The Morning Record, December 30, 1900

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The Morning Record, December 30, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


I vbrafTrr


Is (bellmUto buy.


noma op to the oxpeeutioaa of the
Talieu in reapeet to-the ooBibpr of
pilxriou and tbe.auoMt of eoBtrlbatiooa to Patar’a fmm.
Harvard tollwte. Other
n>e twpal bail U explailMd by ti>e
fart that the |ai« 1« atsxiou that
,ta. i,! for Womea and Childora, BIO.OQO:
view of the probability of bi« cMly
M, a contiaseBey which he al> txotably conntlDX 00 American rap­ Oennan Society of New York. $S.(O0:
Uenoan HoapiUl and DlepeoBry.
wayi bean lu mlod.the iwpal fiaaneea port In wokinff a ehanxe.
♦10.009; ITharity Omaniration Socie­
■hall be In a proeperoon oondlcion.
ty. $>.900; Mute Chariclea Aid Aaeo.
He U of U><< opkliioo that ll>e world
will almoat iniBediatety comnieo
(he PreventlOT of Ornelty to Children,
Miea of [anren
in reepeet
♦l.flOO: New York Uedioil Oollexe
with a oon*N]oet>f^ fallioft off
OniMd «tatM Nsgotlating for and HopaiUl for Women. »5,un;
ubt think of thf Rood you will get out of a
Doblw Ferry HoapiUl
pAnlah WMt InOlM
jacket from now on Coltl wcathttr is just
♦&.tU0 AoM-rioan Muwam of Natural
laiwl irvMry.
Mpin>|ioltUii Hu*settinu in. <)ur Rarnicnts arr all new ami
OorlDit Ihi- ireaent iBoiilli ahinr
ofZwe.iand made by riic best lirmu in
ier<> wma ronelv«l in IVler'e J\*nc
a Werklra •• a llaai*
bneck. n*varia.|lS,MWrTol)iaconl*le eitarmooi ran of lire.
mis country. Hut.what wc want just now
sen AMtalt. Speyer on Rhine. Iia.ootti
MlaMen ef t<elBWba« Rave Keven Koihliut like tbU hae been In.a alaffle
is to sell a biR lot. about $0 in all. and two
To the City of llpeyer, |IS,60U; Indofaeh.a»i l> TkHr WeiTee- l.eaaer Booth olnee the pope oeofed
of a kind, at just
trtal Mnse'iiB. KaissetUnten. Ba­
pixn. 'six hsndrad
Wadtlaxtos, Dee. A»—Ne«otiation< varia. $18,900.
tboiuand pUgrlBa. m eaUed. arrtrad
And wvery nlxhi until « a. m.. the
llwMW BeMd.
The lemaiader of the eeUtc Is di­
In Rome dnrlnx the year. whUe are at iait formally opraed between
the United Stale* and Denmark for vided amoox reUUvM. aerranu and
Oiaeiamti, Dec. .e*-Rer.
there were SOO.OOO non pilcrim
of the Daaiah Weet In. intimate trined*. To hi* sister Em­
Pearl Poenon; formerly iwroldlnp ore. inaUi* the inflax for the year
a il.U admit tod that ma he left an iiniintly of A^.an;
e'lder of ihe MelhodUt Kplecopal ver a mtlllan persona It may dice UUnda.
minuter at his wife ttU his pononal effects and
ohorrdi.* who 1* a member of Rie efely be declared tlial IWki Iuir lieat
lu other words, a I-adics'
-rahw are bp{>oxiraal''l,v
preoclMT'e eoramillee warktos np the n all record*.
♦sao.nit. Tlie remainder, totli real
Jacket that sold at S 6.00 now
Wioaa wilh^Uie
opiwIttoD to lU-Jeffriee Rohlln i*xbt
t. is divide.! bets
Jacket that sold at S 7.50 now...........S3.75
raid today: "The dfcbt will not Uke FROM cilCASO TlTeUROPE nnder xcneral initTBCIionatopaccrtain wife and ehiUlren. Hra Jiones 8. W.
sold at ^0.00 now.---- .. $5-00
plare. We have the beet l««al Uleot
on wltat term* D<-ninark (is wiUinx
Bell. Harold O. Villardand ilawald
jacket that sold a1 $^i 2JX5 now...........$6x»
diapoae of \Ve« tndUn inralar jxMwe- Oarritoo VilUrd. the widow's jiham
InJheelly woitlnx to thwart Ibal
No rhaixe f’or niakinx ap|«liilmeoU
Jacket that sold at $t5/x>now............$7-50
plan for the^roellnilioti of the eily
aimta and to make a treaty if a reas­ toinx one-half.
to Ulk at a M|iccifinl tinir.
' taiille Menmen. I.MaeM
and w<- have in view ncvenl way* of
onable price can be artani^. Swen( hlracn YeMfedar.
twevnalinx It. Mowiter. if the flxhl
•on it nexotutinx on a baaii of|3.uii.r.« wii.i. w.viT
' '
l( wu can (It you. we'll do you xood.
U pol llinmiff and tlioee ■•lx liankere. neisi tn'iv. H.-rmtiir
MO.Oai. Denmark wanU more money.
■wrritaiktf and pmonfanorer* an
Clilcaxn. Iiec. SO—A i|uiel lanneli.
nrlsU:Koner*T mUepIr tslbeAlli
iveeeal ae epecufon. they will be W- Inx at South Cldcaxo today wnt
of 0«af**l Alow. '
^'.-w t’opprr tSirruit*.
Uie water the Ural of the fleet of
t.iSV- UiralBS B>»d.
•leamen intended to imuxorate re|t- Mew IlMUe.Uer.iee Jaa. S IVhMher
BidunoBd. Va.. Dec. S»-Ocn. Nel­
n.-liabl<- Dry (iooda, Carpi-t ud Clothing Hooae,
nlar ftrixht •erTier .from Chioaxo to
Plxhi, Hen Jantaa IteToee
son A. Mile* spent a short time in
Ean^MBa porta Direct aailiBgi troai
Xoadna Xsitonal tlah.
Ooldabtxo. N. C.. today. .
Chioaxo to Earope bare bom few. spPctsitaltM-MsraiaaBemrd. ■ . <' jWashinxtoo.
and Irtexolar. The '
I.a> ie .teilHpnioa of tiraw
New York. Dec. 89-The KatloSu | A!*er * attack he aaidi-'. Alimr wailwill he one of Uie tour ateamrn that
ed twoyeort to make, aa aitadc and
' Jeer Ifawart.
will he flrat to ply direct at retcnlar Sportinx Club, in Londoc. deeidea; I xnea* 1 need be in DohsiTy to reply.
!.• Tb. Mer»»K Ibe..r,l.
interrals from here to hlvennol and to xive McGovern nntil Jan. i to: 1 may yet have somethinx to say of
Chiowo. Diy. »-KoT tlie ftrat time Hambnn;. Tlie Northweateni is the make op hi* mind wbetiter he will
M nf the wtole affair.'
in yran the hilnotu ate eloeed at
Bret ateaowr in Chidigo Iwilt eapee. flxht Ben Jordan or not. If at Ihe
end of that time Terry does not ano'clock. Anlirl)Btlitx the (fiwad inry ially tor the trant-Aluntlc trade.
WIUEsUnd ( tvil Merviee.
ssrer. the featherweixlil champion
remit liie bixli eity vfftciaU held
Apmsl ta The Marine R-Oi<nl.
J»eonfemire and deeided lo rlMe, the
IS TH1-:
dan or anyone else at that dob. ' • U n.
Bidimond. lnd.,Dec. SB-VTm. DndnlonoA at midnixhiMti nonfonnilr
ley Folke. the civil eervioe reforamr.
wllli the city Uw«. nntil the xrand Itadr ;«r a MraMer Peesd aa Ihe II.
rays that McKinley x>^ra MBannee
a o. a. vr. Twkt.

Clob'e rerreernUtive. "The club that the daastfled service will be
naelal la The M.eslaf B-evad.
xive the toy* a pnrse of S3.7SO. extended to Porto Bioo.
Ver>’sniall. ver>’stylish, are our new
SUNDAY TH^ms” UPHELD JeffMeonrille. Infl.. Dee. S»—The will
with liberal expense* to MoOovern.
tody of A man aboot » years old
WB sonx. e
CW.e...\xaltMi MeVW^. and tWffci. found on Uie Baltimore'^ OhieSonth- DMeGoretn doe* not come, to the.
tow. The I
ecratch hy Jan. 5 he will never xet •
eaxu Opera ttneke lien- l«<re
WMtara tra^ ibt* morninx.
chanoe to flxht at tto National
Inad sraa ernahed to a m>P
Made on the new Dunlap last. This is the oniy up to date
is cverr indleaUoa that hr had been
Profession or amaienr. wUl
BOwM I- tie- M'wmi* Bwvd.
party shoe shown in the city. Make 00 misClileaxo. Dec. SP-^Tbe oppoaltlon
SI be Interested in oor store and our
lak^'the "Nettleton” Shoe.
to Sondar ihratrei wn* tide tracked
In Jostire Everett's eoort tpday. She was found in his pooket. The police’ .n MeA*arwfU|»ps>neKBU Eetlax
There IS DO mosiral •li-niaiiil
eharxe* bmoxht axstntf^cVlcker'x believe be was marfered by bU part­
•TiKSSSCSKS;., $34t i
IIbm» U iw-.iwlmaa nieek
we caonot sopjily at tli-- I»w
Ibeam- and the Chleaxe Opera ner. with Whom be was anea a few
■'£j”u=^yS=3fr7iFI J.QD
hit body era* foond.
rravnarr t.
qrallty of the x«>od* ap to
Hooae were .li«mis«.-d. 'The eoort >KBN before______________
tW hixbosl pitch.
K. D. McAvoy. chef of the a^lom.
THra fWraw S«ran*$.
held that 'Seeinx n. thetdra* do.ttot!
tot leased Uw enUre flrxt floor and
actually dtstorh tia. pea«i»itd x>»d!
The leading Shoe House of Northern Michigan.
doable toannentof the Oolmaa Uook.
«r*r of««elv»y^,^ a phrsb^^^. ^
Xooda. Uilnk of
afTd wUl open the flaept rraUannt In
ral disliirlianee. then- is no viola-1
UiU |oJt of Ihe state abont the flrsl
tlon of the iaW-la xitin* Won.Uy mr-,
fannanee*. The (act that rart> a |>er- The most briliUmt sodal event yet of Feinary. He vrill rwign hU poai
(oraanoe mav detrsict from
alien • j xiveo by the local lodxc of Elks wUl tion at the asylom. and tore persemal
"**•' iceelon to take
of the
nr may dUtorh the roei^ qniei of {place Monday nlxht in the City Opera
The flttiiixsof the It
KOOd imople wlio donotWHeve In I Hoose. The banquet will be the are tM beiax made, and wUI be of
omnaemenu doe^Aot make it {flnest ever qsend in thta. dty and the the Aat erdoy. Every elaas of trade
Phyaiclnn and Surxaon.
be attended to. It U 4he inimiaviolariobof the Uw. ltaeem*toll»0|rt»U»<H‘«cl»JrC>f«««‘«**l“‘- will be
me that oor sUtate is more nrarlv a I ed people here. Moxic will be tnr- Uen toase the rati romJw the ttble
- - {Blshed hy Steffena- foil
te trade, and tbS weat for the
falflllmentofthewoBUof Uw Mas­
Qtsses SdeatlfictUly Fitted.
It and rexalar trade. Bvmyter: 'Tbe Sabbath >n* mode f« iS'pipotis. with D. W. Stewnrt a*
nun. and not man for the Sabbath.
tbinx fwra • tondwiah to the flnW
to «Mar out a pair oUiir
dlnnere will to rarred. Byaatonxe oolnoidenoe. "Reform«r" Fimok Jlall. who broaxht salt made and a xrand i
Pt-AJTT WIM. BE ■ll-A^p»
•xaiasi ths Uwntrea. WM today itolet-

» aitni'
I TMObbput. where Ueaeral OcwM *ul Ueak) Knox eoatiBoe • etabbom etrux^~l<UKe hodiea of Bom are
T«n*4 flooenottiitinx n> ibr acrOM-n
bank* of KaUl. Thrr
U» Utrrrhi KaiTtMin in earmider aud
aaha^VMiUjr aliarkeri. Imi annrBwfaUy. Kiirtieoi* eaye Oie aaailMU liM tMTily. aiille Uie Brilkeh
mup off wUUmi any oaaaalttM.
Ctauaberlaln has reqaetled
Aartraliati nolonlni lo keep Ihe Mih
MiU np lo Uielr foil
airetiirlh nnhl ]e«

I nifred U.


tobitT more islands

6 O'clock


Un( Dislaaci TthiilMiK
On-IWt the 1^ Rttts.



Half Price

Bit Cut iP Udiei' tapu, Minn' and CHIIraa't Itciitt.

Tn tin NiElil Sinict


idiitii TilepliDM GO.


Jl 6entkman*s^
Tut] Dress Shoe


The Musician

enamel Kid Bals.




It Cakes

Jl Voungster
a Cong Cime

JsamarfM .

to by a xrand Jury for emidaotinx ■
flinnrierly honae.__________

Ford WiUeit and Bairy Mapea. (he
fonax men neeoaed of ueoUax bedM.tooA*oo *wv at*AP*n
disx am! other articlea fxnm a holue
tuiox u XeW Y-avk tokmftnx to LonU Cornell Md Alma
Otera tm the abore of Otran Uke.
were bnmcbi before Joatiee B
Tcstcrday nMniac. and tbetr exNew Y'mfc. Dee. 8»—The Aetna •BlMtioa Axed for Toeaday. Ttoy
wlU reasaln in >dl till that tiast


KewT«rk.Dto. »-A dlrrattw nf
the Federal Stotl 0««iMy miA totoy that Che oosapaoj i* ptonnl- otoarteiieXUinoiiatoal ptot.
plans coU f« an ontloy of p


Wc wm B«ke A epecial
^ lowpricobaCuBenx. Unay
opportanity and booght a
itojtmnt deap. We
bare bcjoc aiorc bergaina ia
tbii liaa. Mew ia the time to

Wsit'M Dmi StHt,

Bop's $150 Sbois
L« your boy to-, pair. If.toyoor
inteiest to do so.

Ficot Street.

McNaatara Block


' mcH^ MTVoAri ]

]R SUUtTSnttlBi


lILtmteear. yet M la an. aer
Che BaOboy who aaaabk
Mary giwea tha wnat aad MMh

THOS. T. •AT«» •«- J- W. HARMDf

BMkbaeaaaa tewwaotaa
1 got bayemi hla depth. «



«OBbl it vlll tmn mt^} a aafii^irinM
Mmfnas rkld^bla an aaA tr

ftranlaa erf a dtonloc
<0 know
U i« ooomed salwrftr aad votM tkaa
aMMla» to OT to «*a tbi Ufa
dfowni^ pnoB or to
m aocarr or btar be b bond lodoyoa

tba caae.

Be retaned bom tte

tern he woBld (eqviia to axart
a thaatead d^lan in gov■te with ite eoapona tell the tetefal ateht MTivad. Thaonpeay :
Tbis' snow will make fun for the Girls and
md vani^ Rmk for «» ted getbned. and the minurer waa ia '
tte hoaar <rf tte hride.'pcepajt^
Bo)-s. We have a fine line of...
I foaad yeaurday in
oeed teth'tha
eteatiaa hat ewspiaf by Haaitl
Tpailatei Salih, who' MeA
died •
a Vfew
STS^S^l^H^’uiliger..-AatroaniMwaBtataiaimeM. BeamUrad aear FteMhar. cbi dieptetia. bet when '
kte eoaaty. Ohio, few forty vtara
4 WM aot fcaowa to hare a oeat
a mtarf WM tenagad yran ago te they toaa ap tw wrath Mauat them
e death of hla wife. PeaekB They atekd tte taaanbara of Itetamaa
i to $5.50, and owing to the
hath with tovae aad mitetei. ao
. .. ... season we will give j-ou,so
that iteaa gmdamM ware glad to beat
. |*er cent, discount on all Sleighs- and
also have Cutter Boxes
and tte bridegroom, dnmd in w
for babies, and both wood and steel Run-'
vaUay for the wheat trade of tte elotba^ bonnded into tte nima
s for baby carriages.^Id. .A Brittte itaaiaer tea loaded doom having beea terviaded to |
for Uverpnnl via
. the oeramoiy. and anrely no
tte Saex oaaaL Tte Cape Horn
DCn waa aver married inaorbe
U teortat. bot it U len tealrgarbi HiUcr wa* eemv rapBtde beoan* ot tte coat orf aad «ffl- taiei He lived to a ripe old age and
oalty in iwoeartag ooaL
wna tte fint teadle of tte KirkwmU
The aopertettona peraOBi' who Fite ohorcb.—Gbamben* Joanral.
three yean ago at aboat the time ^
Ite yaeaidaBt’a motbev died, dimov(traeUog tbe sumwM dlgmUra orloan fo breathe pngKvIy and ayManatedaahadow every motalng when
and rbethraiCBlly and yoa may
tte ann aboae oa the porch ot the atlcatlv
• •louga.
iga. indloreieume iaaaamia. weak
^WUte boaae. raprMantiiig the tent gMtKB and even acaaickiMM. Tbla
tea Ota
kaat ia ttelteoty,
m weU aa Ite aae-.
diaoeverr in tte mme plane. EBCh|«arfai incticeof tte patieou of the
dv at about 11 a. m.. a abadow baa] famona Dr. Oriel <rf Hnnicb. vb<> bia
Wo have pUced on aale Shoea. 8lipp.ia,
appeared for tbe aame week on one j elated a ^aem of that
Kobte?*, Sox. LeftKina and OriTHSiU-n., nt
3^ mnaaive Greek pillar, at the! U* Uaaaet f«lh lu a la^e vmrk un tte
Tte brtathing i* done by cm
l—.lnIfcTK-feBWnTT., r.lM.i
prirea that it will pay you-lo liuy -ami Ih>
repreaide of tte i^t pertleo.
c by alapi ao many foil d
F. G. raoMPSOK
log elanriy/a te
‘ot« that we are Riving
ainbby foteftnger.
■lightly bent. U held np dlatinetly in
^ Valk ii taken, wbtthet i« be
tte atttrade of protaat or waning. te>el or an aaoeni ordeemt. Tte apeed
Tbe enrione abadow haa freqoently < b regnteed 1? ihe ailaieut and ocudiW«'.ia.lte
been pointed «nt to vlillora daring, tlou erf the y^fauy
tbe lul week.
m* »w
The gbori of Mary. Qaean of Scoia, , „
moreumnU of a
which, aeeording .to traditioo. ap-,
C. m, i« cmmiHing .boot a pint
pnra in the Tower of Ijondon before i g( .rater corcrod wiOi a piece mulin.
the death of a crowned bead, made | yog can have ■ irelty good barumeler.
ilaelfheard on Chrtalmaa eve. Tte | The berii lirorolkd togetbec at tte Uataet haa been eKmeealed bom tte i bm cf ite bulllo—fair. Il cunwa (•> the H0U8E8 for mle in all ]mna ot .tl
citv—all priera.
FARMS — A long lia\ of deiimb
into which Ite death of tte dowager
- - - lulb over and ov
forma and other Ianda.
tedr Gb^ill threw her. bot it haa

oaoaed tte graataat alarm in eonrC
and unimiwoved.
BAROAINB—We have ttem.
cirelea. Mary, Qoeoo of Seota. wm'
imiwiaoBed by ifneea EliMbetfa in
If von have n dwelling, atoek.atore,
the oonatable tower, ud waa led
Fine rou OUIIES. crowB 1
from it to exeentios in the tower
»rldr« - «s4 porcelain work. 1
tinadiangle. Before the deatli
.i write the
Ite inananee
for yon. and will work ruirauteed satisfactory.
In Jannary tbia
|give yon laompt and earefnl attenevery king w qneen ainoe ter day
chance. Uooda ■,in“^
her ipirif hat been reported aa having
Overooata. Mea aL. 1YoDlb e and
on v
e ooledi ' Only the moat reliable ateek tnanrSEVERAL RESIDENCES
('blldren'r all UlaK.... I Men'a.
---Taka tba gaaHte.arigtaat
Yootlia'Iand Ohlldron a. will go.
in diffcn-nl loralilira for ml.- iiii .-aav
glooihy eventa,
Bntea very iow. *
at se per cent diaoonnt. or oneb-nna Atao money In loon on nwl
and the gheai of Mary in the tower
foorlh off. Conaiderlng Ihe oni(wlate aecnriCy.
haa canted more than a aenntian.
• low

Kb tax claose Inserted ;in monrage.
waya, Ihia nniorti
A few moatba age an old roiaei
greet, andw
Bamed Chrittian Young, reaiditig
Telephone 78
Traverte (?ity
near Preacolt, Tia. died. The other
Every Uvercoat on oor firat
ot the eatnte aol*
oor goea—qnanliliea of tin-m
e wood jdlet to Conellni Mcach-1
Thauking von for ronr |aat
patronage, and wialiing von a
liappy and {roaiwrona New Year,



.■Se-tv". s:‘£ur,2.r2Sis::"“"“

25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, •


J, Hardy, who baa h^etentj
k lha etty eboaUtioB of the Monlac Baeord ai»M- the third of Horaia'
bar. tea dlaeoBliaBod ia that poai
Un.mi >-aataaadad ;by Oharlaa^A.
who will b(«la loolAaff
after (he city Hat for die Baeord thla
MtBlBK. Hr. Skalehar will
ythe aahaeriban aad look after the nataal
iveau of both aabarriben and pab-

UBV and <rf whkli BO M kDowi tfaa dwivalUA. Tiaeaa <rf it are foBDd aaop
the Simoz and other trUaa of the Isdiatt
Ibe «aat. vho aeoBi to have iobtfited
....................................... ak*t
ailhaoniaayotberqBalBtthiasa They
tell beUara, and Iff a patt of tbdr
and. that ia faantiog the body of a
' fwned taraoD ;oa eaa diantca iti
tine place by Ocatiac a chip irf eedat
vu^ erbteh will atop, erta is the

_______ reacoe a drowning peeeoa
i aioet prerakat la OenwaU aad mrioaf
pau erf Scotland. ]he French aite
and the boatman of tba Oanafaabowto
fb« deem. Mgethev with the Baaiaai,
aad let the people drownDr. Taylor, in hia"Primitia Cal.ura."declarathli Ungeriog foadnat
fa UUJ old creed i* becanae (lie wala
eplrit ia angry at king deviled of ill

The aataaeadeelad alautblarof deer
dhrilW lhe*teak o|M aaaaoo in tliU
alata haa lispellod the HicU«aa
State Oaote and 4Hab Proteetire
« adept riBoraoa
e the deer of Ilia etate. There
trill he a Dwotiaf of that orBaaiiatteb la teuliiB oB tlw »rd aad »4tb
of Jaabafy^d the qaeatioa of bettar iKdaeti^of (ter will be the
prtaeiia) obyeelte eaaatder.
It la waU that aoae aolioa alioald
te Hkaa. ai tba nthleai killiaB ot
tear will aooa wipa thoaa aaiatet
troa the Hlehitea foraau. The
tell adopt

who bu dared to fiwainte
himarlf to the water’a power be tell
drown a nrea fata
fftemnai ahrinkt
fterm anatchiug a drowning man from
len^. frani« the water dniMa
ray bit lock in ftabing and
will lake away
druwu faini ta fore be gau to teore with

(rf a k« Mdlac to the praac
tba detr. Tbli eonne will inee^ with

Them-ia great aafferlng and
mong the Rnaaian aettlera lu MeBaniy eoanty. Ella R. Bhrichac*.
bntlng ofRoer of the
Red Cl
mya that SO familiee
iding open them are acinallr
■tarving. Theee poor people can tret
credit, aaya . Hiaa Ehriohaon,
onleaa Uielr oropa noil airing ahow
fair proipecl of a yield. . Some of
them are very gratefnl for hel^
Boat of them are in ong aod .tean.
tier and are enabled -to koep warm
with a little fuel bat they
tanrlaicilia tedlr.” The aettler*
rveetit arrlvala from Bntea aad had
oropa thla year beonae they
rlvrd^too late to break and aeed
aditL K<
allthefamilltaharea large number
of ^lldren.

aad thoae who take pride to the raiae
ot Hlehl«ao and iu paeaerratiao
■boald lend all potebU aid to infloaaea adeqoale leRlalatioo for the proir^oenl
reriaioa of the same law* of
atate. While the preaerratlaa of deer
tell reoelrr eaoatderable atteailoa,
will be looked affer.
•eatloaa made for i
r eklsta. alihonitli
the trlBoroneeiroreetaeot of the'eriatlac laW ia thii regard woold yo far
(owatda iMamlnx vioktioni

Jaai ai maay aspecied. Uoremor
Piacrae declined to appear to at
to a otMMRe of eoetempl. in Jadjir
Weial'a coort ia lauuiw- Ho
too baayr Jnd«e Welat eridaatly d^
WM thiak when he aomBunetl Pinirme
to apprar darinB the Isat daye of
hla adaiiDlatniioo, ri|(hl^n the i '
the pardon mah. However, the
ftoraraor ww let down ea»y becanae
of Ilia teioUI datiei. hot
Jaaaarr »th aa plain
Hlater PInitiee. Plain Mialer Pinfrae. howerrr. BMiy be aa diffleali to

three dollara per day la lanfBcleni
ootnpMimtioo for the esreeiae of U>e
' lawa. let
aleae the fttat wear and tear
the gray matter of «1ie legialatort.
Pachapa, howercr. wlien they are
tafotmed l^i it U the intention of
the iMder of the Irlah Katioanliat
party to allow a aalaiy of only •(& a
tra<4 to meaben of parliament who
oBBBOt afford to. par ihelr owi
peAM.there will be a mote rharitabie
taellnc 'lowaida the leiriaUior-mak
.lag power etMichluan.
MalU-arrWe Kkettoe.
The Biembert of Bnaeh NO. •!&
NaBoMl Aaaoolatite of Letnr <krrlete. met at the rooraa of Arthnr E
Oibteid laat nicfai and after a pleaaaai aoeial arealoo and the tnnair
lien of Un regnUr Tootine baaloeaa
the fellowlag oneen were elected
far the year IWOI:
. Preaidtei. K A. Eraaa: rice pceai
teat, W. U. Gordon; aeereiarr,
AitharE. Olbtaard: tn^rer. J. J.
Bblw: mrgeaalte^nat. 3. O. Tat-


the naderatgned, do betel

m eaat lytle to prove m

Tlr belief i
Hr Katwbutkana. ratber than help
man not ot tbc water, wonld force him
Duder, and if he aboold aaca^r to the
aboreno ceie wonld dare rareive him
iDio hU bonar or dare to give him food.
n» ia eoppoaed lu be dite after
falling intn ibe water.

Ilow'a ThUf

offer Une Hundred Dollara
wwd for any cane of Oatarrh that__
not tw enred by Hall'a Chtarrli Core.
F. J. Oheney Ca. Prnpa.. Toledo. O.
- ■ ■ have known
' the |mat
K. J. Cheney fo^e
lat 16
and believe him perfeMly I
in all buioeai
tranaartiou and fin­
ancially able to oar^ oot any obllga** W«t*^
vSi'ohmle Drngrisu. Toledo. O. Waldlng. Kinnan A
H^ln, R'holemle Urngglata. ToleU'a Oattarfa Cue U taken tn..dly. aetlng dlveelly open the
blood and mueooe aortaeea of tbe
PHoea. Tbo per bOlUe.
teld by aU dragif^ Teitimaniala

Kodol 11. w inn nn«i m

Dyspepsia Cure (






- B F


Ite mtmey over to tte admlntatntora
It haa long been a matter of ■
that Amrrioan noe horaea.
■howa ag^ aprrd in England aa they \
have already ahown dhemaelvea cap­
able of imthia country. The Iheoiy |
d that Ibe trooble lice i
with tte diet rather than with the
climate. Acoordinglr a California
honrraan who U ahipplng a airing of
hoaea lo England will aim ahip IW
tone of Amerioui hay aad |>ot the
theoTT to tte teat
Admiral Dewey haa
with yellow wheela. It ia eaaily Ihe
■welleat hpraaleaa Mrviage tn tb* city,
of WaafaingtOB. and aa the adminl j
fliaa over (te aapbalted itreeta.,gtBeefully guiding Ita oonrae 'wltb tte-con-;
fidmee of a boro chaffenr. te U the :
admlistioo aad )oy of all Aaiericana >
eltixena The adminl ia mklng to|
the maobine with tbe anthnaiann «f:

Trolv yoora.
Hamilton Clolliiiig I'o.

KidBr. t ill, luiTe
-old ll•••lbrbTF<

Reliably Kidney
pepmiMt aner. asd 1>

11.r ONM^KK Ibat Fa
doF*>ca otiba XIUNKVe
a-bal Mm



JAS. O. JOHNSON. Drnggiit

Shoe Dept.
Price List 3 '


in a Bashef

Commencing Monday morning and continuing
all week, we are going to put up. all in a basket, the
following article, all to go at the price of $i .jo.J

26 HsB H Best Flour........$ .45
6 ibs Granulated Sugar-. .25
l-21bTea..--....................... 30
I lb Co^....................... .15
1 sack ^ckwheat Flour .30
1 Basket............ .............


ThU is a snap, and will positively go off tale in
one week.
All goods guaranteed, or money back.

•TbanklBg yea for year paal I

Enterprise Eroeery


I The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company

A Record
of Forty-Throo Yoars
Stands behind our actions of today. The
keynote of our growth and busy-ness is
carefulness, and it’s easy to trade here.

A Warm
;;sr' Proposition

Jl Bargain


leTrlmmsdHsto 1.98
lllMteteedHsti “
Fogaar Bticaa rssosd

IO per cept. off on Fir>e Siioes.



Every Orereoal ca oar firat I
floor goaa—qMBtitiea of ttem I


Grand Travose Land Co.

GirU if y«a wMi te be a Jane
bride Mtb tad Upa, laagfaliig eyea.,
Hra. lAwrenee Hlx. of Dowagiae. a lovely eomnleiioe. lake Rockr
haa gone to 8t. Joaepb eotuHy* ~
HoontaiB Tca^a moelh. Ste. Auk I
dlaiia. to aeareb for treaanre alleged ■eu draggiri.
to have been bidden by her father,
(^bief PraahaWBT. a noted Pettawat
omte loBve. Atone Citne be owned
>f U
land in '■■
■ ■
Benda'a Oleannee telo.
Men‘a $5.00 ditaa pantt go at SSrtD.''
itteamaaaedn«<maidenbL ____
Benda'a OMnianoe Sale.
Then te took to drink and began
■qnandev bia mooey, bat hie wife ia
Be^'a'Olmiwte SalJ.’’
aaid to hare hidten a luge anm.
Men'a RLff) twrfcra at >1
She died i■nddanly withon^ll^
wbere the i
hnibaad baring jaeeeded her lo tte SUCH 8LAU0RTER prioea wen
and it U to aaarrb for thla
re that Mga. ■

make: ^ rednetii^ ia


Grand Traverse
Land Co.

or one-

sLurar nnim
» Bm«t Hbti 8<]ii« St $148

Clearing Shoe Sale


Rall-a Family PilU are the beat.

Inlenae aafferlng waa endared by
witnem T. L. Martin of Dixie, Ky..
- *
te gave tkl«
(hla ..rlfU-nr.
MngUed ereiy night until my throat
-nearly raw. Tten tried Dr.
Eing'a New Diaeoveiy .whi^ gave'
' - - nllef. 1 teve need it In my
fov four yeara aad reeo(nro«d
family fo
it aa tbe gnateat remedy for Coaghc,
Oolda and all Throat. <%eri aad Long
troublea. It will atop tte worn eongb,
and not only prevaata bot a‘
Prlee COc and IL.
' Trial botd J. O.

180 W'wolWT* mTmmm'r

Diffc^ what yon eat

■''W.nbo,* Bbd.


Vill be Boy’s’

■J hat will keep you warm when that
Said the mother as she saw her son
I bli/2ar«,l comes for come it will, and that tyifig a can lo a dog s uil. ‘■^■ah, dot s
so. ospecially if dey ain't girls.'' replied
' right soon.
We have the finest line of Pur the genial father.
' Overcoats up in this Northland. There
Now boy's arc “lilrie men” in a
I are Goat Skin. Oog Skin. Siberian Bear. great many wa>-s. They wear clothes,
Russian Calf, Wombat and Coon Skin— collars, neckties, just like a man. only
I and our prices are $"-50. $io. Su.50. $15. sipaller. 'There are those Tecks for
"little men ’ finest made, and sell for 25c
SiO. Ssa,
S50, $40. $50 and S65.
-ail manner of colors. And Shirts! The
“Juniiw". made "just like fatner's," with
detachable cuffs, in both white and colored--sell for 75c. And Suits with full
length pants for "little men" from ij
L'lslcrs do not usually come from y-ears—sell from $3.50 up. With an out­
fit picked from our stock he'll surely bca
Ulster. Ireland. Irish Frieze is net all
made in Ireland. More of it is made in "little man.’’


In a Name?

Scotland and still more in America. An
Ulster is made to keep the *'<reeze” out.
Ours will. .Ever tried them? $5D0 buys
a good black Beaver Ulster, or those full
English Back Cheviot Ulsters sdl at $10,
S12. $15. $17. $i^»od they’re all wool,
every thread-made with plenty of pock­
ets. big wide collars, heavy lining, slippery
Silesia sleeve lining — and they're worth
every cent of the prices we’ve marked

Eton’t Forget
If you want good, fresh, pure oys­
ters. that we receive ours direct from ^e
oyster beds, without any re-bandling.
Those who have tried our Selects say
they are tbe finest they have ever eaten.
Telephone us for a pint. It Will pay you
well. . Nothing nicer than an oyster stew,
and your wife Knows just how with thoe
fine oysters.

. cn Muiumro uampt fiAVnsi &i¥, liteiLi
Bor. & galffy. jMtor.
wcMaw^Mli aad Vod»-

buxtiiat. iwcsicbu bo. xmo

The Sew Year** awrloa* of St.
Ntaael* tBaitib whkdt wlU b«lB
al^ wlU he nay elabcc-

BMd«y MfTteM no ••
PModihcAt IftJftA. m.

W». iMtMA. IMOr.

Tha elM
tha )w Md a< Haa the eloee oi the pn*M
tha preaeat oeetarr.
e«Mty wiU ba Ittiwlr ebatirid la
The ssrrieei wUI •
tha ehaiUtas of tba city, hy watch
Bight aerrteea tosaorrow frsalng.
algbc. with Fr.' Baser, as oelatoaBt,
Bev Taar's B^ la

Bcniaf aerrioa, K»da
aw^ aAool. It a.
Bpwc^LaaoeMft:4D|>. «.
Brcainc aerriea At 7.
T WMchHas
McMilac UVie. "Tha-Ck«aaa tt Tha loUoviiw
vlU ho
(irca At the «Ateti ■ithiit At Uia
BtwIdx topic. "My l>My to tho Friaadi chondi. wfakh wtU faecia At
Baw Ccmtoiy."
8 JP B'okmt HMdATd tif. AO< rioaa
Bar. W. T. N
HoniAtr. lO-JO. ‘Sobdact, ♦‘Baaoa"Maicflal
of tha
peet ABd**roapeoL"
SBOdBy acbool At soon.
aMrie-Cteriaa aad
Yoob« Propla'a maetiaf ot •rfA.
Owrlott HaIb.
BTcaliw. 7«L tebiaet. "RlacOat
"The Si^wl Booaa U tbe Paet
UnUld. RioitliitbaNaw."
OMuy '-Ptof. B. H. Byder.
Prmyrr mM-tiaff Thaiiihiy aTCBlag
'TheA^lmaawiBOftbeFnea la


ntm If wutn.

11 la Mkl Dial iIh- I'xuiit Bial (-..uulv I.r > 'u>ti-llaiM- n 111 h
lakr u]i a raaKl<-ii<v tu KiiBlaixt. Hilo I. .iKiiil; l« Hi.- ruuil’a


I'Bna aad

('AI.VIN' bVKI.I. ]»Ali

MamWarA.O. r. W. llvrA.

Krva haa
haa n
IV'in<ii iaaaLiiiit rvrry rlliaca lo
Ihla «ltT o* '
off.fal«.Hy i«»plloi.W tha
;*»lh of IWtIa 8..U. a mattbar
Mlar; l-y maiuitHKIoK b>. booaa, ,
>»> ««. A.
aii^t opBfB
tAOUty nr tmalnoaa l)uildli«. i
riiad-al tha
rwiiaia an<l a.-arp|*U«hU aiv cm, W^llAmabot*rii
the mwnm
uolhar. Mr», lUrrieil Harll of

ItiotBAB K tllhn, imaUf.
Mcmtloiti beia U> Onnca tmU.
Lotd'i Day. Dae. aa
Meralnc nrrleea, 10:*). • 8ah}e«.
• BalicTa ABd «e FcmvArd.' •
BtfaIiii Krrloea. ;d)0. thiigaeU. lIJO DsToticml
-UnrBiUa. Tha Book of Booka"
The laaabMs of the Pint MetboSotidAy aebooi At It o cloek.
dUt ehareb bagla la^ Urn ealataaV.P. B. C. B..«fl»^ ai.
bagtaalag of the aew otatarin fay a
Bar. HakIi Kaoiiedy. (mator.
Pnochiiw At 10:90 a m.. Aod 7 p. aaeatk of HcrfesA Today tha
leeti are. "Tbe Makiag of' the Old
Moninjt tbana. "The Tvtmtiath Owtaiy,”eiid "Oor Dotyr to tbe
(hi):” arcototc thana. Kew OettlBiy". 'Tooi^tw nii^t
Bodc ThlBiia the NiaatOMth Ow- a gcaad watch emieo trill be bald la
• dOp. m.-8os
Claaa Maetiiic at 9:4S. '
• JOp. ■,-(
.BaiulAy aohoo) At ItdX).
ChireI."Kow tolareet OarTalfatA'
Gpworth LoMtAC at S;49.
lOdO-^Tbanhafferlag aad iatetmUTbataday—Fiayar nmattaic at 7 JO
p. m.
A cordUl ioritalloa Ucxtattdad to .10:90-Bemaa. Her. Wat. Uafmaa.
* ^■Qlaau aad O:
:S—Cooneattioa serrioes.
II ;4&-Tomag oet the Old Ymr.
If dO—Happy New Yaar.
Tbe terricea eoaUnae all tbe week.
"Thp twblic U cordially ioTitad.

d Fr. Bopeeawal as sob.

At I0:» a New Ytar’s Day. will
oeearw seleaa high Maas, with Fr.
Bnao as celshcaal, aaeleied by Ft.
sab^dsaeow. The ««Boa will ba
leaebad by Fr. SopceBimL
At both the night and tha taonltig
eetrlae the following imgiam of
special latude will be gimi:
Openiag. The Aagel's Msfgr '
Solo by Mra J. Imbonle
SeMwd Maae la C by J. U Ball,
wna. Op. S98..
Errie br Mra McManas
aad Mia HcDoBalA
Mrs. J. Ubooia.
Inallaiaai aad B.
Misses'HoRBBlh. HoallaiaBlsI
Joyn>. Mn. MclUaaa
Solos la etedo br Miss I'. HeOonId. Bl loanstes Ksl-Mn.' MrHai.u

Biobard and Hoallaiaatel. Mrs.


Solos io Agaos Del l>y Mrs. Labcatenadlln. HcHaaBa
At low'iaaa tbe •lagiag will 4*> by
the ^ildna's rbolr.

A dllAII) OPPOKlin
Qaall^ for a Salaried PositlmWIUuDlLsssoftime
from Work

Ama.lp<mohcmau.ulo«>10«.CB»lo'^'^’-*‘"'- **« “
pnfmr BBit ma noknowu | ^
Horn haoaraa A manber of tha
Aowaal of iBoitoy war atolce fi
*.... 1-. «•. Oc,. lau,. ..d —
' Wyaodoua. Ulol.kjtAntVuiiBl lailraad
suiad in favor of bis motlirr.
m «>raa Hina Pnday
seiB of ll.noo. HU daath was tbe
Blltbl •
; rarah of A col.l oaotraeic^ aboet a
A rlavar roar U baliw triad b.v
owners of Imnar

! mw aarioot troobla.
Tha Kaeord Ugiat today the noet
Haniosola lo rid thf>tBSalTas of holms
Moraiag serrica and wtmae 10 JO.
*•«**«»" Voting Contest aver inanwho banc anmnd the «uutm FUoanls^
Is Baamm Ilirra u> lanta daalb ' Haailar acbool at t».
tba wateli Bseeliag at Iba .'laotmd |
Inmc. WV will give to tJMoniiHiK aliildton muo amot. auil. Braning aarrlce and senaoo at 7.
lababwl "an«il|ins" nt>- Iibiik. B|>
iroDldre. Pmnin action will
slhodlit ehatch:
!|s^rwKl sacoriiig tfH* UrgasI sinnilsr
aroDBd 111.' osin|i and Aava |vnvmbviTy'
Allaivnirdiallr ihritad to thiwe
tf.. li»tlaoo.wftwa Uieea tarri
•The Condition Wd Peril of «l..-;
a Kr«s-Sal.olar
• airi.iHiv<-.
M.- aiawscA' W'.. know of nolbiox ",
so c^rvlcaa
!Uaar»d."-Rcr. J. W. Millar.
ship in .•llln.r U.ohaniaal or AnliiIda Cbrtsl- esTUiiiHo give iustaul nUaf as (Mb-: ThaOhtUtBMs mosip will Mandiall Udi.w lu-ld
terlnrsl Drawing in tiu-- well known
How to Rsach tha UaaradIbis nothUig. Bad the bownlimas n-DDlmi Uiai
iBlaniatitiaal CorTespon.b-nce Srl.ooU,
the fact tbal
M tifHb
and IniiwoVl.Ta.'of ■Jolts' p,™'!
Iroor solo with yiolia obligato.
of Setamoa.
lualudiiig all llnda Feller.
Alinrawtdows and ll■ay'|Ult to^o. F. C. ThoQiaoB.
•, lapdored Iw Mr. Skelahar. will
tb) ta the UoagTCigatlaB—W. H.
eomely bonnd in
1, ,
A latter JosI rroelrad at Nila* from
Near Howard Ciir.
instraments and
(Cl la tbe Saaday 8dhool-L D.
Bar. M. A. Kelsay. |WStor.
drilling i<agan almul
licb lo do lb- work
isarvlug la tha army of tha PhilipHobfaa
Comer of Fifth and Uak stivatA
a I ■ ill of coal luu U-cii found
.. |iina*.
ays that
Hiller, I
idi la the Bpwortb Logne—Rob­ of the Coora and lo nse i
Bible school. P:Ua. m.
(■oliil slvvut Ave r>MU fnmi^lba (raaks 'i
ta pnctiml dia/ting-tpom work.
ert Waller.
Meatlag for worship lima
Thioogli this seholarsliip yon <vui
Junior C E
E sT m
y a few ooalhs' etndy |gr|wre yonr
Senior C-E.
S.. .^:4bp n
iJfiul isI ninrlT'sls
mnrtr sU fa-1 ind it
F.Tenlog servinw To'clook.
aid ilial Hie vain is eight
can then easily secara a eiluaIjim- Uillar dUannyed.
Prayer maet^^Wednasday. .pm. light refr
thldiDiws Bl Him pUae N-U Olson
lion, and by studying while working
manily rsmis'il and mad- kilosrb
owns III- farm mi wIilHi th- vein
at drafting can iioalify for snla-Itller’s ffate.
has bean fouflil
Unant ailvaacemenl lo tbe (wi.Oluldliofeaioas of ^hll-alun-. m-tliani<al enginn'nng or .■h'alriaeal -ngiu"Tha Joy of Soot Winaltig."erring
To taka np this coarw of stndy it.
ef Bpwortb L
WiU BM ba necasory for yon to liwvhotnr aad go away lo aollagr. You I
Will not av-p liara lo loe<> a single'
dav from roar rvgular work. Yon Kv-ry land owijer in nortln-raMtab-j • .........- ••OBoa. by
wkeabraball in the
ff*"* *"
IffsnwiU be tuteonml in the
I fnnnar. was alMaked
smiemeni made J«r an agrtaultnrnl !**»"“• ®‘
tods who have reoeired thU instrnetinJooraalthal Mtailgan-s yetwiy !>«'•„„
. .aaragf
- I kbnie tamed. any teadeoey of U grippe to reealt in

dnetiou of )s«ns now ascacds tlial of
•s-Iki'u a Urge man. over | tMBumiA" For ale by F. C..
'The early part of Ae eveaiiig Will at draftsmeo or higher op the Udd-r.
aaiem. not ev. n “ "W"
any oilM-r
nipped with Aill in dmftlng
be ta cbMie of Che yoaag people aad
r York. This tal-ia*t- •lotwoB.loabtedlyavedliUllfe. His
of e*|*-ckal •“'**
wrists were badly Urerai- ^^y's Oordaroy saiu worth SS.OO at- tbe lat^ part will be led by Ae pai8 fail It
tor. Thete wil| be a Wble mreling
ta.|«riaaar to tha iu,rtlwrt, „.uutt.-. |“*»aU Imrn
ria A Ae highest Ad most Aflnnt1000 Silk Tiee worth S»c aad t&c go early io Ae evenitig.
of llm lower paalnsuU. Bon. !*»-' |^oa^'« «o h*tr have Uwo l«.k«n
Cial pMitioes.
fully on
egjdain that IM“rJO. •*.» aad »IA0
Anyooe eao mter tlw roatrst. Both
pUiUA wh-r-th- roaklebnr nnd th-’ When lhc<«tonid with tMcumouia are toot* for Si.oa
provad piofniti la ataklag eagar are wn and women Uke an th- (wofi—
Aistlrslraggl-tnvi.iBf.n- -Mstenev. or any otJiar lung irouhle.
.. prompt
____ ... ^Men’iSAon
- . '. #1.80. W

netboroQ^ that tlie world U de- rim uf drafting^ Yoang peepl- will
daugeroas i timloe SS-W
pnrtiralar heneSts from the
west that
Men's fl.SO all wool Atru cat to
M -II .
'’"in?- We would snggest
world's markets
•he Mirtiignu
Minnie Otmgb OnielleMkeB as fl.OO.
hoaamoUeaet. Many eoasidrr Ait eonise. H-rhoairs and clerks will
bean, if lnt.T|watf<lrorT.wlly by lU' soon
uxHi as
mt ludtoalicmi of iiavtiig t^an' Choice of any «.00 •weatet* for tbet tbe reveta of an advanee
And it BO easy way to sernr- Rilvanr.Bortlirni Hiahigan fanner, will ..t cold are BotiaisL It ___
Aemistrv. Olnooa synp is a poor moat or to eliang- their work.
,, .and its early na prevaais
oaly add lo bis yeiwiy Incom■abstitate for tbe deUeioas and
None are too nld to (<■■* helped by
tiem. F. O. Thomiwoc.
, oolUi* mad «wSa cbeiee 40c.
wUl aouvari into frultfal Aalds IhonshaUbfol N«*jMrans BoUseee .of it—Ihonaad* of men an.l women of
aadi of acres of irtoe snuap bind. ' > Two Howard City men etariod oat j ^ noUnodeted thin ia tbe World formeT dayn.
all *gra are sneo-Mfolly stndy Ag by
At Iswsing invasiigatlon Aow s .aaa little banting trip, aad one of fiwDOe,
tbai tha I’epiiol avenaa awer is them Aoi hlmalf tliroogb Un* foot
"There U oaly ooe donoe to
disunee of Iwfote they had even seen any $
clogged with
I yoar life aad that U Araagb an operover 1.000 f<-at. hah-r U fon
h... atioe" ware AeOartUag word* beswd bold. WiA the d
toroeil lark
^Ih- mM sowing.“hmUng and*
t Maskewon i
^ Mr*. L B. Haat of Lime Ridge.
Alo mn«y ivllnn Jiu i siinuH. d amisaimc apnlioaiion ever de^l is !b^ made by a
WA. fmra her doctor afua bo had tbe eOBleel an<t aecsre the nntuld
that llw aw-r I'oiiutns lOO.lU'
raAly tried to care ber of a frightfal beneAts of (wacriraliednratiati.
' itomach doable aad yellow
Tbe record of the eompeiiior* will
from the (.a. aorks. Tl.- im„„„ons. P, C. Thomposu.
rUviog the game., lost wAter tbs .______ Oall stoBM bad farmed aad be pablithed A later ismrs of ihr
work m.
--- --------------iMnW* elnb pUyed. avetal oat she eoastaaily grew woree. Tbea
Ae began to am Blaotrio BItMn
the Job at jiT>‘«aut.
A bliisard IS raging in Colorado. Lj
whAb wbblly oared bar. Ift a woaA lusB and V".
•lisrged wiA >i-a» an- egpressed of Ae afrty of' fUnlds. aad they mune oafof As dofnl Fioaaah. Llrer aad lUdaey
brvaking into a sni er cottage nt miners worting In the Colorado and i__ ____i.w - ___ . .j^ng of rioter- nmady. Cora Dysperaia. lioa ot "'I tried maoT rrmedu
riles," Writes K. W.Smii
TopAaheo, live h«u amwtfd a no..., o.
JL. “bnt fonnd no rrllr
CbsUiygao. wlutv tl»- siolen
V* snawM A at an alHtnda of 1 l.WO I, -ire tbe eport of fox hnating on aad J. a. Jobawm. drngfiut.
BaAIm-* Anlca Salve. .
was being jiadAlwl
bem troobled wiA piles sAoe. "
whlA A
, ,,, ,
—■ UM Kw oi janmeg
Ae miy ebompion pile core on <
t. Villia
, Arorite wAter Oily. Va.. tad bean mioAg Soar and
Ae brat alve A the worlA
ille gsih.'ring''.
............... ....................... .^.i. tnseu
and otber things fr» ber pantry. ^ box.gBUBBt««d br 8. E Wail
rning recently .fcmnd ^e tl>«iien‘i'tlny'’are""wmdM4y^‘''ValS^uJ;i'
Her heatand. who is _nn amabrar
was rally owondil. It wasOtLsom- '.*?
Ae Urat aadfowela F.
wbal larger sis- tba« tin- test. When
Neswly all Araae* stall with
anyone dUtoAed the
Iwnkan tile Aside was |iatfaallr oat- IF YOC^mias Beads', riaiiawhich, are A Ae^lra of
«al.betonl« yolk Aea
and a mapAot of Ae AAf *
la Joaauy this year. A grral
riA a i
ebaaee. Oood* mast go. AU
aad on their retara foaad a rary
________ ___ whtA O
w. bat perfectly aattuel.
Mm'a. YonAs' aad
good pAtare of a neighbor A tta net
. ?i: aU Vlxtera... (Men's
of Btralltig Aonr.
Yootfas and Children's)) will g
Hare 1 not hAilea yon beware of i Rednrtiook offervd on Cloth­
al IS per eeat diseoant. or ione•oaaAlag aid to be the same ss I
foaiAoff. Onarideriag tbe
ilMidlybaUere ...
- - iiHmBtaia'Tem
A To. made by lhe { ing are ind^iacut when
taaaxly low tFioe we always
*s,diy» Medicine C-o:- U re- are
■Bfce, Ai* radmtim is ve^
wta. heed Al. wnmAg. AA roar
will redooe oar stoA
foUow For raU byF. C. Tho^
er’a warranted clothing *tUt
»*raTOrawd*t m oor Srst
ou...- .Bril or rout
5 w« iiPOKht at aucUon way b,. |
to goas qaauUtW of Asm
Binrket mine We offer *
A see box WiU Mkeyoe feel Uk* a
shirts, horiera. boA :for g fheie good* at 40 per cent. 9
nrasnins S- B^'U A Co.
diacQBBt. It Will pay yon to S
All oar »L00 soft hats at *4cl
inreatiMte if yon are inse^ €
DOT OF FAMOT aUk MaMim nl Me.
AU Asapar hoM at 480.
Bl ir'wfll coma npitf of an Orereoat or Soil.


jrf....... I,

What we are Closing Out.

Cot ewid’s
Winter $At$-..
For ages 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8 years—
prices from $ 1.50 to $3.00—prices
cut in two. Some of them have ex­
tra vests.

One-Ralf Off
One lot of fine suits—beautiful pat­
terns new this season. Sold all the
season for from $3.50 to $4.50—
Five to seven years.

One Cet
Child’s Cape Ooerceats
Former prices $2.25 to $3.50 All
go at $ 1.50.

Boy’s Keefers

Jill Child’s Keefers
The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per ^ent. discount.

Cot Boys’and

Children’s UIsfers







I Cato^*» J.ittortof. u<y to ^



.................. at 25 per cent, discount.

C^Boy’s nice Ooercoafs
16 to 18 yearsi marked from 25 to
50 per cent. off.

Boys’Fancy Wool Bests
Ages 9 to 1 I former price $1.75,
now 75c.

Cold and

Changeable Weather
Suia;'«A th-mixl ot
At .’K.V-. T5c nnd $1.25.
Frost Kiog and Froat

Protcctori. Thrac can be bod
('hamoi* VecU—all aixM -of Ar

Jit our Hot Soda €ounU>^
H..I Itovox Tomato Houiliioit. Hut Beef.Hot
Bi>iiillii>n, and Hot {.*4icc>a with W'liip|w<d Cream. During
a *hi>pping tuiir th-*e will W found very rrfreahing and

3as. 0. Johnson


That' cannot be Viatched
anywhere else in Traverse
City, nor anywhere north of
Chicago ................................
M.n’.AII Wool Korsoj-

Here is that Covert Box
Coat that we’ve been
saying so much about
It was $7-.So. but to
keep our word we will
fit you with one at------

w r



Former price $1.50. now $1.00Ages 4 to 10 years. Come quick.




Watch 1il«ht MmMo«s bitfw


Men’s Suits -strictlj^all wool clay worsted
serge, tricot, cassimerc or cheviot suits,
. extra well made'and good fitters—made
to sell at $12.00. and
cheap at thatSpecial price-Men's Suits, consisting of the following fab­
rics - Scotch tweed, tricot long, or Indian
river plaid, made up with French facing,

Mea’* Cap* — the kind
that are aold every­
where, even in Urge
dtieeat 76c-ell cedor* aad ibapee — We
hare your size.........JV^



Men’* Jersey Oveimhirf
-Nothing Aetweere
Utter —end at tbe

P^. ^
Akt’e warm- VM
er BpeeUlet.......


RdiJ>le Dry

Carpet and aothitw Honst

I ctrr, ns, •wikAT, i
TOWNS or arroEO mawti.
“* " -**'*‘'



•tS." Is I
*.<MSMw«v«lM>4*aa* AoBUtea*
«M to wbMkcr the «Mt«a71tsaonble m thed*7fa vtaM tm
■ IMP or im. TIm>» m* *' «■■ ben-CteMM*.
Bis 17W BBd 1800;
D*y*--n» t


Tb» tVMlitt mill J viU OM-IIO
■MM* OB’ Jauarjr I. IfOl. Thm M71 Oood rHdmj Md to** (roM dv

• lhe««lBBUw<if the I

l*al«e oeioek


■a* raiA«« .it


While at their wtadew otton <

P The OpaBtoc—Tlte

tweattetb ees-

tarr trill to«to ob TaaBd*7 asd eloae
oa ilBBd*7. It trill hBee the sMBleat
BBJBbev of hap jtm poaalblf—twent7-fflW' Tt» rear IMM will be tbr
Prat oae, Umb eveer foor jaar* after
tWt. to and iselDdltot tb* jmi ton.
trill haee Ore 8aBda7*
three Om. la ino. IB«8 and IK«.
Battoaal HoUdara-tolwrfederal
Hetowial or DMOtaboc 4*7.

laotber day* reporter alcppad to at, bi* peal ttoa to the BoaNm Steca, aad
OB* <4 tb* toll* boMe* 10 Mk aboat wiU’go to Ctodiltoe,. wbate b* to*

> la and paid faU nbar 4*7 at baaa. and
aair <iBL Three Teat*

sot oeoBr a*;

b era* her 4*7 at boine. and tbna aha
:Oft*B a. each
theodwii ta Staodae. «t to the *a»e rtair
the taoe ana;Fill*«iB«t«fth*l00 7aa.-* erill W-; 4«r wiQiibe «a, aeMirwerk. « aeas*
^ ^b W*4D*«is7aod the ame asis- ***7 UkaH. to tor band. and. bkss ta-

nl Biir—nirMlil

is^ ooa

.4*7 «d wart ihai vlU


>e 4*7 (Tharaday
waA. Then after that the aaaw Uua«
will happea at the followtoi^ inter, j

• t* SBtMMBAT ^

W^CMaaa MMa.M.

i* tear


There will to


— o,

a* atoo


u. u™.

h.. u..

toataaee. tolween midaighl
day* and Chriatraa*

I will OMr tto mme day to the week
if IMS and then at



■*3* of II, d, II, c. II year* andao oa:
alao to laSK. IMd and IWU

March 4

will tall on haaday
yrar* 1»1T, IMS aad


09CBT1 oa Bandar.'

miracle fo«-

ham Ilf llx-fare eaiin»t be trered. Iiot
otadinanmif from 3.'i to 5n fret it ■
*a plain a* tboogb done wiili an artiri
faraah. ibo gronpiiig of lie. .].ii!i, rrir_
and wavy liufs ruiiiiiiiiiug iotQakeii.4

Bar Hire will not be held ToewhT
afleniooB. It Im* been di-ferred ootil
Ttic^r. p m. Jaa. Kih.

|i*nr was enp^ la
Mr f. .K. tikejeher biwiD* today n* tofide* retreoluiienta *
ilie regular *nloi*t of Grace KpiMoinl
WM enjoyed.

Aceerdtog t
I enatm
tba oarrier boys of the Morning Kec
ord will on New Ytar *

----------------------. ,
-------------- knen-a that, it* onxsuuu will NiaH
they have got. Been linlo grrap. .4
One Loni.Tnie Nwlely lu.ii bad ■ , puale. are led oil to .amrtdeand bg^h
petotrr c.iuie<l Ual'*. Il y n* a |-vi*l ed ti«elber. and that mc^ tbat'-Hw
totelllp-nt atiluial. hut It* Dili •»** Imt will walk maer a weorr mile
dc-kril lu a mere .tump. It ►ecu *d tbruogh blinding alkali don before to
r lien be wCni on en unraecei^in hvmt area Ibv lepi-ra .4 bi> |ieople. Bot ther*
h>- wcnld eoitaole blmaeir by ,bo->I.Bg iano toggling, no dir|>ole*. nu ekcla
y,,. golmal'* 4*11.
chagrin at tto rotall. nntU Anal- nutioa*
autiooi of rarpriaeor


I Ooleobticy. in ito city ,.f 1662
TworaudIi»ii<-k>. enppernud gi!b fot

Two gn-at caodlcaHck* of latieu.
A Rteat hvierD of istira. witii flea
1 the vieluT from tto 1
I braoebe. to ii.
tiulabnl, and la that leeprat I think tto
Piece of laticn for the (aMwl
American ladtan aland* alone
Two holy wat.r «np, of lattcn.
^ uatira* <4 Ito wvo-ld.*'—AtlaulA
A braneli of Istteo that *lond In tto
Eleven caadlCHtiek*. tmall. cf Ultra
Two mire (taudaidt of Utian.
.1,- ...»
Btohyafrideotttofriolrfwa* I
Two Ultra basin*.
artaeaboolS oclock everr morning
\ml ,be
Ibe pw.r
pour wohian
woluan hid
hid eboxw hj many uation* aaito eiclniiv*
TwcntkMmc Ultra bouU
• e"I®
mourning, and by m uUo fsr
■B as to gel their jmper* dtstrlMted u to told WI..1
wkai .
a I.nllh.t
ballbat was
, „
half n^rting.
mooniing. Pamtem raffering from
Seven othar Ultra Uiobi that aloud
-a. near brmkfast.tlme aa poraibie.
____________ ________
•xteri* .»d
and —„ii
Denrantbrola will b.
to in- bafure Our Udy and Gabriel
tt, h—hir.
b. f. :
. _
viinod to carer Itoir pirtntd* nntfaimly
A beam with fire book* and two
No matter what tb* weath-1
They wer* engsgeil.
they qiian with l'
en««ei|. Bnl
in scrardanra with ctaato* that bung before Jmua.
eie ,... iirouil to blak.' II; theirrondilion
nf Urailnde
andexbsa*•r. whether rtormy or bright.
-----------------------------uuv««r*u*raFour small candleeticka for
w quire.
must to deUv»red.and ^Ibongh ,
; JJ*
Tim. mtpn.le tto violet picuira
Six toll* with Bancto* bell
■»\\ In lb*
aeawtlme* ttore it a mlalske w a Manet and hu srbuol. which -"-i— atoeple.
A pair<4 organ*. -Notes and f^erieiv
paper mitaed. the boy' ia not alwayal
h,. .alle-l * f.-w day* Sia> at I
t» blame. Tbe Kraord carriers ore- falh.-r'* h,.i:^ l.» rre tbe .-M gem
tto i
good boT*
Ther hare bran faithfol man—vi Imriiit-- of .MiirM. Sto i_
-------------tooa nor.
tner nave nran laicuni
UuorJwlI Kiid to;
: estire ratface <4 w*IU to *almi> and art
A qaaiat curtainpncDccd byCbinora
daring tlie past yewr, and if tome
.Ii-likto. I lelleve lay.iur exhibiliaos of tbe day appear* reiM in BOtber* when a <Uild i* reoUea* and
time* they have tieen romiis in their f„her .mr
anifurni baU
ball moaraing.
mooniing. tni, ired.lectiop
, nntfurni
doaa nu *lrap i* to write tto fullowiim
dntl«e ffaete have been good exrnae*;
-Xn ►Ir '" »he ivfdicil
in . for violet i, (Imply an ctptvMii.iu of tb* eerraand pin aeopy <4 it oo oaefa of tb*
lor it. Thru dutie. arr eapraUlly ^
prcaeiit. Ito yim w i
-m* debility of tto rni<Bter.->4^ni
fonreonrmaf tbcboojetbai.ttopam■d From NortUn'*'' Urgrncrati<m. *
araby may read aad tto child find teak
Literally aaaaUtad tba ren» read*;
MUllaal raratuea hrars.
.411*0 with tleet, nor bow liard tbr .ilmUr pcr~>u*I tm.tneM." And to
Mr* Dix—I wander what putul my
M*r«ira-----artod blow* or the »aow ud»c*. tlie turned prohiHy |i> go away.
- .I.,,
peeaHil tbeir greeting* to tb.- *ub•eribera of the paper apoa tl.rir re■peetlre route*. Tlrit year tlie gnvi
arill be ItoftdaoBe and approiwi..

a pmiy s'^d liitni»ni*n. ni» friend*
eften Utigbed *1 hitii for hh.
f-.r liaminx
and fleld talk.
ealliM .<n a frl.-nd one day *nd
a lieaiinrul rlian w
ato Hiltoble to keejx
-Few tore anr''‘'r’':7
*1.1.. .-..I.Imi. 1.1—«■ I.

Id a atxny coin And it* way


r imeketB ia exchaagf for the
p Vew Year'* greetiiig it will;
■ to greater efferu to,
the dlmteigr


tbelr rrapoe


Why troBbl# to pnpaie a Mew
Yoor'i* dinner wtaea yoa out gel a

There wUl to a ragaiar review ofj


Ttaram Bay Irat m lometrow
•nmUw at 7J0 Nmrp a. eUatton
«r«tea and UIttatkm wiU take
plMt,a(MrwMab. tond^twlllto


"^Me? bit rear bulbdoy?
MriL Dix—NCH> We qnxiTaled tUi
- ^ I ManilBg.—Lopdoe Anewera.


U..O. a (wbe bovM^ 1

In January thl* yeex. Agreal
chance. Good* most go. All
Overcoat*. Meo'a Voath*' aad
tniildrra-*: all UUtors. (Mea'a,
Youth*' and ChHdrau'.i wlU go
at 86 per teol dii
«r onrfonitboff. Cool___ __

-- >, Y««K'

* look like praetoarad

Erery Overeoat <m oor Crat
floor, gora-qnantitie* of them

window. TtoMdBtbUBbo(b*d(4t4xa*ebaa.tto tangboM <4 matoiy m>d a
^■* crowntag
it u petriotUm'i fooninto toad and tb* tool <tet
tepia WHbaoiUttopoUtieUawoaU
toawBod*r«antoetae*ef ttocartk,
and tto ecanetial would go downtoan
I U Ito I
M*mL^mtoorU pride a^ tto'd»

nhaakiag yon for your iwst

a Jaanarr this year. A great

Good* ma«t go. All

Sjy ^
grant, and will rednee oar atock

“TK ‘

• inR.yiuyd

MUaa Prtra.
: Clear Pork pe*. bbl. ac-w
iClrarPort per lb .
Short Cat Park,
: Short Cat Pork per lb
: Flour. IL L. A Co. Beat
I Rye Floar. H. 1.. A Co. Bc«l
Meal. H. L A Oo. »e*t
I Feed. H. L. A'Oo. Bc*t .

•Uxw. Ur <1 11


Tbraa-s Dr. I-




a i* a list of tbe I
I of ye)



S s“ss,', tas





.t 76



lard per lb
Butler per lb Dairy.
I CrraiuMT Balter per lb
I Clw-oiie jier 111
■0»l*jK-rba loldl..........................
I Com |wr bo told).............................
Polatoe* per bo
8*11 iier.hbl

tmi. HI. ara .IM..
“\nii Iiei.-I I.•«.-.! 111.••• ei.l.imrd
„r a n.-<-k.
"Trill'. I -tilt nut." .ii.wcri.t il.i- hie.
1*1 l.rliieenuim with a .ncv. a> he
wrn’e an nrilrr fur the cipn-Mimnii lu
cuIBi* li.-r haiTEggi-.
‘‘Th.-ii wk> dill vi.u marry mei~ alie
muancl. cszitiz i.arrully liiiu ibi: mlr
rcr til i>ee <f lu-r hat wna «ii hrrjirnd




u iryorWAKTIiuiatw«.|<a.rliitKlh.«eH




„. • »«> <oW»
Wieet per ba laew)
Uela Ko. I jar ba .
Potatoea per bn................
Ryeperhn.................... ............
Balter per lb.......
Enrt per dox. atriollyftcab
The Michigan KtoicbCu. will par
for. pototoM, alt atoefc; 10 ccata.

One .Month Free!^

an*d)M kvarwdy.
A'a.urm.l Klarb Kyr.
Mm le-«Ui')'iirtrr, ilie AmericaB
ai-tn-e^ 1< a >.-r> -iliM-n am w.iiuan.
tin.' J.1T .liiriiiu li. r r.--eiii I„>nd»ti *-uKngricemrBl. hi .'li.iltins wllli
..Bln-waid: 11.III l*<uc|.iu U0«t
r ] je*
r iiinirivl*
twill ui.-n auil
of lll.-lll
l■^l:l:ll^ muuliu rtli-J
E»:li'l>niiiii " why il. I..U ihtok aor

0,000 Tietfa have we waileil for
bleaaing en-r olT.-tv-d.
roar Joy* and '
doable* r<w
aomiwa TIu
Inin Tea doc*,

____ tai.w:,,.;,




striit.l III I■il:lrill2 I'ro.* road till*
cnoriili:- I Bi,-I lU-iv |iei.|ilc—|»«rr I'.«e
plr fr.ini Uirlr rtri-*.—iTitli 14a.-k eye#
and i->e. iKiun.l up t'lan'l alimild ar*
tirok* ,
r» r.iil.-r that. I
nily 1I....... 111.- .>|ditli»ln)ie
it II..........
<'ro... hue-inii.t-. tH-tw.-en the 8tiwnd
.'j.i>«Tnad. H. vrr)' |»paI ihKrr |HO|lIr .v.:iie lb

in Jannaiy thi* v.rir. A'-gn-nl
clunr.-. Goode inu»I go.
Overrcwl*, Men'*. Vnulii', en.l
Children'*: all l'l«i.-n.. iH.'n *.
Voath*tand t'hlldr.-n’.i will g<.
]*-r ea-DI diaeouiil, <ir <ni.'-^
fourth off. t'miaidering III.-liiif.
fomily low |irir<- Wi-inak.- nl-.
way*, thi* redorlioii i» Vi-rv
greet. Olid will n-dor.- oor hIik-I




•wlOM t« taad early in the morntiv.'
reader* of the pa^

fATXBax emr

.VCrmtwd I.RWa.
r.41..WHUt l.«hr lui..(|Ht<T«

: opposing tribra range tbemselrm. while
•tobind orellw rhactanng attuaw*. each
: bearing tile lna«an* of brr liNJe loriL
, .
Pam)>rcr, nerrrtliolms the two ercnla Inarr comet to tlie next eentary. Tliai chief of a
t'l- n-'v- ci
will ocear logeilH-r foar limea to tbe ooe I* known a* Halley a. It r^ but moke, tbe ftr>l bet.
* only a fair r.wu.Wa«.v to o too-, bw
twentieth eentary—A]wil 12. IWU; •rao to US56. Il will be doe again to :
! ~»plrt.. portmil. including hair. ere,. : d.
April I. IMS: AtwU 17, IH27. and iWOorlMI. Theexarl time i. not'
Itaooi. '
AwH IV. IWl.
known, owing to .light moditotion. ^
prirrt rifle to the ,
*b*d..w, and light play propi-rly oi
Bereralatiemiiu hare been made to to fis orbit, dae M pi*
toflo i wboln Tbe leodw to
of ttoottotude
tto ottot aide Ibrs
it. hat at tto diaiancr'mrotioued.
HBkeEaiieraa immorahlc fealirel,
eoar^ it i* not impoaiiblr; planeariiclu* of aaimilar raloe beaid*
. Ibo proper dim-nun. llif pirini
aa 1* Obrlotaua. bal dlier were nn- for aoaie bilbirto aaobaerred comet - the tint heap A gram or a nod. aiul il in
Inis viaibie
............. .....................................
at all limi-K. Tlie
BsMaatfnL There la no rraton why to appnir In all it* blaxlng glorr at ‘ >4 •
’ 60 il goe* down tba line, wacatbeba
bark of' IfaeUune. and the eye* '
Eaftrreb^d al^lahont from moatii
>■ i-ii«


: P's—r

per gl.OOO to law. to SI7.4S per 11.000 apoa Joe Otoeito at Btogbam Mday i \A/AKTn>'y\i ni^'T- lintdiofi • .<r
ia two.
night* AlMitweoiy-flTeyoar«gp5,-j*jL.''',af ; ■
leit-TiwI A.I
Officer* of tbe EraageUeal Sositoy pie drore 10 Bingham from Tturerae'^I
•ehool will be ehoaea tbi* moniiig.
City, and tbe hooored'yoimg man,-p’ * WT-S-««lj
- - _________
________re *'
■! oiv INnitic
The legaUr meeting of iWrerae made il very agreeable Ug hi* nain. ;

.-.ri:,-?" ^




Ab™,n.prt,pmy ...

trace tax ooramirndoe. tbe tax tare ha*
decnooed to thl* roanty frtaa gr.'so

1 o-elook will be deaigaaied a* UA6. chiWmi. To toatirc. ibey were married ^
lDfp"twhK-b wa* weU dried,
OoTerfmenl offiriaU are men and did not live at Iraoie. hut lb<y bat tetpirioBtly beary.. Upon iaTMlgafuand tb« m*bt of tto fdeee*
ditroted to oboerre and carry oal the Met erery Saaday morutog at tlielr fa- ti™
.......................... lead. Ihtu alreosl
decree to rach and all of their mpec.
, of r

Thoogh one of tbe object* aimed at
Oometo-While il ia'claimed that
by the charch aathoritie* «lio-4x<d leoal. 1.000 comet* come wlthto v
apoo the method of delenntolng the ibie range of die earth within a m
date of Boater wa* to prereat it* tra- tniT tltfire i*
. earing oa the oame day aa the Jewish the reoarreno
reoarrenoe of bat


Aooordtog to the ctateaMai of the



i?.;S,,Vr iJJ*;.
-o?;. :tT*5J.71V

Qaemi City Drasmtic Clnb at Fore*after ipeadtog Ctariatsm* with their
ten ball Taeaday eteatog. A fall
mother. Mra J«ae* Oartond of tbui N’’S2Ti^V-.*:;.


‘xrr'',.r.;U“ c i


> aer
W acbool
*N»ol to the Sfarltog
Stoxltog diatriei.
diafrict. —o
Mr* A.H.KicboUof Otud lup-1

uew i.. «Hil

ida aad WUi Oorlaad of Cbioago have O'iih'UEgu iuaiMK.nh foraa^ b.^i t..
returaed to their retpectire hoiae.

a reheaiml of tto

Kcllpae*—A* 10 eclIfMe in tbe com- fl*e yean aiore I wa* at rar old fririid'* .



Mto* Bdsa Holdwaortb lia* letarned p>f

aitemdaiiee ii deaind.


yearly caleadar. ibel wa* a*e<l ia tog century, there will be abool aw I boote. I expect to toar tto um«o im !
- ' HiuMlay muniiag. f>r I ahall litne my

UM can to aaed again in IWl.
»*>® aamtor of bolar being to
then allowed t-i dry. and in tto
a* to toelade * totaday___ 4^tid
i-t:—: ibe samlar of laaar ia aboot tto I *“
proceaelbe teame emirelrckw-ap, nimEaater-The fallowing ate. to order f
pletelyliidiog the toul. which, in a cam
bwtoalag witblWI. the date, of two eclipie. of the nm. Mar 18 aad
like tbi*. wae alm<>:t wcrili ilt weight
S^ for tto flnt twenty .fire year.
„,„d,w„of tl.e rnlma. May Win Tratara Tbalr All ra a Hate* Bara in gntd.
Naebrillo Amcncaa.
TbaU CkM MtMtora.
of Um> eeatsry: April .. March ». 3 and Ort. *T. bat none of the foor.
"Aa Indian hurra race i. tbe grritrai
l^-Hcd .totem ,
crent of Ito year to
..April 18, .. M«cl.
p :icipale to
— ^
wnai ^ u.e rery rare ocoarmce to
; tbe.tnba* who participate
to It.”
April It. 4. SI. H, March SI. Afwii
1* calendar year will happen to lW6/HamaoTh<siilooof.CbrTenDeto*remottled Italian
"• '• "• ‘f’^'Ntl.e
I tl.e tot
ftm time .lace
alnce ISti’
IStS. rix: Serai
Beren porter. ' It i-«oullr
i* loully oaUk.
ooUke .mr
rar esmim
e<)BiDe j
t-rage Ma«l human
oarlirat poMible date oa which Korter I „m*..,,h.ur^, ,UrtWe „„totor
w ^>0 wiU., .1^ »
uirt IliHWnrkoft
ou oocnr U March-iS. The laal time .(ha, ^ happen to a rrar
“•‘"'I'* 2^'nt,^ « » ^
l»«-o t;r*r<-u with
It occared oa tbi. date wa. to 1818.,' Thenmrrtght raiUr eclipae. prey”“«*
‘ tto m«IrbWeatter'*
It u * u.tbal It will iral occur again outil after 1 gi„ed to oraor rl*ible to thrUni^' fl»
. ”
lalunum. the oullim-M of the face
— *-»tietl. century. Tbe Wto.l | Stole, ia IBI8. IW3. 1M6. !■». IWl “«^tok* e^
being tunxM-d
by a i><eoliar i.-nmpius .if
tbe rlooded tciii . an.I' dnrk
■> '«land law. There
will alao
om-1,. •
- ractcrialieuf <ii>( <-Lua iiuj.
, -welre tranaita of Mercnrr. A Iran- i ' ''Aa aooo a* tto der i*
for tb. ; 2?"
tog centary-to IMS. Tlw laat time i,„
Venoa. hower’er; which 1* ofjr««« «««« e«»ry mmi. womao gnsi ^

April 8. 10. 17 or 21.


Mr. aad Mr. C.E Taylor are N»ad.

few nbbitt befac* thear recan.


Ma'i btobltoe' aBDieerMry.

bat that they gotolc ap erety oi_
(be herb that ibe known world eno- ''Z-------------- ^

called aad MsdalbewM reoiarto h*
DMda three Teaia-belute. lira Bar- tbarool. Soiaeof the torgeatfiramto
n teU* tbu aoccdota (0 atone bow Chin* make a fpeciatty c« baadliag tb*
bat ehasced it* Method* of nekoBtof | Bsebatiaod ibiof* are to EasUsd a . jLMriean .espmt of gtoaeng and eoto
tlBe. and b^toslsit oa Jas- I. I»l, | bow 7«i are pnrte aare to find peopto money at it. Scea* <4 cau atnvwtod
traden bar* coaxed for the aaorea, aad
tbeboBraof the ^7 wiU be tiui-{ i»**
rm left then Tbeiltoa'
*- - —od ooe. bot I caa raatcB bare oOerad moeer fer It. bat the gtv
lM«4 frtM. «M to feeastyW IsMead I
mattrrat tto other cad of tbeCbiBar QDe oeto tote.
the .7.MS s« to sae. The tM.- “
pletMire of kDOtrtog a Bao'aeoe duem c aeem to aae it that
--------Pbiladelpbia who bare lieed
“Tto Aaterkaa ftooe*w U^wwing
7aart affo OB tbe «eatese dirt*-: 1. ito aatae booaefor 40 yeari. A. lb*
toa of the OaBadtoa Paclflc tai)ta*7.: tdilldres of ibu Umil7 grew sp tbcj oeareer yearly. Tto calti rated root ba*
Tbe^taaes teteat baa algsed a dcfOea; deeeittoed a moricsl laical from foor or oot tbewoaderftU powerwbkb toe tto
wtabUahtog tbe. Method of aooovit-1
rocs leaiaed to the Table of tbe wild article—et W it
doe* not tnaalfeit itaelf to tto mine de­
ing tlsw. to the Spaalih
kingdom. law a* welt a*-akilled with tbe bow.
Eearj 8onda7 belweai IS aad I o'clock gree. Tbi* feet rtndeca tto calUratkm
It u a* follow*:
of giaaeag rattoranprofitabto It aiigfat
reilMT. amil U-elodu, 1^ be planted and allowed 10 grow wall for
tele«i*pb.i tolepboae aad tteamahlp tog tot riolto. ooe am rtoU. <me aae- yearwaud year* and tbra be ntobto at
aerriee to tbe peatoaala aad tbe Bal- oad rtolto, ito other rtokmcello. Tbn good figam. bat not otberwiee. Tb*
earic iilasda. and to all tbe mislater- pU7«l weU. and a* I liml neaiw Phil- older UMptoBt Ito more prouooijced tto
erfal propenim cf tto root la
-tol oAcm, tbe ooBTt* aad all pablle i a^lpb'* >» (toee <1*7* tbaa Id<j|odar
of tbe fact that it i* gnxriiig
work*. Ume ahall be regulated br tbe I <
<li»^ to at
acarcer, aalem tbe d
time of the Or«awtoh obeerratory.,
tbe prifl* of giiiaarag man g» maleri
___El.w» .
rlt" 7f,m ago I *
„ We*^
^ oa a HnraUy. I b*
my old blgborwlilim the next fetv yean
■n>e emnpotatloB of the j fci«KU to 16 Team.

thrae afatody meatioeed aad Waaliiag-


Oecil* H. <to0M retaraed toat era- W eataui. wwX

^totweerttole-afact. BeeaMtto
............................................................................. if'noeixed ihu moatb by
brtogabootacoaipletoimroldiiigcdUi* ^
* Stoatiaer.
aeaec i* not regarded by the arerag* ;
^“»«1 Cbarie. Career
Araencaa m aa&towt tCMOB f« nfra-! bare goto to tbelr lodge at tto forka
pnaad. oa tb* ; of tbe ~
aad will .boot a

Iirtsg ai the old .plan. 1 walked
a®*! | wiU
made from the______
boor ________
of midsroond to the hooae. and a* I
often the poorot |>(xq«lc. and far
night to tbe followtog midnight ln.1 tbe maride eiepo J beard wmadi of mo-I
e>>l4*>ioue<k Well, iberout it bard
la the yean I»IS, irtt. IMto aad boar* fraen one to twenty-foar. oeaiP 1
‘''ttM n be poedUo that 1
— —
tWS tbm ore toot holiday* that will
ting tbe word tarde lafleraeoa) aod:*^"*'"^ *»<“« ™fall oa tto mme day to the week-tto
ea.crtoli0:. 1818,


Wtoa gtoaMgwM rtaaba4to|eepted a pototiea>rltb tto Oacate
tbe dealer aaid;
-What the Chiaeae oae giaaeag for ii ;
Eanraat lleBeaa aad Ida Foetoo.

at S6 per crat dUeoont.
foarthoff. Cmuiderlngtbeiuii.

great, and will rodnor our iio^
Every Overeoat on oor first
floor goee-^qaatidas of them

Our Annual
Clearing Up Sale

Jl Sale Of Jill Sales
We have concluded to clean out our Winter Jackets. con>
3 sisting of M2 up-to-date garmer^s, at prices never before
heard bf.
We have divided them into four lots:

^ Lot 2-30 JACKETS, WERE

$ 6.50, NOW
$10.00, NOW
$12.00, NOW
$18.00, NOW


31 32 taUor Made Salts at...
19 Plush Capes at..........
as ChlUreu’s Jackets at..
t9 PlaiA Beaver bine, black and brown Capes, at $i M each.


We have the above just as advertised. Anyone In want of
J a garment will be no loser by visiting our cloak department.

The Boston Store,

wraoinT mToamrar








li*k(>« ruitMm (• I
•« «■ U* Ik* «
Tbe kaUiatattc doitIbs urtkLiie eeold
likTP hfro rourrlrfd ud «i<coM bj
;bod» otbm tU*a aa Amehraa.. It U
Itha apidicatloo of tbr motor to boraoar •
tirsdcory. to not only licbini bin t®
fariUtatr ram work for mro a* wail aa
l|or»r*. It U*a c
nara ibaa ibat r<
linrlDX (be Uat aalumrr ibm
color oummnu mwti tmo I




I prrbaps no morr patteilr
Thr atury baa oflrn bmi luid of c
linarr clvm aboui 4* j-ran a«o I
royal perawnacra- >bao >br ra-Kmprraai M«1n#
irin, offlerTf
, «d thr CrtiMh »*r. ai
Kocmlr. «h<w prowiii iltr In arclosion ahtch th? quraiMo «aa tx^ebrO a* K
roimaola ao HroBcl} »lth ibr period
thr bruilam olfr
ot Kapolron III.
prllrd and adorllrr rapri-lrhuir* Ilui
apretrr ot p»r■ooa. for Bbr ha*
droak drrptrera
tW cup ot Bor.
foK In thr paal
acot* of >-ram

her* la t^lsabty i
.1 haa a'q.Hlal "
r. ohlh-a-ni'' aoim^ may br faaclnal1ns a* blunjtw.
Ihm- are oitn-ra
rqually Intrmil-

tui-'liaiibaH OrioniwDI of tbr naria
cxianlllou aldi'h iTcalnl a Cfmtrr Intrtrm IhiD till- aiilniDobllr. Tlir I*aI'irialaDB. «bu bate l•n'utxM• tbe tMimr
tuuverv In tiu* anltinjobllr rraar. a-rre
i*ur|.ri«al and drUebIcd wltb IbU orw
‘I .drvirr.
Eariy In July It «ai ukrn

arrat r v ea t. ^
mu-, of |«i--r
d>rina hand'd


bla.-k ryed and
ravrn Irrairl;
but atlll Ihere
arr blonde* In
Spain, drarmd-

.ourhl .
wrliirn, and
when cathm-d
up thoar |«|w-Ta

r.oihlr Inva^Tra
of •cnturlrBaco.
Will, all drfrr-

H^orrni-' Nisi
W Insnlr. Hrr I
rwl. iviAln-a
.nlly at
I alihuush In IImrun .-...|.alsn th.-r.- tavr I

Murh oi.rn- »hr now realdr*
Kucwitr I* non- 71 year* old and t
main* n>u< h of her U-auly
<hrrl«hi-> I
fairly m-rl hrallh. t

All of ebrar frporla bare firCO rtri* crwllt for aiUrliiw ibr motor •
ram a*>\ yH It wa* aa Amarlcas
d a PblcaRoaii wb» made tbo obr
Diacbtar which vaa ai

.Kiallllra of Ol'

tirr rrllrrno'ni. >•> knot. Ihnl alic la

r-li>;—ii und in-arly aUaya riiam-

Iratlnn la fium hrr hilrai ^ll■llucn■|4l

j li

«rai* and dir u rrfiinuiHan

a rovM*vt>KR IV laiiKf pro t»:«.
Ar 1.ohI nnbrrt*. Ihr n>m runimandrr
n chief of thr ItrWiak arinlr*. «a» dcUy-i-d Id hi* dcionun- for h-imr and aa
Ihr limr for ahi.h Irjrd Wolariry waa
ilnlr.1 cii-lird mrann hllr. Kir K\rWood, ahuac imrlrail I* clvrn
rc|>-ihr I—.Him
I. «a. namrd
r appolnlrr arrived. Ily
aakaanl cndltlnn of afIhl* mran*

ksa aiTououii a u6«ku.
Into Ibr I'vtiulr} urar thria kkd
t Ihp mnai tboratufb trata. and
I liilrr Id tijc acaxoi ll wai abovn
D oxblblll.iD fuiHluctcd by tbe
1 Acriculluna aorirly at MttfT*
II did Ibr Work irllb far KTc«l(T«Rn
atnl rapldlly titan cuubl tbr brat of tbe
borer ^<rcr*. It rut a tdran. altalcfat
•a-alli Ovr rnri wide and wa* manlpalalinl In'lltr tlidd «ilb intfrcl eaac.

rosibc la of lb.- two cyUnder
Milal type wbk-b waa fuiind to be
■uiicriur fur llila work to llir rrttMl
aiislur. abli-li, eliboukb bisb i
five* a dn-idial Jerkins mutloiL Title
uiutloD rauanl aiM-b a Jarrins of tbe
cutirr Itar lliat an uurrm cut teanUrd.
■nd tbrre <rai a decided mate In Ibc
IS ol
of lbrcroi>.
► < Tlir enrlni
of BiMiat elcbt borac
Olid baa a ItcU wheel nlMcb.
luirnt. *o Ibat It may I- ward for ataluiral.
Ulonary work. UtW-.-.!. It waa llic |iUn
lof Ilir liiilblcr to prialucF a marbiti*



■Talerr krntr. Ito-att. Ibaa^ar------ ------------ -1o tmkstr aai kma >aB bcwtl*
Till* t OtkfKaa KKKPa A *HOP.
Tlir .A-Irbtaled ............
of Wara irk. tormrrly I.Ad>* ltr.e>kr, waa
to hr until uulir rr.'enit> IW only |



In Ihrlr i:uru)»*ii :iu.| Aaloil.' ialluay«
l.f. doiiod .1.a].ely’ai..| pn.y.nK


Ibl' farm. I'lms tbr n-morsl of
;lbr cntliT liar ibr tuvior muwrr atsndi
ja n.'ai.
' ba
bandy llllb- citsluc. wlilob may
I lie uacd' c
rttber few Irartlun or tMUoRa-i«*.

i«.'n rhal till- l.u.i.l.-.- >.

............................................... Turk, tv,II,
t.<..ri. lk«H...A,H
I.. v,.a>,n..d l.t a l.rldce, and
IhouKh ;> Ihouaaii.l .ear* ■ r.. nilKlK hutH
d ■.,.or III.. .Ki. k Moi," auoid
..i*|rt..l « a alni.-iiir..,
•lurr, >rl
I, ................
.................. .. ........
r uf Turkey.
A- Ih-- li..>i-nu. I. not ... ....... Ihna
half allitic In it
rrnive*t |«rt. ih.. ».«k vlll I. - anli.. f.-ualblr.

f.iroardins u
thr brnrni

macblDo bruusht fenmd
In tbe past fire y«nra wbiA mated
Ibr unirrraal intemt amuas fannera
Ibat ba* already been arvuard by Iba
]mtitor luotrrr. It 1* Inlrnetlnc to the
|tmi,aiobilc fancier ns well a* te tba
I famiiT and (o ibc mechaolc. since ll Is
!odc of tbr Ant p

band ha*.confmard I.. flnan.
cUI dlfflculiland abr It. r

; fair* »a* avrrird. and at thr «amrtlrat
' sraerfulmH-ositillrn 0 4* bcaloord upon
j Sir Kvriyn Wood, obn *hr>uld hare rr* crlvrd thr in-rmaamt ai.pulntmrnt.

y brsin* at homr." {<
I hrr *oir ! Iprunvrnlrni 1
Tor abr ha* *TlUro ; po*ltlon putrly honorary . Ilkr ibl*. »
sardrnlns aa a hobby. ! probably cau*r no lynublr
A'a II
ridra to thr houl
ind* and ha* aurcrrdrd :; Irmporan'
In makfni; herarlr
ir bnl I pins atutir
aaltrd and every
haird and moei h.-l.v\-rd
n Ent- 1 lyn* vanli.
' budv w III br made happy.

iSSrii Eli-ri-SEiiL...
llie Iiatne nr..........................

... lull,'...!

». salhcre.1 losethrr by mni
• thr iruilrd asenl of Ihr rl r mrrt-ban!* and rarrie*

a «U|irrliilmdm'.
the aa> bill
■'vaiilasr of merchandlar In Ihla mknnrr'ha* lir*n Coins on li
• and Ihr
■I bear he.-ivy burden*
T Inns dialancfe. for dav* at a iI|tif. biii
.and raprnalve.
d Ihr Krrni l. artilrn. ..f Uadan
Idins of a rail.

OUIh d.H'Vya'
Id perprndliHilar hrishi ll» front “I

1 many oulrase* ■
r of ih

and m ihr nniunilr* ihey hut.- !•—ii fi..|ii,
l.ncth and P»l feel in h-t«hl
Hatins 'loir Mr

to tbr r
head 1* It iarh** in dUunrier
wrtchamotelhanfuurtona The*«iread
of He fraot leg* U M feri and the -irar.
rr of the back leg I* e feet Ku photo.
graph can roavey an adequate reorrplien Id the Imnendotu iwoportkoa of
tbl* glgaatlr marhlne. which ta war■aaiad to have a worUag power of IM
Man and a uru^ caiatUty of UC Mm.

■' -'-nr. tn




iPrraard Into l•rlt)U■1l|.|
• *l*c. TItr pro*" lurii*
Die. wristilui: lao nrtb* of .n poaad
rarli and lora.urlns
'locbiw. Tbr tfloric |B>*or la about tbe
liBtnr a* Ibat of llcolb-. alib but 4 per
^ceot of asb Onr laritM-y inodnced last
^y.4r ov.-r 7.f»ai,laai l.ri.|UH;rB. coatios
. [sbuot Itl renu |>rr l.WJU sud aeUlng at
itruni Ucrni* tu 11.




a; Tret tn Ic&stbTSShrer Irc*
oTalrel plate* Ovci^ih* of

of II

It no! ih.
•I'-l errn ll tv,.a «l■lll•.| at
..f On- .Iran ,.| It. m- l.i,. and v_.,v


*\ AlURlAlkaL aiaTRAUtk.
Alimiion ha* bfain ral<r.1 ane*
ir I .AkoiiEliial inhabliani* of AualralU- iti

HavrdBM as PaeL
Conaul Ilnsbr* of Coburs Bay* that
in Anitrta. wbrre rrcrythlns In the
*ha|te of ful l t* bring raierully lavestlsated. ttaw.luai I* Impregnated m-ltii a
. mixture of lam aubetanm and b«atrd
to tbr proper tfiniatratutT. II I* then
pasanl im-r a (dale of Iron beated by
•team. fr»ui wblcb a aerrw eanrryar

UtuMratlen u poaalble only a
Barii a boaae aa that aboam In tbi
the tropic*, where the climate U arrer •> to airf material U at band ta I
of a FUlan prineqm. la wblel
dance for It* conatnictlae. ta this paU<
aMr a Urge family ‘of royal lineage aad Its n............................ ...............
otuOlfT 'hey pay Illlle aurniloD to Ibr
aflair* of their while nrlsbbor*. but In
laabed t^ether wtth wtibea tbe roof u tpaicbed with p»i". h
' ih* lowwi and rttlee they aoua bMOBte ‘ aldct am of bamboo and cane.
' breottrd and ekiou*. a* tn the case of
WbO* tb* njl UUndera bay* obongrd mubably ainre ChrMlaalty *
the two men abo killed arvrral rrpnta.
Am iBtradtKod. tt yean ago. aad bare abandoned tbeir borrtd praeUeca
Mr rlilaens a fe» «iwk« ago-and llm
: ntd te
to Utr*
tbe- fomata
foreota. where
wbere they
4 down a* ottilawa and shat.

Tbi* iII««ratl0B iraiui'ori* tile obarrvrr lo the plain* of SIbrrU and slra«
I aa object lemi o* to tbr Inarurilon of tbe young HumUti army ofneer In tbO

" U caumaird that KtaaU ba* anarmy of not 1.0* than U&:.niooldlrTa
I pensanenUy
nUy iiunder arina. at aa annual direct run of mote than
y oglim oe active ■errler namhrr
Incindlns b*W gmrrato. and
military men have been educated entirely at the e.prnm of the *^oto.
nnklly. »
the puipoae
puipaae being about «k***.«4 auiukll]
ins and k


ll U tk* oalMaam W th^ »-»«• U


■cw Patkwt Rwwi.
, TIte BMUali war oOtcc la carTrlSg not
,;*ome rx|irrimrfil* wltb the new pstsBt
(boot rrcrnily Inecnled by an oOear oC
lU- Austro-Hnnearian army. TbU drI- conalsu of a leatbo’ aoU. oader
beel of wblcb
iii'tsl wltb a long spiral apriag
lag iaaUc.
patrol Is ao (Imple that It


auy Jar wbee plarinc 11
-jSroond. su that It I* like putting the
ifout upon a cushion. Before IntrodocInc ll Into the ansy tbe Brillab aotbar^Ufa a» tcstlnc i1 among Ue poatmea.
who hare to tramp tons dutaocaa la
tbe performance of tbrirriuilea eecr
bard strerla wblcb I* partlcuUriy «C-


_ cottooMcd oil. died p
Aarannah. Tbr pcocea* w*»----------•sly to Ur. Carter, and ankaa it la
found tbst be Wn lastTvcIkKia umI «neUeas for tbe fMiaanaiice of Ik*


’ SS»’


Eczema for
Forty Years. Labor Saving Reading folr
Busy Men and Women, in


'Tbs DMMWiad fimm Bf a w«
Kaon Anmtr. fe«. iKBBca. MmS.


Sem of Iba ans^adt br Oi. A. W.
< Chaac'aOiatBeatol atabbon aad la^ cea•tiaasd aoemaad ifaa daiaiu aw taBwat

■nrCapM I7ahc4

?r.z The Outlook rrrr:


t- w««rloc of
r rlstbnu Tbr wlatrr rrcu
’ Il4«« Kffrr Dos ofi|winirDlllM ri>r tbs <I1»
‘ |>is> III apIrtidM cowa*. vra{». cir..
;ao«t Ibr tthtarmiM aiylr of ilr»»
. a bb'b DOM prrraiH opssu up nhllm
>-|ait< nf ijtialat rusnublf* (or tbr vo' inau wbo aima at rbcilTrfMVf.
Tlir am ifcrirlu rbarruirrlMIr of
! Imw «*air airW. iran.
at oa»
'mo Ibr realm of rmiloc dim. Tbr
IXtaerTnl Hvalac prilaao 'pkIfasUkuird iB gns biwbr. p

A Weekly


Mi«um ia aoe.


«{ aniWkiyaiiff emr week IB kneL cker-cw pnpnpki.



Atana) '






Teb Ik fMy
Lywa AUalt

tke Aamutc E^.

Ot. a. w. chm L

tWMdNref' Hwr«»aik«HallUta.'-BU
meM^eaiii. iqinnra m « .MM B IWarnyl.

<kr i-wbIostb. ..r. Bntv, rao H u>
.ttfura o< •*:»» lanrS.-BM «u.l ’ M
A btb wol <■< C,uO>u M



lUndkU lievaid. a wmlUi; raaas
MB *bw birtM U la MafKai nxistr.
M«. amt Is ssMbrni Tsxa> about a
rmr a«s lu grf xbe isMii or ibr aalaUtow Hliaatr or-lb* rallrr of lbs
Bki'<;raa4r. He dIthM bhi U»s betW'sv KacW- I'as* asd 1>«'I Ht«. fr»9«railr Mkluc szrarahiai iMo old
Ill- aivnrri tii br »rtl- aupptM vHfa lavts-r- aBiMs-^BC of a joilf.


aoran 1 via afilctad vnb a aka,diiaaw
abicii waa hxatad <a oar mx—«
t ha*a ipaat ai a noth cMimaic b« baadnd deUan tniac to HIM a cara. asd eca ,
BBlil I applied Ihli o-acnrai oHl I (« tH«r..
, ^ oo aia ttnagcn to me and tba Icnar h
’ etoCBpRddbacllT bwaose 1 aant loaaT**d 11
leal aa tbooth 1 ot^hi lo aar it. Thai,
Cbaae-a Oioi-eni haa cOaetad a .coeapka i
rera 01 air aSmua. Tbraa bowl dal ibt :
arerbosar lac. I »ai alao aaDcriac Irem
itcbioc pila aud applied ibe onuneol vhicb |
Cire Ibe belt o( uii^aaieci br aSordiiy na i
eoi ai Bicbi asd npidl)' cauiac tha diieaaa
lo diu^ear. I ^liate reaairad utch laUH






t»o BMBilu* niai fur as cents proi-ided ihiVpapeT u mmuoned.



vilbbolJ rtpeeaiisc or {latitoda. 1 m lo
ImvalflKted Tiik ibe lorraiaiof auroi I
leal DOB that I am caiad. a aon] oi rtceaaBeadatioo if dor (ram oe.
Di\ UibioacA ■> teU ai la easn a ^
bo> i: all dniet. .x Ur A. W. Cbam'i Uedb
auaCs.. boDaio. N. V.







............. ..
., bait:
111 I'l llH-lilarn. u hi-ri- br rralk-

■'» ■■■•‘""•T


- ■••••■>-'..raebi-r, ----------------

diu'JbTr^r f?.rbr rirUyVw

WSMI br r n.iibir l.!.,. iMV. r (or
Ibn,. .1.,. Ir-fur,-Is-alaml «i tbr
A. II... Irlb
Ir. .an, ii. “""'^«i»''-’ «'" '^lHarplal..lj,
tb'‘air tiM-Ii.'r'i. rlir-e . br..T .•.Cr'llirr,
S.irl...»lfr...,.jbrs.T....s... Ilea

tbr\vt,.... il... air.I,... «n. .........................
.... II. vnyarr. ...............
Ix liny .|..i.|.,l I.i... lb..)«..


Tar TibT*
1,1.. I,, t.a. clviii Br-,1 nml sIbii...I l.rl.-flv al t»>r
n... .IsrlHB Invi-r* •plnii :..vrMbe' '-,;r.v-lr,u.." .Ih- wI.I t
• rrl-nd


l,r.>.T lu Hr- arm. ..( Il.r balr.1




laMeoi iBTOatlaaiB' a»4 Dtoeoroflaa
•( loarraai.
i'll., r.i.iatimib.u nf till- fln>l rrlri-IHc

I cirl ••iiiiulii
Mof peo^ bolb lit Texaa and Uoxicu. ;-,,r ,




erer nib a Ooial dealpi lo Ibe falBteat
-bluea. mauarsaud ereraa. Attbcbat-k
I Ibere la lolct a sort of core o( iwleil
Brem kiltril aailn. wbUe e.-errirbeia
JroBM-a au artlallr amdlnllon oi black
,rlianllll,r Urr. loBctber will, a ebartuIDC luurb v/ rlilpdJilla. TLe for la
UM.I nlib diamtloD. mod tbf loot cn^ M-tuldi- <■( Ibis rb-cnol affair U of aiml>le rbaracter. our miliic for Its cbid
1.0 ImM, dlatlnnlrr oulllDe.
’ Of more pracliral but bo lest difliu-.
iCUiabed as|>pcl Is a coal bnlK on tbe
' ■■ir.l lines lo •l.■ll.•alc slose eny clotli
.arr.rinB au ai.pllrioe of epy cbcnillc.
rriie ...liar Is of pl. k.-d cblurblUa akiDS.
In'lillr bell sleerps reaeal Ilclit OlIltiB
# tinders.
I I'lw eowni uf iIm> sec-uud rut are of
111..- afienKMi oMer. one Is In nine
I ml ololb bordeml with sable, wilt.
I tflilla Hotii applique and ss atbed
' l•’bltr silk irat. Kooti of bUrk relvrl
rU.baits onumrot lb* bodhra and lb*
waist. Tbr olbrr U lo tloK-t clotb.
' n llb cold bnild. I
,a.»l (snr.r bQ((nns.
I Hat., loo. partBkr

dm.'a wife and bis heanllflil daoebter. : „in

ba>.- l-•.•u .arrted out up to dlstanrea ; "" *
. 4.. ...iU-. wlib perfr. I surreiu.
J, ..
1-"'-bll.v 1. now Uelnnlo* ...


Wednesday Evening


At ll.e Acadrm.T Wetnesdar afteri.nnn at 4 o'rlnrk. and at K b m.
Ph>f J
nrCooimetae of New Vewk
t'lt.T « ill B>ve lesanna in tbi- art of
•Uiii-ms. |di.T>iraI oaltatr. deUarle
and deiurtment.
ial.-st aorieir .laiir.-. aud Slide sralu will b..
iniaiwnieed in cor tikb
claases will be form.-d next WetlnesWe<li
da.T Bft.-niooo at 4 uVlork
in-Dts nuid. on raimuc thr
Hrirale lessons at aor boura Claaws
at Petoskee. Ouirlrvoix. Vaocelona.
KalkaaU and Tmaerae Ciia.
nnla pro^-ssiunal trarlH-r in narthetu
ir iiBBii.

Clipbill Brn.


LEOrlac >iad Uu Hhadea .and (ilobew
H ao.l (>Kas l-'ixtur.'n, Hetle and Call
^ llltfe
IWtable Stovea, Heating 1*adf.



to:Wi> e. Ik- all sliapm

• H1.H fer h.>nae.
Int.-rior' t>'U-|>li<>n<-fi
... aire anything

KtllfiitK !r7.-sa ”

lo a'wh.ile .-itt.

146 Front Street



rrlvet ribbon

•T-"- . •••»•■ ••• ••••••.. - ■ «-|||| iion.ii c.-n.-p...ltr Im- liimo<l to lx ........................... — " — .................................... .d.T. M*b.r nilllinrrs
»-T«wdor),»...l makra trip ;
| s.r.i.... «f wireless trte*raphy.)
“f »>•'« "bleb aball dl.p
to tbe Rama linsa ii.M.nlab.s, wb.-re ,
|,«. ... .......... ..
wlib ibla apparaloa i
‘bi-far.-• H.i
fXBie It abu.Hlnnt ami tbr Onest Dab j
u Ibe world
easily ra.iBbt
In Ibe
'■* are
■ for II..-Ili-nlli-..f AI
Hear waters i.f tbr numemi.s hramlful ; ma's (alb.-i
. ..
IiortOBoneuf tbesepleaanrerxrar
aka., rnunp Howard made tbr a. -:
qaalotanre ..f Ikm Antonio Han.-loi. a ,n^.ml.-.t il.c f.-n ..( ..............
w.wllhy ra«-hma.V dbd w«. Imlml t« !
W n r
ll.'nonl 1--,.. ?.v^ li;”L
Hosrar.1 amepird tbr lOTllatlaB. and 1 „..l after ... ......... - Hr- cm- lie uavrd
br sraa warmly wrlrome.1 l.y tbe mj ,
........... .

Dancing School

'•( 'br n
or i

A new shade of ,dnk.r red.

n-lvel.a omal In C.lruu. for sari-|
u a rnwa'brtween mi.b.d
■«* IMinvau,. .nrb a. llBbtlnc. fan. to , .iniwberry color ami pink Idolllns
l• tba: were ; prr. Ipoka aery wrll for batsand I.Kii.r/
n“"‘.l byx^.IIrs, for drirlnr marhln- ,«m. Mark riolb p-wna
■ Vnlret Is rampaut rverrobrrr Tal*•«■' «rleullural Imple- ' lor mad* cownt are (aabiotH-d out of It.
mru' u.nm.fa.U.rers •--------->

»..■ |., \lmn .ind « ben f''"''* nrTaii(euieni.

wb..UadJuatrHun.edfiT.ina«-Oh*col|M.l.tlnewlM.-.'..ue',:.s..-/yo.,- Tim "‘■"••f*'**'"- "f '*>
Anierl.-u mark
Brbuol in Ibe flly of Mexlr..,
............... r,-lleve.1 ..f tbe welcl.l of tbr
•me l4b> «er,
X"« »■'».» .......... **^«lk* li»'l '--m tak- : rtrfeal.-.l nml 1url...ts-..|.| mnn. shot up- ““"h" IhiiMisb tlM-mauK<-Brnresof tbridd ' nnnl nraiit
Kur«i«- aud
ha.-leu.U. wln-r.- lb.- fr.«l nerrr Bleams
q ,„.
■-••me ii-p.ilar l.rre
and Ibe auwrrs blon I forerer. U-(«w*
. oailis aud theri A new
for banlenlns and In-;
->1 1

..Educational Voting Contest.

mbile Ceamind a Profession

Fnr Slime Popular Young Man or Woman

Ibr yonni HlaiMuilanlwranu-atlUard woresifl.t l.■l-•»-• lli.-reB.-hof tbei'"''’*""' '*"■
’■'••rase l^tiriy
tbal tbe Itraiitlfiil KpanUb clrl rerlpro- • a.-sjairnir man wh.. nns •-lliieliluc
l>aieun.l. It .-on- j
raie<l bis alte.-tlon for her. He alMUi- I fl„. „„,i ,|,»vin- I.I* ..Uiol toward'
pUirs allemalWy
dotted bis Texas frleints and niorrd bit f
|<„|„e iKUirs nfier'ward the bal Ibi-id>iUtv<l naiiT and a dilute sain- I

■ h
(fi’ .''•V'-ZA

Till-Ite. oiiii will iirespi.t a Free Schotarabip io eitln-r
Ikia Antonio's rani-b.
ft.iwanl bad
bran wan.e.1 l.y bis swmbeart that
her falbors reaMriablr |sdl|.<tirs. and
-•-parml warm frien.lship for bis enrst
d ni»i. I. wlibarand
B with Ills dancbler.
“He likes
ter, nsHI, Hrimr Howaid.' IIk- youoB sirl would aay. “but
be to tbr son of .me of Il.r Trierans
that Ranta Anils Iml Into Texas, and It
. to hanlly pr.ds.Me that be will ever
permit me to marry an AnierU-an "
tbe yonuB B.rl na. well Inforiiird.
day when tin- id.I .Ion »a. B^.bially
fallluc into ..f his numl lowpltable


|m |tl.., l.. Te\n., and tb.-lovers took
,h.. .t.-nlnc imh. <or Sa.. Anionlo.
um.i. tbeui Imppy.
on n,p m-,, ,i„j.
wrlllnc n M-


■mu Bnaa. whkb la oiilT • abort
taM from Dob Antonto'a ranch, lo dia• I tbit ITa-

young nmii or trumaa r«?i i-ivingybo Itrgeat number uf
v.jtvg Wtn-een now hJiiJ Mtr> li l-'>, I'.'Ol

A n-markalib' InHam-rrof a battery
of a., umulalors w..rklni; un.Irr water
wa. n-rruily B>rru al Ibr munlrlpol
rle.-trle piM.i In klunl.'b Tbr aiatlen
I. iu.iate.1 .m an laUn.l In tbr laar. and
diirlnc a -flissl the water .-orered tbe
luilterl.w.' ArionSIap tu Tb<- Hi-lenllflc
Amerb-an. one of the liatterle* wbicb
linos was r-ompletely rot

ThroagU tliiu

»i-)iolarsl.i)i lie ur abo can <iualify, in a f.-w montfati,


i>r Arcbiltk-tural DrafUOHo, and ran tln-n

eaKily-oblaiii a wlaried pneition. • Th<- fortuoato pereoii
can afierwardb roubine atody with work and .jualify
Uimaelf or i■■‘^•elf for


inliueiiliAt and well liaid poai-

lion in tlie profeaaiou of Mecbanicd ur Electrical
ginoering or .Vri-hile<;tDre.

"'•'■'f''' *‘Skl. he axlj.
I li.svr the isinje rffm a|s<n the system.

-............................... . .............-.'.itlrr lov,di"“-‘ ■'
I'r'"''^ I’.r iliousaods
a l...t..... Kneltoli la.. naiiKsI l■allner.i••f
already trriti-.l ilia, ibe bene
sb- wa. an a.t.niivr of cft-nl pbralL-al,
Iresimmi by eleeirle
.Ine to Ibr ■. il..n of those lay*
sinnucih in im-n. ami sLr lobl bim she i
|q>roxln.Bir mo., elusrly lo aimwoiikl luarr.E
slii.iilil pull u]> b> Ibe mol. au osk naiv i lUbt. lli.-'Mur and (b.- ultra v|..|«4 rare
I of tbr an- llpht.
line il.sf crew lu h.-r fattier'.

the Iiilerna-

ti-.nal t'orT.-epondence Scboulx of bcnwiton, I’a , to the


«ss Ibe
wtBelber..o..K man Is.l.
tbe snbjrrt
Th.- rlas.
tbe oM don's treiuMInc baud, and |
Tbr hlUrlous.
amlaldr boat of tbr prevloiu iiioment ,
fnrl i
. oak boatan llcrr.
••Wbair- hr r.4trtl,
"Uy daiuUiler I
marry a Texas .kiueiii-nn?
8«ch andarlty; 1 li.rlio ,v..u lo tiiy baf-leoila. and you lakr adtantapr of my
btMfdUllly Co alral the affmlnns of
Bty lunneml rhlldr
As Howanl i>nMlmtly Is-can to rise
to bis feel turn .Vntniilo Iwcan to sltuiil j
orders lo bl. ptsms
To one be aald.,<
“Brtnc me my ptotolt" to anolber. j“Lark up my daoBbte. - ' and In anotber, -VaU tbr docsIt audd.'wl, cuvurred to (be youiitc
Mlaaourttn ituii Texaa was a niee rouniry. ami it dl.l imX tak. bIm loop
«sd a trail that Ird toward a rmsalng
OB tbe Hh. (irand.Afler Brudliis bto sweetbean a letter
^ B fallbfiit isH... be f( out for 8t.
X«ala. wlierr be dr> elupM a plan to nrfwti|dlab Ills |>arp>sw. Mdcb has aneceeded after one nf (be nrast desperate'
BBd petlkMU adretitures tbai two elap!■( toren erer experWnc*d.
hfr. Howard aeoured tbe eerMeea of
•a arcotnpHshed BerMiant. and after
jmMteBllK a pood bBlIoon be relnnwd
t» Tttxaa.
TkkiBff aereral faiihftd
Mwdi tale bis cotifldeiiee. be arat a
tnatr Mezkan to tbe little Tfllape of

\tMar U Bar. a fain
WoM make a balleoii a
on tbe
^ Plata of tbe little luirblo
l«b of October. Heoortta Alma waa
«aH tofuamad aa to tbe part that abe
WM expertt# to art la tbe plan Ibat
hse datUc Iotot Lad derlaed.
Prampdy at Abe apputnlsd time Protomat U Bay apiaared on tbe plaaa of
■bbU Boaa a»d hacan to taOate hit
■nnatar faaBaam The «aU dlwalatd
Imee mUpM vKb the pnat etoerd
Chat had ami^Wra to wtueoa the am

.M.-ihaiii.-al <.r An-bitectoral llrawiDg, in

.-ally fr..iii .-out lar ri-.idiu.sprrldlii soluliou Is a small i|iuiuiHt of |
ahvliiil. anti I. is a.M-rtr.! Unit il.r eonil.iiiaU.... of all Ibr aBen.-l.-.
I) Ikui Anionlo Infoniiiiis l.lin of r<-»ili. Ill BToatly strrUBiliculifc ibrd
,helr f..m...ale royns- umrrlaee. plale inoHuiiii.wIly and also l.y Clpbly I
t|„.v .inr.„i
. iwl.lnt l....r, ' oxl.lixluc .lie plale III i.mklnB It of '
whu atv l-.t a .]..........
tvUh Sotmr .•..u.Mi rwI.i, lilBh.-r .-a|.B<iiy .ban It
Snii.-lH-x .ny hi. rnL-- nill aorui Would Is- tvlilioiii |M« irraimeot.
U..-riiily Ur \V. I'min.-iitbal of Nrw
„-.I ui.fl tlial It will ..... U- Ions Is-fOTr
Ini.-resilnc |Mi|«-r
|Mi|*-r lM>for»
„m |.. wrlrome ami Hre fork ivad au ''"•-r.-.iliui
I hi. h.-lp 1.. his darlns t-lilldr.-n
;ihe AmrrI.-an Kle,-im Tl.era|h-ullc asn tbe aubjeei of the valnr of


rauce cbariolns confection* of elotU of
|,Hvor and ailrer eiIob Id combination
I with talc Hmioola* blue malerlala
Isot In tbe midst of ni the cl.aner

aereeiblr to kiniw mat tbe cunjunctloD
of btock and w':li- conllimrt (9 be as
popular at jl li
and eonreDlent
to tbr woman wbo atudiet economy.
Bklrtt are now uodoly aeanb
sml It was tlsuicbl that tbr other, llrtminion air anlitlc. hut atBcrtIre.
*1.1.1. fiimisboil tlBbt. wonki hare
and bows In ollllr.ery and on drestw*
i1«- in-aled In lb* same w.y
TbrUy- are tacprd with alBolllMtrs of cold and
^wkn-U of tbe ensluis were balf4n Ibe ailrer.
i w ater. \e..«lKHes* as It w as aliuost
j tmllsis-iisable to Hchl al least tbe prtacIjiBl street. <;fjbe ,-ity II was decided
to try t.> njiCraie tbe snlwnercrd bat­
tery. Th.- Blirmpt was and
uuerenly. formlnc clob(be liatteo wbloh bad 1-een n.nstructed (n cire ti.iaH. Baperr hours with a nlea. at If greasy, wipe off tbe water
■» anjis-rv dlscbarcc wa* able m fur- and pB*a tbe tonene oprrprd oeer tbe
ampere. bnnr* dnriDB tbe wtanir face of tbr picture. tlepeaC tbe
~ lost In dia- pruuta twice, and on again trying tbe
water It aboold He amootbly on ercry
•* 111 tbe water,
part. Tbe pbotograpb will iben be
«e»lora. II .
tongn*. tberc ara prep■elptoB la a Trwda.
araUoM for aale that wlU prodnea the
OobRt.e. aa Irubcbi\ji
-------- ranlL aaya An Araaleor.'
I tall bow.wbaa poMioK uDbto cirrati.
one of bis ebatoe borar* be)taikn pt«b||a
' tarioBsl.r, ibas ranava.*. "Rtop, Mop
Uona. Ugen and cdher rapacwoi aaihecallrdoai “Iraallrthink that bma* mals rwBOtt loibe nesys uf tbe p-lioan
to drink water, wbicb tfai7 do 'witbunt
taai iwrer bewn in bameM before!"
■■BaBarTa..ToarkBd*faip'arUfatl It'a any alteait« to isiare ibo little lledgalinga
-Cineiniuti Tribonw
<hto flm liiBe. and (be mwCba- nyi
I that if be brings ynor lordablp aafe to
In Koxwa d<« meat 1* regarded Ban
1 tin Md of Ibe stage te'll bny bim."
holmamc food.' U to aOd that l
«» ABSM Pass*.
Feraetrswl oeninries the noaMwai
to tbe girdla. A
D gaafaltbBtoM
cat paoae gut bi* name ftma the feet
■ mid it was wcaib
ttat rather thmi
,he time,?
i«ted M w* him
the purse flam (he hah. whme Uwm
,—ad by fcAkto h, e« tb,

frt'm tAf Ctr.u/ar ,•/ lnf,'i tuotu'v ,'t ti-r

armtsoo!. oowya
and nbll* velvet ataraped with pold
tOQkea tbe most chic of ev<alDB co.v.ia
few fafffflbns
Already the fflciy


Is the Open Door

To Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, or Architecture.
"liy far lb.- i|uick>-«t aod aureul way

to enter ihcbt- prcfeahiniis is 1hr.ui:;li tbe drafting

Drafting i« an agreeable aod remnoeritirasbocDpatioo.

It gires one a knowledge i f

netikictivo delaila and alforiis a ftrat .-Iim opi»rtimity t<> uciiiiire a pra.-li.'al knowli-dge of'
9<'banii-al or arcliiUrctunil deaign. Tbe era of praa|>erity on which ibia coontTy bm. <qi.
rwl bas trebbled
trt-bbled the demand for draftamen
draftAtuen an.l employers’
employers are
com{.etet>t men

making teiiiptiug’o
tehiptiug otT. ra to

"Hitherto the only way. to get into the drafting room, for the young msn wbo'ha* not
bail a af^i ial college training, lia* been through an epprenticeebip of a niimlier of year* aa
•blueprint b.jy,'with little or no wages
But yem cannot afford to work two or three yeara
for -BUrralion wages' in order to uei-iire a poailionjliat wiir«opport you whib- .(iialifviiig lor
fortber advancement.
“Throngh oar plan we can .(oalify you at home, in iparc bonra. and at little expense, to
enter tbe drafting room as a draftsman and obtain a gooil aalary from Ibc start.
Uy dwotiiig «ii
six months
. to the Mecbam<^l
moDtbs <of spare
time atndy
or Archiiectnral Drawing Course vou
sneh a
s thorongb
i get aneh
thorough knowledge of drawing as
aa Ito be able to anccessfuUy fill the position
of draftsman in any office.

Knowing what we have
instrueli this line of instructi^
-irect, whom we cannot 'inalify
At to onr tMpontibility i-e will refer yon to

as a Mechanical or Architectural Draftaman.

the commen-ial amcies. to any bank officer, teacher, dergyman
ton. or, if you with, to a atndent in vour own locality

or otlicial in Scran­

"A paid np Drawing Course inclndea a aigneil agmment to

teach yon unUI you

thoroughly competent
outfit and
and two
two volu
voltuwa. iuiiy indexed
bound ip
d and bound
,A ffoe drawing
- »»mg outfit
I. keys aiT|l draw
hall leather, mtauuD^ dapticates of your instmcUoD. and .,-w.
d to you, for oae in your conrse,'

dm to Vott.
Cut out attached Coupon and mall or bring it to
the business off ice of the Record.
Each Coupon must bear the name of the per­
son for whom you wish to vote.
The records of the competitors will be shown
In the paper aftffr the contest is started, and votes
will be recsived until midnight of March 14,1901.


k tBAiTnaa cat, miok, •nrikAT* i

■0 MVS mocessm

amtmohv of



iWM- - 0.*M P—

. )f::x-rrrr=

■ Am Am

btoAitabV«carriM c( ■ wadi
tm nm>kli« iimarV tmtethr old
fUW UmS ii ivcMSMd M flMlkal

dbMb aad Myh

wbta tba aghast taXM
asthict m tha dodo, irui? iMf aa;
«m kaq> ^ U ao( add to. tta fapaaUaB.b.L(ai<kB LatME.

eaglae prodBrliig eoAl



RUlKMd ta ibe dtalb «bamtrt Mt lal; lo wium. bol (o Ukc uS■ :«I part l^lb* rtn-otloL
•k'maed ma U bn«B«i4
lu. m

-WAt did A look UAV aitod tA
vUe. wA waa a wooub Snt and a
: BinlMer’a
“1 didn't aa Ub. "
-Tbabowdid poo know tkaa waa

>Htl»okRr>«la> anxl
itL laad aud bee Al a «!«■ ajpial
fiM cari^ul U taraml ua. Ibm u a ax»t
viokBt toDK-alai puutrantia. lb»« wi*U.
maartK f<T lU mxw< Inwliuta. bat* .
Dinn-a tlx' ana fnau tU' rtulr.- Tbra I
i-.ilqv a aambr and •DH-llof taoming ;
. tkab. TU rarirat U tunad idl. (be ! lixnann Iiuiji. .a>- vl llm phy
4^ttv tbr •but a^ liMraa ,
t<« Ibo iaart Ma Hr wialbu (hat
I >F btwl 1> x(IIU<raiiii;{. TU- «ir» ar* |
■ aujia
wl tba rermtl ;
(anad «ai a imaat tiiur. 111^ b BHre ;
aiBMalar cmuartlw. mtaa .Inmiug ?
Bnb. Tlii* liSM- tia- M-Wal iihjn>t'-iatia
In (lira iMiai
lla- laart taal' aial |.n«Miann tbr uuu d-ad
Tla- lulr U :
• laLM frim Ibatbur. laid e|>-ai a naigh .
ti:bk aad cat ap, a-mHinji tn law.
Thraa am
n- giarti iq thn \
~--«ail)r laiai*. iniair td 'ahirii ibnmpnrt- I
rt writM .nrr bl> •>« » aignaiara. Tla? i
naji be eanwirralrd. bal (late raa be
m. A<aW that dratb I? rbrirbil; u
abpthlag bat tbe nliq aial pwt^el
dealb that Iba aathi*. .4 iba law warn
faatrtuit to inmdafur (be naidcBiDrd

iBTcotl^iaaa roeettag 19 raan. a
aaa-«; Chhmgo. Are
bai o< tbe rotatr raglar. tf tbe taata
alKodr Bade ataod. tbe aew ragloe

a MtaAct Ihtrr?"
"J fcoad a rHsUarbill iaiA etadriAlh» bm

At tAatomod Mad«*nn by Tilly
fa lUl lUi aotad aatboeit; cc tAart
cd wat laid down tA fiual Basiai
’ (bat afltr a aaceeartnl aaMab tA aol>
oaght tu Am tAaa boon cd pil-


UoAtoathAto aad phTAadcaltaco aiBjbudj. bat r> A w^Mf.
mimir aad^AwuHf.—OoattlaadBtaBd.


power. It oeaA tA lareBtor
aad laaUlM at 10 per cent of tA eoal i
old type etigton.
RAb Raldwto aA otAn are aaak
dated with (A toerator la fonnlqg a
eoapany for ptariac tbi- av nctiM

Braaa will boM a
Tr«t of lA AW eoftee. deArtbed
A (A mrago nerord. were made re-,
(•ally la lAl rlij. TA Mb lunepow
er eaxtae la S by S by 1C IaIm*. and
A wHgbt la l.«» pound.. Kieain la
aapplled to tA cylinder ibrougb a two
Ah pipe Wiliac fron lA Aller. TA
ewlA la Udted to two. oak plaoA.
vldeb fOTB Ita oaly faonAilon
Ppito a dead aiand«ilU when euaAeied wlib a 44 kAwail ebant wound
dynaiuo by a 14 todi riibAr iidt tA
e^A*waa aiaried wlib a reglal.ted
atMBi prewure of Imx I Aa tire luunda.
la Ina tAa 30 aeeooda tA englM waa

Having just returned from Ohio.!
car\ show you the best lot of horses
ever brought to Northern Michi­
gan. "consisting of Heavy Draff
Horses, Fine Farnn Mares and
Splendid Driving Horses. *
These are ^ht from the farms of Northern dhio and they weigh
from 900 to 1800 pounds e^ch,
' and are from 4 to 8 years old.
They are for sale at prices and
tdrms to suit the purchaser. Call
hd look them over before pur*
chasing elsewhere.
Any .horse sold by me can be re­
turned and money will be refunded
if not as represented.

a eafa cm fiowall atnal with tA (atelraa
aaae of tbair "pndeati." TAlr «>«•
Dcnu Wfea diAinct and aadibla to tA
oecaiAnia of aa AJainuff tabA
TA? «»• eAuiag about a aeoUicvBB to vhkb Atb bad appearPMa to b^aW * Bm. MUm
w pnwloea nigbt.
"AAJoat at tAt tooBent wbeo A
HInre Ida reoeut retiini fioiii
(iil- «.-U^ni.n'n pb-liile Aa takea a > ptaaati........................................
By band.
i ooa. -aDd I
. Wbr van el«ruA(]r eharo A the
Ileely lalereot to mq—liu! Un aulb iml« a hllL
‘ waa aappo^ lu aoaww arlth a noh. a
BgMsir^'br 0-4^y^^air«othar
................... ................... ...
I Sm—<di, etadi a bite!—fatoCao to Imtara
\ BB Atwaw lA ahopidm. It waa awK> teaaiiu elrtl* (bat (In* efliwta of
ran nS? biuisfe—tS<4t> ntm* <at in
---------------•: fal—aiDply awfaL I nartd not retaemeb-rtridtp wm< boat nndm.ial and
tA ducaatein^ a nry qoMr luufciw
A rerne-t'd two (nim ut eal
btrqiyUaoa. 1 <«dld nut aaA tA auks
I laraoo. «li««t of Anrf. itaiMi aa a
tArr «B> tA boat ai-tnal LtKm lxWt'’ 'd
la tbe o-id. dark -.arik .ee- Avril a.
T.«.41<> r IK..J >aak la »e Ir ■-tei'Tlr M 'on' All Icosldthinkabcwl waa that
hi« !■»( to H< abool il I'l bill a
I Alt. bu biA atmli Utweeu very hiffh
benid Sea. 1 whtopeted to Wb. *PbI
and Maadrd abmlden. and M ilb ahirt.
l uetly b"W ehtiririly kllb- Remit ! ataaipy Apl Be wan r«r1<«aly attired
saw BuraaiT mi->a
.^{■etiAi'ita A Hr. Hh-ile of tkilanbaa.. ! to a wAle
ole fobenl
robeed aall of gtae.
mar. a ddroll
,bandAhtod aywalat andwbupaml: nmalag onn rer.datkma (•• '> alaote.
tb.mnoikAbikAk fi* tA*1uiniiiiia« and I aA|itd ^rbet. (be gnwt cnlA >d vhieb
*.ihm tfci. -.m- . I... dr/ deif
[ -WAl it tA BaUer with yoa. and why I prodBrtiic a dyiSao a|>*d of I.ISO
m.'llH«|> by which j rrarh.el far np tA tatrk of bi> bead,
ilutloaa |aw minute and •arrylag on
, art yoB Baking ftato a borrtdfaw? AiB I
alt lU< (-Ri«ia Itave bna eliulH'il. Are | «Bnn'am(ed I? a- pair cd
ngbf al fuU tuUaa.'
and (A edl rain WkI ::ya»
yoa llir WAl ooold 1 i^'? Kuthtog,
thinwn IM'W ligbl n|i-ni lie- labyecl. At I fateerixw. whidi aad>|eoly liglitetied at
light* «IkiwitI a>( tbr aligbicat flicker,
- eveu balny wo an- \<-ry (nr fr.ui kie-w- | lA kiwe. I inuifiuKi him lu A (A
L« o
and fartanalely—(di. bow forttmataly 1— pcnvlnc' lAt lA ruelm- «a. running
iiiK. with IA p»<'iai<ti willi whirli utAr ' tat A to Aning dlahalnlle. aad wIh-?i
_____ wUlium
Tbi. r.-«iilt waa
I with ay abonMer
bUda. painatk-D..
caBxv cf ibwib are kixn-.u. )a*t h*‘W - A araxMnl i»e (fad nalanrlly. aekmn
i.»e tliine* beA r.*i>
i„ Uuat. wArctAl flea waa
Thro I awung to :
►i.-aiii |>rr»dentb in ramnal by tA eba-tlir .nlHek. | lu whom lA diwarl alei niywlf At. j
a ilcij 1.. j.iurwUandfruAlftograalartiulBr-V-aiid
TA n.nLlnB uf
Ki-llbt* ri'. we kii'iw li.nv lu'apply tA ; kaigial, I wi-«<ted tiiiu wniM-what
tbaa gut iu a lillla ai-tatcbiug
II waa i ‘I"'
»'•*«'*« twAH.*-. and
oaneiit. tVdaiiily if lAte la uo h** { diirlly. and ibn. iiimiin-auly anintaeiul
jtut Iwaveuly mud did uut apuil CA *1'' vll.aib.ii «a. •■<.( iww|.lll4.-.
an«u> a luf
Whin I Waul .ilT lha Waa..
SiD.T- UM Ua> . W laai lA rllaln.- W a*
Our fee rcturru-*! if wc fail,
ry irxlhoil aMiiUblu tAii Hull iu aw
if A Wuubl Ipi.ct'd l.’lrh tu.M«( n
lli.t. II A* la-cn Militullii.l (•• rigid
htog ((nig thiH ,d i(M-lf U aunriitit it
, eg Aalaal Tinwi, It* I waa cod or mg
ly invention will iiriunpily r
K...a ■ lc«l»
wia. uw nail wi.wu Bic a iiu a uauu
......... by
' iditAdIcsI .-ximwIi.
tuu fi* uAnibaiiug Ibia aurtouf (mart
betarm id bsagi-r.
ir. ‘-Il.iw l-i iildAin
bniah. fiA Bid tbaa waa a ipot tbo* ••Idulun im-vall. lAi li t. a pratHcal > alulity of
TAo A *«■*■•. and Uut vi(b tigev i
tug (TtmluaU.



James O. Jenson
Corner State and Union Streets.
Traverse City. Mich.


ll If idtrq ctoiml-to Abtlf cf ckr-..........................................................................................
aad flanwy. ihM il wu> a aluuuc lAi 1 >
___ ____________
ir:>l I Al dnilb
hutuii i fbgubl have
b-fi oewda.
callulA !
III tAt : giuua «k1 AA acalwbt aid cana to
tv anyrvtdr.,rc|dour.wilbWm I (tonmtMd-I Ad got .

Al tla W..I .a..«iUiai«nuB
A-111 (A larlk. ll.ibalh I. mUL*

*abig«adQlUr-< engine A. K.-Mhcr. •b'-tim-g «W ! u,cun>d throuRh
••Modjmla (old aa,” Bid lA ulba, i ntwf- N'" '«>rk ■»> ‘ lil.-ac..; ( Aun„
-............................ lyij. rcT <: lli-lll.-k. wlib lA (TiU-nan Trli. '
rawtlt* Agcll

* at lA OaliftanU to lA bi

one Bending AatAgna dtgultHiwi
a lUktent*'sent

BMC Pttcato

ailterTl-M'-! f.<r aale at {lurrxpenae.
It tlir.>iii:li III mx-ive specuJ nd/tce, witbonl rkugB,tn

T?«'-b-A that Ual u. ui.Ih du*.
'a* ex- i L
, landing butfa haodt and Byiog. ‘Ro- ' Inlrn.lent of tbe r.Tlcal l
All lAcTidi-iH-H I lA patrrual iiijnurtiuu tu tnuaiu wilb - Ril4aml.-('. 1.-14. MBd Wun and am
Uiv Hannfartnren ami Iiiventora.
(A “tuH .-.nla tAcar."
kB(Biro.wbHre aft tboo.
■ 1. RimeoV
R-meoV : IAny. and nuiny ollwr expert* Avr I
. ,
. m--ij,____
lAl - an ta< galbncd frira rT)**u uf ar
lAAnuandran. "1 auaaatcrAn-!"
Tb-cnon Ilut 41.4 la (A dark-aw u<
I Oia got a tilp in tA ankle tAl alacM I A**'! fav.iaW.- yuilcment on II, TAIr '
aatnjile o»|.> FREE.
d Ibn obi iKTMirr H
ad.aiul abucA giav to rbov tAt irau. - !
tlr. yi-'U.W ts-.r.' (b.D B haulndfuld.
! made ha .Ty onl. SA eonld ax attik j teal* hare alnmn (bat tl..-.ugliH-A* a ’
VtOTOti Jm E¥At§9 A GOmm
Vb.k- (li.ll .BLi.-h . JO.I (.ir Uo-ir
cllaibai la |aa*uA- If (A cxpuai* A and wlthfnrtAr auvag Uugaagv AcxA. at-aw In Ik.
an na|<l} BbTlI.
; It xTuaJd Are apoiM lb* ceena, and: *P<W axigliig fun.. 3Mo l.««W r.
tmaard bia iulauUuu id rating ay fa- .
Um> {abut la iif rh>al duratiuk
-Era U
sa H.unLu U-b«>l Tm
I tetAatoate *A Ad tOBoffer. One ‘ Hu"* Ar iiilnum. *iili>n-t to n-guUilin ,
\t~aieUl AllOmC} S,)
I*UDln*i uud'inbt il A Al au WialdJ tbrr ruuuilly furmit Aviug hruoigilt aa
I cf lA rritiea rmiaiktd to bU Aptr'
’*“*• •
horae|iow<-r .-nginc mo .
A (A eff.vt <if a pMulalaa Ifaitiogb lA ‘ toalde abmg with liinwlf. Tbniaqo<«-a
I day lAt daing lA aceoe Mar. j run a wwlog niael.lue or mrr} a load ;
Inin And why ma nn a iilMol almt j ttoo umuTial 'to me. and I viuiim.1 to j
, Mudjaka
Ijaka'a face woe a ac
for •-x.TU'iug artiiuiiialf Bn might U> > aak. ‘‘Am yiiu lard All{^r'‘ ‘‘Of
j cipt^au. And no wcader, poor lady!'
MeeAuUiii In Uila <-Qgiw ba* N-t-u
atra|i|Mlb>u iiiatinT*. u U'Uiii'in-h' uf i cmrB 1 uu.” nqilnxl tbe iild gcatle- r
____ _____
— ____
*‘Wbca May Unir. wA i« roty aoa-1 redm.-il to a tnlnlmuni. TArv are »i>
Kt--U arraugfU oioDUil
lii* Aad b*nii—iI mau. ‘‘Wlm
di-vil i-A(diutild
I TIhw wA b'V.' to walrh tA opera-j
m.u..gattlH'l. i..|.l.-, uinl. if diwimbK j Af ' W. IU I did a« liA (..avow wAt,
tieu* of tiuliin-will liu.linucli intettwt
eafKihk-lu Sm la attacked,” reanmed ' g<‘*r*c'ai.rlng.. arreoa or ladu to Ian. ib.T gr.up r.,ul.I I- iiktcl o\.-r tin- I I felt. Al iu tnilb I waa bngi-lv diaap- i
A .^c-txltia ................. ................................................................................................
leav.« tA
tA The
‘‘ahe gMa
ap aad brgini
to ; eoiur l.ruken or l»-.-rH-d. T»t*. II U
of Iho
ik«i ..fill-1m art. If ebx-trirlty mtui ! puinmd in liliu, f.r I h»l ju-l A»T-n
eaw m whii-hft A- liv.d IT yeart j
dance. Sliorau twiat aUwl and Kratrb aald. abow tAt (A
Maniug |io».-r
Fire Insur­
irroiig- I J Cm (A pAula .1- I nuiUiig WiUinio'a ‘•Wati-rl-k’’ luuj to iu «k‘ eurili. (In.- wli.i wali-lM'd, lAa ' anywhere while tA dauca ia giilugnn. ; four tliiir* aa gmi a> ili.- |«.w.r iiaed
ance Company of Grand Trav.;^ ^
and nobody
oobidy oixim
mxiun At. '<'Un
M.rna , wbrn
when running at full *|
mx->I .
lyjJtnaillg a batNai. IVliy
. .ouibtAl
lotM uuui|*. .mifelluw
iei«ui> iu
.lo- (hn.{ lelk bia>MTy :
.-wa M<rnf
Leelanau^ i— A. BAlldlrtK.
not? W.mW u I- iii.A_mMX-Ttaiu: , doir.-I jiK-kei tAt.aii.oqp.:v.*I.L..-ani
‘‘XaiuTuli.ta^aay Ihr? enue imtjaily to^ld ine that to lA dying aiwoe .to 1 , Awidlug b'no-(•oiiainiedon New*.
[Counties will be held in Grange
'Catuille' a Ob fotaned on to ba'ao I “It* atopiailon It gi-ueral
iiigliily. will lb.? made : ticioqaly that if aA bad not tcauAd | put tiiiywlii-n-. on11 alniiot BI
Hall. Traverse City. Januai
jary 8.
i rauii.« lliv and ; "al'-lKxl
liny A iiuu
lucbrd to a - 1901. at I
o'clock p. m.. for
■■to.tatitaH-.u.:' lint intlun' lAre I anakitry Urv. ai.Tfuad lo And Aymet ■ llw>' Iiqrar.uiiv an Imur K-tiav niu-1 hAk with Ar foi and lUalodgM il alw I foundailoik It lui
down, iiii-n a/iiiu in iiuuilieni aulll eunbl mx hare dird wiib any derem-y, | |>u*1 or bung fnuii
WimUl A bw little uiyetcryaUnil II uiid
d 1< flgiumg
Agiiluig un
nn-lA darof
day of Wuierhu, wbil'e
while ' down.
.-eiiiiic, coiipk-d the
of electing > di-fiXHiiiig wan abbiO'.
dark, nitubiig by lb->uvjmis (hroogb Au FraAlaeo la au awful place f,* , dim-I to dynamo*. Iil-nera
r- I tA |BWt be
■’‘•“•f""*'- president aiid two .directors
hwl ueluully killeil r'rruebiura
lb*' gra''- i»ol ‘ '’'f llie laio gr.iuud in |
flai ” workt.l down lu mine*, faxeqiil
'®’‘ “’® ‘'•‘■'nsacl'O'’ <>* WursborK Bit MWord.-raas ae^.-l* lh‘it Imwii, wbieh they are
awful!" eotocidt)l
ba «toneb.«i for jionalih-um-' ti «iMrrt'«I! i

frieod aa to' •'•tM with ,IA wafta.—
1.—XiiteUatilb tAilurr. ak'Ut

_____ 1..
eomoilv.. or to freight .-ar*. .mking
come beforethe meet- '
If wv uiB't iutlii-i till- death penalty ;
Mew Kelly Brad tN. tiaaiiiii,
ti'Dci-a and frame Work ill dtoTca. and,
raefa e*r* i-iwer Imllrldual. aieaiu A I ing. All members of the com- ;
and wiali to A nully liumaiie alaiut ll, j
AerlHi-ula ATeApiVucil.inlAFtagn. pameolarly lr.'C<, ll.ry lix tbeaaelra
log MiMdled from Ho- lueoniumi- or a Ipany as far as possible are re- '
lb>‘ie ure .un !y many wa.v. by wbirh
Aller In om- of ihe ear*, coupled di- ' quested to be present.
dcutb ran A broaglil kwiflly and cerbiukII dynaiuo for
tamlyvitbut iiidnpiug lunw-uUi Min- air. Bud lA niibapi? Ama«M>* have , lime lAy<nn uuti-r iiiany eaeaie*. at
Ure l■eadUg:lt or uacl lo opemte a lu­
brtiuue. ir iatniiiig lA fbwli, <r anti- diedfnan lA •■ffi«a. TA Htierwill cbi.-liH.. Iiugi, Kinirr. U ami bird* are'
TAl redheaded girl « Raya
lynra atreet
bricator for a loconiollre."
Utijto lA Ualy. Tlie eritolua) nmbl A . But wxiu A fotgollrii of MicAel Kelly vity bald of lAm. Onrcatwaaaan
D taob tA art
ar of dooaka."
grveu a * Ailing draft nuilllieu bud onl ; to '‘laidluaka.
Polub maiden wA
ill u glamvare. wbielmiuld llwn A all- ’ ambd a caalb'{ailire. and Ibn lawultfnl an'tniog to n-lUb liii-oi at a daiuty.
bad been plnrkad greeu in tA wiktored witbtA fuiuBof liiiniiiigrliariMal. , Mr*. ttMocli, tw (A ITinccw. waa to A
"I A-ei.-;uiig 1 Mvnredaeren no ooa
i. Pte new girl
I ecu U'lliwMUwhrwe almuld an-k : aaea al a window. Tim draft rarried bramdi and wiin-.w.t tbe ii>TatiQB of _^_;oj__ but toaawnt
l.rv-.- a.otp .*!
..(-uai I,mi ha*, all
loniakr dratli |mrti.-iiluiiT eaty In lA I lA flame* toward At. oiA Kelly, w- tlwir n.-w birth I? lamplight. Tbry i
i.*l_____ i7a ,o t'K'nia to Im jnado will, a »h w to ie«|.
------- -------^iBd..XIuml.-r(,.r.ul.. aiwimil 11. Ji ujkB. the whole wAuiw , tog A* daiig.T. ruab.-d upu atagn Indge were ►•mie time ruuiung up aud down [ ^
| log the eto, l.-uey of lA Sllger aptarmBell 'Phono No :
JOMfto W. OTT * OO
of capital iwtiiaiiuirtit aa a hldnau Idol to B»e h«N Iwl lA *Q|qula of till* •circling a po*ilnrti.
Once fairly flxad .------ *T .
yba *”•
dlaj-ctTlos AH cloud* hy gun
ligbllng (A
a|wo oornvihanti.m, At If amauanid ; bridge had Imi-u Btuon'd l»t\-iuatnr>'ly the lo.k |iatt of lA lioud auuo becoaa
irtaf 0 llh a long funnel t(kUrbm treanra
by At
A |«iiidnxl with tloalli it' i> I'rTtaiuly : A <A uarpenler. and' Kelly fell to tbe tnnaXli and ghway. aa If atn-tebed b> lu
taehnl to the Uieulh was ui»*i. and
ainraa that gA waa to tern
nul oi«mll»'tlie,*Ttbai hnmnrt
A |luit
i lemOoti. In Are aionlra froo
ir mn«l Iv
id1 ! gronud
wfaeo a aulU-.-ient eArgeof iiowder wan
cork aud thoi apply a match I
(Ml if tlrnwuciu (Atwaii-Mt
mii-Ml iwwriblr
ixBibIr ;
"At llio aaac tiine."iiaya Kelly in lAtliao.f aiTtlbig in puailhm a longifind ring* ur whirl* u i-n- (imduixd lu
oflA idpe. SA teamed lo comprohr
toaana r.a bun. ft ia a«mUKd
amued lAl
tbe air. It waa oliaer.n] tliat lA-*e
:t day
tA r.

dn ail of Ibu death |> i>allr
y will lire|irn- wbiri]
wlitcti wa-i
wm Mr* Ooorh, rank
tank d<i
down to : thrraillike whit.- IiimwAie lA»|ilit
ring*, whieh vary wiih the eliann- and
ertwh- SA nt1' uiight U- I abUsi-.
abUse. wlib
with a ri,.lcnt
ot- cnr*. .«i lli.-A' Lof ibe Ami. extendi
u (be Pol- tbe tixe of lA fuiuii'l. dldoiut n-aeh a
cauaittnl. Tlie pitalty; If It i* to A 11«wl a anx-aa «if trmir. PtoTidenlially ' finally fp«u (he llt»i >'ii
d Banding betdde tA j *"•*" height iluu 4u> inetetw, tbuugli
Ito agile X
toflielrd; alnnild eoiim iu a T<«a to A 1 waa md linrt by tAfall. and eatebmg the |>pd>~ia tir
dmuird. yx-t there i. iif-exeurcl.iT «nr
At lu ay iimi., oativly knirwing vAl J>rtni. half an inch in length ■ ■.
I Biatabea and holding Ibem uada tbe 1 *'^•(•'‘1
I're' loua........... ........... ................
lure.* Il* tbe HcnihUiiee .< I.xinrc. I waa doing. J carried Ikt to (A front ainoiw aon> t A liead Ad .tXfBM It* I
! mutl follow Ihet uuh— llic All eUiuJ*
lA criminal rbonbl rome to hi. fate ; uf tA Maga Tbealiplaiwewaa l.iod and way iwt. Uradoally tA forea log* were
«ly lo eee Ibem immediately a- 1
rviult .-an A
with a full knowl.-.toi‘«>< wAI
I coottoord- In fact, had we n-h.-arard ' wilUdrawi
ttognubed. kwria m Aar of cAtred
1“ "nO"'
Ibe formaikm
him. I1>e
wood betatod.
l•r’•'•'>nled, hot In olh. "Tli.-Jt lA w Alb- body awung ibnrly
tn tA ooniB of ayearortwi
a yearortwotA red-!
•**' *“'*
io apltc of tepeat.-d
Aekwanl. heail d.rwu and f—d oalwwrd.
1 my.tery, and ah-ml i A . doerd ■•> great an elTrct.
11 llrlDg*. ao tut 11
( |io*aIblr I
to A able t.
mx tA (wrape wblrti made tbii (uaiieiiileil wiib au (KemuiHul (ronor.
effei-l .if Whiih Hate la no uiH-ertainty,
tutbadan mind tA fact lAt all
aait trying to extneaieiA biA part
tot^tnl aeauralile, Al Kelly'* AIL
Tbrte alHiuId A li-.i oppirtBnlly
. a are nbyct lo modifl-! »*“ ir»iem -New V.wk
Wlmn u bad Irang for three
He Ra* furiotu at tbe aridrol and aiHl itv>.
d'«U aa 1.11A melt, uii.l no n-oaoii
ttioti to practice, and particularly (At
• a te.M iiii.Mi .if un iqaTati
malw.1 at KenibV-. wlto waa maato**. minnii-^. it tA-nvery aluwly. like an
Altitadee Rewehrd Br AUeeal.l*. Aaie
Ebvtneiiy d.v* u,.t follill tlnxe
ahooling. "I might AmUvn killed ni- arroha', Anight il* Ndy'Bp to lA orig­
Dnrtog the I'arle eiinallloo a larg
tirrlT, and wA. (hen—wA would ha.T inal lawitiou. with.lrew lA biA lege
I and. uer.T ran until
■fUmber of Altooo aaccAtona "> r
kaiw fat aut.'nhau we do at |mx
aatotainrd mefurtA nM of my life:'” and lady, ami in two minutee niurt,
niAe. bA the moat rveent .Icvleei. I
ctnud'onti-i.b-1 A|Kipa*kiD in full form,
ita effivl* in tA hoiuau .xgwiiam. If -l43<al Wind*
an ineb b«ig. cf a White, waxy appearvc kuew all wg uautlii to Aow to watiiumAr of Alrub nd pyealiA rebim
nni ll» uv. I N'lieie
1 inatremeni
(f OBrcoiUDaepfaraia.4 eflec- bMA aareedi-d with llo- ohjrct of a*

j EVaaaSufMragr,





Fire Insurance
John R. Santo


Trsrene Qty




" ................. .................... -

.1^ 1. .1-1»“

tiixl iu tA nvkel
Unrther rwMle. near' PeoHlb. ia out win
that nald A rartiixl
-of cramped ;
In a Buste• (A wing*,

xnnbl am*uph»h •Anwnlp BAreh eftAtu'Wi
inipHing mandnna in tA npx III.' film
ml liioxe
IWB.-T .wine
<^iiie Ad
and I n.KIb. liegreat (.Trace iaurariy a mile ' bad giown
. a* (A biuhiml
h.*>«e piB.-r
dynamo iiuw eui|>loe>xr—-IVi4i;i>.tt W. ia l.vgtb and .U carried rkaig tlie toink by
- •*>*". “'nw* »«'
A- Aniboay to Chicagu Elcrtrn-jl Jou
<if a-vtop did. which (r,-ak>4o. a p
one tm-h and m ni and a baH min««
to ti*' fniri-ixr ad loe aiidaqnata
of lA lark, with bcert
of i
• irwwib ami well :
ibriw* in bngtli eu.l half
ta ’
Awdth In aSminnl.-alAwMto-j*™of (*hina. at (Mn.l.
ra WA nrr.«it{|i'li.aL TlF yearl.T ‘locanury,
waM make lA f-Jttune .d a (dmiri.
rioChtoa. to .amuf hi* bxTJq? iiH-lnde a nail frt«n lAom**- a
1 "Wowandctixl iu itf,»
tngBxal of IA enm' tuelf. a td*re of
nd ytt
wood Inna t A sbaut « Bexhleban.
t. ft* r
eartod, en beuntlful. wi rablime a pn»-, « Mxpeoce j*r poonA ll i* ^ mtote j
■uoa iuidat.«xb of
pertotirpTeifaA ncTreboAM." And *•>«* "™*‘*
thACAchidce hie lArtipitmi cd tA ieor into xarioA
-“d * work-,


bi tAae baig g<«M> by Aya AaweU.
Ixjni Alhxin, lA bo., uf H>

Bid in ape lewpwt t.. hati nmiA f.-o- , am.xmt of outi.ot.
tun* to lA tv.a«n |.ark .d Van Shoo P«ud»of dn*t iu a weet







BaAlon Aob .f Aaebtoroab. a tA
<*ec IXT«
h grrmnd at (A month of tA Ukdi ed up to a laxth- for two
d Botbi'* One nentug. e
; tcod (g wwr. 'r*
fariy year* ago. my faiba droee to ,
hnnkfaa with tA oVi bed. and took !
Hw with him. Kut caxiwi to aend tA
boMi lo tA Aabl*. A Mt Bw ouMA ttemto tA (Mly to»»>wA* jriaow
te tA dqtoart wbeft A Mtond lA wocib taktog up MdegBytof N»e.bouB A* I wailed, ratba «ilkilr-<a TAiriauPlHMr.

nanat, greeting, iimple and aaobtnu they are,
are. wbicb
which falle like dew

eenaintog w hich coohl rcaib the givaiBt altitude and remain In the air for
tA Imgat period. Count Ilcarl do la
thtot ll*i» a*, gowned in white, with Vaulx. to whom WA awardnl (be
prayo. I gian-l prttc
1, Ae (odd A oB to bed. Si*ta» and I Joumey UfiIm S.* Aor* and
tA with, parenu! Die* frum Vlnceiue*. ibe aiarllng
children, «
triende and trieoda. Fk- j pUre. to KotwtlcAr. lu ittual*.
robAd il of it* idgnifi- i tance of I.US kAtneu-ra.
CBBreioaotneuf a: we repeat il aato- j IJM milea. aiulnlng
of S.TUO inelcra <Ut.V0G f.-eli. TA
satlcnny. without Buefa tbooght. BiU —-------------------oontWa. We an a* vuyagen, potting orxt performance In onler of merit
war (At of U. Jacqnec AUon. wA
iMcAd a maxHniim aHlrade- of G..’40
(award Into tA darkuBe. and
w*. Bleep a onr pUkiwa. UA a «m*

LM kilomMerx UAnc SO mllc*i from

^ by AyligA

mlante*. U. Jacqoca
Fane ocmpled IP Aur* aA 24 mlunteo to hi* journey aA went a* fat
A BBO kUoseter* frexn fatii. dea^eAing to Certaaay.-New Vert Emilng

OftAperibef tA

TA pregaw


f« tA r-mpwe
But lA^k of elc^nt irory to tA
tog not;
not: nAtinila
rahAiralM ate uxtd U^eiyti
pliliee(d it. Tlicre totegeiahle ivory,
tA Bred of a bw giowtog palm to
South America, euto reed about lA aiae
<d a bM-* «ar; nd eariou attlfieisl

A With you." "Qood nigbt”-ii rually
■‘Ood Bight,’.' or "Uod goaid (A
night” It would A a ehutlidi bow*,
bold to vhito tbBB gentle f<» cd
■IMtovan ignored or did tMtextot
ARke; tA Apfiy UBd tA aampwfuL
Ay >9 day. Mty toy “Good aigto.”—

Metato get Uied u writ ae hniaaB
Tikgiapb wire* are brttet
roAuctur* a M-mday than a Aturday M account of tbrir BoaBky rcto.
•Bd a rt« of three werta adtii M p«
«eu (D lA conduaUrRy ad s xrltu.-

j Jf doMd^ Uminder
Gent's Fur Lined Cloves and Mittens.
Cent’s Fur Lined Coats.
Cent’s Dress Suit Cases.
Gent’s Fur Driving Cloves.
Ladies’ and Cent’s Trunks.
Fur. Plush and Wool Robes.

Sleigh Bells.
Baby Cab Robes.

to 30l)ti t. Beadle -a
H lUec. eiMd,~
Smooth Shoe*
Voo (SO aJwaj-a got wh«a
jron DPe an Eltctrio-Aasor. I
hare the finent stock of high;
grade, fine tampered ElAtricBason that are goaranteed to
be the beat and ment'WtiafaetoryBada.

W. .1. Mobbs
F’a*»e*to SR.

<SB MOBinird ammtD»zTtur

l CttTf KICIL, •UllllAT*
abcb at I bapr an
M bark eo tbr I----------—

Hold Up Hen

Hett Victims
TW KMar Petfle Ttet
Ff Brtfcwy.

td. «Bd a* be atralM ahac scdRi
an tbr bfmtf «r tbc BlcM UK) *Tf«a«
•t>d bte m fo*d ffrilap ba ■*; haa*


SnS. M? W dSS’JIJ!«aid.
Btten b* wrat br bmmr rMMaira
i tirr aad tbr arcM of hta vUr'a dmtb
«oaM OM. Rr aad U> altr vrtc ta a
; taall beac-lbr laK tea ta bar* tbr alofcrmtrk taM^ ailh a f*4 athrr paai atecrra aad oar aaDor. TW podamor.
iWias a maa af aatbotnj aad a writ
laaaa aamaa. am* la rhar«r «( tba
; baai. Jait at tWr aiar tm^iac aC ti
aaar a icorr
icafv rikcalBC
<dbea>BC to
tn tW
matt I

bbn fn
fM tbr Mtb. :

Ibaa aoMMkl}' abarad
tarc* pMdI teto Ua tacv. toM Ua I*
krn> qoM and aal hmtc. aad tha atbar
wHta a daftDaaa ban *f imctW rt, naa*d bte of aO Ua ralMbka A par*
I aon 31 fM a«ar fn>Bi ^ta eaold ix<
I bara told iba man «aa bata« n»^• '
. \V»« bla pafpoe bad twn aaw
' tbr nan wIm> bald Ibr foa aaM to
-V.W kWT* oe «Wr»n^ta atfwt abd If
) pm look lark or boUrr wrU aboot"
d aad obrrrd,
Mr, 8w

ih. Wr mar labor to
■0 parpaar aad karr aa fralt«( aar tab
Bet taa» rrorfc It Ua otra

labor aad mark. Wltb tb» »af»« atr
aaaarlatrd tbr Ucaa of teO aad
aad aaatr; altb tbr latter

: to brr booWad to toil k^ to tbr ^ t trtaaipb. talar, braalf aad P««»a- . —^
' aad iramr Urn aad
at Ua daa- | a^. Wbal addrd mraalac dor. tUa } G
*rr tbat Ibr dratoo «f Iraiaav ratand tbaapbt «ttr to tbr Im^trad aaBaraan i


i fw ibaar
wbo dte to tl« Uni.
K. a. ba<k aW Ibat f« t^ ,
^ rrat frao tbrir labota.

i,- AX tba. *



aad a> it did a« Ibr yvoM maa' 8r*«»l Tlaira.
B|na« laio tbr aro aariaa a tauatB ta
hi. roBHO. TWa. abb <*0 look at “

r. Bjkra

br body raaM act W trrorrrrd
-Tra. h aaa a atraocr tbtoc.

luv \

aara ibr Okwa TiBMO-IInBld. Hr j
oaptala aad Mawly
valfha son ponada. walka Ibr atrarta ' „ro„„| rtowti (Tart Mroat oaill ba
VtOi a pnapnew air. atrpa brarOr niri ML Hr dkl iul tar taorb le that
vbm bla ftrl dwcmd. ladkatra tbat ; p^dlrtuaa. Jwt
Ibr* ainaia~ i
iMpIr ot proprrtr■' aad loiioatr.1I tbat
-br la a Itrtax

aakr h «bai. prAai*. but I'a aaly aa
tocraiit oU aoataa aad'doe't aadrr' ataod tbrar darp Ibiafv I ran oaly trO
it to roa loot a. If bapprofd.“-rwtafa
: Tiam-HrcBM.


U—r-fcaUay :

ii»i»i «mi ---------■





____ ritbrr rod-faltb tram thU r«€.
fSarj ttaei tbr otbrr. A Uttir of tba
Tatan llfr win roew to aa to etcad
•at tbr'mortfl. bat wr tbaO batr oaly
ataatraflL Tbr twaltoaUoa ot thlf la
Urwrd. not tbat wr aiay br dtaeaD^

ito DB.BO
lA BOacilTUAlrTKOimoX;«

rtn. B. K. PliOOO. otoea ut tew IWupWr

In rothmoo boar.iy iWta U no roaipro- aba
■iw. .A Biaa abo i. ptrUr boom b [ Hi In Barrrfocd Uaetluc.
‘ abolly dUbtaMol. It latbr rral .-ooioi
> bnaraty tbat tbr world arr<U Bol noly.
Upafba UUaa.

lilt rairtain koowlne Hat to art otbrrw lar woBld nmiti trnablr.
-I aat. Rin.- aahl tbr cwpulo. 1
aranlftbat Molt tbat waa 'lltlcd' laat

Uytnn and li
' <!■'• wbat ii rirbt aa.1 »ill bratrly farr ra­
rer dniy.
daty- TW man
oian who
rbo ba.
ba. lUi rirtar
orrd batr t>« frar of •M-n-i- in 1W wurU.
bl. trward In mainial gdin. na wall
^ t*itoy calm
Brra to a plrturr of tbr noa- auluDMbilr rlrtoria whlcU U J
IW kigWr bnoom ,.r llfr It Inat a.
W> •« U.c W dte.
papalar tator with tbr aortal Ira.bTa Of Nra bork. rblrtr*. ’
___ n. anyibinz mii I.- in ibt. world.
to toe tbrt>w-a laaW
TWr* natrr mt. a linx- whm tin- man of
odber torga rtttoa.
romnwa bouraly an.
luni-b iti di-innaJ.
-a. a Him- wbra •-om
I pirbadP < I
boOr.tyv.a. ~.jw..bla»dr. Tbr irirtc
.... nod Ibr vbvtrr bavr Ib.-ir day and
1 a^-( tote «ton lb. dty-to .tea.
bi^ wifr I" -prak lu bar rooU.
■W Jte M. L «. IteI.u IiVy ocr -im-10 hr mugbl
-iltil. ti I vakl. tW tmal n •droond 1 ,h,ir Wor. 1.11
TWi »n« i-ii.w «K r»“' "•
.ml unk tbn«.t io
[hv rod. IU1................................
In thv
_ wnM««
-a. droanrd.--and
Ih- ..
g.«.l ........
ibat anMr*. laii»>"«l---------------------- Wt hnt- WHimr and Jot i.—
|,^ aft. llfr i« oarr.—Rainrday wbb-b wUI ahow tbr Importa and
a,-linn m Im>k<
. iu inliid and l«lt..ilr bad arm lort bit purring IWl.
iVi.d >-iil b. (^. tet l-n b- s—d;
porta of rtrry rooBtry bating alntlatlp, ■i.lrrv-l in him lailV-ularrfad. aed I barr
al Vrporia la ib<- aublUon of tbr borraa
arrn bim abBddrr aklW alEbt of a pircr

tnr yon aud your pane tbc frllow VOt^
aund tor uoiorirty
uotnrt«y and praarcoto.
r. aod «« K qolrk. Do m
Col II tor OM-.



Ur..*rkra inakra aomr fOBtrallooal
protrtn.- Imt br "andmiuada.- mod ba
grt. il«p Jrarlry takro. and It la twiprard- K> It. rtobttol tteDrr.
oKiiiry U not n<rotrrrd, tirroBar tbat
Tbr pelira
....................- •

v.. :i r-> »w ltd--

-Wrll. you WW. n..t bating hi, artaalUc
ttndlr. 10 itkr np bi> mind, tbr poof
------ 1 iMamr vi-ry ■-----------"d ~>tod.l
. Ur ar..r
nrv.-r wnuir^
wnuird lo U eb.f.. end me.l
-irrd, bimbail- •
a boinr-ful
bonto-ful ..f .v.ruioiiiy
o.rui-uiy tbe
abolr ibri.-. TbI. «». va... f..i L.-bad a

A Poof of 6aft Water I torM-f.TmT.T~ rii>. ab'li

-------------- m


rtrrp in ibi-



•ilnr Cbrlitfun. err bl. f.tnriir nrnho,„.|ng of au old year aud tbe I uiMbwltkea by tW l.arrau of toatletln
.«i.m. reel.- leir in ibc. rtm
»ii«r»t Ibr niudy i Tb.- fbyall. ..f tbbi work. whN-li a HI W
rw. Jack Nr«I.
ing. ai
bav XBJ -oul I .IMn't know
,,o.t purpom-- ami Ibr future I ranb-rl .m uudn Ibr prraonal aupwl
ut I,|» 10 .Irrp. IlT wn. . ;--------------- o^ouT
He ll a tbftoigbl-I eto**



r In tbi- Immo reprVI01.IMWT
91 itrJinarr m-»t day- ! eran.ii of lb.- y.-ef imote and i-ou.ldrr. 1 wb^_^l«iB
ttote )iai]iil .4 Karl Kwhla id Hauitaurrb
rIaUy Ala him for tbto duty.
“thinUK of bk .iomarh. bkr nny !'*'iVhat bn. iny life limi. aud wluil
andVaciua. niulTIu... K.-Ur. <'.«e>-n Kato-r
Tbc Oftrning rbapirr of Ibr . .
niv Ilf.- g.iliig to wr Tb.-te qor»
vadome baa already liren complrlral- tl
mugb,- wna ool of tW qnrtoioa pn-.ul ibmunHv.Hi to «» at this


•ffhk i, Ibr arawrrd rooiu.~.a'
puiiiag a key biio tba , 6,ddrnly a Ibunglu i-amr ro mr. and
Urn •but up for a long liOM 1 bim if bi-'d niln.l Uk-ping in ll

ojK-n lb
uakra door. auU w.. rn«-rrd a rqui
aparimrel. darkroid by rlomd •bunand bravy with a »troug. imncrot odor,
•nr guide rai—il a wind-.w aud openIbr tdiiid. Uirr.- wa, a runling tU
_.-jl a. uf tW flight of pigroac. Thic
waa ranird by tb<- llntirring ol qnantitite of dry arawml wbi.'b wiyr fmnoonrd
upuu lb>- wall, and ov.-r tbr d-tora and
^baf. BMitoto but arnwrrd,"
till- gned a-iiinau. u-tiripg »ar iutrrI glant-rt. "It-r uw-U «4jy a- an ornatuml aud to give rhamrirr Ui tbr room.
AH Hm- cboi.v rarktlm nrr in Ib.-M ginaa

r UBW».d radlray Ibroa j
_____ r I aaird.
e »n. Hr u—d ll. go OB long
the tropic-, and come borne
new varietlrw. and then br‘4

.^iteTb” tm.oe. ..r merrhan^ OB
iSirS. Hry
rtr'd ^
|>UI m bk Sl^n. .ult aW
go down witb h................................
hi. toa-n. I-vr bean] tr^
and tuaD«’> llu- .Iraugr ailreniurr, be a
bad in abipv at tbe Uittom of tbe ocean.
day when be frtt ebtt
« br told me amr
m.k to rollerllDC
____ ■ bow br br*t t~)k to rollerllOl
(amt of '
■rnwrrdo. He ranuakrd the boltami of

a- a yiwr. 1 t a <->‘Diory. and ____ _ _.inlry of tba- w<>rW havl .
iirtt year, but a tiatirai rrramla frt«n Ibr awrlkat .1
If .iiil.r Wglii
r our lira-* bare ii<q for whli-b tbr flgnrra are oMalni
pa«t year wbat aa nlMiuId down In tlir prromt time.

One raprrta'Ily tnlriTellng fact drrrlbar<- I>ra-ii. wr birr every
|ir*.ia- niy
. r-..rd 1
lii.--iilha- ul llik tlnie to make Ibauil ao | opro . ,------- --. I .-.nll-1
Wbli-b wa- an- rfilrf. ! ID Ibr rate aff Hie mitral Plate. Huy
.aid «,
Ibr boy. with '
Old Iba
- •Mull.'
.,,.1 ll... ...
1.1..., .Ill, »i.b «™lo '1-,^
a wink.
• „ wa-ll tliiwr word, of Chrlat tWul | lhan In other rminlrlato. a favotabb••So I fixed him up a Wa
« n the ..1.1 au.1 IW m-w. for lie art. f..nb ; “f^lanee *f ir»dr." or rx.wna of ex^n.
roorb wrn; a .itliug on a
in the rrtnrij,l..i. 1I.1.1 nn- a, apidk-aWe today over Import., ta tbr t nlird Kln^om.
billa-r a-oM rtartral a til .
<.rTirdj,,|i„.v «.y.. wlim H.-niiokrIbrtD.
Kranr... Ra-lgluin. Italy
grair Tb.-n I loaked kiui I
A U.-.V life .-nnnot W tnodr by Snlirriaod., Swrdm and Norway and
away ilu- k.-y. mi ibat if by
_, ..
No man pnttrlh a i pfarllmlly all Kurtqwan eounlrtoa rxrhan.-r tb.- i.n.frte.r .h-u1d -Irny up p,t,.i,lng tba. a.1.1
•;repl Ruteta, AnetHt-Hongtry ni^l
Ihrrr Ui.- In
,} ,"|1I pirre
pier. ..f na-w" ganurnt n|«n
diiL.1; IbiD
B I Rpaln Ibr lm|mnu rxrrrd tbr rxpatrte.
iially bung
rm tuUtald. f.
piitti lb m w wim- Into old bouim." i In aomr rawe by large noma, and tbli
teide th.-Wf~.r
-If r.l Ition

............ ..

r of ••«y
& IwlL Ua t.............
^eoaf-' and "ot Jrwrto" Hr ku*a
U hie waicb vbmrrrr br tblnka nny
cot to looking at blni and adjuata hit
dtoBood atnd wban <#i tbe ktiect. He
■trirea to aitiact attmilon, and In tbe |
taatiar of bla trdilirrT br dW- Tlir day .
,itber by a yonng tongb. a gindbaf«e br waa rol.brd
waa atandlng otic of Pontiac or a bard op working■ ba
•I dark aud Adami an-at wnMlng for
a f*r. Ua waa tbc center of a group
Of wnlUng and wril dreoaed women, gll
not pay weU aaongh. and tbara
atrangm to bim. He ditplayad bit nra a good many* cbaneaa-mofo
jawaliT 10 beat advantoga whHe ba ehaneaa than In breaking a aafe or
WBlMd. While doing IbU be wax so- ploodertug a ItoL The faeortie waapoa
tlcad by BlU Bykem allbougb that to of Iba brtd op man to tbe revolver and
•ot bU name. Rill it not a thief In fba, next 10 Ibat the abtgted allng or tba
ecdlaary mraning of -tbc word.
Ha ■andbag Moot brtd np men bMt tbato
raally Mrra*a cab when be wlabea to ■ Tieiinu for tbe rraaem given abote.
ba b»y. Other llmat ba look* np Tbat to adding toonM to Injury.
*feod tblagi- for certain frinida of
tola. One glance ot bic trained eye raVaaledlo him tbat Ur.
rainnrt TlMnia, I^wry
« -good thing." He I ot on/fbe nan
;y atoekibolder
oiiy BarM
1. foHowrd bU
qntotly for a couple of tw^aa^and la Tiaa«It rompan.v. whUh opertia* tba
Itet tUM loratcd bto oOee and btul- vkrloaa atrevl raltwayx Jb iba Ctito
ana. kamed bto name, knew bk rtob of umbtepoli, ami
Pao>- »»«
ud W«ta> bablti and bad bim I Hirrv-1>sbanf» ■ tale. Colonel l/vwty
wtf a detrga'e l<
Mitoad for fntvn nne.
■ Itoat Bight Ur. Bykea icraatod bto '‘•wu ........................... ...........

Walmn. One of ibr partbrtr ■». kapt Mb 111 trJaw ^ day. j ) upbraided OolooH loinry for bto
biUoved kiB to tba ctMi and knew nc-u
-Why. I have dona a
:m few yon. Tom. and what -

....... ..
”, rvan gave me a

tbr rbaroi
wai rrdaibmt wiiB tnr n.jMmr* a.i
great drrp Wr itol au. a ••oorh. taiking
in low tonn and lUtraiv '» 'hr ratiltog
'tnalrrial nbirb
___ Wen fa.klonrd ini., a rode mat .—
esvrred the flnor nod nl«o tbr divan on

Njm wlnra trlte-Oanada. Mexico. Argentina,
iralto and I
tba Import* In nearty
tbottgb In oaiDi wbleb air
when eompared will, tbe ei
of trade In favor of tba Vnllad
State* In recent yrara. '
Tbe eotnmerrv of 47 eottWrlea olber, x„
. ... w.- u.ak.- ..ur live, new by tbao the rnlled BUlea I* detailed In
by a.ldlng a ...w rr- tbe opening lablew of tbe inwpoaad volnme.
or Ihla number IS coturtrle*
---------------------------Bhow an excaaa of exportB over Imia'-uiln urtv Uf.. lu tbe add ft
ttv.-. «.ur«<I, porla and !0 abow an exeeta of Itiiporta over export*. Tbe principal eoon| fWlr i.Mli. lplito nlol |.ur).a«*. and thin
trle* wbleb abow an exeen* of export*
the Holy S|ilrlt abiae e*n alo.
2. -Tbe irndene.v of man la to Im aatto- over Import* are Canada, Meileo, Ar­
iil. Hu- old
--.N'o man baviaf gentina. iblle.
old wini- atralgblway daalrrib Egypt. RpBln'- AnBirla-Hongtry ,and
«ir- lb.- old U belief." Ilnaato. A atody of tbe detoOed Ot.Irluking old wine urea tn tbI* grotip of favored conntrtea
nlmrr the new. Ilioogh tbe wbone export, exceed tbrtr Import,

: ei!s ff (seeEHseeBffgkBB
a wa
.1____B. IB

_______________ B.

8RS? S8Bfffto8&t:e$8ftK88
« ' *
* w

--• ------------------------------------,
!■..• ................................ ..
-/ •be u.-nt wiatohi
,l.,-p "nd «»»»<▼ «>>x" ^|„n wilb tbe inilli, a.f rbrlat. They
'HI Hi.- laini.-et lui ..f .l.yimni w», »ie«ij
^ ^ „„|live it..- gmpel lu tbe forma

• girt with bmg blark bair and tb.- .db.-r
• yoa« «« »>•'• h^d her b-ml. J-ad
alnri'.ialt'wrt abdTr
Moth .It. ••n. W.,
n.oM bear 'W
toan^dig **•’«.. Their fa.-e. .rrv’turned
f'um him. toit girf* hair wn» tan-




. m bo* nariur ear to Umirt

™,SCA'El’Cin«i.l.. » H.rU.M.tnn R.

old k plemuini. c>»l eouiigb fur mr.
lew." Tbla Blab a Rtrtklng evldeore of tbe pbe.
.1 ptwapetlly of onr own eoUDI fttoa eoD_____
- iluy
. retreated lowarJ ; ................................. .. .beatiliude of many I try. No obe of Ibe 18 comilrtea wboac
A, br adraoeed
indowMasH "hem br tracbed tbr
„„.,f i,....
,|,e ,«.t ibelr i exporta exceed Importa abowa a l«le ditur WB, l■■Led. 'Wbat t
I—wbo arc- y.Hi>‘ b* eried.
bo J..n.|.tol .


«'"• •-)- iHvm llv„l upon certain prtn- aDce of tmde approaching that enjoy.
ihoughlW-wlurt,.- wa.H...t.-xeepifora
puipooe. In i ed by the CBlted Rtaien. ami a com• parr
pltotloa of IW excea* of eiimrta IB tbe
•elL Ja_ ------------ - -------------- ---------1.wi prlnHtde,or’.h'lnfU.-.tpurpo*e..leBtlre group of IH eountrlea havl^
it over for mu bmir. ih-n frt! B,kvp
io. He wa. prrfM-ily l.e*llhy. dark And vet tbry *av "Tl.o obi I* plea«aol. I »ncb exeeot gtvea a gtknd total of oMy
wa^ and hadn't nu.k Idea
Vt ba. .lone
in .be pna. and k a.lll I »4I4Jl45.<iro I. tbe l^e«
"ThVbtew'^^prr. who bad rimaed aalorfL
.be ..range pmt of it. !
a IietterT Bnt tbk la a falae j H
rrarif for a (rw tnomrala. XMW rrtnrnfolly can, la The 0
J witb tea and biwwlto. Aa abe. poor-'
rd tbe fragrant brvrvage into little fat
*, and com•lunr beirtb In that link often l-e Mwn In
enpa wr vratnted tn Inquire wbo tbe

ll of ll la
rrX^ tbr
rrnlh of ll
........ 1—that ot a
yonng glrL with frank, plradH eye*


1 l.riag _
------------- _
------------------ .
"Llawtod” tbr profraww'a wife.
freob eMwred io m-bub vrn» tangled a jjt. d.r age. *bould Iw Ibe aapretne teat i
r-plM the wumaa. yiriog
;loDC IcUrk hair. Tbi-n, a. J.ek told me. •
,b,. de*lr!.1.|lli) "f tbe prlnrtplen and j
prrfaroUva look at II ..rrr b
. -^k't

- raidird -- —
T |r
look no t
to wonder the ptofrMor
*- There I* a iiroper rwUtlon brtweeo
■tin that memiac after TirT.rm»i
bieaktait te
•oyngp, after bl* marrtocr."
Id. of .eawcl iT^T^Uto iw.dd and new wbleb aUalM^rtJ^e
-I oaU be eoHrete.. n- Be r »eaweed.
Urn If he'd ever aee* any to malnialu. t brl»l liken* llla.dtoctilr.'^ rr»i».nded the bimwik •per. -Uaad' one voyage dlrevily ai■trr bk nmrtbe tdece of AiTb oot of bl* tn-)i«arra. Iblnga new !
rUgr and tuok bk bride wit h him. Tbe w-rl weed, and bk rotor
art forth
and rdd " Old irntba
Tctert waa wrrrkrd in a terrific atom. tag ont of a lighted tapw. 'll * an anta new llghiv aud new irattra fan be
and oaly a few e( tbe
eommoB vnrieiT.' be mid. 'at Ifi never brooglit lain pr.»per aeronl with old
oaved. Urn. Unwnod
foand except no tbe hndie* of drowned
pr<^. Where did yo-i get fe, Jaekf
•naltot and I
And be looked at the boy wildlike, for I
he^•aved." I
obe rt>oaM
forgeta tbc o.-w a fowdl. Iw ni keep
aaid half queaikmingly.
tbe laai ami tbe future la tbrtr proper
Veil. air.
- T found It hi my
_. Waned Ml • rrtatiun*.
The {lart k prapbeHe of

tWn that It l»
tiro tbe eye. by oae than ll to to Ore
any other organ of tbe body. It to net

iMvtmartly Injurion.
to tbe lege or..tW

Sk^ It

rttetnnaunee la connectetole a alran
tioo with tbk--------We emworaged bar ao narfa


anna or tbe brain to become tired, tor
proper rett may reatoto all.lbew to
tbrtr normal eoodUloo. TW aame to
ird to Ibe eytn. Proofmdtrue la

ern. newlng

nae tbrtr eyeo for a loog time upon
near oiijeeta mnat of neecaaky weary
tbr maacW that adjnrt tbe eye'to vialoo. but If the
by rent at prep,
be BO barm done to Ibe eyeo.
tbey are oo conotitoeted that Ibry
Ibe boy. There wai a eourte of peopto 1a j u>* future, and tbroogh ll we may «*d
beer mazlmnin fatlgoe aa wrtl oa
there Utt
.T-- fntnrv- tM
„ f tbe
in MchV. m —'g aa to make other pana of tbe body. EdwmUon
yOB meaar
ar gaeped.*rV‘
bto nslibprovement npoa tbc put. oroBto e«BK. aU metbanlcBl work
rte. looking at him nraagely.
wtmld aooo have an emL If the eyea of
- Verne and IU abow yon.' be nay*. In Bat let oa Kd oirie* to do lt by mornl
aiM cblldreo and of eertala ktodi of
apite ot the fart that I waa ahaking my patchwork, bot by bartag oor whole
6*t at bim from the
^ together livn etaanged by aceepttog Ohitot aa wortumea were arver tired. Eye* are
iboy ^eni op to the keaweed rt*
ov Saviour aad tning barn a^ by aever overwoAed. even if they tort
lowing to explain »by I d liken
Bto Holy 8pMt.
.y to lodge
lo^ dark tbero.
.hero. Bot
Rot tbe pwfteoor
mr. num Rgnsm.
-------. dark iato '
botked jne. Hr foHcrtvtd
a watch mertlBB or amafo •
the room, wkiir to tbe lip*, oad knerttog
appropriate KTvhre for the regdown examloed the Uttle pool ot water ea

-It waa not n»HI ‘^P*“***“

naarty « that be tboortt
wife. Then be waa
,*»***; *'*
y be allowed to aay It. for he fed to
• witb a mile
lUito girt orty
erty 1& aod. be W
1 give you a |
lag rfcb. ber pannU favored
the match.
ty." Tbr
The oibar
oibar eagerly .-tn^^.b tb<^ oW war mock aturtied
offar. and
and tbe
tbe drink. offar.
tbr rtirck coming to
Wbrn tbag
boyJ Trtl me vvvrylbmg.' .
bad bran coaraiord tba payer drmabdwta. and aa lock wonU I
“ Tbrre'i nothiag »u^ lb trIL anrte.’
went OB dock, la bto atndgbtforvord
way. Tbe glrl'i hair waa down her bMk
(XikHMl 'Wit " pnablBg a okkrt aeram
all wet. and fall of aeowted. Aad aiel
to tba oibrt. "Hmt wUI get
a toog black batr to the aeawwd
“U mmt bom been hard tor the two
yoB 1
■' “
railway." TW
»>aot aad tbto
wbai 1-tldo If


iMIlaHi MoulalW h>et.

loriral ibr U.) I


IL Jft- never paye
r doee net "daah”

totoab ba Mt Tber know NktolgnB | of
. M, ito
i c.”.;™

VMcnnnrT IWrina. nad

of alattotlca of tbr trraaory dii^- •< bo£mf?4i.‘K!T<r'>wulL'itMiNlci'gtTM
Bbr—1 wen Irr if Ibrrr rt
l«n«n a, Ibr foul kiUrr.
n«-nt. aa) a llw Xrw York Trtbaor. *ro
ai* .mi. non
pnwrat In a aln^ volutnr a pirtnrr ot ai hite.-<na • 1ci la s. m. mmI tn<B 1^ < .
'tonw Hm. dr yon .iipprJb.- a-«rt.ra rodimrir.- not only of toRba l.arrtl) >-«f o
yaTnr’.CT'mrt hu:-i^liadripbla W da) , but rifrortlng otrr a long tmn of
intoadl.-b^k. Ilkto.-K,, :ii, . toll
yrara. ami to .bow Ibat
'Itote- Ho Ife. lilum. ail
driaa ..
a. <.
to t.rlBrt|ml artirtra. country
. NllMC-lllto Atemr
j by roD^. with quauHtlra and talur.
.U-.g Ibrrnlrrrtofy H-cia
-------------rtate^VrcTnllrd KUIre ranwnry and
I. uMi f.r ragterte—t,
t'Wtbr Wtek '

' of
' t
tr— I. nw.imt Atom—
r •inialll). I a work
I. DayU.




, M. .... dltertloo Itof tk- _jt for aaenpa. Both of them carttod
btavy eaUbar gtma abd omaD bUlMo.
Tbry warn drenard Itkr ordlaaiT trade*mte axrapt tbrtr bat* oloocbnl over
tbrtr aym. Tbry ware prepaied if Ur.
-I dU not walk boata that
a cab «mb
t Urn with

itT" li-tnirrd my rnni-

nnm di) -to .-mr- .i'. --ij aWad.
lun I tew. •> du lam .
«»t >•.. a iwn
.•to IT) iVm-l itol irw.
a,it A. Mr Wn |« tol.i tolM.
tv •«U mU I.- lUtor (.0.
AM JM'II V rood. UMl I II w omA

Aa a naiter of fact. JVllUam Jamat
■aonbonea robU-d blnwrtt In a fa.blon.
bold np, and ble
Ue Bldad
aldad In bU own

pnUcaaraapitolw. bow tong the ^ ,
- ■ rre tbe
.e dark apoto t

•f arnwrrd. H- b. k«-d np Lia room, and
•r ItI again
rxcrpl on

writ B«u V..' I..-*, all i-ia*a.
tmi no •
r« >.w’u u »«k »« 1 u w ftedi
*r1I .11 br r«d »'ar .*•.

cate to oor of a fa

la baa dmibta
aa to tbto. uik wlib iba ueterr looking
Blrcb when br ivtnrtia from tbc |>rtoOM Of more, or tbe amlal-lr vlaaged
Barry Martin whm b<; rriuma front
JoliaL Ur. RDonbomr la one of tbow


' Stet7**rS!!U^K* b‘^' “”**


............. hMT than W
p. rlrf|r<'. Init W baa
tin- tlctltn of
a bold up •

nrrrr do prttt Joha, wlio ftittaya tnil
tbrir eaiur llkr llir biinirr. and wbo
luorr ufn-u than ollM-rwlar grt aawy
will, all thrir iduiKlrr-wiibont brtng.
romiM-lIrd to rrium It. a. In (lila raar.
Ibr averaco clitaro nrrd not br bald
i.|> If Iw dor. not rtl.b to W. Tlir tnab
who walka almut the atrrrw at any

bobllug to tW r.lgr-ot Ibr walk. boM- j
ing Ilia brad up. hating bit ryra and j
raia airrt. k.-rplng kit bandt and anna
fn.- and bn.lug bit gun. If be cartira
on*', wbrrp-l.r <-an uir It quirk, will not
br WM up. Hr may i«tt a doaen hl«iwaynu-ii wlilwut knowing It. but tbry
d • not witb bim. The blgbwaytnan U
not bKikloc tor a Oght uDdrr any rtr>
ruuutautt*. Hr I. watrblng for tba
rttltno who gurs along—at BMWt ot
•fttoat artry public 111. facaootb bto Ibrin do-wllb brad down, pyea anycanaa W ptyt Uxaa.- 8iigg(Wt le Ur. wbrrp but on tW walk, mind abaotbad
In liBiInmt. Ibouglit. tnllrt away from
■aortbonar Ibat iMpaylng dota not,
wbrro I.P It. 8urh a cltltan generally
asctnpt bitu from Ibr cxerclae of eonwalk, rloiip to alloy enttaucot. aertin
Bsa amar. and W «111 grow InUlguant. to favor dark idacoi.. nvtar ttalnki a
That It bu prltllagr. Wua ulgbt witbln limn mny W lildilm by a tree trunk
the laat Doatb Ur; Boortbouaa aUoUed and aakr* up to And llial ba baa bam
Otar to Iba Atbirtic club at 0 o'^k.
-------------|| or iliat ba It ------gnaing
dined well idtycl a game d.f b^rti. 1
„ „btwd.
•lift two or ihraa Wetida. left tW club |
Chicago, ba bat been
af 10 and, l•araBaa It waa a tilranaiit 1
atnlng. drcMrd to walk to bla a|>ail- |
Beau rtibrriban drltr or take a car. I
rmean mlnutei Utar. pale faced, hit |
area balglng out, Mr. Snorlbonar waa i
aat by a polleanan Jnat opponite tbr ,
Uganalalnr. Hit lewaUr and moory
were gone. He bad beeq looking down
the ansle of a Urge gmi for at leaat
naatninntr. Ilegaeped;
-I’ta been robbedr
Be drtalladnall tba rtrcnmtuncea.
care a Artltlona name <that It eo rtatat) and hU rral addraaa to Iba offlew,
waa token boina to a •«!> and tbr next
day raealerd bit Jewelry back’wllb n
pollle canUgo from Cblef of Uelortirae
COUermn Io *^110 np" and Irani bow
to rarr for blmwir Io a great city.
Tba tear did not appear In tbr nrwnpapara Ur. Soortbooea took cate of

^ EjessS



cne a oy

-Pa. izxL 18; Lam. UL 21. SI: Katto.
lx. 16. IT; II Cor. V. 17; E|ib. It. 17-34:
OoL UL 1-it: Bfb. X. 13-2S: I John IL
T. 8; Her. IL IT; xxL l-S.

Bold tobag may W wtooBy M mM.

r ■amtvoaau.Acoat.Tvovw^ur

Pere Marquette


aaidUacto*. ••‘—.'“‘Sto*’’
be«BB Atal
••Oto.batIdld. Dctyoairtpai^
tomato ox cart tgamde tooar wttodi
Mr- ladbmapulto TnwMt


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