The Morning Record, November 30, 1900

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The Morning Record, November 30, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




—rvlct Up To a O-CtoOc »<»ry Mamlwg

ro«of 400 Si
Bo«r*At Da



INIiAiy. Sor. »-Tba efty
MntBd MBBeskBB tbia aftm
aM fo«clrt|Baa.aBd pMnby aa4»ii yl.i I ^

Tba iBoa was fast i
to and. aad was woe oa ito Marita by
&a batter Uaa of tba twa Bat tba

Smwtion inCapa Colony Now
Hora Padlous Than Cvar
Mmml ■%« •# TW. nto* t* Brtuai

TSAmn orr. iac&,

An Indian Myatartoualy Dlaap>
paarad From Suftona Bay

Haa'Not Baan Baan Bhsca Sat­
urday. Nov. 17th


aa»aabl Baerm Hei TieaMi m4 Aeha
^rmra wm Beilr Faeadri B

El«v«n DMd and Porty Injured


feisat. xotkicbkb





A TilepliiHie

Tleteria, Nor.
by a dtotyiAooa wbltA ucorred at
Tosna. during the lattw week of
Tba atowa laMail two day*.
liee flelda dawagwd a



at wonderfully
low prices.

^ Tsvfsto.'

A atlaotog ladlaa aad aupeoted Vary Plea. CM Oama,ltoUal
foal pl^ offer the ebtof atonwiM ta
a myatory whtoli agitatoe SattoBs
e It HO.
WhUt Watmtaa IBa* BaU tUM fram Bay.
noon oa the Twelfto
Tap aT atom Wai
A wert ago tori Satarday John
e of toeffaeou
AadrawA an ladlan. beoame engaged
to a drnkiiMi taw with eeretal othm
wltti two

erer played <m tbe
• at
«aa Fiaaetooo. Not. »-Whlto '
mbool Ham
or Btoaatfaatota. ll ta i«ar eoaaoto- 000 people were watobta* the bl(
MgfatfaUy aad was to a pretty bad of this eity aad Petoakey came to­
tkw that tba BriOah .hara alOM footlmil
gether. and a battle royal easaed.
4 tba lowli -aftnr Ch« Boat* Berfeely tba roof of tba Baa Fraaetoeo ahape before tba affair was ortr.
Andrews wn tori seen ca tba night wbtob reralted to a Tietory for tba
4 wllbdiawa.
A Paelfle ctoaa works, oa wbtob
6 Ham. byaaoore of 11 tod. afof tbe troabto aad for a Ume bis abAtto oMfclw aaooM oaaMt tali to aaal baadiad nwa wera eoecra
me of toe gbasest oemteaH erer
s was not tboogbt atoonge. WitbI tba
Ootooy tvrolt to iret a free Tlew of tba gaam,
the paM few diya;. boweTer, aa tba
wUdi la
to. oarryliurmora than a baadred
4amcw. Tba tratfa' to. aeoardinit aad boya down apoa a wbita bot Indian tailed to ap^. toqolry
ore to the entile gaarn. Tbe Petoa
to tb« Boat lallabla laforMloa. tBcaaoa below. BleTan are reported made aa to hU poaaible wbereab)
boya showed tbemaelTea to be
Ibat tba altaatioe ta Oapa Ooleay 1a dead and more than forty badly to- bot be eonld net ba looad.
It la now belicTed that bf baaeltbar etoan, ptooky playero, and a more
BOW mon porilooi tbaa at aoy tine Jnred. Dr. «an8el of tba bcwplml
inly lot of ptoyera netet
oUwa tba ootbraak «T tba war. The baUarea arteen laore wUl die. mak- died of bis wonada, or Ibat be
tbe field bere. Thera
followed OB tbe algbt to goettitm
barm bemtnjt policy la tba Boer'a Uiit the fatalitiea W to alL
diqMMod of. Tbe^ the best of feeling daring tbe eotiie
(noatty to baTiiw a aataral affaet aod
At tha north side pf tba bnlldtoy
tbe Prtetoer team lesre
It will be aarpri«intr U tha Brltlali aa- stood the gUst famaee. thirty feet totter theory is preratoat. aa it is
a tba tlUamiBa lit wbtob Ibay bava loag and twelae feet wide. This argned that ba woald hare gone borne golden optoioni behind them.
Tbe Tianor* came in on tbe noon
the night of ibe tronble if not
iiwlitioal ]«eo>|>i- famaee was directly anderne)
train, and were eaeorted to the Howl
tatiatt a rabaUioti whlab will aareivly point wheie tbe roof gare aray. The interfered with.
Tbe antboritlee of LeelaaaB oooaty Oolnmbto. where they enjoyed to the
loot all tba military
beat oa the lop of tha faraai* at tba
toll the bonnHoos tare proTided by
Atriaa. It to not Ukely tha Boara will time of the anoldeat arms ^00 degrees were aotifled of tbe affair aod ye
Undlord Borden.
Promptly at 8
beattampl to hold tba prlamart Ukao famihelt This la where at least fifty
an toTeetigattoa. Nothing ctoBn o'clock, all waa ready for the oomat Daweladorp, aa tbia la bo looK^r fell when tbe root oared to. Bat
ru learned bet tbe Tillage an- .enoement of the game.
tbair poney, bal tba m^aal affaci of for the timely aid to the orlppled and
The bewoty. qaality and low'
A good crowd waa present. Thetba blow to Brltlah praatifta wlU ba half
eonselona nafartanatei tha thorltlM are aiding to an endearor to High aoltool boya of thU city had
jirieea of oor pianoa give oa the
aoWe tbe mystery, totereattog derelBooa tba Isaa aerloat.
dmtb Uat woald hare been tripled.
medal of raperierrity withont dls• ImadoB, Not. tu—Roberu haa ra- ■Tbs aoene presented was almoat like optaentoaie etpeoted to a abort time. managed the game aa it sboolil be
imie. We stand at the bestd of
managed, and not only cleared the
porlad to iba law ofloe from Dewau^ that of a atonghler bonae.
■ jirioed mosic dealer*.
$37.80 goaranteecl H tbe riailors. bot
dorp that a Rarrlaon eonaiatiDK of twc|
and unr growing list af aatisfied
will |nt away a snog liitie nc-at egg
g«Ba at tba Sixty.alffbth flald taatiiv;^
costomer* Jostitles oar standing
(ram the iuucT4di of tbe game.
a of Oloaehaatorahlra
Mleaa era I
claim—"the lirsi for the money. "
Flrat Ualf.
rimeBt, tba HlKblaad Iwbt tDfaotry
Depplr tW
too AaMber Watsatoea) nswU of
Everyihtog in ... .
TtsTerae City kicked off and the
I Irtob riflaa. a total of 400 mon.
■e t:alTsaslW Vamardar-Besa
ball was adranewd almost to tbe ocmd at e 40 p. m. Nor.
)rfO(bar Gamas.
-Oar laaaea wan Ifi kdllad and
ter of the fteld by a good ran. witli
ot. »—For tbe ttoe toterferenoe. Then a taaM play
WooBdadl Tba latlar iBoladad Malar ■tMtal U Tim KorWat Rmoad.
Brat tima to many years cm Tbanks- was tried by Petoakey against ThackABaoB of tba Htofalaadaca. Oaptala
Ohioage, Nor. S»—Obtoago admtolsglrtog day tba oolUeriea to tba Uaxtogain waa made.
Oiirbrar tba OloBcbaaiarahlrM aafl ired a crashtog defeat' to tbe
too region worked all day. Tlie de- A rerolTtog wedge netted a good
LtaaL OoUla of tha Irish riOaa.allfrhl- snitr of Uiohigan yesterday,
>d for uoal, eepeetolly tram points gain, bnt llie next play wa* stopped.
ly. Tba aoemT ara mid to bara aooret ol the IraiUng games for tlie
<m the Oreat Lakes. U so tn
baas 1.000 atraoff. A body of 1.400 day were as follows:
Salabeiy taoxUng the Petoakey back
that tbe oolUeriea are all working
At Chtoago-Otatoago IS. Mlchlgaa with all tbe haads prooarable day aad in the rear of the line. Then a take
goards back waa played, and Peloatorallera Da^
bot did sot
night, aad it waa deemed toadrimble key made a long gain. Some more
BBOoaad la taacbtos than> la time
-At Layfayetto —Indiana S4. Pnrdae
to efen stop for a tingle day.
•ffaet ratlaf. Knox jolaad tha forea
ptoya were made, when the take TTTTtffffTTtMFfVTFTTTrrTT
«B Not. so and antarad D
goards back again netted a big gain.
Brbfefa was fonad to liara baen
Tbe ball was steadily advanced till
1. TO aiek and wooodad bytan left ^ mUdelphia-PannaylTanto I.
Trarerae City 's 10 yant line,
Accesris ot niabir If )imi4 C
la Uta town.
when they held Uie visitors for
C-lertamaU Board erEdaeWkw
At New York—Ootombto, 17. Oar-Kaoi pomed
downs, and took the toll.
B1UU.OOO Doaell.
Pltobar nporta from Smltbltold that lialrfi.
Tbe first down. Boyer went clear
At Betblebem-Leblgfa to. Swi
Knox foaght a aneoaaafal amcatcamnat
Srwtal M Tbe HwBUlf Bword.
yaatorday aaar tba Vaal bank with
Ginotonaii, Not. S»—A abortage
Stayn and Dawet. who retirad waai
probably exeedtog glOO.OOO. haa been got away from tbe bnnoh and started
aad aootbwML Ktnx'a
d to the aoooonuof George (or tbe goal at the other end of the
failed to itat tbreoRb M 1 am wllboal
B. Orifltbs. wbo died a few weeks field It looked like a tooebdown.
W)mUUhe<a Mast Ulgk arbenl Taa
details aayal."
ago aad wbp bad been clerk of tbe with a 100 yard ran. bot Maraball
I'Tem TbIa tHtg.'aad WlU PaotaMr
Lord Roberta aim reports a aklnasprinting down the field, and
board of edaeation thirteen yeara.
ha Uleim IbaOpawtaallr.
The exact &gnra are not yet 'k^wn with a fine tookle brought down
Trmverm* City's plnoky tittle half
Word waa iteeierd tromOharleyolz bnt the farther tbe examtoation^goes
lBst|eT«aliw that the High school tbe greater is the defaloatioo dlaeorThen tbe toll waa watted acroa*
Hamilton haa olaamd tbe
laaiJi of that city woald Uka to meet erecL
batweea tha Wllga and Vaal rirara. tha laam from tbia Hlgfa school in
Oriflltbs was elected elerk to 1B87 tbe field.abort totorferanee of tbe
loeal team netting good gains all 'the :
oaptartog alaraa Boars and large
for tha ehampiooshlp of aad held Ibe ofltoe np to tbe time of
aambara of eattle aad ibeep.
his death. He waa known aa'‘Hoaest rime. Tbe line bocktog of tbe borne
London Nor, S»-to it. report^ in |

^^tog they have gone a»ito.i Oeotge." aad there waa deep aad team was fine, and their end
London that Pmaldmt B.ayn of the
were exeented in excellent shape,
atooere moaining when be died.
Uraaga Free Btata waa woandeil to |
waa not long tiU a
Ortfflth'a bond was small aad
''anlesa Trsrerae City High whool
right between 6ie goal poato by
the OgbUng al Dewelailont
ahenld down llieaa. They beet Pelot- thooght will not rarer 10 per oent of
Loodoo. Nut. to-Robarta cables
Maynard, and tbe crowd fairly went
' key e to 0. from whieh score ft wonld t& shortage. Among his bondsmen
war oBlca from ,
appear that onr boya ahooto hare a la George B. Cox. Griffith owned wild
The toll was oairied ontaad Roaeoe
imperiT worth ffU.OOO, bot it haa
lOontinued on foorib page i
, |
mortgage of B18.4M on it. Be bad
On Not. tS, ^loee! Oampball oairiod •. . .
7* gSO.OOO lasnraaoe. bot It la a qeeeIt it pmlmbla that
Vedaateer* fraiB Ho^ Amea.
to.. Tt.^.1 Ti,^.
will be palled off to thia city t\pn whether this ean be taken from .j—... uW"—’-T)»«—-■
I Adranca sale o|irts al tli<- l»x oftioe
bis wife. He was one of tbe chief
to tba near fotore.
Nc- »-Th. nu.D- 1 T-1. killed aod a major aararely woaadad.
owners of the Oakley raoe track.
B.wrf« cb.u., -nu. U.I pi"»poiHoxKu a
One mail waa killed and two woundHow be got rid of the stolen moaer rm
Md 0-n»dlMi Bci —t. (1.00.
Knox rroeouptml Dewrtad»r|)
is not known, bnt it
> Mae* (Mrk asM Oa. played tbe reeea. aa be was a lover of olonteer* on board. airlTsd here.
Not. to and is now pnrsniog
from Sooth Afrlea U)lt morning.
Boer eonuamdo that held that ]daca.
Johannaabarg. tS. 10 a m.-OelareT arerisl to Ta. Uuntaa Bemra.
with 900 men suaeked OlamraU on
UATnraXG or l*B^AO<
Manchester. Nov. t»—Knmeraoa
Friday nariliwt>tt of Krogandorp.
flrah case* of beer poisoning have
The Boer* liaonghl a gnn into poai- i
dcwelopad aad many patienia age aeni
ricn cm the hllU doriug the olght and
the luwpltato. Tbere bra hew oae
began shelling the British camp
C. H. Horn. Prteelo'cloek to the morning. After " " death from the diaeaae in the past
""“ iwenty.four hoars. The ocrpcMKiaa pal& E. Bydfar aad MiasM Ullian
ef fighting tbe British
aeller* of iwlsonoos beer Downing and Edith Atkin will leave
tbe stogie cate used by tbe Boers. ^
today for Cadillac, where they wlU .01.0.™. h, .b,ch u,.
attend tbe aaaaal meettog of tha
Boers aoffsred beavUy. The BriiUh
Hortoera Mtobigaa Ttoehers' amocla
boried twenty-fire borghera aad took 1
Tbe iBiriwi of tba aaractorioa
twenty iriaonera General Delarey ‘
this year prosaltoa to be one of ma<b
foamd hirasrlf to a difilenlt poaiiion I
-----------iirtenat and profit.
aadaaked an armialtor of twenty-1 Wart u. oa
Hon will apaafc
(cor hoera This
>1 Cleateata
ibiseTMitogan tbe nbjeot. “Klac
bat at 8 o'cloek Satarday afHeaoon
to-ctal so The Maretto Bwnri.
rive Stadlaa and Ooarses to tba High
tbe Beera leanmed flrtog. It is reI ladtanapoUa. Nov. I»-TW United SohooL"
Prtaeliml Ryder wiU preside at Ibe
_____ .
that it is Impemilile tor “to to to-i-___^wtgh tobool oeetloa this atnaac
toa aUaen to Wen Vlntiato, a^d ba and WiU diaeuB tbe nlFaet ''Matter
gtaatog next Monday tba Fainacmt. aad Metood to Htotory.”
Kanawha. New River nod Poeeto
■ratol so Tha Bwttae Bnad.
I Very best imported patent calf vamps and heel foxItoriA Not. $» Kragto. Nor. $*— ftalda will to tha msm iff i
togs. 6nest kid tops, hand turned soles.
Kngar-wiU Irnve bare Batartlay tor
An exquisite boot.
Iffradla, Not. »-The ear jmmtA
Oal<«Be- Ba wUl airirr to BmUa
. goad Bi^t and abewed aa too
tatoff. Bto MMI an that tbair
. »7.$ and potta. $$.
Vbea yaa aeed.a aoMbiM aad beal-

NRnsu mewE GO.


the medal



music and
musical SMds.



Xt;rt'r?‘SJ:2^,i:^Cburs(iay, Dec. 6


------- - -

HOBART-BEECHER CO., Proprietors.

Han^dayaadaigfat Tamasm*.

by Falliog Roof


• For Your Thanksglvinff
Table at the Bazar De­
partment of the................

to to to Citp Book Store

Dafaatad tha Patoakay High
School at Foot Balf

Iioad«m VoT. »-Tl» Ml
irar tfaw U» ww'lB
AfiiM la MlU fall of Ti««r to eoaWlaad la tUhmu' dtopata
400 Brittoh Iroapt

Cots of Pretty Dishes


“Let Beniia Be Year Sente Gteee.”
See that Window!


He's got. he wants another. Come now and make your
selections from the

ersiKIcst and nca)«*t Stock ol
ficntlcmcn's Cics and mufflers
25c. 50C. 75c, $1.00. $1-50. $2B0.

Ladies of refined ustes purchase Christmas gifts of


“Let Benda Be Your Santa Glaus.”

on L-adies Sample

Jackets and Suits
This big lot consists of some of
newest styles produced
this fall - All are in first-class
condition.-The nice part of It
Is that there Is no two alike.
Many have alraady taken advan­
tage of this extraordinary sale.
Better come up and see if we can
fit you—it means a big saving to

Reiibhie Dry Goods.'Carpet and Clothing House.

A New One
IMade in Enamel, Box Calf, Rus•sia T'an. Kid Tan 'and Blade
Vici Kid. They have cork soles
- They are calf lined —They are
;vei>- stylish. If this don’t suit
you ace our VOGUE line for w«t
•weather—require no rubbers—
P, & S. make.

The Old R totoble Shoe Man.
Ttoto fWtow SaMrtto.
Wr, >na fliartototo

-TKiorto’to to
PItooo For
And the place i< n -you
buy your
winter footwear .is at our atore, for
here you iliod a • mmplete assortment
of up to data fe otwear at the very
lowest'pr^ ^ tsible.
Step in and tak e a look at «ur


Tun Drtss PaUnt Ctatbtr Shots

I $3.50 a pair.

m^utts oo

I Popular Shoe Hoose.

The old stand:

a a mired U. Friedrkb



snot irnic^


men's Olaterpreof Shoes



McNumm BlOdc

«ajl tettrtlllA iUkoaSkVK&T

I c0Ty WHiiin ym>A.y> tfuvMiuuB so* ^




w«(Wfc «M
kt iwttww «< Mr. Md Kn. Mm aranraMra
Miv. MD V«Mar fBMt, M • v^lMk

J. W. MAIIMBR. Mtpr Mfl MMt

tedkfoe bramteradwteA A* M
isrMlmBUmiM. wne aaratod to Mr.
CM F. Wald. Bra. M. D. C
taM- lb- MratoaVlM
pny of Aa ImmadAle Maadeof A*
AmUywarapmaeat. AfMrttooMraovM tto graetingt, aa iihgnM
madilAgrapper wra caJoyadbyaO.
--------> nnnAtr of beaaclfal end



I Akegrte plawn m aotL

. TRAVCROe <^mr, VICHlOAff

dUsabdll^ m a Irate and ■eaiAdwfrdoCocteratand MaiUniMi
memt to Aon nmgwemt srorkn srhev
Aat Any magea»roachm.hagA tofaalta
wiUhaoMCdAe l—tmiMral or- fonabABhenAamgteaef AaA___
"Muiy yearn ara" nU On. Battan.
tatteAeoily Im*
*A gaetteua of T7 ooBsoted me n to
tod. The ftiatof Ae ooneerte will nren bAtte te to sAte be wn
grahably to given raonaterAebolItoyeaed will eon
had toM him AM A«n atiete
dae so folty liegwiwMicB at tto
bent and that tmatment wonM be of
neasnU. Thahnit’e Aq«Aa wn An-

................ WS

United States
Benevolent Society
That os tltf Snt oC tkejw
Uto oorapany will4eptet wiA
Aa 8UA Trenanrer

Is UaiAd State BootK to
proteetaaA maiontj poOej

Take Advantage
Of Daearabar aad cairy a

V your bed t» VQComfoft^ile. you don't
I koow what you are missing ia this life
—We have a foil line of Mattresses—$3.95.
$*-75. $3-00-$5.50. $4-75 and up to a coiled
hair at $23.50—but the best Aiog for the
money is our Felted Cotton. $$.50, or with
best Sateen Tick, stitched edges, for $9 50.
guaranteed not to.lump or bunch.

polky WiA aa. We aaa do
mekra tnra Mr. nad Mm.
The ratted tffpoBlay shipped by
--------- H,.
tortnana ItoMtep
batter by yon Aaa oAeia. I
byMAeLaoy J. H. MeOongfa tara Grant Vedwant a
ramben ia
ay «M Ae tegrat Aat to to be tatty were
Ttarete aty aad Tidaity.
Alpped. oraimlnAf i,AOtoa«. The mnh cf t
■et tmm MAi Clara WAl.
Be bad to isdaee « head on aecoont
A baalAand Afonetff
V«T traly.
pratty gkm mam Aora Maamn Hany
heart beat, sad AepatAcri Usedtoba
ed leak of loora.
and AiAar Vabl; a
M and did not dA <f heart foliate A
Bdwrad Mayraid « IntraloAm
diA from Mr. aad Mm. VUI.
Ae Old. bat from soiUe nAeaA'
Mra Wirara of Mwfcegan were
Veedar. anda deomatod Aina berry'
maple "tatty heart** A a perfect
riad Vedaenlay A Al* elty.
rat from MAiAcnraPAtor.
r. Bat AA A what Dr. Batfonr
Tton will be aa epw meiTtra «d
«mo ^ptONT mTmmmT
^ abont Ae diagnoBA
Ito Boob 1. Johnarai Btek. Trase
Aa I O. O. T. tomcRow rarate A
• 90XMM wo* aounKM
Mcstmgne haU. It wUl be a misnttoBtff A*
n* ■WMinhfir bolUtar
tteray aaeetAg. AU an AriteA
' anHM wnitiN «t OtoIrtM fifu
Ivar coUeetira wlU to mkm
"We nay eumin its axAt
■a<«ha»«rf^ tor l0<r«d AM
weeanooly becrataA cf iA
good program wiU, be girra.
boM flwaaMtor boTf akraMd iriU:
nm lora OB tto faxaltare of John wbes we an H post tDorttm."

Tto VaAiagtoa gunrapoadci
agad Mid old BAD oonU bat
Ism ton iB tb* Phu
tto Kew Tork Jonraal diaoraan Aat D. Wade, teraged by tre raoraUy. haea tUa srritteB deep agon tto tablet*
If you have a dsrellAg, MoA,etora,
* ‘
tom• «1U
»1U iMimtin U>
Ae United Smtra Atandi to ralaA bra bera adjBsrad throat Aa agraey tfftbair-------=------------- ----------------- >-■
In the Window
melaa of the AA of Plaea. off of A M. Brown. The amout pnld be lifted taaa their mAda Ye* doeton
EtoWnltM imtrn goftt*mtot tarn.
. « 9WV t» tn» tsMiwtMtoo
giro yoo imrapt and oaiefnl attantto
«a.. V
tom, to Ito PhlUpp
fortifled rami eiaUoti of it. wbatthat to many
•gerarai of ‘•Vbnt Hewiraid to
Md in
In oHor
Oftor to tom
tor* |;ifta Oom
traoi tn
boa* er«r be tto nltimate dlcpoaitlo
Only Ae moM reUabA atoek li
Jooee” will be opra atthe bos ofte hUng fothra of a family it A like tto
MjdM on
«■ or
or tofem
befon H
mi bo
bo ttime Cuba.
............................ Ont
of StoAbrag'sOinad tosnorrov n
Bate* rery low.
Aub. loot
IM In pooMHcfc
Mn. Haodltoa Milea, aged U j
of treatment Dr. Balfaer A eqaaUy deP
^ aOmn»m% motlom ncnM .m^
who redded near Hartford City. Ind.,
- "We are cfKB told.’- toBiya
antoloonnd mcfmto
took ctryebnlne wlA fatal reonlm
K k
m«fmt. ontr
“Am there A danger A treatiag a fatty


JHil tbliwi wUdi ore
Trnrerne (Sty
BnatUng Knlghto of Woodtonft A meat A tto can leeraded was a care. Telepbone 78
Elegant shapes in' Patent Enamel,
tnnolt by
to eontlno
^ immv) oa<din
Woodmaa HaU AA erraing. Tbere
thM a bean ntnnsed to be
■l ^V^AtondUBf. Bouo
Bomo for oeliUori
oeldtoi In
1b the
Kid or Calf.
y weak and AM a life
areeerraal oandidatas hankering to'
. . aut to pUlnlr marked
P J ^nnUiwkco
foot a beauty in it.
beooBte f^ bAwB membari of Ae
WlA tto
tto aamn.
iwn. eospnnr
oompaaj nnd
and rre*l►
of oattle wfalA tore been i
few mAlms of digitalA to
td oomptoto
oompteto drwstkmt
drootkmt. m
at to Ing In told* of eonranlka Hearly <m to almost the rxtmne of bnflM-laenlUj.
r. Am Inonrlnc
laonrln* ntfe
mfe eoulnet
emry onttA raleer hu tost from ooe Hottlcn. All follow Aopfier
man tegerity.” So. troe A it. even A
Vo tot
bon Aonld
Aonld wei«b mote Ann to twenty bead, aad emmlratiotu qf worAy knightaare reqaested
eoAotiflo medicine. Aat a UttA oxperlBtraMppoadn
Ae ‘ etoinaohe
tto dead animal* reraot.
eoce and common eense outweigh many
The ff-irati * -toy MereantlA
Aowi no oj
' ton to Ao Phil
lime* a steer will drop dead almoat Oorapany, naloaded yeAerday a faU LoodcoHrapiAL
ktedip rnimMliiiViiiT flram homo and immediately after being tonied in carted eaob of aewnr pipe and ehar18B Front Streat.
A aaeh box friend* and rahUirM can among tto atalfca Sereinl aalmaA oaL '
J. L. Sleeper A Oo. claim to base
AntoAclvtoK Bitlolea whlA triU m*y thos be loet, yet when tto brad
to of n^. and lorinf retnlnden from If tamed Ato another told of stalk* had tto Argest Thaak^lTAg taifcey
close by no eril reealu may ebow
U extoaded to
A diepatcli from Anlabe,
Ae leaArae A Ae poblie eebooA
OOttol oteotloB retnnu from tto Donni, Fmooe. eart that a ^aai
attend Ae meeting of tto Woman’s
nonAim- etntoa i»om oonelnaimlr ofdrnamiAattto bottom of on
Aat Btouiai nod free atlmr tore Ae eoal mlnet Utere eiqklodod from an OAb A Montagne haU
O. te. Orarvmr ^
lent vmotlce dnrin« Ae pait tonr nnknown oanan. Tertlre dead inAert
Tto fansral of 'John Pieisop, who
nan A maor eAtee whlA gmrr that and eAbt Ajored tore bees remored
ralng, wiU ba^beld doe* not care. No case of Dandruff
Ae«7 a vcmderfnl Aipetae A 18W. and eAbteeo are atill nnaocoii
AAmersAgat 9:80 from tto resl- and Falling Hair it will not .
VoUowAclea U« of nrelm Matee
denoe, 71* Webster street, Bes. W. T.
AowAf Ae deveaee A tto DemoAt Leesbug. PA. £dwA
b m si
ta. L_ A. •asllcItraK.
Ibooee offloAtAg. Tto Atennent SISlHAnl V.^m.
oratle rote A tto reoeot eleotlcm, Pej^r, one of tto wealtlileat ora _
------.,„.,-Vnur KisBiUed Hue Tt«i..
grower! A that eectioa of Florida, sriU be at BorgecriiA, Ont. Deoeasa* a broAer of Thomas Plernon,
ihaakrua (nr ilM-ruirihM
m.'. I ihiak
Florida eighteen years ego from Van the blaolmmiA
Aboat 600 eeaA were reenred for
Boren ootmty. Mlohlgan.
The MeeeAh" yesterday momu.
short order, and they an stiU going
topldly. ________________
George H. Broadhnrst't
comedy "Vhat H^qmned to Jooei.
Her. C. T. Stoat was oaUed to
Ue« SAndard Preparations —
wbicli oomet to SAiBberg’s QinDd
Ake nothing else—Aey coat yon
next Thoreday ereBing. December 6 CharleroA tet evenAg to ofloUte
Ae funeral of Mra. Beak, an old ree- nothi^ should they {ail to
of Ae big comedy 1111*
cent years. " Jones" aadethonrand* ideot of CharlesoA
Take thu adv. A your droggist.
Mr. and Hr*. Dtieoal of Orand Bapof peopA Angh in New York during
Sold by E. E. Miller anna*.
ida, spent Thank^ring with Mra
iU fonr months enoofrafnl
........................................ TO.076 agon theatre, end repeated ita no- Driaeal's parenta, Mr. aad Mra John

to of tto Matae there «
Ae Strand Aeaire, Ixmdoo. Poote.
Mr. and Mra U A Pratt of Ann
irAfcage'of Brno plnimlitlea where it tan one aoUd year. Those
who -raw it my it it fonny—very Arbor are igwriding TbaafcigiTing
Would make a person “think thanks” one
liAAg. irtdlo A ottoca an importaot fanny, and it remninc n oomi^oatioc WiA relatiTea A Ai* city.
thousand times a year, even if they didn't
Miss Marion Pratt is spending
fntnn of Ae Aot eleetloa wne Ae to tto rery oartain: when tto andlaxtraerdlBBiT dlmlonUoD A Ae total
srearied by a etring of ■brat time A tto city, from her
speak them. This eating isan “every-day
•lanationa half an boar long. Tto ■ehoot at Ynba.
affair." Our great stock of new patterns
MAera LAxie Braai and Mona
of Ae title it a derit-may-oare
ttov OOOMi tto atoiT of ooe n
who confewe* Aat be makes a lirlng Shields from Ae school at WiUAmsare the finest we've shown, start at $6.75.
mtottoa to form a gold traat and by the mlc of prayer books In eom,^ bnrg. spent Thaakratriag A tto city.
emlfol tto ootrot of tto je^low manlties whlA he nmerds as being
The $9«) set has found many p^urchasers.
Lae Hornsby U A Ae city from It arUflcAUy dlgM Aa food and aldl
Batura A auengAenlng and ro
molal of Ae world. Wtot a pity slowi and of plnying cards when to WillAmsbnrg fra Thanksigsing.
MnuUnr Ae exhauated dlMtisi
That blue decoration at $IV50 sells on
Ooloml Bryaa did not bear of Alt anderstands ^ partioalar town to be
Lewu Morris of Fife take is in tto
•ome time befoie eleottoa. He might
‘ Have them at $15.00, $iq.oo and
ipe a
_______tonle. Ho
tom tonnd exoaee to
hU free sAo ii
UfaDr. F. HoItAwonb of Williams- CM apprate tt la^
is porsaiBg him for attendanee
direr fallacy wiA Acre ferror in
priie flgbi, to dashes Ato a barg Is A Ae city.
of Aoee oppoaed1o~lt Mr. aad Mra W. J. Poet ate enter­
strange honee; Aere be etaya: for the
reaeon that Ae pat^Camiliee himself taining Prank Peterson and family of
hA boon at Aat rame fl^t. aad mn«t
A C. EagleUm and Bn^A Miller of
ftorln Irtah'a Tettom MyWectoat
OtarleroA witoeaaed tto foot ball
teot litmself. The expected tat
Are what we are showing these days. When in quest of
layod airlml of n olerieal brother A- game here yeetordaT.
OtoKlaa blA. who tuide* on Ae lows of Jones bring palmed off as tto
Christmas gifts dorr’t overlook our wonderful stock of
VMt Side, boagfat eome tnrfceyt eome obarohraan-and ttore'e yonr ha«U for
Lamps. There are many cheap ones, if you want those Et
veekeago. aadheaelooe kept them A
25c, 35c, 40c. 50c up to $1.00. Then begin those with
anltAIe qaartm. Attenlng for Ae
Rfaas been h^vy in hi*
faetlre Thantogl’-A* Aae. Vaetort and he ha* found
shade and base to match at $ I .OO, $ 1.25. $ 1.50 and up.
> Tbe ScleatAo Ameriday morning be went M prepare Aem new twists fra old Areada sriA Ae!
. Dr. Orinoodj- bas <
There are many beautiful parlor and banquet lamps in the
tor Ae ezereleee of Ae day. -tat
lit Aat Ae entretainment is swift pirates of brick manofactarc by wblck nisMealrallrtKfcssO wwtu^ bs(^
aorase* eases lo asks ro. Atl <
foand. to hit dtonay. Aat Aey were aadoomie nntil Ae rery end. The,
most elaborate decorations, sell from $4.50 to $9.CX>.
smerac heap* of apent aand and
all gena He i* now on tto warpaA company cast will bear eomps
teCwe glass wRli srbte aU glaea srorka
Then we have extra decorated and frosted globes, sell
for Ae Alef. and it will go hard wl A sriA any seen A similar work.
nmanded may be conrened Ato
from 75c to $ 1,25. This is one of the most attractive
Aa maiBBder if Mr. Irleh ever eo
Sol SmiA Baseell-s great play, “A
ooaatats him.
la wrar-fwK. Rsw roe trIM ittii —
places in our China and Art Department.
Poor RleaUon.'' wlA Mr. Alden Bara
tmiab bricks haring ■adfsDM* war sottrrypaimosratbtn
A Ae star part, will be an eariy at- Bsany adrantagm orer tboae at preaint
tractioa at SleAberg's Grand Opera A general nae. Tbe amount of wests
matarAl aralAbt* fra AA parpoea
may be lodged from tbe (act tbat at
Help is needed at ooce when a per­ tbe glass works of niklngtoB Bros, b
son's life is A danger. A neglected
NoAing like tbe display of beautiful
coogh or cold may soon beoome rarioos and Aoald be stopped at onea
goods, and if at a loss what to buy for a
One UAnte Oongb Onre qnickty came
oooAw and colds and Ae worst case*
Soog-kbw Horst
present, here is where you’ll surely find
of oronp, brooehltia grippe and otbt«
Bradlng-Mra Myra Barnard.
William VoA. a former Uriag nrar
Araat and long tma^
P. C.
something that will please every woman.
Onltnr aolo-^- Deibwt Wood.
tadlBgMB. haatoda '
Mia. Marie dJArlA
draA. While feed
Those beautiful Onri Jardinieres, Ae
An loom boy. Fred Can, sarpriaed
TAUn eeAoAm-Mim BAel Miller
power eon Aradte Tom
wonder of modem artists, sell from 75c to
bis boBse relatiTes by steppittg from
loan^t A tto
tto txaA. onmtag direct tan Ae
CBiTAd toad fra
$500. The Loko Nani .in plain prim
wUl eniely dtoAay the PhiUpidnea He U fresh tara Ae
from 30C to $3.5a Same with gold de^
amell andoompMaly derange Arlng line A Lraon. P. L. and earae lAHnllyaeatpadpnd apAee of afcnU
home OB Mek lease, teeelriag bin dlerations from fioc to $300. The vopderelmtse. A San Panpiaeo. B^ran
ful Louwdsa to all manner of quaint de­
leerlag home Pied raraied hla moAra AbA and Ae man Urea Dooton;
AattosmU eatTtonk^lrlra tv. wne otabA to ropAoe Ae eknU boBB.
signs, from $1.50 to $4.50, and a host of
key wtthtor AiayrarM toe kapt
bBt Ae eoalp waa pot book ovn Von'
FAet-elaM iMaranee Oompanlea
other beautiful shapes and artistic de­
head aad nwed A pAoa. Me has Boom*, HamUtoB dk MUlikw Block.
Vew phoBe »_____
signs from 75c to $4.50.

J. M. Blakestee




Cbitt of our Lattst

L.EADER ...for Men

A3.SO Rsr Rrair


Money Refunded


Scalp Disease



JUI kM» cf


Bicyck Htpairinq


Bicycle Sundries
Prices Higbt


d- Jf- Cederie,
mU I



The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Bnspany




i nor

IOO-Pi6C8 Dinner Set

Dyspepsia Cure t HIUK
I nitfi
Digests what you eai.


I fonoy

Beautiful Lamps


- 5=aiMj^&asr“

Want a Janiinieni?




»> aijoc

M^^w*^er.*'TlMn tara*_

y AngvMTl^na vm____
lakn.too. For rale by F. a TM^
SOraily PlUa an Ae bast.,


Tin Hiniili & l|y MwttiHtle Gonpam


ndmm Tasvawa btif. lUatf nmsVi 1

Ho >—ii ihhuj ore
hr mA ototUtod ttoMWM thud whtoh
^i«edlstti thn-iiiihNicimnnipuBlhii WTI^.
aoBseff «a HatwWcJAuoadwaa wouihlM«»
■ri—umedwar was too aonMuaito




■ ]ia«Mdteth*toMT« ««Uw


cathedral of


kngptpsA with a fumml M^ad moaur
Wa ^vadava atthared. which tsMdftadhymaMMcff nti«afromcoepoteff
thshokj to anothm. aoerndtog as the
atrenm <ff gxaia fills ap lha aperearemthiwtkaW iMBMtolMbeite. w^ferH. The pnia how* into the h*tfv>MtothreL PkrthreedRyaanMdhawnieeapiMof VMicmafair'
Ivriththanatoa onl vekicity of a repnrta hmitaMd. hat re IW SDCh hto
dgy mam. and abn UttM ballada On*
d three. writHo wb« b* wm IT, bW
the prtocmaa. tagober with the MO
aldM sUMr Ukad so vreU timt Mia a«t
mibtia tea D Aitoh. ware Mted to
tttoamwMUypMNrof SawbaiTpact.
thahashaWMot. Is tha repot to the
Iba Pn* PnaA than reodUly anrad tv
WUlinm Uoyd Oarrimm She did tfedt
a -trimmi^*’ d thsgiWa in the dliuiaory tha mrehre vm pM at l.loa
wilhont tallit« ber brotber. and no cm tektoto re to^mtantpatef tmMor- Tveoryawitremm otlmstsil to—coast
ww tocfanrpriaed than ha when ha ^ Ate wvsral thoremd bi^tW .000, the other as 4.000.
"Ihava hare aevoe with tbeaecf your
ad tfaa paper and found hla on have been oreamad Intote boU. adow
huops who vhdatod tha Jaws of war."
siB-TbePaeta'GsnK." Ha waa
wrote th* anther cd th* deed-to Jeaaar.
aiding hit fathre to maid a atona wall
tv the roadaida as the ptxrtman pamd
tal-a beama. a job for which they Homarehmed thatemreewafw U
ami teased the Puerto
paid at tha Ota of aoretaminato. wm trede U wtyed hie othm eerratheyon^maa. "HiabtortHaadaclll a
risiili cf tbs OuDord etripa it tahaa tpredoma at th* tea. All winter las*
mmaail whan he rew hit own vaare,’' betweim 11,000 red 1D.OOO bnihels to he had bare dealing at re ortontal frith
myi a bl<«rapba. "Sach dallghi as Us fill a boU. and Uieae veresls avm^ mtontali. aM Ihi* vraa but a pirn d
s <mly cBoa in tbs tUaCimeof ny •0,000 brehels in tbe total eai«a Shlia
mmlilywre tor from htondDd. InJre.^.anltolitaaryfaaa Biafatberal
umy. fm iretonre, ha had ordered Me­
m called to him to pot up tte paper
end tet teas 4.000 to 7,000 bnsbela tre to kUl all the {rtoemsn cd ahostU*
The editor of The FreaPreawaa only erebaatatedlarehonf. every tObush- hrfbaiatbe dmsetwhem be could not
three years olds than the poet, abhuagb ato weigblng a ton. as Idea can be had faring away, and in tbe mm* month
' areematare. Ha did mere tor te (g th* foes cd te Imrret dlnotod into idtntieul orders were iacaed to Berthtor
( Ban than tooaly fttM tbaaabev- ChevMeL
la plea which to made fay Uwanto__ vaassa. for he want to Wblttim'b
rga'veaalt have four or five holds,
ofK.taxhm and arged the need cd firing the and a dlMlDction la made in staring tbe
yonth a UcUe better adneaciim. To do cargo in thtm. Qrein. tea its eompnec
this was not poarible then, tact two and dead vraight, is reosrved mostly fm
ymn latw. when WUttire wre If. an the oenter df tha vireel, while cured mn tbe garrisoB <d ElArtoh.whidk
aadony started at HaverUU. and here proriolcma ore packed as far toward and hadrenredoud. had bere tend again
haattwideil, even writtng a few oumm a* far a-n a* pereibla. for tbeir battsr with arm* in their band*; that they
urns li ifl
tobeanagattbaopaiingexreoiaea. Be laiBigratliui ten the hrel of th* ship’s iinii lire liiiii f ill nil II
atndied at BavoUU for two terma. end firm. In acme rereih. like tbs peat tha tows <d vrar. and that, w to ths rest,
tv making alippma, by kia|^ books Cunardera. which carry paseoigau as that* wen DO French {gisreas fer whom
and by teaching ohool he eanied the wall at teglit. the beavtoM wnlght is tosxchange them and no provitesto
little Bcoey needed to pay hit way. At Stored in tbe lowest bold; in tbetechBimrhUl ha waa able to read tbavrodn tdoal parknre of the stevedore, "ad
lethonfore jretifiabla
of many anthen hitherto unknown to iag"tb*M>ip. btakaa abonl l.ftOOhme
him. and ha aleo wraca fer the kxml pn- to "sttffB" agnm Ctaaarda.andvrbesi
mnth proee and verm.—Profemor this to dooa tlm tower bold to fastreed by tbeir arecutte. Thoi^bo believe
juet or unjtw. IreUite Kauhews la Bt. Kicholm.
and battened down red work 1* begnh
flre my Imrfaartoy which vrill lead to
speedy vletory wiU agree with that
W. M.
■Ufa d Kvotore" in Oretaiy.


Thr ('■lltFdral tit Ki. JubB tbi- Ulvlun. wLlrh l« uow In rotine of rooBtrOC*
Uoa on UuniltiRBliip IlHeUtx. Nc« York <-U>. U to lir tbr tlnnrt Ii|il«ropalbUi
■tnniun- In tbU ooiiiitr) . riil« Urw nliow* tLf |in>cnm luailt on tbo gimt
•n b. wblokfonux tlic rblrf fralutv of llic fnc-ado.

pcrUcBa Thislatheboaliwwcf forniahing nawspapor cUppingt to (sdirldnala. pa^ytes all tbe active powen of the
firm* and carporatiima Tberearebatfa body wbilq leaving tbe sensiblliticaualonched. Ooleridge offenaatodyed that
kind to perrhologiaa Hie will, no
Doited Statca, bat in all parts cf the donbt.w*»cvjnR«nitally/eebla. "Indoworld. Onacif three newwpaprr clipping lencr eapablr <if energire" asheaayi in
bnreaas reoelved an order from the Ha- a mnaitable paoeage d early self pertrailnre^ wae cbanoiensllc of bis vrbole
Dole all the Doticre. editoriak. oartoco*
araur*. lie omid absorb enormoos
and oihre pobliabed amUer i^arding
ra <g nadiug and wme or speak
Hawaii, iu Rcvenimcut and iu affaire
Every proniinrat anthre, actor, poU- could ncx bo eo-<icdmsud ur ooncoittated. It fl-nml hither and thither rpunone <r mcae of the cUp- tsneowly the ohanoela dictatad
ping bBreatw. and a busy man And* the
dutninani feeling d the momanL
lyatcm very eonvenieni, for he i* am­
_,.jycbok>gi*ts bad bat
bled. as it vrere, to lead his
hispijwcruf "iubibiliim. " Hu could
by proxy.
fait emotlona
eay* in hi* pat hair ode, I
arhitbosineesaaidyretenlxy; "Many
of onr ctutoman are folks with-fade
and babbits. A man aoit os an order
recently for all item* about two loaded rae hi* "sole rreoorce, bis ooly plan."
ealrre. three lagged chickens and other Be cvmld dirtnet bn mind from erne
moDetrositire. A ksdlog pollticiah'cr- pursuit by siiocbcr, but runld not fcnv
dcml 100 Memorial day addrereea, from btooiergini locvmivvrge opoo a single <r
which bo csnld ccmipife a K.wirth of Jn- distant aim. Painfol emotion* were
ly cnticB which be had engaged to d^ evaded, instead of being met toc« Iu
liver. Buclcty betke are Ix^nlng to tarn. When be beard *Qddculy st Mails
make acnpbuuks cf (heir newspaper d J(hu Wurdim-onb's deuth be tried lo
notins. and the ensUau will doobtlea oagger out <rf a jmMie rvmm and before
be readied tbe d-sr fell to ibe flour in a
benone a regular social fad in t
oouvaUive bysii-m-Ot. and wa* ill f.r
The wives of pnbltc men are amon^
afnrtnlgbl. Ki-tb-n dn-land that be |
best patrons of the clipping ton
unable lo open any h-tien leet ifat-y .
Ahoot the strangest order we hare la
ll-r -f adrelcr in tomtolemesaud moi- thimld bring new. of tha death of oue
his diikln-n.
nmecia. Be tafcw all the death noricoa."
inieusiiy of his feeling* patalynd
—NVw Turk Cummeivlal Adverliam.
Inalnid of Miuiolsted In* pi-rera
"Vristicm* and (ireyiugs npisi the spirIt."
"J-lockout Ihe-rlng feslh- ,
Speaking uf thcat<-r boxe# and peopl*
in them, there * n-xasight iu all th* os of tbe miixL " Ho I* like s crimmal |
tbe whuel. held down, not by i
capital that 1 admire more «>-*.. the nptm tJ
of vrill. feel- '
heruiam of the society yoong
lag every blow w ith singular iuieiisity.
box party. N-nv a box in a V
but only capable eg mev-titig it by sbuttheater will bold four pom
or try­
ably, and eg the** fonr only two oan ate
ing to distract bit mind l-y puzzling
wbat * going cm cu the stage weH


owner*. The oonnell la endeavrolng
learn who would be
matrea rlioolJ the
or water pipe* be Injnred I17 reaaoo of
ralnlac the eoal.
Tho lUnUtno & Urand Raiitda cz- f'At Battle Greek the einpIorM of the
-tanaioa from Lolber to Tnatln. 11 lUview and Herald, the oneial ormiUOiaabm opmpl<-u<l and work ftan of the Seventh Dar Adventifta,
la in prograai on a (arthnr nzteuflon decided not to lay off ntankwlvinn,
* fix milM loBR toward Marlon.
bot to work on lhat'day and all hand*
;il la espaeiod that thoKew Etunlnd : <
t for the
. their day-*
dlDiter t#tie irlvao at Detroit tomor- Iioor of the eity. The anm amonntet
nnrby the Bona of the Atnerloio to aboat «U0. They took one bonr of
Jt«>TolQtieB will be notable In vari - the day for rellclena aerrtoea In the
oa* reipecta Aaooit the festnre* will j oOeea
ba an antelope oooked whole and earA party of OaiwdUa offleiab 1
riedlnlo the banqoet Itali by foor enfflneera harb;be^in Ladington I
Mabm of Om eooitey.
| week atndyinit th«-Tere Marqnette
The Chloago Daily Chtnlele say* | ferry aritom with a view to eat
ttmt the eaneelllnK of the oharten of liahintt and eqoipplDfl a aimilar Une
a half doxaa eehoooer* which bad eon-; of ioe cmaben for winter nartgalioD.
tracked to brinjt eanroe* of pomtoo* : .kt the bead of the farty waa W. R
frtn northern Mlchiitao to Oliicairo 1* ' Mackenzie of Moneton, Kew Bmn*Ihe fliat Intiraalloii lliat ObicBKo may I wick. KKoeral manager of the Interhave to pay big |>rii<e* for the tnhen j roluutal railway. TIk>
before the neat crop ta harve*tcd. [ ihown great oonnAy by Here MarAt iweanit |vioea are abnot dA cent* ,<inette olDclala and they made
hlghfc than at llte atine time but! tailed in*|««tion of the tar fetviea
year, and eoaaerrftivr eatimatet pot: Mnikegcni and Pert- Man)iiette.
the price for later in the winter at »1, I latter reaael. whicli ha* been tailed
whlleaomegoaofar-aiKi claim that the "marine womlef of the great
•i.50 will bare to bo paid at ^ll. , Ukca." wa* the object of tbeir eapecThe tanas of tin- jamp iapri<»a|ia the i U1 admiration. Before bnilding theli
dlKcvery that li e Miohiganl erop' now famotu ice cmudier thr Boaalan
was badly affi>cu><l by tlie Warm ; government also sent representative*
weather and rain* iti Octoher.V and ' tbeiv to see the Marque 1 to in operawonld not itand' ahi|imMit (o mWkei | Hon.
Seveial schoosen bron|rhl load* to
Twenty-one vrestern borre* shipped
Ohioago a vreek ago and all were in to Oreenville found no
-bad shape when naloaded oa the dock* Fere Marquette company to<A care of
them, and now the conrt has given
T. T. Uyoa. tthe veteran hortlonl- the company an order to tell them
tnriat who died last snminer.beqoeath- pay the freight.
ed his ten-acre farm near ttonili
Haven to the State Hortionltnral so-! Now is the time when .cronn and
eietv. on condition tlrnt a ••.OCD fund
troubles twove rapidlv fatal.
beralw.l..a reserve fund for Ihe i
b (SS'jST
malntenfBce of the society, tu cou- 'chmgh Onre. It U vrrv plmmnt to
with the income from, the ; take and can W rrlied nuon to quirk
;h*. cold* and all Inngdu
farm.2 The farm wilt be ready for de. ly
It will iinTrnl
liver, a. the annual meeting of tn.

KS’5srr.rsi.:rn._ i

average- box party is made np cf six or
eight fnU grown men and wceMB, and
t be wosnen get the fremt mats, of ouorss,
What to tbi* new tobstsaiv I bear
and th* mat- well the nitm take the
boikgronnd and catch rare glimpses to mneb aboDtl" asked tbe emlneol
ct the leading lady's aboelder. and danttsf* wife
new sutwtsnoe. my dear?"
-when the ch^rrem saya. "Ob. Mr.
"Tlie element iu tbe air that hot juM
Brown, I’m *o afraid yon're u(X reeing. ' they smile and say : "Oh. yea. 1
'Ob. that, my dear," be anfweted.
am. Icauareperfewly."
It's eolilime. I eay: it's awalneptr- naming ova his speacacles vntb tbs
ing Tbev actually manage to look as if lood nalnre of superior wisdom, "to
they wm tmjtrriag lha ‘

society next week.
UnlWa something is ^ieodUy dour
to protect deer in the nfiper joninsnla
[ Below It a list of the bnvlng and
the aoimaU will beex
' selling prioen ofye«toi^<
ly for groe
the pnaent rate of aUngfater e,on> will ____
_______ ____ ___
shirt front oan cover anyway.—Waablave been killed beifore the season for..^r»me City:
eloaea. Game Warden Horst- is p(v- '
Milas rvtea.
paring a n-strietire measure for Intro- OU«r Pork
dnetion In the legialainn- this session. 1 Clear Porfc^^l
"I d like to go to th* raoea." said
.Wtnii. iwi.lo oonadeulUll. ««..l |
Willie Wiihlagtcm. "but I dca't
■nythlny abonl them. Dm afral
.1.. ..a.......
K 'L..
mid that." Y
br th. ,„«nd ri,T in th..,Mtd n. to
Ktor. H. I. * Oo- 1
'ell—ahem—you res. w* faarenT
"That needn't botbayoa'^
as population goe* on account of the Meal. H. L. & Ca Best
•a ye* dtooovoed much about it except
"Is tbo« any paiticalar Oyle a
Inaxliaiutable «ni.plv of coal and Ihe
U- L. * Oa Best .
tune that's sprm-prisaeV
"Tea; yon )a« wear a werried look
offered to manafactnrrrs to esiablisb l.-tot
and trousm that have fringe at the botMeua jUantt then-.
Buii.-r iwr Ib Dairy !
A novelty this remma lathe faunatmn. and everybody vrili think that yon
At it* present meeting the board of »«a«ueTTBntn-r per lb...........
U are an otd trequoitar of the placm
fly daawned to faatre, mStody'a veil
nMabunoflia arenas with a patott
atate andiwr* will have to delenainr
idbist ' ...............V
WaahingtOB Star.
fwtM, and are ehartomg to decoruto tha
Rb-dtaptoito b,
bodice as well as w fasire the velL
lax oommiasion. Tl.e growth of the Potatoes per bo....................
He—Why wH Soksnoo th* wlswt Many d them are atomeled in all th*
state'* .bosineat and the ineteaae of
bhl .............
uamral ookn of the buttafiy. Darning
tototoio.bto,b.. ,bb.n..,d,b, BbnbJto.'.Fi«,p„bbi;:
needlte fa this purposs rival the bouaSba-Beoaaaa h* had to muv «
fiias in poputority Om dareiag needle
MCiLrnreWr* la adrire him.—lamdcm Tit-Bila.
mo* beautitoi than the other* is of
of aadilor* eay it la Imiwralively necTba EmI river. Kcuth frier and South grtreguld oavnthresa dtomoodi and
reaary that the next legialatnre make
nlda Toy fine gold chains are
rivet, at New Trek, waa named bytha
n abont th* reck fa full drea 0000proviaiem for either adding to the
M. BuepsBdad ten them are jawalad
iwaeant cnpitol
building on m

ud^n.„„ ,to. to

.n b.. asir^tb





Breve and |

admirm than ooesmall maidentowhom
be stands at a knight “tons rvpnicbe.”
She was the beat's daughtBr at «n sftosooD rvoeptioD wbos Oaoeral Qrcoly
vrre tbe Uoo of tbe oooasicai. The belks
d tbe town were directing all their vol­
ley uf repolatlva and bewliohlng
glances at the hero, who, henteta, igntatd thee* (otieemrnts and asked to
■ODompany the IS-yenr-old mlatotbe
dining roum. Dellgfaled teyemd measure
at this iiDezpected attoitltas. the child
accepted and wait proudly off. soaivuly
knowing wbriha tbe talal be tooogfat
hrewavchiekaimmirdhft. ThaeroirnIng jcv came, howwm, when, miking
to bar a* if she “bad been Mia. Ctovalsnd."to quoto berown w<eds. bercom­
panion asked bow many farutben and
listers tbe had.
"ttoraepmauscall u* s sandwiob, but
I think that is ratbtr hard on as girls,
because everybody like* meat eo much
Urto- than tread. ”
"Ah. m, diur." said the general,
with a tww, "iMt wboi it to ao vruU
Can any aneeivrat pun* drive from
tbe maid's’meuury her exclusive pli-a*.ure in this one?—New Turk Timea
M. & Gregcry. sheriff of AmaJar,
ww Ulliog aueue friends the utbo evesIng stxai s plucky depniy and wound
up by ts.ring: "Wbeu you find a man
at cool and stiody ae a rock in tbe faee
of donga, you can bet on him. Bot the
most dangerous men are those who
tough ir cry wbau they hare a dltputo
relisnd. 1 knew a man named Draw,
down in Texas, wbowas noted as s voy
bad man. Vbeu bewas doingsayafaooting. he would Iregfa luodlv—a hard, demcsilaul toogh. wtlhont any merriment
In IL Up at Indian Digging*, many
yean ago. two m« named Arcba asd
Wwsao bad a dispute with a Goman
about a claim. Wben thef claimed the
propoty. be broke duwv sod cried, and
they, tuppueing ihry would have no
trooble to taking paaameiim, manured
<B tbe ground. Tbe German touk up a
tarukai pick and toid'them both oak
Aroba was badly burl and waa a long
time getting over his injuries Afta
that wfaeoeva be mw a man Hart to
ay be got out of tbe way." San PranetoeoCaU.

little dangfata who is a preaicii
young pagan, and tbe otha night, as
the nufue wa* away, she was pel to bed
by a frieod uf ba DUtba'a
"Da yon nc* my'^onr |**y<ra. dear'
"NopV respeoded tbe infantlto beathoL "1 duc’l know any. and mainma
I* always away wbre 1 go to bed."
"Perhaps you wnuld like to toons
yuya." suggsaadaba of the miaiouaiy tendrectoa "Do you thluk you
"Could I lean a pnya!^- repeated
, theyouagaiadcrlalTeMBa. "labould
j oiylooDld. I'm veay quick study."—
New Yak Mocuiy.
We are tejuoKly remitntod d tbs
inatiUiy of ioeki^ the ban doa'ate
[ the
*re houe
ao it stolen, but 'we are now toU
ofaca > Wire* u mre'e oabto ha bare
I Moton. IN* adafs might b* rerired.
I '

DeWitt's Uttl* Eariy Rtoer* an

Um best plan.
| *¥Se*k|iohigan SlmCca wiU
_______ will
Would quickly leave you, if yon
and tireett than to good tett and taaiguM the vasoo. P. a
ha* been badly damaged by onaanally '
prioe for potolua* yaa- reed^.^Ki^'e Kaw Life Pflir
and old«
haavy rains of late- This iajuiy waa |
eenu a t^L
themalvcd with mu^
aggtavutod by the immensB trefltoofi
________ _
lereU there
They make
pur* blood red build up your health ___________ ________ flf tadireatlre
sugar beet wugtma. and the read* have iBnS^ have a tJl^kS w
besn ao badly cut up as to be almret >-*«*—• «—> w..... ^
'digtato whet you eat
TicAatawfllbaBOldat cam way ton
B. B. Wait. DtUOTte
-Tbe minl^ at eoal ander the atreet
fe* raend trip on TtoiarnfF IL H. U
of Siwlanw to omaing the oOeiali
of that eity ccmaideiahle tronbla. Tbe
F. C. Th Bmps SB,



tor ths otowtotf they gM
•tufttoa nbuMto«.|>u|a«y

«» ttott


Tlircc Lots
Blue. bUck or grey — good wool Kersey«—equal iu appearance to higher priced
goods—best values to be found.

Handsome grey or dark colon—tatin
shoulder or sleeve liningB—“Raglan” cuff if
you wish—Splendid values at the price.

The hnest tailored garment! — utin
shoulder—alt wool worsted linings — satin
sleeve linings.

You should see the above overcoat*
and ulsters-'fiure^opeed them soon-Many
of these will go within a week.


Tk Boston Store


A New Eeature in
Ladies’ Rubbers
A Great Improvement!
'> |\ EASONS why Bailey’s Patent Ribbed
^ I\ Back Rubbers must commend them*
selves to all who wear rubbers.
having a ribbed back pro*
rU 51 lecis the clothing from becoming sret
or soiled on the under surface by breaking tbe
suction which two smooth surfaces make when
being near together at
tjCCVuU the top and spreading over the
heel to the bottom serves lo hold the rubber
securely cm the shoe and prevents it from
slipping at tbe be^l.
ThirH R prevents the breaking of the rubIIUIU ber at the heel where ordinary rub­
bers always give out first. A abort fit cannot
be forced on tbe srearer. It also secures the
shape of the rubber till worn out. Tbe price is

A triffe more than you p^ for the comaeti'
makes, but they will outwear them two to one.

Ask for Baito^s

t ttff. atcA, ^mmATi tiwPM m, im*.
nwT KMmnr.



chW ttaaln totba Mawaiala ^
tia vaSbe^Hea Abfnbdb



SaVnMketoMywm oem mmhid
kg Mb a^aUkd Bamoa w
teTtoortam M^^mMmd alTMb.

wkm Mtowad WM wtoAtote


We ,„m hm atheead. vhfcb b*».

adtv^MMatf aHvatoMMp«(^

the bold to aaotfas. ateiordhn aa tba tbaoUrol*Mdar
atr^ ot •talBdDaap tba ir«a>aa to (L the ffala doaa Into the
h* vmte oopiei of *«■■« •rarilwUhtboBobe aad rtioaxj <d a
daciM waa takm. A lew EgyptlHi
•nata, iMl •]«> Unb l«U«li. Om
wmenM borne Mdtba imiitndw «f
•IbabMrUU Mirell tiat______ dtoptba bMtb abd making tbe BMB at- tta pnaemms. ti^mbar wftb ^ 000
ttlottMWMUrpapcrttf Kartuypctt. tmdum the MxnvB babtw Imk Ufei adbtia frota B Ariah. wm* MRbad m
Fm*. Uw nntlr Bartad bgr ^o« in tb* riaing miai.
and Act. la Iba >M>t » «bi
VuUaa Uojrd Oazbta. 8be did tUa
Iba “tiimmlM" «f the grain in &•
wittaout tOiH^ ba teMlMr. aod bo laa beddtia OB imparumt pmtof imabwvw BMXaakiTatoad than bavfaA ha •ga. Aftm mmal (bH»d boafaali t.000. tbaot
ofBDad tba papar tad (oo>d hb oam barobam«immadinto«hel»ld.admTatBMlii"Tbo Poat(’Oon>er.'' &wia «n«rm<MB>matad*lag»ad toActrol tngpi who TtaloMd the laws of war.”
•idlBchia fatbaiOBMOda an vail tba downpoBrlM mlBM in batweoB IlM wtoaAaambmof tbadesdto Jeamr.
cd tba to* cr axema to tt
i^Owmdalda aa (he pcatsac paaed *Mel-a bmm*. a job to wtdeb they Be
was amA la any «f hi* otto eorw
«B fa««eba:k «td loaaed tba paper to m>FAhlattb*Tn»ar aemAamlBi
Himimnimttatima AUwiatmlmm
(htjooiVBMB. “BiabaartacodatlUa In romab «f tba Canard atripa it ml
be had b*m dsaling a* an crieoial sriS
■MtaaBt vhaa ha mv bb cm nnea.” batweoi 13.000 and 16.000 tatol*
aareahicvapba. "Sadi deU«bt a bb ftll a bold, and tbaaa Ttmal* arnei.
:. Tbaoodai^C
ocana ca^ caoa in (be lUatlaaeT aiv M.000 bmhd* in iba total catga Ship*
avbaattoUtaraTlaaa. Hbtatbera eatryiag grain nltme can lakea* bi^ n monlity waa to from bla mind. InJaahat eallad lobiato potap tba papa 135,000 baMwk. and When it Uconaid- Boqr, toiMtMii. be had ordmed Mnaod keep at rak."
ered that tron AOOOtb T.OOO btwbel* nk to kill all UmprlaoBncf abomlb
The editor cf The FiaePraaivw calr cna be atoiml in anboor. erary 40 bo^ ttlbe ia the daamt wboB bacoebt not
thi«e r«an older (ban the poet, ahheach ehwalghiiig a ten. an idea can ba h^' bring away, aad la tbe aama ntoitb
fa ante matare. Be did mcra to Oa of tba face (d tba Uxrtta, directed into idmitlaal mdm* woe Imoed to Bmthkr
7oa« man than Bar
Tbapkawhkbla made tg (beoalohdk mea. to be i
l^rga Tcaaela baro foor or ffro boUa,
and a dlmiuxian ia made ia atolng tba gMs of Kapotomandbyaoma rwmt
rath a UtUe latter edacBdon. X .
oalgo la than. Grain, tram ita oonpaet military WTtim* to this whohmto «mtbb va* not pcadble then, bal tiro and dead wai^ Unaerrod tnoatly to oniGB is that amtag them ataa^Mnd
ymn later. vWa Vbittier vbb >». aa tba eeniar cf tba vaaael. while eared mm the ganiaca of El Ariab. which
BoadeBt7 .etatted a BaTarhiU. and bo* prcrrlsiau are packed a* far forward and had anrmidated. had bom toad agala
with anw ia theirbaoda; that they
be attmded. eren wriUng a few atam
wme dmerriagef death aorarding to ^
tobeaiawat(bec«ieBiiigenRdMa. He
BtBdbd a BaTabiU to two lemM. and flraa. In aananamk, like tbe great tba Im war, and that, m
Awn were no Frmcb (rlaoDcm to wboB
(oaxeba^ themaadno pcorlAmto
■toed ia (be lowotbold: la tfaataeb. mppott thM. cMoaaqnm^tbotr^pt^

sMiiii mil w

mth^Ktkaht 1«|Mtobekolte.

of Ban/ Bstbuca hitherto uriBown to
bla, aad be alao wnia fa (be local papaamneh proa and tow.—Profeaer
&BBda Mattbewa la 8L Kiebolaa
rnm • yOew Uk<« ie>^nr U* tM* wa.



la Bew Tm*.
Tbero if a peaaliar iadnatiy in Qotbam whirii baa gnm loaftoniahingproporUn ThifiaibabaeiaeaicdfamiAlag uewrp^iB clippingB to iadiridnala.
ftnaaand'opiparatln. Tbovanhalfa
down of tbaaa meroa la New Yak.
owner*. Tbe eoanoil i* eadearroing wbi^ anpply ooatomm not only la the
to learn who wonld be reepoi
damage* ehoalil the amen
boreaai reorlred aa order from tba Ha­
or w^r pipe* beHnJoredby
waiian gcmmnMBt to w«m1 Prooidaot
mining tbe ooal.
Dole all Iba notSem. editor
Tbekaalateed Onad Raplda rt- I'Al Battle Oieek tbe employee of the
teBitenVfrom Ldtber to Taatln. II Beriew and Ueiald. tbe offleial amile*, hae been eompIcKd aad work' gaa of tbe Seranth Day AdrentUta,
la la procrea oo a farther exieaiiou dretded ool to lay off TbaokagiTlag,
d maa 1* now a
- aa mil<« lotMt toward Marion.
bat to work oa Umt’day and all Itaad*
tit it efpaoled that the New Batralnd
thair day'* work to tba
dinnaiaiw Irfrea at Decrotl tomor­• |ioor of the city. Tba nm amoonted
M it wan. to read bii
row by tbe Soo* of the Amerioin
> ahoBt dUXL They took
boor of bled.
--------------will —------------------be nobble la rari I the day for reli«loiif aerrioea in tba
Tbe manags of a New Tok clipping
oaa rapeota. Amoaitdia faatare* will offlcea
bixiaan in apenfctag of tba paroliaritiaa
be aa aaletope eookad whole afld
A party of Oanadlaa oficlal* and ofbitboalnameaidyaelarday: -Many
ried Into the batiqaet ball by four engineer* hare^beea in lantiegte*! thla of oar coftanan are folkawidi fada
•ad bobbiea
wmben of tbe aooltey.
week emdylng tbe Pn
The Obleego Dally Obrcniele «y» ferry ayatem with a
that the oanoalliitf of tite obartar* nf Uihing and oqniiipin
A Iradlng pnlltirian cra half doiea eeliooBura wldeh hadooii- of ic« onaaber* for winter aavigatlon. dered 100 Memorial
»ial <L
day addnma. from
OBOted to briag oargoe* of potaloe* At the head of tbe party waa W. B. which bo coold oomplk) a Fonitb of Jafrom aordiern Michtgaa to Chloago U Mackanxie of HonaUm, New Bran*tbe ftrat IntlmatinD (liat Chiengn mnr wick, gooeral manager of the Interaapbooki of tbelr new»pap«
bare to pay big price* for the tuber* : colonial railway. The
>nd the etuttom Will doabtlem
• the nest orop 1* harraeted. jfhowa grant ronriaey by Hera Mart nwalar »jrlal fad in tini&
At preaenl {wteea are abnat"
36 cent*
'■ qnalte olHciali and they made a deTba
* 'liic men areaaioig tbe
higher than at the Mune time
I Ullcd lD*)irOtiati of the esar feirie*
tba clipping
year, and txnurrraijve Mtlmate* pot Moekegon and tVre !
.vhont tbe atrangoat order «e bare ia
the price foT later in the wiateji>t II. latter reaacl. which baa been i
iC-r'Jadnlerinfo '
while Bome go ao tar a* to >
marine wonder of the grtatjnmecta Betiduaalltbodeathnutitm.'
• will hare to be jaid
lakea." waa the object of their eapec- .>Ncw Ycrk CumtoarolBl Adrertiaar.
The eaaaa of the Jainp inprioe^ U Uie lal admimtion. Before baflding their
diaeorety that Ibe Mlchlganv crop now tamona lee ornaber the Bnaaian
Bpeakiiig of theater buxoa and people
waa badly affected by the warm goTemment alao aent
la them, there * nut a sight in all lb*
weather and rain* ib October, and | there to aee the Marqaette in opeta- capital that 1 admire more than tbe
woald not stand shipment to market | tioo.
beroiam of tbe aocic
Sereial eebooiMTs twnnghi load* lo| Twenty-one western boraes shipped box party. Now a b
Ohloagoa week ago and all were in to Qreanrille found no owner. The (beater will bold foar penow comfottad abape when nnlumied oo tbe dock* | Pere Marqnette comjauy took care of ably, and uf these fear oily two eon am
at CAileago.
them, and now'the court ha* giren wbat'* going uo oi tba stage well
T. T. Lyon. Itlie reteran bortiral- Iba oompoar an order to aell them
tarist who died laat sammer.becineath- l»y the ftelght,.
arerage box party ia made ap of oix a
ed hi* ten-acre farm near Bonih
eight full grown man and wanm, and
Bartni to the Plate Ucrticaltiiral *n ' Now i* the time when
tbe women get tbe front aaata, of coorm.
iwore rapidlr {alal. and Aa moB—well, the men take tba
cletT. oooondllion tlial a in.OOO fond
bwjkgrannd and catch rare gBmpoea
mainteaance of tba aoctety, in coupoogb Cure. It i> reiy plmaant to erf Ae leading lady'a aboalda.
nectloB with tbe tncosir from, tin- ‘4oke and con be relied n]Nm to quick- wben Ae obspercD mya. "Ob. Mr.
farm.; The farm will br rrodr for d.--1
care congh^. cold* and all lung dm- Brown, I'm *u afraid vuo're nut see­
ing," Act anille oudaay: "Oh. ye*. I
am. 1 coo am perfectly."
•oeletr next wt#fe.
It'* aohbmc. I Bay; If*
Pnlea* aomelhiug 1* ylee^lr done
to pcolect deer In the niqier penlnania
r wen enjoying tba
tbe animal. Will be extenalnated. At
•eljutg price* of yesterday lor craetbe premt rote of *Uiigbter 5,000 will i S}^,i^uion.
^CA proriaiwa and
.farm |«odtieu
hare been killed before tbe aea*oD . for Travaraa Oity
cloae*. Game Warden Mora.- i* pre-1
paring a reatrictire mcaaarr for intro- Clear Pork per bbl.
dactiOD in the legieAture thisaeasiou. [Clear Port jier lb
Bagiaaw i«.|.k-ocnfldeutAUy aa«-rt
(*. , wiine wtamagioi, oni i doi't know
T^' tnjtbtot: etat them. I'l^^yratd I'd
- - * Oo.
be tl*e aecmid ciiy in the aAle a* far Bre Floor. H.L L. *
4 SO mem anaophiatieated-"
A Co. E
I 60i "Tliat needn't boebayoa."
as (loiiQlaliun gun* on eeeount
lu-eount of the Meal. H. L. ft Co. Beat
I 06 { "b there any paitiealar style of eoaL. ft Oo. Best
laexhaastabk- .opply uf coal and the . F<«d.
z^ R
-~ r~
86 I tame that'* apiaoppAteJ"
AduoemenU lliat are guing to I-,
lOI "Y'«a; yon Just wwaworied look
5 ustabliBh l.*rt per lb
' and CroosRi that have fringe at tbe batButter 5»
Thr Caltaedral of Mt. John the Ithloe. which i> aiv ta coura of roBatruothn on Monilnceldc llciclile. New, Yon Ht}. i« to t-' the I
aUiM'tDrc to thU nniiiirv. TIiIr view elinaa tin- |irogivw luade o the vroat
arrb. which ferwe^thr <-bl«-r feeture of the ro<-a>lc.



Handsome grey or dark colon—satio
shoulder or sleeve linings—*'Haglan“ cuff if
you wish—Splendid values at the price.

itfaw^ Jm*l&abk
Ing-tbeahlp. k takm abnt 1,500
the ene^'t rmitdagpowm
lo-Miffm" agreotOBBaidar.andwbM m
tUa k doDa (be lowm bold ia faMoad by ttaair oieoocinn Thorn wbo baliero
and battened down and work la btgnn (bat war, wbatbw Jbm anajak. Im
flm any barbarity whiob wlU lead to
apaady rictocy will agree wttb that
opinkm—Preffama W. M. SoaM’l
-life of
1b Oaotiay.

rlfy pa by dncriblng tbe poiaoo which
peralytro all tbe aetiTe powen of tba
body while IcaTlng the Msribtlitieatm- ploatiaL Brave and gallaat, be
tuoebed. Coleridge offers a ftody of that great tarorite ia aociety. bat It ii doebt___
faltfbebaa aaywbwe a man ardmt
kind to |vTCfaol(«uta. Hi* will
doobt, »a.A«g«iiiallytohla "indo-: •dmirw than ooeamall maideirtowhom
kocec*paUeirfeo«rKi«,"aibe*ayatu : beaund.a*ab.igbt“*amreproebe.”
araraai^le paaaageofmrlyaeU pa-. She was tbe hot's daagbtoat anafttraitimv wa. cbaractenatic of hiawbola ««*«“ raeepUm wbm Ow>a^ <^ly
appearance. Ho coold almrt enomoos ; was tbe bon of tbe oocaston. Tbe bellM
,g rmdiug aitd write a meak
directing all tbmrrolwithamaxing llncncy. bat tba aoargy i W
«perl*tlTe and bewltobing
nut be co-nrdia^ or cooMOtzM- glatKB* at tba bero, wbo, hownrer. Ig. . .
tatloemeDte aod mkadto
ytba 13-year-old mia* to tba

■ The finest tailored garment* — satio
shoulder—all wool worsted linings ~ satin
sleeve linings. -

You should-vsee the above overcoats
and ulsters—sure to need them soon—Many
of these trill go within a week.

llAllliTOII (10111(1 (OUPAIH

biiiaraaof ''iublbiiion.
not BQpfna* or nstnin hti emotli_ .
amwdtast. TbecrawB'
iag Joy came, bowerw. wban. calking
mya ia bl* iMbecio ode. faaeaoj*
to bar a* if aba "had bm Mn. ClereBap'r br aMrn*. MeenA to MmO
Und." to quota her own word*, her comProm uj tm aotsr* *11 Uw aManl mae
woe hi* "anle muuice. hi* ooly plan." panioo aaknd bow maoy laotben aad
kiMen aba had.
a repliMl. “One brotfaer and ooa
r, tbe boy bi-lwrrn.” and added.

diiti^ralm. .Pa’.ifforM«riuo*‘"wetn'‘*"?Pf*"®^^^
. 1 Aink that is ratbnr lu
eraded, iaaSaad of being met face to .
facA When be beard •nddculy at Malta i ^o<» rv<Tyl»*17
3iim IVavUnonh * d.«lh be tried ...

r. -not wbm t
be reached tbe d'*e Ml («iIm- Dixir la a
oooniUlTB I
a fortnight,
th-u d«-brvd that be
waa nn^lc to c ea miy k-ucr. k-t tbe,
tfauald bnug n« .. of the d«rth erf oje nra la Ai# ooe?~Ncw Yak Ttmaa
of hliriilldiva.
The inwiuaity erf bla faalingapnnlTncd
M. B. Ongoy, aberiff of AmaJm,
in»taad_pf stimulated lu*
^ Ailing aomafricod* tbe other even‘exaffin end preying* oi»ai th
■ay..-pluck <

A it. Up at Indian Difgtlags, i .
nor* ago. two men Damed Aicbw and
in..» i. thu
mhsr.Tu^ T hmt- **»"'»* bad a diajmte wiA a German
ao much
mlenti*t'f wife
they, auppoaing they would have no
"What new snbataaea.
ttoabla A taking paaaemicm. maicbed
"Tbe element A Ae ai
on Ae grotmd. The Uoman Jouk up a


beaniAg over hia apaataeleewith Aa
^ mtnre of ropS^wUdom.

^ .. , , .
owa^a at^
; cry be got out erf tba way. "—Ban Fran
"Yes; iu diacorery U looe of tbe
P trf tbeu
It least It will re

A well toowh aod hoy actrem bn*
little dangfata wbo U a iraouciuai
Toang pogao, and tba other tugbi. aa
I Ae Durae waa away, she w»* put to bed
••Ifa a a did yoa «ay. 'Wbat it by a frimid trf bar moAer *
"Do you not **y>jar ia»r“a, dear*"
"Nop!" reqwoded Ae InfanUle be*Well aiiam ji.a> aae. «* barea^ Am. "1 doi't know any. and mamiaa
ia always away when I go to bed."
"Pohapa you woold like to i»ra a
mtto-" saggaMdaba of tbe mlmiai. _
ary nmtoriea "Du yoa. think you
AnorelcyAiisamma istbabatAr- 'coold?"
ffy daoigoad to fwtcD. Afbdy'* rail [ "Coold I lean a pever?" rapaatad
aAA audltoa will
Tbanbimeffllm aramadewiAapaMDt j AayamgaA derldrataiea. "IsAmU
cbardilng to deuaate tbe | mj 1 ooald I'm racy qaito mdy.
wbat di*JM*UiOo to make of the state
bodiea m well a* to fattee A* raiL i Haw Yak Maroary.
tax oornmimton. The gruwA of the Potmtoe*
bn '
1 »! He—Why was Boloman A* wAmt Mnoyoftbem ore momeled A all tba '
aAA'abaolnea* and the inerraae
■MAial oolai of tba boturty. Darning
—d.l>lo.d -Ui..
,h. bBntftwbmi
Wa are
•00| Sbe-Besam batodno maoywAm peodto to Ala parpamriral tba bouec------------ — •- tl>e state houiu-.
.letiUtycrf loAii«tbabmndaaafta
fliea A popatoity. One <ArnA«.needla
and Ae membm of tbe presnii board
baaatitnl than Aa oA« U of Ae bom ia atoAn. bat we are now told
Wheat per bo (old)
of aadilon aay it U imperalively nec»wfama a man's sAbl* bat bam
fiMgold ml WiA r<
Tba Hkga might to rorirnd.
mnaiBlda Yaiy Ana gold AaAi ore
aeoary that Ae
-----------I per b..
Aa seek to fall drto ocoa- hmmw.mmtoiaad. "DA'ipatyoar
proTiolon for either adding .s,I tbe
— ,I Com
-— ....
per ba
— (old) .
mdto from them are Jawaled bom A ktoMll atM year mabt* ia
ovl Al « en^tlnga new o«c* ; *■ Atoea pw bo .
«0' Koraeeo bm i
MUl:.! ™
. of
l.» o.™~l:
by tba male . then. The ktter U • Egg* per do*. atrtcUy fnab [I
doamad tba brat plan.
Ml«dUM> BAreb Ca wiU pay
aUatook. lOatwA
ttom aad AritmaA Aa tyiiiA F. O.
ha* baao badly damaged by anawAlIy !
*• poAtom yea^nda of aaffman ban tmraad
brnry rain* of kA. Tbit injaiy was
^■nratad by A*
< traSeof
th..eM dljML A. . I.
g beat wagona. and tba road* bar* •WbM Ae stomach U tired ft it
been ao badly oat ap aa A be almost
>. B. Walt, DwgfflaA
Tbe Alaiv of oonl under tba amet
•f SoglaMr U ennaing tba offAlala
Of that a^ty WAatdmabla ttoabla Tbe fBttaa AM dlgaaA aU fclaAto tod.
aaanmn ekiii that they bar* a right F. a TUmpatm.
•am • to tba MaaAlf Aay gM






Blue, btack or grey — good wool Ker■eys—equal hi appearwoce to higher priced
goods—best values to be found.



fTlic Boston Store

A New Eeature in
Ladies’ Rubbers

A Great Improvement!


V y REASONS why Bailey's Palent 8i>>lx«i ' ^
1\ Back Rubbers must commend them*
yfS selves to all who wear rubbers.
^ pir'ct
having a ribbed back pro* A*
tects tbe clothing from becoming aret
or soiled on the under surface by breaking tbe
j(L suction which two smooth surfaces mftke when


together at
tJVAcVliU the top- and spreading over the
heel to tbe bottom serves to bold the rubber
securely on the shoe and prevents it from .
‘ 'slipping at the heel.
TIlirH It prevents the breaking of the rubilUl U 1^,. ^t the heel where ordinary rul>*'
ben always give out 6nt. A short fit cannot
be forced on tbe wearer. It also secures tbe
shape of the rubber tilt worn out. The price is

es«> .

A trifle more than you pay for the comqieB
mniram, but tbey Will outww them two to one. '

Ask for Bailey’S

Adffiba abuttac.vmwv

■'5;^ .;









j?^p!^ !!!!S-!j-i^i -?*
fc«br of tefm» Otr.

tixMmiu SMOtD, nuLTnaon, na>, Hits^«, kovnott aa^ IM.

irm» OH7,

r Anted th*

te^£*toAMte^to^ Z



«o« ts

tettagUBMlf. Mh« WM th* taokjr,
MB «kM M»tar, MM. Mnr


nte ptee* «r laMw fawdi
aateiM S.MO fMom. th* cwUl

tm it Mdb

taa Mnde a big gate, then the tell
*u loM OB a fainble. PetoMeyfumMed, tet MaiteaU got tte teOl and
■ado a loag gate aramd tte end.
The hall WM eantaroend in Itey.
aard'i dlieotioa, tet be teohled the
■aa end tarried htei teek for a nine
ywd loM. Ttea Pettakey fnobled
agate, and tte baU rolled teek 01
•betr goal One of ttetr men foU at
it. and It WM deelared a tooohbaok
Tte baU WM tarried oat to the M
yard lino, aad Petoekey kioked.
Boyer tan^t and made a big gate,
aad a deeblo peat from Thaok<
Boyer made aaotfaer big gate. Then
' Ite ball weat to Peuakey on a funMe. After a few teort gatea. they
OMt a Man aroud left end. He wu
downed, after amkteg a big gain.
Ao ball rolled from hti gnep, aad
toldk M a flMb, Bomie 'Beynoldc.
the imie qnarter back who bad been
playteg nte fine tell daring the
gOBe, MoMd It, and ekirtlng left end.
WMtt tMring for Petoekey's goaL
Peer bm Med to etop btei. bat eU
of them WOT • MOe too elow, and
Boyaoldi rolted attorn the line for
the Mooad toaobdown of tte game.
Then tte crowd oame peartag over
Mb ropee, and Benle had a tree ride
Booooe kioked the goal teaatlfnlly.
oad then he had to be tarried a while
Aad tte game wm 'woo by TtarerB
Oily. Mere, ll loO.
The ttee ap of tte tei
TiarwM Olty
Theoter____ ____ le..........
Bdlobary.................. U........... ...H*teti
MrVolgh............. ,.lg. ....VaaOtoen
KyMlka................. rg.............. Bbmingi
•laau.............;...rt................. Proniok
Barai.... Jl...... q.......... ... I^liite
Boeeee................rh.............. Marteall
IClUkM................. fl................... Smith
VarMBU and SandeUnan. the' half
haote of Petoekey, did &e beet work
JlB MUUken et fall beek maket
enellcat ate, and le a etrong spot
OB tte local team. Salebeiy and
Btwme {day with lote of top
Kywlka. KoKtoie and HeVelgb
Bake a etroog Mo tn
Kyeelka wut tfaroogfa tee 'rieitor*
. ttee at tlBM a* thoagb It
Tte book* aad cade te yeeterday'e
MW* i«tt nothing te te deelred In
tee way of tte men to ron with the
Tte leepoDdbility for the victory of
tte local team yeetetday wu du
Walto Oray. tee ooaeh. more than
■ to anybody elee. Be hM worked
hard for tee boye. and the play veeMMay ebowed teat hU work had
HU abort
aevwal of tee playt teat te hu
BMlf. WOT very effeo-

and danoing wu toolged tn till a
late boar. Helm'e orelieetra forn.
Uhed the moalc.

The BanBer Olab held ito aanaal
liankagivto meeting >Mt eveaing
t tee home of Hon. and Kra J. -W.
KUUkea. The oixaeloo wu a deUltetfal one, aad wu enloyed by a
Urge nnniber. inelnding nmny invited
'' v
During tee evening LoagfeUow’e
oem. -4l>e Oonrttelp of MileeBtaclih," wu iretoUd, eqaelally
runatUed for tte oocaaloa. Special
ioenoiy wu owd. aad tte preoeatatUm wu very plearing- Following
U tee oari:
Hllee StandUh .. Mr. Frank Vettca.
John Alden........... Mr. J. W. Fatohln.
... Hon. J. W. MllUkea.

.................. Mr. 0. A. Hum


clou J^eevItofte



At Pwk ptoato Bnadway.B**
Tote.natolwteoa tutotato tte

JSL£s?s.“.tss:.2: w-'saffisir'SfrE:!'


Htw Stotk...
Lattst nootJHts


nUkt Ycmr m •
Silttthas flMf

Bamum & Earl,






lout eveaing a very pleoMtit party
wu given by Mi. aad Mia. a J.
Oamett to their gaeata, Mr. aad Mia.
nu Rotmey of Beatoh. Mleh.
Mr. and Mia. Booaey an reeently
■' Bvotyotu who hu need Ohambermarried and are on their wedding
lain’i Oouh Bemedr apeaka well of
tear. They ore viritlng Mr.
it,” mya Mr. Bdwari PTMlller. of
;Mra. C. J. Oamett and Mr. Booay'e
People who
oouin. Ed OaroetL
aae thU perparatlon an aeldom mUlled with any otter. Item la not'
to like it to alto a oongb or
All of tee hoteU in the city pot ap bnak ap a oolA It U pleaaant to
ixeeptionally fine dianera yeederday, take. too. For mle by P. 0. Thompbo mean oontainto >11 tte apecial

am H thlMk
stssf •


boto tte imtaa
torqneerBd_____________ ______
aaoBg ftoe U tee dadtelll. or ocBiteorhynetea whkfaBidneySBite dmerfbad
M "akindof moU witewabfaed to
down oaa baateUgM his haaote,
andteabUlof a dock, white agUaud to told him teat a maU wagon had no
to nmtoed
hba mm ri^ U ron over him than an tea
r tobiUty to
di^wtet^ltWMabiidcrabeaaL" I -b ttet ao?" te
It WB only reoantly teu U wm proved j
-MtU. by gem. b« teU U tea
beytmd a dooU ttet teUemiema animal | (ooith time I've been ran over by thean.
lay* ««ga»ka a bird.'fhoogb IhU had | to na» time they try it oa 101 i
tog barn to<»to 1>7 (»»•>*«• Wow fn*."_Detroil Fwa Pram.
eomea tte new* teat it hM eating <M
------------------------Itt hind leg. <apahU of kiUinf by itt '
We qnoU tren Tte : Taau
tee godetoef life
Bm alttr stood on avety hemte*
tog time it wu eopridered to ' atone, her fire barned en the floor of orbe qaiu termto to dnaUtau cf any J ary poblio bonding. Emlgiaata. whea
wesDOB of offeoae. altbooite tee hind I leaving ttelr ooonuy, ahrays caniad
legs If tte mato wen armed with a < with them fire from tte pabtio tearth.
pOTsfoI Bpor.-ai^amtly naneettd ■ Tte vestal rir
wlteagland. Tbn tte opinlca wu ad-1 aerriro—tenio
meed ttet this might te a wvapon al- in pncticing
Uad U.tte poisoaona amoty of siakea. I novtcna. After tela tm bad expired.
Korpfou a^ beoL all of whioh poasem j they might, if theyeboae. leave tteaarv'
a sort cf hypnderato poiacn ayringe. | ice of Itetr diviue miatmm <r marry,
Tboo^ one set of ohaerven ameried ; but few did so. Honert wot ihowered
that tell wu tte caie, anoteer nt denied j npon teem. They rule in <hu
IL and to Dr. Stoart dstermined, if poa- | privilege in Roane aocurded only to roy>
ribKu solve ihUqnastion. Boreceived | altyi tte beat aesU in the ampU!
•oil ■

I arcoouu. which eoin-:
fer teem: they pardooed
aided perfectly, apd-from them te con-' or eonde
ttegladiUOT. If scrimehida ihu u oertaln amona, u all | 'Inal led
itlca met a veatal. te 1^'OUM TO RENT^it V.;.
omo, tte ecaedon is riraleady pot- \ wu instantly nlaaaed. no
sooooa Tbe mode cf Utw-h is not by | hit crime.
"Anoteer advonMge which rieel hav­
ing nlefcel in iu c
repeated in dngi. One dog wu •stnng' ; Pnraoe not a virtoprtoo fu. He hate
over mdina
reaemoorrodeand.__ __
footeoM on it. ao teU nickel Meel ehlps' Sling thiu froan bee nr, hornet poison.
h may rain ttea.
Tbedcgwueridailly ingreu pain and
bouam will never reqnire u b
very drowsy, bnt there were no treciori. —Gecrge Hotart.
—Chicago Timm-Serald.
ocDvalskxu or staggering- It i* werthy
of nou that a certain immonily aeema , Uasparin eatimatea that tte ev^ofoicnof
obtainable, for tte dog aoffered to on : tiem
of water tnn
tron tteaarlaoeof tea
tte asoond oocarion and still to on the I earth ia from 8t to 60 inctes a year, aoteird. Two rum of men being wounded ocrdlng to, locatloc.
, .
teat ll to av, they bear their fiowen in
a The new raea teve the advanjTfT tee oteen of being "perpet___aadeooaeqaenUylheTflawereaDtinoooalyall teroogb teeaammer. TbU
advantage they owe to their origin, e
natural eroai (croUetneat natarel). obn UOi cSftau RspUswitM'"rwakarttmai
aened in tbe.hyou gaidene. between
to s Mrriblr wsHoasd Kolo. BOlou
tee Oowerv of the firM apecimena of
sod ‘“'wr
tidnsr (roeUa •■ado ns m
did for »,■
chu I VM bsrdtr sMs to verfe. a
Polyantee introdooed from Japan and
rsooaU Dc
wof Dr CUsrS KklswUvw Rlk.
aoase hybrid perpetoal roaea By repeat­ wta o«lsd with le.Bo discsdwo
o< too Udoero ^ j
^ tiifiaiiil Tbar
ed end carefnl aelectiona. e new ran of aU mlariWMBt of tbs to- Nr fsnUly docus-1
^ ■», sU 1 thtaMhw ■«• a
roaea hu been produced which, like an- muodatotbowtolroflssiS'lbtts.batdldnotMp : iroodorfol iD.dUH.''
so t CSV*
up sod basso uMof ! Thrmsrksd i»r«VH of Dr. AW, i issVKtornoala, gcnolnate. flower aad prodnee
aaeda Itf to than .a year. The term ua
staptr wetorfoL 1
"dwarf" U ioAited by the height, w^
in Mnlt ptaou it only aboat SO inteea
The flowera 'are ringle, cemidoabl^ 'cr
dooble. in elmoat eqa '
preaeotalmoat all tec
obMrvtd In enlUrated roaea Flowering
oommeatcea in the first yt«r. and
a few
after aowing. ThU preoodryiatmeafteemaat remarkable aad
-' ' of thU new typa—

Grand Travdrse
Land Co.
HOD8E8 to sale la all puts of Ite
PARJ&^aTS?’ U« of deatimble '
foms aad other lands.
FRUIT LAKDS cm the Penlniala- f
Improved and nnlmproved.
BAROAlK8-We have them.

Grand traverse Land Co.
y.TharuU C. a. BoBowaO

Itov Phone ».



Oeuwe la s)l bo.o of «iat«It,B. lArsnd r<sOdrort- ■fOinln la lb.' w.prtdf.,r
• <"

In loU Irom 16 to $1,000 on koo.1
i-hatlel awurity, jewelry, ftirnilure,
pianoa, bonce oranybind of atoek,
.or B'-od aerored noU-a
i'all at loom 1 and 2, BamUtoo
AMiHiken BInrk.
_____ JOHN li KELLY, A«ent


esse »sssssEeBsses

-J "' >■_______ ^5.
1 ■_____ LJ.

Horses From Indiana!



•ellel Maato te a Caeran B
eerved te tee aaylom patlento and
An Inurestlng dieoovery bu been
employea, a large taamber of toiteya made at tee Chuch of St Maiy. with
St. Andrew. Tenybam. in Kent The
weiun door recently onderweat leoo
»|«saa UheWUain.
vatem. and the removal of all eaperfl
en teinga are "tte beet"
cdal eovering dieekned that the porul
ne”tenito«Uto-” Abn
WM of fine maaaive oak. which, on ei____ a leading drnggUt. ofl
vile. O., writea: “BlwMe BitUra amlnation. wh foond to be loaned in
ue tee beat aelliag bitten 1 ha' jevenl plaem with ballet muka. Thera
an eight diatlnctp
handled in SO yeara. Ton know wh'
Moat dUeam begin in dieordera
atomarii, liver., kldneya. bowel
blood and dmtu. ElecMo Bitu
tied into teedow by eomc of Cromtonea ap the atomarii, ngolauc liver, well'a aoMieia wbeo engaged in
kidneya and bowels, puito tee
blood, ecrengteetia tee nerrea. banoe
ooiea toaltitodM
Am of maladlea It
e entire- eyeetm. Pott
new Uf
cor into any Bank^i thooght to needed empa> n»H» or wi
Priee fifty oentt.
Sold te Jaa ( tte to ro^I^B^ed her.
JohuMO and & E. Walt, tbogglMa
Banks gnd we have now «
A large namher of banten from tte placea—Detroit Fne Preaa
city took advantage of tee holiday
A t^ABD.
yeMerday and went to the wooda. bat ;:We. tte nadwrignoA do
few of teem report any great degne
toTlMle^On^e^^iSto Syof aaoeeae.
rap of Tar if it telU to oon yoor
m aiOTAw,
eoito or oeld. We aUo gnazan'
SS-oMt bottU to prove mriafaeto
touy refonded.
__________ - one I
Bngbee A Bozbotg,
not aftaid to be geaurooa Tte pro- 8. S. Wait,
O. JohnaoB,
F. O. Ttempaon.
^to^Dr. Kl^U^w Dieto^
nanalaa la Ptooi
B find In oar atoek qolu a nomber
----- MttnBeatt teat have bean oat on
It Mandt alone, U towere above. of knowing It hM oared ttean
hopeto oteea Aodima, Bkl_____ _ natal aoooant aad taken in anriange
Tte(a’OBOoteae,lt’enataTe'ew«i '
a iMWini poaldoe to tte beai . Im Grippe and all Throat. ChoM
a^SfL 8«te U Boeky Meontaln
we offer u foUowa:
Tea. SBo. Ate yoBT droggiit.
One FetohM high top <rgui
with Moel aaT hoA.. .^. tL<
Tte TmvwM City Bod A Oan dab
One Bttrtto organ, solid walted a very eaooMteol ehoot at ttelr ■toy bottla geanataed.
.aateaaa. ato.tote to....... ».
Tte meaiteie of ABante Hive will <toto|watodfia^aMe.iaaigroaad'i yeeterday atoneoa. 1
very good teootliig wm doae. and arvennoyatar aapper tegtaaing at
tewe who partielpated eejoyed the » o'olook Friday. Kov. SO
AtoWto^aowptooa to
ttn’ WM1
atBnooa gitoly.
OTMin Ite tttot oase daMgn. la



with MoeltonSrtorito fiR.flO

if wivM have any c


M Um to ool^y laqatnd;
"Doyoa kaoar what yoa ten ban
doai«. airP'
gattTSS oTitor
"I do." ngtted tee mn M tebruted
Bwayot teadlrt."taBtl ooaMa'tte^
H. I'm not tte mn to tumfaaa wMh
"Batter tokoatlnfama**
Tea. I will”


ettoaef vemMa
MiteadoatOedlywlll." Mid a CteaAUa geatleaMB at the Great Horthon
tteotem<to, •■OuBda will, in a bom
otmtrol tet telpholliWag indoMiy. tecaMa, M tom U M prtomt known,
thOT U Twy UttU nlekel oaUide cf tea
toile we hove aitee] bear­
ing pyritB praocioally witeoet limiL
That whole vaM MrMeh of teritory
reaofaiac frma Lake Soptow to labra­
party ptemgei a partlcolarly ta- dor U rkh In it aad will jaoAoto tendredt of teoaaaadi of toe of it aanaalMiMBMnmttrru. Mrenacnlu leyabUMTlee.
ExeeUeat mteie wm fonUbed by
«w* Bteo. vtea tte bdl WM loot oa
orobeMia aad it wm a late
• fwobte Pslootej oBde bot erne
"Bow will teUeontrol tee telpbaildboor
fMa, ttea loM oa 0 foBbU, a
to toa^T ^^lateUjy:
MtUac oa tte tell. A doaMo jam ing tte evening a Mdmidld arena
- toai Uaymai to Bomoo Mttod ■ U« WM OMved In tte dining
MMaadoftar »fov iroMobte lino TboM who wm not inoltod to
Mnoe wp»t tee tUne teppily In M- (pwoeMof ttktolUdoohUteeM
tetet, PM0MM7 hold. -oDd tte tell
iveroe, eardi and other gamee of ordinary fuel In the eoaMraO
•tet ow oa down*. They node o
BMi-of-wnr tee advantage U ok------ In tee parlora.
^08 right MuL Itea Motr too
and in boUdto .BMchant vemele the
ImM eTealag'Vn. W. N. Eelley eo- btodt to he Wived fm tee OM of
iteido tete WM Mod, tet Thooter
nieke] tuel U eqeaUypUin.
eqeaUy plain, m it wlU
MN toiM fora Wg loB. aad tte leriained a'aainber of yoaag ledlee In niekd
boaor of;KlB ieeeltb Vlrtaa, of Bol- mhU teem to be boJIt mate Ugbto
whieb meau lem
MUUbaa WM Mat throat tte o«a laire. troeher in the High aobool of
to to * good gate, ttea a hole, wot tte city. The.evening wm dellghtoriry and fqul BBooBt of
MB Ihraagh tte oMitn by Kywlte. fnlly tpent, tte boeteee irovlng herIt will only be a few yean wtaca
toaagh vhtah Boyor went for iS bU a royal ontertalaor. Huio wu a wooden reaeel in tee pot
Afow more Iteo boete. Md one of tte pleamal feataree of the .wlU be aometeto of a novelty aad tea
new vemeb will befoe very kmg. for
I OMt throngb oester for eraoto' Dainty t
tte ramoai Indicated, be made of niekel
atoaehdowB right between tte gtial
tote. But tte IVtookoy teferu
The Foreeten gave a very pleamnt Meel and thU wiU be tee only metal la
MoffMde play by SlmBe, end the eodal party tot; evento l>> (heir dmaadto tte parpen u yoorgreat
•blpboUdiag 7«rdi In Cleveland. De­
tell WM earried oat 10 yard*. Milll- hall A luge nottber were inv
troit. Sooth Chkago and other pointa

ittapBUJOttOOS WAirrs.


wuharrytotooCStyBallp-rk. for
a wtsder tee teinr t-»“t ot
teooghtteaaBwu at tte botna'to
te onapad tte wtetb. Htoamstanwito<»t.MMndwite AM toaaontr
to hut. to Ite dito toted dan

t tow Me peew to Mat wMt toebOT.

wbn ttM WM «Blted.
MM Mlf ted tMBlted te • MOT
At tte eteM at tte tett. Bor-,
wteted doM tte MW |d^t^ for
TMtmw Oity, «M eucbt «p oa
Om of tte BOM ptaUBBt Motel
.MnlMnMtte «mrd, «te r«
W <te Mid. Mtd «M imiTted Btaoat fuetiau of (te.'row Mu to
to • vUte Br • Mto at vfld Toonf tte opwiar intr of tte winter
M ciTw t7 tte Kalghte of 1>r*UM
In ttelr teU UM slchL Ttece m
r, EmoMot kteted

uTtoMto M tete of wUte teatolmaUWOT waMM.«B IgtelagteM
to htototenottoteMaghtoM

Fto ^ OTtoa. at.toiZ^lM
Ji Tte hoUdan
te hue. to WobSo team goods in oar ogn
fauttng ^«>n- Ohildna wiU oat OabofTto anry tottameat U fally
W. W. ^kaU Oo.
ultoMte BMd>*ton*M iSot ». B. atttBg. M^^.
thiTtodigeM. AaaiMilt tetoM
tototebecuMof InfilfwTiwi to

■ ■ »ssr«a^“5

VIOtelMIS^ -


Hjiis s li.TSt'Sd!

dMMOc aaliuln br ___
proTuO nutixxlii llav or 1
UUBdwL TutooMKo.

Just received a car load of splendid horses
from Fort Wayne, which contains some of the
finest stock ever brought to this region. See
these horses before buying elsewhere.


oouro SOUTH.


Fmi Oran. Tia.Biie'Cltr, KAiih.


‘m .

Sales Barns, State Street.


oona BOBTS.



r\A U SWAJTTOK. ntoal anuO

. mmM OImMmm.
mmm oa^^ dkula


iroMMMMMvah I.OTr*«MM t-A o. p. to 300
>r t0l«plion«s for for house, fsetory or store. We

necAll bell to A whole olty.

ttaaii Ml


4 Wj


il!l !!i

tCUUST H, y »io«uiffg2MC.‘’5rT"
■iBistN I RortbMstern R. R.
In dlSeront loealitiat to mle 'on may
torma. Alao money to knn on rml
oottU aeoarity.

Ho ifix dfisM iBsertei is Mflnce.

DON’T Be Foolcoi

lAD Wf

John R. Santo


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