The Morning Record, January 03, 1900

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 03, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




TUfd Yeir-No. 831


«Kt mosFson.

OnrIhaTkMr of (t«unl
FnaohotOoMHUit . WnitoP. WDwssllhs.Jktliililpkli
la •

tinoM.** o«, IM tt» 0—
___ liiniint'~r-*~*-‘-‘-‘- Vm>

nfsrt, ftsilM Cer thh pssr fissW
■SMCBSI pMspsriV Ihsa s*sr. 1>s
«nM7 tkmmrnU Vt€rn^9itmk fsSMtfta^ Is Iks Mesk asAst, ks
■pi. «M Mssd osIp W «ks skrtskscs
Uavwtkiw XOM m4 8svm
of tsttOow «»)«•. XstfSSSMJSBSaWiiistii
rso#i« UMtij
j_____lull trrr~* Binsr Bb Mi Is IsdlvUs^ kMk sssouls, ks
■pt. sU prsMO s WPWOM T^r.
pMls« M Vskt AMIter AMssk..
Of Iks wir Is Iks XrsBSTMl u4 In
T-"lodS9 WM
ttfsel IMrostor W0a« nps:
••OfSVBritototoVUcdsrasdto sa
who# Iks
looBSB ka >st« ■atars.sVUs to
vtaMtpwMSOlsCrakt flMitVM
flsiMB of Uto
MmI to rsMir w14m^ U Iks
foil all osa IV warlA TVnls
BrtiUk inM ts aostk Afriss.
tv krtof psrllsslws U Us ssoSels! sesnslps asUto wktoh kMsol sirssdp fooad asw trsda la Uto wa.**
dkpstsk sosisptot tks rood ss«n wsn
•oMlp nod ksd kp asap mosksUsi
MS fssi tmm te Us osw
nsaUs krist isisikli wostd
tksiKrssU'i ......... ..... wM soBolsls. Acslaoldo's Wifs asd Bsvarol Vbsl


jMtortsp. wb« Us Bosfi won fc«sd
tossllEsMbw Mirswsstto Oolss
ks^.rrosohaossd Is Us slfkl wlU
kto wkols tows ttrm RsMkiff. Md.
.RlTtaclsfaostofUs Bssn-pcslUon
ts Us snip aorslsc. aids s —“
UsMsskUsaii ffssv
TV OsUp IWlk satsspo
MOMiOf OSSSrSl rNMh.Mpi Ust
Us Bfittok srtuisfp opsssi Us bsitis.
tv Bosa ws« soaswVt IskM bp
■rprlM. VI
VTV srtUlscp soaVI Uslsd lor l»o
kssn. TV BrtUh ruMn
Is *os«
Uslr "fs.
tn. Iks
•ssapk BoMkUa via tnl seUsoosd,
U« Msir
Uslr Wt
rw wM •OsBssd.
m !»■
VIIV oUai did sol sssM drlsf ssUl
Us losa rVisllp IsU book
TV HsIobWa fu
‘------------asd Us Brllteh MpUrsd ll. VI lbs
w,.^.w-J lo UsBorU
Us BrillskMTSlrp wlUssI
. ----------r TV sdvissiBr r«v of tv
Britiu spssdilp rtlMssd Usa. Mssp
lb » ooosldsrsbU qiuUtp
of SUM.
TV BritlU
KoUlsf ettsis) k ksows of OssorsI
Prsvhkrsporudsssooos.sor hssssp
VIsUsd Mmsi boss rsosirsd of wVl
h.pp...J •>
OoobI Ososrsl Brsoob, fs»orsd bp Us
opuBlrp MM
ssd Us poasaloB
s aobUs
r--" ' — of
----------teM. Vs bas Vsplsp Us Isrsdsrt
Vsp. VI V« for bis bsrrsator Uottoi won sMwsrsbls for lbs svkbsHob
erf Oolabsrr aosol pot V aidBritlU loa to aporvsdio V«s baa
Ura kinv vd 80^ wooW.
TbssBoosa of OsasnU FrsoU la
drlrio* Us Bosis from Oolabsrp ba
>bols weleoBS rap of Upbl Uronfb
kscto»mof-Us ampslso Is Volb
ttrlss Brsrpwbsa U to oomissBtsd
spas MSB exsmpls of asod tseila
sad sa UlMirsUoB of. «kM asp V
4dm wVd Us r<cbl (BsUods sa emplopV wfU Us Bosrs.
- Jlow Ust Oaorsl Prsneb ba Uo
Boers <» Us rss. Us bops to apreasd
thsi V will fla Usa ao raU boi will
ksrw Usa anUI Usp tors tooad
tksir wap ssroa Orsafs Bira. wbtob
totwoalp alia dtolMiAt Modda Bl*a Us Boon sppssr |«
«s aVtfpiac soasswVt Ibslr Uae of
. OsBsrsl BsUoH
rod s Bar amp aubll osd la
U^rleialip of Sprlacdsid. soaUwat
of OolsBso, bp s
ll ha baa oxsds st
Moddsr BIra k Urr* fora of Boas
Ills aporiod. ha tormsd s now Issfa
sboBi fltian mlla dows Uo strssm.
IV oplsim Ust UsasTOl Bnlla wUl
ipsls allsapi u fora s passafs of Us
Ta«sis sooa to soapud.
ProrsOsmp ba boa seaaldsroolp
isd bp
uj teooa
MWM of
w. Us
MM nru
ilTtoioB Md bp trsUsrUUsrp. laelV*
■(ssarol « -ioU sod .......................
ad s MW stars Irsla. Jls om bow
#Mla proVblp »,«» mSB sV tlztp
^M. VI to wtUeat Mssl wapoM.
ad to Ml ilraar os asslrp. Uoapb
rlU Us IrrscsUrs bs wlU Va sboal
.010 BOMUd ass. Hs stUl ba to
sa M.000 Boon wsU isirsaUsd e«
VoUaslds of Us Tsfsls, wkm
V lood kM sol pa ombsidV







PrlsoBors Tskao.
lUaUs. Jaa. t-Two Amsetoas
wore killod Md toa wosadsd la s
dfkl Viwsoa two VttolloM of Us
Tblnp-BlaUrsrlasetsodUs rUipiao
rfMls la lacsM prorlaos- Afla
I Us AasrlsM

of Us CBM of LafoM V Bap. TVlss Tsey Blroar pool
Uoo. Bhrspasl wm assd sod Usp atnstod. trbtlac. lo dsato Boss, wbas
Usp wan BOOS roatsd bp
IIS from OslsaV TV AaorlsM
loa WM Iwo klllsd sad foa woaodV.
Tbs loa of Us
IS ll
Om baadrod prlsoasn wars iskM.
OolOMl BpUsr. Uros otbor absl ofan. oirkusa asm. ArsUsldo's wifs
Md stotor, Md Us ■liiMB of Ooloosl
LopbM ssrrsodarod si TslskU, prosiaMof Boatoe. patordsp to Major
MsrU of Us Tblrlp'Thlrd
Om Aasrva prlsour wm wlU IV
psrtp of aVU,
TV arhUac smad OalaaV sad
8mu Boa marks Us btrlaalac of
sfslasl Us absto la Us
aoaU. TV Iowm sa oa Uo soaU
Uors of VrsBO do Vp. Md. Ikoaib
la LsfaM prorioa. are eleoe to Us
bordsra of Osvtu proslaos, wVa
the last of Us orrsalisd aroU to pa
to bs OTsthod. Tbs apisrs of OsVpso
to proVblp s prollmlnsrp to Ust Mmviro-


Bora* Ottj

•toMBtosr Batlto Afsaad Sm Bav


■aahrtDa.T«a.. Jaa. A—TV_____
BHto AaMla nsld aad BattoMl ParkAtitfnkddaa
Sorotar 9t KlU BsfVs. Aeswsto
olMlsraBVr aV a
'toou of Toofs, OsUsto aOtok
la tV fsaoa batlto Bald, ssa>
•M ■« to BrovsV VlM bOM
yrlalaraeasl.niaorsa. TV optooM
■pcosdtoc to Volaskto Propsi
wars satarad at m srsracs prtos of $40
Vilotooti ObbsiMd VroM CVr> aa asra. a M accTtoVa iM sboal
lovais-'TissaM Olto Tlfo SoportIltoprepossd to sMssrt tV batlto
ffroaad Uto a aattosal park, aad adopt
rtrstolVrotsafraa IV aU of
saastpstaa aad foaMraa m at
Wklto A Oo- at BopM 0IU< Ursatou
•kaaapra. Oatuskarr aad BkOeb.
IV alU sV Isaba psrds. and Us
pso^ srs la rrat far IVI Us wboU
towB asp V barMd Vtors IV dap la
rrat Utorat U Us mtar. sad srlU
OTsr. For two dips Md-Blfbls a fora
of MO to MO Va kssD ipblisf Us sMi ooarraa to satot to atahltoUar
Us park, today’s worie briar Us prodrs, aBdMcqwUplarrsfera to mw
om Us spot, d^ar aU that aa as do
to aatVtoW.
DrBTAX&A-noir avo baaouat
Sssdap a trs WM storlsd to bora of
UsnfsM from Uo miU tVt bM
Csrpsatara- VaUm WlU Aejcp Soslsl
« a Us obors of Uo laks.
This rsfMs Vs ban dsmpsd fsrUa
I of Ue
and fsrtVrvV soU a larpo port of
Osrpsatsrs' Unla. wblek oeears to.
It to BOW wbtrs Us laV ODM was.
TV bottoa of It to atoatod wiU morrow sralnr in Matsrae hsU. will
wav. Vt os up. to Uo dtoU of V made Us ooeasloe of s dslirbtfsl
abest twsstp fat, to a drp that It hM UmeaolaooD to V ferrottoo. TV
1 wtU Inks 'ptaa tisv sad
bsraad moeb aora apfdlp than nop
. .. e social Bsaloa WlU V ksU.
Uosrbt poalbls.
Tbs fsmltia of Ue msmbm of Us
TV Its had aasmsd ssoh proporsatoB wUl V prssrat -sad s bsaqest
UoM Madar Uat a larfs torot of
wUl V serred. AU msmben sad Uslr
mss wers aUod oat to flrbi IV This
tsmlUa srs nrrsd to bs presav
WM lesV to V s ssrp dlfBralt BUttor.
a Us da WMtaBtlp Vat ost la snOAALOAD TO AVOX^O.
A Btroaf ' W to |b^»f Ibo firs
dlraUr toward Us aslU sad Us towa
sad If Us mill Md IV lambsr psrds
atob firs. It to fsorad Usi Us satlrs
toWB wUl ro- TV mill, baliarUr to
Wblto A Oo. to Us Isrrat la Us rtoiaUp sad a larrs qauUlp of loabor Is
also ladsagorTbs BM Va Us fraVt difiesUr
la ft^ttar Us dra. H Us sbVo to
dMMSs tobs ssSoMUa«. Trueba
Vts bssa«dac all sreaV Us Sa,
eloslar sboal aa aers, Uo uoaeba
rsMblac down to Us wstsr. sad Us
Tsa of Us flsma to la Uto wap
UsUV. Bat Uo Bra hM Ura Usws
Jsmpsd Usss dltebos.Md USB a now
irsBcb bM to V dor farUsr award
A rsqaat wm Ulspbonsd to Uto
eltp pMisrdap for tV tlMS fire oaflBS. bol in Tlew of oar own Bssds sad
Ulaklsp Ust Us Are protsetlOB wonli
1 M adeqaats bore it Ue stosmer
B ssDt. Chlsf BobbIo declloed to
id Ik As apBsratBi wm obislfiV
from ObarlsYOts wbleb prorsd of prat
aatoUBOS In arratiac tb« proprea of
Us doma At lo:so lat niphi Us
Bre ftpbtsrs wea still bard st work.

Daffp. who wars toai to VUd s tslerrspb lias sosU fram VifSB. are
VllsvV tobiTsbssa oiUw killV or
apiBrsd bp Us raVis. Tbsir tsllarc
to Btosl a psrtp worklar toward Uem
from Us dsn PBblsB and of Us llns
anasd a sssreb U V mads, when 11
Ust Uo pola and
wira srseted bp Doflp's moo bad
Batowi $800,000 ia Osoper Ualoa
daiKipV. No traoa of tbe raVlnp
7for BsBSit of Poor ToaapHeB.|D
msB kSTB bssB foaadHow Tak. Jaa. S —AndrewCkrarpis
bMplrsn MOO.WIO to Ooopsr Union.
It to to bs ossd to Mtobltota s dap
at which ponap men map Isare
AmsrlMS Vealrr ■xpsrt la Us bold
teoms sklllsd workman. It wUI
bs similar In seope to Ue sreseotslpbt
Wasblnrtos. D. a. JsD- S.-Oaptaln
abool. and will-V sailed tbe "MsebaodapM L. a. 81oam of Us BlpbU
W Arts top Vbool-"
Uoltsd Buta CkTslrp ka
Tbs pift roBBds oot the plans of
M Uo AasrlsM mUiUrp PeV Ooopsr. wbo fosadsd Us sola
stiaeV to V wiU Us Bar
In 1154 tjflre poor, lodatrion* posW
OaptalB Bloosm to bow at Us frVt an opportBBitp for sslf adaUa. Tbe
18 Nstsl watebiap Us morsaato of bBUdlnrslUs)nBstl«*of Third and
Us Brittok troops sadsr Ousral FarU areasM sUads oa U# elts of
BbIIst bsfors OolsMo. wVa V arrtr- Ue pood old PsvJOoopsr t etore.
VroewUpFire pare af V sratlap It Ue pbllaaI bs wbo. a bslap sbown Us tbroptot dssdsd It OTsr for Ue iMtnoVtUodsld whsrs Balia wm Vfatod UM and VprsremMt of Ue United
la aUsmptlBr ts fora s pasoaro of Us
0UV torSTsr.
Tvcsla Blta. sad a salar Us
svartb of Us Boar
tksrs. Mksd Us oirsIdssBt qaastiaB:
"Wm Usrs so wap armndr
^fiosis OksosB Imst IreBlac fu Us
BMslnp Tsar.
AtUsMBaal mssUBC of Us Osdr sMtlOM) eksroh iMt sTsaiar. Us
•OOO^toBsUsf Bm»d.

Msstoo, Jaa. S—TV
s of Mastoe Va t
trlVtod ora tMO.OOO fold to Us
Brtttob aoldtor's rsltsf fsad, aV Us
amsut kM ks« ferwardod to IV
toed Major of Umdoa.
lltoa ars at work Is fssrp tows
4fUKfS.;BrrMl Us TtotUs of m and dip iB Msxlap wkaa' tkas ars
Brittok soUtatoto.
Aitoik Vktok liMsa Ka Sslpbas.
to AsrlABd
Mft- MiM >• Brpsal wm sMsVd
r Us mUltorp arria erf Uslr
VUpuvVBlKadapsadsim Uato
s pMMetoai oemdiUM. TV wkoto
Wrssk »f s lic«rUr Trsls.
AsaaU wsefeefs loffl^ Vto oa
BmMtsTO pssrs of sn sad wklls sV
w a A W. M. MAT BsMwIb ttod sp
tos«s to stfsMBsap Ust tk^ PMMVW


Fnlrbsai KMOfsowrUr Oo.
pUr Flooriar Abosrd.


Tbs Fnlrbsm Msaefselsrlar Oo.
raalrsd sa ordsr paUrdsp for s ear
load of mepls flsorlar W bs sblppsd to
BsU. Bsplsad. It WM seat bp Us
way of Now York City.
Tbras or fin Osate
Bol for ft osnu t ao isli pos s laf
of brat broad. ooBtslBlBf 10 aosss.
Ftf ft osnu t IS ano^af. Prenk

I -r.

don’t have
to wear
Rubbers if
you wear


{Rough Rider j

AT 1-3 OFF
of Us regdar prloM.
These are all b

s in priine eoaditioD— Brbg
in Tonr piotarv and get aa estimate on the work.

DiaiiaB, Oaak Oalandars
and Blank Books.

290-S2S Froat Street

Balph OoBnabla Jr., ICanafar.

Clothing • Caps - Underwear » Gloves » Sweaters.

Inventory Sale
Jumbo Bargains
Now In Full Blast

In All Departments,

It Pays To Think Of

Come In Today

. • . PIANOS



Tbe lasder u Ane sboa.

■Public gnartians



Uskaa-W. HMk. a S. WrtfbV OUesr Watoa. Osoffs A Bopv;0karlss P.
A promikoat New York offidsl
Bnffh, Arabia OriatV Bart Moatoras. said tbe Mnersl use of tbe telebMeaaakap.
pbone had made tbe task of effioeDt)7 wUctinr Jiie ud prc^ier^
bowa lalAaatralla.
OT«r 60 per cent, ewier.
M. A BoBsy. wVbaa Us OhristtM
Telepbonittg lo eeee of fire, sekdarar aato. |Ua» ba ba~has beoooie a

«hs FMftos al-ilVaBM.

let JOB into tb« deal bjoflaring then

flatobsd brlrbv harp welt mIm
UIV with ark—BsBdeems stple
—vsrp swell.
Trp e pair.

thotr Mra. C. V. WrIrkV Ma A O
OriaU. Mrs- i- 0- Jokaaoa. Ma J. A.

tasiVVIto.BritorlsMtwriJ kMwa.

Picture Mouldings
of A. J. Bradahaw at a bvgain^ aad

—Mkds of fins Umrh alt skin,

. —..— g. j. ovpto. aj.

tou ua osadsc did mi >sMk tv toptbsttopsbtohsd U Sydsap. S«w
MU ntU »:to Ikto aa»tof.
tV04A avi«m|U s nep
Wkp. sad H Is sa hatonstUf
■attortokaewtbal tV-tosasom sob

The Entire Stock Of

i “Sorosift”!

Bdldto^- W. MUlllaa. C. A
H«m.OootfsA BOPV0.A. Haaaoad,


We Bought

. and see the Special Prices we're
making on Ladica’,
Misses' and Children's
in our Special Closing Sale.

vlU Snr. eaS that u

Tratos. » poors— 0. Jokasos.
Dasoa. ♦ pars-C. H- Bora.
Olak-A A WalV





Have poo om is


means mneh to your health and
especially is this true this time
of year.
If you come here you will
find an up-to-date line of

suitable for this kind of weather
The price will surely fit your
We will shoe any member of
your family-

Frost Street


19S ifOBHiHo aiooro. wEDMWPAt,i^

Mte. ■tettoMi Mia I

rtrtSi tossltec «t ^ nUisiiT

tMftttaM Mmt Ite Mhw ■>•»>.

M tte «Mk «to «t *• MNMtaf.

Qteadlapite Meaiky. wtt tkavraa
wwaMtadlatntoaef «ka
•( •*Ika AAMtm fil Udy OnMa.'

wkUkimM ipUMMMiMtethM
aof UdyttoMla*
••la tka-A
IbvwMatvrMftva ko»MhaiM»te
I a pMtf
WHt Mr «h* MUUm. TUi
»-■»-»- tbMth* ilwtrli wWn «M plaj.aMaaalai^lak Ika krralatorr'«M m4 M* th« «MM (tf «to Mm Mt la alwapa faaaaiaad aw
taaat Wkatla w*a, tkaraiaaalraaa
. 88 «toMMMlftkafmt«Bttea*W. M. leraaSatrafaaytetoraal is tkaptop*
tka aBiliadraIraAMU bM Ito ta|T » Biv dapaatkat aMtoa^M
aailtat Ir
ito. A. araalatkaaetaadyan UdfDnala,a
Oapifa apiw
& m4 tka WeM>% BalM Oorpa
tep twl^. Atev tka •ar.aa^—---------- *“------------ *■
lateraal aappar »M inr- tka dlfa malts of a dsa) toafbt oa
kilted hte boat
________ ____________-mask.t totoad. aad bom that ttaaa
fkrtdiac ■WarArasl will
«ck»d»«kto *“»
tWMtfltka aftto !!•« aBgtMa tkaapastelaatTtaMat the Saaoad Mit ^ ^
Mraltewawoamato arm kis tkraa*
MmMm to today ter aor*
akarab tUa araatecboU.
«M awtatan Md leva te ad- aTbs
Ladles’OaOd of Ofaaa rtareh
••WOltem Morris, wbo pteps tka part
«MMd «nc« -tom (tet tka aaptoyaa wtU
meat Witt Mra^Oaerca Bias, til of Sir Oecrgi Iplmlar, dlw aa aasel*
Waakteftoastraat today, at t o'oteak. teat tetarpratatlea of that rote. Mr.
fMatolar tkaUfkate wsfasawpaid
• ill soma ap Morris has boaaaaaatetkiaai^ apoa
ItasB, set aaaapdag tka yaar Itn.
bat ks
fhairom aotepttad skew aaasas- batera the Oalld for aetios. A faU at
prorad bis rtdkt te a peemteaat pteaa
l~~r*~* JitHwllT !■
of the day
OteaHo.B eftba lat M. B Saaday
yasksdtewMa a
teealrtU-hald Ma sacatec baateam
••Tbs Adwtara of Lady Oiaate” poateBsad weol,ake«ra fsaaarl»Uala* amatted tkk aaaatec at a e’ateafe.
tardap. Mr. Morrte has baas maktef,
ffSim te'tha'ateoats paid to apara*
Haasowaayptarleas paar. Than*
•paatol sarTkMB bafaa teat sraated rapid Btrldaa darted tka pato tow paaia,
palttoteat tkatasaatae kapaMaat tetha SasortM. B. akaiak aad will aad If ka aoatteuaa to malatate '
aai rata of profTsasies, many
tor laker darted IMO wOl aaoaad bp aoatteaa tba eattra waak with tka ax■flimaa tka saa total of laaa. Wacaa aaptloaaf
laata adraaead aarip teat ^ataf to a
Ikarawara atotolel ni marriaca
-•^imFraaoaa Drake as Ladp Diaaia
Oark Mawtoa. the Urewt aubar te
aad dsli^v•ha eaamr aad teU aad atUl otkar tka ktetorp eftba oflaa.
SbarareW tka aharaetarlssttcs
Mr. aad Mra. H. B. Ohapte are tka
o( fealatee craea.
At raU Blw. tka gimt
paraats of aa olfhtpomad boy.
day of
tea, «.«a.«e 'trin ba addail to tka
A aoa of Jeoapk Laplow of Loaf line oonrada wbioL mads tka roll ao
Laka. dted paawrday of maaalaa at tka
aeral and tetaiuatted. Mlm Drake
balaraherateotwtorad ntaa of teat acoof alcbtmatka.
played tka pan with exeallaat tosto
aprtef. At Lowall a aaa aekadata kaa
Dr. A. a. BolUday to ooaftaad to kla aad good atyla. Tba otbar iMmbera
haaa aatahllakart wktek adds too par
paat. to Iks pap reUa. otaktef aa
This attraetioa wiU ba soaa te StoteMsmaa of toAOSO a waak. At Maw
■ art foealtted tka Modma Woodasaa aad tka Bopal bjrrbOTand tonldkl. bartaf baaa SS'
Aldkborawmbabald, .^ maaiban eared by Maasdar statebaic at eoalha kickaat wacaa «w paid
aaylopai of Maaahaatar, M. a.. of tka ordara aratertiad te ba praaast, aldarabla axpaaaaM waU aa ikalr temniaa, aad aap mammbU
J. 8. Bodfus of Fife Laka. a a la tba
■rp Tart fi ad W.TM a waak son tkas ban of tedfaaaataUaaf the atopTharadalarMitkly maattedoftka elty ysatsrdar.
•wbatera. Thaaa ora a law araaiplaa
. B. W. Barks of Bmptra. It at the
pad tedap awalter pteaas skow advaae* Womaab feralfa Mirtoaaip Soalalp of
tka rirat M. B. Amrah wtUkakaldtkla Wtaitteg.
si wac« la ptopeni
aftaraoea ia the ebarob parion at l:U
te addlUes to tka
Mrxieoaad Ohlaa bare eompletod at
Jrtap pi tka nllte aad teatortas ha?a o'elook. The pnvram will ba te abarra
■ddadeoBpteta or partial oatCw of of Mra. W- T- BoxOordb, aad tea wIU to—bte|^'m s genanl treaty of trade,
neridatloB aad ImmlfraUoa.
w aad iaprorad Mcbtearp, tearaaa- ba aarrtd from I to 7 o’olook.
TbadrameatbaoldoUldof Mr. aad.
h« tbatr aapael^ aad dl*ted awplopHie Vila aseao Him.
paat to l^ar toraas of warktec Mca. Hmiry Wlaakaawsky dted tk a
^aopte. Tka aapplp of labor la not moratef. Tbs faaaisl will oooar at
tka Oarmaa Latbaraaoborek tomorrow
dafltooat tor tka danaad. aad this
at t o’elock.
ditfen proBitesB to aoatteaa for i
A joUy Bteickrlda was aajoyad by s
load of yoaad people Moeday araated.
wbo tpeat tsvarml plMsaat hours at
Tasoldaxlow, *’Ia tlm of paaoa tka realdeDoa of Spng^e Pratt.
prppara for war,- ia a r>od caa aad
Aa asylum team raa away from la
bavatarpBaot ■ a bellaw te tka
froat of the poatoBea yesterday. Tnsy
latlsaat czprased te
raa teto -a ulafrapb pole on 6tato
Vateaationf adToeato of eonttenal
street, aad broke away from tbs atelfb.
yraparattoa ac that ike eatloo map
They were stopped without bartef
petkaeaadkt aappted- Ika Idea is
doaaany dimace. exeepi to the bartoerawortop of aarloBs oaMidaratlos
•owtkaaarar. fn Tit— nf ntiTlnfiraai
Tb* aaausl maetlad of the Woaaae'
pd poaaaaaloai at ramoto peteta it ka*
7 to ba etaroailp rlfi* Borne aad Forelfa Mlsetonsty Society
efthe Ooodracational church wUl
laat. WUkB
at tka borne of Mre. Praok Bamll
dad treqaano tetorPBteaaditlaalwaps krt to prapara loo this afWraooB at I o'clock. A full
idr amarcaBtoaa. Tka Oaitod Btatoa attaadanee Is detirae.
parpisraeairteddraatacidittOBa both
Dr. M. S- Brownsoa of Eiafslay Is 1a
^ aambar of tamaU aad efleetiaaam
^a«Bipaaat aad bafora two peara tbadty. __________________
O W. Beajamlo of Latead. eommii'
haaa pasMd oar aatal straadtk wUl ba
pwtea wbat li was wbra tka war aritk ■team of ackools for Laeteaan county,
U te the elty.

Imaal INriatoa noariakteg aad Mambarabla loereastef.
Aa Importaat maattec of TraTarse
Oity Dirleioa Mo. U. L'oiform Kaak
Kaigbtt of Pytklae. wae held laei ereter- '^l>c tUclioa of tftcersfortbe
pasaiBg year h*aa held. reeulUng as


Oapiate-4. V. Mclnteab.
rirat UeuMaaol-B. R. MeOoy.
•aaood LieBtoaaal—O. B. Tbomaa.
OhaplalD—J. M. Kampaaga.

Albaqurmur. N M.. ha* the record
of the areatp*! aamlxT of *oaahlay
dsy* In the yuar of any town on the
Am^caa continent
Bllcace Is tner^y MMuid pat to oleep.
Ret a had example end it will bslch
out Qilactjlef.
Conragr I* ibe ibina thal rnahles as
to forget our f*-sra.
When two nation* are at war eren
the dlnpatcbes condk-t.
Narrow nlDd* overlook a obsritsbic
set and woivh for the tllntlvr.
rooquer sIuhnI say olMtscl
ir s luaD l*'unal>lp to sell or give a
Uilnx away hr t>roo«><<<i* to raffle It off.

good old age
Guard—B. IW. • AoaUn.
Tlic tnan who failed s* a mcrcbSDt
■aniteal-J. M. tegne.
is aeldom *sG*ficd with a Job a* clerk.
This dlriatoe is te a «
The erll-d.»er I* aftuld of hi* shadow
^oadltlea. with s tergu aad growlnd —wbco it look* like a dcirctlre ob bU
laaaibaisklp. aad ia oae of the atroos-, trail.
pto te tka stato.(lBlaborate prepaiu-1 A theory tbst ^ iieltber faltb
■t stDotmt
Itena are already UtpreffreM for at- trust.In it* r
> rery moL-b.
i the aational
■Mttoba beU te Detroit the test Jumplaxt up
ersrt of 8eptemb*r.B A Datroft «lab of
ber Uck.
CtmamkanbanbaaB tocmad. srtib A.
Perhaps the reason a woman's worl
T. IMadiieb aa aaerainry aad kaaanni te aerer done is because sbe employ*
•Bi ikats te eM nanailw) •t-^* its * domestic to do tL
wam^ aasateUmi ff
-*‘-ia*ffB ■»fll be a I
cUmbtug stain wtU redoce fleab
»! « i, but logical to suppose that ihc
Jaffa oaa. A teamttrem hm wOl ba.
•BMsad te tba smpaSttlea drllL
I n is a rery easy matter to be popular
t««ha teaal dteMon tkaru ara toraa [ with your frirmte. AU you hare to do
dte «tu ad ImpertoM te tka nglmcuv ; te almplr agrea with them in e^c.7Saiwf. a BauM B. SargaonA B ,

Tean.. -for I bad each s had ooopb 1
eou'd hardly breathe, 1 grew steadily
my wife orped me te see Dr. Klodk
New Dleeorery for OoDtumplioa. which
ipletoly cured me." Oougbs. Colds,
oebltlt. La Grippe. Pneumonia.
re poeI mrdlbotile

itlrely cored by this o
doe. soe and |1 (M

' aud fatal dlw-ai-o.

If token thor-


tka'art Mawtoa. ttetoy eteitokla. Maew

Do Yon Need Any



WeAraenwdedMwetoBTBttotieaarnioBfffa te (akd'e«tr

r daatete. It ai
tbamal dlaMato «f
rataraaa for aaraea te ^Ih Alriaa.
A Baatbarc eoart baa ordarodtbaaw
mtof a Brittek agaat aamd Terh for
blrted a admfaar ot
Ibsre la aoiktef. bewarar, to totartarm
with Barr Brapp te tka maatertm
of atoal akalls for tka Britiah army.
Twaatf'Sre tkeaaaad aaA akaltean
bated made oa a “nab” order aad tka
are workter aight aad day.
Oorporal Bklrrtef and two sow
of tka Mortkwaat Moaatod Poltea. aaat
oat from Dawaoa Oty test Aagai
aearak for loot partlas, ha*s aarar ratoned.

tl&jOO SidMioMd lor |U,fiO
116.75 SideboAnl for $1175
$19.76 Sideboerf lor 116.76
122.75 aWebouKl for $19.76
$38.76 Sideboard for $2925
»«?5 Sideboard for $39.76
aad eo on. I have 20 different aUlea and will siTe yon tka
aatoaprop^cttdiaooQiitoDaByof them.' I have 26 ^ffaient
^UaeonUaatiotidaakaaad book-oaaeal will eive fte aama
diaooQBt oo.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
190 Front StrMt.

lie Mere RheumstlsiB.



• orterej^

ueya. Bold by

Begin The New Year
with a new set of Blank Books.
Those with caneas sides, leather backs Bad
corners are the most durable.
Have them with all caavas or the ’‘half
bound” with marbled paper sides. You may need a Counter Book. These
sell from 5c up, or a Pass Book. These are made in paste board,
canvas or leather and sell from 5c to 50c or that Vest Pocket
Mem. You want a new one. costs jon 5c or 10c or ISc.
How are your

You may need a npw Oersbirl
lioe sells from .50i- to 12.50.

v>-i La Grippe !'. ..ever Wls t
Price, 35c and 50c.

Oar bid

The strii-lly all

wool is 7.*>c,
The Kloodika Sbirt, extra heary, the warmest
article for this weather, mDs at $2.50.

t me. ’ Caimans Bteet'e Floor Vsnlth
8 B, Will


Klondike Jacket costs $1.50. Ohincbilla Reefers
are R.-W. $5.00 and $7.50.
$3.00 and $5.00.

The Kersey Reefer

The best Pea Jacket $12.00.

KOt a ?ood Ink Stead? What abont yonr Inkaf
Some want Arnold's, others Tbomas or Diamond
or Sanford or Steffori Have them in 5c hot*
lies or in pints or qnarte.
A Letter File is ia*
They only cost 25c. Ever nse
the White Paste? comes in 5c and 10c sizes. A
wood rnler sella for Ic and 5c, the 6eiible rubher ruler 30c, the rubber and steel combined
for 40c.

therr’s a man in
UcfUgdn euAe bepon «tuA>v
thets in 1966 snd it tHII ^ H.
Jit rume it 7‘On/mt.
He it
GiAemwwte. rKsi'ettcietabU
fair sfgn that he is a food shoeRiater.— Yoa prcAsN^ haW heard
cfhhn. Wc/o*feuAAf/oWr>
Ihat he mahet ut a Udiet’shoe
lhai atilt for 93 a pair. teWcA £»
feat the beat that for thal pHet
thatevereame eatofanyman't
Setter try a pair. Yoo’a Vke
Aem.mtbtom>yoamdn. Three
deUanforaHttykt. Wt'rtaeU
aftrda far the Sbifrea “ Carr^oadt.

J Frank Friedrich
The Oil Oeliiblt Shoe Mag


No part of our store receives a more liberal patronage than the Hosiery Depart­
ment. No store gives better values. Women's Fleeced Lined for 10c.
Women's All Wool from 15c up. Fancy Stripes 50c. Men's Cotton Hose
5c. 10. 15c Men’s Wool Hose 25c. 3Sc. ->0c. Men's Heavy Wool 20c.
3Sc. 5‘>c.
Men's Cashmere from 25c to 5a Men’s Merino
Stripes 25c to 5oc Men's Lisle Thread and the celebrated
Shaw Knit 5oc the pair.

Have You
Seen Us
about that new cutter? Ws have the “Old
ComfMt,” The “Extra Large” and “The. Bnslnesa.” They are made in different colors with
Leopard Ploth Trimminga, Broadcloth Trimminga. Car Ploab and Uoquette.
They are
goatantoed in every respect and aeli from
$25D0 te $3$.0a Wbat about the Bobet?
Thereto the Goat Skin, the Hone Hide, the
Oalwajr, thw OooMkin ud Moptenff Baffalo.
Prioea from $4X10 to $1400.

Do You
Particular attention given to Smokerto goods.
There’s the cigar*, take yonr oboioe of Traverae
Bdle—Pig Tsilj

Gen. Arthnr^Royal Banntr

—U Belle Creole—Jnteimao—Prootella—Rhea
—Dew Dropa.
Fancy Smoking Tobaooo from 6o to 60c a
package. CUy Pipee Ic, Com Gobi 6c, A aplendid aMftment at Pipee at 10c, 16o, 26c, op to
&U0t at $2.60 and $3.00.


teads Touaf Afate.
Free Storage AU Winter.,
«■ ftea BMt irtaaay In tka Ostote
••OMaCOr. KIrtte Maw liia PUte
My srarit aaa sot ba bsut eud prieeu
tew. ta west Texas, bus grasra eery
lowaat. Will eaU tor
you* wkael
mtbOr during the paet few years. ante aiffM lor two wsakt has mat ma tka
■ D. B: Tur- OsU aad gat my pricaa
1 te the

BWWite ftoto/tea

1 f-* : ^

Do you
: Cure U trippi la 24 lean.

Mow te the time to baea your Blqrute
iWMBsaladnad eteuaad up tuady for

0. M.
M Massu, an aU
>Mkisa sites team

Olaktm kaUlMl alcM tetha ~
e(O..P.tew. VMdvthaw
pwter tea Improrsmto afirtalsk
hat CkrpUkawm


'f>'s TfH:

i i^




^ SnAnr^. I
w. a Bwir *o»« 4* npiM* «iM
"•MMT koM hBfwiM Swkor Syrian
A« UMtaf
koHd o< hMltt
ft aiflnd kr • lowl hwUb eOtar ttet

o< hof» It felt JviMMtoa
MitMktMafiM Mlmltht** ttatt
«St4. TktUvtMoAMallHX tomt^taakwaaMIM.
AhMtarMracti. whta te
IvafMo^SVMraOoctvalU ol
•pHte. ^iMffttrti IhM tkt ofltW
na^ thewtd kte to tevt ht« m
ttllmlm kum Ut traj; itet kt wm
nmptwt Mitamd* rmr m te*
totar ud »M tnlljr |i*n t dlv
kf ertkU tetkt^ TbtffwoaA
fattmet ud OtctkaO hM iMi MMftd
ratoraiUtaoftkttlMtbr ikt diparW
MMtaadptattaabanaa. Ht provtd
tkat kt ttrvtd Ikiiwjkfl tka war aad
wat laall7 koaotaMj Alaekarvtd. aad
«aM knaa aU aoatka batora tka aiptraUoa of Ua aappotad paark aaataaot.
'namm BaUaj. la tka aavlor of
M.llakaU Brouan at Jaaalaft. aat
wltk aa aaaldaat Baw Ti
tkatnaallad U daatk. BalUf waaa
Cfaaaa oa MIlAaU Brotkai' iocftac
raOroad. Ut ta tka abaaaea of tka n*.
alarmaalaitad oa tka krip
trip Xoadar
aa knkMaa.
^aa abeat
■Oaa aorthaaat Of damafa OM M tka
aakoeaa wkatia kreka aad tka aar ttppad
Bailar fwpad aad waa atraak br
tka falUapaaraad kkaaek waa krokaa.
Daatk waa iaataataaaoaa.
Baaaaaa kar kaabaad eritlakaa tka
akareb at wUah aba k a Mbar. Mim.
BUaa X Otff baa fliac
abaolala dirarea tma kar kMbaad,
WUliaaB OoC. a waU kaowa ettlMo
aad poataaat* at BreekdaU aadar
SldraUad'a admtatetratiOB. Ha baa
fra^aaaUr BMda UtUaattaaka oa tka
akareb whlah at latarrala arottaed Wt.
*« iaallaf acalaat kla. Tkar
kata aarrtad twaatralrht yin aad
kaaafoarakUdtaa. Oofl haaeoHidar.
B X Morar of Datroiv viattiaf
Maaia at Oraad B^t, waa eaaftat
la tka WalUartoa data alarator Xaadar aad aaatataad aitran fwnnMlnn rif
tka wfla» aad lataraal iajarlaa troa
wkleh ha aaj aetraeo*ar. Ba waa
jaat atapplBff late tba alarator oa ika
drat doer wkao the alarator with ala
« bokrt dropped. Ba
waa aanrbt batwaeo tba roof of tba
alaratorand tba flmaoa tba eaUra
walfbt of the alarator aad
raatod apoa faioi antU the Janitor eaisa
with aa asa to obop tbn»rh tba alaraior roof to relaaaa bim. Wbao tba
roof waa daatrorad tbaetarator droppad to tka baaoMt, Jtrrlaf the paa•«f*" bat BOt -aarionalr Narta»
Tka ctaaBheaaa plant of Okarl«
Chadwlek at Orand Bapida, waa riaitad
br a dm datardar abrbi aad too
Tka damaffoa
1 at npwarde of bC.POO,
with poll
raoda Mr. Obadwkk la
m of the 11
tka rltaaltr of tka eltr. aad hta plant
waaoaaaftka larraat aad, beat k#»t
koaaaa Ba waa an axtonalra abippar
aadbad^kadap a lanra baalnma
tkwa baUdlPf new boaaaa oa bta bati
aam dataandad tUl ka bad a larpe apto-dau plant Bia anUm atoek
daatrerad. aa that wbkb aaeapi
aeborelar br tba dm waa aooo aftor
froaea. Taa orkrtn of tka Xm ta anblown.
A rar,
.............. .
eaacateck when the Maibodiat ladlaa
kadaaappar Ip the town hall. Tba
erowda were eomlor In preUr »oU.
bat aollelana bell, the mlaleiar aad
oaeof the "plUan of the abarah”
ao raaaoo wfaj Uter aboold not ring it
aad brine forth in->re membem. wberc
brtoawelllbcecfrert of the abareb.
Soon the town wm allra with the err
of "Ftrer" The whole town tamad
oattorcaena aoma fl.mtne balldlncTbar bad rane the town ball, and, altkeapb ibar raaelrad
troto the caanbail.tbar leaped a baracat of no tor tka akareb.-PeaarUle
Prank Tradall laaAad Bar Cltr lata
aa Hew Ycar^ are oe a rtall to bla
bratkar. Be waa toliowad from
taala b; two man wbo bald him .
aaarlr In fmat of hta brotkar'a booaa
aad robbed him of «n m. Two mar
akeaaUad at M. Boblaaoeb aaeoad
hand atora oa tba approaeb at Third
alroot brldea. aakad to am a awaatto
aad after aa Incpcctka of tka artkla,
atartad toward tbadoor with It Bob
tBKtatoUotaad when tba awa taraad
oa klta Wlto a raealmr aad kept bla
bank wklk tkar n^eapad.


A. ir. Walk, ot tba baalmt fkatoir.
la ia tba aUp aa kwtM «Mk fcpate.
tiiHiatWallaaa BatrUllMmtekv
aad aatt waM «m CP ta OatoM, VkrUa. wMhUi teOr ler tka wfatar.
Mm.«. L. White lataiaiil to
WiwItiac tWkoBdarafa tho aitr. tho
Mte Uatia Darcr rataraad to k«boMla Botdiaff rartardpr. afMr
rtalt with tka Xksm OWaaL
Otto MoOlaaky rataraad W OUeacP
■aordar. afura akmt mj ia iMi
•*WBoa.0. Q. OoraU waat to Oraad


First, Ust,
and All The fime

•U M




•md OdvlM.
na Bcpkut-4 wM 1 ooold m

4 W
1 U


atadlta la tho Hkkltaa .
mam yr
ODOore r«t«4a7. aftar apa^af tka


(intk apidacka to Mr. KIpltac-1
r» aoitdfrtow In bar awthere kom.
Bnt tmnstar la toy owp.
-New York OonuDereln] Adrarttoer.

Poorness of Blood
The CffOM •! Brti—atoto NarvM
Md AU the Uln «f a WatakMMd Badr.


An valntlulMlonpriiM.. Pnpto «lu> wait look
coat oxpoot to ooo tho nlQoo on on oUtolii* In *004.
dopondobloohooo. ItUworth o tnr minhtoo of your
Umo to nod oor aooorlptfono oid priooo.
Mn-. Eorok. 0J( BiJo, l«lh.r Unrf. ne,

Dr. A.«. CteM*B
Own me Bload Pula

Mki Baaalo Uadoar. 'vbo kaea bc«a
rWtlatatlba koewod Hr.aad Mra.
XX P»tamo.,r»tv.«|,
kar hoM la Oraad BapMa.
iMia Wabkar will ratara to Detroit
Let tbe blood get tbin, wank sod
aod everr port of tba body k
thta weralar to aoatiaao kto atadlm.
i^^wMt of proper. awLiDarld dkkUac mtaraad rwiwday
a leik ta^
Cnariist wbankaapaatthoboUdara
.. liver_________ _________
^^^pka-Oalk and wtadtoUa. Me par,
WUUam Wpkk.albraterli«l8caboat
Ira ■ilaaooathwaat cf Dowaftaa, bta
baaa foaad dXdia tkaditeh br tka
alda of tho BUakWaa Owtral raUraad
track. Ba waa atraak br a train aom
tlaM..darlBC tka al^t.
Dr. J. D. Xaaaoa want to Detroit
rwtortarteattaad a rooeptioa rlv._
Boa. W. O. Viatoaoa the oeoaeko of
klBTOtk birthdar<karlee Norak wUl fo to Maaktae
todar to eotopleta arraafaMak with
the Praaklla Qab of that eltr for tba
retara debaio with tba Blfb Sebeol
Ba will mwals orar aifkl
aad aUMd a tooatiBr of tka rraaklla
Mka Marr Aldaa of Oraad Bapida.
who kaa baaa rkitlar bar cktar, Mia.
X X (took, mtaraad to kar boou
TMtordarX K. Jobaaoa. a eaakt la tka oMdi*
at tka atato aairamltr
at Aa«.Arbor, ta tba CPoat of Dr. B. X
doraral of tko ptadaeta of (bo dtota
HormalSAoo) left rPMardar tor Tpallaatl. amoac tkoa tko MItaaa Boabea,
Katbarlao Moom. Alloa Alktaa aad
Bllth Bari, aad Bdwtn Chapman.
Dr. i. U. Loadoa want to Oraad
Bapida roatardarMra. X- SaadaJBiaa of Palmker. la
the ra«*t of her too. P. daodaloiaa. for
a abort Uma
Diek SebOBiberr of Oood Barbor.
drore omr laat ereolor on botlDcaa.

ttjoe'ed............................................................. *a.O0
Men'. LeUn Odt

end eyeleu, Englieb beeketey, heeiy .ole..................... »S.tO
Men', Jeney Odi Bel. Brockton Up, Enplieb bnekMny,

aod nenr^a;
kanatod, end U



ee—to tee them .ill eonrinre yon they ere the beet
inlbeoity(otii.rd,nr uid pri«.......... *1X8 to *1.48

t-di..' W.nn Uoed 8ho« ol dl kind, ,.d prioe. Iron.
........................................ 760, *1.10, *l.S6, 61.86. *1.48. *1.76' .„d Children-. Bo. CIt Sbon-tb-. Mon
m»io o( While Broe. Box Cel! end irUl reeut ntor,
.ill ner like iron end .I..yi keep eolt ud Sexihle,.


Children'. Cell Button, cdf Up. eprirg heel, etni. 6 to 8,



Ledie.' w.lerprool Sboe^ mule from Kilected etoek, lor .
6t .nd dnrnbility cuthe eieeUed.................................:...*1.48
lodie.' Dongoln Bntton or Lue, E or E E—. veiy good
•hoe to ««...........................................


Come in and examine our atock and aee if yonr time
baan't been well apenc.

The Boston Store^



The iRrgeit line in tbe city to
M^gM^aatbe beat at City Dining •elect from.
B'ull line of EoatmAD eapplieo

Tbompsoo’s Drag Store j|



^owst CVeaxvvTv^ *5m6
U uvm M atvA tee ^VivA matv^ o5& Vrtk Vo cVtktt (nA.
^motv^ VVvtm *Tt

a&c ((ttkVttia ^oT i\c
5bc quAVUi
^bc RXkVtV^^orST \-lt
OrveVrt'ftTocAiti lUTitvtV mbit
bOc kVtvi ^OT 51 \-ac.

^or *kitV»


5-YO. mvv\.w

Steinberg's Brand Opera House



Aflotlier Happy Patient!

The Society Event

gtfM. and parUoatorly ffttad tor bta

the thing (or .Inter...............................*1.76

LitUe Omite'end Yonlb'e School Shoe, high top, hoiry
•ole-o greet idioetor Mrrioe....................................................... *160

and Cameras i

To tba Oititaaa of Tmraiaa Cltr aad
rklnliy.—Wa take tbie aeaiw of tbankla« ro« tor yov patronafe. We beHiinptlwta Cvrw — WtaPfiar'a
Itm it no eradit to ne to boMt of ibe
^daberofdaad we here burled, bat WMta WliM •! Tar Brntp* the
will ear aa a matwrof ioforaailon that beat cough rnnedy on eertb, cure* • cold
mr work of the pMt rear eseeeda any
1 day if taken in timr 26 and AO eta
ronne'-er Eloek.
ooe of oar tlx jran here. Oar trade
haaentaoded orera tnoeb wider terri­
tory e»d we have bad ealU-for forty
bar al eaeea more than laai year, ■ *•
elaulTc of tboae told from oar etoek
of rood! at Klnnley aod Maple City,
we bare also eeUbliihea a Catkel
Factory wbkb we think will beoneof
the permanent ditarei of the eily
For the pact C»e montba we bare had
three aad four men at work who beer
tamed ont nearly one hundred eaakeU
wbieb when placed aloeftlde cf tboaa
made byootaide fadtoriee, have In the
maiontrof eaaea been eboaen for tbelr
enperior workmaneblp aad daalcn.
Oat man have bad their pay and 1 preaaam epent the moat of ft at boma.
Mr Daniel V Arthur
Boelac r«m way all live loan' and ba
Duka of York
bawy we wlab ym a proeperoot year
e. L r


Boy'. Ynkon CiOf Bd^ NmI eole l<.tber Up, beery «J.

Litomrr Votco.
We have deciiied to conJobe Blteble, Jr., who tella i«
anoery Ladlre'Borne Joamal -Wl...
le New Century Will Beaiiv B-rin.''; tioue for another week our
J. C. bbenaao, the retomii editor of la one of the editor* of the Selceee I
otrUle (MIeb.) Edio. bae Obeerver
i spccial sale on
the rrinarkal
many year* of entbiwiaaUe rffort to
eclentlfie parvnlu. and tt one of tbv
IndlreaiioD. Baart tronble, Ooi foremoit amah nr aatronomerv In Boa
lion aad BbenoiatUm. br oalnr ton. where b« realdea Beeldea con
rk Bitten, aad be writoa: -li triboling to variona perlodleala be u a
be pmked loo blfblr- It eaoUr frrqacntapeaker before local eelenliflo
------ jUUi the kldaara. looee the etom- t^lee, HU article on the new eeutory
ireh. and
aob. aide dlraatloo. and el*«a a aplen- abow* a va*t i
did appeUta. It baa worked wendara bring* to light
for mr wife aod aa. U'aa aarrelou
maadr for old pooplt'a oomplalnu.Onlp »0e at iae. (1. JoPaeoa'a nod d. B
Wnltb drag atorea._________
ReoiemlN>rtbuo9'«>rui good only to
OilBin'c Xnterkr Spar la the matt
antil Jannarj 6th
lambia rarelefa made

Bom and Britonall U doatottol wbetber the BriUab or
Boora wlU wlo the day la Sooth Africa.
The Meropapen ar« eagerly read aad
every oae ta anxioaely awalUng tbe
aad. Thar* eaa be do doabl whore tbe
iry wUl be to tboae who are ffraat
xrera, U they oonaaJt Dr. Ottman,
toro>erl? of New York, aow preaident
of tbe Crm of Dre. X X A Oo. A pby•1^ of repewB aad ooe eapabkot
•ffoeUog taorveloae eofOA not aloaa by


Men'e.Crnck Pn»l CnU BnU. Eondik. Ur nioUe hook.

plalnta, laetatnde end____
"Mercy on na. John! Here’a a taleTo rid tbe ryatem of tbcae
gnm from aomebody nnoed R. O'Tel- Ilk, canaed by week and lm|ipnic bloo?
effccUee M
lla, to the effect that be'a eotnlnc to
vklt oa. nod wanta yoo to meae him Dr. A. W. Cbaae'e Nerve and Bleed
ion of Amerl(a*a
this erenlan at (be depot with n carrlace- Do yon know anybody named
I Dr. A. W. Cb*ae-a Ncm aod Blood
, Ptlla loenaac tbe nnmbcr of corpnada
“No. Let me lee the telepmm. • X la the blood, ud eo oonrlab aod InO’YaUs'—why. daab bla hide, who ta 1 vlforate the whole eytaem. They gently
I l.Mver heard of bio before. rta^bltte the bow^ luke Ibc ki^eys
_ ----------------Inke_
rolsu to meet him with ,a .-----Hver active, tone (be etomaefa andj
irrUge. doce
be? ru ace him------ " ; digmtive oyMem, ud give new enemy
“Hold on. John. I-ei me look at It I “I ’ “iiiy k «;«7 «»*•» o< Iba body. I
ngnln. -K. O'YeUk'—I wonder If—O.
I boow who It la. Haven't yon
coailn named Boy RUIsr
of rcRoratlvei for weak and Ampere
“Why. of cooroe I have! Why. blood: 50 centi a box. at aU dmleia. or
blame my—flay. Marla, don't teU any­ by mall on receipt of price, by Or. A.
body about tblar__________
W. Cbaae Medicine Compuy, BoBalo.
N. Y., Oo every box of tbe gnalne
A OrMi Pawn
win be found portrait And fac-eirailc
8tubb-Why all thU hilarity.
dgnaiore of Dr. A. W. Chaee.
Peno-Cao'l help It old chap!
you rememlwr tbe thief that ctok my
Stobb-Vea. Have yoo recovered It? '
reno—No: hut be can keep It. Today 1 received an BDatgned poetnl atnt-1
Ing that be had found three of my |
ier» In tbe Inelde pocket and i
d them. It'a worth a doaen j
overcuau '« get them letter* off my >
bnoda. (
Paria. with over 2.SOO.OOO Inhabl-!

Old People Made Tonec.

t frasitraas Ttar.

London to, .11 ojid „d np-tc

dele—nne week only......................

The Ifoong Romantic Ictor

Mr. William Morris
In tbe sacoeaoful eomedy.

“The Adventure
of Lady Ursula.”

Mr. Fred B«bm«s of Fingham Mk-h.. after three terrible yeorB
Bufferio«, with no help from any •
•oon-e, no .on# seemiBg to nndrrBtand bis caso. ronBultod

who immediatly di^o^ his caae as SPINAL IRRITATION. The“I
.»yinptomsbeing reflex and cAOMd b, the im-


Thara wa* baiebiog of gaa for
totUnw MU
Baokkata Xrwka Balea.
<^e.ttUt b.MU ruSTuS!^
Ban world wide fana tor nu
Mtoa aar otkar Mira, TO u. be^u Are yn. TOUu el
Mkat otaunaatt cor kalB '
wn^Uu Br. Dtoeu. the iS

_____ _____ ^,.d Baada. Skin Braptkaai
latotuun^ PUto. Cam faaraatoad.
0^4toat Jaa. O. Jokwea^ aad X X



Supported by

Miss PruDCis Drake


^daiaa;r..«Mh Mtk. OoMolto^ *** •MtoUy
board. Ckalm, Boakm ate. X 0.
Ptaraaa. m W Mb atraK O^MOOt*

lolwnMi OdMB BmHi,

V* ew* a WW In 8m BnR
1 We~rtprut. Wto. o( IW Sjn,

Dt Sno. mnke.,^ecUltyorrilchn>nlcdl.e.»tR diaeaiee of .o.-

PrieM-85Q,.Wc, 750, $1.00. Box iMta. im Soktoou
■de At the box effiee

rTO°tit^'c2SwT.;£s::^,!‘-~‘'-.=* ‘••^>“>‘0117 ~cc.m.i u.



I mommiMa aaooMO.

WM-llMitoMilfln riMiilNh*
m mamt ta ha aa la^
rmta tkaaaigta attkataatm
■■fU— «• Foam 0pm
Wakmv lha aakm at '
OtPi^Boplii Mpoipy. Mi tkagma
WMmaltoilPinteof tko
•» tto aam mta at ika h^ . of **Tho Aimrtm fit Uiy UmU.**
•nwMitaMtM hat MtetaAta
UM Mr' Ua hmOUag. ThU
«lMtotewMaff wm fiof.wiiflmbiwklab tha leoololor•U
Mi Mt tte <MM of Ite UmM m% ta aiamfa pnaamtaak awat prof
il Whot to mm. than to aalreoo
^ 9W ih^raaj haya aaaaat of
lteo«tt»lak*frM»Mlh*aA W. M. loTooAotrcfMytBtaroM is ttot ploy.
iliotrirt Mi fro* tlM
le Bij Mi apop Uot motori Uw mOto ii»to inomrortini "Itoo oootool ir
>t0. A. ___ itpQtoiBtoiiyom LoiyDroolo,a
taaaeaa haaatf. Mi Mr'Ooprgo QflrnoS.Mi«haWoMi

I M tiWM otr.
ItoMAUte -aitka Ihw BagUmi
IhM om haten ami Iforoo la oiPMMoi (»««• aBo* IhM tbo oo^layoo
•I Iko tflPilair mMotooiwoom
nMMac tboWfkoot woffooororpaid
Ifeoro. sol osoopitac Iko poor im.
fktifWm ^pUoi OkOW MOBM.
p is tko How B^Usi
0 two tn
hm sai wool, okow • romarksUo UaNMOta tko 'amoaattpali Ic epm*
dtropprorapypikrtopi poor. Tboio«
palltolhai ttooaoooioe kopoUoot
lor laker dorlap INO vlU oaoood tap
MBlieao Iko earn total eft m. Wofoo
irm adroaood oarlp loot opriaf le a
ftorlal ostoat taat rarlooo ooao
fePTO taoaa odoaaclaff ffraioallp da
Ikeoammor aad taU aad oiUl otkm
At FaU Rirar. Iko froal ooMoa ooatoo, H.«0,«W will taa adddi to tko
waffooofMoattt^ amplopoo. Ttato
Wacataoktaormlmd raua of loot
aprlBf. At LowoU a mw ookoiolo hao
kMO oototaltoMod'wtalota addotao per
pMt to tko pap- roUo. malctac aa
lBiraMoefCW,OM a wook. At How
faUaai U,OM«toplopoo afo roooioiaf
|bo UckoflA wofoo poor paid tkm.
9ho amplopoo at Maaetaootor. H. B..
■kmbtplat n.ooooottoamuepmttm
■rp ido^otsit •a.m a wook
poor taolHO. Ttaooo aro a tow oaamploo
pad aaap omaUar ploooo ohow adraaopi wano la propertJ
U addlUea to tko
mahf of the milto aad faetorim bare
added eompUte er partial oatBta of
sow aad laprorod maetalaorp, laoroao
lag tbolr aagaUxy aad ptflap ampler
laoat te larpw lorem of worktac
paoala. Tko oapplp of tobor to not
aaftdoBt tor the domaad. aad tkto
ilUea premtom to eeatlaao tor oemo

"» II

W. J. Bobko.
m<ttoo-4lam ftoe

that Brlttota opoatoaro heap im map of



tlSBO SUkbokrd (or $11.50
$16.75 Sidsbosrd for $12.7fi

$19.76 Bidebosrf for $16.75
$22.75 Skleboutl (or $19.75
$S3.75 Sideboard for $29 25
446.75 Bidabtmrd for $39.76
aod ko oo. I hare 90 differaai aWlea aad will dva von the
MiBkproportioiidikcoantcMinnyoftliem.' I hira 26 ^ataol
^laa oombiantioo deaka aad bmk-oaaea I will give the aaiM

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
190 Front Straat

sSsL'SlSS.SK 'i3lP!!i

Tbo Bro Boatbo old obUd of Mr. aad
rite karoo aim.
Mia. Boarp Wioebaowokp diod tbo
"Mp wtle'a rood
Irloo aarod np
Buralsp. Tbo faami will oeear at
Ufo." writea F. M 1 01 of WlnBeld.
aftorsooa oi I o’clock.
A JoUp oletphrldo woo eejopod bp a worm BBder docior’a UmiBOst.
Bp wife nrped toe to nac Dr. Eli
load of poaap people Moedap OToatap.
Dlaeorarp for OoBi___ ____________
•Bpletolp carad Be." Oonpha, Ooldo.
roDobiUi. Ua Orlppe.
tU rmldaaea of Bprapea Pratt.
Aethmo. Hap F««er*Md all ouladlei
Aa aaplnm team laa awap from la of Cheat, Thn
froDl of tka pootoflee pceterdap. ‘^ep
ran Into a tolaprapb pole on 8lato else, toe aod |1 00. Brerp bnttic;
... Trial bottlee lOe at Jaa.
etrooi. aad brake away from the alalpb.
i3B'a aad 8 K. Wait'i ;drap
Thap wore atoppod wltboat hariap
doM aap dtaaafr. oaoept te ike bar-

Albuqorrqur. N. M.. ‘ha* (be record
of the preatrti nDtntxT of abDahlap
dap* In (be prar nf any town oB the
AtDcrlroD continent.________
Bllrscc la mcrrlj- »«»und put (« *lccp.'
Sal a bad eanuiplr and li will batch
eat mlacLicf.
Coarape l» »br thing ibai coahira oa
to forget our tfeara.


praaon a woman'a work
la becanae aUe emptop*
do tt.
ataira wfll reduce fleob

| lira «n tn Ito-rbicaon Dnilv News

Begin The New Year

with a new set of Blank Books.
Thoae with canvas tides, leather backa and
corners are the most durable.
Have them witb all canvas or the "half
bound " with marbled paper sides. Yoh may need a Counter Book. These
sell from Sc up, or a Pass Book. These are made in pMte board,
canvas or leather and sell from 5c to SOc or that Vest Pocket
Mem. You want a new one, costs yon 5c or 10c or 15c.
Do you

How are your

You (nap irecd ■ n*>w Orersbirt

Oar big


Tbe etrictly all

got a good Fok Standy Wbat aboot yonr Inkaf
Some » BDl Araold’a, olhera Thomaa orDiainoad

The Kloodike Sbirt, extra heavy, tbe warmeat

or Sanford or Bufford. Have them in 5c-hot.
tiea or in pinta or quarts
A Letter Pile ia indeapenaiblv,
They only c6at 25c. Ever oae

tine wIIb from .lOc to $2.50.
wool in "ilk.

article for tbia weather, Mila at $2.50.


Klondike Jaitkct coata $4..’>0. Cblnebilla Reefera
are $8.50. $5.00aiid $7.50.
$:i.00 and $5.00.

The Keraey Reefer

The best Pea Jacket $12.00.

the White Paater cornea in 5c and 10c aiaea. A
wbod ruler arlla for Ic and 5c. the flexible robber ruler SOc, the nibl^er am] steel combined
for 40c.

there’s 1 nun tn
Miehigtn eahe began rrtoUng
sheet tn ISU and U Mi at tt.
Hit name ta ^r^ree.
He ta
. Gdheneentfte. rhaTaalcterabte
fair sign that he ia a peed ahoemaker.- You prebabfy hake heard
efkim. Weieataeantottttyee
that he makes aa a tadtea' shoe
that atOa fee $3 a pair, tahkh ia
futi the bkat ahee for thai prke
that ever carta eut ef any man 'a
better try a pah.
Yea’ll like
them, vteknev yea vdS. Vote
deOaraferanatylea. Ve'reaete
agtata fee the Vtr^rte " Cempojtf*.
roU) BT

r Frank Friedrich
Tin dll FtllibK Shot Mai

la Iha loosi dlvtotoa tkm aro tbrao witb poor frienda. All yon bare to d»
an of imaertnsm in tba rapiami. to almplp agrra with Uwm In e\..-p
IfalwF. Q. Baama a. aar/oosA B ,

.j Tbm to ao temnp"



^^ature's cur£

ilmembara bnaabm tomad. wtik A. I perbapa the
V. Frtodrtob aa aaerotorp aad kaanrar, U never done
aad ikm toasa anratloa that
a domaaOc to
------------- fff xpf,
-ni V. - I If dlBblug

. Ito poail iBdaotrp to tbo Ctoacbo
Mm. to wrat Tegaa. baa gra«o very
aaaMtp dnriac the peat few paan
UU9 Mtoa are
' ^

Do Too Need Any

A. W. iahtaaa

rotoraiw for aamea la Bontk AMm.
m>T oo------------ mtn waaaat-^*^
of » iool loocbi «o A Bambocp oont baa ordarod tba aroawut «< o «omM UUod toto bm
raotofaBrittok apeataamad York for
W-4 "^*********^*^**®* birlapa aUBbar of eocmaapaam___
aaatkat iool
Tbm toaoUiap. beworor. telatorte^
with Barr Krapp la tba maanfaetara
of ataa) abolto te the BriUah arap.
-mutow Motrto. who pUpa tko part
Twaatp ire tkooaaad aaeh abdlaara
of air Oierpo Iplmtor. glraa am oaool*
bdapBadaona “roak” order and tba
loattstorproUttoaof that rela. Mr.
owB an weektap alpbt and day.
Montotaaotaooaoooolathtooltp apos
taat ho Borer
Oorporal Bklrrlap aad two eemr
proved bit rlphl te a i
of tbo Hortkwmt Mosalod Polloo. aoat
dam Ho. > of tko lot M. B Baadap amoertbea
BOf tbo dOp eat froa Oowoen Otp Imt Aopaat w
ooarab tor loot partlao. bara aovar rawottBff lktoarealaffatlo'alook. All
iro at Ladp OrwU” poo- tanat.
MPtam aro fOBOOOtai ta> tao proooaA tordap. Mr. Morrto boa boos moklag
Bpirfol oorrtom taofMlwt omalar rapid otndoo darlap tko past low poaro.
ta tko Booeoi M. B. akarok aad wlU aad if ho ooattaom to malatala tko
pfiiipt rato of prepromloe. maap of
oeattaao tko oattro wook wUta tko
iboetkor leortlmo torarltoa la tka
romaaUo oobool will mood look to tbolr
Iteoworo alMalof Ml marriafo
eoMM toesai tko pool pear tap Ooaatp laoraU.
>.' Mlm Fraaem Dtako ao Ladp Uiaaia
Oaak Howtos, the larfoot aamtaor la
i^uffotharekarmiat aad dalipbtIkoktoterp of tko OSes.
tsL Bbofavate tba <
Mr. aad Kra H. B. Otaapla aro tko
poffomlalao |raoo.
paraato af m alftat poaad bop.
beptobowacrorpaddtopUp of mi
A oea of Jeoopk La|dow of Leap
lino eoarapo whtoh audo tbo roll oe
of moaolm at tko
Boral aad latorooUap. Mtoo Dt»ko
apo of alfht OMBttaa
rod tbo part with exooUant t
He Mork Rhtumktlkm.
lolUdap to
Dr. A. B. BolUdap
pood atpla. Tbo otbor momboro
homo bp teeoUItto.
of tbo eompaap wore pood."
Thto ovoaar tko J4at laataUattoa of
Tbto attraetloB will bo aooa la Bulatko Modora Woedmoa aad tko Bojal birraOraadtoDlpbv boTinp boon aoHal^bom wfU bo bold. .AU moi
eared bp Haaopor Htolaborp at eoa- polaoo cot at bw ajatem, and bm eanalBlp
of tko erdofO are iarllod to taa po
reMernTber from a Ilf* of i«lik.-a P.CatoaldmbU oxpoaao.
ao wall M ikotr tamiUm. aad aap
J. 8. Bedpm of Fife Lake, was la tbo
boro of ledfm emldo of tko eltp.
bJra (toTd\?dJ55laSr'«loa^^
Tbo ropalarmoatklp mooUapof tko dtp ymtordoy.
Womaab FerolpB Mlaoleearp Boelotp of
. B. W. Barko of Kmpiro. to attko
tka rtiat M. B. ekarota wU bo btfdtkto ^WtalOap.
aftoraoea la tka ebareb parIon at i:M
Mralee and Cblaa bara eomplotod at
o'oloek.' Tbo propram wUl bo la ebarta
a CMoral troatp of trada,
of Mia. W. T. Boabarxb. aad toa wUl
aarlpatlOB aad iwmlpraUoo.
bo oarrod tom t to 7 o;eloek.

f«oal Divtoion rioarloblap aad Voaoborahla loemolBr:
Aa Importoat mooiiop of Tra«orm
<ktp DiTtatea Ho. u. Uelfona Baok
BaIpbU of Fylblaa. waa held loot oralap. Tbo oUcUae of ifioonfortbe
eeOBlof poariwao bald, rmaltlapaa
OapWlB-J. V. Meloteab.
act and acaivb for the motive.
Time at»d paikDcc will enable a pe^
•on to congoer atmoai any ohaUcIe.
If a Diau la nnablc to aell or give a
UilRg B«'ay he pro<-entH to raffle tt off.
Paradoilc-al tbough It map aeem. a
T. Bai
fond old age I* often a very bad one.
Tbe man wito failed a* a merrbnnt
•oatlaalW. M. bpnp.
la aeldom aailaOed wlib a lob na clerk.'
Tbto dirlaloa to ta a va
The erlMm-r I* afraid of hU abado.w
geedlUoB. with a larfo aad prowlap —wbuQ It luika Uke a detective on bla
paomboioblp. aad to oea pf tba atreep trait.
A tbeorp lhal baa nHiber faith aor
pto la tka atoto. L BUboraU propara
Pleao aro alroadp taf frofrom for ot- treat In It* foundoiloo doeon‘1 anooBi
to very mm-b.
doadooM apoo iko aottoeal oacampToa can mrralp bUme a paebt to
it to bo ki^d la Dotrait tbo toot

^ombmaf totaanldlvtolM.


- ________ ^-ftoiiotwlllmiaokLt
taaMtiif Bim ftorml win
tko apoolal aorrtoao at tko Booead M.
B. ekaroh tkto anmiag.
Tbo Udloo* OaOd of Oraoo Aoick
wni most wttk lira. Uoocvo Blao. Ill
Woataiaftaaatroottedap.att o'oloofc.
Batoaoorof tmperOaaoo «1U ooaM ap
taaforo tko OoUd te aettea. A foU attssdaseo to doalrod.

Tnoldaalom. ••la tta* of poaoo
propara for war.” to a pood too aad
faerotarp Boot a a kollovor la tbo
peatlmoatraprtmod la that ooeu
0otoaouoep adreeato of ooatt
proparatloB 00 thot tbo aaUoa map
pottaooaapbl aappiap. Tbo tdoa to
man wertap of oorioao ooaaldon
•otrikMoror. la vtow etearlaoi
: Cvr* U trfpp* la 24 Inn.
Tba aaaaal meatlnc of tka Wemaai*
pd pemmelooi at rtmoU potato it boonMne^equaU WaAKtui'B VTutTE
'PPmooBoooooarpto tao otoraailp vlpl- Iowa aad FerolpB MImloeorp Booictp
..s-K Of Tar SYRfp for tbi» tern-aod Uul dlM-aee. If token tfaoi^
toat. WlUaowrmpoaottaUIUoo eomo f tko Ctoapropatloaol obBreb will bo
-hip and Id tiino, It rUl cure a combold
paw oompltoatteM at fatqaoBa latar:14 court, and fu> tbe ouurb that tnlpala aad It i^wapo boat te praparo toe tbli attoraooB at I o'elook. A fall
La Grippe 1'. ..erer fdla to give
adaaao to doolroa.
let. Prioe. SSc and 50c.
l■lrglBHm Tbo Oaltad Smtao
addtttoM both
Dr. M. 9. Bn
t me. ’ OalBOM Blaat'e Floor Varalib
i aad bofero two poart Iboeltp. ____
O W. BiDjamla of Lolaad. oobbIbtoaro paooad oar aaral oUtoMrtb wUl ba
iwtoo wbat It toao wbaa tko war with alOBor of aeboelt for Loalaaaa oeaafy,
to la thod^i_______________


Ttoo aasaal rnooMar of Iko Oal
OUbww kaUlaol aifM la Iko
ofO..F.Qmor. Float to lha ai
ppasto Ikotmproramol efihoMab
ifraeadoid ftoarUkaw
diimiHil aad atom alootodao M

No part of our store receives a more liberal patronage than the Hosiery Depart­
ment. No store .rives better values.
Women's Fleeced Lined for 10c.
Women's All Wool from 15c up. Fancy Stripes 50c. Men's Cotton Hose
5c. 10, 15c Men's Wool Hose 25c. 3Sc, .'lOc. Men’s Heavy Wool 20c,
35c, 5«c.
Men’s Cashmere .from 25c to 5a Men's Merino
Stripes 25c to Soc. Men's Lisle Thread and the celebrated
Shaw Knit Soc the pair.

Have You
Seen Us
about that new enttery We have tba “Old
Comfort,’ The “Extra Large" and ‘The Bnai.
naaa." They are made in different colon «itb
Leonid Pluh Trimmingi, Broadolntb Trimminga, Car Ploah and Moquette.
They are
gnarantacd in every reapect aod aell from
$25.00 to $»S.0a Wbat about the Rob^?
Thero’atbe Goat Skin, the Hone Hide, tbe
Oalway, the Ooonakin a^ Mootantf Buffalo.


How la tba Utop to bara roar Blepclo
reMaawlad and elouod ap raadp for

»nda.faanff A^
Free Storage All Winter. .
VOit at Dr. Ktopto Maw Ufa Fflla
Mp work ana Mt bo boat aad prioea
aaob alptat
■ ‘ t tor
for two wooka
hM nt mo UmTow^ WlU oall te poor wbool
Oall sad tal mp prlcaa.
aar ef oeBmaptows. ra. Taap ra tb*
bmt la tba world to Urar. Btomaak
sadBawoM- Fanto rafstobto. Morar

H. L 6IBIS, Prap.

HaMOMofOtoaaalaHoMt . aiFMMa

Prion from $4.00 to $1400.

Do You
Particular attention given to Sookar’t gooda.
There’s the cigara. take yoor choice of Travem.
Belle—Pig Taile—Gen. Aithnr—Royal
—Lb Belle Creole—JaxtiaaD—FraateUa-Bhaa
—Dew Drops.
Fancy Smoking Tobaeoo from 5e to 60c a
package, CUy Pipn le, OomCoba 6c, A aptondid aaaortmeot of Pipn at.lOc, 16er aSc, op to
fineat at $2.50 and $3.00.



toa4flMAky»la»i kMlU«A«rltel
• AfVW «( bofs !• kU
*M« M M mrmm «( 4«»d —1—U
mA lAM tw •< Ito HlMte Uf« MaM
■ rfMhMbMaaoitM.
AkoM • fmr ^
ka ^aUai
>«r»miliw.tyopC.OattwU. o<
••■Ha, ilMgfwad tkM tka «0«tel
mvA akMM kla ta haft kMa »
iltlHiilwIkaamyt that ka «w
' lakar aai waa taaUy fftvaa a Alt. baaaaaMa Alaaharfa TkaiaaM ma
taaanwi aaA OofikaQ haa Jaat aaa
faaor>lUaae(Ula«aa»kv tka Aapark
Maat aaA paaalaa karau. Ea prataJ
Uat ka aarraA tkroafkeat Ua war aaA
waa laallj kaaaaakl/ AUakaffaA. aaA
aaaa koM ala MiMr katoa ika atplratlaa al kla aakkaaaA/aar*a aaataaaa.
1%aaMa Balia/, la tka
MllakaU BroUan at JMalaaa, awt
wtU aa aaalAaat law Yaar^ •oralac
(katraaaltaA la Aaatk. BaUa/
•raMa oa Mllakall Braikara- lofflat
raUraaA, Ul U tka abaasaa of tka tnalar «aa alartaA ao tka trip MaaAa/
oa krakoaaa.
Wkaa ahoat
mUm aankaaat of 4aaalaca om of tka
oakooaa wkaaU kroka aaA tka oar tlopoA
up. BallarjBwpaAaaAwaa BiraakbT
tka talUaraaraad kla aaak waa brokao.
Baaaaaa kar kaataaaA arlUalata tka
akarek of wklak aka B a Mwkar. lira
BtlasB-UiA kaatlad praaaoALaca tor
alaolata AJroraa (row kar kaabaaA,
WUtlaa A Uoff. a wall kaowa attUaa
aoA poatmaat* at BrookAalA aaAar
31a*aiaaA-a aA^lalairatloa. Ba kaa
fraqaaaUj waAa UUla attaaka eo tka
akarak wklak at Utaraala aroaaad Wttar foalUff affataat ktaa Tka/ kata
kaao aairtoA twaatr-akrkt /aan aaA
kaaa fear akUAraa. Ooff baa eoiwMaraWa amoari/.
B B. Ifeaar of Datrolt. natciar
BrtaoAa^t OraaA UplAa. waa aaackt
la tka Walllartoa AaM alarator KaaAa/aaAauUlaaAaaar
tka aplaa aaA lataroal lajariaa frow
wklak ka muj aotraoorer. Ha waa
loot alapplac lata tka aliHtor ow tka
•rat Aoer wkaa tka alarator witk ala
•oaaaafara oa boarA Aroppad.
waa aanrbt batwaaa tka roof of tka
alarator aaA tka flwraoa tka aatlra
watfhi of the alarator aad
laatad apoa hiai antU tka Jaaltor aaaM
arltb aa aaa to obop throofb tka alarmtor roof to ralaaaa kin. Wkaa
Mof waa Oaairo/aA tka alarator droppad to tka kaaawaat. Jarrlaf tka -paaaaafon kat aot aorlotulj te]arlac
Ika fraaakoaaa plaat of Ckarlaa
CBaAwlak at OraaA BaplAa. waa rtaltad
ky a An AatarAa/ aUrkt and
kaaaaa wara Aaatro/aA- Tka Aaowraa
araaaUwalad at opwarda of N.MQ.
wllk ao laaaraada. Mr. OUAwtok K
aMotUalaaAUcrraaakoaaa naa la
tka rlataliy of tka oity. aoA kla plaat
araa oaa of tka larpaat aad kaat kapi
kaaaaa Ba waa aa aataaalr# ahlppar
aadkad^kadap a lutt* boilawa
tkara bmOAlaf aaw koaaoa aa hb ba»l
aaaa AaataoAaA Ull ka had a larya ap
IwAata pUak BU aatlra aioak
Aaatroyad, aa that wklak aaoap
aaboralaf ky tka Ara waa aooa aftar
trcaaa. Taa otlrla of tka Ira la
A rary anoataf toaidaat oaearaA la
•aa/ataek wkaa tka Malkodiat ladlaa
kad a topper la tka towa hall. Tka
arowd* were aotalaf la pratty wall.
bot.aotieiiicaball. the uilaUUr aad
oaa of the -pmare of the ehi
ao raaaon why tber eboold aot rlaf It
aad brla# forth m^re laeaikara. wkare
by toawell of the ebarok.
■ooa Ike town waealiee with the cry
of “Tlrrl" The whole Iowa taraad'
aattoraecae tome e.ninp baildlnf.
They had rear the vowa bell. aad. al
tkoafk they loeelrad a rrprlaiaad
froai the Barakafl. they .eaped a barraat of feo for tka ekareb.—PeaartUe
Traah Tradell raaeked Bay City late
«a Mew Year'* are oa a rult to
brotkar He wae followed trow
tnla by (wo waa who bald klai
aaarty la froat of kU brotkar'e hoaae
aad rokkad btw of fet m. Two awa
alaaaallad at M. Bobiaaoa'a aaaoad
kaad atora oa tka aparoaok of Tkird
alraat brtdca, aakad fe ara a awaatar
pad aftar aa taapac>10B of tka artlela,
purtad toward tka door wltk It. Bob
Hwoa followed wkea iba waa taraad
m klw wltk a rarolrar aad kept hlw
kaok wklla tkay aacapad.
Baoklaa'a Armlaa Balra.
■pa world wide fawa tor atrraloaa
aaraa. It aarpaaaao aar otkar aalra,
latlea, ofetwaal ar kafw for Cato.
Oaraa. Baiwa. BeOa, Aaraa. raloaa.
aiaara. TtUarOfelt Bkaato. raear
toaa. OkawadWda. tikla Braptloae;
UfeUIkU lor PUaa. Oara raaiwataad.
Oaly’Meat Job. O. Jokaaoa'a aad A. B.

■totaaa. tu WPlkaira^ • MOM*

A. h. VKlkkC tha ka*M iMtHT.
K fetha Mr «• feMtoM wMh BMoalafeoAMMallMa. HawUlloMa MAAp
aaAwaMwaaHwmtatalfetawi. WarM with kKIbMllr far tka wlatar.
Mfk-B. k WUlo ratkiwaA to kar
hmu to MpaaaMa ytiMay offer
MopAiMB tbaBoHAa/B la tka atty. tka
MMM aA kw ■«. H. H Wklla.
Utm Lowia Dar«y raferMA to kar
BMta BalAtar /wtortey. ktfer •
rfelt wttfc tka KlMra <rilaal.
Otto KaOlaaky retaraaA to Okfeafw
TMtorAky.kffera ahoet rtoy to ikfe




Baw.0. a. OaraU waat to OtmA
Barn BaaalkaA ratoftoto to Ua
ataAlaala tha MfeU«aa AfrlaaltoiM
aoUaroTootorAky. after ppaaAlar Ika
Mife Baaala UaAaay, who bara kaaa
rtaltiar M tka koaM af Mr. aad Mia.
▲. B. ratonoa, rataraad /marday to
karhoM la Orawd laplit
LoBla Wakkar wUl ratan to Datrcit
thtawaralaf toaoaHaaa hte etadlaa.
Darld dtekUat ratonad ywtorAay
trow Piiat wkara ha oyaat tka kalldaya
WUllaw WfM,kferfearUtlB«akeBi
•va wUaa aeatkwoat qf OawMiaa, kaa
kaao toaad dakA Ik tka Allah ky tka
tlAa of tka Mlaklfka Ontral laUroaA
tcaak. Ba woa atraab ky a trala aawa
Uwa Aarlar tka kl^t. Ba waa u
Dr. J. D. Maaaea waat to Datrait
yaetorday taattoaA a roeapUoa rina
Boa. W. O Vlatoo oa tko ooomIoo of
klaTOtb kIrikAay.
(Barlaa Horak artll fo to Maalatoa
today to oomploto arraacawaala wltk
the rraaUla (Sak of tbal atty for tka
ratarkdakau with tka Blyh Mekool
I'/enw. Ba will rawala Oder Blyhl
aad attoad a aaoMlar of tka rraakUa
MlaaMary Aldaa of Hraad BapMa.
who kaa kaaa efeltlar bar atator, Mra.
A. E Uook, rMyraad to kar howa
B. k. fokaaaB. a aaaloi la tka wadiof tka Btato aairarmlty

(With kpHoffIfe to Mr. KUAtog.^
rm aoo4ft4aw to k« ■oUwc'a konaa,
But maatw la wy owa.
-Kaw YoH Oommarclal Adrertlaar.

yonnalf.-SAaaaa CUy I

Poorness of Blood
Tte Ca«m ot BahaaBtoA PtorvM
abA All tiM UU«I • W«Ake
Mwd Body.

Dr. A. «. ClMM*H

N«rv« .and DImA HIIs


aukc rich. red. healthy blood


u« wMhUa. ,01 ptr

Ita daty, aad Ibare U indlgartloa and
draprpaia; tb« iim and kldnayt bccooM
clocrad and inactive; ibeie are paina to
torWk. eldae and ilmto; bwdaeba
aad aanralgla: tha aervae bccowa eabaDBtad, and ibara la harvonaaaaa. aieaplaeaaaaa aad irriubillty, female aowplalatB, laaaitnda aad daapondcncy.
“Mercy on oe. John! Harr’i a trieTo rid Iba eyatam of
---------ram from aotnebody namrd R. O Trl- HU, CBiwed by weak aad Impare blo^
llA to tha effect that hr’i comlaf to tkara la aa pfeperetloo ao eflactlTt aa
rlalt DA aad wanu yon to moat him
thla rrenlnt at the depot with a car­ { Pllla, Ike praacHoiioa of Awarlca'e
< graataet pbvtIcleB, Dr. A. W. '
riage- I>a fdu know anylMMly named I Dr A. W. • -OYelller
FilU laeraaa
-Ko. I.«t me eae the telegram. *E to Iba blood____ ___ _____________ ...
O'VeUla’—why. >la>b hie hide, who la rlgorate Ike wbole iratrai. They JteaUy
ragoleic the bowala, nuke Ike kMacye
tad Hver active, tone tbc ifliomacfa and
a I m gol
dlMtiv* eyatam. and giv,
carriagv. dor# UeT I’ll aaa him------ "
“Hold on. John l.e( me looh al It 'ad vitality to evoy o
again. -H. O’YallU'—I wonder It—O.
I know who It le. Ilaveo-t you a
coubId uBiiird Hoy Killer'
of leaionilvae for week and Impare
“Why, of rouree I have! Why. blood; so cenu a boa. el ell dealera, or
of ,priee, by Dr. A.
bUnie my—Kay. Maria, don't tell any­ , bv mail
j W. Ckaac hlediciac Company, Buffalo,
body atwut itiU!"___________
N, Y.. Ob every boa of the gannlne
A Oresl Pavwe
I will be loond portrait and fac-eimlU
Btabb-Wtay all (bla hilarity.
{ Blgaatnrc of Dr. A. VC. Cbaae.
Penn-('au'( help It, old chap! Do
yon rrmenilter the thief that etola uiy
overvuat ?
Sluhb—Yea. Have you recovered HT
TeUD—No: but be <-au keep It. To­
day i received eo unalgiied poaul atatlug that be had round three of my
wife'* letter* In ibe tOBlde iMicket and
baa nialled theui. Ii'b wurtb a doaen
overedata •« get Uieiu letter* off uy
I’aria. with over 2.AOU.OOO Inbabl-



Itararkl of tka atadaata of tkr Btato
Merwal Aekool left yaatorday tor Ypatlaatl, amoof tkaw tka Miaaaa Boakaa.
Katbarlaa Moore. Alloa Alklaa aad
HlIU Bari, aad Bdwla Okapwaa.
Dr. J. M. Loadeo weal to Oraad
BapUU yaawday.
Mre. M. Baadanaea of Patoakay. la
tka fuu*\ of bat aoo. P. daodalwaa. for
3S.UUI for It* intl.OU iDhabItanta.
a abort tlwa.
Dick Bebowborr of Hood Harbor,
Ltwrary Motoa.
drove over laet eeeDiar oa kaelaaaa.
We have decided tu conJohn Blwhie. Jr., wbo ulU I* the
January Ladlea' Home Journal ' Wnere
Old reopla Hade Toubc.
Ika New Caaivry Will Eaallv R-rlo.'' timie tor another week our
J C. dkenaaB, tka eetorae editor ot Uona of Ike adltort of Ibe Belvnoo,
the VernoatiUle (MIeh.) Kibo. kaa Otaaarvar and a wnter of wide repute ttpecial sale on
aelaallfle anijeeu He kaa devoted '
dlaooTerad the remarkakle eoeret ot
beaplar old people yoeoy. Tor yearm many year* of eothualaitle vff.>rt u>
ka kaa aeoldad Narvoaaarae. Bleeplaaa- eelantiflc purvulta, ard t> ooa of (be
molt amaO ur attronomere In Boa
aaaa, ladlreatloo, Heart troakla. Ooa
eilpalioD aad Bhamaellaw. by ualor ton. where b* reatdea Beatdaa cm
ilrk Ulitoie, aad be wrliee: - li tHbntingtovarioua oerlodkaU be w a
bafara local aclanuflr
t ka preload too biykiy. It raoUy
>alatoa tka ktdaaya.
ildaaya. tooaa
. the ____
aton- bodlaa. HU article on tka new century
eek, aide difaatloa. ead r>raa a apian- ahowa a vaat amouni of raaearoh. and
did appeUto. It bai worked waadara
I iKv nnn^t.n'ific
for Bf wife and na. Ii'aa warraloei
rewady for old peoplak aonpUlau.”
Oalr Me at Jaa. 0. Jokaaoa'a aad B. E •paoUI aitosUn
Walt'a dray atoeea.
ilaa and |
Beroenibrr tbia offer la good only
Uivee k> lappHaa for partlaa
bai-quau al Cliy Dlolag Ball i
Diitil January tith

and Cameras

First, Ust,
and All The Time
An vaUtlulMlonprioH. PMpl. who wont iMk
OMt «pn» to n. th. nlM. w. M« .rttteta* to tooa.
Ittow.^ .tow mtostM of yrar
tUnt to TMd our doBoriptiOBB «ad prlOM
Mea'k Earekk Ckdf Bala, leather Uaed. new London toe,
betry doable aolee. McKay g»w«l.............................. $S00
Han'a Winter RniMt BkU, Waldorf la«t. bekry aolea,MoKky hewed........................................................................... $8.00
Men'a l^tin Oalf Bala, Loudon toe, kll eolid and np-todato—one week only......................................................... $1A8
Men'a.Oack Proof Cbtf Bala, Eiondike tip, niokle bookk
and eyeleto, En^iUb backeUy, heary aolee.................$8.50
Meii’t Jarwy Oalf BaU, Brockton Up, EnRltob backaUy,
_ heary aolee—jnat the thing for winter........................ $1.76
Boy’g Vnkou Calf BaU, Nait aole leather Up, heaTy aoleef-lo gee them will eonrince yon they are the beat
in the city for hard wear and price........ $lA8to$1.48
LitUe Oento' aitd Yontb’e Bobool Shoe, high tt^, heavy
aole—a great shoe for aen'ioe.........................................$1 50
Ladiee’ Warm Lined Shoea of all kioda and prioea fnsm
................................ 760, $1.10, $1.86. $1.86, $1.48, $1.76
Miaoee' and Children'a Box Calf Shoea—tbeae ahoea aie
made of White Broa. Box Oalf and will reaiat water,
will wear like iron and always keep Mft and flexible,
from.............................................................. 86oto$lA6
Children’s Calf Button, calf Up. spring heel, sixes 6 to 8,
Ladies’ Waterproof Shoea, made from selected stock,'for .
6t and dnrability cant be ezoelled.................................$1.48
Ladies' Doiigola Botton or Laoe, E or E E—a very good
shoe to wear........................................................................ $1,00
Come in and examine ourstock and see

if your time

hasn’t been well spent.

The Boston Store,


eSIUt BXyPtXWWtittHewwwwwirww

CVe&tVVTV5 *3v\R6
i.B uvnv MB »tvA rat ^Vrti
^moTV^ VNvtm ktt

oA4 Vo\» Vo tUkw tm\.

qtikVVV^ ^OT 2\t

The lurgrat linr in Ihe city to
6bc qukVU^ ^or 29c
A aaal
select from
Mj«ed at tka beat at City Dlolng
4bc qak\lV9 Yor 67 V-lc
To Ika ClilMaa of Travaraa Oltv acA
Full line of KartioHn supplisa
vletuUy.—Wa lake UtU maaBt of (kaoktag you tor your pauoaaga. We ba©TttVoV'ftTotkAtA ■JUivTttV mbit 7UT90UV9 ^or ikVTV*
llave II BO eradit to ue to boaat of ibo
bOc VVtvA
61 \*2t.
aumberoldaad wa bara buried, but WWta Win# af Tar Byrwp, the
all) eay aa a maturof totoraeatloa vkai beat rough frmwiy on eurth, curve a Cold
our work of the paal year exoovd* auy
]e day if Uikcs in tune, ib and AO eta
one of our alx yaare here. Oar (rade
baaeatondedovara moeb wider Urriloryetkd •# bava kad ealla Tor forty
bur al eaM mora then last year, • aelaeive of ibr<aa eoid from our etook
of goode at Elagvivy and Maple City.
Wa hav«- also aaUblUbeo a Cavkei
EMlory wbleb «c (hiDk will be one of i
(be pvrmabaot fixiurta of Du U‘Vy
Yor (be pa»t Dve moalhe wa have kad i
tbrua aad fear meo al wnrk wbo bew
luraed oui aearly oee buadrod oaaheU.
wklak whaa placed aloogtlda i f iboae
made ky outa da faotoiiee, have la ihe
mtoprity of g*«ea beeo oboeea tor tbelr
»0O NiKhU
HK> NIghiu
ai^rUir worhmauvbip aad deelgu.
Mr Fred Behme. of Fingham, Muh
after three terrible years
Mr Daniel V Arthur
^aiifTeriag, with no help from any ■outve, 00 .one seeming to under.
Hoping you may all llva long and be
Duke of York
happy we wlah you a proaperou* year
et«od bia oiute. I'caeulted
____________ B. L Cautkp.

k Prosamus ftar.

i Thompson’s Drag Store

Steinberg's erand Opera House


Another Happy PatienU

The Society Event

Boaru and Biiiona.
Il U doukltul whetbar the BriUah or
Boara will wla iba day to Soulb Africa.
Tue aewapapaiu ara aarerly read and
every pae U anxloaely a<-walUng the
and. Tkara aaa ka 00 doubi where Iba
victory wUI ka to (kaaa wfe> ara great
auflarera, it tkay oonaait Dr Oitmaa.
formarlv of Now York, now prealdeai
of the Arm of Dra. B. S A Oo. A pbyatolan of renown and ono onpablaof
aflaoUng marveloaa euraa, not nldie by
of bU (korengk knowladce of
madMrino. but kaanane be tofortenaU
giftod. aad
known and ikooaaada enll to oontnlt
I, who w
that a yawning grave awalu tkarn.
bat laava wUh ranawad bopa, faaltog
CMBdant that ka wUl raaSTtkam to
Ufa and hMlik. Ara yoa vloUma of
■' If"'** pnralyala, few. or
mdUanaaT Jf an. wnuo no time
sanlUng Dr. Dumb, the waU
kB«wB pkjKUlAm aa ha wlU rlalt Tmv

» Oily nw«^, Jaa'y «. !M0. and

ysvlor ot tha
WklUng Botol, tm a a m. w • p. m.
One day only. oMk monib. Oonanlta-

Tv Cw« V OvM to WM Bv^
Taka Waiwr't •White Wine ct Tv Synii

to. »-

The Toueg Romaatic Ictoi

Mr. William Morris
In tha auoecMful eomody.

^The Adventure
of Lady Ursula.”
By Anihony Hope, aatkor of "Tha Rrlacmer of Zvada.''
Bt apaclal amngemont with Daniel Yrokman.


•uppoHnd by

Miss Prances Drake
lid I SipMr Cwpui.

, 60c, 75c, $1.00.
kkle Bt ths box offies
lyspboQs 112 for SMts.


Box sMts,$1.5a

5. >0. mwvw


who iB.meJi.tly hi. cm. m. SPINAL IRRITATtON. Th»
hnartAtomacb kod bowel aymptome being reflex and ckosed by the impared funcUoim of the auio&l nene tsenter*. He has especUllv reiiueatad Dr. Snow to publish bis experience
"I am gtodtomy thatDr. Soow baa mada a w,Bderfal ekaage la my
hMltb. f have been lii very poor h«ltk for torve yeore My food would not
dtotot and came away Jaat aa I kad eaten It. There waa betoklng of gaa ter
boun at a Ume. my atomaob aoamad like a atone, with kad e^aupaboa. 1
rave »e grent dUtieea. My kenre
and b«t at Umea very faat My buck wm very bad and there wnt a.
and se faeUi
otaltatUl o
oanaot gat va<
thing DOW and It glvea _ .
bnok U all Hgki
or twitohlng. 1 faalUke
I baxa teeatod with a
M ^ but toey*dld'BOTO
t wna a groMfeay wkaa I <
. I advlaa aewy one wkn
• it
at I aver mnda
rncD J.
Dr Snow make* k bpeciklty of all chronic digrisrs.


Sakts on

meii. the ,je, mir. ^ .nd thnvt. Hi i> eqiMilll, raoceiM in
tmting toimr. totluto. tonl eonanmpUiv.



iMtaiBudltv^hlllllikvaaioW. OwvaWMtBattuvto ;



•«h* «Uhi

•« tto «to«r. tto tk«>

■AMwliliUtecaM* kick wtaA fn•»»n».whk»>wyrtf«r>kHw»rt »c-



OfttoalowdoCadaaailw^ite Otty
teoaaaa fXav.

Mr. Boyi Ikattka tnaati
«oorba MMtoad Bor tk* balaaaaaf
k* wkaat yoar at SM par oMaal Boatk.

Hwa kataff aol laiafk —
^■ohbMo aoaatflBt* a ^aoraB laird
aJjMfaod to Mt Doa. Mtk. liaa at
7:ayo'*look y. m at tk* OowasQ rooa
d. W. licam^

Mawifyy Maori tkat tk* eoatttBooaaookooloaad loaokora aad tk*
h b* aptboriood to «b-

DRS. B. S,&CO. lh*0*BbroBd M*toittoB.P*rB**goril»w Tato.aa aawoft^

AMricu Midi uf Soglcil liitUitt H

ECbncl 'WTai.lttrtg, Txn'vesM 0±*tar*

■ to ala** of MM Btoia

MoMoa oarrtod.
MaoM by Mr. Boyt tkat tka oaalar
.. iSawSoto kS^ OT*S&^M*Daa _JM b* clv*a pofortioloa to torlt*
I Ic Ite Vi- Mtk. tlM.
Maou^ waa Mltod to oidM )V riaak Prof, a T. OnwB to addno* Ik* aadiM* at tk* radaattoc oiiriitoB
MeeM by Mr. Men** tkat U* oobtlMa oa Wtldtofa and froiad* b* tonoMdto proearo w«atk*r atrlpn lor
Mlaataaof toot Nfilar BiMiacaad ^ wtodawo at Oak Park Mkoal bnlidof adJoaiaad r^)at ONotoaf k^UNo*. toc at tk* lowoat pM** ektotoakl*.
U,jM0, war* road aad Moriri*.
no ooateaoto te wooTlo ko faratokOn Boltoa of Mr. Pep*, doly oarriad.
•d at Iko aaroral oakool kaUolan tor
... ...............Ill kr 4MTtM 1
Board adjoanad.
• d*Urkl*4 «ttk Ik* aoM y*ar laoo aad laoi war* yrw
A. W. BK-ana.
laaud aad r«ad.
«k* pra*CMt of
l» »«Hi MaiaKorod ky Mr Moot* Ikat tk* ooeTrateMM of tte OtmI Koclkm
Bkllmd wko to«o ksoB oaptoyod ky yrorlda tkat aU weed sadoUeorM tkto
4kooe«i«Mjrtor* «arlalc awkor of
tk* *p*a olaartof aad ao two rank*
yofoafOlskMOMiolsokkoidoto Fok- piled aaarw toc*tkar tkaa two fMt.
;BM-, hitherto oarveordvd. waa
Anyaatu* Thomai* laionlc cHtlcUa
r oite
r«r U* Int Ua* la aaay yoan U*
Tra*«na Olty. Mtob . Ooe 17. lOM.
kUMkrtyfl rivor to frotn ew. Htowiy n> lk« AvaortikU (Ac Board of BdHUtMoa
iertll(-**lr plc-tlni; Daw* to tbe actor'a
«mU voatkw for a wwmk or sot* ka*
uf Travfrtt City. BffnMyan.
drama until tiiv tcoul-naturvd "Barry"
Yonaod a akMl of too Ikal roatoto Iko
Ooattoaaa:—Wa. yo«r eoBBlttoo oa vlnivd.
rlMrkaau. AaarooaUas koato ora
"Oh. vow* Gu*;-' be toten-ppted.
•rrlrlac or doyartlaf aad Ik* forrioo
nUia* aad baetoc fooad tkaa eerreot "don't Iw >iuit<- *u Uani If H * iwt aa
toaro kOM eoaipolM to U« ay.
Jum rvuivmber Umt
weald raeoBBoad tkair payB*ni
Tk* Briitoh yarekOM of 3,000,000 tka earton* faad* aa follow*;
wroip It to ■ uvvk."
■•l>ld you. Barry
retorted Tbomaa.
tooaado of oaaaod soaU for aray ao*
have loafrd."
i* a oakietoet oarUAoat* that ika food Taaobw* pay itoU tor DaeaBfaratokad ia ikU ooaairy oaa ttaad oo
bar............................................... • 3.304 10
MobaniiufHlan* to titv aunibcr of 40.000 bevv dvwrtt^l ('refe. Tbe rematoJto Mrii* aad tkat Ik* work of its
lay 00.000 are beytoutoK tn fwl reooaalaadsfocB to la vala.
Jnolion pay roll for DoeeacUed to tbe new order of tbloy*.
Ua* of Ik* aalBal k**y*r* at tk*
Viaaaa ■ooioftoal cardaa* •aUrad tk*
Ptret-rlaM paueDfrere In Bnytnnd
ri'BL pi'pp
«ac* of iioo* 8*w T*arto day la a *plrbnve iDcreaerd only 10 per rent, to ten
tt of krarado aad ala lioa*
yeore. while the number of ihlrd-eUee
klB aad tor* kla to ytraoi, Tk* atpaneayere haa tovrenanl 41 per cent.
aoadaato aoackt ia *ala, wUk flaalaf w;”S-,tew^4: ::::::
At toe comneorvem-nt of Berea colaorekoB aad airoam of watar, to drtr*
ariuuxe pvas
ieyn, to tbv eeatera Tenneeace motlBttok* wild boat* froa tk«lr rtotlm.
B. A L. Mare. On. Meildtor
Kiac Haakart ka* yroelalM*d
umaarr poao



Jan. 4, 1000.

■«karc*d wltk arlBt* ofaiaat tk* pabdie Moarliy aad Ik* frwd*ai of Ubor
at wall a* yoUttoal yr*oi offcaasa. TU*
tByUaaa yardoa tor tkaaa yaatokad
-for yartlelyatiaf ia tk* rioto that
wtartlad Italy darlac ik* aarly pan of
tok* y«ar.
Motktac akowa tk* aw*^ of Bwd«r«
ladBatiy boi* dtoUaeUy thaa tk* fact
that tk* world'a ynMaoUoa of boat
•*car tkto y«ar will b* Mlo,ooo tea*
y^^i^^-aa faBla* tkroataa* tk* Kloa' dika
Pb—00 Itat* that
ky tk* oad o! DaccaibBr tk*r* woold
Bot b* a'yooad of fr«aa in*at toft. B**f
*ra* r*t^iiic at »l p*r aoaad aarly to
O*0*abB. with tiUl* to b* bad Tfaa
altaaUoa to oaadaaor* aarlooa fra* tba
tael that tba bard* of mxwe aad oari
» tew bar* brcoB* *rar«* with tba a*iU*Boat of tba Yakoo. aed e**o
ladlana Bad It diffi -alt to aarar* th*iB.
FrMh bacf iblpped OT*r lb* io* oai
«*aab Dawaon b«for* March 1.
dOB* y*ai* afo tba aoa of A. Balktryof Oaac* Olty, Kaa . toft bOB* aod
BoUatod to tb* oary. Notblaf
hoard troB hlB antU tb* Mato* dlaast«r. whea hi* oase wa* foand anonf
dkoa* of tb* daad. Pros that tl«*
BBtll toat w**h bla paroat* and (rtoada
Boarood Than aam* a tottor froa
tb* lad aaytnc that be bad Dc*«r been
BO the Maine, and tbnt be wan allre
aad we'l
Tbe Yaqal Indlaaa. who ba«e been
hanaBinr Uenaral rorroe' force* to
Maxieo. hare taken to the eaonataln*.
«ft«r deetroytoy a aniDber of rmnehan'
haUdtor* Ooloo'al Maattoen. of
lltk battaiUw. haa bMO killed.
Britiab troop* called oni onnbor aad 30.U00 ooloolal aoldtor* ar*
helptoc. 11 will be three Boatba. bow•T«r. before all Ibeae Boa can be eoa«aatrat*d to the Bold.
Latter* report two fold dtoeoeerto*
■which ar* aald to be tbe yraateat taadc
ta Atoakn ibl* year. The blfb btoCa
oearlooktof tba ladlan river, near
Dawaon. war* foand to br rich to fold
laatBonib. canatof a niab. Beearal
tiara of baaeb elalou bae* bean taken.
Tka dirt ruaa «p to IW Mnta par paa to
irold. "Swift Watar BUI" Oataa waa
«BM of the Brat to aecnre elaitoa tkara.


■^it.'W^trrPiito M* tka koat


SieMtson a
Trimtt Chf lialMi C*
Trirarst City, ■ ■ Mleli|M

G«t Your Bicycle

0*8 y V* yoa aay etyle of oewaaoat*ttOB.
oa. Call
aad aee (ample*.
Alao any kind of r*p
repair wnA aaatty
aad proapUy doa*.
a*, at

BicTcLS aaop.




«**b*fUfaM***alM*Ciaaw fl**fBB
wwVa*B*«tatVV*«OfB«A Kartokaa Slesk.

to yraaaaoat of AUlWaaMaa aad Spaa

Giul RlfMi B bflUl Bj.


tmtm. KMMr. U'________________________________
BW^.Giareate fewHe (a* aum^
>wp-ly. Plaew. BeM IM; Hewn- MiaukAAMver talM m Ikcw—*■ *1 MM toM

to le

:: :

1 OS
I 00
1 «•



S-jTsri:;s;.-SET5'S«s;rtSr.s.“! 3

barwlM AI>4 MA^ eppliM.


OawaalBtlaw Pee* a^ •




B. Bon rxpraa ebarro*
A. W. Biekard frt a


T^a. W. a. * W.«. Heoe. t**«rel pnrtle* el«>
AA ApMiAluu »rr. «Ar. eew esc moiic anBA^dUuMA. Md^eAee*. W; Nb», l«








n c aiutaar.Atw


B roktarui
leit of Bator* r.

k.i. ar
lapaa aataruf e* vui
------e> pky«l*al dabUltv. netekly

wur aad
TO cvbb
airra* to
palol*«*lr tar (qotet ar**. pu
porTr -iB.
bUUj. raneecalA
raneoMlA (trtclBra'flaal
(trtclor*' '
i. indae bUUr.
t«Br, terelBK lo or ooi nt err
ar lid*. I aed all kidear aaC bladdar Ilaai
elMBraa laar dgri aod all o
.JlD^trcBblaa. e*B^ tiew^MaakT^pi^^
SPECLALTIS* Catarrh. *kla
•r>r«a. PlBplea. *eren,la. BImC Talpi___________
Cbacmr, PUaa aed Dtaaaaaa at WoBae qulrklr
lyira » pn mt *f all
acid parBaMBllr eurad b' vkr laiMt approrei , Mae
It aa peraBaC Dr laadlnc tpaclaUau at


(uaCttASOlRO BASSanrwilB arwT eaea

IVX Park Plae* Uotol. Roob* *C aad AS. Wes*e'* aad rhlldrra'a dl*aa*e* a *pr<-ial». •>'*e« baur* 10 U> 12 a m.. ■ U> t and t va > p
B Bell 'pkoo* a*
T"kH R 1 rL-'-ru, oa<- la a*. Toaorlier
iJ Blaek Call* aa.arrrd praamir da; ar
akfht Noria.ra pajar. S. Bril. CBI
Wd1-ai(- LRAKOSa-Hr* PraBM S *aUk.
JU. T*a<'h>r o( Plano and Orpaa TTI Wa*b
Inpvon avrrrl.
Ml »*


(hosld I
____________________>r arlM
farrad), aklck v!D raceir* a t^rarsl ckeBlcaJ aod Bit
a wrmac aaatrala vlll ba p'** Raraoa* rule - I* kaalU b:
tib U(B Beoth (Aar BODih, rrib*
ClaMlr Dalar* ara dac


partaaeu ar faUaraa.

fRS R. s, t CO wiviTE tor ISO, *iit»Fcn* nicii.



TO LOAN ^-o^^raoaal
, .OOD aor««TO BE5TT-W *va(* atMl.
Applj VO W L BreiTD. Slk Trath^M^M
TTOKAt rOR*ALE,CAB4P .Ma( pear. aid.
*ri*bil.«0U X*Dod«>o



at E. W. Hastings’


Fire liisiiraoce Offict

VvrAirTBO- A ••roed-kaad pair el d-mac
VV aldrba A T JohDaea. aa V ^Mrrrt.

The very fact that some ]
tae Vkrrr reara old. E L HaBane Bill*
y^R BALB-A erai elaa* P*ala*ula Baer
Bareet. ka* brro aard a llvl*. wUl seU
mPreni nrw

eWR AALB -Oood elfbi leeu bouar aaarlr
MV.oa-KaaV BlcbvA (Uarv Easalrr J.
O BlrOeall. B * L Oe biMk

T70B SALE—kuIUlb* (teea. Appt) W PerrU
* niaapaay. IBSiaualrM

-CV>R RBWT-1 leou baoM. Seed Ueail«a.
Baqalfv Oral Wood Dub Ckr.

dealers say "just as gdod
as tbe five cent Pig Tail

VTOR «*LB—Or r«pi a ara aMdera T reoB
eollac* ai a» ritib orarv
lubla. nVT vatrr aed aevrr eoDDariioa*. leDDlrroIJ .H lacn«. Plp«r bUI.

Panlaa traetad by mall a


Harsna' Smokers proves
at once that ours is the

JoboBon Block


Fire Insurance.

””S i;;!:!:"!!!



: ■

" ;:“h

iii# 1 Hi

I CrMcKrfiu^





II Ika B train baa parlor rartaOiBB*
*. aad (Irvpvr Oraad BaplA* Vo OtBCaRaiud..
... 1 a- P B iraiD ba* partor tarAa OraaA
Rapid*, and alMpls* ear a»d ««acb OtM*
RapiOa VeCblrare
Train arri.lac a> 1 JO p B. ba* alapm OU
nnnau woraed Rapid* aadeeweb aad al***
luti rar t'hira>o vo Oraird Raplda aad ebalrear
U> Markiaaw .
Tpale am.lnf ai * av p m ha* vba'.r rar M.
I aad ^balr ear Oraat



Chicago “• «- «■ —

West Michigan.

5331310, .•S.".r“ 'I'kSSS
00»0 NOBTS.

i.iL- I '
Ar Urd Rapvda
Lr Ord BapMa

II ■




' * t*

TSR. O. r. A..
Oraad Raplda

L. L A BoUdlna


John R. Santo,


lUBiB iiD Ninsisnn l i.

Gaiaril laaaraaM.

• of Quality.

cbMp. Baqalra Oral Weed


JfOA RAIto OR RBHT-BMpa beUdla* aa* W
lam Im. Ra. tir. Dale* atreK. ar

_ ...


____________ Mr. Marvto kaa i

weaUta my aptotoa raoouaad
------------- to iSrlBa oOaa da

MMSHThy Mr. Bmud IkaA tka aiar-


_____ ■ naraatM eured viih^uT paii~ep~^ '
OK OTTHAII aCdreaaM tb«M *bM wU
WotioD froB tniipM
larTbaUwaoC >1m kar« nlaed koU ala*
PoBate WMk
uafltuer Uww for HaCy, MteU

O- C. MorrATT.

Moeai ky Mr. Mooto tkat Iko «__
mlMlIaa ha rawlvad aad erdvad

aa* ^ ep-

OUr Opera

I 3 TIS 70
Very reopvelfnUp.

M aoa^ wtotor toTB,



TtR A a BOLUOAV, rred«»t« ToroeU
Jj rBlrenllj OBe* Is kuAea ai4f -pbes
M. dBcv Itrt. TwldBom 104.
A . M PrebAM pres
MerMAiU* Oo. Block

tr aa 1 kaow. paraoto t»^

■or ta* **ti)l qOmu o! Mrlj




paaoaiopoaa sraa mi raepiMed i-------


r "oBJUflY * Oa.. Tolada. O.
BM by DrwBtota. the

John F. On & Co.


Oku. K Boyt.
Nov*d by Mr. Pop* tk»i fb* elate
>*nl b* aec«pted aad olalB* be orderedpelda* .
MoUon earriod.
BlllofW.O Foot* of
f III 73 for La­
bor aod Metorlal on Boildlac*.
d and on
n BOtlvB
of kMr. Moore
only carried, wa* accepted aad order­
ed paid froB the Balldinc fond.
Sontb Barao. Mieh . Dwl 33. IttfV.
Tb tAr HononiMc iloiiril of A'ciunKItm i.f
Truvfrtt Ctxv- tolcAttfon
UastleBcn:—Owtoc to my eontlnned
Ui bealU aad the eeriatoty
, tkat •
a .per befor* I eonld reeom*
ay work, I benbj reapeoifnlty tender
my realrnattoo a* toachnr to yo«
With toeny tbenki for tb* tavon
yo« bare *bowa ate, 1 *b
Very r«*peeUally.
Kiau M OxA.'i.
Moved by Mr. Moor* that tbe r**lcutioo b* eoevpted.
Motion oarried
Beport of Snpi. of eon naldeai tnltion eollacted la November. aBonatto Bitv 64. book* eold aBonntlny to
!S and floe* aoUeeted for daBafo* to
rtoS343 e
Od and OB B*tkB of Mr. Moore duly
earned wa* received and ordered plac­
ed oa Bla
City Treoanrer'* report for Bontb of
Baboeie plnc«« » Mid to bare mad* Noveabor, IPW, waa preeented end
It* appoaraaeo la SoaBaa. capital of on aoUon of Mr. Moff*lt dnly oarried
w*n roeelved and ord*r«d plaeod oa
«b* Preach poaal eoloay of N«w CtotoBl*.
Traveie* City. Mteb.. Doc. 31, im.
ftrcTa or Ohio. Crrr op Toledo i
iluanf of Sduetuion
Tb toe B
<lf TVo« * City. iftcAloan PdAim J. CHkvsT Bak«e
i;—Tb* tla* for wkleb oar
h* to tk* oaBlor partaar of t
P. J. CtoKnr * Oa. dotoc I
.. .
Ooaaty aad State aavtoc M rabslt tb* optoka of tka
_______ i. oad tkat Mid Stb will pay
rwd to tkto Bal
Batter. OaUl
naynded aebool. a* tkeckartor eooteaaakaad
_____awy oaae of Oatarrb that aa
toaplatea. to ••tobltoked w* ahall albo «arad ky tka aaa Of Ball'*
aattor bow ataada. It to doabtfal
■wars to kafon a
ibaeHbod tba
If aay maa eoald reader Bore oMetoat
U BT 3**nae*. tbto OU day of Omob- ••me* tkaa Mr. Marvto haa yivaa darhor. d. D- IMO.
toe tka Beat Boatka B* kM akowa
aaarcy. taot. good Jadc*aal aad tk*
lotary P*baa
rirkt aplrit to all kto work.
TU Boral «ff*ot of aaok aa oBle*
____ CtotarA Oaf*
Jaro to 'takM to- wtoMy
aad aoaaAaattoaaly adBtototB;
aotaa^ d^Uy
dlrwUy ea tka
od. to to
cflkaoyataB. ~

ThaMieklcia MBtakOD. .to otUl to
aStotfor aaO aad Md m
MototaaSorwhtok «ktf » MPiaf


Ofto* Baan ftiM t a. a. to • p. ■

L« A^alM Mfll MattaM.
«•« •UChi ahoito «(Mrtk«MlM hMiar
. '^MaliUtka* m4 M plaan is Ik*
Om JUw Tmt%
i«* 9"^ •» ik*
•mmrnm tmt marVmm *aMt at Luoa



CMHltilii* ni fUBMlMi rm af SuMr Gtifilntlil


: 6<««nX V«m

£«toSri^aaS aSaa^iK

M~" ~





aidnndk Luabar In nil HnB.



JOHN P. OTT & 00. .Sytsa.TS-’LCTT

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