The Morning Record, May 11, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 11, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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BRTili ¥U HilED


■omiutad kjr ropalM OoinBtfamMtPmldnt.

ipafMBSiOB bj B Soffpset in
Oobui Post Offies SoBBdia

•k Loiik Mftr 10-«KlT tf, MB
MitbtBBbH ■Mioa todar te Na»

OhariM A Ttnraa el Miaaa-^ OtlMBft. bom mban U«7 will hU
•MBfdftf «a U« Onard MMMbtp Qwaatabr aaeoDd Flaoa.
^toOftp, TBwb. SobU AMm.
ctbmMf to ottoad to • mtfo of l.H«

aMwanaM M tatauu ct ^mom.ahaAltm OMtethte bIU tok.
Tiaa a.iaiiaMil IkMUau Wtm
wtaturroteinm-mieomenm tMUoBofftMiart^of tbo var^ to
da bi Womik Alrtw MftBjr an
MaSajar cauai taa caamaa a
j__IJ tllMW Ml nr‘-***~~ *—*-

•« Omiy b7 u, BmUMIm of ft •eolk

laalaladthopwlllflad aoM mbm
bj whtah to naeh Pratoria aad Jola

MCpMMkr ft
•tou Vftlte, i. O, Mv 1«-Tk, l>o^
l( •fiancoa wUk
a whoop aad tko haad ptorad tko Do*
ologp eMftftdowwUla the raUlac
wmfoiavPB- Foitowtnf lb# Bowiafttfo^bar* won boar* of fifbUaa oftr
A» qaaaUofl of wboibor or aot a oadldaHabw«4i bt Banod' for. vlea pmldaBk Seoator ;aII*b and the nn
tfMoal to Bryan oppcawi tho maklof of
a nomliwilitii, and Senator Bailer and
*. Oerry Brown of HanachBoaetU. lad
thoop^tioa. The &fbtleaded aboat
aOdSabl in a Tletory for tbenealnatioB M by a deeWn vote, it took
ihme roll ealle to brina the malWr to a
headi andea^I time the i
,iAMry waa:i_.
Darinc the debaU In the erealac
— wBB a tine when the oonventloa
WWOB theTO^ of anot. B*-OobMBMa Kelly aaUod tba abalRnaa a
tetaiSor. OoBla wne o« and it looked
Hkoaiirhttornnrn. The roelUtk*
• poMhy a Miehifan mb qnieted
. 0diMter>tlne.
*^f0w*etor Ttoe FreeldaBi
Mon* r»Ua, May It-Obai
TOWN of Ml
atabt ft-n. tUe(Fftday)

Middlo of tbo Rood PopulUtB
OhoM Sim Bt OinoinoBtl.
XiraaUe. Don&eUy *•«•« P
Fie^nt-Tlradae Agalnil Bloa*
Pall* OoaeeoOoB and Preeent Ooamment. and Ad«»OoB of PUtfom
Maringforie ull;
OlBeiSBftti, May lO-Wbarton Bar>
lor of Penneylnnla. wae aonlnated
ior pnMdentOB the eecond ballot to
4uby the nlddle<f->bo-road Pop*
UMln their natloBal coo*«ntloB. If*
wUne Donnelly of Minn, wae aw •
MBtfy Bomnatod for alee preeldent.
Thwe wie notblnc ftlae to todayh
woeoedianenoept eneeebee. moet of
tiradee aiainat the Bloa* Fall*
ooBaenttoB or plaInU airalnat the pro*OBt goaernnent. The nlatfom da
clue* tor 16 to 1, laltlatiae and refer«d*n. aoaemment ownereblp. pablle

■aye be Will Baetgn Command of Boer
Army If Mince are to be
Blown Vp.
•pwlel wTB» Bennor B«wC
Berlin. Mey lO-A dlapatch to the
Cologne Qesetle from*Pmtoria enye
that Oeaeral l«nle B
w of the Fed­
eiJonberta* <
eral army ha* Informed the govemmaatthat be wonid reeign the oommand If It warn Inmnded to daetroy
the Johanombnrg mlnaa. Be had no
grievance ngalnet private propnrty and
wonid only fight nhoetU* army. Botha
wae oBelally Informed that It v»a* not
lateBdod to dmtroy the mlnea.
Teatorday'e Ban* Ball Senna.
6 M



St. Looto Stnpt Our Sttik*
m From SotttomoBt.
Goaemor Oontarred tfltb Oonpany
Ottelala and OoBiinittee of Vnlon
Bnt Withont AaaU - Xnploye* of
Jtaat Ok X«Bla Aleo Hirack Lett
Night - loonaan* Falling Off la
Bnelaca* InUmta—Lae* to Ken a'nd
Traneit Company $86,000 a Day.
apwlAl to The MorelBc Baeora.
8W Lonl* May lo—The'third day of
the atreet oar Ue-np ahow* no brealf In
the ranka of the employee* and
BoealdaiMeof lllathemanageBoth aide* are naeaenlnciy detorained a* eaer. Ooaerdor Steven*
from Jeffaraon elty tbh morning
and had a eonteranoe with the atreet
the employe* in an endearor to effeet
bnt It wae nnaralling.
Pmrideni Mahon of the :
Btraet RaUway Union eaya the man wilt
nad aetUa the tronble qniekly U
met in a aplrit of falmeaa by the
The anbarban eyatom operated a line
again today nndor p^tee protoetion.
CBmnm mnnlng ngntarly' bnt few
people availed themMlrea of tbeopor
tnnity to rid*, however, being appre
honeive of rioting. Baelnea* Inlereat*
of the elty am paralyxad aa a reanlt of
thaatrlke. The lom to the traneit
company and employee 1* roughly
plaeadatsss.oooperdty. bnt the lou
to bntineM InleretU 1« many Ui
that amount. Balm in the leading de­
partment atore* have fallen, off SO per
cent and other branehm are affected
Tonight the atreet oar men of Bant
at- Loni* atmok. tbne tying ap
ayntnm of both eitlaa

u< p.wa.: Ubdl. rWM,


I 1!

• 8 •
Vaagnr ami Eyan; Ue and Oonding.


WINS net
Udore* Pcrto Bloe LeffUlathm,
•paelailen*MeralBC*MarU. .
Dae Motoea, May 10-Hm EepnbUeaa
■tt* nnnvmtkm today eleetod daUgato* to tho naUonnl oonvHtton and
ttad lenolatteM. Am attempt to
man tndewement of the Perto

Wnad. Than wnen tort* mpmnai
Uenet momhom of the toatgaBacal
naamhly pnMnt wto vetod aa ■
epKiai n tk* Hwalae Beewd.
eflhel^Ulatomiora rmelai
Haaana. Mar 10- The laanetljcatleB
into the pnt oAae depart went haa
reaebed a petal whore the n*B InpUestattempt
to noenm an todoraameat of
od in the mflneT to detraad the dolooking eat to ear* then* that pottoywodld be fongbt on tba
Today OB* of the eaepeete fleer of the mventlon. The p'ank
tamed etate'e ealdonoe aad gave epnlal wae dropped aad the only eoatmt be
gna wae avoided.
ha* beao eoneaaled. It It expect
thle Bumey, aaid toamoantto a large
eon. will be reeorered by tomorrow.
Who the informer U. the anthoritle*
refaw todlrulge tor the prewnl.
atetement* are
>y ^elaU iand aleo
aUegallon* made by
todlipaeeof the amertton* ithat the
iatbe reVt of a clerical
error, nuaeonetmed Into'frend by the
mUitary authorltlm throngh jealoniy
of the elril admlnUtralon of the
poetal department. No arreeU hare
been made for the raeaon that It U
deemad wieer to permit the eaepeete
their freedom a little longer. They
eaanot eaeap* from the IMaod aad may
to ineraaee the proof of
their gnllk The Onban prea* aUll
Ignore* the mattor.
WaahiBgton. May lO—PmnIdMit MeKinlay today called the oneretacy of
war, pMtmaetar gannral aad attorney
gnanial into n nontemMa ragardlng
Caban pnlofflee cnandnl. The
prenldnct b more eonoamod abont thU
A new lot of Indian’ Boa
IraMa VpoB the KaMer.

of Them




Addmm by Bnpt. 0. 8. Bern.

Kid Broad Leal a Fight for Batting
Oaenr eardnar.
•ptctal (o Tb« Morsrm n*ew4.
New York. May I0-O*oar Oaidanr
waaglvnaftdnebiontothaiTU r
tonight over KM Brand, on a tooL Tha
latter betted Gardner eeveoal tlOM
and mfaead to head the rafome'e warn*


aTbaeber Trmner.”


BhI fuij ooaudlui

BulfBanjr oemtdisu

in "Who H Who" tOBighb

to "Wbo b Wbe” tonight


Lot of‘'Valoa SOdd”

ifyoB«lm’‘Who1*Who" tndffhtftt panie am
to o«r anmpl*
yanUaftl*. KBaUahOn.

ParklH of Son* aty. offMd a rwetottnn tadontag the aeUna of oaMiftw i>

S^otBM OaMooi Into a Oen*

raflael on hb ablUty to give an honmt
admtoUtratloB in Cub*. And while
.oatmaeler geneeal- and eeeretory
of war have tor aevaral day* beea
tTMtlng the eharget agatoat Neeley a*
they would a ubutUecoek. batting
them hick aad forth and both denying
raapooelbllUy. the preeldent hat been
the principal euffemr beeanee i
made to appear by theae member* of
the cabinet that he alone U reaponelble for Director Eatbbone and Neeley
and all other appointee* in tb^^ban
postal *ervice. Be ha* themfore read
.alantomtotbe cabinet and given them
to underuUnd he did not Invite them
into bU official family to ataare tho
credit of overy good thing done and
aeek ahelter behind tha ~UiBmb of
»proof protoetton wbeaevar there
b aa attaek on the admtobtraUoa.
Waahingtoa, May I0-Attom*y* for
BoetoUry of Mnvy forTloePranideBi- C. F. W. Naelay, poaUl dbbnmlng offiearofCuba. charged with embrx/.leaovbmor Booeevalt WtU Booond
I of Oobaa.poetal fnada. amto
MnmlnaUon <4 XeKlnley
Waeblngton trying to prevent
■eeeiU loTht Mmlan BeeorC.
extradlUonto Cuba for trial. Their
WaehlBgton. Mny 10 — UoTeroor plan a* dltcloeed hem today, le to **•
Rooanelt had ton mlnntea private enm a trial by United State* court*
talk with Sanator Banna In the aenate inetead of Cuban eourb. The ea
oommlttee room thU morning. What
befom the department of jnatiee
eald U not repeated, bnt nine
for an oplnloa a* to whether be ebould
interview TV ha* beoome a generally ac- be uied Id tbb country or Cub*. Nee­
oeptedfaei that Mr. BooaeveUn
ley'* attorney* am now endeavoring to
not under any elrcumstanoeeaeoept the have exlradiUon proeeedlngi atopped
nomination for the vlee prealdeney and until them b edeeblon by the attorney
that therefore h« li aot to be regarded general. _________________
a* In any eenee a candidate- Senator
Lodge wUl preeent SeereUry Dong’*
e lo the eonvention a* New Bng
land'* candidate for the viee preeldency Average U 11.8 Per Cent Lea* Than
and will, nnlem preeent plan* are Xmet Fall Owing to Bivagr* of Bemichanged, aleo act a* permanent chalran Fly and Winter XUItog.
. Oovemor Rooeevelt will tt
the nomination of McKinley. ThU ha* Bprrial toTh: UtinilBS B«corO.
Waahlngton. May 10—ReUm* lo the
been docldad npoa, bnt who will make
lomlnating epeeeb U not yet deter­ etatUUeian of the department of agrimined. It will not be Senator Depew enUnmehow that the are* of winter
wheat under eultivatloh May i,waaS6,<
but It may be Senator Foraker.
S85.OOOacrea.or or ll.n per
cant lem than the am* sown laet fall.
nwe Kay Be Baow.
There wae a meeting of the Traveree Theradnetion In the acreage to tha
Qty Driving Pnrk naaonlation laet night prtoeipal eUtea owing to winter klUlng
and the mvagm of the bembn fly, b an
nt whUh the Improval
toliow*: Indiana. 1.608.000; Ohio. Mt,OB the race track and ctonnd*
000; Mle$lgaa, 81T.000; Pnanaylvaain.
dUenmed. It wae doamftd ndvUal
168,000 ^^nitoob 137,000 asm*. For
thanraa rMnlatog nadnr enlUvation
the avamgn eondlUm of Nay l. wae

Supv 0. H. Hem left for Qrand Bopid* yaatardfiy nfumooa to attend tho
nnmml meeting of the MlAtgnn AaaonlaUnn of Sebool BupartaMdaota
baa a paper before the aaaoelaUoi

IS ms unn

* B mwi.

F«rtli Y«»i>-No. 941


AinMi Bnv* Baw and* Tot Bnt
Thaao ImpUenud Ornaot Leave the

So other nnttoBftI cnmn eehodnlod.
AMBmcAB LUons.


■boen jo8t opened. Onght to
set at leaet $2.50 for them—
We pot them in at

Il’iitbiK kiiid^f
nboe selling that lias made
our $1.9s ahot'R for Indite so

Everj Size Eibik Width
Every New Styie


Window Shades
li Flit CliS lid Oil OMiins.

For stores and bay windows to matah.
Lowest prices in this part

Old Reliable City Book Store
A KTHBB S. HOBABT, Kesldflut Pirtnsr
IStoren at Big'Btpidfi and Traverse City.

Opens Today—Sample Pants Sale
Opens Today—Sample Pants Sale
1 Opens Today—Sample Pants Sale
Opens Today—Sample Pants Sale ;
AU Colors;

All Sizes!

All Low Prices:

Come in and let's show yoo soms PsiltB VsliiM
At Smubsd PriosA

124 Front Street.

Sample Pants Sale

Sample Pants Bale

A very large and complete line—all
new—sizes 32 to 44—prices 59c to
$2.00. Step in and see our line. '


«««»«»• oooooMUHtHutHauHatiHtHn*

ThelStrootman I
TheiUltra and
The Tri-On-Fa

The Leading Shoe Bonne.

Tliu sbo« that gives slisfie, symipcfry, comfort and ebarseter
er to the foot it< 1the shoe that tit.s snugly sll around and
liinchee nowhere. Siu-h is this lot.

|3bAll1^(Aib $
Of 3hc Coaposs
To those who appreciate

•rhrT*tu»of U«e. Ilir lelepkoor

II rMllilAlr. liu.inne sed dura •«*)
VIU1 ladloBs eorres(>oedrDre ssd msillcir der.
'"‘uiauroulsdlre,-! cesimuBlcsUon «UI>
(be Xmv aemthaod the Ur W«ki

The prices range from $1.80 ta $3.50.
Have you Been our eaat wlndoarP It in telling yon m
about otir great shoe asl.- now in progress, A chance to shoe X
yourself in the proper stylo at a great saving



vUk te^le!skrt*e*T<a°^o^u'^*l«^

todo J»cr blddlni: sad brlB* SB Inmedlsu



in leel
Now 75c a Month

te'p^TBts fSmiliM.
PATAble monthly tnAdynnos.

Ghas. W. Merrill
PbUiThrrr**- '*^


Is wtiat; yon get wticn


bnj a p»ir

ol our Kid Siloes at $2.00. We have
one of the beat lines ol men’i aad women’s
genuine kid nboes at $2D0 ener shown

McNamara Block




I Koaawa <boobd.


lie »P MM o< bia bwk lBlv«*A
Oonmittte of tha OoaaaaBu
VUmnoTT .
WCBI8i« mtidta Wlnto. Jr.. »Mt totattoiBiyyMfdiyM biypoMMwto
Bogan Wofk.
Bmiu). tteXtiUeH JMrAOa.
w. r. om o( eufi pim. «m f> «b«
BorU Bnd of Inko Avenao Hanr Pan
tfm^ T. Bi.wi A»P 3. w. HASnS' •19 jMUHiy.
J. faUlVM ot Otter. WM It tbi Marqnotto Depot WlU Pratebly be
J, «. Ummmmm, aauat tad Mwfr.
BaaatlBad ate VnaO aa a Park —
A J. OaVrlaa at WQHamaterp. did
Otter «Mi Dtoeaaaad. Bat Vo Aatleo
minim to tte atop ytortey.
Hm. OUve Tbenm MOiar laftyaetarAp nCtofMOB lor OmppAla and rmnk
■OBBittaa of tte oonaelL



Hra. W. B. Bnribni. arte baa been
pandtop n few tepa wlU bar moT
Mm. Bntten. toft pmtorday afton
te bar boma to rmnktort.
•I «M«M 0«,
John a. Benjamin to in tba ally (ram
Grand Bnpkia.
HmB. taste bor IttUaprnn

ta ellirtae mp ol iltayt te TirwM
Wtlh itomlat impiAily tod tb*r« vt
yMMOraol «Ml*hUy httpi ofnkMtb tbit bift not bMi Ubtn iwiy.
Owmtn of proport/ tor tbtlr own
wodltote tbM ol.tbe tlty, mw^h
far Mllory wmobi. tbeold aoi lUow
tilnir to roBtla in tbt nUtyt. To*
•WoTof pollM Bte *^>M bit proreg
•liTo If |blt iMtmoOont rtsila nn-

AMtT tbo only gnoi nnprotontod
AMTlMi ladoMry to oor ibipping <>
•tootoralirB trote, oad tbt ronlt
ttet tbt ibipt BBdw enr flip totey <
•kosl u nnowrooa u thty wtrt
jmn ace. wbU%pnr fortlpn ooubo
It fan tlMt torpB. Tbt Inortni
tea 111 pote to toralen abipownwn.

appototod Meteay avenlap by Mayor
Friadrite. beU a maatinp laat arontop.
ate bafu Ua work of previdinp oomo
plaootatteoity wbora tbapobUeena
Coteaqniatrastoatefdoon. Tte aommUtoaortanlaad by HtettAff
tdar ekalnaaa aad AlderOarriaon aaarator
topna waa prwaot tram tte Srat
Hra. Giapety and datorbtar nsrama arnrdateAldmnaa Kenyon framUa
at riu Laka, vUtod frianda in Ua eltp fenrlb. tte only ateantaa telafAUtrymtardny.
nn BmiU from Ua third.
Bar. Ff. Baama^ ot Praramoat,
to tte olty Taotortey.
vaitou ■Itaa Uat i r te adoptodat
Mr. ate Hra. B. krmatroop bava ra­ aomatlma.
id to Blk Bapida, wbora Uoy will waa la favor of a namberof aaull parka
toair homo io Ua (ntara. Mr. In variou parla of Ua eity. rather Uaa
Armatraap will work onn bnrpa whieb one larp* park ttet may be located to
makoa that port
tbe onUkirU. that would probably te
Hra. A. J. Doyle to at Drawn.
laaeaaulble to many.
Kn. Oaorpa Bteb ratoracd to Eaplro
Tte only definite action taken waaio
ymtorday aftor a vtolt wlU frianda la racard to Ue tile propoacd baek of the
Utoolty. __________________
Unloa atraat oopiaa bonaa Tbto ptora
K, O. T. M. Dnaot.
Tte Tmvena City tant Ho. »7l will
five a daaoo Friday evralop Hay it,
teMnoeateaa'aod famUlaaonly. Tba
LidlM of Amanda Hive. Ho. SBt. wUl
re a 10 oont tapper. AU ladlea of
Amanda Blva are rvqaaated to donaU
liberally or it ceau will be eollactod.

•ncB 1107 tbara bw bm a penani
A kid slove tuniiufai-lun-r 1* roitpb•pmrd Boramant la the prtow at oo-ratM.
owimUtlB in tbo United Butta.
lUiipionw la Ofiru tba prioe uf l>rlnp
TtotowM tbt sryot tbt DtBoemtle (■oniiuuo)>lan.‘.f
Th<< ()Ulck tuorenu-Dia of a pupillit
party in 11'.^: “Oira na fret allvar and
^iaaa will adraaea aU alonp tba lint.” an- apt to bo •<liinn«h.
It In eaay to do rlKbi wbon aln,»vaaoa
Bat tba BapnbUoaaa blUad frM allvar
. l>o n ploaaiire.
*aad prtoaa want «p all tbt aaraa.
Bxrbnra of bmarlaao maantaetnrera
wlU paai tba btOO.OM.WO mark tor tba
do It risbt.
Soon tbo iievaotrifi- will boplsi to are
Caeal ytar endlnp wltb east montb.
bo rrrur of tbo li-oiuniiV hoIcIik.
Is IMS tbay only amoantad to
tM.741. And yat there are a few pan- .MniiT'a Ouont talker Ik I’nablevo aay
pU who are atm oppoalnp protaetloa Uio rlpbt tbluR at tbo risbi tinio. .
The mcwi of onr iniubb-H nre tWi>aad eoBBiralal azpanaUw.
tbtrdx amlHjiiitioii nud uut-iblnl reallentioii.
All tba Up atataa that bare raoantly
.Vfiir a mnii ou<-o ronolioK tbo lO]
teoa bolAsp Eapabllaan eenTam'
III- iioror lalka alMiiil ih<> Kundoii room
(1 ibi-re.
an eat atroap (or axpantlon.
l> iilway» « br«»ib of auapl
wast to axland tba markaU (or Aaerlclou ulioiit tin- man who cuiTio* riova*
In III* v.-Kt (KK-koi.
1'bon- lx obKnrIi-li.v lu a klKx.
aclciiilxt. IVrbajH. ibul la wb,
iUR xb<H-k« Kuuic folkx.
I.OVC lx n tbhm of fiinr lrttorx--but
many additional loiterx nro
Left ZAnd Blver >RtNHl
mm u|) til a bn-udiKir iiroinlxi' .
Tbore i« btii one tblnp Hint wnuicn
la IHeorder.
re iiKirc mil to dlxoov.-r ibnii
fniilix of mcn'-aiid that ix tbe fimlla
Bobarti' Oalealry la Hot Puenlt- uf oibcr women.
tbe aiilileemry
beades Blebly OraUflad at the

aHttob — eoatb

Afrtoaa- Woman Offtr te Oe Into
Tnaabti te Blpbt Wltb tba Ken.
fleaatol M Tb* HotaiBo BtMrd..
PnterU, Hay 0. via Loronst Ha'eaaa, Hay 10 — Noiwltbatandlnp tba
haewn oppealtlon la Btropa to tba
tentrnatlen o( tba mlnaa In Wltwatarana aad Saltobnry'a threat to Kraper
if te parBlttad tba daatroeUoD o( the
atelnp proparUoa, it to bald by man y
terptaan that tba blowlap np of all tba
mlaaa to naeeawry aa a military -pro
toatlva maaaare. Powerfnl tnflseoee
baa bMB broapbt to be npoo tba exaen
Hva ooancU ud otbar braaebea p( pov
oraBant. aeaklnp to obtain perslMlot
to randar tba Btnei valaaleaa. Tom
tor aatboritlaa bava not ant
tba eropoaala made to tbam oooeerolnp
tba matter.
Afrikander woman am deeply atirred
by the raveraaa that bava batallen tbe
Boer armi and are aeaklnp by evact
maau to add to tbe alranptb o( the
toreaa of tba rapnblle. A nnaber bava
propoaad to the povamment
mediately form a oorpi to pnard tbr
milway or proeaad to tba (root <bd
•pbtlatka tranehaa wltb male ralatlvm.
LMdon, Hay lO-A maaaapa to tba
war oHm (rom BobarU tbto aftaroron
to aa (ollowi: "OablaCarL Xind river.
May tO-Toa anamy are in (oU rairaav
oaaoplad a poaltloa to mUea In
laapib and oan waa niemaarUy lonper
Wltb ov widely amttarad foree it vrJII
tote aose time to learn onr oaauai
bntfaa bopefal that wa bava
ndarod maeb. Oar cavalry and barat
•rtUlary are paraainp Ua Boer* e>
thmo different roada."
Lord Boberta' aanennoaBant of tba
iipbt at tba Boar* horn tbe Zind river,
nitrl HoaMamUa ffmtlAeatloa at tbe
wnroaea. where It to now believed
ttet te wm not Allow UefedemU
iBMCb bceatUsff epaee to rotorB
•nibward o« Kmpotod. It to oven
ttetoikt barely poeelbla that Lord
Bitefto' trinipnrt any te ip aneb oooAMen ttet te wfll te aWo to koep bto
toMfA tooviaff m mptdly aa ao driv#
dte Boma rtfte Ibranffh KraoHiad
■llbBnlgtviifftbimMma to orpanUt

• yMtatoM* to Ite fermldnbU
T|—m oamfally pr^ared at tte

Mio. C. A.JnUaon anma to from
tomb yaotote^ wiU a bip entab of
teook tract from Oadar Bun eraak.
numtertopltA Btemade a apae^
aan span Dteuty Oama Warden Oraw
mvtoea Urn boyete a doabt ttet

Cot 7onr toots



A Cure for Nervous Heedaehe.
Por e^kt yr^ 1 autTV^ from cenMIi^

lUlb. eeldmn or never limve Imularbe.
I niD.Kl In ficah. and fr>-l d*rld*dly
.......-llr* KM. llaleh.Temple..V. It. __ __


Who is Who
I&tnidooing (liOse comic

— *xu—

An ficellent Con|itnr


Class Artists 26

(or -Wbo to Who'; tenlpbtr Tala
phone UA_________________


Fir Dim Isis 8Mi gs is IrjBui
ftupSMdag OoflM—LUtu Tftvsa Elaborate Scenery.
Bonld Oo&tnx7 Ooob Boob.
A Umitod number ior mla at ts o-nta
oaob. Will tema'ite pe>tao .aid.
onroMlptof IteprtoA Atarcia.Tba
...i.iA. Utty. Mica.


Slater’s House Furnishing Store
,120 yrorL-t Stareet.

Jhst Rtceited Another Lot of Seieral
Bondred Pam ot Nei Shoes
For Children
W'Uitrb are mado eapocinlly to jiiy order
—That is the kind we sell—Wt? know
of ao school shoes to be compared with
them—They lit well, nre up to faahioa,
not too dear, and ehonUI be bougnt by
aU 1^)0 d<-airo to get uood value fo'r their money—The prices
iare«8c.(Wc,76e,9Bc,$l.l6. Each st^ason the shoe bill of
(^ery-eofitomer in the community is
becanse we are here.
You are as welcome to look as to buy\


136 Front Street.

"Son of the Wolf

jnX SMtl
for ' Wno to Who" tonlfbl? TeUpnoo« iis

Abmi Ueoda'a aampia pnnU .aalt.
i'n<ae aru Uta .aaa loat are Biaainp

Cushions of all kinds from $2X» a pair up.
are worth the money for one week's use.

Again we re offering the very
latest publications.


Soms Peoplf Don't Ssow

I have a very large Ime of them, from a good solid

A'ractical Shoe Van

Hors New Books Twenty-One

Tlie:Great White Czai
oflall Fun Shows....

"Tbe pnera Brnda i> qaotinp on
mro'e paiiiA are rarplexuigly Iok."


Any Isdy who bus pair of fstt


lbs Otbsr ClotUm Ssj:


A Fast Bloyela Btdar
orbrntoaa from aocldanta. Buoklen'a
ArnieaSalve, wUl kill Ua pain aod'
haal Ue Ipjory.lfa Uo eyelUVa friend.
Onraa ebaang, chapped banda, acre
lipa, bnna. Uicara aad pile*. Cure
puarruBtaed. Only SSc. IVy it Sold
by 6. E. Walt and Ju. Q. Johnami.

Ill a cardI came * eooil d«tl dopeadt
lyliic-tiiid Rood playing 4^
Ih'UiIk .III U K.hhI ilciil.
Tlip wlH^il may Im- mile durine tb<
nliiii r mi.tillix. bin ll uitvnyx turu
oicr n licw liiif will! tin- uilvrUt ii
Tb.' m Kt way to reumve aupcrfluou
balr Ik III KciiO your 'well tilled mat
tn-Kx ui be finiic over by u tricky U|i
Third Aid bi-kt Kiitioii of that
'apul. r^iriutr aud rollickipi;
.1 L-tiud iMMik and a good woman an
excellent UlDE* to a man wbu can up
pr«K-intc liiclr value, !iul loo uiBiiy mei
iiidcc Ixiib frvim tbe bcaii.y of Ibrli
AKaunOaar Bratn.
Your beat (eallogt. your aocial po*i
lion or bnaioaea ancooea dapeud largelj
tha paifict aetloD ot your elomaec
d liver, n.-. Kiog'e New Life FJIU
give locraaxod etrenglb. a kaao. cleat
brain, bigii ambltlou. A >S cent twx
ivii: make > OU (eel like A new bclrg
b.Vid by a. B Wait and Jaa. O. dobn
• -VD. drUClliSTIi

qiitB as Nnloitilile as a

oak. wide arms, mostly quarts sawed, for $3.75 up.
of tbam ate found set a fiU ta than
inabm in lonpU and a ftaM
many vary larpaaltad are. HraJaek■on to natarally ptood of bor oateh.

!fhe/“ •
If 11 mall Uxlelix to ever,!' we
woiuitii M1J-X li'K U Mire xlRi. iliui be'f
In love.
Tbe uillb of buuian kludnexx lx ofiee
ehtmio.1 liorot*4rliiB illxpi.iixod by tb«
Time lollx on o mail—but be dooan'
an-m lo core Juat ao It doeim'l tell bli

Thm is lolhiig

Mta Jnoknwto Bip Oatte.

absuld taka a walk to Banda’a atore
and pat pridea on men's aaaple pants
—Urn tell bar butband and watch
offronadto Uoaod of Lnkaaveane.
him "fret a move OP."
bat baa never bean opened and to net
needed aaa atraab It la now uaed ABlpOlty
partly aa a damp proBBd.
AttraciloB 1a "Wbo is Wbo." Sea it
11 waa voted to have Ue city an^aer
eurvay Uto rreend,pataka it'^ul aad
prepare a plat of l/ for Ue uae of Ue White Wine of Tan typupt thv'
ouph remedy
- - -u
oommittee. An eff^ will te made to
day if takes:
have tbto Work do^.^todBy. Uat Ua
oiSimUtaa may viait tba place tomorfve topped pant* for nefonnaata one
and Ifpoatible hold a maatinp lotoggt-u mcQ at inat batf price BtnBOrrow eveninp to tak^ dciinila action
da'a aampla^^poi* aale
to report to tbe conoeU.
Tbe plan propaaad to to have UU
from Califoroin and la
etraet oloaad, Ue cnpine houM removed
ready to rcanme her practice. Her
to noma more eoavement location aad
oflimn in the new Fraok Prledrleb
tba apace pradad. areded and provided
bio k will not be ready until about
tbn I2ib and uutll t lat limaabe will
with akada treca and aaato for aUIton.
bx at Park P.'aee. Telopbooa 8. both
Tbto can all br done at a very amall
aapanae. aa tbe preund la already tbe
propartyof tbe city. WbUe tbU would
not make a large park It wonld oever.
Ualesa (nralab a place where tbe pnblie, Ineiniinp rtottora in tbe city, could
po for a real in the out door air.
-Ketiral otber.plotaof ground belong-


▼Mfary tor

D ton «IW vara tolted of to tbto
sattoB. ate it to proteUa that on
at lout ewaof Uototteermtmittoawm
a toUaoouneU
Meteay evanlnp
Other altea. Uat
wonld bava to te bouphi were alao
bat it waa Ue pravaUlng
Uat a amall baplanlnpbte
teat temada on Ua Lake avaBoo rita.
ate tte mevaaaaat earyM tarUar ntn

Priees—35, 50, 75e; box seats, 11
ll.UO. 8eais no«]oo aale at box'
office. Telephone US for seats.

By Jack London, is a series of short
stories of exciting adventure in thC'Land
of tlie Frozen North.” Sells for Si-50.

“The Grip of Honor "
By Cyrus Townsend Brady. Frice is
Si.50. -An absorbing patriotic romance,
full of dramatic action, having for its
background the dashing' story of the sea
career of John I’aul lones.

.'The Queop’s Gardoo''
By .M. H. M. Davis. Price $1.25. As
charming a book as this popular author
has ever written.

‘‘Knights In Fustian"'
By Caroline Brown. Price $1 50 A
story of the war time in Indiana, when
the Knights of the Golden Circle tried to
disrupt the Union.

“In Time of Peace
Prepare For War”
Have a new dress made in pleasant
weather and you will surely have it when
the rainy days conte. A most wonderful
display of aU the goods that are just the
needful ones.
Have a fine Homespun ,;6 in wide
for 50c a yard, and a gray "homespun 60
in wide at $ix)0.
A beautiful Plaid Bati^ 20 inches
wide at 40c. and the finest gr^es at $1.75
to 52-50One of the finest dress goods is the
Covert. -This sells for 75c.
A nice line of $1.25 the
All the new and 'correct shades of
Henriettas front 35c to $1.25 the yard.
The Seiges are always popular, and
we sell lots of them from
to $1.25 the
A most remarkable showing of New
Plaids and Special Novelties, selling from
IOC the yard up.

Is a long time sometim^. A child
becomes a man—a little fii:m'1a big insti­
The wheel business in America is just
21 years old. So is the Rambler wheel—
Has stood the t"si all tliese years. All
the latest inipro^vcmcnts. We are selling
them for $40. *
Have you seen the Clipper chainless
at $60?’ It's a beauty, and the cheapest
’ (only in pricel chainless on the market.
. What about that Cleveland you said
you'd own?' J£ver cpme in and talk it
over ? Do so a.t once. Costs you 840 or
S50 to own. The gear case adds S5 to
either grade. The chainless is $75.

No Matter
. How Good a Wheel
You Own
There are times when something hap­
pens that makes it necessary to go to the
"bike doctor.” He gives you a prescrip­
tion to be filled. You come, to us for we
are the “fillers.” Wo carr>- an immense
stock- Chain adjusters, package carriers,
tool bags, all sizes ut balls, handle bars,
bells, borax, lamps, brakes, cement, lubri­
cant. chains, saddle clamps, toe clips, c>'clometers, lacing cord, crank keys, enam­
el. pumps, locks, nuts, tire patching, oil.
seat posts, tires, saddles, spoKts.

Store o|»i Tuesday's
nd SMtrdiy'e eeFH < F. a.

Tlie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.




warn oBDAm xm ootxabb
A Wonsan wbo euder* oatoW eyony
Oar Tonny
Johu i< rolor-bUnd.
X.M. Bodmftft Betouet tht'Sftnd- and ae'be k in lik
j.-arkix) k an fxreptlon 10 tbe mlf.
•oBieti-bat tb voird to tiotbE*. the faH
a niai____ —- ...
eir<« Uiiu :: ellKtri autoODt of tronble. to forsM toat lie erer Ured.
Uotll Itl* frlEud« barf aastired bln:
dome women are oear-riybietl, bnt
that saroum or norkile t> "to) rlfftt.* ibey mauaye to bear an tbai'a soint
1 pUiful etate- of nnoerulmy
be b
toproai waK a ymt raMeoe
Ulf n

HIQAN I noBMi latbftSMW ftV L»ot
Ajte >«n8
AidubcbHP L.A BodMB. of Cbteftfo wbo ta Inta liooc 1aIi« p(Oto^7> ^ bftd
A MV Uw JM( pHMd %\ Mukacn tomted
Dodnr lax ootuco areeud
«U Dot »li0W bOTt maier *1 to fo in ft tok anrUff tar ft nvnwr Mid«Boo.'‘B«
MliMft- tbftMtooMftn to WekMljr know U toe city witoCharlca
iwtolwa. tad ftftj toiooft kMpftr vtototbftlU t
b« thft U« irUl bo ftiTWt^ ftftd rico- today toey wlU fo o«l to Uonf Lake
nnd Inepeel toe dwollley. Tbk k de^
elftrcdtobethe SnMieotUre boiUet

Catreek tbeto*erof

Ikenl«rMlwbare toe taltontriftlk
fBfnRnift.toaetafoff toe alfttoftUnfltoft^il«eidlnfbywny.n<toeetovnler teh to toernnad. Ike etoestor
MlM Bdlto^eUe, eced K feen. who

•day. ThanifklMke
dahewne anfifodby
_ _
• tody Crea MeUae, Wto, to wvk tar
k*r. end hne beet al toat ytoae erar
^ee.ftltoiMck no ward tn» bar had
baenreeelred by her parento, who ftre'
«*ar)eyadftt bar retom.
toaat toimar nav ^
etftfttlykUladU a mnaway aceldeDt,
ftsd D. O. Beane wae klUad by iaUlnc
downetolre, on May
BoMall Ryder of Ooleeta. wat aerere*
img aa alaetrit etorm
aaeoneetoBB (or eereral boara.
ftaally ratatellated toroagb toa natlrlai afferU of a phyaklaa. A awatllnt
aa lama aa aa 'eff waa foBad at tba
beea of tbe akoll aad bk tonfaa wae
awoUeneo toiek ka eoald not apeak.
A atrance featora of toe inotdeat wae
toa (aet that Me. Bydar eaffered no



Tanlrkt.atllulnberro Omnd. wUl
baaaeatke aowedy of eMnplkatka.
••WhekW^” TkkU toe third and
btot edition of tok eoeoMifnl tana,
and it will bo weU eaaamcd with oom
Ihraly epeelaUlae. mavta. eoac a»d
The plot of toe
eoineds dwelk on toe oowplleattoaa
toat ark# orer toe aae of a pbototnapk
aad a myth by tba aame of Nemo, a
of Obaa.
Paaay who nlaye toa enrt of a Uwyar
named Batland and who. harlnf faUed
toarraayaabaalaran ooBDecilon with
aa older Uwar. fleally pate ap a
BbinyU. "Memo A Hartked." too
former beleg eappoeed to bo ahaeal ea
bntm*to.of Imporunoe .to toe Rrm.
When tbe play opaae. HarOand k
bearily la ^ebt and eeeryou la In
qalrinf tar Marne- The nno-af
of Memo laada to toe charge that he
baa been mnrderod; and HariUod. In

O. A Owane of
piaaeof beetatoak whleb ataeklnblt
toroat A pbyaleian waa oalled bnt
eoald reader no aielitaoea. The mat­
ter beoama alarming, wheo Mr. Owane
ewalloeed a obnib of battir ohUb
dkeoWed and eoon oletrel hk tbroak
. Dr. £. 8. Oaanlnrbam of Detroit
enlled on .Ooemnar Pingrea and
qnaitad toa loan of atota ton'u aad
otoar eamp eqalpaga for aae at tbe
It of the KoIgbU of Pytolaa
In Detroit in Angaat. Tne reqaeat bad
to be rafoaed besaaae toe etalnlo provldea tbaee oaa be loaaad only to tbe
Oraad ArmyandUndredorirankationa.
Railroad OemmkUoner Oeborae bas
raled toat tralaa mnet be brongbt to a
fall atop at all oroaalnga Bot provided
wUb aafety appliaaeea. Tbli ie
a wJtb tbe law and will U
in forced.
Oakland evnnty will reaenbte a big
,----- tokamo Md tola taar, nearly avary
tarmar'isaving decided to try too crop.
"We will not open onraaeaon before
toa IStb of JBDa." aaya M'. dnllivaa of
Mackinaw leland. "bat we are lottolng
is toa beet aee^a wt arar bad ap
- there 1 Iblak raaort baalnaaa will bo
battartokyeartoanever before and
aapoelally with aa. Tbe people down
In tok part of tba atate really have no
Idea of toe amonat of bealaaat we are
dolagup there ia tbe aammar. By
aetoal eompotatloo laai year we bad
7.&00 freab arrlvale a day for tba whole
tadayaof tba aaoMn. making
toan half mlUioD atrangere eaeo hereTbk year we will get oven
we will
Loat year we bad 117 atMmar l^dlaga
a weak aad tok year we will have
a of Port Baron will
igbt toe lee U-aat. They bate formed
a oomblae. and have parebaitd TOd
tone of lae and wUl have It ebipped
thpre by rail.* Baeeaaivc prioea ebargad by too tnm ^oagbt abrat tok new
Oov. Piagrea baa i
Joba Calbertaton. of Contorvllle.
dalagau to tba Farmoria NaU<^
Ooagreaa, to be bald at Colorado
•prlnga, Aag. 1< to >1.
Tbe Mkblgan crop report for May
•aya that too averaga oandiUm of
wbaal In the aoatotrn ooaaUot k 49.
while April 1 U wea <W; thU it a fair
tadleaUou of toe wheat crop of Mieblgan. elooe dariag toe laat SO yearn ti
per cent of ton erop baa bean grown In
abate couctlo*. Oo tbe whole, eondP
aloe of >rboai ie fully 10 polnta lower
ahaa one month ago.
A Womaa'E Awfol Peril.
"Wicre k only one ebanee U
foar life Md that Cum"w

anpMlaa Ooftt-MtU. IsTira.

_______at toe Hotel WUUttlTkvato all forme of Mrvoaa aad
akroak dkaaaea.


Fit your boy-up
like a • Uttle man” in a UtUe
Vestee SuitDouble breasted or
fiuicy vest—
A -Uttle man’s” shirt
and bow tie—
A handsome cap or hat
to top off
the whole outfit


betktwe it takea one no tunc to i«y
SUny a manV unpapuUrity In doe
I bln toimloy wa>'n—in a qaiet Uttk
"Ob. \f.bai B Dice coair exi-lalned
■leter. wUei: be isroayht It home. “I e„
do Uki- Dial xlinde of brown."
, wuui.m < nt» a uiaa on Use
•'And tbe link red tbreadn. added
j,e atirlbiiiea U to her nharp feataoottiw. "Aren't they prettyr
■ibdr cried Joba. I didn't kaow
_ ever naw it rain cala
ttxre \vj» any red. Now. It la a browa
coat wills ted ibreoda. M- In it a m’ doiCK. bnt iitlllns amet cam la a
coat «'»ls brown? Von Joat tell me, uccnrreuce.
If a man doean’l know when be
... I eat, laterrlew ibe tailor."
ind waa aet at eaae. but be bad beaten the chancea are
• ralne
raloe of beroit friend vlQ inform blm.
learned caution and tbe
ellow Btreak
There la a yellow
atreab in ei
meeanree. Tbe next day et la
____ _______________
tbe leaalna
conain aald: "1111 bet
b yen
«n iliat Urea, bnt aome of them n
don’t know what color yonr necktie age tq keev It under eovM-.
> man Ileam> a r^l many tbhtf*
• ." aald Joba. aereoely^^^ ^
ra Idn 4children iinill they get old
How on eailb
enongli ii> know an lUile an Ise doea.
> boneni na tbe
• WelL"
elL' ntld
nnia Jolm.
evua. With
e.i*. Ibe
In long never gew up at 4 o’elook
booitbt It yeatenlay. and 1
I the iitomlOP to )<e lead into tempta-1
told Ibe
- clerk If be didn’t tore m(
I'll tlirow bjm
blm out of tbe win
I To tbe mills Idual worib psaO.OtiO one;
,1111k if-icnt ple.1. k a qaarier of m
Ktnad Ow
■Mir kaiM.
not aee the |iolni,
1 million. If yen do no
Ink It
The man who probably had more to' immidlaiel.v. tlxUik
It .ove^-U'a tbctv.
do with the .•xiwaum of too l*lilladel-| -Cbkago I’ally Neaa
«r r>>.
|ihla Impontor. John Knimt Worrell
Kecly.’ihan any other. In the d««n of
Oticiul.etuutl Wiiieblog hk moibei
the Iiiunlf trltlcn, Ilenty H- KndtUlel. (I(>»irov a nnali tluti
in ibe fum.
i-niiltullHtn and
••Maw." he ealil. iwrlou»!y. "do-you
H tsad inventlsaied vainly (or know where nil tlu>i« fur flh-a ootne
y.-Htri the niraiigi' fon-*- that propelle<l
• Imlcsnl. 1 do' nol." coufeeerd hl«
the nioior Unit fooled mlllloun out of
••Well mow. yon kiioa^ the tonii^alniHl for uu MjHTt
woke ihe fur fly ont on ihe had.
n to Uii-iu whut ilu-viherh' luyti"
a flute playxT by
. KiH'ly wae
Ami ilM O be ran off Iscfuo- ,:heeoulil
him and reach f«ir the hairbrneb." ___
f. au.l Krchhkl


iiiei luaii lu any other niuu. .•.--■u-c
the tritl.' npprettHieil him ihrsiugh ton-]

If 7on don't feel well
attend Benda'a -iample Panto Sale.
At the great mntleal fa«e comedy
“Who k Who " tonight.

, ^____ rviir^eni

tonight at btalnberga uraao.

Per a allm pane try Benda’a aas»pk i
panto Bale.

Telephone 112
eforaeatata "Who k Who" tonkht. |

ready to retnme her praeliee.
officea In the new Prank Friedrip'r.
block will not bn ready until aniut
tbe iSih and until that time the wl"
br at Pp'k I'tacc. Telepbono «.i. both


order ta ateaps the evil toroatenod.lT
.tea ibeenpporeddotd mao. T a
and amoaing eompllAlone are aald to have a decided vela W
of originality about tbem. and tbej^
place kmomtivi with new and ^bo-jM
rate acener y from the bra«h of Arthur | S
VoagbiUn of Boyl’a theater. NawYork.' P
and tbe mode by Cbae. Prlacc. Tbe 'W
<oigpanyeompriac»euebartiatoM B*e|^
Tlmguay. Katherine Weetoo. bopbk i M
Webb. Georgia Tompklne, Nettle and | M
Katherine kllier. The Wailing Bklera.' £
LoakeUoaid.Sedle Wnlteeaib, Pueey 1 W
and St. Johni. Jaa Cherry. Barry N. |
Welch. Chat Adame. Artbar Roach,
and other*
KUae’e OiBBamAtograpbe Lumkre j
gava a ftnt elaae cnicrulnment la tba ] J
aty Opera Bonaa last bight to a
Tar mjvlng plctnrtn. 1
ware glv^a in aevaral aariea. laeiadlng
featoraa in whkb famoa»
daaoanwarelDtrodttoai. aad aevaral
tlly good railway aoam
licta Bwlf tly moving trains were aeco, I
adding to toe reslUia of the pte’.nrM
Oae extremely Interesf.ogpUiure was
toat of a laadeesps da-.b;i>g by as .
tboagh one waa alttlng In a flying
railway irala. The Hlmi for tbk wseoi- 9
were taken toqm toa ffoat of a swiftly !
moving loeoauvive aad'the faaturc ig ■ fft
one of rare merit
The war eeanat werj realutie and
true to Ufa. Several oxcAiug bank
sceeee Id which American uoops fig
ared gallantly exeited great applautc
and kept up tbr most intenar ir.terest
in tfav eutcrtalnuirDV Tbr entire oro
gram wat filled wlifa mviuirons lilu«
trailooe fisely given and worihv nf'
apeclally (avorabkeomment. Annib'r
program will b-‘ fIV'U
(. Iv-j
„ .
,a)ao lomormw everlng
_ diff*ren- .
p-etnrv*. Same <if
<’f th.- war views ir. '
ireip.. amatig
loe Thlviy f-nrlh rf.-itBunl to «hlr->
the Travertc Ciiv eoldi-ra »ere a<taebrd.

righlfoi cate o
maeb troab’-e and ye
'allow Jtnodiee
• • form<
• tn*
Oali (tonee had
tbe eon
ataaUy grow worae Then *be b
to aae RIaatrlo Bittern vrhlrb irlioiiy
eared her Il’a a wonderful eiomaV:.
Hear and kldnry
ramedy. Cnrrt .
Ayapvpek. loee of appetite Try It.OniT
flP eta Uuarantced. For aale by 8 R
Wail and Jaa O. JebMoaa. draggiew.





So\i £*oV

Ladies’I Mim Jackets
(Jnst in by express)
aiti S^. .
CoVott—&TA^,‘^ATt AW&’brown.


§\0 &amcw\s

C-VosvTV^ Ytvw §2>.bO awd. §6.
Sale beeins Friday morning and closes
Saturday night.

J. W. Milliken

feAtaHHHHtii sggt8HH»^»«itiaaraiHtu

NOwbecause our line
Is very complete, and you
are more certain
to get
‘just whgt you want.”


At Hamilton Clothing Co’s,
where you
are certain of seeing
many very pretty
in children's suits and

Hamilton Clothing Co.
Wagons and Buggies
IPo2? Sale
One light double wagon, Harruon make. wLUj double box, apring
seat, nearly new wagon, 3^ inch tin*, price $4P.OO.
One 3 inch tire wagon, Petertyl make, all complete, lieen used 6
weeka, good a$ new, $40.00.
One 3-$pring wagon, long box, two seatf. a good farm wagon
price $20.00.
Onejumbdr wngoii 34 inch tires, price $20.00.
One pliaoton buggy, painted and in good shape, $40 00.
One ftoverod milk wagon, in good shape to hitch to, $2-5.00.
One road cart, in good ahape, price $7.30.
One open buggy, in good condition. price-$20.p0.
One platform wagon, low wheels, with pole and thills,mar*
igou, price $13IX).
One canopy top Surrey, jnst out of shop,, in good repair, newlj
painted, price $50.00.

B. J. MORGAN. Propr.

On Exhibition!

00 nn We Sell The Hest Ladies’ 09 nn


Inspect o-ir shoe and we will convince you that othera do
not aell you a $2.60 aboe at $1.98 or $2.00.
We aeU onr ahoes tor what they are. and you get value re­
ceived from every pair. Hot how cheap but how goud-Thafa
our $2.00 ahoA

TU ESD A Y, M ^Y 14

SZ.uU $2.00 Shoes In This City. UM
TlM Old a«lUbl« BhM Kaa.

IBW Ston.

242 Frost Slrset

A carload of fancy drivers, fisrm
mares and heavy work horses,
from stock farms at' Stillwater,
-Hlnn. OaU and see this load of
good horses.
State Street


Pare Htorqnetta WUl Baae e Very
Oemplota derotae Altar Moadey.
A aery oxtaMtoo 'otaapo wiU ta1
•Ae la too Fora Marqaotta time cord,
to taka oBoet Mototay taocatap. whleh
wUl'IuBlta toto eUy a moot cnoUoat
leUi^ aorrtao.^0 mw eetad^
preeUtaotor two toroopb tr^ betM Powetay eta Oeata tatata ead
one from toU Mty to Oread Baptda aad
rtara. which wlu tooroaphly aoebm-

TtaaM lor VoMa>p Oob thio

__ _ __ »t U» Womab Otab
■Up M«M«nk i( W»kMlb la*. «im4 Ihte alMoeo wUl ta ia ctarroo*
Miidili—rt la**'. ■n. ■. A. bUUa. ■ataro ota4y ia
lOaUfaB bai«r tta foootal ta^ Tta
•M. hM bp« aMMi «kat
ofttaeUb aro moooto* to
€k*wfc tap
ttal Pfto »*« tfca
r to tta tettaoeaitvyaar. Tbaco wlU taa
■MttW of tta aaaoatiTp board at tta
ordlaaiT of Up 4Iop^ wUob mii tta
laoiaaoftta pncraat.
•Mlfatte* tataa bj
lato raaflta wlto tta doty of
pbarta. aad ail OattaUoi not dUhdraw btm tta ootatrTta bara baralac opidoaote wUta
rafodat Bata lalaad. m.. loot
“ •
aadwUta it wao ttaofbt hi
' boo taota oat a«aU. Two
toad ataot tta mmo ttao. Oao anita
Thrao ahOdfoa ^otoaflaf to tta
Biwwa aad KlrUaad faaima
taraod to daath la topoot Br* wmt
BaaatoB, Pa.. Wititodiy.
•Loolp Baata. Jomp Johaooa aad
twoaakaowB boro wonUUod Woda«dar alrbt la araDfoad wrota at
<rHolU. Otob.
DoBOClac raloo aro roportod froo
Oomaaeoaoto. Boar Uba. tear poooob tapo taoa toot, aad aU oe board
drowBOd. Proa Braaua. Klol aad
-Plpaoborr. ooao roporu of tta loooof
doblar oneta with a aomber of Upoo.
Waoblorton U Mttlap a poo*
aapta which other el Hot of the iiountzr
Blpht follow with proSt. The dlatrlei eoBBlMlooen. at a reeostBootiar. decided bp noaolmono Pete to forbid the plant firoeraeker aod other
.....d^lradjntaeu of ladopendoaoe day.
taped an order cooflolor that por­
tion of ronnr America whleh rotlda la
the eapltol oltr to the rdfalar Chinn
noiac-maker. which bao of late roan
fallen In pppnlar ropard.
Wb. EademaaB. Jr., » jun old.
ftOBBltteod antelde la Elehardo* botol.
-Mew Vork Oltr- He took oarbolle aeld
•ad taraod 08 tta faa. Badootaaa took
Ualifo booaoee taooaU aetpar
Aobta. Bio wUo. froB whOB ta baa
baaa aoparalad for aen Ubo. le worth bat it to aald eta rofoMd to
aid hto
■ ■
Qooaa WUtaiBlaapt HbllaBd raeaatIjOBbroldotadaePoral kaadaoBe eaatarploeat for tta table. They were, at
hordliocUoa, told at a fair for the—
-oil at the poor.
noreet ftroo in Pottor eeoaty. Pa..
~haPO taraod tta plUofoa of Oortatt,
BlpirtaB. Nowtn aad Omtby. Ooo
Letke aad wife of Oortatt parUhed.
Lady Meop bae aenl ao a pnaent
tard Boherta a battery of oU 'ffnof,
whleh coet her ebont i:0.o00: aed ehe
hao apent larr# enme of mooey le tend,
tafont elotblnp. tobacco aa^^ other
eoBlorU to aoldiere at the froot.
Wbea WllUam C. OlUett. e cIpU war
retarao, wa* 14 yeare old he becan
chewlnit tobacco, and bonpht a litUe
wooden bon to kaep ble tobacco In. Be
b BOW (VI yeare old. hea need tobaoeo
eoootantly aad alwaye from
weodea bon- Mr. OUUtt bao chewed
t.'nepaoDdeotooootof ll.dSVHi. aad
tUoonmtBTOitodatoperoent. wonld
hapo amoaotod to
. There U m7re oataarh ia tab aaetlon
of the conntry tbao all other dbean
pattorother, and notll thelaatfew
yeanwao oi
Pora treat
ledlee. and by oooetanUy
0 enrewito local treatment
•d It inenrable. Science hai
e ooi

ItbpntaMo that a oneat wau
wflltataOtoa tta^aoath aad wtat
tata of «ta Mmoontlli Oo-b biota to
_______ fatoro. Tbb walk will Btta
atlmtMOo«Banya>do,kadwUl oaat
taftaMlghhataoodoffrra. tat wOi
ipar to the loec na

'«s:s;r.s?sr55 u, o™.

Bepiita wUl taero taro ot »:U a. m.,
•nl^p ta Omd BepMe at 10:50 e- m-


“ ■




to« eortottaa totally-

TralaBo. 6 wUl Man......... .
0-00 a. m. aad arriyo U toto olty at


Balph OoMBbto. Jr., who waa tonoariyBaBBCoreflha dtp Book Btoeo.
to BOW ia taotfo of too otoro of M bort.
Qwd A Co., at BlooBlnrtoa, Ul.
Altar tta onion of toe Prataroal
Myetle Clrele Wadaaeday epealec. a
Jolly tima waa iadalted Id. too ladtoo
In o noil driflnr eoataot.
wbUe tta tonUemen Uotad tbelr obUIty tooewonbnttone rapidly. Mra. P.
I. Whitman won tbe lodlce. and Mr.
Whitman too ceetlemoD’e print. The
Hra. Fraocl*
Bmito and C J. Oamett-An Intemiint
propram waa piPoo0. H. Andctoon of the Kinpotey
oebool boa takoa toe priaclpoUhlp of
tta eobool at Fife LakeTbe new trap for the Treperec City
Bod and Onn Olnb hae arrired and to
ready tor the oUy plpoon ohoot tolo



Dr. DombAaI-TIim^ob

tore be roTO toil erldenor -‘I ooofbta
oor^ which paeo inaUni relief. I
taro need
It In
in my family tor four
_______ - Mtbe preatcat
and reoom
remedy tor , eou*ta. cold* end all
throat, cheat aad lunp troublea- It will
etootbe worat conpb. end eot only
prercat* bni ebaolnlely core* oonanm^
Uob. Price SOc and II. Erery bottle
ouarahlecd. Trial bottle* lOe at 8. B.
Welt end Jee. U. Jobneon'* drop etoree
Brlphk UTily Pno
Id -Who 1* Who. ’ tonlphl et I
berp’a Ormnd.
FbbU fw blp w littU. loop or ihort. om
or two Tepped men. cen now ta
bought •‘eteeonp"-*
pie pMto aele.

tialB wUlleovo
0:45 p. B. end


A ptaeioa to atked for Merle Blxoa.
who llvee et CUaton. Lenewee county,
end'who to 100 yeer* old. Herbnebend
aerved n deye ia the Uexinea wer. Juet
«ne abort of the namber rcqnUite
onder tbe euine* topiee bim epeactoo.
Tbe oonelon committee wee nneaimooB Id favor of the report made. 8be
win receive OIC per month. Ihe people
ot tbe whole vUlese b! Clinton ere le
tied in tbe eaae.

Tta beet faraMtad aad beta kapt
booee oa tola poala«la M ready tor
wee. Opaa tta year mad. Good
Uvery la eoaaaettaB with tta hoaee.
Batae attae kaowB oa aapUeattam


114 Front St.




If yon have e dwelling, etoek. etsia,
am. or eov other property Inanrehle.
yoa. a
Grompt aed oerefol attention.
Only the moat reliable etoek InnrBoe compenlm repreaentod.
^toa very low.

bone 73.

®a® C3 ©

iobnaon Bloek

Third Chair.
my barber shop in order to accomoJatemy patrona.
attention given to all
A, M. OVIATT, Propr.
Wlaals aad PUbrr cwplapn.-

bindRipUK lidluiRj.



■ I IB

First Freeze


Clear Ice, from Boarilinaii Lake.
$1.00 a Month
At reeideneeK—same as iut year.


Aro Uoually Due to Some Dto
rancemeat of the

Fm hsmiicii.
L. L. A. BuUdlag.

For PoiirtM SkOM «• U FriBuh.
Vo setter hew the other fellow w
howl, that feet ettoda nnabekeble
that ell tbcM temple panto ere now.
of toto ceeeoD't make end prleea
nneh lower then yoo’U have to |
tor old etock. 8. Benda A- Oo.


The Waukazoo House!

SnrpufilBg OoiN—Uttlo Tavora.



!! IS!

J. A. Jackson
Both ’Phone*. Xo. 7.


S.&BS=S.«SeSR«Cll :£SSS«

IU>^ ky UmUm ol
fraCuaU ToroBU
■7—*BUe- •*»«*.

Dr. Cha«e'» Klilney-Liver Pllli
In the efcuinp of ' life-after
haUlea art foepht—why abouldn’t the
old lolki enjoy ia coulort their welk


'■•rMBtne oe.aiaek.

and Repaired

Satisfiction Guaranueil

M'?Jf___ _____

rUX)D. OBcr 10 new Toooaller
__ ______ CalU anawvre.] proi^lr day or
alffet Nenbero'pbeoe.8: Bell. ta.

-eaoeaudrealdenea.Ma Tl.:

dowr.ik aola


bjt the lotpet aod sou aoDerm^blcallo premptir

Tbe Fere larqiiette EiilrNd

in i‘vi*ry respoct.

MCB-* asd cklMrm'a dlaeaae. a ape
Beehaur*; lOtoUa.m.: : le 4 an
■. BelPpboortol___________________

tugust Petander

oouaa oocTB.

Npxt to Eagle Office.
oonao Mosni.

-U to e lllUr early to talk about lee,
bnt we have a large anpply pnt up for
theirofri^retor, f
I won’t eak to b
Both ’pbonee »4.

L» TraretM OjAr BkEapIds..





John R. Santo,
Cmril luinin.

Fruit Trees For Sale

flcflBi, Op«a&Te Bntbtfy

Peach treed t7.00. Otherjlraea
roanfinablp See ns on oomer o(
Mme-'’Chiman'a Blaetto PtaorVamtoh Front and Dnioo Sts.


Ml Kills iftoMMlS.


key ot KOO

tota^MeWetadiot Uarfleld town- Tea’ll bo torrj
If yon mlM "Who to Who” toalpht et Dr. SoMBthfil-Tbempton
ehip. hao tapna dlporoe prooeedtape
Stelubov’e Qrend._________
apataat hto wife. Edna Mawatad. oa toe
bee returned from Oelifomle end to
pmadof datartlee.
ready to reenme her precUe^ Her
ofBew In the new Frank Prtadrleb
Bop. Banlay Joeae pertormed the
bloek wUl not be reedy until ebont
eereaoay yaetarday afternoon whleh
il.15 wUl do toe trick et Beade'a
toe lOtb end until that time ehe will
nUtad la marrlape Praek Hodpae of
great temple pento «le.
boat Perk PleM. Telepbone u. both
Brar». aad Janata Meoey of Mayfteld.
Tta happy eoaple will raelda at Brart. VABdtrmTt^BdBgl
pelere. of toe refined order. In "Who SorpAfiilag Coflta—UttloSTfiPora
They ware attaaded at tbe weddlnp by
e bridal party fm May Bald.
Piaak Van Dunn, who dtaap
OfitebTeut prlooi
a farm naar Xlapatay But Sin
on bnodred* ot pair* of temple pent*
••Who to Who.” the preet ton taow,
BtS Benda A Co.
receatly. baa boon looatad
tonight et Btaltberp'a Oread.
eontoorn poH of too otate.
The ataom barpe William Rndolpb of
UIBOELLAMKUUB WAMT8. loadlnp Inmber fortoe
Kelley Bbtople Co. for Cbeboypao.
a*«cUI au*: noBt
aae ceararAaelBf.
nelBf. Ill Pi
Mtal Lonloe Prlediicb of Ann Arbor,
paoied toronpb tbe city yeeterdey on
her way to CharUroln to attend'toe
2eKN~-Tu rvnt. Ratjulre a
fnneral of Mice Blla Carr.

hae retnraed from Oallfomb aad to
bar praetoB. Bar Wnrtbarp Biota
____ ___
_ r ftaak Pttadrita
MetawlU BOtta ready antUabont
toe llto aad natU that time eta wlU
beatftrkPlaee. Telephone v.l
taeaae. ____________ MT «t
At Low Prlow.

T* Ohp* MMM Ml om Diw<
Tkte Waxnerb 'n’hhe Wine of Tkr i
toe beet conph remedy on earth

Good Une of Jeioli7

“j, "

jM^l a^*Ctaae*^edk'

of oomedlana are Fneay and 8k Joha.
With tweaty-fonr olhare they’ll pee*
aaat “Wta to Who" taalphk

I haye had my bmldins
reboilt a&d pot ia good
shape and am now i^y
to receipe all old patrona.

Tortarod a Wttaeia. ’


igrMt tMm

Cigar Store
Billiard Hall
For Sale
' Eaqiire it

lyw Qrata


wually the kldneye which firat
of^^er, aod cauae tacktebn
pet outL o(~
Id Bobrala atrcei JobnV^
. _____ , IronWee.
ttloOd the kidneyi work
il to tcmi
BaU'e" daUrrh
t of polM
1 by F. J. Ohener t
'prt' l*ir^ and* capac pain li
le only (tonitltnCo.. Toledo, Ohio. I I toe
:k. aed......................
nnUaa attenitad
to anil lean
iket. It U taken foul 'pniaona in the blood which will proprnr-'J W. Patel
tlonal care oo the
tatemally In doem from 10 drop*
canm the moet pelnfal and fatal dit.
'AMTtD—'^er pcarral ksuarwork.
cu dlrectl:
taaepoonful- It acu
directly on
Uood and mnconi enrtaoee of tbe eyaChaM'a Kidney.Urer PilU atrik*
P. C. IXamoue. jj..
tarn. Itayeflerone hundred dollar* at the root ot trouble by makiup the lot. Hra ....................
for any cue It faile to core. Send for kiducya elronp. healthy and rijoroni.
brenlan and teailmonlalt Addreei.
They cure Brighfa dlmaae, Bropey.
•F. J. CBBKBY A 00.. Toledo, O. diabetc*
' ‘ - and' all diamaca of the kidocya,
Sold by druppUU, T»e.
aa chronic X
ilrcr and bladder, a*
ontm. ctvrjUilaa t
Ball'i ramiTy PilU are tbe beet.
conitipalioo. They have wonI the
:r«ii»lrr. ahel«lB«,tald»a. rbalra,
miration of old people in particnlar,
_________________ ■«
tnrpdMdag Goflta—Littli Tapiiii. cenae they make It poaalble toi them
ape the comfort and teat
To Sm U fin^ IB 24 Man. they bare an well earned.
Mr. ]. D. Briphlmae. Ledrard, N. Y.
No pcmodj- c«iual‘ Warv
. uj'n Wnm. write*: "I am a blaekamllh. and ban
Wins o»” Tau Svrl'p f<A‘ this terri. bad kidney di«ceae in iti wont form.
(jlr-and fatal>o. If taken tboe- At timea I could not atraiebten np..aad W * How~^irTtapr«a
at Lakerlew Boom or at Bee
.luchly and in time., It will euro n (*»o for fire yeef* I waa nr—
leeer free
‘— from
*----- *—•in^honre, and fo> toeooueh that tolaad terrible paiilaa. Mr. Alexander
htwaXiO Grippe 1*. aerer f^ to pl«n __________________ jd Dr. A. W. Cta
tltaL Prioe.8&oaiidMo.
■tkire beUdiBC lor mie. Call at Ml BaatProol
Kidney-Urn PilU ao hiphly that I U
them, and am now entirely free fi
beckaeta and kidney dUceae. ’ ’
Dr. A. W. Cbme'a Kldney.Ueer PflU.

Sr. T.


It will arrive el 4:15 ^ m.
Traia He. t wUl taavo Polotaey ot

a b talat eiroalalod la
thoM^ torJ.T. Bandoa.
ofthbotty. Botataa80d.toPlaf baoB
a hripbu totopu bhh itaami •
Btatotaahpapnal tor'll moatta.
Kr.PnMrhaeboafbttta bapiaoM
•fB-Btaototarforaadlno mud Uo
■Idoaoo ea Btat Praal atroot.

WMck Un




i iinefTHsmu
«tt»n- truuit J

Faieril Oiiiem.

r YOC w*a* laonrsaoe of aey klod la flrol

myssrffiKJcr ssxsar Bicycle

Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes

EnamelingBest to be had in
the citj is at

Bee Mmplea in window.

luigwMii SUM
NEiign EsaiGS
unmn nipriKGS heiuh stoie woai
Udswslk DumbB In >111 .isn.

•ooeaadom ta TxmTacM Ottv Lumbta! Co



eawofkedkifteeismamisroda. Fmaieh
MowOMae, WailrBata Bloek.


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