The Morning Record, June 17, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 17, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Baroa Yon



F«rM Of
feratc* OonnMtt-Brttiob VwaUr with 4001<
Volok rui
Uon hM MM araM Wow S««c for


Fourth Year—No. 973


OnaMaaValaUpaartaada Oar BaatoUahad la a OntHaiaa Saar
BMehed Philadelphim YeeBowllac eraaa.
terday in Promlcbig Bhape.
-t-'T-. — ~~**—-e".......

BowUac Oraaa. Ohio. Jana 14 ->la a Valan tka JTew Tech Dalafotlon Pi»eallMoa batwaaa tha BeirUac Qraaa
aad Manama Vallaj alaetrie aaia tUa aato a Sattotaetocr Oaadldato tar
aftanoa. fioaa QakUa waa totallc hart Me^ialayM Raaaiac >»to Ua
aad a aamhar of othora aartoaaly tajaf
ad. Tha^am wara naalaf U aOlaa SlocBaat lawaa Stsada a -•ood
aa haar whaa thay eama tocathar oa a OhBBeaefWlBBiac-^a haaPewBraad Tbtoda. falSBppertBBd Tbyot et tha Bdta irara tS paiaeaa on tha BowUac
Qraaa ear aad aU wara lajnrad. tha


Spanish Opera

largest stock in Northern Kiohlgan
now ready at the

Citgr BooDfcstoa?©,


Uaa of footwear. Bpaalah modal
jsM le — IU*7 otvttlaf
high anh. light aoU. amdlam
Phlladalphla. Jsaa 14-Tha DoUlvar:
Ugh baeU. uiit of UaCk Dho
—ta t^tri to thO attutlQB la
hoom tor Tlaa piaaldaat raaabad tha
CUM an
^ ■tatleu at
la tha kawlac
Ti.,11—^ Taa Ohas. tha
A.B. Oammiaa,
aalUdnliB TMa uf thrao aaflo- SMC&tC Huiiut*c BUCTOBtlOM
ibar of tha aatteul
eh«nb« la Tloa lUa ban
troca Iowa. Snatoca aiUnoB and
to New York Belecatlon.
UMbanM. AppawBUyihattaaath
tealB oea «aylac iooi aad aaiMaitlea to
t and tha coraraor of lUlaola
aarsMT » aaahlo to taaoh Tha Bima Boom Patarlnc Oat, Jd*
aaauy wo^lac for DeUirtr’a
•aeac Koac. Jaao 10. 4:30 P- »•—
Thera aaanu a raai aanUmant la
Tala ny that aU Vatioaal Committoa WfC«
fanrelDoUinraada ohaaae for Ua
tbo l«»tloaa tn Pakla hava hMi d» HomlaaUoa tar Tloa PraaidoBt- aamlaattoa. TUachaace growa with
MMrad. Tbo (tomaa ailoiaMr. Baroe
the dlflenlty of ctotinr the Maw York
OMatOad BltaaUaa la Vaw Tork delacation to acrea npon a Maw York
Vo^toler.haabaaakllUd. Ltoat
OMcfo OribUa, with 400 men of tha Halpt DoUirar*a
eaadldata. If PUtt wlU praaent any
Eoyal Walah h-Otom. aaUad thli morn.
orimr nama from Maw York than that
iacforllaalUn. ThaBrltUh crnlMr 8 paBbi u> Ta* XoTBiBc
of Uanteaant Goramor Woodruff, a
Dndaaatoi atartad for Taka imMaw York candidate will probably be
aadtatol; on raoalpt of tbaabova nem.
Bomtoatad for the reaaon that Maw
Adatiial Saymottrt aommnaieaUoaa
York la tha lartoal home of tha candi­
Besides yonr time when you bay your
vahrahanaad tha pforialon train to
date for rice prealdaat, and the adtoratara.
mlttlatration would ba pleaaad to hare
latorfarShaachal. Jna 14-Laat nichU adMaw York nama a good atrong candl'
Ttonatramtlaa Tala rapmt that larca
Bnt tha effort of Haaaa aad
iaoMdlaiy Am eaaarrad^M <BM BUmtobaaaaaildata, The only Maw otkarateaalaettha Maw York candiTcrkara hare mrgimg tha aomlaatlOB of daw by aririag Ooraellaa BUaq to aeBllm are rapraantatlraa of the protoe- eapt tha BMlaattoa haa deae muehto
tin tariff laacaa of whlah BUM In praa- pravaat Haw Tork frwn prciantlng
of the leading elottalere.
idaaw W. P. WakanuB. aaorataiy of aay other toaa that of Woodruff, ^
an. Tt
and tha pdaa hBraad with the laacna aad appmiaar of Maw Tork. with Maw York out of ealeilaUcaa tha
argaatbaBomlBathmof BUmwithont
Bohepa of Imr^^**** rapaln halac ncard to tha wlahaa o| tha Maw York
The iMdff U Fill FfiOtf «r.
124 Front Street.
grew aad baooma promlatog. Than la
diliCallwi iB tha eonTaation. Ha aaya mora
Bike Suits, Cape, Belts.
Batbin.; Soita—New StyUff
Ufa la tbo DoUinr boom than
thai with BlMa aa tha eaadldata tha
mtW wlthtood andammaaltlon waa
beha flnaaeed aad wUl not
oUicadtoraaohLoacraac. wharatha
biad it. Thie U BoUmm-Iaa^ alone,
ditorhnr— of foralCB troepa, daabnt from aU parto oZ the weal, where
MtohadSnaday Uat,aranow aadaav- omad.
The EepnbUoaa
Hanna aad mambm of tha aational DoUinr la kaowri.
erlac to repair tha Uae.
-•ren^ loyal to DoUi­
4eMrdlacto iafermation bwm tornr aad an working for him. It U
•ica aoBran, 14.000 Imperial troop*
ragardad aa algnlfleant that Smiator
v^wacahatwaaa'Paklaaad tfaaia- a qnarral with PUU aad the Mew York Forakar, Oemcmaman Qreanaor and
onraaieatioa, hat are aaaklnc a caadlleniatlimT’ ionm adranetoroa that datowho
OomptralarDawcaanail for DoUirar.
"han dtokmtdad aad Joined tha
Thay an trlaada of tha prealdaat aad
Boasn. It la tcamtod that tha fonrn. with the Inat Iroabla to the oom
If they an not doing bla bidding la
Meat of China doaa not eoaridm Itaolf tea. Platt aad the other MM York booming DoUlrer. the queeUon U. why
;We angBeit that yon investigate thiaaale before porchasing elsewhere
impcm-*"^- tor nay anooBator which delwataa raaaat latarfarenM to Mi
Jnat now DoUinr la
York poUtiea. They racard the Bapnb- do they do- 10?
as we bare in this lot pants that were selling at I2.o07al.00, $3.85
the admi^inUon eaall.
MTtUe plaoa.
Uoaa party of Maw York amply qnallaad up to $3.75. These are facta, and you have only to look
Tha haaka at Chin Klaat eloaad
data, BB ba te the candidate of Ua own
through the lot to be convinced. Come tomorrow.
iMnywtorday. teartor toonhle from
the BoxBca- BnclUmant praraUa la •tala wlthont encfeatloai from Hanna kooma, hot they kan no life la them.
Ispheming, Iron Mountain
the Tbbc 1m raUay, bstallia qnlat aad the aarional oommlitea.
The aama eeaaidaratlon for orcanl
UnW--------•- atlOB
and other
that U ahowB toward* Ohio aad
Momow, Jbbb 14—aaoordlnc to a other etatca. They will not pn
■ama of Bllm and do not think tha
from Port Arthnr. tha Bozar*
entloa wiU aomlnata BUm witbont WlTM Of Nmffer aad Botho
^kiUad ap to tha pcaawt. l.T4t
the Maw York dalagatloa praaeaUng
aUana Ohriatalaa.
Said to te Noffotiating.
Now Lines
Low Bntos
Thay-haTa dntrojrad tha talacraph hit aame and of nUng for him.
Um hatwaea Pakla aad Klachta. on Booaanlt la aUll detarmlnad that hie
tha TtaM-Balkal froBtler.whaaaa eom- name ahaU not be praaaBtai to tha
cosnatiOB. Than U much talk of a tori mobarta Baports
"^Btoatlon waa had with Irkntak aad
to him today. PUtt and the
et. Petanbnrf. Thh laawa t^da fonraoran apparently in pertaet bar- •Prognsi of the fforeaa of BnUar
BBtU tha intarnatioBal torn
aad BBdaa-PawaU. ^
Mpeaadalnraatorinctolacnphie corn- mony on thia point. The aanatnI AM MAKING'^
agree toB
between Tin Thin and the
Itoudoe, Jnna 16—The rumor la cur­
iaatton if the gonraor would ooMant. rent that Lord Boberti la aagotli
Whahlncton. Jnna 16—The pomiblUty baeanae ba ragarda the gonrnor •• the ith Prealdent Kruger and Oenaral
•troagnt candidate who could
When yon wnnt RELIABLE FOOIWEAB gat It of
ttet Onitod SUtaa troop* from the -«««>* for Tlea pmident. But ba will Botha, through their wivea. ragardlag
the tarma of auTTunder.
Phlllpplnm would bare to ba aantto
ne. We hawe placed on sale
not ament to any effort to draft the Tha war office baa reaeivariajhe
r%i«A haa bean diaeamad aarioiwly by gtmrnor in the aational ticket.
PrMl&aat McKinley and the cabinet. The Mew York rituatlon baa helped lowing from Lord Bobarta:
It haa been pnetloaUy decided to aand the Dolllver boom. So baa the attack*
upled yeatarday by Badan-PowaU.
the Brooklyn aad tha Kew Orleani of tha Mew York papan on DoUinr m
Call and see me at shop. ' Which we want yon to aee. For a better shoe see our
from MaaUa to Takn with too marlaaa tha eudldate who I* only a clever ulk* A column atarta from thla plaoa to­
ar. So haa tha anggeaUon from Banna morrow to meet Uadan-PowaU and re­ 886 Boardman Ave., or oall
Oomposite $3.00 shoe for ladies, and the Qowemor $4
•Bd if toU force ptoraa Intamelf
' shoe for gentlemen.
umy wUl likely be aaUad upon,
cuoaghto fill the praeident'a chair to toria and Buatenbnrg. Hunter la mov­ np Bell ’Phone 383
laformatln Uld before tha oaWoai ' event of aay aeeldent.
New 8tyles*and goods arriwe dally.
ing from Potchafaetroom. Hit ad­
ahow* the anlatoBoe of
vance brigade ezpecta to reach JohanTeatorday'e
ccaburg on Jane 19.
JUntotn Ooncar 4»d B larc* nnmbar Bpedal u The Hontlnc lUoard.
Bnller, I hope, la at Standerton.
of ftTT-*"*"*"* are ahnt np In Pekin and
The Leading] Shoe Hones of Northern Mtohiguw
Heidelberg wUl be occupied from thta
8 a
- arannahla to eom.n.lcata wlt^a
place ahortly and then the Orange
outride world. Thayare in cmtparu. Pittaburg........................ 8 1*
Elver colony will be completely cot off
Chicago............................ * 13
.Chaoabro aad 0‘Connor: EUian aad from the Tranavaal.
‘Badan-PoweU report* that the dUThree Paraon* Hade W by tha Mating Chanoe.
triet through which be pamad la eett
of Okecaa TactordaySb Lonia.........
ling down •aUafaotorlly. More than
ahd PeiU: Powall and Crigar. oae thonmnd atanda of anna wara aurDr. Martin waa called to the realSlav^ iaaiaga.
randerad. .Hana Eloff and Hate Kndaaoa of Cbariea W. Pi
g«-, a aon of Pmaldaat Kruftr, ware te
•ttoraoon to attend Ua wUe'aad hia Boaton................
make auhmlaalon to him yeatarday,
tether, both of wb«n wan nry U1 Brooklyn.............
Dlaaon aad Caark: 'Vopt and Me having been prevlouriy dlaarmad.
•ram the aflaota of tyre-tokicon ueUonQuire.
Botha'e army baa raUrad and U bellavadAobaat Mlddlaburg. Bis raar
lE,. M. Yantoh. who line with her
For buying a 10 cent
MftdB-Uw. Jamea J. Baker, waa alao Orth aad Meffarlaad; Carriek aad guard waa aurprlaad and entirely rout­
ed by lamManulton’a infantry."
—A. 01 tram aaUag ehaea» She «~
cigar when yon can get
Bttan^~* Vy P^4CT«rAk LBAapa.



_____ New Collars and Cuffs Just In.

You Don’t Spend Much



Minute Rates

S. BEIsrU.A. & CO.



Upper Peninsula

Make No Mistake


We have not gone out of biisineiBB, but
have moved to our new store,
242 Front Street.


A NEW $2.50 LINE

Wm. H. Petierick I


Have You..

I ;i ;

Me. dakyoar druggiat.

riSSiat trip » aanto

* andiT mcrate. toariag doek at
Mn. Shaldon baa opened the Hamy
Haaaa. at tha aonlbaa*t wm of
StatoaadOaM atmta. aad will furBlrii board aad acab Rdaamai aad
atecoaaw. Thaptaae la nrycanaad baa a large ahady Uwa. nry
dMlnUe for tha oomlag hot daye


Oehaar aad Sugdea: EaUam aad Waa Baiua Von Xettaicr, tha German
Klnlstar KUlad at Pelrin.
Detroit, June 14-Baran Von Kattoler
tha Qerman ^ntotor InOttoa who
Bate* aad Smith; ffartm^ and wwklUad In the riot of tha Bezara
PaUn. k tha aoe-in -law of Henry B.
• 3 at
1 Ladyaid. prealdaat of the Michigan
Ehnt aad Jm^tob: McKaaaa and Central railroad.
Baron Kattoler saarried Mka LedQcUham
yard three yeare ago. She waa with
him in FeUn at the time the riot broke
Qaar aad WQm: .Omln aad Shaw. oetandaenta eablagiameweak ago
aa^ng that all was waU than.





1 -Ik ^






Are made from soft, velvety kid, with low, broed beels,.full
easy toea, and very flexible solea. Nothing handsome about
them-inat SOLID COMFORT.
We have them in both lace and bntton at........................$2.50
Minor’s “Easy” Oxfords.............. .......................................$L75
For sale only by




: WtHIHWWP 4H)Hae»4H4 «« 4H4M »«««««

na MOBvuio


iMldtette^aa^olr UttiutMiof
tbalothMiWTtoMly»no«M»d. Th«
tmm gn «—nJ'o ram
Dr. A. H. BoUiter bM ted » taf
iii^ftttartb* UqreteMddast wkkh
him. btt IM la OMralaaek. X Baxm^axd j. w. 1
iaC W7 Bfealj Md ho»« to ba b* abla
to took «tMr hk puttnto to • taw duji,
tka aantral wiU ba tba Mfitot tbtoff
.totwar hapfauad to Uto part of Mieh.
If auA tha wittoa wfll uot tol up
to tka atoberato
until tha •vauttokaa ptoea eudka mirht
0fJal7 Srd.
Thabwbartaaaefthadtrbara er■aisad. Jndaoa Cbmaron la ptaaidaM




Obie^ iBtsr OoMa*s DnpliOAl0 H«ws Sorrioo.
TOoehv Bvary Mat on tha Qtoba
Whva Hews ia Gatharad. ZndadtoyTravsenaa^.Few people realise the extent of the
epedai tdayr^bie news aervks enppUad Tnx MoBXUiG Bnoons by the (%1osye lator Oeean-Hew York San

the methods of yatosrinynaws amptoyad by the IntvOeaaa and Son wfll
be tolerasttoy to the readers of the
By aUaUka it m
cur, dnj that Smith * prtoa ta^ tha phatornvh of tha at^laia party at Ihat Bay. : Tba OhknyolntvOeannatonds today
Tha worii war doaa by William B. H tha only Puerto tha ooantry hav
toe Asaodatad
a reoant
victory c
Knli^ta of Fythlaa Mamorial aar^
inisa|loa to torTtoaawiUbahaUtoStetobarra Opaca
nkh every'Una of saws matter yatoarad
HoBBo today. Brarybody torltad to at*
by it to tha Inter Ooean. It also bps
toad tha aarrkpa.
tha news servln of the Haw Yvk BonTbaAmartaaa FadartUon of Labor Inter Ooean Barean. '
Daioa. So. BMt, will maetat a B. P. 8.
Tba Inter Ooean has tons aU toe im­
portant eltiv of toe world donbly
ra reqaaatad to ba praaeBt
•■ooveeed" by tlseorraepoodentt. Evary
TheUttIa ^lld ot'Joaa^Koeakef plaw of oonsaAnenv In Bnrope, Asia,
7M C^prov atnat. died at 8 e>doek thla Afriv. Sosto Anwriea. Autralia-^
aorntor at maBtoRitia. Tha fnnarnl fact, anywhere on the entire dvUlsad
wlU esnr Sanday atUTMoa nt s deloek
at least two men ready
from tha raaidtSMeto send to toe Inter Osean oSm at an
Tba reentor maeUnR at tha Woman'i lastont’s notiv any newe of ImporBesidv thk
Belief Oorpa wffl be held Mood^ after- tonv to its readera.
noon at OranRa fanU at 8 e’doek. Kvary torenyboBt toe entire wvtein portion
tber ia reqnaaMd to ba praaant If ot toe Ualtad Statea, where news of
parUcolar interest to the readcre of the
Floyd Poltor, wbtla at work at John Inter Oaean is to be found, the Intv
F. Ott A 0o.*8 mm yeatarday. tdltoto Ovan has vtablished spvlateorr»
tha watar, atriktoR his left knee npan pondenu of abUtty. who can be de­
tha hook of a pika pole to aoobaway pended OB to send rxclosive dipatchM
SreoAL attoMton ia toTltad thin utocBtaywylar^tiRlyRaah. Sew- of all matUr of extra Interest.
FoUowlny are eome of the more im­
aoratoR to tha arUda to aaothar ool- al atitehea were rcAnlrad- to eloae tha
na. which daBeribea tha parteet talc* wonad, and he wlU be laid np for sev­ portant cities of tbe world tons donbly
provided with the Inter Oeean eorres«npUe' sawa ayatam aaUbUabad by eral days by toe tojary.
^ OUaafo Xatar Oeaaa-Saw York
The steam barpa O. B. Parks deared
•n aombtoatioB. Tha artlela ahowa from toe Ott Inmber dock yesterday mnctpal Ceiiurs of Hews in United
Aha anormOBO extant ot thla ayatem for wlto 4W.D00 feet of hardwood tor MlehStotss.
Catharlny the newa ot tha world. Tha iRanClty.
VoBtiso -Bk»u» la inelndad in
Tks Odd Fellows nsamortol sarviee ..-uUeetas
Hat of nawapapara beaedtiay by thla wm ooenr today at the Second Method- Cloelnuti
a. lobu
anmWniilnn and Trayaraa City
Ut chnrch at 7:80 o'clock p. m. All at Pul
Ateonly el^ln Mlohlyan raoaiday Odd FeUows and Bebekshs are inviud IhJutll
Aha apadal and rmmplata talemph- to be preiant. Tba addraa will be
forapartoftha laUr Oeaan-Snn Ba- Riven by Bev. RoRb Sennady.
ana. A prnnaal ot tha artiela wlU
Tba Tbomaa H. Gaboon of SaRlnaw.
ftca an lidaa of the importanoa of Uiia
ie loadtoR Inmbw from WUUsm Balt­ Btpora. N T
Lot Aoetlf
Amtiaa and ita valaa to Trayaraa City.
Itahowa that tha Ebooud ia furalahtoR er for ChiaaRO.
TbareRatormeettoROf the W.B.C.
Aha boat nawa aarytaa that can ba had.
•ad^vraa thatthh dtym fortanata
in ba^ able to aaenta tha lataat nawa o’clock. All mambars arc reqaaatod to UnBiactomX
tt tha worU by anladya. prtvato wire be prcaient if pemlble.
aptooariy momtoc and bnt a few
C O. Tuner has received bis
have betora tha papv h read at a^lntment from Governor PtoRree ts MCUnC.—W.
uHuurioo, Iowa
haaabfaa't tiaoa.
delcRatc to toe Conyreas of Sa'tional Caadea
riaoB sModations. at aevaland Sep­ Caatoo
Cedar Baplda, Iowa
Thk latMt daralopmaam in China in- tember tS-M.
Ataata that it is net affdnat tha'Boxwa
Tbe BaooxD has revived an invito* Cbrlaa. Masa
■all Lake City
that tha foraiRn fotnaa are to ba seat, tion to attend the
bataralnat the
erdsMof tbe law department of toe
Thadtaation U baeomlaR yrayaand State University from Thct. A. ConloD. OeuseU
Aha admlntetration has already token president of tbe dsas. Mr.ConlonwUl
ataps to aaa that Ufa and property ot deliver the psesident's address at the
BprlagVld. Ill
SyracaSd *
1. WhUa class day exerdaes Jane 16. Tbs clam Orarer
Aha acadlny of troopa othv than a I a larye one, nnmbertoy abont SM.
• fuard lor tha lapatlons, is daamad an
Forafyu Sonrov of Hewt.
pat of war. tha ayaata of yaatorday and
Ahaday before aaam to warrant the ICaalton ialanda. wbare ha has jast
^at ylyotoas manaaraa by tha powers eomplatad a iob of plastartoR tor Uncis SBrrllB
l Peters
Ae briny the emprcaa of (^Inatohv 8am. Ba wUl leave tomorrow fv
MMoa Asd it ia oartdn that the Green Bay, Wis.
Brvto Brnaa aad MIsb Matilda Bea- Cork
Vnltod Stotaa wUl not ba iaektoc to
arts to properly npbold tha dlynlty drieks ware married at the home of tha Dablis
81. tocie (atrv
of thkoation aad to protect Amarican bride last aveator at 6:30, by Bav. J. A.
intareets, eyao if a Inrre army of land Braady.
Sanaa is foand a.........ary to accomplish
The Brieklayera and Maaov nnion
'-Ahatand. The praaant oonditlou ari- wUlbolda
Aanlly tovlta the moat ayrreaslva se­ to dvt ofUeers tor the ensnlnyurm.
AU are nryed to be preaent. The mvliny WiU be held at C. 8. P. 6. hall at
At tha BepBbUesD munty eonvaatton
Buesoa Att*»
7:30 sharp.
Taaaday Dsnid McCoy of Grand BapOeoers
Albert D. Seymou of Blair township Atbes.
ttowUl yet toe aolid dalayatlon for
DnndvweraUstota treaaorer. Mr. McCoy is one of
toa promtoant baakara of Grand Bap- ceosed to marry yvterday.
AU Odd Fallows and Bsbekahs are
ids and a bnsiDMs man wbov abiUl
: toe nquated to ravt at the I O. O. F. haU kalaea
ia widely i
prepvstoataie. Be has devdoped yrsat strenyth
Ute lie Jaaeiro
ia toe etoto and wUl nadoabtedly be ry 10 yolsy to the memorial eerviev at Smrraa
Cape Town
the Second Methodist ehnreh,
8 Paulo
aavinatad at tbe etou <
?niUam B. Wilkins ud Lnnrs J.
AhaSrst-ballot. Hie AtnasA tor the poalBlonntoaieiB
Abmvid bis known rdtoblUty deserve Einy. both of Blair township, were limiad to many yvterday.

yimpk wiraa yMllay the' eontinent.
TbSMwirwart laas^ from the Weatsn Union Tdayra^ eompany and are
odtoelnt« Ooean and Snn from s o’doek ia toe
0,Miny nntit e o’clock to toe meminy.
Thamato trunk trtrv run treatha
Inter Ooean to tha Snn oMv, while tha
btanehm forma
more of nawtpnpvijrito tha
two taaia offlcaa.
Senu of the atlv Bervad with Maws
by Private Wlrv.
pars ia tha followiay citiv
laeladi^ Traverv CBty are eouan
lathkmaanvby private wirv with
Tha Inter Ocean:

My Would-Be
Are getting jealous, and I am getting the
business. Well, I do feel sor^ for them,
butigood goods and low prices do the
business, and we get all we can do without
meddling with other people's business. 1
am the only one in Traverse City that has
advertised an iron bed fdr less than $4.25
until now—They have taken a little drop
in. the market. I received a shipment Sat­
urday and will place oa sale Monday mom*
iag a good full size iron bed for $3^20. 70
different styles, right along up to* a fine
large, hea%7 half brass,bed for $*5.75—25
per-cent, off brings it $19.32.

Md Bari a Trlto




TbaMouxnco Bzooro roetfw this
report in Traverv 01^ every niybt.
Good fob tor
Georye Dame of Nortopvt haa been
of toa atau inepeetore
the Mleblyan Dairy and Food de­
A Wealth of Beauty
Ie often hidden by nnsiyhtiy Plmplv
iesema. Tetter. Eryalpelat. Salt Bhenm
etc. Bueklan’s Amiv Salv will yI6rIfy toe fav by euriny all Skin Eruptiona, aleo Cnu, Brukv, Bums. BoUe.
Feins, Ulvrs and worst forms of
Rios. Only 3te a box. Core ynarai
toed. Sold by S. E Wait and Jaa (
Johnsen, dmyyiit.
iDcouplotc ilri of :13T Oxford tuon who
have gone «o the wnr. Four of them
bare bees killed so far.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 Faroax-t S'ta-oet.


6.000 years have we waited fv tbe
greatest, blvslny ever effered. It
donblvyov j»ys and halves your
sows, ‘^t’s what Boeky Moon
. 3SC. Ask yosr drafts.

Vew OiacoFery for Bloodpoisoning.

S3.50 SHOE

We are exelman a«uu ts tSU city.

Praetivl Sbv Man

F SEVEN CUBES, tbe Greut Cunvr
imedy. und for ail diaeuv of the ekm
ukd blood, from Contect and Secondary
Hereredltary Cautv.












tars lodye are reAeeatad to meat at Odd
FaUowa haU Moadmy evenlny, Jnne 18AH are reqnwtad to be praaanf m there
la baalaam of Importonv to ba vnaidareA
Tha Mamorial aervlev of toa Modan
Woodmaa of Amwiv wUl ba hdd in
toa Lndlas' Ubraty haU thk mominy
•810:80. Bev. W. T. Woodhonaa wlU
AaUvar the sddrvaTba eommlttoa on tradv dkplay for
toa Foarto have beta reealvlaR many
saapoaaas to Inritatiov to place floats
tatoaparadabattbay vya every marahaV and maaataetnrw, Ubor aad
y tobaciaa
WaUaeab dm wiU ^pav la Trav«na
on tito lOto of Jaly.
Ba Bapab-Jean aontaattna ot tha

A marriaye Uvnse wu yvterday
yranted w Cfavlv A. Wood of Chleayo
and Bena B. Chnreh of 6nmnUt City.
At the drawiny yvterday Um dolUv
of Mra. Edmond Allard wu aeeored by
OUo Eyvlka and tha violin of Miv
Anna Anderson by G. B. Shlappaeasse.
Imst niybt after the miutrel pvfvmanee ot Hi Henryb wmpany the
hers were entertained at a ionebeon in the rooms of the Boys' banA
Tha eotopany in tnm entertained toa
ibers of tha band aad others pres­
ent with vocal aad mnaieal salacUoas.
In the company are vveral Grand Bapids boys who have many friends in
this city.
Hnslnav k reshiny at J. W. Mark­
ham's brick, yards. The third kiln
M Started iMt nlihL
Lafayette WUlkms. who waa airvtad at Walton by SherlB Slmpaoa Fridar. hv paid his flaa aad been dlaaharyed.
Tbe members of the Oetmacy^nb
are spendIny toa day at Carp Lake.
Tha Oresoant band axeorslon wiU
kava on too Oolnmhia at 8:M tok
momlnt. Tsa round trip wiU bo but




Wa*erley .
MaaCslay *


SaaToaD tPortoI
City of HeklM


hEis its foundation in the kitchen-so say most people but we be­
lieve not. Go a step further back and we find some grocery store
should receive some df tbe credit. Our Grocery Department
strains every nerve to deserve it. Hero are some things that
will improve any meal:


■ sr:fs

Ox another paye of toU paper is
prlatadan lUastrated artIcle:Riviny a
ahatah of the history ot tbs Boxais, tbe
vyanlssUoa ia China which is the
■ aanv of tbe oBtrayv lately pwpatrav
•A Thera iamneh ofape^ intereat
in the article ane Jmt now very Uaieiy.

Grood. lineal




One of the finest relishes on the mark­
et, 25c the can, including package large
crab shells to be used in the serv'ing. On
the wrapper will be found recelpes lor
over a dozen delicious ways of preparing
these crabs. People go wild over them.
Better order up'a can or two. You'll
surely like them.

Good Things:
Bar Harbor Little Neck Clams at loc.
make you think you're right on the sea
You may want some fresh Salmon.
Have three grades—i2C, iSc. 20c
The Canned Shrimps are splendid eat­
ing and are only 15c the can.
Everybody likes Pork and Beans. Our
Van Camp’s Brand is at the head. Sells
at IOC,

• In the summer time it's easier, cooler
and more pleasant to let some one else
do the hot cooking. Our soups are all
prepared; only need the heating. We
have Ox Tail, Bullion, Tomato, Mock

Turtle,\'egetable and Chicken.and all sell
at the uniform price et 10c.

or an entertainment or an afternoon re­
ception. Nothing nicer to serve'Vith co­
coa or coffee than Cheese Sandwiches,
or Champagne Wafers, (25c the box), or
Long Island Wafers at 15c or Uneeda Bis­
cuit at 5c or.Uneeda Jinger Wafer at 10c.

Olives - and who don’t like them?
The goods that we carry are the finest
ever put up. ^bu can buy any size bottle
you want. The little Deviled Olives are
prime eating and sell at 15c. Laiger bot­
tles at 60c. The Manzanilla Baby Olives
are 30c. so are the Queen Olives. The
Crown Queen Olives are 60c.

are the necessary articles for a well set
table. We’ll tempt your appetite with
Perserved Ginger at 25c the box. An­
chovy Paste at . 30c; Russsian Caviar at
35c; Tobasco Sauce at 25c; Tomato Cat­
sup, 25c; Worcestershire Sauce, 45c;
Gherkins, 10c to 60c; Mixed PicklA,
from iQc to 60c.

St. Java

With toe Avoeiated Prev. Snn-Inter
Ovan Newa Burwu Serviec, and an

rvn. known to the Mwepapflr world v
toe Uffaa Bbtvb. toe Inter Oven hv
an ezteative ^toem of private tele-

Store open Tuesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.



P. A.Xartaad ArthwSaHXmat Tala-

) iMiPip. Md fwr
• for tb«
fld «b* ciQr fonruMBt To
UitFraiMMd to
taad tbo
<er VM.000 to pat «p 0 b«0d
b« vUab ■ten ooBteta • JaU. boM
ms. oouaU foOB ud otter dtpoa

Tte rUlac* telten te Imt ter*
■inite 0 cood atem> to teprar* tte
•naloBrootoMtwUltndatte sm.
ttevOlac* tewlatei irm tte
7 tor tte top
OfMd EMte lost fuBlim Bte
«m tote ap tte mttor o< tdoptlof o
trodo mtk ood ipiiihl oo— tor Omd
Boptda fordtora It MU te oepfrlclitod ote proMMtieo iriU loDow iS odoptloB bp ooWdm. TUj mj ttep on
fmtdtooomooehBebMMOo this hj
fteotlMl soBotoetonra optddo of tte
Tte now teoUh laspoetor te* fooad
0«orf« Somo troreliac moo. fll
wiu tte amoUpeo. ood la tte moot
•■•o for 00*
lac Ite ocmtoftoa U oonowaad. It
oppson thot Bom tea teoB tnrdiac
•xwaaifolp la tte mtare port of tte
•tota white U1 srith th* dlamo. B*
was at llorlBo Ottp foor dapa, at Port
Boroaoaa dap, at Hladaa Cttp oa*
dopoadotakOlairoMd^. Bo trarated 08 tte draad traok traia from
*0 Omrlotla ea Jaaa », aad
waa Blok la tte Obartetta dapet cm
■ It. Tte haalU efleara la tte
rarieu towDS rlalted bp Bom ter*
baaa aetlflad to srateb for aap aaspielou eatbraak.
A Uttte laaidaat that bappaaad at
tiw Kalamtteo atplam raaamtip mlcbt
aehaacaofamrntlaaUtharaeoald te
aap eb}aat la the eharf*. Oh of tte
atteadaata eaUed at tb* oSm aad nqoaated laare of abmot bp raaaoa e!
tta daatb of bit r^admotter. Uar*
WMOtono* fraatad. An how latw
aaothar applloatloa of tte aama aharaetar was also craatad. Aaothar latarral and a third waa aaoBMd for tbs
■aoM raaaoa. Bnt whan the fouth
amplopa easaa with the aanu raqomt,
iaiiBlrad if "death bad a apeeial erndfe
■CateataU tte fraadmothan of the
taatltatloar" It tuned ont that the
fou atteadanta ware eoBSins and canaaqoHUp that oh rrandmothar was
aBOBcbto"co 'roBBd."
A box of torpedoes exploded in a ear
of Ponrthof Jolp foods on the rMlsKsbel
road trades
behind the Pntnsn CAadp
I at Grand Rapids
Vridjap momioc. Tte report was nice
a eannoa aaploalon ud th* box was
btewB Into aplintera. Nodamace was
doH exeeni to the torpedoes and the
' box.

^ imeiS’ BI6 DAT
Lm(« Oroirds BxpMted Wed-


Wbaa F. A. Bari wnt to late pea.
needm^r end ThnndAsr.
te foaad that tte prapaHp had dlaappaanAand with It. tte biapda of hia Merthara Htehlpu Odd Fallowa’ Aa■MArthv. Bothoftham woBldaow
airanuT Aaaoadadoa Sara Plaanad
ba rorp glad to raeorar two Crawford
fora ftarp Slaborata Pamoutratloa.
Wapelm that thep latt oat tte nlpht
Ite aifhtp-Snt aaairaraarp of Amarioan Odd FaUewahlp srill ba ealabcatperah of Mr. ■art'a
adlaalaburaUatplalathla dtp Jau
rteliphtateMthnmph asrtedew SO-ti, bp tte Sorthmra Mkblpaa Odd
not tWHtp fast fnm tte Wajalaa, aad FaUopa'
thop wars thra la plaiaaicht from tte
s tar ^
bonam bat not torn tte atraot Bott
itofaracT larp* dalogaoatte perehat tloa, aad a propram has baaa amapad
lle'doakwfaH Mr. Bart retired.
that la lataadad teaeUpM aap prariow
Ttethtot erthierae hadratrUttU maatlap of tte aaaodatlea. Tte paregard for tte ataraal fttaem of tbiapa. rada wUl ba a aotabla faatua of tte
tor a wbMl waa laft that ooelo tera
baraprenrad modi aaalar. Tte blOa Wadaaadap. Jau S0,tte firat part
^deof Dr. BolUdap.Jaat aeram iha of tte dap wiU te deratad te tte teeap■traet from tte Bui raddeaee, stood ie deaetdalapataa, whowmeesaa from
tteatraataU aighV laaalap apalasta aU dlraetlOH on tte raUroada end
tras at tte aids of tte drlrawap.
Uaaa. whleb wUl maka
apaolal low rataa tor tte oceaalon.
1 o-eloek the parade will form oa State
np the Uu of mareh as follows:
awemr wt wr mrWMW wnw wnpnwK North on Union to Front. Bast on
Tteoeeaain for a pleasant social Front to Puk. Sonth on Paric to State.
time laat eraaiap wm tte doable birth- Bast ea StaU to Boardman aranae.
aranna to
dap partp of Mn B. B. Ladarle aad Sooth on Boardman
Him Veu Petore of Ldand, wbteb eighth. West oo Eighth to Uolon.
waa bold at tte naldeoee of Mr. aad North on Union to Front. Easton
Mn Ladarle on Saeoad atruV A large Front to Steinberg's Grand Open
aambar were prmeat and pimsd tba lonee where tbe following pablic oeUma swap la pamm of rarlons kinds, erelaea wlU be held:
Opening prayer,
aad peasdap tte eorraet aamaaoftca
Addreai of weloome bp the Hon. A.
rnpiimm artielm that were placed oo
a tat^B Tte Btepaa erebastn for- V. Friedrieh. mnpor of Travorae (»tp:
A. TbortM, N. O. of Grand Travarma
aM^Tmaste. lea cream aad cake
Lodge No. *00. aad Mrs. MarUia BollUwwJmred after wbleb daaetap
t«r, N. 0. of Grand Tyararaa Rebekab
Lodge No. 19t.
Eaepoase bp Jamm Jobutoo, praairacaoaal
dent of the
Darte Campbell of Orawa Is la the
Addram oe Odd FaUowtblp, bp Clara
E. Stover, prcaidant of Rebekab AaMr. aad Hra. Hoam Piokarlnc hare aembip and F. E. Andrews. Grand Mas­
rataroad to their hooia la PanuplTanla. ter of the Grand Lodge.
srrp DambrUte ntaraad pastardap
Short talln from Grand SaoreUrp
Whllup aad other prominent Odd Fel­
plemd bis ianior pear in the Ypallantl lows.
Normal eebooL
Following this, an open air eoaearl
Edwin Chapman retnraed from tte will be glraa bp tte buds from this
YpeUaoU Normal pesterdap.
eltp aad Cadlllsc.
Mn Jdm Probart baa retvaed from
At 4 o'clock a ape^ semlon of the
a week's rialt m Grand Espida.
Orud Lodge will be held at Odd Fel­
MlmOertradeMoaupu has retnra­ lows ball tor the purpose of oonferring
ed from a risit to Kanma Cltp, Mo.
Uie Peat Official ud Orud Lodge De­
Mrs.' W. B. Thaskar and Mn. Me- grees upon all qnallfied
qualified Past Oruds
Michael retvaed from Oraad Rapids who shall applp
>lp thupforei—A^ tbe
last nli^t.'
same bonr a special
scial s^loa of tbe BeMiss Edith Somerahas retnraed from bekah Aaaemblp
ForeaYpeilantl where she' hae been attend­ ter's ball for tbee purpose of conferring
ing ached.
the Aseemblp Degree upon aU prorerlp
Mspor Friodrieh haa retnraed from quaUfled Past Noble Grands.
Grand Raplda.
Pest Oruds and Psst Noble
Miss Alma Tramaa of Menton, is ris- Grands must bring their certificates la
iting Mim Bessie Cooper. ■
order to aeenre tbe degree.
Rer. and Mn M. B. Renieh are fla­ At 7:M o’clock tbe subordinate Lodges
iling friends In the dtp daring their will meet at Cltp tbe Opera Boose
racavlon from Albion college.
where tbe leitlalorp Degree will tc
Dr. A. S. Rowlep hu pooeto'Ann conferred bp degree teams la foil re­
Arbor to attend tbe reunion of tbe galia. At the same hour at Fordater*s
medical dees of 1990 of wbleb UUa hall the Rebekab Degree wUl be ooomember.
{erred bp degree ataffs In fuU ooatoiu.
Hon. aad Mn. C. G. Tarnar want to
Thnrsdap wlU be devoted to eight
seeing, ud to scbobla of instraeUon In
Mn Jamea Keboo. with harehUdran, anwrittu work of all bruehee of tbe
leftpeaterdap for a Tialt alter old order.


mm It toeterr.


A. Babeoek fonnd an Inhabitant on
tte road one md* wrath of that plaee
who TlrtoaUp deled Unele Sam's aathorltp.aad hp eartaln rielona aifu
premlaad to mate mJaeamaat of hU
rapraaiatatira. It waa a larca Uaek
tear, and when the etartied ennmerator dtoppad hte bwka aad paliad hia
Jaokaite. Brain mat hie binff hj ranChai.
lac to bar blad feat for a aoap, tet aa through towD paaterdap on hU wap
te faUad to adraaoe. aba ftaaUp made from Grand Raplda, where te rapraaented Sleepiap Bau Teat at tte K. O.
oft. mneh (b the relief of tb* earn
T. M.
Mn Dara Smith and Mn Barrap
-~-A»awn Partp aad Babp Show.
Crain retnrnad from Grand Raplda
At tb* lawa partp aad babp atew te peaterdap where thep have beae tlaltbe clran at Wepae atreet tnrt oa lap Mn J. C. Tbumpaon.
Wm. Sammons d Bemnd street, will
doH 19 Hd SO, a ceaerai pood Uma
la axpaeted aad the ladim are wall pte. leara on tbe Cba^rolx todapfor a two
pared for it- Flu Inaebee wUl be weeks dslt with hUhu-enu at Cbebopeerred in the grote aad eaeh babp eom- gan. BU father ba*\beeo teken sndlap to the etew wUl be plren a botUe denlp m.
of mUk free of ebarpe.
Boaea wOl atart from tbe Golnmbla
hotel and. Waltb drop store arerp tan wllUuE. but li<‘ hadn't Ixt-ti
Tcrr uuirh. lU' bed ihme f.-irm work
op In northern .troostook. Mo.
Frank {Friodrieh wUI douU a Ine
Tin- other motorraan wn» !
pair of ba^b aboas as a prize to tba iDE him.
"ir n Are ol.-irm rlns* In." raid the
baby petU^ tbe eeerad larpeat anmmd Imnd. “reniembor that the depart
b»r of rotes.
meut. the fire endne and the rext havt
tbe risht
cht or war. Hdd right up a
if you don't tbey'll r
I>eatb of a Pioneer.
tet 'emII part,
Pollp Hlnkaon, widow of the Ute yon
The s<>enml day an alnrm of fire
Henrp Hlnkeon. died at the home of ran In, Tli<- «'nr was near a cron
bar daughter. Mrs. Lester Wells, six Street when- ihr d'-partment n
miles west of the eltp. spwl ts peara. paas.
■•n«ld up." JUiM the Inatrnrtnr.
Faawml wUl occu Moadap aftar
Over the elertrle track ton- the hose
at t b'eloek from her Ute rwlA
The bnrial will oeenr in Oakwoed
oMrp. The fancral will be In et _ a look up the xtn'Ot and then spun his
lever. Tlie •wr atarteti.
af Thomae F. Huter. Fonr daegbuin eontroUer
-Yon Inrernal tool what are you doaarrire bar, Mrs. Lestar Wells. Men. IfiEt"
the old hand.
:r howl*d
Lester Wells. Mrs. Frank Cook and Jnmpe.1 afld the new
junnw-d and
Kn. Esther Benton of Trarerae -dtp. tlie hook and laddra truek ton the
offr the ear and dlxappen;
aad Mn. Frank Hitebeoek of Grand platrorm
in n eloDd of
»r dn«t
.Inst and wUh
wUb it*
Its n
relHuE like aeiiiln.
••tVJiy didn't von waltr bowled tb*
Mn. J. BMlep and non Bat retaread


pMrAaUcteaBraTblB Is a granlDs'letter from a lad
at eebool to his mothn-. After compUlnlag generaUp M tbe school, the
young ganlenun oay«:
"I hope .Matfida-a ceW la better. I
am glad the la not at shale. I think 1
have got eonsnniptlon. the boya at
this idace are not gentlemanly, bnt it
eonree you did not no ibU wbetT^eu
•eat me here, i wlR try not to get
ive wot
at the knera. I think the tailor mint
hare ebratni poo. the buttou have
come off. and they arc loose behind.
1 don't think tbe food i« good, bet 1
abd not miud If i was only stronger.
"Tbe pi«-c uf neat I aend pen Is off
tbe beef we bd on Bnndap, bnt on out­
er daps U Is nwrestrlngy. Tbara are
black beeUee In tbe kitchen, ud aoineUmes they cook them In tbe dinner,
Wbleb <ont be bolraoroe when yon are
Mt strong. I hare a tame beeOe as
a pet.
long. Please scud me some money, as
I o 25 cents, if yon cant spare it 1
tliink 1 can borrow It of a boy who
Is going to leave at Ibc half quarter,
but perhaps yon wodid not like to be
under an obligallon to bis parents—
Tr lovlne )>at m.-bed sou."


I Being Oouldered
bp MePhersoa Peak

A meeting of MePhersoa Poet O. A.
R. waa held ymterdap, to eoeaidv the
matter of purebaaing a ballding In
whleb to bold tbe rcgnlv meeUngs of
the orguizatlon. Tbe vroposiUon to
parehaae tbe bulli
pled a* a atorc bp C. B. McManu A Oo.
la receiving aerlona conaideraUon.
Tteantterwae referred to a com­
mittee couUtlng of Commuder Willliam M. Smith and Judge Loi9~Boberls, who will report to tbe meeting
to be held next Wednesdsp evening.
Nearly 3h per cent, of (lie patients In
Parts lifxpiials have liecn found to l>e
persons who were addliTcd to tbe ex­
cessive use of alcoboL

We. the 1
do bereb:
agree to refund the money on a ..
cent bojUe of Qreue'a Warruted Sp­
rup of Tar if H fail* to cure pour oongb
oreald. We also gnarutee a 25 cut
botUe to prove
refunded. S. B
burg. Jame* O.
C. Tbempson.
___ _

Ilf sits a
botly siHnlis to hi
to l»e let alone."
-is bl* Bppi-llie goodY*
•'Jnst ns eoo«! as It ever was.”
-Tlicii then-'s DoiblDg n-ally tbe




comfort for 60,60. 76c, $1.00
to $1.60,
according to your

Sbe tblnka


We think our line is very
Oome and tell ue what
you think.

WuRE's CURfc
No Hero RheumatifiOL
For yeer*s ny wlfcsoffrred frornrheametn«S many r«mMlla^ twt got lilllv twBCfll. and we iisd atxKii rtvcaupiUl
nope or rrllrr wbPD wc Imrd of CsIcst KIde,
aad niv wife becuo lUlDf It. This gr«ai
rnwHoloe bas. appareoliy, drivrn all (be
poison out
of iicr'sjwicui.and
bcraj-sirui.and has
■ l,r*nr.Mlf, ___li l-.C-urtf
l> ,*,,•>»
•4 brrfWimallfeofpala.—U.
urtb AblnctOO,

DON’T Be Fooledi

Take the pamai. eHglael

Hamilton Clothing Co.
One Minute of
Your Time, Please!
We do not wish to appear vain-glorious
but desire only to remind you again
that we are still selling groceries.

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

Q-g-I? S-U-Coess^^:::!


is dne to new ideas, correct methods,
new stocks and continual thought of
betterment, which enables',us to fill your
days’ wants, as you desire them, “down
to date.”

Monday, June 18,
Gaskell’s .
Big Stock

Up-To-Date Grocer.

New Phone 149-

in complete produetions of

“Hi wotu,"


“A Jtalois ™,"
“UK Btdeye,"
■‘Oiilji SoBU's Hurt,"
"Tin lUulle Fipress.”



Tbe great sceuic prodoction,

“The World,”

A lady free with each 30c ticket
»r. w. D. Osok.,lpt8p*elaUst.
Monday night. If procured before
Cu be eounlmd during
atsi9 7 p. m.
It Nil
971 fit*


Is so restful, when you’re
clad In one ot our
perfect fitting, extra length
Night Kohee.
You may enjoy this

Soeh aP



-•-I want to ask yon alioui John." t
said to the family pbyrtcli
we re never
•tir mnrrhsl• life we've
I of troul>l« In Bctilng olonB
tin this year. I don't think

I ma.





10o,20o, SOo.

Seats now on mie at tbs Box Office.

to their homo la Beat Jordan pastar­
readied hi* pnpll. white
dap. aftor a rialt In this dtp.
and gaxplnE. "I no fink we have to
bodder lor dat aaero dan gang, o*
drank benw painter^'

White Front-

cape from daatb. aapi: "Bxpoavsbft* rtade to prevent the...................
maaalca Indnoad aariOHlnBC troabla.
wbioh Mdad la eoasamptlH. I had natnral scenery In this eouutry by tbe
erei-llona of sign hoarda. etc., at con%t^d d^‘*Ttl!?J ^tonte^ spienoo* points. A good snggratioa
mMMoa^ nwlbsMtom rotues rrom I'rancr. wbere It ie projKiw'd to liniioae a heavy lax upon all
•aradma. Hudrada tera oaadit on
mp adrlea aad aU a^ It aarm tdla to
■wa Throat. Cteat aad Laaptroablaa."
TakM tUa month kcape poa waU aU
tapalar aUe 90c and ll.oo. Trial bet
ttaa l«e at S. E. Walt

OPDO^te the “Will Be” Park

318 Union Street
Telephone 43.

ACXt^ For Ladiee'WaiaU, one of whleb you will feel proud to w«v.
^«7U They are worth 75e and SSe.
1 KA
quaUtp Table Oil Cloth, eelorad only.
X vU aame a* poa have oeen paying 20s fw.


1 Ora pdf 7^ fw Ingrain Carpet- Jut two pattaras left bnt thep
XvU are pretty. Always sold at 23: yard.

26c fr.

Udtm Stock C-i
and look at

: ioat roealrad.



iteliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House





WiiBflni mbnn) at 11:66.
Prapar amtiag oa Wedmadnp

ObIebMe win eo w BicmUr BmM

^'ohStoBtau axaroboa^Ma bi
; of the atpBtxtllMd«7portpoaad uttl Bandap. dau,64.
Uimiar tba OqtmaMi
Ail ara iavitad to attaod.
wdltaftntorMO. h«
proia them
ddto. MrwtaAaU. Md the OoBBlsfe w&l
ibaeottoB crap ia
gram wm take place at 10:M a- ai. aad
ornapp the tlM M the Mining eerrlee
At Lea iaplT- Oel., Un, Ji
'' twlm^Tniii-^ wtd0w of Oen. Joha
wbh thdrehUdran haybaedinap bring
a Ffwit. h— Mtwith eerren
«UMt la leerUif the dkaser tabie
VofOhrbtiuEaBandap School at 16KW m.
^ aDppad aad tall. Inetartar her hip.
deavor at 6 p. m.
Y. P. 8. a B. at 6:16 p. a.
Vaepar aorvlaoa at 6:60 p. b.
XiR. naaoat k 70 Taan old pad her
Bev. Bnua of GlevalaiBd. OUo. wm
A partial iBvttaUoB attaadad toail.
faaofotp ooaaeqaaBtlj wiU be alow.
BtaamBi Oolaabb aad Lon A. ObbThe MM aeral etraet kfht erar wit- 1a,a.gOla, north amr, dap auapt
aia Invitod to hear hia.
MMd im aantaca aaded at 0 e*eloek
AU jnemben of choir tvquaatod to be
the other al^t.whaa the toeewyeew
ia etadp for evanlag aervioe.
BaggaatlOBaf a Oaralval Onaea Maab
■ittae of the Tlllafe eteeed a dfo hean'
»~a«F •................
With laitBBt ud Vatrarinl
yetted of warm baplaf.

it tH9BT tTCtlit 5


hamia of the aqmlimlac foreat teat
aatatpOian wrna par^aaad at tweatp
aaataa«aart,BiM«»M waa paid oat to
aaratal koadiad worm jdetea. TUe
method waa adopted ae the moat at*
PHthra wap of prataetlac the baaatttM
leliaco of Baratofa affalaat the laaacm
af thepwta.



TDaaaoTtha laadiaf aoptaao of the
teahleoabU BrooklTO ohoreh. whaaa
amlx taalt b that aha aapperta haraalf
aMeoa of the eit7*a wealth bava beta ta
thahahltot alUlatia thafroat pawa
aadaaklacap hidaoeafaeai atlbar.
' ^waa apaakp. howarar. aad fare
■ette that aha or thep moat ^ra.
Bha ramaiaa.
Bobmi V. Beeaeralt, oaala of Got.
BeeaaTall of Haw York, whohaajaat
latoraad from ParU. aaya thaaxpoal
tteo -'b the worat fake aad traad arar
Dm of the hbtorbal mjatarlaa of
VaoedoBla, a, hat baaa raaaatlp
.............. 6:16
pialaad la ararp pan bp the diaaorarp
Of a akalatoB la the eallar of the eld Horthport.................................. 6;1S
▼iacelaa at thatplaee. SIxtp paart
'•TO a traralar atoppad at tha| tavaro,
who waa aarar eaaa acala. The laadiord aad hb wife were feud next




Boar, kataaid thap had beea IdlUac
ahlehaM, altheoffh ao draated fewb
wan !■ aight. Tha atorp wm hai
tewatrom caaaratlea to gaaatatloa,
aMI the old taa. leaf eaaaat. haa bam
the aabjeat of cheat etoriaa Werkmaa
aofacad la tablof the baildlDcdb
ad the aterp of tha erlme aad afraed to
amrohtor aridaaea. Oolag lato the
aallar thap eoandad'the aarthaa floor
with a erowhar. Tbep fund a hollow
ipet fa a dark aecBor.'.aod a Btroac oak
kaiwaaroeaalod. Whaa thalid waa
Bftad tha aaa foaad tha ebjaet of their
maioh, the akallea of a maa. For 60
pmnlt had ramalaod hiddoa U tho
Baperb fan raaalrad from
Whitahooae-Harrteoa oxpadlttoa
AbpaalBla, which aafalp rataraad to
Membaaa oa tha oaat eoaet of Africa,
daaa lo, ahow that tha axplerarm foud
the dbtrietoroud Lake Badelph aad
Btaphania daaartad. tha '
teriac Mthar died or left the eeutip.
Itbaddadthat the kriab ware db>
aorarad to be faU of akotoUna.
At Haw York tu parmooa were killed
Ip tha Are which dattropad a flTO.atorp
teoamaot honae Fridap botbIoc- BarOB othan were badlp iajorad.


a*v. 3. a a*u. rawer.
*t of tho<ennu«al
Berviaaa held ia Orange hall. _
Mecning eermoa lOAO a. a. Theae.
• b to baa carnival
"DMMwamd Prapera."
qaomtor tha dauRMtiitloii oa tho
Bandap achod at U m
alghtedtha third of Jalp ha* set
Chrfawa Badeavor 6:16 p. a.
with aaivenal favor aad alraadp aanp
of Travaraa Oitp’* popalat ud peottp
women have baaa aoatlaaad
eaooxs MnnoDiR oai’aca.
for the bonar of preaidiag ovm tha
Bar. Bar* KaaMCr. Paatar.
Bandap earviem, PraaaUag at 1D:*0 fooUvitim of tha caraivaL The qaaan
wm have abaolata twap that might ud
' U u hOBor
Bvaalag eerviea at 7:60.
Bev. U. 8. ReaMdi. peatcr 1897-18M which nap ladp of tha oltp
wm epeak ia the laoralag.
Tha vottog ooataat wlU begta toTboee to be bapttmd pleaee be raadp
paamrdap ud
at tha opulng of Boralag eervloe.
At evulng aervioe the paetor wiU thereaaltwUl be watched with iafive the Meaorinl addraae tor the I. O. tereat. A* the preparation of
0. r. and the Order of Bebekah*.
a of a ratinaa
ropal robe* ud
Ctaa* Beetlng at 9:46 a. a.
wUI raqalra *everal dap* it ha* been
Baadep ecbool at 11:45 a. m;
daddad to abortea tho period of beUotBeworth Leagaa at 6:40 p. a.
lUd-week praper seettag Thoradap iag. making the laat dap on aa 67th.
avenlng 7:60.
Thb will ellew aapleUmefor prepara­
AU are lavltod to theae aeetinga.
tion after the qaeen haa bean Aoaen.
niKxM cavBos.
The preparation* for thb ara pro­
Bar. Bereler Joa**. pe*wr.
graming very nlcelp together with the
Tha ealithnaplea
exhiWUoe wm appear la tha earnival
Pnbiic wordilp 11:00 a. b.
At thb aervioe Bev. W. A. Hmb of parade oa the Fourth aa well. Thb
aevalaad, Ohio, wm nroaeh. Mr. BUlb feature b BBder the dlractton of Poetb eapertatawleat of the Oealral dbtrtet
lar George Baft, who daalraa aU
uidb'y tboaa who axpoet to parUelpate to
btgln praparatloaa a* aarlp a* poaaibla.
OhildraBh Moatfag at 7':60 p. b.
aad to report to him Unmadlatelp.
An intaraatlag prograB haa bam

»!3!5.''5 AiSiiJr B.iuiiw.’''

wmaappaaia. Bb eplobAUhafat
of fortp pieeaa b a graal afltttba to
tkejbtraeUoa aad thb CaataraoaeUp
oellpM aaptklag that ku »M aaea
bereoi that fclafl. Bverp aambor mm
worthp o« tevwabla meotkm aatte
ThaGaokeU Stock Oo. wm bo at
membem o( the eempaap have evide^
•miabrngb Grand next MaMap night
«B eboacB with car* i
aad tha uUre rwaak, and ganraaiaa the high *taaAei4 of the atttaetkm
the orguizttion to be flrat-alna* la
avarp raapaet. laalaUarfroB MaaaBABB BALL TSlfl WEMK
gar Baaaett of the Port Baron opera
hoaaa. be atatea that tha Oaakalb gave Two®ood Garnet Frombad foyWadaaadap aad ThaMap.
. igaeaent than, aad that the aUaaaoag the other amacamaab to taka
daaea ai hb UaaWe broke all prevloaa pleee Wadaaadap aad Tkandap. tha
day* el the Odd Fallow*'Me eelafaaOa the opening night the eoatpup tloa, than will be a ball gaM pUpad
wm prii*Bt tha magnlloaat apaetaea- la Twalfth abut park laA attanocm.
lar aad aaanb. draiaa. "The World.'*
Indeacadeab. a team c^gaabed
Thb b one of the taaet prodaeitee trem tha beet material erf the tnrmw
Been oa up eUge. and wm be
pat OB hare with aU the ceeab affaeta ooU^alapva. 4vlU *Mt twotaame
end iw*marla* carried ,by thb earn- oa thoaa dapa. A aaw team, oompeaed
pup. Tka epadnltba are axeallaat of Bua who war* feraaerlp teat pbpaeBi
and evarp Bumbar of tha eoapupba hai bean orgaabed bp A C. Blohm
ud WiU go agriaat tha tadepudenb
the flrat dap of the eriabcatioa. The
Quo Vadb b fact pcorlng tha groal- next dap the litter wDl be ^Uad
eatattraeUon of Bodare tlBoa. Dlf- agriaat Beade'vTwirleta. BoUgaaua
farut prodaeUon* of Biaaktewies'a premba to ba vary ialerertiag aad will
woadartal novel have baaa prodaead la
on, New York. Philadalphia, OilI. BalUnorr. otc., and in aes# of
AttraeUvt V*w Froat
thaMtir* two i
W. 8. AadanoB baa grcatlp Imprevad
the Iroat of bb udartafciag aatablbhmeat oa Booth Union atroct. Large
druBa of lea* powerful attrlbotea, all pUb glaaa window* have baaa pat la
MB to be doing a pbenoaeaa! bael- ud the treat ol tb* bnUdiag baa beta
aaee. So mup people have read thb palatod wbib.
thriUlng atorp of the "Dawn of Chrb• 100 Beward.llOO.
ttultp" that the dealre to aee the
draBBtlo venion aoenm nnivaraal. Thb
.The reader* ol thb paper will be
attraction will appear In Ue Citp ileaaed to learn that there u at leaat
oaa dread dUeaae that eeieoce ha* been
Opera Hoaae Jane Si.
able to enre in all Ib aUgee and that ta
Oatarrh. Hall'* Oaurrh Oore b tb*
Uv* core now known to the
El Benrp’i mUatrel companp wa* r«Iratemlty. Cebrrh being a
oelved bp a Wg hoam In Steinberg'*
lonal diaeaae. require* a eonOrud laat night, ud like the prevlou
kl treatment. Hall-* Oetarrb
engagement thb wa* worthy ofthe large Oore U Ukan interaaUy. acting dlraetattendanea. The thowta oaeof the beat Ip upon the blood and mnoon* aartaeea
el the *p*tem, thereby dmiroylBg the .
mlnalrel ettraetioaa on the mad thb molthe db*e*e,aiid giviag f
aoDud lb popnlarlly b oonaUntly mein the patient *treagtb by balUlag np
talned by theexeellenmof ib featnrae. tha eoBatitatloa ud aatbttag utnra
Tb* aggracatum b mad* up of talented In doing ib work. The propriMore
have ao maeh faith U ib earaUve
porforman ud there b no time in tha pewarm. that they efler One Hondred
uUra program that tha lataraat bel­ Dollar* for up eaae that it talb to
lowed to lag. rbe aribtic naval flrat cure. Bead for Ibt of teaUmoalab.
partbfaoama a* laat year, bat *UU
retalmHb novelty. Tho latrodaotloa
laelndaa a dbplay of flrat elu* vocal
talut ud aoma vary clever barat cork
apadaltba. The ramainder of the ehow IxennleB to Horthport
Buday moraiag, Itaving doek at
1* made up of appclalUe* of a new and
6:60 a. m.
Boand trip 66 eaab.
np to dab character. Mr. Hearp. the
Cka*eut Band marie.

Olorioaa Mewa
ODBC* from Dr. D. a CbrcUe of
Wmhita, I. T. Ha writm: "Bleetrie
Bittmi haa enrod Hra. Brewer of awofBl»,whtob badoaaaed her great *«fBer.J. a.
fariag for poara. Tetrlbla aorea would
Preac^ at 10:
hraak oat OB her hand and face, and the
-OB OharlaroUto
bmt daetor* eoald give ao help; bat
now bar health b axeaUaat." Blaetrie
S-..1 u. Bittara b the beat blood porifler known
Ib the aaprame roBOdp for oexama,
tetter, aalt rhoaB, aleare, bdb and
raaaiag aorm. It attealataa Uver,
1:46. Ohnrlaraiz S:I6.
B«T a aalaccrr. PaMor.
kldaapi ud bowab, axpob poboaa. flaeaeleetloa* which ehow that ha haa
on. baUdaapthaatrugUi.
Chareh on eamar of Ninth aad Wad*Oltp. Taka etaamer at 6:40 a. m. worth atraata.
oSt^“ UdbpAB.Vait udJaa. Imt noae of the old time perfecUon of
Iraggbt. Oaarutaad. ^ '^Becntiaa which hae made him a favorSand^ aorviem a* follow*:
forKaalMwaata where pea willeoawllh ataanur Oreaeaat, <7«tanlBg
toTrararaa Oitp at lO:4Sa.B. Thb
wtU i^re pen a plaamnt ride of 64 aeUw
616 Sbte Stroet.
oa tha bap aad au be aada avarp
meralng. If poa •wbh a tnagar rida
tha boat wUl lead poa at OBona or
where poa wm eoaaaet with
hcieoBLLAincoDB wAirre.
to Travarae Citp at
4:00 p. B.
• fiOB Traveraa
atp, take tha ataamer Craaout ererp
/"tow FOB S*LT"Oeae Jerwy eo«. I tear*
aftamoon at SHW for MaahUwaaU
O old. clw nice Hrh eillk. Price ■■* B.
Hymen-_______________________ F7*M
where poa wm oonaect with etoamar
ratamiag to Trarana Cltp at 4:06 p. b.
bc^. Tmis rsMOBsUr.
Topartlaeof 5oraora a rataotoae
far* for the roaad trip wm be made.
WANTED - Berk peelcre Andrew BsMn.
Map Brice, a haadaoae flrl of IS

eki. Cedsr.
Bandap axcaralone troB Patoakep to
Taan, at Fiadlap, Ohio, waa Wadaaadap
OharlarolE and other raaorta evarp Baa>—For gmeral stoek. An' Mfkt reaeoad troB a band of CTTalaa
a. aebomberger. Oseirel
kp hm brother. The ebiaf of tha CTFIIBL W*NTKD-At o.
nba cam hb aaau aa Zaok Ppla. Ec
Aad baaa cempUac there for a week or
two. aod the Brlaa girl, who lived in
^^ANTU>-Ueod^g<r^ I°'»Jd
kvnw•eager Berviee eo
the dolghborbood of the eaap. had
id«.B.AI. BaO• haaa attiaeted thereto bp earioritp a
ooapla of tlmee. Wodaeadi^ Pple'a
BOXXe-Fbr erie cbesp si to* Bowl
wifa lared the girl ta the wagoa and
o taiaaier eAednlee of the Pare
. 9n.if
«ba aatlra baad than atartad for the
laetteaad the Oraad Boplde A
VffAMTED-Werk vssklag. Iroelog or day
■antk. Thap had gene aoiae dbtaaet
taa railroad^ wUI go into ofleet
whaa ttap ware orertaku bp the po- tOBMmw, aad will give thb dtp a
^OSM of tbe employer. Imdy
liaa aad Ua girlk brother, aod arOne lot of fancy Dress Lawns, worth
naxpAaaD pauis
Silk Organdies, with satin stripes, in
Oa the Pare Merqoatle. traine wm
very pretty .loral designs, and
'Boeanae a fortune teller prodietad leave for the aoeth ovarp dap aaeapt
reall>~ the most exquisite thing of
that Oaorga Dellar. a Maw York faokar Bandap at a 606 a. b. end 11:60 a. b.
One lot fancy Piques, worth from 15
Tbe Bostos SiOTT.
• wlU a coBpataoep. woald aoon loee all and 6:S6 p. B-, ud evarp dap except
the season—usually sold at 85c,
to 20c. for............................Sand 10c
^ Bonap, ha taagu to worrp aboat it. Satardep, iBclndlBg Bandap. at 11:S6 p.
now...................... ...................... <>5c
Av locsilos. Ibreedoorsrsuot Park Pleea
One lot of White Piques, worth 15c.
aad flaallp udad bb aaxietp bp Uow- Alionl.XSBHHesir.ei
Trdaa for the north wm leave evarp
Another line of fancy Organdies in
lagonthb brMne with a ehot gaa.
Deller wae oalp 46 and hb monap waa dapexoept Moadap at 5 a. b.. ud
the fine French Weaves—\’fery
One lot of White Piques, worth 20 to
aa wall Inveatad that the fear wae anTen bend csul.
pretty patterns, and a regular 50c
and «:S5 p. m.
55c, for............................. 13 and 19c
Train* wm arrive froa the eoath at
value, for...................................... 39c
“ToBbetoae beet" are an eadofthe
1:16 p. B., 6:06 p^ B.. 10:46 p. m. and
Big line of mercerized striped Mad­
T;90R sale OB KXCHAKGE-Tb* Bert* S of
aaainiT tad la Interior New York. The
4:66 a. B.
r somhessi ovsrtceolMcUoB to losmb
at........... ....................... 8. 10 and 15c
Idee originated at Oopalu. OolamUn
I^E. IS wsm. Lcelxssn eenniy. John Vccly.
ras Cloths—very swell for shirt
On the Q. B. A1. a very fine carviee
eou^. and omabb in a gaaeialvblt
waists, at......................... 25 and 29c Aberfoyle Ginghams at - .15, 20 and 26c
b given. eonnecUng for both north
of raaidub to tha oematarp. where aU
om 7« H>d 77. Oak Belcbu.
add aonth on the male Una. Train* will
moBamub ud baadatopaa that aaad
leave the dtp at 6:66 a. B*. ud 4:66 p.
market prtca. Jobs Vcrly.
B. daUp and at 11:16 a. b. daUp except
Bandap Traina wm arrive at 6:80 a.
Raw Xichlgaa Tal
B. aad 7N» p. B. daUp and at l:S0 p.
Tha foUowiag aaw phanaa hare been
L dailp axeepl Bandap.
h the local axchange bp
The 6:66 a. B. train, with a abort
the mehlgu Teleidtoae Co.
■M-Ohae. Procheeka.Jr..reatdenee.5«7 wait at Walton, aakee oouootlon
with the eooth hoand flper No. 10.
Waablagton etroet.
-----Mon. inn w w
With thb oxaeptlOB. all train* make
aU-Uofl HeOoaald. rmtdcaoa.N7 Park
deee oonaertinni with all point* north
and eoath on the aala line.
CM—L L. Sleeper, reeideaee. 617 Went
fcjj.. ar.mi. M ..HM l—w .
Bevnath etreet.
AXoaebr DevUFUh
mtrvping ib vietlm, b a type of
etipatioa. Tha power of thb malBighth BtraaV
t»-J. W. Jartett, rantdroee. 611 Oaai
m-C. W. Prtaraaa. raaidanaa. so» S.
BlBwoad armaa.
8. Wait aad Jea. O.
M^WUUaa A. Marrel,
Wabatar atroat.
1:48 p. m., Oherlav^ I:16 p. m., Patoakap6:00p.m. Xhb wlU give poa 6
J^^Chnrleroix and .« boaraat

Woodbine Cottage

Pleasant Romns. Shaiii lawa.




In our wash xoods department we are otTering many specbis, Including some of the nobbiest things of tbb season’s im­
portation. We claim a position second to none for thb depart­
ment, and h*ve everything to show you in new, styUsh fabrics,
from the cheaper grades to the very dnest Silk Organdies.



We are showing an elegant line of Summer Flannel Goate and
Panto, in gray and navy blue, stripes, double breasted or sack
coats. These suits make a very comfortable and inexpensive
summer dress to he worn with the fancy negligee shirts. We
priced them early b the season at $7.60,and $10.00. For thb
week we offer a special discount of 26 per cent, on the above
26 per cent, discount on all extreme light weight stunmer

ObtWeg VuMe—
lor aale br the W. w. Kimball Oo.
IP. W. J. agglBi. Opwattra Pwtbiiy

Sxeudos to ITertiipert

Bandap moralng. leaving dock at
6:60 a. m.
Boud trip 86 eanb.
Cmeeut Bud marie.




BbWI naaoi alwapa plaaaa.

9M tf





yhe Boxers ofCluna-Tlie Soeietj of tie Great Sword

_ - -_____ j Ibe Ute Wntted
; br the ten4iu BBOrt oaocenlAl than
I that adopted br the peacefal viliacm,
. ther beeane lawteaa and
I aoctetr- Br dar thar

larfsK their aaUoiia] reildoa baoaina
ob)ma of uirofml hatred and averaloa.
chan*ed acaln._________ ____________
lhe,'Ta Taa Ba-al." or ‘Tb* Great
Sword." apread o\-er the land like a
prairie are. tmtll Ita menbera noabered. It U aald. more than U.OOO.OOQ. The
aaeret of their aucceaa U betrayed by
the lecend they iaaeribad upon their
banoera. "Tuba CUa«. Uleh Tana"—
Iona lire the dynaaty. death to all for.
elanera"—for It Is apparent that they
have tbe aupport of the aot’emreent.
which, thonah openly friendly to oatBide peoplea. U yet at heart fufl of ha­
tred and auepldoji.
"Maintain the dynastyi down with
the foreIan devHi!" la a popular cry In
China today, aa U has e«ar been since


dren eemnlttM to tbHr cut
pban asylums and cut up
for medicinal purpoaes. As the Cbln<«e
bold that there are U different parta
of the human body which :

I'ntll within a fern- >-ears tbe mlaBfonaries retarded tbeinaelvea as per­
fectly aafe In rolna about (be country,
and even the femalaa attached to the
misaions went freely oa ibeir mlnlatrutlons to the naitvea. But In May. IV
tvo nuns were aet upon and roaltreaii
as they were relurelna from a visit
some aick people, and a little later two
German missionaries were murdered at
Bhanatuna. (be birthplace of Confucius.
In reprisal for this the German a^'cmnieni seised the port of Tsln Too. The
embers of resentment smoldered aerbile.
and the platalled CaleaUala were forced but last year burst Into flame and
to ndmtt the ranauard of clvUlutloa culminated a few months aae In
a-lihln their aaored efty of Peklna- The
educated riaaaea have brouaht the
Christian aeeu Into ridicule by declarIna that they are boa worshipers and
-» %er
Incited tbe lanoram. fanai
set upon by tbe fanatics, who Inserted
arts of hostility by
hook In Us nose and puli
the town, aftereanl kllllna him as he
broke away and tried to escape. This
«r»yi-dy nwoke the Drltlsb

The boundary between Natal and the OranBe Free Plate is formed by tb«
central portion of the mlyhty DrakenbSrf rante, w hich presmls an almost im>
passable barrier from one colony to the other, rusinc In terraces froWi th«
coast to the mountains, (he ceneml surface of Natal reaches an elevation cf
from J.OOO to (.000 feet at the base of the Dralcenl'er*a '
In tbe mountain reielon the climate Is dellchlful. and as It Is well watered bp
clear streoms It is tbe favorite section for aKriculiurists. rattle raisers aa4
horticulturists. Hut. thoueh tbe rivets are low In the dr>- season, they somstunes become fleree torrents In the months of rains, iiiaklnr travel In tbe moun­
tains somewhat perilous. Tbe rainy season contlnu>-s from Manh lo Decern-


dei-ere. The Chln<«e aovemmcnl i
tended lo eomiil.v, cut off the heads of
f' W highwaymen and net them up by
the roudsid'-s iB «aaos aa a warnlnp:
the forces s<-m sfralnst the rely-Is.
Dr. Carl ritcrs. the German cxid.-rer
lloVlriK mt I and routed the Great
Snorus nnd indicted a loss of several who Won In Africa by his cruellies
hundred men. hcY. tumed well pIeBSe<l i-uhrinuel of "the butcher." Is coins
of-the province, ox- acain to the l.tnd that has mad- him fa! and Iitfninoiii'.
le-rtioc .n sT*-at rewanl. Instead pf l>e( (0 Afrl<-a
Ine protnoled. however, lie was defn-nd.
made to placate ihe outrafvd
senslbllUl.s of the reUd lloxcrs.
An edict was Issued so late as within
few wivks probihiilnB the Great

when he returno Germany,
praised and dec­
orated. . He was
hailed )as the
Vho had
fouiriTed Oermany'a Imperial
colonies lo Afrlcs. He went out
aBsln in ISM
and was re­
ported killed by
tbe aavnsvs. one
man declarlnB
that he bad seen
his corpse, from
which one of

of his
declared excessive. On the charse of
UDmo?nked murder of tbe natives Dr.
PeJ^rs Was tried by court martial, dis­
miss from (he German service and
African Dulchei
a to lt»T.
RelatInB (o explorall
1 Africa he
declared "Iwo ihtnBS
umptlon of the ioitlallve.
Never '
African surprise you. for If
be does he Is likely to win."

t yon would sot huva them do
TUi falUnc. or virtue.
:: oOl It. cuanet bs better llluatraihuB by the history of tbe Boxers,
crest secret society which la at
crestlBr so much disturbance
e FKnrery Klatdom. lu very
tarolvu a contradleUon. and lU
counter to iu decUrrd
for. orlctnaily created aa a

. _ communities from the oppreaalons
the fierce bandits who descended
thMr lairs In the
It and
e lahabiunu.
_—s T Ho Chuan." aa they called
fSenaelvna. or "the society for the pro^Uon oP luatiee and harmony by
BOana of tbe fist"—hence their dealy-

diif: mav dr a qvrrx.
The list ..f . liitiblr I'rin. .-sses for ibo ^
kinm and klnclcis »r Kurope matrl- •
innnlaHy inclini d Is so short that whea *
a r.Mtly pr-tty
sr-m rivalry for
h'-r hiiiui. The
Grand I>uch'»«
Helena of Kueslu is the lat fl
to make her
court debut, and
rumor has It
that she will
soon be betroth­
ed (0 Prince
Ferdinand of
Bulimria, a wid­
ower with four
It this should
become an ac­
tuality. there
will have to be.
tbe court bos■ips -say. anoth­
er shufflloB of
the cards, by
which Prince Ft
with his llai
ilBnity of klnBsblp. and Bfi
will reciprocate by Jolfilfif
Greek Orthodox church.
It does not appear how tht C
Brand duchess reBsrds tbe deal. 1
Is credited to the aired PrlnceB C"
tloa of Orleans, who has a r
next lo Queen Victoria.
royal malch
SBC -piay
inferred from ti
she was
favorite dauBl^etJ
lonB defunct soverelBn L
In point of fact, the Pril
(Ina Is two years the senior pf ti.
lish queen and Is said to IM UW M
personsBc livlnR who darvs addnS B
by her Christian name.


Covevnraenl so lax as the Chtneaa
would not tolerate their exUtenee much
loncer. they aouyht an excuse for tbelr
acu In an oatenUble hatred of all (orelyners and eventually confined their
operations to those pmeel>-tes of the
lonartes who by the very act of ab-


that the forelffn missionaries inculcated
ridicule of that primal feature of Con­
fucianism. tbe Idolatrous worship of
ancestors. , Now . the Chinese, together
with other orientals, will endure almoet
any amount of obloquy so lon( as their
ancestors are respected or let alone.
But. next to hU plttatl. Ue Celestial
resards his irrandfather aa t

of death, but couched In such equivocal
terms that they (rave not hesitated
cather In Immenae multitudes a
. n the capital t
of danger t
Brest powers '
3 Chinese soil and aend them

The Boers evidently K
a leaf from the mlMtaiy experiences of tbe Atatr*
lean civil war—whole chap
—and one of their latest adaptations waa
that of the hand bsB as a means of defense. in dlBBlns Inirenchmenu
chmeni and tlfia
plU, particularly those of a tenipurary character, the i e was, a man for sT->
four - . - >e duB. t VO feet wldt
Such u irvni-h could be widened au
deepened Us much n
of parapet In front sumclent to stop an ordinary
k of addlnsr to the heleht 6f tbe wall of soli and sods in (font bjr '
i> have been aciiulrcd from oiir soldiers as4



The Bveac nstlonal meet of the famous Turner bund, or societies of North
American Tumeea. is to occur at Philadelphia this year. beBlatilns on the llih
of June and lastlnp a week. Athletes and Byrnnasta from all over the country
are to participate, and U U to be tbe Breatest BstberinB of the sort that ever
met on American soil, as It is tbe flftleth anniversary—tbe Bolden Jubilee—of
the ersaalsatlon. which was ft
founded as, a '"turaer ....

nw city of NXenna fiis an official of whom u la Justly proud. This ofilCtal Is none other than the city banKmtn. who. in his own particular vur.
is a wonder. Ills name is Josef
and be Is one of the beat knasm athietaa in Austria. The aceompanyi&B lllustrauon shoas the feat whidi wen
tnr Josef hU a
itJon as livU- hanaman.
A photoBraph reprenantiiiB this
1 his applleatlon for the posltkw and m
the antborttles that he
this man of tren muscles has Invented a ^w method of banslnB oiidutA
This new method of his U ao expeditious that be recently nerComed one
harxlcB in tbe remartcabty short space of a seconds-ttaat is (a Mp. thiasqua.-teis of s minute sfier tht criminal was drtirsrcd Into the hands a( the
axecuuoner by had paid the penalty tw his crime.

In America was atarted In IMS, and Jest year In Boston tbe flftleth anniver­
sary of that local orxanlXBtlOB was celebrated with areat eclat. This year tbe
Tni^r bund, which contained ll.OtH members In IMO and now conalata of more
than SS.OOQ. Is resolved to outdo the festivities of any former occasion. Prepa­
rations for this Brest event.' which marks an epoch in the athletics of America,
have been Bo>ns on for neat ly three years, and the entire week will be devoted
to tbe txhlblilon and attendant Jubtlstlons. CaminB out the Idea of conjplnInB athletics with a pt^ular festival, tbe president of the Turn vereln. Mr.
Henry Aner. has projected a prorramme which embraces fenchiB. wrastllns.
puttlnf the shot and bammer and other team at which prises will be contest­
ed for. The first meetinB will be held In the Academy of Music, but tbe local
cmnmilloe have Isaned the freat baaabatl paric for (be prin'clpa! functions and
l»TS turned It Inlo tbe lar««st and mest complete outdoor BTmaaalum on this
OGRtllieilt. . ^

Great atrem was at oite time placed upon the dealra of tbe Free State Been
to sorer their connection with the Transvaal army. Uy down their arms and
retire to their farma Seme. Indeed, oatetudbly did ao, Bsve up their rifles and
fixed ammunition and! as li were, beet their swords Into pruning hooka.
Bmaped the handles of their plows and went to work at cultlvatluB the loa^
neBiri-ted ecu.

There Is no doubt whatever that all the Boers would have liked to do tfilfc
but as to their Inclination for It while their soil was trodden by the otMtaff
there la a difference of opinion. Even ihoae In (be Oranae Free StaU who Ottf*
rendered in apian-nt Bood (alth could nopall he trusted, rr the occuoats assy ho
credited. In thU illustration, for Insunce. is depicted the result of an en»
Ination on a Boer farm whose ou-ner had banded In his Maus-r. with am«
munition, and declared that be had no more arms or warlike material of any
kind whatever. Somehow tbe suspiciotis of the BriUsh commander were excit­
ed. aod be InaoBuraied a search that brouBlit to light alfht cases of thraa^
shells buried oa tbe farm.

Ad Mber baaeb of Tiotcta Ml om tba
ran iato the rh«. Ibe cowbop aaw it
taw «
one of Ua haadP^
aadamOrd. Looeestaw
fim the sMt ti hla daa<W hena. be
It hr Dw. a. D. DsfIs.
hiaarlf oM of the aaddte.
taom-AhiDac is Ostsc-Ms ar, 1-U.
way aboot the
In an probablUty It wan white walk'
aalMl aad ateertec Ic. aaorttaif aad
n^*4 • !.»«— Tt€*.
to the apM where Che flowers iBf
Moom of Olireo to the gniu
lay. He picked
------------------ --- --------the groead aad xurrm umu praeowe thia diactmiae on tbe rlne and the
I wu tb* pmtiM of tkc tkn* pm- toto the lap of the prettieM gili whOe a
roar mil the
iri< ia lb* box. aad tber were ell
riw remg wonen. the diaperm la
WtO doae. by Ocorger aald the brUe> bmntirul IlguT* tbnt be usca to Ulaa■1 box COM beloc OM of ^ •priac’e
tnte the Dcvemry aad rlul oaioo be­
■ aad thli her firit appmaoee m a
o beky ta the abow,' tween Biiaaelf and Hla dlsclplea.



«a hair wa«
Is wMrtBf a

nMfede ibe faa4 eeieded

» prefrteat girfa aieter-aot get oat
a aa BObtcr H.Hif..., one of

S? n«!fy!‘“Se'SSST"
Kiri majMMA iMca m i.iuv
I the)- ibODdcred hj, the flriaf feet of
• toraea midliic op Mta of earth lato
IP box. aV ftolid paiotad fam of tba

. WIU Ware. Ura.
e riesiy end Mtv Mighty Fat, the
wbu Irarcled
rarcled with tbe abow.
j tjirro on a' apl
a was one wbo looked like a g^ or
Illr feh
frh bat im JannU

iaantiJy enfred
iprer bU dark, finely Ibatored
d f.
face. F‘
I^lrt, opeoril at tbe throat,, •abowed
■ed of lirunie bonnd by a
Sudkerebief. tbe ends flying. Tbericerea
bia blar
w ...held
If abirt
in pUce abort
flba elbow, by^ gnru-ri w^' '
erUently a trophy.
'e paettlm yM admlrgagiy. tnaoteniir. inaniutigiy.
Hit iipa
Darted in a BO r. showing white,
leeth. He Ignored the preaenee of tbe
D in the box. bot be let hie eyes paaa
..Morln^y orer the other glria, then
to the face of tha prettiest giri. As
Drodehyibe glria in tbe box langbed.
"• haa another tnnah," aaid tbt.
- d like to pnnd) bU beadr aald tbe
0^ tnan. with a UaiA.
The prettirst girl looked np ah him
V .* **^.^<r* >t • nas dte

[iri'o aUter. "I thiak
Tootlr b aetiu borrid.*
*-1 hareo't dwe aorthlas.' aaU the
prtttfaat girL There were t>
Dear her ryea, for .he aaw di*]i
the eyes of the chapemi and the other
aaa. -I dids't awan Co let theta faU.**
The epwboy did ooi appear daring the
_ext few arCa-~featJ of taarkamaDahlp
and tnmbUag In the ring. There was a
ailence in the bus where the prettiest girl
aac with hrr frlmda. She bad pooled her
lips defiantly. Sbe waa filled with trloiopb. How magnlfieeail^ be had
pUmenied ber-tbrowlng himself nnder
very feet of a wild borsc to pemrer
ioiets! Jack was mad. It was trim,
but be'd get orer It. He ocoally did.
Tlir grand finale bad been announced
by the man adlb the rolce. !'<'ople be­
gan to rraefa for tbelr wraps. Ou came
the cowboys. Tbe man in ibe box with
■tUeat glr.
girt tried
to get her to turn
it prettiest
at of tbe box entrance before biT ad_ilrw came »ean-r. He saw what they
were duing and leaned out of his saddle,
with a gesture that was almost a signal.
Tlw man iiTBidr
iiCBidr the prettiest girt look
bw elbow firmly and tried again to o
her turn, but abe threw Us baud off
As the eoflbuy passed
box be raised bis sombrero gailaoUy. and
aa be rtplaced It a auall, folded white
fell on
paper tnirclcd tbrongb tbe air and fell
tbe box at the feet ot tbe
:tiesi yirt. Sbe reached for It coafna-

ChTtai ia tbe tine, tbe Father the boabandman. CbrtiUaa people the braoebea aad CbrlAiao life aad wotha tbe
truit to be bora. Aad aU dependa upon
onion bctwcoa Cbrlat aad tbe ^hrla-

friend signaled a baasoB'


tlas. We must aMde la Him and He
in QA ea tbe bmneb abldea In tbe rlne.
Union wllb Cbrtat la a real nnloB.
Tbe braaeb actttaliy abldea In tbe rtae.
It baa a ritai, bring nnlMi sritb It.
The onion between Cbrlat and ~
diaolple U no k-as rcaL We abide In
Him. and He abides In aa We abide
iB Him by faltb. lie abides In ni by
Holy Splint, but tbe onion la no
leas vlUl and imL We actuaby abide
in Him and recelre our Hte from Him.


Nearly all ot them travel the
same path leading to this newest
store, fllled^with new goods, run
In a businees manner that tbe
thlnkingjclasses like.

aa tbe branch alildea In tbe rinc and
rocelres lu life from it. “It la no lon­
ger 1 that live." says the great apostle,
“bat Christ llrotb In me." This la tUc
Ideal relaiiOD between Cbrlapaod Hla
dlaclidca. and It Is no Imnglnary. inyibteal relation, bnt n reel, vital onion.
Union wllb Christ is a noceasltr. -It
la nceesaary If we am to bear ffult,
tbe object of Cbrlsiianliy. “.\bldv In
Me and 1 In yon. .la the hrnnrb

From Now Until July 5th

Dot bear fruit of Itself exo-pt It alilile
in Ibe vine, no more eon ye exeopi ye
abide in me." Tbe life and frultfulof tbe braneb >trpeRd~..^|>oi
onion with the rtn^ So It la with tb<Cbrlstlan.
.Vtmrt from riirlst be

be langbed nerronsly aa sbe opened
it. “That's aU it ia.'* abe Hid, dtsplaying
it defiantly.
It waa an enrriope addressed, “Mr.
Will Harper. Wild WestAhow."
Tbe party mored toward the eotraoce.
Tbere waa an ominona aUllDcas

myu GO

In all directions July 3rd and
4th, but It's different with the
shrewd buyers ot really


We offer every enlt for men or boye, every
pair of p&nte, every hat, every cap, Initaot
evety article In the store at a *moat;) liberal
redaction. Ton know when Benda says a
redaction, It Is senolne.

He Xj^epvudK abauluiely

opon Christ for powi« to live aright
and to do wbat Cbrlat would bare blu’
Aa Christiana we wgnt to Uvi;
Cbitgtlan lives and to bring forth
Cbriatlan fruit.
Let nt therefore noeBber thal these results can only he

In oar endeaTor to more than double
oar lest year’s Jobe and July buflinesa we
will forget what the goods cost os.


ecoBpIlabed by abiding In CbriM.
DiaiioloB with Christ meana splrltoal
death and destruction. Tbe branch
that b&s no llrlop connection with the
Tine and booc-v biara no frulb la

0 bad jnat
» by compai
' two mea
cultnre andd edneatios had Uated
Ir preaent atate.
I voice brilowcd abore their beada:
he Best featnre on the progrsmnie will
Jh a nee betsreen an American cowboy,
fa Oonack. and a FlUplnor*
le cnaraa at the rear parted, aad the
came throngh. Tbe red ailk
______ f shone out like the ahlR of
The band began a o<tlek lone.
B atarted the three borsn. Bonnd
iree tinea they awept cloae nnU that goanlcd the buxea, nnd
• cowbuy.'wbo waa bolding back Ua
«se for a final grand aund play.' With
e lait ronod be looaened bia Uot rein,
iiD a g«
|Saabed out ebead of the oibcra and
wmpt nnde; the anile of tbe prettieat
Url. be taming bark orev
^ bia laughlBC ^anco at her*'face.
f *VBppQse you ait bark a IHt.’* aald tbe
Who waa behind her. ‘Obat fel^’a altogetlirr too freabr’

. ^_ar tolden eyes gteamed, and abe bad
^ little'Shan, lit red aciota her tbeeka.
U thoagb sene one bad sirark her with
fa aofl gl»re. Sbe beygn to dclre tbroogfa
wllb one of
m Indiana If be rnroaraged her." aald
pmtieat gir
girl'a d.ier.
*'Let na be
that it Isn’t _______
p-ll’a loeely," aald tbe pmtieat glti, “to
l^k at these feliowa and reallae that
ifrOd of nothing.
They can
anything In tbe ^pe of a
■ that ererj
fearlesi,' wild, itrong. apWndld!"
leading tbe backing bron------------------- jef<d man mtcred. with others,
«a koraebtek and rode slowly toward tbe
nlnal downs of tbe show.

The bride showed ail her
teeth in a soiUe and mored away witb
ber bnabaod. She aaid sbe would nerM
go out >galn In a party with that girt;
that abe acted disgracefully, and that sba
hoped that Jack woold break tbe engage­
Tbe prettiest girl calmly tbrew tbe rlorts ont of tbe earriags. Ttx-n abe raised
the roof door and said distinetly. “Drirtr, please drire slowly about by tbe sUge
The prettieat girl’s aUter
gasped ai though fur tiroatb.

ed. Men were (lasslng out and in. IWre
were many loiterers.
I'p to the door
they aaw Jack walk and band a card to
tbe man. Tbe cab stupped suddenly In

. ifre wai a t‘ouae. Tbe cowboy came
to the door. He still wore hla red bandken^f and bis silk garters. Jack spoke
to bim. The cowboy’s smile bad faded.
Be looked pltyioKb at Ibe young man
with the frock ruat. ailk bat and hyacinth
He pat
St up bis bai
bauds threat)wd of boys It

forth and la burned. This, In the splrItnal world, ii tbe penalty of disunion

ness, away from God. away from hearI.ct UN earnestly strive to avoid
such a fate. Let us abide In Cbrlat by

l'*T1iat’* becanae he's ao clerer,“ aaid
tt«^rmtle« girl, with an air ot proprie-

1I«T» anwstd. bi|ip]- tsrth. sod kam
r«i onna.- smwi -inltw »lov.
rna m<«n •<( l!>r KM nr.
Ot. baaor pkort.

184 Front 8t.

faith. Ix-f us 4» united to Him b;
imperiidiBbU.- lore. us be b«
to Him by good works. us
nestlypray that He In the person of the
Bpirtt, may make our hcsria Hla abid'

in the log-iiewii iroiiith in frunt of a
tiiDible-dowu cabin lu the Kentucky
niuiiutaluB, u winjiun whoseshurp fesThis la a very Important topic, con- lurvN projiiteil fruui a aunboimut.
inx' out uf
of till'
ilie liouM-.
Ulnlng na It docs a most precious and vanx'
"Btriiuguli.' i-iiv Kuid. Int^rrueatlvcand
ly. "tui-bbc ,v«>u wan’ tuli sell io« on
ed Cbriatlan troth.
If ponslble. get easy leriua u l<ai-ka<iiliuu washln' tuatbe pastor to open tbe dlacuaslon of the shivnr’
topic by a abort explanatory address.
Tuo man Mulk-d lu an uixiTtain sort
of way. but vilU luiililug.
BiKLE mEAnntoa.
"M<‘bl« yuu'il like nih trade boiw-N,
fo' my hUKlaiu'N a |n>w'ful hand a
swappiu’ lioNtiv-s'f"
Tbia challvugf was reiN-lv<>d without
coannem ou the jiaii »f the uiau, so
the wuman. uuUUug duuuied, enntlnued:
We lire in n world of poigoaut anSer“Mfbbo jun'R goln* tnh ’tend Man6iulkes’ funeral up the ruad B
Ing and crying need. Bach Lean know-

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Bldnnlk Lnmbn: In aU liae,.

ire te Traweree Olty Lnmbar 'Do.




and 'accom^iebed



wosderfol and

tboroagk!y,<iaalified photoerapfaer.
Tbe man was bunting dtvfx rniely In


a sad tale unfold. Tbe inoocent cry of
ttao child la for more, moR. more, and

Imsban' wants tub kouw witat’s
yore puljlirs uu the irmible about
tbe soul even of bim wbo baa all that gov’Loni.’’ Tlx- woninii iMiniu to gel
tbe world can give hungers and tbirsU SDgr>', and eahl:
for wbat the .world cannot give
"An’ I want m lell yo’ then- ain't
lake away.
'Tbe worid’a tufferlng Is
) moou>lilnlu’ golu’ on 'round ybere: ’
Then «Uh a kiuIIp the eileui man
Is not
triuuiiihantly tlshtsl a card uui of Ida
<•1. wlik-li be hi-Id up.
It boro the
tbroba the undying
conaclonsneas of tbe soul’s deep needs.
We bare a commendable Interest In
Anywhere In ibi- world, no matter
bunu nltyand a lutrUonablc pride In tbe
When-, the ebann'g are that the
future of our church. But If wc would
clothespin" U"<hI Id liauglugoiil ekiihe"
hcKt serve humnnlty aud insure the fu­
luude iu .km-riea.
ture of our church, we must equip It
for the great work of Kiitiafylog the
hungry soul and filling the sad heart
with gladness. No matter wliat special

Faehionable Oatflttere

Fine Wood ,

Kbe Ifsnisd Is Ksew.
Wben he Mopis-d to water Ills bona

ing place, aud then all ahall be well
with UA “In you; you Id Me.”

Its own bUicrneaa and every
tongue, wore It bidden to speak, woold
and as agiUty that
nrpriaed rren tbe cowboy, abook him
aerrral times ao rlolently that bis teeth
him orer both
iy and tbei
bim at tbe feet of
utonlabed doormafa,
the enrb shouted tbrii delight. dlaiUudased though they wets.
bia bat,
- len tbe dode s^ighlencd
dusted bU gloved bandt together and '
see tbe hat
say: ’’Ucire
hare lust at


With Cbrlat.
flplrltnal dcatb awaits
tbe man wbo abides not in Christ. Be
Is cast forth—forth Into outer dork

Soper baa Neared the Photo
loto bnlldlcg opposite the Hotel Colnabls OB
oa Froat
and pot
bM It
____ U aad
in or^r ^^atrietly
op to date
***^’*Allira cordially Inrltod to rtaltJiis^to^?t
i twt
bis ability aa
dsU photographer.

Nervous Women.




op to

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Anil none are poor stock.

lines of^iulKxIoiinry eiTort ure adoiitnL
'•“He feeds the boraea. too. 1 anppoae,
the church t- lll never uillgrow Ua God
prhen the rhow is orcr.
cr.“ safil the man
The iwstwaid motion of the earth It b
given mls^i to mlulKter to all of iho
■rbo leaned no her chair.
which cites an apparrut westward progTitnl needs of im n' aud to spread nsd m Way ts lUeersr th
■•Tbiafe a tiler thing t.. aoy.' aaid tbe
rrsa to tbe suu. M’hra we are on a mur­
prettieat girt.
*•Ttiiy. hc’» «.i
abroad lu tlie world Its coiiifort. Its
ine tram, cuiug vasts .-ird. all the trees
Mart, probably a
i mllrge man wbo baa
and find ohjetts wviii u> fly westward as solaee and Its Inspiration.—UulveraaltAMTOtc, N. Y. that •
I’re often read
IMSM Ihr-u. The oi.ion mortv t ast­ lat Leader._______________________
abont ibem.'’
'd with the earth, but the «hadow ot
many irnitalioo*. but the prooE oi
-Shoots of langbter cere greeting t
Tbe t nkaowsi Pat<
Ibe uutIdc mofii, east uti the moring
what s medicine can do is what ic hot done.
MOd Jotnpltie bronvs.
uped in t
When llilugai gi't iK-youd your conMrs. M. B. Hungfrford. yi Main St.
earth, trareravs Ite eanU’s surface from
lower cud of the ring were other eowlioyi
east, and so any celijiae of the trol. when you
u face an’ unknown fu- says"I was all rnn down tu bealih and
; Ibrir turn. They bowlSliVDgth. Overwork at fine dressmakiDg had
sun by the muon will hr risible earlier la turc and wheu trying rondlUuna
KtmgIhreaiei ’
the west than the east.
We. north of front you. remvtuber that U la Hla to
iles. This was fan
tbem. When a
the e<jiTinoetinl. must rieu'—mentally, at bring light out of liarkueaa. Joy out of
eowboy plays, a wild
irae b bia faror- ioy
perfectly help^^ A Eriend wbo had beea
lessi—celisiial objects with uur fares
Ite toy.
sorrow aud Iio|h.' out of despat
mode well aod wrong by using Dr. A. W.
Isieatinc in this way the
• The man with the red handLerrilef svutbward.
laitlvnt and aoquicsccpt. la-t tbe Rul­ Chase’s Ni Tve and Blood TilU recomaeuded
looked now and then tnWatd tbe box of suns tu<Mi-and earth, and remembering er of the universe and the IxirO of the them to me."
^ prettiest girt. He had tbe same smile tbe dinviien of tbe real motion uf the
Tbe retulti
re sroaderfol la tueugth.
________ Individual manage affairs in Hla own
In bia ejT*. He noted that tbe faces of two plaiift?. ■we shall n'l- that a solar
proceed ' way and at Ills own time.
Neither cuing and buildiag up my nervous sywi...
bm rldble In <
(he men bad taben on an annoyed ex- eebpse must
r tui^ become too antlci|>a- making esc stronger and better in every way.
troa the
preadon and also the flush aeruaa tbe frum tbe w'ctt aud a lu
They are n'wondcrinl mnei' "
.—New lJ|i|dnc«U.
ckeek of the cirl. He was acting at her.
Dr. A. W. Chase's
^ 6lood
God your enree. taking Ills .....
eOBadooa only of her apiiarmtly. Aeroaa
weak. oerroBS women will Cad
the amphitheater «or of theae uagertie
tlona Of Ibvy come and mulUpIylDg -..........Ign remedy for the
finrents was making their souls known
sorrow ueithiT by dinrust nor by foro- ondlUsoftl
Ip each other.
fleset. theu hMI teid <a a hasill
.tk'. Ireaimrat will work wooden ia
A month's
Piai ihttr'i ■ wvrid toll ut MSi
His dgnal camr. end be went np to
il by tcvitalUiag and invigorating erery o^an ol
terse that bad hs fore legs t
ribu- tbe body. Perxiitcnt treatmeni will restart
MDlnat tbe rail. Two men held its
me worst ease of oerveoa
tnie eowboy weot throogb the nsoni
Ing grace-—ITeabyterian.
ttci trying to mouut it. and tbe a
t *W) BtOOD
yidowdy resisted, hnraplng iisrtf.
lently kUrt an
lag rlolently with Us hind legs 'and
w wv c< a Isir ar<iasB'* fool t
A Bint Cor P
Birawiag Us bead ic the air. It ws. the
Uncle Sidnu..-. iu The Advance, trilf Absence of Desite, E‘remature Old Age, In'
tt was wM a «ir>* ital cosJC trip.
porat of tbe lot. At times it seemed as
>f a
pubilsber known, •olantary Losoes, Abuse, ood other 1*—sirs
h€t waa U a Uota that esaU nad|
Ibongb tbe cowboy bad iwen thrown heb hand and given tlBdy
t the land, wbo wished that
beath tbe horse, fluddenly. with a wUd
e to make a physical WNok
feU. be Jumped upon it. >«rk. His bat
le propot
iwnavesliei. ost Stx.
flaw bade in the ring, and.dnwn tbt ceoiitisa aliaia ai Ibe ylaa^
“I really start io with the pur­ acarty all speat. do not expect a pofea
T of tbe ring be came, liugfaing. with
« tl.e Uocm gose aa«r,
............................................................................. of fhe
pose of bearing erery word.” be said,; in a day or a week.
We cudm gnan
tbe lOBMe is iu
Kg. Jtnnpiug
“but tbere la ao much preface and be ImpoBibk, bm n will gii»M
- .JdrUy tbe horse gave a srOd swerve
bomfleUe fenclog that I begin to Iom
Mward Ae side of the rtaig where tbe
IntBoet and sincerely wish be would dtaeatams.______
piMlieat gIri sat leaning far over tbe rail,
Dwb a w»<j at. ”00. SM Is tbs maW
tigw will rMsb.
tell ns wbat he deeires to tell oa.” "It
the animal raised llarif on lu fore lega.
Tlierc are many imltatioBi of Dr. A. W.
seems to me." be added, “that a
^me« u tbongh it were aboat to stand
ClMSc'iicmedka.bmas]yeMDr. Cbom et
aa Ma bead in tu cBorta to nnaeat tbe
“Radpe Book-bme. te rare that bbjx>"
misotes of bta sennoB. state
dfler. There waa a gasp trocn the anAaaea. The prettieat girt half nae. with
Mgs gad wbat be praposca to flrlre
• look M hemor In bar eyea, and aa aha
at«. Ctest MedidM Co.. BuflMo. N. V.


kx'iiig aged.





I when they see the name on tbe wrappers,


you know is better after


the standard


We will give you good val>

ues for 5e, lOc, 2-ic, 35c and 50c per edke.


JAS. G. JOHNSON, Drnggisi
A Great DUcowery lor Oanoer

used roar Oot
1 ot Seven Curea,
>od pnri, tbegraat i
fler, with exceUent
reanltn. I[ d<
do not
taeiitate to recemBOod it tor tbe pnrpoeoe for wbleb It h oaed. IU effecU
are In a abort tlM ao aanlfest that it
cannot fall to give tba fwatest sstisfaetlon.
Jaa Cvunixes.


Etnll Csntoiy Oeok took.
A llmitod nnBbsr for sale at SS oei
each. WUl bs oiaUed postage paid
oa reoelpt of the price. Addroee.Tbe
Herald, %ae«rM City. Mleb.


Pere Marque;t
- te

The Waukazoo,House!

Trala wfU Mae* Traoene City aS 7:M
a. B.
J>aes CbarterMx ratanlafa as
Tbe bMt fnrnlphed and beat
Tp.B. Ratafll. Tlckeu wUlalNbe
Mid at one fare rate on JnneMtband
to ratnra tbe ttnd.*
Livery In eoBBeedoa sritb tba k_______
H. F. MeeUar,
Batas made kaesra oa aapUeatte.
AetlBff O. P. A.

ic«n «N CUauB'i BuUfi

UBA"(k)BaB^ Btetienoer^Bi^

. Ensnl Dinetsr.




JOLT M aiAd 4th. 1900

n PI

The National Festival will be celebrated this year by the Queen City of the North in a blaze of patriotism, and glory.
Beginning on July 3rd, there will be no let-up until the whole thing is over. Come early on the 3rd and be right in it all the
time. • If yon can’t come early, come as early as you can—but COME.

There will be A GRAND ILLUMINATED MASQUE CARNIVAL PARADE with a splendid display of street and
mid-air Pyrotechnics. This Parade will surpass anything of thp. kind ever seen in Northern Michigan. The streets and build­
ings will be profusely decorated with the National Co'ors, and ablaze with Electric lights, Colored Fire and Flashing Rockets,
while Military and Martial Bands Wll awake the echoes with soul-stirring National Airs. Everybody who can do so should
be here on the afternoon and evening of the Third and stayjiight through,
The Fourth will be a continuous celebration from Mrly until late. Every tiain and boat will be met by bands of music
and the crowds escorted to central pointa. Street Games, Bicycle Races and Novelties will form interesting features. There

will be Good Music and plenty of it throughout the entire celebration.



THE TRAVEHSE CITY DRIVING PARE ASSOCIATION will give a Series of Races on the afternoon
of three days, July 3d, 4th and 6th. The usual gate, fee will be charged to these races. This Association has entirely rebuilt
the track at the old Pair Grounds, and it is now one of the best half-mile tracks in the State.

An interesting feature will be the Great Farmers’ Race on the afternoon of the Fourth, walk half mile, trot half mile for
a pui-se of $25. Another feature will be the exhibition by the horse TOMMY M, “THE GUJDELESS WONUEK ”

Will consist of Floats representing every phase of Commerce, Industry, Manufactures.
Trades Unions. Military and G. A. R.. Organized Civic and Fraternal Societies. Nu­
merous Military and Martial Bands, Calithumpians and Horribles, and many other at­
tractive and novel features. Prominent in the parade will be Batulions of Children
carrying the-National Colors. Children from the surrounding towns and cpuntry arc
cordially invited to join in this parade. To each one a Flag will be given which is to
be "kept and taken home. A conspicuous feature in the Parade will be the Street Pa­
geant of Silver Bros.’ Great Novelty Show and Trained Animal Exhibition. This
will be headed by the Silver Bros.’ Band in their new and magnificent Gold and Mir­
ror Chariot, followed by the Trained Monkeys. Ponies and Dogs.

Will give a show on die 3rd and 4th. This show has been greatly enlarged and has
now connected with it trained ponies, trained monkej’s. trained dogs, and many at­
tractive new novelties. There will be the usual entrance fees to this show.

Immediately after the parade on ihd afternoon of the Fourth. This will be attractive
to young and old. These Day Fireworks assume all manner of forms and shapes in
mid-air. Human Figures, Animals, Dragons and many odd and grotesque forms
It will be a curious and interesting exhibition.

On the evening of the Fourth ever seen in Northern Michigan. This vidll be largely a mid-air exhibition. There will be a
Ram of Fire from Rockets, Immense Bombs, and a great variety of Mid-air Pyrotechnics sncli^ss has never been witnessed
m this parfc of the state.
Dttails ot to
particul^f tkU
tohiatipa can be ^ through the proas notices and program announcemants. Rcmcmhcr that the children ~
are espeoaUy invited and are join in the children s part of the parade, get a flag free to carry home and witness the Day Time Fireworks.





mMv MM

t. MB




; tmad AaMcr ia yaw aCit BMw
It make ae wU I waa M ynui
.. wer. Wo(d<M’t I oatar tba Itata aai
cwt yon ootr
B«l Harry made no aawwtr. He otaod
ataHac at tbr lorriy. fraeofal Stmt*, wttb
the (oUm balr iyinx looMdy on tbo Aool*
der* and a tiny rpray of Um hyadatha
acatUnc amoncHbP Ootay poBa.
-b that Mlta BerrI Are yoa aam It

A* HMk. Mtor. MM Ms-


Atlia M Ml. wWtr cmM ted«
»«-• M iiV »«*M EI.M

Aad iMMUr mdfM U
B« taM M ■» aokc M bit;
Am Mnir tM M fnolW. WMt
rm fcMhorM M taxte




iTBr anr <»oe io Ibr worW tb»t
inimn- lorrd. H wa« bi» bond. . PIT Ilarrr, mad If tbi-rc' war
Wr OOP tbins tbal war Ibp itfrirc of Lit
^rt abori- aiiotbn It war that bir
BCpbrw rbculd luam' to Bull birn. oud at
tout fivp rcan had )'<Ta ritrut iu ibiMAKb for B»mi- ouc good ruougb In all
Mp(«lr fur bU bn^.
a> ri< b. old hi
larr)' ibprc «ar uo me In tbo
Iforld ii> oonie Inio poucrrion of all :bc
iBiDniM' riiinti'K.
"And If roll ruit tor. t»r b».r. in Ibe
cbolcn of A wife }'uu oball bare ererj
C^bios I leave. If j-oo'll luarrj- to ruit
roti obd J'uut wife rfanll live In liu*
■ty and eleyaorf. If you dun'l—but >oo
•tr no foul. Ilarrj'."
And until Ilanr Mortimer war 25 be
t^ncbt It the earleit ibios In Ibi- world
to keep Iu rnHeeJarper'r «uod vraoea.
Asd then, at Ibe faier would bare It. b«
<cU In lore wlib Miriam Lanrion. a loro*
&, btoe eyed, (olden haired little xlri.
a eomplttlon like r — -*--------••

And while Jaaprr Mortimer waa ehne*
-line aa Iu- r»de along in tbe train 24
how later Mr. Harry waa allUnc In
Mrs. tirown'k Imc-k parlor »n a (ray and
crimion aailu »-.fa. wiib bl> arm around
tbe wal»l «f tbe beautiful inri hla uncle
bad puliitid out to biut.
“I never waa mi eurpHixd iu all tuy Ufa

Miaa Burr.
own lit
_______ realiie
. .
tliiit It U yon.
dear, domotlenied with Mi
Miriam lifted tier luvely fare to her
newly engased lover.
"I hadn't town here two hours. Harry,
when your ranis were left, and Mtoa'
Burr had only gunv oni of tbe room a mo­
ment before. TIjcfv really la a general
reocmUancc between her end me. wbkh
acrouela fur tlie mUUkc your ancle
Harry kianed tbe n<d Upi.
"And wbat a grand miauke It was.
Miriam! He ordered me to many you.
But ab'e 1
and I shall obey hla orders—Inside of
o far
at BoHal poalLlaD three montba too. Oh. yea. you need not
ible nobody mp
And of _
all tblnaa
Ibiud Harry
Barr knew bU look BO startled, because It most be aa be
itaOm moat dealred Urn to make a
says and aa I wish, my darling. We will
a^lwnt match, wbirii tbe ________
Ukc Miss Burr and kin. Brown Into
few's attractirearoa of manner and iba our eonfldenee. abait wer
turner wealth to back him made an
And a grand secret they all found it.
even pretty. Insipid, good nateted Mlaa
Brate. bold and honest Harry went at Burr, who was enteanted by tba roman­
mot to hla unele.
tic tarn things had takcu.
*Ubrie Ja»per, It’s come at laat I'm
So tbe weeks went ou. and a few days
in fere.*
befote it was time for Mr. Mortimer to
*Io lore! In lore with wborar
be home be roeeired a letter from Harry
.And for all there Inslaatly eanw a aort stating that bb one wltb was aecompltobi tbanderoua look on Mr. llortlmer’a ed^tc bail that mornlnr becq. married
lady whom bis uncle bad
ntebead and In bla eyes, Barry went
______________ ibown him and that she
" *niie sweeten (irk tbe prettiest little would welcome bim in bU own bouse oa
^ yon ever saw.
Tade. abe'a lorely bto return.
^On(h >o captivate
eanriVBte even you."
Mr. Mortimer found bto boose briUiantipb! I don't Icnow that I am a
ly lighted when be reached It early In the
,aire a y eitra a
dnsk of an autumn erening. and in tbe
pMlnau aa to rcanl
exquisitely decorated drasring room Har­
attractlreneos to please toe. I'm
1—a aticA, not a rode, for all 1 never ry met him. with his beautitel bride on
furled. Who to ahe. this divinity at bto arm. Uuiblng. amUlag. lovely as


aweetrst name-Miriam Lang*

*^M?!^MorUm«r kissed her raptnroosly.
"My dear. I am very happy to sec yon
here. Harry has done the most aenalble
ifcitit borer did.
Welcome, my chil­
dren. My dear, you wUI accept this as
■y girt to you."
And be handed MlrUm a check for
£1.0W Just as Mrs. Brown and a

' 'And Harry pronounced it tenderly nnd
"Pretty enough name.
But a name
■feoe to not mndi. Who to abel Where
Sea ehe lire? Wbat'a tee woRhr
Arid thee Hi
Itar wee ai bai
~Well. nade. MIrtou lirea at tbe
Bampton'w Sbe'a nursery forernem,
' - «nd tee's poor am a eburdi mouse, air,
had I'm In lore with her."
Mr. Mortimer fruwned.

Hatoy te^M head.
*Tm torry, alr-^hiM-l bad already
n By ulud J^fote ; spoke to yon.
(Ign for
«BB* •perfcrtly well Wtiu I
Ui(to»*'r abet but, air, I lore her. and
Abtbint -woold eompenkate me for tbe

*** btaabtag. teawrawto-;
Oanr Perk par bhl.naw............

Haarrt^aedteddaetod. 8swaapipa.a»
to haramoBha
and frido tl
thte wbfebBMeetfed tbo fiat.....____ _


moot among tbo Boigbbon and Mwda
who oeguBaad tba featiritiai and baightamad tba delight eff their tranate by leav­
ing antaatantlal tokena of their ngard,

We were driving tram Oakland ovtc
tbe ridge that divides Alameda and

inolnding a oomplem aat of fnnltem
fer tbe now parlor.

Omttn Costa eoantlea, three girls bound
tern eood^ dance at Maraga valley. •
a aerfitttent on tbe Contra Ccsta
■Ida. It was lato In Jannaiy. and tbe
ni^t was pitMi dark, bet aa the yonng

Mr. WhiMw waa prtpanl among tba
ftMata and nwda the apaaob of oongratnladon, owdadlng it with tbe radtotlon of a poan wbiolrba modeady doaoibed aa a pieea of maohlne poetry intniftad tehlm for tbaooeaBion. It waa



I bsTtt boogbt tbe oelebnted Pat<
.1 obeioB Stallion.


General Ouster ’

4 W
? M
I 06

tormeriy owned by Peter W«<'
burg, after tbia date Mid bone
will be fomd. at my bam, 989
State atreet.
Saidboree wOl be berellion*
days, Fridays and Sahudaya.
On Uoadeye «t Sotena Bay. end
on Taeedays and Wednaadays at
Monroe Center.



xanohar who drove knew evety inedt of
tiw way we were not afralA
We bad made tbe ascent of tbe moontain and wan driving down at a good

hla own. of oonraa, and It to gireo.Jn
fall in hla “Ufe and Lotuns." raotetly
pnbliabed. Tba laat three renoa are aa

tiB M



ban ha Hmsad aa. Iwaah
Watead a fay red.
awHWilHap. efaswmwilli
1m Vawanwad.

-55 B. J. MOBOAN.

pnoe when nddenly tbe hame stoEpsd,
reared andHhen swerved to one eidn
overturning tbe rockaway and landing
ns alt in tba mnd on tbe aide at the
road. No one was hurt, and aa we pick­
ed oerselvea np,«wondaing in a dosed

IliBiikn then, to Kato Cbosael
bet tbe Idla take noto
Wbat tbatr Saaen irara made tor.
Worked un Ute and early
And buQght-^BtiBlabo paid tor.


wey wbat the trouble was abotit.

KcTBrvBtnly repining
Kor UmtiK nor whlslda.
Tbe montss star twinkles
Onnol^tbat-a Hcbier
Aa aho makaa tbe world whiter



tbo brash on tbe lower sidoof tbe road.
There was a fearful roar, and then wa

a M. BitOWX, luoraay aaa oot
Oa Lev epMlol etMaUoa la t
aaseesrarsaelag. tlsyraaiBi.

Best to be had in
the city is at
Bee aamplea in window.

saw two great, given eyes glaiiug ont
of tbe darkness.
oaroa aev^^^cr bloek, US rrost alKOl,
' Tbo driver bad sncceodod in palling
tbe frigbu-ned horses to tboit foot and
1"kS. ■. B. MINOB. ctaralelaa auS aurgMa
righting tbu wogoa He ordered ni to U OOccyrlrdika aiork. Daj ar algki calU
get into oor' Boats, and handing the attaadad to proap'Ir. oara ffesBaa. Ball IM:
KawW. Baaldance. Bell rail Nevto.
lines to tbo girl ou tlio front scat be
told ber to bong ou for dear life.

eoloocllfo to Eatel
Bay Mv brlra have to wait
Till they're gray In attoodanon

Mr. Wbltticr'a early ix>ema aeoorded.
In "Saugaof liabor,"duo poetio hem-

"It is a lion, ond he'll jump in an­
other minute," said tbo man.
Then, os wo sat spoeoblosa from
fright, tbo roneber draw bis rovolrer.
There was a scroam nuliko and more
dreadful than anything 1 bad over beard.

on to Ibo profoasluus uf itrovor. teoomnkor, ofaiabnllder, farmer and flaberman. It ia plauant to find him alw
graeofnUy recogulging tbo wogtb of a
profeaaion no le»a nacfnl and honorable,
but Icaa often bonorud. "Long life to
Kate," too, be has doubtlusa aecnred,
in tgansfening her tlatirou and all

Chicago Times.

Fire Insurance.

we jumped oni of tbe rockaway, auA
wltb tbo aid of matchoe, examined oar


wwe all very brave when we found tbe
beast was really dead, ao wo helped tbo

the eetUen and their wlrca. Most of
tbe marri^ ladies bad babies with
y raqnired
tbm, wboM noiiy pervenlty
too much attonli»^ttrMl<>?r the ladiei,
lb. Ml nriDj 5^Ihdr toiU- pinnn
inthsdanoe. B6 a number of yonng men

*be eareata Into tbe back of
»»««» ««»
oontinnod enr trip,
OMUn, . gnu .^tlon .n».n< Ih,
7<n>>g rnstloa at tbe dauoe when we

prteent gallant^ volunteered to watch
of oor adventure. To be sure, we
over the refractofydnfanta, to that tbeir i *»▼<» «»e driver credit for tbe actual kiUmotben oonld indnige wittaont let or , *»«. J«* »««’«»»»«».“ 1**Phindranoe in the eweeta of tba "light
«<* didn't we ke^ quiet, infantaetio" exercise.
—a -a------------- .-------------a


■ ca Opara Bouaa Block.


gome It WAS a splendid young Califor­
nia ffionntaia Hon, meosnring about
four feet in lengtk We three girls

Wevaw*t tbe Hotbm auprifed?
Some time ago there was a dance in
Canadian settlement for tbe benefit of


Then tbo groat beast rollud a few feet
in the bnub and was atllL
After tbe horaes wuro qnietvd and we
had regained onrcomposnrosnfficioutly.

I. L. a: BnUdlng.

John R. Santo,
Giitril iisiraiet.

Tngagm ittonn u w. aw.

Wurybnrg Bloek

I. \assg8km^.°-gK-..*rri GruiluUb

Travnrv Otty

t tndlui8i. aosKirTeai.-TBoiiysow; o»ra
SdroB*?^ ‘waaSngton ataw**W«M'a
oeS telUraa'a dlaroasa a syaelilir. OfSea
bean; IOWUa.B.:tu«aadTuSym.
B«U ■pOaea. lloatbera -pOena Wo-1.

gsiaff Ibbssbsbbsiibs*

Ibe gallant oSar was readily and
oonfidingly aooepled, but do aooner bad
tbe women left tbeir dear obargec to
the care of those mlaohiavoGa yonng ras­


S8IIG«SSBSSB« : Im iMajii

rasteto^. Wo. tT. Mot

A good Story is told of two yooog
teigHahmftw traveling in Eoropa They

cals than they o



I MoHomt and wen particularly weak

The danoe and tbe mutio oootintied ]
rrm^ to^ng that ^gnage
into tbe"weima’ honrA" and then it ;well enoogb by sight, but not having a

TXB yaSD TILT, TaMnoArr ourgroB sAd

udatarted-fog hom^ which, la many , ctfob^ingagoodo^ofooffra KnwiBeUDOtA was 10 « 16 miles away.


■ IS

1 ^
.«>*•» “d tbte lait
IS milk, they e
d to call for a

TwndlelnnaTnw In the aett^MiL Moth-

Jndicioiii mixtnre of tba two, but their

« dlseovend what bad ooonmd. and
of t^taBeit fe- I

•«CS98«S98S9 :988
. BetototopkeeaaMaMl.

was of ao remmkable an
succeeded only in ge^

k BBd bMsa paiel


99S8398888«S8«k8 :SSS8t


Living i

as they did milet apart, it leqnired two !

piAK^tntrXG-jJ. ^.^gejtovrtyoa

"We are very glad to see you, Mr. Mot-


"Mlss-wboT MUe-whor
"Mist Burr, my niece.
Ton m
ber""TbcD who tbe dickens to tbtor
He waved bto band wildly toward Mir-

“Tbe (Irl you’ve picked out?"
"Jnat ao-Mtoa Arabella Barr.


ImwaawtoMiiieiictoaqf tbo note b

male padateriantom on reoend.

toer (iri than tbe one Tee picked oat

BnoU now at tbe Browm'. Talk aboat
-rS(il> tweetneaa and your lorelluesa. Mtoa
hMBcUa'e the bandaniDrat dri I ever laid

kalow la • IW aCkba Mwla^ amd
I waa^eaerttoj^ I was happy. X wai beava. tm,

o« ^ dwalUac of Xrt. SttaChtMteo

piekod oat for yon to make
■o, *M* «b> tM tW Mb MM
ney walkod away l»cotL
AM «M tkt torn hMlh M (Mb
■naliy atriet. wbllo Cnde k
1Mb bMM to «• bb •>««(
ad riforonaly.
TkM tkDM Mr wgtr i Mb.
yon aai
«M tW ■«>■ MU bMB.
liea. Tasorw.
ty—a boantUnl. Udyllke. educated wife,
•M. MlUBf 'BMtfc tM rra'M mi.
wltb a fonnoe betkba herBclf. my bIcaM
bMdr. M Mr (UMr-r pMr,
faw and favor and a taxnriona. boM>y
Mm Mr MM aUBboaa. wltb on wUb mfratlArd. yacfatlnc,
. T«b bU (M fBBbB*. bfM
aununer reoldeure at tbe aeaddc, con*
AMM ItUMV Mw »M bob
MmA tKtrr M IM Uit iM kar*.
tineatol travel wbea yon wl*. every
tbltw, and that lovely (iri for-yoor ovnT«(. MRlBC tMrr B4tb ptooM A
1W rrfn U Mr Mb Bbl.
And Ibe omiaoua alienee waa anfictent
mm Mud to M • nrr MlBt—
deaolptlan of tbe rererae tide Of tbe plcUO. Then Harry lao(bed.
OMr tM Mr ptottr t>
If you wbb me to marry that bMntI*
tel (Iri yon abowed toe. Ill do It. Sha
baa eaptlraied me already.*
And old Mr. Mortimer alapped Hany’a
ttaonlder beartily.
“Blr>a tbe boy! I knew be hadn’t an
Idea what a dariina ahe waa. Now. r>
ahead. Hn. Hrown and I have talked It
over, and tbe lady beroelf la wflUns to
meet you. All you've to do la an caiy
walkover. Tomorrow I'm off on a rlait
to tbe Caiie for three months, and whea
TOTOV* oVoToToTOToT^ I come back 1M like to brins yonr bride a




Harry stepped forsrard.
"My wife, formerly Miss Miriam Laogton. sir. the young la<ly you pointed ont
to me In Mrs. Brown's bouse and request­
ed me to marry."
And Miriam sprang forward, laying ker
lovely little bands on tbe old genllemaa'a
sleeve and lifting ber eyi-s pleadingly to
I bla face, looking ao sweet, so euehantinc,
I that even an anchorite would bare felt

andnouaenae. At your age. too.
■then tberrV pretty faces to plHi from
oreryB^ere. You are not gulug to be a
fool. lUrry-an-an aal, I Waa gdiie to
I*ul on J-onr hat. and romc up to
Sk Brown, with me. and Ml conyitiec
you TOO can be mUuken In Imagiulng
Hwe'a but pair of cy.-a la. the world
ETyon. Ml guarantee that one d*acv
Trom Mlaa Arabella’a eyra will settle
won. Tee seen her. yon know, at a «*•
and tee'.- Well. («UC and ae«
Bar^tirted aa he took ^hl. hnt.
"Of eourae Ml so. I never could reafet the temptation of looking at a pretty
^ But I tell you h'a no ose. I'm going
Ig tnarty my little Miriam."
And. for all Mr. Mortimer’s fat* be­
came very lluteed. and bla eyca angry.
|nd bla forehead full of deep, wrinkly
l^wDs. be did not say mute mote upon
& sabjcct while they were walking
Sown Uinwrd the avenue.
But Mto. Brown waa not at home when
Ihey nrriVBd there, nnd Mr. Mortimer waa
content with almpiy leaving
nleaa you wish to aee Mtoa Burt, tor.
e to at home, la the bach parlor."
happUteoB of an introductien
r, and ao be waa obliged to m<_

"some other «ma"
"Ngreta and pleasure."
awverthdeaa, aa they passed tbe rote
fiaag bay windows, wbeve the toee enrtetos awayte to and fro In a soft, pertay hiMwe. Mr. Mcgtlmer could not re.kUL a iUnce lato tbe precinct
bate parior. and. having kaohed.
•tod Hairy'a arm dteghtnUy.
-Thera abe to new! Take a good look
-mthar. flee har-atttfng by the hate win­
dow. with her hair an crinklT and puffy
‘Afet ahe a baavty? Did yea evar see i


that aettiement now.
It wouldn't bo I **^*y?®*}“
tete.—Montreal Star.
“Well, it's mighty queer we don't
know enough to get a little drop of
raaalMlltlaa ef Cqba.
Theeugar Urodnotioa of Cuba, eaor-

there that no other country in tbe world
oan fMrIy ooqpote with It Only a titbe
at the lasde adapted to augar is now


"Doyouwant milk»”askedtbe wait-

ppu u It now H om 1» iicraM tm-

tore engai con be produced to cheaply

Tha4tey.B. iraiakM rericr rar-w Oread
BApIdB, mat atoaplag aar aad eaaek Oread
Baftslo. rabxr. toR. Bpactal stWBtlua tiraa
teoreraUTeiBrnryABd OlsemsM pacaUar to
tke ateBBck. OAro uS realdraec 111 Bay
V At boms frame to tOA.m. Md rroa I



JSe’V^w oTS



oomo 000™.

..Dentist.. .

Coffee growing, I know.—London Tit-Bits.
wbiob wae once in tbo freot rank of ite !
Two BIAm to the MedoL
indnstriei, boi now fallen to a matter {
of ......
email impeMoe.
importanoe. With
and ,

m.o capital,
e.p.M, «ia



Pere Marquette

"'T-yec,’' stammered tbe tnvelara,
overwhelmed with anrprise.
'Then wbydidn’tyoueayeoatfirtef
^ ,
w —.
, Tneried tbe girl as ebeflounood aO.
i. And again the yonng------- didn’t

"?SSS»' ,!S: ’J55

wrofeatUaksst Toaalbla greds. naag
wark a spaelaliy.
■aw Oflos. Markham Block.

at tbo government, tbli Industry could
Pur OBP mluote T'nrlv Jaaiier atruggled again be put upon a profitable footing
So near as it to to ns, and with tbe rapagainst Ibr influeuro of her beauty and ^---------------------------swactneto. fur oo>- minute he Was full of , Id improvonunt in moansof transportawrath, and then hi-igntated aud aald. j tlQO, it is tbe natural winter garden for
"" and atchi-d Ingubriously.
United SUtca There Isno question
Then be smiled du|n in Mmaia a up- |
bugbear of

wasAll my fault. _ .



„ I ti. Ml. ..a -welAble grower, le onr

at narrv'a tmoositlou on Be. Tunr fauB? Cheap labcf and the enoonragement
Bl.« ra^r ra-ert face! Give me a aeroud | that steamboat lines are now giving wa
klsa.v There. ebUdren. well all live to- eould beeapplied unfailingly with trap(ether, rb. until Miriam-that's yom ioalprodnotafromthUsonroe. Bananas,
name. Isn't lt?-decidea whst obe will do ------’^Aud' ro'^IUrn Mortimer aud bto fair

would all pay woll for oarefni and systamatio onlUratioo.—Uppinoott'a.

M,. wrr. P.m,
it *T>reaks ownerw"" whieh In this ease—weU. Miriam
oflen W.«dera who osrns ber. Harry of
oiA Unele Jnspe^. ao mnrb does ^ love
and depend npm. ber.-Oilcafo TlmaeHerald.

for tbeeteablUbment of froe pnblio 11bcaries'Ttarongb tbe agency of a board
of library oommisaltmew waa pt^ in


Ben ^tlrr
«4«r I ever


IUtnriea, and 1T8w«M without any.
The ptmmt record obowa these fignrea
saotiyrwerred. There are now only

I £r“wsr.?."M

oorosa ber pt a friend's boose the other
day and marked her langnid air. Tbe
bosteei was ludiseveet enough to refer
to ft, and even the teacups afaudd
with horror at the woman's reply.
■-Yes." said obe. "paying colli is so
"Ob!’’ responded tbo hostess, "but
think bow much more tiresome it Is to
receive them.”
And tbe teacups scored one for tbe
■teaa—Woteingtoa Peat
A Big Ftos.
A woman u Birmingham, England,
aa recently fined tbe British equiva­
lent of $608,000 for rolling stole flab.
Her stook oonatoted of a half barrel of
eprata, wbiob are vary small flab like
whitebait, and by the law abe bad to be
fined ao mnob per flab. Tbe mogiatr
however, bad tbe power to redooe
fine, and be knocked off $6O>,06a

•or—Here, yonng ladies,
observe a toboobo plant


One of tbe Tonng Lodlaa—Ah. bow
>•<• -etoebed hand at \be re- tbo. Tbe librariaa raoenUy eatobliabed .verylntewnting! Profoasce, pray, bow
be cxcUlined.
excUlmed. "I
"I _«eis- irecba]
noeh a ptvultelcB «(IOO..OOO.—Beaton long will U be before tbe dm < on
Bortera- ssUcry. be
tipel—Oloraale delleDotmn.
Dounce yon as blrdlngs of the
, ionmal.
al liars and aUaderers of tbe land, or
‘Drink to Me Only With Tblue Byes"
He —
awaltow ,
a —
IS —
in tbeHb
wohM^o that effect— -........
^ -----—
is from a poam eotiUed "Tbe Frarat"
«d Ua words. He denounced the Amaci-' tory were tipped wHh •
The dr is on adapta­
ran press over and often, and yet be was
Um knl^to need as an offmsiTa by Ben Jonaon.
tion from one of Monrt's open melodira '
and bread i^lng ataKtt oM

g^ovs® ooold renrember any a^

In ie»0 silk dotelngs sold in Paris
j£ baT^ wraa lo^, naoUng abam

produce mesttof it


fact, abe does not go about mneb. I ran


Lv Chleaco ...
OMrali ........

Ar Pattokvr.. .

bare had my bnildinc

rebnilt and pnt in


Lt TreraraeOf.!
Ar BkBAplAB..

shape and am now ready
to receive all old patrons.

. pm




bora, at any otbar proparty inaarapia.
kindly rameabor I arant to write Urn
inauranoa for you. and ^ ffivsyM


» moat reliabla stock iaau-- *10


Bates wry low.





uten ID nnn^

.Fire Insurance.




-ill Kinds of nepairiae.




II »

Good Line of Jofolr;








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