia
from Bnylaad on an Importont into- AUuan and Orand Rulda for vtolto
aioB for the Brtttob yovemmant. Tte with friuda.
Mr. and Mra. 8. K. Walt have you
vkdton are ani9uad to have eoma to
nmnyamanta with the Panonyd oa a visit to their dauyhtar. Mrs. Fred
olvar of Saytoaw.
im Oa for tba cautmetlon of aavaral
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. MusBoa have you
brldyu to ba balU in Soatk ACriu
to Abn Arbor to attend the May Futiattar paau bu baaa rutotad.
ao. Turner wut to
A WoMab Frlud.
Weak, narrou woman arUl find a yaatetday to attend a rnuUny of tha
Mead of, triad worth in Dr. A. W. Stow Board of Pardou
^wb nerve aad blood plUa. They
W.a Jokuoo.tha pranoterof tba
wUl roatoro tba vlyor and ri^W
bar yonthlnl days and malm Ufa worth Travona aty. Old Mtorioa A P
railroad, arrived framCUeayo yutorday aoeompaniad by Mra. Jehuu.
They are U Park Plaea.
SbarUr A, E. Baillayarof Maple City,
wu In tha oty yutarday d^ a llttla
mtoakaaiy woric for Attorapy C. L,
• «M QtMtonb VMttf Dayton, who to aa aaptoaai for tba Rafor tbaloytolalura
from Laalaau eona^.
Sr. W. t. B«
D. Z. Oarttoa of Detroit, oryaaiaar
nnd praaldut of tha Mlebiyu AaaecUtedD^UaB,wwlnthaaltyaabert tlma
*aka Thto Part
r.a AaayawlUba
AtotbaMmaaf tba.bly •
ttet Mbs tbto perk ThalUlBotowlU
ba dtoeaatianad. aad will net atop hare
tUl tba faU rub of fralybt taaalaaaa.
Tbi to foljowlay tba aama plan u mat
ba aettvoly asyayed la Uo I
of tha eanemw. Ha rayrata Maearaly
> Peoria, but bu a
Oharlavoto wlU toava Ctotoayo naltm1i« nffwiiir
ba did .not
aaebaraakonTuadayatl p. m- and tael that ha aeold over look. While
on Friday at 7 p. m.. yedayu tor nartb dsplorlrybtod^mrtsnbe bu a but
u Harbor Bprinya. Ratarninf. aba of friuda bare who wiUwtob him tba
wUl iuva tbto part oa Snnday at 7 v yraatoat of aoooau in hto saw Said. Mr
Prashnskn bu bau aayayad la baalm. aadoa Tbvaday at S:M
Bom In tba dtr for more tbu ton yaart
puk and dsrl^ tbto time hu oadaaradblmaalf tePaoetouaad tha travellaypnWmuwalh Ba bu beu tor
JtonatWfwrwnwwtTWTWWWtwa: aomayaara tba pnatianl manayarof
Uatavoalny Mra Obartoa Pat^ bto totbar In tha boSal baalaaia, bett
^Wabatoratrul, satartoinad a earn- at tha bid Praebuha and tba Hotel
pany of friaada la boaor of bar Urtb- Oruk aad it to bopad ba wUl ba u
ufallabto uw And of labu.day aaalvacwiy. Tbara wu a plaaaantyr««immof mnato aad nthar fan- Paoria Harald-Traaaeripk
taraa, amoay tboB balaya NerwalylaB
aeay by tba bootou. Talayrami of
Below to a Itot of tha auylny ud aaii
wara laerivad from
Chlcayo aad Maaomlnw aa4 lattora
from Norway. Mra Patonaa raoaivad
arou aad appropriate yifta to eom(near Pork par bbl, a
£¥Em !» tocitrr.
Tba iwaatyoeoond birthday analvaraary of Henry Defer wu oelebratod
lut avaniny wy planaaatly by a Bom
ber of bto trienda who yatharad at hto
bema The avaniny wu d^ghtfnUy
peek daUoiou ref^menia- addlny
inch to the plauu^ of the yneau.
80 to FTjMMt.
1. k uimia
The Waukazoo House!
Billiard Hall
Tba hart fsralabad and beat kept
to nady tor
b.0—. »,«.itbayurroud. Good
with thabonaa.
livery ta eoau
Batoa asada kaewB oa aapUaattoa.
For Sale
Eiigiire at
Fin Insimnca.
..Fire Insurance..
114 Front St.
L. L. ▲. BnOdinff.
©end) CZS ©
Tbrtnrad a Witoau.
lay vru udurmi by
rila. of Dixie, Ky..baNew Ols_ kva lutont relief. I
T which ysi
uad ItIt is
is my ___
tor four
years ud recommend'Itutha
It utha yreateet
remedy for
.. couyhs.
. , ,____
aod allall
throat, cheat and luoy troubles. It will
stop tba worst eouyb. ud not only
praveou but mbsolniely cares eousumpand *1. Every bottle
fake Wsnier’s White Wine of Tar Syi
For Dilw lUe
Good Hue ot Jofeliy
To Oopo a GoOd Ml One Day.
puts, ns sin
Cigar Store
If you have a dwelling, stock, store,
srn. or any other property insnrable.
kindly remember I want' to write tl
iMuruce for you, snd will ylvayoa
prompt and oareful attention.
Only the most reliable stock InaurRatu very low.
bone 79.
Bortxa uaTKs or rmaTBau omr
A modern rullway mall car, equipped
with the lateat contrlvancas eucb u
vesUbuIee.auto9iaUc coupler.alrbrakee.
etc., cuts between IS.OOO and *6,000.
Tha yoTcrameut pays for tba
railway mail care at the rate of *40 a
yur for dfty-fSdt car per track mile,
and *50 per year tor a aixtr-foot car.
A Soldlarto Snffarlny.
cFarlasd a vatorai
liviny at Batb. N.
—____dnu tba war 1 t
troubled with rbeumattom ud kidney
dtauM. I tboufbt I abould die at
tlmu bat Dr. Oiaaa'a KIdsey-Llver
PlUs made anew mu of me after ualny
them leu than three months." 35e. all
drnyrtoU or Dr. A. W. Chau’s Med.
Co.. BnSslo. N. Y. Sand stamp lor
fru umpla paeksya
1 hsTS had my baildina
rabolH and put in good
abape aad am now ready
to leceiTe all old pataont.
- Aiddletown.O.
nnoaneu hla Aaplratiou for Z.aylc
iaUva BoDora to Bneoeed Fuiar.
Bx-Proanentar C. 1.. Dayton of Laelanan eouty wu In the city yutarday oa bulnau and Inoldeatally to
known to bto Grand Travaru
inty friaada that he to a eaadldato
for tba BapnbUoan nomluUon for rap
a tor tbto dtotrlek to aueead
Bon. W. H. Futor.
lUc beat cough mnedy ou earth.
5» «'
Johnson Bloek
Third Chair.
I hare placed a third chair is
IBT barber shop in order to secomotttemy patrons.
(jarefnl attention jnren to all.
A. M. OVUTT, Pfopr.
id Pteber cwpkaM.
ft lldbttSl.
■ •as
ssxBS jssssysyssssl''
First Freeze
Clear Ice, from Beaidnian lake.
$1.00 a Month
At reaidencee—same as last year.
Wcenta. _______________________
Have larya quantity on bud,
Ladtoa. “Yu eu Jump on it traapto oa
make a apaelalty of car lota.
i, but
hut It wil
win coma up amillny aveir
your lut year's hat to be trimmed Ik
LDa "Oalmu'a BluUc Floor Varnish
tima-Oaover at 1'
SB Walk ___
ylvu In
Both 'Pbonea, Na T.
A fine line of dreaa ud walklnr bato
tvary elothlny itaia is salllny pants,
at Mis. a Wlokbam. 4M South Unkn
but Buds >s seUtny more pairs of
pum tbu all otbara eamblsad.
J. A. JackBon
Fruit Trees For Sale
For hfiMlI SbOM 80 to Prjaut.
At Xaow Prices.
^^AitTXD 1
isi-r ^
CharlM hwlu*Ss. oriea I
Peach trees 97.00. Other trees lo^MkrOMsae u OrsU Bepl4» sU cSsir ear
semTiusltaOp. w. ku ekalr esr Pt.
reasonable. See us on comer of
ieOntUBepldasaC ekslr ssr OnU
Front and Union Sts.
e's KrmxAT, apvsl
STOVER A SOMEEH c.i.uxmwooD.a.p.ara.
L. D. CURTIS The Fen lirqiette Eiilmd
lv« Opera Bouse Block.
Faneial Jllrectoi.
BoressUlc Oe. Block.
C*Oa SALB-Oeod w«rk Socso. Ijm s*l
J* taquliv or M Lues*. MS Wesoler sk
Both ’phonu 04.
Sri SSi
tk« IsMol SU ■
oousSor.ohslclBr.lotdoo, eboJis. stools oie-
1 » ftiol loU oe ProBt
Best to be had in
the city is at
^^*BoSeTu(*SH^ ^U1*PV*B
j^nlro SI tUovww Bosso or
Lt Ord 1
E. P. BOKtkBE^AeU^q.^^
nlfSi HoriSots “pSoao.m; Botl.tC7
proporty. J. W. Pstehls.
It to a little early to talk about lea,
but we have a lure aupply put up for
We wUl furnish lamUiea, this snm■. with ice washed cleu and pat In
SSSii, 'ioSiZ
oUl'a^s iltiiiUoe Is prirsts teoiUr. vhen tossdr esplor-
Lv Grd BspM*..
rass'.£s;.r.?.r.si," a;;,
"srisaisa: ....
Ion ol Bro4ksaoc’t or ebmao'o lOU
s vlU be piOBpUir sueoCod to. Sons,
wu^b^oaiee lai. titacci.l'ortbon phoei
See aamplu in window.
”**~n*•"-------- --
^ £.r
eSHS.Isu'^.’ S.; H't.ssni£V'~ ksssstwr VOC waHTtemuesofasykMisaiM
■irooL TracerM Ctiy. Mkib.
wars at mum iisMbH sraU. nui
w«rk ••pptlstU.
New OBM. Karkbam Blpak
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