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The Morning Record, January 04, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUnl Ye»r-No. «3S
I PMSsmeBOEiis
KOttwt BnppUM Bamod ta tka Sx>
j flonWin
BtMc TtghUng at^O«lMbnr» Datrait, Jaa. I.-Tha
atoak cf
BlxD in OhioBCO.
TMt«rdar. .
raw A-« Boma.
Mcmaa. Fahl
‘ Baaancwwa
------ot racaUa ai^ Biutary aappUaa. la tka
Uw1 tnmA MtkmM •ooi Vm at •ra alary knUdl^ at tka oerMr of
Sto 44wamtm»
to WMkt^lon and -«taad Blw aranaaa.
«M totally daatcoyad by Aia today.
moM^VMn* FlrhttaffofBflt- Tko BarWaa Lbaadry aoBpaay. oaeaof • OmqwM Attook pytaf tbo lowkr part of tba toalldlaf.
■atarad Cl.ooe damafM. Tka atoak of
W. X. Fiak. akoa Baaatactarar. waa
Mloo. '
ilaBtgiil n.ooo. and tba bnOdlaf.
otnad ky tba Palaa aaUta. wm dasacad ki.eoo worth.
M*« todoj o! M %mtk ea MoUste.
Tba low of Morran, Pahl d Morrla it
vUeh b«M tUo BoralBff. D»UU« only half laaarad. Tba otbar laaaw
asply aoaarad by iBaaraaoa.
tho ooool—too tkot tbo Bmio tudo •
laj— --------- «» ood that tbokottlo
«M attU Id prugiooD.
» AW.I<A lam Batwfmmt. Imp,
ViektroMra CcnkMlna
' VwMttoa-tetd to Maeo Doolarod
$ae.000 Chsngod Maada to MUltary
Bgalpwaot 9wl-Oaoaral Marik k
to Breokport. M. T.. Bat Bays Ha
WUl Matara to Mteblgan..
Ofond Bapldt. Jaa. I—Up to Uta Uat
Bight-oo farther oawe bw bean reealTad of tba wbartaboaB of Oeneral
Wblto. wkeae dlaappaaroaea bM eaoaod
aorprlaa aad aorrow to iboatt of frlaada
to tbU ooBBuity who had faith to
bit toaoeaaoa. Bot hta dlMppMraaoa
baa bad a taodeoey to ebange tbe aoD'
Dispoaittoa to Iguorn OoTnr- A dkMtcb from Cbleago rUtw that
Bberiff Porter of Lanalng k in that city
to aeaiob of White and baa eBployed
detecUrw to DBlal to tbe aeorob. It
Frobabil^ Tbat tba SantiBeat In IfaB waa alto atatad that a dlapatch from
Beaate wlh Block Aetloa Upon Oov^ PeorU autwl that It waa bellered be
wae in tbat eity.
araor Fiagraa'a Tax
Colonel Voa reeelred a telegram thla
UoM-Vo Mora Mellaf for Soldieia.
Bomlng from Oeneral Merab, wbo la
Lwarlag, Jan. 3 —Tbare k an arideat wld to bare been riaittog retoUvw to
parpoMontbaparl of tbe aeaeta to Broekport. N Y . ataUag tbat he would
dlw^rd tba wkbw of Oorwaor PIb- return to Miebigan at onee and proba
gTM and it k not at all Likely tbat tbe bly reach OrawPBaplde tomorrow erewUl be dMlt with civ2k wife baa been rlalUng
to the MtkfactioQ of tba eblaf axaee- frleada to Broektoa.
Laaaing. Jan- I—Tbe
Both boMM Bat iMt algkt and a ot Oeneral White ereeted a aoitaatlon
Joint raaolatioa wm pawed raqewtlag to tbk dty and tba
tba lOTaraor to aaboli a Beawge aak- tbraagb tba atatemaot ef BIckerabaff
log ter tbo aabwlaaion to tbe paopU of hare wnt tbe wnUmoat agatoat tka
tba itau a propoalUeB for a geaaral BxUItary board np to a white beak
rarteioa of tba aonaUtation. Tbk tba
Awlatant Qaartemtaater OeMinl
-------------’ined to do, ataltng tbat
Smith of Orand Bapida waa arraigned
_had gooa Ufora tba peo bofota tbo gmad Jury tbk aftenwoa.
ple Iwt alaetloe aad baea tamed down, It k BOW eoaeeded that-tbe three latla tbe boaae tbk Bomlag tbe entire wl todletmenu were for White. Mareb
oaion wae derotad to a
aad Saltb. Ia new of toe fell eonteeof tbo Blalag bill to plow bIbw ia tbe alon of Biekemtaff And toe other Kalaindar a epedle iapeople It ie eaid they will not be
•tead of an ad valoraa tax. Tbe Utl todleted. ■ Bickerntaff U aald to bare
* ap ia the koaw for a tbird read eoofewed tokt he blBaelf earried tba
ing aad tba apper paalunla Beabere wtobal eoBUlntog to&.OOO to Grand
llaed np aolldly agalaat it. one after Rapida and rare is.ooo eaab to one of
another talking agalut Use and occn- toe ofBelaUalOce todleted. White tab
pylag tbe aewlM ooUl tbe reoew al lag the balaeee to the Fonrtb National
BOOB. They InaUt that tbe alow are Bank, where to.OOO of It waa afterward
perthp more ikeo tbelr ehere of taxw- paldontloaUll another aute official
A deleye'-wn ofboaw membert called wboee name U not yet girea onk
Sheriff Porter weal to Chicago laal
OB Ooreraor Ptngree thle norslag and
aefced for a ipeelel mewege to replen- eight, prwnmably to look ap Oeneral
Ub tbe aoldlera'relief food. Tbe gov WhIte’aactloBa while there. TheollaexUeiltoble wbererer the fngernor refnaed to aotartaia tbe propo- .
yttlos atetlBg that tbe tend bad been a IMre k lonnd. Tbe pnnlabment for
b effeaae obargedla toe Udlc
aort of grab b^ lor eome ot tbe phytl
yearn to priaon.
elDBB ot tbe elata. Ha wld tbat one
Inquiry ahowa tbat Whlla'a bond of
doctor iB tbe Bortbem part ot the
Btate had already reoered mor» than $50,000 fnralabed by toe ABerlean
Fidelity Co., k atUl to toroe. Smith k
•l.OOO aloae^_______________
not believed to have bad any of tbe
ey or to'kare been aetirelr e6aDoetod with toe alleged fraod.
ttll Being Prepared by Cbalrmaa
HoU ot SOBW OoBBlttaa.
Waeblngton. D. C., Jaa. S—An aroiy
bill k
at tba War Departmaat. Throe Tear Old S>e ot Mr. led Mra
p. e. OoBpkeU InJorod by Boiltog
la tba Booaa
d will be
Water Tecterdaylater In the aewloa by CbalrBan Hall
Tke tkfoe rear eld ebUd of Mr. and
of tbe eoBBltiM on Bililaty aSalio.
JMt wbat toTB tbk Boaaare wUl Mro. F. 0. OaBpbell waa badly aealded
take hat not yat beoa daelded, and tbe ywtorday Bomlag at toalr home oa
atroagth of tba etandlag araty to be Wwt BIgkto atreet. Ba waa to the
Balatainad oadar Ita prorkloae will room playing, when a nelghbw girl
probably be left open oatU tbe ooBdlt. wbo WM carrying a dipper of boiling
lOM iatka Pbmpptaa Wanda arp-ao water toroogb tbe room, aeddentally
apUlod Ik ■■aiding the boy badly aboat
aatUad tkat tba forw aetoaUy
aary tbara la Uma of peaea may be d»- toe bead, face and banda
tarBlB<^ Obalnnaa Boll k eoaadaat,
boeraror, tbat the perBaaeat organl-
OobMT* arm
thd kOU DTO^ OolMborg. Tba Baer*
•tabbernly rerittodth* Briltob Dt«*ery
.dm b«i p«i..ii,
BrfUab b«U as axtrama poaitlon to tbe
Moth awl «o«t. owtooklor tbc town.
•Tka BrltUb ooBiaaad Normal* Pest
Mdft wltb two r»w and alM
—a tlM OolMboix bridra- Tba Boei*
kara »o wa/ of ratraat. axeapt br tka
wai'ofNaraibarr. Blf da»alopai- “
oia at pintail toaomw.
"Tka kUU aronad OoUaborf
■■MOM. Tk^ ara not la Tonffaa.
Mkaai tka Boon oaV Blxtafi wenod
•d tova arrtrad at draadaL’'
Moddor Blaar. laa. k-Tha BriUab
iBfllstad aa taportaat dalMt on tka
Bo^MuajtfdaroMorda;. Tollo*.
!■( tka anaar'a rpfaJM at
«k« tkay attOBOtod be oat railway
OOBamn*—witk tka aoatb. yoaterdaj^ ftetocy wtU pcotaoMy pat aa end
be tka Bean* atton^ to brook Gtnaral
Mathaan'a Uaa cf oomaiaatMtloa aad
a foraa of dkloral anto
Itia aaalaaatodaoy tkat tba dlaaftestloa of tba dtriMadan baa raaaattj
, aad ywtarkltkorto
I calBlaatad
in a wboUy aaoeawfol Boramanu Afly
lag oolaBo Qodar Oaaaral Wood of tba
•aglMara ttartad ywtarday from Balwont. Borlng 4o tba dlraeUoo of DoogIML. aad Uaaoral Babtoyton whb ibe
Mlatk aad Twelfth laaaan aad bodiw
' of TT—'»tad lafaalry aad borae arUlU ry
laftyaatarday Boraiorfor Booderlarg
Drift, on tba aoatb alda of tba Bict
lUaawkUa Oolonal Pilekar. Boriac
fiOB BolBont. andar Oaaaral Wood'a
ardwa. aUaekad aad dataatad tka Baaay^o ooBBoado, kUUnc Md wonad
lac a naabar of tko Bonn, aad taklac
ior^ pftaoaara. Tba Brittob caaaal«w ware tbrra. laeladlac Uaataaaat
kktoot tka gaotaaUad Boaatod Infaatry, wbo waa woaadad.
Undon. Jan. l~Tha Utaat adr’-ow
that tba altaatlon at Oolwbart
k far tiOB aatktaetory to tba Brttiab.
Ona ditpalA aaya the Boon bara rw
Mkaa tba portion, aad another tkat
bkaBoatabad ayatarioaaly doeaapad
after Moadayk eogacaBant.' bat aliU
kold Oolaabwv•tm anotkar aaya Uaaara) PraMk on
Monday nWrkt aaeeaatliil la eoaapylar
nkUloatba Boar Una of ratraatby
way of tka Oolwbarv wafOD Mdfa,
-and that OMoral Franck axpactad to
Saka tka towp aoon.
' 'Oaaaral Freneh la hU ofieia) raport
oaly elalau to ka*a dlaaead tka Boar
Caoa and cat tba Una of ratroaU All
Of wkieb dow not aaea to boar oat
yaatorday’a raporta tkat Fraaah bad
wtpnad tka Boan aad drlraa tbaB oat
. eflteOoUakariatcBachold.
tka BlUltaryaapwtakara draw tba
oanMMka froB tbeaa aoafliaUac
atortaatbat Oaawal Fraaeh did ad.
ranM to tba gbWa of Oolwbarv and
akaUod tba poaltioa rlgoroerly and
.ttearwtod owr Monday algbi, az
pmiif to oecepy tba town la^tba
■amine, bat that tba Boan aaearad
akangtbraad tbaU poaltlona aad
aaatad Fraaeh from aSeeitng It aaptnra.
Tka BrtUah raporta wtlwato tba
Mow Btraagtb at frow t.OOo to 7.000
and Oanaml Franchk at baaaiy t.ooo.
Iftbkiitmait k hardly,ilk^ that
- *1-------- * Franek ar^ abU wltb bk iaMrlcr teem ta dklodga a aapanor
amy. wbl^ WM woat llkaly w^la-
CHlUiaitlt SCUDED.
tatloB wUl Boear be redooed to tbe
BBBber Ixed prior to tbe Bpaakb wiar.
tt.OOO Ben.
Tba prwaat ergaalzttioa «aa la tend.
edM a MBpotary forea. and wUl larmlaata In Jaly, IWl. While there k.
tbsrafore. ao orgoat aaad of a reorutioo at tprwanV CbalrBan HoU
ka a aaaaaia of aowa gosaml eharaetar ahoald be offered ia order tbat
CBpla tlaa may ka bad for iti oonaidaratioB. He baa bald saBaroM eon
faroaew wltb tba oMelala of tbe Wai
DapnrtBeat rigardtag tbe Beaaare an
dar OBarw of preparation.
Sebooew Paritaa XMaea Aabore oa
Oabot Itlaad.
St. Jobaa. V. T.
Jaa. I.-Tka
aebooaar Paritaa a • driroe aabora on
Oabot laland la ak
aad aigbt oat of lia « wef nlna wote
BIX were anrrtod aaea with MbUIm.
Tka oarrlvcr broke kk am.
It k Marod tbat etber dkMicra
wm ka ckiaWelad vrltkia a day or two
MtootoagUef tka'MBagnlA
FMoakay, Jan. t.-lka Want SIda
■aaitaarkaketmadky WtUlas Oak. AM. WBaanhMkaganirarkon tka
kg.wMalBaat owaplatnly daalrayad toe new goto far tto Herlkam Micbi.
kg tin tbk BomiMt m a raanlt of thn can TwBMcrtnttoa Ob. Tke nertk
mini the MikoMt tea kam tern
Mhtr, «ko wna-trytig Id otact-n Bra a«v M< tte paaMvarMkMteptoaad
trllhna panrad Mn« a aan. wm m
U M arpwtid ttet (te
ammtf knmadMtawahal^waorMy
*cto>nd twrikni wDlte randy
iBinaiBti^i TfcalMifcnknnmw.
toteMB by tte Bted Apea
•Open DW in Ohlaa a Big Victory
for anlted StotM.
Londoa.Jaa. I.-The Dally Newo.
eOBBeaitog edItortoUy on toe report
wbled from toe United Statw that tbe
gtoa goTeniBeat bae obta
Mt of Boat of tbe groat powere
to toe prineipU of the ■‘opaa door'
China. Myn:
“If toll awont bM really faMC
totood. gratlfioattoa wUl aowbere be
greater than Uto England, not only oa
It of toe pormanant iBporb
lapolky to Britkb totan
bot atod bwaoM It rtilerw M UBporAilr froB aay aaxioty m to toe ontbrMk ef eoBpUeatloM to toe for oMt
daring toe Sonib Afrleon tnnglA Tbk
doable gretiSeatioa wUl be aUU fartbor
need by tbe kaowtodga that it k
Britkb aadaratandtog wUb
United Statw and Ooraany {wbleb baa
broagbt aboat. for a Use at.lcMt,
padfleattoB of toe far eaet"
Tbe Daily Gkroalele wya: -It k a
dkttoel diplaaatie anocew far tba
United Sutw gwnBcat. aad to pnrttealar ter Mr. Bay- It k alao te oobc
extent a go^^^a|atoal Ike dk-
POM BMnrrr of vbtxmava
a BiU lapcrtaat to Old SeMtofa.
Weaktogtaa, D. O. Jaa. 1—A n
pOBCton bill kM boon totrodeeod by
06agra«aaa Mwlto wkkk wUl be of'
great towrwt to oUaeUkra. It p
rldw that aarrltew of tke aray i
navy of the rabaUtoo, who terrod
ninety daya aad reoMrod an bonembla
dkeharga, and hare attatood or wm
attato before the pewagv of tok oet
toe age of atoty or oror. akaU be groated an oaeonditioaal pcMlon of SM par
BKBtb daring llfn Mr. Mwtok k
preparing to aaaka toe ftgkt of hk life
Prod (able MoeUag in ThoapaonrlUe
at Wbleb toe Extent of toe In->4aalry waa FullyaDeBonatratod
The Stole Bee Keepere' AaweiaUan
held one of toe I
There were it prweat, largely from
tolaeeetloaof thentoto, aad the fact
waa toongblont toot bee keeping aa
an indnauy ta growing rapidly to the
Donbera part of .Michigan, owing to
toeeleari^awayof Umbar. aad tbe
growth of wild ftowei^oa toe boraed
OTar-land. making the loeaUon a farerahU one for tola bnatoeoa The m
ber of eworme owned by ^he memt
ot the awoeiatloB la wUmated at S.OM.
largely owned In sma 1 nnmbeia. It
waa rowd to bold toe next meettog of
toe aBoelaUon al Trararae City betweea Chrletmaa and New Twr'a next
year. Beorge Bllton of Fenton, waa
re-alaeted prealdeniof tbe aeeoetotlon
and Mr. Vdobeara aeeretory and B. K.
Boeeham. a prominent bee keeper of
WUItonubnrg. waa elected -rioe prwldect. Among tboee prwenl waa Prank
bUaby of thla city.
.. .FOR OLD...*.
Bergen's Botany
Martin’s Human Body
Wells' Academic Algebra •
Masterpieces Amencao Literature
Williams' Compositi^ and Rhetoric
Tales of Wayside Inn—doth
Bring these old books in quick as we won’t buy
290-SS9 Front Street
goes to school next Monday you want
him to look just as well—a little better
perhaps than your neighbor's boy—that’s
humaa nature and it's also humaa nature
to want to buy clothes where you get the
most for your money. So then, now’s your
time to clothe yourself and boys during
our Great loventory Sale now in
It pays to think of ns.
_ ) onnoea.
MiU a 12 onneeloet. Prank
don’t have
to wear
Rubbers if
you wear
Rough Rider
Ralph Ooxmable 3t., Xanager.
Tbrw or nra Canto
Come In Today
and see tbe Special Prices we re
in our Special Closing Sale.
I Kimball
—Made of fine toogb eelf akto, .
flnlahed brigbV hwry well aolw \
M dUed wiu oork—Bandaome atyle j
\ —veryawell.
Try a pair
Tbe leader ta fine aboea
•Public guaraians
A Table
Worth Learning
A prominent New York official
•aid tbe »neral oae of tbe tele
phone bad made tbe taak of efficeatly protacting life and property
orar A per cent, easier.
Talapboning in case of fire, acddmt or bmi^ry baa become a
ree^gniaedi iDeoemity.
Evsty well regulat
Oaia am iMkiag.
ed booa^old baa a
■■Claav. Jan. 1.—Leenl dcalca tem
advaneodlteprlMOfteBMlte bitaal
Have yoQ one in
foer boDef
■oMeoalMcmto wclrtaff toe^m^
12 iacb« maka one toot
2 w«t fMt make one sick
1 aiek makes one doctor bill
1 doctor bill $2 50
92.50 bays ■ pair of oorUdiM'
waterproof shoes.
Better Buy A Pair.
Front Street
McNamara BLOCK
•Y •
JOTT wmoiTiw
Do Yon Need Anj
Aad Baoqoot B»JotoA l«ot BoomioK
kyHoA«m Wat Aw OB of Ammim
WA Boyot Voifkkoam.
A )oiBt ifUaltoit of Poohaoa Ckaa
k 9. Babb ad f. W. Badb. Bo. nu. lloAora WooAaoB of A»arioa
Qua* atr He- >71. Bejai Hoicktor*. kMA loot oTCBiac >• BoBtac«o
koU. woa OB iHf 11y ao)oc»Uo
m. Tka 8070! Hatcktara bow
loaoBtoaokipof U. »kUo tko
Urro AB AMBtTiB.
Aim n«Bk« IM. A vary f«U ov
loaAoMot tko BOMtow, wctk BOor Vroak Cokobor BoA a tooM of Worn AadiBw Bowma KUlod by a BaUlaf
of tkair famOlao-wltooMOd tko laatoUiTrao Mom BoBdoa.
Work Moor MooUa.
Aadrow Bowbbb. wertdaf la tbo
The fqllowlBC lattor ^ roeelved rowooda aaar Baadcn. waa tawtaatiy
l.of wklah aoatly by Joaopb Sladar. "
kUlad by a faUlay trwa Tnaaday. Ha
otoot IM oortook. A Am profraaB
MaaUa. P. L. Ho*. 1«. im. waa at work witk a aaBbaw, Ckariaa
woo oiao rlTOB. la wklak Mia* 7«Uor
DaAB.Bsnaa:—We loft oar loot easp- Bowbbb. faUlaf a me. A atnaf
ooA tko Stoyaa Qoortot toniakoA lac piaao. Qnodalapa Hoichta. tbroo
wlad bad told tka traa from taUlaf for
maie oad Mim. Bora saA Mra. B. A
ika ayo aad aro now In a UtUa town
Uma aftar It bad kaaa aawad
B10 iMi^ wltk (b« Aadita ud
oaUad Paalc oa tto Paalc rieor, mttb eaarly oS. Tba aider Bowmaa waa
«BI of Iko ptofiM of tbftt ototo. U W aootoa tkot vUI aot aooa to I
lUaa froa Manila. Wa U«o ia a larco
dtetaaoa from It when tba
dM tk^ ka kM Uo aoBtra) of tko
Catkolio ebarek, ae we aro ■'fottlnc wlad eaddaaly alaekod and tto traa faU
• nOoiMt oxt«t to
food” o*ery day.
qalekly, tto trank atriklnf Mr. Bow
OTM tiofoner Tojlor tron tko tsU boo kooa ralalaf for a weak aad la maa oa tba head. Hia aoek aad oaa
Mttoo Aolr. «kot04 tkk doolgB Uralalafyet. Tke riven ba*a oeorflowa
ware . brokaa aad death waa laMM oorioM vith Mr Ooebol tkoro Boyna Clqr Xa^ Oosqaered tba Flamaa tkolrbaakoaadaow it M aad, mad.
Aad tba Tom te Now Oat
BDUbooivoMotiroaitko U» okU
mod ap to yoor knooe. and It otieke like
Mr. Bowman Aad ooma to Boadoa
of Haagar.
lac, mA boJoM^, of tko pooote of
bat a fow day* ofo, and waa worklaf
iBitokry tkotwooia ooedoso tkonf*
Wo baeo o Baabor la tbo boopital at
It appaara at praaaat tbat tto Ir* at
for hla aeptow, Gao. Bowman, wbaa
fmtkm ta » mmor tkot wooU ^ ob<
■oaeot. Jim Boblaooa bao booa thrro
Boyaa Olty fa bbAb eeatrol aad tbat
ploomt to Oookol. uA lA » otylo that
be waa kiUed. Ha waa u yaan olA
tba mUl and Iowa ara oat of daafor. two wooka now. bat la rattlaf tottar
mUA ovoteoo Um tkM ko la atiU lo
Tto romalae wUl ba takoa to bia
A forea of 100 man werkad yaatarday, and wUI aooB bo back la ruka Wo
foraar hose la Bhalby. Dadart
and aboat M mm workad aU alckt. boeo aotooon Will Boborta, Ooraro aad
oa^wltk tbroa atwawi of wptar tbat Writbl olnoo Ike day aftar wo fot kero, Aodanoa wa^ at Baadoa yMtordaj
prapara to body for bartaL
ooBataallT poarad OB tba toralac bat no doabt they aro all rifkL
iMoA kk fabacaatoriol eoator late tko
rtfaaa It appaara tbat aU daafar la
Two weeks ayo tbr^o oompaaloo of
obA M Italac op «rltk F»nj,
Hia WUa Baroo Bin.
paoaad aad tbat tto Aro eaa to told oar roflaMat wore aarahlnf la colBtoanw oad BUa. Mr- Oabora koa*
“My wlfe’a pood adTieo n*od my
wltbla lU praaaat UbIU wUboatdlfl- omaa of foan whoa we ran Into aa
loaAobUdaairo toaooaaappor paalalife.” writoe F. M. Boo* of WinSald.
ambnab praparad for aa by the “air
IBB., “for I bad anah a bad coach 1
pala ceronor la tko axoeaUoo eka.r
Tbo bonlac apaoo la all aarroiiadad rara.” They frad opoa aa. kiUlof
Did hardly braatko. I grew sioadllv
•bAM wmiafto oroar oAAoA Alfaliy,
.krao.'Cm»aBdlaf three and aaeartar wono andv deotorb treaimoot. Mt
kot to ia atUl yooac oaA ooa oHorA to witb ditaboa at praaaat. aad It le tba
>ne earroadar. Tka bodlea of tkcae
trait • fow yaar*.
wbo ware kUlad preaeatod- a terrible
lone aa It caa bo kept wltbla ila pi
aifhV aa they ware matUated beyosd
Tta work of tko OaaoAlaot la 6oatk oBtUBlata.
roeoraitloa by tke PUipIsoo. The rest Asthma, Hay Fever aad all maUdlM
Tto Oharloeolx oaclaa aad 1
AMea BOy kara a toaAaaay to ekcek.
of Cheat, Tbroot and boafs are pooof tko party ooeapod.
«to prepcoaA laToaloa of OoaoAa by tka
Itlvoly eared by ibis aiarveDoos medi
Koopoetfnily yoon.
cine. 50e aed |1 00. Every bottle
fltBlaao. If tkoro k ainek of tbf aoBM baiaf Bood. aad tto town la aow faalfaaxK J. PcBOBKa.
CBsraataed. Trial bottico lOe at Jaa
«atariol loft te tko Doolaloe it^ woalA lacaaoora.
Oo. K.S7tk U. 6. V.^
Q. Johnaoa's aad 8. X. Walt's d.vof
JMsesttefood niorede6do«sMd%HMle«MM
: eS:
Tka fottitk iiforiy BooUac of tko
1* b A- for ItM wlU bo bold oe 8*Ur.
Aop attoraooB at tka Ubniy roona at
Cp.B.atwhtob tiao i oporto of '
MBtata. ota for loot yaar wlU to 1
fW OBBaal Motlar for tko aloeUoo of
MBaan wlU to tolA oa MoaAoy attar•ooa. foa. I, ilOQ.
-*tk praytr Boaitaf of tka Ckarek of
Okrtot WlU to hau la Oraac* koU Ibla
OkriaUoa H- KaaAoae of Eoyatooo.
pad Mkaa Tiolot M. Hood of OharUroU
•Maty, kora kooa Uaanaad to Marry.
8era-to Mr. oad -Mra. OkrUtophrr
Jnltkoopt of Horrla^lr. 0 daarktor.
IbBifcty Maatlrc
la Thte Olty
Miohicaa Bardaraod LaBbor
atloa bold tkair aoatkly a
lac la tko ofioa of tko aacratary L.
Bobarta, tbM aftonaeee. Tka Bootiac
•ad aaok lab
abowB. Tko report of tko dolofat^
to tka aatloBAl AMOelatleB at Moa
traa aabnittod. Tto report akowad
that tko dalacatloB bod doao tko boat
tbot eoaid to doea to noko tka laapooMob ralo* toaaAelol to Moplo laoaalae.
foaiaron.. Volwbla aaccaatloea were
Boda aa'tobow eootrocu ahoald be
worded with laapoetloa role* oa they
Boporta were soda abowlncaolo*
of loBbor at vary ftattorlac prieoa.
Tko attabAaaoa waaco^ aadfroB
tka report of tka raeBbora praaaat the
proapoet for tka taoeaaa of tko naaafaewrore aad tko aaaoalatloii aoeat* ax,Uy &B*. Tto Beat mootlac
Will to bald reb. 7 .
It will to «r*li lor aporlasaa, toftICoMtor tkat tko opoa aaoooo (or tko
fclUlac o( Wf aqoirrola opdod with tko
dMo of ttoyoar. Bod iqalrrel* ouy
•MU to klllad. 0* tkoro I* BO eloooaec•OB for tbam. bat tko kUllar of (oa.
>iMk Ato r»J *qel»T#ta la poolakablo
tC a boary Aaa
Mra. Hraak Jowatt llrlar oaar Hor- Aaiertoaa Olatriot Oaiapaay Will lajMraio. waa awab'oaod yoatordoT more
UbUek Oaa la Tbla City.
tkonrkt to to
raacaoiaBU haea boaa eospletod
kBrflare UTiof to cator tka baarBeat.
la tkla olty tba ABarleaa
•ha woat below aad wafted with a rtDlatrlet MaoMbcar Mrrloa bad Joba
oelror tot ao barclara appaarod.
Barry bu toAa appoiatod Baaaccr.
Tkoro wUI to a moatlac of tko Blka
Tto larrlM baa beocme IndUpeulkle
**aalaf tor week.
la tto Urc*r citlaa aad lie latradaeUoo
Oflidfe dad C*»»4a ol fraeorao Bay will to raoalead wlU farer kero.
Mir*. L. 0. T. H . ar* requaotod to
Mr. Barry will poi-oB ka many wiaa•aot la Moaurao ball Filday eeea- aaaror* aa tba aoeda will allow aad
encere caa be bad aay lime of d«y
(kou. .u bnM »Unlw lor op to V p. ■- The aerrlcc pro*idM fw
frank rrirdrteb’a now two atory brick
BBcdlaU dolWory of lattm. BMbaPAiny to bo bkUt adJolBlaf tko Mcea. etc . to aay porllot of ibetitj
for a aomtaal ebarfe. A eall for telr•moe block.
The Mil attraetiea la Bulabonr'a pboae BDBtor l.se will pat one le eo«
ieatloB with tkat depaylmeal aac.
Otaad wUl bo Boa Uoadrlcke. la "A
Tkl* la tbo Ifdeolrwl a BCBoacer will be aeol u
CaMtdwodUh pUy 00 ibi road and tbe reeldeaoe of Ike pereon deairlocbir
gff. Boadrleka la rooocalard aa tbe •errlcom aad prompt aorrioe will to
'^••t taUatad uspoaaai of Ike ekaracTbe Idea proaiUao to meet
with eoooeoe. Tba plaa will becto
Thare will to a mootlaf of lb* at oBoe.
Kalrkw of Pytbla* tkl* tronlaf. witk
akn* eaadidaw* for^a third rack.
Papaty r*B* wardaa Mark Oraw baa
rpaalTid taatraeitoaa from tka tUU
•bbo aad ftok erardoa. cl'lBd tko prna•Btlatarpraialloa of tba atieraay |*d
•tBl OB tto aablaet of aat llnaa. Tba
*«toto" or "Up-epa" that tora baai
pa otioa eo BoardaiaB Laka la
aro by tbU nillnr doelarod4obo
••4 Uaoo. aad tbolr aao la ^nBtobla
Tka toUdlBf ooBBlttoe of Iba board
0t oBparolaora baea awarded tko
MboI for tto oak .work to to aaod la
•alahlac tka eoart roos-aad < Aoao to
«kp J. B. OroUlak Co. Tko oridaal aaMBBta aaUad foraa oaUayaf «lsa,
kBt ttoaxpaaaaarUl baaamwbat ba-
Tto W.'W. Klaball Oo. baa aoaplot
0 tto Scara* for tka loeal ofoaey kara'
Vhlak ia BiiBfad by H. K. Stteef. for
lha BOBth of DaeaBbar^ Tba oaloa by
Tnmnt dWy kn*«y laat BOBtb
wm* tto iarcaat «t aay Boath U tta
IMtory. Tto poat wwk, oaa plaae
IPM aaat te tka Boo. asBtbar to Braaek
CPBbW*b< aaettorlD Onaaaoeuty.
Laioaey CBarpod.
J. W.Patohln baa retoraed frota toka
City, wkero ha waa caUad to defaad
twoyoaat sen. Irrlnf Wardaa aad
OoacUa Boltoa. both of Klafiley. oa a
ekarca of lareaay profarrad by ooa
Saydarof Lake Olty. Sayder olaiais
tbat>c WM bratOB is n «»ebaace of
pair of eompetlocaealoa fora crate
ofdlabaa, aad tba yeoac bub bare
bMB arraated ekarfod witk eloallar
tbe aealea The eaae will to triid
Jan SO.
lopinc Couch, Aothma.
■onohitia and Inolplont
Conaumptlon, la'
I TVlt tfbmilN RfMBIY'
700 want to
pair of aiioes
it yoi» wont
re to bother
about to
OhariM W.WkaoloakBaa Parahaaod
tbo Bred Boddoa Property.
Tke property foraeorly owned by
Brad BeddM oa WaablBCtoa atrooV
iparebaaad by Obarlae W
Wboaloek. foaoral Baoatar of the
NortberaiTelepboao On. Mr Wkoalock
azpoeu to make bio realdoaaa U tkla
olty pcrBaaaatly.
Tbo property i*klob to baa aalaetad
to Bake kU boBa la ealoed at ll.aoo.
■ada Toaac Acain.
■One of Or. Klac'e Haw Ufa PUle
It for two wi
rar ueer. aioi
tly eefOUblo. I
. t Jaa. 0. Joto
’aitb draf atoroa.
r« CmUtripptli 14 iMn.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Aa4wcarwell>?> That*aRDfRc’s -Coeapoatt*.'’ We areaoU
Sold By
180 Front StrMt
UaaBbar Frof. 8U*on aad ooa'a ftMd
openinc daaM tOBlfbt atMartaafb'a
“Get your
Mor^ey Hack’
have many pictorcH in their bomea tlmt bare
never been framed. We have joat added
some new patteruB in our alrMdy large aUxk
of mouldinga — giving ua now
atylee to select from. New desigoa in 1 alf
in black dull 6nieh, satin hnieb, gilt and
brown tiniah, biirniahed gilt, dull hDiali green,
eatiii finiab gray. NVw colora in mat lioarde
You have some of tboae platinoa. have them
flamed with a black mat nod dull 6oiah black
moulding or a ^rey mat ami black and gold
Il’a an artistic combination
Pcrhiipa yon want n waler color or h pas
tel framed or an etching or steel i-ngraving
or soine pliotograplis cf your friendB—we
oiD do il ill n tnantier highly phasing.
I wiU onote
•16.00 Sideboard for IU.50
116.75 Sideboard for 112.75
•1R.75 Sideboard for 116.75
•22.75 Sideboatd for ^19.76
•33.75 Sideboard for J29 26
T u
«rv .
Sideboard for $39.75
aed •OOP. I have 20 differeat atylee and will give yoo tbe
aama proportion diaconnt on any of them. I bare 26 different
•tylaa oombiaation deaka and book-caaek I sriU give tbe —
A man feela comfortable-aod aafe when be
porebaaea goods i-overed by tbia all comprebeneive gnarantee.
Conid we make Ibia
Btatoment with inferior (W)d(»r Not for a
day. Better see about tbat new eoit at once.
Perhapa yon only need a new veat. Have
some odd veaU tbat we'll sell from 1.00
to 2.50.
Mayi*e a |>air of pants. These are
aelliiig from $2 .'lO to Sn OO. A email pun-baee
roceivea tbe atteiilioo of a lar^e one.
Will make it ao obwet for you to get them now.
yoa Bome mtarertuig prins oo
School Begins
and the aeoond •emeeler begins Monday.lan 22.
Oet all your acbool books and the
ly-don’t wait until
neoeeaary eappliea
exhanated ana
' t day.
'1 be stock may be ezbaneted
Our .5c and 10c tablet*
yoni 1be diaappointed
of beet paper and bandeome cover
with compooitioo books.
Then wncila and
pena and rulara from Ic up.
We carry all
Tl\e Snow
Tbe aleighing iaimprovingand tbat Cutter
ia needed. We have tba “Old Comfort,”
Tbo “Extra Large" ud “The BusineaM*’
They are made in different colors »itb Leop.
ard Plubh Trirntninga. Broadcloth TrimmingB,
Car Plueh and Moquette.
They are guar-'
ante*d in every reapect and aell from t^.OO,
to $;i2.0a What about tbe Robeaf Tbere’i
the (ioat Skin, the Horae Hide, the Oalwayt
the Coonakin and Montana Buffalo. Prioea
from •1.00 to 11400.
Drug Store
are aa many ae the ds'
ly you .may
onl. wan
want a cake of' toilet
' eoap,
» , . sella from 5c
to 25c or perhaps a preacriptioo to be filled
or your
>ur bands ebap
chap and you wai
want a bottle of
Froatilla at 2.5c or an oz of Roee Cream for
nickle. Sudden chaugea of tbe weather cause
boaraenees. "Frog in your throat" relieves
it for lO;-- A bottle of perfume sella from 10c
to $1 It)
You may prefer fhe bulk perfume.
The Ru.-«1 Bl.K-k of wlora to select fr«n. Want
BODji- Deoiritice or Rubifnamf Htfre a
HLh-iidiil tooth p.)wd<-r that Bella at 5c the oz.
Newi a hair t.micr' Have some of the best
made Bell at .5tjc, T.5c, $1 OU.
freesea the water—frozen
water ia ice.
Where there ia ice yoo will find boy* Dd
girls and mea and women and they ahould
each bare a pair of akatea. We've got tbe
cast steel that tells for 50c the pair, the
hardened steel from •! .00 up, aud tbe best
steel nickel plated at $3.50, tbe womaas all
strap for 75c, tbe half club trom$1.00 up and
tbe feest nickel plaud •3X10.
Frank Friedrich
TM OM Ukkll
Mow b tka Uma to kavoyoBr
No rosedr oqnaU WABxn's White rowBaaaoUd aad eloBBod ap ready im
^VDt* or Tab Svbop for tkb torri- aprlaf.
■deand fatal diaooaa. If takan tkorFree Storage All Winter.
>MhlyaadiBttBe,.itwlU«aro a care
My work aaa not to beat aad prior*
toora, aad for tbo aoo(b tbat lollowo LaOrW tw aaoor MUa to fin ikHow^ WlUaaU for yoar wbaeL
•oUoC. Prtoa. So aad fiOa.
«««* nwtt obbIibAxb '
ftiAcreA. ^
WUeoatflkatoBBO^flOBw tknadah
daipbto CoanalMB toad.
nrilaAaIpbla. Jaa. h-lt waa aaaoaaBt today that
BCwAMo kr ^ c
•Tba Ad.
n_lw M aM>te.C> o~*
gardlng tbe lake diatuomto tbroogb tbe
lagiaa of tbe noralae. aaya Popular
Brieaee Mestbly. sboiiki aerre the two
Manalar Waa Bi
fold purpoM of eocoDtwgt&c *raroh for AxyaariTM bang aaplayed by tka
laaoca at Ika Xral Xw
the boried stoom and af dtocomtag •MPMj to axaaUHt adeaatoga. At
fwla* Ctoarir DaaaaA.
dtomoad* to tbe little coUeeitoa* af
Qmt MUafactloe la Mt by tba Bo- locky Roiwa*' and local curio* which Bp Mbo dmrtog tka
pnbUrao laadw Is Wt
necnmutoie on tbe riock abrirea of doM Ika totoiMt tog aad U tka ax
tka tvaolt of (hr elaetlou. raprrtolly country farmbouwa. When li to eoa- diBBM «*M a Unto aklUy at tiai. it
In Ohio, loira. South DakoU and Kaa- ridered (bat tbroe of tbe torgeri dto^
aaa. Tba fuel that lowu aad Kuaaaa. mood* tbn* far found to tbe region raI
mataed tor pcriode of 7.8 aad IS yaan laadtog Bala rota'wm oaoaBad br
rutowctlToly to (be band* of tbe fana- WUltoB Monto. m C
or tt. >iiid.ipM. ■
tog poputotloo. H can hardly beBonbtpobUnti BBlorittaa la aeerptrd la ad- ed that oiany other dlaaMSda baea Mx. Merrto. to a Ixtokad aaua wUh
BilalatrailaB clirlea aa proof that the bean found aad pfeaerved a* local cs- aWUUB which Bada hiB parttoatoriy
Bltlaa BOW la to ralaa aa am poopie of tbe agrtniliural atataa an rioatttoa without their real aanin ba- •MxMa to tka obanetar.
U tto
•mnitka Stow tor a tow wawMta
•U0,<Mn poMUa. It wm capaated BUtltoed ;A’Xb Ibr poUrln of tbe Be- tag discovered.
Ptnnni ka dtoplayad a iiniillty
BrkttoWfslkarwsa—tst aka kar*.
tkattharaweald ba a Bastlagaftfca publlcuD^rtf‘aad with tbe lawu
If diamond* abould be dtocovered to whiak to ptoaatog aad kto work to
aadwkaaka mm took aka toaad
ed by tbe it^BbUnu Sf the but coa- tbe atonloee of eastern Ohio, of weotami eaBBlUM oo acatMowda> greu. That Srbnukn gnra a large
wtto«to. aad dtoptoyaatoBoati which
kiBtotaMaa tkaUlUa toUow wm
an Peoaaylraato or af weatcra New ptoMMr.MoETtoto tka Croat nakto
DeoMcntle Ukajorlty. or. ntbrr, a
saksdlr ksMd ikal ka 4tod aoeo
tkla *rlU bo datosTod aslU aaxt Wad- Jodty for Ibe rombluiloo of Drno- Tork. coaaldcrable Ugbt would tbereby MprotoBtom.
locatlay. M Ohalrnaa Baaaa wUI act ba enta and Poputlata ooder tbe leader■asry Taitoart aad wito, of CkMepo
Mtoa Fnaato Brake to tka ahanatB
tog tbe aoceatnl borne. More tmporablp of Mr Bryan, la
- - abla to eoM kara aatU tkal day.
taat than tbto. however, to tbe mapfilag of LadyOnala'pnoaatod a Aarni^
Jla.atadUaBin, —paaMMy.
to the peraonal Infloeaca of Mr. Bryaa
af tbe CaMdton wUdernea* to tbe doUaMttoaoftkopan.
. kmiad ika atsttoak aastoaaMr of ikatr
tamember thu offer ia good omly^
aad la acreptad ai erMeoro of tbe
exorctoo ef ran Dntil January 8th.
m- IW kaoa Itoad VnUAM lABBABBB XBdV&D, Btroag bold be baa amoag tbe people MutbMstmrd and eastward of Jamea whtoh doBaadatko e
bay to order to determlae tbe dlnctlM
bat whUk to
BaUBiMa Uddaraao WmBawoly at that tule.
of ic* moveotem wltbto tbe regloo. so
A (areful analyala of tbe nti
togly fWidond by Mtoa Oraka wltk a . The la^aat line in the city to*
A tow days katoM Tkaatogirt^
that tbe tracking of tbe atooe* already
tros digmot eecttoaa abom that
aataral graeo wblek to eaptfeattog aelect from.
WmiBB iBirabMot Watotor atrMt where tbe InfluMcea of local laanre found may be carried nearer ibelr
Tka eanipadto af iBdy Uraala Iom
borne. Tbe director of tbe geoio
totovafkarkaakaadkaMan aakls* toU troB a laddM at Mra. A C Mofpredomlute ibe people roted
FnU line of
aurvey ofCanada 1* glrlBf atteniloo to aotkiag to totanot to tko kMto of
IkaMlaooM sad aa% XI
aUk raaldaaoa yaatarday afMraooa.aad eery aoIkUy Id rapport bf tbe admin- tbto matter and baa also auggeated that
Mtoa Dnka. wkoM aoaaapUoo of tko
dbair at kar koaaa, aad krta« tkakr OTM asThMly iBlarad. Ba wm tOBor- letnUoa Where Ibe cnmpnlgn wai
a atndy be made of tbe material found part to glTM wilb tka acaUaseat aritoalHaaWitfcakaaa. TwotariMyaaad lag aaow froB tko roof, aad tka laMw toogbt oo tbe Manea of Ifafl or tbeto aawlclatlon with dtomooda to tba
kiMBdaakBwan atoagklarad tor tka aUppad ia Mok a way tkat ka faU bMrUy. gacatloa waa nlaed irbrtber. under Bontoe. ao that If poaalbto Ita aonree deatly toiaaded by tka aatkor.
MiB Bata Daaa gave a vsry plaadag
dtoato aad atarytUag alaa yraparrd, Bit head atraok agalMt a ooraar of tka tbe tofloencM of tbe Bnaaelal aad may be dl*covered.
by tbe RepnbitBpcatatiOB of tka pan of Dorothy
kat aaiy a gaaat akowad ay. Bar has pcnA. aad bla toM WM torrlbly cut
With tbe df*covery of new toes. .
Ilcaa party, tbe country ba* been bene
- aad adBirahiy
aar aaplaaattoa aw kaaa laMrad aad bralaad. rito ba WM tahaa to hla
af tbeae emlgnat atoan aad tbe col
fited tht people reuponded In tbe af-'
troM tkaad who wars iarilad. wkUa beaaUahaek.
flrmatire. Thl* fact la accepted by lection of dau regarding tbe move- tkashaadaef Fradariek GoMtn woU
meot of the Ice over Cnaadlan terrltotoo wawaa ia ao aad akoai U tfcat aU
Dr. Marttoattoadadtkalajarad aaaa. BepnbUcaa^den a* eoDotMire erlPtortnjad aad Mr.Anaal tolrodaaad
Watfdak wrttoim to la^atra akeat Tka fall woald aot ba aarloM la tka draee tbat^ iBuea of tbe national lylt wlD perbap* be poaolble tbe mo
uutely and deBeliely to rircni
aoBo vary eleeor leork. Tba ranato•kaaauar tor warida Bar kaakaad eaMefayooagarBaw. probably, aad eampalgn of next year arc already weU
aertbe ibetr borne country aod a* Ita dar of tka eoot to atreag.
ksowaaowtolagakoatik boi ka la ao aartoM imbIb an aapaotad. though defined.
bonndarlea are drawn doner aod dooer
Tbe aadleaeawM aotaa totga m
That tbeoe laxoea will turn maJaly
kaayfagBtUlaadtoMttag to laek to
' of Mr. UrtabM'B advaaoad
to pay this popular Jewel a run In It*
gatoatofUaUil^t. fkratowdaya ago. It Bay ba aoMO Mb# bafara ha opoa ao Indonemeot of the poUey of aacemral borne, there to learn wbat we tba Borita of tbo attraatioa drawod.
protection aa
agakatooBdika IoUm of
ao much deuire to know regarding U*
Babya Skto
ley tariff law
tagaalag la ika poakat wkara ka had
Baeaanre la well aettlrd. That Ibe finan geneals and Its life history. ytoaodthaa whaa kto apoasa had kaadFwacBBl
cial queetloa will reBalis a*-In ISSfi
Bkouia 0*m Otve Owft
ad tkaa to kis to aML
Barray OartM bM gaaa oa a rWt to with tbe proof* afforded by tbe condlWbat then? Are we otterly depaod**uryr and tbe
tkns of t • federal trea*i
A«ttoakkrldga a Uttta daagkM I hla BOtkar at Bortopark*
ent npon coaL ao that tbe wbaria of laTka MISMa Kit*la bad MayBaMhaas-, cootlQoed pio«|>er1ty la the loduitrlal
yatoaaUotA.J. Baydar, waa kadly
rj win atop and the foreats be con
aad coniiaerclal aa well a* lo ibe agrlotoldid ky teUlw Into a kauia of hot kaa kaaa-ratoraad to tka Omral coltnral aectlooa of the country, to
ed for fuel when coal glvao ontf
By baring the
wator that waa atoadlag ea tka floor. MoftMl sakool ai Mk Plaaatai
T-A MBplt box will ba ant ataolatceqnalto well aetiled. ..toother laaue Of coorne not. It I* an Idle fear. Al ly
tna to aay on# -raitlxE otoBa tor
MMa Martoa Robarta ntaraadtoAaa
Mfa.BaUaa Borriak.o( Tyro, Baalbtoaght oni by the meoMtoe of tbe ready we bare tbe beginnings of a
Arbor yaatarday to nauBa bn atadln preeMcDt wilt turn upon the proposed new method of uinixlng natural coergy pwtocetea aoas^. aitotoatod kar oaa kaadrad
at tin Ualaaralv.
nlatlgp* of tbe Called Ptntea to tbe which wllf prove eoormouaiy more ef- AtoMl
AUOlaay aad wita arrlrad koBa Ialand pooMalon* wmird rroa Spain feciire than coal eear bas been and
at tka koaa of kar groatft
yaatarday altar a aana waaka'rUlt and tbe proepect of derrioptof. In con- irlU be prudirally laezbaoatible to
daaghtof, Mn. JohaBtaalv. of MiUa
aecUoD with tboae retollona, an In- whatever csiem lodnstiy may expand.
with frlaada to Boatkara MtoBlgaa.
towaakla aad tka Mtoaarlaa da
Bectrical energy developed by water
a r laaraatar of Pstoakay. la Mm cmaed export trade to oectlona pf tbe power will ran tbe world's Induatrlea.
a BlghtoBd-diag.
gaaat of (toaa. Uaeauar tor a faw world admittedly open to receire the furnish it* light aod beat and be tbe
prodDota. ware* aad maaufacturea of
to tka vMaUy of Barrioa ^aga days. unlrerMl rabstltme for aU fonm
tbe Catted Statea.
Mwa la aa awaga of It laakn of
Mn. A. Bala
In coonertloa with the aubjeci of la- combustion meiboil*. tVaier power'll
aaow oa tka groaad.
troa a rlalt to Or
doatrial end eomtaerclal derelopmeot jKnciicully unllmtied. and (t,wOI be
-Ika kalaaea la tka atato traaaaiy at
Ptmak Priadrtek «rM to Maataa oa and tbe ezienelon of our ex|<ort trade utilised more and more Id proportion'
to yoar show esae jroF
tka otoaa of tho yaar waa gMl.U« 47. bMtoaM yaatorday.
It to tbe belief In well iDfoniied clrckw as tbe need for It iiiae* aod a* Its
!ooDviocetbepoblicithai '
me* at dlffiTom places and at i
aa laanaao of flut.toau ow tbakalbere that ao •uhject will rmvlre more
'yo« sell the beat.
aerlou* ronulderatioo at the coming cetaire periods chraiwr than coal* The
aaaa at tko eloaa of itM.
day to tka Uaatog aekert for tka bUad
aeealoa of congn-m than that of acrur- Bubailiuilou will pruceixl gradually
Xka laal ooaak of a aBxad traia oa aflar apaadlag tka bolldaya rrith b
Ing adequate legtolatlon for uplmilding tlL when ilif ciial supply dually Is exw
tka PoaUae, Oatord A Mortbara raU- paraata. Mr. aad Mn Jacob Oalama
of tbe Atnertono merchant marine. The bauaicil. iM.lMMly win liave anything
toad, aoatalalag twaaty yiiiiagm.
rioyd ArartU latt yaatorday t
faei Kbould not be loat eight of In eon- wore iltao a curious or academic Intcrlaaegtka traek alaa BUcaaortkot Portland. Oragoa. He baa baan with alderlng the ablpping q'ucsilou (hat
In itac luntK-r. and probably t
Baatlaa Tkatoay aad waa owtar
the Nortbcni TalepbOM Oo. toroewal during tbe pa*l rammer tbe retoiioDa ri}>pli- will lie iirodiM-ed in tbe suady
tbe Cnited Slate* to the PhlllpidDe ouunni flow of (he world's industry
bc4iH^- «f wHt.T iM.wer u> devetop
Mn B B. BoBla woat^to bod City letonda and the efforts of the govrrn- chflrlial CDctx.v liu-nascs lu the |>ulut
put down tbe Luton lurarrecWbUa tooklag altar kto traps U tka yoaterday.
brought out very Ktaarply tbe of foriuhlnhl'- t-ti|ii|N.-IltliiU with coal
wooda la MMMoraaey eooatj Frod
Min Ploreaae JaekMw h aaUrtaiai-lwtrii-al AtuileiiiH aiKl toveutor* will
AmUlto. a 17 yaar old boy. waa abot tog MIb Naade Wood of Maalatoo.
M ber mi-tx-bant marine I* eoDe«>ropd. ihiublhwR t•flOK onl ituproveluents mak
dkxoojrb tba body with a rifla. tba bal
sloiv Ibe JMiwcr or
hue WUkelB toft yiatMay frr On tbe Ollier band, tbe th-velopmcni* log it {KisNlhle
lad ptaroiag bte right laag. Ba wm Okleago.
In connectloD with Cireai Brlialu'* op- cuuduci It lout; diAiauce* at small cost,
aUn yaatorday bat .la mot rxpaetod to
Mr.aod Mn. P. C Bauer and Ml-a eruttoUR In Souib Africa demoniitrau-d iimll uur fa<-i«>rliw. rullruads and ablpa
lie u|iciaiiHl by It. uur bouses lighttbe power and supretnaey
Uto. Tba aana of tka OMB wbo abot Lwela Walgaad waai toOklaagayastartisb goveramem wlib ber i-d auil warmed aud fuod pre|iared. all
duaaUtto ooald Bot ba taaraad. alikoagb day toraatayofaireak.
even h-».« ex|M-UKe (tuin U ixMolble
ablpplng facilltle* on tie- taigb *ena. It
Htaaxalalaad that It orupanly aaB. L. Bongm M to Qnad Bapida Be ba* been impoMiible for Ibe Vniied today wlih (nhiL—Gouiuu's Msgaxine.
MdaataL Wbaa Andatta waa bltba! rrill ratara today.
Sutes goveramem to obtain Id Our
waa la a Moatolai potlUoa flaingooe
MIm Jalla BUltogu left yntarday for own ablpplng elrele* tbe necemniry ve*PobO l*res<irwtt*ws.
dfUitnpt aad tka alraagor aaya hr an extended rlalt to Grand Bapida aad aels tor tranaportlDg troop* to and
The oldest and lar.'eel inleroativiiai Life Insnranre Coio^v ^
Eiperluienis by l>r. A. McOtli of.
■latook klB far aa aalnaL
in (he world,
rattada show that much bas yet to be
_______ ...______ doue iK-forc flnal prononucemenu can
Eaplb OoDOabla. Jr., left yetoarday
JOHN A MerALL. rmldcnt
many British vesw-l* for this purpose. |be made ujk>u the food value, if any.
oa a bualseaa trip to Datiolt
C. K. Braatbaa of Battom Bay waa iaand Ibe government was emiArraaeed - of the fl.wh liaiuv whU-b lu uiost iuIn tbe rold*i uf its amt active op>>ra- stances form n . hlef (lortluD trf the nttalMlag aad Oeataau Itoatroyad at the city yaatarday.
lions. when tbe BrillsU war lu Suuib trugemms luahTlal lu meat etiracta.
John Grand retnraed toat araatog
Africa broke out. by tbe fs(-t that (be the fact U-liii; that, as theM-*baf>es cer- Held by over 400,000 Polioy.holder..bo ABE theColJiru,y,.boOWN '
the Cempaey. «,id who ALONE receive tbe PHOUTS
«B a baalaen trip aloag toa M. A B. Brltlsb goveronieni drew u]>od tbe taloly differ aiiinuE iliem»>elv.-* iti food
Tka balldlag la Bapld Olty oaeapM
otthe C-Jinpttiy.
Vy LltUa A -Yoaag. dniggiato, waa
men-Lam marine of ibai nadou for all value, it lsconw-<;ii'niily true of the va
^ karaadtoiba groaod adriy yaatorday ^D. B. Botlay of Praakfort h to the arallsblc large merebant sbtp* for rlou* fonu* III wl.icli pmield matter
Nob liW a 34« Broadtvay. New Vork. Deccinhcr .tU. 18B9
trans|s>niDE troops from Unwl Brit occurs lu iImnw |ire|>aratl<>ue-vls. as
•oralng. Tbaatora waaowaadky A.
Or' Bidgaly aad wKa of KaUnaka. ain to Roiith Africa.
pt^>t<laes. proieiiscK. achlN. aihuuieus. lb!* Oroipany hsviog closed lu book*
r. UtUa. editor of tba Bapld City
■a gneata at Park Plaea. They aame
lu several Instance* contract* made etc. Ilr Mc-L^U's exiN-rtUie^ suggest (or the year of 1SW at uoob today, ae. CroBba.
to tka elty loot erenlag to attand tbe by the llnitcd States wlib BriiUh ship that a lart of ihe nlmigco in some Diuaro* that Itba* iuured during r
8.800 pp’fcy bolder*, mere then
. Tka drag atora waa opaaad aboat tbMtra.
ping line* for shlim to lie used in it4hs- meat prci'srstlviis exists as urea, the rear loo.ooo iodlvidual* lo the ram
throa Booth* ago. Mr. Uuia awrlag
Uadlord Boldaa of Park Place baa porting our troops to the ('Uni{>plDvs latter ecrtamlr liaviug oo food valAr.
Ulna Aarweod. ooa alia wMt of goea to Kant. (toto. to rhit bU
Were cBDceltHl by tbe sU|]>piag com- As lo Its assumed value ok a stlmuDariug the year tbe Cempsay has
Bapld City.
paole* who desired tq fflve tlie acrvlcea toot. nr. MctJlIl remarks that nature
paM to It* llvlDg policy bclden. la
HewMi^Bpaalad by kh daagbter
> to have providi-d for Ibe prompt of Iwnnuice on which the fint prea- matnneg prlicle* and other cash healof their rewwto to tlieir borne goveraTba lOB OB tba building waa about Margarakmeiit. Tbto fact brongbt out very ellmluatlou of iin-a from the system. It ioma have heea paid to the OoBpaoy >o fits, over
gaw aad oa Ua aiock li.ooo. with oo
Or. G. W. rnllA aod wife of Maple clearly tbe retoiloo of the grcai mer being also well known tbai qny fall. This to
toaaraBoa apoo aUbar.
tagtatored at Park P^ toat chant marine toward Ibe naval es10. gel rid of It by way of tbe kid
During the yaar the Coapaay baa
ubllsbnientof a oailoa. It was shown neys result* lo serloDt dtoturbance of
dBokiag Bood Otgaiu.
) new Imunroe than the OoBp
loMcd dbeei to $.844 ef IB policy
L. A Sm of Ohailerolx la to tka eUy that while a navy Is necessary navy the<vlul fuDctioas and may end In P^M*c la 1$9$. aad the Coapsay :
bolder*. OB tbe sole secerity of tketo
Tkeauabanoftbefln •
the guMt of J. B. Jaaea.
aeto cannot transport armies and death by uraemia. From tbe fact that
poUeies. upward* of
anaBoktoy good dgan. tba gift of
procUcal method ha* been
Joka DeUary. tonaariy algbt alatk aupplles from point to. point oo tbe
Mn. T. a. A. Tragea, m a teaUBoalal at tba Botol Oolanbla. hM raalgaod Ugh an*.
ed by whU b a sharp analytical line
Tbe steady growth la tbe ezporu of '<*<■ ^ drawn between the nitrogen e( nald-«or laaoraBee to force, sritieh to
af tb^ good work at tke fin wbleh Uh ptoea bM baaa BUad by Jann a
OCT cent luterast. wltkOBt In or
American manafactnreo most be a P*»**®i »• br«a •xf that preaeut a*
Aanagad ika Patoea Bakcey a abort Woodworth of tbiaal-y.
Durtog tbs yaar tka Oobubbt kaa
aonree'of gntlficatloa lo every Amert-rroatlnlo aad xamtllm Qesb
Mbo ago aad thnataaaed taa baOdtog
John DeLaary will lean tor Barker can rittoea. Our azpon* of agrtcnltnr^ to its polky-hoikars to SlTidMdto
owaad by Mra. Ball, BOtbar of Mr*. Onak today.
t»ld-for loaaraaes la torea ikaa
al prodtxto are ateodlly Increaalng and «»*•
^ Pfoper oeaae of the tarm.
Tragea- Tba algan «raro tabaa la tba
UkadayMratro Tbeae roaulU have
promlae befeW ibe end of ibe pteoeni
bnu aeooaaltobad at a lowar sxpeass
caleodar year to equal If aot xorpaB
CtoarHahar's Vxiea Biaettoa.
ratio tbaa sm that of iSM.
who «TM alto roB
ABCBg tba lUBbarBoa ngtotoradat tbe pbeaomenal year of I8nA Thu*
At Ika aoBMl BMttog af tho Otfar
Ttagaa. Mr.-Barry wm
tba WblUng. tka bUowtog an to tba la .export* of agrlca!tur*l product* a*
Maharto Oalea tka followtog cOean
la apprlatog Mn. HaU d
rity. kartog attowdad tka am
*rril a* Id maonfacture* the faela of
everyday htotory contlooe to coafoaad
tba MUhlgaa Hardwood
. harpraBtonaadBBtottog bar m tka
Trareiw City, Mlrt.
algktoltka Bn.
. itkw; WUltoB Babkolarof Laka tbe tbcorle* of tbe free tnderm. We
TlnFraaAaa. Charlas Qkriat&aaoa of MsbIse^ are boylog abroad artMcs Id erode
for domestic lodoatry. to be
Flaanrial tlae.—B. B. Wneer.
Old Faapla Mada Toaog.
M. Obarlto of BtogboB. J. F. Qoigtoy rondJtloo
Dtlltoed by oar maDufacturen Id tabrt*
BoaordltoT Baa.—J. Oarttn.
af Grand Bapida aad Bdw. WUeax of iting artlrini of high class mabotae- TiaMarB
Tbos. FortaM.
ire, la larger qnantittea -under, tbe
Bargmatat Arms Joa. H< BBsa.
BIweod Btaalay ef Mapla Oty.wM pceaent protective tariff tbaa were porriased under tbe low tariff act of 18P1
to tka alw oa baslana yoBtoedky.
Baaktoato Amlaa Balra.
Un Boggo of BattoM Bay. wm to
Bm world wide fsBa tor mare
a M0.M0 to tba I
WBltaAtM of HowoU. ocod U. aoBMUoa load. Tka Bad who bbAo
«Mo kntfw. ilwt ktMotf is tw
kssd. It «* ai^sistsd Mow Uo *'U kaa kaaa aato that Mr. Oaraagta
iaafroatiadar. I da aat Mlaaa ka ia.
■sokraSwyTvkr.Mks psrtr. aad tka toot that ba latoato to Baht
of fOttMum os» for s rM st Bay
totba aoUaythat la balag paraoad by
CM*, sod w*« ko sM tor M vbr ks
«w«t*ao« to# o»«r tka kMd wtik tkoB toabHaaa par^. aad la wttUag to
boBAtoaUlt.sstok tks» roMmd %tm ImmIMo.
U waa alaoaaM that tka Batklakas
ta}^ WV
troa Werki had wdo a ntatoatlat
HM«-7ssooUaos of Mn. Morwd
Tka lataottoa of tka
<Wit— sf kows*. ■alas Oo.. pla^sd
We haee decided to
tinse for oBotber week osr
speeUI aale OB
' and Cameras
TboipsoD’slDrng Stors
J Smoke.
fcSSST ^
Five Cent
Pig Tail
John R, Santo,
Gmril l■s■ra•el.
at E. W. Hastings’
Rre Insurance.
Fin Insiraace Otfice
LtL. A.-BnUdlas.
-- I899 --
New York Fife Insurance! Company,
TOTAL-IliSDRAHCE IN F0RCE,[$i,(KI),000,000
n. K. OOiNLON, Spnial^eprcKiiUtiTe,
tkoalty ywtaeday.
Maitto Browa of Latoai. WM to tko
elty yootarday.
^ o< GIbi Bank to at Hrk
W.B WDaoowMtlo BlteworthlMI
%JSr2l£.TSfti- oeoBtog.
Ha to to aoanA of aU Mnk
*7 tor aoMiMtotodaBatoktagthathawlU kasa«B tead to ika
duauy was purchased abroad tbe past
atoe moaths than during tost jmr. --------------------- - .. Jto, SOTM Feloaa.
la tbe Buoe utoe mootbs we aoM Utoara._TW*er, faJt tbeaB. Feear
abroad «».ono.oo0 worth more of esnpleted maanfactaied eommodltles tbaa
dnrtag tbe eorreapoodlog pnlod «f last
year. Tbe Beptember iDcmse to exI af maanfactniea ira* •AmjasT
warlb above tbe export* of moatoe- iMwahw Pn.1 B&eon aad mb:
toBltht aUlar*
nimoo cumiGS HiHiOGicisTon wom
MdBvaUrLvmhMriB BllaiaBA.
mean M XtsnrM Otty lAusbw Oo.
: &ctver«!l 'Kro»
A» OUmco lk« im tern* W|W
iMkalutk !•■»
iw tftiM fee* tiM l4hM Md ttnn of
—J WtoMMlatatko
-vM^V of CkMH& Thta wcrk f1««i
—Idaf^ootloowr ?.«00mm.
■•aiacM la IkaAktalaatek «Mrfe»e(
-ttefovarattaatofTlflia. '
<^Tkth4r F«taMr«M waU. Maofflaf
^ttaaMsuUia malaQMOa.of Par*
teabatf. W. Va.. bMolad la BltaUa
«aoBBlr. aaoMaalally aaafbt tra aad aU
ioffgrta M aatt^aUb Um ■!■«■ ha«a
^awfaUla. KOUeMafoa aUUMaef
4a#tofc*al> folaffto waaUaad tba
«M«dal te <riU ba aaofoaa. tba
nar fraai Um baralac ta« «aa ba;
:kaard U MUaa aad tba ifa iUamiaataa
baa toaad a war to mlUcau tba pane*
prodB>.aJ br Uw uattaU«* of oar raat*
B tooaoaad axpon tiada ^ br tba
fact that ttiroocb tba vorkla^ of tba
DlBClar tariff tba Cotml Sutaa la pOtac ap bofa trade balaacaa ax a fata
tbai ir ^iloanl a^ few r«ara toacar'
vUl ahlfi tbe bBaaeial crater of tba
World fROB Eanpe to Ameiica. Tba
flenrat aa to exporu aad trade bal*
aaeea bare cawed noeb afoor aatotif
troe tradora boi tber bare aMCtlj aafforad la fileoev aad bare moatlr bat
attempted to rxplalD tblan ao aa to
tail/ wtib tbe tbeory'tbat tbe cooatrr
wbk-b bur* tnore ibao It »eUe prowl
ricb Bueb faster tbao tbe coaattT
wbicb aeOe more ibaa It bar* aad ae>
cnmoiaiea a eorplae lb tbe abape of la*
eraaipi aattooal waahb. Tbe problen
bas beea a bard oae of late (or tbe
•lop^rtoc mloda- and tber hare *paea.
0d“ « for tbe taaai part
Kot ao tbe bprinpfleM BepoMkaa of
John F. On & Co.
SNtKtas tt
Iranm Chj baba b.
tnrteCItr. - - AicU(u
for lu mloeilea la tbe alleped die*
Tbo Partedtj ooaaeU baa eboaan tba
. oar export autlaUca art
•IM (<» Uu
•<»l~ ol W«h- j “'"I
aa to repreoem OcUtiooa
aad that our big trade baUoceo
-AnwetMud tb. *™.-d.Tn>-'
li tha wuad tba b-arb»a fu,
^ ^
Tba Btataa will ba BaaalUi) at all. It aum* ap tba eaae aa rollawa:
July I.
*^'aklap all tbeae tblapR ioio eoDsId*
With BBubabad fury the blixnrd
<wbiebbaarmcadaaooaalBiny laaertblily la excras of wlwt tbe -goods,
ate tbaaaat toB
j bare really beea sold f4>r. Ii U a pad■daya. eoatlaaaa. KMdaarali
: dad accotwt. wUk-b most 1m> scaled
BBdh la feared that-tbaro Is BBehjdo«g conalderal'dy to rracb tbe true
maffarlaff amonf tba farmn.
export ralor. .lad wbeo tbU bas beeo
A aural o«eer who arrlrad at Manll
'® *«>•■ lui|»it. or
li. fij-iu Oaa«
n_KB< briana
ibriBn & proalaamtk*,^^jj^^jj^^
nrnni.«»^*UM dcbtoT. accouDl bas
beeu sillied
I aad
total aboUtioa
Roasted Coffee
*«Saot rob. tt. Tbo proloCM of tbo eomalatcd oo paper during tbe past
atroelaBatioa doalarcs that tba Spaalab - u) mootba*'
There's CobdeuJie comfort for yon!
^aw* b a-----------tO BODolar llbartr fl >* • cbccrfol adwol of ccoooiDk
that flad. Its rml*
•Bloadby ibaAMrteaa
PrMliliBt ftarpB aaiwaBom that tba
Valratilty of Chhfo baa rwelrod
HowTaarbrlfta troa Obleago boaiaaa bob aad Joha D. Eoekatallar ag- are lODcb more to bis taste. If tba
«Mtac «l.t?o,000 with luo.oeo mors la treasury statistics abow a costrary
etate of tblaga, If tbey abow that on*
der a proiedlre tariff we are aelllng
eoBBltta of tba Otaitat* to the outside world $OOU.OOO.OOO per
, year Bore of American products tbas
^ttaal oaloa. tbo new party
wrblab alM to aalto rallgioa aod | **
buying of foreign prodocta,
tpoUtltlaa. has teaad a oall for a ooa- then tbe statiatlca
•wMtIoo of tba oartv to meet at Roek '
Austin, tbe very 'accurate and
IlSTm Ma^lM
I «'^'»‘>rt*'y chief of Ibe IreaauiT bo*
lalaad. lU.. ^ay l. IWO.
statistics. wUI never stand weU
Tbe special train In which tba Boa* | with .tiuerk-an free traders so long at
•loB otaperor trarolod In hla raoeol.Oer* be persisu In putting out figures of
■ m»n trip earrlad aaong other things, forvlini trade wl.idi show iil.raomeiial
Aweoows to snsplr tbs throe litUe
fur tbe Inillridual and aggregate
«e». oiui, ue I' 1
-lib pare fresh mUh. Prash |
At Xrala, llLtMiA Flossie Weaeor, rejoice and are glad at Uirir countiy^
bbadaaghlorof Jsaas Weaesr. a*wall- treat prosperity.
Ao-do temor. has ooBtoHtwl aniclda.
catling a boln la tbo 1m aad i
kwBolf. Tba anlaltbfalnoai of htf
Pmrat Pm
At tba pUm wbara tba girl klllad bar^
an roormooa aod awlft coming
•alf tba watar was oaly two faat daap.
•P* I wave of proajwrliy a* bas struck
slruck t_
8ba Baat ban laia down no the lea
lee I, country slmw our rwuru
to ecoaomk
Md bald bar bead aad eboalder* aader '
Abe ehUly water aatU death caBe.
The busincM world U ooi used to such
OeMral Peek, ot tba Daliod Skate BUdden and coniplHe changes In tbe sUnatlwi
as a change from free
itkB of
affaln as'a
BOBBtekiB to tba Faria axpoalUaa, baa
trade to protection Implies. ConsequentI a list or tba prlaelpal
ly present
peoaperily Umls us uot wholly
eablMton to tba United pretMre.1 tor \C. The manufacturers of
:tUi>. u.uum.ui 1. .Ixnt
l»r.r.u.M wl»t .
filUf ll|Ml t Mtu Kj.
Ever>' package of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee con
tains information about many valuable articles
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
Xsk your grocer for Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee.
Notion DepMment,
New York City,'
N. Y.
to u> u«-*ob
<WB.tll Praal mx.
' yxa aawr - n,
B-mis sM CdIm rre
*■ w«-B»v«i«a ssrem.
IBLWaNTan Ocm•rsl keuvwerk. WIU
*■ s wvwk fc ooswient bri^Mrs.
'P.C.Osam i.4isaixtb
Boera und Britons.
TrawaiMOtty Waitet
It b doubtful wbeiber toe British
below U a Hat of the baytag and eel
sy lor grocMies. Boers win win tbe day In South Africa.
The newepapera are eagerl;
eagerly read aod
every one b anxlousl.--'
end. There eao be do
o <doubt where toe
e who
victory will be lo those
snSerera, If they eoosult Dr O tman,
of New York, now president
. _
-a ot Dn. B. 8. A Oo. A phy Tta
mlsbss psrisr esrtsOiaai^.
sician of renown and one eapabteof EspISs. Asisste OrawTisfids to Gtee~ tog marveioos eurea, not aloee.by
I of hb tharoogh knowledge of
ttne, bat beteBse he bfortenar'eisM IsOrA BsBSb*^•MM*saS*elMp
known apd
TUslBSfSlvtestSMp. o. hM ebelr esr Fb
blB. who are ntieny aieeonragea aae
feel that a yawalog grave awalu toSB.
but leave iwith renews hope. feMlag a L UXBWOOP.O-P. OT.A. OraeS As
I:K5.25^ ••
*■ ■-
| treat change Was to come, hlaoy coo„
___ _ _
I cents la that se«-tlon are threatened
^ Mnehaf {jow j^w with the oecesaliy of les*
•oanly. W. Vs., WMborn to Paaaiyl* • porartly ctosing down-on account of xr»a balb- s .bsu bare m b*
I swte to 17M. aad JaO. 1 bad Head dar> I tbe lack of fuel and raw mateflal. Ser* | J!
ssstiT oB-tvirbs. wtit irs4« tor
tog.tt*teBtarlat eoteoBetog with 17,
furuaces. more- l»erir» s> rirt Nsuoesi Bsak.
__ i
Afl SB. -Ill
* I over, are natog anthracite coal instead wrswi'eis- psaitios is private tsai
I of coke, tweause Ihelr supplies of “the T* yram olt
Tte-batetocaf abet •ratebagre- ItolterareexbaoatedtBDdotberfilniacee
hs«~«-^btealtodoerietBIr far Kn* A Vaa OeereB wlU. be forced to do Ibe aame unleee
rtS stfoM.
•t Detroit Taaoday Moratoff. lira. Van tone qoaotitles of coke ar^ soon re
of tbe
Oraraa was aafferlag Back pain aad ceived from ilie western
bar hasband deeldad that the appllea- atate. Tbe cause of all this trouble Is
Butte, par ft.,
that the rallriwd companies have not
ftgga. par dosoa
.ttoa of abot waterbof waaldaUerlaU
a with
R. fliM SB. hsw .Itk • ■n®clrnt numlwr tff cam
wiiu wbldi
^p^aa-OaUa aod wtodtoUa. koe per
ASSrMS -X- BscorS oBee.
bsr aaffwiag. teffUed
bag wltfi
neei all demands for transportation.
h^wate 11^
•te a»»lud It t#> the
have not yet learned to live up to
aflieted «eaaaa. Vg, * ,
I the commercial greatoeaa which tbe
teff.fatote# ^amag wstor aad
a of ABerican mdustite <b- poa^BALE-A am
TbM^boes^^ sTu'lT*i!tll^!3 Statw op Quo, Cirr or Toiaou I ^
’■^t. aplUtoff the hot «uid oeat pUea. -Bnt we are wlUJng to keep oo
aisur-a atosM rnralsSlB^iisro
Ltcas Cocarr,
________________ _
Van Oeacea. Tba barw are of a trying.
Fbabb 3. CuaxxT makn oath that
Mrioaa patera.
ha la the aenlor panaar of tba Arm of.
eousf* St as nfib SU
Ugbu.' Kr wsiw sad sower «oi
Wbr the B'erbleamoa Totes Poe a golrs of J- M. Isgrtg.Piwm.
--0 Qiy of-----Toledo,
Cbanty aad I
_______ __ _
Proloetloe TaHa.
T^OEBALB-OoM etehf roam hoaae m—rir
tbe nin of^NB BVRDBB™DOLLaI^
A. W. CkBM'sj Tbe supporters of free trade, |»ate
te eaeb aad enry mbs of Oatarrh that
. —.................................In tbe Amertcau laKldteT-Uear-PlUs wUI g
raUat and an gaana
bom-. tbeir belief ta hie ability to cope
»#««»?.all druirieta with tbe foreign bbom. aad tbey ctola
A. W. Oban Mad. Oo.. Baffalo, that becauae of his superior tntelUAwora lo bafara ms aad aahmrtbad
Ta Won tbatr mariw a aampla
to mr prmsBBi. tab oib day of Pssim
rawiUba Balled tee te ataap. grace he doeo not need tbe protecUoo
of the tariff. No oee doubts that tbe
bar. A D IBM.
Americas laborer could ontetoss tbe
la Heaaory ot I
Kotary PabUa.
foreign laborer every time If tbe two
stood OB equal terma. If tbe Americaa^■a Oatar^ Oun b takw totea nr TmS, laborer b wWhg to work for |be
teaaaaitkei More troB
teMlly aad acts diraeUy am tba
'Bed* wages paid to tbe forrigo Ubom or for
moeaoaaaartaeae oftbeayaioB. Saad
wages BM- 00 low as that, but yet con*
Wo. tba
- then of Trararee
lower than toe wagee whte
tbabJ^ MderaUy
be DOW tecelvee, toe American mnaa*
Md Ire ftruggbB. TSe. .
hha abc
Caecum could naderaell toe foreign
BaUh Fas^/ Pllis are tbo boat.
BButacturer every Ume.
Bot toe American taborer won't work
kaadfalba wide
■s. HT, Uatoe SUM. or
-*w atte prapsnr. jr.^r.
TbalOeblgH BtanhOo. b atOl to
«v baartfalt ays toUy. Ma for aucb wages and could not Un n
tba BBitette eaU aad taU ru
aoch a pittance. It b that be may not
be braagbt down to pauper wagee
which bade the eeif respecting Axner‘ ite wbte
J. A
toaa werktogmaa to eote te u proseet*
Ire tariff on compettog products tern
foreign coontTte. In ooe thing. Uoely
to eoa, tbe tree trateOM right Tte
■aa «f abOlty and af toteOlgeoce. eC
totallgBira aaOcteat to protect kite
aalf BdatoM tbe repedttoa to tob eote
. B^mWMbateat. 6 d»MP try ae the labor erfb ^ ftoropa.
ST. X.'
oanetf.. parttol paralyab.
isdleaaee*r tf so, sraeie no tlte
> City Tbnraday. Jan'y 4. IMO. aad
1 be to tbe private perlor of the
WWilDg Hotel, *
One dey only, s
PH r A'lr
AM ^
J. aateJk A<MW
MlS-;£.”S2l,SB7S^S,=S5l: ““““’Tii'iij..
yXPO-AOBoea. ASMe^aMOseaMCaras
p ^ouaote.AM
A a ■ TF
oono POBTR.
Chicago — »- «• -*
West Michigan.
"2sr- ' r.rOHRMRTA08..Totodo.O.
Get Yonr Bicycle
tloa. ___ ____ ___ _________
Alao any kind of rep^ sreck atally
apd promptly dnae. at
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
^ighly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its'fiavor before reach
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee.at
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit,
To Ouro • Com In Ono Day.
'‘ake Waruer'R While Wine of IWr S> n;
be beat cough remedy on canh. 2.'t u
TUnl Ye»r-No. «3S
I PMSsmeBOEiis
KOttwt BnppUM Bamod ta tka Sx>
j flonWin
BtMc TtghUng at^O«lMbnr» Datrait, Jaa. I.-Tha
atoak cf
BlxD in OhioBCO.
TMt«rdar. .
raw A-« Boma.
Mcmaa. Fahl
‘ Baaancwwa
------ot racaUa ai^ Biutary aappUaa. la tka
Uw1 tnmA MtkmM •ooi Vm at •ra alary knUdl^ at tka oerMr of
Sto 44wamtm»
to WMkt^lon and -«taad Blw aranaaa.
«M totally daatcoyad by Aia today.
moM^VMn* FlrhttaffofBflt- Tko BarWaa Lbaadry aoBpaay. oaeaof • OmqwM Attook pytaf tbo lowkr part of tba toalldlaf.
■atarad Cl.ooe damafM. Tka atoak of
W. X. Fiak. akoa Baaatactarar. waa
Mloo. '
ilaBtgiil n.ooo. and tba bnOdlaf.
otnad ky tba Palaa aaUta. wm dasacad ki.eoo worth.
M*« todoj o! M %mtk ea MoUste.
Tba low of Morran, Pahl d Morrla it
vUeh b«M tUo BoralBff. D»UU« only half laaarad. Tba otbar laaaw
asply aoaarad by iBaaraaoa.
tho ooool—too tkot tbo Bmio tudo •
laj— --------- «» ood that tbokottlo
«M attU Id prugiooD.
» AW.I<A lam Batwfmmt. Imp,
ViektroMra CcnkMlna
' VwMttoa-tetd to Maeo Doolarod
$ae.000 Chsngod Maada to MUltary
Bgalpwaot 9wl-Oaoaral Marik k
to Breokport. M. T.. Bat Bays Ha
WUl Matara to Mteblgan..
Ofond Bapldt. Jaa. I—Up to Uta Uat
Bight-oo farther oawe bw bean reealTad of tba wbartaboaB of Oeneral
Wblto. wkeae dlaappaaroaea bM eaoaod
aorprlaa aad aorrow to iboatt of frlaada
to tbU ooBBuity who had faith to
bit toaoeaaoa. Bot hta dlMppMraaoa
baa bad a taodeoey to ebange tbe aoD'
Dispoaittoa to Iguorn OoTnr- A dkMtcb from Cbleago rUtw that
Bberiff Porter of Lanalng k in that city
to aeaiob of White and baa eBployed
detecUrw to DBlal to tbe aeorob. It
Frobabil^ Tbat tba SantiBeat In IfaB waa alto atatad that a dlapatch from
Beaate wlh Block Aetloa Upon Oov^ PeorU autwl that It waa bellered be
wae in tbat eity.
araor Fiagraa'a Tax
Colonel Voa reeelred a telegram thla
UoM-Vo Mora Mellaf for Soldieia.
Bomlng from Oeneral Merab, wbo la
Lwarlag, Jan. 3 —Tbare k an arideat wld to bare been riaittog retoUvw to
parpoMontbaparl of tbe aeaeta to Broekport. N Y . ataUag tbat he would
dlw^rd tba wkbw of Oorwaor PIb- return to Miebigan at onee and proba
gTM and it k not at all Likely tbat tbe bly reach OrawPBaplde tomorrow erewUl be dMlt with civ2k wife baa been rlalUng
to the MtkfactioQ of tba eblaf axaee- frleada to Broektoa.
Laaaing. Jan- I—Tbe
Both boMM Bat iMt algkt and a ot Oeneral White ereeted a aoitaatlon
Joint raaolatioa wm pawed raqewtlag to tbk dty and tba
tba lOTaraor to aaboli a Beawge aak- tbraagb tba atatemaot ef BIckerabaff
log ter tbo aabwlaaion to tbe paopU of hare wnt tbe wnUmoat agatoat tka
tba itau a propoalUeB for a geaaral BxUItary board np to a white beak
rarteioa of tba aonaUtation. Tbk tba
Awlatant Qaartemtaater OeMinl
-------------’ined to do, ataltng tbat
Smith of Orand Bapida waa arraigned
_had gooa Ufora tba peo bofota tbo gmad Jury tbk aftenwoa.
ple Iwt alaetloe aad baea tamed down, It k BOW eoaeeded that-tbe three latla tbe boaae tbk Bomlag tbe entire wl todletmenu were for White. Mareb
oaion wae derotad to a
aad Saltb. Ia new of toe fell eonteeof tbo Blalag bill to plow bIbw ia tbe alon of Biekemtaff And toe other Kalaindar a epedle iapeople It ie eaid they will not be
•tead of an ad valoraa tax. Tbe Utl todleted. ■ Bickerntaff U aald to bare
* ap ia the koaw for a tbird read eoofewed tokt he blBaelf earried tba
ing aad tba apper paalunla Beabere wtobal eoBUlntog to&.OOO to Grand
llaed np aolldly agalaat it. one after Rapida and rare is.ooo eaab to one of
another talking agalut Use and occn- toe ofBelaUalOce todleted. White tab
pylag tbe aewlM ooUl tbe reoew al lag the balaeee to the Fonrtb National
BOOB. They InaUt that tbe alow are Bank, where to.OOO of It waa afterward
perthp more ikeo tbelr ehere of taxw- paldontloaUll another aute official
A deleye'-wn ofboaw membert called wboee name U not yet girea onk
Sheriff Porter weal to Chicago laal
OB Ooreraor Ptngree thle norslag and
aefced for a ipeelel mewege to replen- eight, prwnmably to look ap Oeneral
Ub tbe aoldlera'relief food. Tbe gov WhIte’aactloBa while there. TheollaexUeiltoble wbererer the fngernor refnaed to aotartaia tbe propo- .
yttlos atetlBg that tbe tend bad been a IMre k lonnd. Tbe pnnlabment for
b effeaae obargedla toe Udlc
aort of grab b^ lor eome ot tbe phytl
yearn to priaon.
elDBB ot tbe elata. Ha wld tbat one
Inquiry ahowa tbat Whlla'a bond of
doctor iB tbe Bortbem part ot the
Btate had already reoered mor» than $50,000 fnralabed by toe ABerlean
Fidelity Co., k atUl to toroe. Smith k
•l.OOO aloae^_______________
not believed to have bad any of tbe
ey or to'kare been aetirelr e6aDoetod with toe alleged fraod.
ttll Being Prepared by Cbalrmaa
HoU ot SOBW OoBBlttaa.
Waeblngton. D. C., Jaa. S—An aroiy
bill k
at tba War Departmaat. Throe Tear Old S>e ot Mr. led Mra
p. e. OoBpkeU InJorod by Boiltog
la tba Booaa
d will be
Water Tecterdaylater In the aewloa by CbalrBan Hall
Tke tkfoe rear eld ebUd of Mr. and
of tbe eoBBltiM on Bililaty aSalio.
JMt wbat toTB tbk Boaaare wUl Mro. F. 0. OaBpbell waa badly aealded
take hat not yat beoa daelded, and tbe ywtorday Bomlag at toalr home oa
atroagth of tba etandlag araty to be Wwt BIgkto atreet. Ba waa to the
Balatainad oadar Ita prorkloae will room playing, when a nelghbw girl
probably be left open oatU tbe ooBdlt. wbo WM carrying a dipper of boiling
lOM iatka Pbmpptaa Wanda arp-ao water toroogb tbe room, aeddentally
apUlod Ik ■■aiding the boy badly aboat
aatUad tkat tba forw aetoaUy
aary tbara la Uma of peaea may be d»- toe bead, face and banda
tarBlB<^ Obalnnaa Boll k eoaadaat,
boeraror, tbat the perBaaeat organl-
OobMT* arm
thd kOU DTO^ OolMborg. Tba Baer*
•tabbernly rerittodth* Briltob Dt«*ery
.dm b«i p«i..ii,
BrfUab b«U as axtrama poaitlon to tbe
Moth awl «o«t. owtooklor tbc town.
•Tka BrltUb ooBiaaad Normal* Pest
Mdft wltb two r»w and alM
—a tlM OolMboix bridra- Tba Boei*
kara »o wa/ of ratraat. axeapt br tka
wai'ofNaraibarr. Blf da»alopai- “
oia at pintail toaomw.
"Tka kUU aronad OoUaborf
■■MOM. Tk^ ara not la Tonffaa.
Mkaai tka Boon oaV Blxtafi wenod
•d tova arrtrad at draadaL’'
Moddor Blaar. laa. k-Tha BriUab
iBfllstad aa taportaat dalMt on tka
Bo^MuajtfdaroMorda;. Tollo*.
!■( tka anaar'a rpfaJM at
«k« tkay attOBOtod be oat railway
OOBamn*—witk tka aoatb. yoaterdaj^ ftetocy wtU pcotaoMy pat aa end
be tka Bean* atton^ to brook Gtnaral
Mathaan'a Uaa cf oomaiaatMtloa aad
a foraa of dkloral anto
Itia aaalaaatodaoy tkat tba dlaaftestloa of tba dtriMadan baa raaaattj
, aad ywtarkltkorto
I calBlaatad
in a wboUy aaoeawfol Boramanu Afly
lag oolaBo Qodar Oaaaral Wood of tba
•aglMara ttartad ywtarday from Balwont. Borlng 4o tba dlraeUoo of DoogIML. aad Uaaoral Babtoyton whb ibe
Mlatk aad Twelfth laaaan aad bodiw
' of TT—'»tad lafaalry aad borae arUlU ry
laftyaatarday Boraiorfor Booderlarg
Drift, on tba aoatb alda of tba Bict
lUaawkUa Oolonal Pilekar. Boriac
fiOB BolBont. andar Oaaaral Wood'a
ardwa. aUaekad aad dataatad tka Baaay^o ooBBoado, kUUnc Md wonad
lac a naabar of tko Bonn, aad taklac
ior^ pftaoaara. Tba Brittob caaaal«w ware tbrra. laeladlac Uaataaaat
kktoot tka gaotaaUad Boaatod Infaatry, wbo waa woaadad.
Undon. Jan. l~Tha Utaat adr’-ow
that tba altaatlon at Oolwbart
k far tiOB aatktaetory to tba Brttiab.
Ona ditpalA aaya the Boon bara rw
Mkaa tba portion, aad another tkat
bkaBoatabad ayatarioaaly doeaapad
after Moadayk eogacaBant.' bat aliU
kold Oolaabwv•tm anotkar aaya Uaaara) PraMk on
Monday nWrkt aaeeaatliil la eoaapylar
nkUloatba Boar Una of ratraatby
way of tka Oolwbarv wafOD Mdfa,
-and that OMoral Franck axpactad to
Saka tka towp aoon.
' 'Oaaaral Freneh la hU ofieia) raport
oaly elalau to ka*a dlaaead tka Boar
Caoa and cat tba Una of ratroaU All
Of wkieb dow not aaea to boar oat
yaatorday’a raporta tkat Fraaah bad
wtpnad tka Boan aad drlraa tbaB oat
. eflteOoUakariatcBachold.
tka BlUltaryaapwtakara draw tba
oanMMka froB tbeaa aoafliaUac
atortaatbat Oaawal Fraaeh did ad.
ranM to tba gbWa of Oolwbarv and
akaUod tba poaltioa rlgoroerly and
.ttearwtod owr Monday algbi, az
pmiif to oecepy tba town la^tba
■amine, bat that tba Boan aaearad
akangtbraad tbaU poaltlona aad
aaatad Fraaeh from aSeeitng It aaptnra.
Tka BrtUah raporta wtlwato tba
Mow Btraagtb at frow t.OOo to 7.000
and Oanaml Franchk at baaaiy t.ooo.
Iftbkiitmait k hardly,ilk^ that
- *1-------- * Franek ar^ abU wltb bk iaMrlcr teem ta dklodga a aapanor
amy. wbl^ WM woat llkaly w^la-
CHlUiaitlt SCUDED.
tatloB wUl Boear be redooed to tbe
BBBber Ixed prior to tbe Bpaakb wiar.
tt.OOO Ben.
Tba prwaat ergaalzttioa «aa la tend.
edM a MBpotary forea. and wUl larmlaata In Jaly, IWl. While there k.
tbsrafore. ao orgoat aaad of a reorutioo at tprwanV CbalrBan HoU
ka a aaaaaia of aowa gosaml eharaetar ahoald be offered ia order tbat
CBpla tlaa may ka bad for iti oonaidaratioB. He baa bald saBaroM eon
faroaew wltb tba oMelala of tbe Wai
DapnrtBeat rigardtag tbe Beaaare an
dar OBarw of preparation.
Sebooew Paritaa XMaea Aabore oa
Oabot Itlaad.
St. Jobaa. V. T.
Jaa. I.-Tka
aebooaar Paritaa a • driroe aabora on
Oabot laland la ak
aad aigbt oat of lia « wef nlna wote
BIX were anrrtod aaea with MbUIm.
Tka oarrlvcr broke kk am.
It k Marod tbat etber dkMicra
wm ka ckiaWelad vrltkia a day or two
MtootoagUef tka'MBagnlA
FMoakay, Jan. t.-lka Want SIda
■aaitaarkaketmadky WtUlas Oak. AM. WBaanhMkaganirarkon tka
kg.wMalBaat owaplatnly daalrayad toe new goto far tto Herlkam Micbi.
kg tin tbk BomiMt m a raanlt of thn can TwBMcrtnttoa Ob. Tke nertk
mini the MikoMt tea kam tern
Mhtr, «ko wna-trytig Id otact-n Bra a«v M< tte paaMvarMkMteptoaad
trllhna panrad Mn« a aan. wm m
U M arpwtid ttet (te
ammtf knmadMtawahal^waorMy
*cto>nd twrikni wDlte randy
iBinaiBti^i TfcalMifcnknnmw.
toteMB by tte Bted Apea
•Open DW in Ohlaa a Big Victory
for anlted StotM.
Londoa.Jaa. I.-The Dally Newo.
eOBBeaitog edItortoUy on toe report
wbled from toe United Statw that tbe
gtoa goTeniBeat bae obta
Mt of Boat of tbe groat powere
to toe prineipU of the ■‘opaa door'
China. Myn:
“If toll awont bM really faMC
totood. gratlfioattoa wUl aowbere be
greater than Uto England, not only oa
It of toe pormanant iBporb
lapolky to Britkb totan
bot atod bwaoM It rtilerw M UBporAilr froB aay aaxioty m to toe ontbrMk ef eoBpUeatloM to toe for oMt
daring toe Sonib Afrleon tnnglA Tbk
doable gretiSeatioa wUl be aUU fartbor
need by tbe kaowtodga that it k
Britkb aadaratandtog wUb
United Statw and Ooraany {wbleb baa
broagbt aboat. for a Use at.lcMt,
padfleattoB of toe far eaet"
Tbe Daily Gkroalele wya: -It k a
dkttoel diplaaatie anocew far tba
United Sutw gwnBcat. aad to pnrttealar ter Mr. Bay- It k alao te oobc
extent a go^^^a|atoal Ike dk-
POM BMnrrr of vbtxmava
a BiU lapcrtaat to Old SeMtofa.
Weaktogtaa, D. O. Jaa. 1—A n
pOBCton bill kM boon totrodeeod by
06agra«aaa Mwlto wkkk wUl be of'
great towrwt to oUaeUkra. It p
rldw that aarrltew of tke aray i
navy of the rabaUtoo, who terrod
ninety daya aad reoMrod an bonembla
dkeharga, and hare attatood or wm
attato before the pewagv of tok oet
toe age of atoty or oror. akaU be groated an oaeonditioaal pcMlon of SM par
BKBtb daring llfn Mr. Mwtok k
preparing to aaaka toe ftgkt of hk life
Prod (able MoeUag in ThoapaonrlUe
at Wbleb toe Extent of toe In->4aalry waa FullyaDeBonatratod
The Stole Bee Keepere' AaweiaUan
held one of toe I
There were it prweat, largely from
tolaeeetloaof thentoto, aad the fact
waa toongblont toot bee keeping aa
an indnauy ta growing rapidly to the
Donbera part of .Michigan, owing to
toeeleari^awayof Umbar. aad tbe
growth of wild ftowei^oa toe boraed
OTar-land. making the loeaUon a farerahU one for tola bnatoeoa The m
ber of eworme owned by ^he memt
ot the awoeiatloB la wUmated at S.OM.
largely owned In sma 1 nnmbeia. It
waa rowd to bold toe next meettog of
toe aBoelaUon al Trararae City betweea Chrletmaa and New Twr'a next
year. Beorge Bllton of Fenton, waa
re-alaeted prealdeniof tbe aeeoetotlon
and Mr. Vdobeara aeeretory and B. K.
Boeeham. a prominent bee keeper of
WUItonubnrg. waa elected -rioe prwldect. Among tboee prwenl waa Prank
bUaby of thla city.
.. .FOR OLD...*.
Bergen's Botany
Martin’s Human Body
Wells' Academic Algebra •
Masterpieces Amencao Literature
Williams' Compositi^ and Rhetoric
Tales of Wayside Inn—doth
Bring these old books in quick as we won’t buy
290-SS9 Front Street
goes to school next Monday you want
him to look just as well—a little better
perhaps than your neighbor's boy—that’s
humaa nature and it's also humaa nature
to want to buy clothes where you get the
most for your money. So then, now’s your
time to clothe yourself and boys during
our Great loventory Sale now in
It pays to think of ns.
_ ) onnoea.
MiU a 12 onneeloet. Prank
don’t have
to wear
Rubbers if
you wear
Rough Rider
Ralph Ooxmable 3t., Xanager.
Tbrw or nra Canto
Come In Today
and see tbe Special Prices we re
in our Special Closing Sale.
I Kimball
—Made of fine toogb eelf akto, .
flnlahed brigbV hwry well aolw \
M dUed wiu oork—Bandaome atyle j
\ —veryawell.
Try a pair
Tbe leader ta fine aboea
•Public guaraians
A Table
Worth Learning
A prominent New York official
•aid tbe »neral oae of tbe tele
phone bad made tbe taak of efficeatly protacting life and property
orar A per cent, easier.
Talapboning in case of fire, acddmt or bmi^ry baa become a
ree^gniaedi iDeoemity.
Evsty well regulat
Oaia am iMkiag.
ed booa^old baa a
■■Claav. Jan. 1.—Leenl dcalca tem
advaneodlteprlMOfteBMlte bitaal
Have yoQ one in
foer boDef
■oMeoalMcmto wclrtaff toe^m^
12 iacb« maka one toot
2 w«t fMt make one sick
1 aiek makes one doctor bill
1 doctor bill $2 50
92.50 bays ■ pair of oorUdiM'
waterproof shoes.
Better Buy A Pair.
Front Street
McNamara BLOCK
•Y •
JOTT wmoiTiw
Do Yon Need Anj
Aad Baoqoot B»JotoA l«ot BoomioK
kyHoA«m Wat Aw OB of Ammim
WA Boyot Voifkkoam.
A )oiBt ifUaltoit of Poohaoa Ckaa
k 9. Babb ad f. W. Badb. Bo. nu. lloAora WooAaoB of A»arioa
Qua* atr He- >71. Bejai Hoicktor*. kMA loot oTCBiac >• BoBtac«o
koU. woa OB iHf 11y ao)oc»Uo
m. Tka 8070! Hatcktara bow
loaoBtoaokipof U. »kUo tko
Urro AB AMBtTiB.
Aim n«Bk« IM. A vary f«U ov
loaAoMot tko BOMtow, wctk BOor Vroak Cokobor BoA a tooM of Worn AadiBw Bowma KUlod by a BaUlaf
of tkair famOlao-wltooMOd tko laatoUiTrao Mom BoBdoa.
Work Moor MooUa.
Aadrow Bowbbb. wertdaf la tbo
The fqllowlBC lattor ^ roeelved rowooda aaar Baadcn. waa tawtaatiy
l.of wklah aoatly by Joaopb Sladar. "
kUlad by a faUlay trwa Tnaaday. Ha
otoot IM oortook. A Am profraaB
MaaUa. P. L. Ho*. 1«. im. waa at work witk a aaBbaw, Ckariaa
woo oiao rlTOB. la wklak Mia* 7«Uor
DaAB.Bsnaa:—We loft oar loot easp- Bowbbb. faUlaf a me. A atnaf
ooA tko Stoyaa Qoortot toniakoA lac piaao. Qnodalapa Hoichta. tbroo
wlad bad told tka traa from taUlaf for
maie oad Mim. Bora saA Mra. B. A
ika ayo aad aro now In a UtUa town
Uma aftar It bad kaaa aawad
B10 iMi^ wltk (b« Aadita ud
oaUad Paalc oa tto Paalc rieor, mttb eaarly oS. Tba aider Bowmaa waa
«BI of Iko ptofiM of tbftt ototo. U W aootoa tkot vUI aot aooa to I
lUaa froa Manila. Wa U«o ia a larco
dtetaaoa from It when tba
dM tk^ ka kM Uo aoBtra) of tko
Catkolio ebarek, ae we aro ■'fottlnc wlad eaddaaly alaekod and tto traa faU
• nOoiMt oxt«t to
food” o*ery day.
qalekly, tto trank atriklnf Mr. Bow
OTM tiofoner Tojlor tron tko tsU boo kooa ralalaf for a weak aad la maa oa tba head. Hia aoek aad oaa
Mttoo Aolr. «kot04 tkk doolgB Uralalafyet. Tke riven ba*a oeorflowa
ware . brokaa aad death waa laMM oorioM vith Mr Ooebol tkoro Boyna Clqr Xa^ Oosqaered tba Flamaa tkolrbaakoaadaow it M aad, mad.
Aad tba Tom te Now Oat
BDUbooivoMotiroaitko U» okU
mod ap to yoor knooe. and It otieke like
Mr. Bowman Aad ooma to Boadoa
of Haagar.
lac, mA boJoM^, of tko pooote of
bat a fow day* ofo, and waa worklaf
iBitokry tkotwooia ooedoso tkonf*
Wo baeo o Baabor la tbo boopital at
It appaara at praaaat tbat tto Ir* at
for hla aeptow, Gao. Bowman, wbaa
fmtkm ta » mmor tkot wooU ^ ob<
■oaeot. Jim Boblaooa bao booa thrro
Boyaa Olty fa bbAb eeatrol aad tbat
ploomt to Oookol. uA lA » otylo that
be waa kiUed. Ha waa u yaan olA
tba mUl and Iowa ara oat of daafor. two wooka now. bat la rattlaf tottar
mUA ovoteoo Um tkM ko la atiU lo
Tto romalae wUl ba takoa to bia
A forea of 100 man werkad yaatarday, and wUI aooB bo back la ruka Wo
foraar hose la Bhalby. Dadart
and aboat M mm workad aU alckt. boeo aotooon Will Boborta, Ooraro aad
oa^wltk tbroa atwawi of wptar tbat Writbl olnoo Ike day aftar wo fot kero, Aodanoa wa^ at Baadoa yMtordaj
prapara to body for bartaL
ooBataallT poarad OB tba toralac bat no doabt they aro all rifkL
iMoA kk fabacaatoriol eoator late tko
rtfaaa It appaara tbat aU daafar la
Two weeks ayo tbr^o oompaaloo of
obA M Italac op «rltk F»nj,
Hia WUa Baroo Bin.
paoaad aad tbat tto Aro eaa to told oar roflaMat wore aarahlnf la colBtoanw oad BUa. Mr- Oabora koa*
“My wlfe’a pood adTieo n*od my
wltbla lU praaaat UbIU wUboatdlfl- omaa of foan whoa we ran Into aa
loaAobUdaairo toaooaaappor paalalife.” writoe F. M. Boo* of WinSald.
ambnab praparad for aa by the “air
IBB., “for I bad anah a bad coach 1
pala ceronor la tko axoeaUoo eka.r
Tbo bonlac apaoo la all aarroiiadad rara.” They frad opoa aa. kiUlof
Did hardly braatko. I grew sioadllv
•bAM wmiafto oroar oAAoA Alfaliy,
.krao.'Cm»aBdlaf three and aaeartar wono andv deotorb treaimoot. Mt
kot to ia atUl yooac oaA ooa oHorA to witb ditaboa at praaaat. aad It le tba
>ne earroadar. Tka bodlea of tkcae
trait • fow yaar*.
wbo ware kUlad preaeatod- a terrible
lone aa It caa bo kept wltbla ila pi
aifhV aa they ware matUated beyosd
Tta work of tko OaaoAlaot la 6oatk oBtUBlata.
roeoraitloa by tke PUipIsoo. The rest Asthma, Hay Fever aad all maUdlM
Tto Oharloeolx oaclaa aad 1
AMea BOy kara a toaAaaay to ekcek.
of Cheat, Tbroot and boafs are pooof tko party ooeapod.
«to prepcoaA laToaloa of OoaoAa by tka
Itlvoly eared by ibis aiarveDoos medi
Koopoetfnily yoon.
cine. 50e aed |1 00. Every bottle
fltBlaao. If tkoro k ainek of tbf aoBM baiaf Bood. aad tto town la aow faalfaaxK J. PcBOBKa.
CBsraataed. Trial bottico lOe at Jaa
«atariol loft te tko Doolaloe it^ woalA lacaaoora.
Oo. K.S7tk U. 6. V.^
Q. Johnaoa's aad 8. X. Walt's d.vof
JMsesttefood niorede6do«sMd%HMle«MM
: eS:
Tka fottitk iiforiy BooUac of tko
1* b A- for ItM wlU bo bold oe 8*Ur.
Aop attoraooB at tka Ubniy roona at
Cp.B.atwhtob tiao i oporto of '
MBtata. ota for loot yaar wlU to 1
fW OBBaal Motlar for tko aloeUoo of
MBaan wlU to tolA oa MoaAoy attar•ooa. foa. I, ilOQ.
-*tk praytr Boaitaf of tka Ckarek of
Okrtot WlU to hau la Oraac* koU Ibla
OkriaUoa H- KaaAoae of Eoyatooo.
pad Mkaa Tiolot M. Hood of OharUroU
•Maty, kora kooa Uaanaad to Marry.
8era-to Mr. oad -Mra. OkrUtophrr
Jnltkoopt of Horrla^lr. 0 daarktor.
IbBifcty Maatlrc
la Thte Olty
Miohicaa Bardaraod LaBbor
atloa bold tkair aoatkly a
lac la tko ofioa of tko aacratary L.
Bobarta, tbM aftonaeee. Tka Bootiac
•ad aaok lab
abowB. Tko report of tko dolofat^
to tka aatloBAl AMOelatleB at Moa
traa aabnittod. Tto report akowad
that tko dalacatloB bod doao tko boat
tbot eoaid to doea to noko tka laapooMob ralo* toaaAelol to Moplo laoaalae.
foaiaron.. Volwbla aaccaatloea were
Boda aa'tobow eootrocu ahoald be
worded with laapoetloa role* oa they
Boporta were soda abowlncaolo*
of loBbor at vary ftattorlac prieoa.
Tko attabAaaoa waaco^ aadfroB
tka report of tka raeBbora praaaat the
proapoet for tka taoeaaa of tko naaafaewrore aad tko aaaoalatloii aoeat* ax,Uy &B*. Tto Beat mootlac
Will to bald reb. 7 .
It will to «r*li lor aporlasaa, toftICoMtor tkat tko opoa aaoooo (or tko
fclUlac o( Wf aqoirrola opdod with tko
dMo of ttoyoar. Bod iqalrrel* ouy
•MU to klllad. 0* tkoro I* BO eloooaec•OB for tbam. bat tko kUllar of (oa.
>iMk Ato r»J *qel»T#ta la poolakablo
tC a boary Aaa
Mra. Hraak Jowatt llrlar oaar Hor- Aaiertoaa Olatriot Oaiapaay Will lajMraio. waa awab'oaod yoatordoT more
UbUek Oaa la Tbla City.
tkonrkt to to
raacaoiaBU haea boaa eospletod
kBrflare UTiof to cator tka baarBeat.
la tkla olty tba ABarleaa
•ha woat below aad wafted with a rtDlatrlet MaoMbcar Mrrloa bad Joba
oelror tot ao barclara appaarod.
Barry bu toAa appoiatod Baaaccr.
Tkoro wUI to a moatlac of tko Blka
Tto larrlM baa beocme IndUpeulkle
**aalaf tor week.
la tto Urc*r citlaa aad lie latradaeUoo
Oflidfe dad C*»»4a ol fraeorao Bay will to raoalead wlU farer kero.
Mir*. L. 0. T. H . ar* requaotod to
Mr. Barry will poi-oB ka many wiaa•aot la Moaurao ball Filday eeea- aaaror* aa tba aoeda will allow aad
encere caa be bad aay lime of d«y
(kou. .u bnM »Unlw lor op to V p. ■- The aerrlcc pro*idM fw
frank rrirdrteb’a now two atory brick
BBcdlaU dolWory of lattm. BMbaPAiny to bo bkUt adJolBlaf tko Mcea. etc . to aay porllot of ibetitj
for a aomtaal ebarfe. A eall for telr•moe block.
The Mil attraetiea la Bulabonr'a pboae BDBtor l.se will pat one le eo«
ieatloB with tkat depaylmeal aac.
Otaad wUl bo Boa Uoadrlcke. la "A
Tkl* la tbo Ifdeolrwl a BCBoacer will be aeol u
CaMtdwodUh pUy 00 ibi road and tbe reeldeaoe of Ike pereon deairlocbir
gff. Boadrleka la rooocalard aa tbe •errlcom aad prompt aorrioe will to
'^••t taUatad uspoaaai of Ike ekaracTbe Idea proaiUao to meet
with eoooeoe. Tba plaa will becto
Thare will to a mootlaf of lb* at oBoe.
Kalrkw of Pytbla* tkl* tronlaf. witk
akn* eaadidaw* for^a third rack.
Papaty r*B* wardaa Mark Oraw baa
rpaalTid taatraeitoaa from tka tUU
•bbo aad ftok erardoa. cl'lBd tko prna•Btlatarpraialloa of tba atieraay |*d
•tBl OB tto aablaet of aat llnaa. Tba
*«toto" or "Up-epa" that tora baai
pa otioa eo BoardaiaB Laka la
aro by tbU nillnr doelarod4obo
••4 Uaoo. aad tbolr aao la ^nBtobla
Tka toUdlBf ooBBlttoe of Iba board
0t oBparolaora baea awarded tko
MboI for tto oak .work to to aaod la
•alahlac tka eoart roos-aad < Aoao to
«kp J. B. OroUlak Co. Tko oridaal aaMBBta aaUad foraa oaUayaf «lsa,
kBt ttoaxpaaaaarUl baaamwbat ba-
Tto W.'W. Klaball Oo. baa aoaplot
0 tto Scara* for tka loeal ofoaey kara'
Vhlak ia BiiBfad by H. K. Stteef. for
lha BOBth of DaeaBbar^ Tba oaloa by
Tnmnt dWy kn*«y laat BOBtb
wm* tto iarcaat «t aay Boath U tta
IMtory. Tto poat wwk, oaa plaae
IPM aaat te tka Boo. asBtbar to Braaek
CPBbW*b< aaettorlD Onaaaoeuty.
Laioaey CBarpod.
J. W.Patohln baa retoraed frota toka
City, wkero ha waa caUad to defaad
twoyoaat sen. Irrlnf Wardaa aad
OoacUa Boltoa. both of Klafiley. oa a
ekarca of lareaay profarrad by ooa
Saydarof Lake Olty. Sayder olaiais
tbat>c WM bratOB is n «»ebaace of
pair of eompetlocaealoa fora crate
ofdlabaa, aad tba yeoac bub bare
bMB arraated ekarfod witk eloallar
tbe aealea The eaae will to triid
Jan SO.
lopinc Couch, Aothma.
■onohitia and Inolplont
Conaumptlon, la'
I TVlt tfbmilN RfMBIY'
700 want to
pair of aiioes
it yoi» wont
re to bother
about to
OhariM W.WkaoloakBaa Parahaaod
tbo Bred Boddoa Property.
Tke property foraeorly owned by
Brad BeddM oa WaablBCtoa atrooV
iparebaaad by Obarlae W
Wboaloek. foaoral Baoatar of the
NortberaiTelepboao On. Mr Wkoalock
azpoeu to make bio realdoaaa U tkla
olty pcrBaaaatly.
Tbo property i*klob to baa aalaetad
to Bake kU boBa la ealoed at ll.aoo.
■ada Toaac Acain.
■One of Or. Klac'e Haw Ufa PUle
It for two wi
rar ueer. aioi
tly eefOUblo. I
. t Jaa. 0. Joto
’aitb draf atoroa.
r« CmUtripptli 14 iMn.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Aa4wcarwell>?> That*aRDfRc’s -Coeapoatt*.'’ We areaoU
Sold By
180 Front StrMt
UaaBbar Frof. 8U*on aad ooa'a ftMd
openinc daaM tOBlfbt atMartaafb'a
“Get your
Mor^ey Hack’
have many pictorcH in their bomea tlmt bare
never been framed. We have joat added
some new patteruB in our alrMdy large aUxk
of mouldinga — giving ua now
atylee to select from. New desigoa in 1 alf
in black dull 6nieh, satin hnieb, gilt and
brown tiniah, biirniahed gilt, dull hDiali green,
eatiii finiab gray. NVw colora in mat lioarde
You have some of tboae platinoa. have them
flamed with a black mat nod dull 6oiah black
moulding or a ^rey mat ami black and gold
Il’a an artistic combination
Pcrhiipa yon want n waler color or h pas
tel framed or an etching or steel i-ngraving
or soine pliotograplis cf your friendB—we
oiD do il ill n tnantier highly phasing.
I wiU onote
•16.00 Sideboard for IU.50
116.75 Sideboard for 112.75
•1R.75 Sideboard for 116.75
•22.75 Sideboatd for ^19.76
•33.75 Sideboard for J29 26
T u
«rv .
Sideboard for $39.75
aed •OOP. I have 20 differeat atylee and will give yoo tbe
aama proportion diaconnt on any of them. I bare 26 different
•tylaa oombiaation deaka and book-caaek I sriU give tbe —
A man feela comfortable-aod aafe when be
porebaaea goods i-overed by tbia all comprebeneive gnarantee.
Conid we make Ibia
Btatoment with inferior (W)d(»r Not for a
day. Better see about tbat new eoit at once.
Perhapa yon only need a new veat. Have
some odd veaU tbat we'll sell from 1.00
to 2.50.
Mayi*e a |>air of pants. These are
aelliiig from $2 .'lO to Sn OO. A email pun-baee
roceivea tbe atteiilioo of a lar^e one.
Will make it ao obwet for you to get them now.
yoa Bome mtarertuig prins oo
School Begins
and the aeoond •emeeler begins Monday.lan 22.
Oet all your acbool books and the
ly-don’t wait until
neoeeaary eappliea
exhanated ana
' t day.
'1 be stock may be ezbaneted
Our .5c and 10c tablet*
yoni 1be diaappointed
of beet paper and bandeome cover
with compooitioo books.
Then wncila and
pena and rulara from Ic up.
We carry all
Tl\e Snow
Tbe aleighing iaimprovingand tbat Cutter
ia needed. We have tba “Old Comfort,”
Tbo “Extra Large" ud “The BusineaM*’
They are made in different colors »itb Leop.
ard Plubh Trirntninga. Broadcloth TrimmingB,
Car Plueh and Moquette.
They are guar-'
ante*d in every reapect and aell from t^.OO,
to $;i2.0a What about tbe Robeaf Tbere’i
the (ioat Skin, the Horae Hide, the Oalwayt
the Coonakin and Montana Buffalo. Prioea
from •1.00 to 11400.
Drug Store
are aa many ae the ds'
ly you .may
onl. wan
want a cake of' toilet
' eoap,
» , . sella from 5c
to 25c or perhaps a preacriptioo to be filled
or your
>ur bands ebap
chap and you wai
want a bottle of
Froatilla at 2.5c or an oz of Roee Cream for
nickle. Sudden chaugea of tbe weather cause
boaraenees. "Frog in your throat" relieves
it for lO;-- A bottle of perfume sella from 10c
to $1 It)
You may prefer fhe bulk perfume.
The Ru.-«1 Bl.K-k of wlora to select fr«n. Want
BODji- Deoiritice or Rubifnamf Htfre a
HLh-iidiil tooth p.)wd<-r that Bella at 5c the oz.
Newi a hair t.micr' Have some of the best
made Bell at .5tjc, T.5c, $1 OU.
freesea the water—frozen
water ia ice.
Where there ia ice yoo will find boy* Dd
girls and mea and women and they ahould
each bare a pair of akatea. We've got tbe
cast steel that tells for 50c the pair, the
hardened steel from •! .00 up, aud tbe best
steel nickel plated at $3.50, tbe womaas all
strap for 75c, tbe half club trom$1.00 up and
tbe feest nickel plaud •3X10.
Frank Friedrich
TM OM Ukkll
Mow b tka Uma to kavoyoBr
No rosedr oqnaU WABxn's White rowBaaaoUd aad eloBBod ap ready im
^VDt* or Tab Svbop for tkb torri- aprlaf.
■deand fatal diaooaa. If takan tkorFree Storage All Winter.
>MhlyaadiBttBe,.itwlU«aro a care
My work aaa not to beat aad prior*
toora, aad for tbo aoo(b tbat lollowo LaOrW tw aaoor MUa to fin ikHow^ WlUaaU for yoar wbaeL
•oUoC. Prtoa. So aad fiOa.
«««* nwtt obbIibAxb '
ftiAcreA. ^
WUeoatflkatoBBO^flOBw tknadah
daipbto CoanalMB toad.
nrilaAaIpbla. Jaa. h-lt waa aaaoaaBt today that
BCwAMo kr ^ c
•Tba Ad.
n_lw M aM>te.C> o~*
gardlng tbe lake diatuomto tbroogb tbe
lagiaa of tbe noralae. aaya Popular
Brieaee Mestbly. sboiiki aerre the two
Manalar Waa Bi
fold purpoM of eocoDtwgt&c *raroh for AxyaariTM bang aaplayed by tka
laaoca at Ika Xral Xw
the boried stoom and af dtocomtag •MPMj to axaaUHt adeaatoga. At
fwla* Ctoarir DaaaaA.
dtomoad* to tbe little coUeeitoa* af
Qmt MUafactloe la Mt by tba Bo- locky Roiwa*' and local curio* which Bp Mbo dmrtog tka
pnbUrao laadw Is Wt
necnmutoie on tbe riock abrirea of doM Ika totoiMt tog aad U tka ax
tka tvaolt of (hr elaetlou. raprrtolly country farmbouwa. When li to eoa- diBBM «*M a Unto aklUy at tiai. it
In Ohio, loira. South DakoU and Kaa- ridered (bat tbroe of tbe torgeri dto^
aaa. Tba fuel that lowu aad Kuaaaa. mood* tbn* far found to tbe region raI
mataed tor pcriode of 7.8 aad IS yaan laadtog Bala rota'wm oaoaBad br
rutowctlToly to (be band* of tbe fana- WUltoB Monto. m C
or tt. >iiid.ipM. ■
tog poputotloo. H can hardly beBonbtpobUnti BBlorittaa la aeerptrd la ad- ed that oiany other dlaaMSda baea Mx. Merrto. to a Ixtokad aaua wUh
BilalatrailaB clirlea aa proof that the bean found aad pfeaerved a* local cs- aWUUB which Bada hiB parttoatoriy
Bltlaa BOW la to ralaa aa am poopie of tbe agrtniliural atataa an rioatttoa without their real aanin ba- •MxMa to tka obanetar.
U tto
•mnitka Stow tor a tow wawMta
•U0,<Mn poMUa. It wm capaated BUtltoed ;A’Xb Ibr poUrln of tbe Be- tag discovered.
Ptnnni ka dtoplayad a iiniillty
BrkttoWfslkarwsa—tst aka kar*.
tkattharaweald ba a Bastlagaftfca publlcuD^rtf‘aad with tbe lawu
If diamond* abould be dtocovered to whiak to ptoaatog aad kto work to
aadwkaaka mm took aka toaad
ed by tbe it^BbUnu Sf the but coa- tbe atonloee of eastern Ohio, of weotami eaBBlUM oo acatMowda> greu. That Srbnukn gnra a large
wtto«to. aad dtoptoyaatoBoati which
kiBtotaMaa tkaUlUa toUow wm
an Peoaaylraato or af weatcra New ptoMMr.MoETtoto tka Croat nakto
DeoMcntle Ukajorlty. or. ntbrr, a
saksdlr ksMd ikal ka 4tod aoeo
tkla *rlU bo datosTod aslU aaxt Wad- Jodty for Ibe rombluiloo of Drno- Tork. coaaldcrable Ugbt would tbereby MprotoBtom.
locatlay. M Ohalrnaa Baaaa wUI act ba enta and Poputlata ooder tbe leader■asry Taitoart aad wito, of CkMepo
Mtoa Fnaato Brake to tka ahanatB
tog tbe aoceatnl borne. More tmporablp of Mr Bryan, la
- - abla to eoM kara aatU tkal day.
taat than tbto. however, to tbe mapfilag of LadyOnala'pnoaatod a Aarni^
Jla.atadUaBin, —paaMMy.
to the peraonal Infloeaca of Mr. Bryaa
af tbe CaMdton wUdernea* to tbe doUaMttoaoftkopan.
. kmiad ika atsttoak aastoaaMr of ikatr
tamember thu offer ia good omly^
aad la acreptad ai erMeoro of tbe
exorctoo ef ran Dntil January 8th.
m- IW kaoa Itoad VnUAM lABBABBB XBdV&D, Btroag bold be baa amoag tbe people MutbMstmrd and eastward of Jamea whtoh doBaadatko e
bay to order to determlae tbe dlnctlM
bat whUk to
BaUBiMa Uddaraao WmBawoly at that tule.
of ic* moveotem wltbto tbe regloo. so
A (areful analyala of tbe nti
togly fWidond by Mtoa Oraka wltk a . The la^aat line in the city to*
A tow days katoM Tkaatogirt^
that tbe tracking of tbe atooe* already
tros digmot eecttoaa abom that
aataral graeo wblek to eaptfeattog aelect from.
WmiBB iBirabMot Watotor atrMt where tbe InfluMcea of local laanre found may be carried nearer ibelr
Tka eanipadto af iBdy Uraala Iom
borne. Tbe director of tbe geoio
totovafkarkaakaadkaMan aakls* toU troB a laddM at Mra. A C Mofpredomlute ibe people roted
FnU line of
aurvey ofCanada 1* glrlBf atteniloo to aotkiag to totanot to tko kMto of
IkaMlaooM sad aa% XI
aUk raaldaaoa yaatarday afMraooa.aad eery aoIkUy Id rapport bf tbe admin- tbto matter and baa also auggeated that
Mtoa Dnka. wkoM aoaaapUoo of tko
dbair at kar koaaa, aad krta« tkakr OTM asThMly iBlarad. Ba wm tOBor- letnUoa Where Ibe cnmpnlgn wai
a atndy be made of tbe material found part to glTM wilb tka acaUaseat aritoalHaaWitfcakaaa. TwotariMyaaad lag aaow froB tko roof, aad tka laMw toogbt oo tbe Manea of Ifafl or tbeto aawlclatlon with dtomooda to tba
kiMBdaakBwan atoagklarad tor tka aUppad ia Mok a way tkat ka faU bMrUy. gacatloa waa nlaed irbrtber. under Bontoe. ao that If poaalbto Ita aonree deatly toiaaded by tka aatkor.
MiB Bata Daaa gave a vsry plaadag
dtoato aad atarytUag alaa yraparrd, Bit head atraok agalMt a ooraar of tka tbe tofloencM of tbe Bnaaelal aad may be dl*covered.
by tbe RepnbitBpcatatiOB of tka pan of Dorothy
kat aaiy a gaaat akowad ay. Bar has pcnA. aad bla toM WM torrlbly cut
With tbe df*covery of new toes. .
Ilcaa party, tbe country ba* been bene
- aad adBirahiy
aar aaplaaattoa aw kaaa laMrad aad bralaad. rito ba WM tahaa to hla
af tbeae emlgnat atoan aad tbe col
fited tht people reuponded In tbe af-'
troM tkaad who wars iarilad. wkUa beaaUahaek.
flrmatire. Thl* fact la accepted by lection of dau regarding tbe move- tkashaadaef Fradariek GoMtn woU
meot of the Ice over Cnaadlan terrltotoo wawaa ia ao aad akoai U tfcat aU
Dr. Marttoattoadadtkalajarad aaaa. BepnbUcaa^den a* eoDotMire erlPtortnjad aad Mr.Anaal tolrodaaad
Watfdak wrttoim to la^atra akeat Tka fall woald aot ba aarloM la tka draee tbat^ iBuea of tbe national lylt wlD perbap* be poaolble tbe mo
uutely and deBeliely to rircni
aoBo vary eleeor leork. Tba ranato•kaaauar tor warida Bar kaakaad eaMefayooagarBaw. probably, aad eampalgn of next year arc already weU
aertbe ibetr borne country aod a* Ita dar of tka eoot to atreag.
ksowaaowtolagakoatik boi ka la ao aartoM imbIb an aapaotad. though defined.
bonndarlea are drawn doner aod dooer
Tbe aadleaeawM aotaa totga m
That tbeoe laxoea will turn maJaly
kaayfagBtUlaadtoMttag to laek to
' of Mr. UrtabM'B advaaoad
to pay this popular Jewel a run In It*
gatoatofUaUil^t. fkratowdaya ago. It Bay ba aoMO Mb# bafara ha opoa ao Indonemeot of the poUey of aacemral borne, there to learn wbat we tba Borita of tbo attraatioa drawod.
protection aa
agakatooBdika IoUm of
ao much deuire to know regarding U*
Babya Skto
ley tariff law
tagaalag la ika poakat wkara ka had
Baeaanre la well aettlrd. That Ibe finan geneals and Its life history. ytoaodthaa whaa kto apoasa had kaadFwacBBl
cial queetloa will reBalis a*-In ISSfi
Bkouia 0*m Otve Owft
ad tkaa to kis to aML
Barray OartM bM gaaa oa a rWt to with tbe proof* afforded by tbe condlWbat then? Are we otterly depaod**uryr and tbe
tkns of t • federal trea*i
A«ttoakkrldga a Uttta daagkM I hla BOtkar at Bortopark*
ent npon coaL ao that tbe wbaria of laTka MISMa Kit*la bad MayBaMhaas-, cootlQoed pio«|>er1ty la the loduitrlal
yatoaaUotA.J. Baydar, waa kadly
rj win atop and the foreats be con
aad coniiaerclal aa well a* lo ibe agrlotoldid ky teUlw Into a kauia of hot kaa kaaa-ratoraad to tka Omral coltnral aectlooa of the country, to
ed for fuel when coal glvao ontf
By baring the
wator that waa atoadlag ea tka floor. MoftMl sakool ai Mk Plaaatai
T-A MBplt box will ba ant ataolatceqnalto well aetiled. ..toother laaue Of coorne not. It I* an Idle fear. Al ly
tna to aay on# -raitlxE otoBa tor
MMa Martoa Robarta ntaraadtoAaa
Mfa.BaUaa Borriak.o( Tyro, Baalbtoaght oni by the meoMtoe of tbe ready we bare tbe beginnings of a
Arbor yaatarday to nauBa bn atadln preeMcDt wilt turn upon the proposed new method of uinixlng natural coergy pwtocetea aoas^. aitotoatod kar oaa kaadrad
at tin Ualaaralv.
nlatlgp* of tbe Called Ptntea to tbe which wllf prove eoormouaiy more ef- AtoMl
AUOlaay aad wita arrlrad koBa Ialand pooMalon* wmird rroa Spain feciire than coal eear bas been and
at tka koaa of kar groatft
yaatarday altar a aana waaka'rUlt and tbe proepect of derrioptof. In con- irlU be prudirally laezbaoatible to
daaghtof, Mn. JohaBtaalv. of MiUa
aecUoD with tboae retollona, an In- whatever csiem lodnstiy may expand.
with frlaada to Boatkara MtoBlgaa.
towaakla aad tka Mtoaarlaa da
Bectrical energy developed by water
a r laaraatar of Pstoakay. la Mm cmaed export trade to oectlona pf tbe power will ran tbe world's Induatrlea.
a BlghtoBd-diag.
gaaat of (toaa. Uaeauar tor a faw world admittedly open to receire the furnish it* light aod beat and be tbe
prodDota. ware* aad maaufacturea of
to tka vMaUy of Barrioa ^aga days. unlrerMl rabstltme for aU fonm
tbe Catted Statea.
Mwa la aa awaga of It laakn of
Mn. A. Bala
In coonertloa with the aubjeci of la- combustion meiboil*. tVaier power'll
aaow oa tka groaad.
troa a rlalt to Or
doatrial end eomtaerclal derelopmeot jKnciicully unllmtied. and (t,wOI be
-Ika kalaaea la tka atato traaaaiy at
Ptmak Priadrtek «rM to Maataa oa and tbe ezienelon of our ex|<ort trade utilised more and more Id proportion'
to yoar show esae jroF
tka otoaa of tho yaar waa gMl.U« 47. bMtoaM yaatorday.
It to tbe belief In well iDfoniied clrckw as tbe need for It iiiae* aod a* Its
!ooDviocetbepoblicithai '
me* at dlffiTom places and at i
aa laanaao of flut.toau ow tbakalbere that ao •uhject will rmvlre more
'yo« sell the beat.
aerlou* ronulderatioo at the coming cetaire periods chraiwr than coal* The
aaaa at tko eloaa of itM.
day to tka Uaatog aekert for tka bUad
aeealoa of congn-m than that of acrur- Bubailiuilou will pruceixl gradually
Xka laal ooaak of a aBxad traia oa aflar apaadlag tka bolldaya rrith b
Ing adequate legtolatlon for uplmilding tlL when ilif ciial supply dually Is exw
tka PoaUae, Oatord A Mortbara raU- paraata. Mr. aad Mn Jacob Oalama
of tbe Atnertono merchant marine. The bauaicil. iM.lMMly win liave anything
toad, aoatalalag twaaty yiiiiagm.
rioyd ArartU latt yaatorday t
faei Kbould not be loat eight of In eon- wore iltao a curious or academic Intcrlaaegtka traek alaa BUcaaortkot Portland. Oragoa. He baa baan with alderlng the ablpping q'ucsilou (hat
In itac luntK-r. and probably t
Baatlaa Tkatoay aad waa owtar
the Nortbcni TalepbOM Oo. toroewal during tbe pa*l rammer tbe retoiioDa ri}>pli- will lie iirodiM-ed in tbe suady
tbe Cnited Slate* to the PhlllpidDe ouunni flow of (he world's industry
bc4iH^- «f wHt.T iM.wer u> devetop
Mn B B. BoBla woat^to bod City letonda and the efforts of the govrrn- chflrlial CDctx.v liu-nascs lu the |>ulut
put down tbe Luton lurarrecWbUa tooklag altar kto traps U tka yoaterday.
brought out very Ktaarply tbe of foriuhlnhl'- t-ti|ii|N.-IltliiU with coal
wooda la MMMoraaey eooatj Frod
Min Ploreaae JaekMw h aaUrtaiai-lwtrii-al AtuileiiiH aiKl toveutor* will
AmUlto. a 17 yaar old boy. waa abot tog MIb Naade Wood of Maalatoo.
M ber mi-tx-bant marine I* eoDe«>ropd. ihiublhwR t•flOK onl ituproveluents mak
dkxoojrb tba body with a rifla. tba bal
sloiv Ibe JMiwcr or
hue WUkelB toft yiatMay frr On tbe Ollier band, tbe th-velopmcni* log it {KisNlhle
lad ptaroiag bte right laag. Ba wm Okleago.
In connectloD with Cireai Brlialu'* op- cuuduci It lout; diAiauce* at small cost,
aUn yaatorday bat .la mot rxpaetod to
Mr.aod Mn. P. C Bauer and Ml-a eruttoUR In Souib Africa demoniitrau-d iimll uur fa<-i«>rliw. rullruads and ablpa
lie u|iciaiiHl by It. uur bouses lighttbe power and supretnaey
Uto. Tba aana of tka OMB wbo abot Lwela Walgaad waai toOklaagayastartisb goveramem wlib ber i-d auil warmed aud fuod pre|iared. all
duaaUtto ooald Bot ba taaraad. alikoagb day toraatayofaireak.
even h-».« ex|M-UKe (tuin U ixMolble
ablpplng facilltle* on tie- taigb *ena. It
Htaaxalalaad that It orupanly aaB. L. Bongm M to Qnad Bapida Be ba* been impoMiible for Ibe Vniied today wlih (nhiL—Gouiuu's Msgaxine.
MdaataL Wbaa Andatta waa bltba! rrill ratara today.
Sutes goveramem to obtain Id Our
waa la a Moatolai potlUoa flaingooe
MIm Jalla BUltogu left yntarday for own ablpplng elrele* tbe necemniry ve*PobO l*res<irwtt*ws.
dfUitnpt aad tka alraagor aaya hr an extended rlalt to Grand Bapida aad aels tor tranaportlDg troop* to and
The oldest and lar.'eel inleroativiiai Life Insnranre Coio^v ^
Eiperluienis by l>r. A. McOtli of.
■latook klB far aa aalnaL
in (he world,
rattada show that much bas yet to be
_______ ...______ doue iK-forc flnal prononucemenu can
Eaplb OoDOabla. Jr., left yetoarday
JOHN A MerALL. rmldcnt
many British vesw-l* for this purpose. |be made ujk>u the food value, if any.
oa a bualseaa trip to Datiolt
C. K. Braatbaa of Battom Bay waa iaand Ibe government was emiArraaeed - of the fl.wh liaiuv whU-b lu uiost iuIn tbe rold*i uf its amt active op>>ra- stances form n . hlef (lortluD trf the nttalMlag aad Oeataau Itoatroyad at the city yaatarday.
lions. when tbe BrillsU war lu Suuib trugemms luahTlal lu meat etiracta.
John Grand retnraed toat araatog
Africa broke out. by tbe fs(-t that (be the fact U-liii; that, as theM-*baf>es cer- Held by over 400,000 Polioy.holder..bo ABE theColJiru,y,.boOWN '
the Cempaey. «,id who ALONE receive tbe PHOUTS
«B a baalaen trip aloag toa M. A B. Brltlsb goveronieni drew u]>od tbe taloly differ aiiinuE iliem»>elv.-* iti food
Tka balldlag la Bapld Olty oaeapM
otthe C-Jinpttiy.
Vy LltUa A -Yoaag. dniggiato, waa
men-Lam marine of ibai nadou for all value, it lsconw-<;ii'niily true of the va
^ karaadtoiba groaod adriy yaatorday ^D. B. Botlay of Praakfort h to the arallsblc large merebant sbtp* for rlou* fonu* III wl.icli pmield matter
Nob liW a 34« Broadtvay. New Vork. Deccinhcr .tU. 18B9
trans|s>niDE troops from Unwl Brit occurs lu iImnw |ire|>aratl<>ue-vls. as
•oralng. Tbaatora waaowaadky A.
Or' Bidgaly aad wKa of KaUnaka. ain to Roiith Africa.
pt^>t<laes. proieiiscK. achlN. aihuuieus. lb!* Oroipany hsviog closed lu book*
r. UtUa. editor of tba Bapld City
■a gneata at Park Plaea. They aame
lu several Instance* contract* made etc. Ilr Mc-L^U's exiN-rtUie^ suggest (or the year of 1SW at uoob today, ae. CroBba.
to tka elty loot erenlag to attand tbe by the llnitcd States wlib BriiUh ship that a lart of ihe nlmigco in some Diuaro* that Itba* iuured during r
8.800 pp’fcy bolder*, mere then
. Tka drag atora waa opaaad aboat tbMtra.
ping line* for shlim to lie used in it4hs- meat prci'srstlviis exists as urea, the rear loo.ooo iodlvidual* lo the ram
throa Booth* ago. Mr. Uuia awrlag
Uadlord Boldaa of Park Place baa porting our troops to the ('Uni{>plDvs latter ecrtamlr liaviug oo food valAr.
Ulna Aarweod. ooa alia wMt of goea to Kant. (toto. to rhit bU
Were cBDceltHl by tbe sU|]>piag com- As lo Its assumed value ok a stlmuDariug the year tbe Cempsay has
Bapld City.
paole* who desired tq fflve tlie acrvlcea toot. nr. MctJlIl remarks that nature
paM to It* llvlDg policy bclden. la
HewMi^Bpaalad by kh daagbter
> to have providi-d for Ibe prompt of Iwnnuice on which the fint prea- matnneg prlicle* and other cash healof their rewwto to tlieir borne goveraTba lOB OB tba building waa about Margarakmeiit. Tbto fact brongbt out very ellmluatlou of iin-a from the system. It ioma have heea paid to the OoBpaoy >o fits, over
gaw aad oa Ua aiock li.ooo. with oo
Or. G. W. rnllA aod wife of Maple clearly tbe retoiloo of the grcai mer being also well known tbai qny fall. This to
toaaraBoa apoo aUbar.
tagtatored at Park P^ toat chant marine toward Ibe naval es10. gel rid of It by way of tbe kid
During the yaar the Coapaay baa
ubllsbnientof a oailoa. It was shown neys result* lo serloDt dtoturbance of
dBokiag Bood Otgaiu.
) new Imunroe than the OoBp
loMcd dbeei to $.844 ef IB policy
L. A Sm of Ohailerolx la to tka eUy that while a navy Is necessary navy the<vlul fuDctioas and may end In P^M*c la 1$9$. aad the Coapsay :
bolder*. OB tbe sole secerity of tketo
Tkeauabanoftbefln •
the guMt of J. B. Jaaea.
aeto cannot transport armies and death by uraemia. From tbe fact that
poUeies. upward* of
anaBoktoy good dgan. tba gift of
procUcal method ha* been
Joka DeUary. tonaariy algbt alatk aupplles from point to. point oo tbe
Mn. T. a. A. Tragea, m a teaUBoalal at tba Botol Oolanbla. hM raalgaod Ugh an*.
ed by whU b a sharp analytical line
Tbe steady growth la tbe ezporu of '<*<■ ^ drawn between the nitrogen e( nald-«or laaoraBee to force, sritieh to
af tb^ good work at tke fin wbleh Uh ptoea bM baaa BUad by Jann a
OCT cent luterast. wltkOBt In or
American manafactnreo most be a P*»**®i »• br«a •xf that preaeut a*
Aanagad ika Patoea Bakcey a abort Woodworth of tbiaal-y.
Durtog tbs yaar tka Oobubbt kaa
aonree'of gntlficatloa lo every Amert-rroatlnlo aad xamtllm Qesb
Mbo ago aad thnataaaed taa baOdtog
John DeLaary will lean tor Barker can rittoea. Our azpon* of agrtcnltnr^ to its polky-hoikars to SlTidMdto
owaad by Mra. Ball, BOtbar of Mr*. Onak today.
t»ld-for loaaraaes la torea ikaa
al prodtxto are ateodlly Increaalng and «»*•
^ Pfoper oeaae of the tarm.
Tragea- Tba algan «raro tabaa la tba
UkadayMratro Tbeae roaulU have
promlae befeW ibe end of ibe pteoeni
bnu aeooaaltobad at a lowar sxpeass
caleodar year to equal If aot xorpaB
CtoarHahar's Vxiea Biaettoa.
ratio tbaa sm that of iSM.
who «TM alto roB
ABCBg tba lUBbarBoa ngtotoradat tbe pbeaomenal year of I8nA Thu*
At Ika aoBMl BMttog af tho Otfar
Ttagaa. Mr.-Barry wm
tba WblUng. tka bUowtog an to tba la .export* of agrlca!tur*l product* a*
Maharto Oalea tka followtog cOean
la apprlatog Mn. HaU d
rity. kartog attowdad tka am
*rril a* Id maonfacture* the faela of
everyday htotory contlooe to coafoaad
tba MUhlgaa Hardwood
. harpraBtonaadBBtottog bar m tka
Trareiw City, Mlrt.
algktoltka Bn.
. itkw; WUltoB Babkolarof Laka tbe tbcorle* of tbe free tnderm. We
TlnFraaAaa. Charlas Qkriat&aaoa of MsbIse^ are boylog abroad artMcs Id erode
for domestic lodoatry. to be
Flaanrial tlae.—B. B. Wneer.
Old Faapla Mada Toaog.
M. Obarlto of BtogboB. J. F. Qoigtoy rondJtloo
Dtlltoed by oar maDufacturen Id tabrt*
BoaordltoT Baa.—J. Oarttn.
af Grand Bapida aad Bdw. WUeax of iting artlrini of high class mabotae- TiaMarB
Tbos. FortaM.
ire, la larger qnantittea -under, tbe
Bargmatat Arms Joa. H< BBsa.
BIweod Btaalay ef Mapla Oty.wM pceaent protective tariff tbaa were porriased under tbe low tariff act of 18P1
to tka alw oa baslana yoBtoedky.
Baaktoato Amlaa Balra.
Un Boggo of BattoM Bay. wm to
Bm world wide fsBa tor mare
a M0.M0 to tba I
WBltaAtM of HowoU. ocod U. aoBMUoa load. Tka Bad who bbAo
«Mo kntfw. ilwt ktMotf is tw
kssd. It «* ai^sistsd Mow Uo *'U kaa kaaa aato that Mr. Oaraagta
iaafroatiadar. I da aat Mlaaa ka ia.
■sokraSwyTvkr.Mks psrtr. aad tka toot that ba latoato to Baht
of fOttMum os» for s rM st Bay
totba aoUaythat la balag paraoad by
CM*, sod w*« ko sM tor M vbr ks
«w«t*ao« to# o»«r tka kMd wtik tkoB toabHaaa par^. aad la wttUag to
boBAtoaUlt.sstok tks» roMmd %tm ImmIMo.
U waa alaoaaM that tka Batklakas
ta}^ WV
troa Werki had wdo a ntatoatlat
HM«-7ssooUaos of Mn. Morwd
Tka lataottoa of tka
<Wit— sf kows*. ■alas Oo.. pla^sd
We haee decided to
tinse for oBotber week osr
speeUI aale OB
' and Cameras
TboipsoD’slDrng Stors
J Smoke.
fcSSST ^
Five Cent
Pig Tail
John R, Santo,
Gmril l■s■ra•el.
at E. W. Hastings’
Rre Insurance.
Fin Insiraace Otfice
LtL. A.-BnUdlas.
-- I899 --
New York Fife Insurance! Company,
TOTAL-IliSDRAHCE IN F0RCE,[$i,(KI),000,000
n. K. OOiNLON, Spnial^eprcKiiUtiTe,
tkoalty ywtaeday.
Maitto Browa of Latoai. WM to tko
elty yootarday.
^ o< GIbi Bank to at Hrk
W.B WDaoowMtlo BlteworthlMI
%JSr2l£.TSfti- oeoBtog.
Ha to to aoanA of aU Mnk
*7 tor aoMiMtotodaBatoktagthathawlU kasa«B tead to ika
duauy was purchased abroad tbe past
atoe moaths than during tost jmr. --------------------- - .. Jto, SOTM Feloaa.
la tbe Buoe utoe mootbs we aoM Utoara._TW*er, faJt tbeaB. Feear
abroad «».ono.oo0 worth more of esnpleted maanfactaied eommodltles tbaa
dnrtag tbe eorreapoodlog pnlod «f last
year. Tbe Beptember iDcmse to exI af maanfactniea ira* •AmjasT
warlb above tbe export* of moatoe- iMwahw Pn.1 B&eon aad mb:
toBltht aUlar*
nimoo cumiGS HiHiOGicisTon wom
MdBvaUrLvmhMriB BllaiaBA.
mean M XtsnrM Otty lAusbw Oo.
: &ctver«!l 'Kro»
A» OUmco lk« im tern* W|W
iMkalutk !•■»
iw tftiM fee* tiM l4hM Md ttnn of
—J WtoMMlatatko
-vM^V of CkMH& Thta wcrk f1««i
—Idaf^ootloowr ?.«00mm.
■•aiacM la IkaAktalaatek «Mrfe»e(
-ttefovarattaatofTlflia. '
<^Tkth4r F«taMr«M waU. Maofflaf
^ttaaMsuUia malaQMOa.of Par*
teabatf. W. Va.. bMolad la BltaUa
«aoBBlr. aaoMaalally aaafbt tra aad aU
ioffgrta M aatt^aUb Um ■!■«■ ha«a
^awfaUla. KOUeMafoa aUUMaef
4a#tofc*al> folaffto waaUaad tba
«M«dal te <riU ba aaofoaa. tba
nar fraai Um baralac ta« «aa ba;
:kaard U MUaa aad tba ifa iUamiaataa
baa toaad a war to mlUcau tba pane*
prodB>.aJ br Uw uattaU«* of oar raat*
B tooaoaad axpon tiada ^ br tba
fact that ttiroocb tba vorkla^ of tba
DlBClar tariff tba Cotml Sutaa la pOtac ap bofa trade balaacaa ax a fata
tbai ir ^iloanl a^ few r«ara toacar'
vUl ahlfi tbe bBaaeial crater of tba
World fROB Eanpe to Ameiica. Tba
flenrat aa to exporu aad trade bal*
aaeea bare cawed noeb afoor aatotif
troe tradora boi tber bare aMCtlj aafforad la fileoev aad bare moatlr bat
attempted to rxplalD tblan ao aa to
tail/ wtib tbe tbeory'tbat tbe cooatrr
wbk-b bur* tnore ibao It »eUe prowl
ricb Bueb faster tbao tbe coaattT
wbicb aeOe more ibaa It bar* aad ae>
cnmoiaiea a eorplae lb tbe abape of la*
eraaipi aattooal waahb. Tbe problen
bas beea a bard oae of late (or tbe
•lop^rtoc mloda- and tber hare *paea.
0d“ « for tbe taaai part
Kot ao tbe bprinpfleM BepoMkaa of
John F. On & Co.
SNtKtas tt
Iranm Chj baba b.
tnrteCItr. - - AicU(u
for lu mloeilea la tbe alleped die*
Tbo Partedtj ooaaeU baa eboaan tba
. oar export autlaUca art
•IM (<» Uu
•<»l~ ol W«h- j “'"I
aa to repreoem OcUtiooa
aad that our big trade baUoceo
-AnwetMud tb. *™.-d.Tn>-'
li tha wuad tba b-arb»a fu,
^ ^
Tba Btataa will ba BaaalUi) at all. It aum* ap tba eaae aa rollawa:
July I.
*^'aklap all tbeae tblapR ioio eoDsId*
With BBubabad fury the blixnrd
<wbiebbaarmcadaaooaalBiny laaertblily la excras of wlwt tbe -goods,
ate tbaaaat toB
j bare really beea sold f4>r. Ii U a pad■daya. eoatlaaaa. KMdaarali
: dad accotwt. wUk-b most 1m> scaled
BBdh la feared that-tbaro Is BBehjdo«g conalderal'dy to rracb tbe true
maffarlaff amonf tba farmn.
export ralor. .lad wbeo tbU bas beeo
A aural o«eer who arrlrad at Manll
'® *«>•■ lui|»it. or
li. fij-iu Oaa«
n_KB< briana
ibriBn & proalaamtk*,^^jj^^jj^^
nrnni.«»^*UM dcbtoT. accouDl bas
beeu sillied
I aad
total aboUtioa
Roasted Coffee
*«Saot rob. tt. Tbo proloCM of tbo eomalatcd oo paper during tbe past
atroelaBatioa doalarcs that tba Spaalab - u) mootba*'
There's CobdeuJie comfort for yon!
^aw* b a-----------tO BODolar llbartr fl >* • cbccrfol adwol of ccoooiDk
that flad. Its rml*
•Bloadby ibaAMrteaa
PrMliliBt ftarpB aaiwaBom that tba
Valratilty of Chhfo baa rwelrod
HowTaarbrlfta troa Obleago boaiaaa bob aad Joha D. Eoekatallar ag- are lODcb more to bis taste. If tba
«Mtac «l.t?o,000 with luo.oeo mors la treasury statistics abow a costrary
etate of tblaga, If tbey abow that on*
der a proiedlre tariff we are aelllng
eoBBltta of tba Otaitat* to the outside world $OOU.OOO.OOO per
, year Bore of American products tbas
^ttaal oaloa. tbo new party
wrblab alM to aalto rallgioa aod | **
buying of foreign prodocta,
tpoUtltlaa. has teaad a oall for a ooa- then tbe statiatlca
•wMtIoo of tba oartv to meet at Roek '
Austin, tbe very 'accurate and
IlSTm Ma^lM
I «'^'»‘>rt*'y chief of Ibe IreaauiT bo*
lalaad. lU.. ^ay l. IWO.
statistics. wUI never stand weU
Tbe special train In which tba Boa* | with .tiuerk-an free traders so long at
•loB otaperor trarolod In hla raoeol.Oer* be persisu In putting out figures of
■ m»n trip earrlad aaong other things, forvlini trade wl.idi show iil.raomeiial
Aweoows to snsplr tbs throe litUe
fur tbe Inillridual and aggregate
«e». oiui, ue I' 1
-lib pare fresh mUh. Prash |
At Xrala, llLtMiA Flossie Weaeor, rejoice and are glad at Uirir countiy^
bbadaaghlorof Jsaas Weaesr. a*wall- treat prosperity.
Ao-do temor. has ooBtoHtwl aniclda.
catling a boln la tbo 1m aad i
kwBolf. Tba anlaltbfalnoai of htf
Pmrat Pm
At tba pUm wbara tba girl klllad bar^
an roormooa aod awlft coming
•alf tba watar was oaly two faat daap.
•P* I wave of proajwrliy a* bas struck
slruck t_
8ba Baat ban laia down no the lea
lee I, country slmw our rwuru
to ecoaomk
Md bald bar bead aad eboalder* aader '
Abe ehUly water aatU death caBe.
The busincM world U ooi used to such
OeMral Peek, ot tba Daliod Skate BUdden and coniplHe changes In tbe sUnatlwi
as a change from free
itkB of
affaln as'a
BOBBtekiB to tba Faria axpoalUaa, baa
trade to protection Implies. ConsequentI a list or tba prlaelpal
ly present
peoaperily Umls us uot wholly
eablMton to tba United pretMre.1 tor \C. The manufacturers of
:tUi>. u.uum.ui 1. .Ixnt
l»r.r.u.M wl»t .
filUf ll|Ml t Mtu Kj.
Ever>' package of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee con
tains information about many valuable articles
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
Xsk your grocer for Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee.
Notion DepMment,
New York City,'
N. Y.
to u> u«-*ob
<WB.tll Praal mx.
' yxa aawr - n,
B-mis sM CdIm rre
*■ w«-B»v«i«a ssrem.
IBLWaNTan Ocm•rsl keuvwerk. WIU
*■ s wvwk fc ooswient bri^Mrs.
'P.C.Osam i.4isaixtb
Boera und Britons.
TrawaiMOtty Waitet
It b doubtful wbeiber toe British
below U a Hat of the baytag and eel
sy lor grocMies. Boers win win tbe day In South Africa.
The newepapera are eagerl;
eagerly read aod
every one b anxlousl.--'
end. There eao be do
o <doubt where toe
e who
victory will be lo those
snSerera, If they eoosult Dr O tman,
of New York, now president
. _
-a ot Dn. B. 8. A Oo. A phy Tta
mlsbss psrisr esrtsOiaai^.
sician of renown and one eapabteof EspISs. Asisste OrawTisfids to Gtee~ tog marveioos eurea, not aloee.by
I of hb tharoogh knowledge of
ttne, bat beteBse he bfortenar'eisM IsOrA BsBSb*^•MM*saS*elMp
known apd
TUslBSfSlvtestSMp. o. hM ebelr esr Fb
blB. who are ntieny aieeonragea aae
feel that a yawalog grave awalu toSB.
but leave iwith renews hope. feMlag a L UXBWOOP.O-P. OT.A. OraeS As
I:K5.25^ ••
*■ ■-
| treat change Was to come, hlaoy coo„
___ _ _
I cents la that se«-tlon are threatened
^ Mnehaf {jow j^w with the oecesaliy of les*
•oanly. W. Vs., WMborn to Paaaiyl* • porartly ctosing down-on account of xr»a balb- s .bsu bare m b*
I swte to 17M. aad JaO. 1 bad Head dar> I tbe lack of fuel and raw mateflal. Ser* | J!
ssstiT oB-tvirbs. wtit irs4« tor
tog.tt*teBtarlat eoteoBetog with 17,
furuaces. more- l»erir» s> rirt Nsuoesi Bsak.
__ i
Afl SB. -Ill
* I over, are natog anthracite coal instead wrswi'eis- psaitios is private tsai
I of coke, tweause Ihelr supplies of “the T* yram olt
Tte-batetocaf abet •ratebagre- ItolterareexbaoatedtBDdotberfilniacee
hs«~«-^btealtodoerietBIr far Kn* A Vaa OeereB wlU. be forced to do Ibe aame unleee
rtS stfoM.
•t Detroit Taaoday Moratoff. lira. Van tone qoaotitles of coke ar^ soon re
of tbe
Oraraa was aafferlag Back pain aad ceived from ilie western
bar hasband deeldad that the appllea- atate. Tbe cause of all this trouble Is
Butte, par ft.,
that the rallriwd companies have not
ftgga. par dosoa
.ttoa of abot waterbof waaldaUerlaU
a with
R. fliM SB. hsw .Itk • ■n®clrnt numlwr tff cam
wiiu wbldi
^p^aa-OaUa aod wtodtoUa. koe per
ASSrMS -X- BscorS oBee.
bsr aaffwiag. teffUed
bag wltfi
neei all demands for transportation.
h^wate 11^
•te a»»lud It t#> the
have not yet learned to live up to
aflieted «eaaaa. Vg, * ,
I the commercial greatoeaa which tbe
teff.fatote# ^amag wstor aad
a of ABerican mdustite <b- poa^BALE-A am
TbM^boes^^ sTu'lT*i!tll^!3 Statw op Quo, Cirr or Toiaou I ^
’■^t. aplUtoff the hot «uid oeat pUea. -Bnt we are wlUJng to keep oo
aisur-a atosM rnralsSlB^iisro
Ltcas Cocarr,
________________ _
Van Oeacea. Tba barw are of a trying.
Fbabb 3. CuaxxT makn oath that
Mrioaa patera.
ha la the aenlor panaar of tba Arm of.
eousf* St as nfib SU
Ugbu.' Kr wsiw sad sower «oi
Wbr the B'erbleamoa Totes Poe a golrs of J- M. Isgrtg.Piwm.
--0 Qiy of-----Toledo,
Cbanty aad I
_______ __ _
Proloetloe TaHa.
T^OEBALB-OoM etehf roam hoaae m—rir
tbe nin of^NB BVRDBB™DOLLaI^
A. W. CkBM'sj Tbe supporters of free trade, |»ate
te eaeb aad enry mbs of Oatarrh that
. —.................................In tbe Amertcau laKldteT-Uear-PlUs wUI g
raUat and an gaana
bom-. tbeir belief ta hie ability to cope
»#««»?.all druirieta with tbe foreign bbom. aad tbey ctola
A. W. Oban Mad. Oo.. Baffalo, that becauae of his superior tntelUAwora lo bafara ms aad aahmrtbad
Ta Won tbatr mariw a aampla
to mr prmsBBi. tab oib day of Pssim
rawiUba Balled tee te ataap. grace he doeo not need tbe protecUoo
of the tariff. No oee doubts that tbe
bar. A D IBM.
Americas laborer could ontetoss tbe
la Heaaory ot I
Kotary PabUa.
foreign laborer every time If tbe two
stood OB equal terma. If tbe Americaa^■a Oatar^ Oun b takw totea nr TmS, laborer b wWhg to work for |be
teaaaaitkei More troB
teMlly aad acts diraeUy am tba
'Bed* wages paid to tbe forrigo Ubom or for
moeaoaaaartaeae oftbeayaioB. Saad
wages BM- 00 low as that, but yet con*
Wo. tba
- then of Trararee
lower than toe wagee whte
tbabJ^ MderaUy
be DOW tecelvee, toe American mnaa*
Md Ire ftruggbB. TSe. .
hha abc
Caecum could naderaell toe foreign
BaUh Fas^/ Pllis are tbo boat.
BButacturer every Ume.
Bot toe American taborer won't work
kaadfalba wide
■s. HT, Uatoe SUM. or
-*w atte prapsnr. jr.^r.
TbalOeblgH BtanhOo. b atOl to
«v baartfalt ays toUy. Ma for aucb wages and could not Un n
tba BBitette eaU aad taU ru
aoch a pittance. It b that be may not
be braagbt down to pauper wagee
which bade the eeif respecting Axner‘ ite wbte
J. A
toaa werktogmaa to eote te u proseet*
Ire tariff on compettog products tern
foreign coontTte. In ooe thing. Uoely
to eoa, tbe tree trateOM right Tte
■aa «f abOlty and af toteOlgeoce. eC
totallgBira aaOcteat to protect kite
aalf BdatoM tbe repedttoa to tob eote
. B^mWMbateat. 6 d»MP try ae the labor erfb ^ ftoropa.
ST. X.'
oanetf.. parttol paralyab.
isdleaaee*r tf so, sraeie no tlte
> City Tbnraday. Jan'y 4. IMO. aad
1 be to tbe private perlor of the
WWilDg Hotel, *
One dey only, s
PH r A'lr
AM ^
J. aateJk A<MW
MlS-;£.”S2l,SB7S^S,=S5l: ““““’Tii'iij..
yXPO-AOBoea. ASMe^aMOseaMCaras
p ^ouaote.AM
A a ■ TF
oono POBTR.
Chicago — »- «• -*
West Michigan.
"2sr- ' r.rOHRMRTA08..Totodo.O.
Get Yonr Bicycle
tloa. ___ ____ ___ _________
Alao any kind of rep^ sreck atally
apd promptly dnae. at
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
^ighly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its'fiavor before reach
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee.at
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit,
To Ouro • Com In Ono Day.
'‘ake Waruer'R While Wine of IWr S> n;
be beat cough remedy on canh. 2.'t u
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