The Morning Record, June 16, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 16, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Xap«l«l Troop*

Ahmomh that Ha WIU AMasO^B*-

Dlstag ia Onuig* Siv«r


nniiMtmiff- AtoM OhiMa Oapltal
Oortna-Attl-aritlak VprtHaf
Saoertad l> Ya>c Sm V*Uay-fc»tai o«o*«ta»
>0 B«i*
»«« .1 Tn»F. Fr«. X-tli AW»-

TIM TbtaL Jaaa »—U ia wpartad
thata Bisa« <en%*
UspttaalontbaTairi tei* toalcbV
OmmI Bleb la takiaf i.aoo troopa
Cron Loa Tal «e Ohaaf Llaac Obaa.
vWeb la halt way batwaaa Tlao Tala
•Bd Taka. 6baa Hal Kwaa trooya.
ffimmaii-'r* ^ Qaearal Taaf Foa
Olaac. ara'movlBC toward Pakla.
Tb««la i »rowla» aapaelatloa that
tba taparlal troopa wUl attack the iataraatiaaalMorea aaar the capital,'
probably at Pane Tai. Oueral Taaf
Pah fcaa* U boldla* the front, while
Uaaeral Nieh eommaada the rear.
Loadoa. Jane IS—Bailable aewa of
enrrant data Iron Oblaa la moat neafor. Notbbtr ia known of the aetnal
poaltlon at the International force un­
der Admiral Beymonr or of the foreiirnert la Pekin1%e tateat infomatlon eanocmlny
the loroira force cornea from Tien Tain
nader ywterday'a date. It aaaerU that
ttoopa were then etUl near Laay Fanf.
with proapeot of belaft eafafed tor
aomeweeka in rep^rtnethe railway,
gaaatloa of eommanleation with the
hMe H BOt aUaded to. It ia mmored
bMldethe Bnaelan arrfeod yeeterday
enMdo of Pekin. Them le aleo|a rcpertMtlraly laoldnr in detail of aa
aatl-BritUh rUlaf ia the Yaar The
Loadun the (
Mad mUllaiy fnroe to Ohloa from South
Atrlaa. It k OMor^ that Boberle

—u —n, .,«• tt.——7 t™o,»
p—M- haa dMlfnated OoL Sir William
Klebolaon, military aaeretary to Kob•rto. M enouBander of thle toraa
Ttoa Thia. Jaaa 16—JMloaey ea the
pari ol Bamlaa mad Preaeh anthorltiee
ea aaeenat of the eappeeod ferore
Craatod the Bavlkb by BriUeh
omployae on the fmtaeee rUlwaya. haa
boM frowlar aoMtaatly. and reaehed
Ibe cUmaa yeeterday when Inepeetor
Wkr rotaaed to band oeer aa enyina
to the Preaeh marlnae. One of the
to hayoaat Weir, bat
ibe waopoe paoMd erer hit ebonldw.
Protopt Miloa by Brltleh naeal and
•eaealar aithorlttoa. haelmd np by the
Amerlaa enatnU brontht aboat a
iMiiilliinry aatUemeat of the affair.
Waahiactoa, Jana 16—Ofieinl die''^atohae from Chine today are au
aad aaMticfeetory. Mothlncbae
board from Mlaiator Ckoofw tor two
Oaye. la hit leat meeaeca be informed
ibe atoto department that the
nmproH had reorfanlced the Tennf LI
TaBM. plaelnff It ia control of the
aati-foralffnara Pram dUpatohae and
r^aamre to the effect that a lanre body
«t Ohlnaaa troape are ready to defend
Pbkto to prarant the entry of the intornltooal foreaa. while not oonfirmad by
uy official dlBpatohoa. are reirarded aa
to kaeplBC with the altnatlon in Pekin
aa preeanted by Mlaletor Cowrer.
The ttato department official! today
would not be enrprlaad at aay newt
tromtha Chloeee eaplUL The dowacer ampreae U ennnlnc. cruel and
liable to follow the eouateU of the
meet extreme amonr her own people
And defy the whole ouUide world.
■neh an ereni there will' be no other
altemetire than for the poi
demandinc proteetton tor forelynen to
fotoe their way Into the Ctalneee eapItal. and if need be depose the empreei
and place another mlor upon
tbtona. This would be an extrema
povaa tor the powers to uke and
tobdlp nnJasUflabla la a cirUixed'eoaatop. Bat China te net looked upon aa
aalrataadpower and it ie racardad
^a*arforforolrn powers ha*ln( to'tortote there to proeeed to extreme
MBMrMtoaeeareprotoctton to tbeae
Bhoold the latomatloaal foroee be
reektod and oocepelled to flybl their
- waylatoAbeOhlaeee oapltal and de­
throne the empreB it would not------aaniyBeaae Joint prctoctoraV
flhlae. ThapreeanaeofBBaay
eta and
nfHUdnatherreOaet protoetlo
tAiox ud ait^tt atthB a Joint protoetomto or the demlnlQB of one pewOlrlB. U yea wleh to be a Jaaa bride
wlthiodUpa UnjrblBf mb, a lavaly
aomalMloa. take Boeky konatala Tea
tse. Aakyour druffiat.

ier sale by the W. W, Klmhall On.

Ever; baby bom in 1900
can have a nice pair of ahoee
FREE (f broQght to oar

«m Cohorts a etraae SMtede
Toritlea Wtlheoad BaUna4 Coaaaeueaa—Bnon Tried to Tike a BcooBtraeUna tiaia Hear Bhenoetor
Blw bat Wbc Driven fiff-OsMral

bravo bnt fntUe attempt to bold their
poeltlon. Sixty Amerieeas made
peatod eharfoe oa the entrenehmi
and finally the robele were oompletoly
rented and eheead four miles Into the Jury Out Seyen Honrs i
bmeh and ravioB- The Americani
Xnellsr Dsmaffs Suit.
found and bnried 3t bodleo and more
deed are hidden In the bmeh. One
killed and oaa woanded. OaemotJ. B.GrelliokAOo. ve Poront



Bob*ht by Xndiana Man on ProblUUon
HpeeUluiTtitllamlatBMore. ^
Indianapolto. Jnae 16—Felix T. MeWhlrter of IndlanapolU. wiU be a
candidate for the vice preeldeney be­
fore tbe naUoael Prohibition eonveaUon at Chlenfo, provided an eactem
man to ehoaen for first plane.
ForOrerlnrainf tAe Preeent Chineoo
Speelal la Tk* Monlat BeMrS.
Parle, Jsoe is-Yonr oorreepoa
loams tr^ an exeelleat eonme that
Oarmany arreee with Franoe and Bnsala that the time haa not arrived for
overtamiBf the present Chlneee fov-

kaHolidayaad Gave a
tpeeklte Tbe Merries Bwwc
Boohaetor. H. Y.. Jnae 16 - Oeaeml
KlwsU&OUswae boaoeed today
hie own city. A blf parade took
place thto aftoraeon. Tea thosBad
BOB were ia Uaa and near the head of
the proeMslon rode Oeaaral Otis, M. B.
Hathaway. preeUeat chamber of
merce and J. G. Cntler, ccBmlsal
of pnbUe aafe^. In another earrtofe
rode Mayor Oamahan and Gan.
Wheeler. Tkt Marine band W Waeblafton marched near them. It WM
the hifceet parade ever eeen in tkto
city- The town wu Aoencatod to aa
extent never before wltaemed.

Xitaa for lo. So, ho. lOo. GrMU«t flying kltw
In tho world stud it only only tokos o spool

X. Walker and Leo Solomon


black and ua. eaveml
pretty etylea..........................

SxenMoB to Northport
Hmaday motniag. laaviag dock at
m. Ewt trip *6 eeam.
OrsaeeSi Band marie.

to tho OITT BO'OKBTOBE and buy them.



all eitee ................................
Men'e Canvas Sboee,
leather coles only, e good tUll,
ehoe for the price.............. yrv’v
Men's SI.60 bicycleshoec
utrs ^qualitT e'snvss tops.


Ifoys' Bicycle Sboee.
choeolsto donpola. good
wearers, SI SS...,...............


Warm Weather Clothing—Serges sod Flannels, Coats and
Vesu or Sclts complete.

Folks That Haven’t a Boy
Will want to borrow one wLeu they see those most charming
and nobby Suits with hxndsonie little silk or fianoel vests, at
♦2.50, $3.00, $4.00. $T).00. $*i.00.


For tittle men, age .i to 12—jost the thing for play—tbe entire
suit, $1.2o.
Underwear for boys, bats for boys, hosiery for boys, caps
for boys.
Always best—ever chespest.

Friedrleb Brea. Old Stand.
Traveme City’s Leading Shoe


& oo.

Minute Rates Novelties in
Ladies’ Neckwear and Belts


lophomlng, Iron Mountain
and other

Jost received a Urge shipment otjiew things for tbe ladies, and
todsy we piece on sale s handsome line of stock collars—something
new St 25c. The Utest thing in Silk Hsndkerchief Ties, at 50c. Tba
new point ^'Sprit Ties, in both wide snd nsrrow, st 25,99 and 86e«
See the new things in belts.
Come snd see the dispUy of ooveltiee.


Upper Peninsula


vorew Granted.


Gome on, Kids 1

Ladieh' Oxlmds. blank 171*^
Ud. patent Upe, bran new iQR

WUllaa Beaadlor Taken np—SIAnother dtoacreeBent waa tbe raanlt
of the trial al tha damafe cult ef HerMneUar ve Henry Brennr, Fred
Wnrxburr. John Bennie and Bdwatd
tmntner. The jury wreeUed with tha
problem for eeven bours and at the end
of that time were no nearer an agree­
ment than at tbe firet, atandlnff 7 to 6,
00 they were dtacharped.
The aaeampelt case of the
GrelUok Oo. n Forest B. Welker waa Ukta
np. The plaintiffs had Rarniabeed the
Firat NaUoDal Bank to eeenre lands
beloBffinr to the defendant on depoelt
with the bank, in payment of e note
in favor of tbe plalnUffa
The defendant, tbronrh bis attor­
neys. Patehin A OroUer, aonpht to interrene OB the rroand thet the money
was eeenred from tbe tale of a home­
stead. and was beliw reeerved for tbe
purchase of another home,tend that It
vras therefore exempL ThU lefal point
was argued before the oonrt and taken
sader advisement.
The nmniapeit appeal cate of Leo Sol­
omon ve WlUiem Benedlnff was berna.
The msrrlare of Anson Hswlrins and
Bllen Anee was aannUed. It wUl be
waiarreeted abottt ike time of the January ton
of eoort on a chatre of blcamy, bnt it
was found that hU fint wife had a hnibsnd living at the time be m^ed her.
The marriage wae accordingly annulled
by the eourt.
BtollaM.'^Bampney was granted e
divoree from Albert B-.Ohampn^ on
the grounds of eon support.
Obarles Otto wHUgivea a divorae
from Bschsl ottoon ths gnunds of de■orUoa. A deems was also graatofi
giving Agatha Wygant a. divorce from
Horace Wygeat on the grounds of dtw
Conrt adjouraed aatn Monday. Jadg*
Mayne taking tha evening train for hie
home la Obarlovolx, while Stoaogmpher HendenoB went to hie home la Cad-

ofthrood to fly thorn.

Comfortable Prices



Kids for The Kites.

OrobJo'e Sen Sarroaderod to BaflU.


A MoBber of Btrikera Bstomed to
Work on tbe Stroot Oars ia SU
XrfBto Tasterday.
eeeetal le Tea Hessne Kscoas
St Losto. Jnae 16-The ears of the
raaslt Ooapanj ran today wlthont
all the lines belnf opetaW
A Bomber of nniformed istrlkinc
. and oondnetors
ehsrfe of eata. havlaf retnrned

Kites for the Rids,


iompatlaa of Kiatbadorp by British

epwtai w ia« HormUs.atoMd.
Loadoa. Jnae IT—Apart from Beb•tt'diapatobB to tho^war office no
lUoabalM, Obltf of OnerlllM BOWS has boea reerived from South
Africa exeeptaddltloaal i
in LnsoB, CMtm np.
Boer aeUvlty ia Oranfejrlvcr ooloay
aader the leadership of Sleyn.
Tbewaroffios isntB ths feUowlar
Tocether With Bifbt oaeeia and ISO
dispatch from Lnrd Bobertaldated aS
Xea-«ao«al Pnaatoa Bneeaeafnlly
Pretoria Tbnreds^ nlfht: ••Klerksdorp
moated Three Bnadredmebela After surrendered Jnae 6 to an armed party
cent by Oeneral Hnnter.'
Bepeaied Oharyee—Manyllt
“Lord;Eltchener reporU that Beets
atueked e ^reconstrucUoa train this
apMlel to The MoniM tfmrd.
taomlnf a few milea north of the
He sent oot mountod
Manila. Jane is—Maeabelea. chief of
the frnerlllaa in central Lnaon. haa anr- troops and drove off the enemy before
rendered at Tarlae to Colonel Lieeomb, tbey cnnld do dsrasfe. One
killed end eleven wounded, Inclndlnf
together with elybl oS:en and
men. Bteh of the men U armed with two'eflirers.
■;A meseoDfei^ from Rlerkadorp rca kaneer rifle. The eerreadar of thlt
prominent leader la retarded at eery portt that the Oronjs who commanded
rained to eorrender as soon
^nd it U a further, pKflJJ:
be knew for eerlein that (Pretoria
that the oryantr.hd bande of Filiplnoi
in our possewlon. His example
are gradually breaklna npMijnr Wheeler, who eommande the was copied by many in tbe naifhborAmericen force at Ponaibeda. tele­ bood. The court hooae It new said to
graphed Oenerel Pnneton that General InUof arme.”
Lord Bobeiis reporto that the
Lnoenlae. an Inenryent leader with 300
eaenames atUndlnf the battle on
men. wae tear milee from 1
preparing to attack the American far- June If east of Pretoria, in which the
were driven from their poeiUon.
rlBa, which nnmberi 60 men. Fnnetoa at oaee fathered the ecoula oom- were lene than 100. "a very email nnmided by Ltent. B. B. Admire end O bet ooneiderlaf the natural etrenfth of
troop, ronrth eaTalry. and marched the poaltlon carried.'’
By the peaceful ocmpatharof.Klerkeby way of Poaarandaafalnetthe rebels
Wheelerb 6P men were added to the dorp tbe BrltUhiral^ e etratoflc po­
force bbU pamed throofh Ponaraada. eiUon of come impoftanee. ea the town
In the meantime Lnoenlae seised a le not only Uie torWaua |of another
poelUrm two miles from the town and railroad to JohaanBbvf.bat la within
with 100 men. the rest ol the force he- oeay teach of the Rrooustadt-Vlerfcninf in the rear la raserra throw np en. Min taUtoad. Tbe Oronjs who snr>
ewaUed an ettaok. rendered the pleea to s eon of tbe famfeaeral now a prtooner at St. Halrnnstoa hioekod the foede eo thi^ no
.. Lord Boberto’ dtopatoh oomm
aid eould reaeh Lueoalat and then
made a Tiforone attaek on the en direct from'Pretoria, ahowlnf that the
Uaee are rc-opened.
treaehmento. The FUiplnoo made a

Ill ums RUfMHB



Ooloay Trader Steya.
of Kaatad7 t
ttet ha <rlU ittaod tba EapabUaM Battoaal ecaaaattoa. BawUi
aay tba
whlA will peara the ei^
II la Mlaaad ti»i Taylor baa
■afBW iroai tha Korafow
ofOUo and PaaaajlTaoia that tbaj
wOl Mt boow a raqmlalUea tor Ua aaMdiUoo.

Fourth Yeur—No. 97J

XAT{iO» snu. OS DBCX


New Udm

Make No Mistake

Low Sate.


We have not gone out of business, but
have moved to our new store,
242 Front Street.


When yon want RELIABLE FOOTWEAB gat It of
us. We have placed on sale
Ifyouwanta Cloth Sign

A NEW $2.50 LINE

for tbe 4th, see

Win. H. Petberick


Which we want you to bm. 'For a better shoe see our
Composite $3 00 shoe for ladies, and the Governor $4
shoe for gentlemen.
New stylee>nd goods arrive daily.



i The Leading: Shoe

Hoaee of 'Northern Michigan

Have You..

We otrry in stock s complete as*
sortment of


For buying a 10 cent

For Misses snd Children.

cigar when you can get


for Isdies, mitiet xnd children.
No shoes M tny price iohk bet­
ter, feel better or wear better.
We tell then at mighty saixll
prices, ’sad they are a mighty
food shoe.

Tsppsn shoes are msde in
gsn, for Michigsn boys and
We have sold these shoe* tor a
nomber of yeers, and know tbsy
wear well.
We guarantee every'pair—Pztoas,
91.85, 91A5 and $1.50.

McNamara Block.

Front Stre«k




fMfi T. BAn<A» 3. W. SAxnr
i, W. Bajdbs. Bditor m4 MfeMfSt.


** £ek^a.'MiS««lML ■



bp Bltap Swoon, wbOo 8. A. Barkw
orfUaaporlBMadODno of tbo opoeiol
footorto. Mr. PrUdrlohwQllookofMr
To be Oboeea te e Voting Ibo haU to to bo o bwoU oftoir. aot o
0WtefX«MM7. ««»■
Of OsiUy Md WM t
eboop doaoo. Sooiotp pooplo wlU
gotborlateoo oad It wiU bo tbo i
brUUoBt OToat of tbo poor, a. roeoptloe
Jodfs Boborti
nlHTjofl with th* tbott of o whool fro*
Tbno oro bat ooggootlooo of whot lo
Jolp aid^ttBoM to bo Anopod U
rrodriMhMTondKJ iMbSkowtv^opiOft of foatr. tai wm
Botoa oad Bldo la a BooatIfB) tooooarOBtbo alfbtottbo third oad
MBOoftop»7»aMafnoH4eoolo of
Cborloi>^tMt to B«Ib ««xt ■afleioaUp fotebUg to loot natU tbo
And will make you prices that will get it.
9ie.7t, ia dofoolt of wU* obo BtHk
• 0 40 doin'ooBtMuo to tba oi
moadop for Soot PitoolB* Toon*
1 have over 300 st>'Ies of Rockers. 1 am
Cbe bkyele parade wUl be a Bae feaVoasoB—Boborata fbotaiBo Prom*
offering a nice, large high back wood seat
torooftbedleplep. & I. Hale le took,
lag after that and of It and reqneets
■ho hod BO iBtoBttoe of (toollBC
Arm Rocker for $1,67. A nice, large high
whool. oad thoi sho wooU hon ro>
Thtfo wUl toooqnooBOftboeortftpl that everyone who can ride a whael
back, brace arm Sewing Rocker for $1.37.
tBTBod U ia 0 short tlM She nfoood OB tbo Bight of tbo third of Jnlp. oad o anMar la tba paiada. BedMlrM that
tboM who desire to appear abaU
A nice, fancy reed Sewing Rocker, cane
tooBtwopUocf r«utr<
ootlBg ooBtoot to toogia Btn Moadop
0U7 alwwB oa whot fR»dt o Jtrj will doumino who oholl woor tbo la thair aamm at (moe. that they map
scat, brace arms, for S1.75, worth $2.25. A
wtmU too ooMOOllod to doeloro bor nftol robe* oad diroet tbo tMUriUoi of be provided with flsge and JapaaeM
very large Reed Arm Rocker, $3.75, wortk
nlltj of 1OIO0B7. tood rolootOBtlp oob- tbot portloB of tbo di
ial attaation be given to tbe decor■oBted to ostor tbot plot.
$5.00. Come in and took them over.
tbo laralfol eomwlttoo bold o woetMrs. DoBOldMa'O olory woa tbot lag loot Bight oad doeldodapoao good attoa of wheels.
Other feetnrM wUl be aaBonaM
wbOB sb* loft tbo Wajelo obop. obo dool Ot detail affecting tbe
west to tbs bono of bw »otb«, who bnt onlp a poMon of tbe
ordorodhorowoj. Hortof tbo whool.
•ho tho«(bt tbot she woold rids to nnawarM, m it were, daring
A Wsaltb of Bsautp
OoBtrol Loko. wboro she bopod to find
demonstration. Tbe oommlttM
Is often hidden bp uasightiy PImplM
lopnost. Bbowoaloa for ■• Al- elded that ibere eball be a oaralral
Sesems. Tetter, Br^pelet. Salt Rheum
X20 Fmoxx-t S-tixtoot.
doB. whorosbo rovoinod ovor Bight, qneen: and that ebe eball be eae d etc. Baekleo*e Arnica Salve will glor­
golBg oa tbo Bczt dop to OoBtro) Loke, TrarerM Clip's pedlar pounr^woBea. ify tbe faM by euriug all Skin Empwheroshe woo orrostod. Sbe stotod la order that the MlecUon map be fair tione, alto CuU. BmUee. Buroe, Boil*.
that she Istoadod to Mod the whMl to all tbep have decided to IntrodnM a Feloas, Dleen and worst forme of
Piles. Only SSca box. Cure guaran­
tooeb 00 tbo trolB.
oon Met for tbe honor, .the ladp r^lv- teed. Sold by S. B. Walt and Jm. G.
Wbm tbo IBO WM iaipoood obo do- iag the greateet nnmber of votM to be JobBMn, druggUt.
elorod tbot oho eoBld BOt po; It. tost designated qoeen... The eontost will
1. O. 0. F. Memorial ServicM.
tbot tboro woo o p4rt| la tbo oltp.who. open next Mondap andeverp vote must
Tbe memorial eervlees of tbe I. O. 0.
If oho eoold too oloBO, woold prohotolp be aeeompaaied bp ten cents. The
We are iocreaaing our boeineee all the time,
F. will be beld at the Second M. E.
odooBco tbo aionop. Tbo ootirt oo- procMde wiDJ ; be, devoted to
because «e are pleasiog otir coetomers.
tured bor tbot oho oboold bore ororp purebMC of the rotorToBeTwhlch tbe church on WmI Side Sunday, Jane 17.
are fumiehing them with Skoea that are inteU '
opporwbltj for gottlBg tbe mOBoy. Up quMO le to wear and tbe decoration of at 7:30 p. B. All Odd Fellows and E«ligeiit. They do uot hare to gueas ^e shoe*
to loot night obo bod not ooceooded. the chariot In whibh sbe shsll lead tbe bekabsare requested toattecd.
bowoTor, osd obo lo tooording wit^ M e. grand parade. Alt Were ie anptbing
We aluaya hold ibe prices down on everydlmpoao iof tbo proMnt.
left after tbit espenee he* been de­
C.OOO yean hare we wailed for ihe
ihing in tbe footwear line. Bnt now we have
frayed thcTrsidoe eball te placed in gTMteet bleMlng e ver effered.
immense line of Slippers aod Oxford Tina for the
the general fond to ^be expended for
balvM your aor- foliowing prices
hat Rocky HonoMin
amnsemente for the demonstration.'
A*k your drunUU.
Daring Thief Broke Into Photograph
Every cUlten map udieate hU choice

I Han Tin Gnils
aail Want Ysir Trade

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
I-b’s J-ixs-b
Tl3.±s -WasT:

a of 0 corairolqnMn

tobonaode oloag tblo line will odds
gnoUr latoKot to tbo coletoroUon.
TkOBOiM dtp boooU of oeoreo of ponng
owen, onp one of whom wonld molco
a qaooa fit to grooe onp tbrone, and
orboa tbo oontoot b folrlp on for tbe
lagol dbtlaeUon to be eonferrod It mop
bo ozpcctod tbot Trororse Cltp toeontp
orOlooenpptbeotteotion ofthepablle
tor tbe aojct two weeks.
Ip ttep

atorthiagtbeblg p
Itaa oa tbe Ponrth will eellpoe onpIblagOMr board olio this end of tbe
atotoond toe eeeosd to none In the
,_-__^Urgw clUee of tbe eommonwealtb.
"iSoorpeae con old in noklog it tbe etnpoadnou ineeoe* ontieipoted oad like
all prorloae otteapU ot pnbUc -doaon
atoatloB* this will onrelp ne one ol
erbUh Troreree dtp mop toaMt ot la
Sftor pooro_________________
^roUroodoof Ue United SUteo,
^ tbo world's greaieet eemoerolol ortorloo, ore expondlag in tooeh with pnbUeewMiment. iboM greet orgonlsotloat do not respond to fain oUrms.
Ijr tbe coapoiga of IBM tbe Di
protte Ueket bod tbe oooperatlo
the aaptp etosiocb- Tbaake to RefabUean loglolotloa, that eleaeat will
Mfo. Inct Tboapoon retnraed to Em‘ pin paetardop oftor spendlag a few
tope with rolotlm la tbe titp.
Mrs. Bd Saltb of Nortbport is epeadlaf o few dope with friends In tbe dtp.
Mia. A. B. Oook ta TWtlBg In Oroad
Mn. J W. MlUor bos gons to Bsp
Tlew for tbe enaaer.
Wa- Feircbild U boae after ^Week’s'
rldt la Orond Boplde.
BUep dwMri U boae from o bnsineM
tr^ to Chicago.
Mte Grace MortiB I* entertaining
^tae Edna Nebker of lodlanapolls.
lire. J.
Fep of La Aogelee, Cal.,
to the guest of Mre. Herbert Montogoe.
Miee Florence Thompson is spending
a few daps with the fsmllp of Her.
Wilep E. Wright st Lsland.
Mies OoMle SalUi of Solon U the
faeetof Mrs. B B. Seletosrp.
Miee Alice Aikiae bae retnraed from
too etote Normal at YpollaaU.
TboronHorgaa bae retomed from
Ctoeago, where he pnrebaeed a &ae
Zaatackp saddle horee.
Mr. and Mrs. George MiiU Bogera
«ad Mn. Borne of Chicago, are In the
altj on their wap to Fotmi Lodge at
Bee. J. 8. Bana went peetordap and
Mrs. W. 0. Foote. Mia Annie Griatt
oad Gilbert Pollieon will go todap to
too Miebigan Cbrietlan Mlesleaarp oononaMoa at Wexford.
Dr.aad Mra. Minor retnrnod laet
•enaing troa a week's visit at loalt.
GlorloBt Kewa
Cmmb troa Dr. D. B. Oaegae of
Watoils, J. T. Hs writoa; -Elaetrie
Btttorebas enrto Mrs. Brewmof eerel•la. which had cansed her great aaftortag for peaia. Terrible coree woald
bnak eat 08 her head and face, aad tbe
beet doetors eonld giv.> ne help; bat
warn bar bealtb h oaeeUeat.'' BaeMc
Bluer* 1* tbs beet blood perlSsr known
Its tbe eaanaa raardp fer omaa.
•MMr, s^rbeaa. alean, beOi and
pmaalBg eona. It ettanlatoi Unr.
kliMpa and bownls. OKpde petooas.

«iriabMfia.dniBllto enatoBtoad.


bp a vote and the ladp dMmed bp popnlsr ToU to be the favorite shall
the crown. Tbe following polling
places have bMn dealgnated; , e
Park Place Hotel. Frank Friedrich's
shoe ilore. Steinberg's dry goods store.
J. W, • HllUken's dry goods store, the
Boston Store, the Usnnsh A Lsy Mereantile Co. and Wilhelm Broc. dry good!
store, on the eenth side. It I* believed
that this distribntion of polling placM
will make it convenient for everyone
to vote early and often.
The votes will be eollectod every
evening at 7 o'clock bp the eomaittee
aoda bnlleUn annonneing the rmalt
for the dap placed at the Mormn*.
Eecord office and Frank Prledrleh'i
shoe store sa soon s* tbe rMull ii dc
torminee. ThU will be done every
evening nntil the night of Jdip firal.
when tbe contMt will eloM. ThU will
allow two depe In which to oomplete
thearrsngemenu for tbe queen's cot
tame and retinae. The queen will
>e night o
third and immediatolp after
tier tbe grMt
lUaminated parade a grand bait will
bi given at which her msjeetp will re­
ceive. aitioded bp her aide*, who will
be three or more little maids. The
opers house will be olegantip decotated and tbe eiage will be a bower of
bssutp while the tbrone will
magnifieenee anything ever eeneeived
bp tbe old monarehlM of tbe worla.
The nninasklng will take place at tbe
opening of tbe ball and it U
that after lip. m. no one i
meek. ThU u to prevent poMiblc in­
dignities being perpetmted upon per­
sons remslnlng onl after the parade.
Frank Friedrich, director general of
the esroibal pert ot the celebretlon.
hM placed orders for a large supply of
^ A Monster OeTll Flth
paraphernalia for tbe carnival, inelod. aal- ing matki, dtgi. Japanese lantern, red
inselM and green fire, aud other things nMetV Life Mry fer a warm time. Be »?Uhe* it
Best eU'.ed that the first 100 bop* under
peer* of age who leave their namM at
hU (tore will receive a mask free. Tbe
first ISO bSpd over 13 and under 1C wil I
receive a horn frM bp leaving tbelr
astwdsjr Night DstoC
namM at the store.
There will be another dance riven at
The illumlna'xd portion of the eamltbe
“ ”
Mneie bp Heim's i
estra. toil vai alii be in charge of S. C. Usspre*,
VilS 4t
the neradeaodspMlal features directed

GaUery of Smith A Prioe Yotul^sp
and Stole Valnable Lent.
Salih A Price, tbe South Side photogrupbera. ware tbe vietimi of a dar.
Ing rotoberp oarip peetordap morning.
Some bold thief entered the photo­
graph gallarp by breaking in tbe door,
and stole from one ot tbelr eomeroe o
lens worth ot least tSO. beside* taking
what little change was left in the Ull.
Tbe Caleb that fastened tbe back
door WM broken off, and entranoe
had been gnlned top that meana
‘Ae pnttp bad been cut from one of
tbe window* on the north side of tbe
bnildlng, Indies^ an Intention to
enter tbe room bP means of re^p^lng
tbe glaw, toot tbe other aethodtoMmed
to have been decided upon m mere ex­
Psopls were st work In tbe bakery
adjoining the photograph goUerp nntU
oftor midnight, oad tbe rotoberp woe
dlseovered when Mr. Prioe come to the
studio ot 4 o'clock, so there eeemi to
be litUe dontot that tbe crime
ooaaitted between thOM hoars.
Three leneee were left in plain view
in addition to the one that was itolen.
and ono of tbe ioasM left was worth
shout «100. so that Smith A Price do
not fMl eo hadlp{M they Bight An­
other fortnnate thing wm that Mr.
Smith took from tbe tilt before leaving
tbe gallery tbe night before, about rs.
leaving onlp toae aaiall ebange for tbe
Aeriff Simpson and Chisf of Police
Bsaais were aotifted of tbe robbeiy at
an eorlp bonr. and both will make
every effort to apprehend the thief.
Bnt m no cine le left there is moch
probabUlty that be map escape.

One Minute of
YburTime, Please!
We do not wish to appear vain-glorious
but desire onij to -remind you again
that we are still selling groceries.

0-UL3? Sixcx3ess——Q.
is due to new ideas, correct methods,
new stocks and continnal thought of
betterment, which enableshs to fill jonr
days’ wants, as you desire them, "down
to date.”

New Phone 149.

Up.To-Dnte Grocer.


Now BiscoTory for Bloodpoisoning.


Ilf '?5-,

Men’s Tan Oxforde,
Pat.Iveather Oifoida, $2.50,
We have tm-m in al) sizes and widths,
remedy, and foi all diacaM* ol
....... .. aevertised.
and blood, from Contact and Secondary
Bereredlury Causes.

m Frat SL

id ■


and we sell them jost as

A. S. FEYMAN. FracUcal Bhoeman

Grood. UyCeal
has Its foundation in the kltchen-so say most people bnt wS be­
lieve not. Go a step further back and we find some grocery store
should receive some of the credit Our Grocery Department
strains every nerve to deserve it. Here are some things that
will improve any meal:

Deviled Crabs
One of the finest relishes on the mark­
et.’ 2<;c the can. including one dozen large
crab shells to be used in the ser\-ing. On
the wrapper will be found receipes lor
over a dozen delicious ways of preparing
these crabs. People go wild over them.
Better order up a can or two. You'll
surely like them.

Good Things:

Turtle.\'egetkble and Chicken,and all sell
at the uniform price oi loc.

For a
or an entertainment or an afternoon re­
ception. Nothing nicer to serve with co­
coa or coffee than Cheese Sandwiches,
or Champagne Wafers, (25c the box), or
Long Island Wafers orUneeda Biscuit at
5c or Uneeda Jinger Wafer at loc.


and who don't like them?
Bar Harbor Little Neck Clams at 10c.
The goods that we carry are the finest
make you think you're right ,on the sea ever put up. ^'ou can buy any size bottle
you want. The little Deviled Olives -arc
You may want some fresh Salmon. prime eating and sell at 15c. Larger bot­
Have three grades—12c, iSc. 20c.
tles at 60c. I'he .Manzanilia Baby Olives
The Canned Shrimps are splendid eat-^ are 30c. so are the Queen Olives. The
ing and are only 15c the cun.
Crown Queen Olives are 60c.
Everybody likes Pork and Beans. Our
'Van Camp's Brand is at the bead. Sells


at IOC,

are the necessary articles for a well set
ubie. We ll tempt your appetite with
Perserved Ginger at 25c the box. An­
In the summer time it’s easier, cooler chovy Paste at 30c; Russian Caviar at
and more pleasant to let some one else 55c: Tobasco Sauce at 25c; Tomato Cat­
do the hot cooking. Our soups are all sup. 25c: Worcestershire*Sauce, 45c:
prepared: only need t'he heating.. We Gherkins, loc loxfioc; Mixed Pickles,



Store open Tuesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m.

The Hannah & Lay Mereantile Go.






It t»kM«u,eoD worth «f ttdcou %s
mrrj ibo LaironUy of Mteh^
1 lath*
wMowootfC. K. Barw^'a gromer

yoottho mat
wiadowi aad danairliur tho hoOUaf
aai otoek to tho aiaout of tTOO. of thaw
MaacfUt.atabalarwariMdBp aa the
■heroa of the aaBaraai lakaa la and
amaadteat aonatrmao dlteaaa apidtmie aaioar that
ivaeiaa of the flaar trfbt it tha a
At Manitlat the laaeV hoaM and
ban bBI part of the tanaarr owned
bp tht American Bide A UaUer Oo..
bomad Thnrtdap momlnc. tofather
with their eentanla. The loti U catlnalod atfltS.OOO; folly aorered by Ineoraoee.
bamlnf of these hoatet
htt affeated the operations of the tannmy. and If wUl require a manth’i
tlaip to rebate them.
Poultry ralteia In Michigan this year
arebsTlngbad lock, according to reporti from many portiona of the state.
The proportion of egg* which hatch
among those eet It Ttry small, and in
'reetigaUmi has shown that the innei
skins of almost' all the eggs are sc
thick that the (dileks are nnable tc
break ont when they hare baeomc
falls dereloped.
Charles Hoffman, a fanaar
Ortmirllle. wm killed by lightening
Thnradsy night while sUnding in the
bam door. The same bolt kUled a
valnable horse.
A tornado stmek Ingham conn^
Wodaeaday aad took % path 10 rods
lag la the wav.
Bo iom of life is rsportsd. bnt a large
amoent of damage was dona
Aaolher change has taken place In
ihip'of the Antrim County
Santtnel. pablUbad at BsUaire. J. W.
Balleek baa disposed of Us Interest to
W. S. Bynes, who now owns the whole
ontflL Mr BslleekwUI start a paper
at aoms otbor point la the county.
An odd baseball game is to be played
at KaIamsz6o next week; odd in that
It la to start at S o'clock in the momlag.
A < year old boyaWDaliey. Cbas Oa.
ran In front of a freight train going 30
miles an hour and was almck and
thrown 10 feet Into the Ur. bnt, strange
to say, the only injury he enstained

erEwn m toeierr.

W MK wr wrwnw wt wrwnwwtw

AMxnicsji Xjxsaua

EfiSKp-i: ::::::;;::;: I‘I
FtiheraodSogdea: Bams and Hey-






Patten aad Goading: Selvais


agree to cefond the money on a &oaant botUc of Greene's Warranted Syrap of Tar if it fails to cats your eoogb
w ODld. We also gnaraotee a t3-oeot
bottle to prove satisfactory or money
rcdnndcd. 8. B. Watt, Bngbee A Boxborg, James G. Jobnaoa. F. C. IbompThe peppermiet area lo Michigan
and ladiana U reported mneh emaller
this year than last and the pHos of
' It will probably go up. Bon.
A.M-1bddof Kalamaxoo has aboat
ITS aeroa of new peppermiet planting
aad abont 1,000 of the old.
A Ufe and Death Fight
Mr- W. A. Blaee of Mnueheaier,
writing of bf --------- -----------’
____________ .
e aftei
-------- ladneed aertoee Inng tronble,
ended in ooMumption.-------I had
freqaml heMOerhagea and eonghad
bum and day. AU my doetore eald I



Oor Fifloen Cent

Beam. J B Hamlin. Enoe Tremsin,
Mrs. George Stivers and daoghter
Wm M Smith, B C Bogan. D Coehlln.
Minnie, fcrmerly reeidente of this city,
From preeent
now of Allegna, are visiting the fam­
ventlon wlU be barmonloos nnd
ily of Gaorge Knight In Oak Park.
friction is likely to oesnr. The oounty
WiU tend n solid delegation for Steams
to the state eonvention, also for Perry
F. Powers for auditor general.
Bon. J. W. MUllken'c ekuees tor the
>ngreetlonnl nomioation are not over­
looked and he will aleo get a eoUd
o b
delegation. There has been little
work for the senatorial nomination,
bnt It it eaid that A. E. Palmer of Kal­
^ Whooping t . _ . . .
kaska is seeking the ofBce. Among
Bronchltle and Inclp
Consumption, It
representative to
sneceed Feeler are C. L. Deyton of Leelanan. and W. L. Case of Benssnia
W. Hastings of this citj^ has also been
talken of eerionsly. bnt he has not yet
dedd^ on an eSort to land the nomi­
nation, although arged to do eo.

Greater Improved


C M ,

Positively tue Host Original
Novel and Most Expensive
of its class.
60 —All White Stars— 60
40—110.000 Band—40
26—Concert Orchestra—26
16—Fine Singers—16
9—Star Comedians—9



14-Rei TorUlt;Y8idCTiUe-14
\ 'Avt ^iERMAN I^EDY'
flraa|[^s!t^ 25f^50ei«J

Sotaitained Members Charm-

Unique Battleship

ingly Yesterday.
Bpieedid Program In Which Bright

TskctbcRcaslac.vrtciml I

LitUe Ones Displayed Varied Tsl-

Yesterday afternoon was childrens'
day at tbeelnb anda*dsllgfatfiil pregram was given. It would be hard to
tall which were the more enjoyed, the
•elections by tbs little tots or tbs more
elaborate ones by the older yonng peo­
ple who coniribnted to the aftemoon’s
After pleasant vrords of welcome by
tbepreeldent. Mrs. L. BoberU. the fol­
lowing program waseharminglyjglven:
Song by all—Star Spsngled Bsqaer.
Plano solo, Tarantelle — Jooephine
Lnllsby Song—Miss Carrie Avery.
BvilatioD—Fayette Dockeray.
Song—Vera and Fiorenec Battenbury.
Song—Lucy Desmond.
BeclUtlon—Boy Waiu
Piano solo—Marguerite Evans.
Beeitation—Bena Carter.
Violin solo—Constance Hoyt.
Bvltatton—Lndns Pstchin.
Tas Flag Song—By the children.
German Song-Bessie and Oertmde
!lle Bennett.
Saeg-EUtsbeth Pstchin.
! Isgrig.
Song—Mary Morgan,
VioUe solo—Helen Hsnaen Wltb
. by Miss Addle Ssles.
Bacltotlon—Henry Hull.'
BoeluUon-Oemld Rnll.
Elver, by Mtos HastlngvBsajo Dnet-Bobei;l Chaee and Harbart Montagna with plane aeeompanlment by MUa Lontoe Buck.
At the eonelnekin of the pragrab
cream and cake w« tarvad to the ehUdThe afinraoao was oae of the moet
Bjoyahlc of the year aad the able
way U which the eeleetiops were rand
•lad givee promtoe of bright daya for
tbeelnb in the yoara to ooma whan the
chUdmaoLjodny am old anooiA to,
take np elnb dattoa and beeoma active

Surpasses anything: we have seen at
the price—Tan colored with fancy silkaUne heel and toe.

Our Twenty-live cent
Includes some handsome silk lisle
goods In polka dot, stripe and mixed fancy
colors. Fine hosiery Is one of the special
features of our fumishiug goods depart­

Hamilton Clothing Co.

First Part.

DON’T Be FooLeoi

Grand Locomobile Parade.
Note the Date.

eats, OottClnded by Bnjoymeni

Sr. W. 8. Deck, tj* jpsritiirt
The next maattag, which tote be
Cm be aesmalied daring June a
btidJanaM.waibetbanannal ■
Wmn Hlath suaat. ^polatSB
> No. lag. and nU mambon an argad to be


And see that you are weU
supplied with comfortable
hose—We are sbowiuR some
excellent values in tan, black and colors,
at lOo, lec, aOo, S6c.

Opera Mouse.

who had wUneased the accident ex­
pected to find the litUe fellow dead
Childrens Dsy is always ons of the
n they got to him.
notable aftemoone of the year at the
Woman's Cloh On that day the chUd
Testerday-a Base BaU Bsmea
of the membets are the gnasu of
apscwl U Tb« Mora ms RMOnL
the cleh and everything U done that
can bethonghtof togive them a happy
time They also eontribnte t« the
pleasore of the afternoon by giving
program of mnsle aad roelutlons
which to enjoyed hr both yoang and

............. ... . .

at the Bottom

Steinberg’s Grand


KlanenpolM.................... ..


Wg Orosrd wOl be Msrs Redt WaA
srith BaRiagtaab Band.
The OadUae Saws and Snprmn
roast on the beach
at Mr.
last evsnlag ad tha teUowlng in its list iasna:
OddFaland WM greatiy aajoyed. Mia. riank
this Ooen^ WOl Send C
Frietfrtd and the Kisses Myrtle Snnak- Iowa wUl attend Ue annoal meeting of
•taarw.Wnilban apdftiame^Oan- aU and Catherine Cntter ehaperoned the Northern Mkbignn Odd FnUown'
tebe haldla
easoi Wen Oniot aad Devoid of tke party. Theae praeeal wera Mildrith Doeketay. Clara Batnar. Willard Travnrse on Wednsadsy of
Prtednek. Btbal Van Syekla Bmau The GadiUsc Bebekah etoB wiU alao
rrtadndh, Qsesie Whiting. Ohaitotta attend and enter the initiation oonteat.
keU last Bight with rrtadrieh, Mnrlon SanshaU, Howard In which prism wlU be awarded to the
abat^ devoid of
two aufls assail lag In the eaernt we^
Doekaray, JbUm Beaia.
eta od, any kind. Tba dalagatca
AdellghtfaltareirnUparty was riven
■ totha eoanw eonvantien, to ha
yasterdny for Miss Agam Stone of the
bald aentTaasday, are m foliowa:
elty. is pratidsat of the i
aaylam, who wlU leave sooo for her
mb MUitnry band wiU a
TT Bates, fi 8 HaU, Maleolm Win- home in Canada after worklBg In the psny the party tram OadUlae.**
ala. J A Lerangar, L Bobarta, Bdwln uylnm'fortbepnatflve ymn. Abont
Wait, Jamsa Marnhia. O P Qarver, Sets- M of her trlands want to the ahoreof
Tbkan this moath keeps yoa waU aU
nal Oarlaad. 3. W. Baanan, W. B. Fas- East Bay. where they spent the aftar- the year. Oreatast tonic kaonn. Boekv
I most dslightfally.
IV. Frank BamUtcm. Or. J. W. Oannt----------- ----------- by Madlaoa M<ds and fmlts n
Ison Co. Ste, Aak yoar draggieV
■ sound Ward.
aervad. A fine photograph of the party
A B Brown. E B Whlta. Thomas H was taken by Smith A Prise.
berman. E W OraOtek. Frank Trade.
B W Haettngs. Joaeph Klhason. F F □Mr. aad Mrs. Francis Trontea of ?13
Oroar, Berbart O Joyat. Arthor Vasina. Wsbster street, wm pleamallT ssrptlsod Thnrsdsy night by s company of
Third Ward.
Parry Hannah. Oao O Covell. C. friends. The following were preeent:
M Beers. Frank Fiiedrieh, W W Denn. Mr. and Mrs. LonU /.eck. Mr. and Mrs.
C B Doekaray. L K Oibb^ P C Oitbsrt. D. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. J. H<
I M Wianla, 8 C Daeptas. A B Cook. A Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forton, Mr. and
Mrs, F. Pelffer and the Missca Altec,
Agnw. Vcrc aad Mabel Lemonde.
Fonrth Ward.
Saturdfly, June IQth.
The evening was spend in card play,
C M Prtll. B B Pops, O W Lsrdle, W
ing, the prise being won by ARnca
F Harsha. C C Knowlton, Bay Tbackei
Lemonde and the oonsolatioa by
Fifth Ward.
L E Clenland. Oeo P Uarrison. C A Pslffer.

K«b Who wm OonpoM BopaUiooB Ooimtgr OodtobOob.

AammwtmaXhomotim \
Weod-AUM. et Aaa
1 » 4«U«Ma
tottoMtfskWMBM’tUtanl Fadv


_______ _______ _____...
Xrver before these low pric<
aSS. STSUS; ^ •5'*. -w; ~Sc. SeaU now on sale at
; Box Offiw. Telrphone 112.

Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes



Sidewalk Lumber in all sisea.

Msore to Traversa Oftv Lnmher Oo.

An eminently skilled nnd accomplished nrlist. A wonderful and
thoroORWy-^jnsHtied photocrapher.

Soper bss seenred tbe Photo building opposite the Hotel Columbia on Front
•tract and has remodeled it and put it Ip order for suictly op to date pbotoAll ere cordlslly tavlted to visit bis studio end test bis ability as an up lo
dsle pbntogrspber.

awwwvwwCTW wtneerttwwww MSMiKlsSB.a

Stot "\)Davs\

^OT Sa^vkxdia^.


Coat and Jacket Sacriliee
Miaeee’ ewell Box Coais, worth op to $6 00, to clo«e at.......... $3.00
65 Children’s Jacket*—this fieaaon's make—BELOW
COST-aa foliowa:
10 Jacket*, neatly trimmed, to cloee at............................................
8 Jacketa, all wool, oeutly trimmed, worth $l.-50, at..................
11 Jacket*, all wool, neatly trimmed, worth 12.50, at............ $1.26
‘J Jacket*, all wool, neatly trimmed, worth $3.50, at...............$1.76.
22 Jacketa, elegantly trimmed broadclotba, worth to $4, at $8iS6
5 Jacket*—child’s—swell box cut, stitched broadcloths with
sailor collar, worth $5.50. at............................................... .'... $3.00

Worth up to $1-00 a bunch, to close at............................................
Worth np to 7-5c a bunch, to close at..............................................
Big job, worth to -50c a bunch, to close iit.....................................


The activity in our clothing department
of late is the result of the

We are sellini; sails for less tbac you can buy the materials by
the yard. Wo have added many new anits to the.following
lots: '

Men's Suits—Nowhere can jouget suits
to compare with this lot—they are 0J A A
worth $6.00 to $7.50........ ............ WTiwO
Men's Suits in nobby stripes and checks
in ii^bt and dark colors—ag^reat rari*
ety of stylish patterns—worth $10 to

15 down Laundered 'Vaista, 32, 34, 3d only, for..............26c
10 dozen Laundered WaUte, all sizea, the 75c kind today
for.................. ....................................................................60e
One smaU lot tocloee at.........................................................69c
Beaember we are beadqnartore on these gooHa.

Men’s Suits that win customers — Of
pure Worsted. Vicuna or Serge, are
strictly up*to-date, worth from $12.50

^wttvCT feaVuTC ^ live daq mWV be

We give von the pick cl aip suit ie the store for $11.48.
None reserved-worth from $15 to $20.

Tonre Truly,



Come today—Open ’till 10 o'clock tonight.


fteliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.





it tntr tretia

Ma.6M*leM. widom ai W!
•» ttKWHdea
Mn. OUdh«rk0 M bMB <
■hsMTtbom. diad wlUMtraevrarMliHwri
wd ntnmaat to
U » doj or two H

ttet It kad fOM taok to lit WMri
kOM. ow a dtoiMM of too mUw, CM a
nad OBtinlf aakaowa to tho doff.
MTroaOaHbwheeeBdaBta a dairr
•HrtkomUaCoaBp at HallorrUlo,
iBdIas tarrtacT. baeoslar oaddoBly
teM,drora hit childcaa awaj treat
tta feeeao aad thaa daUbmMj pew
Mi wifi at tka petal e( a rertfrar to
awiUowtkipate. Ba atoad erar kar
vrttkiac kodp wlU kU waapaa aad
paraatad aap aaaiataaoa bolac rtaoa
kar, katptarararToaa at bay aatll tko

Mba:d«nb Walla i
yaatardaytma tkawataiagaakealte
aaiatoat the Ualt«dtp«( MbMffaa.
SbarrfllranUoadaly la tkakoapltalaata Angaet.
Aa ladUa doetor wfU toetaraa* tba
town hall at Baal tkb eraMag aad alao
gteeanoBklbnional tkaealp daw.
•ra mllm> •!«. Adabaloe lO eaata.
Tba ehfldr«>a day prograa at the
peatBoaailaatkBadap tm aoeoaetot tka
wtUba ciraa Saaday atenlac
at 10;U e'do*, the ttea of tka n«alar AaiAaartloa.
TkarawfU kaa BaaOiffottka Amriaaa Vadataltea of I«kar at tka 0. S.
P. 8. kaU Meaday oTaalay. ▲ taU attaadaaaalaamdr. W. Wfifht bad the atlafortaaa to
ereaba UtUa tafar whlla aaklBC a
a eoapUac oa tka Para Marqaatta
Tharaday alckk
Bar. A. 3. Eldrad|wai daUrer tbo adraaa at tka Maatlag <4 tka Pieaaci
aoelaty of Oaaa eeaaty.
3. C. Msrfaa bat porebaaad tka daa
of Jamet Shriglay oa Slatk


a pab of aUppers
. _
with catboaace of aoda. which mlticsled
toe w«c« e( a stomato alwavs npart,by A
priaeo rate. Hr wonld ask the a^Acrs Z.
to wait tai be got bb alippera
bb *aoda. aod aa nwiteay b tbe rnie U bt>xieo even when you bare tu abant a tLnn
hb reqoeat waa inTuriafaly heeded,
Dbgenea lin-d <ji very eomf^itaUiy.
We big g^ nug^t
I*oebb. Im-


to the patriols who objerlrd to being fanThere waa a poor peoo man to Ban
perblbed, and there migbl he ahootings
Anid, who very eariy adopted. paaaire
of tried aod troc rcpohlirans raaged in
tauLon as his phik>sophj- ot Ufe. and. front of Btnae walls. l>nt m>hDdy thought
oa tbe whole, rot mora enjoyment ont of of tronlding a beggar man who had no
edstcBc* than tbe ftiasy fclbws. It b opinions. Unee the Krendi came and car­
tree that some of them acealred ricbet ried tbe minister to Vera Crnx. where he
wbleb tbeb bdts did net know bow to was kept In the undenrater dnageona of
keep, aod ao tbe atone went raUlnr down tba laland Caafle of Ulna for a wtwie
year. Dbgenea mourned this event aa It
bill araln; others annacd Ibemaeivct
made hU child friends b the boapitabie
with books aod crew wbe. to a way, aod bonae rry often as they thought of papa's
yet could not fire tbe peoo pbUoaopber fate. Bat tbe peon faullst never dreamany Ufonnatloo that be cenoldcr^ worth
a cenUvo about what became of man aft­
er tbe roof of bb mouth bad grown cold

... It f.. ...-------------------------------------------.
and be bad 10 be pot anderaroood bet ba him. But be had got'a bug way into nir­
become uopleasant to tbe arnaes of tbe vana and so took Ufe aa a dream, partly
nnpleaaant. and be pitied the people who
Urtor. And there were atUI others
were bothered with its illaslons.
who tbon^t that, by sticklnr fast to
a creed aod obeerrtoff many ceremonb*,.
they would be eared from diugreeabb
Uitogs after death.' but to Diogenes
erra tbU seemed a ranlgr. So be failed
to conform tuore ibao w-as outwardly
aecmlng. and tbb be did because otberwbe ihc Carmetite brothers at the Cou-


dawdayaagoaBdaU^tadoea plUot
mdu IS foot below. Be aaeapad with
WbUa tafclag tba eaatat a Lnrta^
. wortb aaaBarator foaad a womaa lit
yean of age Uriag la tbatel^. Her
rnm» it Mrt. Kitty Watkioa aad the ta
k^oad doabl tba oldMipareoa in KtnMt. Mra. Watklaa it nearly blind, bat
rtM baa a tplr nemory aad Ulki well,
•beta black, welgba over $09 ponndt
aad it one of the good aatnrad, old time
aolored anatlea, to eoBmon before the
oirU war.
The elerator baring ctopped, Miai
fioranoe Leonard of ArlWton, Qa..
waa iBprlaoaed on top of tbe obierraBoe tower at Niagara FalU all nigbL
A terrible aosident Atearred Tbnreday at Ue Hale atlae, three nUet from
Uwabie. Mina., in wbleb Bre men
we lattantly killed by an explMlon
Tbe Ponaa ladiaat, Uring In oortbAaOklnboBa, elartad Wedneadey oa a
. Ik daya’gboet danea. and tbe Sac aad
Bos trlbet in aontb OklahoBa are Jut
^ ao^lating the waek’a gh«t daaee.
-'“Tbe Indiana oay tba Maaalah la eoatlag
> ' akerUy aad that aU tba dead tadtaae
■Lva to ratara to Ufa aad kiU off tba
Lfriagatena aathnalaata are prapar^ to aaad into tbo heart of Abkaa
■Htlah BoaoBaat to mark tba apot
wbare tbe axplorar died. It U aa obaItk of eoaerola bloeka M feat high,
«llk Mtal paaelB oa tba foar eidat.
Mra. Aaaa B. Leada. a literary wo■a*, waa aelBggaaoUaateelaaa glorae
■ear a gaa Jet at Obleago, aad waa
karaad to daatb.
Tba farBaia of Naaa eoaaty. Kanaaa.
to« boUiag maattaga to oooaidar tbo
kaotway to daatny ptalriadoga. It
wdaeidad to ana bienlpbldo ofear-


iatayatta WUUa«a ia daU pa a Ckargg
Of idiastt as4 feattary.
Siapaoa rataraadlaat araakig kooi Walton, wbare ba aiiaaiad
Ukyatta wmiaata oa a eba^ of aaaaalt aad battery, preferred by Cbarlaa
H. aeett. WUUane eoald aot pay a
. ffaa of H abd eoala of iapoaed by
Jaetiea Brown, ao be weat to jail for
•ftoendayala defanltof payacatof
Tba troBble whidt lad to tbe arreat
wmrtbeaalaof alot toBaott hj
VUliaaa Tba Uttar bargaUad to
Ball to Booh a Utter tba eoB offs aad
% waa dapoaltod to bind tba bargain.
It la allied that wbaa Soott made a
Peadar of tba reBalaiag •« for the
property tba ameant waa refnted. Tba
raaaon it waa refaaad k aald to hare
ka« becaaae WDUaBa bad a ehaaoa to
eall tba property lor BOre Boaey.
altorcaUoa eaaned and word# warn
' pi—* Beott b told to hare ladalged
M ao g«nUe temu la telllag WUliaaB
what be tbonght of blB for not kaapkig to bb bargain, and tae other aeaaaliad bis. The cospUlat aad arnet followed.
$100 Beward, glOO.
Tba raadere of thb paper will be
plaMed to learn that there ta at leant
ana droad dbaato that adaaoa baa been

ones beard the people ahoutidg “vlraa"
for form's' aSke. but emperors and empresses maiu-red not to a man who could
Meep in a straw mat. The rmpi-ror saw
him aod tossed him a gnldpi<>.v. which
Diogenes picknl up. kisw-d. which was
hb way even with copper cenlavoa given
Mm by the iKwr. and t<s>k off hi« ragged
aomhrvro in token of ackiiowledgmnit
Tbe gorgeous stuff ofRivrs Mnili<d. and the
cortege swept on. When peopU-. months
.after, told Diogenes that the Kmperor
at tjticretaro,
UniVniilian ha^MH-^n ■
I r<-now.
comnienl. for

ppUaa, rnmlmd a latter IrcB
. _
Ub yonag Baa Tbnmday. dated at
I‘<ople had fallen inlo calline him
SaatoOrax ehorUy before bb daatb.
bevautc of aume peculiar lubita
The letter etotad that ba.wae rety Dint-ftics
Uw philosophic {HOD bad odr.ptcd.
weak, aad that bb frianda wonld act waa areostoiui-d to sin-p iu a |M-late. or
straw mat. wliirh be rollrd around tilmknow blB, ba waa ao tbia.
-• night, and which was a »ort of
O. H. Vaaderrort and too Jack retnned yntorday tram their flablng
trip-wltb ts nloeonea.
Cbarlca Watkins, formerly plUber he got, the name of the <5twk pbiioaopn sidem. who had
tor the HnaUrra U tbb city, jolaed tbe
I Isvn hosing the •■otiipuss w ithin the limDayton team of tbe Intemtata Laagne
sna-. its of Mesi<v> Inst came hack, and |•P«.
a very good raler.
yeeterday. aod wUl pitch bb Brat game tvar ef the .\i)er
len.-an rnvuM.m. when although theiv won- tUoK- who regn.ttisl
wlOt them today. Be baa beea eoarb- l*resid.-nt
n ns euacimg uu imperial- ,i„. „i,sh. gold siK-oding da.vs „f the emlag tbe Uaireralty of Michigan team irtic
role .and« a
V-mtorj tor geu-1 ,,i„ l-.ndl.n|,h rs were
tbnafarUb aeaaan.
Ucnien who had many hla, k sjavea and civing y. llnw money for Mesimn imp.more e how ro.,m
Of the rauaes :
promises to pay They told liiogene,
Brrin Brnu and MatUda Bendriekr, u^ted
<thut uar had not the small- , ,h.t a man ns ugly as himself ami an In­
both of thb dty. were lioeaaed to ert idea. He found the \ank.H-a-aomc j
iik..nis,. was president iu tbe City
of wb.«n were pr.iuouueedl.v Itjsh-most
sieiico. wh..«- towers nnd domes you
Barry yettorday.
Sai. Angel. But he murThe foneral of WUlUa Berlptara oe- generous. One of the big. burly aoldiera '
earredat Aeme yeeterday. aad waa
Tory largely attaadad.
Oharlai L. Oonear and Oiarlaa B. Haa- wonder why such g,>od friends
aet Bade a Boa catch vf baaaaadblea raw and Mexicans should ever rare to •
glib yaatarday near Manbtae Croaslng.. WK .'I
Ms fare gn w mots- intrilig.nt. hr aald
H ben the soldiers hanged a lot of Irbb ,Uat "ang. ls ranie nn.l whis|wred
It'b eapaetad toat alarga crowd will deaertera,
tbe sinister ntimlier of lYk
,, was notisl ,that he directed
hiin." and^ll
go OB tba axonrtUn to Nortbport to- apreadbf tiwatthenoctoibalof tto
hi-feeble «.-r« toward• ih...................
he cb
and^ seemed -jnHtil.i ! • pray. He aske.1 for Dothiug,
The OolnmbU wlU laara the b^. Diogracs was
gave ibi
doekat8:ie AB.. aad ratara la tba trees borne so mueblman
Ir T”
By ‘“1
and ‘>«
...u n... .i . old ncT> the wortd had been
early orantag. Mule by the Or«eent by, for all thlogt emktbe blond northern-' "kiml tu the■> p<s>r
Diogenes." Bometimes
era went away, atid^ came times of
d the bli-Bsinga of tbe myrtertin the land, moeb galloping to
,d„r,.d to theebureh
Baada'a Twlriaft will ^y a gaae of revolution
and fro of armed bors.-men and frotjuent „„
minister of fmancr and bis chilball at Nortbport toaorrow. going ap
«hv dreo. It was Ihc blowbming of tbo dim
oa tba Gnaeent band auaraUa.
CharlM Oook, who wan ao j^y
eraahad U tba axploaUn at a F.l^’a
^ ,u, Urbarte
BlU raaaaUy, b isprorlag rapidly, aad vent gate And the nn wanned him.
aatnpa wbUa yoaterday. It U eoafl- and be had nothing in the world to do bat
as cold
dantiy aipaetad that ha wlU ba able to to reflect on life to his vague nnd not uu-,
ba out in a tow daye.
Mra A. Dowara of Klagalay atoppad
on a ball of yarn raeeatty that eoattUad a .daralag aaadla. The neadla raJiTtVhoilc «Lurm
^ muTiod
broken off U her foot aad the
plaee baa not yet bean rnawrad.
the atray
lor Wallaae. who b a gaeat at toinga within its walls. 'Ihe m
white loeks. and he passed out into the
Bdgewoad, waa tba Brat laatrnotor of finance was a abort,;
wbo managed 4he nation's exiguous
the origlaal Boys’Band to thb dty.
come and |itid UUt dollars as sehlom
The towuspcple. who bad got used to
Tbs Modern Woodasea of America possible and au woo fame. Beaidea pul- him.
hail him
him d.H-enlly
diH-enlly buried,
buried, nnd
and when
many firuiea
figures on
o -hoeis
' o.rJw hV, him. had
wUhold tbalr Masortol aarrleaa la^ ting trmanr
noveU^n tbe Ut. of leisure h7rau- >*» was being a. rnugvd for liw ff™"‘hw
tba L L. A. kaU tomorrow at I0;t0 trivod
. get and thus manag^ to
.d to
e'etoek. The address will ba given by his life
e to much *“'’>1
Bar. W. T. Woodboasa of the BaptUt ffieal Srt
ey and pay little out again.
ebareh. AU are Invited to attend the
- lU statesman with a romantic turn:
BuaWu’a C»nat
penmtt<-d Diegenea to sleefi and make
<'onneet.-d with
John Bosktos
blmaelf quite at home in his poeeh. where Cbtmounix gttiJe. was a »lory which
Tba fraBo b np for tba haadaoma atooc pillars Mood luddlog up the roof. Buskin told me. soys M , J. Stillman in
raaidaaoeof LonbOraUlck.
and there was a general entranre. Here Tlie .ktbmi--. of a lr>,-alil)- in the valley
ghost which
Tba teboonar Ltoerla b at tba dock
rolh>d himself up at nigbt. a few earth- could only b.- seen by ehililn-n. It was
wltbaeargo of oata and bay tram he
ea jars, very little and rotuod and brown a figure of a aroman who rake<l the dead
Manitowoc. ■
Of hue. and a wooden apooi^ To this leaves, and when -be looked up at them
The etaam barge Bhoraa aad conaori •lender stock the «bildreo of'*fllV bouse, the ehildrcu snlll they only saw a skull la
warm hearted, praukbh lot. added place of a face.
and tan barge Parka ate taking oa aknives
and forks ami. contributed to the
Buskin sent to a neighboriug valley for
Inmber tor Chicago from tbe docks of brder of the pei>n philosopher many roit- , ,-bilj who eoiiM know nothing of the
Igattog bits of f,H»l on oeeasiuns. It waa legend and went with him to the bcallty
J«ton F. Ott A Oo.
Diogenes' habit to go to the town butch- «hieb the ghost was reported to hannt.
Tbe loeallabor anions and fraternal er'a with a "jarrin.'' and l-w some ox Arrived there, he-aid to the boy: “What
wUl participau to tbe- Fourth blood, and this be •s»>ked over a fire of ,
There is nobody here but
riiareoal or sticks pla.-ed on some rtonea oufaelv.-*.:'
of Jaly parade.
w-ilh a rertilb or two. made a meal
.-j:,.,, ,1^.^ i*." ^id the child; 'nhere
Jo Zimmerman made a nice csteta of and.
good eniiiighTiw n man whu had dtdii-at- j, „
woman there raking Iravcs."
treat at Bear Creek yeitarday.
ed hb life to m^liution ou things in gvn- pointing iu a certain direction,


Barber'a Onion OMcera.
Tbe Journeymaa Barbers lateraaiUnal Union of America, local Union
No. MS. bold iu r^piUr Beettog and
•iMted tbe following officers for tbe
easnlag ato Bontba:
Presidents W. Brawn.
Vie# Praaldcnt-a H. Fbber.
Ftoaapial Secretary—E. C. Blobi
Becoidtog Becretary-B. BaUer.

”■sss. v„pr.

eral, Bronson .smld not have man-, ..^1..
man r to her." said Buskin,
•grd nffaira a whit better, au.l Diugvni-s
waik.d that wav. when the boy
bad never potide^l m Oreek rajln^ stop|wd and said that he did m.i want to

Woodbine Cottage
flMbil Rmbs. Sitfy Uwi.

.'•a »1»
will ka at Btotobarfb 8iud Opaca
Bonaatoaiflitaad aa ap-to-Bau pnma of wraelUto ta artiato
ot too hlffbaat ^Ity to toalr Unea: a
atriktoffnad meal aneaptoble faatara
of tob aunetioa b tka earatal auaattea that bM bean paid to avoa the
Btoataet dataO. avavytktoff to aad
rtoat tba make-Bp of the company batof ot tbo moat alataat doaeriptioa.
aantaUy aalaetad aad pvoearod by the
witbtbaoaaatBto view
of preaaaHBff a abtotly raBaad. ap-torada. flnt claaa, blf eHy
AU of tbo tonal aeaaaiT b'
roBoved to aaka raoB tor tbolr vaelal
aata. aad their paad naval Bret part b
oaid to ba wltbont eomparloaa to the
miaatrMUBA Tbay are apeelally onmby tbe beat ionrnab of aU
tba larfer eltlae wkara tbay have
raeeatly appeared, aa havtof Mafaro.

"only holes."







"Now." said the iiuslical .vllege |

grant blue smoke as of a eboiec Havana '


AABra^. jTcaimy^
my A 0?^i3!aO. W. Cbaoa of Buffalo. N. Y.. wlU aend a
MBpleboxof Dr. Chaaa's Ointment, a
gnaraatacd core tor ckto tranblea.
Bnelnse eUmp for postage. Many have
Sxeu^ to VsrUiport
baea aurod by aaaple bo. and yon “
Saaday moratog, laavtog doek at only aokad to pay too poatage.
AKA m. Bouafi trip SS eanta.
Cknaeaat Band mnoto.
M SxontdoB to Korthport
ntUM7 Baaday aurntog. laavtog doek at
e;jD A m. Bound trip » ento.Itebtn riMH alwayt piaaaA »Mtf Oratoaat Band mniie.


B”SiS:;f:2J..'r.‘r!S,r- as-' ,

Carre aaU. esraar i


TCt BOXaa-ror aab cbeap M Us Bowl
A iMiusB.


OtokeU'e Big Stock eorntmay


open at Btetoberg'a Dread next Mon­
day night aad reaiato the entire week.
TbbooBpany ooBee highly eadoieed
by toe praeaof neighboring elUeaaa be­

lUC center of UakiB and Weal IMbBl.. orM
ing one of the beet popular ^loed at- homeof the enployer. tody.

that haa

aver appeared to

Michigan. They carry their'own apeclel
eeenary and


apparatus and

toeir plays will be staged to aa elegant

The productions are all new;




naXPABUD PALMS FOB BALBIt frooirloridE. Prieea fron » evnu
Bquiera A Bonner, euaSooth Cnioe Ot.
^igrA^^^Geod mrl^^ jvguwl boose_________________________________________


costomea. attractive apecialtlaa and a ! uoo. < sii or sddreu. cs Kortb£edsr.
first data coBbinatiou as a whole.

JlOB BALE fUEAP'-A good .Ingle carriage.

Monday night tbe Gaakelb will preeant tbe grand





World." using their own-sccnery und
electrical efleeU.

Mi>. AlvorU.XK Blair aitv-i

Prof. Henry Puyne.' who b credited
by laadluK Chieuffo papara M being u
rreat u Bind render u Bbhop, will
ba in tob city In tbe near fntnre.
MeKeaaport, (PaI Tima, any*:
••gnoVadbwu played at White'a
Opera Bonae tost nlffht to over $600, by
tor toe toireet bonae of toe season, and
it b safe to aay a more tooroafbly
pleaaed aodlenca never left toe Opera
« at toe oonclnaion of a parformTbe aeenwy wm BaRBlfioent,
eapacblty toe bnruloff of Borne, and
toe aetora tooronghly depleted all that
Btonklewica meant to convey to hb
wonderful atory."
Tbe above b booked for a produetloa
at to^lty Open House June $1.

OoiMl girl i
Appli aiBcev

general I

A BOUT Trs bead cattle
AA paslurc.tvo mltvA
Will lake at tl per wc
l^B BALB OB KXCBAMiiE—Tbcoorto sad
X* aontb CA.tsuartcrolArrilaa IX leva •
It irrsi. l^vlaaan couniy. Jobn Varly.
B 8ALE-LOU n and IT. Oak 1
rkvi price.

Joke Veriy.


property. J.W.PatrblB.



aw'a start.

Pindtr Ivmre at toU oata.

gO^ra^TTOTTIO^-^tl yon


Junv*S"rtLn^ ^ y^
iradtlsEFraua XbrtmTrauM

for toe Foorto of Jnly Oelbbration.
The aaMe ooBffllttae ot tbeJ-Fourto
of Jnly aenaonatrutioo have already
aeenred nnooffb bands to make a M«
sbowiuffon toe third and Fnrtb of
Jtdy. The otraulaatiOM eajruffed np to
date are HarrtofftOB'e MUHary Band
ef 0adlUae,tba WilUaiMbnrs baad.the
Kiiwaley faaad, and tbe Ckeoeeat and
Boyu’ banda of tbb elty. In addKlon
to toeM toe fine band oarrtod by Silver
Brotoan Oraat Novelty Show and
will form a

OOB SALS—aonae and lot nortb-oeaieevoar
f tXib aad Abiwta atrott. debe V,^. l«
MBQAO»-toJO t<y lau ae


a^^bclIdSrSr •b“SdrarSt‘
rr YOU WANTlManuwaermny kiadlaarm

part of too parade,
an ffood mnaleal orffanlnttooe and
they wUl fnrnbh tbe beat Buale froa
toe beffiantoff to toe end of tbe eelebration.

Steinberg’s, Grand
Opera House

Women's XranbleA
Mra W. S. Copeland of Cortland, N.
'..writes: "My ays tern was terribly
an down and I waa threatened witb
ollapee and nervona praatration. Dr..
. W. Chaae’e Nerve and Blood PilU
helped me wonderfnUy in a slid aad
effective Banner."
See pietnre and
•iffnatnre of Dr. A. W. Cbaaeoo every
boa yon bay. 50 oenta, all dnvgbUor
Dr. A. W. Chaae Sled. Co.. Bnffalo. N.


Monday, June 18,

Big Stock
Ladiat. "Tea eu jnap en to tnmpia ea
L bot it will oOBS np amUi^ every

Szcnnlea to Northpoit

Sunday Bornlnff, leaving dock a(
8:30 A in. Bound trip $5 eanta.
Orcoeant Band mosie.

tiwe "0alBan'a Elaatic Floor Varnbh

That! hflldlag UekaU
on Mra. Edmund AUard’a doUiee and
MUb Anna Andreuon’a violin are rcquMted to be at Frank Friedrieh’a
Shoe Store at 3 o'eloek tob after­
noon. when too winnera wUl be announoed.
Mw’i toiarlar Spar b the aunt

In eoBplele prodnetlons of

“The WorW.”

“The Heart Qt the UlethuiK,'*
“A Jeilons Yite,”
“The BKieit,"

lODu’s Hem,’'
, “The AtkiBc FipreB."
Tbe great scenic prodaction,

Onard—H. Kvaaa.

Uutoa-M. Habner.
The nubo b to a ]
dItioA There era at prMant but two
noa-uaion ebopa to the city.
•an b ttkea Utaraally. aeti^ dlroetMeeting of MePharaen Foot.
k open tbe blood and Bneont anrfaoea
There wUl be a epeelal maettog of
MePharaon Poet at the ball at 9 o'clock
MaoQMtttaUon and aatbUag aatnra tob Boratog. All are retuaatad to ba
preaauk ________ W. M. Sttmtrraa to Bnffarera
toffl H taUa to

MiBoxu.AnouB WAirra.


daacare and a varied olio of Ueb grade

c............. .b.. w.™..
a complex chap as eompan-d with ibb
Mexican Diogenes.
The parish i»riert on passing the porrh
of the minister of finance on

IP BikP 6m,L

Wn. E. U. TlMSLXa

“The World,”

le top of bbl'brad. |
and his
tbe snow- efi tbe top of the dbtant volcanoes. lie was feebler every year, and
by tbe time that tbe French aoldlcra
came, to the war of iuierventJoe. he
sraa an old mam aod be hardly noted tbe
empire which the Aortrbn arch- i
dnkc set up oa the unstable support ot
forvign bayonets. There were gurriilba
to tbi- nearby Sierra, go^ Juarea republicuns. and toey used to come to \U
bonso of tbe minirter ot finauce. who waa
ont of a job jnat toen- and reerlee secret
aid sod food and abcller for tfaeir road
srorn steeds. The house of the pUlarrd
perrt) was “a orel of repoblieanF." the
uetohbora affirmed. When the empire got
a Uttb aleudier on its logs, the rtateainanuerelirt was aoinetlmcs arresli-d and tak­
en tolo tbe City of Mexico and locked np
tor interrogation. He did not mind that
very mm-h, nlth-ugh It IntemiptpJ Wa
atorj- writing.
Betog.'Ukt- Diogenes, u
pMbaopber, he waa always ready for u

Abm la to* porple glaaaOag
An miBlag ill tbe sun.
A isr Irai sU lUi's Ituls
A tar from all Ufe', jert.


A lady fraa with ea«b »9e tbkat
Monday nlffht. If proonred baton
7p. to.
Pnoas, - - 10c,20o,d0o,
Soataala b^na Satnrday seral^
at tba Box Office.


ieaU vTilbiiig is tbrlr letteo.
ScKila In toe tnlgtaty sUUe.
‘Oatoit talf aad lalber'e bubtga
Seal! pleadiw lee acme Uk.

The Waukazoo Housel
xrcoytkxvexn. Mrion.

Are eouli ifaen ladiag ilewiy
BBiiod lUe-a prisow ban.
fiteb^ like we. tad talaly.
F«r aaswrr Iroa tbe lUtiT
-Aaa V:-;'-. I'r-w. t ; x. <oi«l H

Futeial Diractor.

Tbe beat fnnbbad and beat I
tbb pentoaula b roadyiar
bnstoaaa. Opaa tba yaar roand. Hood
Uvary to eneiM«tlaii sHtb *be honA
, U: ICS made auo^vc c^it aBplieatk«.



Maya. noae.
dadeattewart aUa «< GaiSaU
Moved by Aldermgft Stoder that tbe
. . ua from WeaUagtoa ateaat, to
report of tbe wnsnwtttae on wage and State eteoat. and eaMUah tbe grade
■iim ba takeai from tba taUa.
fartbansBa,-MUwulktobo alx toot
vridaaadbabaUt to aaonedaaM •wlib
the ordtoaaea letoUva to tba ooaateacww mUod «» mtm bg ^
___________ lomlariae be iBiriiiii
BaaaaetfaUy aabmlttod,
KmarNarthn»,OfaarlMA. Bowuld.
Moved by AUarmaa Moatogm to a H. Banter, A. 1^. a B. Oaaa, 3.,
aetead tte motkm of Aldermaa Hoove T. Sbialda. Lean Haattagtea. O. Me-:
Lomy. j. - • •
D fits HoBorabto. the Mavor tmd City paid from the atenet
CoMBrtl of Ue Ctty of TVooeree CUy.
Motion loot.
Moved by
Tom, AUarama MoBtagna. Bladar tbe petltioB U ralaned to oemmlttee

OttteOoneaoftbaflUff of Semns

W M Bmttb, fire



• rr«a
IMT« t0 fD to ArkuMU io
M ctanetm.” mU • Snr loit tua
^ ,p«t • MM la WmWii«1<*.
-iB floc otfcet of tbo utloul eaplW
«klek tbe «l<m»wr doc* not often
tfwral «ftlMi be to o^MtaUr pBotM be
«HI «ad prtatare necbote of b»liM
win «OM blB to forv^ for tbe
mchit-T ttet be to la u otbertrtoe
bMVtUBl and attraetlre Ht/. A bad
Movod by AUerman Wright tout tba
bwtBMB in one of tbe derwrtinMita
"ni^Udeimmi Moore. Boeghay,
rwy^l^a^tad aad clalma ba onterwmx b]r and afterward went Into tbto;
Kenyea. Bound and Oarrtaoa.
MoUea of Aldsrmas Moora was oaratract and noon *oi Iniereaiod in iw
ad by yea and nay vote M toUowe:
treat rartety of abope and people wta
Ysaa. AUarmaa Moora. HMUaga,
'raveraa ...
Tooa, AUarmaa Moore. Bongbay.
do not look Uke tbe Waahln*too people
Dear Or—BefaRtog again to tbe Sladar. Eaayon. Boafid, Oarrisoa aad
Kaayoa. and Bound and Mayor Priadptn SM la other.paru of tbe elty.
TraverMOW wntar boada, we beg to Wright.
Maya. none.
-A alfB orer tbt dooe of one of
'%ya, AUarmaa Montagna.' Slader, state toat nnr attoraay Inalsts that tor
Travaraa City. Mleh,. Jana 4, IMN.
ttopa attncted my attention, and as It
toe full protoetlM of tbe vratar wwks
7b U« BvnenbU, the Mayor and Ctty'
f^dtee««rf an arttole I wanted I went aoe.HLaartw.OWOertlB.0 0 Shot
.Moved by AUerman Slader that the bendboUma, afiirtllanoa Ibawatar
CouneUoJ the Cityqf Trmerte VUy.
in. To make tbe story more compete. w^. rTbortaU. John T BaaabaU., C report of the eommittae on ways and works plant parcbassU aboaU be given
and tbto oan M aeqompllsbad by only
aUl it a bat store.
8 Vadsr. 8r.. J f Oerdoe, Frank M
‘ moans be aeeepted and adopted as one matbod and that to Ire rtvW •
-Ibe proprietor waa t a tbe rear ^ Pataa. 8 Batobory. Oao W Barg.
of bto abop readla* a newapapor. Hto
Moved by AldJ^ Moatagu U
Yom, Aldormen Ncalagua, Moora. — ....... — --------- ----------------- 1 of toe rad toe petition for toe 1
tet were on a box. and bto knees ware tbapeMtleabt refarrad te^ oo
Slador, Bongbay, Keayan, Boand and ^t. and were the preaent bonda of Wobater street from Bom street oMt
on a line wlib bto i-bln. I hare do rea- mittas OB ordinaaam.
taken and naU for vrltooat tbo add!Wright.
mm to .ttnntoe bto pqUUca. bot tf I
tloiial aaeBrity ot a mortgage, tbeaeMays. A
oaritles wonld be eonaUerably tojored tooroaghly and
'ted aeen bltn In Cincinnati I iboold
9 defray the t
Mid atreet be g
d and graveled and
hare spotted blm as a (Metate to tbe
axpeadlturee andliabUlUae ot ti
We have no m resce. BUT CBB ma
tote Pop conreotion which n«t there.
of Truvuiue CAty, Miehtguu. lor «
be glvea. that at no Ume to toefatar
Aa be made no algaa of rtolne from fall
flaeal year begtouisg Hay 7. 1900. a
will a mortgage be plaoad
Uilrty daya after toe eomptotion of toe
mnfortaUe poaltlon I walked back,
ending Hay i. IMI:
plant. Tbe grounds of------BOaiMBSS QABD6.
Very respaelfolly.
Be It ordained by toe oounell of ed by toe ooaneil for refakng to give graee.
lie was smoklBg a cob pipe, wot* spec- -------- ooaaeU pcnosedlnga, oedlaimBae
Udoa, and a staw hat waa on tbe ota..aadtbepraoaodlageof tbe board Traverse Clly:
toe mortgage are BOtweUtakan «toee
E. W. HMttogs.
SacnoH 1. That to dalray toe gen­ ample prorlaion ooald be made to toe
ef adMatlee. for tba praaaet ftM
Urt of bto bead.
mortgage to cover any ooattogea
- -Are ypQ tbe ptnpiletorr I naked.
Moved by Alderman OarriaOn that
Oity of Truverae City. Mlohlgau. for the that might arise with toe desire to
- ~*Wdl, I'm tbe owner. I reckon Itfa
toe report be aeeepted and adopted.
H. Utoe^ Prea.
Motion earrlod.
tbe 'name.' be replied.
Moved by Aldermaa IbmtaffM that endtogYay L^WOL^here be ruiaid by
" ‘1 came In to bny a bat’
>0 propoaltlon be referred to the
tantion upon toe real and
'■'What'kind a bat yon wnntr
B printing.
decline toe bonds; and we shall expect
waa stU In tbe aame attitude.
Motton earrlod.
your definite answer by doe oonrse.
Naya. none.
-I said I pneaaed a derby would eolt 7b Ueifonorohto, Ur Moyor and CUy (•es.03S.00)and toat toeaame be levied Unless toe agreement M made to give
City ireMBrer’e report for month of
Cpunttt of UrCffyo/Tmeertr CUp. to eonformity with toe law and for toe toe mortgaga. we abell not proeeod May. 1900, was preaented and 'bn
objects and purpoaea hereinafter annm- farther vriththe legal exomlnat^.ond
“•WdU 1 reckon I can ftx you.
moUon of Alderman Moore duly carried
eratedand In toe aeveral fnnde and will allow toe matter Vo rest where It m
.What's yer stseT (biin sitting.)
received and ordered placed oo
OmttamaB:-Youroommlttee on ways amounta m follows:
**1 cave blm tbe figure, and be looked _ad 1-------- rwpeetfnlly report that
Contingent fund, one tooBtaaddol- mortgsge. we shall expect return of
at tbe abirtTea aa It be were trylnfi to we bare bad under ooanUeratlon toe
lev Opera Bourne Week.
qaeatfon ot ratotog toads by taxaUoo ^^1
ariect tbe number with bto eyea.
ment of porebaM be at aa end. We
-•Wdl.' ho mid after hla aurrey. for tbo eurreot expanaea ot toe elty for five hundred dsllaia.
mMt My. however, toat we think toe
earreat flaeul year and for publie
Oeneral sewer fund, one toonsand -------- n----- .---------------a..
‘tbar'a tbe stiff nns on that aide and
this mattbar's tbe aoft nos on t’otber side.
ter. and It a eat
B'poae you lent look along and see
toe trensacUon
___ _
Police fund, two thoaaand five ban- tent to make toe mortgage must be atreeU and toe eonstruetlon thereof,
what yon like.'
toe emounl of material need and toe
dred dollan.
was la no buny •nd conformed to
latereet and Slaking fond, two
expenae thereof, end toe atreet or
tbe enstom of tbe shop. I tried on aerdor
place where snoh materiel wm used
Skammooop a Mateb.
etnl bata. and while I waa so engaged
Uhrary fund, five hundred dollars.
r of
i Moora. dnly —.___ labor performed on said atreeis
tbe Btaopman reafikned reading bto
Park fnnd. five bnodred doUara.
PrinUng fond, five bnndrsd dollara.
and toe emoonte doe toe Mveral pernewspaper, which 1 had noticed was a
Light fond. toTM toonsi Bd~ five^him'
eons hereineflcT naaiod andertoe bead
West Virginia publication. When
dred dollars
ofpav roll;
found a bat that suited. I barked back
7b the JJunomWe. Uie Mayor anti CUu
lalaries f
to know ibe price, lie looked up from
Cuuj^ of the CUu of Traoerec VUy. BprinkUng
bnndred doUi—
btoiApnrand replied.
Poor fnnd, one toonsand two hnndred
“I tried anoiber bat and again asked
Hereby I reelgn my poaltlon of City
tbe prit*. He didn't lot* Op this Umc.
School fund, thirty-tone toonsand Engineer, the same tq take effect Im­
iipataln. Id Vti
but said: 'Same price. All tbe bate In
twenty-five dollars,
diK-* III Wm
U. F. NocrsKi r.
Stc. 2. There ehUnUo-be rsised,
tbo store's aame price.'
levied sod oolleeted aocordlog to lew. s'
-•One hat as good as anotberr I
_____ic, IS
Moved by Alderman Sleder that U
•pbm.Nortkvra'pkoMMo. L
ux of three and Aue-haU mills on toe reeignatloB be aeeepted.
dollar of all th<' rial eatoU and peraonMotion carried.
“ •Well. 1 don't kaow'a to that. Ton
street district nnmber one M hereto- al property aabj^. to taxaUon in
TravarM City. Mich,. Jane 4, IWO.
never enb tcU anything about a hat tlU (ore established by reeolnUon of toe atreet dUtriet number one in said city
Dichi HonhfRi-paaoe.Si
7b the llonomhle. the Mayor, and VUy
yon wear It.'
eoaneil. Uireo and one half mills nppn M heretofore created and esUbllshed
3. HABTIN. Pbrslrias osS rarvDM. OMA,
CouncU of Uh- VUyofTiaverMVUy.
“ How does It come that all are tbe toe dollar of mU taxable property for by reiolntion of toe oonoeU. the same
«D. Me. ri.
aame price V
toe pnrpoae of building and repining to be paid ioto the Mid street olslrict
GenUemen—We. your eommittee on
- 'Well, tbey’re pnrty mudi tlw eama
fond for the purpose of defraying the
when It comes to that; that's one rea­
son. And It's handler to bare every- loul amonnt ao levied upon tbs (usble
eoaMwOr OBteaU bj the IstMl oM w«vt ay
allowed from toe follo'wmg named Ora
lute: 2. Wadsworth
thing MC price; that's another reason.'
pruwd DieUsda Oar or nlftt vah* pvdmpM
all street expenses which toe council city fnnds, same heving been andlted
ii.rDdeJ. TelvphDDvMe.1.__________ .
(Ue was sun looking at tbe Weat Vir­
sad pereonsl Usable property in Mid eball charge upon tbe ctreet district for by ns end found correet;
ginia nos-s.)
KTBKKT msTRH T Firxii sa 1.
elty for the prcMat flscsl ye^
toe Mid fiscsl yesr.
••I made ray selection, walked back
rdlnaoM shall Uke TbomM Gilmore, rebate on
Sic. 3 This ordi
to tbe shopkeeper ond banded blm a
cf D. Kenyon.
immediate efieet
cement walk.......................... •
«10 blU. He looked at It In a wonder­
W. W. Smith.
Moved by Alderman Moore that the Ij F Groesaer. rebate on ooCommittae.
e be adopted and passed.
ing way and then asked wearily:
ment walk.......................... ...
...oved by Alderman Moore that the
Motion carried.
“'Ain't you got notbln amaller’n
M Uoellmantel, rebate on eeYCM.
menl walk..............................
W BoberteoD. rebate on oe'•1 sftld I bad not He laid down bit _______________
ep- Wright and Oarrison.
idment that the --------‘
FUllng forsidUolkooWsohWest Virginia pubUcatJon Velnetantly
preprUtel for the Mmetery ftnU ^
Nays. none.
BC?UlZ^»bstecn esmeat
and aigbed audibly. Tben be took bto
Moved by Aldermen Montagna toat
feet from tbelr attltnde. - ‘
too clerk and troMurer be anthoriied l> H ter^! 'rebate' on 'oomut
aeed f<^e^terypurpo«* »
Btretdied blmaelf and aatd:
to transfer frem the contingent fund
- •^'ell. set down and make yonraelt
•l.oou to toeorodit of atreet district OM^'Mejte.reimte on ca-'
Motkm carried.
Movtd by Alderman Montague that fond Mo. 1.
at borne while I go ont and get the
he report be laU upon toe uble to be
MoUon carried.
Moved by Alderman Moore that the
“He waa gone about 30 minutes.
mayor be antoorised to refund tbe
MoUon carried.
BqITdIo. Vebr. r>C2. Special otlSBUoD V**»
*"—-hto return be bad a bandful of bills.
An ortlnanoe fixing toe ealarlee ot S<,(X>0of bonds doe June 1. I900. for "“Jnfw’aik"’
“‘Change to ao doggoned tkee
, oertaln elty ofDeeta for toe flaeal year one year at U per eent, end that toe
arannd here.* be mid. that It takes a
bonds be taxed.
right smart while to git It 1 bad to
_ . It ordUned by the oonncll of
MoUon cerried.
• 500
go foar squares for this.'
Yeas, Aldermen Montagne. .Moore.
Travene City;
Moved by Aldermaa Sleder toat toe
“AS be counted out my part I asked,
8ICTI0S 1. That eato dtv officer Sleder, Bonghey. Kenyon. Eonnd,
■ tatement be accepted and claims be
Wrlgbt and Garrison.
*Wbat block to this batr
ordered paid oi re----------- ■*“*
•alary as hereinafter sUted,
Maya, none.
, “'UayT
MoUon carried.
On moUoo^of Alderman Montagne.
aalaiy to terminate with toe eurrent
“ ‘WboK> make to this batr
YcM. Aldermen Moore. BuUngs,
fiaeal year of toe elty and each of Mid
Sleder. Kenyon. Bound. Wright and
“ •Oh. dogged ef I know! They're all ealarlee M-hereby fixod and determined duly carried.
tbe mme make. Boy 'cm all In same
(■oxnsdKjrr rrkn.
**Clty aTtereey. three bandre^fioHara.
ifo^ by Aldermen Sleder that the
" 'Send my old one to my hotel.' I
B^lar & lUng of city ooaneil held Western Union Telegraph Oo.
City clerk, eleven bandred dollera.
matter of repairing toe aide
n June 4. 19(KL
mid aa 1 gave blm the addreea.
City tteiaurer,Sevan bandred twenty
joeent to the burnt district ol Front
Jeeting was called to order by Alfred
“•When you want UT
^ ,
be referred to the committee —
Director of the poor, one bandred V. Friedrich, mayor.
-‘Any Ume today.’
•treeUand sidewalks with power
Preaent, Aldermen Moore. UMUngs.
^'Beckon I can't send It today. fifty BoUara.
City engineer, twelve bandred dol­ Sleder. Kenyon. Bound. Wright and Olty Book Store, supplies....
M-. oao.. Kuuu ei-K'"’
Boy's gone flshln. Bend It tomorrow.'
Oorriaon. and Mayor Friedrich.
Moved by Alderman UatUngs tout
‘■1 aahl that would do. and before I lara.
Mlnntes of the iMt regular me<
Chief of polloe. alx bandred dollars.
toe work of Cedar street be oe
got started to the doot be was back In
Might watchmen, saeb. sU hnndred and of adjenrned regular meeUng _ _
May S:<, 1900. were read and approved.
bto old attitude, with bto feet up. and dollarv.
• «
.. . *■ ....___ I,. ,1... ftr...... .....1
MoUon carried.
waa Intent over bto home paper. I
Chief of fire department, six bnndred
Yem, Aldermen Moore. BHUngs.
Cuuncfl -t tt.c VUuvf
could not think o» IcaTlng him wltbont dollara.
Sleder, Kenyon, Boand. Wright and
I bare had my bnildisg **
wishing him good day. to which be reE C Comptdn. board lor prisGarriaon.
reboih and put in goott'"’'.
-We. tbe nnderaignsd.

Maya. none.
eabape and am now re«iy”" .
The constable's bond of Joseph hum“ 'All right.'
tkm yonr honorable
ley with WlUlam D. Wilcox m surety,
to receive all old patrons.,, ^
' “1 was In Washington two days after
are light on Union street at Severn
was os motion ot Aldermaa Kenywa,
■tbto purchase, but my old hat had not each alx bnndred —^
been reuirned up to the time I left."—
8SC. 3 AUsalarimabaUbepaUT O Shilson, P W Eane.M B Tatman.
^*Mov^^y Aiderman llMtIngn that
Mew Tort Sun.
approval of toe eoaneil.
Squirm A Bonner. Smith A Price. M
tbe property ownera on the aonto side
SK. 3. This ordlnanee shall take A WMtgate. John Tatman. E A MewOf Oyprees etreet be aUowed to balld
\m. W Travis. Carl M Pierce. J M IiTebaece aaS Via FMI.
Immediate eflaet.
tear foot walk.
W U Oonrtade, W Beck. W O
Mhved by Ah'Oenml WlnOvld Scott was respooslMoUoB carried.
...................• r, C B Boat. Nell
Bla for tin foil l>eim; wrapped around
i-BiN-nNii n;Ki).
Moved by Alderman Moore that the
: Liviiigstone. S Benda. A Laxarns. Geo
tobacco. That fact came ont In toe ont toe cUl..
ordinance relaUveto Uoanaea for abows
belps. ChM Curlla. C L KeUey.
be adhered to in too ease ot Silver
legal contest over tbo wlU of toe «c_too KeUey. J Fnrtach. John HlghBrotoen for their abow on July 3rd
oeotrlc mlUlonalre toboeco dealer John
laad. W 8 Andereon, L. U. Curtis, Will
Sleder, Bonghey. Kenyon. Bound. Carey. E L Bonner. Am Bsle. AasUn
Esriy In the fortlee Ur. Andereon Wright and Oarrteoa.
Seew. John Fnrtaeb. B L Priee^ Marinoa vuxu.
kept a popular cigar store on Broad­
way. Pellx McCloaky. for many years
be referred to-eommittee on streets
tbe tohaceoolst's Mlorled companion <lrantlng toe Ovaad Baplda A Indiana CbM H Gibfao, Charles A :
If roa have a dwelling, ateek. sdWk
and sidewalks with power to act.
uonr ruvp.
barn, or any otlteT |
and agmit testified that one day. la BallTOM Onmpany toe nght aad L Carter. J O Loading.
Motion carried.
On BsotloB of Alderman Bound, dnly
ISO be thought. General Scott came millegeto oSStet Md Operate a
Moved by Aldermaa Bmlln^------ B^E LA P Oo. light for
earrtod. the peUllon vrearraated.
toe matter of a asle of water works insaranee for you, aad will g1vmi)i
Into toe store and asked Andoreoo if BaUrnad In. Over. Tbreagh. aew
Oertaln Stnete In tbe Travene City’” 7b Wx Banorablc. the Mayor and CUy
bonds with Scaaoagood A M^r of prompt aad careful attaatioa.
be conldn*t devise some way of keep­
VouneUof the Ctty of Wnrerse ' '
Only toe moat reUaUa ateek taUrCtnelanatti. be referred to toe Mayor,
ing tobacco oo It would not be affected ’'Mwd^'w^dermaa Sleder that the
Cite Qark and City Attorney to
SalarlM nay roll for May....
by nge and ehangee in cUmatea.
ordlnaaoeta received
Bates vary low.
w ti
Oanttemen—I. toe uaderalgBe^
toetr beat judgment.
thought abont it and abert- MmedetwrednnUI after the meeting
Motion c^ed.
ly after bit upon tbe plan of wrapping
Moved by Alderman BaaUnn .
Polloe pay roll for May..........
rigats and chewing tobacco in tin foil, TravarM eoaoty.
matter of redemption of property, foi PhoaoT*.
thereby keeping tbe tobacco moist for
merly owned by Mra. (Mtoerine 8w«
•fidlttea to Traverse City, at a oast <
, An ordiaanee enUUed “An ordlnanee about »800.00.
bode and now foreclosed nndvr meri
Geo. U Imekey.
the mlary of the elty englnear
gaga, he referred to toe City Attorney
Os motion of Alderman Bastings,
14 00 to r^ort at next meeUng of the------and bis pressTVsd tobacco was mneb for^e fiaeal year ending May 3, 1901," dnly carried, toe eeUUoa wm granted
Travene City. Mich , June o. IMS.
s so dL
In demand daring the Mrttlenn war wMprMsntsd aad Ite pasoage ■—
by AldMmaa Bound.
Motten carried.
12 00
lb tf>« HoeorohU. Uie Muvoraed Otry
and tbe CaltforaU goU rnab. sweUlng
Motion oarrled and ordlnaaes
OonncQ tbarci^ adj^raed.
11 00
CbtuieU of OteCUy of Tmoene City
adopted aad passed by yea aad nay
It 01
7 to
• Tma. Aliwaisw Maatagaa, Moora,












D%V._____ _-



------------ —


M"7,'2'.ri!K:v.=r ssxsstr

..Oenlisl. ^




Good Line of Jewell^

lllKlDdsofRtpairii{.'‘<J. k URHIDL





m. unfiffi




I Bn7«oa T*n> of «
« Uw H»Uth Fmll
UK* wUto BmI «e 0DB<i««r-MMi7
naktind 8kiml«hM^ad«r V«f7

0mm. MMk
Car IMwi-l merirnd yoar laitw
if fak. IDtk Md OM (roB Jot Uai
Btekt, aad ra«l*lac a laUer la tUo
waattf tnm hem» K motUiKw
mlm Mm mMto of aay a^ler. Iwai
HR7 to hmr that fathar baa barn ttek,
battowa toaai^to bmrtlial belt

bifk bill.
Wi bid jam BtoMy
thmagb the gap wbae bom.
•bottrooiafaldptoaa. TbaaU
etrwk the other bUi. where it banted
graml la tha air. Wa paid ao attoa
UoB bot kapt ao aad la a mtanto boom
eama aaethar abet away ahom ear
beada. We ooald eee ame raaalag oa
top of the tieoihM U great anitoeaaat. aad iaafaw mianMtha artQlary are bieeiai gaaonl. ahalia aad
ahrapael oaam Maglag omr oar haato
or atrlklag tha groaad ia Croat of na.
OoL BaUgamnaerdOTtotokoadmav
age of arary tot of eomr that waa peeBlbto aad get oloaa
oar rlfiea eoold gat to lhair work.
Thaa. Imrlng thereat of the raglmaat
Infnatof theoamay toatOTet their
attentloa, ha took O Oo. aad etartad
oot to flaak the aaemy.
Wa had to
•po^ to fall Tiaw of tha
enamiaa'gnw. ao fermtog aa to Itoaof
atoralehere. glrtog aa by right flaak.
forward march, doatoa tlm wa want
aeroaa that opaa flald Uka a floek of
fame going aoath: aad thaa^ tha nigget* Uraed thalr gaaa on ne they
er bit anybody. They don't know bow
to handU artlUary. After gatttog out
of range of the algganaad oat of al^t
of them too, we took a
and then gotordara toaeaUtba

Weeaptaiad M ma aad M gam aad
MatMd to AbMtooe that algbt.
OattaMOmtogef ttaMtbweetorted tor a alaee eaUed Saaia Qras, aspaettog to tota a tqa days' bike,
ttaai^tof ttaUtkvmwm eampad
at a Mwa eaUed DaaeU aad wm


ottta BobkI oABdOMMob el tta Oty



ft tooted Uka a gnat big baatat.
had Jaat get to eleep when bang!
. and Ooab
avnUqy.aad the boUatoeam ripping
thmagb tta eld« of tta ehnreh frith a MtoatoaotlHtrigator aeattog aad
Maty ripptog eenad. They did not teaeoialaM^ bald May tlTltto.
w read aad approved.
- la hltttog any
Oity, MIeh.. May tl. IMO.
ebnnh. tat cne of tta amtrye waa 7bTrevaree
Utt HtmoT^Me Boon
aad we tarlad him ■ under
tta warn of tta old eonveat.
Oeorra Knapp and be waa
from Panaeylvaala. We tad ordm to
move at two o'eledi that Beomtog. but Mb* Anas Kaea be OTpIoyed as i
of S60 par
Oea. BMl wae with ne and changed tbe aoBth: Mba Emma Weeawaa
aa taperorder, aa tta country we wm traml- vbor of pewmanehlp aad drawing at a
tog to wae too favorable aad be feared salary of S60* par moaU; Mta Lain
aa ambnah.eo weUyat Doeole three
Central eehool at a aaltry of 940
daya welUag for retoforeemeate, and the
Caty treaasrer'a report tor Moatb of
per miMth. aad that Mbs Otore Steadatartod eonth agnto. Bnt tbe mbetreaeferredtothe Eighth grade Ap^ 1^ vm preaeatod aad oa
next day we met a detoehmeat -Ct the of the Central aehooL
BeapeetfaUy anWttod.
ttth colored troope at lafontn. They
O. Ooehlto,
Moved by Ur. Patehto that the Preetad Jaat OOBM from Santa Omi and
K a. Pops,
idantata Clark bo aathorlxed to bor­
they reported that thm wm no niga. A.Stonn
row eneh mot olMenny
tnry to Aatrny the nipai
Infontanad Santo Cm*,
ofttapobMoved by Mr. Boyt that the r«^ Ue------------------------------naa
aeboola until anfBean
are eoleo we returned to Alamtooa.
of tbe committee be eeoeptod and leetad topnytoe
mma, each loan to be
Thm baa not been e
tta^InettoB of the eommlt


I hnvo boQgfat the oelebrnted Pweheron Stnllun,

General Custer
fomerlj aimed by Peter Wnmboi*,eodattertlii.deteeeidhoi»
will be (ooDd at my bam, 239
Bute ntreetr
Bnid home vriU be hem Tboi*.
dnys, Fridnyn nnd Sntardnya.
On lIondByn nt Sjittons Bay, nod on Tnmdaya nnd Wedn^yn nt
Monroe C«»ter.


I aaypoaa yo* «re aaxkms to bear
aawi tnm tUe eoaaby. Wall. I am a
yoer haad to write aawe ae it h^niaae,
bat I wUl aadaamr to jflre yoa a brief
hlMtoy of tbla ra(laaat from the Use
1 laadad oa the Ulead. Of ooano I
bam writtaa aoma of It before bat will
Tbe nlggm bam amneed
faemUicaiaadM togat the whole
themtelvaa by ahoottog at ne to the ToUk Hon
Mind of Education
if ft I Aea't axpaet to write the
night, and one day they attacked at
of IVoecrae IHi]/. Jftdilpun.
wbola of ft today bat will keep at it
mittoc on bnUdtogs and groanda be an
while to BWimmiag at tbe river. Thm
on achooto
thoritod to eOntor with the park
Best to be had io
tenebei* would raapMtfnUy repertttat mlttoe
of the elty eoanell
--------- reUU'..
W« laadad la UaalU on Uto?tb of
they ham aeeored MIm Satie
to kaeptog the Central eehotd grounds :
the city is at
I there aaUl the
fill the vacancy, eanaad by the reeignaThat waa an awtal ataap hUI.
abont one mile from camp. About, i: uon
tton 01
of mr*.
Mr*. ttoby
Boby uaaa
Dean U
Boldiworth, at
lMh.aoyoa aaawebad pUntyoftlma
Motion earned.
bad to take advantage of Uttte baahaa
Moved by Mr. Hoyt that the balanee Bee nnmples in window.
totoekthoeityomr. MaaDaUatoim and grace aad averythtog wa oonld gat boye from D On. wm there ewlmming. a aalary of 9i:> per moatt
Beapectfnlly aubmltt
ere having a good time when
of 9187. 17, approprlatod for toe parpoae
ofabeat M0.0M lababltaata and there,
D. Cfl
hold of to help oa climb, bat at laat w* bang! bang: eame a volley from tbe
of im
Central school
am many qaaar tblage to be aeen there rmehed the top aad the- aiggara aad
E. H. Pope.
groand*. be tamed over to the park
a abort dbtonee away, right
U. A. Swama.
fbtan that are to be foand in no
--------ud eredltod to toe city park
their trenehea
na. Well, to see na come ont of
fond for the nee of mia oommUtM to
»la« bat aa eld dpaalah city.
did not know that we wm aealtog tha that watqr wne n eorkcr! I and three
' ~ ktral cebool ground*.
Ob tha Uth of Deoembar Llentenani
the othm aide ae they warp other bojn were oo the bank at the
Motion carried.
DiTttooa of B Oo. eama to Manila after
Tbe enpertotei
bnay ehooUng at tba mat of tha boyt to time, and vm retnraed the Are ioatontMotion carried.
aa tbaca were ftfty-two
front and to the vaUey below them,
ly. The boye eame ent and grabbed
Travarie City. Mleb., May IS. 1900.
Uon, provided that
par^. Ob the litb we left the city for don’t think they knew whm wo eai
tbelr rlflae and belt*, and. never atop- To the UonoraiAe th€ Ooanlof MduWkm
U U A. BnUdlnc.
a oar regiment. There
'romt at any rate we did not fim thorn ping for their elotbea, charged the nlgrb.Ior.Me,», IH»:
of Trxxrerte CUv. Mirhinan:
U aa old ratUe-l p of a laeomoUre
time to think abnnt It, bat gave tbam gera. aad those nigger* vmre the moat
■Wa. yoar oommlttee on
raaalag eat of tha city and they bad a a volley right tenglhwaya of tbelr
enrprbed lot of niggers -that emr waa
aaaaa bn mi* faataaed bebind It and
that we have examined tbe f^wtog.
trenehea where they wm tbe tblekeat,
we allabad oe top of them and away and then with yella that weald bam Almost before they knew It we were at claim* and having fonnd them eorreet
itaa, and then oor Emg rifles played a ------- ------------------------- 3
wawaat It waa aot the moat pleaaant
aUrtled an Indian we went at tbam. marry tune. Moat of the boje were toe varloku funds aa follo*ra:
trip that I amr took fa the hot ana and
They did aot wait for nt bat Jumped
Worxbnrg Block
bmbaU of eladara falllnr down oor oot of the trenebea and took to their stork naked, jost tbelr belts buckled
TeacHxmi Hat-aniiu rinsD.
aroond them, racing aeros* those rice
aaaha aad la onr ayea. Waaoaeedtbe
Teacher* pay roll for May.. .1 >,au le
hecle. Yon can Cell Pate that hnntlng
BaC^ rlw
Oalamplt. where Kun- rabblU U not in it with hunting nig- fields. Tbe niggers that lived cloee by
atoa with the toth dlaUnrulehed them-' gere, especially whm game ia ae thlek
to be come abootlng and h*d left tbelr Janltora pay roll tor Mef^....
aalma At about noon we bad to
ae if waa at Artillery HUt.
houaeh bol wW^'cCai5rtfaem back .far­
n-EL Ft'XO.
ebaaffe ears and then we were crowded
about thrm hnndmd killed aad eapoa top of two email bos care with a lot tnred, bealdpc we freed etotj-three ther than tfa^ expected and came J. M. Larklos,.loreoal..........
honae^tbat were crowded with
Of flblaaiBon. We were eo thick that Spaniard* and eight Amarimna that
women aad cb^idreo, then I began to
wa dM aot bam room to atand or ait the laenrgento had aa prlameta.
8S»B9 :88S6es«fi8R8S*
i.auonaToar rrxi)
4em That rlda laated tor abont four captured twelve plaeaa of artillery aad raallat that war I* hell, foraoonwe
had a crowd of women and children
bov*. aad It wm the moot anpleaeanl
aad one hnndred and fifty riflaa.
iMa 1 omr had. At about dark we were hoore bnral^ np the ammae
toto the women and children
aaaebadatowB oaUadrarlae.
There that we. eaptnrad. They b^ toaa of
nriLnixa rtnoi
we foaad aaotber trata waiting for oe. eartrldgoB. both Bemtogtan and Man*- get the mas. and when we came back
UUn oenraeIhem wna ploaty of room to ride then ei*. and heape of ahaU and ahrapael. ncrosi the field* thm wm women and
lug walla
ahade trm
; myeelf on We never loet a man, though
and aetiing .
oar took whaa away we went and that were wounded to aome of tha other onr line of fire. There'were no offleer*
with na. and the men ^ught to anlt
l^(ClDl;^^rAX. kxj'ioisk fvxd.
old aagtoa waa a wood boroor. and tbe
If they felt like cbooiing Hannah .V Lay MaraantUa Oo.
way tha oeala of Are flew out of it and
Wa had a bard time gatttog back to toto a houe they shot Into IL
fliU oa na waa a aorkar. Coala of fire
4S tc
imp with the eaptarad artiUary, and
Mom^^ M^. Palchtn Umt toe ro­
Well, after we got back aad got onr
9 07
41 big aekan'eegga flew co thick .that everybody wae tlr^ ont.
ot be accepted
elothe* on we went to beadquertera
p liUew could not eee at all, and in a
that oertlflcatea of gmdnatiao be
We lay In camp at Mangataian till
lamed to aaid pnplU npon eatlefaetory
■■ :■■■
tataatmoBT eletheaaad btaokeka and abont tbe 16th of Janaary, than took and reported the fight. Tbe old Maior CaperoD A Curita Co'.; dipl'o----'-—-of
aaaeythtog alaa wae oa Are. That ride up the march again. Nothing of any
ancssqssfiass .ss«
On mottoa of Mr. Hoyt, duly eaniod,
laated abont foor bom* and by that imporuaoe happened on onr trip to haad to it, he gave ui a good calling
board adjonmad.
down and at once detailed a party of
’ Mm we warn nearly burned oat of this place.
A. W. Bleherd.
and atorted after the nigger* io
hoaaa aad home.
At abont elemn
I had the fever when we toft Mano*aloak we maehed a town called Bay gaieran and It dU not learn me for hopes he might gat e crack nt them.
UMboog on tbe file Agoo rirer. aad
about five daya, bat I managed to etay he fonnd wat the wounded.
them oar joamay on that old train with tbe company. Wo rcaehed hm
Yaeterday we went ont vrith ball
ond^and amrybody waa glad to get abont tbe I7lh. Oo tbe momtog of
9 :.»46 :*
[ay 1.11901.
carta and brought to tbe wounded.
the :ut. ae we wm lined np tor roll
B* it ordained by the eoeoeU of
On the momtog of tbe I7lb we
There was not one of onr acldlera bit
Travene City;
call. C*pt. Ickm caUed fe»
mp. w. has ■l•vpev
bnaklad on onr belto and blankeUand
and I guOT we ean sleep in peace bercO. a Moffett.
Sm-noM 1. Tbat the city aagto
and CMC* ABd *1
to go to a little town called Baltooongrood Rapid* sad rboli
' Oommlttoa.
ibealdend oar guns aad to oolnmni of
•hall rmlm aa aaanni aalary
■alary of
ing. abont flm mllea from hem. Near­
r. Coehlto that the re­ handred doUai*.
iwea totot ap onr mareb to find the regThe SSth of March we atorted for a port of the
mittee be aeoeptod and
ly everybody wanted to go. tat the
ISMat.' It wae aomewbere In the
aeeaU ialand that lies close to toe main adopted. .
npoB approval of tbe eonacU.
capUlD picked ont ti men and the net
I bnt we didn't know Jo«t
land In the China eea. We went In
-Motion o
8n-noxs. This ordinance aball taka O L LOCSWOOI
of them etayed at home. I wae
•l-ramree Hty, Mleb., May S3, ivoo.
wbm We took tbelr tmU and folImmedtata effect.
torn Malay junk* or flvhing boaie.
that wenL Hardly any of the a«
We do bmby certify tbat toe forw
lowed it day after day. and on the »lth
Wa reaehad the Uland q^at noon and:
pected to find any inenrgonta. Ttan
going ordtoanee waa pnaaed by the
i to PbUlptoo
kUme ehme down to the chore and
oonnell of the city of TVavme City on
:tSi men from t>Go.aad'»
Wblla eroaatog the Bio Agno
waleomed ns with all the honor they
thcethdayof June. 1900.
We bad a emaU HoMhkta
flNr. Abeat ferfy ariiee above Beyamknew. Bamnm'a eirena never created
A. W. Biekerd,
A. V. Frtadrlta.
with ue. We had Jnat reached tba top
City Otork.
bmg. oa a raft, than oonld cmly half
excitement thaa that lltUe com fnnda needed lor tbe enppert of the
of a hill and tbe town lay Jnet at tha
city eehooU for toe praeent flieal year
•f m tooaa at a Mmo. Tbe flint half
pany of t:; aoldler*. They crowded and after carefnl eonaldmUon, would
foot. There wae a road mnntog down
wae «tba raft halt way acroat when
around n* to tbiek.ttat we eonld hard­ recommend that the oonnell be rrqnaatuviMtu "m*.
tbe hill and abont halt way down thm
Tbr Ioqg*A.-i<R» burber w .a,u^
ba^ baagl ptog! ptog! came a vollay
ly oat onr lunch. We atoyed at that ed to raise toe following amMute for
■wa* a deep cut- The eldaa of thi* cut
bom tha farther ahora aad the bulleU
town all night, and in toe morahig eehool porpoeea to be epread npon the npon the IxiU iwMhuds of p
and road k a* hard a* atone, racing
general tax rolU of the city for tbe healthy growth uf ibo hair. A nattily
auM Magtog around na. aome of them
atorted ont exploring. We found It to present fiscal year, vlr;
oowo Monn.
drewd young man who wn» waiting
the ect from tbe eonth ia a high bill
oMUag the raft. The boye on ehore
bean earthly paradise I have
Kor teacher*' UXvim....................9Z8.00000the "Ni'xt” i-all joined In the dlamiM*-■ rn
with a narrow valley between the two
lH■Bl^ tha flm at oaoe. and a* we
aeen each coeoannt grove* nor banana* For bnUdinge and iaprove•ion. llo rwomimmded a nprer-fallbilli.
As we wm mwling down
meau -to bnUdtoga aad
lag remedy for (imnature baldnma.
«mm gatttog near the chore and the
atoee I have been here and the people,
throngh tbU cut the nlggm
ground*......................................... 0.09000 "Why. ni make the hair grow on
tmtorwae ahallowwe jumped in and
Mpeclally-the women, are better lock
fire on ne from the top of tha eonth hill
Por foel............................................. i.MO00 *ip imlm of your hand," be declun^
, wadodaabora and charged npthebank.
tog thaa I have aeen anywhere. 1 aa« For Inanrasee on building* ..
m 00
"I believe in fieqneat rioec cilppli
with a range of abont 600 yarda. The i
The algfto* ran before wa eonld get in
Uiat wm real
For Intereat oa bond* aad
Of too hair vriifle a penoo lx young."
little cannon was ahead and tha flm
Lv TravwmOy"Now." bo added, Ar
1,000 00 aald too barber.
MfbtoCthamnad when we got on top
stayed on tbe ialand two days and then
had been direotod at It. Tbe balUtt
tMOO winking slyly In the direction of toe
of tha bank we eonld jnat eee one or two
back. We are waiting patiently
pattertog toto the ent, klektog
1.700 00 umily dneeod young man. "they have
rnaalv for tholr lima. We opened up
for tbe payaaetor to get here. Bek
176 00 toe beet remedy 1 know of for iiremanp tbe dirt In good shape. Onr captain
away overdae now.
' d to killing one.
100 00 tore baldnewe and rapid falling out of
ga*o orders to take advaataga of all
1.000 00 tbe hair right out.......
out here.................
at Ionia."
I think them were armml wounded
Wall. I have written about all I can
B. r. MOKUJtk. AetOTG. e.
tha oover vm eonld find, aad O On"Yea. toe abmr*," quickly reapend'>read AepU*.
tat wa did not look for them aa we
think BO I will elose for thU Ume.
spread ont and hugged ttabanlmee
ed toe young man. 'They baxe a flae
warn a amall party aad did not know
ham written this for yoo all, but will
tbidg fbr too l>lood. too "
bnt wbat wa ^ht ran into a big fore
mall it to Oatto. 1 am la good
“Ye*? What I* toaiV"
D Co. wet ordered to toll back aad
'‘Ballet*. I know, for 1 tried to oe.
hwlto and hope toU wilt find you all
of aIggOT aad wa did not bam any
capo oncp. Look tt Uiat *c*r." oxhlb■aftMal attoadanee to oaae anyone wat flank tbe enemy. It took amrly aa tta.Mme. With love to you all I re- Primary school moo­
tUng a mark on hi* left fon-ann.
bosr to do that, and aU the whUe we
ny .............................. *,600 00
Ue was an ex-coavtct ont of a joft
Non-resident tniUon 1,000 OO
Oa Mm f«th «m overtook the regl- were under a hot fire Bot the nigym
Tdoxaii Bravton.
but he wan tatu'r drmaed than toe
VOTW tbay wm eaeamped at tbe to the treoebeq oa top of that hUl.
G. Co , 36to U. 6. Vol*.
9 7.000 00 average yonng inaa with a good aaitool afl the BOBatatoe and were prepar The men nnllmbered the caaaoa aad
ary. and. like tbe pickpocket be
iteij t
bupefnl that totoga
InttaMaekthe 1
1. Ihm be- threw a shot at thm. They had fired
Total to be miaed.............. CIt.OU 00
1 one high two shot at them and the ganner
We bam carefully eoaaidmd the would be mon “plcklug ap"la hit Una.
MU to Craatef them, which we ham BigbUng tbe gun for tbe third whoa be
Maaa aUMad ArtUtory Hill. At twelm waeabot. Tbe baUet atoaek aadw Ua
OxT.. Jan. It. I90a
oMioak on the eight of tba f6th tha left arm and lodged near the baari.
BOW pr«aeHt them- Dr. C. WimaoB,
D. Warner. Deer On—I tarn .
«M«aayfotaetea to fall to at quiet­ bnt be is getUng wall. Hb name b
■eed yoor Oomponnd of Sene Oune.
ly « pwtbU. ThmwmaUofne Allen. Be wee n corporal, to e tow
tbegmt eanOTcnre eta bleed periMVBMathat had been attached toQ mtootee more aaotber maa (Private
fler. with exoallent reenltt. I ta nei
aMpaay. Wa tad aot beea amlgned Loyd) wee shot to the toot. That wee;
Moved by Mr. PntoUn that the re­
Train will learn Traverse City at 7:30
V«l aafl ae Aid aot lataUy belong to the e eerton* woud. to a Uttie while aa- . K- Laam Oharlevolx returning at port of toe eenudttce be aeeeptodata
* ttath .
Mwaar- We wm aot aeeigiMd till other man wee ebet tkm«h tta 1«.
p.*k Bntogl. Tiekett wUlataobe adopted.
I gventoet
Motion eerried.
on Jane<0toand
It wee getting pmtty
«ta flnt MfaaBt «oU aa that we when we heard O On. ynUtog end tut, good to r*tvn tbe ituA
B. F. Moeller.
MIA Md tarn to go ont aalm w* waat- thooUng, end to e tow
tkmof ttael^ef Ttavetee Ofty ttat
Acting G. P. AtoerityeoaneUbe teqeeetod to intoe A Italted Bsatar ter Mto at M ewto
ta Aa. bat we waatod to go ao tbe nigger* wm bedly whipped. D On.
enah. WBi baatnOad peetoffe ^
wtato flftrtwe af m waat with tha got eo eleee to ttato that tiiiy kaaebed Ita^HtoUb^dM nOatanh'i BMttt by taxntlen «poa tta leal nta fwoomX
aaMBBta that we tad bam ettoabed thOT to tta b«d la Mwlr






Fire Insurance.
John R. Santp,
Giiiril lisirain.

Grul RiiiUi t Igdlm Rj.



ne Fere linigette SillniKt







Pere Marquette


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