The Morning Record, August 18, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 18, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




AUm Oaptarad F«lda
B«ett*d ICiBteUra



■ataUatChatoohan a talatnm on.
umulBC that air Bobart Hart, to Impartol anmia^lnm ad morltoa cu
bam. with hia ataS. tea ladt PlaWa
rt AaralaarwIU
haaaMte i
to tout


TO EEL msm
Two Anordiisto Ayrootodte
Oama frau Inr^ erlth Anwafl P*rpau/>f iuaaatoittoc Preaiflant cd

After a Tear to Prlaon tdn
XacanoU Loan Bar

Vonl(B Troops Xatorod tbo
O^Uol Usoppoood

Pniudftu-Ihhan Into Outody
by flaerat Sarrtoa Kan Who Bad Xo-

Fmrtk Ynr-Ho. UOt ^

J.Pnaok thal


I of TUaauTkk

Ifraraday arantoc i. Panak lent a
mtoahtoUcyda tom thahaUMxt to
Btatobuc'aOraad Open haua. Tha
wheal had haw plaaad than dniac
to psrformanu «l -Twa
Tnmpa.'* and wbra Mr. Panak wut
to took tor it, It had
Tha whaal wu d Mornlmr Baeacd,
in ttU city ^ B. A.
wlc. ThapeUu
oattortkathiaf,hat tbutorwitheat

dartotleo eflMr Zataattona-:
Olirhilie tokorBiBahteeta.
It an Bx.Oaariel.
JeUat, XU.. Asc- 17—Uxa Ann UemU of PatouTllla.Ohio.eto to May. taeui mtbe Mantiu hMsrd.
OMAaW DkvftWkM OeBbwd Oj tna. Iddaapped GataU Upator. and
two aod eoa haU paan. la Chtofo aad
tort ua Udua ananl aaoto. la toaaaa aftar a jmr^ aoaAaaant la aad Miahul 0«1^ who, aeeordtoc to
WatUartoB OOctola AmU Auto
PauadAway al Meat, Ohie.Afuran
to BtaU paaltaattorr. ShaWutaku
• thta aoutry erlth
ly tor W«S frea Omni Oaffn.
mnauof Maarly roarM«
today lotoB
to aaeoad por^ of f
%mi M to somac «Mto.
Praaldut MeStoley.
WaUa^to. Aaf. 17—n« toUowUf
Tha man <
A talaframwu raealTad at 1 e'cloak
I an to
«■■ rmind br to Barm of Savlfv
Kaiaer WObolm.
tUa moraine by W. O. Bddan annoaaattoa. I—III boa Adalrot Mgmty.
WathtoctoB, Aac-17— Tha amat ol iBc tba death of hU fathu. Jamu A.
•'TUni. A«t- 1?. 1 *■ a.—Bon Jut Booohpor AAkodfor Bnoklojr NataUa Moreau and Mlehael Oalda to Bolden, of Kant, Ohio. Mr. Holdw
loutna * MUrna boa TtolUa ft DmgUm And X. ft V. B.
Haw York by aaerat aarrim men, eru Wiu lure for that plau today oa to
totto Amg. 11.10 p. m.. tot Ptkia WM
dltutad by Cblaf WUkia of tba aaerat 0. B. A I to atuad to fnaoral.
uptvad Ao( IS, ud tot to tonSm
XaTOlT- aarrlu bsTuti to Wubtocioxi. beuua
U^Um m wfe. DoalU iriU toUow Oaa. P. Macrtoa Brian
to hie banda for unral
lac •4,000.000 Worth of Praperty. waaka that thau mas wara eonnaetad A ftw days aco. howeTor. a latter i
WMblagto. A«r- 1^ The oetlnc
ipa and
raeelTad from Mr. BoldanhabUr a
to Baeonr Oartato Allm^ Proflu
McnUrp of aute aokto pablle to UAtoe to ihb oountry to atumpt the life toe that be i I aomawbat better, :
lowinf talarna naatna thl» aoralaf 'from to Boatneu of to Company. of Praaldut McKtolay.
tot to newt of tha da
Iroa to tlaltad H^tia amal at
Tha IGtaniar Prau of Grand Baplda
Tba praaldant
It hu
1 a rbfaaed to 1
eboek to Mr. Bold^
Cbafoo: .
lut nlcht ebnulnad to followtoc. any attempt would be made on hb
“Ghafoo. Aaf. t? SeatoUry of Suta wnleh will proraof totarut to tbla part Ufa aad be bu ukan ho prauuUona
TraverM Bella Camp U Pepnlar.
Wuhlaftoa. Tbe Japaacu adalnl of tba auta:
r^artatottoaUlw atuekad Pakla
“DataUa of the moat important torn
Tba aaerat aeretee buruu
how- of tba moat
Aar. IS, udar
bar eau which has anr been bronchi aear. fait warranted to ^wtoc
« anator

' JapaaoM eatarad to into to United Sutea oourt of tbla
uplial wltb to etb* torau. Thar diatrtot'ware clean oat
thau man warn arrutad u to runlt
iMuadlatalp taimadad to Ucattoa. talaUeetoaanitwhleh bu jntbeeo of thalr own words, aad ether biforma“
Tha toautn wara toaad aafa..
oommuead toeeletoc oear Uon acatoat them.
“Tha Jaaaaui loot onr 100 ma aad worth of property to tbU aUteand
Mcraaula an u-eoaelet.nbjaet to'
d Smiti
ether torn amonnu to Canada aad to daportatlona under fba Immlcratioo
‘■a. O. rawlar."
northwwt Tha eomptotoaot la Chu laws. BewUlbaeaetbaektoBiiropr.
■ Uodaa. Aar- l7-»Tha aUiuaatari P. Bncclaa
Chleaco, and'to defend- Net much b known of Outdo and ha
Pakla wltoBtflfbttor.
anU are Edward Baaklay of Maaktao, wUl be raUtoad nntU Iteanbedatar.
am raltond aad tba fonlram
WUUam Doactom of MaaUtu, to mtoad whether he b almply an immi„
atad." Sa^ la to dtopatob raeaind Baekley A D<^
crantora dancerou lanatie wbohetrea to Oaraua aoaaal atSkaarhal of ManUtaa aad to Manlatu A NortolUto ha hu a mbatoa u tba auauto
aadffinaontbjtoBarUateraln of- autara raUre
(mu to hick plaou
fiuatl o'eloak tbla aftamooB- Tta toeau of to partlaa. tocatbar erUh to
Tha pruldut U not dbturbad by the
.aollaau of to Oktoau raalataaM U ax- torn ame^ tonlnd, and to i
raralatiou of
platoad to dltpatehu fito Sbakphal tieaal dataUa aUafad, make to
him, bat It b tba bulnau of to a
U batocdaa to to tallaraof toCkl- upaelaUy totareettocoerriu to look afUr t
«to flood toooaatrT batowTaaf
“Charlu P. Bnci
h wbelher toy come to
to Manlatu, and la now a wealthy up- thb eouuy to kUl tha praaideal or
wltb to daa at Pal Be wara aaflntoh- Italiat to Chleaco. BneUay eru hU
ad aad to aaaa! at Tear Okew waa hrotbar-to-Uw to lt74, whan toy ba­
fall of water, taeUitattof boat traaaHAOB 0^0 Hid BdCAPB
in that
pon wbao tba aillea arrlrad tore- Sic- year BoeUey faUad to boatoaar. want
aala batwoaa to alltoa and
tote bankmptcy, aad 'after a huriac Dbutch from Pretoria ConfirmaBaholdlar pvt of tba wall at Pakto wara erudltahtrcad to baakrnptey Into
port of Dewal'a Pllc^t.
oaohaan^ dartoc Wadnaadap moraine. federal coarta. Ha had no property of Special to Tec Monlar Beeer4.
Loadoa, Aac- 17 — A diapatcb
any natnre. and Baccloa. HU atatad,
London, Aac-17—A dbpaveh from
Eaatar'a Talfram Oompaaj, from decided to taka him Into bla employ.
Pretoria oonflrmi to report that Da« to atataamat that
‘Bseklay cladiy ooaaontad. and an wat auecaadad to eludtoc KlUhnar aad
toalliu aatarad Pakto iradnaadar10 whereby Back maktoc C^ hb ceupe.
Waabtorten. Auf. 17—Bawa of the
« aunko Ihe t
flaal roaeaa of the mlaiatan la to eom- Eucclaa’ latarcau. or carUto porUou
plataly to harmoay wlib tha aspaeu- of it. nnder direction of Bacclaa. Hu
ol the adatoiatratloo tot tba Ulur to raeeTra 10 per cant inUrut Britbh Poroa to Dbambark at Bhanc
praaUaat. aod atmbtn of to cablaal
Praneb wUl do Llkawbc.
>hia toTcsttoolndad. ballen It, notwlibaUadlnf meat, and the balaaM of the proflu to •peclal toTbe llorBioe KecorC
to Shanchai data. 1%aro haa bean be diTidad agnaUy between Baccln
London, Auc- IT—A dbpaun from
Uttla rallaoee plaetd to Shanchai dla. aad Baeklay. Tbara wu no wriitao Sbancbal. dated today, uya tot Warpatebw atooa to datalla of to
afiaaeieat to thU. howarar. bat almply ren.-tbo Bmbb coual, announeu tot
era of all tba ainiatara to Pakto ware a earbal nadaniandlnc which eontton. be hu ordert to land to Indian troopa
ad nntil 1«»S. when tha earbal tarma there. M, Brzinre. the Praneb conanl
Tbua who haneloaaly followed to were embodied to wrltlnc.
Ceaaral. bu ordered two battaliou of
dataUa of the raliaf monmaot are atUI
“In ISM It wu deemed adeUable to French traopa to come from Salcon.
_______ They waat to hear nawa
taka WUUam Dooclam into the bati.
from Uaaaral Cb»ffee. If It U trae aaaa. Donclam and bb wife contrlbntChaftu abeald hare bua aMa to eom>1111
Battle Between Flu and Sharkey Sat a
manluu It to thli c«
loeklay A Dooclam Lumbar cempaay
More stylish, shapely, com*
a tha Oereaaa oootal to wu formed andis to opeeation today.
BhaachaL Thera U
“In 18ST the Manbtaa A NoitoastBChal aad araBaUroad wmpany wu onranUad
New York. Anc. K-A. C. Brown,
and utisfactoiy shoea were
Pakto. AU Baaaucu haea bean
aad a Una bnUt from Uanbtu to matchmaker of to SeuldaSMrtinc
riad from Tal Nan to Pakto. .tw mllaa, TraearuClty. fortopnrpou of Inm- anb.and Tom O’Bonrke. manaerrof
byeoarrier. Ohaffu bu a alfoal eorpa hartoc and cairytoc on tha totaruU of Tom Sharkay. met today and chanced
aod ha reported prompUy from
the lember company. The upltal atoeh tha dau of tba battle of Bob FitulmTeanc, Yanf Taas. Po St Wa aad Ma wu orcinally MOO.OOO. but wu to- mou and Tom Sharkay. from AucToo. BodUuteh hu bean reulead eraaaad to u» to
to 8S.
from Cbaftu ainu tba aUlu left Ha
"Tba bUl of coavlatot b a toy axTutardAy'a Baae Ball Oamu
Too. Dwpatehu rapraaantiac tot hautieaoaa. eoeartoc to detaU to
TaacCbow wu takeo wpra not oSelal
tcUl u> TU MorDlac k««ert
otto lumber company
I thoaa raperttoc that
xaTiosai. utaauK.
and to rallraad eompany.and to buThe Popnler Shoe HouwallUaeraraat Pakto.
toau ralatiou of the aomplatoant with
Uea hu bau kept epaa Uhaflu ahoald
. It U aeerrad ti
thatt Bucclea
be able to nt throacb to flnt nawa put to practically all of the
vartad Into tha cntarprlaa*. and that
Per two daya toe erar department
by eartato Gain.
bu hau anxloBBly tooktoc ter another
• U
'raUtiea to amouu they
aaaun from OhaSpa. In tUw of to eoald draw out for paraenal aae.
Blaraa tohtoca.
raperu from flhaachal tau ahxUty U
'Bafctoa aUecu that toy haea eloPhlUlu.
InmiiTT^ lotbar than dlmtoUhad.
latad their acrumaatt aad drawn Doaohaa and McFarland.
London. Aac- u- A dUpatch from larfa auma of money oear and abore
81. Umb................................
ahaa^mluyatoaUUaantarad Pakto that to which they warn uUtlad, that
on Amc- IS. ft U rapartad tot to
Powell aad Bobtoaos; WUlb and
paid hb money acamproaa, Prinu Taaa. to Imperial
aordtoc to acraamnt aad that tha da- Olarka.
Kold aad mwt of to army aad
anxnicax nnaeux.
tandaau have aot kept toith with himBoxen toft Pakto oa Aac. ‘Hv Ktiaa.
“Tha lut annual report of to lum­
Chiuco Ti MUwaaku.
MUwaaku, c
Ta Yhanahlkarh troou haea cone from
bar eompany abowad lu aaaato to be penad cm aeaonnt of nto.
Pakto to 8h*a to protaat to amprau
«S.tot,S4l aad lU debU
Aay part of to ewtipent, be to conIS. Tba
It to m< 04S.
uydul atoek
ataat, dlroet nod
Tnm*— Aac-1?—A dUuteb to to ettoroilraad oompaay wu^.M
, honAtofdaaAd i
Outrai Kawa frau Shanchai aaye that mmuhaetochaunKtendad_______
pe««aA Mr. Eacetuaow aaha fora,
A aad to fMt, .rary one yon
theapp^Mwt^a nodee
al. hu eorraatad to I
If you SEE paopla. you un't do any
more ton Ulk with them, and yw
^U^dafandu'tt Irom^b^^S
to ptopeity ac toje^c_________
can do tot fr«m yoar own •ffiu, arith
Am iayaaeUoa wu
td aad United
a larca urine eflutad by to taletotuM.^ WW hu cou m
pheoe and plaaad on to eradlt ride of
to aerTa the papara.
Ilrteom^atot wu Sled 1
Wapiny thu. heed him not who to ladcar.
aaketh tnae to take aomathiof. aaid «a
BAtre you one to r«ur efleef
“®r**^* Staraw of thb city, be to aama u to BotoMoanbOn
Sir Bebart Mart Laft Pakto.
atraya tu Mr. Bafclaa. with M. 3 Tu made by to Madbencadtatoa On.
. Hua;S-7r 43? 17
NtUar of Ch.«cace M eesnaeL
Aakyoor drifcbt



Base Ball Supplies,
•te, Jiut raoUnd «tth«

We are closlngr out our QoU Goods
at Cost.

Hobart & Beecber Co.


a pair

For Ladies'

Never Sold
for Less Thee 12.S0.


From Your Desk
You Can



Made Beta
12, $1
SI .00.
•1.2o, $1,50.

Bartender a
75c, 11, $1.25.

Fall Goods Arriving Daily
III Summer Clothloe, Hats aod Forilshlaes
Adirrsx C3-0.

Everything at Gut Rates!
Yonr dollars will woA wonders
at this store.

The Oil|[ Eotire New Stoat la Traversa CIti
S. BETSriD^ & CO.

Tliis Dfterlig Is Tempiiej Eioegli Te.lespire a NeedI

Dress Hats
-------- - Croahera, Fancy Straw, etc.
time to ahake the old hat and pot on a little atyle.

Now ia the

See onr window and take your pick C fl u

of any hat there for........................vUu
And. then ask your neighbor to guess what you pive for it—
That will tell yon what yon have uvea.


$3.00, $3.50, $4.00
For LadJer, the “Composite”............$8.00
For Ladles’, the “Gloria ....... ...... ^ $8.60
.For Gentlemen, the “Governor”......^$4.00

It's Jb Pitpes i Smith Shoe, a Shoe With a Recerd.
Eyem Pur Warrnted. Toe Gat Them at

Hew Shoe Store


4M9~Frent Street


Dozens *


Traverse Citt

■liar's tasY
V troobled with yoar feet daring this hot
mir of tbeee soft flexible shoes will giro you
MiBor*a •*BAsy" Slioec................................ $aj60


I vMunsa nooBD.
unaaonr - xicBiau


uue me tattn

F. O.ItpenBa, pnprlator of tba 1kMa ta tbotr
. not tefaQr paka.Kam^ Oaptel. node fane«bff
tha oAltei of Bov. CImrtes M. BhoMon.
tetek tba el«y yaal
BofTteM «>d OlOfateBd. an w
an bte Why boMs ta Tnpiba.
odoaotyMO. Tko i
with Batoa tete Blaaov
XV-BAsn. aiiMri
eaote MQla Bogan ateppdd at Pork
aotes. white Ctoaolaad ww dotalad ta
■owT«k hy OM of |bo DiMarallf UuijaamkG oabte wa^fron bte
Ina. Bottbara on ao dlaMiM bMlaCBteafoto Uaoottagaat FerortlAagB
lathaBaMbUcaa party today. 1
Hr. teMm. B. W. Tinpibal]
MtlMaflritat faetfaat or MM^te
tteter Omo, pooMi thnnch
Mtftetep. no pv«y ataadi
aHy yteMdey on tbalr way from
avMo to IBs worid. praiMtloy «
teoBaateMtis ofoar ABwtte» Iha noM to tbatr bona fa Faerte. m.
T. a Uttte and wife
Cbteogo. ora
Mllnw an te tha PawBimtlr
MdlBf aoM# ttma at Pork Pteea.
party, aot iBo EapoMkaa.
Mm C E Shapbard of Ohteago. la a
gaoBtotPark Pteoa te tba rest of tha
BrnitlMte apaat test Sana ‘
K. !. TMPt hu
aad made A boat of frteadi who
win ba glad to i^t bar agmia.
Mr. aad Mm E J. Oamwall of MaaBa teaew roady te lataa. are La tba diy te aoBM 1
«teUo«ld caatoMra. at wall to
A pony of raaortan from Old Mladan
use ta OB tba ataaoMr Oaaaana :
ItoBM wUk • fom gnm i
tard^wbara they ware mat by
■aasm m-mIM DtmotnU to oppem lAborDay. aador tba anapteat of t*a Park Plan buaaa and taken to
Ooatnl Labor .UnlOB- Tba Oolawbla hotel, whore they took dlaaar. The
mkooxhtx faM bM& tha tndltiosal wUlroato >l*wh-ta-waau. tba ton party was eompoaad of Dr. and Mm
•alter of tiM portj inm Um d»r« d belac ?s oeata for tha rooad trip.
WUliam F. Barkey. Mr. oad Mm B. O.
Aotawo tetlMdartof Bnhoaui.
E. J. Bolktey.for«rly awall WaowB
Mrv. Lues. Mm Paddock, MraU liw Prasidnl Polk oSorad
of Grand Baplda. la ta Walla. V. C. Vaeghoa. Jr . Hlaaea Borrta traaSpolB ferthaaa
tba el^ rapreaaallDir "Tbe Mlyfat Be- tenia and Oertnida LaSogwell.
«< •100.000,m.
tee Chriaimoa" company which U to Chandler Baoeb. Miaa Anna >Baaeh,
•iHorlty fros
appear la dtaiabert'a oa the 25th.
MUs Carrie Eiaaa, Walter Trumbull.
Bolkley boa epant tba past yaor i
B. 8. Mores oad Stewart Boleporter oa tba Saw York Joamol and
MlasMooaey of Oread Baplds. vtaltMhorltr. hod 8^\wesptod.
only qaltted that poailloa Ao»- let.
ad friends in the city yesterday on ber
iho ate «TM rtfiiMd.
to the mart at Old Mission.
The Boye’ Bead will yive oa axcarAfoU la 1854. oador tba odalateirsWm. MeEayand aapbaw ofCUatoa
sioo to CbarlCTOlx on the ateanar Cel*
. «tes of Protfdoni Pteree. tmi tlten mlaambte tomorrow. The boat will leave Co.. Ohio, ore spaadlag a few days la
teurt to feofteod. Prooee ood dpote.
the dock at 8:80 a. m. Six hoar* will tbaelty^ They orestoppiag with Joba
whovoroJMei Bui
ba allowed at Cbarlevote- Pan 50 Oompbell of Lake aveane.
■aooe oad Ptem Bools, iMt at Ootood
The Hotel Leelanau of Omeaa now
oad Iseasd tks tomms Gktsnd Boai
The Bpwarth Laacna of tba First bos TS gneiu.
IMIO. Which is silMfwas that Iftpoia
Omeca Ian.
teaU rofoss to sail ObU te tba Uollod HetbodUt ebnreb gave tba second of
Mm Chat E Cbapia of St. Jobno, U
•Mat for •180.000.000, "wa ohoold ba Chair Cbiaaae soeloU test eveaiaf. A
vlaltlag the family of Manager Pulfrey.
^atitad br mrj lair, homan and dir- lonra aambar wen prasaat, and a
Mist Martin gave a eora rooet on the
laa. la wraatiac It trow' Srala U wa food offerlnr vraa ttkea for the boaellt
beoeb wbieb woa a moat dellgbtlol af­
of the leofaa.
poHaaa tha powar."
A vary plaoaoat birthday social was fair. about 100 being preeent.
TUa oowa to nothloc. bat la the
Friday evealag the -regular party at
Mat admlabtraUOB Prealdent Boehon- flvan at the Baeoad Methodist ehoreb
the Ian woa well attended and enjoyed
Mlathraaof htoonnaal maaaocaato test avenlBf■
d that Ooho OBCht to be
Throngb on error yaaterday the date by tboea preoent.
Late lOirlvale at the lea are H. A.
oaa a port of the Oaltad of the Pe^lnaala MeElntey Cnb ideale
laa A blU for the pnrahoaa qt Cobs WBSflva^aa Wednesday. It abonld Lovey, Wife and daughter. St. LouU
W. D. Meyer. Elwood, lad.. Mr.
I latrodosad doriaf BoehoBaa'a have rood Tosaday. Aofiiat 31.
Mrs. EW. Kempoball. Mim Clara
a br Banator SUdall. bot foUad of
A party ooaoUtliir of Mr. osd Mm
li. Peoria. III.: A. M. WalU
W.C. HnllaBdehUdran. Mr. and Mm
; ptetfonnaof W. D. C. Qenaaiaa. Mrs: Bogert. Mm and wife. Hanford City. lad ; Mr. and
IldO—tba Brackanrldfo oad tha Do«f- H. S. Bell. Mm D. B. Titus oad son. Mrs. W. A,BMtiaa. IndteaapoHs. lad.
The Cloreie.
las" than warj pteaka tarorinc the Mr and Mn. F. A. Clary and ebildrea
aanaantioB of Cnha.
KBd Mr. and Mra. L W. Tiakbam spent
Among tbe'^ceat arrivals at the
Bataotosly did DamoenUe preai- yesterday oa Csrp/Lakc They bod a Clcveraore Mn. A. E. Buee and two
Aaata favor tba oaBazatteo of Caha, Sae time.
aoesofCbicoRo; E. A. Dawson, generbat OB effort waasaada by Preaidaat
Tba remter bnaday exeertlon oa tbs ol freight .agent of the Penn. Central
Fteroe to oanez Hawaii, and a treaty M. .h S. E. will ran to Moalatee to­ E B.. Mn. Dawson, Mary, Horace and
OdaaaaxaUoB waa mada<by oar mlaU morrow.
Edwin Dawson. L. S. Bice. Wilford
tartothcHairaiianUlaada. David L.
a. C. Glbbi, the night operator la Cord, Allen Battle, Braaslon, III-:
Otaty. Tba pnaident)dld not approve the Westeni L'dioo Telegraph ofioe. is Homer Safford. ChllUoothe. Oblc; Mn.
at tomo of tba orUclea of tha treaty quite aleK and conSaad to bU borne. Wffl. A. Bramaa. Mbs Louise Unmsc.
hocaoaa they providedifor tha Irnmadl- Maaoger Barry faoi been taking tba ElyrU. Obir: Miuee Mary and .Ediib
•ta iaeorporatlOD of.the Uloada oa oa press reports for tba Hooninc Brix>rd Bewlay. Cincinnati; Mn. W. O. Fmlc
todepandaBt auu of the UbIob. Ba lathe maawlme, in addition to tba bine and daughter. Min Emily supp.
wiBkBdtoraealvttbaaiaa a territory. heavy work of the ofliec dorlng tba
«4|bvlBg )be ^oaattOB of ttetebood to day.
btu. diUmluUd. TM .tfotur’enoaoi.
MM anbeaooaatly failed, owlny to
C. N Kaeaay of Leroy. S. V-. oad
tba death of tba kloc of tha Itteada.
fbrtrldor yaara later’Praaldant He W. W. Won of Bata»te,N. y-memben
wtetey inimaafnllj eatablltbod the of the firm of C. S. KeaaeyACe. in
tba oaad bnalBaae la tbte city, on at
poUey laltlatod by PrealdaBt Piarea.
Pork Place.
Mtos Mildred Suffeni. of Lelsnd. wot
Tba City Bbnld Provide UeasaThe Tnveraa City * Loalanan nU- la the etty yaaterday,
Mioa JoMpbiae Fanat boi ntaraed
load projeei ia ocoin ap to Tnverai
aty. oad It dapOBda apoa thla city to bar borne la MUwaukae. after a vloit
whalber an an to ban nllrood focill- with Mr- oad Mm F. O. Heamaan.
A. B. Crowell of. Janalaga. t«.. ar­ Frank Bart ± Geo. H. Nicolai
tiao to Mortbport and iBlamedlata
will present the beaatifal
folBta in th^ry Bear fatar*. Boo. rived la the city laet evening to epead
aummer with blapanniaen Monroe
J. B. Steoru boa atetad that wbaa
peetoral pley,
TnverMdty provldca efftroBM into street.
tba dty the road wUl ba ballt, oad hr Cbarlee SaegmlUer la la the city
boa alao aathorUed C- B. Momy to from Cbieoga, tpandlag two waekt
paoeaed with the parteoaaBt aamy with bit wife who U vitlUag bar parpMtelac oeUOD by tba city. It wie ante, Mr. and Mrv. J. L Stontoa.
thootbt by aooM that tbU railroad
George G. Baua ba» returned to Chi­
po}aet woa iBanyurttad by Mr. Bteona cago after a abort vtett la tbla eltyWUltem Qraaa of the Bereld force,
. te poUUeal parpoaaa whUa he woa
aaadidata tor tba Rapablioaa nomU.. will leave tbit Bioralng foraviatt to
ttea for tevaroor. Ba did not raoelva Sogiaaw, Boy City mad Alpoao.
tba Boatioatlon oad now that ha baa win ba gone a weak.
fOBS o«t of polltlea. ao far me ffnbarF. E. Hoyaea vaturDad yaaterday
aoteriol pooalbUlUaa ore oonearaad from a buolneea trip ooat.
A play for little cbiidren.
tbte year, ba boa teben ap tba roUnod
John Wilhelm U aatcnalBlag Mr. A play for tbe middle aeetl,
natter la a Boaoar which wlU dlapol oad MmBorvay Avery of SewOrteoae.
A play for tbe tboughtleea yontb.
tbaotem fait by Boay befon tba
WUlteB Ostrander ta la eborga of
tba old Ellis trait form at Old ^Itea. A play for tbe dear old folka.
Mr. Staoraa baa olraody apaat eoa- BOW owned b.v Jnllna Hannah.
A play for tbe jorisL tbe editor,
addarabte money io tbla antarpriaa oad
Poatma star Gao. W. BaS bat gone to
tbe cleigy.
la ready teaapply tba faada to balld Iowa to visit a brother whom ba baa
IhaUaalf Tnnraa City ^wUl do lie Botaaealortbapaattsyeata BawUl
ten. Tbia balnr tba conditiea then attend the G. A. B. aaeampmant bi
tebld ba no datej or onlbbUnc on tba blantufo.
part of tba city to MibBrefa
A. y. Maynard hat raturnad from
prejaet. Uateban eooaty la a veleebla ■pandteg b!s voaaUon at Detroit. Bk
Moral of baalnaaa for Tnveraa Qty wife wUl TlaU then a moatb longar.
Md the people of Laateana eooaty
Miaa Myrtle BnuahaU U aurtolaiai Popular Prices—35,35. 50 and 75c
moat tba nilrood. it will ba of (rent Mlaaaa’Maude Bogadern oad Qnei
oBlaa to this loeollty oad than aboeld Gordear of Fife Loka
ba BO delay in provldlay tba maoaa for
E Seolt of Boekford. is vlaltlag bit
te rtybt of way naked by tba eon- daegblat. Mm Amanda Smith.
A. L. Joyce want to Froaktet oad
TbompaoavUte yaaiatday on bolaam
Atx tba blaterte peoapdaati favor tba
Mrv. Anna Marrlaaa of Bsatea
n MaaUoa of PreeidaBt MaKtaloy. for Borbor. is rlalUag her daafbtar, MraBOpntidMtboaavarnafor a aaeoad
Beary TOanallar.
ten. with a aaltad party behind him.
Mr. and Mn Bart Morrlaoa anivad
- erbo wM aot ra-alaeted. Tba praoi.
from Baatoa ^bor teat night--^
'AaBta who have held two terme were
vteit with Mn. Haary Tonaalier.
Wtelagwa. Jeffereoa. Modlaor. Moanv. Joekwa. Uaebta and Gnat.
if yoer children are fratfnl, paevlth
1 -..-V.
altber by the

Steinberg’s Grand

Mr. aaiVm J.TjBndteof tmoam
C«p. apaad biA vfpik at the CteKB

If your Dinir^ Table is Too Small, Now
is a Good Time to get a
Large One.

E Ooappmt aad W. E Tkai—ia
Maned froas OaeiBBatf ytatday.
Mm E E Ttedwv te AUea
Brao^all earns from Oraad BoplAe

*Tbst was a eed eeddent wbleb boppeoed to Blggleeton. won't lir
*-111101 was ItT I bevn't beard
-Re snd Bockaer went ap aortb
fishing, and when they were ont on a
take, nesriy a mile from the abore.
tbeir boat opset.''
'--Groat Daniel Webeterl Bow did K
hepptel Sarriy Big^esoo didn't rock
tbe but. for t'lv beard him say
tboueend times that a man who would
do such a thing was a tooL \
over, be bas always deetered tbst be
would neror go oot In a but with a
fellow wbo was likely to monkey
arosed In It end I’m sore Bortner
-Oh. do. Tbe ercldent was uuvpld'
eble. Buckner was rowing ami Rig.
cIpsor sat In tbe stern uf tin- Inet.
Tbroncli some orenlclit tlie Imttln was
put In tb<- bow just before tbry startPrevented a Tragedy.
____ ______ Ittvl'
livi A frlgbtfnl cough bed
long kept her awoke every aigbt She
bod tried many remedies oad doeton
but steadily grew wone until urged to
"• rk New Discovery. Ose
ly cured ber; end she
Writes, this amrvelou medicine eleo
eared Mr. Long el a oevere attack of
pneumonia. Sneb enree ore poeltive
proof of lie power to cure all throat,
ebeet and lung tronbles. Only SV and
•1. Gaoronteed. Trial boiUee loc at
E E Walt and Joo. O. Jonaoon's drug


Campbell's Secoad Hand Stora.

I haYc too mBoj long lengths in tablet
10 and 12 feet, and am xntldng B tpedal
price on them. 1 have a place now in
the Wnrzbarg basement to keep second
hand goods, so I will take your small
table in exchange.

ism-iao wsosrk- sTTuen.


k Flae Crapon Pomail
I6l20 for $1.25.


Fuaeral Director.
Buob« m 410 Souib Vein BtrccL
On«e >11 Eiftt. -

NonbrrdPMi g«. ]N4. Dvil FboM OB.

This otTer is p;ood only for e
abort time.
•Made from any j<ood piclore

DB. GlblTLEn


Fire Insurance.
t. L. A. Building

Dont Be Foolcdi

Tak< tlw gvema*. wlflael
kMpt yea well. o«r trad*

tn Mfc. Acetpt as
mu. *>fc rear eracCM.

Dealers In Ever3rthiiig! Dealers In Everything:



Opera House.

Saturday, Aug. 25

BUmte SiwUl Sowj.
1FH cuss CODpuj.
limtUU SUrrUf lislp

Our ads.'only begin In tbe paper; the strongest
part of them Is in their fulflllment, in giving values
that force recognition as genuine bargains that win ap­
preciation and instill confidence.

Want Taffeta SilkP
The best article ever sold lor a Dollar the yard. A guarantee
woven in the margin of every yard. We are selling other
grades at^5C, Qoc, S1.25 and S1.50.

■ .•

Want a Wash Skirt,?

Want Wool GhalliesP
These beautiful goods are in great demapd. Our stock is
badly broken and to clear it up we have marked all 50c values
to 37>^c the yard, and the 35c goods to 25c.

Want a Pulley BeltP
We have just a few left that we are willing to sell for SQc that
sold fast at 75c. Get them at once.

Want a Damask TowelP

Real Estate

party vote. The prri-daaU who' were your druggist.


Our sales have been great, and npw to make room ^or other
goods ypu can buy any of our 50c Wash Skirts for 58c. The
75c styles for 56c. The Sijxj grades for 75c. Those $1.25
ones for 94c and the $1.50 for $1.13.


The finest damask towels with assorted borders. 21x45 inches,
are now selling here for 2jc. The Huck‘ towels are the same
size and same price. Those three-yard Roller towels are only a
quar&r a piece. These goods atthese prices will soon part
company with this store, bot we’d tike to have them stay by
you. They’ll do it if yea.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Dealers In Everything! Dealers In Everything!

Boob a. HeaUtae A Mhllkea Block




finruiz OF fOESBIF

njLL S


▼••m i.

fmmv m

f p«>

oFwwMo^ij .;sissrsr:iSa^

— tbvw Mom 4i« ft bol* I tlas wUA h> acM to tbe Nev XM
tkar «•■• «ftftt«i ftt L«aft- Seanter Wekrtt na -a wtoeeb bntnd
apoB the tbaory that n man wtth a
eciMrt to think abopt
Bor y»n>TiwMr, b(9«


itoff fflttibii la fftu B^lA

•••iHttMi^ftrfftft ta^ftftTobaca

n the fact that one of the
ie< tkfttMfXift' eUrf prIackilM brtd by Amwtena dv*
to timt nodal pad WdnatmS
M BL J09k Wihwify
nbaa have Ml ntomneha.
Hea with fiD etninuta are worth
•■ lakM. vlwfmlPort«. ■■■rototy. tty* mm than men With «apiy
They think better, they are better p.
•ttrt^reioMM; MeKWay, t: Doha, 1. ted nod more ready to stand by their
UHlkodaty prtadptoe than they woald be when
•nSelay from tbe pangs of baairr•tan of tW I

tAdnnwMkaicttpliHll by tba ftnt
ndOMobw. .WbgnHtobnH.ttnca wUl
aetbaa finm er men anavnatoatly

IMS teoii.-aB wsU ao Ua ebotr watton.
snabnnMbodbyMninda nnirnij
I tba baawaMt, Ua n*ri«iar,aU
■ttyofaintarblagUs ania a^
Tbomata roemin tbobanaMO
aanwtMt Inals*, aad win ntedni^
lag tor Cram 173 to 300 paapln Tbto
I will be asatad wtth Ufiln, aad
wOl be aand by Ua Bandar asheoL 8
T. P. C. aad for aadal caUsri«ta
Adjetalsc Uto tbapvlar.atoomlSaJe
wiUtwaU room. etc. lit eeaaarttan.
VozttoUto.aad sommantaattnffwMh
tbs mala mm, to Us ladtoe' kftekaa.
ICxie la rizk Bsaidm this Um are
aomsamall atarerooM.
Tbs boQmroom oaeaptoa Us net
mm of Us bassmaat a nem tosM
tostlarixs. Iks entlrs baUdiagwCl
bsbaatad by stsam. tbs boUsr far
wbiU to already in plaer.
Tba saltrs east of tha work bstag
doaa OB Us ehnU will be ermuhlai
ttOOO, a little mors Una was
erifiaally Tlaanad. Bat Ue work to
mors cxUnslvs Una waa at fint
Uovbt of. aad will mUsUsabareh
ona of Ue finest la Utoaartloaof Us

TbnispchbaaaU '
I ef Bdward
W. A Dnna to tha nrrtiiUrt,
and both faatlaMn have dast thsir
ork wall.
nnnbnaffrt that an being made
wmmapnttachnrabrtrtaaUy a now
bnuatag. Uttlctolsftof tbs original
bat tbs trams work, and in
maavAnuUathtotoehaagsd. Tbcold
tqnnrs Wwsr la lbs oantor of Us
sbnreh Croat, hoc besn rsplnesd by two
at Us eonisn of Ue
bnildlag. Us ooe o^Ue sut hslng Us
ttcMaao. Bnading OB Daloa Street
larger. Tbs entlrs boUdlng baa been
Ooenpled by A A Campbell.
vsasarsd wiU red brlek. and already
ants a hnndaomv appanranes.
A. A- Campbell, a dealer ia second
Btnlosd wiadowa wiU be sappUsg band goads, haa located ia Uto city aad
opened a second band atom la the old
bnlidlng will h> graded and sodded. MeMaans bnililng on Cnloh street.
whlU will add mneh to the general Tb* store wsa opened for baslncsa yes­
terday morning.
A complete line of all kinds o! second
Tbs interior of Ue building wUl be
finished ia oak. The arrangsmsm
goods will bebongbl-soldandexchangsneb Uat thars Is not a foot of WMtcdled. A alee line of new fnrnitnre will
space, and in a mialmam of space the 1 alaa be carried, large orders for which
maxlmnm asaUag capacity to provided have been placed. Tbe good* will be
hers very shortly.
There are two main rooms on Ue
grouad door, which can be Urowa
into oae oy ratolng the rolling oak
doorn, which are a nniqne arrangrmant of groat coBvsalsaoe. Clrealar
oak pews In the auia room provide
ita for 1T(. the small room seating
100 more. The gallery coetaiaa room
for TO more, making a asattng oapaelty
rer tso la vrbat to rlrtnally one

M work ftMC tko kftftttfttt of ttwaya
deddlny for a;
Ikmg^t tko coBfttfy fortfto^Uoft be drtamtoed
a poUtienl party U whether or
not the poUey It odvoentee will enable
B«rt MeKatk, eoUoeter teMUar
the people of tbe Cnlted Staten to eeACbByftBj.of !>«<«koy. trUlooahia rtue that with which to fin thdr
wftyteX«yo«Ue is » aoniaffo wUh Moancbe'nQd to enpply tbemaHvee
twootkwBn. «w ru er«r by tko vrith tbe nweoainre of life.
Bay Vlow dauy mt the Bay VImt
Thli to why It to that the tariff 1
depot Tbanday. Tba cftnUfo traa pn which oor material condlthw hinyen
•fsUtsc at the Bay View eroaalftc (ar haa been the mow ]>roalaent tone be­
the ASM-ricfii) people dnee the betha Pm Kv^aetta tnla to paw. Aa
glnnlny of the sorcmmeiit. And wo
aoos at it bad rone by tkay dreaa
bare made the yiortoai record In tbe
tba track jtut ia Una to eateb tha Bay
worM> htotury. which we hare made
Viaar train. Tbay all Jaapad. bit beenow tlx’ Amertrah peoitle bare. I>y
HtKeaia landed In front of tha train. adberiog nlni-wt coovtantly to tbe poli­
Ha waa earrtad acTaral rode before the cy of protection, aemred for themg
train mid be atappad. Be died the nrire* atieh liiOiKlrtal condJtlona that'
they have bad all the material comaasa nlfht.
Oo*. PiofToa defe^ the mkalnf forts of life, hare tbtu been relieved
Oan. will White frea eharyaa oferook- from personal worry and dtocomfort
la bnylftf aa^^ (or Camp and have tlxTcfore been In a poeltion
to give their lawt thought to the great
ftU tha itniM problems lirfore the country.
1 by the [DalUd Btaua
B«-eaut>o the Auicrlonn pooplo^bare,
I withont eriVdm. and he thanks In Uh- ningtey law. foD atomthlake thftt ahotUd aUaiiee tha eritloe
to HlAliraa.
Bariy BaU, formarly of Aodnata, Bnt Mr. rreeliuan and the New York
haa been dead for sany yean.bntla Journal may rest amured that they
will'not Itegln t»y voting for the policy
of free trflile. which will give them
yaara prevlona to hla neoeaaa. the calc- empty tforoacb* Instead of foil on
bratlen of hla|blrtbday ' hae atnoe been
Wodaaoday atxty^ea of hie deaennd
aata. the laryar proportion of whom
bear taa name of Biwa or Hall, mat
Tbe walla of the main room will be
regard It ilmpcrialtomi as tbe
a\. Unil Lake and enjoyed the time
beantUolly frsiroed. This work to
pnramouiit Issue.’* So sa.vs tbeKansas
being does by W. H. PeUerlek. asOtto Haat, ayed id. an employe at CHy idatform. and m> luiy those Demo­ atotsd by A. 6 Verale Fine steel cell­
A VoiHtf Girl’a Ekpartanea.
crats who are Bfrstd of JR to 1.
the Park paper mitl. at HarlaetU, haa
5J>- •tousatW* nrr\ w were Utt) W v »>at of
ing odds maeb'to the besutlfal ap­
ordrr. Mir SkS l^la aad sfkk; Itir i<«rt
boon InatanUy killed while at work in
pearance of Ue room.
tioi.r narUrd hrr, sod *be «-■* wakeTul ai
tbaanlpbltemm. Ho araa eaaybt'ln
nlcut. iirforv «lir h»d ukrn one po. k**r
.Dcmoemtlr national platform
Tbe choir asats will bt on one sUe of
Crlrry Kiss ll>r rlmntfv In bvr sm »o
one pf tha yriadera. Both
adoptml at t'hicago In IKsi.” and they of the platform, biek of Ue pulpit. arcat that slir could hardly hr taken for (be
■sue girl. Mir it rapidly eruviiig vrll slid
lac* ware lorn cff. and hia .bodywaa -rpltemie
demand mode In that Back of the platfoM and raised Uree nronx,
Iwr cOuipIrilon lvprrfi-ri, and the
eraahed to a palp. TUa la the ^Ird platfonit r* tut American financial feet above It. Is Ue baptistery, oom- tlrejs trril every nliihl.—Uro. Luo'MrNnK,
aeeldaatofa cimOar aatiire oeenrlsy system.”
municatlng with tbe main room by
U the mllla thla aommar
of ISki which to ihns incontorated mesas of a sliding oak panel door. I Dr>-K Mild l-y drskaitit. S«-. and gk-. <
A Detroit boy ahont 8 yeara old.
into the platform of 1000.,begins with
named Lapearl, waa at MortbriUe via- them- wonts.:
itlnc friaada. Be went Into the back
”Reeognlzlng that tbe money qtnssyard dartny the evenlny to play, whan thm Is paramount to all qtbers at this
ha aaw a aaake.
Be lanoeaoUy want time.*'
Put Into the pla^onu of .inod the
toptekitep.|whee the aaake, which
WM a maaMaanya.bit theboy'a hand in pbraai- -ai Ihls time” ateflos 1900 and
a Myhifnl manner. The family called can mean nothing else.
to no gn-at iiumiv what tbe fram­
a dontee and the boy waa dUed np with
All good sorts and much under price
ers of n jilatroriu say as to the Imiwrvblahey and weat back to Detroit, la
tance of an Isso.- If their assertion
Odd lots and brokon lines at a big sac­
a fair way to live to learn all abort is not aei-epted by tin- people,
rifice to close out quick—Large portion
The aaake waa killed. makers and the Jodges of 1ssn«< lint
of our -W. L-' Douglas shoes are going
aad waa a bly eaa>lth 1« ratUaa.
the fart remains timi the Kaitsas City
platform dedanst that silver is the
at One-Fourth Off the Regular Price.
r i«t mi vnannnaK mnac 1 iwramnunt Issue. It iinJ to do that ts
satisfy Itryan and the Uryastten. Tbe
□ to the para­
AND PLATPCmM | mount issoe Is miPDt for tbe weakknevsl t»i>-thrrn ami tbe few but fierce
Its notaWe of tbe Bryan
A marked peenliarlty of Bel Raid'* fold.
Tlie Inclusion of two Tparamotmt'
latMt play. -Tbe niybt before Chrlitmaa." which wlU be preeented at Issues In tin- sami ]dntfnrin to worthy



Snnriiai Hicrfinnfc

25 to
50 per cent
Ar« given on such sefisonable goods as

Summer Suits
Children’s Suits
Men’s Summer Graeh
Coats and Vests
Men’s Pants
Children's Linen Pants
Straw Bats
We have placed such discounts otr above goods
as wHl effectually dean up our entire summer stock.
To do this we are willing to lose a little cash to gain
a little room.'

Nature's cub^

Shoes For Men, Women,
Boy’s and. Girls

Hami ton Clothing Co.
^ SVeaaTvt, "Kam

T>ess Soodis
How 6tv Sa,Ve.


BMabary'a Ornod Opera Boom
' Batnrday nlyht. U that the taeu aet
forth in the piece aetonUy oeenrred
yean nyo in OednrvlUe. 0., Mr- Beld't
bIrthpUof. The fnmona pinywriyht
wnnatmallboy at the time bat ao
vivid ware the Impreailou prodoeed
epon hie mind at ttat time that he h*
embodied la thla pUy all tbe ineldenu
with yraat fldaltty. Sven the eharaeten la the ataya prodeetien are yiveo
« namaa they bad la real life.
Tbe ttory dealt with a foHbar well
known jedye of CadarvlUa. PbUUpt by
name. wboM eon haa aoqntrod dUaipated bablu. Tbe yoeny man ha* n
Byht one niybt with a vlllaya rowdy
who haa laenlud yonny IkUllpa’
aweatbaart and kaoeln him down. Tba
rowdy baa ao alurcatlon with a tramp
a abort time later, dnrlny which tha
latur tube and kUU him with a knife
Monylny to yonny PkUUpc. who to
arroated for the mnrdar. Tha trial
takaa^laca before Jndye PhUlioe and
la an intaaaely dramatic aoeae the
a hie ton to death.
Jmt at the laet momeat when npparpally Bothlay edn nre the yonny man.
the ttaacp eonfemee on hla death bad
and the boy to rattored to hto aayal^
euickeo pareala. Tha piece abonnda
Inheaitital Itnec and altnattoMaad
'----tha yrmt hit acored laat teaaon baa

peomptad Meeara Bnn and
end Bleolal
^ta thoroayhlyoomplato BRNtneU
A blyaarload of ceanary to earrtad.
raery tettlny betny ■pedal, and a eompany oC Mpeeplaihaadod by Berbert
________ j thn Wind
Wind”’ and
m laataT^SUtny
^tkOMlnar". wUl be »aan in the




The new (all suitings are here anil ready for your
inspection. Why not select cloth for your
suit and have it made up before the rush
comes. Your dressmaker can give you bemir.
ser\*lce now than later.


A. S. FBYHAN, Practical Shoe Han. (St Fmt SM
tl Is I'p to Wr. nevelasn «• Be.*
Wore RspllelC
Mr. n--v<.|niid has been b> nnl from
in the fcti.iis- uf an expression i>f n-gret
r th.- 'dtocordant aemiirn-nt” In tlte Iicmocrnilr parV- Mr I'levidand sitould lie heard
from itgaln.
He should make haste to do something more than nn-rely manifest his
grh-f and bis surprise that the Kansas
t'lty cunrentlon should have IniplicKly obeyed the orders It r»*cvlv«>d from
tbe Imiieriallsl wb» sat on bis porch
nt I.Incnbi anil dlrtatcs! the precise Ianynage In «Uk-fa tbe platform should
d.«clam the attitude of the Democrncy
on tbe money <juestion.
The ndmirers of Mr. tlevdand bare
8 right tn sapert ooDetblng explicit as
to "tl}e doty of iJcmocrata.” They
would like to know, we fed sore,
whether U«- great man prefers Bryan
and Brytiiljm to McKinley and MeKlnieylsm: wbetinv his hatred of proteetkm ootwi-lgbs Ms batreil of 1C to 1.
ropnllsn and tbe hnUnce of tbe revoInUanary bodgepoiigr which goes to
make op the Bryan pintferm. It to
r. ClerelAnd ti
The Mobile Dally Reglrter says of
‘ can tar these people withont
asktug tbelr iMtisent. what to to nUnd
In tbr way of roegivsa treating a state
»o the aame wayr*
Trwe. we have treated all our terrttortes In this manner aim .- TBmaSi
Jeffeison Inattgurat.-d tb.- ihetbod. and
Alaska affords the must coiisplcavus

That we are after your patronage. If tbe following
interests you, please give us an order.




Rtwere brand
gaarantee it.
at 10 cents per

Every purchase
of onr vinegar ia
tested, so that
we can aafely
guarantee it—at
20c per gallon.

- Jfew crop
lHOO pack,
riweet pickles
-20c quart.
Sonr pieales

Brick Cheese


-.Only 15c per


Strictly pore.
Per can 10c •

Eitraci of Beef

5 oz can
at a price below
the valne
at the glass.
Can 10c.

oor price 4-5c.

25 cents.

Onr prices

are nneb
below actnal
Yoo can
save money
aendfog in yoor
orders lo-na.

Pinoapple—JobDBon’a grated and sliced Sootbem Beiuty
brand. Thi* ia f«illy a snap. Per can. 25?.
Feachea—Michigan pack in aymp.
quality we have
0>-ec thU eeaaoo-- Onr price. 15<- p

bottle to prove sniltfaetswy or money :’’rtf.- l» rtt Mm with her tiny ftots. “It
refandad- d- E. Wait, Bngh«« A Box \ ntTnrds her a goo-1 dcitl of nx
barr.Jna«O.J<Aeson,r. C.. TbrnapTbojap- aiHl H doeU't hu^ t

' W. E.
Old Phone .‘150


New_Ehooe Jjy

w tUm''0etvrt\siTV8


All the new. colorings, the heaviest cloth and
the finest finish ever sold, for $1.50 a yd.

^TOTveVt 'OetvoVVans
In the new Modes. Browns. Castors. Greens.
Black, Reds, Wines, Marine and Navy Blue,
48 in. wide. Never was such a finish on Vene­
tians before, for only. S1.90 a-yd.

6co«ltv Swats
Thorpughiy sponged aand shrupk,ujCoIors
black and blue, I54 in. wi le; will j(ot
jiot spot
sp and
only Si .50 a yd.
Another quality, 52 in. wide, not quite as
heavy, and sells for $1.25.

■BVack 8ltv4 'BVue
50 to 54 in. wide, big range of qualiltes at Six»
$1.25. S1.50 and $2.00 a yd.

■PehbU CheoVoV
Black and blue. 52 in. wide, one of the good
thingsagain this fall, at Si.50 and Si.ysa'yd.

Gray, Tan and Brown, 56 in. wide, fine forstreet wear or your traveling suit, at Si .50.


i'liaaBKSH KKaKaaaaaA KaatoAtoaS

THK M<ammG Mtotaitft satdrday, AnctisT is. i9w


«th« OaoBflal tt««ar «< 1


Ito tft« mmoMbU, •• yayWHWrf
la tk* OaM MkUft.
A* Piffew wnkar. oaa fl« «h* hi<»
tatkaOMM^ «tata laft ^ A»
fMkar. Ik. VW^»H~a ».«
aa««alkam,hM4MtaaaMrtp »«
fcatfWMtow.aad «m taarM iaa
to«U. »
■Bgyttai tlati*.
AllMTa. «. M,. aa aate


js iSLJjjysikd lo h.
maimmmi aidawalka.

VttUnwtiaBtartkvMyMd aala
of toaCttpnf
•U tka aabUa laaa. U aad akeat alaa
^jMkliT «wia< Ika Eki Oraada
rtMTanaad lapaaoU. tariha par
tfaMaUtakii«tk. ]
koatka aonk aid. e(
» 9t eiiC
Btaaai adjaaaal to
dwamaftaadlkaaMaiaaf aeawBaal ________ Md walk lo ba 40 *aal
balaf tapUlp CNMaadateiaatwUaaa^, acalM.
< kp raU. kaatwa.


«kakarialaf.^ bedl«latka Klac
Morad bp Aldarmaa Radar that tba
oaaktp. Maw York, pottar** dald. ka. pakUoM ba fraatad aad tba watoa
htMaUhaMbariadthara. fla wa. «
aaanoid. Badlad ea Aafaat ft. aad
Aldmaa k-------------------- aatkaaBthartUca..vald Aad ao traea
Bladar. Kaapoe- Eoaad aad Oaniaca.
o( bift raiatlraa, aT|(Tara waa dap tor
Bapa. - to 'llfa. be
Urn la iba pUe^ wbara.
naap paoAlraatadl^ )
Oenttoaaa:-1, the anderalpaed.
Muarar Pdewtar of Warraa’a dreaa WlUtoBT. Boxberph. I irebp aak tor
t dwalltnc
la rapenad to bare baaa klUad bp a tbarifbtto erect a fr
atrap kallat at Tlaa Tela. Cblaa- Tha boaaa, two atortea blpb.
rooBf. with brick '
ok«aa baa taaoB toartor Ua oriaat for -bole boeaa. to.........................
ooat abodt Sl.soo. tidd
aosa time, aad raaebad Ttoa Tala oa balldiap to ba erected open the followJob. U. hartaf «ma. ap fro® Taka IM dweribed land: lou tweatp-tto and
wllfa tba Antoeoalcamaot ot Boaiiao twantp-aaraa (M aad *7) block two (I)
of Parrp Haaaab> deooad Addition of
aoldleia. Tba traopa made tbasaalraa tba riUape. now dtp. of Trmraree Oltp.
aeoiortabla os tba trip bp rtdtof la
u to tba recorded
Wm. T. Bonbnrpb.
tba wBffeoa aad aafia. Tba etreaa did plat
On mourn of Aldcrawn Beend. dolp
Wf baatoaaa darton tba aalfa of Tlea
earrlad. tba peUtioo #aa praatod.
Trarerea dtp. Mleb.. Aap. U. lOM.
' Baorp Llppart. a«-sbJef of the MU- Tto tor honorable. toeJfdi/or and Clip
waakaa Are dapartnuat. baa dropped ' Caunrii of toe City of Travent Clip,
Awdatbia boma- Tha atraapa fattaro of tba aaa# wpa that a fa* dap*
ape ba aapraaaad a wkb to die to that
vap whaa Ua tlaa eaM Ba wa
to parebaao aam#.^re»aetfnUp
paare of af«.
tkatwa hare parehaaed aeomThroe Urea were toat at] Oblaafo
_____ jetof aaftoaerk-toola,toelndtop
Tbaiadap bp a Are, tha reealt of aa oaa Oarlep traaam one Oarlep
expleatea of eataral fee to a trana .one rod. *tad and alotb Upa, drawtop
baUdtoroBTbtrtrtoarthlatreat Tba matarialB. Bald booha. toka, and orerpiblof Bieraatry tor the anplnaar’i aaa
dead are: MUdred Leri, artlat; aa
at an expraao of aboat SUft.oo. Wa
kaowB wenaa (roat Beeloa. rtolttof rmndn
Ike Leri tomUp; aad Harah. a eolored
H.W. flMUn^
aeok. >Tbreo Lari AiUrea are alattof.

Hew Carlato Pole Polbb«r to Oaa bp
Mlehl«aa KuBfceleria'p Oo.
Yeatardap a new frieUon pollftbrr aod
mbbar wee pat to encoeoafnl operation
to the faetorp ot tba Uloblran Kanefaatnrtop Co. Tha machine i* aosathlnp new. Inraated bp C. B. Pbelpa.
aapartotaadant of the faetorp. and
atrMiednnder hi* inparTitloa. TbU
to a treat imprortmant orer othei
ehtoaa aad It haa a eapacltp ot
feet of eertoln polaa to tan hoert. Iba
ImproraaMBt la a rmlnabla one for tba
faetorp aad wUl praatlp fadllutetbe
productloo of tha 'wnrtatn polat i
bptoaaompanp. Thp maebtoa pirc*
amplopmaat to two paraena.
Dr. WiUiaie Ball of tba State Board
rind* No IrrapnlariUaa.
, Dr. WUllamBeU, oaaoftheara'Bbma
ot. tba auta pbpeldana' anamtotop
board, wa* to tba dtp pectardap. Ba
lalooktofvp pbpaldan* who are not
teplttared. or wbo are reptoured wltboat tba proper diplomaa. Ha etotad
that ha badfonad no
Ibk dtp. tboepb aeiaa bad baaa «elad
b^ototop aoaaUea.
-Vo ^oeaadtop* will ba InaUlatad
apatoat aapot tbaeffandtop praetittoa
aetanUl after tba October aca*


iron It ttetirr.

HfUaatlp Walk e< a OearieL
Yratorday Bjo C. O Taraer, a
bra af the Stas fardoa Beaid.raeMred
bp oxpreaa a paAa<a treat an aakaowB eoater. eoasl^top a beaatital
aakqaatclapaBftlp ambretdared. and
made ad may kind* of eOk taatefallT




tbe el^


iMr. TvarabUteeeetoattoeqaat ta
toil **ark edaeoarietto eae el
lAGiiof the elate or faeet e sn
ettketorailp ed eeeu prieoMr. i
edbtaiaUtloae *rito to*
itkoritp ct toe atatr. -Thfa
. Aw»*er. aa toare
waa aotbtop to tbe paeaape to iadi
>catatbeplcer. Hr. Taraer ta endeac
wtop W And wbera tbe ptft
aad aapa that A wUl retara It, U
came’ioaaaraTlet.'aaoa aceoaat
betop a member of toe pardon beard

Aa Ua*a Ctoraaea Doaplaa dtad paatwdapmexatopat bar hn* >•
Acid tuwxiblpattoaapa e< u paara
6ba laarea two aemk WRltom and
Oaone B.. abd a Aaapbtcr.
Walter Onatoa. Aha tree a elBlar of 4
araatop a sambar of bk friaada B.aadLG Baall of GartMd teiraOlad apoa OUrcr Watan. to aaaiat
blmtotkaoalabratkmof Ua Mrtkdap
«l»«a,p. It waa totaadad that tba
rlBf Aoald ba to tha Batai«of a
kn, batMr. Watan apoUad aap
each plaa. .Tba araatop waa *e«p
TbatTbrobtoap Bradacba
'oald qiieklp laaea poa. U poa nacd
Dr. K'apkHawLUaraift. Tbonaand*
bd^araraA.O. oraatyi wont a powarfcl wrapoa
of aatfarere Ace prored their mateh
leeeeMritfor MA aaa aercoa* bead then art. Tbe taracaat maa faU at toy
VovKUlSarriaaaebea. Tbep make pare blood and feet Beweadra womea taA Boe^
Tha new vail roate *riU baetartod belld ap poar baal A Only ts eees Meaatato Tba to preloap that Jqyoa
tba Ant of MZt moath, wIthB. A.
epeU. AApeardrapflA
Branaatearrirr. Blipbt ehanpaawUl
be Mde ta tbe reatee of each of the
preMBtearrian. theaew roau batop
prtodpaUp oa the eact aide of the
rlrer. aad to the aoeth eida of the dtp.
The other rontee will be fxteaded ta
sore of toe oeUptop pars ot tba

In the Old Days

cargos of tobacco
used to be hauled
along the Brie Canal to
“P, B. Long, Cigar Maker.”
Now it’s D. B. Long& Son and
the tobacco comes in train-loads

Bip Labor Day
berate arranpesaaS *are to propm* for toe preat Labor Dap picnic to
take pUea oa Moadap, Sept- I. U 1*
nmetadtoatsanp fratamal codetia*
to addltiou to toe tUceabeec. atoo the
1^ labor orpnnicatloaa. will partusipaS. It «rm bo a bMket picnic, bet
too lady Maeoaboat will aarra ooflae
and Innebca oa tbe pronnd*.
It Belped Win Battlea.
Twentr-ntoe ofBean and sen wrote
from toa front to any that ter a«tcbe*.
bralm. cnt*. *»oa»d». aore f^t and
•tlSiototo. Boeklla’a Arnica Salre I*
toe baatlB toe world. Base ferbnrni,
and Jaa. O. JobBaon.drapricU.
for aala bp tbe W. W. Klsball Oo.
au Front St.

Telephone 101

M Ml


A modem &ctory today stands
where the old one stood nearly half a
century ago, but cigars ^ still
made there in the old-fashioned
waj'—of pure WHOLEtEAF tobacco without


I Saw. BBC la* *ark.
. Pbii oBt Coar



ma axLX-xrw osaer m
t a. tb^bb. im caao.
not axrr-T*
or wt:
bBWarr IB m
aaoiiioBe btocb*.






BklrebrBp. Xcm
V per mw

■ ^.iST

D'’‘»L’"bi.uS*h~£‘' *'***^”^*‘iwRi*‘


IXIiae—BeBBrBOo *S
rBBstheOiiSB propertr,

’ycik’Md' ^*2
D BSd repBlrrd
BdCrr«»hol mt-OI
'BoBib l-etoBstrwi

This faithfnl adbeemee to a good
old principle U whnt mxkra tA

, goaecBJ AB-oSi -cgCi,**

Hggter £ Bagmbageli.

rtponof t_.
Beaolrad, bp Iba eoueU of Tnrarat
tp, UlchlM.
UlcUpaa. toat 1It U daasadaxOltp,
___ __and aaaaatitp tqnlraa for t
axtanalea and Imprereseni of the wa­
ter workc of aaid dtp. to borrow toe
ante of-twentp-Ara tbonaand dollars
Bcaolred furtbar, That for each parpoia the qaatUoa ot boirowlap nld
•us of twenty-Are tbonaand doilan be
■nbmltud to tba tax paptop elector* of
aald dtp to tbe Bop* Band ball In tba
McKasara boUdlnp oa Front •ueei on
Friday, tbe sub dap of Anpest, loao,
from one o'clock p m to 7 o'clock p.
s.. and that tbe clerk be aad la hereby
tottmeud to eante notice to be plren
thereof bp poetlnp at leaet ten day* be. .....-----,1, in
aald elaeUoa
tlx plaeee
to aald elty wiitkten or printed hace
blUi etattop tbe liiIseand place of eaid
eloeUoo, tha amonnt <.
k‘*ed ae atoretald.
atorewld. and the purpoaefor
S to be expended,
expasn), mu
bleb It la
and alao
Id notice to be pebilabed to one
_______ of the newapnper* pnblUhed
to eald city.
Mored by Alderman Moore toat the
moinilon be edopud and paaaed.
MoUoB earried.
Alderman Moore. Haatlnpa.

—. _«

An ordlaanee enUtled "An ordl
.jlatlretotoeooMtmetlOB ot e

we toat
iber* ottba
mayor appbtot three
ee toepeetor* ot
ol-----toe epedalielee-------------eonneUneU
' bold on Friday. Anpnet S4to.
nituap too
for tbe pnrpenaloteabmir------------------o
!9,000 tor tl

Tuesday, T!h.e GrX'ea.'bes'b Only
3 Days
Aug. 21,
and Most Successful Sal©
Ever inaukurated in this region. The continual drain on the More
is the
stocks confignen lo us for the Manufacturers and Importers
&le has forced us to apply for duplicates which arc arriving The Booner
Last Day daily-and
while, we as yet hare ample supply of all the items you come
on the sale, vet on manv of them we cannot duplicate, hence tbe better your
some of them are to be exhausted in a short time. There are
only three days remaining, it therefore behooves you to call selections
wlU be.

this Sale early and not miss your great opportunity.
Uore Bargains, and ©argaine Duplicated;
IT 3c

Jodgiegfrom tbe amnoBt 6f bop*' tulu *old the pa*t few dap*
I gebta’ besaUtebod baodterebtef
■lock eoatlned to ot win exbaoit lue:f wUb tbe tcrmloatloo of
-liseo Aatab.
1 ladica> fine bandkerebtef. 10 eeat
Bop*' SotU from 3 to IT pear* of age. eeei to ni bp a saoofeetorcr •ealoe.
todtapoaeof atalrtt pMce than dealer* pap for—facta are great cooIn the Manufacturers and
I ^rd broA btoding.
InbAr dramlag oomb.
Importers Sale.
1 iAle*’ *lMTelea* low oeck e«aV
1 yard fancy Air ribbon, extra
qoalUy. No. *. ft. 7,-worth Iftc pd.
1 grata' lorkep red baodArchlal.
^^It^^^toftt Turkey red cmIt. par yard .



Good quBlily Shaker flanoel, worth 8c, sale priw............ ^


1 baautp pin.


1 paper alckle plated eatotp |
atoo black raamel. all alte*.
1 cpx domer. poltabed. with hasdla
1 eaA AttoraUlk A almond saal


of toe i

fnr ihig aale


lo,' of


I good *q5i^ hair tarab. *alaa

t dot. Sne qaaUtpwblta pearl At1 ladlca' fancy plqne tie. wertb »s
ceou1 pd fasep drea* braid, worth lOe.
] Pennine boro, ma|al beck comb,
-extra beaep.
1 AX black aad taa cembtaaUw
1 pair stak aztra qaalltp wab
boea anpoorten
1 medtom eUed tooth bcAh.
1 yard AeAed llaae toweltogAAqaaUtp.

ladA’ briV heae topporter - tA toe regalram ralne.* ^^^oTebtUkS^mAmand ladlea.
1 oAimlnbit rabbet oomb. Atra

laigaigs UgpanlelM at 8c
idcxraoolftamr-"------^IgoodMxtd wk

—worth op to 10c a pd.


*°l good aizad eoritog two.
I box cabtoat hira^ araork
1 yard Valeaetonxm tooe 4
ipard Vid
tea gAd qaauep.
1 dosboaa eidtor Attooa.
1 large baU beat draatog eot


tarrb) thaleai^ ba eand by
OatorrbOara. ^aadtorclraaton.__
r. 3. OxxxxT A Oo.. Talado. a

•e<*. for....................................

1 card pateut borne bopk and ape.
1 vpool
yard bauto* aoUon.
1 box j*t headed moomtog ptoa.
ipaclmge. leonutotog AraamaU

Notion enrrlcA
.! raid vSoi ^ae^'AMersM Mom
Sledor and Oerrieoa.
On motion of Aldersna Bnetinp*.
duly ouTled. eoaneU adienrxnd.
A. W. Riekeid.
dtp Clerk.

Story of a,«ara.
To ba beaod bead and toot for pcara
bp tba ebatoa ot dlaeoM H tba wont
term of alararp. Oparpt O. WUltas*
OeafncM Cannot be Oared
Maa^ter. Mleb.. mst: -Mp■ wlf* by local apnlieailone, ae they i
__ * that foaeh the diaeaead portioci of U
kM boah ao belplaa* for Are pear*
aka aoald net ten orar to be'
«d aicse.
r k only eaa wap toenre deafoeat.
After aptop two boulca otI Blretrte
; la bp eonatitnUonal reme-'Hlttoeaabalawoadarfanimnr. .
- 'bpaa toSanwd
Bhto 10 do bar own worV" Tbk
___ na ItolSp ot-toa___
aapmM nakodp tor toacale diaaaaaa -------------------Wba^tok Mba pes toAamadpoabara a rasbUnp nonad or
motonebolr. boadaaba. latottop Impartoet bnriW. and wbnn It la anSTdlupapaU*- It !• • padKa^ tfralp Ueaad danSipra la toe taanlt. and
weak. aWily, tmn-dewa people. CMr*
km oaa ba taken
paanntaaA Ualp ftOe. 'Soto bp & B
Walt aad Ja*.e7^Baoa.dmp ptiti.

0. B. A L

Mtoiiiiitfi bAoeli «ect ehaA
oHy. aad that to Aeol
^meAird od tot seeap rataad bp tosra


imetaiaelar aaeanad tba Brat of
thoaratM ofWc-qae-toopdab partMa.
aftthodabkoaaa. Tbaetaailna waaa
pnatdaaoraa. AboatftO eoaplaawen
■kaadaU amjopod a aallphtfal
naa maala tor tka araatop waa
lafBlahtd bp Pnrt- BtaCask onbaetoa.


Ootoabla. B.C.. baa baaa praeU'
eallp wiped ost bp Are, wblah atarted
la tba BMalat hotel. Tbatowabada
pepatottoa of ftOO. bet bad ae waUr
aapplp. DpaaBlUwaaaaad to blow
lap ap beUdton to toa bopa of atep>
^ tka Atsaa. bat It wae aaeratltop.
Tha toa 1ft oeOBatad at orar


«»0«ih BaaA.
a A., wifa of 1
dtaAlam aaeatopAt hra ho
BV. apaA 44 paara■ad Aa team BM aaa. Wahar
I totaa daapMm*. Mre. B.
of BeramAad aad Mattla aad
Kn.SwaaetMk atraat. Tba orea- Btoto.whoU«aAhoma .The faaaral
aaa AdiphtfaBj apant bp aU wOl Abald from'tbe O
Bbp SaaAap at t p.
m.BBdartoadiieettoaefW.& Aadar-


baA eomb. regalarftfte ralu.

• see

u all AiAed ready to




yT:s£“-:ars"Zii I*Uw

TM •
MV «tar «W in M M« «w
M • ^ mMm( M Mt ktM

tW (lUrMC «( all
W bf««7
fNst<>r than (kai of naar a ftae I
la PUtaMiriUa.
TUthar iba kmt .
Wm. barla* (oa* c*it«r <» >>«r M^tartal
for a^wB U. wrar wfcoo <»raaM Harpor
«a^ fMoatlf bad b«r to tko attar of
Tha baacai «nBBtrr taaa. wKh a
pbstoa ooi laadr boforo thr ntnor. aavlnlaalr capt>r«l a bean that bad bnn
Btaof aialan t'Bptd'a arruaa. Bovlaad
BarrM. wb«M saar a «4t7 ctri amitd
bora bora clad to «ad. bad aakad bar to
ba bb vtfr
tl'bfB aba -bnlUtad. tba
»KH rblld of furtaaa vaa aaa.
WbMi. aUb I>m«b1dc raador. aba
foaord thh aaa to laarrf aaotbar. ba
Toarod hb award aaiM aattb (b» tVkt

rtenr aM raoolrrd
aMrrr thf> flnt comal/ glri wba aroald
ban- IOb).
Goaaipa vUaprrrd aaktad tbla«a ataoat
rradf-aar.nNit It vaa piala rsrf wai at
tbr Ixdiua of cbolr talk. 8br paid ao
baad to tbnn.
Vo«af Horgraa can bar littb
rbance bar lalw) acala.
Hr brfaa at
e«(w to UilU a bow itrar 8t. Uarf "
and acam alt aioiiiba bad c<«r bf
all tbr roaalrr folk trorr biddn to
Soar , _
- _ .
Orrald waa thrrr.
• “11*0 an Ul wlod Ibai bioira ao food."
obarrrrd tbr heaaat farwr, To bin rtiPrudrarr. apoa tbr ana of bar lord-aad
aaatrr, aailrd Indjllcrbtlr.
Bbr (oald
r bat^ barn atprrtrd
Bit tuanr wmtba of tba biMayMnon
-f ratar Into tbr qnirl rMbf
bad aia-d Ibrrt•awt (bat tbr waredoad bad a
I bnmt
Far tbiuurb U antnrd from tba
•wdd, tbr j.
___ .. ____
or rnlkatlnc. Tbr drat to prueUlia binarif aa anxloua to brar arsta acalnat tba
■nxbif cuunlrf irai Urrald Uarpar.
rNo Maid wanta a»r. I ma; na ta«U
CD to tbr war.** waa Ma dorUha.
. Fradmea can bin codapaad aa br aat
nC for imiadrlpbla to loin Pioctor-a crtlUarjr.
Urr tanaband loobad on MnlUnclr.
**Tbm will til- rMooefa alnclr nao to aatM) DritUh bnllau” br darlarad.
And Bi (hr daja want br be kapt mrInc ao. tbouch It brraBa Dora and mora
artdrol U tbr odonlra wara to win ibrra
rouM out br too manr mro in tba ftrld.
lint 'lb bard for a man to Uan an appanatir ornr mdlng bonrrmoon to fan
tba ruMmao anamr-drath.
Taraa now taorr (ban a rear tinea ladrpandrnca bad barn pturlalsrd. and tba
word wna rat a awrkafr. aoundlnc boprbnalr aa It did amid (be din of latUr.
8c Itatrid'a bad bean rioaad at a pUn
of worablp. WUIbm Ciirrte. tba rector,
harinc dariard It bU dnir to md tba
Knefeah btarcr. had bem drlfra unt aa a
IW9. Tbr cblUTb waa a bamrka for
a coopaar of (V>ollitratal toidlrfa.
CMBBunlon art c<rao bj Qoaaa Annr and
tbr trad of tba windowt bad barn Bolded
lute bullrtc
8urb waa tba lerakr of
tb<«r atardr Wabb aatUan to tbalr
ndoptrd cooalrr.
And atUl Uowlaad
be bb Wlfe'a alda.

b with Orneral Wama nmr (^dd'a
FWd. and br-a CKBlac bare to praacb.*Nan finadtr Bornlac “Nad Antfeoar'a" chaplain arrired. Hr waa roa•tad with doal. bb left ana ,waa hand•crd. Uit br apranc from bb jaded '
with tba acUUr of a lad.
daaerradtba Utla of “Ftgbilac
briow BrdlaB
brigbi and waiebt. ba waa pnt Ucathar
Ukr a aoUkrr. lib kaan ctar ana bad
twlnbla; bb taca waa brtb yat
d Uka • OMia wbo woaU tnwar with et half of tbr
d U ba rouU br at pMra with tbr
bait. He wac IndeMl. typiral .rf
^ bycuoe daya when Ibo rbnnA waa
«loB to tbe dally llfr of (be people.
~loar arm. oaebr ridalaad Pn
dance, aa abr crrHrd bln.
"Only a amtrh from a RrtUah boUM
n frw Dlba down the toad -h e«i wall,
ton an. I barr r««e prapaiad." And
br drrw a doaan abrMa of ebanly written
pnj^ froB brtbnu bb
**8nt aurHy you will ban antliWMiia
tn aat and drink, tmrlar'

M betac
beteC a


•catai aat af tba MMCtyr
Thcib aa if rmOdac It w«a a Tnay
■awn be wore, ba tbiaw It aCima8a(
Hoody'c oiaMd <d aenMB 8Bkli« In
Ma Ccttiiaaal aalfaaw.
tW waM aad cMUran wara awnd. oci«iabl.anTaMea«^Ma«aUm Is
dB yn^ (M b*w Mr beada in tnality Ua MnooB an snw tmda
i^Bi i-ii Brwiand and tbaoMpa- tbay nra nhr^ «U1 in tbe'
tttata >aMad wbb tba aaMhra M ebaertw Bwe Ob antajsM la "Pnai
takaaa mneBnm. ewrtdi^ e<«nbla M
tba *TWbtlac Parana."
Bariac dnbbrd Mi bapaoBata laf tn.
b « dtp. <f !»■
ba iriiMit tba anrriaa to a ba*y doae.
(ban annaanrad bb daaira fo aat-*Wacrlfflnml
Mm «o«L and idaaty af
ba asp^Nn, .an)wto freas
tioiB, vrapa uf all Usda. sasriy or latba BaatCT of tba bonn ntbaa boBbly BOlaly nfenlsc to tte nbiect. Aflac
sBmmsUUac tbw it may bo for yuan,
ao tbalr ewat attaebad tba dlanar. .
‘Ton and 13 otbraa. Good haof aad
nan. Pradeaaa. IH ban Boaa.''
BowUad aai aboat to Bake bb tlBa
raaa fdaa aboat Bifrlad mao. but ba
dldat. "I cna« yea bad better take me
wlth yoa. prorided Pradeam aad Oeaeanl
Waynr aerre.'* be aald.
Ptadmre nodded

tewsdm throsKb tbo maaa. notaeai a
BSmbaroiftbomaatntrikiBcpaliits sr>
nS8B them and Anally makea a f«w
$aWii«n is a birce hand, and tbose ba
oarrlB wttb Urn to tte platform. Tte

Tbe war bad barn aaded three yean
wbea then came down tbr road leadloc
8t.' Darid'a a bub wbo amnrd to
hare calocd aaddati atraoetb from bit
■lately bM
■rted, aa U
bat waat ue.
A nrriee waa bainc bold In tba littk
eboreb la the dale-erUoatly a weddiog.
Uti cyaa ftnt TeU apda tbr minlaten-ihe
"I'icbtlnc I'anoa.’’ cUd la bU raclBootala.
fotarar after bold bU
PBca'" the
ll ebapUin waa naying.
Tbr waadonr
beheld (be bride.
da raditaC
beautiful, aa la (b>- yean that «ren
«ren gime.
It waa abo fur wboB ^ bad baeuma
a coward.
... Ifa-aide
brn waa bar n
low. Oerald Harper, la tbe uaiforui of
eoloaeL -Mad Aatbony." aU<> la regtynentala, wu than to cira tbe bride
In rain did tbe fncItWr try to t
Tbe w<«d cfatAcd him. He turned
from the window. Mrb-at heart.
-Fool, to think that 1 could come bark
forcuttro to brein life over acaln't He
walked away, bark over (be rom) be bad
>me. bark to I*hlUdelpbla. Once mora
p baenma an exile.
Tboae wbo k< nw biB In throe later
yrata Ml be waa
a a Bua vHth a bietory.
wboar bmrt waa dewL
dewd. Bat waa Ut


pcoetaa of looklof Umngb tte whole
esTeiope la repeattd caofa Umo tte •»-

BKB to preoebed.
Pmly <m tbto nrSxmnt asd partly be-IVbrinc Parwa" eooebrd fpr
-Mad Aatboay." Hr cn^ Oowbad essae In dalirviry bo targeto aome points
by tbe bod. *T waa afraid yon wen a or dltswoportlona^ aaplifio oebon.
Woodr'T..fT. »y boy. If I badB-t bno so two aOrmana .sfo anw exastJy tte
•o blaaad hoBcry. I'd ban aaked 6tac“
By tlito method alao—a raatttw
SowUnd mdr Bway with (be cbapUla
leb store ImpoTtanoi’ tte deliroy
that afiriaooo. hb wlfe'a trartol bleaalBC
ataya freah to himaelf. Tboa. to
apofl blBi.
mako tbto clearer, sspp»o that after a
Umrossh alftlnii 100 elijrible polsto toABtboay- wa« adranrlac wratwald with stain in tte enrelope. Brery tfnte tte
dylnc brigade of Bon tkaa l.oni Br« aermcM to pr.«cbod tbuao hnndred are
I barau tbe rear cuard »f tbe BritUb.
OTVbmiled. Bat no nloftta oiTman, by
One day HowUnd. luoklBg Mon bandBiwa llmitBtl<m uf ttme. can ooetsls.
itne ifaoB rrrrr la
la a
a aali
aali <of lumvid My. man than 7a
Btatae. tbooefa tte cenoral sobenM to
■ad tbr rbapUln.
•e tbr IHUe
tte Mmn. thnre to always onrtdty in
tte ananipinMmt, for the psrtioalar 70
eiwy with each time of dedirory.
• peater inlxiako oould bo mode
bba apoa brr londnad wttbon dbiooui
tmaffiiM that Mr. Moariy doie noCTOdy
■ IC-My acddlcrr axrlafanHl I'yadracr (iw- fv hto amunua. On tbo tootnny. te to
deriy ■» abe oner m»n bade lloWlaod alwaya stadying.
Wboo Id tbe oranfanaraU. -| BB an proBil of yuor'
gidtotifl AelJ, tte balch of airi-lopM,
ThuB tbr younc bailwDil rode i
bnraUnc with fatnraa. o|>p»ara the mo­
with -Had Aalbouy'' and tbe -FichtloB
ment ImskfMt iaover, and tbo atrangtr
Paiwoa." If couracr cioild lie cireu
wbo mitcra at almnat any Uiuc iif day,
coward, '(would arra they wm-lbr ...
tu cin ic Lore bad made Rowland Ilur- escem at tbo bmira of pliufunn work,
will And him vrith hto litter of uotoa.
... oe at tbe brad o
either atninne bimaclf or bto pnrtfuUoa
bricade--radr uo Into (be rary jawa of with now punto te hm pirkivl np
drotb an (bey knew It. That aigbt at tbronfh tte day. Hto aoarcta for (bone
Pauli they won brBBrd la ua arary aide.
"pcdnt%"aDd cBpodally for iigltt upon
It aertned aa If ail Beat die or be raptert% Bible Idesn or obantobwa ia c
Befon a bandred bulIrtajMd aped a
boraa daabed down tbr biU. (be ridrr dlcTHE OECUNE OF WAR.
Clac bla BiHin latu him. It waa be whom
lovr bad (nadr a rowanl.
-Mad Antbuay- waxed b« one woid on
Urn—a word that waa eipnoin. The
"PlCbtlnc Parwm" aald mon.
qaile at atrunc.
Aa for tbe mm. they
aald notblnc-tbay alBply fooebt tbr iBtatics from tte earlhwt Ui
lire toAftlit baa bucu tte ohief aim of
And ao tbe battle went o»~(be maw moat primittre pnoplea and baa been a
men. ll la called in blaloty. Three ban­
It] of all clrilixrd
dred Were left dead <ir Wuand(«l opoa tba Arniiw bare gniwii in idsi^ weapoiia
&ld: half aa many mufv were lakm priaoarra; tbrrrat under -Mad Aatbony*' brat
Of coorar. th.rr wan other cuwarda
nodcaatdr ai tba 00a wbo
down (be hUL
be wai nearly borne___
Howland Burerm nallae what br had
d>BF. what be bad branded blmnlf. Hr
a traitor; bo would be
nneed. To ratuni to tb(i
uo wbeim be loved, win.
.p blm a coward,
would be worn than fully.
Uo rude on bimI •« aad on. wtmdrrinc
wbllbrr to CO. Ibii bnotMl fuettire.
Ui-aridnc I'blUdrIphia. be exebaupd hU
^'abimerod ualbuin for a coanr aallor
at aad ablpped befon tbe maat upon
vraorl bound b< ‘

erd of Vdiwtea s^ lisaiMc ia the vorid ■
f^or 27 jesrt we hsre eoitdeeted.baiiiMM on this ^sn.
I Bione^. or tbe ante qtality lor Im DBODer tfasa the d<

tnaj be resdins tbe Iwt'iaaeN

, f
■ ^

BMiart Garriage and Harnesa Maiwfacfariag Ga.

TrsrocMOItr Msifeat
iiHui w iM m
VI uie V
Ing prlcM of yaeterday ..
.__________ _
provtolonsssdfsrmpr^neto In TtavsrneCityr


({Teator than thuae they esn Kain tbrouifh
oooqnuat atxl aonoxalion, they will te
rvy loath to onicr into a er<«t exmfliot
I am rory far from aayinR that many
otbor oanam, anrh aa etbioa and a KtowInit apirit of marty, may not baru coo-

JOHN F. OTT & 00.
Snooouon ta Trmm Olty Lombn Oo


Special Sale of Bicyefe Sundries
At greatly rodneed prleea.
A >«.>(:
>00; ea> towp.
a kuotf uiol
uio] twcs.)-<HirrtN>Icr
a lu et psn-,.1 rarrivfo
A totef Btckl«Jn>-k pant gnare>
AlotolBteklchaBd pirwiM

primitive r
tte diatrnetlon—rii. tbo bnman will—
and hare IcaiBMod tbo caoao by modifyInc tte teart and brain of Stan?—Popslat Boienoe Monthly.

Mr |a>r i Lm el Uryrtr eiMsaea
in-Fark : tel at MfjcIf <,adilW.gawlaem.lB,aiacaaea



it, bat a braror traitor norcr wore a
Sack wwu almurt tte laK wards
traoed by tbo band <ff Tbackeny, and
they ahow the MtootohiDg miaoonouptioo of Panl Jonea wbiuh prorailed in
tte mind of one of tte josteat mm that
erorlinvi. WaabingtonwaoaboroaToa
to bill <-nomics. yet Watelngton had ac­
tually held a oommlaaiaB in tte Brittob army, while I’ahl Jonea could aay
to tte Ameriaan oongroM at tho oloao of
tte war; "1 bare never bonio arms tmdrf
any but tte American flag, nor bare I
ertr teme or acted under any commis­
sion bnt that of tte oongresa of Amcr-

ioa./' Tbto MuR^ar dlstincUon against
Another war bad bean fnn^t with tba Panl JoncB extended to tte whole of tbe
RrHIab when a amall packafe came by feeble naval force of tho eolosiiea riolpoal to tiH-^rector of 8(. Darid'a. Inride disB wore treated from tte bcgintilng
waa tba laarriprion. -Tbr doat of a trai­
prtooncra of wur, wWlc until l*nul
tor wbo died bravely.- and tbla m
na forced an uxcha^ of priMDcra
qaeoc -When Prodenea tlmrprr Ilea In npoo equal Ums American imilnra woo
tba cbarcbynrd. apraad tbU npoa tbe
fewmaUy dcclar««l to be ''CnitarM, picrave, and aay naachl of R. B.. wbo
ratmaiid feW—"Paul-Jonoi," by
wedded brr and Ibm aaw her wedded."
»“-« debtin, tba
of yeara en tbe Molly Elliot Beawell, in Century.
rector coald fntBD bit uiiat.
Tbea It
The/ want to tba Uttb cbvtb. which beewBB a mattB of wondat that tbr
WM nbmdy filUd-for the Boat pan
Not only to dUmond cutting not a
and doweea apoa the crare of Prndeeee
wllb woBan and old man.
Urn Vn.1
Harper wen ao Barb richer, ao mneb ■peeiaUyfaiRb paid oeontstion. bnt it
tbwa waa a yonne Ban la rirlHaa'a
eautifal than apoa the
ooe invidving a moot bumillatlQg
A taorr of MUkra loliend In
•PbUadalpbU Preoa.
temcfeiiilaiiagotattewcrkcr. Eaob
tba doorway. Thry ebamd lady w^
n to held strictly to oocoont few tte
tba “Flcbtlac Pataoa" appaarrd.
•teneebo rocuivda bsi going to work in
Ua donnad (ha blaek cewa of tba banNo one can afford to ladolga a HacW
bbtd rector and praaeotly Boonted the
tte taeming. and tte cusmt baa t» be
brutal InBlori anbaa ba b wiUlsc to debleb P«FW
pal^ to rand (ba atrmua ha bad
taken teboo tte nnflniahed
nrend a atep toward brataUty KliaaeU.
: to tnrsod In at night to bo locked
Hr wbo abiuaa a balpltaa arOmaL or
Hb keaa rye* wandered araand tbe! Mbwtly aaffon lt> abate. aaerMca
np In a aafo against tte rctnrn of tbo
ebarrb. aettlbtc tor aa laBam
Banbood to that extent. It wlU not I
':vnciitboncxtday- Ttepoaaibilltlni
hlcb bacbvd paw, appateatly 1
_ .... Hrancp If be abo o,
boft arc great, ttengb a tllabnncat
tba atmoat ratuai of ihr balcony. vMe
man knows tliat an attempt to dtotba brlWwa boy waa proparim '
tasaclaea that _
Acala ba looked arwisd.
ta fartbeted tbimby.
npon him wbererer tte atalewly.
He BMSed to M
Oo tbe orber band, v
cblralreaa rbaeyooac BHM U rlruianf* dfem.
Bapa- ann wan
s made.—New Ycrt Jf ercoy.
wbo woo
M ac«n to taka a mean ad•tatty dU ha caaa spaa Rowland jnB •nntace of tbe ferbb or IcaocMt will aba
basaatk him.
•row to t^e adiaata«e of bb power
He \artod bb nanaoB apoa M 800c.
!bere are ssna pointa aboot your
■TVlrieaar ba axctelaaed. “MV 8oaT
wrttintP that moefa nstenUe Sbakei_a. ..--------------- ^ anthill eaa
asn.” aald tte editor.
•Cbl tbr Britbb'.
arm tba rtnah.
"Doyoatbiiik ac?"oriad ttedeltiditTWa ba waked far a laply that cama
ed sdUks, wbo bad liroDght hto eontriSB. tVea wna no Boad Bva tba ebirpPnww a( tba MaC.
bstkm in with bto. own^ band.
^ a bird b tba bwtal
-. ___________
It b Mrpriaiac tew a maa’a rntt t»"Yes" tte editor ormtinaed, ••yon
•Tb sot ahted to co^
^ casl ««( MsaaiB wbaa te-«snte a cteak-


tte aaSB pt
Mi»S.*'-SwUM4 TMbssa.


R.y«tHl hand Mi-^’ bifyrlrti, $10.00 nseb.

At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St, Near Front..


Or. W. J. Etaiu. 0

The Up-To-Date Photographer

L Great Difleowery lor Oanew
WiKoaon, OsT.. Jan. Si. IWM.
Dr. C. D. Warner.
Dear 8Ir:—I have
nsad year Compound of Seven Corea.
‘ lari.

1 Fine Un of Photograpli Battois. Ealargigg of 111 Uals.

imend It for tbe pnr; to oaed. lu effeeU

fftefScaar aw doha l*i
"Traitor, if yoa will, waa M. John
Panl JoBK. afterward knight of bto
moat Ohriftian majtoty'a Oidor of Mer­

ThoM are real bargalsa

etSirocklAlMotporkMdrlaklarraes______ . Uc aacb
»■ vark I A IM o< btrjvic tira tepv. bar of IS rotl* .,
toSk-iwrb I A IB «( biryXv srnwrbrs................. tt.Wr«aab

A lot of pedate and hasdle bam—good tmta

tribatad to Uito paciUoalion of tbe natiooic bat ia it not trae that tbo ooa
war to tbe chiof preruiitirc of war?
ao. doM it uot iliBctrate tl>c rslo that
tte reactiohi autop by thpraX t<«-hnl«al

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Aidewmlk LunlMr in all atasa.

apparont that,
oaniMpi. the military apirit to on tte

imUof prospirrity and wualth*
tbo inturnal iewa to a ponpln bcooiuc


II 00

in tte cnormmuily incrnaaeil coat of war­
fare and ita Itilurfi-ruiieo with tte


ovaJ^Uer bLuk. tU Tfoa\ slfaA.
Notice to Bieyeliato.
: B. MINOS. Mj.lciao aa« sor____
tcFimFdikrk Blork. bay or nlgat rails
notice pemtoaion to
.--II farther
berrby given to wheelmen
to rtde on
the north aide of Wcai
'cal. Front
from Union atroet to Elmwood avenne
.OIt> OymBausoBJ
Kaat Front atraet from the C.
& 1. E. B to Rooe atraet.
T^R. W K. a W. a. Ho<». rrocral taariiar alae
to ride faeter tbi
than aix mliM per boar.
Wheelmen must
.. .. ..
tbe roadwaya on all other etreeta.
Joutv BKitinK.
1 OaaaMDarai
aa, OnyOpara
1017 tf
City Marabal. ~
V Slock.


----------av, grasaait


np amiling
oome up
I'a Blaatie Floor Vanisk


H. I>. Campbell A Sou
wm have tbelr ofllee In tbe


O. niLBBST.Atwraay. Spa^aMcl^
" Probata praeuaa.

hardtolp.B. Tblaiteas.n.

b-peelal Batm to O. A. B. Raaniom

d eklMrFS*s dlsraaro a syrotallr. OfAca
srs: lOMIta-B.: X la 4 aad T ta «a
ll -phaaa. Honfem -pBaar Ho. I.

B. K. g. uo
• ill aell T-kB. tL S. FXOOD. (
tickets 00 Friday. Ang. 'JUb. Men4ay. iJ Stack. Causae
Ang. rttb. aad Tneaday, Anc- tttb. rctnm limit Sept. mb. IKM . Trslna ▼ S HAKTIM. PkyaHua aad oorroae. Oaea.
al« tedtcaUbrar/BuUdlaf . BclTpSaac—0(.
Wl.73 tbe round trip. 1____
Odom onr way aso yon
H. W. Onoi
ff. A. MlUtelll.
U. P. AgMk

Vaw DiACOTwry for BloodpflteOBlBff.
. F SEVEN OUBKS. tte tliwat CsM#
remedy, asd for all diaasaea of tte akta
ssd blood, from OostsA sad Saeosdsry

Both Oood Barben.

D'-4i„tSE.’'-SS«£2rft i-

TUU, bot dnoe
f have tried

Pig Tail
I bsTc come to the oonclo*ioD that 5c will boy s firM.
clsae, (leiidotu cmcAe. Try
OOP And yon will never psy
10c for A Pig TUI am.

Clothes Cleaning
. Hi Pressing Parlors
n» Beat rroea etraM.
NbaroPan^tk’ ts

attvat.^ (lead ban Is croaiajk
Oalta toft a; Brodhagaa'a <w


jpiaso Tcwnta

John R. Santo,
Gaaeril lauiuci.

ClaiRw Cluaiif itf
irg.“v; ^^.PtetslittoiilliitaM


teAtoxr<*«.lm. Kan-al 1
ssd Uey IsHto tteir trtasda to esU

I Used ~
to Pay 10c

kB.^ taaTl

TmiBMaiw6 ioKxm, batu^dat. AO^garis. am
PIIMIM AM Aa warn natoa
P M kM «tm AMr pmam to



M S oanar aC MMh aad Oak
wen to Aa aanar ot MiA oaA DIri44eu Miuato aad a«ne tf
told M to^ Aa wktor
aaoa aa oar kaaan an a


F. H. ItoAB

BW« wto «» MV'



tsis^ ffStoSi *i!sr

Aa ifapar mS Cttp
to- STmTiaaSSto
-------■ •>#
rO rramn
at fka iWta
euv t<

«r fMMMI I
fiipit «C narto Mm.


•* *******

’ pJSIS*
Bm «f IM Mtm «r A* «•«■•

cut. MeMpaa:

MAwallt aa X^mtuT'^*aTl«M
■AkA alrar4 adjamt to AT ptaaBttaa
StolAd « AM a aad U. Mack ft.
Haaaak. Uo A Oo'a. Pint AddlUaa to
tamnCft/. Said walk la bt alt fan
wUa aad dftr f«M taa« aad to «ai
akoM M CM par naftn

Am k«f
ktToa NoaoncT.
Aa HaaarwMe. Aa Ifapor ^ Cttp
CommtU of »h- cut vf trot
cup.' MUAltm:
. roMtottall/ aak tkat /oa ordar a
emaat walk boHt la froot at a/
born oa ivm ToaA atratt; atod pmatotaa ar* deacMbad aa lata S aad ft.
MM CMM 9W » pm aflar tka tnt Mock
I. or parr/ Haaaah a koaood At.•M»«n. A taSMa la fPNMiar pa/ dIUoa; atodtoalktoboMtoKhmaad
Mrnimi taaAtafl te At aMbIm alt fnt wldt and to COM aboat M cM
W^fAiW aa«



MkpalM ad AM aigrtir aiiatlap waaa

■ lAoili MtaMMM la 4mIL^-----MM


il/ M. i»oa.
TO tki Hoaorahlr. fka Itapor ^ CUt

Ike CM/ of ----------

3. H. McOoraa.
doB* r. Ort. Moeed by AMenaaa Haattoga thkt
Ae petltMu to rctomd to Ae Board
or Water Oanailaotorm to report ot of twd amaU oaaa that bare beau ta
Ae next ■auliagaUoB carried.
J. W. MnuKVi. Piualdent.
GtamntAn. July M. Itaft.
A. W. fbrcaa. A«.. Oily Oerk.
a Moatague Aat
Mored by Aldmiaa
Traeme aty. Mick.
ar Ae beard to
Oku 8u:—Up to Ala Une. you kaee
fallad to retara our rertlfted ebf>que of
%A6A-AetoUU0 «IA our bid-far Ac
water work* booda derilaod by atnaauaga, swoer. iwwgney. km
Round. Wright aad AtfTtooa.
TaArcBAe Att. Mick.. Aug. 4. IPN.
totort'aaat /oa. b/ rttara mli
OcxTurMcx:—Tour board of water
obHar,"' Tral/ oat*.
commlMlonera would moat reapact>
SctMtcMao A Met**.
Morad A Atoarman Moort that Ae fuUy reromwead that Ae tollowlag
aaaraaleaHM ba rmirod aad that pipe ••xicaaioaa aad alteratloaa be
Aa cit/ dark bo laatrnetod to rttara Bade at ooce. A l44aA oa Fraat
At atrtUM Atck and attorarTt opta- atreet fioB Union to PaA Place.
A «-lBch exteaaloa on Boi
108 aa rwiutatad.
Motioa carried.
ABC. <■ AM
d on Roae
aorA toaebool booae.
ro Ike HomorobU. Ike Ifator aad i'U»
Do 81:Izth atreet about bait a Mock
CoaacU of »*r <Hlt of- Trotmroe
Citt MieAitoo:
I atreet about two Mocka
Oirstutarx:—Wt. /oar
preeeni tenalnua.
08 itreeta to wtran was rcdrtrwl thr
.100 atreet aouA to FouiteenA
laa {or At Improrriaaot of Raa<
I Btreot fron Ba/ otett to BIbi' atreet.
Board ot Water ConmlMloMra
J. W. Miujxu. Prealdeat
B. P. WtuiCLM. Secretary.
Mored by Alderaan Moore Aat Ae
. •cemmendatloo. to recelred aad rooaldered. Item by Itea.
R. W. Ro«-xn.
Motion carried.
B. W. HAwna
Mored by Aldenaaa Moore Aat Ae
Morad by Aldmnaa Sleder that tbe
report of Ae eonalUee to accepted recommendaUon for a alxteen lacb
pipe on Frooi etrret from Union atreet
to Park atreet be arched and
..Wertaen Mootacat. Moort, and Ae Board of V^er Com_______
Haatlnca. SIwIcr. Bouebe/. Kta/oo. era be luatnictrd to pnrcdiaae and lay
Bid pipe at once.
Round. Wright and Oarrttoa.
Motion carried.
Yeaa-<Aldennen Montagne. Moore.
Taarxaxx Ctrr. IHA.. ABg. 4.1»0.

At aoatk aldt of Btranik atrtot. ad
A «I9 (A A* pnpoM at niattr- tooaat to Lot 1. Block ». Haaaak. La/
A Oa-a. Pint AddlOoa; aald walk to br
Ca«ar ^miteb fait At Maad waa ae* kaadrMi aad alxt/-ft*e (lU
loac aad ato (4) feat wldt aad
a aa« A a laA ef e
built la aecordaact wlA Ac ordl
te Aa peetAr k/ Aoaa A aaAorit/. CovaralBC At eoaatnietloe of r
«W ttIMMf fVTCtMr wAWMbaA a tldawalkm.
RmtrtfftU/ tabmltttd.
Taeetaa tana. aoM am/ fA/atrtaM
TirriBMal Aka ai^AaiHa eC At A
bmi. Krmr «ai aai to kaA* ixtaqaarTo the-UonorobIf. the Metoromd CUt
' at kf guiwaiaam a«i«rtM aad trat/
• CUt of Tmvrt:
CoWficU of
rtlp. Jfickipaa:
cut. Ml
OCXTIKMKX:—W». Ac aadcralcatd.
OKXTLEne.%:—Wt. yoUr fowartutc
) claim and accounU. reepcctfull/
• «au«. lai^A Al Aa ret/ ocacfiac •aptctfull/ pctitioa /oar hooorable
r tkc
Dcd Ac follaaav OB pnpart/. Ml and pafaoaBl. f«MMt aJdewalk oa At wtat aldt of
and baring found name
arm aMtd dotlaa m Inporta. port Unioa alrttl, adjatant A oar prtmlata lowlnx
send AeJr jayaicnt froto
4kaa aad a caaawM lax of m aoaD MacrlbMl aa lou C and 7. block 1. HaO' Ac varlont fundt
«M ta atOBkaikiM arm asactlaM Mh.lar A Oo'a Flrat AddlUon A Trar.«rHC^T rvKO.
M^Aa Aarrfc. wMA^m kadu4 k/

aa^CT tat M M ttan .u •


ocraraAi I
A atO
aawawt oT At draartaaa. aad At/ la* aldtwalka.
•rttad At '
T0XKtx.BHi Btoa.
I A kt a
ArtriK Sertm.
mm ^r^ MAa^A^
lAkA At To the ffeeorakir. fke JPapor aad CUt
liaiar aakad At A Aa vaaanuwBL
PodiiciJ of Iks 011/ of Tnrcfte
WlAdka laiipaMM kr Aa AmaHcut kfcklpoa:
OtimaUKx:—1. Ae aadcnlgacd. reaaat Aa MAr/ Aaappeartd. aad Aa
aptetrallr ntltloa your boaorablc body
- order Ac coaxtruetloa ot a comcat
Ujm AM a« Aa AMI
Itwalk on tbt aorA aldt of Front
reri. adjaccat to my prenlan dcI AM Mad an kaadad
ritod u Lot 4. Block A. Haaaah. Lay
•var A AaMaadt
_ O ' SetonA Addllloa to Trarcrte

ana ert-

,r IVtrrtjl. T«i«lr.. .Hc„ .


kw At tAMtaa at tapataf Aat paT- City; aald walk to br alx fcot wide and
WWAWit M AM Aa » par Aat er aixt/oix feat kmx and to br built la arAt^M Aaa aal kw«aa At paAlt cordaaer wlA tbe ordinance goveralag Ae raeatnctloe of cciaent aldcWlHM MfA Mm wm BAfA aa^ waTka aad to eoal about 40
Aa «aAk MMeMa M aar paepA AIM
to ttmarna aai Aa mmal Tnullar ****"^ ItoB^full/ a^bmlt^;^
Onic McOanri.
•r AA or Aoaaaada at Aaa cd aipAWemfcB aieder that the
IMm Ar Aa atwadia riettm tt Aa prilUoaa be grmated and walka or­
An CIA arldiBBi M Ar tna AM dered caattrurted In accordance thereAc vkkk AA eoBBtxr aaArAtaad wtA.
Motioa carried.
AM AMm -Ihb laBMikiil Aat *tba
Yeat—AldenacD Montagne. Moore.
CaMad BtaAa la cam haeaiA K A HaaUaga. Sleder. Bougbey. Kenyoa.
Wrtgbt and Oarrlaoa.
kkml; It la pwipMCM kaAOA It la
ro Ike HomorobU. Ike Ma/or aad CUt U. R. B. U ft P
Dadar MaalMi lak At wtak a
Northern Telei
cut. A*f .
counter railC Par
OrxTUMXK:—I. Ae u
tngi. etc..................
rtl'lor. V
aperttully pctl'
A At drkter. A aUtaarr orAr ektcfe- for prralarioc 0 repair Ae r
A Ala. Uadar kpaiAh nda a Urga ot Bdward Welle on the north aldt of
pawaalapa ot Aa ptoptrt/ ovatra WelMter atreet aituated aa At wait
vm abarnttaa. wdacttnc Aalr m 17 feet or li« 1». aad tbe eaat half of
14. Block 14. Ortglaal Ptot of TnvI aad txaetlBC
aty- Tbe amaaat of aald repalra
I acataat othw
to coat about 44M.


24 40
lU 60

1 46
i w
10 60

daMa Am Aa Mm mpart/ ova*m « Vaato Mm niaA
atoaa. prtMta aad pm Akkkk
A Aampla ad tka ktoad an
» aaa MMAA aad
MA A dm kakMt

M Aa AM aA AaaAa kapa I
adiMnd m ft AM dppd tkk
MMMMkm am Am Aa p

nertfuUy aak pemUalon of your bon- MIA FcleAw C^.“^tm‘!'
onMe body to build two dwelllaga oa
Dlriatou atreat on lot No. 4. In Mock ».
M 21
of HaaaA. Lay ft Co'a Flrat Bnb-DITlaton of Tmeerae City. Bald ttouaaa 40
to be SCXS4 aad S0x24 feet la atae reapactleely^Atpectfully^lMl^..
Very reepectfully.
K. w. HAimsoH.
JcMcrii SiEViB.
To Ike HoKorobte. Ike Motor and (Hit
Gan. P. Gabrihox.
CoourU of Ike 011/ of Tmeroe
cut jnmpaa:
Dnu3C»:— I. Ae nderalgaed. re- Mored by Aldmnan Montague that
flpwtruny aak pemlaatoa of your boa- Ae report be accepted and claiBU be
ordered paid. .
Motion carried.
Teat—Atdemen Montagne. Moore.
Trarerae <
Oaad^AV Add!)
HaaUaga. Sleder. Bougbey. Keuyon.
Goat to to about MM.44
Round. Wright and Oarrinm.
Mait Batm
TaArxaKC Cttt. Micb.. Aug. 4. 1PM.
Ob MOttau ot Aldaratta Boughey.
oad Cil/
duly earrtad. Aa patltloaa ware ft Ike Honorobt*. Ikee Motor
ntf of TtooeCee
Cooneit of He CUt
UiehipMrily. Ml
^ke BaaoraMr. Ike Motor omt CUf
— I berewtth attack
OeaweU off Ike
Ikr cut
CUt Ot' Tfcoe.
Mil Ot fS.M from 8. IAdah
cut. Bfeki
______ ___ _
hit r
OnnaiM!(:-^l!\ka t
BpectAUy paUtlaa your kAon^ body Sgnred at Ae aame proportion aa we
tor pemtaaiau to Boee a naftll barn lo- bare been paying for concrete walka
ntod ou tbe alley betweeu Oak aad and we AInk Aat In all caaea wbere
iwratanant aad aatlafactory <x>A la
~ ‘ -ocA atneu. weat on Mid alho a nerataaant
built upon Ae true grade aad llpe oP
. Oak Mitot to im >4 aad «. the
atreet aad wlA Ae opproral of tbe
t.PurryHaaaab-a Third kdditlou
to Traearae City. BaM kalMlag M be City Bnglaeer that it would be no
. ................. Ae city to pay
meed aader aaperrialoa of Ae Fire
We Aerefore
Chief ead to accardaaee wlA Ae ardl'
Mil to allowed by
aaaee relfttlee to Baetog buftdlaga
and paid frm Ae
atreet diatrlet taad. No. 1.
Moeed by i
1 of {
O. P. Caxtb. Prealdeat.
A. W. Rirmaat. CtoA
. . _
r* Ae Veaorakle. Ike Ma
TBArmc ATT. Mlcb.. Jaly 24.1PM.
ATT-or TMmaa Crrr. To B. Anauer,

iMUma aad taxi

aa one item and Aat aame be adopted
aa Boon aa auArient money la obtained
for the rompleUoo of aald work.
Moved by Alderman Sleder
amendment Aat aald report be made to
fnclude a alt Inch pipe on Spruce atreet
iron) Front etreet to SerenA atreet
Ddment loat by yea and nay
9 follow!:
— Aldermen
.S’aya—Aldermen Montagne. Moore.
ouebey. Kenyon. Round. Wright and
Original moUon was carried by yea
td nay vote aa tollowa: ;
Yfue—Aldermen Moatague. Moore,
Hantlng!, Sleder. Bougbey. Ken>M.
Round and Wright
Naya—Alderman Oarriacn.
Mored by Alderman Mexm- that the
City Attorney he InMnicted to prepare
a reaolutlon railing k apeclal election
of the tax payera to role upon Ae
UueatlOD ot laauing bond! In . the
amount of 426.000 for the purpoae of
improving and extending tbe preoent
wnter worka ayntem.

/’^mta Oft uJMJato cftA^ » toU



n 00
144 67
1 M

——ar.ssar'^ —


141 U
Bepalrlag hridftca .
-wdaam arnawe ,
aad gradlag ....

24 M

INawIng grarel tT’s. PIUBt

244 81
44 M

Joha KeuV. ii'dimM'ftM"


MuTfcTbutidiaS ^




Work ta Oemeterr. .



. .IL474 25
re-that Ae
accepted aad claliaa to
ordered paid ar retomn»eaded.
Motioa carried
■Yfu—Aldermen Moatagae. Moore.
Haattnga. SMrr. Bougbey. Ketlyon.
Round. Wright and Oameoa.
Moved by Alderman Kenyon that
tto BoaA of PuMIc Works to uuih
orlaed to repab^. Ae Mcyclc pat^s and
Btteeu where moat needed at-----Motion curried.
Yew—Aldermen Moatague. Moore.
Matting*. Sleder. Boughey, Kenyoa.
Round. Wright and Oairtaon.
Aa ordinance entitled “An Ordiaaa
Relative to Ac Conttractlon of C«uc
8idewulka“ was presented and read
Moved by Alderman Skder that the
be referred to tbe cMaiulttee
ordinance^ b
to report at Ae next
meeting of the Count II.
Motion rorried.
Moved by Alderman Ronad Aat Ac
City Attorrey be Inttturwd to aolify
the Traverae CTty Iron Wort
rubbUh ' from Lake- i
front of their premises at once.
Moved by Alderman Mont.
amend the motion Aat tbe maUef be
referred to Ae commlUee on atreet*
kad sidewalka for InVcaiigatlon aad
reiort at n«xt reruUr meeting.
Amenument and orlilual motion an
ided were.curried by yen and nay
ns follow*.
Yms—Aldermen Montague.
Ilaatlng*. Sleder. B
’right and Garriaon.
Nay*—Alderman Rounu
Moved by Aidcrmnn Moore that Ae
ayor and City Clerk to InstructMl to
procure additional table and extra
chair* for niemtora of Board of Waiei
CommlBsloneiu and Board of Puldir
Work* for iMii* ttt Council meeting.
Motion carried.
Yea*—Aldermen Montague. Moore.
Slader. Boughey. Kenyon. Itound aad
Garriaon. *
Nay* —A Idermeo
On motion duly curried. Council ad­
A. W. Ric-M*u.



Oahm bMik eeary day •!••*• ftaotoy





toav* »PWfa City


a MaoBar to a ct a au Iw ■eabU*a*U
--.eeieawMlaaaaaai wtib ammar CVaaeaei


ar.irA.-tt -ss rria iun

itoruavNartbpaet wbere torn wUJ aaaaaet
with ateawer retaraiad leTVveetoUtly to 4 W
^anefMa eaewraltoa freai Trawrw CXtytake the alee— Urre.'. ai eeerr toleraooa M
xmfarXeal>l*w*al*.wbetTyM wiu eaaaaai
• Itk auawr retarelB* la Traverae <4ty M
Ta*artlaaet!<WBarea 'rMaayawa tare tar
IW Tvaad in* wlU br wade. '

GtUf lipMl I Mint U.

cur Clerk.

16.46 TOOHIOftOO

Moved by Alderman Moore that wSen
■' nrn. wc a"
' * "
. 1900. at 7:
O. R. A I.
too curried.
leChlrugo. tto*. ■■ irala ba* alee*ere 1*
ftaoMBl ofS4A NkUoaal Bacump- UhVui^Hk. toala. CiBriaaau. Iadlaiia*tola,
l-aaviw. ATT. Ang. 4. 1PM.
sold Aug. PSA
To fkc NunoroMr. fke Motor and CUt
arrlvUMiU^ a.
rouanl of Ike !'«/ i-f Trueeetc to PSAfMdto ratara naUI Aur llai
MaaUl"'l^ dlDlaarar'frpa
cut. Michioon: •
TrtoBamriacu imi * a
C. B. Munuy. Agt
OBXTLKurs:—Board of Water Oom• aak your
hononMc body A approve following


PereMarquette PereMarouette

..................................................... .
The Hannah ft Lay Mer.


. 3 #0


. .i|

kaar AaA pafAn « At bordee M Aa
t wkAk c>Aa aecwtt/ ta
Cadtr Cpaalak rate Aa moth tt Aa
' I A Aa
plaBttc aaadad
dad ma^ to pa/hla kalp
aad far MMpIlaa.
MMPAa. tka ptao iroMd ba
kaU at A
» <Wta A caU. aad aa aooa
aa tka MaaaiT kad paaacd Into Aa
kaaA at Aa aiaa wkaB Aa pAatar
kad awad At ?alw «( tA aaia pm
MdAtd to A cam. Tkla rmaaa
aaWiHM A maty kaa bm toakt to
0*a plan to aartaAC/ aad ttUBatr
kgr ekaaptap tka camae/ ad tka to
Mkd to tMtod Aatoa eamec/.
DaAt Aa nda ed Ppala Aa aaaaa
A Aa paAto ^aC aM mka aa aatdAkpaAMaa/ MMiiif
Tka baktm ot mo Am tHtmd Aat Aalr
kam ad labar AM» Ciaai 4 o'clock p
A. aadi U o'clock Mea oC Ar faHov.
Id/ md tkat Aar vackad araay
a At root. OAcr aitlaaaa para
- - ^
IPIA dmrleaa acPMMMi Aactor'kaai. wm dmaadat
wMkaat Aar. mA tak daallac b(«o
A AA Aa ptoca ad tka aaetoat wram

toekea AWk. at 2SC.-MM.
tona* Wai
MuTCd hr Atoanaaa Moat* AM Aa
- •
to raoatead aiM-------auSle.
llMlea omac.
Tba«mbb ATT. Aug. ft. INft.
Ae Mornorobm. Ike Motor aad Cftg
Comma of Ike out ot Ti
cut. Mfdlipaa;
Your board of

! 5 WJ

MoUea to Tax Payats.

6P- 30 79

2 S .....

t*i r^tottoeolWeUoaeC MM ^

tvlU be u
eUtm far tto POfawiA of
eoUmbwaaUtaaeaaa every waek day >r*w
aevsatoKovMberW. ma fr<* n evioek
ance ft Qaa Co.. 2 years
■edl Utoe'eleek Id tto fariine M* Irom I
and P-monA.............. .............. 127 60 e'etork aaUI C OJeek le tto arumaM el earb
H. O. Joint................ ..


ooraa aoBM.

reaelvM vlttoateeUeeUae <laae. *to ee *11
tejiee TVelalm aeto>d es He*te»tor let. eto
BetUOetebrrlM,a*e**ltyefoeeprr rent lor
ceueetlee «U1 he ebarsed. Oa aC i*ir« re
leelalBt uetoMeeOrtober let. e paaeiiy of
two >er etat tar eoBeeUee vlU be rhenreO.
OAeeteBeraUboUd^.teM I. ^

Votlea of ^sdal ElseUoa.
842 64


eleewre of tto eity ef Trar.

unn SB I

J. W. MituKEX. Prealdent
. ntagite Aat
Mored by Alder
•ndaU ^ to aeeepted aad
» he ordered pa:
a!-1 from tbe water
M-tMou curried
Yeaa-Aldermoo Moatagup. Moore,
.laauaga. Sleder. Uoagbey. KeiwM.
Round. Wright anil Garrlaoa.
AXo rvr BU44.
I'lemac Cirr. Aug i^lPM.
» do hereby certify to tto c.iuacll
of aald Cliy that Ae folkrwlag U aa
AL'cnraU vcajut of Ae coot of repairs
oa atreeu aad tbe conatrucUeu thereof,
tbe aawant of material need and the
expeaae tbereeif. aad tbe atreet or plaoe
where aaeb matorial was used or labor
performed; also tbesamtor of days M
tabor performed on Mid atitott aad tbe
aBMMiBta doe tbe o«vmuI peiuoas berelaafier named aader the bead M pay


laaiStoeuI------- ^-----|aB.|».a


If/oihaTua i

atto wAtoS
I ^ ftta/M

Oal/ tba mato nUabtofttoMi tamar-



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