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The Morning Record, May 13, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Bob«rts Sntmd th* PIm*
nweHtmdrsd StrMtOsr
plojM Went Out.
OlMtwatli May U —Tka Da«tfo»MBtaUtkaanwtad Joa^ Bryokta,
ittlM ApywHat
vaaladaaaMattata BuUartaa W.
PfMitet SMr> *• Ooatim^ O:
Mn. Miaato OUrar aad Maad
who wara with hba. an
faatdaata of that ^aea MIh Moat« Airwit
feMytaaatafad to a yoaaff maa
than aad Mn. OUaar^ haahaad ta a
> waakaaw to atalt PBUBaa.whara
IhlyM Bryahta. ‘Rialr rayata
■paMal w«M HMstat
Im4ob. M>J 1>—TIm ww
,MilM4«haleUe«te«<nMt LordBo^
•‘KfoaocM. Majr It. S ». m.BepabUaan Mattoaal OaovonUon to
Held in PiTa Warts n^ Vo DaS•dwdteltka AMnofthatow Britkh
Blu Amayenanto Undo.
rariiltnn Pnaldnt 8Urn flad 7«Ur- epadal te «be Soralax Bceard.
^•vMiwraflv T*»Bly aadwTarta*
Waahiaytan. May U— Tba Bapablito pwraartii tha Mrfhan to eostlnaa kB naUMinl aonranUon rrlU meat in
Tha Trtnavaalara PhUadali^ fln weeks from nextTaaaaaid thay would aot dyht aoy loafer dayandasyal few state dalayntioaa
wlU tha Oman Ftm Staton aad made bare enyayad qaartara. The hotala
off in tha diraetioB of the Veal rirer. and boardiny noBaea in Phila
Tha FraeSUtan aofaeed the Treni are aUll waiUny for paopia to aayaya
nateaof maklnf BMot them and then rooms for tha coarantien. Local eom
mlttoas are dolny nethiay aad tbe eondm»»isc Ui#®- “«y
haTafoaeboine. Betore leariafhere
ex japtna to the
Staya la«e4 a preelaamUon maklnf ehaayei belny made Imthe eonrenlion
Uadlay the eapltal of the Oman Free ball, are in the future. In the meanState. Botha and DaWet aeeompasiled Umd the poiiUclana of Philadelphia are
aUll enyi^ In factional qaarrela, aa
Undon May lt-(Oivyrif»»tod ) Now of more Importance than tha national
that aetire operaUoaa have bean
TbU U dUeoaraylny
aanad the war bae agaih Ubaa the ta the naUonal eommiUae and
•nt^aea.In the BagUau pnbUe atten- Santv Hanna who piaaned foe
ttaa. ThetayMMyot profTWwdariaf ymat naUooal raufleatioa maaUny
tha earraat weak haa.arowd the hope la tba OUy Brotherly Lora.
that Boor rwMaaea la on tha point od
ooUayaa aad that tha war wUl
UBOppOMd TMtBTdftjr.
Grand BMda. Mlrt.. Mnylt-Adla'
pntrt from Adfliiml Oaway tednyutotn
mly Ona Third of tba ToiW Baapoed- thnttba ndmlml wOl ha |1B thiaelly on
Meedny. Fnna ll.
adtorta Order to Bait Work—PoUoa and Larya tana of
hr Uii lUi lfein gi^PriMit.
BhartOi Bandy to Aot Tlyorannty on
FUat ladicntloa of XNaoriar-Mnilway Company Pat OS Imrya Vambar
ed Bxtm Mae.
rrnui ie,Th« eemiw lutme.
Kanaa City. Mo.. May U, I n. m.—
A atrlka waa ordered anrly today an
aU etreet car Uaea of tba MatropoUlna
Abont 800^ cf
..iDotomianiand yrijK
«latlaa, raapoadad.
Motaoonyhqaltcm any Una to:cnnM
nay nppmeiabU effeet.'on tbe
nlny of eata on tba main liaaa.
AU day tba poUee aad a biy fores of
deputy eherlfft aad eoooty
have been on tbe alert, ready to aet
▼iyoronaly upon the flmt iadioatlon of
But np to mldnlyht there
ww no etnte tor interfaraace.
Many new yrlpmen, motormen and
condactoia hare been putonby^Uie
company. Aa each crew was aaalyned
both men were depntlzed
deputy marahau and armed with
This ereninyJtbceomjmnyLappHed
linylthc m^jiani.^
the FederalI eonrt for to injection to
forbid tbe ytrikerd Inlerferiny with
their sneoeeeora.
eaeora. iVoIeelloy
ikpIesllDy tl
the eompnayh property. ‘•plckeUnyor patroliayftba ear hoaaea, atoppiny plaeea,
atntioM. traeka or approachea thereto
of any of thp oompanyh Unm.WIrt.the
4"f darimem there was
maeh asenainem on the part of the
Penra Ho Xmek of Monay Becanse pnbUe. Kanaas City's hUly natare
would make it paaaibie for even one or
Btynnh Ohaneea are so
two man to badly (wreck a*enr and in
jure a yreat many pnmenyara bat
apwlei;to Tta Heralar Bword.
Unooln, Nab.. May It-Vlce Chair- aotbinyoeennod. Cara ran -np tUl aa
man EdmUten of tha PopnUat naUonal
The Perfect
For Women
An EsqnUite Shoe,
“The Sorosls”
Filar Batata of Kanietee Makea Firai
, Payment Amouatlny to S4.446.
SiU»r OF II.8DD i lEM
Offered OlrD Bnyineer K. F. Borthrap
in the PosltUn aa Sarrayor of
8nnl{ Ste. Marie.
City Bnyineer Nortbnip has bad a
vary flattarlny offer of the position Of
elty aarreyor of Snnlt St. Marie at a
salary of 11.800 a year. Snrreyor
Northrap Unot deairlona of leariny
Trararaa City, however, and bu atoted
to tbe board of public works that he
would remain here if he could Ite aaanred of a salary of ti.soo a year. Tbe
boart met last niyht to diaeii
matter but no deflulte oonelnaioi
bed. The matter wUl be pleoed
betore the eouaeU at Its meeti^ tolorrow nlyfat.
Mr. Northrap baa held tbe position
of aurveyoT of tbU elty sareTal years,
dolny much important outside work in
connection with tbe work here. BU
reputation as one of the beat civil enyineera in thU part of the country U
wldmpread. Be haa done much yood
work for Traverse CUy and tbe city
wouldbetheyainerlf he
dueed to remain here. There U a qnmtionasto whether the city can yet
nfferd to pay tile salary naked aa (he
nem of tbe elty In eivU enyineerIny ia net thou^t to warrant tha flxiny of a deflnlte aalary.
Lanalay. May l>—Tha first payment
of an inheritance tax nader the law
eaaeted by tbe leyialatnre haa been
partoetad and the mmy tamed into
tbaapaelfic tax fond. Barera! othara
are In proeeM of ooUeetlon. The tax
ratarrad to waa paid by the t
of ManUtee coonty os aooonnt of the
aatata of Delos W. Pilar and amoanta
^ to Hitt. The eona^ Waaaarer rec^roa ema per eant. of this tor ooUeo- and the aldU and oounm^if Surv
Northrap wpald prove IBreat <n
tloB. The primary
aspedaUy in etiyt weri^
Oars Baaniuyat St. LouU.
■St Lonia. May 12-Today the entire
aborbaaayelamUnmnlny. TwentyMaw Sebndala on :
five ears each are belny opoated oa
the Park avenue and Compton BeiyhtB
Partiealar aitaatlon U enllad to tba Unmnnoon the main line of the Uaehaayaaf tima wbieb wUl taka plaea deUdiriotemaadar poUeeoMOct. with
tomorrow in the achedeieot tba EUre atroay yuards along tbe right of
ManioetU railroad. Tralna will leare aud at the termlnala. No more
thU city for the aoath at 8:»# a m., raaU have been Imned.
11;M a. m. and 8:40 p. m.
Miners’ Demanda Befuaed.
Arrire from aonth at 1:18 p. m.. 8:46
Boayhton, Mieh.. May IS—Tha
p. m. aad 10:48 p. m.
Thall:WtmlaaoathwUlhea flyer, practieaUT no rtaaye la the strike eitmakiny only tonr stops batwaan hem
aad Umad Bnpipa.
a are out. Aa
Laara hare for Elk Ba^ 0:tS p. m. Qntney. where S.SOO
aaamyan et
(he filatrietan aaaaefth
aadl;tsp.m. AxrimfromBikBapUr
IB ratoalay the rtmaada at tha
U:W a. m. and 8:tS » m.
Sebooaer Thomas Howland Cnubad
by Flontlny Xoa aad Sent to
aoectsl loTsaMoanixv Bicosu
Buffalo, May IS-The schooner Thomaa Bowland of Chlcayo, which left
Baffalo tbU atterooon with a earyo of
ooal for Wankeyan. waa ernabad by
fleaUny ios five mUea out of port and
sunk. Tbe crew was uken off by a
We have just reedved direct from the celebrated
Whiting manufactory a large and elegant line of their
finest stationery in their Angora, French Crepon^ Gre*
cian Bond, Oi^ndie Bond, French Oi^andie, Imperial
Bond. English Vellum, ia the veiy latest shapes.
The ladies are especially invited tp call and see
them, at the
The Old Reliable City Boole Store
Rtbatt, Beecher Co.. Proprietors.
Patent Leather.
It is 811
idee I dn>ss
boor, perfeet ;n
Sample Fante Sale | Sample Fants Sale
,>u K<-io lollkr III- aiir>iioo>. Wby dOB'l ,uii uarr, lilo'"
'■Urcaae' 1 llkr bi» atu-uiiaae."—Br«ekl,n Lit«'.
Do You Know
There is new Neckwear io our Furoisfainr^s Department twice
a we«k—Cornea right from New York. In that way we always
have tb« newest patterns as soon as they are prodoc^. Yester
day we received a lot of new Silk Ties in plaids, stripy checks.
AU new shades—25, 50c. Reversible Fonr-in-Hands and
'Sfi^kerchiet Scarfs.
today. It hariny
been definitely deelded to eatabllsh
them et Llaeoln, the home of the praaideatlnl nominee. EdmUten wiU be la
charye of tbe work of tbe oommitUe
until Aaynat tat or later. After Aaynst
1st tbe beadqnarten will be diytded,
tbe weetera dlrUion embmclny ail the
i, toyether
Ht of the b
with Kentncky and Ind
here in charye of EdmUten. with Bntlor takloy charye of the other dlrWon,
poaalbly at Washinyton. Bdmiaten U
eonfldenl that the rank and file of tba
party who bare faraUhed eampaiyn
funds In the past wUl he moeh more
Ubcral tUs year in rUw of the chnaem
for yletory. and that the work wi^mot
t hampered by a lack of money.
in Stationery
Bata Fixed tor AdmM iDawayh Tint
TbaaawawUAmoatappaalato the
haartt el BafUahmoa. howavar. ia that
aoatalnad in a dtopateh trem Pntoria,
paW^had preailnanUy today throufhoat tha aoantry. that at laat rallel la
alwoBt within reaeh of Mefriclaf.
ennonneemaat aomaa that
Oriopoi Badaa-Powall aad fatrlaon are
Maned we ahaU aae a JabUatioa in
Mafflaad aarpamiaf aren the rejolelnf
of Ladyaaltb day. The iBpreaaioe
n»»»« fronnd that there will be no eerlou fifhtlDf Boath of the Vaal riree
and that there to oonaldemble truth la
tharapoAethattharrae SUtera hare
loatoonian. BeanU of tha comlnf
wa^ onfhi to decide wtaethar the war
'~>tU.e(»etoaapaeayend or be protneted tor nanny waeka.
Lord Boberfa oparatlone hare aomewhat dlatraeted tha attenUon of tbe
eoBBtry Iran apaeehM of extraordin
ary dfBiaeanee and UnporUnoe deUearad by mtmbara of the cabinet tUe
araak. anltebnryb call to nme bna
tba oonntry. bnt the inpeaalhiUty of nnnonnelnf bU raaaone for
Ueappanlto aeary patriotic Enfliah.
•an to l«m to aboot bas aomawhat
fMtaetad from the tome of hla warn
iBf of a thraataoad intaalOB. Th«
aifnifiraTTiTf of ahamberlain'a ipaaeb
nstwday was antlraly lost at far aa
uwapapw eoBBient^ Tbe eoloalal
aNTMary hae eo .far raocynUod tbe
aerlone ehanya In pnbllc opinion aa
daeoto hie lone speech chiefly to a die'
eaarion of the eaneee of the war and
tba dafanee of tha forernment for allowinf .tha Imne to be aattlad by tbe
•word. Fi»en»anthe aya tbU apaech
hare been eonaidered eatlraly
iinnunwi-T ud >1 la^ only n wide- aprend rarlalon in aanUmeat which
wonld hare driren a man who. rlyhUy
or wronyly. haa been held chiefly reeponalble for the war to repent thp old
nrynment la aelf joeUfleaUon.
Fonrth Year—No. 943
Sample Fants Sale | Sample Fants Sale
Ms Shoes
Alfred V. Friedricli
A Bunch of Shirts
Special Sale at 49 cents each
Tomorrow morning we place on sale at 4i)c each, a lai^ bt
a Kina—some in one stzv, some in auotner size, oai m me
nearly ail sizes. Very desirable goods, at a ilecided bargain
Values in Lace
Faria Faper Says Boor Fence Delegates
tor Thair Vlall.
gpacUl <o The MonlDf BMorC.
Faria. May 1»—Tba Matin in an edi
torial nrtiele today aaya the Boer peace
an unfavorable
to vUit the Dnftad States,aince
aeeordlny to that paper, the Americans
doiny in tba Philtpylnea what
tbe British are dolny in South Atrien.
But Lick of aubmm Prevented Action
on Naval Appropriation BiU.
Special to the HwniDK Uoeofd.
Washinyton. May I2-Ibe senate
took many ballota on the naval approprUtlon blU today but owing to the
lack of a quorum and the failure
aecnre one the aenate waa compellei
adjourn without action. Proeeediays
for the manner in
rblch Tillman receded from hU poeitlon reyardlny cheap armor plate.
9oAU7o&lh $
Sf aihc CoiMiit
To those who appreciate
ll fariiltate* l>ui>l
^ihteaioBk eorr«*poD<
New Goods
■ New Styles
ard do,-4vaway
r and wnitlnk dnye
nunuDlcaUen wtn>'
ll vuie jou iB airwt cemmuDlcaUen
Best, SouiB ana ibe far Wcet
ItBBUen not tom- nor. or how far you
vteh lo speak, tbe Telrphone b alwarereadr
>0 do jonr bidding and Prieg an lomedlatc
—----------|.ul In today.
Bamberya—so. fse. *1.00, gl.U
toll. SO.
'Irish PoiBV-S8.80 to 87.80.
BmaaeU Net—$4 00 to VJ.OO.
Benalasance—87.00 to yu oo.
Bobbinette Saab Cnrtrisa. Sl.U
Pretty curUlna make tbe home cheerful and attractive. The dealyas
tbit-year are specially pleasioc—the prices are very low. quality eootidered.
Teptei^’aBan Ball Soares.
No. 43
elk) toTbeWonUBC ft
Chleayo ....
New York...
Mi Dohany, Seymoar,
8 8
PbiUlppi, Zlmmsr: LewU. Clnment.
>hhy Nor
WIU I mam
Union street
No. 318
ir ''
8 11
Seoib PeUi Bernhardt, Doaylaa.
St LeaU..................................
mny. Bobinaen: MeOinnity, MeGnire.
axxBcan LXAovn..
14 11
15 18
in Icel
.................... U 14
Gray, Rana. Speer; Bavlnya,
Saasaa City
to prlTAte funillM.
Oronlu, Byaa; Patten, Gcmfitay.
Qavelaad va.MUwmukea.wet yreaada Payable monthly in advance,
AdsiBty fba
given away with «
Mix. C. mdrtarn.
Betb'pheMiNa.lM. tlow.FnatSt.
• TiNow 75c a Month
Black and tan, welt and hand tnm soles, $3.50
For sale only by
Chas. W. HerrilK
A. P. BoHKkaC Je^oS. ii Titttiac
MwAilH tfek ^ »f«r 8«*ter.
OAvnax <HTT
- momoA* J.B.DMrliaf the iMa Eatwiitr
pMMAtkmfhiluAUr rn*»«*y. *«
iruTi te the
wvk of the ani*
eeiaUy etMi t> *C tlaeeriat at
T. Baise axb J. W. flAnm' : Caiv Lake thia sammar.
ItaaielDakehaacaaa ea a boaf
t, W. Him. Mtter ebA Mmfir, iriptelClaaahae
UA-PcattairlvaAta the ei^ yeaSiVA C H. Hera letrned paoterdap
from thassaaionod the State Sop '
wiuaanjmr._____ ^<»to»«ixa!
^Mlm Katie pUmp. bookkeeper in
westtoBerhar Ckeak pecterdaptera
. e-=s==^=:^=
niarmine Slater eama down from Blk
Xi^Us parterdap to step orer Snadap.
Him Ivn roE Istt paatardap to rialt
rtaak Qaasatteamanp from laterOMteaBaMlpta of mUpvtaea.
loehenpaMwdaptoapead Snndap.
The taeaM* ^ the TUUpriM lituu
J. W. BJsffiaaaf Oraad Baptda.e
<nai date ei ooeapatiaB to laaaar7 SI, 1^ teat Bi^t to risit bia ipgt»er aad
UM. raported aa haTtaf haaa dopo
with the Maaaarar of the talaad*. wan
William Tnnar of Maskatoa, fprmOaatOBa.....................................•s.we.ST*#ler proaacBUaf attomap of that eono^,
latataal EaraBae....................
s«o.4Mlowas in the eltp peeterdap riaitinf Us
Maad raada............................. 470.t<717
Boa. C. U. Tomer, tm
W. B. Banep west to Bif Bapida peaTotal........................................ r4«,69a 17 terdap to spaod ISnadap with Mrs.
TbaidlahafBamaaU dnrlactha aasai Baaeppariod anumatad to thaanmofts.sST.E. McDeaald. landlord of the Wcatera Hotel iB Empire, te q>eBdiBf SobPortae Jaaaarr.Pahniarpaad
dap in Ue dtp.
adthlBTeartba totaleasteiBt raoaiptt
Willtem Waleh, tormerip cerfeaat of
ware ll.aas.sie, the Maroh raeeipU police and-teter aodeiaberiff in Grand
•neadioff tbaaaof either Aaaoaryar Bapida, is In the eitp ridtinf friends
and dolnf bnainem.
—....te propoaiUoB to beaolUy that
perOOB of t*ke atreet aaar the Pm
Marqoette depot aod to eoarert It Into
a paih, U beine net with oonaiderabla
tarar and a peUUon la belne prep
aicaedbpacpreaof aanea orpine tbe
kaadrad doUara spent in aoddine.aeedlae. walks and benehaa wUI eraate a
prattp a^t and pleasant rasUne plaoa
where there Is
TbeeBballiBhmeatof this point will
•SaobeapprartatedbjtroTelen walUne
lor Iraiaa la spaBor rtBM. There are
otharepou where Blmllar work ean be
done to adrantaee and when a start is
wade there wiU be no lack of aneceatfonafroatbepaopla
. There arc naaerooB candidates for
ihe Bepobllcao ooaercaak^ non
tto.io the Eleventh dlstrtet who want
•o take the place of Ooneresaman Meaiek. who U mskiae a ereat hosUe for
arecoBolnatioB. Wbaterer c.ay hare
baan done bp OonereMman Meelek in
Ua ual to aerre hla district erediubl
•aaator MUUken akowa np weli^
WT atronjr prohaWlitp, and ererTone
trtw knows him will eonoede that
battar sttn eoold be foond to represent
this dUtrtet in oonercaa. Mr. Mi'lllken.
it nap be stated also. U recoffnlred
Ihroochoot the district aa one of the
•blaat anoDr all the aaplraots for
Mcolek's place.
erEAEixu of the Oallfornla wool mar
kat, the last anneal report of the San
Tioneisoo Chamber of Oommeroe. dated
Jaanarp ic. said: "The old atoek
whiek had beea oarriad (from the free
tariff times has all been worked off.
aod today we stand on a solid basis, as
we hare no more woolin the United
•Uteatban we oanf-oae.'' How differ
ent this U from the “free tariff times,”
whan forelffn shoddy Sffoods were eold
in the Amerieen market and there was
■o damaod for American wool frown
bp Amerieoii farmora.
AXD sUU SeeroUrp of State Steams
eocUnoee to make new friends and
OTOip dap adds todtU atre&fth in alt
parts of the eUte, The latest firm
•apportera are reported from Bey City
Where he ea4i>lared foor ont of fire
eaaeuies. Mr. Steoma is western
Miehlfan'a candidate and nnlees a rerp
•teoof ondereoTTMt manlleau IteeU
bla ehaneea for the«obematoriol nomInatkm are verp food.
Aei-tNALDo'e noEt Utof aoeonrafC'
ant will be carried in the Kanaas Citp
Tbe bfap^tela have oegamteed aad
Bow LawSatterttea ter tbs Freama- era btfUtag a path to Slsn Leha.
Ibap have done seme work aad have
Mttswl'&oBlbp StapidBfftha
«W aBbatrihad. TUa ia a good
Uae of Dpsamite.
move aad thonj^ we do aot ride a
.eoRMpoBdent of the DetroUFMe mhMi wm help ptoh the week ekmg
and thlak avarp Uva eUlsen should do
Praaa. writlaf
'Fair Rap” calls attention to a eof
mma—Empire Leader.
fsetlrm that eertate tnmt
Oeathtf J. W.Xkolph.
tha atata be eloasd to SabarmeB far a
Bmmbar of pears, that thep map afaln
A totegram waa ncMvad paatardap ^
baeeme weU stocked vrith UA ‘'Pair Frank T. Dolph of Twth atraet. enPtep- deeteroa tUa to be eatifalp aa- hoandng the death at Trap. M. T.. o<
Bibewirp.Mtbe rapiddeptotteaof the hto brathnr, Jap W, Dolph.
alrwinila 8«t due to thoeateUaf of
fah with rad ^ line, bat their wh^} peaia old, and
I far the meitetH
it with teavaaawldow.
IpBBmlte, lime er nete.
Weetera Australia bu thlrteea hank
thme tUats an praetfaod, aad
feels that tha oalp wap to step than hoUdaya.
emna its own gold, hot not
aad pemwvi tha fB^-aarst-tbestate ItsAnnralte
te to make all snd/vloteiteBs of the
Contemplates matrinwiiy^—the |
state fame tew. tanttar with the rate at a wedding.
Tbe Mnnk-Ipal Art league baa been
of trout puntebehte^by imprtaaunaBt
without tba^ttes ofa-ftne. Show a asked to suggest Ideas for new bridges
across tbe Chicago rlrrr.
vtetetorofthe tew that be baa a good
Aadent Nineveh had lu iwtter:
ehanee to ^oad a pear at loate far and. Indeed, tbe mnaennis teem wit
rlotetioB of the ftah law, and he will the pottery of all priuUire peoples.
have far auve refard terthetewthan
In Bak Lake county, Uuh. over 90
if he waa let off with a ftaa of fS.whlefa per cent. «f the domeaUcated
hcemn pay with a abort trip to the have been killed by the sDukc from
For Jeueu ininitoB go to Frrnu'i.
-t’ea wonderful itomai .
.Iver and kidney remedy.p Cure*
dyipcpsi*. ioM of appetite. IS7 ibOnly
SO eu. Guaranteed. For sale by S. E
Wait and Jaa. O. Jobmons. dmggUte.
.Can be argued from both sides
of the question, but where is
' the man who can argue on
two sides of the grocery ques
tion? There is but one side
and that is in favor of pure
food for everybody at the
right kind of prices. If you
have not already, give your
next order to
a a Oireeior in Mieb.
fan StaiekCompanp.
Mr. andMra. Otarlea I
^ m., bare arrived in the eltp
•adtakeanp their abode at the Park
naea. Mr. Prodiasha eemea as ooe
«| the direetota of the MleUfan Starch
Oa. Behai bean a railroad man and
hotel Bsasafer aatU reeentlp. Be wUl
hnOd la ^ 'aaer fatnre. and will
awke tUa dtp Ua paraaanant homa.
Tha toetoep ha« had a vwp eaeesMtelnnthaafarlaitaUMerp. Tbaraa
m potitom will i—tlwaa «boet ten
■ lotetv. wLm the
iBtlodi^ the laife alnaW. wUl ha
Smia Otttur Oeek Book.
A limited aamber far mle at *5 aaota
eaah. Will be mailed poetefe p^
nedpt of the price. AddreiH,^
Bwald, ^veiat (fitp, Mich.
Yon Can Hue One
Just aa well as Aot—I have
A Urge line of the Peiinnlaraitd Qnick Meal Steel
Bangea, bam ^00. A
little cash down tad the
belhaoe in eaip pa;fmeBtB.
I have afnll line of 000k
•toTee, quick neal gmaoline
aad quick meal bine flame
oil storee.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
xao B^xrozx'b g'bx'oet.
brook agalB with dynaoato.
Owisf to the nos-arrival of the
neeeaserp flime the Kline Onnemato
Krapbe oompany will not five an enterUiament In the City Opera Hoaae this
evening, as anndnnoed from the etage
test evesinf.
has decided to
on Front etreet
Good Templar Offloera.
A aealpera ticket offiee has been
At the maetinr of the I. a G
opened in the City Book Store.
teat areninf. the foUowinf offioen
The Foortb of July eonunittee is
cere tnstaUed:
maldnf good pragreas and it will take:
P. C. T., E J. lavender.
bat a few hundred dollars more <m the
C. T.—C. M. Lancaster.
ibecrlpUon list to aasnre a two days’
V. T.—Eop Tbeobold.
Obap.-Oeo. Bdfsr.
Mrs. David Gagnon died at her borne
Seep.—Jennie Curtis.
in Northport peeterday at 8 o'clock.
Asst. Seep.—Efla Seaton.
A boabaad aarrlvea her. The funeral
Fin. Beep.—Mrs. Artbnr Hpde.
will be held tomorrow morBlag at 10
Treaa—Otto Fnrtaeb.
Marshal—Mr. Swoab
The first Sunday cxeuraion to ManiaD. MarahU-Mra. Sweat
tee will leave today.
Gnard—Frances- McFea.
ArrangemenU have been made for
Sentinal-Fred Ztefo.
the appearance of Irving French end
his company at the Cltp.Opera House,
Big Frtrate Forest
Map 31, June 1 and S.
Amdnf the lanrest private forcste to
Than will be a regular meetieg of
e tract of iSC.OOO aerm In Polk and Duchess damp No. 8345. Modem Woodof America lo Montague ball to
Monroe eonatiea, Tennessee, owned bp
night. A fall attends
Senator Georfe Peabodp Wetmore, of
Rhode Idasd. Senator Wetmore baa eameeUp requested.
There will be a regutei^e^
availed himself of the offer of free as
Traverse dtp Lodge No. 83S, F. A A.
sistance to the ownera of
made bp the dlviaioo of forestrp and
.Mrs. C. J. Bboer aod Mlm Carr wlU
has asked that the tract be inepected
with n view of maklnf a worktef plan entertain the Novo DIriebi club with a
eheon Tuesday at the reeibp which the n
be cot andHbe forest still be prmerved deaee of Mrs. Bbner.
There wUI be a
In food condition.
Clerka' Union Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock at the C. S. P. S. ball,
A. Fast Bicycle Bitter
WiU often receive palnfoleou.tpralna full attendanoeia urged, as there U
orbrnlM from aceldehu. Boeklen'a
bnalDcee to be considered.
Arelea Salve. wUl kill the pain and A social aemion wUl follow the boaiheal the iojury.It’s the cycliafe friend.
• ehattnf. ehapped hands, tore
. .boma Uicera and piles. Care
A Woman’s Awful Peril.
foarranteed. Only S»c. Try It Bold
"There is only one ebaaoe to
by S. B. Walt aad Jaa. G. Johnion.
yourllfe and that U through an operaUon” were the atartli^ words beard
I Our« — Wamer’a by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Eldge.Wtl..
Whito'w'laA of Tar Syrap, u,. from her doctor after be bad vaini~
beat cough remedy on earth, cures a cold tried to cure her of a frightful case i
in one day if takes in time. 35and60cts. •tomacb trouble and yellow jinndiee.
Gall tumea bad formed and she cousUntly grew worae. Then abe began
tnf and pietnre framtef
Phone 2OO0G
iL^^ture-s cub
No Hero Rhouniatism.
bope or relief vbra vebeurdofCaaTKloc.
ana my vi(c besan ouns It. Thu greet
medleliw hm^ppmvoUr^tt^aairtto
IDS, North AMnEtoo, Ham.
Crler^-Ktuc<-uri«UOD«U(ienouaD4s)ldl»nuwr^tbr .Nrr\««.HU>niaiCb, l.tvcrandKl^
Du)->. HoJdbyUrucElsU. &c.audaic. 8
Onr New Shoes This
Season are Elegant.
There is grace In every line. We tell a perfection in
tbe making and tbe finish of everyone of onreboes,ln
ladtea’, men's and children’s, at prices so low that they
make onr high priced oompetlton mad.
Come aad see the finest window diaptey of aboei ever
shown in Traverse Citp.
Ladies' shoes With Loula .\ V heel, at S3.50 Md $3.00.
Men's finest vlel kid and willow ealf, wttfL at 83.00,
$3-50 and $3 00.
The Uteet novelUet In children'a shoes, red. ten and
black, from Sto to$3.00.
Practical Shoe Man.
135 Front streak
Have You
Seen It?
Our candy and fruit display. Five great elegant show
cases filled with the finest, sweetest candy and freshest fruit you
eyer ate. We carry the full line of Strauh Bros. & Amiotte's
home made, hand made candies. These are always fresh, right
from the factory. It’s surprising the amount of candy we handle
—tons and tons of it.
Thirty different kinds to select from.
Sell at 15. .;o, 35c and 50c the pound.
Trj’ a pound—»You’ll buy more.
Cream Gandy
All manner of flavors — and goods
that sell on sight. Trom 15c the lb.
up. If you want lots for your money
we have a mixture that sells at 5c the
Ever had a marshmallow roast in
your home? Nothing more enjoy
able. Got some of the freshest marsh
mallows at 25c the lb.
Figs and Dates
F^esh and delicious. Serve them
with your dessert or have them for
the evening. Dates are now joc the
pound—Figs 15c.
A most healthful, delicious fruit —
Order up a dozen. - They'll cost you
now 20c.
Season for lemonade and lemon ices
is here. Be prepared for it. Prices
are changing—Now they're 20 and
25c the dozen.
Great big, sweet ones, fresh from the
orange groves. Serve them for break
fast—Make you glad you’re living.
'I hey now sell at 50c the dozen.
For dessert. Ser\’c th^ sliced^ er
made into ices or jellies. They’re
good and they’re fresh.' 12 and 14c
the one just now.
Fresh, appetizing, healthy. Stacks
and stacks of them. Filberts, 15c the
Ib; Brazil Xuts, loc; Feanuts, loc;
English Walnuts i^.Pecans, lac;
. Almonds i.Sc; Mixe^ Nuts, 13c.
Did you ever crack one and eat it
out the shell. Great sport. Only
costs sc for 'both the sport and the
Store open Tuesday's ud Saturday's until 8 p. m.
The Hannah j[ Lay Hereantile Go.
mfnfrifnfrnn*rnn^w Ht ^w;
. Akraa WOMB awt • tatribte teth
tM CMBIm «nmi«7 •naiag. EaUgm wuk la Oobk * MltehaU% mwbOI
»^a«lWthaBMb»«rair. Dsf^Wa
iM pwt«(ih* aWki te WM HlMi w
W»>lailiiiM<r«ak tn
«k« tac* Wnv MMd ta mnmmUI
mMm. »• aotj »M iBkaato 8t.
teiia. EM., tkalMMaf Mr. WIlMk
' fHwM, Car liiifiBL tta ye«w
■•awMMtt M 7MB otf
mrM. TkMa%bt«wkktaC«eric
BiiUk Omarn Dr. EIrtMad af LaM
rl«r. Tkaiada/ raaMvad a taUffnB
tnmthm Oaata. WM., alattarWat
Okarioi Oruty a< tka» plaea, who had
haMvertdacttva.had tafttehoau
aadlhatha had \ma aapaaodtotiH
aiaanpea ThahMlth ofiear want to
' tha heoM wMt of tha (owa aad toud
hlB ill with amaUpaa. CraBbparrirad
ia tawB Wadaaaday aad walked ap tha
aaia atrMt ahaklag haadi with a good
Bayirlaai1aaadawiaalBtaaa*a Latar,
BOt iaallBg wall, ha weot hoaa, wbara
haeatM down with tha dlaaaae. At
laaat too panoM hare baaa aapoaad to
thediocaoe. Tha areola hara haan ordared aloaad. The oouteU mat la epeelalaea^ aad ararrlkihr bat beta
daa to ^aek the aproad of the diaaaaa.
Twaire palrt of prairie dao aad two
prairie owla hare Jhtt beea raoelred
from Kaaaat aad placed la the aaw
prairie dog rUUge oa Belle Ule. A
cage abore, to keep them from ruanlng
awap.aad a eemant iacloanreoader
groud, .to ka^ them from korrowlag
oah wlU preroat their eaoape.
C d. Ladd of Kalaouroo, waa nio
erar aad klllad at NUee bp a Elchlgaa
Oaatral tistB;^Taaaday. Ladd repreaeatad the JoUav ni., Iroa aad Steel
Bridge coBpaay, aad bad eoma to aegetiate with NUet for a nejr bridge.
The graduUng ela« of the PlatawaU High aahool wiU appear ia eapa aa d
gowae on elate day, Jane 7. Sobm of
the girl gradaatae Ptad already
ekat^ pretty gradutioa drMa«
foaght the eap and gown marei
Alt aa the majority of the elate are
boya the gb-lt ware orerraled aad the
daia'ty white draotet will not aivear at
the aaaior reeepUoa.
A child aboot a year old of Jamea
Loag. Bait Bmlra, whUe eating peaantt baaame ebokad. The pareato
atarted for the doctorh oSee aa fatt at
potaible. bnt the oblld died before the
Ofiea wai reaehad.
BoBjamln C. Hoyt of St. Joeeph, hat
jaat eelebi»te«rhla btrd birthday. Be
iaoaaof the few Black Hawk war
jeatloaeie Jefi.QEach member of a
aaB|tey.,ai 40 who foaght Black
Hawk la let: reeelted apention of tor
par year, aad ICO aeraa of land betidea
a bona^.
Principal Selby, of the Qlo acboolr.
aRMtod for whippiag one of bit pnplU
named Hugh Baroard, pleaded guilty
la joatlee coart at Flint aad paid a fine
. Oao. Wheelborg of Cooutoek, was
ru over aad badly enahed by a heavy
term roUer. On rfel^ from the groaad
ha ^t ont aa old-faahionad eopper
aeat. ewallowedby him when e young
tkOA. Be Unow 64 yron of ege.
Tbetanior lawt etarted • popular
It haa eangfat AU over the city. The
entire town ia aplanleg. Merchaau
have diepoeed of over c.uoo tope this
eprtag. ' It le oetimatal that Aon
Arbor people have apeat nearly $3<S
tor tope.
Will Bardlag roeeatly killed a blae
raecreiirtit feet long Ml Frank (ioald’i
term, near Oereoeo.
3. B. -Mllla. a general merchant of
Prwcol. while land looking in Mont
morency aad Presque Isle coontlee.
killed throe large wolves.
At AnreUu. Bli Han, whoae eoH was
ehaaed into a river by a dog belonging
to John Herriek. a neighbor, rmnltlaglo thedrowalof of the animal, waa
given a jodgmeat for $7S against
Herrick by a cirenit eonrt jury.
Andrew a Braoe of Lapeer. <
' mlued enldde Friday by juaidag into
a eletern in the woodshed while bU
wifeaad dangfatar were in tht^rdaa.
There U more cataarb in this aaetlon
Of the eoantry than all other dloeaaes
pattogathw, end untU the laet few
ym wae enppoeed to be inoorabie.
Fbr a great many years docton proI dleeem and preaertb-
ad local ram
teOlag to < • with loeal
proveaa-____________ _________
dlitoie, gad theratore rcqnlret eonsUMlioaol tnataoBt. HaUb Catarrh
Oora, maaoteatorad by F. J. Obanay A
Oa., Toledo. Ohio, ia th# only oonatltatteoaloarsoB thoamrkav It U takas
iatoraally in doa« teoat 10 drops to a
toaapoeatel. It sate diraetly on the
Mood and maoooaaarteato of tbeayeloto. ThayoffwoM haodiod doUare
teraayoHs It teBstoaon. Seodfar
**”**?. ToHinit^
Ti 9m U
n M Itm.
No iMMdy aqoote WaBITCB'S Whtr
Wm OP TAB 8TBDP top thte torri*
BUeondtatol dteeaea. Utahan^
Advtr* MtMI.MaM.
Herr 1* aootbrr John A. P«er«
atory. which h- worth betntr t(M agali
Thrrv was an oM gooUrman lirii
> had
kaown thi chief Jnetice ail hie
war a qnaiui c-he«cier. and a flm batlever lu eplritaalltm. At the time of
the lacMeat which make* the etory be
was not feeling we)L and wat fcarfnl
that hit «d wat not far off.
Be bad aome matter* of boriaem
which ba wanted to attend to, aaf It
wae toJodge PruTtthai beacent to aa
aW bim ia dntwing np liie juipere. The
Jndge Blade them out mud the old man
wanted to know bow mocb the bIB
-Wril." eatd be, “yoB are aa old
/ricnd of mtae. aad yon haTen't got
long to live, and I’m not going U
charge yoa a eent,"
~Thaak yoa. kig^.” reepoaded ^
: Wht
The tevenn.- offlcm fre<iaeDtly go
oat oa a atlU hnnt.
An 0in.e coet sbonld teat fotwr.
aa H 1* never worn otrt.
The more vnag* a dentlat nine np
against the more socceaafal Ife-.la.
Man marry boratiae they are weary
ef liberty —women becanae they deaJre
E¥£gTS W SOeiETr.
mtetettet Mignat tetter tengctengor:
Mtoa Annie Alou wat the object of a
very happy enrprlsa laat ovealag at
the home of A. B. Haaaon. on H^
■troet. Twenty ynnng people termed
the party aad they made it extreariy
pteeeaat for the hoMTOd yoang lady.
The avMiag'a program eoaaiitcd of
The man who trodea with the In-!gm^, ajoUy time gcnetoUy aad the
dlan* «o«u diecovere they arc red-! ...j
nf n^ht reTrmliiniiiiia
naa caa do anyihlag
Our Top Goats
* Bumber bf TOttag ladlee wan
Mrt. and Mia Oady in honor of
I woman trfee to 1
has toeigBad bar poalher bosboad preoriica elm has no time tioB la the elty eehools and will not refor goaalp.
tBTB neat year. The deeoratkwa ware
OcearioBaBy when a tana fladf
money scarce la the city be goes to the heerte and the idea was eairled oat la
cmmUy for a Uttte chenge.
aadAOkM being heart ahaped and the
It sometimee bappcas Uiatti ma
- Is one who has iDgenioog iee cream being in pink heart moelda.
Jastlce grav<-ly. nodding bit bead mge^ methods of eontmcU
D^tr.beort eheped eoevealra. pointed
ty. “don’t do It. When yon get U
beaven. yon my there ead keep yonrj What the average family man woold by Mtea Oedy, were gtvm the goeategrip on your place, and don't yM taka like to see Invented U on air-brake I Mre. Weltoo. ee .toeet mtetrees. ealied
any chance* by acooting out a^la ta that will atop a grocer’s bill In len upon Mias Filklna. .\)n. Cook. Mim
tbaa balf Us own teogth.—Chicago
UUc I* fne."
Blia and Mlm aeveland. whose bright
Dolly News.
Ab lAylUc ■
aad witty reeponsee were greatly eaRIt-bard WiiUelng. who is riiU nthfln>t AIIvB>t BMW* or AoMlew
Joyed. j Each} guest broaght as a
er ttie4>iDdoD celebrity of the moment,
Mrs. Grant Allen; wife of the late souvenir a dainty cap and eaaeer for
does not exactly write Immonal verse, author. Grant Alleti. will open a book
bnt t*eopli' ire inlU talking of bis novri. store In Hauover aquatv. London, in Mito Cleveland. Tbe atternoOD wi
r. John Stm-cu" ami wondering the interest of bookmaklng. Mrs. Alk-n moat enjoyable one to all.
what hi* next book wilt In- like. Uli wa* ilovoied to her husband, and her
is n iM-rsopaUiy that would not l<mc wrltlng$ upon his life and work, npou
The cuuulng of oLlldron Is welt
a panicle of its •-hurin even if one did wbk-h she is isboring, will be a valua ogniztsl to bo of a very superior kind,
know wiiai Itis favuriie nwreallons are.
and it Is seldom, if given n ebanvo. that
wblcti ill- lias never Imh-p weak enough ble addition to the data already la
they cannot iDvelglo their elders Intu
to dt’^loM’. At tile preseul moment rec prloi of this many-sided mau.
A iKi-uliar Incident i-oucernlng one scelug things their way. The follow-.
reation liBK n dellchinR siiniiflcance for
him. for bavluE a: last *«vered a con- of Mr. Allen's scienGOe urtU-les illus Inc is au Instance where a llitla girl
iiM-ilon of mnuy yoan^^U The Dally trated his ueuniuM 10 his animal Ali|iped up ou this by not taking into
News, be Ik n-ulitluc wlial It means tc friends, lie had writteu a paper upon consideration that licr mother had bad
InseciK and bugs and lu-ni it to his pub enough <-xi>erleuee wlili rtiildren
be n lK>Dd<tman no longer.
lu it ho niinmi-ly described hare an Insight Into their nature.
“I go to lied-at
and ri*e with
he WOK lioiinl
iMiml ic.
l> K3>- tl
to a friend Iwlb the bad aud good sides of bis subThe girl's hlrtliday was a couple of
je<-ts. t(<-v«-ral days after he iuid dls-.
! Other d:iy wlih
lih aa. twlukl
in-lii-»l the mauus-rlpts he wrote to' weeks off. and livr iwrcuts bad told her
"Tin- I-ooiloo larli
lark’/" iutjulrcd
that they •
goltig to give her
II- piihlisber:
frleud rather unkindly.
••Ketiim at boce
ooro pn
proofa^f cliapter on handsome jircseiii iii>ou luai oeyiiBiou
"1 iliiii’i knrtw." liuKwerwl the grcati
■ f.mnd
Rbe had iN-eii cnunihig "the minutes'
man. rliu.-klinc.’’ hut It Is the lurk that;
gets dowusiuirs to 11 H* o’clock break- (loDeom- of them au liijnktie<-. 1 drennit for B»-veraI
niKttit him nil one uight
1 niaJled could not jioss;
'ihe matter
i-r to you, and he 'I<Mik<-d at
me with r.-iir..iK-lirul
ey.-s and said 1 without knowing what her ptvsccl
A Clevidand little girl was going to had made■ him <mi wii^ than in* was. would be. stole softly up to her moth
a party the other day. aad her mothei
I ills lilvtury-froin a later er and begged her to show her tlir
r fu'uud out That he waa pres-enl.
gave her s few Icskoiik Id,etiquette. sour.-.- I
• Why. It wouldn't lie right to show
“tVheu they {utsx (tie cake to you the right."
Hither anwercii.
it to VL
first time.’’ said the fond mother,
surpriH- you
nUiivthlnc B* • riMco.
“take a piece sod *ay ’Thank yob.'
“Did you tcU her father Just
When they pass the cake the second
time. If they
they insist, iwlltely take -a you tb-Miglit of hlmr
. "ru forget what It is before
amall piece uand say ‘Thank yon. veyy
••tWIl. 1 Wrote it to him -and .1
luui-h.'■ Tl..luu.-h
The third time the <-nke romes made It mighty hot. loo."
nrouud do not laki- any. hut thunk Ih4
“What did he ansu-.-rT’
A Keen dear Brain.
"Nothing. 1—I was so mad that I
With these expli It InstruftioDs well
Your beet feelings, your social posi
to put a elauip on the letter.”
in hand ih.- llltte girl went to the forgot
"Uh. well, probably iliey'll take it tion or boslnees eueeess depend largely
her return her motlicr to him aud he'll ]iay the missing post on tbn perfiet action of yonr atomsch
wid? -tVell.' my deur. did you
and liver. Dr. King's New Life FlIU
meuilH-r wliai Ik...............
•I yoti’r’
give iecreaaed Btrecgth. a keen, clear
, "X—no ihev won’t."
" n-plle<l
brain, blgb ambltloa. A 3S cent box
• Why uotri| not tell
•'B*-<-nuse wlien I jUiw that I—I had will make yon feel like a new beiug.
Soldbvb. B WaU and Jas. G. John
ourlh lime.”
son, drngglsta.
"Wtijii did
yr -.lyV asked the anx-: 1
Id you
lous iiioiin-r.
' :
"I said whai papa says: Take th»' Fe f. L. DNgUa ShMi io;to FryniDi
d------ thing away'"
Seeing Is Believing.
We invite your presence at a most
Extraordinary Sale
of SMmer ClotliiDg
A saleiif iDtercKtaud almoet illoKicn] in tbe face of the heavy advauces.
Considerable cbaiigeB are to take place in our eereral dcpartnientB. and others added to in
Uif near future. Wc muet have room to cfTcct
Our clotliine departnirat ie umalleaEly crowded which forces a (food share of our mammoth
stock on oiir 1 fiftement floor. This we iimat avoid without delay.
A sacrifice price ou several thousand dollare worth of clothiuR is iuBigDifleaut in comparieon to the advauiageB we will gain by util)/.iuK the extra space fur other departments, hence
Only an extra rush, sud quick Belling will juBtify this aacriflee.
Twenty-flvf coats and vestn conBUting of extra fine Black Clays, <^Bimeres, and Flnnnela.
mostly email sixea. to cloae quick. Your choice at Hd.
A choice of bundrede of auita in Wool. CLeviots, W.ool Casomeres, Fancy Worsteds, our
ragakr $-5 UO values reduced to $3.HS.
An immense selection of better grades of Wncy Worateda, all wool Ca^merea, well made,
was our regutnr $*i 50 value, reduced to
all wool unfiniahed Worateda, and
- A lot r>f neat and taaty patterns of all wool Cat
Hair LineA our regular 9S.50 ratnea, reduced to t6.-50.
A great selection of all wool unfinished Worsteds, all wool 10 oz. Clays, nobby and np to
‘hecks and stripes in all wool Cassimeres, blue serges, eingle and double breasted vesta, our
regular $10.00 suit, reduced to S7.-50.
Three hundred men's raita, strictly u|) to ^te. ^ay vicu^, fine faucy worat^^^ casai-
very much in
evidence on the streets.
there are a few
young men
yet unsupplied.
To those we
extend an invitation
to make an
from our really fine
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Ladies’ Composite
Three dollars.
Mes’ Gloria
Mod’s Governor.
Four dollare.
These are out leaders—made by shoe makers
of reliable footwear. Sold by Ihe Old Reliable
^ ■
Frank Friedrich.
New Store. 042 .pront Street.
V A Good House
^ To Tie To is
The Temple
ef Fashion
23h Front Street, Traverse City.
tem, our regular $12.00 va!ue*^oced to ifo.oa
Two handred suite of tailor nade clothing in tbe latest weaves, atrietly up.to^te make,
our reinilar $16.00 valnea reduced to $1£.0U.
Five hundred men'a suits, Euppeubeimer’a Warranted Tailor Made Olotbisg, this season’s
make, every suit a model of Tailor’s Art OGnaisting mostly of Foreign Fabrics, oni regular $10.50,
$lb.00, $20.00 values reduced to $1».50, $15.00 and $16.50.
We are up-to-date In swell
■tyles, also have a fina.Jine of
new goods to select from. Can
fit any face aad pocket. We
have fine designers, trimmers and aalealadiea. Come in and
see if we are not telling yon the tmt)t.
The Boston Stori)
Morse’s Temple of Fashion
I K£Wt0rTMiJir9aL0
m ttikar tTMt£t j
iilia, «(M. tw tiTimd tomt
_1Q-J0a.m. by Bar.iChaa.
Ttekflw WrU»j
■pa—, Fraa Matkodlat mlaftoar.
1----‘~t IM frtmtf PWITW Un*. Praaabtag at tteO p. m. bv Bar. ^BarAMWtkMB «M tb« MMM UU id May J<mm of tha Mam c&ank. ^
fiMlaa the wiiow of «lw Ut* Qm. ^^^aah«dat>:Mp.m.
OvrV.Brary »t tfc« f*»« o« #100 p»
mmtk. Thto MwntwM nimemiij
«h* Ha«Mt UOUar Oo. «( Tm
‘-f amrto .to mhlA_ all yoaag
CMto, lad., tk* cnatMt
«k« wBfld. km dlMonnd a I
'b pim'tf^ba lagnli l^iaehl^
rifadtaaaatm. WkOa ■mtoant?je
p.m. wfll be tka BpwftkflonoO tk«
■tkadaltoMm^aad darifjrta**^ wm wih—
faiy—Iftoa Okra Fali^am.
UfaU. lad U to «e k* piaead oa tka
aale-r ~ •
■mtel aaat waak far Beeklnc pv*
poa«. fckaafalfa taato of tka aav
toqaidhara kaaa ■ada.aadii to«td
Wrttfarfa Prwtdiat HaKlfaajr re* Papon ea^PBat-Mia. S. Doaff«ardfaf tka AMTtaaa oklhU at Porto.
*FWB> o Ito
1. a>bb of
VMdiMad W. Park, tha Aaorkaa •
Oerid I ta* rtdi imrd nnm.
Ttelewlr Uwr Hofiaw.
h tkw mr teair took It* w1«.
I wt. b« Miimr bfwe nr «*.
Iknek lai* w, bir nd Ihu
tad m Ut UM «d ihr toae,
1 CfM tad nld (Baac ibrai ■*.
"T* aa* M Kwr Hwlwa."
^Mity, CMWdbmi rrrrt Ut mcel
WWI to ifer ak* »w Kitdir d*tr
OrcuK (bn btok iW hr*rt <d M
Whnr «elr (*M !• toti* Uarf
At haw be idtr to B>*
a tboOBM Qwntlr cuto fa.
7b* tea—I •( Harr Itotoa. \
iBtka aaloa, Aatk—br^.
aa naap ai wara rep-
laaaatad at Vl«Bsa la ma. ate ttaao aa
Moap aa at Itorto ia 187< aad favtoma
m OMar aa at Porto ia 1«».
SaUa to nbarto to fiaoUr tokaobo)'
labadbrotdar ofthacaar. A btUfar
tka aboUUOB of deporttUoa to Stearlo
kaabaan ponad aaaaimoMlr bj tha
Inperiol eoBBcil. The worn aide o(
deportatlOD—orbitrary exile wiiboat
iadletal teqalrp—U to be aboUabed al'
togetber, traaaporUUOB of crimioala
la Uie maae wUl (crate, while the eon
•trnetloa of ceatral priaoaa for their
tanporsfy raoeptloa will be harried
dorward. There are too,000 exllca la
toibaria. half of wEbm were teat there
w(tboat (rial. Oac-third of them hare
oettlcd dowa to wwk. while the reta^adcr hare tokca to aomadie life
ud robbeiT. Abolltioa of exile U a
•tap BIB—ary toward
the raat reifB trarareed bp the Slbarlaa
/XtYietorto. B. a, thareara
’men of tka oawala—a Japayae tul«raata waittar at the qaarasUae atetoes, when tkay bare bate leaded
<rem the ataamar Sikh. Thaae are
—arly alt tor tka Uaited Btataa, bnt
oaly >00 wlU be carried throath direct.
A terge aambar of tha Japao— are
wearaia eomlag aadar a coatract auda
•with tB— by a Japaaeae firm ia Nei
Torktowork ia aeoM Mew Baglaad
'-'~Jter. C. M, Sbaldoe raeeirad fiS.OOO
Crom the prefiU of the Chrlatlaa Dally
CapitaL He baa glraa fil.OOO (o the
Udia famine eafferan. Tha baUnoe
d to atote and local charitlm.
An Ohio (elagrapb operator, aged
jMn. haa Urad of hie oeeepatlcm and
Aedded to go Into dommtle aarriee for
• ohanga. To that and he baa inaertod
M adrartiaaoMat in a Ohleago paper^
dor a poalUoa aa a domaatte for one
For the firat Ume la tha hiatory of
aheaatloaal eenana there -wilt be aa
wnameratloB thto year of aaimala em
mloyed la ciUaa and towaa. Heratofora
«ka lire atoek eeaaaa haa been eoafiaed
mxclnilvely to farm animala.
Baporta are earraat that the Aabaa. ato. datarmlaad to threw off the BrlUah
y^ bare aeemrad tha-aooparatlen of
•igbt other tribaa and are new «ble to
raiea M.ooo warrlora.
At Mew York Clara Hammall, a^l
year eld girl, allppedoat of her home
after her parenU wore aaleop. waWt to
a daaee. and retaraad rery latpf She
er«t tbreogh aa ad>elnlag.^M to
dMi roof of bar home. Then' aha gat
into tha dsmb waiter. It allpped and
dropped. Bor head, which waa pretndlng, waa caoght bttwaen the
waiter and a crom beam and the girl
-waa ebokad to death. Her body waa
fianad ia the mernlag.
The eanliagaebomara hare ^de w
woadarfally god cateh on thaleout
thla year, making a eateh of oret\ t.OM
At San Franeiaeo the ataamar Cair
Corala. the largeat raaael erer balll on
thatcoaev waa lanacbad at the Union
Iron worka oa Satnrdar night. She la
«M feet long, with a total dlaplacenaat of i^aoi tone, and a dead weight
capacity at lo.eoo tone.
“B« 1 may eonnt cm yoor Tom aok
ed. “Too know yen prombrd."
• “Tea.’“ I replird, “I promUrd, and HI
B«T. Kneh aeltc^.raa
keep my promiar. Ill be year beet ■«»«
Paaday aarrtoea. Preadhiac at 10:10 Not that 1 wouldn't like to gn out of it,"
. m. and at 700 p. m.
•I^r^on^' But yon inaiai. and I rapCaaaamaetlagat»:«» am.
Baaday aitoaol at U :<9 a. m.
“Oh. rome now." acid Tow; “don't go
Spwo^ Laapaa at 6:1S p. m.
In forernlel»m: tbafaebeti.. Of ^rw.
Mld-we^ -prayar meeting Tboraday Im wilhujf i„ Bdmit. from your point of
Tie*. |M>rha|« l*on,rtiy Mclfmi may bare
inriUtlin it extanded to treated you badly enouyb. i.|ii I n-onldn't
alt to attend theae Mrrieea.
tbe abide Nez and rail nt natrimony aud all Uiat. You'll got orcr it in
CBUBCH or i-aaiirT.
time, you know.”
tr. l.a. Baua. pMUir.
Toni U au old f»pinraBft'Td|..wa biw,
Serrilwt held in Orange ball.
.idf libc-rti. .. 1• topt my heaa and repli.-il ralmly.
Sermon 20:10 a m.
Tbeme. "Peach Through Warfare.
“I (ini not eynicU, end I'm uoi railiax
Snnday aebool at IS m.
at mulritnony."
C. E. at C:is p. m.
The mawiaee un* t.. e..n(e off at lUr.
Sermon 7;Su p. m.
and 1 rongnitiilati-d niynrlf that
Theme. ••Amerloa for Chritt."
iritb fe«- rzi-t-idioux. wonld
Itin-rton folk wbi.ni I ,lid not know.
A jordial inriUUon to the pttblie to
«‘uld do uiy limy by Tom. take a laat
attend aU thoaa earriaea.
fart-well of buttei-fly a-Kiely
ibcn net
eaecx (anaooraL) csunca^
tle ^lown for good utxm the earecr which
t*. Ckaa^ T. aioui. lUewr.
I fondly hoped would rml upon the aoOorser Waablngton atreet and Board- prrme bench. I would work and work
hard. Dorothy Mellon, with whom 1
man araane.
Bely OemmaBloe at 0:«0 a. m.
t (bat
broken my hrort or
Morning aerriea and aermoa at 10:M
^teaday School at II.-OO m.
Brening o.
Saaday aarricee at followa:
"ng at 10:10 a
Saaday aebool at 11:10.
Preaching at 7.-00 p. m.
Mid-week praym- meeting at 7:10 ^
m. AU are terimd to attend.
CBUsTiAx actxxca.
Chrlatian Science awrlcaa will be
held at 410 Booth Union atreet.
Saaday morning at 10:10 and Wedneeday erening at 7:10. AU are cor
dially Inrited to theae aerrieea.
t. for ahe hadn’t. She limply bad ro
iled to me the fiikleueaa of her aez
and bronght me to tbe ivaliutioa (bat a
career. afUr all, is ibe only tbing that
can really aatufy a man worth anything.
,-Aa the tlmt- of Tom'a wedding ap
proached I wrote him iliat I should nm
down to Rirerton J4 hours In adranev
In order to atwnd to alt (be ibouMod and
one duties whlob derolre iipou the best
man. But at tbe last moment my one
really good c-llc-nt, a man rieli and cranky.
■OCCeeded In getting so bo|M-I(«aly luvok«tf in an Injunction suit that nothing bnt
immediate aud earnest iM-rs»nb< atten
tion could k«-cp him from psing to jail
for contempt of court. I inved him from
that ignominy, bnt only after iiM-nding
tbe entire moriiiug of the w.xlding day in
court, and lum-Iy caught tbe last train
by whkb I could reach Itirertou In time
for the ceremony. 1'otn and bU friends
l.H,k after the detailh of
Iiicli I WB* cumpelled to
the train
Ex-Pqmldeat Clereland, ia the foitt- tioa Unrie William was nt my side,
comlag Ooll^ Man’a nnmbar of nip grasping my band and rearhlng for my
Batnrday Brening Peat, dlaenmea the bag. “Here yon are at last." he waa
oft-oaked qaaatlon: Dom a OoUege laying. 'Tre been at erery train that
came In today. You've got to go up to
Bdneatlon Pay?aadmakeaontaatrong the bouse with me aniT get a little snack
eaaa in faror of glring a yonng mac of something to cal before the w edding.”
thaadrantagm of a nairertoty train-, "But Tom”— 1 Interiiosed.
“Ob, that's all right.” said Uncle Wib
iUm. -rre arrang.sl It all with yopr
Other ecatribntore to thia apeclal friend Tom. and I'lI hare you nt (Tirist
donbU anmbar arc: Prealdsat Patton, chtsrrii In pU-niy of time for the wedding.
alongp'your auni'a waiting for
of Prineaten; PraaUiaat Jordan of Lc- ~
land Slaafard: Praaident Bntler of
what cmrid I do? 1 looked
palby; Praaldaat Aagalt of Michigan.
. , Tom
some of
d np|M-ar ami
am lav claim
apd>(acldaat Meanra. of Lake FereetInele WilliIbim bad evidently
ny kon
. Tba fletfaa lantnrm
faatnrm nro
are by
laa ««•^
tores. Jem*--f*rnch Wllltomt. CbnrlM
M. Pinodran. tiuntoy Wntorloo and W.
to have Ms own way wllb me. andThe?
■1 they
cnnic not.
Of course. I shonid bav.- been very glad
tn dine witU l.'m-lc William and Aunt
‘Zlrobcllere Man'e onmbm of Tbn Margan-t. but wlu-ti s fellow- 1* going to
SntnnUT BrnnlaffPoit wUl be on nl hr best man nt bis best friend:* weilding
and baa only twn hours nud a half iK-rnre
Bcwra atnnda Mnj if ■
(he n-romony he I* not esartly in tbe
mood for risiting even hi* iirarrst and
Health Cnltaro" for May srUI prore dearost rolnlirea. 1 tried to say some
belprnl to nil s^ho dMire phyelenl and thing of tbe kind to Uncle William, btrt
Boatal health and rlfor, opeatoff with
“Oh. pAgw'. iiflw! There nlii't a thing
nnnrilelefneeoaeinff "TheFood Value .. j .. t........ ....
of Fl^'fleat.” br Dr. W. B. C. Lat to
of 'I'nm's friends'
wliero they are.already runniug
■nr4s wnlch it U ebowa that meat in houw-s.
DbinAeaanntUI orllele of diet. Dr over with company? .V»nH-atnll. Yonr
Aunt Margsn-t will give yon n iiii-e little
Jhmei B. Jntkeon tnike of tbe naafnl dinner right away. Y'ou can get mi your
of pals ne off evidence of wronff wedding logs and get to the church in
eonditiooe. Dr. (toorlee E. Pefe offere plenty of time without-any of tbe fum
ing and fussing the others will, fo
eo—Mnslble ettffffnaUone on -'Sammer through. Then-'s a i>bouc in (be house.
Comfort and Health," and another een- Ton ran let Tom know you are lierc, and
aible article li ''Bleyeilaff and Beanty,'.
by Mary Sorrest Hopldne with eome
•aoalbto^eoffffnaUona tor ridere. Dr.
Felix L. Oewold to hto nennl and tode.
Ire way enfcmle that people lire on
afraid, aomewbat officious uncle to
one meal a day, ebowi^ that health hb new stown bouse. At ti o'clock I
tnond myaelf In Aunt Margarofs front
and Btreoffth would sot enffer and that pnrior.
we sronld eooa become aewnetomed to
- 'e WUl
and ................................
the plan. Undw the tlUei of “A Pro^
felt aomewbat
poeed Novelty to TImoloffioal Bdnoo*
The wedding of Crown Prince Yoabikiu and Prlae— Sapa Kc. a daaghter
of the Ka}eat family, at Tokio on
Tbnraday. waa a mMt almple cere*
moay. The eontractlog partla* dcank
oa^ of wlaa before the ahrine in the
Imperial palaee. Tha foreign reeldenti tton,” Jamea Leonard Oorntoff.
enffnato that a knowtodee of health
A oehool of practical farming will and hnrtoneabonld be mode a port of
odnaation: In tha
•COB be ataried by prominent paraoaa
of Mow Yore oa a farm near Slag leportmont “Byrtene of OhUdhond.
Stag. Thaatadania, aa plaaaed. will )r. Boedm- oontini—hto orUelee on
Uelade both maa. and woman, and ■Infant Fnadlsf," and Dr. Lateen dlnOnKnroot ChUdren;
tkay wUl be taaght gardening, the
Dr—“ by Blto Von Pontoond "Wheat
cara of oreharda. ralalag atoek and
panltry, keeping bee* and booae deeor- M Food” by Btto Morne Boddon wtU
•Uoaa.aaweUaa thaaanalanbjaeto of prore both profiubto rnodtof. Tbe
•eiantific farming already taa^t at
r eonaidnee Feedtor and Ooannmpmany of tha aelaatifie achoola. The UoB. Dapcen of Oonnod Goode npd
contaa will axtaoa orer two yeaia.
Food to Oold Stonca A doportment
Or. V. J. HgiM. OpmatiTa BfattMiy thu BMt prom of 'rreot toterwt to
the rondatn ef thto mne**^ to "AnMag
■ to Oorroepondnoto.*'
year loat yaarto kat to be toimmed
^irar at Mra WMkam. Battofaettoa
glrea la all work. tMBectb Datea
rWMWlAiam tM OfilMfi'i ftofaU
^tr VoroUh
Aa tbe dork ddi
went up Btairs (n make a hurried toilet.
Bnt wbero was my bag? I burried down
Stairs again and pot the qiieatiun to Un
tie William.
“By JoreT' be ezclsimed. “We mtttihare left it at the statkmr
Qe hurried down town (n fetch the
hog. proniistBf to rotnrn 'Tiefore yon
gone," But the minutes alipknow I'm gone
ped away, end the carriage
............ drove ^pto
the gate before be got back,
caste, however.
— • yon ro.” he said as he handed
bag. “Now yon want to hnrry,
young man. c............
yon’ll be late."
I fairly jnut^...........................
into my clutbeo.
tog to lack for appearaner. As
.. I tied
my cravat Uncle WUllam tapped
“It's fire Btontm of 7r be cxeUtoied.
1 eonldn*l my exactly what 1 wanted
te mx. no 1 emtented myself by girtaff
Ibe crarnt e rltioas twist. Threo mis-
ntes Inter I dntiied down the heS. throw
told of
n goodbr at Aunt Margnrot and hniftod
into the yard.
«ko Brod or tha #fa»«h KepAUe In «ho
Ibe coachmaa -waa drirtog away.
Bro* vha C—MOM.
“Hi. thcror- abonted Uncle WlU—
M. Pbnze, tbe praittout of‘ the Fntwh
fa— the ft— stepo. “HoM on. tbern,
npnbUo. ia w«U hDown-tr n prantoanl
driver! Wflnon. atop that hat* r
Ftosoh Anericu reoidtBt of Kbit Or1—H, who wax with M. Fxsre dnrlqc
proceeding from hb front gate to hto tt>B Fnbcb oammnne. He fiBBcribro tiw
own domicile. He tamed aroond elowly aew proxidemt aa a man ttf p—onni mxcBxti^of xpleodid ezBcntire xUlity nnd
naqaexttoMd tonror n&d firnan—,
“IVhat torr be asked. “What’s (he
Fxnra began bnxln— na x xbwH oobnutter with Itr
“HI. tW. driver!" shouted Untie WU- atorion m—ihant to bidexr wool, et&.
nt Hnne yo—t ago. Froau that, by aaUam again as I tore down the path.
The coeebnun drew in bU hoe— srhh ergy, eooBony and thrift, he proqwgad.
an air of impatient expectancy.
nod hla bnxto— tocreaaed until be wm
“Whaf In the world do you
• of tiw noto extenaitire oonuatoxioB
EeJiecxme ntoe
htod me*^'
ooBof tbeaoxtp
nof Ow
'city politionlly, and jvet before tbe
Frenoo-Oeman war be waa made flrot
_______ ________
puzzled* coachman, with a Bod~of l£h^ “adiotot" to tbe naayog of tiie city and
•tow.nl Mr. Wliron. "be
waa • Btnfi (Acer of tiw anny, altbongh
"WHL weiu weir’ crifd Mr. Wilepn. hi* dntiaa did not reqniie hla pnaenoe
i^ing n. on the sidewalk. “wJtd^ OB tbe faettlefielA Be took nn netira innil this mean anyway? What an yon tereat. of conna, to tbe war, and it waa
bolding thia carriage forT’
ewtog tohlkeffarte titot tbe ootnnilaaaty
muter fail broatb. bnt was checked by n dapertnent of tbe Pnneb
keptwell rapplied. Be wee xIm a oloee
feminine mice from the carriage.
^ ‘he mat- adrioer of tbe oSotoli of Bam and to
erery manner demonatrated great exeem“Obr’ ezcUiined I'ncie WUllam. a li^t tire talent mtd a bom leaderahip.
breaking in upon blm. “you're made a
in 1871, dnrtog the French
mlrtakebero. Wllaon. TliU U a carriage oommntw, faowerec that hto peroonnl
I oniorod to Uke my nephew to (be srod- bravery and ability to oonfroet deapernte
iergesMua wore terted. While acting
xneas not.” aild Mr. Wilson,
tbo capacity of "adject,” or edrtoer
up more than over. "This is m
carriage I onlerc) to take-nry uiitx- to of the mayor at Havre, a roqneat wm
the commcttcrmriil.”
made of blto from tbe mayor of .Parto
The two men glaik-d at i-sch other Mke' for. firemen and eugiuea. Tbe city of
wild aoimafs..nii<l I ium,sl from one to Peris WH to fiamus from one eud to tbe
the Ollier in hopr-I.-s. lo-rpl.-ilty.
othor, end aid was being nsktyl ereiy"itiive onl'^criixl Mr. M'iNob. and the
rbere in onginea and firvmcn. Fenre
driri-r liMnicniil the rein-. H.- evidently
t once culled for voluntwr* end nrged
enjo.viN] tbe »itiinii,Mi.
The two nii-ii ii).,v<-d toi\;n.i .-i. |i oth upon thorn.dm ni-oeadty of responding
the call He (bus roisevl a ounipouy
er. and tlo'ii .Vtiiit Ma:gar-: <-.-h;>....|ii«d
tbe jMi:b. b.-i-l.-iiiiig t.. Illof tirciuen tu go to Paris and fight the
of l'u.-le \Villi;.|n'« loiM:,};. ,,
,h- |iad Cite Ui.-tt wero raging i-verywbera
bi-m doing
Faiiro showi-il bis courago nnd won the
With ail tl{<t(-ngiiirs tbo city ontd spare
they liu-teiii.-d to Paris, nnd for Ihnu
days, witbont test or scarcely nnything
le'oo^ fongbr the flames.
-lint, see here.’’ pin In I'lu-le William.
'■Fanrodtdibedutiv-s uf a fireman, end
''I)ic-I>’s liest man, and be mustn't be late mWo (jceasiuii, xvbi-n (ine of tim
tiK- wedding."
ivaiB asloep from fatigni^ ratimr than
'•I can't help tbal.”-rHorte,l Ylr. WUn. "My tii»-<-^. luiistn't lie late at the awaken him took his plaoi and did hie
work. He was in a dozen perilona pcai
mmeneemeiil ',-ilbcT.’'
'Til (ell you:" cried .Vnnt Margaret, tions daring that three days’ fight witl
with h sudden inspiration. "Why ean't fire, in company of his conipaiiionK, am!
they go togciher? The scmioi
nerer fliuebod. In evoty instance bt
proved taiiuaolf to bo a man of dutermiknosv your niece won’t objm if I ex nation and cooragu. Be waa first in
every danger, and at tbe moat critical
Aunt Margaift dashed out into the
strn-t (owani (be carriage, and I follow timee be nov<T Imt hto aelf poMeasion
ed. wiping nij- RioUt brow. iK-waiilog my aud will power, and with tala rolonteer
wilting linen ami consaRi.sl with impa- firemen ho did yeoman aervtca in trying
to aavo Parii (nan tbe embrace of tiw
In the next few srcnmls I bean! Annt fire fiend.
Margaret making a liiiniisl explanation
The people of Havre never forgot M.
which cnticludcil with ".tnfuUi- good of
you. I'm SUIT, but I knew you would Faure'f valiantiieiTice on that occasion,
consent iiuder tin- clmimslsnce^” Then oud aftonvnrd, as a Republican, ho waa
the door was flung open. Uncle William clocted to the chamber of dopotieo. He
care me a pinli from iH-liind, while .tnnf eerred with several ministers as )irivate
Margaret niiiriiiurcd inlnslnctioiis. and eecretory, and of late ypara has had more
1 foiiml Iiiyx-irairpiiiiig into a <-arriag>- importiiut connection with that brauoh
wliiel. Ms-incl AIM W'ul, flowers and of tl)u«ovcruinont aerrioc. Hu has proafliifTy- while siiiflr. from the midst of
wlii<-h is-cnnl the face of—Dorothy Mel- pered in bosineMs as well as in political
affairs and is said to be one of the
"Wliy. DiiL-Mr.”- she erii-d, halt most popular os well as uuo of the ablest
staiesmeu of tbu Fn-ncJi ropublia—New
ruing from her s«-at.
startisl bai-k, with ,i eonfiised at- Urleans Times-DemocraL
teiu|>t at an npulogy. but Uncle William
hastily slaniiies! the drs.r nml. with a
ommnhdiiig '■'Drive llva-l.v, ll••w:'' muKn prims dotiiis was ever mure detiouisl the liriver to wtart. *110' fanrnes
ligbtfnllr cspricions more full of ralathe seat oi,pnsit................ .....
..... ....... ohief than the fttniooi Mjiio. Mitlibmu.
whom sis months ago I had swofn ncrer At tbu refaearsalB of "Kumeo and Jn> see again.
liet" nbu could never make up her mind
It was the early dnsk of what bad been where she was to "die" atnigbt. It wh
perfi-ct June day. The street lamp* important for Romeo to know, bnt aU
were not yet Uclited. but Ibe bright muon
shone ill ut tile carriage'windows, and I he could get was ’’not soro," "don't
knew Ibirutliy could ai>c my hot. flushed know." "can’ttell,” or "it will be jost
face and my DcrTousness and cnibarrao*- u It hapjtcna, Bovordiug to ihy bamor;
soiDOtimw in one place, aometimu in
iss Slelton," I'lw-gan. fwliug that I another.” On one uccasinu ahecfaoM
say soRM-tbing, 'Tm extremely sor to "die' oloso to tbe footlights, her com
ry to iutrnde U]M>n .rnu in this manner. panion. of conrae. being oompelled to
I bnd no Idea"“Oli, pray ,b, not mention it." aaid "dlo"bnide her, and thns, when tbe
Dorothy. •'! iim. of course, extremely onrtAin fell, a eonple of footmen had to
gla,I to Ik- of any service whatever to carry tbe pair off. one at a time, to tba
Mrs. Clarkson, mid it would l>c too bad ' itenae amiisement of tbu audience.
for you to Is- lm>- at tbe wt-ddiug."
John Templeton, tbo fine old Scottiah
D-ir.ii!.j W!i. .|iiile uiisliTKK of herself. tenor, was pmliably never so misi-rablo
She held a targe Irum-h of roses in her as wbcu be was cast to sing with Malims, liiivitig galheisHl ilieni up to male
Very often she WU displeased
om'for me; ih'e is.lor. which. I think,
left t.-r faiv for nii iiisi.mt n hen she saw with bis performance, and one evening
1 whip climbed liito h.-r earriagi-. situ whispertsi to him, "Y'on are not
n-tunHsl; liei ey,-s spatklid. and nevi-r acting' propi-rly: maku luvu to mo bet
bad she l.s.kisl so lovely. What a fool. ter. •• to wliicb, so it is said, Templeton
1 tlniuglil bItteVIy, nlial a f,sil 1 bad lieeii innocently replied, "Don't you know I
-itI with her:
am a inarritvl man'r" Evidently the
t.elH- ,iiitle a large n-eddinc. 1 be lady did not think ihrro was anything
lieve'?" she raid, turning her f>uT full.
The driver was evrOenily intent tipon
(•aehiug the iburv-li In (iitn-. IK- turned
. eoruer so sharply tli.-it just ns I was
ilsiul |o stammer out .-i i-uiiimonplaec
Isiut the wcsldiirg we bulb Wen- nearly
thrown from <>ur seats. Dorothy Ihrrw
. Dorvilhy
John ray Palmar’a hvilltoat dra—K s
and aecBto prodneUon, "Tbe nnypMaa
at Stotobura Onnfi 0|w—B—n.
Ju.B. Mnekto nnda food nnOTt*
toff a—p—y will beaera ntfiMsbufto
Graad ahortiy to "Orta—' OaUar Dasr.”
Tbe larnat bwu yet te thto aartaa
craatod tha Of—tOffnphe eatortato.
—at attha
OfMHot—laal enB'
toff, aad tbay wroe net fitoappetetad to
tbMr nxpartatto— tor aa exeaUutt wtartoto—at. Tba nndto«H wu tber>
. _Uy apyrMtotiee. and —y n< tba
BB—M, Mpaelally toward tba aifa o«
pptonde*. ThaMoatoff vtowawaea
eapaetoUy fl—a—a. awl alkdied maeh
ItwHatatedfroatba ataff* of tba
aty Opera Beva. toat alffht tbat a
profftam of acitohla tantana far Banday wonld bo ffirna thto oraatoff by
the lOtoe Oton—atc«rapbe tantore
>paay. L«tor. however, It wm diecovered that the Pneion Play, whkk
Mr. Eltoe bu been totrodnetoff to Snwt
day nlffhto eatertatomenta, oonld ^
bifflvenowtoff to tbe non-arrirnl of
Bloa, therefore Manager WQbeton
and Ur. EUoe decided not to open
the'theatre thia etentog.
Tcrtnted a With—.
oorery which gave instant relief,
have used it in my family for four
yMrs and recommend it uthe greatcot
remedy for eongbs, cold* and all
throat, cheat and lung troublea. It will
atop tbe worn cough, and not only
prevenu bnt abaotutely enru oonaamptlon. Trice 50c and fli. Every bottle
gokrnbteed.. ‘Trial bottlM lOc at 8. R.
Walt and Jaa. li. Johnaon'e dnig etocH
BcMlniloD of Sympathy.
Tbe following reeolnttotia have bua
adopted by tbe United
1 Joint
fieaolred. Tbat m it bu pleaa^
Imigbty God to vleit tbe familtoa of
rother Frank Dolpb and Dariu Felt
1 the dMth J. W. Dolph, tbat we axwnd
onrdMpHteyrapnthy aad
Beaolved, That thCH reaolnUoat be
apread on the mtonUe of the union.
Dav, Pren.
BeaolnUoca of Sympathy.
Tbe following reeol^tona hare beeo
adopted by tbe United Brotherhood of
Carpeniera and Jolaera of America,
Local Union No. >S6, Trereru City:
fieeoived. That h it bu pleued Alilgbty God to rtoit the family of Bro.
lartoH Aldrich to the death of hto
Beeolred, That th—
6 reaolntiona
apread on the minntu of the onion.
B. Day. Ptm.
Ladlu. "7n cab Jaap m It tnaple «a
It, bnt it wUl come np emlltog orm
Ume.'’0a)man'a ElMtie Floor Vnnilab
- B W^t.
pOKXAU-FlScliv* KPOW (tatbm^MSH
r wilt*
f out bo*nl.U>eo»Ui Cslilunslrrvi. e04r
Collorvrilr A.IilbU*. Met..
site WH on her kins-s to Tomplotoo m
Elyiuo, aho so(^»■eUod in making tbo TTrANlKD ArlrlorwKlow (wilbout «hlldW iTO'fTO«Wu>«jT*r.vrttlBoaa*Hua.
tenor acream with
when bo shonid have boon singing by
fickting him »igoron»lj
77OR aALK-BoKscaBd lot at Ka*> KIrbgi
—Conihill Mugazinu.
f Mr«ri —I -luvD balaoM
iakv> U Joqn Vvrly.
’ I Cried, and
I sure that I iviuldii't (ell wbat I
___ I only know that tbe words 1 had
bi-en hnbiing back, the love that 1 bad.
been trying to stifle for six months, burst
from me. and licfore we rv-aeh<sl tbe next
corner Dorothy lifted her sliiiiing eye*
and. tbrtLngb teurs. said:
“Oh. Dick. Dickr' And I km-w eventhlng was right and wishi-d that Christ
•hiireli was a' miles away.
7’lie carriage pulled up st the ehnrcl|
bs.r in tbe nick of time and dashed away
again to leave lb,rothy at the y;pung ladie*' aeminary where ahe had hero teachor a few months.
unnd Tom In the vestry ao'anprrmcty happy that he had not even noticed
tny (B^im-ss. .But. for that matter. I
walked in the cbuids all evening and’no
ticed nothing whatever that happened at
U* wedding. *o we are <|nlu on that
Dnroth.v and I will be married to Sep
tember. and Uncle William, who InalaU
that bis "good mananiment" broafht it
bH alsiut. baa promlaed to ai-t vs up with
rarriage of our own on tbe-day of the
wcddtog--Chicago Herald.
a teacher, in explaining i.> her pnpito IDX. Mrs. r. C. DeMoood, *U Olztb *ur*t
the difference blcwcvn civilized and nnpivilized r*c(-s. insisted upon three
tbfnga u r.sinisitc for cCviliHtlon—
food, clotiiiug and alieltvr.
The next day sbo brought tbe enbjeot
Dp again by way of review.
"What aro iliothrLO (bin^ ueocaaaiy
to a rivllizvd man'/" sho asked.
Several of tbo children remembered
food aud clothing, bnt the third requieite tcemud to have eecapod iboir recol
lection entirely. Finally, after the qnution bad been repcau-d two or three
times, one little fellow lifted bis hand
and aaid:
rouatFT.Bhelriu.iahl**. chair*. •
Whether tbe tcaebro lent him to tbe
bead of uio class we ore not informed.
■ Wto la •
Weed Im oomo from the praaldmtt of
(be W. C T. Cr.. Mtm. Nicboli of Pros•KCt, tbat In Adsln'dc. Soii"i .-tiJ-tcilia,
Bdolt.snrr-.ig.’ liH •“■cu c/imisl. giving
lilt- woiiH-h n right lo vro,- on tl>.. sumo
tnhnronn ABnarwm.
”1 bad jnzt seren mtontes In which to tcriHs u men and uitli iu> Uoni-r tu
asrat to parliaweut. Tb<- bill ixiw luUy
ny a bpefsteah and cateb ibt iMto.”
“T?e»^did yen come out?"
aw-iirs tb< caM-o'k <-«tisvuL
"<»li, I got the steak all right, and then
Mrs Ni'.iuds saja "It is a gnutd Vic. loat it ratitix 'for (br U»i£"
------ _ry tor a burd and well fanght battle
llrriird.of aeviw y^ra."
OT thi. lATijrasE batt, . .;ail
mnnHAHT suro« ot
asbjrcta ore divided loto three rlaaaiA
The llr*t la trade ap of the ndular
armr aad Jbe reaervea. The aaeoed
claat la caned the -radir- aad c«nr«apooda to the Oenaan -Undvehr." The
third elaaa if the "tnaauhfun" aad la
the aame aa the OennM -laadaturra.UaWllir la the laat ta>o rlaaaea besUu
thooch. of epnrae. the term of
lied. V
iputaUealifjdlfcoat U.0M..
880. aatuniUr. the •uUan It able to maaa
a verr fortnldable army. But Abdul
Hamid doea not depend altogether on
hto land foreoa He bba. Indeed, no leaa
W.0W men In Wa imperUI naval
A the peUmUAl oaUlAO- aad
re aad ttH8 active aeaDOB la hta
M*L “Thf atefc Mao ot Eor«p*.*
AS lb« lultAA at rvTitry ' ir«i
mmt to bf tAlled. la one* aolo brtiiA
Mtlad hard BAmea aod U abc* A«aUi
Mat mad# u> te«i tbat t&«- war «r >b*
tTAfUtreaor la hA»A ,Thla la ovUk tu
. Ika fAcl (feat UOcle Bam haa baaa toalef
iwtiaora vub the
tjf «i* Tarta aad
-. U
la asalB
loMatHiA «>
tha panacat of Anarlra'a kMW pronlaad indamaur- While It la aet al all
probable (hat the pnarat traaloa will
againft ibe auUan waa flm aabmttted
to the mlnlater of foretn aftalra. Later
It went before the counAl of ralnlaten.
who. In turn, made a report, to the aul*
un. In the laat atagra It became a
matter of direct oegoilalfon between
Abdul HaaUd hlmaelf and the mlnlater
a aad haa alnaya evaded i
latar Jamea B. Aagell and Mlalater
. the ueceaaarr -Iradv.” It It a
known fad (bat the aultan*baa rr>
aped for force atone, and that be t« a
chronic “bluffer" In all Intrmatlotial
matteea. For thla reaaon ITnde bam
baa derided (o bring the matter to a
cloee, though, of -murae. at matlrra now
atand arveral oouraea are open before
an adual dieclarallon of war. Amerk-a.
for lnat«nre. might Impound the cuf
toroa revenue of Smyrna, aa did Auatrta aome two year* ago. or oar claimi
might be taken up by one of the great
Buropoan poween. aneh aa Greae BrttAn Intercatlng feature of tbe tttuatlen
on.rtil ir- young nation ot
y<''nhf;:-' ■
r. of II,.. t<u,«fc. b..at’dr.
rsvi. t. hlch hfld Just lv--ii (u;:.- .1 out of iloslilpyunM,
;e«l' th- sp.-.d}- llttl- v Lt-|>lp to hunw «(i'.. rs, .\Vh-P «.m-ty
IS gnlluni y-pUStc ■•Ilio V S-.ru bis juirt lo the 3H{s>.i'liiQssi.. wi
aaval airengtb or the Turk at the pria>
ent time.
Thr autun la a capricioua and unre
liable fellow, and one never <an tell
Juat what turn tbinga will Uke. For
thla reaaon auch a glance al ihr martial
atrength ut tbe governmeiil at Conttantlhople It of ea|»->'lal value.
Turkey it a powerful figbtina nation.
Turk, whatever bla falllngt. make*
rarofthe beat flgbten to be found, and
urklah army
■anlaed on the territorial tytirni. and
for Ihit purpoae the entire empire la dlTided Into teven military dtfirIrU.
All MuaaulBtani are rMlIed u|K*n for
OtlHUry aervlce, chrittlana and eertalD ntber diaaenting neett In default
at aervlce are allowed to i>ay an exemp
tion lax. though many of the Kurda
and Komada and the wilder trlbea of
the mounuina manage to raeape
mil.tape mi
Itary dut^. The tulun'a agenia alwtj
do itheir best to bring. thete
men inlo the ranks■ of Abdul
Abd Hamid, and
It U only by Alaht and hiding
g that
law it evaded All ronaertpted Turkish
flrel. To thlx hr ran add nearly I/OOO
martne*. Turkey alao hat one flrtl
ela»s halllrehlii. one eoennd rlaas and
aeven third eltiat floating flghtcra. It
haa at well, fire coaat defena<- ahipt.
alx erultern and four gunboniB. (o aay
nothing of U> torpedo bnata of flret and
in-ond claat and two torpedo
atroyere. Thlt la not a huge navy,
Iru". but. ai'ilug In eo-u|>eratlon
the tuUan't well drjllf<l and mor
Iet« cltlelent army, which on
ettlmate It figured at :1S,»10
e<inatltuti.« no InilgnlAcanl military
At Is well known, the rtalmi of the
t'nited Slatet agalntl Turkey had their
origin In Ihe deatrurllon of eight build
ings of the Kuphratet iwllege at Karput Iaad i.f
lo American i
■ at Uanah.
Throe (
Hamid haa three timet made
to different American repretenutives
at ContUntlnopIe m pay the Indemnity
pr.wtiU for a
1, utiil the breoi-li of faith on |
tbe part of the aultnii has been further '
aggravated by hla tvfuiuil to grant |>ermlttlon for the r<-i-untlrucllon of the
destroyed buildings, fnder one pretext Is the extensive sr'ale upon whieh the
and another the granting of this pr.'m- Turkish govemmenl Is at present addjsed "Irade" or permit has been delayed. Ing to Its armament. An Inereuse of
Under the elrcumstanees tbe ease la the customs duties, in fart, is ats-ul
not one that lenda Itself to ar^Uyikm. be put In .effc< t to meet Ihe sultan's
for It Is all almply a matter at to heavy ammunition bills. His recent
whether nr not Abdul Hamid Is to keep purrhasis Include <|uanlltteK of smokehla solemnly pledged word. Consider less ponder. ZW.OOO rifles. IS batterk-s of
ing that the Amertcan buildings derllller
Btroyed were attacked and burned by
the connivance. If not w Ith the actual :
Abdul Harold's numerous *imi
aaalatance. of tbe troops of the aultan.
of this country our offlrlaU state that there should be j
One of the strangest looking foutiiall teams in the world is that of tha
Ninth Hudatieer ruglment, at prrsenl
--I slsiU.n<-d
• r<-glr
Khartum. —
gimeui of
native t«m Sudanese helik-d Kttcheener.
ilifu. and
thla purtk-ulrr football
of f.sithall
seen in tbe cUy of Kharlugt. It Is.also, amd that they pla}-ed ii game al
Omdurman against
leka.1 team from the El-vemh Sudanese arnTWik.-j
the feellrc pigskin on the Unr.iue squi
The ais-omiumying illuslnillon shows a g n that should be uf espcdaHtf* ■
terest lo Am.-rlcans. This Is th- ..nly gun o note that defended the city c8
Kimberley during Its long s|.-k,
forces, iiul this It not wllAff
kable. It Is the fael that Ibis st-el thundertr
this big gun remarkable.
entirely built by an Amertcan machinist, the late *lr. 1-abrani. and that It fItM
Conslrucied during the aiege In tbe beleaguered town lliw-lf. Tbe macblnMW
In th- great De Beers diamond mine workshops was used for the purpose. oiM
every i>arlof this bit of ordnani-e was ennslrueled In these shops. Jurtw&tfj
Imimrtant part "lamg Cecil' —for Sti the gun was named in hoOfor of C«0l>I
llhodes—played 1 the defense of the City i>f Diamonds every one acgWllltdS
knows. The ..nly unfortunate g'
the aad fa< t that Its ingrnloua -d
and builder was killed by a Boer sbrll before the world bad bad a cbaBOg Vi
honor him aa he deserved.
tRBLAhO'g OLUBST t'ltOka.
The old stone cp«s at lt1.K-kr>K'fc. near
The B.wrs In 8outb Africa. Uke tW
the city of Dublin, shown in tbe arcom- British, huv.- their Hill of RefneAs*
panylnu Illustration, hiis the reputa branc-. Th. s|m>i which the burgfaetR
keep >11 hitler m-mory Is at (he BlaaDWa'
kraiitx river, where took placa thg MRe
tion of b-lng Che ..l.lmi eroas In Ireiaod.
It baa M.skI in lis pres, at iKjsItIvn for
many .-•-niurli-s uiid has clut i.-red ubuut
It mam' Interestlne si..ii.-s and iradl.
CRoimrs uoxATrRR.
Oeneral Cronje. like a number of oth
er Boers. Is a better flgbter than he Is
a wmter. Even In writing his algaa-
Tol alaugbier of Boer mce. women and
children by tbe bloodthirsty Zulu chtsf
Cbaka. Two yeara ago the moOUmanC
shown In the accompanying illustraUoR
The annual cxhllilllon of the Kuya' a^:adeni> ai l-ondon Is an event »»—t
1, ...fr awaited with Interest, for her.- it Is that all the best pictures patnisd
In KneUnd during the year are amt to be s.nn The picture which won the
gold n.rdal of lb. ao.-te|> this year was a canvaa by Ihvartlat F. M. Beunett. :.nd all erlllee United It. saying that-it .vae a reallf remarkable work.
ThU picture represented Ihi- sivnr In the old elaaslc slorj which tells how ths
Ireek mnner l.adas fell dead Just as he is als-ut lo t-ecrlvr his crown as a vietor In the otymplan games. In Hennrii's palniinc the'hg^ Is ilnished and tha
*• ”*>7^**
«•' 'he^ceesaful athlete tha
II ■
arrhe-"'-r fret. The a
a striking |
la aneieni c
***"’ *“
tore hr pens the letters In a cramped
and unformed fashion, as may be Judg
ed from the accompanjUig facaimlle,
which la reproduced from a IHler writme time ago to a Boer am
The time required for a Journey
around tbe earth by a man walking
daj- and night, without resting, would
be 4!S days: an express train, 40 days:
and. al n medium temperature,
hours: a cannon ball. 714& houra: lighL
little over onr-trnlb of a areoud. and
wing over a cf.pper wirr.
me-tenth of a second
Sion Oenerwl JoobetV-wferriiig to tbe
troubles between the Boer* sAd tbe
BrtUsh. remarked. "Let us hury the
aalmoaity of feuds between ua as wrs
now bury thrae bon«s." But. strai««
to aay. at this very time tbe Boee* war*
sccreUy snalog themselves agatast tha
One of tbe curl.is.Uer of 9ab Fmnclaco are the evergreen oaks In U-mterey
park. Thr most remaikabl.- pait cf 1h -r- remarkable trees are tbe ruoia sonte
Idea of which may be .A.iajned from tho a. -o.-nenylng iDuatraUon.
runts, a p.ruun of which show above the gi- u . ’
I'Ve great, gnarled
twisted branches and form ha almost Jims-n-trai-......
fnterladng v«getatton.
■ ^
In a reeeat lectors oa tbe e
of north Australia given by Dr. Cart ,
XauaboJU in New York he deMgaatM
that country as the viaad of coatrasu.
where wnmen ore witboal beauty, birds
-_____ _____ tht •urrvw ot htr Hfe. WkM
Ilu »on W» tn*. It for ■> bon. ibe
finffcM------- ------r------
WW<t l«
B« M » Ml—1 t« <wd.
^ T»»t, i^fp tot«lwd jiiiiniii
■rrtnwtk.«fMiUck>«IA7, I* darkm* Mr Ur pnf.
TW barm ««Mi U UwUxI
M iiMiruW *»
*tk. tw<!*^w bod p*i>»d.»ndaod«o^
UT in tW bon»r of a faUer vaa happier
TWw.-VltiaB ssd
*xl>. lit*,
zmt. ja, «: Hsu>.
u rn.
ibJD was thta orphaa
The* a certain *oe« eaine often to the
Id thene referenoes we have two VI
Dr. fc«mwon.
bouM. lie wa* a ur.
sIoBS of God nnU two aervlce* pi-r
the ahteat ptmcUtionen of the
formed after God bad been aewn. Th.'
tnan of taleot who waa rapMlr auaad; .
first b the rlaJou of Monea oo Mount
fartnne. Ue had aeen Th«od« 8«
the bcdaidc of Uttte Lora when the ginnl and hb
an atuefc ot dckaeaa. lie ^ of the golden calf which the Uraelltee
bad net op ns an Idol in bla absence.
* iotercMed In her. paid court to h
The second b Christ's vision uiwn the
. Gmiaer Monni of TransQsunitlon and Hb aubhand,
had aatdi
Boqoent caning the detuon out of the
-It b an oSer. Mbi Kd«Bi. which jon
wonld do weU to *ire aoae thoo*ht to.”
1. Moses' vision and service (Ex.
How r»Tdj and cooUy he bad aald it
and what a ahock to her there waa in hb gxiT. IMS; xixtl. 10. 30.) At Mount
« ud aUiBlac ufl
■ rroUtI-------------T<n wmt br oaaua ud ahn.
5h* UM fdM ti <o (>««•
a (a eWrh tn* Udft arUfU and Ntn
nU both f«e |«rtru taU d M*
aad waer r«Mun cut alow.
^ ChUdeo. bmrr lU rrarl uorw.
Whkhkarl' •
-----i» Worth heaead
qobt wordi! Theodora eurted from her
atnpor and eaat benelf down npon n
It waa the erbb of her lift. Akme is
her chamber, die commenced the am«*^
whid> ahonU dedde her deetiny.
bnie. paintnl fmet that
Bhe fac«] the h
Irancer. tUie leeed him
abe bred Mr. Gra
A hot flush came to Theodora s cbeelt
she thought of her father. No; her
cettora were cot her be»era«or»,
Mr. <>raugcr would not marry hb
emess even if be loved her.
The fine, grave, dark face came up be
fore her. Bhe dropped her face upon her
would do wrU (
ftr him-ah, t would db
» think of the
at which she had Blot entered the
honac. Ilomriru, fricndliwa. almoit hopeIw. she had applied to Mr,
a dtuatioii aa aorenic-M to hia Utile
for him!”
Her liappiness was all past. The Ute
event had broken apart the Invisible rib
bons whleli bnuud her to her love.
wonld nevcV be the same again.
conld not slay tbere.
M’bere aboiihl she go?
ftw. tor abo bad brouxbt with her
For the linrt time (be thought came,
from others.
Kbe had
“Why not marry Dr. Lamlngton? ’
latrodnetion. Bbe poaaei
Night came and pressed a heavy hbekker eapahilitr and her e
raiT nets against the windows. The fire died
Bhe had Ikyo abornie slimmer ot down. Theodora arose, shivering. Two
t doak. Throoeb
hours had |>assed.
>e of
plrtnrc frainra and the i------- iKiUabed
■‘1 have divided.” she said.
walnut abe made out the room
A ci-ruin lightness was npou her,
down to wait,
_ nipied and
There tfaimirii she had decided to go out Into
fabit firelicbt
. quiet.
on the hearth the world, horordesa. upon the neit day.
■ was a Mody chair drawn upon
Bhe went down stairs and eoflly ppenrot. a book open In a rradins mck. a
Granger looked
profnaloD of papers upon n laUo near by ed the library door. Mr. Un
snd a watch
tiekine cenily
amooE them. up from hb book.
ilr amoDB
“Well. Mbs Nch
The comfortable
of llm watch
aonnded with the wallioB wind beyond
*'At>oul Ijimlugton'
mlngton? Well.
.................bow. may
the window drapiYy's warm folds. Bhe
tbtmcd to both ia a bait sinpor. caused I ask?"
"I shall
uarry him.'
If the wenrinesi of breasting the roogh
Granger sat quietly lopklng at the
Beddcnly without a soond the door anthracite in tbc grate.
"Arc you sure that you comprehend the
swnng open aofUy. and a genUeman cnadvantages of bis offer?" be said at last
tered, went across the soft carpet and
"1 am aure that I do not love him. 1
terned up the get. Then ho tamed to
do not D«ed to know any more.”
kcr. saying courteously:
There was a silence.
"Do you wbb to see mer*
-Mr. Grangcrr
-Mr. Graagcrr
“I find it desirable to change my poslBbe was impressed aa never before
My «
' '
and 1 sh^l^bc obliged to leave yon then.”
He bowed. Bbe sjiokc in a tone which
tiently under hb kind but
required no more. Then she turned to
tbc door. She had oi>cned it when she
Looking at Theodora Nelson. Mr.Granheard her name pronounced aa abe bad
ger thought that here was oue woman
at least who bad no tboaght of hb being never heard it iiruuounced before.
ficb and eligible.
It was a relieving
She looked Uck.
tbonght after certain experiences he had
"Will you come berer' Mr. Granger
known during (be past muiilb. He said:
"I think we will try eseb other, Mbs •aid. putting out him tond.
Fnconiciously >he wwt to him.
a nolbinx hot
The Great Sample Pants Sale
Oontinuoualy fills lour pants department with
Blnal. on the way from Ko-pi «> Ca
nsan, God called Moses alone to .the
adores of eager buyers. Really it b an extra
top of the monntain that lie might
give to him the tallies of stone contain
ing Hb eotumaadmenU for Uls peo
ordinary chance to purchase strictly new and
ple. On Mount Blnal Moaes had a rialon of the glory of the Lord. “The
glory of the I-ord abode upon Mount
Fashionable Pants
ftiU Blnal,” “And the sight of the glory of
the Lord waa like devouring fire on the
_________ tbcBL Howerer kindly hb fewtleneas met beifcOhey were nodnlly at a top of the tnountaln In the eyes of the
Bhe nerer tbonxht of mA children of Israel.” What must It have
tbinca. b« she knew that Mr. Cmnxer been, then, to Moaes! Forty days and
did: that be rained hb patricUn blood— 40 nights Moses was on the mount
patricbn in the hlebert sense of the
belMdding God's glory. He conics back
Theodora Ndaon stood in the eentw
ad her room. 8be waa ddni solhinx. It
aeemed to her »hc waa thlnkinc of nnthBut a kind of
to*^Tei>rlY^tto* over and orcr axaln
the laat words Ur. Graniter bad said
Topte roe the Week Oepl^los
U_CMBeol by Ker. a. U. UotU.
At Less Than Cost of Raw Material
s. Benda & Co.
to the |M>ople tu find them worshiping
an Idol! Uc who bad Just wltnesaed
Ibe glory of the true God secs Uls peo
ple bowing down to an image made by
tbelr own bands!
What a contrast!
How utterly abborreut tbis Idolat^
must bavc ariKan-d to Moses In coh-
•Hook the calf. • • • burned U In fire and
ground It to t*owder and strewed It In
tbv water and made tbc cblldrcn ot
to him and fllli-d h(m with seal for
lu ovortlirow uud VMtrucUon.
pec God khuiild alTcct^ In a similar
Tr»T«tM0lt7 mvkn.
toiow ta a Ust of the unyiag ikud se 1
way. It should make sin hateful and
rejiulslve and fill us -wlUi a desire to
destroy It l>oUi lu ourselves and In •
We shoulil be more strongly
fecicd lu this way tluin Moscs. M<
saw G^I on Mount Sinai; we bare aeen
2. Christ's vision and aervlcc (Math,
xvll, 1-S; xlv. 201.
Six mouths before
llppi. and tranailgored In tbc iircsencc
of MoscA. Elljub. FeU-r. James oad
l‘‘or a motucUl tbc glory of
heaven EboDc in Him.
"His faev did
as the sun. and His raiment
white as' the light.”
Coming down
from the Mount of Trac
of huaveujy vislqb. He finds His disclph-« unable to Drtl a poor boy posscs-ved of au evil spirit liccause of their
lack of faith, -tud what did Jesus do?
He ••ivhuUo<1 the devil, and he depart
ed out of him. and the child was cured
from that very hour." Christ's traosflgumiion and vision would undoubted
ly (111 blin with a still wore fervent
seal to serve God in castlug out evil
■ ml In rescuing fallen humanliy from
the poners of darkness.
If we have
' by tbc i>ower of the
cross and bavc thus seen a vision of
God's glory, we also should be filled
Gen. ixvlil. 10-12; Nuiu. xlr. 10-21:
I»ipr. xxis, IS; Isa. vU 1-S; xxvill. ';
l-ma. lU K y; Kick. 1. 1. 28: Uoa. xH.
I HI; Joel 11. 2S. 32: Math, v, 8: Acts II.
H-21; vll. M-OO; U. l-«: xvl. 8-10; Eev.
1. I0-‘J2.
that a ee
eelefaraied boeteriologist once prop(M^ to'deai with tbe rabbit peet In AuatralU U muto the same way.'lt It qnlit
r say pleamm.
g™ i^doiea.............
Ooe tight doutile wagon, Harriaoii make, with double box, eprlog
■eat, nearly new wagon,
inch tires, price $40.00.
One 3 inch tire wagon, Potertyl make, all complete, been used $
weeks, good as new, $40.(KX
One H-epring wagon, long box. two seats, a good farm wagon
price $20.00.
One lumber wagon 3i inch tires, price #30.00.
Ooe phaeton buggy, itainled and tu-good shape, $40.00.
One covered milk wagon, in gopd shape to hitch to, $25.O0.
On{* road cart, in good shitpi*, price $7.50.
Ooeopeii bang}', in (;o*>d condition, price $30.00.
One plRtforui wi4Km, low wheels, with pole and thills, good mar
ket TOgon, price $l.i.OO.
One fwiopy top stirrey, just out of shop, in Kood repair, newly
11 to so
10 pninted, price $50.00.
wltb a burning seal to uplift f^n
Tbe motive in all this
Wagons and Buggies
DPor Sale
Cbrist waa cmclUed Ue wos taken up
Mount Horuion. near Cawnrea Pbl-
maully. to rescue men from ih¥^'
and oouteque-uoea of evil.
■Theodora.” lie said ooftly, "will yon
not stay here as my wiftT'
Arrange a s|>evlal programme, bsvlng
“1K> you love racF' simply.
"Bo help me. God. as I never loved ba- ^ort addretsca or paperw. as follows:
first, tbc vision of Moses: second, tbe
forc ianjylK. r
Tbc blessed words! She clung to him vision Of Jesus; third, ihe vision of
little cry.
Faul; fourth, the vision of John"I»o you knowr how happy l_a«n?’| be
« you knoa- what .
aaid. "Do
(sik of the past
for me? I will not talk
odnra. It is not a pleasing subjc<.-t. but
„ long I have necdi-d
My sweet child, bow many times 1 have
pretty breakfast r
wished that yon loved we! My lift Itas
_ y chamlwr assigned her, in which ImyS so latter and so barren.
•to could not St first sltYp (nr comfort. dreamt Horaelimcs. hot I would not yield
Tbo Temple of Vietorrto them.
Why should you love me. a
Many a night she had Isiu watching the
gl.aitii}-. middle aged man? Yet you were
On the bnivv of tbe .\erupoUs In
play of the mi firelight upon (be white
siieh a cuuUurt! Then (his <JScr of Lau- Athena, punraios the approach to the
criling. unwilling to go to siirp because
BO dream could tc so happy as the wak ingtun’s ranie.. I miidc tbc de<-uiou that famous
if you did not love him and withstood the Mauds a little temple, baaed on the
ing reverie. BbC nev.-r lost her ph-ai
advantiigv of hit offer that 1 tbould know
M theoe things, familiar as tasU- and
solid rock. It cummaudt a wide proiyour heart to U- more true than any
y b>
becaiuc to her dally life.
p.wt—the twcop of the -\ttlc mounheart 1 ev>r l-efure (onnd
my lifyBbe thouglit of the
>c first C
1 would win you if 1 eunid. Ah. Aaim and the stretch of aoa at Salnthla.
tod Irvc-I there and nf the gratcfiil ffiaai
The Athenian of old felt wlthlu him a
are which swelled her heart when Mr.
thrill of pride as he stood u|hju this
Granger put Into her hand a tiny Mor««ld! Y'cu li>ve e
height and snrveyiHl the pro«iK-ct. The
•ntloc watch, while tbc next instant lit
little lelnple waa muilcd the Teiuptc
tle I-ora sprang forwanl with a bvanti- gift of God!"
of the Wingless .Victory.
It proudly
tolly cut canicK b<-r gift. Why. she had
never bail e Christmas present ticfuie in
should never
all her lift!
take iu ttigfiiWrom the fair city be
tliougbt of a night whrn Ix>ra bad
A touch of this Indomitable
aken dangeruusly ill with the croup
-ma. There la uo marriage cr-reraooy. spirit and uucumiuernide Iio|h- Im need
Jost aa (Wo meu go into purtnerahip in ed in our (.'hrlKtian life and work to
We fire too fnlut hearted.
boslnen. so a mau and woman luay
prayed w ith the father.
into the marriage wUtc without
arc too easily diacouraged.
That ilia iboughu were not alw
dergoing i
pteaaaut Tbcudura came tu knuw. Tl
Christian heart should huvo lu It a
waa a sore place In hia life which he
brooded over. .Kt fital she auppuM-d It to la tbe (art that (acilities for divorce
the rugged moun
be the io»« ..f bif wife: but. reapectftiHy very great. .As lourrlage it merely a parttains and the long stretch of
•a he mratiuiieJ to I-ura her dead moth wetwbip. so divorce ia a ditaolutioD ef that
artDersbip nud may be obtained on
oD de- determluailoD to conquy-r.—UaptIM Uner. lu- never showed fur tbe child or (or partDersbip
>and by i-ilhcr of the parties from tbc
biniM-l( a aeoae of great loss. In a man
fine oalured and tender hearted as was elders of tbe village. In Burma, howevuwly ■ Utile Whtle.
CnrtU tJrauger thU was strange.
Our whole eternity will liliige
TiKxnlora did not know bow It was that
“little while" of prubatloo here. Un.^
tical good seuor.
■to came to imdcrataud that abe
au Inch of time to choose between
-nithes a powerful .
o I-ora's fapahio of Iwlni
live In propriety of lift. Ibe salvation of etemliy of glory or tlie endless woes
_i (he evenings when they were alooe the Ilumx-M' woman lies In tbe fact that of hell! And. as a convert exelalmed
and she was In tbe mood to langb and tor home lift is always tbe center of ber In a prayer meeting. "It was only a
talk freely. In those tlmea Mr. Granger cxisteuce. Bhe recognUca that there
work with me when 1 was In
would kindle into a quiet brilliancy nt- certain reatrirtions on a woman's acUoes
eamnt." May God help us all to be
which most lie obwrved as long as men
ftriy alien to him at all other periods.
fnlttafii|-r-0Dly for n little wblle—and
-D and women are w
A sympathy had grown op '
then comes the unfading crown!—The
a fauDdred
n which not ooe ihtmd Id a____
odore L. Cuyler lo Christian Work.
Theodora felt
would apprerlstv rightly. Theodora
e Mr. Granger.
Tbe plan eo
■ geoeroos diwire to pleaae
The Most loo or Ufe.
With the utmost franknew she eonaulied ■mesring a few
Ala tastes.
Silently diacorcriog that, cusi fungus.'' a preparation which ia calI expect to pass through tbis life bat
tirated in the Barteriological institute at once. If, tbercforc. there Is any kindwtotevrr hia evening engi
_ bked to rfaat
wHb her a hour after Orabamstowa. Cape Colony. The insects oess 1 can show, or any good 1 can da
tea. she made it a point to be at Manre are then allowed to relora to the
to any fellow being, let me do It now.
then. Once. Id a half absent way. be which ttoy Infect whh what U p
Let me not deter or neglect It. for 1
_____ The
-- .s
preparatold f/ora that wbeo ato was a woman Hy a fatal diaaae.
toe must wear ber hair as Mia NeUoo tioD applied on damp toil la places where sball not pass this way again.—Aincriit it known loeosta will vwanu leads enn Hebrew.
to tlwir complete destruction. Twenty
Kklng tbe artiatlc effects
loops, ttoy became Tbeodon'a habit. swama are said to have been deWroyed
My pmcv todor I glvt ts yon.
Knowing that to admired tbe white cam la tbit manner. Alttongb this ataiemrut
Asd. U tfiyimril fay to rad.
eo be bad aelected for Lon’s gift- It it
to dodbt. it may be re
tways VI a mocBuia-
Costs Little to
be Well
Paoted Now.
Fashiooatile Oiiitiners.
Israel drink of It.” ^W5ei~W*lon of
Go<l made sin tvpolsifc and repugnant
aa»e wopda were a ahock of pleasure to
Skeodora. Bhe was ao tired, the place
vns ao restful, tnd she wsi not sure
«rbm she should lay her bead that night.
It was comfort and |K-aec op<-niug sud4saly before hi-r, a place where she could
her burdeu of care and be kindly
kifolded In au atmosphere of peace.
4id not know that Mr. Granger su
«PM full of tears BS they parted.
Bow much had hap|>eucd-since that
Episode after ofd*
Be'On Hand Tomorrow.
Two Pairs for
Nearly the Price
ef ooe.
aldcrhtlon of hb recent ecsiaUc visions
of God! And what did he do?
found for the maUrial nKwqnito. for
only by andi means that Ita •ztirpatieu
be hi
« that I SOI OsA
Ao4 look sod
bdp> sod vnj,
Abraod tbt
*T»ria lilts yoor
"Bo 4mUi sII th
B. J. MORGAN. Propr.
To Cure a voM sn OtM Day:
Take Wanier's Whitt Wine <if Tar S> tu:
ihc best cough rcmcly on earth.
2'. a..
Br. Eountlul-nionipMa
On Exhibition!
haa retamed .from California and is
ready to reanme her practice. Her
offices In tbe new Frank Friedrich
block will cot to ready unUl about
phones. ,
Dr. BoseBthal-'TbompBOB
baa returned from Cnliforaia and la
reMly.toreaume her pmctice.
ofBoea ta the new Frank Friet
block will not be ready until nbont
the 12th »nd until that time she will
be nt Bb'k Place. ' Telephone ». both
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
Declares Dr. Waelzhold la an
Article on •< Huslc and
Cblorraia. Netiroyls and Other Ner*
VMW Disorders From Which So
Many Oirts SuMer saM to
be ithe UeSHlt of "Ham*
mering the Keyboard."
Ia the British Medical JonraG Is dls;oacd
Waelxbold’s srticle
‘M»ic and Nervea,” in which he
flaimt that the alarming increase in
oervons dlaordets in young glrU la dun
lo the "deadly enstom" of bammeriag
to keyboari
Whether or not the cansetodoe.lo
usy remain s question,
denying tbc fact that
nervthere it an enormoua
oas diseases among yonog fflris
Bitical age of twelve to oixteeD. when
they ere itist croedag tbe ttanabold of
Their nerrons systems are
« of music and enx
It it during Ibis ttyt pale, wtok
restorative tor pale, w«ek giri%
women soffering
with the UJt
telrsex. tbere Is no t
Cbese's Nerve nad Bltod^Pilb.Jb^pest
stooec pomit end Ggnatwt Is osi every
box of tbe ffeaaine.
, „
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve ato Blood
nib rti«e And revitafia* the
blood and nerve ctola, brlaff bw
eolor to the cbeetaand the toon^
tbejtom. jo erats • 1^ at all datl^
A carload of fancy drivers, farm
mares and heavy work horses,
from Stock farms at Stillwater,
Hinn. Call and see this load of
good horses.
state Street.
Wfi Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Aud none nrc poor gtoek. Soap w yoo know is better nftor
beimr niretl. Everybody wbo uses soup know the standard maksa
when they see the name on the wrappers, \Ve will giTc you good T«i.
ues for 5c, 10c, 25c, 35c and 50c per cake,
JAS. G. JOHNSON, PfiggislL
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sldnralk LiunlMriil eU llMa
JOHN y. OTT ft 00.
Men ts TnvWM Otty Leabv Oop.
Senator Test G tbe only Bnnbtf al
TreuM* to ■teOr
the Mttste at present who nerved !■
miser af xhtoH**.
tbe Confederate senate dariDg the clvg
It U not lUOicult to undnetand why AS REVEALED IN ATTRACTIVE H^W
fried food* arc mi .tndlgcstlM* if we
Tbe cradle la which Napoleon II
And TO both vleaeey aad reaowa.
weaOasaItteOaU. take the trouble to study ibe pbyidaiogy of digestion, says tbe 1‘blladrtphla A iwcU i.iuatwciBhi <-h«ck serlac was .rocked belong* to the Kmperoi
MetU^I Journal. Tbe prolelda. wbicb
■eti>4lat<} KonUra SuBatw Coww. of Austria, who Is abont to loan tt
the chief nutritive cotuUtuenU of
Pepeter THi»Bl-a»-Twne(w IWSteV for cxbUdtiou at tbo Paris exposlUoa
meat. oyKtera, fish and eggs, in order
The Dowager Empr^ of China has
n* toUl erll|M erf tl>e na on Mar
ordeml tbe Chlurse mIoGter to Pranct
•d of pawlni uTCT the aparaeir
I have traveled over tbe Alpe when to lie digested ahd ksflmHated mutt ha
The fashion chronIclePa taek when
have ftuo largo photograph* of tbs
fOloiia of tb« world, will crou
re started on wheels ia July, were put
eriectlng n few of the modes of the-day cX|>o»ltGn huildlnga taken for ber.
tto aUtca of LoatnUna. MiaidaaippL
on mnuc u at tbo uuuHterini of St. Ber
for mention G an unusually pleasant
H<-iislor Beveridge mastered one ol
Aiahatna. <;rorfta. Koutli Tarolloa and
nard and tbe next day came tnmbling tbr layer of fat wlik-b'bas covered and
Malav dialects during bis visit U
^•nb CaroikM and wUl rrm tooeb
down into Ibo wbeatfielda of Switxer- poriuealed tbe morsel in frying must
(PlTKiBla. aari The KefentUk Amevkon. «ha Aalhar Thaaaht It a Goad Oaa If Xa land and tbe Bbone. TtMi 1 have Jin- be removed. TUG Is a.-comiilGbed by thing G the worM of dreas been nmre tbe Phtlippln.-*. and be G no* emptor
of bG spare time studying
One ClM Dtd.
Tbe track of vnalltr
on lb* Parikisbad ihroogh Japan and wbeelbar- the proocm of ciuulsifientlon. which tBUormly altraoUve. . All re
’ irtfle ocean Joat ireat of Mciloi, cateta
An antbtr'a own Taloatloo <rf bla- towed in China. Bat tbe meet ezoitiag means tbe expcndllure of a Urge changea tend, on tbe whole, to fthck
Dr Bdward Grieg gave a concert Is
amount of digestive energy.
‘ tto vmu» sut*a near Kew Orteaaa work ia aonelbinK dncniarly peonUar trip of my life was titon in onr
dsganee and comfort of attire. BM Copenhagen not long ago to which only
butter applied to broUad menu
. and paaoM In a nonbcaatctlr dlroctton at ^loca. A eaae In point wai told me oonatiy, ont in Iowa. It waa one of tbe
small sbopki-cper* were Invited, hti
1 BBta U laachM tb* aea at Morfedk and tba otber day by an antbor wboae woefe ooldwtnlgbtof aooldwlnter. lleotnred\ U ^ leas pemlcloas. for not only It
Idea Iwlug that art abould appeal to aU
r the most easUy emuGlfied of the
Ope HaaiT. Ita path Ibcn etoeaea the taoeivea tba beatocaiaideratlon wbvarer for tbe college at Oaage City, nortbeast
It Is not soaked In by tbe
Atlantte ocean and ton^ea PortoKal, ba obooaea to otfar ft. writaa Edward from Cedar Rapldh one nigbt, and tba
Tbo Etfipres* of RossG baa had
and oonli Africa and wUl ter- W. Bok.
next night I was to be at Grinnell oolmade for her a magnificent piece al
dried foods. The eondlllon of the
» a«ar tlic oortUcra end of tbo
[ wrote a atory," be eald, “tome lc«p near Dee Motnea. 1 bad to ride
GolK-Iln laposiry which bear* a reptafire yeara afowbicb 1 felt wai mynai- down tbrongb the central pert ot Iowa, fried sinrcby foods, like .poutoes. It
dueilou of a iwrtralt of Marie Antoin
tvpieoe. 1 flnUbad it and pnt it awny
tbo old luwa Central road. To do rery almllar. for In order that the
ette iKilnicd h.v Mme. T^ebruD.
for a month. Tb«ail tend it nndwaado- this 1 was oompclled to drive 80 miles starch may l«e ebanged Into assimilable
I«ok«<l oa wlUi ttMpteltta,
Ugbted. 1 took U to Mr. Aldcn. He
a tbe prairiu, from Osage City to grape sugar U must be acted upon by
thanked me and aaid be would read it ____ a City, in cadertostrikeaOo’elock the amylopsln of the jumorcatic Juice.
•Tnrd* an- not pGyod as much «B
Whni can be done to lessen the fried
atooco. In a day or taro bo eent it back mucnlng train for GrinnelL
the lurs.as they used to be." raid tba
wUb a polite word of renrek I road tbe
Thirty miles over the prairie In a
coniim-rclal tnivolcr. “.V few year*
•teiTacain and waa bettor pleased aritb nertliwuat atorm, with tbo tbonuometer as present conditions csUi: so long
ago It was a t-ummoii sight to soc tbrea
:hc« ideal of the peopG G to aeirtbanorer. 1 tocA it to Mr. Gilder of IG d)«reee bi-low loro, was a test of
or f-iur game*. wliGt. cli. br>-. js>kcr ot
Tbe Centnry. Bo promiaod to eive B strength; uen-e aiyTbodily caloric. Bat enmuG gollars rather than to .level.
M-v'-D-up. g.ilng un iu a car: nod wtaeiv
attaiticuL In leaa than a wvok it waa we mode tbe trip' Oncu onr sleigh tipcvi-r r».ur <>r live drutuiui-t>' w>-r«- gath^etnnied with anotber polite note of ro- pod over, and onr blankets nnd rdbos shall be tbe M-rvants of licaliby lulnds.
ere>l togollM-r there was.sun- to 1-e-a
grot ThU Ume 1 wai angry, ao 1 took blew away. It was a burricano, aud Yet If those who teach pliyslology In
llvoly gam.- «rf draw in pregr.-**. Note
ur public and pilii-r m-UouIs underit at onoo to Mr. UorUnganiu, tbo edl- even onr bot soapstone took to tbe wind.
urlum trains w.r.- imn.sl lui.. whist
cliil.*. i.ud uii-rnius-.niid niglii the >-011*twof Hcribnor'a, aaying, ‘Here ia eome- Once we got to droling around on that athid ihcG aubj<-ct ati.l It* pracihal ap
iniiicrs w.-n- .-iigac-l iu ;r nibG-r."
tblng y<m may want' Mr. liurllugame 8D mile prairie, and the driver throw np plications as they shduhl. If there were
G Ibi- I.nnh-'I tblir-f In lb'
in fail own poliabed and diguibod way bis friBcn bards and screamed:
..f any hind In
wurM 1. get up ;►
nomical nuking w.Tc taught ns It
uxproaaed bis obligatiou at being peniiU••Wo's loei!"
A*h a sirtmoir If ho would
ted to rood what be felt anre must bo an
nnt the Stan came out. nnd we •hoiild lic. If ph} *l.-lnu* tcHik every oje
or ma rarAi. stejm
a h.m.1 at wbisi »r enclire
cxoolluut Uliug. Ont when bt> bad road whlrksl aronnd toward tbe uortb star, portuulty to Impr.i-* *iieh fact* of prac
Bed aea. Ttw o-llpM- will last 1 tnlnote
w .tb a suspltical liygl.-nlc liujwrtniuv as they
it bo evidently did not feet au anru, for aud strogghd on.
l.«k- .tud. wlisi i- worse, be G
and 12 aoconda near Now Orleana and
In tbe gray of Uie rounAfffwItKvrbat should thi-re can be no doubt that by
eiiitivlj jn.rlibst In id* *iis;il.-l,in*. In
1 mloGle and 4U aoeomU near Norfolk. be aent it back alao. Kow. tlioso llircu
N-nsIblc anil well Inforiu.-d is-oplo
rejections ongbt to have cuuviuced me Joy wo saw the straggltiig lights of the
of tbU
It U probable that larxe uumbon of
tho frk-d nbomlnatloDs would be avoid(s.nnirt lis\>- l..s n ilic bsrv.-st field
people win take Ibo mllruada to poinlt that Ibo alary waa nob so gooil. and 1 Ilttlestatiou of MasonCiv> uuwa plaoe
will Bay that i was dlshcaritaKvl. Ho 1 of (>,0W pwplul 1 rcnienihi^well how 1
Imiio* iiii'U .nn.l short
wbrre ibe eril|iM- <an l>* wen.
pat it aslda . A year laicr 1 took it np rolled cot of tbo sU igh audtmt<irc-d op
Tbe Barlh's Ceater.
ter of erperinH>mat atatlon* will lie
Held t.> lb-' limit, from New Y.<rk to
aud twvail it It fce.-mod to m« wonder- to tbe statioD df«r. It was all dark
Of Ian- year* tin- g.-ni rul view Iiai
tabllsbed t>r Ibo Kori-rmmjit nlong tbo
.11.1 v.-rm..m t.. Tlorida.
fully clov<rr in plot and coustmctlon. within. I know tho iiiaminR train hadn't tn-D that the Intcrlur tif tlx- gluGpath of Ibe cclipiie. Tbe neciaaarr apTh.-,v liiiv.- w..rh.Hl all kind* «.f filmgnuo. Wo liad wim, but, ob, widi-wtaat though iHirtl.v liquid, is fur the most
and tbo manner and worki
paralui U no«- I>eliic RaUii-red aud
I giini.'s. imlit DOW ll is utiDost Imod well nigb purftict. Ho I
Mild. Kiiui.-. says P.-iirsoii’s Wi-ck-; fasblon's moods have bdi-me ao manMile fur a tnnn to flash :i deck'of
xskiiw ou tho dcKir, then ponnding
other magailuewbiiru 1 was known only
have c>n*idercd that u, »- ctlon ! ifold with the advanclug Kc-ason that to
Is In q».>.scim.klng »-oiiii«irtment r‘
by rupnlntlou. Huro it staid hovoral louder,------tha
tbrongb the earth would slioiv'tlic fol-j attempt to gcncrallxo ul<oiiC them G
iMIhnnn witboiit tbo
trained. Conanaa boa alloweil
"Bos tbo 5 o'clock train gone sonlh lowing: (J) -\n oilt.-r wild envelope.: distinctly loss proOtablc than to bring
muoths before it wai in my bauds with
to tbe neral <ibw>rratorr aud 94,<w0 to
another note of polite regret Tbon.l toGrtuDulir' 1 asked, with trumulons
M-mlfiiild envelopi-. CH a iluid en- ; before the reader some <-f the manltbe Rmitbaoulan iDatliuttno for tbla
aent it to another aud another magaxliio voice.
o bar.- the cxperieui-.- rcp<-ated."*
vclope. Hi a M-inltluld cuvelni*- nnd ' festetloDs which have been received
pnrpoac. Tbe naval obaenatorr will
till 1 bad usbausted tbe whole field.
<5) a solid mirlein-. No. 1 result* from i with greatest favor,
annd out two ezpedltlana. They will
B» Wot
None of the editori wonld bare ib
“Has tho train gone sooth?”
a mluced tcui|K-raiure only; No. 't{. | In Ibc first cm wc have, for cxamplk
probably be located In NoKb Cnrollna Meantime I bad read It myself at leart a
Ib-llig a wi*»- I
Ho looked at me in amaxemont and from a |ircssun- and letiiiM-niture not a fasUJonablL- frock of black nud white
and Ocorsla. 200 milea npart.
no ebiniii-s.
dos4« times, and each time I was mo
The weather bureau la collecting data fnllyoonvinovdafiuexoellenca. Wb<
course, yon qndcrsland." M
“Gone, mani Gone? Why, tbe went
re sulhcleuily bIgU ! taffeta sUk. with wbicb Is worn n tuck- said tiy wsy of pn-fniv. "tbat I hnv*
of.tbe weatlier roDdltlon* In past yeara there were no editors left to road ib I
3. from a t
last B«-pU‘nibor. She Is a snmmur train.
duit- ciimpleie llquefacilou: No.'ed taffeta vest, crot>e do clilDc collar pleiilv of f«-ninle n-lativcs.”
la the month of May for tbe tocallUea
gave it to my wifu. Hiiu read it and Dot,” and Iw looked kindly at me, “sbe to prtsluipro- and bow and a scarlet silk waUt band
alone (lie Hop of totality. No far they ■eemed embarrasaod wbeu 1 askod bet
4. from n prcsitiro *u gn-nl
•H’crtiiinl.v." *bc ati»«'.-r.-d. •Mne'Will
ahow there la lesa ebanre of Houdlneaa opinion. When ebo roalii.Hl that 1 realvent .-veu tbo lerrlllo boat which most i wllh fringed cuds.
wli:ll UoUpIU..-d.
I btr. you can sit around here in tba
I'P .Itiwn In tho earth | In tbo second cut Is a smart fouGrd
In central Oeonria and eaatera AlaI Give four sister* iilrcady." b«
-pot and wait
fr>im .-.miplcu-ly ll.juofylng tbo tua-;allk gown for summer wear, which
ni on. - and iiuy mimlH-rof eouslna."
Whot did 1 dtcrlnr..u wblob It \v..rlis: N«i. r,. from | shows one of the new iiioko.1 sklrtA a
jeo. ,nr
...U... |
. bZ'.
I realize all tliBl." sbe reiarned.
Why, Iwent right over .to * log hotel
mre will, b ov. r.-.miot completely j very cblc Gcc Iwlero nnd a .silk waGt but I fall to S.S- b»w ti Im.-rcsis m.'.’’
The rUtlons will bo occupied two or ■ ^
^ tbeediton. who wai and wont to bed, and sleep suiuthcrod
-Ob. ..uly hidlrc-. ily." be said. "Betho ll.iuofylag iK.wor oven of the maxi- band arrnngomont.
tuat <if ilio lui.-rlor. TIiG pressuro
And Just hero It may uot be amiss to fon- saving what 1 have to suy I metepart wbicb each man will take will Bo aald that b« bad thought wbeu bo my sc-nowA
HI. op! Hleepl
J .that 1
is esUuiat.M U. Ik-, at lire center of the I remark upon the popularity of Gee In iy 0.-<lr>- to ba
p-t»4h8ruughly n-bteraed. It Is very Im- mod it that I bad not oficirud It aerions... 10 o’clock I crawled over to tbe
7,lSil.riU3,7.Vi iKiuuds to tbe; summer modoA Ijico appUgucs arc, hate my foil -i
• peratlve-tt make no ulstakps during iy, bat wasplaying souiu kind of a pnodepot and oponwl Ibo wiri» ou ITosi- square fisit. n ptvssnro so enormous ; In fact, rootv noilceahle on some gowns deserlptluD.
tbe minute end a half when observa tidal Joke ou blm. Then 1 went home
dent J. B. Griuiiollof tbo Iowa Ccutrah that DO known suI.nIsii.v oubl, fusajtbau tbr foiimGllon material. ItuMlan
-1 think
tions ran be made.
andbumodthomannacrlpi. It had made
bcn.ntli it.' Even bydrogeii nl the' Ucca espccGlly In wbai G known
The RmllUsonlBU iaslitaUab offlevra me nubappy for five yuan, and I was
hr nnnoiiDt-ed. “I
Will be imtbT t’rofc-siuir H. i*. bangloy, ruliuved when It was gunu. But 1 tbull
bigbest iHjsrihlc tonip.-rnturc would. ' string or twine coGr. arc the fnsbionmy
aell went west, and It was ho who
nndrr such .•.m<llil..Ds. G-comc ns hard able heavy ince* for nn- with clotk
, «h«— of l'rtnc<>Mm university und<-r probably dlo iu tbo bcliet tbot tbo bust
foanded tbo .-tty of Orinuell, wheru 1
PrafMBor Young. tbos<- of ibe l.'nlvcrsl- thing I over onated dlod bofom it was was to luoluni. Ho built tbs oullege as a diamond, ll.-ii.-e U nooins pn.lia- velvet nnd tbe heavier Kllk-s. and the
bleibiit. far from there iH-liign vacuum color mentioned linrmoiiGes well with
ty of Ih-nns)lvoula under l‘ruft.-sM>r
thorn. The railroa.1, thu t.iwu, tlm coltb.' .vni. r ..r tb.- .-iinb. there G 11 pastel sbndcA Mechlin will bo a faV
Stone, nnd tbe Yerki-s ubsenatory will
logo and tho h-rturo coumi worn all liG mass of Inimisely s..ll.lllU->1 nmller. vorltc wash dress trimming. Cluny,
h oooduct llic ex|iedltluu with rrufeasor
Aud 1 throw m.VM-K into bis arius^Arh fyjt.f,.,
lltalGu aud vBlem.-lctmcs lac-c* and bar- Bale at Its bead. Nearly ev<rry ii.llege | Today Paris, regarded as a forUfied- this tologram:
------------------—ItJstc applliiuc are ether favorite* for
and artwnme Instltuilou in Ibe country ocutw. Is au Intruicbcd camp npou tbo
“BioaM give mo an ongino. Get mo
How Kiccirloli** Pools Ploais.
’thin materlaG.
srtll be rrprwoTUHl, and prolwbly JU) niM-gt,, of wbicb are imiuorons now per- toUriiinolltmiiglitr
That el.eirlr llglits < .-mplet.-ly fo|J , -Appii<,„p, „f every dcscHpllon rank
cipedltioos will olisenc ibe eclipse In mauwit forts. Tbo clrclu furmnd by tbe
g H. BUOWN, Ationier ua C
“Any ougiiii* Jii^litjg ril>a
plant life II.-1* Iss-n pmv.-d. A
'.nong tbe Idols of the hour. A lovely
tbe path of totality in addition to large um of Ukm now furls, whiob ore far
11 City? If M), send Bcrkiu
nurs.T.viuan Who bn. in. Imm.-ose trnet
ntirabon of »<-h-oilflc ouinlenre who : oQuide tlie forts of IDTP, U abont H2
of Ian.1 ...v.nsl win. g^■.t.l...us.•s aud „
„p,.n„„e, „f -white
wOl make i-xb-nded obM-rvatioi
• mlloi In oiroumfeivnea. aud it oonteltt*
h..iG-d» stunib rd op..n tl.l. fa-t n a
! nbonl bbtt' aquaro milus. not mm than
Ofiteas BcvToBBstki Ut«k. tie rrtal «irw<.
Tsl'plior' Ko SKI.
oventb of that oroa tsHug bolll
••0. K. Bond 0 with Porklu*.
anil jilatit* wbleb he had 'introduccl a* facing* nii.l serves
It G a rugiun utokrly as’ large os him boro nr kill him. ” repliod GriiinulL pln«,l m II... n..nl. .1.1,■ ..t 1,1. H-"--co;,,
tbe depn-dall.ius of («mall(-s ihat live
I popnlatlou of
In SO minutes wo woro uff. Wu went ,11,1 Ti..i Ihrli.- m-nrly ., «vll n« ibom:,
idol i, talT. ia. - blch
in tbe soil. Tp.-y arc a fvnu of fongl 8,000.0<H1. TbosuiallwiposMblocircnlt
tbo old iron roils botwoun 00 ll.., ...u.l, .1,1,,. ,vl,,-i., il„.y tod .Jib
„„„iv„i ,0 moko
■ad attack vt-g.-table*. klchin groulng to be formwi orouml it l.y an inviating Aekh-y nnd Marsbantawu, and bow wo
,U1 ,b.y ]..„k. OHO ,l„y on yli.-inc
ch-ctrlc llrtt
light 1^,
baa tern abandoued In certain ponlotts ■rmy U lOU mill*, so that at lean 600, • flow! Vlllagoe
G-cmao splnt
splntchca of ma
Mages G-came
initaiiy put up a great an- light taffeta costumes of coat and skirt
of tbo aotrtb Is-r-BUs.. of th.-m.' f-otton 000 man actually upon tbo apot would roon p:iiiiL
iL Toligraph poles blurred like ou Ibe strei-l corii.-r at ilie north of bis
TAB W. X. a W. a. Moon. rsi>ers]pn«Uc'sl-«
growers. In .-.■rtiiin jsrrtlaiis of the be rctiulitid to onclerioko auy s.-riuu* wagiiii sjiok.-N ii
hoiiM-. Uesult: 111 h-ss than « y.ar’s'
aonib have ls-.-u driv.-u out of iiuslDCBS opnr.iti<m* (« the n-.luctiuu by sii-go of
Wo blow tbe whidtlo, but the tniiu time the plant* un tbe tmnh sUle is-;
by tbcin. Tlu- fuugt grt Into tin- water tbel
e rrcuch capital.
bent tho eonnd into MarKhallt
lanie more .luxuriant In growth thanducts of tbe plant nud kill li
sciloo no fewer than 1,000,000 Ibo agttit came <«t aud look.-d the those on the south *ld.-. Tbe nuPM-ry-)
In praci
■ecllun of Ibe Mem of n
. AudfortilludFaris. wrong way. We had jiaiiw d tbo town, man. taking tin- lilni. bad n s.-rics of)
srouldbo i
Boew BlOfk.'_____________
mlero*co|M- «liows n sti
.............b ac luuch mure oxic-Msivo than aud Ibo wblstio wo» rtill G-hiu.l,
IS ln*i:<II--.l 1:
cotton. TIuw white tbreadi soo'u pock i it wa* In IKK;, can uevertbeiess be dt
Woll, wo got to Grinnell and struck
uid Avllli gni
M.oBe* im.rMlA«ac« IM.
the duet* s..lld or choke the pGni. ^lip fensivt-ly bold at |«t»«:ut by 350,000 tbo audienro <in tbn 4rok<> of 8. Pn-si•heme I
rrmcly has yet been foimJ. but Itt lias : fflim, while
if ;oo.«oo,
loo.tioo, or ovou more, «Gnl Grium-ll Lwln'i told thorn aliont
Igo"! .v.-ar Easter .iniie rnibep*
bean observisl
obserrM tthat the fiiugi pruK|s-r wero callod for. iliur c.ial.l without dot- thu ride. Tho audii-noo tliooght I enriy. aud ibis man'* Ht.s-k of 1111.-- w :is
H»re*iHll'-Oo. Blurt.
In laud where tli.Te has lieeu Do n>ta- , rimisit to the tic)
eld oriui.-s Is- provitle.] on a regular train or drove over
ratli. r InekwanJ in Imd.llug. *.. be put i
doa of er..|M. They llv«> In plaui* In a oat of tbo li.ToO.OOu iralG-d solrliors tbo next station. When 1 trli-<l t<
In Ui.-ir gtvenbou*.' a double low of [
dry «nte .iver winter, and when ftsl to wboiu Frauoo now hat at her dispoasL them about my Ulp. they only langbwt arc llgbG, k.-i-ping lliem burning all'
c*ttG and they n-apis-nr from the ' —MatlouaJ HovGw.
Tlieydidu’l G-lGyc ino. Alast that
night. lUid so f.>n-.-d tb.- growth Uuit b.temyard they are carri.-d baek to Ibe ,
----------------------•tho day. that walrtho night, that I lost luul 111* plant* ready f-.r market ahead
aoBG Bloat.
,1^ to re|s-at tbelr evil work. UoUmyreputelion forvcraclty. nnd oil these of uiany «f bG comiM-iltors.'
‘HOMPeuK. H. I
tlon of crop* G tbe only rcinvdy. It Is
y<«n> 1 have stragglu.! to get it hock. I
. BouAttO II A IB
■ proteM of nature against firing the Bow iu tbe world G rc-purtod from In am a vostrymaii now aud a member of
PlreprMif t loth.
■all with the same cr.q> y.-ar after year. dia. On ibu GU liuu two {lanoe have ic (bu Youug Men’s Christian OMuciaiion,
No ebiUtrate KtatUtie* nrc mss-Ksary i . •
or* Botrl. Rooibs 00 »£d «L Wobe crowed, nau ll.thiOTuK high and Ibo but nothing will get book roy lost vo to pmvc that iiiutiy tin-* might lie pn-- •
BSb's soil <-b lldr^'s aioeaw* s SBWlBitr, Ots br Teleahai
other 13.&00. Tbe snow often lies at
racity. .ixccpt pijlinpe tilts open oon- v«-m.-iL If canwi*. cui-tnlu*. drap.'rie*
Tbe Klnit IGptGt isIwruacU- of On- depth of from JU to 18 feui, nnd Che (i-*slon, now for tbe first time made.
and elotliliig were Duu.'.milmNtilile.
dnnau G t.. is- .-.lun.-ctwl by teh-pboBc pol«a used am 30 f.-ot long Tbe poles
Whitt I asked the vonentblu President TbG G preelM-ly wbai a firm uf Ger- *
With such o' ii> iiierabeni us dctln: to an planted elo**.- tuguibor. Offious of Grinnell years afterward bow be came neui nianufaelun-r* ppoiKwes to bring .
bear the ............ and wrviee withont obaorvatiuu an close by. In each ol to telegraph.’’Gel Perkins to Uriunell altoiit. AfUT seviral yi-ar* of cx|M-rl- 2T B WAKflN. PbyilrlAii oed sorfcor. Offlre,
iMvlng th.-ir honi.-s. A tnuismlltpr whicbtwo£nropoausarestatianed.load> or kill him," bo said;
nieuilng they amu.uoce the .IK-overy ■ ,
<J- Lsdl'. LlbrsrrlBulldloX. Bril pboor—Ollife iu <
Be*. No. M-: miii'bc«. No. tl. Konbera pboM
of a ebeiulenl treatment tluit will ren- ^
"Well, my *oo, yon see 1 ’
rf spent at siihmarine cable stationf G niug for oougress tbun, aud 1 didn’t der auy fabric of cotton, linen, wool or, ^
riotons aud crowdod. Many mouths the have any reonrd to run on. Ail 1 bad fiber fireproof. The |>rocch* I* cheap 1^
HCOCT^ Vryrlrst^ furfrcB. M
pamta are cut off from mankind by the dona was to oou.Gmu laud for right of and adil* but lltUe to the weight of the
aoBrstk- sniBsls l-r Ibe Glest and bdsI sc
Tbe paator of this ebnn-b. tin- lU-v. I>r. ■DOW blockoda—San FfUcGoo Examand kill immigrants cm our trains article irvatcd. It may rvudlly U- ocen !' ‘
Barbonr. aome Ume ligc-bad a trans Isor.
log for
foi a ruoord to ran on—one that tliG dincovcry will be valuable for,
mittrr in bG pnlplt wiiieb was ronuectT\K rilXD TILT. Veieriisary bureemi i
that would bri•ing mo the sympathy of sot-uriug tbe G-tU-r safety of LoteG by ‘
«d wllh the private line of an «4deriy
A fcar«e iGwaaA
U Ileblist. BuTsey sod____________ __
treatiug <-an*'tA cunaliu and Inside j
the people, and it occoireil—
tlwk-ontr BFSi to Wbii'b Drv>aier«oR I'Bios
lady who waa unabk- to Gave ber
Hmitb—Tbe real estate most always
woodwork; uf adrautage for cover-1
niyet. Uood bare it {roBnectlea «or rali«Dts.
be aaid it sloh ly. “it simp .
borne to attend church. Tills arrange- be activo, 1 should think.
Call* I'll St BrodbbxfB’s or absss'e ssG
to mo as a business man—1 beg pardon fogs cof explosives, aud In a multitude'
•tst-W •rill be proapily bliebdcd le. KortbBent worked BUetectorlly for nearly
Brown—Why ao?
other ways. It Is not Imjiro
for saying it,’’ and tbe teata came to of oU
votruJtD oomi.
tonr montba
Smith—There oro ao many fellows bG eye*—“but it ooourred to mo if yon a way may l*> fuuud to uiake It v
water- ttyle. elaborated with embroidery
oould be killed on our train then, and proor In auy c
it must 1-e rtyard- faille. wlU be among tha extnraBrleke Ate Vagacls.
tbe people sbonld find it ont, wby, 1 ed as an important achievement and as ganeea of tbe aeason.
An nrUclo in Tbe i'bysical BevGw >
flvee tbe result of Interoetlng expcrl-' Tbe first patent f<g a sowing maotaine would bo nominated and unanimouaJy openlpg a prospect for the gn-atcr ae-:: There Is a tendency toward tbe recnriiy of property.
jiral of gold buttona and gold braid.
aente ebowing that ordinary bricks vas iwned In England In 17IK). TbG blocted.’’.
Then bo added, with a long sigh,
asd tbaae on light cloth *—it-, with
pae.- 4 a cunMdetxhle degree of mag- early invention wa* not Bsoosesful. and
a'touch of bteek cleverly Introduced
-rr-TT Tbr magnetic quality G sup- other pMtnta wore Uned in 1804, 1818 “Your ooming and ibe ieeraro yon doA new industry that has deveGped
W. Clia*.-I
■od ■ enrat or veat of ecru Gee, bav* ptANOTt’NWG- -J.
peMd te b* dne to the preeenc* of iron •»« aoceeB of tim* tinoa
was d-o-f-e-a-t-o-dr—Eh Perkiiit in recently to rather Important piupot'
rToofeVTMtl'Trs'eei *• City. MICA
u, a. CUT. ^
bio.. Magariae of Travel________
ttona. raya Tbe Patent Becord, G tbe,
making of furniture from gtmao, which |
Is th* UOM.
«lng extenaivdy carried on G I -A RMaatas War i« n*rva
eltiea In
n many ireepeota it bean a
tdeoalng form G wUcb to aarr
M tbe brick.
many of U
Conntry Boy—WberedoyonUvo?
'btttterGGatofaGlD roIL Maka bm
Street Oemia—1 live in a tanemei
;tar bolG firat and Gen flatten oaO
Tbo name of Bathonial. Maeos
of bouee
Ageotfilfig to Tbe AntonoMle Alma-' b«U by quick, abarp atrokea of Ge padA phono typewriter has been invest..
PiBf.J. W. <%apman. optGGn, ro“What aoft of a bonra G U»tr
naa ^Dra nnG It b an elgbG of an Geb
•d which G talked at on one side mod '
located tn GG dty. wUl'U G
“Well, it’s a hooM
pesfolks aSe tor 1900, tbm oi« at preaent In Uaa. '«klek. Uft ona edge of Ge butter wttb aaaUy
bG ofiae at Ga Hotel Columbia, tbo
iritvii'g the ottered words In print at ®*‘
G tba padiB* and roil It lightly over nntfl
tb* other end, anidte be
epansmpbedpmsnpbed: Tbe
8*i« lake dwellwi
if they tw have uiytbiag u nook
) O* adgaa lap. aaya'lba Oookteg Sebcat
; «i| ^ tte <ff «
■mb* Mta Oar did bat
at war.
Hav M ny be. ah. who M edit
X hwer »a gillaat amy eena
PpcB Oalr «aite« hi*im frB.
AhTMckail U»*r aaat>.aad took M
‘.rS ,«-'o'Si?'S.71S;K
OooA Mewe.
Thai Wntieh H«< BMn Breught
w Forward by th« Wootom
DMrict of Michigan.
nmiU) FB0D1T0E )TEXT 60TEBV0B.
ter OMim to tho tUpsMtoM WontA*.
•am (br OorefMT Thte Vea
atMoU Xot Be Icaurad.
Tbe iDtmtu at atako la iltia rrara
alertioaa Ur ao rreal ibat li beboorra
the BepoblU^a* of all atatea aod of
aO Beetlelu of earb atuir U> work toaatbrr for Ibe aiMi-raa of ibi- tlii^eta.
Kolblaa la more diaaaiiouA tliau to
hare ibr KeftoUimai of a aui.- dlrlded aleac fartfaMtal or crocrai<blca|
Wbile-it la tnie ibai a
from oor aecUoa of a atau- «-a
BlniaU-r iIm- alfaira of aar alrea
aa wMl ai
fmm MBf Ollier
Uierr i« do Oelos Hir fait tUat Iju- c|ara11oii of V>caiiou
t|(Hl Dot tiifrpqoeatlj'
lurmjOeOtlj' arrviH.
to add
to or d«-trai-i
ri from Um
m!> «
ativartb of a
aute tirfcri. Tbia belBC tIh- ‘-aae. tbla
fact ahoold be rerocotzni l>y Ibe eoRreutlou wW<-h u MM>a t» !**■ •-aib-d upon
e 1u tiotulmiilou a Aiaie ilrkot
loU-d for ueu NoiewlHT. aod
BolblriK abi>uM li^ <ln>ue to funto-r liOtnlllalc or Ini-enM- tbe }ti |>ul>lii-MB of
that aeition of tli<- atato eblrb hta
Dc-n-r. all Itu- jeiiHf tluii tniv.- i la|»M-d
alm-i' tt.i‘ i.irriiDilo.h <>i itu- |iiin> at
Jas^aiiii, i>n-li b'-uoml bv l!i-' srl<i-tloQ
of ofii- of 111 Hilaera for th<- b.-ad of
tba til'ktt
, liaH,
of lb.' »int.- tutarally
hna y iiilde in liar!:
Tine iiv •llAibiiiuUIx'd
rlliec'UA rr-o»8ulzed'4ij•d-tiy tin
till' piirn' tiiey
^ ban- r.-<Hli'r>‘.l vnlHuhlo M-rvofA for
ynsr*. utid li s»rt
lalioiit Kayltu; tbot
aiifli r>.-oiniltloii
ha an 1ln|*-tlli
to tbr ;nilii«H»al«- fi lloiv^UlK De of tin
Dumhoi' Uii-I adiia aml- rL-illv in tin
air.-listb ..t tin- ib-Vei in ibnl IwaHoli
No lAkri ‘inie l» IlM- f..uv.-r-.- of ibia
proiKMliioii. .i-.id when tin- l.oDorr
retalDed l>.v any narikulHr h<-. tloii of
tbe atnte-yviir iifier year, tin- irudcDcy
ia to m-rlolialv mlr.liiilzo tin- lin.-n-HlK,
aeclloiia of the At.
reooatililon of ili<- elnlma of wi-kicni
Uifbliiuu to ilir nomination for mirareorAll Ibmiicli ibe cminilea of
eaaiern UlrblKaB are aron-a of tirotnl
Bent llepuldleana trim In-Ucve that tbr
tkdiH will Im> malerlall) atmjctlinned
by Ibe nomination of a n-eateni Mlcblaan man for aoYemur. e*jN-« lnlly In
view of the fai-1 Ibat the I(p|>iil>lli-nn«
of Ibe weaiern oonotiea ao nuauliuoualy and cheerfully <rm«.T!i to tlm reelf. tiou of Renaior Wi-Mlllan.
- ^e InaineiiK of the claim of wentera
knciiican to ilie noniluaitiin for fn>T>
eniur canont lie.dlapnted. In ibe poat
i: Kab
Uad bik
abdI BaBlnaw
ouee eai-b.
bU these years the Bw
weaiern ItlcblBas. to
whom tbe parly baa looked for the naJoHtles which elect lu caudldateo.
bare mood inanTtiUy by tbeir Bvaa in
•pile of tbo rery ocaut rourtea;
them In the
eta, end It tioald be Inti atnall remm
of falibfulaeoe
for all tb»A_____________
- -
this year ais-ede to tbeir reapectfol
rnqneat that a western kilcblBmu maa
be nominated for BMemor
That Justus 8. 8U-ama eau lx.- de
pended upiiu to iborouBbly dln-bnrB«
of Ibt- duth-s Ijf the utttee of governor.
II. l.y the I
ilui-lend ll
wbk-li lie lillA
M-«T«iiiiy of
plnlKcl i.i yl'
B IlrAi-eU-A tni-'iuu.
made B<»erti'>i, uud
bead of the
I- ilc^nii
I.m.-i- ^
- .C9
UiA lx'We i-uoutr of Jiuau.N KMrup..
alxiy yenra alibouKb there burwjtecn
eoveriiora. tbe ImUor of fiiraUbluK tbo
llM'uiiiU-Oi of tbl« dlRilU|;ul>lii-<l «dBnbad Ixeti <‘onferrvd u|a>u ouly tblrt<-cn
eouun>-«. mill alt of tbew are located
In the MiulUenAieni iiart of tlu- Mate.
Hull- ba- yet to entne when niiiB-
tin- Mil
an territory at tliol. n-|>n-><euie<l l>y tba
weMeru mill uortlieru coiuitieA. Tliai
ac t ^11 lx- readily
tbia BHMTlIou !■ a fai-l
II i»eniwil
i>eni«il of the fnllnwitlll
atvn from «
table whicliI hliowa the iiauie. |H>lliira
.e Wleii
Iheii a
and n-ftlileliiv of the
ho bav
evuieil tbe duitm of tlie otbiti of Boremor of Mli lilcau alniv ItSUo;
Year. Name.
Ih-m. Wayne
Ih-ni. Wayop
Woodbrldev WhlE M'ayue
m-m. Ki. Joa<‘pb
1S4S Ban
Ik-m. |ii. Jnaepb
Item. tVaKtateDBW
UHti Fetch
1848 ItauawD
iK-lu. Kt- Joaeitb
183t> lurry
Ih-m. Uunroe
tteu klcaeUan
U5S BInBbaui
1(B7 BioBlwau
UBU Wbmer
lU-p. OakUbd
1MB Blair
1809 Crapo
1887 CraiM
18W Baldwin
1871 Baldwin
1873 Bafley
1879 BaBley
I0TT Croawell
18711 Ormwell
1881 Jerome
1883 BeBOh1889 AlBer
1887 Lnce
1888 I.OC*
1881 Wlnana
1888 Itlrb
Bep. I,AiM<er
18D9 Kleb
1887 I'lbBrec
----- noBree
B^ Way
^ ^ examlaatloB of the oboi
IMl Buir
K iRranrti
Deal. Geseoee
Beil, Ijtpeer
m^^t aaac,
twt WsUsTt.
1 as elbw laaMa. | Ms.
-wrad -twaaaOlkmttlWh
rw aa a wriacttdr Mom diaa,\
Its Ptacy.
had vUA U» Ml at Uwsdw
TUI auMy bossn a'w it.
•naihl^ St ibt ymn are
All IBdtftiirt>s4 irpsM
TU wsalla kMkt. braMtisd eUta.
How a WoaiAn (
.. ...A
Sick ~
• -A-«
Ih- Inn
depnrl ii
year u»
-------- was bent when tbe answer
“Tbe right of hla affianced wife, who boa
Wn alk-booor. frteiMU. everrtblnB—to
uke ease of hlaf to bro bhu to—to marrr him."
Tbe nnrae spoke with a low'and paaakmate tranor. The ether toyed wlib tbe
end of Ibe ro|»^ nor railed her eyes
wrblle abe ipoke in wooden tones.
“It is all odd. Dnreal but it deea not
eeeor to me to doobt yon.
tbotKb yon are. I am sure yon are hon
est. He loTM yon. He wDI marry yoo.
Aa for me. wbat aball I do r* abe ended
In a wbUpeted aob to tbe sea. bnt tbe
watars were busy with tbeir endleaa
atririnf. and a acreamlnf eafle mocked
them both.
The nnrae came aottiy' and aat beolde
her. “Yoo hare left all for him. aod ao
hare I. and now we bare both lost him.
We hare only eadi other."
“Thank yon." laid tbe
ply. “Bnt '
cmly 1 wwo
hare come.
Bnt I tbonsbt be would
want me—would need me." and there
pitlfnl note of extrauation In her
"But you
lore blm?"
"Spare uicl He lores you."
INie nurse went to bey and took her
baud. "How do I know that be lores
me? 1 know tliat be sent for roc; that be
asked me to be bis wife: to go to Ihe
lands of geld wilb bim
In'lieviiig III It 1 ■
ax ix Ibe bulf of li
. he uiny-nay. be •
At tbe la t III rturnl Ahc cumv ulvard
Ud SAkiXl t. -»e-r IIm- •aptniii. «ln>d.>iiii-d
rr Ahortlr U lb.- <jib>.ii. --\Vl.i>t van 1
I h»Te h8id my 1
reboUtuui pat is u.
shape sod sm now ready
to receive sU old patron*.
Cigar Store
Good Line of.Jofoliy
Billiard Hall
The Waukazoo House!
xrozrtXz9037t. acaoou
Tb« iNSt fsntobnd sod bwt kspl
bouM on tbti pMteMls Is rmAf *or
buaiaw Open the yssrVooni. Good
Llvsry In
rasde known on s
For Sale
Eire Insurance.
..Fire Insurance..
114 Front St,
L. I,. A. BoUdlns.
Wlowim:. six-1.- the way,
nor | :;n..-d milil they At.-x| ag ui at the
dix.r ,.f th«‘‘-Vk niiiii'x rooai.
■W<- will
wa. bc.xrd. high, q-j.'
If vru have' » ilwcllirr. stock, atvre.
barn. cra'.:y''•'tier rrcprrty iDsunble,
k'hdiv '-la. in'-tr I want ti write the
d rriU Biveyou
rrfol atlenti,
•n rctiAblc
labln stock insur- * repTr^cEted.
BstCK very
♦-•■liu b.T ••lulKl:
lour a.lvi..
eiii.tjiin . 1 B
iv l.^wi-11-iny
r i- M-ry ill ..u
lA,al. Jl-.W iie hnl^dlixl t- tn»d‘' re
l...t kuuw. imd rbei? wn. no loj- i
out. -.u 1 can..- l.i take i.vre »( him
hi- in well. Tbi-u\«v11. of .s-iirxe,
we s'jidl W mnrrohk.:^ Aud she
BII.I m il
tilled hh ojn. orer
> head.
is the man you
"I uu.'ss Hamt
• for tV.k-'x lnl.T.
He |is.k |Ki
Guiii III rhaosc at Silks f-.r llie lh.ro.
Yei; he's n-nl sic
itb fever, but"—
The eatiluili pxi.ix.-d. e.ideiltly 1
and she coDtiiituxI aisJusi-iionlly,
' ll is all an mM |.ro.xxxliuc. 1 know,
but— Ob. 1 <-ould uot let him
c<> *
s ill.
^ mjilify
. bitreau
of till- lUii.-irtiiii-ui. •tic- .-ai-U nital.iBiiu
syxti-ui nnn-cluc^d amt tie- ljne*i metb<mU of iiiaklin; iiud iii'i-x.-n iiic ni-.ird«
X |M-rfect sy-Aiem of^bookLt-«-]ilnB was also Iniroilm i-d aad la ev
ery jKWsilile way Itii- .leji
plaeetl <>U 8 MiUDil IiUaIuoa haa^HtEhicli
Is Kirli-tly maliiluineil. 1
tin hrani-li
of the state Bovcrtimetil h lie biiAlui-xs
feaiiin- more )ininiiiieiii
ouBbly eiemplittid In . •t ery detail of
• the seevery evlrluB huxiui-SA with Ibe
ofMi-e. and the |xt
_ xysleni lx Brenti-rfqrl
ly appn-i'laii-il hy alLi-oiii-i-mi-il.
Tlietu- aniho ^i-tlimis that. Mr.
Rtcania <-nn to- tvlIiM iiik.u to establiab
In whatever olfloi- he l« i-alUd npon to
nil. and toBeiher with rare JudBinent
and execmlvc and hiiAlni-ss ability.
liiKiiri' ihe sn-atexi iNixsible bi-neto tin- I'eoplpo
of ibi
The OerMWenblp.
ranlac nod cxiH-nte. i-arefut and i
Iv' I
For one <«iise uuil uuuilier. tli<- an>un<-eiueDt of i-andldates for tbe Repuhllenii BiH>et7iaiorlal nominal Ion UaaiH-eii uiaile uiiii-li earlier this year than
isual. I'p to tuts lime iiu lexs ibau
lie B<-»llemeii have xlfc-iilrtixl tbeir de■In- for tJie uoiuliuillou. uuil xo muny
BDil varied are the ebilllix they make
for ll. It Is uot the eaalest
task to
The <-001111100 of imblUaffairs
MlehlBan today
luda, lx such Hh- imiple will
demnud mueb
lUeb of
- the next Bovenmr of
tlieaUIe. He
lleiabould 1m> a ke«>ii. practleal bualnewi u
with abllli
liiy 10
. i-arffut and prudeut I il fni- from
the assoelatlon
wlili Ibe cligmii am! fncHoni with
which many of tbe luon- promluent
men of the state bare b.eu .-oumH-ted
durlni; the
free from all .-oDUivtion wlih the
iV' ' ■
TsOaa. «w tli^wdw
Bm «lth Mr toocS duussd fi,
Aad Um hsadi m
It appears i
Tbe KveolDB .kfBUi
that sm-b a mr
Is to be found In tbe
Hon. Justus IHteamx. our present
iry of stare. Mr. Sieamx lx im-enilneuiiy a hiiMaess man. not n |x<litlclan iu the Beiiernl a.x-eptam-e of the
wonl. He wa* formerly a member of
kepiihlh-siti sinie ivDiral ctimmltaud for years a lllienil enuirtbuior
IX work. While be has Imvu prouiiDeul In polith-s lu till- W'esleru Jiaii of
Ihe xialeSlie hn« never Ixx-U a sei-k.-T
forofllix-. At the last Itepuhlimu xlale
I he
rixx-Uiil the nomimi'
rnijitlnc lurtiiem-.-* - so ixmmionly
■n lu ihlx day and np-. Ills admiulailoii of III- <>Rle<- liax Imh'U marked
III (XMliouiy au.i the vlfor eliaraclerie of the lii.xil. Never lu-lori- have
p affairs of a lie Ip-cii so |in>m|iil.v
telldixl to. till vork so sysiemntlxed
and i-arrled <>u. and at so little <
"■Tirt'ithe rrtmh of the n^dh-alion
aff.-ilrx—a i
Fleams' hr
Is I.ndinBtMi.
wbi-n- y.-.irs atso bi
tail life as i-lerlc
Id a Sion-, a ixkhUy bis Indus.
try and fnieallty
ley wliU'h he Invested ill n small
able sau. mill plant, and Is-cau bis
-er ax a liimlK-rmnu. .tided by bis
naiural Insilm-i for business, he has
im-eeeded to the extent that today he
lx proliably tbe lantest luillvldtlal <>mployer of lalx.r In the Ai.-ite.
X a klud ami eoarteous p-nileman. Heat
lu bis iirlvate life. i|ulet
and dlBUltled In hU lirarlnc. and we
believe would make tbe siati- of Mlehlcas a most <-ajwl.le and ae.-epiahle
snreroor.—Th<- Eveninj: -trpns, Owoa•a Slilawass.-.- rottoty, Jnu, HI Itaai.
Able WiehlcaB BspoblkM.
is one of tbe
ablest MieblBau UepuMleans of today,
and If bo s«x-ures
wonid not only put lots of enenty and
hustle Into a elran. effi-cnive eamtialBD.
bat wunkl make a Bovemor of whom
wonhl not need
to be
aaham<i1. • •
—The Owoaao
so tar as w.wtera Mli-blBan and
rpper {*dnlnsula arr cutieernod. be
aoems tu bare deeidedly tbe iH-xt of It
—Tbe IroDwood Newa-Hccord.
01 -l.ir *
l-Mxl. I.V
cbidtigim 1.1 tl..-d,..r. Hi:. i..-ih.l;.it.,r,1 aCBiiiM tbe goblit. Til.- wilier dripix d
f,ixiDi bi. mTvvIc.K li|>.i. l*..iBliiig wilb ..lie
oiiy baud. Ik- .aid bt>:n.-x'lv; "Wliu is ii.
Mai«an-; 'f Ix-.k then-;'w'Ik-i^ il V " Tinfigure sank iupi.a •■hair ..ut uf bis sight.
Dud tbe sufferer fell l>;ii-k .ui 111. piUuw
iili c.iiioxii of rvlii-f -r-Tlimik O.xi:"
Tliat uiglil lie niv.xl iviiti fever, aiul
rilbi-r woimii. left bix UtNiilr. "Marga■I." be would gasp, "xeii.l Ikt away If
domes again.■■ Tlicn to the other; "I
S<-atlle. lint was taken smldi
ill. 1 Lave no iienr reixtii
care what Ixxx.niex of me."—amt her leli her—when I licnnl sin—w«s dead I
mouth cuHi-d Tu a weary smile—"ao 1
ad. Th. u 1 wa- sick and Margaret
ramt- ax swm as 1 was able to travel,
aud-was I Slid .till, MaFgnr.iV"
tailed to iiiM-t rue. as I ex|welcd. ab
». very much grieiixl. de.xr."
tbe last»iomei(jU-f..rv the Frinet-sx sail
courM- 1 did not warn h.-i- to die.
ed I leanuxl that be was Lire and ill. 1
l.msl tier ..iici-, hut u.iiv—ab. now I
bai« come to Uke cart- of him. He nnsh
e y.-.u. .iloii'l I. Slnrg.nvir’
And hr
me." And the sudden dlfinlly was pa
d.tx.ib 1her Inudx ami t-ri.-.l orV-r ibein
ike a lir.-.! ehiM.
Ami M.-irgnnl wept,
The .-aptain looked uueuiutorUhle an.
oo. but the gb'K-t pul} gr.-.v wliiler and
blurted out:
ilipiicl out ami up t- ibe d.-ck.
• But he don't need you.
He U w.dl hung ami wan the
m gU-aiii.xl si<
Uk.-ii eare of.”
through u Wiii.l.-w
r wilb
8b.- saw no biddi-u tuoauluB in hU
i.ide ..I....,
wur<lx. hill luisteueil to imy:
Ibing!" tbe w.
n Mid. "Yciir bear! i>
•Tardou me.
1 aui tvrtaio you an dead aud }. t
smile ami shine. Well.
careful of the eoufort of yunr {.axseooslu
gen, but 1 riKrtn a woman's ruuslaiil
In i1 day or tWo Id.
X broken.
cart- und nursluc." auO a foiul look sbcioe
•You do net iimsl my
iu her eyes iimler wliieb fatiBue ba
danger. He
draws dark circles.
Then the cai.ial
be well, am! you will lx- ba|.py."
bad dune with teiuiiorixinf:
'X'beS tbe'uiade b.-r ejex sbiiie and her
"There Is a woinau with blm now.”
when—some lime—let
With Iwtb bands Bvipivinic her breai
inlslaki'U. I did nut
as though bia worda carried a hurt she die. But do Dut leU bim yet. Tbe 'fbujl'
aaid vaguely;
must trouble bim do mure."
"1-1 thought be waa alwe. Do you
know who abe ixV"
ika, uu the sUc of old Biranoff
“I ain'l much ai-qoainled with either of
here is a high kn.dl ureriuokiiig
'em. Only I know she Ir'a boapilal nurse
One ercuing at sunset a woman
and w-onit to have taken <«re of him durBtoud there and w atched a small boat put
>|K-II of the ferer be had a few out from shore. It was the I>ura. bound
weeks ago''—
for C<K.k's inlet. On Ihe forward deck
•'.Vh." abe interrupted, "he bat been Ul;
ued Ic«nthat was why he never wrote."
'Mel.lw so." tbe captain admitted dry. b,
ly. ''.knyhow he was
ax taken down with a
, u copiwr glolw ell the horirdaptf the day tx-ror I- yeslenlay. when
ih.-ni. all Ibe western sea
lie atxMtrd. He i-ut for her at ouw.
•ml sky a 'gl-.wing caldrou: U-biad. tbr
bow she'd nursed him all through dim mountain-., the darkening cast, and
tlie brsl I
of the f.'ver and he wauU-d tbc lonely wxi.-ber on the castle bill.
• au'iii. Siii-euuie ilglit away and—well. Wh.-ii Ihe Is.ai w ax a men- siH-ek and tbe
•'x Is-I. here with him «-ver xeiu-c."
down, she turned to go. Tbe bell
I reiiercd i-xiiirsainii croxsed the girl's
from tbe Convent cal!i-d to prayer, tbe
gun booUKsl out. nnd Ihe ocboes of
'Fill- is a prof.-ssiunal nurse, no doubt.
lud jH ac- .-ii'rrapt lii r as she dci- shall not interfere wHb each olbef. sivndedj—Chicago XeWK.
F. rhapx be will want me too." aod she
smiled w
ke of tluliiiglim Sir Herb
xlhenM bi
Maxn<-II <)Uol.-> the duke ax sa>ing to
Salisbury .Mnc.-rning
-oing bis
his fwling
••lb-foiv_l I
•rlo.1 wb. n the g lards witbslooJ Ibe
fauioUB cliar.:i; "ll i
Ty aiugular. but
le cniCnin iixl tli.- way ami
C uny feeling of
elo,.xl .iKTr. It wa. qub 1} uiK-n«-<l.
.kt Ibe
Hall in H.i-eki-il giiigIV of tbe
loir tuebed ium a
1 eau rcdl.-cl uu sensation
If d.'ligl.t If that day-it 1 cxtnirieucvd
.Mr. itarw."
t. 11} th
Ispr. --x.
pil'd with
■ lixiki-.!
pr.wc •
;toi'.v, to i.-|iliuv the officen
w ho pulKsl a . .
that «
I. to put oii-r.nblug lu propami ji-rki-d tbe otber.
t 1 bad not Uisure for anI her idea.'
"Tliis yeung lady wants to see Mr. BarTo Lady Salitbury'a suggestion that be
Rllisl fcvl 'bow iuliuiu'ly Ii<- bad raised
laek timidly, but Ibe capuio, with pity
for Ixilb aoftening bis mice, inslkted.
Well, I guess he'll bare to suspi-nd rules
u favor of this young lady—Ur. Barwood's wife Ibal is to be."
It was tlic uune'x turn to bUnebe and
deck for 1
come too?"
There was so ranch more in tbc B
words ibat the giri followed obediciitly, Tfae capistn ezeosed himadf. and
procevded abore in siiencw. By
(bis Utne tbe steamer was welt out in (be
sound. Os tbe right towered tbe moondooray nidnncaini of chaos, tbe
lynest triiered only by tbe emerald of
the foamy veil of a cascade,
To the S lib tbe verge
loomed disuut.
half hid by mlsu from the ander worid.
For a space ibe women stood motlonleea.
eowed by tbe sMse of noUduBBess. Then
" t curse spoke.
-Kzeuae a
I. no mm. now cxistiug wbo w
.. mm me on a field
of. battle.
line i am superior.
But when tbi1 osi-r and tbc troops
inded wditt is your great general
! Iban anylKid.r elseV •••lam
ssarily inferior lu eri-ry man in bis
line, though 1 may excel blm iu otbI canuoi aaw aud plane like a car
er. or make abort like a abocmaker.
or uudertland onltiration like a fal
Each of Ibea.-.
groond. mccta
rw'. on hla own ground,
IS of anperiurity.. I (ccl I aM
but a man.
t'sr one teas|.ooafo] of this e
t water every day. Tbe can s
t or more hot
Asrtkiac «• Ban.
■e your couln'l.utioD
"-Chicago Neww.
Johnson Block
Third Chair.
1 bRt't- pUct'd 8 tliird choir ia
my barber ehop in onlor to accoiiiudatemy patroofi.
</'arofuf attentiou iriveii to all.
A. M. OVl,\TT, Propr.
Wlnal* and' yixhrr CBployvx.
Gnnil Riplds i ladfiu R;.
arrival aad e
a ol trains at Tiataree- i
le effect Daces bar I
City, ll
First Frce/e
Clear Ice, from Soardniaa Lake.
$1.00 a Month
At reeideDcea—eame ae last year.
HavelarreqaantliyoD bud.
make a apeclalty of car loU.
J. A. Jackson
Both -PhoDes, No. T.
John R. Santo,
Geieial leseraice.
Wnrtborv Block
Fruit Trees For Sale
At Low Price*.
Tlie Fere lirqaette Eiilmil
oonro sorm.
Fueeial Director.
.rn ... ul.ht.
na 4 fft P B. irala kas parlor ear -to braad
,lapUs. aad alaaplag aar and coaek Qraat
Kusda ta Ohleage.
Tnla arrlvtog at I JO p B. baa alaapar Ots
ehmau to Oraad Rapids aad coach aad oloap
tn^uw^eage to Orand Rapida and chair ear
. Taala arrlslag at IIU p. m. has chair ear Be
Vayna to Ora^ Rap'da aod chair ear Oraad
Peaefa trcee 97.00. Other troes
reeaoDable. i!H*e ub on comer of
Front &nd Union Ste.
1110 Ct
. Pa^a,:
T.lr.,.ian. N..
ArOrd Rapid#.
!*■“! *T*.*Ai
» ma.Bl
4 Wp.ai
Lt Chicago .
Ar Ord Rapida .
Lt Ord Rapid! :
Travarae Cy. 'W hUa
i„E,“ 1
ir cuauitDerB.
We will furoUb famUiea. tbli i
a and pi
mer. with Ice w
tbe rcfrlBcrator. lor 81.Oil a
«Bd.won’t aak to be paid In wdyuce.
7 it:
lunme ue HaTKEierm l i.
Best to be bad in
the city is at
wevtefklgkaat poaolhlecraae. Pu.a|
vark a apeeialty.
Mow OSm, Markbam BMi.
Enameling-See nmples in window.
I. r. KOELLKR. AcilarG. P. A.
Oraad Rapada
Both -pkooea M.
m.v .iffi.i
wlih mj
■■ it better when 1
tbere'a company, ffili-
i*oirt thM WiTBO mnty, which li
trenocaaly «afclB« for (he honor a«ala
thla year, has fomiabed tbe •Dremor
of thla otate ten different tlmee dorlOB tbe period named abore. and baa
tbna been permitted to enjoy thta "
tlnetkm for a total of taenty-one yc___
oince BicblKan waa adtullt.d into the
Cnlon. Tbr other <wintleB have been
bonored as follows;
Geneaee. three
tlfloea: 8i. Joaepb. tbree titnes: Urineotoo. tbree Mroexi Utperr. two timoa;
!oS *o|
to 4T| 4 ^
Bob«rts Sntmd th* PIm*
nweHtmdrsd StrMtOsr
plojM Went Out.
OlMtwatli May U —Tka Da«tfo»MBtaUtkaanwtad Joa^ Bryokta,
ittlM ApywHat
vaaladaaaMattata BuUartaa W.
PfMitet SMr> *• Ooatim^ O:
Mn. Miaato OUrar aad Maad
who wara with hba. an
faatdaata of that ^aea MIh Moat« Airwit
feMytaaatafad to a yoaaff maa
than aad Mn. OUaar^ haahaad ta a
> waakaaw to atalt PBUBaa.whara
IhlyM Bryahta. ‘Rialr rayata
■paMal w«M HMstat
Im4ob. M>J 1>—TIm ww
,MilM4«haleUe«te«<nMt LordBo^
•‘KfoaocM. Majr It. S ». m.BepabUaan Mattoaal OaovonUon to
Held in PiTa Warts n^ Vo DaS•dwdteltka AMnofthatow Britkh
Blu Amayenanto Undo.
rariiltnn Pnaldnt 8Urn flad 7«Ur- epadal te «be Soralax Bceard.
^•vMiwraflv T*»Bly aadwTarta*
Waahiaytan. May U— Tba Bapablito pwraartii tha Mrfhan to eostlnaa kB naUMinl aonranUon rrlU meat in
Tha Trtnavaalara PhUadali^ fln weeks from nextTaaaaaid thay would aot dyht aoy loafer dayandasyal few state dalayntioaa
wlU tha Oman Ftm Staton aad made bare enyayad qaartara. The hotala
off in tha diraetioB of the Veal rirer. and boardiny noBaea in Phila
Tha FraeSUtan aofaeed the Treni are aUll waiUny for paopia to aayaya
nateaof maklnf BMot them and then rooms for tha coarantien. Local eom
mlttoas are dolny nethiay aad tbe eondm»»isc Ui#®- “«y
haTafoaeboine. Betore leariafhere
ex japtna to the
Staya la«e4 a preelaamUon maklnf ehaayei belny made Imthe eonrenlion
Uadlay the eapltal of the Oman Free ball, are in the future. In the meanState. Botha and DaWet aeeompasiled Umd the poiiUclana of Philadelphia are
aUll enyi^ In factional qaarrela, aa
Undon May lt-(Oivyrif»»tod ) Now of more Importance than tha national
that aetire operaUoaa have bean
TbU U dUeoaraylny
aanad the war bae agaih Ubaa the ta the naUonal eommiUae and
•nt^aea.In the BagUau pnbUe atten- Santv Hanna who piaaned foe
ttaa. ThetayMMyot profTWwdariaf ymat naUooal raufleatioa maaUny
tha earraat weak haa.arowd the hope la tba OUy Brotherly Lora.
that Boor rwMaaea la on tha point od
ooUayaa aad that tha war wUl
UBOppOMd TMtBTdftjr.
Grand BMda. Mlrt.. Mnylt-Adla'
pntrt from Adfliiml Oaway tednyutotn
mly Ona Third of tba ToiW Baapoed- thnttba ndmlml wOl ha |1B thiaelly on
Meedny. Fnna ll.
adtorta Order to Bait Work—PoUoa and Larya tana of
hr Uii lUi lfein gi^PriMit.
BhartOi Bandy to Aot Tlyorannty on
FUat ladicntloa of XNaoriar-Mnilway Company Pat OS Imrya Vambar
ed Bxtm Mae.
rrnui ie,Th« eemiw lutme.
Kanaa City. Mo.. May U, I n. m.—
A atrlka waa ordered anrly today an
aU etreet car Uaea of tba MatropoUlna
Abont 800^ cf
..iDotomianiand yrijK
«latlaa, raapoadad.
Motaoonyhqaltcm any Una to:cnnM
nay nppmeiabU effeet.'on tbe
nlny of eata on tba main liaaa.
AU day tba poUee aad a biy fores of
deputy eherlfft aad eoooty
have been on tbe alert, ready to aet
▼iyoronaly upon the flmt iadioatlon of
But np to mldnlyht there
ww no etnte tor interfaraace.
Many new yrlpmen, motormen and
condactoia hare been putonby^Uie
company. Aa each crew was aaalyned
both men were depntlzed
deputy marahau and armed with
This ereninyJtbceomjmnyLappHed
linylthc m^jiani.^
the FederalI eonrt for to injection to
forbid tbe ytrikerd Inlerferiny with
their sneoeeeora.
eaeora. iVoIeelloy
ikpIesllDy tl
the eompnayh property. ‘•plckeUnyor patroliayftba ear hoaaea, atoppiny plaeea,
atntioM. traeka or approachea thereto
of any of thp oompanyh Unm.WIrt.the
4"f darimem there was
maeh asenainem on the part of the
Penra Ho Xmek of Monay Becanse pnbUe. Kanaas City's hUly natare
would make it paaaibie for even one or
Btynnh Ohaneea are so
two man to badly (wreck a*enr and in
jure a yreat many pnmenyara bat
apwlei;to Tta Heralar Bword.
Unooln, Nab.. May It-Vlce Chair- aotbinyoeennod. Cara ran -np tUl aa
man EdmUten of tha PopnUat naUonal
The Perfect
For Women
An EsqnUite Shoe,
“The Sorosls”
Filar Batata of Kanietee Makea Firai
, Payment Amouatlny to S4.446.
SiU»r OF II.8DD i lEM
Offered OlrD Bnyineer K. F. Borthrap
in the PosltUn aa Sarrayor of
8nnl{ Ste. Marie.
City Bnyineer Nortbnip has bad a
vary flattarlny offer of the position Of
elty aarreyor of Snnlt St. Marie at a
salary of 11.800 a year. Snrreyor
Northrap Unot deairlona of leariny
Trararaa City, however, and bu atoted
to tbe board of public works that he
would remain here if he could Ite aaanred of a salary of ti.soo a year. Tbe
boart met last niyht to diaeii
matter but no deflulte oonelnaioi
bed. The matter wUl be pleoed
betore the eouaeU at Its meeti^ tolorrow nlyfat.
Mr. Northrap baa held tbe position
of aurveyoT of tbU elty sareTal years,
dolny much important outside work in
connection with tbe work here. BU
reputation as one of the beat civil enyineera in thU part of the country U
wldmpread. Be haa done much yood
work for Traverse CUy and tbe city
wouldbetheyainerlf he
dueed to remain here. There U a qnmtionasto whether the city can yet
nfferd to pay tile salary naked aa (he
nem of tbe elty In eivU enyineerIny ia net thou^t to warrant tha flxiny of a deflnlte aalary.
Lanalay. May l>—Tha first payment
of an inheritance tax nader the law
eaaeted by tbe leyialatnre haa been
partoetad and the mmy tamed into
tbaapaelfic tax fond. Barera! othara
are In proeeM of ooUeetlon. The tax
ratarrad to waa paid by the t
of ManUtee coonty os aooonnt of the
aatata of Delos W. Pilar and amoanta
^ to Hitt. The eona^ Waaaarer rec^roa ema per eant. of this tor ooUeo- and the aldU and oounm^if Surv
Northrap wpald prove IBreat <n
tloB. The primary
aspedaUy in etiyt weri^
Oars Baaniuyat St. LouU.
■St Lonia. May 12-Today the entire
aborbaaayelamUnmnlny. TwentyMaw Sebndala on :
five ears each are belny opoated oa
the Park avenue and Compton BeiyhtB
Partiealar aitaatlon U enllad to tba Unmnnoon the main line of the Uaehaayaaf tima wbieb wUl taka plaea deUdiriotemaadar poUeeoMOct. with
tomorrow in the achedeieot tba EUre atroay yuards along tbe right of
ManioetU railroad. Tralna will leare aud at the termlnala. No more
thU city for the aoath at 8:»# a m., raaU have been Imned.
11;M a. m. and 8:40 p. m.
Miners’ Demanda Befuaed.
Arrire from aonth at 1:18 p. m.. 8:46
Boayhton, Mieh.. May IS—Tha
p. m. aad 10:48 p. m.
Thall:WtmlaaoathwUlhea flyer, practieaUT no rtaaye la the strike eitmakiny only tonr stops batwaan hem
aad Umad Bnpipa.
a are out. Aa
Laara hare for Elk Ba^ 0:tS p. m. Qntney. where S.SOO
aaamyan et
(he filatrietan aaaaefth
aadl;tsp.m. AxrimfromBikBapUr
IB ratoalay the rtmaada at tha
U:W a. m. and 8:tS » m.
Sebooaer Thomas Howland Cnubad
by Flontlny Xoa aad Sent to
aoectsl loTsaMoanixv Bicosu
Buffalo, May IS-The schooner Thomaa Bowland of Chlcayo, which left
Baffalo tbU atterooon with a earyo of
ooal for Wankeyan. waa ernabad by
fleaUny ios five mUea out of port and
sunk. Tbe crew was uken off by a
We have just reedved direct from the celebrated
Whiting manufactory a large and elegant line of their
finest stationery in their Angora, French Crepon^ Gre*
cian Bond, Oi^ndie Bond, French Oi^andie, Imperial
Bond. English Vellum, ia the veiy latest shapes.
The ladies are especially invited tp call and see
them, at the
The Old Reliable City Boole Store
Rtbatt, Beecher Co.. Proprietors.
Patent Leather.
It is 811
idee I dn>ss
boor, perfeet ;n
Sample Fante Sale | Sample Fants Sale
,>u K<-io lollkr III- aiir>iioo>. Wby dOB'l ,uii uarr, lilo'"
'■Urcaae' 1 llkr bi» atu-uiiaae."—Br«ekl,n Lit«'.
Do You Know
There is new Neckwear io our Furoisfainr^s Department twice
a we«k—Cornea right from New York. In that way we always
have tb« newest patterns as soon as they are prodoc^. Yester
day we received a lot of new Silk Ties in plaids, stripy checks.
AU new shades—25, 50c. Reversible Fonr-in-Hands and
'Sfi^kerchiet Scarfs.
today. It hariny
been definitely deelded to eatabllsh
them et Llaeoln, the home of the praaideatlnl nominee. EdmUten wiU be la
charye of tbe work of tbe oommitUe
until Aaynat tat or later. After Aaynst
1st tbe beadqnarten will be diytded,
tbe weetera dlrUion embmclny ail the
i, toyether
Ht of the b
with Kentncky and Ind
here in charye of EdmUten. with Bntlor takloy charye of the other dlrWon,
poaalbly at Washinyton. Bdmiaten U
eonfldenl that the rank and file of tba
party who bare faraUhed eampaiyn
funds In the past wUl he moeh more
Ubcral tUs year in rUw of the chnaem
for yletory. and that the work wi^mot
t hampered by a lack of money.
in Stationery
Bata Fixed tor AdmM iDawayh Tint
TbaaawawUAmoatappaalato the
haartt el BafUahmoa. howavar. ia that
aoatalnad in a dtopateh trem Pntoria,
paW^had preailnanUy today throufhoat tha aoantry. that at laat rallel la
alwoBt within reaeh of Mefriclaf.
ennonneemaat aomaa that
Oriopoi Badaa-Powall aad fatrlaon are
Maned we ahaU aae a JabUatioa in
Mafflaad aarpamiaf aren the rejolelnf
of Ladyaaltb day. The iBpreaaioe
n»»»« fronnd that there will be no eerlou fifhtlDf Boath of the Vaal riree
and that there to oonaldemble truth la
tharapoAethattharrae SUtera hare
loatoonian. BeanU of tha comlnf
wa^ onfhi to decide wtaethar the war
'~>tU.e(»etoaapaeayend or be protneted tor nanny waeka.
Lord Boberfa oparatlone hare aomewhat dlatraeted tha attenUon of tbe
eoBBtry Iran apaeehM of extraordin
ary dfBiaeanee and UnporUnoe deUearad by mtmbara of the cabinet tUe
araak. anltebnryb call to nme bna
tba oonntry. bnt the inpeaalhiUty of nnnonnelnf bU raaaone for
Ueappanlto aeary patriotic Enfliah.
•an to l«m to aboot bas aomawhat
fMtaetad from the tome of hla warn
iBf of a thraataoad intaalOB. Th«
aifnifiraTTiTf of ahamberlain'a ipaaeb
nstwday was antlraly lost at far aa
uwapapw eoBBient^ Tbe eoloalal
aNTMary hae eo .far raocynUod tbe
aerlone ehanya In pnbllc opinion aa
daeoto hie lone speech chiefly to a die'
eaarion of the eaneee of the war and
tba dafanee of tha forernment for allowinf .tha Imne to be aattlad by tbe
•word. Fi»en»anthe aya tbU apaech
hare been eonaidered eatlraly
iinnunwi-T ud >1 la^ only n wide- aprend rarlalon in aanUmeat which
wonld hare driren a man who. rlyhUy
or wronyly. haa been held chiefly reeponalble for the war to repent thp old
nrynment la aelf joeUfleaUon.
Fonrth Year—No. 943
Sample Fants Sale | Sample Fants Sale
Ms Shoes
Alfred V. Friedricli
A Bunch of Shirts
Special Sale at 49 cents each
Tomorrow morning we place on sale at 4i)c each, a lai^ bt
a Kina—some in one stzv, some in auotner size, oai m me
nearly ail sizes. Very desirable goods, at a ilecided bargain
Values in Lace
Faria Faper Says Boor Fence Delegates
tor Thair Vlall.
gpacUl <o The MonlDf BMorC.
Faria. May 1»—Tba Matin in an edi
torial nrtiele today aaya the Boer peace
an unfavorable
to vUit the Dnftad States,aince
aeeordlny to that paper, the Americans
doiny in tba Philtpylnea what
tbe British are dolny in South Atrien.
But Lick of aubmm Prevented Action
on Naval Appropriation BiU.
Special to the HwniDK Uoeofd.
Washinyton. May I2-Ibe senate
took many ballota on the naval approprUtlon blU today but owing to the
lack of a quorum and the failure
aecnre one the aenate waa compellei
adjourn without action. Proeeediays
for the manner in
rblch Tillman receded from hU poeitlon reyardlny cheap armor plate.
9oAU7o&lh $
Sf aihc CoiMiit
To those who appreciate
ll fariiltate* l>ui>l
^ihteaioBk eorr«*poD<
New Goods
■ New Styles
ard do,-4vaway
r and wnitlnk dnye
nunuDlcaUen wtn>'
ll vuie jou iB airwt cemmuDlcaUen
Best, SouiB ana ibe far Wcet
ItBBUen not tom- nor. or how far you
vteh lo speak, tbe Telrphone b alwarereadr
>0 do jonr bidding and Prieg an lomedlatc
—----------|.ul In today.
Bamberya—so. fse. *1.00, gl.U
toll. SO.
'Irish PoiBV-S8.80 to 87.80.
BmaaeU Net—$4 00 to VJ.OO.
Benalasance—87.00 to yu oo.
Bobbinette Saab Cnrtrisa. Sl.U
Pretty curUlna make tbe home cheerful and attractive. The dealyas
tbit-year are specially pleasioc—the prices are very low. quality eootidered.
Teptei^’aBan Ball Soares.
No. 43
elk) toTbeWonUBC ft
Chleayo ....
New York...
Mi Dohany, Seymoar,
8 8
PbiUlppi, Zlmmsr: LewU. Clnment.
>hhy Nor
WIU I mam
Union street
No. 318
ir ''
8 11
Seoib PeUi Bernhardt, Doaylaa.
St LeaU..................................
mny. Bobinaen: MeOinnity, MeGnire.
axxBcan LXAovn..
14 11
15 18
in Icel
.................... U 14
Gray, Rana. Speer; Bavlnya,
Saasaa City
to prlTAte funillM.
Oronlu, Byaa; Patten, Gcmfitay.
Qavelaad va.MUwmukea.wet yreaada Payable monthly in advance,
AdsiBty fba
given away with «
Mix. C. mdrtarn.
Betb'pheMiNa.lM. tlow.FnatSt.
• TiNow 75c a Month
Black and tan, welt and hand tnm soles, $3.50
For sale only by
Chas. W. HerrilK
A. P. BoHKkaC Je^oS. ii Titttiac
MwAilH tfek ^ »f«r 8«*ter.
OAvnax <HTT
- momoA* J.B.DMrliaf the iMa Eatwiitr
pMMAtkmfhiluAUr rn*»«*y. *«
iruTi te the
wvk of the ani*
eeiaUy etMi t> *C tlaeeriat at
T. Baise axb J. W. flAnm' : Caiv Lake thia sammar.
ItaaielDakehaacaaa ea a boaf
t, W. Him. Mtter ebA Mmfir, iriptelClaaahae
UA-PcattairlvaAta the ei^ yeaSiVA C H. Hera letrned paoterdap
from thassaaionod the State Sop '
wiuaanjmr._____ ^<»to»«ixa!
^Mlm Katie pUmp. bookkeeper in
westtoBerhar Ckeak pecterdaptera
. e-=s==^=:^=
niarmine Slater eama down from Blk
Xi^Us parterdap to step orer Snadap.
Him Ivn roE Istt paatardap to rialt
rtaak Qaasatteamanp from laterOMteaBaMlpta of mUpvtaea.
loehenpaMwdaptoapead Snndap.
The taeaM* ^ the TUUpriM lituu
J. W. BJsffiaaaf Oraad Baptda.e
<nai date ei ooeapatiaB to laaaar7 SI, 1^ teat Bi^t to risit bia ipgt»er aad
UM. raported aa haTtaf haaa dopo
with the Maaaarar of the talaad*. wan
William Tnnar of Maskatoa, fprmOaatOBa.....................................•s.we.ST*#ler proaacBUaf attomap of that eono^,
latataal EaraBae....................
s«o.4Mlowas in the eltp peeterdap riaitinf Us
Maad raada............................. 470.t<717
Boa. C. U. Tomer, tm
W. B. Banep west to Bif Bapida peaTotal........................................ r4«,69a 17 terdap to spaod ISnadap with Mrs.
TbaidlahafBamaaU dnrlactha aasai Baaeppariod anumatad to thaanmofts.sST.E. McDeaald. landlord of the Wcatera Hotel iB Empire, te q>eBdiBf SobPortae Jaaaarr.Pahniarpaad
dap in Ue dtp.
adthlBTeartba totaleasteiBt raoaiptt
Willtem Waleh, tormerip cerfeaat of
ware ll.aas.sie, the Maroh raeeipU police and-teter aodeiaberiff in Grand
•neadioff tbaaaof either Aaaoaryar Bapida, is In the eitp ridtinf friends
and dolnf bnainem.
—....te propoaiUoB to beaolUy that
perOOB of t*ke atreet aaar the Pm
Marqoette depot aod to eoarert It Into
a paih, U beine net with oonaiderabla
tarar and a peUUon la belne prep
aicaedbpacpreaof aanea orpine tbe
kaadrad doUara spent in aoddine.aeedlae. walks and benehaa wUI eraate a
prattp a^t and pleasant rasUne plaoa
where there Is
TbeeBballiBhmeatof this point will
•SaobeapprartatedbjtroTelen walUne
lor Iraiaa la spaBor rtBM. There are
otharepou where Blmllar work ean be
done to adrantaee and when a start is
wade there wiU be no lack of aneceatfonafroatbepaopla
. There arc naaerooB candidates for
ihe Bepobllcao ooaercaak^ non
tto.io the Eleventh dlstrtet who want
•o take the place of Ooneresaman Meaiek. who U mskiae a ereat hosUe for
arecoBolnatioB. Wbaterer c.ay hare
baan done bp OonereMman Meelek in
Ua ual to aerre hla district erediubl
•aaator MUUken akowa np weli^
WT atronjr prohaWlitp, and ererTone
trtw knows him will eonoede that
battar sttn eoold be foond to represent
this dUtrtet in oonercaa. Mr. Mi'lllken.
it nap be stated also. U recoffnlred
Ihroochoot the district aa one of the
•blaat anoDr all the aaplraots for
Mcolek's place.
erEAEixu of the Oallfornla wool mar
kat, the last anneal report of the San
Tioneisoo Chamber of Oommeroe. dated
Jaanarp ic. said: "The old atoek
whiek had beea oarriad (from the free
tariff times has all been worked off.
aod today we stand on a solid basis, as
we hare no more woolin the United
•Uteatban we oanf-oae.'' How differ
ent this U from the “free tariff times,”
whan forelffn shoddy Sffoods were eold
in the Amerieen market and there was
■o damaod for American wool frown
bp Amerieoii farmora.
AXD sUU SeeroUrp of State Steams
eocUnoee to make new friends and
OTOip dap adds todtU atre&fth in alt
parts of the eUte, The latest firm
•apportera are reported from Bey City
Where he ea4i>lared foor ont of fire
eaaeuies. Mr. Steoma is western
Miehlfan'a candidate and nnlees a rerp
•teoof ondereoTTMt manlleau IteeU
bla ehaneea for the«obematoriol nomInatkm are verp food.
Aei-tNALDo'e noEt Utof aoeonrafC'
ant will be carried in the Kanaas Citp
Tbe bfap^tela have oegamteed aad
Bow LawSatterttea ter tbs Freama- era btfUtag a path to Slsn Leha.
Ibap have done seme work aad have
Mttswl'&oBlbp StapidBfftha
«W aBbatrihad. TUa ia a good
Uae of Dpsamite.
move aad thonj^ we do aot ride a
.eoRMpoBdent of the DetroUFMe mhMi wm help ptoh the week ekmg
and thlak avarp Uva eUlsen should do
Praaa. writlaf
'Fair Rap” calls attention to a eof
mma—Empire Leader.
fsetlrm that eertate tnmt
Oeathtf J. W.Xkolph.
tha atata be eloasd to SabarmeB far a
Bmmbar of pears, that thep map afaln
A totegram waa ncMvad paatardap ^
baeeme weU stocked vrith UA ‘'Pair Frank T. Dolph of Twth atraet. enPtep- deeteroa tUa to be eatifalp aa- hoandng the death at Trap. M. T.. o<
Bibewirp.Mtbe rapiddeptotteaof the hto brathnr, Jap W, Dolph.
alrwinila 8«t due to thoeateUaf of
fah with rad ^ line, bat their wh^} peaia old, and
I far the meitetH
it with teavaaawldow.
IpBBmlte, lime er nete.
Weetera Australia bu thlrteea hank
thme tUats an praetfaod, aad
feels that tha oalp wap to step than hoUdaya.
emna its own gold, hot not
aad pemwvi tha fB^-aarst-tbestate ItsAnnralte
te to make all snd/vloteiteBs of the
Contemplates matrinwiiy^—the |
state fame tew. tanttar with the rate at a wedding.
Tbe Mnnk-Ipal Art league baa been
of trout puntebehte^by imprtaaunaBt
without tba^ttes ofa-ftne. Show a asked to suggest Ideas for new bridges
across tbe Chicago rlrrr.
vtetetorofthe tew that be baa a good
Aadent Nineveh had lu iwtter:
ehanee to ^oad a pear at loate far and. Indeed, tbe mnaennis teem wit
rlotetioB of the ftah law, and he will the pottery of all priuUire peoples.
have far auve refard terthetewthan
In Bak Lake county, Uuh. over 90
if he waa let off with a ftaa of fS.whlefa per cent. «f the domeaUcated
hcemn pay with a abort trip to the have been killed by the sDukc from
For Jeueu ininitoB go to Frrnu'i.
-t’ea wonderful itomai .
.Iver and kidney remedy.p Cure*
dyipcpsi*. ioM of appetite. IS7 ibOnly
SO eu. Guaranteed. For sale by S. E
Wait and Jaa. O. Jobmons. dmggUte.
.Can be argued from both sides
of the question, but where is
' the man who can argue on
two sides of the grocery ques
tion? There is but one side
and that is in favor of pure
food for everybody at the
right kind of prices. If you
have not already, give your
next order to
a a Oireeior in Mieb.
fan StaiekCompanp.
Mr. andMra. Otarlea I
^ m., bare arrived in the eltp
•adtakeanp their abode at the Park
naea. Mr. Prodiasha eemea as ooe
«| the direetota of the MleUfan Starch
Oa. Behai bean a railroad man and
hotel Bsasafer aatU reeentlp. Be wUl
hnOd la ^ 'aaer fatnre. and will
awke tUa dtp Ua paraaanant homa.
Tha toetoep ha« had a vwp eaeesMtelnnthaafarlaitaUMerp. Tbaraa
m potitom will i—tlwaa «boet ten
■ lotetv. wLm the
iBtlodi^ the laife alnaW. wUl ha
Smia Otttur Oeek Book.
A limited aamber far mle at *5 aaota
eaah. Will be mailed poetefe p^
nedpt of the price. AddreiH,^
Bwald, ^veiat (fitp, Mich.
Yon Can Hue One
Just aa well as Aot—I have
A Urge line of the Peiinnlaraitd Qnick Meal Steel
Bangea, bam ^00. A
little cash down tad the
belhaoe in eaip pa;fmeBtB.
I have afnll line of 000k
•toTee, quick neal gmaoline
aad quick meal bine flame
oil storee.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
xao B^xrozx'b g'bx'oet.
brook agalB with dynaoato.
Owisf to the nos-arrival of the
neeeaserp flime the Kline Onnemato
Krapbe oompany will not five an enterUiament In the City Opera Hoaae this
evening, as anndnnoed from the etage
test evesinf.
has decided to
on Front etreet
Good Templar Offloera.
A aealpera ticket offiee has been
At the maetinr of the I. a G
opened in the City Book Store.
teat areninf. the foUowinf offioen
The Foortb of July eonunittee is
cere tnstaUed:
maldnf good pragreas and it will take:
P. C. T., E J. lavender.
bat a few hundred dollars more <m the
C. T.—C. M. Lancaster.
ibecrlpUon list to aasnre a two days’
V. T.—Eop Tbeobold.
Obap.-Oeo. Bdfsr.
Mrs. David Gagnon died at her borne
Seep.—Jennie Curtis.
in Northport peeterday at 8 o'clock.
Asst. Seep.—Efla Seaton.
A boabaad aarrlvea her. The funeral
Fin. Beep.—Mrs. Artbnr Hpde.
will be held tomorrow morBlag at 10
Treaa—Otto Fnrtaeb.
Marshal—Mr. Swoab
The first Sunday cxeuraion to ManiaD. MarahU-Mra. Sweat
tee will leave today.
Gnard—Frances- McFea.
ArrangemenU have been made for
Sentinal-Fred Ztefo.
the appearance of Irving French end
his company at the Cltp.Opera House,
Big Frtrate Forest
Map 31, June 1 and S.
Amdnf the lanrest private forcste to
Than will be a regular meetieg of
e tract of iSC.OOO aerm In Polk and Duchess damp No. 8345. Modem Woodof America lo Montague ball to
Monroe eonatiea, Tennessee, owned bp
night. A fall attends
Senator Georfe Peabodp Wetmore, of
Rhode Idasd. Senator Wetmore baa eameeUp requested.
There will be a regutei^e^
availed himself of the offer of free as
Traverse dtp Lodge No. 83S, F. A A.
sistance to the ownera of
made bp the dlviaioo of forestrp and
.Mrs. C. J. Bboer aod Mlm Carr wlU
has asked that the tract be inepected
with n view of maklnf a worktef plan entertain the Novo DIriebi club with a
eheon Tuesday at the reeibp which the n
be cot andHbe forest still be prmerved deaee of Mrs. Bbner.
There wUI be a
In food condition.
Clerka' Union Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock at the C. S. P. S. ball,
A. Fast Bicycle Bitter
WiU often receive palnfoleou.tpralna full attendanoeia urged, as there U
orbrnlM from aceldehu. Boeklen'a
bnalDcee to be considered.
Arelea Salve. wUl kill the pain and A social aemion wUl follow the boaiheal the iojury.It’s the cycliafe friend.
• ehattnf. ehapped hands, tore
. .boma Uicera and piles. Care
A Woman’s Awful Peril.
foarranteed. Only S»c. Try It Bold
"There is only one ebaaoe to
by S. B. Walt aad Jaa. G. Johnion.
yourllfe and that U through an operaUon” were the atartli^ words beard
I Our« — Wamer’a by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Eldge.Wtl..
Whito'w'laA of Tar Syrap, u,. from her doctor after be bad vaini~
beat cough remedy on earth, cures a cold tried to cure her of a frightful case i
in one day if takes in time. 35and60cts. •tomacb trouble and yellow jinndiee.
Gall tumea bad formed and she cousUntly grew worae. Then abe began
tnf and pietnre framtef
Phone 2OO0G
iL^^ture-s cub
No Hero Rhouniatism.
bope or relief vbra vebeurdofCaaTKloc.
ana my vi(c besan ouns It. Thu greet
medleliw hm^ppmvoUr^tt^aairtto
IDS, North AMnEtoo, Ham.
Crler^-Ktuc<-uri«UOD«U(ienouaD4s)ldl»nuwr^tbr .Nrr\««.HU>niaiCb, l.tvcrandKl^
Du)->. HoJdbyUrucElsU. &c.audaic. 8
Onr New Shoes This
Season are Elegant.
There is grace In every line. We tell a perfection in
tbe making and tbe finish of everyone of onreboes,ln
ladtea’, men's and children’s, at prices so low that they
make onr high priced oompetlton mad.
Come aad see the finest window diaptey of aboei ever
shown in Traverse Citp.
Ladies' shoes With Loula .\ V heel, at S3.50 Md $3.00.
Men's finest vlel kid and willow ealf, wttfL at 83.00,
$3-50 and $3 00.
The Uteet novelUet In children'a shoes, red. ten and
black, from Sto to$3.00.
Practical Shoe Man.
135 Front streak
Have You
Seen It?
Our candy and fruit display. Five great elegant show
cases filled with the finest, sweetest candy and freshest fruit you
eyer ate. We carry the full line of Strauh Bros. & Amiotte's
home made, hand made candies. These are always fresh, right
from the factory. It’s surprising the amount of candy we handle
—tons and tons of it.
Thirty different kinds to select from.
Sell at 15. .;o, 35c and 50c the pound.
Trj’ a pound—»You’ll buy more.
Cream Gandy
All manner of flavors — and goods
that sell on sight. Trom 15c the lb.
up. If you want lots for your money
we have a mixture that sells at 5c the
Ever had a marshmallow roast in
your home? Nothing more enjoy
able. Got some of the freshest marsh
mallows at 25c the lb.
Figs and Dates
F^esh and delicious. Serve them
with your dessert or have them for
the evening. Dates are now joc the
pound—Figs 15c.
A most healthful, delicious fruit —
Order up a dozen. - They'll cost you
now 20c.
Season for lemonade and lemon ices
is here. Be prepared for it. Prices
are changing—Now they're 20 and
25c the dozen.
Great big, sweet ones, fresh from the
orange groves. Serve them for break
fast—Make you glad you’re living.
'I hey now sell at 50c the dozen.
For dessert. Ser\’c th^ sliced^ er
made into ices or jellies. They’re
good and they’re fresh.' 12 and 14c
the one just now.
Fresh, appetizing, healthy. Stacks
and stacks of them. Filberts, 15c the
Ib; Brazil Xuts, loc; Feanuts, loc;
English Walnuts i^.Pecans, lac;
. Almonds i.Sc; Mixe^ Nuts, 13c.
Did you ever crack one and eat it
out the shell. Great sport. Only
costs sc for 'both the sport and the
Store open Tuesday's ud Saturday's until 8 p. m.
The Hannah j[ Lay Hereantile Go.
mfnfrifnfrnn*rnn^w Ht ^w;
. Akraa WOMB awt • tatribte teth
tM CMBIm «nmi«7 •naiag. EaUgm wuk la Oobk * MltehaU% mwbOI
»^a«lWthaBMb»«rair. Dsf^Wa
iM pwt«(ih* aWki te WM HlMi w
W»>lailiiiM<r«ak tn
«k« tac* Wnv MMd ta mnmmUI
mMm. »• aotj »M iBkaato 8t.
teiia. EM., tkalMMaf Mr. WIlMk
' fHwM, Car liiifiBL tta ye«w
■•awMMtt M 7MB otf
mrM. TkMa%bt«wkktaC«eric
BiiUk Omarn Dr. EIrtMad af LaM
rl«r. Tkaiada/ raaMvad a taUffnB
tnmthm Oaata. WM., alattarWat
Okarioi Oruty a< tka» plaea, who had
haMvertdacttva.had tafttehoau
aadlhatha had \ma aapaaodtotiH
aiaanpea ThahMlth ofiear want to
' tha heoM wMt of tha (owa aad toud
hlB ill with amaUpaa. CraBbparrirad
ia tawB Wadaaaday aad walked ap tha
aaia atrMt ahaklag haadi with a good
Bayirlaai1aaadawiaalBtaaa*a Latar,
BOt iaallBg wall, ha weot hoaa, wbara
haeatM down with tha dlaaaae. At
laaat too panoM hare baaa aapoaad to
thediocaoe. Tha areola hara haan ordared aloaad. The oouteU mat la epeelalaea^ aad ararrlkihr bat beta
daa to ^aek the aproad of the diaaaaa.
Twaire palrt of prairie dao aad two
prairie owla hare Jhtt beea raoelred
from Kaaaat aad placed la the aaw
prairie dog rUUge oa Belle Ule. A
cage abore, to keep them from ruanlng
awap.aad a eemant iacloanreoader
groud, .to ka^ them from korrowlag
oah wlU preroat their eaoape.
C d. Ladd of Kalaouroo, waa nio
erar aad klllad at NUee bp a Elchlgaa
Oaatral tistB;^Taaaday. Ladd repreaeatad the JoUav ni., Iroa aad Steel
Bridge coBpaay, aad bad eoma to aegetiate with NUet for a nejr bridge.
The graduUng ela« of the PlatawaU High aahool wiU appear ia eapa aa d
gowae on elate day, Jane 7. Sobm of
the girl gradaatae Ptad already
ekat^ pretty gradutioa drMa«
foaght the eap and gown marei
Alt aa the majority of the elate are
boya the gb-lt ware orerraled aad the
daia'ty white draotet will not aivear at
the aaaior reeepUoa.
A child aboot a year old of Jamea
Loag. Bait Bmlra, whUe eating peaantt baaame ebokad. The pareato
atarted for the doctorh oSee aa fatt at
potaible. bnt the oblld died before the
Ofiea wai reaehad.
BoBjamln C. Hoyt of St. Joeeph, hat
jaat eelebi»te«rhla btrd birthday. Be
iaoaaof the few Black Hawk war
jeatloaeie Jefi.QEach member of a
aaB|tey.,ai 40 who foaght Black
Hawk la let: reeelted apention of tor
par year, aad ICO aeraa of land betidea
a bona^.
Principal Selby, of the Qlo acboolr.
aRMtod for whippiag one of bit pnplU
named Hugh Baroard, pleaded guilty
la joatlee coart at Flint aad paid a fine
. Oao. Wheelborg of Cooutoek, was
ru over aad badly enahed by a heavy
term roUer. On rfel^ from the groaad
ha ^t ont aa old-faahionad eopper
aeat. ewallowedby him when e young
tkOA. Be Unow 64 yron of ege.
Tbetanior lawt etarted • popular
It haa eangfat AU over the city. The
entire town ia aplanleg. Merchaau
have diepoeed of over c.uoo tope this
eprtag. ' It le oetimatal that Aon
Arbor people have apeat nearly $3<S
tor tope.
Will Bardlag roeeatly killed a blae
raecreiirtit feet long Ml Frank (ioald’i
term, near Oereoeo.
3. B. -Mllla. a general merchant of
Prwcol. while land looking in Mont
morency aad Presque Isle coontlee.
killed throe large wolves.
At AnreUu. Bli Han, whoae eoH was
ehaaed into a river by a dog belonging
to John Herriek. a neighbor, rmnltlaglo thedrowalof of the animal, waa
given a jodgmeat for $7S against
Herrick by a cirenit eonrt jury.
Andrew a Braoe of Lapeer. <
' mlued enldde Friday by juaidag into
a eletern in the woodshed while bU
wifeaad dangfatar were in tht^rdaa.
There U more cataarb in this aaetlon
Of the eoantry than all other dloeaaes
pattogathw, end untU the laet few
ym wae enppoeed to be inoorabie.
Fbr a great many years docton proI dleeem and preaertb-
ad local ram
teOlag to < • with loeal
proveaa-____________ _________
dlitoie, gad theratore rcqnlret eonsUMlioaol tnataoBt. HaUb Catarrh
Oora, maaoteatorad by F. J. Obanay A
Oa., Toledo. Ohio, ia th# only oonatltatteoaloarsoB thoamrkav It U takas
iatoraally in doa« teoat 10 drops to a
toaapoeatel. It sate diraetly on the
Mood and maoooaaarteato of tbeayeloto. ThayoffwoM haodiod doUare
teraayoHs It teBstoaon. Seodfar
**”**?. ToHinit^
Ti 9m U
n M Itm.
No iMMdy aqoote WaBITCB'S Whtr
Wm OP TAB 8TBDP top thte torri*
BUeondtatol dteeaea. Utahan^
Advtr* MtMI.MaM.
Herr 1* aootbrr John A. P«er«
atory. which h- worth betntr t(M agali
Thrrv was an oM gooUrman lirii
> had
kaown thi chief Jnetice ail hie
war a qnaiui c-he«cier. and a flm batlever lu eplritaalltm. At the time of
the lacMeat which make* the etory be
was not feeling we)L and wat fcarfnl
that hit «d wat not far off.
Be bad aome matter* of boriaem
which ba wanted to attend to, aaf It
wae toJodge PruTtthai beacent to aa
aW bim ia dntwing np liie juipere. The
Jndge Blade them out mud the old man
wanted to know bow mocb the bIB
-Wril." eatd be, “yoB are aa old
/ricnd of mtae. aad yon haTen't got
long to live, and I’m not going U
charge yoa a eent,"
~Thaak yoa. kig^.” reepoaded ^
: Wht
The tevenn.- offlcm fre<iaeDtly go
oat oa a atlU hnnt.
An 0in.e coet sbonld teat fotwr.
aa H 1* never worn otrt.
The more vnag* a dentlat nine np
against the more socceaafal Ife-.la.
Man marry boratiae they are weary
ef liberty —women becanae they deaJre
E¥£gTS W SOeiETr.
mtetettet Mignat tetter tengctengor:
Mtoa Annie Alou wat the object of a
very happy enrprlsa laat ovealag at
the home of A. B. Haaaon. on H^
■troet. Twenty ynnng people termed
the party aad they made it extreariy
pteeeaat for the hoMTOd yoang lady.
The avMiag'a program eoaaiitcd of
The man who trodea with the In-!gm^, ajoUy time gcnetoUy aad the
dlan* «o«u diecovere they arc red-! ...j
nf n^ht reTrmliiniiiiia
naa caa do anyihlag
Our Top Goats
* Bumber bf TOttag ladlee wan
Mrt. and Mia Oady in honor of
I woman trfee to 1
has toeigBad bar poalher bosboad preoriica elm has no time tioB la the elty eehools and will not refor goaalp.
tBTB neat year. The deeoratkwa ware
OcearioBaBy when a tana fladf
money scarce la the city be goes to the heerte and the idea was eairled oat la
cmmUy for a Uttte chenge.
aadAOkM being heart ahaped and the
It sometimee bappcas Uiatti ma
- Is one who has iDgenioog iee cream being in pink heart moelda.
Jastlce grav<-ly. nodding bit bead mge^ methods of eontmcU
D^tr.beort eheped eoevealra. pointed
ty. “don’t do It. When yon get U
beaven. yon my there ead keep yonrj What the average family man woold by Mtea Oedy, were gtvm the goeategrip on your place, and don't yM taka like to see Invented U on air-brake I Mre. Weltoo. ee .toeet mtetrees. ealied
any chance* by acooting out a^la ta that will atop a grocer’s bill In len upon Mias Filklna. .\)n. Cook. Mim
tbaa balf Us own teogth.—Chicago
UUc I* fne."
Blia and Mlm aeveland. whose bright
Dolly News.
Ab lAylUc ■
aad witty reeponsee were greatly eaRIt-bard WiiUelng. who is riiU nthfln>t AIIvB>t BMW* or AoMlew
Joyed. j Each} guest broaght as a
er ttie4>iDdoD celebrity of the moment,
Mrs. Grant Allen; wife of the late souvenir a dainty cap and eaaeer for
does not exactly write Immonal verse, author. Grant Alleti. will open a book
bnt t*eopli' ire inlU talking of bis novri. store In Hauover aquatv. London, in Mito Cleveland. Tbe atternoOD wi
r. John Stm-cu" ami wondering the interest of bookmaklng. Mrs. Alk-n moat enjoyable one to all.
what hi* next book wilt In- like. Uli wa* ilovoied to her husband, and her
is n iM-rsopaUiy that would not l<mc wrltlng$ upon his life and work, npou
The cuuulng of oLlldron Is welt
a panicle of its •-hurin even if one did wbk-h she is isboring, will be a valua ogniztsl to bo of a very superior kind,
know wiiai Itis favuriie nwreallons are.
and it Is seldom, if given n ebanvo. that
wblcti ill- lias never Imh-p weak enough ble addition to the data already la
they cannot iDvelglo their elders Intu
to dt’^loM’. At tile preseul moment rec prloi of this many-sided mau.
A iKi-uliar Incident i-oucernlng one scelug things their way. The follow-.
reation liBK n dellchinR siiniiflcance for
him. for bavluE a: last *«vered a con- of Mr. Allen's scienGOe urtU-les illus Inc is au Instance where a llitla girl
iiM-ilon of mnuy yoan^^U The Dally trated his ueuniuM 10 his animal Ali|iped up ou this by not taking into
News, be Ik n-ulitluc wlial It means tc friends, lie had writteu a paper upon consideration that licr mother had bad
InseciK and bugs and lu-ni it to his pub enough <-xi>erleuee wlili rtiildren
be n lK>Dd<tman no longer.
lu it ho niinmi-ly described hare an Insight Into their nature.
“I go to lied-at
and ri*e with
he WOK lioiinl
iMiml ic.
l> K3>- tl
to a friend Iwlb the bad aud good sides of bis subThe girl's hlrtliday was a couple of
je<-ts. t(<-v«-ral days after he iuid dls-.
! Other d:iy wlih
lih aa. twlukl
in-lii-»l the mauus-rlpts he wrote to' weeks off. and livr iwrcuts bad told her
"Tin- I-ooiloo larli
lark’/" iutjulrcd
that they •
goltig to give her
II- piihlisber:
frleud rather unkindly.
••Ketiim at boce
ooro pn
proofa^f cliapter on handsome jircseiii iii>ou luai oeyiiBiou
"1 iliiii’i knrtw." liuKwerwl the grcati
■ f.mnd
Rbe had iN-eii cnunihig "the minutes'
man. rliu.-klinc.’’ hut It Is the lurk that;
gets dowusiuirs to 11 H* o’clock break- (loDeom- of them au liijnktie<-. 1 drennit for B»-veraI
niKttit him nil one uight
1 niaJled could not jioss;
'ihe matter
i-r to you, and he 'I<Mik<-d at
me with r.-iir..iK-lirul
ey.-s and said 1 without knowing what her ptvsccl
A Clevidand little girl was going to had made■ him <mi wii^ than in* was. would be. stole softly up to her moth
a party the other day. aad her mothei
I ills lilvtury-froin a later er and begged her to show her tlir
r fu'uud out That he waa pres-enl.
gave her s few Icskoiik Id,etiquette. sour.-.- I
• Why. It wouldn't lie right to show
“tVheu they {utsx (tie cake to you the right."
Hither anwercii.
it to VL
first time.’’ said the fond mother,
surpriH- you
nUiivthlnc B* • riMco.
“take a piece sod *ay ’Thank yob.'
“Did you tcU her father Just
When they pass the cake the second
time. If they
they insist, iwlltely take -a you tb-Miglit of hlmr
. "ru forget what It is before
amall piece uand say ‘Thank yon. veyy
••tWIl. 1 Wrote it to him -and .1
luui-h.'■ Tl..luu.-h
The third time the <-nke romes made It mighty hot. loo."
nrouud do not laki- any. hut thunk Ih4
“What did he ansu-.-rT’
A Keen dear Brain.
"Nothing. 1—I was so mad that I
With these expli It InstruftioDs well
Your beet feelings, your social posi
to put a elauip on the letter.”
in hand ih.- llltte girl went to the forgot
"Uh. well, probably iliey'll take it tion or boslnees eueeess depend largely
her return her motlicr to him aud he'll ]iay the missing post on tbn perfiet action of yonr atomsch
wid? -tVell.' my deur. did you
and liver. Dr. King's New Life FlIU
meuilH-r wliai Ik...............
•I yoti’r’
give iecreaaed Btrecgth. a keen, clear
, "X—no ihev won’t."
" n-plle<l
brain, blgb ambltloa. A 3S cent box
• Why uotri| not tell
•'B*-<-nuse wlien I jUiw that I—I had will make yon feel like a new beiug.
Soldbvb. B WaU and Jas. G. John
ourlh lime.”
son, drngglsta.
"Wtijii did
yr -.lyV asked the anx-: 1
Id you
lous iiioiin-r.
' :
"I said whai papa says: Take th»' Fe f. L. DNgUa ShMi io;to FryniDi
d------ thing away'"
Seeing Is Believing.
We invite your presence at a most
Extraordinary Sale
of SMmer ClotliiDg
A saleiif iDtercKtaud almoet illoKicn] in tbe face of the heavy advauces.
Considerable cbaiigeB are to take place in our eereral dcpartnientB. and others added to in
Uif near future. Wc muet have room to cfTcct
Our clotliine departnirat ie umalleaEly crowded which forces a (food share of our mammoth
stock on oiir 1 fiftement floor. This we iimat avoid without delay.
A sacrifice price ou several thousand dollare worth of clothiuR is iuBigDifleaut in comparieon to the advauiageB we will gain by util)/.iuK the extra space fur other departments, hence
Only an extra rush, sud quick Belling will juBtify this aacriflee.
Twenty-flvf coats and vestn conBUting of extra fine Black Clays, <^Bimeres, and Flnnnela.
mostly email sixea. to cloae quick. Your choice at Hd.
A choice of bundrede of auita in Wool. CLeviots, W.ool Casomeres, Fancy Worsteds, our
ragakr $-5 UO values reduced to $3.HS.
An immense selection of better grades of Wncy Worateda, all wool Ca^merea, well made,
was our regutnr $*i 50 value, reduced to
all wool unfiniahed Worateda, and
- A lot r>f neat and taaty patterns of all wool Cat
Hair LineA our regular 9S.50 ratnea, reduced to t6.-50.
A great selection of all wool unfinished Worsteds, all wool 10 oz. Clays, nobby and np to
‘hecks and stripes in all wool Cassimeres, blue serges, eingle and double breasted vesta, our
regular $10.00 suit, reduced to S7.-50.
Three hundred men's raita, strictly u|) to ^te. ^ay vicu^, fine faucy worat^^^ casai-
very much in
evidence on the streets.
there are a few
young men
yet unsupplied.
To those we
extend an invitation
to make an
from our really fine
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Ladies’ Composite
Three dollars.
Mes’ Gloria
Mod’s Governor.
Four dollare.
These are out leaders—made by shoe makers
of reliable footwear. Sold by Ihe Old Reliable
^ ■
Frank Friedrich.
New Store. 042 .pront Street.
V A Good House
^ To Tie To is
The Temple
ef Fashion
23h Front Street, Traverse City.
tem, our regular $12.00 va!ue*^oced to ifo.oa
Two handred suite of tailor nade clothing in tbe latest weaves, atrietly up.to^te make,
our reinilar $16.00 valnea reduced to $1£.0U.
Five hundred men'a suits, Euppeubeimer’a Warranted Tailor Made Olotbisg, this season’s
make, every suit a model of Tailor’s Art OGnaisting mostly of Foreign Fabrics, oni regular $10.50,
$lb.00, $20.00 values reduced to $1».50, $15.00 and $16.50.
We are up-to-date In swell
■tyles, also have a fina.Jine of
new goods to select from. Can
fit any face aad pocket. We
have fine designers, trimmers and aalealadiea. Come in and
see if we are not telling yon the tmt)t.
The Boston Stori)
Morse’s Temple of Fashion
I K£Wt0rTMiJir9aL0
m ttikar tTMt£t j
iilia, «(M. tw tiTimd tomt
_1Q-J0a.m. by Bar.iChaa.
Ttekflw WrU»j
■pa—, Fraa Matkodlat mlaftoar.
1----‘~t IM frtmtf PWITW Un*. Praaabtag at tteO p. m. bv Bar. ^BarAMWtkMB «M tb« MMM UU id May J<mm of tha Mam c&ank. ^
fiMlaa the wiiow of «lw Ut* Qm. ^^^aah«dat>:Mp.m.
OvrV.Brary »t tfc« f*»« o« #100 p»
mmtk. Thto MwntwM nimemiij
«h* Ha«Mt UOUar Oo. «( Tm
‘-f amrto .to mhlA_ all yoaag
CMto, lad., tk* cnatMt
«k« wBfld. km dlMonnd a I
'b pim'tf^ba lagnli l^iaehl^
rifadtaaaatm. WkOa ■mtoant?je
p.m. wfll be tka BpwftkflonoO tk«
■tkadaltoMm^aad darifjrta**^ wm wih—
faiy—Iftoa Okra Fali^am.
UfaU. lad U to «e k* piaead oa tka
aale-r ~ •
■mtel aaat waak far Beeklnc pv*
poa«. fckaafalfa taato of tka aav
toqaidhara kaaa ■ada.aadii to«td
Wrttfarfa Prwtdiat HaKlfaajr re* Papon ea^PBat-Mia. S. Doaff«ardfaf tka AMTtaaa oklhU at Porto.
*FWB> o Ito
1. a>bb of
VMdiMad W. Park, tha Aaorkaa •
Oerid I ta* rtdi imrd nnm.
Ttelewlr Uwr Hofiaw.
h tkw mr teair took It* w1«.
I wt. b« Miimr bfwe nr «*.
Iknek lai* w, bir nd Ihu
tad m Ut UM «d ihr toae,
1 CfM tad nld (Baac ibrai ■*.
"T* aa* M Kwr Hwlwa."
^Mity, CMWdbmi rrrrt Ut mcel
WWI to ifer ak* »w Kitdir d*tr
OrcuK (bn btok iW hr*rt <d M
Whnr «elr (*M !• toti* Uarf
At haw be idtr to B>*
a tboOBM Qwntlr cuto fa.
7b* tea—I •( Harr Itotoa. \
iBtka aaloa, Aatk—br^.
aa naap ai wara rep-
laaaatad at Vl«Bsa la ma. ate ttaao aa
Moap aa at Itorto ia 187< aad favtoma
m OMar aa at Porto ia 1«».
SaUa to nbarto to fiaoUr tokaobo)'
labadbrotdar ofthacaar. A btUfar
tka aboUUOB of deporttUoa to Stearlo
kaabaan ponad aaaaimoMlr bj tha
Inperiol eoBBcil. The worn aide o(
deportatlOD—orbitrary exile wiiboat
iadletal teqalrp—U to be aboUabed al'
togetber, traaaporUUOB of crimioala
la Uie maae wUl (crate, while the eon
•trnetloa of ceatral priaoaa for their
tanporsfy raoeptloa will be harried
dorward. There are too,000 exllca la
toibaria. half of wEbm were teat there
w(tboat (rial. Oac-third of them hare
oettlcd dowa to wwk. while the reta^adcr hare tokca to aomadie life
ud robbeiT. Abolltioa of exile U a
•tap BIB—ary toward
the raat reifB trarareed bp the Slbarlaa
/XtYietorto. B. a, thareara
’men of tka oawala—a Japayae tul«raata waittar at the qaarasUae atetoes, when tkay bare bate leaded
<rem the ataamar Sikh. Thaae are
—arly alt tor tka Uaited Btataa, bnt
oaly >00 wlU be carried throath direct.
A terge aambar of tha Japao— are
wearaia eomlag aadar a coatract auda
•with tB— by a Japaaeae firm ia Nei
Torktowork ia aeoM Mew Baglaad
'-'~Jter. C. M, Sbaldoe raeeirad fiS.OOO
Crom the prefiU of the Chrlatlaa Dally
CapitaL He baa glraa fil.OOO (o the
Udia famine eafferan. Tha baUnoe
d to atote and local charitlm.
An Ohio (elagrapb operator, aged
jMn. haa Urad of hie oeeepatlcm and
Aedded to go Into dommtle aarriee for
• ohanga. To that and he baa inaertod
M adrartiaaoMat in a Ohleago paper^
dor a poalUoa aa a domaatte for one
For the firat Ume la tha hiatory of
aheaatloaal eenana there -wilt be aa
wnameratloB thto year of aaimala em
mloyed la ciUaa and towaa. Heratofora
«ka lire atoek eeaaaa haa been eoafiaed
mxclnilvely to farm animala.
Baporta are earraat that the Aabaa. ato. datarmlaad to threw off the BrlUah
y^ bare aeemrad tha-aooparatlen of
•igbt other tribaa and are new «ble to
raiea M.ooo warrlora.
At Mew York Clara Hammall, a^l
year eld girl, allppedoat of her home
after her parenU wore aaleop. waWt to
a daaee. and retaraad rery latpf She
er«t tbreogh aa ad>elnlag.^M to
dMi roof of bar home. Then' aha gat
into tha dsmb waiter. It allpped and
dropped. Bor head, which waa pretndlng, waa caoght bttwaen the
waiter and a crom beam and the girl
-waa ebokad to death. Her body waa
fianad ia the mernlag.
The eanliagaebomara hare ^de w
woadarfally god cateh on thaleout
thla year, making a eateh of oret\ t.OM
At San Franeiaeo the ataamar Cair
Corala. the largeat raaael erer balll on
thatcoaev waa lanacbad at the Union
Iron worka oa Satnrdar night. She la
«M feet long, with a total dlaplacenaat of i^aoi tone, and a dead weight
capacity at lo.eoo tone.
“B« 1 may eonnt cm yoor Tom aok
ed. “Too know yen prombrd."
• “Tea.’“ I replird, “I promUrd, and HI
B«T. Kneh aeltc^.raa
keep my promiar. Ill be year beet ■«»«
Paaday aarrtoea. Preadhiac at 10:10 Not that 1 wouldn't like to gn out of it,"
. m. and at 700 p. m.
•I^r^on^' But yon inaiai. and I rapCaaaamaetlagat»:«» am.
Baaday aitoaol at U :<9 a. m.
“Oh. rome now." acid Tow; “don't go
Spwo^ Laapaa at 6:1S p. m.
In forernlel»m: tbafaebeti.. Of ^rw.
Mld-we^ -prayar meeting Tboraday Im wilhujf i„ Bdmit. from your point of
Tie*. |M>rha|« l*on,rtiy Mclfmi may bare
inriUtlin it extanded to treated you badly enouyb. i.|ii I n-onldn't
alt to attend theae Mrrieea.
tbe abide Nez and rail nt natrimony aud all Uiat. You'll got orcr it in
CBUBCH or i-aaiirT.
time, you know.”
tr. l.a. Baua. pMUir.
Toni U au old f»pinraBft'Td|..wa biw,
Serrilwt held in Orange ball.
.idf libc-rti. .. 1• topt my heaa and repli.-il ralmly.
Sermon 20:10 a m.
Tbeme. "Peach Through Warfare.
“I (ini not eynicU, end I'm uoi railiax
Snnday aebool at IS m.
at mulritnony."
C. E. at C:is p. m.
The mawiaee un* t.. e..n(e off at lUr.
Sermon 7;Su p. m.
and 1 rongnitiilati-d niynrlf that
Theme. ••Amerloa for Chritt."
iritb fe«- rzi-t-idioux. wonld
Itin-rton folk wbi.ni I ,lid not know.
A jordial inriUUon to the pttblie to
«‘uld do uiy limy by Tom. take a laat
attend aU thoaa earriaea.
fart-well of buttei-fly a-Kiely
ibcn net
eaecx (anaooraL) csunca^
tle ^lown for good utxm the earecr which
t*. Ckaa^ T. aioui. lUewr.
I fondly hoped would rml upon the aoOorser Waablngton atreet and Board- prrme bench. I would work and work
hard. Dorothy Mellon, with whom 1
man araane.
Bely OemmaBloe at 0:«0 a. m.
t (bat
broken my hrort or
Morning aerriea and aermoa at 10:M
^teaday School at II.-OO m.
Brening o.
Saaday aarricee at followa:
"ng at 10:10 a
Saaday aebool at 11:10.
Preaching at 7.-00 p. m.
Mid-week praym- meeting at 7:10 ^
m. AU are terimd to attend.
CBUsTiAx actxxca.
Chrlatian Science awrlcaa will be
held at 410 Booth Union atreet.
Saaday morning at 10:10 and Wedneeday erening at 7:10. AU are cor
dially Inrited to theae aerrieea.
t. for ahe hadn’t. She limply bad ro
iled to me the fiikleueaa of her aez
and bronght me to tbe ivaliutioa (bat a
career. afUr all, is ibe only tbing that
can really aatufy a man worth anything.
,-Aa the tlmt- of Tom'a wedding ap
proached I wrote him iliat I should nm
down to Rirerton J4 hours In adranev
In order to atwnd to alt (be ibouMod and
one duties whlob derolre iipou the best
man. But at tbe last moment my one
really good c-llc-nt, a man rieli and cranky.
■OCCeeded In getting so bo|M-I(«aly luvok«tf in an Injunction suit that nothing bnt
immediate aud earnest iM-rs»nb< atten
tion could k«-cp him from psing to jail
for contempt of court. I inved him from
that ignominy, bnt only after iiM-nding
tbe entire moriiiug of the w.xlding day in
court, and lum-Iy caught tbe last train
by whkb I could reach Itirertou In time
for the ceremony. 1'otn and bU friends
l.H,k after the detailh of
Iiicli I WB* cumpelled to
the train
Ex-Pqmldeat Clereland, ia the foitt- tioa Unrie William was nt my side,
comlag Ooll^ Man’a nnmbar of nip grasping my band and rearhlng for my
Batnrday Brening Peat, dlaenmea the bag. “Here yon are at last." he waa
oft-oaked qaaatlon: Dom a OoUege laying. 'Tre been at erery train that
came In today. You've got to go up to
Bdneatlon Pay?aadmakeaontaatrong the bouse with me aniT get a little snack
eaaa in faror of glring a yonng mac of something to cal before the w edding.”
thaadrantagm of a nairertoty train-, "But Tom”— 1 Interiiosed.
“Ob, that's all right.” said Uncle Wib
iUm. -rre arrang.sl It all with yopr
Other ecatribntore to thia apeclal friend Tom. and I'lI hare you nt (Tirist
donbU anmbar arc: Prealdsat Patton, chtsrrii In pU-niy of time for the wedding.
alongp'your auni'a waiting for
of Prineaten; PraaUiaat Jordan of Lc- ~
land Slaafard: Praaident Bntler of
what cmrid I do? 1 looked
palby; Praaldaat Aagalt of Michigan.
. , Tom
some of
d np|M-ar ami
am lav claim
apd>(acldaat Meanra. of Lake FereetInele WilliIbim bad evidently
ny kon
. Tba fletfaa lantnrm
faatnrm nro
are by
laa ««•^
tores. Jem*--f*rnch Wllltomt. CbnrlM
M. Pinodran. tiuntoy Wntorloo and W.
to have Ms own way wllb me. andThe?
■1 they
cnnic not.
Of course. I shonid bav.- been very glad
tn dine witU l.'m-lc William and Aunt
‘Zlrobcllere Man'e onmbm of Tbn Margan-t. but wlu-ti s fellow- 1* going to
SntnnUT BrnnlaffPoit wUl be on nl hr best man nt bis best friend:* weilding
and baa only twn hours nud a half iK-rnre
Bcwra atnnda Mnj if ■
(he n-romony he I* not esartly in tbe
mood for risiting even hi* iirarrst and
Health Cnltaro" for May srUI prore dearost rolnlirea. 1 tried to say some
belprnl to nil s^ho dMire phyelenl and thing of tbe kind to Uncle William, btrt
Boatal health and rlfor, opeatoff with
“Oh. pAgw'. iiflw! There nlii't a thing
nnnrilelefneeoaeinff "TheFood Value .. j .. t........ ....
of Fl^'fleat.” br Dr. W. B. C. Lat to
of 'I'nm's friends'
wliero they are.already runniug
■nr4s wnlch it U ebowa that meat in houw-s.
DbinAeaanntUI orllele of diet. Dr over with company? .V»nH-atnll. Yonr
Aunt Margsn-t will give yon n iiii-e little
Jhmei B. Jntkeon tnike of tbe naafnl dinner right away. Y'ou can get mi your
of pals ne off evidence of wronff wedding logs and get to the church in
eonditiooe. Dr. (toorlee E. Pefe offere plenty of time without-any of tbe fum
ing and fussing the others will, fo
eo—Mnslble ettffffnaUone on -'Sammer through. Then-'s a i>bouc in (be house.
Comfort and Health," and another een- Ton ran let Tom know you are lierc, and
aible article li ''Bleyeilaff and Beanty,'.
by Mary Sorrest Hopldne with eome
•aoalbto^eoffffnaUona tor ridere. Dr.
Felix L. Oewold to hto nennl and tode.
Ire way enfcmle that people lire on
afraid, aomewbat officious uncle to
one meal a day, ebowi^ that health hb new stown bouse. At ti o'clock I
tnond myaelf In Aunt Margarofs front
and Btreoffth would sot enffer and that pnrior.
we sronld eooa become aewnetomed to
- 'e WUl
and ................................
the plan. Undw the tlUei of “A Pro^
felt aomewbat
poeed Novelty to TImoloffioal Bdnoo*
The wedding of Crown Prince Yoabikiu and Prlae— Sapa Kc. a daaghter
of the Ka}eat family, at Tokio on
Tbnraday. waa a mMt almple cere*
moay. The eontractlog partla* dcank
oa^ of wlaa before the ahrine in the
Imperial palaee. Tha foreign reeldenti tton,” Jamea Leonard Oorntoff.
enffnato that a knowtodee of health
A oehool of practical farming will and hnrtoneabonld be mode a port of
odnaation: In tha
•COB be ataried by prominent paraoaa
of Mow Yore oa a farm near Slag leportmont “Byrtene of OhUdhond.
Stag. Thaatadania, aa plaaaed. will )r. Boedm- oontini—hto orUelee on
Uelade both maa. and woman, and ■Infant Fnadlsf," and Dr. Lateen dlnOnKnroot ChUdren;
tkay wUl be taaght gardening, the
Dr—“ by Blto Von Pontoond "Wheat
cara of oreharda. ralalag atoek and
panltry, keeping bee* and booae deeor- M Food” by Btto Morne Boddon wtU
•Uoaa.aaweUaa thaaanalanbjaeto of prore both profiubto rnodtof. Tbe
•eiantific farming already taa^t at
r eonaidnee Feedtor and Ooannmpmany of tha aelaatifie achoola. The UoB. Dapcen of Oonnod Goode npd
contaa will axtaoa orer two yeaia.
Food to Oold Stonca A doportment
Or. V. J. HgiM. OpmatiTa BfattMiy thu BMt prom of 'rreot toterwt to
the rondatn ef thto mne**^ to "AnMag
■ to Oorroepondnoto.*'
year loat yaarto kat to be toimmed
^irar at Mra WMkam. Battofaettoa
glrea la all work. tMBectb Datea
rWMWlAiam tM OfilMfi'i ftofaU
^tr VoroUh
Aa tbe dork ddi
went up Btairs (n make a hurried toilet.
Bnt wbero was my bag? I burried down
Stairs again and pot the qiieatiun to Un
tie William.
“By JoreT' be ezclsimed. “We mtttihare left it at the statkmr
Qe hurried down town (n fetch the
hog. proniistBf to rotnrn 'Tiefore yon
gone," But the minutes alipknow I'm gone
ped away, end the carriage
............ drove ^pto
the gate before be got back,
caste, however.
— • yon ro.” he said as he handed
bag. “Now yon want to hnrry,
young man. c............
yon’ll be late."
I fairly jnut^...........................
into my clutbeo.
tog to lack for appearaner. As
.. I tied
my cravat Uncle WUllam tapped
“It's fire Btontm of 7r be cxeUtoied.
1 eonldn*l my exactly what 1 wanted
te mx. no 1 emtented myself by girtaff
Ibe crarnt e rltioas twist. Threo mis-
ntes Inter I dntiied down the heS. throw
told of
n goodbr at Aunt Margnrot and hniftod
into the yard.
«ko Brod or tha #fa»«h KepAUe In «ho
Ibe coachmaa -waa drirtog away.
Bro* vha C—MOM.
“Hi. thcror- abonted Uncle WlU—
M. Pbnze, tbe praittout of‘ the Fntwh
fa— the ft— stepo. “HoM on. tbern,
npnbUo. ia w«U hDown-tr n prantoanl
driver! Wflnon. atop that hat* r
Ftosoh Anericu reoidtBt of Kbit Or1—H, who wax with M. Fxsre dnrlqc
proceeding from hb front gate to hto tt>B Fnbcb oammnne. He fiBBcribro tiw
own domicile. He tamed aroond elowly aew proxidemt aa a man ttf p—onni mxcBxti^of xpleodid ezBcntire xUlity nnd
naqaexttoMd tonror n&d firnan—,
“IVhat torr be asked. “What’s (he
Fxnra began bnxln— na x xbwH oobnutter with Itr
“HI. tW. driver!" shouted Untie WU- atorion m—ihant to bidexr wool, et&.
nt Hnne yo—t ago. Froau that, by aaUam again as I tore down the path.
The coeebnun drew in bU hoe— srhh ergy, eooBony and thrift, he proqwgad.
an air of impatient expectancy.
nod hla bnxto— tocreaaed until be wm
“Whaf In the world do you
• of tiw noto extenaitire oonuatoxioB
EeJiecxme ntoe
htod me*^'
ooBof tbeaoxtp
nof Ow
'city politionlly, and jvet before tbe
Frenoo-Oeman war be waa made flrot
_______ ________
puzzled* coachman, with a Bod~of l£h^ “adiotot" to tbe naayog of tiie city and
•tow.nl Mr. Wliron. "be
waa • Btnfi (Acer of tiw anny, altbongh
"WHL weiu weir’ crifd Mr. Wilepn. hi* dntiaa did not reqniie hla pnaenoe
i^ing n. on the sidewalk. “wJtd^ OB tbe faettlefielA Be took nn netira innil this mean anyway? What an yon tereat. of conna, to tbe war, and it waa
bolding thia carriage forT’
ewtog tohlkeffarte titot tbe ootnnilaaaty
muter fail broatb. bnt was checked by n dapertnent of tbe Pnneb
keptwell rapplied. Be wee xIm a oloee
feminine mice from the carriage.
^ ‘he mat- adrioer of tbe oSotoli of Bam and to
erery manner demonatrated great exeem“Obr’ ezcUiined I'ncie WUllam. a li^t tire talent mtd a bom leaderahip.
breaking in upon blm. “you're made a
in 1871, dnrtog the French
mlrtakebero. Wllaon. TliU U a carriage oommntw, faowerec that hto peroonnl
I oniorod to Uke my nephew to (be srod- bravery and ability to oonfroet deapernte
iergesMua wore terted. While acting
xneas not.” aild Mr. Wilson,
tbo capacity of "adject,” or edrtoer
up more than over. "This is m
carriage I onlerc) to take-nry uiitx- to of the mayor at Havre, a roqneat wm
the commcttcrmriil.”
made of blto from tbe mayor of .Parto
The two men glaik-d at i-sch other Mke' for. firemen and eugiuea. Tbe city of
wild aoimafs..nii<l I ium,sl from one to Peris WH to fiamus from one eud to tbe
the Ollier in hopr-I.-s. lo-rpl.-ilty.
othor, end aid was being nsktyl ereiy"itiive onl'^criixl Mr. M'iNob. and the
rbere in onginea and firvmcn. Fenre
driri-r liMnicniil the rein-. H.- evidently
t once culled for voluntwr* end nrged
enjo.viN] tbe »itiinii,Mi.
The two nii-ii ii).,v<-d toi\;n.i .-i. |i oth upon thorn.dm ni-oeadty of responding
the call He (bus roisevl a ounipouy
er. and tlo'ii .Vtiiit Ma:gar-: <-.-h;>....|ii«d
tbe jMi:b. b.-i-l.-iiiiig t.. Illof tirciuen tu go to Paris and fight the
of l'u.-le \Villi;.|n'« loiM:,};. ,,
,h- |iad Cite Ui.-tt wero raging i-verywbera
bi-m doing
Faiiro showi-il bis courago nnd won the
With ail tl{<t(-ngiiirs tbo city ontd spare
they liu-teiii.-d to Paris, nnd for Ihnu
days, witbont test or scarcely nnything
le'oo^ fongbr the flames.
-lint, see here.’’ pin In I'lu-le William.
'■Fanrodtdibedutiv-s uf a fireman, end
''I)ic-I>’s liest man, and be mustn't be late mWo (jceasiuii, xvbi-n (ine of tim
tiK- wedding."
ivaiB asloep from fatigni^ ratimr than
'•I can't help tbal.”-rHorte,l Ylr. WUn. "My tii»-<-^. luiistn't lie late at the awaken him took his plaoi and did hie
work. He was in a dozen perilona pcai
mmeneemeiil ',-ilbcT.’'
'Til (ell you:" cried .Vnnt Margaret, tions daring that three days’ fight witl
with h sudden inspiration. "Why ean't fire, in company of his conipaiiionK, am!
they go togciher? The scmioi
nerer fliuebod. In evoty instance bt
proved taiiuaolf to bo a man of dutermiknosv your niece won’t objm if I ex nation and cooragu. Be waa first in
every danger, and at tbe moat critical
Aunt Margaift dashed out into the
strn-t (owani (be carriage, and I follow timee be nov<T Imt hto aelf poMeasion
ed. wiping nij- RioUt brow. iK-waiilog my aud will power, and with tala rolonteer
wilting linen ami consaRi.sl with impa- firemen ho did yeoman aervtca in trying
to aavo Parii (nan tbe embrace of tiw
In the next few srcnmls I bean! Annt fire fiend.
Margaret making a liiiniisl explanation
The people of Havre never forgot M.
which cnticludcil with ".tnfuUi- good of
you. I'm SUIT, but I knew you would Faure'f valiantiieiTice on that occasion,
consent iiuder tin- clmimslsnce^” Then oud aftonvnrd, as a Republican, ho waa
the door was flung open. Uncle William clocted to the chamber of dopotieo. He
care me a pinli from iH-liind, while .tnnf eerred with several ministers as )irivate
Margaret niiiriiiurcd inlnslnctioiis. and eecretory, and of late ypara has had more
1 foiiml Iiiyx-irairpiiiiig into a <-arriag>- importiiut connection with that brauoh
wliiel. Ms-incl AIM W'ul, flowers and of tl)u«ovcruinont aerrioc. Hu has proafliifTy- while siiiflr. from the midst of
wlii<-h is-cnnl the face of—Dorothy Mel- pered in bosineMs as well as in political
affairs and is said to be one of the
"Wliy. DiiL-Mr.”- she erii-d, halt most popular os well as uuo of the ablest
staiesmeu of tbu Fn-ncJi ropublia—New
ruing from her s«-at.
startisl bai-k, with ,i eonfiised at- Urleans Times-DemocraL
teiu|>t at an npulogy. but Uncle William
hastily slaniiies! the drs.r nml. with a
ommnhdiiig '■'Drive llva-l.v, ll••w:'' muKn prims dotiiis was ever mure detiouisl the liriver to wtart. *110' fanrnes
ligbtfnllr cspricions more full of ralathe seat oi,pnsit................ .....
..... ....... ohief than the fttniooi Mjiio. Mitlibmu.
whom sis months ago I had swofn ncrer At tbu refaearsalB of "Kumeo and Jn> see again.
liet" nbu could never make up her mind
It was the early dnsk of what bad been where she was to "die" atnigbt. It wh
perfi-ct June day. The street lamp* important for Romeo to know, bnt aU
were not yet Uclited. but Ibe bright muon
shone ill ut tile carriage'windows, and I he could get was ’’not soro," "don't
knew Ibirutliy could ai>c my hot. flushed know." "can’ttell,” or "it will be jost
face and my DcrTousness and cnibarrao*- u It hapjtcna, Bovordiug to ihy bamor;
soiDOtimw in one place, aometimu in
iss Slelton," I'lw-gan. fwliug that I another.” On one uccasinu ahecfaoM
say soRM-tbing, 'Tm extremely sor to "die' oloso to tbe footlights, her com
ry to iutrnde U]M>n .rnu in this manner. panion. of conrae. being oompelled to
I bnd no Idea"“Oli, pray ,b, not mention it." aaid "dlo"bnide her, and thns, when tbe
Dorothy. •'! iim. of course, extremely onrtAin fell, a eonple of footmen had to
gla,I to Ik- of any service whatever to carry tbe pair off. one at a time, to tba
Mrs. Clarkson, mid it would l>c too bad ' itenae amiisement of tbu audience.
for you to Is- lm>- at tbe wt-ddiug."
John Templeton, tbo fine old Scottiah
D-ir.ii!.j W!i. .|iiile uiisliTKK of herself. tenor, was pmliably never so misi-rablo
She held a targe Irum-h of roses in her as wbcu be was cast to sing with Malims, liiivitig galheisHl ilieni up to male
Very often she WU displeased
om'for me; ih'e is.lor. which. I think,
left t.-r faiv for nii iiisi.mt n hen she saw with bis performance, and one evening
1 whip climbed liito h.-r earriagi-. situ whispertsi to him, "Y'on are not
n-tunHsl; liei ey,-s spatklid. and nevi-r acting' propi-rly: maku luvu to mo bet
bad she l.s.kisl so lovely. What a fool. ter. •• to wliicb, so it is said, Templeton
1 tlniuglil bItteVIy, nlial a f,sil 1 bad lieeii innocently replied, "Don't you know I
-itI with her:
am a inarritvl man'r" Evidently the
t.elH- ,iiitle a large n-eddinc. 1 be lady did not think ihrro was anything
lieve'?" she raid, turning her f>uT full.
The driver was evrOenily intent tipon
(•aehiug the iburv-li In (iitn-. IK- turned
. eoruer so sharply tli.-it just ns I was
ilsiul |o stammer out .-i i-uiiimonplaec
Isiut the wcsldiirg we bulb Wen- nearly
thrown from <>ur seats. Dorothy Ihrrw
. Dorvilhy
John ray Palmar’a hvilltoat dra—K s
and aecBto prodneUon, "Tbe nnypMaa
at Stotobura Onnfi 0|w—B—n.
Ju.B. Mnekto nnda food nnOTt*
toff a—p—y will beaera ntfiMsbufto
Graad ahortiy to "Orta—' OaUar Dasr.”
Tbe larnat bwu yet te thto aartaa
craatod tha Of—tOffnphe eatortato.
—at attha
OfMHot—laal enB'
toff, aad tbay wroe net fitoappetetad to
tbMr nxpartatto— tor aa exeaUutt wtartoto—at. Tba nndto«H wu tber>
. _Uy apyrMtotiee. and —y n< tba
BB—M, Mpaelally toward tba aifa o«
pptonde*. ThaMoatoff vtowawaea
eapaetoUy fl—a—a. awl alkdied maeh
ItwHatatedfroatba ataff* of tba
aty Opera Beva. toat alffht tbat a
profftam of acitohla tantana far Banday wonld bo ffirna thto oraatoff by
the lOtoe Oton—atc«rapbe tantore
>paay. L«tor. however, It wm diecovered that the Pneion Play, whkk
Mr. Eltoe bu been totrodnetoff to Snwt
day nlffhto eatertatomenta, oonld ^
bifflvenowtoff to tbe non-arrirnl of
Bloa, therefore Manager WQbeton
and Ur. EUoe decided not to open
the'theatre thia etentog.
Tcrtnted a With—.
oorery which gave instant relief,
have used it in my family for four
yMrs and recommend it uthe greatcot
remedy for eongbs, cold* and all
throat, cheat and lung troublea. It will
atop tbe worn cough, and not only
prevenu bnt abaotutely enru oonaamptlon. Trice 50c and fli. Every bottle
gokrnbteed.. ‘Trial bottlM lOc at 8. R.
Walt and Jaa. li. Johnaon'e dnig etocH
BcMlniloD of Sympathy.
Tbe following reeolnttotia have bua
adopted by tbe United
1 Joint
fieaolred. Tbat m it bu pleaa^
Imigbty God to vleit tbe familtoa of
rother Frank Dolpb and Dariu Felt
1 the dMth J. W. Dolph, tbat we axwnd
onrdMpHteyrapnthy aad
Beaolved, That thCH reaolnUoat be
apread on the mtonUe of the union.
Dav, Pren.
BeaolnUoca of Sympathy.
Tbe following reeol^tona hare beeo
adopted by tbe United Brotherhood of
Carpeniera and Jolaera of America,
Local Union No. >S6, Trereru City:
fieeoived. That h it bu pleued Alilgbty God to rtoit the family of Bro.
lartoH Aldrich to the death of hto
Beeolred, That th—
6 reaolntiona
apread on the minntu of the onion.
B. Day. Ptm.
Ladlu. "7n cab Jaap m It tnaple «a
It, bnt it wUl come np emlltog orm
Ume.'’0a)man'a ElMtie Floor Vnnilab
- B W^t.
pOKXAU-FlScliv* KPOW (tatbm^MSH
r wilt*
f out bo*nl.U>eo»Ui Cslilunslrrvi. e04r
Collorvrilr A.IilbU*. Met..
site WH on her kins-s to Tomplotoo m
Elyiuo, aho so(^»■eUod in making tbo TTrANlKD ArlrlorwKlow (wilbout «hlldW iTO'fTO«Wu>«jT*r.vrttlBoaa*Hua.
tenor acream with
when bo shonid have boon singing by
fickting him »igoron»lj
77OR aALK-BoKscaBd lot at Ka*> KIrbgi
—Conihill Mugazinu.
f Mr«ri —I -luvD balaoM
iakv> U Joqn Vvrly.
’ I Cried, and
I sure that I iviuldii't (ell wbat I
___ I only know that tbe words 1 had
bi-en hnbiing back, the love that 1 bad.
been trying to stifle for six months, burst
from me. and licfore we rv-aeh<sl tbe next
corner Dorothy lifted her sliiiiing eye*
and. tbrtLngb teurs. said:
“Oh. Dick. Dickr' And I km-w eventhlng was right and wishi-d that Christ
•hiireli was a' miles away.
7’lie carriage pulled up st the ehnrcl|
bs.r in tbe nick of time and dashed away
again to leave lb,rothy at the y;pung ladie*' aeminary where ahe had hero teachor a few months.
unnd Tom In the vestry ao'anprrmcty happy that he had not even noticed
tny (B^im-ss. .But. for that matter. I
walked in the cbuids all evening and’no
ticed nothing whatever that happened at
U* wedding. *o we are <|nlu on that
Dnroth.v and I will be married to Sep
tember. and Uncle William, who InalaU
that bis "good mananiment" broafht it
bH alsiut. baa promlaed to ai-t vs up with
rarriage of our own on tbe-day of the
wcddtog--Chicago Herald.
a teacher, in explaining i.> her pnpito IDX. Mrs. r. C. DeMoood, *U Olztb *ur*t
the difference blcwcvn civilized and nnpivilized r*c(-s. insisted upon three
tbfnga u r.sinisitc for cCviliHtlon—
food, clotiiiug and alieltvr.
The next day sbo brought tbe enbjeot
Dp again by way of review.
"What aro iliothrLO (bin^ ueocaaaiy
to a rivllizvd man'/" sho asked.
Several of tbo children remembered
food aud clothing, bnt the third requieite tcemud to have eecapod iboir recol
lection entirely. Finally, after the qnution bad been repcau-d two or three
times, one little fellow lifted bis hand
and aaid:
rouatFT.Bhelriu.iahl**. chair*. •
Whether tbe tcaebro lent him to tbe
bead of uio class we ore not informed.
■ Wto la •
Weed Im oomo from the praaldmtt of
(be W. C T. Cr.. Mtm. Nicboli of Pros•KCt, tbat In Adsln'dc. Soii"i .-tiJ-tcilia,
Bdolt.snrr-.ig.’ liH •“■cu c/imisl. giving
lilt- woiiH-h n right lo vro,- on tl>.. sumo
tnhnronn ABnarwm.
”1 bad jnzt seren mtontes In which to tcriHs u men and uitli iu> Uoni-r tu
asrat to parliaweut. Tb<- bill ixiw luUy
ny a bpefsteah and cateb ibt iMto.”
“T?e»^did yen come out?"
aw-iirs tb< caM-o'k <-«tisvuL
"<»li, I got the steak all right, and then
Mrs Ni'.iuds saja "It is a gnutd Vic. loat it ratitix 'for (br U»i£"
------ _ry tor a burd and well fanght battle
llrriird.of aeviw y^ra."
OT thi. lATijrasE batt, . .;ail
mnnHAHT suro« ot
asbjrcta ore divided loto three rlaaaiA
The llr*t la trade ap of the ndular
armr aad Jbe reaervea. The aaeoed
claat la caned the -radir- aad c«nr«apooda to the Oenaan -Undvehr." The
third elaaa if the "tnaauhfun" aad la
the aame aa the OennM -laadaturra.UaWllir la the laat ta>o rlaaaea besUu
thooch. of epnrae. the term of
lied. V
iputaUealifjdlfcoat U.0M..
880. aatuniUr. the •uUan It able to maaa
a verr fortnldable army. But Abdul
Hamid doea not depend altogether on
hto land foreoa He bba. Indeed, no leaa
W.0W men In Wa imperUI naval
A the peUmUAl oaUlAO- aad
re aad ttH8 active aeaDOB la hta
M*L “Thf atefc Mao ot Eor«p*.*
AS lb« lultAA at rvTitry ' ir«i
mmt to bf tAlled. la one* aolo brtiiA
Mtlad hard BAmea aod U abc* A«aUi
Mat mad# u> te«i tbat t&«- war «r >b*
tTAfUtreaor la hA»A ,Thla la ovUk tu
. Ika fAcl (feat UOcle Bam haa baaa toalef
iwtiaora vub the
tjf «i* Tarta aad
-. U
la asalB
loMatHiA «>
tha panacat of Anarlra'a kMW pronlaad indamaur- While It la aet al all
probable (hat the pnarat traaloa will
againft ibe auUan waa flm aabmttted
to the mlnlater of foretn aftalra. Later
It went before the counAl of ralnlaten.
who. In turn, made a report, to the aul*
un. In the laat atagra It became a
matter of direct oegoilalfon between
Abdul HaaUd hlmaelf and the mlnlater
a aad haa alnaya evaded i
latar Jamea B. Aagell and Mlalater
. the ueceaaarr -Iradv.” It It a
known fad (bat the aultan*baa rr>
aped for force atone, and that be t« a
chronic “bluffer" In all Intrmatlotial
matteea. For thla reaaon ITnde bam
baa derided (o bring the matter to a
cloee, though, of -murae. at matlrra now
atand arveral oouraea are open before
an adual dieclarallon of war. Amerk-a.
for lnat«nre. might Impound the cuf
toroa revenue of Smyrna, aa did Auatrta aome two year* ago. or oar claimi
might be taken up by one of the great
Buropoan poween. aneh aa Greae BrttAn Intercatlng feature of tbe tttuatlen
on.rtil ir- young nation ot
y<''nhf;:-' ■
r. of II,.. t<u,«fc. b..at’dr.
rsvi. t. hlch hfld Just lv--ii (u;:.- .1 out of iloslilpyunM,
;e«l' th- sp.-.d}- llttl- v Lt-|>lp to hunw «(i'.. rs, .\Vh-P «.m-ty
IS gnlluni y-pUStc ■•Ilio V S-.ru bis juirt lo the 3H{s>.i'liiQssi.. wi
aaval airengtb or the Turk at the pria>
ent time.
Thr autun la a capricioua and unre
liable fellow, and one never <an tell
Juat what turn tbinga will Uke. For
thla reaaon auch a glance al ihr martial
atrength ut tbe governmeiil at Conttantlhople It of ea|»->'lal value.
Turkey it a powerful figbtina nation.
Turk, whatever bla falllngt. make*
rarofthe beat flgbten to be found, and
urklah army
■anlaed on the territorial tytirni. and
for Ihit purpoae the entire empire la dlTided Into teven military dtfirIrU.
All MuaaulBtani are rMlIed u|K*n for
OtlHUry aervlce, chrittlana and eertalD ntber diaaenting neett In default
at aervlce are allowed to i>ay an exemp
tion lax. though many of the Kurda
and Komada and the wilder trlbea of
the mounuina manage to raeape
mil.tape mi
Itary dut^. The tulun'a agenia alwtj
do itheir best to bring. thete
men inlo the ranks■ of Abdul
Abd Hamid, and
It U only by Alaht and hiding
g that
law it evaded All ronaertpted Turkish
flrel. To thlx hr ran add nearly I/OOO
martne*. Turkey alao hat one flrtl
ela»s halllrehlii. one eoennd rlaas and
aeven third eltiat floating flghtcra. It
haa at well, fire coaat defena<- ahipt.
alx erultern and four gunboniB. (o aay
nothing of U> torpedo bnata of flret and
in-ond claat and two torpedo
atroyere. Thlt la not a huge navy,
Iru". but. ai'ilug In eo-u|>eratlon
the tuUan't well drjllf<l and mor
Iet« cltlelent army, which on
ettlmate It figured at :1S,»10
e<inatltuti.« no InilgnlAcanl military
At Is well known, the rtalmi of the
t'nited Slatet agalntl Turkey had their
origin In Ihe deatrurllon of eight build
ings of the Kuphratet iwllege at Karput Iaad i.f
lo American i
■ at Uanah.
Throe (
Hamid haa three timet made
to different American repretenutives
at ContUntlnopIe m pay the Indemnity
pr.wtiU for a
1, utiil the breoi-li of faith on |
tbe part of the aultnii has been further '
aggravated by hla tvfuiuil to grant |>ermlttlon for the r<-i-untlrucllon of the
destroyed buildings, fnder one pretext Is the extensive sr'ale upon whieh the
and another the granting of this pr.'m- Turkish govemmenl Is at present addjsed "Irade" or permit has been delayed. Ing to Its armament. An Inereuse of
Under the elrcumstanees tbe ease la the customs duties, in fart, is ats-ul
not one that lenda Itself to ar^Uyikm. be put In .effc< t to meet Ihe sultan's
for It Is all almply a matter at to heavy ammunition bills. His recent
whether nr not Abdul Hamid Is to keep purrhasis Include <|uanlltteK of smokehla solemnly pledged word. Consider less ponder. ZW.OOO rifles. IS batterk-s of
ing that the Amertcan buildings derllller
Btroyed were attacked and burned by
the connivance. If not w Ith the actual :
Abdul Harold's numerous *imi
aaalatance. of tbe troops of the aultan.
of this country our offlrlaU state that there should be j
One of the strangest looking foutiiall teams in the world is that of tha
Ninth Hudatieer ruglment, at prrsenl
--I slsiU.n<-d
• r<-glr
Khartum. —
gimeui of
native t«m Sudanese helik-d Kttcheener.
ilifu. and
thla purtk-ulrr football
of f.sithall
seen in tbe cUy of Kharlugt. It Is.also, amd that they pla}-ed ii game al
Omdurman against
leka.1 team from the El-vemh Sudanese arnTWik.-j
the feellrc pigskin on the Unr.iue squi
The ais-omiumying illuslnillon shows a g n that should be uf espcdaHtf* ■
terest lo Am.-rlcans. This Is th- ..nly gun o note that defended the city c8
Kimberley during Its long s|.-k,
forces, iiul this It not wllAff
kable. It Is the fael that Ibis st-el thundertr
this big gun remarkable.
entirely built by an Amertcan machinist, the late *lr. 1-abrani. and that It fItM
Conslrucied during the aiege In tbe beleaguered town lliw-lf. Tbe macblnMW
In th- great De Beers diamond mine workshops was used for the purpose. oiM
every i>arlof this bit of ordnani-e was ennslrueled In these shops. Jurtw&tfj
Imimrtant part "lamg Cecil' —for Sti the gun was named in hoOfor of C«0l>I
llhodes—played 1 the defense of the City i>f Diamonds every one acgWllltdS
knows. The ..nly unfortunate g'
the aad fa< t that Its ingrnloua -d
and builder was killed by a Boer sbrll before the world bad bad a cbaBOg Vi
honor him aa he deserved.
tRBLAhO'g OLUBST t'ltOka.
The old stone cp«s at lt1.K-kr>K'fc. near
The B.wrs In 8outb Africa. Uke tW
the city of Dublin, shown in tbe arcom- British, huv.- their Hill of RefneAs*
panylnu Illustration, hiis the reputa branc-. Th. s|m>i which the burgfaetR
keep >11 hitler m-mory Is at (he BlaaDWa'
kraiitx river, where took placa thg MRe
tion of b-lng Che ..l.lmi eroas In Ireiaod.
It baa M.skI in lis pres, at iKjsItIvn for
many .-•-niurli-s uiid has clut i.-red ubuut
It mam' Interestlne si..ii.-s and iradl.
CRoimrs uoxATrRR.
Oeneral Cronje. like a number of oth
er Boers. Is a better flgbter than he Is
a wmter. Even In writing his algaa-
Tol alaugbier of Boer mce. women and
children by tbe bloodthirsty Zulu chtsf
Cbaka. Two yeara ago the moOUmanC
shown In the accompanying illustraUoR
The annual cxhllilllon of the Kuya' a^:adeni> ai l-ondon Is an event »»—t
1, ...fr awaited with Interest, for her.- it Is that all the best pictures patnisd
In KneUnd during the year are amt to be s.nn The picture which won the
gold n.rdal of lb. ao.-te|> this year was a canvaa by Ihvartlat F. M. Beunett. :.nd all erlllee United It. saying that-it .vae a reallf remarkable work.
ThU picture represented Ihi- sivnr In the old elaaslc slorj which tells how ths
Ireek mnner l.adas fell dead Just as he is als-ut lo t-ecrlvr his crown as a vietor In the otymplan games. In Hennrii's palniinc the'hg^ Is ilnished and tha
*• ”*>7^**
«•' 'he^ceesaful athlete tha
II ■
arrhe-"'-r fret. The a
a striking |
la aneieni c
***"’ *“
tore hr pens the letters In a cramped
and unformed fashion, as may be Judg
ed from the accompanjUig facaimlle,
which la reproduced from a IHler writme time ago to a Boer am
The time required for a Journey
around tbe earth by a man walking
daj- and night, without resting, would
be 4!S days: an express train, 40 days:
and. al n medium temperature,
hours: a cannon ball. 714& houra: lighL
little over onr-trnlb of a areoud. and
wing over a cf.pper wirr.
me-tenth of a second
Sion Oenerwl JoobetV-wferriiig to tbe
troubles between the Boer* sAd tbe
BrtUsh. remarked. "Let us hury the
aalmoaity of feuds between ua as wrs
now bury thrae bon«s." But. strai««
to aay. at this very time tbe Boee* war*
sccreUy snalog themselves agatast tha
One of tbe curl.is.Uer of 9ab Fmnclaco are the evergreen oaks In U-mterey
park. Thr most remaikabl.- pait cf 1h -r- remarkable trees are tbe ruoia sonte
Idea of which may be .A.iajned from tho a. -o.-nenylng iDuatraUon.
runts, a p.ruun of which show above the gi- u . ’
I'Ve great, gnarled
twisted branches and form ha almost Jims-n-trai-......
fnterladng v«getatton.
■ ^
In a reeeat lectors oa tbe e
of north Australia given by Dr. Cart ,
XauaboJU in New York he deMgaatM
that country as the viaad of coatrasu.
where wnmen ore witboal beauty, birds
-_____ _____ tht •urrvw ot htr Hfe. WkM
Ilu »on W» tn*. It for ■> bon. ibe
finffcM------- ------r------
WW<t l«
B« M » Ml—1 t« <wd.
^ T»»t, i^fp tot«lwd jiiiiniii
■rrtnwtk.«fMiUck>«IA7, I* darkm* Mr Ur pnf.
TW barm ««Mi U UwUxI
M iiMiruW *»
*tk. tw<!*^w bod p*i>»d.»ndaod«o^
UT in tW bon»r of a faUer vaa happier
TWw.-VltiaB ssd
*xl>. lit*,
zmt. ja, «: Hsu>.
u rn.
ibJD was thta orphaa
The* a certain *oe« eaine often to the
Id thene referenoes we have two VI
Dr. fc«mwon.
bouM. lie wa* a ur.
sIoBS of God nnU two aervlce* pi-r
the ahteat ptmcUtionen of the
formed after God bad been aewn. Th.'
tnan of taleot who waa rapMlr auaad; .
first b the rlaJou of Monea oo Mount
fartnne. Ue had aeen Th«od« 8«
the bcdaidc of Uttte Lora when the ginnl and hb
an atuefc ot dckaeaa. lie ^ of the golden calf which the Uraelltee
bad net op ns an Idol in bla absence.
* iotercMed In her. paid court to h
The second b Christ's vision uiwn the
. Gmiaer Monni of TransQsunitlon and Hb aubhand,
had aatdi
Boqoent caning the detuon out of the
-It b an oSer. Mbi Kd«Bi. which jon
wonld do weU to *ire aoae thoo*ht to.”
1. Moses' vision and service (Ex.
How r»Tdj and cooUy he bad aald it
and what a ahock to her there waa in hb gxiT. IMS; xixtl. 10. 30.) At Mount
« ud aUiBlac ufl
■ rroUtI-------------T<n wmt br oaaua ud ahn.
5h* UM fdM ti <o (>««•
a (a eWrh tn* Udft arUfU and Ntn
nU both f«e |«rtru taU d M*
aad waer r«Mun cut alow.
^ ChUdeo. bmrr lU rrarl uorw.
Whkhkarl' •
-----i» Worth heaead
qobt wordi! Theodora eurted from her
atnpor and eaat benelf down npon n
It waa the erbb of her lift. Akme is
her chamber, die commenced the am«*^
whid> ahonU dedde her deetiny.
bnie. paintnl fmet that
Bhe fac«] the h
Irancer. tUie leeed him
abe bred Mr. Gra
A hot flush came to Theodora s cbeelt
she thought of her father. No; her
cettora were cot her be»era«or»,
Mr. <>raugcr would not marry hb
emess even if be loved her.
The fine, grave, dark face came up be
fore her. Bhe dropped her face upon her
would do wrU (
ftr him-ah, t would db
» think of the
at which she had Blot entered the
honac. Ilomriru, fricndliwa. almoit hopeIw. she had applied to Mr,
a dtuatioii aa aorenic-M to hia Utile
for him!”
Her liappiness was all past. The Ute
event had broken apart the Invisible rib
bons whleli bnuud her to her love.
wonld nevcV be the same again.
conld not slay tbere.
M’bere aboiihl she go?
ftw. tor abo bad brouxbt with her
For the linrt time (be thought came,
from others.
Kbe had
“Why not marry Dr. Lamlngton? ’
latrodnetion. Bbe poaaei
Night came and pressed a heavy hbekker eapahilitr and her e
raiT nets against the windows. The fire died
Bhe had Ikyo abornie slimmer ot down. Theodora arose, shivering. Two
t doak. Throoeb
hours had |>assed.
>e of
plrtnrc frainra and the i------- iKiUabed
■‘1 have divided.” she said.
walnut abe made out the room
A ci-ruin lightness was npou her,
down to wait,
_ nipied and
There tfaimirii she had decided to go out Into
fabit firelicbt
. quiet.
on the hearth the world, horordesa. upon the neit day.
■ was a Mody chair drawn upon
Bhe went down stairs and eoflly ppenrot. a book open In a rradins mck. a
Granger looked
profnaloD of papers upon n laUo near by ed the library door. Mr. Un
snd a watch
tiekine cenily
amooE them. up from hb book.
ilr amoDB
“Well. Mbs Nch
The comfortable
of llm watch
aonnded with the wallioB wind beyond
*'At>oul Ijimlugton'
mlngton? Well.
.................bow. may
the window drapiYy's warm folds. Bhe
tbtmcd to both ia a bait sinpor. caused I ask?"
"I shall
uarry him.'
If the wenrinesi of breasting the roogh
Granger sat quietly lopklng at the
Beddcnly without a soond the door anthracite in tbc grate.
"Arc you sure that you comprehend the
swnng open aofUy. and a genUeman cnadvantages of bis offer?" be said at last
tered, went across the soft carpet and
"1 am aure that I do not love him. 1
terned up the get. Then ho tamed to
do not D«ed to know any more.”
kcr. saying courteously:
There was a silence.
"Do you wbb to see mer*
-Mr. Grangcrr
-Mr. Graagcrr
“I find it desirable to change my poslBbe was impressed aa never before
My «
' '
and 1 sh^l^bc obliged to leave yon then.”
He bowed. Bbe sjiokc in a tone which
tiently under hb kind but
required no more. Then she turned to
tbc door. She had oi>cned it when she
Looking at Theodora Nelson. Mr.Granheard her name pronounced aa abe bad
ger thought that here was oue woman
at least who bad no tboaght of hb being never heard it iiruuounced before.
ficb and eligible.
It was a relieving
She looked Uck.
tbonght after certain experiences he had
"Will you come berer' Mr. Granger
known during (be past muiilb. He said:
"I think we will try eseb other, Mbs •aid. putting out him tond.
Fnconiciously >he wwt to him.
a nolbinx hot
The Great Sample Pants Sale
Oontinuoualy fills lour pants department with
Blnal. on the way from Ko-pi «> Ca
nsan, God called Moses alone to .the
adores of eager buyers. Really it b an extra
top of the monntain that lie might
give to him the tallies of stone contain
ing Hb eotumaadmenU for Uls peo
ordinary chance to purchase strictly new and
ple. On Mount Blnal Moaes had a rialon of the glory of the Lord. “The
glory of the I-ord abode upon Mount
Fashionable Pants
ftiU Blnal,” “And the sight of the glory of
the Lord waa like devouring fire on the
_________ tbcBL Howerer kindly hb fewtleneas met beifcOhey were nodnlly at a top of the tnountaln In the eyes of the
Bhe nerer tbonxht of mA children of Israel.” What must It have
tbinca. b« she knew that Mr. Cmnxer been, then, to Moaes! Forty days and
did: that be rained hb patricUn blood— 40 nights Moses was on the mount
patricbn in the hlebert sense of the
belMdding God's glory. He conics back
Theodora Ndaon stood in the eentw
ad her room. 8be waa ddni solhinx. It
aeemed to her »hc waa thlnkinc of nnthBut a kind of
to*^Tei>rlY^tto* over and orcr axaln
the laat words Ur. Graniter bad said
Topte roe the Week Oepl^los
U_CMBeol by Ker. a. U. UotU.
At Less Than Cost of Raw Material
s. Benda & Co.
to the |M>ople tu find them worshiping
an Idol! Uc who bad Just wltnesaed
Ibe glory of the true God secs Uls peo
ple bowing down to an image made by
tbelr own bands!
What a contrast!
How utterly abborreut tbis Idolat^
must bavc ariKan-d to Moses In coh-
•Hook the calf. • • • burned U In fire and
ground It to t*owder and strewed It In
tbv water and made tbc cblldrcn ot
to him and fllli-d h(m with seal for
lu ovortlirow uud VMtrucUon.
pec God khuiild alTcct^ In a similar
Tr»T«tM0lt7 mvkn.
toiow ta a Ust of the unyiag ikud se 1
way. It should make sin hateful and
rejiulslve and fill us -wlUi a desire to
destroy It l>oUi lu ourselves and In •
We shoulil be more strongly
fecicd lu this way tluin Moscs. M<
saw G^I on Mount Sinai; we bare aeen
2. Christ's vision and aervlcc (Math,
xvll, 1-S; xlv. 201.
Six mouths before
llppi. and tranailgored In tbc iircsencc
of MoscA. Elljub. FeU-r. James oad
l‘‘or a motucUl tbc glory of
heaven EboDc in Him.
"His faev did
as the sun. and His raiment
white as' the light.”
Coming down
from the Mount of Trac
of huaveujy vislqb. He finds His disclph-« unable to Drtl a poor boy posscs-ved of au evil spirit liccause of their
lack of faith, -tud what did Jesus do?
He ••ivhuUo<1 the devil, and he depart
ed out of him. and the child was cured
from that very hour." Christ's traosflgumiion and vision would undoubted
ly (111 blin with a still wore fervent
seal to serve God in castlug out evil
■ ml In rescuing fallen humanliy from
the poners of darkness.
If we have
' by tbc i>ower of the
cross and bavc thus seen a vision of
God's glory, we also should be filled
Gen. ixvlil. 10-12; Nuiu. xlr. 10-21:
I»ipr. xxis, IS; Isa. vU 1-S; xxvill. ';
l-ma. lU K y; Kick. 1. 1. 28: Uoa. xH.
I HI; Joel 11. 2S. 32: Math, v, 8: Acts II.
H-21; vll. M-OO; U. l-«: xvl. 8-10; Eev.
1. I0-‘J2.
that a ee
eelefaraied boeteriologist once prop(M^ to'deai with tbe rabbit peet In AuatralU U muto the same way.'lt It qnlit
r say pleamm.
g™ i^doiea.............
Ooe tight doutile wagon, Harriaoii make, with double box, eprlog
■eat, nearly new wagon,
inch tires, price $40.00.
One 3 inch tire wagon, Potertyl make, all complete, been used $
weeks, good as new, $40.(KX
One H-epring wagon, long box. two seats, a good farm wagon
price $20.00.
One lumber wagon 3i inch tires, price #30.00.
Ooe phaeton buggy, itainled and tu-good shape, $40.00.
One covered milk wagon, in gopd shape to hitch to, $25.O0.
On{* road cart, in good shitpi*, price $7.50.
Ooeopeii bang}', in (;o*>d condition, price $30.00.
One plRtforui wi4Km, low wheels, with pole and thills, good mar
ket TOgon, price $l.i.OO.
One fwiopy top stirrey, just out of shop, in Kood repair, newly
11 to so
10 pninted, price $50.00.
wltb a burning seal to uplift f^n
Tbe motive in all this
Wagons and Buggies
DPor Sale
Cbrist waa cmclUed Ue wos taken up
Mount Horuion. near Cawnrea Pbl-
maully. to rescue men from ih¥^'
and oouteque-uoea of evil.
■Theodora.” lie said ooftly, "will yon
not stay here as my wiftT'
Arrange a s|>evlal programme, bsvlng
“1K> you love racF' simply.
"Bo help me. God. as I never loved ba- ^ort addretsca or paperw. as follows:
first, tbc vision of Moses: second, tbe
forc ianjylK. r
Tbc blessed words! She clung to him vision Of Jesus; third, ihe vision of
little cry.
Faul; fourth, the vision of John"I»o you knowr how happy l_a«n?’| be
« you knoa- what .
aaid. "Do
(sik of the past
for me? I will not talk
odnra. It is not a pleasing subjc<.-t. but
„ long I have necdi-d
My sweet child, bow many times 1 have
pretty breakfast r
wished that yon loved we! My lift Itas
_ y chamlwr assigned her, in which ImyS so latter and so barren.
•to could not St first sltYp (nr comfort. dreamt Horaelimcs. hot I would not yield
Tbo Temple of Vietorrto them.
Why should you love me. a
Many a night she had Isiu watching the
gl.aitii}-. middle aged man? Yet you were
On the bnivv of tbe .\erupoUs In
play of the mi firelight upon (be white
siieh a cuuUurt! Then (his <JScr of Lau- Athena, punraios the approach to the
criling. unwilling to go to siirp because
BO dream could tc so happy as the wak ingtun’s ranie.. I miidc tbc de<-uiou that famous
if you did not love him and withstood the Mauds a little temple, baaed on the
ing reverie. BbC nev.-r lost her ph-ai
advantiigv of hit offer that 1 tbould know
M theoe things, familiar as tasU- and
solid rock. It cummaudt a wide proiyour heart to U- more true than any
y b>
becaiuc to her dally life.
p.wt—the twcop of the -\ttlc mounheart 1 ev>r l-efure (onnd
my lifyBbe thouglit of the
>c first C
1 would win you if 1 eunid. Ah. Aaim and the stretch of aoa at Salnthla.
tod Irvc-I there and nf the gratcfiil ffiaai
The Athenian of old felt wlthlu him a
are which swelled her heart when Mr.
thrill of pride as he stood u|hju this
Granger put Into her hand a tiny Mor««ld! Y'cu li>ve e
height and snrveyiHl the pro«iK-ct. The
•ntloc watch, while tbc next instant lit
little lelnple waa muilcd the Teiuptc
tle I-ora sprang forwanl with a bvanti- gift of God!"
of the Wingless .Victory.
It proudly
tolly cut canicK b<-r gift. Why. she had
never bail e Christmas present ticfuie in
should never
all her lift!
take iu ttigfiiWrom the fair city be
tliougbt of a night whrn Ix>ra bad
A touch of this Indomitable
aken dangeruusly ill with the croup
-ma. There la uo marriage cr-reraooy. spirit and uucumiuernide Iio|h- Im need
Jost aa (Wo meu go into purtnerahip in ed in our (.'hrlKtian life and work to
We fire too fnlut hearted.
boslnen. so a mau and woman luay
prayed w ith the father.
into the marriage wUtc without
arc too easily diacouraged.
That ilia iboughu were not alw
dergoing i
pteaaaut Tbcudura came tu knuw. Tl
Christian heart should huvo lu It a
waa a sore place In hia life which he
brooded over. .Kt fital she auppuM-d It to la tbe (art that (acilities for divorce
the rugged moun
be the io»« ..f bif wife: but. reapectftiHy very great. .As lourrlage it merely a parttains and the long stretch of
•a he mratiuiieJ to I-ura her dead moth wetwbip. so divorce ia a ditaolutioD ef that
artDersbip nud may be obtained on
oD de- determluailoD to conquy-r.—UaptIM Uner. lu- never showed fur tbe child or (or partDersbip
>and by i-ilhcr of the parties from tbc
biniM-l( a aeoae of great loss. In a man
fine oalured and tender hearted as was elders of tbe village. In Burma, howevuwly ■ Utile Whtle.
CnrtU tJrauger thU was strange.
Our whole eternity will liliige
TiKxnlora did not know bow It was that
“little while" of prubatloo here. Un.^
tical good seuor.
■to came to imdcrataud that abe
au Inch of time to choose between
-nithes a powerful .
o I-ora's fapahio of Iwlni
live In propriety of lift. Ibe salvation of etemliy of glory or tlie endless woes
_i (he evenings when they were alooe the Ilumx-M' woman lies In tbe fact that of hell! And. as a convert exelalmed
and she was In tbe mood to langb and tor home lift is always tbe center of ber In a prayer meeting. "It was only a
talk freely. In those tlmea Mr. Granger cxisteuce. Bhe recognUca that there
work with me when 1 was In
would kindle into a quiet brilliancy nt- certain reatrirtions on a woman's acUoes
eamnt." May God help us all to be
which most lie obwrved as long as men
ftriy alien to him at all other periods.
fnlttafii|-r-0Dly for n little wblle—and
-D and women are w
A sympathy had grown op '
then comes the unfading crown!—The
a fauDdred
n which not ooe ihtmd Id a____
odore L. Cuyler lo Christian Work.
Theodora felt
would apprerlstv rightly. Theodora
e Mr. Granger.
Tbe plan eo
■ geoeroos diwire to pleaae
The Most loo or Ufe.
With the utmost franknew she eonaulied ■mesring a few
Ala tastes.
Silently diacorcriog that, cusi fungus.'' a preparation which ia calI expect to pass through tbis life bat
tirated in the Barteriological institute at once. If, tbercforc. there Is any kindwtotevrr hia evening engi
_ bked to rfaat
wHb her a hour after Orabamstowa. Cape Colony. The insects oess 1 can show, or any good 1 can da
tea. she made it a point to be at Manre are then allowed to relora to the
to any fellow being, let me do It now.
then. Once. Id a half absent way. be which ttoy Infect whh what U p
Let me not deter or neglect It. for 1
_____ The
-- .s
preparatold f/ora that wbeo ato was a woman Hy a fatal diaaae.
toe must wear ber hair as Mia NeUoo tioD applied on damp toil la places where sball not pass this way again.—Aincriit it known loeosta will vwanu leads enn Hebrew.
to tlwir complete destruction. Twenty
Kklng tbe artiatlc effects
loops, ttoy became Tbeodon'a habit. swama are said to have been deWroyed
My pmcv todor I glvt ts yon.
Knowing that to admired tbe white cam la tbit manner. Alttongb this ataiemrut
Asd. U tfiyimril fay to rad.
eo be bad aelected for Lon’s gift- It it
to dodbt. it may be re
tways VI a mocBuia-
Costs Little to
be Well
Paoted Now.
Fashiooatile Oiiitiners.
Israel drink of It.” ^W5ei~W*lon of
Go<l made sin tvpolsifc and repugnant
aa»e wopda were a ahock of pleasure to
Skeodora. Bhe was ao tired, the place
vns ao restful, tnd she wsi not sure
«rbm she should lay her bead that night.
It was comfort and |K-aec op<-niug sud4saly before hi-r, a place where she could
her burdeu of care and be kindly
kifolded In au atmosphere of peace.
4id not know that Mr. Granger su
«PM full of tears BS they parted.
Bow much had hap|>eucd-since that
Episode after ofd*
Be'On Hand Tomorrow.
Two Pairs for
Nearly the Price
ef ooe.
aldcrhtlon of hb recent ecsiaUc visions
of God! And what did he do?
found for the maUrial nKwqnito. for
only by andi means that Ita •ztirpatieu
be hi
« that I SOI OsA
Ao4 look sod
bdp> sod vnj,
Abraod tbt
*T»ria lilts yoor
"Bo 4mUi sII th
B. J. MORGAN. Propr.
To Cure a voM sn OtM Day:
Take Wanier's Whitt Wine <if Tar S> tu:
ihc best cough rcmcly on earth.
2'. a..
Br. Eountlul-nionipMa
On Exhibition!
haa retamed .from California and is
ready to reanme her practice. Her
offices In tbe new Frank Friedrich
block will cot to ready unUl about
phones. ,
Dr. BoseBthal-'TbompBOB
baa returned from Cnliforaia and la
reMly.toreaume her pmctice.
ofBoea ta the new Frank Friet
block will not be ready until nbont
the 12th »nd until that time she will
be nt Bb'k Place. ' Telephone ». both
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
Declares Dr. Waelzhold la an
Article on •< Huslc and
Cblorraia. Netiroyls and Other Ner*
VMW Disorders From Which So
Many Oirts SuMer saM to
be ithe UeSHlt of "Ham*
mering the Keyboard."
Ia the British Medical JonraG Is dls;oacd
Waelxbold’s srticle
‘M»ic and Nervea,” in which he
flaimt that the alarming increase in
oervons dlaordets in young glrU la dun
lo the "deadly enstom" of bammeriag
to keyboari
Whether or not the cansetodoe.lo
usy remain s question,
denying tbc fact that
nervthere it an enormoua
oas diseases among yonog fflris
Bitical age of twelve to oixteeD. when
they ere itist croedag tbe ttanabold of
Their nerrons systems are
« of music and enx
It it during Ibis ttyt pale, wtok
restorative tor pale, w«ek giri%
women soffering
with the UJt
telrsex. tbere Is no t
Cbese's Nerve nad Bltod^Pilb.Jb^pest
stooec pomit end Ggnatwt Is osi every
box of tbe ffeaaine.
, „
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve ato Blood
nib rti«e And revitafia* the
blood and nerve ctola, brlaff bw
eolor to the cbeetaand the toon^
tbejtom. jo erats • 1^ at all datl^
A carload of fancy drivers, farm
mares and heavy work horses,
from Stock farms at Stillwater,
Hinn. Call and see this load of
good horses.
state Street.
Wfi Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Aud none nrc poor gtoek. Soap w yoo know is better nftor
beimr niretl. Everybody wbo uses soup know the standard maksa
when they see the name on the wrappers, \Ve will giTc you good T«i.
ues for 5c, 10c, 25c, 35c and 50c per cake,
JAS. G. JOHNSON, PfiggislL
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sldnralk LiunlMriil eU llMa
JOHN y. OTT ft 00.
Men ts TnvWM Otty Leabv Oop.
Senator Test G tbe only Bnnbtf al
TreuM* to ■teOr
the Mttste at present who nerved !■
miser af xhtoH**.
tbe Confederate senate dariDg the clvg
It U not lUOicult to undnetand why AS REVEALED IN ATTRACTIVE H^W
fried food* arc mi .tndlgcstlM* if we
Tbe cradle la which Napoleon II
And TO both vleaeey aad reaowa.
weaOasaItteOaU. take the trouble to study ibe pbyidaiogy of digestion, says tbe 1‘blladrtphla A iwcU i.iuatwciBhi <-h«ck serlac was .rocked belong* to the Kmperoi
MetU^I Journal. Tbe prolelda. wbicb
■eti>4lat<} KonUra SuBatw Coww. of Austria, who Is abont to loan tt
the chief nutritive cotuUtuenU of
Pepeter THi»Bl-a»-Twne(w IWSteV for cxbUdtiou at tbo Paris exposlUoa
meat. oyKtera, fish and eggs, in order
The Dowager Empr^ of China has
n* toUl erll|M erf tl>e na on Mar
ordeml tbe Chlurse mIoGter to Pranct
•d of pawlni uTCT the aparaeir
I have traveled over tbe Alpe when to lie digested ahd ksflmHated mutt ha
The fashion chronIclePa taek when
have ftuo largo photograph* of tbs
fOloiia of tb« world, will crou
re started on wheels ia July, were put
eriectlng n few of the modes of the-day cX|>o»ltGn huildlnga taken for ber.
tto aUtca of LoatnUna. MiaidaaippL
on mnuc u at tbo uuuHterini of St. Ber
for mention G an unusually pleasant
H<-iislor Beveridge mastered one ol
Aiahatna. <;rorfta. Koutli Tarolloa and
nard and tbe next day came tnmbling tbr layer of fat wlik-b'bas covered and
Malav dialects during bis visit U
^•nb CaroikM and wUl rrm tooeb
down into Ibo wbeatfielda of Switxer- poriuealed tbe morsel in frying must
(PlTKiBla. aari The KefentUk Amevkon. «ha Aalhar Thaaaht It a Goad Oaa If Xa land and tbe Bbone. TtMi 1 have Jin- be removed. TUG Is a.-comiilGbed by thing G the worM of dreas been nmre tbe Phtlippln.-*. and be G no* emptor
of bG spare time studying
One ClM Dtd.
Tbe track of vnalltr
on lb* Parikisbad ihroogh Japan and wbeelbar- the proocm of ciuulsifientlon. which tBUormly altraoUve. . All re
’ irtfle ocean Joat ireat of Mciloi, cateta
An antbtr'a own Taloatloo <rf bla- towed in China. Bat tbe meet ezoitiag means tbe expcndllure of a Urge changea tend, on tbe whole, to fthck
Dr Bdward Grieg gave a concert Is
amount of digestive energy.
‘ tto vmu» sut*a near Kew Orteaaa work ia aonelbinK dncniarly peonUar trip of my life was titon in onr
dsganee and comfort of attire. BM Copenhagen not long ago to which only
butter applied to broUad menu
. and paaoM In a nonbcaatctlr dlroctton at ^loca. A eaae In point wai told me oonatiy, ont in Iowa. It waa one of tbe
small sbopki-cper* were Invited, hti
1 BBta U laachM tb* aea at Morfedk and tba otber day by an antbor wboae woefe ooldwtnlgbtof aooldwlnter. lleotnred\ U ^ leas pemlcloas. for not only It
Idea Iwlug that art abould appeal to aU
r the most easUy emuGlfied of the
Ope HaaiT. Ita path Ibcn etoeaea the taoeivea tba beatocaiaideratlon wbvarer for tbe college at Oaage City, nortbeast
It Is not soaked In by tbe
Atlantte ocean and ton^ea PortoKal, ba obooaea to otfar ft. writaa Edward from Cedar Rapldh one nigbt, and tba
Tbo Etfipres* of RossG baa had
and oonli Africa and wUl ter- W. Bok.
next night I was to be at Grinnell oolmade for her a magnificent piece al
dried foods. The eondlllon of the
» a«ar tlic oortUcra end of tbo
[ wrote a atory," be eald, “tome lc«p near Dee Motnea. 1 bad to ride
GolK-Iln laposiry which bear* a reptafire yeara afowbicb 1 felt wai mynai- down tbrongb the central pert ot Iowa, fried sinrcby foods, like .poutoes. It
dueilou of a iwrtralt of Marie Antoin
tvpieoe. 1 flnUbad it and pnt it awny
tbo old luwa Central road. To do rery almllar. for In order that the
ette iKilnicd h.v Mme. T^ebruD.
for a month. Tb«ail tend it nndwaado- this 1 was oompclled to drive 80 miles starch may l«e ebanged Into assimilable
I«ok«<l oa wlUi ttMpteltta,
Ugbted. 1 took U to Mr. Aldcn. He
a tbe prairiu, from Osage City to grape sugar U must be acted upon by
thanked me and aaid be would read it ____ a City, in cadertostrikeaOo’elock the amylopsln of the jumorcatic Juice.
•Tnrd* an- not pGyod as much «B
Whni can be done to lessen the fried
atooco. In a day or taro bo eent it back mucnlng train for GrinnelL
the lurs.as they used to be." raid tba
wUb a polite word of renrek I road tbe
Thirty miles over the prairie In a
coniim-rclal tnivolcr. “.V few year*
•teiTacain and waa bettor pleased aritb nertliwuat atorm, with tbo tbonuometer as present conditions csUi: so long
ago It was a t-ummoii sight to soc tbrea
:hc« ideal of the peopG G to aeirtbanorer. 1 tocA it to Mr. Gilder of IG d)«reee bi-low loro, was a test of
or f-iur game*. wliGt. cli. br>-. js>kcr ot
Tbe Centnry. Bo promiaod to eive B strength; uen-e aiyTbodily caloric. Bat enmuG gollars rather than to .level.
M-v'-D-up. g.ilng un iu a car: nod wtaeiv
attaiticuL In leaa than a wvok it waa we mode tbe trip' Oncu onr sleigh tipcvi-r r».ur <>r live drutuiui-t>' w>-r«- gath^etnnied with anotber polite note of ro- pod over, and onr blankets nnd rdbos shall be tbe M-rvants of licaliby lulnds.
ere>l togollM-r there was.sun- to 1-e-a
grot ThU Ume 1 wai angry, ao 1 took blew away. It was a burricano, aud Yet If those who teach pliyslology In
llvoly gam.- «rf draw in pregr.-**. Note
ur public and pilii-r m-UouIs underit at onoo to Mr. UorUnganiu, tbo edl- even onr bot soapstone took to tbe wind.
urlum trains w.r.- imn.sl lui.. whist
cliil.*. i.ud uii-rnius-.niid niglii the >-011*twof Hcribnor'a, aaying, ‘Here ia eome- Once we got to droling around on that athid ihcG aubj<-ct ati.l It* pracihal ap
iniiicrs w.-n- .-iigac-l iu ;r nibG-r."
tblng y<m may want' Mr. liurllugame 8D mile prairie, and the driver throw np plications as they shduhl. If there were
G Ibi- I.nnh-'I tblir-f In lb'
in fail own poliabed and diguibod way bis friBcn bards and screamed:
..f any hind In
wurM 1. get up ;►
nomical nuking w.Tc taught ns It
uxproaaed bis obligatiou at being peniiU••Wo's loei!"
A*h a sirtmoir If ho would
ted to rood what be felt anre must bo an
nnt the Stan came out. nnd we •hoiild lic. If ph} *l.-lnu* tcHik every oje
or ma rarAi. stejm
a h.m.1 at wbisi »r enclire
cxoolluut Uliug. Ont when bt> bad road whlrksl aronnd toward tbe uortb star, portuulty to Impr.i-* *iieh fact* of prac
Bed aea. Ttw o-llpM- will last 1 tnlnote
w .tb a suspltical liygl.-nlc liujwrtniuv as they
it bo evidently did not feet au anru, for aud strogghd on.
l.«k- .tud. wlisi i- worse, be G
and 12 aoconda near Now Orleana and
In tbe gray of Uie rounAfffwItKvrbat should thi-re can be no doubt that by
eiiitivlj jn.rlibst In id* *iis;il.-l,in*. In
1 mloGle and 4U aoeomU near Norfolk. be aent it back alao. Kow. tlioso llircu
N-nsIblc anil well Inforiu.-d is-oplo
rejections ongbt to have cuuviuced me Joy wo saw the straggltiig lights of the
of tbU
It U probable that larxe uumbon of
tho frk-d nbomlnatloDs would be avoid(s.nnirt lis\>- l..s n ilic bsrv.-st field
people win take Ibo mllruada to poinlt that Ibo alary waa nob so gooil. and 1 Ilttlestatiou of MasonCiv> uuwa plaoe
will Bay that i was dlshcaritaKvl. Ho 1 of (>,0W pwplul 1 rcnienihi^well how 1
Imiio* iiii'U .nn.l short
wbrre ibe eril|iM- <an l>* wen.
pat it aslda . A year laicr 1 took it np rolled cot of tbo sU igh audtmt<irc-d op
Tbe Barlh's Ceater.
ter of erperinH>mat atatlon* will lie
Held t.> lb-' limit, from New Y.<rk to
aud twvail it It fce.-mod to m« wonder- to tbe statioD df«r. It was all dark
Of Ian- year* tin- g.-ni rul view Iiai
tabllsbed t>r Ibo Kori-rmmjit nlong tbo
.11.1 v.-rm..m t.. Tlorida.
fully clov<rr in plot and coustmctlon. within. I know tho iiiaminR train hadn't tn-D that the Intcrlur tif tlx- gluGpath of Ibe cclipiie. Tbe neciaaarr apTh.-,v liiiv.- w..rh.Hl all kind* «.f filmgnuo. Wo liad wim, but, ob, widi-wtaat though iHirtl.v liquid, is fur the most
and tbo manner and worki
paralui U no«- I>eliic RaUii-red aud
I giini.'s. imlit DOW ll is utiDost Imod well nigb purftict. Ho I
Mild. Kiiui.-. says P.-iirsoii’s Wi-ck-; fasblon's moods have bdi-me ao manMile fur a tnnn to flash :i deck'of
xskiiw ou tho dcKir, then ponnding
other magailuewbiiru 1 was known only
have c>n*idercd that u, »- ctlon ! ifold with the advanclug Kc-ason that to
Is In q».>.scim.klng »-oiiii«irtment r‘
by rupnlntlou. Huro it staid hovoral louder,------tha
tbrongb the earth would slioiv'tlic fol-j attempt to gcncrallxo ul<oiiC them G
iMIhnnn witboiit tbo
trained. Conanaa boa alloweil
"Bos tbo 5 o'clock train gone sonlh lowing: (J) -\n oilt.-r wild envelope.: distinctly loss proOtablc than to bring
muoths before it wai in my bauds with
to tbe neral <ibw>rratorr aud 94,<w0 to
another note of polite regret Tbon.l toGrtuDulir' 1 asked, with trumulons
M-mlfiiild envelopi-. CH a iluid en- ; before the reader some <-f the manltbe Rmitbaoulan iDatliuttno for tbla
aent it to another aud another magaxliio voice.
o bar.- the cxperieui-.- rcp<-ated."*
vclope. Hi a M-inltluld cuvelni*- nnd ' festetloDs which have been received
pnrpoac. Tbe naval obaenatorr will
till 1 bad usbausted tbe whole field.
<5) a solid mirlein-. No. 1 result* from i with greatest favor,
annd out two ezpedltlana. They will
B» Wot
None of the editori wonld bare ib
“Has tho train gone sooth?”
a mluced tcui|K-raiure only; No. 't{. | In Ibc first cm wc have, for cxamplk
probably be located In NoKb Cnrollna Meantime I bad read It myself at leart a
Ib-llig a wi*»- I
Ho looked at me in amaxemont and from a |ircssun- and letiiiM-niture not a fasUJonablL- frock of black nud white
and Ocorsla. 200 milea npart.
no ebiniii-s.
dos4« times, and each time I was mo
The weather bureau la collecting data fnllyoonvinovdafiuexoellenca. Wb<
course, yon qndcrsland." M
“Gone, mani Gone? Why, tbe went
re sulhcleuily bIgU ! taffeta sUk. with wbicb Is worn n tuck- said tiy wsy of pn-fniv. "tbat I hnv*
of.tbe weatlier roDdltlon* In past yeara there were no editors left to road ib I
3. from a t
last B«-pU‘nibor. She Is a snmmur train.
duit- ciimpleie llquefacilou: No.'ed taffeta vest, crot>e do clilDc collar pleiilv of f«-ninle n-lativcs.”
la the month of May for tbe tocallUea
gave it to my wifu. Hiiu read it and Dot,” and Iw looked kindly at me, “sbe to prtsluipro- and bow and a scarlet silk waUt band
alone (lie Hop of totality. No far they ■eemed embarrasaod wbeu 1 askod bet
4. from n prcsitiro *u gn-nl
•H’crtiiinl.v." *bc ati»«'.-r.-d. •Mne'Will
ahow there la lesa ebanre of Houdlneaa opinion. When ebo roalii.Hl that 1 realvent .-veu tbo lerrlllo boat which most i wllh fringed cuds.
wli:ll UoUpIU..-d.
I btr. you can sit around here in tba
I'P .Itiwn In tho earth | In tbo second cut Is a smart fouGrd
In central Oeonria and eaatera AlaI Give four sister* iilrcady." b«
-pot and wait
fr>im .-.miplcu-ly ll.juofylng tbo tua-;allk gown for summer wear, which
ni on. - and iiuy mimlH-rof eouslna."
Whot did 1 dtcrlnr..u wblob It \v..rlis: N«i. r,. from | shows one of the new iiioko.1 sklrtA a
jeo. ,nr
...U... |
. bZ'.
I realize all tliBl." sbe reiarned.
Why, Iwent right over .to * log hotel
mre will, b ov. r.-.miot completely j very cblc Gcc Iwlero nnd a .silk waGt but I fall to S.S- b»w ti Im.-rcsis m.'.’’
The rUtlons will bo occupied two or ■ ^
^ tbeediton. who wai and wont to bed, and sleep suiuthcrod
-Ob. ..uly hidlrc-. ily." be said. "Betho ll.iuofylag iK.wor oven of the maxi- band arrnngomont.
tuat <if ilio lui.-rlor. TIiG pressuro
And Just hero It may uot be amiss to fon- saving what 1 have to suy I metepart wbicb each man will take will Bo aald that b« bad thought wbeu bo my sc-nowA
HI. op! Hleepl
J .that 1
is esUuiat.M U. Ik-, at lire center of the I remark upon the popularity of Gee In iy 0.-<lr>- to ba
p-t»4h8ruughly n-bteraed. It Is very Im- mod it that I bad not oficirud It aerions... 10 o’clock I crawled over to tbe
7,lSil.riU3,7.Vi iKiuuds to tbe; summer modoA Ijico appUgucs arc, hate my foil -i
• peratlve-tt make no ulstakps during iy, bat wasplaying souiu kind of a pnodepot and oponwl Ibo wiri» ou ITosi- square fisit. n ptvssnro so enormous ; In fact, rootv noilceahle on some gowns deserlptluD.
tbe minute end a half when observa tidal Joke ou blm. Then 1 went home
dent J. B. Griuiiollof tbo Iowa Ccutrah that DO known suI.nIsii.v oubl, fusajtbau tbr foiimGllon material. ItuMlan
-1 think
tions ran be made.
andbumodthomannacrlpi. It had made
bcn.ntli it.' Even bydrogeii nl the' Ucca espccGlly In wbai G known
The RmllUsonlBU iaslitaUab offlevra me nubappy for five yuan, and I was
hr nnnoiiDt-ed. “I
Will be imtbT t’rofc-siuir H. i*. bangloy, ruliuved when It was gunu. But 1 tbull
bigbest iHjsrihlc tonip.-rnturc would. ' string or twine coGr. arc the fnsbionmy
aell went west, and It was ho who
nndrr such .•.m<llil..Ds. G-comc ns hard able heavy ince* for nn- with clotk
, «h«— of l'rtnc<>Mm university und<-r probably dlo iu tbo bcliet tbot tbo bust
foanded tbo .-tty of Orinuell, wheru 1
PrafMBor Young. tbos<- of ibe l.'nlvcrsl- thing I over onated dlod bofom it was was to luoluni. Ho built tbs oullege as a diamond, ll.-ii.-e U nooins pn.lia- velvet nnd tbe heavier Kllk-s. and the
bleibiit. far from there iH-liign vacuum color mentioned linrmoiiGes well with
ty of Ih-nns)lvoula under l‘ruft.-sM>r
thorn. The railroa.1, thu t.iwu, tlm coltb.' .vni. r ..r tb.- .-iinb. there G 11 pastel sbndcA Mechlin will bo a faV
Stone, nnd tbe Yerki-s ubsenatory will
logo and tho h-rturo coumi worn all liG mass of Inimisely s..ll.lllU->1 nmller. vorltc wash dress trimming. Cluny,
h oooduct llic ex|iedltluu with rrufeasor
Aud 1 throw m.VM-K into bis arius^Arh fyjt.f,.,
lltalGu aud vBlem.-lctmcs lac-c* and bar- Bale at Its bead. Nearly ev<rry ii.llege | Today Paris, regarded as a forUfied- this tologram:
------------------—ItJstc applliiuc are ether favorite* for
and artwnme Instltuilou in Ibe country ocutw. Is au Intruicbcd camp npou tbo
“BioaM give mo an ongino. Get mo
How Kiccirloli** Pools Ploais.
’thin materlaG.
srtll be rrprwoTUHl, and prolwbly JU) niM-gt,, of wbicb are imiuorons now per- toUriiinolltmiiglitr
That el.eirlr llglits < .-mplet.-ly fo|J , -Appii<,„p, „f every dcscHpllon rank
cipedltioos will olisenc ibe eclipse In mauwit forts. Tbo clrclu furmnd by tbe
g H. BUOWN, Ationier ua C
“Any ougiiii* Jii^litjg ril>a
plant life II.-1* Iss-n pmv.-d. A
'.nong tbe Idols of the hour. A lovely
tbe path of totality in addition to large um of Ukm now furls, whiob ore far
11 City? If M), send Bcrkiu
nurs.T.viuan Who bn. in. Imm.-ose trnet
ntirabon of »<-h-oilflc ouinlenre who : oQuide tlie forts of IDTP, U abont H2
of Ian.1 ...v.nsl win. g^■.t.l...us.•s aud „
„p,.n„„e, „f -white
wOl make i-xb-nded obM-rvatioi
• mlloi In oiroumfeivnea. aud it oonteltt*
h..iG-d» stunib rd op..n tl.l. fa-t n a
! nbonl bbtt' aquaro milus. not mm than
Ofiteas BcvToBBstki Ut«k. tie rrtal «irw<.
Tsl'plior' Ko SKI.
oventb of that oroa tsHug bolll
••0. K. Bond 0 with Porklu*.
anil jilatit* wbleb he had 'introduccl a* facing* nii.l serves
It G a rugiun utokrly as’ large os him boro nr kill him. ” repliod GriiinulL pln«,l m II... n..nl. .1.1,■ ..t 1,1. H-"--co;,,
tbe depn-dall.ius of («mall(-s ihat live
I popnlatlou of
In SO minutes wo woro uff. Wu went ,11,1 Ti..i Ihrli.- m-nrly ., «vll n« ibom:,
idol i, talT. ia. - blch
in tbe soil. Tp.-y arc a fvnu of fongl 8,000.0<H1. TbosuiallwiposMblocircnlt
tbo old iron roils botwoun 00 ll.., ...u.l, .1,1,,. ,vl,,-i., il„.y tod .Jib
„„„iv„i ,0 moko
■ad attack vt-g.-table*. klchin groulng to be formwi orouml it l.y an inviating Aekh-y nnd Marsbantawu, and bow wo
,U1 ,b.y ]..„k. OHO ,l„y on yli.-inc
ch-ctrlc llrtt
light 1^,
baa tern abandoued In certain ponlotts ■rmy U lOU mill*, so that at lean 600, • flow! Vlllagoe
G-cmao splnt
splntchca of ma
Mages G-came
initaiiy put up a great an- light taffeta costumes of coat and skirt
of tbo aotrtb Is-r-BUs.. of th.-m.' f-otton 000 man actually upon tbo apot would roon p:iiiiL
iL Toligraph poles blurred like ou Ibe strei-l corii.-r at ilie north of bis
TAB W. X. a W. a. Moon. rsi>ers]pn«Uc'sl-«
growers. In .-.■rtiiin jsrrtlaiis of the be rctiulitid to onclerioko auy s.-riuu* wagiiii sjiok.-N ii
hoiiM-. Uesult: 111 h-ss than « y.ar’s'
aonib have ls-.-u driv.-u out of iiuslDCBS opnr.iti<m* (« the n-.luctiuu by sii-go of
Wo blow tbe whidtlo, but the tniiu time the plant* un tbe tmnh sUle is-;
by tbcin. Tlu- fuugt grt Into tin- water tbel
e rrcuch capital.
bent tho eonnd into MarKhallt
lanie more .luxuriant In growth thanducts of tbe plant nud kill li
sciloo no fewer than 1,000,000 Ibo agttit came <«t aud look.-d the those on the south *ld.-. Tbe nuPM-ry-)
In praci
■ecllun of Ibe Mem of n
. AudfortilludFaris. wrong way. We had jiaiiw d tbo town, man. taking tin- lilni. bad n s.-rics of)
srouldbo i
Boew BlOfk.'_____________
mlero*co|M- «liows n sti
.............b ac luuch mure oxic-Msivo than aud Ibo wblstio wo» rtill G-hiu.l,
IS ln*i:<II--.l 1:
cotton. TIuw white tbreadi soo'u pock i it wa* In IKK;, can uevertbeiess be dt
Woll, wo got to Grinnell and struck
uid Avllli gni
M.oBe* im.rMlA«ac« IM.
the duet* s..lld or choke the pGni. ^lip fensivt-ly bold at |«t»«:ut by 350,000 tbo audienro <in tbn 4rok<> of 8. Pn-si•heme I
rrmcly has yet been foimJ. but Itt lias : fflim, while
if ;oo.«oo,
loo.tioo, or ovou more, «Gnl Grium-ll Lwln'i told thorn aliont
Igo"! .v.-ar Easter .iniie rnibep*
bean observisl
obserrM tthat the fiiugi pruK|s-r wero callod for. iliur c.ial.l without dot- thu ride. Tho audii-noo tliooght I enriy. aud ibis man'* Ht.s-k of 1111.-- w :is
H»re*iHll'-Oo. Blurt.
In laud where tli.Te has lieeu Do n>ta- , rimisit to the tic)
eld oriui.-s Is- provitle.] on a regular train or drove over
ratli. r InekwanJ in Imd.llug. *.. be put i
doa of er..|M. They llv«> In plaui* In a oat of tbo li.ToO.OOu iralG-d solrliors tbo next station. When 1 trli-<l t<
In Ui.-ir gtvenbou*.' a double low of [
dry «nte .iver winter, and when ftsl to wboiu Frauoo now hat at her dispoasL them about my Ulp. they only langbwt arc llgbG, k.-i-ping lliem burning all'
c*ttG and they n-apis-nr from the ' —MatlouaJ HovGw.
Tlieydidu’l G-lGyc ino. Alast that
night. lUid so f.>n-.-d tb.- growth Uuit b.temyard they are carri.-d baek to Ibe ,
----------------------•tho day. that walrtho night, that I lost luul 111* plant* ready f-.r market ahead
aoBG Bloat.
,1^ to re|s-at tbelr evil work. UoUmyreputelion forvcraclty. nnd oil these of uiany «f bG comiM-iltors.'
‘HOMPeuK. H. I
tlon of crop* G tbe only rcinvdy. It Is
y<«n> 1 have stragglu.! to get it hock. I
. BouAttO II A IB
■ proteM of nature against firing the Bow iu tbe world G rc-purtod from In am a vostrymaii now aud a member of
PlreprMif t loth.
■all with the same cr.q> y.-ar after year. dia. On ibu GU liuu two {lanoe have ic (bu Youug Men’s Christian OMuciaiion,
No ebiUtrate KtatUtie* nrc mss-Ksary i . •
or* Botrl. Rooibs 00 »£d «L Wobe crowed, nau ll.thiOTuK high and Ibo but nothing will get book roy lost vo to pmvc that iiiutiy tin-* might lie pn-- •
BSb's soil <-b lldr^'s aioeaw* s SBWlBitr, Ots br Teleahai
other 13.&00. Tbe snow often lies at
racity. .ixccpt pijlinpe tilts open oon- v«-m.-iL If canwi*. cui-tnlu*. drap.'rie*
Tbe Klnit IGptGt isIwruacU- of On- depth of from JU to 18 feui, nnd Che (i-*slon, now for tbe first time made.
and elotliliig were Duu.'.milmNtilile.
dnnau G t.. is- .-.lun.-ctwl by teh-pboBc pol«a used am 30 f.-ot long Tbe poles
Whitt I asked the vonentblu President TbG G preelM-ly wbai a firm uf Ger- *
With such o' ii> iiierabeni us dctln: to an planted elo**.- tuguibor. Offious of Grinnell years afterward bow be came neui nianufaelun-r* ppoiKwes to bring .
bear the ............ and wrviee withont obaorvatiuu an close by. In each ol to telegraph.’’Gel Perkins to Uriunell altoiit. AfUT seviral yi-ar* of cx|M-rl- 2T B WAKflN. PbyilrlAii oed sorfcor. Offlre,
iMvlng th.-ir honi.-s. A tnuismlltpr whicbtwo£nropoausarestatianed.load> or kill him," bo said;
nieuilng they amu.uoce the .IK-overy ■ ,
<J- Lsdl'. LlbrsrrlBulldloX. Bril pboor—Ollife iu <
Be*. No. M-: miii'bc«. No. tl. Konbera pboM
of a ebeiulenl treatment tluit will ren- ^
"Well, my *oo, yon see 1 ’
rf spent at siihmarine cable stationf G niug for oougress tbun, aud 1 didn’t der auy fabric of cotton, linen, wool or, ^
riotons aud crowdod. Many mouths the have any reonrd to run on. Ail 1 bad fiber fireproof. The |>rocch* I* cheap 1^
HCOCT^ Vryrlrst^ furfrcB. M
pamta are cut off from mankind by the dona was to oou.Gmu laud for right of and adil* but lltUe to the weight of the
aoBrstk- sniBsls l-r Ibe Glest and bdsI sc
Tbe paator of this ebnn-b. tin- lU-v. I>r. ■DOW blockoda—San FfUcGoo Examand kill immigrants cm our trains article irvatcd. It may rvudlly U- ocen !' ‘
Barbonr. aome Ume ligc-bad a trans Isor.
log for
foi a ruoord to ran on—one that tliG dincovcry will be valuable for,
mittrr in bG pnlplt wiiieb was ronuectT\K rilXD TILT. Veieriisary bureemi i
that would bri•ing mo the sympathy of sot-uriug tbe G-tU-r safety of LoteG by ‘
«d wllh the private line of an «4deriy
A fcar«e iGwaaA
U Ileblist. BuTsey sod____________ __
treatiug <-an*'tA cunaliu and Inside j
the people, and it occoireil—
tlwk-ontr BFSi to Wbii'b Drv>aier«oR I'Bios
lady who waa unabk- to Gave ber
Hmitb—Tbe real estate most always
woodwork; uf adrautage for cover-1
niyet. Uood bare it {roBnectlea «or rali«Dts.
be aaid it sloh ly. “it simp .
borne to attend church. Tills arrange- be activo, 1 should think.
Call* I'll St BrodbbxfB’s or absss'e ssG
to mo as a business man—1 beg pardon fogs cof explosives, aud In a multitude'
•tst-W •rill be proapily bliebdcd le. KortbBent worked BUetectorlly for nearly
Brown—Why ao?
other ways. It Is not Imjiro
for saying it,’’ and tbe teata came to of oU
votruJtD oomi.
tonr montba
Smith—There oro ao many fellows bG eye*—“but it ooourred to mo if yon a way may l*> fuuud to uiake It v
water- ttyle. elaborated with embroidery
oould be killed on our train then, and proor In auy c
it must 1-e rtyard- faille. wlU be among tha extnraBrleke Ate Vagacls.
tbe people sbonld find it ont, wby, 1 ed as an important achievement and as ganeea of tbe aeason.
An nrUclo in Tbe i'bysical BevGw >
flvee tbe result of Interoetlng expcrl-' Tbe first patent f<g a sowing maotaine would bo nominated and unanimouaJy openlpg a prospect for the gn-atcr ae-:: There Is a tendency toward tbe recnriiy of property.
jiral of gold buttona and gold braid.
aente ebowing that ordinary bricks vas iwned In England In 17IK). TbG blocted.’’.
Then bo added, with a long sigh,
asd tbaae on light cloth *—it-, with
pae.- 4 a cunMdetxhle degree of mag- early invention wa* not Bsoosesful. and
a'touch of bteek cleverly Introduced
-rr-TT Tbr magnetic quality G sup- other pMtnta wore Uned in 1804, 1818 “Your ooming and ibe ieeraro yon doA new industry that has deveGped
W. Clia*.-I
■od ■ enrat or veat of ecru Gee, bav* ptANOTt’NWG- -J.
peMd te b* dne to the preeenc* of iron •»« aoceeB of tim* tinoa
was d-o-f-e-a-t-o-dr—Eh Perkiiit in recently to rather Important piupot'
rToofeVTMtl'Trs'eei *• City. MICA
u, a. CUT. ^
bio.. Magariae of Travel________
ttona. raya Tbe Patent Becord, G tbe,
making of furniture from gtmao, which |
Is th* UOM.
«lng extenaivdy carried on G I -A RMaatas War i« n*rva
eltiea In
n many ireepeota it bean a
tdeoalng form G wUcb to aarr
M tbe brick.
many of U
Conntry Boy—WberedoyonUvo?
'btttterGGatofaGlD roIL Maka bm
Street Oemia—1 live in a tanemei
;tar bolG firat and Gen flatten oaO
Tbo name of Bathonial. Maeos
of bouee
Ageotfilfig to Tbe AntonoMle Alma-' b«U by quick, abarp atrokea of Ge padA phono typewriter has been invest..
PiBf.J. W. <%apman. optGGn, ro“What aoft of a bonra G U»tr
naa ^Dra nnG It b an elgbG of an Geb
•d which G talked at on one side mod '
located tn GG dty. wUl'U G
“Well, it’s a hooM
pesfolks aSe tor 1900, tbm oi« at preaent In Uaa. '«klek. Uft ona edge of Ge butter wttb aaaUy
bG ofiae at Ga Hotel Columbia, tbo
iritvii'g the ottered words In print at ®*‘
G tba padiB* and roil It lightly over nntfl
tb* other end, anidte be
epansmpbedpmsnpbed: Tbe
8*i« lake dwellwi
if they tw have uiytbiag u nook
) O* adgaa lap. aaya'lba Oookteg Sebcat
; «i| ^ tte <ff «
■mb* Mta Oar did bat
at war.
Hav M ny be. ah. who M edit
X hwer »a gillaat amy eena
PpcB Oalr «aite« hi*im frB.
AhTMckail U»*r aaat>.aad took M
‘.rS ,«-'o'Si?'S.71S;K
OooA Mewe.
Thai Wntieh H«< BMn Breught
w Forward by th« Wootom
DMrict of Michigan.
nmiU) FB0D1T0E )TEXT 60TEBV0B.
ter OMim to tho tUpsMtoM WontA*.
•am (br OorefMT Thte Vea
atMoU Xot Be Icaurad.
Tbe iDtmtu at atako la iltia rrara
alertioaa Ur ao rreal ibat li beboorra
the BepoblU^a* of all atatea aod of
aO Beetlelu of earb atuir U> work toaatbrr for Ibe aiMi-raa of ibi- tlii^eta.
Kolblaa la more diaaaiiouA tliau to
hare ibr KeftoUimai of a aui.- dlrlded aleac fartfaMtal or crocrai<blca|
Wbile-it la tnie ibai a
from oor aecUoa of a atau- «-a
BlniaU-r iIm- alfaira of aar alrea
aa wMl ai
fmm MBf Ollier
Uierr i« do Oelos Hir fait tUat Iju- c|ara11oii of V>caiiou
t|(Hl Dot tiifrpqoeatlj'
lurmjOeOtlj' arrviH.
to add
to or d«-trai-i
ri from Um
m!> «
ativartb of a
aute tirfcri. Tbia belBC tIh- ‘-aae. tbla
fact ahoold be rerocotzni l>y Ibe eoRreutlou wW<-h u MM>a t» !**■ •-aib-d upon
e 1u tiotulmiilou a Aiaie ilrkot
loU-d for ueu NoiewlHT. aod
BolblriK abi>uM li^ <ln>ue to funto-r liOtnlllalc or Ini-enM- tbe }ti |>ul>lii-MB of
that aeition of tli<- atato eblrb hta
Dc-n-r. all Itu- jeiiHf tluii tniv.- i la|»M-d
alm-i' tt.i‘ i.irriiDilo.h <>i itu- |iiin> at
Jas^aiiii, i>n-li b'-uoml bv l!i-' srl<i-tloQ
of ofii- of 111 Hilaera for th<- b.-ad of
tba til'ktt
, liaH,
of lb.' »int.- tutarally
hna y iiilde in liar!:
Tine iiv •llAibiiiuUIx'd
rlliec'UA rr-o»8ulzed'4ij•d-tiy tin
till' piirn' tiiey
^ ban- r.-<Hli'r>‘.l vnlHuhlo M-rvofA for
ynsr*. utid li s»rt
lalioiit Kayltu; tbot
aiifli r>.-oiniltloii
ha an 1ln|*-tlli
to tbr ;nilii«H»al«- fi lloiv^UlK De of tin
Dumhoi' Uii-I adiia aml- rL-illv in tin
air.-listb ..t tin- ib-Vei in ibnl IwaHoli
No lAkri ‘inie l» IlM- f..uv.-r-.- of ibia
proiKMliioii. .i-.id when tin- l.oDorr
retalDed l>.v any narikulHr h<-. tloii of
tbe atnte-yviir iifier year, tin- irudcDcy
ia to m-rlolialv mlr.liiilzo tin- lin.-n-HlK,
aeclloiia of the At.
reooatililon of ili<- elnlma of wi-kicni
Uifbliiuu to ilir nomination for mirareorAll Ibmiicli ibe cminilea of
eaaiern UlrblKaB are aron-a of tirotnl
Bent llepuldleana trim In-Ucve that tbr
tkdiH will Im> malerlall) atmjctlinned
by Ibe nomination of a n-eateni Mlcblaan man for aoYemur. e*jN-« lnlly In
view of the fai-1 Ibat the I(p|>iil>lli-nn«
of Ibe weaiern oonotiea ao nuauliuoualy and cheerfully <rm«.T!i to tlm reelf. tiou of Renaior Wi-Mlllan.
- ^e InaineiiK of the claim of wentera
knciiican to ilie noniluaitiin for fn>T>
eniur canont lie.dlapnted. In ibe poat
i: Kab
Uad bik
abdI BaBlnaw
ouee eai-b.
bU these years the Bw
weaiern ItlcblBas. to
whom tbe parly baa looked for the naJoHtles which elect lu caudldateo.
bare mood inanTtiUy by tbeir Bvaa in
•pile of tbo rery ocaut rourtea;
them In the
eta, end It tioald be Inti atnall remm
of falibfulaeoe
for all tb»A_____________
- -
this year ais-ede to tbeir reapectfol
rnqneat that a western kilcblBmu maa
be nominated for BMemor
That Justus 8. 8U-ama eau lx.- de
pended upiiu to iborouBbly dln-bnrB«
of Ibt- duth-s Ijf the utttee of governor.
II. l.y the I
ilui-lend ll
wbk-li lie lillA
M-«T«iiiiy of
plnlKcl i.i yl'
B IlrAi-eU-A tni-'iuu.
made B<»erti'>i, uud
bead of the
I- ilc^nii
I.m.-i- ^
- .C9
UiA lx'We i-uoutr of Jiuau.N KMrup..
alxiy yenra alibouKb there burwjtecn
eoveriiora. tbe ImUor of fiiraUbluK tbo
llM'uiiiU-Oi of tbl« dlRilU|;ul>lii-<l «dBnbad Ixeti <‘onferrvd u|a>u ouly tblrt<-cn
eouun>-«. mill alt of tbew are located
In the MiulUenAieni iiart of tlu- Mate.
Hull- ba- yet to entne when niiiB-
tin- Mil
an territory at tliol. n-|>n-><euie<l l>y tba
weMeru mill uortlieru coiuitieA. Tliai
ac t ^11 lx- readily
tbia BHMTlIou !■ a fai-l
II i»eniwil
i>eni«il of the fnllnwitlll
atvn from «
table whicliI hliowa the iiauie. |H>lliira
.e Wleii
Iheii a
and n-ftlileliiv of the
ho bav
evuieil tbe duitm of tlie otbiti of Boremor of Mli lilcau alniv ItSUo;
Year. Name.
Ih-m. Wayne
Ih-ni. Wayop
Woodbrldev WhlE M'ayue
m-m. Ki. Joa<‘pb
1S4S Ban
Ik-m. |ii. Jnaepb
Item. tVaKtateDBW
UHti Fetch
1848 ItauawD
iK-lu. Kt- Joaeitb
183t> lurry
Ih-m. Uunroe
tteu klcaeUan
U5S BInBbaui
1(B7 BioBlwau
UBU Wbmer
lU-p. OakUbd
1MB Blair
1809 Crapo
1887 CraiM
18W Baldwin
1871 Baldwin
1873 Bafley
1879 BaBley
I0TT Croawell
18711 Ormwell
1881 Jerome
1883 BeBOh1889 AlBer
1887 Lnce
1888 I.OC*
1881 Wlnana
1888 Itlrb
Bep. I,AiM<er
18D9 Kleb
1887 I'lbBrec
----- noBree
B^ Way
^ ^ examlaatloB of the oboi
IMl Buir
K iRranrti
Deal. Geseoee
Beil, Ijtpeer
m^^t aaac,
twt WsUsTt.
1 as elbw laaMa. | Ms.
-wrad -twaaaOlkmttlWh
rw aa a wriacttdr Mom diaa,\
Its Ptacy.
had vUA U» Ml at Uwsdw
TUI auMy bossn a'w it.
•naihl^ St ibt ymn are
All IBdtftiirt>s4 irpsM
TU wsalla kMkt. braMtisd eUta.
How a WoaiAn (
.. ...A
Sick ~
• -A-«
Ih- Inn
depnrl ii
year u»
-------- was bent when tbe answer
“Tbe right of hla affianced wife, who boa
Wn alk-booor. frteiMU. everrtblnB—to
uke ease of hlaf to bro bhu to—to marrr him."
Tbe nnrae spoke with a low'and paaakmate tranor. The ether toyed wlib tbe
end of Ibe ro|»^ nor railed her eyes
wrblle abe ipoke in wooden tones.
“It is all odd. Dnreal but it deea not
eeeor to me to doobt yon.
tbotKb yon are. I am sure yon are hon
est. He loTM yon. He wDI marry yoo.
Aa for me. wbat aball I do r* abe ended
In a wbUpeted aob to tbe sea. bnt tbe
watars were busy with tbeir endleaa
atririnf. and a acreamlnf eafle mocked
them both.
The nnrae came aottiy' and aat beolde
her. “Yoo hare left all for him. aod ao
hare I. and now we bare both lost him.
We hare only eadi other."
“Thank yon." laid tbe
ply. “Bnt '
cmly 1 wwo
hare come.
Bnt I tbonsbt be would
want me—would need me." and there
pitlfnl note of extrauation In her
"But you
lore blm?"
"Spare uicl He lores you."
INie nurse went to bey and took her
baud. "How do I know that be lores
me? 1 know tliat be sent for roc; that be
asked me to be bis wife: to go to Ihe
lands of geld wilb bim
In'lieviiig III It 1 ■
ax ix Ibe bulf of li
. he uiny-nay. be •
At tbe la t III rturnl Ahc cumv ulvard
Ud SAkiXl t. -»e-r IIm- •aptniii. «ln>d.>iiii-d
rr Ahortlr U lb.- <jib>.ii. --\Vl.i>t van 1
I h»Te h8id my 1
reboUtuui pat is u.
shape sod sm now ready
to receive sU old patron*.
Cigar Store
Good Line of.Jofoliy
Billiard Hall
The Waukazoo House!
xrozrtXz9037t. acaoou
Tb« iNSt fsntobnd sod bwt kspl
bouM on tbti pMteMls Is rmAf *or
buaiaw Open the yssrVooni. Good
Llvsry In
rasde known on s
For Sale
Eire Insurance.
..Fire Insurance..
114 Front St,
L. I,. A. BoUdlns.
Wlowim:. six-1.- the way,
nor | :;n..-d milil they At.-x| ag ui at the
dix.r ,.f th«‘‘-Vk niiiii'x rooai.
■W<- will
wa. bc.xrd. high, q-j.'
If vru have' » ilwcllirr. stock, atvre.
barn. cra'.:y''•'tier rrcprrty iDsunble,
k'hdiv '-la. in'-tr I want ti write the
d rriU Biveyou
rrfol atlenti,
•n rctiAblc
labln stock insur- * repTr^cEted.
BstCK very
♦-•■liu b.T ••lulKl:
lour a.lvi..
eiii.tjiin . 1 B
iv l.^wi-11-iny
r i- M-ry ill ..u
lA,al. Jl-.W iie hnl^dlixl t- tn»d‘' re
l...t kuuw. imd rbei? wn. no loj- i
out. -.u 1 can..- l.i take i.vre »( him
hi- in well. Tbi-u\«v11. of .s-iirxe,
we s'jidl W mnrrohk.:^ Aud she
BII.I m il
tilled hh ojn. orer
> head.
is the man you
"I uu.'ss Hamt
• for tV.k-'x lnl.T.
He |is.k |Ki
Guiii III rhaosc at Silks f-.r llie lh.ro.
Yei; he's n-nl sic
itb fever, but"—
The eatiluili pxi.ix.-d. e.ideiltly 1
and she coDtiiituxI aisJusi-iionlly,
' ll is all an mM |.ro.xxxliuc. 1 know,
but— Ob. 1 <-ould uot let him
c<> *
s ill.
^ mjilify
. bitreau
of till- lUii.-irtiiii-ui. •tic- .-ai-U nital.iBiiu
syxti-ui nnn-cluc^d amt tie- ljne*i metb<mU of iiiaklin; iiud iii'i-x.-n iiic ni-.ird«
X |M-rfect sy-Aiem of^bookLt-«-]ilnB was also Iniroilm i-d aad la ev
ery jKWsilile way Itii- .leji
plaeetl <>U 8 MiUDil IiUaIuoa haa^HtEhicli
Is Kirli-tly maliiluineil. 1
tin hrani-li
of the state Bovcrtimetil h lie biiAlui-xs
feaiiin- more )ininiiiieiii
ouBbly eiemplittid In . •t ery detail of
• the seevery evlrluB huxiui-SA with Ibe
ofMi-e. and the |xt
_ xysleni lx Brenti-rfqrl
ly appn-i'laii-il hy alLi-oiii-i-mi-il.
Tlietu- aniho ^i-tlimis that. Mr.
Rtcania <-nn to- tvlIiM iiik.u to establiab
In whatever olfloi- he l« i-alUd npon to
nil. and toBeiher with rare JudBinent
and execmlvc and hiiAlni-ss ability.
liiKiiri' ihe sn-atexi iNixsible bi-neto tin- I'eoplpo
of ibi
The OerMWenblp.
ranlac nod cxiH-nte. i-arefut and i
Iv' I
For one <«iise uuil uuuilier. tli<- an>un<-eiueDt of i-andldates for tbe Repuhllenii BiH>et7iaiorlal nominal Ion UaaiH-eii uiaile uiiii-li earlier this year than
isual. I'p to tuts lime iiu lexs ibau
lie B<-»llemeii have xlfc-iilrtixl tbeir de■In- for tJie uoiuliuillou. uuil xo muny
BDil varied are the ebilllix they make
for ll. It Is uot the eaalest
task to
The <-001111100 of imblUaffairs
MlehlBan today
luda, lx such Hh- imiple will
demnud mueb
lUeb of
- the next Bovenmr of
tlieaUIe. He
lleiabould 1m> a ke«>ii. practleal bualnewi u
with abllli
liiy 10
. i-arffut and prudeut I il fni- from
the assoelatlon
wlili Ibe cligmii am! fncHoni with
which many of tbe luon- promluent
men of the state bare b.eu .-oumH-ted
durlni; the
free from all .-oDUivtion wlih the
iV' ' ■
TsOaa. «w tli^wdw
Bm «lth Mr toocS duussd fi,
Aad Um hsadi m
It appears i
Tbe KveolDB .kfBUi
that sm-b a mr
Is to be found In tbe
Hon. Justus IHteamx. our present
iry of stare. Mr. Sieamx lx im-enilneuiiy a hiiMaess man. not n |x<litlclan iu the Beiiernl a.x-eptam-e of the
wonl. He wa* formerly a member of
kepiihlh-siti sinie ivDiral ctimmltaud for years a lllienil enuirtbuior
IX work. While be has Imvu prouiiDeul In polith-s lu till- W'esleru Jiaii of
Ihe xialeSlie hn« never Ixx-U a sei-k.-T
forofllix-. At the last Itepuhlimu xlale
I he
rixx-Uiil the nomimi'
rnijitlnc lurtiiem-.-* - so ixmmionly
■n lu ihlx day and np-. Ills admiulailoii of III- <>Rle<- liax Imh'U marked
III (XMliouiy au.i the vlfor eliaraclerie of the lii.xil. Never lu-lori- have
p affairs of a lie Ip-cii so |in>m|iil.v
telldixl to. till vork so sysiemntlxed
and i-arrled <>u. and at so little <
"■Tirt'ithe rrtmh of the n^dh-alion
aff.-ilrx—a i
Fleams' hr
Is I.ndinBtMi.
wbi-n- y.-.irs atso bi
tail life as i-lerlc
Id a Sion-, a ixkhUy bis Indus.
try and fnieallty
ley wliU'h he Invested ill n small
able sau. mill plant, and Is-cau bis
-er ax a liimlK-rmnu. .tided by bis
naiural Insilm-i for business, he has
im-eeeded to the extent that today he
lx proliably tbe lantest luillvldtlal <>mployer of lalx.r In the Ai.-ite.
X a klud ami eoarteous p-nileman. Heat
lu bis iirlvate life. i|ulet
and dlBUltled In hU lirarlnc. and we
believe would make tbe siati- of Mlehlcas a most <-ajwl.le and ae.-epiahle
snreroor.—Th<- Eveninj: -trpns, Owoa•a Slilawass.-.- rottoty, Jnu, HI Itaai.
Able WiehlcaB BspoblkM.
is one of tbe
ablest MieblBau UepuMleans of today,
and If bo s«x-ures
wonid not only put lots of enenty and
hustle Into a elran. effi-cnive eamtialBD.
bat wunkl make a Bovemor of whom
wonhl not need
to be
aaham<i1. • •
—The Owoaao
so tar as w.wtera Mli-blBan and
rpper {*dnlnsula arr cutieernod. be
aoems tu bare deeidedly tbe iH-xt of It
—Tbe IroDwood Newa-Hccord.
01 -l.ir *
l-Mxl. I.V
cbidtigim 1.1 tl..-d,..r. Hi:. i..-ih.l;.it.,r,1 aCBiiiM tbe goblit. Til.- wilier dripix d
f,ixiDi bi. mTvvIc.K li|>.i. l*..iBliiig wilb ..lie
oiiy baud. Ik- .aid bt>:n.-x'lv; "Wliu is ii.
Mai«an-; 'f Ix-.k then-;'w'Ik-i^ il V " Tinfigure sank iupi.a •■hair ..ut uf bis sight.
Dud tbe sufferer fell l>;ii-k .ui 111. piUuw
iili c.iiioxii of rvlii-f -r-Tlimik O.xi:"
Tliat uiglil lie niv.xl iviiti fever, aiul
rilbi-r woimii. left bix UtNiilr. "Marga■I." be would gasp, "xeii.l Ikt away If
domes again.■■ Tlicn to the other; "I
S<-atlle. lint was taken smldi
ill. 1 Lave no iienr reixtii
care what Ixxx.niex of me."—amt her leli her—when I licnnl sin—w«s dead I
mouth cuHi-d Tu a weary smile—"ao 1
ad. Th. u 1 wa- sick and Margaret
ramt- ax swm as 1 was able to travel,
aud-was I Slid .till, MaFgnr.iV"
tailed to iiiM-t rue. as I ex|welcd. ab
». very much grieiixl. de.xr."
tbe last»iomei(jU-f..rv the Frinet-sx sail
courM- 1 did not warn h.-i- to die.
ed I leanuxl that be was Lire and ill. 1
l.msl tier ..iici-, hut u.iiv—ab. now I
bai« come to Uke cart- of him. He nnsh
e y.-.u. .iloii'l I. Slnrg.nvir’
And hr
me." And the sudden dlfinlly was pa
d.tx.ib 1her Inudx ami t-ri.-.l orV-r ibein
ike a lir.-.! ehiM.
Ami M.-irgnnl wept,
The .-aptain looked uueuiutorUhle an.
oo. but the gb'K-t pul} gr.-.v wliiler and
blurted out:
ilipiicl out ami up t- ibe d.-ck.
• But he don't need you.
He U w.dl hung ami wan the
m gU-aiii.xl si<
Uk.-ii eare of.”
through u Wiii.l.-w
r wilb
8b.- saw no biddi-u tuoauluB in hU
i.ide ..I....,
wur<lx. hill luisteueil to imy:
Ibing!" tbe w.
n Mid. "Yciir bear! i>
•Tardou me.
1 aui tvrtaio you an dead aud }. t
smile ami shine. Well.
careful of the eoufort of yunr {.axseooslu
gen, but 1 riKrtn a woman's ruuslaiil
In i1 day or tWo Id.
X broken.
cart- und nursluc." auO a foiul look sbcioe
•You do net iimsl my
iu her eyes iimler wliieb fatiBue ba
danger. He
draws dark circles.
Then the cai.ial
be well, am! you will lx- ba|.py."
bad dune with teiuiiorixinf:
'X'beS tbe'uiade b.-r ejex sbiiie and her
"There Is a woinau with blm now.”
when—some lime—let
With Iwtb bands Bvipivinic her breai
inlslaki'U. I did nut
as though bia worda carried a hurt she die. But do Dut leU bim yet. Tbe 'fbujl'
aaid vaguely;
must trouble bim do mure."
"1-1 thought be waa alwe. Do you
know who abe ixV"
ika, uu the sUc of old Biranoff
“I ain'l much ai-qoainled with either of
here is a high kn.dl ureriuokiiig
'em. Only I know she Ir'a boapilal nurse
One ercuing at sunset a woman
and w-onit to have taken <«re of him durBtoud there and w atched a small boat put
>|K-II of the ferer be had a few out from shore. It was the I>ura. bound
weeks ago''—
for C<K.k's inlet. On Ihe forward deck
•'.Vh." abe interrupted, "he bat been Ul;
ued Ic«nthat was why he never wrote."
'Mel.lw so." tbe captain admitted dry. b,
ly. ''.knyhow he was
ax taken down with a
, u copiwr glolw ell the horirdaptf the day tx-ror I- yeslenlay. when
ih.-ni. all Ibe western sea
lie atxMtrd. He i-ut for her at ouw.
•ml sky a 'gl-.wing caldrou: U-biad. tbr
bow she'd nursed him all through dim mountain-., the darkening cast, and
tlie brsl I
of the f.'ver and he wauU-d tbc lonely wxi.-ber on the castle bill.
• au'iii. Siii-euuie ilglit away and—well. Wh.-ii Ihe Is.ai w ax a men- siH-ek and tbe
•'x Is-I. here with him «-ver xeiu-c."
down, she turned to go. Tbe bell
I reiiercd i-xiiirsainii croxsed the girl's
from tbe Convent cal!i-d to prayer, tbe
gun booUKsl out. nnd Ihe ocboes of
'Fill- is a prof.-ssiunal nurse, no doubt.
lud jH ac- .-ii'rrapt lii r as she dci- shall not interfere wHb each olbef. sivndedj—Chicago XeWK.
F. rhapx be will want me too." aod she
smiled w
ke of tluliiiglim Sir Herb
xlhenM bi
Maxn<-II <)Uol.-> the duke ax sa>ing to
Salisbury .Mnc.-rning
-oing bis
his fwling
••lb-foiv_l I
•rlo.1 wb. n the g lards witbslooJ Ibe
fauioUB cliar.:i; "ll i
Ty aiugular. but
le cniCnin iixl tli.- way ami
C uny feeling of
elo,.xl .iKTr. It wa. qub 1} uiK-n«-<l.
.kt Ibe
Hall in H.i-eki-il giiigIV of tbe
loir tuebed ium a
1 eau rcdl.-cl uu sensation
If d.'ligl.t If that day-it 1 cxtnirieucvd
.Mr. itarw."
t. 11} th
Ispr. --x.
pil'd with
■ lixiki-.!
pr.wc •
;toi'.v, to i.-|iliuv the officen
w ho pulKsl a . .
that «
I. to put oii-r.nblug lu propami ji-rki-d tbe otber.
t 1 bad not Uisure for anI her idea.'
"Tliis yeung lady wants to see Mr. BarTo Lady Salitbury'a suggestion that be
Rllisl fcvl 'bow iuliuiu'ly Ii<- bad raised
laek timidly, but Ibe capuio, with pity
for Ixilb aoftening bis mice, inslkted.
Well, I guess he'll bare to suspi-nd rules
u favor of this young lady—Ur. Barwood's wife Ibal is to be."
It was tlic uune'x turn to bUnebe and
deck for 1
come too?"
There was so ranch more in tbc B
words ibat the giri followed obediciitly, Tfae capistn ezeosed himadf. and
procevded abore in siiencw. By
(bis Utne tbe steamer was welt out in (be
sound. Os tbe right towered tbe moondooray nidnncaini of chaos, tbe
lynest triiered only by tbe emerald of
the foamy veil of a cascade,
To the S lib tbe verge
loomed disuut.
half hid by mlsu from the ander worid.
For a space ibe women stood motlonleea.
eowed by tbe sMse of noUduBBess. Then
" t curse spoke.
-Kzeuae a
I. no mm. now cxistiug wbo w
.. mm me on a field
of. battle.
line i am superior.
But when tbi1 osi-r and tbc troops
inded wditt is your great general
! Iban anylKid.r elseV •••lam
ssarily inferior lu eri-ry man in bis
line, though 1 may excel blm iu otbI canuoi aaw aud plane like a car
er. or make abort like a abocmaker.
or uudertland onltiration like a fal
Each of Ibea.-.
groond. mccta
rw'. on hla own ground,
IS of anperiurity.. I (ccl I aM
but a man.
t'sr one teas|.ooafo] of this e
t water every day. Tbe can s
t or more hot
Asrtkiac «• Ban.
■e your couln'l.utioD
"-Chicago Neww.
Johnson Block
Third Chair.
1 bRt't- pUct'd 8 tliird choir ia
my barber ehop in onlor to accoiiiudatemy patroofi.
</'arofuf attentiou iriveii to all.
A. M. OVl,\TT, Propr.
Wlnal* and' yixhrr CBployvx.
Gnnil Riplds i ladfiu R;.
arrival aad e
a ol trains at Tiataree- i
le effect Daces bar I
City, ll
First Frce/e
Clear Ice, from Soardniaa Lake.
$1.00 a Month
At reeideDcea—eame ae last year.
HavelarreqaantliyoD bud.
make a apeclalty of car loU.
J. A. Jackson
Both -PhoDes, No. T.
John R. Santo,
Geieial leseraice.
Wnrtborv Block
Fruit Trees For Sale
At Low Price*.
Tlie Fere lirqaette Eiilmil
oonro sorm.
Fueeial Director.
.rn ... ul.ht.
na 4 fft P B. irala kas parlor ear -to braad
,lapUs. aad alaaplag aar and coaek Qraat
Kusda ta Ohleage.
Tnla arrlvtog at I JO p B. baa alaapar Ots
ehmau to Oraad Rapids aad coach aad oloap
tn^uw^eage to Orand Rapida and chair ear
. Taala arrlslag at IIU p. m. has chair ear Be
Vayna to Ora^ Rap'da aod chair ear Oraad
Peaefa trcee 97.00. Other troes
reeaoDable. i!H*e ub on comer of
Front &nd Union Ste.
1110 Ct
. Pa^a,:
T.lr.,.ian. N..
ArOrd Rapid#.
!*■“! *T*.*Ai
» ma.Bl
4 Wp.ai
Lt Chicago .
Ar Ord Rapida .
Lt Ord Rapid! :
Travarae Cy. 'W hUa
i„E,“ 1
ir cuauitDerB.
We will furoUb famUiea. tbli i
a and pi
mer. with Ice w
tbe rcfrlBcrator. lor 81.Oil a
«Bd.won’t aak to be paid In wdyuce.
7 it:
lunme ue HaTKEierm l i.
Best to be bad in
the city is at
wevtefklgkaat poaolhlecraae. Pu.a|
vark a apeeialty.
Mow OSm, Markbam BMi.
Enameling-See nmples in window.
I. r. KOELLKR. AcilarG. P. A.
Oraad Rapada
Both -pkooea M.
m.v .iffi.i
wlih mj
■■ it better when 1
tbere'a company, ffili-
i*oirt thM WiTBO mnty, which li
trenocaaly «afclB« for (he honor a«ala
thla year, has fomiabed tbe •Dremor
of thla otate ten different tlmee dorlOB tbe period named abore. and baa
tbna been permitted to enjoy thta "
tlnetkm for a total of taenty-one yc___
oince BicblKan waa adtullt.d into the
Cnlon. Tbr other <wintleB have been
bonored as follows;
Geneaee. three
tlfloea: 8i. Joaepb. tbree titnes: Urineotoo. tbree Mroexi Utperr. two timoa;
!oS *o|
to 4T| 4 ^
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.