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The Morning Record, March 09, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
®uM Yew-No. X7
SM U>rd Bobwta.
WCI OMOff mrntgk1 of Wofooli
•mmI Vkste Talk*
Wnt>f of
toM >ir 12.50
AM OhaiCBd wiUi OflUtBcs
rwlim.ltooM eoponWoo
A«»lBBt Unol* JB^bc—'
Wkoolor, who rotBTMd fMoi UmUo m
tto trtiwnrt Worw oo Moodoy. »«*■
od tM» aWrkt oad «wt «e tko Palooo
fcoiot: nwnoiWkwi^ioM:
tfco fnt>lin|ooiliotofrtonnwrt.
oovtoooiMdUad. AoonilatMrkN
%Btk 4Crlw tofaj on ««7 oowonrijto m4
«kot Lord Bokarto’
3.«foM»iot«>te*ooa.Cwttk -eIt
o«oi7do^ WkBottoMMMof Lord lokI foporto tnm lUfok
ikMttiafnf llM
tit on-wry ■HBTBoifiy.
AM ioi
UMi I. It. Wit .1 M «<*«»■
•MHOf* roooiTOd today:
•<NtoUrOro«o, Marohi-Two brigadaa ot oarialry. with berao arUllory
aad Ooaora) Kollay-KanayU dlrWoa.
•arohod today too -lloa lotbeoaai.
ward- Tho Booi* wo» «1»IW tobon by
aarpriB yootorday- They «o*cd oR
80 borrlodly that thoy lalt oookod dlaaan bobind. Wo oaotorod a Krapp
taa aad ooToral toata aad waffOBa
••Oor total 'oaaaalUM aro; AlU*d.
Idoalooaata Koowtek aad ftdoaly;
woaadod. LloatauoU Balloy, DoCbaapttayaad«alth. Uolattor ot. whooi
to baUoTod to haoo booa plekod ay by a
Soar ioibilintit Two bm waro kUlOdaod forty-oU woaadod aadoaoto
M... «~W aulk-ttoP, “Jw.
•a^nato tho ralloaya toward both
atWBbarv aad Btoyaabarr aia bolaf
OM«al Olaaoato BOW oeeayUa Nor
oataboat oa tbo aeath taaak of tho
# Mar^ « aad tko oaomy ara koldlaf
Aoaecth baakot tbo riror. bat aro
•at. it to bolwood. U aay Croat
UM Uu biuehn
^fOl Baba BO tarlbor otaad woat Of tho
fVw Btato oaidtol aad oobo <d tho*
•aoadodaoo traa the foot that tho
■oor foroB aro divided and bare rotoaatod ta dldtoreat dlrarUoad, that
dBBoralUatloa hat eat ia and that the
Tnaaoaal forao wUI aaxl be foaad
folly oatrwbod la ir-“*— —
of tho Vaal river while the balk of the
frao BBtan wiU abandoo the -ooateat
,Mnat to the aortbaaet. the oavalry
••d borao artUlory bariac done Croat
AMotioo aoMBC thos. The Brittoh
OMaaltiM are clroo'M M, far loot than
Dwy woald have boon. Lord Bobertt
iByUw. bad bo not avoided the
dty otowkinc a (roatal attaek.
It ta oiaoetod BOW that tbo Oraaca
rrooBtaU aad Truevaal Boon wUl
|aU book to tbo video of blUe botwaaa
Tbatonbarc and Boaokal. ao '
Vtabarc. whore they wUl
•load. Lord Bobarto. howovar. *ay
bCfo aatletyatod each a
whan bo ordered Oeaoral Bailor to
■era wBtwa>4 fro* LodyoBlIb and it
MBible to foroo bit way over Vao
Cnii" yaaa- It ta tbooebt that Ooa«Bl Ballaria obleeUve ta Botbloboa,
Oraace rieoBUta. oa a dlreot road
naaloc ooatbwoet to Boaokal aad
«sly M bUb dtataat
Vboaeo. If Oonoral Bailor colwt that
poaltloa. be oaa Bovoacalaot tbo rear
of the Bm* whoa Ibdy Ita Baeoed ia
tho hilU Dortheau of Wlabarc waltiac
to Boot tbo advaaao of the Brittab
•ealait ay fro* the aoatb.
A dii^ateb fro* Motaate eayo that
a Brittab foroo oeeaptad Borebdrodory
•aopfwood ladt alcbt.
talnc rovoal
a tarrlMo'altaatloa. Wbot iooke like
Vebuld IrvOT boo broken out la the
woBOBh loacor 'and dyeeatery to rac
iacbtdly. .
Mdo to tkoa logardiiy AMrtMM
koUorod Miot too oal^ footlUa oaoooo
fre« lapoodtiff orU mo riiliUiinir
yotdio^to Um oteto of tho robol
toodow tooy wooo ooly oUotelsftm
OMOlxthof iporoMlot Uo
load, aad tho othor of oolBac Uqaor
lo «o»7 arm acatoot oo.
Adrian Barr and rrodrieb Bneh woro ,
••I mm trmij cooTteood that tho r*> breast la fro* BmBot eoenty, ebarc-1
boUtoo, aa as orroolsed voroBont, U Witboot paylnc tbe revenoe tax. Tbry |
ataaead. So tar ae the eapaei^ of j were broa^t in by Dapa^ Hanbal
tho pooplo tor oeTt covemmeat ta eoa- \ SH. O'Daanall.
oemod, I think that they are apable'odwttb ootUac Umber off of covernofUnadar certain reatrlcUoM- Tko 'mont land. ieoAt of T-otookey. It ta
fawexporinMna already made In dvta'eUiinod that Barr took a foroo of men
tbroeeboat the yrovinoee * et tbe becinatng of the year into’ the I
have boon euoeeeeful, aad I think they wood*, and bat eiooe cot aboat-to.ooo
onebt to have aathority to make their j feet of pine and throe aerae of oodar.
owa lawe and covera thoetMlve under; Bu(b waa a eqaaiter. aad it ta eleiraed
eyetom eimilar to that known m onr i that be bat been enttlnc timber off tbe
land he baa iiinattea on for a lone
lah faratabedtctoo bail and waa rolaaaad. to appear before tbe vMareb
tone of tbe entnd jery. B»rr .beltc
ftoaoa Vtotoria waa Boyally Oroeted aaabla to farntah aaraty .tor II .000.
by ‘noaaaada. la Loadoa
which bte bait waa dxed,
pkn to OraadBaidds to JaUtUlSV
Lowdoa. Mareh •- - Qeeea Violorta Mareh tarn.
arrirod ta London today and bv Tho other aaao that oame before Oobarrival wae bcraldod with ttaa Boat iaW. Wooden of Kalkaeka. Be koope a
teaae aatbaotaem
Tbroacboat tbe daBoaatratloae at- reotaaraat, aad bu tor aoaeo Ubm baaa
.eeted of oolllnc ateonc«r drlaka
taadlacbaxB»jBty*a rbdt them am*
doBlaatod a aow of triomph and tbe thaa eoffoa. He bad ao lieraw to aell'
ebeon that Bade tba atreeta rlay wore latoxtaaata. aad wbaa raranao eOeor
aatae Bank la haaer ^ tba Brittab Van, WiManbercar boaebt oobo bacr
rtatortaa la konUi Afnea ae they ware tbo other day. 11 waa aU ap.
vooUerou tribatea to tbe moaareh Bta bail wu flxod at Hao. whleb baa
ao womanly eympatby hoe been ao n been fatatobod. and be will
atrlUacly abowa albee the war b«aa. probably CO to-j ail at Oread Baplda.
Wbaa tbe trela from Wlndaor arrivoda
ahoB............................ mu
«t.oe and MM box ealf
•hoB............................ MM
•tooaadM.M willewealf
The Joaraay troB Wlndaor and the
lone ride throacb the deafaalac din.
axpooed to a haaa wlad. w*a trylac.
yB daapita bar crBt ace tba qaaen ap
parently eaffarad no nnaeoal faUfMmSUBF BOB PVBBTO BtOAJIS
of the new
MMi CBrtimr Wan PiMts
largBst Stoii it Northsrn Michigai-Take a Look at Thom.
«3 M aa<1 M 00 black kid.
tilktop,........... ........... MOO
M.%oaadtsoutaakid. kid
MSo“a^d |jo> aa kld' tlik
readen, rou mat* UaUr to «ol4?"
Loahlonh -"la taah ea.e.lr'a
Ju.’erlBh Barewhieku; fortaonew
Are Hera.
The leadiac eboo hoaae
|ll pt
Are Here.
W oold like to show you all Uiat’e new and pn^r in ike way of
Spring Suits and Overcoats.
Irtofeok. I *
Thoueanda of dollars worth unpacked yeetetday. Look 'em
over soywHy. What do you say?
Killed SSie Wife. Shot a
Thna aava Puck in “A Mid-Sum.
Mintator. aad than Blow Rto
mer Ni«Lt’e Dream”:
Owa Bredna Oat.
There wwe no t-lepbum-a in
o.»b., Nrt., u«u.«-A, th. ™u. 8h.k«p«r.,.l.r,orh.wouldk.v.
rfU»,B..- *. K.
(Like Percale, but 6ner.)
..nlW r».k SIMI.
•'"■W *>iM J
Goods are.:t<> inchee wide, abeolutely fast <-olors, and wear
.il.™,. U.
»! «. ■»'
'l» Itepl ot Av„|. I lika iron. A hundred patterns to pick -from.
ud bl.. out bl. o.. b-ln.'
Wbre to revunt tbo o.rt b
Priw is 12i<- per yard.
•n..i™it.d, rfi-bh.
m»tte,.«r.l. Th,.ob..b b«i,bb.l<»»«“l-’ T.eblibtU Oentti^, the
to tbo boBO of tho miatoter to eoeh prowhich is the Unetoetioa and eeonro advice-OThe hoepbuneV
band tollowot^ and broke |lnto tbo
With the telephone
boaoa. revolver in haad.STtae torriM
you can talk and re
woman Sod to tbo rear of tbe rBidenoe
ceive an answer in
and tbe mlntoter Jnmpod in .front of
P08TV BBtixim!
hnebaad. Steele fired
at tbe mlniater. wonndiac him in the
wed hto wife into n
earner, aad, frabbinc bar by tbe hair,
ehot her ropoatodly. When ehe aank
Tha finaat Aaaortmant that hme arar baan ahovn ia
Milka-’s Cash Store.
to tbe floor be tamad the roTolvar oa
this dty at osa thaa It would be itopoeBible tp d.-erribe
them—there are ao’ouny and each piece oo different—Th^
Btoale oaBe to Omaha from Chtaaco
must be seen to be apprteinted. We mime only o few.
aevaral waoke aco aa aelerkin ArPolka Dot—a beautifol thing, several colors.......... ..
fl .00
iriepacklnr booaa Tba natare of
OroDAdlne—fancy, inlaid satin stripe.............................. 1 00
fiomeeUe troabtaa rem^na a aecreU
PeAu de Daway—plain colon., fasK a beautiful stitched
Tba mintator ran from toe honae after
.............................................................................r... 1.00
bolac ^t aad aoenrod a pbytlciaa.
Laoa Fancy- somethin* new, in several colore.............. 1.88
Wbaa tba poltoe reaobed toe bonoe
Sstin Stripad Paralan—Yon must 09t fail to see it... 1.66
Stoata and hie wife wen dead.
ParalAn PHsaa shirred, tbe very latest.......................... 1.40
Bhirrad Pllaaa—in many shades ....................................... 1 .OO
Fancy Uord- many stylea-thiB ia a leader this season.
I Slc..M'worih‘iB'25'w:u*^'''
Fancy Taffeta—too many varieties to describe.
at.............................. »1.WI
Peraian—tbe nobbiest' thing yei............ 1.76
Arbltraton Maklac "tood Brocrom
Crystal Cords, Armoraa, Foolardt. Oranmdinaa, Cords,
Vito the Xetlaatoe on OaapRipolsa, DantaUa. Plalma, Paan da B<rie.
bell Plant.
And tbna we mlrbt eoDtinne to name a haodred olbera. Wa are not at
all backward in caytug we feel eoBfl"*ent we can please everybody to tbe
Tba arbltraton who are oatImaUrc
aUk Itoe. Tbe p-lesa a.-e u attractive aa the gooda tb-maelvaa.
!............ «o
too vplae of tbo OampboU water worki t
plant made cood procroB yeaterday ^ H bare Jaxon soap
200 Pieceslof New Silks
I Keep Up
i With The Band.
Aaothar Canrowf BMo and OrdSabaoat
to Oaaeral Davta.
WaahtncU*. Mareh »-Aetiac Saei*taryofWar Metklrjoha haa roeeivod
another appeal from Oeaer^ Etavia, tor
tortherjerto Btaana.
Goaaral Davta aeka for the farther
eblpmentof soo toM of rteo and oodlah. Itbaeboaa eont.
(toneral Davta rooommeada that he be
Clv«n meana to pot DS.OOO man at work
tortbrea mnthe.on Improvomoat of
raada For thta. be oaye. he wlU need
tor labor, toota and eappllea. abont t and it ta probable that there Invcatlca- {
MW.OOO par month. Ho thlobe that | tiona will be oompleiad today. UdIob
wtulntoree meatba. wdar^bta plan. lamorooerioM dtaarreomeat than bat J
tbo pBtod of aetnal datnB wttl bo
tarteile of the early dayi of tlM otac* pMOOd eoor aad that than now tadoahae alBoat doaarted the boeieced, tbe trial aad eoemoBta oerndMeae will
Ben yreforrlac to leaiain at tbalr yoeta axtat.
826 Front Street.
fatoter than move abeot aad work ay
rcaneta Vnion Bnid w be Nc«ottotaa a^UM whleb eaaaot be eatieCed.
The aaUvB are ia tbe wont ylicht.
lac That Way.
Tboee wbo are naablc to obtain wo<k Mathan Lneae Paid Debt OontraeWd
todtaaapolla Ind.. Mareh a-B«aora
la ISM
aro anowod a oboII baadfal bt moat
I ia comiaereial nto
Ton will find a fine line
dally- Many, tarmflac all dancer, wan- Nathan Laeat. foemarty of Tbemp-.------------” J
WBtem Dak* Tal4w aboat tbo towa wttb caaai. baarry eonvUla, haa aattlod a elaim of MS that I ^ *o6»r that thewae
abont .to abaorb
. fane ta oaarA of orark wbteb obUUb
ly. andtha
tfea* to aa extra ratioa of tooal- II MU of QaldwaU A Loadoa. to aall «• roporl ucaivad ready eradamM trea Stamped Linena, all sues of Sofa
Pillowa, Down PUlowa, Oosbion
ttaiV Bad work they aro c—onUy too
CordA Battenburg *“teria’s of aU
waak to yarfarB it
b. Bat to that fir.
^ ^.SSriSTi
A fuU
rroB iboiradvaaoad pooto tl* I
paold. AU waa paid axaapt
rake tbo otraota aad thaourkofaqi
Mt. which it ta Bid UaldwaU A Londoa aicaa toaob with tba Wanam Ualoa to
ir- - Twohaadf«daadalaoty>two'poi
I given free.
Naw York bad fwaivad a cofamnaW
-te-Vt baoa klllod or woaadod or bare ware vaable to cat.
887 Frost StrooL
>Tho Ckrrtaoa ta ae oboU that It Toaaday PatobiadDrotoar, attonaya tabs to wblah it waa xtatod that tha
tor tba Mlablffaa MareaatUa Acaaey, KoantlBaaef bomdaby tba WBisra
ooHnaewoad pmeaadi^ by a^tor- Oatan waa aot tor the pvpoaa aa atatTRAVERSE CITY
iba aeltoatka of tha aoceaat. aad when ad, ^ UqoldattBC the ontataadtoc totoday ntborthaa. Baba earraad.
■riC dMSadMB.batfwtha parpoaa MbafiiBsaaa tba aaeoaat w
eartocmemiTto eerar tha east of tha
Om OsffM BilMVtaM
iliiiiiiiTl^i Of the PottaL
toatef taa Waatto thta dVBaOataa <
, Tka^aW
MhiacdotaiW oa
. Mar.C.AM^wSgis*mi;y.
! 1SS5,:"
I w. w.fliilu's Cash Sun
Window Display
now in stock, at the
rive thiMieand pareooe waited
patleatly ia St Joboe park, about tbe
tbe q« 1 anlorodtbe quadI poere and eomrancle, tbe aaae
manera aanc “U»d Save the Oaeon” aa
bar maieaty antared the palaee. Ontaide it waa pandemMiem. -Over the
roadway which bad been kept clear for
the earriacca the erowde awamad and
Jammad. Somebody atartod alnciac
■Ood Save tbo Qcooa" and for half a
Bile or more tho pao^ took up Ue
atoaUw. The Prineeot of Waloa and
thoDakeand DaebM of York roappearodoalhe taaleony. Foraqnartor
of an boar the royal duke raBaiam
with bared bead before the craat yell1^ BIB. Tho pot^o waatod aaothar
•ICbt of tho qaoea and it wae halt aa
bear botero tho erowd. realtainc that
her sajBty wae not eoBlac oat, broke
JOMO; kM «ho
.X4MMOO. ■■Wi • —■■Jl II'
School of Music
“• jtat^te.'SKs
The Boston Store
No Better Shoe
For wet, ifaawj weather than a pair of our heavj soled nboes. The welt soles
are rerj popnlar among ladies’ who
want-an up-to-date street shoe.
have a beauty at f3.50.
The “Imperial shoe"*wiUi(a heavy hand
turned sole is another good one. See
them in onr window.
■ i
We bnvn }— pet In a new
line of np-toAate aUtlonary box paper and tableto.^
No old etoek-Pri— reaaon-
laMratroifieefaieetthe aatheriiy
eftheOiltedElatea. Wham the FWplae Jnata le watnb^ eewT more
e la thoUalted 8ia— aad eaadli«
to the Imaffeati every attecaBoa
oriac their <mMb.ith both wiaaaad
patriots to taka eomeaetkm that trUl
<mae for all rt«« them to aaderalewd
O0UI7 Ooi
that the DalWi Statae wUlaot .aban*
den the talaadn. The paaenfe oC the
vUI kr MM la For—olntioaeroaldnleohnve ntmdeaey
to‘ehato« ar—» deal of the anal—
__________IM Kr eamp^ aratory whl* —bam
ai DoUMt. Mar MMlarfotatM the foraramaM aad makaea toalentlemaat of the dlflenltiaa lathe Maade
___ tdiOeBlt. It la efood naolntloa
aad ahoold. he adopted,—Detroit Tribone.
,^’s: srilSTsrir
ntU:IOo-elo^ the gaenta cd |
the evening being —ted at a ttble at
the aontb end of the haU. while abont .
7S Elfce oeenpled another table eet ,
tatothwiea of the hall- Atiar the
Tiaade worn propmly dtanoned of an
Imp—toU pragmm wm rendered, to
whkh the gnmta of tha di—ntte pro:
feaeloo eontriboMd generewly.
‘rmber'a e—paay la e—poeed of a
umber od very Mo— ladlae and genUemen end they eheortally pnrtlelpated In the enterUInmona
Profaa— Shannon favored with •
aral eeiectione of Ue owa o—ponition.
on the piano, and *
given by Mlaa Merle FlUgibbon. Mlm
Bate FlUgibbon, Mr. Taylor ud Mr.
Deonen. Mre. Pennon, who ie an ae-1
oooelUbed m—bar od the prof—I
eoiertalaed with a pi—lag reduU
William Dmeke of Orud Eoplda. e
tribeted a warble Bong in German; and!
Duff McDonald rendered a very flnej
Only $1.95.
Found in aaK^og a
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
Beoeptios and Buiquht LMt
determined >U coat,
________ ____ 1 a dem-_
_______ ^ vieltom from abroad ot
I aad Ooatraoion aad Travwee Clty'e fraternal hoepitaUty.
Thair VamUiea :
Eoyal He ghbon ABOlveraery.
Proframaad Feaet-Kayor ■amU-
•■imUom ter •opreae Oevi.
Tke pMMce by eoorrea of the bill
pwttdiec »IS per enw tviff r»w for
y«tte Eteo hM r^rea riM te the w
It—Inw ot wide dUtereagw ot opinkm
n^ardlBC the eatw of uU Meed u4
• AmMom of the e«pr—h eeun tipov
the qeeetlOM ie ewettad «ith interaet.
fhe Cikleego Trlbvse hea esMueed ap
^ e—tforeay Is » ehort edltorU]:
H—y eoBtaad that the ratlEeelion of
- ^ tmty with Spela—de Porto Rico
• part of the Oatted EtjeUe end Ite
—ttree hnerteoB eitieeae. TUa le the
titw of the eaae whteb U take* by
—etof the Demoeratte leaden from
M—leti— or ae a natter of polley.
there are eapnme eoart ooart dec!^ow Whieh aee laacaece fftriar to np^eti lEie eoatealioa. There are otben
fiiei- Uat the ratifl «UoD of the
—aty doee eot hare the efleet awribed
to it. aad that aatU eoagreae lerlalatee
—Mmr‘-f the iaUad ahd Ite lahata
Itaate the Umitatleae or the raaraoteee
tl the ooBeUtatioa do aet apply to it or
to th—. bet that whea oonpreet eo—it aey lerhlaUee whatever enoeratar the ialaad. thea it will beeome aa
mmA a part of the Called 8ta^ ae
llfte. or tlllBoU. 8o loar. bowerer.
■etbeExeentlve alone (oreme the U1—d It wiU. it U claimed, remain ovt•lie the ooneUtatiee.
then are othen. amonf them many
•f the Eepebllee^ leaden, who eonteed
that the raUfteatioM of the treaty doee
•ot exiead the ooneUtnUon to Porto
Kiao,aad that that wlU nbt happen noto Oaapr— ttollcttiy to deelaree.
they point to the provlelon In the
toenty that the ttttae of the inbabitoa» of Porto Bleo aball be determined
byOoDcr—. nod oonlrnet it with the
•• la of other------that the InbaMtantoof Lonielaan. Plortia, and the Terrltortee ended by MexlI ehontd be ineorporated Isto the
dflutea. They eon_ e of the United
ahn. extont
wad that nntU Ooagr—
,rU Eieo it <
dU— baeband
gevnm that idaad ne It dbe—
•aa grant or ref—tree trade between
the ielend end the United Steiee. oe it
MOi it. In it04 Ithe BepcbUean-DtB
aarat deelaree that "tbp ooneUtnUon
Wto made for Statee, not Terrlloricp."
The eopreme court wllli have to de•lie which of th— threb tbeorlm of
the etatot ol P irto Eieo U correct
<iit will beve to Uke the gronnd that the
qnmtlon it a political one and mail be
Mt to tbe Jndg—nt of oongr—.
ThcPbillplne q—lion bae iu own
ppeBllt--------- II—»<-«»« Many of th—
who eontend that the raUBealion ot the
toWty "ith Spaio
She Porto
EUaaa foUfledged ctaBeae of the
Oallod Sutee dlellke the Jdeao} applytpg their doetiiae to the FUlpln’N. Bo
they make the enggmtion that m let o f
................................d baragardad in
thaaame light oe Amerh
wte eo long ee they malpi
llHfTT- are not eoneidered dtiieae of
the United Statee. Pnrthkrmore. many
Who are Inelined to believe tbet the
ftoto Bieene have a leoat
fight to f— made wEh the Unitsd
Ftotaa dUllke to oonoade > eo mneh *
the rUipinoe. For. it Anerioan pro. 4a—meat be admitted tree while ail
tonlgn prednet* mutt pay the dntiee
•to forth la the United Sta— pro—
Mn tarifl. then foreign naGona will
to defied th— eonal eommercial op
gtotaaitlee they have bepa lad to ex—•a Shonld the enpte— eonrt deMAe that Porto Eieo ia entalde the
••totltaUoa. then tb— will be ao dlftoolty abont the Pbllipi^ea- Shonld
It d02lde otbeowlea, tkep many pmItotoag qneetk— wiU preacat th—
•—AToa Srixivax ida*.» o* I
remnrkni^ re
The Boral Nelgbbon of American,
tM and P. 0. Gilbert DeliFecod Ad- wmccleoraletheiriibannlveraen thlel
evening in Montegne Ball. All Boyal !
Nelghbort and inrtt4>d frlendh^ll help
<r—reto make the evening one of pi—ai«.
OseoftbemMt enjoyable eventoof Befreebmeou will be aerved and a
he--------- wee the reception aad baa- program eonxlatlng of reeitatioDt and
qaetjriFeaby the OarpenWn* Cnkm, muaic will be repdered.
In Hontacne ball laet evenlac- AU
tbeoarpontore of the dty. with their
toetUlea. wm larited. with the ooatne'ton aad their famlliee, aad in alt
veBtionearly 200 were preeentAfter enjoytar a flaeeo^ time for
ankoor, the oompany waeealled to
order by Prm'drat Spraal, wkorama
abort addi—on the objeem aad methodaofthe anlea. Thh waa followed
by a Aae eelaetioa by the Stepan orehaetra. who tnmiabed mnale dariaf
the erenlaf.
P. C. Gilbert then nddtenaadthe nadlanea In hie aannl rooelnf e^la, nad hU
•peeeh —a greatly mjoyad.
After n 'yeclUUon. •'After ICMao* ”
by B—ic Aatamna. aad aoether eeiaetIon by the orehaetra, Mayor Hamilton
addrmeed the a—mbiy. Ha epoke in
higb tar— ot orgpnlsaUoM tending to
onltod eSorU for the gaaerat good,
ml teije—111 kimaalf neaMione to
—let any each oiyaointlon,
the ooadiUona of Inbor
Id the pant, when aonaat labor wae
It. and then eontraatad that oondltlon
with the preaent, whea boneet labor
hat plenty of employment, at advaeeed wogea
Be declared that the fatore ot Trav■M City u amnrad- U bae paaeed the
expertmcBtal atage. and ao one qnmtione newjebether from thh time it
wilt go np or down. It U eore to go
np. nad there le not.a bettereity in the
■tnte for a man to tie to.
Be epoke of eome of the
that are before the dty for eolation
Promiaeat among th— he piaoed the
water worka qaetUoa- Be add thei
the elmpie parch— of the Cempbeli
plent would not effectively aolve the
qaeation. bnt that it weald be
aliy eolved.................................
by the city having ah abnnoe of pare water, at a email expeace.
He declared it to be hie principle and
polley alwaya. to open the dooreof the
city to asy helpful enterpiiae. any
r^lroad that promiaed to be a beoefit.
and to moke and keep Traverne City In
vary truth the ijneen City of tha North.
In nloxliiir the mayor nived all v—;
eat to cnltivata a feeling of unity for
the welfare ot tha city, and n realixaUon that the Into—U ot all the elU•one are common.
PoUowlng tha addr— of the mayor.
J. 3. Tiadala reml aa Inetmetive paper,
and John /.cite aad Biee Carrie Tledale
geve a very amutlng dialogne. "The
Oomeetie Comedy."
After the eoeial featn— ot the etenIng and the progr— bad beoa dlepoaed
of, the'company eat down to a bonnUful repnet, in whloh oyeteen had a
prominent poeitlon. While the banqoet wae being atteaded to, the oreb00—eoaUanod to famleh delightful
•naln, aad it —i n lata boar whon the
U.^. -w-b.
Backer Boat* a Eobbm.
Whooping Cough. Aothmn.
I -nve (foNUK w»Emr
Colnmbla River Belmon
Norway Anehoviee
Nerwe; Berriog
Ubmdor Berriog
Bofflleh Cromarty
HolUnd BeiTlng
Domratle Herring
Bowloo SardiDM
Finnan Baddlea
Gordon PIU Cekee
Jacob Furtsch,
UoioD St.
Both Phones, 34
IB m-der to erreage fbr
Eiteisin Changes,
Heir Fiitores
eidMeilefi Imprenmeats
o. u.. j yjTiii
.....,'Close Out
IbornvlUe. 0^ had boea
beaUbbyaaorioaelaag —able aatU
be tried
Dr. EU^a New Dl—wry for
Tbea be wroteIt
ee^e^'iold «■*! bad*^*^
—able. I alwaya k— a botUa on
bnnd." Don't oa^ witheoagfaa.eidda.
t, eh— or lang —able
a be enred ao eamly. Only
•a ei. Trial bottele 10 cent*.
>. JoboBoa and 6. B Wait'e drag
UtUf TsTtm-Litttw TsTgTE.
n I Ltttis iSTsn-Uttls Tevsn.
My entire etook of
Ptuite, Oesdlea
esd VleoeUeneejN
Perlaheble goode.
1 File line of Mile Baskets.
All will be sold
et ooet
niut go this week to
make room for new stock.
McCoy's old stasd.
the cigar abonld re.
A bcEutiful embossed back, rpp
e, bEnnts*
ter back, saddle seat, higti arms^^ak«s it comfortable
to sit IE for reading—nicely finished rocking chair, for
only $1.95- You could not buy aaywhere else for less
than $3«x Come in and see it.
Over 300 different styles of rocKers. Cash or
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'aroa.t Stacocyb.
tail at 10c straight.
Be wise
and try one.
Half Soled
Sidewalk Lumber in ell sisee.
In SO mlnutAs while yon
wait—Prices 40 end 6O0.
LS.Fnrmai, 135 Front StroEt
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
Bueeeeeera te Trereree Olty Lumber Oo.
The Hannah Lay Mercantile Go.
Eojoya ths beantiful. and at)
want pretty thinga for the hooae.
Nothing more faeciratiiiK ibao art
needlework. Once get started and
ell yonr spare momenta are filled,
with a weult that ia moKt pleasing.
Nowhere caa yoo find a more com
plete aaimriment of abeolutely
everything needed in thia delight*
fnl employm««t of making tray
clntba, acarfa, doilies, stand covers,
photo fratiiea. laundry bags, aofe
pillow <-over».
Now for the goods—Boyal FIohb,
Etching Silk. Filo8ilk.Kopeailk—
Bell at -fc the skein—Knitling Silk
from 10c to 40c-Embroidery Silk
in yardlspoola for *lc—All eiri-a
of Embroidery Needles—All siace
of Embroidery- Boope—(we sell
the most of the Duchrsa, at lOc)—
The eilk fiiiiab Crochet Cotton at
5c the epool, in all colors- An
endleae variety of Stamped Lin*
ena--all manner of beauUfnl paiteroA Waut to qw yonr own paU
tem? Oet the Bound Thread
Linen, sold in 22 1-2. .46, 67 1-2
and 90 inebeu wide, from -fOc W
$1.-10 the yard.
Want to make a Fascinator or
a ahavlr
Then nae Shetland
Fkwa or Shetland, Wool, eells at
lOe the akein. All colora of Gei
mantown >^pfayr at 10c,
,0c, and O^Oei
man Knitting xam atl 20 and 25c.
Wants to be well dressed, and
we arv the headquarteni from
which^ the goods that always
please, in qDaiity. atyie and price
Are yonr clothes a little wornl’
Then nae Ibcm for second best
and g.-t one of our$^..V)r8Ssimere
or Washington Clay Suits. If
you’re aebin*, to pay more for
sometbing^till iiettcr. sch-ct from
our great stock of ( lay Worsted
at $10. $11. $12. I-‘>. $lNand $22.
Then you'll-want some good warm
You can find jnat
your fit in our qnormoaa stock,
both o^our person '^hd pocket*
from the biggest bargain
at£22 l-2c the garment to finest
.Teraeyiribbed. all wool flen-ed lin
ed a* $6.00 the suit
Ifjyon want to own the best
dollar white shirt yon ever saw
boy oura. W« have some that we
sell cheaper. Tbey’ie good goods,
Next select yonr collars. No
where can be found a more np-todate stock in all the most popnlar
shapes. We are offering some
great Ijargains in collars—therrogalar20ard 25c valnes at 10c, or
3 for a quarter.
And we show the greatest
stock of epriug neckwear in the
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
■1' ^
Fjii liL ]«t i*L A )tL iiM*l'A iiUiiJii J(
rWMn of BvtekvUli lu—ihlr. Bt.
CUirOo..wcbeUer*ntfi good n»^
Md M aOM M U* frtMt to Mt Of Uu
SmndtbarviUdeuttMdAja’ work
la hMliof ^ aad fwol <or the tepe»««Baotofttoaro»d>aadtar to the'
A Marrui waa racatTOd »t An
Aftov maoooBci^ thM Mra. Dr.
AafoU ta tooek laprorad. Btoa b«a
- llarwslali«h«apaoato.Tha
SMnmmo om a,^»ou.wat
tothew BoAwt •■ffwoB o BnkM
A druk WM pM la Ue ooor to Mkar
The OoofnCUloMl C. B. ooetetr wUl
hmao«r»rla(oCaoelal Micbt ud
•oorrbody to iaritod. to ke ptoMoL.
TtaowmkeBoeko(»e tor admteiod
toot • ailw eoUeetloo wlU ko tohoto.
Jool teUar of Maple Cl^ kaa toou
troaud a paMloo of M ptr mtA
Oyem A Dorto of Old Mtoaloo. toM
toad hla paaatoe to artMidtfowBBto W
per Math.
Dirtatoa Bo. 1 of tba\ptpa orfoa fud
wfli Boat toatcrrow aftar*
Booa wttb Mra Walter B. KaUar. 4«l
acgaaaraaerdtoUy torltad W ba
TbarawUlbe a raralar maattoycl
tba A. O. li. W. tUa araatoc at''
riaak roawr, wbo waa wbaabaa
trtod.at MaptoOlty Wadaaaday.a a
obarpa of aaaaalt aad batWry,
ralaaaad a areooat ed tbaaoDopi
of tba prnaira Wr. >. #. Pawbln
of tbto eUy waa FnaWr'a attorsey.
Tba proeaada of tbo Pirot M. B-tbaab
offerinf wai pw. Tba propraia
oarriao oat aa aaoooaaad.
AntoecaaaaotipenMon'-from flewts
baa bean praatad'to Oyna A. Daria of
Old Minton.
brfstaolM Tootoctoo^.
T«M«tooy Mtottyr BotkortnAmd
0 aotoro Injory wkllo woritlaf <•
roUwsj at Sokw. Bto rifkt l«r wao
krokOBUdoMof htoMkUo tkrowa
MtofJolBt. Be WM ^eoorktte tko
eit, .OB tbo M.AB.B. iMt oaawiac
Md Dr. Otnar dmaod kto iajariaa.
batacoa BaU Fraa to Fraabp.
twrtoa OotofroBottoa.
Traroraa Baj TmI Bo. 1M. K. O. T.
offarad fraa of
Mra Don Baalap baa aaeorad aa to.
cbarca, tba aaa of ibotr oooa, MoaJaaoUoo to proraat bar latkor tnm
tacaabaU.tothoaoafrocatloa of tba
•arTTtoff MMa Mtoala Bpaa. %Fa
woMatoMfoanoldaad tbit araald- Praa^rtartoa oboreh, aatU tba rapatto
lUj tooraad <«di«ao are
toarfooB 71. Tba oU
pletad. tba btodaan o( tbe '
iarnotly tupriftlHad by Bt*. WUay
Bajaato BUrw baa a
K. Wrlffhtaadblepaopto.
•MWdawtfaaoltacatoat tba rOtoco
ad Parrr.
Ba altoBW that a tba
VtoartbofJalj bia boraa ra« tow a
foa atoeiabad aarow tbaatraat, tbrowia« biat Mt, asd artppU^ kla tor Ufa.
TbaHot^ ba Vortbar Xmprorad at
PrukBadrati. wbo U«oa atoai a
alia waat of Maltoka, to a laeky nwo.
Eadrall waa m bto way beaa yaWrdayafWrBooeaad w aeold tba daap
arifta OB tba blfbway waa walWar oa
tba Para Marqaatw railroad track*
Ha aaa eaarbt I9 a Howplow aad
dracpad lU roda batora It ocnild toa
atoppad. b«t waa only aUpbUy bratood.
U r.
0 Lake Bbore brakaawa. wbo waa taken U1 at Blkbart
oa Motoday. paaaad tbroaph Kalaaar-w
aaapaaaaacartratoanroaW W Oraad
Bapl^ Ba-baa malt(iiaai anaUpox.
aad aeoraa of paaaaayerii ware e«p«^.
UUla Jobala Btolaawa. wbo waa
arltiaal^ boraad iaat weak Wadaeaday
atMMkafoa. la dead. The aocUaat
a by hia » year old brotbor
tbrewtop a liphwd maWb at biai. Bto
Mottea aaaptat ftro and before tba
Aamaaaoald ba axtiapniabed ba waa
fawUybonad. Ba waa tbo eon at Hr.
d Mn. Kl
caaawr BoyU of Kalkaaka, ebaraad
wttb torpity, baa baaa arroawd at
Tbeoato, Can. Ba aaya ba to toneaoat
aBtonba.od Plymoto.la team■Miaaad dead »wr Band BUI
lap. Ba wai erwaoma by tba
At leralOak a aarrieai am^oye loft
a paw opaa at Oao Baadartab Black
twooolta. rained at
oaeb. Bttarad oaW tba O:. O B- A
:Ulad by a
• tlui
[. railroad traeka aad *
:• V
A. ..I
ba Balarpod aad Bathe Added.
Praparatlona are ia prorreH tor rary
(nportaat totproraiaaau ,to
part of Park Place boWl. Laai yeai
roome anlanrad and bath rooms added,
aa wall aa new earpata Tba oOea,
waittop room and parlora were atoo Isprorad at a lanfa expanw. Tba ebaapat
oootamplatad wUl ba to line
with tboaa made laat year and wban
antobad will make Iba boiel mnob
more ooaranieot aad np.vo.Aaia
araryway. Tbaaaoondaad tblfd flwri
of tba old part'are
to be eompiewly
ibaaped to allow for larpar
batb roomi aad other attractlre ad*
dlUoaa The parUtlona dlridlnp tba
tiara of rooma to the waat
wiap will be ramorad and
back fnrtbar on tba aaat Mda w. allow
for a wide hallway oa aaeb floor, iboa
allowtop apaoa W anlarpc the
factop Park etraat aad maktop It paeal.
bla w add bath rooiM and ottaar donraatoaoM. Tba wtodowa will ba improrad by larpe plato ptaaa .
thronpbcnt and new onrpato will be
ara not yet ready,
bat tbay ara batop drawa and it to ax
paatad that tba work will ba atarWd
early next weak,
tba east of tba li
A B. Brows itotoiaod fro* Otsad
Baptdi teat otrkt. a^ara toe baa toaao
We bare Inrad many doctor bills
Mnoawa bepan oalnx Cbambarlaln’s
Coneb Bamedy to oor boma We keep
abotUaopanaU the tlou aad when
araranyof mytamUror myaaif bepm
to aaWb oold we bapla to naa tba Cooph
Bamady, at a raaoU we nerer bare to
eend away for a doctor and Inenr a
I oertalnly a mrdlelna of great merit
ad worth.—D. 8. Haarkla, General
d Farmer, Mattie. Bedford
Fbrnle by 8. B. W^t.
Uttli Tiven—Littlfl ThTtn.
Your Shoes
I will aare yon the coat of a aaw
' tt least a third of wbat otbI for tba work. Than If tba
jsb ton'i right, do tba right thing.
plaaaa-brtof them back.
le bto aarleaofar.
ttolae about tba totaiaa to India, pab-.
Itobad to lha CasBooelUan. inliaa
Bawtboma ebanatarisad Mi. Oancy
an tba meat capable and «ffialaat agaal
to whom feeds for the tanilna conU ba
neat by tba Amarletak___
ibe Batlar. bapgagaman at tba Pare
Marquette depot, will laara Monday
for Toledo, where be will again pitch
with last year's ebampiont. He wUl
iwlde to that city, aad wUI be read/
tor practice AprU let. Gis poslUgn
hve wUl be flllad by Banry Cbaodier
of Grand Eaptda. who is now to tbe
______ _
Supporting Ibr popular
Hire and tba
Thatodiaa of Am
toy afterLady 1
at tba home of Mn. Bralyn Kiddar. and rare bar a deligbtfal aarpriae.
prof. Suffmi wasprnMat. aad gara
aoma rary flee
A eat of table llnaa aad a flaa berry eat
wan left by the company. Gamas
played and elagant rafraabmeats
wanaarred. Aim for the nsaof tba
p»ny wan fnmUbad fne by Banry
Brodbagen. wbieb was gnsUy appmriawd, aad for whiefa the Udlaa deain
toaxnramtoatrtbuiks. Tboaapreaent
M^maa Brans. Beanla. Dill,
Brynolds. Bcbart. Griffltb. Boon. Bibbard. Farrow. Dalu. Blator. Marpby,
Bradliagen. King, Andrews. Klddnr.
Frank Tucker
A Card.
Wa, tba nndaralgnad, do bamby
Miea to refund tbamooay on a M-aant
bottle of Graaae'a Warranlad 8yrnp of
Thr If it tolla to avra yoor toopb or
Mid Wd> alao r^otaa a tonwat
' o psora mttatoctory or money
* - “-baaA Bex- drag toocn than f«r a deelo* to____
aadaaablaebUd. than rary aiek with
Not flsdlnr tbe doctor In, ha
left word for blm to aoma at oaee on
.Uttli IiTm-Mttl<T»Twa. blaratnra. Be also bongbt a bottle of
Cbsmbariatn'* Cough Bamedy,
ledr, wbli
ba hoped would gtre aoma rJiaf nmtU
to a
_ ..
Hamomhnr ProL SUraia' plaatant the doator sbonld arrira. In
irned, aaying the doctor
e.BS'tbeebUd waa moeb
•t Martoagbs aesdamy. Bmtr'way
tarttad to asms and bnra a Jo'lp
anyt tba family bat atoea naMamandad
CbambartalQ'a Cough Bemady to tbair
astobboru aad frienda unUl ba baa a
aomtaat demand tor H from that part
of tba e-<antry. For aaU by A A W5t,
dragglat ,
UtU< T»wi»-Uttl«
ZittU T8T«n—Idtilf TflTtfn.
“For Her Sake"
Print, 10, IS, 20c,
No Waits Between lets.
We also-havea 6ne line ofWorstedand
Cassimere Samples from which we can
have suits or overcoats made to measure
by above firm at small advance over cost
of ready made—if you are hard to fit for
any reason, we are t^e clothiers you arc
looking for.
W. Miller
CUT i Geo.Representing
Above Line H
. 9Sc
. 25c
14 OFF
. $1.88
atom aiswku
ara n BoMcC BwWwn
Mao'* (B m
mPatestCslf BaU
oiae Week
Yaatarday afternoon Mn. W. O. Hoi
dan antariained slztaan ladiea at Park
Place with a noreUr in a social way
The bostaos bad prepared aoma fancy
III a repertoire of high"*clai» rep
work to be worked opon by tba gncaia
ertoire encoessm.
and prim ware awarded to the ladiea
wbo eotoplated tbair plasssnttaek flrat.
The prizes ware woo by Mn. Prall and
Mn. Bamom. Dainty rctresba
ware eerred
A dsligbtfnl time was aejoyed Wednaeday afternoon at tba borne of Mn.
J. B Natoon. the oeeaeion being tba
flftb birthday of her litUaaon.
I Suits and Overcoats To |
i Miasure
UttU Tbren—Littlfl ThTera.
I City Opera House
Mn. J. B. MarUn left yaatardayfor
Mendon wbara aba will rialt baratoiar.
Mra. Costard, aad aastot at
piran by Mn. Costard for Mrs. Fannie
Newberry, the arrllar.
Later Mrs.
Martin aad Mrs. Costard will aejiy a
trip south remaining nnUl the sarere
Of Koehester, New York
Make a line of clothing that has become
very well and favorably known to the
people of this section—the strong point
in their line is the Fancy Worsteds—
no other goods wear like these—it is
possible now for us to sellyyou Fancy
Worsted of this reliable make.almost as
cheap as Cassimeres—we probably show “
thirty to forty different patterns—surely
sufficient for anyone to make selection.
Sr. W. /. Bipftoa. Opanttvt SaaUrtry
If tot A Mt tottot tot AC tot totMt tot MlK
S tot wnw toMW WI w tot tot w w wii
8npk R.C. Batfaaway of ibe Grand
Eapidaeity eebot^a aanoon^ Wadnaaday night that be would raaign at
the next meaUagof the board otadnaatton to take allaet at the eloae of tba
aAool year. Ba baa aeeaptad the mantoramantof the. sugar beet factory at
Ealatnaaoo at a batter aaUry.
Tba Laxinrtoa News aayx that aer
ami tarmara to that oonoty who owe
aandy landa propoae to axpariment In
the mlalng of tobaeoo.
So*, aad Mra. J. Clancy of AlWoa,
ora anttoipatiog the arrlral tbarc to a
few waaka of thalr aon, Bor. Hockwell
ktlagntobad alMioaary
a< Aiiababad. India. Mr. Claaey. wbo
tes bean le yean to India, haa bean
- aaarataty to Biataop Tbobnm of tba M.
H abar^. Tb* famine fends far that
Wbat’t Toar Faaa Worth
to Isaac J. Anatto and Batta Geary,
both of I bto dty.
Mr. Charlea Yanks para aa anj lyabla
parly last night at bla home 00 the
Waat Bide, in honor of bla tetbMrtbday. The ladiea and gcntlaman enjoyed the ereniDp at playing caxda Very
niee rerraabmento ware earrad.
I Kolli & Son,
yoa hare aaallow eom^xloa, a____
dM look, motb patebaa and blowbea
oa tba akla.-all ainaa of lirar troni
Bnt Dr. KJnp'a
New Life
_ - Pillt fire
COaar Sktn. Boar Cba^. Rich ComOely te canto at Jaa. "
lobnaon and A B. Walfa droff atoraa
411 Onion 8k. near ath
Wapaa of BIS per month ara beinf ofland tor man tor tba woo^ to Ue
— nppar pantoanla, aa IneraAaa; of abont
100 par cant orer tba raw paid three
Lemnal 8twy«. wall known in rail■
road clrolaa, died at bto home ia BirmI
topham laat nlgbt. ipad 75 yiaara. Be
bad pooa down to tba aallar W pvt
aoma coal to tba fnraaea when ha waa
with heart failnra,
laUtoponbto taaa. Be waa|toaadb7
bto wife aad narar rapatoad donaeloat-
0,0, Tamar ratamad laat alpbt I
from Kalamaino. wban ba baa baaa !
r a Buattoc of tba BtaW pardon
M. Wtonla, St., left laat nlpbt tor
Cbarlaroto and PataUay
MlwMaadOatea off Ral
rtoittop bar etotar, Mra. C G. Tomar.
Mr. and Mn. Bd Praaaa.'Mr. aad Mn.
Bd Peaaa, Mr. Bamaal Brown and Mtoa
Kappto Doarr bare ntamad from a
tbraadaya'rfaitat Uland. Tbo ooeaatenet tbair rWt waa the waddtop of
Mr. Wm. Gray aad Mtoa Dell Prante.
A. F. Oammoa wat to Oaatral Uka
pcorad. and li to tooapkt that the Aaapar ^ a rary aarlOBB niaaw to vaat.
.14 OFF
OkIM'a .koes.tloS
Judgments For Sale!
P»atorni Rubtm
Mann otHer lines to select
ftom at Cut Prices.
Frank Friedrich
The Old
BdllAble Shoe Man.
^ •
• $1.00
Will be a:t our store all of coming week
—Step in and see the new spring goods
- It's a line worth coming to see.
That the undersigned will receive bids for tbe following
judgments, heretofore obtained and^ entered against the
following named persons which judgments are for the
sums set opposite the names of the respective persons.
The Michigan Mercantile Agencf.
ba<5itiHW.Mich.„Iouto, Mich., Big lUpids. Mich.. CPi-Jillm-, Mich.,
Traverse City, Mich.
Dr F C TerrlU.... ............
Dr Aoc
Mn C
Hwmtn Gntoi..
—S'-....... ^
After Mareb mb call at tba new
alon, S4N Front BtraaC
4 B Andrawi..................................
Mra r U DaUril... ■
A D OrMlny............
Mn A Braadbend...
New Styles
This is one of them.
William f.
Ja« J Byan..............
Ohtrlra S Smith..
John Al
Frank 4
4^ M~ra
SSk.57 4obn Lardie..............................
18 81
50 48
TbomM Well* ..........................
114 48
57 39 Artfanr Frayer..........................
8 1V
Rlnttban P. Mo
Will S. Ward...
Beory M. 4aoka
' ' oeke .
19 53 PatorBmdm^.^..................
47 48
7 58
43 40 CterlM Hogadorn........................
85 83
WUliam Bwm..............................
Ohrii Stout.....................................
5 10
37 50 Mn. Prudence 81e»m............
44hnB. Green....,............
Frank LilUe................................
Cbarlea Biebe............ ...................
*^7 38
55 8C
William Perry.............. -
48 is
18 S4
187 IS
89 SO
8 »
65 50
Henry Dorman..................
85 50
’ 15 68
15 04
4obn Barker..................................
Bzera 0(fle.
» »•“................
Faetoriea in Saw York City and Brooklyn.
4 00
71 89
LAMoeroN^ '
Most popoUr betauae they hare more fMinto of value
and atyle than any other fi.OO HaU on the VMtket.
FbU Use now on mU Iwtb m aoftwnd stiff styles. Alao
ap extra fine line of Crnshere, 60c. 11.00,
and $IA0.
10 50
lamilton .
An ovefttof with SsbabMt M to ba
thaboBeodtoe bride** pweate Mop- ftoM at tba rooM of tbe TrftMCM aty
day. at I^Maad. Mto* DoU Piaaaa aad BAotonf Mnetobytbe MaMe Qito of
to tbe membwi ed toe elnb
Mr. M. Gray brinf thn prtoolpato. A
Tcry lai*a aad happy twM^of won ftod tbatr Mmdi tewl^t at 7:4t o‘o^
Brown aad MIm lUggitDas^ both of PtoaeOp. M. He. t - Mlm Beton
TharwM Cfay. WkoM^nTwUMiaaa (oerft.
Teeel, -The WM Erne" - Mi«
m. MdM tolh
ud Tbe hawM wm bea^Uy deMtateif Myrtto MUlar.
rith Bowen aad
TtoUft, "Om Momn--MlM HIto Bay
t o< OnM AMo
mmlmh.hKnamA m Mdoter
MmyfriMto»>to to wtohtof
Ptoms Op. M. Be. I-MIm BIWl
tof aad happy wedded Ufa
Mr. aad Mca Gray wOl mahs Tbae■oMtoriop, ^*Oaly a
VomL •■Whftle8yl»to--MlM Bvnlyn
KM CB^ thkb fnWf* be me
m* liMlM.
tMDft. Aftdfttoa ftmm the nb Symieafneaphemto-Piotas.
*The ChraUer*'—Jaliaa Xo remedy n«nab WASns's Wans PtoM. Op. iu, Mto
* — Mm. tmtok
ears or fas Smrr for tkU torri
-le and fatal dtoanne. U takea thor
4aexifUr ««d M Mma, n wlU ooM a «M
rwtfa. «p«tar od tkaPMto
eirbon,aad«r>tho(n«k(hat toi- Beadtoyoft the Ufa aM Wnche of
Mr JMmBL Mnii to »ppBM. fct tkm *»#8rt«ia.
Eehnbert -Mr. Frank Walton.
Veeal (a) "Tbe Bri Ktoy.* (h> ‘Tbe
«PfnpMlto«nirt ft i
teinUi Mtoe Joa. Wilhelm.
“A Mlow^ Mother-—
toiH larth* dMttoM M
Vooal. -Are Maria"-Mm. C.
ft atmfTK99m.»
IK $09KT tT9tt£i
mnm^t^AAnmctAKnKmtd tb*
Tk» toUo*ii« twmntmt >r«m
hr tkh ptfO* of
«t«* •O.m^ M tk«
tiM«M «e U»» «< ItamlB *• «h* Vhv^ nttk, tath Md 8«wik
tnteofteOftkPvk Kbool.
It M
han w im II an ib* ctir rwliw* tor to*
■■III ^imialMtrinenUn wvA* to
r« «pn U tnift ■ 14 iMn.
Beeltaitoto OhMotor ptoea-l
I to Vftw York to
ft tor tkft mmM »OTk o« lh« ftM*
po«^ toftftfti vltk tha tetorm'
PratoeH?t Mfttotj. M.0W
» »a bov for
Mviac> «rUto too Protoetivw Wftat M
Xoul toftu. Oft« of the prtodpfti
■ to iftpftft. wkkeh hM of Iftto
been ehowtof nosMftl ctofM of dtoimrbMee,wftk Teefttoj U« Mette of a toiTtSe
«s»lMioo tollowM by e oonUDnoee arasftr. whleh et the ttoie of the Uieet
toleffiftiM bftd ftot yet eaeaed. There
fcaa hMB of tote a eerie* of elleht earth^■ake ahoek* to Yokohaaoa aad Tielolhr ftft4 predtorioM of aertoo* dlatarhoB«« hare been rUe ftmoaf the reeldeau.
4eaee of what U eappoaed to be
toabOAk otocaa thoafh ih* eaaet
tore of toe dlaaaae U yet hBeerlato, haa
beaw dtaoorerrd to Ohlhatoira. Saa
rrtdtjof Saaeaa hee been totorrtowed
arbUe Oft hie »«y to Broetoa. Beaald
toe woald toaee OhrlaUftBlft Kay u to
The iipedllWei will retam to aatama.
MtoABdrae,«ftMeBeat«; -1 belierad
■etoftf aaftOHibto to hie raters, bet I
■o-toftger hare aay hopa"
A aaetber of efta« of what m eappoe«d to he th* baeoale placae have bees
««elally rtoortod at boftoa Ayna
OtVOfti oufteftroe are belW adopted to
prseeat the epread of the dtoeaM.
The reaatoa of M eoldtera who died
to Caba wais barled at Arllactoa eem wtoty‘I'seeday with alUlary boaoca.
The bod let of aboat 5M ooUton who
died to Caba a»w raat toi thia bietorle
The ratMeatloM of the Aasoaa arWtratloa treaty were exehaaced at the
atato departoMBt Wedseaday. by Seeletory Bay for the Oatto^ Stotea. Lord
Paaaeefote for Uraat Britaia aad Dr.
Voe Boltobes lor (toraaaqy. The treaty
sabslte the ctoiaw to the arbitratloa
of Ktoff Uiear of dwedea.
The atote laeeM aeyleai at Bt. He
tera.Mtoa.. waa badly | baraed. bat
tortanataly no Uret were loat. thoa(h
Atesptoyceaarrowlyeeeapod to their
•ifhtMthea. Loee. toOjOOO. partially
worered by inearsaoeItoe aenaw eosmlttec on forelpn
vetottoM haa aathorlsed ithe reporUey
Of aa aaeadewat to tlte diptoaaUe
spprepriattoa bUl. appreprlattoy •to.OM to be paid to ex-Qeaan LUtoakatoal
aad proridtoy for aa aaaa^ doaaUaa
■ofBlO.oaotohorae loaf aa ahe may
. The Japeaeee dtot hae peeaed a bUl
penaUttac lonlcsere to eofafe in
Mtoiac to Japan.
InpUM totoraeu hare paMhaeed
to PbUadelphla IM.OM Muhele of aaed
wore, which they propoto to olaet to
the lertUe raUeye aloof the Blrer
KorealhUlatplote barinf been dieoororad. police preeeatioae bare been
Aoabled to Bt. Peterabay to preraat
OMaeitoetlfta of Gear Btohelea.
The prealdeat hae raoelrod throafb
Anbeaeador Otaoate a beaaUfal oopy to
toedfewoed ware of tbe boat of Hoadtoh WaahtofUa. the fUt of Mertoe
Aatool Ootaa. es meyor of Boarac
aoatk. Bof iaad. ‘ Tee heal bear* thto
iBaarlpUoB. “Thto beet of the fraal
Weehtoftoa. foaadar olf the l.'alted
•totoe of Aserlea. 1* preaeatod to the
sattoa thsoafb Pr*ald«t MeKtoley,
rah. to. iMW. by Mertoe Eaaeell
mewb Th4r
'Wt offer ohe haadred doUare reward
Ber aay eaae of eatarrh that eaaaot be
«iu«d by Ball'* Catarrh Cere. P. J.
Ob^ A Oo.. Prop*.. Tdledo, O
We. the eederMfned, hare hnowa F.
3. C6
Cbeaey tor the laet it yeata. aad
X 4.
belie hlcB parfectly honorable to all
haatoaM traaaeeBoe*, aad Aoaaelally
' wble to carry oat any obilfatioo Bade
hy their ftrtn.
VTaet A Tnai. Wbol^lc Dracfieta,
Toledo, O.. WaMtaf. Ktaun A Mar■wim. WboleBleDrafftou,OMedo. O.
8011** Catarrh Care Ictahea totersally. acilar diiaetly aeon the btood and
toMao* aarfaee* of the •yatom. Price.
SBUBtBtobTfree*** ^
ariib^OyWU are the beat.
Of a Bmsy ProfcMtonal LM* Waj
tbe DUcovery «f
Dr. A. W. Ciim*s
■«nra and Blood mils,
BwltoUon-Habert Yeaiah.
EeciuaoB ■flaai Waiaowtoy.
Daet—Medatoboolersfi, Alto Bela. Tbe New Treatment Wbicb Haa Rev
oUfftowirod tbe Old Method of
Bedtation-Bri* BarUetL
Trent ni UUeeeM of tbe
Roellatioo-Mary Bbield*.
Boat—Jnbim Bella.
BeeUaitoo-Alona Chaee.
Boeitailon—Daley Moore.
Of tbe pfirate prcacription* of Dr.
Bon«—by eto boye.
A. W, Chi-*, none b«ve bad *och a
EeelUUoa-^W Helm.
aide InBuroce on tbe r»ed<fliI.proJefc
Good NIfhi. ____
•loo a» bw lest yrnt diM»rery, D*.
ChCae'e Nerrc and Hlood Pill*.
Got the Paree Afftto.
For meny ye*i* Dr Cl^’* Olnlmeot
and Dr. Cbne'i Kido^-Lirer PtII* bar*
Ytttorday whUe fotof home. Mlee been atandard reuiedir^ koowo and
CapItoU Vadar loci bar paiee. Bbe bad
in naailT erery home. Dr. Cbaae i
tiood Pill* bar* bed fleeter
ridden part of tbe way home with C. Nerr* and Bli
— hecaom they
E. T^lor. aad he returned to. took tor
bare to a Urec extent rerolotionited the
the 'miaatof paraa% A Baa on the Bctbod of treating dlaeem* of the w-----etreat,wbo had Men aa old woman cod i-t—t
Tbe oU method of teering dowe diepiek np aomathtof. fa*a Taylor tk^
eaar by tbe c*r of atrong, poiaaaom
dee. and he followed tbe woman
ba* f*il<
failed to core. Pnigatiree
tor the pane. At ftret ebe waa
aara that It waa bar flora that aha “
*ihS the body.
ptekad ap, bat ebe beeame leee poaltlra Nerve aad Blood Pill* cm
' - anU appeared, aad fare tbe btood rich aed pore,
MW nerrc titene.
ap the parM. _____________
dre tblc ficaf food <
keowB to» taedical *c
_w-mwrmwmwwmnrmm^ A* a reetorativc for pale.
ind women at an,-------- --J THE STAOE
Dr. Cbaae'*
i*e‘. N-.
Ncrre. and Blood
a triempb. ^ centa a
AND PLATFORM | box, at all dealer*. selm of price by tbe Dr. A. W. '
MeSicine Co., Buffalo. M. V. On
Tbe Blaeknaith’i Denfhtor'' waa box of tbe yenaine will be fonad por
flren by tbe Hunt Stock Company to trait and fac.*tiBil* ■Ignalnrc of Dr. A
the City Opera Boaea toot nlfbt before W. Cham
a food deed aadleaoe. Tbe |d*oa waa
weUetacedaad the rartou memben
of the eaet did rery deror work. Mto*
Marl* riUflbbon. the lltU* Irlah
ambretto hae beoom* a tarorlta and
her appearaaoe aaeb nlfbt I* balled
wlU pleatare by the andlaoee. Frank
Taeker fare a rery food portrayal of
thee^'re*trt of Mr. Ormyebrook aad
the other m»«bera of tbe eaai fare
rood IntororeUtloB* of their parta. To
eifht the attraetioa will be ‘ For Her
Bake." a rery p^Ur play with food
r.-L" H».
Boratto Nerxee Booth. Ue hamoreae
raraboad la "Bide Tracked."wbo maat
ba etedlMd with herlaf llred a loafci
lifh theatrleally epeaktoc than thi
majority of eharsetere of tbU daac.
will atato pr«Mi hlmeelf at Btoto
borf't Grand next Toeeday erentof.
March U. for the parpOM of ereatlaf
hilarity. -Bide Tracked" U enjoytof
lUMoal popalarlty thi* eeaeoa, and
theeompany U a rery dercr
While the ebaraeten of the play hare
act beec ehaaied. the eoealo eqalpmenl hee been freaUy enlaryed. and
tbU teaeoa'a epeelaltlar are aald b
woederfally elarer.
John F. On & Co.
ncTorc «*n*oi
irniJto>»M M Or
A* naadiab Attack.
Aa attaek wm lately made ea C. F •iMMe re la* am
OdUar of (toerokoe, Iowa, tbat aeaiiy
proved fatal. It eaa»e thronyb hi* Ud- IM h*r barta— *• may emmit tmtoir Ui* ciwreBnevx Hb haek yot to lame he ooold tivn
not stoop witbont great pain, aor ait In Hon-bV. IMO.
aehalr exeept propped by eneblau- bo
mmedy helped him nntU he tried Bleetrie Bitter* whieh efl eted (neb a won
derful obanfe that be write* be feel*
like a new man. ThU msrveloo* medi■^^o“eiiurbe5S«*L^.
cieecBre* backache end kidney tronble. Wi-roB*
Ktrtol OB W«d*r*e*r rr-ciBS. Man-ta
porifle* tbe blood and band* np yonr Itib. inv.
BiT:Xlo>Wk. for Ihr purpear of
rilarddelrmie* toauco* a <-ltr<-«o.TtiO<
besUb. Only
at Jas. 0 Johnso rlMcilarddelrraie*
Irf tor rndai
Frldai orMBtne,
mtnlBt. M*n-b
Mxrrb lAb. >D*
bd* ol
aad 8. B. WaU'* dray fetore*.
tB«Boir,B*l[i»o(raBeW*tn.for wkr* o
stssitfsr «
Little ThYera-Little ThYera.
The Boy Phewmeioi Pfores
HisIhilitytoCereillDisMses Without the Aid
of Drags or Strgooi's bill
•« b> **ia WM* Tra e*lmtn will olao Ib*
• o. wkfoh
. ..•->«*■ totbp
eoBOIr nmrrelios.
■ 111 vIorieMlmle* Vn tor
mUoe^or Mop *nt. l«au. to »ir«u.^oi>d ,
bwolneo. *> mmy mo* to-fo.* t r coc
Much nil. IHb.
I W. HAKriNOe.
c L nnciUOK.
> JoeW
MAtwnou ADerr«
Herrt* W
mm lUct t
rtaf* BlUaCMh
ecat da* on <
TboW BIUa>»(k
dioaoK W^Earr.
Bis Wondsrftil SoisiioG AanlhlUtss DIsseMS ABd Oorss
the AffllotsO-Indors! ed by the Prsss
and Pulpit
A* day *aoeeed* day there 1* no
abatement in the crowd* of •fflleled
people tbat ffxk to tbe parlor* of the
Boy Phenomenon at tbe Park Plane
BoieL Sleee hi* advent la tbU olty he
hu demonslraled beyond all cavil—nil
linMlioo—that be aiaed* erowaed
klnt of the entire magnetic world. Bt
ha* yrapbleeUy portrayed tbe power of
No Other endowtneat U to yreat aa
tha-ylfttoeonqneranddbpel dlecMW
to a degree never before known alftoe
the apoetollc day*. It doe* cMm there
arc no Inarmltie* eo terrible and no
cftte too bopelem to be beyond tbe
reechof bit aaarreloo* power. People
wonder what manner of man he ie aad
marvel at'toe ctranye power be po*-
A bnUlcxB c*ur
Mj. 4 wUI
.. _. _____bt
be h*l
mldtn* to
W. Lerdle'*
le KorwafleB etoamer Frmeklto.
whieh aalled Feb. is aad wa* da* at
Bdla*. RriUah Boadarae, Feb. IT. hM
siCD heard from aad feaie far bar
aafety arc expremetl. Bh* earried
fanaral earfo from Mobile marahv
for BdlM and Paarto Barrlca. The
-_iek wiU elect
delaeaie* Ui to* *uto ceeveatluti. '•ailed tor
Ha) *ru- tam, tn DetmU. and aorh Mber »ual'
n*«< as ma- t-n«* beta** tbe oonrrailoa.
Han-h ;. luu
I. E. DcFlneaWadltorotthaJoDnial.
wM earprlead to reodre raUet nlmoct
ieimediately. The Patn Balm ha* been
a MBOtoat aompealoa of mton,arar
•inea aad it aeeer falla." For tale by
8. E. Walk dracftak
For Fire Insurance
L. I.. A. BnUdlS(.
John R. Santo,
SuHil lisiniM.
Wnrxborf mod.
TtnrmM City
Beet to be bad ia
the city U at
8se anpki in window.
Ic* Oprrw Boom nioek.
Bono* Mock.
is s
o'clock, for th* purpo** of *l**Uo«
*rntp* to niteed a R>*pdWI<«d vltr <-oi
calM for rrWaj- •.*oto*, Martb IWh.
fortoenomlnalton el raUldatc* forward otflrwatonald ward Ktobl dvfoeawa will alao
bretortod totke arsteooolreoorrailop whi.-h
1lrd will rim d*l*i
•Iryat** In Ikr *iat* ft
I* brtorr lb* n«T*
■toem a> war
,rtdi Tih. Iio*.
Steinberg’s Grand
TnnrseCity, - - MicMgai
Fire Insurance.
ec*fo*lObtUadaB«|ioblfo*ac>l/ roereBlloo
eallrd for Prldar. W*rek IWb.au »Ud ter ihr OfiooouwToeoeUcr Ue^ tU Freat MtMt.
ird vmea* to
lO Iw elrwieil Trivpkeev Mo <ua
MoreaoUl* Qo. Rloek
. wtunUoa (o tax U
o. Sisssa,; S.'&S^v.lS
_____ TBOHraOK; Otfoe
_________ lotel. Booa>* CO wU «. Wo•OB’* aad'
Opera House.
Sicctsurs tc
Irarersi Cit| Uwlnr Ge.
Be Fooled the S
AU d'^rtor* told Broick HamiitOD of
Wo*tJfffer*OM, O., after *ulferlny U
month* f'mm Bocial Fiatnla, he would
die onlee* a costly operetlon wu per
formed; but be cored blmself with
Bockleo's Arslc* Solve, the beat in the
world. Sureti pde cure on earth. tSea
box.at Ja*. G. Jobnaon and B. B Wait'a
drey atorea.
Ihe many remarkable enree be bM.
performed in thle eity alone ha* Bcver
b«a eqiialled by aay oUier mode of
Matmeal B<* methr^ of treatment
K eo very novel aad nniqne. and hi*
manner of arrivlnf at the ailmeet of
each patient enrpoMm anythlny of Uge
kind ever witnenaed here before.
Word* fall to do joetioe to tbe many
tonehlny and pathetie aeeae* -which A pUy witty and wiae—and Hora*
dally andbonHy transpire in ble pri
tio, tbe tramp, will take *
vate parlor* st th* Park Place, aa tbe
you by gurpiiee.
bUad. lame, alek aad crippled emery*
from the ttcattac room* to Join tbelr Standing Room is a Nightly
anxicnafriend* In tbe parlon, their
Occurrence with
•up more firm and elMtle, and tbelr
faoM beaminr witbemUea aad Mttefaetion. u they rMlIae for the firettoe
in ymw* that Anally there 1* hope of
their care aad permanent reetoratlon
ProiyiV. cftrefnl aad eonruona atten to a me of health and happincM, and
ttoa. n* ctTOftTMi ftsd oldeat Are to- that freatcM of all blcMtay^hMltb—
anraeee eompaatee in tbe world repre- to be accomnllahed wnbont the nM of
eoated to toy ayaacy.
Mwi UnL 'Fktil TS.
An army order kseed Wadneedeg
night ajutoannei that tbe qneen bu
ofdered that In fntare on Bk Patriekk
day aU rank* oI her Iritb- reyimenta
aball wear a* a dktinetios. a apriy of
shamrock In tbelr bead drM*. to eomncDorate tbe gallantry of her trkh
Bildier* in the rceent battle* In Booth
Ifllec, Monk Hto. in*. u ;:*> o’clock, for
Tg Our# m OgM in Onn D«|r.
poi-jo** of otocHnv Md«l»c»t«o to oiwod *
—'-‘'sraetto ooBfoBtloB c»il*d ter Fridor Take W*mer‘» White Wine,of Tar S.vrup.
lelBc. MwFBb leth. wi
:Ue beet cough remedy on earth. SS and
■ of caadid*!*- foi
vd. Twm*vdek(*l.
lU aloe be MocMd to
, wklrh wUI ol*ci
iWatfoB cwUod for
Cttoemto* to th* ■tot* e«av<
Mw^. 1MB,to IMnriL aad.
A Um ............... M
AUtho latwt alael* to plaU aad
earlMd kkMMhaadeatUwapUcnd
Iiimt IT—T-------- -----------------on Mto today.
I CMNl-W8P—r»
There never haa been * medical praeUtloner in thi* part of tbe eonnby who
hM eanaed the excitement aad oommeat that have been oecMloned alnee
the advent of tbl* yonny man tn TmvMM City a tow daye ero. aad It I* no
wonder that eneh U tbe eaee, far the
onne performed, not <mly npon th*
peblleataye. before tbooeanda of onr
beet elUaeae. bet at the Park Place In
private, have never boea equalled by
any otbm-mod* of tnatmenl. WhUe
Many of the yratotnl patiewt* look npon
their recovery m a ■airaela, it k not m
claimed by him. aad laeaaQy aoeoaated
for on strletly adentiSe priaelplca. m
he dally ymiMale* eight
meynetiam than tbe average **an, aad
aU prodeoad by the ttaaefaai wot thU
mayaette feroe from the Boy
Mto the patient.
As hk Urn* k fast being sold, aad aa
only s limited namber ato treated each
day. U behoevee tbcM who deslrohk
neat to'eeenrs ^«lr tkfaekat
To huttala might hath* mktok*
edyovUto. OMu home at Perk
hoMan £raMMa.m.to4p.m. 7 to
Playing to mtm people tbie neaBOD tbao ever before.
Prices—2o. 35, 50c; box eeaU.
7.5c. Seata on aale at tlie box of
fice Sfttun'ay morning.
Scenic Display
TbR- A B. FLOOD. OSor le a*w Teautfor
Oo*. No. W: rwwMoaev. Mo t|. Kortbaro abeae
D*- 'i.J*
domnUc aaliBWla br Ike touwi ao* moot awprovedstUod* Daroralcblewlto proMptly
____ l*»*ill b* p
..................... . .
MTi T0L0aM-O» petaaaal
Ball. Hw'cb ted,
black btclaOw-B*n
aioraaad iMo pwlrw of mint
IPOR aaiX-Two ekair bwrbor *aov. eato
C faiidtur*. wiU >*11 ch**p. rrMoa lor *«11-
t?OUKO--le Porvwl*'*' Ball, far aieff. O
r valla
" 10 ar Irealar avfwaoeo*
.C. DMWood. fitslxlbatraat.
-eVR RKHT. BaLeoR TRAOX - Fana
V mam. Sle frail.
of «*'-
•d wUl **U >B «ma'J loto. Addnw Box
’TraTafa* CUy
5f Elk R^^ ^uliw i n^W^Briat
B« OBo. auUaB Wnk
UnderUkIng Parlors
®uM Yew-No. X7
SM U>rd Bobwta.
WCI OMOff mrntgk1 of Wofooli
•mmI Vkste Talk*
Wnt>f of
toM >ir 12.50
AM OhaiCBd wiUi OflUtBcs
rwlim.ltooM eoponWoo
A«»lBBt Unol* JB^bc—'
Wkoolor, who rotBTMd fMoi UmUo m
tto trtiwnrt Worw oo Moodoy. »«*■
od tM» aWrkt oad «wt «e tko Palooo
fcoiot: nwnoiWkwi^ioM:
tfco fnt>lin|ooiliotofrtonnwrt.
oovtoooiMdUad. AoonilatMrkN
%Btk 4Crlw tofaj on ««7 oowonrijto m4
«kot Lord Bokarto’
3.«foM»iot«>te*ooa.Cwttk -eIt
o«oi7do^ WkBottoMMMof Lord lokI foporto tnm lUfok
ikMttiafnf llM
tit on-wry ■HBTBoifiy.
AM ioi
UMi I. It. Wit .1 M «<*«»■
•MHOf* roooiTOd today:
•<NtoUrOro«o, Marohi-Two brigadaa ot oarialry. with berao arUllory
aad Ooaora) Kollay-KanayU dlrWoa.
•arohod today too -lloa lotbeoaai.
ward- Tho Booi* wo» «1»IW tobon by
aarpriB yootorday- They «o*cd oR
80 borrlodly that thoy lalt oookod dlaaan bobind. Wo oaotorod a Krapp
taa aad ooToral toata aad waffOBa
••Oor total 'oaaaalUM aro; AlU*d.
Idoalooaata Koowtek aad ftdoaly;
woaadod. LloatauoU Balloy, DoCbaapttayaad«alth. Uolattor ot. whooi
to baUoTod to haoo booa plekod ay by a
Soar ioibilintit Two bm waro kUlOdaod forty-oU woaadod aadoaoto
M... «~W aulk-ttoP, “Jw.
•a^nato tho ralloaya toward both
atWBbarv aad Btoyaabarr aia bolaf
OM«al Olaaoato BOW oeeayUa Nor
oataboat oa tbo aeath taaak of tho
# Mar^ « aad tko oaomy ara koldlaf
Aoaecth baakot tbo riror. bat aro
•at. it to bolwood. U aay Croat
UM Uu biuehn
^fOl Baba BO tarlbor otaad woat Of tho
fVw Btato oaidtol aad oobo <d tho*
•aoadodaoo traa the foot that tho
■oor foroB aro divided and bare rotoaatod ta dldtoreat dlrarUoad, that
dBBoralUatloa hat eat ia and that the
Tnaaoaal forao wUI aaxl be foaad
folly oatrwbod la ir-“*— —
of tho Vaal river while the balk of the
frao BBtan wiU abandoo the -ooateat
,Mnat to the aortbaaet. the oavalry
••d borao artUlory bariac done Croat
AMotioo aoMBC thos. The Brittoh
OMaaltiM are clroo'M M, far loot than
Dwy woald have boon. Lord Bobertt
iByUw. bad bo not avoided the
dty otowkinc a (roatal attaek.
It ta oiaoetod BOW that tbo Oraaca
rrooBtaU aad Truevaal Boon wUl
|aU book to tbo video of blUe botwaaa
Tbatonbarc and Boaokal. ao '
Vtabarc. whore they wUl
•load. Lord Bobarto. howovar. *ay
bCfo aatletyatod each a
whan bo ordered Oeaoral Bailor to
■era wBtwa>4 fro* LodyoBlIb and it
MBible to foroo bit way over Vao
Cnii" yaaa- It ta tbooebt that Ooa«Bl Ballaria obleeUve ta Botbloboa,
Oraace rieoBUta. oa a dlreot road
naaloc ooatbwoet to Boaokal aad
«sly M bUb dtataat
Vboaeo. If Oonoral Bailor colwt that
poaltloa. be oaa Bovoacalaot tbo rear
of the Bm* whoa Ibdy Ita Baeoed ia
tho hilU Dortheau of Wlabarc waltiac
to Boot tbo advaaao of the Brittab
•ealait ay fro* the aoatb.
A dii^ateb fro* Motaate eayo that
a Brittab foroo oeeaptad Borebdrodory
•aopfwood ladt alcbt.
talnc rovoal
a tarrlMo'altaatloa. Wbot iooke like
Vebuld IrvOT boo broken out la the
woBOBh loacor 'and dyeeatery to rac
iacbtdly. .
Mdo to tkoa logardiiy AMrtMM
koUorod Miot too oal^ footlUa oaoooo
fre« lapoodtiff orU mo riiliUiinir
yotdio^to Um oteto of tho robol
toodow tooy wooo ooly oUotelsftm
OMOlxthof iporoMlot Uo
load, aad tho othor of oolBac Uqaor
lo «o»7 arm acatoot oo.
Adrian Barr and rrodrieb Bneh woro ,
••I mm trmij cooTteood that tho r*> breast la fro* BmBot eoenty, ebarc-1
boUtoo, aa as orroolsed voroBont, U Witboot paylnc tbe revenoe tax. Tbry |
ataaead. So tar ae the eapaei^ of j were broa^t in by Dapa^ Hanbal
tho pooplo tor oeTt covemmeat ta eoa- \ SH. O'Daanall.
oemod, I think that they are apable'odwttb ootUac Umber off of covernofUnadar certain reatrlcUoM- Tko 'mont land. ieoAt of T-otookey. It ta
fawexporinMna already made In dvta'eUiinod that Barr took a foroo of men
tbroeeboat the yrovinoee * et tbe becinatng of the year into’ the I
have boon euoeeeeful, aad I think they wood*, and bat eiooe cot aboat-to.ooo
onebt to have aathority to make their j feet of pine and throe aerae of oodar.
owa lawe and covera thoetMlve under; Bu(b waa a eqaaiter. aad it ta eleiraed
eyetom eimilar to that known m onr i that be bat been enttlnc timber off tbe
land he baa iiinattea on for a lone
lah faratabedtctoo bail and waa rolaaaad. to appear before tbe vMareb
tone of tbe entnd jery. B»rr .beltc
ftoaoa Vtotoria waa Boyally Oroeted aaabla to farntah aaraty .tor II .000.
by ‘noaaaada. la Loadoa
which bte bait waa dxed,
pkn to OraadBaidds to JaUtUlSV
Lowdoa. Mareh •- - Qeeea Violorta Mareh tarn.
arrirod ta London today and bv Tho other aaao that oame before Oobarrival wae bcraldod with ttaa Boat iaW. Wooden of Kalkaeka. Be koope a
teaae aatbaotaem
Tbroacboat tbe daBoaatratloae at- reotaaraat, aad bu tor aoaeo Ubm baaa
.eeted of oolllnc ateonc«r drlaka
taadlacbaxB»jBty*a rbdt them am*
doBlaatod a aow of triomph and tbe thaa eoffoa. He bad ao lieraw to aell'
ebeon that Bade tba atreeta rlay wore latoxtaaata. aad wbaa raranao eOeor
aatae Bank la haaer ^ tba Brittab Van, WiManbercar boaebt oobo bacr
rtatortaa la konUi Afnea ae they ware tbo other day. 11 waa aU ap.
vooUerou tribatea to tbe moaareh Bta bail wu flxod at Hao. whleb baa
ao womanly eympatby hoe been ao n been fatatobod. and be will
atrlUacly abowa albee the war b«aa. probably CO to-j ail at Oread Baplda.
Wbaa tbe trela from Wlndaor arrivoda
ahoB............................ mu
«t.oe and MM box ealf
•hoB............................ MM
•tooaadM.M willewealf
The Joaraay troB Wlndaor and the
lone ride throacb the deafaalac din.
axpooed to a haaa wlad. w*a trylac.
yB daapita bar crBt ace tba qaaen ap
parently eaffarad no nnaeoal faUfMmSUBF BOB PVBBTO BtOAJIS
of the new
MMi CBrtimr Wan PiMts
largBst Stoii it Northsrn Michigai-Take a Look at Thom.
«3 M aa<1 M 00 black kid.
tilktop,........... ........... MOO
M.%oaadtsoutaakid. kid
MSo“a^d |jo> aa kld' tlik
readen, rou mat* UaUr to «ol4?"
Loahlonh -"la taah ea.e.lr'a
Ju.’erlBh Barewhieku; fortaonew
Are Hera.
The leadiac eboo hoaae
|ll pt
Are Here.
W oold like to show you all Uiat’e new and pn^r in ike way of
Spring Suits and Overcoats.
Irtofeok. I *
Thoueanda of dollars worth unpacked yeetetday. Look 'em
over soywHy. What do you say?
Killed SSie Wife. Shot a
Thna aava Puck in “A Mid-Sum.
Mintator. aad than Blow Rto
mer Ni«Lt’e Dream”:
Owa Bredna Oat.
There wwe no t-lepbum-a in
o.»b., Nrt., u«u.«-A, th. ™u. 8h.k«p«r.,.l.r,orh.wouldk.v.
rfU»,B..- *. K.
(Like Percale, but 6ner.)
..nlW r».k SIMI.
•'"■W *>iM J
Goods are.:t<> inchee wide, abeolutely fast <-olors, and wear
.il.™,. U.
»! «. ■»'
'l» Itepl ot Av„|. I lika iron. A hundred patterns to pick -from.
ud bl.. out bl. o.. b-ln.'
Wbre to revunt tbo o.rt b
Priw is 12i<- per yard.
•n..i™it.d, rfi-bh.
m»tte,.«r.l. Th,.ob..b b«i,bb.l<»»«“l-’ T.eblibtU Oentti^, the
to tbo boBO of tho miatoter to eoeh prowhich is the Unetoetioa and eeonro advice-OThe hoepbuneV
band tollowot^ and broke |lnto tbo
With the telephone
boaoa. revolver in haad.STtae torriM
you can talk and re
woman Sod to tbo rear of tbe rBidenoe
ceive an answer in
and tbe mlntoter Jnmpod in .front of
P08TV BBtixim!
hnebaad. Steele fired
at tbe mlniater. wonndiac him in the
wed hto wife into n
earner, aad, frabbinc bar by tbe hair,
ehot her ropoatodly. When ehe aank
Tha finaat Aaaortmant that hme arar baan ahovn ia
Milka-’s Cash Store.
to tbe floor be tamad the roTolvar oa
this dty at osa thaa It would be itopoeBible tp d.-erribe
them—there are ao’ouny and each piece oo different—Th^
Btoale oaBe to Omaha from Chtaaco
must be seen to be apprteinted. We mime only o few.
aevaral waoke aco aa aelerkin ArPolka Dot—a beautifol thing, several colors.......... ..
fl .00
iriepacklnr booaa Tba natare of
OroDAdlne—fancy, inlaid satin stripe.............................. 1 00
fiomeeUe troabtaa rem^na a aecreU
PeAu de Daway—plain colon., fasK a beautiful stitched
Tba mintator ran from toe honae after
.............................................................................r... 1.00
bolac ^t aad aoenrod a pbytlciaa.
Laoa Fancy- somethin* new, in several colore.............. 1.88
Wbaa tba poltoe reaobed toe bonoe
Sstin Stripad Paralan—Yon must 09t fail to see it... 1.66
Stoata and hie wife wen dead.
ParalAn PHsaa shirred, tbe very latest.......................... 1.40
Bhirrad Pllaaa—in many shades ....................................... 1 .OO
Fancy Uord- many stylea-thiB ia a leader this season.
I Slc..M'worih‘iB'25'w:u*^'''
Fancy Taffeta—too many varieties to describe.
at.............................. »1.WI
Peraian—tbe nobbiest' thing yei............ 1.76
Arbltraton Maklac "tood Brocrom
Crystal Cords, Armoraa, Foolardt. Oranmdinaa, Cords,
Vito the Xetlaatoe on OaapRipolsa, DantaUa. Plalma, Paan da B<rie.
bell Plant.
And tbna we mlrbt eoDtinne to name a haodred olbera. Wa are not at
all backward in caytug we feel eoBfl"*ent we can please everybody to tbe
Tba arbltraton who are oatImaUrc
aUk Itoe. Tbe p-lesa a.-e u attractive aa the gooda tb-maelvaa.
!............ «o
too vplae of tbo OampboU water worki t
plant made cood procroB yeaterday ^ H bare Jaxon soap
200 Pieceslof New Silks
I Keep Up
i With The Band.
Aaothar Canrowf BMo and OrdSabaoat
to Oaaeral Davta.
WaahtncU*. Mareh »-Aetiac Saei*taryofWar Metklrjoha haa roeeivod
another appeal from Oeaer^ Etavia, tor
tortherjerto Btaana.
Goaaral Davta aeka for the farther
eblpmentof soo toM of rteo and oodlah. Itbaeboaa eont.
(toneral Davta rooommeada that he be
Clv«n meana to pot DS.OOO man at work
tortbrea mnthe.on Improvomoat of
raada For thta. be oaye. he wlU need
tor labor, toota and eappllea. abont t and it ta probable that there Invcatlca- {
MW.OOO par month. Ho thlobe that | tiona will be oompleiad today. UdIob
wtulntoree meatba. wdar^bta plan. lamorooerioM dtaarreomeat than bat J
tbo pBtod of aetnal datnB wttl bo
tarteile of the early dayi of tlM otac* pMOOd eoor aad that than now tadoahae alBoat doaarted the boeieced, tbe trial aad eoemoBta oerndMeae will
Ben yreforrlac to leaiain at tbalr yoeta axtat.
826 Front Street.
fatoter than move abeot aad work ay
rcaneta Vnion Bnid w be Nc«ottotaa a^UM whleb eaaaot be eatieCed.
The aaUvB are ia tbe wont ylicht.
lac That Way.
Tboee wbo are naablc to obtain wo<k Mathan Lneae Paid Debt OontraeWd
todtaaapolla Ind.. Mareh a-B«aora
la ISM
aro anowod a oboII baadfal bt moat
I ia comiaereial nto
Ton will find a fine line
dally- Many, tarmflac all dancer, wan- Nathan Laeat. foemarty of Tbemp-.------------” J
WBtem Dak* Tal4w aboat tbo towa wttb caaai. baarry eonvUla, haa aattlod a elaim of MS that I ^ *o6»r that thewae
abont .to abaorb
. fane ta oaarA of orark wbteb obUUb
ly. andtha
tfea* to aa extra ratioa of tooal- II MU of QaldwaU A Loadoa. to aall «• roporl ucaivad ready eradamM trea Stamped Linena, all sues of Sofa
Pillowa, Down PUlowa, Oosbion
ttaiV Bad work they aro c—onUy too
CordA Battenburg *“teria’s of aU
waak to yarfarB it
b. Bat to that fir.
^ ^.SSriSTi
A fuU
rroB iboiradvaaoad pooto tl* I
paold. AU waa paid axaapt
rake tbo otraota aad thaourkofaqi
Mt. which it ta Bid UaldwaU A Londoa aicaa toaob with tba Wanam Ualoa to
ir- - Twohaadf«daadalaoty>two'poi
I given free.
Naw York bad fwaivad a cofamnaW
-te-Vt baoa klllod or woaadod or bare ware vaable to cat.
887 Frost StrooL
>Tho Ckrrtaoa ta ae oboU that It Toaaday PatobiadDrotoar, attonaya tabs to wblah it waa xtatod that tha
tor tba Mlablffaa MareaatUa Acaaey, KoantlBaaef bomdaby tba WBisra
ooHnaewoad pmeaadi^ by a^tor- Oatan waa aot tor the pvpoaa aa atatTRAVERSE CITY
iba aeltoatka of tha aoceaat. aad when ad, ^ UqoldattBC the ontataadtoc totoday ntborthaa. Baba earraad.
■riC dMSadMB.batfwtha parpoaa MbafiiBsaaa tba aaeoaat w
eartocmemiTto eerar tha east of tha
Om OsffM BilMVtaM
iliiiiiiiTl^i Of the PottaL
toatef taa Waatto thta dVBaOataa <
, Tka^aW
MhiacdotaiW oa
. Mar.C.AM^wSgis*mi;y.
! 1SS5,:"
I w. w.fliilu's Cash Sun
Window Display
now in stock, at the
rive thiMieand pareooe waited
patleatly ia St Joboe park, about tbe
tbe q« 1 anlorodtbe quadI poere and eomrancle, tbe aaae
manera aanc “U»d Save the Oaeon” aa
bar maieaty antared the palaee. Ontaide it waa pandemMiem. -Over the
roadway which bad been kept clear for
the earriacca the erowde awamad and
Jammad. Somebody atartod alnciac
■Ood Save tbo Qcooa" and for half a
Bile or more tho pao^ took up Ue
atoaUw. The Prineeot of Waloa and
thoDakeand DaebM of York roappearodoalhe taaleony. Foraqnartor
of an boar the royal duke raBaiam
with bared bead before the craat yell1^ BIB. Tho pot^o waatod aaothar
•ICbt of tho qaoea and it wae halt aa
bear botero tho erowd. realtainc that
her sajBty wae not eoBlac oat, broke
JOMO; kM «ho
.X4MMOO. ■■Wi • —■■Jl II'
School of Music
“• jtat^te.'SKs
The Boston Store
No Better Shoe
For wet, ifaawj weather than a pair of our heavj soled nboes. The welt soles
are rerj popnlar among ladies’ who
want-an up-to-date street shoe.
have a beauty at f3.50.
The “Imperial shoe"*wiUi(a heavy hand
turned sole is another good one. See
them in onr window.
■ i
We bnvn }— pet In a new
line of np-toAate aUtlonary box paper and tableto.^
No old etoek-Pri— reaaon-
laMratroifieefaieetthe aatheriiy
eftheOiltedElatea. Wham the FWplae Jnata le watnb^ eewT more
e la thoUalted 8ia— aad eaadli«
to the Imaffeati every attecaBoa
oriac their <mMb.ith both wiaaaad
patriots to taka eomeaetkm that trUl
<mae for all rt«« them to aaderalewd
O0UI7 Ooi
that the DalWi Statae wUlaot .aban*
den the talaadn. The paaenfe oC the
vUI kr MM la For—olntioaeroaldnleohnve ntmdeaey
to‘ehato« ar—» deal of the anal—
__________IM Kr eamp^ aratory whl* —bam
ai DoUMt. Mar MMlarfotatM the foraramaM aad makaea toalentlemaat of the dlflenltiaa lathe Maade
___ tdiOeBlt. It la efood naolntloa
aad ahoold. he adopted,—Detroit Tribone.
,^’s: srilSTsrir
ntU:IOo-elo^ the gaenta cd |
the evening being —ted at a ttble at
the aontb end of the haU. while abont .
7S Elfce oeenpled another table eet ,
tatothwiea of the hall- Atiar the
Tiaade worn propmly dtanoned of an
Imp—toU pragmm wm rendered, to
whkh the gnmta of tha di—ntte pro:
feaeloo eontriboMd generewly.
‘rmber'a e—paay la e—poeed of a
umber od very Mo— ladlae and genUemen end they eheortally pnrtlelpated In the enterUInmona
Profaa— Shannon favored with •
aral eeiectione of Ue owa o—ponition.
on the piano, and *
given by Mlaa Merle FlUgibbon. Mlm
Bate FlUgibbon, Mr. Taylor ud Mr.
Deonen. Mre. Pennon, who ie an ae-1
oooelUbed m—bar od the prof—I
eoiertalaed with a pi—lag reduU
William Dmeke of Orud Eoplda. e
tribeted a warble Bong in German; and!
Duff McDonald rendered a very flnej
Only $1.95.
Found in aaK^og a
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
Beoeptios and Buiquht LMt
determined >U coat,
________ ____ 1 a dem-_
_______ ^ vieltom from abroad ot
I aad Ooatraoion aad Travwee Clty'e fraternal hoepitaUty.
Thair VamUiea :
Eoyal He ghbon ABOlveraery.
Proframaad Feaet-Kayor ■amU-
•■imUom ter •opreae Oevi.
Tke pMMce by eoorrea of the bill
pwttdiec »IS per enw tviff r»w for
y«tte Eteo hM r^rea riM te the w
It—Inw ot wide dUtereagw ot opinkm
n^ardlBC the eatw of uU Meed u4
• AmMom of the e«pr—h eeun tipov
the qeeetlOM ie ewettad «ith interaet.
fhe Cikleego Trlbvse hea esMueed ap
^ e—tforeay Is » ehort edltorU]:
H—y eoBtaad that the ratlEeelion of
- ^ tmty with Spela—de Porto Rico
• part of the Oatted EtjeUe end Ite
—ttree hnerteoB eitieeae. TUa le the
titw of the eaae whteb U take* by
—etof the Demoeratte leaden from
M—leti— or ae a natter of polley.
there are eapnme eoart ooart dec!^ow Whieh aee laacaece fftriar to np^eti lEie eoatealioa. There are otben
fiiei- Uat the ratifl «UoD of the
—aty doee eot hare the efleet awribed
to it. aad that aatU eoagreae lerlalatee
—Mmr‘-f the iaUad ahd Ite lahata
Itaate the Umitatleae or the raaraoteee
tl the ooBeUtatioa do aet apply to it or
to th—. bet that whea oonpreet eo—it aey lerhlaUee whatever enoeratar the ialaad. thea it will beeome aa
mmA a part of the Called 8ta^ ae
llfte. or tlllBoU. 8o loar. bowerer.
■etbeExeentlve alone (oreme the U1—d It wiU. it U claimed, remain ovt•lie the ooneUtatiee.
then are othen. amonf them many
•f the Eepebllee^ leaden, who eonteed
that the raUfteatioM of the treaty doee
•ot exiead the ooneUtnUon to Porto
Kiao,aad that that wlU nbt happen noto Oaapr— ttollcttiy to deelaree.
they point to the provlelon In the
toenty that the ttttae of the inbabitoa» of Porto Bleo aball be determined
byOoDcr—. nod oonlrnet it with the
•• la of other------that the InbaMtantoof Lonielaan. Plortia, and the Terrltortee ended by MexlI ehontd be ineorporated Isto the
dflutea. They eon_ e of the United
ahn. extont
wad that nntU Ooagr—
,rU Eieo it <
dU— baeband
gevnm that idaad ne It dbe—
•aa grant or ref—tree trade between
the ielend end the United Steiee. oe it
MOi it. In it04 Ithe BepcbUean-DtB
aarat deelaree that "tbp ooneUtnUon
Wto made for Statee, not Terrlloricp."
The eopreme court wllli have to de•lie which of th— threb tbeorlm of
the etatot ol P irto Eieo U correct
<iit will beve to Uke the gronnd that the
qnmtlon it a political one and mail be
Mt to tbe Jndg—nt of oongr—.
ThcPbillplne q—lion bae iu own
ppeBllt--------- II—»<-«»« Many of th—
who eontend that the raUBealion ot the
toWty "ith Spaio
She Porto
EUaaa foUfledged ctaBeae of the
Oallod Sutee dlellke the Jdeao} applytpg their doetiiae to the FUlpln’N. Bo
they make the enggmtion that m let o f
................................d baragardad in
thaaame light oe Amerh
wte eo long ee they malpi
llHfTT- are not eoneidered dtiieae of
the United Statee. Pnrthkrmore. many
Who are Inelined to believe tbet the
ftoto Bieene have a leoat
fight to f— made wEh the Unitsd
Ftotaa dUllke to oonoade > eo mneh *
the rUipinoe. For. it Anerioan pro. 4a—meat be admitted tree while ail
tonlgn prednet* mutt pay the dntiee
•to forth la the United Sta— pro—
Mn tarifl. then foreign naGona will
to defied th— eonal eommercial op
gtotaaitlee they have bepa lad to ex—•a Shonld the enpte— eonrt deMAe that Porto Eieo ia entalde the
••totltaUoa. then tb— will be ao dlftoolty abont the Pbllipi^ea- Shonld
It d02lde otbeowlea, tkep many pmItotoag qneetk— wiU preacat th—
•—AToa Srixivax ida*.» o* I
remnrkni^ re
The Boral Nelgbbon of American,
tM and P. 0. Gilbert DeliFecod Ad- wmccleoraletheiriibannlveraen thlel
evening in Montegne Ball. All Boyal !
Nelghbort and inrtt4>d frlendh^ll help
<r—reto make the evening one of pi—ai«.
OseoftbemMt enjoyable eventoof Befreebmeou will be aerved and a
he--------- wee the reception aad baa- program eonxlatlng of reeitatioDt and
qaetjriFeaby the OarpenWn* Cnkm, muaic will be repdered.
In Hontacne ball laet evenlac- AU
tbeoarpontore of the dty. with their
toetUlea. wm larited. with the ooatne'ton aad their famlliee, aad in alt
veBtionearly 200 were preeentAfter enjoytar a flaeeo^ time for
ankoor, the oompany waeealled to
order by Prm'drat Spraal, wkorama
abort addi—on the objeem aad methodaofthe anlea. Thh waa followed
by a Aae eelaetioa by the Stepan orehaetra. who tnmiabed mnale dariaf
the erenlaf.
P. C. Gilbert then nddtenaadthe nadlanea In hie aannl rooelnf e^la, nad hU
•peeeh —a greatly mjoyad.
After n 'yeclUUon. •'After ICMao* ”
by B—ic Aatamna. aad aoether eeiaetIon by the orehaetra, Mayor Hamilton
addrmeed the a—mbiy. Ha epoke in
higb tar— ot orgpnlsaUoM tending to
onltod eSorU for the gaaerat good,
ml teije—111 kimaalf neaMione to
—let any each oiyaointlon,
the ooadiUona of Inbor
Id the pant, when aonaat labor wae
It. and then eontraatad that oondltlon
with the preaent, whea boneet labor
hat plenty of employment, at advaeeed wogea
Be declared that the fatore ot Trav■M City u amnrad- U bae paaeed the
expertmcBtal atage. and ao one qnmtione newjebether from thh time it
wilt go np or down. It U eore to go
np. nad there le not.a bettereity in the
■tnte for a man to tie to.
Be epoke of eome of the
that are before the dty for eolation
Promiaeat among th— he piaoed the
water worka qaetUoa- Be add thei
the elmpie parch— of the Cempbeli
plent would not effectively aolve the
qaeation. bnt that it weald be
aliy eolved.................................
by the city having ah abnnoe of pare water, at a email expeace.
He declared it to be hie principle and
polley alwaya. to open the dooreof the
city to asy helpful enterpiiae. any
r^lroad that promiaed to be a beoefit.
and to moke and keep Traverne City In
vary truth the ijneen City of tha North.
In nloxliiir the mayor nived all v—;
eat to cnltivata a feeling of unity for
the welfare ot tha city, and n realixaUon that the Into—U ot all the elU•one are common.
PoUowlng tha addr— of the mayor.
J. 3. Tiadala reml aa Inetmetive paper,
and John /.cite aad Biee Carrie Tledale
geve a very amutlng dialogne. "The
Oomeetie Comedy."
After the eoeial featn— ot the etenIng and the progr— bad beoa dlepoaed
of, the'company eat down to a bonnUful repnet, in whloh oyeteen had a
prominent poeitlon. While the banqoet wae being atteaded to, the oreb00—eoaUanod to famleh delightful
•naln, aad it —i n lata boar whon the
U.^. -w-b.
Backer Boat* a Eobbm.
Whooping Cough. Aothmn.
I -nve (foNUK w»Emr
Colnmbla River Belmon
Norway Anehoviee
Nerwe; Berriog
Ubmdor Berriog
Bofflleh Cromarty
HolUnd BeiTlng
Domratle Herring
Bowloo SardiDM
Finnan Baddlea
Gordon PIU Cekee
Jacob Furtsch,
UoioD St.
Both Phones, 34
IB m-der to erreage fbr
Eiteisin Changes,
Heir Fiitores
eidMeilefi Imprenmeats
o. u.. j yjTiii
.....,'Close Out
IbornvlUe. 0^ had boea
beaUbbyaaorioaelaag —able aatU
be tried
Dr. EU^a New Dl—wry for
Tbea be wroteIt
ee^e^'iold «■*! bad*^*^
—able. I alwaya k— a botUa on
bnnd." Don't oa^ witheoagfaa.eidda.
t, eh— or lang —able
a be enred ao eamly. Only
•a ei. Trial bottele 10 cent*.
>. JoboBoa and 6. B Wait'e drag
UtUf TsTtm-Litttw TsTgTE.
n I Ltttis iSTsn-Uttls Tevsn.
My entire etook of
Ptuite, Oesdlea
esd VleoeUeneejN
Perlaheble goode.
1 File line of Mile Baskets.
All will be sold
et ooet
niut go this week to
make room for new stock.
McCoy's old stasd.
the cigar abonld re.
A bcEutiful embossed back, rpp
e, bEnnts*
ter back, saddle seat, higti arms^^ak«s it comfortable
to sit IE for reading—nicely finished rocking chair, for
only $1.95- You could not buy aaywhere else for less
than $3«x Come in and see it.
Over 300 different styles of rocKers. Cash or
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'aroa.t Stacocyb.
tail at 10c straight.
Be wise
and try one.
Half Soled
Sidewalk Lumber in ell sisee.
In SO mlnutAs while yon
wait—Prices 40 end 6O0.
LS.Fnrmai, 135 Front StroEt
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
Bueeeeeera te Trereree Olty Lumber Oo.
The Hannah Lay Mercantile Go.
Eojoya ths beantiful. and at)
want pretty thinga for the hooae.
Nothing more faeciratiiiK ibao art
needlework. Once get started and
ell yonr spare momenta are filled,
with a weult that ia moKt pleasing.
Nowhere caa yoo find a more com
plete aaimriment of abeolutely
everything needed in thia delight*
fnl employm««t of making tray
clntba, acarfa, doilies, stand covers,
photo fratiiea. laundry bags, aofe
pillow <-over».
Now for the goods—Boyal FIohb,
Etching Silk. Filo8ilk.Kopeailk—
Bell at -fc the skein—Knitling Silk
from 10c to 40c-Embroidery Silk
in yardlspoola for *lc—All eiri-a
of Embroidery Needles—All siace
of Embroidery- Boope—(we sell
the most of the Duchrsa, at lOc)—
The eilk fiiiiab Crochet Cotton at
5c the epool, in all colors- An
endleae variety of Stamped Lin*
ena--all manner of beauUfnl paiteroA Waut to qw yonr own paU
tem? Oet the Bound Thread
Linen, sold in 22 1-2. .46, 67 1-2
and 90 inebeu wide, from -fOc W
$1.-10 the yard.
Want to make a Fascinator or
a ahavlr
Then nae Shetland
Fkwa or Shetland, Wool, eells at
lOe the akein. All colora of Gei
mantown >^pfayr at 10c,
,0c, and O^Oei
man Knitting xam atl 20 and 25c.
Wants to be well dressed, and
we arv the headquarteni from
which^ the goods that always
please, in qDaiity. atyie and price
Are yonr clothes a little wornl’
Then nae Ibcm for second best
and g.-t one of our$^..V)r8Ssimere
or Washington Clay Suits. If
you’re aebin*, to pay more for
sometbing^till iiettcr. sch-ct from
our great stock of ( lay Worsted
at $10. $11. $12. I-‘>. $lNand $22.
Then you'll-want some good warm
You can find jnat
your fit in our qnormoaa stock,
both o^our person '^hd pocket*
from the biggest bargain
at£22 l-2c the garment to finest
.Teraeyiribbed. all wool flen-ed lin
ed a* $6.00 the suit
Ifjyon want to own the best
dollar white shirt yon ever saw
boy oura. W« have some that we
sell cheaper. Tbey’ie good goods,
Next select yonr collars. No
where can be found a more np-todate stock in all the most popnlar
shapes. We are offering some
great Ijargains in collars—therrogalar20ard 25c valnes at 10c, or
3 for a quarter.
And we show the greatest
stock of epriug neckwear in the
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
■1' ^
Fjii liL ]«t i*L A )tL iiM*l'A iiUiiJii J(
rWMn of BvtekvUli lu—ihlr. Bt.
CUirOo..wcbeUer*ntfi good n»^
Md M aOM M U* frtMt to Mt Of Uu
SmndtbarviUdeuttMdAja’ work
la hMliof ^ aad fwol <or the tepe»««Baotofttoaro»d>aadtar to the'
A Marrui waa racatTOd »t An
Aftov maoooBci^ thM Mra. Dr.
AafoU ta tooek laprorad. Btoa b«a
- llarwslali«h«apaoato.Tha
SMnmmo om a,^»ou.wat
tothew BoAwt •■ffwoB o BnkM
A druk WM pM la Ue ooor to Mkar
The OoofnCUloMl C. B. ooetetr wUl
hmao«r»rla(oCaoelal Micbt ud
•oorrbody to iaritod. to ke ptoMoL.
TtaowmkeBoeko(»e tor admteiod
toot • ailw eoUeetloo wlU ko tohoto.
Jool teUar of Maple Cl^ kaa toou
troaud a paMloo of M ptr mtA
Oyem A Dorto of Old Mtoaloo. toM
toad hla paaatoe to artMidtfowBBto W
per Math.
Dirtatoa Bo. 1 of tba\ptpa orfoa fud
wfli Boat toatcrrow aftar*
Booa wttb Mra Walter B. KaUar. 4«l
acgaaaraaerdtoUy torltad W ba
TbarawUlbe a raralar maattoycl
tba A. O. li. W. tUa araatoc at''
riaak roawr, wbo waa wbaabaa
trtod.at MaptoOlty Wadaaaday.a a
obarpa of aaaaalt aad batWry,
ralaaaad a areooat ed tbaaoDopi
of tba prnaira Wr. >. #. Pawbln
of tbto eUy waa FnaWr'a attorsey.
Tba proeaada of tbo Pirot M. B-tbaab
offerinf wai pw. Tba propraia
oarriao oat aa aaoooaaad.
AntoecaaaaotipenMon'-from flewts
baa bean praatad'to Oyna A. Daria of
Old Minton.
brfstaolM Tootoctoo^.
T«M«tooy Mtottyr BotkortnAmd
0 aotoro Injory wkllo woritlaf <•
roUwsj at Sokw. Bto rifkt l«r wao
krokOBUdoMof htoMkUo tkrowa
MtofJolBt. Be WM ^eoorktte tko
eit, .OB tbo M.AB.B. iMt oaawiac
Md Dr. Otnar dmaod kto iajariaa.
batacoa BaU Fraa to Fraabp.
twrtoa OotofroBottoa.
Traroraa Baj TmI Bo. 1M. K. O. T.
offarad fraa of
Mra Don Baalap baa aaeorad aa to.
cbarca, tba aaa of ibotr oooa, MoaJaaoUoo to proraat bar latkor tnm
tacaabaU.tothoaoafrocatloa of tba
•arTTtoff MMa Mtoala Bpaa. %Fa
woMatoMfoanoldaad tbit araald- Praa^rtartoa oboreh, aatU tba rapatto
lUj tooraad <«di«ao are
toarfooB 71. Tba oU
pletad. tba btodaan o( tbe '
iarnotly tupriftlHad by Bt*. WUay
Bajaato BUrw baa a
K. Wrlffhtaadblepaopto.
•MWdawtfaaoltacatoat tba rOtoco
ad Parrr.
Ba altoBW that a tba
VtoartbofJalj bia boraa ra« tow a
foa atoeiabad aarow tbaatraat, tbrowia« biat Mt, asd artppU^ kla tor Ufa.
TbaHot^ ba Vortbar Xmprorad at
PrukBadrati. wbo U«oa atoai a
alia waat of Maltoka, to a laeky nwo.
Eadrall waa m bto way beaa yaWrdayafWrBooeaad w aeold tba daap
arifta OB tba blfbway waa walWar oa
tba Para Marqaatw railroad track*
Ha aaa eaarbt I9 a Howplow aad
dracpad lU roda batora It ocnild toa
atoppad. b«t waa only aUpbUy bratood.
U r.
0 Lake Bbore brakaawa. wbo waa taken U1 at Blkbart
oa Motoday. paaaad tbroaph Kalaaar-w
aaapaaaaacartratoanroaW W Oraad
Bapl^ Ba-baa malt(iiaai anaUpox.
aad aeoraa of paaaaayerii ware e«p«^.
UUla Jobala Btolaawa. wbo waa
arltiaal^ boraad iaat weak Wadaeaday
atMMkafoa. la dead. The aocUaat
a by hia » year old brotbor
tbrewtop a liphwd maWb at biai. Bto
Mottea aaaptat ftro and before tba
Aamaaaoald ba axtiapniabed ba waa
fawUybonad. Ba waa tbo eon at Hr.
d Mn. Kl
caaawr BoyU of Kalkaaka, ebaraad
wttb torpity, baa baaa arroawd at
Tbeoato, Can. Ba aaya ba to toneaoat
aBtonba.od Plymoto.la team■Miaaad dead »wr Band BUI
lap. Ba wai erwaoma by tba
At leralOak a aarrieai am^oye loft
a paw opaa at Oao Baadartab Black
twooolta. rained at
oaeb. Bttarad oaW tba O:. O B- A
:Ulad by a
• tlui
[. railroad traeka aad *
:• V
A. ..I
ba Balarpod aad Bathe Added.
Praparatlona are ia prorreH tor rary
(nportaat totproraiaaau ,to
part of Park Place boWl. Laai yeai
roome anlanrad and bath rooms added,
aa wall aa new earpata Tba oOea,
waittop room and parlora were atoo Isprorad at a lanfa expanw. Tba ebaapat
oootamplatad wUl ba to line
with tboaa made laat year and wban
antobad will make Iba boiel mnob
more ooaranieot aad np.vo.Aaia
araryway. Tbaaaoondaad tblfd flwri
of tba old part'are
to be eompiewly
ibaaped to allow for larpar
batb roomi aad other attractlre ad*
dlUoaa The parUtlona dlridlnp tba
tiara of rooma to the waat
wiap will be ramorad and
back fnrtbar on tba aaat Mda w. allow
for a wide hallway oa aaeb floor, iboa
allowtop apaoa W anlarpc the
factop Park etraat aad maktop It paeal.
bla w add bath rooiM and ottaar donraatoaoM. Tba wtodowa will ba improrad by larpe plato ptaaa .
thronpbcnt and new onrpato will be
ara not yet ready,
bat tbay ara batop drawa and it to ax
paatad that tba work will ba atarWd
early next weak,
tba east of tba li
A B. Brows itotoiaod fro* Otsad
Baptdi teat otrkt. a^ara toe baa toaao
We bare Inrad many doctor bills
Mnoawa bepan oalnx Cbambarlaln’s
Coneb Bamedy to oor boma We keep
abotUaopanaU the tlou aad when
araranyof mytamUror myaaif bepm
to aaWb oold we bapla to naa tba Cooph
Bamady, at a raaoU we nerer bare to
eend away for a doctor and Inenr a
I oertalnly a mrdlelna of great merit
ad worth.—D. 8. Haarkla, General
d Farmer, Mattie. Bedford
Fbrnle by 8. B. W^t.
Uttli Tiven—Littlfl ThTtn.
Your Shoes
I will aare yon the coat of a aaw
' tt least a third of wbat otbI for tba work. Than If tba
jsb ton'i right, do tba right thing.
plaaaa-brtof them back.
le bto aarleaofar.
ttolae about tba totaiaa to India, pab-.
Itobad to lha CasBooelUan. inliaa
Bawtboma ebanatarisad Mi. Oancy
an tba meat capable and «ffialaat agaal
to whom feeds for the tanilna conU ba
neat by tba Amarletak___
ibe Batlar. bapgagaman at tba Pare
Marquette depot, will laara Monday
for Toledo, where be will again pitch
with last year's ebampiont. He wUl
iwlde to that city, aad wUI be read/
tor practice AprU let. Gis poslUgn
hve wUl be flllad by Banry Cbaodier
of Grand Eaptda. who is now to tbe
______ _
Supporting Ibr popular
Hire and tba
Thatodiaa of Am
toy afterLady 1
at tba home of Mn. Bralyn Kiddar. and rare bar a deligbtfal aarpriae.
prof. Suffmi wasprnMat. aad gara
aoma rary flee
A eat of table llnaa aad a flaa berry eat
wan left by the company. Gamas
played and elagant rafraabmeats
wanaarred. Aim for the nsaof tba
p»ny wan fnmUbad fne by Banry
Brodbagen. wbieb was gnsUy appmriawd, aad for whiefa the Udlaa deain
toaxnramtoatrtbuiks. Tboaapreaent
M^maa Brans. Beanla. Dill,
Brynolds. Bcbart. Griffltb. Boon. Bibbard. Farrow. Dalu. Blator. Marpby,
Bradliagen. King, Andrews. Klddnr.
Frank Tucker
A Card.
Wa, tba nndaralgnad, do bamby
Miea to refund tbamooay on a M-aant
bottle of Graaae'a Warranlad 8yrnp of
Thr If it tolla to avra yoor toopb or
Mid Wd> alao r^otaa a tonwat
' o psora mttatoctory or money
* - “-baaA Bex- drag toocn than f«r a deelo* to____
aadaaablaebUd. than rary aiek with
Not flsdlnr tbe doctor In, ha
left word for blm to aoma at oaee on
.Uttli IiTm-Mttl<T»Twa. blaratnra. Be also bongbt a bottle of
Cbsmbariatn'* Cough Bamedy,
ledr, wbli
ba hoped would gtre aoma rJiaf nmtU
to a
_ ..
Hamomhnr ProL SUraia' plaatant the doator sbonld arrira. In
irned, aaying the doctor
e.BS'tbeebUd waa moeb
•t Martoagbs aesdamy. Bmtr'way
tarttad to asms and bnra a Jo'lp
anyt tba family bat atoea naMamandad
CbambartalQ'a Cough Bemady to tbair
astobboru aad frienda unUl ba baa a
aomtaat demand tor H from that part
of tba e-<antry. For aaU by A A W5t,
dragglat ,
UtU< T»wi»-Uttl«
ZittU T8T«n—Idtilf TflTtfn.
“For Her Sake"
Print, 10, IS, 20c,
No Waits Between lets.
We also-havea 6ne line ofWorstedand
Cassimere Samples from which we can
have suits or overcoats made to measure
by above firm at small advance over cost
of ready made—if you are hard to fit for
any reason, we are t^e clothiers you arc
looking for.
W. Miller
CUT i Geo.Representing
Above Line H
. 9Sc
. 25c
14 OFF
. $1.88
atom aiswku
ara n BoMcC BwWwn
Mao'* (B m
mPatestCslf BaU
oiae Week
Yaatarday afternoon Mn. W. O. Hoi
dan antariained slztaan ladiea at Park
Place with a noreUr in a social way
The bostaos bad prepared aoma fancy
III a repertoire of high"*clai» rep
work to be worked opon by tba gncaia
ertoire encoessm.
and prim ware awarded to the ladiea
wbo eotoplated tbair plasssnttaek flrat.
The prizes ware woo by Mn. Prall and
Mn. Bamom. Dainty rctresba
ware eerred
A dsligbtfnl time was aejoyed Wednaeday afternoon at tba borne of Mn.
J. B Natoon. the oeeaeion being tba
flftb birthday of her litUaaon.
I Suits and Overcoats To |
i Miasure
UttU Tbren—Littlfl ThTera.
I City Opera House
Mn. J. B. MarUn left yaatardayfor
Mendon wbara aba will rialt baratoiar.
Mra. Costard, aad aastot at
piran by Mn. Costard for Mrs. Fannie
Newberry, the arrllar.
Later Mrs.
Martin aad Mrs. Costard will aejiy a
trip south remaining nnUl the sarere
Of Koehester, New York
Make a line of clothing that has become
very well and favorably known to the
people of this section—the strong point
in their line is the Fancy Worsteds—
no other goods wear like these—it is
possible now for us to sellyyou Fancy
Worsted of this reliable make.almost as
cheap as Cassimeres—we probably show “
thirty to forty different patterns—surely
sufficient for anyone to make selection.
Sr. W. /. Bipftoa. Opanttvt SaaUrtry
If tot A Mt tottot tot AC tot totMt tot MlK
S tot wnw toMW WI w tot tot w w wii
8npk R.C. Batfaaway of ibe Grand
Eapidaeity eebot^a aanoon^ Wadnaaday night that be would raaign at
the next meaUagof the board otadnaatton to take allaet at the eloae of tba
aAool year. Ba baa aeeaptad the mantoramantof the. sugar beet factory at
Ealatnaaoo at a batter aaUry.
Tba Laxinrtoa News aayx that aer
ami tarmara to that oonoty who owe
aandy landa propoae to axpariment In
the mlalng of tobaeoo.
So*, aad Mra. J. Clancy of AlWoa,
ora anttoipatiog the arrlral tbarc to a
few waaka of thalr aon, Bor. Hockwell
ktlagntobad alMioaary
a< Aiiababad. India. Mr. Claaey. wbo
tes bean le yean to India, haa bean
- aaarataty to Biataop Tbobnm of tba M.
H abar^. Tb* famine fends far that
Wbat’t Toar Faaa Worth
to Isaac J. Anatto and Batta Geary,
both of I bto dty.
Mr. Charlea Yanks para aa anj lyabla
parly last night at bla home 00 the
Waat Bide, in honor of bla tetbMrtbday. The ladiea and gcntlaman enjoyed the ereniDp at playing caxda Very
niee rerraabmento ware earrad.
I Kolli & Son,
yoa hare aaallow eom^xloa, a____
dM look, motb patebaa and blowbea
oa tba akla.-all ainaa of lirar troni
Bnt Dr. KJnp'a
New Life
_ - Pillt fire
COaar Sktn. Boar Cba^. Rich ComOely te canto at Jaa. "
lobnaon and A B. Walfa droff atoraa
411 Onion 8k. near ath
Wapaa of BIS per month ara beinf ofland tor man tor tba woo^ to Ue
— nppar pantoanla, aa IneraAaa; of abont
100 par cant orer tba raw paid three
Lemnal 8twy«. wall known in rail■
road clrolaa, died at bto home ia BirmI
topham laat nlgbt. ipad 75 yiaara. Be
bad pooa down to tba aallar W pvt
aoma coal to tba fnraaea when ha waa
with heart failnra,
laUtoponbto taaa. Be waa|toaadb7
bto wife aad narar rapatoad donaeloat-
0,0, Tamar ratamad laat alpbt I
from Kalamaino. wban ba baa baaa !
r a Buattoc of tba BtaW pardon
M. Wtonla, St., left laat nlpbt tor
Cbarlaroto and PataUay
MlwMaadOatea off Ral
rtoittop bar etotar, Mra. C G. Tomar.
Mr. and Mn. Bd Praaaa.'Mr. aad Mn.
Bd Peaaa, Mr. Bamaal Brown and Mtoa
Kappto Doarr bare ntamad from a
tbraadaya'rfaitat Uland. Tbo ooeaatenet tbair rWt waa the waddtop of
Mr. Wm. Gray aad Mtoa Dell Prante.
A. F. Oammoa wat to Oaatral Uka
pcorad. and li to tooapkt that the Aaapar ^ a rary aarlOBB niaaw to vaat.
.14 OFF
OkIM'a .koes.tloS
Judgments For Sale!
P»atorni Rubtm
Mann otHer lines to select
ftom at Cut Prices.
Frank Friedrich
The Old
BdllAble Shoe Man.
^ •
• $1.00
Will be a:t our store all of coming week
—Step in and see the new spring goods
- It's a line worth coming to see.
That the undersigned will receive bids for tbe following
judgments, heretofore obtained and^ entered against the
following named persons which judgments are for the
sums set opposite the names of the respective persons.
The Michigan Mercantile Agencf.
ba<5itiHW.Mich.„Iouto, Mich., Big lUpids. Mich.. CPi-Jillm-, Mich.,
Traverse City, Mich.
Dr F C TerrlU.... ............
Dr Aoc
Mn C
Hwmtn Gntoi..
—S'-....... ^
After Mareb mb call at tba new
alon, S4N Front BtraaC
4 B Andrawi..................................
Mra r U DaUril... ■
A D OrMlny............
Mn A Braadbend...
New Styles
This is one of them.
William f.
Ja« J Byan..............
Ohtrlra S Smith..
John Al
Frank 4
4^ M~ra
SSk.57 4obn Lardie..............................
18 81
50 48
TbomM Well* ..........................
114 48
57 39 Artfanr Frayer..........................
8 1V
Rlnttban P. Mo
Will S. Ward...
Beory M. 4aoka
' ' oeke .
19 53 PatorBmdm^.^..................
47 48
7 58
43 40 CterlM Hogadorn........................
85 83
WUliam Bwm..............................
Ohrii Stout.....................................
5 10
37 50 Mn. Prudence 81e»m............
44hnB. Green....,............
Frank LilUe................................
Cbarlea Biebe............ ...................
*^7 38
55 8C
William Perry.............. -
48 is
18 S4
187 IS
89 SO
8 »
65 50
Henry Dorman..................
85 50
’ 15 68
15 04
4obn Barker..................................
Bzera 0(fle.
» »•“................
Faetoriea in Saw York City and Brooklyn.
4 00
71 89
LAMoeroN^ '
Most popoUr betauae they hare more fMinto of value
and atyle than any other fi.OO HaU on the VMtket.
FbU Use now on mU Iwtb m aoftwnd stiff styles. Alao
ap extra fine line of Crnshere, 60c. 11.00,
and $IA0.
10 50
lamilton .
An ovefttof with SsbabMt M to ba
thaboBeodtoe bride** pweate Mop- ftoM at tba rooM of tbe TrftMCM aty
day. at I^Maad. Mto* DoU Piaaaa aad BAotonf Mnetobytbe MaMe Qito of
to tbe membwi ed toe elnb
Mr. M. Gray brinf thn prtoolpato. A
Tcry lai*a aad happy twM^of won ftod tbatr Mmdi tewl^t at 7:4t o‘o^
Brown aad MIm lUggitDas^ both of PtoaeOp. M. He. t - Mlm Beton
TharwM Cfay. WkoM^nTwUMiaaa (oerft.
Teeel, -The WM Erne" - Mi«
m. MdM tolh
ud Tbe hawM wm bea^Uy deMtateif Myrtto MUlar.
rith Bowen aad
TtoUft, "Om Momn--MlM HIto Bay
t o< OnM AMo
mmlmh.hKnamA m Mdoter
MmyfriMto»>to to wtohtof
Ptoms Op. M. Be. I-MIm BIWl
tof aad happy wedded Ufa
Mr. aad Mca Gray wOl mahs Tbae■oMtoriop, ^*Oaly a
VomL •■Whftle8yl»to--MlM Bvnlyn
KM CB^ thkb fnWf* be me
m* liMlM.
tMDft. Aftdfttoa ftmm the nb Symieafneaphemto-Piotas.
*The ChraUer*'—Jaliaa Xo remedy n«nab WASns's Wans PtoM. Op. iu, Mto
* — Mm. tmtok
ears or fas Smrr for tkU torri
-le and fatal dtoanne. U takea thor
4aexifUr ««d M Mma, n wlU ooM a «M
rwtfa. «p«tar od tkaPMto
eirbon,aad«r>tho(n«k(hat toi- Beadtoyoft the Ufa aM Wnche of
Mr JMmBL Mnii to »ppBM. fct tkm *»#8rt«ia.
Eehnbert -Mr. Frank Walton.
Veeal (a) "Tbe Bri Ktoy.* (h> ‘Tbe
«PfnpMlto«nirt ft i
teinUi Mtoe Joa. Wilhelm.
“A Mlow^ Mother-—
toiH larth* dMttoM M
Vooal. -Are Maria"-Mm. C.
ft atmfTK99m.»
IK $09KT tT9tt£i
mnm^t^AAnmctAKnKmtd tb*
Tk» toUo*ii« twmntmt >r«m
hr tkh ptfO* of
«t«* •O.m^ M tk«
tiM«M «e U»» «< ItamlB *• «h* Vhv^ nttk, tath Md 8«wik
tnteofteOftkPvk Kbool.
It M
han w im II an ib* ctir rwliw* tor to*
■■III ^imialMtrinenUn wvA* to
r« «pn U tnift ■ 14 iMn.
Beeltaitoto OhMotor ptoea-l
I to Vftw York to
ft tor tkft mmM »OTk o« lh« ftM*
po«^ toftftfti vltk tha tetorm'
PratoeH?t Mfttotj. M.0W
» »a bov for
Mviac> «rUto too Protoetivw Wftat M
Xoul toftu. Oft« of the prtodpfti
■ to iftpftft. wkkeh hM of Iftto
been ehowtof nosMftl ctofM of dtoimrbMee,wftk Teefttoj U« Mette of a toiTtSe
«s»lMioo tollowM by e oonUDnoee arasftr. whleh et the ttoie of the Uieet
toleffiftiM bftd ftot yet eaeaed. There
fcaa hMB of tote a eerie* of elleht earth^■ake ahoek* to Yokohaaoa aad Tielolhr ftft4 predtorioM of aertoo* dlatarhoB«« hare been rUe ftmoaf the reeldeau.
4eaee of what U eappoaed to be
toabOAk otocaa thoafh ih* eaaet
tore of toe dlaaaae U yet hBeerlato, haa
beaw dtaoorerrd to Ohlhatoira. Saa
rrtdtjof Saaeaa hee been totorrtowed
arbUe Oft hie »«y to Broetoa. Beaald
toe woald toaee OhrlaUftBlft Kay u to
The iipedllWei will retam to aatama.
MtoABdrae,«ftMeBeat«; -1 belierad
■etoftf aaftOHibto to hie raters, bet I
■o-toftger hare aay hopa"
A aaetber of efta« of what m eappoe«d to he th* baeoale placae have bees
««elally rtoortod at boftoa Ayna
OtVOfti oufteftroe are belW adopted to
prseeat the epread of the dtoeaM.
The reaatoa of M eoldtera who died
to Caba wais barled at Arllactoa eem wtoty‘I'seeday with alUlary boaoca.
The bod let of aboat 5M ooUton who
died to Caba a»w raat toi thia bietorle
The ratMeatloM of the Aasoaa arWtratloa treaty were exehaaced at the
atato departoMBt Wedseaday. by Seeletory Bay for the Oatto^ Stotea. Lord
Paaaeefote for Uraat Britaia aad Dr.
Voe Boltobes lor (toraaaqy. The treaty
sabslte the ctoiaw to the arbitratloa
of Ktoff Uiear of dwedea.
The atote laeeM aeyleai at Bt. He
tera.Mtoa.. waa badly | baraed. bat
tortanataly no Uret were loat. thoa(h
Atesptoyceaarrowlyeeeapod to their
•ifhtMthea. Loee. toOjOOO. partially
worered by inearsaoeItoe aenaw eosmlttec on forelpn
vetottoM haa aathorlsed ithe reporUey
Of aa aaeadewat to tlte diptoaaUe
spprepriattoa bUl. appreprlattoy •to.OM to be paid to ex-Qeaan LUtoakatoal
aad proridtoy for aa aaaa^ doaaUaa
■ofBlO.oaotohorae loaf aa ahe may
. The Japeaeee dtot hae peeaed a bUl
penaUttac lonlcsere to eofafe in
Mtoiac to Japan.
InpUM totoraeu hare paMhaeed
to PbUadelphla IM.OM Muhele of aaed
wore, which they propoto to olaet to
the lertUe raUeye aloof the Blrer
KorealhUlatplote barinf been dieoororad. police preeeatioae bare been
Aoabled to Bt. Peterabay to preraat
OMaeitoetlfta of Gear Btohelea.
The prealdeat hae raoelrod throafb
Anbeaeador Otaoate a beaaUfal oopy to
toedfewoed ware of tbe boat of Hoadtoh WaahtofUa. the fUt of Mertoe
Aatool Ootaa. es meyor of Boarac
aoatk. Bof iaad. ‘ Tee heal bear* thto
iBaarlpUoB. “Thto beet of the fraal
Weehtoftoa. foaadar olf the l.'alted
•totoe of Aserlea. 1* preaeatod to the
sattoa thsoafb Pr*ald«t MeKtoley,
rah. to. iMW. by Mertoe Eaaeell
mewb Th4r
'Wt offer ohe haadred doUare reward
Ber aay eaae of eatarrh that eaaaot be
«iu«d by Ball'* Catarrh Cere. P. J.
Ob^ A Oo.. Prop*.. Tdledo, O
We. the eederMfned, hare hnowa F.
3. C6
Cbeaey tor the laet it yeata. aad
X 4.
belie hlcB parfectly honorable to all
haatoaM traaaeeBoe*, aad Aoaaelally
' wble to carry oat any obilfatioo Bade
hy their ftrtn.
VTaet A Tnai. Wbol^lc Dracfieta,
Toledo, O.. WaMtaf. Ktaun A Mar■wim. WboleBleDrafftou,OMedo. O.
8011** Catarrh Care Ictahea totersally. acilar diiaetly aeon the btood and
toMao* aarfaee* of the •yatom. Price.
SBUBtBtobTfree*** ^
ariib^OyWU are the beat.
Of a Bmsy ProfcMtonal LM* Waj
tbe DUcovery «f
Dr. A. W. Ciim*s
■«nra and Blood mils,
BwltoUon-Habert Yeaiah.
EeciuaoB ■flaai Waiaowtoy.
Daet—Medatoboolersfi, Alto Bela. Tbe New Treatment Wbicb Haa Rev
oUfftowirod tbe Old Method of
Bedtation-Bri* BarUetL
Trent ni UUeeeM of tbe
Roellatioo-Mary Bbield*.
Boat—Jnbim Bella.
BeeUaitoo-Alona Chaee.
Boeitailon—Daley Moore.
Of tbe pfirate prcacription* of Dr.
Bon«—by eto boye.
A. W, Chi-*, none b«ve bad *och a
EeelUUoa-^W Helm.
aide InBuroce on tbe r»ed<fliI.proJefc
Good NIfhi. ____
•loo a» bw lest yrnt diM»rery, D*.
ChCae'e Nerrc and Hlood Pill*.
Got the Paree Afftto.
For meny ye*i* Dr Cl^’* Olnlmeot
and Dr. Cbne'i Kido^-Lirer PtII* bar*
Ytttorday whUe fotof home. Mlee been atandard reuiedir^ koowo and
CapItoU Vadar loci bar paiee. Bbe bad
in naailT erery home. Dr. Cbaae i
tiood Pill* bar* bed fleeter
ridden part of tbe way home with C. Nerr* and Bli
— hecaom they
E. T^lor. aad he returned to. took tor
bare to a Urec extent rerolotionited the
the 'miaatof paraa% A Baa on the Bctbod of treating dlaeem* of the w-----etreat,wbo had Men aa old woman cod i-t—t
Tbe oU method of teering dowe diepiek np aomathtof. fa*a Taylor tk^
eaar by tbe c*r of atrong, poiaaaom
dee. and he followed tbe woman
ba* f*il<
failed to core. Pnigatiree
tor the pane. At ftret ebe waa
aara that It waa bar flora that aha “
*ihS the body.
ptekad ap, bat ebe beeame leee poaltlra Nerve aad Blood Pill* cm
' - anU appeared, aad fare tbe btood rich aed pore,
MW nerrc titene.
ap the parM. _____________
dre tblc ficaf food <
keowB to» taedical *c
_w-mwrmwmwwmnrmm^ A* a reetorativc for pale.
ind women at an,-------- --J THE STAOE
Dr. Cbaae'*
i*e‘. N-.
Ncrre. and Blood
a triempb. ^ centa a
AND PLATFORM | box, at all dealer*. selm of price by tbe Dr. A. W. '
MeSicine Co., Buffalo. M. V. On
Tbe Blaeknaith’i Denfhtor'' waa box of tbe yenaine will be fonad por
flren by tbe Hunt Stock Company to trait and fac.*tiBil* ■Ignalnrc of Dr. A
the City Opera Boaea toot nlfbt before W. Cham
a food deed aadleaoe. Tbe |d*oa waa
weUetacedaad the rartou memben
of the eaet did rery deror work. Mto*
Marl* riUflbbon. the lltU* Irlah
ambretto hae beoom* a tarorlta and
her appearaaoe aaeb nlfbt I* balled
wlU pleatare by the andlaoee. Frank
Taeker fare a rery food portrayal of
thee^'re*trt of Mr. Ormyebrook aad
the other m»«bera of tbe eaai fare
rood IntororeUtloB* of their parta. To
eifht the attraetioa will be ‘ For Her
Bake." a rery p^Ur play with food
r.-L" H».
Boratto Nerxee Booth. Ue hamoreae
raraboad la "Bide Tracked."wbo maat
ba etedlMd with herlaf llred a loafci
lifh theatrleally epeaktoc than thi
majority of eharsetere of tbU daac.
will atato pr«Mi hlmeelf at Btoto
borf't Grand next Toeeday erentof.
March U. for the parpOM of ereatlaf
hilarity. -Bide Tracked" U enjoytof
lUMoal popalarlty thi* eeaeoa, and
theeompany U a rery dercr
While the ebaraeten of the play hare
act beec ehaaied. the eoealo eqalpmenl hee been freaUy enlaryed. and
tbU teaeoa'a epeelaltlar are aald b
woederfally elarer.
John F. On & Co.
ncTorc «*n*oi
irniJto>»M M Or
A* naadiab Attack.
Aa attaek wm lately made ea C. F •iMMe re la* am
OdUar of (toerokoe, Iowa, tbat aeaiiy
proved fatal. It eaa»e thronyb hi* Ud- IM h*r barta— *• may emmit tmtoir Ui* ciwreBnevx Hb haek yot to lame he ooold tivn
not stoop witbont great pain, aor ait In Hon-bV. IMO.
aehalr exeept propped by eneblau- bo
mmedy helped him nntU he tried Bleetrie Bitter* whieh efl eted (neb a won
derful obanfe that be write* be feel*
like a new man. ThU msrveloo* medi■^^o“eiiurbe5S«*L^.
cieecBre* backache end kidney tronble. Wi-roB*
Ktrtol OB W«d*r*e*r rr-ciBS. Man-ta
porifle* tbe blood and band* np yonr Itib. inv.
BiT:Xlo>Wk. for Ihr purpear of
rilarddelrmie* toauco* a <-ltr<-«o.TtiO<
besUb. Only
at Jas. 0 Johnso rlMcilarddelrraie*
Irf tor rndai
Frldai orMBtne,
mtnlBt. M*n-b
Mxrrb lAb. >D*
bd* ol
aad 8. B. WaU'* dray fetore*.
tB«Boir,B*l[i»o(raBeW*tn.for wkr* o
stssitfsr «
Little ThYera-Little ThYera.
The Boy Phewmeioi Pfores
HisIhilitytoCereillDisMses Without the Aid
of Drags or Strgooi's bill
•« b> **ia WM* Tra e*lmtn will olao Ib*
• o. wkfoh
. ..•->«*■ totbp
eoBOIr nmrrelios.
■ 111 vIorieMlmle* Vn tor
mUoe^or Mop *nt. l«au. to »ir«u.^oi>d ,
bwolneo. *> mmy mo* to-fo.* t r coc
Much nil. IHb.
I W. HAKriNOe.
c L nnciUOK.
> JoeW
MAtwnou ADerr«
Herrt* W
mm lUct t
rtaf* BlUaCMh
ecat da* on <
TboW BIUa>»(k
dioaoK W^Earr.
Bis Wondsrftil SoisiioG AanlhlUtss DIsseMS ABd Oorss
the AffllotsO-Indors! ed by the Prsss
and Pulpit
A* day *aoeeed* day there 1* no
abatement in the crowd* of •fflleled
people tbat ffxk to tbe parlor* of the
Boy Phenomenon at tbe Park Plane
BoieL Sleee hi* advent la tbU olty he
hu demonslraled beyond all cavil—nil
linMlioo—that be aiaed* erowaed
klnt of the entire magnetic world. Bt
ha* yrapbleeUy portrayed tbe power of
No Other endowtneat U to yreat aa
tha-ylfttoeonqneranddbpel dlecMW
to a degree never before known alftoe
the apoetollc day*. It doe* cMm there
arc no Inarmltie* eo terrible and no
cftte too bopelem to be beyond tbe
reechof bit aaarreloo* power. People
wonder what manner of man he ie aad
marvel at'toe ctranye power be po*-
A bnUlcxB c*ur
Mj. 4 wUI
.. _. _____bt
be h*l
mldtn* to
W. Lerdle'*
le KorwafleB etoamer Frmeklto.
whieh aalled Feb. is aad wa* da* at
Bdla*. RriUah Boadarae, Feb. IT. hM
siCD heard from aad feaie far bar
aafety arc expremetl. Bh* earried
fanaral earfo from Mobile marahv
for BdlM and Paarto Barrlca. The
-_iek wiU elect
delaeaie* Ui to* *uto ceeveatluti. '•ailed tor
Ha) *ru- tam, tn DetmU. and aorh Mber »ual'
n*«< as ma- t-n«* beta** tbe oonrrailoa.
Han-h ;. luu
I. E. DcFlneaWadltorotthaJoDnial.
wM earprlead to reodre raUet nlmoct
ieimediately. The Patn Balm ha* been
a MBOtoat aompealoa of mton,arar
•inea aad it aeeer falla." For tale by
8. E. Walk dracftak
For Fire Insurance
L. I.. A. BnUdlS(.
John R. Santo,
SuHil lisiniM.
Wnrxborf mod.
TtnrmM City
Beet to be bad ia
the city U at
8se anpki in window.
Ic* Oprrw Boom nioek.
Bono* Mock.
is s
o'clock, for th* purpo** of *l**Uo«
*rntp* to niteed a R>*pdWI<«d vltr <-oi
calM for rrWaj- •.*oto*, Martb IWh.
fortoenomlnalton el raUldatc* forward otflrwatonald ward Ktobl dvfoeawa will alao
bretortod totke arsteooolreoorrailop whi.-h
1lrd will rim d*l*i
•Iryat** In Ikr *iat* ft
I* brtorr lb* n«T*
■toem a> war
,rtdi Tih. Iio*.
Steinberg’s Grand
TnnrseCity, - - MicMgai
Fire Insurance.
ec*fo*lObtUadaB«|ioblfo*ac>l/ roereBlloo
eallrd for Prldar. W*rek IWb.au »Ud ter ihr OfiooouwToeoeUcr Ue^ tU Freat MtMt.
ird vmea* to
lO Iw elrwieil Trivpkeev Mo <ua
MoreaoUl* Qo. Rloek
. wtunUoa (o tax U
o. Sisssa,; S.'&S^v.lS
_____ TBOHraOK; Otfoe
_________ lotel. Booa>* CO wU «. Wo•OB’* aad'
Opera House.
Sicctsurs tc
Irarersi Cit| Uwlnr Ge.
Be Fooled the S
AU d'^rtor* told Broick HamiitOD of
Wo*tJfffer*OM, O., after *ulferlny U
month* f'mm Bocial Fiatnla, he would
die onlee* a costly operetlon wu per
formed; but be cored blmself with
Bockleo's Arslc* Solve, the beat in the
world. Sureti pde cure on earth. tSea
box.at Ja*. G. Jobnaon and B. B Wait'a
drey atorea.
Ihe many remarkable enree be bM.
performed in thle eity alone ha* Bcver
b«a eqiialled by aay oUier mode of
Matmeal B<* methr^ of treatment
K eo very novel aad nniqne. and hi*
manner of arrivlnf at the ailmeet of
each patient enrpoMm anythlny of Uge
kind ever witnenaed here before.
Word* fall to do joetioe to tbe many
tonehlny and pathetie aeeae* -which A pUy witty and wiae—and Hora*
dally andbonHy transpire in ble pri
tio, tbe tramp, will take *
vate parlor* st th* Park Place, aa tbe
you by gurpiiee.
bUad. lame, alek aad crippled emery*
from the ttcattac room* to Join tbelr Standing Room is a Nightly
anxicnafriend* In tbe parlon, their
Occurrence with
•up more firm and elMtle, and tbelr
faoM beaminr witbemUea aad Mttefaetion. u they rMlIae for the firettoe
in ymw* that Anally there 1* hope of
their care aad permanent reetoratlon
ProiyiV. cftrefnl aad eonruona atten to a me of health and happincM, and
ttoa. n* ctTOftTMi ftsd oldeat Are to- that freatcM of all blcMtay^hMltb—
anraeee eompaatee in tbe world repre- to be accomnllahed wnbont the nM of
eoated to toy ayaacy.
Mwi UnL 'Fktil TS.
An army order kseed Wadneedeg
night ajutoannei that tbe qneen bu
ofdered that In fntare on Bk Patriekk
day aU rank* oI her Iritb- reyimenta
aball wear a* a dktinetios. a apriy of
shamrock In tbelr bead drM*. to eomncDorate tbe gallantry of her trkh
Bildier* in the rceent battle* In Booth
Ifllec, Monk Hto. in*. u ;:*> o’clock, for
Tg Our# m OgM in Onn D«|r.
poi-jo** of otocHnv Md«l»c»t«o to oiwod *
—'-‘'sraetto ooBfoBtloB c»il*d ter Fridor Take W*mer‘» White Wine,of Tar S.vrup.
lelBc. MwFBb leth. wi
:Ue beet cough remedy on earth. SS and
■ of caadid*!*- foi
vd. Twm*vdek(*l.
lU aloe be MocMd to
, wklrh wUI ol*ci
iWatfoB cwUod for
Cttoemto* to th* ■tot* e«av<
Mw^. 1MB,to IMnriL aad.
A Um ............... M
AUtho latwt alael* to plaU aad
earlMd kkMMhaadeatUwapUcnd
Iiimt IT—T-------- -----------------on Mto today.
I CMNl-W8P—r»
There never haa been * medical praeUtloner in thi* part of tbe eonnby who
hM eanaed the excitement aad oommeat that have been oecMloned alnee
the advent of tbl* yonny man tn TmvMM City a tow daye ero. aad It I* no
wonder that eneh U tbe eaee, far the
onne performed, not <mly npon th*
peblleataye. before tbooeanda of onr
beet elUaeae. bet at the Park Place In
private, have never boea equalled by
any otbm-mod* of tnatmenl. WhUe
Many of the yratotnl patiewt* look npon
their recovery m a ■airaela, it k not m
claimed by him. aad laeaaQy aoeoaated
for on strletly adentiSe priaelplca. m
he dally ymiMale* eight
meynetiam than tbe average **an, aad
aU prodeoad by the ttaaefaai wot thU
mayaette feroe from the Boy
Mto the patient.
As hk Urn* k fast being sold, aad aa
only s limited namber ato treated each
day. U behoevee tbcM who deslrohk
neat to'eeenrs ^«lr tkfaekat
To huttala might hath* mktok*
edyovUto. OMu home at Perk
hoMan £raMMa.m.to4p.m. 7 to
Playing to mtm people tbie neaBOD tbao ever before.
Prices—2o. 35, 50c; box eeaU.
7.5c. Seata on aale at tlie box of
fice Sfttun'ay morning.
Scenic Display
TbR- A B. FLOOD. OSor le a*w Teautfor
Oo*. No. W: rwwMoaev. Mo t|. Kortbaro abeae
D*- 'i.J*
domnUc aaliBWla br Ike touwi ao* moot awprovedstUod* Daroralcblewlto proMptly
____ l*»*ill b* p
..................... . .
MTi T0L0aM-O» petaaaal
Ball. Hw'cb ted,
black btclaOw-B*n
aioraaad iMo pwlrw of mint
IPOR aaiX-Two ekair bwrbor *aov. eato
C faiidtur*. wiU >*11 ch**p. rrMoa lor *«11-
t?OUKO--le Porvwl*'*' Ball, far aieff. O
r valla
" 10 ar Irealar avfwaoeo*
.C. DMWood. fitslxlbatraat.
-eVR RKHT. BaLeoR TRAOX - Fana
V mam. Sle frail.
of «*'-
•d wUl **U >B «ma'J loto. Addnw Box
’TraTafa* CUy
5f Elk R^^ ^uliw i n^W^Briat
B« OBo. auUaB Wnk
UnderUkIng Parlors
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