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The Morning Record, June 26, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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SBOTfams «ad Otwmvu S»pnlMd t Tin TbIb.,■•rltahBrlc««»udOw Umiti »t
TWkakrBrtttMkl»SaR»U-«CUl •
Vkf7 BamMst Kakiac B*«y
PnBHsUM <ar axuM«a owaaica
to Otoa
4pp«l Vroa
torw amtattM«stUU’Bu( Ohuc
«HmebPaktota<toaM«7Ua pe«~
fy Bar w wUfltA tiw
nil---- mtototor Wb Ttoc rur ^
UaAea. Jut M. 4 a. n.—Snpma
M w to* rMl •UmUm to Oblna atlU
eeattosa. Tba oalr tofgrmatlon rce«l*«d bj to* roMr«tt«at U Baar AdnMcal Braaa’a dUpaieb and aaothar aa>
Bouetor that iba troop* mdI ob Iha
battlaahlp Ikrribla tKHD Boar Konf
ha*s antvad at Ibka. A dUpateb
from Cbefoo datod J«ea 2*. raportt
UiattoeTvriUatod laadad at Taka
a bricade with ImprorUed aonnved
faaa for tbe relief oolaan. A dlapatcb
totheTal^raphfroffl Bbanrbal Montor aar* that anceaaalra tailarea bare
atuadad the rfforta to rallefe liea
Tala, the Bowlau and Oerasaat ba*larbm rapolaed.
Waabinrtoo. Jana 2»-Tbe na»r departsaat waited anxloaalr all dap for
saw* of tba axpaeUd' aafaremant bt<
twaaa tba Oblaaaa foroa aearTlan Tala
aad toe laUmaUaaal aptoBa, aad for
too UMB of tba-AMrtoaaa klUad aad
woaadsd to too togagaaaat laat waak.
d to aaad wha
Buratary Ltog. jaat bafora ba ratliad tooirbt ia nld to bare r^oriad
aoadetoaatontard to tboaa mattort
racalTad trow Ko^a. aad ba tooarht
aoaa woaU oo« bafora noratof. Tba
ca^mmmntnm KampS today
ftaa daya old. KaaawbUo tba aaty
AtoortMiOaBtktoK arary prapara*
tloaforaaoElaadad aaapalfb aoT
aad afloat to Obtoa, raabtot man aad
obipa to tba aaoaa of tba tmUa
Loadca. Jaaa U-Tba adMlralty^
maairadU* toUowtoc diapatab traa
Admiral Braoa, dated at Takn,
Ohafeo oa Jaaa tt:
‘Tba total foroa wbleb left Ttoa
Ibto orlto tba aoMaator-to-oblat
Pakto to aboat t.000, aefad of datoahmwtofmtoa alUad thipa. Ko
r-to-abtot 1
Uaratba i
It wMoaly kaawa that ba a
of W tin TMa batoff toroMad.
"Tlaa Tda baa bean flcbttoc fs Ita
lUaavsMaea. Itwaa oa raaalpt of
totermattOB that the ObtoaM army bad
ordered tratoa fs aMaaktof Tiaa Tbto
aad that that they wore raTafftot Tone
Ea aad ratotorator Taka m wall at
'^totoff tba month of the Pal He, that
U waa prompUy datarmtoad to aaUa
Taka. Stoea than arary effort baa
baw made to raUaea Ttoa Tala. I
tera eommaadad a email aoaaUar
•Imms fs toktof troepa aad tba alek
I tba bay to Wol
Hal WM, wbara I inlaad suktoy a
7 ante boapitataad aaytom fs
Waahlartoa. Jaaa »-He efietol
adrtaaa ware raeairad from China to
day, altbs by tbU roracamaat or tba
Obtoota mtotols. Tba tottor eallad at
tba ataU dapartmaat to aaareb of
aawa. Tba Oarmaa ambaaaads alao
eallad fs tbe aama parpoaa. Ofictola
are kept r>«utor. aad with aaeb a
altaatlon they admit that totelUffaat
Caaaalar to not poaalble. Tba aery
dapartmaat to awaiUnr furtbs particplM rarsdlnf tba rarans and eaaaaltiaa of tbe Amerleaa' martoaa at
Ttoa Tala, bnt Admiral KampS bM
aaat ao addlUoaal dlapatabaa. Tba
dapartmaat to alao walttoy to bear
from Admiral Barney aa to wbatbs ba
baa toft MaaUa fs Taka. Tba war
dapartmaat bopm to bmr that tbe
Biatb rarlmaai now to tba PtalUp^M
wiUfrtawayfs tbe amt of trmbto
Thera are mawre that a larfa foroa
from tba army baa baaa aaat to Cbtoa,
aot rarity s die
admit that If tbara to la ba war with
Cbtoa, the mOltofy wm hare to do the
flfbttor. M tha aery aaaaot do math
atatoataaattoaof 4flfl.ooo.ooo people.
Brariy all tha Cbtoam porta are
haUkytorMtw aad tha nary
aotepautoaratoattkpm. It will re
gain a larra army to mareb tolaad
aad It wQl tax tba foralra powam to
faratob aa army aqtal to anbdnlBC
Obtoatotkaaeaatof war.orslf they
eo operate to military opamtloaa. Tba
perimmoat wUl ao deabt oeoaldar
plaao ftf iwfliiir oths troopa to Ohtoa
•■d oaM them to ba to raadtoaaa, bat
aatil toaro ia no other way of
Ttewtof tbe CbtoaopitoatiM.
■a to be toaraaarf to
rv. Jaaa U-Tba esaa
haalBBadtbefoUowtoc: “Aa wa ooaafdar It emiiary to rake too troepa to
toa Anr dtetrlat to a war foottoc wa
faqaaat toe aalaktar of war to taka
to direct too aaoaaaary bbbbarottaaala tba abatoa-Asar diatrieta to be eallad oat for aereiee.''
TbaAaardMrlattala tba aaatan.
loat partMf Albarto aad tba aaaraat of
tba oarb dooatoa to tba aaaM of tba
It treabU to Obtoa. Tba Amnr
rtoar foraa tba aertbara boaadary of
Maaebarto. wblob adjotoa Ooraa aad
tba Obtoaaa paoatoaa Obi Li to which
Pakto la altoatad.
Bactkah Tra«o«o to Or^ Oaaadtoa
MoatiaM. Jaaa a>-<Tha BaffUab foraninoBt will poor troopa toto Cbtoa
oear tba Caaadtoa Paelde railway aad
toaeeapaarbBBbaaaaoUdadtoba to
' ’
- ■
apoa aeBdlor troop* from home 10,000
ooald ba earriad tbroorb Caaada to
Sbaarhal wUbto t» day*, aod to lata
than 00 dayi by the aaaaa ronu and
tba eame fleet oa tba Paelfle, 2»,000
itbont difisalty be placed
into Ohlob-
>'toe Tear Old B^y Tall Jato BIrer
at Ktk Bapida anil wfl* Dead
When T*ken OoL
apeciAl to Ttie Uorsu.* Kec«nl.
Blk Baplda, Jane as—Unpo 1‘arki,
tbe nine yur old eon of Mr. nnd Mra.
Parka of tbU place, waa drowoad to the
rlrer bare thta aftentoan. lie waa
flabinr off tbe ehnia Ulow the dam
whan balotl bto taalaaee, fell to and
waa earriad down by tba earrant. Be
fore help ooald raaeb him ba waa
The paraata of tba eblld pra almoat
sated with yriaL Tbe water la and
below tba toata to vary awlfl, bat
ebildraa eftaa ftabad from the abate
aad tba dearer wna not tboapht of by
r. HU paraata did not know tba
aabaato of tba 'boy wbaa tba aaeldaatooeanadaad ware terribly ebookad wbaa they heard tba aawa
Tba aoatdaat oaamrrad at lt:S0 o'clock
aad tba body waa not raeorarad till
4:10. Tbafnaaral wil deear today to
ebaifa of W. & Aadanoa.
Altocad to Sara Baaa Wsk of Slrlktoff Bmptoys of BA Lemto
Ttoaait Bailway Co.
teeeWteThaHwniaa hMart.
BL Loato, Jaaa U-Aaetbs rtotlm
of tba atiaat ear strlka died today to
tba poraaa Homan Pmpbke. wonadod
May ».
It to aUteiad that tha dynamite plot
tswroekeara aad property of tha BA
Looto TtoMlt eompaay to alowly bat
aaralj batoff faateaod apoa tsms
amployaa, aad the man Imported to
teka tba pUam of tba atrlkara s to
net aa ffaarda for tba railway aompany.
Tba arrmt aad aoafaaaloa of Ora
Barai, npplamaated by otetem
of Habam dread, a Traaalt aompany
deteetira. point to tba tact that Banil
waa tba baad aad oaater of tba ploA
and to eooparation with ether am.
ptoyaa, plaead-axploalraa at earteto
potott. wbara it waa afterward dtoaorarad fs tba aole purpoae of
atranfftbaatoff tba& poalUona with tba
WbtaWo^^daWUl ba
' Hacottatad Today,
aty state Beak aad nrat Vatieaal
Baak-Satts Loti to Baada ofHays flad Ctork. Who VUl Bapst at
city at a hiffbar rata than a li per snA
The matter waa left la tbabandaof
tbe mayor, tbe clerk and tbe city at
Ur, Dbrib waa DOt to tbe city, bet
Mayor Pnedrlcb-and City Clerk Eickerd laid tbo raa^ before both of the
banks lo tbe city to tee wbat they |
would do to the matter of tbe pur- oham oftheboade. As soon as Mr.
Datto retamad be was told tbe propo•Ition that bad baeo made by the
banks and rartflad tbe report' of tba
Buys and elsk by paraonal Iniarrlewt
with the aaablert of tba two banka.
Before tba waneU msUaff Cashier
Weltewoftba Firat HaUoaal had aabmltted his propoaiUoa to wrlttof.
Tha prop^Uaaa made hj tba two
anks wore anbatantlaUy aa follows:
Tba State beak offarad_lS-t^ '>4a
•ooda at 4 ps eaat'prorldia^ they
eonlk bars all of tbaA They rcqnlrad
that tbay ba paid at
tba bid of Seaaoaffood A Mays, dl^dad tote tbraa
toateUmanto, payable to IS, so aad M
yaara. wltbont opUoaa, tba e^ty to far*
atob tha blaaka oa wbleb tha beada
are printed.
Tba Flral Batieaal beak offered to
taka tba bands at 4 ps oaaA s to teka
hall of them, laartoff tha otbs half fs
tba other bank. They woald faratob
tba blaaka for tba prtottoff of tha
baato. wUab wsld aara tha city from
SU to UO. aad amka tha boada payabla
half to M yaara, optiaaal efts ifl
ymra, aad baU to u yaara, optioeal
efts IS yaara.
Tb»j wa
partieator that tha dIrtolOB aboald ba
lada axaetiy aa raaommandod.
City Olsk Biekard made tbto rapori
fs tbe eommitt^aad tba aama waa
aald by Mays Prtedrtab, who added
that babad told Mr. J. T. Hannah of
tba offs of the Firat Natfoaal to
fflra optloae ea tba boada, and that Mr.
Baaaah had told Urn that if ba aoald
ffat tba opUeaa. it waa fs tba totereate
oftheelty to do ao. Bnt that tha
State beak would not fflra the optiona
wonld they make any etbaf
Aad for a aamaaa Act Captain Hapbarn May XHa of Tellow Pars
to Barana.
■aaelal uTho Honlaa l«eeto
WaahtoffWB, Jaaau—Oapteto C. D.
Bapbara. of tha rolBBtos aiffaal«
aea of BapraaeataUta Bapbors, of
Iowa. U at the point of death at
Baraaa, with y^w fees. Bepbara
wbe la BBppoaed to ba immaaa. liakad
bto Ufa racaatiy to rtoit a aarpaant
dytoffof fars, to order to flad oat
from tha atflDkaa eaaa what ahoUd ba
dowaaboot htowifaeadobUdraBtotha
oraal of bto death, wbleb aaamad
Fireworks, Flags,
and Hammocks
Chocolate, medinm hish
topa, nice ahapea, nEolar
$2 00 aboea.*
with an ontaida firm to pat them dlapoaed ofln time for tbe city to taka
Miion by tha firat of Jnly, thaat-
•oa of Cklaafo Appelated City Ba-
Aldarmaa Monteffaa objMted to
aetloa, oa tba ffroond that tbe State
bank bad aot been asked to majna bid
to the matter. Tbto objMUm waa
naaed on tba fact that tha Firat
HaUoaal bank bad aubmitted thalr bid
to writiBff, while tbo State bankb
a rsbal one.
Aldarmap Smith morad toat tba bid
of tba atete beak be accepted, and
Kew Tori* PollUeiaa Aseaad of TabiConUaaad on aeeood paffe)
toff Moaay for Ctoaafftof a Vsd to
Bapnblieaa Platform. Oau Baok.
apMUl to Tba Heraloa Pceord.
Cbieapo. Jane 2S-Lamaal U1 Qalffff.
a wall kaowB Kaw Ysk pollUclaa to
day anad the Timm Herald of Chtoaffo
fs Ubel. ptoctofftbedavaffaaattioo.ooa Tbe article oa which libel to
d to tba Timca Herald
Saaday nads Waablnpten daw and
that Olaiffir bad racalrad flso.ooo
fs ria»<*ff tha word “latomlaa’' to
ptom of “Htoanffaaa” to tha plaak of
tha RepablieaB platfonn ratettoff. to
Beraemberwe giro with ererF
bhby bom in 1900 a |mir o(
nice, aoft, vioi kid aboea,
and the; don't coat a penny
Maattat Tbto Braatot-XtrtorWat-
A Tory Importeat msatlnr of tbe oily
eosnell waa bald laat arantor. aad
wltbto aaotbs day It to probable that
tba matter of tba porahaaa of tba
OrmpbaU water wska pleat wUl be
eloaod. with tba axoeptkm of the daUrary of tba moaay and tbe tiaaafs of
When It waa fonnd that tbe Arm of
■aeoapood A Kays ware determiaed
Fourtli Year—No. 980
Black Kid
Waa.olno!j1e axb.a. Xleta±X.
—;—nt the-------
Old Reliable City Book Store.
In aever^ new and sty
lish abapefl, Iac« and batton, 11.75 and $2 shoes.
Tan Kid
“Whst will Ecnda do next'.'" For full particulsre see our
_______________ >d in next Kondeyb Becord.'’
Rt-lfolar ji2.00 ^oode —
correct shade and shape.
Your choice
$1.60 a pair
i.)a«iie yesterday by express, Hnndsomc patterns and fine fitters-$6.00. $6.60, $7.00, $10.00.
The nieist and b?st wv ever had. Tour size is here and the
prices are ri«ht-$1.60, $8.00, $2.60, $3.00.
A Lot of Bike Pants
Boys’ Suits, $1.25 to $7 50. Meg’s Suits, $3.50 to $20.
Rewlaud Hats, $1, $2, $3. Bike Caps, 25c to $1.50.
Belt*, Bike Hose, Saeaters, Underwear.
hear our prices, and you'll t>Qy.
The Leader in Fine Shoes.
See onr goods—
OUR almond-eyed
—Tbe Chinamen, stand no more show with the natioofl of
of the world, than do our epmpetiton when it ceme* to
1 ''Vilify
TTCrc^ntatly aatUm dHItealHm i
I would elhorwte lead te tha w
A of mash time. uflstaM msM
“A«k him ars tha Mtobaaa.” are
words frequaatiy heard to arsy baalBsac oBee whore a letter has bean obacare on acme point.
Many people do aot cxnrem
aelree clearly to eoermpoadM, but a
saaa eaa ffentrtlly_____________ ___
donlood if yon oaa ffot wltbto apeaki^^^Mnee of him. V
of tb«
i MakelNo Mistake
We hare not gon« out of buslneu, but
hare moved to our new store, 242 Front Street.
When you want BSLiaBLa FOOTWEaB eat it of
uA We have i^imoed on enle
la now in order, and if yon
want a good job, done with (pwd
materiaf, come and see me before
you let your work.
I have first class workmea and
... nothing but pure lead and 1!
seed oil. Colors to fluit you.
A NEW $2.50 LINE
Which we went you to eee. For a better shoe eee our
Oonxpofllte $3.00 ehoe for ladies, and the Qowemor $4
■hoe for gentlemen.
New etylee and goods a^ra daily.
Bell Phone, 323.
man avenue.
Com* today—if yon can’t cotoe during tbe day, come it
we are open until 9 o’clock. Extraordinary values at $4.9$,
r.98. rt93, ADd we give the pick of any suit In the etor*
Shop 32»> Board,
The Leading Shoe Honse of Northern Michigan.
Ksnatoa efSTViettaaa Takas Fra
Seenaof Sontblrn Hallway Wreak.
Sptclsl VO n>c MorulBa-Baeord.
Atlanta, Jana 2S—Thirty-aaran bodlaa hare baaa racorared from tba
wrack of tba Soatbara train which
want toto tba waabont at MeDoat
Satnrday aiffbA Tbraa bodlat foaad
today ware tboaa of D. Y. OrlflUb. W.
L. Uorrtoatte aad J. B. Hnnaicatb
Tba ebarrad plaeaa of two otbs bedim
ware atoo foaad.
Oaelarad th^Aa Would Vet Aeeapt
Bpaelal to Tbe Merstec Baeord.
Albany. K. Y., Jaaa ks — Frank
OBmpbaU.abalnaaa of tba
a.. S. Saaats
Darid B. BUI. Ba mid. “Mr. HUl to
aot a eaadtdate fs tba
on tba Democratic Uakot aad would
aot aeeapt tba boas uads any coaBldarattOB." Oampball aald afterward
that to to ateted that tba Maw Ysk
ateta delaffaUoB would adrooate
of tha pUak which cSUi
IcrthatraaaotoBffaef •UtsalUtol.
Have You..
For buying a 10 cent
xugar when you can get
««•»«• aaaaaaaasHS iHS «»«
Hold the lending place among LADIB8*
Beoan«e they are as e^Uah aa « shoe can ba.
Beoaoae they wear well.
Beoanaa they fit perfecUy.
9 Beoaoae they era made from soft, walyety kid
2 >tock and bawe eaay. hand tamed aolae.
They aeU for $3.60 per pair,
PAJtS!£it BItOSe
Front Street
mmmmmm »»««««««
I KCMamro nooBS.
Tunui an
sMmwIvBM amu).
tmm. T.
1. ,w: Eun-
QnlM a variety aM a Mfe edPP* «<
of not Oidy than
Traeocaeaty. A alee little pleea of
•aterfrfeetobhowdhy a ferMroompo^onthe MoniKiBi
- -Aiyei. who ahowaMe baelaew
priee and patriots by aSerlar.
I indnaraent to the dttaoaato
the Poofth ta thb dty aarleH*
eMaepaaeibU.apriaaet a ti
•ornayklad of a
dlar to a tan toot tbeae paper halloon.
ladadlar alia or aaUa|haanata, Sara.
BMlrna, ate. ap tetha aatonataf taa
Mr. aad Mra. A. B. Willard of Bmplro wara ia the(clty yaatarday.
L. A. Pratt of Ann Arbor U in the
city for a abort Ttolkt
Wffl. Needham, who haa completed a
atyibHwii OsBcnHtoBBi poaraattoa. eonree of atndy at tha State Normal at
YpaUaaU. b home.
u M Tc»*«ac U1V. «B WadBMdB?. Jolf 11
WUboT Orohbln went to .MUwaakee
tm for said dlMrtat, aad tar tk* inaaacU
Lelandb term of court beran yeeterdayand Judro Mayne, Lorln Boberta,
E. 8. Pratt,|P. C GUbert, J. W. Patch£?«
In and W. a. Poatcr are atteadlnr It.
0. U. Oorell wae heme orer Sunday
afteraTbltlaBoetoa.Mam.. and AIAoooBDiic to a ataMBcat by the
PayaxtBUt theroTenmaathaeapeat baay. N. Y.. bnt left yeeterday for
vpwarda o( tis.000,000 ior the traaapor- Grand Bapida<te aaebt Hr. Slearne'
«aUee by *» of nan. aaiiaala aad aap* Cttbaraaterial nomination.
fUaatotbaPbUlpptaatdaada Thera Oharlee J. Bready hae returned from
baaa a aariac to the reraraBaat of HUIedale eoUere| where be baa jut
•ora thaa t».000.000 tbreafh owalar leelrad the)darrM of B. A.
Mra. C. Maynard Paire and danrhter
Ua eva traa^orta.
of Atbau, N. Y..^re rbitiar the fam.
la eraad Btpida yaitarday iba thar< Uj of a B. Paire.
■maalar rairlatarad lOO dafraai abora
Be*. J. A. Frye of Grand Bapida hu
nro U the abada Froa preaaat Indl roaa to Pomona after attendlnr <]aar.
•attoaa Ihli wat oaly a aarr«Uoa of terly meetlnr in the
. dhrtaaaparatara that trill prarall dnr- here.
Mra. MabertoffiEMWlck epend Satnrday and Snnday with Mra. Minor*.
Ohe*y L. Chaaa ofjFnirbanlt, Minn.,
b In tha city Tbitinr hb paranu and
hb brothar, Dr. O. E. Chaae.
Dr. Sara T. Chau, formerly tueher
•aorta S. Ooarteda of Beat Bay Ba- in the city achoola, b rblUnr Mra
SUxabeth Loudon.
Harry E. Chau and famUy of Du
Molnee. Iowa, eame In'on the CbarleOaotfa S. Coartada pf Boat Bay towa- TOlx'SnndeyforaTblt wi^ relative*.
Adpivaa adjadtod laaaao yaatarday Mr. Chau b boiler inepeetor for the
■ad tahw to the aaylaiii. A aaddaa Hartford. Inenranee Co.
cadhlB Ed. Monroe eetnmed Uat e*enlnc
mi Baaday ha waa abroad la the ri- from BirB^der where be bu lut
alatty of the BInnIay aehool hoBaa,
' a bulncm conrw in the la*
arawliod aloat fhe road with very llt- dutrial acbool.
lla dothint oa. and greatly tarritylog Harry Monroe retnmed lut nirbt
«ba lahabltanta.
from Frankfort, where he bu been
Word «M lant to the city that a la Tbitinr hb eonain. Fraak Monroe.
•atlo wae abroad, and Deputy Sheriff Mn. Dr. Bhodu of Chlearo, arpired
MoBltoa and one of the aeylaai doctor* in the city yuterday, and with her eon
drore oat that way. On the road they and dangbler will oecnpy a oottaye at
■at a party with the inaane
Edyewood for the inmnier.
nay bad hie banda tied aDdelalmad Mba Alice Shorter of Cedar, b in the
that they had ohaead hl« about throe elty Tbitinr on her way from Eut
qaartare of a mile before eapturiny Jordan.
J. O. Banjamin of the W. W. Elm.
Jt b thouffbt that a ehert eUy la the 'ballPAno and OrranCo.. arrlvadin
■tlam. with roet and eara, wUl reatore the city lut arenlnr to rive hb atUnUeslnd. Be bae rooanUy sat with tion to the eompanyb bulneu here for
aem flaanelal loanee that hare prayed a abort time.
WfOi bb mind, produelnf thb incaiiity, A. W. Walb arrived from Si. Jusph
lut evealnr, uaompanied by Hr. BohIneon. aa extei
CLB^r aaiOH officbbs
eref PalnuvlUe, Ohio.
r. W.. Peaninrtee b la the city from
•bated at Kaatlai Laat Bvaaint for
the Eoaolnff Tara.
^fary food aeetlaff of the elarke' Mba Eama Sieffeu left yuterday
ulea van held laet OTeulaf, at whleh for Leland where ahe wUl' apaad a few
two •aBbara wata aeeeptod. The efi- daya before rolar to Chlearo. &e hu
d for the eaaaiBff tarm been attendlnr the tralalnr echool for
annual tha Pmbylerlan and Cook
aa fellow*:
Oenn^ Hupital in Chlearo.
Praeideot-Wm. Johneoa.
Paler Meaerari and wife. Fred OobU
lei Vico Praa.—J. A. Doyle.
and two ebtara of Grand Bapida, have
Sad Vlee Pro*-—Cbae. Land.
arrived to vialt their mother, Mn.
Beoordiny Sac-—P. Saadlemau.
Bobert Qnbti. who b qnlU ill.
nnanelal Sac — L. Roeooe.
J. Q. Benjamin • hack amour bb
■j* Troaeurar—P. Trade. .
trleada for a few wwk’a dnrinr which
Onlde-lbao. Snyder.
time he will have eharr« of the piano
-Oaardlan—Ebb Sterllay.
Qriavmaoa OoBBlttee—C. F. Banter, and orraa interute of the W. W. Kim
ball Co.
daa. Klaneen. B. DoaylaM.
BOO Bailer left yuterday morninr
Tya*taca-Uao. Hoyt, F. B. Baynea. tor Cr^tal City where be will spend
•aelUa Petrie.
the WMk. Hb father will return with
OomBittae to Central lAbor OnloB— him.
Wm. Johneoa, P. SaadelBan. F. Trade.
Mra Nlerrartb and thru children
«. Olaak, L. Boeeoa. '
and Mra Weba and two children of
Beed City are the rueu of Mr. and
Mra John Qroeucriat Suwiek.
•etdcBOa to Show that the dab lud Dr. T. V. Morran and Dr. Batton of
IndianapoU* are yauU at Sprlnp Beach
Baaday Bominir a Oara
Mr*. I. O. Tompkiaa of Chlearo b the
raut of her aieu, Mra J. A. Monta■Uaffle mill np the I
•hat waa looser than any of t|te bly
«MB eaaffht thb year, maaeoriac'Se
Qlorlona Newa
moh». Itweisbed7>« poonda.
Cornu from Dr. D. B. CarrUe of
Vietor Mootacne wae walklac alone raehUa. 1. T. Ha writu: “Blutrie
Mra Brewer of aerot•he ahoio and eaw the deb. Be eaUad ala. whleh bad wued
her rnat tnf>
tebarkCkaw who wae in a eaaoe. and ferinr for yeara Tbrrible aoru would
•Blether they rot the deh into ehallow break ont on bar head and taoa. and the
wMar and eaptnrad it la a landing heat doctors could ri*o no help: but
-yw her hulth b enaellnat." Oeetrie
inert b tha but Mood pnrifler known
Both of theee c«atUmaa baUeee t
Its the BBpreme remedy tor waema,
the dah had been dynaaited. It tetter, ealt rbeam, nloetm, boib and
eorea It at' '
VM nearly dead whoa oaptarid, and
aad bowela
AM aoon after. The deh waa on oaMWttwi at Mode Btebb for a time, and oSff wP'sSa ^8?* S’^t'lSS'SS
O. JobnaoB, drnnbt. Gnaraaiaed.
wm later photarraphed at Boparb.
••What Benda will do na*t■ornMMkT Moontata Tea.** B^Ue:
Taawmto^^^^b ;
AA joni jnon
the W. W.
SabaS PMo« alwaye pieaee.
forCkwbadOaraat OoffMObkaa
Tbiw OhlUna et T.G. ShnseB Vaariy
MM Bartow It SMfatal Ipjny.
an onltiBff rvaaway oeemxTodonAha
mtbalds ywtarday. that aamr wry
rasaltlaff ia lbs wanem Injary ol flam
aBbilwabAUdran. As It wae, om
of the Uttie oeu wu injurod, tbongb
It b tbai«bt aet da^oroulj.
Uadlord Sblbcm<s fatbar-ta4aw bad
Utobad a borw to aa old wiffoe end
driven to tbs dump frouad with a lead
of Tofaae. Ike eblldrea want wltb
bias. Oa tbe way beck, tba borne took
frlfbt aad atorted to ran for tha bora.
Mr. ShUaoaww tba dancer from tbo
window, aad ran eat jut la time to
■M the animal before be eoUldad
wltb tbe bam.
The waffon to whtMi the borne wu
(OuttBoad Steu Si« para.)
^u uo^tty nppertad the aotM.
Mr. Moara thMaieu, aad uld that
la Ua epMoa tha eoaaaU weald aot be
1^ tha beat lataraala of tha
alttauB U they took saA a atep. Ha
doud with tha remark. ‘'Hot with aay
toward tha StaU beak, bat
wlththa okjM of aerviar tha bau
latueata of tha atty. I more to amcad.
HbaUtaUar tha werda. 'aeoapt tha
Maitiee of the Fliat NaUoeal
Bafua tUa motion to auand
npportod. OltyAttoraay Davb apoka
of the ambaraaalnr titutioa In whleh
the dty wu plaead. aad read p r«
tion that prombad a way eat of the
dUBcalty. The motion of Mr. Smith lag in tba barnyard, bowavu, aad
wu withdrawn with the eoueat of threw Baymond qat of tba wagon,
cateblng him bUwoen tbe wagon box
and tbe front wheeL
Intioo waa adopted.
Whereu. The conaell of the city of Portnnately no boau were broken,
Travaru City, on the 4th day of A^ tbongfa be bad reulvod a uvere scalp
1»00. by reeolntlon dnly paaaed. anthoc-'
bed and diraetod the mayor aad elerk wound and a number of palatal braUof said city to aeroUate tha water
works bonds referred to In enid reaoli
Finger* Madly gnuhed.
tion at thru and one.half per cent p
aannm. and
Ed. Garnet met with a very pomful
Whereu, The uld mayor and clerk auldent yeatortiay that may poaalbly
have beae naable to aarotiate eald ruult In tbe lou of a portion of two
bonds at said rate of Intereet, aad
Wbareu, The conaell deemi It ez* anger*. Heeaught tbe fingers in-the
pedleat for eald elty to obtain the title eogs of e CUmax baaket machine, and
and pesMaeion of uld water works on crashed them badly.
Dr. Gamer
July 1.1900, tharafora be It
dreued the Injnred hand.
Buolved. That tbe mayor and elerk
be and are berehy anthorlsed
AMtouter DeTilFlih
aad dlruted to arrotiata and
obuin aloanofuldanm of Forty .thru Dutroying iu victim, is a type of
Thouaod. Six Hundred Slxty-Mven OputipaUon. The power of tbU mal
Dollars (•<3.6')7) for tbe parpocb of pur- ady 1* felt on organs, aervea. mnvelu
ehaalnr the water work* plant of H. D. ud brain. But Dr. King’s New Life
Campbell d; Sou referred to In said res- PUUareaufeand oertaineure. Best
In the world for Stomach, Liver, Kid.
olnUoa aad that they prepare and lune neya
and Bowel*. Only fs eeau at s.
the bonds of uld elty therefor in the
Wpit and Ju Q. Jahnaoa*a drag
Bum aforeeald, with interut not ez- 1B.tores.
eaedlnr fou per unt « per cent.) per
annum, principal and interut to be New Siecowery for BloodpayablMsbb ezehanre on New York
I Hale Tbe Prices!
Others Try To Folloi!
There were two of my competitor^ fnmitore mes
ee my eeooad floor the other da/, «ad they made
the remark, •Are thsM oil odd drewersf” They
were surprised to see soeh • line of odd dressers in
io Traverse Oity, bat that Is the kind of a line I
keep—and they etort in at a solid oak, S drawers,
French bevel piste mirror, at 1S.75. A nice gold
en finished dresser, 4 diswera, 2 leige and 2 small
drawers, swell front, double serpentine top, 20x24
oval bevel plate mirror, for 19.75, end so on to anyprice you wish to pay. I have a large tine of
white enamel dreesera to go with iron beds.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
X20 S'sroxxti 5‘bx’ee^.!
It’s the Number of
Sales that Count!
And it’s the popular priced shoes
that are making onr large soles.
Men, women, boys,and girls ore
rell. Sm tor yonrwlf that *e ul
ourahoaa 2oc, 50a a«d np to $1X»
. pur l«,tlton otter.tore. ch.rg.
for the some grade of footwear.
°’^Thb‘^*u the matter in tbe hands DB. C. D. WABNEB'S COMPOUND
of the mayor and the elty elerk. and it F SEVEN CUBES, the Great Canur
b altorether likely that before the day :m*dT. and for all dlseaau of the skio
b over, their vrork wUl be done aloar
from Ooouet and Secondary
thb line, and they will be reedy to Hereredltary CauM.
report to the mutlar of the conneil
thb evenlnr theealeofthe bond* to Aik your groosr
for Crubed Cereal Coffu Cbku.
I aattor of tbe ei
elty enrinur wu then uken np.
S70 Jt
Bedmond of Grand Bapldt, who offered
to take the position for ti.eoo a year;
O. B. Tbomu of Aldcn. who wonld
take the position for Si.ooe. and Irvine
Watson, of Chlearo. who askad S1.200.
The latter wu apoi«hMnmS*fab ealarr
voted for t^ year,
itaoa bu hU eztenelva ezper
ienee In the layinrpf water malu and
tbe pavinr and maudamlclnr
atruta, the laylnrof uwere and
other llM of city work.
ommendatlons from Daniel W. M^.
tbe eounltinr enrinur who wu one
of tbe water works arbitrators here.
John' A. Moody, a civil enrinear of
iuro. aad L. B. Cooley ez-depnty
umbaioner of pnblie works et Cbl-
Should Interest You!
If Not,
Why Not?
He who would tbink well, eat
well aod rieep well most keep a
wary eye on his food soppUes.
We of course are aoxioos to
have you know the fine quali
ties of our different brands of
gocxla. JoBt now we call yoor
attention to onr
Teas and Coffees
White Star Coffees
35 cts.lb.
This is indeed a very snperior grade oT coffee—finer
than tbe sd-called best cof.
fees—A sample for the ask
Blended Teas..
X-'’ 55c lb.
Pa^colarly pleasing blend
of extra'^Aoice Stork Japan,
Oolong and Yonng Hj-aon—
A great favorite with those
who bare cnltivated a taste
for blended teas.
No orders too large for os to
imdeiiake and noM too small to
receive'oor best aftentioii'
The U|i-To-BBte
-A., S.
185 rttont StTMt
KTicUcal Shoe Med
That we answer to the entire satisfaction
of a host of pleased customers. If you’re
not one already we would be pleased to
have you join this host.
Question ,
Easily settled if we have
the chance to talk 4o yon—
The goods we carry are the
finest shade cloths made, and
every person| in this depart
ment is an expert, having
made curtains for years.
There are so many differ-,
ent widths of windows, it is
hard to give you figures here.
C^l and tell os (he sizes, or
use the ’phone.
Wo carry shade cloth from
38 to 5*4 inches wide. We
have a ready made shade, fi
feet long. 3G inches wide,
mounted on best rollers, for
30c-oad a felt shade for 10c.
Just as important now as
in the early spring—and we
are selling Just as much—
Had to order tbe second time
-duplicated tbe number of
rolls, bnt have an entire new
line of patterns. They are
beauties—Sell at 10, 12, 15,
20 and 2.5c.
Id putting in this enor
mous stock we found many
broken combinations — We
must sell them, so one lot
will be marked at -5 cents the
double roll, and tbe balance
that sold for 15 to 40c will go
at just a dime a double roll.
55'on’t trouble you if you
hare some of those “Dependable Lighters. These are
lamps. Never such s display
as ours. All manner of sizes
and styles and prices.
Tbe small band lamp at 2.5c
—Isrger ones for 40 and 50c.
The lamps with decorated
shades from 85c to $1.50.
The Rochester lamp at $2..’)0
ftbe Ijest reading lamp) and
a splendid line of elegant
parlor and bamjuet lamps,
will) the finest of decorated
globes, from $*»,W to $9.50.
We’ve settled for many in
tbe Iqst ten days with our
wonder-making prices. Just
a few left, and one of them is
yours if you come early enongh.
$40Bafflblcr^seils for $30.
Qot a $25 Ivanhoe that is
marked to 218.50. The ladies
Hibbsrd, while they last, re
duced from $40 to $33. The
Ajax is s good wheel and it’s
now $e$—was formerly «8.
If you warn a wheV, oobs
Interests tbe many, aod es
pecially tbe pricea.
We have just placed on
sale as splendid dressers that
are shown in the city for ^
$12.75 — onr price for the
same thing is $950.
Iron bhds are used more
than ever, and we have a flue
one for $3.25 that is sold elsewhere for $4.50. Our other
gredee ore beontiee and eell
«t $6i0. $8.00, $9.25.$ia75^
up to $38.00.
'Is quickly solved if left to
uk Wenre hirningout more
frames than during the holi
day rush. Why? Because
our goods are the newest and
we do artistic work.
Yon have 278 different
mouldings to select from, and
onr prices please onr custom
There are hundreds of “gift
pictures” that ore highly
ornamental if froined pn^
®rly- Try os once.
Tbe Hannab & Lay HercaDdle Co,
... tte
. nOwii^.
iriwe—to/WMlBC Md dM alMt
iw>it!y- Ite MUy whMl fl*v c«.
MdatriackM )«ap«d far ttw ray*
Md kto l«ft tea «M* la cMtoet witk
IlMUrawire. 8trlagte*'« wll* *ad
tiz BMtk* AM kaky war* oa th* ear at
Mn. MartUFbsof
y*ar» of ac*.*n1raa Mte Kateawe to TiaU kar dai«kUr. Ki*. Barry
Prwit. SkorUy altar *te«
Ml down a dark «aUanray. Ska ia a
kaary womaa aad atreek ea her haad
sad akealdan w tka aamaat floor, aiaa
flaalbalow. Sb*
a aod died atl a. m.
Chaa. VaU*. of 8abairli«. haa baea
delay hi« alaaplay la the
eak. h
uiary duiair tka
abort tlmeafo a lady vbe llrad a few
' mlloi from there died. DorlacberUla*H aba at tim employed at dlfta
ttmca two pbyelelaaa. aad they ooald
- sot arrea apoe tka eaaae of her death.
. nabaabaadwaatold that the body
niybt be exhaaiacl that aa lareeUya.
tioa eeald be aud*. Bd laid the matter
before tht offieata. aad Chaa. Vahle
oepred to watch the ynw at^te. He
hla flah abaaty to the ceaietery,
placed it oa the giaTe eo it eoald aot be
tampered"with wltboat hia kaowledyc.
aad be aleepa thar* erary alyhi. DC'
apito hie eomawhat gtoomy anrroaad'
iDf* Vahle aay* h* tleape wtil.
Klag Bartel, tb* aaacnatie healer who
eama to. Petoakey laat cpriag from
Waakaaha. Wlaeeaala. took poieoa
- Satarday erealay aad will probably
Mra Ftek Stebblaa of Adrlaa will
aall for Parle oa July <7. She wil act
M aoperior jodfe of award la the Amortcaa art departmaat. Mra. Stabbiaa
la aa expert oa ladica' faaey work, aad
ah* held a almllar pqaitiw at tb* Chieayo world'* fair._________
Ikerawmban epiriil mmilag ei
Baganh Allay Teafka thla ennlw '
wdtokamwaBi to wmplato arjamanta far the aaraieal parade aa Baary Stotr PayM tha aofad aUad
llii iTWlag rrf *ilj
ndar. wbcaa rapatottoo a* a phoi
MlaaMaiy Dnrmaa, who te kaaa
rarylll at tba Betol WUHag. waa Bight iB StoiBbeafk OruBd.
>, oesB* of them old aad
itooftkatoOtiekatea^ea tba M. of thorn B*w, bat aU elovor aad
AH.E. arearaton Saaday ware for
orioBa. Be latroA*ead the taet
of laadiag tba aamoa ef dead pmLl Haab eat bia wrhrt ea a taw at tb*
Cbaaff* Sad* ia CBraWBi RasoB CmMet ToBtardsy.
Teaterday'a veto oa tha e^val
ia tba stuBdlBgB ef tha ontoataati
left MioaBeitaar in the leaA 1
■BharTT'a veto aloo took s leag
Jamp. and the etoBdinga wte the
veUa war* ooBatod laat avoaiag wars
Mloa MfBBia Baimar...... .......
Mtae Bdaa Wnbeia...................
Mim Bhoda Battoabary............
Mim Metis BoblaacB..................
told the age of
I of a Baby Mariea Baada ..................
a of cltlsaas
OB tha ataga,
tha place aod data* ef birth. Oaa of
tha eommlttm wae parmtttod to enjoy B. M. Fiabbcek will S&Joy BU Pine
a omoke from a clay pipe wltboat *9Tacht, Mary Louiae.
byeeo or a aaggeation of tha weed, yat
ha amokad away and saenud to thor- B. M. Fiahba^ of ludianapoUs, will
ongkly enjoy it. Prof. Payne alao in- start aoon on a craip* to tha I«ke Su
trodaeed tha time honorad trick ef perior itKlon. on the yacht Mary Lou
ise. which be raeenUy bronght- here
traatlng a paroon in tha
any kind of bavarage they dcaired. from Wawaaee Lake, lad., aod which
be baa had reSttod ia the boat house of!
Anather clever trick waa that of
A Being bound to a ehairja a cabinet Victor Montague. The yacht 1* now In
be eanaad nanuroua bells to ring and the river, but has sot been flsatod into
berna to blow, while the andienea and the bay on aecosnl of the eand bar at
aoamtUee ramalned daepty myaUfled. IbemoutL An attempt Iwill be made
Sevaral other feats were Introdueed today to get her over the bar.
eoeeeacfnUy. Mr. Paine vras all daring Mr. FUhbeck wiU make a trip toCbl■ly portion of the evening and eago in the fall on the yacht.
aaable to endure the strain neeeacary
Haw Szpress Dellvaiyi
to give his dlfflcalt mind reading teat*.
He arrived late yeaterday afternoon Barry Monroe haa aceepeed a posi
for the
from the sonth and wm tired out after tion aa express
the long Journey. Tonight, however, Amencaa Express company, in
he will present tome of the myateriee place of Frank Winnie, who has oecnwhich have made him famous. One pitd the position for a long time.
great teat which has puzzled adentiau Winnie has accepted a better poaltion
outside the elty. .
aad otbera will be given- A oomm:
of eitlzea* will be selected by the andlaaee and they wU! reUre Inaeelnelon
rhere and one of them win write
a letter toadme one. At the i
time Profeour Payne vrUl reproduce
the letter word for word on a type
writer, and hli oopy will he read to the
andienee when the letter is in
hand* of the committee ia prodnead.
Whooptng Cough, Aethma.
‘Rils la only one of a greaj nnmher
Bronchttle and Incipient .
of severe teau which baa caused Prof
Consumption. Is
essor Payne be numbered as a great
mystery in himself. There will be pa
[Biriag foaratitabca'wUehwmatokaa
lyDr. Moea.
Him Mary Pehoral wUlaatartala the
Bridge BalldaraMlmieaaiy' aoelety of
tba CoagTagatkaal ehar^
lag at 7:80 o’eloek.
Bar. A. A. Wall ef 01
praaebad a vary fla* aarmca to the
Ponatara aad tba Uompaaloae of POrla the CoDgregaUonl
C. 8. Btrae* of Bay City, who wUl
hare eharga ef the Saaday aehool mlielonary work ia tbl* ooanty for tba
aext three moalto, arrived from Kale:oo aollaga the laat of tba weak.
Be haa orgaalaad a aebool at Slight*
and vUtad aavarai other aehoola.
Baekaa, the oae aad a half year old
daughter of Mr. aad Mra. Wealey
Watky, died Saaday at their bema.Tha
funeral wae held yeaterday aftarooa
from tb* ehnreh at Acme.
The azennion given to Petoakey by
the Pere ManiaeUe Sunday waa eojoy'
ad by 77 peraana.
John Ataaaa waa lajered by a flying
alatat the Oval Wood Diah faeiory
yesterday morniag. The boa* of the
left leg Jaet below tba kaaa wa* iniarad and will eaaaa Mr. Atena* to be
laid np aevaral day*.
. L. M. Wooden of Owooao, ia in the
city to organize a local divleioa of the
aoelety of Loyal Ooarda. Sevaral people
in the city have lasaraaee
and a fraternal braasb
ganizad also.
That the ehareh people of tba elty
are la earaeel la ibelr dcalre for the
cloaing of the salooaa on Saaday ia
•wodlab Brothea of Amariea Celebrat qalla avldeat. Bav. > A. Brady e^ed
Pound New Tenth.
upon the mayor again yeaterday, aad Mr. Lemuel & Towneend of Mycenae.
ed Suday. With Pieale
called hla attention to the atote lawa N. Y.. eaye: "1 found ne*^ etrug^.
at Beat Bay.
la regard to aereeaa before tba bar* of
Saaday the Swadiak Brother* of aalooni. It haa baea pr^eaad to have
j ttvl tfinuii IWEIIY'
America held Uteir aaanal pieale at Jndg* Oraat of the Btataaapreme court
•* great rastorative for ruudown
and women. iFeede and bnllda ap
Beat Bay. aad a Jolly good tima it wa*.
te the city ud addram a
Tkoogh it waa givea for the Swadea maatiagon law aaforeamaai.
M cent*, all drugglM or Dr. A. W.
prbaarily, other* were aot exeloded, The InvlndblH of thl* elty. .Suoday. Chase Med. Co.. BoSalo. New York•ad a la^ a«mber_of the friend* of wiped ont their defeat by Bapid City.
the Brotherhood were ont.
Sandaya game reanltad in a vieiory for
OeUaloua rafraahmanta were ft
the lavindblie* with a acore of 6 ^to
^thegroBBd. ia which all abarad.
Alaeet aU broeght their baaket*. and The game waa prehaly mvad by a flae Care* dizzy spell*, tired feeling,
band eateh of a long fly. made la
tbara wa* aaoogb to go aronad and a
stomach, kidney and liver troablee,
lettoapar*. Good SwadUhhoapltalltr the laat of the ninth with three maa oa Keeps you well all tb
waa diapenaed, and everybody bad a haaea, made by canUr Adder Toey
Hemcc. of the Invlndble*.
moatdallghtfnl time.
Thellttieaoa of John Cadney who
live* near Slight* htd a hand aearly
aevared Senday by an axe in the bands
ygfaa Woodrair Mae Saaoloed not to of aa elder brother. The ehUdran had
poasemion of the axe naknown to their
Stoy With tb* Sheriff
pareais. The woand. which 1* a very
John Woodrair, who waa eoavietad severe one. was aewed np by Dr. Minor. And Fioat Draperies. Fla^, Bant
efearrying a aoaeealod weapon and The child U bat throe yaara old.
ing, and ereyytbiDg in the Hne of
aoataaeed la Jeetlee Brown'* eonrt This evening aa iator
display decOTBtions can be proTharaday. paid hU flae yaatarday and will be given at the Pint M. B. ehareh cared if ordsred before Mon
waa rareaaed. The flae and eotU to the delegate* whoare her* to attend
amocatad to ttii to. Be wu aUo pot the Bpworth Leagna diatrlet ooevan- day, July 2, of C. F. Makepeace.
I make anything in the abot^e line
.aadar tsoo bond to keep the peaee.
tlOB. The yonag pooplea’ aodatiaa of
Weodraft aUlt deelara* that it waa the dty are eepeeially invited to at- from a child’s dag to ten-foot tis
a plot agaiaet him by hU wife aad
paper balloon, in human, ani
prcaeat haabaad. He deelarai that he tand. HoelcwUI be faraUbad dbrlag mal, or regular form.
the evening by I'rof. Horn'* fall ordid eot (rave a reralver at all.
Kote—I offer a prize of a free
The Beazle Banner, poblUhsi at order for anything they want to
Tmteiday'* Baae Bail Oamee.
Beazonls, has been parchaaed by Fer the amount of ten dollars, (SIO.OO)
•paetal *o Tb* ao»in«
dinand Vorlaud. Mr. Vorlaod, former
zaTioxai. uiancK.
ly of the Frankfort Patriot, look po* in the line of signs, from a simple
a ■
aeaalon of the Banner Jane le and two dost akirtinc ^to a temdaot silk
Chicago ....................
« s
8 7
‘tinea were aaat oat ander data of banner in gold lettering, to the Will toll the place of birth,
KaU^ aad McMaaM: Barvey and Jane 3i.
locky Sunday School or Church,
your 8ff«, past, and future
The H. A K. B. baa laeaed notice* Indnstrial, Charity, or Fraternal
Clarelaad.......................... 7 ll
and many other
offering 8S0 reward tor the arrest and ■Organization, giving the order
Balfalo............................... S 1
Beffar and Splaa: MUllgan aad
drawing the number-for it.
caught Illegally taking flah from
any etreama aloag tha liae of the road
for five mllee oa either elde of the 3^14 will call me in consultation.
Beldy and SaUtb: Patton aad WUaoe. track.
Prices—25c, 35c and 50c.
Dairoll............................. a il
The C. B. K. P. 8. eoeleW* pieale at
Telephone 112 for seats.
Carp lake was largely attendea. Be> Creala aad Shaw; (ioM had Baidon. eldee those who went on the M. A H.
B..aiarge Bomber drove oat to the
-Maw York........................ S •
pieale groanda which were in
Saaaady aad Parrall; Caniek aad grove hack of the hotel, joe Daiviteb'e
An eminently skilled and accomplished artist. A wonderfol and
bead farniebad the maaie.
thoroughly qualified pbototrrapher.
A Card.
Wa. the anderalgaed. do hereby
agree to refund the money on a U>The ktog of photographers la po*lag, lighttug. draping aad arranglog hla
eeat bottle of Greene's Warranted Sy sabjeeu for the pracUelog of hla truly wonderful art, photography. Mr.
rup of Tar if it Mia to care yoar eoogh Soper has aeeared the Photo building oppoaiw the Hotel Columbia on Front
or cold. We also gaarantce a ss-oaat atraet and haa remodtlad it aad put it In order for strictly np to date ph
Powell andCrigei
bottle to prove aatisfaetoTy or money
rafnnded. 8. £. Walt, Bagbee A Bozare cmdlally isvitad to visit bl* studio aad test hia ability ai an ap to
barg, Jamaa G. JohaaoB. P. C. ThompA Ufa aad Death Fight
Mr. W. A. Biaaaef Maaebaatar, la.,
11 find la next Saaday'*
writtag of bl* almoat miraealoa* e*n Benda will do Dext"
aaea Item death, aayi: "Bzpaaar* after
——Indaead aarteae laag troahla,
wUeb ended in oonaamption. 1 had lATOvgrootr
for Crathal Cereal Coffee Oakea.
______________ «9*t
iMaean din. Than I beganto aaa
te. ty Saw Kayy
When You
Tip Your Hat
Tip a good oneone that’s npt only strictly
bat also becoming to you
—Not bvory
stylish shape will become you
—That's why we aim
to carry a
line of sizes in both large - and small shapes
—Same block of bat.
Something new
in the tan and pearl shades
soft hats—
Would like to show them
to yoh."
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
All New
Mind Reading
The Roswelle Hat I
PoBitlrely has no equAl for $3.00,
All the latest styles ami colors in both Fedors
and Stiff Blocks.
C. F. Makepeace.
....... .
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
■ aadan
•nr* Ikraat. Cheat and UngtranU
BagalaraiuManad S1.00. Ttlal
aenk diagatoeaa
fm Mttlia.ten tMOtettk Bwtte
Dont Be Foolcdi
SMnmkI.nmlMrlii dl riM.
JOHN P. OTT & 00.
*SM«M» t, Xnmn, Ottz tunbw Oe.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Are u«ed byTnore people around the world thin any
other goods madeP Why P Beoiuse they are the pro
duct of money, bnina and 48 yem experlenoe.
Sold by the mikers.
W. W. Kimball Co.
IBS Front SOMt.
B. X SIBOITa, Usna(w
sszs^ssrs&si^rss Jirelnsnranil
late ed good Utacatner Mtoa Mary
Mow to alM oSMtoeertagaeB naULwt. Imka aty.
Tamparuee Maatng Vm ba
Tbaatoay BraOBg, 740
Bald Sunday Erenlng.
/ff 9MKT iro8i£t j Xaagaa OuatatoH Xbla W«k
^ mam tamperaaea maattog to bo
M. D. 0ml. P. B.. ‘Srarena City.
SIS so
wttk naa Piegraa.
Add^ “Ure U^'’ Bar. F. L. haU under tbe !•
KecwM «Mli 10 wWtnto lu Aio- An an^ly tatererttag^ad kelptnl
tatbaeityabnrehMwmiMear at tba
Ukeiidg wfll be tba Graad Trararaa
yaUvritb Fnaeo.
aty Opera Benae next Snadey eraalng
at 7:10 e'elo^ The ermUag oarriem
Brttttstaijwt boochtM bottoriM dletriet eoatareaea of tba Bywortb
oftberarlOM ebarebaa wm -be dieL«Cftft.whiAwfUtftkftpUM Ift tUft
* «iKnFr*^«rtater. .
aad aU gather for a geberal.
^fWiiowMoMtodg—doyby «y- dty toaicbt, WadaMday ftad Than- ■of. Marat wm Farntob Maato far aU
meetlagoa tbe Bnb}rat of law aad
««M whWi dMolkbod BUT b«dU- day. Pmdaaat ftSMey Iha ipwlBia
^wdthraw-deimoBmBbwef fco- wlUbft Bkbep W. x nadft. KftUoaal ProL Batet'a orebaatra bat baaa order, wlto oipeelal refermea to tbe
ot tba Snadey elomng law
totrohlBBiya. Stronl poraoM wm
raetyaatoal. aad baraaftar wm not to regard to aalooaa
nt hM Won pro- caaflaa im Irork to tba playlag la Sararalgood apaakcra will addram
^Za ft iftttar to ft pmul frlniftt
Stoiabaeg'a orebaatra. bat WiU fnmab tba BMattog, aad apaetoi maato wQl ba
MlfttoBtft, Pft., Dr. O. r Wtekftft. ter- Tidod, aad aetUay baft bM aparodby madeferallaorto of aoctal fnaetlon#
^orldad. Erary to torltad to ba
Mriy pbykdftft »l BftUorao bMpIttl. tba local UacaM to balp aakatba o*nU other oaanalnba where tbe work
>ow York, ftftd ftt prwt nrgftOB ot cftdoB aea of capaeial blaiBlay aad of n Srat elna a.'ehactrm to datorad.
tbftSioftncwMftl eoMftMoft. mj*
Tha daaea orabtotn wm ba aa t^
Maw Baglna Baealrid.
1 ft tidft- reUpwlay la the prbyraa of tba eoa- Iowa;
aunm narasornaTasicnT
Waaeal Sledtr roealrad Satarday tba
«aMr lard foata for ft caaal amaa tha ■aaoa:
geeellne eagine for bto new yaebt.
. At BaUodUa. UL. wblU Btacn wara lafonaal taaaption ytrpa by tba Oartoat —Gaerga Damltog.
which wUl aoon be ready for aerrlee oa
Maattay la tba Oak HUl coal Btaa Saa- Trararae Wf Bpwartb UayaaftAt tba Tramboaa Jay E Aaaaaleb.'
the bay. Tbto to tbe only reraralng
tbay aada aa anavatleB lalo fta nm M. B. abaiah.
Doable baaa-Obaa. 8. Tador.
gaeoUne engine In tbl* locality aad to a
Ptontot-Barry Parktoa.
Wadsaaday Maralay S«0
groat Improremeacorartbo aid oiyle.
«ftlB. TbawfttorpoatadlatotkaOftk
Darotloaal aarrlea, Bor. W. J. Bry^ The poraenael of tbe eontart orebMtra Freak Friodrlrii to tho ageat for tbe
am pita with yrcat forea, flaadlay ftad rilUftBabary.
| 091_____ wm bo BB teUowa;
ay in tbto city.
aaaiilitriy wradciay Ua Btaa. Fifty Papar, “Tka Bpwartb Laayaa aa aa FIrM riolto»ProL a E Bern.
watkBoaiatha Blaaa had ft aarrow Dalfylay Power; Ita BaUtloa to tba Beooad rloUae-WtU Balm aad Sae. yeang maiden, that tbont^t
tbe gennlaa Boeky Mountain Tea.
aMpafroB death, katay raaaaad by Factor, aad tba Faator^ Balatlona to George Bine.
made by tha Madtoon Medleto-''Yha haide work of tha Blaa aaylaaar. It." Mtoa Jaaaia Walla. Fraaklort.
Vlaln-A. C. Ayen.
tbon likott thy fair faee. tse.
Olarinet-Oeerga Doling.
At HolOBcarllU. A. T.. tha raddaaoa
BPiamaL wona.
a( Mia. OoUlB waa baraad aad flra
Bar. A. P. Kaylar. OharlaroU. (Ut
Ftoto-E Miller.
MftU ahUdraa pariahad la tha fl»Ma Vlaa Free.)
“What Benda will do next.'
Tho Faria aapoaltloB eaa aow ba ABBBftl report of ebalrtaaa of dapart- Trambone-Jay B. Maaanieb.
Salau'i XntarUr Spar to tb* soot
Drnma-M. E BoUey.
daaertbad at fiaally eoatplotod. The nent. Ear. A. P. Naylar.
X Plano—Mtoa Oermde Msntagae.
Inrabla Tamleb madeaahlMta »ra all laatall^, Tha Jaroia Papar. .••FaiaoBalltj- la (fcrtallaB
ara bard ot work la aU of the aaotlona Work.'’ Prof. C. B. Wbltaioyar.Tbomp- Denble baaa—Cbaa. & Vador.
Cello-E E White.
fith tha saul amouil of ymmbllay aonrUle.
aad dlaeoataat ea tha part of tboaa aot Papar. “Tba relation of the Laayaa
Lafayette DeVelto Dead. raaalrlay prltaa. The laaaraaea pot- to Braayeliatle Worii.'' Mr. Lento J
Lafayette DaVelin died Saturday
lelMcn the oBelal aahlblU ayalnat fire Van Sickle. Ealkaaka.
SS5 S»le Strcelnight
aadjrobbery raaeb io ralne over fto,bMoonrcj-oselor tUFrcBi
' rniAPca OErajrrMan
•treel. nt the ego of 40 yeara. Tbe
MO.COO. The laryatl portion U aatarA. C. BeldlBK. Clarion.
ranae of death
•Uy ftbaorbad by tha fine aru aeetion.
oarrr ucir Toocrilcr bioek. tlO rroel klrcet,
Ananal report ofehalraian of depart Short tnneral aerricaa were held at
Ko. ecu.
A paaaanyar tialD m the Sonthem ment. A. C. beldlDy.
Uto^DuBe ynterday and tbe remain*
rftllway. which Uft Macon Satorday
Paper. “Oor dntlee aa Leaguer* to
aiybt for Atlaau, no Into a 'waabont the Flaanoea of the Chareb.’’ Htoa.Ha- token to Cambridge City. Ind., where
they will be inferred.
aaar .MeDonoayh. Oa. Erary peraon mto Yoany, Aldan.
Deoeaaed lesrea a wife end t
an the train waa killed, aoma is in all.
»' iWedneaday Afternoon 1:S0
Bona Hi* brother. L. H. DeValln.
At Edlnbnryh many of the pnlpiw of
DeroUonal aerrlee. Bar. B. B. Yoat, eaou up from Indiana but a few day* forax AKD 1/>T roB
the city ehareboa ware flUad Sunday
L mJr UiBaT« ICU'. WO^ukrwan^rago, and we* with him when be died.
byABaiieandalayataato tba world'a
tec Oprr* Bouw Block.______________
W. C. T. D. 0OD«aaiUm. Bar. Oharlaa Baaiacaa eaMloa; appointment of
•haldoa Of Topeka. Kan., waa the eemmltloea, etc.
prladpal spaakar at tba attaraoon Paper. “What 1 expeet of tba Laay- Tbto enmmer wUl eeo eome marked
nreaofOraadTrarenaDtolriet.'’ Bar. ekangea la tba madlenl ataffof tba
■aatlay of tha enyroaa.
Bertbera Mtoblgaa aeylnm. Dr. Good nyaKTXD-Car'a *erk or DUTBla* bjClul*!
Amony tba fecafya acualar ofieara M. D. Oarrell. P.«. Traroroa OHy-,
t*el»4r WllIrtTr nad uUirBetloa.
wmianratba dm of next month to V7 or*44r*MinKenbC*I*r.
«-inoB DoranniEnT.
who bare Jact bapa raooynlcad by tiba.
b^ln pmettoa in Joanlnga, nnd Dr.
data dapartwat, to Oharlaa M. Ora- \Mn.MlaalaBUew. fife Lake. (Jaa- Heym wm lanre to Angoat to tnka a
bM.aoaaalforBaadaraa. at Datrolt
report. Mfi. Ml^ BUow.
Bft iaeaaadHon Joaaph M. Biaalar. '
Paper. •■Jnnlor Wacb," Mtoi LUUna
MUUr. Maatotaa.
4eoer«»<fllB; *M«fcoler««ritdM; raaiuk;
oaanaapon»B>ot DXPanrifsvT
WaoflaronabaalMdeUart reword
Badlwtaity larrtaaa at Baoond K. S. Mr. A. T. JehaaM, Bayne City. (Sao' Obafeh Bnaday.
nan to parbapa apt aaothar ap- Assaal Baport. A. T. Jobneoa.
We, tba____________________
JXL np n*lra la Ft**k Friodrleb'**** Block.
i. Chaney ter tbeleat is yanra, end bePaper. “Oeaeaeratad Saaratoi
pataf t la the MMblyan aente
Uere Urn pwrleetly beoernbto to aU
BMona atoow a more rapid and oablUr.MiauwaiMt.
bnatoan trananotiona and Snanetolly
atnnUal growth than tba Second M. B.
MTijminrTaL oenmxncEt.^
nbU to enny ont nay obligBttoM made rtow FOR 8*LI
aherehofthtoelty. Sinrtiay with a few Fire aoataraaeea wm ba bald almalO old. rlr***’*
■ambare aad a aaaU, antalabed bnUd- tiBieaaly. A leader to atoigaad to aaeb %MATrux, Whotoanla Draggtott,
iW it baa atoadUy grown U nnmbacc aad daltoratae wm ba parmlttof
f^tog. Ebrana A Marrto. Whole«ad Intnanaa, nntU tod^ U ita aanlaDrng^ftta. Tatodn,a
Jmed and Satohad aeadlttoa aad with toad. It to. bowarar. anpaatad
BnUto Cntoita Can to tnkeh inter>«B Mlaryad aad datobad parecBaya It aaeb dalagata wm aalaet aad attend
^■toadi. ant only a ai^t to Trarana eaa of
ilr ataraaeaa Let aaeb
A cent free. Priee ^ par
-41^. ead eepeoleUy tba W«t Side, bat
.a eampUaMt to tba aataeprtoa. aaaryy to tba aaaeaaa of tbla bear.
mSMtOB Store.
.and aoaSdaaaa af aU wba bare bad to D^Arttoaat of Spirttaal Work. LaadMBW BMXOX MBADT.
4a Pith Itotoaadlayaad aomptal
ar, Bar. Ha^ Kaaaady. Trararaa City.
dls~lcn‘^''atmh*^*'* or Bbm'* •*!•
Tha dadtoatory aorriaaa wore la Daparttoaat of Marey aad Bal^Laad•rand
arary way a aaeeaaB. Two rary abia to. Mtoa Waataott (Daaaoaaaa) Qraad
voa aau ob ____
kxi laann-Tbo eortb H of
Ttoelr FMt KUn of Briek.
f _*Mtk Ofliouf" ofMOUOB O lowo ■
Lori**** oo**«r- Job* Vortr.
by Br. Aabloy, pwMaat of Albion aol- ~ ipartMBtofUtorary Werk. Lead
laya. Tha obarab waa wall dUad beU er. Lieat. A T. WealparV Balkaak
•tr*ri. BeibirirpboDHMo. an.
that they bare horned tbelr Brat kito
aamlag aad erwtay aad SI.UA70 waa
Dapartmaat of Boalat Warn. Laadar' of brick and wUI be randy to aapply pom
J>B» I^BeX. b*rdflia^*iid hoDM^po^
-piajytil Tbit with what bad already Mia Faaala Millar. Bear Uka.
trade tbo Bret of next weak from tba
rket price. Job* Vcrlr
haw pledyad aad paid learaa the
vartamataf Ftaaaoaaad Oerrm- Brat kiln of *».000. ' A r—
Aarab la a rary good Saaaelal aeadl* paaaaaoa. Leader, Dr. B. B. Wkka. wm ba randy for tba ntorkat to aboet
niAXO Tt'KIXO-J.W. CllBe.»prateariao*l
toaa. ao that with tba farmer taltbfml OharlrralA.
noaft^MbTYo'TcrMCltr. liicb. A9S
**^naw briek yard to altnatod a half
Wadaaaday Braalag. 7:80
y ftoeeaa to tba city, and wall loeatto wtllaeatlaBatapreaperaad hare a
BaO*lo.F»bn, Inc. Bpceltl oltooUo* rl'**
lor Bblpptogby -ag and darotloaal aerrlee, Bar.
tom yraatar laflaaaaa ter good. Tba
iooper*t|r» ■unrarr **d dU«*Mt p*coll*r to
apeetien toTlted.
tho otomacb. Office «ad terideoce ni B*r
dadlaatary aarrlaaB ware la aharya af Loato Qroaanbaagb. Petoakey.
Honbksi'a iiorc. Flader l«*»» *l lbUc««. •t<«M. AibooiotroBlto.lDo.B. *bd fron 1
Addrmt, Btobep W. X. Hlada, Detroit.
' -—'arOanalL
________________ M«
Mattoaal Praaldont.
time-- Onlman'e Btoetlc Floor Vamtob
BB4A4BPTbareday Moraiag.
8 B Wftlt.
^t Maato tor tba maoaptiea af ^ «:M John Wcelay Meralng Glory
• B*klnc pkrien
Qab. Bar. P. E. Wbltmaa, riortbport. Of. W.
mgglM. Operatlte Santlitry
>. BeUpCoMin.
Oaralral aoaaa ea the Wight pf
• 19 Deretleaal. Bar. J. W. Bert,
Yen WiU Bnd in next Sonday'a Eeeord
Jaly Srd.
Elk Ba^
“What Beeda wm de-nexu’’
eociftL DcranraEVT.
plated far aa orebaaira of tt plaoaa for
Mtoa E. Bawklaa, Cbarlaro'x, 4tb A Great Discovery tor Osnoer
zrozr*b9ox-b, AClotr.
tba recaption to tba earnlnl qeaan on VleaPraa.
Wll-RKIII. OXT., JftB. S4, IBOO.
tta night of Joly srd. Tba mnaleiau
Aannal report.
Dr- C. D. Warner. Dear Sir:—I here gr YOr VAKT lMur*ae« Of *BT klod Ic flrvl Tbe beat fnrntohad and bwt kept
wOleamprtoa the beat mntieal player*
of Serea Corea, 1 rl*<ir<imp*Dl*>arto bur* Usoc. lot Or on*e on tbto pentoanto to ready for
Papar. “Bow toolala may be made
la Trararec City together with aererel proBttble.’’ Mtoa Mabel OoUlaa, Patotbuttoea*. Open tba year round. Good
..ireai e ni of the toty.
LlTory to eonnaetton with tbe bonaa.
baeltote to reoommend it for tbe parBate* made known on application.
Paper. “Work of a wide awake aeelal poem tor which tt to need. Ita cScctt til Front St.v Talepbona soi
Broke ail Collar Boa*.
digartmeai. Mtoa Zora M. Flab. Booaa. ere toe abort Umeao manlfcat that It
Yectarday while playlag on a aiep- Baclaam aaaalea. t*t****’*‘ of ofloara. eannottail to give tbe grefttoat ai
Ja»- Ci'MMixa*.
ladder Utile Qerald BaU. aon pf Mr.
■Id Mra. W. 0. BnU. feU aad broke kto Paper. ‘BAlatton ot ideal ebapterto
eoUnr bene. Dr. WUhtom Sxad ap tbe Twaattoth oeatnry «U.” Mr. J. D. Sstald OsBtuy Oook Book. '
A limited nember for aala at IS e___
tojary and Oerald wiU aoea be able to
I baY6 li*ii iQT boildinir
aaeb. Wm ba Baallcd poetage mid
get aboat agmla.
oftreeelptoftbepHeft. Addram,^
Tbuoday Attaraoto. 140
reb,oilt and pot in
Bftrald.^ratna City. Mteh.
abApe and am now
Darotloaal. Bar. SAaal TrOwta.
to receive all old patrons.
Mm. W. B. Bdwar^ Beottot Mlato«v.Baflalo.K. T.a^ “Idoaotbaa•too to preaeaBaa
A. W. Cbeee'a Mtoa E Agaaa Daaa. Patoakay, tad. If yonara aaffartog from any form of
rbaamatlam. akin or Udaoy dtoanaa,
Stotaeat a psltore oare ter Blind. TleaPr«.
BahiwalleA U baaaand aa after is
Papar, “Bow aanwo tetosaat tba an- obealij. or Of ekranle dtomaa. tbo beat
yon can gat to tba Bau Bot
in ear work.______ _______
_._i tha terrible
tt. It to not a ebaap hath
HabtoaT' lebJienototoairl It and W Mtoa Oma Barry, Elk Bapida
r fake aftUr. bnt tba totoat aad a
ay laiaiii to aatoa kaewa Ita wen■UeUaau from a D«
Book- Mtoa Wcatoott. Graad Bapida
L. L. A. BnUdlnf.
earing e^qTm
Praa Hmple hen tar eto^
umaar DEPaaruxT.
aUethar matbada of traatma
Prat. J. F. Mattkawa Filar Oty. ltd faBad. Itaeataaothtag to aaatbaapAikfev groosr
pantoa and toTaatigato Ita marito. It
for OrMkad Oaceal Ooflee enkaa.
Aaanal report. Prat. J. F. Mattkewa titoeparaUonatmyettaa to.tbaTflePipper, “Tbe EpwertblaB, Bto Utotn* aMtorbtoek. lie Freatatraat. Ttaran
tan.- em, 8. W. Laxga. Bellaira
Paper. “Bow woaldyen tnaalaatea OTP-et
E E Fuxto, iL D.
ntone 73.
Jobnaon Btorii
‘S Enatnering-
SaSiEs:;:;; s
Woodbine Cottage
Ploasaot Rooms. Shail|[;Uiito.
bam. or any other property toenraWa,
ktodlyramemberl want to wriUtbs
toanranoe for you. and wm glrayoa
prompt and enrefnl attention.
Only tbe moot reliabie etoek Inaw
Balm eery low.
- Best to be bad m ^
. the city is at
8m aamplM In visdow. ^
Fonial Ditaotor. John R. Santo,
Gaiiral lasimioa.
Pere Marquette
V n p SI p IIjrsf
L> Cbleac*............CD tllSD' TK * oj
* ^««fmOr.......to 4S
Lo au napid*....
Arer»Tor*»OT. .
I Bj t
« 2*t
__In IS I
■. r. MOXIXXg^toi^I^BT.^'^iilr'yr
flnid Kipldi I Mm Rj.
uyarai aa4 <*tartai« at Uals* a* Traw
• f^uMio*. laadaMJuMinb. itm.
Tbe Waukazoo House
T. F. Huoto;,
8SS& 8 S $ SSSS8
8 «8 S 8 «S
55:5 H id—5*
______ ______ _ .
ualB h*a UMper* t*
Cblempo. 81. Lout*. ClBdoaul, ledl*B*pelU,
el.iull: ritOdlalBBCkr IromOraBd BapU*.
Tr*lB *rrlrior *t 1:90 p. ■, baaparbr c*r
frea Gr«Bd Rap'd..
a L. LOOKWOOD,0. F. * T. A. Or*Bd a*gld*
C a MCEEAY, A««Bt.Tr*Tnm Cltr-
uimb UD Kinumu L ■
Hunter I Maugh.
Whr Go to ttio Hot Spiogs?
Ihiod Line of Jev
Fire Insurance. .......
Ul Kills of nagiitjig.
J. n. unrinEK.
DL fiiuiTurr
SBOTfams «ad Otwmvu S»pnlMd t Tin TbIb.,■•rltahBrlc««»udOw Umiti »t
TWkakrBrtttMkl»SaR»U-«CUl •
Vkf7 BamMst Kakiac B*«y
PnBHsUM <ar axuM«a owaaica
to Otoa
4pp«l Vroa
torw amtattM«stUU’Bu( Ohuc
«HmebPaktota<toaM«7Ua pe«~
fy Bar w wUfltA tiw
nil---- mtototor Wb Ttoc rur ^
UaAea. Jut M. 4 a. n.—Snpma
M w to* rMl •UmUm to Oblna atlU
eeattosa. Tba oalr tofgrmatlon rce«l*«d bj to* roMr«tt«at U Baar AdnMcal Braaa’a dUpaieb and aaothar aa>
Bouetor that iba troop* mdI ob Iha
battlaahlp Ikrribla tKHD Boar Konf
ha*s antvad at Ibka. A dUpateb
from Cbefoo datod J«ea 2*. raportt
UiattoeTvriUatod laadad at Taka
a bricade with ImprorUed aonnved
faaa for tbe relief oolaan. A dlapatcb
totheTal^raphfroffl Bbanrbal Montor aar* that anceaaalra tailarea bare
atuadad the rfforta to rallefe liea
Tala, the Bowlau and Oerasaat ba*larbm rapolaed.
Waabinrtoo. Jana 2»-Tbe na»r departsaat waited anxloaalr all dap for
saw* of tba axpaeUd' aafaremant bt<
twaaa tba Oblaaaa foroa aearTlan Tala
aad toe laUmaUaaal aptoBa, aad for
too UMB of tba-AMrtoaaa klUad aad
woaadsd to too togagaaaat laat waak.
d to aaad wha
Buratary Ltog. jaat bafora ba ratliad tooirbt ia nld to bare r^oriad
aoadetoaatontard to tboaa mattort
racalTad trow Ko^a. aad ba tooarht
aoaa woaU oo« bafora noratof. Tba
ca^mmmntnm KampS today
ftaa daya old. KaaawbUo tba aaty
AtoortMiOaBtktoK arary prapara*
tloaforaaoElaadad aaapalfb aoT
aad afloat to Obtoa, raabtot man aad
obipa to tba aaoaa of tba tmUa
Loadca. Jaaa U-Tba adMlralty^
maairadU* toUowtoc diapatab traa
Admiral Braoa, dated at Takn,
Ohafeo oa Jaaa tt:
‘Tba total foroa wbleb left Ttoa
Ibto orlto tba aoMaator-to-oblat
Pakto to aboat t.000, aefad of datoahmwtofmtoa alUad thipa. Ko
r-to-abtot 1
Uaratba i
It wMoaly kaawa that ba a
of W tin TMa batoff toroMad.
"Tlaa Tda baa bean flcbttoc fs Ita
lUaavsMaea. Itwaa oa raaalpt of
totermattOB that the ObtoaM army bad
ordered tratoa fs aMaaktof Tiaa Tbto
aad that that they wore raTafftot Tone
Ea aad ratotorator Taka m wall at
'^totoff tba month of the Pal He, that
U waa prompUy datarmtoad to aaUa
Taka. Stoea than arary effort baa
baw made to raUaea Ttoa Tala. I
tera eommaadad a email aoaaUar
•Imms fs toktof troepa aad tba alek
I tba bay to Wol
Hal WM, wbara I inlaad suktoy a
7 ante boapitataad aaytom fs
Waahlartoa. Jaaa »-He efietol
adrtaaa ware raeairad from China to
day, altbs by tbU roracamaat or tba
Obtoota mtotols. Tba tottor eallad at
tba ataU dapartmaat to aaareb of
aawa. Tba Oarmaa ambaaaads alao
eallad fs tbe aama parpoaa. Ofictola
are kept r>«utor. aad with aaeb a
altaatlon they admit that totelUffaat
Caaaalar to not poaalble. Tba aery
dapartmaat to awaiUnr furtbs particplM rarsdlnf tba rarans and eaaaaltiaa of tbe Amerleaa' martoaa at
Ttoa Tala, bnt Admiral KampS bM
aaat ao addlUoaal dlapatabaa. Tba
dapartmaat to alao walttoy to bear
from Admiral Barney aa to wbatbs ba
baa toft MaaUa fs Taka. Tba war
dapartmaat bopm to bmr that tbe
Biatb rarlmaai now to tba PtalUp^M
wiUfrtawayfs tbe amt of trmbto
Thera are mawre that a larfa foroa
from tba army baa baaa aaat to Cbtoa,
aot rarity s die
admit that If tbara to la ba war with
Cbtoa, the mOltofy wm hare to do the
flfbttor. M tha aery aaaaot do math
atatoataaattoaof 4flfl.ooo.ooo people.
Brariy all tha Cbtoam porta are
haUkytorMtw aad tha nary
aotepautoaratoattkpm. It will re
gain a larra army to mareb tolaad
aad It wQl tax tba foralra powam to
faratob aa army aqtal to anbdnlBC
Obtoatotkaaeaatof war.orslf they
eo operate to military opamtloaa. Tba
perimmoat wUl ao deabt oeoaldar
plaao ftf iwfliiir oths troopa to Ohtoa
•■d oaM them to ba to raadtoaaa, bat
aatil toaro ia no other way of
Ttewtof tbe CbtoaopitoatiM.
■a to be toaraaarf to
rv. Jaaa U-Tba esaa
haalBBadtbefoUowtoc: “Aa wa ooaafdar It emiiary to rake too troepa to
toa Anr dtetrlat to a war foottoc wa
faqaaat toe aalaktar of war to taka
to direct too aaoaaaary bbbbarottaaala tba abatoa-Asar diatrieta to be eallad oat for aereiee.''
TbaAaardMrlattala tba aaatan.
loat partMf Albarto aad tba aaaraat of
tba oarb dooatoa to tba aaaM of tba
It treabU to Obtoa. Tba Amnr
rtoar foraa tba aertbara boaadary of
Maaebarto. wblob adjotoa Ooraa aad
tba Obtoaaa paoatoaa Obi Li to which
Pakto la altoatad.
Bactkah Tra«o«o to Or^ Oaaadtoa
MoatiaM. Jaaa a>-<Tha BaffUab foraninoBt will poor troopa toto Cbtoa
oear tba Caaadtoa Paelde railway aad
toaeeapaarbBBbaaaaoUdadtoba to
' ’
- ■
apoa aeBdlor troop* from home 10,000
ooald ba earriad tbroorb Caaada to
Sbaarhal wUbto t» day*, aod to lata
than 00 dayi by the aaaaa ronu and
tba eame fleet oa tba Paelfle, 2»,000
itbont difisalty be placed
into Ohlob-
>'toe Tear Old B^y Tall Jato BIrer
at Ktk Bapida anil wfl* Dead
When T*ken OoL
apeciAl to Ttie Uorsu.* Kec«nl.
Blk Baplda, Jane as—Unpo 1‘arki,
tbe nine yur old eon of Mr. nnd Mra.
Parka of tbU place, waa drowoad to the
rlrer bare thta aftentoan. lie waa
flabinr off tbe ehnia Ulow the dam
whan balotl bto taalaaee, fell to and
waa earriad down by tba earrant. Be
fore help ooald raaeb him ba waa
The paraata of tba eblld pra almoat
sated with yriaL Tbe water la and
below tba toata to vary awlfl, bat
ebildraa eftaa ftabad from the abate
aad tba dearer wna not tboapht of by
r. HU paraata did not know tba
aabaato of tba 'boy wbaa tba aaeldaatooeanadaad ware terribly ebookad wbaa they heard tba aawa
Tba aoatdaat oaamrrad at lt:S0 o'clock
aad tba body waa not raeorarad till
4:10. Tbafnaaral wil deear today to
ebaifa of W. & Aadanoa.
Altocad to Sara Baaa Wsk of Slrlktoff Bmptoys of BA Lemto
Ttoaait Bailway Co.
teeeWteThaHwniaa hMart.
BL Loato, Jaaa U-Aaetbs rtotlm
of tba atiaat ear strlka died today to
tba poraaa Homan Pmpbke. wonadod
May ».
It to aUteiad that tha dynamite plot
tswroekeara aad property of tha BA
Looto TtoMlt eompaay to alowly bat
aaralj batoff faateaod apoa tsms
amployaa, aad the man Imported to
teka tba pUam of tba atrlkara s to
net aa ffaarda for tba railway aompany.
Tba arrmt aad aoafaaaloa of Ora
Barai, npplamaated by otetem
of Habam dread, a Traaalt aompany
deteetira. point to tba tact that Banil
waa tba baad aad oaater of tba ploA
and to eooparation with ether am.
ptoyaa, plaead-axploalraa at earteto
potott. wbara it waa afterward dtoaorarad fs tba aole purpoae of
atranfftbaatoff tba& poalUona with tba
WbtaWo^^daWUl ba
' Hacottatad Today,
aty state Beak aad nrat Vatieaal
Baak-Satts Loti to Baada ofHays flad Ctork. Who VUl Bapst at
city at a hiffbar rata than a li per snA
The matter waa left la tbabandaof
tbe mayor, tbe clerk and tbe city at
Ur, Dbrib waa DOt to tbe city, bet
Mayor Pnedrlcb-and City Clerk Eickerd laid tbo raa^ before both of the
banks lo tbe city to tee wbat they |
would do to the matter of tbe pur- oham oftheboade. As soon as Mr.
Datto retamad be was told tbe propo•Ition that bad baeo made by the
banks and rartflad tbe report' of tba
Buys and elsk by paraonal Iniarrlewt
with the aaablert of tba two banka.
Before tba waneU msUaff Cashier
Weltewoftba Firat HaUoaal had aabmltted his propoaiUoa to wrlttof.
Tha prop^Uaaa made hj tba two
anks wore anbatantlaUy aa follows:
Tba State beak offarad_lS-t^ '>4a
•ooda at 4 ps eaat'prorldia^ they
eonlk bars all of tbaA They rcqnlrad
that tbay ba paid at
tba bid of Seaaoaffood A Mays, dl^dad tote tbraa
toateUmanto, payable to IS, so aad M
yaara. wltbont opUoaa, tba e^ty to far*
atob tha blaaka oa wbleb tha beada
are printed.
Tba Flral Batieaal beak offered to
taka tba bands at 4 ps oaaA s to teka
hall of them, laartoff tha otbs half fs
tba other bank. They woald faratob
tba blaaka for tba prtottoff of tha
baato. wUab wsld aara tha city from
SU to UO. aad amka tha boada payabla
half to M yaara, optiaaal efts ifl
ymra, aad baU to u yaara, optioeal
efts IS yaara.
Tb»j wa
partieator that tha dIrtolOB aboald ba
lada axaetiy aa raaommandod.
City Olsk Biekard made tbto rapori
fs tbe eommitt^aad tba aama waa
aald by Mays Prtedrtab, who added
that babad told Mr. J. T. Hannah of
tba offs of the Firat Natfoaal to
fflra optloae ea tba boada, and that Mr.
Baaaah had told Urn that if ba aoald
ffat tba opUeaa. it waa fs tba totereate
oftheelty to do ao. Bnt that tha
State beak would not fflra the optiona
wonld they make any etbaf
Aad for a aamaaa Act Captain Hapbarn May XHa of Tellow Pars
to Barana.
■aaelal uTho Honlaa l«eeto
WaahtoffWB, Jaaau—Oapteto C. D.
Bapbara. of tha rolBBtos aiffaal«
aea of BapraaeataUta Bapbors, of
Iowa. U at the point of death at
Baraaa, with y^w fees. Bepbara
wbe la BBppoaed to ba immaaa. liakad
bto Ufa racaatiy to rtoit a aarpaant
dytoffof fars, to order to flad oat
from tha atflDkaa eaaa what ahoUd ba
dowaaboot htowifaeadobUdraBtotha
oraal of bto death, wbleb aaamad
Fireworks, Flags,
and Hammocks
Chocolate, medinm hish
topa, nice ahapea, nEolar
$2 00 aboea.*
with an ontaida firm to pat them dlapoaed ofln time for tbe city to taka
Miion by tha firat of Jnly, thaat-
•oa of Cklaafo Appelated City Ba-
Aldarmaa Monteffaa objMted to
aetloa, oa tba ffroond that tbe State
bank bad aot been asked to majna bid
to the matter. Tbto objMUm waa
naaed on tba fact that tha Firat
HaUoaal bank bad aubmitted thalr bid
to writiBff, while tbo State bankb
a rsbal one.
Aldarmap Smith morad toat tba bid
of tba atete beak be accepted, and
Kew Tori* PollUeiaa Aseaad of TabiConUaaad on aeeood paffe)
toff Moaay for Ctoaafftof a Vsd to
Bapnblieaa Platform. Oau Baok.
apMUl to Tba Heraloa Pceord.
Cbieapo. Jane 2S-Lamaal U1 Qalffff.
a wall kaowB Kaw Ysk pollUclaa to
day anad the Timm Herald of Chtoaffo
fs Ubel. ptoctofftbedavaffaaattioo.ooa Tbe article oa which libel to
d to tba Timca Herald
Saaday nads Waablnpten daw and
that Olaiffir bad racalrad flso.ooo
fs ria»<*ff tha word “latomlaa’' to
ptom of “Htoanffaaa” to tha plaak of
tha RepablieaB platfonn ratettoff. to
Beraemberwe giro with ererF
bhby bom in 1900 a |mir o(
nice, aoft, vioi kid aboea,
and the; don't coat a penny
Maattat Tbto Braatot-XtrtorWat-
A Tory Importeat msatlnr of tbe oily
eosnell waa bald laat arantor. aad
wltbto aaotbs day It to probable that
tba matter of tba porahaaa of tba
OrmpbaU water wska pleat wUl be
eloaod. with tba axoeptkm of the daUrary of tba moaay and tbe tiaaafs of
When It waa fonnd that tbe Arm of
■aeoapood A Kays ware determiaed
Fourtli Year—No. 980
Black Kid
Waa.olno!j1e axb.a. Xleta±X.
—;—nt the-------
Old Reliable City Book Store.
In aever^ new and sty
lish abapefl, Iac« and batton, 11.75 and $2 shoes.
Tan Kid
“Whst will Ecnda do next'.'" For full particulsre see our
_______________ >d in next Kondeyb Becord.'’
Rt-lfolar ji2.00 ^oode —
correct shade and shape.
Your choice
$1.60 a pair
i.)a«iie yesterday by express, Hnndsomc patterns and fine fitters-$6.00. $6.60, $7.00, $10.00.
The nieist and b?st wv ever had. Tour size is here and the
prices are ri«ht-$1.60, $8.00, $2.60, $3.00.
A Lot of Bike Pants
Boys’ Suits, $1.25 to $7 50. Meg’s Suits, $3.50 to $20.
Rewlaud Hats, $1, $2, $3. Bike Caps, 25c to $1.50.
Belt*, Bike Hose, Saeaters, Underwear.
hear our prices, and you'll t>Qy.
The Leader in Fine Shoes.
See onr goods—
OUR almond-eyed
—Tbe Chinamen, stand no more show with the natioofl of
of the world, than do our epmpetiton when it ceme* to
1 ''Vilify
TTCrc^ntatly aatUm dHItealHm i
I would elhorwte lead te tha w
A of mash time. uflstaM msM
“A«k him ars tha Mtobaaa.” are
words frequaatiy heard to arsy baalBsac oBee whore a letter has bean obacare on acme point.
Many people do aot cxnrem
aelree clearly to eoermpoadM, but a
saaa eaa ffentrtlly_____________ ___
donlood if yon oaa ffot wltbto apeaki^^^Mnee of him. V
of tb«
i MakelNo Mistake
We hare not gon« out of buslneu, but
hare moved to our new store, 242 Front Street.
When you want BSLiaBLa FOOTWEaB eat it of
uA We have i^imoed on enle
la now in order, and if yon
want a good job, done with (pwd
materiaf, come and see me before
you let your work.
I have first class workmea and
... nothing but pure lead and 1!
seed oil. Colors to fluit you.
A NEW $2.50 LINE
Which we went you to eee. For a better shoe eee our
Oonxpofllte $3.00 ehoe for ladies, and the Qowemor $4
■hoe for gentlemen.
New etylee and goods a^ra daily.
Bell Phone, 323.
man avenue.
Com* today—if yon can’t cotoe during tbe day, come it
we are open until 9 o’clock. Extraordinary values at $4.9$,
r.98. rt93, ADd we give the pick of any suit In the etor*
Shop 32»> Board,
The Leading Shoe Honse of Northern Michigan.
Ksnatoa efSTViettaaa Takas Fra
Seenaof Sontblrn Hallway Wreak.
Sptclsl VO n>c MorulBa-Baeord.
Atlanta, Jana 2S—Thirty-aaran bodlaa hare baaa racorared from tba
wrack of tba Soatbara train which
want toto tba waabont at MeDoat
Satnrday aiffbA Tbraa bodlat foaad
today ware tboaa of D. Y. OrlflUb. W.
L. Uorrtoatte aad J. B. Hnnaicatb
Tba ebarrad plaeaa of two otbs bedim
ware atoo foaad.
Oaelarad th^Aa Would Vet Aeeapt
Bpaelal to Tbe Merstec Baeord.
Albany. K. Y., Jaaa ks — Frank
OBmpbaU.abalnaaa of tba
a.. S. Saaats
Darid B. BUI. Ba mid. “Mr. HUl to
aot a eaadtdate fs tba
on tba Democratic Uakot aad would
aot aeeapt tba boas uads any coaBldarattOB." Oampball aald afterward
that to to ateted that tba Maw Ysk
ateta delaffaUoB would adrooate
of tha pUak which cSUi
IcrthatraaaotoBffaef •UtsalUtol.
Have You..
For buying a 10 cent
xugar when you can get
««•»«• aaaaaaaasHS iHS «»«
Hold the lending place among LADIB8*
Beoan«e they are as e^Uah aa « shoe can ba.
Beoaoae they wear well.
Beoanaa they fit perfecUy.
9 Beoaoae they era made from soft, walyety kid
2 >tock and bawe eaay. hand tamed aolae.
They aeU for $3.60 per pair,
PAJtS!£it BItOSe
Front Street
mmmmmm »»««««««
I KCMamro nooBS.
Tunui an
sMmwIvBM amu).
tmm. T.
1. ,w: Eun-
QnlM a variety aM a Mfe edPP* «<
of not Oidy than
Traeocaeaty. A alee little pleea of
•aterfrfeetobhowdhy a ferMroompo^onthe MoniKiBi
- -Aiyei. who ahowaMe baelaew
priee and patriots by aSerlar.
I indnaraent to the dttaoaato
the Poofth ta thb dty aarleH*
eMaepaaeibU.apriaaet a ti
•ornayklad of a
dlar to a tan toot tbeae paper halloon.
ladadlar alia or aaUa|haanata, Sara.
BMlrna, ate. ap tetha aatonataf taa
Mr. aad Mra. A. B. Willard of Bmplro wara ia the(clty yaatarday.
L. A. Pratt of Ann Arbor U in the
city for a abort Ttolkt
Wffl. Needham, who haa completed a
atyibHwii OsBcnHtoBBi poaraattoa. eonree of atndy at tha State Normal at
YpaUaaU. b home.
u M Tc»*«ac U1V. «B WadBMdB?. Jolf 11
WUboT Orohbln went to .MUwaakee
tm for said dlMrtat, aad tar tk* inaaacU
Lelandb term of court beran yeeterdayand Judro Mayne, Lorln Boberta,
E. 8. Pratt,|P. C GUbert, J. W. Patch£?«
In and W. a. Poatcr are atteadlnr It.
0. U. Oorell wae heme orer Sunday
afteraTbltlaBoetoa.Mam.. and AIAoooBDiic to a ataMBcat by the
PayaxtBUt theroTenmaathaeapeat baay. N. Y.. bnt left yeeterday for
vpwarda o( tis.000,000 ior the traaapor- Grand Bapida<te aaebt Hr. Slearne'
«aUee by *» of nan. aaiiaala aad aap* Cttbaraaterial nomination.
fUaatotbaPbUlpptaatdaada Thera Oharlee J. Bready hae returned from
baaa a aariac to the reraraBaat of HUIedale eoUere| where be baa jut
•ora thaa t».000.000 tbreafh owalar leelrad the)darrM of B. A.
Mra. C. Maynard Paire and danrhter
Ua eva traa^orta.
of Atbau, N. Y..^re rbitiar the fam.
la eraad Btpida yaitarday iba thar< Uj of a B. Paire.
■maalar rairlatarad lOO dafraai abora
Be*. J. A. Frye of Grand Bapida hu
nro U the abada Froa preaaat Indl roaa to Pomona after attendlnr <]aar.
•attoaa Ihli wat oaly a aarr«Uoa of terly meetlnr in the
. dhrtaaaparatara that trill prarall dnr- here.
Mra. MabertoffiEMWlck epend Satnrday and Snnday with Mra. Minor*.
Ohe*y L. Chaaa ofjFnirbanlt, Minn.,
b In tha city Tbitinr hb paranu and
hb brothar, Dr. O. E. Chaae.
Dr. Sara T. Chau, formerly tueher
•aorta S. Ooarteda of Beat Bay Ba- in the city achoola, b rblUnr Mra
SUxabeth Loudon.
Harry E. Chau and famUy of Du
Molnee. Iowa, eame In'on the CbarleOaotfa S. Coartada pf Boat Bay towa- TOlx'SnndeyforaTblt wi^ relative*.
Adpivaa adjadtod laaaao yaatarday Mr. Chau b boiler inepeetor for the
■ad tahw to the aaylaiii. A aaddaa Hartford. Inenranee Co.
cadhlB Ed. Monroe eetnmed Uat e*enlnc
mi Baaday ha waa abroad la the ri- from BirB^der where be bu lut
alatty of the BInnIay aehool hoBaa,
' a bulncm conrw in the la*
arawliod aloat fhe road with very llt- dutrial acbool.
lla dothint oa. and greatly tarritylog Harry Monroe retnmed lut nirbt
«ba lahabltanta.
from Frankfort, where he bu been
Word «M lant to the city that a la Tbitinr hb eonain. Fraak Monroe.
•atlo wae abroad, and Deputy Sheriff Mn. Dr. Bhodu of Chlearo, arpired
MoBltoa and one of the aeylaai doctor* in the city yuterday, and with her eon
drore oat that way. On the road they and dangbler will oecnpy a oottaye at
■at a party with the inaane
Edyewood for the inmnier.
nay bad hie banda tied aDdelalmad Mba Alice Shorter of Cedar, b in the
that they had ohaead hl« about throe elty Tbitinr on her way from Eut
qaartare of a mile before eapturiny Jordan.
J. O. Banjamin of the W. W. Elm.
Jt b thouffbt that a ehert eUy la the 'ballPAno and OrranCo.. arrlvadin
■tlam. with roet and eara, wUl reatore the city lut arenlnr to rive hb atUnUeslnd. Be bae rooanUy sat with tion to the eompanyb bulneu here for
aem flaanelal loanee that hare prayed a abort time.
WfOi bb mind, produelnf thb incaiiity, A. W. Walb arrived from Si. Jusph
lut evealnr, uaompanied by Hr. BohIneon. aa extei
CLB^r aaiOH officbbs
eref PalnuvlUe, Ohio.
r. W.. Peaninrtee b la the city from
•bated at Kaatlai Laat Bvaaint for
the Eoaolnff Tara.
^fary food aeetlaff of the elarke' Mba Eama Sieffeu left yuterday
ulea van held laet OTeulaf, at whleh for Leland where ahe wUl' apaad a few
two •aBbara wata aeeeptod. The efi- daya before rolar to Chlearo. &e hu
d for the eaaaiBff tarm been attendlnr the tralalnr echool for
annual tha Pmbylerlan and Cook
aa fellow*:
Oenn^ Hupital in Chlearo.
Praeideot-Wm. Johneoa.
Paler Meaerari and wife. Fred OobU
lei Vico Praa.—J. A. Doyle.
and two ebtara of Grand Bapida, have
Sad Vlee Pro*-—Cbae. Land.
arrived to vialt their mother, Mn.
Beoordiny Sac-—P. Saadlemau.
Bobert Qnbti. who b qnlU ill.
nnanelal Sac — L. Roeooe.
J. Q. Benjamin • hack amour bb
■j* Troaeurar—P. Trade. .
trleada for a few wwk’a dnrinr which
Onlde-lbao. Snyder.
time he will have eharr« of the piano
-Oaardlan—Ebb Sterllay.
Qriavmaoa OoBBlttee—C. F. Banter, and orraa interute of the W. W. Kim
ball Co.
daa. Klaneen. B. DoaylaM.
BOO Bailer left yuterday morninr
Tya*taca-Uao. Hoyt, F. B. Baynea. tor Cr^tal City where be will spend
•aelUa Petrie.
the WMk. Hb father will return with
OomBittae to Central lAbor OnloB— him.
Wm. Johneoa, P. SaadelBan. F. Trade.
Mra Nlerrartb and thru children
«. Olaak, L. Boeeoa. '
and Mra Weba and two children of
Beed City are the rueu of Mr. and
Mra John Qroeucriat Suwiek.
•etdcBOa to Show that the dab lud Dr. T. V. Morran and Dr. Batton of
IndianapoU* are yauU at Sprlnp Beach
Baaday Bominir a Oara
Mr*. I. O. Tompkiaa of Chlearo b the
raut of her aieu, Mra J. A. Monta■Uaffle mill np the I
•hat waa looser than any of t|te bly
«MB eaaffht thb year, maaeoriac'Se
Qlorlona Newa
moh». Itweisbed7>« poonda.
Cornu from Dr. D. B. CarrUe of
Vietor Mootacne wae walklac alone raehUa. 1. T. Ha writu: “Blutrie
Mra Brewer of aerot•he ahoio and eaw the deb. Be eaUad ala. whleh bad wued
her rnat tnf>
tebarkCkaw who wae in a eaaoe. and ferinr for yeara Tbrrible aoru would
•Blether they rot the deh into ehallow break ont on bar head and taoa. and the
wMar and eaptnrad it la a landing heat doctors could ri*o no help: but
-yw her hulth b enaellnat." Oeetrie
inert b tha but Mood pnrifler known
Both of theee c«atUmaa baUeee t
Its the BBpreme remedy tor waema,
the dah had been dynaaited. It tetter, ealt rbeam, nloetm, boib and
eorea It at' '
VM nearly dead whoa oaptarid, and
aad bowela
AM aoon after. The deh waa on oaMWttwi at Mode Btebb for a time, and oSff wP'sSa ^8?* S’^t'lSS'SS
O. JobnaoB, drnnbt. Gnaraaiaed.
wm later photarraphed at Boparb.
••What Benda will do na*t■ornMMkT Moontata Tea.** B^Ue:
Taawmto^^^^b ;
AA joni jnon
the W. W.
SabaS PMo« alwaye pieaee.
forCkwbadOaraat OoffMObkaa
Tbiw OhlUna et T.G. ShnseB Vaariy
MM Bartow It SMfatal Ipjny.
an onltiBff rvaaway oeemxTodonAha
mtbalds ywtarday. that aamr wry
rasaltlaff ia lbs wanem Injary ol flam
aBbilwabAUdran. As It wae, om
of the Uttie oeu wu injurod, tbongb
It b tbai«bt aet da^oroulj.
Uadlord Sblbcm<s fatbar-ta4aw bad
Utobad a borw to aa old wiffoe end
driven to tbs dump frouad with a lead
of Tofaae. Ike eblldrea want wltb
bias. Oa tbe way beck, tba borne took
frlfbt aad atorted to ran for tha bora.
Mr. ShUaoaww tba dancer from tbo
window, aad ran eat jut la time to
■M the animal before be eoUldad
wltb tbe bam.
The waffon to whtMi the borne wu
(OuttBoad Steu Si« para.)
^u uo^tty nppertad the aotM.
Mr. Moara thMaieu, aad uld that
la Ua epMoa tha eoaaaU weald aot be
1^ tha beat lataraala of tha
alttauB U they took saA a atep. Ha
doud with tha remark. ‘'Hot with aay
toward tha StaU beak, bat
wlththa okjM of aerviar tha bau
latueata of tha atty. I more to amcad.
HbaUtaUar tha werda. 'aeoapt tha
Maitiee of the Fliat NaUoeal
Bafua tUa motion to auand
npportod. OltyAttoraay Davb apoka
of the ambaraaalnr titutioa In whleh
the dty wu plaead. aad read p r«
tion that prombad a way eat of the
dUBcalty. The motion of Mr. Smith lag in tba barnyard, bowavu, aad
wu withdrawn with the eoueat of threw Baymond qat of tba wagon,
cateblng him bUwoen tbe wagon box
and tbe front wheeL
Intioo waa adopted.
Whereu. The conaell of the city of Portnnately no boau were broken,
Travaru City, on the 4th day of A^ tbongfa be bad reulvod a uvere scalp
1»00. by reeolntlon dnly paaaed. anthoc-'
bed and diraetod the mayor aad elerk wound and a number of palatal braUof said city to aeroUate tha water
works bonds referred to In enid reaoli
Finger* Madly gnuhed.
tion at thru and one.half per cent p
aannm. and
Ed. Garnet met with a very pomful
Whereu, The uld mayor and clerk auldent yeatortiay that may poaalbly
have beae naable to aarotiate eald ruult In tbe lou of a portion of two
bonds at said rate of Intereet, aad
Wbareu, The conaell deemi It ez* anger*. Heeaught tbe fingers in-the
pedleat for eald elty to obtain the title eogs of e CUmax baaket machine, and
and pesMaeion of uld water works on crashed them badly.
Dr. Gamer
July 1.1900, tharafora be It
dreued the Injnred hand.
Buolved. That tbe mayor and elerk
be and are berehy anthorlsed
AMtouter DeTilFlih
aad dlruted to arrotiata and
obuin aloanofuldanm of Forty .thru Dutroying iu victim, is a type of
Thouaod. Six Hundred Slxty-Mven OputipaUon. The power of tbU mal
Dollars (•<3.6')7) for tbe parpocb of pur- ady 1* felt on organs, aervea. mnvelu
ehaalnr the water work* plant of H. D. ud brain. But Dr. King’s New Life
Campbell d; Sou referred to In said res- PUUareaufeand oertaineure. Best
In the world for Stomach, Liver, Kid.
olnUoa aad that they prepare and lune neya
and Bowel*. Only fs eeau at s.
the bonds of uld elty therefor in the
Wpit and Ju Q. Jahnaoa*a drag
Bum aforeeald, with interut not ez- 1B.tores.
eaedlnr fou per unt « per cent.) per
annum, principal and interut to be New Siecowery for BloodpayablMsbb ezehanre on New York
I Hale Tbe Prices!
Others Try To Folloi!
There were two of my competitor^ fnmitore mes
ee my eeooad floor the other da/, «ad they made
the remark, •Are thsM oil odd drewersf” They
were surprised to see soeh • line of odd dressers in
io Traverse Oity, bat that Is the kind of a line I
keep—and they etort in at a solid oak, S drawers,
French bevel piste mirror, at 1S.75. A nice gold
en finished dresser, 4 diswera, 2 leige and 2 small
drawers, swell front, double serpentine top, 20x24
oval bevel plate mirror, for 19.75, end so on to anyprice you wish to pay. I have a large tine of
white enamel dreesera to go with iron beds.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
X20 S'sroxxti 5‘bx’ee^.!
It’s the Number of
Sales that Count!
And it’s the popular priced shoes
that are making onr large soles.
Men, women, boys,and girls ore
rell. Sm tor yonrwlf that *e ul
ourahoaa 2oc, 50a a«d np to $1X»
. pur l«,tlton otter.tore. ch.rg.
for the some grade of footwear.
°’^Thb‘^*u the matter in tbe hands DB. C. D. WABNEB'S COMPOUND
of the mayor and the elty elerk. and it F SEVEN CUBES, the Great Canur
b altorether likely that before the day :m*dT. and for all dlseaau of the skio
b over, their vrork wUl be done aloar
from Ooouet and Secondary
thb line, and they will be reedy to Hereredltary CauM.
report to the mutlar of the conneil
thb evenlnr theealeofthe bond* to Aik your groosr
for Crubed Cereal Coffu Cbku.
I aattor of tbe ei
elty enrinur wu then uken np.
S70 Jt
Bedmond of Grand Bapldt, who offered
to take the position for ti.eoo a year;
O. B. Tbomu of Aldcn. who wonld
take the position for Si.ooe. and Irvine
Watson, of Chlearo. who askad S1.200.
The latter wu apoi«hMnmS*fab ealarr
voted for t^ year,
itaoa bu hU eztenelva ezper
ienee In the layinrpf water malu and
tbe pavinr and maudamlclnr
atruta, the laylnrof uwere and
other llM of city work.
ommendatlons from Daniel W. M^.
tbe eounltinr enrinur who wu one
of tbe water works arbitrators here.
John' A. Moody, a civil enrinear of
iuro. aad L. B. Cooley ez-depnty
umbaioner of pnblie works et Cbl-
Should Interest You!
If Not,
Why Not?
He who would tbink well, eat
well aod rieep well most keep a
wary eye on his food soppUes.
We of course are aoxioos to
have you know the fine quali
ties of our different brands of
gocxla. JoBt now we call yoor
attention to onr
Teas and Coffees
White Star Coffees
35 cts.lb.
This is indeed a very snperior grade oT coffee—finer
than tbe sd-called best cof.
fees—A sample for the ask
Blended Teas..
X-'’ 55c lb.
Pa^colarly pleasing blend
of extra'^Aoice Stork Japan,
Oolong and Yonng Hj-aon—
A great favorite with those
who bare cnltivated a taste
for blended teas.
No orders too large for os to
imdeiiake and noM too small to
receive'oor best aftentioii'
The U|i-To-BBte
-A., S.
185 rttont StTMt
KTicUcal Shoe Med
That we answer to the entire satisfaction
of a host of pleased customers. If you’re
not one already we would be pleased to
have you join this host.
Question ,
Easily settled if we have
the chance to talk 4o yon—
The goods we carry are the
finest shade cloths made, and
every person| in this depart
ment is an expert, having
made curtains for years.
There are so many differ-,
ent widths of windows, it is
hard to give you figures here.
C^l and tell os (he sizes, or
use the ’phone.
Wo carry shade cloth from
38 to 5*4 inches wide. We
have a ready made shade, fi
feet long. 3G inches wide,
mounted on best rollers, for
30c-oad a felt shade for 10c.
Just as important now as
in the early spring—and we
are selling Just as much—
Had to order tbe second time
-duplicated tbe number of
rolls, bnt have an entire new
line of patterns. They are
beauties—Sell at 10, 12, 15,
20 and 2.5c.
Id putting in this enor
mous stock we found many
broken combinations — We
must sell them, so one lot
will be marked at -5 cents the
double roll, and tbe balance
that sold for 15 to 40c will go
at just a dime a double roll.
55'on’t trouble you if you
hare some of those “Dependable Lighters. These are
lamps. Never such s display
as ours. All manner of sizes
and styles and prices.
Tbe small band lamp at 2.5c
—Isrger ones for 40 and 50c.
The lamps with decorated
shades from 85c to $1.50.
The Rochester lamp at $2..’)0
ftbe Ijest reading lamp) and
a splendid line of elegant
parlor and bamjuet lamps,
will) the finest of decorated
globes, from $*»,W to $9.50.
We’ve settled for many in
tbe Iqst ten days with our
wonder-making prices. Just
a few left, and one of them is
yours if you come early enongh.
$40Bafflblcr^seils for $30.
Qot a $25 Ivanhoe that is
marked to 218.50. The ladies
Hibbsrd, while they last, re
duced from $40 to $33. The
Ajax is s good wheel and it’s
now $e$—was formerly «8.
If you warn a wheV, oobs
Interests tbe many, aod es
pecially tbe pricea.
We have just placed on
sale as splendid dressers that
are shown in the city for ^
$12.75 — onr price for the
same thing is $950.
Iron bhds are used more
than ever, and we have a flue
one for $3.25 that is sold elsewhere for $4.50. Our other
gredee ore beontiee and eell
«t $6i0. $8.00, $9.25.$ia75^
up to $38.00.
'Is quickly solved if left to
uk Wenre hirningout more
frames than during the holi
day rush. Why? Because
our goods are the newest and
we do artistic work.
Yon have 278 different
mouldings to select from, and
onr prices please onr custom
There are hundreds of “gift
pictures” that ore highly
ornamental if froined pn^
®rly- Try os once.
Tbe Hannab & Lay HercaDdle Co,
... tte
. nOwii^.
iriwe—to/WMlBC Md dM alMt
iw>it!y- Ite MUy whMl fl*v c«.
MdatriackM )«ap«d far ttw ray*
Md kto l«ft tea «M* la cMtoet witk
IlMUrawire. 8trlagte*'« wll* *ad
tiz BMtk* AM kaky war* oa th* ear at
Mn. MartUFbsof
y*ar» of ac*.*n1raa Mte Kateawe to TiaU kar dai«kUr. Ki*. Barry
Prwit. SkorUy altar *te«
Ml down a dark «aUanray. Ska ia a
kaary womaa aad atreek ea her haad
sad akealdan w tka aamaat floor, aiaa
flaalbalow. Sb*
a aod died atl a. m.
Chaa. VaU*. of 8abairli«. haa baea
delay hi« alaaplay la the
eak. h
uiary duiair tka
abort tlmeafo a lady vbe llrad a few
' mlloi from there died. DorlacberUla*H aba at tim employed at dlfta
ttmca two pbyelelaaa. aad they ooald
- sot arrea apoe tka eaaae of her death.
. nabaabaadwaatold that the body
niybt be exhaaiacl that aa lareeUya.
tioa eeald be aud*. Bd laid the matter
before tht offieata. aad Chaa. Vahle
oepred to watch the ynw at^te. He
hla flah abaaty to the ceaietery,
placed it oa the giaTe eo it eoald aot be
tampered"with wltboat hia kaowledyc.
aad be aleepa thar* erary alyhi. DC'
apito hie eomawhat gtoomy anrroaad'
iDf* Vahle aay* h* tleape wtil.
Klag Bartel, tb* aaacnatie healer who
eama to. Petoakey laat cpriag from
Waakaaha. Wlaeeaala. took poieoa
- Satarday erealay aad will probably
Mra Ftek Stebblaa of Adrlaa will
aall for Parle oa July <7. She wil act
M aoperior jodfe of award la the Amortcaa art departmaat. Mra. Stabbiaa
la aa expert oa ladica' faaey work, aad
ah* held a almllar pqaitiw at tb* Chieayo world'* fair._________
Ikerawmban epiriil mmilag ei
Baganh Allay Teafka thla ennlw '
wdtokamwaBi to wmplato arjamanta far the aaraieal parade aa Baary Stotr PayM tha aofad aUad
llii iTWlag rrf *ilj
ndar. wbcaa rapatottoo a* a phoi
MlaaMaiy Dnrmaa, who te kaaa
rarylll at tba Betol WUHag. waa Bight iB StoiBbeafk OruBd.
>, oesB* of them old aad
itooftkatoOtiekatea^ea tba M. of thorn B*w, bat aU elovor aad
AH.E. arearaton Saaday ware for
orioBa. Be latroA*ead the taet
of laadiag tba aamoa ef dead pmLl Haab eat bia wrhrt ea a taw at tb*
Cbaaff* Sad* ia CBraWBi RasoB CmMet ToBtardsy.
Teaterday'a veto oa tha e^val
ia tba stuBdlBgB ef tha ontoataati
left MioaBeitaar in the leaA 1
■BharTT'a veto aloo took s leag
Jamp. and the etoBdinga wte the
veUa war* ooBatod laat avoaiag wars
Mloa MfBBia Baimar...... .......
Mtae Bdaa Wnbeia...................
Mim Bhoda Battoabary............
Mim Metis BoblaacB..................
told the age of
I of a Baby Mariea Baada ..................
a of cltlsaas
OB tha ataga,
tha place aod data* ef birth. Oaa of
tha eommlttm wae parmtttod to enjoy B. M. Fiabbcek will S&Joy BU Pine
a omoke from a clay pipe wltboat *9Tacht, Mary Louiae.
byeeo or a aaggeation of tha weed, yat
ha amokad away and saenud to thor- B. M. Fiahba^ of ludianapoUs, will
ongkly enjoy it. Prof. Payne alao in- start aoon on a craip* to tha I«ke Su
trodaeed tha time honorad trick ef perior itKlon. on the yacht Mary Lou
ise. which be raeenUy bronght- here
traatlng a paroon in tha
any kind of bavarage they dcaired. from Wawaaee Lake, lad., aod which
be baa had reSttod ia the boat house of!
Anather clever trick waa that of
A Being bound to a ehairja a cabinet Victor Montague. The yacht 1* now In
be eanaad nanuroua bells to ring and the river, but has sot been flsatod into
berna to blow, while the andienea and the bay on aecosnl of the eand bar at
aoamtUee ramalned daepty myaUfled. IbemoutL An attempt Iwill be made
Sevaral other feats were Introdueed today to get her over the bar.
eoeeeacfnUy. Mr. Paine vras all daring Mr. FUhbeck wiU make a trip toCbl■ly portion of the evening and eago in the fall on the yacht.
aaable to endure the strain neeeacary
Haw Szpress Dellvaiyi
to give his dlfflcalt mind reading teat*.
He arrived late yeaterday afternoon Barry Monroe haa aceepeed a posi
for the
from the sonth and wm tired out after tion aa express
the long Journey. Tonight, however, Amencaa Express company, in
he will present tome of the myateriee place of Frank Winnie, who has oecnwhich have made him famous. One pitd the position for a long time.
great teat which has puzzled adentiau Winnie has accepted a better poaltion
outside the elty. .
aad otbera will be given- A oomm:
of eitlzea* will be selected by the andlaaee and they wU! reUre Inaeelnelon
rhere and one of them win write
a letter toadme one. At the i
time Profeour Payne vrUl reproduce
the letter word for word on a type
writer, and hli oopy will he read to the
andienee when the letter is in
hand* of the committee ia prodnead.
Whooptng Cough, Aethma.
‘Rils la only one of a greaj nnmher
Bronchttle and Incipient .
of severe teau which baa caused Prof
Consumption. Is
essor Payne be numbered as a great
mystery in himself. There will be pa
[Biriag foaratitabca'wUehwmatokaa
lyDr. Moea.
Him Mary Pehoral wUlaatartala the
Bridge BalldaraMlmieaaiy' aoelety of
tba CoagTagatkaal ehar^
lag at 7:80 o’eloek.
Bar. A. A. Wall ef 01
praaebad a vary fla* aarmca to the
Ponatara aad tba Uompaaloae of POrla the CoDgregaUonl
C. 8. Btrae* of Bay City, who wUl
hare eharga ef the Saaday aehool mlielonary work ia tbl* ooanty for tba
aext three moalto, arrived from Kale:oo aollaga the laat of tba weak.
Be haa orgaalaad a aebool at Slight*
and vUtad aavarai other aehoola.
Baekaa, the oae aad a half year old
daughter of Mr. aad Mra. Wealey
Watky, died Saaday at their bema.Tha
funeral wae held yeaterday aftarooa
from tb* ehnreh at Acme.
The azennion given to Petoakey by
the Pere ManiaeUe Sunday waa eojoy'
ad by 77 peraana.
John Ataaaa waa lajered by a flying
alatat the Oval Wood Diah faeiory
yesterday morniag. The boa* of the
left leg Jaet below tba kaaa wa* iniarad and will eaaaa Mr. Atena* to be
laid np aevaral day*.
. L. M. Wooden of Owooao, ia in the
city to organize a local divleioa of the
aoelety of Loyal Ooarda. Sevaral people
in the city have lasaraaee
and a fraternal braasb
ganizad also.
That the ehareh people of tba elty
are la earaeel la ibelr dcalre for the
cloaing of the salooaa on Saaday ia
•wodlab Brothea of Amariea Celebrat qalla avldeat. Bav. > A. Brady e^ed
Pound New Tenth.
upon the mayor again yeaterday, aad Mr. Lemuel & Towneend of Mycenae.
ed Suday. With Pieale
called hla attention to the atote lawa N. Y.. eaye: "1 found ne*^ etrug^.
at Beat Bay.
la regard to aereeaa before tba bar* of
Saaday the Swadiak Brother* of aalooni. It haa baea pr^eaad to have
j ttvl tfinuii IWEIIY'
America held Uteir aaanal pieale at Jndg* Oraat of the Btataaapreme court
•* great rastorative for ruudown
and women. iFeede and bnllda ap
Beat Bay. aad a Jolly good tima it wa*.
te the city ud addram a
Tkoogh it waa givea for the Swadea maatiagon law aaforeamaai.
M cent*, all drugglM or Dr. A. W.
prbaarily, other* were aot exeloded, The InvlndblH of thl* elty. .Suoday. Chase Med. Co.. BoSalo. New York•ad a la^ a«mber_of the friend* of wiped ont their defeat by Bapid City.
the Brotherhood were ont.
Sandaya game reanltad in a vieiory for
OeUaloua rafraahmanta were ft
the lavindblie* with a acore of 6 ^to
^thegroBBd. ia which all abarad.
Alaeet aU broeght their baaket*. and The game waa prehaly mvad by a flae Care* dizzy spell*, tired feeling,
band eateh of a long fly. made la
tbara wa* aaoogb to go aronad and a
stomach, kidney and liver troablee,
lettoapar*. Good SwadUhhoapltalltr the laat of the ninth with three maa oa Keeps you well all tb
waa diapenaed, and everybody bad a haaea, made by canUr Adder Toey
Hemcc. of the Invlndble*.
moatdallghtfnl time.
Thellttieaoa of John Cadney who
live* near Slight* htd a hand aearly
aevared Senday by an axe in the bands
ygfaa Woodrair Mae Saaoloed not to of aa elder brother. The ehUdran had
poasemion of the axe naknown to their
Stoy With tb* Sheriff
pareais. The woand. which 1* a very
John Woodrair, who waa eoavietad severe one. was aewed np by Dr. Minor. And Fioat Draperies. Fla^, Bant
efearrying a aoaeealod weapon and The child U bat throe yaara old.
ing, and ereyytbiDg in the Hne of
aoataaeed la Jeetlee Brown'* eonrt This evening aa iator
display decOTBtions can be proTharaday. paid hU flae yaatarday and will be given at the Pint M. B. ehareh cared if ordsred before Mon
waa rareaaed. The flae and eotU to the delegate* whoare her* to attend
amocatad to ttii to. Be wu aUo pot the Bpworth Leagna diatrlet ooevan- day, July 2, of C. F. Makepeace.
I make anything in the abot^e line
.aadar tsoo bond to keep the peaee.
tlOB. The yonag pooplea’ aodatiaa of
Weodraft aUlt deelara* that it waa the dty are eepeeially invited to at- from a child’s dag to ten-foot tis
a plot agaiaet him by hU wife aad
paper balloon, in human, ani
prcaeat haabaad. He deelarai that he tand. HoelcwUI be faraUbad dbrlag mal, or regular form.
the evening by I'rof. Horn'* fall ordid eot (rave a reralver at all.
Kote—I offer a prize of a free
The Beazle Banner, poblUhsi at order for anything they want to
Tmteiday'* Baae Bail Oamee.
Beazonls, has been parchaaed by Fer the amount of ten dollars, (SIO.OO)
•paetal *o Tb* ao»in«
dinand Vorlaud. Mr. Vorlaod, former
zaTioxai. uiancK.
ly of the Frankfort Patriot, look po* in the line of signs, from a simple
a ■
aeaalon of the Banner Jane le and two dost akirtinc ^to a temdaot silk
Chicago ....................
« s
8 7
‘tinea were aaat oat ander data of banner in gold lettering, to the Will toll the place of birth,
KaU^ aad McMaaM: Barvey and Jane 3i.
locky Sunday School or Church,
your 8ff«, past, and future
The H. A K. B. baa laeaed notice* Indnstrial, Charity, or Fraternal
Clarelaad.......................... 7 ll
and many other
offering 8S0 reward tor the arrest and ■Organization, giving the order
Balfalo............................... S 1
Beffar and Splaa: MUllgan aad
drawing the number-for it.
caught Illegally taking flah from
any etreama aloag tha liae of the road
for five mllee oa either elde of the 3^14 will call me in consultation.
Beldy and SaUtb: Patton aad WUaoe. track.
Prices—25c, 35c and 50c.
Dairoll............................. a il
The C. B. K. P. 8. eoeleW* pieale at
Telephone 112 for seats.
Carp lake was largely attendea. Be> Creala aad Shaw; (ioM had Baidon. eldee those who went on the M. A H.
B..aiarge Bomber drove oat to the
-Maw York........................ S •
pieale groanda which were in
Saaaady aad Parrall; Caniek aad grove hack of the hotel, joe Daiviteb'e
An eminently skilled and accomplished artist. A wonderfol and
bead farniebad the maaie.
thoroughly qualified pbototrrapher.
A Card.
Wa. the anderalgaed. do hereby
agree to refund the money on a U>The ktog of photographers la po*lag, lighttug. draping aad arranglog hla
eeat bottle of Greene's Warranted Sy sabjeeu for the pracUelog of hla truly wonderful art, photography. Mr.
rup of Tar if it Mia to care yoar eoogh Soper has aeeared the Photo building oppoaiw the Hotel Columbia on Front
or cold. We also gaarantce a ss-oaat atraet and haa remodtlad it aad put it In order for strictly np to date ph
Powell andCrigei
bottle to prove aatisfaetoTy or money
rafnnded. 8. £. Walt, Bagbee A Bozare cmdlally isvitad to visit bl* studio aad test hia ability ai an ap to
barg, Jamaa G. JohaaoB. P. C. ThompA Ufa aad Death Fight
Mr. W. A. Biaaaef Maaebaatar, la.,
11 find la next Saaday'*
writtag of bl* almoat miraealoa* e*n Benda will do Dext"
aaea Item death, aayi: "Bzpaaar* after
——Indaead aarteae laag troahla,
wUeb ended in oonaamption. 1 had lATOvgrootr
for Crathal Cereal Coffee Oakea.
______________ «9*t
iMaean din. Than I beganto aaa
te. ty Saw Kayy
When You
Tip Your Hat
Tip a good oneone that’s npt only strictly
bat also becoming to you
—Not bvory
stylish shape will become you
—That's why we aim
to carry a
line of sizes in both large - and small shapes
—Same block of bat.
Something new
in the tan and pearl shades
soft hats—
Would like to show them
to yoh."
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
All New
Mind Reading
The Roswelle Hat I
PoBitlrely has no equAl for $3.00,
All the latest styles ami colors in both Fedors
and Stiff Blocks.
C. F. Makepeace.
....... .
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
■ aadan
•nr* Ikraat. Cheat and UngtranU
BagalaraiuManad S1.00. Ttlal
aenk diagatoeaa
fm Mttlia.ten tMOtettk Bwtte
Dont Be Foolcdi
SMnmkI.nmlMrlii dl riM.
JOHN P. OTT & 00.
*SM«M» t, Xnmn, Ottz tunbw Oe.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Are u«ed byTnore people around the world thin any
other goods madeP Why P Beoiuse they are the pro
duct of money, bnina and 48 yem experlenoe.
Sold by the mikers.
W. W. Kimball Co.
IBS Front SOMt.
B. X SIBOITa, Usna(w
sszs^ssrs&si^rss Jirelnsnranil
late ed good Utacatner Mtoa Mary
Mow to alM oSMtoeertagaeB naULwt. Imka aty.
Tamparuee Maatng Vm ba
Tbaatoay BraOBg, 740
Bald Sunday Erenlng.
/ff 9MKT iro8i£t j Xaagaa OuatatoH Xbla W«k
^ mam tamperaaea maattog to bo
M. D. 0ml. P. B.. ‘Srarena City.
SIS so
wttk naa Piegraa.
Add^ “Ure U^'’ Bar. F. L. haU under tbe !•
KecwM «Mli 10 wWtnto lu Aio- An an^ly tatererttag^ad kelptnl
tatbaeityabnrehMwmiMear at tba
Ukeiidg wfll be tba Graad Trararaa
yaUvritb Fnaeo.
aty Opera Benae next Snadey eraalng
at 7:10 e'elo^ The ermUag oarriem
Brttttstaijwt boochtM bottoriM dletriet eoatareaea of tba Bywortb
oftberarlOM ebarebaa wm -be dieL«Cftft.whiAwfUtftkftpUM Ift tUft
* «iKnFr*^«rtater. .
aad aU gather for a geberal.
^fWiiowMoMtodg—doyby «y- dty toaicbt, WadaMday ftad Than- ■of. Marat wm Farntob Maato far aU
meetlagoa tbe Bnb}rat of law aad
««M whWi dMolkbod BUT b«dU- day. Pmdaaat ftSMey Iha ipwlBia
^wdthraw-deimoBmBbwef fco- wlUbft Bkbep W. x nadft. KftUoaal ProL Batet'a orebaatra bat baaa order, wlto oipeelal refermea to tbe
ot tba Snadey elomng law
totrohlBBiya. Stronl poraoM wm
raetyaatoal. aad baraaftar wm not to regard to aalooaa
nt hM Won pro- caaflaa im Irork to tba playlag la Sararalgood apaakcra will addram
^Za ft iftttar to ft pmul frlniftt
Stoiabaeg'a orebaatra. bat WiU fnmab tba BMattog, aad apaetoi maato wQl ba
MlfttoBtft, Pft., Dr. O. r Wtekftft. ter- Tidod, aad aetUay baft bM aparodby madeferallaorto of aoctal fnaetlon#
^orldad. Erary to torltad to ba
Mriy pbykdftft »l BftUorao bMpIttl. tba local UacaM to balp aakatba o*nU other oaanalnba where tbe work
>ow York, ftftd ftt prwt nrgftOB ot cftdoB aea of capaeial blaiBlay aad of n Srat elna a.'ehactrm to datorad.
tbftSioftncwMftl eoMftMoft. mj*
Tha daaea orabtotn wm ba aa t^
Maw Baglna Baealrid.
1 ft tidft- reUpwlay la the prbyraa of tba eoa- Iowa;
aunm narasornaTasicnT
Waaeal Sledtr roealrad Satarday tba
«aMr lard foata for ft caaal amaa tha ■aaoa:
geeellne eagine for bto new yaebt.
. At BaUodUa. UL. wblU Btacn wara lafonaal taaaption ytrpa by tba Oartoat —Gaerga Damltog.
which wUl aoon be ready for aerrlee oa
Maattay la tba Oak HUl coal Btaa Saa- Trararae Wf Bpwartb UayaaftAt tba Tramboaa Jay E Aaaaaleb.'
the bay. Tbto to tbe only reraralng
tbay aada aa anavatleB lalo fta nm M. B. abaiah.
Doable baaa-Obaa. 8. Tador.
gaeoUne engine In tbl* locality aad to a
Ptontot-Barry Parktoa.
Wadsaaday Maralay S«0
groat Improremeacorartbo aid oiyle.
«ftlB. TbawfttorpoatadlatotkaOftk
Darotloaal aarrlea, Bor. W. J. Bry^ The poraenael of tbe eontart orebMtra Freak Friodrlrii to tho ageat for tbe
am pita with yrcat forea, flaadlay ftad rilUftBabary.
| 091_____ wm bo BB teUowa;
ay in tbto city.
aaaiilitriy wradciay Ua Btaa. Fifty Papar, “Tka Bpwartb Laayaa aa aa FIrM riolto»ProL a E Bern.
watkBoaiatha Blaaa had ft aarrow Dalfylay Power; Ita BaUtloa to tba Beooad rloUae-WtU Balm aad Sae. yeang maiden, that tbont^t
tbe gennlaa Boeky Mountain Tea.
aMpafroB death, katay raaaaad by Factor, aad tba Faator^ Balatlona to George Bine.
made by tha Madtoon Medleto-''Yha haide work of tha Blaa aaylaaar. It." Mtoa Jaaaia Walla. Fraaklort.
Vlaln-A. C. Ayen.
tbon likott thy fair faee. tse.
Olarinet-Oeerga Doling.
At HolOBcarllU. A. T.. tha raddaaoa
BPiamaL wona.
a( Mia. OoUlB waa baraad aad flra
Bar. A. P. Kaylar. OharlaroU. (Ut
Ftoto-E Miller.
MftU ahUdraa pariahad la tha fl»Ma Vlaa Free.)
“What Benda will do next.'
Tho Faria aapoaltloB eaa aow ba ABBBftl report of ebalrtaaa of dapart- Trambone-Jay B. Maaanieb.
Salau'i XntarUr Spar to tb* soot
Drnma-M. E BoUey.
daaertbad at fiaally eoatplotod. The nent. Ear. A. P. Naylar.
X Plano—Mtoa Oermde Msntagae.
Inrabla Tamleb madeaahlMta »ra all laatall^, Tha Jaroia Papar. .••FaiaoBalltj- la (fcrtallaB
ara bard ot work la aU of the aaotlona Work.'’ Prof. C. B. Wbltaioyar.Tbomp- Denble baaa—Cbaa. & Vador.
Cello-E E White.
fith tha saul amouil of ymmbllay aonrUle.
aad dlaeoataat ea tha part of tboaa aot Papar. “Tba relation of the Laayaa
Lafayette DeVelto Dead. raaalrlay prltaa. The laaaraaea pot- to Braayeliatle Worii.'' Mr. Lento J
Lafayette DaVelin died Saturday
lelMcn the oBelal aahlblU ayalnat fire Van Sickle. Ealkaaka.
SS5 S»le Strcelnight
aadjrobbery raaeb io ralne over fto,bMoonrcj-oselor tUFrcBi
' rniAPca OErajrrMan
•treel. nt the ego of 40 yeara. Tbe
MO.COO. The laryatl portion U aatarA. C. BeldlBK. Clarion.
ranae of death
•Uy ftbaorbad by tha fine aru aeetion.
oarrr ucir Toocrilcr bioek. tlO rroel klrcet,
Ananal report ofehalraian of depart Short tnneral aerricaa were held at
Ko. ecu.
A paaaanyar tialD m the Sonthem ment. A. C. beldlDy.
Uto^DuBe ynterday and tbe remain*
rftllway. which Uft Macon Satorday
Paper. “Oor dntlee aa Leaguer* to
aiybt for Atlaau, no Into a 'waabont the Flaanoea of the Chareb.’’ Htoa.Ha- token to Cambridge City. Ind., where
they will be inferred.
aaar .MeDonoayh. Oa. Erary peraon mto Yoany, Aldan.
Deoeaaed lesrea a wife end t
an the train waa killed, aoma is in all.
»' iWedneaday Afternoon 1:S0
Bona Hi* brother. L. H. DeValln.
At Edlnbnryh many of the pnlpiw of
DeroUonal aerrlee. Bar. B. B. Yoat, eaou up from Indiana but a few day* forax AKD 1/>T roB
the city ehareboa ware flUad Sunday
L mJr UiBaT« ICU'. WO^ukrwan^rago, and we* with him when be died.
byABaiieandalayataato tba world'a
tec Oprr* Bouw Block.______________
W. C. T. D. 0OD«aaiUm. Bar. Oharlaa Baaiacaa eaMloa; appointment of
•haldoa Of Topeka. Kan., waa the eemmltloea, etc.
prladpal spaakar at tba attaraoon Paper. “What 1 expeet of tba Laay- Tbto enmmer wUl eeo eome marked
nreaofOraadTrarenaDtolriet.'’ Bar. ekangea la tba madlenl ataffof tba
■aatlay of tha enyroaa.
Bertbera Mtoblgaa aeylnm. Dr. Good nyaKTXD-Car'a *erk or DUTBla* bjClul*!
Amony tba fecafya acualar ofieara M. D. Oarrell. P.«. Traroroa OHy-,
t*el»4r WllIrtTr nad uUirBetloa.
wmianratba dm of next month to V7 or*44r*MinKenbC*I*r.
«-inoB DoranniEnT.
who bare Jact bapa raooynlcad by tiba.
b^ln pmettoa in Joanlnga, nnd Dr.
data dapartwat, to Oharlaa M. Ora- \Mn.MlaalaBUew. fife Lake. (Jaa- Heym wm lanre to Angoat to tnka a
bM.aoaaalforBaadaraa. at Datrolt
report. Mfi. Ml^ BUow.
Bft iaeaaadHon Joaaph M. Biaalar. '
Paper. •■Jnnlor Wacb," Mtoi LUUna
MUUr. Maatotaa.
4eoer«»<fllB; *M«fcoler««ritdM; raaiuk;
oaanaapon»B>ot DXPanrifsvT
WaoflaronabaalMdeUart reword
Badlwtaity larrtaaa at Baoond K. S. Mr. A. T. JehaaM, Bayne City. (Sao' Obafeh Bnaday.
nan to parbapa apt aaothar ap- Assaal Baport. A. T. Jobneoa.
We, tba____________________
JXL np n*lra la Ft**k Friodrleb'**** Block.
i. Chaney ter tbeleat is yanra, end bePaper. “Oeaeaeratad Saaratoi
pataf t la the MMblyan aente
Uere Urn pwrleetly beoernbto to aU
BMona atoow a more rapid and oablUr.MiauwaiMt.
bnatoan trananotiona and Snanetolly
atnnUal growth than tba Second M. B.
MTijminrTaL oenmxncEt.^
nbU to enny ont nay obligBttoM made rtow FOR 8*LI
aherehofthtoelty. Sinrtiay with a few Fire aoataraaeea wm ba bald almalO old. rlr***’*
■ambare aad a aaaU, antalabed bnUd- tiBieaaly. A leader to atoigaad to aaeb %MATrux, Whotoanla Draggtott,
iW it baa atoadUy grown U nnmbacc aad daltoratae wm ba parmlttof
f^tog. Ebrana A Marrto. Whole«ad Intnanaa, nntU tod^ U ita aanlaDrng^ftta. Tatodn,a
Jmed and Satohad aeadlttoa aad with toad. It to. bowarar. anpaatad
BnUto Cntoita Can to tnkeh inter>«B Mlaryad aad datobad parecBaya It aaeb dalagata wm aalaet aad attend
^■toadi. ant only a ai^t to Trarana eaa of
ilr ataraaeaa Let aaeb
A cent free. Priee ^ par
-41^. ead eepeoleUy tba W«t Side, bat
.a eampUaMt to tba aataeprtoa. aaaryy to tba aaaeaaa of tbla bear.
mSMtOB Store.
.and aoaSdaaaa af aU wba bare bad to D^Arttoaat of Spirttaal Work. LaadMBW BMXOX MBADT.
4a Pith Itotoaadlayaad aomptal
ar, Bar. Ha^ Kaaaady. Trararaa City.
dls~lcn‘^''atmh*^*'* or Bbm'* •*!•
Tha dadtoatory aorriaaa wore la Daparttoaat of Marey aad Bal^Laad•rand
arary way a aaeeaaB. Two rary abia to. Mtoa Waataott (Daaaoaaaa) Qraad
voa aau ob ____
kxi laann-Tbo eortb H of
Ttoelr FMt KUn of Briek.
f _*Mtk Ofliouf" ofMOUOB O lowo ■
Lori**** oo**«r- Job* Vortr.
by Br. Aabloy, pwMaat of Albion aol- ~ ipartMBtofUtorary Werk. Lead
laya. Tha obarab waa wall dUad beU er. Lieat. A T. WealparV Balkaak
•tr*ri. BeibirirpboDHMo. an.
that they bare horned tbelr Brat kito
aamlag aad erwtay aad SI.UA70 waa
Dapartmaat of Boalat Warn. Laadar' of brick and wUI be randy to aapply pom
J>B» I^BeX. b*rdflia^*iid hoDM^po^
-piajytil Tbit with what bad already Mia Faaala Millar. Bear Uka.
trade tbo Bret of next weak from tba
rket price. Job* Vcrlr
haw pledyad aad paid learaa the
vartamataf Ftaaaoaaad Oerrm- Brat kiln of *».000. ' A r—
Aarab la a rary good Saaaelal aeadl* paaaaaoa. Leader, Dr. B. B. Wkka. wm ba randy for tba ntorkat to aboet
niAXO Tt'KIXO-J.W. CllBe.»prateariao*l
toaa. ao that with tba farmer taltbfml OharlrralA.
noaft^MbTYo'TcrMCltr. liicb. A9S
**^naw briek yard to altnatod a half
Wadaaaday Braalag. 7:80
y ftoeeaa to tba city, and wall loeatto wtllaeatlaBatapreaperaad hare a
BaO*lo.F»bn, Inc. Bpceltl oltooUo* rl'**
lor Bblpptogby -ag and darotloaal aerrlee, Bar.
tom yraatar laflaaaaa ter good. Tba
iooper*t|r» ■unrarr **d dU«*Mt p*coll*r to
apeetien toTlted.
tho otomacb. Office «ad terideoce ni B*r
dadlaatary aarrlaaB ware la aharya af Loato Qroaanbaagb. Petoakey.
Honbksi'a iiorc. Flader l«*»» *l lbUc««. •t<«M. AibooiotroBlto.lDo.B. *bd fron 1
Addrmt, Btobep W. X. Hlada, Detroit.
' -—'arOanalL
________________ M«
Mattoaal Praaldont.
time-- Onlman'e Btoetlc Floor Vamtob
BB4A4BPTbareday Moraiag.
8 B Wftlt.
^t Maato tor tba maoaptiea af ^ «:M John Wcelay Meralng Glory
• B*klnc pkrien
Qab. Bar. P. E. Wbltmaa, riortbport. Of. W.
mgglM. Operatlte Santlitry
>. BeUpCoMin.
Oaralral aoaaa ea the Wight pf
• 19 Deretleaal. Bar. J. W. Bert,
Yen WiU Bnd in next Sonday'a Eeeord
Jaly Srd.
Elk Ba^
“What Beeda wm de-nexu’’
eociftL DcranraEVT.
plated far aa orebaaira of tt plaoaa for
Mtoa E. Bawklaa, Cbarlaro'x, 4tb A Great Discovery tor Osnoer
zrozr*b9ox-b, AClotr.
tba recaption to tba earnlnl qeaan on VleaPraa.
Wll-RKIII. OXT., JftB. S4, IBOO.
tta night of Joly srd. Tba mnaleiau
Aannal report.
Dr- C. D. Warner. Dear Sir:—I here gr YOr VAKT lMur*ae« Of *BT klod Ic flrvl Tbe beat fnrntohad and bwt kept
wOleamprtoa the beat mntieal player*
of Serea Corea, 1 rl*<ir<imp*Dl*>arto bur* Usoc. lot Or on*e on tbto pentoanto to ready for
Papar. “Bow toolala may be made
la Trararec City together with aererel proBttble.’’ Mtoa Mabel OoUlaa, Patotbuttoea*. Open tba year round. Good
..ireai e ni of the toty.
LlTory to eonnaetton with tbe bonaa.
baeltote to reoommend it for tbe parBate* made known on application.
Paper. “Work of a wide awake aeelal poem tor which tt to need. Ita cScctt til Front St.v Talepbona soi
Broke ail Collar Boa*.
digartmeai. Mtoa Zora M. Flab. Booaa. ere toe abort Umeao manlfcat that It
Yectarday while playlag on a aiep- Baclaam aaaalea. t*t****’*‘ of ofloara. eannottail to give tbe grefttoat ai
Ja»- Ci'MMixa*.
ladder Utile Qerald BaU. aon pf Mr.
■Id Mra. W. 0. BnU. feU aad broke kto Paper. ‘BAlatton ot ideal ebapterto
eoUnr bene. Dr. WUhtom Sxad ap tbe Twaattoth oeatnry «U.” Mr. J. D. Sstald OsBtuy Oook Book. '
A limited nember for aala at IS e___
tojary and Oerald wiU aoea be able to
I baY6 li*ii iQT boildinir
aaeb. Wm ba Baallcd poetage mid
get aboat agmla.
oftreeelptoftbepHeft. Addram,^
Tbuoday Attaraoto. 140
reb,oilt and pot in
Bftrald.^ratna City. Mteh.
abApe and am now
Darotloaal. Bar. SAaal TrOwta.
to receive all old patrons.
Mm. W. B. Bdwar^ Beottot Mlato«v.Baflalo.K. T.a^ “Idoaotbaa•too to preaeaBaa
A. W. Cbeee'a Mtoa E Agaaa Daaa. Patoakay, tad. If yonara aaffartog from any form of
rbaamatlam. akin or Udaoy dtoanaa,
Stotaeat a psltore oare ter Blind. TleaPr«.
BahiwalleA U baaaand aa after is
Papar, “Bow aanwo tetosaat tba an- obealij. or Of ekranle dtomaa. tbo beat
yon can gat to tba Bau Bot
in ear work.______ _______
_._i tha terrible
tt. It to not a ebaap hath
HabtoaT' lebJienototoairl It and W Mtoa Oma Barry, Elk Bapida
r fake aftUr. bnt tba totoat aad a
ay laiaiii to aatoa kaewa Ita wen■UeUaau from a D«
Book- Mtoa Wcatoott. Graad Bapida
L. L. A. BnUdlnf.
earing e^qTm
Praa Hmple hen tar eto^
umaar DEPaaruxT.
aUethar matbada of traatma
Prat. J. F. Mattkawa Filar Oty. ltd faBad. Itaeataaothtag to aaatbaapAikfev groosr
pantoa and toTaatigato Ita marito. It
for OrMkad Oaceal Ooflee enkaa.
Aaanal report. Prat. J. F. Mattkewa titoeparaUonatmyettaa to.tbaTflePipper, “Tbe EpwertblaB, Bto Utotn* aMtorbtoek. lie Freatatraat. Ttaran
tan.- em, 8. W. Laxga. Bellaira
Paper. “Bow woaldyen tnaalaatea OTP-et
E E Fuxto, iL D.
ntone 73.
Jobnaon Btorii
‘S Enatnering-
SaSiEs:;:;; s
Woodbine Cottage
Ploasaot Rooms. Shail|[;Uiito.
bam. or any other property toenraWa,
ktodlyramemberl want to wriUtbs
toanranoe for you. and wm glrayoa
prompt and enrefnl attention.
Only tbe moot reliabie etoek Inaw
Balm eery low.
- Best to be bad m ^
. the city is at
8m aamplM In visdow. ^
Fonial Ditaotor. John R. Santo,
Gaiiral lasimioa.
Pere Marquette
V n p SI p IIjrsf
L> Cbleac*............CD tllSD' TK * oj
* ^««fmOr.......to 4S
Lo au napid*....
Arer»Tor*»OT. .
I Bj t
« 2*t
__In IS I
■. r. MOXIXXg^toi^I^BT.^'^iilr'yr
flnid Kipldi I Mm Rj.
uyarai aa4 <*tartai« at Uals* a* Traw
• f^uMio*. laadaMJuMinb. itm.
Tbe Waukazoo House
T. F. Huoto;,
8SS& 8 S $ SSSS8
8 «8 S 8 «S
55:5 H id—5*
______ ______ _ .
ualB h*a UMper* t*
Cblempo. 81. Lout*. ClBdoaul, ledl*B*pelU,
el.iull: ritOdlalBBCkr IromOraBd BapU*.
Tr*lB *rrlrior *t 1:90 p. ■, baaparbr c*r
frea Gr«Bd Rap'd..
a L. LOOKWOOD,0. F. * T. A. Or*Bd a*gld*
C a MCEEAY, A««Bt.Tr*Tnm Cltr-
uimb UD Kinumu L ■
Hunter I Maugh.
Whr Go to ttio Hot Spiogs?
Ihiod Line of Jev
Fire Insurance. .......
Ul Kills of nagiitjig.
J. n. unrinEK.
DL fiiuiTurr
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