Dublin Core
The Morning Record, March 24, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Third ye«r--Ne. «00
OsU 9m Gmo Boportod U Sovoll dad
OB WbtProAe m»oaud.
jteiUf Oeluna Wm
Booololo. Monh.u. rid 8oa rr»a^
•r Worlu QaMtloB.
roro*a lo EMTMt
•o, MdrehU-bohoaoOMO of pldfoi
boodorolofOd dortod «M Idoi oloros ■pldtod
: olUMiloa hot Ipldtod KooUaco )f Mftb-vM <
a»M for
OlV >• oaoood Uo toord of feoolU to MOdlfj o oad Wardo UM BiAt-AdraaM
oo* »U olooooo «f Parobaao of Wpboll P>aat
ofdBortoM oad KoropMO food* oro
OUarIf •boora by Able •poakora
olloood.to Oo ohioood to tbo oouido
4 — EooroOoro
-------------------------- -
rotlap to defeat tbo p
Oatba otbar baad. If tboalaat to
1 tbo ol^ at oaeo oaroa tTwo a
oataad Ua flaat. withoatlaeroMlar tbo tans aoiarloiten
over wbat they are ao« tbo aaouat
rolaedaad tbo bsMot raloed ar-ry
year for watar. woald riro Sit.OCM a
year. That aaoaat dovotod toax^raoioBO woald Mho vary Mtartal i«tbo aoeoanlty of
borTowloy. Bat la any oaoo If aoooa*
■ary tbo oodBcll oaa oabwlt tbo propoditlaa to boad tor wMtoror u
eary witbla tbo limit, attar tbo plaat
• Speakiad of aoMraaem. bokod that
oxtaaoioao woald bo ' mada
MUlIkOB^odlf tbaro woraany prooeat wbo doabtod that tbo eoaoeU
would yo back oo lie outemeau aad
tbo rooolatioa recoaUy paoeoo pledplaf
__ .
laa’t it a r
f lio figora ihat a coaoeni
that bnjrt vaU paper direct trojn tbe manofactar'len^B.carlobdlotBoaoboya great deal chwper
than a.booae to boote caoTsoe^r^bo bays only a
•maU lot trom a jobbing honae iu Chicago, and
Uaa:it aent by. espreas, a O. D.y If,ao.caUat
the City Bot^ Store.
We can aarely pleaae you
iu t|u«Uty and prioe.witb onr immeuoe etock.
>aU C<lp. tbo borne of hke poroau.
did aot
l^oBtlnoed on Konrih Parr. |
^^i-.«rfoou>r Mcllbra oaUlaed the Whole i ^
' 'blouiryel tiis quaotion ohowiag the' |
prelliamorv proeacdlair* Obd oil hob-j^
or^aeni laf.rt-inrnia by the eoBmittoeo a
oppolatod 11 inTsottyoto tae mbltor.
Uo oxpltiaed thtt ero'r member off
the ooBiaittee of which he was a mrm • f
'■ “•
»11 u.. —«b.r. .1 O..W.T e «™ bar WM torurablo to tbo purebaoe of'
1. ..Ull— 4«1 l-'-e"
„,.„ud U. -.1 .. U» a.,.1
WUll—ud U.B.. .1
~ » U. b. 1. ttM Oompbell plaat. He ro'o la dttaU
, the objoetlons to o^tooioD woWal^Ljay
'r«- u„
l.tho. miter .Ltko. liuek Lake aad
four la aambor. beiaf Aqally alloaaed.
iKiordmoD riter and . esnlolaed tory
Tbo Boo™ ore crorpldtt «PM badyjdoarly tboeoaclusloDh which ird tbe
amltb acala Monday P aomber of
tbma odtaaeod to witbla BtUoa miloa
------------I eoanUtoo to decide la foonr of tbe
Jiho D. Boekofoller aad AooocUica Hautboy plba Bat tbe eimmittoo doMd dradaa tbs ooralrr pauol.
elded tbot tboRrot thlnyno do was to
Tao towa of 1'jmoroy bat booa bareOoto Voluoblo Oooooo
•d by tbo Bjo.-o, wbo 4ro roportod to
aeqairo tbo prMont plank The laOMoa
■ambof t.ooolB tbo Hlrran^ dUtriet.
obilii; to raise tbo nquiklte faado on
TaooM. WMb., Moreb rt-Adtieeo ooeaunt of tbe loyal Umit WM tou.:brd
Tbo bMro are iatreiHbod la Ibot
^Barter to proopat aa mtVaaoo lalo tbo from Aiaobo oUle that Oolonol R- K. upon at lonytb and bo esploiood Uot'
Traaaoaol by way of Birbos drift, if M.loa minlayciaert of Bnttc. Modk. tbe proa oat propoaltloo to parehaM
..I BolUr hM in mlod a taralay Toaebod Dawkoa. March I. from New tbe Osmpbell plant wm etoltod from
footomsBi by which Ldlafo aok »sy York. Mr. Miloo declafos that bo tbo conelaakioo^ both oomi
mmlttoM M
loarnod from reliable soaroao that John
%o atoldod.
the wlMot end best eouroe for the eliy
- Hilary osporta awumo that Ooadral 1) Bo.:ket«nef aad dtaadard Oil aaooei> parone aader tbo elroaowtaacob.
•aUmiifofoowlU.bo molaly
Mr. MUUkoa oaplalood for naaaor
ta aipalllai tb* aatitoo from Natal and ^ mlBiay eoaeoaoioo oo tbo loft fork of la wbtob tbe eomalttoo of foe eouneil
aaMpylac tbo oontbataiara onraor of WblU Riter from tbo domlaioa yot mot Mr. Ohmpball aad that Mr. Camporamoat
tboTraaotaol while Ooooral Boborto
boll bad mot etory propaoltloa fairly
lodym bayebooa toyad alooy White
to marcbiof on HroMcU
and In a manner wbleh none canid take
Tbo oBeiol *!•>• ao fo^ aa it bad bo riter, aad it MiiOo to oorroet, they bate MoopUoB to M boiny tai- to hitnMlf
m paiood a ndor Roebofollai '■ ooatrol.
«MofUinod, Utbat tbo iwar will bo
and tbo city. All tbo noyotloUons bad
Mdodby foe'middle (Rf May.
boon ploMont and oaoh iranaaeiion
_____ 4o» .»
r.—m. ar« loeated tbo aow faioDao e^por WM made wUb a elow to foe boat lawarfare la tba moaatala dUtrteto, by eloint of tbo White Horae diatriet,
of-tbe city while yiTiay to Mr
wbtob bootmUoa may bo brotraotod tor wbiob tbo Loadoo Rapioratioa oom- Campbell bto }Dst rlyhto aader bU
paay bM parobaood.
Mtaral moatba.
fraaobtoo aa^Kontraet with tbo city.
Rraoaoiad. Oraayo FrooBtato. Mareb.
Spoaklay of tbo oxtoaoloa of tbo oyotom Into tbe Fifth ward. Mr. MUUkoo
______ cUcarrut boro. | wbiob. bowBtotod that be empbatloally favored
poor. bM aot yet roooltod ofBclal ooa0 to that end. la addlyio KlllUry Dm) i
•rmatioo, that the BrIMsb oommaadtloo to foe individual noodo of tba rwlDamaylny to Him Toa«r, Oaaaral Qataera. aad tbo momboro
dosto foaro U a aobool balldlay atfoiAar
Pi hto otaR bote booa toolaud aad cap
toadod by a laryo aamber of ebUdraa
by Oommaadaai Olltiofo oemUaalay. Marob l»—Tbo tmUmoay la wbieb domanda fir* protoetlm and
Mado. Ittaaald tbot U* prlooaaro tbo Marob earn today wao of tbo moot saaltary
pro aow aa roau to Pretoria
to foe boaltb of foo pnpl'a.
Importaak and wm tory damaylny to
It la atoo roportod that Oommaadaat
tba oaoo of 1^0 dofoaoa Two witaoMso wbiob Indirectly aSecia ovary , other
«llolar^oo«maadnbM opptarod twolte woroonfoeauad, Ool. Harry Hmltb part of the city. Mr. MUlikon daclarad
from tbo Britlab after a bard
aad aoeroiary Bloboraioff of tbo Uoa that bo did not beiievo that thane wm
a MB la the city who woald dare op
dorsoB Aasm Oo.
Aooardlay to-tbo adolooo roooltod
dmltb tootiftod very traakly. aad poaetho Improvemoat aakod for.
toaro tbo Urlitob bate maAo oa atumpt orory ouumani bo made bad wolybl quoted Alderman Kenyon, who. wbilo
Hr apoko freely of tbo woddtay proo- oppooad to the purebaoe of tbo CompAnimporiaat jalnl prociamatlon is eat of SMO itaMjpM ytron him from boll plant
yono on rooord a« favormod eoaoarainy both ro- Wbtu. MarebViN Ontton. He losUSed iny tbe bstensionsoVan If It reqa.red
aow boi
that White bad told him that Marsh pM.ooo to make them Beysrdlom of
Mo reply bM yet bMo roared from
,*ro with him la foe deal. tbo adequacy of tbo plant. Mr.Htllikon
otfoor foe Fraacb or Bof*olaa yorornHmtth spoke of ropoatod warblnys Bbowod why it would bo o paylny inmoat in respooM to the appeal for U that were ytroD him aot to toll wbat TMtmont. Id aplW of doroyavory sUUWrvaatlob
be baow of tbo doal if called oyaln by
H'wm aancuDoedfroBi Bl'iemtoatcln tbe yraad Jary Bo aoewercd that
dpeakiny of the leyaUly of tbe queo
luat alybl tlisV Uenaral Fronob With a Ihoro woro tblayo oa bio book that tiOD. Mr MiUlken *aUMd that many j
brtyade of ca*airj and: moasud «a
woald aaroly eall tor osplanatioo It oaryeoiloas had boon made tor foe
iBtry bad arrisei av Tbaba Neb*.
and sold that
ut of Him
k. .....
rofarred to tbo deelsiona of tbe city
way botooon that plsoe'and Lady i
attoroey baaed apon tbe provisions la
faou In tbo <
J on tbo frontier of Basutoland.Tbr. Btckersieff • loatimony wae slraiyblfoeebartorond Inctdantally roferrad
, ukOB by UeOerat *-----to tbe stotemooto that tbo ofoor attoro»i
lostmciioDS lorword, aad bo ooemed not to orado
• that
BUT uuMtioa in foo loaok Ho tpoko
Boyatn tbe oUy dloayroml with MrS?foVj;;^'-^tof
It of foo Honderac
■ Uly m
OUfod In Dodyo In tble oonaoetloB Mr. MlUiaatUliy
traoBi aader Uonoral Ustacrc oad
koB etatod that Mr. Davla. forsaorly
which ara aadorofood foM la rotr^t
aatire tool
mayor, many yoara vlllayo clerk. ,Aud
«Ktm Bofoalle. Eoaxrille aad other
by tbo lawyaro foomsolvoo
-1.^ ie tba ooatbora part of foo SI^Twy damaylay to foo
M a mMt amlaoat aafoority la the
U,b.». o.
How To Save Money
in Buying Wall Paper
lodofort for tbo dfo( tlM la oioof
Kr. Ooapboll Aaowata Odootloao.
wooba. HoporUtroa ^ lUot bod
d (ood doal of laloroat «M aaolHoi^ tl—■■sort* of Uo ■a«aU »ro to Uo offoet Uat both of
f«to4 la tbo aootiac la tbo Fifth
•ttorAofootof Ooloool
oo«- tbo WoB^ aro oloaa otrala.
ward to dloeoa tbo watar worbo qaooMod. wbiok «M »»r«ola« oo teowdo
aitbtMoMtlof lorU*
Tbe aooilnc *ao eallad to ordor by
0t%f, ooro okoekod U« f^ollaf of oea▲IdaaoD UarrUoa bat boforo proeood•doooo lo Eoclood U*l tfc. »ri(M
roaor« of Bop •tom. Wbo Oiod la la« with the aeoUaf be oallod attoakod U oil tbolf owo av »
PhUipplaoo. WU) be BeU la
tioQ to tbo (oaoroolty of Oie tfwodlob
▲MM TbojktootdlMAobf'W^K*!*
oooiotylaalloolaftboBooof tbo ball •loot aeodod.
woye' lodkoM* IbAt f^-oMor*# f<»rM
•naalt Oitp ■nodapaad tbo trouble oeoaotoaod tbo janitor - Tlio work of tbe arbitrotoro wat rr •
Mt/ roolod
kodl^ do
Tbo foaora) of E»p dtora. *bo died tb Mklar preparaiiona. A ooUoeUoa | ferrrd to and Mr. Mlllikea decUrrd
Ho bod to rollf* oodor ooror
la tbo Psiiippiora, will tabo plaoo at
. .
...l.k.t.l.. AV......
OolOMi nasor-0 odrOBOO
. T,,
_ -
Telephone Go.
til' .
UT’-*.,. *“k**t“
--Cl.x-mwo U<--v-d.
T] le
Kush Is On
Thare s no doubt that we aell more new and good
Clothing Hats,
<[laps. Furnishings, etc.
Tbau a whole bu neh of other etotbiers eoiubined. W’e sre very,
very busy selling Spring SuiU m SC>. $7.
$10, %li uud $15;
fop OoaU ut >.•) . $7,$^ .V^ $10, $12. $1.5
Four New Long Distance
H*Vf bA-n cAm|>l«-lMl from i
ihlcrmt'diate sUlioao.
Quick Serrlo*
i*ert«ot Serrioe
Miller’s Cash Stori
W« pl&ceul OQ
oQ Bala
aalt< yeaUrusy
! 100'Dom Children's «6lack<i Cotton Hose \
0 A
Out of Business!
Stock of
Fixtures. Wagons
and Sleighs.
Oom»Rndlt«keadvRnUg« i
of •ellinfc-out priOM.
i W. W. killer's’Cash Store |
■iiti Frout Strmt. ^
1 have hml my buililiag
rebuilt aud put in good
abapo^nd am
to roceire all old patroD*.
Abm.lole V faat uolor-lim- gaujr*'—all
di-4m-vaiue 15t -ai lOo a pair. Tl.c grrntmt
...... ..........offt-red
vvrr offt-rediuiuohildtvna
b '
See tliu a'induw of "blauka."
Have You Visited Our
We have ju*t|liuUbf«dJplK'.-iug oii^ur abelvee •TiUX')
worth of tbe beet footw«<«tr ev«*r introdured in tbtcity. No etcluoiye oboe deal<T cmq abow a oiore
ivjmplete. up-tiMlate line IbiiD oura .\ll tbe
very lateat otyW for meu. wotueii and cbiblreo.
All the btwt aUv-lu. Not a aliodily ahoe in tbe
buoae. We acre you ftuui Id to
per cent, ob
your purebaw. A departioeDl atone uaii alwajr*
uuderaell exclusive dealert. Whether you wish to
buy or uot cx>mr and visit tliia department, uod we
will show you the neatwl abue store in Nortbero
The Boston Store
Good Mne of Jeveli?
plans fort. EC.a.
B4 Gtorpoatm Bald la Dafamltof ••OO
▲oUto Boromost tor <
■P« U BwyrMi Hootlay
Maatrrtdoy Wqtbk
Aboattfty of foo yoPtf mm of foo
^ molatMoNamarabalnmtoooplnr
toad talked orar foo matiar el oryaaU
lafaV M C. A. Mafo aafoaolaam
lay p| Frpd D. Oarlto pad Jemph i
wpro cboaaa to foNA *poa Iho
toadaM «m of the olw la royard to
A maotlpy'wUl ba bald
wuirridpj oraalay. pcobPbly la U' to^ ball, wbloh wtU bo
^ '
Oblatol PoUm Rmalo arraotod Bd.
Oarpaator yaatorday o* combat of
Mrs Mary Traat, of 44* Raat Froat
aUMk He to obaryad ertfo awaUaf
bor watch aad abata. valaad at BM.
Haartay wm Axed Aa Jadye Bobono’
ooartforfooUfo of foo mmfo. aad
b^l WM Axed at fMO. Thto w*m boI
faratobod aad Oarpaator want »
▼salttay Bond Toaapiai*.
Tbo ArebU toAyo of Oood Tamplaro
will viojt foo loeal oeoioty fob ovmlay
at wbiob Um* aa UtarooUay aad lapntram mill bo raadaroA.
Uybt ralroahmmto wUl b* oerrod. Tbo
elty- bad ylvon bl* opioloo that Mr. ________
DodtrowMaoMtlabtooplaloao. Bf
d*olar«d.fo*oaAy woyforfooclty todo iriKAL
to to hoop upoa tba oaf* elda. aad clna* • ^ ^ ■
to foo ebartor wa* foo only
wj to do that, ofoorwiao foa aal# of
HtokAA » BpAcialty of
foo boad* would bo ji
ootorlag to balU and
Ho ratorrad to Mr. Oampboll'a
•ocUl portl**.
iraet aad traaebloo aad -axplalaad that
wbUo foaro war* qaaoUoat m to what
mlybtbatboroaaltol the defeat of foo
It to qaltooartalB that Mr. Qampboll woald ran bto plaat afur bto (raaOrdom 4«liw«Md.
ebtoo bad axplrod. The cltj ooald aot
prabiWt that boeatmo It woald b* tab- 113-8. UnioB 8t.. W. S. BL0D(»0D
lay from bim pr^orty without
Wa eaanot a0ord to c« !■'
with Mr. OampbuU or
aayoao alas. Tbo el^ kboald emtrot
ho owa orator worka B* pat foom
Wbattotobo doaoUfo* boadeam
■ madabOaoMora pomptote Um of older atombon of foo Mr*
I to bo la attoad- aptvwtod?
*'27ud Mdlam prla^afooUe oal to.
Wbat to fo* ruth maedto fate by
2S^w«a«ton aad^ta
Fitsh Bated Goods
Ewr koroiog.
School of Music
“ «a.\.|SS£J!Sk.¥EE
McNamara Block
__ iio-HERE IS.i
A Big Bargain
tuTSWOrrr ._ino«io«
*» *.
«*, HM «i4
------ ------------------------------1
pMteMt by out* rWffeBW. MIwKbw
tB««rW with M •sBBUaat
Mio BBd tho MlM«0 IteBMBMd Vm
■BtWBbBiy fBOOB *W7 *•!•»# ’
I lh*fBwaib*BW**tbMrof th*,Ubor;
2: U.W.A-0 ***WB* U C d r.B.
jBhBC DBB*B*ot
I^ ^ b, p,BO^Bt l O|^.
For some ooe that wants a good ogtfit
cheap goods enough to {uroish a 5*roc»n
house complete—have been used, just -4
weeks. Parlor, sttiog room, diniog room,
bedroom fod kitchen: carpets, mattings,
window shjtdes-^verything you need in a .
5<room bpuse. These must be sold at
once, as 1 have no place to keep them—
Cksh or payments. The w\y bird gets
{Othc worm in this case.
w fer L**>BBB* WPBi.
BasteMB QaaBot bs Oatad.
-W t»l€~4
All tb* 0(b*r B*t*b«B *b tb* Wfo- e«»I.
B« two* BoellMttoa#, a# tbay eaaaoi
na^ lha V-------- * aarUoa of tba aar.
Ikara t# OBly BB# way to
d#afmbu." Bwd
Dorld W. •WwwdW ABtriw «0Mty BBBk Bad that 1# by aaa#titBtloBBl twLaalM D*»lo r**« *
«WUttc». Bid Mr*. IMIB AlklaaM *t Oodar Bw BdlB# DaafBta# t# #bo«uJ by ^ Ur#r* U**Bo*d to WBriT y#M«dBy>
__________ -jb*.
^ MOB*. •••OBth AW*rWBB UWWi
At ttw OOelBl TbBradBJ *r*BlBf,
r#W laABBWd yoa ba1r**hyth*UAl**‘AldooeWty of th* tab#
MoTur «)*•*«.
ItBf #oaBd or iwpcHoct bcariac. aad
B total of »ts» wbM It U ontlialy clowd daatBcw U
•BrrWd o* th* bowor-. bW*r wrltt* wa#rWawlorylad«adfor Ua rabaUd- ib# fwall. aad aal«w ib# inflowmBilro
aaa ba takes oat aad tW# tab* raitorad
lao Fxoixti.Stroo’t.
by 0h«rl*B llorBk bbo dWl*«r*d Ib Wo (nr of »*• ebarah.
W It# Borwal coadltkw. bwrlnf wU*.
■b*T»*WTl0lW ■BBBOr
Tb* OBbJWl
Tb# Iftr* lode* of ror«#t«r* ba# baaa b# daatroywl foiawr. Nlae o*#**^o»» ,
-1h* H*« intb.- “My
dtrtdad iBlo two •oetlOBA a»d wlU aa- of l#a ar# e*u##d b* catarrh, wh-ob ta|
_____________ • B r*rw-w*oth**bV
tar law a BMWat to aaa wbieb aid#
}oM for lb# IwtaowpW o»i It woo wWl obtalB ta# wool o#w wowbara. Pr#d
wlU d*cOB«HBDdW DoUaca!
bBBdWd by AllF*d Ayr**.
(oaaard' '
Borlh wlU captalB oaa of tba #*d## *ad
7 caaa ot' OMfsaw
'KMolT#d. That
eatarrbiI tbat
beenrad by H*
t#at caaaot
Jad Oawwoa tba-otbar.
^tarrb,CciaCera- scad
b#od fL.
for cireolara.
bB* o ynawr
. Totodo. O.
_____ OB-bBMBaeUoBthBBboB*
irapylat*. rtc
OlMWBid- TbBOBOBkot* OBthooMN wm wr*t tbl. Wwraooa at 8 o’clock,
Don't yon think it wonUJ b* wiae on
mlly PUIa are th# baaV
wtth Mlw Oraoa-Bldrad oa Slmwoed
your part, if in need of any footwewr. to
•Bttr* Bd* wwB.MobU Boyd Bad Br»
ua#. All wawban arc aryad to b#
rtamine tbr wtaiderful line of ahot« we
ToBBA. wbU* -Alw* OrlBW BBd Jo#
LltU, TiTWB-Llttl,
bRVf just r»*Miv«l from the W. L. Donat
Eanky loek*d afwr tb# B*t*tf*» Both
Biw PaaatotAaatla ba# r*lara#d W
io* bbor Co. We think it is the prettieat
Bid*# w*r* Bbly bBBdUd BBd tb# 4*eb•.anorrijr^
tOB wo* Utt to tb* BBdkB** whtob U* #ity frow Port Haroa. aad I* aow
^ _ product out in Gent* 6ne ahoca forspriny
<wawr IB tba MtdW«aB talayboB#
fBrar of tb* **CoU*a*l
W of 1^- ^hr-y ooDsist of black and tan. in
lebaafa Sba wb# forowrly Blybt
aevcrsl Uifferant ^fradca of leother—the
thoBfb tbor# WB# oWy OB* tow dia#r;
Miat BoBldlB. who had ehoiy* oywator bara.
pricee are sUmped on the bottom of every pair—».00, I3.M
I of th#
Marrad. »t tb# 1
and fl.OO. Dnnula* make of *ho« are one price alt the world
of tb*, .
SoooBd M. E. ckarah Tharaday a*aa
over. If you don’t see our line yon sre iwrinit Wjo much for
W« bar* jut pat la aaaw ,
MTkiforth* MfTMiFV- •BBorlaWadaBt Bora for# b abort talk. lay Pr E«r Hack Kaaaady. WiUiaw
•i^eBlBUy to the*# aowlay ay trow tb#
your footwear. Buy your next psirof W.L. DoukUs make,
Ub# of ap-tadaW aiaUoaary —
^of 0-ft-iM th. tMPVm
M. Z#lylar of BaidlokrUl*. Ml«h-. *ad
fradao. *Bj>lBlBC tb*w to payairtet
sod you will be sure of geltint; value received for your monej.
. fao> papar aad tablala. etc.
•I iMM^UlBC-^ho row 0* tko b«
Mlw Maryarat i- Balra of
We are the exclusive S(feuU in this city.
Tk^itteW l» iho B^fU ThmUj M
M Uo hrtWl th»t Mi. 0»mf*»U h«4 «• Bot dlBtorb tb* )yc#awa Tbl*
______aMoOm ba*tlod B yaUtkm ^ abt#
pJZU » doWrwtMtioo W iowpol w. rt«# k* alto tar* to tb* B»dw oMo a# far dlreraa from hla wife. &rac# McUUI.
•iw to who Wo pi«it wholhw tho wall.
0* tba yroBBd# of da*artWa.
V^wwwrotodor MUVwaUoMU
Clartaa tlwltb of tbl# elty, ba# ayWM MMWVr W -OMOWhlMh UM MA.
Mlw BardrOiC* wUt ratara teow yllad tor B dl*oraa from W. Je«#c9on
MWf MMhOtoWSmith. alBlwlpy oradty aad
Ohio tb* Ant of th* waak.
^ rrw lattMltMMr. ABd Mia. 8- fl. HaU ha*a ratara- aapyort.
WhUo ithwo »!•------Tbroayb bl# aUerBcy P- 0. OUbort.
■fhWl tbot adfrow BB BBWBdad trip to BlorldB
BBd olhor yolata U tha Booth.
Ab#ob Hawkla# b#* fll#d • yailUoa tc
MiomoteoRNto omsM twilor
I..M BaaBatt ha# fos# to Brlrktoo Uwclraalt eoart asklBy that bl* mar
with l«W lor^
rlaye with Mr#. Bllea Aaee b#BBBBU#d.
tjTiiw— thot It tho «U7doo* oot to #Mt b# yaiaata.
Bay WaUw*BttoJ#akaoa y«#t*rdBy. UUcl#lm#d that at tb# tl
MIO Iho hood* BO *!• hM hooB oSoetB # Pratt WB# iB KlBfBley ob bo#l- ■arrlay# 8k* bride wa* »tlll tbeaodlU. Mr. OowphoU OOI«M#o with thU
«oro#d wife of Uaae Aae«. U w'"
B#« y«BMrday.
B—iirr-*-~ of ito Urno. Ab oxpi
Kim Moora ha# yoa# to YydlaaU to r#memb#r#d that Hawkla* wa* bH
borroTBr. wbAo to
iplatct of tbit woma#,
irp-f*! hotor* bbj orrWMB^ ’
O. a. Oroa# waat to KlcyaUy yaator
«B0 woAo, WM «hoi tho rriM tx«i
aftarward with blyamy.
^ BiMUBtoroohOBU bo AboI. wbothei day oa baalawa.
r. B Moora aad Ml## Moot# of Bk
tho hoBdt «r«ro r»WA Bt thli llw*
The pleasant da>.s that are coming remind one that the “Wheeling days" will
la tb* battle of Ball Bon. J W. Bip
la tba city yaatarday.
a*t BBtthm hBothlBflB t^ecw- Bapid*.
soon be here. No firm has made so elaborate preparation ol placing before you the
Mr* B..J. Parkar of 8o«tb PiBBh I#j. aaw of F#aloa. wa* tbot In tba '
to oowpBl thoslV towki tbo
joat nbora tb* knu. bat u It wu a
piBBt If lb# row OB tbo boodo doe# boI fort, h TidtlBy frtaodt In th# city.
finest line that could be selected for the inumfrable wheels that are manafactured.
a fleah woand. aod aoon baalad ay.
Mr. aad Mr#. PrwDk Ooodriek ral
We have aime^. to satisfy every one. Those that have only a little money to spare;,
ad lad Blybt from # trip to Maw York. tla WM tboorbi of IV Beuatly
Baiold KaaalBBd U lo tk# «lly trow not'oad a-awrlllny on lb#Umb.lik
a»M th* ooBtroot to thBt tb# rotlag
that wafit a good wheel at a medium price, and those that want the best that
LaBalay. wbar# k# ka# b##n .Bttaadlay boll, aad Sna’ly ba laaead IV ‘
ourailon bWbt #0 Ilybt tb*
money can buy. We want every man, woman and child to own a wheel this season.
th# AyriealtBial eoltec*.
a«M to aowytaw tb#
Mr. BBd Mia. WilUaw Baltaar rataraBpafaha**.aBdthBt a daimt of tba
and here’s the plan-Of course the Best way is to pay spot cash, then there’s no more
and whleb ba bad b##B earrytay aro
M^^^^^akall Bot affaet tba rlybu ad lB*t Blykt trow Datrolt wbarath*y
worry, the wheel s yours and you re happy -otherwise-<ome in at once, select your
to atiaod tk* faaaral of th* lat# r*#r alnw.
gtfm la tba tiBBablaa. wbtab doa# aot
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
I Bran' New
; Stationery
A. S. FRYMAN. 136 Front St.
WAIT’S §T"o'i.?
BBylra for two y#ai#. If tb# bead ChyV Jo#*pb Mlekaraoix.
A Pimidlah Attack.
pMIMttkw pi dafoawd tb# ylaat r#^BlmMr. OawybWlbBBdA# «aa aoBiPla«Bi
kyloMowa. O.. •ttSand for » boi
Mbs# W> >w*<tb# dty bbOI th# aapUaa Ib bli riybt
af that fraaeWa#. If tb#a or I year# trow rb#
MfWM to that uw# th# city #boal4
r Btalaa#. 1
Balm. aBd
hBy.th#arl#*^aa«iUy:««#d by tb#
arbitrator# waat yro*aU.
Balm bub
' I darfol ebaerr t#at be <
Ja#t what lb# yraoadi
_______ eompaoion of mlsc 4
«b* aad of two y#ar# I# a©w a watwr clBM aad -It n#**r fail#." Pox #al<
A B Walv drneylav
aaeUaatW do b##la«#a. aad aay a<
Util# Tsvin-Uttls TsVSTB.
aad 8. B. Wall-# droy si
tt-r to eowaal hlw to dlaeowtlaa#
aroald l«ad to rayoadva lltlmUoa.
Brwy #le»aBt la tb# altaailoa th##
4Br*rfa«#lal**orof th#; yarahaa# of
th# plact. aad a# yai ao raaaoaa
•ifawrat ac»l»«
oopr#* ba# b
..I bara. ‘nau Import*
d by mi.ooo.ooodarlay tb#
BBVBB woatb* widlBg JBB**ry',»litla#t.
e# *Bwyir#d wit# lb* o»rr#Bpoodior
Mtel a y#ar •arllar. TbU #bo*t#
BBara baiy factori## ai bow#- B#t U I*
yartlaalarly t*Wr«allBt W aoW a d« 1
oriir -* ~r—f3.*oo.0dola oar'
laywt* of foralf • WMI, daaptu th# \
hlfbar yrl*# of ikai commodity. Pro>
iBBlIealarlrlattb# AmarWaa farmer
BBMBor ebaac# w aayyly th* AmarlaaB
bl. raw mawrtal
Mott aa#*l oMaaw aad mar# •hip#
Bf war ara racowwaadad by tkr
Mwawry af k# aaey aad Admiral
Dow*,. ABd tba racar^ which ib#u
wan wad* ta tb# boar at tba auatryh
Bwwyaaey yalt# JasUSt* lb* #0**117
ta ayrulny wtth thaw.
Tn Sonth h rtafiay tor axyaa
PMtIaa bu awrtadjtoatbar. d.aatoywaat, and baatassa waa tace#
that wa wast hav* facalyB
aarkata ta wkMh to a*H' oar urylu
Prw #cS*Bbrtia.
M. V . -tti
t.4 attwyla bu al O'- <5?^ ««
n ■■BiaPltii ware wv f*»* d'*
y«l sn
^ Pd-'
wheel, make a deposit of frdm $5 00 up. and then pay so much a week, and by the
time the roads are in good condilioa to ride your wheel, it will be all paid for.
'^A little at a time accomplishes wonders.’
Is wrapped up with every pair of shoes sold
at our store. They’re well made, long wear
ing. smooth and comfortable.-
Men's Shoes '
Udiei' Shws
Lillies' Shoes
Bluk viei. cboeolata
fid. wlUow flolf, bon
eaU—aaaayyy Ua*..
Mei's Sloes
litfies' SliMS
Maat tUar# — food
$1.98 Mee's Sloes
' Onr cekbnted School Shoe, «»kc p»re«U M*
children hippr— olid. ,crvice«ble and stylish—8Sc
and t .M a psir.
Alfred V. Friedrich
The Leader in Fine Shoe*,
The Ideal
tt J40 Mil J50
Fur $25 ami $30
Alwava been at the head
and m-» feature* will keep it
there, thia aold with the gear
case, tbat prevent* aliaolalely
anv 'dirl-diiHl or water evei
comint; in omtact viih the
ehaiu-which by the way i#
alHolult-ly the fineat on any
wheel. (Mata a* much to
make aa aume whole wheels,
and only Bold on iheCieve*
For 1W3 baa all the eaaeutial pointa of merit that made
'it eurh a favorite, aod we
have the ('haioleas atC7.>—
to both diamond and drop
frame, are unexcellrd for fine,
accurate conetriirti-vu and
Hmoothoeaa of operation —
Tbe«e have the Robin'* blue
enamel, a moat diitiiii-tive
Iti a aplendid medium pric.
eil wheel, tiiaOe by the Rambl-r p--ople. with the G A J.
Climher tire.
N#w«t atylaa—B«w-
Pralty daslyat - kid
a#4 v«#tlny bou —
Mack aad ta»>-yopatar prtae........................
The Tribune
L Cleveland
With all the latest improt-emenU. mtk-a it l>y far the
finwt wheel on the market.
Ttie Clipper
tt $60.00
Give* you the rheapeat chain.
Wot vk#«l OB ih* MBikea. aad
every reapect- Iten’l tsil to
. BM thia Ix-auty.
The Rambler
I« a cracker jack in every
reaped — baa the G. & J.cliucber tire, oroameiital outaide,, eoi-kel joint reinforoemeuls. "claw” crank, and one
pief* hollow' foiled fork
MMta by tb* Olerehttd
peopk. ABd ia tbe bMt ISO
wheel on the ma^et
The Hibbard
At $40.00
A beauty-with the (». &
J.diucher tire—the Fauber
one piece crank hanger, the
Baldwin chain and Kelly ad
justable handle bar.
The Ajax
At $20.00 Made ^ the Hibbard Co.,
of aati*auu uisea th«s
me heat es
. We have ao*M Mphadid
bai^ wbeeb at the ab«v*
price, ia Kood runnittK order
i The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
_ . .:jj
Uko M' WhHMMob to b* awa oatolda
toraaahlartw«Htoa.aBdlt*aa wtoMra. Qnurt Alloa, widow of ito mor--- ------- _
to m^lhMrrn KiAlau m4 Ip baatod iMt tob wUl ba too Iwt elut. te to opm a book our* la Wwt
r«H bore bp tola Botod aotor. Bo orU Mad. Ixwd.^
Uororaur ftmltb of Tonaoni oww o
wibb oawaartel rowaaoa. ‘'Th<
ftodOaekado.*- Ml-a L*l« Woto-at >• arlratc loeoBMiire. It U fitted with
laiartow arcematodatlow for eltbt
WffCku » w*il kam 9mrm •
KortWa MtablaiUl too loadlov Udp. aad wiu b» aoaa
kiM« mUmv i« wrtW -ri-iiy !oa Twanmilfw Oa r«n«^
obamlarropalwtlatoloplap M-.
A outao or ileoip M. Uoartoa. o
WaUa opwwro w a beate adrrcv rbUeddpbla pblUatbroplH. b to be
Bdlwr Wflod of «k« llMhte*» Wt»- lor too oprtat I
tarew poaat ooptola dariat too pwlod erweted la Kalnauoat Park. It will
wn. wUoh <rM kv»«4 oat loitfr. !• tooopoatatofa
TW war*- of too fraaeb Borolatloa.
etwabi of o brre fipore of Mr. Hou»
Wd loriu Tb* MbODri^ boew to too boot la eortoors MMlpaa
lottyoceoinfiuih-d by tab farorite dw.
Tbat tbo Oty Opera Booao wUi be ia DroBir.
IM tow dartforori ud ho i> wkbi( all aad kw a oapaoltp ed •B.M* baobala of
Tbe portrah
wmmmUoIM to'oood hkM tholr
ia addlOoa A awpla apwo peeked to toe doon Meodop meiat.
tUaaoM frWtbto Tko part eatoeeeewloaoftoaaeoeato aawbar wbkii. Profoowi
-paluOiut will W ready fw exbibitloo
wakbaw dwkraodV poialow eftooMwbBtooalUotare aad MoMe at the Horlla an exp^ttoa early iBb
Iw. I M MoMiDm. hwtw «< tho
far toad alook
oprtDc. It U wM tbai tbe pmw aad
ot&draU.|oU oa
wWk toooeare toe ewW tkaV-Tittta treetatoat wUl Iw ■emrttalBO aew.
aad to Moot pwC
tho >00 ta (roat 9t
The Part* eorreopuadent of tbe LoaTbo dock iWoU io eow la week bob' wiUdewelltodow at ^ earlleot
aad hfako Ui lot
KkK(b oaye ttot ITeddeiit Loubet
Ible weawav Tbo Ar^l LMlioe' dua
b 0 temu- lu all oilrk>r* for odkial
to too Ooatral tlWa Wnmil otaw
qwrWIWewoftootaoot. ftvaet
dlpnliy. Ip hb Mwpb fraokarw be
awMial walwt M Mi. Plwiaal. Wad- paoWaaUp booe all rabaOt. Maap adpPerMid bp Mp Lpceaw baroaa. aad b capeble uf keeplnc eviwy oao at tbe
Wi«*r httht. Hrry tkorto «f Mi.
tooqurt (abb with ibe remark: "WoU.
too MaaneTef too eoaiw are uo
Ptowaat »«a tnt fiam aad Aw«atw jtOBtottoitoutotoiMLjaijdLtoLMitoto
wr are ao eoaifunabb here that I do
Bot oee why ilmt furuialliy *)h>ui tbe
Voalkar of Boraot woa ooooad ptam.'
■ddItiM to too werh of toe tman«t, bdleo bavins dmuM be
4 4so BM thot • BUm gnj
toe eatortotamoai will aleo eoatala a
iwatowdarait*. »a4 hto hwk w BMt wnto IP MntMP MMF Mr IF to* Ttoaalit of aawaal taloat, e brUlwat
■T aMk-e.*' aald the aoveibl. that tbe
•MtotiagnoHrht CiTt thaa It «ao
Aboat to of too frtoada of Mra. plaalotaed a reader who aerer faUolo
toby b lew Iroableeome tkan be
' ' . Tho oklw of oaoh aalHote aro DaobwaadMra. Trotwaa fatoorod at
M. Booidoo tbto. tbo qaarwt wlU aofd lu be. I don'l bear blm atiuaning
llBfiy oalaahla, ot aoeotat
toolr bowo oa Bpraoo atreot Tbera- to awtowd bp Karl Uorwaia. too wea- ou much wheo j.«i i*«n him to bed“
dap oToaUf aad aarpriaod toon, prior dorfel wattctaa.
‘■No." hie wife related, ‘'he bn’t aay
a woataroaad OoMaator tko to toolr dopartaro to too farm at Olee
)f tok attiaotioa too Lawreaaa, trouMe at oil uow. Ao ooon ao 1 pri
Baroa. BofraakwoaW aad wwle wore
------- daj . dtatrthaUac oaai^ of
a*.. -Aaerkaa." lapo:
oowobodj'** Hoot pUla oa too dootatopa too foawrw of too orooiaf. A r»d
Tbo Ariel Oeaoorl eompaap Io probSo »w UAU>wU by a lot of AUdfta titoo WW oajopod bp all prowat.
ablp too otroafwt eowpaap wbleb bao
who thtoarod aad ato too aa«p)w
A rory ploawat ooelal party ww tl*- eUlud too dtp der^ too ooaaoa
aadortlM iawwoloa toat tooy »oro|
ao Iwt oraaiat ^
••■boro of Ibep are kaowa aad adwlred tor«atl>•aadjr. Koaidar toaro wao a poat
Trarorw dtp Wat No I7l X. O T. M. oat tbo Uoltod BWUo. aad are alwap*
laUtat ot to too attoadaoM at oomia
fw mowbon aad toair fawUWo. A beartUp aoleowei la Lawraaoo.
of too oehooU of toatoflTtoe otote too» arreeat a ebarmlap]
dolltbtfal oraatatwwaloptd.
pletare. tor owwtaeeo aad barweap
Ufa ’Aaaa BowkiH of Kalanaow
Lwtorealat hboat hi of tot Oow- toep eaaaot be aerpaaoed."
to hot aaowar to too wU Woorbl
Mdtoot hor bf bar ooa-to-la*. T. M.
ttoltoto, oUrftof bar with laklef ■o«t ploaoaat oarprioo apoo Mra. C. Beortoolatd Orehoatre for Btoloborv'o
awarall.ooookook rI*oa bjr bar to Fpbaa Bha ww brfallod tato too
BWlaborc‘0 tirmad Opara boeoa orwlio at toato traddtor- aooda of a aaitbber. aad wbUo obo
aajra that too aadontoadtor «w toat ww foao too ladlw oawrad tbo boaae
BBwban boloc Oarl Apreo. rtollei I
too ohoak wM oa>7 for akof. Mr. aadwtdatoowwlowaibewo. A Aao A. C Apora. rielo: tfoo. Bleo, liei
He Mbps IthMaatlsa.
Tbciwcb trUhad to aQoUaao tbo show oappor ww laid aad wbw Mra Ppbw ololla: M. B UoUrp. drawo aad traot. |
roof too erehooteeara ' P«r y
aaaoaaoowoBt that toora wore two
c. t Bo»i.
1 » wki^,
At Jookooe }o«t IM «m*IoU haro
UMlw waltlaftoow bor. ber oerprlw
Wlbi Oeo. Oomllar. daHaoi; Claado :
kadtooboBotiottooparelo law. and
kaow ao boaeda 'A oerp ploaoaat
MoDoaald. ooraoc Mr. W. D ito- m;^
>to tbalr
erealaf wwapoat.
'Uormalao. plaao.
A dalltbtfal panp orw t*»aB Iwt
The reorpea ltd orcheaira wUl pla?
a too toaoral oohH of tholr dowo*
alpht to Moatateo ball bp Claptoe for
tbe fir*t time toolrhl, at too par^Cati.
formaaeo of Mr. Walker WhltoaWi
OadDtoo U toktof ao
t Iho dooalar aad oldaalar of too Aboet li of toolr frWodtworo lorlWd aBdhboorawBy. la “The Rod Oook
iloaoaooiiat Blfoad-Llttlo Otoa to toko a alolcbrldo oarip la tbo o«oa- ado"
teww wore drloea to too ball wbia
Thtaaflterraaoraro oMioat Law
"bii'i It •Irene*-." n-markoil the dottoo pooet rntlriBoa bad doooratod for •■lUi. "that M> uMuy of our rlrti poopb
']tet M roaalrtot aUM taioa froa too
too uowoloa A doltfkttel orraiaf allow tlwlr t-hlMreu to (row
^ iioaatt towoarofi at too raw of tto.OM
wwapoat la t*Ma.weale aad aeelal ao atierly wonbbMT"^' "O, 1 don't
will aavc yoo ibe eoot of a new
ooDoorwtloa. Dolloloao refreobw
kauw." repHid the r^k. "wbea peo
At Udlafloa too bUwkadoof Pora
*■ »t leaot a third cf wool otbple eel riel) ibey'r.' too buoy luoklne .Wir.
tol'' and
:harf« for the work. Then If toe
after ilielr amvotoro to bother inucb era
” chai
ri«bt. do Ibe rtpht tbiap.
MTbafa&ay whoa too ear farry aad No. I
about thetr pwi.rlty."
'brlac them toto.
gwtarod port aftar a aotfo of M boaro. Olob bad e rorp proaiablo woeUar pea
Thlairaa too loafoot dolar too boato wrdoraftoraooa.at too bowo of Mr.
Uttlfi Tsm-Littit TiTtn. j
hapa aaparloaeod la waap paara. aad aad Mro. / W. Mmikea- Tbo eftor«lt Ualoo bi .pear »to
too dfot tlao too ear tarry wao ever aooa ww dorotod to too otadp of Boa- Or. W. J. BKctok 0
Ua. a odor toa^dlreetioa of Mra- Oodp.
At ObarleiW Ooorta Laar of t^ wborwda rorp latoroatlat poporapMleatcaa Tolopboao Oo. foil M foot oo bta life. Mr*. Woltoe read ooleetTharodap aftaroaoe wktla at work, bat leaoaaoa aUdwtbead boHaV, Mr*
rrfjrrs /# toe/£Tt
WUl bs made
\ ' for our.Sprlnp Suite and
Top Ooate today.
Be in It
witb the reel of'em
to $18.00
buye suits from
handsome stripes or
Give Me
trt Your Shoes
' aitalaai oilgbi lajoriet, otrlklap la a
lllok AUod with aaow aad olaak. Ba
wao dooooadlBt froa a to fMt polo
r.jwhaa too aaekdoat ooaarrod. aaaaad bp
;'‘hlaaparfalUa| loaet.
Mro. Bartow of tMhaotor. It Iho
pewotaarof a .Blblo prlatad in iiu.
Tba book U wall prowrradaad la a ralsabla ralle Mra. Borfoet dioeororad
«ho book to a pita of aoolaaa porlodloaU
tohlak aba wao aboat to eoaoart lew
hladllac wood Tbo daw of too birth
«t OM Jtoo Bwith. la (,HM. to rooordod
ia too taallp rooofd. Mr*. BartM >a
at a loot to kaow fho oww too Bible,
whltowitbtbo of treat ralea to lU
Mittal owaar-
wirjr. '■:2.
„ «f Ito r»tot praaokw. ka* eetooatod to' »tol jamp from bor* to Baolt Btt
6» Wrt$* —eelaUy for Tba 'totarday Maria, aad la order to make ttot eity
MpMlac Feat a oorloe of aaoedetal pa- |. Mmo to plap ea Mead ay alfbi. bo
bare MB opoelal (tala oa tb* O
tfmtt luwtratoa wiia aitaarM aapa»- ^ ^ j
^ ^-----------Tto 'im ot ibow papwa. aaMUad boairht. ttot M. w oow Iboraafur aa
-Mtody w Bey ato
***•" tto oaaaerr. •toeto btofaf*. Me.. Mb
wlUafpewlBto#Aprilaa»ker*fTto ^,,^,^<BttoaMfp Be mast
aader the affielooi aMaafewoet oi
Obet WoltOB. wbleb lo oaMdoat taar.
aatw of tba }oUp time that tdlowod.
(iar aad roallotle floob hrht
takoa of too eompaap bp
Imat orealar the ladtw of Trarorw
Bap Biro. No Tl. prwlpUatod o ploao
aai aarprloaaooB Mr*. Wm. Barmoad
auto home of Mro A.J PoWripl oa Soroatb atrwt. Tbo oseaatoa of tbo partp
war tba oonWmp'ato'l dopartaro ot
POMtOB O k. B031AL.
MiaBap^ad ti her now borne at
Vorp Ploaaaat Tiwo at Ooattatauooal Botume Hap. Tboro wore aboet fortp
ereowt eed oaob raort aid the booorObnrab.
od ladp thoroapbly oajopod lb* oreoV
Lwt oToalar a rorp ploaoaat aeelal Jaot totore tbo eompaap akporeod tbep
« Clrea at
preaeatod Mr* Baymood wUh a toadtor the Jaalor C K. aoeiotp aad ibolr aomooalad dloh a« a tokee of thetr opfrWad* Flrol oaodp ww odd. then teem Theoroalae w*a pawed rrry
«ama*paeeat.hBBt JalU Kolloy re- pleaweUp lo ooelal e»a*oraatloD.4r*mra
adrod a'aieoboagartof fl-rworofortod« recIWtloaa aed ______
the epjoymoal of aleoly
iBt too moot ewaaio. aad witb it ^ ^rtod dalatp refroabmoaU.
a plotar* ot Mr h B. Clark wke
.erttolaod the Joalor aoeiotp. Tbea
a^aatoo muo pronam fTba fd{ THE STAGE
lawtar took part:
, Wrlykt, B...U
riotaoeo Karl. Wlltle Ktri, T
Alfred Wilbolm. Mtaalo Vatrato. '
amaoomeai lorm-t of
Martha HeMlekaoi, BUd* Camml*ro.
Ttaver** City aad vklalty will enjoy
Kabp BblloM. JuBo Poooe.
to* trwt of wlMowlar •
At too elooe all wap * joalpr eoap.
by on* of tbo rreoteol of Am<
Wkot'oTogrPoea Vartb.
aetora. Mr. Walker Wtaltwld*.
•osoUmoo a fortaae. bat 'aovar.
■r. If
Tb* *a«»C***>(
••T *
1‘?"'tromarkobleoao; for while lb# people
SmA 1^. moth patehaa aa^ bloieboa lofibUelty areofaelem'to felly ap
ilb# akti
oleTm oUlw troubto :
Tat^.^^e b*w L»f. PUU^^to P^utoMr. WbItooWo’oroat eopabl'kla. &
I. Oaly »
bo* always aadohvar^ to briar only
• aadd. C Watt'* dm* otoroetoa boot attraetloas here, alltt fo' an
attrwtiM tito Mr WaiMoldo** to earn*
UtoHry Netw.
moans frwt oxpaao*. la psrl lo
It srw to* wish of tb* Into Mr.Moedy
toat kM Werraphy obwld to arrlttoa too loaf jamp* aoeimory aad toe few
aiUw la tot*, wrtlca (tot a eompaay
Boran** h
* ew of
of' B*«ki«'o mtttorpioe* ••‘Tao
Orawa o* Wild OlWr.'
Promptly at elk o'eloek toe teatloaea momtor* larttod tb* ladle* to to*
pwloM towmoat-irbor* toep bad pre
rweh toaSaa oa
UMhraea tMpirfor aa attraMlea
ATV thhtTt\\A\
SeivbVMb. &om^or\kbU
tOtTlt Vk4o'b MATiToYb. i
tVtbko**% \’t
U art am>\k
can Vb Vtai Va «oo4 qna\i.\Vu ^ot 16. %bc
|\.00 an4 M-tb
sct4. YCo VtnVnob atc ta>
9«x 4s
watvV \o taaVit V\ vat*
ot CD\\,V Kam tt laait, '4or taou, Ito V*"
no aa\a.
This Moraing
Brer here.
check wool Worsteds.
to $16.00
provides you with
“Raglan” Top Coat.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Bldbwalk Ltmibar in all tisM.
SnoddasoTfi t* TrawepM 0!ty Jiumbar Oo.
One door west of the Brosch EHock.
242 Freil^troet.
We have several hundred t^ir of shoes that
we are closing out at cut prices to make
room for our new spring stock and openiug.
(So. 118. MithAr phone)
for the
Most Notable
Frank Friedrich,
A Great
it Steir\ber^’s Grar\ci
,(of conree.) '
and bi$ compkay, in
A reakette eotoady draae ia 4 arta.
Prieoa. Kte. 7 k. Il.ee-toa eeata. •! M
The Old RelUble Shoe Man.
I have put in a shop in connection with my hard
ware, and am prepared to do any kind of sheet iion or
tin job worludriviog and repairing pumps and-anykind
of Iron fSpe work—also all kinds of repairing usually
done in a shop.
You will find my prices seasonable.
tke warr. and
aad Inare tk* n4y atutarof
tkn nltaatlcB.
Bepniatad oat tkn <M4thatU
iaipnalblnaadar tko lAartar to pat la
at praaant tka plaat Ikattka aoaaaU
tboafbt weald kaakaolnitfy tka booktkn BmI boy nyatom
la npoaMac of Ika qanatloa ai -to
whntknr Ue latlai woaU bn aa:tMdod
or not. Mr. Bm'.lk aUtod that It ymetad
with Ike roura Hall of tkn oonaall
wiu bold oear, aad It will aot ba dlM
ealtfor tbe eoiera to aaeertala Ik*
lU of the eaadldatae oa Ike
lelaatoa. ^CT~iaIlk dealarod
manU ^nd iba walar worka,
tkat Ika eoaaeU
e»mm tiae ballaoVd tkat It wea pot
only Iba bMt IhlaHo do. bat Ika oaly j
.Tkemaa K lUn. inav.
__ _
kaenn to aaypeit blmertr «i ilw mgrr-vf
U aa peiMial ntllity boy In a b« atorr.
Tbe aewty
And Tbey Joinv
Fran All Sections
Maamnnwmdy to
wand will payfrom
pay from » to i« nanliand It to It naaftl.
1. Apply to Hlakk^
I to aaary '
aaromur. am
t a< flaal a*Tanadea of r
aaaaa tt waa tkalr kaataoii
‘Botb Lard and lauly 1a
MiBCBiXAjnBuna wamtb
aaya tke Loodon Ktag. "iuTr an ntwoIka ralaa of aaok proparty aad H la
—r ,.U. -HI...*., —. ■
ikalrdaelaioa wklak wa watt dapaad
a noni. aa «cU a> a.aiM-tal. pna>
poB^naun-J^m ot «0 •rroo.^w
aty Kwlaaar Mortkrap foUowad
aloof alaUar'tiaaa. Ba arfoad tkat
(•wnnlideu Cec-ll. iIh> unmar
VaivnaC tevsthtp. Batf latm
I. MrlmUnoO
ikapraaaatplaal'ta adaqaata aa4 aaa
ka Bkda of root aarrlaa la eoaaadtloo
BUKlaiMl. Mke dellfbla tu W.irwUhapanaaaaatwyawaB. Hawly ooa
MM.WW ntttj. riMWi **.■ I.. .
tb<- |•rub|pm> art for tlw Tc
kaU tka aoat of tka plant
aarad ta two yaan, aod aa aa la«aatOaina t» bU UMillltTidiii««> BK»u.-irO HI* Mmay BBinirkabln Carca
ItutksoMOt tka ally aoaU aot do bailor,
ttadTalk ot th« Oonatry
rblM kooart of tbe moat luptonani
a. aOaapbril waalpranaot aadlla
ereuta ofinj befun- any cuveronirtii.
toaffaat ealU
for MUm Azoiukd.
••d rv.m ber- a.-'tbe ni.»i aitrrpnain#'
m EKKT -at
kr o*daUI •at ika kaaUk daaaiv •aali^krlaiy aad aaawarod aararal
Imou* ae «alr».*^
Tka aaMo o( iba aUk ttadaot la qaaatiooa .la apaaklar of iba-ralaa of
t%M eitlanna of Trakotna City hara
wlUfcald tor Ika prwoat
bad aa pealar denooewaUeo of tbta' ^*VBMianB^KOO«n tka wood plpa ka akowod a aaaipla of a
aeoalaaktla power and aa opportunity
Tka ftaaiaablp k*luorlaad|rn>a 4at plpo wklak bad *4008 In too fronad
aod fraaly UMak. Oaa of tka!, pnt'
prare of her faibi-r at L'rrtmTlUe. In ^ndfa for ibtmaalraa. by
warp, kroafki aaarlp aoojTiaaa to
ordr dflaoB yaara aad »ai aUll In a
and a«l(> that the natlnual p»rfimt naked wa* wkai wa* to ba dona i
adalpkla. arkoara aaU to ka Ik#
of food aialp of pmaai’rattOB.
Ra auud ikal tka plant lodky won
artl<-b- of ‘ tbe parmaneoey or
or b*d rffaet*
Tka aartf l«ia loaata io wortkdl&.ooo a yaar to iba
naif naable loaaawar the qaeatlen, bn'
>' a retulnlacmi iiatnlr K<iuit<>r Krje •'f ^ aa a rnnnU of tbalr trentawnt. both ana ao4 Moo turn. Tbay owaara. Ian tka eparatlof aapnnin
•Utad tkat It woald nlaea tba city In a M-liie r.-iin.-l that I..- o.ml.’
atkia (kara it la kaa gaaaral aaodoa
aad tkat In tka propMOd parekaaa tba rary difloalt pwUloa- deratal othar i •«*'*' ">
aka Ualtad klalaa. aM aortaio AktriaU oily woold ba paylnf only for tka
I -uninK Ulr. oftoaattha.Parh Plaoa
I Coini bare been parfonued npon
^ ^
wkara tka load U
aetoal *0100 of An nalarUl and
w"Sr«i,'fci5^ *»'
Mr. dmlth.
iWrtllalWIl i-iHe*.
I many well Irnowp dt t«e». tbet-rlral
<^ir ara kaiad i
Ba aUtod that tba
Victor Petarlyl waa called opoa for , An Amrrlcau wbe bad tviumad fmm . tboaaof ancient Uaar*. eo ^aarkeble
d OB tka froatlar la dpaaitle aorrloa woold m-wa than pay
praraatika Kaki* daparlora. b«l ik«r tba oparatlof aipanan, laavlag Ibe
ka hM beta a msmker of th* fire Ae It iu..re dlrtl.-uli to
n> i»dUe «* be ,
*orori*e and bewilder,
cioaaad tka bard of at aDtoapaeiad
nat profit of nearly »«,uoo a partmeot for orar Id year*. He ataled •
lu tb«-Hi} of Hamlnirp than In
_hii. ____ - - ,
. ,
polaia aod raaekad Balr oa. wbaace yaar. .4 otan In.tke aodiaaea aakod If
ikay aailad for tkit malrp.
tba etaUment In the Befln wai Une
bad atkelfw mire preeaure but oneh?r
A aldalrki flra karatd oat iba latrr tkat Ike conneLI bad already parebat aod-ibaolhej'fjl It promptly Hsaa- far f..r hi* p..m.-u.-*». it ms-uu. that
lor of tka ooaaoBptira ward of Ike Brie ad 6ie plant To Ibli Mr. Campbell prewead bimaelf aa emphatioally Jn <1^' Huinhurit irull.-y iar> will M-ai. a.-- oo hla meiits and wU-tae* to be juderd
■bout Hor.-* M Uru. *. B. UoilMor. tf
cur.lrj.*: ... .lie. lu.i.iv ..r lU.otv rtKhi ky the work he nerform*. and polniaj;*-*.*^
«oanl7 hoapltaJ ai Baffalo, wbicb U replied that be bad aa yet raeaired no
w.sbliurtun sin-ot.
P- n-'i*. ictt 10 f..un.-rti tiu «.. k eldf. wUh pride and ratl»fac-ion to the aro.e *:»T*VTKD-a
eooalderatlOD aid woald own tkepltnl
.aaaeiad wllb Ibe
.woll beu.H.
oo .ula brt.wrMM
Aldartuae i.ralllrk we, ea’lad upon
au,iaj..u f..„r ,, r-.i.. ah- ellow.d or m-»re of well known eiiitCD* whom W i.i, eviAoii
<oB>ir ■■«*.
Thara war# M paUeoU la the ward ontll tka city paid over ibe prtee fiiad f:>r hieoplnion In tbe matter. Heip^ke on th- fr»nt tiini ti»«’ i.i iw.u- uii thr
,.-_,_i.!p,c ('■Uoi. or oJiirT.. K. W Him ■( *
wbao tka Hra broka oov Thej w«i» by thcarbliralora. to tke erent of Ike
..o.pp,h„. ^
- m luL-k ■■ml fnr '•
«arrUd tro^ake baAldlDf k/ .altaod- eollnf of the boedi the city woold be
•>.?..•uj.ih.I" uu.1 Vmtmmt. tbemfort we eay luform
aau, all aaoaplnc wkkoat lojary. The come tbe owner. In eaae tke bonde of Lb*alaai.eapme*i^ blmtelf a* be
rll, or Imh
ller.ocUtobea co>d boa new propo- y.
forl.J.i.lt-h ... inkr «u nu. yonr*el»«: you who ere tick, rUiUbe
a t'wler. mt-t
drawMOonBaad to tka eoBaamptlra were defeated be woold atfU be tke
BiUoa. aod one that bo woold enteriaia : Oikt-r |ui».-iik-i>r tmlil ..w s: «» ••IT. \ jeceoUon oerlor* anr dar and wlln<^«.
ward. Tka Joint ioatltalloa !■ aom-1 owoar, bat ike eltj aoold hare tka
. eerie*
> '--------..------_«
l^a tbe
.u. price tlwmA
of bolldiof* aad ba* a
! pririlofe ofI---------1..
baylo(. bat
fiaed pkat’"‘HVLd*Set‘’'tho ritr-w
puaad of
popntoiloBot orer l.ooo pauper* aod by the arbitrator* *boald rameln final. plant. Bsoald that the city »*» l» on U.r . ar u l.i.-b 1. aln-.n.l.v ••o.-. uj.lr.I.'-J yoor owe friend*, yo to tbelr home*.
Io tbU eonnaetlOD Mr. Campbell •taiad Croat need of tbe piant and that It A* Itai-r.- 1. uv .-uu.lufior ou Imiiil to | i^iii wiu, tbrm add then act aa yonr
-laralld*. Ini
norialalyabooldmake tbeporehaae.
j l*''^'*-*** '» >■ 'kr la.Ij *,. p. lii.Hv. and |^
am any tb* lamato* durtaf Use fire.
-that he bad ateo beard that In
I, I tbr ............
who maj uJTrt her a
o«mten. mu s* yonr op
mil and UUw hi. eiand oiliPOrt-nIWtobncorad. Yon may oerrr
J y. Alice-of Jfhw Orlenna. who re- tbe defeat of ibe boode he won|d berln
ItodaddreMin taroroftWworsbauof the pleiforiii. When ib.! bare aueb anoihar chance: no matter
e«pUy boufkt I OOO.OW edmhelon Uek'
tae plant I declared that If tbe after k<>1iib hi> ruuiHU, tvtiiri.. 1 bli wbat your eotsdittoo. bow tone you
toUmatad aoyiblnc
no from tbe aatborlUea of tbe Pari*
proporiUoo to bond the city ware rotod P“'- ‘i' |.rom|.ily r«jur«i* ihr cviille- bare been nick nor bow many olben
azpoaUlon. arrieed In Oklnaco Tbure- of tba klad. Ba would mneb raibar
you nsay bare triad. 00 mattor wbat
aay Mr. Allen la on bU way to Parla operate the plant blmtalf. but a* tke tocottbe adrosau* of tha difftreni , i-ti|dixi.“ KhoiiM h.-(vfitxyonr donbu may be. if onrable at *11
fl* aaeurad tbetlekala at naif prtoo aod
ayatem* tocetbar, and that tba city cur be I* j.iii »IT Tim |Kill(i'm<-u ub Use there U hope to tbore wbo will uke'
naya be will kara no traabla wbatarer be bellered It beat to ull.
woold be lefi at Ufb end of the nezi,
«nii-b Uie tba trouble to Invealtcaie.
to tba eapaelty of kit twAVMM .ii.Aut . munUinbi
:'i"l If Uu v tiiil athan
lodUpoalaf of'Uiom at tberafutar
two year* wluout a maoiripal plant, ,
UourilUe m. to & p m . erening*
nia* A million ttkkaw at refular plant ha aiatad tkat tbara la 1
and would b* toroad, for fire protoetloD : It* prnjN r •■unipl.-iiiPiit iht- it.iiduciur l.to *; Park Place Buial. Trarerae City.
r*ta* would coot abooi lioo.ooo. bat force In tk* pamp* to f<*«
It noihinc al*a, to renew tbe Oamobe l
fined 7.*. iviii>. w hid. U |uiM to tbe Mieb- AabU time i* faetbeinc ao.d.
Fouml in wmokiiii: k
abundnl anpply tor U* naxttan year*,
Allan aaonrnd Utnm tar tlW.ooo and t*
fru.blH. U. d..l.r.b U». IbH. —
and only a limited number ireeied
each day. It behoove* tboae who de*ire
noofidaot ha naa elnaa np nearly fiioo.- la raapenM to a query ba aald that the noiabaaioeM mao In tba oily who
000 In tka rontarc. Ba will aoaUar
lid rafuto to bay tbe plant *1 tbe
wjold oiora than norar tbe iaUraat
All doctor* told Krnirk lUmiltoo nl
in nnlform^kont tka
a flaad
.ur'ilfe tbai^ms^ba^the opoMiueliy
apon the additional ooat Io raply to a
to uka advaoHaalao kae ordarafl oaianotkar.rarl- etatomant that tbara «m a haary la- Oiuld be amured of ton year*' bo*luea*.
wa* ealiad np^a. and die nnlp** a eo>t>y
B L dpracue
toant tobalfOan. torraa flykt rabal
opt-mtion w*i per■
5*l'y opcmtion
branaa on tbe plant, ba aald tkat
atopp'nc to tba froBU h* pullnd off bl* formrd: boi hr cured biiutrlf with
tbara la netblnf at all afalnet it.
Baekleii'* Arnica Salve, tbe brat in tb*
Mei!oe of Spaclal Rlretion.
oreroont end bacaii a rloclnc
Waawra rallraadt kara adranoad
Mr. Oampboll panctamd U K. tilbb*'
T..ii.»i*« p*>iB«rlmon ef tw ellr ol Tr«.
.bb. u,. ,.HUb.bHbb
vr*rl'li]r, Mi.'Ulreo:
•aw pnr
illloB cffcetually.
Hoilrr !• iKnvb* .lirre tb*l ■ ■pvrial wrwiec
place In pslUlc* and aboofd not ba da- 1 dr^ atorr*
JOO ponnda
of Ih* r**Mret (■> Mrtnr rlwlor* ol ■■>* rut
abofHnc tkat tbe ea*t of tb* plan aoc
dt'trnniDed its oont,
■ 111 br l.*M K. Ik* Uurllineai«amlldiu. kSNo
The Bobnrt mam^l •
Caatad by Mr. iLab* woald tar ncoaod
tUKMI rreeiuiwM ■■.•Urllr. ee Wrenr*
tesf. Mereti to. A 0 <W.. IRHB OB* n'rlork U>
tbe cigar^ahould re*.
b>atoraon. M -l..Taaraday fara out a •caraa namad.
favoroftfaeparehata of tbe plaolat
A Oaid
, parpoaref^ubwlltlnr loa^ldlu pa^lsrclarie
Inc that tba fund tkat
Madad Vinton atatod that b* wi
ta<l{at lOr atraiRhl
tba pric* uamed. aad diaacraad with
W*. tba nr
iDdeielcnro, do barei.u, r-.fpr ikrlr drirmiBkUon to twlkH.<hr
la balof ralatf to bnlld a n
drat opooaad to tba pombaaa of tbU
but 00* tblnc-tb* way la which tba acre* to refund ihrmonnyoe
on a so-oaai
tka lata rlaa praaldant now amonnu to plant, bat that afinr atadylnc
-/rep of
"’•-Hi b* ll■nl »Bd •ipmM bf Mild
matter baa baaa bronght bafor* lb* botUe of Ureene'* W*rran'ttod 8yi
•it.Ma Praaldnkt MelCtnUy te
qatolkw b* ballarad that It «eaa tb*
ltd rllj. Ui
people,^* wUhad that tb* vote in- Tar If it fal
. Uaaontribalora
cold We
but tblsf tor tka oUy to do aad he
eibrr propmnj «
eluded ibe bondlnc for about IIT.MO tottle to prove wulriaetory or money i
* »u riebi,
Ma' ibirnm*
Onrmaay Uaboattoaand nlaa aura woold rot* for lb
more than tba price it tbe plant, ao nfnndad.' S. B Walt, BuyVe A Ra' I* Vi’S'^MWea Oeunc-ll or mie rlly
Aldorman Oarriaea aaaarad tk* meatwnraklpi w ahlnau watan.
that the ayiMm eould ba catondad at bunt.Jaa O. Jobnioo. f C Tbomp i A W. aiCKaBD.
Bnrilah hlatory. It la raportod, la to lac that It would b* bla parpoa* to poab one* to take In all tbe eUy. Be quea
ka droppad from Ckiaaco pabllc tka iatoraat* ot iba ward on t^ ooaa tloaad wbaUsar tb* prepoaitlon would
ell and wa* aamaatly aapportad by
nakaol* baoaaaa of alia
paa, aa preaaniad. Bo aloaad with tba
n aataat are, pfrjadiaod ta fa-' AUermaa Lardl*. who daelarad that rriiaraUen of tha atntoment tbpt tba
mrnf Bofland. A. 0. II. laadara ara ahoald b* b* ratomad b*l woold adrolid ba kept ont of prittioa.
aat* etroncly nttonalona la tha ward.
•Mditod with aoaurinc tha dropplaf
aod that tbara wa* bnt th* oa* tbinc
At Ibla time ba dularad tba oouaell to
^ ,^*rll«k ayndlaaw haa hoafht I.to do, and that la w vote tb* badab* onaalmona la tbU rerard.
B. O Joynt. who ba*
' aaO.OOe tom.'
ik Alabama for aaMr.Jaekun aaked If, la tb* araat of
Id tb* Campbell plaat for Ike paat
wtoUoa with*.-' l»b yaara
tba dalaat ot tbe bond* tba city oonid
Lord BtaaahatPp. Ike foraroor of lay main* In tb* *tr**to. wbll* Mr. aeren yaara. aapraaaad hlm**lf a* eopMaw HonU Walm baa bad a boral aa- CAmpball bad a fraoohia* Mr. Oamp- vlneed of tb* efllsl*Dey of tbe plant to
parlaaoa. "WhllaoB a rlalt to tha oul ball aaawarad that blmulf. atoUac leat all of Use praaant need* of to*
Uarlaa of Naweaatitha wa* antartaload that bU fraaebbe wu not eieloalra elty. U. A. Laacwtu-iby aooka of ibo
witb which tb* money oonid be
at a baoqaai la a oonl mlna >00 faat ba- and tbare wa* ao reatrlctlaB opon tke
tow tka aarfua of tke aartb
la a alty In laylac mala* for work* of tto relied if naadad in cai* th* bond* were
aot ralaad.
.Aambar PO fact loaf. It faat wide aad
B. a. Allyn rod lb* aacUoa* of tba
* faat blfh, to cna*t* n*i dowo to dinobartar that oonearnad tba lacamy of
nar. Tka norel dlB<ac-room abowad ao
one ^jllinc plaee.and after aome fortb- Ufa* ot what It bad kaaa. for alccirte •trooc Arcamenu la Barer of Totlac
Daaonnler aatopred;^
lMCbta.dtr*.atarrraaB«aDdearoaU bad I
/^UR spring line 4)f Men’s Suits ,iml Top Coals ^
tbe pMpIe tbatlf .tl'cra wa* bot «Be|^
..________._________ 1
_________ —
'. trknalormad
U Into' an .1..____
apart '
vole ea*t In favor ol tba bond*, thry ' ^
from 1,. Adler Bros. & Co., Rochesier, N. Y-, is $
Ad entbndaatic maetinc-wa* held in
eonld real amurred that It ctm blaiV^
now ready for inspection. We should like to have it ^
The American wopaaa In Manila kara thaC.B K P. d ball la tha Haoond vote
formnd aa a*aoelaUOQ for tkn dlairtbu- ward, that called out tbe rotri* and
A propoaltlon wa* mad* to take aa j M
seen by every up-to-date and economical dresser in ^
aioB of book*. rtmm.dnUoaeifla. pnja- otkar* intareatod. not from that waid upreaalon of tba volar* preaeot nc to
our territory—the economical man because this is the '
tou, ate . amoBC'life lick and woand- only but from the Third and tbe Plr»t tb* queation.
tbia Wa* objected to
«d*oldlaraaBd*allar% of tka Kalud
aad tba propoaliioo wa* not imittad
most money-saving clothing manufactured. The ha
dut ibU
Btoto* now la ibe t’alllpplMa- Sinen
bitually well/drcssed man because ,it fulfills all his ^
aka roum w tki* eouauy of Mr*. maaUnc. and after eali(nc to order
Pvu Mpert arliM lOreL
LawUa, who waa pMsIdaat ot the Aoideas of style and good taste. The harder a mgn is to M
Wbrn BCbuol rlrU ari’w contiilrntlal
noriatlM. tk* lattor ba* been reaofalc- wbiab tba rotorc war* oallmi ucatbar.
please the more anxious we are that he should see '
nt. with Mr* B. H Uaeum aa praai- latntdaoad tka prinaipal ananker of tb* with one another they aoiO' Clniea. I am
orealne. Aldarmaa Smith of to* Third told. dcM-rtbv tbe Mn of « man wbo
dnatth^ garmenu. We arc willing.^ leave it to bis own ]
ward. Mr. HMUnc* rafamd to Urn oormpoods to wimi tbe} call tbelr
Itlenl." bid you ever bappre to
Tk* aty Book Biar* baa Jwt fumlab atonaefthaa mbanef tb* drictsal "beau
good judgment whether hts tailor can produce any- )
bear what Mra. Kte|>ben A. DwucUa
mmiUa*. aad on* who «a» credited
^ kb* Mty library wlU »a rolamaa of
with ■*}!&* 00 lbl»
lbl» lopthing
more artistic and workmanlike for double the i
, for a let ••When 1 wn» si achooL” abe re^
nlattot book*
with tka I
baitor ayatam from iu rary lueptloa. marked. "1 U<wd to vow that iherv
money. . Adler Suits run in price
were ibrre kind* of n»en I brrer ruuld
Bnakar Bento n Bnkbar.
Mr. Smith atatod tkat k* waa not
br Induced to marry. . fflm, I never
J. B-OnnrMon.aaablmoftk«kanbnl aynak aa a parttoaa. bat a* oa* lator- woold marry a man wbo waa roungar
. TbnmrtUn. Ohio, kbd kann rokknd of totod la tka wailara ot tb* dty. aad than 1. fiei-ood, I nesrr would marry
kanlU ky n aartona taac trouM* nntll
B wbo wa* *tanrtrr tbnn I. Third.
tkarityaat tor
II KlnTa Maw Dlaaorary lor
. _ ’ff would marry a pellilrlan.
an. Tkw ha wreto: "It to Ito own baat latoreat* B* nrcad tkat Waa 1lb----kept my word,
except that •In
Other^manufacturers are represented here too, 1
lor a poUUm ke Uft ont of Ika qaaaliea. and marrylac
lac Mi. Dottflas 1 married a
rbo wa* quiu a* old a* L wbo
tkat anah rotor for klmaalf daeida
and we select tbe best things from their lines. Prices *
toonkia. 1 nlwaya ka*n a bottl* on
not aa taB u L aad wbo
Uhand.” Don't^arr^aoncka.aol^
of tke meet prominent poilUcInas ot
$5.50, S4.50. $5.00, $6/xx $7.50. $9-00. $1000 to $i5«>. I
nr any tkront. akaat or lane tronbU wnato of tb* elty.
bli day.wkto you cna ba nurad u anmly. Only
Baapokaofaotoaot tkaranaena tkat
Me and1 di.
Cl. Trial'
Trinl'~kotMta U eanto tkaeonaatl had tor UUblnc tkat tba
Woma'a Treahlaa.
Jna. G. Johnaen and II. B WaH'a dne
AOmainadnt CartUad. M
parekaaa ot 'tkd OampkaUCplaat waa
"My ayatam waa tarribly
adrtoaU*.at thta UmV dmctoc otbara
tad I waa threataoad urith
h* maatioand tk* dlfirel«y that wonld
kara opanad up a Wrcaia aa!
aatar^ly aria* U th*
* Ki--------------------------------» and Blood fflUa
la tk* baaamaat. Watob :
not mad*. Mr. OampkaU eeaU notba
mo wondet^Hy to p^ariM and
vMMh ^ M.000 OMrrUa* W«teM4ft7
AHtI kM taM liiUadMd la
C^gOTMWBi aakMlac
•ala lau aad
•alkaruUar ta« aap«4ltar« M •&.<00.>
«0D a( t>r»aM>a< Boaar aa U« axfC'
altfea. .
A stadatt la OolaabU aai?*iaUr.
vkowMlakaa ^ a wtak afo «iU
waai vaa aappMad to ka aaaaU
aafMiaf from uunpaa. Am a aeaaa*
Tt Bt Cirtl by tin l«y PhiHiMNi, tInGruiMl fia;■ttic Hulei of ■oderi
SiG Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
Be wise
and try one.
We wait to show fou sonethine nice ie.
From SI2.00 Io S22.00.
'Wilhelm Bros.
XiUld T»m—Uttla Tathb.
aUUkara tk* <
alcMtnre of Dr. A. W. CMnao om nvaty
bU dracffMla or
L Oa. BaBale,
B?*A”5r^i ********^^r ^
I Oor. Union and Ei(bth Sta.
South Bide Brick Block. 1
W* baa* MT*d manp deaiar Wll*
Coach Ke'madp ia oar
abotUoopasaU tta Um aad wtoa-
* M «1M bMM« Pam to «
haabaaa BirMf la Laate fMtba
paal faw faara. bM «rba Mraatlj
•a thU caastiy a* a hoalBMB mp.
It U mu toad that tb* wblM pl«aa
•Blpa. aa maeb won a**«a or «lpbt
puui apa taUd* tb* cotUr of waUtdoaia. ara a^U beUp mora or Um
•Md. Tb* wblU edpa bat'
dark matortal of tb* waUtcuat and a»a« ar foor-U-baad tie niakaa tatber a
pndtp affect bp connat. aad It to to to
bopud that tb* Caabloa will
Cat* of all faataloBa made vnlpar bp
too paoanl adoptUa. Comim.aaaM to
BOW baptaalap to bara lu affect opoo
tb* 1st wlap lie. which wa* ao i
won bp amartlp dremed ntaa Uat
aad am uuvmau
throupb uic
tbe aanp
>th* of aaiuaiB.
‘ wiir^OBP-to-------- ‘
ua. It
a BO aaiT*f»aI
d aa to^ uboo*d bp
I wbo pira most
toot audailoa to fbelr
aiure. The tl* with pdioted ead* to
abap* forutrlop
Tba aad* ar* oot ao broad aa ito bat
Wlap aad tb* knot to a lUUa Urper.
A pood OMtnp OMD anm to to gaUp
bock to tba atraipbl cut. whit*. Uwa
d* with aaaalap ctotta*. aad tb* dU-
Tiaimmqup ■arfcah
. «m U «r*fta 14 Ben.
la n...
------------ •* -n beaar baaa to
Ur ^ iaear a
r (£mbariaUV
tall* to eui*. It
Uoanalal/amcdUla* of pruat mmlt
Md w«rtt.-D. d. Uaarl^tOaaanl
Maaubaai aad ftomar. MatU*. BedfoH
eoBBtp. Pa. roraaUhp &K Walt.
ffDsnrzsff CKfio*.
af tba Coliad «iaM to all tha »
thaaUa to **. who Irft hm |1M aa
tba coaaUT waa iwavarlac trau lb*
paair M UK. Kov. laaiaod of
taaclal MUapaa.
la*MUn«dlr U«-Mm
fMMlk la MV (iMarta^ tcMv. aad with Maufactaran ba*r as thaf tea*
. R. U. OmaaatUa. Oaa fan ter
a for raara. i
ad trip. RaU
March M aad «7. Re
U iMMaa* M «ll&.(DCUlju IQ iba ralnr
aad bappr aad (mllnaMa nuhlap cm w
iBtMU M UMI a.
(taatar aad prMtar praapMHf- Thay
Vtife Iboar «f twa hat* aMtoual/ 41*^
111/, aad waatwlMd IBU/ mtaa». Km a« a Mtirr darfal «haa«M.
BTTU* aknuoPTBari
M fan Uw lean*. a> abova hr a nnKodcMMr aa tba afaaaga Boat ba ta
fa^teTrwd^^ »3?T|Sn"»
r«l aBEb-ala. far from twiaf of a laea- oa* who baa btaa aliaft fras tba
Reton ».
conatrr durlag tba Mat tbm pMn. It
r lu rraJltr $
Oao. DaBAvn, q. p. a.
viBdkstM M thr niarW ;urlt Uw caa. aftar alL bardijr ba ao aodeMbla
la lu daaJ pnrpoar at ptviarior Af to bla> aa U Ibf paopla wbd baa* Uaod
a aad aa I raartwr bara Ibrwwb It ill trbo haa*
isiaor. That art ba* doaa Jnat irbat Ibair paraobal affair* tba poaanj
tta franm rlalnad tt wuiild do. It atrtrbab. baroMtap day* wblrb Ov*
ba* flraa Auarb-so naaBtanarara a taad tariff laforB broopbl apuo tbaoi
> tba prooparoii* dapa of
l ake Warner'* Wbiu Wie
ebaara to roadurt tbrlr lHt*la«H aod :»*'■'
--------totatoa*. It to 1« oeaU. FUld
PV Ataarkmii Urlnp vapm. aad at lb*
uabotvd ia bp our rnara to tba
•to toot ooo^ rmnadp oa
a*M lltoa It ba* broupbi lata ibr L'alt-1protMilap Anartcaa naaaIt
hard to auad idl* bp and
•d bUiM traaaaiT a *noj wbk-b would I '*<^w«f* aad laborm at tba axpaaao
Littlt.TdTPm-Littlf ThTtn.
baaa l»ae ojuplp .uOrtrai
'«•>«■ ««!••
•uOflrai for all i#of
If Mr. AMBtroap bad bna oa a foor
1 parpuaaa bad It aoi boaa ...
tt* martiAltoapiN. V.) dalrytoaa called at a
tba uaaxpmad drala* Mda a)«a tba paarw' trtp to tbr arrtir rlirla or to
drop Btora tbeio for a doctor to coma
pabta- puna bp maua of tba war with Boiaa otbaf rapluo wbara Ibrra aro do
aadaee hi* ebUd. then aaip aUk with
teed Kates to ffraad Rapids aU croap Not fiadlap tb* doctor la. ba
■pala aad tin rvUdlkM la tba I'btllp- Rial! or rabla rooboctloaa. ba ailptat alBJ.«t bara bara rtruMd for tblaklap
left word for him to rw.•. K ff L
laufartaran’ tbai Mxna laaplrlBD from a fairp tala
Pot the Cbrtoilan Radoator meetlnc ^retura. Be al*o boopbt a botU* of
bad ban at work la tba couatrp. turaNarob trth. U(h and Mih tta O. R. A OiambrrlalB** Coaph Remadp. wbUh
ba bopad would plve aome ralUf nc
richad taod* fonaad la tba ordar
I. wlllaellaxemlon beheto to Oned tb*
doctor abould arrlra la a f
Rapid* at one fare for tae roaad trtp—
tba balk of tba »ltfi.UUU.UtlJ» lorrMaa «o aad Diaarp loto rntantmani bp tba
boar* be niaroed, aaplop tbe doci
to M. Tteketa OB aale March M-.h and Deed not oome. a* tbe child wm maeb
la iBipona. Uat pnr tba valna of the touch of a Biaptc^od. Tba aiapiclaB
»7lh. pood to ntorn bd<H March SOih
to ibl* raaa. howarar. waa tba IMaplap
toller. TbedruppUl. Mr Otto ■
n par raai larper tbaa Id IIHl aad Uw. wbh-b. bp BMaiiDp u ARtarkaa
Cough Ramedp to tbalr
lb* CiMtaot Ibonaaaa wrtt lb aocb produrara tba AiDartcaa uartat aUft- aPOwiB* uroTxorxLTim n iBiaiiimi
-ttarmp'a Chamberlain'*
nrUThtor* and friend* uotll be baa a
ItMM aa bMa* aad sklna nw aUk. ad ap tba nlU* aad factorW. para aaw tiart tot wlap and buucrflp ahapM an
ooeataat demand for It from that part
fwbbar. flbar* aad Un la bloi-ka. luu* Ufa to buBlaaM- aad prurtdad abaanr*lp arm. A Ua that to ito best cough remedy on earth, curce^aetdd | of tbe ooubtrp. for aale bp 8. R. Walt
aad pica. Uf ewuna tbU bip lartMaa daaca of work to tba wbola AaMflMB
or BMTlp Ito aama brMtb
ledaviftikrninUnic S aadSOcU 'dragpUi
waa dlM- aololp to tba fact Uiai ADarlpboot lu Icnptb cannot to tied
CBb MBufartarm wm> dolap a pmt*0 amall aad tipbt a kuot aa on* that
Ip Ibtnaaad baaluna* aud bad to po
la cat narrow wHh broadeolnp coda,
abnad fur much of tbalr aiatarlaL
Wjem ^udar* Sat m and tb* r**nlt la that tbe kaou an
« uwaiixn
la la raalltp a nuaoo fur roucraiulaUoa 'ba Uoaaboah
now Urper and lea* wrinkled
Pronp atis PoK.
sad aai aa opcaakw fur rpprui. a* tba
cmlop lUa bar* aguan ead*. but
It toonauuacad frua Nurtb ('aroHo*
labor coat pf tnafuifaciarr wlU prutw.
tboaa with pointad end* an frcgoeotlp
Wp at iraai oqual tbe cu*! uf niatrrtal that Uia mira output of tba rail nllta
ao tbai It would toacanelp (air
I •“ Ibat aute U coDtracied for up to
ta alBHiai all liar* uf iadaslrj
^ I Bail Octubar. aad Du Baw ordara wit) to aap that iiuc la more correct tbaa tb*
r U iba vatur of |ni.
ba lakao uotll afior that date.
I' taaterhUa BMwat
Wbkuver tbe rcaaoa. tba fad reaMue
a delUr amt u tba Awarteaa work
Bialna that turobvar cotUra an not
tVMB. t'artalBlp tba lauar bad ao ba* baaa stniop apart froa) practical worn with tb* tong, arenlnp cbut. As
affair*. *i taoat fraa tndar* do, madtloau. arealup cuai with while waintaUap upoo bU farortta ibeorp. UtU
-n g, -TrnTi o i bo Oi’by,
Tb* OaoUoeoial i
vouitUuw the fuUeai poaalbl*
• Oompav
craaaa urar tba Ubporution* uf IMW. placa of InfonnatioD. arMaadap m U amiup drcaa. ao are tbe Crock coat
of North Amariea Usaai all ap to data
tt* palB baiap aqoaJ io bInui 20 par doa* that tba aoutb I* ao leaper a pun- and wbite waUicoat (be lap notch of
pollelca. iaauriap affalnat aeeideDt and
cam. At trat tboupbl It m|pfat afon Ip DPI.................................................
aftari>i«D drea* (or man. and aa the
alekncaa, pap* Indemnllp Itm M ta IM
M tboupb tba fanbar bad aafferad bp lataraat la tba proinoboo of Aiaaiicaa
Ofloe Moan (ram 0 a. m. to • p. m. ffaa dap oalp aaeb mootb.
laduatrial Ularaala would coma aa
woeka. both abort aad kwp tmm poli
tt* UtrxMlunloD of tba -iBcrMaad
of a abock If ba abould hapcies. edao tUk^ on all tb* Undlap boa•swum of foodaiuff* laio ^taartcaa
Bornlnp .-uat one map wear wbat colbacuma
DltaU la the Oaltod RuUa. Por tall
■arhat*. but whan tba aaparala liaai*
Ur to wlU. but arpo Iban. if tbe coat
particular* •*•
•r* MtHliad It will ba found Ibal tba
U bUck. a pUlQ. bipb cvHar U prefer
fartuar ba* bad llala If aitp
Pam Ilka tbto arr prowtnp rarp an- able. To anoi up. If pou renrtet tto
Tba foodaiuff Inipomtunorcr
ttoas wbirfa taornaad aio*i la aalrn laaroBa. bowavar. aad aritbla a not poo will to correcL altbuupb coaum
Manager Northweatem MUhtpaa.Tra*war* auear. coffa*. fniJta and aula, taa
eruaCItp. MIeb. Ofleo. to^ <. TonI made It* wear e
In aucb
aad to aneb
aad tiguon. ooaa of wbl<-k to prodinner Jacket Tbeee collan are . .
dorad to aoch aa axb-ut In ibl* a^- tani that tba tnoat drtwiup of fna trad- made In a great variety of beigbu and '
ar* win wake up to flad biniMlf withttp a* to ba
ahape*. aliboupb to maop caaea. except i
• fcBowlnd Ba will atiU ha<
^redact* Of <
Pafbap* that will anf- Id naroa ifaep differ bat slipbUp oa*
ttp aumr rrowara
A. r., Ih. «™.trr. from anotber. All bare rounded corAm and Amartcan
wine aad llguor
ner«. and mo*t are lauide witb an overBonb
It aona of Ibeao ba* atifI
will join la ptrlDC to It a aatilad pollcp Upplap baud.
t of Ibr iBcnwM In leaThere are vart^ aiplee of sinlpbt;
paraiiMt, which waa dur almoat of proteciloa aad tbarafora a prnna- colUr. all moi^or lea* won-tboa* I
BcDi pn>*paHtp. In wbk-b am tba tew
ranialnlap advocatn of fraa trada will that orerUp olben tbai Just meet all.
> naabto t* auppip tba i
tbe wv up, and tbooe tbai apresd a I
^ llaiatntl.
trifle at tbe lop, either atnipbt or with '
of all, Uwra wa* *n Incmaa of
Good whMl* for aald chdflp
allpbtlr poked poloia Tbeee polnu'
caat la tbr ralar of uanutac\4fHERE ADVANTAGE LIES.
abould IM
aquan. m.i rouad, Uka,
on tim« or for caab, at
■ ttrad pood* liaponad. ibl* lam**a bo
lb* polnu of turnotar colUr*.
h lap dlrld*d amoap cotton*, allkit dhrr «•» Pm Taad* Baplaa* tadara
Praa That Pallar.
' MBDfai'turra. iroa aad atari aud rblaa
Ur. AnpuaUna Blrrali mambar of white linen, without hh. ruffle or adpro-1
aad ptao*. Thl*. too. map l«a attributed
lent of anp kind or dcecrlptloa. BTca !
In a racaot addra** at Hb«r.
to tba a*i
Ul Soath DaUa ■
pUin pique U not used bp-well dressed !
^ oast tba d
r (’rrtalnlp (ba lapbam. fi&pUnd. aald. arconUap to
I'to shirt abould bare a broad :
fbr report pubitobad bp Tba i*alJ UaU
laufaciarrr* of U»Mr puuO* barboeom with two small buttonboUa for.
tmn n..pL.l.u«
ih. 1...1 „r
tbe Btuda. and open oolp lo front Tb*
that tba I
I* arc vnadiBp a ntbar rluomp outlook fur (be ebaa- ettffa abunld to nllx-r aruall au<l nwilc
wUor-uf tbr axrtM-uorr. Hr *dd«-d that
«b*m obi of tba market. Un iba
ntber abarpip rounded or square
Prof.J. W. Chapmaa. apKMpi.ratrarp. barinp aU Jba buolnaaa tbap the man wbo could lavaot a new tax
coolly located la thU clip, i _
oaold haadia. tbap bara barb a* parhi* ofloc al tbe Hotel ^fflmmWa. tto
Colored iDornlnp shlru Jn« now art
That to bow thlap* arc In pood old
flm week
Uc has tto
tactlp mtlalled aa it to la tb« utan ct
■k of aaeb moatb. ■*
being made with suipe* manlap op
bait of refotaae**. BU prim* i
. maaklad arar to ba.
and down tba boaom and cuff* Strtpea
Tba epaiatioai of tba ninglap Uw tbr tollowara of Cobdan In Ibto conairr map to falrlp* llruad lb pink*, blues ct
bare obowu that that iDMaurf a _ _ ante u* to adopt. Tba axampic to aet Urender. The cut U practlcallp tbe
Cfodlaptp wall darUM). When Uataa lD*{dr1np. Tbr AmcrIraa pauida bar* aame a* that of tbe cmlnp ahlrt. exWar* dnU. It kapt oat tbr cbmp pouda eu onaaloo to offer a reward for a tuaa
ttot tbe boaom map to narrower,
ct Knropa and parr tba boa** maao- wbo wUI Inaaat a aaw ux aad Barer
iteat patterns 1a Imported ahlrtUpc
factarar* a ebantw; wbaa tlmn baraaia will bava aocb occaaloo *6 loap a* wa
pear In tto Uluatratloa. wbicb U re Tb* Xu*t Raeewfal and RotoatlfleTraatotmtof AU DtooMan aad W*akBM*w
atb-k It. oar pollcp of acHnp to It that
produced from Vogue, aa are tto foe*ofMaakiadFoaMbUtoObtmB.
-i- "«•
going luma of fasbloo.
tariff tow baiui probiblitve oalr wbaa I
**** A®**^**" Mrkat. Wa l..
Tb* aesi wUelr s*a m*eraMf kaew* aMsUUa la
*««cw* I* U. Utem
PrtcM wcfT low. Tba Dloxlar Uw ba*
In 30 minatd* vUU yon
PeMtr Bad ttorel Tatllaa.
«*afooa.led Ito acetwm anJ^ipooeDta. I
alrradp U
A Simple uiird poke for a baby's
WKlt-Prioff* 40 RKd •On
•Bd tba wlant of than are newwl^
drao* U lllonraied In Tbe Ladle*'
biddUp tbalr rrltbi.® mSTtat
World. It U compooed
faoti fladlap at thl. Uma
>« doa«fi ragulra
—^ tlia faull Bada7,ir2o^_ an^v darp tboupbl to darida that the ad—
r la tb* Cast I
Coloael WUUam J. Rrpaa look psla*
U a apeach at ikdombU. Mo., to deop a
a I aan m p*e east el
raCUeea weauaaak
ttc rau of wage* to to paid to mlu., rc|mt that be ever wrote a letter faDMcaARauia rarp*<
to that repton for tto Utlef part of *"■'"» * P«tecOvc Urtff on waA.
Jammrp and tba Bm hair of Tebru-1
WJTIO MU sm ead «
BIT to to • per coot above the toflo ®"'®‘
® trcoeral atttek oo all tarbddU.
lftop«,po«waw|wtlllooof lb*
TbI* U Ito hlfbrwi mie paid la that
«f 1*3. bow u tto time to
aactloa la 12 p««n. Onip ohee lo 2S
people knew it. Afaoot tbte dm*
mn waa tto rau Mpher. That waa
abould bp aap
to IflHh. wtoa a mrlke exerted It* la
•• cl^v-trd. erery buslnees esterAPCBCCCUUe aU *rraak —^im
«Ud am tody mu tbel
»HI to sbortealnp oali lo to mdp
TAtm rout pub babt's naxm.
Tto raconU of tbe PaBBspiraau and
comlap patoc-Juat like tto on*
e •* foOow*-. Make a ring of
larpb_______ _______
Km m
rmn i*» tlw mb»M tM> fMiitfj riMvad wttk
nvw uj iTwaa la tapms. wf«liH Iku f«r«lga M
r« o«w • oow tt
w. tiissstiraa*
wwtff Wins •! T«r .
Coisgltiiioi III Eiimiaatioi Frei aid SiritU|f Caifilaatiil.
B. E. OTTiMAN. M. D.
Not PresidcDtoftlieOttDiialeiUctlInstitute Co., lnli{oi,lii!li
Thursday, -
Cash Capital $200,000
- March 29, 1900
L........ V...
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
nes |XAMii!D ncL
____ «k*M !■ tb- r«af in-fnir*
ttrasce axeat Of dlmotor Mr ^ tfadbU*. tbeo 2 riapa of 12 duuWa*.
,^«ai tto fun week arbednU U' U me *^“®
•* •“ Utereatlap flpar*. If >***•.
drawlap bulb
U aU tto roUieftaaT-AI*-.^
e*Uleft**.--Alb^ '*^
•to solera who
»'tb = tbrmda lu d«i-
l'“ _____
proNwrttp.-BaffaU ?
deorHbed Joining at third picot to
j third picot of flr« ring. ConUnna UU
! there ar*I eight Urpr
and four small
rtapa. the Utter sD J<rined at thud
P p4rtat tbe dnwrp day* of tb* Wll-!
BbM tariff acarcHy a day pa**ed that
tod. mtocee* ta tbe abawd rrp of ImperialUa. Mr.
---------- -------------— tto
la rain
gDlapWp aet acarrely a day psaae* that to «»N* bU party. TbeKapnbUeaa
y U Dot estabUab.
—•----------------a---feast at tto taalephaat U «a)optap
®tt|dap tbe poke bp fllL
b PM eapht te cm bte M pactoirtU. wUU tto pew tofl ^ ^
ttif aactUaB. TbU patUta
iTbtttti P—itmfc—ttp'uamttttomM.
ff'UMtt'ttomM, —»**—>MiaUtt*<te*MpWtoffu
Half Soled
L S. FnrmH, 135 Fran Km
to* *r lb* **•■•* *1 waear* paar*.
***** *" **•**•'
Sffi** -.21.
jtia.'Sewar^L.d^iii.aKrr' i ..?* «iA«*jtTa* to <xmm a»m*
PMCtALTlPS: Oasom. mu ~
toUndltoepeaCu *d|^ y OtotoMstoTiMlato^^
Fire Insunwe.
' UL.A.. BnlMlto.
John R. Santo.
Ginral litiruM,
WantMTi BlMk
UnderUking ItoUn
SI. X X gnxAX.xnimoB. uob.
tta beadi ad bit BaMata. Hr mmnt,
«U'a Saw Iklase wall aad ton tba !*■ k.
irmto i that ba raald. u be deoirad. talk |
at O—ly waoU WWW me awatl- aiB tom.
•an M Ik« (I«) OMI a>wv*to ■ kw
b aw* a> atoU ««aw.'M i> mi i
Zmt two fon» o< • Drir dlohwufalM
mtMa* 00 coortTBctP^ lh«t the <U«Imo
w> bo rW«B^ on- holii r^ldl.v la plica
ta aroM aU daa^ *rf br*wk»fo.
MCUM to tbo tavoBtlaa of Bobm a
Pan? aad B4wia Kraa*.
Tba pawar drtrwr aurhto* abawa la
Fl». U 4aal«a«» for boute oad ro^aruU. to eotapuord of two parta. a watar roorrrotr aad * ~rw Maf«i or
baafcfd « tb* iroorrolr. WItbla tb.
water foaamolr two.cairtor firameo aro
,0OTtart tbc am* rotatlas wttbla tbo
otbrr. Tbo ootar riftlar fiaiao to praoMad with ipriif paind clip, ih^
(a foetoTo aad boM a dl* Srwly. Tha
vnh IQI—oi Ufa atowa> aiks Tbo PaH
lUn Oaartta. Anhur Kmllfa. la aana
Miafcbaa wbleb ba haa tatalx «M«a
lata tha brain |wwar of ptaaia thlaka
ba bai foand taiUratloai of It la tbo
mm toky * haw*, iiiaa* *l<li >>y ato
o^auMa world aUo.
It la writ kODWB that planta Uko tte OaTeww'ww* Weik t olwl «i*>m •
«atox. Wbirta ohm at alctit. ciooo atoa
t*m, rwUy at to* huj. (Mw* towl
darlac an arlltiof. wLUli loohi m tf
tbair BJotMorat wai Wt
UeM km *»iW« tka llM|«t« I
t M ^a' aiU. And Artbar
B*w*lk U» csM. W*t a. !U* W •
SBlib clTo. a> tbr atory of a gooocbafTj b>n>b wbU b. a brti Oeprirad of a
abHtrriua aanlaii wall. Ibraw oat a
bratx-fa wbk^ oiada lu way to a thick -«■ bmdw.
to W toVw-l Ttw*! tawi
fcdlasad tnw tuorr tliao a yard «S. altbootfU In
H> It Itad to clUab on
a IwrHar of brk-k*.
• I
It to atoo to be noted that ebtorofor
aad other anawibetlca hire proetoo.
the name eBeet u|»o caniiToroM aad
to pata from tbe llcjuld to the cryatalUae ataia wbtoli preaneiia ao maoy analociee with iliai of veceinbk- life? Thoa
tbere may be rraaon for ililuklnx tbal
o Bome Bba|>e or anoliier csteDda
Ibrwifb the wbolf of uatun- and that
oven iBorcanlc Iwdlra may prove to be.
aa Ancuit Comte, tollowloc Uiereln lb*
NcoplatunlatB. iboiiclit |>o«lblc. "auoccpUble of will and fcelinc-"
taUe. Tbe water raaervolr
bealed ta say deaired maauer. Tbe
laveatora rtaira a speed of loorc tbaa
oae dlah per aecood for ibelr powi
Aivan macblaa.
The amsller hand driven Biocblac
Bbowa ta nc- 3. dealcBod for family
naa. dlS*ra from tbc Drat In aome delalto of eupatruftloa. ^ A alacto carrier
fnta» to aaed coataiainc arinlcylin
drlcal aoctlons almllar to that lyini
bealde Uia macblae IB I^g- 8 Bach
naettoB ceoatou of two blaced outer
ib*ra and a nanikar of bertonaial
wirrwork tnya. nppn wbich tbe.dtobea
an ptoced. RniabM on tbe outer portloa of the fnme pass over the outer
anrfaea of any dish placed on tbe wire-
ktoatar. atoaa or marble. U a haadaoma
!“* -aaalbla form of wall dw-oratloa
*» rrowln* in iwputor fator. Tbe
i tans paneilnc. bowerer. I* aliuoat ay• oonymoiaa w«b wood paoeUaf. owla*
to tbe fan iLai It to Ibe uioat
6ee* RWeeti el Clnalnw.
Many luetlhwl iiteii arc now rreonmendiDC tbrlr |>attoiiia to aithly alhC*
lac. which to a uMivt Kaliiiary eterdao,
boib by virtue of lu lolloeuce oa Iba
OB (be rckiilraiury novanenii and <« tl>e devclo|imoat of tb*
luBca aaya ibe »i. lx>uto Glol>e-DemO'
craL Noililoe better allows Ibe bene
ficial InHucm-c of alnyiiic lu developIBC the chcHi and warUInc oB lung
diaeaaes Ilian Ibe frceiloui from pulmo
nary aBecilona aiuong professional
alngera. Moreover, ibclr gi-ncral health
is excepiloDslly goml. auil ilito to prob
ably Ml a lafTr measure aitrlbuUble
not only to ibclr uccesurlly careful
plan of lirinc. but also to tbe exrrclaa
of Ibelr calling. Korn.- phyalrlana matnUln that for ilcfeotire cb.-at develop
meut and lu ehrouic been trouble alnglug to au uuci|iiale<l cxerrlae. Tb*
sluger aboiilil be clad ao aa to allow abaolutc fn-eiloin of tbe cbral movelueula, 1'bcre abould be no conatricUon «r the neck or watol. ’nie eoDar
aboiibl be low and ample, and If eo^
aeis are worn they should be roomy
and hwm. Hue error Into wbleb aiugeta. and eaiiectollyamatcura. fall to to
piacClo* too much. Tbe length of time
10 be given lo tbe exercise dependa
mm-li upon tbe cbaracier and conditio*
of Ibe voice.
KvilB ot ai«ht «B«a.
*■1 sbouiluate nighi parties for chil
dren.’' aaye a pbyskiau. “I believe ev
ery ptayak'lan doea. It to nut ao mucb
the expoanr* au<l tbe eatlug In
ulgbt and the bad aaaoclaiioue formed
lot a high class eon possiblyi. but tbe
breaking Into ibc sleep habit, hlannity
bad to it for clilldivo to study lu the
evening. It gorges, ibelr brains with
blood.-«an»! If they tl.yp they dreai
d a little paiteni of 13 yearn wl
was wastnl and ner«oui and who
dreams were filled w ith bis probken
It waa a marvel and a pride to I
pareoia (bat tbe youngsicr worked out
ttrlrr"* to wash diabea of aU klada. aard prubleuu lo bla aleep such aa be
aa waO aa kalvaa. forks aad apoooa tailed to tuaaier when awake. But be
Public tarn* madt by the tuTeniori came oe«r bla final problem I locked
bars dnoaatnied tbe atIUty of tbeir op bla hooka ai 4 o'clock. He must not
touch one arier bla supper. He mast
play and romp and Ibrn c* <o bed. He
BSrMtr tmm Poe Carw.
to now robuat. You cannot-emphi
nte I ad las com propacanda at
too stronriy tbe m.voblef of childrea'a
parts upualtiou and the couveationi Btgbt siody.~
' iwcoBdy bcU la tbe we-t In tbe In
taraat of cm producwrs have biuncht
•alalne aa* Malaria.
out tb* fact that orer 2U Imporuat
la an anicle by l>r. Uooaco la tbe
peodacta are aow Btanofactured from AttI del Llacel oa U>e acUon of quinine
cm On* of the moat Imponaat ( ‘ oa tbe pamolte of oialaria It to sbowa
nia to dtoUlled apint^ the demand for tbal certain sirengUis of the drug
wbleb baa Incrraaod icreatly aluee ‘
eauac ibe exputolou of tbe paraaltes
tareniloa of ataokebm powder, fa
fron tbe red blood corpuarles wl
manufacture of wbirtb the aplHti are tbe parasites are In tbeir second
largely ttsad. Among tbe other prod- adult Btace. There neenis to be atlll
wta nwdc from corn are mlxloc c>bome donlii aa lo tbe exact doae of
voa*. rrysul clucooe. crape aucar, an quinine wbleb ought lo i<e administer,
hydrous rape aucar. a|>cclBl aucar, ed to eBe«-i r iire of aiwlpg fever, and
paari ataivh. powdetwd aiarv-U. rvflued tbe amoBOt seems lo vary with the pegrlta. flourlne. deatrla. Knitob cum. cullaHUea of varioti* iiatleuls. Kruto
Bvanulatad cum. cum iwaie. vom mU ibesc experiruciile. boarver. li would
cm oil cake, rubber anliatltote. ctuteo appear that the dows ususll.v given a
feed, chop feed. gluiHi meal and corn excessive and tbal a more rational do
gurm. With Ibe premt ect>no«
would lie iMween balf a gran and
a parttoto cram of (be htouipbate of qnloln*.
Tjmi firoac aobtilonv seem to canse
WHUac la Knowtodee oa the moou
aa a dytag world. Mr. Tapper aaya that
atesagtb St Atamlnl
with tbe dlmlauUou of tbe water and
le raply to tbe quevqlou which. It ta
tha atmeapberlc gaaeu tbe decay of dy mid. metal workers frwinenily
lag orgaalama would be more and mott "^’hat to Uie atrengib of alunilnlnm?"
says that
detayad. Stnrecb* mtal dl«apt>eanac« The Alnmlblum World
Id says
tbe atmaepta|re a* currenu vaa P«a- aluniinluiii i ■ bIhmii equal ^ atreaetb
MUy extol.-and'tb*«iie*t. licbteat dam to cast Iron lu leusioa. while tn rcstotmum ramatu etmally uadinaibed.
It la tvmiiwratlvely
There to no body araee
wrwk. t'nder transverse strain alumtakebt than dnrty divided carlton parti- Inio Is not very ngld. Ihii It will bend
-etoa, bene* tbmr latewaely black aspect, BMrly double before breaklnr Tbe tesla the *Mta*' of the umon we may, 'alle streogtb of alumlnlam to crmtly
ghmafwn. have large arena covered by
carboMcam dam. «ba lam temaiaa a(
Tbe .Graywiwi were annoyed, and they
bad coed lea-on u* be- Tbrir rkpeokee
uu.i-1 «... ...-am. Ib«.u,
lac fuatly and nut au anltalde for otdl-
aato Harria. wbo waa aa- ,
Ibe walto of
alytle. "a* If Mr. HoUncer bad )o*c !
1*^ au.yyy.
inted a famfl.t aad a» If be bad -laid : aamU inoiem room*, and tbe onilay
r tbcMt^i al
-to rek-braicreb-brai.- and a>
a if be I r»cnlr«d for Ibe purebaat' of Ibr beat
temily wa* to-to
kaew iD.I abai be -aaled ibem tn do,»,ii p,p^p. ,.^1^ u,, advantacea aiw
a« every riwa oeraaiou.
1 ......
John F. On & Co.
that «e are J.Jqc Jmt a* be iukiauatea **
k'wplBf out Ibe .v>hl and. feva
that we abiKikL I*b and tua are hto obe- j
decorative point wf view. It ba« ilf
dtost Uavea. I never knew aoyiblac ao i t«aL aueb aa raaLncany. w alnut or caU
fonny. l*a. wbo to bcMvd
to ctoatb by Vauty of cdor and veluiwit. coupled
Btevenwat- haa beea readinr bi> totlera ; wtifa a laolinc effcy i
Tb^very slm|i|e<1 immIIqc to oT
imrsl/or palatine or atalolng.
tTffiPAYDIGGDEST^iS:S-^’“^- ^
dowad with Ibr pofer of vobfttary
tBorment that they have upon Iba aaV
beraforc. tbo
JetlDce doao not remove Uaelf-fro* tha
Clutch of tbc ^rdener wbo to folag to
cat IL It tnay beaisued tbai It U mere
ly bacBuaa it cannot mow «iulcLlx
But doea Dot aonielbiui: of Ibe maa»
port occur ta tbe wlnenil world Alao»
Lord Kelvla baa aliowii iluu metallic
wlraa wbleb have ke-t Un lr elaitlclty
from contincMito pirain will reinln It if
toft two or thiee weete iu a atatc of
». Aad wbai to tlw inykierluua
tbc outer aurface belpB ctoanacd by
bmabca moaoied lo tbe reaerrolr. The
two carrier fratfiet ate ao mounted
aad coanectetl by caaHoc that the
lBB*r bcusli rarrylnc- frame roiataa at
a Bpeed nuny llniei that of llie outer
“dteb carTTlnc frame, lu tbe cover of
tbe aiacdiliK two opeaiiica are formc-d
—on upper feed apralnc and a lower
dtorbarte opcnlac. Aa tbe dlabra are
placed In the feed openlac tbe clips aiw
amomaUcally ope^ by apreadara
aaouated la tbe cover to receive tbe
dtobes. Tbe dlaliea la rdtsllnc
tboroQBbly benabed aad washed,
tbey Rwefa the dtocUarse opeitlnc
tb* mafkilarr and placed item ea tbe
bl«iy table for iWbeaeBt of tbe family.
He took It tor tranied tbal every oae
Woald xe to cfaorvb Punday inorainc a^
actaaBy rw all the Crayaona la tbe way
• • • ; iL He even took tbe ebottk
kr rraaieti
lied, aad aa hla
d to bra
SicMssan ta
Iranrse Ciif laalw Ca.
Trinrse Citr,
aptaiuB tbaltl wa. uoi liter.lure,I'* «*•«*'«>«». bor dlulnc r,w,m walla.
Be CM as far afirr a tiuir that be an- ^ Instance. If sialuesl xns-o and poldartoiA to see to Ibe wtailiDc uf the tobed. or sialned .«ik amt left un|>uleiorkk auil Ibe hw-klax o( Ibe duoe. at tobej. it Is a aensiUr and bvcomillg
alcbt. aad be was a1«ay» <* band lo ae- backcrwmd.
,1, • iduw•.i*
• ■ ««‘«g , This, aealn. looks equall.v wvll palntIf they V
u^rovided with
^ especially while, ami '.■an tw' used
or ball, while
the fault of (be Graysuoa-it
«ss the fault of tbe ln.-on>*. Nor eouM
they find say aolutiut to tbeir jiroblviii.
Best to be had in
ui Kr «.J, 1.H «
Uli« -"—I- —!■- .1 •
I- m
Ta Orayaao bad bnw la Ibe stioe
molding* ui>»d the ptaMcr alHive ibe
tbe railruail ofilre fur 1ft years, ptTAfutj of DaibrrUaw
the city is at
-It I. essruttol tbal they sboold look Bklrttug aud m«t bum a< Wo.nl.
and (he llk<4ibo.Ml sra> tbal be would ba
after tbeir faealtb." be Mkl le their
The appearance to en-r.v l-ii at good
(bare tiu be filed. IIU natary waa mS mulbrr. aad Ma Graywui admittad that If tbe work Is .kilirulto d-ue.
etoalk-. It rmuaiaeO tbe aame }«wtrrday.
quilr as If ibe kies bad arret oc | There are also veneer, of real Wood
lo her before. He told oril to
t,,r ,1,^ pun«se. See samplea in window.
auihto, .born btm.etf. One wooM bare :
^ ,htn as to allow
Mid. If oar *,**'a* readily
lerw, grew older and Graysoa.
' aa wall paper.
Ibr MM'ial posiiuui ofr 1Mrs. Grayaoa beTbr solid wood paneling to, iKiwever.
more SMuml. ll wae diO.oll —
much more imirartani iu eB.-ci and I*
fierolF talniaeir to oifaers.
Ibr Grayeou* Id lin
“He U oue of Ibe fined ccBlletB-a
atuoubi tbal lbr>
cunfonable old da*, wfani ilw xirU w.-rw
ursc. ontly. bui one
Unto aud (be ouly Ibougbi tbal I>biUp after be bad bees iu the bou.e Ibnw - poltobotl
rsysou and bu wife had wa» lo give mnuib-. -To be like ilial—always so
e of plnr. wbleb can
tr litllr ihiDC. a few silB|.li- }>l.-as«irra
! be prlmevl and siaimvi.
boaoraUe-oue luu.t b. lo Ibe mai
Prompt, careful and oourteeo* aUaaud a ivmiUMD edm atioo.
Uoo. The atrougeot and olrieoi fire la.
It wcMild Iw uofair lu a<v-uw Ibr Urayuuihlng
lea Id tbe world roprowjOs
rx'ravaxalnw, Tbr giri> .sHitriv
surpass ibe auft, rich tunes of aeuiert in mr ageney.
bad Mime liMp-riux tli.irli
rd Ibrir owu frcHka. aud Mr.,
wonderful ••o.A. oo they
f belp. Jwl -till lb.
p IHI Ibr lline^iaiirti <aiur never talked -oiii al-iut bi* aBsira. as l‘a
oruing Grar-ua opiD..I ib.t a frank man aboulil.
The rirat *r the apelwa Mats.
They and al-re all be argln-t.-d to coufide
Show window- are brlglit with tbe
Ibe wviiree from wbk-b hi. ready tnuney
came. Il wa. bard for pa to e.varlook carlirst faucii-s uf tbe milllneia nud ib*
group depleted give* a very good Ide*
V, loi
Tbr llraywoi. got babiloated to him of tbe al.vh-a. The tmisl of titesr UcW
1 dear pa.
bat- turn up from ihr face
1 duii'i kuow nnmsh to Iracb." i-oni- la litoe. Tlo-.r l-.-aDie ai.-u.lumrd to
bim drop a ibermumeiFr io tbc
No. I to a large lial of rlark grwn*
plBiB<vl M*r.-la lo {wr inMbrr. -| .np- baviiig
to see th.i it wa. ioM rirhi. >.> hav- straw, tarnlug up abarply lo uue alila.
pu..- Ueii|..-| }UU UOI pa u.ulld Iwwr lu bath
iaC him li»k up (br weather |i .-.lo-iiunt
S2£B? .-8S£6B3fi«gfe83
Die niirkiuK 10 a -loir, .kad i buveu'i a and advi~- a- (•> wreie. aud to bi.-fine
IsleUI iu the world, iiulea* il i> for U-iug solMinde in regaid lo Ibelr iniclleilual
auiB-lpC-aud the uul.v way I cirskl giH
aiiylhiug uul uf tbal qiiewlkuiable arc<.|Uplidiioeul auvld W lu «■> u|N.D iLe
For Fire Insurance
., . ."s
nUmllM. 'PUnTI.
urui ftipidi t Uimi-it}.-
.Vhy. Marcia." Mid Mb i:ra.VM>u IwpmacLfuUy. "yMi rrall.v tuu-i ud talk
-u nvkk-Mly- V»u aluiu.t abia-k ine. uiy
-Oh. il I dklu'l quite du it. uiauiua.
ywg will fMgivr sue. 1 feel .l.-.-ply. I
D1U.1 rxprea. Biyurif wiib vclo-uiro'-e.
Yuu uy w. arr iwu uioutb. Ix-hiiiJ wvih
Ma llrwyMi nuddi-d deje^-tedly.
-It mu.l have taken a cmal d.wl of
tympBiby oa yanr part, dear lu.uxo-.'*
cried Udrir. kiwiuc her uioiber to taka
Uie -tiug out uf h. r wurdik "to vu.vveJ
lakios two gill, aa uilrrly u<wk-aa s. <
1 are f.
lururd ^
Urwy-ou. wiib dWuil;
simply I
dH-ply i>jiue>l tbal >oti
aad 1 I
have la
br niadr svquamt.-d at all wub our rui-
Tbr giH. toughed al lua'. digniiy.
They told her «lo- was a d.-ar old g-.w.
and Ibry rumpk-l her hair up aud polk-d
ber tie arooud under ber eai and lra><d
brr UU she befced Mr meivy.
Il waa tbrrveuina uf tbe day on whii-b
this odjreraaloui urcurre.1 ibal (Mele
cam* rvtooUiI down lu tbe dtoner laid*
wiib Ibe paper iu ber bainl.
"Lislep lu ibi.r' -be •rie.l, " 'Wautrd
— A n-Bued aad culNir..! b.Miie wln-re a
xeaUemau cas live a* a paying curst aad
where uo boarder, are itken."'
-Welir a.ked I'a llraywoi rather .-uld
ly. Hr wa. alloctber too |>rv>id fur 1
man wlib a auaelaslic -story.
-Well, dear dad. ibal ia for uv Tb*
boarder.—noi -uu aay
ptvo.p.iu.-ed up.«i llMWi. The queUuD of uiuno.t Iiev..| an~e, leiwren tbeni.
Once a montli Mrw. Ijrwr.cui n-.Tiri-d a
rbei-k hr mail .igne.1 ''l.icblun llolio.
get." Klie r.-oliin-I t» «eiol uo ro«-etpl.
Rbc lik.d Ibal wa.r of .loiiig bu-iio-aa.
Rbr (hioicbl .vll loi.iiv-. ongbl lo tw cm.
duclr.1 with eipial delosi-y.
Ope d-v, III (he gt-eut di-t re«. of all
tbej fatmly. Mr. Il.dini.-er M I ill. Tbe
malady d^elnpe,! intu pueuu.i
a furtslghi be imueil reullyr away, unconiH-loiis at the !*•( and tberefore iin
able |.p giv.- dire-'liun* or infunifatiou.
Tbe Gray^iii. w.ve yeipb-tcd aU.ut tbeir
deny. They knew ..f n-i friend, or cvUUve* uf wboiii lie M-.-1 po,.e.M-J, So
they pt-u-ei-tle.! In make arran.-emi-oi for
(be funeral, and (lu-y pnldi.|..-d (be fart
Of bi. di'-(li in all (far u.-w.imi- r-.
Hii* toiler ac( bn.uglit a rr-|»Bs« iS
tbe way of an iiu|Biriau( atxl Oiuti wiad*d m-n of ini|Hoing pp-B-io-e'. wb-> arriv
ed al tbr l.raysou hoii-e ia a disliBilly
larbryiiue*- <-oi»]itioii.
-IWiRold I’olly!- h.- wept Uben be bad
been afiowo Ibe l.-l.v «|u.u bi* reiitva.*.
UltoB dial be v.a- a frientl. -| eao'l bcDr ie be .. jvally gone: t»b. the raacal. io
leave in., after all ihi--e year*' I Irtod
U pvTwoad.. him ifaal It wa. unfair to me
— I dido'l know bow to do wilbont
you koow- bui he wouldu'l li»li-u to ivi’~won: said In- had slaay. waun-d lu be
trealed bkr a real genlb mau. Wbateeuld
1 aay? Tbo beggar bad au kiral Ifbr
aanied'lo live up lo it. I bad no rvebt to
tvfu>e blui. bad I?-Kxcusr me. wir," -aid Ma Grayaun,
“bui h U uot quite Hesl'to iiie whal tbe
reUlioD* were belw.w-u you and Mr. Hdtlager"I beg your parduu, luadam: I Iboegfat
uew, HoUy I
Sifi»2 Sgfi
' '
S2)£6i£«S«iCSfiSSJI :SSS8t
-«oai> krYtAS I!( Kgw kaxw
Orolabw! w'iih wiiiall light green ahafi.
cO learn, while cruiD|A«-l can de nil
taffeta l-iw- api-rar bciuwtb Ibr briia
aad oo une alilemf ibe cn.wu.
No 3 AD old tvrar-lraw lu<iue. Huw a
of straw apl«-at In IWw-lia.le-of vieUX
ruse, while a |mle riwe -hiIu knot
ibroiigli a small lon-kle and
forma tbr center lo a liow of fentfarra.
No .T A hat ef beige haJrvl.Hb. tbe
crow n formed of a puffing of lUv belgr
taco, similar .-olured law limrs ibebrim.
riumea lu a darter color.
No. 4. A |>a-i(M greea straw ebapeaa
trimmed with pastel blue ihousscllue
■^owa. Tbe slra»
a tbe one aide.
Tbv ( » e w irwla ka> pwelar vwr M> pTWi
Kwi'id-. sBd -levpiac aw* an* vuwvk Oraod
lug rwr Chlragw w Urwsd MwpMs’wna vbalraa*
Twatoamtiag wiawap la ksswkato cw gb
Waya*ieiira^SwpW>atto vkalr ear (iran*
*" *^CC MraaAY.Agewt
C t. LOCaaruOB. t> P * T.A . UrwnU KapM*
Pm lirqiette Riilmi
to^V^diarimnlou. ?ir .wu bs«r Ibe big
front ro.ua with Ibe al<v>ve off. Uar.va
I Vlelweta** Tea
and I will be Just a* r.nnfor1al.1e In Ibr
listed il
. 'PU
PM ’ A ■
like lu get bul I hadn't lb<- Iwail to way *
back rmxn. aad anyway
Tb* courier wlm lu»ka after tbc cotn- 1,* Cklesgc
ilb.4. Voiue. he dear came (■.■ar edu.-almg aie. .toil u> think
tbe .wuiilberTi
fori of tjuren Victoria wbcii she leao-s { Detroit
Uwks s6d tod nw au-a-er this adrertiae- hetodeadr Il waa Kxwelbiug of a ahu-k to Ma ber own home baa given an accuuul of
-Rul br aigbt nut like aa. Odelr. and Grwy*..n. wbu. il will be renn-oil.ered. what her umjeoiy require* for ber tem lArPvmskay. isamp
tbea tblnk bus inunified we vroukl be.
dra- il->ut being lu Ibe porary abode. "The (lueen." be iaV«objected M* llrsywn. wl H>. il U iinnccIt II (teligble.1 (br girto.
-must have a bouse of fruni Htotu hay ' L* TrareravOy.'
B.-'O-lunied to
• expisiu.
iiau whea we to rooma. It must atatKl blgli->cveral Ar BlkBopM*..
i-ea of lifo.
. .
"Il duewn't autler
Lv Bk hopiaa
.1 head and whal uaiuv y->u call biiii by We dost buodred f«*t al«ve ibe aea. It must Ar
Odelr threw back ber
object lu hi* Mug a lalei. He waa a -not be In a towu, and Ibeie niu-i be
eitestlve private gronads aiiacln'd i*
-t .bail answer tbe adrertlaemcot St dear, .and we abail .atwa.v. lore bl^i."
oB'e.*' site anmuMxed.
ludeed It wunld have l--eu a great bap- It and good road* for driving in tb*
aWO DgRATn.O P.i
Ten day* later Ibe -paying fiie<t" mo*, plhewi In biiii 'VKild be have knows bow aelgUborhood.
Oran* Ba
cd liiifl Ibe tlrarein paw-und from with Biarvr^ be wn« urourned. A*Sfor hto
'Tbere are certain thing* ibsi alwa.va
akviVF. The noniug was a srv^niu* u
fortnn.—and il waa a»t cuntemplIUe—it accoioiiany Uie queen whenever ab«
dmaking. Mr be *ia* |ws..-sBed of
waa divided among tbe band-mne Gray- go** abroad. Tbeae Inclode ibequeen's
great deal of i»>|.edlinenia, (pelndiiic
SOB girl- atHi tbe man be had served fu* bed. her own favorite cwsy cUair and
Urfr genw d<-sin>yiua water filler. H
alBuat half bla llfetiine.
. • fooCstooL'a special table, all the plats.
aarnr was Liahlun llolinger H« w
-lVs> old Iloll.rr' waM tbe
Tvi^otsri Wadnaoday.yom ll,M>.
glasi and china (bat ahe re60 |■e^faB|n. au ideh uver »U feci
bad M-n Hnlinrer'a msaler. "He bel|e
brlgbi. y.-ry ibln. a iriftr Imbl. very grarc- ed Ur uut JbsI In (br alck of (inre. 1 w aa Qhil'^. her carriage boraea. donkey
fal. Ilia V.die wr> low and ma.i<-al, and insi at Ibe rfid of my string. That to like | cbalr and donkey. barncM
aad «tber
bamcM and
be spoke wiib n.«irv«ble rarcfalnroa. Holly He w-a- alway*
lway> belplug om
nw- out.’ |i aevoutermeou. a arbeoi
wheel chair,
cbalr, sundry
A. a.je.a
■ wa.
1* not a ' pleiure* aud a small cellectloa of
Which, all thing, emuddeied.
bad eptupb fur -........ — -Cbb-agn Tribitude.
______K. Drpsv
O^ams refa b*
-1 eannot anfli..to«lly thank y<
said, bowing kiw over ber haniL -fer
yoor condaess ia axteadiut your
Tb* minister leito tbe -(..ry bimsHt.
On* plBi Of risen dough, a half eapHe bad been calleV npun tu alteod Ib* ful of butter, a coffer cup of sugfer.
keep tb* funeral
..... ............_
-Tbr qualm ihius ■
of a . wife
aad ayutber. and. com- throe eggs, well bealm. a pound uf
Jeat op." Od.-toa.id lo Marcia Bat late* , tag bum* frum the grave, be r
to (he Koaed ratotna cwrofully flouivd. a Utabr repented her
tbe rote Mr. I rarrtogv arllb tbe U-reaved b
Hollnier bad a-umed did n.4 appesr . rtotter'lMd”«;-d.''.;;rai;;rTu-r'^.2i:
If il wa-. It w*. Ibe nruat d*B- tin*, and ibe rlergymta t.-li ibat It waa
^ **
eonaisiewcy. rmco
la panA. let rtoe t& mlDutea and bak* la
cair form ofniatedy. Rvery nlgbl at din- bto duty lo oB(
e coaauUtwa (■
. <• m • II
ser time be got ialo
iaio bla dreas suit rUI Pa kmeiy monraav, and be wa. laraluc *vet •
N tri to m
ha-l Ihree tu (be baUl of b bi.
Gray-.^ wbu faa-l
•I* to ».
II m * Bi
sltttog'd.>wn in hi* office ckKbe* and la a mau begaa to apeak slowly aad tboaghl
A Root War tm a*rv* Oewwswa.
more or tom diaberetad enndiliun. follew- fully.
Peel off tbe skin of tbe orange: IcavdMaoWMOtMOtarmanW UUliwMaMb*
m^ma^. to ona (ram a—ar aalB*
•d bi. exaD.|.lr. Moreover, (be cv-Dverm-I -ghe wa* • good woauia
be said, lag oaly a band rotutd tbe middle abont
ttoa at Ibe duinei laW* saaoued a higher i ‘'gbe look good car* vf my
^ aa Im* aide. Ulvlde the orange Int*
tone. Petwonallric. com* tu wwm a Hub took good carv of my chiklraa. and .... wee
oat of place, a trWe B bred.- Mr. Holla- 4*ra*d my ooeka." Thra he draw a bog
gw WA. fond of talUaa abnai geaeral Waotb aad cowriafied. with
wvmus '
'M f
[I; 'ilS
iSiS .^-lE
Third ye«r--Ne. «00
OsU 9m Gmo Boportod U Sovoll dad
OB WbtProAe m»oaud.
jteiUf Oeluna Wm
Booololo. Monh.u. rid 8oa rr»a^
•r Worlu QaMtloB.
roro*a lo EMTMt
•o, MdrehU-bohoaoOMO of pldfoi
boodorolofOd dortod «M Idoi oloros ■pldtod
: olUMiloa hot Ipldtod KooUaco )f Mftb-vM <
a»M for
OlV >• oaoood Uo toord of feoolU to MOdlfj o oad Wardo UM BiAt-AdraaM
oo* »U olooooo «f Parobaao of Wpboll P>aat
ofdBortoM oad KoropMO food* oro
OUarIf •boora by Able •poakora
olloood.to Oo ohioood to tbo oouido
4 — EooroOoro
-------------------------- -
rotlap to defeat tbo p
Oatba otbar baad. If tboalaat to
1 tbo ol^ at oaeo oaroa tTwo a
oataad Ua flaat. withoatlaeroMlar tbo tans aoiarloiten
over wbat they are ao« tbo aaouat
rolaedaad tbo bsMot raloed ar-ry
year for watar. woald riro Sit.OCM a
year. That aaoaat dovotod toax^raoioBO woald Mho vary Mtartal i«tbo aoeoanlty of
borTowloy. Bat la any oaoo If aoooa*
■ary tbo oodBcll oaa oabwlt tbo propoditlaa to boad tor wMtoror u
eary witbla tbo limit, attar tbo plaat
• Speakiad of aoMraaem. bokod that
oxtaaoioao woald bo ' mada
MUlIkOB^odlf tbaro woraany prooeat wbo doabtod that tbo eoaoeU
would yo back oo lie outemeau aad
tbo rooolatioa recoaUy paoeoo pledplaf
__ .
laa’t it a r
f lio figora ihat a coaoeni
that bnjrt vaU paper direct trojn tbe manofactar'len^B.carlobdlotBoaoboya great deal chwper
than a.booae to boote caoTsoe^r^bo bays only a
•maU lot trom a jobbing honae iu Chicago, and
Uaa:it aent by. espreas, a O. D.y If,ao.caUat
the City Bot^ Store.
We can aarely pleaae you
iu t|u«Uty and prioe.witb onr immeuoe etock.
>aU C<lp. tbo borne of hke poroau.
did aot
l^oBtlnoed on Konrih Parr. |
^^i-.«rfoou>r Mcllbra oaUlaed the Whole i ^
' 'blouiryel tiis quaotion ohowiag the' |
prelliamorv proeacdlair* Obd oil hob-j^
or^aeni laf.rt-inrnia by the eoBmittoeo a
oppolatod 11 inTsottyoto tae mbltor.
Uo oxpltiaed thtt ero'r member off
the ooBiaittee of which he was a mrm • f
'■ “•
»11 u.. —«b.r. .1 O..W.T e «™ bar WM torurablo to tbo purebaoe of'
1. ..Ull— 4«1 l-'-e"
„,.„ud U. -.1 .. U» a.,.1
WUll—ud U.B.. .1
~ » U. b. 1. ttM Oompbell plaat. He ro'o la dttaU
, the objoetlons to o^tooioD woWal^Ljay
'r«- u„
l.tho. miter .Ltko. liuek Lake aad
four la aambor. beiaf Aqally alloaaed.
iKiordmoD riter and . esnlolaed tory
Tbo Boo™ ore crorpldtt «PM badyjdoarly tboeoaclusloDh which ird tbe
amltb acala Monday P aomber of
tbma odtaaeod to witbla BtUoa miloa
------------I eoanUtoo to decide la foonr of tbe
Jiho D. Boekofoller aad AooocUica Hautboy plba Bat tbe eimmittoo doMd dradaa tbs ooralrr pauol.
elded tbot tboRrot thlnyno do was to
Tao towa of 1'jmoroy bat booa bareOoto Voluoblo Oooooo
•d by tbo Bjo.-o, wbo 4ro roportod to
aeqairo tbo prMont plank The laOMoa
■ambof t.ooolB tbo Hlrran^ dUtriet.
obilii; to raise tbo nquiklte faado on
TaooM. WMb., Moreb rt-Adtieeo ooeaunt of tbe loyal Umit WM tou.:brd
Tbo bMro are iatreiHbod la Ibot
^Barter to proopat aa mtVaaoo lalo tbo from Aiaobo oUle that Oolonol R- K. upon at lonytb and bo esploiood Uot'
Traaaoaol by way of Birbos drift, if M.loa minlayciaert of Bnttc. Modk. tbe proa oat propoaltloo to parehaM
..I BolUr hM in mlod a taralay Toaebod Dawkoa. March I. from New tbe Osmpbell plant wm etoltod from
footomsBi by which Ldlafo aok »sy York. Mr. Miloo declafos that bo tbo conelaakioo^ both oomi
mmlttoM M
loarnod from reliable soaroao that John
%o atoldod.
the wlMot end best eouroe for the eliy
- Hilary osporta awumo that Ooadral 1) Bo.:ket«nef aad dtaadard Oil aaooei> parone aader tbo elroaowtaacob.
•aUmiifofoowlU.bo molaly
Mr. MUUkoa oaplalood for naaaor
ta aipalllai tb* aatitoo from Natal and ^ mlBiay eoaeoaoioo oo tbo loft fork of la wbtob tbe eomalttoo of foe eouneil
aaMpylac tbo oontbataiara onraor of WblU Riter from tbo domlaioa yot mot Mr. Ohmpball aad that Mr. Camporamoat
tboTraaotaol while Ooooral Boborto
boll bad mot etory propaoltloa fairly
lodym bayebooa toyad alooy White
to marcbiof on HroMcU
and In a manner wbleh none canid take
Tbo oBeiol *!•>• ao fo^ aa it bad bo riter, aad it MiiOo to oorroet, they bate MoopUoB to M boiny tai- to hitnMlf
m paiood a ndor Roebofollai '■ ooatrol.
«MofUinod, Utbat tbo iwar will bo
and tbo city. All tbo noyotloUons bad
Mdodby foe'middle (Rf May.
boon ploMont and oaoh iranaaeiion
_____ 4o» .»
r.—m. ar« loeated tbo aow faioDao e^por WM made wUb a elow to foe boat lawarfare la tba moaatala dUtrteto, by eloint of tbo White Horae diatriet,
of-tbe city while yiTiay to Mr
wbtob bootmUoa may bo brotraotod tor wbiob tbo Loadoo Rapioratioa oom- Campbell bto }Dst rlyhto aader bU
paay bM parobaood.
Mtaral moatba.
fraaobtoo aa^Kontraet with tbo city.
Rraoaoiad. Oraayo FrooBtato. Mareb.
Spoaklay of tbo oxtoaoloa of tbo oyotom Into tbe Fifth ward. Mr. MUUkoo
______ cUcarrut boro. | wbiob. bowBtotod that be empbatloally favored
poor. bM aot yet roooltod ofBclal ooa0 to that end. la addlyio KlllUry Dm) i
•rmatioo, that the BrIMsb oommaadtloo to foe individual noodo of tba rwlDamaylny to Him Toa«r, Oaaaral Qataera. aad tbo momboro
dosto foaro U a aobool balldlay atfoiAar
Pi hto otaR bote booa toolaud aad cap
toadod by a laryo aamber of ebUdraa
by Oommaadaai Olltiofo oemUaalay. Marob l»—Tbo tmUmoay la wbieb domanda fir* protoetlm and
Mado. Ittaaald tbot U* prlooaaro tbo Marob earn today wao of tbo moot saaltary
pro aow aa roau to Pretoria
to foe boaltb of foo pnpl'a.
Importaak and wm tory damaylny to
It la atoo roportod that Oommaadaat
tba oaoo of 1^0 dofoaoa Two witaoMso wbiob Indirectly aSecia ovary , other
«llolar^oo«maadnbM opptarod twolte woroonfoeauad, Ool. Harry Hmltb part of the city. Mr. MUlikon daclarad
from tbo Britlab after a bard
aad aoeroiary Bloboraioff of tbo Uoa that bo did not beiievo that thane wm
a MB la the city who woald dare op
dorsoB Aasm Oo.
Aooardlay to-tbo adolooo roooltod
dmltb tootiftod very traakly. aad poaetho Improvemoat aakod for.
toaro tbo Urlitob bate maAo oa atumpt orory ouumani bo made bad wolybl quoted Alderman Kenyon, who. wbilo
Hr apoko freely of tbo woddtay proo- oppooad to the purebaoe of tbo CompAnimporiaat jalnl prociamatlon is eat of SMO itaMjpM ytron him from boll plant
yono on rooord a« favormod eoaoarainy both ro- Wbtu. MarebViN Ontton. He losUSed iny tbe bstensionsoVan If It reqa.red
aow boi
that White bad told him that Marsh pM.ooo to make them Beysrdlom of
Mo reply bM yet bMo roared from
,*ro with him la foe deal. tbo adequacy of tbo plant. Mr.Htllikon
otfoor foe Fraacb or Bof*olaa yorornHmtth spoke of ropoatod warblnys Bbowod why it would bo o paylny inmoat in respooM to the appeal for U that were ytroD him aot to toll wbat TMtmont. Id aplW of doroyavory sUUWrvaatlob
be baow of tbo doal if called oyaln by
H'wm aancuDoedfroBi Bl'iemtoatcln tbe yraad Jary Bo aoewercd that
dpeakiny of the leyaUly of tbe queo
luat alybl tlisV Uenaral Fronob With a Ihoro woro tblayo oa bio book that tiOD. Mr MiUlken *aUMd that many j
brtyade of ca*airj and: moasud «a
woald aaroly eall tor osplanatioo It oaryeoiloas had boon made tor foe
iBtry bad arrisei av Tbaba Neb*.
and sold that
ut of Him
k. .....
rofarred to tbo deelsiona of tbe city
way botooon that plsoe'and Lady i
attoroey baaed apon tbe provisions la
faou In tbo <
J on tbo frontier of Basutoland.Tbr. Btckersieff • loatimony wae slraiyblfoeebartorond Inctdantally roferrad
, ukOB by UeOerat *-----to tbe stotemooto that tbo ofoor attoro»i
lostmciioDS lorword, aad bo ooemed not to orado
• that
BUT uuMtioa in foo loaok Ho tpoko
Boyatn tbe oUy dloayroml with MrS?foVj;;^'-^tof
It of foo Honderac
■ Uly m
OUfod In Dodyo In tble oonaoetloB Mr. MlUiaatUliy
traoBi aader Uonoral Ustacrc oad
koB etatod that Mr. Davla. forsaorly
which ara aadorofood foM la rotr^t
aatire tool
mayor, many yoara vlllayo clerk. ,Aud
«Ktm Bofoalle. Eoaxrille aad other
by tbo lawyaro foomsolvoo
-1.^ ie tba ooatbora part of foo SI^Twy damaylay to foo
M a mMt amlaoat aafoority la the
U,b.». o.
How To Save Money
in Buying Wall Paper
lodofort for tbo dfo( tlM la oioof
Kr. Ooapboll Aaowata Odootloao.
wooba. HoporUtroa ^ lUot bod
d (ood doal of laloroat «M aaolHoi^ tl—■■sort* of Uo ■a«aU »ro to Uo offoet Uat both of
f«to4 la tbo aootiac la tbo Fifth
•ttorAofootof Ooloool
oo«- tbo WoB^ aro oloaa otrala.
ward to dloeoa tbo watar worbo qaooMod. wbiok «M »»r«ola« oo teowdo
aitbtMoMtlof lorU*
Tbe aooilnc *ao eallad to ordor by
0t%f, ooro okoekod U« f^ollaf of oea▲IdaaoD UarrUoa bat boforo proeood•doooo lo Eoclood U*l tfc. »ri(M
roaor« of Bop •tom. Wbo Oiod la la« with the aeoUaf be oallod attoakod U oil tbolf owo av »
PhUipplaoo. WU) be BeU la
tioQ to tbo (oaoroolty of Oie tfwodlob
▲MM TbojktootdlMAobf'W^K*!*
oooiotylaalloolaftboBooof tbo ball •loot aeodod.
woye' lodkoM* IbAt f^-oMor*# f<»rM
•naalt Oitp ■nodapaad tbo trouble oeoaotoaod tbo janitor - Tlio work of tbe arbitrotoro wat rr •
Mt/ roolod
kodl^ do
Tbo foaora) of E»p dtora. *bo died tb Mklar preparaiiona. A ooUoeUoa | ferrrd to and Mr. Mlllikea decUrrd
Ho bod to rollf* oodor ooror
la tbo Psiiippiora, will tabo plaoo at
. .
...l.k.t.l.. AV......
OolOMi nasor-0 odrOBOO
. T,,
_ -
Telephone Go.
til' .
UT’-*.,. *“k**t“
--Cl.x-mwo U<--v-d.
T] le
Kush Is On
Thare s no doubt that we aell more new and good
Clothing Hats,
<[laps. Furnishings, etc.
Tbau a whole bu neh of other etotbiers eoiubined. W’e sre very,
very busy selling Spring SuiU m SC>. $7.
$10, %li uud $15;
fop OoaU ut >.•) . $7,$^ .V^ $10, $12. $1.5
Four New Long Distance
H*Vf bA-n cAm|>l«-lMl from i
ihlcrmt'diate sUlioao.
Quick Serrlo*
i*ert«ot Serrioe
Miller’s Cash Stori
W« pl&ceul OQ
oQ Bala
aalt< yeaUrusy
! 100'Dom Children's «6lack<i Cotton Hose \
0 A
Out of Business!
Stock of
Fixtures. Wagons
and Sleighs.
Oom»Rndlt«keadvRnUg« i
of •ellinfc-out priOM.
i W. W. killer's’Cash Store |
■iiti Frout Strmt. ^
1 have hml my buililiag
rebuilt aud put in good
abapo^nd am
to roceire all old patroD*.
Abm.lole V faat uolor-lim- gaujr*'—all
di-4m-vaiue 15t -ai lOo a pair. Tl.c grrntmt
...... ..........offt-red
vvrr offt-rediuiuohildtvna
b '
See tliu a'induw of "blauka."
Have You Visited Our
We have ju*t|liuUbf«dJplK'.-iug oii^ur abelvee •TiUX')
worth of tbe beet footw«<«tr ev«*r introdured in tbtcity. No etcluoiye oboe deal<T cmq abow a oiore
ivjmplete. up-tiMlate line IbiiD oura .\ll tbe
very lateat otyW for meu. wotueii and cbiblreo.
All the btwt aUv-lu. Not a aliodily ahoe in tbe
buoae. We acre you ftuui Id to
per cent, ob
your purebaw. A departioeDl atone uaii alwajr*
uuderaell exclusive dealert. Whether you wish to
buy or uot cx>mr and visit tliia department, uod we
will show you the neatwl abue store in Nortbero
The Boston Store
Good Mne of Jeveli?
plans fort. EC.a.
B4 Gtorpoatm Bald la Dafamltof ••OO
▲oUto Boromost tor <
■P« U BwyrMi Hootlay
Maatrrtdoy Wqtbk
Aboattfty of foo yoPtf mm of foo
^ molatMoNamarabalnmtoooplnr
toad talked orar foo matiar el oryaaU
lafaV M C. A. Mafo aafoaolaam
lay p| Frpd D. Oarlto pad Jemph i
wpro cboaaa to foNA *poa Iho
toadaM «m of the olw la royard to
A maotlpy'wUl ba bald
wuirridpj oraalay. pcobPbly la U' to^ ball, wbloh wtU bo
^ '
Oblatol PoUm Rmalo arraotod Bd.
Oarpaator yaatorday o* combat of
Mrs Mary Traat, of 44* Raat Froat
aUMk He to obaryad ertfo awaUaf
bor watch aad abata. valaad at BM.
Haartay wm Axed Aa Jadye Bobono’
ooartforfooUfo of foo mmfo. aad
b^l WM Axed at fMO. Thto w*m boI
faratobod aad Oarpaator want »
▼salttay Bond Toaapiai*.
Tbo ArebU toAyo of Oood Tamplaro
will viojt foo loeal oeoioty fob ovmlay
at wbiob Um* aa UtarooUay aad lapntram mill bo raadaroA.
Uybt ralroahmmto wUl b* oerrod. Tbo
elty- bad ylvon bl* opioloo that Mr. ________
DodtrowMaoMtlabtooplaloao. Bf
d*olar«d.fo*oaAy woyforfooclty todo iriKAL
to to hoop upoa tba oaf* elda. aad clna* • ^ ^ ■
to foo ebartor wa* foo only
wj to do that, ofoorwiao foa aal# of
HtokAA » BpAcialty of
foo boad* would bo ji
ootorlag to balU and
Ho ratorrad to Mr. Oampboll'a
•ocUl portl**.
iraet aad traaebloo aad -axplalaad that
wbUo foaro war* qaaoUoat m to what
mlybtbatboroaaltol the defeat of foo
It to qaltooartalB that Mr. Qampboll woald ran bto plaat afur bto (raaOrdom 4«liw«Md.
ebtoo bad axplrod. The cltj ooald aot
prabiWt that boeatmo It woald b* tab- 113-8. UnioB 8t.. W. S. BL0D(»0D
lay from bim pr^orty without
Wa eaanot a0ord to c« !■'
with Mr. OampbuU or
aayoao alas. Tbo el^ kboald emtrot
ho owa orator worka B* pat foom
Wbattotobo doaoUfo* boadeam
■ madabOaoMora pomptote Um of older atombon of foo Mr*
I to bo la attoad- aptvwtod?
*'27ud Mdlam prla^afooUe oal to.
Wbat to fo* ruth maedto fate by
2S^w«a«ton aad^ta
Fitsh Bated Goods
Ewr koroiog.
School of Music
“ «a.\.|SS£J!Sk.¥EE
McNamara Block
__ iio-HERE IS.i
A Big Bargain
tuTSWOrrr ._ino«io«
*» *.
«*, HM «i4
------ ------------------------------1
pMteMt by out* rWffeBW. MIwKbw
tB««rW with M •sBBUaat
Mio BBd tho MlM«0 IteBMBMd Vm
■BtWBbBiy fBOOB *W7 *•!•»# ’
I lh*fBwaib*BW**tbMrof th*,Ubor;
2: U.W.A-0 ***WB* U C d r.B.
jBhBC DBB*B*ot
I^ ^ b, p,BO^Bt l O|^.
For some ooe that wants a good ogtfit
cheap goods enough to {uroish a 5*roc»n
house complete—have been used, just -4
weeks. Parlor, sttiog room, diniog room,
bedroom fod kitchen: carpets, mattings,
window shjtdes-^verything you need in a .
5<room bpuse. These must be sold at
once, as 1 have no place to keep them—
Cksh or payments. The w\y bird gets
{Othc worm in this case.
w fer L**>BBB* WPBi.
BasteMB QaaBot bs Oatad.
-W t»l€~4
All tb* 0(b*r B*t*b«B *b tb* Wfo- e«»I.
B« two* BoellMttoa#, a# tbay eaaaoi
na^ lha V-------- * aarUoa of tba aar.
Ikara t# OBly BB# way to
d#afmbu." Bwd
Dorld W. •WwwdW ABtriw «0Mty BBBk Bad that 1# by aaa#titBtloBBl twLaalM D*»lo r**« *
«WUttc». Bid Mr*. IMIB AlklaaM *t Oodar Bw BdlB# DaafBta# t# #bo«uJ by ^ Ur#r* U**Bo*d to WBriT y#M«dBy>
__________ -jb*.
^ MOB*. •••OBth AW*rWBB UWWi
At ttw OOelBl TbBradBJ *r*BlBf,
r#W laABBWd yoa ba1r**hyth*UAl**‘AldooeWty of th* tab#
MoTur «)*•*«.
ItBf #oaBd or iwpcHoct bcariac. aad
B total of »ts» wbM It U ontlialy clowd daatBcw U
•BrrWd o* th* bowor-. bW*r wrltt* wa#rWawlorylad«adfor Ua rabaUd- ib# fwall. aad aal«w ib# inflowmBilro
aaa ba takes oat aad tW# tab* raitorad
lao Fxoixti.Stroo’t.
by 0h«rl*B llorBk bbo dWl*«r*d Ib Wo (nr of »*• ebarah.
W It# Borwal coadltkw. bwrlnf wU*.
■b*T»*WTl0lW ■BBBOr
Tb* OBbJWl
Tb# Iftr* lode* of ror«#t«r* ba# baaa b# daatroywl foiawr. Nlae o*#**^o»» ,
-1h* H*« intb.- “My
dtrtdad iBlo two •oetlOBA a»d wlU aa- of l#a ar# e*u##d b* catarrh, wh-ob ta|
_____________ • B r*rw-w*oth**bV
tar law a BMWat to aaa wbieb aid#
}oM for lb# IwtaowpW o»i It woo wWl obtalB ta# wool o#w wowbara. Pr#d
wlU d*cOB«HBDdW DoUaca!
bBBdWd by AllF*d Ayr**.
(oaaard' '
Borlh wlU captalB oaa of tba #*d## *ad
7 caaa ot' OMfsaw
'KMolT#d. That
eatarrbiI tbat
beenrad by H*
t#at caaaot
Jad Oawwoa tba-otbar.
^tarrb,CciaCera- scad
b#od fL.
for cireolara.
bB* o ynawr
. Totodo. O.
_____ OB-bBMBaeUoBthBBboB*
irapylat*. rtc
OlMWBid- TbBOBOBkot* OBthooMN wm wr*t tbl. Wwraooa at 8 o’clock,
Don't yon think it wonUJ b* wiae on
mlly PUIa are th# baaV
wtth Mlw Oraoa-Bldrad oa Slmwoed
your part, if in need of any footwewr. to
•Bttr* Bd* wwB.MobU Boyd Bad Br»
ua#. All wawban arc aryad to b#
rtamine tbr wtaiderful line of ahot« we
ToBBA. wbU* -Alw* OrlBW BBd Jo#
LltU, TiTWB-Llttl,
bRVf just r»*Miv«l from the W. L. Donat
Eanky loek*d afwr tb# B*t*tf*» Both
Biw PaaatotAaatla ba# r*lara#d W
io* bbor Co. We think it is the prettieat
Bid*# w*r* Bbly bBBdUd BBd tb# 4*eb•.anorrijr^
tOB wo* Utt to tb* BBdkB** whtob U* #ity frow Port Haroa. aad I* aow
^ _ product out in Gent* 6ne ahoca forspriny
<wawr IB tba MtdW«aB talayboB#
fBrar of tb* **CoU*a*l
W of 1^- ^hr-y ooDsist of black and tan. in
lebaafa Sba wb# forowrly Blybt
aevcrsl Uifferant ^fradca of leother—the
thoBfb tbor# WB# oWy OB* tow dia#r;
Miat BoBldlB. who had ehoiy* oywator bara.
pricee are sUmped on the bottom of every pair—».00, I3.M
I of th#
Marrad. »t tb# 1
and fl.OO. Dnnula* make of *ho« are one price alt the world
of tb*, .
SoooBd M. E. ckarah Tharaday a*aa
over. If you don’t see our line yon sre iwrinit Wjo much for
W« bar* jut pat la aaaw ,
MTkiforth* MfTMiFV- •BBorlaWadaBt Bora for# b abort talk. lay Pr E«r Hack Kaaaady. WiUiaw
•i^eBlBUy to the*# aowlay ay trow tb#
your footwear. Buy your next psirof W.L. DoukUs make,
Ub# of ap-tadaW aiaUoaary —
^of 0-ft-iM th. tMPVm
M. Z#lylar of BaidlokrUl*. Ml«h-. *ad
fradao. *Bj>lBlBC tb*w to payairtet
sod you will be sure of geltint; value received for your monej.
. fao> papar aad tablala. etc.
•I iMM^UlBC-^ho row 0* tko b«
Mlw Maryarat i- Balra of
We are the exclusive S(feuU in this city.
Tk^itteW l» iho B^fU ThmUj M
M Uo hrtWl th»t Mi. 0»mf*»U h«4 «• Bot dlBtorb tb* )yc#awa Tbl*
______aMoOm ba*tlod B yaUtkm ^ abt#
pJZU » doWrwtMtioo W iowpol w. rt«# k* alto tar* to tb* B»dw oMo a# far dlreraa from hla wife. &rac# McUUI.
•iw to who Wo pi«it wholhw tho wall.
0* tba yroBBd# of da*artWa.
V^wwwrotodor MUVwaUoMU
Clartaa tlwltb of tbl# elty, ba# ayWM MMWVr W -OMOWhlMh UM MA.
Mlw BardrOiC* wUt ratara teow yllad tor B dl*oraa from W. Je«#c9on
MWf MMhOtoWSmith. alBlwlpy oradty aad
Ohio tb* Ant of th* waak.
^ rrw lattMltMMr. ABd Mia. 8- fl. HaU ha*a ratara- aapyort.
WhUo ithwo »!•------Tbroayb bl# aUerBcy P- 0. OUbort.
■fhWl tbot adfrow BB BBWBdad trip to BlorldB
BBd olhor yolata U tha Booth.
Ab#ob Hawkla# b#* fll#d • yailUoa tc
MiomoteoRNto omsM twilor
I..M BaaBatt ha# fos# to Brlrktoo Uwclraalt eoart asklBy that bl* mar
with l«W lor^
rlaye with Mr#. Bllea Aaee b#BBBBU#d.
tjTiiw— thot It tho «U7doo* oot to #Mt b# yaiaata.
Bay WaUw*BttoJ#akaoa y«#t*rdBy. UUcl#lm#d that at tb# tl
MIO Iho hood* BO *!• hM hooB oSoetB # Pratt WB# iB KlBfBley ob bo#l- ■arrlay# 8k* bride wa* »tlll tbeaodlU. Mr. OowphoU OOI«M#o with thU
«oro#d wife of Uaae Aae«. U w'"
B#« y«BMrday.
B—iirr-*-~ of ito Urno. Ab oxpi
Kim Moora ha# yoa# to YydlaaU to r#memb#r#d that Hawkla* wa* bH
borroTBr. wbAo to
iplatct of tbit woma#,
irp-f*! hotor* bbj orrWMB^ ’
O. a. Oroa# waat to KlcyaUy yaator
«B0 woAo, WM «hoi tho rriM tx«i
aftarward with blyamy.
^ BiMUBtoroohOBU bo AboI. wbothei day oa baalawa.
r. B Moora aad Ml## Moot# of Bk
tho hoBdt «r«ro r»WA Bt thli llw*
The pleasant da>.s that are coming remind one that the “Wheeling days" will
la tb* battle of Ball Bon. J W. Bip
la tba city yaatarday.
a*t BBtthm hBothlBflB t^ecw- Bapid*.
soon be here. No firm has made so elaborate preparation ol placing before you the
Mr* B..J. Parkar of 8o«tb PiBBh I#j. aaw of F#aloa. wa* tbot In tba '
to oowpBl thoslV towki tbo
joat nbora tb* knu. bat u It wu a
piBBt If lb# row OB tbo boodo doe# boI fort, h TidtlBy frtaodt In th# city.
finest line that could be selected for the inumfrable wheels that are manafactured.
a fleah woand. aod aoon baalad ay.
Mr. aad Mr#. PrwDk Ooodriek ral
We have aime^. to satisfy every one. Those that have only a little money to spare;,
ad lad Blybt from # trip to Maw York. tla WM tboorbi of IV Beuatly
Baiold KaaalBBd U lo tk# «lly trow not'oad a-awrlllny on lb#Umb.lik
a»M th* ooBtroot to thBt tb# rotlag
that wafit a good wheel at a medium price, and those that want the best that
LaBalay. wbar# k# ka# b##n .Bttaadlay boll, aad Sna’ly ba laaead IV ‘
ourailon bWbt #0 Ilybt tb*
money can buy. We want every man, woman and child to own a wheel this season.
th# AyriealtBial eoltec*.
a«M to aowytaw tb#
Mr. BBd Mia. WilUaw Baltaar rataraBpafaha**.aBdthBt a daimt of tba
and here’s the plan-Of course the Best way is to pay spot cash, then there’s no more
and whleb ba bad b##B earrytay aro
M^^^^^akall Bot affaet tba rlybu ad lB*t Blykt trow Datrolt wbarath*y
worry, the wheel s yours and you re happy -otherwise-<ome in at once, select your
to atiaod tk* faaaral of th* lat# r*#r alnw.
gtfm la tba tiBBablaa. wbtab doa# aot
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
I Bran' New
; Stationery
A. S. FRYMAN. 136 Front St.
WAIT’S §T"o'i.?
BBylra for two y#ai#. If tb# bead ChyV Jo#*pb Mlekaraoix.
A Pimidlah Attack.
pMIMttkw pi dafoawd tb# ylaat r#^BlmMr. OawybWlbBBdA# «aa aoBiPla«Bi
kyloMowa. O.. •ttSand for » boi
Mbs# W> >w*<tb# dty bbOI th# aapUaa Ib bli riybt
af that fraaeWa#. If tb#a or I year# trow rb#
MfWM to that uw# th# city #boal4
r Btalaa#. 1
Balm. aBd
hBy.th#arl#*^aa«iUy:««#d by tb#
arbitrator# waat yro*aU.
Balm bub
' I darfol ebaerr t#at be <
Ja#t what lb# yraoadi
_______ eompaoion of mlsc 4
«b* aad of two y#ar# I# a©w a watwr clBM aad -It n#**r fail#." Pox #al<
A B Walv drneylav
aaeUaatW do b##la«#a. aad aay a<
Util# Tsvin-Uttls TsVSTB.
aad 8. B. Wall-# droy si
tt-r to eowaal hlw to dlaeowtlaa#
aroald l«ad to rayoadva lltlmUoa.
Brwy #le»aBt la tb# altaailoa th##
4Br*rfa«#lal**orof th#; yarahaa# of
th# plact. aad a# yai ao raaaoaa
•ifawrat ac»l»«
oopr#* ba# b
..I bara. ‘nau Import*
d by mi.ooo.ooodarlay tb#
BBVBB woatb* widlBg JBB**ry',»litla#t.
e# *Bwyir#d wit# lb* o»rr#Bpoodior
Mtel a y#ar •arllar. TbU #bo*t#
BBara baiy factori## ai bow#- B#t U I*
yartlaalarly t*Wr«allBt W aoW a d« 1
oriir -* ~r—f3.*oo.0dola oar'
laywt* of foralf • WMI, daaptu th# \
hlfbar yrl*# of ikai commodity. Pro>
iBBlIealarlrlattb# AmarWaa farmer
BBMBor ebaac# w aayyly th* AmarlaaB
bl. raw mawrtal
Mott aa#*l oMaaw aad mar# •hip#
Bf war ara racowwaadad by tkr
Mwawry af k# aaey aad Admiral
Dow*,. ABd tba racar^ which ib#u
wan wad* ta tb# boar at tba auatryh
Bwwyaaey yalt# JasUSt* lb* #0**117
ta ayrulny wtth thaw.
Tn Sonth h rtafiay tor axyaa
PMtIaa bu awrtadjtoatbar. d.aatoywaat, and baatassa waa tace#
that wa wast hav* facalyB
aarkata ta wkMh to a*H' oar urylu
Prw #cS*Bbrtia.
M. V . -tti
t.4 attwyla bu al O'- <5?^ ««
n ■■BiaPltii ware wv f*»* d'*
y«l sn
^ Pd-'
wheel, make a deposit of frdm $5 00 up. and then pay so much a week, and by the
time the roads are in good condilioa to ride your wheel, it will be all paid for.
'^A little at a time accomplishes wonders.’
Is wrapped up with every pair of shoes sold
at our store. They’re well made, long wear
ing. smooth and comfortable.-
Men's Shoes '
Udiei' Shws
Lillies' Shoes
Bluk viei. cboeolata
fid. wlUow flolf, bon
eaU—aaaayyy Ua*..
Mei's Sloes
litfies' SliMS
Maat tUar# — food
$1.98 Mee's Sloes
' Onr cekbnted School Shoe, «»kc p»re«U M*
children hippr— olid. ,crvice«ble and stylish—8Sc
and t .M a psir.
Alfred V. Friedrich
The Leader in Fine Shoe*,
The Ideal
tt J40 Mil J50
Fur $25 ami $30
Alwava been at the head
and m-» feature* will keep it
there, thia aold with the gear
case, tbat prevent* aliaolalely
anv 'dirl-diiHl or water evei
comint; in omtact viih the
ehaiu-which by the way i#
alHolult-ly the fineat on any
wheel. (Mata a* much to
make aa aume whole wheels,
and only Bold on iheCieve*
For 1W3 baa all the eaaeutial pointa of merit that made
'it eurh a favorite, aod we
have the ('haioleas atC7.>—
to both diamond and drop
frame, are unexcellrd for fine,
accurate conetriirti-vu and
Hmoothoeaa of operation —
Tbe«e have the Robin'* blue
enamel, a moat diitiiii-tive
Iti a aplendid medium pric.
eil wheel, tiiaOe by the Rambl-r p--ople. with the G A J.
Climher tire.
N#w«t atylaa—B«w-
Pralty daslyat - kid
a#4 v«#tlny bou —
Mack aad ta»>-yopatar prtae........................
The Tribune
L Cleveland
With all the latest improt-emenU. mtk-a it l>y far the
finwt wheel on the market.
Ttie Clipper
tt $60.00
Give* you the rheapeat chain.
Wot vk#«l OB ih* MBikea. aad
every reapect- Iten’l tsil to
. BM thia Ix-auty.
The Rambler
I« a cracker jack in every
reaped — baa the G. & J.cliucber tire, oroameiital outaide,, eoi-kel joint reinforoemeuls. "claw” crank, and one
pief* hollow' foiled fork
MMta by tb* Olerehttd
peopk. ABd ia tbe bMt ISO
wheel on the ma^et
The Hibbard
At $40.00
A beauty-with the (». &
J.diucher tire—the Fauber
one piece crank hanger, the
Baldwin chain and Kelly ad
justable handle bar.
The Ajax
At $20.00 Made ^ the Hibbard Co.,
of aati*auu uisea th«s
me heat es
. We have ao*M Mphadid
bai^ wbeeb at the ab«v*
price, ia Kood runnittK order
i The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
_ . .:jj
Uko M' WhHMMob to b* awa oatolda
toraaahlartw«Htoa.aBdlt*aa wtoMra. Qnurt Alloa, widow of ito mor--- ------- _
to m^lhMrrn KiAlau m4 Ip baatod iMt tob wUl ba too Iwt elut. te to opm a book our* la Wwt
r«H bore bp tola Botod aotor. Bo orU Mad. Ixwd.^
Uororaur ftmltb of Tonaoni oww o
wibb oawaartel rowaaoa. ‘'Th<
ftodOaekado.*- Ml-a L*l« Woto-at >• arlratc loeoBMiire. It U fitted with
laiartow arcematodatlow for eltbt
WffCku » w*il kam 9mrm •
KortWa MtablaiUl too loadlov Udp. aad wiu b» aoaa
kiM« mUmv i« wrtW -ri-iiy !oa Twanmilfw Oa r«n«^
obamlarropalwtlatoloplap M-.
A outao or ileoip M. Uoartoa. o
WaUa opwwro w a beate adrrcv rbUeddpbla pblUatbroplH. b to be
Bdlwr Wflod of «k« llMhte*» Wt»- lor too oprtat I
tarew poaat ooptola dariat too pwlod erweted la Kalnauoat Park. It will
wn. wUoh <rM kv»«4 oat loitfr. !• tooopoatatofa
TW war*- of too fraaeb Borolatloa.
etwabi of o brre fipore of Mr. Hou»
Wd loriu Tb* MbODri^ boew to too boot la eortoors MMlpaa
lottyoceoinfiuih-d by tab farorite dw.
Tbat tbo Oty Opera Booao wUi be ia DroBir.
IM tow dartforori ud ho i> wkbi( all aad kw a oapaoltp ed •B.M* baobala of
Tbe portrah
wmmmUoIM to'oood hkM tholr
ia addlOoa A awpla apwo peeked to toe doon Meodop meiat.
tUaaoM frWtbto Tko part eatoeeeewloaoftoaaeoeato aawbar wbkii. Profoowi
-paluOiut will W ready fw exbibitloo
wakbaw dwkraodV poialow eftooMwbBtooalUotare aad MoMe at the Horlla an exp^ttoa early iBb
Iw. I M MoMiDm. hwtw «< tho
far toad alook
oprtDc. It U wM tbai tbe pmw aad
ot&draU.|oU oa
wWk toooeare toe ewW tkaV-Tittta treetatoat wUl Iw ■emrttalBO aew.
aad to Moot pwC
tho >00 ta (roat 9t
The Part* eorreopuadent of tbe LoaTbo dock iWoU io eow la week bob' wiUdewelltodow at ^ earlleot
aad hfako Ui lot
KkK(b oaye ttot ITeddeiit Loubet
Ible weawav Tbo Ar^l LMlioe' dua
b 0 temu- lu all oilrk>r* for odkial
to too Ooatral tlWa Wnmil otaw
qwrWIWewoftootaoot. ftvaet
dlpnliy. Ip hb Mwpb fraokarw be
awMial walwt M Mi. Plwiaal. Wad- paoWaaUp booe all rabaOt. Maap adpPerMid bp Mp Lpceaw baroaa. aad b capeble uf keeplnc eviwy oao at tbe
Wi«*r httht. Hrry tkorto «f Mi.
tooqurt (abb with ibe remark: "WoU.
too MaaneTef too eoaiw are uo
Ptowaat »«a tnt fiam aad Aw«atw jtOBtottoitoutotoiMLjaijdLtoLMitoto
wr are ao eoaifunabb here that I do
Bot oee why ilmt furuialliy *)h>ui tbe
Voalkar of Boraot woa ooooad ptam.'
■ddItiM to too werh of toe tman«t, bdleo bavins dmuM be
4 4so BM thot • BUm gnj
toe eatortotamoai will aleo eoatala a
iwatowdarait*. »a4 hto hwk w BMt wnto IP MntMP MMF Mr IF to* Ttoaalit of aawaal taloat, e brUlwat
■T aMk-e.*' aald the aoveibl. that tbe
•MtotiagnoHrht CiTt thaa It «ao
Aboat to of too frtoada of Mra. plaalotaed a reader who aerer faUolo
toby b lew Iroableeome tkan be
' ' . Tho oklw of oaoh aalHote aro DaobwaadMra. Trotwaa fatoorod at
M. Booidoo tbto. tbo qaarwt wlU aofd lu be. I don'l bear blm atiuaning
llBfiy oalaahla, ot aoeotat
toolr bowo oa Bpraoo atreot Tbera- to awtowd bp Karl Uorwaia. too wea- ou much wheo j.«i i*«n him to bed“
dap oToaUf aad aarpriaod toon, prior dorfel wattctaa.
‘■No." hie wife related, ‘'he bn’t aay
a woataroaad OoMaator tko to toolr dopartaro to too farm at Olee
)f tok attiaotioa too Lawreaaa, trouMe at oil uow. Ao ooon ao 1 pri
Baroa. BofraakwoaW aad wwle wore
------- daj . dtatrthaUac oaai^ of
a*.. -Aaerkaa." lapo:
oowobodj'** Hoot pUla oa too dootatopa too foawrw of too orooiaf. A r»d
Tbo Ariel Oeaoorl eompaap Io probSo »w UAU>wU by a lot of AUdfta titoo WW oajopod bp all prowat.
ablp too otroafwt eowpaap wbleb bao
who thtoarod aad ato too aa«p)w
A rory ploawat ooelal party ww tl*- eUlud too dtp der^ too ooaaoa
aadortlM iawwoloa toat tooy »oro|
ao Iwt oraaiat ^
••■boro of Ibep are kaowa aad adwlred tor«atl>•aadjr. Koaidar toaro wao a poat
Trarorw dtp Wat No I7l X. O T. M. oat tbo Uoltod BWUo. aad are alwap*
laUtat ot to too attoadaoM at oomia
fw mowbon aad toair fawUWo. A beartUp aoleowei la Lawraaoo.
of too oehooU of toatoflTtoe otote too» arreeat a ebarmlap]
dolltbtfal oraatatwwaloptd.
pletare. tor owwtaeeo aad barweap
Ufa ’Aaaa BowkiH of Kalanaow
Lwtorealat hboat hi of tot Oow- toep eaaaot be aerpaaoed."
to hot aaowar to too wU Woorbl
Mdtoot hor bf bar ooa-to-la*. T. M.
ttoltoto, oUrftof bar with laklef ■o«t ploaoaat oarprioo apoo Mra. C. Beortoolatd Orehoatre for Btoloborv'o
awarall.ooookook rI*oa bjr bar to Fpbaa Bha ww brfallod tato too
BWlaborc‘0 tirmad Opara boeoa orwlio at toato traddtor- aooda of a aaitbber. aad wbUo obo
aajra that too aadontoadtor «w toat ww foao too ladlw oawrad tbo boaae
BBwban boloc Oarl Apreo. rtollei I
too ohoak wM oa>7 for akof. Mr. aadwtdatoowwlowaibewo. A Aao A. C Apora. rielo: tfoo. Bleo, liei
He Mbps IthMaatlsa.
Tbciwcb trUhad to aQoUaao tbo show oappor ww laid aad wbw Mra Ppbw ololla: M. B UoUrp. drawo aad traot. |
roof too erehooteeara ' P«r y
aaaoaaoowoBt that toora wore two
c. t Bo»i.
1 » wki^,
At Jookooe }o«t IM «m*IoU haro
UMlw waltlaftoow bor. ber oerprlw
Wlbi Oeo. Oomllar. daHaoi; Claado :
kadtooboBotiottooparelo law. and
kaow ao boaeda 'A oerp ploaoaat
MoDoaald. ooraoc Mr. W. D ito- m;^
>to tbalr
erealaf wwapoat.
'Uormalao. plaao.
A dalltbtfal panp orw t*»aB Iwt
The reorpea ltd orcheaira wUl pla?
a too toaoral oohH of tholr dowo*
alpht to Moatateo ball bp Claptoe for
tbe fir*t time toolrhl, at too par^Cati.
formaaeo of Mr. Walker WhltoaWi
OadDtoo U toktof ao
t Iho dooalar aad oldaalar of too Aboet li of toolr frWodtworo lorlWd aBdhboorawBy. la “The Rod Oook
iloaoaooiiat Blfoad-Llttlo Otoa to toko a alolcbrldo oarip la tbo o«oa- ado"
teww wore drloea to too ball wbia
Thtaaflterraaoraro oMioat Law
"bii'i It •Irene*-." n-markoil the dottoo pooet rntlriBoa bad doooratod for •■lUi. "that M> uMuy of our rlrti poopb
']tet M roaalrtot aUM taioa froa too
too uowoloa A doltfkttel orraiaf allow tlwlr t-hlMreu to (row
^ iioaatt towoarofi at too raw of tto.OM
wwapoat la t*Ma.weale aad aeelal ao atierly wonbbMT"^' "O, 1 don't
will aavc yoo ibe eoot of a new
ooDoorwtloa. Dolloloao refreobw
kauw." repHid the r^k. "wbea peo
At Udlafloa too bUwkadoof Pora
*■ »t leaot a third cf wool otbple eel riel) ibey'r.' too buoy luoklne .Wir.
tol'' and
:harf« for the work. Then If toe
after ilielr amvotoro to bother inucb era
” chai
ri«bt. do Ibe rtpht tbiap.
MTbafa&ay whoa too ear farry aad No. I
about thetr pwi.rlty."
'brlac them toto.
gwtarod port aftar a aotfo of M boaro. Olob bad e rorp proaiablo woeUar pea
Thlairaa too loafoot dolar too boato wrdoraftoraooa.at too bowo of Mr.
Uttlfi Tsm-Littit TiTtn. j
hapa aaparloaeod la waap paara. aad aad Mro. / W. Mmikea- Tbo eftor«lt Ualoo bi .pear »to
too dfot tlao too ear tarry wao ever aooa ww dorotod to too otadp of Boa- Or. W. J. BKctok 0
Ua. a odor toa^dlreetioa of Mra- Oodp.
At ObarleiW Ooorta Laar of t^ wborwda rorp latoroatlat poporapMleatcaa Tolopboao Oo. foil M foot oo bta life. Mr*. Woltoe read ooleetTharodap aftaroaoe wktla at work, bat leaoaaoa aUdwtbead boHaV, Mr*
rrfjrrs /# toe/£Tt
WUl bs made
\ ' for our.Sprlnp Suite and
Top Ooate today.
Be in It
witb the reel of'em
to $18.00
buye suits from
handsome stripes or
Give Me
trt Your Shoes
' aitalaai oilgbi lajoriet, otrlklap la a
lllok AUod with aaow aad olaak. Ba
wao dooooadlBt froa a to fMt polo
r.jwhaa too aaekdoat ooaarrod. aaaaad bp
;'‘hlaaparfalUa| loaet.
Mro. Bartow of tMhaotor. It Iho
pewotaarof a .Blblo prlatad in iiu.
Tba book U wall prowrradaad la a ralsabla ralle Mra. Borfoet dioeororad
«ho book to a pita of aoolaaa porlodloaU
tohlak aba wao aboat to eoaoart lew
hladllac wood Tbo daw of too birth
«t OM Jtoo Bwith. la (,HM. to rooordod
ia too taallp rooofd. Mr*. BartM >a
at a loot to kaow fho oww too Bible,
whltowitbtbo of treat ralea to lU
Mittal owaar-
wirjr. '■:2.
„ «f Ito r»tot praaokw. ka* eetooatod to' »tol jamp from bor* to Baolt Btt
6» Wrt$* —eelaUy for Tba 'totarday Maria, aad la order to make ttot eity
MpMlac Feat a oorloe of aaoedetal pa- |. Mmo to plap ea Mead ay alfbi. bo
bare MB opoelal (tala oa tb* O
tfmtt luwtratoa wiia aitaarM aapa»- ^ ^ j
^ ^-----------Tto 'im ot ibow papwa. aaMUad boairht. ttot M. w oow Iboraafur aa
-Mtody w Bey ato
***•" tto oaaaerr. •toeto btofaf*. Me.. Mb
wlUafpewlBto#Aprilaa»ker*fTto ^,,^,^<BttoaMfp Be mast
aader the affielooi aMaafewoet oi
Obet WoltOB. wbleb lo oaMdoat taar.
aatw of tba }oUp time that tdlowod.
(iar aad roallotle floob hrht
takoa of too eompaap bp
Imat orealar the ladtw of Trarorw
Bap Biro. No Tl. prwlpUatod o ploao
aai aarprloaaooB Mr*. Wm. Barmoad
auto home of Mro A.J PoWripl oa Soroatb atrwt. Tbo oseaatoa of tbo partp
war tba oonWmp'ato'l dopartaro ot
POMtOB O k. B031AL.
MiaBap^ad ti her now borne at
Vorp Ploaaaat Tiwo at Ooattatauooal Botume Hap. Tboro wore aboet fortp
ereowt eed oaob raort aid the booorObnrab.
od ladp thoroapbly oajopod lb* oreoV
Lwt oToalar a rorp ploaoaat aeelal Jaot totore tbo eompaap akporeod tbep
« Clrea at
preaeatod Mr* Baymood wUh a toadtor the Jaalor C K. aoeiotp aad ibolr aomooalad dloh a« a tokee of thetr opfrWad* Flrol oaodp ww odd. then teem Theoroalae w*a pawed rrry
«ama*paeeat.hBBt JalU Kolloy re- pleaweUp lo ooelal e»a*oraatloD.4r*mra
adrod a'aieoboagartof fl-rworofortod« recIWtloaa aed ______
the epjoymoal of aleoly
iBt too moot ewaaio. aad witb it ^ ^rtod dalatp refroabmoaU.
a plotar* ot Mr h B. Clark wke
.erttolaod the Joalor aoeiotp. Tbea
a^aatoo muo pronam fTba fd{ THE STAGE
lawtar took part:
, Wrlykt, B...U
riotaoeo Karl. Wlltle Ktri, T
Alfred Wilbolm. Mtaalo Vatrato. '
amaoomeai lorm-t of
Martha HeMlekaoi, BUd* Camml*ro.
Ttaver** City aad vklalty will enjoy
Kabp BblloM. JuBo Poooe.
to* trwt of wlMowlar •
At too elooe all wap * joalpr eoap.
by on* of tbo rreoteol of Am<
Wkot'oTogrPoea Vartb.
aetora. Mr. Walker Wtaltwld*.
•osoUmoo a fortaae. bat 'aovar.
■r. If
Tb* *a«»C***>(
••T *
1‘?"'tromarkobleoao; for while lb# people
SmA 1^. moth patehaa aa^ bloieboa lofibUelty areofaelem'to felly ap
ilb# akti
oleTm oUlw troubto :
Tat^.^^e b*w L»f. PUU^^to P^utoMr. WbItooWo’oroat eopabl'kla. &
I. Oaly »
bo* always aadohvar^ to briar only
• aadd. C Watt'* dm* otoroetoa boot attraetloas here, alltt fo' an
attrwtiM tito Mr WaiMoldo** to earn*
UtoHry Netw.
moans frwt oxpaao*. la psrl lo
It srw to* wish of tb* Into Mr.Moedy
toat kM Werraphy obwld to arrlttoa too loaf jamp* aoeimory aad toe few
aiUw la tot*, wrtlca (tot a eompaay
Boran** h
* ew of
of' B*«ki«'o mtttorpioe* ••‘Tao
Orawa o* Wild OlWr.'
Promptly at elk o'eloek toe teatloaea momtor* larttod tb* ladle* to to*
pwloM towmoat-irbor* toep bad pre
rweh toaSaa oa
UMhraea tMpirfor aa attraMlea
ATV thhtTt\\A\
SeivbVMb. &om^or\kbU
tOtTlt Vk4o'b MATiToYb. i
tVtbko**% \’t
U art am>\k
can Vb Vtai Va «oo4 qna\i.\Vu ^ot 16. %bc
|\.00 an4 M-tb
sct4. YCo VtnVnob atc ta>
9«x 4s
watvV \o taaVit V\ vat*
ot CD\\,V Kam tt laait, '4or taou, Ito V*"
no aa\a.
This Moraing
Brer here.
check wool Worsteds.
to $16.00
provides you with
“Raglan” Top Coat.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Bldbwalk Ltmibar in all tisM.
SnoddasoTfi t* TrawepM 0!ty Jiumbar Oo.
One door west of the Brosch EHock.
242 Freil^troet.
We have several hundred t^ir of shoes that
we are closing out at cut prices to make
room for our new spring stock and openiug.
(So. 118. MithAr phone)
for the
Most Notable
Frank Friedrich,
A Great
it Steir\ber^’s Grar\ci
,(of conree.) '
and bi$ compkay, in
A reakette eotoady draae ia 4 arta.
Prieoa. Kte. 7 k. Il.ee-toa eeata. •! M
The Old RelUble Shoe Man.
I have put in a shop in connection with my hard
ware, and am prepared to do any kind of sheet iion or
tin job worludriviog and repairing pumps and-anykind
of Iron fSpe work—also all kinds of repairing usually
done in a shop.
You will find my prices seasonable.
tke warr. and
aad Inare tk* n4y atutarof
tkn nltaatlcB.
Bepniatad oat tkn <M4thatU
iaipnalblnaadar tko lAartar to pat la
at praaant tka plaat Ikattka aoaaaU
tboafbt weald kaakaolnitfy tka booktkn BmI boy nyatom
la npoaMac of Ika qanatloa ai -to
whntknr Ue latlai woaU bn aa:tMdod
or not. Mr. Bm'.lk aUtod that It ymetad
with Ike roura Hall of tkn oonaall
wiu bold oear, aad It will aot ba dlM
ealtfor tbe eoiera to aaeertala Ik*
lU of the eaadldatae oa Ike
lelaatoa. ^CT~iaIlk dealarod
manU ^nd iba walar worka,
tkat Ika eoaaeU
e»mm tiae ballaoVd tkat It wea pot
only Iba bMt IhlaHo do. bat Ika oaly j
.Tkemaa K lUn. inav.
__ _
kaenn to aaypeit blmertr «i ilw mgrr-vf
U aa peiMial ntllity boy In a b« atorr.
Tbe aewty
And Tbey Joinv
Fran All Sections
Maamnnwmdy to
wand will payfrom
pay from » to i« nanliand It to It naaftl.
1. Apply to Hlakk^
I to aaary '
aaromur. am
t a< flaal a*Tanadea of r
aaaaa tt waa tkalr kaataoii
‘Botb Lard and lauly 1a
MiBCBiXAjnBuna wamtb
aaya tke Loodon Ktag. "iuTr an ntwoIka ralaa of aaok proparty aad H la
—r ,.U. -HI...*., —. ■
ikalrdaelaioa wklak wa watt dapaad
a noni. aa «cU a> a.aiM-tal. pna>
poB^naun-J^m ot «0 •rroo.^w
aty Kwlaaar Mortkrap foUowad
aloof alaUar'tiaaa. Ba arfoad tkat
(•wnnlideu Cec-ll. iIh> unmar
VaivnaC tevsthtp. Batf latm
I. MrlmUnoO
ikapraaaatplaal'ta adaqaata aa4 aaa
ka Bkda of root aarrlaa la eoaaadtloo
BUKlaiMl. Mke dellfbla tu W.irwUhapanaaaaatwyawaB. Hawly ooa
MM.WW ntttj. riMWi **.■ I.. .
tb<- |•rub|pm> art for tlw Tc
kaU tka aoat of tka plant
aarad ta two yaan, aod aa aa la«aatOaina t» bU UMillltTidiii««> BK»u.-irO HI* Mmay BBinirkabln Carca
ItutksoMOt tka ally aoaU aot do bailor,
ttadTalk ot th« Oonatry
rblM kooart of tbe moat luptonani
a. aOaapbril waalpranaot aadlla
ereuta ofinj befun- any cuveronirtii.
toaffaat ealU
for MUm Azoiukd.
••d rv.m ber- a.-'tbe ni.»i aitrrpnain#'
m EKKT -at
kr o*daUI •at ika kaaUk daaaiv •aali^krlaiy aad aaawarod aararal
Imou* ae «alr».*^
Tka aaMo o( iba aUk ttadaot la qaaatiooa .la apaaklar of iba-ralaa of
t%M eitlanna of Trakotna City hara
wlUfcald tor Ika prwoat
bad aa pealar denooewaUeo of tbta' ^*VBMianB^KOO«n tka wood plpa ka akowod a aaaipla of a
aeoalaaktla power and aa opportunity
Tka ftaaiaablp k*luorlaad|rn>a 4at plpo wklak bad *4008 In too fronad
aod fraaly UMak. Oaa of tka!, pnt'
prare of her faibi-r at L'rrtmTlUe. In ^ndfa for ibtmaalraa. by
warp, kroafki aaarlp aoojTiaaa to
ordr dflaoB yaara aad »ai aUll In a
and a«l(> that the natlnual p»rfimt naked wa* wkai wa* to ba dona i
adalpkla. arkoara aaU to ka Ik#
of food aialp of pmaai’rattOB.
Ra auud ikal tka plant lodky won
artl<-b- of ‘ tbe parmaneoey or
or b*d rffaet*
Tka aartf l«ia loaata io wortkdl&.ooo a yaar to iba
naif naable loaaawar the qaeatlen, bn'
>' a retulnlacmi iiatnlr K<iuit<>r Krje •'f ^ aa a rnnnU of tbalr trentawnt. both ana ao4 Moo turn. Tbay owaara. Ian tka eparatlof aapnnin
•Utad tkat It woald nlaea tba city In a M-liie r.-iin.-l that I..- o.ml.’
atkia (kara it la kaa gaaaral aaodoa
aad tkat In tka propMOd parekaaa tba rary difloalt pwUloa- deratal othar i •«*'*' ">
aka Ualtad klalaa. aM aortaio AktriaU oily woold ba paylnf only for tka
I -uninK Ulr. oftoaattha.Parh Plaoa
I Coini bare been parfonued npon
^ ^
wkara tka load U
aetoal *0100 of An nalarUl and
w"Sr«i,'fci5^ *»'
Mr. dmlth.
iWrtllalWIl i-iHe*.
I many well Irnowp dt t«e». tbet-rlral
<^ir ara kaiad i
Ba aUtod that tba
Victor Petarlyl waa called opoa for , An Amrrlcau wbe bad tviumad fmm . tboaaof ancient Uaar*. eo ^aarkeble
d OB tka froatlar la dpaaitle aorrloa woold m-wa than pay
praraatika Kaki* daparlora. b«l ik«r tba oparatlof aipanan, laavlag Ibe
ka hM beta a msmker of th* fire Ae It iu..re dlrtl.-uli to
n> i»dUe «* be ,
*orori*e and bewilder,
cioaaad tka bard of at aDtoapaeiad
nat profit of nearly »«,uoo a partmeot for orar Id year*. He ataled •
lu tb«-Hi} of Hamlnirp than In
_hii. ____ - - ,
. ,
polaia aod raaekad Balr oa. wbaace yaar. .4 otan In.tke aodiaaea aakod If
ikay aailad for tkit malrp.
tba etaUment In the Befln wai Une
bad atkelfw mire preeaure but oneh?r
A aldalrki flra karatd oat iba latrr tkat Ike conneLI bad already parebat aod-ibaolhej'fjl It promptly Hsaa- far f..r hi* p..m.-u.-*». it ms-uu. that
lor of tka ooaaoBptira ward of Ike Brie ad 6ie plant To Ibli Mr. Campbell prewead bimaelf aa emphatioally Jn <1^' Huinhurit irull.-y iar> will M-ai. a.-- oo hla meiits and wU-tae* to be juderd
■bout Hor.-* M Uru. *. B. UoilMor. tf
cur.lrj.*: ... .lie. lu.i.iv ..r lU.otv rtKhi ky the work he nerform*. and polniaj;*-*.*^
«oanl7 hoapltaJ ai Baffalo, wbicb U replied that be bad aa yet raeaired no
w.sbliurtun sin-ot.
P- n-'i*. ictt 10 f..un.-rti tiu «.. k eldf. wUh pride and ratl»fac-ion to the aro.e *:»T*VTKD-a
eooalderatlOD aid woald own tkepltnl
.aaaeiad wllb Ibe
.woll beu.H.
oo .ula brt.wrMM
Aldartuae i.ralllrk we, ea’lad upon
au,iaj..u f..„r ,, r-.i.. ah- ellow.d or m-»re of well known eiiitCD* whom W i.i, eviAoii
<oB>ir ■■«*.
Thara war# M paUeoU la the ward ontll tka city paid over ibe prtee fiiad f:>r hieoplnion In tbe matter. Heip^ke on th- fr»nt tiini ti»«’ i.i iw.u- uii thr
,.-_,_i.!p,c ('■Uoi. or oJiirT.. K. W Him ■( *
wbao tka Hra broka oov Thej w«i» by thcarbliralora. to tke erent of Ike
..o.pp,h„. ^
- m luL-k ■■ml fnr '•
«arrUd tro^ake baAldlDf k/ .altaod- eollnf of the boedi the city woold be
•>.?..•uj.ih.I" uu.1 Vmtmmt. tbemfort we eay luform
aau, all aaoaplnc wkkoat lojary. The come tbe owner. In eaae tke bonde of Lb*alaai.eapme*i^ blmtelf a* be
rll, or Imh
ller.ocUtobea co>d boa new propo- y.
forl.J.i.lt-h ... inkr «u nu. yonr*el»«: you who ere tick, rUiUbe
a t'wler. mt-t
drawMOonBaad to tka eoBaamptlra were defeated be woold atfU be tke
BiUoa. aod one that bo woold enteriaia : Oikt-r |ui».-iik-i>r tmlil ..w s: «» ••IT. \ jeceoUon oerlor* anr dar and wlln<^«.
ward. Tka Joint ioatltalloa !■ aom-1 owoar, bat ike eltj aoold hare tka
. eerie*
> '--------..------_«
l^a tbe
.u. price tlwmA
of bolldiof* aad ba* a
! pririlofe ofI---------1..
baylo(. bat
fiaed pkat’"‘HVLd*Set‘’'tho ritr-w
puaad of
popntoiloBot orer l.ooo pauper* aod by the arbitrator* *boald rameln final. plant. Bsoald that the city »*» l» on U.r . ar u l.i.-b 1. aln-.n.l.v ••o.-. uj.lr.I.'-J yoor owe friend*, yo to tbelr home*.
Io tbU eonnaetlOD Mr. Campbell •taiad Croat need of tbe piant and that It A* Itai-r.- 1. uv .-uu.lufior ou Imiiil to | i^iii wiu, tbrm add then act aa yonr
-laralld*. Ini
norialalyabooldmake tbeporehaae.
j l*''^'*-*** '» >■ 'kr la.Ij *,. p. lii.Hv. and |^
am any tb* lamato* durtaf Use fire.
-that he bad ateo beard that In
I, I tbr ............
who maj uJTrt her a
o«mten. mu s* yonr op
mil and UUw hi. eiand oiliPOrt-nIWtobncorad. Yon may oerrr
J y. Alice-of Jfhw Orlenna. who re- tbe defeat of ibe boode he won|d berln
ItodaddreMin taroroftWworsbauof the pleiforiii. When ib.! bare aueb anoihar chance: no matter
e«pUy boufkt I OOO.OW edmhelon Uek'
tae plant I declared that If tbe after k<>1iib hi> ruuiHU, tvtiiri.. 1 bli wbat your eotsdittoo. bow tone you
toUmatad aoyiblnc
no from tbe aatborlUea of tbe Pari*
proporiUoo to bond the city ware rotod P“'- ‘i' |.rom|.ily r«jur«i* ihr cviille- bare been nick nor bow many olben
azpoaUlon. arrieed In Oklnaco Tbure- of tba klad. Ba would mneb raibar
you nsay bare triad. 00 mattor wbat
aay Mr. Allen la on bU way to Parla operate the plant blmtalf. but a* tke tocottbe adrosau* of tha difftreni , i-ti|dixi.“ KhoiiM h.-(vfitxyonr donbu may be. if onrable at *11
fl* aaeurad tbetlekala at naif prtoo aod
ayatem* tocetbar, and that tba city cur be I* j.iii »IT Tim |Kill(i'm<-u ub Use there U hope to tbore wbo will uke'
naya be will kara no traabla wbatarer be bellered It beat to ull.
woold be lefi at Ufb end of the nezi,
«nii-b Uie tba trouble to Invealtcaie.
to tba eapaelty of kit twAVMM .ii.Aut . munUinbi
:'i"l If Uu v tiiil athan
lodUpoalaf of'Uiom at tberafutar
two year* wluout a maoiripal plant, ,
UourilUe m. to & p m . erening*
nia* A million ttkkaw at refular plant ha aiatad tkat tbara la 1
and would b* toroad, for fire protoetloD : It* prnjN r •■unipl.-iiiPiit iht- it.iiduciur l.to *; Park Place Buial. Trarerae City.
r*ta* would coot abooi lioo.ooo. bat force In tk* pamp* to f<*«
It noihinc al*a, to renew tbe Oamobe l
fined 7.*. iviii>. w hid. U |uiM to tbe Mieb- AabU time i* faetbeinc ao.d.
Fouml in wmokiiii: k
abundnl anpply tor U* naxttan year*,
Allan aaonrnd Utnm tar tlW.ooo and t*
fru.blH. U. d..l.r.b U». IbH. —
and only a limited number ireeied
each day. It behoove* tboae who de*ire
noofidaot ha naa elnaa np nearly fiioo.- la raapenM to a query ba aald that the noiabaaioeM mao In tba oily who
000 In tka rontarc. Ba will aoaUar
lid rafuto to bay tbe plant *1 tbe
wjold oiora than norar tbe iaUraat
All doctor* told Krnirk lUmiltoo nl
in nnlform^kont tka
a flaad
.ur'ilfe tbai^ms^ba^the opoMiueliy
apon the additional ooat Io raply to a
to uka advaoHaalao kae ordarafl oaianotkar.rarl- etatomant that tbara «m a haary la- Oiuld be amured of ton year*' bo*luea*.
wa* ealiad np^a. and die nnlp** a eo>t>y
B L dpracue
toant tobalfOan. torraa flykt rabal
opt-mtion w*i per■
5*l'y opcmtion
branaa on tbe plant, ba aald tkat
atopp'nc to tba froBU h* pullnd off bl* formrd: boi hr cured biiutrlf with
tbara la netblnf at all afalnet it.
Baekleii'* Arnica Salve, tbe brat in tb*
Mei!oe of Spaclal Rlretion.
oreroont end bacaii a rloclnc
Waawra rallraadt kara adranoad
Mr. Oampboll panctamd U K. tilbb*'
T..ii.»i*« p*>iB«rlmon ef tw ellr ol Tr«.
.bb. u,. ,.HUb.bHbb
vr*rl'li]r, Mi.'Ulreo:
•aw pnr
illloB cffcetually.
Hoilrr !• iKnvb* .lirre tb*l ■ ■pvrial wrwiec
place In pslUlc* and aboofd not ba da- 1 dr^ atorr*
JOO ponnda
of Ih* r**Mret (■> Mrtnr rlwlor* ol ■■>* rut
abofHnc tkat tbe ea*t of tb* plan aoc
dt'trnniDed its oont,
■ 111 br l.*M K. Ik* Uurllineai«amlldiu. kSNo
The Bobnrt mam^l •
Caatad by Mr. iLab* woald tar ncoaod
tUKMI rreeiuiwM ■■.•Urllr. ee Wrenr*
tesf. Mereti to. A 0 <W.. IRHB OB* n'rlork U>
tbe cigar^ahould re*.
b>atoraon. M -l..Taaraday fara out a •caraa namad.
favoroftfaeparehata of tbe plaolat
A Oaid
, parpoaref^ubwlltlnr loa^ldlu pa^lsrclarie
Inc that tba fund tkat
Madad Vinton atatod that b* wi
ta<l{at lOr atraiRhl
tba pric* uamed. aad diaacraad with
W*. tba nr
iDdeielcnro, do barei.u, r-.fpr ikrlr drirmiBkUon to twlkH.<hr
la balof ralatf to bnlld a n
drat opooaad to tba pombaaa of tbU
but 00* tblnc-tb* way la which tba acre* to refund ihrmonnyoe
on a so-oaai
tka lata rlaa praaldant now amonnu to plant, bat that afinr atadylnc
-/rep of
"’•-Hi b* ll■nl »Bd •ipmM bf Mild
matter baa baaa bronght bafor* lb* botUe of Ureene'* W*rran'ttod 8yi
•it.Ma Praaldnkt MelCtnUy te
qatolkw b* ballarad that It «eaa tb*
ltd rllj. Ui
people,^* wUhad that tb* vote in- Tar If it fal
. Uaaontribalora
cold We
but tblsf tor tka oUy to do aad he
eibrr propmnj «
eluded ibe bondlnc for about IIT.MO tottle to prove wulriaetory or money i
* »u riebi,
Ma' ibirnm*
Onrmaay Uaboattoaand nlaa aura woold rot* for lb
more than tba price it tbe plant, ao nfnndad.' S. B Walt, BuyVe A Ra' I* Vi’S'^MWea Oeunc-ll or mie rlly
Aldorman Oarriaea aaaarad tk* meatwnraklpi w ahlnau watan.
that the ayiMm eould ba catondad at bunt.Jaa O. Jobnioo. f C Tbomp i A W. aiCKaBD.
Bnrilah hlatory. It la raportod, la to lac that It would b* bla parpoa* to poab one* to take In all tbe eUy. Be quea
ka droppad from Ckiaaco pabllc tka iatoraat* ot iba ward on t^ ooaa tloaad wbaUsar tb* prepoaitlon would
ell and wa* aamaatly aapportad by
nakaol* baoaaaa of alia
paa, aa preaaniad. Bo aloaad with tba
n aataat are, pfrjadiaod ta fa-' AUermaa Lardl*. who daelarad that rriiaraUen of tha atntoment tbpt tba
mrnf Bofland. A. 0. II. laadara ara ahoald b* b* ratomad b*l woold adrolid ba kept ont of prittioa.
aat* etroncly nttonalona la tha ward.
•Mditod with aoaurinc tha dropplaf
aod that tbara wa* bnt th* oa* tbinc
At Ibla time ba dularad tba oouaell to
^ ,^*rll«k ayndlaaw haa hoafht I.to do, and that la w vote tb* badab* onaalmona la tbU rerard.
B. O Joynt. who ba*
' aaO.OOe tom.'
ik Alabama for aaMr.Jaekun aaked If, la tb* araat of
Id tb* Campbell plaat for Ike paat
wtoUoa with*.-' l»b yaara
tba dalaat ot tbe bond* tba city oonid
Lord BtaaahatPp. Ike foraroor of lay main* In tb* *tr**to. wbll* Mr. aeren yaara. aapraaaad hlm**lf a* eopMaw HonU Walm baa bad a boral aa- CAmpball bad a fraoohia* Mr. Oamp- vlneed of tb* efllsl*Dey of tbe plant to
parlaaoa. "WhllaoB a rlalt to tha oul ball aaawarad that blmulf. atoUac leat all of Use praaant need* of to*
Uarlaa of Naweaatitha wa* antartaload that bU fraaebbe wu not eieloalra elty. U. A. Laacwtu-iby aooka of ibo
witb which tb* money oonid be
at a baoqaai la a oonl mlna >00 faat ba- and tbare wa* ao reatrlctlaB opon tke
tow tka aarfua of tke aartb
la a alty In laylac mala* for work* of tto relied if naadad in cai* th* bond* were
aot ralaad.
.Aambar PO fact loaf. It faat wide aad
B. a. Allyn rod lb* aacUoa* of tba
* faat blfh, to cna*t* n*i dowo to dinobartar that oonearnad tba lacamy of
nar. Tka norel dlB<ac-room abowad ao
one ^jllinc plaee.and after aome fortb- Ufa* ot what It bad kaaa. for alccirte •trooc Arcamenu la Barer of Totlac
Daaonnler aatopred;^
lMCbta.dtr*.atarrraaB«aDdearoaU bad I
/^UR spring line 4)f Men’s Suits ,iml Top Coals ^
tbe pMpIe tbatlf .tl'cra wa* bot «Be|^
..________._________ 1
_________ —
'. trknalormad
U Into' an .1..____
apart '
vole ea*t In favor ol tba bond*, thry ' ^
from 1,. Adler Bros. & Co., Rochesier, N. Y-, is $
Ad entbndaatic maetinc-wa* held in
eonld real amurred that It ctm blaiV^
now ready for inspection. We should like to have it ^
The American wopaaa In Manila kara thaC.B K P. d ball la tha Haoond vote
formnd aa a*aoelaUOQ for tkn dlairtbu- ward, that called out tbe rotri* and
A propoaltlon wa* mad* to take aa j M
seen by every up-to-date and economical dresser in ^
aioB of book*. rtmm.dnUoaeifla. pnja- otkar* intareatod. not from that waid upreaalon of tba volar* preaeot nc to
our territory—the economical man because this is the '
tou, ate . amoBC'life lick and woand- only but from the Third and tbe Plr»t tb* queation.
tbia Wa* objected to
«d*oldlaraaBd*allar% of tka Kalud
aad tba propoaliioo wa* not imittad
most money-saving clothing manufactured. The ha
dut ibU
Btoto* now la ibe t’alllpplMa- Sinen
bitually well/drcssed man because ,it fulfills all his ^
aka roum w tki* eouauy of Mr*. maaUnc. and after eali(nc to order
Pvu Mpert arliM lOreL
LawUa, who waa pMsIdaat ot the Aoideas of style and good taste. The harder a mgn is to M
Wbrn BCbuol rlrU ari’w contiilrntlal
noriatlM. tk* lattor ba* been reaofalc- wbiab tba rotorc war* oallmi ucatbar.
please the more anxious we are that he should see '
nt. with Mr* B. H Uaeum aa praai- latntdaoad tka prinaipal ananker of tb* with one another they aoiO' Clniea. I am
orealne. Aldarmaa Smith of to* Third told. dcM-rtbv tbe Mn of « man wbo
dnatth^ garmenu. We arc willing.^ leave it to bis own ]
ward. Mr. HMUnc* rafamd to Urn oormpoods to wimi tbe} call tbelr
Itlenl." bid you ever bappre to
Tk* aty Book Biar* baa Jwt fumlab atonaefthaa mbanef tb* drictsal "beau
good judgment whether hts tailor can produce any- )
bear what Mra. Kte|>ben A. DwucUa
mmiUa*. aad on* who «a» credited
^ kb* Mty library wlU »a rolamaa of
with ■*}!&* 00 lbl»
lbl» lopthing
more artistic and workmanlike for double the i
, for a let ••When 1 wn» si achooL” abe re^
nlattot book*
with tka I
baitor ayatam from iu rary lueptloa. marked. "1 U<wd to vow that iherv
money. . Adler Suits run in price
were ibrre kind* of n»en I brrer ruuld
Bnakar Bento n Bnkbar.
Mr. Smith atatod tkat k* waa not
br Induced to marry. . fflm, I never
J. B-OnnrMon.aaablmoftk«kanbnl aynak aa a parttoaa. bat a* oa* lator- woold marry a man wbo waa roungar
. TbnmrtUn. Ohio, kbd kann rokknd of totod la tka wailara ot tb* dty. aad than 1. fiei-ood, I nesrr would marry
kanlU ky n aartona taac trouM* nntll
B wbo wa* *tanrtrr tbnn I. Third.
tkarityaat tor
II KlnTa Maw Dlaaorary lor
. _ ’ff would marry a pellilrlan.
an. Tkw ha wreto: "It to Ito own baat latoreat* B* nrcad tkat Waa 1lb----kept my word,
except that •In
Other^manufacturers are represented here too, 1
lor a poUUm ke Uft ont of Ika qaaaliea. and marrylac
lac Mi. Dottflas 1 married a
rbo wa* quiu a* old a* L wbo
tkat anah rotor for klmaalf daeida
and we select tbe best things from their lines. Prices *
toonkia. 1 nlwaya ka*n a bottl* on
not aa taB u L aad wbo
Uhand.” Don't^arr^aoncka.aol^
of tke meet prominent poilUcInas ot
$5.50, S4.50. $5.00, $6/xx $7.50. $9-00. $1000 to $i5«>. I
nr any tkront. akaat or lane tronbU wnato of tb* elty.
bli day.wkto you cna ba nurad u anmly. Only
Baapokaofaotoaot tkaranaena tkat
Me and1 di.
Cl. Trial'
Trinl'~kotMta U eanto tkaeonaatl had tor UUblnc tkat tba
Woma'a Treahlaa.
Jna. G. Johnaen and II. B WaH'a dne
AOmainadnt CartUad. M
parekaaa ot 'tkd OampkaUCplaat waa
"My ayatam waa tarribly
adrtoaU*.at thta UmV dmctoc otbara
tad I waa threataoad urith
h* maatioand tk* dlfirel«y that wonld
kara opanad up a Wrcaia aa!
aatar^ly aria* U th*
* Ki--------------------------------» and Blood fflUa
la tk* baaamaat. Watob :
not mad*. Mr. OampkaU eeaU notba
mo wondet^Hy to p^ariM and
vMMh ^ M.000 OMrrUa* W«teM4ft7
AHtI kM taM liiUadMd la
C^gOTMWBi aakMlac
•ala lau aad
•alkaruUar ta« aap«4ltar« M •&.<00.>
«0D a( t>r»aM>a< Boaar aa U« axfC'
altfea. .
A stadatt la OolaabU aai?*iaUr.
vkowMlakaa ^ a wtak afo «iU
waai vaa aappMad to ka aaaaU
aafMiaf from uunpaa. Am a aeaaa*
Tt Bt Cirtl by tin l«y PhiHiMNi, tInGruiMl fia;■ttic Hulei of ■oderi
SiG Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
Be wise
and try one.
We wait to show fou sonethine nice ie.
From SI2.00 Io S22.00.
'Wilhelm Bros.
XiUld T»m—Uttla Tathb.
aUUkara tk* <
alcMtnre of Dr. A. W. CMnao om nvaty
bU dracffMla or
L Oa. BaBale,
B?*A”5r^i ********^^r ^
I Oor. Union and Ei(bth Sta.
South Bide Brick Block. 1
W* baa* MT*d manp deaiar Wll*
Coach Ke'madp ia oar
abotUoopasaU tta Um aad wtoa-
* M «1M bMM« Pam to «
haabaaa BirMf la Laate fMtba
paal faw faara. bM «rba Mraatlj
•a thU caastiy a* a hoalBMB mp.
It U mu toad that tb* wblM pl«aa
•Blpa. aa maeb won a**«a or «lpbt
puui apa taUd* tb* cotUr of waUtdoaia. ara a^U beUp mora or Um
•Md. Tb* wblU edpa bat'
dark matortal of tb* waUtcuat and a»a« ar foor-U-baad tie niakaa tatber a
pndtp affect bp connat. aad It to to to
bopud that tb* Caabloa will
Cat* of all faataloBa made vnlpar bp
too paoanl adoptUa. Comim.aaaM to
BOW baptaalap to bara lu affect opoo
tb* 1st wlap lie. which wa* ao i
won bp amartlp dremed ntaa Uat
aad am uuvmau
throupb uic
tbe aanp
>th* of aaiuaiB.
‘ wiir^OBP-to-------- ‘
ua. It
a BO aaiT*f»aI
d aa to^ uboo*d bp
I wbo pira most
toot audailoa to fbelr
aiure. The tl* with pdioted ead* to
abap* forutrlop
Tba aad* ar* oot ao broad aa ito bat
Wlap aad tb* knot to a lUUa Urper.
A pood OMtnp OMD anm to to gaUp
bock to tba atraipbl cut. whit*. Uwa
d* with aaaalap ctotta*. aad tb* dU-
Tiaimmqup ■arfcah
. «m U «r*fta 14 Ben.
la n...
------------ •* -n beaar baaa to
Ur ^ iaear a
r (£mbariaUV
tall* to eui*. It
Uoanalal/amcdUla* of pruat mmlt
Md w«rtt.-D. d. Uaarl^tOaaanl
Maaubaai aad ftomar. MatU*. BedfoH
eoBBtp. Pa. roraaUhp &K Walt.
ffDsnrzsff CKfio*.
af tba Coliad «iaM to all tha »
thaaUa to **. who Irft hm |1M aa
tba coaaUT waa iwavarlac trau lb*
paair M UK. Kov. laaiaod of
taaclal MUapaa.
la*MUn«dlr U«-Mm
fMMlk la MV (iMarta^ tcMv. aad with Maufactaran ba*r as thaf tea*
. R. U. OmaaatUa. Oaa fan ter
a for raara. i
ad trip. RaU
March M aad «7. Re
U iMMaa* M «ll&.(DCUlju IQ iba ralnr
aad bappr aad (mllnaMa nuhlap cm w
iBtMU M UMI a.
(taatar aad prMtar praapMHf- Thay
Vtife Iboar «f twa hat* aMtoual/ 41*^
111/, aad waatwlMd IBU/ mtaa». Km a« a Mtirr darfal «haa«M.
BTTU* aknuoPTBari
M fan Uw lean*. a> abova hr a nnKodcMMr aa tba afaaaga Boat ba ta
fa^teTrwd^^ »3?T|Sn"»
r«l aBEb-ala. far from twiaf of a laea- oa* who baa btaa aliaft fras tba
Reton ».
conatrr durlag tba Mat tbm pMn. It
r lu rraJltr $
Oao. DaBAvn, q. p. a.
viBdkstM M thr niarW ;urlt Uw caa. aftar alL bardijr ba ao aodeMbla
la lu daaJ pnrpoar at ptviarior Af to bla> aa U Ibf paopla wbd baa* Uaod
a aad aa I raartwr bara Ibrwwb It ill trbo haa*
isiaor. That art ba* doaa Jnat irbat Ibair paraobal affair* tba poaanj
tta franm rlalnad tt wuiild do. It atrtrbab. baroMtap day* wblrb Ov*
ba* flraa Auarb-so naaBtanarara a taad tariff laforB broopbl apuo tbaoi
> tba prooparoii* dapa of
l ake Warner'* Wbiu Wie
ebaara to roadurt tbrlr lHt*la«H aod :»*'■'
--------totatoa*. It to 1« oeaU. FUld
PV Ataarkmii Urlnp vapm. aad at lb*
uabotvd ia bp our rnara to tba
•to toot ooo^ rmnadp oa
a*M lltoa It ba* broupbi lata ibr L'alt-1protMilap Anartcaa naaaIt
hard to auad idl* bp and
•d bUiM traaaaiT a *noj wbk-b would I '*<^w«f* aad laborm at tba axpaaao
Littlt.TdTPm-Littlf ThTtn.
baaa l»ae ojuplp .uOrtrai
'«•>«■ ««!••
•uOflrai for all i#of
If Mr. AMBtroap bad bna oa a foor
1 parpuaaa bad It aoi boaa ...
tt* martiAltoapiN. V.) dalrytoaa called at a
tba uaaxpmad drala* Mda a)«a tba paarw' trtp to tbr arrtir rlirla or to
drop Btora tbeio for a doctor to coma
pabta- puna bp maua of tba war with Boiaa otbaf rapluo wbara Ibrra aro do
aadaee hi* ebUd. then aaip aUk with
teed Kates to ffraad Rapids aU croap Not fiadlap tb* doctor la. ba
■pala aad tin rvUdlkM la tba I'btllp- Rial! or rabla rooboctloaa. ba ailptat alBJ.«t bara bara rtruMd for tblaklap
left word for him to rw.•. K ff L
laufartaran’ tbai Mxna laaplrlBD from a fairp tala
Pot the Cbrtoilan Radoator meetlnc ^retura. Be al*o boopbt a botU* of
bad ban at work la tba couatrp. turaNarob trth. U(h and Mih tta O. R. A OiambrrlalB** Coaph Remadp. wbUh
ba bopad would plve aome ralUf nc
richad taod* fonaad la tba ordar
I. wlllaellaxemlon beheto to Oned tb*
doctor abould arrlra la a f
Rapid* at one fare for tae roaad trtp—
tba balk of tba »ltfi.UUU.UtlJ» lorrMaa «o aad Diaarp loto rntantmani bp tba
boar* be niaroed, aaplop tbe doci
to M. Tteketa OB aale March M-.h and Deed not oome. a* tbe child wm maeb
la iBipona. Uat pnr tba valna of the touch of a Biaptc^od. Tba aiapiclaB
»7lh. pood to ntorn bd<H March SOih
to ibl* raaa. howarar. waa tba IMaplap
toller. TbedruppUl. Mr Otto ■
n par raai larper tbaa Id IIHl aad Uw. wbh-b. bp BMaiiDp u ARtarkaa
Cough Ramedp to tbalr
lb* CiMtaot Ibonaaaa wrtt lb aocb produrara tba AiDartcaa uartat aUft- aPOwiB* uroTxorxLTim n iBiaiiimi
-ttarmp'a Chamberlain'*
nrUThtor* and friend* uotll be baa a
ItMM aa bMa* aad sklna nw aUk. ad ap tba nlU* aad factorW. para aaw tiart tot wlap and buucrflp ahapM an
ooeataat demand for It from that part
fwbbar. flbar* aad Un la bloi-ka. luu* Ufa to buBlaaM- aad prurtdad abaanr*lp arm. A Ua that to ito best cough remedy on earth, curce^aetdd | of tbe ooubtrp. for aale bp 8. R. Walt
aad pica. Uf ewuna tbU bip lartMaa daaca of work to tba wbola AaMflMB
or BMTlp Ito aama brMtb
ledaviftikrninUnic S aadSOcU 'dragpUi
waa dlM- aololp to tba fact Uiai ADarlpboot lu Icnptb cannot to tied
CBb MBufartarm wm> dolap a pmt*0 amall aad tipbt a kuot aa on* that
Ip Ibtnaaad baaluna* aud bad to po
la cat narrow wHh broadeolnp coda,
abnad fur much of tbalr aiatarlaL
Wjem ^udar* Sat m and tb* r**nlt la that tbe kaou an
« uwaiixn
la la raalltp a nuaoo fur roucraiulaUoa 'ba Uoaaboah
now Urper and lea* wrinkled
Pronp atis PoK.
sad aai aa opcaakw fur rpprui. a* tba
cmlop lUa bar* aguan ead*. but
It toonauuacad frua Nurtb ('aroHo*
labor coat pf tnafuifaciarr wlU prutw.
tboaa with pointad end* an frcgoeotlp
Wp at iraai oqual tbe cu*! uf niatrrtal that Uia mira output of tba rail nllta
ao tbai It would toacanelp (air
I •“ Ibat aute U coDtracied for up to
ta alBHiai all liar* uf iadaslrj
^ I Bail Octubar. aad Du Baw ordara wit) to aap that iiuc la more correct tbaa tb*
r U iba vatur of |ni.
ba lakao uotll afior that date.
I' taaterhUa BMwat
Wbkuver tbe rcaaoa. tba fad reaMue
a delUr amt u tba Awarteaa work
Bialna that turobvar cotUra an not
tVMB. t'artalBlp tba lauar bad ao ba* baaa stniop apart froa) practical worn with tb* tong, arenlnp cbut. As
affair*. *i taoat fraa tndar* do, madtloau. arealup cuai with while waintaUap upoo bU farortta ibeorp. UtU
-n g, -TrnTi o i bo Oi’by,
Tb* OaoUoeoial i
vouitUuw the fuUeai poaalbl*
• Oompav
craaaa urar tba Ubporution* uf IMW. placa of InfonnatioD. arMaadap m U amiup drcaa. ao are tbe Crock coat
of North Amariea Usaai all ap to data
tt* palB baiap aqoaJ io bInui 20 par doa* that tba aoutb I* ao leaper a pun- and wbite waUicoat (be lap notch of
pollelca. iaauriap affalnat aeeideDt and
cam. At trat tboupbl It m|pfat afon Ip DPI.................................................
aftari>i«D drea* (or man. and aa the
alekncaa, pap* Indemnllp Itm M ta IM
M tboupb tba fanbar bad aafferad bp lataraat la tba proinoboo of Aiaaiicaa
Ofloe Moan (ram 0 a. m. to • p. m. ffaa dap oalp aaeb mootb.
laduatrial Ularaala would coma aa
woeka. both abort aad kwp tmm poli
tt* UtrxMlunloD of tba -iBcrMaad
of a abock If ba abould hapcies. edao tUk^ on all tb* Undlap boa•swum of foodaiuff* laio ^taartcaa
Bornlnp .-uat one map wear wbat colbacuma
DltaU la the Oaltod RuUa. Por tall
■arhat*. but whan tba aaparala liaai*
Ur to wlU. but arpo Iban. if tbe coat
particular* •*•
•r* MtHliad It will ba found Ibal tba
U bUck. a pUlQ. bipb cvHar U prefer
fartuar ba* bad llala If aitp
Pam Ilka tbto arr prowtnp rarp an- able. To anoi up. If pou renrtet tto
Tba foodaiuff Inipomtunorcr
ttoas wbirfa taornaad aio*i la aalrn laaroBa. bowavar. aad aritbla a not poo will to correcL altbuupb coaum
Manager Northweatem MUhtpaa.Tra*war* auear. coffa*. fniJta and aula, taa
eruaCItp. MIeb. Ofleo. to^ <. TonI made It* wear e
In aucb
aad to aneb
aad tiguon. ooaa of wbl<-k to prodinner Jacket Tbeee collan are . .
dorad to aoch aa axb-ut In ibl* a^- tani that tba tnoat drtwiup of fna trad- made In a great variety of beigbu and '
ar* win wake up to flad biniMlf withttp a* to ba
ahape*. aliboupb to maop caaea. except i
• fcBowlnd Ba will atiU ha<
^redact* Of <
Pafbap* that will anf- Id naroa ifaep differ bat slipbUp oa*
ttp aumr rrowara
A. r., Ih. «™.trr. from anotber. All bare rounded corAm and Amartcan
wine aad llguor
ner«. and mo*t are lauide witb an overBonb
It aona of Ibeao ba* atifI
will join la ptrlDC to It a aatilad pollcp Upplap baud.
t of Ibr iBcnwM In leaThere are vart^ aiplee of sinlpbt;
paraiiMt, which waa dur almoat of proteciloa aad tbarafora a prnna- colUr. all moi^or lea* won-tboa* I
BcDi pn>*paHtp. In wbk-b am tba tew
ranialnlap advocatn of fraa trada will that orerUp olben tbai Just meet all.
> naabto t* auppip tba i
tbe wv up, and tbooe tbai apresd a I
^ llaiatntl.
trifle at tbe lop, either atnipbt or with '
of all, Uwra wa* *n Incmaa of
Good whMl* for aald chdflp
allpbtlr poked poloia Tbeee polnu'
caat la tbr ralar of uanutac\4fHERE ADVANTAGE LIES.
abould IM
aquan. m.i rouad, Uka,
on tim« or for caab, at
■ ttrad pood* liaponad. ibl* lam**a bo
lb* polnu of turnotar colUr*.
h lap dlrld*d amoap cotton*, allkit dhrr «•» Pm Taad* Baplaa* tadara
Praa That Pallar.
' MBDfai'turra. iroa aad atari aud rblaa
Ur. AnpuaUna Blrrali mambar of white linen, without hh. ruffle or adpro-1
aad ptao*. Thl*. too. map l«a attributed
lent of anp kind or dcecrlptloa. BTca !
In a racaot addra** at Hb«r.
to tba a*i
Ul Soath DaUa ■
pUin pique U not used bp-well dressed !
^ oast tba d
r (’rrtalnlp (ba lapbam. fi&pUnd. aald. arconUap to
I'to shirt abould bare a broad :
fbr report pubitobad bp Tba i*alJ UaU
laufaciarrr* of U»Mr puuO* barboeom with two small buttonboUa for.
tmn n..pL.l.u«
ih. 1...1 „r
tbe Btuda. and open oolp lo front Tb*
that tba I
I* arc vnadiBp a ntbar rluomp outlook fur (be ebaa- ettffa abunld to nllx-r aruall au<l nwilc
wUor-uf tbr axrtM-uorr. Hr *dd«-d that
«b*m obi of tba market. Un iba
ntber abarpip rounded or square
Prof.J. W. Chapmaa. apKMpi.ratrarp. barinp aU Jba buolnaaa tbap the man wbo could lavaot a new tax
coolly located la thU clip, i _
oaold haadia. tbap bara barb a* parhi* ofloc al tbe Hotel ^fflmmWa. tto
Colored iDornlnp shlru Jn« now art
That to bow thlap* arc In pood old
flm week
Uc has tto
tactlp mtlalled aa it to la tb« utan ct
■k of aaeb moatb. ■*
being made with suipe* manlap op
bait of refotaae**. BU prim* i
. maaklad arar to ba.
and down tba boaom and cuff* Strtpea
Tba epaiatioai of tba ninglap Uw tbr tollowara of Cobdan In Ibto conairr map to falrlp* llruad lb pink*, blues ct
bare obowu that that iDMaurf a _ _ ante u* to adopt. Tba axampic to aet Urender. The cut U practlcallp tbe
Cfodlaptp wall darUM). When Uataa lD*{dr1np. Tbr AmcrIraa pauida bar* aame a* that of tbe cmlnp ahlrt. exWar* dnU. It kapt oat tbr cbmp pouda eu onaaloo to offer a reward for a tuaa
ttot tbe boaom map to narrower,
ct Knropa and parr tba boa** maao- wbo wUI Inaaat a aaw ux aad Barer
iteat patterns 1a Imported ahlrtUpc
factarar* a ebantw; wbaa tlmn baraaia will bava aocb occaaloo *6 loap a* wa
pear In tto Uluatratloa. wbicb U re Tb* Xu*t Raeewfal and RotoatlfleTraatotmtof AU DtooMan aad W*akBM*w
atb-k It. oar pollcp of acHnp to It that
produced from Vogue, aa are tto foe*ofMaakiadFoaMbUtoObtmB.
-i- "«•
going luma of fasbloo.
tariff tow baiui probiblitve oalr wbaa I
**** A®**^**" Mrkat. Wa l..
Tb* aesi wUelr s*a m*eraMf kaew* aMsUUa la
*««cw* I* U. Utem
PrtcM wcfT low. Tba Dloxlar Uw ba*
In 30 minatd* vUU yon
PeMtr Bad ttorel Tatllaa.
«*afooa.led Ito acetwm anJ^ipooeDta. I
alrradp U
A Simple uiird poke for a baby's
WKlt-Prioff* 40 RKd •On
•Bd tba wlant of than are newwl^
drao* U lllonraied In Tbe Ladle*'
biddUp tbalr rrltbi.® mSTtat
World. It U compooed
faoti fladlap at thl. Uma
>« doa«fi ragulra
—^ tlia faull Bada7,ir2o^_ an^v darp tboupbl to darida that the ad—
r la tb* Cast I
Coloael WUUam J. Rrpaa look psla*
U a apeach at ikdombU. Mo., to deop a
a I aan m p*e east el
raCUeea weauaaak
ttc rau of wage* to to paid to mlu., rc|mt that be ever wrote a letter faDMcaARauia rarp*<
to that repton for tto Utlef part of *"■'"» * P«tecOvc Urtff on waA.
Jammrp and tba Bm hair of Tebru-1
WJTIO MU sm ead «
BIT to to • per coot above the toflo ®"'®‘
® trcoeral atttek oo all tarbddU.
lftop«,po«waw|wtlllooof lb*
TbI* U Ito hlfbrwi mie paid la that
«f 1*3. bow u tto time to
aactloa la 12 p««n. Onip ohee lo 2S
people knew it. Afaoot tbte dm*
mn waa tto rau Mpher. That waa
abould bp aap
to IflHh. wtoa a mrlke exerted It* la
•• cl^v-trd. erery buslnees esterAPCBCCCUUe aU *rraak —^im
«Ud am tody mu tbel
»HI to sbortealnp oali lo to mdp
TAtm rout pub babt's naxm.
Tto raconU of tbe PaBBspiraau and
comlap patoc-Juat like tto on*
e •* foOow*-. Make a ring of
larpb_______ _______
Km m
rmn i*» tlw mb»M tM> fMiitfj riMvad wttk
nvw uj iTwaa la tapms. wf«liH Iku f«r«lga M
r« o«w • oow tt
w. tiissstiraa*
wwtff Wins •! T«r .
Coisgltiiioi III Eiimiaatioi Frei aid SiritU|f Caifilaatiil.
B. E. OTTiMAN. M. D.
Not PresidcDtoftlieOttDiialeiUctlInstitute Co., lnli{oi,lii!li
Thursday, -
Cash Capital $200,000
- March 29, 1900
L........ V...
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
nes |XAMii!D ncL
____ «k*M !■ tb- r«af in-fnir*
ttrasce axeat Of dlmotor Mr ^ tfadbU*. tbeo 2 riapa of 12 duuWa*.
,^«ai tto fun week arbednU U' U me *^“®
•* •“ Utereatlap flpar*. If >***•.
drawlap bulb
U aU tto roUieftaaT-AI*-.^
e*Uleft**.--Alb^ '*^
•to solera who
»'tb = tbrmda lu d«i-
l'“ _____
proNwrttp.-BaffaU ?
deorHbed Joining at third picot to
j third picot of flr« ring. ConUnna UU
! there ar*I eight Urpr
and four small
rtapa. the Utter sD J<rined at thud
P p4rtat tbe dnwrp day* of tb* Wll-!
BbM tariff acarcHy a day pa**ed that
tod. mtocee* ta tbe abawd rrp of ImperialUa. Mr.
---------- -------------— tto
la rain
gDlapWp aet acarrely a day psaae* that to «»N* bU party. TbeKapnbUeaa
y U Dot estabUab.
—•----------------a---feast at tto taalephaat U «a)optap
®tt|dap tbe poke bp fllL
b PM eapht te cm bte M pactoirtU. wUU tto pew tofl ^ ^
ttif aactUaB. TbU patUta
iTbtttti P—itmfc—ttp'uamttttomM.
ff'UMtt'ttomM, —»**—>MiaUtt*<te*MpWtoffu
Half Soled
L S. FnrmH, 135 Fran Km
to* *r lb* **•■•* *1 waear* paar*.
***** *" **•**•'
Sffi** -.21.
jtia.'Sewar^L.d^iii.aKrr' i ..?* «iA«*jtTa* to <xmm a»m*
PMCtALTlPS: Oasom. mu ~
toUndltoepeaCu *d|^ y OtotoMstoTiMlato^^
Fire Insunwe.
' UL.A.. BnlMlto.
John R. Santo.
Ginral litiruM,
WantMTi BlMk
UnderUking ItoUn
SI. X X gnxAX.xnimoB. uob.
tta beadi ad bit BaMata. Hr mmnt,
«U'a Saw Iklase wall aad ton tba !*■ k.
irmto i that ba raald. u be deoirad. talk |
at O—ly waoU WWW me awatl- aiB tom.
•an M Ik« (I«) OMI a>wv*to ■ kw
b aw* a> atoU ««aw.'M i> mi i
Zmt two fon» o< • Drir dlohwufalM
mtMa* 00 coortTBctP^ lh«t the <U«Imo
w> bo rW«B^ on- holii r^ldl.v la plica
ta aroM aU daa^ *rf br*wk»fo.
MCUM to tbo tavoBtlaa of Bobm a
Pan? aad B4wia Kraa*.
Tba pawar drtrwr aurhto* abawa la
Fl». U 4aal«a«» for boute oad ro^aruU. to eotapuord of two parta. a watar roorrrotr aad * ~rw Maf«i or
baafcfd « tb* iroorrolr. WItbla tb.
water foaamolr two.cairtor firameo aro
,0OTtart tbc am* rotatlas wttbla tbo
otbrr. Tbo ootar riftlar fiaiao to praoMad with ipriif paind clip, ih^
(a foetoTo aad boM a dl* Srwly. Tha
vnh IQI—oi Ufa atowa> aiks Tbo PaH
lUn Oaartta. Anhur Kmllfa. la aana
Miafcbaa wbleb ba haa tatalx «M«a
lata tha brain |wwar of ptaaia thlaka
ba bai foand taiUratloai of It la tbo
mm toky * haw*, iiiaa* *l<li >>y ato
o^auMa world aUo.
It la writ kODWB that planta Uko tte OaTeww'ww* Weik t olwl «i*>m •
«atox. Wbirta ohm at alctit. ciooo atoa
t*m, rwUy at to* huj. (Mw* towl
darlac an arlltiof. wLUli loohi m tf
tbair BJotMorat wai Wt
UeM km *»iW« tka llM|«t« I
t M ^a' aiU. And Artbar
B*w*lk U» csM. W*t a. !U* W •
SBlib clTo. a> tbr atory of a gooocbafTj b>n>b wbU b. a brti Oeprirad of a
abHtrriua aanlaii wall. Ibraw oat a
bratx-fa wbk^ oiada lu way to a thick -«■ bmdw.
to W toVw-l Ttw*! tawi
fcdlasad tnw tuorr tliao a yard «S. altbootfU In
H> It Itad to clUab on
a IwrHar of brk-k*.
• I
It to atoo to be noted that ebtorofor
aad other anawibetlca hire proetoo.
the name eBeet u|»o caniiToroM aad
to pata from tbe llcjuld to the cryatalUae ataia wbtoli preaneiia ao maoy analociee with iliai of veceinbk- life? Thoa
tbere may be rraaon for ililuklnx tbal
o Bome Bba|>e or anoliier csteDda
Ibrwifb the wbolf of uatun- and that
oven iBorcanlc Iwdlra may prove to be.
aa Ancuit Comte, tollowloc Uiereln lb*
NcoplatunlatB. iboiiclit |>o«lblc. "auoccpUble of will and fcelinc-"
taUe. Tbe water raaervolr
bealed ta say deaired maauer. Tbe
laveatora rtaira a speed of loorc tbaa
oae dlah per aecood for ibelr powi
Aivan macblaa.
The amsller hand driven Biocblac
Bbowa ta nc- 3. dealcBod for family
naa. dlS*ra from tbc Drat In aome delalto of eupatruftloa. ^ A alacto carrier
fnta» to aaed coataiainc arinlcylin
drlcal aoctlons almllar to that lyini
bealde Uia macblae IB I^g- 8 Bach
naettoB ceoatou of two blaced outer
ib*ra and a nanikar of bertonaial
wirrwork tnya. nppn wbich tbe.dtobea
an ptoced. RniabM on tbe outer portloa of the fnme pass over the outer
anrfaea of any dish placed on tbe wire-
ktoatar. atoaa or marble. U a haadaoma
!“* -aaalbla form of wall dw-oratloa
*» rrowln* in iwputor fator. Tbe
i tans paneilnc. bowerer. I* aliuoat ay• oonymoiaa w«b wood paoeUaf. owla*
to tbe fan iLai It to Ibe uioat
6ee* RWeeti el Clnalnw.
Many luetlhwl iiteii arc now rreonmendiDC tbrlr |>attoiiia to aithly alhC*
lac. which to a uMivt Kaliiiary eterdao,
boib by virtue of lu lolloeuce oa Iba
OB (be rckiilraiury novanenii and <« tl>e devclo|imoat of tb*
luBca aaya ibe »i. lx>uto Glol>e-DemO'
craL Noililoe better allows Ibe bene
ficial InHucm-c of alnyiiic lu developIBC the chcHi and warUInc oB lung
diaeaaes Ilian Ibe frceiloui from pulmo
nary aBecilona aiuong professional
alngera. Moreover, ibclr gi-ncral health
is excepiloDslly goml. auil ilito to prob
ably Ml a lafTr measure aitrlbuUble
not only to ibclr uccesurlly careful
plan of lirinc. but also to tbe exrrclaa
of Ibelr calling. Korn.- phyalrlana matnUln that for ilcfeotire cb.-at develop
meut and lu ehrouic been trouble alnglug to au uuci|iiale<l cxerrlae. Tb*
sluger aboiilil be clad ao aa to allow abaolutc fn-eiloin of tbe cbral movelueula, 1'bcre abould be no conatricUon «r the neck or watol. ’nie eoDar
aboiibl be low and ample, and If eo^
aeis are worn they should be roomy
and hwm. Hue error Into wbleb aiugeta. and eaiiectollyamatcura. fall to to
piacClo* too much. Tbe length of time
10 be given lo tbe exercise dependa
mm-li upon tbe cbaracier and conditio*
of Ibe voice.
KvilB ot ai«ht «B«a.
*■1 sbouiluate nighi parties for chil
dren.’' aaye a pbyskiau. “I believe ev
ery ptayak'lan doea. It to nut ao mucb
the expoanr* au<l tbe eatlug In
ulgbt and the bad aaaoclaiioue formed
lot a high class eon possiblyi. but tbe
breaking Into ibc sleep habit, hlannity
bad to it for clilldivo to study lu the
evening. It gorges, ibelr brains with
blood.-«an»! If they tl.yp they dreai
d a little paiteni of 13 yearn wl
was wastnl and ner«oui and who
dreams were filled w ith bis probken
It waa a marvel and a pride to I
pareoia (bat tbe youngsicr worked out
ttrlrr"* to wash diabea of aU klada. aard prubleuu lo bla aleep such aa be
aa waO aa kalvaa. forks aad apoooa tailed to tuaaier when awake. But be
Public tarn* madt by the tuTeniori came oe«r bla final problem I locked
bars dnoaatnied tbe atIUty of tbeir op bla hooka ai 4 o'clock. He must not
touch one arier bla supper. He mast
play and romp and Ibrn c* <o bed. He
BSrMtr tmm Poe Carw.
to now robuat. You cannot-emphi
nte I ad las com propacanda at
too stronriy tbe m.voblef of childrea'a
parts upualtiou and the couveationi Btgbt siody.~
' iwcoBdy bcU la tbe we-t In tbe In
taraat of cm producwrs have biuncht
•alalne aa* Malaria.
out tb* fact that orer 2U Imporuat
la an anicle by l>r. Uooaco la tbe
peodacta are aow Btanofactured from AttI del Llacel oa U>e acUon of quinine
cm On* of the moat Imponaat ( ‘ oa tbe pamolte of oialaria It to sbowa
nia to dtoUlled apint^ the demand for tbal certain sirengUis of the drug
wbleb baa Incrraaod icreatly aluee ‘
eauac ibe exputolou of tbe paraaltes
tareniloa of ataokebm powder, fa
fron tbe red blood corpuarles wl
manufacture of wbirtb the aplHti are tbe parasites are In tbeir second
largely ttsad. Among tbe other prod- adult Btace. There neenis to be atlll
wta nwdc from corn are mlxloc c>bome donlii aa lo tbe exact doae of
voa*. rrysul clucooe. crape aucar, an quinine wbleb ought lo i<e administer,
hydrous rape aucar. a|>cclBl aucar, ed to eBe«-i r iire of aiwlpg fever, and
paari ataivh. powdetwd aiarv-U. rvflued tbe amoBOt seems lo vary with the pegrlta. flourlne. deatrla. Knitob cum. cullaHUea of varioti* iiatleuls. Kruto
Bvanulatad cum. cum iwaie. vom mU ibesc experiruciile. boarver. li would
cm oil cake, rubber anliatltote. ctuteo appear that the dows ususll.v given a
feed, chop feed. gluiHi meal and corn excessive and tbal a more rational do
gurm. With Ibe premt ect>no«
would lie iMween balf a gran and
a parttoto cram of (be htouipbate of qnloln*.
Tjmi firoac aobtilonv seem to canse
WHUac la Knowtodee oa the moou
aa a dytag world. Mr. Tapper aaya that
atesagtb St Atamlnl
with tbe dlmlauUou of tbe water and
le raply to tbe quevqlou which. It ta
tha atmeapberlc gaaeu tbe decay of dy mid. metal workers frwinenily
lag orgaalama would be more and mott "^’hat to Uie atrengib of alunilnlnm?"
says that
detayad. Stnrecb* mtal dl«apt>eanac« The Alnmlblum World
Id says
tbe atmaepta|re a* currenu vaa P«a- aluniinluiii i ■ bIhmii equal ^ atreaetb
MUy extol.-and'tb*«iie*t. licbteat dam to cast Iron lu leusioa. while tn rcstotmum ramatu etmally uadinaibed.
It la tvmiiwratlvely
There to no body araee
wrwk. t'nder transverse strain alumtakebt than dnrty divided carlton parti- Inio Is not very ngld. Ihii It will bend
-etoa, bene* tbmr latewaely black aspect, BMrly double before breaklnr Tbe tesla the *Mta*' of the umon we may, 'alle streogtb of alumlnlam to crmtly
ghmafwn. have large arena covered by
carboMcam dam. «ba lam temaiaa a(
Tbe .Graywiwi were annoyed, and they
bad coed lea-on u* be- Tbrir rkpeokee
uu.i-1 «... ...-am. Ib«.u,
lac fuatly and nut au anltalde for otdl-
aato Harria. wbo waa aa- ,
Ibe walto of
alytle. "a* If Mr. HoUncer bad )o*c !
1*^ au.yyy.
inted a famfl.t aad a» If be bad -laid : aamU inoiem room*, and tbe onilay
r tbcMt^i al
-to rek-braicreb-brai.- and a>
a if be I r»cnlr«d for Ibe purebaat' of Ibr beat
temily wa* to-to
kaew iD.I abai be -aaled ibem tn do,»,ii p,p^p. ,.^1^ u,, advantacea aiw
a« every riwa oeraaiou.
1 ......
John F. On & Co.
that «e are J.Jqc Jmt a* be iukiauatea **
k'wplBf out Ibe .v>hl and. feva
that we abiKikL I*b and tua are hto obe- j
decorative point wf view. It ba« ilf
dtost Uavea. I never knew aoyiblac ao i t«aL aueb aa raaLncany. w alnut or caU
fonny. l*a. wbo to bcMvd
to ctoatb by Vauty of cdor and veluiwit. coupled
Btevenwat- haa beea readinr bi> totlera ; wtifa a laolinc effcy i
Tb^very slm|i|e<1 immIIqc to oT
imrsl/or palatine or atalolng.
tTffiPAYDIGGDEST^iS:S-^’“^- ^
dowad with Ibr pofer of vobfttary
tBorment that they have upon Iba aaV
beraforc. tbo
JetlDce doao not remove Uaelf-fro* tha
Clutch of tbc ^rdener wbo to folag to
cat IL It tnay beaisued tbai It U mere
ly bacBuaa it cannot mow «iulcLlx
But doea Dot aonielbiui: of Ibe maa»
port occur ta tbe wlnenil world Alao»
Lord Kelvla baa aliowii iluu metallic
wlraa wbleb have ke-t Un lr elaitlclty
from contincMito pirain will reinln It if
toft two or thiee weete iu a atatc of
». Aad wbai to tlw inykierluua
tbc outer aurface belpB ctoanacd by
bmabca moaoied lo tbe reaerrolr. The
two carrier fratfiet ate ao mounted
aad coanectetl by caaHoc that the
lBB*r bcusli rarrylnc- frame roiataa at
a Bpeed nuny llniei that of llie outer
“dteb carTTlnc frame, lu tbe cover of
tbe aiacdiliK two opeaiiica are formc-d
—on upper feed apralnc and a lower
dtorbarte opcnlac. Aa tbe dlabra are
placed In the feed openlac tbe clips aiw
amomaUcally ope^ by apreadara
aaouated la tbe cover to receive tbe
dtobes. Tbe dlaliea la rdtsllnc
tboroQBbly benabed aad washed,
tbey Rwefa the dtocUarse opeitlnc
tb* mafkilarr and placed item ea tbe
bl«iy table for iWbeaeBt of tbe family.
He took It tor tranied tbal every oae
Woald xe to cfaorvb Punday inorainc a^
actaaBy rw all the Crayaona la tbe way
• • • ; iL He even took tbe ebottk
kr rraaieti
lied, aad aa hla
d to bra
SicMssan ta
Iranrse Ciif laalw Ca.
Trinrse Citr,
aptaiuB tbaltl wa. uoi liter.lure,I'* «*•«*'«>«». bor dlulnc r,w,m walla.
Be CM as far afirr a tiuir that be an- ^ Instance. If sialuesl xns-o and poldartoiA to see to Ibe wtailiDc uf the tobed. or sialned .«ik amt left un|>uleiorkk auil Ibe hw-klax o( Ibe duoe. at tobej. it Is a aensiUr and bvcomillg
alcbt. aad be was a1«ay» <* band lo ae- backcrwmd.
,1, • iduw•.i*
• ■ ««‘«g , This, aealn. looks equall.v wvll palntIf they V
u^rovided with
^ especially while, ami '.■an tw' used
or ball, while
the fault of (be Graysuoa-it
«ss the fault of tbe ln.-on>*. Nor eouM
they find say aolutiut to tbeir jiroblviii.
Best to be had in
ui Kr «.J, 1.H «
Uli« -"—I- —!■- .1 •
I- m
Ta Orayaao bad bnw la Ibe stioe
molding* ui>»d the ptaMcr alHive ibe
tbe railruail ofilre fur 1ft years, ptTAfutj of DaibrrUaw
the city is at
-It I. essruttol tbal they sboold look Bklrttug aud m«t bum a< Wo.nl.
and (he llk<4ibo.Ml sra> tbal be would ba
after tbeir faealtb." be Mkl le their
The appearance to en-r.v l-ii at good
(bare tiu be filed. IIU natary waa mS mulbrr. aad Ma Graywui admittad that If tbe work Is .kilirulto d-ue.
etoalk-. It rmuaiaeO tbe aame }«wtrrday.
quilr as If ibe kies bad arret oc | There are also veneer, of real Wood
lo her before. He told oril to
t,,r ,1,^ pun«se. See samplea in window.
auihto, .born btm.etf. One wooM bare :
^ ,htn as to allow
Mid. If oar *,**'a* readily
lerw, grew older and Graysoa.
' aa wall paper.
Ibr MM'ial posiiuui ofr 1Mrs. Grayaoa beTbr solid wood paneling to, iKiwever.
more SMuml. ll wae diO.oll —
much more imirartani iu eB.-ci and I*
fierolF talniaeir to oifaers.
Ibr Grayeou* Id lin
“He U oue of Ibe fined ccBlletB-a
atuoubi tbal lbr>
cunfonable old da*, wfani ilw xirU w.-rw
ursc. ontly. bui one
Unto aud (be ouly Ibougbi tbal I>biUp after be bad bees iu the bou.e Ibnw - poltobotl
rsysou and bu wife had wa» lo give mnuib-. -To be like ilial—always so
e of plnr. wbleb can
tr litllr ihiDC. a few silB|.li- }>l.-as«irra
! be prlmevl and siaimvi.
boaoraUe-oue luu.t b. lo Ibe mai
Prompt, careful and oourteeo* aUaaud a ivmiUMD edm atioo.
Uoo. The atrougeot and olrieoi fire la.
It wcMild Iw uofair lu a<v-uw Ibr Urayuuihlng
lea Id tbe world roprowjOs
rx'ravaxalnw, Tbr giri> .sHitriv
surpass ibe auft, rich tunes of aeuiert in mr ageney.
bad Mime liMp-riux tli.irli
rd Ibrir owu frcHka. aud Mr.,
wonderful ••o.A. oo they
f belp. Jwl -till lb.
p IHI Ibr lline^iaiirti <aiur never talked -oiii al-iut bi* aBsira. as l‘a
oruing Grar-ua opiD..I ib.t a frank man aboulil.
The rirat *r the apelwa Mats.
They and al-re all be argln-t.-d to coufide
Show window- are brlglit with tbe
Ibe wviiree from wbk-b hi. ready tnuney
came. Il wa. bard for pa to e.varlook carlirst faucii-s uf tbe milllneia nud ib*
group depleted give* a very good Ide*
V, loi
Tbr llraywoi. got babiloated to him of tbe al.vh-a. The tmisl of titesr UcW
1 dear pa.
bat- turn up from ihr face
1 duii'i kuow nnmsh to Iracb." i-oni- la litoe. Tlo-.r l-.-aDie ai.-u.lumrd to
bim drop a ibermumeiFr io tbc
No. I to a large lial of rlark grwn*
plBiB<vl M*r.-la lo {wr inMbrr. -| .np- baviiig
to see th.i it wa. ioM rirhi. >.> hav- straw, tarnlug up abarply lo uue alila.
pu..- Ueii|..-| }UU UOI pa u.ulld Iwwr lu bath
iaC him li»k up (br weather |i .-.lo-iiunt
S2£B? .-8S£6B3fi«gfe83
Die niirkiuK 10 a -loir, .kad i buveu'i a and advi~- a- (•> wreie. aud to bi.-fine
IsleUI iu the world, iiulea* il i> for U-iug solMinde in regaid lo Ibelr iniclleilual
auiB-lpC-aud the uul.v way I cirskl giH
aiiylhiug uul uf tbal qiiewlkuiable arc<.|Uplidiioeul auvld W lu «■> u|N.D iLe
For Fire Insurance
., . ."s
nUmllM. 'PUnTI.
urui ftipidi t Uimi-it}.-
.Vhy. Marcia." Mid Mb i:ra.VM>u IwpmacLfuUy. "yMi rrall.v tuu-i ud talk
-u nvkk-Mly- V»u aluiu.t abia-k ine. uiy
-Oh. il I dklu'l quite du it. uiauiua.
ywg will fMgivr sue. 1 feel .l.-.-ply. I
D1U.1 rxprea. Biyurif wiib vclo-uiro'-e.
Yuu uy w. arr iwu uioutb. Ix-hiiiJ wvih
Ma llrwyMi nuddi-d deje^-tedly.
-It mu.l have taken a cmal d.wl of
tympBiby oa yanr part, dear lu.uxo-.'*
cried Udrir. kiwiuc her uioiber to taka
Uie -tiug out uf h. r wurdik "to vu.vveJ
lakios two gill, aa uilrrly u<wk-aa s. <
1 are f.
lururd ^
Urwy-ou. wiib dWuil;
simply I
dH-ply i>jiue>l tbal >oti
aad 1 I
have la
br niadr svquamt.-d at all wub our rui-
Tbr giH. toughed al lua'. digniiy.
They told her «lo- was a d.-ar old g-.w.
and Ibry rumpk-l her hair up aud polk-d
ber tie arooud under ber eai and lra><d
brr UU she befced Mr meivy.
Il waa tbrrveuina uf tbe day on whii-b
this odjreraaloui urcurre.1 ibal (Mele
cam* rvtooUiI down lu tbe dtoner laid*
wiib Ibe paper iu ber bainl.
"Lislep lu ibi.r' -be •rie.l, " 'Wautrd
— A n-Bued aad culNir..! b.Miie wln-re a
xeaUemau cas live a* a paying curst aad
where uo boarder, are itken."'
-Welir a.ked I'a llraywoi rather .-uld
ly. Hr wa. alloctber too |>rv>id fur 1
man wlib a auaelaslic -story.
-Well, dear dad. ibal ia for uv Tb*
boarder.—noi -uu aay
ptvo.p.iu.-ed up.«i llMWi. The queUuD of uiuno.t Iiev..| an~e, leiwren tbeni.
Once a montli Mrw. Ijrwr.cui n-.Tiri-d a
rbei-k hr mail .igne.1 ''l.icblun llolio.
get." Klie r.-oliin-I t» «eiol uo ro«-etpl.
Rbc lik.d Ibal wa.r of .loiiig bu-iio-aa.
Rbr (hioicbl .vll loi.iiv-. ongbl lo tw cm.
duclr.1 with eipial delosi-y.
Ope d-v, III (he gt-eut di-t re«. of all
tbej fatmly. Mr. Il.dini.-er M I ill. Tbe
malady d^elnpe,! intu pueuu.i
a furtslghi be imueil reullyr away, unconiH-loiis at the !*•( and tberefore iin
able |.p giv.- dire-'liun* or infunifatiou.
Tbe Gray^iii. w.ve yeipb-tcd aU.ut tbeir
deny. They knew ..f n-i friend, or cvUUve* uf wboiii lie M-.-1 po,.e.M-J, So
they pt-u-ei-tle.! In make arran.-emi-oi for
(be funeral, and (lu-y pnldi.|..-d (be fart
Of bi. di'-(li in all (far u.-w.imi- r-.
Hii* toiler ac( bn.uglit a rr-|»Bs« iS
tbe way of an iiu|Biriau( atxl Oiuti wiad*d m-n of ini|Hoing pp-B-io-e'. wb-> arriv
ed al tbr l.raysou hoii-e ia a disliBilly
larbryiiue*- <-oi»]itioii.
-IWiRold I’olly!- h.- wept Uben be bad
been afiowo Ibe l.-l.v «|u.u bi* reiitva.*.
UltoB dial be v.a- a frientl. -| eao'l bcDr ie be .. jvally gone: t»b. the raacal. io
leave in., after all ihi--e year*' I Irtod
U pvTwoad.. him ifaal It wa. unfair to me
— I dido'l know bow to do wilbont
you koow- bui he wouldu'l li»li-u to ivi’~won: said In- had slaay. waun-d lu be
trealed bkr a real genlb mau. Wbateeuld
1 aay? Tbo beggar bad au kiral Ifbr
aanied'lo live up lo it. I bad no rvebt to
tvfu>e blui. bad I?-Kxcusr me. wir," -aid Ma Grayaun,
“bui h U uot quite Hesl'to iiie whal tbe
reUlioD* were belw.w-u you and Mr. Hdtlager"I beg your parduu, luadam: I Iboegfat
uew, HoUy I
Sifi»2 Sgfi
' '
S2)£6i£«S«iCSfiSSJI :SSS8t
-«oai> krYtAS I!( Kgw kaxw
Orolabw! w'iih wiiiall light green ahafi.
cO learn, while cruiD|A«-l can de nil
taffeta l-iw- api-rar bciuwtb Ibr briia
aad oo une alilemf ibe cn.wu.
No 3 AD old tvrar-lraw lu<iue. Huw a
of straw apl«-at In IWw-lia.le-of vieUX
ruse, while a |mle riwe -hiIu knot
ibroiigli a small lon-kle and
forma tbr center lo a liow of fentfarra.
No .T A hat ef beige haJrvl.Hb. tbe
crow n formed of a puffing of lUv belgr
taco, similar .-olured law limrs ibebrim.
riumea lu a darter color.
No. 4. A |>a-i(M greea straw ebapeaa
trimmed with pastel blue ihousscllue
■^owa. Tbe slra»
a tbe one aide.
Tbv ( » e w irwla ka> pwelar vwr M> pTWi
Kwi'id-. sBd -levpiac aw* an* vuwvk Oraod
lug rwr Chlragw w Urwsd MwpMs’wna vbalraa*
Twatoamtiag wiawap la ksswkato cw gb
Waya*ieiira^SwpW>atto vkalr ear (iran*
*" *^CC MraaAY.Agewt
C t. LOCaaruOB. t> P * T.A . UrwnU KapM*
Pm lirqiette Riilmi
to^V^diarimnlou. ?ir .wu bs«r Ibe big
front ro.ua with Ibe al<v>ve off. Uar.va
I Vlelweta** Tea
and I will be Just a* r.nnfor1al.1e In Ibr
listed il
. 'PU
PM ’ A ■
like lu get bul I hadn't lb<- Iwail to way *
back rmxn. aad anyway
Tb* courier wlm lu»ka after tbc cotn- 1,* Cklesgc
ilb.4. Voiue. he dear came (■.■ar edu.-almg aie. .toil u> think
tbe .wuiilberTi
fori of tjuren Victoria wbcii she leao-s { Detroit
Uwks s6d tod nw au-a-er this adrertiae- hetodeadr Il waa Kxwelbiug of a ahu-k to Ma ber own home baa given an accuuul of
-Rul br aigbt nut like aa. Odelr. and Grwy*..n. wbu. il will be renn-oil.ered. what her umjeoiy require* for ber tem lArPvmskay. isamp
tbea tblnk bus inunified we vroukl be.
dra- il->ut being lu Ibe porary abode. "The (lueen." be iaV«objected M* llrsywn. wl H>. il U iinnccIt II (teligble.1 (br girto.
-must have a bouse of fruni Htotu hay ' L* TrareravOy.'
B.-'O-lunied to
• expisiu.
iiau whea we to rooma. It must atatKl blgli->cveral Ar BlkBopM*..
i-ea of lifo.
. .
"Il duewn't autler
Lv Bk hopiaa
.1 head and whal uaiuv y->u call biiii by We dost buodred f«*t al«ve ibe aea. It must Ar
Odelr threw back ber
object lu hi* Mug a lalei. He waa a -not be In a towu, and Ibeie niu-i be
eitestlve private gronads aiiacln'd i*
-t .bail answer tbe adrertlaemcot St dear, .and we abail .atwa.v. lore bl^i."
oB'e.*' site anmuMxed.
ludeed It wunld have l--eu a great bap- It and good road* for driving in tb*
aWO DgRATn.O P.i
Ten day* later Ibe -paying fiie<t" mo*, plhewi In biiii 'VKild be have knows bow aelgUborhood.
Oran* Ba
cd liiifl Ibe tlrarein paw-und from with Biarvr^ be wn« urourned. A*Sfor hto
'Tbere are certain thing* ibsi alwa.va
akviVF. The noniug was a srv^niu* u
fortnn.—and il waa a»t cuntemplIUe—it accoioiiany Uie queen whenever ab«
dmaking. Mr be *ia* |ws..-sBed of
waa divided among tbe band-mne Gray- go** abroad. Tbeae Inclode ibequeen's
great deal of i»>|.edlinenia, (pelndiiic
SOB girl- atHi tbe man be had served fu* bed. her own favorite cwsy cUair and
Urfr genw d<-sin>yiua water filler. H
alBuat half bla llfetiine.
. • fooCstooL'a special table, all the plats.
aarnr was Liahlun llolinger H« w
-lVs> old Iloll.rr' waM tbe
Tvi^otsri Wadnaoday.yom ll,M>.
glasi and china (bat ahe re60 |■e^faB|n. au ideh uver »U feci
bad M-n Hnlinrer'a msaler. "He bel|e
brlgbi. y.-ry ibln. a iriftr Imbl. very grarc- ed Ur uut JbsI In (br alck of (inre. 1 w aa Qhil'^. her carriage boraea. donkey
fal. Ilia V.die wr> low and ma.i<-al, and insi at Ibe rfid of my string. That to like | cbalr and donkey. barncM
aad «tber
bamcM and
be spoke wiib n.«irv«ble rarcfalnroa. Holly He w-a- alway*
lway> belplug om
nw- out.’ |i aevoutermeou. a arbeoi
wheel chair,
cbalr, sundry
A. a.je.a
■ wa.
1* not a ' pleiure* aud a small cellectloa of
Which, all thing, emuddeied.
bad eptupb fur -........ — -Cbb-agn Tribitude.
______K. Drpsv
O^ams refa b*
-1 eannot anfli..to«lly thank y<
said, bowing kiw over ber haniL -fer
yoor condaess ia axteadiut your
Tb* minister leito tbe -(..ry bimsHt.
On* plBi Of risen dough, a half eapHe bad been calleV npun tu alteod Ib* ful of butter, a coffer cup of sugfer.
keep tb* funeral
..... ............_
-Tbr qualm ihius ■
of a . wife
aad ayutber. and. com- throe eggs, well bealm. a pound uf
Jeat op." Od.-toa.id lo Marcia Bat late* , tag bum* frum the grave, be r
to (he Koaed ratotna cwrofully flouivd. a Utabr repented her
tbe rote Mr. I rarrtogv arllb tbe U-reaved b
Hollnier bad a-umed did n.4 appesr . rtotter'lMd”«;-d.''.;;rai;;rTu-r'^.2i:
If il wa-. It w*. Ibe nruat d*B- tin*, and ibe rlergymta t.-li ibat It waa
^ **
eonaisiewcy. rmco
la panA. let rtoe t& mlDutea and bak* la
cair form ofniatedy. Rvery nlgbl at din- bto duty lo oB(
e coaauUtwa (■
. <• m • II
ser time be got ialo
iaio bla dreas suit rUI Pa kmeiy monraav, and be wa. laraluc *vet •
N tri to m
ha-l Ihree tu (be baUl of b bi.
Gray-.^ wbu faa-l
•I* to ».
II m * Bi
sltttog'd.>wn in hi* office ckKbe* and la a mau begaa to apeak slowly aad tboaghl
A Root War tm a*rv* Oewwswa.
more or tom diaberetad enndiliun. follew- fully.
Peel off tbe skin of tbe orange: IcavdMaoWMOtMOtarmanW UUliwMaMb*
m^ma^. to ona (ram a—ar aalB*
•d bi. exaD.|.lr. Moreover, (be cv-Dverm-I -ghe wa* • good woauia
be said, lag oaly a band rotutd tbe middle abont
ttoa at Ibe duinei laW* saaoued a higher i ‘'gbe look good car* vf my
^ aa Im* aide. Ulvlde the orange Int*
tone. Petwonallric. com* tu wwm a Hub took good carv of my chiklraa. and .... wee
oat of place, a trWe B bred.- Mr. Holla- 4*ra*d my ooeka." Thra he draw a bog
gw WA. fond of talUaa abnai geaeral Waotb aad cowriafied. with
wvmus '
'M f
[I; 'ilS
iSiS .^-lE
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