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The Morning Record, November 29, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
; cirr» looa, xHuauKAT,
>T%1C» Up To 2 0«lPPk mmnr M
U. 8. Auxiliary Crulsar Orivpn
Aatwr* at Guam
iteaml Mitea' latter to tha aaoMtefy
It of Objection Rncardlrw
PMUM NegctlRtlon*
madepaMie today. Hemya. “Tbe
haa liow nnired for tha wtahliahi
Ufa mar* i>e-a«lMM caiMimhoa
I faal euTluad that tba foi
Launch Craw Pariahad SaarohInc for Safa Anehoraca
-I-- '— »*—■ I~—•
UailU. Not. aa-Tb* ttaaaport
8b Train wUdi bM afcirad hwa.
briafi aaw» of a tarriflo tnAooa
wbleh nropt Uw UUadof Ona Bor.
n, dUBOlUhiac (bouBdi of dwsiliags, laetadiac Oorasor SehmdBr-*
a lawM of InonjM ud tmaforen oUitantod. It U ortiiMtod
I of BMiTM wm kllM.
Hm aoeoMst mj» for yean birr
bna ralaod. aad vocMatioo of tbe la
UadhHbM UU«1 br «aU water.
Tbr Mona bor*t wUb terrtflo rapldltr
abooi 10 o'elotA in the mnliag.
oaiTiiiffa btrth
tia. dnunM her aaobore and
drirwi aicroQiid <me fanodtad yarde
froa a reef. Her bow« were oruhad
in. The laoBob. with a erew of fire
■•a. bad prrrioulj left the abip to
aadaaror to fiad a aafe aaoberave for
ttaroralaer. The man . were aoC neo
after Um7 left the diip aod it >■ prac'
tteallr oertain that the hearr eea
which the etonn kicked op
the laoaeh. The bodice eftheooxi■atecd Oeoite Anbel were reoorered
after the typhoca) aabaided.
Yootekite drifted rapidly until e
o-eloofc in the erealitt when the weath ■
te olaand. The erulaer waa then liaty
Bitea north and forty weal of OnitB
andhadainnrateah. Atl:80pL
Bor. 16. the Jn>tln..wblefa had eb
ad in tearota of the Yoaeinite. pleked
her ap ud attempted to tow ber back
to Oaam. It waa decided that it waa
Impoaalbla to‘u
0 ‘take her into port.
Thetnlavwaa» ttban aontUed. after
wbiohahe waa a
Itoiair aboard the Jiutln. Tl>e YoaeaIte maik bow ftral at three o'clock ud
theJaatia Blood awB^ from Uuaa.
Tbe paynaater aarod 168,000, Mezieu
B the ainkinR ahl^
> laauMlat
A F. Buttec of twetenu oowty. for
tbe atteat of one Lealla. a mteamu
for a
houae, oe a charge of
aalUng adaltarated pepper and oinnaud vnp which waa not pro
perly labeled.
lie waa through Leelaima county
weAi agound took ordera for
« and other auppliea
ippliee from the
farmere ud famiUea la Northport
to the amount of about IS.OOa Tbe
good* were ahipped in to Northport.
but had been oaly partly delirmd
whu Deputy Food Inepeotor Dame
hud in tbe
wired the atate ehemUt. R. E. DooUttle at Laailnjt. and tber bad as asof the Rooda ehipped. It li
laid that they found aeretal adolteraand the warrant for arteel waa a
natural eonaeqneooe.
I autee Oteelal* WUl AtteU tl
reaeml of ftaaater Uaril
8U Awl. Kor. W Bcnatoc Daria'
temalnt will be buried in Oukwood
eeaelery Satuday. On Friday mornittir the ramaina will be eoPT<7ad to
the atate eapilal uder. a military
RuartL Imtar the body will be ratumadtotiteboaaa ud aemoea'will ha
Rtturday. A oommittae from
Onlted Btatte aenate. ud
at Mritalr 1>M Mnaaealr V«a
tewtaltoyteVonilaa Bmird.
Marioo. luA. Nor. SfUTbe■ reaull
of the rotM of the window fUaa flai
tetter* to decide the amaliraBiatloo
tlon 1*
fUfbluohea of the window kUmw^
worken trade annouoed tonlKbt aa
WUie Avatliar Order*,
apwlal V> Ite Haralac Ibvud.
^ Waihlngloo. Nov. Sft—Rear Admiral
F. V. McNair died aaddenly of apo
plexy thi* aftenoon ai hia reaidenoe
in ihU city. He bad recently 'been
detached from the anperintcndency of
the naval aeademy ,ud wm on wait
ing order*. Admiral MoNair waa
aenior rear admiral of the oavy, being
ranked only by Admiral Dewey. He
would have reached the retiring age,
6i ytara. on Ju 18. 1901.
“•«af F
B employed by the'window flaw
•AUI or Lt'MBKH Bl'alXBaa '
J. W. Taarl* A « • tteUre Feoa
IMail TfWie.
3. W. Trarla A Boo hare okaed a
daal for the aale of their retail 1
ter baalBea* to W. E. William* of the
Reed City gblnfle A Lumber
The Cruifer of the property will
made in the ^ly |<arl of next Juuaiy. Trarl* A Bon will eoiltiDDe in
ch u oBloe
down town.
Rteelleal Proarem V
AfWeaemi U High Heboo).
The Juior Lyoeam gave a moat exoellwt progtam yeaterday afternoon
The debate waa uimated. ud abowed
eareful thought. Following it the
lengram;Thankagivlog Song-Fourth Grade.
Emb.t. “Bryut'a Youth''—Della
-Blucbe HaakeB
Vooal aolo-Qmoe Haartngt.
kilai Btetha MHI
I Mr. Jeea- U
Reigoduetlou, "Sclte-'-Edu KilBeartoa W.4M law Xtrht.
There waa n pleaaut weddinR at
the tTwldenl of Her, W, T. Woodhoote
Uat ereniuR. tbr bride beinft Mi«i
B«rtha Miller of ihl* city ud the
IcraMB Mr. Jeaar I.. Rtaytoo of Oraa-n
They were attended by the brttlea'a
Mater. Ouala Bird, ud the poom'*
friend Jaaaa Heawn.
"te yopmr aoBple leare for their
new home at Oiawa tbl* moniiiR,
• • they wiU entertain a larpe
mamber of frienda at tbe home of the
gtoom'a aiater. Mra. .O.. B. Oteeu.
Tha weddutf uupiMr waa iriru at the
home of a» teide at 538 Wabater 8l
teat ereniBii.
The yeaiiR aoupte bare the eon.
pateUtloB* and well wlMtaa of their
BUMCtma frteBd* in thia olty.
Mr in the
Redtadoo. “Ugend of 8t Martin
—Stella Jahtnn*.
Eaaur. -'InoidAto of Bryut'a Later
Life''—Nellie Onyaoe.
Piuo Solo—Bu^ Gtavaou.
Debate-Rcaelred. That tbe pten
adroaated by tbe Depytmwit of Agri
culture be adopted
Afflnnative - Lloyd • Thacker and
CUude Tompkina Negative—Tony
Plaahll ud Charle* White.
Tbe deeiaioo of tbe Jndgee gave the
debate to the aOrmative.
Mra. Cook gave tbe cride'a report.
. gardayatthe
farm of Frank R. Orabha aaar »•—»
Una Clab uheat TaCar.
Tte Tmrtete City Bod and Oun BV- K‘««* terheya were tool for,
Olab will indalce in a aboM at (heir
Craanda thia afteraocaL There wiU
ba Htea tM eonteate amoait tbe local
Bis of the nine turkey* w
irOKAB’S BZOBABOB. Mra. C O. Dauby ud Boy Feaae getting Are or
Am*, a rety JuUy ttaw waa eajqyed
Fhn» wuefc for wdteBome mmit
MaateedaChlUWIte aBsS dal Peher
Hot. 8B-At Hamp
toe City, u cast esd pmeinot of Oatte« night, Wm.
baatlag a poker ted hot. Jammed it
down his two year old atep daughter'*
Atuat, gave it acvcxal wteaebe*. tbu
it fium bar wiiAing body.
The Aild gave a loud aouam ud mnk
Tbe Acad
Aaa aaed Aa red hot we^nn oau-
Uba'a forabaad. W)A a mighty atrokc
of Aa waapu ha fiimlly broke her
In the
room wfaare Ae murder
ted tey OlbeoB'B wife t****^** wiA a
totey ttet dm ohtef two weeks' old Alld. Hi* 18 year
old* brother waa ateo present, but
wUoh Uve bean going
boA were afmld to raise u ateim.
Ac teat few day* among Ac power* fearing Ae mae fata.
relate* to Ae wtedom of daUvarlng u
........................ W Ohina, Aa QM of Ae
espreaa word ''ultimatum'' in Ae
text of the damud to be landed Ae
Chineae envoya Involviag Ae poaaibilitynf
Keati 17 to UoMlto. .
against China.-in ue Ae demands of
are not eomp
aau Not. 68—The Tagebiatt
WiA It
that aome of
puMtebe* a dispatch from Oonatentipower* desired Ae
Dople to Ae effect that Ae Turkiah
Ud tbl* Tlew aeem* to hare found oouncil mlniaten has held a eoeferfaror with the minister* at Pekin.
Ms to determnie whether the eendWhen tbl* became known In acTetul
t of Ae Atlleship Eentecky to
■ytna Aonld be repirded as u act
muUeat About a week ago Japu
look tbe iaittetire in u appeal for
ThU received favorable urged Ae .seTetuooe of
from tbe United Statee. relation* wiA Ae ulted States ud
even threatened war antes* Ae Ken
tucky was wiAdfawn from TurkiA
water*. Tbe minUteri ezrae** the belief that Europeu power* woold
permit Ae United Slate* to attack
> U tee Mebooto Tulkey ud that that cuntry, Aerefore, would be mfe te taking a de&ul
Thankagiving wm
baerred in Ae aAoote rcsterday. al
most aU of Ae room* having aome- I,oral Tram Will MaM Pveoeker •>* (I
Alng along the line of Ae utumn
TevIRh Mere* l>*rk « .1 0'( hirk
fealivaU. In only two seboola. bowThI* Afterweua.
rrer. were the exercteea at all elaboAU lover* of Ae game of fool ball
The moAer* of Ae pnpite were in are looking forward wlA pleasurable
vited at the Elmwood avonoe aohool uticipation lf«be game betweu Ae
udaboni l6S-of
High school ud Ae U*m from Ae
tbe invitation*, ud were pceaut to PetoakeyHigh school Ate aftcruoou
enjoy Uw ezeellent program that wm at the '^elfA street paA at 8 o'clock.
givn In Ae afternoon.
Every tedieatioo'poteta to a fine con
Tbe exercteea for Ae AlldEen oe- test M WM ever ae«n on the local grid
curred in the forenoon, and In the afe- iron. -Admission to the grouda will
.oon aU the children ware excused bekSoente.
except sneh a* were to hare puna on
Following te Ae Itee-npof (he teams
Ae trogmm.
Traverse City
Following WM Ae program given Thacker
t Ae Elmwood uvoaue school;
Vu Orden
Recitation. -'TbunkagiviDg''—Edna McKenzie
For Your Thanksslving
Table at the Bazar Oepartment-of the................
te te te O’^ Book Store
at wonderfully
low prices.
Uakee a bandeotoe
Dress 8b«e.
They cost )'ou no
more Aan an nidinury ilreaa shoe.
HO.BART-BEECHER CO., Proprietors.
New Tie*. 25, 50. 75c.
■d at Le* AatelM' CaL. ea PrUar Law.
of Brala TreaUe.
Btty. porter at tbe Park
PUoc. reeeivad a letter yesterday u-Ktedeni^rteu.
noweteg Ae death at Lo* Angeles,
"Tbe Puritu"—t^na
:UsL. of hia faAer. Loren Newberry,
. of ubeem of the brain. Mr. Newber^
left Ate dty te May teat, te amrch
—3rd grade.
of better healA He wm taken ill beReeitatioB. “Toa-oo,
fore be reaehed Chicago, aad never
Mllcoa Fetterly.
Deoauaed wm U yean of
" Nut Party, “(six pnpite >-4A gtnte
a realtent of thia oity
•Thankagirlng, Old ud Kew,"- few M yeara. Thie* .Alldren survlt
TA ud 8A grade*.
him. Ourge. Xaran aad Ada. all of
In addition to Ate inogTam. there Ate city.
■ere a aumber of very fine tubteanx
le the prii-e. $5.00
won Id buy no better.
New lot
Joat Received.
eA|ts be thanklui—but some of us are bound to get it
I tne neck just the same—specially .those who buy
their clothing and furnishings of merchants who don’t
care how badly you get it in the neck.
We thank our many friends and customers for their
most liberal patronage—May they enjoy their Thaakft*
giving “Turk" and happily live to digest many more of
the national bird.
Benda wishes a motft enjoyable Thanksgiving Day
to all.
FRIEDRICH I “Let Benda Be Your Santa Glaus.”
Tbe Popular Shoe House K ^
« —
on Ladies Sample
Jackets and Suits
The Telephone
Always in Demand
only >• it reijuired in tbe olHoe
of (he haetliug luiui of ■■u*im-i>*. hat
l( Ante iu F)il»-n' of a*cfolii,iw in (hr
le. wheiv it
the r«|ain-menilU of busuinis, donieUic ud *octel
The (clcjihonc
e« a iiuui’* ti(uc.
enling u <-x]«-Dditun' of en
ergy ud money. bn( a woniu'*
time te of(cn aa valoabU' and iniporM a mu'*.
Suppoae youA dcmonetr.ilid<'i
tli<nd n(th(y of tie- Teli-iihon.- it;
home by
■ ordering
one i.>kU.
Ij v (if t
This big lot consists of some of
newest styles . produced
this fall —All are in firsrt'Class
condition. The nice part of It
that there is no two alike.
Many have taken advantage of
this extraordinary sale yesterday
Better come up and see if we can
fltyou-it means a big saving to
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpel and Clothing House.
A New One
Made in Enamel, Box CalLRussia Tan. Kid Tan and Black
Vici Kid, They have cork soles
-They are calf lined—They are
very stylish. If this don’t suit
you see our VOGUE line for wet
.weather require no rubbers—
P. & S. make.
ttie Bold w
Tlic beauty. <|iulitTand Inw
;gloes of our piuos give n, tb*
medal of *ui.eriorl(v wltliout dl*pute. We ituct at (III- )i-ail of
moderate |inced tnuaic
ud our growing list nf Kiii«fl<-d
customer* juitiSi'* oar |•(sl1•)irlg
claim—"the tenl for the money. "
Evcrrlhing in . . .
In Ae Boardmu avmna sAool. Ae
Seeudasd Third giadaa nUted tea
All are tevitod t
attend AeSpte-
John R. Santo
Wm OBv* Fnltftsm
1* rUtte*
And you should be thankful that you can
“shoe up*' the family at such a remarKably low figure.
mm* m
— FotOSMlf'* bill M*Xaau>*Blk,ov*rf>srk*r Rra
Uvon. the iwiacdpal one*
Satartey eventeg. Dec. 8, aad aee Ae
Hac rMd flUiats, crown
Tbaategtrlng ezeietea. te wbioh
ttnaafoimed Into bautifnl
hrMce aid porcelain work.
pampkteadnd yellow eapa played
before Aeir even Thera
ptoateost part, given by Ae Saoosd will be a silver eoUaotton kA*a ak wark (naranteed Atisfictory.
gmda, Bsda iwtty Pilgrim
A* tear for Ae beneftl of Ae. old
Third grade.
Thia WM a history in pu
Jtarvtad to ObteAe UiA amd growAof Ae feaUval of
Thsakagtring team Aa earlleM day to
Bar (riante te tU* dty bare nealv
AapMuttlm*. AmAm taatere of odAeaaw*^A* marttegaat AlU
A* jngmm was Ae origtesl p*|«r on ___„ Ohio, of Him Berth* (tetefU to
the hlatcry of Ae tey, by BAal Holt. Mr. HtooU Oast an. Miss Oaskill WM
mar fiw Kn. AAton teat yoar.
U atente akma. U tawen ahnvn. aadWabomaf Crianda te A* dty.
Frank Friedricli
The Old RellabisShos Man.
music and
musical eoads.
D MAtor tiOxt'Kxnox
wFI—mPiimtw* naUSatar*
See That-Wiadow.
I That We An Not Tuiliiys
the medal
Tn.vxKMiivixti anooTtNiTMATcn
Tote Plea. MP.R.U
Cots of Prettp Dishes
MaiyuvlUa. Nsr. tt-Grvat axedte-
. OAnrti Oottte star* ef
Waabfaigtos Bov. te-Tba atate dapartaiaet haa oahted Minister Oimger
to forward Ac text of tbe i
reaebed by the forelga miaisleii
Pekin. McuwUlc be will wiAbold
Ua aigaature. U U mfa to prediot
that thia partieater agrumui will
t heem eCeellve in itef |
Aapeaa*it 4
the laeamt view* of a amiority of the
power* u to the baste of peaoc nagottedoai. It te laaraod by Ac atate
dapartmut that white Aase nagodatloaawere draggiag along at Pakte.
Amarleu ooamU te China were
Aamaelta* directly
rloerey* of Ac grant iwovinoea wban
riou property tetereata nffeted.
eenre indemnity rapnmtioa, in
rorsrra TSAB>Haiii«
SUtk too FEET
e wUrpihoI te
of a I
Snihy Aaak. •
1 by
dntiim the raowt laiM aad A* Ugh
f of IbetetfeaiesodAecreek a
bottom Are »-nea muA aCMaryerUte.
Tbe ^Boe afgnund whieh wut don
If Power* Insisted Upon Too U about 180 feet long and 75 teat widA
The gieusd msk «» teat deep aad
ExactInK Oetnsnds of China
heavy rate* tiled up the pteee with
water usd formed u immaste vAiri-
Man NaiMd LMti* ta TrotBita
votxkbkk m, imw
Baby Shoes, 2 to 6, at............. 26c
Childs Shoes, 5 to 6.................. 60c
Childs Shoes. 8i to 1II...........
MissesShoes, l2to-2...vw,,.fl.OO
Ladies’orCents8hoes..V^..f 1.60
tOrnkySm vrr. vmli
tiAiInr. w»A» ttKite!jnirh«
*•□ Bi<li
{mAUMm te •»-»TTN0«.T.BATBSWiri4.W. HAMf^ iK'tatOttenlUMU. BftlMiMM
Uf m«md Madf. «Md te ta •MfilV
ta^ after ia nctetr wtQ fce >a <^
wMkcr ibfT*^ > aadUMelorUi
13m7 talk widi Ub a a
cAuax Mm THAjmaomva.
vkoto fattoa wiU aaite
ta I'toirilm A* day aativen far
ItekaiMac. ThaAaeeioaa people
IM Mck to to ttotokfal far and la
rTirrnntoBinfU r'- atotoaitot
ar bopM otoditltoM. TtoladutrlM
ad toe eontir with nay tew •keept'
torn are aa)ayliw a proqierity wUdi
«toae ptoaty of vcak to vorklaf aaa
to good wagaa. and toet perrrty eatoto
totoy ttoa orar baftaOlB oar aatlooel
ktotory- la TroTarae City tfaere U
oridtoea of proaportty on erery baad
aad toato ,ore few people la toe ooia■aslty who are aohjeoU of otonty.
If there are eoy ia waat they will be
looked after by toe toaritably lacllaad, aad to aaobUd to aban toe good
tUaga peitoid by otoera. While
tom toay be a few laoleted oae
wato toroagh UlaeB or talafortai
latooe toot there U leaa aoed tola
yotofor toe dlatribotiaa of charity
ItoB ia meay yean la thU aeotioo of
tooaldprerail la i
la big Uaofc beadUaea yeaterday toe
tee wee trodble la Booth Africa,
md tom la toe article foHv
toktod aotoothlag about etralned retaMoBi totweea Braatl and Unigaay.
Itee hare beeo many ohangM In toe
■np of toe world doring toe past two
yean torongb the Inflaenoe of the
Aaaarican battleahip, bot tlie geogra
phical pboaoBMOcat aaggeated by tbe
taglo aeemi Tlatonaiy. Howerer. ae
too Baglekaoted for printingreliabU
BOWS ••toe aame day it happens.'
lelrer to great gwngeeia Booth America.
Tbe Orand Baplds Herald has began
■B early eampal^ in lu aapport of
igen. Jnartoe
tany years
It coonn and
ard. .Oaring
prase bcBto bis rcocrd
ooeartainieas and good Jadgment.
The Herald pcedieu iila ft
■ nkwariitTi Jostioe Montgamery liae
ssrred the Mate well in ita fcigfarst
tribonaland ahoold he be toboo
ted eBd eteoted bU ezperienee on toe
bsBeh daring hU jwwent term will
tee him all the more ralosble dor-
riBDOe Wpoid erldently like /ery
■nob to'lend aabatantUl aid to et'
PreaidaBt Kroger ia toe way of inter
TontiaB ia toe Tranareattroablea. bat
to take the ialliatirr She
weald rather let Mme—etoer natim
ran tiM riak of lending nationni nid.
then if ererytbing loored lovely aim
woold roah in and bnsely as«»i the
Boen to gala their Independence
a Grey. OUrer Ooldaailto^waidOib^ Obarlta Lamb.
Lord RacsoUy. WMbiagtoo Irriag,
Wilkie OollliM. Charlee Bewk. We
aBghtalaotoaddto tola lito the giant
aaUriat. Otan Hwlfl. (cr be nner llted
with bit wife, a
bad only aboat i
married life.
The BoetoB Store will be oloeed toIn ms extremoI.r <eld weotoer pmtailed________
' United Statm MenmSy
frees and toreei trees were killed ^
sd hMb. Be took CbemtotoaKk
with him <m toe list Bnadaytoeml^
md to toe OTfoing toeyaang gcmml
bte* to lUm. Be rettrsd early that
feond. and froachiaas ftw laying pipe Bight, mi toe aoBDd
tbtir eniem
tadkd him to sleq>. bat H did MS asan
Mim Balsa OaoUl. i
Whim that toa am« STM ozaMlyriipaL
by bar 'maid.
,-------- nosnirm. ba bad tegottsa the ooesra
ad oeor ffAMD wegth «f Wtoa nezt day actne Mtgka cm too door
lag and toilet arttotoa. wktoh Am baa
- to toe diftrilmttog cf tba back parlor attnotod Ua astsatom. TbmewmaJmtaamBytftoam
•. MoeSSTaP. A
^ Co. Sale ocmtlaaea.
^ your bed is.aocomfoftable.
I know what you are misung ia this life
—We have a full line of Mattresses—$3.35.
$2:75. $iA».$3.5o..$4-7Sand up toa coiled
hair at $33.50—but the best thing for the
money is our Felted Cotton. $8.50, or with
bat Sateen Tick, stitched edges, for $9.50.
guaranteed not to lump or bunch.
Take Advantage
Of December and con
policy with w. We out do
better by yoa thaa otbece. I
want a tbooeMd uemben in
Travene Ci^ and riedai^.
J. M. Blakeslee
Firclnsurancc CZARHU eORTS
X T.X'X.CTC..,.
ore better end more fsvoreble from
tbe Indies who weer them then eny
* of thet prm eboee we heve ever eold
before. We here them in eererel
different etylee end leetbere, in light
end exteneion heevy eolee.
Sa Utat Sl)to Cziriu SkHS a Ob WMn
end if yon will step indde we’tl be
pleeeed to explein to yon bow they
■re Biede, end bow we ere eellii^
$d.00ehoe veloe for............ SS.SO
land pared
4eft for hours in tbe soeet, to be found
when wanted by their rightful own*
In too mantry districta tho bouaesam
nemr barred and boltaL even to tbe abacBce of their owsna 'Thai, again: it
fora bluoi
girl of 17 or a yoong married woman
to drire alcaie in her cart a distance of
laasciailtAc Btaanw awds aa «nwt hand to
60 or eo miles tonmgh denm fo
and by too sbenn of gloomy lakes.
eleaa tt. rvtlrr and rviwantd tt. and (Ire jroa a
reying the family's butler,
egg* to market in town, and
turn home aloo# with the proceeda. In
trade the Finns are not («1y srrupulousK UIBBS’^BICTCLK
bonem, they are beroinilly. quiz
ically aa
A tredreman wiU UU yon the whole
truth about bis wares, ern when be
teowa perfectly well th
be loess a cmtomer wh
troth would bare secured. "Tbisieeics
exactly tbe kind of apparatus I am look
ing for." 1 said to a morehaot in Hebingfors some moolhs ago iu referesoe to
an article that costs 876. “and 1 will buy
it at core if. knowing what I wont It
JW kiml» 0f
Bicpcit Hepairittg
Bicfck Sundries
Prim HIghl.
1). J!. Lederlt,
m Uttha St.
anvwker SMSmi Inadbte (rada. Pla,a»M
Fire Insurance
^ I.. A. •wlloflnw;.
The Hannah & Lay Marcantile Gampany
yoa to take it. nor have I aDytbiag
ttork just now that would suit you."
And I left tbe shop and porchased wbat
I wanted ebewbtre' • Horalanatr fare.'' I said loapeamnt
in the intenor who luul driveu me for
three hours through Ibe woods on his
drtaky. handing him |l. “So. air:
that's double my fare." be replird. re
turning ooe-kalf tbe moo«y. And when
I told him be might keep it lor his bontatybetligbilyondded bis thanks, with
tEe dignity of one of nattire's qenibmau.-Scottish Amerkan.
sito People pamtog along B street, betweea First stteet and New Jnsey areDue anutbeost. hare noticed for yean an
ancieBt reaidence ontheaooth side of
toe street, which baa been one of toe
laadmarka The
about il would aay it was formorly toe home <rf Tbad Stevens, and therenpoo tbe bouse Mumed renewed inlereat in tbe eyea of many. A project was
OB foot at czie time to piirobase toe
by col
ored people and to make il a memorial
to tbe regard which toe colored race enttttams f<v toe memory of Tbad SteTCfu. Ez-SeBater Brace and otoer col
ored men cf note were interested to toe
eeberae. bot U was abandooed.—Wash-
Constlpatlofl and Malaria
- IV MCB. ureBza *a cMiLDaca
ateTtbe Maa Pvt Peva oa ea Wset
Tbe last of toe srator mains porbaaed by toe water (oommlmioB
Sid OB toe ttoot aide yeooerday i
Mate .you. if job
la Caited Blatto Bote, to
protect ete aad every policy
Dim. Baparinsaodcat.
n l.Jobaasa Block. Traveraa City.
tjs Hew^ pS?
cite •BnldbyJaa. O JobnaonaBd
8. K. Walt. Droggiata .
BM tola nmtotatica am aeldom satlsCdwito
There to noth. tog Ilka it to alloy a coogb or to
- aSSiaMESiB. .
wmyaagwtaDm>,eBiytogtoale tram 4 W to 69^ tost. Oreremdi
:wm a e^tal lettsr. bnt it did not
' to him that toeaa Capitols were too
toUtoli of toe ytmsgwtmen. Undernaoto toe towmt line and araoMl all <f
the ItooB aznopt toa two nppm cmaa
whito repaeMnted )aigiam—woa a
omn^ M if fmmm Itomb^ hami rob
bed <mt to ordm to moke latm and bi^
That oti the Kat orth*7««
tba ootom viOdeiMitwilh
the 8Me Traaeucr
cirriens about these marks. He asked
■any qamtKma.bat tba ytmagwranan
* teamd him bywoyef aaam.ezBitgl^aU
aaesaed to him that
tbe city had mete
B Ibomof tbecotmtry. One cf toe six to partkakr, by
If you bare a dwelling, etoek.s
imey. bad WCB bis aAmtetira._____m tbe demurest of aa and ibe it
was wbimi be tock to cbnrob alone and write toe toaaxBBoe lor you. and wlU
te sriaanite bought ka cream and can gra you prompt and earofol a" ~
BeBTyBoaMU. toe oompom and dy wrapped up to boxes bearing gold laOnly toe
reliable atook Inau^
ante of toe pppolar eonga, " Cheer. moat sol aee eompanlda reprewted.
Bates very Icfw.
Iff thorn
-------, ------U dying
What mi^ ham been toe fntatu reBe U 87 ymre old.
latioMbeterettihimmlf andLneylfba
At GoireotoB, wcrhinea engaged to had nol learned ooecpectedly
Tel^one 78
TrarerM City
tog from prayw meetl^ BO
clearing away debris dlsoore
Ttodocrof toe
bodies under toe rutoi of two I
bea a wblsk of ikirta and
m. and be beard
Biz of toe bodies were those of_____ _ mw
near toe topmost mark oo tbe door
and ohlldien. who bad been pinned' toa toe of a little boof—Locy'i boot.
udmUm^eokage of toeir bomea.
It to bed.—'Hew York Picas.
JTtlm UmSyof Baal^tfiJStSai
toil time. Large cargoes of groin ar-
Job and to aU ISOOD feet of pip* 1*^0
waa tmmod by tfaeCboolm Thawoad heOB kid sinee toe work began.
— as “kBst rime.-
United States
Benevolent Society
. .
It woold be weariaone to girt too
nanK« of all Iboae antocra wbo laid tba rire areiy day and toe elerators ate
foandari<zia cf greatntea before nMr> flUed. The railroada are badly off for
riage, sod we ahall instance tmly MU- mil and'lwata are aaffertor aeriooi
too. Ooetoe end DenUL-Mid-OcBtldelays to anlcadtog. Oomtog eo
toeolom'of BarlgatlOB, when erery
^eoantsto making last trips,
rtoe men are
-rial er to.
rua th> POM. }
toe romMy lias beyond them.
On toe w«st aide
side cf Market Bjab* to
Adrioee tram Panay ialand myi that
g»"~« City ataoda
soda a tone atc^
atcn front
•moan like the preaent haa beet
of bandings known locally as. Battle known for many years. The droath
TOW. fram toe pngoadooe bent of tbe was .to toolOB^ attoerioe tram
planting time that them was so little
with ad
which iboald alarm. Dp nnder toe ocr- work to be had by toe raat hordes
nice cf one of toe bdildtoga ia an Odd toat depend upon that employment at
Fellows' ngn. "L a O. F." M one's toe beginning of tbe rotor era'
eyes ore abarp. the while paint interior
lit many people am stm
of the flm p will show a huddle of gray, to death. The oSeera hem do what
weather bned ipoumrrwell to tbe can toey oan to randet ataittanee.~bat
ter «f toe letter. They are the handi there is motto soflettog that they
work of that long haired gatleman of
not teach. Bepoits rfom toe aonthern
harder. Wild Bill
was beede In toe middle aerentiaa FhlUpptoe ialonds indicate similar
wbm Wild Bill “by reqoot,’' and ecnditloBS.
mtarly to show his wllchUke ikill with
Tbe means adoptod by Rodney Mothose weapnua. stood arnna tbe street, Fee. a painter and oaiitoge trimmer
foUy lOO feel away, and with a 46 cal
oreraome toe
iber Colt's pUtol ia each hand pc
lor habit was toe oaose of hU death
tools bnUeU into tbe .center of
cum hit oaring for intozioants he
“cv “ Bellredtoepiatobaimakani
__>d lemon extract as a bererage to
Uea 'of whiskey. He died to great
pmy as a reoult of acid poisoning.
Henry Blgeler. who made toe record
of toe great Oalifornla dlaoovety
1B4S. is dead at 8t. Oeorgea. Utah,
Indeed Bpees*.
aged 71. Bigeder was a memberlof
as well as now, was me <f toe
interated lookers m. and empbat- toe Momca battalion working; at
Ually indennd too ezhibition as cna cf Sutters MiU race wben the dlaooeery
IS made to S84S. BffoHa were made
tbe most skillfal tricks with pistols it
keep tbe diaooeoryaeaat, bat to no
baderer been bis locktoaee.—WaabtogtcoSttr.
aeall. and tbe gold ezcUaawmt et
Rnried from toe lop of a 100-foot
ttolmney at tbe IlUnoU steel
Oeniiis i really only tbe power cf
works by toe breaking of a maffoldfine that tog. three men fell to toe earth,
Wo acamly know when we paas it—ao tatotogfatol^tojoriea. sad a foortl^
lino that we are often on the line and Arthor Anderoon. was meed by a
do ma know it How many a man has Aleader jvojeetliig bolt, which oan^t
thrown Bp bia bands at a time wb«B a bis Jacket wben be had faUen twenty
llltlo mere effort, a Uttle man patl
woold baTo arhiered aaccem! As the feel and beU Urn aaapeoded to mid
tide gnn clear odi. eo it conies clror to air for an boor. Hot daring to more
leot toa bolt break or toe tobrie of bis
and 1st him drop. Andetoon
at rip ai
darkest when nally they are an
. .
rkable nerve, banging
tbe tom. A little imee panuatenoe. a
UltlonKVccffmt. and wbat aiemed bope- to sUenoe. eyes downward, watching
Jlore may tomNo gkrioos aocbelow harry aboat to get ez'Tbere is no fallnie eztept in no tensioo laddera When at last he was
ViugTT trying. Themis no defeatezoepi token down he was all bot fainting
from witoin. no nally toaonDt—
from phyaieal ezhanatica and toe
barrier satermr own inbeiestw
attain apoB hla nwrea
Of pwpose.—Eltrtrteal Bevlew.
Imst Bonday tbe feast of Santa
Bomrio, which tbe infaabitonta of
'Tbece am many atorita cf Lad TbnDTaan's pecdltor gntCneaa of
weak, enlmtoated to a.bic pra
On ana cacaslon be was at a gaidto For tbe flnt time oinee the Amerioon
party, and acatebody offered him a
potion the Bativea ware^van per
sandwich. Be wm ' '
tog to
Ibis when tbe Inwtem rosfaed op to mission to oclebrate to their old time
himI «with auxioos iuqoinfs aboot his way. Iraagee of minta, tooenoe,
bealtbaadniteriaiiUDent “Thankyaa. dlya and ereythii^ that went to i
madsu. "beimid. “I am eaung a aandwich. Am your aandwicbrt nanally carried thraogfa tbe streeU to tbe
made <d old bocitsl*'
gnat delight of toe Piliplnoa.
Thaprabatr jodgaablp oonttorway
la erldently not yet quite aettled In
iBelaima eoonty. altoongb the r»oOBBt ipre Jndge Campbell a malority
cfS8 orer Oartoe. The mls-np in
OtBtreriUe U atlU toe bone of oontteoB. Yeeter^y morning tbe board
oC OBBToeaere WUned to imoe tbe ne-Yoongman,"mid tbejMm>igh*l
oemry oertlfleatea of eleotion to damp
heU. altboogfa It woe beliered that pnatmpT “wunid yoa mind getting op
1 fiTing this old gentteiBa a aeatf
toa remit of toe reooont tmd decided
-SirV' ezelaimed tbe blocsner girl
the matter. Toriber derlo|ment ere and tbe bearded lady atomltaneaiuly.—
Cbicago Tribane.
itegi ■B|1hiiii m Mitt.
maf paste
«p to ttadr teaiUa HemarJiBTeM
M tarltataM to tb> Bot aotabb
gttfaerilHP UWO taBMB* BBBtod BCB. b«
it it ia Ikr hm laataticai plaoM Um*^
K to lan«l <« faBBaB lifr. a»d ka
__ (^wben> batoamdi cBaDOt. tad n
•aUy BBdy tTpee datod to tW Tka Ooold'a ocBipUamtaai
toe Haw Totee of toa
aoopa to toa FhilippbMa Mia Oonld
the •aatSj of a eertoin dty, to parammlly aeleeled erary aitiola.
otelrriUA S»1 darm, and be
A hcfoe fail to a well at MenpUa,
______ there-et hla own sweet will
Mo.. toa ote mocBlng and for a
Be Maya alraad m long m be Ukm. end
feared that it wooU drown.
if besrUbmlo Kody the lover ela«aa
•aggeatlOB of aomegentos tbe
there be can b re in ledgiagi aBMng
them wbm ba woeld nerer take bia weU was flUed with water,
to Boat to toe t^ and ita
When we oGoe to iBTesUgate toa Urea mlnable Ufa to be mred.
of toe greeriol aotfacn. we afaaU And
that toa ma^'iy altow did not bmrt. H. T., U Imrtof toe <Baal dry.. 100
or toey wwe tnibaprlly mtted. and feel of bank going oat and alloeriag
Immi tlvawB m tbe world for umanla
toe water to toe tO-aile lerel to
ClaiaDd mbtigmMWt of
toey laid toe feeadatlow
ThoHobotaBtmUoe Imre boon w
JA& O. JOHHBOH, Druggist
100-Piece Dinner Set
Would make a person "think thanks" one
thousand times a year, even if they didn't
speak them. This eating isen “every-day
affair.” Our great stock 'bf new patterns
are the finest we’ve shown, start at $6.75.
The $9.00 set has found many purchasers.
That blue decoration at $1^.50 sells on
sight. Have them at $15.00, $19.00 and
Beautiful Lamps
Are what we are showing these days. When In quest of
Christmas gifts don’t overlook our wonderful stock of
Lamps. There are many cheap ones. If you want those at
25c, 36c, 40c, 50c up to $ 1 .OO. Then begin those with
shade and base to match at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and up.^
There are many beautiful parlor and banquet lamps in the
most elaborate decorations, sell from $4.50 to $©.00.
Then we have extra decorated and frosted globes, sell
from 76c to $1,26. This is one of the most attractive
places ij> our China and Art Department.
Want a Jardiniere?
Nothing like the display of beauliful
goods, and if at a Ion what to buy for a
present, here is where you'U siirely find
something that will please every woman.
Those beautiful Onri Jardinieres, tbe
wonder of modern artists, sell from 75c to
$5oa Tbe Loko Nani in plain prices
from aoc to $3.sa Same -with gold decoiHtioos from 60c <0 $300. The wonder^
ful LouveUa in all manper of quaint d^,
rigns,from$i.$oto $4.50. and a host of
other beautiful shape* and artistic de>
signs from 75c to $4.50.
IteSio BittOT
........... ^
oMd boete
m llniali & Lif MKcaiii CtHiipan)
in ■maim aaomu **JiV«*» carti jBo*<
itOMTOfPtAOO* RMTUNE ■CUN aams thathaa basa la^Kn^bka far
MM that ia. bri^ olarar aU NMtUac. Uatfas dalcet aama et tera.
MiadaMal. too, UttaaaiaaayaM
lane aaouRb to boldaU tba
^«a an In; DOcNi«BB to wbhN
raQtandwlU be tosad
> ita RtMoet with tooee who wtD
"My Mat la tfaa MMta Mf
■at, to lem ".Mlmt BappeDefl to
^dM ^ root in a vMa d
lad ■ faiee which tea for fcBT
I laH«wToik;CBdl*-|he one
ahoot hteanaUs
as arnr
ton be liked to talk ahoot toe |mA
it.*' toe
eenator ooittoaed. "bat
game which k« aee to the cam nd
aavetDe to the weat, to bao
a eeaeinr. Thie U the etory
"I was boTB and bio^ht ap toa
toWB to Kncacky. b wae a nail
wiwB. Yon eooU throw a lariat abeat
the whole ootflt and dra( It with
poay. But it waa a blRbly lamal low
As a eoamiimity it had a pet iaw.
Blade a specialty d coforeiiiR the Natatm aRamst RambltoR. No Ram» <d
chance could thrive in Chat
AndDomatUrwhet toe poeitian to life
of en oflceider. were he Ruilty d fainbboRbe would bedcnltwMh Biahwm
tbvUnpamalbomt of tbetowo. Im'
Mom- citiaeuubaamd:
■■ -They would admire to <me
TMUit lot on U>o mnin biulnMi
•tMt of tho r\ty. It «Hil bo saolnb7 ■ hnjco WM aad irill MwonDoOFMICfflGANII oddatotooru*
of tUten. U*t wlotc
aneh an iicleaod rink «m ojcnted on
. Major 8t«a«, Ootcrnor PteKTor'*! the lako and provpi to bo 4 gTcat
Morotor;. bm attaiithtonod oot Nieb-aoooMa
Ifan'i varolalmaai thr fodMBl#nr{ A Pair Paw man hak mado a Rood
Aeptftaont and thoVuto willjrat a lldnR not of hU apple orop tbiijcar.
. cheek for OSS,€00 mure at ooon. There' Ho bad the wholo crop evaporated
ive about IVa.OOO of Uu' claim* still! ami has oonUarted the entire lot. 48.
to be {mid. ^
1000 poonds. at Ion oonta per poanA
B«t Vetherby of Oonma. Imd often I The National KraporatliiR Oa. of
mdofthe iUi>R« of BsiiiR keroeeue; K*"* Tawas. has already porelmaed
to kutdle Uif fire, so when Ihe woo.1 «•«» hosheU of i«.tatoe. to mannfactefosed to blase the other momlBR lie > 'b”*
potato floor. Two oarload*
knew better- limit to nae kerosene. ' of die prodoct were shlp|»Hl the |Wi«
UuMdbe poored a ireDemn* supply week to Kn«lan.l
theecbool boartl haa
fd gaaoltne on the furl and then:
__ ____________ 4, ii. The crash al- I«md a reaplotion Urnt no echolar
ttaetod to* atientimt <rf others in the t would bo admitud to toe dty eehool*
-ooseand Wealherhy
picked op |
^ >0
• oerUeftot* or
B the other tide of the toom. mtou* mooeeaful vecetoaUoo could be prefall ^ and whlakera
The water at Paw I*aw lakwialhe
Home tVlIl Cime
hlgheai to y<«r* ami flour* of aBmim-r
Some of (he atoteinflhe city will
oottagea have
«oh. e|oM> fur part of llie day loday, while
of dollars' ioihiTB will remain open all day. The
darang*'. Obstruction* to Hie Rale* ! Uerototile Oo.. the Boston Store and
of toe dam at Watervlintare re.pon.i- . Slctoherg'* will to- closed from IS to
hie. Dock* and jiicrm h»ve town wash-j a;* o'olock.amlJ. W. Milltken. Ham
ad away. Dockage at the resort* Walton riotolnR Co.. l>rokop Kytolka
hed and tarried int^the
WilheljB Bros, will clow at i
for the rest of the day.
Mlltioae lilveeAwar.
It. is certainly RTOtifyiiiRtothe mbtoTiiewral library of the Puivci
to know of one ooneera which U
nf Michtoan. The ,sin'OM ii. ..
to ..eioo
hrinR I**' « ^^,4 to U-ReneroBU ^e
The pco1*0tagether tlie raalerUIs f.w a study of jmetor* of Dr. King'* New Discovery
toe liUtorv of JoBrualista in Uie state, for Ounsusi]>ti>a>. Cooghs and Oolila.
CoB.HhB.loos or die. nr coph. of
ilTfmvrtLi -tlTfili1 be RTatefnI
it liaa oared thonaanda of
neeived. A WashtoRton hand press. ; hoi^Tm'
............. sea AsOuna. Btonohitia,
Uri]ijir and all Throat. Cheat
I early ytwrs,
bIik lUaeoKa pre mreiy cued
d be a pa
l>y it. Osll .on Jaa. U. Johnaon and
dltiea to the eolleetioo.
S. E. Wait, drnggiRta, and get a 80e
Over ten years ago East Sai0uiw. ^Ule. ^Hegator aiae^M and $1.00.
Saginaw Oily aoA South HaginaBwere consbliilatm! into one ninniciV.CI.-----pallty, but the Pniteil State* tmasuri
Uncle Sam lia* proven to the world
dejeutment clung to the old title of I larxe that he is the first and fore
lost among tlie nationa He doe* no'
port of Ea*t Saginaw. Numerous
ooe imagine* for an
effgrt* have Wn made to have th<Instant (hat he will sol ivotect hit
pretli East drv>iii>eil and n^e the de.
and make good liii
a port of SaginnwuULit slioold
-. ______i, fc»merly
jw luvsideat of the Utt»iv«! .1..IW U..I ,i,r
of toe Dame of the station from Easi iuu*eff,yttJ wonderful cure# and no
Saginaw to Saginaw.
wliere rau bis cvjuai be found. DisIt i* reported that a movement i* on
hand* whtcii to o^*«r*
o».d «.r,.u,K,.
well known Clolie-WeTiiirke sectionat . oaaxiug and mystify-ing rapidity,
booknaw manufactorr, nie arporl Confirmed tovalitto now entirely ve' my* tliat Jmlge Hatch, the inventor ol sloredito }»^
.. .
wonderful tieatnienC and knowledge
toe sechotml KhAcsw i. wUhng to
„^ctoe. Do oot let thu' grSat
have tlte larl<ir> removed if Ann AV; oppurtontty
r—«« without
without a-cing
a-cing tola
hor capital ran lie Intetvsted A nnni- w.vnJerfol idiyairiiui and consnUing
‘ ' perwnally.
- r«nally._
. Dr. Oiln^
_ .r —
ber of local business
City Nov.
led to visit Tnvene
- gating the mailer.
will be in the privait
The fog horn at
Ih.int lui« oTe Whiti^'botol fronTiT
from V
proved Useir qoii<
nuiaanee to the |v m. One (lav only e*«h m..
people of Tawas City and East Tavms. iVtusnltation ami examination free and
blow* for twenty foar
hoaraat a *tretch. with Inlerv.U of
Uarcaliuis 1‘lamsimurBaB*.
ctily a few seconda. It ha* been heard
"'e find in bu *iOck quite a number
du«..- o, .od„™.
r Hetuakey a
Tlic Hart line
n foccerly ayer
at toe Strand Tbeatn. Lcwdoe. Any
^ to^'mn'do tola, ha* more than
____ ApMl
aa-Wlmt Happned to Jonea” mly
lanalywpeB the people then nn to
They anet not only be Rood
pUyere, they aaab be tom pUt
AfaneaotOr or aeCm^iea diMtoct
type of ^y«r. Rifted with toe to- ___ itoeaper
. element of MMviMeat
.whtoh taovea tofeetiooa.' centactoa
and BBtiitoR. The eoaepany which
-Itobicaa Bto^ Oa
I will prMeat JodM ta larialy eompoeed for. pototoOQ. oU atoeh. iO <
g jrioe for pomtoe* yaeof playare who bare helped to make
the ptoy toaone nnd toelodee John tord*y-» eento ■ bnabeL
AUleon. Jonph MeKeerer H. O.
Hnekry. M W. Montc«n«7. ViU U.
Charlea Onett. U P. BetoImrt, Merle Baynee. Flemee Morion.
Olive Morrny, Dorothy Armetroeg.
• toePn. the mnoone enrfneee,
Bertlm LiviocWtie end Mend AUiaon.
tton fainea U
aho^d n^to be
•■iLwm Iko me term cR toe eiiotiit
The Sol BoHto BnaMU pUy wMob
y willM i
conn. There we* a crowd of lawyme to will be eeeti nt Steinberg'* Otnnd at tiinn*. a* toe .
toa-B. The fadRe himmU was frcn Ml enrty dnee. U one of thoe*
d^ve ftw
down toe Ohio rim. During toe
by P. J. Cheney
hour a tinlel game of poker wa* U____ dim that will live for year* 1
Toledo, Ci, cctitntoe no___
of tor bapi7 metoodi of Umre ie nothing vnlgw, ert
euy. end i* Mkto intomnUr. acting
oonree to it, nor mel
flre^ynpoet toe blooded
habit eg RotoR to bed at S o'clock, tmp ItUeimplyB
off the ayetoM. In buying
and it all fraaiaed to be gtareyerd dall aane ploy.
Itla tidten inimmif^
tptoeviiltiBR lewyaaend the Jadfe.
Thie engngemmit wUl ha one of the
Wbirpnd word wmit ahoot, the* efora.
A Oa
that a game of oarda. with a meek and
®^?by dngglata, prtoe T8a per
lowly limit, would be a good way
ail ta* me»tisus.
ward off cnra. Bot then was do ^
HnU'i PwtUy Pill* are the beet.
Dp the *ie|t* qf ibe tobortiBS
d threw himself Into ll« laat
hotel wGBld never da A Itfrt
. ,.... ,_i,.
to any room after 10 o’clodc would bare
laov^Nl the moat baleful anraiMs and
toTmtiRatiao Is well
t loo often—bad for tbs bean."
altcnwy wa* ooe of Che tcremcat to v
raDRing toe otantoR ■pecnlaCiaa. It
be wba to toe fertility of faU oatura.
Just what aorpriaM me,*’
anggeated the SatboaL Bi* father wa*
profTtetor cf a flatbeat of ample cabto pursued tbr l•rea■IlIl')u one. "Tb*
anamnodaNoD. Just toeo U wm moor (reins aie 1 ronrouiiiledly- pooctnat.
knuiv, has a bad name.
ed, liow and H<n. at the foot of toe This line, yc u
It'd until I .-am* out III live here.
Icm. A rtaiple of games wae pro- couple
of mouths ac>. I1 tielleved
Itelleved every
' 40 come off that evening to word (hat was said agalnn It. Now,
tooof theflathcet. Itwooldbeout
I you Ix-llevp me. every morulOB for
offdgfatand hevtogof tbeteetyUtUe
last »tx Wi-<'V* this train ha.* heco
tog gambling.
•V.--. I d.i,"
"It ww to o’clock. The night
dark as the toteriar d a cow. Two
guMs were going on to the cabin of too ntmiit
“I Is-p vcinr |iinli>n.
.1,1. „
••Kb? 'U1.VI?
toroey and
*K«. Tbl* is the
bur were engaged. It made two nice
tablea Everybody was bending to toe
I’lastvr'•.-ISIS IU ibriruatonil auie are
game with all uf toe native ardor «( a
fn«l from dust by cimTii.g them
Krsiocky genUeman. It wb* aboot thia
lime when, to coeBpeziy with a friend. with a toirk hiyer of starch. Wbeo the ■UetAorraaluetlwpwtMDdlfeMioa.
4* dry. brash' toiruoghly
ogbly wit
I strolled on the iriro to the vicinity of
hradi. und it will he fooi
Dond that
the flatbeat. I waa 80 yean of age and
Id iiB. Iiecii tvnioved with Uie starclL
■■ E.CDeBirraco.CbUMn
bad no money. My frimd wa* eqoally dost
well fliid. Ou youth and onr poverty
The CliattahoDchee rivtr in Georgia
ao called from an Indian expnwac
were roorenud. thi di*Mve>ring the old BMwniUg ••painted r.sika” At s,-vcral
Wliy Have Gray Hair?
folk* ton* rharmingly cngaged_a *— places uu it* lank* tin- cliffs have prcullar markings that
mhle artificial
they were lawyen. That paiuttnga._______
clssa, M*i sod fluaj.au tmobh to
wa* reasoB enough for the J<Ac. As (tx
aaa. Not MKkj aur fn«fi, as
Ivot rase and fell cn the swell and slack
re first mad* fit»
eued toeropniweeast her ItBOP. Sikot
ly she drifted , away OVR (he dark bos-
n pul to
retnined to her
Tuesday after nuintng the . seaaou on [ -f offer a* follows:
the Holland-Mllwaakee roote under
charter lofh* Pvre Marquette com .one Sterling organ. *oUd wal-.
pany. The season charter jrioe wn* nut case, nice fancy top
largv-aixed fancy oee.cwt$16.00a The ateamer left Tuewlay f.w itoe
ern madqniano.*lightly need,
Mantotee to take oa a lead of-mlt for
with stool and scarf, to close 887.00
Green Bay. wb«v abc will lay np for Alau
___ ___
large stock pf new pianoe aeri
(be winter.
ombm to'toe Utwii
tb. B«*Ut . cm..l«,~i:.U,-l«4 alMhefa
uni; ly.r
filer, who live* near Ann Arbor, '
factarv and <
uUuLeat U ^y
■truck by a westbound Detroit, T{ui- guaranteed.
Unti fi Ann Arbor oar Tnceday even-'
W. YT- KlmbUl Oa
m Fnmt Street.
tag about a mile bom YpeilKiti and
B. «. Strong. Manager.
plNMtly killed.
Blue, black or*'grey — good wool Ker*
seys—equal in appearance to higher piriced
good*—beat values to be found.
! grey or dark color*—satin
shoulder or sleeve linings—“Raglan” cuff if
you wish—Splendid values at the price.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat
The finest tailored garments — satin
shoulder—all wool worsted linings — satin
sleeve linings.
You should see the above overcoats
and ulsters—sure to need them soon—Many
of these wilt go within a week.
riddl and raised
drew and filled and atr^dkd
auilralltd.allnneon*-Uma At * q'cluck
to the mcning Colonel Stobbins had
won »:o. It wa* in Mexi<
and be had smkered it about hi* booeel
old frame iu lialf a doteo rocketa.
WB*Bl>iul ullidibemotM'yatfhat Uble.
and C:)hmrl Eti-btHns vonolnded be
wife III cvw- op
n: to toe h^l eurlr and
arvMitogw Tfac rmt Jeered mildly nod
made invidious reniark* after toe fasbioD d lusen at poker Just as the game
break* up Bui Cokoel Stebbio* was
inflexible. He pot on hi* bat. bid cve^rbudy
xslv good night, eieiffitd
eietffied out
oot tow
inky darknem and carefully picked
bis wav overboard.
•■'niewsterwMMfretdecp. Tbeailver all but drowned the colutiel. bowFTiT At last be wa* firin-d out and Uid
acroe* a barrel to evict the Cfcio river
frtuu hi* system. The whoop* and yell*
of the voyagew at last broo^t a sleepy
Iitllctng totoriraid. They found tbemselVM IT mile* below the Wvm. For
Hsr\ls <->l sa,l burhlia-k < ft sUI» and -vlflnf*.
Hsrdsml sad hi-tuks-k vhitSscs *ad trlBminr». l>krd«,.>l i-urtsls imV »,—l. Hpntsl
msd#' ,si urth-r- u< Ur Vast luU AU
JOIHP4 W. OTT to 00
A Few Pointers!
To enable you to appreciate
to the fullest possible extent
the advantages of L. Adler,
Baos. & Co's, clothing over
any and all others made, wc
ask your attention to the fol
lowing points of exfellenee;
1. Shapely lines.
2. Fine inside work on th«
i. No gaping open of inside
rod toe party bark.
••TbeyarriTod at 4 o'clock in the ofternouG and found the town aalleoly lin
ing toe lecee waitiDg fee tot-m. They
were no* and all prcoipl It indicted. In
thefnnk entbnaiaamof youth »v/rieod
and I related how we had caft Ibeae
poker gamea adrift on the Ohla
made a grave mistake wbro we told
ibiseiory. Pnbliclyvre------- ----------- with indictinlet;
indictiiilet; privately we
eto by tbegmit—^
with deatl
ha<i betrayed to the river W* took
ooDusel of our wee* and witivait await
ing the werrt wvni wert. TliU m *1.
long ago—year* aga My partArC to
sin is now a United ittatm Judga
while I am to toe aesatc. We often diacom our dwtlnire and lay everytUtog to
that flatboat |wk«v game. •—WaahtogtCD PuKt.
_____ _
4. Hand padded collars.
5. Scylishiy shaped collars
and lapels.
6. Hand made button holes.
• 7. Linen stay to Support
pocket vertically and across.
8. Opportunity to lengthen
sleeve with its own material,
if necessary, without spoiling
its shape.
9. Excellenoe oj trimming,
which adds to both the style
and durability of the garment.
la Perfect fitting qualities
and well balanced cK^.
Wbeu van feel ibe prit ktog pain on
Ibe eycUd that annoontv* toe coming rf
a very
• »*y.
black lee. <T simply the tee k'*v»
eyvUd. Am K drise motstee again, om
if used befceelbeetygBttuw'erwayH
If you have been wearing
some other make of clothing,
tty an “Adler” auit or overcoat
tl^ fall. It will pay you to
do so.
The holiday* will ae<m be b««e. and
with Btnd.
mn^ ——
___ laelvee wito
--— ^
tlKT MB fiigeto As • IMUU to*c»
Over AOOO turkeys haw given np
their lives at to* "plokefy” ai Han
Mtd UUou* otfila,
over toe past weak and beea ehlppefi
_J«aaS Oolie, OM
Tlwnkagivlng Day, November 8».
east to funtiah Tbankagivtog dlaaen
foe the Boataeeea. Them turkey* _ne Mid fi^tolrfi fere between aU IMiared^
reprasset about $5,000 paid tofanaer*.
Thursday. Thanksgiving, our stye will
be closed from II a. m. for the balance of
the day.
Union aStreet
have auto rink fat egetoflanen
Three Lots
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store
A New Eeaturc in
Ladies’ Rubbers"
A Gnat Improvement!
*) REASONS why Bailey's Patent Ribbed
1\ Back Rubbers must commend them
selves to all who wear rubbers.
ribbd] back pro' tects the clothing from becoming wet
or soiled on the under surface by breaking the
suction which two smooth surfaces make when
The ribs being near together at
the top and spreading over the
heel to the bottom serves to hold the rubber
securely on the shoe and prevents it from
dipping at the heel.
It prevents the breaking of the rub
ber at the heel where ordinary rub
bers always give out brst. A short fit cannot
be forced on the wearer. It also secures the
shape of the rubber till worn out The price is
A trifle more than you pay for the common
makes, but they will outwear them two'to ooe.
Ask for Bailey’s
Cbis Store
Will close at 11 o'clock for the day.
but will be giving bargains again Friday
morning, aa usuai.
% 01. mttHlieti
Mil 1
ta old M
l.liltewctdafay. Am(
teSBtaM tt MOi (OBdoe as
tbm'-mmt ei
«vth. tte m>
MU.whkh. BMcdiar to toe Bnk.
M«r* Deri we. tbeB
to*etatotaeMl7<d Bnbsead
- tk* WoOmt rf ell the goit. era
'Buh—hitlt Asr Onck dietkMfp
MBW«itortMv»totfaep»dna(ta«rtfatl r>to«d ■». iBJ^the
■ Kit* ta Bill vnAlped. Tim
, mraoBAT.'ciFOTBm*
am ]
rss; P'^^ssaac.'ssi
PTstsr-'KtrASSit,*' ~
W. a T. U. wfllbatoU
to. Mm. Mto will hard
edtla ito^nm. BaldMfifer
kn. ‘.‘Wtolto aad Beaidl^.'
4u B. <kfkad.toe baalMmi
Hh to leaal Bka atoa anat to Paotoay Taeeday wrmd^ to toetoU toe
?eato," artriwd to toe ai^ iMt aafwJitowdaj. “d report rnn^i/ m tm
y'a appato
MmI «rty tw m Ifdpto»t «e«
tr. Dee. •.
Daawiag fcr tto qnUt at K. K. mithe creattoost tlmt they tod reea
kr’a dng atm tealght. All toetog
totoa. Aflnarttoi^ todga —a
ttehataarangaiend tohaiaamtat
Afttotoa wt ( to tot altamotm, • o’tdeto. ,
The poet oOoe wiU be;open lottoy
Id by 1
and timtitotba
to ton araai^, to ehaige «( koaiT aatU 9a at aad■ 9p.m. Thera wttl be a mnirilng detoe ledge (rtMi toie eily. a aampt
Uvery made by the earrieia.
After the baaqaet the (oUowtv Tim Wwtoer* to toa
an oordlally torltad to attend the
ngator naattog ctf toe Wmmi'a Otob
•Aad toe Bi^ dall be flUad with Piiday aftetMonat lAOe'elcefc to
-ThtFwrStan of Gnmi
tipi^i to mSat a gieto cm.
The price to tbk sapab aad ^pificcet gactomi
knew'ealyfU- li am abeebtto cxavaced tha
Mi toefr’^^bhe^ heir'reiy ebondtoto VMberOtooUadaaHpeDiihprieet.
tnoto, “nieeB wcanca ere more faentlfalMd better tempered than thoaaod
•tain.*' Itoy ali^ dreeaed thsmMtoaa, to they do at toe proeent time,
to flovtoc white Baraenk. and in tbvir
hafpltr dayewere peatlyaddieied to
thavetd perfunwaiidaowonu They
wan todaetrioo, dpeoied wirre and
fewd iaatoai.-btiteaartrd cieat dtferen« (ran theirehUdren. Tbelr idtoetd
toCdeety wen eo etrict that they did not
pamit toeir dan«btem to luuh boldly
toto toefemor a man. and if aplrl
toCPWed awut ifaytien the fadlmunt
toatitn would pinch Iter armn After
- “
oof the
■ toin-
by touted brotoata and viMtore.
Shall we go c
Mre. D. MoOlnry and three ohUdren
ofOedarangnMUof Mra. J. J. Bakei
forTlSSk^vlng."'----------- :!-------- “
'Mrrasd Mra. Botort Dixon of Wex
ford, have returned home after a vielt
witli Mre. Helene Bregg.
Dr. and Mr*. J. VT. Oanntlett will
epend Tbaakalvlng with reUtlvee in
Elk Bapldn
Mia. bene Banhel of Bay City ii
toe gneet of toe family of her anot.
Mra. Lnry New bony.
Mie. Maude Arlt of Caat JonUn wai
oUmt tolufi it le rtnaded that in one
in the city to attend toe wedding of
heroouln, Mlee Bortoa Miller.
Dr. Pimak P. Banaay of Rapid Oity
that toenihoold ______ _________
than. Many yonnir motben were hnnK
Mra. b R. Gibbe U vUltlng in
fmBtnMUMt tS«lr intent.
(roto their feel. Tboee who
£. 8. Pratt returned from Uelaod
death wen etuknd with tfaclr
baadi and ehlldnn.
Dnaean OaldweU haa goae to Seat
ant UiM tie. Wato.
Franklin Helm haa goae to Everett,
Waatu. where be will remaia doriag
the winter, nod pertm{w longw.
Mr. and Mra. Fred U. Pratt aad
Ybdip. whto bnrineea it to be treneaetad.'tbaari(e takee theactiro part, her Miae Baekwi letamed yeeteeday from
haabaad aoddinti hie btod afflrmati rely. Mtlwankee.
Mr. aad Mra J. F. Pratt aad
It it act that toe daltee to domlobcr.
w be looki ap to bw, rely
torn otty.j
taMai and tnodeety. She
le alngnant and foiwfnl witboot'being
K. B.’Qaner'wai'; in'Interim
te^iaeiton, and ahe nerer erolda. l\lien
wtoanbeU. If beReuintoiitoted, toe gnldee Uin boote. If be etnkea
tor. toe eaya. ‘ H® doc not know what
toll doing." reganUng him.wstli
gahe (otbearanm. w that' dot.... .
bcawlf ate quite nnknown. It
l-< r
ptetonre toglre him the btomf-whu-.
they hare, keeping for bcrwll Mh'
' Thk woman'* home ha* a thatch.d
roof end earthen flonr. Sbehainotmty ohjeota aroand tor. HammneV* serve
■e amk by day ee well a* bed* by night
Thwe Uooe low chair (g Moo) on which
■he Mtewhile tor banv fingna make the
ganaaitB td toe family. In tme comer
Nadi a towch aad grinding Roooa Her
hand* grind all the an oa.<d in that
hambk abode. The file 1* bnilt on the
Soar between three ohaea. go which
reWi toecUy pm or the duk for bakiag
tortUUa Ontaideat the lack of the hot
J. H. MeOoagb letnned Uat e
ing from Oraat. where be loaded a
lo^ of poultry.
John Probert reCnraed laat night
from Sherman, where he bat Jnat finialied a large pUetefing eontraet
Alderman W. W. Smith, with hie
datightera. MUeee Jennie aad Helen,
and hi* ton Jay, have r^med from
vitil ^ Benxonu.
B. V. Waring returned yeeterday
from a bneiaea* trip to Petoakey.
Mr. and Mra. Oharlet N. Oaidaer
of Sooth Boardiaan. are epeadit^
Thaukigiviiig with relatives ia the,
F. W. PeantogtoB of lalerloebea.
U speeding Thaakwriviag with hU
I-relaaae U«.l WUKHhr a Grek 1
np toher
Mwa. yet her hand* are aull
nail and prto
ty. tor voice i* fwem and low. her lanIf yi« approach
Bar nai mev
mwithaach ptr- Landlord Boetrwa today:
fiMi gneeai
wlto ConUallty. that yoa ato youaeU if
toa kwota priaceaa tndkgnua. She
a Umtor fcr hk
■■•kr, toa white mi i, now owner U
mmna hear Be
praalii deeka jirhsu wattiag
beaaty aad neeambk price to oor-goods wiB empria yon
SKI-I-S tor*«f OAkU BK^IsA.
ooPMTAs^K s*rovss.
ovjtoi-irao IRONS.
Interior telephones for for house, factory or store. We
can wire anything from a call bell to a whole city.
Itoto k-wmrt« Sto.
Grand Traverse Land Co.
RAM. Bloek
IX a. Miixmi
Luol B-invtAllw, Ot >.
Ciraltitla 111 EiiiiiatiN Fm aii SMctIt CNtoitiil.
The Celebrated Sbeclalists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, Mich., will be at the
Uaiab and the nine,
tmth obapta of the eecood book*of
KiatoareaUka The kmgea vme U the
Blato to the eighth chapter to Estbai
BsU ut.
toe ahortiwt the thirty-fifth of the eUvtoth toapter to John. The tweety-fir«t
verse to the ecvtelh toapter to Em is
the only «ie to Om entire oolbcticn
wfaito contains every letter in the altoebet The word "Lcrd," or iU eqnivalait, "Jebonb." ooenrs 7.698 timm in
toe Old Testameat. or. to be mure exact, r\B A H BOLUDAV. sisdnsM Tor
LJ USIT.NNI17 oa«r in Msowa BU« '
the weed "Lord" orenn 1.863 tlmsa plKM.
ottro. im. rWtoKW IM.
■ad toe wcH "Jeborto" 6,846 timea
The weed "Ood" does not omr in the
book to Eatba.-St. Louie BepnbUc.
Id tuU from 16 to IL.OOO oa (.^>o.l
cbittrl wteoritj, jewelry, faraitans
piaoos, hoTieaoranykind ofgto,-^.
»m 1 sod 2, Hamilton
a MilUken Block.
xzacaD ojuxto
THURSDAY, NOV. 29,1900.
rtw td trola, at Trevia t«»rl Hrpe nklHU
c*tE BBScSeelsccteg
g^IJSS "fiS"JSL, o„
bOUC Irish OWWI.ni^
FAsIST^aTS^ Uat to dealmhla
farms aad ether Undn
FRUIT LANDS on the FeoinsnU—
lUpoved and onUnprored.
BAROAINS-We have them.
l**tomrt«fitomotom« ^mrwipm l-to. o. p. tom aoo
o. p., mil mHmpmm mrato oolos^.
middle T
eighth chapter <
leficieocy to lo
cal color in such a book. Webearmoeb
to toe "Saggarth aroon," the "Tnbbernaeoora^ the "CnehU Masee" and
• -insn.
• Now.
taoa uiing* pe-emioeotiy
the "Snggiuth aromi" is a cepiul fish,
eenadallv whoi served with "mace
HoUandato" and aU the work know*
toe moet p
Grand Traverse
I-and Co.
HOUSES fcr mU In aU pane of toe
j, 8BESS|8<:pEase£H»l
vflin'hn c_i
CHIM 14N3 UR9VC7 .
the esce]Mian. to
coarse, to sorb a naivetaelly nndtncood
npark s* "Begcrrah. ” «that toDchhig
phrweto aideanaeot. "Fangh a balkgh. "-W.UA)d« la Idler.
J__ ;i
Sann reader, who is not familiar with ,
toe Irish Uogoage.u*ooietimes"malre.....................
bbanarimred'-wben he c
TrevMw Oir
Uie Utto sto BoAu. :
Pere Marquette
brjprapUr aOpaM to. Xorthww^to^ ;
^.e to refund the monev 1
oent bottle of Greene's Watti
rap to Tar if it falls to c
oiwgfa or POlA We also gnj
*•** • Boislo. Feb. »!TSr _________
BMney refimtUd.
a E. Wait,
Bngbae A Boxbnrg. At boae rrtre t «• W a. w. md t
Jaa O. Johnaon.
F. O. Thompaon.
rvA U 8WAKTOS. w«rtAl 4lt.«
Mill HI vim
.... .
tal. Aaa Arbn-. I* opni tor recocratttU
Tb^ mto vtdeir njtd i*v<wU7 ka«-vn NpKn*l)«i in ta.- I'blUd Stato. I
rvBarkabb- lUll >ixl uiilT.vml icniB in Ibn larpnM h<Nt*tal> Is tbr trorid <
Nt •cM.tlflc
aUCHBumc. KXBVoC^.SIlIV uidBIJNlU lni>w» bin« Ibn Utto
mUtto Aim Ui ibn fall r^mfid^c-* nf tb«* ifTln Mil .-Tnrj-iraen
vrtBOidM. sad
■‘fit I!
■iBistn I Northasstam R. R.
In diSerent toeallties for mU on rear
terms. AUo money to loan an read
estate aaoerity.
no tfix dfise iMoted K aincKe.
a HaaUtoa A
< Block.
DontBe Foolxdi
assSisss'Jsss??*'^'''; ,^t2=is£j3aS!svr-“
twwatoto-^SaresrvUieiTfim -
AT sianm taw
iiill 'if
BL0^80M.^^JWar^rfn-^^^^t.^tm«il fatlrelr
Rappened to
! The Moet Successful and Scientific Treatment of all Diseases
ar>d Weaknesses Possible to Obtain.
bols. KMiu-v. Unv. BlAddnr, (bnaUr rvator And S>-iiud IKama. npm^j Forvd bj UoAtodOl
IhAi hu w-rW
w-T%v fmlW IB
In tbouAAndA
tbouAAndP -rf <»— thAi had b—n pror
prra>rranr-"d hiyond bop-, tony poo.
pi- m«vt
BUM ^Atb
itotb rr-r.
rrrrr 7*«r
r-Ai- who wlpt
Wlr^- hAvr*
*•-----•------------•----- ' Io-------•—•
.i. a_.. —v. -1—I
be«« rcotorv^
pvtin.-. o—.
■ -V—w—.
CBABB IS tbr hASdr of >-rp«-u.
from Fort Wayne, lad.
St Tvsvm» gt7._____________ iwea
The Bible ocatains A6M.480 letter*.
610.607 wards. 81.176 veraee. 1
toapter* aad U books: Icaagea totoUr
is the noth Palm: the sbartea and
‘^l*e»5m'lo I
mr*|d Oma •Hmeitom mr*to OlotoM.
SevMto tod Eighth gradM of the Ooikal atoool yeeterday, oa toe enbjeet PUK BAU-Tbne<oM wood.
r J O Jmn. Msto sad (.
Of "Good aad Bad HaUl
f There wma a fall rehearml of "The
Heialahin the Oity Opera Honee
ket evening and there will be an
other Friday night. ThU wUl be the gQ MKB. WAinn to
glen tea, nttempt nt a mnaieal prodaotiaa ever given here nod it toonld
The two diepky window* of Jnlln*
Steinberg'* *tote preaent
M April ud iud. • moe
Kan, •‘then 1 ww*
id by Bweklaa'e Axaiea
toe world'e hart for
Bamum & Earl,
SthethM Omp
:k.l_ BR08.,
ooonpytog it ae a drag etocu______
ntw Stotk...
Caftst ntotlHts
mskt F«kf s s
Ccoas aad sa..
FTJS'i.'SrtirSs tKi
Aa oyaiar aapper wnagivee Tnaod^
•raalng *o toe ownberry ptokere of
Mr. and Mra D. O. Lento at Walm.
The employee oo toe teuto of toe
O. B. A L aUo enjoyed toe feaet
Mra R. Fnller fane sold her ekte
balldtog at Imarlotoea to toe firm of
Baa already bees eeea io
aeariy all tbe principal dtiei
^ the world. It
Xto Saih Adam* U ependlng her
with Mn. 5. L. Oibhe
ir.ac.. aada:
aaBkiadi. k
Wt tjwfbm
to iatot for lea then 9)0.
eelaad toto. lined with
V^BEEkmaearaahatpin. (kriMfialer
earn that b^ tbe ^
Tha Mght oalai
aU toa toUShaU (eld toeir teua, like the
nade eatertog toU oi^ will ba
Aad ae eiletoly eleal
oM today, oa aeooaat of Thaaktoivtog
tb*Mto-«< the BtotaMu
Km. B. Fallto tow rutoiiiil toa
More formirty oeeaptod by A. B. Mil
pNpl. <d AMtte were III
ler on toa earner of Elmwood avaeno
rwetoon. io-Vtaittog“Blk^IIayer
Mivnnato add pelstltice la
Vte OOtoabM OMDi to America fcr P. a WetoleL •
O. a Marfce. Ohe*• <a«th ttiae. he met on toe lUgk
mmm kage hart, la wbhA w«e am
mtolwas. My MieUgaB-Jndga K.
wyiaadeMl^ Italio.b^am
a Vewabem. Onnd Baptde.
Sa took, indoata
Um oarto^
rm^ aade ganacnta. The tneekn Fell and Town, Petntoey
L Tbi7
'MnJhMI of MteUiW toOaliaaiid otow
BpeeUlty, Stag and Daaee—Me
kkfcto to trade with toeir lohehl^U.
Tha li#M wna niallT rlmliril In irtiHe PeU and Town. Petaafcey.
A New BU and An Old SoldieraatoganOMat Thty
aAaovtoaaa Fiftrao ^ran later toeir May we love oar eoBstxy and each
laad. todajr tolled YacaUa. waa larad- otoai—Hem. Oecaga O. Oovaa C. a
aTir toe Spaalard.. bat it otat toe Dlatrlct Atutney. TtBretae City.
artita Sto te yean of warfare to pH
Beeimtion-Mr. Paal C. Davie.
•eatool <d toat oonutry, for ereiT Mqnt
Orand Rapide.
CoitoM lihea bera They
Kong-Mr. John Barry. Travel
b raadlac the week* left by toe City.
Beeitatioa-Mr. Panl P. Davie.
—we lean that OTBDd Bepide.
.w women wen« rery pood lookSong—Mr. -A. a Joyee, Tmveree
laft ae many are at the pnannt day; City.
Bang, "Maady Lee."—Mr. D. a
. indditriotie. modeet and ao ^
into todlly that they omr (taualted Levlneoa. Peloekey.
Oor New Elke—May we ever to
the tobnw, altbonch their
prond of-them-Mr. 08. Beil)y, Che^
AM. to phyaiqne Um wo
am HUM
Mmt '•
■imtacia temr
; cirr» looa, xHuauKAT,
>T%1C» Up To 2 0«lPPk mmnr M
U. 8. Auxiliary Crulsar Orivpn
Aatwr* at Guam
iteaml Mitea' latter to tha aaoMtefy
It of Objection Rncardlrw
PMUM NegctlRtlon*
madepaMie today. Hemya. “Tbe
haa liow nnired for tha wtahliahi
Ufa mar* i>e-a«lMM caiMimhoa
I faal euTluad that tba foi
Launch Craw Pariahad SaarohInc for Safa Anehoraca
-I-- '— »*—■ I~—•
UailU. Not. aa-Tb* ttaaaport
8b Train wUdi bM afcirad hwa.
briafi aaw» of a tarriflo tnAooa
wbleh nropt Uw UUadof Ona Bor.
n, dUBOlUhiac (bouBdi of dwsiliags, laetadiac Oorasor SehmdBr-*
a lawM of InonjM ud tmaforen oUitantod. It U ortiiMtod
I of BMiTM wm kllM.
Hm aoeoMst mj» for yean birr
bna ralaod. aad vocMatioo of tbe la
UadhHbM UU«1 br «aU water.
Tbr Mona bor*t wUb terrtflo rapldltr
abooi 10 o'elotA in the mnliag.
oaiTiiiffa btrth
tia. dnunM her aaobore and
drirwi aicroQiid <me fanodtad yarde
froa a reef. Her bow« were oruhad
in. The laoBob. with a erew of fire
■•a. bad prrrioulj left the abip to
aadaaror to fiad a aafe aaoberave for
ttaroralaer. The man . were aoC neo
after Um7 left the diip aod it >■ prac'
tteallr oertain that the hearr eea
which the etonn kicked op
the laoaeh. The bodice eftheooxi■atecd Oeoite Anbel were reoorered
after the typhoca) aabaided.
Yootekite drifted rapidly until e
o-eloofc in the erealitt when the weath ■
te olaand. The erulaer waa then liaty
Bitea north and forty weal of OnitB
andhadainnrateah. Atl:80pL
Bor. 16. the Jn>tln..wblefa had eb
ad in tearota of the Yoaeinite. pleked
her ap ud attempted to tow ber back
to Oaam. It waa decided that it waa
Impoaalbla to‘u
0 ‘take her into port.
Thetnlavwaa» ttban aontUed. after
wbiohahe waa a
Itoiair aboard the Jiutln. Tl>e YoaeaIte maik bow ftral at three o'clock ud
theJaatia Blood awB^ from Uuaa.
Tbe paynaater aarod 168,000, Mezieu
B the ainkinR ahl^
> laauMlat
A F. Buttec of twetenu oowty. for
tbe atteat of one Lealla. a mteamu
for a
houae, oe a charge of
aalUng adaltarated pepper and oinnaud vnp which waa not pro
perly labeled.
lie waa through Leelaima county
weAi agound took ordera for
« and other auppliea
ippliee from the
farmere ud famiUea la Northport
to the amount of about IS.OOa Tbe
good* were ahipped in to Northport.
but had been oaly partly delirmd
whu Deputy Food Inepeotor Dame
hud in tbe
wired the atate ehemUt. R. E. DooUttle at Laailnjt. and tber bad as asof the Rooda ehipped. It li
laid that they found aeretal adolteraand the warrant for arteel waa a
natural eonaeqneooe.
I autee Oteelal* WUl AtteU tl
reaeml of ftaaater Uaril
8U Awl. Kor. W Bcnatoc Daria'
temalnt will be buried in Oukwood
eeaelery Satuday. On Friday mornittir the ramaina will be eoPT<7ad to
the atate eapilal uder. a military
RuartL Imtar the body will be ratumadtotiteboaaa ud aemoea'will ha
Rtturday. A oommittae from
Onlted Btatte aenate. ud
at Mritalr 1>M Mnaaealr V«a
tewtaltoyteVonilaa Bmird.
Marioo. luA. Nor. SfUTbe■ reaull
of the rotM of the window fUaa flai
tetter* to decide the amaliraBiatloo
tlon 1*
fUfbluohea of the window kUmw^
worken trade annouoed tonlKbt aa
WUie Avatliar Order*,
apwlal V> Ite Haralac Ibvud.
^ Waihlngloo. Nov. Sft—Rear Admiral
F. V. McNair died aaddenly of apo
plexy thi* aftenoon ai hia reaidenoe
in ihU city. He bad recently 'been
detached from the anperintcndency of
the naval aeademy ,ud wm on wait
ing order*. Admiral MoNair waa
aenior rear admiral of the oavy, being
ranked only by Admiral Dewey. He
would have reached the retiring age,
6i ytara. on Ju 18. 1901.
“•«af F
B employed by the'window flaw
•AUI or Lt'MBKH Bl'alXBaa '
J. W. Taarl* A « • tteUre Feoa
IMail TfWie.
3. W. Trarla A Boo hare okaed a
daal for the aale of their retail 1
ter baalBea* to W. E. William* of the
Reed City gblnfle A Lumber
The Cruifer of the property will
made in the ^ly |<arl of next Juuaiy. Trarl* A Bon will eoiltiDDe in
ch u oBloe
down town.
Rteelleal Proarem V
AfWeaemi U High Heboo).
The Juior Lyoeam gave a moat exoellwt progtam yeaterday afternoon
The debate waa uimated. ud abowed
eareful thought. Following it the
lengram;Thankagivlog Song-Fourth Grade.
Emb.t. “Bryut'a Youth''—Della
-Blucbe HaakeB
Vooal aolo-Qmoe Haartngt.
kilai Btetha MHI
I Mr. Jeea- U
Reigoduetlou, "Sclte-'-Edu KilBeartoa W.4M law Xtrht.
There waa n pleaaut weddinR at
the tTwldenl of Her, W, T. Woodhoote
Uat ereniuR. tbr bride beinft Mi«i
B«rtha Miller of ihl* city ud the
IcraMB Mr. Jeaar I.. Rtaytoo of Oraa-n
They were attended by the brttlea'a
Mater. Ouala Bird, ud the poom'*
friend Jaaaa Heawn.
"te yopmr aoBple leare for their
new home at Oiawa tbl* moniiiR,
• • they wiU entertain a larpe
mamber of frienda at tbe home of the
gtoom'a aiater. Mra. .O.. B. Oteeu.
Tha weddutf uupiMr waa iriru at the
home of a» teide at 538 Wabater 8l
teat ereniBii.
The yeaiiR aoupte bare the eon.
pateUtloB* and well wlMtaa of their
BUMCtma frteBd* in thia olty.
Mr in the
Redtadoo. “Ugend of 8t Martin
—Stella Jahtnn*.
Eaaur. -'InoidAto of Bryut'a Later
Life''—Nellie Onyaoe.
Piuo Solo—Bu^ Gtavaou.
Debate-Rcaelred. That tbe pten
adroaated by tbe Depytmwit of Agri
culture be adopted
Afflnnative - Lloyd • Thacker and
CUude Tompkina Negative—Tony
Plaahll ud Charle* White.
Tbe deeiaioo of tbe Jndgee gave the
debate to the aOrmative.
Mra. Cook gave tbe cride'a report.
. gardayatthe
farm of Frank R. Orabha aaar »•—»
Una Clab uheat TaCar.
Tte Tmrtete City Bod and Oun BV- K‘««* terheya were tool for,
Olab will indalce in a aboM at (heir
Craanda thia afteraocaL There wiU
ba Htea tM eonteate amoait tbe local
Bis of the nine turkey* w
irOKAB’S BZOBABOB. Mra. C O. Dauby ud Boy Feaae getting Are or
Am*, a rety JuUy ttaw waa eajqyed
Fhn» wuefc for wdteBome mmit
MaateedaChlUWIte aBsS dal Peher
Hot. 8B-At Hamp
toe City, u cast esd pmeinot of Oatte« night, Wm.
baatlag a poker ted hot. Jammed it
down his two year old atep daughter'*
Atuat, gave it acvcxal wteaebe*. tbu
it fium bar wiiAing body.
The Aild gave a loud aouam ud mnk
Tbe Acad
Aaa aaed Aa red hot we^nn oau-
Uba'a forabaad. W)A a mighty atrokc
of Aa waapu ha fiimlly broke her
In the
room wfaare Ae murder
ted tey OlbeoB'B wife t****^** wiA a
totey ttet dm ohtef two weeks' old Alld. Hi* 18 year
old* brother waa ateo present, but
wUoh Uve bean going
boA were afmld to raise u ateim.
Ac teat few day* among Ac power* fearing Ae mae fata.
relate* to Ae wtedom of daUvarlng u
........................ W Ohina, Aa QM of Ae
espreaa word ''ultimatum'' in Ae
text of the damud to be landed Ae
Chineae envoya Involviag Ae poaaibilitynf
Keati 17 to UoMlto. .
against China.-in ue Ae demands of
are not eomp
aau Not. 68—The Tagebiatt
WiA It
that aome of
puMtebe* a dispatch from Oonatentipower* desired Ae
Dople to Ae effect that Ae Turkiah
Ud tbl* Tlew aeem* to hare found oouncil mlniaten has held a eoeferfaror with the minister* at Pekin.
Ms to determnie whether the eendWhen tbl* became known In acTetul
t of Ae Atlleship Eentecky to
■ytna Aonld be repirded as u act
muUeat About a week ago Japu
look tbe iaittetire in u appeal for
ThU received favorable urged Ae .seTetuooe of
from tbe United Statee. relation* wiA Ae ulted States ud
even threatened war antes* Ae Ken
tucky was wiAdfawn from TurkiA
water*. Tbe minUteri ezrae** the belief that Europeu power* woold
permit Ae United Slate* to attack
> U tee Mebooto Tulkey ud that that cuntry, Aerefore, would be mfe te taking a de&ul
Thankagiving wm
baerred in Ae aAoote rcsterday. al
most aU of Ae room* having aome- I,oral Tram Will MaM Pveoeker •>* (I
Alng along the line of Ae utumn
TevIRh Mere* l>*rk « .1 0'( hirk
fealivaU. In only two seboola. bowThI* Afterweua.
rrer. were the exercteea at all elaboAU lover* of Ae game of fool ball
The moAer* of Ae pnpite were in are looking forward wlA pleasurable
vited at the Elmwood avonoe aohool uticipation lf«be game betweu Ae
udaboni l6S-of
High school ud Ae U*m from Ae
tbe invitation*, ud were pceaut to PetoakeyHigh school Ate aftcruoou
enjoy Uw ezeellent program that wm at the '^elfA street paA at 8 o'clock.
givn In Ae afternoon.
Every tedieatioo'poteta to a fine con
Tbe exercteea for Ae AlldEen oe- test M WM ever ae«n on the local grid
curred in the forenoon, and In the afe- iron. -Admission to the grouda will
.oon aU the children ware excused bekSoente.
except sneh a* were to hare puna on
Following te Ae Itee-npof (he teams
Ae trogmm.
Traverse City
Following WM Ae program given Thacker
t Ae Elmwood uvoaue school;
Vu Orden
Recitation. -'TbunkagiviDg''—Edna McKenzie
For Your Thanksslving
Table at the Bazar Oepartment-of the................
te te te O’^ Book Store
at wonderfully
low prices.
Uakee a bandeotoe
Dress 8b«e.
They cost )'ou no
more Aan an nidinury ilreaa shoe.
HO.BART-BEECHER CO., Proprietors.
New Tie*. 25, 50. 75c.
■d at Le* AatelM' CaL. ea PrUar Law.
of Brala TreaUe.
Btty. porter at tbe Park
PUoc. reeeivad a letter yesterday u-Ktedeni^rteu.
noweteg Ae death at Lo* Angeles,
"Tbe Puritu"—t^na
:UsL. of hia faAer. Loren Newberry,
. of ubeem of the brain. Mr. Newber^
left Ate dty te May teat, te amrch
—3rd grade.
of better healA He wm taken ill beReeitatioB. “Toa-oo,
fore be reaehed Chicago, aad never
Mllcoa Fetterly.
Deoauaed wm U yean of
" Nut Party, “(six pnpite >-4A gtnte
a realtent of thia oity
•Thankagirlng, Old ud Kew,"- few M yeara. Thie* .Alldren survlt
TA ud 8A grade*.
him. Ourge. Xaran aad Ada. all of
In addition to Ate inogTam. there Ate city.
■ere a aumber of very fine tubteanx
le the prii-e. $5.00
won Id buy no better.
New lot
Joat Received.
eA|ts be thanklui—but some of us are bound to get it
I tne neck just the same—specially .those who buy
their clothing and furnishings of merchants who don’t
care how badly you get it in the neck.
We thank our many friends and customers for their
most liberal patronage—May they enjoy their Thaakft*
giving “Turk" and happily live to digest many more of
the national bird.
Benda wishes a motft enjoyable Thanksgiving Day
to all.
FRIEDRICH I “Let Benda Be Your Santa Glaus.”
Tbe Popular Shoe House K ^
« —
on Ladies Sample
Jackets and Suits
The Telephone
Always in Demand
only >• it reijuired in tbe olHoe
of (he haetliug luiui of ■■u*im-i>*. hat
l( Ante iu F)il»-n' of a*cfolii,iw in (hr
le. wheiv it
the r«|ain-menilU of busuinis, donieUic ud *octel
The (clcjihonc
e« a iiuui’* ti(uc.
enling u <-x]«-Dditun' of en
ergy ud money. bn( a woniu'*
time te of(cn aa valoabU' and iniporM a mu'*.
Suppoae youA dcmonetr.ilid<'i
tli<nd n(th(y of tie- Teli-iihon.- it;
home by
■ ordering
one i.>kU.
Ij v (if t
This big lot consists of some of
newest styles . produced
this fall —All are in firsrt'Class
condition. The nice part of It
that there is no two alike.
Many have taken advantage of
this extraordinary sale yesterday
Better come up and see if we can
fltyou-it means a big saving to
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpel and Clothing House.
A New One
Made in Enamel, Box CalLRussia Tan. Kid Tan and Black
Vici Kid, They have cork soles
-They are calf lined—They are
very stylish. If this don’t suit
you see our VOGUE line for wet
.weather require no rubbers—
P. & S. make.
ttie Bold w
Tlic beauty. <|iulitTand Inw
;gloes of our piuos give n, tb*
medal of *ui.eriorl(v wltliout dl*pute. We ituct at (III- )i-ail of
moderate |inced tnuaic
ud our growing list nf Kiii«fl<-d
customer* juitiSi'* oar |•(sl1•)irlg
claim—"the tenl for the money. "
Evcrrlhing in . . .
In Ae Boardmu avmna sAool. Ae
Seeudasd Third giadaa nUted tea
All are tevitod t
attend AeSpte-
John R. Santo
Wm OBv* Fnltftsm
1* rUtte*
And you should be thankful that you can
“shoe up*' the family at such a remarKably low figure.
mm* m
— FotOSMlf'* bill M*Xaau>*Blk,ov*rf>srk*r Rra
Uvon. the iwiacdpal one*
Satartey eventeg. Dec. 8, aad aee Ae
Hac rMd flUiats, crown
Tbaategtrlng ezeietea. te wbioh
ttnaafoimed Into bautifnl
hrMce aid porcelain work.
pampkteadnd yellow eapa played
before Aeir even Thera
ptoateost part, given by Ae Saoosd will be a silver eoUaotton kA*a ak wark (naranteed Atisfictory.
gmda, Bsda iwtty Pilgrim
A* tear for Ae beneftl of Ae. old
Third grade.
Thia WM a history in pu
Jtarvtad to ObteAe UiA amd growAof Ae feaUval of
Thsakagtring team Aa earlleM day to
Bar (riante te tU* dty bare nealv
AapMuttlm*. AmAm taatere of odAeaaw*^A* marttegaat AlU
A* jngmm was Ae origtesl p*|«r on ___„ Ohio, of Him Berth* (tetefU to
the hlatcry of Ae tey, by BAal Holt. Mr. HtooU Oast an. Miss Oaskill WM
mar fiw Kn. AAton teat yoar.
U atente akma. U tawen ahnvn. aadWabomaf Crianda te A* dty.
Frank Friedricli
The Old RellabisShos Man.
music and
musical eoads.
D MAtor tiOxt'Kxnox
wFI—mPiimtw* naUSatar*
See That-Wiadow.
I That We An Not Tuiliiys
the medal
Tn.vxKMiivixti anooTtNiTMATcn
Tote Plea. MP.R.U
Cots of Prettp Dishes
MaiyuvlUa. Nsr. tt-Grvat axedte-
. OAnrti Oottte star* ef
Waabfaigtos Bov. te-Tba atate dapartaiaet haa oahted Minister Oimger
to forward Ac text of tbe i
reaebed by the forelga miaisleii
Pekin. McuwUlc be will wiAbold
Ua aigaature. U U mfa to prediot
that thia partieater agrumui will
t heem eCeellve in itef |
Aapeaa*it 4
the laeamt view* of a amiority of the
power* u to the baste of peaoc nagottedoai. It te laaraod by Ac atate
dapartmut that white Aase nagodatloaawere draggiag along at Pakte.
Amarleu ooamU te China were
Aamaelta* directly
rloerey* of Ac grant iwovinoea wban
riou property tetereata nffeted.
eenre indemnity rapnmtioa, in
rorsrra TSAB>Haiii«
SUtk too FEET
e wUrpihoI te
of a I
Snihy Aaak. •
1 by
dntiim the raowt laiM aad A* Ugh
f of IbetetfeaiesodAecreek a
bottom Are »-nea muA aCMaryerUte.
Tbe ^Boe afgnund whieh wut don
If Power* Insisted Upon Too U about 180 feet long and 75 teat widA
The gieusd msk «» teat deep aad
ExactInK Oetnsnds of China
heavy rate* tiled up the pteee with
water usd formed u immaste vAiri-
Man NaiMd LMti* ta TrotBita
votxkbkk m, imw
Baby Shoes, 2 to 6, at............. 26c
Childs Shoes, 5 to 6.................. 60c
Childs Shoes. 8i to 1II...........
MissesShoes, l2to-2...vw,,.fl.OO
Ladies’orCents8hoes..V^..f 1.60
tOrnkySm vrr. vmli
tiAiInr. w»A» ttKite!jnirh«
*•□ Bi<li
{mAUMm te •»-»TTN0«.T.BATBSWiri4.W. HAMf^ iK'tatOttenlUMU. BftlMiMM
Uf m«md Madf. «Md te ta •MfilV
ta^ after ia nctetr wtQ fce >a <^
wMkcr ibfT*^ > aadUMelorUi
13m7 talk widi Ub a a
cAuax Mm THAjmaomva.
vkoto fattoa wiU aaite
ta I'toirilm A* day aativen far
ItekaiMac. ThaAaeeioaa people
IM Mck to to ttotokfal far and la
rTirrnntoBinfU r'- atotoaitot
ar bopM otoditltoM. TtoladutrlM
ad toe eontir with nay tew •keept'
torn are aa)ayliw a proqierity wUdi
«toae ptoaty of vcak to vorklaf aaa
to good wagaa. and toet perrrty eatoto
totoy ttoa orar baftaOlB oar aatlooel
ktotory- la TroTarae City tfaere U
oridtoea of proaportty on erery baad
aad toato ,ore few people la toe ooia■aslty who are aohjeoU of otonty.
If there are eoy ia waat they will be
looked after by toe toaritably lacllaad, aad to aaobUd to aban toe good
tUaga peitoid by otoera. While
tom toay be a few laoleted oae
wato toroagh UlaeB or talafortai
latooe toot there U leaa aoed tola
yotofor toe dlatribotiaa of charity
ItoB ia meay yean la thU aeotioo of
tooaldprerail la i
la big Uaofc beadUaea yeaterday toe
tee wee trodble la Booth Africa,
md tom la toe article foHv
toktod aotoothlag about etralned retaMoBi totweea Braatl and Unigaay.
Itee hare beeo many ohangM In toe
■np of toe world doring toe past two
yean torongb the Inflaenoe of the
Aaaarican battleahip, bot tlie geogra
phical pboaoBMOcat aaggeated by tbe
taglo aeemi Tlatonaiy. Howerer. ae
too Baglekaoted for printingreliabU
BOWS ••toe aame day it happens.'
lelrer to great gwngeeia Booth America.
Tbe Orand Baplds Herald has began
■B early eampal^ in lu aapport of
igen. Jnartoe
tany years
It coonn and
ard. .Oaring
prase bcBto bis rcocrd
ooeartainieas and good Jadgment.
The Herald pcedieu iila ft
■ nkwariitTi Jostioe Montgamery liae
ssrred the Mate well in ita fcigfarst
tribonaland ahoold he be toboo
ted eBd eteoted bU ezperienee on toe
bsBeh daring hU jwwent term will
tee him all the more ralosble dor-
riBDOe Wpoid erldently like /ery
■nob to'lend aabatantUl aid to et'
PreaidaBt Kroger ia toe way of inter
TontiaB ia toe Tranareattroablea. bat
to take the ialliatirr She
weald rather let Mme—etoer natim
ran tiM riak of lending nationni nid.
then if ererytbing loored lovely aim
woold roah in and bnsely as«»i the
Boen to gala their Independence
a Grey. OUrer Ooldaailto^waidOib^ Obarlta Lamb.
Lord RacsoUy. WMbiagtoo Irriag,
Wilkie OollliM. Charlee Bewk. We
aBghtalaotoaddto tola lito the giant
aaUriat. Otan Hwlfl. (cr be nner llted
with bit wife, a
bad only aboat i
married life.
The BoetoB Store will be oloeed toIn ms extremoI.r <eld weotoer pmtailed________
' United Statm MenmSy
frees and toreei trees were killed ^
sd hMb. Be took CbemtotoaKk
with him <m toe list Bnadaytoeml^
md to toe OTfoing toeyaang gcmml
bte* to lUm. Be rettrsd early that
feond. and froachiaas ftw laying pipe Bight, mi toe aoBDd
tbtir eniem
tadkd him to sleq>. bat H did MS asan
Mim Balsa OaoUl. i
Whim that toa am« STM ozaMlyriipaL
by bar 'maid.
,-------- nosnirm. ba bad tegottsa the ooesra
ad oeor ffAMD wegth «f Wtoa nezt day actne Mtgka cm too door
lag and toilet arttotoa. wktoh Am baa
- to toe diftrilmttog cf tba back parlor attnotod Ua astsatom. TbmewmaJmtaamBytftoam
•. MoeSSTaP. A
^ Co. Sale ocmtlaaea.
^ your bed is.aocomfoftable.
I know what you are misung ia this life
—We have a full line of Mattresses—$3.35.
$2:75. $iA».$3.5o..$4-7Sand up toa coiled
hair at $33.50—but the best thing for the
money is our Felted Cotton. $8.50, or with
bat Sateen Tick, stitched edges, for $9.50.
guaranteed not to lump or bunch.
Take Advantage
Of December and con
policy with w. We out do
better by yoa thaa otbece. I
want a tbooeMd uemben in
Travene Ci^ and riedai^.
J. M. Blakeslee
Firclnsurancc CZARHU eORTS
X T.X'X.CTC..,.
ore better end more fsvoreble from
tbe Indies who weer them then eny
* of thet prm eboee we heve ever eold
before. We here them in eererel
different etylee end leetbere, in light
end exteneion heevy eolee.
Sa Utat Sl)to Cziriu SkHS a Ob WMn
end if yon will step indde we’tl be
pleeeed to explein to yon bow they
■re Biede, end bow we ere eellii^
$d.00ehoe veloe for............ SS.SO
land pared
4eft for hours in tbe soeet, to be found
when wanted by their rightful own*
In too mantry districta tho bouaesam
nemr barred and boltaL even to tbe abacBce of their owsna 'Thai, again: it
fora bluoi
girl of 17 or a yoong married woman
to drire alcaie in her cart a distance of
laasciailtAc Btaanw awds aa «nwt hand to
60 or eo miles tonmgh denm fo
and by too sbenn of gloomy lakes.
eleaa tt. rvtlrr and rviwantd tt. and (Ire jroa a
reying the family's butler,
egg* to market in town, and
turn home aloo# with the proceeda. In
trade the Finns are not («1y srrupulousK UIBBS’^BICTCLK
bonem, they are beroinilly. quiz
ically aa
A tredreman wiU UU yon the whole
truth about bis wares, ern when be
teowa perfectly well th
be loess a cmtomer wh
troth would bare secured. "Tbisieeics
exactly tbe kind of apparatus I am look
ing for." 1 said to a morehaot in Hebingfors some moolhs ago iu referesoe to
an article that costs 876. “and 1 will buy
it at core if. knowing what I wont It
JW kiml» 0f
Bicpcit Hepairittg
Bicfck Sundries
Prim HIghl.
1). J!. Lederlt,
m Uttha St.
anvwker SMSmi Inadbte (rada. Pla,a»M
Fire Insurance
^ I.. A. •wlloflnw;.
The Hannah & Lay Marcantile Gampany
yoa to take it. nor have I aDytbiag
ttork just now that would suit you."
And I left tbe shop and porchased wbat
I wanted ebewbtre' • Horalanatr fare.'' I said loapeamnt
in the intenor who luul driveu me for
three hours through Ibe woods on his
drtaky. handing him |l. “So. air:
that's double my fare." be replird. re
turning ooe-kalf tbe moo«y. And when
I told him be might keep it lor his bontatybetligbilyondded bis thanks, with
tEe dignity of one of nattire's qenibmau.-Scottish Amerkan.
sito People pamtog along B street, betweea First stteet and New Jnsey areDue anutbeost. hare noticed for yean an
ancieBt reaidence ontheaooth side of
toe street, which baa been one of toe
laadmarka The
about il would aay it was formorly toe home <rf Tbad Stevens, and therenpoo tbe bouse Mumed renewed inlereat in tbe eyea of many. A project was
OB foot at czie time to piirobase toe
by col
ored people and to make il a memorial
to tbe regard which toe colored race enttttams f<v toe memory of Tbad SteTCfu. Ez-SeBater Brace and otoer col
ored men cf note were interested to toe
eeberae. bot U was abandooed.—Wash-
Constlpatlofl and Malaria
- IV MCB. ureBza *a cMiLDaca
ateTtbe Maa Pvt Peva oa ea Wset
Tbe last of toe srator mains porbaaed by toe water (oommlmioB
Sid OB toe ttoot aide yeooerday i
Mate .you. if job
la Caited Blatto Bote, to
protect ete aad every policy
Dim. Baparinsaodcat.
n l.Jobaasa Block. Traveraa City.
tjs Hew^ pS?
cite •BnldbyJaa. O JobnaonaBd
8. K. Walt. Droggiata .
BM tola nmtotatica am aeldom satlsCdwito
There to noth. tog Ilka it to alloy a coogb or to
- aSSiaMESiB. .
wmyaagwtaDm>,eBiytogtoale tram 4 W to 69^ tost. Oreremdi
:wm a e^tal lettsr. bnt it did not
' to him that toeaa Capitols were too
toUtoli of toe ytmsgwtmen. Undernaoto toe towmt line and araoMl all <f
the ItooB aznopt toa two nppm cmaa
whito repaeMnted )aigiam—woa a
omn^ M if fmmm Itomb^ hami rob
bed <mt to ordm to moke latm and bi^
That oti the Kat orth*7««
tba ootom viOdeiMitwilh
the 8Me Traaeucr
cirriens about these marks. He asked
■any qamtKma.bat tba ytmagwranan
* teamd him bywoyef aaam.ezBitgl^aU
aaesaed to him that
tbe city had mete
B Ibomof tbecotmtry. One cf toe six to partkakr, by
If you bare a dwelling, etoek.s
imey. bad WCB bis aAmtetira._____m tbe demurest of aa and ibe it
was wbimi be tock to cbnrob alone and write toe toaaxBBoe lor you. and wlU
te sriaanite bought ka cream and can gra you prompt and earofol a" ~
BeBTyBoaMU. toe oompom and dy wrapped up to boxes bearing gold laOnly toe
reliable atook Inau^
ante of toe pppolar eonga, " Cheer. moat sol aee eompanlda reprewted.
Bates very Icfw.
Iff thorn
-------, ------U dying
What mi^ ham been toe fntatu reBe U 87 ymre old.
latioMbeterettihimmlf andLneylfba
At GoireotoB, wcrhinea engaged to had nol learned ooecpectedly
Tel^one 78
TrarerM City
tog from prayw meetl^ BO
clearing away debris dlsoore
Ttodocrof toe
bodies under toe rutoi of two I
bea a wblsk of ikirta and
m. and be beard
Biz of toe bodies were those of_____ _ mw
near toe topmost mark oo tbe door
and ohlldien. who bad been pinned' toa toe of a little boof—Locy'i boot.
udmUm^eokage of toeir bomea.
It to bed.—'Hew York Picas.
JTtlm UmSyof Baal^tfiJStSai
toil time. Large cargoes of groin ar-
Job and to aU ISOOD feet of pip* 1*^0
waa tmmod by tfaeCboolm Thawoad heOB kid sinee toe work began.
— as “kBst rime.-
United States
Benevolent Society
. .
It woold be weariaone to girt too
nanK« of all Iboae antocra wbo laid tba rire areiy day and toe elerators ate
foandari<zia cf greatntea before nMr> flUed. The railroada are badly off for
riage, sod we ahall instance tmly MU- mil and'lwata are aaffertor aeriooi
too. Ooetoe end DenUL-Mid-OcBtldelays to anlcadtog. Oomtog eo
toeolom'of BarlgatlOB, when erery
^eoantsto making last trips,
rtoe men are
-rial er to.
rua th> POM. }
toe romMy lias beyond them.
On toe w«st aide
side cf Market Bjab* to
Adrioee tram Panay ialand myi that
g»"~« City ataoda
soda a tone atc^
atcn front
•moan like the preaent haa beet
of bandings known locally as. Battle known for many years. The droath
TOW. fram toe pngoadooe bent of tbe was .to toolOB^ attoerioe tram
planting time that them was so little
with ad
which iboald alarm. Dp nnder toe ocr- work to be had by toe raat hordes
nice cf one of toe bdildtoga ia an Odd toat depend upon that employment at
Fellows' ngn. "L a O. F." M one's toe beginning of tbe rotor era'
eyes ore abarp. the while paint interior
lit many people am stm
of the flm p will show a huddle of gray, to death. The oSeera hem do what
weather bned ipoumrrwell to tbe can toey oan to randet ataittanee.~bat
ter «f toe letter. They are the handi there is motto soflettog that they
work of that long haired gatleman of
not teach. Bepoits rfom toe aonthern
harder. Wild Bill
was beede In toe middle aerentiaa FhlUpptoe ialonds indicate similar
wbm Wild Bill “by reqoot,’' and ecnditloBS.
mtarly to show his wllchUke ikill with
Tbe means adoptod by Rodney Mothose weapnua. stood arnna tbe street, Fee. a painter and oaiitoge trimmer
foUy lOO feel away, and with a 46 cal
oreraome toe
iber Colt's pUtol ia each hand pc
lor habit was toe oaose of hU death
tools bnUeU into tbe .center of
cum hit oaring for intozioants he
“cv “ Bellredtoepiatobaimakani
__>d lemon extract as a bererage to
Uea 'of whiskey. He died to great
pmy as a reoult of acid poisoning.
Henry Blgeler. who made toe record
of toe great Oalifornla dlaoovety
1B4S. is dead at 8t. Oeorgea. Utah,
Indeed Bpees*.
aged 71. Bigeder was a memberlof
as well as now, was me <f toe
interated lookers m. and empbat- toe Momca battalion working; at
Ually indennd too ezhibition as cna cf Sutters MiU race wben the dlaooeery
IS made to S84S. BffoHa were made
tbe most skillfal tricks with pistols it
keep tbe diaooeoryaeaat, bat to no
baderer been bis locktoaee.—WaabtogtcoSttr.
aeall. and tbe gold ezcUaawmt et
Rnried from toe lop of a 100-foot
ttolmney at tbe IlUnoU steel
Oeniiis i really only tbe power cf
works by toe breaking of a maffoldfine that tog. three men fell to toe earth,
Wo acamly know when we paas it—ao tatotogfatol^tojoriea. sad a foortl^
lino that we are often on the line and Arthor Anderoon. was meed by a
do ma know it How many a man has Aleader jvojeetliig bolt, which oan^t
thrown Bp bia bands at a time wb«B a bis Jacket wben be had faUen twenty
llltlo mere effort, a Uttle man patl
woold baTo arhiered aaccem! As the feel and beU Urn aaapeoded to mid
tide gnn clear odi. eo it conies clror to air for an boor. Hot daring to more
leot toa bolt break or toe tobrie of bis
and 1st him drop. Andetoon
at rip ai
darkest when nally they are an
. .
rkable nerve, banging
tbe tom. A little imee panuatenoe. a
UltlonKVccffmt. and wbat aiemed bope- to sUenoe. eyes downward, watching
Jlore may tomNo gkrioos aocbelow harry aboat to get ez'Tbere is no fallnie eztept in no tensioo laddera When at last he was
ViugTT trying. Themis no defeatezoepi token down he was all bot fainting
from witoin. no nally toaonDt—
from phyaieal ezhanatica and toe
barrier satermr own inbeiestw
attain apoB hla nwrea
Of pwpose.—Eltrtrteal Bevlew.
Imst Bonday tbe feast of Santa
Bomrio, which tbe infaabitonta of
'Tbece am many atorita cf Lad TbnDTaan's pecdltor gntCneaa of
weak, enlmtoated to a.bic pra
On ana cacaslon be was at a gaidto For tbe flnt time oinee the Amerioon
party, and acatebody offered him a
potion the Bativea ware^van per
sandwich. Be wm ' '
tog to
Ibis when tbe Inwtem rosfaed op to mission to oclebrate to their old time
himI «with auxioos iuqoinfs aboot his way. Iraagee of minta, tooenoe,
bealtbaadniteriaiiUDent “Thankyaa. dlya and ereythii^ that went to i
madsu. "beimid. “I am eaung a aandwich. Am your aandwicbrt nanally carried thraogfa tbe streeU to tbe
made <d old bocitsl*'
gnat delight of toe Piliplnoa.
Thaprabatr jodgaablp oonttorway
la erldently not yet quite aettled In
iBelaima eoonty. altoongb the r»oOBBt ipre Jndge Campbell a malority
cfS8 orer Oartoe. The mls-np in
OtBtreriUe U atlU toe bone of oontteoB. Yeeter^y morning tbe board
oC OBBToeaere WUned to imoe tbe ne-Yoongman,"mid tbejMm>igh*l
oemry oertlfleatea of eleotion to damp
heU. altboogfa It woe beliered that pnatmpT “wunid yoa mind getting op
1 fiTing this old gentteiBa a aeatf
toa remit of toe reooont tmd decided
-SirV' ezelaimed tbe blocsner girl
the matter. Toriber derlo|ment ere and tbe bearded lady atomltaneaiuly.—
Cbicago Tribane.
itegi ■B|1hiiii m Mitt.
maf paste
«p to ttadr teaiUa HemarJiBTeM
M tarltataM to tb> Bot aotabb
gttfaerilHP UWO taBMB* BBBtod BCB. b«
it it ia Ikr hm laataticai plaoM Um*^
K to lan«l <« faBBaB lifr. a»d ka
__ (^wben> batoamdi cBaDOt. tad n
•aUy BBdy tTpee datod to tW Tka Ooold'a ocBipUamtaai
toe Haw Totee of toa
aoopa to toa FhilippbMa Mia Oonld
the •aatSj of a eertoin dty, to parammlly aeleeled erary aitiola.
otelrriUA S»1 darm, and be
A hcfoe fail to a well at MenpUa,
______ there-et hla own sweet will
Mo.. toa ote mocBlng and for a
Be Maya alraad m long m be Ukm. end
feared that it wooU drown.
if besrUbmlo Kody the lover ela«aa
•aggeatlOB of aomegentos tbe
there be can b re in ledgiagi aBMng
them wbm ba woeld nerer take bia weU was flUed with water,
to Boat to toe t^ and ita
When we oGoe to iBTesUgate toa Urea mlnable Ufa to be mred.
of toe greeriol aotfacn. we afaaU And
that toa ma^'iy altow did not bmrt. H. T., U Imrtof toe <Baal dry.. 100
or toey wwe tnibaprlly mtted. and feel of bank going oat and alloeriag
Immi tlvawB m tbe world for umanla
toe water to toe tO-aile lerel to
ClaiaDd mbtigmMWt of
toey laid toe feeadatlow
ThoHobotaBtmUoe Imre boon w
JA& O. JOHHBOH, Druggist
100-Piece Dinner Set
Would make a person "think thanks" one
thousand times a year, even if they didn't
speak them. This eating isen “every-day
affair.” Our great stock 'bf new patterns
are the finest we’ve shown, start at $6.75.
The $9.00 set has found many purchasers.
That blue decoration at $1^.50 sells on
sight. Have them at $15.00, $19.00 and
Beautiful Lamps
Are what we are showing these days. When In quest of
Christmas gifts don’t overlook our wonderful stock of
Lamps. There are many cheap ones. If you want those at
25c, 36c, 40c, 50c up to $ 1 .OO. Then begin those with
shade and base to match at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and up.^
There are many beautiful parlor and banquet lamps in the
most elaborate decorations, sell from $4.50 to $©.00.
Then we have extra decorated and frosted globes, sell
from 76c to $1,26. This is one of the most attractive
places ij> our China and Art Department.
Want a Jardiniere?
Nothing like the display of beauliful
goods, and if at a Ion what to buy for a
present, here is where you'U siirely find
something that will please every woman.
Those beautiful Onri Jardinieres, tbe
wonder of modern artists, sell from 75c to
$5oa Tbe Loko Nani in plain prices
from aoc to $3.sa Same -with gold decoiHtioos from 60c <0 $300. The wonder^
ful LouveUa in all manper of quaint d^,
rigns,from$i.$oto $4.50. and a host of
other beautiful shape* and artistic de>
signs from 75c to $4.50.
IteSio BittOT
........... ^
oMd boete
m llniali & Lif MKcaiii CtHiipan)
in ■maim aaomu **JiV«*» carti jBo*<
itOMTOfPtAOO* RMTUNE ■CUN aams thathaa basa la^Kn^bka far
MM that ia. bri^ olarar aU NMtUac. Uatfas dalcet aama et tera.
MiadaMal. too, UttaaaiaaayaM
lane aaouRb to boldaU tba
^«a an In; DOcNi«BB to wbhN
raQtandwlU be tosad
> ita RtMoet with tooee who wtD
"My Mat la tfaa MMta Mf
■at, to lem ".Mlmt BappeDefl to
^dM ^ root in a vMa d
lad ■ faiee which tea for fcBT
I laH«wToik;CBdl*-|he one
ahoot hteanaUs
as arnr
ton be liked to talk ahoot toe |mA
it.*' toe
eenator ooittoaed. "bat
game which k« aee to the cam nd
aavetDe to the weat, to bao
a eeaeinr. Thie U the etory
"I was boTB and bio^ht ap toa
toWB to Kncacky. b wae a nail
wiwB. Yon eooU throw a lariat abeat
the whole ootflt and dra( It with
poay. But it waa a blRbly lamal low
As a eoamiimity it had a pet iaw.
Blade a specialty d coforeiiiR the Natatm aRamst RambltoR. No Ram» <d
chance could thrive in Chat
AndDomatUrwhet toe poeitian to life
of en oflceider. were he Ruilty d fainbboRbe would bedcnltwMh Biahwm
tbvUnpamalbomt of tbetowo. Im'
Mom- citiaeuubaamd:
■■ -They would admire to <me
TMUit lot on U>o mnin biulnMi
•tMt of tho r\ty. It «Hil bo saolnb7 ■ hnjco WM aad irill MwonDoOFMICfflGANII oddatotooru*
of tUten. U*t wlotc
aneh an iicleaod rink «m ojcnted on
. Major 8t«a«, Ootcrnor PteKTor'*! the lako and provpi to bo 4 gTcat
Morotor;. bm attaiithtonod oot Nieb-aoooMa
Ifan'i varolalmaai thr fodMBl#nr{ A Pair Paw man hak mado a Rood
Aeptftaont and thoVuto willjrat a lldnR not of hU apple orop tbiijcar.
. cheek for OSS,€00 mure at ooon. There' Ho bad the wholo crop evaporated
ive about IVa.OOO of Uu' claim* still! ami has oonUarted the entire lot. 48.
to be {mid. ^
1000 poonds. at Ion oonta per poanA
B«t Vetherby of Oonma. Imd often I The National KraporatliiR Oa. of
mdofthe iUi>R« of BsiiiR keroeeue; K*"* Tawas. has already porelmaed
to kutdle Uif fire, so when Ihe woo.1 «•«» hosheU of i«.tatoe. to mannfactefosed to blase the other momlBR lie > 'b”*
potato floor. Two oarload*
knew better- limit to nae kerosene. ' of die prodoct were shlp|»Hl the |Wi«
UuMdbe poored a ireDemn* supply week to Kn«lan.l
theecbool boartl haa
fd gaaoltne on the furl and then:
__ ____________ 4, ii. The crash al- I«md a reaplotion Urnt no echolar
ttaetod to* atientimt <rf others in the t would bo admitud to toe dty eehool*
-ooseand Wealherhy
picked op |
^ >0
• oerUeftot* or
B the other tide of the toom. mtou* mooeeaful vecetoaUoo could be prefall ^ and whlakera
The water at Paw I*aw lakwialhe
Home tVlIl Cime
hlgheai to y<«r* ami flour* of aBmim-r
Some of (he atoteinflhe city will
oottagea have
«oh. e|oM> fur part of llie day loday, while
of dollars' ioihiTB will remain open all day. The
darang*'. Obstruction* to Hie Rale* ! Uerototile Oo.. the Boston Store and
of toe dam at Watervlintare re.pon.i- . Slctoherg'* will to- closed from IS to
hie. Dock* and jiicrm h»ve town wash-j a;* o'olock.amlJ. W. Milltken. Ham
ad away. Dockage at the resort* Walton riotolnR Co.. l>rokop Kytolka
hed and tarried int^the
WilheljB Bros, will clow at i
for the rest of the day.
Mlltioae lilveeAwar.
It. is certainly RTOtifyiiiRtothe mbtoTiiewral library of the Puivci
to know of one ooneera which U
nf Michtoan. The ,sin'OM ii. ..
to ..eioo
hrinR I**' « ^^,4 to U-ReneroBU ^e
The pco1*0tagether tlie raalerUIs f.w a study of jmetor* of Dr. King'* New Discovery
toe liUtorv of JoBrualista in Uie state, for Ounsusi]>ti>a>. Cooghs and Oolila.
CoB.HhB.loos or die. nr coph. of
ilTfmvrtLi -tlTfili1 be RTatefnI
it liaa oared thonaanda of
neeived. A WashtoRton hand press. ; hoi^Tm'
............. sea AsOuna. Btonohitia,
Uri]ijir and all Throat. Cheat
I early ytwrs,
bIik lUaeoKa pre mreiy cued
d be a pa
l>y it. Osll .on Jaa. U. Johnaon and
dltiea to the eolleetioo.
S. E. Wait, drnggiRta, and get a 80e
Over ten years ago East Sai0uiw. ^Ule. ^Hegator aiae^M and $1.00.
Saginaw Oily aoA South HaginaBwere consbliilatm! into one ninniciV.CI.-----pallty, but the Pniteil State* tmasuri
Uncle Sam lia* proven to the world
dejeutment clung to the old title of I larxe that he is the first and fore
lost among tlie nationa He doe* no'
port of Ea*t Saginaw. Numerous
ooe imagine* for an
effgrt* have Wn made to have th<Instant (hat he will sol ivotect hit
pretli East drv>iii>eil and n^e the de.
and make good liii
a port of SaginnwuULit slioold
-. ______i, fc»merly
jw luvsideat of the Utt»iv«! .1..IW U..I ,i,r
of toe Dame of the station from Easi iuu*eff,yttJ wonderful cure# and no
Saginaw to Saginaw.
wliere rau bis cvjuai be found. DisIt i* reported that a movement i* on
hand* whtcii to o^*«r*
o».d «.r,.u,K,.
well known Clolie-WeTiiirke sectionat . oaaxiug and mystify-ing rapidity,
booknaw manufactorr, nie arporl Confirmed tovalitto now entirely ve' my* tliat Jmlge Hatch, the inventor ol sloredito }»^
.. .
wonderful tieatnienC and knowledge
toe sechotml KhAcsw i. wUhng to
„^ctoe. Do oot let thu' grSat
have tlte larl<ir> removed if Ann AV; oppurtontty
r—«« without
without a-cing
a-cing tola
hor capital ran lie Intetvsted A nnni- w.vnJerfol idiyairiiui and consnUing
‘ ' perwnally.
- r«nally._
. Dr. Oiln^
_ .r —
ber of local business
City Nov.
led to visit Tnvene
- gating the mailer.
will be in the privait
The fog horn at
Ih.int lui« oTe Whiti^'botol fronTiT
from V
proved Useir qoii<
nuiaanee to the |v m. One (lav only e*«h m..
people of Tawas City and East Tavms. iVtusnltation ami examination free and
blow* for twenty foar
hoaraat a *tretch. with Inlerv.U of
Uarcaliuis 1‘lamsimurBaB*.
ctily a few seconda. It ha* been heard
"'e find in bu *iOck quite a number
du«..- o, .od„™.
r Hetuakey a
Tlic Hart line
n foccerly ayer
at toe Strand Tbeatn. Lcwdoe. Any
^ to^'mn'do tola, ha* more than
____ ApMl
aa-Wlmt Happned to Jonea” mly
lanalywpeB the people then nn to
They anet not only be Rood
pUyere, they aaab be tom pUt
AfaneaotOr or aeCm^iea diMtoct
type of ^y«r. Rifted with toe to- ___ itoeaper
. element of MMviMeat
.whtoh taovea tofeetiooa.' centactoa
and BBtiitoR. The eoaepany which
-Itobicaa Bto^ Oa
I will prMeat JodM ta larialy eompoeed for. pototoOQ. oU atoeh. iO <
g jrioe for pomtoe* yaeof playare who bare helped to make
the ptoy toaone nnd toelodee John tord*y-» eento ■ bnabeL
AUleon. Jonph MeKeerer H. O.
Hnekry. M W. Montc«n«7. ViU U.
Charlea Onett. U P. BetoImrt, Merle Baynee. Flemee Morion.
Olive Morrny, Dorothy Armetroeg.
• toePn. the mnoone enrfneee,
Bertlm LiviocWtie end Mend AUiaon.
tton fainea U
aho^d n^to be
•■iLwm Iko me term cR toe eiiotiit
The Sol BoHto BnaMU pUy wMob
y willM i
conn. There we* a crowd of lawyme to will be eeeti nt Steinberg'* Otnnd at tiinn*. a* toe .
toa-B. The fadRe himmU was frcn Ml enrty dnee. U one of thoe*
d^ve ftw
down toe Ohio rim. During toe
by P. J. Cheney
hour a tinlel game of poker wa* U____ dim that will live for year* 1
Toledo, Ci, cctitntoe no___
of tor bapi7 metoodi of Umre ie nothing vnlgw, ert
euy. end i* Mkto intomnUr. acting
oonree to it, nor mel
flre^ynpoet toe blooded
habit eg RotoR to bed at S o'clock, tmp ItUeimplyB
off the ayetoM. In buying
and it all fraaiaed to be gtareyerd dall aane ploy.
Itla tidten inimmif^
tptoeviiltiBR lewyaaend the Jadfe.
Thie engngemmit wUl ha one of the
Wbirpnd word wmit ahoot, the* efora.
A Oa
that a game of oarda. with a meek and
®^?by dngglata, prtoe T8a per
lowly limit, would be a good way
ail ta* me»tisus.
ward off cnra. Bot then was do ^
HnU'i PwtUy Pill* are the beet.
Dp the *ie|t* qf ibe tobortiBS
d threw himself Into ll« laat
hotel wGBld never da A Itfrt
. ,.... ,_i,.
to any room after 10 o’clodc would bare
laov^Nl the moat baleful anraiMs and
toTmtiRatiao Is well
t loo often—bad for tbs bean."
altcnwy wa* ooe of Che tcremcat to v
raDRing toe otantoR ■pecnlaCiaa. It
be wba to toe fertility of faU oatura.
Just what aorpriaM me,*’
anggeated the SatboaL Bi* father wa*
profTtetor cf a flatbeat of ample cabto pursued tbr l•rea■IlIl')u one. "Tb*
anamnodaNoD. Just toeo U wm moor (reins aie 1 ronrouiiiledly- pooctnat.
knuiv, has a bad name.
ed, liow and H<n. at the foot of toe This line, yc u
It'd until I .-am* out III live here.
Icm. A rtaiple of games wae pro- couple
of mouths ac>. I1 tielleved
Itelleved every
' 40 come off that evening to word (hat was said agalnn It. Now,
tooof theflathcet. Itwooldbeout
I you Ix-llevp me. every morulOB for
offdgfatand hevtogof tbeteetyUtUe
last »tx Wi-<'V* this train ha.* heco
tog gambling.
•V.--. I d.i,"
"It ww to o’clock. The night
dark as the toteriar d a cow. Two
guMs were going on to the cabin of too ntmiit
“I Is-p vcinr |iinli>n.
.1,1. „
••Kb? 'U1.VI?
toroey and
*K«. Tbl* is the
bur were engaged. It made two nice
tablea Everybody was bending to toe
I’lastvr'•.-ISIS IU ibriruatonil auie are
game with all uf toe native ardor «( a
fn«l from dust by cimTii.g them
Krsiocky genUeman. It wb* aboot thia
lime when, to coeBpeziy with a friend. with a toirk hiyer of starch. Wbeo the ■UetAorraaluetlwpwtMDdlfeMioa.
4* dry. brash' toiruoghly
ogbly wit
I strolled on the iriro to the vicinity of
hradi. und it will he fooi
Dond that
the flatbeat. I waa 80 yean of age and
Id iiB. Iiecii tvnioved with Uie starclL
■■ E.CDeBirraco.CbUMn
bad no money. My frimd wa* eqoally dost
well fliid. Ou youth and onr poverty
The CliattahoDchee rivtr in Georgia
ao called from an Indian expnwac
were roorenud. thi di*Mve>ring the old BMwniUg ••painted r.sika” At s,-vcral
Wliy Have Gray Hair?
folk* ton* rharmingly cngaged_a *— places uu it* lank* tin- cliffs have prcullar markings that
mhle artificial
they were lawyen. That paiuttnga._______
clssa, M*i sod fluaj.au tmobh to
wa* reasoB enough for the J<Ac. As (tx
aaa. Not MKkj aur fn«fi, as
Ivot rase and fell cn the swell and slack
re first mad* fit»
eued toeropniweeast her ItBOP. Sikot
ly she drifted , away OVR (he dark bos-
n pul to
retnined to her
Tuesday after nuintng the . seaaou on [ -f offer a* follows:
the Holland-Mllwaakee roote under
charter lofh* Pvre Marquette com .one Sterling organ. *oUd wal-.
pany. The season charter jrioe wn* nut case, nice fancy top
largv-aixed fancy oee.cwt$16.00a The ateamer left Tuewlay f.w itoe
ern madqniano.*lightly need,
Mantotee to take oa a lead of-mlt for
with stool and scarf, to close 887.00
Green Bay. wb«v abc will lay np for Alau
___ ___
large stock pf new pianoe aeri
(be winter.
ombm to'toe Utwii
tb. B«*Ut . cm..l«,~i:.U,-l«4 alMhefa
uni; ly.r
filer, who live* near Ann Arbor, '
factarv and <
uUuLeat U ^y
■truck by a westbound Detroit, T{ui- guaranteed.
Unti fi Ann Arbor oar Tnceday even-'
W. YT- KlmbUl Oa
m Fnmt Street.
tag about a mile bom YpeilKiti and
B. «. Strong. Manager.
plNMtly killed.
Blue, black or*'grey — good wool Ker*
seys—equal in appearance to higher piriced
good*—beat values to be found.
! grey or dark color*—satin
shoulder or sleeve linings—“Raglan” cuff if
you wish—Splendid values at the price.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon eat
The finest tailored garments — satin
shoulder—all wool worsted linings — satin
sleeve linings.
You should see the above overcoats
and ulsters—sure to need them soon—Many
of these wilt go within a week.
riddl and raised
drew and filled and atr^dkd
auilralltd.allnneon*-Uma At * q'cluck
to the mcning Colonel Stobbins had
won »:o. It wa* in Mexi<
and be had smkered it about hi* booeel
old frame iu lialf a doteo rocketa.
WB*Bl>iul ullidibemotM'yatfhat Uble.
and C:)hmrl Eti-btHns vonolnded be
wife III cvw- op
n: to toe h^l eurlr and
arvMitogw Tfac rmt Jeered mildly nod
made invidious reniark* after toe fasbioD d lusen at poker Just as the game
break* up Bui Cokoel Stebbio* was
inflexible. He pot on hi* bat. bid cve^rbudy
xslv good night, eieiffitd
eietffied out
oot tow
inky darknem and carefully picked
bis wav overboard.
•■'niewsterwMMfretdecp. Tbeailver all but drowned the colutiel. bowFTiT At last be wa* firin-d out and Uid
acroe* a barrel to evict the Cfcio river
frtuu hi* system. The whoop* and yell*
of the voyagew at last broo^t a sleepy
Iitllctng totoriraid. They found tbemselVM IT mile* below the Wvm. For
Hsr\ls <->l sa,l burhlia-k < ft sUI» and -vlflnf*.
Hsrdsml sad hi-tuks-k vhitSscs *ad trlBminr». l>krd«,.>l i-urtsls imV »,—l. Hpntsl
msd#' ,si urth-r- u< Ur Vast luU AU
JOIHP4 W. OTT to 00
A Few Pointers!
To enable you to appreciate
to the fullest possible extent
the advantages of L. Adler,
Baos. & Co's, clothing over
any and all others made, wc
ask your attention to the fol
lowing points of exfellenee;
1. Shapely lines.
2. Fine inside work on th«
i. No gaping open of inside
rod toe party bark.
••TbeyarriTod at 4 o'clock in the ofternouG and found the town aalleoly lin
ing toe lecee waitiDg fee tot-m. They
were no* and all prcoipl It indicted. In
thefnnk entbnaiaamof youth »v/rieod
and I related how we had caft Ibeae
poker gamea adrift on the Ohla
made a grave mistake wbro we told
ibiseiory. Pnbliclyvre------- ----------- with indictinlet;
indictiiilet; privately we
eto by tbegmit—^
with deatl
ha<i betrayed to the river W* took
ooDusel of our wee* and witivait await
ing the werrt wvni wert. TliU m *1.
long ago—year* aga My partArC to
sin is now a United ittatm Judga
while I am to toe aesatc. We often diacom our dwtlnire and lay everytUtog to
that flatboat |wk«v game. •—WaahtogtCD PuKt.
_____ _
4. Hand padded collars.
5. Scylishiy shaped collars
and lapels.
6. Hand made button holes.
• 7. Linen stay to Support
pocket vertically and across.
8. Opportunity to lengthen
sleeve with its own material,
if necessary, without spoiling
its shape.
9. Excellenoe oj trimming,
which adds to both the style
and durability of the garment.
la Perfect fitting qualities
and well balanced cK^.
Wbeu van feel ibe prit ktog pain on
Ibe eycUd that annoontv* toe coming rf
a very
• »*y.
black lee. <T simply the tee k'*v»
eyvUd. Am K drise motstee again, om
if used befceelbeetygBttuw'erwayH
If you have been wearing
some other make of clothing,
tty an “Adler” auit or overcoat
tl^ fall. It will pay you to
do so.
The holiday* will ae<m be b««e. and
with Btnd.
mn^ ——
___ laelvee wito
--— ^
tlKT MB fiigeto As • IMUU to*c»
Over AOOO turkeys haw given np
their lives at to* "plokefy” ai Han
Mtd UUou* otfila,
over toe past weak and beea ehlppefi
_J«aaS Oolie, OM
Tlwnkagivlng Day, November 8».
east to funtiah Tbankagivtog dlaaen
foe the Boataeeea. Them turkey* _ne Mid fi^tolrfi fere between aU IMiared^
reprasset about $5,000 paid tofanaer*.
Thursday. Thanksgiving, our stye will
be closed from II a. m. for the balance of
the day.
Union aStreet
have auto rink fat egetoflanen
Three Lots
Wilhelm Bros.
The Boston Store
A New Eeaturc in
Ladies’ Rubbers"
A Gnat Improvement!
*) REASONS why Bailey's Patent Ribbed
1\ Back Rubbers must commend them
selves to all who wear rubbers.
ribbd] back pro' tects the clothing from becoming wet
or soiled on the under surface by breaking the
suction which two smooth surfaces make when
The ribs being near together at
the top and spreading over the
heel to the bottom serves to hold the rubber
securely on the shoe and prevents it from
dipping at the heel.
It prevents the breaking of the rub
ber at the heel where ordinary rub
bers always give out brst. A short fit cannot
be forced on the wearer. It also secures the
shape of the rubber till worn out The price is
A trifle more than you pay for the common
makes, but they will outwear them two'to ooe.
Ask for Bailey’s
Cbis Store
Will close at 11 o'clock for the day.
but will be giving bargains again Friday
morning, aa usuai.
% 01. mttHlieti
Mil 1
ta old M
l.liltewctdafay. Am(
teSBtaM tt MOi (OBdoe as
tbm'-mmt ei
«vth. tte m>
MU.whkh. BMcdiar to toe Bnk.
M«r* Deri we. tbeB
to*etatotaeMl7<d Bnbsead
- tk* WoOmt rf ell the goit. era
'Buh—hitlt Asr Onck dietkMfp
MBW«itortMv»totfaep»dna(ta«rtfatl r>to«d ■». iBJ^the
■ Kit* ta Bill vnAlped. Tim
, mraoBAT.'ciFOTBm*
am ]
rss; P'^^ssaac.'ssi
PTstsr-'KtrASSit,*' ~
W. a T. U. wfllbatoU
to. Mm. Mto will hard
edtla ito^nm. BaldMfifer
kn. ‘.‘Wtolto aad Beaidl^.'
4u B. <kfkad.toe baalMmi
Hh to leaal Bka atoa anat to Paotoay Taeeday wrmd^ to toetoU toe
?eato," artriwd to toe ai^ iMt aafwJitowdaj. “d report rnn^i/ m tm
y'a appato
MmI «rty tw m Ifdpto»t «e«
tr. Dee. •.
Daawiag fcr tto qnUt at K. K. mithe creattoost tlmt they tod reea
kr’a dng atm tealght. All toetog
totoa. Aflnarttoi^ todga —a
ttehataarangaiend tohaiaamtat
Afttotoa wt ( to tot altamotm, • o’tdeto. ,
The poet oOoe wiU be;open lottoy
Id by 1
and timtitotba
to ton araai^, to ehaige «( koaiT aatU 9a at aad■ 9p.m. Thera wttl be a mnirilng detoe ledge (rtMi toie eily. a aampt
Uvery made by the earrieia.
After the baaqaet the (oUowtv Tim Wwtoer* to toa
an oordlally torltad to attend the
ngator naattog ctf toe Wmmi'a Otob
•Aad toe Bi^ dall be flUad with Piiday aftetMonat lAOe'elcefc to
-ThtFwrStan of Gnmi
tipi^i to mSat a gieto cm.
The price to tbk sapab aad ^pificcet gactomi
knew'ealyfU- li am abeebtto cxavaced tha
Mi toefr’^^bhe^ heir'reiy ebondtoto VMberOtooUadaaHpeDiihprieet.
tnoto, “nieeB wcanca ere more faentlfalMd better tempered than thoaaod
•tain.*' Itoy ali^ dreeaed thsmMtoaa, to they do at toe proeent time,
to flovtoc white Baraenk. and in tbvir
hafpltr dayewere peatlyaddieied to
thavetd perfunwaiidaowonu They
wan todaetrioo, dpeoied wirre and
fewd iaatoai.-btiteaartrd cieat dtferen« (ran theirehUdren. Tbelr idtoetd
toCdeety wen eo etrict that they did not
pamit toeir dan«btem to luuh boldly
toto toefemor a man. and if aplrl
toCPWed awut ifaytien the fadlmunt
toatitn would pinch Iter armn After
- “
oof the
■ toin-
by touted brotoata and viMtore.
Shall we go c
Mre. D. MoOlnry and three ohUdren
ofOedarangnMUof Mra. J. J. Bakei
forTlSSk^vlng."'----------- :!-------- “
'Mrrasd Mra. Botort Dixon of Wex
ford, have returned home after a vielt
witli Mre. Helene Bregg.
Dr. and Mr*. J. VT. Oanntlett will
epend Tbaakalvlng with reUtlvee in
Elk Bapldn
Mia. bene Banhel of Bay City ii
toe gneet of toe family of her anot.
Mra. Lnry New bony.
Mie. Maude Arlt of Caat JonUn wai
oUmt tolufi it le rtnaded that in one
in the city to attend toe wedding of
heroouln, Mlee Bortoa Miller.
Dr. Pimak P. Banaay of Rapid Oity
that toenihoold ______ _________
than. Many yonnir motben were hnnK
Mra. b R. Gibbe U vUltlng in
fmBtnMUMt tS«lr intent.
(roto their feel. Tboee who
£. 8. Pratt returned from Uelaod
death wen etuknd with tfaclr
baadi and ehlldnn.
Dnaean OaldweU haa goae to Seat
ant UiM tie. Wato.
Franklin Helm haa goae to Everett,
Waatu. where be will remaia doriag
the winter, nod pertm{w longw.
Mr. and Mra. Fred U. Pratt aad
Ybdip. whto bnrineea it to be treneaetad.'tbaari(e takee theactiro part, her Miae Baekwi letamed yeeteeday from
haabaad aoddinti hie btod afflrmati rely. Mtlwankee.
Mr. aad Mra J. F. Pratt aad
It it act that toe daltee to domlobcr.
w be looki ap to bw, rely
torn otty.j
taMai and tnodeety. She
le alngnant and foiwfnl witboot'being
K. B.’Qaner'wai'; in'Interim
te^iaeiton, and ahe nerer erolda. l\lien
wtoanbeU. If beReuintoiitoted, toe gnldee Uin boote. If be etnkea
tor. toe eaya. ‘ H® doc not know what
toll doing." reganUng him.wstli
gahe (otbearanm. w that' dot.... .
bcawlf ate quite nnknown. It
l-< r
ptetonre toglre him the btomf-whu-.
they hare, keeping for bcrwll Mh'
' Thk woman'* home ha* a thatch.d
roof end earthen flonr. Sbehainotmty ohjeota aroand tor. HammneV* serve
■e amk by day ee well a* bed* by night
Thwe Uooe low chair (g Moo) on which
■he Mtewhile tor banv fingna make the
ganaaitB td toe family. In tme comer
Nadi a towch aad grinding Roooa Her
hand* grind all the an oa.<d in that
hambk abode. The file 1* bnilt on the
Soar between three ohaea. go which
reWi toecUy pm or the duk for bakiag
tortUUa Ontaideat the lack of the hot
J. H. MeOoagb letnned Uat e
ing from Oraat. where be loaded a
lo^ of poultry.
John Probert reCnraed laat night
from Sherman, where he bat Jnat finialied a large pUetefing eontraet
Alderman W. W. Smith, with hie
datightera. MUeee Jennie aad Helen,
and hi* ton Jay, have r^med from
vitil ^ Benxonu.
B. V. Waring returned yeeterday
from a bneiaea* trip to Petoakey.
Mr. and Mra. Oharlet N. Oaidaer
of Sooth Boardiaan. are epeadit^
Thaukigiviiig with relatives ia the,
F. W. PeantogtoB of lalerloebea.
U speeding Thaakwriviag with hU
I-relaaae U«.l WUKHhr a Grek 1
np toher
Mwa. yet her hand* are aull
nail and prto
ty. tor voice i* fwem and low. her lanIf yi« approach
Bar nai mev
mwithaach ptr- Landlord Boetrwa today:
fiMi gneeai
wlto ConUallty. that yoa ato youaeU if
toa kwota priaceaa tndkgnua. She
a Umtor fcr hk
■■•kr, toa white mi i, now owner U
mmna hear Be
praalii deeka jirhsu wattiag
beaaty aad neeambk price to oor-goods wiB empria yon
SKI-I-S tor*«f OAkU BK^IsA.
ooPMTAs^K s*rovss.
ovjtoi-irao IRONS.
Interior telephones for for house, factory or store. We
can wire anything from a call bell to a whole city.
Itoto k-wmrt« Sto.
Grand Traverse Land Co.
RAM. Bloek
IX a. Miixmi
Luol B-invtAllw, Ot >.
Ciraltitla 111 EiiiiiatiN Fm aii SMctIt CNtoitiil.
The Celebrated Sbeclalists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, Mich., will be at the
Uaiab and the nine,
tmth obapta of the eecood book*of
KiatoareaUka The kmgea vme U the
Blato to the eighth chapter to Estbai
BsU ut.
toe ahortiwt the thirty-fifth of the eUvtoth toapter to John. The tweety-fir«t
verse to the ecvtelh toapter to Em is
the only «ie to Om entire oolbcticn
wfaito contains every letter in the altoebet The word "Lcrd," or iU eqnivalait, "Jebonb." ooenrs 7.698 timm in
toe Old Testameat. or. to be mure exact, r\B A H BOLUDAV. sisdnsM Tor
LJ USIT.NNI17 oa«r in Msowa BU« '
the weed "Lord" orenn 1.863 tlmsa plKM.
ottro. im. rWtoKW IM.
■ad toe wcH "Jeborto" 6,846 timea
The weed "Ood" does not omr in the
book to Eatba.-St. Louie BepnbUc.
Id tuU from 16 to IL.OOO oa (.^>o.l
cbittrl wteoritj, jewelry, faraitans
piaoos, hoTieaoranykind ofgto,-^.
»m 1 sod 2, Hamilton
a MilUken Block.
xzacaD ojuxto
THURSDAY, NOV. 29,1900.
rtw td trola, at Trevia t«»rl Hrpe nklHU
c*tE BBScSeelsccteg
g^IJSS "fiS"JSL, o„
bOUC Irish OWWI.ni^
FAsIST^aTS^ Uat to dealmhla
farms aad ether Undn
FRUIT LANDS on the FeoinsnU—
lUpoved and onUnprored.
BAROAINS-We have them.
l**tomrt«fitomotom« ^mrwipm l-to. o. p. tom aoo
o. p., mil mHmpmm mrato oolos^.
middle T
eighth chapter <
leficieocy to lo
cal color in such a book. Webearmoeb
to toe "Saggarth aroon," the "Tnbbernaeoora^ the "CnehU Masee" and
• -insn.
• Now.
taoa uiing* pe-emioeotiy
the "Snggiuth aromi" is a cepiul fish,
eenadallv whoi served with "mace
HoUandato" and aU the work know*
toe moet p
Grand Traverse
I-and Co.
HOUSES fcr mU In aU pane of toe
j, 8BESS|8<:pEase£H»l
vflin'hn c_i
CHIM 14N3 UR9VC7 .
the esce]Mian. to
coarse, to sorb a naivetaelly nndtncood
npark s* "Begcrrah. ” «that toDchhig
phrweto aideanaeot. "Fangh a balkgh. "-W.UA)d« la Idler.
J__ ;i
Sann reader, who is not familiar with ,
toe Irish Uogoage.u*ooietimes"malre.....................
bbanarimred'-wben he c
TrevMw Oir
Uie Utto sto BoAu. :
Pere Marquette
brjprapUr aOpaM to. Xorthww^to^ ;
^.e to refund the monev 1
oent bottle of Greene's Watti
rap to Tar if it falls to c
oiwgfa or POlA We also gnj
*•** • Boislo. Feb. »!TSr _________
BMney refimtUd.
a E. Wait,
Bngbae A Boxbnrg. At boae rrtre t «• W a. w. md t
Jaa O. Johnaon.
F. O. Thompaon.
rvA U 8WAKTOS. w«rtAl 4lt.«
Mill HI vim
.... .
tal. Aaa Arbn-. I* opni tor recocratttU
Tb^ mto vtdeir njtd i*v<wU7 ka«-vn NpKn*l)«i in ta.- I'blUd Stato. I
rvBarkabb- lUll >ixl uiilT.vml icniB in Ibn larpnM h<Nt*tal> Is tbr trorid <
Nt •cM.tlflc
aUCHBumc. KXBVoC^.SIlIV uidBIJNlU lni>w» bin« Ibn Utto
mUtto Aim Ui ibn fall r^mfid^c-* nf tb«* ifTln Mil .-Tnrj-iraen
vrtBOidM. sad
■‘fit I!
■iBistn I Northasstam R. R.
In diSerent toeallties for mU on rear
terms. AUo money to loan an read
estate aaoerity.
no tfix dfise iMoted K aincKe.
a HaaUtoa A
< Block.
DontBe Foolxdi
assSisss'Jsss??*'^'''; ,^t2=is£j3aS!svr-“
twwatoto-^SaresrvUieiTfim -
AT sianm taw
iiill 'if
BL0^80M.^^JWar^rfn-^^^^t.^tm«il fatlrelr
Rappened to
! The Moet Successful and Scientific Treatment of all Diseases
ar>d Weaknesses Possible to Obtain.
bols. KMiu-v. Unv. BlAddnr, (bnaUr rvator And S>-iiud IKama. npm^j Forvd bj UoAtodOl
IhAi hu w-rW
w-T%v fmlW IB
In tbouAAndA
tbouAAndP -rf <»— thAi had b—n pror
prra>rranr-"d hiyond bop-, tony poo.
pi- m«vt
BUM ^Atb
itotb rr-r.
rrrrr 7*«r
r-Ai- who wlpt
Wlr^- hAvr*
*•-----•------------•----- ' Io-------•—•
.i. a_.. —v. -1—I
be«« rcotorv^
pvtin.-. o—.
■ -V—w—.
CBABB IS tbr hASdr of >-rp«-u.
from Fort Wayne, lad.
St Tvsvm» gt7._____________ iwea
The Bible ocatains A6M.480 letter*.
610.607 wards. 81.176 veraee. 1
toapter* aad U books: Icaagea totoUr
is the noth Palm: the sbartea and
‘^l*e»5m'lo I
mr*|d Oma •Hmeitom mr*to OlotoM.
SevMto tod Eighth gradM of the Ooikal atoool yeeterday, oa toe enbjeet PUK BAU-Tbne<oM wood.
r J O Jmn. Msto sad (.
Of "Good aad Bad HaUl
f There wma a fall rehearml of "The
Heialahin the Oity Opera Honee
ket evening and there will be an
other Friday night. ThU wUl be the gQ MKB. WAinn to
glen tea, nttempt nt a mnaieal prodaotiaa ever given here nod it toonld
The two diepky window* of Jnlln*
Steinberg'* *tote preaent
M April ud iud. • moe
Kan, •‘then 1 ww*
id by Bweklaa'e Axaiea
toe world'e hart for
Bamum & Earl,
SthethM Omp
:k.l_ BR08.,
ooonpytog it ae a drag etocu______
ntw Stotk...
Caftst ntotlHts
mskt F«kf s s
Ccoas aad sa..
FTJS'i.'SrtirSs tKi
Aa oyaiar aapper wnagivee Tnaod^
•raalng *o toe ownberry ptokere of
Mr. and Mra D. O. Lento at Walm.
The employee oo toe teuto of toe
O. B. A L aUo enjoyed toe feaet
Mra R. Fnller fane sold her ekte
balldtog at Imarlotoea to toe firm of
Baa already bees eeea io
aeariy all tbe principal dtiei
^ the world. It
Xto Saih Adam* U ependlng her
with Mn. 5. L. Oibhe
ir.ac.. aada:
aaBkiadi. k
Wt tjwfbm
to iatot for lea then 9)0.
eelaad toto. lined with
V^BEEkmaearaahatpin. (kriMfialer
earn that b^ tbe ^
Tha Mght oalai
aU toa toUShaU (eld toeir teua, like the
nade eatertog toU oi^ will ba
Aad ae eiletoly eleal
oM today, oa aeooaat of Thaaktoivtog
tb*Mto-«< the BtotaMu
Km. B. Fallto tow rutoiiiil toa
More formirty oeeaptod by A. B. Mil
pNpl. <d AMtte were III
ler on toa earner of Elmwood avaeno
rwetoon. io-Vtaittog“Blk^IIayer
Mivnnato add pelstltice la
Vte OOtoabM OMDi to America fcr P. a WetoleL •
O. a Marfce. Ohe*• <a«th ttiae. he met on toe lUgk
mmm kage hart, la wbhA w«e am
mtolwas. My MieUgaB-Jndga K.
wyiaadeMl^ Italio.b^am
a Vewabem. Onnd Baptde.
Sa took, indoata
Um oarto^
rm^ aade ganacnta. The tneekn Fell and Town, Petntoey
L Tbi7
'MnJhMI of MteUiW toOaliaaiid otow
BpeeUlty, Stag and Daaee—Me
kkfcto to trade with toeir lohehl^U.
Tha li#M wna niallT rlmliril In irtiHe PeU and Town. Petaafcey.
A New BU and An Old SoldieraatoganOMat Thty
aAaovtoaaa Fiftrao ^ran later toeir May we love oar eoBstxy and each
laad. todajr tolled YacaUa. waa larad- otoai—Hem. Oecaga O. Oovaa C. a
aTir toe Spaalard.. bat it otat toe Dlatrlct Atutney. TtBretae City.
artita Sto te yean of warfare to pH
Beeimtion-Mr. Paal C. Davie.
•eatool <d toat oonutry, for ereiT Mqnt
Orand Rapide.
CoitoM lihea bera They
Kong-Mr. John Barry. Travel
b raadlac the week* left by toe City.
Beeitatioa-Mr. Panl P. Davie.
—we lean that OTBDd Bepide.
.w women wen« rery pood lookSong—Mr. -A. a Joyee, Tmveree
laft ae many are at the pnannt day; City.
Bang, "Maady Lee."—Mr. D. a
. indditriotie. modeet and ao ^
into todlly that they omr (taualted Levlneoa. Peloekey.
Oor New Elke—May we ever to
the tobnw, altbonch their
prond of-them-Mr. 08. Beil)y, Che^
AM. to phyaiqne Um wo
am HUM
Mmt '•
■imtacia temr
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