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The Morning Record, April 18, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
vmm^ATt am
bdller censured
g CoatoM «< MMa at
Ktp D»-
4ara« to «*«• Bmb u bklMOM Beat far two dor* ta«* taM daptoy•< IiWfilMiT tTtotiT-*--Of Um toy rroot oeUrlty otooy tta BoddontaryoodBooxnitonad. IMr iaaoto
Tip. 0««n m* OrtMw
lopertttat tta Brilfah tmyoonodMMla to Uodea — lUfablar nUl epootoy M ttaoo ptooa to tta nltof of
~ OMr.oodtta taotytaro otpoe
■.Utof Owt 9nntr - »>•
qoeoUy dieldod wtadher to poaoto or
tooiM, Aorfl M-Alt oowoei
to taU 4trtA hM
kM «U»Md hr
Mblteltao of i>MrtMt (ninr*-- to
Ml* a»d to wM^ Lord
MMh. IWiliwNLortloM’
taatotootoorittolM totorop»»to
M<otottoo«a, tat ttat Ita lUrqoto of
•Wf wito tta rx
tao Mta ti to Mk
Ha whtto tta etoem offaetod or* otUl
•MtooUtoc tta troop* to tta Mid.
WMtofit~i------ ^ oMor* os4
ooUtolto ffNoo to It 1* coMTollr to>
toolCElfr ttat utoM Bailor
ud Worroo Tolootorllr roUro ttaj
will otaio OMorol ttotooro't tote,
■atotor** oo Mojir Thoroor®ofl.o*ok
k wUi utarmUj oulto loM of
t to eowwita ot tta loo
rilytoo Kto.dotatto btobripy ooo-
A» Oblo aabpod OopM Mot Muad
/alowy ppd toOad.
iiatol wTW MertowlraiO
•Urtotto. OblOhAprll 17-Jplha Oito,
toaMiyJatoaet bto wtfa. drowoU
blaaU today by boldtpy bto tea to p
poddtoofwptortbmtMta.doop. Bo
Ma4p Vtoot of Wpitalpp to Ooaa faplea of bto wllatbPt ta oaA
MMttoopto tohPitoPP rpywat of to dbPto ba to blaoolf wba b. woot
to bod.
__________ ■
TtaMtln lofw of tta odewotoof
orap wUl MMst toto.Mo
■at Kota o r%bt dyolHl tta Math*
Od* Baplofod ky BtUUoMlno.
taMtoy, April 17-Mllo D. Coaptall
•total lodv ttat ta a •strwl oot by
tta toottadiof tta
dotoofor tko Bi
for yoTOTMT. Md ttat ttaro oooa
to »o oto far him to odroMO U* «udlMey.
Be otao-ptoodo tta yoraaor’o wtory
ta* tarn opopt (ororpl tla«o o*«
d«Bt ota WptaiMPw aeoatlw.ud ttat
aolM p (OTolploa of toeltoy ooeon
pyplpat ooeb Bottado, ta opb pnoaplah •oUiay.
WoU Xp(w. Wewppapa Owiayep.
doatBtobbri HitotoU Wltb BMaocp
•rwtoi M10* ttonae pmm«.
Wotattatoa. April lT->Wo
twriiri w n» MorBa «aer«.
oWy oo tta or* of apr wltbTprtay taBy.. April 17 - D.rtd
•Mao of tta rofotol of tta taltoo to
pay •lee.ooo dPtopyPi opotriMA by
ImaiTtip atatourtoi to- Araaoto.
arly todpy by elabbtoff blaalf wiib •
Bx-Ktototor AayoU to to toror of ootapair cdpriMMo pad tba Pbeottoy bla
toypp Aawleoo flat to SayiM to
aU. Bipwlfa dtod two yopr. ays.
took op tta deaopd far poyawt of
Tbaporpiy Ipaalty. brooybt a by
the «loLa.ta tboBPttwotoodoaowtta
aebolii la ylreo a tta cau. ri
liBoitooltood to oMd o
aU datrpctka. Baxta wa a brlldoot to Torktob wpton to boabord
ItPBi wrttor.
tba aoald. It to
iodfltdpapyr.oo Torktob •objato pot
■oibU far pbortoototoy* of tta
MratPl obJwUoM pro oryod by of•Ipto Ooa of wbleb to ttat ooeb
tta oOMort of Bptopo. Tbb (rororp.
aMtto ylrlay eoaoldocptioo to tb.
•r. bowarw. to tb. aodptla.
of tbe fpAiily can
tta Oaltod 8totM to witbopt rpprMiot-
MlBBQDXl PMlfle.
Tbotopt word, rotor to MoJorTborp^aoftb order for tta wlUdrowol of
Ibo Brittob froa Bptoa Bop. Boborto
■Afa: “Tbopttoaptto rolU*i Udy■altb. dwwibod to tbto. dtopptoba.
wp. wplldoriad. pyroo with UoamI
BoUor to tbtoktoy ttat It ooybt to
tato ppppitrtnl FpUoro wp. do. to
•OM aaaorc to tta dlffleoltto. of tb.
ymad Pta tta ooaapodipy po.lUoa»
IbPMPaybMd. Probably Ptoo toprrvp to JodyaoBt tad want of pdatototooUrooPtooity ootb. portof W.rrM.''
OoOMPl BoUprMy.tatbtokt Major
Tborpeyertft ex.rotood dtoeroUooAtoco
yrppprptiOD far tta oeoeod doyb' <tofaMabodoot bm orypoixid dortoy LlairCltot Coapletod o tolelde Affair
by BpBfflny Seroelf.
tta day or ooaawoeed ot elybtfpllUprri IwTOeMMUtae tMorC.
Hri.ktok Bull Bpfp.
Ootoaboo lad.. April 17—Mia Ltule
Bow. froB Mpfekloy. dpud April 7.
r.porto ttat tta yoirtooo tbrr. wo. Catot. eyed is. fa' too year, caabla ri
tbOH rwbrotoy iMolf to .od.ro lb. tta Fpraoa A Mprebaoto bask at
atoyo P. leer ••
food Ipato. wbicb Blinbotbtowa, eoaBittod aoicld. to
top. expwtod to ta for two mootta day bf ehlorotara aod baariaf- It
It (toyapo bo. taeo to tbooybt Ota wo. toapororUy U
roploood by tta yooay
Botta OoMldaoUo Boa rotofaraaoototaalPtoly arritad. oad oob.
toaaa to Tlrriat, to Saytuw
w totoyoflaportpoa to oridooUy proOeopty.
aadtoy aaoey tb. boatofforo. Viyoroo.
beabPidBMM oeeoi'at towrfpto. OolOMlPtoaerto fara to ptroayly oopox at OeopOTrlUe. Ottawa oooaRy. M
tcoaebod portbwat ot tta plaea.
u ata. all tba paUoote bartoy folly
Tbra trpppporto baa latari
BolfP, ftortoyoa. Bat Atriaa.^wltb
l.iw AatroliPB bopbaa with boraa
toWBPblp, (toytopw eoooty- Two row
Md t .PW Botoo Itaa wlU
opoa ai^ toportod today, aaktoy a
•aUtaay. Mprpadrila wUl b. tta total of *0 aaea to data. Of tbea taa
Bfptwacpap. It ba plropdy boa
lywitfida far oaopatioo.
Adtopptab froa Lodyailtb. - datod
4)w« jT. dawiba tta oaadll
to Katol a aboolataty 1
iMdoa. April 17—At lat Lord BobaaaMttotaeottaoa of aaktoy
po pdrpta. towprd Protorto. ^tor
y paaptoi* ppd opfaoPdid n
yerfa that to pptarpUy
0 tta dpy OP
vbitb OeMTPl Boborto to Ubply
Iwfp Blomteatap. tat Uatp to . at-ttod lapra.ltw tbpt It wllJ eaor
^[^p^ttawdof tbto wppb a tbp
kiylootoy ef tta aat. It to probobto
W^ll Paper
Everything-new and right Qp*to*date, and mack
lower in price than yon pay for “job lota,” especially
when yo4 get the prices of the border and ceiling.
Yonrd—if yon want to save money.
Hebart 1 Bewber Ca., Prairlatort
ypr ShMB go to h. 8. rrymAB.
Ntooww Poaipyia Wotp ta]oro«. Vay tat BIx Moapd Battle to Chtooyo
XaetVIybt to Wbloh Toaay Wblto
Foot of Itaa gatoo.ly-^bor Ooio
Bhowwl Sopata Btrayib.
Wore Dodly SoaoyoA
I|welal W ta Henlac Pawil
l«cUI W TOe IterBlae PMr4.
Cbtoayo.AaU 17-Tary MeOoraa aod
dorito. Ma. April 17—Tta Koaa
Toaay Wblto a.t to ou ri tbe toateM
aty A Joplto oaproto of tta Mtoooori
M.d battla .TV wltoaad to
Ppelle, oooototloy of foor cpr*. woe Chlayo. at Tatwrall* toalybw Owtoy
btaly WTwkri wriy tbto aorotoy totb. tat that Mriijraa cooctaed
wltbto o alU of tbU «lty. Tta a
w«lyhttoWbUa.itwaayrPWl that It
of tta dtoootor WM P bpd ep*« tori pp both aa eteod oa ttalr fat at tbe ad
pld pbppdoDod ai^ oeder tb. trpokp ri ttaolxtbrooBd do daUloa would bo
'Tbpre wor. to ppwppyer* pOoPrd
Bot far tbie oyraaMt
tbetrpto. NtootoPPworetoJirri.fapr Wbite would eatatoly baa rooeirod
•rrlootly. Jobp Bbpy, wpltpltot
tb. datotoa. a ta laadod ot will oo
Keo Lopdoo. OoBP.. pkoll fcpria
tta Broeklyo lad ata wa tbe .trooycr
apy die: Bd Bppto. Beorboo. 1
at tta two wbaa tta yoay aoadri at
the Ota of tbe elxlk raota.
eery booo., bad MPlp wooed: W.
Mew Yak. April lV<- Mattie MetOrpy. Oprtbpyo Mo., bopd coU J. T. tb.we kPMked oot Myateroa Billy
CbMtor. Ubwp). Spt.. bwd cut.
Sal tb to the I»lb TODod at tta Broad
•ay toalyta_______________
TMbt of Ooeat Fotaetie Wwt Down
With All OP Board Bxcrpi B«
Owaor pad Two Bamato.
Pewlel ta Th« M«nU« Baenl.
Borlto, April 17-A Lotai Aarior
•ppolpl ylrw BMyfr d.ipito of tl
wroek of tta yaekt Toloo, beloeytoy to
Oooot Bodolpb Totanle, with all oo
board mt. tta owaor pad two
▼poto. Tbe wioek Mcortod aea
Mtoorep lelaafa.
New York. April 17-A dtopPWhtnw
BwUa report, tb. low ot Cooat Bwh•Ue'. Mbooawypcbt Tu'.pp. to tbe Bed
Vp and tb. raca. of tta oooot oad
two otbw*. Tbe eooatoM Tabetic
wu oot OB tbe yaebt Sbe to to tbto
rity ot tta taae ri ber totba. the'
ootod toflaao. She wee Mtoe EUo
Beyr OBd wo. awotri to tbe Ooiret lo
tbto city.
No Old “Job Lots’
by Atoafapp KtatooPrtw ta Araoato BItoptfaa to Boocpotoy Jta-
OaTA-IB Oott—d OlBMUr OD pttoa Pt Oopatpatiaople.
kaWcttow wttk Ualud otatolopoi.
no uoipipm abtoboilobor*tta
Motor b*Uof io kobortt' totoUiblU^;
Aa^OPtotiop bto Jodyaopt to tbto
atator Tboytr.pt tta tooldMt botpy of tta yrprtot eoowrp. p»d-dcplor* tta oMOodtoyly potoftl rt*oUttota
no Sataprd opyo It oooi opooo tor
■Mtoop) putoty to too otopr faet ttat
tta ppproai ooouol of Ibo Nptot
.. OMpy tootad pftotoloo.forotbooybt ppd
totolltyooeo pod dUootooM of porpop.
pta It PMaa* ttat tbe ppbUepUoo of
tta oppaor. wUI ta followpd by fortber
laportoPt ebpoyto Ip eoaapodp.
trtf—April 17-Th. oSclpl ypsMU eopipto. OppptpI B*Uof. dtodMortbtoy tta ovpsm of Jppo
pry 17 pad IP. OpowpI Wpf«n'. report
«o tta bpttto of Bpioo Bop. ood Uoporol
Bobora' Maaooa thorwo.
EobPrto ocrwoly orltletooi Owerpl
Worroo. MO^Ttarpoyotoft padOep
««1 BoUar. Bto oopclodtoy w«M or.;
••WbPtoror toola toorrM apy bo*,
•eaalttod. foUoro aopt ta ooeribri
dtotooltooUoo of tta 9B00C to ooprMe
aiaaof to oaort bto ootborlty ood
aoo ttat wtat bo tbooybt boit wo.
Aooo-Ptoo to Uo ODWprrpotPbl.pod
Third Ytir-Ko 920
OBAino an wxra.
ttat B->tarto *««U ta«o otfU torttar
Mloyod hlo odTOM tad oot Bow mUeitr «aeota kta to pot too toem to
m»Um to«r Soltu
TnrkBT Ti
OMOTml WamaAlMOriOeift'
tta otita
«CU odeootoce wUl ta tort.
With TJaiUd StatM.
itroaae Torata lato Boyloy Torroote
to lUtooto-Batlro Ompo of Tarmaa
Doetroyta-BallroaM Wpabta Out
ppd Otba Hooee Wrooybv
Bepctel U TOr Morelae aworO
MoUse. III . April 17—AoMMptioo
ally avao .latrlc ebtrm -rtolud tbU
part of tbe ooootry early tbie maotof
tollowta by a clotaboat. wbito toroad
tta city etrate toto tayiay etroaae.
Tbe fl ad aoeed a yreat aa-ruat ol
BiratoybaiD. Ala.. April 17-Nortb
ero pad watara Alebaae were rieited
by the ba.lwt roto tall la the htotay
of tbe euie lat atjrbt aod early tbie
aorotoy. Ae a raott, rallroade ar«
wabed out. rira* hare left tbolr
baake. m niBtato etroaoie have beea
toraed late roylay torroaU asd yrai
: bava ba baa wrenybt
of tbair early eropa.
Buy Shoes
bero with abfety
pad aatisfactioo.
Oirlow Prices
Hake loig Frienils.
lafaut. Batton 8ho^ —
PaU-nt Leather Tij* —
atilcbod Ajlee.
At sec
L'hildrea’p aboea — Lai e
and battoD — oU ootid
At $1.00
Boy”, styliah Khoea —
cubatonlially made — all
pise -. 13 lo i>.
At $1.S5
WaiaenV tine .bof. —
nice bhapt-'ly stylet- vt-ry
Mrii'a calf sbo<a — onin
toro-lact'—splendid ral*
At $1.60
Meo*» PoUd pboop - all
style toe.—nothioK but
II elwAT* TV *«
Alfred V, Friedrich
X»*v .ABt»-AU v«el
nraaaiA. teebtr m«1
—m« patura-aoe.
When Buying Clothing
Of S. Benda & Cu., the mtiafactios yon eiperipBce Itocomea
grater the moaeot yon realize bow mneb better'you are dreosed at A great deal “ifttlAr" priOA.
Do you need a Spring Overcoat?
We are s lling the ktn l that looks like S25.00 marebabt
tailor copU. at tlS.-iU. Other linw at $5. $8.50, $10. $13. $15.
JnttopADAdnp another invoiee of tbe world's famous
Newltmi Hats in all tbe neweet colora andabaptae. $3. $3, $1.
la it not a pleasarv to boy here where all u new?
Mackintoehes, $13 to $lJiO
-Umbrellas. $6 to SOo
The New Styles
We Show I.
New Spring Waists
lit stric'if cp-ta-date jo eveni wap.
Not another store in tovo sboirs as advaiioed
styles-Oompore, and see for yourself. lA>ok at
our window.
Ueliahle Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothini; House.
A TlAUtooarmlUinArydopArtmADtrATA^
A lair* ▼sriety of
AtylAS and IdAAS of the latast fnahlons In
trlmmad and untrimmad milUnery. Our^
prioea conalstant with good millindry, ar^
vary raasonsbla. As a daalgnar and trimmar, Klsa Kallia Bennett is a skUlfnl artist,
as her work has already proven, wa so
licit your patronage.
This is aa Iga of Noiry-
aeiHelietaHakif Paore.
Aaa Fraactoeo, OaL. April 17—Tta Two OM Foepto to Itatoaa Tlotitoa of
toPMpon HaaoMk. bartoy o« board
Xopt BMPlao.
ttaaaabefp of tta PkUipfiaa ma
rMW W TS9 Honlto taew.
aMa. toUta for MariU tbto ptUrlloatpoltor. 1^. April 17—Dopfai
eerbaatawUe.twooldpo^ Urlpy
- ri Uto city, were Pbot wriy
Of Ltataa' Am Maelto Dpdao_ Uto toontoff by Utovos. who «
fppMrri toApy. Tta AmM wo m t^tostoaltotoW BoUwtoPfPl
^ TtaBoatopAtoro.
Uooffb poi tortowtly wBoadad,
-kAia. t>U. ro wwaj.
CUMC baI* mm* oUm
UiU« Nuiae v«bu w.Ur'
Dacoaed at TePiardayb KoeUay of|
PmP'* or* BOt contoai with Ur
Sptcl I loTlw Moralec
SMlbod. ri U.lr yroud'
Waablay. April 17-Tta neeUoff ri
tbe Mbtoet today wa. prpotkolly a eoa“
'PBt aByiblay, Ibcy
ttoaatloB of tbe reyolar aeottoy held
_____________ pad the IcI.pbMsc u
loat Friday, la that aa toetaUaeat of alwaj* at bata for Uc acMpye.
It takw bot a word, sad a iDODcst
wopoMd eiyll yoremaaat of Porto riUou.
toptoiM U. born. PBd ~
I wae alaoat tta aole topic of mbOD. call may b
Hopdrod.. ata 1
boar S la Ufa to
Fraakfart Karbor Teototday.
PeMial te TM MwlM B«earO.
Frpririat. Mleb., April' 17-Cbarito
eaeoA, a Arm« aaptoyod oa Ue
lake ferry ateaaor Ama Arbor Bo. t.
fan froa tba boat Uto aorotoy U'Ua
PulW «vr kar'* Mv t
IB a. oiik Iwr* «IU or
New Shoes
way »morsar:
»ri ordora'pboM today? '
School of Music
We have just received two aew styles in ladies’
fine shoes.
They are made of a verj* fine, kid
stock—entirely new lasts, up-to-date toes—have
English back s'uy.
One has a fine kid top, the
other black vesting top.
The>' cost you $2.50
per pair.
Koumre bsoobd.
DtonnHOTa Vb« TiHi ii# Konk
Wiping Oto Koto ofMl iitotnittki
Obm flf Bor CHfitfario Td
WollB-HiwntoB Oo.^
gt Ih* Otj 1«BM Aheot glO.OOO.
0mm. V. ■*— AMa i. w.
/. «. Masmb. moor mmd
A Mwl dfiiwM lio oWtodBnH
l A’Bori toe Bn*
at# onri# j ■wiigy menimf. wlpto#
Qot snto of the bMlMw MrtiM o< too
dr* Day ToeUrAny- Be^lgenee ie
town^ud ttoontoatog toe U«w<gn
Cbnigod ea to* Teit of the Company
Wbito Banaitnd n ton Z>am of toe
«UI hMol owmA by Dnatol MeAiptoo.
neUUTa Snndr Oene May So to
ThaliMthntwMMMOf it thobotol
Fury CedAy.
■mg in firi----- * the gMolo nndMf
etoy«todfeni«IyttMo to Monpowlto
There we* bet nee e>ee betorn toe
IMrliaon.(awoC tte« botognhtolo elreeit eowrt yetmrds', and nlmaet toe
nnurndey w»«epiat U taking tentlenrryoetn thotr
r. The Jary wn* nmnred U toe
Ihobold WM • totonow,tooogh
elag. nnd toe ante wa* bpeand
Boot of too otaok of I.OW10 Way, who W. 8. F»«ter p» the pUUtiB. ft
hod n fooonl Moro in too hotol boBd rivfl ecUto for 96,000, broeght by Boy
Oetorte. by bk nwt frtenl John
Ur. wee onood.
Tboflraoprood fn» too botoltee Tenleb, «e tee WaUe-BIgmnn Oo.. f r
dwolIUc owned by,llr. MoAlpUo OBd tajeriae reeeived while wo<Alag U the
ooonplod b# B. Hngor. »m tothodrkr baeketUetory.
W. 8. Stow, toon to tooown
Tne teetlmony U toe oMe far toe
of F. A Bondofoon A Son. nnd too ptelaUO we* that Boy^Batorte wee
mmf*j otoro botidUf wnod by Hnl wotkiag U to* bto^t tneury, nt toe
»f a Utfle Iw* ftona 11 yean. Be
The looooo nrrno foil we:
peraktloe frok bU geerdkg. to
Don MeAlplno. houl boUdUgf -A work onteide of the building, bnt withdwolKnci Urn n.mo: lltUo Uoonn
oct bk easMot had been glvan a poni'
Mto. Boy. proprietor of botol;
tloa of gieoter danger. Ueide the
festoty. TnU toe plnlnUfra elnla wee
•I 500; lunroneo toOO.
F. 8. BMdenon A. Hon; looo to.500; nnwerrenisl. end en eet«of negUgnnee
Kvoneo lli.MO.
o > toe pert of tbe deftadeal.
W. .A. Becmti loM on bnOdUcPSOO;
On the nMrslng oe wblto toe ec.
tooo. OoBtato neoriy o:l ideat oosared. fit k teeUfird that
Ontofle esmplaliwd of feeling eiek.end
Lewie Wey; Uoe elithU nil oorwrd naked to be allowed to go tome. H,weerafeeed. aBdjtoldto -eUek it out
B W.Oeyitotolleon rMO; oUghtU8>Bi Ub* after, the
”fi!u^OMh: bnOdUg WOO; 9400 UoM> bytb)a,n) of Martin, ireat troB tbe
^aee where Ontorie wMnt’.work, end
walla ha wm gear, the boy. it |k eald.
uroBB A MiaiiOft.
teraad d uy, end U acme wey got hi*
btf<K« •»«) (
<Hd Men Took Hte ute U Dett^ Too* h tad on e eew toev «ee not eovered,
nad toe aeoW’ wee eat eff at thr
ineklee. Thi boy any* be bee no
V. W^MATini.
Detroit, AprU IT^-Todey U n fit of
reeoUeetloe or kmowledge ea to Joat
dtopondoBey ennotd by the donth of
h>wtoaee»ideat oeearred. and it k
Tn tMj WMvii bu Aose iu ti»tt reUtlooe. Loeorette R. Kellogg. 7i oleinud that tbe boy eves sot .warned
lamrdtb ttreet ntlwAy «ad ib«Use yonre old. etood before toe wimt U of tak daeger.
W aU MlMkea. Son tb« eospwr ht« toe bone ci hie brotoerU-lnw, Dr. L.
te toe eaee for the dcfaaar, it k
• bwto«poa wblebto work to ladpcr D. White, with whOB be bed Ueod for elalaed tbe* th* boy eeplied for
lb* MOMOkrr eopitot to o»b« tbU w»j. eerarnl y««». end ebot hlBoolf toroogb p >»Uion blBtolf. end did sot soiif
TbM 'U M ^aMUon bat that both toe forabeed with n rorolw. dyin# perente. the* toe danger woe petent to
liBOa will. b« a (ood tblnr tor thte eitj laetonUy._________________
any o’oerver, and that toe boy knew
mA u oitreMlT r>«3 thin# for tht
tbe danger well, toat be bod done toe
foraor* mod frail rrower* of the Pan
WiUloB Beltner to propnring to oeam work in wbieh be wm asgoged nt
iMle. The aBlarprlM ehonld he w- grontly iBprtre hie honoe oo WeebU#- the Ub* of to* eeeldent for eoae dayo,
•ovtfod n»d whUa it so# not be a
tonotroet. Seeeml now rooBi will bo and bod done It wttooat d?Beblty. li
1Mili#lBTialBeni .tor eom« Ume, thr
nddod.'oooH of toe proooot oa« wlU be t avftred tbatbe waaeerriemly watebo proiiPta tarlfhi
oolerged nnd the property otoerwbo lagMcrUo nttoetlBa.aad InodvertinUydropoed hi* hand on the
Women’e Foreign MieeloBary with toe retoll noted.
the nlnetrl* aUwet rallwnj proridod for
After the taeUaony ira* all
rMponaibUltj of the wet*'
Botloetotahetoe^b from to* jnry
■ mta eontcnlohloa mtiac with the with Mra J. U. TnoM*. eis Wetatrr wd order a verdict for toe
•frwt m;ot end eonneU, tUyar- etrort, Tbnrodey nfuntoei etf:M. tne made »y the defea*e, ead ergned
wd of with Kre. Wright oe p
K>«. Frledrieh enn derote hia thowrhu
>y theattoraey* before Jndge Meyce.
to n low of the other thlnga nooaoury ly nsnonseed.
n* priaripal groead taken wo* toet it
C. 8. Bnrd. ns old ree'dent of KUge woe merely au aorideat. oad that tbe
to ■ek« trorybody hnppr ud hk UtolnkUolion * droem of brUllM. Uy. hne been naeigned to toe neylnn d> feadacu wpra to no way n
by iedge Monror. Be baa ebUdrnn, for ik
bnt toey io not enre for blB. be bee
Toe moUoB wa* aot acted npon, a*
Boo Miin D Genfucu. bee dleee*- loot nU ble Boney, nnd nt iMt lent bla tbe eryament k aot yol oooeinded.
Md toot ble borrol ie not Urge cneagb BUd.
Tb* avit eoae oa to* celeador. which
lo onebU hlB to ee}oy to the foU tor
D B roetor, for anny ycnin n prom- will doabUe* be rnoebed today. U the
iBkory of n gnbernatorint eampnlgn. Umi fnrnwr nt Orintt, ban moved W a enmprit appael cm* of William L.
**------ be bee retired froB toe eontaet
kelly to rnelda
Brown V* Klek Krleer The defendant
wtto toe hope tbnt aoae dey tbe pe>
to ttili ault b a raaldeat of R cgalry.
pleetllteblginwmaae toe trron of Haaaah aveana.
tooir way* nod be wililn# to Intrnat
Fred Bteara* baa *old|bk rmMoaat
toe fete of tbe etote to poor e bu.
pcoptoty OB iMt Bt^to Btraal to B A. B. Coae of Mt. Pioaaaat boa loeat*
D. Barber who bo* taken pometeloa.
ed In toe city. S* ba* aempted a po* •
Mr. UtearM k uavtitog on toe roan
lion with in* ' Pei>sayl*ania Peulfitd
for a pklnt firm and will moo Bove blP*int Oo.
Oaowe Oboeon for toe BaenUg Tear fnmUy to Oraad Baphle.
Boa. C ^ Tarcer i
Keadny Wight.
Lao Bolontonhee arrived to ton ri^ du from a trip to Owi
aad KentneAt toe nnnnel pnrieb seeUng of from Llgootor, lad., with a carload of kf
Hevkitod Fraakfort'^ond LoaUOmee ebntob Monday erenlng the fol
lowing re*try ww elected:
The B. r. P. U. will bold a maple
Mr*. Heary Werner sad two eon* of
_ H. a Derie. W, D. Tnrarr, B L
igar aoeial tbk evoatog at toe Ltketoty. leftyoeierday foravUitlal
iipngee. 8. Oerlnnd. B. W. Bonnd. bom* of Aldrrmaa B. W. HoaUag*.
Oraad Rapid* oad Marimgoa.
' See. B. Bine. T. U. Oooub.
OooveyonoM will be to wsitiag at tbe
Areble Oomeroa wo* in Rapid City
FtollowUr tbe perieb Beellng. the
10* of Joba OUik, 'btoto atreci; yoatordaT.
eeetry orgnoar^ ae folio wt:
Mr. Qlbh*. Eighth atreat, and toe real,
B. J. Morgan ho* arrived from Chica
Werdeoe - B L. dpragne. W. D doaea of Bev. Woodhooee, oa Webater
go with n carload of borm*.
atreev \
Bev. Joolah Paenlagtoa hasrelnrned
•eeretnry nnd Trenenrer — B. C.
om a vklt of eeverol dey* in Montoo
A oarlood of form moeblaety wm re
W. 8. Scott i* ill with inflamiaatoiy
eritod yMterday by the MercanUIe Oo.
Tm troneorar'e report' ehewrd the
Asotber meetiag of the eity oapernbBreh to be U eneUent finnnclnl eonU. Moatogtie of toe MereaatlleCo..
dttloe. berin# hnndled «on«UtrnbU
farther arraagemenle lor nolformlty .hoe goae to Cbkoge oa boalaea*More toes 9l.oo0 dnring the year.
Bkbbp(iUle*pl«aad Rev. C T. 8tODij
to to* varloM ward* of
weat to Ba»t Jordaa yeeterday to coo.
........... ............
b, U,
»a«y Sacked to Pirom by Ooag o'
Ohtoa*# rbkveo.
Speriai WTW llaeBU« ■«<***
Taseonvar. B. C., Aonl IT—Chief of
Mlae Main of Suvwtoa. B C.. wn*
kUled and bk body backed to pleeea b>
A gang of OhUme thieve* whom be
uriemptod te arrm ringie banded.
Vm riat resilaa* offilSn Booth.
WMblagtos, AnrU IT—Tbe aenate
today pomrd • bill graailsg to arid,
ton of tbe Maxkas wsr peashm* ol
•U pm month U eartaU esaea.
A Brid* Cram Barker Orsak.
Tatomday afursoca Mr. Frnd Baeb.
gfithkattpaadMk* Kitty Oosahac o'
Mmr OrMb, wm* morriad by Bev.
WavAbosaa, yaator ef to* B*pUai
ito0tB.at bk rasdose* oa Webeter
Saiafltoa Olat^ Oa. to tosBea*.
a— 1. U« Epto.,.1 cb.r.1.
Mr*. Tbomaa Fsrtaeb of Visa straet.
of toedoatoof Mr*. Farmeh'a riotar. to
Bew York.
It k aaBcaoevd that Loak Btnek.
who weat to Oraad Baplda toot week.
i-orarried toera. oad wOl reoMe to
tost dty. where be
iptad a
good porittoa oe clerk.
N. B. Stroag will be to tb* elty tram
Oraad Rapid* today.
8am«vl Waltoo left U*t algbt oa a
ta.iaem trip to Oanlral Lake.
'’Mr. M> Qaeeb. a t m> ial a I it froB
Oraad Bapidt. bm ocaepted a choir to .
borbm ahep of 3. O Laagwortby.;
I C. E Critteadoo west to Kolkaeka
wae u»i algbt oa bailstee for tb* Falgbum
givMaebaseatoat'Blgbl to Mbcrcfi Macafae'.ari g Co.
Tba woTB rato yoatarday SMltod tbe
■oi Bkcait aad tyrsp.
to* Is to* bay vary rapidly,
A 4ao mat •Bpper will be nerved ial
port may now ba *aUl te bo epea for
toe Ccagragatlcaal eboreb parlor* toi*
evealeg frsm 5 to I o’clock. Bot bU•MJ. W.|^ ta. bOT„l,to,
^ o,
Ivera froB bar brnbasd, Flridtog I the meoa Tba sapper wQl rise be
fatops, 08 toe grasads ed • maelty.
ft, nmaeltm of a deoatkm for
Tba aaapla bavt Uvafi tagatoar tor Mi*. Brito wb<se bttom wa* horsed
rmUyMia. TbeybavaaivmriehUd- Ko«««y. OdstriboUoM of moaer. pra**■
vtotosaesd riotolsg will be roerivwl
---- i,|U, M
to*I -rtUlM
wOl WmlM
rata to* mb egatvy
tvy <of
Un)i toArg* ef to* amuar. IW StmAUw
JaWkw M S Xsltat
•Ok and Mall BtakwMr ptoeed oa
gtoa today.
Bepikt Serrleae «>U be BLeld m
Library WaU.
A BMtt^ ef ika tfwetoae ef toe
Beptletekveb wee held leateresUg
totha oOeeof B. W. HeatUge. Tbe
pUaeof meetteg daring toe tlmetoet
toeebarehkbeUg remodeled wee dkeamef. end it wee deeided to bold toe
Work os toe Imprcvemeute to tbe
belHlegwm bagU ebonttoe first of
Mey. end wlU be patovd ae fmt ee
poMlMe Whan toeremodeUagkeom^atad, tbe belldi^ wUl look like new.
To Fed Idl Ten Met Sl«p Idl ui lest IdL
8ebArip«ica of Orer $100
Mrs Berah $. Brito, wbcaa borne wae
barsad Monday, k qeik U). esd toe
ioelor WM eammosad yMlerdey.
MeanwhUa. aoma of bar triaade ere
sot forgettUg bar. eed Chee. A. BdgeeoBb bee bMo eroend «ritb e «abeertpUes, erileetlag ever 9100 tor bar.
bee aUU moce prsmked, esd It
will prove a great kindaem to Mr*.
Brito, who k U eore aeed it toe brip.
Mra..Brito k very gretotnl for toe
Idodsem that bet been ebown her by
her friends
Spread* Like Wildfire,
leu tolsge are “toe iMet'' toey b
I Vtbe. beet eelltog." Abreb*
, e leading draggkt. of BelUv.l
O , write*:
. .
-_________ __ ere toe
be»t •ellieg
•vllieg bitten
1 bave handled to
Yoc knew «by? Metdii*n. Yon
eoor* begin in ditordin of iloaocfa.
liver, ktoneyo. bowel*, blood and
neiXo. Klecuie Bitten Iona np toe
•tomeeb. rrgnlete* liver, kidney* and
bowel*, pnrifle* the blo.'i. kireogthea*
toe nerve*, beoce enre^ nnltiiode* of
It bnl<d* up toe entire
ayitvB. ^Pnucew life and vigor iou.hnooB croggkta
VaiM Ktk
ttgbt to be totervet'd .Id toe ed of
lemiiton Oletbing Co. in toU imaa
To sleep and rest well you must have one of our
springs and mattresses. We have all kinds.,
Our cotton felt is the most comfortable mattreti
made—It is guaranteed not to bunch or lump.
please you on a mattress or spring.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B’‘3ToxL-t S-tzTeet}.
They Can’t
Be Beaten
We have Just received sod placed on
anle a wonderful line of Csrinets’ and mill
men'a itboes. policemen and railroad ehoea
— high and low cute. Tliey arc made jjood
and eolid, end tbe price will just anit'yoo.
Pu'ici’o;. II a Rboea. heavy aolea, $1 60; 10 inch top farmera’
eboee. bellea tongue. $1.11.*,; 12 Inch top river ahoeo, WIIm ton
gue, B2.2o; 14 inch top river ehoea. belle a tongue. 12.50. Alao
aeveral others at *2.75, *3.00, « 26 and *3.50. Theee eboee are
fully as good a* other makes J’oeting from *3.50 to f6 00.
A. S FRYMAll, tin Pracflcil Siioe Mu, 135 Jtait St.
SvpAidng Coftf—Uttli TavenL
You Travel
Have all the conveniences. Don't cost any more, and
there’s more satlsfaction-and the best of it is we have
a stock to select from that ie new and down-to-date,
having absolutely everything the most exacting may
Steamer Trunks
Wall Trunks
Very needful when traveling. Holds
Made so that the top. can be lifted
lots and easily put out^the way. Come while rile trunk remains against the wall.
in five sizes—sell at 4.00. 5.00. 8j30. 10.00 Sells at 3.50. 4-50. 5-<». 6.50, 7.00. 10.00,
and 13.00.
Round Top Trimks
13.00. iS.OO.
Dress Suit Cases
One of the greatest sellers. Made of
This most convenient article:—Many
the besf" leather. They’re full sized, and
ladies arc using them—They're so handy.
sell at 2.06. 2.50. 5.00, 3.50. 4-00. 4.50.
Sell from 1.25 to 14.00.
Cabin Bags
Nothing fiTls the bill quite so well for
Made in the same wa>^nd kinds of
every’ occasion. Made qf.the finest leath
er. and in different colors. Cost >*ou 3.50. leather, only different shape. The whole
Sell at 85c. 1.50. 2.50, 5x0 and
4-50. .S SQ- 6.50 and 7.50.
Alwa>*s needed, always useful. All
sizes. Xhe riveted styles sell from 50c to
i.iSy'-the leather bound from 85c to 2.00.
Pacific Rubber Bags
Made in Idack. made ia all sizes, aad
made to sell cheap. Sell from 4010750.
Packing Trunks
Club Bags , r ^
If you want a good "bang around”
cheap trunk, this is it. Sells at 85c, 1.25.
2.50.3X». 3.50.
One of the handiest of all traveling
bags. Come in all sizes, and prices from
75c to 4-50.
Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
* ivt W nc Mpr «(iVMtr « Ki
«Mtr ^
XotSaMor AVta..
“Oh. poo needat eauUoa me lo look
oal for awmdler%“ replied tbe.loaoraatdooklv “*n wbeo apokn to
trWW wmnrw
. ^----------- -----------», the outloa.
•■wi <h.t vOt u<«' Beei
me to Hk-end Of tap dapa.| d»oe laoi algbt ta Foraateva toll, la
“do p»n dbl ect ■■ooHilrarcdr aeked ,to»e of tba weaitor. a larffe aowd
IV omerr.
i was cat. TV eapeaato of tto daoa>
“1 did lor a fart, aad H wae itffbt V | aae* qalu Vaep. tot tto bept sail
0.1. .WW. I"0. i
B.i,, hi,
inm It ncictr.
^ OF MtOHIOAfi f
Om «r tbf I
1 rimtu of
SWuiLtfi W.iit A W AJtt jUJitA *<
I (raB»|ioiia‘tnB «ad ttw U0)f«W3 eMialj's Uivn: p(M iM*' «Ultr vitb «k‘<-u 41m-|•.t•>lnru «r OekL
kMbMveai. iLxelnrltvi MMSflar furuM. (Dlai-aiul tactuiT .-ae b» maaC,M0tet«rM«>MalM4 fn>-tM tra*., *•"«» to Ibi- wm.oiuvr Ua. Uk-b tba
. »___ ._____ ^
liw-aw IB ix^utatloB of aU o«r
ol»." ridTtat ira l..l! , ““O'- T-Wlrl... r... .
mho mfUmhetair dlaa»aaBrad fro* hla
w«pu,|,. m lien or<T 45 par
tow April «. hM ton bMHofM cMH
tv popalatlou pt Natr York
WUm dead, BUhokfb hla prattat auie (Marl?
<norMMtat“OKviTTbTn-'w.^Yli^Vto waa'
»alffblaVa. tofriasto of ton
lakaowB. Ba «M
to tohr rtttra. a-bllr li !• vailiaatrtt
vltfa a (■>•<
smiirr i-lir of Nrw Vork rao- a tb«io|d»e Ilia ttaab. awd H waa faU Uwefa W. Urdta aarprtoad hrr eorp
of bouix ami eboea. aud I aokl f40 al.eaaaUp.l 1 wd aaaat a daUoht
«nw>. wli^ l> I. uimm. u imw: q>i»rr •'(ban
Ha atrap for m
popatetloo. Nor la ibU tn>Uni(7 ctaar••iloi Vw do pou make oat that paa ***r. a toa abiu wa aat waa left aa a
TM<^«M^'aelrriailr oalr of ABrrMm. (Mica.
srerr n>glkli-Di-rdr
, to)» a of thair regard for-tor.
VvarkiSM AlpMOBtU BatarAkY
iboogti iv gtt
**,Wbr. tbr feller M me to beOaea
(to totoaa. Tati toara Uur j to V (bat it Ib
fba traak waa ebork fall of goM
«*Uf^ cot
. h!a rlirht'Ba- •«>
«»V BdropaaD cKto twleka. aad eaeh one worth «2QA»0. aad
. I* III .1 I.
■ I llWV
Grnuao?i barr oat* tb^re waaa-l a bUmad ov la IL Yoa 5LCTCf^*"* ic • Peaaapltoto, «MW tod a a la aoalaat wUb
rorrp alMHit
aUHii OltVrt
UitVrt O.
U. detaam- «*•
'«>• tonk.
banker. Ha took V MO of tteai
It wonp
■ aliwilM laa
kttlppod oiira ^ itvo-th. la ism Bornp'a Vm
VoD right
right Vre aad bna “fi_e*9r_
Ila bad ahoai iM.onu W-a* prople tbaa ____ a. Be'a
Of. Oriciaad CVadbk aad Dr. laalaa stw rJrk: Id l»l U ba.Uoror 7S.OOO hla epe tecih rni. aod ha kvsra a '
0tOfapUar iBBuita a aafoVp pId fro« non. le IK75 |{anV>arit4-xc«>Mlod
Ito thraai ed a Uttla abUA at Otapllaf.' toe Id popalaiioa bp hoi C.«n(i. vbllo ta
Tto Bpwailoa aaa a Aalioata oaa. Tto UPO iV Comaa clip aa» more tbaa
iMMeWaMC Fam^l
pta waalaaatad bp tto aaa of (to X- 121-Om >I>rad.
There la a eloae .-oot
Uranvbik- tV mrat vituUiloa tba
arorid over bai lorr*a«-«l v.-rjr alovlp _ (t-nalD exieol inter.<i
tweaB tlir reUlloux *
toaaAarOprimar. afad Wpaara. lie-. „ Vi po,lH„.l,
poeltlvi.|p (leerraonl. Tbe laaaa- Inai-ct raeaget. ami
tmg la Marrtu (omMUp, toa baoa rob- ■.
lopetVr of laree
area. .Itseaa.-a .if ireea 10 lna^;«a aiul Keep (he Kidncp* AOd UW
tod of tlM, hlaaaelafBof maappaafk. j pit wlibnat pro|M>r resani h> mnltarp
^.'1. a
n«Uhy. ACIV. ami vigorBa Boald aat vau baata aad kapt (ba roodltloai bar atwapH rr«uliH] lo great
•maap la taa bowa.
I mortamj. a. tritwa. iV terrible
o«u by Uaioff
Union Men are
not Blind to the
Foot that they
«aaabo»(acArtbarUtkr«p(totoai- ^,„ dorin* the anmnier of IW of
ttoof hla atw aad modvafowllag cooreatrailnc Urge ouraVra of oar
fdasa. wbtn aaa of (to atolUwaaaed- eoluoirem Id minn*
dntalip wplved, aarrowlp talari^ rigid valtarr rt-gtiUtluoa.
hU frtoaA
StBjni wladotn ware ■
••attod aeroaa (to atraak bat BO oaa ‘
■aUriat PmpmiMoo.
I The Uverpool Vbool of Tropkal
Dlieaaei ha« Iwunl lU Clrei meivlr
Dr. AadraB<iUtdeBordaa.profaaaor under the lltle of -IvirtiPTioni Tor
taroaMaMaadUagmagaalKalaBitw tbe Prereotloti of UnUrlal t-'erer: For
-aoU^a, hu baaa lariiad to (MambU tV Cat aF-Rraldi-oti In klnlnrloiU
teeaeal’p of Ba» York to take tba narr«.“ The eauiee of maUrinl fever
jtt-aia f.ill> <>r tbU aul.jrri. Traea dp#»uacw*e
lug from liilur.v l>> flrfx or weakened gf(. A. W. vHAob 5
^ Look for the label of the “car” and
J;; “heart” as shown in above cut—None are
genuine witboqt it. and if Pennine, we can
^ and will paj yon a good profit on each new
pair brought ns today, by a union man, that
been bought^ in town for price quoted
Nature's cufiC
We:have the eiclasive sale of
the genuine HamiltoH, Caiham
Overalls. Jackets aod Pants io
the Grand Traverse Regioe.
i Hamilton Ming Co. ^
--Ice [he Glory
$1.00 B MoBth
Shoes For The Baby!
14 differtnl stifles it soft soles, 0 to 4.
See^our New Red Line-Lace, Button and
Oxfords-'Also a new Red Moccasin
at 35 and 40 cents.
Wells' Mastifj Shoos, Maters' School Shoes.
J. 8. lewis Boi Cilf Uoe.
Frank Friedrich
■ We Hate Wereil.
in The Meantime
We have[receired twenty doien union made
overalls (Lamed. Carter & Co't. make) adver
tised elsewhere at -tSc—the whole lot goes at
^ 3bc (orjless) per pair. Before these are gone
^ we shall have more interesting prices to qnote.
lr(aa{s!for tour
j^iipnutoattoDdtoafpi^ t
tor mottor. Nto aaat bar (ao chll ■ „poai.n to ibt- ra.« of iIh- .no or 10
rmtoaaaifffaborUboaae. Oaaof then'rblll or fatigue Itetneen tbe n-upM-a
aacared a raeelear and aOot Itoottor^tbe paraalba etioilDue i<> liu- in die
V tto bead. .Tba aoaaded lad Ul'P«'‘'^« »o n.n.vratlvelp ainall nmnHsadacha fw, Forty Yaars.
pr«B old. bM a ballot la blabrala aad
U-ome .-uiDct
' For tba aaamar. I an Uklng ordto atiu aliea
** reUim-o n llt on-or unb-aa ax die iv•
1 ealt Of a ftvab lufiH-tlon. ijiiinliM-kllle
rfwuli «M amilli-lng eitd surpri.inr.
■ ^0 "Atraa raattorbooa Oo. ^ B tV paraxb.a. All i«niali<-a «r iheir The
my bnuki-twa liwMog
liwvlBg at Onrv
onc-v 1M
Tie- luwd.
E. Warrea. praaMeat, toa paid to' agga |oim> tu aomr «mp or ntber from aehM uw-Ulumurn erri-y arivnUi dai.t.ut
IViikai»(-..|.r)- klBK. 1 Hava bml tuil one If paid In advaaee. or will offer .pre'a'
Thraa Oatn elllaffe WM apoo wadlUae
boat 10 aobilier-ibai k. from
, beMdB.tM.|pU>et>Uclev>D nmnlhi. I know
{BdoeeDeDia to ihoae pnrahaaiag tea
(hattfeara aball aot ba a»looa II- iDfra-ted lodiriduai, nolmal or plant to limi wVtFur.4 mawlll VIpotVrii.-.Mn.
wa tlckcta.
,„l JValt.
VoBKeur«a,Mmtavniiw,N. V.
.. .................
aaoaod la tto eUUffadarlaff tto eoaUag a bealiby one. Kuciorlal in-o-ets give t (hlrrpKIncenrwii
ssmoftbe .Sfn-wi.m«m»eh. l.u-crscd Kidgreat faclllrtyw for |>araaihw for |waa- asiw'dftLVN'cfi-el
'pboaak No. Itt. '4io W. Front Slag from one bmi 10 am.iVr, I’pnni
•*u*do> ur,
TtoaomtaffaaaaoB lo lake aael^- allon log a iM-ravu lafeei<-d wl(b iv !___
llOB promlaea to V aapvUlIp proapt!- Urla (■arartlLi to be biiu-u-by mut'l
oaa. with aatroBff damaad for eaasale.
aad a graat qaaaUtp of fraiffbt at both
OBda of (to run la awaltlag eklpneat.
•Ver' Jobaaoa.a tMalliar vlored
attlaaa of Uiaaa Lake tot oearlp 10
paata. toa wild hit nbla tbara aad
»oap(od la Nllm Ha was a eUea 00 a
piMlatiM la -Virg.aU whoa (ha amaa- wliit-b uiulilply ilii- na.ie i>nHlmiK. but
’ aipatkMi praalaasatloa nada a elbisa at llie Miiin- lime ibey an- n-mov-eit bp
li> agi-nr.t. L'lviitg riM- to iihn-nM-d ap
pear. vlik-Ii lo lum proUile. freoli nuEdward M. WilliHaw a pioami trluK-ni If you rto out a>-<'tiM>iui jour■alylitorofai
aetr lo tlrtnli water regunrl}. you are
•ad, SOM (oaB<t dead la tba road aaar ilai le ti> have ii.i- wa.te piSMluc-t. form
hla boma Habadatartod for a *lalt faaier ibaii ib<-.« are reui«\>.l Any
to a Belffh%>r la uaellaat haallh. Ba LulotruiTloii 10 lUe ftev wurling .<r uoliriawaorttraBebeoaDtp'ammtproia.
at-s-iK^' ^■ro.lm■.•. .iiMsiae.
On-ai u-takwe.. >iu.l languor on ruiug
Uaai farmara and abaap brardrrs
lo ilw inorniuc me gi-Oi-idlly <lur 10 a
MUa JeaaeLta Palmer of Nehraaka. Urge arrmliiii of tin.-.'- wa-<li- prodatavbarai vba Vesdlaa mill aebool Wi-la. and IV reimil.i !■ lo drink a luiniDfuiti S^tOdh—I-T. 25, l^and .jOr. InlailU Mooouina
—S-'i and tip In 50c
a( Uroam Polate, Beaghtoa aoaoip. | hlorful of n-aier. .'-iibrr Vi or «,ni,
area ikrowB from a baggy on toadapjfiui liefon- n-ilrlog Tina iiiateriallp
Chiicfa* No Heel
ll’). 40, .*>0. HO and T-V, Chiid’a
Mar Uiaacbool bnute wbUa driving I toaUla In cite procaa dmiuc tu-iiiglJt
Bpriiic Heel Shoea--I0. 50, 00 and ".V.
srilbJoaape Lavlek, bp a fraetloaa
MiawH Khot«-»Lk-. 81 00. 81 ih and 81.50.
bvaa. Utviek dUplayed plnak, bat |
(•tbnni hboea—i.V; and up III 81.2-5.
goald not tnaatar tbe frigbiahad aalm-'
aL Miss Pal
JrwOTih wr •Iretrie nMBs.
a( (he brain and diod a (aw heart latex
, n-i-t-nt Biltirv*. iN.for.- iin- Mooclub of linH.klyo I'liarlea tV.
I rricr a'aird iiiai c<vi-i sniii.iaiu.iaiii and
- b«—ii ImeaiMl In •.In-irlr IlsUiine mi ilie
-d ru;ii-d Ktaii-a and ilmt tV imal lioraew power n-qitln-d In Hu- el<-<'irii- llsliii
4 I'f (irrairr NV« York was no
borar|>ow.-r nod ihai lu iV laat
Tb« Old BalUbla Shoa Xu
13 y.-ai-s. ainn- 1!:- lortb of 11m- eli-tirlc
A:i«ay. tberr b.nl Iwea an osvadlAmoig (to maap plapt (hath va turn of tuurv iVn Sl.TUuasMMi atnl
baaa bidding for pnblU fasarlatto ibatuowauyiitii-.-ouldiiau-lbyetrcMMfawyaara wdramahaaattoVada <rirear>rrMn l-niemip .V. J.. via New
((aaagwbold among tto plag leviag Vo!k m |•nrmlHI. Me., wiiii only ibrva
pablU tbaa • Darkmt Bamla.** wbleb
»»'--iTm*i.on. wi.ieli col- j
nn -......r. uiilea. ■
aiwaai to dMlnberfa Uraad oa Wadam..„ni loW ” MBdap asaalag. Map t. tor (hat aaMIa
Now Store, 242 Froot Street
^ In one way or another when they are offer^
^ so-calhd •‘Carbartt" overalls at 4«c per pair.
kidhey-uver pills:
dealnu-li'-e Inaefla. aapa Tbe }»clen-’
' —U- AtueHc-nD. Morta.*-er. the ireea
Mature makca aa extra aSort la tV
wbb-hUve MM-i. klllL-d bp lDse<-ta fj.rulxb. In tbrlr falb-n bran. tie. and vr- *pft»k “>
Hally deray«-d triiak. aud dry bark, m* tad the filtara of the blood—tba kidDcpt
Had open to parfono aa
It i». ''f »-«>iir*e, » 11 knnirn that for- aaortuons kiuount of labor.
..I “““'-‘■.-"“'"-"‘-'‘el--- inle. til fore-i.............. -...........
Iu*eel. a.«.iated 0I1I1 imbenltby
id lltnlM. DigealioD
I.. .bi.nld lend l» reaulla id
__ .... — - tbe languid, extouab
nertalD ralome parailtro felled nomli- ttii|*onaBce.^__
I Inga ol apriog cauae tnlaarp to tb<
• tot laaiUatlop, aad baa aeccft d.
bnniaain-blda- lu tbe con'uerlee of tbe
Tbrre Is odIv one means of makiD|
y Wriw Niil Aba
Franoattoiraablp. eapeito Lealog
In order to pr<«Ju.-e an attaek
tba blond pure, aod tVl is tbroogb tV
milawa, toa tba atovploe acmaa of ferer ainot rnJWO.dio laraaliea
lAmI l(ii»M-ll nf Killuweii i«Vd Mir kldsrjs aod livet—the fillets
fiXan ol tbr
By acting diiaclly M
amatorof tbeiuto. 8be Uvfoadof mvi V pn-a<-Dt in tbe liodp. nblle In Clinrle. .Uti.-uM-Ib m.v. uui-e rxniiiiuliigj blood.
' dclinla
ieala organs, .Dr. Cbaw'a
(ba waad that wbaa abe rldaa bp rail Wvtre eaiei l.ooo.(WO.Otn or more map _
til., sib- iif .■.•ri:.tii Imurpiliila left by ! Ltver PHU portly IV blood as ao olbe
ato iaeariablp lakea tto anoklog rar. be preat-m.
Id sumflrnt nuniVra
' prrparstiou vas ever knoMD todo.
borw- lu .himI.v aull.
‘-|li>M' Ini'se wi-n- tbe |K-im>?" n.ked . ----—
A ^Uar veldBit bp ablob . pear
-/f a^r^.^ST; ‘To the'
li-armxl i-oiiiiM-l. -‘W<-t« tbev aa T.. wrUci:
Old WVtor Karlum of FtokegOD loat
blood Uraan fivn. Ibr vUent larg<-*li*
inv liiimiy
I l>ura Wood uere
•toaaaoodDBdtklrdBararaof faUilfbt bp prl.-klog *111. a ooi-.lle. Tbo au,l--Oil. li..."-.niil 111.- will...*. limM-ally; 'pear*
- ..
I wn. lu ; au ..r.lluar} h.-.f."
iHinples and bloichas, and 1 could gel
tood. Mrarrad Moodap.
Tbe lUlla dva rliea of teiuiH-ratHn- alik-b occtir
Tl»-n Sir i-lLirte. Imd to »u.|mi.l ibe “ttolng 10 Vlp me ODtil 1 trM Of- A.
Mloa'a oldar VoUkor woe olaaalar a >« ttila diaeaae and abieb ate arramexiiiiiliuii.iu ulxli-.-i.-ivlHHlv Inimtieil
Cnase's Kidney.Liw Pllla.
hdapaie.ArhUh aae taraad npaUe dowD j
bp ai.lvering
are due
a'od 1 eomldar tbew
--------------------------------------------- ----I Bkhi Ik now Gkar, aod
ooUiatroaBd. aad pat tto
. Inraluablr as a retaedp for coai
Till-*.- iiaraalii-a
paUM, lirer rompislat aad imp
ItoUoa bp taralDg tto eraak alib hU
III at-ntler Ibeir
A» a kldoep madlclM ay art
toada. WVtar aaa boldlag tto abael
par exmVnee. and 1 abaU t«e
raiisliig ad Inr.
•MhU haad ailpoad aadaraeatta tba
rtae of ien.,M.™.un I'pd el.iw
them to my Irtvudt.*'
toalB aad aaa draaa Id betavD the trlng. Afirr a mrlnl.le m»D»U-r of ntpill B dose, as cenu a box, al all dealers,
otola aad aprookat ;at>aal. Bit ta i Urka of fever tin- lamalira luep largeor by y^i|^nj^ipt
•agara a«re,mt off jan aboee tto drat' D decrease lo qimuilip. baring ilte pa|olat.
I tlrnt fm- from fevi-r for a iltne. At
MiaTamaU of a.i_____________
cpotueni. bonerer. iIm- uimilM-r of
at Ita wUtp Uaaa, gympathltsd with IH mfeguaM agaiBM .vnv of iV prota.
tondaaaad omiojoA Im atoty. Thla hem epitlemk- ii>.,«.ea. it ban been
J4hg haa ilwapa had toa sworkola f*»Bd •• Anw-rt.^ .tVt wberover aagoad aamnaay to aid It. tat tbiafaaar
dkirtnt Vre Vea idDaoMr. Japaoa haa andaavorail ato la aald
P»to'»»l«oa tv low fever has
are Being De
)f Spring
Complete Line of
Office and Fancy
la nevt-r <■ lupli te wilhont the Kladncaa that comes
from ihe poauaiaraa of-a
Latest Novels Out
Biggest VarielT ofiAy Great Authoriu
iiew apriuc hat that in
eaUafactory in fit. style
8D1I price.
Yon will al-
Fruits ....
Largest Oraogeii
io Town.
ways timl tLem rii;lil, at
The Temple
MILLER & PRAUSEof Fashion,,, Fr;rr;;;«r*-
!MH8IH8«!M K!tXK!U8!t»
— Kasiest and most comfortable,
made—Two separate stockings
same as ordinary hose. Best for
hot or cold weather, as they do
not bind the limbs or interfere
with the freedom of action—Try
them and sec if you do' not find
them a bluing..
*^Vte maTtn^scHTSTS
\o tint writc\ sais^ae^oiY.
' >
I ant prepared to store any wood or coal heaters
at a reasonable price. 1 can come and take them down,
store them, and in tbe fall when they'arc wanted black
i them and pul diein up in dicir places in (ood ihape.
Save expense and and annoyance of supporters,
which arc liable to give out at most incovenient times.
Best value and most comforuble stocking made.
Children s sizes
to 7........... ^
Children's sizes 7K to 9............ 35c
tover ato Inv
tnmt mkmi hMM thM M«« oatk*
UttekMM«M M4 »U ot ta« »*«Ue MMHaft.
irtlfitM JrtVi* foUaimi %Mt *oeUX
'anlftM. X1MMU9
ta tha MuU MMi«t
• ««.l
Mth 6Mh«
teMR." WUMMt
n«r ot rraet u4 Park
U 1M: Bdft. D. U. IrtMk
«yi»»««»««» »«»««««M« »»•»««
j iSJS
0^ "Somw '^ears. |
5 V ..t^. -K^ SkmiMt tAmtaU 'MWk tiuianMl
2l.utk.liif of the apper etorp a
S«««pp pappp******* pMoo***
Tto aMMlMlM «f t»tom olOrMdTnrvM emir krlaf>
le «tto Ike lormr emWm <er toMtafeovt Md Ito prtolUee (eeUtto
prerOe* to reere »m »7
♦rttoeeJ e< theemlf Tto people of toe
eoutr toft reMoa to be praU «( toe
M-iireeto>e.wktohii to. toetomMl pebUe tolMlto to tole pert e« toe
atoto ItkMenuBWl to Tramae
m4 kie b«a eeaeaded to bee
tor toe
tornlil If •• 'rhtofi ware 4£>«aat
labfmaptotbM^toa pnawt
tompraeaaie a aimc aaaUael to
tom wbtto tore beea aeal to toe
Wbea to 1M« toe roat “amir «<
toam"«aetotde«br toetocM
/ af Mlahlraa toe ttfaai Tiavene n
amUallr beeam aput afaJo4totol
torrltorr. Bel awtof to toe abaeaee
a( irblie eaUleca aa4 la«rafa toare
wae ao aaeaelfla tor eoart
hem, la iMt, bevam. Oraad Trav
me aoaatr earn toto batotwm alealad la Aafa*^ of that pm le
amt aatil toe faaml atoahoa to in*.
WUlto«'H. Om wae ebaaea aharlff aad
•rito P. Barba
aer There wae ae baelam traam-.ee
r aealeattoa wae held
to last; bat ta Kaj. IIU, bp aperial
Pit, a poll waa takaa.
btftoto ware ml At toe atoetioa ie
MM toe oa Mca ebaaea ware; Jedfaof
pnhate, Oi'erre B. Smllh; ebarlS. Hermm M. Oowtaa; aeaair alark. Thome
twfUr; aoaatr trmar
Oawtoi: proeeaattof attoraer. Bobart
> told tur eeeeral
k Mr. Bam »»adtarttoitpw ■
t'aad ttoi toe Ja^ wae Usplar
‘StartoebarDlegoftoeJtUto IMl.
'•Ah.Jad»e."eaid Kr. Btwa. "Im
aad toa eet;.irraaee ot Iheea warieia.
^ m like AehlUa. weaadto to toe
toe MparrkofB erlered 11 > belldlag ef
•hh. air.- replied the Jadfa..drawtar anmjaQ eatoeeeaair htook. Thk
hlaialltohlelaU helfhl. •'! wleh ■/ aBewwaaalaadaitrktoralOBg Urn*.
heak ware mr aalp ralaeraWa pato'^’
loct; aboat Mato frni to dlmariom
etorg to hrighv It wat dleldsd bg
iadfaUtm^tos that toe dial aaart
bam wae baUk Tbla wbi a toamd a haliwag |ato twe reowt The dm
atraeura, two amlaa to belcbt. aad taead toe aerto. md a swOl wialeu
awed alwaai apaa the aaaet rite of toe waa eat to eeehead ef ttoba'Idiag.
aramiedlfM. Altoettta%to Uto. Bearig all ot tha Om tor«na-waa
WOiiew B «rbH wae ahariff aad The ewpig el prkoaen, bai emiloeallg
aa ladUa weald to OiWgad tun tor
wBeatolek waarierjiaadrafleiet.
11 k ptebabto that bat tow tanai ei a rtoplte after leo atneb Auwator. It
aoart wm.beld to toU plaee attar lh(a waa a iiaaoatblg atroag place, al*
baildtor «aa areeled aad prior to la theagb aom bolder lawberaea ea
raattoa- The BeraU of UM M proaaad Ma eptolm ttot tbageoold
ae aoraral allaelOM to the jadgab get eat U toeg had a toolhptek to srork
Maadtwwormre alaberataos^ with, to the aarlg eO'a a rkiior did
br toa eoart attorwar. to wkieh atag to A dag or ao. aad araa thaa gea*
pltUal take are told of their betog erallg allowed to ekarrg awag, while
Ua gaardlao weal dewa to toe nrer
•loet ta toe woodt."
ter a pell of water aad forgot to lock
Thk diet aoart bom
toe dm- Ofteaeea agaleet law 'and
go dowa to toe duaea.
la the Bread Tramwe Hareld of deeeaeg were rare la tooae ttmea.
Waaa toe Uaeb beUdlag bmiae aaMareh M. IMl. appeared toe feUowtog
aeaUable for hoAlag eoart toe old
aaeeaetef Ik daetraetioa;
“OsPrtdar toet. (Mareh H). abmt OiaagetoU. to toe beUdiag reeeatl|
aadhMalroadrmarala sawtor ot.
otoMballeoa tar thk paipma.
Tm great Gtoaa reach ot n.PW
arm, to the haartof tbetoeraweate
T Uar. CkL. k to be nhdirWod toto
su.ui larm ead told. Befero toe reeaet dcTdepmat of beoaaai wheat
tonaato to DahoteetokGtoaa raaeh
wae the laigeet whaat.preda8tog
^ rti* wHh bmw. w «akr tw»-
Bw the row. m lew. Ik. rwa rto mr
OUdto aOka od gorgeoM hae aad
whMa fkxn so a< r r «r fc«r
k «err wmtea tU* i»u- U
brlillaal with gold ulww'nga. PraoeldItem wjr tot wwk> mr
dhl. eavor eatnerdtoarr aad wtoktar
ploeipolmtlaiT ot6*w. Moadap Irid
h'e ertoeatlal* before PmMaat Me„■
Etoler at the WkMa haeie The
““ ~
wlaktar wae aeeewpeaied bjAewe
ProhoBor w» aalmbolia »^gm»
Hag. who poitwed tha-------------------,
There oere the eaaal falldtoaa ai Oemaa aeltaitiM of inperlabable taoM,
A brlaitri war siorr roawe frea
rmre. I^one Rirp. and k told bg
‘ tdrtiMtaal Jane Xraio of the towakh
-waeo ihr war broke eoL- aaM the
fteuieoant. ~wr toeod our nipplr of
aaiBnai-im of aD aort* wan eerg lew.
Pewie we* arw and aume <>ld: aoiue waa
Ha«* and •omr bro*Ti: aoaw wae etdfe*bko<ri aixi aoatr « «« -nMkelreeaod
arMPThxiK. Tbere . we* oor tot ef
biowa M>ii>krir«> powdi^r wbU-b waa
Piarkrd Tw with «arr: Vrrg po'
full Keep
leap t*>n] and dn'T
drj'T aa
aad to It
aiiacfard a Ifpwid that 11t had
barat a
Krapp fi.4d mn.
•n di.<mnlDr<] lo trr II. I eoiplored
m ■iiuiU <-harcr ta a ann. and to aj
j aurprtae It refuard t» go og. Mr gap*
\ oar* wrn- rrr>- awrb diaguurd tad
; onf ef tbem^;
t>la N
k ao ____
lb, t>ta
war. I'll aw It far cooking oar
^all jumiird a* be threw » <k>abk
o of hk aeraa. handful Into a entail canipAre. Jndge
aeeord with oar tletb Mrtbdar. to which, aamg otbw of oar feellttce »heo we saw tbe dre
go oal. I anerm-ard learned ttot pow
prtaclplto of di
der of this sort deferioratco with an.
Tbe droa^t tkk ei
I mod that long befoir thk i
aoatoweet tar a>«e tkaa toe dkaatai- aw bg whiob be woo hi. idm aa waU '
oaefrerM od laet wteiar, toetog eat'ae the Oioe and mnnerln which It ww j
• ----------------------------------------o
dowa toe oropa grearig. eaariagrieb- “A. it ha.
H. S. BoaU one of tbe btof
ha^ to await to^iDooriS^tb/arrlTal '
of mldli
ling to a
couiiuuuiij elHiM- ksal title k "B
-B. X.
gw*of toe Anowhmd Beeerrolr Cow- wnwi erperiem la the wan4*«mt^ ------lUoi-lL Sla<*. IVyoBihig.- No
D IrlljtiiMV lulcreslln
tlltg Btorfee of ber
ptoig. WM dHrtto . eplrttedtern wbm
pbga- ' dlailngul>>bi*l father, end aot erea ber
I father lu<> Itoen aioie peeteted with
wile or wore- Plaally at toa edge oL|
kSldea^Te oftea etolw ri- ' *!“• •u. lit- foollsli i>r iDiiulsillre peo*
Aniuug unn- of tbe staiillng
to»a toeg ran Into a pU of sato,where
Into toe owreat of my tooogbk P^**qnertes Npjtll-ta have hecu put to her
toege'opped from exHeatUoe. Wbeo while toe Utter were hot employed to ' 5^,1.,-reached.Wood wm dmd. iboagh eUU | aeeklng them. Iknow not bywbstptoo-|
* refg tarit
rreeDinglhe llpee. toe/betog wrapped;esi of ODO<wsolQnieer»‘br»tlont^weia
^ in^len scal|t.r,
flrml* ehoat hie wrUU
-eroJtrd. 1 ooly knew thst tbtg were . -Iki you
Si^y aboat hk wrkU.
«,«. Nor oonld I at Srst folly eett- pet.r
Tae J .oaneae emperor bae degraded |
impirtanoe of such anexpeot. I Once, on tbe rao<-ta.
while ahe waa
enieruinloe n foreUo sirauger. bar fa*
of toe Boblllty. radaa- ,«d bat welcome riaitars.
: tbrf rede !■> nod she said: ■Tbefa'a
log VaornlB lUde. Umsmo aad Se■■These idm
’ Criooel fody oow.Domrt to the laok of eomaoaars- Tbe aelres when my brain was tlrod and almust oerw et
at my wrltliig
wrltlug uble I bad .
first Vi torn my problem iu ell dlreo- .
ti<u>. and aurisAge it from erery ride. | *v.-nsinly; I h:
and tUertafterto roii.ipi it tnniy Inrnl- ladi-ed.''
nntaiy tbooghte wltbonl crcii pnona- ; "tVell. I dorbire, I was neti
turely attempting to solve Itwlthlnmy. j prf*<ri in my life. Why. tbsi
lien at elL" *
oelf or oommittlng
Ring Imy fefloctloirt to j feoilrmen.
torwtigaUtm wae toenoooiXlto^
Dealam »Baaot b>Oofod.
I ^Iml apsJkatioaa. aa they aaaaol
tbedkwasduonioa of toe «
“No matter bow nrgoit tbe a
for acti*. 1 maw alwiiysitito my lualn !
its lime to relax from fatigoe or atraia j
an iaaod await toe renureooe of a feaUng of ‘
of tbe miloeeua lining
both phyrioal and meuiel well being',„f
gbe Bostachtan
—----------Ian tube.
When thk
------------------ -------------* ra writing
-.ting for pub-(lobe gets
gcu irflemed yoa
yon bars e
a rowbmi
TslDsble ideas have |I ling sonnd
Boond or Imperfect bearing,
beoHng. aad
most Tslosble
praeented tbemsetves in the mamlag on \ when It is rntlrely closad deafna
my awakening from a wfreshlng sleep, tbe KUolt. and nnleastbe Inflawmi
hot toe favorite period lot town bw I *»';*>• ............................
to Its
c»nd>tlwi. he^og will
sen while 1 wm ^.ng relaxation by i ^
* nonnal
»r“*’ ferever.
be ‘idestrryed
Nine eases ont
^in, .lowl, o...
t tlirongh w.Kslnd parks in toe bright I polhirg
mlight Tbe slightwt ludnlgenni in u,e mna
Carier; aeaatr aarraror. dbraa
Waiawerih; aeroaeia, Uwk MtUar
aad Utoar O. Seodrid. Tbeftfateaealea ad toe riiaaii aoart la the aewlr
argaatori amir, ^bteh wm alM> toe
•nt to toe Uraad Trarana rartoe. eoBi'
maoad aa the ITto of Jn1r. aad alaead
toe tollowlac dap. d part of the aaBatahed dwelliar of noeeae OaUar. re*
eeallr tora dowa trow the eoathmt
aeraar of Ualoa aad proat atraeta, wae
iMd aee eoart roori
Boa. Ueorfa
them from my gTatp'BaUlmore hon.
[catarrh) that esnnot he cored by Ball's
■artto wae the Jad«a. The oalp towCUtatrh Ckre. Send fo'e!m>ara. free.
rar praaeai wae Bbaarsir Oeald of
F J Chener A Oo.. Toleda O.
Tbe Urxicau' fatiTTus a>emaiD where I
Oweaeo. woo bad eone with Jodre
to dig fur waur by rliM-ly observing ! (told bv dmrglsta. 7Se.
Martto. Mr. MeLeUao. reeeailr eleeled
Rall'a PamtW Pilla are tba beat.
toe surface of tbe gmntiA We bad
pmeeaUar atioraer. bed aot bean aafonnii in an arro.vo a
allted to the bar. Mr..O ia1d wae apTax pair naaan Taarxasx t'orxrr oorar buosh
of water
pototed b^ the J idre toaet ae proeaent'
served three boms smrrbiug for water.
Qalaaa's btartor Bpar k tha meri
lar aUoraar far that amkw, aaa Mr.
They passed several damp idacaa exam-'
■eUUaa. on appUea'.too aad caawloeIng toe gruand clwlv. wk>-n the Uadtf dwable varajah made
Oea to opea aoart. wee adwlUed to
ball-past s p. aa., tha eoart benaa waa j oocaplwi b, A A. Maoo, A ton.-oo jacUcm -a. taken in Tods'. esM toIwaetlM. he the eenrt had ao eeal. It
catwaoldk^data hablw. The oto.m;
diaaomrad to be oa fireAa U waa| Front airaat, wm aaod oa-Jl the
wae ordered tbai the tewporarj eeal
altnated eome diaunce frori tbe bn.i Oraage hall wat bnlH in tdto Tbe
degraded bacanae they bad trU-1
aving dug a bule aometbi
ehaaUbelhe eartorideot toehwart„ito. 1.0 wk«i outl“5 SnipufilngOcffee-IittUThT^B
i aapreially pre- tered away toair forlQBea. beeomieg ; o*er « ((k>i ill do,.I
Base part ef town, toa fire bad made room lo tok ball
dha half dellar. There wae bet l tUe
inaolvent. TTie empamr'a action haa { watebed it
lily. 1
aneb rapid prograaa tofora anyone pared for eon;
boatoeae raqelrkaf the attaatloa o( toe
revived thaaoij eu-of limtUng tbe j soon
Mild raaeh'lt that all atUmpU ta aa*a
eoart. The tret meUac of toe board
took a drink and step---------------------------tha bailitog ware boprieea. and to law
of a^errlaon wae a epaetal oae. brid
I tbiuk. too otbris | s^nbyto U3AN toaa half aa boor from tba.time tha
two orinree gaaerauona.
I - take a driuk. At all eventi they
panaaoi to a eall of thtM of tbelr
d It wae a mam of F to Ito tor tot tot tot tot tot tot k( tot ipt a
and then weal away, ';,o. sir. _ vw a-sv.^ r.us...
There Isa tbeory that mta
ombor-Bobert Oaoipbril. John b.
toe bubonic plague. 8oeb v*eeela a« . when we got down and took a drink i F a>ik caNov<. st a Lasr**^ *■• hwCr
Baekwaod h 0 B<oe. Eeapoarire V>
‘■The treat lower etorg waa oemp ad
toe eall toe board eooreeed at toe etore
I botior. in fact, '
M a dwolllag by Tharoa BoatwIcii.Biq S
•oou have been | and
ef Oowloe h CeatpbeU. In PeatoeaU. ea
bad fonud Sf many a day. j —or bals-Om ar.t e___________
tba aoaaty Clark aad ragkUr of daeda
«*«fu"y watched to prevent any rau
toettib of Jelr. There ware prateat
.t^.nsn reachliig
sMsMnv tbe
tk« abore
sknrs .There
jTber i. no wiicbcmfi about too Mex-t f
fiximtoe ataamers
Mir»t calf, m oarOsU,*
Tbe JaU waa to tba roar of toe dwal- ammmmwamMMtowtwi»ts.
I Lorvran W-lshl.
toban Oaapbtll af Paalaeala. J toa fl.
Ito.. Alfrwl PrU. bfPd ;
OrlMO. and «
Barker of hatrlw. aad Wa. H. McCII- liag part, on tba aama flwr. Tbe
Pit sborg DupatUi.
»ej*<' bale and hearty, varily died a-: ^aat come from Caloulia. Bvmbay asd 1
Up ot Treterac- After orraeli'ac. bp cUrk'a and ragktar'a ofllN waa in toa
of toa oosrtroom to the aaoood
Soaday. Be beard a foasg j
are net parmittad to moor at
rvatber MpetsUiM..
ItsriBsassMrasrsei. Wrtiv lo Wllllsw ■! ketoeUar McE Hip ehatrwta aad Oaa>:sofl.. Lavslax Pirh.
•tory Hr. Bostwick aad family were
•• be eat wbittling at toe ooTuer | vbe piars or wbarroa, but, aflar famlWe flaw long
baU rierk, toar adjjaroed ts wietat abaaat attoa til
k—mii . i—.
bat be arrived oa ‘uu
‘ of bk •—
grooery, Unghad beartU./.
Uaa [ gatlon. ui..k._.
onto, bargee, tbe piiai-otli f«aih.T oupersmion. bu* mo axrH.voa n.t hi. proMvtr .MM m
•be Store of Heaaab. Lej A Co. ia thh
to aav by torttw- ed back to hit chair, dropped bU kaife WbUe ibe eargo U being traaaferrrd [ vera om aware uniil a frw days ago A acrMo>lM4.soatk«f ritr Cowf'swbia.
«lty. thefrilowtojrdar. Ootoeeec*d toa groand to
log oat ot toa BDpar wladow. all tbe
dar. la addiUoa ta tboae atreadr neaardtoal
raaord books, except two index books.
tlooed. thare wae preeeat Sasnel O
iiful pigeons stratiiug. coulng and aun- : wutTxn-AnoC'-«.t-tmaisBer>«maa
Oing theiDBolvca lu the covert of tbe jO m t«k> rh<nr* o- i.i.^ r^* suns at
ttaa. ot L'eUaan
M laleiee wee a >1. and toe first volame of mortfagea. AUj A Urcat Dane deg valued at nearly
1 Pwk.ss. UISM AVilr—
It it reported that Q lean V.cloria ia U.JL .. ........ ............. —A
too papera ooJIle In both offiias were'fis.ooo was killed by a
bulldog banrepreeeatad
Bti'll beta pair to taka
togatoarwlto toa private {day on toe farm ot Aogoai Bjurstram. likely to pnrcbaac Clondalkin eaatle. ed
KenatoB Oawlea, the drat aberlB to;
OOBveae a eoart la tote eonotr. wat a
the Imuit-diate rt,pao«i • N«f« ;
tarideal of Bib Bapide, wbleb wae than ey betoBfing to Mr. Beatwlah. Tbe metio toe woods. Tbe bulldog be-1 royal waldence, aod tout aba intends
ipriodel 1a toie eonatr.
He waa aoaaty order books, raeord et village
drowned Id But Btr. April tto. ISAO. plat*, all toa law and acbool library
MklitPtortoitlaf l> crow to Northpsri books, tegatoar with efica furalinra.
Wm B. 4reen was shot lo the woods ,
sure tu be trouble U-tweeu Ibnm. ant* ' ‘
------- "—.................... .....
do nut want to fall Out with yoo. “
were doetrpged. Aboat 50 daadaand aouto of Peru, Ind.. iianday, -by
ii^aa o
“Thr aril, are fuiTlirr apart berv phu,Ri.juki,-r,,,—.
ivenr was dret laeladed la patoBU vrera lost, bat all ware oa rec panioD who mUtookblm for a panther. than ID au.v ronuiry 1 -vrr wont *^biiaaupDia 1 iii.ea
«s^ atrv
toe 8«bto JudieU! ClrcDlt to IMS. aad ord axeapt five or rix
Urean, with a paaac. attempted to effect ibruDsb." remarked the (hlrsry travA. Basl Wa,.
j _,r
“It wat toruinata tbara ware no prk- its eaptarc Green waa lying behind a rliT. resUne the Ivaky Slid rusty old
aboat dre /••»»
*•» utaohed to
The main olijMS of lift- is to derive f
Ito MiBto. preaided orer bj Jedpe F.a oawa In Jha jUl. for 11 weald Hava log. and bearing a noke rakad hlmaelt,
«l«J. UtUejtoQ. a wellTcwembared baea imiwarible to rsaoaa toam Aod wban bawMohot.
msber ot toe AUeees btr. The judge wa may remark bora that a j U1 is
oominouly koowu as selfish 1
Ia New Baglaid tot abudaaad OODSI maouer. .
“How long isn you people go wUh- i^g ^<,0 can sileuoe yoor con
WM a ma ot dlgolB >d praeeoee. acari- rather a asalem plana ef property to (arma are toiag^aatad vrlto ant Ireae,
telling it that yonsrenoworst-than tba :
Mae Meritlelewaad oxtreweir poae- Oraad Travarea aoaaty aavbow. tor and tbe worked-onl groand k tonnd to out waterr
rannaelflsb and aamficing You rimply
lUUoai la the obeerraaoe of foriat. Be daring ito two aad a half gsais that taralsb aoarkbawat aaoagb to
laponded tbe CAdaveroua yeltowUh- Mve another method of cnjoyiiig lila—
'wMPtoeUd atm Dswserat.
In tooae wa havs roridad hare thota has not toe sralnui. bnuamnt aod aboatnut to looking owner of
a^MAlN-ls^SO^^ IM« aa ptast aM*
pi-1^— tarilmjt raa hipb. aad toe baSa a arlatoat otofioad to It, wUeh floarkb abaadaatly.
you'll find you can go wlUioai U a
Aadr* WM not whollj tree trow toe aptokavralite the monk ot toa pao-:
b««p longar'a yuo <«n go without;
At Hoodoiaea. Ey.. Fradriak Loomk
tiapatattoe of a ehaare of priltlaal
^tnlne.rpo XXXT OR poa aSLE- ran* im ama
A K acMV eader caltlrattoa.T ■I'vs walk d
’■The loss to ihm aoaaty k aboat fit.000 made a balloao anaailcc Snaday. am
Mart. Bie rirealt wat large Tale aee
. Will lakr SMD ml tar elaaiM laa«. ar
paodod oaly by bk pack. Whau al a
Moa pf it tod ao roada
He aad hk aod wUl taU htovilg ea the aaooU at
for aunn. ma Cewa. livivaw aa m* far
armt alUtada the -paiael
||^ Afflr w OAK avOany- l^gaat
aoart attoraer wereeawpelled to ride tok time, who have baan atraggUag to
ho- ,1,
horaebook trow Bewarra. bp traU or
uniform of dark gray, ’trrAJlTB>-Bx baar. Aa/ or «aak. em^aahaaatad.
toadlake toofP. Tae abeeoM ot togal baa- farau aad get oat af debt. Ttoelraalt
ith- red faeinn bood Uned with tto
U wbkh BhaaU brid Ik iiiriBB log 00 toa bridge over toa rivsr. tha'aaboa. Tbag make pat* Wood and totter oolw aad borage cap to matob.
lam to toll aoaalr emsUwee etaaad
hlw to wkt a tarw or two. aof jeeUfr hare to May. wQl fiad overTtolag
Tpoa OALB-mstr sr-r trail farm. attaatv4
A fortnight afwr Boater the Bugllsh
ito totoae tom aafraau-tbe tmpaae- thrown tote pi. Tto fire ortgltolod to
(wmerly rimarved a fewlval ealkd Bonk-<
a paU ot hot oahaa wkieh was Irit to
abUtr of the roade.
facial BatmvU M. * M. B. B- M.
la III! Morgan Balk toaadad toe toe kitehaa.
aano—riirisuaB wm ar «
Wcoma'a Whiat Loagae of AmwVm, to go oat toto the streela with ourdP aod
Tto boast ot awralty waa rsdaly aot toair Uvm at VaUayForea. A plat of Oatrolt
KanML He wae aa totem BepebUeaa
AfHl Mth. Ealghm Tbm- bind tbe mao whom they met until tbe
groaod aeatotolag toa grave of Oapt.
partwaa. with a koea emie of d*». aalda sritoto a moato et Ik slimain
latter purchased tooir roleme with small
aad delighted to tonamtiog toe Jodga.
eontribatioAit ri pMoey.
atoa. eaaoad by demtla lafaliritg. A toaaoelatgby Maj O. H Todd, oaaba- akaar^^orirtg! Detroit Juaa Ith.
-11-------of torir polltleal dlffecai
laa was aeeaaad et pnitealag bar dltion that a aritabla m-Memaat to MatieTaattval. Aaa Artor Mag Klh.
Daring tba first oeataiy after Christ
hr Bharp allmlOM to blw to toe Bavtalw Bahetoatte Atolatk Meat. Aaa
mto. aad a man alabbod toa al wasted toaraoa to tok efl mr aad the Arbw May Uto.
atA Afm an abeam of oem Um.
Epworto Laagu* tolluw was • oeuu a pot^; obaam, 14
oaats; batOw. 18 ctota; hooey. >4 etott:
eadge UUlejoha rode tote tkk rlltoga. ltoad tovadar ef Ak home at Olaa haodrodaet paktok who Ua to aapaoa.
deoBk. abdtoasH. iDoaok.
maatodm aaorrrtooktogaag. Mr. (Basaa. Hritoor ot the accuvad ww
adklpod to jaa, bwaaw tbara waa ao
warn waM aot itoiat too towptotk
aar » w«d or two to bk papw. Mato- jtU,aad aaltoar waa atovictad. Jtut ravtokefthadaagbtoraof too Bave'nt toe dpdga m tos at aet. toe dag toa aoart mot to AarPOA l*?l. to tha lotfea riaia aoriatka hat baaa lormtd
cmt-»wh™». ok-;lortliooiJotoiETryMii.
1 F'V.‘.f,a“s;r •fd'2
r..rt u .hM u, ..1. u,., .0.. 1.U!
wiSKit -Ts-ss;
■asa.ggj. ss
rwlhMcitaA. l.r»7iBaa. .
__ liktMMIhaliataVMCMa
■)(• 4mM.
Um mdiian «m «wy
Aki th* MU^abr*
M »rnm^ “f*.**^
»( PMt a>Ml
«•boot tbr e^mlA a*
teootBtoef am>e Mow^UndorwMl*1 an d
lirm tor a time to Kvw Teak
a gntrr umr. -| aw gtad
*ak» I
im faiM !• m*kf a taTar(kattl
■a. TVr arv ail qaba te- Ball! tbojamtige of « reftitot to
«Ma h
bthitfu, rafcnk aavratar- iar. it’a pratty bald bow and
bava old ttmm thnmt «p<» U
-Taa ha»r
lAM. bar mka riba* a
rnjj****^t - A«> M«ti> ^ IM B*«l
• mr 4mtr.- mid iba ■
“ll wa#
lad fMBMly, to wbieb tbe artlraa telThrrr vaa a ilnb- aOwv.
Btteq ww ooCbtoc bot • aereoutoBly
ta^ vllh a paprr ranrr. bar ryra brat
tonoy topaa of mamoty, erbUa tba man
*1 fbaalJ bar* caaaaHH raa 4a aar ■boot tbwn toond a mcrtlicotioai ttawwbtob wm pntty hard to Uvo
-Aa4 I abooM bar* Unra pnvart4
wbaa rm raaa-.'- br aaU.
A omnpkaa dativaraoee of tbabampbr a<Mr<L «ltb a faiDI aaiilr. ■ym ba«a Irik into tba babda of tba ootflner made
eomt aa (hat rrrr arra«4'todajr.''
him primofibla, aod than thorn woe tba
“I-1 am Bot qahv avrai.*' aaM Braaat
UuU boohakr dtooer ot • rtflh avoBoa hotel givao by tba awall to all tba
maaacar'a rbaaka paM riRhtir i
maart maa. who wanted “to meat yoor
; be tuubnl al <ba drt. Hm« he apat
ODHta. don’t yon know."
I barriedlr.'
All want mmry ontil tba wise Hat
-IVtbapa roa came ta bak aa aeeeoaA
' of BV atrwardablp.- be aaU ta a lorn* eama forth. To be atm. tba-toompkto
talked too lond and reftaM to ondar•TaarOataf thaOab
■iMaar Alaava ‘
I ••Wbra I taofced ap at tbe aoaad of rmr •tand wrr monitory vtok/ bot then be
1 voice. I miabt bare faorird paa aw add not^ too imdty ^ of ptoea.
aboBl lo aap; *Tbe ki/« tad (br baoka.
'Wbaivtoa will yoB haver - aaid the
Wbat bate poo pmkIf oi (he (ateaU !■%
BT V. R. Bon.
tnmted to pour'
oqm a toot paaaen
nma and tba cinver <d tbe nmbmoM’a
enn have far tea*
mpanmiontotandhtog an old gmtimm
a to g« oot of thkir
r by rtumlinr
Um dowa. At tba
paye a pan-oak
aiMl tbe loaa of a liemna I
addition nmnna tbe ><» of bto menna «
a livelihood.
In Parto. we belieee. tbe driver of :
Base to imtselly allowed by the towto
ton OTw <me boorKeoto to tbe eonna
a year, la Umdon m^totrataa an Um
_r. tba tow makea aa
nntotrandarU&aiydtotiaccicm bepcwemt
a aad that of tba oa<
The foratz to ItoUa to
ha ramovad from tbe bos for good and
“TbU lan'i abe nf you. Juba.” abe
“Ton kauw ibal au earh Idm aaabam the rooau
trrrd tap towd."
*'l(*a aU kept aM( aad tidp for poor
Bnt br iwntaird.
tatqra. Mba Kleaaor.’' ibv aaid.
“Bp a airangv caiarddmrr 1 bad Jaat
AwdUre'a octfera. mba.
He aald pao dlM out a llltlr aummary of tbr eoodl
»Sfbt a«rpr1a* a* at tap motacst aad tioa of tbr baaineea. It U Juat aii yeale
fatlMT placed tbi* Tvapcmaiifepoaaiago that your fatbc-r
Mlltf cm mp eboBidrni.
k»ow that I bare nut abirlrcl It.'
•U b vary________ _
gtri. •yad I tbaak yao all for yov atoar aad brat orrr brr aad ptrkrd
paprr from tbr ibek.
“IlKer ate llir
‘'“SJll/brjiar room. mlai.“ aaW the total* tbro. and brte Ihrp arr o< - “ —'
bbe paabed o|wa a door.
be pUeed tbr cdip Id brr baud*.
“How eweet aad dalatpr cfM the
“it arem* likr a Uck uf nmb
. gW at aba alepbed acnxM tba tbraabold. yea to err* look at lbc-D>.“ uid tbr giri
“Aad vbat lorelp lowdrar
a* abr glaated down at tbe Hgurt*. hbe
*Trceb every meraloc. mba, by Mr. gave ■ liillr gatp.
“Why.’' abr crird.
■aadlfr'a ardara.*'
••yoo barr dnahlrd It ”
The cM brld the fradMt bbaaemi ta
“I barr hrra rrry fcirtuiiatr." braaid.
bar fare.
“You barr wotkrd likr a alare." erird
2J.*Tb5»’*t”1^oSf UkraA'*mtoI.^
“Aad where b Mr. BqacUffe'a
abe aikcd. '
“Be calb it bb dam mba. It’a la tbe
atuc. WooU yae 111? to are Hr
Tbe boeaekerper led (br wap ap tbe
attic Btabe tad threw opeo a daor.
mat (be roam of a burp msa.
mere baek> aad map*, a few ebuire etcblaim a baadeoeip deak. a (aide aad
Aalre. Tbe.laUr waa Mrrwo witb louoe
■apaie, the deak vaa l■a(lkrd with them
to paekafva. Jbere were b»*t opoo
the cbalre. tbe taMe aad (he doer. Am
Bbuor Moaped aborr (beoe pape
Mdead that (bey all burr tbe .
■ame—AtaavoKb. Tbea. aa abe rabed
brr baad. abe aaw her portraiu rxqelaHely framed, etaadiiit atpoa the deak.
Uttie Uuto raddewMl her ebeefc.
“Be b a fioBt trarhar. Ur. BaadlSc
to” aM (be bauaekaaper. “Uaay a ai«bt
rvar aaea bla li«bt bui^oc a|> here astil
aaa vai etreaklacilbe
I abaaid faary." aa
“that br
I Bp to date reodlaeaa far op rrtiirti.”
“I'vr aa doobt be la. mba.” aaU tba
<101 tbr t
Ibrr? IR . llr look me u|i wb< t>
......................... ; hr aiUmcvil inr.
adimnarkabledateotiveakliL Arabbs. ^Bttor.parto--who bad broken Into tbe niarqnto'eboqaa BBBe.f
at C«ngbn.sa. faetancL wae nmnad
by bla and followed to a pobltobcmm I
mile* off
thatiaattraoitog tb- at..........
of every
tax- It i« a t««wi of c-U.-*. ataiuling_____
andrepiiatii. • doyoo grasally take?"
»7 »« bwda
to bsoea. and
?***? ^."^'* oWietit m
bavebrm brooghi to from Monuna and
«• ■wall
•••‘Hag a purcbaas_itMme of the
tng ^
pm* to tbryarrto. Tbeblka Uva
domanicaten. and tbeii owns, O.
baa driven ttieiu aboot bto
Etbel—l>on'i you tlitok that pSr of
■ vaara Inrely, (Icwtge?
(rt-evgn I with vtoiona of feat nigbt'i
pnks gaiuri—t^rwi tbctfatog'l 1 don't
' Wttitt to hear aorthiiig abnot tbeni.
Etliel ba* n« rpohratu tii<u(vc- elnoe
—Buffalo Esprem.
parhrt acMrrmrd
•onal IrttiY. unCutohed aad nuHignrd.
Tbe bol Mottl aurgrd lo bl* Arrki.
“Wbat do poo trmaar hr ariicd
Bbe s>n>ed her i«irae atiddrvw forth
folded irtirr. oproiag it
*br paaard
lo him.
Hi* face paled and hi* hand
trembled a* br'rrad (be few lines
“It U
OCX. JiAnr
fedip." br Bor"Rnt pnu know I arvs amaM
yoe to *rr lt.“
“Bol poo meant It wbra you wrote It,
Johtir“(iud know. I nmiiut it.”
Hr looked
up at brr with a audilrB fire la bU rpew.
“1 will tell pciii tbr inah. Eleanor, and
I pity m,
r alwap* birrd p
♦ r.
worth cnaapaap. aad Kleaaor aligbtrdL
8to mapped into tbe outer oftre.
aaj^ba^taokad ap at bar la m
lai^to tJ
repM tto girl
“1 prefer ta
It blm." Bto awepi bp tbe attaadBBl aad________
daatered tbe
Jobe BaarUBe waa beedtog over to
arvrr diramrd it. I an »nrr poo orrrr
did. It i* for pou that I hire, tollrd. Yoo
barr loaplrrd mp eremp effort. Hu|ir|p*a
pr». hut tbr inil w** *wrrt. 1 arrer for-
ao compHualrd that Carter wa* Uto
Tbroldabrrpifclu rluak tuentiouedby
Paul {xobably oo*t him abunt gl. al
tbat waa tbe raniiwai pnee attbatUma.
tu.d •- not;.,,
only man wbo could greaae tbeni.
ruaaon tbe cab wa* n« pat j
into ranntog ImtuediaU-ly
' al..................—
afts it wa* , |
Importwl bot wa. laid up in tbe
(be gUble I' . •■<«
.. .
, from
Hi* C0I.W wa* aoi eo good.
• sk of art baa JueiL beea l»uM la
New Y’ork at an ouUay of over 1100,000. W’■bid'tbe pabiUhen deeira a
manags la ttaia eouairy. alao a good
toUdtor. Good pay to tba
.a right
' ■
Nearly too fall page* .
paper, lllumlaai
; ovey S
■■■ gold’
biadli’gri ■
ia tbe eiotta biadiage.
toll* at
•ICbC p
taniag day an
Oe. CbrtoUao
_____ :u ____
•romea mabtog fortnoea toklng
ukloi order*
Sapid rromotioM. Oae ebriaUan wofuau made clear g&OO in four weaka
taklag order* among ber ebarcb
tjualeiaacea and IfiCudi. Write ua U
may lead to a permaoeot paying poal-lon to tranageour bealnr** and look
after oar large eorreapoodens. which
f DU eae at-tond to right at your home,
dddreto B A Koermao. i: Beat Kiftoeoth airrel. belwcea Broadway A
Plftb avaonr.
Of ope rabJeA ertn Mr. Preamaa
would bave been forced to adaiil that
a a* if be had been
Thewskmauebip of "Crookit
Meg.” [ ”
»ul*r wixr.1 mr. aad i to*«.-d It |
I uafurtnuite cbaace placed ba waa pluaaed lo aay, waa aa good s .
lad* t rebaot liaagiue. That ooold ba w><b uoe rzoepaoo., “If yoa j
lie qnetl
Wm be glad! Be bxAed up wtU a
lie tore tbr abret of paps t
t have J
•Riek San. paSIng kto «malr back and
icmrata and flung tbetniNe it
aaa diatoot looked ovs. Tbe main abeS
comtok toward ber with oaiatrtiehed
Hr elle
la k rope, t>oC kSil Tbejtou 'looaed'
wbn yoa get «uds Wky mad to tba fim
“John." the aaid vety aoWy. “It i
' abamr ahcnil old l*0|ir
tirrr>rp. UuT ... , mil taken la when yon are oonlng to
that trembled.
Hi* fas brigbiracd; a Vra know what hr did. Wheo
filed ytmr
goar moaring*.''—Bieokwood'e
moaring*. orsthebee,
out of ■ Irap <atoa
I Iboaght yra wem
llou *od lu a*.a(Dliic tbat tbe oU JuUaa
■**>••. I. •ciil it. r.wM> “
uJai b,
* .1i"
■ BbelaM
d aaUe bs hat and ctaak a* abe
“Na” aaM tbe a
tmm bae as b
1 bad bs
Rpanmsi. ana 1 acaio aete.
Tm afraid yoa eUy brrv qatot toe
awb. Jaba.-,
Jaba.- aaid tbe giri. “Tea as ws '
moamg wall.“
“Nevs Mt bsts ta my Ufa tbaa 1 «a
K tbla very mamrat.* replied Juba. wHb ^
c faee bare am tba
Bbe gave Um I
haH trads. baU
?, Good Line of Jeweli?
J. N. MtRTINEK. ksSkS.
L* Peie*>s
John R. Santo,
Gtnril lisirain.
ml ' fes-a
oono KMTm.
Lt bu BaaU* I
Ai TiwremeOp I
■Tbalr dtobea," rajotoed «ba glas
ara. aa
rale, ts Iragi
year i *boold fed quite Jo«lBrd-qultr j T»annaMaRiamaRMWaaaa«iawq
Jiwtiflrd. Jobn-ia aikiag pour csisai aa flugen of iRipsUd tad Are, with r gaagaardlao icv-to my atarrytot-ob. sat oUna ebamt. bot mid aotblng.—Datratt
And abr atmebrd aat bsb baadt to
Tbe gvMl CbriStoa feMta cf Chrlsblm.-Clrretoi>d inah IVeIrr.
mto. Bstor. AacRaeitai and WbimonI dda an aaid to bave been otdsvd lotw
■......... I
ivt-. —
jatasved bytbewXwda ebarab all ovs
_ ___________
te die.
ae early M tbeoiosof tba
—’■’r._________ _
rw -c| *». dtrittm
,< Ih.Sf
^ Bstsw bad 1 patM.bfivewbea ItUakl may law gam-tec
jibe Pelt lirqiieUe EiUinI
awallows **be' diapatobedaS
blade, "that 1 aapeetoUy like tba taM
c^;;s ..7na,dtoo"wb;; X ~
»«"T. It to^ Becatuc.
abe aa^ »*b"^ wemra to tbe waHd yoa eewld tara
”I waa bemaiitfl, 1 waSadHa aw tbe , to.
' sU bama. tba aM Bwaa. 1 waatod to aw 1
Be-Tw; tbat U tbe ealp
yw. te
g A’?A.y'(t^-l‘'RapU*
Carload of Horses Here
,. taK
T»*i« *mTi*gat*Sp. w. aa*rh« r earn
i|^ar t*OruKl Rap«d*aad rkair m Oread
home and began lb*l Irth-r.
“Joha.” abe aaid. whb a little ttams
la ^ vetee. “arra'i you gUd la aaa
. .
MY mmo. I Win all in yoar caarr.
taa aat to papa’a dmlr. yoa knew.
daa. h WUI iaaam me yrntr todlvtdaal
itlaa. Bat you are aot ariag papa’.
Jeha. It I* mack ptoaaaats
Mats (baa
Tkrtma mm
Rapid*. *sd I Rapid* u>C*Ir.
bare hail mf buildint;
old patroDR..
mmaktog pari
UaloD atreet. Arat bit
ilsk eoatb of
icD** aura. Sfaa wUl be plaatad
call BRd
Gniil Bipidi » iidlui Bf.
Ic 1. LOORWOrro!
to receive ill <
Karw tb* Repea
s:i South Union BUwat.
r.* li lt*. m.(r
ehape and am
res of tbe fflat hauMan cab to Anierioa.
—New Ysk World.
on time or for caab, at
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
Bupkislag CoflM-LlUle Tbra.
"'l----- :----------------- ---------
fjooii whffeU for aale cliiwp
td41to. ■Tn ottjttapaa ILtnaplt s
rvl^uilt RQii put
abunt Hie (Hock Esrbangufs four yean,*
aad tbun it broke down, ending tbe s-
No remoi^ equals WABsrato Wum:
isn OK ‘TaH SYHrj" for thU Usrr.--ai.d fatal dleeare. If taken Uh>t■irhly atid to time, it wilt ouro a caw
. ;!4 bouiw, and fo“ the uoui'h that l«l■wa LaCripiw I*, .uver fail* to give
and Wk
-------------- -
9 Cun U Bnpp$» 24 Btire.
onriabed, sltrbtus, pimplea. a-'cr*. nl
i tbc’biglnUea
Only S&i: at S. B Wait
lave been O Jobnaou. drnggiata.
f.,Uy ,
He wa. growlag old to bs aaev-
Are aiandard* of raerliraw. Hold by
- a.mnnVB ■ io«pm
A Horribla OutbreadK
Cdhc-totl. Twem.
1W pr®-
aaaaaa are aaraly earad by it. Oall on
E. Walt an<3 clat O. Jobmoa. dmga<«. and g*l a frre (Hal bottlr
fonth'a Cbmpanlcm.
There ia a novelty at tbe atook yaida
tm torvt CartawMe* Wore Brekora. Whe
MUndoa eivaa Asay.
notafraid to be gaoeran*.
He inalitad «p0n feeling all tbalr ------------------------- --- --------------------------------- -----------bearm.anda*hewattbrir)aodki(daad!;i*w away ovs tan mUlkm, trial
bto ootudn, and tba awoIU looked o
amnaed pity.
Tbat froBen ootaln U dead bedoef
... z.Z'Zi
them woold betray him. Ttiemaniato.
bowever. wa* mans of tbe aitaation.
twell a aye.
People at n.
tbalr earn in atnoaed eorioaity,
at the table looked a tiiSa died at the bompkto'a noiae.
II to It <
There tbe robbs bed aeated htaaelf {
"Lortly; bow ooa 1 tallt Anythtog
yoo Uker almotod Iba ndobeeked. btUlet btoded yooto. who ooBldn’t make
bemlartoil of tba wlnki and lookaof
deadly waratog emapaUag Irani Iba
Bduna. Man., waa uamrd fs a fw
Tba flrat banaom cab to Atoerioa bad
male ivlative of a mlncT named Juba
aa totseating btotury.
A remintoaiDt.
eoiable, rad faoad cabby told it ISa tbe
otbs nigbt up by tbe Tbirty-lblrd atraet
potaloM with a riolb
It to a
•tand. It waa touugbt over iu I8T0 or
Barer ot time aud of tbe itanda
167 f by John Patrtitof tbe Pacific botel,
in Greenwiofa attwt. fnirt above CortI
“\Miaf« tbr dlffcmicv Ivtwc-i-n
tandi, and itocartC70. Ibcdrivsw
^ and a wager?" a*kc>d tbr inau wbo
of Liverpool linoe
lobn Carter
Ibluk* tlirn- an- t<><> man> word* tn
ceaaed. wbo natua to New Ysk to I8HI.
‘^ram aot minxtord at tbit.” aurser- Tbe original mb that John < torts drove
iraJ who alwaya |
rd Blraoor.
Tbrrv wa* a Dttlr allrare.
liketboeenow to ujir. but itbadaolaret
make- with a m
“Joho.” »br «aW. “arr poo grttlng r*rrly aud red runDlug gear. Anlntnst' ;vt,ii-b ba* i» lu- pahl. lui mnttrr who
Hi- I«.krd
l«ikrd . tog
lea. with a’lr.oHoc pr*f*r' H.ing ftoturu
feature of it
It Wa*
wa* that »
it wa.
was bol- |.„,r,.
|<mu-c. .\
.v w.v
•■■m<-il>liig mure
■ witha patrdt
. - patent
. aslcn.
made .wliii a woiunn.
at brr wccndt^tirir .-H <>nltf It tw p.*.IWr etrrrd
which tvlto.-d
............. M to n
llwManittto of WalarfotC<mimDoi>w. , .. ........................................
How oooldIT Yob know that. C’oaaln
* cn.
^'°’^|Diok, aaweJIaelda
bomr, and now Kow York
barr d(«<'.“ •br Dortlp aaid. “I kouw
(bat hi* dauriits dor*." eod cJw hrtd out
brr baud. Hr lock it (raderip and brid
It a mumrai.
“J<ihn.“ «br addc-d. T
don’t •nppuar 1 could marrp witbeiK
pour coiisnir
Hr gerr a IKlir •tart.
“Vre." br nM grevrlp. “you could.”
“bo, rai quitr «
abr UDgbrd *urtlp.
“Map 1 aak who (ba
foriBoatr man i(f
nia relcr waa Irar tod alradp.
certalnlp bad rrmarkabla contrU over
Bbr grnilp toagbrd.
“1 cao’t irll pea prt.“ abr eald. "Tob
m*. br doruo't know.“
“I do 001 nndsataeA” hM tbe maa-
Tbe giri paoaad befon tbe Utured
“I vofitd tike to bare a aotr for Ur.
%rUfr,“ ahr aaid. “Ha wUI to aare ta
it tkb etrolac.''
Tca“ aaid tbe be«aekeeper.
tefubr aa eiorkworfc.*’
giri alipped iols Ito awirel chair
Tbe gi
• aM
aad pick
picktd «p a pen. Kto loakrd abatit
~ «ar
dor a ab<
abrec of paper. Hbt bait opeaad a
ill dn
drawer at owe aide of tbe deak aad
a A
lato it. Kbr etartrd a little and
_____ forth
for aa eefoided bit of aoie paper.
Her aaoe waa od tbe abeet. lo faru it
vaa addreoaed to her. Bbr looked at tto
date. It waa h laoath overdoe. Blowlp
read tbe llaea. bar pale riieeka botlp
•aablag aa abr pnMvrded. Then a amlb
havered about tor llpa aa abr rarefDUy
folded tto papm- and put It la her purae.
“I barr (baaged tap taiud.- abr celled
to (to boeaekaeper. “I will aot leave a
■Ota far Hr. Baardfa.
I wlU cell oa
daaticTeaarrral dtlaena to tbeeowatof
tba year.^Loodon Spmutar.
have to aattia that yooiaelf. ”
"Shall we b^a oo a bottle of Bu-
rcmfiiiciur l.p i.i.hlns ipr •oU (ni.(s »f
hi* ictvjcrtty and >oBC
tryior to )u«lfp ibat r
Tbr girt hxikrd op
elL Tbe 8rivs4)f tbe cart may eonttone
to arge on bto wild cares, ibo^ ba
•’Dmallyl”aboDt^tb^«'Hh ■•Haw.
br bow. bawl Ini't that great? Umally
lot DotbtogI Of OMOTe? Kavsaeewinc.
"Brriclra. am I «
the pomito ion a
------ emrwsrTor^.
Wbloh weigh aU the way from 1200 to 1700
Ibe apiece. ITil* to a* nice a lot of horees a.
bat been seen In Travaiwe Oity Is a long time.
These hones can be seen in Brodhagen's
Livery Bam.
THE ifaaWWG mPCORD, WBDNteDAY. APSn, 1& 1900
■i—Mli «Hto Mtoa. Mr. Mato
■aaftr MU Uaaa to aaat atator (to U
Vito hM vitoM a bavr Ma towa (a-
ctoa tto lanac
U h> Mk (k» air M
............................*»rk M Mil Mr
n.( M ka. ana tka..
■aato Atrito.
*nlM • «n* ••« OMi
Tto ka •€ tor aair oaa vai a Mara
TV <w latW a m4 a. 1 crat crWr to Ura. ItiiiliU. tot all
tor taan. itoaaian aaJ H>rMtoir«eUd
« bp tto-tkwdr MoO.
aot arr*UI m tor kaatoto H niaat. ato
at tiMa roM a* tor towortaakia MaMto
£ aT^^ u
UarMf trial 1 htaiaif to Ua aatktoetka. Mr. UaaaMU tot tto raaw
«« «aa ta rliml: A «Ma «*
Sto4aal7 kk prtvrra *aa ctocM to
tto k«ht U a *Ur opoa dear. What
Sm'Vuli*^ **»i*»ir
uapikw toto MMtU tore k(l tto dear
cteM foPA Ulrilliag tok
•r Mia Aaaea'a roea a larhlaclj opM.
Tbkk t^ieklly trwa cf tba kyiteai
dkptarias. aa M did. tto tmt drawer la
^ tna k>» «W|
whkfe tto aati dkeaaaad ptoteviapb of plMfitr valar narto. ao oalkd. In
YMioto towMk or makH of papoc.
to Ik?
laA « ^
whapa tto mat Islereatlng Mob
Mrark tor fcnrt—fT» vtok toM *tom tor •korr wbkh boa to do with tbk bevtob
TWr V«k niawta
-of tba todartcT k that of tfaa famcam
'‘Irwlaad'i GoBtekmo. ”
to rrtoctai “U. lake i««.o»r «tator law
Inland bad fatarWtad uMm Bbokatkat 4r«*«r it> >011917 araaU of tto tnilh
9Pon monaslfto. wh|<fii fop a. kmc
•r Jaaa'a Marr-’'
With a rauWat kto Itwad to ■olaa dm wtm aocp^ aa ac«aaL Tb^
Iraljr rairrpd ttomat. fwrtlatlr rioaiac Bade pBob an Itaprauiim l.idoad that a
noinfacr of nan. tanioaa at that tliaa fog
tbetr erwcUHcm and lew tltair UMray
Hlnc, ToluUrily pcipored a MMl■t MiD» UAtyiomron J
ncmial nttoatlaii atooIuM Udkf la Uw
* j tto'-r”* to ^ Ta'to^^Ib^'lia'rUra antbaDliellyuf tbunaoBaoclpM llitolt
ckrtuncmt tbra non afliteaditoir rten^
turaa and aonl tbwp^ too^oaat.
*^emir: MaM-Ledr *ai OOMiac!
The vbok of tto original pdlticm cif
A Ikhl Mpp •« tto ataln aad a
4 toanaradrpoaMar
___ __t .Ito rrfraia of a auoc tor- Ito fakoa waa dltoM cf IB h <•« Ixm,
♦ aldto tto eppitaiA •( Uko
and ao great WM tbe ttoiwurn for tto
• '
a oetf; ^
edition that Magk eopdw ware dkticnpd
r. Jeha." aaW Mkr •
hlaaatoU; aaror oft Ptnprrtol
lira ilaaadrtd. koUa* op frea tor fcato : j
'Ttorr*oiMl7<wcttoa(lutodoap. Ua
Jaba MaaaSrU. mlito wrrrhaM ^ ^ to**AjuJ.^«wrad and ckato tto
drrata aad laaror of naprraa. kotod
j|,. MoaatoW coaU
■p (roa hla paprr.
jkror tor awriap about tto raota. atiU
-A dUroratr. *7 **rr to Mid. aa- ,alacia«tirbll7totora*U.
brat aactitaTlal aaaaa. f -Kto U taUto «S brr hn aad Jaetot.*’
MUsiwMas CAMoa.
tto Oip «f Stopena
ISssiis: -
Preaani: Aldwmia Pbrlra. erellltfc.
Oook. fimUb, Itodk. Kanyea ud'Sar rtn aad Muyw Bnmflmm
!b tba SMMirabk. tba Memor and OBg
CewMIef IbaOUydf TrneurM CtM. TbB W. B. a W. a. Boao. gaaoral UMMot otee
DearMfu: I band yon tbk. my rwIgnnitOB. from tto Board n< Matolhm
of tto ullf oTTkww^
Mowed by Aldurmen Smith that tbe
Moilcm Cterried.
fb ito HoMreUc.
• Oonnefl a/ Ito Ctt* qf 1
Cigar Store
Billiard Hall
For Sale
I wlibto. the ulty
Eiqilra It
Ikelta, rta:
Two IH ateeydwMHnfieon Eandolpb’
aireet, U>< M BevUned'e ndd., et a eoat
otfiTMeueb. PoarlMekotyd^mnia
M B-rbib itraet and ana lit a'ovy ^gpu^i^nonmtT^ raosiBow^otoe
dralllnr cw Oruat aieeet oe k>u Itc.
lU and iM. Oak Balgbia Addltloe. a> a
f u 4 .to T u tu
euMof aeuMfiSWUneb. Onalkaioy
dwuUtag on Bigeth atraet on lut m.
Oak Halghli Addition, et a ooet of
about rso One IH awry dwomugea •igkt nantora-ptoe
Blreenta atreeton lota It end M, blk
l. Perry flnnnnb'a led Addltloe. ooet
about $1,000. Ona t etory dwalUar cw
nftb atreet, on leu 4i end 41. block 11
Tbe Oontlnea tul Amur^nee Oamnenw
of North Ameriee kanm uU uMnS''
Lay A Co’a lOtb aodainu. at a
l^kke. Ineuriug ugutnet ewt^t^
coat Of about fil.no
Ona IK atory
dweUlagon.WebvMr etraetoo loM II
end 14. oloeb 6. Hunnab. Uv A
5*> Add . I
□ ■Itto StetuL^rfull
RKataa mZ. <_ll
T>R rUKS TILT. Vocwtawy nergaea OM
U Draito. ecTgw ato D»eul»ura,to»«ilil--------------W.O.,o»™
lira oeic* oaxi to Walt-g Dry^etcou ea Votoa
M-eed to Aldaraaa Smith that tbr
114 Front St.
Cash Capital $200,000
« to rtplatolii* Jaat b0* be bad bad
awlKb ttoM.
/IrUawd-a atory wag that tfaa abeU fid
whiofa be aaad waa the ouwtda of
amcal otbm cm wblcb aoaaa aooouata
bad itat kept dmlnc tbe reign ct
Chvlea L At that tliae IttJaod waa
tba mIiMM
••Ioaref*llyaekcted.”aay»>B. ~tve petfikmtofruind.
MoUoa uerried.
half ibueta out hariag any taarfc whater«r, cm vUefa 1 peonad ay first Ufa- Tb Ito H&nombU. tto Movor and CUp
oelkr t
CtwneU «/ (to VUy oj TYomtm C«v.
gICB.” A frv pagcB
<» 1m wrote:
MMAipaii.'Belag tboe -iirged forward to tbe proOenUenMa: L tbe uedwulgned. do
FcepeeUally peUtion your bouorable
neeeMaty that 1 abotUd poaraa a gafiakBtqoaatllypf edd paper to meble toe
to proceed, la ecmaeqaetiee of wbicdi 1 n& WeabtmrtMi euwet. Seld walk to
to n *-«t wide to 40 feet long and to
BUiD at u unminga. auumeu me to laan eout toe per equare.yard and to be bulU
ato baatlly hid eootrtblag la a drawrr a fu) rrcogaiiioa with aikei corara. aad. Moan all tto folio and qnarto eolnniea 10 auunroanee wUhtbcordleatice nkpbotograpb tril to tto Boor. Bto aamlcb- braring Uki Aaaom'a rxprraaioiu of aor- in bk obop tto 6j lenra wblcb tbpy Ive W tbe oonalruetloo of
ad It up. flung It loi<> tto drawer aad prk* aad ibai abr waa approaeblng tto
It. L A. Biding.
Joaxi*i Bmnn
ckaed It. but aot brfote 1 bad raedgalaed bed to Irani tbe cauar of Tlay'a cxciuamply atored
b aa Tour ptoiociaph. 1 preteedU aoi
r»rt»rd with a eery fed
Moved by i__________________ ■ that
ocp did 1 few
It the
to tore aolked ihr pboto. prel-rWa ca
appeetaace grarbr tbe petition be grunted ud that
baee ho rapkoatke fioa 7«a-"
tV bookaellM. Ai 1 waa folly awaiv
•Motkm carried.
Mr. MauMd wai tbr pktare of b
fran tba eariety of water marfca wblcb
Trueerae City. Mieb., April «. 1900.
7b l*« U>"wral.l€ the Uau"r ond tto Ctl|i
* Miaa AnaeiB. H naat be rxplalaed.
n/ Utc LHfv of TYutwror Cilv.
a bright aad ibanuiot young lady whom amaartnaut. ou doubt."
oiwarkrtblgBaatpatWHagTeea. PiMgai
B SpeciBlty.
Mem. Mitofirld bad reratly rogagrd aa a
a.'ll^iihiS^!*''^ ^
work a >eaala->r.
OeuUemeB: We. tbe uoderelgBcd.
Ito wau« marto of that a^^Vory care
Mew OMoa. Murkbnm BloMf.
would rMpretfeUy eak that you ordei
“I BBI uiiiir at a kaa to explaia tto af
fully prodnend toy firot ^eoimeni of tbe eeetuent
walk eix <6) feet la width In
fair?' aaid Mr. Mauillrld la tooce quiW ■>»
writing cm rruch atouta ri( old paptw aa frooiof LoU 1. f 3.4, ? and «..bloek 1.
aalito Ihuar of tbr major of i’imprraa. duH.
N«*xt to Eucle OffioB
Manoab. Lay A On'a tat Addilloe. oO
TTcaalUy It waa gi»en to tor by a aiutoal
HI; worahlp thru pra<-r«d.;l wito abnpt bad DO mark whatorn.
BaTiog heard U freqb«otl7 otand Uulou atreek
and iwky aruirucn.. quitr Urtoid of their
CouviK 8. VanKu.
-TBro why a^bS abr wakr a myatery •»ual floWj trituminga. to explaia bk that tbe appearaiwa of tnch luorka on
or Koikaaka. vtU epee
Cusa 8. Vairtu.
Ibe papm would botp giwally tend^ to
of It and gkt| orrr It k prirawr da- ,!»«;•«•« I" ‘•or room
C. U. Shuiwook
mmadrd Mrw. MaaalirW grimly.
' Oreatly to bii rHirf ato did aot look uaubtlob their ralidUy, 1 Ikteoed to
Undertaking Parlors
-- 'i Mr Mauaftald. with **rr aagry vtoa to bad finlabrd. Sbr etwyntoark that voa inadeem IbeaubMoved to Alderman Oook that tbr
r. "I do net cDderataad aak aotblng at firwt. but. opeelug tto fa- loot, and I at length gleaned tto fatelli- patIUoB be rruted and that tbe walk ^»|^.4t0toBt> Caloert. U»
goooe that a jug waa the preraleAl wa- be ordered eooetrueted.
u tto drawrr wblcb ato 'gkaiad' drpib> I
Motion eartlad..
cra m»A of tto reign of Ellaabetb. is
Treveree OItv. MIeb.. April 9. I90n
a of ethM oonoeqaenoa of which 1 Inopeciod all
tbe abeeta of old paper tbeo In my poa- To Oir BofuJrobk. Ito May>^ and CSly
. ..ibra of tbr family
a> well."
Mra. Maa>firld with atralaed ralmaeaa.
, mrmbera
ipqf TVaceraa CUy.
New lUal tbr Brat abock of
<Be&t to be had in
Mr. Maaatoid'i pomp<^7 te- Ubmrei. Tky wrta ptciuiea of bk wife tbe Jog ou ttooi I pcodooHl tbe anoceetl
manoacuipu opoo tbeee. Itongcnreundefolgeed bodr
the city is at
™^PDMndr. Diy dear. MUa Aa- |. "Why. wto gart yee Ibeaa. Mki Aabowercp. to mingle with tbom a u..
.. tecllii -oi of above
ovtaln Dumber of blank learee that tbe aald city tb.t they bo daly reeore aad
kTywuf kdy"of g^dU^rreaXMlbd . "Ja«k." ^ rapUed Mmply. wlib kw- prodootlon on a audden of ao many wa oe an lat-lHgeet ooaatitBeney, uad.
aouad )udgmnit. bto fnaad aomethkg la rrrd eyelida aad a pretty flaak oa her
WoKiiuaa. we roepectfullv petition
mmpifls io window.
ter marka might not excite raepleion in
my pobto llfr wbkb ato ha* beeo good fare.
tbe breaata of tbooe peraona wbo wore you that you nee Id your city printing
Vnu^ to admlrr. Mki Abmib hai bad | ''Jqcbr V ^ “Mf •‘•r
pnico label on a l aald priatinr.
Boat oaoTartonlviUi tbemiDnacrlpk" ihu
erery upiuituulty of atadylai my work | •»«*. ato wblapeied.
Aad be It fertber reeolved that we
Atneekr In MtodnaweaooeeabArD deem It a teat uad hnuofuble eae«e fnr
(or tto part thrrr moatba aad
ako_tbe ,! “But 1-1 doa'i -...................
georral rwunr of muairlpal llfr la what,
wbat. am aware that yoa had crer mat him a latter wrltuu by tbe VlrglD Mary which we
1 tblak. may to nvanlrd a> a aobk tor- Ur b k Heath Afrtrar''
with ber own band. Be remarked that of tbe ArtlauD'a £rafia. etc. .—end i
-it waa for no aato to weat theca.’
eugb. Wtoi were aaieral. then, that
Indeed be a miracle, aluoe tto
•way to enll ■
ato replird aoflJy.
It It u llttl- reriy to tulk ubeat lee.
paper tbowed by lie wutar mark that it
I li by e bet
There waa aikra for a few
. gretkmau riad k tbr robra aad laalgala
<rat we buve e lurga aupply put up for
And be It
WM not made till eome oentuilM after
•Ttoa you ate tto youa.
•f the oltoa of ^kt magtoiratr of tbia
That we eariiMtly requM*
boroagb dUplajrd la Ito pbotograpbar’a whom my aea wUbrd to marry k oppo- tto age of Mary.
Wr will fumkb fbmUlM. tbia esmbat
It ii fito graatMt myRery to moot peo
' wiadow aud. let-ogaking lu that gmtk- altum to my wlab«r aald Mr. Manatold
mer. with lee wuahed elaun uud putto
auid label oa oar eity nriatlsr
ple bow water merto are made. And .reare
maa myaeir. abouM putebair that pbole- arrerely.
■hr rafrigerator. for fit Oo u mouth ■
to an ecknewledr'ipeni of a fair con
• Yri." ato momured.
yet tbe matter la (be limpleat thing in penaetico for hoorat labir
>Bd won't eak to be puld (ta udyunne.
Mr. ManafieM Ibougbt deeply for tbr tto wcwld. In tto menalactnro of paper
L MsaiBrtd llrteord with ImBoraVonra ra<p»eifallv.
rxl trw mkuin. After all to lifcrd tbe pulp, befere It baa beffun to be
bk fret'___
Akkhcax FKiiutAL-rot-M'ii.
"A rrry good explaattke." ato com- Miu Aupoib Imaraarlj. aad If br atill dried and after it baa been aprcml on
Both 'pboon 94
Triverae Cllr M>rb.
meated. "If It bad brra owe of your uM- ptvied oballiutr ato would of coarar tbe morlng platform, paaaM under n ' OoB-wUlre; J J. Tkdalc. P. Handle
eki pbotognpha. Bat tto oar la UIm Irarr tto bouar aad prrbtpa tbia morn- roller enllad tbe "dandy." On tbia mna. W J Nekon.
Aaaom'i puaarmtoa k eee of iboae you kg'* ridlcukua adTrotufe might to caw"dandy” ta affiged tto derloe whlefa
Moved br Aldermae Smith ibut tbr
bad takro about two yean ago. tofera tioord. aad-yea. hr woald to mrreifal.
peUtion be referred to tbe eommlttv'
-Well. Mlaa Aj»ob. I eeed hardly aay worfca tbe water mark.
you wrrr rInirO uiayor. Wr nidered oaIt la of boot wlru. and aa tbe roller
V a few of tbmi. 1 rataraitor. and i that your alory baa aatoeiabrd me betbeaebt wr bad dUpaaid of them aU. IW youd nweaure. but I will aol diagulae preaew tbe papw It pmaaea Into It the
Ti> M>4 /f.rt»onil.!e. tfK Mnyor anifCiiy
queaiku U. bow did Mlaa Ajtaom.abuk from yea ito fart th«l duriag tbr time
you hate been with ua yi« bare woe my
uarl I did aot girt It to ber."
Council of (he rUy of Trorerov filv.
SEASON WITHOUT REFlUJNQrIn tto aame manner meet elaborate
■"Tbra I roa aaly aay that ytw mart to bigtaral eairrcu. aad. la fact. I regard you deuigna and peon plctnnu and Intricate
Micbftnm.CAmomfJftei/w/Am/cAno/f. . ProMt. ourefnl uad eourmoue attiB .
mktakra. my drar." >aid Mr. MauatoU a lib freliaga of iialrrual affortlon. Wr
Oentlemeb; We. tbe underline',
of wbole battle
wltb a>nerttr. "Ua your ova coateaabm miiat wrtir to that youag ecamp aad
■ou. Tbe etrougeet und oldent fire Inwill have mtoat 400 or »00 yardi of cxbare
you oaly ae« It for ao krtaut. Uow caa bare bla> home. Uraawbllr"I ibewarid (Ufirw
aimUar to an electrotype, need In tto caeutlou eerib in digrleg onrbuaemvn
ytw br rrruk that It wai a pbetograpb
for our brick balldlag eod being Ir
foi mrd that voa win need wrtb foT
Of OOUIM check paper and bunk pa fllllugAt Bonih Ueion atreet bridge, we
that tiMUH-ol the door opeeed. aad per la tbe moat Important variety dla- brreby propcee to aril you wbat eerih
pwtop> you wUI
photo U atlll In tto drwwrr. Mka Aa- MiB. MaaafleM rtood oa Ito Uiraabeld
' by watar marki. In apuir ef wr beer to dkpoee of at inc per loud.
auu to> had ao opportualty of leawrlug wiih baada uplifird k borror. Mfar could ... DOM molda prepared by tbe old prao- delivered at the b'Mge Iteb load VB. for I aaot bar on aa mwad. U k k u»l bare limed tor entraace wltb greater CM tbetr are 8 curved bordera. IS eovtaln vbm> IK cable yurdt BeMe gnt drawer of brr drcMkg tabk I prorUlnn tod afar beca walllug orlth eye
figures 186 Urgewavra and Siukturi. (peatfunycubMltMiL
pec wlah to aaUafy yuur eorkaiiy."
C. B McHAMi'aAOo
wbieb bad oil to be eepurakdly eeoorad
"Ura. MaaatoM. do you tblak that
Moved by Aldrrmua Oook that tbr
by tto flneet win to the curved onrleoe.
MaaaScM kotod frigbleaed.
etral lato a kdy’a room aad
TVnwen I.OM wirea and «7.5n petitioa be referred to tbe eommMtrr
. £y ^t!‘ to ■ pmatr affair»r cried tto
dear." to cried aa^aly. "I am
magktratr. riiiag. "Von fotwrt year- golug to write aad tril Jack
twioM and tbe mdm rep^cloo wbmw o- atreeto und ridewulka wltb power to
aelr. madam r
temir. Tbit young woauu ton pn
tbe etout urine wen lotrodnced to top- uot
Motion curried.
1 k high to Ur bte wife. 8to la. k fact, tto
port tbe under niifaoe.
dwdgeou to aukr a
oa k bk lady about wboui we had that taollab
In endent tiioM tbe water marka 7h Ito HrxtomJto. tht Mayrr (p>d City
4nm prrparaiory li
('ouncl/ uf the Ctly vf TVoewraa CUv
Ha waa forced to ackaowirdge Umartt
took Mr. Manafictd quite a qaartee ware naed ter tto aame porpcM ea Ibe
«Mte ai a kM to acmhai for that pboto
• hour to Biakr bte wife aadereiaad old Inn aigBU Tbe old Imu bad doUa
tientleman: I, tbe uadrralrned re
and baefaivea. boram aud eariotn other
Sidnralk Lumb«- in .u .IBM.
brtl« k Mka Aaaom'a piiiTMliin. which
forma aaatgna. Pen tto aame reaaca tto epeettullyaab pormlenloa to toHd ex
w my ratdenee. ul No. 9M B
papMmakMB bad
etbotiewt. SudnddtUouw be I8xt4.
uuiriag tor of bar nadylag aSretkn.
He prided blmorlf oa bk krra iaalgfct.
aaarkwblefa made tbetr prodnot dlatlnet one etory high W be need tor kliebre
bk etrirt Impartkilty aad fate finaDcaa la
Mr blaaatold at Wglb laaaagad U frum that of other makera.
iBSBPeiM t* Tpbvbpm Olty Unmbar Oe.
^■wydebed. BeepeettuUy nubmltdkeharglag bte maglatrrial dallrw Bui aUp away. >■oogTatakllag Uamrlt ou tto
A ray f.-iBoai mark of Mm alxMaatb
of Ibrar UBalItte
•urrrm with wiijcb be bad arxtlicaied emtury wm tto bandramk—a band top
Mu Maur Mnxeu
biwrrlt from aa uapkaaaat poahkh.
t beach. Of ibe
After all. to'wa. gkd of aa excuao to
bad made a krlob dtepky k
gave tto name to Ibe "put" paper, wblk
Moved by AldMWua Smith that tbe
he Ura. ManatoM teoed to tor
tbe foolM^ mark wed on paper of n pet>Uoe be grunted.
U waa oaly IS moetba ago that bk
oertaln else gave that Mae IH luuna.
Motion ourrted.
Bibmulkg wUI bad drirew ibeir ealy
k-kw' wbru they beatd ito toll doer which It retatna to tbk day.
aah. Jack, ta Houtb Africa.
On motiou of Alderman Smilb. duly
Mr. MaaatoU bad deter ...______ ckw behlad bim to arauJd tore rnbaii
Tba poet p^ur waa ae onlled beoauM OtoTied. eonaea^ndJouneA.
8tiU in bsrine— in tbs old stnod. Hooss mod slgB futw*WM abeald aiarry rank aad beauty k Ito that they bad eeored oa aU pokta.
H bora a mark of n toUld vl* a poM
A. W. XKBBun.
peiaaa of a daugbier of a keal aagaata.
\ ing. paper hangins, daoonting, CBlcimising. gUid&g, BBtsnl
bora cm U,—Lcmrloai LuttMU
________ OHy Otart.
But baadaouae Jack Mandald eketed ..to Aiaum. embraHag Ura Uaaafleld
A wood finisb, etc. £stttBStes famished. Hhop op stBifs, SRI
"Ht>w geud of
y«Hi iw
to ba«a me
- you
•a amaagr bb own mairlmoakl aBtIra afrrab.
8t (W. W. MiDsn stors). Order* Uu in stonviB
do•ad apaec all Ua factor’a brillkat pkaa
"Did you any you wmind Sbake- OsmsmssmIImi Cwpw—WMTMSton * get pnmipt sMsDtion. BsiidsDoe 1045 E. Front Strsst
lor faiite k lore with a pretty __ ' rke tbk edam pki! Why. b waa qtoto
ipMn'a wcutaP' oakad tto book otun WIMb WIm Mf Tar tyrMpe the
■ drama r
' Both'Pboasfi, No. 168.
beat oougb lemedy OB earth, cune u enld
to -la wbito you ptayed your part cwiy
wan. my dear." repUad tto oU lady, mttto mukiy girii -1 Mned^lftabnfatima. »toAI0Oa.
Krrrrthlag. ae doabc vooU bar* hap-
laatiirld'a flarilag pug. aot Colkwad
"Wbat do 70U larua. M7 drorr* rx- Mkf Aaaun lato tto tvota.
- cUtaird hir. hitaafirid. ,
Tbr aplrlt of iarfailgatka wat atroag
ABO- ta Tia7.’ la tto coarar of bk prrorat as"Tbb aoniiitg." rxpteiard Mn. Uaaaaad Pkratkn to aatarallg kotod uadrr tto
told. *■! ralrrrd Mka Al
toaad tor abwrbnl la tto
....................................... «P •
Fire Insurance.
..DEntisL ''
Otaler lulliwbaf
Sicond Hart lic|cle$.
Iipist Pltlllw
, ©a®
0/1 a/z/iffassAKY.
For Fire Insurance
■ md. Thun.
j Painting
- ;
I and Paper Hanging
vmm^ATt am
bdller censured
g CoatoM «< MMa at
Ktp D»-
4ara« to «*«• Bmb u bklMOM Beat far two dor* ta«* taM daptoy•< IiWfilMiT tTtotiT-*--Of Um toy rroot oeUrlty otooy tta BoddontaryoodBooxnitonad. IMr iaaoto
Tip. 0««n m* OrtMw
lopertttat tta Brilfah tmyoonodMMla to Uodea — lUfablar nUl epootoy M ttaoo ptooa to tta nltof of
~ OMr.oodtta taotytaro otpoe
■.Utof Owt 9nntr - »>•
qoeoUy dieldod wtadher to poaoto or
tooiM, Aorfl M-Alt oowoei
to taU 4trtA hM
kM «U»Md hr
Mblteltao of i>MrtMt (ninr*-- to
Ml* a»d to wM^ Lord
MMh. IWiliwNLortloM’
taatotootoorittolM totorop»»to
M<otottoo«a, tat ttat Ita lUrqoto of
•Wf wito tta rx
tao Mta ti to Mk
Ha whtto tta etoem offaetod or* otUl
•MtooUtoc tta troop* to tta Mid.
WMtofit~i------ ^ oMor* os4
ooUtolto ffNoo to It 1* coMTollr to>
toolCElfr ttat utoM Bailor
ud Worroo Tolootorllr roUro ttaj
will otaio OMorol ttotooro't tote,
■atotor** oo Mojir Thoroor®ofl.o*ok
k wUi utarmUj oulto loM of
t to eowwita ot tta loo
rilytoo Kto.dotatto btobripy ooo-
A» Oblo aabpod OopM Mot Muad
/alowy ppd toOad.
iiatol wTW MertowlraiO
•Urtotto. OblOhAprll 17-Jplha Oito,
toaMiyJatoaet bto wtfa. drowoU
blaaU today by boldtpy bto tea to p
poddtoofwptortbmtMta.doop. Bo
Ma4p Vtoot of Wpitalpp to Ooaa faplea of bto wllatbPt ta oaA
MMttoopto tohPitoPP rpywat of to dbPto ba to blaoolf wba b. woot
to bod.
__________ ■
TtaMtln lofw of tta odewotoof
orap wUl MMst toto.Mo
■at Kota o r%bt dyolHl tta Math*
Od* Baplofod ky BtUUoMlno.
taMtoy, April 17-Mllo D. Coaptall
•total lodv ttat ta a •strwl oot by
tta toottadiof tta
dotoofor tko Bi
for yoTOTMT. Md ttat ttaro oooa
to »o oto far him to odroMO U* «udlMey.
Be otao-ptoodo tta yoraaor’o wtory
ta* tarn opopt (ororpl tla«o o*«
d«Bt ota WptaiMPw aeoatlw.ud ttat
aolM p (OTolploa of toeltoy ooeon
pyplpat ooeb Bottado, ta opb pnoaplah •oUiay.
WoU Xp(w. Wewppapa Owiayep.
doatBtobbri HitotoU Wltb BMaocp
•rwtoi M10* ttonae pmm«.
Wotattatoa. April lT->Wo
twriiri w n» MorBa «aer«.
oWy oo tta or* of apr wltbTprtay taBy.. April 17 - D.rtd
•Mao of tta rofotol of tta taltoo to
pay •lee.ooo dPtopyPi opotriMA by
ImaiTtip atatourtoi to- Araaoto.
arly todpy by elabbtoff blaalf wiib •
Bx-Ktototor AayoU to to toror of ootapair cdpriMMo pad tba Pbeottoy bla
toypp Aawleoo flat to SayiM to
aU. Bipwlfa dtod two yopr. ays.
took op tta deaopd far poyawt of
Tbaporpiy Ipaalty. brooybt a by
the «loLa.ta tboBPttwotoodoaowtta
aebolii la ylreo a tta cau. ri
liBoitooltood to oMd o
aU datrpctka. Baxta wa a brlldoot to Torktob wpton to boabord
ItPBi wrttor.
tba aoald. It to
iodfltdpapyr.oo Torktob •objato pot
■oibU far pbortoototoy* of tta
MratPl obJwUoM pro oryod by of•Ipto Ooa of wbleb to ttat ooeb
tta oOMort of Bptopo. Tbb (rororp.
aMtto ylrlay eoaoldocptioo to tb.
•r. bowarw. to tb. aodptla.
of tbe fpAiily can
tta Oaltod 8totM to witbopt rpprMiot-
MlBBQDXl PMlfle.
Tbotopt word, rotor to MoJorTborp^aoftb order for tta wlUdrowol of
Ibo Brittob froa Bptoa Bop. Boborto
■Afa: “Tbopttoaptto rolU*i Udy■altb. dwwibod to tbto. dtopptoba.
wp. wplldoriad. pyroo with UoamI
BoUor to tbtoktoy ttat It ooybt to
tato ppppitrtnl FpUoro wp. do. to
•OM aaaorc to tta dlffleoltto. of tb.
ymad Pta tta ooaapodipy po.lUoa»
IbPMPaybMd. Probably Ptoo toprrvp to JodyaoBt tad want of pdatototooUrooPtooity ootb. portof W.rrM.''
OoOMPl BoUprMy.tatbtokt Major
Tborpeyertft ex.rotood dtoeroUooAtoco
yrppprptiOD far tta oeoeod doyb' <tofaMabodoot bm orypoixid dortoy LlairCltot Coapletod o tolelde Affair
by BpBfflny Seroelf.
tta day or ooaawoeed ot elybtfpllUprri IwTOeMMUtae tMorC.
Hri.ktok Bull Bpfp.
Ootoaboo lad.. April 17—Mia Ltule
Bow. froB Mpfekloy. dpud April 7.
r.porto ttat tta yoirtooo tbrr. wo. Catot. eyed is. fa' too year, caabla ri
tbOH rwbrotoy iMolf to .od.ro lb. tta Fpraoa A Mprebaoto bask at
atoyo P. leer ••
food Ipato. wbicb Blinbotbtowa, eoaBittod aoicld. to
top. expwtod to ta for two mootta day bf ehlorotara aod baariaf- It
It (toyapo bo. taeo to tbooybt Ota wo. toapororUy U
roploood by tta yooay
Botta OoMldaoUo Boa rotofaraaoototaalPtoly arritad. oad oob.
toaaa to Tlrriat, to Saytuw
w totoyoflaportpoa to oridooUy proOeopty.
aadtoy aaoey tb. boatofforo. Viyoroo.
beabPidBMM oeeoi'at towrfpto. OolOMlPtoaerto fara to ptroayly oopox at OeopOTrlUe. Ottawa oooaRy. M
tcoaebod portbwat ot tta plaea.
u ata. all tba paUoote bartoy folly
Tbra trpppporto baa latari
BolfP, ftortoyoa. Bat Atriaa.^wltb
l.iw AatroliPB bopbaa with boraa
toWBPblp, (toytopw eoooty- Two row
Md t .PW Botoo Itaa wlU
opoa ai^ toportod today, aaktoy a
•aUtaay. Mprpadrila wUl b. tta total of *0 aaea to data. Of tbea taa
Bfptwacpap. It ba plropdy boa
lywitfida far oaopatioo.
Adtopptab froa Lodyailtb. - datod
4)w« jT. dawiba tta oaadll
to Katol a aboolataty 1
iMdoa. April 17—At lat Lord BobaaaMttotaeottaoa of aaktoy
po pdrpta. towprd Protorto. ^tor
y paaptoi* ppd opfaoPdid n
yerfa that to pptarpUy
0 tta dpy OP
vbitb OeMTPl Boborto to Ubply
Iwfp Blomteatap. tat Uatp to . at-ttod lapra.ltw tbpt It wllJ eaor
^[^p^ttawdof tbto wppb a tbp
kiylootoy ef tta aat. It to probobto
W^ll Paper
Everything-new and right Qp*to*date, and mack
lower in price than yon pay for “job lota,” especially
when yo4 get the prices of the border and ceiling.
Yonrd—if yon want to save money.
Hebart 1 Bewber Ca., Prairlatort
ypr ShMB go to h. 8. rrymAB.
Ntooww Poaipyia Wotp ta]oro«. Vay tat BIx Moapd Battle to Chtooyo
XaetVIybt to Wbloh Toaay Wblto
Foot of Itaa gatoo.ly-^bor Ooio
Bhowwl Sopata Btrayib.
Wore Dodly SoaoyoA
I|welal W ta Henlac Pawil
l«cUI W TOe IterBlae PMr4.
Cbtoayo.AaU 17-Tary MeOoraa aod
dorito. Ma. April 17—Tta Koaa
Toaay Wblto a.t to ou ri tbe toateM
aty A Joplto oaproto of tta Mtoooori
M.d battla .TV wltoaad to
Ppelle, oooototloy of foor cpr*. woe Chlayo. at Tatwrall* toalybw Owtoy
btaly WTwkri wriy tbto aorotoy totb. tat that Mriijraa cooctaed
wltbto o alU of tbU «lty. Tta a
w«lyhttoWbUa.itwaayrPWl that It
of tta dtoootor WM P bpd ep*« tori pp both aa eteod oa ttalr fat at tbe ad
pld pbppdoDod ai^ oeder tb. trpokp ri ttaolxtbrooBd do daUloa would bo
'Tbpre wor. to ppwppyer* pOoPrd
Bot far tbie oyraaMt
tbetrpto. NtootoPPworetoJirri.fapr Wbite would eatatoly baa rooeirod
•rrlootly. Jobp Bbpy, wpltpltot
tb. datotoa. a ta laadod ot will oo
Keo Lopdoo. OoBP.. pkoll fcpria
tta Broeklyo lad ata wa tbe .trooycr
apy die: Bd Bppto. Beorboo. 1
at tta two wbaa tta yoay aoadri at
the Ota of tbe elxlk raota.
eery booo., bad MPlp wooed: W.
Mew Yak. April lV<- Mattie MetOrpy. Oprtbpyo Mo., bopd coU J. T. tb.we kPMked oot Myateroa Billy
CbMtor. Ubwp). Spt.. bwd cut.
Sal tb to the I»lb TODod at tta Broad
•ay toalyta_______________
TMbt of Ooeat Fotaetie Wwt Down
With All OP Board Bxcrpi B«
Owaor pad Two Bamato.
Pewlel ta Th« M«nU« Baenl.
Borlto, April 17-A Lotai Aarior
•ppolpl ylrw BMyfr d.ipito of tl
wroek of tta yaekt Toloo, beloeytoy to
Oooot Bodolpb Totanle, with all oo
board mt. tta owaor pad two
▼poto. Tbe wioek Mcortod aea
Mtoorep lelaafa.
New York. April 17-A dtopPWhtnw
BwUa report, tb. low ot Cooat Bwh•Ue'. Mbooawypcbt Tu'.pp. to tbe Bed
Vp and tb. raca. of tta oooot oad
two otbw*. Tbe eooatoM Tabetic
wu oot OB tbe yaebt Sbe to to tbto
rity ot tta taae ri ber totba. the'
ootod toflaao. She wee Mtoe EUo
Beyr OBd wo. awotri to tbe Ooiret lo
tbto city.
No Old “Job Lots’
by Atoafapp KtatooPrtw ta Araoato BItoptfaa to Boocpotoy Jta-
OaTA-IB Oott—d OlBMUr OD pttoa Pt Oopatpatiaople.
kaWcttow wttk Ualud otatolopoi.
no uoipipm abtoboilobor*tta
Motor b*Uof io kobortt' totoUiblU^;
Aa^OPtotiop bto Jodyaopt to tbto
atator Tboytr.pt tta tooldMt botpy of tta yrprtot eoowrp. p»d-dcplor* tta oMOodtoyly potoftl rt*oUttota
no Sataprd opyo It oooi opooo tor
■Mtoop) putoty to too otopr faet ttat
tta ppproai ooouol of Ibo Nptot
.. OMpy tootad pftotoloo.forotbooybt ppd
totolltyooeo pod dUootooM of porpop.
pta It PMaa* ttat tbe ppbUepUoo of
tta oppaor. wUI ta followpd by fortber
laportoPt ebpoyto Ip eoaapodp.
trtf—April 17-Th. oSclpl ypsMU eopipto. OppptpI B*Uof. dtodMortbtoy tta ovpsm of Jppo
pry 17 pad IP. OpowpI Wpf«n'. report
«o tta bpttto of Bpioo Bop. ood Uoporol
Bobora' Maaooa thorwo.
EobPrto ocrwoly orltletooi Owerpl
Worroo. MO^Ttarpoyotoft padOep
««1 BoUar. Bto oopclodtoy w«M or.;
••WbPtoror toola toorrM apy bo*,
•eaalttod. foUoro aopt ta ooeribri
dtotooltooUoo of tta 9B00C to ooprMe
aiaaof to oaort bto ootborlty ood
aoo ttat wtat bo tbooybt boit wo.
Aooo-Ptoo to Uo ODWprrpotPbl.pod
Third Ytir-Ko 920
OBAino an wxra.
ttat B->tarto *««U ta«o otfU torttar
Mloyod hlo odTOM tad oot Bow mUeitr «aeota kta to pot too toem to
m»Um to«r Soltu
TnrkBT Ti
OMOTml WamaAlMOriOeift'
tta otita
«CU odeootoce wUl ta tort.
With TJaiUd StatM.
itroaae Torata lato Boyloy Torroote
to lUtooto-Batlro Ompo of Tarmaa
Doetroyta-BallroaM Wpabta Out
ppd Otba Hooee Wrooybv
Bepctel U TOr Morelae aworO
MoUse. III . April 17—AoMMptioo
ally avao .latrlc ebtrm -rtolud tbU
part of tbe ooootry early tbie maotof
tollowta by a clotaboat. wbito toroad
tta city etrate toto tayiay etroaae.
Tbe fl ad aoeed a yreat aa-ruat ol
BiratoybaiD. Ala.. April 17-Nortb
ero pad watara Alebaae were rieited
by the ba.lwt roto tall la the htotay
of tbe euie lat atjrbt aod early tbie
aorotoy. Ae a raott, rallroade ar«
wabed out. rira* hare left tbolr
baake. m niBtato etroaoie have beea
toraed late roylay torroaU asd yrai
: bava ba baa wrenybt
of tbair early eropa.
Buy Shoes
bero with abfety
pad aatisfactioo.
Oirlow Prices
Hake loig Frienils.
lafaut. Batton 8ho^ —
PaU-nt Leather Tij* —
atilcbod Ajlee.
At sec
L'hildrea’p aboea — Lai e
and battoD — oU ootid
At $1.00
Boy”, styliah Khoea —
cubatonlially made — all
pise -. 13 lo i>.
At $1.S5
WaiaenV tine .bof. —
nice bhapt-'ly stylet- vt-ry
Mrii'a calf sbo<a — onin
toro-lact'—splendid ral*
At $1.60
Meo*» PoUd pboop - all
style toe.—nothioK but
II elwAT* TV *«
Alfred V, Friedrich
X»*v .ABt»-AU v«el
nraaaiA. teebtr m«1
—m« patura-aoe.
When Buying Clothing
Of S. Benda & Cu., the mtiafactios yon eiperipBce Itocomea
grater the moaeot yon realize bow mneb better'you are dreosed at A great deal “ifttlAr" priOA.
Do you need a Spring Overcoat?
We are s lling the ktn l that looks like S25.00 marebabt
tailor copU. at tlS.-iU. Other linw at $5. $8.50, $10. $13. $15.
JnttopADAdnp another invoiee of tbe world's famous
Newltmi Hats in all tbe neweet colora andabaptae. $3. $3, $1.
la it not a pleasarv to boy here where all u new?
Mackintoehes, $13 to $lJiO
-Umbrellas. $6 to SOo
The New Styles
We Show I.
New Spring Waists
lit stric'if cp-ta-date jo eveni wap.
Not another store in tovo sboirs as advaiioed
styles-Oompore, and see for yourself. lA>ok at
our window.
Ueliahle Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothini; House.
A TlAUtooarmlUinArydopArtmADtrATA^
A lair* ▼sriety of
AtylAS and IdAAS of the latast fnahlons In
trlmmad and untrimmad milUnery. Our^
prioea conalstant with good millindry, ar^
vary raasonsbla. As a daalgnar and trimmar, Klsa Kallia Bennett is a skUlfnl artist,
as her work has already proven, wa so
licit your patronage.
This is aa Iga of Noiry-
aeiHelietaHakif Paore.
Aaa Fraactoeo, OaL. April 17—Tta Two OM Foepto to Itatoaa Tlotitoa of
toPMpon HaaoMk. bartoy o« board
Xopt BMPlao.
ttaaaabefp of tta PkUipfiaa ma
rMW W TS9 Honlto taew.
aMa. toUta for MariU tbto ptUrlloatpoltor. 1^. April 17—Dopfai
eerbaatawUe.twooldpo^ Urlpy
- ri Uto city, were Pbot wriy
Of Ltataa' Am Maelto Dpdao_ Uto toontoff by Utovos. who «
fppMrri toApy. Tta AmM wo m t^tostoaltotoW BoUwtoPfPl
^ TtaBoatopAtoro.
Uooffb poi tortowtly wBoadad,
-kAia. t>U. ro wwaj.
CUMC baI* mm* oUm
UiU« Nuiae v«bu w.Ur'
Dacoaed at TePiardayb KoeUay of|
PmP'* or* BOt contoai with Ur
Sptcl I loTlw Moralec
SMlbod. ri U.lr yroud'
Waablay. April 17-Tta neeUoff ri
tbe Mbtoet today wa. prpotkolly a eoa“
'PBt aByiblay, Ibcy
ttoaatloB of tbe reyolar aeottoy held
_____________ pad the IcI.pbMsc u
loat Friday, la that aa toetaUaeat of alwaj* at bata for Uc acMpye.
It takw bot a word, sad a iDODcst
wopoMd eiyll yoremaaat of Porto riUou.
toptoiM U. born. PBd ~
I wae alaoat tta aole topic of mbOD. call may b
Hopdrod.. ata 1
boar S la Ufa to
Fraakfart Karbor Teototday.
PeMial te TM MwlM B«earO.
Frpririat. Mleb., April' 17-Cbarito
eaeoA, a Arm« aaptoyod oa Ue
lake ferry ateaaor Ama Arbor Bo. t.
fan froa tba boat Uto aorotoy U'Ua
PulW «vr kar'* Mv t
IB a. oiik Iwr* «IU or
New Shoes
way »morsar:
»ri ordora'pboM today? '
School of Music
We have just received two aew styles in ladies’
fine shoes.
They are made of a verj* fine, kid
stock—entirely new lasts, up-to-date toes—have
English back s'uy.
One has a fine kid top, the
other black vesting top.
The>' cost you $2.50
per pair.
Koumre bsoobd.
DtonnHOTa Vb« TiHi ii# Konk
Wiping Oto Koto ofMl iitotnittki
Obm flf Bor CHfitfario Td
WollB-HiwntoB Oo.^
gt Ih* Otj 1«BM Aheot glO.OOO.
0mm. V. ■*— AMa i. w.
/. «. Masmb. moor mmd
A Mwl dfiiwM lio oWtodBnH
l A’Bori toe Bn*
at# onri# j ■wiigy menimf. wlpto#
Qot snto of the bMlMw MrtiM o< too
dr* Day ToeUrAny- Be^lgenee ie
town^ud ttoontoatog toe U«w<gn
Cbnigod ea to* Teit of the Company
Wbito Banaitnd n ton Z>am of toe
«UI hMol owmA by Dnatol MeAiptoo.
neUUTa Snndr Oene May So to
ThaliMthntwMMMOf it thobotol
Fury CedAy.
■mg in firi----- * the gMolo nndMf
etoy«todfeni«IyttMo to Monpowlto
There we* bet nee e>ee betorn toe
IMrliaon.(awoC tte« botognhtolo elreeit eowrt yetmrds', and nlmaet toe
nnurndey w»«epiat U taking tentlenrryoetn thotr
r. The Jary wn* nmnred U toe
Ihobold WM • totonow,tooogh
elag. nnd toe ante wa* bpeand
Boot of too otaok of I.OW10 Way, who W. 8. F»«ter p» the pUUtiB. ft
hod n fooonl Moro in too hotol boBd rivfl ecUto for 96,000, broeght by Boy
Oetorte. by bk nwt frtenl John
Ur. wee onood.
Tboflraoprood fn» too botoltee Tenleb, «e tee WaUe-BIgmnn Oo.. f r
dwolIUc owned by,llr. MoAlpUo OBd tajeriae reeeived while wo<Alag U the
ooonplod b# B. Hngor. »m tothodrkr baeketUetory.
W. 8. Stow, toon to tooown
Tne teetlmony U toe oMe far toe
of F. A Bondofoon A Son. nnd too ptelaUO we* that Boy^Batorte wee
mmf*j otoro botidUf wnod by Hnl wotkiag U to* bto^t tneury, nt toe
»f a Utfle Iw* ftona 11 yean. Be
The looooo nrrno foil we:
peraktloe frok bU geerdkg. to
Don MeAlplno. houl boUdUgf -A work onteide of the building, bnt withdwolKnci Urn n.mo: lltUo Uoonn
oct bk easMot had been glvan a poni'
Mto. Boy. proprietor of botol;
tloa of gieoter danger. Ueide the
festoty. TnU toe plnlnUfra elnla wee
•I 500; lunroneo toOO.
F. 8. BMdenon A. Hon; looo to.500; nnwerrenisl. end en eet«of negUgnnee
Kvoneo lli.MO.
o > toe pert of tbe deftadeal.
W. .A. Becmti loM on bnOdUcPSOO;
On the nMrslng oe wblto toe ec.
tooo. OoBtato neoriy o:l ideat oosared. fit k teeUfird that
Ontofle esmplaliwd of feeling eiek.end
Lewie Wey; Uoe elithU nil oorwrd naked to be allowed to go tome. H,weerafeeed. aBdjtoldto -eUek it out
B W.Oeyitotolleon rMO; oUghtU8>Bi Ub* after, the
”fi!u^OMh: bnOdUg WOO; 9400 UoM> bytb)a,n) of Martin, ireat troB tbe
^aee where Ontorie wMnt’.work, end
walla ha wm gear, the boy. it |k eald.
uroBB A MiaiiOft.
teraad d uy, end U acme wey got hi*
btf<K« •»«) (
<Hd Men Took Hte ute U Dett^ Too* h tad on e eew toev «ee not eovered,
nad toe aeoW’ wee eat eff at thr
ineklee. Thi boy any* be bee no
V. W^MATini.
Detroit, AprU IT^-Todey U n fit of
reeoUeetloe or kmowledge ea to Joat
dtopondoBey ennotd by the donth of
h>wtoaee»ideat oeearred. and it k
Tn tMj WMvii bu Aose iu ti»tt reUtlooe. Loeorette R. Kellogg. 7i oleinud that tbe boy eves sot .warned
lamrdtb ttreet ntlwAy «ad ib«Use yonre old. etood before toe wimt U of tak daeger.
W aU MlMkea. Son tb« eospwr ht« toe bone ci hie brotoerU-lnw, Dr. L.
te toe eaee for the dcfaaar, it k
• bwto«poa wblebto work to ladpcr D. White, with whOB be bed Ueod for elalaed tbe* th* boy eeplied for
lb* MOMOkrr eopitot to o»b« tbU w»j. eerarnl y««». end ebot hlBoolf toroogb p >»Uion blBtolf. end did sot soiif
TbM 'U M ^aMUon bat that both toe forabeed with n rorolw. dyin# perente. the* toe danger woe petent to
liBOa will. b« a (ood tblnr tor thte eitj laetonUy._________________
any o’oerver, and that toe boy knew
mA u oitreMlT r>«3 thin# for tht
tbe danger well, toat be bod done toe
foraor* mod frail rrower* of the Pan
WiUloB Beltner to propnring to oeam work in wbieh be wm asgoged nt
iMle. The aBlarprlM ehonld he w- grontly iBprtre hie honoe oo WeebU#- the Ub* of to* eeeldent for eoae dayo,
•ovtfod n»d whUa it so# not be a
tonotroet. Seeeml now rooBi will bo and bod done It wttooat d?Beblty. li
1Mili#lBTialBeni .tor eom« Ume, thr
nddod.'oooH of toe proooot oa« wlU be t avftred tbatbe waaeerriemly watebo proiiPta tarlfhi
oolerged nnd the property otoerwbo lagMcrUo nttoetlBa.aad InodvertinUydropoed hi* hand on the
Women’e Foreign MieeloBary with toe retoll noted.
the nlnetrl* aUwet rallwnj proridod for
After the taeUaony ira* all
rMponaibUltj of the wet*'
Botloetotahetoe^b from to* jnry
■ mta eontcnlohloa mtiac with the with Mra J. U. TnoM*. eis Wetatrr wd order a verdict for toe
•frwt m;ot end eonneU, tUyar- etrort, Tbnrodey nfuntoei etf:M. tne made »y the defea*e, ead ergned
wd of with Kre. Wright oe p
K>«. Frledrieh enn derote hia thowrhu
>y theattoraey* before Jndge Meyce.
to n low of the other thlnga nooaoury ly nsnonseed.
n* priaripal groead taken wo* toet it
C. 8. Bnrd. ns old ree'dent of KUge woe merely au aorideat. oad that tbe
to ■ek« trorybody hnppr ud hk UtolnkUolion * droem of brUllM. Uy. hne been naeigned to toe neylnn d> feadacu wpra to no way n
by iedge Monror. Be baa ebUdrnn, for ik
bnt toey io not enre for blB. be bee
Toe moUoB wa* aot acted npon, a*
Boo Miin D Genfucu. bee dleee*- loot nU ble Boney, nnd nt iMt lent bla tbe eryament k aot yol oooeinded.
Md toot ble borrol ie not Urge cneagb BUd.
Tb* avit eoae oa to* celeador. which
lo onebU hlB to ee}oy to the foU tor
D B roetor, for anny ycnin n prom- will doabUe* be rnoebed today. U the
iBkory of n gnbernatorint eampnlgn. Umi fnrnwr nt Orintt, ban moved W a enmprit appael cm* of William L.
**------ be bee retired froB toe eontaet
kelly to rnelda
Brown V* Klek Krleer The defendant
wtto toe hope tbnt aoae dey tbe pe>
to ttili ault b a raaldeat of R cgalry.
pleetllteblginwmaae toe trron of Haaaah aveana.
tooir way* nod be wililn# to Intrnat
Fred Bteara* baa *old|bk rmMoaat
toe fete of tbe etote to poor e bu.
pcoptoty OB iMt Bt^to Btraal to B A. B. Coae of Mt. Pioaaaat boa loeat*
D. Barber who bo* taken pometeloa.
ed In toe city. S* ba* aempted a po* •
Mr. UtearM k uavtitog on toe roan
lion with in* ' Pei>sayl*ania Peulfitd
for a pklnt firm and will moo Bove blP*int Oo.
Oaowe Oboeon for toe BaenUg Tear fnmUy to Oraad Baphle.
Boa. C ^ Tarcer i
Keadny Wight.
Lao Bolontonhee arrived to ton ri^ du from a trip to Owi
aad KentneAt toe nnnnel pnrieb seeUng of from Llgootor, lad., with a carload of kf
Hevkitod Fraakfort'^ond LoaUOmee ebntob Monday erenlng the fol
lowing re*try ww elected:
The B. r. P. U. will bold a maple
Mr*. Heary Werner sad two eon* of
_ H. a Derie. W, D. Tnrarr, B L
igar aoeial tbk evoatog at toe Ltketoty. leftyoeierday foravUitlal
iipngee. 8. Oerlnnd. B. W. Bonnd. bom* of Aldrrmaa B. W. HoaUag*.
Oraad Rapid* oad Marimgoa.
' See. B. Bine. T. U. Oooub.
OooveyonoM will be to wsitiag at tbe
Areble Oomeroa wo* in Rapid City
FtollowUr tbe perieb Beellng. the
10* of Joba OUik, 'btoto atreci; yoatordaT.
eeetry orgnoar^ ae folio wt:
Mr. Qlbh*. Eighth atreat, and toe real,
B. J. Morgan ho* arrived from Chica
Werdeoe - B L. dpragne. W. D doaea of Bev. Woodhooee, oa Webater
go with n carload of borm*.
atreev \
Bev. Joolah Paenlagtoa hasrelnrned
•eeretnry nnd Trenenrer — B. C.
om a vklt of eeverol dey* in Montoo
A oarlood of form moeblaety wm re
W. 8. Scott i* ill with inflamiaatoiy
eritod yMterday by the MercanUIe Oo.
Tm troneorar'e report' ehewrd the
Asotber meetiag of the eity oapernbBreh to be U eneUent finnnclnl eonU. Moatogtie of toe MereaatlleCo..
dttloe. berin# hnndled «on«UtrnbU
farther arraagemenle lor nolformlty .hoe goae to Cbkoge oa boalaea*More toes 9l.oo0 dnring the year.
Bkbbp(iUle*pl«aad Rev. C T. 8tODij
to to* varloM ward* of
weat to Ba»t Jordaa yeeterday to coo.
........... ............
b, U,
»a«y Sacked to Pirom by Ooag o'
Ohtoa*# rbkveo.
Speriai WTW llaeBU« ■«<***
Taseonvar. B. C., Aonl IT—Chief of
Mlae Main of Suvwtoa. B C.. wn*
kUled and bk body backed to pleeea b>
A gang of OhUme thieve* whom be
uriemptod te arrm ringie banded.
Vm riat resilaa* offilSn Booth.
WMblagtos, AnrU IT—Tbe aenate
today pomrd • bill graailsg to arid,
ton of tbe Maxkas wsr peashm* ol
•U pm month U eartaU esaea.
A Brid* Cram Barker Orsak.
Tatomday afursoca Mr. Frnd Baeb.
gfithkattpaadMk* Kitty Oosahac o'
Mmr OrMb, wm* morriad by Bev.
WavAbosaa, yaator ef to* B*pUai
ito0tB.at bk rasdose* oa Webeter
Saiafltoa Olat^ Oa. to tosBea*.
a— 1. U« Epto.,.1 cb.r.1.
Mr*. Tbomaa Fsrtaeb of Visa straet.
of toedoatoof Mr*. Farmeh'a riotar. to
Bew York.
It k aaBcaoevd that Loak Btnek.
who weat to Oraad Baplda toot week.
i-orarried toera. oad wOl reoMe to
tost dty. where be
iptad a
good porittoa oe clerk.
N. B. Stroag will be to tb* elty tram
Oraad Rapid* today.
8am«vl Waltoo left U*t algbt oa a
ta.iaem trip to Oanlral Lake.
'’Mr. M> Qaeeb. a t m> ial a I it froB
Oraad Bapidt. bm ocaepted a choir to .
borbm ahep of 3. O Laagwortby.;
I C. E Critteadoo west to Kolkaeka
wae u»i algbt oa bailstee for tb* Falgbum
givMaebaseatoat'Blgbl to Mbcrcfi Macafae'.ari g Co.
Tba woTB rato yoatarday SMltod tbe
■oi Bkcait aad tyrsp.
to* Is to* bay vary rapidly,
A 4ao mat •Bpper will be nerved ial
port may now ba *aUl te bo epea for
toe Ccagragatlcaal eboreb parlor* toi*
evealeg frsm 5 to I o’clock. Bot bU•MJ. W.|^ ta. bOT„l,to,
^ o,
Ivera froB bar brnbasd, Flridtog I the meoa Tba sapper wQl rise be
fatops, 08 toe grasads ed • maelty.
ft, nmaeltm of a deoatkm for
Tba aaapla bavt Uvafi tagatoar tor Mi*. Brito wb<se bttom wa* horsed
rmUyMia. TbeybavaaivmriehUd- Ko«««y. OdstriboUoM of moaer. pra**■
vtotosaesd riotolsg will be roerivwl
---- i,|U, M
to*I -rtUlM
wOl WmlM
rata to* mb egatvy
tvy <of
Un)i toArg* ef to* amuar. IW StmAUw
JaWkw M S Xsltat
•Ok and Mall BtakwMr ptoeed oa
gtoa today.
Bepikt Serrleae «>U be BLeld m
Library WaU.
A BMtt^ ef ika tfwetoae ef toe
Beptletekveb wee held leateresUg
totha oOeeof B. W. HeatUge. Tbe
pUaeof meetteg daring toe tlmetoet
toeebarehkbeUg remodeled wee dkeamef. end it wee deeided to bold toe
Work os toe Imprcvemeute to tbe
belHlegwm bagU ebonttoe first of
Mey. end wlU be patovd ae fmt ee
poMlMe Whan toeremodeUagkeom^atad, tbe belldi^ wUl look like new.
To Fed Idl Ten Met Sl«p Idl ui lest IdL
8ebArip«ica of Orer $100
Mrs Berah $. Brito, wbcaa borne wae
barsad Monday, k qeik U). esd toe
ioelor WM eammosad yMlerdey.
MeanwhUa. aoma of bar triaade ere
sot forgettUg bar. eed Chee. A. BdgeeoBb bee bMo eroend «ritb e «abeertpUes, erileetlag ever 9100 tor bar.
bee aUU moce prsmked, esd It
will prove a great kindaem to Mr*.
Brito, who k U eore aeed it toe brip.
Mra..Brito k very gretotnl for toe
Idodsem that bet been ebown her by
her friends
Spread* Like Wildfire,
leu tolsge are “toe iMet'' toey b
I Vtbe. beet eelltog." Abreb*
, e leading draggkt. of BelUv.l
O , write*:
. .
-_________ __ ere toe
be»t •ellieg
•vllieg bitten
1 bave handled to
Yoc knew «by? Metdii*n. Yon
eoor* begin in ditordin of iloaocfa.
liver, ktoneyo. bowel*, blood and
neiXo. Klecuie Bitten Iona np toe
•tomeeb. rrgnlete* liver, kidney* and
bowel*, pnrifle* the blo.'i. kireogthea*
toe nerve*, beoce enre^ nnltiiode* of
It bnl<d* up toe entire
ayitvB. ^Pnucew life and vigor iou.hnooB croggkta
VaiM Ktk
ttgbt to be totervet'd .Id toe ed of
lemiiton Oletbing Co. in toU imaa
To sleep and rest well you must have one of our
springs and mattresses. We have all kinds.,
Our cotton felt is the most comfortable mattreti
made—It is guaranteed not to bunch or lump.
please you on a mattress or spring.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B’‘3ToxL-t S-tzTeet}.
They Can’t
Be Beaten
We have Just received sod placed on
anle a wonderful line of Csrinets’ and mill
men'a itboes. policemen and railroad ehoea
— high and low cute. Tliey arc made jjood
and eolid, end tbe price will just anit'yoo.
Pu'ici’o;. II a Rboea. heavy aolea, $1 60; 10 inch top farmera’
eboee. bellea tongue. $1.11.*,; 12 Inch top river ahoeo, WIIm ton
gue, B2.2o; 14 inch top river ehoea. belle a tongue. 12.50. Alao
aeveral others at *2.75, *3.00, « 26 and *3.50. Theee eboee are
fully as good a* other makes J’oeting from *3.50 to f6 00.
A. S FRYMAll, tin Pracflcil Siioe Mu, 135 Jtait St.
SvpAidng Coftf—Uttli TavenL
You Travel
Have all the conveniences. Don't cost any more, and
there’s more satlsfaction-and the best of it is we have
a stock to select from that ie new and down-to-date,
having absolutely everything the most exacting may
Steamer Trunks
Wall Trunks
Very needful when traveling. Holds
Made so that the top. can be lifted
lots and easily put out^the way. Come while rile trunk remains against the wall.
in five sizes—sell at 4.00. 5.00. 8j30. 10.00 Sells at 3.50. 4-50. 5-<». 6.50, 7.00. 10.00,
and 13.00.
Round Top Trimks
13.00. iS.OO.
Dress Suit Cases
One of the greatest sellers. Made of
This most convenient article:—Many
the besf" leather. They’re full sized, and
ladies arc using them—They're so handy.
sell at 2.06. 2.50. 5.00, 3.50. 4-00. 4.50.
Sell from 1.25 to 14.00.
Cabin Bags
Nothing fiTls the bill quite so well for
Made in the same wa>^nd kinds of
every’ occasion. Made qf.the finest leath
er. and in different colors. Cost >*ou 3.50. leather, only different shape. The whole
Sell at 85c. 1.50. 2.50, 5x0 and
4-50. .S SQ- 6.50 and 7.50.
Alwa>*s needed, always useful. All
sizes. Xhe riveted styles sell from 50c to
i.iSy'-the leather bound from 85c to 2.00.
Pacific Rubber Bags
Made in Idack. made ia all sizes, aad
made to sell cheap. Sell from 4010750.
Packing Trunks
Club Bags , r ^
If you want a good "bang around”
cheap trunk, this is it. Sells at 85c, 1.25.
2.50.3X». 3.50.
One of the handiest of all traveling
bags. Come in all sizes, and prices from
75c to 4-50.
Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
* ivt W nc Mpr «(iVMtr « Ki
«Mtr ^
XotSaMor AVta..
“Oh. poo needat eauUoa me lo look
oal for awmdler%“ replied tbe.loaoraatdooklv “*n wbeo apokn to
trWW wmnrw
. ^----------- -----------», the outloa.
•■wi <h.t vOt u<«' Beei
me to Hk-end Of tap dapa.| d»oe laoi algbt ta Foraateva toll, la
“do p»n dbl ect ■■ooHilrarcdr aeked ,to»e of tba weaitor. a larffe aowd
IV omerr.
i was cat. TV eapeaato of tto daoa>
“1 did lor a fart, aad H wae itffbt V | aae* qalu Vaep. tot tto bept sail
0.1. .WW. I"0. i
B.i,, hi,
inm It ncictr.
^ OF MtOHIOAfi f
Om «r tbf I
1 rimtu of
SWuiLtfi W.iit A W AJtt jUJitA *<
I (raB»|ioiia‘tnB «ad ttw U0)f«W3 eMialj's Uivn: p(M iM*' «Ultr vitb «k‘<-u 41m-|•.t•>lnru «r OekL
kMbMveai. iLxelnrltvi MMSflar furuM. (Dlai-aiul tactuiT .-ae b» maaC,M0tet«rM«>MalM4 fn>-tM tra*., *•"«» to Ibi- wm.oiuvr Ua. Uk-b tba
. »___ ._____ ^
liw-aw IB ix^utatloB of aU o«r
ol»." ridTtat ira l..l! , ““O'- T-Wlrl... r... .
mho mfUmhetair dlaa»aaBrad fro* hla
w«pu,|,. m lien or<T 45 par
tow April «. hM ton bMHofM cMH
tv popalatlou pt Natr York
WUm dead, BUhokfb hla prattat auie (Marl?
<norMMtat“OKviTTbTn-'w.^Yli^Vto waa'
»alffblaVa. tofriasto of ton
lakaowB. Ba «M
to tohr rtttra. a-bllr li !• vailiaatrtt
vltfa a (■>•<
smiirr i-lir of Nrw Vork rao- a tb«io|d»e Ilia ttaab. awd H waa faU Uwefa W. Urdta aarprtoad hrr eorp
of bouix ami eboea. aud I aokl f40 al.eaaaUp.l 1 wd aaaat a daUoht
«nw>. wli^ l> I. uimm. u imw: q>i»rr •'(ban
Ha atrap for m
popatetloo. Nor la ibU tn>Uni(7 ctaar••iloi Vw do pou make oat that paa ***r. a toa abiu wa aat waa left aa a
TM<^«M^'aelrriailr oalr of ABrrMm. (Mica.
srerr n>glkli-Di-rdr
, to)» a of thair regard for-tor.
VvarkiSM AlpMOBtU BatarAkY
iboogti iv gtt
**,Wbr. tbr feller M me to beOaea
(to totoaa. Tati toara Uur j to V (bat it Ib
fba traak waa ebork fall of goM
«*Uf^ cot
. h!a rlirht'Ba- •«>
«»V BdropaaD cKto twleka. aad eaeh one worth «2QA»0. aad
. I* III .1 I.
■ I llWV
Grnuao?i barr oat* tb^re waaa-l a bUmad ov la IL Yoa 5LCTCf^*"* ic • Peaaapltoto, «MW tod a a la aoalaat wUb
rorrp alMHit
aUHii OltVrt
UitVrt O.
U. detaam- «*•
'«>• tonk.
banker. Ha took V MO of tteai
It wonp
■ aliwilM laa
kttlppod oiira ^ itvo-th. la ism Bornp'a Vm
VoD right
right Vre aad bna “fi_e*9r_
Ila bad ahoai iM.onu W-a* prople tbaa ____ a. Be'a
Of. Oriciaad CVadbk aad Dr. laalaa stw rJrk: Id l»l U ba.Uoror 7S.OOO hla epe tecih rni. aod ha kvsra a '
0tOfapUar iBBuita a aafoVp pId fro« non. le IK75 |{anV>arit4-xc«>Mlod
Ito thraai ed a Uttla abUA at Otapllaf.' toe Id popalaiioa bp hoi C.«n(i. vbllo ta
Tto Bpwailoa aaa a Aalioata oaa. Tto UPO iV Comaa clip aa» more tbaa
iMMeWaMC Fam^l
pta waalaaatad bp tto aaa of (to X- 121-Om >I>rad.
There la a eloae .-oot
Uranvbik- tV mrat vituUiloa tba
arorid over bai lorr*a«-«l v.-rjr alovlp _ (t-nalD exieol inter.<i
tweaB tlir reUlloux *
toaaAarOprimar. afad Wpaara. lie-. „ Vi po,lH„.l,
poeltlvi.|p (leerraonl. Tbe laaaa- Inai-ct raeaget. ami
tmg la Marrtu (omMUp, toa baoa rob- ■.
lopetVr of laree
area. .Itseaa.-a .if ireea 10 lna^;«a aiul Keep (he Kidncp* AOd UW
tod of tlM, hlaaaelafBof maappaafk. j pit wlibnat pro|M>r resani h> mnltarp
^.'1. a
n«Uhy. ACIV. ami vigorBa Boald aat vau baata aad kapt (ba roodltloai bar atwapH rr«uliH] lo great
•maap la taa bowa.
I mortamj. a. tritwa. iV terrible
o«u by Uaioff
Union Men are
not Blind to the
Foot that they
«aaabo»(acArtbarUtkr«p(totoai- ^,„ dorin* the anmnier of IW of
ttoof hla atw aad modvafowllag cooreatrailnc Urge ouraVra of oar
fdasa. wbtn aaa of (to atolUwaaaed- eoluoirem Id minn*
dntalip wplved, aarrowlp talari^ rigid valtarr rt-gtiUtluoa.
hU frtoaA
StBjni wladotn ware ■
••attod aeroaa (to atraak bat BO oaa ‘
■aUriat PmpmiMoo.
I The Uverpool Vbool of Tropkal
Dlieaaei ha« Iwunl lU Clrei meivlr
Dr. AadraB<iUtdeBordaa.profaaaor under the lltle of -IvirtiPTioni Tor
taroaMaMaadUagmagaalKalaBitw tbe Prereotloti of UnUrlal t-'erer: For
-aoU^a, hu baaa lariiad to (MambU tV Cat aF-Rraldi-oti In klnlnrloiU
teeaeal’p of Ba» York to take tba narr«.“ The eauiee of maUrinl fever
jtt-aia f.ill> <>r tbU aul.jrri. Traea dp#»uacw*e
lug from liilur.v l>> flrfx or weakened gf(. A. W. vHAob 5
^ Look for the label of the “car” and
J;; “heart” as shown in above cut—None are
genuine witboqt it. and if Pennine, we can
^ and will paj yon a good profit on each new
pair brought ns today, by a union man, that
been bought^ in town for price quoted
Nature's cufiC
We:have the eiclasive sale of
the genuine HamiltoH, Caiham
Overalls. Jackets aod Pants io
the Grand Traverse Regioe.
i Hamilton Ming Co. ^
--Ice [he Glory
$1.00 B MoBth
Shoes For The Baby!
14 differtnl stifles it soft soles, 0 to 4.
See^our New Red Line-Lace, Button and
Oxfords-'Also a new Red Moccasin
at 35 and 40 cents.
Wells' Mastifj Shoos, Maters' School Shoes.
J. 8. lewis Boi Cilf Uoe.
Frank Friedrich
■ We Hate Wereil.
in The Meantime
We have[receired twenty doien union made
overalls (Lamed. Carter & Co't. make) adver
tised elsewhere at -tSc—the whole lot goes at
^ 3bc (orjless) per pair. Before these are gone
^ we shall have more interesting prices to qnote.
lr(aa{s!for tour
j^iipnutoattoDdtoafpi^ t
tor mottor. Nto aaat bar (ao chll ■ „poai.n to ibt- ra.« of iIh- .no or 10
rmtoaaaifffaborUboaae. Oaaof then'rblll or fatigue Itetneen tbe n-upM-a
aacared a raeelear and aOot Itoottor^tbe paraalba etioilDue i<> liu- in die
V tto bead. .Tba aoaaded lad Ul'P«'‘'^« »o n.n.vratlvelp ainall nmnHsadacha fw, Forty Yaars.
pr«B old. bM a ballot la blabrala aad
U-ome .-uiDct
' For tba aaamar. I an Uklng ordto atiu aliea
** reUim-o n llt on-or unb-aa ax die iv•
1 ealt Of a ftvab lufiH-tlon. ijiiinliM-kllle
rfwuli «M amilli-lng eitd surpri.inr.
■ ^0 "Atraa raattorbooa Oo. ^ B tV paraxb.a. All i«niali<-a «r iheir The
my bnuki-twa liwMog
liwvlBg at Onrv
onc-v 1M
Tie- luwd.
E. Warrea. praaMeat, toa paid to' agga |oim> tu aomr «mp or ntber from aehM uw-Ulumurn erri-y arivnUi dai.t.ut
IViikai»(-..|.r)- klBK. 1 Hava bml tuil one If paid In advaaee. or will offer .pre'a'
Thraa Oatn elllaffe WM apoo wadlUae
boat 10 aobilier-ibai k. from
, beMdB.tM.|pU>et>Uclev>D nmnlhi. I know
{BdoeeDeDia to ihoae pnrahaaiag tea
(hattfeara aball aot ba a»looa II- iDfra-ted lodiriduai, nolmal or plant to limi wVtFur.4 mawlll VIpotVrii.-.Mn.
wa tlckcta.
,„l JValt.
VoBKeur«a,Mmtavniiw,N. V.
.. .................
aaoaod la tto eUUffadarlaff tto eoaUag a bealiby one. Kuciorlal in-o-ets give t (hlrrpKIncenrwii
ssmoftbe .Sfn-wi.m«m»eh. l.u-crscd Kidgreat faclllrtyw for |>araaihw for |waa- asiw'dftLVN'cfi-el
'pboaak No. Itt. '4io W. Front Slag from one bmi 10 am.iVr, I’pnni
•*u*do> ur,
TtoaomtaffaaaaoB lo lake aael^- allon log a iM-ravu lafeei<-d wl(b iv !___
llOB promlaea to V aapvUlIp proapt!- Urla (■arartlLi to be biiu-u-by mut'l
oaa. with aatroBff damaad for eaasale.
aad a graat qaaaUtp of fraiffbt at both
OBda of (to run la awaltlag eklpneat.
•Ver' Jobaaoa.a tMalliar vlored
attlaaa of Uiaaa Lake tot oearlp 10
paata. toa wild hit nbla tbara aad
»oap(od la Nllm Ha was a eUea 00 a
piMlatiM la -Virg.aU whoa (ha amaa- wliit-b uiulilply ilii- na.ie i>nHlmiK. but
’ aipatkMi praalaasatloa nada a elbisa at llie Miiin- lime ibey an- n-mov-eit bp
li> agi-nr.t. L'lviitg riM- to iihn-nM-d ap
pear. vlik-Ii lo lum proUile. freoli nuEdward M. WilliHaw a pioami trluK-ni If you rto out a>-<'tiM>iui jour■alylitorofai
aetr lo tlrtnli water regunrl}. you are
•ad, SOM (oaB<t dead la tba road aaar ilai le ti> have ii.i- wa.te piSMluc-t. form
hla boma Habadatartod for a *lalt faaier ibaii ib<-.« are reui«\>.l Any
to a Belffh%>r la uaellaat haallh. Ba LulotruiTloii 10 lUe ftev wurling .<r uoliriawaorttraBebeoaDtp'ammtproia.
at-s-iK^' ^■ro.lm■.•. .iiMsiae.
On-ai u-takwe.. >iu.l languor on ruiug
Uaai farmara and abaap brardrrs
lo ilw inorniuc me gi-Oi-idlly <lur 10 a
MUa JeaaeLta Palmer of Nehraaka. Urge arrmliiii of tin.-.'- wa-<li- prodatavbarai vba Vesdlaa mill aebool Wi-la. and IV reimil.i !■ lo drink a luiniDfuiti S^tOdh—I-T. 25, l^and .jOr. InlailU Mooouina
—S-'i and tip In 50c
a( Uroam Polate, Beaghtoa aoaoip. | hlorful of n-aier. .'-iibrr Vi or «,ni,
area ikrowB from a baggy on toadapjfiui liefon- n-ilrlog Tina iiiateriallp
Chiicfa* No Heel
ll’). 40, .*>0. HO and T-V, Chiid’a
Mar Uiaacbool bnute wbUa driving I toaUla In cite procaa dmiuc tu-iiiglJt
Bpriiic Heel Shoea--I0. 50, 00 and ".V.
srilbJoaape Lavlek, bp a fraetloaa
MiawH Khot«-»Lk-. 81 00. 81 ih and 81.50.
bvaa. Utviek dUplayed plnak, bat |
(•tbnni hboea—i.V; and up III 81.2-5.
goald not tnaatar tbe frigbiahad aalm-'
aL Miss Pal
JrwOTih wr •Iretrie nMBs.
a( (he brain and diod a (aw heart latex
, n-i-t-nt Biltirv*. iN.for.- iin- Mooclub of linH.klyo I'liarlea tV.
I rricr a'aird iiiai c<vi-i sniii.iaiu.iaiii and
- b«—ii ImeaiMl In •.In-irlr IlsUiine mi ilie
-d ru;ii-d Ktaii-a and ilmt tV imal lioraew power n-qitln-d In Hu- el<-<'irii- llsliii
4 I'f (irrairr NV« York was no
borar|>ow.-r nod ihai lu iV laat
Tb« Old BalUbla Shoa Xu
13 y.-ai-s. ainn- 1!:- lortb of 11m- eli-tirlc
A:i«ay. tberr b.nl Iwea an osvadlAmoig (to maap plapt (hath va turn of tuurv iVn Sl.TUuasMMi atnl
baaa bidding for pnblU fasarlatto ibatuowauyiitii-.-ouldiiau-lbyetrcMMfawyaara wdramahaaattoVada <rirear>rrMn l-niemip .V. J.. via New
((aaagwbold among tto plag leviag Vo!k m |•nrmlHI. Me., wiiii only ibrva
pablU tbaa • Darkmt Bamla.** wbleb
»»'--iTm*i.on. wi.ieli col- j
nn -......r. uiilea. ■
aiwaai to dMlnberfa Uraad oa Wadam..„ni loW ” MBdap asaalag. Map t. tor (hat aaMIa
Now Store, 242 Froot Street
^ In one way or another when they are offer^
^ so-calhd •‘Carbartt" overalls at 4«c per pair.
kidhey-uver pills:
dealnu-li'-e Inaefla. aapa Tbe }»clen-’
' —U- AtueHc-nD. Morta.*-er. the ireea
Mature makca aa extra aSort la tV
wbb-hUve MM-i. klllL-d bp lDse<-ta fj.rulxb. In tbrlr falb-n bran. tie. and vr- *pft»k “>
Hally deray«-d triiak. aud dry bark, m* tad the filtara of the blood—tba kidDcpt
Had open to parfono aa
It i». ''f »-«>iir*e, » 11 knnirn that for- aaortuons kiuount of labor.
..I “““'-‘■.-"“'"-"‘-'‘el--- inle. til fore-i.............. -...........
Iu*eel. a.«.iated 0I1I1 imbenltby
id lltnlM. DigealioD
I.. .bi.nld lend l» reaulla id
__ .... — - tbe languid, extouab
nertalD ralome parailtro felled nomli- ttii|*onaBce.^__
I Inga ol apriog cauae tnlaarp to tb<
• tot laaiUatlop, aad baa aeccft d.
bnniaain-blda- lu tbe con'uerlee of tbe
Tbrre Is odIv one means of makiD|
y Wriw Niil Aba
Franoattoiraablp. eapeito Lealog
In order to pr<«Ju.-e an attaek
tba blond pure, aod tVl is tbroogb tV
milawa, toa tba atovploe acmaa of ferer ainot rnJWO.dio laraaliea
lAmI l(ii»M-ll nf Killuweii i«Vd Mir kldsrjs aod livet—the fillets
fiXan ol tbr
By acting diiaclly M
amatorof tbeiuto. 8be Uvfoadof mvi V pn-a<-Dt in tbe liodp. nblle In Clinrle. .Uti.-uM-Ib m.v. uui-e rxniiiiuliigj blood.
' dclinla
ieala organs, .Dr. Cbaw'a
(ba waad that wbaa abe rldaa bp rail Wvtre eaiei l.ooo.(WO.Otn or more map _
til., sib- iif .■.•ri:.tii Imurpiliila left by ! Ltver PHU portly IV blood as ao olbe
ato iaeariablp lakea tto anoklog rar. be preat-m.
Id sumflrnt nuniVra
' prrparstiou vas ever knoMD todo.
borw- lu .himI.v aull.
‘-|li>M' Ini'se wi-n- tbe |K-im>?" n.ked . ----—
A ^Uar veldBit bp ablob . pear
-/f a^r^.^ST; ‘To the'
li-armxl i-oiiiiM-l. -‘W<-t« tbev aa T.. wrUci:
Old WVtor Karlum of FtokegOD loat
blood Uraan fivn. Ibr vUent larg<-*li*
inv liiimiy
I l>ura Wood uere
•toaaaoodDBdtklrdBararaof faUilfbt bp prl.-klog *111. a ooi-.lle. Tbo au,l--Oil. li..."-.niil 111.- will...*. limM-ally; 'pear*
- ..
I wn. lu ; au ..r.lluar} h.-.f."
iHinples and bloichas, and 1 could gel
tood. Mrarrad Moodap.
Tbe lUlla dva rliea of teiuiH-ratHn- alik-b occtir
Tl»-n Sir i-lLirte. Imd to »u.|mi.l ibe “ttolng 10 Vlp me ODtil 1 trM Of- A.
Mloa'a oldar VoUkor woe olaaalar a >« ttila diaeaae and abieb ate arramexiiiiiliuii.iu ulxli-.-i.-ivlHHlv Inimtieil
Cnase's Kidney.Liw Pllla.
hdapaie.ArhUh aae taraad npaUe dowD j
bp ai.lvering
are due
a'od 1 eomldar tbew
--------------------------------------------- ----I Bkhi Ik now Gkar, aod
ooUiatroaBd. aad pat tto
. Inraluablr as a retaedp for coai
Till-*.- iiaraalii-a
paUM, lirer rompislat aad imp
ItoUoa bp taralDg tto eraak alib hU
III at-ntler Ibeir
A» a kldoep madlclM ay art
toada. WVtar aaa boldlag tto abael
par exmVnee. and 1 abaU t«e
raiisliig ad Inr.
•MhU haad ailpoad aadaraeatta tba
rtae of ien.,M.™.un I'pd el.iw
them to my Irtvudt.*'
toalB aad aaa draaa Id betavD the trlng. Afirr a mrlnl.le m»D»U-r of ntpill B dose, as cenu a box, al all dealers,
otola aad aprookat ;at>aal. Bit ta i Urka of fever tin- lamalira luep largeor by y^i|^nj^ipt
•agara a«re,mt off jan aboee tto drat' D decrease lo qimuilip. baring ilte pa|olat.
I tlrnt fm- from fevi-r for a iltne. At
MiaTamaU of a.i_____________
cpotueni. bonerer. iIm- uimilM-r of
at Ita wUtp Uaaa, gympathltsd with IH mfeguaM agaiBM .vnv of iV prota.
tondaaaad omiojoA Im atoty. Thla hem epitlemk- ii>.,«.ea. it ban been
J4hg haa ilwapa had toa sworkola f*»Bd •• Anw-rt.^ .tVt wberover aagoad aamnaay to aid It. tat tbiafaaar
dkirtnt Vre Vea idDaoMr. Japaoa haa andaavorail ato la aald
P»to'»»l«oa tv low fever has
are Being De
)f Spring
Complete Line of
Office and Fancy
la nevt-r <■ lupli te wilhont the Kladncaa that comes
from ihe poauaiaraa of-a
Latest Novels Out
Biggest VarielT ofiAy Great Authoriu
iiew apriuc hat that in
eaUafactory in fit. style
8D1I price.
Yon will al-
Fruits ....
Largest Oraogeii
io Town.
ways timl tLem rii;lil, at
The Temple
MILLER & PRAUSEof Fashion,,, Fr;rr;;;«r*-
!MH8IH8«!M K!tXK!U8!t»
— Kasiest and most comfortable,
made—Two separate stockings
same as ordinary hose. Best for
hot or cold weather, as they do
not bind the limbs or interfere
with the freedom of action—Try
them and sec if you do' not find
them a bluing..
*^Vte maTtn^scHTSTS
\o tint writc\ sais^ae^oiY.
' >
I ant prepared to store any wood or coal heaters
at a reasonable price. 1 can come and take them down,
store them, and in tbe fall when they'arc wanted black
i them and pul diein up in dicir places in (ood ihape.
Save expense and and annoyance of supporters,
which arc liable to give out at most incovenient times.
Best value and most comforuble stocking made.
Children s sizes
to 7........... ^
Children's sizes 7K to 9............ 35c
tover ato Inv
tnmt mkmi hMM thM M«« oatk*
UttekMM«M M4 »U ot ta« »*«Ue MMHaft.
irtlfitM JrtVi* foUaimi %Mt *oeUX
'anlftM. X1MMU9
ta tha MuU MMi«t
• ««.l
Mth 6Mh«
teMR." WUMMt
n«r ot rraet u4 Park
U 1M: Bdft. D. U. IrtMk
«yi»»««»««» »«»««««M« »»•»««
j iSJS
0^ "Somw '^ears. |
5 V ..t^. -K^ SkmiMt tAmtaU 'MWk tiuianMl
2l.utk.liif of the apper etorp a
S«««pp pappp******* pMoo***
Tto aMMlMlM «f t»tom olOrMdTnrvM emir krlaf>
le «tto Ike lormr emWm <er toMtafeovt Md Ito prtolUee (eeUtto
prerOe* to reere »m »7
♦rttoeeJ e< theemlf Tto people of toe
eoutr toft reMoa to be praU «( toe
M-iireeto>e.wktohii to. toetomMl pebUe tolMlto to tole pert e« toe
atoto ItkMenuBWl to Tramae
m4 kie b«a eeaeaded to bee
tor toe
tornlil If •• 'rhtofi ware 4£>«aat
labfmaptotbM^toa pnawt
tompraeaaie a aimc aaaUael to
tom wbtto tore beea aeal to toe
Wbea to 1M« toe roat “amir «<
toam"«aetotde«br toetocM
/ af Mlahlraa toe ttfaai Tiavene n
amUallr beeam aput afaJo4totol
torrltorr. Bel awtof to toe abaeaee
a( irblie eaUleca aa4 la«rafa toare
wae ao aaeaelfla tor eoart
hem, la iMt, bevam. Oraad Trav
me aoaatr earn toto batotwm alealad la Aafa*^ of that pm le
amt aatil toe faaml atoahoa to in*.
WUlto«'H. Om wae ebaaea aharlff aad
•rito P. Barba
aer There wae ae baelam traam-.ee
r aealeattoa wae held
to last; bat ta Kaj. IIU, bp aperial
Pit, a poll waa takaa.
btftoto ware ml At toe atoetioa ie
MM toe oa Mca ebaaea ware; Jedfaof
pnhate, Oi'erre B. Smllh; ebarlS. Hermm M. Oowtaa; aeaair alark. Thome
twfUr; aoaatr trmar
Oawtoi: proeeaattof attoraer. Bobart
> told tur eeeeral
k Mr. Bam »»adtarttoitpw ■
t'aad ttoi toe Ja^ wae Usplar
‘StartoebarDlegoftoeJtUto IMl.
'•Ah.Jad»e."eaid Kr. Btwa. "Im
aad toa eet;.irraaee ot Iheea warieia.
^ m like AehlUa. weaadto to toe
toe MparrkofB erlered 11 > belldlag ef
•hh. air.- replied the Jadfa..drawtar anmjaQ eatoeeeaair htook. Thk
hlaialltohlelaU helfhl. •'! wleh ■/ aBewwaaalaadaitrktoralOBg Urn*.
heak ware mr aalp ralaeraWa pato'^’
loct; aboat Mato frni to dlmariom
etorg to hrighv It wat dleldsd bg
iadfaUtm^tos that toe dial aaart
bam wae baUk Tbla wbi a toamd a haliwag |ato twe reowt The dm
atraeura, two amlaa to belcbt. aad taead toe aerto. md a swOl wialeu
awed alwaai apaa the aaaet rite of toe waa eat to eeehead ef ttoba'Idiag.
aramiedlfM. Altoettta%to Uto. Bearig all ot tha Om tor«na-waa
WOiiew B «rbH wae ahariff aad The ewpig el prkoaen, bai emiloeallg
aa ladUa weald to OiWgad tun tor
wBeatolek waarierjiaadrafleiet.
11 k ptebabto that bat tow tanai ei a rtoplte after leo atneb Auwator. It
aoart wm.beld to toU plaee attar lh(a waa a iiaaoatblg atroag place, al*
baildtor «aa areeled aad prior to la theagb aom bolder lawberaea ea
raattoa- The BeraU of UM M proaaad Ma eptolm ttot tbageoold
ae aoraral allaelOM to the jadgab get eat U toeg had a toolhptek to srork
Maadtwwormre alaberataos^ with, to the aarlg eO'a a rkiior did
br toa eoart attorwar. to wkieh atag to A dag or ao. aad araa thaa gea*
pltUal take are told of their betog erallg allowed to ekarrg awag, while
Ua gaardlao weal dewa to toe nrer
•loet ta toe woodt."
ter a pell of water aad forgot to lock
Thk diet aoart bom
toe dm- Ofteaeea agaleet law 'and
go dowa to toe duaea.
la the Bread Tramwe Hareld of deeeaeg were rare la tooae ttmea.
Waaa toe Uaeb beUdlag bmiae aaMareh M. IMl. appeared toe feUowtog
aeaUable for hoAlag eoart toe old
aaeeaetef Ik daetraetioa;
“OsPrtdar toet. (Mareh H). abmt OiaagetoU. to toe beUdiag reeeatl|
aadhMalroadrmarala sawtor ot.
otoMballeoa tar thk paipma.
Tm great Gtoaa reach ot n.PW
arm, to the haartof tbetoeraweate
T Uar. CkL. k to be nhdirWod toto
su.ui larm ead told. Befero toe reeaet dcTdepmat of beoaaai wheat
tonaato to DahoteetokGtoaa raaeh
wae the laigeet whaat.preda8tog
^ rti* wHh bmw. w «akr tw»-
Bw the row. m lew. Ik. rwa rto mr
OUdto aOka od gorgeoM hae aad
whMa fkxn so a< r r «r fc«r
k «err wmtea tU* i»u- U
brlillaal with gold ulww'nga. PraoeldItem wjr tot wwk> mr
dhl. eavor eatnerdtoarr aad wtoktar
ploeipolmtlaiT ot6*w. Moadap Irid
h'e ertoeatlal* before PmMaat Me„■
Etoler at the WkMa haeie The
““ ~
wlaktar wae aeeewpeaied bjAewe
ProhoBor w» aalmbolia »^gm»
Hag. who poitwed tha-------------------,
There oere the eaaal falldtoaa ai Oemaa aeltaitiM of inperlabable taoM,
A brlaitri war siorr roawe frea
rmre. I^one Rirp. and k told bg
‘ tdrtiMtaal Jane Xraio of the towakh
-waeo ihr war broke eoL- aaM the
fteuieoant. ~wr toeod our nipplr of
aaiBnai-im of aD aort* wan eerg lew.
Pewie we* arw and aume <>ld: aoiue waa
Ha«* and •omr bro*Ti: aoaw wae etdfe*bko<ri aixi aoatr « «« -nMkelreeaod
arMPThxiK. Tbere . we* oor tot ef
biowa M>ii>krir«> powdi^r wbU-b waa
Piarkrd Tw with «arr: Vrrg po'
full Keep
leap t*>n] and dn'T
drj'T aa
aad to It
aiiacfard a Ifpwid that 11t had
barat a
Krapp fi.4d mn.
•n di.<mnlDr<] lo trr II. I eoiplored
m ■iiuiU <-harcr ta a ann. and to aj
j aurprtae It refuard t» go og. Mr gap*
\ oar* wrn- rrr>- awrb diaguurd tad
; onf ef tbem^;
t>la N
k ao ____
lb, t>ta
war. I'll aw It far cooking oar
^all jumiird a* be threw » <k>abk
o of hk aeraa. handful Into a entail canipAre. Jndge
aeeord with oar tletb Mrtbdar. to which, aamg otbw of oar feellttce »heo we saw tbe dre
go oal. I anerm-ard learned ttot pow
prtaclplto of di
der of this sort deferioratco with an.
Tbe droa^t tkk ei
I mod that long befoir thk i
aoatoweet tar a>«e tkaa toe dkaatai- aw bg whiob be woo hi. idm aa waU '
oaefrerM od laet wteiar, toetog eat'ae the Oioe and mnnerln which It ww j
• ----------------------------------------o
dowa toe oropa grearig. eaariagrieb- “A. it ha.
H. S. BoaU one of tbe btof
ha^ to await to^iDooriS^tb/arrlTal '
of mldli
ling to a
couiiuuuiij elHiM- ksal title k "B
-B. X.
gw*of toe Anowhmd Beeerrolr Cow- wnwi erperiem la the wan4*«mt^ ------lUoi-lL Sla<*. IVyoBihig.- No
D IrlljtiiMV lulcreslln
tlltg Btorfee of ber
ptoig. WM dHrtto . eplrttedtern wbm
pbga- ' dlailngul>>bi*l father, end aot erea ber
I father lu<> Itoen aioie peeteted with
wile or wore- Plaally at toa edge oL|
kSldea^Te oftea etolw ri- ' *!“• •u. lit- foollsli i>r iDiiulsillre peo*
Aniuug unn- of tbe staiillng
to»a toeg ran Into a pU of sato,where
Into toe owreat of my tooogbk P^**qnertes Npjtll-ta have hecu put to her
toege'opped from exHeatUoe. Wbeo while toe Utter were hot employed to ' 5^,1.,-reached.Wood wm dmd. iboagh eUU | aeeklng them. Iknow not bywbstptoo-|
* refg tarit
rreeDinglhe llpee. toe/betog wrapped;esi of ODO<wsolQnieer»‘br»tlont^weia
^ in^len scal|t.r,
flrml* ehoat hie wrUU
-eroJtrd. 1 ooly knew thst tbtg were . -Iki you
Si^y aboat hk wrkU.
«,«. Nor oonld I at Srst folly eett- pet.r
Tae J .oaneae emperor bae degraded |
impirtanoe of such anexpeot. I Once, on tbe rao<-ta.
while ahe waa
enieruinloe n foreUo sirauger. bar fa*
of toe Boblllty. radaa- ,«d bat welcome riaitars.
: tbrf rede !■> nod she said: ■Tbefa'a
log VaornlB lUde. Umsmo aad Se■■These idm
’ Criooel fody oow.Domrt to the laok of eomaoaars- Tbe aelres when my brain was tlrod and almust oerw et
at my wrltliig
wrltlug uble I bad .
first Vi torn my problem iu ell dlreo- .
ti<u>. and aurisAge it from erery ride. | *v.-nsinly; I h:
and tUertafterto roii.ipi it tnniy Inrnl- ladi-ed.''
nntaiy tbooghte wltbonl crcii pnona- ; "tVell. I dorbire, I was neti
turely attempting to solve Itwlthlnmy. j prf*<ri in my life. Why. tbsi
lien at elL" *
oelf or oommittlng
Ring Imy fefloctloirt to j feoilrmen.
torwtigaUtm wae toenoooiXlto^
Dealam »Baaot b>Oofod.
I ^Iml apsJkatioaa. aa they aaaaol
tbedkwasduonioa of toe «
“No matter bow nrgoit tbe a
for acti*. 1 maw alwiiysitito my lualn !
its lime to relax from fatigoe or atraia j
an iaaod await toe renureooe of a feaUng of ‘
of tbe miloeeua lining
both phyrioal and meuiel well being',„f
gbe Bostachtan
—----------Ian tube.
When thk
------------------ -------------* ra writing
-.ting for pub-(lobe gets
gcu irflemed yoa
yon bars e
a rowbmi
TslDsble ideas have |I ling sonnd
Boond or Imperfect bearing,
beoHng. aad
most Tslosble
praeented tbemsetves in the mamlag on \ when It is rntlrely closad deafna
my awakening from a wfreshlng sleep, tbe KUolt. and nnleastbe Inflawmi
hot toe favorite period lot town bw I *»';*>• ............................
to Its
c»nd>tlwi. he^og will
sen while 1 wm ^.ng relaxation by i ^
* nonnal
»r“*’ ferever.
be ‘idestrryed
Nine eases ont
^in, .lowl, o...
t tlirongh w.Kslnd parks in toe bright I polhirg
mlight Tbe slightwt ludnlgenni in u,e mna
Carier; aeaatr aarraror. dbraa
Waiawerih; aeroaeia, Uwk MtUar
aad Utoar O. Seodrid. Tbeftfateaealea ad toe riiaaii aoart la the aewlr
argaatori amir, ^bteh wm alM> toe
•nt to toe Uraad Trarana rartoe. eoBi'
maoad aa the ITto of Jn1r. aad alaead
toe tollowlac dap. d part of the aaBatahed dwelliar of noeeae OaUar. re*
eeallr tora dowa trow the eoathmt
aeraar of Ualoa aad proat atraeta, wae
iMd aee eoart roori
Boa. Ueorfa
them from my gTatp'BaUlmore hon.
[catarrh) that esnnot he cored by Ball's
■artto wae the Jad«a. The oalp towCUtatrh Ckre. Send fo'e!m>ara. free.
rar praaeai wae Bbaarsir Oeald of
F J Chener A Oo.. Toleda O.
Tbe Urxicau' fatiTTus a>emaiD where I
Oweaeo. woo bad eone with Jodre
to dig fur waur by rliM-ly observing ! (told bv dmrglsta. 7Se.
Martto. Mr. MeLeUao. reeeailr eleeled
Rall'a PamtW Pilla are tba beat.
toe surface of tbe gmntiA We bad
pmeeaUar atioraer. bed aot bean aafonnii in an arro.vo a
allted to the bar. Mr..O ia1d wae apTax pair naaan Taarxasx t'orxrr oorar buosh
of water
pototed b^ the J idre toaet ae proeaent'
served three boms smrrbiug for water.
Qalaaa's btartor Bpar k tha meri
lar aUoraar far that amkw, aaa Mr.
They passed several damp idacaa exam-'
■eUUaa. on appUea'.too aad caawloeIng toe gruand clwlv. wk>-n the Uadtf dwable varajah made
Oea to opea aoart. wee adwlUed to
ball-past s p. aa., tha eoart benaa waa j oocaplwi b, A A. Maoo, A ton.-oo jacUcm -a. taken in Tods'. esM toIwaetlM. he the eenrt had ao eeal. It
catwaoldk^data hablw. The oto.m;
diaaomrad to be oa fireAa U waa| Front airaat, wm aaod oa-Jl the
wae ordered tbai the tewporarj eeal
altnated eome diaunce frori tbe bn.i Oraage hall wat bnlH in tdto Tbe
degraded bacanae they bad trU-1
aving dug a bule aometbi
ehaaUbelhe eartorideot toehwart„ito. 1.0 wk«i outl“5 SnipufilngOcffee-IittUThT^B
i aapreially pre- tered away toair forlQBea. beeomieg ; o*er « ((k>i ill do,.I
Base part ef town, toa fire bad made room lo tok ball
dha half dellar. There wae bet l tUe
inaolvent. TTie empamr'a action haa { watebed it
lily. 1
aneb rapid prograaa tofora anyone pared for eon;
boatoeae raqelrkaf the attaatloa o( toe
revived thaaoij eu-of limtUng tbe j soon
Mild raaeh'lt that all atUmpU ta aa*a
eoart. The tret meUac of toe board
took a drink and step---------------------------tha bailitog ware boprieea. and to law
of a^errlaon wae a epaetal oae. brid
I tbiuk. too otbris | s^nbyto U3AN toaa half aa boor from tba.time tha
two orinree gaaerauona.
I - take a driuk. At all eventi they
panaaoi to a eall of thtM of tbelr
d It wae a mam of F to Ito tor tot tot tot tot tot tot k( tot ipt a
and then weal away, ';,o. sir. _ vw a-sv.^ r.us...
There Isa tbeory that mta
ombor-Bobert Oaoipbril. John b.
toe bubonic plague. 8oeb v*eeela a« . when we got down and took a drink i F a>ik caNov<. st a Lasr**^ *■• hwCr
Baekwaod h 0 B<oe. Eeapoarire V>
‘■The treat lower etorg waa oemp ad
toe eall toe board eooreeed at toe etore
I botior. in fact, '
M a dwolllag by Tharoa BoatwIcii.Biq S
•oou have been | and
ef Oowloe h CeatpbeU. In PeatoeaU. ea
bad fonud Sf many a day. j —or bals-Om ar.t e___________
tba aoaaty Clark aad ragkUr of daeda
«*«fu"y watched to prevent any rau
toettib of Jelr. There ware prateat
.t^.nsn reachliig
sMsMnv tbe
tk« abore
sknrs .There
jTber i. no wiicbcmfi about too Mex-t f
fiximtoe ataamers
Mir»t calf, m oarOsU,*
Tbe JaU waa to tba roar of toe dwal- ammmmwamMMtowtwi»ts.
I Lorvran W-lshl.
toban Oaapbtll af Paalaeala. J toa fl.
Ito.. Alfrwl PrU. bfPd ;
OrlMO. and «
Barker of hatrlw. aad Wa. H. McCII- liag part, on tba aama flwr. Tbe
Pit sborg DupatUi.
»ej*<' bale and hearty, varily died a-: ^aat come from Caloulia. Bvmbay asd 1
Up ot Treterac- After orraeli'ac. bp cUrk'a and ragktar'a ofllN waa in toa
of toa oosrtroom to the aaoood
Soaday. Be beard a foasg j
are net parmittad to moor at
rvatber MpetsUiM..
ItsriBsassMrasrsei. Wrtiv lo Wllllsw ■! ketoeUar McE Hip ehatrwta aad Oaa>:sofl.. Lavslax Pirh.
•tory Hr. Bostwick aad family were
•• be eat wbittling at toe ooTuer | vbe piars or wbarroa, but, aflar famlWe flaw long
baU rierk, toar adjjaroed ts wietat abaaat attoa til
k—mii . i—.
bat be arrived oa ‘uu
‘ of bk •—
grooery, Unghad beartU./.
Uaa [ gatlon. ui..k._.
onto, bargee, tbe piiai-otli f«aih.T oupersmion. bu* mo axrH.voa n.t hi. proMvtr .MM m
•be Store of Heaaab. Lej A Co. ia thh
to aav by torttw- ed back to hit chair, dropped bU kaife WbUe ibe eargo U being traaaferrrd [ vera om aware uniil a frw days ago A acrMo>lM4.soatk«f ritr Cowf'swbia.
«lty. thefrilowtojrdar. Ootoeeec*d toa groand to
log oat ot toa BDpar wladow. all tbe
dar. la addiUoa ta tboae atreadr neaardtoal
raaord books, except two index books.
tlooed. thare wae preeeat Sasnel O
iiful pigeons stratiiug. coulng and aun- : wutTxn-AnoC'-«.t-tmaisBer>«maa
Oing theiDBolvca lu the covert of tbe jO m t«k> rh<nr* o- i.i.^ r^* suns at
ttaa. ot L'eUaan
M laleiee wee a >1. and toe first volame of mortfagea. AUj A Urcat Dane deg valued at nearly
1 Pwk.ss. UISM AVilr—
It it reported that Q lean V.cloria ia U.JL .. ........ ............. —A
too papera ooJIle In both offiias were'fis.ooo was killed by a
bulldog banrepreeeatad
Bti'll beta pair to taka
togatoarwlto toa private {day on toe farm ot Aogoai Bjurstram. likely to pnrcbaac Clondalkin eaatle. ed
KenatoB Oawlea, the drat aberlB to;
OOBveae a eoart la tote eonotr. wat a
the Imuit-diate rt,pao«i • N«f« ;
tarideal of Bib Bapide, wbleb wae than ey betoBfing to Mr. Beatwlah. Tbe metio toe woods. Tbe bulldog be-1 royal waldence, aod tout aba intends
ipriodel 1a toie eonatr.
He waa aoaaty order books, raeord et village
drowned Id But Btr. April tto. ISAO. plat*, all toa law and acbool library
MklitPtortoitlaf l> crow to Northpsri books, tegatoar with efica furalinra.
Wm B. 4reen was shot lo the woods ,
sure tu be trouble U-tweeu Ibnm. ant* ' ‘
------- "—.................... .....
do nut want to fall Out with yoo. “
were doetrpged. Aboat 50 daadaand aouto of Peru, Ind.. iianday, -by
ii^aa o
“Thr aril, are fuiTlirr apart berv phu,Ri.juki,-r,,,—.
ivenr was dret laeladed la patoBU vrera lost, bat all ware oa rec panioD who mUtookblm for a panther. than ID au.v ronuiry 1 -vrr wont *^biiaaupDia 1 iii.ea
«s^ atrv
toe 8«bto JudieU! ClrcDlt to IMS. aad ord axeapt five or rix
Urean, with a paaac. attempted to effect ibruDsb." remarked the (hlrsry travA. Basl Wa,.
j _,r
“It wat toruinata tbara ware no prk- its eaptarc Green waa lying behind a rliT. resUne the Ivaky Slid rusty old
aboat dre /••»»
*•» utaohed to
The main olijMS of lift- is to derive f
Ito MiBto. preaided orer bj Jedpe F.a oawa In Jha jUl. for 11 weald Hava log. and bearing a noke rakad hlmaelt,
«l«J. UtUejtoQ. a wellTcwembared baea imiwarible to rsaoaa toam Aod wban bawMohot.
msber ot toe AUeees btr. The judge wa may remark bora that a j U1 is
oominouly koowu as selfish 1
Ia New Baglaid tot abudaaad OODSI maouer. .
“How long isn you people go wUh- i^g ^<,0 can sileuoe yoor con
WM a ma ot dlgolB >d praeeoee. acari- rather a asalem plana ef property to (arma are toiag^aatad vrlto ant Ireae,
telling it that yonsrenoworst-than tba :
Mae Meritlelewaad oxtreweir poae- Oraad Travarea aoaaty aavbow. tor and tbe worked-onl groand k tonnd to out waterr
rannaelflsb and aamficing You rimply
lUUoai la the obeerraaoe of foriat. Be daring ito two aad a half gsais that taralsb aoarkbawat aaoagb to
laponded tbe CAdaveroua yeltowUh- Mve another method of cnjoyiiig lila—
'wMPtoeUd atm Dswserat.
In tooae wa havs roridad hare thota has not toe sralnui. bnuamnt aod aboatnut to looking owner of
a^MAlN-ls^SO^^ IM« aa ptast aM*
pi-1^— tarilmjt raa hipb. aad toe baSa a arlatoat otofioad to It, wUeh floarkb abaadaatly.
you'll find you can go wlUioai U a
Aadr* WM not whollj tree trow toe aptokavralite the monk ot toa pao-:
b««p longar'a yuo <«n go without;
At Hoodoiaea. Ey.. Fradriak Loomk
tiapatattoe of a ehaare of priltlaal
^tnlne.rpo XXXT OR poa aSLE- ran* im ama
A K acMV eader caltlrattoa.T ■I'vs walk d
’■The loss to ihm aoaaty k aboat fit.000 made a balloao anaailcc Snaday. am
Mart. Bie rirealt wat large Tale aee
. Will lakr SMD ml tar elaaiM laa«. ar
paodod oaly by bk pack. Whau al a
Moa pf it tod ao roada
He aad hk aod wUl taU htovilg ea the aaooU at
for aunn. ma Cewa. livivaw aa m* far
armt alUtada the -paiael
||^ Afflr w OAK avOany- l^gaat
aoart attoraer wereeawpelled to ride tok time, who have baan atraggUag to
ho- ,1,
horaebook trow Bewarra. bp traU or
uniform of dark gray, ’trrAJlTB>-Bx baar. Aa/ or «aak. em^aahaaatad.
toadlake toofP. Tae abeeoM ot togal baa- farau aad get oat af debt. Ttoelraalt
ith- red faeinn bood Uned with tto
U wbkh BhaaU brid Ik iiiriBB log 00 toa bridge over toa rivsr. tha'aaboa. Tbag make pat* Wood and totter oolw aad borage cap to matob.
lam to toll aoaalr emsUwee etaaad
hlw to wkt a tarw or two. aof jeeUfr hare to May. wQl fiad overTtolag
Tpoa OALB-mstr sr-r trail farm. attaatv4
A fortnight afwr Boater the Bugllsh
ito totoae tom aafraau-tbe tmpaae- thrown tote pi. Tto fire ortgltolod to
(wmerly rimarved a fewlval ealkd Bonk-<
a paU ot hot oahaa wkieh was Irit to
abUtr of the roade.
facial BatmvU M. * M. B. B- M.
la III! Morgan Balk toaadad toe toe kitehaa.
aano—riirisuaB wm ar «
Wcoma'a Whiat Loagae of AmwVm, to go oat toto the streela with ourdP aod
Tto boast ot awralty waa rsdaly aot toair Uvm at VaUayForea. A plat of Oatrolt
KanML He wae aa totem BepebUeaa
AfHl Mth. Ealghm Tbm- bind tbe mao whom they met until tbe
groaod aeatotolag toa grave of Oapt.
partwaa. with a koea emie of d*». aalda sritoto a moato et Ik slimain
latter purchased tooir roleme with small
aad delighted to tonamtiog toe Jodga.
eontribatioAit ri pMoey.
atoa. eaaoad by demtla lafaliritg. A toaaoelatgby Maj O. H Todd, oaaba- akaar^^orirtg! Detroit Juaa Ith.
-11-------of torir polltleal dlffecai
laa was aeeaaad et pnitealag bar dltion that a aritabla m-Memaat to MatieTaattval. Aaa Artor Mag Klh.
Daring tba first oeataiy after Christ
hr Bharp allmlOM to blw to toe Bavtalw Bahetoatte Atolatk Meat. Aaa
mto. aad a man alabbod toa al wasted toaraoa to tok efl mr aad the Arbw May Uto.
atA Afm an abeam of oem Um.
Epworto Laagu* tolluw was • oeuu a pot^; obaam, 14
oaats; batOw. 18 ctota; hooey. >4 etott:
eadge UUlejoha rode tote tkk rlltoga. ltoad tovadar ef Ak home at Olaa haodrodaet paktok who Ua to aapaoa.
deoBk. abdtoasH. iDoaok.
maatodm aaorrrtooktogaag. Mr. (Basaa. Hritoor ot the accuvad ww
adklpod to jaa, bwaaw tbara waa ao
warn waM aot itoiat too towptotk
aar » w«d or two to bk papw. Mato- jtU,aad aaltoar waa atovictad. Jtut ravtokefthadaagbtoraof too Bave'nt toe dpdga m tos at aet. toe dag toa aoart mot to AarPOA l*?l. to tha lotfea riaia aoriatka hat baaa lormtd
cmt-»wh™». ok-;lortliooiJotoiETryMii.
1 F'V.‘.f,a“s;r •fd'2
r..rt u .hM u, ..1. u,., .0.. 1.U!
wiSKit -Ts-ss;
■asa.ggj. ss
rwlhMcitaA. l.r»7iBaa. .
__ liktMMIhaliataVMCMa
■)(• 4mM.
Um mdiian «m «wy
Aki th* MU^abr*
M »rnm^ “f*.**^
»( PMt a>Ml
«•boot tbr e^mlA a*
teootBtoef am>e Mow^UndorwMl*1 an d
lirm tor a time to Kvw Teak
a gntrr umr. -| aw gtad
*ak» I
im faiM !• m*kf a taTar(kattl
■a. TVr arv ail qaba te- Ball! tbojamtige of « reftitot to
«Ma h
bthitfu, rafcnk aavratar- iar. it’a pratty bald bow and
bava old ttmm thnmt «p<» U
-Taa ha»r
lAM. bar mka riba* a
rnjj****^t - A«> M«ti> ^ IM B*«l
• mr 4mtr.- mid iba ■
“ll wa#
lad fMBMly, to wbieb tbe artlraa telThrrr vaa a ilnb- aOwv.
Btteq ww ooCbtoc bot • aereoutoBly
ta^ vllh a paprr ranrr. bar ryra brat
tonoy topaa of mamoty, erbUa tba man
*1 fbaalJ bar* caaaaHH raa 4a aar ■boot tbwn toond a mcrtlicotioai ttawwbtob wm pntty hard to Uvo
-Aa4 I abooM bar* Unra pnvart4
wbaa rm raaa-.'- br aaU.
A omnpkaa dativaraoee of tbabampbr a<Mr<L «ltb a faiDI aaiilr. ■ym ba«a Irik into tba babda of tba ootflner made
eomt aa (hat rrrr arra«4'todajr.''
him primofibla, aod than thorn woe tba
“I-1 am Bot qahv avrai.*' aaM Braaat
UuU boohakr dtooer ot • rtflh avoBoa hotel givao by tba awall to all tba
maaacar'a rbaaka paM riRhtir i
maart maa. who wanted “to meat yoor
; be tuubnl al <ba drt. Hm« he apat
ODHta. don’t yon know."
I barriedlr.'
All want mmry ontil tba wise Hat
-IVtbapa roa came ta bak aa aeeeoaA
' of BV atrwardablp.- be aaU ta a lorn* eama forth. To be atm. tba-toompkto
talked too lond and reftaM to ondar•TaarOataf thaOab
■iMaar Alaava ‘
I ••Wbra I taofced ap at tbe aoaad of rmr •tand wrr monitory vtok/ bot then be
1 voice. I miabt bare faorird paa aw add not^ too imdty ^ of ptoea.
aboBl lo aap; *Tbe ki/« tad (br baoka.
'Wbaivtoa will yoB haver - aaid the
Wbat bate poo pmkIf oi (he (ateaU !■%
BT V. R. Bon.
tnmted to pour'
oqm a toot paaaen
nma and tba cinver <d tbe nmbmoM’a
enn have far tea*
mpanmiontotandhtog an old gmtimm
a to g« oot of thkir
r by rtumlinr
Um dowa. At tba
paye a pan-oak
aiMl tbe loaa of a liemna I
addition nmnna tbe ><» of bto menna «
a livelihood.
In Parto. we belieee. tbe driver of :
Base to imtselly allowed by the towto
ton OTw <me boorKeoto to tbe eonna
a year, la Umdon m^totrataa an Um
_r. tba tow makea aa
nntotrandarU&aiydtotiaccicm bepcwemt
a aad that of tba oa<
The foratz to ItoUa to
ha ramovad from tbe bos for good and
“TbU lan'i abe nf you. Juba.” abe
“Ton kauw ibal au earh Idm aaabam the rooau
trrrd tap towd."
*'l(*a aU kept aM( aad tidp for poor
Bnt br iwntaird.
tatqra. Mba Kleaaor.’' ibv aaid.
“Bp a airangv caiarddmrr 1 bad Jaat
AwdUre'a octfera. mba.
He aald pao dlM out a llltlr aummary of tbr eoodl
»Sfbt a«rpr1a* a* at tap motacst aad tioa of tbr baaineea. It U Juat aii yeale
fatlMT placed tbi* Tvapcmaiifepoaaiago that your fatbc-r
Mlltf cm mp eboBidrni.
k»ow that I bare nut abirlrcl It.'
•U b vary________ _
gtri. •yad I tbaak yao all for yov atoar aad brat orrr brr aad ptrkrd
paprr from tbr ibek.
“IlKer ate llir
‘'“SJll/brjiar room. mlai.“ aaW the total* tbro. and brte Ihrp arr o< - “ —'
bbe paabed o|wa a door.
be pUeed tbr cdip Id brr baud*.
“How eweet aad dalatpr cfM the
“it arem* likr a Uck uf nmb
. gW at aba alepbed acnxM tba tbraabold. yea to err* look at lbc-D>.“ uid tbr giri
“Aad vbat lorelp lowdrar
a* abr glaated down at tbe Hgurt*. hbe
*Trceb every meraloc. mba, by Mr. gave ■ liillr gatp.
“Why.’' abr crird.
■aadlfr'a ardara.*'
••yoo barr dnahlrd It ”
The cM brld the fradMt bbaaemi ta
“I barr hrra rrry fcirtuiiatr." braaid.
bar fare.
“You barr wotkrd likr a alare." erird
2J.*Tb5»’*t”1^oSf UkraA'*mtoI.^
“Aad where b Mr. BqacUffe'a
abe aikcd. '
“Be calb it bb dam mba. It’a la tbe
atuc. WooU yae 111? to are Hr
Tbe boeaekerper led (br wap ap tbe
attic Btabe tad threw opeo a daor.
mat (be roam of a burp msa.
mere baek> aad map*, a few ebuire etcblaim a baadeoeip deak. a (aide aad
Aalre. Tbe.laUr waa Mrrwo witb louoe
■apaie, the deak vaa l■a(lkrd with them
to paekafva. Jbere were b»*t opoo
the cbalre. tbe taMe aad (he doer. Am
Bbuor Moaped aborr (beoe pape
Mdead that (bey all burr tbe .
■ame—AtaavoKb. Tbea. aa abe rabed
brr baad. abe aaw her portraiu rxqelaHely framed, etaadiiit atpoa the deak.
Uttie Uuto raddewMl her ebeefc.
“Be b a fioBt trarhar. Ur. BaadlSc
to” aM (be bauaekaaper. “Uaay a ai«bt
rvar aaea bla li«bt bui^oc a|> here astil
aaa vai etreaklacilbe
I abaaid faary." aa
“that br
I Bp to date reodlaeaa far op rrtiirti.”
“I'vr aa doobt be la. mba.” aaU tba
<101 tbr t
Ibrr? IR . llr look me u|i wb< t>
......................... ; hr aiUmcvil inr.
adimnarkabledateotiveakliL Arabbs. ^Bttor.parto--who bad broken Into tbe niarqnto'eboqaa BBBe.f
at C«ngbn.sa. faetancL wae nmnad
by bla and followed to a pobltobcmm I
mile* off
thatiaattraoitog tb- at..........
of every
tax- It i« a t««wi of c-U.-*. ataiuling_____
andrepiiatii. • doyoo grasally take?"
»7 »« bwda
to bsoea. and
?***? ^."^'* oWietit m
bavebrm brooghi to from Monuna and
«• ■wall
•••‘Hag a purcbaas_itMme of the
tng ^
pm* to tbryarrto. Tbeblka Uva
domanicaten. and tbeii owns, O.
baa driven ttieiu aboot bto
Etbel—l>on'i you tlitok that pSr of
■ vaara Inrely, (Icwtge?
(rt-evgn I with vtoiona of feat nigbt'i
pnks gaiuri—t^rwi tbctfatog'l 1 don't
' Wttitt to hear aorthiiig abnot tbeni.
Etliel ba* n« rpohratu tii<u(vc- elnoe
—Buffalo Esprem.
parhrt acMrrmrd
•onal IrttiY. unCutohed aad nuHignrd.
Tbe bol Mottl aurgrd lo bl* Arrki.
“Wbat do poo trmaar hr ariicd
Bbe s>n>ed her i«irae atiddrvw forth
folded irtirr. oproiag it
*br paaard
lo him.
Hi* face paled and hi* hand
trembled a* br'rrad (be few lines
“It U
OCX. JiAnr
fedip." br Bor"Rnt pnu know I arvs amaM
yoe to *rr lt.“
“Bol poo meant It wbra you wrote It,
Johtir“(iud know. I nmiiut it.”
Hr looked
up at brr with a audilrB fire la bU rpew.
“1 will tell pciii tbr inah. Eleanor, and
I pity m,
r alwap* birrd p
♦ r.
worth cnaapaap. aad Kleaaor aligbtrdL
8to mapped into tbe outer oftre.
aaj^ba^taokad ap at bar la m
lai^to tJ
repM tto girl
“1 prefer ta
It blm." Bto awepi bp tbe attaadBBl aad________
daatered tbe
Jobe BaarUBe waa beedtog over to
arvrr diramrd it. I an »nrr poo orrrr
did. It i* for pou that I hire, tollrd. Yoo
barr loaplrrd mp eremp effort. Hu|ir|p*a
pr». hut tbr inil w** *wrrt. 1 arrer for-
ao compHualrd that Carter wa* Uto
Tbroldabrrpifclu rluak tuentiouedby
Paul {xobably oo*t him abunt gl. al
tbat waa tbe raniiwai pnee attbatUma.
tu.d •- not;.,,
only man wbo could greaae tbeni.
ruaaon tbe cab wa* n« pat j
into ranntog ImtuediaU-ly
' al..................—
afts it wa* , |
Importwl bot wa. laid up in tbe
(be gUble I' . •■<«
.. .
, from
Hi* C0I.W wa* aoi eo good.
• sk of art baa JueiL beea l»uM la
New Y’ork at an ouUay of over 1100,000. W’■bid'tbe pabiUhen deeira a
manags la ttaia eouairy. alao a good
toUdtor. Good pay to tba
.a right
' ■
Nearly too fall page* .
paper, lllumlaai
; ovey S
■■■ gold’
biadli’gri ■
ia tbe eiotta biadiage.
toll* at
•ICbC p
taniag day an
Oe. CbrtoUao
_____ :u ____
•romea mabtog fortnoea toklng
ukloi order*
Sapid rromotioM. Oae ebriaUan wofuau made clear g&OO in four weaka
taklag order* among ber ebarcb
tjualeiaacea and IfiCudi. Write ua U
may lead to a permaoeot paying poal-lon to tranageour bealnr** and look
after oar large eorreapoodens. which
f DU eae at-tond to right at your home,
dddreto B A Koermao. i: Beat Kiftoeoth airrel. belwcea Broadway A
Plftb avaonr.
Of ope rabJeA ertn Mr. Preamaa
would bave been forced to adaiil that
a a* if be had been
Thewskmauebip of "Crookit
Meg.” [ ”
»ul*r wixr.1 mr. aad i to*«.-d It |
I uafurtnuite cbaace placed ba waa pluaaed lo aay, waa aa good s .
lad* t rebaot liaagiue. That ooold ba w><b uoe rzoepaoo., “If yoa j
lie qnetl
Wm be glad! Be bxAed up wtU a
lie tore tbr abret of paps t
t have J
•Riek San. paSIng kto «malr back and
icmrata and flung tbetniNe it
aaa diatoot looked ovs. Tbe main abeS
comtok toward ber with oaiatrtiehed
Hr elle
la k rope, t>oC kSil Tbejtou 'looaed'
wbn yoa get «uds Wky mad to tba fim
“John." the aaid vety aoWy. “It i
' abamr ahcnil old l*0|ir
tirrr>rp. UuT ... , mil taken la when yon are oonlng to
that trembled.
Hi* fas brigbiracd; a Vra know what hr did. Wheo
filed ytmr
goar moaring*.''—Bieokwood'e
moaring*. orsthebee,
out of ■ Irap <atoa
I Iboaght yra wem
llou *od lu a*.a(Dliic tbat tbe oU JuUaa
■**>••. I. •ciil it. r.wM> “
uJai b,
* .1i"
■ BbelaM
d aaUe bs hat and ctaak a* abe
“Na” aaM tbe a
tmm bae as b
1 bad bs
Rpanmsi. ana 1 acaio aete.
Tm afraid yoa eUy brrv qatot toe
awb. Jaba.-,
Jaba.- aaid tbe giri. “Tea as ws '
moamg wall.“
“Nevs Mt bsts ta my Ufa tbaa 1 «a
K tbla very mamrat.* replied Juba. wHb ^
c faee bare am tba
Bbe gave Um I
haH trads. baU
?, Good Line of Jeweli?
J. N. MtRTINEK. ksSkS.
L* Peie*>s
John R. Santo,
Gtnril lisirain.
ml ' fes-a
oono KMTm.
Lt bu BaaU* I
Ai TiwremeOp I
■Tbalr dtobea," rajotoed «ba glas
ara. aa
rale, ts Iragi
year i *boold fed quite Jo«lBrd-qultr j T»annaMaRiamaRMWaaaa«iawq
Jiwtiflrd. Jobn-ia aikiag pour csisai aa flugen of iRipsUd tad Are, with r gaagaardlao icv-to my atarrytot-ob. sat oUna ebamt. bot mid aotblng.—Datratt
And abr atmebrd aat bsb baadt to
Tbe gvMl CbriStoa feMta cf Chrlsblm.-Clrretoi>d inah IVeIrr.
mto. Bstor. AacRaeitai and WbimonI dda an aaid to bave been otdsvd lotw
■......... I
ivt-. —
jatasved bytbewXwda ebarab all ovs
_ ___________
te die.
ae early M tbeoiosof tba
—’■’r._________ _
rw -c| *». dtrittm
,< Ih.Sf
^ Bstsw bad 1 patM.bfivewbea ItUakl may law gam-tec
jibe Pelt lirqiieUe EiUinI
awallows **be' diapatobedaS
blade, "that 1 aapeetoUy like tba taM
c^;;s ..7na,dtoo"wb;; X ~
»«"T. It to^ Becatuc.
abe aa^ »*b"^ wemra to tbe waHd yoa eewld tara
”I waa bemaiitfl, 1 waSadHa aw tbe , to.
' sU bama. tba aM Bwaa. 1 waatod to aw 1
Be-Tw; tbat U tbe ealp
yw. te
g A’?A.y'(t^-l‘'RapU*
Carload of Horses Here
,. taK
T»*i« *mTi*gat*Sp. w. aa*rh« r earn
i|^ar t*OruKl Rap«d*aad rkair m Oread
home and began lb*l Irth-r.
“Joha.” abe aaid. whb a little ttams
la ^ vetee. “arra'i you gUd la aaa
. .
MY mmo. I Win all in yoar caarr.
taa aat to papa’a dmlr. yoa knew.
daa. h WUI iaaam me yrntr todlvtdaal
itlaa. Bat you are aot ariag papa’.
Jeha. It I* mack ptoaaaats
Mats (baa
Tkrtma mm
Rapid*. *sd I Rapid* u>C*Ir.
bare hail mf buildint;
old patroDR..
mmaktog pari
UaloD atreet. Arat bit
ilsk eoatb of
icD** aura. Sfaa wUl be plaatad
call BRd
Gniil Bipidi » iidlui Bf.
Ic 1. LOORWOrro!
to receive ill <
Karw tb* Repea
s:i South Union BUwat.
r.* li lt*. m.(r
ehape and am
res of tbe fflat hauMan cab to Anierioa.
—New Ysk World.
on time or for caab, at
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
Bupkislag CoflM-LlUle Tbra.
"'l----- :----------------- ---------
fjooii whffeU for aale cliiwp
td41to. ■Tn ottjttapaa ILtnaplt s
rvl^uilt RQii put
abunt Hie (Hock Esrbangufs four yean,*
aad tbun it broke down, ending tbe s-
No remoi^ equals WABsrato Wum:
isn OK ‘TaH SYHrj" for thU Usrr.--ai.d fatal dleeare. If taken Uh>t■irhly atid to time, it wilt ouro a caw
. ;!4 bouiw, and fo“ the uoui'h that l«l■wa LaCripiw I*, .uver fail* to give
and Wk
-------------- -
9 Cun U Bnpp$» 24 Btire.
onriabed, sltrbtus, pimplea. a-'cr*. nl
i tbc’biglnUea
Only S&i: at S. B Wait
lave been O Jobnaou. drnggiata.
f.,Uy ,
He wa. growlag old to bs aaev-
Are aiandard* of raerliraw. Hold by
- a.mnnVB ■ io«pm
A Horribla OutbreadK
Cdhc-totl. Twem.
1W pr®-
aaaaaa are aaraly earad by it. Oall on
E. Walt an<3 clat O. Jobmoa. dmga<«. and g*l a frre (Hal bottlr
fonth'a Cbmpanlcm.
There ia a novelty at tbe atook yaida
tm torvt CartawMe* Wore Brekora. Whe
MUndoa eivaa Asay.
notafraid to be gaoeran*.
He inalitad «p0n feeling all tbalr ------------------------- --- --------------------------------- -----------bearm.anda*hewattbrir)aodki(daad!;i*w away ovs tan mUlkm, trial
bto ootudn, and tba awoIU looked o
amnaed pity.
Tbat froBen ootaln U dead bedoef
... z.Z'Zi
them woold betray him. Ttiemaniato.
bowever. wa* mans of tbe aitaation.
twell a aye.
People at n.
tbalr earn in atnoaed eorioaity,
at the table looked a tiiSa died at the bompkto'a noiae.
II to It <
There tbe robbs bed aeated htaaelf {
"Lortly; bow ooa 1 tallt Anythtog
yoo Uker almotod Iba ndobeeked. btUlet btoded yooto. who ooBldn’t make
bemlartoil of tba wlnki and lookaof
deadly waratog emapaUag Irani Iba
Bduna. Man., waa uamrd fs a fw
Tba flrat banaom cab to Atoerioa bad
male ivlative of a mlncT named Juba
aa totseating btotury.
A remintoaiDt.
eoiable, rad faoad cabby told it ISa tbe
otbs nigbt up by tbe Tbirty-lblrd atraet
potaloM with a riolb
It to a
•tand. It waa touugbt over iu I8T0 or
Barer ot time aud of tbe itanda
167 f by John Patrtitof tbe Pacific botel,
in Greenwiofa attwt. fnirt above CortI
“\Miaf« tbr dlffcmicv Ivtwc-i-n
tandi, and itocartC70. Ibcdrivsw
^ and a wager?" a*kc>d tbr inau wbo
of Liverpool linoe
lobn Carter
Ibluk* tlirn- an- t<><> man> word* tn
ceaaed. wbo natua to New Ysk to I8HI.
‘^ram aot minxtord at tbit.” aurser- Tbe original mb that John < torts drove
iraJ who alwaya |
rd Blraoor.
Tbrrv wa* a Dttlr allrare.
liketboeenow to ujir. but itbadaolaret
make- with a m
“Joho.” »br «aW. “arr poo grttlng r*rrly aud red runDlug gear. Anlntnst' ;vt,ii-b ba* i» lu- pahl. lui mnttrr who
Hi- I«.krd
l«ikrd . tog
lea. with a’lr.oHoc pr*f*r' H.ing ftoturu
feature of it
It Wa*
wa* that »
it wa.
was bol- |.„,r,.
|<mu-c. .\
.v w.v
•■■m<-il>liig mure
■ witha patrdt
. - patent
. aslcn.
made .wliii a woiunn.
at brr wccndt^tirir .-H <>nltf It tw p.*.IWr etrrrd
which tvlto.-d
............. M to n
llwManittto of WalarfotC<mimDoi>w. , .. ........................................
How oooldIT Yob know that. C’oaaln
* cn.
^'°’^|Diok, aaweJIaelda
bomr, and now Kow York
barr d(«<'.“ •br Dortlp aaid. “I kouw
(bat hi* dauriits dor*." eod cJw hrtd out
brr baud. Hr lock it (raderip and brid
It a mumrai.
“J<ihn.“ «br addc-d. T
don’t •nppuar 1 could marrp witbeiK
pour coiisnir
Hr gerr a IKlir •tart.
“Vre." br nM grevrlp. “you could.”
“bo, rai quitr «
abr UDgbrd *urtlp.
“Map 1 aak who (ba
foriBoatr man i(f
nia relcr waa Irar tod alradp.
certalnlp bad rrmarkabla contrU over
Bbr grnilp toagbrd.
“1 cao’t irll pea prt.“ abr eald. "Tob
m*. br doruo't know.“
“I do 001 nndsataeA” hM tbe maa-
Tbe giri paoaad befon tbe Utured
“I vofitd tike to bare a aotr for Ur.
%rUfr,“ ahr aaid. “Ha wUI to aare ta
it tkb etrolac.''
Tca“ aaid tbe be«aekeeper.
tefubr aa eiorkworfc.*’
giri alipped iols Ito awirel chair
Tbe gi
• aM
aad pick
picktd «p a pen. Kto loakrd abatit
~ «ar
dor a ab<
abrec of paper. Hbt bait opeaad a
ill dn
drawer at owe aide of tbe deak aad
a A
lato it. Kbr etartrd a little and
_____ forth
for aa eefoided bit of aoie paper.
Her aaoe waa od tbe abeet. lo faru it
vaa addreoaed to her. Bbr looked at tto
date. It waa h laoath overdoe. Blowlp
read tbe llaea. bar pale riieeka botlp
•aablag aa abr pnMvrded. Then a amlb
havered about tor llpa aa abr rarefDUy
folded tto papm- and put It la her purae.
“I barr (baaged tap taiud.- abr celled
to (to boeaekaeper. “I will aot leave a
■Ota far Hr. Baardfa.
I wlU cell oa
daaticTeaarrral dtlaena to tbeeowatof
tba year.^Loodon Spmutar.
have to aattia that yooiaelf. ”
"Shall we b^a oo a bottle of Bu-
rcmfiiiciur l.p i.i.hlns ipr •oU (ni.(s »f
hi* ictvjcrtty and >oBC
tryior to )u«lfp ibat r
Tbr girt hxikrd op
elL Tbe 8rivs4)f tbe cart may eonttone
to arge on bto wild cares, ibo^ ba
•’Dmallyl”aboDt^tb^«'Hh ■•Haw.
br bow. bawl Ini't that great? Umally
lot DotbtogI Of OMOTe? Kavsaeewinc.
"Brriclra. am I «
the pomito ion a
------ emrwsrTor^.
Wbloh weigh aU the way from 1200 to 1700
Ibe apiece. ITil* to a* nice a lot of horees a.
bat been seen In Travaiwe Oity Is a long time.
These hones can be seen in Brodhagen's
Livery Bam.
THE ifaaWWG mPCORD, WBDNteDAY. APSn, 1& 1900
■i—Mli «Hto Mtoa. Mr. Mato
■aaftr MU Uaaa to aaat atator (to U
Vito hM vitoM a bavr Ma towa (a-
ctoa tto lanac
U h> Mk (k» air M
............................*»rk M Mil Mr
n.( M ka. ana tka..
■aato Atrito.
*nlM • «n* ••« OMi
Tto ka •€ tor aair oaa vai a Mara
TV <w latW a m4 a. 1 crat crWr to Ura. ItiiiliU. tot all
tor taan. itoaaian aaJ H>rMtoir«eUd
« bp tto-tkwdr MoO.
aot arr*UI m tor kaatoto H niaat. ato
at tiMa roM a* tor towortaakia MaMto
£ aT^^ u
UarMf trial 1 htaiaif to Ua aatktoetka. Mr. UaaaMU tot tto raaw
«« «aa ta rliml: A «Ma «*
Sto4aal7 kk prtvrra *aa ctocM to
tto k«ht U a *Ur opoa dear. What
Sm'Vuli*^ **»i*»ir
uapikw toto MMtU tore k(l tto dear
cteM foPA Ulrilliag tok
•r Mia Aaaea'a roea a larhlaclj opM.
Tbkk t^ieklly trwa cf tba kyiteai
dkptarias. aa M did. tto tmt drawer la
^ tna k>» «W|
whkfe tto aati dkeaaaad ptoteviapb of plMfitr valar narto. ao oalkd. In
YMioto towMk or makH of papoc.
to Ik?
laA « ^
whapa tto mat Islereatlng Mob
Mrark tor fcnrt—fT» vtok toM *tom tor •korr wbkh boa to do with tbk bevtob
TWr V«k niawta
-of tba todartcT k that of tfaa famcam
'‘Irwlaad'i GoBtekmo. ”
to rrtoctai “U. lake i««.o»r «tator law
Inland bad fatarWtad uMm Bbokatkat 4r«*«r it> >011917 araaU of tto tnilh
9Pon monaslfto. wh|<fii fop a. kmc
•r Jaaa'a Marr-’'
With a rauWat kto Itwad to ■olaa dm wtm aocp^ aa ac«aaL Tb^
Iraljr rairrpd ttomat. fwrtlatlr rioaiac Bade pBob an Itaprauiim l.idoad that a
noinfacr of nan. tanioaa at that tliaa fog
tbetr erwcUHcm and lew tltair UMray
Hlnc, ToluUrily pcipored a MMl■t MiD» UAtyiomron J
ncmial nttoatlaii atooIuM Udkf la Uw
* j tto'-r”* to ^ Ta'to^^Ib^'lia'rUra antbaDliellyuf tbunaoBaoclpM llitolt
ckrtuncmt tbra non afliteaditoir rten^
turaa and aonl tbwp^ too^oaat.
*^emir: MaM-Ledr *ai OOMiac!
The vbok of tto original pdlticm cif
A Ikhl Mpp •« tto ataln aad a
4 toanaradrpoaMar
___ __t .Ito rrfraia of a auoc tor- Ito fakoa waa dltoM cf IB h <•« Ixm,
♦ aldto tto eppitaiA •( Uko
and ao great WM tbe ttoiwurn for tto
• '
a oetf; ^
edition that Magk eopdw ware dkticnpd
r. Jeha." aaW Mkr •
hlaaatoU; aaror oft Ptnprrtol
lira ilaaadrtd. koUa* op frea tor fcato : j
'Ttorr*oiMl7<wcttoa(lutodoap. Ua
Jaba MaaaSrU. mlito wrrrhaM ^ ^ to**AjuJ.^«wrad and ckato tto
drrata aad laaror of naprraa. kotod
j|,. MoaatoW coaU
■p (roa hla paprr.
jkror tor awriap about tto raota. atiU
-A dUroratr. *7 **rr to Mid. aa- ,alacia«tirbll7totora*U.
brat aactitaTlal aaaaa. f -Kto U taUto «S brr hn aad Jaetot.*’
MUsiwMas CAMoa.
tto Oip «f Stopena
ISssiis: -
Preaani: Aldwmia Pbrlra. erellltfc.
Oook. fimUb, Itodk. Kanyea ud'Sar rtn aad Muyw Bnmflmm
!b tba SMMirabk. tba Memor and OBg
CewMIef IbaOUydf TrneurM CtM. TbB W. B. a W. a. Boao. gaaoral UMMot otee
DearMfu: I band yon tbk. my rwIgnnitOB. from tto Board n< Matolhm
of tto ullf oTTkww^
Mowed by Aldurmen Smith that tbe
Moilcm Cterried.
fb ito HoMreUc.
• Oonnefl a/ Ito Ctt* qf 1
Cigar Store
Billiard Hall
For Sale
I wlibto. the ulty
Eiqilra It
Ikelta, rta:
Two IH ateeydwMHnfieon Eandolpb’
aireet, U>< M BevUned'e ndd., et a eoat
otfiTMeueb. PoarlMekotyd^mnia
M B-rbib itraet and ana lit a'ovy ^gpu^i^nonmtT^ raosiBow^otoe
dralllnr cw Oruat aieeet oe k>u Itc.
lU and iM. Oak Balgbia Addltloe. a> a
f u 4 .to T u tu
euMof aeuMfiSWUneb. Onalkaioy
dwuUtag on Bigeth atraet on lut m.
Oak Halghli Addition, et a ooet of
about rso One IH awry dwomugea •igkt nantora-ptoe
Blreenta atreeton lota It end M, blk
l. Perry flnnnnb'a led Addltloe. ooet
about $1,000. Ona t etory dwalUar cw
nftb atreet, on leu 4i end 41. block 11
Tbe Oontlnea tul Amur^nee Oamnenw
of North Ameriee kanm uU uMnS''
Lay A Co’a lOtb aodainu. at a
l^kke. Ineuriug ugutnet ewt^t^
coat Of about fil.no
Ona IK atory
dweUlagon.WebvMr etraetoo loM II
end 14. oloeb 6. Hunnab. Uv A
5*> Add . I
□ ■Itto StetuL^rfull
RKataa mZ. <_ll
T>R rUKS TILT. Vocwtawy nergaea OM
U Draito. ecTgw ato D»eul»ura,to»«ilil--------------W.O.,o»™
lira oeic* oaxi to Walt-g Dry^etcou ea Votoa
M-eed to Aldaraaa Smith that tbr
114 Front St.
Cash Capital $200,000
« to rtplatolii* Jaat b0* be bad bad
awlKb ttoM.
/IrUawd-a atory wag that tfaa abeU fid
whiofa be aaad waa the ouwtda of
amcal otbm cm wblcb aoaaa aooouata
bad itat kept dmlnc tbe reign ct
Chvlea L At that tliae IttJaod waa
tba mIiMM
••Ioaref*llyaekcted.”aay»>B. ~tve petfikmtofruind.
MoUoa uerried.
half ibueta out hariag any taarfc whater«r, cm vUefa 1 peonad ay first Ufa- Tb Ito H&nombU. tto Movor and CUp
oelkr t
CtwneU «/ (to VUy oj TYomtm C«v.
gICB.” A frv pagcB
<» 1m wrote:
MMAipaii.'Belag tboe -iirged forward to tbe proOenUenMa: L tbe uedwulgned. do
FcepeeUally peUtion your bouorable
neeeMaty that 1 abotUd poaraa a gafiakBtqoaatllypf edd paper to meble toe
to proceed, la ecmaeqaetiee of wbicdi 1 n& WeabtmrtMi euwet. Seld walk to
to n *-«t wide to 40 feet long and to
BUiD at u unminga. auumeu me to laan eout toe per equare.yard and to be bulU
ato baatlly hid eootrtblag la a drawrr a fu) rrcogaiiioa with aikei corara. aad. Moan all tto folio and qnarto eolnniea 10 auunroanee wUhtbcordleatice nkpbotograpb tril to tto Boor. Bto aamlcb- braring Uki Aaaom'a rxprraaioiu of aor- in bk obop tto 6j lenra wblcb tbpy Ive W tbe oonalruetloo of
ad It up. flung It loi<> tto drawer aad prk* aad ibai abr waa approaeblng tto
It. L A. Biding.
Joaxi*i Bmnn
ckaed It. but aot brfote 1 bad raedgalaed bed to Irani tbe cauar of Tlay'a cxciuamply atored
b aa Tour ptoiociaph. 1 preteedU aoi
r»rt»rd with a eery fed
Moved by i__________________ ■ that
ocp did 1 few
It the
to tore aolked ihr pboto. prel-rWa ca
appeetaace grarbr tbe petition be grunted ud that
baee ho rapkoatke fioa 7«a-"
tV bookaellM. Ai 1 waa folly awaiv
•Motkm carried.
Mr. MauMd wai tbr pktare of b
fran tba eariety of water marfca wblcb
Trueerae City. Mieb., April «. 1900.
7b l*« U>"wral.l€ the Uau"r ond tto Ctl|i
* Miaa AnaeiB. H naat be rxplalaed.
n/ Utc LHfv of TYutwror Cilv.
a bright aad ibanuiot young lady whom amaartnaut. ou doubt."
oiwarkrtblgBaatpatWHagTeea. PiMgai
B SpeciBlty.
Mem. Mitofirld bad reratly rogagrd aa a
a.'ll^iihiS^!*''^ ^
work a >eaala->r.
OeuUemeB: We. tbe uoderelgBcd.
Ito wau« marto of that a^^Vory care
Mew OMoa. Murkbnm BloMf.
would rMpretfeUy eak that you ordei
“I BBI uiiiir at a kaa to explaia tto af
fully prodnend toy firot ^eoimeni of tbe eeetuent
walk eix <6) feet la width In
fair?' aaid Mr. Mauillrld la tooce quiW ■>»
writing cm rruch atouta ri( old paptw aa frooiof LoU 1. f 3.4, ? and «..bloek 1.
aalito Ihuar of tbr major of i’imprraa. duH.
N«*xt to Eucle OffioB
Manoab. Lay A On'a tat Addilloe. oO
TTcaalUy It waa gi»en to tor by a aiutoal
HI; worahlp thru pra<-r«d.;l wito abnpt bad DO mark whatorn.
BaTiog heard U freqb«otl7 otand Uulou atreek
and iwky aruirucn.. quitr Urtoid of their
CouviK 8. VanKu.
-TBro why a^bS abr wakr a myatery •»ual floWj trituminga. to explaia bk that tbe appearaiwa of tnch luorka on
or Koikaaka. vtU epee
Cusa 8. Vairtu.
Ibe papm would botp giwally tend^ to
of It and gkt| orrr It k prirawr da- ,!»«;•«•« I" ‘•or room
C. U. Shuiwook
mmadrd Mrw. MaaalirW grimly.
' Oreatly to bii rHirf ato did aot look uaubtlob their ralidUy, 1 Ikteoed to
Undertaking Parlors
-- 'i Mr Mauaftald. with **rr aagry vtoa to bad finlabrd. Sbr etwyntoark that voa inadeem IbeaubMoved to Alderman Oook that tbr
r. "I do net cDderataad aak aotblng at firwt. but. opeelug tto fa- loot, and I at length gleaned tto fatelli- patIUoB be rruted and that tbe walk ^»|^.4t0toBt> Caloert. U»
goooe that a jug waa the preraleAl wa- be ordered eooetrueted.
u tto drawrr wblcb ato 'gkaiad' drpib> I
Motion eartlad..
cra m»A of tto reign of Ellaabetb. is
Treveree OItv. MIeb.. April 9. I90n
a of ethM oonoeqaenoa of which 1 Inopeciod all
tbe abeeta of old paper tbeo In my poa- To Oir BofuJrobk. Ito May>^ and CSly
. ..ibra of tbr family
a> well."
Mra. Maa>firld with atralaed ralmaeaa.
, mrmbera
ipqf TVaceraa CUy.
New lUal tbr Brat abock of
<Be&t to be had in
Mr. Maaatoid'i pomp<^7 te- Ubmrei. Tky wrta ptciuiea of bk wife tbe Jog ou ttooi I pcodooHl tbe anoceetl
manoacuipu opoo tbeee. Itongcnreundefolgeed bodr
the city is at
™^PDMndr. Diy dear. MUa Aa- |. "Why. wto gart yee Ibeaa. Mki Aabowercp. to mingle with tbom a u..
.. tecllii -oi of above
ovtaln Dumber of blank learee that tbe aald city tb.t they bo daly reeore aad
kTywuf kdy"of g^dU^rreaXMlbd . "Ja«k." ^ rapUed Mmply. wlib kw- prodootlon on a audden of ao many wa oe an lat-lHgeet ooaatitBeney, uad.
aouad )udgmnit. bto fnaad aomethkg la rrrd eyelida aad a pretty flaak oa her
WoKiiuaa. we roepectfullv petition
mmpifls io window.
ter marka might not excite raepleion in
my pobto llfr wbkb ato ha* beeo good fare.
tbe breaata of tbooe peraona wbo wore you that you nee Id your city printing
Vnu^ to admlrr. Mki Abmib hai bad | ''Jqcbr V ^ “Mf •‘•r
pnico label on a l aald priatinr.
Boat oaoTartonlviUi tbemiDnacrlpk" ihu
erery upiuituulty of atadylai my work | •»«*. ato wblapeied.
Aad be It fertber reeolved that we
Atneekr In MtodnaweaooeeabArD deem It a teat uad hnuofuble eae«e fnr
(or tto part thrrr moatba aad
ako_tbe ,! “But 1-1 doa'i -...................
georral rwunr of muairlpal llfr la what,
wbat. am aware that yoa had crer mat him a latter wrltuu by tbe VlrglD Mary which we
1 tblak. may to nvanlrd a> a aobk tor- Ur b k Heath Afrtrar''
with ber own band. Be remarked that of tbe ArtlauD'a £rafia. etc. .—end i
-it waa for no aato to weat theca.’
eugb. Wtoi were aaieral. then, that
Indeed be a miracle, aluoe tto
•way to enll ■
ato replird aoflJy.
It It u llttl- reriy to tulk ubeat lee.
paper tbowed by lie wutar mark that it
I li by e bet
There waa aikra for a few
. gretkmau riad k tbr robra aad laalgala
<rat we buve e lurga aupply put up for
And be It
WM not made till eome oentuilM after
•Ttoa you ate tto youa.
•f the oltoa of ^kt magtoiratr of tbia
That we eariiMtly requM*
boroagb dUplajrd la Ito pbotograpbar’a whom my aea wUbrd to marry k oppo- tto age of Mary.
Wr will fumkb fbmUlM. tbia esmbat
It ii fito graatMt myRery to moot peo
' wiadow aud. let-ogaking lu that gmtk- altum to my wlab«r aald Mr. Manatold
mer. with lee wuahed elaun uud putto
auid label oa oar eity nriatlsr
ple bow water merto are made. And .reare
maa myaeir. abouM putebair that pbole- arrerely.
■hr rafrigerator. for fit Oo u mouth ■
to an ecknewledr'ipeni of a fair con
• Yri." ato momured.
yet tbe matter la (be limpleat thing in penaetico for hoorat labir
>Bd won't eak to be puld (ta udyunne.
Mr. ManafieM Ibougbt deeply for tbr tto wcwld. In tto menalactnro of paper
L MsaiBrtd llrteord with ImBoraVonra ra<p»eifallv.
rxl trw mkuin. After all to lifcrd tbe pulp, befere It baa beffun to be
bk fret'___
Akkhcax FKiiutAL-rot-M'ii.
"A rrry good explaattke." ato com- Miu Aupoib Imaraarlj. aad If br atill dried and after it baa been aprcml on
Both 'pboon 94
Triverae Cllr M>rb.
meated. "If It bad brra owe of your uM- ptvied oballiutr ato would of coarar tbe morlng platform, paaaM under n ' OoB-wUlre; J J. Tkdalc. P. Handle
eki pbotognpha. Bat tto oar la UIm Irarr tto bouar aad prrbtpa tbia morn- roller enllad tbe "dandy." On tbia mna. W J Nekon.
Aaaom'i puaarmtoa k eee of iboae you kg'* ridlcukua adTrotufe might to caw"dandy” ta affiged tto derloe whlefa
Moved br Aldermae Smith ibut tbr
bad takro about two yean ago. tofera tioord. aad-yea. hr woald to mrreifal.
peUtion be referred to tbe eommlttv'
-Well. Mlaa Aj»ob. I eeed hardly aay worfca tbe water mark.
you wrrr rInirO uiayor. Wr nidered oaIt la of boot wlru. and aa tbe roller
V a few of tbmi. 1 rataraitor. and i that your alory baa aatoeiabrd me betbeaebt wr bad dUpaaid of them aU. IW youd nweaure. but I will aol diagulae preaew tbe papw It pmaaea Into It the
Ti> M>4 /f.rt»onil.!e. tfK Mnyor anifCiiy
queaiku U. bow did Mlaa Ajtaom.abuk from yea ito fart th«l duriag tbr time
you hate been with ua yi« bare woe my
uarl I did aot girt It to ber."
Council of (he rUy of Trorerov filv.
SEASON WITHOUT REFlUJNQrIn tto aame manner meet elaborate
■"Tbra I roa aaly aay that ytw mart to bigtaral eairrcu. aad. la fact. I regard you deuigna and peon plctnnu and Intricate
Micbftnm.CAmomfJftei/w/Am/cAno/f. . ProMt. ourefnl uad eourmoue attiB .
mktakra. my drar." >aid Mr. MauatoU a lib freliaga of iialrrual affortlon. Wr
Oentlemeb; We. tbe underline',
of wbole battle
wltb a>nerttr. "Ua your ova coateaabm miiat wrtir to that youag ecamp aad
■ou. Tbe etrougeet und oldent fire Inwill have mtoat 400 or »00 yardi of cxbare
you oaly ae« It for ao krtaut. Uow caa bare bla> home. Uraawbllr"I ibewarid (Ufirw
aimUar to an electrotype, need In tto caeutlou eerib in digrleg onrbuaemvn
ytw br rrruk that It wai a pbetograpb
for our brick balldlag eod being Ir
foi mrd that voa win need wrtb foT
Of OOUIM check paper and bunk pa fllllugAt Bonih Ueion atreet bridge, we
that tiMUH-ol the door opeeed. aad per la tbe moat Important variety dla- brreby propcee to aril you wbat eerih
pwtop> you wUI
photo U atlll In tto drwwrr. Mka Aa- MiB. MaaafleM rtood oa Ito Uiraabeld
' by watar marki. In apuir ef wr beer to dkpoee of at inc per loud.
auu to> had ao opportualty of leawrlug wiih baada uplifird k borror. Mfar could ... DOM molda prepared by tbe old prao- delivered at the b'Mge Iteb load VB. for I aaot bar on aa mwad. U k k u»l bare limed tor entraace wltb greater CM tbetr are 8 curved bordera. IS eovtaln vbm> IK cable yurdt BeMe gnt drawer of brr drcMkg tabk I prorUlnn tod afar beca walllug orlth eye
figures 186 Urgewavra and Siukturi. (peatfunycubMltMiL
pec wlah to aaUafy yuur eorkaiiy."
C. B McHAMi'aAOo
wbieb bad oil to be eepurakdly eeoorad
"Ura. MaaatoM. do you tblak that
Moved by Aldrrmua Oook that tbr
by tto flneet win to the curved onrleoe.
MaaaScM kotod frigbleaed.
etral lato a kdy’a room aad
TVnwen I.OM wirea and «7.5n petitioa be referred to tbe eommMtrr
. £y ^t!‘ to ■ pmatr affair»r cried tto
dear." to cried aa^aly. "I am
magktratr. riiiag. "Von fotwrt year- golug to write aad tril Jack
twioM and tbe mdm rep^cloo wbmw o- atreeto und ridewulka wltb power to
aelr. madam r
temir. Tbit young woauu ton pn
tbe etout urine wen lotrodnced to top- uot
Motion curried.
1 k high to Ur bte wife. 8to la. k fact, tto
port tbe under niifaoe.
dwdgeou to aukr a
oa k bk lady about wboui we had that taollab
In endent tiioM tbe water marka 7h Ito HrxtomJto. tht Mayrr (p>d City
4nm prrparaiory li
('ouncl/ uf the Ctly vf TVoewraa CUv
Ha waa forced to ackaowirdge Umartt
took Mr. Manafictd quite a qaartee ware naed ter tto aame porpcM ea Ibe
«Mte ai a kM to acmhai for that pboto
• hour to Biakr bte wife aadereiaad old Inn aigBU Tbe old Imu bad doUa
tientleman: I, tbe uadrralrned re
and baefaivea. boram aud eariotn other
Sidnralk Lumb«- in .u .IBM.
brtl« k Mka Aaaom'a piiiTMliin. which
forma aaatgna. Pen tto aame reaaca tto epeettullyaab pormlenloa to toHd ex
w my ratdenee. ul No. 9M B
papMmakMB bad
etbotiewt. SudnddtUouw be I8xt4.
uuiriag tor of bar nadylag aSretkn.
He prided blmorlf oa bk krra iaalgfct.
aaarkwblefa made tbetr prodnot dlatlnet one etory high W be need tor kliebre
bk etrirt Impartkilty aad fate finaDcaa la
Mr blaaatold at Wglb laaaagad U frum that of other makera.
iBSBPeiM t* Tpbvbpm Olty Unmbar Oe.
^■wydebed. BeepeettuUy nubmltdkeharglag bte maglatrrial dallrw Bui aUp away. >■oogTatakllag Uamrlt ou tto
A ray f.-iBoai mark of Mm alxMaatb
of Ibrar UBalItte
•urrrm with wiijcb be bad arxtlicaied emtury wm tto bandramk—a band top
Mu Maur Mnxeu
biwrrlt from aa uapkaaaat poahkh.
t beach. Of ibe
After all. to'wa. gkd of aa excuao to
bad made a krlob dtepky k
gave tto name to Ibe "put" paper, wblk
Moved by AldMWua Smith that tbe
he Ura. ManatoM teoed to tor
tbe foolM^ mark wed on paper of n pet>Uoe be grunted.
U waa oaly IS moetba ago that bk
oertaln else gave that Mae IH luuna.
Motion ourrted.
Bibmulkg wUI bad drirew ibeir ealy
k-kw' wbru they beatd ito toll doer which It retatna to tbk day.
aah. Jack, ta Houtb Africa.
On motiou of Alderman Smilb. duly
Mr. MaaatoU bad deter ...______ ckw behlad bim to arauJd tore rnbaii
Tba poet p^ur waa ae onlled beoauM OtoTied. eonaea^ndJouneA.
8tiU in bsrine— in tbs old stnod. Hooss mod slgB futw*WM abeald aiarry rank aad beauty k Ito that they bad eeored oa aU pokta.
H bora a mark of n toUld vl* a poM
A. W. XKBBun.
peiaaa of a daugbier of a keal aagaata.
\ ing. paper hangins, daoonting, CBlcimising. gUid&g, BBtsnl
bora cm U,—Lcmrloai LuttMU
________ OHy Otart.
But baadaouae Jack Mandald eketed ..to Aiaum. embraHag Ura Uaaafleld
A wood finisb, etc. £stttBStes famished. Hhop op stBifs, SRI
"Ht>w geud of
y«Hi iw
to ba«a me
- you
•a amaagr bb own mairlmoakl aBtIra afrrab.
8t (W. W. MiDsn stors). Order* Uu in stonviB
do•ad apaec all Ua factor’a brillkat pkaa
"Did you any you wmind Sbake- OsmsmssmIImi Cwpw—WMTMSton * get pnmipt sMsDtion. BsiidsDoe 1045 E. Front Strsst
lor faiite k lore with a pretty __ ' rke tbk edam pki! Why. b waa qtoto
ipMn'a wcutaP' oakad tto book otun WIMb WIm Mf Tar tyrMpe the
■ drama r
' Both'Pboasfi, No. 168.
beat oougb lemedy OB earth, cune u enld
to -la wbito you ptayed your part cwiy
wan. my dear." repUad tto oU lady, mttto mukiy girii -1 Mned^lftabnfatima. »toAI0Oa.
Krrrrthlag. ae doabc vooU bar* hap-
laatiirld'a flarilag pug. aot Colkwad
"Wbat do 70U larua. M7 drorr* rx- Mkf Aaaun lato tto tvota.
- cUtaird hir. hitaafirid. ,
Tbr aplrlt of iarfailgatka wat atroag
ABO- ta Tia7.’ la tto coarar of bk prrorat as"Tbb aoniiitg." rxpteiard Mn. Uaaaaad Pkratkn to aatarallg kotod uadrr tto
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Fire Insurance.
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For Fire Insurance
■ md. Thun.
j Painting
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I and Paper Hanging
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