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The Morning Record, January 16, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
- 'iL'l
Third Year-No. 642
mourn smnmD Fiom.
ttaolarao Baara WlU b* Vhippad Va*
o^a Armj and
BoBtOte. Mob.. Aao- it-COoBotaa
idinPropaM Moaa. tha waU kaowa trtoh <«ltato,
teotthoapUloa toatthoBaorowni b*
■tM*« Hut OMni Warn Sm wklppoA bp th* Brttteh
Sinr wttk 11,000 tUM B.Am* hpth* aaaBtea of BapHn, i« iaffWtMlir. •at «b»« teadtooNatoa Alraralea la aaalbte
Baaap* toralta
nmm vnatfM n tm9m^ •» paartoaflhaploha
aflboaattea of tha Iriah
Km J
waalA hrtap tha war to a apaadp aal.
IT—irt i 1IMMM VfV OMIm aaA Itat tha tiB* te rtpaJor tha Irteh
hara aai ta. tha oU aoaatrp to do
Mi BaMr.
Lmtm. Jm. u~lU»«l«r » r«Mij
' apaaktap tb* Baara.
Md BOM MmM ow •
a Paateawar. aad
teMNpart^DwMa.4*MJM- II. thaaaaq^4paaBlt*. <
nidotoW 4
wa* lhaaa two toUfi t^at aaaato tha
lah«MtM«m !■ aBM
a«a of atedatoa**t
4MMlMI«tu«of IM e«BkM
OMiBal Wiff Un rnn Tkuada/
with » Mmc irlaf
K> «»o«B»Ula OMml BallM* BorcuMt
—dhBCfPBil th* T«r»te rivaruA
‘ oot«»M » iiroar pB^Uoa liter*forUA that» en*l MlU« U prooaMI
MA Umt* te KfliUar 1* thr*«
ru D*»y M*U't oorr***oiiAa«t at
PlM*rB*rllsbarf, la a dteMie)i AaiaA
Jm. il.aaTathatOaawal Wanaa.wUh
11.000 B*a. Ao**A to th« aaotw^
froBFror* hf wajr of W<
oaoaBfoaaAao ale* ^ UMaaoafai
Ofotolor'i kUMf. whU* U wat
UiMt that daUaao wu ABartoA.
Tkte laaAa to tbo >aa*Bi!ttoB that
•woral Bailor te holAlaf hta foalUoa
aatha latt »kU* Aaraloolar a latf*
twalac B0T*B«al ea th* rlfbv
Ilthoraportoflriplaboaay Ichtlar
tevaaitte frehahr*.lhat Blaarwaa*
hlU hat hoaa attaMai. with thaehjaat
altaUiaraaMBaadlar Moltlo*. bat
HteAMtalltoamat Bon troB tha
OoFomdr <a Xdatnoky Onll*
For«tBM Froopd.
madlaal Kaaaarra Tahaa to Pravaat
tha OwaasiaatleB of tha Bold
inaa F*rpitrat*A bp Oo*b*l—BxBaaaraor Bradl*p;Frapar«i to Appaalto Ooltod Btoto* team Apaiaat
Fraakfort. K«.. Jaa It.—AU Aoabta*
to whalhar Ih* BrpabUeaaa latob
hoU tha atato ofioaa. ao auttor what
dactetoa wap ba raaahod U th* Boahal
aeataat. aew hafora tha KaatoMp
UpteUiara. vaatehad paatoidap whaa
Ootaraor Taplap ptraaaillp airaacoA
bp wiratotb*' teawpartotloa of otraoBpaate* of treepa to Fraakfort
haratraiaaUraadlaaB tooarTpletha
aaattal tha atoH paarda. MBpaatea
attoairttaf to at Plaartlla. LaUptea, Laadea. aad
of tho Loatormo
».of Aal* Thrp ai« to h* raoAp to bot*. ea a
MBtb Botlao. Traiaa ar* to ha
«f;aa.U.to LoaraaM Marqaaa. aaj aranabUaaaaAaftartOBsrroo aftar*
•hat oTBiUilar route ua fraat hati.-aadjt te balalrad that praatteallp
tUAartac UteBtonfawAaT*. For th* all th* atato troepa will b* auaaod at
iMttwo Blfhte UA7*oitth ha* boa* Fraakfort bp tb* ood of th* aoath.
■ trUffroMate. Th*objtelo* ih* Brit
IVoahl* te U tha air aad BO ooa opteh If.aeajMtaraA. bat it te bj ao saao* poor*to***
how th* (atoraatortel
eoataat te to he •etttod wlthoot the
Dm^I* tha Bora than ataallj aopl- ahaddlapof blood. Boa* of Ooobel'a
Mil Boar Atepatob*ath*7 Ao aot waa- fneada up if ha te kept oat of the
tloa Oaaaral Bollard moraMBt at .pital bp the prewnoe of eoldlara' he
Fotetatorte Arm. thoafh it Bait b* wiU eatobilab a a*por*ia auta porarakaowa, aaA tha *b*bj te probablr ro>t at the uapltol hotel. laatoUlor
aU UlorBatiOB, aa Oaaaral
Into offlw tbar* all the oaodida'to* on
rapalar DeBoeratle Uakat of Uat
Adteaauhhaa haaa raoalrad Trub Noraaber.
aiaMml Bailor aajla« that ha aapaatoA S* Oaramor BraAlap aad hte aaaoelthataUAteroalUoaalora ■/aabroaoa*
at* oobbmI la tha ooatoat ataatlajr tha
MOTOBBt Of tha vartoa* eolaaaa
mtoaaat poeeraor•CaUit tb* baaalfata woaM ba aoa- ahlp hara to aararal dapa baea analotoA thte BoralBff. It te th« aoa- iratad la th* praparatioo of a paiittea
Stead qatte probabU that tha aAraao*
to ha Alad ia tha Uaitod atato* aoarte,
•f tha bateacararaA uwahaaeoBBaav aaakiartofBjrta tha Qoabal lapteU•A aaA that Uhtlac 1* yrofraaaUr.
tot* troB throwUr oat of oBm OorTho whoU of Oaaaral Ballard tor**
TaploraaA Usatoaant Ooraraor
aaUaatljteva toward BoraBoat. Joha Maiahall Thte papar wUI prebBaUar.hiaoalt. teos th* latb Th* ablp b* Alad U th* Fbdwal eoart with
BiUteh artej te thaa *maA oat aloaf • in th* neat ton dap* and it will aonad
wtto tMBt. th* dtetaBM baUc Uttia th* tooaU of war batwau th* Ooabal
abort ottwaatrAraBUaa frOBoaotto
teoa* aad tbeu which dafaatod bla
wtet. Oaaaral aarTte AlateUB
at tha poUa oa NoraBhar laot.
•Mp te with OoMUl BaUar.
Tha patitkB wUl ohatp* at laut
A dtepatah b«B Darbaa AataA Fri- thiaadtetUot riolatloM af th* tew.
Aar. aapt: “Tha aattra ahaaao* of Ooa wUl b* dterapard of tha clrU-riphto
■•WB faoB Ghtaralof ar Frte* Cteap hU] U th* iaUBldatlaa of tb* aapro
aohttaaaa. bat thar* at* paratetaat rota: aaothar wUl h* tb* aU^ fraadhara thatUApaalth ha* haaa
aloat paakiac of the ooatoat ooaBittaa
bp Otok Lalph of th* Boa** of BapUpoa Ballarte oaaaaB. It te .
aada Ulrd wtu b* tha
aoaaaAad, tha gtm\ teaau AapaaA.
1 af a poUtteal Baahlaa to
aa«M UUar* aaAoabtadlp «ea)d ooatrol th* teaatkw of Kantaakp
Baaa th* aaptar* of UApaaith aaA thieaph tha Badiaw of aa alaettoa Uw
varhap* th* AaBinlteati** of th*
Brttteh foraaa U Batal. .
th* prtoalpl* at pAblte aaffrnp*.
Oaaaral Praaah te eradltad with aaJ. Brpaa wUl b* at Fraak
•tbar aaoaaaafal BoraBaat U aatUac tortoaTaaaAap aod wUl oddroB tha
, of th* Boar*' ratraat ee th* aaat U Kaatoakp teplBlatar* oa aoo-partteaa
"ah* Airaattoe of Berral'a Poat. Thte Uaaa.- It teaald tha Ooabal foraaa will
of tote oaaa*ioo-to deTaaaday.
alara Ooabal tb* porareft of tha atato.
Oa WaAaaoAap th* Boan boA** If thte te doa* th* paUttoa praparad bj
4*tarul**A|^tuahoa th* kopji h*M tha BtoaWleaa laaAaca WlU ba Alad U
hj th* BriOah artuiarp. bat war* tha DaUaABIatoa aoori. aad teoopa
wiU b* U raadUcB to Bora ra FraakLard Eobarta. bewato. raperte that toiiaatantlp. Aanaarlp utkaplau
tha Brttteh hav* aot fdi araaad tha Bappad aat MO b* laaraad atUte
' oMteptetaak.
tlaa,alarfa proporttea of tha atato
It te *«B«aA that Whltate Boeoaa
raardwUl U roahad bar*, aad thau
UApaBltb haa brohao th* aplrft of tha wUl b* aapBootad U iiiiiimy bj FadBoar* aaA that th* aaaaap te talUair oral teoopa wUeh bar* boao arTanped
00 taat th«p wOl b* ia raadlaaB to
raapood toaa atdar to proeaad froB
4f* Karaa ^01 Vaa V*« Cteval.
Dartd frBrtaa B*t with a paUfal aePraaaatad bp Vb. Bateate.
olAatet u Ulaad taaaaUp. H* wu top
Osart wUl ba eallad U ardor thte loadUp.whaathabioekaaadU draw,
kMM rrlth a aow taral. fUaa to tha
lapthalop* ap Ih* akUa. pare wap.
utpbpWUlteB Baltaar.
aaah a
Ba haa MA two /Baa. haad- atefkiapklBapaathaaaUaU
wap u to fraetaia It baAlp.
B*lp taraad (a^ ■•A* aaA
OBteateloAthOBtotha aa* otth*
dp* U thte term of ooBit, ator whteh
V ar* to ba th* praptetp ofth*
BBtp. Aiaa WitopaBapUalabte
« balM bbA* that «ttl to wllk tha
rate. IteWMha a bioAanBigm.
FotaaUnhBU. foadootoal
PaalVaoAarhoefooa atoilar abarpe.
w f* aeUa pro*'*!. Tba eau apalnst
Joha Barrp for rteUttea of the Ub
hu haaa aatUaA bp th* vapBcat
Poijiuy Oab* AiteluBt OUrk
of the Aaa aad eoate lapOMd bp tha
waoBfi. aad tt wu wlthdrawa
HellB ProB'Bd. .
Praaaaator Ftatt Waal ap AgaUat aa la tha eau apaUat Joha Bobarto,
M preaieateraaltaA tear* to Ate i«aVaaapaatad OiBtoBlir aputhaSaU ma wkp latetoattea aboalA aot b*
tted. whteh probaWp Baau that tb*
WlU Borar eoau ap to brtaL Th*
Kaap OaaBtateklpBtepaaadof Ip
ppoar ta th* aau.
Olredlt Ooart Taaterdap.
Thru oat of tar af tha teaau af
Thaaauof parjafp apalptoBAwaid tot wart MrtekutoB tha aateteta
OUrkaaBatoa *'
ewtap to AataUr* aattea. Thppware:
adaad la th*
BepOathacI* hp Joha Taateh, aoxi
aftenMoa, aad U Ite aaAlap Freaaeat- trtaaA. «■ The Wolle HifBaa 0o.j
iap Atwraap Prau dtepUpad a diaport- rniiat BoWaaea «• Whltaap Stoata: aad
Mea to b* wrathp. Hawu rlaiUp W. L. Brawa ea, IHek Krtalar.
dtetarbad la Blad. b«t.took th* Batter The aaaoBpalt appeal eau of WUlteB
aaophlBUpaad took a aawtaeh L. Baudlap ea. Laoi.8oloBoa wUI
whteh proBlaa* to brlap aboat th*
■ aptotrtal thte aernlpp at IrW
aaaa raealla UtaoAad, althoapfa It will o'eloek. Th* attoraeps au Manlp C.
b* a loopar wap aroaad.
Dodpe for tb* oomptelnut had Putt
A Jarp «M drawn la tb* eau at tha. A Oaete for tb**A«teadaat.
rtaraeoo aaaaloabot balor* the Jaror* The ehweerp ecu of Frank X^elek
ar* aware.J. A. Uvanpar. eoaaaal te ea. JoMpk Z >nl*k at al. btU for actb* dafaadanl.addr*aaed the eeai%aUt- eMBitep and ul* of real utoU, erUI
Inp that tha defaadant would atand be ep to trial tomorrow somlnp.
Bate. In tha seoaUB* be daalred to Thnradap Borninp tha eaae of Ida M.
aUi* to the eoart that at th* of Ub* the Woodward ta John Wtodward, at al.
aUapad offenu th* defendant wu bill to Mt aalde ooer^au. will ba
iiallp UeoBpatont and did not ttkan ea Tha uw of Wlplded A
hnow the natare of aa oath, which he Dap ea Wllfert W. Linton. boUob for
wu aUapad to bar* lakan U procnrtnp jcfearlip for eute aad to diaaolre Ina Barrtapa Ileana*. and wu aot thara- JaoUeo.wu paten thaetlandar. The
tor* auwerahU to tha eharpa of par}arp. Mr. Lorappar ukad tha eoart to
appolat a Ub* aad plau and to aaB*
a aoBBlaaloo of phpalelau to exaataa fiahM Toatfht
Into th* canto of Ua aeoaud. ;iAft*r Oraaeutband uppar aareadia Forfartkar oouldaratioa tha ooart daoUad uwn hall froB 8 o'eloek thla afterte appolat the ooBBtea'oo aod to hara apoa. Fla* eoetel danu In •eaalap
Fte* Btate.
B nhpeaaaad to plra ttair tuU
Boap hate* tb* Jarp. whteh tbap Fmh Otoda aad n» tteak
aoeld taka Uw aoaaldartap
AU cold u ooat tUl eteaad oet.
aridaou Dr*. KaaalaBd, Irau aoA
MarUa war* appoUtad. bat Dr. Martla
balap eat of tewa Dr. Oarwar wu
leaoaA. Tha aau wu then ru
Preauator Pratt atatad tb* eau briefIp to tb* Jerp aad aald that h* would
ahow that whaa OaA waearad a 11WBM to Barrp Mr*. Llbbl* Atlee he
wu alraadp Barrtod. aad that he eommittod parjerp te proearinp a maiTlape
Iteaau. The A-at wltaeu wu Oonntp
Clark Na.Wton. who tuUded that on
tb* tod of SaptoBberlut^aark appHea
for a Itoenu to marrp, and apon reqaeet
Of tb* proaeenlor Mr. Newton prodooed
th* appUeaUon, porportlnp Jlo bar*
buB aipoad bp the defendant.
Bar* Auomep Loranpar tpterpoud
an ob] «eUoo. npon the proaad that the
appllullon ehowad ao aipnatere and
had not bean Iwaod laaeoordano* with
Uaatototew. tioBC abarp axehanpu
of opinion took pteu betwaan tka atunapa. Preaacator Pratt ataUap Uut
th* aabof qoaat Barrtepa would prore
th* eharpa. Tha eoart Anallp adalttod
th* applteattea In erldanu. alao tb*
aarrtep* Iteaoa*. Whaa th* enBlnatteaof tha witnaB preeaedad Preaw
eater Putt andutorad to ahow that
th* applteattea wu rapaterlp teihad.
Attornap Loranpar oaltad atteatten to
th* tot that thau <ru bat a aarh
whan tb* alpnatar* aboold bc.tead ao
wUaaBaa. Intorropated
Mr. Mawua toaUAad that iba defaada-it balap anaU* t* writ* he aada
hte Bark, whieh wu aeual la *nek
eaau. Balap
alarlp u to whathar h* adainUtorad
tha aaaal oath to tb* defeadaat Mr.
Bawtoa atatod that h* tearalr rand
orar ihaquetteu la Ue afilartt
which h* wu axputed to *w*ar to.
Tb* w.taaak hewtrar. ooald aot twear
that ha adaUtetored th* eath. tbte
atePMatUtk* aut laportaat phau
of tb* eau tor the praaaeetloo kneekad
thlap* “rtep hlpb." *0 to *puk. and
Pra**eelor Putt ruUaad it at oau.
B**ndd*alp rvqnuUd pMalatoa of
th* eoart. te rtaw of tb* aatar* of the
of Mr. Mawtoa. to noUa pru
thaeaa*. Barrqautod alao that tha
datodaat ba bald antU the foUowlap
dap u that h* aoete brUp a a*w
Marpa apalut hla.
Thtetara la
praaaat far a aoBcat aM Iba aaaopof tb* preaaeator wu Ul aoMul-.
•A Tha tutlBoap of tba aeaatp alack
hte whoU aau aad th* UUan af
tba elark to adBlatetar tb* rcqelrad
oatk kaeM*d tba bettoB eat of tba
e*u of tba prcaaeattea Th* aoart.
howarar. praatod th* reqaut aad reM*adad Cterkhaek totb* eaatadp of
tanipi-^ Ttak HalMi^ to ta
ta . M.
Hloka’Almanao foill0OO. 85o
We have th«a In stook—abo a ooa*
Uao4 kofomotor mad tkoraoaotor, with loaoo tabo, olotedatd.
terted-atapedal Bale Mooday after
noon tOo.
Anotkor tftmolj bfOoIo
mood U
**The (Htt Of tibe Letsoni**
“Boiled dowB*- apodteteditioo of Sonday School Ita
PaloulMt’i NotM on Intemattonal
. a 8. Lessons, $1.10.
“Comfort Powders.” a nsat gift, lor aOo
30 -powder.- (KriplonI qooUlioDa) belptol in cm oI
diaooura rf meal, disappointment or the “blnee"— by a
“SknUln.” Drt^ in and ue them.
iS(l>8S8 Frcmt Strut
Balph Oon^lo Jr., XBaac***
Tbere'i a nobby gentility to all goods boogfat of Benda
It’s Doesn’t Take a Salesman
To diapou of fine clothing a.... umiohingi at the priou ve aak. <
Yea pick out what you want—i e tell tho price aadyos'U uy—
“wrap it up.”
UoMrwear - te, u. ai, M awf
Mwb Au enlt$-«e $0, gOJO aad
•11 M
Fm^ uhlrto —'Me, Me, toe aad
Bop's aelte-ooa. $l $0, •$ M and
Ovareoaw aad Dlatara — •$■00,
r 00.010.00, iu.00.
Thsr* am
s tta ■ taM
Maeh paataSLOi. fl 0$. BLIO.
Berh kau laali-ie, n, M. M
-----------BCMkl twjtl
U**M«sand stslxsia:”— -—-
12.50 to t2'>.C0. Considerably below regular prices.
Choice, desirable coats.
Come in and see them.
for Boy’s
Are an important part of
our atock of footwear.
We ezerciM u moeb care
in aelrcting tbeu aa the '
foot covering
for their
to the Cigar!
Thou Balaraaoder ahoea
for bop'a are marvel* of
atrengtb and darabilitj—
Alfred V. Friedrich
Tb* atou that ntear dtea
Ian Maclaren
BecBtorha rtataodtokar* aoBi
to auptop aa attoraap. a* Mart ap.
tod AMoraap Loraaparle AataA
ktea. .
ThabtarwlBliii aM« war*
peaai at wttk piaat Akpatoh Th*
That time honored eabjeot of
and apeenla^ —at aooia] fnnetiana
weather* la treated prophetNsally u
The famoua Eni^fa anthor, writ
ing in the North American Review
on “The Energp of the American
People.” upa;
* '‘No man writea with hia own
hand, if he can dictate* to a ateaographer; no man dictatea. If he can
telegraph 1 no mas telegraphs, if he
can telepbooe.”
If pon are a typical, energetic
American, yon already
____tp tha aftomeoa Clark wu ar- nu ttto lioog Diatanoe Telephone.
ralpaM oatea Jaatte* Brow* oa a If not, a word to the wiu ia anfficeterp*^Uf*Bp. Bawalrad aaaaBlMtlaa aad wu boaad eear to tha aoxt ieat.
___ of tho ateealt eoart. Aa effect
wttIhoBad* todap. howarar. tobae*
tb* aau tetod at thte aautoa.
School of Music
Be Pig^Tail
Miller’s Store
for Slim
1 aack 6»ow|Drop.............52o
1 aack Silver Leaf.............SOe
1 aack Noble.......................44o
1 uck Soow White...........43o
luck Belle of Ohio........35c
X uck Star .................. SSc
No. 1 Keed. pei^0001be..S5c
W. W. iiller'sDCasI %m
226 Front street
Two dollars isn’t a ^reat deal of mooej, bat
bring that amonat to onr store aad we’ll
eire joa in «xchaoge a pair of good. Sty*
Tisb, up-to-date shoos.
We have the
best $2.00 shoes in town
Over 90 different styles—from the light flex*
ible sole, for ladies’ Siuida^ shoe, to the
heavy oil graia for imeii’s every day wear.
M. o. a. MBaetetoJteuaw-
Front Street
I 'Bm ia thbr-Ne. 810AA a
luK* well made, <uhr neat
ara raekar witt raed baad
Thto alty waa atoaked Baaday (o
tear«(to(Hoa.J. U Otbto had bon
attfakn irKh paralyato at hto hem ia
Bald, aad wn ao( irpaatad (e lie.-.
I( wn (to teadlac (oyfa el dtonuin
ntto atnata. aad «to ayupathy
lipiiiirl far Ito ma
eafCy kaowa aad rufiadl te
■butcs Bo>*a My M« to mM le
*<«y antoM 11.“ BtmBktartsi
ipw6«totofoa4teMy w A«ato
•Itowwltomt iMMtiT*totto«ito
btoti«to»«to ipNok «
ItonUylMjato *» BoMKaa*.*^
Oto Kr. BufiM »w (to 4oan
•tontoltotiM li M((MlwdI
MM«Mal(toJma(a (tat ttotodi
«l4aelnprMM( (to watlMMef (to
AMftau r*ofU. Bm
■MiiUMil putt e( (to ((MtowM
frIMto m4 M'.Mni uM*t (tolafate. tto fnaUidM inB *-*—■“-*
•A«, l(tenU(to((to«»W«(eitea<
(to ■fMto MM to.ooo ud (to( (to
•Mu(«wfaMi>WMfelter(M KiB
fate Utoly (hu (to imllwt te tally
' tn~~*—‘
^ tenuteWM
(MtoatayoB (to (Kwirty al
»Ub aMMft. ud tto( U (to t
VM( to ITM (to biHM far (to wraac
•riUtoftitowton ittolMo.
to to
ftoakferi. Ky., (tot Ooramor layior
tofatolted ayea (to mu (reepa
mlto (to (rtmi e< Qetoto aad
aayforun u «?«( (to rticM ot mu
gmmmmmt fim (to tefaUy atemd
jlimtotoaa oOm totom. K to atee
yiaud (to( WlUku J«aalag> Br;
Mad far a aoa-yarttoaa
Uhn (to UirtoUtara (oday.
Ito azal(aMB( attaadiat ayoa (to
aCcrtoofOaabalwUl'Uai Ito tolffht.
|( weald aamltoUarlaw el (to atfatoNT ■oadltloaB, (to vardlet of (to
fatoto«lKaa(aal9 Md tba iaaUaa
fWaly ea (to aUa el Oemaorltoyler.
Mj^wegldbatoUw fertor. Bryaa
^•law atear et rraakfort If to
feam Ua ewa aaaaa ]aa( wtodoa
fbeald ae(«aa( (tot to naka aoafiarthaa apiiPkai ateawbara aattl (to
tasaoadaetof (to war la 8ea(b
^fatoa by (to aawapapan uUUary aaMTto deaa aot aaam U uaa( wUb
Mblto apfaeral la Baflasd. U to
Hffaatad (tot (toy eoald do Mra
•OTfrabaaalTa work U (toy
faalsadUU a tottallea aad^toraad
. leaaa la (to froat raaka acalnit (to
Howaaar. (tora ara iadtcaUoa*
aaw (tot Oaaaral BaUar aad Uaaanl
Wanaa ara (akUy a aUp wkteh wlU
•aroref uora raatoin (toa haa yet
ton raportadfieu
Traaaraatyeetarday’a reparu prera tree,
a of ito war wIU to praetto
fealdad la tba battle wbleb to aew
fpeeal AMormaa Daulaad by Xllam
aad Atoaaca-Waurw .riu to be
Taka ap Tbaraday
Mr. Olbba wn ayparaaily
aajeylairtto boat el kalth. Be bad
■ ■■(In d (to <ae(
la (to atore el Oaeaia W. Okaafty
a( KltoBlBr «al71^ >1^1 betara, rato had aner fait beuer
(haa to did (hto wtaiar.
Whn Mr. Oibto rMaraad
JafBtey flataidayereeiaf. to took a
toth, aad aim leuridac (hat to (alt
■ally wall, waet ay elaba aad
Mia. mbtoalaet below with
(toUttoedaaffbtar, whowae Bot walL
A little aturmldaicbt ato hnrd Mr.
faU hnrUy U the Boor. Whn
ato raaatod bia. to wn abU U apeak,
atm waarioai. bet to
a tm teu Baaday t
bat Mr. Qibba ant
fait m. aad atartad u artoa. ton falln
U tto Bar.
far, aad Dr. Bulee ef Ktacalay aad
Dr.Oaraar ef tola alty, wan oallad.
wtovdld aU that aodteal akiU eeaU
aaoto. Bai.day oaaalac to bad
I a triBa bettor. HtoegadlUca
I darlBff (today
aad la (he eteelac hepaa were pppraaa.
ad fv bto roaeaory. Owl^ te tto laet
(bat ha to aei rery old, eely H. aad
that hto eoaotltatioa to oe atreay, tt to
bopad (tot to wlU wltootaad tto at. All that aaa to denlabalar;
dem far hlaa. Dp fa a tott heu laat
eroalay to wn atOI laprerlay.
ntira left eida to paralynd.
a Oai
The (eUewtat to toa ana far tba
Ckaaaoat Bead aapper u to aarrad la
BkwIffStotonraeaieedafwwbeardball altar > o'eleek tbto
laactk of hh ctay wfU depnd aaliraly
apoa (to laeUntlee ot Clark H. Qleaaoa o( Otaad Bapida U pay the board
Joto Mawaottb to toa aalaoky ladl- amniaMi
rldaaL toe waa aairaadarad U tto
by'bto^tolber. wto
. la a ena wkSekwn
lauiliar abeat a yaur or aura aye.
Ito ean yrew oat of a (raauetln boaad aiaaaoa Undrlay
Ua raaUl of a tarn
ewaad ky OUana aad reaud by Now
aoub oa ahaiaa.
Ua dlrtttoa of
of Ua tarn aad whn Ua
waa triad Oloaaos oaearad a jadyuni
Laat mr. la Vienna. 8. L. CUmeu
(Mark Twain) eat talkiay wlU a ScoOA
barriater named GnOirie.
“Do you erer tmoker aaked Mr.
Clemena of Mr. Gmhrte.
“Yea. Mr. Clemena." iwpUed Mr
GolUrle. “w-ben I am in bad company."
• You ate a Uwyrr. aivu't yoo. Mr.
“Tea. I am." .
“Ah.” *ald Mr. CBemoo*. “yoo mut
oa a oapln aad bla brethar Darid wnt be a beery emoker."
oa bte bewd to aaeara bla pruaane
Orerar HeOraU. eyed it yaara. of
wlUla Ua eoanty.UebateaUy kaoa
Baltimore, Barry eoanty, aeeldaaUlly
Ue-ikll ilBlu”
ahotblmaalfandlataa aartou aoediUnder ito U- (to priaoaaroa
kept ia }aU
uooUa U bla board la
Made Toaay Ayaln.
patdbyQlnaaa.aadUeaba ralaaaad
•*Oae of Dr. KlnyU New Ufa PUb
aadar Ua baaknpUy act. Bowi
aaeb alybt for two week* bu pet
la Ua uaaatliBe. almid to atowarl- la my ‘toeu’ ayaln,'' writaa D. bT T
I uti«y‘ra the
daoaa that be haa ao mean to dla- ear. of Oempaaytown. Pa.
- *1 for Ur
ebarya Ue debt Ua ooart eaa order bU --------ralaaaa aadar tto nut act
yrtpe. O^ *Se at Jaa.
aad B B. Wait'i drey ato
WlUlau MeKUlIp 111.
Tbara ara uaay old Uua frUada bare rtttb Oaadi nd nia Itaok
AU aold at aoat tlU eloaed oet.
of Wakv^eKilllp of MnUayea. wbo
Oaorye Qaaa.
will ymtiy rayrat to laara of bla aari.
Om SOO diffenut itylfa of
A aoUd oak, eaue aaat, brBoa
SlabocaUKnatotoBarTodby (haa.
A bigp wood aaat roeker,
bentay n^yoM^b^
a bolt throogfa araa to aaat
6 akalT baadad apfaRdlaain
back; all poota, otretebara and
. ooly. $1.'
Flahwr Qoaa for Ian XDooay.
Caah or a UtUa at a time paymntB.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
IM Front BtTMt
on lUaau wlU typhoid farer. Maay
yaanayoMr. MrKltUp wn araaldaat
of Trararaa OUy, aad to baa alwmwa
ally WlU Ua family of Jadn
Oameball, aad frcqaaot rlalu tor*
alwaya baaa eaebaarrd betwan Uc
twofaouUu Mr McEUlIp U bow 78
yeara old aad bb Maada wUl waub
bbeaedlttoo for Ue peat few aaya
wiU aartou lataraav
»raai Crowd Oat oa the Oeeaatoii of
Campbell r««r)red wori Uat
B'y*it that 1Hr MvKaiip wn allybUy
laatallatloa el Ofltoara ef Travaraa
Bay Teat aad Km.
A crowd oet of ail proportton U the
yn ball laat
of tto laaUlUtion of oOa«a of the
<naTarn Bay Tent Na lU. K O. T. M.,
aadTraTaru Bay Blra Bo. 71. L. O.
T M.
Mra. A H. Browa. deputy
•r, uUd at Iwumay ometr for tba
. Wrwoplna Cough, Aathma,
Bronehltla and InolpUnt
Udiaa, tbelr IsttallaUoa belay Ant.
Itoa lollowlay ofBoaia were iaaulUd
-Oallia Tbac)u.r.
aandar-Mary Aab
k Ibi Cue IM Cues /
Baoord Krcpar—Aaaa Bamawod.
Floasoe Kaapar-Aiaalla Oaflar.
CtaapUln-Ada M. Pope.
Serireaat-Llbbto Kelley.
Mlatraaonl-Areia —Mary Baymoed.
Beatlaal—MalUa Kant.
Picket—Mary Jawcaoa.
Peat O
for (to Tat. The
lollowlay wtia tto effi.
PaatOoaiBaader-d . J dhlar.
>. Q. MllUr.
Liautoaant Ootaauadar—W. B.8eottChaplala—P 1 Wbltiaaa.
Pbyalelaa—J. B Martie.
Baoord kaepar, C. 6. Voder, Jr.
Plnaarr* kaepar—A. Bobaruao.
Beryaaat-C. C. LaayU|.
Maaur at Arsa—P. P. QoBat,
Plrat M. ot O.—Bluer Browa.
Baooed M. of U.-Praak Baadrtetu
Bantlaal—A. A. McCoyPlekat-C 8. Vadar.
Chef—A. A. MoOoy.
Uaaleiaa-^ C. Uaylay.
After tba InatalUtiea. Baltdoai rtrnbuaatt ware aarrad. aohataUay of
cake, lea
eraaa aad eoBaa. Tba o
eery plaaaaal eea.
tkon wn to ^ttoratt ef tto elty
peaaall last atyht aad tto rcyalar nnw
lay waa dafarrad aaUl Thaiaday alyht
fldarwin Bastiay(.i.^ eat oftowa,
fldwaea Parker aad Oo^ ara 111 aad
ythara are euabU U atuad, (haa*
naant belay Aldarun Moatayaa.
fnltb. Urdla, Kanyea aad OarrtooB.
Tto report ef the eottulUn wbtab
Mfarrad with B. D. OmpbaU A Boat
fifardlay (to prepoti^ eoairaei prcpidlayterarbllratioeof tto parubau
pttea of Ua Oampball water wiwka
plaat wn ready to aabwtt to tto aoaaIB, J( wpa autad Uat tto eoaaUtM aeafamn wlU Mr. Oambali
em aattifaetary aad Uat to bad
Beaacelleal 8aad*y Bchool (Wloera.
pyraadtotha tteM ol tto piepeaad
ItofoUowlay effiaan ware alaetad
•nwntdrawB ky (hi elty attomy Buday by tba Bmyalkal Bueay
far (to parpen maUoaed. Ito mV •ebeot:
Mr wm b.
rf Tk.™Uj mlrtk
Separlotndaat-irra. O. W. Buy.
pi teaet la eaeb a maaer n to adult
Aaat. Bapt—Mra. Viam
#( lartkar preyreaa. aad probably proBaaretary—MUi Nora Dlplay.
.yWn wfU (hn to uada far (to ap.
pp teal alyhi wn Uat ef pabAto UybtfaffaratwwotBeayaara. Bidawara
paaly far praanUtAea. bat Uat mttar
pteewnnamaHly dafarrad.
Aa aCwi wtU to Bade to hare a laU
’ fand Tbaraday alybt for tto eanldai^
pMaawl (baaa taiportaat mttanaad
Oryaabt—Mba Nora Dlplay.
Obprfaar Katie Qlaaaoe.
Kb WUa Bam Bba.
“My arUe'a rood adetoa aarad my
Ua." writaa F. M. Bom of WlaBald.
baa., r-for I bad aeU a bfa ooeyb 1
oald hardly tarnUa. 1 yrew auiaWy
1 tfCMUNf^EDV*
' 25^50rtd
Oil Tan
Require do nbbera — Will
not rip. ^ Cat dowo yoar akoe
bill by buyiog them of
Thi Old Relialilt
Frank Friedrich
Now b Ua (law to hare yoer Blmla
Talaa uodaty aapaaa may paopU Bmehltk. lu Orlppa, Pntnmnab
^ l,Parer aad all aaaladlaa ja namalad awl olaanad ap ready for
fa aedara la atUen the yreataat A^mk
-■aery Imytaabto fraw luhlay pUaa. ef CM Throaty
ttlraly nted by Uta mar
dUa. Me aad Bi.00.
My work aaa not to b«at aad prtoae
boUtea lOe at Jm>.
0. Jabawa’a aad a K Waltk dray ^wm WnitaU te yoay
ttanaef Mlad.(1
call nd yat my prtoaa
- U ‘pbna He. IM. Nntham •ahon
atm to aappUaa farnrttnaad
baaqaatt al
» da uoamaf Catania aaw. Ul ftteia
Free Storage All Winter,
R. LD6IIBS, Pup.
a Book
Al yoo woald a friend, for they
are yoar beet friaada many timee.
Here are two oew Gift Booka that
are rery helpful;
“Right Living as a fiue Art,” by
Ntwall Dwight Hillis. being a
stody' of Wm. H. Cbanning’a
••Symphony." aells at -jOc. “The
Kingabip of Self ('ontrol,” by
William George Gordon, arils at
Among the copyright booka we
have ‘ Jennie Baxter, Journalist,"
by Uobt. Barr -one of the bright
est Journalistic stories aver writ
ten. sells at II 2.x
“Sqaare Pega”is Mis.
D. T.
Whitney's last and best story,
sells St Il.ri0.
‘•Sants (’Ians'Partner” ia writ
ten as only Tfaos. N. Page cau
wiite, sflis at $l/i0.
Spend an hour at our book
counter—you'll be please«l.
You Transfer
Or make ont any legal papers
you want to be sure that they are
"according to law.” Some timaa
just a word or even a wrong letter
will atop the whole deal, or throw
a caae ont of court. The Rich*
mond & Backus (3o. are noted for
their law blanks. We carry a fall
line of everything that ia used in
the Jnatice aad Circuit Court. All
manner of deeds and mortgages,
bills of Bale, leases, contracts, disebarga of mortgage.
Tbeae sell at the uniform price
of 60c per quire.
Mail orders promptly filled.
One Flake
of Snow ^
Diaappears in a breath.
of them and the mighty locomotire
is atAlled, traffic ia stepped.
A little break in a reaerroir and
we have the Johnstown flood.
Shows bow large a matter came
from triflea.
Honae in total darkneaa when
on- cent buys a lamp wick.
Cold in yonr head and no hand
kerchief whm Ic, 2c, 5c buys a
good one •
Broke your collar bdtton. Ic or
.5e gets a new one and preventa
bad words.
Worked hard, want to wash yonr
baiida, no soap in the honae—oc
geta two cakes.
Not a pen to write with when
one cent will enable yon'to write a
letter, make a withdraw op a de«d
or sign a check.
Yoo will find “little things" all
over our Big Store.
If You’re
In your eorreepoodenee .U'a a
pleasure to catch up if you nae our
National Bond or Parchment Vel
lum paper we're selling at 25c a
The envelopes to i"****!*
aell at 10c the package oi S for S5c.
This ia aome of the flueet paper
Do yon need aome calling cards?
6c buys one package. Got bettor
qualitiea at 10c and 25c. One of
the latest fads is to write yonr own
cards-bnt you must have good
ink—that sell* at 5 and 10c the
bottle. Paul's Ink in the son.
spilUble bottlfa U the most oodvenient.
Tbe fiaDnab & Lay Mercantile Co.
rag m6rnpjg record, Tuesday. January i6, iv»
|Sto.US^evu ’■ "*^
l«;ytyyaI.oe< Bor Mveyat tetok
a«terti^. I
Via. Piyae of tba wait eldc hae a
rrtovaaoa, dho waeat theK. aT. M.
yailag la go boMt wbaa eke laid W
yana dowa tvbOe oka yat oa bar wiaya
Wbaa eke wae ready to yito ay too
yaraoeba feaad toat it waa fOM. . Bbe
woeoaryladigaaat aadae aha boewe
]oetwhewaato the room at the time,
oke daekree that aba wOl eoe a towyor
I tko «mM(7 today, aad aao If h« wepIMraw aa to
toogatlty yam araawaet.
Tba pane aeotetoed over dS.
roli^ bvr
Mta. BM WHk »VMlter «Mltet
iHBU«f vktah tlM toIsftcritiMl
Mob ■botatldowMtoIrt.tteMt'
toInMi «Mo hm hmi ood op
of frlaada vary yleaoaetly aigbt boforo
uA4pORMttwroj MOy.
no evMlM WM toaBt (a mato
ItlooroooM a* Dmnmt tamo« Ite aad aeavamttea. aad rafiatomta
Mow wfU tafo lofo to «ho yoor
no LoMoir UMowrMob o( TyMtoo.
teodltooCortto |
Mir Boqr. ir.. agoi m,
yiaoalf ■aaiay aftoraooa mltk a eerd
ttodtoataipootat too km of kk
ooaMorla Woltoad, Bo kad to Ui
dcwB oa too eior to oooMBplkk too
iaoi. Bo VM a fotirod staar. lie
oaaoo k kaawa.
OytaOlaiortoooaatyaoadarUo o
kao kooMd too prUo el U
,«yootoMliHUoe<atoWBeatoo Ukaa
fOMlraai liooato to to oB|«i aoek,
Bodtoakirkin torMrIy abeat eaa>
kaUwonokB^Moaik aad loiiadi.
aioMot aaytoiair «rUi yoto bm
Be. 1 vUk too kaagry boyoia. The
«U1 aako a lia aad ovary UwU iiraap
aad ‘•yoaai kola* bn iio koavor-llka
woikoftfoMtof aaitoo daadaadkallkavtod kodiai o< aaolaal aodara. 9ay>
arvkor Joke ■l■yooa. of UUdvIa
towaakly k aoUlag too lag
oBkktortoter Uoa Bo faaad ayoa
lavootifattoa toai too loaao lego war*
aodar. aad to (air ooaditioa. aad too
valaaUato rooMla aoa (oaoa.
Tho oatoat e< too lUoklgaa Bag aad
Payor aoooyaay at Jaeboea dartog too
yaotyaar waa vary largo. Tko
daotlea o( yayor toot yoar rooebod too
aggrogau erf
yoaada, aaek el wkMh »aa aado toto
oagar bag^ toe ooByaay saklog tolt
o^to od bag oxotooivoly aad to groator
aatobari toaa aU otoor paper oagai
bag eoaeamt to too Oaltod Stotoo eonMood, toe aaabor loot yoar aggretatlag M.ooe.ooo
Tba ptrat NaUoaal Beak of Mwakall
k toe eldwt ooattoaooo baaktog
aUtottoo to Htobigaa. It waa (oaodod
to IMO by Boa. Ckarleo T. Oorham.
orho keld toe oMm of preoideat ontU
im, wbeo ha raUrod oa aeooaat of
aUoga. Bkooa, 8. B. Oorbaa. kaa
' atoao haU that poaltioa
no Dimlt plekU drat ot WUUama
Braa. A ObarbMoaaa.. hero oaeorod
aaarty oaoagb cootraeta to oaabla
tooto to looato a largo oalttog hooM at
PtotairoU. Too boatoooo bob bare
•osbtoed aad are haoUtog to
At toe laraero' lutitau keU toero
yoatorday aboat M eeotraeti for
i«o won added to too Uoi.
At Bay Oltr Jeo^b dekooko. a larBar. trio fatally tojorad by too Mackl
Bowaopnoaoe too kleklgaa Ceatral
B. B. Bokooko waa drlrtog koatawarda, aad at too Beary otroet eroootog of too railroad wao oiraeb by. too
trato. Bk bo4v wao ohoeklogly neagUd, asdbedkd half as boar afkr
too aofltiloot.
Aa Idea of tba aogaltodo of
■arriogo baoiaaao wbleb waa worked
ap at dt. Joeopta toot yOar by too as*
oaraloa boat IIboo raoslng botwi
tooroaed Ohloago may brkad from
too tael that toe OBmbv of merrtogo
^ IkaBMO k»e«l to IIM to Borrloo
ooyaty, wbero dt Jueoph k loooied.
'' waaaoariyi.eoo. wkUe to toe aelghbertog OMOty of Oeeo toore wore oeiy
>ti ayylkaUeaa.
Aboat oigbt moatki ego eovaral plga
oa too Praes Oorvy farm boeame okk
aad wara oappoood to have died. Oae
of toem. kewovor, eeald aet be feaad,
aad aobody keew wjat boeame of ItLapt week ibr obeto oree foaad aader
a toed, wero to e okeletaa, bat otUl
aUva. Bo food or aoarkbaMat ay
yaarad td bave boea to raash: aad too
oraader k wkat hae kayi ttot bog
altve aU toat Umef—Boroey OaUtoa.
Steottoa dfroa g Udka' BoAatliy]
At too maattag wbkb waa held by
tba T jaag Udim BodaUly of It. Praaak abareh. daaday aftaraaos. tba follewtagoMaarawaroalaotadi
yrmtoast—M ka & MoOoaald.
VIM ymUaat-Mka Mary liaUagb-
' TrmaaTM Mka M. Braakae.
•amatary-Mka A. Bkhaid.
najaakwmambanof too Sadality
«|M alaaoad too leUewi^ odfiama:
proMdaab^Mka A. Mma
Vloa yfoMdaaV-Mki a Boaor.
• tMoearar-Mkafkart Smart.
mtlvo Bommlttaa wtU
nan will be a ■iikag of the Pertia
Hab tok afuraeoa with Mn. U. K.
Farms Fop'Sale
CttiB W Madid Xk Idfa by a
n • High mAooI apya wlU eommt
BraadBaylAo. Jaa. IR-Aaatto X. today to un too elty for tboir oea
aatortalamoaV whkb will bo gtvea by
Wbaalar, tnaaarar of the Lamoa A
tooBakoa Movtog Pietare aad Ocaeort,
Thkaemyaayhao Bdlaeak Ulaot
Domaltaad laoUa-tok moratog at ftoo.
tovoaOoa to too movtag ptotaro apBa abet blmU la tba bead with a
Pbnbaad U.sallbar ravotvar aad dtod pantao. whkktefar oayarior to maytoataaUy. Tba tngady waa eBaetod totog that kaa ovor booa ooaa to tkk
>5 «!«, ! mik. from town, 00 L«W Uke
jut irart «l the
to tba baaamaat of too Immoa A Sty. Biddm too lUo yktano too
Wbaolar biook, at toa aoraar of Soato kemmy will raador a fiao program Anjrlnm fum, nioolj touted, with brg. >ppl. orohmd aanU fmme
aokal oaloaHMi aad Olattn
loaia aad lataad atnaW. Dmyoadaaey
bonu, lug. owing braol mn. foil length of fmot, monUT .11 duted,
k givoa aa toa eaaaa of toa aat.
a 6ne location, price $1800.
Soato of Mn. Oee. «. Jamaaoa.
Mr. Wkadar kald gM.OOO atedr to
40 aens 8i nUea from tows, ia LeeUnao ooimty. i miU west of
toaUmw A Wkoolm Oo. aad had
BrnOyB Jomooea. wHa of Qeorga B.
Garter’a mill, good frame booae, ooot $750 to build. lat^ apriag brookt
r tovoetmoata It k nld ttet hk
about 8 acre# iotoamall fruit, large aqaiagua bed, cnmmta, atraw.
aa aggvagatad r.ooo a year. Bk
•aialaflaln wore to good shape, Bkto. died yaatarday at toair koM Bear berriea, grapea, fioe locatioo for gardening, pleuty of timber for wood,
toenfero It k believed toat toe worry ^plataa of aoaoampttoa, aged M about 35 aorea cleared, prioe 11650.
Id by reseat aapradtable*tivost- yean. Bmidaa bar baabaad aka laavoa
30 aetea ^ mllea west of town on county line tuoul road, no
twoaeaa, Balpb aad Floyd, aad oao
buUdinga, plenty of timber for wood, 60 fine peach trees in bearing,
aagktor. Mn. M. WiUeark^.
fiha waa motbar of oao of tbayaeag 40 apple trees, a nioe mall farm tat fruit and poUtoea, price $500.
laa that wan drewaad to tba bay two
90 acres, 3J miles from town. in. iMeianan ooun^, ama 1 frame
rtona yaan ago. Tba body of bm home, moetly all cleared, nice epring of Water, good fruit and eege.
At a Xoattog Baaday demftdaaM to n waa foaad bat the otbm mta waa table land, prioe $400.
aovar raaovarad.
160 acres, 11 miles south of town in beet farming country in thw
Tba faaaral wUl bo held Wedeaadoy
Bavaaa, Jaa. It-^ta maottog held
at 11 a.a. CromtbeOrdrnoborg toareb county, 60 acres cleared, plenty of timber, bam 40x60, at<we baamnent
to Bavaaa yaaurd oy aadar |ko aasptom
aodar toa dboetlee of Undertaker Aa- under the bem, good apple orchard, amall frame faone^ good well,
of too pfoptgaada oommlttoo of the
triad mill, prioe $9500.
SMor nia aald that
80 scree 4 milea west of town, 4 milee weet of Lake Ann, amaU.
Cebe weald alwa^a ba a beat of eoateatiea boeaaoa of bar altaathm. aad Horwood. k la tba elty.
frame bosee and bam. 30 acre# cleared, lots at timbw on the ^aoe,
that toa Oabaaa, If they daalrad to
Tbonan at proooet 406 otadaak prioe 1500.
prmofTi took todividnalitT. aaat aaita
40 kcrea, 9 miles north of Lake Aon, amall frame house, log
earoltodat tba Agrkaltaral coltaga,
loaa aaa.
thaa toot yoar at tba aamo bam, small orchard, 25 acres cleared, a good home for a poor"maar
Oeaaral Saaebes, who waa eaa of
toa priuetpal spaakaro. aaldi^-UetU
Old Poopla Mode Toaag.
itly Cabaaa bad foarad that too
10 scree, nicely located near Femwood. all cleared and free
J. C. Sbaraae, too ntonn editor of from etnmpa, a fine location for bnilding, 91000.
rleaeo wan aot golag to falfil tbe
pladgoeftoe Jolat noolntlOB of tbe tbo VcratoakUlc (Mkb.) Echo, boo
dkeoverod too retaerkablo nent of
pnliod Stetca Ooogrooa Pnoldoat kaeptog old paoplo yoong. For yoan
SeEleley bae set tbeee fean at not.
bo bM or-'*— *•--------------‘•If. bcwiTor. tbe aad of IPOO Oobaas MM, Isdlgeatloe. Boart troabla. Oos
oboald stlU eee toat tbe Aaarioae get- tUpailMoad RboomaUam. by astog
Eloeirk BIttaro, aod bo writM: "It
^ly protoadtog tbare MB't bo ptakod too highly. It goBUy
woald yot naato maav wbo woald be otlaBBlataa tbo kldoeyo. toaos too atom•Ob. aids dlgaotloa, ud glvoo a optoa
ready to dk to the defanoe of Oaba."
did oppotita. It boo worked woodsn
Sooar Bomn aald: "Wo oboald for my wife ud mo. Il't a marvalooa
look lo too bktory of too Ualtod Saks le^y for old paoplob eemptotota."
aad^boa wo woald bavo ao fear toat Only Me at Joa O. Jobsooa's aad S. E
Walfo drag atom._________
tbo preako of
bear Traverse Olty
A narrlaga Uenaa baa beoe graated
loWtostarWitooaaadWaad LyaU of
KMT L. Soale waa alaetad baU o
^ar of toe Udiaa' Ubrary Aaaeekttoa at toe ooeail^ of too aaoeativo
board yoatorday aftaraoea. AU apttteM for too MO of toe hall
abeald be aoade to bar.
WUl JobMon of Boat Praet aWoat
had toe mkfortaao to break bk kaao
aap -wbUa to aaap at Mtopla City
datarday. Bo waa broagbt to tok dty
aad Dr. Bartto attaadad bUa.
na advaaoa oala of aaata for Artoar
a AkteaV'A Tsaalat Taatlamao'-Oo
epaaad yaatarday noratog at toe bos
oOaa of BtatobarTo Oraad with a raab.
Tkemotbarsef toe Oooaoaat baad
boys will oorvo oaetoaf of took fai
oapyon to foraotan' baU tok after,
aooa aad avaatog. b^toatog at
o*aloMt. dopyor U aaek. Oaaea to
tba Mg ball afterward, wlto daa
■BBla. dlmitor tvMla toat yoar wiU
be ramaaibarad aad orowda wiU yreflt
by toe epportaslv.
no Wg daoaa of the Boyt' Baad
wUl taka pUea to the Oity Opera Bomo
tomorrow ovoalag. Tbo baad wUl bo falfillad.’'
alwraaia ortto too eroboatra to farvkb
Boaor Broke aald: "Tho yooplo of
tog good maak. A good Uma k aaaand Saaitogo wiU aot eoaaoat that tome
wbofoagbtla tbe rwolnUea obaU
Tbo Bawtog Oirela of Travaraa Bay ban aay prefereaee to voUag at tbe
Blvo will moat tok aftorsoao at two
Ifeaeb aa attempt
o'eioek wlto Mra. Tbaakar, oa State k mode tba Onbaao oagkt to refoee to
go lo tba polk. Oaaeral Wood bee'
Tba otera of Oeorgo Oaaa oa Soato
todepeadesea. We aboald
Oaloa atraot. k b^gtoatog to Uko
aot look with eaeplnoa apoa
Ik oBoal aaat apyaaraaea befora tba aotioDO. bat oboald trait bta to order,
tra. Tba baUdlag hao beeo rapalrad. later OD. 16 dematad. toe lalfitooeni of
and Joke Probart bn Just flakbed tba tbo promke.
Oeaeral Bonaeidn said:
Tberawlllba e mMtlag of toe L’ai- people of the eattera provioceo are lo
fora Reak. Kaigbu of PytbLaa. tow •ympotby with tbe abu of the
aveotog, for too parpooo of drill.
Netlenal party, bat they regret to
tbot tbk party •eem* to wkh to
oaid iu o«D memben with pabllc
Bert Jamoaoo, wbo baa baao caahkr dee."
for toe C. A W. U. fralgbl office for
Tbe Msuneu Ueoter of Veteraoa be*
loag tUae, bee goae to Texae for bk Iwaed a clroator adrocattog oslreretl
bealto. Be baa
oe betof tbe cnly fair eeqael
tall that bo received aboat a year
rveolalloa which oerer
templated *pec el prifllegee for eny
J. W. Slater hao goae to Oraod Rep etoeeIda to vklttoe faroltare exbiblUoa aad
toparebaM addlUoae to bk preaeoi
large atoek.
Him Myrtle daaeball bao returaed
Manager ateioberg Will Bring It More
from a vkit to Eagle, Wk.
If Amooement Loven Vast Xt.
Robert Webeter hae goae to Loadao.
Oat., to vklt retoUvaa.
Maoiger Mivtoborg bat beeo endeoT
-wtog for some tiao to oaearo frfr Tra*efM CM‘y. one of the biggMt auractloo*
gia to raa oa wbaat
rbaat slareh
arsi week. to toe amaMmoot Itoe dow oetore tbe
A eblpseatof tOObaahaU of obeat wa* pablle
Tbe attraction. If broagbt to tbit
raaelvac! by rail fiatordav
Mias team Crolaer wbo bae baea at- Olty. will be an Innovation of a vary
UadUiftbe Blgb lebool for oavaral plMolng nature. It k no laa than tor
trick pantomtoe. "Tbr
moatbo rotaroed laat aigbt to bar
borne lo K.agaJey. She lateado to take Fall and BIm of Bumpiy Damply."
too moot eltborato and oootly pr^oraooaiae la moola
Tbe Mlmee Uberiln of Blagbam are UoD of "Molber eooae*e Fairy Story'
rrr gIvM.
Ip toe elty vkiUag frleado.
lloooaku of bewlldoring traoeforMk« Ella Botehkweopaat Sitadayla
atioM, tarprlelog lllaalono. eUrtllng
Elk Rapide wlto her eoaeia. Mra A A.
uleko and OMebanleal devlom. braoUDeriae.
C. U. B«iea of Batm wae la toe city fnl eootamoa. brilliant eloetrle oflecu.
high elaa ■peelaltka. novel danoa.
Joke Bjewall bM rataraad from a entranetog mnofe and many other
tpaelal featnrM
abort vklt la Rlegoloy,
Tba eempary nambera ovvi*, forty
Mra. Mary Peaeiegtoe rtiarood from
poopto. aad it rr^atra two keggage
L\ka Aaa yaaurday.
MOB M fMt iMf. U> trantport
P. 0. Baamaaa want to Oeetral Lake
tbo opvekl oeanery. ate.
oa baMoam toot oaaatog.
Fortoaauly too etago of Sutoberr'o
C. 8. Travk waet to Patoaaey loot
Oraoo k largo Moogb to aeeommodau
Bight ca a baatooaa trip.
Obarlao E Tlllay, of Su Jamas. tbo largo eeonory Mid to tok grMt
Boavor Ulaod, k to tbe dty.
Mr. etatobag bMOo tar aoeoMdod ao
E. r. Doaomara of MapU «ty wae to
lo bavo arrangad a daw fa too oompatoe ally yesterday.
Bya Jordaa of Satteae Bay. waa a nyb apOMfuM boro, fiaurday. Jaa.
r. providing a onhaoHpUoe Hot tor too
Traveraa Olty vkltor ymtardaysoak at prtea of Sl.M aad SI W eu bo
r. B. Vtatoa of WUliamabarg. waa to
ooenrod. Thk k aboolnwly naeoaaary,
the olty oa boaiaom yoatorday.
A. J. DoVrtas oao la troto WUUama- owing to to* vary heavy ooponoa of
tbo erranlatloa. ibo railroad fara
barg yaourday.
Mra. M. B. BUk of Utoad. k to too aloBo to asd from tok elty amoneting
to aovmal bnadrod dollam.
With toa poaaibUUy of ooeartagtoa
W.J Bok-abaaratarBadlnnOadar. _jMoaarylkt. a oaboorlpUoa fa aoak
when ka pat to two laigo boUan tor wUl bo drealaiod at OBCO.-bogtoaiag
too aaw aaw mill of J. SaUlvaa of toat
tok aoralag.
Wblto it k not at aU prekablo tbM
Mn Parka of HnttOM Bay. k to the
too Ikt wUl bo ooenrod. oUll It k hoped
olW. too gsoot of bar aaat. Mn. M.
It wlU bo. aad that TravoiM Oty wUl
toa bo laverod with aa attmetlon of a
S B. Etaalay of Maylo Oty. wao to
aagnlwda never before aeon ontoido
too olty oa kniaoao yaatarday.
tbe largo eltkn.
Atteraoy J. M. Banff of BoyM aty.
Ja to too dv to too toloroata of tot
WaUa-BigmaaOa.. la toa aaat la tka
ka Mfaaitaoaitkotwoaa Bey Balkrto aad
■optag Vtotara Seiortaieamt, Upatod Baago aad Other Paatam.
Toast la ForoetMO baU from t tok
aftomooB. BocialdaBa Isevaalag.
OrwamikaBdU alt.
Good Horses!
leAloa ym ea& ")up aa tt.t>aM^ or
it. bat it will eome op omlltog ovavy
Umo." Oalmaao BlaatU Floor Vamkb
H K. Walt
Owrw - Wnrm
WMta kVloM wf Tar Mynip, tbe
best coogfa remedy on earth, cures a oold
to one day if taken In time. 86 indSOcta
aa too boot at City Dialng
To Cure a coM ki One Day.
ake Waraer'h Wh.u Wm.- of Ter Sv r
be beat coagfa retne-ly on mnb.
'I' cwjta.
About ttie middle of this week I wiU bave
another carload of
Good Horses from Indiana.
The best chance you bave ever had for a good
See them at Brodhagen'a bam. on State Street
Wednesday, Jan. 17
One Performance
The Big Attraction
Featured In
Ole Olson.
Ton Tonson
Id hie new play
“A Yenoioo
Bldewralk Lumber iu all iIim.
Suoceeaor* to Tmverae Olty Lumber Oc
Traverse Oity Marfea.
below k a Ikt of tbr baving and arl'tog nrlcae of yesterday for groeerfee,
provwgtu and farm prodseti to Trav
sypii-i - i
U L. A. BnUdlse.
John R. Santo,
tiMtil taiirim.
I havt> e.'vprHl fin* n*w ri^—
both tiBBle nod two eeAtwd
Beet outfits in the city.
Order by ’Phone No. 32.
Livery and FcmI Btablae
For Fire insurance
tal oAenle rfieeta.
Pr OM-D&. »o and iSo. Sak
sow on ear* at toe eoa cAm.
Rro Insuranco.
Good Sleighing
Geo. Cams,
Oompaay of 90.
Enfoy the
■b/e'Awa'a's-t.'t/t^'a’. ■twau'S.'a.-a'k
Men. The sweagMt aad oldMt fin laevanee eompaaUs la toe world regreeestsd to my agmy.
w Btfori Placint
life Insurinct
MoaBd. •Ftain.
Bee tbe new poUdes of the
f Ailtna
Mia* Life of BartfordRatee the moat i
^ are wiooen.
We aleo aeU (heir aeeident |
^ H. L. A Oo. Block.
frlM «r aUartM Ma OMta •
» «Uf%l U'
fokmwmtitc mU^
taOrac«iaM«rdBf Rirkt'ftiaU m4
. ik* w%rm wmUmt «arlaf ika fM. tw«
Jar*-h*f« aaltad Um mow U th*
Moataisk. rrUayalfkitkkUMtUU
' BImnM lia IM ud
r«ao. At Pa»«U, li hOm «aM o( tk*
nllmd. • Mlv«rt *M iTMhad oat aad
Ika alraaa apnad aU ow tka koMoM
fciwalii daaaca to raUnad aad
«a^ arUcaa la narad.
AtMiaaktar. 9. H.. A Maaokard.
«gad M. Ua wUa. acad a. aad a koardor MMd WilUaa Moaop. afad u.
waaa karaad to daatk ia tbalr kosa te
Karrtauak datardkj aickt- Tka aaaaa
«Mka ftra ta aaksowa.
At Kaw Oriaaaa, aa ordtr oat raaaiaaddaadaj alffkt ky tka Brltiah
a ta ‘'A Taa
Taatlaatanr la aapport o(tka Soadlak
•foa Baatoa. aoa aa asMlalrtor to
kwadaa fatarviac to tkla apaatTp la
aartft iB kaalana. a Oanaaa Baiaa
oke talka oftk a daeldad aoaaat aad
oho toaoaiHhlac of a aiUaU ot tka
raatlataao ataap: tka auMttra ofdev of a Otrsaa ectaa Uaar, oka. la
tkt tatoanot ot onUra, aa« ibt Rorliok
aad iMrMD laaraaCM oltkoat haai'
eaa iBpartiaUtr: a aooot. lanaaaa
foaac ABOrtWB girl, tka daafklar et
tkaas alalttar.wkeCalltialon wHk
tka aaalp yoaaff Boada aad lafaaaa
tata tka plar B
air of food
kaaliky AaMrtaaalw} a itMffk kat
trtek OBBai OMt la a
kwole Boald oke Udat ktaaatk a
raafk astarlor a kaart aa oott aad
o aaakakp-i; aad aaroral etkata
MW Um iBpovUaoa to tka plot.
Tka taaaM akeat tka Blara la tta
Coaar d'Alaaa are faU of aultlsr
Tka taaaarp la aUkerata
tbara are
■adii. MfW. or «adl.
Plnlnlr Ue UsbOMbrokail WboSOM
and n anoonom one coming on.
.1.. .1 tb. sutu o< Lil«n,
Tbara are I.-
600 BBtaa ta tka eitjr.
Vko ba««a • «ftrarMaBrr
bowl MUbcr rrOwa aor hw i
■W Ooen MiDd WU* oa orarr aa#
rw kU W «» iMl !«.
tko Xona. or tko Bnaa
Or Todo—wbtct !■ bott
Jotmiry in mfaty.
ing there nntil 1 eonid make Ua mnni
?/ '■.f
half of
C. I..I.... ol .
froai Kaaata Oltp aad dl.
aiplaaaUoa wbatarar to girwt of tbia
U'U.. >U..n.t lb..
"Aa a -laat reoaiirr I lonk edf my
aatc'bi'l. and, atnippiiiR It flruly on hla
•own to a Tlllaip- Iptn* 10 uik ont r»-
hark, uld: '(iarry, take that to tbo poatQm-. Good. UiyC
"Waggiiig hi* tail and barking a«
mn> li M i«> oi.T, -Nuw 1 uud<-r«aud.' be
danid off through the «iic»w. Irarlng
lu< nlmir. with a deadly fuiutmwa ei
N. tba
■■ I milrt. "na
"Tlx- miiw fril
| Ip onlk* In • w-rrla which baa mtwdad
-------------Ohoreb or Obrtot Raairal.
attaadaoaa aad
WI. .» r»b> Sbbdbr b..bl.| tor lb. , "
....d Ui.,
dial at
B..,br.,. '
At Adalalda. Boatb
*»kw. .n ucv«>
a«« Tnaeallm btoak. tit Freat airan.
Trlapfcaai Ho-PB
yurajTLT C OODOB. kttertr •»* Iiaaail'
DO. lataiu*. 0»oM.OI«r OparaBeaaaBIk
kltcbcn. wiping ber wet baada oe a
kaalU aatkorttlaa report too aaa<
IfelflUaBof Oraad Etplia.
ecaroe bation apron.
Inga oUi aoeUDM dnrlag Ua weak.
laat aaaaliic oaonrrad.
froa Aaklar, U-, ea tbalr oap kaek to
pat ap at a Neo
yorb howl,
Oaa of tbaa klao
oat the raa aad WoaaaDer'a daad
ar (ka J.,. A« Paniag.
naeaaeloaaeoed.tloii Iplotr kealda
LekBM baa a warp anall ebaaoa ot r*
Tba Ancllaao arebbtobip of tBa W«at
ladlaabaa ordered
charebaa aodar bto ja-
rAdletloa for tba anoeeaa of Ua Brlttoh
ar«a In dooU Africa.
Oeplop baa rotad la aead Its aonnlad
aaa for aarTloa In SonU Afriaa.
poataft aump
brencbt ll.Tio datnrdap
aaU of tba eotlaatloa of f. W.-Haniar.
TbU to Ua larraat ana aap alaap baa
aaar kroofbt io tbto oonntrp at anotloa.
It oaa a apaolaaa
of Ua Aral toava el
BritUb Oalaoa la 16U.
Tba daaU nw
LadpaalU froa
aalark faaar it laid to ka
60 par dap.
flaally trl.-»«-.»)«l th.- window. |l.-*u
New window. ISITS; I.rio.i.rir-*- »r
of Bobliy
Boblij a
T5 .-.-utK.
r lltil.'
drum hai. cauMHl an i>ik-u ruj.tiin* betw.-en my w If.- and our Im-«i nelglilHM-.
I..WM of frlen.l.l.l|. of b.t<t
ValiM- of iM-lKliU.r ii friendalilp, prlct-l.-a.; pri.-.- of ic-'drum. Hi
The hoK
_ _________
poned inIrTMr wae ennaed by ail
an iriTIrreaaceruiln
tlallNe dolr.- of R.>bbT I
the force IN-Iilml the Iniiii-t of hla cute
Trl.-e of -jilrror, ftiLVl;
.I.Iiv'r nir gun. TH centa. The
torn l.-ave« In my r.-t of Browning
reaiiliial from an effort of Itol.l.y ig
make mile I«ip,-r rannon balla for the
rani on hl> Iwttle ahlp.
Price of hatofRrownH.ff7^
tie ahlp ii iki- iirlce
..rw a
C Rcc. ei..<e tK
as t
After he a--raii he« the tr*i of the varniah off the door* with hla tin aword
and hnma three nr four more bolee
In the eaniet while trylni
magic laniem I will hei
fthrletmaa la alionr ever"
aad eaar t.aoo of Oaaaral Whita'a aaa
Aa Agi .•Mgar.wa.
are roportod 111.
Iftot RiUlU Eaal. aaparlniaadapt of
pll Ipdlaa aabooU la Ua ^tad dlataa,
to at oork oo a btU to ba lakodobod lb
aapffraaa bariac tor lu ob}aat tba eoapatoerp adaeatloa
of all tadlaa eblld*
raa.« laa to dralp of tba oplaraa Uat
Uaaa oarda
aaUoo aboald ba
llriacaldwt aoa of
Ara aad
Ontarla. to
froa ooopda rpedaad la Ua Wbtlac
at UdpaalU Jaanarp 6
niB«t«T a
Hla pareuia. bow-
"A- y<iu may iiiiugiitc, ibe appearaiiir-of III.-d>« lui.ai tlie luiud of Ue
wiw r< iK-Ti-d fniui tbe aal.-b.-i be mailed
im.i ti ' atreet. lia-king i lol.-uily. aa if
be would aay. 'Fellow m>'l'
to be np rery
very early In the
leiten aa aiaiu aa they
, Were aort.d. aud beat mydwiinanoa
"The laouniaater at laat
anil n-atiirBiM.w. «-i out' njion
acuri'h. guid.al by tb.' fuithful dog.
"Tliey fiaind me. air. and yon know
tin- n-eu
But ili.y niigiit im-tit hare
‘‘Garry and I had mnny a ^oomey
orer tbe •a»«
aa»« ropd
rrwd after that,
that, and
fact he- gn-w old and feeble and ao
w beu
longer able to walk
walk BO far be Would
und watch me
off. and when I caae back waa alwaya
lint u> give me a wi-lecane.
Aa Ua wrl
baaoaaa balr ta
Ua aar^atoata aad Ua aatataa.
Ootofroaraaa Chaap Otork of MtoaoprLaapapkat
Tbe otber day be broogbt a book to
Snarry. orer whirii Ue unwary tntreler
I lian-n't very lotig
of Btaon
to Ucd.«, who would w alk on ahead.
^ follow mg hu footttepa I found that
____ .
2^'*“ F»"«l«=al» aod waked appmhea-
in rraaeM a. Pt
IVavWefnaae aad;orraa. ni«
prp known to
orlUac a aoaal la
Potaeh rivor,
Uroe livaa'
bava bean laat aod topip
Ba aapooB p rttob
azaloron to Ue gold
borototora Uara will plBeat oprtataly
•• 'We.iball hare a nmgb time of ik '
bo. u.. iU»0.0 , oM ,dloo.' 1
lo Qob,,
bP gropi loot of Uto frcB oeprlopdtag.
Brpvp OP Oh «, nrrr op Toluw i ^
mjjipJ. t-uaxcT BPkaa opUi Up!
bp to Ue aoHlor ppmor of Up Im of
F i. CbovsT A Oo.. dotag kHalima ta
Ua a» of Tolade. Oouty pad Stalo
plaiMill. pad tl^mU Atb wUl pay
tor oaU pad ortoy opop of Optprrk Uat
aouUbaoarodbyUp opp of Bau'6
»iBt« to hataca bp pad aakoortbpd
la B^prta—■ Uto HU dpy of Pppib
. ^,
DoPt Toar Dowa-BaUd np
old taokloapd Ueery of tPPrlag
aod Blood l>Ulp. wUek oare \n pr«alWapw riPb Wood pad Berra ttaaae.
Tbroogb Ue Bedlam of Ua elren'.ptkB
pod Up prrr BP pyoteB Uay etraa-'
oa pad larigoratap^ oma la
kamaa bMy. 60 eeata. all drag*-
arto.A.W.ChaP6l|p«. Oo.. Bag
' “sra’'
^OirrKTV-A tea
Bro,r(, P Poo,,
Tlw Pen Mirqiette Siilmi
oono PuiriB-
T ir:' KS35sa:.l:s;
I—For a aban line
cerpt «rC»i« (ar ba.iar CUB
hloeka IB
^Tlw'cairvBiad la
Ta 'Jm"
|i n
laac ot«j
" **'
.. Uick nnai tbe ground and
anU wind bta*
» «>ld north
bio u«i,
"Itbat makea yon afraidV inquired
Jonnicy in company wiU my
faithful friend. ■
' t tbe old gentleman with rnggedfeaiore#
Htrppt Oommtoetaapr Bpmblta pad fpB-
InldphaatP lotnlt of~Uaanddpn| * "^e’^k^lS^^lnber monimg. tbe'
=s—*• —'»•••-
walked tawk i.i uir qoartera at Uie little
aeTerancr, obedience and love.—ChalterboL
•oUataUaoprtag. and wona Ua gor- dtotrkt ta a baggy. Ttoe reblelp wpp
prpBMi Ukt anloB ataPBkoat rBUta- OTortoraed pad Urea okUdran <rorp
Ubb ora BOre r«oroBly opteroad 1
T\» * J B'XITP V.iertB»rr.1l.-reM<. at
Hortaa iBara TTvaw dleeaaM af all
danmilr aalBiaU by tka latwi and nm aa-
in live,
"1 know what letlor that Ip" be
"But a« Garry and 1 knew every foot
, cf the way. 1 oever felt Ibe leaat
It b
"WelL what to UT
‘ glring. no manor bow dark the mornThe liulc feUow looked
pt It aharply. Ing. cMvpi wben then- bad
U-pelug lu aluiiw with a
chubby fore- heavy fall of anbw. and then I tnuted
Hood ta
T B WABTIH. FkTakMae aad .arwen. Oaioe
the alphatn-i. .Mim.'lblnf In which be to
to ihc path, aa ooe part of it*
much lutereeied.
, ran along the ed^- of a deemed ^ooe
Tlmuktug tbe nld man fir hia aUiry, 1
botaepp ta EpBdrick kpve beep awept
ohkh tbara olU bo ao oo»
•■Thongb mnlBed up In greatcoat and'
OoaoraorBradpof Alaaka,tola Watta- pwpy. atoreapre flooded, rpllropd treeka ' womfort^ tbe wind »med to pimo
lactoBBrclac'atriatar anferoaaaat^ Pod brldgra bpve beep pwppt pwiy pnd , throoab all mv cloUing. and the bpir
Uont myr laoB waa oum aun »kin ua.
oca on Ue Paeian.
T\H B. K n/v>D. 0«or la a** ToeMlIrr
"He haa been dead for many rran
now. and
■ cold, dreary w alk^^laogeirxiB. bat aa Inug aa 1 have my memory Garry
tao. in the dark uinmiuga u> any ooe will u.-ver be ftwagtteu."
Lord Taraaaa Black
Mao York clri.
ivk Park Plar-Bn(el. Racaa iC aed it We-
found me if ii had not b.'.-ti for Garry,
oaad. oko aarrlad Mtoa Ykraaea Da
ria, a
HOFTATT. AbMneti of TlUa. Bal
—u n'lSy*
Hooak t. Ha-
aiaud at the onttage d
mcniha bm dunug tbe winter it
forward, aod have made no eSurt to
leach him tue name# of the lettcra of
»!5!™ »
Th.' alarm waa gic. ii. and a d.«i-o
atom fa-tlcTwi.. ]mirirl<-.l with a hurdle
"It waa pleaaatit <-u<iugb in tbe earn-
exer. are not at all analoua to puab bln
MareaaUlr Oe Htoek.
TTT H. FOHTER. ItUMW kt Iw*. HpMr>
W . aitaBtica te Pu tlttoa.
pualRiual.T w ith alarm.
Hot that Waa
not .'l■•-ugll fiiT Garry. Aa aiwm aa he
"There waa aj* inch.- <d auow ov.r
•*" ue
be got ao Hal'd
oaid to it Uat he really ,
»o «bj“k
niof-h hiadnty me when he led them to ibe apot. and
htm carry the lagan to acraleh at the mn-w and whine
Btcbcl there waa no proodtr dog in all piieoualy, aa if to aar, 'He ia here. ‘
by «;I0. wbctr> 1 delivered them to tbe
a iiinliui r aa to i-unHc wood, r aa to bow
be p'l iliroogh tbi- now at all.
^ * P””'
1 naiiK-d him ttarry.
Up i 'anRhi liiin aliii.ict everyUuig a dog .•ould l.«m
He got oo
Uat be omild juat nud.-nuaud what waa
mid.aa well ae any ChriMian.
"When be waa old
eiiongh. 1 took
him »j,b nu- cm niT
my jcmnii-yii. aud r«ry^
poetmaai.T In Ibe Tillage, who kept a
grooer'i abop and poeiofAcv oranbined.
ami leama napblly.
little aliop about 10 o'clock,
•'cuiiiiglr aliuuR exhauaCid. with tha
micliel ouuuigli'd aboDt hia l.ga ia aueh
mrprua-d to find
**>“' *1“'
fri. tid wan a large black
and tan collx dog.
My <mn<aitT k-iug
aroiuid. I beggitl the old nan to tell
nio ihe mon , and here it u:
, -Wbeu 1 had bc-u bIk.ui 20 vfaim In
the i»»ial •xr\ ir«'
In hlH qoavrnug voie.-. -'a farmer one
A 4-year-old 'Hroaim t atreet Injy ba«
OBaaa. Otty Opera
bla father aud pointed to a Urge capb Bight eaaily etep if'be mimed tbe beat- village tun. ihinking the while of what
Ul "B."
. en trnck.
, a noble i-xauiple poor Oarty waa of per-
able to aarp Uali
A.J. L. Tkaple,
pUocd Itcan fully in the old mau » hand.
-Thau «r. i. the p.ctur>- of the dwr
"I bad
||X Jaj_^Mcaar M toaa.
“It oHun* iliat Garry, after learing
me, made the bawl of hia way to tbe rUlage. and prev-uii-d bimaelf in tbe poat-
Mnrthn a-eut away, bnc «no retnraed
pbo,^^raph on glaai and
P airoug uleut abiug the lln.- of compariaona. 11.- la a bright little tviluw
taafbt oaafal trada. to tba aod Uat
kbap aap
man wlA
•H^hriattnaa I. n.nriy ov.-r,
,Bo^>Uy a
SnidKtiMil MtoHiU.
the kind
tTealiiP-nl I receired 1 waa anon oi> the
way to neorcry, aod lh«« I baanl tb*
partlrolarv nf my nw
oaa (oaad dasdap oltk Lihmaa In aa
farad la all the
"By the doctur'a aid and
TVB. W R.PW.a.Meea.paBaraIpraeUraalaa 1
U iaa«<allaiaw«. aar.aeaaaad poalw arl- v
bed. the
wife waa bolding ainit- beet laa to my
lipa. while Hairy aal hr the bedalda.
fatbrrV afaa
„ broken for the owld. ”
tbalr foraar koaa la Oaraiaap for a
<»« r» »ant.
waa in a warm
bilag beU at tba BrancaUoal obnreb , “*f?
aMwIaw .hMth. iw^ti.w
"Joa frtcb <tarT7-tlikwoa.ffly laa.
Morreo aaanlar. obara Ua awtiag ' *od bara a carw wiU It. 1 wonldn't
aad Ooarca Likaaa. Uarats faratra
oa Satardap olcbk
Best to be had ia
the citj is at
bj m
I5'd'j:.n'55f.“' '"rrjwi.'a'nr
Bgalnot Uii feeling with all my
flea, knowing how '
-™ in. dw-
Tranrsi Citf,
Tvptty fiTB Op*b
Waabla(«OB dudap frea eoBaaaBioa
66 roan bad traearaod tka aaaa.
liinm CHi binlMi U.
thiuirr and fariar,
of tba kraU. tka raaalt of a fall,
oaa TO paara of afo aad for aora tbaa
14 Inti:
No reme^ pqupU Waakei'p Write
I.VB or Tab Svecp for Uto lorrluand fptpl dtoeaM. U token Uor>i.'hly Pnd in tinw, It will euro p opoc
houri, pnd fo> ibu cough ihpt tolna Lp Grippo I- never fi^ to give
Hof. Prion. 86c pod fide.
from my
enlA but
trksuL long «»oc
riooc dead, ibno old
Tbara , nwod.
aoBorakU aafocaatoat oltk tba
ro tan U
"Oolp our ndTPUUa or mlahap. par
Siomsors ti
vb. La* Pparial awaliaa l« •allanlaa.
tiur i ouffond dnwdfnlly •ni< r«e*a*«aetaF. illFy«alPl
iMken Eg and the inl
, T"tH H P kI*0H- phrelnaa aad aarrMa
U rvate* Prtedi lee P’eek. Da* or nlrkl eall*
uumburw <wur orer me, and I felt a atlofiMed M> pmap-ir FkotMa, H*tl IM; Nanfe•trong dcolre logo toal.*<p
I hatUrd era.B
' errr ao noup ^ontn. "
pitot aad laat of tka oSaara aad arao
The aaaUact IP^Ua Uraoca ball laf ; bapa 1 (bnntd aap." Uiooldanureplied:
bp Ua Obnreb of (%rlit ara I
ap I "aad U U had not bit-L
bifS ...
for _
a vi-rp
viTT dear
John F. On &Go.
oplTPd, Upi WlU bP paid Ptoopt wtu
Oporgp 0pm. ..
iiir OMT uii- aud afoar at By bran
‘ ^M'Dld be fonrd diwd.
baa a?ar had.
Llaak StBaal Booard. U. «-
rof frpu toPBBpp bPTP i5i55i
"bu it appmird, for. In apitr cd root
aad ofcd ro uki-tbe leaarafmnaBBal]
ing into ay faoaaadobinlarpltecioaiy.
ing and tbrmta. hr Meadily rofnaed to
b«dt:i' fruni luy ride.
"Ton aea. 1 waa a rcmntrp .
..cll.d. Tb.
BI9BI. aad orar I.6N oa tbalr oap bara
Tvaatp-bn OieB
goo.' aknr. and 1 oaa afraid that ba
would not IwTc BA
• W mil# oalk. 10 nlla
fnitiiftil dog. oho oat ia tba bmo. look
"Boddrnly It cnmrted to ao that If 1
rotdd orod tbe dog on lu tba Tillage ba
Bight bruig h'-lp. Bui he bad narra yet
aoaaa oa Ua daek of a Wf
And eUer good Uipga tor 16 aoPB ta
roraearrt bell eftor 6 o'eloek Uto aftertooon.
OraacMt hand
cflaadaaeeta aepatag.
What aboald I dot
"Lookinc beiplamly rannd feraocaaUing Uat Bight aaggrat a nonna of dallwranoa, ny ryva met tboaa et mj
-B. a. atodAMd U Attiatta
to tka
tka rtfki.
rtekl- aa
aa aaiiaaM
oltp to
aboard aklp aad halt aoaiUac ablo
Bni I Bifbt dia ba-
arleu ^1, bar BoUar, a oaelUy
Barrard Baa, pad a riollntot of tba
"The poetBancr at tba rillaga to
Uanrariaa OrebaatraThe IllaatrpVfaicb 1OM boond oonld think the road tl-Mto ate hr Heomd Obpndliw Obrtoty.
oaa blocked and Uat 1 had not at- U Lotta d>ABoar to Ua lending atory
knpud tbe jounoy If 1 did not tnn la tbe MMototer rtotien NaBkrr ot
np at tba panel ttma. and. on tba otber The SaUidM Breniag PwV ohkb
bond, niyarifa ooald UInk 1 bod got. oUl ba on c2e Jaa. Ue UU. ^
anfeiy to my drotlnation and wm wait
"Tta, Blr. I aa-aa old nao ooo, aad
P'opraw. aad a rariatp of alaot of tba
Ocanr d'Alaae aonnutaa
Vao Story
.. Daria£
fora then.
Tb« wte bo«l
arlth a doMlnf tow of Ua aalcraaUta
SlnLa^ d’Aaoar «■ oaa of tba
"Tbara oaa liRk ebanoe of onybodp I lo'r •leriaa Richard Bardinr ~
poUng that way nnlfon 1 oaa miBcd | "rittan
Tba aaaoa to Uld ia
ii Idoedop
Wlifc prtMUr. klaitr lr.«l.
Who. Ill tbrlr erfwMLa. nMt«e
^—. —_ Bella, Boraa. Falana.
mamp._Tattar. Halt Rkaam.
Horae. Ckappad Boado. Skip BropUeea:
IptolHbla ^POro. C«m gparpptaad
OnW Me pt Jna. O. JobanoH'k «ad A X.
WJtk drag atoran. .
"1 OM lying tkrt* pnfwUy briplM.
le raonlMa U varl
. .• Bnfanu fr
Tb* Tamr. T.
■•OWr burdaa. irtUi rn^wn
WboraA*«1tk«tBCbla Kiiaiii
tkraa traaa.
toe ea tbalr oaj bora.
Uing tba aattcr with ay kg. aadi toU
back atok and faint oiU pain. 1 tried
again pad again, bat rap tlaa 1 aada
Ur aoeapt I anSered drcadfnl tartaxa.
porta aoaltlaC oarroat of aalat bad
"Oarry waa by ay aide la aa ipatppb
god 1 triad to riae, bat Ua* oaa aoaa
Itia of Wtfkt la tka dmaaot;
York barker olth a t*aad
•aae all parakaaaa aad atalpoMBti of
ay looring and f. ]) kwrilp. wlU aqr
tight leg twwd d nortcr an
I wloWa ook
A* iktBW le MM nr w«;
w.meu, you know "
_________bare, eea I
«lrU*B. -HI iradt I Vjgd.
laqalr* at nm NeUaaal Peak.
Or Ord n
Lt Ord a
place of b««l' Or Fttaakay
Bo4«Bi«aa>Sa>.a tor«« pBlr at I ~ '
J^wlUeBv^ FIB^» pleaae laaev a>
po* B*t,l_* Mm rlaa. I**oItiB«l8 BaM
it. Igotoev__"^drmgladto«
•eminary oenn-Or -wet t aw wad
> a> m Fink Bt>«
■r WBP p abcift bark and a roll ta
uiBiB in Nnumn t L
„>okpai.a-oood Biaai r_
etoe ia goiiig
‘Tte ezertioa cf tramping Urongh
Uppoow poem aet Ue blma] tingling
Urongh a»y vaino, and on 1 went, fool...
----------- ----------------- ; a a i. eiaea
lac ea warm andcomfortahlepa oirenm- '
bapi-ned \ ooug man. don't,
BMOM would Pliow.
i rw be woetKri pboot bw. It iB’t tU
"After aa bonr'a hard walkiiB. wp
aaJL 10 the Old oupriy Oprty.
Qpi? p.
pp wW
".-Hay to hand arcfk tor
who to trying
r Kill tor poor Oany.
Ftotawwl WKMWi tMm.
"That WMPcnrioatoPBof Kadgwta
He BPiTied tbe...............................
‘ '
iHgp AokM bagPB totpn
rpo BXirr-Boaw aad B
PWward. 19 Ban H
B. B.
Ha. W. O
torn Uaecf 1pm -T^mm "
CAto^ tWbpBP. *
.... i.
/trpih. "-Detroit FBePrvK.
_______ ' .
geontaaly now woaa-
oOHP-IPnat ««k BaaK.
PWaMBamk otraat. Ba.
- 'iL'l
Third Year-No. 642
mourn smnmD Fiom.
ttaolarao Baara WlU b* Vhippad Va*
o^a Armj and
BoBtOte. Mob.. Aao- it-COoBotaa
idinPropaM Moaa. tha waU kaowa trtoh <«ltato,
teotthoapUloa toatthoBaorowni b*
■tM*« Hut OMni Warn Sm wklppoA bp th* Brttteh
Sinr wttk 11,000 tUM B.Am* hpth* aaaBtea of BapHn, i« iaffWtMlir. •at «b»« teadtooNatoa Alraralea la aaalbte
Baaap* toralta
nmm vnatfM n tm9m^ •» paartoaflhaploha
aflboaattea of tha Iriah
Km J
waalA hrtap tha war to a apaadp aal.
IT—irt i 1IMMM VfV OMIm aaA Itat tha tiB* te rtpaJor tha Irteh
hara aai ta. tha oU aoaatrp to do
Mi BaMr.
Lmtm. Jm. u~lU»«l«r » r«Mij
' apaaktap tb* Baara.
Md BOM MmM ow •
a Paateawar. aad
teMNpart^DwMa.4*MJM- II. thaaaaq^4paaBlt*. <
nidotoW 4
wa* lhaaa two toUfi t^at aaaato tha
lah«MtM«m !■ aBM
a«a of atedatoa**t
4MMlMI«tu«of IM e«BkM
OMiBal Wiff Un rnn Tkuada/
with » Mmc irlaf
K> «»o«B»Ula OMml BallM* BorcuMt
—dhBCfPBil th* T«r»te rivaruA
‘ oot«»M » iiroar pB^Uoa liter*forUA that» en*l MlU« U prooaMI
MA Umt* te KfliUar 1* thr*«
ru D*»y M*U't oorr***oiiAa«t at
PlM*rB*rllsbarf, la a dteMie)i AaiaA
Jm. il.aaTathatOaawal Wanaa.wUh
11.000 B*a. Ao**A to th« aaotw^
froBFror* hf wajr of W<
oaoaBfoaaAao ale* ^ UMaaoafai
Ofotolor'i kUMf. whU* U wat
UiMt that daUaao wu ABartoA.
Tkte laaAa to tbo >aa*Bi!ttoB that
•woral Bailor te holAlaf hta foalUoa
aatha latt »kU* Aaraloolar a latf*
twalac B0T*B«al ea th* rlfbv
Ilthoraportoflriplaboaay Ichtlar
tevaaitte frehahr*.lhat Blaarwaa*
hlU hat hoaa attaMai. with thaehjaat
altaUiaraaMBaadlar Moltlo*. bat
HteAMtalltoamat Bon troB tha
OoFomdr <a Xdatnoky Onll*
For«tBM Froopd.
madlaal Kaaaarra Tahaa to Pravaat
tha OwaasiaatleB of tha Bold
inaa F*rpitrat*A bp Oo*b*l—BxBaaaraor Bradl*p;Frapar«i to Appaalto Ooltod Btoto* team Apaiaat
Fraakfort. K«.. Jaa It.—AU Aoabta*
to whalhar Ih* BrpabUeaaa latob
hoU tha atato ofioaa. ao auttor what
dactetoa wap ba raaahod U th* Boahal
aeataat. aew hafora tha KaatoMp
UpteUiara. vaatehad paatoidap whaa
Ootaraor Taplap ptraaaillp airaacoA
bp wiratotb*' teawpartotloa of otraoBpaate* of treepa to Fraakfort
haratraiaaUraadlaaB tooarTpletha
aaattal tha atoH paarda. MBpaatea
attoairttaf to at Plaartlla. LaUptea, Laadea. aad
of tho Loatormo
».of Aal* Thrp ai« to h* raoAp to bot*. ea a
MBtb Botlao. Traiaa ar* to ha
«f;aa.U.to LoaraaM Marqaaa. aaj aranabUaaaaAaftartOBsrroo aftar*
•hat oTBiUilar route ua fraat hati.-aadjt te balalrad that praatteallp
tUAartac UteBtonfawAaT*. For th* all th* atato troepa will b* auaaod at
iMttwo Blfhte UA7*oitth ha* boa* Fraakfort bp tb* ood of th* aoath.
■ trUffroMate. Th*objtelo* ih* Brit
IVoahl* te U tha air aad BO ooa opteh If.aeajMtaraA. bat it te bj ao saao* poor*to***
how th* (atoraatortel
eoataat te to he •etttod wlthoot the
Dm^I* tha Bora than ataallj aopl- ahaddlapof blood. Boa* of Ooobel'a
Mil Boar Atepatob*ath*7 Ao aot waa- fneada up if ha te kept oat of the
tloa Oaaaral Bollard moraMBt at .pital bp the prewnoe of eoldlara' he
Fotetatorte Arm. thoafh it Bait b* wiU eatobilab a a*por*ia auta porarakaowa, aaA tha *b*bj te probablr ro>t at the uapltol hotel. laatoUlor
aU UlorBatiOB, aa Oaaaral
Into offlw tbar* all the oaodida'to* on
rapalar DeBoeratle Uakat of Uat
Adteaauhhaa haaa raoalrad Trub Noraaber.
aiaMml Bailor aajla« that ha aapaatoA S* Oaramor BraAlap aad hte aaaoelthataUAteroalUoaalora ■/aabroaoa*
at* oobbmI la tha ooatoat ataatlajr tha
MOTOBBt Of tha vartoa* eolaaaa
mtoaaat poeeraor•CaUit tb* baaalfata woaM ba aoa- ahlp hara to aararal dapa baea analotoA thte BoralBff. It te th« aoa- iratad la th* praparatioo of a paiittea
Stead qatte probabU that tha aAraao*
to ha Alad ia tha Uaitod atato* aoarte,
•f tha bateacararaA uwahaaeoBBaav aaakiartofBjrta tha Qoabal lapteU•A aaA that Uhtlac 1* yrofraaaUr.
tot* troB throwUr oat of oBm OorTho whoU of Oaaaral Ballard tor**
TaploraaA Usatoaant Ooraraor
aaUaatljteva toward BoraBoat. Joha Maiahall Thte papar wUI prebBaUar.hiaoalt. teos th* latb Th* ablp b* Alad U th* Fbdwal eoart with
BiUteh artej te thaa *maA oat aloaf • in th* neat ton dap* and it will aonad
wtto tMBt. th* dtetaBM baUc Uttia th* tooaU of war batwau th* Ooabal
abort ottwaatrAraBUaa frOBoaotto
teoa* aad tbeu which dafaatod bla
wtet. Oaaaral aarTte AlateUB
at tha poUa oa NoraBhar laot.
•Mp te with OoMUl BaUar.
Tha patitkB wUl ohatp* at laut
A dtepatah b«B Darbaa AataA Fri- thiaadtetUot riolatloM af th* tew.
Aar. aapt: “Tha aattra ahaaao* of Ooa wUl b* dterapard of tha clrU-riphto
■•WB faoB Ghtaralof ar Frte* Cteap hU] U th* iaUBldatlaa of tb* aapro
aohttaaaa. bat thar* at* paratetaat rota: aaothar wUl h* tb* aU^ fraadhara thatUApaalth ha* haaa
aloat paakiac of the ooatoat ooaBittaa
bp Otok Lalph of th* Boa** of BapUpoa Ballarte oaaaaB. It te .
aada Ulrd wtu b* tha
aoaaaAad, tha gtm\ teaau AapaaA.
1 af a poUtteal Baahlaa to
aa«M UUar* aaAoabtadlp «ea)d ooatrol th* teaatkw of Kantaakp
Baaa th* aaptar* of UApaaith aaA thieaph tha Badiaw of aa alaettoa Uw
varhap* th* AaBinlteati** of th*
Brttteh foraaa U Batal. .
th* prtoalpl* at pAblte aaffrnp*.
Oaaaral Praaah te eradltad with aaJ. Brpaa wUl b* at Fraak
•tbar aaoaaaafal BoraBaat U aatUac tortoaTaaaAap aod wUl oddroB tha
, of th* Boar*' ratraat ee th* aaat U Kaatoakp teplBlatar* oa aoo-partteaa
"ah* Airaattoe of Berral'a Poat. Thte Uaaa.- It teaald tha Ooabal foraaa will
of tote oaaa*ioo-to deTaaaday.
alara Ooabal tb* porareft of tha atato.
Oa WaAaaoAap th* Boan boA** If thte te doa* th* paUttoa praparad bj
4*tarul**A|^tuahoa th* kopji h*M tha BtoaWleaa laaAaca WlU ba Alad U
hj th* BriOah artuiarp. bat war* tha DaUaABIatoa aoori. aad teoopa
wiU b* U raadUcB to Bora ra FraakLard Eobarta. bewato. raperte that toiiaatantlp. Aanaarlp utkaplau
tha Brttteh hav* aot fdi araaad tha Bappad aat MO b* laaraad atUte
' oMteptetaak.
tlaa,alarfa proporttea of tha atato
It te *«B«aA that Whltate Boeoaa
raardwUl U roahad bar*, aad thau
UApaBltb haa brohao th* aplrft of tha wUl b* aapBootad U iiiiiimy bj FadBoar* aaA that th* aaaaap te talUair oral teoopa wUeh bar* boao arTanped
00 taat th«p wOl b* ia raadlaaB to
raapood toaa atdar to proeaad froB
4f* Karaa ^01 Vaa V*« Cteval.
Dartd frBrtaa B*t with a paUfal aePraaaatad bp Vb. Bateate.
olAatet u Ulaad taaaaUp. H* wu top
Osart wUl ba eallad U ardor thte loadUp.whaathabioekaaadU draw,
kMM rrlth a aow taral. fUaa to tha
lapthalop* ap Ih* akUa. pare wap.
utpbpWUlteB Baltaar.
aaah a
Ba haa MA two /Baa. haad- atefkiapklBapaathaaaUaU
wap u to fraetaia It baAlp.
B*lp taraad (a^ ■•A* aaA
OBteateloAthOBtotha aa* otth*
dp* U thte term of ooBit, ator whteh
V ar* to ba th* praptetp ofth*
BBtp. Aiaa WitopaBapUalabte
« balM bbA* that «ttl to wllk tha
rate. IteWMha a bioAanBigm.
FotaaUnhBU. foadootoal
PaalVaoAarhoefooa atoilar abarpe.
w f* aeUa pro*'*!. Tba eau apalnst
Joha Barrp for rteUttea of the Ub
hu haaa aatUaA bp th* vapBcat
Poijiuy Oab* AiteluBt OUrk
of the Aaa aad eoate lapOMd bp tha
waoBfi. aad tt wu wlthdrawa
HellB ProB'Bd. .
Praaaaator Ftatt Waal ap AgaUat aa la tha eau apaUat Joha Bobarto,
M preaieateraaltaA tear* to Ate i«aVaaapaatad OiBtoBlir aputhaSaU ma wkp latetoattea aboalA aot b*
tted. whteh probaWp Baau that tb*
WlU Borar eoau ap to brtaL Th*
Kaap OaaBtateklpBtepaaadof Ip
ppoar ta th* aau.
Olredlt Ooart Taaterdap.
Thru oat of tar af tha teaau af
Thaaauof parjafp apalptoBAwaid tot wart MrtekutoB tha aateteta
OUrkaaBatoa *'
ewtap to AataUr* aattea. Thppware:
adaad la th*
BepOathacI* hp Joha Taateh, aoxi
aftenMoa, aad U Ite aaAlap Freaaeat- trtaaA. «■ The Wolle HifBaa 0o.j
iap Atwraap Prau dtepUpad a diaport- rniiat BoWaaea «• Whltaap Stoata: aad
Mea to b* wrathp. Hawu rlaiUp W. L. Brawa ea, IHek Krtalar.
dtetarbad la Blad. b«t.took th* Batter The aaaoBpalt appeal eau of WUlteB
aaophlBUpaad took a aawtaeh L. Baudlap ea. Laoi.8oloBoa wUI
whteh proBlaa* to brlap aboat th*
■ aptotrtal thte aernlpp at IrW
aaaa raealla UtaoAad, althoapfa It will o'eloek. Th* attoraeps au Manlp C.
b* a loopar wap aroaad.
Dodpe for tb* oomptelnut had Putt
A Jarp «M drawn la tb* eau at tha. A Oaete for tb**A«teadaat.
rtaraeoo aaaaloabot balor* the Jaror* The ehweerp ecu of Frank X^elek
ar* aware.J. A. Uvanpar. eoaaaal te ea. JoMpk Z >nl*k at al. btU for actb* dafaadanl.addr*aaed the eeai%aUt- eMBitep and ul* of real utoU, erUI
Inp that tha defaadant would atand be ep to trial tomorrow somlnp.
Bate. In tha seoaUB* be daalred to Thnradap Borninp tha eaae of Ida M.
aUi* to the eoart that at th* of Ub* the Woodward ta John Wtodward, at al.
aUapad offenu th* defendant wu bill to Mt aalde ooer^au. will ba
iiallp UeoBpatont and did not ttkan ea Tha uw of Wlplded A
hnow the natare of aa oath, which he Dap ea Wllfert W. Linton. boUob for
wu aUapad to bar* lakan U procnrtnp jcfearlip for eute aad to diaaolre Ina Barrtapa Ileana*. and wu aot thara- JaoUeo.wu paten thaetlandar. The
tor* auwerahU to tha eharpa of par}arp. Mr. Lorappar ukad tha eoart to
appolat a Ub* aad plau and to aaB*
a aoBBlaaloo of phpalelau to exaataa fiahM Toatfht
Into th* canto of Ua aeoaud. ;iAft*r Oraaeutband uppar aareadia Forfartkar oouldaratioa tha ooart daoUad uwn hall froB 8 o'eloek thla afterte appolat the ooBBtea'oo aod to hara apoa. Fla* eoetel danu In •eaalap
Fte* Btate.
B nhpeaaaad to plra ttair tuU
Boap hate* tb* Jarp. whteh tbap Fmh Otoda aad n» tteak
aoeld taka Uw aoaaldartap
AU cold u ooat tUl eteaad oet.
aridaou Dr*. KaaalaBd, Irau aoA
MarUa war* appoUtad. bat Dr. Martla
balap eat of tewa Dr. Oarwar wu
leaoaA. Tha aau wu then ru
Preauator Pratt atatad tb* eau briefIp to tb* Jerp aad aald that h* would
ahow that whaa OaA waearad a 11WBM to Barrp Mr*. Llbbl* Atlee he
wu alraadp Barrtod. aad that he eommittod parjerp te proearinp a maiTlape
Iteaau. The A-at wltaeu wu Oonntp
Clark Na.Wton. who tuUded that on
tb* tod of SaptoBberlut^aark appHea
for a Itoenu to marrp, and apon reqaeet
Of tb* proaeenlor Mr. Newton prodooed
th* appUeaUon, porportlnp Jlo bar*
buB aipoad bp the defendant.
Bar* Auomep Loranpar tpterpoud
an ob] «eUoo. npon the proaad that the
appllullon ehowad ao aipnatere and
had not bean Iwaod laaeoordano* with
Uaatototew. tioBC abarp axehanpu
of opinion took pteu betwaan tka atunapa. Preaacator Pratt ataUap Uut
th* aabof qoaat Barrtepa would prore
th* eharpa. Tha eoart Anallp adalttod
th* applteattea In erldanu. alao tb*
aarrtep* Iteaoa*. Whaa th* enBlnatteaof tha witnaB preeaedad Preaw
eater Putt andutorad to ahow that
th* applteattea wu rapaterlp teihad.
Attornap Loranpar oaltad atteatten to
th* tot that thau <ru bat a aarh
whan tb* alpnatar* aboold bc.tead ao
wUaaBaa. Intorropated
Mr. Mawua toaUAad that iba defaada-it balap anaU* t* writ* he aada
hte Bark, whieh wu aeual la *nek
eaau. Balap
alarlp u to whathar h* adainUtorad
tha aaaal oath to tb* defeadaat Mr.
Bawtoa atatod that h* tearalr rand
orar ihaquetteu la Ue afilartt
which h* wu axputed to *w*ar to.
Tb* w.taaak hewtrar. ooald aot twear
that ha adaUtetored th* eath. tbte
atePMatUtk* aut laportaat phau
of tb* eau tor the praaaeetloo kneekad
thlap* “rtep hlpb." *0 to *puk. and
Pra**eelor Putt ruUaad it at oau.
B**ndd*alp rvqnuUd pMalatoa of
th* eoart. te rtaw of tb* aatar* of the
of Mr. Mawtoa. to noUa pru
thaeaa*. Barrqautod alao that tha
datodaat ba bald antU the foUowlap
dap u that h* aoete brUp a a*w
Marpa apalut hla.
Thtetara la
praaaat far a aoBcat aM Iba aaaopof tb* preaaeator wu Ul aoMul-.
•A Tha tutlBoap of tba aeaatp alack
hte whoU aau aad th* UUan af
tba elark to adBlatetar tb* rcqelrad
oatk kaeM*d tba bettoB eat of tba
e*u of tba prcaaeattea Th* aoart.
howarar. praatod th* reqaut aad reM*adad Cterkhaek totb* eaatadp of
tanipi-^ Ttak HalMi^ to ta
ta . M.
Hloka’Almanao foill0OO. 85o
We have th«a In stook—abo a ooa*
Uao4 kofomotor mad tkoraoaotor, with loaoo tabo, olotedatd.
terted-atapedal Bale Mooday after
noon tOo.
Anotkor tftmolj bfOoIo
mood U
**The (Htt Of tibe Letsoni**
“Boiled dowB*- apodteteditioo of Sonday School Ita
PaloulMt’i NotM on Intemattonal
. a 8. Lessons, $1.10.
“Comfort Powders.” a nsat gift, lor aOo
30 -powder.- (KriplonI qooUlioDa) belptol in cm oI
diaooura rf meal, disappointment or the “blnee"— by a
“SknUln.” Drt^ in and ue them.
iS(l>8S8 Frcmt Strut
Balph Oon^lo Jr., XBaac***
Tbere'i a nobby gentility to all goods boogfat of Benda
It’s Doesn’t Take a Salesman
To diapou of fine clothing a.... umiohingi at the priou ve aak. <
Yea pick out what you want—i e tell tho price aadyos'U uy—
“wrap it up.”
UoMrwear - te, u. ai, M awf
Mwb Au enlt$-«e $0, gOJO aad
•11 M
Fm^ uhlrto —'Me, Me, toe aad
Bop's aelte-ooa. $l $0, •$ M and
Ovareoaw aad Dlatara — •$■00,
r 00.010.00, iu.00.
Thsr* am
s tta ■ taM
Maeh paataSLOi. fl 0$. BLIO.
Berh kau laali-ie, n, M. M
-----------BCMkl twjtl
U**M«sand stslxsia:”— -—-
12.50 to t2'>.C0. Considerably below regular prices.
Choice, desirable coats.
Come in and see them.
for Boy’s
Are an important part of
our atock of footwear.
We ezerciM u moeb care
in aelrcting tbeu aa the '
foot covering
for their
to the Cigar!
Thou Balaraaoder ahoea
for bop'a are marvel* of
atrengtb and darabilitj—
Alfred V. Friedrich
Tb* atou that ntear dtea
Ian Maclaren
BecBtorha rtataodtokar* aoBi
to auptop aa attoraap. a* Mart ap.
tod AMoraap Loraaparle AataA
ktea. .
ThabtarwlBliii aM« war*
peaai at wttk piaat Akpatoh Th*
That time honored eabjeot of
and apeenla^ —at aooia] fnnetiana
weather* la treated prophetNsally u
The famoua Eni^fa anthor, writ
ing in the North American Review
on “The Energp of the American
People.” upa;
* '‘No man writea with hia own
hand, if he can dictate* to a ateaographer; no man dictatea. If he can
telegraph 1 no mas telegraphs, if he
can telepbooe.”
If pon are a typical, energetic
American, yon already
____tp tha aftomeoa Clark wu ar- nu ttto lioog Diatanoe Telephone.
ralpaM oatea Jaatte* Brow* oa a If not, a word to the wiu ia anfficeterp*^Uf*Bp. Bawalrad aaaaBlMtlaa aad wu boaad eear to tha aoxt ieat.
___ of tho ateealt eoart. Aa effect
wttIhoBad* todap. howarar. tobae*
tb* aau tetod at thte aautoa.
School of Music
Be Pig^Tail
Miller’s Store
for Slim
1 aack 6»ow|Drop.............52o
1 aack Silver Leaf.............SOe
1 aack Noble.......................44o
1 uck Soow White...........43o
luck Belle of Ohio........35c
X uck Star .................. SSc
No. 1 Keed. pei^0001be..S5c
W. W. iiller'sDCasI %m
226 Front street
Two dollars isn’t a ^reat deal of mooej, bat
bring that amonat to onr store aad we’ll
eire joa in «xchaoge a pair of good. Sty*
Tisb, up-to-date shoos.
We have the
best $2.00 shoes in town
Over 90 different styles—from the light flex*
ible sole, for ladies’ Siuida^ shoe, to the
heavy oil graia for imeii’s every day wear.
M. o. a. MBaetetoJteuaw-
Front Street
I 'Bm ia thbr-Ne. 810AA a
luK* well made, <uhr neat
ara raekar witt raed baad
Thto alty waa atoaked Baaday (o
tear«(to(Hoa.J. U Otbto had bon
attfakn irKh paralyato at hto hem ia
Bald, aad wn ao( irpaatad (e lie.-.
I( wn (to teadlac (oyfa el dtonuin
ntto atnata. aad «to ayupathy
lipiiiirl far Ito ma
eafCy kaowa aad rufiadl te
■butcs Bo>*a My M« to mM le
*<«y antoM 11.“ BtmBktartsi
ipw6«totofoa4teMy w A«ato
•Itowwltomt iMMtiT*totto«ito
btoti«to»«to ipNok «
ItonUylMjato *» BoMKaa*.*^
Oto Kr. BufiM »w (to 4oan
•tontoltotiM li M((MlwdI
MM«Mal(toJma(a (tat ttotodi
«l4aelnprMM( (to watlMMef (to
AMftau r*ofU. Bm
■MiiUMil putt e( (to ((MtowM
frIMto m4 M'.Mni uM*t (tolafate. tto fnaUidM inB *-*—■“-*
•A«, l(tenU(to((to«»W«(eitea<
(to ■fMto MM to.ooo ud (to( (to
•Mu(«wfaMi>WMfelter(M KiB
fate Utoly (hu (to imllwt te tally
' tn~~*—‘
^ tenuteWM
(MtoatayoB (to (Kwirty al
»Ub aMMft. ud tto( U (to t
VM( to ITM (to biHM far (to wraac
•riUtoftitowton ittolMo.
to to
ftoakferi. Ky., (tot Ooramor layior
tofatolted ayea (to mu (reepa
mlto (to (rtmi e< Qetoto aad
aayforun u «?«( (to rticM ot mu
gmmmmmt fim (to tefaUy atemd
jlimtotoaa oOm totom. K to atee
yiaud (to( WlUku J«aalag> Br;
Mad far a aoa-yarttoaa
Uhn (to UirtoUtara (oday.
Ito azal(aMB( attaadiat ayoa (to
aCcrtoofOaabalwUl'Uai Ito tolffht.
|( weald aamltoUarlaw el (to atfatoNT ■oadltloaB, (to vardlet of (to
fatoto«lKaa(aal9 Md tba iaaUaa
fWaly ea (to aUa el Oemaorltoyler.
Mj^wegldbatoUw fertor. Bryaa
^•law atear et rraakfort If to
feam Ua ewa aaaaa ]aa( wtodoa
fbeald ae(«aa( (tot to naka aoafiarthaa apiiPkai ateawbara aattl (to
tasaoadaetof (to war la 8ea(b
^fatoa by (to aawapapan uUUary aaMTto deaa aot aaam U uaa( wUb
Mblto apfaeral la Baflasd. U to
Hffaatad (tot (toy eoald do Mra
•OTfrabaaalTa work U (toy
faalsadUU a tottallea aad^toraad
. leaaa la (to froat raaka acalnit (to
Howaaar. (tora ara iadtcaUoa*
aaw (tot Oaaaral BaUar aad Uaaanl
Wanaa ara (akUy a aUp wkteh wlU
•aroref uora raatoin (toa haa yet
ton raportadfieu
Traaaraatyeetarday’a reparu prera tree,
a of ito war wIU to praetto
fealdad la tba battle wbleb to aew
fpeeal AMormaa Daulaad by Xllam
aad Atoaaca-Waurw .riu to be
Taka ap Tbaraday
Mr. Olbba wn ayparaaily
aajeylairtto boat el kalth. Be bad
■ ■■(In d (to <ae(
la (to atore el Oaeaia W. Okaafty
a( KltoBlBr «al71^ >1^1 betara, rato had aner fait beuer
(haa to did (hto wtaiar.
Whn Mr. Oibto rMaraad
JafBtey flataidayereeiaf. to took a
toth, aad aim leuridac (hat to (alt
■ally wall, waet ay elaba aad
Mia. mbtoalaet below with
(toUttoedaaffbtar, whowae Bot walL
A little aturmldaicbt ato hnrd Mr.
faU hnrUy U the Boor. Whn
ato raaatod bia. to wn abU U apeak,
atm waarioai. bet to
a tm teu Baaday t
bat Mr. Qibba ant
fait m. aad atartad u artoa. ton falln
U tto Bar.
far, aad Dr. Bulee ef Ktacalay aad
Dr.Oaraar ef tola alty, wan oallad.
wtovdld aU that aodteal akiU eeaU
aaoto. Bai.day oaaalac to bad
I a triBa bettor. HtoegadlUca
I darlBff (today
aad la (he eteelac hepaa were pppraaa.
ad fv bto roaeaory. Owl^ te tto laet
(bat ha to aei rery old, eely H. aad
that hto eoaotltatioa to oe atreay, tt to
bopad (tot to wlU wltootaad tto at. All that aaa to denlabalar;
dem far hlaa. Dp fa a tott heu laat
eroalay to wn atOI laprerlay.
ntira left eida to paralynd.
a Oai
The (eUewtat to toa ana far tba
Ckaaaoat Bead aapper u to aarrad la
BkwIffStotonraeaieedafwwbeardball altar > o'eleek tbto
laactk of hh ctay wfU depnd aaliraly
apoa (to laeUntlee ot Clark H. Qleaaoa o( Otaad Bapida U pay the board
Joto Mawaottb to toa aalaoky ladl- amniaMi
rldaaL toe waa aairaadarad U tto
by'bto^tolber. wto
. la a ena wkSekwn
lauiliar abeat a yaur or aura aye.
Ito ean yrew oat of a (raauetln boaad aiaaaoa Undrlay
Ua raaUl of a tarn
ewaad ky OUana aad reaud by Now
aoub oa ahaiaa.
Ua dlrtttoa of
of Ua tarn aad whn Ua
waa triad Oloaaos oaearad a jadyuni
Laat mr. la Vienna. 8. L. CUmeu
(Mark Twain) eat talkiay wlU a ScoOA
barriater named GnOirie.
“Do you erer tmoker aaked Mr.
Clemena of Mr. Gmhrte.
“Yea. Mr. Clemena." iwpUed Mr
GolUrle. “w-ben I am in bad company."
• You ate a Uwyrr. aivu't yoo. Mr.
“Tea. I am." .
“Ah.” *ald Mr. CBemoo*. “yoo mut
oa a oapln aad bla brethar Darid wnt be a beery emoker."
oa bte bewd to aaeara bla pruaane
Orerar HeOraU. eyed it yaara. of
wlUla Ua eoanty.UebateaUy kaoa
Baltimore, Barry eoanty, aeeldaaUlly
Ue-ikll ilBlu”
ahotblmaalfandlataa aartou aoediUnder ito U- (to priaoaaroa
kept ia }aU
uooUa U bla board la
Made Toaay Ayaln.
patdbyQlnaaa.aadUeaba ralaaaad
•*Oae of Dr. KlnyU New Ufa PUb
aadar Ua baaknpUy act. Bowi
aaeb alybt for two week* bu pet
la Ua uaaatliBe. almid to atowarl- la my ‘toeu’ ayaln,'' writaa D. bT T
I uti«y‘ra the
daoaa that be haa ao mean to dla- ear. of Oempaaytown. Pa.
- *1 for Ur
ebarya Ue debt Ua ooart eaa order bU --------ralaaaa aadar tto nut act
yrtpe. O^ *Se at Jaa.
aad B B. Wait'i drey ato
WlUlau MeKUlIp 111.
Tbara ara uaay old Uua frUada bare rtttb Oaadi nd nia Itaok
AU aold at aoat tlU eloaed oet.
of Wakv^eKilllp of MnUayea. wbo
Oaorye Qaaa.
will ymtiy rayrat to laara of bla aari.
Om SOO diffenut itylfa of
A aoUd oak, eaue aaat, brBoa
SlabocaUKnatotoBarTodby (haa.
A bigp wood aaat roeker,
bentay n^yoM^b^
a bolt throogfa araa to aaat
6 akalT baadad apfaRdlaain
back; all poota, otretebara and
. ooly. $1.'
Flahwr Qoaa for Ian XDooay.
Caah or a UtUa at a time paymntB.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
IM Front BtTMt
on lUaau wlU typhoid farer. Maay
yaanayoMr. MrKltUp wn araaldaat
of Trararaa OUy, aad to baa alwmwa
ally WlU Ua family of Jadn
Oameball, aad frcqaaot rlalu tor*
alwaya baaa eaebaarrd betwan Uc
twofaouUu Mr McEUlIp U bow 78
yeara old aad bb Maada wUl waub
bbeaedlttoo for Ue peat few aaya
wiU aartou lataraav
»raai Crowd Oat oa the Oeeaatoii of
Campbell r««r)red wori Uat
B'y*it that 1Hr MvKaiip wn allybUy
laatallatloa el Ofltoara ef Travaraa
Bay Teat aad Km.
A crowd oet of ail proportton U the
yn ball laat
of tto laaUlUtion of oOa«a of the
<naTarn Bay Tent Na lU. K O. T. M.,
aadTraTaru Bay Blra Bo. 71. L. O.
T M.
Mra. A H. Browa. deputy
•r, uUd at Iwumay ometr for tba
. Wrwoplna Cough, Aathma,
Bronehltla and InolpUnt
Udiaa, tbelr IsttallaUoa belay Ant.
Itoa lollowlay ofBoaia were iaaulUd
-Oallia Tbac)u.r.
aandar-Mary Aab
k Ibi Cue IM Cues /
Baoord Krcpar—Aaaa Bamawod.
Floasoe Kaapar-Aiaalla Oaflar.
CtaapUln-Ada M. Pope.
Serireaat-Llbbto Kelley.
Mlatraaonl-Areia —Mary Baymoed.
Beatlaal—MalUa Kant.
Picket—Mary Jawcaoa.
Peat O
for (to Tat. The
lollowlay wtia tto effi.
PaatOoaiBaader-d . J dhlar.
>. Q. MllUr.
Liautoaant Ootaauadar—W. B.8eottChaplala—P 1 Wbltiaaa.
Pbyalelaa—J. B Martie.
Baoord kaepar, C. 6. Voder, Jr.
Plnaarr* kaepar—A. Bobaruao.
Beryaaat-C. C. LaayU|.
Maaur at Arsa—P. P. QoBat,
Plrat M. ot O.—Bluer Browa.
Baooed M. of U.-Praak Baadrtetu
Bantlaal—A. A. McCoyPlekat-C 8. Vadar.
Chef—A. A. MoOoy.
Uaaleiaa-^ C. Uaylay.
After tba InatalUtiea. Baltdoai rtrnbuaatt ware aarrad. aohataUay of
cake, lea
eraaa aad eoBaa. Tba o
eery plaaaaal eea.
tkon wn to ^ttoratt ef tto elty
peaaall last atyht aad tto rcyalar nnw
lay waa dafarrad aaUl Thaiaday alyht
fldarwin Bastiay(.i.^ eat oftowa,
fldwaea Parker aad Oo^ ara 111 aad
ythara are euabU U atuad, (haa*
naant belay Aldarun Moatayaa.
fnltb. Urdla, Kanyea aad OarrtooB.
Tto report ef the eottulUn wbtab
Mfarrad with B. D. OmpbaU A Boat
fifardlay (to prepoti^ eoairaei prcpidlayterarbllratioeof tto parubau
pttea of Ua Oampball water wiwka
plaat wn ready to aabwtt to tto aoaaIB, J( wpa autad Uat tto eoaaUtM aeafamn wlU Mr. Oambali
em aattifaetary aad Uat to bad
Beaacelleal 8aad*y Bchool (Wloera.
pyraadtotha tteM ol tto piepeaad
ItofoUowlay effiaan ware alaetad
•nwntdrawB ky (hi elty attomy Buday by tba Bmyalkal Bueay
far (to parpen maUoaed. Ito mV •ebeot:
Mr wm b.
rf Tk.™Uj mlrtk
Separlotndaat-irra. O. W. Buy.
pi teaet la eaeb a maaer n to adult
Aaat. Bapt—Mra. Viam
#( lartkar preyreaa. aad probably proBaaretary—MUi Nora Dlplay.
.yWn wfU (hn to uada far (to ap.
pp teal alyhi wn Uat ef pabAto UybtfaffaratwwotBeayaara. Bidawara
paaly far praanUtAea. bat Uat mttar
pteewnnamaHly dafarrad.
Aa aCwi wtU to Bade to hare a laU
’ fand Tbaraday alybt for tto eanldai^
pMaawl (baaa taiportaat mttanaad
Oryaabt—Mba Nora Dlplay.
Obprfaar Katie Qlaaaoe.
Kb WUa Bam Bba.
“My arUe'a rood adetoa aarad my
Ua." writaa F. M. Bom of WlaBald.
baa., r-for I bad aeU a bfa ooeyb 1
oald hardly tarnUa. 1 yrew auiaWy
1 tfCMUNf^EDV*
' 25^50rtd
Oil Tan
Require do nbbera — Will
not rip. ^ Cat dowo yoar akoe
bill by buyiog them of
Thi Old Relialilt
Frank Friedrich
Now b Ua (law to hare yoer Blmla
Talaa uodaty aapaaa may paopU Bmehltk. lu Orlppa, Pntnmnab
^ l,Parer aad all aaaladlaa ja namalad awl olaanad ap ready for
fa aedara la atUen the yreataat A^mk
-■aery Imytaabto fraw luhlay pUaa. ef CM Throaty
ttlraly nted by Uta mar
dUa. Me aad Bi.00.
My work aaa not to b«at aad prtoae
boUtea lOe at Jm>.
0. Jabawa’a aad a K Waltk dray ^wm WnitaU te yoay
ttanaef Mlad.(1
call nd yat my prtoaa
- U ‘pbna He. IM. Nntham •ahon
atm to aappUaa farnrttnaad
baaqaatt al
» da uoamaf Catania aaw. Ul ftteia
Free Storage All Winter,
R. LD6IIBS, Pup.
a Book
Al yoo woald a friend, for they
are yoar beet friaada many timee.
Here are two oew Gift Booka that
are rery helpful;
“Right Living as a fiue Art,” by
Ntwall Dwight Hillis. being a
stody' of Wm. H. Cbanning’a
••Symphony." aells at -jOc. “The
Kingabip of Self ('ontrol,” by
William George Gordon, arils at
Among the copyright booka we
have ‘ Jennie Baxter, Journalist,"
by Uobt. Barr -one of the bright
est Journalistic stories aver writ
ten. sells at II 2.x
“Sqaare Pega”is Mis.
D. T.
Whitney's last and best story,
sells St Il.ri0.
‘•Sants (’Ians'Partner” ia writ
ten as only Tfaos. N. Page cau
wiite, sflis at $l/i0.
Spend an hour at our book
counter—you'll be please«l.
You Transfer
Or make ont any legal papers
you want to be sure that they are
"according to law.” Some timaa
just a word or even a wrong letter
will atop the whole deal, or throw
a caae ont of court. The Rich*
mond & Backus (3o. are noted for
their law blanks. We carry a fall
line of everything that ia used in
the Jnatice aad Circuit Court. All
manner of deeds and mortgages,
bills of Bale, leases, contracts, disebarga of mortgage.
Tbeae sell at the uniform price
of 60c per quire.
Mail orders promptly filled.
One Flake
of Snow ^
Diaappears in a breath.
of them and the mighty locomotire
is atAlled, traffic ia stepped.
A little break in a reaerroir and
we have the Johnstown flood.
Shows bow large a matter came
from triflea.
Honae in total darkneaa when
on- cent buys a lamp wick.
Cold in yonr head and no hand
kerchief whm Ic, 2c, 5c buys a
good one •
Broke your collar bdtton. Ic or
.5e gets a new one and preventa
bad words.
Worked hard, want to wash yonr
baiida, no soap in the honae—oc
geta two cakes.
Not a pen to write with when
one cent will enable yon'to write a
letter, make a withdraw op a de«d
or sign a check.
Yoo will find “little things" all
over our Big Store.
If You’re
In your eorreepoodenee .U'a a
pleasure to catch up if you nae our
National Bond or Parchment Vel
lum paper we're selling at 25c a
The envelopes to i"****!*
aell at 10c the package oi S for S5c.
This ia aome of the flueet paper
Do yon need aome calling cards?
6c buys one package. Got bettor
qualitiea at 10c and 25c. One of
the latest fads is to write yonr own
cards-bnt you must have good
ink—that sell* at 5 and 10c the
bottle. Paul's Ink in the son.
spilUble bottlfa U the most oodvenient.
Tbe fiaDnab & Lay Mercantile Co.
rag m6rnpjg record, Tuesday. January i6, iv»
|Sto.US^evu ’■ "*^
l«;ytyyaI.oe< Bor Mveyat tetok
a«terti^. I
Via. Piyae of tba wait eldc hae a
rrtovaaoa, dho waeat theK. aT. M.
yailag la go boMt wbaa eke laid W
yana dowa tvbOe oka yat oa bar wiaya
Wbaa eke wae ready to yito ay too
yaraoeba feaad toat it waa fOM. . Bbe
woeoaryladigaaat aadae aha boewe
]oetwhewaato the room at the time,
oke daekree that aba wOl eoe a towyor
I tko «mM(7 today, aad aao If h« wepIMraw aa to
toogatlty yam araawaet.
Tba pane aeotetoed over dS.
roli^ bvr
Mta. BM WHk »VMlter «Mltet
iHBU«f vktah tlM toIsftcritiMl
Mob ■botatldowMtoIrt.tteMt'
toInMi «Mo hm hmi ood op
of frlaada vary yleaoaetly aigbt boforo
uA4pORMttwroj MOy.
no evMlM WM toaBt (a mato
ItlooroooM a* Dmnmt tamo« Ite aad aeavamttea. aad rafiatomta
Mow wfU tafo lofo to «ho yoor
no LoMoir UMowrMob o( TyMtoo.
teodltooCortto |
Mir Boqr. ir.. agoi m,
yiaoalf ■aaiay aftoraooa mltk a eerd
ttodtoataipootat too km of kk
ooaMorla Woltoad, Bo kad to Ui
dcwB oa too eior to oooMBplkk too
iaoi. Bo VM a fotirod staar. lie
oaaoo k kaawa.
OytaOlaiortoooaatyaoadarUo o
kao kooMd too prUo el U
,«yootoMliHUoe<atoWBeatoo Ukaa
fOMlraai liooato to to oB|«i aoek,
Bodtoakirkin torMrIy abeat eaa>
kaUwonokB^Moaik aad loiiadi.
aioMot aaytoiair «rUi yoto bm
Be. 1 vUk too kaagry boyoia. The
«U1 aako a lia aad ovary UwU iiraap
aad ‘•yoaai kola* bn iio koavor-llka
woikoftfoMtof aaitoo daadaadkallkavtod kodiai o< aaolaal aodara. 9ay>
arvkor Joke ■l■yooa. of UUdvIa
towaakly k aoUlag too lag
oBkktortoter Uoa Bo faaad ayoa
lavootifattoa toai too loaao lego war*
aodar. aad to (air ooaditioa. aad too
valaaUato rooMla aoa (oaoa.
Tho oatoat e< too lUoklgaa Bag aad
Payor aoooyaay at Jaeboea dartog too
yaotyaar waa vary largo. Tko
daotlea o( yayor toot yoar rooebod too
aggrogau erf
yoaada, aaek el wkMh »aa aado toto
oagar bag^ toe ooByaay saklog tolt
o^to od bag oxotooivoly aad to groator
aatobari toaa aU otoor paper oagai
bag eoaeamt to too Oaltod Stotoo eonMood, toe aaabor loot yoar aggretatlag M.ooe.ooo
Tba ptrat NaUoaal Beak of Mwakall
k toe eldwt ooattoaooo baaktog
aUtottoo to Htobigaa. It waa (oaodod
to IMO by Boa. Ckarleo T. Oorham.
orho keld toe oMm of preoideat ontU
im, wbeo ha raUrod oa aeooaat of
aUoga. Bkooa, 8. B. Oorbaa. kaa
' atoao haU that poaltioa
no Dimlt plekU drat ot WUUama
Braa. A ObarbMoaaa.. hero oaeorod
aaarty oaoagb cootraeta to oaabla
tooto to looato a largo oalttog hooM at
PtotairoU. Too boatoooo bob bare
•osbtoed aad are haoUtog to
At toe laraero' lutitau keU toero
yoatorday aboat M eeotraeti for
i«o won added to too Uoi.
At Bay Oltr Jeo^b dekooko. a larBar. trio fatally tojorad by too Mackl
Bowaopnoaoe too kleklgaa Ceatral
B. B. Bokooko waa drlrtog koatawarda, aad at too Beary otroet eroootog of too railroad wao oiraeb by. too
trato. Bk bo4v wao ohoeklogly neagUd, asdbedkd half as boar afkr
too aofltiloot.
Aa Idea of tba aogaltodo of
■arriogo baoiaaao wbleb waa worked
ap at dt. Joeopta toot yOar by too as*
oaraloa boat IIboo raoslng botwi
tooroaed Ohloago may brkad from
too tael that toe OBmbv of merrtogo
^ IkaBMO k»e«l to IIM to Borrloo
ooyaty, wbero dt Jueoph k loooied.
'' waaaoariyi.eoo. wkUe to toe aelghbertog OMOty of Oeeo toore wore oeiy
>ti ayylkaUeaa.
Aboat oigbt moatki ego eovaral plga
oa too Praes Oorvy farm boeame okk
aad wara oappoood to have died. Oae
of toem. kewovor, eeald aet be feaad,
aad aobody keew wjat boeame of ItLapt week ibr obeto oree foaad aader
a toed, wero to e okeletaa, bat otUl
aUva. Bo food or aoarkbaMat ay
yaarad td bave boea to raash: aad too
oraader k wkat hae kayi ttot bog
altve aU toat Umef—Boroey OaUtoa.
Steottoa dfroa g Udka' BoAatliy]
At too maattag wbkb waa held by
tba T jaag Udim BodaUly of It. Praaak abareh. daaday aftaraaos. tba follewtagoMaarawaroalaotadi
yrmtoast—M ka & MoOoaald.
VIM ymUaat-Mka Mary liaUagb-
' TrmaaTM Mka M. Braakae.
•amatary-Mka A. Bkhaid.
najaakwmambanof too Sadality
«|M alaaoad too leUewi^ odfiama:
proMdaab^Mka A. Mma
Vloa yfoMdaaV-Mki a Boaor.
• tMoearar-Mkafkart Smart.
mtlvo Bommlttaa wtU
nan will be a ■iikag of the Pertia
Hab tok afuraeoa with Mn. U. K.
Farms Fop'Sale
CttiB W Madid Xk Idfa by a
n • High mAooI apya wlU eommt
BraadBaylAo. Jaa. IR-Aaatto X. today to un too elty for tboir oea
aatortalamoaV whkb will bo gtvea by
Wbaalar, tnaaarar of the Lamoa A
tooBakoa Movtog Pietare aad Ocaeort,
Thkaemyaayhao Bdlaeak Ulaot
Domaltaad laoUa-tok moratog at ftoo.
tovoaOoa to too movtag ptotaro apBa abet blmU la tba bead with a
Pbnbaad U.sallbar ravotvar aad dtod pantao. whkktefar oayarior to maytoataaUy. Tba tngady waa eBaetod totog that kaa ovor booa ooaa to tkk
>5 «!«, ! mik. from town, 00 L«W Uke
jut irart «l the
to tba baaamaat of too Immoa A Sty. Biddm too lUo yktano too
Wbaolar biook, at toa aoraar of Soato kemmy will raador a fiao program Anjrlnm fum, nioolj touted, with brg. >ppl. orohmd aanU fmme
aokal oaloaHMi aad Olattn
loaia aad lataad atnaW. Dmyoadaaey
bonu, lug. owing braol mn. foil length of fmot, monUT .11 duted,
k givoa aa toa eaaaa of toa aat.
a 6ne location, price $1800.
Soato of Mn. Oee. «. Jamaaoa.
Mr. Wkadar kald gM.OOO atedr to
40 aens 8i nUea from tows, ia LeeUnao ooimty. i miU west of
toaUmw A Wkoolm Oo. aad had
BrnOyB Jomooea. wHa of Qeorga B.
Garter’a mill, good frame booae, ooot $750 to build. lat^ apriag brookt
r tovoetmoata It k nld ttet hk
about 8 acre# iotoamall fruit, large aqaiagua bed, cnmmta, atraw.
aa aggvagatad r.ooo a year. Bk
•aialaflaln wore to good shape, Bkto. died yaatarday at toair koM Bear berriea, grapea, fioe locatioo for gardening, pleuty of timber for wood,
toenfero It k believed toat toe worry ^plataa of aoaoampttoa, aged M about 35 aorea cleared, prioe 11650.
Id by reseat aapradtable*tivost- yean. Bmidaa bar baabaad aka laavoa
30 aetea ^ mllea west of town on county line tuoul road, no
twoaeaa, Balpb aad Floyd, aad oao
buUdinga, plenty of timber for wood, 60 fine peach trees in bearing,
aagktor. Mn. M. WiUeark^.
fiha waa motbar of oao of tbayaeag 40 apple trees, a nioe mall farm tat fruit and poUtoea, price $500.
laa that wan drewaad to tba bay two
90 acres, 3J miles from town. in. iMeianan ooun^, ama 1 frame
rtona yaan ago. Tba body of bm home, moetly all cleared, nice epring of Water, good fruit and eege.
At a Xoattog Baaday demftdaaM to n waa foaad bat the otbm mta waa table land, prioe $400.
aovar raaovarad.
160 acres, 11 miles south of town in beet farming country in thw
Tba faaaral wUl bo held Wedeaadoy
Bavaaa, Jaa. It-^ta maottog held
at 11 a.a. CromtbeOrdrnoborg toareb county, 60 acres cleared, plenty of timber, bam 40x60, at<we baamnent
to Bavaaa yaaurd oy aadar |ko aasptom
aodar toa dboetlee of Undertaker Aa- under the bem, good apple orchard, amall frame faone^ good well,
of too pfoptgaada oommlttoo of the
triad mill, prioe $9500.
SMor nia aald that
80 scree 4 milea west of town, 4 milee weet of Lake Ann, amaU.
Cebe weald alwa^a ba a beat of eoateatiea boeaaoa of bar altaathm. aad Horwood. k la tba elty.
frame bosee and bam. 30 acre# cleared, lots at timbw on the ^aoe,
that toa Oabaaa, If they daalrad to
Tbonan at proooet 406 otadaak prioe 1500.
prmofTi took todividnalitT. aaat aaita
40 kcrea, 9 miles north of Lake Aon, amall frame house, log
earoltodat tba Agrkaltaral coltaga,
loaa aaa.
thaa toot yoar at tba aamo bam, small orchard, 25 acres cleared, a good home for a poor"maar
Oeaaral Saaebes, who waa eaa of
toa priuetpal spaakaro. aaldi^-UetU
Old Poopla Mode Toaag.
itly Cabaaa bad foarad that too
10 scree, nicely located near Femwood. all cleared and free
J. C. Sbaraae, too ntonn editor of from etnmpa, a fine location for bnilding, 91000.
rleaeo wan aot golag to falfil tbe
pladgoeftoe Jolat noolntlOB of tbe tbo VcratoakUlc (Mkb.) Echo, boo
dkeoverod too retaerkablo nent of
pnliod Stetca Ooogrooa Pnoldoat kaeptog old paoplo yoong. For yoan
SeEleley bae set tbeee fean at not.
bo bM or-'*— *•--------------‘•If. bcwiTor. tbe aad of IPOO Oobaas MM, Isdlgeatloe. Boart troabla. Oos
oboald stlU eee toat tbe Aaarioae get- tUpailMoad RboomaUam. by astog
Eloeirk BIttaro, aod bo writM: "It
^ly protoadtog tbare MB't bo ptakod too highly. It goBUy
woald yot naato maav wbo woald be otlaBBlataa tbo kldoeyo. toaos too atom•Ob. aids dlgaotloa, ud glvoo a optoa
ready to dk to the defanoe of Oaba."
did oppotita. It boo worked woodsn
Sooar Bomn aald: "Wo oboald for my wife ud mo. Il't a marvalooa
look lo too bktory of too Ualtod Saks le^y for old paoplob eemptotota."
aad^boa wo woald bavo ao fear toat Only Me at Joa O. Jobsooa's aad S. E
Walfo drag atom._________
tbo preako of
bear Traverse Olty
A narrlaga Uenaa baa beoe graated
loWtostarWitooaaadWaad LyaU of
KMT L. Soale waa alaetad baU o
^ar of toe Udiaa' Ubrary Aaaeekttoa at toe ooeail^ of too aaoeativo
board yoatorday aftaraoea. AU apttteM for too MO of toe hall
abeald be aoade to bar.
WUl JobMon of Boat Praet aWoat
had toe mkfortaao to break bk kaao
aap -wbUa to aaap at Mtopla City
datarday. Bo waa broagbt to tok dty
aad Dr. Bartto attaadad bUa.
na advaaoa oala of aaata for Artoar
a AkteaV'A Tsaalat Taatlamao'-Oo
epaaad yaatarday noratog at toe bos
oOaa of BtatobarTo Oraad with a raab.
Tkemotbarsef toe Oooaoaat baad
boys will oorvo oaetoaf of took fai
oapyon to foraotan' baU tok after,
aooa aad avaatog. b^toatog at
o*aloMt. dopyor U aaek. Oaaea to
tba Mg ball afterward, wlto daa
■BBla. dlmitor tvMla toat yoar wiU
be ramaaibarad aad orowda wiU yreflt
by toe epportaslv.
no Wg daoaa of the Boyt' Baad
wUl taka pUea to the Oity Opera Bomo
tomorrow ovoalag. Tbo baad wUl bo falfillad.’'
alwraaia ortto too eroboatra to farvkb
Boaor Broke aald: "Tho yooplo of
tog good maak. A good Uma k aaaand Saaitogo wiU aot eoaaoat that tome
wbofoagbtla tbe rwolnUea obaU
Tbo Bawtog Oirela of Travaraa Bay ban aay prefereaee to voUag at tbe
Blvo will moat tok aftorsoao at two
Ifeaeb aa attempt
o'eioek wlto Mra. Tbaakar, oa State k mode tba Onbaao oagkt to refoee to
go lo tba polk. Oaaeral Wood bee'
Tba otera of Oeorgo Oaaa oa Soato
todepeadesea. We aboald
Oaloa atraot. k b^gtoatog to Uko
aot look with eaeplnoa apoa
Ik oBoal aaat apyaaraaea befora tba aotioDO. bat oboald trait bta to order,
tra. Tba baUdlag hao beeo rapalrad. later OD. 16 dematad. toe lalfitooeni of
and Joke Probart bn Just flakbed tba tbo promke.
Oeaeral Bonaeidn said:
Tberawlllba e mMtlag of toe L’ai- people of the eattera provioceo are lo
fora Reak. Kaigbu of PytbLaa. tow •ympotby with tbe abu of the
aveotog, for too parpooo of drill.
Netlenal party, bat they regret to
tbot tbk party •eem* to wkh to
oaid iu o«D memben with pabllc
Bert Jamoaoo, wbo baa baao caahkr dee."
for toe C. A W. U. fralgbl office for
Tbe Msuneu Ueoter of Veteraoa be*
loag tUae, bee goae to Texae for bk Iwaed a clroator adrocattog oslreretl
bealto. Be baa
oe betof tbe cnly fair eeqael
tall that bo received aboat a year
rveolalloa which oerer
templated *pec el prifllegee for eny
J. W. Slater hao goae to Oraod Rep etoeeIda to vklttoe faroltare exbiblUoa aad
toparebaM addlUoae to bk preaeoi
large atoek.
Him Myrtle daaeball bao returaed
Manager ateioberg Will Bring It More
from a vkit to Eagle, Wk.
If Amooement Loven Vast Xt.
Robert Webeter hae goae to Loadao.
Oat., to vklt retoUvaa.
Maoiger Mivtoborg bat beeo endeoT
-wtog for some tiao to oaearo frfr Tra*efM CM‘y. one of the biggMt auractloo*
gia to raa oa wbaat
rbaat slareh
arsi week. to toe amaMmoot Itoe dow oetore tbe
A eblpseatof tOObaahaU of obeat wa* pablle
Tbe attraction. If broagbt to tbit
raaelvac! by rail fiatordav
Mias team Crolaer wbo bae baea at- Olty. will be an Innovation of a vary
UadUiftbe Blgb lebool for oavaral plMolng nature. It k no laa than tor
trick pantomtoe. "Tbr
moatbo rotaroed laat aigbt to bar
borne lo K.agaJey. She lateado to take Fall and BIm of Bumpiy Damply."
too moot eltborato and oootly pr^oraooaiae la moola
Tbe Mlmee Uberiln of Blagbam are UoD of "Molber eooae*e Fairy Story'
rrr gIvM.
Ip toe elty vkiUag frleado.
lloooaku of bewlldoring traoeforMk« Ella Botehkweopaat Sitadayla
atioM, tarprlelog lllaalono. eUrtllng
Elk Rapide wlto her eoaeia. Mra A A.
uleko and OMebanleal devlom. braoUDeriae.
C. U. B«iea of Batm wae la toe city fnl eootamoa. brilliant eloetrle oflecu.
high elaa ■peelaltka. novel danoa.
Joke Bjewall bM rataraad from a entranetog mnofe and many other
tpaelal featnrM
abort vklt la Rlegoloy,
Tba eempary nambera ovvi*, forty
Mra. Mary Peaeiegtoe rtiarood from
poopto. aad it rr^atra two keggage
L\ka Aaa yaaurday.
MOB M fMt iMf. U> trantport
P. 0. Baamaaa want to Oeetral Lake
tbo opvekl oeanery. ate.
oa baMoam toot oaaatog.
Fortoaauly too etago of Sutoberr'o
C. 8. Travk waet to Patoaaey loot
Oraoo k largo Moogb to aeeommodau
Bight ca a baatooaa trip.
Obarlao E Tlllay, of Su Jamas. tbo largo eeonory Mid to tok grMt
Boavor Ulaod, k to tbe dty.
Mr. etatobag bMOo tar aoeoMdod ao
E. r. Doaomara of MapU «ty wae to
lo bavo arrangad a daw fa too oompatoe ally yesterday.
Bya Jordaa of Satteae Bay. waa a nyb apOMfuM boro, fiaurday. Jaa.
r. providing a onhaoHpUoe Hot tor too
Traveraa Olty vkltor ymtardaysoak at prtea of Sl.M aad SI W eu bo
r. B. Vtatoa of WUliamabarg. waa to
ooenrod. Thk k aboolnwly naeoaaary,
the olty oa boaiaom yoatorday.
A. J. DoVrtas oao la troto WUUama- owing to to* vary heavy ooponoa of
tbo erranlatloa. ibo railroad fara
barg yaourday.
Mra. M. B. BUk of Utoad. k to too aloBo to asd from tok elty amoneting
to aovmal bnadrod dollam.
With toa poaaibUUy of ooeartagtoa
W.J Bok-abaaratarBadlnnOadar. _jMoaarylkt. a oaboorlpUoa fa aoak
when ka pat to two laigo boUan tor wUl bo drealaiod at OBCO.-bogtoaiag
too aaw aaw mill of J. SaUlvaa of toat
tok aoralag.
Wblto it k not at aU prekablo tbM
Mn Parka of HnttOM Bay. k to the
too Ikt wUl bo ooenrod. oUll It k hoped
olW. too gsoot of bar aaat. Mn. M.
It wlU bo. aad that TravoiM Oty wUl
toa bo laverod with aa attmetlon of a
S B. Etaalay of Maylo Oty. wao to
aagnlwda never before aeon ontoido
too olty oa kniaoao yaatarday.
tbe largo eltkn.
Atteraoy J. M. Banff of BoyM aty.
Ja to too dv to too toloroata of tot
WaUa-BigmaaOa.. la toa aaat la tka
ka Mfaaitaoaitkotwoaa Bey Balkrto aad
■optag Vtotara Seiortaieamt, Upatod Baago aad Other Paatam.
Toast la ForoetMO baU from t tok
aftomooB. BocialdaBa Isevaalag.
OrwamikaBdU alt.
Good Horses!
leAloa ym ea& ")up aa tt.t>aM^ or
it. bat it will eome op omlltog ovavy
Umo." Oalmaao BlaatU Floor Vamkb
H K. Walt
Owrw - Wnrm
WMta kVloM wf Tar Mynip, tbe
best coogfa remedy on earth, cures a oold
to one day if taken In time. 86 indSOcta
aa too boot at City Dialng
To Cure a coM ki One Day.
ake Waraer'h Wh.u Wm.- of Ter Sv r
be beat coagfa retne-ly on mnb.
'I' cwjta.
About ttie middle of this week I wiU bave
another carload of
Good Horses from Indiana.
The best chance you bave ever had for a good
See them at Brodhagen'a bam. on State Street
Wednesday, Jan. 17
One Performance
The Big Attraction
Featured In
Ole Olson.
Ton Tonson
Id hie new play
“A Yenoioo
Bldewralk Lumber iu all iIim.
Suoceeaor* to Tmverae Olty Lumber Oc
Traverse Oity Marfea.
below k a Ikt of tbr baving and arl'tog nrlcae of yesterday for groeerfee,
provwgtu and farm prodseti to Trav
sypii-i - i
U L. A. BnUdlse.
John R. Santo,
tiMtil taiirim.
I havt> e.'vprHl fin* n*w ri^—
both tiBBle nod two eeAtwd
Beet outfits in the city.
Order by ’Phone No. 32.
Livery and FcmI Btablae
For Fire insurance
tal oAenle rfieeta.
Pr OM-D&. »o and iSo. Sak
sow on ear* at toe eoa cAm.
Rro Insuranco.
Good Sleighing
Geo. Cams,
Oompaay of 90.
Enfoy the
■b/e'Awa'a's-t.'t/t^'a’. ■twau'S.'a.-a'k
Men. The sweagMt aad oldMt fin laevanee eompaaUs la toe world regreeestsd to my agmy.
w Btfori Placint
life Insurinct
MoaBd. •Ftain.
Bee tbe new poUdes of the
f Ailtna
Mia* Life of BartfordRatee the moat i
^ are wiooen.
We aleo aeU (heir aeeident |
^ H. L. A Oo. Block.
frlM «r aUartM Ma OMta •
» «Uf%l U'
fokmwmtitc mU^
taOrac«iaM«rdBf Rirkt'ftiaU m4
. ik* w%rm wmUmt «arlaf ika fM. tw«
Jar*-h*f« aaltad Um mow U th*
Moataisk. rrUayalfkitkkUMtUU
' BImnM lia IM ud
r«ao. At Pa»«U, li hOm «aM o( tk*
nllmd. • Mlv«rt *M iTMhad oat aad
Ika alraaa apnad aU ow tka koMoM
fciwalii daaaca to raUnad aad
«a^ arUcaa la narad.
AtMiaaktar. 9. H.. A Maaokard.
«gad M. Ua wUa. acad a. aad a koardor MMd WilUaa Moaop. afad u.
waaa karaad to daatk ia tbalr kosa te
Karrtauak datardkj aickt- Tka aaaaa
«Mka ftra ta aaksowa.
At Kaw Oriaaaa, aa ordtr oat raaaiaaddaadaj alffkt ky tka Brltiah
a ta ‘'A Taa
Taatlaatanr la aapport o(tka Soadlak
•foa Baatoa. aoa aa asMlalrtor to
kwadaa fatarviac to tkla apaatTp la
aartft iB kaalana. a Oanaaa Baiaa
oke talka oftk a daeldad aoaaat aad
oho toaoaiHhlac of a aiUaU ot tka
raatlataao ataap: tka auMttra ofdev of a Otrsaa ectaa Uaar, oka. la
tkt tatoanot ot onUra, aa« ibt Rorliok
aad iMrMD laaraaCM oltkoat haai'
eaa iBpartiaUtr: a aooot. lanaaaa
foaac ABOrtWB girl, tka daafklar et
tkaas alalttar.wkeCalltialon wHk
tka aaalp yoaaff Boada aad lafaaaa
tata tka plar B
air of food
kaaliky AaMrtaaalw} a itMffk kat
trtek OBBai OMt la a
kwole Boald oke Udat ktaaatk a
raafk astarlor a kaart aa oott aad
o aaakakp-i; aad aaroral etkata
MW Um iBpovUaoa to tka plot.
Tka taaaM akeat tka Blara la tta
Coaar d'Alaaa are faU of aultlsr
Tka taaaarp la aUkerata
tbara are
■adii. MfW. or «adl.
Plnlnlr Ue UsbOMbrokail WboSOM
and n anoonom one coming on.
.1.. .1 tb. sutu o< Lil«n,
Tbara are I.-
600 BBtaa ta tka eitjr.
Vko ba««a • «ftrarMaBrr
bowl MUbcr rrOwa aor hw i
■W Ooen MiDd WU* oa orarr aa#
rw kU W «» iMl !«.
tko Xona. or tko Bnaa
Or Todo—wbtct !■ bott
Jotmiry in mfaty.
ing there nntil 1 eonid make Ua mnni
?/ '■.f
half of
C. I..I.... ol .
froai Kaaata Oltp aad dl.
aiplaaaUoa wbatarar to girwt of tbia
U'U.. >U..n.t lb..
"Aa a -laat reoaiirr I lonk edf my
aatc'bi'l. and, atnippiiiR It flruly on hla
•own to a Tlllaip- Iptn* 10 uik ont r»-
hark, uld: '(iarry, take that to tbo poatQm-. Good. UiyC
"Waggiiig hi* tail and barking a«
mn> li M i«> oi.T, -Nuw 1 uud<-r«aud.' be
danid off through the «iic»w. Irarlng
lu< nlmir. with a deadly fuiutmwa ei
N. tba
■■ I milrt. "na
"Tlx- miiw fril
| Ip onlk* In • w-rrla which baa mtwdad
-------------Ohoreb or Obrtot Raairal.
attaadaoaa aad
WI. .» r»b> Sbbdbr b..bl.| tor lb. , "
....d Ui.,
dial at
B..,br.,. '
At Adalalda. Boatb
*»kw. .n ucv«>
a«« Tnaeallm btoak. tit Freat airan.
Trlapfcaai Ho-PB
yurajTLT C OODOB. kttertr •»* Iiaaail'
DO. lataiu*. 0»oM.OI«r OparaBeaaaBIk
kltcbcn. wiping ber wet baada oe a
kaalU aatkorttlaa report too aaa<
IfelflUaBof Oraad Etplia.
ecaroe bation apron.
Inga oUi aoeUDM dnrlag Ua weak.
laat aaaaliic oaonrrad.
froa Aaklar, U-, ea tbalr oap kaek to
pat ap at a Neo
yorb howl,
Oaa of tbaa klao
oat the raa aad WoaaaDer'a daad
ar (ka J.,. A« Paniag.
naeaaeloaaeoed.tloii Iplotr kealda
LekBM baa a warp anall ebaaoa ot r*
Tba Ancllaao arebbtobip of tBa W«at
ladlaabaa ordered
charebaa aodar bto ja-
rAdletloa for tba anoeeaa of Ua Brlttoh
ar«a In dooU Africa.
Oeplop baa rotad la aead Its aonnlad
aaa for aarTloa In SonU Afriaa.
poataft aump
brencbt ll.Tio datnrdap
aaU of tba eotlaatloa of f. W.-Haniar.
TbU to Ua larraat ana aap alaap baa
aaar kroofbt io tbto oonntrp at anotloa.
It oaa a apaolaaa
of Ua Aral toava el
BritUb Oalaoa la 16U.
Tba daaU nw
LadpaalU froa
aalark faaar it laid to ka
60 par dap.
flaally trl.-»«-.»)«l th.- window. |l.-*u
New window. ISITS; I.rio.i.rir-*- »r
of Bobliy
Boblij a
T5 .-.-utK.
r lltil.'
drum hai. cauMHl an i>ik-u ruj.tiin* betw.-en my w If.- and our Im-«i nelglilHM-.
I..WM of frlen.l.l.l|. of b.t<t
ValiM- of iM-lKliU.r ii friendalilp, prlct-l.-a.; pri.-.- of ic-'drum. Hi
The hoK
_ _________
poned inIrTMr wae ennaed by ail
an iriTIrreaaceruiln
tlallNe dolr.- of R.>bbT I
the force IN-Iilml the Iniiii-t of hla cute
Trl.-e of -jilrror, ftiLVl;
.I.Iiv'r nir gun. TH centa. The
torn l.-ave« In my r.-t of Browning
reaiiliial from an effort of Itol.l.y ig
make mile I«ip,-r rannon balla for the
rani on hl> Iwttle ahlp.
Price of hatofRrownH.ff7^
tie ahlp ii iki- iirlce
..rw a
C Rcc. ei..<e tK
as t
After he a--raii he« the tr*i of the varniah off the door* with hla tin aword
and hnma three nr four more bolee
In the eaniet while trylni
magic laniem I will hei
fthrletmaa la alionr ever"
aad eaar t.aoo of Oaaaral Whita'a aaa
Aa Agi .•Mgar.wa.
are roportod 111.
Iftot RiUlU Eaal. aaparlniaadapt of
pll Ipdlaa aabooU la Ua ^tad dlataa,
to at oork oo a btU to ba lakodobod lb
aapffraaa bariac tor lu ob}aat tba eoapatoerp adaeatloa
of all tadlaa eblld*
raa.« laa to dralp of tba oplaraa Uat
Uaaa oarda
aaUoo aboald ba
llriacaldwt aoa of
Ara aad
Ontarla. to
froa ooopda rpedaad la Ua Wbtlac
at UdpaalU Jaanarp 6
niB«t«T a
Hla pareuia. bow-
"A- y<iu may iiiiugiitc, ibe appearaiiir-of III.-d>« lui.ai tlie luiud of Ue
wiw r< iK-Ti-d fniui tbe aal.-b.-i be mailed
im.i ti ' atreet. lia-king i lol.-uily. aa if
be would aay. 'Fellow m>'l'
to be np rery
very early In the
leiten aa aiaiu aa they
, Were aort.d. aud beat mydwiinanoa
"The laouniaater at laat
anil n-atiirBiM.w. «-i out' njion
acuri'h. guid.al by tb.' fuithful dog.
"Tliey fiaind me. air. and yon know
tin- n-eu
But ili.y niigiit im-tit hare
‘‘Garry and I had mnny a ^oomey
orer tbe •a»«
aa»« ropd
rrwd after that,
that, and
fact he- gn-w old and feeble and ao
w beu
longer able to walk
walk BO far be Would
und watch me
off. and when I caae back waa alwaya
lint u> give me a wi-lecane.
Aa Ua wrl
baaoaaa balr ta
Ua aar^atoata aad Ua aatataa.
Ootofroaraaa Chaap Otork of MtoaoprLaapapkat
Tbe otber day be broogbt a book to
Snarry. orer whirii Ue unwary tntreler
I lian-n't very lotig
of Btaon
to Ucd.«, who would w alk on ahead.
^ follow mg hu footttepa I found that
____ .
2^'*“ F»"«l«=al» aod waked appmhea-
in rraaeM a. Pt
IVavWefnaae aad;orraa. ni«
prp known to
orlUac a aoaal la
Potaeh rivor,
Uroe livaa'
bava bean laat aod topip
Ba aapooB p rttob
azaloron to Ue gold
borototora Uara will plBeat oprtataly
•• 'We.iball hare a nmgb time of ik '
bo. u.. iU»0.0 , oM ,dloo.' 1
lo Qob,,
bP gropi loot of Uto frcB oeprlopdtag.
Brpvp OP Oh «, nrrr op Toluw i ^
mjjipJ. t-uaxcT BPkaa opUi Up!
bp to Ue aoHlor ppmor of Up Im of
F i. CbovsT A Oo.. dotag kHalima ta
Ua a» of Tolade. Oouty pad Stalo
plaiMill. pad tl^mU Atb wUl pay
tor oaU pad ortoy opop of Optprrk Uat
aouUbaoarodbyUp opp of Bau'6
»iBt« to hataca bp pad aakoortbpd
la B^prta—■ Uto HU dpy of Pppib
. ^,
DoPt Toar Dowa-BaUd np
old taokloapd Ueery of tPPrlag
aod Blood l>Ulp. wUek oare \n pr«alWapw riPb Wood pad Berra ttaaae.
Tbroogb Ue Bedlam of Ua elren'.ptkB
pod Up prrr BP pyoteB Uay etraa-'
oa pad larigoratap^ oma la
kamaa bMy. 60 eeata. all drag*-
arto.A.W.ChaP6l|p«. Oo.. Bag
' “sra’'
^OirrKTV-A tea
Bro,r(, P Poo,,
Tlw Pen Mirqiette Siilmi
oono PuiriB-
T ir:' KS35sa:.l:s;
I—For a aban line
cerpt «rC»i« (ar ba.iar CUB
hloeka IB
^Tlw'cairvBiad la
Ta 'Jm"
|i n
laac ot«j
" **'
.. Uick nnai tbe ground and
anU wind bta*
» «>ld north
bio u«i,
"Itbat makea yon afraidV inquired
Jonnicy in company wiU my
faithful friend. ■
' t tbe old gentleman with rnggedfeaiore#
Htrppt Oommtoetaapr Bpmblta pad fpB-
InldphaatP lotnlt of~Uaanddpn| * "^e’^k^lS^^lnber monimg. tbe'
=s—*• —'»•••-
walked tawk i.i uir qoartera at Uie little
aeTerancr, obedience and love.—ChalterboL
•oUataUaoprtag. and wona Ua gor- dtotrkt ta a baggy. Ttoe reblelp wpp
prpBMi Ukt anloB ataPBkoat rBUta- OTortoraed pad Urea okUdran <rorp
Ubb ora BOre r«oroBly opteroad 1
T\» * J B'XITP V.iertB»rr.1l.-reM<. at
Hortaa iBara TTvaw dleeaaM af all
danmilr aalBiaU by tka latwi and nm aa-
in live,
"1 know what letlor that Ip" be
"But a« Garry and 1 knew every foot
, cf the way. 1 oever felt Ibe leaat
It b
"WelL what to UT
‘ glring. no manor bow dark the mornThe liulc feUow looked
pt It aharply. Ing. cMvpi wben then- bad
U-pelug lu aluiiw with a
chubby fore- heavy fall of anbw. and then I tnuted
Hood ta
T B WABTIH. FkTakMae aad .arwen. Oaioe
the alphatn-i. .Mim.'lblnf In which be to
to ihc path, aa ooe part of it*
much lutereeied.
, ran along the ed^- of a deemed ^ooe
Tlmuktug tbe nld man fir hia aUiry, 1
botaepp ta EpBdrick kpve beep awept
ohkh tbara olU bo ao oo»
•■Thongb mnlBed up In greatcoat and'
OoaoraorBradpof Alaaka,tola Watta- pwpy. atoreapre flooded, rpllropd treeka ' womfort^ tbe wind »med to pimo
lactoBBrclac'atriatar anferoaaaat^ Pod brldgra bpve beep pwppt pwiy pnd , throoab all mv cloUing. and the bpir
Uont myr laoB waa oum aun »kin ua.
oca on Ue Paeian.
T\H B. K n/v>D. 0«or la a** ToeMlIrr
"He haa been dead for many rran
now. and
■ cold, dreary w alk^^laogeirxiB. bat aa Inug aa 1 have my memory Garry
tao. in the dark uinmiuga u> any ooe will u.-ver be ftwagtteu."
Lord Taraaaa Black
Mao York clri.
ivk Park Plar-Bn(el. Racaa iC aed it We-
found me if ii had not b.'.-ti for Garry,
oaad. oko aarrlad Mtoa Ykraaea Da
ria, a
HOFTATT. AbMneti of TlUa. Bal
—u n'lSy*
Hooak t. Ha-
aiaud at the onttage d
mcniha bm dunug tbe winter it
forward, aod have made no eSurt to
leach him tue name# of the lettcra of
»!5!™ »
Th.' alarm waa gic. ii. and a d.«i-o
atom fa-tlcTwi.. ]mirirl<-.l with a hurdle
"It waa pleaaatit <-u<iugb in tbe earn-
exer. are not at all analoua to puab bln
MareaaUlr Oe Htoek.
TTT H. FOHTER. ItUMW kt Iw*. HpMr>
W . aitaBtica te Pu tlttoa.
pualRiual.T w ith alarm.
Hot that Waa
not .'l■•-ugll fiiT Garry. Aa aiwm aa he
"There waa aj* inch.- <d auow ov.r
•*" ue
be got ao Hal'd
oaid to it Uat he really ,
»o «bj“k
niof-h hiadnty me when he led them to ibe apot. and
htm carry the lagan to acraleh at the mn-w and whine
Btcbcl there waa no proodtr dog in all piieoualy, aa if to aar, 'He ia here. ‘
by «;I0. wbctr> 1 delivered them to tbe
a iiinliui r aa to i-unHc wood, r aa to bow
be p'l iliroogh tbi- now at all.
^ * P””'
1 naiiK-d him ttarry.
Up i 'anRhi liiin aliii.ict everyUuig a dog .•ould l.«m
He got oo
Uat be omild juat nud.-nuaud what waa
mid.aa well ae any ChriMian.
"When be waa old
eiiongh. 1 took
him »j,b nu- cm niT
my jcmnii-yii. aud r«ry^
poetmaai.T In Ibe Tillage, who kept a
grooer'i abop and poeiofAcv oranbined.
ami leama napblly.
little aliop about 10 o'clock,
•'cuiiiiglr aliuuR exhauaCid. with tha
micliel ouuuigli'd aboDt hia l.ga ia aueh
mrprua-d to find
**>“' *1“'
fri. tid wan a large black
and tan collx dog.
My <mn<aitT k-iug
aroiuid. I beggitl the old nan to tell
nio ihe mon , and here it u:
, -Wbeu 1 had bc-u bIk.ui 20 vfaim In
the i»»ial •xr\ ir«'
In hlH qoavrnug voie.-. -'a farmer one
A 4-year-old 'Hroaim t atreet Injy ba«
OBaaa. Otty Opera
bla father aud pointed to a Urge capb Bight eaaily etep if'be mimed tbe beat- village tun. ihinking the while of what
Ul "B."
. en trnck.
, a noble i-xauiple poor Oarty waa of per-
able to aarp Uali
A.J. L. Tkaple,
pUocd Itcan fully in the old mau » hand.
-Thau «r. i. the p.ctur>- of the dwr
"I bad
||X Jaj_^Mcaar M toaa.
“It oHun* iliat Garry, after learing
me, made the bawl of hia way to tbe rUlage. and prev-uii-d bimaelf in tbe poat-
Mnrthn a-eut away, bnc «no retnraed
pbo,^^raph on glaai and
P airoug uleut abiug the lln.- of compariaona. 11.- la a bright little tviluw
taafbt oaafal trada. to tba aod Uat
kbap aap
man wlA
•H^hriattnaa I. n.nriy ov.-r,
,Bo^>Uy a
SnidKtiMil MtoHiU.
the kind
tTealiiP-nl I receired 1 waa anon oi> the
way to neorcry, aod lh«« I baanl tb*
partlrolarv nf my nw
oaa (oaad dasdap oltk Lihmaa In aa
farad la all the
"By the doctur'a aid and
TVB. W R.PW.a.Meea.paBaraIpraeUraalaa 1
U iaa«<allaiaw«. aar.aeaaaad poalw arl- v
bed. the
wife waa bolding ainit- beet laa to my
lipa. while Hairy aal hr the bedalda.
fatbrrV afaa
„ broken for the owld. ”
tbalr foraar koaa la Oaraiaap for a
<»« r» »ant.
waa in a warm
bilag beU at tba BrancaUoal obnreb , “*f?
aMwIaw .hMth. iw^ti.w
"Joa frtcb <tarT7-tlikwoa.ffly laa.
Morreo aaanlar. obara Ua awtiag ' *od bara a carw wiU It. 1 wonldn't
aad Ooarca Likaaa. Uarats faratra
oa Satardap olcbk
Best to be had ia
the citj is at
bj m
I5'd'j:.n'55f.“' '"rrjwi.'a'nr
Bgalnot Uii feeling with all my
flea, knowing how '
-™ in. dw-
Tranrsi Citf,
Tvptty fiTB Op*b
Waabla(«OB dudap frea eoBaaaBioa
66 roan bad traearaod tka aaaa.
liinm CHi binlMi U.
thiuirr and fariar,
of tba kraU. tka raaalt of a fall,
oaa TO paara of afo aad for aora tbaa
14 Inti:
No reme^ pqupU Waakei'p Write
I.VB or Tab Svecp for Uto lorrluand fptpl dtoeaM. U token Uor>i.'hly Pnd in tinw, It will euro p opoc
houri, pnd fo> ibu cough ihpt tolna Lp Grippo I- never fi^ to give
Hof. Prion. 86c pod fide.
from my
enlA but
trksuL long «»oc
riooc dead, ibno old
Tbara , nwod.
aoBorakU aafocaatoat oltk tba
ro tan U
"Oolp our ndTPUUa or mlahap. par
Siomsors ti
vb. La* Pparial awaliaa l« •allanlaa.
tiur i ouffond dnwdfnlly •ni< r«e*a*«aetaF. illFy«alPl
iMken Eg and the inl
, T"tH H P kI*0H- phrelnaa aad aarrMa
U rvate* Prtedi lee P’eek. Da* or nlrkl eall*
uumburw <wur orer me, and I felt a atlofiMed M> pmap-ir FkotMa, H*tl IM; Nanfe•trong dcolre logo toal.*<p
I hatUrd era.B
' errr ao noup ^ontn. "
pitot aad laat of tka oSaara aad arao
The aaaUact IP^Ua Uraoca ball laf ; bapa 1 (bnntd aap." Uiooldanureplied:
bp Ua Obnreb of (%rlit ara I
ap I "aad U U had not bit-L
bifS ...
for _
a vi-rp
viTT dear
John F. On &Go.
oplTPd, Upi WlU bP paid Ptoopt wtu
Oporgp 0pm. ..
iiir OMT uii- aud afoar at By bran
‘ ^M'Dld be fonrd diwd.
baa a?ar had.
Llaak StBaal Booard. U. «-
rof frpu toPBBpp bPTP i5i55i
"bu it appmird, for. In apitr cd root
aad ofcd ro uki-tbe leaarafmnaBBal]
ing into ay faoaaadobinlarpltecioaiy.
ing and tbrmta. hr Meadily rofnaed to
b«dt:i' fruni luy ride.
"Ton aea. 1 waa a rcmntrp .
..cll.d. Tb.
BI9BI. aad orar I.6N oa tbalr oap bara
Tvaatp-bn OieB
goo.' aknr. and 1 oaa afraid that ba
would not IwTc BA
• W mil# oalk. 10 nlla
fnitiiftil dog. oho oat ia tba bmo. look
"Boddrnly It cnmrted to ao that If 1
rotdd orod tbe dog on lu tba Tillage ba
Bight bruig h'-lp. Bui he bad narra yet
aoaaa oa Ua daek of a Wf
And eUer good Uipga tor 16 aoPB ta
roraearrt bell eftor 6 o'eloek Uto aftertooon.
OraacMt hand
cflaadaaeeta aepatag.
What aboald I dot
"Lookinc beiplamly rannd feraocaaUing Uat Bight aaggrat a nonna of dallwranoa, ny ryva met tboaa et mj
-B. a. atodAMd U Attiatta
to tka
tka rtfki.
rtekl- aa
aa aaiiaaM
oltp to
aboard aklp aad halt aoaiUac ablo
Bni I Bifbt dia ba-
arleu ^1, bar BoUar, a oaelUy
Barrard Baa, pad a riollntot of tba
"The poetBancr at tba rillaga to
Uanrariaa OrebaatraThe IllaatrpVfaicb 1OM boond oonld think the road tl-Mto ate hr Heomd Obpndliw Obrtoty.
oaa blocked and Uat 1 had not at- U Lotta d>ABoar to Ua lending atory
knpud tbe jounoy If 1 did not tnn la tbe MMototer rtotien NaBkrr ot
np at tba panel ttma. and. on tba otber The SaUidM Breniag PwV ohkb
bond, niyarifa ooald UInk 1 bod got. oUl ba on c2e Jaa. Ue UU. ^
anfeiy to my drotlnation and wm wait
"Tta, Blr. I aa-aa old nao ooo, aad
P'opraw. aad a rariatp of alaot of tba
Ocanr d'Alaae aonnutaa
Vao Story
.. Daria£
fora then.
Tb« wte bo«l
arlth a doMlnf tow of Ua aalcraaUta
SlnLa^ d’Aaoar «■ oaa of tba
"Tbara oaa liRk ebanoe of onybodp I lo'r •leriaa Richard Bardinr ~
poUng that way nnlfon 1 oaa miBcd | "rittan
Tba aaaoa to Uld ia
ii Idoedop
Wlifc prtMUr. klaitr lr.«l.
Who. Ill tbrlr erfwMLa. nMt«e
^—. —_ Bella, Boraa. Falana.
mamp._Tattar. Halt Rkaam.
Horae. Ckappad Boado. Skip BropUeea:
IptolHbla ^POro. C«m gparpptaad
OnW Me pt Jna. O. JobanoH'k «ad A X.
WJtk drag atoran. .
"1 OM lying tkrt* pnfwUy briplM.
le raonlMa U varl
. .• Bnfanu fr
Tb* Tamr. T.
■•OWr burdaa. irtUi rn^wn
WboraA*«1tk«tBCbla Kiiaiii
tkraa traaa.
toe ea tbalr oaj bora.
Uing tba aattcr with ay kg. aadi toU
back atok and faint oiU pain. 1 tried
again pad again, bat rap tlaa 1 aada
Ur aoeapt I anSered drcadfnl tartaxa.
porta aoaltlaC oarroat of aalat bad
"Oarry waa by ay aide la aa ipatppb
god 1 triad to riae, bat Ua* oaa aoaa
Itia of Wtfkt la tka dmaaot;
York barker olth a t*aad
•aae all parakaaaa aad atalpoMBti of
ay looring and f. ]) kwrilp. wlU aqr
tight leg twwd d nortcr an
I wloWa ook
A* iktBW le MM nr w«;
w.meu, you know "
_________bare, eea I
«lrU*B. -HI iradt I Vjgd.
laqalr* at nm NeUaaal Peak.
Or Ord n
Lt Ord a
place of b««l' Or Fttaakay
Bo4«Bi«aa>Sa>.a tor«« pBlr at I ~ '
J^wlUeBv^ FIB^» pleaae laaev a>
po* B*t,l_* Mm rlaa. I**oItiB«l8 BaM
it. Igotoev__"^drmgladto«
•eminary oenn-Or -wet t aw wad
> a> m Fink Bt>«
■r WBP p abcift bark and a roll ta
uiBiB in Nnumn t L
„>okpai.a-oood Biaai r_
etoe ia goiiig
‘Tte ezertioa cf tramping Urongh
Uppoow poem aet Ue blma] tingling
Urongh a»y vaino, and on 1 went, fool...
----------- ----------------- ; a a i. eiaea
lac ea warm andcomfortahlepa oirenm- '
bapi-ned \ ooug man. don't,
BMOM would Pliow.
i rw be woetKri pboot bw. It iB’t tU
"After aa bonr'a hard walkiiB. wp
aaJL 10 the Old oupriy Oprty.
Qpi? p.
pp wW
".-Hay to hand arcfk tor
who to trying
r Kill tor poor Oany.
Ftotawwl WKMWi tMm.
"That WMPcnrioatoPBof Kadgwta
He BPiTied tbe...............................
‘ '
iHgp AokM bagPB totpn
rpo BXirr-Boaw aad B
PWward. 19 Ban H
B. B.
Ha. W. O
torn Uaecf 1pm -T^mm "
CAto^ tWbpBP. *
.... i.
/trpih. "-Detroit FBePrvK.
_______ ' .
geontaaly now woaa-
oOHP-IPnat ««k BaaK.
PWaMBamk otraat. Ba.
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