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The Morning Record, February 02, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUid Year-No. U7
taperlad teattea lalteTtaf faraaa 4
frsoi tea aarte aad Jotaad haste with
%taM) Badaa.Baw^ a troak ofo.
TUs aawa Is oat oSalal. hat daps
‘BawatalaaUaadtebaUaaa tea lasert.
Tba te«a ad^Hatekiac atua
Ph jBlelRBs AbRBdoa Hop* of
Bis Boeoroiy. ■
■ifnnilTfcTtT‘1 i-rr**r- Onmt*
tovoatad aad at that tea ao oaa Bote Taplar aad OeobaUlaa Held Oat
ItoTscsls Bi*sr te TkrM PIsms teaclaad tea tows aeold boU oat a
aad MtUUa WDl Vat Ohfoaaa Va«
Is Bitac Mrtb. aaate las teiaa Mtea
it k Kaewa When Aateerttr Ikap
•Blisttl BrhIiB Pi>if1as<H0 B*IWfslMTSaltklsBsMs «t Worwmr
klo bp
jumntt tkM ■sfcMag Is
radaral Oeana. bat O
a Waat
rertpTbwawalafteateBsksd Prate
LoaSos. rsB. 1-U splW sitks 41s•skwofaptMi kspaad tkM swfslloM
vUah sttssdsd thsi sMsapt It is sow
sMsdsstkeritlvsl^ Vr Iks HtissMS
•sssusthstasurslBalter bssaffste
smss4 Iks T«tste rirar ssd has asds
sMibar sMsak mpoa lbs Boar poaltloas
tesa thfss Altowt pstala. Tbsdiapalab states that Qaatrbl Balia bs>
IteTabaeaBaflasttha rsBatof Ladj.
aalBi aas la 4atemlaad M da so If tea
ssBSfaofbliBaD sad aarafallj praparsdpteaaaaa
White tea taaaat dataat at Bpicw kop
Sppaarad to jrtu tea BrUiah a hard Mtkaak. It U BOW baUatad teat Baiter
« had otew plaaa if tba dploa kop plaa
a»»T«d it la alao baliarod teat tea dotsatsaflaradhpBaiter upa
tesattea of tea rifUasea el tea Basra
at stear potets aad teat teaaa petate
an BOW kataff aaaaalted Be datells
have baas raealtad, bat It la aald
- teat tea Capa Towa taport atatea
-Stet tears baa baaa haarp tc^Bat aU
Tha war oftaa has Bo aawa of Oaatell BaUar%
tea •». iaMS UasaMa, hat
testpapar sapateallt hsa ao
to dsaat tea asrfsstews of tia istorBa*
ttealtesaffbUhaa sot
teat ■aiCtelap to Sodteta Bate
ShMii Eii|l.
People ■
or Neuralgia
Vraaktort, Rp.. fOb. l->At a late
will Rad
boor topilrkt Mr. Qoabal waa atlU
aUra, bat bk ptpoleuaa ten ao bopa
of bk raeorarp. PoratlM laatalybt
as bopad teat aiyaa wbkk daaoted
of Ufa Bk iron asm
I all teat
kapt braatb la hU bodp.
Mr. Ooabel pawed a aomforteble aiybt
bet WM wares aarlp thk aMraiar. bk
to 144 aad bk tamparatnretoiOlH Ha was la attsperfor
a time, bat rallied aomewbat aad at
' Broeklp Wbltlwlad" Xaoakad Oat
dap U that of two I
keep the fact warm and dry.
Saalrp, tea Waatarajreatbarwslcbt, fforcnora aad aiui^ aoldlara boldlar
balanea of power batwaao them.
Tba aoldlars tbaiasalraa -are ia a qoaaObioafa.rab. l~At Tatteraall-a %o- ^
.boold do aad
altbtTarrpMaOo«WB.tea -Brooklpii Ibep*
.11*\ ft,tililrimrnti MaiI
Whirlwiad.” kaookad Saatrp oat is of tea oMoa boldan are E
tee flfth reaad. Tbo flfkt wai to daaad atapp of team aald tbk moratag
tenalos tba abaapkaaklp of tea fsaththat thap bad ao iatsaMoa of roaktlag
aad tea Tietorp of Metba legal gotrraer of Keateekp. proSorara rl*aa tea dktlaatloa to tea east
rldod teat tbap are oaea aatkSad who
Tb« leadiog shoe honae.
arataai tea waai
teat ladlvldaal k. All tetaga batag
oqaal tbap wUi stand bp Tt^lor.
Hasp Damoerak ware dknppeii
wbaa Oaaaral Otetlamaa laUad
Haportad te4 & W. Habball Will arrlra from LoakrtJIa to taka a
Binad of tba troops. It waa daalad
•^Praaiaate OeauaTtahnar
teal tea poaltlea of adjaiaii goaarU
Ualawfal Arrest.
bad base offered lOaaaral Oastiamaa.
Tba Oaetral Ubs Torab states teat Tba apparoat fallara of Ooobal to plan
mot tea Tarala bp BaMral BaUar a W. Babbril of Trararoa Qitp baa ba- a aaw adjutoat raaaral to oMaa lasTaa
akew teat tea BHtlab lost k\ laaat l ,tao raa aottea for St.aoo'aamfaa agalaat tea troops aatlralr at tea dkoaaitioa
telaara aad sms U klUad. woaadad tbo miaca of Ooblnl Lake. Mr. Bab- ef tea RrpablioaBa. aad b
aad telatteff la tea aaeead adraaea for boU waaarrostedteoraaabortUaaaro obaan of troabla from teat soon. The
intbor, writtbs rallaf of Ladpamitb. AUtbaBorn- apoo a ebarfs of vielatlar a rlUara or- aoldlan wtll'4oBttoas to obap
ing in the Xorth American B4»view
teff papan datou aidaBaa to tea Itata dlaaaaa la teMof erdara tor silrar
• OolUar.r -:r3
«d hlUadaod woaadad, aad it U opaalp for a Obleafo tra. Ha waa eoBTleted
Ooraraor Taplor ramalaa la bb ofstatad that tba faU ntvas an sot aU ia a jaiUoa eoort. bat when tea
ioe aad praetieallp daalas bimaelf to People,” eapa:
tapak The Obroaiela tela noraUs
earriad to tea efrealt ooert of Aa- all eallan. Ha will not dlaeam tor
"No man writee with bia own
plaa« tea total at l.olt. aad flrea tea Uiw eoBBtp tea daelalow waa raraiaad pnblleatioa asp aetloa h^baiiukea 'or
hand, if be can dictate to a atenototel Britlab toaoei to date aa 9,eos
map take. AooBfrranea of attororpa
Pratorta diapatah aapa teat tba Boar OBWBT KAY 00MB TO HIOHXOA V for both oldra mot tod^Tt^a Oapltdl gnpber; no man dictotea. if be can
t^lf^rapb; no man telegraphs, if be
leaaw ea Spies kop ware B killed and
hotel loaaalf aom« adjutmaot of tbs
Proakbd Taatardap to
B«uoU oraaaattroublMeouldaocbe raacbrd. can telephone.*'
Tbale«<aof tea raak aad 81a of
Scmatlaa tbk Sprlas,
The Repnblloana propoeed that the
If yon aft* a typical, energetic
aoBoral Wamn‘a dirUloo aad
WMblairwe. Feb. 1.—Tbara i
difSoaltp bataaeo the rlral goreraori np-to*date American, you already
oskmlal eoaUapaat are »W. oolp »« bebii(bt proapaet that Admiral Dewep bo adjusted bp tba fedacal oonna.
the Long Distance Telephone.
lac OBOsaoaated for aa mlaaloK- Tba
wUl Yklt Dttrolt aoBM Ubm tbk
Tba DaoMoraU opposed tba eoom
total eaaaalttaa at Sploa kop asoaaded
If not, a word to the wise is euRicaprtar- Ooayratemaa WUUam Aldan proposad bp tba Rapnblioana aad araao. bat than an few prlmara.
Smite sod Oenfraaaaaa Oorlka aaUad gaad that tba Slate ooorta ahoold fltat
Oaaaral Bollard dUpatte was dated
ap04) tea admiral todap aad larlMd aet la tea matter.
paetardap at Spaarataa'a oamp. That
him to attead tea aaanal banqaet of
waa daMaira proof teat tea armp bad
tea Mlabtcaa aoeiatp of tba Soot of the
aet wltedrawa fros tba appar Tafsla,
•latton dariay tbk mooth.s AdaltboBffb it bad aroiad tea lirar.
Miller’s Store
aaltal Dowop bad other aafaram
was awaltlac ordsra from Oapa Towa.
aad aapramad bk recnt teat ha eoald The Kalkaska Toaag- Maa Xmpraaaad
Bassral Balterb laported addraoa to
late tea Britkb Sarslaa Appeal
eot Ykit Dawolt tbU moete, bat ba aatea arap, with the
amtad tba aoarraosmaa teat ba woold
to tba VUtad Btataa.
weald ha la Udpwlte wtteta a waak,
glad to rktt tears later la tea
haaaattbapabUabadwar effiea alika
bat promlssB to load to oome iittto
og. Tbk aaaaraaaa waa so pramkgwaralay kardar thaa erar. Bow ba
diplomatto talk botwooa tea Uoited
lag teat Oowgraaamaa Oorlka baa
paepeoaa te asks food bla beast to ba
Stataa and Oraat Brltato has to do with
writtaate tea aaeratarp aaklag teat
la Ladpaatte wltbla aaotea waak
throe peang mon kaewa to soe
tealr haa^aet ba poatpe^.
tek oitp.and whno rooidoaoek to
Kalkaska aeoatp. Raws baa raaebrd
an teaaa who affaet to bafiara teat tea
klteerto tapgsaibto faat aap ba a» riHOBSB TOBTXCB:PHMn>BBr thk aoutop teat tbeaa tbraa podag
maa, Fatriek,Tebi aad Baarp Boabal.
TUbopa of Baflaad teat BaUarl •oggNtsdSma tba Wsataas Haa- barabaanimpraaaad tototba mllltorp
h bla parpooa was hoopin of Baglaad and orderad
Blag Kate tor Bipao.
ad ap teU afuraoea wbaa a dkpateb
ResteAfrloa. Aa tbo bopa araaatiraa
WaablagtoB. D. a. Pab. 1—Tba aogwas rasaUad bp teaMoralof Post from
of tbk eosaby. on appeal baa baaa
Wtaotea CbueUll atatlaff teat ap- goattoo eomaa from the middle west smda to OoBgranmaa Mnkk to aoa
that Ooraraor Plagraa of Mleblgan
pwaattp tea Boara' poalUoa
tbatjoatlnkdoaalaadthoeitliaBa of
pnfabls. bat tea BrtUah troops are ra- woald make a good raaaiag state for
on erery dcdlnr'a worth
Brpaaoa tea Dj
aelrad to make aaotear attempk
torn tea aarrln of a foralge power.
Tba foaowlBc la aald bp tbs brat ta- HamllloB Lawk kaa jaat arrirad bare
Tba ponng ama who are tea oeeaal>
of goods nntil (niiber
from Baattla aad ka k footed aa atet- ef tek attr, wore bora and baplkad
danaad asparla to ba tea plaa o<
lag teat daring bk trip from tea
palfa wUob Lord Bsborte aropoi
tek atata. aad tea raeord of tealr baploaafarata- Bo awxa wbtea will bo ba board maap BBgyoaUeiw to tea abora tkmkeoBtalnadtoteaarebirasof St.
weal to Ktlal. aad two traooporto ban eSoei. prorldlag Plagraa weald
Franole ohorata of tbk altj- Jamn
aoteaUp baaa raeallad from Dvbaff to Mt oponlp aad doalara blmaaU for tea Osrrap of Barker Oraak. a frlaod of tea
Plagraa'a stetemaat te^ posag maa. bat takaa np tea matter,
daps Towa. Oloarlp. aoeordlnf to tea
i eftea Bai
asparte, Lord Eobarta BMaoa drat to bak t
S26 Float Stmt
Mr. Lawk tea abanb bora, far tea baptismal rae-»*—r oat tea Datak ritfaf la CBpa
Oeteap, aad to dIapcM of tea Oiaara
ords of tea poong maa. wklab wUl
at 1 plaaa sap gi
Bras Btate laTadara alowf tee aorteara
prora tealr dttoaaablp bapoad a doabt.
bk caadtdaep.. Mp Tba raeorda wws teat paatsrdap, aad Enjoy the
bwdera of tea aoloop. 1]mb ba
badaUrara daaMIra ainte 1%a ad- opiaiea k teat tba noa presides tkl will go teroagb Mr. Oarrap'a haada to
y aaaaa oa Bloamtoalola .arldoattp k aasdldate wUl ba a Baw York maa.
______ ____ mqaaotkm. With
^ . baftaalaf with tea praaM of fstbarTba possg maa who wars test im
tea aaattarad dataabBaak late a Tammaap ta Um far tba Obieage plat praaaid toto tea aarrln of Baglaad are
form aad eaadldate. teat organkttlom
lonaidaUa bedp. Tba
la. It aad ta paan old. Tbap wan
ariU baallowod to aama a maa far aaoBasaral KaUp-Knap to
rkittog to Irslaad at tea ttom tea?
I hare aerernl fine new rigs—
aa osaaUaat start, laaaaiaab aa teat oed oboka aad tea waat wUl oa^aaasraeonmaadodtoaatar tba aorrka.
both 8lagl8 ttnd two esAtsd
foaatal baa a rood Uaa of aapidp Ba- tioaabtp aappert Um.”
It la anaecand teat O
biad hlsk bk pealtiea betaf lai
MaUek wlU make sons r
Beat ontfita in tbe city. Try
dteta botwaaa teoaa of OaaarakPrMob
radroaaataUon to tbo atata depart oa«.
aadOotaara. Hkadraaea aatablkbaa •asaa Bang to Bast Bids Bops laat meat ea tee aabjaot as aooa aa tea
Order by ’Phone No. tfS.
matter k to ahapa._________
rraakfort-aatea-IUU. Bab. l.—It la
aaoaaaad froa Baraa teat ,tha
eaataaa Sebawalow of 8k Patanbaer.
baa baadad tea later aatleaal Poaea
baraaa a oatltloa.alcaad bp lO.OM RaaPraatdaat MeKlalop to offer ModlaMoa
Qroat Brltele sod tba Traaaraal to aad
wot tr ScGHMt
AlftDd ¥. Friedrich
Ian Maclaren
teiephone co.
W. W. Rilltr's Cash Store
rmmttn m
6800 Rolls
All new 1900 patterns
Sliipp«I u direct fromSfactory. WiU hara it aU u.
packed Jo a few days, but can ehow yon the eeaplee
now. It iepnterestlne to eee “what’e wbnt" in'wS
decomtioni for this year.
tgg ^
Hobart Sc Beecher Co.
SaccMMiB to Olty^Book Btor*.
813-898 Fro U 8t
' ':RAlph Oonnnbl* Jr., lUluffM-
look tboi way il Ol nieny ber *n»."
Oaretal are we not to orex-empbatiM tbe meilta of a alngl*
articliIs— Equally careful to agnm impreos upon yonr mind
that wbaterer you buy of 8. Benda & Co.' 124 Front street U
positively the
S. BE32SrX)-A. & OO.
Biwlu, H>U II, w. N.
Fire and Water Sale
Started yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock—Store
crowded with abrewd aboppera, who were quick
to taka advantage of the grand values offered.
Here are a few specials for today:
'6 pieoeaall wool extra aoper Oarpats, value (K)c, st...48oyard
Ladies' Cloth Capes, worth 75c and 91.50. at.........88 and TBo
Ladies' Black Helton Jackets.................................................. 8So
90 Udits' Dress Paittns al Uoit Hilf Price.
Men’s Duck Coats......................................................................420
Hen's Overdla.................. .................................................Ibopalr
Boy’s MiUtory Coats and Overalla...............................18e «Mh
Men’s Winter Dnderwear, at 8c, worth 2>5c; 90o, worth 40o;
860, worth 50c; 88c, worth 50c; 6O0, worth $1.00 to 11.60.
Spiciils ie Sei's Suits aed Orarcoats,
ladies' Cloals, Capes aad Skirts.
The Grandest Bargains
Ever offered, on eferictly desirable goods, are
what yon now get at
Bellabla Drp Eoiids, Carpal aad Clolliiag Haase
Good Sleighing Hare
a Fit
Bkambsrr. It k Iboarbt bk aMra
proMaaa at Roaamad wU) flra oapport
taBaasral ffraaab. with whorabs k
ansaaraod bp raOwap. Of aoaaa tek
of aaaipalre
Mtaas laaatec Ufpamttb to Ik teta,
bob to tek pooMtaUlw tba aoaatrp ■
koflasiv ta raaaaiUa UaMf. It k
laaiaad, teat tea rarrtoea «ap
baabtelahaUoat aaia tea adt^
Bematinaago tea Bast Bids bopa
gara a daUgbtfal daaatog pa«W st
Martaaghk Aaadamp. at wbieh time
tesy gara tealr peaagtodp Moada a
rarp plaanat orantog. Xnwt alght the
peaagtodkagara a ratwa part:
Maja” Bawtoa of Yoltoto. Can
tp.tea waaltep toad owaor iteeraaaattp aama toto aotortotp >p aalltog
810,000 Wtwte ef rare watositnaa.k
nrtoraly lU with haaH traabto.
Bawtoa own SM aans of rwp ralaabto
toad wbleb at bk death will paaa ont
Mks IMap Roland tarakbad tea 4d tea la^. tbara batog me teOdna
Mk tor tea daaaa. aad Mn. Mo- tatoharitto_____
latoah aad Mia. Bhopaid aeSad m
AbaoA a
wa praiMt. aad a RaUgbMal Mma
I teakgaa nnirad WBSsajMradkgaU.
J. ___ __________ I _i ....._________ if C..r
Geo. Cams,
lirarynad Psed Stable*
School of Music
^ ta.'rMi'jJdoSssr
Tbe niiiate you pat od>b pair of
They’re up-to-date iBCerery respect
What more cia one want?2The best
shoe that was erer]] sold* 4or |3.00.
Deal Fareet net Wa Han Radacad Piicas
_<£>aa fah aad Wane Uaad »aas
Up-tCMlate Foetweu.
Mounv0 XSOOSD.
IDOBKIAII OhtflM 0. Oftrrar Kfflad On*
W*lffUB« 800 PoudA
toy a« kart to tkto adtet Taotorday
Loato aad IbiraaasdMWsdaft aad
ear kaU seoao te to Baaaaaa aad
aoUhtetaoB Tkikall toooaa tkat
IkUladkaakalpodadMt to tk# toa*
of ptoo. bat to wa* w*n Mtsad. Baattor for plaaaara aad baattoy te prodi
mm. *. B*fi *» *•
•tofp of Saal UJo la tk* PoadOw- I hare aow had tk* plaaaars at toy#. W. MAMam. adum~^ MmW- Bsattop te Qem ted
toy oat to aU ktoda of waalkar. aad 1
Wltk tka tkarMMtor M
fao-Tkara WlU k* aa :
Hoto SawBM to tk* Cap* «bto* eoM
Prad a Oarila ka* taeaitod s'
tfMCbarteOarrar. aow to Dawaoa
OUp. Ikat wOl k* o« tolorart to «k*
MB7 litoite al Mr. Ckrrar to tklB ai^.
▲ part «d tk* tottor it kara rte*o<
La4inctHB ti
mi MmMm *M*U
«|Mk la tk* IM w« MfaUad to
Ml u4 mUi to •**» »kM to* vwMIa
MM wlthU * toU* «f to* ludlarfkanbao «MMto* hmX Imtimgum't
«pM port la MauMT tt«a to a protiy
foe* OPM port kat it loM *- ------IP Mforo wlator waattor.
I ia tka
daaopn wlBMr
tpakoM akakMa Utito kj tk* lato
pim aad pnaMt ooM Map. Tka
Milea aap aov kaaaialp
Ikarnjaadkorvkna dartHna will ka
pppMtfoat tkto iftafaim Wltk tka
maadkof, kia akadew oa OaadlaMi
^ ia aa lalaUlWa ^ ef a aoatiaa.
pMoofirlaMr teals teaks. TkanteaUtkoaaaaklaaatodpp tkaaslsal
irtU arawl kaak tato kla koto sad aaaUa
4pwa teaaotkartoair^^
Taa Mat atrlkliic asklMt from tkk
M*BI>7 M tka Farit sapoalttoa wU
ipar tkoatoad aokool taadkara wke
piMBlat to Tialt tka lair aast BBB
Paiapa watsMaadat tka po»«
Mr aa*7 dartM ^ >kU war wltk
Uppta. bat tkair taapael te at wlU
tp radoaktod altar aatovaaioa of oar
Dawaoa ai/.Oao.*!. im.
DMT Prad:—San 1 *■ to oeld
MracatottePoadlk*. I kara baaa
ap Goal Oraak. a tnkatorj of tka
Kloadik*. kaattaf aad prawMtlar. te
aoM tiM. aadaa wa losad
thM told, w* taraod tk* aspadittea
toto a kaaV Laato a ard t ara aow to
Dawaoa wltk kail of a
kiU^ 1 karo kUtod taro sew, a larpa
aow aad a kaU tkat walfka abeat PM
______ Dote ka* kUtod ^two ‘
tkiaapaaroU aowa. Wa woald hara
kaaaoatk* kirk road to .pmperitp U
wa kkd aot baae to partaarahtp wltk
dtM Porrato aad kit aea. Aa tka
wa wttl kara aboat pl,OM to dlrlda awoas foar of a*.
U yoa wara with at aow yoa woald
h»«* tOM cspariaaeot tkat yoa stead
atOopparUrtr. Porasaspto, wa bad
aaUd'triptoatTaaaday aad Wtdaaa.
day. tod ru taU yoa aboat it. Wa
kav* two dofft. aad taw
koto go- d
Tka trip raaUybtcaa Hosday
■ontot at toa poap of day—10 a. s.
tka den aad
breks teaU te tk* ptoeo wkara wa bad
toa baU mooat aaokad, aboat foar
sUat tros oar wipwas. Tk*
Wa fot
to to* plaoe aU riykt. aad loadtoy oa
half of toa seaaa, wa bad aa bard
pall baek to oaatp aa 1 *var had la sy
Ufa, arrlviay toara akortly after dark
(aboaU^s.) Thatk
dldo*t kara say alaaptoy bay. attorr.
liaat tkat tetow thatyotaitraekU
to# laa wito a rook at TaMaa B* it
located at forty MUr, aad kaai?
Malaa*tksa,bataaas*to carry UtUa
dMi,*e'lsappoaehtoalateadoa>t paa
eat vary rtek. I Mt Uvi D« yaator.
day ap BoassM. Ba kaa tokoa a toy
oaaUUlayalto ap Bi Dorado, aad
Mya k* kao atroto rood pay. Bo and
kto partas bava koaybt a ataas' thaw^
ar. and Lori say saka a ataka.
1%* Boyd beya ate werktoy at saytUoy tkay aaatea tost kao seeayto
it. aad 1 thtok tk«y art aariay ap i
ttk aU rlykt. too. 1
•everal lettora frostkar*
Ida of paepto are laavlay
Dawaoa te toeraabw. aoMwitodoy
tratoa aadaoM pailtoy toalrowa atoda
kUa stay son an ealy waltlty tor
aprtoy, wkaa tkay will drift dewa to
boats or yo dowa oa too &:
Dawaoa aad tka Kloadtka will ba alsoot a totoy of toe paat aesi aai
1 weald apt ba at all aaqfted U I
drifted dowa tkaro east aprtoy after
toa eJaaaap bars, aad ease bosa tost
ito, if BOtotoy toraa ap to pmant.
or If I doa't
Bat yoa can bet that 1 wca’t atari oat
ror toe lea.
Wall. I esat look that far toto too
fatoro, bat U I have any Inak at aU 1
wUl toast ST Saab ptoa bate* a bard
wood ftr* ooea sore next wtotor, aad
asoka a pipe with yoa wbUa we dtoaoaa
laanadly aooh eab>aeta as <
Blvar eaeksro aad other aackera. TUa
toa yreat aoaatty as
Ooppor Btver, and I dost totok that it
wUl b* aeeenary te as to. walk oat<
bat It te latos early to toe aeaees te
BM to know BBoh aboat la
Olv* sy reyarda to sy trtosda thora.
1 bare Jut rvoalvad tottor* from com
af toes. A Marry Obrietsu to yoa aU.
ItaUtoa laba aboat tka asnkrra
llykto Uybttoy tktoya op ae laa kara
to tka wtotor. It foS aa dark kara aa it
Werktoy Might aad Day
doMto Mteklyaa.
Tbe bmlaat aad slyhOut llttte
WboB wa erawtod oat toe aaxt
that erer wu sada 1a Dr. Ctoy’e
toy at e o’clock w* feaad that aU tkat thing
New LUe_^. ThM pUte ehaoye
ta« rad ataP to toa tossoMtar had w«aknM n^lo atrenyth, ItellcsBM tos
raa dowa into tk^ kolb, ao tkat wa energy, br^ lag toto asatal power.
cMld aot toU kow sold it was. Bat Tbey're woodvrfel to balldtoy up the
huUb. Only Ue ur box. Sold by
whaa wa yot ready to etart it am
Jaa O. Jobiwon and 8. K. Walk
ioy kaatoeaa ayaia, aad raytotoo
A Card.
tr too Brittob eoald only teoraot below.
We. toe aaderalyned, do beivby
low aeloaato tros Kantocky toa retail
agree to refand the money on a H-eeat
^IkoTraaaraal tooaldaetramato loof aad too OBow here la ao Uybi and botUe of Graeo’a Warranted Gymp «1
dry tost it ia Uka polltoy a alad to Tulf i^faii^to ear* yoar eongb or
seal, ao that wa had oar work eat oat
It to a satwr of ap. e al« saapt tost teaa WeU. •vorytomy w*at lovely botUe to prore eutetorio^ u swy
8. B. Walk Bnybae A Boxpp aasM of byatoadara sr* toeladad to aad- it was aotolay bat paU and peak refandad.
bory, Ju O. Johnaoa, P. C ThompIba totoat aaaaally Itot tras Kaataeky te aboat It sUaa. whoa wa afaek
an overflow to a oraak wkar* it bad
Sr. W. 3. BcytoA OperaUve Swtiftiy
yt.WAaawT JXmiiXLS PAMTT. blocked ap with lea. The wator
flowaand rmna oat oa top oftba loo;
dp BosMof Mte AUanatslto Wad- aad traeas *v«r ayato. Wa had to yet
B«adw Mroatoft.
evar, aowa took a ronainyatart and
k dalifbtfa) aarpriaa party
fotevar.aU Jmt aboat Uor Ufoet,
Mtaa Mtoa AUapra Sstto at k*r bos* aad toon w«st torooyh opto oar knaaa
Mtistoatiaat Wadoaadayaraaiet.Tba Thaolad Upped evar to taa waior. and
yoa tet we wore to a fls.
Wa bad to atoad to that lea water
aad toy and pall at that coatoondad
TM* •arrad. Tk* foUawlDt k*lp*d dad astU wa bad riybiad li
bto si}oy to* ***Bliir
toaa pall aad kaol aad awaar at toa
|,Hiu WUbals, Bdaa Moaera, V*l- doya antU wa palled toroayb toa aheU
baa Iraa*. Mtoale Votraba, Laara toa to toa aoUd yreoad.
^pola. Btoal Baator. Draa LMaraad,
taa era
a ran te It. Tkara
AW* Sslto. Mabal Lesraad, Lydia
an olddcaartod cabin aboat two
IMacartaar.eadto Braaa. Mary Bec- Bite below, aad wa atoda to It to
M.Macdalaoa W*tofa'»«’. AlfrodWU- qniek Use. yot oat the ax*, asaabad
k^Waltor WelBfartoar, Prad Millar,
Pf toa farnllara and bad a flra
pterte Basboapk. Pmnk DeVelto, yolay oat to treat of it to a mlyhty
Baartotta Bslto, Bari Joyoa. Laf* Oa- abort Usa One cant Icaa saay
WMto. Bart BUto. Jay Bsito. B*a Aak- sfoate wbaa bek traestay. WeU. to
^ Praak bslto. Tail Braaa. Prad
sake a ebort atory of U, wa yet oar Sapported by s eompany of foparior
feat parUy dried, sored oar otsp Are
axecUeoov, to Aides Benadlet'a
toto toe eabto.riybt08tc^ofa46-70
BMtorOlaM Ptoaaiac tor an Dal^a* anrtriflya Joal aa we wore yetUny
aaed to the asoke that Inlamal cartBotarutomeat.
A saatoac waa bald laai aicht by to* ridya exploded, aad te aahorl Use wa
“ ' ,r elas to s»ko lai^w arraot*- toooyht we were blows ap. It saet
havo.bowi parUy burled to the yroond,
er- ------ ^ to toe
„ sear fatsA. te It eoaadod like a eanaoa aad leaV
tered oar Are aU over toe oabto. alao
aeatt^oy oa ooariderably. The ahaU
ylaaeod oa a aUak of wood aad hits*
pcsplatad. bat eeoo(b a
OB toe baek of toe kaad. kaoektay off
■pea to toaar* tkat toa ‘teeaspsaet' BoseaklBaad auktoy adkayroeabi*
bnrB.bata* etoordasaya waadoaa
Wa yatoared ear flra toyatoar ayato.
aad everytolay waa qolet aad asote,
A Miykt UXvnt.
r'Awtal aaaiety waa Calt te — BBtil soralay. whoa we got oat aad
to toe eabto at the soato
SHOW of toe brava Oaaanl Barakas
ZrVMklaa. Ms., wban toa doottn aald Book Oraek^ wkar* w* had totesdad to
fipwooiddlatros Paoasoaia bafora easp to* aifht befora
Ctt'-i" write Mrs B. a Idaoola.
Soattoadad bar tkat faarlal alybt, thawed oat oar laate-aad ate te the In-hergTMttf
^kMthakwnAteD'' MtoytoHa^ia- AfattiMriBoe wstoft tha Asp toa
Iflh daBoam
Mvsy. wktoh had sot* toan oaea aav- soralay bate*. That waa tha and of
Mki'llla.**d eoradkarof Oosnsp- ear bad lack. WensAhad to* eabto
Price*-26, 85, 60c, 76c; Box
to Dawaoa aboat «:M p.B. aU a
•sate $1.
aad are twtee aa yood aa twe lm«s
Sale of aeati now open at tbe
sea yak
box office. Telepbcm* 112.
Saa. OolyMeaadttM Trial hot- Bar* ia a trwo atoiy tkat wOl ba
STtoe^aa-O. Joteaoaaad & B. kardteyaatoewallow wltoeot
Who* 1 wa* keldtoy OM of sy aotea
rwaateiadaexaM dateas'i fiatoU ap to dry by tk* flfet fli* w* baUt by
toateaWa. 1 frosted tk* baek of sy Now te the Um to hsre year Bfayeto
right kaad. Mot saoh. yoa know, bat re-ensBuled sad cleaned ap ready for
eaooyh ao that it rained a ate bltotor sprtoy.
Frey Storage All Winter.
toe next day. How te that far sold
Piles. Ap^at awra tola soralay
weather to yot wattoTLoate fraesdkie My wotkean not ba baat aad prieu
. ^ ____
sesoaadoselcaaoaodtoaaadeef sy toTtowut. Will eaU far yoar wh**L
•aysa are tndor If they aca not vary
T« Omp« a tMos at Oaa Ba^ '
aloaa. BBtBodasBy*tedoe*,aBdaU
Doa«»—reaeoatksateatwpday MaanuBriOWBufatewL *U Pn
Tn ally of at. Leala, Mo..lad*mtoodtottoaraawlikOhieaco te
that Uttto diatoata aaaaS aaptoaaa
pMa. Ite Mteoarl alty ia to hava
vadd’alalrto 1*01 to eessasaw
Hm Loateaaa parekaae. and Jaat for
aplto It to detltBad to sake it ocllpae
Iba bW show bold to Okiaacb to laoi.
Steinberg’s Grand
Tuesday, Feb. 6
Aiden Benedict
Miss Martba Beaufort
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects
L L Gins. Png.
. ba Wmui»«En'
WoaM not yive a nap for a tied bhIcm the
now wax a font d >p,ao becooM have aoae
fan with it Htx tn will not coet hio modi
now. I am offering
14 off on all Hand Sleds,
Carriages and Runners.
'nut makes' a Kc aled ooat yon only 19c, a S5e
sled only 27c, a 60c tied only SSc, and ao <m.
Ton cannot afford to go wilbont erne. It will
be a good inTentmeat for nest winter. I have
aoB* of thoee eteel baby errriage runner* that
don't need a not to bold then on. at 11.26,
dne-foarth off make* them Sic.
a feast
Slater’s House Furnishing Stotu
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
.Bldnralk Limlwr In dl sIml
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
BOMflory tw TrBwarM City Limber Oo.
Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Recently fitted up is most complete in every res
pect, and our new '
The larxcBt we have ever carried ie here- has been
checked off—put ioto the racks—the samples all
made, and ia ready for sale-it’s the finest stock of
Wall Taper we’ve ever bad on exhlbiton. This
year's deslgms are not quite ae lar^e as heretofore,
but tbe combniatlons of colors are more harmooiouB. In many cases tbe back.grounds of the
Blue — Oreens — Browne and Beds are nearly
solid, showing more fully the gold and silver designs, but the only way to appreciate the full,
beauty of these papers is to see them. It's time to
plan tor the improvements you're to make in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn’t. Our prices, qualltyteonsldered, in many
eases is much lower than last year. We’ve got a
fine combination of two band white back paper
that sells at seven cents the double roll, with
border to match, at Sc the yard. Our IS and 16o
papers are beauties The dining room patternssomething new. 16 to to 30a The baU designs
show the artists’ hand. Tbe sitting room and par
lor papers are beautiful combinations—prices from
16o to 40a Hany times you want just a small
room, a iMdroom perhaps—We can “ffEi tbe bilL”
Have some remnants that we’ve cut right in two.
Then we have some patterns that only cost 6o the
doable roll.
If quality, quantity, patterns and prices out any
'~r figure we’ll get your trade this season.
Tbe Hannah & Lay Mereantlle Go.
rifnvn«n«n«ri*rivr«n«n*i i*n«
»• pacflt «4 Ik* vpfv'jfMU
•n w«U MVflted with
MMariMUtoMto tkM «tvWw •<
U«oMU*Btatama to umpmt
W9fait «• oU botlM M ika aoUlm’
la tka aprlat tka ^paiatw
wtU ba ai^ tor aid jaak. Tka lait
kgWitara toUad to pmMa propar
A aeapla of Oraad BapMa paepto
ka«*baw“lawlaf iforar a BoA cd
tBtapt wcra. at tka eataSda, C*e. om
ad ttaai tiaitolaf tkat tka Mkar kad
aalairfaUj lakaa \
Vka aenef tka 1
Marljfaao.aadtkaaad to vt pal ta
Iba Taa Bane aeaslp Pnketa Ceark
na tom ad Mn. Hedaee adjatalac
Ikal ad tka A. B. 8nUb aatala. aad to
Hia. Badaea aiainad tkat Ua kadpa
damgia tka iraU aa kar ^aaa airf
taprara kar
aaatMttaa. Tka Baaltk aatala alaiatad
tkakadfa aiefa baeaBenl tkaaetkarwtoa
^ AaaiAad tkat tin k
BaUroad Oou
I ad all rallroada
totkaautadaplortactka itaat aatokar of aaeidaDU wklab ha«a raaaaUp
kaaa lapertad to kto i
«anta tkataHan ka toaaad to aeirtoa
■aa. lapraatoar aa Umb ika liaportaBM e( klowiar wktotlw at aU carrel
aad «kaa approachlaf
■ortaca, dad alaa that kalla ba roac
aaatiBBoealp wkaa la tka pmxialtp of
araatafa and aarvaa.
Tka MtoUcaa Seldlan’ Hma to bow
■ewdad to tka oatnaa Unit,
■an Uautoa tkaa it aw had bafeca
aad aw7 taab of apaaa to oaaaalad.
Tka utrana cold wMtkw jMt aew
•ado aaarlp prarp maa aa tka rolli
keek la kto plaoa aad than are jMi 40
■ore Baa la tka big laiUuilaa todep
tkaa than weraoaa pear age. Utt
paar waa a record breaker, too. Thera
an at preaeat TO Baa la tka koM aad
M woBoe. nerea woaaa aad
BOB aro U tka koepltaL Owlag to tka
Craataaaborof iaaatoa 11 baa beaa
faaad aeciiBtr to atlUca at^ bit of
anOlabU apaoa la ordar to aoeomBodata the ratoraaa. Eraa the poat
rooto wbara tba bw hara-------rabaabeeatekan poieiBUai^ aad Bade into' a'toaiporarp
Aomitorp. Than to no a
arewdiag, bowerer, aad do diMaUefae>
tloe aaioBf tbo Ban.
Hirtbara Mlehlcaa raaorte are likalp
to aajop a proaperoai eeaaoa tbia pear,
iBBiing arebltaata are malrinf BBB>er'
•as plana ter raaort baUdlaga, loeladIng a tbrea atorp betel at Baaet Baaab
aad ookUp aamaar rBldeaeia at We>
«aatoeaiBr. Thoaaa W. Barry of Datroll, wlU baUd aa eapaaslra raaidi
at Barbor Point, and plana an balag
■ada ter a oaaiao at Harbor Bpriaga.
Tbaoar larrp Maakegoa la teat la tba
alnab lea off Motkegae harbor. 8ba
baa kaoB than uora than w homn aad
'to apparaeilp in fer a tong alcga.
•kaap prleai aaaoi to ba aAap ap In
loaia eoBBtp at pnaant. A bayar caUadeaaL
and naked what be would take for a
baaab of twnaiy Umbo ba bad. Tba
InrBB did not wish toaell tbem.ac be
anld be wMlda't taka l«a tbaa to par
bead ter tbaot, tblnklag
oaan tba bapor eat. lBataad,bowanr,
tbo BOB Jampad attbaofler.aad eleaad
Iba deal right tbera.
OaB Cily boaata of tba only factory
to mahigaa for tba maBafnctara of paa
knmaten aadbanebara. tbataawry
traa atarwd laat aamBor by tba WatV
toator A Hau Uaaataciariag Co., and.
aUheagatbaatoaoewat tar adyaaead
batoa tka pUat waa ataricd. tM boaklBB wan aold aaaily aad tow yaarb
•atpnt Will pnbakly raa^ |.mo. Tka
Bi aaliB an aa aoeatnetad aa to ba
aaaily attaebad to any mwiag ma*
AtHmh Braeah an twPBM who
Ban each loat a lag. and aa la cm oaao
- H waa tba right and tba ether tba left
lag, tba two of tbcB pool ltbalr'faBda
wkaa they need abonaad bay only owe
pair. Tkeir feat an tba aanae else ae
IbM owe pair doca aioaly tor beto aad
L towatoao BoadMWMlaoMaboaeat
b adawp pair. M Boat OMlHgad pi
An “old tolka’ daaoa" to to ba bald at
BaM aaea wbtoa wUl ba tba ganalaa
thiag. Tba iarltatiaaa atako that
eklldnaander tSpaanef bga wiu ba
altowad aalato aoaoBpaalpd hg ibalr
-Of eaBne.t add the Baa wba aema Bleed with tka laagailj Pnt^ Pnrtp to Ear Bower Teatardap tlnlsaa fscu rery carefnily asd tkco
datlws itotokau with peoderDWi aaloflaaa. Tka owaw aae
anaUMO. "I don't profeB to kanw
ban tbaa aabp anUtagatUtW. 7tb
mnA aboat Job. ext^idng that be was
ptototdap aturnaan. glna la boner of a gnat and adaiinUe Bibikal char
naaa tohtog boaha to or fieBtha Ina Berrp fay kar otoealBatet
“He was the moat paticot of all
el^ Ubwp an argad to pntaat tl
Mto. Marie and goBoa won anjop- BMk.* eotamented tba ariaa mend.
too anew or rain.
The »tber looked up at jke sky sad
ad and latnabiaaBtB wan aamd.
%1X thaaa who partMpatod to tba
Tka faUewBg wan proMot: Don tbeo rwnarfced: ‘I don't know voatbBapa Band BlaaWal tone IM paar, and OnaU Bnaa, Bn WetaUr. Bdaa er be was as patiem u it to paaMble
eqaaatodto Baat la tba hand Halmca. Goal B oarp. WUbalBlaa,
Martlo. MibU Sbana. Bn Riabarda.
I rather bdd and
K bw the modiag.to arrange ter ton aoBiag big pre- Leak Ptasiaia. Udn Oagna. SaUla.
otber Ifflproralaatlew.
May, Mareedea, BttMU. WUIUb, John.
broagfat cbancea tor being
Than will baa r«aUr «
^tUto rbl^ Job bad new dreamed
tkto aeBalagafTiawM Clip ftoaptw.
-Wto.' dr." »
Hto log Badly Otokad.
Be. 1M.IE A. $L
dto Pnd
-Tea. I know; I knowl But Xok
■daaaAap •nwiag a wp Aaliikllal
wwBin Betnrday
Bdgbt hare been eraa amn patUat
parto waa glwi bp tkwtr daagbtan la
nadtirlag down kill witha load than be was If be bad been bon re
baaaref tba twaatp-Aflb aaalwwp
cently. Did Jobererbarea.dalaka•
W the aarriaga o< Mr. and Mn. ipBaa of loga i^an tka look ahaU broke, ap fen eoagTBiP*
Marrla of Waat Promt alroi t. A ^aaa- aattiag tka land.!' Belag aaar a win
-Not to my knowUdga.-Of eoorae aoC Did be era- fbd
■nt Ubo waa anjopad ^ the aoBpasp foaaa baaoald not getaway and wm
aaagbt ondar the loga and toanad to caOed npon to .talk tbioakti a loagdUtance telepboneP'
Itwaa aaarlytoo
waladan oc tka dap.
-Tbe Idea U absord."
bafen ha wba dtoaowad bya(i
-Uttcfiy. Did be erer ran for gor>
A wpplaamttpar^ waa gieaa oa
Dr. Payne, who waa eaaw
arnor of Kmitocky, or wait for an oldFadaaadap analag bp Mn. Ida Awp
taabioned borae rart Then U no
teaad kto right 1« badly saabad
. boner of bar Boibar, llra.Oraaa.
doabt about it. Job had bU trooblea.
Scree and namerons; hut there are a
Ma, J. E Madia i
lot of cbancea for being patient that
taaebwe of tka 1
aw aae
Bnemlea of Ibe cigarette never ORe ■be misoed by being boro tea aoon.'*
aeboed Wadaaadap awtog ter kw Bgbt of It.
LUt of LaSSecB.
A tnaa'a ftnli* aitnct more attandaaghtwEban.
tloi tliap liU rinuea.
Tka O. E A1. haa jaat roaawad a let
. Tre otBoe lioy o«-v»r aetn ap bU em
of firet mortgage bbada ter a toTB otIO ployer es liU kli-al hero.
.IMapaan, at41< par aaak per aaaaB. Tka
Money ist^ bnt <>ue rap*! almya
prartoaa rata wat 7 par earn
exebaoge ulk tor currency.
Wadatodap algbt. two poaag Baa
The RUB seiK ouly In the wcet, bvt Burntort MeWa
BUlw giwt
a aoeUl gatk- an old ben Ird'I w> iiarltcuUr.
Ikete Is no |>Uce like borne when tt
arlBC aboat Bldalght, toasd a
Ipiag la tba aaow oa Bawood araaaa, cornea to dnwlax a Rmall aalarr.
•b latoatoatcd and la dao» ar
Vme Astwm NelUc
that other peopU aay U Impoatoble to
nine anil
od traeilBg. 8ha bad toUaa aad wae do.
_»ob adrartiaedUth
to dmk that aba eoald aotrtaa. She
SoBietImea a man baa.bl* own way
Oaonea W. Ratp,
rai token to bar boBe bp tba poaag according to a dUgram fnrnlabed by
bla wife.
Many a man doesn't care wbat a Eb Bdttor'a Lite Bared by Ouabar:
Tba trmla oa tba O. &. At. dae bare
tailor charges for clotbca—jost ao ba
Uat Blgbt at 7:M did eot arrlra ebargea IL
laUk Cough Bemedy.
aatll aearip lea o’aleek. oa aoeoaat of
A man's gallantry crops ont when be
Daring tba early part of October.
baarp aaowoa tka ttaek oa tbo Bala la eotertalolng a voiuan wbo la not ro ISM. looatrmeled a bad cold wbleb
uted to him.
aattlsd on my Inogs aad was neglaeMd
Tbe indlridual wbo cllmbs to fama
aatartalneda party and fortnne orer tbe sbonMers of otbof poaag ladtoa at too Uat aranUg.
trt must look down on ibdr hatred.
Jeba a Akan to daad at the koBa of
Don't ovensork yoitraclf. Jon Imag
alarvad mad after girlag the
htoaoarraabUBiBgkaB. attbaaga ine bow mlRcralile yon wonM be if you baemma
loeal doetar m trial bomgfat a bottle of
eflOpeara. Ha oaBe to tkto areUoB of Onlibsd all i-our wort: today and had fUambarUUb Ooa^ Bcinedy i '
tba atota thirty paan ago aad ainea
raamlt was lumadUte improi
and attar I had oato Urae hot
than baa worked B«t of tba Use at
langi m
bla trade of bUekaBltb.t>aUg ter err
Publiahar of
oral paan a realdaat of tbto eltp. when
Tbe Erlaw. Wyaal f
Pol aala by
Mima • rWlM*i>a BuIIa
S. B Walt and P. C. 1 Bipaea. dragiMorkad ter the MaraaaUU Oo. ar d
otbara. Ha loaeaa two toaa. Prank and
John. The teoaral wlU be bald today
troa iba ehueh at i>i»igi.«i«
At tba Baellag of tba Woaaa’a Clob
tbto aftaraooD at CM. tba program wQl
bate Anrga of Mias dnrnb.1. i«a. Tba
anVJaet will ba -Ika WoBnn Wriian of
the United Stotea."
Mr andMn. J B. HteUberg of St
Ignaee. arrlred to the Mty ynteidey
for eetoltwltta the family of Jallea
Mias Bdaa Orecn left yaaterdey ter
barboBMlB Ohio, after a etolt w.tb
bar atoter, Mra. D. Qm-kiib
Mr. and Mra. Oleaon of CtodtlUe
paaaed throagh tba
yaaterdey on
their way to etoit Cbea. E Heleoo of
Mortbport. They an the paraata of
tba boy who waa klUad raeently while
eoaatiag at CbdllUe.
pby and Caotga Cfcaaat an la the dty computing amrgttt la ter the I
a of “By tba
Sad Sea Wane.” U tba City, Open
Hoaaa Pabrnarr a
CUade laeoaey retarnad Wadii'<
day algbt from aa estaeded tear
tbroagb ladUoa, Kentaeky aad VirgiaU.
Mr. aad Mn. Cbarin Vaadarllp left
OB the Iton Marqoattoyeatorday mornUg for Preeport. wbert they will aUy
tUl Monday moralag. After a rUlt
with Mr. Vanderlip's atoter they will
leare for eeetern Canada to rtoit
Uilna. ••
Cepuu B. .SmaU and wife aad aoo
Leo of MUwaakee, an theiaMta of
AUea HnyaoB aad family. The Cap.
toU will make a abort trip to OharUnUon-baalBaB.
WiUUB BobUeea of Soath Boardwa. waeUtbeei^ poawdayon bas-
#»»««•»«• •asHS«a«a« ••••••»»
1 Removal Shoe Sale I
Hot A lot of shelf worn shoos. We oaa sswn yoa
from 10 to 50por oent OD yoor phoehUls the next
SO dnys—Inspect them—get oar prices and we will
oonwince yon that no other shoe hooee ofEsra each
goods for the same money.
After Karch 16 we will he at 849 Front Street.
Old Reliable
An Interesting Case I
Ciisiltitin fm.
Extraordinary Bargains
Will move a winter stock this late in the season—
and we are prepared to meet voor expectations.
W« nice ur Whole Wietoi Stock oo Solo Totor-Cloao,
This Soasoi's Goods, at loss thu Baoknft
or Fire aod Watei Slocks.
Men’s Duck Coats, each...................................... 46c
Children’s Knee Pant Suits, each.................... 46c
Children’s Knee Pants, each..............................
Ladies’ Beaver Jackets, each............................ $1.20
Table Oilcloth, seconds, per yard............
Men’s Heavy Underwear, each..........................
Mackinaws, to close, each.................................. 76c
20 AU Wool Ulsters, to close at........................$8.75
25 Beaver and Frieze Overcoats, to dose___$8.75
Men’s all wool fine Kersey OvercoatE lined, to
close at......................................
We do not reserve a single item from onr winter
Slock. Everything goes at Sacrifice PrictE
All of onr higher grade warranted clothing, nothing
reserved, marked way down.
til our Wiotei Hoairir Solo Shoos, Lomhonnoa's Robhers,
Foils aod Soi Marked Dowa Far Nolow
Cost ot Pfodoctioo.
Room is what we want. Room is what we must
faavE It will pay you well to make next winter pur
chases now
Our Linen and White Goods Sale is a grand
success—All prottonnee our stock’to be the finest
ever shown in the city—Sale continues..
Tbe Original and only Bargain Givers^
in the Grand Traverse Region.
The Boston Store,
fire InsGrance. For Fire Insurancr
L. L. A. BuUdlng.
John R. Santo,
Geooral lisoraico.
Mated U mv arvacy.
iolusaBtet Thmn.
Wsmtara K!<Mk.
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews aud Bulger
la tbe Uteat revtoloa of tbe Wg veue'et UU operetta,
m “By the Sad
& Sea Waves”
Everything absolutely new bnt the title of the piece
Ran lOS Nights at Herald Square Theatre, N. Y.
36-Stars of Comedy-36
A KaleMoaeone o< Ooler
A Merry MeUaee of Melody
Tbe Se PIu Ultra of Beftaod
■easely. Tbo beaae reared of
ten and loodly • • • rnealledtbe
—New Torir Herald.
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
Makto a tpedal^ of aU MuoaU dUeascs.
dlsMSM of rrema. tbs eye. esr. buss aad
thraal Hs to Mpeda'lj satMtotel ia tb<
of aa early ekoUa from a
netk, wbUe It Ua«. Be dnUwta
an to be had to the «Ba Mip
In aearlj ewery department, particohu'lj in winter
clothing—Every nook and comer U £Ued with win
ter goods, and ao room for oar large Spring parchases DOW commenciag to arrive.
We are forced to dispose of many items at a
sacrifice, althongh merchandise is advancing every
day-We apptedate the fact that only special
Dt. G. H. SNOW, '
at Jaa. a 3^
tetokaaltk. OalpMaatJ
After two weeks of tedious stock Uking, we are at
last throagh, to find onrselves
Mr. Henry Beclman’s caae wliich he explains, serves to illuetrate
tbe inUUke physicUos often make in diasnoeis. Tiiey do not always
look deep enongb to locale tbe true cause of the synptoma, which
many timea. u with Ibis imtient, woald seem to be a number of dis
eases. With Mr. Beelman tbe cause proved to be doe to the oonditiOQS kuoam as -iitbaemia,*'in which the waste materiaU were not
changed by the vital chemistry into urea, but instead into tbe ineor.
uble urates and uric acid which the kidneys were nosbie to readily
eliminate from tbe blood—acoomulsting in the system they caos^
the symptoms d>-acribed below.
“I can aay that 1 think Dr. Know is a very skillful physician. My
Mr. aad Kim. Ckarln Chaaaei
,health has not been good for a long lime; I have been in the hands of
Oadar, an U the dty.
Harry Bdwanto o< Ubeelda. to rtolt- a prominent phyaician for two years, bnt bis me^dne instead of help
ing me made me worse. I bad a good deal of trouble with my longs
lag the family of 9. a Morgan.
P. O. Beamnaa weal to Ontral Lake and chest, sneb a tightoeae there, and eorenesa. My noae and bead
were always stimied np, aad
I was ao
m very dizay, with mahing of
.ad 1
Uat night on bnl
blood to mv heM, aad my bead ached and felt very mneb dinrewed.
A Prtgkttel Blaate
My hesurt best very hard and ponnded. and tbnmped,
. aad I oonld
often eeana hordble Bara, bsjdly breath. My stomach and bowels were very aore and «Haetimee
Hoeld. Cat or Bnlae. Baaklaa’s Aral- there was tbe most severe pain in them, and all over my body, bowels
B ^InwU! can tba pain and proBpt- very constipated, and my stomach gave me a great deto of tromble.
U l^ii. Cam Parer Sorea, Uloara.
Oorna. all tkU BrmpUeoa. Beat; My food wonld not digek and my appetite was very poor. I could not
We can oa earth. Only M eta. a boa.- sleep at night, and I do not believe 1 wonld be living today if I had
Cora gaarMtaad. 8^ by Jaa. G. not fonnd help. I consulted Dr. Snow and he gave me medioiae that
Jebaaoaaad 8 E WalU di4g atone. made a great change in a few da^. 1 feel that my health now is very
'toasa.-------------------good for a man of my age. All tbe old s^ptoms are enred and I feil
BeaaBbar Pnt. BQnn A Sank strong and well if there are any, wbo, like myeelf have tried o^r
atopd DaaUQff.
Sanaa at MarUagkk academy to- pbysieians and failed to get help, t believe Dr. oaow can core jtm if
E B. Maadap. alawparodBawtotto.
wy one can."
EEKBY BEELMAM, IWerw aty^Mieb.
Tan. oaao foolad a gran-diggar. Ba
npa: “Up bretkar waa wp lew with •mtosBarfMM
en what eoank Oar eoantwa an
lined with eoaalUB nrUtUe of
r aaptot BaUrto,
I m parlAae tba
The Boston Store
Teetli BttrietM for 25o
OfiMinKBmlltoBftiaUikMiBkNik. OaM Btmt SEtnuMK
lae'ndiBC Uie real BoropeaB «mmUob, MLL^ LB 6BTE Slmt Som
tbe FoUce Bergera. Parto.
$00 Mathew t lilgor's Eotirelir Now Spoeialt;.
PrioM-^sIWy, a and 85c; rCMirad seats, 60, 75c, $LO0; boi
W «f0^ /7-OT/f* I
pili; Wanted
aWd platform j
A Moa teaervere and aaaally
paiafal inflaanaatioa ef the ead of tka
finger, anre coauacnly efttar the tbamk
Bafera tkaaartato geaa «p at Ibr or index finger of tbe right hand, for
a «• •'klah natr
_ . Olty Opan Booaa totockt. It te prob tbareoaoatfaot tboee are moot expoaad
laa Haa AnalarA-la tori*. aba»a
ate' able that atoadtor roen o^ will W to tbe Uttle wooade from wtakto tbe
mow U foH» dM*. Thon hon aoa Oator OMbiaa >•
ItkavOarof aSaln. Toara area tow teOQhte •teTte:bot any of tbafi^ecA
■ • MMlMT o( •rrwka ea tba AtMate toft, bat tkooa who dealra to rn or evea one of tba toee. may ta tbe amt
tkan ateoaUaet delay a BOMt. a* Ofafeloa.
■ an 8.M0 e a of laflM
' Tbe iaWammetioB etarte geaecaily
year WhatbemMof tbaiat It te like the teat wOl bo tokeo probably baforr from tbe prick of a pin or needle or
aaktoc what bacooMa of ptaa aad olkto
from a leratoh ca cat. bnt oftea tba
UBtaa HawigatttCertfa*aa«ajil« tktogawhiiAaio
Tka Boatoe Ladtea Bya^aoy Or- wonnd ia ao eUgbi that no notice te
tm Msmomt. B. T-. mloam, tha proi
ekaalra. who fantek tka fifth maaVr token of It katil tbeflager taglnate
’ w —Hxalt hv to ba Araak Tka
BMora aiaUac a goom It la worth OB tka Hlfk fiahoel Uetoro aad Maate grow aore. Tbe aorcMe a»na pateee is>j«Mt Mat aba wwAnAfnAaaU^ iaaaaA wbUa taeoatedar kovartlfldal taatk
Oearaa.araiaakadaaooa of tka my to actoal peia. and tbierapidly becoma
aia niada Tka at«7 te told in KaavA^veaktoMUaa.
oo tka lyaaaB plat moat intoBM and thrabtatog. and aoma1 u
At Baatoa. Ba*. Or. Bdmtd BvaraU tocketaf a aea ca^in who waa a great form. Tba AltooWo. PA. "Itom" aaya: tlmea te fait all the way np the ana.
wbtetter aakil be kwt ooa of kte boot
It U woroe when the hand ie allowed
•Ifcira to^aallaa aa »aator ot Aa toatk by aoeMealal aontaet with
••Ob fiataiday algbt tba Baatoa
to hang down. Tbe taU of the finger te
Aiati TBW^iir - T • ^—•- "-Mtlmebab.
hot. red aad awoUen. At the eame time
Bar. latoaalA
t. outn be fooBd of twaatyyoaag todlaa, raadirad oaa Ibo parieat faala more or leee ill. b feUm. Dr. Bate that be ooQld wbtette rerr well witb aa ef tbe Saaat pragiamt ef high atom
varUfa. and haa a bmdacbe aad rapid
anlfidal tooth wbittlad oat of a plaea moele ovw board to tkte atty. The potea
d to ba a aaparb oagaaWbeo tbe laflammatioD ie deep eealPlaMaiA, H. 3.. alalaa to kara aora of wood. Wbaa a perfonna&co wae dw
ia«waci aiaaha fir aaaito tkaa aa^
toaOoa aad them prmaat aa^oyad aa ed. pu collecte beneath the perioatenm,'
cteor aad pat ^ to ptottoa Tfaa tba
or membrane corerlag the bone, aad
aiBtotoaaialkaatoaM. AfaraAara1 waM aatil tba l«ith aaoaael treat aad oaa that will net tbU greatly iorreaMi tbe diatrem aa
. aaailf «raa firaa
MO to ttaa.
awaited by tba awtotara of bte eooo ha forgottaa. Tba program om- well M tha daagtr If allowed to go on
taaeod ootoottoaa from Maadalmeha. aareliered. the ' *
At Parte than tea naorto aOaia) Btoatbao that It woald aot aUp oai
Uc pm
Vbaa-pUtaa wart dteeorared aad tba Eoaatol. BaadM. Wagaor aad atbar Bp the linger Into ibe palm of lb# bead,
< atealaa bataot laaMUa to aatbadtoazprrt deatlet waa abla to aopply a
^Otaaaaaiaaa, tbata rebalUoabaa oa- wbtda Dootbfal of aew taeth. tba taath omiooat oompoaan. aadlbY wwa raa- and then the ixinditiun biTuniea a moat
aeriona one
la alm<><i any raae when Ooi.l aewdlag to qoi
'aMaaiaaoar tka BnnilanMi troopa to tbrmwIVM were carred oat of iTory. derod la a aMot oaqatelto maaaor.”
rChtotoaa Tbara araoaly lU trUta Bat cooitaotirrindiiigwoaldwearaway
‘ Pablo Bomaai.*' whUb wUl Beipraa- team ajum or leee of tbe Iwne will dia
“I tblak I wonld go eraty witbipain
iMHahaolAtontbara andar aoBUtaad tbe lr<iry. ead Ibeee clepbaat teeth
eated at Stetobanr'i Oraad next Taaa. leavingtbe end of tbe fingercripiiled or were Itaot for Cbamta'Iato'e Pile
.at«anJor. Tha BoadaaaaaforMOoe¥ Dot eatiefectory
{Helm." writee Mr. W. B. SUetotoa.
day. Pafaraary «. te a romaaUe melo dieflgnred by ■ deep ecHi
Today all artiflcial teetb are made of
ratoteof two baltaltoaa, iritha total of
porcelaia. aad wilt oatlaet a HetbalAODaiaa.
aaUb Tboee which are kaowa la tbe veageanea and Ie eatd to
noMaxteaa amkaaaadnr at Waak- trade ea “atcre teeth." betoy carried la tael
playe of thj^rder
that order nu tate, the
*.1 PUT.
S^e Tp^lrntton
«■VmwaaoaaoIlBaJ»ve>w.v —«ock by the big deatol npj.ly boaaea. pnblie. The
. .f
Tb«r moat be frrnnrntly renew. -aWtroi tbe neln. For eele by 8. E.
■toaaad Maxtoilltea to death. BaroaMa
maantoetored la eDontMioa qoaatl- ploy have beeni earetelly eelectod lor | ....................................................,
for if allowed to get wapn they will, Walt aad F. C. Thompeoa,
rhompeoa, drngglaU
lOaacalBraUar, wife of the Aaelrtea tier
the eharaetere aielgDed them and eon-1 act m poplticoe and rather beeten enp- j
nwatbotoodor, roeeaUy deeliaed to acTbe porcelaia materiaL which coa- elit to part of each well known people | pnrption than amvt it
At the eame.
tow Curw —WBPfMP'n
. a«t bte meort at « atota diaaar aad tatoc rariooa miaeral proportiona te ee Aiden Benedict. Bngene fientley. O ’ time the arm ibonld lie kept to a elii - .WhIlB WhM of Tar Dyrup, the
CBmMaat MeStol^ te qalto ladicaut worked op Ilka •
of doagh or pl^ a. MoOata, J. 8. Pehrmaa. O. U Bay. ' with tbe hand rawed and reeling oa beat coogli remedy on earth, curee a'cedd
in time. MondAOcta
*•* *" ajtfoov
tesee beat to a fnrnace. Each tooth ia (Bond aad
If the infUnmatioD doee not rapidly
laCermaUM baa hoeeDtly eoma from covered with eaamel aad baa ooe or prodnetlon wUl be unto the pereonal 1 ^^idonirfer thte'tt^tm«l."we'Sto Pitot Ua« gloet
Wr^av of Importaat pobUe worka jnore metal piaa ia the tack to bold It
ipervlaton of Mr. Aidea Beaedtot wbo;
it end try to bring mitten to a • Towellag at So par yard. The Boe.
Bkvtto ta aadartakMi by tha gorcra- to the plate
adapted the play from Marie Oorrelli*e bead by meena of ponliicee or wet
ton Store. 8
HMlof ttatooanUy.aadthattbepeola Urge lota tbeoa toetb can ta made weU known novel, 'The Vendetta." clolta appUed aa bot at they can be _ ..
.--------------------------^mo imtkiar oaiBoeUy tor a■.**!**■ {eety cheaply, bat there U one item of AUtheeeeaaty far tba prodaettoo te borne and changed very often.
, Madia ttodenriT
_ ,
t_. expne that eanaot ta ovarcomA aad
' Tbeonly thing to ta done when ptu' for torn than ooat of material. Tba
’ .
............. toatUttaeortof tbeweUlholdiiuttbe
-..AaiatkeawlrHltoaot aportatlM ^^ Tba only metal whid. wiU ataad doetto^ ta toe aa« aa wrtgtoal^
^ peinfnl eno^h for toe -----------------------ra^idaoaMoimllroa throagbaa
theInteaee bmt of the porceUto for. daya
enraa^ ea
aa b
prevent maoy
fcpmiaat awrtifai ef Oragaay.
aeee U pUtinnm. end that corte at the OraM
Banter baa baaa engaged
e 'tI***^*^ aente enfferina
aaBeri&g and
and all
all dannr
danger eg
^ a W. aaowa,
Lteat. Btogim
of the Bae^
aimply for tbe raw apaelal faatara aad wiU appear la her •------------------------- __ ._______ I,
, material Agraat deal of money baa famoM Fire aad glarooptleoa
bkod p„u„iU.,t! SJfi.lS2"«fSSV"
—Tonto'a Oh
' **** “P®"* *“ experimeato to diacovar
aad ««rtMB
. aaga ba doaa aot bel^a tba
^ aotalllate for pUttonm. bnt aotbThere te ao qaootan bot what tboae
.toaoowmtolaad aay raaUy vital blow to j^g haa yet heap foatxL
cBteatk Afrtoa aad tM tba war raomtoa
while a cheap gradeof “itore laetk* their lateet varaioa of toe big vai
'•abatoogbi. Ba doaa aot aatUipato'eaa ta boaght for afewceatoapieoe. vllle opecetta. -By toe Bad Sea Wa<
teMeealve Bepelro Her P* HeA* We*
.- My trooMa bo'.wana ito** an^ Baeala they are not nearly aa aatidaetory aa
T*rr uitl* H*a*r.
- g. ; tbe ateadard oommercUl artlcU which will open to aa Immewe aodienee at
A eign banging la front of a aboe'^Awd'^
ia fael. bleat, itko- i U «»ed by ^ deatUta- A big aopply
tedefl believaa aa alltonoe tatwaea «>®peoT wlU
bnndredaof eaaiplea
Uteat verelon which evidently aboande J ..Secondhand Shoe. With New Uppere. - 1 Tta w. a. e w. a. Moob. awwrai praeur* aiw
in no ead of opportnnlUee and that* n
alm>.t aa th..ogh a pair of
V ,l«color.k.. from >5 10 ICT-ii.- Hatbeweand Balgar have taken dae, aecandband «buea witb new nppera
------At Waahlogtoa tbe Cbtoeae flag. tioDa may ta preawsted.
advantage of them, goes wlthonl aay-' wonld ta practically new aboea. bnt in. OSco. OUr Opera
< ohowtog a hege dragon on a yellow) Bat m there ere people who are not tog. Thrir maBagere. Memrt Danne ! qttttJ toowed that tbie imprwwion waa C*
f«tod. WM htoetod ofor the Chip— *•'’
, Tbo. “ . »
_ .
there an people who are oot aatiifled ud BrI.r
-legation Wedaeoday to hoaorf of me _i... .—a»_.k F,tee teeth
f ralrvrWlT.
eOktoaoa Sew Year. The appearance ■
than bemg. Mile. LeSeye. Jane
Uft .'good deal of tbe old.
tka fiig at fall auat waa aUo takan | ,«•] onea. bot pablic apeaken. lingera Bomie Challenger. Mtoa Hickman, j The new npper thot pnt in la a new p c oiLBi
Prabaw praeUeefcoo ovldeaee that the Ohiaaaa ofBelaU ,ud other prominent people want their Uabelle Eotheia, Agnee Waybnra. vamp, the front pert of tbe npper. The a.;;^iue<te:8uia.
•fioaotaceepltberaport that the em.'ownteethreprodncedftaUtheirpocul- Mable Meredith, Br* Letlle. Marie old counter, or tack part of tbeehoe.1„
.i. ,, .,i.- lu,
.awwof Cktoa te ocad.
liatitieeof fnrtn mod coW aad filliaga Wood. Marie DelUfontotoe, Lottie etUl remain* It it a familiar fari that W. aiSSkmujtlto.
1^ they have them They want teeth Bttenger. Ned Waybnra. W. J. Dem-1 white the cjnnwr may break down «
a rn-wm.
Drivea to toaaaligr by rellgloa* eeab ,hat cannot ta told a> falee. and they lag. W. B. MeCert, Tony -Hart. Tboa. 1 wear ont or get a bote in tt tomebow It Cu5io4IUIllhmBJoak.Tfn*waeClW.
Me. aad Mia. Ohartoa Speaear. raaldtog get them, oot all at once pertispa. bat
Eieman. Barry Stoeallr. Oeorge
*'‘“'1^ «* ttay wmnd and _ ------------------------------------------•am m farm to Moana eoaaty, Kaaaaa,' one by oae. ae tbe origioaU give oaL
good. It te the front that crarke and O.
tetoame Imbaad with tba Idaa that they
la teeth that are made to order nothI breoka-' And no in patting aecondhand a^BloM.
. rwkd -beeaeMlodaptobyOodto aacrl-, tog U imponjbte. from the ehort. white
The operetto, "By the Sad U-- ahoea In order new vamp*
- <=.
SSSSSiS:: ....
John F. On &Co.
Inmn Chi
Cl TfinraiGllr, - * llllll(ii
Best to be had in
the city is at
8e« umplw in ariadow.
Gnri UpUb « lifiui Bf.
' *1—..—
li ;!SSS6a2S8«fi8bSII9«a :Sa8B8
° Tb* r dtp. swale haa park* aar-ta Oveta
Bonae on toe *.k
Sto tm
te m.a high ------->------->
priced Bt.l
el- (
„ fc.ving nn-1" ■
>■ « aea H. Wo- TValaavrtTfagM laOp ■- Aaa altypar OS
tnctlon. and toe manegore of the
dergoneextemrive repairt ri wonld atm
ctaaaU to OraaC BapMv aad eaack ata alam
-aaUI ItwaaCrcaea to death. Tba
and alnmlninm. boi the blgbeet pany Inetetod opon having toe
’* ee*
boa ■: lOte Ua. I
^Mktafb baada aa^ teol ware badly aebievemeat U conaidered totaapUtTualB arrlviagM*nop. w. haaeha'r car FV
•firoam. Tha ekerlff waa aetlfita, aad; loam pUte. opca which bae been foeed agerWUbelmnrgnedegalBct nob high I ehank and tta inner eote and the gen,8. a. a. FLOOD. OBoe te a
mOm a tard atrag^ fipeaear waa' a lialag of tinted porceUin aimiUi to priom and
knd finally ..
It wat arranged
that j •«» •‘“ta •wl framework of toe tooe. Blgei
^ Mertam'^eoe. te: Bell.
a batogaae^mry.toat Oaedfor gam work- Tinted pUtea IP. primp dip.ld b. >1 ud 1! Ip IP.
a I. LOOKWOOD, Q. P. a T. A. OvaOA BapUa
>.----------1., Ih,t<rtal
lABriN. Pbrteeua eta lerjim. Oteea.
, bare beeo
made of .u--------tbe i
J- Ltale
aad reeerved mate, SO,■ 7& and
I'aa tbeteeth. bnt aatbeporceUinebrloha gallery,
------ *-------------------------------venona Oe*.
Ka-te: rtateeaea. Ha ngl
‘ to tbe firing tbe fitting of aacb plalee »l- Boa aaala. fil-M- Tkto wUl
original -ateea aad miaeeee. Ha. n.
t men to toe
tboae wbo eaaaot afford reaerved eeate' ^i'ality eadtbeir oondttioa. A pair of -^8. _ .. BOOTT-lthree other
at blghar prlem to tee to* attraetfoa j eecondbaad ahoee. reeoted and rebeeted ^
*AklidraB to toe fateUy' from the gallery, where the i
fortalIttteeeadoUar.—NewYorkSon. at,*aded. T»t*phaa«wo.A
oomo eon*.
LBwnUaeeioty la New York te fiadiag
a family
L.:.I xlT Ui.uZj •toteaandteimetimm
to regret toe Hetroeol-:
At BoLdlalo tbebebonie pUgee te
0«neralJy. b<
however, they are
riMa Opma Hotma tAm wae reMt y
,b* owner and lie forevm laid to be Bnder ooatrol and ao aew
nof a pet, dog ebow. Wkra hidden to the gronod
eaaee bavtog baea reportod. a feeltog
.tke doge arere taka away they Uft! It u occaaiunally raggeated that there ofaeenii^ prov^U la aa effort to
btolad to toe bangiagi of toe tanm | te qnite a bnainrae in aecondhand febe .ump ont too plagae. it wm deeided Am Uaunlly Due to Secue Ds>
-Md to toe oeabloa^ eeate a largo
itobnrnoao of the btoeka of Cbtoarangemeot of the
A nun WAHTBD-AI Keawa Citr Oav
Secundtand j
A HUl atone*, that eaa kaep *>w« ap
alerted end
- -M.toam bare etoee foud rmtlng"“"’
.gained eneb headway that tba fire
. awa.. g .. Honma.
V-aMe ia fkafieoaUetto gowaa of toe
into tta' band* of rrgnlar teeth ! department aoald not ooatnd it. The
o wbo attended toe opera, and makere they ere emaabed op to get toe | fire daetroyed 1* btoeka The moet Wbicb (tea be Kemedted by tooUM o«
-«a a toaalt there hqa been maeh eom- pUtinom ont
aotobU boUdtog burned woe tbe EauM Mn>*l.<tek VaHi addlUea. lor im
erawMS*. AbarxaU. Joha Varlr
Not long ego e man wbo fonad a nakapiU. toe moet eomfortable edlflea
Tbe Bertto Loknt Anoeiger reprtote double art of teeth went w^ tbem to or Ita ktod to Hoocdnlu- It ooatatoed
dealer, toinking that ta bad a priaa a large pipe orgaa valood at M.ooo
tan nSUgad aecrot deerao-teanad by toe
Tta finds wai aorprioed wbea tbe dmlBetwaaa
pMpnm dowager of China to the gov I er refnoed to make aa offs end mid
mined rceif '
oaa XMATCH, o.
**** that 10 deata a eet wat ail they were rendered bomeUm and are now living
It te anally tta kidney* wUefa fint
get ont of order, and mnee beckeebee, I —
toratgaara^worth to aay one bnt toe psaoa whom
SeotUebs and nrinery booUea
(tend oven to war. The lengaege te very
pontb they fitted
There te no better medUna for tta
Tbe expenaive teeth are not macket- babtee toaa Ckambslaln^ Oeo^ Bern fills* of tta blood tbe kidney* work <
abte. and toe markeubte teeth are not ady. Itt pimmnt mate and prompt bard to remove from the body tta Um it------aw «C MlftmlW ftr OMOTb toM axpenrive That te tbe whole thing In and effeetoal earm make it a favorite trace of poiaoaon* nric acid, bat they | J
erito motoere and amall ehUdrea. It
a nntebeU
OMtFa Moob7
. ,qplppl>™™.lPriT~.tP..ppP
Ym teeth have ™
been need
Utm u.
witp . .ri
«ko wboto eystem
Dr. Cbaec'* Eidney-Uvs Pille atrita
takeag* toe maeene eartaeaa Sob ar- a. wPowmidad SP. ppU JPpl ip. JSJtlSiSr.i
nt tta root ot trouble by mAking Ike ^AHTETMTh^^S
Malmakoald never be aaedeaeeirt oa bad alwaya admired toom teetb wbea aa we have boaa able to learn,
kidney* •troog,
etrooc, bcelthy aad
and vigurona.
ipraetelntlma from repotabU pbyal- tar moths wore then, and now that bs only
croop, bat when glvea m
ore Brigfaf* dlMmc, dietny.
«ctaM.ne toe damae they wUl do te qwn were gone abe wenttid tbe old mt
dUtatm end mil dimtom of tbe kidneya,
.555 p.
ctote <oM to too goof yoa oaa pomibto
livs end bledds. m well m cknmic BStahtlta. UatoeaWaat.
•rimtoo Ciom toom. ^BaUU Oatorrh Oaro BoatonHsmld.
coaBtipdSoe. They have woo tbe ed*UoD Of old peopU la nertlcoUr, be. L hSoA
toemterityaad toonaa^efttaparoa■c they make it pomlbtefs tbem U j nii* i*v aaite. i
>y ia old age tta comfort end imi c. W. raon. Agt.
-Wse tose no exte
a com ictefl with tta caeer
eBjototo UbaytogBaUbOatoftoOBra
Ftajale l^^ffj^Waltitod F. C.
Mr. J. O. Brigbtawo, Udyard, N. Y., jglvmB DOS BLOCUa-Fvr a akan ttae
•‘No. nothing bot nttenneteddieam4h «mo yoa got too goaatae. ft te
writs: “1 as e bUckamitb, end bavv
bed kidney dteeme ta ita wac*l form.
-What do yoo mmn by tbatf
bkmter ipMtt toe amt At timm 1 <miM oot atraUbten op. ead
“The dMaadant'e drenastaaom wen darabtovamteh
for five yeon I wm nevs tree from back
•^hgDr^gMhfctoarae parbel. mndooedtoat ba coaid aot afford to
ache end terrible peine. Mr. Atexands
•agnge ■ ceVPtoeat attcraey. "-Pitta- Tt Cwt U ftw ^
Tbomm tocommendad I>r. A. W. Omm-a
Bam Family P^Bfo too beak
PUU aeUgbly that 1 triad
batg CkRtel^Telarapk.
So rsnodv eqnaU Waxjpsb'8 Whitx Eidn^-Uvs
them, aad om now cntUcly tree from
«etob wvtttem.
Moaod total dteenoa. If tokos toorCbtef^'m aatirited with yov takdM pttl a doee, as eeirta a box. at ^
writtag But can yoo write tosttamdi
AppUmat-Yaa but U tekm kupsi tove Im Mm tl. Buvor flit
mItoL PilSkSoi^MOp
The Fere lirqDeUe Eiilml
11 Ip
Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PMli
u«p .pid, p«i p.kpw.d p> Pa p«tp. tassis ip
1*^ *
• sn,"'
"g^rcSisr^u-.™,, M°nLS.^ag:a.fRj.as
TUid Year-No. U7
taperlad teattea lalteTtaf faraaa 4
frsoi tea aarte aad Jotaad haste with
%taM) Badaa.Baw^ a troak ofo.
TUs aawa Is oat oSalal. hat daps
‘BawatalaaUaadtebaUaaa tea lasert.
Tba te«a ad^Hatekiac atua
Ph jBlelRBs AbRBdoa Hop* of
Bis Boeoroiy. ■
■ifnnilTfcTtT‘1 i-rr**r- Onmt*
tovoatad aad at that tea ao oaa Bote Taplar aad OeobaUlaa Held Oat
ItoTscsls Bi*sr te TkrM PIsms teaclaad tea tows aeold boU oat a
aad MtUUa WDl Vat Ohfoaaa Va«
Is Bitac Mrtb. aaate las teiaa Mtea
it k Kaewa When Aateerttr Ikap
•Blisttl BrhIiB Pi>if1as<H0 B*IWfslMTSaltklsBsMs «t Worwmr
klo bp
jumntt tkM ■sfcMag Is
radaral Oeana. bat O
a Waat
rertpTbwawalafteateBsksd Prate
LoaSos. rsB. 1-U splW sitks 41s•skwofaptMi kspaad tkM swfslloM
vUah sttssdsd thsi sMsapt It is sow
sMsdsstkeritlvsl^ Vr Iks HtissMS
•sssusthstasurslBalter bssaffste
smss4 Iks T«tste rirar ssd has asds
sMibar sMsak mpoa lbs Boar poaltloas
tesa thfss Altowt pstala. Tbsdiapalab states that Qaatrbl Balia bs>
IteTabaeaBaflasttha rsBatof Ladj.
aalBi aas la 4atemlaad M da so If tea
ssBSfaofbliBaD sad aarafallj praparsdpteaaaaa
White tea taaaat dataat at Bpicw kop
Sppaarad to jrtu tea BrUiah a hard Mtkaak. It U BOW baUatad teat Baiter
« had otew plaaa if tba dploa kop plaa
a»»T«d it la alao baliarod teat tea dotsatsaflaradhpBaiter upa
tesattea of tea rifUasea el tea Basra
at stear potets aad teat teaaa petate
an BOW kataff aaaaalted Be datells
have baas raealtad, bat It la aald
- teat tea Capa Towa taport atatea
-Stet tears baa baaa haarp tc^Bat aU
Tha war oftaa has Bo aawa of Oaatell BaUar%
tea •». iaMS UasaMa, hat
testpapar sapateallt hsa ao
to dsaat tea asrfsstews of tia istorBa*
ttealtesaffbUhaa sot
teat ■aiCtelap to Sodteta Bate
ShMii Eii|l.
People ■
or Neuralgia
Vraaktort, Rp.. fOb. l->At a late
will Rad
boor topilrkt Mr. Qoabal waa atlU
aUra, bat bk ptpoleuaa ten ao bopa
of bk raeorarp. PoratlM laatalybt
as bopad teat aiyaa wbkk daaoted
of Ufa Bk iron asm
I all teat
kapt braatb la hU bodp.
Mr. Ooabel pawed a aomforteble aiybt
bet WM wares aarlp thk aMraiar. bk
to 144 aad bk tamparatnretoiOlH Ha was la attsperfor
a time, bat rallied aomewbat aad at
' Broeklp Wbltlwlad" Xaoakad Oat
dap U that of two I
keep the fact warm and dry.
Saalrp, tea Waatarajreatbarwslcbt, fforcnora aad aiui^ aoldlara boldlar
balanea of power batwaao them.
Tba aoldlars tbaiasalraa -are ia a qoaaObioafa.rab. l~At Tatteraall-a %o- ^
.boold do aad
altbtTarrpMaOo«WB.tea -Brooklpii Ibep*
.11*\ ft,tililrimrnti MaiI
Whirlwiad.” kaookad Saatrp oat is of tea oMoa boldan are E
tee flfth reaad. Tbo flfkt wai to daaad atapp of team aald tbk moratag
tenalos tba abaapkaaklp of tea fsaththat thap bad ao iatsaMoa of roaktlag
aad tea Tietorp of Metba legal gotrraer of Keateekp. proSorara rl*aa tea dktlaatloa to tea east
rldod teat tbap are oaea aatkSad who
Tb« leadiog shoe honae.
arataai tea waai
teat ladlvldaal k. All tetaga batag
oqaal tbap wUi stand bp Tt^lor.
Hasp Damoerak ware dknppeii
wbaa Oaaaral Otetlamaa laUad
Haportad te4 & W. Habball Will arrlra from LoakrtJIa to taka a
Binad of tba troops. It waa daalad
•^Praaiaate OeauaTtahnar
teal tea poaltlea of adjaiaii goaarU
Ualawfal Arrest.
bad base offered lOaaaral Oastiamaa.
Tba Oaetral Ubs Torab states teat Tba apparoat fallara of Ooobal to plan
mot tea Tarala bp BaMral BaUar a W. Babbril of Trararoa Qitp baa ba- a aaw adjutoat raaaral to oMaa lasTaa
akew teat tea BHtlab lost k\ laaat l ,tao raa aottea for St.aoo'aamfaa agalaat tea troops aatlralr at tea dkoaaitioa
telaara aad sms U klUad. woaadad tbo miaca of Ooblnl Lake. Mr. Bab- ef tea RrpablioaBa. aad b
aad telatteff la tea aaeead adraaea for boU waaarrostedteoraaabortUaaaro obaan of troabla from teat soon. The
intbor, writtbs rallaf of Ladpamitb. AUtbaBorn- apoo a ebarfs of vielatlar a rlUara or- aoldlan wtll'4oBttoas to obap
ing in the Xorth American B4»view
teff papan datou aidaBaa to tea Itata dlaaaaa la teMof erdara tor silrar
• OolUar.r -:r3
«d hlUadaod woaadad, aad it U opaalp for a Obleafo tra. Ha waa eoBTleted
Ooraraor Taplor ramalaa la bb ofstatad that tba faU ntvas an sot aU ia a jaiUoa eoort. bat when tea
ioe aad praetieallp daalas bimaelf to People,” eapa:
tapak The Obroaiela tela noraUs
earriad to tea efrealt ooert of Aa- all eallan. Ha will not dlaeam tor
"No man writee with bia own
plaa« tea total at l.olt. aad flrea tea Uiw eoBBtp tea daelalow waa raraiaad pnblleatioa asp aetloa h^baiiukea 'or
hand, if be can dictate to a atenototel Britlab toaoei to date aa 9,eos
map take. AooBfrranea of attororpa
Pratorta diapatah aapa teat tba Boar OBWBT KAY 00MB TO HIOHXOA V for both oldra mot tod^Tt^a Oapltdl gnpber; no man dictotea. if be can
t^lf^rapb; no man telegraphs, if be
leaaw ea Spies kop ware B killed and
hotel loaaalf aom« adjutmaot of tbs
Proakbd Taatardap to
B«uoU oraaaattroublMeouldaocbe raacbrd. can telephone.*'
Tbale«<aof tea raak aad 81a of
Scmatlaa tbk Sprlas,
The Repnblloana propoeed that the
If yon aft* a typical, energetic
aoBoral Wamn‘a dirUloo aad
WMblairwe. Feb. 1.—Tbara i
difSoaltp bataaeo the rlral goreraori np-to*date American, you already
oskmlal eoaUapaat are »W. oolp »« bebii(bt proapaet that Admiral Dewep bo adjusted bp tba fedacal oonna.
the Long Distance Telephone.
lac OBOsaoaated for aa mlaaloK- Tba
wUl Yklt Dttrolt aoBM Ubm tbk
Tba DaoMoraU opposed tba eoom
total eaaaalttaa at Sploa kop asoaaded
If not, a word to the wise is euRicaprtar- Ooayratemaa WUUam Aldan proposad bp tba Rapnblioana aad araao. bat than an few prlmara.
Smite sod Oenfraaaaaa Oorlka aaUad gaad that tba Slate ooorta ahoold fltat
Oaaaral Bollard dUpatte was dated
ap04) tea admiral todap aad larlMd aet la tea matter.
paetardap at Spaarataa'a oamp. That
him to attead tea aaanal banqaet of
waa daMaira proof teat tea armp bad
tea Mlabtcaa aoeiatp of tba Soot of the
aet wltedrawa fros tba appar Tafsla,
•latton dariay tbk mooth.s AdaltboBffb it bad aroiad tea lirar.
Miller’s Store
aaltal Dowop bad other aafaram
was awaltlac ordsra from Oapa Towa.
aad aapramad bk recnt teat ha eoald The Kalkaska Toaag- Maa Xmpraaaad
Bassral Balterb laported addraoa to
late tea Britkb Sarslaa Appeal
eot Ykit Dawolt tbU moete, bat ba aatea arap, with the
amtad tba aoarraosmaa teat ba woold
to tba VUtad Btataa.
weald ha la Udpwlte wtteta a waak,
glad to rktt tears later la tea
haaaattbapabUabadwar effiea alika
bat promlssB to load to oome iittto
og. Tbk aaaaraaaa waa so pramkgwaralay kardar thaa erar. Bow ba
diplomatto talk botwooa tea Uoited
lag teat Oowgraaamaa Oorlka baa
paepeoaa te asks food bla beast to ba
Stataa and Oraat Brltato has to do with
writtaate tea aaeratarp aaklag teat
la Ladpaatte wltbla aaotea waak
throe peang mon kaewa to soe
tealr haa^aet ba poatpe^.
tek oitp.and whno rooidoaoek to
Kalkaska aeoatp. Raws baa raaebrd
an teaaa who affaet to bafiara teat tea
klteerto tapgsaibto faat aap ba a» riHOBSB TOBTXCB:PHMn>BBr thk aoutop teat tbeaa tbraa podag
maa, Fatriek,Tebi aad Baarp Boabal.
TUbopa of Baflaad teat BaUarl •oggNtsdSma tba Wsataas Haa- barabaanimpraaaad tototba mllltorp
h bla parpooa was hoopin of Baglaad and orderad
Blag Kate tor Bipao.
ad ap teU afuraoea wbaa a dkpateb
ResteAfrloa. Aa tbo bopa araaatiraa
WaablagtoB. D. a. Pab. 1—Tba aogwas rasaUad bp teaMoralof Post from
of tbk eosaby. on appeal baa baaa
Wtaotea CbueUll atatlaff teat ap- goattoo eomaa from the middle west smda to OoBgranmaa Mnkk to aoa
that Ooraraor Plagraa of Mleblgan
pwaattp tea Boara' poalUoa
tbatjoatlnkdoaalaadthoeitliaBa of
pnfabls. bat tea BrtUah troops are ra- woald make a good raaaiag state for
on erery dcdlnr'a worth
Brpaaoa tea Dj
aelrad to make aaotear attempk
torn tea aarrln of a foralge power.
Tba foaowlBc la aald bp tbs brat ta- HamllloB Lawk kaa jaat arrirad bare
Tba ponng ama who are tea oeeaal>
of goods nntil (niiber
from Baattla aad ka k footed aa atet- ef tek attr, wore bora and baplkad
danaad asparla to ba tea plaa o<
lag teat daring bk trip from tea
palfa wUob Lord Bsborte aropoi
tek atata. aad tea raeord of tealr baploaafarata- Bo awxa wbtea will bo ba board maap BBgyoaUeiw to tea abora tkmkeoBtalnadtoteaarebirasof St.
weal to Ktlal. aad two traooporto ban eSoei. prorldlag Plagraa weald
Franole ohorata of tbk altj- Jamn
aoteaUp baaa raeallad from Dvbaff to Mt oponlp aad doalara blmaaU for tea Osrrap of Barker Oraak. a frlaod of tea
Plagraa'a stetemaat te^ posag maa. bat takaa np tea matter,
daps Towa. Oloarlp. aoeordlnf to tea
i eftea Bai
asparte, Lord Eobarta BMaoa drat to bak t
S26 Float Stmt
Mr. Lawk tea abanb bora, far tea baptismal rae-»*—r oat tea Datak ritfaf la CBpa
Oeteap, aad to dIapcM of tea Oiaara
ords of tea poong maa. wklab wUl
at 1 plaaa sap gi
Bras Btate laTadara alowf tee aorteara
prora tealr dttoaaablp bapoad a doabt.
bk caadtdaep.. Mp Tba raeorda wws teat paatsrdap, aad Enjoy the
bwdera of tea aoloop. 1]mb ba
badaUrara daaMIra ainte 1%a ad- opiaiea k teat tba noa presides tkl will go teroagb Mr. Oarrap'a haada to
y aaaaa oa Bloamtoalola .arldoattp k aasdldate wUl ba a Baw York maa.
______ ____ mqaaotkm. With
^ . baftaalaf with tea praaM of fstbarTba possg maa who wars test im
tea aaattarad dataabBaak late a Tammaap ta Um far tba Obieage plat praaaid toto tea aarrln of Baglaad are
form aad eaadldate. teat organkttlom
lonaidaUa bedp. Tba
la. It aad ta paan old. Tbap wan
ariU baallowod to aama a maa far aaoBasaral KaUp-Knap to
rkittog to Irslaad at tea ttom tea?
I hare aerernl fine new rigs—
aa osaaUaat start, laaaaiaab aa teat oed oboka aad tea waat wUl oa^aaasraeonmaadodtoaatar tba aorrka.
both 8lagl8 ttnd two esAtsd
foaatal baa a rood Uaa of aapidp Ba- tioaabtp aappert Um.”
It la anaecand teat O
biad hlsk bk pealtiea betaf lai
MaUek wlU make sons r
Beat ontfita in tbe city. Try
dteta botwaaa teoaa of OaaarakPrMob
radroaaataUon to tbo atata depart oa«.
aadOotaara. Hkadraaea aatablkbaa •asaa Bang to Bast Bids Bops laat meat ea tee aabjaot as aooa aa tea
Order by ’Phone No. tfS.
matter k to ahapa._________
rraakfort-aatea-IUU. Bab. l.—It la
aaoaaaad froa Baraa teat ,tha
eaataaa Sebawalow of 8k Patanbaer.
baa baadad tea later aatleaal Poaea
baraaa a oatltloa.alcaad bp lO.OM RaaPraatdaat MeKlalop to offer ModlaMoa
Qroat Brltele sod tba Traaaraal to aad
wot tr ScGHMt
AlftDd ¥. Friedrich
Ian Maclaren
teiephone co.
W. W. Rilltr's Cash Store
rmmttn m
6800 Rolls
All new 1900 patterns
Sliipp«I u direct fromSfactory. WiU hara it aU u.
packed Jo a few days, but can ehow yon the eeaplee
now. It iepnterestlne to eee “what’e wbnt" in'wS
decomtioni for this year.
tgg ^
Hobart Sc Beecher Co.
SaccMMiB to Olty^Book Btor*.
813-898 Fro U 8t
' ':RAlph Oonnnbl* Jr., lUluffM-
look tboi way il Ol nieny ber *n»."
Oaretal are we not to orex-empbatiM tbe meilta of a alngl*
articliIs— Equally careful to agnm impreos upon yonr mind
that wbaterer you buy of 8. Benda & Co.' 124 Front street U
positively the
S. BE32SrX)-A. & OO.
Biwlu, H>U II, w. N.
Fire and Water Sale
Started yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock—Store
crowded with abrewd aboppera, who were quick
to taka advantage of the grand values offered.
Here are a few specials for today:
'6 pieoeaall wool extra aoper Oarpats, value (K)c, st...48oyard
Ladies' Cloth Capes, worth 75c and 91.50. at.........88 and TBo
Ladies' Black Helton Jackets.................................................. 8So
90 Udits' Dress Paittns al Uoit Hilf Price.
Men’s Duck Coats......................................................................420
Hen's Overdla.................. .................................................Ibopalr
Boy’s MiUtory Coats and Overalla...............................18e «Mh
Men’s Winter Dnderwear, at 8c, worth 2>5c; 90o, worth 40o;
860, worth 50c; 88c, worth 50c; 6O0, worth $1.00 to 11.60.
Spiciils ie Sei's Suits aed Orarcoats,
ladies' Cloals, Capes aad Skirts.
The Grandest Bargains
Ever offered, on eferictly desirable goods, are
what yon now get at
Bellabla Drp Eoiids, Carpal aad Clolliiag Haase
Good Sleighing Hare
a Fit
Bkambsrr. It k Iboarbt bk aMra
proMaaa at Roaamad wU) flra oapport
taBaasral ffraaab. with whorabs k
ansaaraod bp raOwap. Of aoaaa tek
of aaaipalre
Mtaas laaatec Ufpamttb to Ik teta,
bob to tek pooMtaUlw tba aoaatrp ■
koflasiv ta raaaaiUa UaMf. It k
laaiaad, teat tea rarrtoea «ap
baabtelahaUoat aaia tea adt^
Bematinaago tea Bast Bids bopa
gara a daUgbtfal daaatog pa«W st
Martaaghk Aaadamp. at wbieh time
tesy gara tealr peaagtodp Moada a
rarp plaanat orantog. Xnwt alght the
peaagtodkagara a ratwa part:
Maja” Bawtoa of Yoltoto. Can
tp.tea waaltep toad owaor iteeraaaattp aama toto aotortotp >p aalltog
810,000 Wtwte ef rare watositnaa.k
nrtoraly lU with haaH traabto.
Bawtoa own SM aans of rwp ralaabto
toad wbleb at bk death will paaa ont
Mks IMap Roland tarakbad tea 4d tea la^. tbara batog me teOdna
Mk tor tea daaaa. aad Mn. Mo- tatoharitto_____
latoah aad Mia. Bhopaid aeSad m
AbaoA a
wa praiMt. aad a RaUgbMal Mma
I teakgaa nnirad WBSsajMradkgaU.
J. ___ __________ I _i ....._________ if C..r
Geo. Cams,
lirarynad Psed Stable*
School of Music
^ ta.'rMi'jJdoSssr
Tbe niiiate you pat od>b pair of
They’re up-to-date iBCerery respect
What more cia one want?2The best
shoe that was erer]] sold* 4or |3.00.
Deal Fareet net Wa Han Radacad Piicas
_<£>aa fah aad Wane Uaad »aas
Up-tCMlate Foetweu.
Mounv0 XSOOSD.
IDOBKIAII OhtflM 0. Oftrrar Kfflad On*
W*lffUB« 800 PoudA
toy a« kart to tkto adtet Taotorday
Loato aad IbiraaasdMWsdaft aad
ear kaU seoao te to Baaaaaa aad
aoUhtetaoB Tkikall toooaa tkat
IkUladkaakalpodadMt to tk# toa*
of ptoo. bat to wa* w*n Mtsad. Baattor for plaaaara aad baattoy te prodi
mm. *. B*fi *» *•
•tofp of Saal UJo la tk* PoadOw- I hare aow had tk* plaaaars at toy#. W. MAMam. adum~^ MmW- Bsattop te Qem ted
toy oat to aU ktoda of waalkar. aad 1
Wltk tka tkarMMtor M
fao-Tkara WlU k* aa :
Hoto SawBM to tk* Cap* «bto* eoM
Prad a Oarila ka* taeaitod s'
tfMCbarteOarrar. aow to Dawaoa
OUp. Ikat wOl k* o« tolorart to «k*
MB7 litoite al Mr. Ckrrar to tklB ai^.
▲ part «d tk* tottor it kara rte*o<
La4inctHB ti
mi MmMm *M*U
«|Mk la tk* IM w« MfaUad to
Ml u4 mUi to •**» »kM to* vwMIa
MM wlthU * toU* «f to* ludlarfkanbao «MMto* hmX Imtimgum't
«pM port la MauMT tt«a to a protiy
foe* OPM port kat it loM *- ------IP Mforo wlator waattor.
I ia tka
daaopn wlBMr
tpakoM akakMa Utito kj tk* lato
pim aad pnaMt ooM Map. Tka
Milea aap aov kaaaialp
Ikarnjaadkorvkna dartHna will ka
pppMtfoat tkto iftafaim Wltk tka
maadkof, kia akadew oa OaadlaMi
^ ia aa lalaUlWa ^ ef a aoatiaa.
pMoofirlaMr teals teaks. TkanteaUtkoaaaaklaaatodpp tkaaslsal
irtU arawl kaak tato kla koto sad aaaUa
4pwa teaaotkartoair^^
Taa Mat atrlkliic asklMt from tkk
M*BI>7 M tka Farit sapoalttoa wU
ipar tkoatoad aokool taadkara wke
piMBlat to Tialt tka lair aast BBB
Paiapa watsMaadat tka po»«
Mr aa*7 dartM ^ >kU war wltk
Uppta. bat tkair taapael te at wlU
tp radoaktod altar aatovaaioa of oar
Dawaoa ai/.Oao.*!. im.
DMT Prad:—San 1 *■ to oeld
MracatottePoadlk*. I kara baaa
ap Goal Oraak. a tnkatorj of tka
Kloadik*. kaattaf aad prawMtlar. te
aoM tiM. aadaa wa losad
thM told, w* taraod tk* aspadittea
toto a kaaV Laato a ard t ara aow to
Dawaoa wltk kail of a
kiU^ 1 karo kUtod taro sew, a larpa
aow aad a kaU tkat walfka abeat PM
______ Dote ka* kUtod ^two ‘
tkiaapaaroU aowa. Wa woald hara
kaaaoatk* kirk road to .pmperitp U
wa kkd aot baae to partaarahtp wltk
dtM Porrato aad kit aea. Aa tka
wa wttl kara aboat pl,OM to dlrlda awoas foar of a*.
U yoa wara with at aow yoa woald
h»«* tOM cspariaaeot tkat yoa stead
atOopparUrtr. Porasaspto, wa bad
aaUd'triptoatTaaaday aad Wtdaaa.
day. tod ru taU yoa aboat it. Wa
kav* two dofft. aad taw
koto go- d
Tka trip raaUybtcaa Hosday
■ontot at toa poap of day—10 a. s.
tka den aad
breks teaU te tk* ptoeo wkara wa bad
toa baU mooat aaokad, aboat foar
sUat tros oar wipwas. Tk*
Wa fot
to to* plaoe aU riykt. aad loadtoy oa
half of toa seaaa, wa bad aa bard
pall baek to oaatp aa 1 *var had la sy
Ufa, arrlviay toara akortly after dark
(aboaU^s.) Thatk
dldo*t kara say alaaptoy bay. attorr.
liaat tkat tetow thatyotaitraekU
to# laa wito a rook at TaMaa B* it
located at forty MUr, aad kaai?
Malaa*tksa,bataaas*to carry UtUa
dMi,*e'lsappoaehtoalateadoa>t paa
eat vary rtek. I Mt Uvi D« yaator.
day ap BoassM. Ba kaa tokoa a toy
oaaUUlayalto ap Bi Dorado, aad
Mya k* kao atroto rood pay. Bo and
kto partas bava koaybt a ataas' thaw^
ar. and Lori say saka a ataka.
1%* Boyd beya ate werktoy at saytUoy tkay aaatea tost kao seeayto
it. aad 1 thtok tk«y art aariay ap i
ttk aU rlykt. too. 1
•everal lettora frostkar*
Ida of paepto are laavlay
Dawaoa te toeraabw. aoMwitodoy
tratoa aadaoM pailtoy toalrowa atoda
kUa stay son an ealy waltlty tor
aprtoy, wkaa tkay will drift dewa to
boats or yo dowa oa too &:
Dawaoa aad tka Kloadtka will ba alsoot a totoy of toe paat aesi aai
1 weald apt ba at all aaqfted U I
drifted dowa tkaro east aprtoy after
toa eJaaaap bars, aad ease bosa tost
ito, if BOtotoy toraa ap to pmant.
or If I doa't
Bat yoa can bet that 1 wca’t atari oat
ror toe lea.
Wall. I esat look that far toto too
fatoro, bat U I have any Inak at aU 1
wUl toast ST Saab ptoa bate* a bard
wood ftr* ooea sore next wtotor, aad
asoka a pipe with yoa wbUa we dtoaoaa
laanadly aooh eab>aeta as <
Blvar eaeksro aad other aackera. TUa
toa yreat aoaatty as
Ooppor Btver, and I dost totok that it
wUl b* aeeenary te as to. walk oat<
bat It te latos early to toe aeaees te
BM to know BBoh aboat la
Olv* sy reyarda to sy trtosda thora.
1 bare Jut rvoalvad tottor* from com
af toes. A Marry Obrietsu to yoa aU.
ItaUtoa laba aboat tka asnkrra
llykto Uybttoy tktoya op ae laa kara
to tka wtotor. It foS aa dark kara aa it
Werktoy Might aad Day
doMto Mteklyaa.
Tbe bmlaat aad slyhOut llttte
WboB wa erawtod oat toe aaxt
that erer wu sada 1a Dr. Ctoy’e
toy at e o’clock w* feaad that aU tkat thing
New LUe_^. ThM pUte ehaoye
ta« rad ataP to toa tossoMtar had w«aknM n^lo atrenyth, ItellcsBM tos
raa dowa into tk^ kolb, ao tkat wa energy, br^ lag toto asatal power.
cMld aot toU kow sold it was. Bat Tbey're woodvrfel to balldtoy up the
huUb. Only Ue ur box. Sold by
whaa wa yot ready to etart it am
Jaa O. Jobiwon and 8. K. Walk
ioy kaatoeaa ayaia, aad raytotoo
A Card.
tr too Brittob eoald only teoraot below.
We. toe aaderalyned, do beivby
low aeloaato tros Kantocky toa retail
agree to refand the money on a H-eeat
^IkoTraaaraal tooaldaetramato loof aad too OBow here la ao Uybi and botUe of Graeo’a Warranted Gymp «1
dry tost it ia Uka polltoy a alad to Tulf i^faii^to ear* yoar eongb or
seal, ao that wa had oar work eat oat
It to a satwr of ap. e al« saapt tost teaa WeU. •vorytomy w*at lovely botUe to prore eutetorio^ u swy
8. B. Walk Bnybae A Boxpp aasM of byatoadara sr* toeladad to aad- it was aotolay bat paU and peak refandad.
bory, Ju O. Johnaoa, P. C ThompIba totoat aaaaally Itot tras Kaataeky te aboat It sUaa. whoa wa afaek
an overflow to a oraak wkar* it bad
Sr. W. 3. BcytoA OperaUve Swtiftiy
yt.WAaawT JXmiiXLS PAMTT. blocked ap with lea. The wator
flowaand rmna oat oa top oftba loo;
dp BosMof Mte AUanatslto Wad- aad traeas *v«r ayato. Wa had to yet
B«adw Mroatoft.
evar, aowa took a ronainyatart and
k dalifbtfa) aarpriaa party
fotevar.aU Jmt aboat Uor Ufoet,
Mtaa Mtoa AUapra Sstto at k*r bos* aad toon w«st torooyh opto oar knaaa
Mtistoatiaat Wadoaadayaraaiet.Tba Thaolad Upped evar to taa waior. and
yoa tet we wore to a fls.
Wa bad to atoad to that lea water
aad toy and pall at that coatoondad
TM* •arrad. Tk* foUawlDt k*lp*d dad astU wa bad riybiad li
bto si}oy to* ***Bliir
toaa pall aad kaol aad awaar at toa
|,Hiu WUbals, Bdaa Moaera, V*l- doya antU wa palled toroayb toa aheU
baa Iraa*. Mtoale Votraba, Laara toa to toa aoUd yreoad.
^pola. Btoal Baator. Draa LMaraad,
taa era
a ran te It. Tkara
AW* Sslto. Mabal Lesraad, Lydia
an olddcaartod cabin aboat two
IMacartaar.eadto Braaa. Mary Bec- Bite below, aad wa atoda to It to
M.Macdalaoa W*tofa'»«’. AlfrodWU- qniek Use. yot oat the ax*, asaabad
k^Waltor WelBfartoar, Prad Millar,
Pf toa farnllara and bad a flra
pterte Basboapk. Pmnk DeVelto, yolay oat to treat of it to a mlyhty
Baartotta Bslto, Bari Joyoa. Laf* Oa- abort Usa One cant Icaa saay
WMto. Bart BUto. Jay Bsito. B*a Aak- sfoate wbaa bek traestay. WeU. to
^ Praak bslto. Tail Braaa. Prad
sake a ebort atory of U, wa yet oar Sapported by s eompany of foparior
feat parUy dried, sored oar otsp Are
axecUeoov, to Aides Benadlet'a
toto toe eabto.riybt08tc^ofa46-70
BMtorOlaM Ptoaaiac tor an Dal^a* anrtriflya Joal aa we wore yetUny
aaed to the asoke that Inlamal cartBotarutomeat.
A saatoac waa bald laai aicht by to* ridya exploded, aad te aahorl Use wa
“ ' ,r elas to s»ko lai^w arraot*- toooyht we were blows ap. It saet
havo.bowi parUy burled to the yroond,
er- ------ ^ to toe
„ sear fatsA. te It eoaadod like a eanaoa aad leaV
tered oar Are aU over toe oabto. alao
aeatt^oy oa ooariderably. The ahaU
ylaaeod oa a aUak of wood aad hits*
pcsplatad. bat eeoo(b a
OB toe baek of toe kaad. kaoektay off
■pea to toaar* tkat toa ‘teeaspsaet' BoseaklBaad auktoy adkayroeabi*
bnrB.bata* etoordasaya waadoaa
Wa yatoared ear flra toyatoar ayato.
aad everytolay waa qolet aad asote,
A Miykt UXvnt.
r'Awtal aaaiety waa Calt te — BBtil soralay. whoa we got oat aad
to toe eabto at the soato
SHOW of toe brava Oaaanl Barakas
ZrVMklaa. Ms., wban toa doottn aald Book Oraek^ wkar* w* had totesdad to
fipwooiddlatros Paoasoaia bafora easp to* aifht befora
Ctt'-i" write Mrs B. a Idaoola.
Soattoadad bar tkat faarlal alybt, thawed oat oar laate-aad ate te the In-hergTMttf
^kMthakwnAteD'' MtoytoHa^ia- AfattiMriBoe wstoft tha Asp toa
Iflh daBoam
Mvsy. wktoh had sot* toan oaea aav- soralay bate*. That waa tha and of
Mki'llla.**d eoradkarof Oosnsp- ear bad lack. WensAhad to* eabto
Price*-26, 85, 60c, 76c; Box
to Dawaoa aboat «:M p.B. aU a
•sate $1.
aad are twtee aa yood aa twe lm«s
Sale of aeati now open at tbe
sea yak
box office. Telepbcm* 112.
Saa. OolyMeaadttM Trial hot- Bar* ia a trwo atoiy tkat wOl ba
STtoe^aa-O. Joteaoaaad & B. kardteyaatoewallow wltoeot
Who* 1 wa* keldtoy OM of sy aotea
rwaateiadaexaM dateas'i fiatoU ap to dry by tk* flfet fli* w* baUt by
toateaWa. 1 frosted tk* baek of sy Now te the Um to hsre year Bfayeto
right kaad. Mot saoh. yoa know, bat re-ensBuled sad cleaned ap ready for
eaooyh ao that it rained a ate bltotor sprtoy.
Frey Storage All Winter.
toe next day. How te that far sold
Piles. Ap^at awra tola soralay
weather to yot wattoTLoate fraesdkie My wotkean not ba baat aad prieu
. ^ ____
sesoaadoselcaaoaodtoaaadeef sy toTtowut. Will eaU far yoar wh**L
•aysa are tndor If they aca not vary
T« Omp« a tMos at Oaa Ba^ '
aloaa. BBtBodasBy*tedoe*,aBdaU
Doa«»—reaeoatksateatwpday MaanuBriOWBufatewL *U Pn
Tn ally of at. Leala, Mo..lad*mtoodtottoaraawlikOhieaco te
that Uttto diatoata aaaaS aaptoaaa
pMa. Ite Mteoarl alty ia to hava
vadd’alalrto 1*01 to eessasaw
Hm Loateaaa parekaae. and Jaat for
aplto It to detltBad to sake it ocllpae
Iba bW show bold to Okiaacb to laoi.
Steinberg’s Grand
Tuesday, Feb. 6
Aiden Benedict
Miss Martba Beaufort
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects
L L Gins. Png.
. ba Wmui»«En'
WoaM not yive a nap for a tied bhIcm the
now wax a font d >p,ao becooM have aoae
fan with it Htx tn will not coet hio modi
now. I am offering
14 off on all Hand Sleds,
Carriages and Runners.
'nut makes' a Kc aled ooat yon only 19c, a S5e
sled only 27c, a 60c tied only SSc, and ao <m.
Ton cannot afford to go wilbont erne. It will
be a good inTentmeat for nest winter. I have
aoB* of thoee eteel baby errriage runner* that
don't need a not to bold then on. at 11.26,
dne-foarth off make* them Sic.
a feast
Slater’s House Furnishing Stotu
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
.Bldnralk Limlwr In dl sIml
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
BOMflory tw TrBwarM City Limber Oo.
Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Recently fitted up is most complete in every res
pect, and our new '
The larxcBt we have ever carried ie here- has been
checked off—put ioto the racks—the samples all
made, and ia ready for sale-it’s the finest stock of
Wall Taper we’ve ever bad on exhlbiton. This
year's deslgms are not quite ae lar^e as heretofore,
but tbe combniatlons of colors are more harmooiouB. In many cases tbe back.grounds of the
Blue — Oreens — Browne and Beds are nearly
solid, showing more fully the gold and silver designs, but the only way to appreciate the full,
beauty of these papers is to see them. It's time to
plan tor the improvements you're to make in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn’t. Our prices, qualltyteonsldered, in many
eases is much lower than last year. We’ve got a
fine combination of two band white back paper
that sells at seven cents the double roll, with
border to match, at Sc the yard. Our IS and 16o
papers are beauties The dining room patternssomething new. 16 to to 30a The baU designs
show the artists’ hand. Tbe sitting room and par
lor papers are beautiful combinations—prices from
16o to 40a Hany times you want just a small
room, a iMdroom perhaps—We can “ffEi tbe bilL”
Have some remnants that we’ve cut right in two.
Then we have some patterns that only cost 6o the
doable roll.
If quality, quantity, patterns and prices out any
'~r figure we’ll get your trade this season.
Tbe Hannah & Lay Mereantlle Go.
rifnvn«n«n«ri*rivr«n«n*i i*n«
»• pacflt «4 Ik* vpfv'jfMU
•n w«U MVflted with
MMariMUtoMto tkM «tvWw •<
U«oMU*Btatama to umpmt
W9fait «• oU botlM M ika aoUlm’
la tka aprlat tka ^paiatw
wtU ba ai^ tor aid jaak. Tka lait
kgWitara toUad to pmMa propar
A aeapla of Oraad BapMa paepto
ka«*baw“lawlaf iforar a BoA cd
tBtapt wcra. at tka eataSda, C*e. om
ad ttaai tiaitolaf tkat tka Mkar kad
aalairfaUj lakaa \
Vka aenef tka 1
Marljfaao.aadtkaaad to vt pal ta
Iba Taa Bane aeaslp Pnketa Ceark
na tom ad Mn. Hedaee adjatalac
Ikal ad tka A. B. 8nUb aatala. aad to
Hia. Badaea aiainad tkat Ua kadpa
damgia tka iraU aa kar ^aaa airf
taprara kar
aaatMttaa. Tka Baaltk aatala alaiatad
tkakadfa aiefa baeaBenl tkaaetkarwtoa
^ AaaiAad tkat tin k
BaUroad Oou
I ad all rallroada
totkaautadaplortactka itaat aatokar of aaeidaDU wklab ha«a raaaaUp
kaaa lapertad to kto i
«anta tkataHan ka toaaad to aeirtoa
■aa. lapraatoar aa Umb ika liaportaBM e( klowiar wktotlw at aU carrel
aad «kaa approachlaf
■ortaca, dad alaa that kalla ba roac
aaatiBBoealp wkaa la tka pmxialtp of
araatafa and aarvaa.
Tka MtoUcaa Seldlan’ Hma to bow
■ewdad to tka oatnaa Unit,
■an Uautoa tkaa it aw had bafeca
aad aw7 taab of apaaa to oaaaalad.
Tka utrana cold wMtkw jMt aew
•ado aaarlp prarp maa aa tka rolli
keek la kto plaoa aad than are jMi 40
■ore Baa la tka big laiUuilaa todep
tkaa than weraoaa pear age. Utt
paar waa a record breaker, too. Thera
an at preaeat TO Baa la tka koM aad
M woBoe. nerea woaaa aad
BOB aro U tka koepltaL Owlag to tka
Craataaaborof iaaatoa 11 baa beaa
faaad aeciiBtr to atlUca at^ bit of
anOlabU apaoa la ordar to aoeomBodata the ratoraaa. Eraa the poat
rooto wbara tba bw hara-------rabaabeeatekan poieiBUai^ aad Bade into' a'toaiporarp
Aomitorp. Than to no a
arewdiag, bowerer, aad do diMaUefae>
tloe aaioBf tbo Ban.
Hirtbara Mlehlcaa raaorte are likalp
to aajop a proaperoai eeaaoa tbia pear,
iBBiing arebltaata are malrinf BBB>er'
•as plana ter raaort baUdlaga, loeladIng a tbrea atorp betel at Baaet Baaab
aad ookUp aamaar rBldeaeia at We>
«aatoeaiBr. Thoaaa W. Barry of Datroll, wlU baUd aa eapaaslra raaidi
at Barbor Point, and plana an balag
■ada ter a oaaiao at Harbor Bpriaga.
Tbaoar larrp Maakegoa la teat la tba
alnab lea off Motkegae harbor. 8ba
baa kaoB than uora than w homn aad
'to apparaeilp in fer a tong alcga.
•kaap prleai aaaoi to ba aAap ap In
loaia eoBBtp at pnaant. A bayar caUadeaaL
and naked what be would take for a
baaab of twnaiy Umbo ba bad. Tba
InrBB did not wish toaell tbem.ac be
anld be wMlda't taka l«a tbaa to par
bead ter tbaot, tblnklag
oaan tba bapor eat. lBataad,bowanr,
tbo BOB Jampad attbaofler.aad eleaad
Iba deal right tbera.
OaB Cily boaata of tba only factory
to mahigaa for tba maBafnctara of paa
knmaten aadbanebara. tbataawry
traa atarwd laat aamBor by tba WatV
toator A Hau Uaaataciariag Co., and.
aUheagatbaatoaoewat tar adyaaead
batoa tka pUat waa ataricd. tM boaklBB wan aold aaaily aad tow yaarb
•atpnt Will pnbakly raa^ |.mo. Tka
Bi aaliB an aa aoeatnetad aa to ba
aaaily attaebad to any mwiag ma*
AtHmh Braeah an twPBM who
Ban each loat a lag. and aa la cm oaao
- H waa tba right and tba ether tba left
lag, tba two of tbcB pool ltbalr'faBda
wkaa they need abonaad bay only owe
pair. Tkeir feat an tba aanae else ae
IbM owe pair doca aioaly tor beto aad
L towatoao BoadMWMlaoMaboaeat
b adawp pair. M Boat OMlHgad pi
An “old tolka’ daaoa" to to ba bald at
BaM aaea wbtoa wUl ba tba ganalaa
thiag. Tba iarltatiaaa atako that
eklldnaander tSpaanef bga wiu ba
altowad aalato aoaoBpaalpd hg ibalr
-Of eaBne.t add the Baa wba aema Bleed with tka laagailj Pnt^ Pnrtp to Ear Bower Teatardap tlnlsaa fscu rery carefnily asd tkco
datlws itotokau with peoderDWi aaloflaaa. Tka owaw aae
anaUMO. "I don't profeB to kanw
ban tbaa aabp anUtagatUtW. 7tb
mnA aboat Job. ext^idng that be was
ptototdap aturnaan. glna la boner of a gnat and adaiinUe Bibikal char
naaa tohtog boaha to or fieBtha Ina Berrp fay kar otoealBatet
“He was the moat paticot of all
el^ Ubwp an argad to pntaat tl
Mto. Marie and goBoa won anjop- BMk.* eotamented tba ariaa mend.
too anew or rain.
The »tber looked up at jke sky sad
ad and latnabiaaBtB wan aamd.
%1X thaaa who partMpatod to tba
Tka faUewBg wan proMot: Don tbeo rwnarfced: ‘I don't know voatbBapa Band BlaaWal tone IM paar, and OnaU Bnaa, Bn WetaUr. Bdaa er be was as patiem u it to paaMble
eqaaatodto Baat la tba hand Halmca. Goal B oarp. WUbalBlaa,
Martlo. MibU Sbana. Bn Riabarda.
I rather bdd and
K bw the modiag.to arrange ter ton aoBiag big pre- Leak Ptasiaia. Udn Oagna. SaUla.
otber Ifflproralaatlew.
May, Mareedea, BttMU. WUIUb, John.
broagfat cbancea tor being
Than will baa r«aUr «
^tUto rbl^ Job bad new dreamed
tkto aeBalagafTiawM Clip ftoaptw.
-Wto.' dr." »
Hto log Badly Otokad.
Be. 1M.IE A. $L
dto Pnd
-Tea. I know; I knowl But Xok
■daaaAap •nwiag a wp Aaliikllal
wwBin Betnrday
Bdgbt hare been eraa amn patUat
parto waa glwi bp tkwtr daagbtan la
nadtirlag down kill witha load than be was If be bad been bon re
baaaref tba twaatp-Aflb aaalwwp
cently. Did Jobererbarea.dalaka•
W the aarriaga o< Mr. and Mn. ipBaa of loga i^an tka look ahaU broke, ap fen eoagTBiP*
Marrla of Waat Promt alroi t. A ^aaa- aattiag tka land.!' Belag aaar a win
-Not to my knowUdga.-Of eoorae aoC Did be era- fbd
■nt Ubo waa anjopad ^ the aoBpasp foaaa baaoald not getaway and wm
aaagbt ondar the loga and toanad to caOed npon to .talk tbioakti a loagdUtance telepboneP'
Itwaa aaarlytoo
waladan oc tka dap.
-Tbe Idea U absord."
bafen ha wba dtoaowad bya(i
-Uttcfiy. Did be erer ran for gor>
A wpplaamttpar^ waa gieaa oa
Dr. Payne, who waa eaaw
arnor of Kmitocky, or wait for an oldFadaaadap analag bp Mn. Ida Awp
taabioned borae rart Then U no
teaad kto right 1« badly saabad
. boner of bar Boibar, llra.Oraaa.
doabt about it. Job had bU trooblea.
Scree and namerons; hut there are a
Ma, J. E Madia i
lot of cbancea for being patient that
taaebwe of tka 1
aw aae
Bnemlea of Ibe cigarette never ORe ■be misoed by being boro tea aoon.'*
aeboed Wadaaadap awtog ter kw Bgbt of It.
LUt of LaSSecB.
A tnaa'a ftnli* aitnct more attandaaghtwEban.
tloi tliap liU rinuea.
Tka O. E A1. haa jaat roaawad a let
. Tre otBoe lioy o«-v»r aetn ap bU em
of firet mortgage bbada ter a toTB otIO ployer es liU kli-al hero.
.IMapaan, at41< par aaak per aaaaB. Tka
Money ist^ bnt <>ue rap*! almya
prartoaa rata wat 7 par earn
exebaoge ulk tor currency.
Wadatodap algbt. two poaag Baa
The RUB seiK ouly In the wcet, bvt Burntort MeWa
BUlw giwt
a aoeUl gatk- an old ben Ird'I w> iiarltcuUr.
Ikete Is no |>Uce like borne when tt
arlBC aboat Bldalght, toasd a
Ipiag la tba aaow oa Bawood araaaa, cornea to dnwlax a Rmall aalarr.
•b latoatoatcd and la dao» ar
Vme Astwm NelUc
that other peopU aay U Impoatoble to
nine anil
od traeilBg. 8ha bad toUaa aad wae do.
_»ob adrartiaedUth
to dmk that aba eoald aotrtaa. She
SoBietImea a man baa.bl* own way
Oaonea W. Ratp,
rai token to bar boBe bp tba poaag according to a dUgram fnrnlabed by
bla wife.
Many a man doesn't care wbat a Eb Bdttor'a Lite Bared by Ouabar:
Tba trmla oa tba O. &. At. dae bare
tailor charges for clotbca—jost ao ba
Uat Blgbt at 7:M did eot arrlra ebargea IL
laUk Cough Bemedy.
aatll aearip lea o’aleek. oa aoeoaat of
A man's gallantry crops ont when be
Daring tba early part of October.
baarp aaowoa tka ttaek oa tbo Bala la eotertalolng a voiuan wbo la not ro ISM. looatrmeled a bad cold wbleb
uted to him.
aattlsd on my Inogs aad was neglaeMd
Tbe indlridual wbo cllmbs to fama
aatartalneda party and fortnne orer tbe sbonMers of otbof poaag ladtoa at too Uat aranUg.
trt must look down on ibdr hatred.
Jeba a Akan to daad at the koBa of
Don't ovensork yoitraclf. Jon Imag
alarvad mad after girlag the
htoaoarraabUBiBgkaB. attbaaga ine bow mlRcralile yon wonM be if you baemma
loeal doetar m trial bomgfat a bottle of
eflOpeara. Ha oaBe to tkto areUoB of Onlibsd all i-our wort: today and had fUambarUUb Ooa^ Bcinedy i '
tba atota thirty paan ago aad ainea
raamlt was lumadUte improi
and attar I had oato Urae hot
than baa worked B«t of tba Use at
langi m
bla trade of bUekaBltb.t>aUg ter err
Publiahar of
oral paan a realdaat of tbto eltp. when
Tbe Erlaw. Wyaal f
Pol aala by
Mima • rWlM*i>a BuIIa
S. B Walt and P. C. 1 Bipaea. dragiMorkad ter the MaraaaUU Oo. ar d
otbara. Ha loaeaa two toaa. Prank and
John. The teoaral wlU be bald today
troa iba ehueh at i>i»igi.«i«
At tba Baellag of tba Woaaa’a Clob
tbto aftaraooD at CM. tba program wQl
bate Anrga of Mias dnrnb.1. i«a. Tba
anVJaet will ba -Ika WoBnn Wriian of
the United Stotea."
Mr andMn. J B. HteUberg of St
Ignaee. arrlred to the Mty ynteidey
for eetoltwltta the family of Jallea
Mias Bdaa Orecn left yaaterdey ter
barboBMlB Ohio, after a etolt w.tb
bar atoter, Mra. D. Qm-kiib
Mr. and Mra. Oleaon of CtodtlUe
paaaed throagh tba
yaaterdey on
their way to etoit Cbea. E Heleoo of
Mortbport. They an the paraata of
tba boy who waa klUad raeently while
eoaatiag at CbdllUe.
pby and Caotga Cfcaaat an la the dty computing amrgttt la ter the I
a of “By tba
Sad Sea Wane.” U tba City, Open
Hoaaa Pabrnarr a
CUade laeoaey retarnad Wadii'<
day algbt from aa estaeded tear
tbroagb ladUoa, Kentaeky aad VirgiaU.
Mr. aad Mn. Cbarin Vaadarllp left
OB the Iton Marqoattoyeatorday mornUg for Preeport. wbert they will aUy
tUl Monday moralag. After a rUlt
with Mr. Vanderlip's atoter they will
leare for eeetern Canada to rtoit
Uilna. ••
Cepuu B. .SmaU and wife aad aoo
Leo of MUwaakee, an theiaMta of
AUea HnyaoB aad family. The Cap.
toU will make a abort trip to OharUnUon-baalBaB.
WiUUB BobUeea of Soath Boardwa. waeUtbeei^ poawdayon bas-
#»»««•»«• •asHS«a«a« ••••••»»
1 Removal Shoe Sale I
Hot A lot of shelf worn shoos. We oaa sswn yoa
from 10 to 50por oent OD yoor phoehUls the next
SO dnys—Inspect them—get oar prices and we will
oonwince yon that no other shoe hooee ofEsra each
goods for the same money.
After Karch 16 we will he at 849 Front Street.
Old Reliable
An Interesting Case I
Ciisiltitin fm.
Extraordinary Bargains
Will move a winter stock this late in the season—
and we are prepared to meet voor expectations.
W« nice ur Whole Wietoi Stock oo Solo Totor-Cloao,
This Soasoi's Goods, at loss thu Baoknft
or Fire aod Watei Slocks.
Men’s Duck Coats, each...................................... 46c
Children’s Knee Pant Suits, each.................... 46c
Children’s Knee Pants, each..............................
Ladies’ Beaver Jackets, each............................ $1.20
Table Oilcloth, seconds, per yard............
Men’s Heavy Underwear, each..........................
Mackinaws, to close, each.................................. 76c
20 AU Wool Ulsters, to close at........................$8.75
25 Beaver and Frieze Overcoats, to dose___$8.75
Men’s all wool fine Kersey OvercoatE lined, to
close at......................................
We do not reserve a single item from onr winter
Slock. Everything goes at Sacrifice PrictE
All of onr higher grade warranted clothing, nothing
reserved, marked way down.
til our Wiotei Hoairir Solo Shoos, Lomhonnoa's Robhers,
Foils aod Soi Marked Dowa Far Nolow
Cost ot Pfodoctioo.
Room is what we want. Room is what we must
faavE It will pay you well to make next winter pur
chases now
Our Linen and White Goods Sale is a grand
success—All prottonnee our stock’to be the finest
ever shown in the city—Sale continues..
Tbe Original and only Bargain Givers^
in the Grand Traverse Region.
The Boston Store,
fire InsGrance. For Fire Insurancr
L. L. A. BuUdlng.
John R. Santo,
Geooral lisoraico.
Mated U mv arvacy.
iolusaBtet Thmn.
Wsmtara K!<Mk.
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews aud Bulger
la tbe Uteat revtoloa of tbe Wg veue'et UU operetta,
m “By the Sad
& Sea Waves”
Everything absolutely new bnt the title of the piece
Ran lOS Nights at Herald Square Theatre, N. Y.
36-Stars of Comedy-36
A KaleMoaeone o< Ooler
A Merry MeUaee of Melody
Tbe Se PIu Ultra of Beftaod
■easely. Tbo beaae reared of
ten and loodly • • • rnealledtbe
—New Torir Herald.
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
Makto a tpedal^ of aU MuoaU dUeascs.
dlsMSM of rrema. tbs eye. esr. buss aad
thraal Hs to Mpeda'lj satMtotel ia tb<
of aa early ekoUa from a
netk, wbUe It Ua«. Be dnUwta
an to be had to the «Ba Mip
In aearlj ewery department, particohu'lj in winter
clothing—Every nook and comer U £Ued with win
ter goods, and ao room for oar large Spring parchases DOW commenciag to arrive.
We are forced to dispose of many items at a
sacrifice, althongh merchandise is advancing every
day-We apptedate the fact that only special
Dt. G. H. SNOW, '
at Jaa. a 3^
tetokaaltk. OalpMaatJ
After two weeks of tedious stock Uking, we are at
last throagh, to find onrselves
Mr. Henry Beclman’s caae wliich he explains, serves to illuetrate
tbe inUUke physicUos often make in diasnoeis. Tiiey do not always
look deep enongb to locale tbe true cause of the synptoma, which
many timea. u with Ibis imtient, woald seem to be a number of dis
eases. With Mr. Beelman tbe cause proved to be doe to the oonditiOQS kuoam as -iitbaemia,*'in which the waste materiaU were not
changed by the vital chemistry into urea, but instead into tbe ineor.
uble urates and uric acid which the kidneys were nosbie to readily
eliminate from tbe blood—acoomulsting in the system they caos^
the symptoms d>-acribed below.
“I can aay that 1 think Dr. Know is a very skillful physician. My
Mr. aad Kim. Ckarln Chaaaei
,health has not been good for a long lime; I have been in the hands of
Oadar, an U the dty.
Harry Bdwanto o< Ubeelda. to rtolt- a prominent phyaician for two years, bnt bis me^dne instead of help
ing me made me worse. I bad a good deal of trouble with my longs
lag the family of 9. a Morgan.
P. O. Beamnaa weal to Ontral Lake and chest, sneb a tightoeae there, and eorenesa. My noae and bead
were always stimied np, aad
I was ao
m very dizay, with mahing of
.ad 1
Uat night on bnl
blood to mv heM, aad my bead ached and felt very mneb dinrewed.
A Prtgkttel Blaate
My hesurt best very hard and ponnded. and tbnmped,
. aad I oonld
often eeana hordble Bara, bsjdly breath. My stomach and bowels were very aore and «Haetimee
Hoeld. Cat or Bnlae. Baaklaa’s Aral- there was tbe most severe pain in them, and all over my body, bowels
B ^InwU! can tba pain and proBpt- very constipated, and my stomach gave me a great deto of tromble.
U l^ii. Cam Parer Sorea, Uloara.
Oorna. all tkU BrmpUeoa. Beat; My food wonld not digek and my appetite was very poor. I could not
We can oa earth. Only M eta. a boa.- sleep at night, and I do not believe 1 wonld be living today if I had
Cora gaarMtaad. 8^ by Jaa. G. not fonnd help. I consulted Dr. Snow and he gave me medioiae that
Jebaaoaaad 8 E WalU di4g atone. made a great change in a few da^. 1 feel that my health now is very
'toasa.-------------------good for a man of my age. All tbe old s^ptoms are enred and I feil
BeaaBbar Pnt. BQnn A Sank strong and well if there are any, wbo, like myeelf have tried o^r
atopd DaaUQff.
Sanaa at MarUagkk academy to- pbysieians and failed to get help, t believe Dr. oaow can core jtm if
E B. Maadap. alawparodBawtotto.
wy one can."
EEKBY BEELMAM, IWerw aty^Mieb.
Tan. oaao foolad a gran-diggar. Ba
npa: “Up bretkar waa wp lew with •mtosBarfMM
en what eoank Oar eoantwa an
lined with eoaalUB nrUtUe of
r aaptot BaUrto,
I m parlAae tba
The Boston Store
Teetli BttrietM for 25o
OfiMinKBmlltoBftiaUikMiBkNik. OaM Btmt SEtnuMK
lae'ndiBC Uie real BoropeaB «mmUob, MLL^ LB 6BTE Slmt Som
tbe FoUce Bergera. Parto.
$00 Mathew t lilgor's Eotirelir Now Spoeialt;.
PrioM-^sIWy, a and 85c; rCMirad seats, 60, 75c, $LO0; boi
W «f0^ /7-OT/f* I
pili; Wanted
aWd platform j
A Moa teaervere and aaaally
paiafal inflaanaatioa ef the ead of tka
finger, anre coauacnly efttar the tbamk
Bafera tkaaartato geaa «p at Ibr or index finger of tbe right hand, for
a «• •'klah natr
_ . Olty Opan Booaa totockt. It te prob tbareoaoatfaot tboee are moot expoaad
laa Haa AnalarA-la tori*. aba»a
ate' able that atoadtor roen o^ will W to tbe Uttle wooade from wtakto tbe
mow U foH» dM*. Thon hon aoa Oator OMbiaa >•
ItkavOarof aSaln. Toara area tow teOQhte •teTte:bot any of tbafi^ecA
■ • MMlMT o( •rrwka ea tba AtMate toft, bat tkooa who dealra to rn or evea one of tba toee. may ta tbe amt
tkan ateoaUaet delay a BOMt. a* Ofafeloa.
■ an 8.M0 e a of laflM
' Tbe iaWammetioB etarte geaecaily
year WhatbemMof tbaiat It te like the teat wOl bo tokeo probably baforr from tbe prick of a pin or needle or
aaktoc what bacooMa of ptaa aad olkto
from a leratoh ca cat. bnt oftea tba
UBtaa HawigatttCertfa*aa«ajil« tktogawhiiAaio
Tka Boatoe Ladtea Bya^aoy Or- wonnd ia ao eUgbi that no notice te
tm Msmomt. B. T-. mloam, tha proi
ekaalra. who fantek tka fifth maaVr token of It katil tbeflager taglnate
’ w —Hxalt hv to ba Araak Tka
BMora aiaUac a goom It la worth OB tka Hlfk fiahoel Uetoro aad Maate grow aore. Tbe aorcMe a»na pateee is>j«Mt Mat aba wwAnAfnAaaU^ iaaaaA wbUa taeoatedar kovartlfldal taatk
Oearaa.araiaakadaaooa of tka my to actoal peia. and tbierapidly becoma
aia niada Tka at«7 te told in KaavA^veaktoMUaa.
oo tka lyaaaB plat moat intoBM and thrabtatog. and aoma1 u
At Baatoa. Ba*. Or. Bdmtd BvaraU tocketaf a aea ca^in who waa a great form. Tba AltooWo. PA. "Itom" aaya: tlmea te fait all the way np the ana.
wbtetter aakil be kwt ooa of kte boot
It U woroe when the hand ie allowed
•Ifcira to^aallaa aa »aator ot Aa toatk by aoeMealal aontaet with
••Ob fiataiday algbt tba Baatoa
to hang down. Tbe taU of the finger te
Aiati TBW^iir - T • ^—•- "-Mtlmebab.
hot. red aad awoUen. At the eame time
Bar. latoaalA
t. outn be fooBd of twaatyyoaag todlaa, raadirad oaa Ibo parieat faala more or leee ill. b feUm. Dr. Bate that be ooQld wbtette rerr well witb aa ef tbe Saaat pragiamt ef high atom
varUfa. and haa a bmdacbe aad rapid
anlfidal tooth wbittlad oat of a plaea moele ovw board to tkte atty. The potea
d to ba a aaparb oagaaWbeo tbe laflammatioD ie deep eealPlaMaiA, H. 3.. alalaa to kara aora of wood. Wbaa a perfonna&co wae dw
ia«waci aiaaha fir aaaito tkaa aa^
toaOoa aad them prmaat aa^oyad aa ed. pu collecte beneath the perioatenm,'
cteor aad pat ^ to ptottoa Tfaa tba
or membrane corerlag the bone, aad
aiBtotoaaialkaatoaM. AfaraAara1 waM aatil tba l«ith aaoaael treat aad oaa that will net tbU greatly iorreaMi tbe diatrem aa
. aaailf «raa firaa
MO to ttaa.
awaited by tba awtotara of bte eooo ha forgottaa. Tba program om- well M tha daagtr If allowed to go on
taaeod ootoottoaa from Maadalmeha. aareliered. the ' *
At Parte than tea naorto aOaia) Btoatbao that It woald aot aUp oai
Uc pm
Vbaa-pUtaa wart dteeorared aad tba Eoaatol. BaadM. Wagaor aad atbar Bp the linger Into ibe palm of lb# bead,
< atealaa bataot laaMUa to aatbadtoazprrt deatlet waa abla to aopply a
^Otaaaaaiaaa, tbata rebalUoabaa oa- wbtda Dootbfal of aew taeth. tba taath omiooat oompoaan. aadlbY wwa raa- and then the ixinditiun biTuniea a moat
aeriona one
la alm<><i any raae when Ooi.l aewdlag to qoi
'aMaaiaaoar tka BnnilanMi troopa to tbrmwIVM were carred oat of iTory. derod la a aMot oaqatelto maaaor.”
rChtotoaa Tbara araoaly lU trUta Bat cooitaotirrindiiigwoaldwearaway
‘ Pablo Bomaai.*' whUb wUl Beipraa- team ajum or leee of tbe Iwne will dia
“I tblak I wonld go eraty witbipain
iMHahaolAtontbara andar aoBUtaad tbe lr<iry. ead Ibeee clepbaat teeth
eated at Stetobanr'i Oraad next Taaa. leavingtbe end of tbe fingercripiiled or were Itaot for Cbamta'Iato'e Pile
.at«anJor. Tha BoadaaaaaforMOoe¥ Dot eatiefectory
{Helm." writee Mr. W. B. SUetotoa.
day. Pafaraary «. te a romaaUe melo dieflgnred by ■ deep ecHi
Today all artiflcial teetb are made of
ratoteof two baltaltoaa, iritha total of
porcelaia. aad wilt oatlaet a HetbalAODaiaa.
aaUb Tboee which are kaowa la tbe veageanea and Ie eatd to
noMaxteaa amkaaaadnr at Waak- trade ea “atcre teeth." betoy carried la tael
playe of thj^rder
that order nu tate, the
*.1 PUT.
S^e Tp^lrntton
«■VmwaaoaaoIlBaJ»ve>w.v —«ock by the big deatol npj.ly boaaea. pnblie. The
. .f
Tb«r moat be frrnnrntly renew. -aWtroi tbe neln. For eele by 8. E.
■toaaad Maxtoilltea to death. BaroaMa
maantoetored la eDontMioa qoaatl- ploy have beeni earetelly eelectod lor | ....................................................,
for if allowed to get wapn they will, Walt aad F. C. Thompeoa,
rhompeoa, drngglaU
lOaacalBraUar, wife of the Aaelrtea tier
the eharaetere aielgDed them and eon-1 act m poplticoe and rather beeten enp- j
nwatbotoodor, roeeaUy deeliaed to acTbe porcelaia materiaL which coa- elit to part of each well known people | pnrption than amvt it
At the eame.
tow Curw —WBPfMP'n
. a«t bte meort at « atota diaaar aad tatoc rariooa miaeral proportiona te ee Aiden Benedict. Bngene fientley. O ’ time the arm ibonld lie kept to a elii - .WhIlB WhM of Tar Dyrup, the
CBmMaat MeStol^ te qalto ladicaut worked op Ilka •
of doagh or pl^ a. MoOata, J. 8. Pehrmaa. O. U Bay. ' with tbe hand rawed and reeling oa beat coogli remedy on earth, curee a'cedd
in time. MondAOcta
*•* *" ajtfoov
tesee beat to a fnrnace. Each tooth ia (Bond aad
If the infUnmatioD doee not rapidly
laCermaUM baa hoeeDtly eoma from covered with eaamel aad baa ooe or prodnetlon wUl be unto the pereonal 1 ^^idonirfer thte'tt^tm«l."we'Sto Pitot Ua« gloet
Wr^av of Importaat pobUe worka jnore metal piaa ia the tack to bold It
ipervlaton of Mr. Aidea Beaedtot wbo;
it end try to bring mitten to a • Towellag at So par yard. The Boe.
Bkvtto ta aadartakMi by tha gorcra- to the plate
adapted the play from Marie Oorrelli*e bead by meena of ponliicee or wet
ton Store. 8
HMlof ttatooanUy.aadthattbepeola Urge lota tbeoa toetb can ta made weU known novel, 'The Vendetta." clolta appUed aa bot at they can be _ ..
.--------------------------^mo imtkiar oaiBoeUy tor a■.**!**■ {eety cheaply, bat there U one item of AUtheeeeaaty far tba prodaettoo te borne and changed very often.
, Madia ttodenriT
_ ,
t_. expne that eanaot ta ovarcomA aad
' Tbeonly thing to ta done when ptu' for torn than ooat of material. Tba
’ .
............. toatUttaeortof tbeweUlholdiiuttbe
-..AaiatkeawlrHltoaot aportatlM ^^ Tba only metal whid. wiU ataad doetto^ ta toe aa« aa wrtgtoal^
^ peinfnl eno^h for toe -----------------------ra^idaoaMoimllroa throagbaa
theInteaee bmt of the porceUto for. daya
enraa^ ea
aa b
prevent maoy
fcpmiaat awrtifai ef Oragaay.
aeee U pUtinnm. end that corte at the OraM
Banter baa baaa engaged
e 'tI***^*^ aente enfferina
aaBeri&g and
and all
all dannr
danger eg
^ a W. aaowa,
Lteat. Btogim
of the Bae^
aimply for tbe raw apaelal faatara aad wiU appear la her •------------------------- __ ._______ I,
, material Agraat deal of money baa famoM Fire aad glarooptleoa
bkod p„u„iU.,t! SJfi.lS2"«fSSV"
—Tonto'a Oh
' **** “P®"* *“ experimeato to diacovar
aad ««rtMB
. aaga ba doaa aot bel^a tba
^ aotalllate for pUttonm. bnt aotbThere te ao qaootan bot what tboae
.toaoowmtolaad aay raaUy vital blow to j^g haa yet heap foatxL
cBteatk Afrtoa aad tM tba war raomtoa
while a cheap gradeof “itore laetk* their lateet varaioa of toe big vai
'•abatoogbi. Ba doaa aot aatUipato'eaa ta boaght for afewceatoapieoe. vllle opecetta. -By toe Bad Sea Wa<
teMeealve Bepelro Her P* HeA* We*
.- My trooMa bo'.wana ito** an^ Baeala they are not nearly aa aatidaetory aa
T*rr uitl* H*a*r.
- g. ; tbe ateadard oommercUl artlcU which will open to aa Immewe aodienee at
A eign banging la front of a aboe'^Awd'^
ia fael. bleat, itko- i U «»ed by ^ deatUta- A big aopply
tedefl believaa aa alltonoe tatwaea «>®peoT wlU
bnndredaof eaaiplea
Uteat verelon which evidently aboande J ..Secondhand Shoe. With New Uppere. - 1 Tta w. a. e w. a. Moob. awwrai praeur* aiw
in no ead of opportnnlUee and that* n
alm>.t aa th..ogh a pair of
V ,l«color.k.. from >5 10 ICT-ii.- Hatbeweand Balgar have taken dae, aecandband «buea witb new nppera
------At Waahlogtoa tbe Cbtoeae flag. tioDa may ta preawsted.
advantage of them, goes wlthonl aay-' wonld ta practically new aboea. bnt in. OSco. OUr Opera
< ohowtog a hege dragon on a yellow) Bat m there ere people who are not tog. Thrir maBagere. Memrt Danne ! qttttJ toowed that tbie imprwwion waa C*
f«tod. WM htoetod ofor the Chip— *•'’
, Tbo. “ . »
_ .
there an people who are oot aatiifled ud BrI.r
-legation Wedaeoday to hoaorf of me _i... .—a»_.k F,tee teeth
f ralrvrWlT.
eOktoaoa Sew Year. The appearance ■
than bemg. Mile. LeSeye. Jane
Uft .'good deal of tbe old.
tka fiig at fall auat waa aUo takan | ,«•] onea. bot pablic apeaken. lingera Bomie Challenger. Mtoa Hickman, j The new npper thot pnt in la a new p c oiLBi
Prabaw praeUeefcoo ovldeaee that the Ohiaaaa ofBelaU ,ud other prominent people want their Uabelle Eotheia, Agnee Waybnra. vamp, the front pert of tbe npper. The a.;;^iue<te:8uia.
•fioaotaceepltberaport that the em.'ownteethreprodncedftaUtheirpocul- Mable Meredith, Br* Letlle. Marie old counter, or tack part of tbeehoe.1„
.i. ,, .,i.- lu,
.awwof Cktoa te ocad.
liatitieeof fnrtn mod coW aad filliaga Wood. Marie DelUfontotoe, Lottie etUl remain* It it a familiar fari that W. aiSSkmujtlto.
1^ they have them They want teeth Bttenger. Ned Waybnra. W. J. Dem-1 white the cjnnwr may break down «
a rn-wm.
Drivea to toaaaligr by rellgloa* eeab ,hat cannot ta told a> falee. and they lag. W. B. MeCert, Tony -Hart. Tboa. 1 wear ont or get a bote in tt tomebow It Cu5io4IUIllhmBJoak.Tfn*waeClW.
Me. aad Mia. Ohartoa Speaear. raaldtog get them, oot all at once pertispa. bat
Eieman. Barry Stoeallr. Oeorge
*'‘“'1^ «* ttay wmnd and _ ------------------------------------------•am m farm to Moana eoaaty, Kaaaaa,' one by oae. ae tbe origioaU give oaL
good. It te the front that crarke and O.
tetoame Imbaad with tba Idaa that they
la teeth that are made to order nothI breoka-' And no in patting aecondhand a^BloM.
. rwkd -beeaeMlodaptobyOodto aacrl-, tog U imponjbte. from the ehort. white
The operetto, "By the Sad U-- ahoea In order new vamp*
- <=.
SSSSSiS:: ....
John F. On &Co.
Inmn Chi
Cl TfinraiGllr, - * llllll(ii
Best to be had in
the city is at
8e« umplw in ariadow.
Gnri UpUb « lifiui Bf.
' *1—..—
li ;!SSS6a2S8«fi8bSII9«a :Sa8B8
° Tb* r dtp. swale haa park* aar-ta Oveta
Bonae on toe *.k
Sto tm
te m.a high ------->------->
priced Bt.l
el- (
„ fc.ving nn-1" ■
>■ « aea H. Wo- TValaavrtTfagM laOp ■- Aaa altypar OS
tnctlon. and toe manegore of the
dergoneextemrive repairt ri wonld atm
ctaaaU to OraaC BapMv aad eaack ata alam
-aaUI ItwaaCrcaea to death. Tba
and alnmlninm. boi the blgbeet pany Inetetod opon having toe
’* ee*
boa ■: lOte Ua. I
^Mktafb baada aa^ teol ware badly aebievemeat U conaidered totaapUtTualB arrlviagM*nop. w. haaeha'r car FV
•firoam. Tha ekerlff waa aetlfita, aad; loam pUte. opca which bae been foeed agerWUbelmnrgnedegalBct nob high I ehank and tta inner eote and the gen,8. a. a. FLOOD. OBoe te a
mOm a tard atrag^ fipeaear waa' a lialag of tinted porceUin aimiUi to priom and
knd finally ..
It wat arranged
that j •«» •‘“ta •wl framework of toe tooe. Blgei
^ Mertam'^eoe. te: Bell.
a batogaae^mry.toat Oaedfor gam work- Tinted pUtea IP. primp dip.ld b. >1 ud 1! Ip IP.
a I. LOOKWOOD, Q. P. a T. A. OvaOA BapUa
>.----------1., Ih,t<rtal
lABriN. Pbrteeua eta lerjim. Oteea.
, bare beeo
made of .u--------tbe i
J- Ltale
aad reeerved mate, SO,■ 7& and
I'aa tbeteeth. bnt aatbeporceUinebrloha gallery,
------ *-------------------------------venona Oe*.
Ka-te: rtateeaea. Ha ngl
‘ to tbe firing tbe fitting of aacb plalee »l- Boa aaala. fil-M- Tkto wUl
original -ateea aad miaeeee. Ha. n.
t men to toe
tboae wbo eaaaot afford reaerved eeate' ^i'ality eadtbeir oondttioa. A pair of -^8. _ .. BOOTT-lthree other
at blghar prlem to tee to* attraetfoa j eecondbaad ahoee. reeoted and rebeeted ^
*AklidraB to toe fateUy' from the gallery, where the i
fortalIttteeeadoUar.—NewYorkSon. at,*aded. T»t*phaa«wo.A
oomo eon*.
LBwnUaeeioty la New York te fiadiag
a family
L.:.I xlT Ui.uZj •toteaandteimetimm
to regret toe Hetroeol-:
At BoLdlalo tbebebonie pUgee te
0«neralJy. b<
however, they are
riMa Opma Hotma tAm wae reMt y
,b* owner and lie forevm laid to be Bnder ooatrol and ao aew
nof a pet, dog ebow. Wkra hidden to the gronod
eaaee bavtog baea reportod. a feeltog
.tke doge arere taka away they Uft! It u occaaiunally raggeated that there ofaeenii^ prov^U la aa effort to
btolad to toe bangiagi of toe tanm | te qnite a bnainrae in aecondhand febe .ump ont too plagae. it wm deeided Am Uaunlly Due to Secue Ds>
-Md to toe oeabloa^ eeate a largo
itobnrnoao of the btoeka of Cbtoarangemeot of the
A nun WAHTBD-AI Keawa Citr Oav
Secundtand j
A HUl atone*, that eaa kaep *>w« ap
alerted end
- -M.toam bare etoee foud rmtlng"“"’
.gained eneb headway that tba fire
. awa.. g .. Honma.
V-aMe ia fkafieoaUetto gowaa of toe
into tta' band* of rrgnlar teeth ! department aoald not ooatnd it. The
o wbo attended toe opera, and makere they ere emaabed op to get toe | fire daetroyed 1* btoeka The moet Wbicb (tea be Kemedted by tooUM o«
-«a a toaalt there hqa been maeh eom- pUtinom ont
aotobU boUdtog burned woe tbe EauM Mn>*l.<tek VaHi addlUea. lor im
erawMS*. AbarxaU. Joha Varlr
Not long ego e man wbo fonad a nakapiU. toe moet eomfortable edlflea
Tbe Bertto Loknt Anoeiger reprtote double art of teeth went w^ tbem to or Ita ktod to Hoocdnlu- It ooatatoed
dealer, toinking that ta bad a priaa a large pipe orgaa valood at M.ooo
tan nSUgad aecrot deerao-teanad by toe
Tta finds wai aorprioed wbea tbe dmlBetwaaa
pMpnm dowager of China to the gov I er refnoed to make aa offs end mid
mined rceif '
oaa XMATCH, o.
**** that 10 deata a eet wat ail they were rendered bomeUm and are now living
It te anally tta kidney* wUefa fint
get ont of order, and mnee beckeebee, I —
toratgaara^worth to aay one bnt toe psaoa whom
SeotUebs and nrinery booUea
(tend oven to war. The lengaege te very
pontb they fitted
There te no better medUna for tta
Tbe expenaive teeth are not macket- babtee toaa Ckambslaln^ Oeo^ Bern fills* of tta blood tbe kidney* work <
abte. and toe markeubte teeth are not ady. Itt pimmnt mate and prompt bard to remove from the body tta Um it------aw «C MlftmlW ftr OMOTb toM axpenrive That te tbe whole thing In and effeetoal earm make it a favorite trace of poiaoaon* nric acid, bat they | J
erito motoere and amall ehUdrea. It
a nntebeU
OMtFa Moob7
. ,qplppl>™™.lPriT~.tP..ppP
Ym teeth have ™
been need
Utm u.
witp . .ri
«ko wboto eystem
Dr. Cbaec'* Eidney-Uvs Pille atrita
takeag* toe maeene eartaeaa Sob ar- a. wPowmidad SP. ppU JPpl ip. JSJtlSiSr.i
nt tta root ot trouble by mAking Ike ^AHTETMTh^^S
Malmakoald never be aaedeaeeirt oa bad alwaya admired toom teetb wbea aa we have boaa able to learn,
kidney* •troog,
etrooc, bcelthy aad
and vigurona.
ipraetelntlma from repotabU pbyal- tar moths wore then, and now that bs only
croop, bat when glvea m
ore Brigfaf* dlMmc, dietny.
«ctaM.ne toe damae they wUl do te qwn were gone abe wenttid tbe old mt
dUtatm end mil dimtom of tbe kidneya,
.555 p.
ctote <oM to too goof yoa oaa pomibto
livs end bledds. m well m cknmic BStahtlta. UatoeaWaat.
•rimtoo Ciom toom. ^BaUU Oatorrh Oaro BoatonHsmld.
coaBtipdSoe. They have woo tbe ed*UoD Of old peopU la nertlcoUr, be. L hSoA
toemterityaad toonaa^efttaparoa■c they make it pomlbtefs tbem U j nii* i*v aaite. i
>y ia old age tta comfort end imi c. W. raon. Agt.
-Wse tose no exte
a com ictefl with tta caeer
eBjototo UbaytogBaUbOatoftoOBra
Ftajale l^^ffj^Waltitod F. C.
Mr. J. O. Brigbtawo, Udyard, N. Y., jglvmB DOS BLOCUa-Fvr a akan ttae
•‘No. nothing bot nttenneteddieam4h «mo yoa got too goaatae. ft te
writs: “1 as e bUckamitb, end bavv
bed kidney dteeme ta ita wac*l form.
-What do yoo mmn by tbatf
bkmter ipMtt toe amt At timm 1 <miM oot atraUbten op. ead
“The dMaadant'e drenastaaom wen darabtovamteh
for five yeon I wm nevs tree from back
•^hgDr^gMhfctoarae parbel. mndooedtoat ba coaid aot afford to
ache end terrible peine. Mr. Atexands
•agnge ■ ceVPtoeat attcraey. "-Pitta- Tt Cwt U ftw ^
Tbomm tocommendad I>r. A. W. Omm-a
Bam Family P^Bfo too beak
PUU aeUgbly that 1 triad
batg CkRtel^Telarapk.
So rsnodv eqnaU Waxjpsb'8 Whitx Eidn^-Uvs
them, aad om now cntUcly tree from
«etob wvtttem.
Moaod total dteenoa. If tokos toorCbtef^'m aatirited with yov takdM pttl a doee, as eeirta a box. at ^
writtag But can yoo write tosttamdi
AppUmat-Yaa but U tekm kupsi tove Im Mm tl. Buvor flit
mItoL PilSkSoi^MOp
The Fere lirqDeUe Eiilml
11 Ip
Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PMli
u«p .pid, p«i p.kpw.d p> Pa p«tp. tassis ip
1*^ *
• sn,"'
"g^rcSisr^u-.™,, M°nLS.^ag:a.fRj.as
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