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The Morning Record, July 07, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Mast that thdp aappart aw to mp
' ow la tha lirbt.
aadtMtlwaariffhtoa tha alrht to
qawtica Itodaaro that *a torra
waladtp afov heat aad waot flbwal
wtodaddtfaaaaanwUhwa. !fl wap
ladiahptha anaffritolatlnaa which Z
VomlBM te VlM PvmMmU
oaJTfnt Ballot.
Briag the bsfaua bon this
pssr, to oor store snd.th^
will reosivs s psir of shoes
l^ra VMcbtfil to
4>M «B SsM IB CMa^OBpMil-U.
Tnum 4 Oalmim ami
J^ SMArtRMM.000 touiMtotoCkiMatOtU af ttoFtom
l.MjtthMiha ritHteto
HMsa4 ifeBt lb*
U «ba BUM
toM U tha aarth, ha am. Mat with
ravanta tha Alataihaaaai wUl aartaialj
MMad taaaatnl aa< aeatb CWaa, raaalttatlalhai
McaanUtha latariorudthanda
aftiBda. Aamacteaa. ha aarais
■aiiMiT to ahaak tha Tiaaroja Is Aha
MTthaBdaayverk tha atearoTa la tha
aaath. IllaaBdarat^ that thaaeaaaiaafaU paarara la Chlaa hava aaat
IdaaUeal diapatahaa to thair naphetlaa
'iMdea. Jalj c—la raapaaaa ta aa
affaal laqalrr aahlad ta Shaath^, tha
^ war daranaatat haa Jaat laaatrad tha
er«allaw1atdiii»whtoaat aa aathatUa^ aha'aaaiaa:
“Whaarhat.Jalfi~Pwpara ta haar
lha warat”
The wUdaat rawan ara afloaV aamlar ahtodf fraw Bhaarhai.
apaakofhamra frichtfal ta eeataaaPlata It to aaid that tha atraato af PaUa ara riaan af blaad aad that la addltlaa tafarattaatB.a.ooOBaUfaOhrtotiaaa hava haaa hatAarad.
Oaa wha hat rataatlj aaaapad daaerfhaa PaUa aa a aaritahla iafaraa.
aaf aaoeaUoaa aad aatold tertaraa of toolatad
fatairaara Taarlw,
lad bp Taaa Thar
Yl aad Taaf FohI 8toa, who hart
toaaad fraah adtota ocdariac tha aaardlawaxtarwiaaUee of aU
It to haaewl^ pataat aot aaralp
that tha lataraattoaalcolama wUl be
faread frew TIaa TUB. bat that UtaraaUooaltreopaUealoatot aad traatp
parte arm ataadianaYedaarar of as-
fMit. 1 aap
ht tha
joa BaMap o%ht aad heard
Hr. Braadp tire
aaOawreaffht hr dftek. I al*a aaa ctaa
wVA will
rriiTC Hr. Braadr*! talaa. hat aa I haaa
la work aU d^ a warii 1 haaa act
Waaiatotlva thaaa mow. aar wOl 1
laaaawi oe tha adltar*a food aatara hj
thUarnpioo mmtk at Ua apaaa. I
ahaU, hewarw, rat thaaa tafathwaad
rahUahatalatardata, aad at I aw
' awara U takat aaaaldarahla acpi
ta raplr
harartorthaaaptaat af tpiwaaitl
aadlahaU da tha
tor aa I
tthla adpt -Tha taherar to wecthr af
B. Banro.
Mtaara, Bantala8d.falr«-Wad8aadap alfhi tha Boara aada a daaparata
attack apoa nekalMrr. Oraaca Bnar
Oalaar. Tha «chv araa a flaraa oaa.
thaafh lattlaf oalj -aa hear. Tha
at Uat drlvaa off, laavtar a
aambar of daad oa tha flald.
Laadoa. Jolp t.—A tpaatol dtopatah
froaa Piaterto aapa that aa fatartrthal
dfhv ta whiab aura thaa a thoaaaaf
aatiTM ara aacarad. to tahfar plaaa oa
tha plalaa aorth of tha Boar pealUoa.
Tha dght, It to addad. to far tha poaaatMaofthaBearaattla.
of the dtiaaos bdiare tttare to as ooaamitp for a tow and ardor aoetotp.
Up raeetd aa a dtison of thC town
• past ID poara, 1 laaea to tha
people to jsdpe ae
awin. I leaw what
BatOTToMBtoXUid Ptoeo-lMo.
For Private Lawn
goties wm Vtoit Bipaa to btsoaU.
I a^. Jolp »-Tba Aral badlot
te rtowoBfitlr aaadidato tor etoa
piaddwt, raMltad to tha wlactloa
QfAdtolB.81ariwna.aad aa aooa aa
tha raarlt area aaaoaaatd. tha rota waa
woda aaialwoaa
rwHaUatnapotfiaridB. am
af Haw Terh, hatha rafaaadlt. thoorh
he ohaold oeeapt It.
Whoa Ua roU aoU of itntao b^oa
far Ua oowtoatias. AUnMoa pioldad
aaalod tha aawa Of I
I Wmiaaupr*traaooa. which
I aa than foot.
baawOTi wara toaaad to tha air, aad a
tbe^ abort
OossaeUaat:.gtoldad to
‘ U A. Baaing sowtoated Chariot A.
Tawaa. Tha aaaaa waa taadrad with
Briaaw by g pertiea of tha datogn
nod kP tha goltorp.
Thoorb Dadd B. am had abaolnlalp
rafatad tha aowtoatioo. part hit
waa praaaatad to tha ooaroatkw bp
Ddarata Qradp, a Tamwaap laadar.
~ wiihaveieaMkaa tnwpat.
‘■la bahalf of tha Daaaocraep of How
Tack Ip
wtteUto e
a for tha rt
owe of Darld Boaaot HUL"
At tha waatioa of Bm'a aowa, Ua
-wild. Tbp woat 08thoatoatie aaowaat of tha'(
Bntir«l7 Oat Off LiM Nlffht
Hr. am worked hto wap to tha plattorw, aad padtirdpdaaltoad. U aplta
Tarrtdc. Wiadatorm Btro^ Borthara of thto. bowarar. whan tha batloto
itad. it waa feaed that ha
Hl^lcaa aad Talr«iaph Wltaa
waa la aaaoad plaaa la potot of Dumbar
wara Blowa Doara aad Bndarad of retaa. reoaldor IW, whUa Tawaa
third, with oalp «T. Staraaaon'a
Bsrlp toat arantop a tarride wind
atorm atmek thto aaetioo of the atate.
aad whlla It waa notaarara to Traeena
U ptopad haeoe with lelepraph
a aaath of bare. The wlraa eeaaad
-to work ahortip after alx o’clock aad
the local oHaa of the Heatam Ualta
and tha Para Harqaatta tdaffraph ofdaa aeold not aowwaaleata with tha
eatalda- Tha tronWa eoald edt be lotha awadatb of tha pewara.
ealod. bat totortotoa apaatopitwaa
tooraad that a traa hadtoUaa aod pallad dowa tha wlrca awr Baades. Pm
a few wtoitaa after uhat one win
that the .saatbaaota Bk- srorkadaU
apaln. It waa oridaat that a aarlona
praaaad bp Sim MogkMot Baa.
wlabap bad oeearrM to tha Haw m
Braadp wara Proper
wbara ba|waoa ban aad Oraad Baplda.
Traaaraa Cttp, Jalp 6.1»00.
wiraa did not work it waa
BonoaMoairaio Bacoap-Tha ofioial
to laarn whan tka trenblo
beard of tha Virat Mathodtot ehareh
. la pour totaa of' todap
to Bip rbmarkt at tha latt ooaaaU thaapaetol <
Hoaxue Bocoon waa cut off aad tha
OMatiarI am parfaeUp wUllor that aapmw lataat nipht newt oonld aot be reeaiced.
ahoald erittoa aop ramarki ata public
aaaatlar aad aa I had aa iMatloa to
althor laaalt the eoairraraUoD or damarc the repnUUoo of the preacher I J. A. PaaoiBgion Saw in BU Bleep Ua
treat eT«7 fair mlodad peraoo wilt to
DrowntocofSap Vaadarvart.
ladre mp ramarka
3. A. i'ennlaptan of Lake Ana, who
What broarht out the raatarka la has been apandinc a few d^pa hen
qaaatloo wat the motion not to accept wiUblafaUer. Ber. J. Peanlnrum,
tha raalcnationof Ur. Bonnie and the
lired word pcsterdap of the drowsiaainoation that be had realrned beoauM of the mam maetlor on ^e prer- the ganp of men be has 'charpe
louanlRht loppoaedtp ^ aopport of Peafi Lake.' He waa In the craplop of
law and order. I then stated that It the Empln Lumber Co. and wmt
was mp conrieiion that there was ah- itOllat Ion to thelake when be fell in.
aolntelp no neeessitp foruaeha meet- and eoald not be reacned In time to
lar. as Tra»eiue Clip was nndoobtedlp aarehU llfe. 'A paenliar featpiU of
ooCot the hast rtweraed cities in the affair was that juat at Uebonr be wu
whole aonntrp, bavlilr onlp one police
oOear to a population ©f-OTer ton th<
tbtoeitp, rauaadfroma nap aad
hebadjaathad a terrible dream, to
Iwasanpportadalmoct onanlmoiulp which he waa trpinp to aan Venderran from drowsing. He langbcd'
» followlhr re- about it. taping thavbe waa one of tile
sorkt map ahow: One aidennaa atat- bwt ewimmen-itt Ua gang, asd
ad that it waa bis bsUef that proaebera thon^tso more about it till the Utter
[rod talUhg of hn death at
thonrhtthat-----------------------almoat the aaBse moment.
woBlddeao.aad aotcoaaUnr aronod
Ur. Vasdarron wsa about IR pean
the hook doara of taUmt'-he would do old, bU mother Hra. Sonb Barrett.
a aad the raaatal pubItrlBg scar lAke Ann. Be waa bron^l
Uo far moru rood.
ap to the familp of hto asnt, Mn.
hnoibaratatad that It waa aot Ue
PotoomeMd waa eommonlp eoUad Bap
poUoa offteara bat tha rood baharlonr Polaoma bp bit eompankwa. He waa a
ofoaraltlsaaawhlahmadethtoa r»d
popalar pooag waa and wffl be gnatlp
aad quiet ettp aad U we left -waU
' Ml bp bto frieada.
taoorh ahma” be thooi^t wa wonld
eeatlBoa totepo
wm Pnatiea at WiUtoaaabarg.
la the load, Othoia -Baade almOar re
fir. Frank BoldaworU hoa'goae |o
marks which eartalnlp proTOi that tha
whon be wm begin Ua
I af tha ma}ori^
abU jaalooatoa of Baropaaa poarm
atap tha haada of Japaa. Tha faralrn
o«aa raatirad efialal dtopatehaa froi
Taklo todap that tha r
laat iofanaad tha faralra oOaa that
la addiUoB to tha faraaa alraadp laadad la caiMA Japaa hat «0,000 troopa
■obOtoad. raadp lor aetiaa at
BatoM toSoB. Baedrod IStoffotaa
Saaparata hpt t
oa nahahorc Wadadada;
PoBrtli Y«*r-No.S»
SaaaterSm. Who, to ^ito of Bto
Ltoaoto, Meb..' Jalp «-Mr. Brpoa
atatad Uto maratog Uat ho would not
go to Kaaaaa Oitp. for the OsmoeraU
had alraadp dooa ae week ahosttog
tb^t tbep woald aot ha nblo to make
anp notoa oa hto orriral. Tborefon It
a large
from Ua ooaraaUen will rWt Uaaeia.
Before psoklna them swsy wa offer the
bslanea of our Fireworks
For smrtir'sSoiiiie
OhUOrMi’s 8hoM—
Black kid. psteat tips, bat.
too — new goodff — 48o a
OhUdTMl’8 BhOMBlaek sod tao. law aod
bottoo, patoot and kid tipe
-^Tersl oeat atylea—Boo
At Just Half Price.
a pair.
Miaaas* BhoasBlack aod tao kid, aew
BDumet abapea. sisea 12 to
Womaa*s Oxfords—
11.50 aod $1.25 kioda —
black and tao.
fortable aod aemceabte—
Xt alwape pays to trade here
and people bare found It
AIM Y. Friedricli
The Uadtog Shoe Hoi
Jdjr ChaiDDCD at Baada’s
in^he truth of any “ads.'’ They m
“A Burnt Child Dreads Fire.”
We^are^resching oat for the doobtera. For the balance of Jaly
Liberal Discoeit on all Simmar Clothiig,
Hats and Faralshligs. Cmne in end eee.
Clearing Sale
of Odds and Ends.
I w\
jt'peetUce dlAealtice.Uat
oUerwtoe toed to Ua waate
* ofmee’ Ume. effort aad
“Aak him orar Ue telepbase,'
worda frcqoestip heerd to ererp
Bee where a letter--- obLUr haa been
acure OB some point
Hanp people do not esprem UemOfiean Blaetad aad Stapn Tokoa te
aelna eleerip in correspeodenee. but e
mao can generallp
generellp make blmaelf
Zwptere Ua Oionada—Taasto
— -.1 — _i.ui_
deretood if poa
can gat wlUIn apeakOeart asd Shade Traea.
tog dlsuoea of him, bp maaas of Ua
Tbeonnoal waattogef the We-qnang elnb waa bald loat night to Ua offlea of O. P. Oarrar. Offlean wen
eloetod asd plant dtoeowad torUaiwof the elsb grenndi. The
oSeen an aa follows: '
Pnaldaat-0. F. Carrnr.
Vtoa pntident—a E. Mump.
SaantM7->Chas. P. Boek.
8. B. Walt
Dlreeton, t pean—H. Montague. F.
A. Earl. E L. Spragrn. Geo. E. Bopt If 'you want a Banaer for
Directors bolding orar—C. K. Back.
your float see me
Thoa. T. Batea, H. D. AUep, 3. W.
at onoa
The eficera were auUoiissd tomake
leb arraagementt at thep map deem
boat for the care and nae of Ue clnb
bouse aod grounds daring the scacon.
C E. Buck presentsd a plan forUe
326 Boardmas Aveoue.
nt'of the grounds that met
with moeh faror. Tbis plan prorldet
for a dne tennis aosn. acreral walla,
gram and flower plaU,
foimtato. quick growing trees aod
oUer attnetire fcatarea.
Ur. Back was auUorizsd to perfect
plans, and appoint a committee to
work with bim to- esrrpiant the ideas
For Pig Tails, bat aioce
The eltp oonaeU will be aakad ta ap
I hare tried
point V. E Hontagne special polUe
wiUost pap. Uat he map hare asUoritp to prenat tojnrp to Ue building
bp bops and oUen. who ban broken
windows and done oUer
Ue elnb bouse.
Quite a number of poang people
bars soggOetod thal Ue nae of Ue oJnb
booae be allowed Uem and oUera wbo
might with to nniu wlU tbam. during
tbeaammer, bppapmestofa seminal
mfoe. Thto action sronld BOt totorfara srlU the righta of regular s
beta. BomaUtog of Uto kind aup be
done, asd Ue matter woe loft srlU Ue
offieata to dedda.
Victor Hoatagne otatod that be
I bave come to tbe cooclosknew Ue pereons who hen eommlttad
ion tbat 5c ^1 bay s eratnt of trittdf to thto altp wm oslle to Ua dapradstiona akoat the alab hooaa,
clsss, (lelicioDs amoke. Try
wtohtog him Ua gnntoR of li;
andhesrsaanUorlaedtoaowpe] them
one sod yon will never pay
to make good Ua dsmago. and to Ua
Bootmlt HUt
10c ior s Pig TaU again. erent of retaaal to begin erlmlnal prolAteatoat. Haw'ilton Gtothtog Oa. aeadinga ag^t the gull^ partin.
Tbe big basiness of the past thirty days has
left us with many odds and ends—in other words, broken
lots in many lines, which we have decided to close out re
gardless of cost. Visit our store for real, genuine bar
gain in the next week.
I Used
to Pay lOo
Pig Tail
Xan'ituiautlno.lfl»l.>iidooiwmiahOM.... 880
Woman-, fin. kid Imm uid Sutton ahoa.............. 88c
woman-. Sna l)l.ok>nd tan oxforda.................... 75o
Woman'. allppara>nd buakina........... .............. 8S0
Woman’, raatlnd top kid laeo ahooo..........«1.80,81.76
Boy'. m.tln calf bala. aoUd.....................
Tontb-a ..tIn;o1f bala. .olid...............
Uon-a llno.kld bala.-.n.w;.tyla....... ..................82 00
Uan-a tannla.bala and oxford................60.86 and 76c
Men’s bicycle shoes.................... $1 30, $8.00 and $8.60
New Store—842 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe Hones of Northern XClchigan
I While Canvas
I Sheas Far Man-
The most comfortable shoe you can buy
forjthese hot days is a canvas shoe. We
have ^gobd one. Heavy ^vas uppers,
solid leather sc^es, leather insoles and
counters: wide, easy last If you try one
on, you're sure to buy it. Pritt is $1,50.
«»«««« *««««««««»««»»•»««««
■M X.
«. aim uur
a«fMmk Ctai
A aapabUeas •«•'
.■TtUr'ule mu
•iaack n
r* uld MatMitw.
Spw tbM tbe Kahm 01t7 eoeT«BtioB
kM cimpUtea Ito work -tha Dembanta
WbUa tka attaapM to
lUifla Utiaft mMf aatiafp aotu. aad
ppU (ka wool ovar tka area of eihan,
H cuiut ba aaiUad tkat tka Damoar»tk puxj baa tkta yaar a rat? hard
prapoalUea to taekla. TbanonlBaUoa
ofBiTaa waa a te««oaa aonaloaioa.
kaaavaaba wialda aaah an laflaanea
tkat aaaa theaa who oppoaad hia radiaalfraaaUtariaUaapeoalddo nothiaf
to aaaataiaet Ita aSeat- WbUa U ia
gtaao oat that tka paraaaoaat laaaa ia
to ka aatl-lapariallaia tha rraatiaaaa
taaU7 wiU ka le to 1, whleh ia plalal7
aadaratood kp Bryas aad tha laaden.
Bat tha rmwlBf aaBtlmant aralaat
traa attrar matt ka aetwith aomathlsp
or otbar, ao tha eoareabOB raaolred itlalflBtoan aBU-arat7Uila( kod7 and
praaeau aBU-lsparlalUai to eorar tha
raal laana. Tha verp Bomisation of
Bryaa U aaSeieot eridanee that 1C to
1 la tha Bialo iMoa. It will ba reneakaoad that oal7 a faw dap* apo Srpao
•tatad to a dcleratiOB of Colorado aiUBOBt that aU oihera nlpbt aet aalde tbe
IraaallTar iaaoa bat ba wooldalwaTt
Otaad aa lu oioal detarmlnad azpoaeBt.
Ba alao aaid that if free aUrar waa not
tbe iaana be woald not aeoapt the DobTha fipbt afaieat tbe lo to l plank in
tha aoininittee 08 rcaolaUdna waa bittor and clear, aad prtaagei dlaaator for
tka partp tbia fall.
Another anfortanata thlnr for tbe
par^ ia the failure to fortn aome aort
ofBBltp with tbe Popnliata. Ikwne
waa a atroac candidate for tha Tice
praaldaatlal aeBlaatleB and tnminr
kiB down will not tain faror with the
•taeaaaon andar ordinarp cireoinPtMPH would hare keen a deckle
oaa^^ta for taeead place, kutTowne'a'
oosrrp andelcquaBca oo the atninp
woald bare keen aa Influanca.
Boitcter. now that it la all orer, aad
wa panae to ooatampUU ike eoBpl»'
too of the Bepab^lcaa tlskat, tbe reowd
of iko admtniatratlos for fourpean
paat. aadtha harmonp in tbe-partp,
Bapsklicant map oonpratitlata tbeEatlera.
>M1 M.«. dank 1> nr
Bedap^BoooBnatartad oat to rood:
“WOkthof altl«aa<»aa«aaa».-krt
wk« of tka kOMd do Mt dadre
itetaBaRorotthapriaMrahoiild ladkita that they waoa tka OBlp off
Mkftha UoMP tranatta Bmdm
m—hmm Oumpaip Oaento tha
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
• Special
Retarn Eneagemeet.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
All This Week
aueoaud^ul. Of tbaae, twaraeeired
aaooad pradea.
d bneiaeia- meaUap of tbe La^
Guild of Grace ehureb will be held at
tbe borne of Mre. Georpe Blue Saturdap afternoon at 3 o'dock.
Thera wlU be a maaUnp of tha Bathone Slatara next Uondap afternoon at
o'dock at the 1.0. 0. F. ball, dll
mambart ara reqaeatad'to ba preaeat.
Tka ^fanaial of Daniel J. Murpbp
will be held from 8i. Frascia church
tbia BBornlnp at io o'dock.
The Brewnlea. the pirU who partici
pated In the iutaraaiional flap drill,
aad otben who aadeted ibe 6t. Pranda church oo tbe Fonnb were! delipbtfullp antaruined bp Rer. Fr. Bauer at
tbe aebob! ball laat erenlnp.
The Favorites.
The Best Repertoire Compenii
on the Road.
lapinp at popular pricet. Introduclnx
oF-Jfodtt«eomediaa aod dramas. Intenperted with apacialUea bp firatclaw rauderllle artbti.
Tbe Uoaring Farce Comedy
A Hot Time in
the Old Town
Estahlished 1857.
.^mUten Clothing do.
SmU CfBtvy
AMmited nmbm for anient SIMM
‘ 8«nld,mraraa dtp. Mich.
Special Prices
For 3rd, 4th and 6th.
New Specialties.
Imy O&tWsstiO&t
a d. Bdmm of Bortkpert wm at tha
Whltfar paatardap.
WnUam IloBOf Oadar la jat tka Oalaaafnp. Jal/ d-dtk
ahaa cemplntad an
that nmUa.
Baa. 6. a OaraH ratuiasd Iraan
haaaiaad: ••Wa, «mnH ^ Ttatana
Mra Bunaa Peak of Palo, m.. ia ia |
MO ad tka Map ratvaad b$ tka
rlpbatamn taa eitp ddllap old fdeada.
Tho fcw mioi^ht awMiBo of
to tka Batlokll Caard Faad amakoald
■MMdOwtkokoy wm ka fieao I
kaaoenditad. TUa wUl fire tka mH- GEEdT BUBZVBBS XM MlCnOAB
dW Iflap—the bImbw ObIbb
, A nice high carved back, brace arms, shaped
darp fnad a aradit e! abaat iU.OM aad
BOdar tha aaaplaaa of tha Croaeast
WaUaea% Cireaa Made a Graat Sit in
wQl praetloallp laaara tka boUiap of
seat, sewing rocker for $1.35. A nice large
ThocawOl ka a fine aariaal
Pan Bam Jaip 9.
e< aa aaeampmaat tkte pear. Qai
itat aa board aad the boat wiU
high back arm rocker for $1.65. I have over
WaUaeab dioua ia ddap a praat bnaoaaacal dtUaeoa a^ tkia
laara the doek at 6:».
Isem ia Mkblpaa. and for a new at300 different styles of .rockers. If you want
that wkUa area with tkia moa
AU whehaeaaaHawhith tkop ware weald reqaln ravp clean dpuriap to tnatlOB la tkia
to sit in the shade, 1 have a full liqe of lawn
la tka caUthanpta panda ara ra* ptodda ter a camp, pat tkad^wmpi
■ iaotkarparm
of the conntrp, b dolap
aad porch chairs and rockers, camp chairs
paaatad la ntars than at aoea Ip O. woaldbemadt.
W. sa&
badnaaa. It b a bip attraction and
and stools. One of those 25c folt^ng stoob
admlnblp maaapad nndnram aad pnbTka dm naatte of tha tkaewM dtp
you can cany in your hand and sit down
Ura Olnton Rlebarda aad aoe Ckrl UenredaUp axpramtap pleanra attar
DfiTlBf Park ----------------------------------wantto
Tbuawitnaaalaptbaehow. Bora U a telawhere you like.
earn dokaalaUp at waU aa U aearp
pram raealred a few daps apo >p the
atharwap. The rce^ sora thaa dap.
The Miraaa Baialaand OMaOdaDela-, maaaplar areal in Cbirafo. wbleb b
aoearad tka kasrp axpasaa of tka maatBaat of Grand. Bapida. ara rldtinp in, bntoBeiMtesoaevidendae tbaexeallB».
tka dtp.
lance of tbb drena:
The OaBoentie oseprcatlOBal <
B. 8. Pratt ia la Frankfort aa baai*
Port Bnrae, Micb., Jnlp t. i»M
eaatiaB wUl ba held at Bead Uyj
W. B. Ftanklin,
tka drat dap of dupBet.
1^0 B’’xx>TXt 8-tx'ee'b.
Ulaa Bertha Balawla ia tba puaat of
IdBala A. Baoea of fife Uka towa- U W. Walt aad faailp.
Can National PrinUap Oo..
Up, baa dledA patlUon for a dlrorea
Ed Gilbert U entartaiaiap hia father.
froB her bnaband. Jobs Beace. on tbe Banrp Gilbert of Paawic. N- J.
WaUaee Clrana bare todap. Dominion
prooad of aoo-anppan.
Oaoipe Utber U enterulninp bU dap: taraad asrap people both parform- bablhd tbe larpn one nnd it pben
“Adu oow.” raid tbf man who liken
Marp i. Drew baa aaaadfor a dlrorea brothen aad eiitar. Joaapta Lather. aaeea: tba prandeat. elaaneat and flueat aapadallp for tkeUdiaa and cbildran. to a«k ranaodnima. "ran yov lllnetrate
Umia Ltthar and Miaa Lana Utbar of show erer in our dtp.
Amd« ten prominent faataraa of the perpcinal niMlun Id a i>lnxl<- wordr*
froa bar bnabaad, John P. Draw,
... - ara. tba
After s fvw atu-uiiXD all xave It
eharpea BOt-iupport aad entaltp. The Stratford. OnUrio- '
It ap.
FfKO T. Moons, Mapor.
famUr. aerobate: tha Stlrk
Later, when. U wa* .
Mr. and Ura. E. 8. Pratt are entareoBBla baap two aoaa. 17 and 14 peart
M. N. psTiT, Chief Pollee.
blcpellatf: Eyi abun
iburs. Barr
Back- them, tbey all womler<-dw aoxpUlncd to
J why they bad
talninp Mra- d. D. Baker of Grand
Barbims Ma^. Sheriff.
anlmala and maap
Tbe draat Wallace Sbowa ka«e InWord baa bean raealred from Kortk' Bapldt, and Mra- L. d. Pratt of dan
trodnead anoib^ noret feature la
art that dania WaltOBkerp. who waa drbor.
Bcatoraa Tlm.Tlpor.meuUi aad pbya
dl Chmaron apeat tbe Fourth w.tk tkairalreadp larpe atreet attraeUoa cal power, fllb pour bodp with mix
tormarlp an lamaU of tka Baplam
Oermnn emIpratloD In IKO was 23,>
life. That’* wbat B(ka
tba form of a miniature parade.
hare, ia canalnp troable tbara bp bar
740. a* oppoaej lo J20.«O in ItaM.-A|Serrra' n nth* apo a babp kanparoo
iBrnaa Qoadact. It ia claimed there and Mra G. C. Moffett, ratnrnlnp to
at tbalr winter
that ahe baloapt In tbia d^p.
Mr- and Ml? Prank Fricdrien ara an- qnartera and a few waekt later llttera
}. M. dleott d So. wetk eoBtnetad
SsTfiyou SShM.
tortaiaiap Ur. aad Un. Cbarlaa Worfel of lion aad tipw .euba ware born.
with paatardap to fornUb aebool enpdCbrd.
of Oread Bapida.
Tha manapamast at a larpa expaue
for depodtlnp aabes and pap in cash
pllaa to iba amOBBt of dlO.M.
Mba Anna drmitronp aad Mra. J. bad 14 minlatara capaa bnUl for tbe
do berabp
or soap to those wbo wUl saxe their
O.Brinptbe etorm Tbnredap nlpht. W. OaunUatt ara anjopinjr a racatioo little enaa and »4 cute little Shetland
moaap on a SOaabaa for them. Talepbona new
d 8r
pbtBlnp atraek a eblmaap at the G. at Nortbport.
pralea were purebaaed to pnll them.
&. d I. fraipbt depot, kaoeldap off
Mr. and Mra. B. U. Belt ara enter; Beddas tbe animali menUonad tie
fep brickt and claaniap tbe flue nlealp talnisp Mlw Banaou of Cbieapo.
rapes ara filled with monkepa, birds See Tb«m
of allaoot.
Dwallp Lanpwonbp of UweU. is' andolberamall animab.
from \ t>ui)r. James G. Johnson, F. C. ThompFrank WlBOla, tormarlp
TisiUnphli nnela. J. 0. Laapwertbp.
Tbeminbtare parade follows eoar
New Vorl
emplop of tbe dmerlcao Bxpreee Co. ia
Barrp L Middleton, praaa repreaenthis dtp, bee- returned from Cbieapo, taUra of tbe WaUaee eiren*, b in tbe
w^ra ba aoeaptad a poalUon la the of- dtp lookinp after the bllllnp of tbe
fiee tbarr. Ba will leare aoon to toke dtp for tbe tbow.
BP tka dnUaa of bU new poalUon.
dlrin A. Campbell and wife, who
Garde are out annouBcinp the apof MUa Oertnida
Blpplna to Ur. Cbarlaa Fred Banter,
which ia to take plaoe place Julp 18. at
the home of the kHdek mother. The
larriape earamoap wlU uke place at
o'clock in tbe erenlnp.
•■Bi" Waldrieb, a elarli
krlnet plaper who
amiatad in the mnile of
>r the fourth, baa
daddad to make thiaeitp bla home.aud
wUl more here In
HhUlcm WaUemi 9aai^
Thera’s no beautp In ail tbe land.
That cau with her face compure.'
Tan Waabinpton Pott, in an able
editorial, caatrani tbe eurplua of almoit three hundred miliioo doUan lo
the I'aitad dutci treaturp at tbe
pnMBt time, with tbe balance four ^^LadiH^ -I« can Jamp ec it
paare apo which wai theraault of bend
laanm io time of peace. It alas abowa tlme"Cbliaaa^ EJaellc Flo«^'a^»S | Vopular pricet—ic*.
- Telepi
that ootwltbiuodlnp tbe hearp war SEWalv
axpaaaea that bare baeo. aod are bciop
Inaurred, tbe aorp'.n* tpr ^le decal
pear will amount to abcat lit.ooo.ooo
■a compared with tbe ded:U of nearlp
$30,000,000 lour peart afo. It ia point
ed out that tbia ia not tbe retult of tbt
war laxea alooe. bwanae. cemparlor
tha mdotb of Hap tbU pear With Uap.
IIM, there wat ao Increase of almxt
PO.OOO.OCO tbit pear in rojelpV* from
■a niocc.
Waa it a Ulracler
■‘The Marxelooe eare of Ura. Bane J- j
Stoat of coDinsptioB baa created in-1
twae excitement in Cammaca. led-," I
wriue Marlon Stuart, a le^lny dra^-,
ybtof Moncir. led. Sheobly weixbefl i
Mpoundt when bar daapbier la Vork- [
town said abe mutt aooa die. Than abe I
boynn to uae Dr. Klop'* New Dbeorarp ,
nad $alned 3T poandi In welfht and
waa completelT cored." It baa cured
tkouaandeof bopaleaa raaaa. and U poa-,
ttlTcly roarutaed to cure all throat.'
eksst and Innc dbeaaea. tOe and SI.
Trial bottl
^kamTUUartbataMOp a< J.
rnmgUll ad Lake araaae, rataaad
paatardap to their kerao ia DaeaMr.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Have been well tried and found fo be
what you want. More than 1.000 of these
instruments owned by'Grand Traverse
people. Absolutely first class in every
Sold by tbe makers.
Easy terms.
W. W. Kimball Co.
ise *tM>t stTMt..'
a. BgBinoira, itaiugw
to Mahe You Cool
On a hot day. If the 'sudden changes
come, and it’s cold tomorrow, remember
these things when the next hot day
A Cool
A Cooling
Is wortb a fortune in time
of danger.
Our Straw Hate make cool
beads—Therefore if you wear
our straw hats your head will
be worth a fortune We have
them at 6.10.12 15 and 26c. Tbe
Split Braid Hats sell at 26. 60.
76c—the Rough Braid at 76c
aud $1.00.
Hires' Root Beer—A 26 cent
package will make 6 gallons of
a delightful beverage for the
summer. White Rock Ginger
Ale sells at 8c the pint and 16c
the quart. Hunyadi Janos Uineral Water sells at 36c. Vichy
at 30c. Appolinaris for 20c.
Are the suits we're selling
now. Those at $6.60 and $7.60
—the blue serge at $6.60—the
negligee shirts at 60c. with 2
collars and a pair of cufi'a Our
dollar shirt is the beat artteie
for the money that is shown in
tbe city.
For a summer atternoon, or
any time for that matter, is
most refreshing, and especially
so if made from the big juicy
demons we're selling now at 36c
a dozen. There may be cheap
er prleas, but tba lemons are
smaller. Buy the Ug onss—
they'll go farther.
The Hannah & Lay Herciuitjle Co.
- ... -
. Aa«*an«liafMril»« to nponti
tm. ^
l.<teOnaA Ba»l&i
tte Um tt hm»^
to Wm>.
Itot «t«rtt flf UncnM-
AtOotoMi. B.
\ ■Inn ■!■, tottoto wiU^
«k* mttrnd irtil*tiyiac ^ nw
Mkto Mt VM tlmm\ UUtiUy fV-
MalUtoaa.,ft toos k»i M tto
IfMMMtMWOaiBpM^^ »
fouU Ttanter BorsiairlB »!*•
•wrirhmlMWMweri^Mk baos
totUuhaw Mon.
anNOMoby lbea^rMO boat ha
(dl ia and pertohod wlthlaV ehort dto«aaaa ed a men of fallow
The manufecturers of Royal
wltbaatbolarablote gin aa alarm.
Baking Powder have always declined
Ba team a tamUy of MUraa.
A etrael aOr trailer broto laoM from
to produce a cheap baking powder
the motor ear at Martiaatta aid ndwd
down bill, ecoatiog low of CECUomoBt :
at the sacrifice of quality.
The Royal is made frojii the
bad cate and bn toea.
OF- B. Oago WH anrlp banad
dntbatOUntby tho aaplodoa ed a
gaeollBaeteve Thare^.
dadrow Boabow, aged
most highly refined and wholesome
Ig. «f Fort
BaiM. waa drowaad-ta LoW Boron ia
the prmeaei of
a laiga eroird
ingredients, and is the embodiment
paid BO bead to hto erica. tblnkSag be
of all the excellence possible to be
woo oaly ahammleg.
Tbraa Barriaea mea are going to. try
tbe eapariiaent of
attained in the Ijlghest class baking
geata tor tbeir wool.
. powder.
Royal Baking Powder costs only
WlUlam Daadaro of Lodingtoa jpmp- ad from a paaaangar train at Baldwlo
a^htoBOtkwMbroken. TbomuSaa.
lay of DIee atumpted to board a tnla
at tba aawa plan and fell
a fair price, and is chea[J^r at its
nader tbe
wbaelt. loalag a lag.
to Aiiuit mitoa mirnttouaudL
ev£MTt It soeierr.
price than any similar article.
iy tt Bijte boUied
foeod. Tbe dob bn much cd tlw nmo
litw Mother date oMbkud. ItBOett
cBFrid^. Its
VneorA fwibm.
Tbe utenben laoka o potot od walktac UMtor laddna ntloc 18 at tabl«
Kdag and eoBtog on Friday and apiUlog MIL It U Bot raid that tb«y traafc
Bsizrota with ddibenticb. bat ODybody
who doea tank a iBunria held in great
oooiideratioo by tbe other
The opal to the badge of
- oo all
pot forth
Samples d minures made in imitatam <v. MAtag
powders, but containing .alum, arc Irequcntly dis
tributed from door to d<wr. or gux-a away lO
grocery stores,
huch mixtures
to use in food, and in many cities their sale is
-prohitiiti.'d by law. Alum is a corrusivc ]>oison. apd
all jdii-sidans ondenui iiakiag powdas Coataiamg it
Obo of tbe meet deUgbtfal eoelal
laaebaoa" glvaa 1b boBor of Mtoa Oartrade Btggiu luteTaatag at tba borne
of Mtoe LotUe Barilaad by tbe O. B. C.
laritatlOBi are eat for Mto» Hlgrina*
marriage to Nr. C. Sni Boater, aad
tbe Inaebeoa waa la tba natare of a
Tbe booee waa beaotlfally
trimmad with flowern, and arary nook
aovAL MKiNO PowDca co.. too wuiuw sr..
baring an elaboreu eenterpleoe
U water colon by
tbe ahape of d^etoa. and
gBOtauoo appropruM ». each gBeaV
thaomaaandUe toMU.
The mean
ony*r JWlVrat.
il.ttil.-nsid tody to>unc»d
Into a »ul’iirl>ati i>.ll<o Ktuiioii.
••tVto-n-8 iny JliuJ" »b.- dcuianded.
•Tfa-B imnloii. iirndnii
niiier Mid tUf oiHivi
"iN.n'i yon «lsr>••iN.n'i
<tor>- to prswme
of the kind." i^iapi-d the lady. "Hoe.
lnd«d: No. Kir.
hnjlmiid—my huehand. Hc'e^mlKsliig. dlKaMK-un-d. di-
wbieb. ia Itt prerBiUng eolon aad ar.
of uaswoMMrr^
tbatotobn carried ob
oat the
raagemcat. oi
white aad gold td« of the datoy.
Pramid OlekeB
Lottaeo Sandwlcbea
Salted Almonde
Viooaa BoUe
KfiAlab BoM
Apple aadTiot Salad
Onage lee
aim HiruaiKi. pnBMi.Bg
•1 toaatmletme, called for the followlag toaete:
The Loei Plelad-"We that are of
panr fire. Imltete
the elarry oboir."
Mabel Batec.
0. b:-a-'-Speak:
meotgoce by
letter aa^affrotien."
Oaylc Uriiwold,
To Bare and to Bold.-"»ODe but
the brarc dcMfee the fair."
don't MijrU Inive sou to understand
.at r
dan. you «ll Iben- and flatly eolilradlei
a rate|Kiyert—liw-tway* the Inwfiil
wife of ow. I'll rvjMirt v«u. «lr. l>o
It report you! Wben-'s
you lu'ar that?
my linsh.iiHl^"
•Tloi dan* you iwll me your <lear
inndaui? IN> you think Hint 1' raniv
here to he Insult'd? I tidl you luy hnsluind lias di'f.omiK-d. and von'sit there
:iy. Wb..............................
like n dnmuiy.
•bnt do yon think «t
••Well, amdara." n-*ponded tbe po
lite lns]Nslor. "I baxi-n't the pleasure
of yonr hiiKlinnil'K neiinaintan'i, lint
Some of the lmt:d-.'rgaiis .md Ktreet
pIsiniK this y.-sr ,iiv Kinilng out relleImis iiinKir.
A chance Today and Saturday, to select
from «amples of the largest manufacturers
Tb« .lonait ct .duDoe 1. UmIbmU
aeoemory to iu cnooem. Aa urea worm
ekoneat to be remored to tbe fvide and
pleonre moot people take in tbeir onpemitiaL A rapurotition to an actrw
and designers of ydupg men’s wear in this
country—Young men may hnd an opptBtun*
in tbe way of adTerttoement to only lew
'ralsable than tbe loaa of her jewela To
otiwr people npentltioni are of Inportance in giving piqnaocy to-Mogr8]diical notices and sketchee of character
now BO popular In carrest weekUea—
3few Vork Adrerttoer. ■
hiu‘aad aUnaloai.
wbieb were keeoly appreciated by all.
Mleetioni on the phonograph ^ded to
One lauilnhle i hange in Kuuland to
lb.1t a eonti'uipt lor •onin.eriv, which.
OU.S' flourUlKil in tie- higtor social
etosKcs. to iiiiw every wlieiv dis<i>uraged:
JanH« l*ayu say* that sixty yvam
hii. iii.vme frr.iu *«<h
vhom iiwy «toP'- - - -hankers whom
I'uung nil II Ibuiight IbeiuM-lree
In invfeiTlixK a
whh iir.iliuble iKiiurj. lo an iieMired
Comiieteli|.e with their li.inde wdl.d liy
mill-. This nlisnrd prejudice to uow!
ax uiiii'h ridiriil.d by young uico as tr
the old.
• .,
ilne aristoiTatle youth toidy' liemme
engascil to the ward of a gei
old SllM-fl!
certnio Idut on In-r wntcl iii>a.
~i liave to (viifesK, u y dear sir,said he. *nb»t her fani
gults reeeiillv <iitineiii-d
"I am sorry—" to-ga;
aiau; gravidy.
••So am 1." iHit lu the old si-ntleauuL
tcxilly. "Hot it i-an'i lie li<-l|rf.d."
•'I wa. nlioiil to say." euiitiiiued the
"I .im
Mirry ih:ii
Hnnighl me Kiieh i
jBbaaoB'a drug atan.
««rw SigeoTwy
for Blood
. weirrt.thc.'..n.y istowd «.,.=< and
ic-tlm.. ttoo«f>.
It Sftved Bit Leg.
-Now.- said nil' uid cenrleman who
give th.'iii dlrv
Ui:il (all bnilOliig .iway
dewti tto.ei..-1'i"•Vwx. " repli..! ihe ilti.O l.K'kIi.g man.'
ii'.l hto wir... p. to- «iiN- tJiat there-
Will be shown at the same time and by the
same manufacturers' agenL -These are the
handsomest goods on the mariKt, and every
O.irKiiieii during ibe early *:*«.
I'ilkerton was uiateluil to row doable
nguliisl uiiullH-r le.nii.
lie ntid Ills
1- were Ito- <-liiiu.pious, and tite
rfal bi-lief wu» that
without effort. Hot 'the iilglii be
fore the p-gatlu public opinion xuddeie
ly am) mysn-rtoiisly rhangid.
knew iliai this w
cause.1 by .my new devel.ipuieiit of
■ In Ms o|i|KineniK or any Ioks
mother of boys should see them.
If you
' have a boy that you want something espec
ially nice for. you can order one of these
suits, overcoats, reefers or ulsters to be de
livered any time twtween now and next fall.
Call Today
and Tomorrow.
that tto-P‘ 'was talk of his rowing mate
having tom to.iight ii|> by tl*' other
side and of nn arraiigeim nt to liiruw
the raci-.
tie didn't
c atomt hi*
..lie, i*ui
uij.'ll lue I.... uieij
Hied ill the xb.dl and were well
oul into tlie cIm-ji uiiter he leaiosl ovy-r
tii hto male' and -aid:
"tosik here, y.iu U.smilnc i-flt-ihr«at.
to KU'luk drown or wi( this
kimn me:" He won.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
••See here." h- -.ii.l to ihe gr
•'are you V»- lu.-li. uiei pin the x:
on Mi«x Jetrtil.-'« lit-r-ify’
••Yt«. sir. -Vnyihltig wnnig. sJrl
••li was loose very Vk.m.. She had
no ;Sooner nioiintiHl tliati ihe x.idJJ>>
the Teacups
The women folks talk of the pleasant and uopleas^
~ant features at housekeeping.
s go Hdllic iiga'n ioinqrr..wy
One of the pleasantest things they tttlk about |
is tbe TEA we offer at 55c a pound.
L>to-dafe Grocer.-
Telephone 149.
157 Fr<
Fagged Out,” »
I £»aXesl
Hold i.y Dniiigina
1-7-f. jT.. iin.l rje. j
I ^
■Bic* S. Ive who'.ljrcursd H
... ulee
-ieer». wound*, oiler.
lo fire d.yi
____ s.ive
10 the world. Core
{fe the beet
Ooly iS ct«. Sold by S
E. Walt and Ja*. O- Jobawo. druggist*
' wbwev-r be found hlmatdf aloiip with
1 the »B«niinPat
lo«™meh. and
And caUed
omied upon
nnnn toronto ronm."e^d teibe'^^ fii^y wid i***latlmate frlcadt oar bdanfeU sym-|vpr«. wUb it.
patby aad auare them tba*. w# moarn i
Tbla nervouanea* was naderotood by
with than ia tbe hoar of their aorrow. 1 the other l<oy«. vbu evoerally relieved
aad farther
1 blm of tlH- terror of rexpondlng when
Beantrod, That oar ebarter be drap-: a roll tynii
> era* alone in the
edia soaratar for thirty day* aad - But oite
that a eo^ d tbeae rcaolatloM beloOtv..
epcoed mm tba alaatea of tbto order
Thore rome a rinf «i tbe tetopboae.
3tSol. ta. OaM ud a~
Suits, Overcoats,
Reefers, Ulsters
The first sutomutrartor to liegla
Work oil the X. iT Vork rapid transit
tunnel ' .wa James Fllberton. known
Yorkers as a h-adUlg
eonira.lor. but still niotvwldel.Tknown
as the chanipiuii sculler of America
for muiiy yearn.
Mr. rilkertuii, 1 .i*
I rought Into LI* business the same
i k uud^fom- that kepi him so long
• ' heiid of Yiinkiv oarsnieu. This
( Is lieai'
' u baps of llie
It You ((
•UUI It."
Tha AppaUtei of a^t
Qoo't fait to call and see
style and weight.
new roaa.
tbrerw-dCulBmM Sense.
Well, y ou gv to U.e
aiid-tln-n ttirt; ti> y..iir right. Ttn-ii walk
W.N-hK, and turn .axi. .\fttr rtiai
y.pil wil
ill luve to g«i—lid me. «f.-. ikiw
tba ercnicg'i ptoMure.
■ immy
ly K
Idot-kx to It? 1 de.-l.tr- I furget
lh.-r.-*< a xai.KiD MM Ihe
iiirii.-r sii-I y»ti p.i.« ihat ati.1-—
naaty of Jr'recbc* and Winter Applee
Lorin Sewoerry.
--------------. to ^bis eipr'■■V.-.No:- exetolii.'
u„- w..maii .llrertL F. I'erhett returned home July ♦.
h.-r h
- from
a three week* beelBem
If tiler..', no oilu-r w.iy u
n of Amerlc*. aad
(genius there w- mar a* well tor
' ploMan trip cetnblned. through tbe
Wberaa*. HU meoibenhlp ia tbe|)M<-k.
pa-. iu> .ahHiM—m.i wli
.prlaelpal eltiee of :the eeet
Be alee
.Bion aad atitoe labor* for the welfa'e ' ,|„. •luarter \vm;.im II..W ha* Is h:
olelted <%leago. Mllwaakee aad Oreen
_______ _
k.-tr Thi
Berepo*^^ rstenrive crop of ha* ffreaily endeared him to the nes-1.
HadB^ (before ta Uo II.
..jcbm. and winter applee all oeer tbe her* of the oaloB. l&erefore be it
Eeaolved. That while we deeolr''.
H.-nrr. fr.-.h from I’eeat.>tiU-a. romp,
Daiud Statea. aad aby* pHeee win be
moarn oar lot* we bow's aoboUtloo]
the .-Ity mid ne.vpt-d B |Mwlij.m a*
low. other frnlt* not abora aa average telhe will of tbe Sipreme Boler —
f..r « firm In the Boar.1 «f
crop. Some polnia»re short oa plum.
B«*o'.ved. That la
tbe oeaib of ‘ Trna-.'hulhllns.
Brother :ijewbeiTy tbto oaten hw tern
Hpiiry »Of.vi-d.xl In perfonulHg his
a truly and faitbfol member, hli otBci' duripx to the snttofaciion of evebildron a kind aad IcvIda pfireat aad [ erytoxly. btit be could not learn to jiae
W^mwixj at Jarre an htmorahto!
A wn... _x.V. r mn,...*mipowK-sslon of blm
-Ife PUto,
Daring the luncheon and later maaleal
ity here to get just what they want in color,
riihertM Wm the Bare,
I the -tnylK fr.<iii iIk-* hi..tr>mirtil»
I.w .e..m to h..|d .1 . nm-.! ..f I'st.m. r-
The toaeU were .dellghtfally glren
aad were full
fearfnl goreu’' Joltot PralJ.
Long Life—»^ntot|0ay»—"Prefer-
No t'aull lo lua.
ed with ferae oad datoim. tbaaldeboard
brief banked with them and tbe uble
Young Men’s
Suits, Overcoats,
Beefers, Ulsters.
aa U1 loi^ caDDOt ba tn-
and ooraer of tbe dining room waa fill
At ease plate were aooTenlre. painted
tDged. bowercr, that all (beae cffocte to
ntitiQa faflhf tbeir pnr-
9tonp totw tonmtotigcigtimigngtir
onsta of tba enmaear waa Ua "datoy
TMs Will Be An Exhibit
To tbo^'TbtrtMB dab" nd tbo “8oH
BpUlm" ecM tbe "Order od tte
Cii»L" ntoUuar^oteb
w U1 lode aadibow how
from an 'inner room, “mwer ttat
T. F. Bunier,
I Kov)e\^es
I \w
Hunter 8 BMtauEh.;« .5^^^
jDoNT Be Fooledi '
Mta. AM ywr eranut.
«i aU mW». 'm tS&JimvrtAtlu 50t t,.*.
hUiv4wmt Wm d Sa»rt* SiW mCKrt
Somt tenViWV iVkoh Vn
Will be paid for the retani or i
Infomiatioo leading to tbe recor-,
eiyofasmaU Mexican Black and' J
Tan Female Dog—beigbtb abont |
10 iocbes. aeigbt 3 pounds.
Care of Hieb. Btarcb Co.
■BUcV.SMitrts Silk -Bm,. »\.t5,
^1.16. St.OO, iS.16.
\wo vaVvs
0^ wxT SpeeVaX 9\(«)et
^OT 6S cetvt*.
J. AJD. l<lv\:vV.e\v.
*No." ssM the cewaas awamsntv.
theughtfully. “my job was not always
located right to tbe middle of the
rosepath. In tart. 1 was atotaka
ercrythlng fruro ^--------- -aad had Ue dsgs toekad oa roAtn a
~“ «*« >» ii- eoaUdrotce maa. tmd bad to Ikk tha
caasubto of the towaihip to keep a«t
."But I must couress that uy moat
ezeittog extwrieuce was doe entirely
av. UU . JuaK
to my own curioolty and coBseleBttoosi City Bess. I was toterrugattoc a Mra. Halr Oitv «hey. and 1 at Ust reached tbe «oe*tioa as to how amay there were la tbe
fa^y. “Kolae.* ahe teplled. aad.M
OftbeOeaaeaefthsCtv otCrasroM
AfClUiwoTitaMMraawt m
t Id iDpotta »•-
«ri«D« frooi m dticD. 4 ftr* iom e(
hr th« «n««to.
Jvaddittoa to Ud lajur to hi—
Mi. OitBftUi totolcf I4ts p—to
MrttoMSttMrttoWpMltolte. 44t
« httrlMli iMr lajvlto Id «r*'
i^ihtonil flriftlUnmiilm Tha
IWicnMtta. OiiDdutlptaflM ^
awto1 i» «7 ilitai, «hi
«lmo«».D< thk
Ma iaJiTT
HiiV of tha
tha Vova oCJsljwMllttarlr ohavtoi at MiatU lha tows wm «nonUrdaaorMad wtth htoarku flaff*
laiMlwit wtth • row aco. whaa
liwowMmo. thaoAool ohUdna
•Mhand Uiho
. folirohollwaa etna to tha poelOto Mnhilh baOdtot. A datoeh■ast of aatdion loUswtor tha LodWMW Dial Dalto Eto Onwda. toot tha
mmv Wadaaaday. kOtod it > «ad o^
ato tUia. Thrto Atoorteou
Ihlltor eras o thM atory wtodow
•I WiUtoawboit, H. T.. thoaua telay.
toroyM cii, Uadad to m wipty
hohy eorrlacD ud WM BOt hort.
ADotraUtau MiooitM hla ^
dtomtori olCM ahipod BOM-nl)
Into tras 4>hloMta ID Vow Toth to flia
tha prUa eOarod for tha aeaoptod
daa%B for tha ffMaway of Daorarh
alty paih WM woo by i 10 yaw ^ hoy
af that ally. Bart Wood, flow a dona
waUlowwBorahltODto ofloac «*poriwa OBd Itatotor. thoBi^yoBBt Wood
hM haaa aladytoc oaly a yaar aad a
At SaBtaABBa, Oal.. BwU Harkaa‘hart, aarcaaat. foD MO foot whtto
dtooaOay.aadwM <
Id to daath
ttotapoetalota, tha aaaldaat wia aaaaod hr i
hraaktocofaatrapto wUeh ha i
With Coknel Bryan to hit ««tog
tan wblcb the dasaad for aO that la Miapaton rxidattaUoaa. tike dtoitty.
eiaft bacto at hone, tor to the laat
throe yton a treat many thtopt harp
that ^ ShmtDO. which heloeca to tha ‘------- - to hli own state of Nebraaka
aWldraBlh reotory aad atanda to tha which the free i
tnet tank
srttL Tbm H a craoa hla fcOov dtlaeoc nerer coold batves
aad rWtoanrot about moat of the da- ontU the coMtrr bad tree cotoace of
Btoaa conblBed with an oHelaallty of oUrer-at Id toJ or until Colonel Btyaa
form which rtae the work a dtottoet ------------led preeidMit. aaja the New
charactor dolta apart tram toy othar TorfcPteaa Portoatance.tbecgodttlon
of the Nctnaka fanners caaeM Hr.
Bryan more anfnish (when be waa
talkinc to Nebraaka farmers) ttian 40^.
thlay else In this cotintry. Ererytbtoc
that tbe Nebraaka farmers raised waa
low to price aad ealoe. It aerer could
tet hlpber nntU tbe fameti _____
ceirlny dipped anrer doUan for what
they offered to tbe martets of tbe
Vbat hM bappeaed to tbe NetoaMa
fanDcti since 1M6 Bnnt be
tog to Mr. Bryan, tbe projAct for the
ealnea of aQ tbe imiinilm of the
farmer* hare, pone op- The flgnrcs on
Nebraska lire stock rnraUb D exampie. In 18B3 tbe bones of
rained at.tl7.7l54n2, tbe mtdea
at ItTM-aM. cows at $9,474,974. other
cattle at $1S33$.731 and sbeep at $SSA*
S. Tbe total ralue-of the lire otodt
ras $45.<S7A90.
aaiux ttonoABD.
At tbe present time tbe ralue of the'
of Iti klDd. In It aaHnwood la focnd cae item of “otber cattle" exceeds tbe
combined with mabogany either to , total raloe of the total live stock of
lwp«1lnff«. Dtrlngtog. shells, rases, etc., 18M. Tbe dgairs to deull for 1900 are:
and the wary light aad dark tone of , Botaea< $28,120,512; males. $2AM.«87;
the aattowood affords a most pleasing ' com. $24,329,499: other cattle, $46.mtrast to the rlcli. dark grain of tbe ,220,249: gbeep. $1,090,807. The total
Nebraskasideboards are often strnlgbL sometimes turned and floted. but the roost
gracefnl form met with to all the best
designs Is squsre. ta|>erlng to a pteaatog proportion ton-anl tbe foot, wblcfa
flnlahes with a brass caster.
Tbe drawing room chairs have usoally agnare baeka. with four straight pil
lars and carved capitals, with Inlay of
aattowood on tbe back rest. Sated and
tapering aqnare legs with spade feet,
or another design has curved nprlgbt
rails with carved top and rosette to
center, square legs, with rail and staff
ed seats.
to tbe work
toble. oblong top with drcular ends
which project beyond tbe body of tbe
table galiery ronnd tbe top. Ud toaida
locked by a key below In the talde
tmdeneatb a drawn Mlk bag for
and these totter will bold their own
through tbe summer iei^. ttelF mott
when trimmed with stltchlngs and
strapplnga, small silver buttons and
black or black and white tiro and lace
Tonight Bryan's Oomedtoas will
ffha thalr laat performanea of the
ytMMt aagagemaat to Stotoherg^
Brand. The oompany has fflraa many
ipIsBdid pertormanom of popular plve
Tha WU toatght srlll be "A Hot Time
te tha Old Town."
I ninii
Than to, peikapa, but a stogie place
to this eoButiy wbwe almoet aU tbe
aewMaptri of the Ualtad StatM are
To the fiarteaCeBarMUof The
p^er to this country epmet—an aggrorate of nearly 9.000. Itla the rnlete
read each one wilhto a day after it to
noeleed, ae a large ataff of trttotd
readtte to
VBy this plan it to poaaible for the ed:-•ore to keep to etoas tmeh with tbe
TiMtlni puhlia, and aeeuntely iafoncedastothe
to the public mmd to every section of
lbs ooentry. 'in this roedlng. such seleeUoni are made m may be of special
tosmedlate toterwi. as' well as matter
tor future nrsienee and notes that may
-warTeikBeBoranda oiisnggroiartle'.es.
KiDreow. sverytblng relaUng to the
Joniaal to dipped and filed. Tboac*
aads of dollam a year are epent to th's
week alone, bat- Editor Bok regards It
aeavery psofluble tovrotment, as IcnalaaUc totonnatlon is thus supplied
that eouldbsohtalnedlnnooiberway.,
Whits Has TartMd TeUow
SnateoattenaUoB was fait by tha
Mends of M. A. Bogarty of Lexington.
aleohlsoyaa.aBdheeaffered terriUr.
Btomala^ wasyeUow jaundice. Be
WM troated ^ the beet doctor*, bat
wUheat heaaflt. Thea be was adviacii
to try Beetrk Bitters. Us woadertul
stomaeh aad Itoer r—dy. and be
wrttro: “After toUag tn botUcs I
WM wholly eared." A tttol proves Its
^■atohlMr^tforaairetomeeh. liver
«mdkidaaytoDeWM. 6uly ueta. Soto
by sTirWt aad Jaa. G. yohnsca.
A Orest OisooTexy tor OsBcar
Woatsoa,'OxT.. Jaa. >4. looo.
Br. C D. Waruar. Dear 8ir^-I have
uaad yw Oompound of 8^ Ciw
the ffraat eaBoer euro aad blood parlBar, with caeeltont results. 1 doBOt
- - toe to niuusiiirond It forth# $mrfor whlA U to used. Ua affeete
.Mate a abort Uroa M
eaBBOtMl togivelhe
count nnlorfcUy came Into my utod.
aad I rashly determined that 1 would
allow DO such error. So I alked. 'Aud
bow auay of tboss afe plgsT
Tbe aext I knew Mra. Mulrobey
had crabbed a tettle of water off tbe
atoee aad t was pactog down tbe road
et a two-mloote dip wtu her a Hose
enough sc-ood lo sprinkle bolliog wa
ter all over my legs.and howling at the
Bite's tete^Blsr U the te
top of her voice at every Jomp. The
likes av ye'll mlMtame ihe.cblldreo av
Mike Mulcsbey pigs, 'all ye? Take
tbot! Ye’ll call me chlld.-r i^i
^tio^ the ye? Take tbot r Aod eo on
two hanks he aeeepted aad that the contents of the‘ kettle gave out.
“No," he coDCIndad.
roflsccively. “I
reallypm t
alariy Ironed li
after that
. _.
A. V. Frlsdrieh. mayor,
tag my cariosity.
A. W. Bldrord, dty clerk,
H. C. Davto. dty atterasy..
rata Oass Dvva aa tb* OUwr.
Trorane City, Mieb . Jum W. 1900.
Tbe.-e ar.- t«o mlnittcrs In Cleveland
7b the Bonorohto the Vapor ond Ou City
CoAeU of the City of Tra:
Who bear the same suniame. They aro
Vichlpsa.- '
Ber. Ward R.-<>cbcr rickard and Bev.
OeaUeman-We. tbs ua
Dr. William U i'lckanl. Some time
ago Bev. W. B. I'ickard was sittlogHo
bli study at ills homr-ou Fourth ave
\j the aty of%avane Cito amouatiag nue wlii-n his wife bruiigbt him a
[crease since 18K of about $57,000,000. to terty^ thomaBd. ato hoadred daintily sueiited euveloiw. She said
In otbn words, the \-alne of Nebras atoty-ema aad no oua huadredtha dol- that a man a.eveulug oitiro and who
ka's lire stock has snore than doobled tore ($i3.M7.00> to buy the water looke<I to lie a bloshlng groom had giv
of H. D. OaupbaU A Sous on en brt ill" iiarkagi-. Mr. rickard loro
by alorast $0,000,000.
Jaly 1st. 1900, vis:
As to wbi^er tbe farmers of Ne
ISSBIIH cf r O auer. Irfasrt,. »w«e> NMf
ntot. That the dty ooaueU MuaUy
ilrie. He e
what it was
braska have b^etlted by tbe locreasM dIvMe and Broke the Uaro limit of said
id for whom H v
uieaot. so be forraiues of their possessions and prod- boadatea <10), fltteaa (19) and twaty
aided It at -on.-, :o l»r. W. U I'lcknets. we think tbe esneeied mortgages (M) yaars.
ard. '
flieond. Thataaldboadsbeartoterof that state wlU testify, and-doubtlcaa
Another funny incldi-ui hap{M>ned. ^AITT*D -KUebe* gW « Pari^Itees.
onr readers will recall tbe stress which itattto^M^four^par^mt pro
r. W. I.. I’lckanl was condu<-tlng
Sunday school meeflngs lo a small
Odoool Bryan.laid upon tbe mortgages
town. After tb.- s.-nlcvs so elder of n*”* *I*TP> -ai PW «sros«<; asuro
which plastered the farms of tbe west
^TUrd. That tte madanlraM pay. tbe church cauie to him and said that
tbe only (teibOlty of course to pay off tho DOM of Marine mid boBda.
a pxiriy clad mah was waiting In tbe
lytag In the adopUoo
' That twoaty thoasaad aaie-txMm to see him. l>r. Ph-fcard
of the silver dollar as the money stand ....................doUan worth of Mid boads went into tbe room and coufruuied tbe
ard of the Cnited States; In 1894. when ofcqDalWoporttoa (as to time Umlt)
mger. The mau 8tsmmer.-<l and
tbe Wltoon law, which waa tbe real ha tosaa^ the tint Nattoaal Bank haltingly aald that to- wanted
trouble with tbe farmers and every ofTravsne aty, Mlehlgan, or bearer, Mr. I’lHani
body else, was startlag Its devastation and the haUaro of eald isms to Ue that his nau
TraTona City SUM Bank of *rrav«rw "What can
of Nebraska valoes. -the
City. Michlgaa, or boaror.
>11. I V
Hied In Mr. Bryan's state numbeted
Youra raapeetfully,
I n fi
24.842, and to 1895 the mortgages i«Ttavsrae City SUM Baak,
g»oil a mlDlsirt you
leased there amounted to $29,2a>.M9.
^ ^T.
me u -imui'T."
In 1898 tte tout amount of toortgagea
. ttoVl Bunk of TraveiM
Uc gut the mouev.
.444. The released mort- aty. Mich.!
IVaak WeltoD, cashier.
______ ajnounted In pumber to
msiiew.tnaTw 10 a. ■ Ojwy ».
79.932 and to value to $40^32.76^
Report of oommlttae appointed to
No fewer than tbiriy-tliroe Rritleh
Nebraska to Mr. Bryan's home state. uegottote and dispose of Ue water generals aro eerving In.auntb Africa.
The ahoe output of X.-w Hampshire
In 1800 It gave him its electoral vote. worka bonds amoButing u 84* 0B7.
I. Terws n..
- -andraad.
stete tost year was worth $2-JJNi>).000.
ras. AMnss
There can be no doubt that next to besroro*
Moved by
>y Ail
AI__________________ ___
Four or five ounces of sugar is all
that an adult In good lienltk should
eat with ImjKmlty iu tb<- course of a
MollOB carried.
Taae, Alderman Monteffue. Moore,
S’edv, Smith. Boufbey, ^yoo. fur nmiilug 1
Bound and Oairtook.
Naya, none.
we"woDder. Lave soccceded to
c lii>ure;-Chlcagc» Dail.v News.
Wbereaa. by raaolnUDo of Ible eonncU pasecd oa April 4. 1900, Ue mayor
The pn-M-nt CHtahlUlifflent of tbe
and clerk of mid city were duly a'n- military fori-v* of New South Wales
tbortoed and directed to aegotlate sad oouhIiu of ».T74 oOl.vrs and m<-n: that
obtain a loan of 84S.«fiT tor Ue pnrpoee of Qiiwmslnnd of 7.211!; South Austra
purebaaing Ue waterworks plant of
V Oampbell, said bonds to be paya lia of 5.217: Victoria of 10,218, and
ble ro follows: $13,667 to fifteen yean, west.-rn AuRtralia of 4.22ii. making the
$19,000 In twenty yean, and fli.ooo to total military fon« on the Australian
twenty-five years from Us date tbert- contlucnt 3U.G45 otflc<Ts and men
of, wlU totermt at Ue rate of three
Mow's Tbto?
and a half per cent per auBum. totereit
IL Wasted SI Lak.
payable anunsUr. and wiU Intel
We offer ana hundred dollar* reward Beatot-raeai paid.
sud principal to be payable with
for any ease of esUrrh Uat cannot be
change on New York, and
eared by Hall'e Catarrh euro.
Wbereaa. Ue mayor and clerk of uid
ledo, O.
dty did receive bids for tbe purebsi
We. tbe uaderalgaed. have iroown F.
eaid bends to be regularly issued,
J. Cheney for Uelaet
19 yean, and beUe bid of Sesaongood A Mayer of
Here him perfed
tble in all
etonati, Ohio, wae accepted by
butoero - flaaneially
able to e
m^or and clerk and Ue city eoui
'.ions mad*
^*toa'^ to
Sat unta tbe igirli! msMtof catted
by tbeDroyvtebebMdJaaekS, t$M.
we bed ae right er aathertty to offM
thebOBdsoftkeehfffara rote of toroedtogaxper eeat per e
tweror, sre haTs talcca^i
wot tbe bead tosM with
Woodbine Cottage
haartof by btt tooth.
tf Mftrnvt/o
' feed Tea.
For Iced tea make a not too strong
decoction, pouring It off tbe leaves In
three or tour minutes. Tbe tea used
should beallgbt, delicate kind. Put It
to a Jug with two or three thin atlcro of
lemon and stood on Ice UU thwoogbly
cold. JoM before seniog add a little
sbaveo Ice and baud round sugar and
milk. Few people, however, take this
totter with iced tea.
A very practical and tasbloni
bathing suit Is sketch^ by Vogoe. ..
is of light gray brUllantlue. The skirt
and blouse are told to box plaits. The
skirt fasteus to front under tho left
aide with buftona on a fly or with patfartenero. Tbe sailor collar and
tbe babds on the bottom of the skirt
ate of a darker gray brilllantlne trim
med with narrow stltcbed bands of red
bmilantloi-. white duck or rod silk
braid. Tbe dickey to also of brlUlantloe
trimmed wKli bands of red or white.
A high collar may be added If prefernd. and ll to pn-ferred b.v many wornIS the neck dites not become sun-
Wbereu, efter doe egamiaailon of
leeale Drugrtota.
Ue prooeedinga relative to uid letue of
boBdv uid Seroongood A Mayer re
Walding. Klnnan A Marvin, Wholetoaed to' accept Ue bsnds upon tb«
,le Dnigglau. Toledo. O,
ground Uet tbe city would not mort
Hall'* Caurrh Cure is taken intergage its waterworks plaoi. therefore
illy, scilog dlrrotly upon Ue blood
and mucous eurtaces ef the eystemBrooived, Uet the mayor and clerk reitimsniale sent free. Price 75e per
! and are hereby aaUo:
tborized and dl- bottle.
.11 dru|
r sale eSeapfai Ua I
geseral bnuat-
wtlOB II town a
,o.r jobB
F® »ouil>.w»»i con>«r^«ra>ire«^'^%
Ssr*I*s laslMd ot.DeBeil.
The Washington Post In an able edi
torial contrasts the surplns of almost
PStri.fSto.tXsi. In tbe fulted Slates
treas-jry .n the present timi- with the
halaui’i' four years ago. which was the
result of iKiud Usth-s in a lime of
pcatv. It al>u shows that, noiwllhSiaudiug the heavy war expeuscs that
have l-een aud are lielug locutvinl. tbe
suH’lus for this tlseal yi-ar will niuouut
tgyil>out Stt'i.oiO.iaiG oh cuniiianHl with
tbe deficit of m-arly
ymi* ago. It Is lacilnteil out that this
to not tho result of the war taxes alone,
bcceuso. eomi>aring ‘lbe month of May
this year wii
Increase of 1almost fuxsoo.uuu tbU year
to receipts from customs aloi
laalBeerc DeBoevats.
The insincerity of tho DerooenUe
leaders on ilie trust question was dealoustrsted lo the bouse of representa
tives when they deellnnl to rote with
tbe Reputdlcaos for a cousiltutloual
atoeadmeot which would have taken
the evil la band In an offeetlvo biaaner
Tbe Demucratie leodcrs don't want the
trusts destroyed. They need them for
campaign material.
■ vraue Larr* leu. alll be teld at Int thaa
Talking Maeklnes
Barkpi pne* Jche Verty
of H. 0 Campbell, payable 8M.000
for role by tbe W. W.' Kimball Co.
,000 to fifteen
yean .
years, tis.ooo
.667 In twenty
.ntv TUI
years from tbe date
Uereof. with tote............
iterrot at four
per cent Or. W. J. fflgglM. OperaUTi OeAUtry propenr J W. PatcSlB.
per annum payi
yable eeml-annoally,
prladpsl (ud tote:
iterrst to be payable
with exebaugr oa New York or Chica
go, bonus to be dated July 1. I
B.- t-i . I.h Jan. aacibruaU
it further
Besolvcd. that tbe mayor
clerk be auUorlxed to make such tem
porary arraegemeoto wiUUeTraverse
: jr yof WAXT laturaan cl acy klad ip 8r«
City bUte Bank and Ue Firat National
Bank of Traverae City as will be neccsrory to effect the transfer of tbe water
works plant from H. D. OampbeU to
tbe city of Traverse City on or before
July 1. KKIO.
Moved by Alderman Montague that
the resolution be adopted and paeaed.
Motion carried.
Yeas, Aldermen Montague'. Monra.
Sleder, BmlU,
Bongbey. Eeayon.
Round aud Uarrtoon.
Naya, none.
5Ioved by Alderman Moutague that
when Ue city hro acquired the tlUe of
the srater work* plant of S. D.
- -■ - clerk
d of 1
.__jge of__
Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Moore Uat tbe
committee on way* and aroane be anUortted to porebaee Ue neeeanary
tooto and tostramenta for Ue city engUcro'a office.
MoUm carried.
. .
tidy bill were passburned if a high collar to won. Tbe bd," says Arthur Bewail of Maine, who
tleandbrdtareofredsUk. tbtotoon- was nominated to Chicago to 1S9G as
1 Oarrieon
Democracy's candidate for the vice Stodro. 8
presidency, "the days of the early flfTbe advantage of using brtlllantine tiro. when via were the trading mari earriod. coanall adjourned.
as a trimming U that U dries amoothly time iiaUon of tbe world, would be
A.W. Biekerd,
and does not need to be pressed out wlU ns again."
City aerk.
after a-earlng. as a galatea oV dock cot
For Amerteaw Sblitos.^
tar should Iw. To make this suit fonr
I Is everywhere e
TBoabrotttrange aotiuoa fro om ao
1 he nothing to prereoi tbe early youagaeahoUXateto Utok Uat Uou
ige of tbe sblpplng hlU at tbe next
mtog and a .vard of red f
eroilan of
banda will U-required.
Aik your drafgto*.
Bing! Bang! Bing!
For the 3rd, 4th and 5th- of July.
•BC.OO pLotoa for $3.00; $4.00 photos for 12.00;
$;100 photoo for tl..o0.
And e Genuine Platinum Photoffrspbs for 26 cents. ,
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Bldowmlk Lumber in
JOHN P. OTT ft 00.
•Bon ts TrBTsrse Olty Lombdw no
'em liOMmfo MooRD, sATn8DAYi!im,Y ?. i9ei
’ M MMto 4m
gkd wtt tta tauptalka tta a Bm. «
nnkad WaolU whKbar ha waa ermy. but
two or thiua ukotaa ktnc when ha waa
hkauU hi otend. ktaUa in bond, at
Om 4<7'm hi taunlfh, TWtlW* «(
• teff* kowr lahaUtad br MW^wti Md
•rrwsamit «OeUli be towd tte Mattor
n>TBlv mU aad putdBf
-MM* «r the kettcn Into the mO boxca
which were aallMl to tha w«U taw Uw
(Mot aulrcaae. SoBehow UataM ought
a gH^>a» of otae of the ktun. Tha addrau amah him aa betnc la a famUUr
oaouaer bad
...r druMwd tha ieOar late
bosaa than it daahad spaa 1
. . . It
waa WUhaliBlaa-a. ▲ wUd faUlag <d
nriuak> luuk ladd of Hanu. Hk awaatheart had arrar teld hlM aha kaew aarh»d» la Ihk nuete part of tha dtr. nach
taaa that aha waa la nmigMiiliiii i with
a laaldeat of thia hoaaa. HfW eoald It
r Or waa ha atlatakaaT Wa^
handWThHe banted to aee the latter___
!. aad aa hla eyas uet the jaatter’a
«g It at teat and
B awt (DOtatepa ware haatd ottxhk tha
^aa. and tha jadge, friteg pale ai
death, kl go
hk «n«T7 Bad Uptoed
hk way hack U kte Back’s dear.
That night ha draamed ot a ktter box,
b WM SMterer catatnaod with hk anon
maot. Bach pawbola te tha doar wu al
the unM tkte aa eye. oa aye whkta wni
wtehteg. whik a crowd ot peagte »an
hoodng and jaaiing at him.
“Thk (nnlkhnyai Boat atop.” he aald
to hlBsaU k thrunnlag. But It dU net
■op, end a wrafc had net
ha found hlBaaU In (rant
latter box oocw WMca. grappUng with hk
-tha painter’s knar. Thk
It out undlsturhed, b«R to
. gnut chagrin, the nddnu (tarned out
to ha no utterly mBIw WUbelMaa'a ddngraphy that ha haatUy slid it back..But
than the nazt knar te pulkd out
sddnaaad la a hand ao atrlkiugly
hen that hk head grew dlxgy. and be
aeanad on tha rarg^ ot a (slating spell.
oalse. bowarer. sod in hk
. -................. a» the knar to the box be
ancaped tha (nUtlng apall. which was an
uXceOmt thlng to escape; but. than, bow
waa-be ts And one what WtlhrtmteB was
wrtUog to (hst neenrsad palatarl “Oh.
htnransr’ h. excUlcuad. dropping hk
It an and to ay ukaryr
"Whoae boa k Itr
“Wbnfa tha matter with-my kttater
hakad the painter, holding out one wbhh
wna all oUabad at one nd and (nil o(
" said the jaalter, with ohaiqalew tiisngalsr boko In the canter.
“i'll safc the knar carrier,” nnawarad
Udwlx'a heart sank wUhIa him. At
aafclag the ktter carrier.’
the saata tliiw be waa oeercuoa with a
ba« aaase of hk adf hwalUatloa at dk- retorted the peintyr- **I hare tpokea to
blB ayaett, and ha asyi he deUren ay
CtaMiag a gratleiaaa with a janitor.
~Yoo «re Ml asked to teU all thla.** ha letten fite from pockmsrlu. Thk k the
aaU gntOy and betook hltuelf to tha dfth ktter 1 Urttacelrad la thk eondihooM of hk Dnclr. tha old tows had tion. There must be aome fiend In the
caaa, aome fellow who hoe n'knite nod
dark, m tha third door, rear atalrease.
nut eraiOlic Uaaaa uid to WUhah dotea't know what to do with it and
idl yon. (las (biug wlU hare to stop i
“Aa I paued thtoagh K-----abaet thk i’U Bore to s plaer when say aaU wiU
aattaiag 1 uat aa old ehom of Blue be Mfe.”
The upshot of It was that a tyap
whoB I had Mt aaao (or three yaara.'’
with aa
tad aa ha apokt ha watched her doady sat and hk honor wos caught wttl
upty enrek^ la hk band.
to ate the adTrel which tha aeotko of the
“So you an- the chapr ahoated tha
Kteet would hart ou bar. Bba Unahad.
ante enoogbl The bl«M>d niabad to hk janitor, grabbing Ua by the collar. “You
J like a geutk t, but yon act
(aoa. then hack to hk heart and ha Ml
la ancak."
bold to the apot Was ha mktakao? It
“Huob. hushr' the unhappy young man
ha waa. why did aha not eran aak what
bcaought hk captor. “A great alsfar
ha bad beon doinc on K-----amu) At
aU ereata, ha rahralad the aaaw again tune baa befaUen me. but I'll axpUia the
and again, aurlag bar (nU Jn tha (ace. Batter to yoor aatkfactloo and mske It
Bha did not esaeUy blnah. bat her ayea worth yoor whik if you only make no
hod an naatendy look la than. nuke and kt the ntalr go ao farther.”
“What! BriUag Be to keep qnktj
1 to be paIntnUy eBhnmaaad.
“Whafa tha eutter. WOhabalaar ha Who an you. auybow. and whst do you
do hen ao ofteni Are you a thkfr
nsnaa tteinUed. “Aflae thk 1 hare
to contliine aa judge. I an going
“Ate you a
to reoigii.” ha thought to blaaetf. “I gm
into your
golug to coBBlt aukide.-' be addeA
“B« you took—<
Bocaent later.
There was nothlog for b but to tail-tha
‘MtkujMng. and ha couldn't
holp Catalog in, but la tha dapthi ot hit jaidtur about hk un<1e. As good lock
bantt lay a trvubk which waa growing would hare It the Hack wna an old and
■on eacrueUting erery minute. It he reapeetid tenant and. whst wsa still
eodld only nik her and hare done with Bore to the purpose, the aunt sad tbs
It! Bat thk he had not the heart 10 do. jsnltress were bosom frteuds. The mat
Indeed aba might taka oSenae and Mara' ter was huahed up wilbout Ilsnu beliig
hk engagMurnt ring. Tha judge ahud- put to the aaseaslty ot idUag the whok
dued to think of IL
“It atruek me as If it wan the handTte neat day he went to hk nncia’A
Aa he paaaed the paintet'a letter box ho writing of a tasn whom 1 used to know.'
took a look at the peepholea in the door.
Ihara were m letten within.
And as the ofHk cwrloalty kept growing and wMb It'
nol repeated the janitor was
kk wiuebadaaan.
“What wan yon langhlag at tha athar satkflad and the aidsode boon faded oat
ot hk Bind.
day. WUbelBlaar be Inqnlnd.
The incident cured Bnate of hk jeul''B’baor aho naked with n bl
ousy and of part of hk
“K—atreatr i*a achoed.
“Can It be that riia Aon not r.______
the way ^ bunt out UugUng itet day
ar k aha actlug a partf’ ha aakad hlaaatt. *Hhe tertalnly
• • hgard
sa apeak ot
'‘“Why, 1 told you I met a trkod whom
( had not seen for three yraiu. and”—
“That 1 reBembar, but what hna that
got to do with K----- Biteatr* iho da■Btaded rather uatily.
“Siiapiy thk." ha anawerad noronaly.
“that I told yon how my Ifknd and I
of hk emirt with hk nld time dignity,
but often when be gtres hlmadf airs, be
........................ Often, loo. when about
ury sentence the ktter
............before hk Bind's eye.
urging the weakness of fauiuau nature
and pkndlBg (or merry. Tbe judge smiles
when be (hiaka ot that agmir. “What a
child I was!” ha asya (o blaaHf. And
yet the ktter box has doaa Uiu a cuntedeiubk oaMuut i>r gouL-Tranalated
From tha Uermau INw CotnaercUl <Ad-
ka.1 BMC .« K-------otMl.'*
aoBttota Woe lieBnla.
aadak, says Tbe Army and Mtey
d. weto insUratad by Charles I to
ir any other •iractY’
“To you It doaa not pathapa. hot to aa decorate tha leaders of ftelura hopes.
R doeo.“ ha declared rahemently and There ware a good many forlShi hopet
0 tha reign of Chartea I.
dremped hU gUnen.
Ooagaoaa gold Bidsk nsed to be giren
“I don't know what yon'n talMag
about. Ludaig," rite rejoliwd. abaranpiu iway after a “fsiauus rlctory." Tbe
ha •ctuiinlBd Iwr (aee tor aoBa-BO- inubara of medsk dktrihuted in modera
warfare make tbe noe of go
lato a m
“I don-
— — ... a walk and pauid
. lAappy ermlag fiuethar. and aa ha proanadad-on hk way houa ha berated himAattifur a jaakns idlat and a booby. Ha
•uat'to'bad In axcrtlmt aidriu and kept
nttaa tap. Nerertheleu the next'aonItag.na he bent orer i
bigM taOlac np the al
r thought planted It-
|«r ha aM hlaaatt. “If aha Ipraa
a^nbadr «h». what made bee necapt
krr* ha nrgwad and tegnlnad hk cubpoonM. hM tha aan BoUeot Ik nAec«ed
■krd kfu lalItgw^ a Mytfartona pfac
wllh'Ua WBhaknIna aa Ha eantfnl IgOte, and kk euriakty atad tha «rkarr
ST^r ^ aakad Uu oaa
•ay. taotldaghk 5«tek«k<h.
0* naara.'
Be aM^ her he wu la good wkta.
kadlnwardly wuodend whether bar uaaaIkM wute net part o( n coupkg achew
day. ns hs ealactd ^ rutihak o(
te. hoau whore hk oek Brad, ha bahaH n 'tectar la the -paintet'a box. Be
rank 1 chBi look at h tiwon^ iba Ink
•Mm hBndBililig.
Ab dmawiaMMa
d wel^t of-a
6 shUling piece tone ounce). They are
strmA at the coysl mint froa daolcna
prepared by proteaskiinl medaUate^
As aony as S.SIM> uneklmed aadak
• ■ * at a time at the War
toaln. though erery effort k mado to
or bJs.helrw
iral modal
had ■'aetbing to do with the caae.” and
caiketotB hare been poaakd by tha aUpa
nod telk at aa attagemeiir fought on
• 4&.ODOtla madak a
pRuidetit HcHlalara ranomlm
tor a nreood term by tbe BepttUkaB
Datlooal coorentkm was not otOy wUe
and logical, bat Inertrabk. Demanded
by party PoUcy. It wan iw»|Ulred by p»trtotlc prlnctpk. anya tbe Phltodrtphia
Freaa. PresIdmitB bare been dob
cd brenuse they were “aralUbk.'
ennse they nemgtat tbe ofllee and boenuae tbe oflke aoagbt tbeta. Piwsidest McKinley sms named
entire country bt^ierfd blm tbe beat
In bis party for tbe place.
Bepublkani beUcrethat be U the best
BBong Rcpnbllcans wmiam McKtnky
la tJu* boat man who raold be elected
both for the party and the country.
Ty>nr years ago be bad bis rlvak and
Bk majority waa seI- Un- 8L Loo
opened, bnt tbe atriigglc cnntlnuid to
tbe end. WlUlaia McKinley was iLcn
only one among a group ot leading Bnpobllcwns. He stands akmc lodsy. He
stood the reprewL-utetlre of prutectloa.
Today be represenia tbe entire party
platfonu. Ills public acrrlcc bad been
exdualrtly In tbe boimr. He war only
known as a repreiwntatJre. Today be
laa world llinirc. His pmldcDtlal term
has made blm onb of tbe few (uremuat
setora at tbe center of tbe world's
irtnrlplea. purpose and
policy arc of weight atnl moment In all
the snwid'a wide affairs.
T%eae an- great ebancea. They reg
ister s pmonal growth In pablle repu
tation. In pery^“i ascendency. In cliarand^Widty, in the wtac direc
tion of affalra and tbe wke reading of
tbe people's will as remarkable as tbe
ercnia of hk term, remadteblc aa they
bare been. Tbese changes and this
growth liBTC been aided by cTcote, bnt
mts conatirate a barreot
field in wbtcb only strong men re«p
and bind. h*roin war and from peace
alike President McKinley has barveat«d tbe results wbicli enflcli natjons and
ennoble tbelr hktory. Uls life k al
ready ao woven In tbe eitendiog web
of national atmaU that no man
raeord tbe growth of Its industrlea. tbe
expansion of Its exports, tbe stability
of its currency, tbe Increase of Iti terrlton- tor Its aasUDiptloo of new dutlea
and r
cmmuoltjcs wiibout-wrUlng bis name
blgb on tbe list of those who both
make Imues and doddu ibem.
fioeb men. oon- In coremaod, remain
r .v.ors ago
becaune be best rc|irefieo(ed proiectlou
and least divided tbe aupiKjrUTs of
aound nioney. lUs scli<ctluu then
a balance of conaictiiig luuta
probabUlileii. It k no luugi-r. He sums
today in pi-nion and in cUarncter tbo
overmastering current of tutUunal asi>lration, determination and purpose. It
nets and centers In him as it does In no
other maiL and to blm the nation pro
poses to commit In the new era just
Opening liefore It the direction and
cutlou of lU desires and cotumaudi
He stands tiic fortuuatu link between
thc stnigglc wbicb saved tbe Union
and the dawning doienuinatlon that
tbe Cnltcd States shall lie a power
among the great powers of tbe cortb.
Our place k there. M’e mean to take
It.' President MoKluiey's Domination
la more than the n-lecUon of a man fur
the presidency. It k the lurarnatiuo
of ta great national pun>ose. vkible.
manifest, puisaant In bU pulley and
Ills choice cuts sharp and deep
through all the l-mues of the i>ast
iras four years ngo but tlio candidate
of a settled and deOiiid |Miriy plalfurm.
He U no longer Ills a)i{><-nl k to the
nation. First a Bepubllcan and lut a
he atauds as a Republican
urging tbe rmhraclng nstiunal iniriKtse.
Bis candidacy calk to bk supiurt all
that look oat and not in, who look
forward and not Inekward and who
deiertulned that the uaiion shall
tend a band to the earth’s iiard labor
of advanriug clvtUxatlon snd proipotIng ppogn-as.
On Ibis broad platfurm every Amerlan can stand. Tbk standard all can
follow who desire tbi* protection of
borne Industry, the promotion of a for
eign market, a sound currency, a gold
standard, a stable and growing hanking
system, bigber wages for labor, higher
profits (or eaidial. tbe asseriloo of natlooal authority, tbe widening of na
tional lafim-nco, Interests and ascendency and o full knowledge of tbe {>owanil resources of ti>e United States,
political and commercial, moral and
inatertal. throogh all tbe islands of tbo
ora andAll tbe tends of tbe eartlL
For Ibese things President McKinley
stands. To promote these be was oumloated. To Insnre them for tour yean
be win next November be elected
by a nation grateful for bis |iast servIcca and detennlned to cMtlnoe Its sup
port of the wprfc be has began.
R. Keene and Oliver H. P.
Belmont are predicting Democratic
ehUgame with a ll^r
UDcceas this year. Mr. Keene Is the
---------------a aabeUtoStheandofa
dgar and locAtd around a amofclag car
riage on the Great Nosthen railway.
One trarckr peodoend aa aamty box
-Ml npalogha. Another said ha didn't dal dlstreus. Mr. Itelmont Inberltad
Yea: the Democratic par
Boka^nnd thaaetora didn't enrty
ty is terribly ot^msad to the iBllUoa*«an ya glea me a Ugbtr ropaatad the alma
.eotaman to the tlM. wha steBdly kofc•d o« o( tha window. Than the BeotaA DWenlt data.
mnn’s fiagm
OeMfk! Jot Whrrk-r k fiadli« K
hard work w asrrs tite coontry snd
maintain hk plaea In tbs Puaaaitlc,
While Gwra Is not TMT mneh nand^
VBriuka In tbe ntylaa of gattncitnea
the popnlnritr of tbe fame. iBndtng aa
it doaa in oatdoor iporte tor «n
taaken tbe attempt to orlcUtete
Ideas iMvttable. Tbe thaagr* nay ba
00 aUebt as to naed h label to oOnet
aU. Bat SMB Uttte
ranca nerreadp a
e oa wril oAo gradfy 1
nmbitloa tor new
York Son. wbMi^ notes tbe
Tbe golf hat of tbe aeoaon k a aroalMa Improvemeflt on tboae wocn befoc*.
an It protects the face to soma extent
It Is In rough straw and of be
Bhape. bound on tbe edge with n
and trimmed with a aofe oearf of sUk
twisted carefully aimmd tbe. crown.
Then tberc are tbe bats of stltclted
pique to wear with the. white golf palta.
Tbeso are trimmed with tbe silk scarf
and fealber pompons. Tbe bamboo bat
Is the ligbteM and consoqoetiUy eodeat
variety and very pretty to Its light
cream tint One point of ftasUon In
bats which moot be observed Is (be abaence of tbe stiff long qnlll oo promi
nent test season. This Is aald to be enUrdy out of fa^bhm. tbe altk scarf be
ing quite snlBcloat bat where other
trimming k deolred tbe pompons
rosette of ribbon is tbe thing. .
eboR eUrt-of test oeasoo was
flm caus>- of tbe UA of grace in this
costume, but tbe new edict calls for a
length which reaches to the top of tbe
ankles and Is vastly more becoming
I any aklrt an Inch aborhw. DouJacM tweed wbicb te plaid o*m aide
and pUin on tbe other U the moat pop
ular material for tbe golf skirt and
Ontehed with stltcblng and made srltb
either a bos |daU or ao Inverted plait
in tbe center of tbe back. Gray, tan
and brown are tbe leading culora. and
jackets of.bright red-or green are woi
Shirt walota in red and pink linen
mercerised pique arv a neceeaary part
of tbe golf outfit and arc worn wtCb
white pique and ecru linen, oklrta.
Some striking color, neetns to be neces
sary to a plcturaoqao effect on tbe.golf
UfikA and’wbtlc-tbere te an attempt'to
. 5;
The Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Amusement In
stitution of the 19th Century.
Introduce green red and golf pink* are
the favortteo. Uie givi-ii forailug no
cuntraiit In- the landscape picture. A
blue akin with a red liueu aliirt wolst
made n-lth a white culter and wuni
with a black tic and a red Taui U’Sbanter te n pretty costume for a youug.
aUm glrU while an ratin.- ewtume of
red liiit-n woni with a black bat te a
striking bit of color against the green
backgniuDd. Tb.-ae lluen suite arc uauy made with a bloiw bodice end a Tbe Greatest Performers in the known world are with tlie Great Wfillace HhowH thin season, inchidiu^
ilte lluen colter Oukhed with rows
Of ntitchlDg and faateu«.-d wKh white
pearl bultono.
The Ideal golfing suit for a hot day
THE .A.3>Ta-EIX3S,
a T.Tsaryip
I a white ])lque skirt and cither a col
ored or a wbito nhlR waist woru with
a iH'Cktle matching the color of tbo
ecarf around tbi- atltebed .white duck
bat and tbe stockiugo. An fur sboee, a
good shaped, well fitted boot of kid or
calfskhi with low heels te the thing.
The bulldog toe Is rattier losing cafite,
It gives tbe foot a very ctumay ate
peorance. The reversible golf cape te
LEON AND SINGING .MULE ‘ TRILBY.’another very necemary Item In this
ajiecUI department of your wardrobe
and te at all lioM-e useful fi .(traveUag.
The 9 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act.
The 7 Stirks, Bicycle and Skating Experts.
10 Principal Maie and Female Equestrians. 10
a in reign aa
a-popular gem.
One button kid glove* arc worn with
tbe new sleeve, which has tbe dainty
underaleeve banded so closely at the
wrist that a longer glove te clumsy.
Tbe elegance of the white lawn pettlCMt has no Umit this aeaaun. It te
trimmed with
cry end lace and la made to'flt tbe btpe
In tbe approved faabloo.
Sbart black glace jackets with stitch
ed bands or tacks are ooe of tbe datetUK oatdoor garments that can be
Skjrts must Sow and are etebonMy
triatmed with sUtCbed bandA dtepteying oiany of them eltbev actual ttmica
* semblance produced by etltcbed
The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze.
to tbe ankle and are worn wtttvlow
walking abocs.
Pink te a popular color for obn
•White eoatumea eoatUnte tbo able
At 10 a. m. (laity, is the finest ever pot on tbe atraets.. A aanbonl of
aplendor. A Triompb of Art. Money and Good TMe. with Uviah
LBzaYor Hpeclaculat Effecri, and Greataat Pioteadoaal FfiatoM
at« 9M A* Miv wh« WWW-TkM* IMmc. *• 4M
U.»d bwA «ki.te«•> « Wi
to bar. Xhiring the.
10 tto pcertiKai to ritot ay tomily.
X cDMtad tto boon when I wooU repMn*«**MWi«MnWe.
Paria. I baateaad to tbe Oefaatna to P
rpatoaaaf to Orenalk.
«y«y «W iMteMM af « Mir flam. llaa. than
my Ua) did ato ftpua la
w4 w w»Mtt« to M* K kam «•< to
« Mgbtfully anxhilto
E. S. OimMl Jk 8dm
wmtoanteir ntea Im tto b
wwra afan ot W. J. Bokto harw.__
Monday, July 16,
wkarktf tew hgatnc kwlana with
team aw nil wgn tern. Mt tf
• a«ft«v teataM to MtoB^
(to wMw Ghwtoto’e toMtoc >m
rataw «p»*d the *«. M tow< It ^
gata tto Btage door fcaaper of Gobrilu
Cd waa toM that Blaocto LiUa had oot
aMtal. Bwck to kli dtou^
toaa la-eiigagad. and no oaa knew wktt
fci —
tod baeo^ of bar.’*
at toa Otoaa. app«n« to^a ka-Taa neeer law her agalar
1_ma'de tagalVy after Inga^. te
MB^w mM Itoa to toaK, ka
«U) plwto ba aaatM. Makwa la to*
that 1 kto*
a that
Bfama tl
toa act «ad *U ka kato In S
tto LUaa I bare
aaddar hour, a more
« bitter
lore ezpetimA a wlah to Tan. .
aea. For mootto I wm toroMotable.''
-U that aUr qaeathmad tto.catoatoar. aat Irnna.
_I laathtr
__________ ___
-Fabrae. yon ara a^dlc and are mak
«al ttot to tkewkt (ka oU wemaa want ing gaiuo ut me with ibla aonraiUr of
to aat tre amagtof tka anktoa on tba
■n,. .......
▲ttor aU. tkewkt rahraa, wkai aaaa- haa come, aod tbey are vai
toc~»aa Ikara to kla rlala to Softoa yelled tto calUray. antcriag
Cbarabta. tkaaa «alia apaa ktr babtod rkdly.
tba aaanaT Thay ware not prompted by
-Ume. CbernblD. pleaaa borryl
tora. Mb aaaa tto wblrn at a paaaiat (anwithout. '•We are late.”
- cy. Tka Chatiibla waa alaiply a ioUy a roiee
•Haareiu!'' exclaimed Hopble. throwramwntn He racadM a .
tkay kad on day wkila be-------------
atooktag a fragraat cigar. Bophie bad
_____________ •charrabna. Tw
gnttiw tor MUIr hand.
WKOmSSS^ Mtok nmay.
amt. to VMta ttae in tklaktag aboat taattog tkk totdt and otmgxh of you aSae_____________ ___ aborakbkaad.
■Tan ara walcoma bare arhaoarar yoa
a^ ban a ekat with mo.
waa a ceaMW aM tor told (
__________ _______ -t tba drearer.
and Ml nreria waa Intafntpud akrapdg
ky caMdw tto ladaetkin la tka gUaa of
Mtow^ agly.
' diT
' T aa
m an old alito. wtlkWka wobU
aMdlTka.«wto iaewtotar!
kad arerT bbean yoBwf* Poaa
cU CkaatitoH Her kato waa pay. bee
ayaa wan dead and aipn
knnmaUMjB^aaate to tor tbe w
_ ring of her marry laugb waa beard aa
Me tan acroaa tto ilage.
Tto deputy wai aboat to depart wbee
aid Goaatance approached. Her atepa
wen feeble tad her face foil ot aadoeaB.
-Mooaleur.” abe aaW. “may I apeak to
yoa for a momebt?”
“Well, what la It. my good r
■ Pabrre.
“I bare a petition to make. X’ou
am old aod weary. Uy health la
and 1 can no kwxer do my work b
tto OdeOB. I want to make epp
to to admlUad ioto tbe boaplul.”
“AU right." aald
r. “Wtoa I call asain
ama, hare a ouU ready fur m
“Ttora la aoraething more, monaienr.
that I would
lid like to tay.” cooUaued ‘
«ld woiaau timidly,
“ll may Intcreat;
In my furor.
ir. I beatd all you said wl
you were taUUng to madame. and 1 w
to teU yoQ that I waa Blaacfae maa.”
Inndaotartly Fabrec uiurrd an
lamalioo and ahrank from the apeaker.
Ilaneto lOlaa tho dream of bU youth,
tlf poor old woman in wham <
ratige of beauty bad died.
“Uuw old ara yoar to ioqnlred.
“Not as old. monaleur, aa 1 appear."
■to aald. with a sad smlie. “t tore been
UBfortnnaie. I am 00. and
saw me last I was |aat 40.
age of aa aetrraa b not recognlaed by
those who are her only from behind the
footUghta. I waa retired that rny year;
they thought me too oM. From that boor
I bare kaown only iKirerty and dism-as.
TUa poaldon I ftnally obtained througb
tto ataga doorkeeper, lit- spoke to tto
at tto poor aid wo
the bdak ot
utfetoa. aU tka luntowan and rartad arttel
ot tbe datoty toOat to
Itoa and ya
ad oeenad totora-farottbartoltar.
BiWanlr Ito doer waa thrown
ato Sapkto Ckanbto appeatad. a d
tag Ttoiaa, to her pretty coatama.
woomn and dreocr ...........
waa kadiMh aa a boagnt at roaen. ladi- theater. I hare tried to do my doty, but
ant to yaatto kcatth and aCroancy.
sU I am flt for now U the fa-npitaL and I
-Ah. Fabrae." aba aald JoytuBy, ‘•yoa wWi to apply to tto poblle charily for
am aaaatwaltotoe tkia erentogr
Since yon rrmember me In
— -rw-Tilar myatot to ba i
____ I thought"—a faint flush
tlnied tor pole'faes and (he words trem-Wa aia to
Usd on her Ups aa tor eyes sank beneath
toaaa mgaHt and tka canpany-«a w« tto ssu of tto man who bed known her
ai* to ma to tba OaMa. whare wa kmaa Is tto past. "My name.’* ato mortuutvJ.
prtmiird to play tor a baoadt. Mnw “M Coattanre- Fortran. Will you do
wkBa, whlto wnW
....................... - for her who
BisnAs liMir
T will attend to H tomorTov."'to aald
i a ToSee that shook with emotion.
Best aaiisMi 1 ptoate sU shall to ns
yon desire.”
Extending hU band, Fabree doaped
sadly that of Ua eompaalon. Twenty
-Awtktog yw thtoh^af.yosts before to would hare wept-wUh
Tto aU waMB had ^atiiad to*
tn hare hdd It within Ua own. Now
neaaaa. aari tka pair eoBTtmd tnaiy- )oy
b tha preneaes of a palafnl reaUty«itors
nmnlaed only tto memorr ot ottor'daya.
Os tto foUosring day Fal
r tba mambare a#tto t tto Hosphat of the Inct ...
------------ .^aaaroom gaaalp
ar tbe woman who bad glreo him _
k WMrac be ftmok tor oooa
Snrt dream of lore.-Tninslaud EVom
takyan aboat that aCnlr wkh tka l
tto French F6r Philadelphian.
IW My at tto Naotaanaa-Tlto danar m ma btoto; X ton
Wars •( <rsUla« Tim
■ntbM to tatoBe rsfsiar is the pragma ol _____
-Cto yan aagaat m to baUaea-ywr
la a great city like New York that many
pmoaa aaarfc tto march ot time without
retsrrlag to a dock. They merely note
fkbiaa itallad at bar pertoatan^ to
tatoMtd atow. lika an baaaft aw f—tey ocesrmees. No matter la what
to torad wototo tar ttoaaalTaa wmt m asetioa of tto city one may lire to will
after a moment's Ikaughl recall
e Chat will acqnaiiit him
with Ito time vf day.
Tk A Baphtok gnmdton Fktoae iw Tto people on Wi
•M>aaly by imta which tald nalMw. tore (or ysota been al
and ai towtb Ma gim lerttatad at hto when it If 11 p. m. oa______ ________
o^dotA OB Sunday nights by the loot of a
famlHar tagboat whistle. This ttig whls-WkB. ton angfc- lapnad fkbtoe te for a watchman. A cuUer in one ot
tto biggam banka Bear WaU stiweC never
looka at Trinity aa to approaches his efiCB. ' He knows to ■ rertalnty wbrttor
aaa atory to «y Uto—aay Itat tofa."
tola aa Uaie by tto loeatica ia whieb '
-It waa Inr m aettiw. at coatoaF’
-Taa: bat I toni nO yoa that too aweo a shocdrlnc peddler. If tto iai
to ea tto seotb dde of Fine atisat 1
tto. Mtoaaato. tto haratoa waa aoi a Bsaadway the caMier knows to b
■ totaka at tto Qmtodto Fiwtoka X tea. Bhoold to te u tto math of that
waa^ at tto tea aad titold mad Wfr> pelat tto cashier b Ute.
pnun myio omnt.
of teoA nnd when tbeae goww te
nude by the beat dreamaketa teg
ore aa extraTaguit a atyia aa It U poo•SUetoflnA
Tbe llret gown okettedL « dainty
.ommer confection of dark bine aatU)
fotOard. baa a pointed tmic back and
front made of Uie fonlard and accor
dion plaited, abowlng a white gUce ondcraklrt with many frIUi edged with
half Inch dark bloc ribbon. Tba xtwt
and upper part of tto alcerc 1
rrtiltc glace covered with a Uttlo
of half Inch dark bine ribbon,
fatblooable twklnga are (ntrodsead a«
bodice aqd aireres, and tto bodice friU
(a white doaely pl^ed.
Xiueo EDwnt make a Saa ahowlng In
tto summer wardrobe ot the np to date
woman. They mwt be many and rarb
to anpply the neceaaary number of
frcab morning eostumea. Botdier'a
1. llacn lawn and Itton dnM are
aU popniar materiaU and come In eereral colon, of which ecru aod pda bine
forored. Moat of tbead gown* ara
simply made with blouse or locket
waist and trimmed with stitched linen
band! of contrasting color, but aoma
me mor> elaborate garniture. Tto
pecood cut. for InsUnce. abows aa alagant gown <>f ecru linen trimmed with
fanciful braid and gold buttons and
crowned with a hat of black toUa
swathed In -hltc tuUe.
White whlpi-ord skirts well eat snd
with >x>x plaited backs are exgeUent
far weafeall to summer tbrongb. Tbey
hare tto credit of not shrinking, as
plqce does, bnt the fsbrlcs sra mneta
In tbe faroiitc foulards Ooral pat
erna of am.tlny detSlU rte With OOf
^2: ««-*•“
4%L aat toteaaia to I
at tto momtot that a rmtsla gdlw iH
U b her way rffitefteai
n bouAga*.
*• *o_f7,ya>±
ipalalni arnak PrMrWaiiM
■are HI
keare: I0u>t<a.a.;l W i sad
Ml ■pSaos.
'pkeas. MortSrre—-MortSrre 1*m> We. ■
___ ■mtrnrs-.rr
fiat r --
Mrret. UoodSwla;—a»f«rm lar gaU
----_ .
—— ..I'oTSw Uat*m» eC
BoCntO. robR.lfR. Spoctel MUSUoa Stm
- ---
swwk aikomt fismSM Wa-m. anS n
The Waukazoo House!
Tbn bsst faralahad Md tost
•ara OB tbb paalssala la ready lor
saloM. Opsa te ysar rooad. Oood
Ursty la enaaisUoB with the hi
— w Bwdn koswa oa aapUsathm.
I hare hod my baildtog
reboUt had pat ia good
shapa aod am nov raody
tu i«osfT« all old patroao.
Good Line of Jenliy
Tto tscstga tuhlea of dlBlBC ta te
«psa air has mads Its dsbnt ta afla
iiuuBtiy. Obs af New York's swell*
gnuHiM, mmimiii
llr. McDogdd haa for ymn Mds
• stodjr gBd spedhHj of cbtonic awl
W^W.IOsbeU 0^ t
gimpis old friand. the spot Ohstry
colored fOulsrd bsartng smaO Hock
and white spots Is sttrmctlreiy CteBled with Inssrtfooa of cream colatsd
lace bordered with Usek rdrst (»■
IwBS. While foulards of dark toosa losk
tbdr best with a bolero of coarse laes.
AeootdiOB plaited asd sun ray kBM
teds are becoming and cspscisUy ste
ad to tto mnsUn. badsts. gsav and
teltoa fabrlCB ot tbe snmBat's MIftatfully dalatywsfdfotoa.
John R. Santo. Eeiwil lisKsm. '
Thursday Eve., July 19 (MHfMiO MkMU
pona DAYS ONIiY.
hnml Mnesr.
cmoi FABixma at
1.1. Btfrna
•ring diaeamw that r«ialn gkUlfol nedical tiMmeat for teir care.
Sncti enaea aa (amUy physktem taU
and proooa&ce Ineanbls srs
icalari; solicited, espedslly tese
dosed with straag miners drags
sad poisana. Dr. McDonald ostonn\j the ponst aedidDes trom the eeggUUe UngdoB. He pays attai
to tbe eoase of the disegse god tostraoti his inttoBla the way to health
happiacaa. Dr. NcBooald can
r handieds’of tsattnoniala in tha
NniUag of grotefal pattenta who
hare bssB cured by him wbaa otbm
d. Be U so fsmihar with the
aa system that be Is aUe to ryad
Iwaers of tbe miod or body cor
rectly at a gtaaoe wHboot asking aay
(ham. Tbotisandi of invsHds aie
being tteoted daUy for diseases that
they do Dot I»tb, while a few drops
directed to tbesest of the
disease wonM give speedy relief, asd
It care tn a wery short time.
Oood beshh is the meet pt^kKu }e«'
.1 . With
nr; a
ir crown of h
tewntdisbri^t; without ll, misery
ctsims aa for her own. If you an a
sufferer you should weigh well tbeee
words: A peraoo who uegtecU bis
Is guilty of a great wrong to
ytohumsohlMelf aod a grav
Tbe name of Dr. McDooald, the
taliet in the curecd
ohraoie and Uageriag dteeaici has be.
comes hoosehold woni ia thethouasoda of boiuM which bis skUl and
wtmderful remedies hare mads happy
by restoring dear ooee to health after
all hopes wen loet. Tbe doctor is s
graduate of te Ugbeal aad best medhal eoUerw, aod bte ‘
esBca surprise te most skeptical i
efarooie diseases of te
idsatltaUy and aaecsaifaUy treated.
Dr. HeDDoald bm tede a apeoial
study of aU diasaasB of te bniu aa^
nsmna system, sad all dslioats eoh
■eon dtMoaes fMeuhar to
Dr. MoDewld-s Special 1
an a parmaDeot can for men aaffer1^ from aemitw aad eenal debUity
■odnrlydnay. Bbeam^sadpnolytk cfippin made to walk; oatorrba)
diifniii positing cured aad maay
mads to bte a vMspar in a Tuey few
mliteto All aehai aad palas lads
away andar hto mkgkalnBadiea Bpany or MMag atetatoi pesitiealy
S3 tfa^ te
to ntate mSdMtoto a( te £sd.
nnaaaaUstotoil. wittofler«antta " •
.. ................................
Hra liBiiniici.
Dr. D. A. McDsMMr
M aad 3M Beat Fattsa tesaD*
WTirtag ai IJS a. a. ha^ .Imm
lit LaaW. laOiaaaoalU. Laatorilk aa4 Cta-------- ym dlalag cat Ire* «raa4 BastSa.
ooora aoara.
”'o2i5r.I Ml
is■i :sislia
■k|g»ii- M|TB
tn a sn
W‘ I
Mast that thdp aappart aw to mp
' ow la tha lirbt.
aadtMtlwaariffhtoa tha alrht to
qawtica Itodaaro that *a torra
waladtp afov heat aad waot flbwal
wtodaddtfaaaaanwUhwa. !fl wap
ladiahptha anaffritolatlnaa which Z
VomlBM te VlM PvmMmU
oaJTfnt Ballot.
Briag the bsfaua bon this
pssr, to oor store snd.th^
will reosivs s psir of shoes
l^ra VMcbtfil to
4>M «B SsM IB CMa^OBpMil-U.
Tnum 4 Oalmim ami
J^ SMArtRMM.000 touiMtotoCkiMatOtU af ttoFtom
l.MjtthMiha ritHteto
HMsa4 ifeBt lb*
U «ba BUM
toM U tha aarth, ha am. Mat with
ravanta tha Alataihaaaai wUl aartaialj
MMad taaaatnl aa< aeatb CWaa, raaalttatlalhai
McaanUtha latariorudthanda
aftiBda. Aamacteaa. ha aarais
■aiiMiT to ahaak tha Tiaaroja Is Aha
MTthaBdaayverk tha atearoTa la tha
aaath. IllaaBdarat^ that thaaeaaaiaafaU paarara la Chlaa hava aaat
IdaaUeal diapatahaa to thair naphetlaa
'iMdea. Jalj c—la raapaaaa ta aa
affaal laqalrr aahlad ta Shaath^, tha
^ war daranaatat haa Jaat laaatrad tha
er«allaw1atdiii»whtoaat aa aathatUa^ aha'aaaiaa:
“Whaarhat.Jalfi~Pwpara ta haar
lha warat”
The wUdaat rawan ara afloaV aamlar ahtodf fraw Bhaarhai.
apaakofhamra frichtfal ta eeataaaPlata It to aaid that tha atraato af PaUa ara riaan af blaad aad that la addltlaa tafarattaatB.a.ooOBaUfaOhrtotiaaa hava haaa hatAarad.
Oaa wha hat rataatlj aaaapad daaerfhaa PaUa aa a aaritahla iafaraa.
aaf aaoeaUoaa aad aatold tertaraa of toolatad
fatairaara Taarlw,
lad bp Taaa Thar
Yl aad Taaf FohI 8toa, who hart
toaaad fraah adtota ocdariac tha aaardlawaxtarwiaaUee of aU
It to haaewl^ pataat aot aaralp
that tha lataraattoaalcolama wUl be
faread frew TIaa TUB. bat that UtaraaUooaltreopaUealoatot aad traatp
parte arm ataadianaYedaarar of as-
fMit. 1 aap
ht tha
joa BaMap o%ht aad heard
Hr. Braadp tire
aaOawreaffht hr dftek. I al*a aaa ctaa
wVA will
rriiTC Hr. Braadr*! talaa. hat aa I haaa
la work aU d^ a warii 1 haaa act
Waaiatotlva thaaa mow. aar wOl 1
laaaawi oe tha adltar*a food aatara hj
thUarnpioo mmtk at Ua apaaa. I
ahaU, hewarw, rat thaaa tafathwaad
rahUahatalatardata, aad at I aw
' awara U takat aaaaldarahla acpi
ta raplr
harartorthaaaptaat af tpiwaaitl
aadlahaU da tha
tor aa I
tthla adpt -Tha taherar to wecthr af
B. Banro.
Mtaara, Bantala8d.falr«-Wad8aadap alfhi tha Boara aada a daaparata
attack apoa nekalMrr. Oraaca Bnar
Oalaar. Tha «chv araa a flaraa oaa.
thaafh lattlaf oalj -aa hear. Tha
at Uat drlvaa off, laavtar a
aambar of daad oa tha flald.
Laadoa. Jolp t.—A tpaatol dtopatah
froaa Piaterto aapa that aa fatartrthal
dfhv ta whiab aura thaa a thoaaaaf
aatiTM ara aacarad. to tahfar plaaa oa
tha plalaa aorth of tha Boar pealUoa.
Tha dght, It to addad. to far tha poaaatMaofthaBearaattla.
of the dtiaaos bdiare tttare to as ooaamitp for a tow and ardor aoetotp.
Up raeetd aa a dtison of thC town
• past ID poara, 1 laaea to tha
people to jsdpe ae
awin. I leaw what
BatOTToMBtoXUid Ptoeo-lMo.
For Private Lawn
goties wm Vtoit Bipaa to btsoaU.
I a^. Jolp »-Tba Aral badlot
te rtowoBfitlr aaadidato tor etoa
piaddwt, raMltad to tha wlactloa
QfAdtolB.81ariwna.aad aa aooa aa
tha raarlt area aaaoaaatd. tha rota waa
woda aaialwoaa
rwHaUatnapotfiaridB. am
af Haw Terh, hatha rafaaadlt. thoorh
he ohaold oeeapt It.
Whoa Ua roU aoU of itntao b^oa
far Ua oowtoatias. AUnMoa pioldad
aaalod tha aawa Of I
I Wmiaaupr*traaooa. which
I aa than foot.
baawOTi wara toaaad to tha air, aad a
tbe^ abort
OossaeUaat:.gtoldad to
‘ U A. Baaing sowtoated Chariot A.
Tawaa. Tha aaaaa waa taadrad with
Briaaw by g pertiea of tha datogn
nod kP tha goltorp.
Thoorb Dadd B. am had abaolnlalp
rafatad tha aowtoatioo. part hit
waa praaaatad to tha ooaroatkw bp
Ddarata Qradp, a Tamwaap laadar.
~ wiihaveieaMkaa tnwpat.
‘■la bahalf of tha Daaaocraep of How
Tack Ip
wtteUto e
a for tha rt
owe of Darld Boaaot HUL"
At tha waatioa of Bm'a aowa, Ua
-wild. Tbp woat 08thoatoatie aaowaat of tha'(
Bntir«l7 Oat Off LiM Nlffht
Hr. am worked hto wap to tha plattorw, aad padtirdpdaaltoad. U aplta
Tarrtdc. Wiadatorm Btro^ Borthara of thto. bowarar. whan tha batloto
itad. it waa feaed that ha
Hl^lcaa aad Talr«iaph Wltaa
waa la aaaoad plaaa la potot of Dumbar
wara Blowa Doara aad Bndarad of retaa. reoaldor IW, whUa Tawaa
third, with oalp «T. Staraaaon'a
Bsrlp toat arantop a tarride wind
atorm atmek thto aaetioo of the atate.
aad whlla It waa notaarara to Traeena
U ptopad haeoe with lelepraph
a aaath of bare. The wlraa eeaaad
-to work ahortip after alx o’clock aad
the local oHaa of the Heatam Ualta
and tha Para Harqaatta tdaffraph ofdaa aeold not aowwaaleata with tha
eatalda- Tha tronWa eoald edt be lotha awadatb of tha pewara.
ealod. bat totortotoa apaatopitwaa
tooraad that a traa hadtoUaa aod pallad dowa tha wlrca awr Baades. Pm
a few wtoitaa after uhat one win
that the .saatbaaota Bk- srorkadaU
apaln. It waa oridaat that a aarlona
praaaad bp Sim MogkMot Baa.
wlabap bad oeearrM to tha Haw m
Braadp wara Proper
wbara ba|waoa ban aad Oraad Baplda.
Traaaraa Cttp, Jalp 6.1»00.
wiraa did not work it waa
BonoaMoairaio Bacoap-Tha ofioial
to laarn whan tka trenblo
beard of tha Virat Mathodtot ehareh
. la pour totaa of' todap
to Bip rbmarkt at tha latt ooaaaU thaapaetol <
Hoaxue Bocoon waa cut off aad tha
OMatiarI am parfaeUp wUllor that aapmw lataat nipht newt oonld aot be reeaiced.
ahoald erittoa aop ramarki ata public
aaaatlar aad aa I had aa iMatloa to
althor laaalt the eoairraraUoD or damarc the repnUUoo of the preacher I J. A. PaaoiBgion Saw in BU Bleep Ua
treat eT«7 fair mlodad peraoo wilt to
DrowntocofSap Vaadarvart.
ladre mp ramarka
3. A. i'ennlaptan of Lake Ana, who
What broarht out the raatarka la has been apandinc a few d^pa hen
qaaatloo wat the motion not to accept wiUblafaUer. Ber. J. Peanlnrum,
tha raalcnationof Ur. Bonnie and the
lired word pcsterdap of the drowsiaainoation that be had realrned beoauM of the mam maetlor on ^e prer- the ganp of men be has 'charpe
louanlRht loppoaedtp ^ aopport of Peafi Lake.' He waa In the craplop of
law and order. I then stated that It the Empln Lumber Co. and wmt
was mp conrieiion that there was ah- itOllat Ion to thelake when be fell in.
aolntelp no neeessitp foruaeha meet- and eoald not be reacned In time to
lar. as Tra»eiue Clip was nndoobtedlp aarehU llfe. 'A paenliar featpiU of
ooCot the hast rtweraed cities in the affair was that juat at Uebonr be wu
whole aonntrp, bavlilr onlp one police
oOear to a population ©f-OTer ton th<
tbtoeitp, rauaadfroma nap aad
hebadjaathad a terrible dream, to
Iwasanpportadalmoct onanlmoiulp which he waa trpinp to aan Venderran from drowsing. He langbcd'
» followlhr re- about it. taping thavbe waa one of tile
sorkt map ahow: One aidennaa atat- bwt ewimmen-itt Ua gang, asd
ad that it waa bis bsUef that proaebera thon^tso more about it till the Utter
[rod talUhg of hn death at
thonrhtthat-----------------------almoat the aaBse moment.
woBlddeao.aad aotcoaaUnr aronod
Ur. Vasdarron wsa about IR pean
the hook doara of taUmt'-he would do old, bU mother Hra. Sonb Barrett.
a aad the raaatal pubItrlBg scar lAke Ann. Be waa bron^l
Uo far moru rood.
ap to the familp of hto asnt, Mn.
hnoibaratatad that It waa aot Ue
PotoomeMd waa eommonlp eoUad Bap
poUoa offteara bat tha rood baharlonr Polaoma bp bit eompankwa. He waa a
ofoaraltlsaaawhlahmadethtoa r»d
popalar pooag waa and wffl be gnatlp
aad quiet ettp aad U we left -waU
' Ml bp bto frieada.
taoorh ahma” be thooi^t wa wonld
eeatlBoa totepo
wm Pnatiea at WiUtoaaabarg.
la the load, Othoia -Baade almOar re
fir. Frank BoldaworU hoa'goae |o
marks which eartalnlp proTOi that tha
whon be wm begin Ua
I af tha ma}ori^
abU jaalooatoa of Baropaaa poarm
atap tha haada of Japaa. Tha faralrn
o«aa raatirad efialal dtopatehaa froi
Taklo todap that tha r
laat iofanaad tha faralra oOaa that
la addiUoB to tha faraaa alraadp laadad la caiMA Japaa hat «0,000 troopa
■obOtoad. raadp lor aetiaa at
BatoM toSoB. Baedrod IStoffotaa
Saaparata hpt t
oa nahahorc Wadadada;
PoBrtli Y«*r-No.S»
SaaaterSm. Who, to ^ito of Bto
Ltoaoto, Meb..' Jalp «-Mr. Brpoa
atatad Uto maratog Uat ho would not
go to Kaaaaa Oitp. for the OsmoeraU
had alraadp dooa ae week ahosttog
tb^t tbep woald aot ha nblo to make
anp notoa oa hto orriral. Tborefon It
a large
from Ua ooaraaUen will rWt Uaaeia.
Before psoklna them swsy wa offer the
bslanea of our Fireworks
For smrtir'sSoiiiie
OhUOrMi’s 8hoM—
Black kid. psteat tips, bat.
too — new goodff — 48o a
OhUdTMl’8 BhOMBlaek sod tao. law aod
bottoo, patoot and kid tipe
-^Tersl oeat atylea—Boo
At Just Half Price.
a pair.
Miaaas* BhoasBlack aod tao kid, aew
BDumet abapea. sisea 12 to
Womaa*s Oxfords—
11.50 aod $1.25 kioda —
black and tao.
fortable aod aemceabte—
Xt alwape pays to trade here
and people bare found It
AIM Y. Friedricli
The Uadtog Shoe Hoi
Jdjr ChaiDDCD at Baada’s
in^he truth of any “ads.'’ They m
“A Burnt Child Dreads Fire.”
We^are^resching oat for the doobtera. For the balance of Jaly
Liberal Discoeit on all Simmar Clothiig,
Hats and Faralshligs. Cmne in end eee.
Clearing Sale
of Odds and Ends.
I w\
jt'peetUce dlAealtice.Uat
oUerwtoe toed to Ua waate
* ofmee’ Ume. effort aad
“Aak him orar Ue telepbase,'
worda frcqoestip heerd to ererp
Bee where a letter--- obLUr haa been
acure OB some point
Hanp people do not esprem UemOfiean Blaetad aad Stapn Tokoa te
aelna eleerip in correspeodenee. but e
mao can generallp
generellp make blmaelf
Zwptere Ua Oionada—Taasto
— -.1 — _i.ui_
deretood if poa
can gat wlUIn apeakOeart asd Shade Traea.
tog dlsuoea of him, bp maaas of Ua
Tbeonnoal waattogef the We-qnang elnb waa bald loat night to Ua offlea of O. P. Oarrar. Offlean wen
eloetod asd plant dtoeowad torUaiwof the elsb grenndi. The
oSeen an aa follows: '
Pnaldaat-0. F. Carrnr.
Vtoa pntident—a E. Mump.
SaantM7->Chas. P. Boek.
8. B. Walt
Dlreeton, t pean—H. Montague. F.
A. Earl. E L. Spragrn. Geo. E. Bopt If 'you want a Banaer for
Directors bolding orar—C. K. Back.
your float see me
Thoa. T. Batea, H. D. AUep, 3. W.
at onoa
The eficera were auUoiissd tomake
leb arraagementt at thep map deem
boat for the care and nae of Ue clnb
bouse aod grounds daring the scacon.
C E. Buck presentsd a plan forUe
326 Boardmas Aveoue.
nt'of the grounds that met
with moeh faror. Tbis plan prorldet
for a dne tennis aosn. acreral walla,
gram and flower plaU,
foimtato. quick growing trees aod
oUer attnetire fcatarea.
Ur. Back was auUorizsd to perfect
plans, and appoint a committee to
work with bim to- esrrpiant the ideas
For Pig Tails, bat aioce
The eltp oonaeU will be aakad ta ap
I hare tried
point V. E Hontagne special polUe
wiUost pap. Uat he map hare asUoritp to prenat tojnrp to Ue building
bp bops and oUen. who ban broken
windows and done oUer
Ue elnb bouse.
Quite a number of poang people
bars soggOetod thal Ue nae of Ue oJnb
booae be allowed Uem and oUera wbo
might with to nniu wlU tbam. during
tbeaammer, bppapmestofa seminal
mfoe. Thto action sronld BOt totorfara srlU the righta of regular s
beta. BomaUtog of Uto kind aup be
done, asd Ue matter woe loft srlU Ue
offieata to dedda.
Victor Hoatagne otatod that be
I bave come to tbe cooclosknew Ue pereons who hen eommlttad
ion tbat 5c ^1 bay s eratnt of trittdf to thto altp wm oslle to Ua dapradstiona akoat the alab hooaa,
clsss, (lelicioDs amoke. Try
wtohtog him Ua gnntoR of li;
andhesrsaanUorlaedtoaowpe] them
one sod yon will never pay
to make good Ua dsmago. and to Ua
Bootmlt HUt
10c ior s Pig TaU again. erent of retaaal to begin erlmlnal prolAteatoat. Haw'ilton Gtothtog Oa. aeadinga ag^t the gull^ partin.
Tbe big basiness of the past thirty days has
left us with many odds and ends—in other words, broken
lots in many lines, which we have decided to close out re
gardless of cost. Visit our store for real, genuine bar
gain in the next week.
I Used
to Pay lOo
Pig Tail
Xan'ituiautlno.lfl»l.>iidooiwmiahOM.... 880
Woman-, fin. kid Imm uid Sutton ahoa.............. 88c
woman-. Sna l)l.ok>nd tan oxforda.................... 75o
Woman'. allppara>nd buakina........... .............. 8S0
Woman’, raatlnd top kid laeo ahooo..........«1.80,81.76
Boy'. m.tln calf bala. aoUd.....................
Tontb-a ..tIn;o1f bala. .olid...............
Uon-a llno.kld bala.-.n.w;.tyla....... ..................82 00
Uan-a tannla.bala and oxford................60.86 and 76c
Men’s bicycle shoes.................... $1 30, $8.00 and $8.60
New Store—842 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe Hones of Northern XClchigan
I While Canvas
I Sheas Far Man-
The most comfortable shoe you can buy
forjthese hot days is a canvas shoe. We
have ^gobd one. Heavy ^vas uppers,
solid leather sc^es, leather insoles and
counters: wide, easy last If you try one
on, you're sure to buy it. Pritt is $1,50.
«»«««« *««««««««»««»»•»««««
■M X.
«. aim uur
a«fMmk Ctai
A aapabUeas •«•'
.■TtUr'ule mu
•iaack n
r* uld MatMitw.
Spw tbM tbe Kahm 01t7 eoeT«BtioB
kM cimpUtea Ito work -tha Dembanta
WbUa tka attaapM to
lUifla Utiaft mMf aatiafp aotu. aad
ppU (ka wool ovar tka area of eihan,
H cuiut ba aaiUad tkat tka Damoar»tk puxj baa tkta yaar a rat? hard
prapoalUea to taekla. TbanonlBaUoa
ofBiTaa waa a te««oaa aonaloaioa.
kaaavaaba wialda aaah an laflaanea
tkat aaaa theaa who oppoaad hia radiaalfraaaUtariaUaapeoalddo nothiaf
to aaaataiaet Ita aSeat- WbUa U ia
gtaao oat that tka paraaaoaat laaaa ia
to ka aatl-lapariallaia tha rraatiaaaa
taaU7 wiU ka le to 1, whleh ia plalal7
aadaratood kp Bryas aad tha laaden.
Bat tha rmwlBf aaBtlmant aralaat
traa attrar matt ka aetwith aomathlsp
or otbar, ao tha eoareabOB raaolred itlalflBtoan aBU-arat7Uila( kod7 and
praaeau aBU-lsparlalUai to eorar tha
raal laana. Tha verp Bomisation of
Bryaa U aaSeieot eridanee that 1C to
1 la tha Bialo iMoa. It will ba reneakaoad that oal7 a faw dap* apo Srpao
•tatad to a dcleratiOB of Colorado aiUBOBt that aU oihera nlpbt aet aalde tbe
IraaallTar iaaoa bat ba wooldalwaTt
Otaad aa lu oioal detarmlnad azpoaeBt.
Ba alao aaid that if free aUrar waa not
tbe iaana be woald not aeoapt the DobTha fipbt afaieat tbe lo to l plank in
tha aoininittee 08 rcaolaUdna waa bittor and clear, aad prtaagei dlaaator for
tka partp tbia fall.
Another anfortanata thlnr for tbe
par^ ia the failure to fortn aome aort
ofBBltp with tbe Popnliata. Ikwne
waa a atroac candidate for tha Tice
praaldaatlal aeBlaatleB and tnminr
kiB down will not tain faror with the
•taeaaaon andar ordinarp cireoinPtMPH would hare keen a deckle
oaa^^ta for taeead place, kutTowne'a'
oosrrp andelcquaBca oo the atninp
woald bare keen aa Influanca.
Boitcter. now that it la all orer, aad
wa panae to ooatampUU ike eoBpl»'
too of the Bepab^lcaa tlskat, tbe reowd
of iko admtniatratlos for fourpean
paat. aadtha harmonp in tbe-partp,
Bapsklicant map oonpratitlata tbeEatlera.
>M1 M.«. dank 1> nr
Bedap^BoooBnatartad oat to rood:
“WOkthof altl«aa<»aa«aaa».-krt
wk« of tka kOMd do Mt dadre
itetaBaRorotthapriaMrahoiild ladkita that they waoa tka OBlp off
Mkftha UoMP tranatta Bmdm
m—hmm Oumpaip Oaento tha
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
• Special
Retarn Eneagemeet.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
All This Week
aueoaud^ul. Of tbaae, twaraeeired
aaooad pradea.
d bneiaeia- meaUap of tbe La^
Guild of Grace ehureb will be held at
tbe borne of Mre. Georpe Blue Saturdap afternoon at 3 o'dock.
Thera wlU be a maaUnp of tha Bathone Slatara next Uondap afternoon at
o'dock at the 1.0. 0. F. ball, dll
mambart ara reqaeatad'to ba preaeat.
Tka ^fanaial of Daniel J. Murpbp
will be held from 8i. Frascia church
tbia BBornlnp at io o'dock.
The Brewnlea. the pirU who partici
pated In the iutaraaiional flap drill,
aad otben who aadeted ibe 6t. Pranda church oo tbe Fonnb were! delipbtfullp antaruined bp Rer. Fr. Bauer at
tbe aebob! ball laat erenlnp.
The Favorites.
The Best Repertoire Compenii
on the Road.
lapinp at popular pricet. Introduclnx
oF-Jfodtt«eomediaa aod dramas. Intenperted with apacialUea bp firatclaw rauderllle artbti.
Tbe Uoaring Farce Comedy
A Hot Time in
the Old Town
Estahlished 1857.
.^mUten Clothing do.
SmU CfBtvy
AMmited nmbm for anient SIMM
‘ 8«nld,mraraa dtp. Mich.
Special Prices
For 3rd, 4th and 6th.
New Specialties.
Imy O&tWsstiO&t
a d. Bdmm of Bortkpert wm at tha
Whltfar paatardap.
WnUam IloBOf Oadar la jat tka Oalaaafnp. Jal/ d-dtk
ahaa cemplntad an
that nmUa.
Baa. 6. a OaraH ratuiasd Iraan
haaaiaad: ••Wa, «mnH ^ Ttatana
Mra Bunaa Peak of Palo, m.. ia ia |
MO ad tka Map ratvaad b$ tka
rlpbatamn taa eitp ddllap old fdeada.
Tho fcw mioi^ht awMiBo of
to tka Batlokll Caard Faad amakoald
■MMdOwtkokoy wm ka fieao I
kaaoenditad. TUa wUl fire tka mH- GEEdT BUBZVBBS XM MlCnOAB
dW Iflap—the bImbw ObIbb
, A nice high carved back, brace arms, shaped
darp fnad a aradit e! abaat iU.OM aad
BOdar tha aaaplaaa of tha Croaeast
WaUaea% Cireaa Made a Graat Sit in
wQl praetloallp laaara tka boUiap of
seat, sewing rocker for $1.35. A nice large
ThocawOl ka a fine aariaal
Pan Bam Jaip 9.
e< aa aaeampmaat tkte pear. Qai
itat aa board aad the boat wiU
high back arm rocker for $1.65. I have over
WaUaeab dioua ia ddap a praat bnaoaaacal dtUaeoa a^ tkia
laara the doek at 6:».
Isem ia Mkblpaa. and for a new at300 different styles of .rockers. If you want
that wkUa area with tkia moa
AU whehaeaaaHawhith tkop ware weald reqaln ravp clean dpuriap to tnatlOB la tkia
to sit in the shade, 1 have a full liqe of lawn
la tka caUthanpta panda ara ra* ptodda ter a camp, pat tkad^wmpi
■ iaotkarparm
of the conntrp, b dolap
aad porch chairs and rockers, camp chairs
paaatad la ntars than at aoea Ip O. woaldbemadt.
W. sa&
badnaaa. It b a bip attraction and
and stools. One of those 25c folt^ng stoob
admlnblp maaapad nndnram aad pnbTka dm naatte of tha tkaewM dtp
you can cany in your hand and sit down
Ura Olnton Rlebarda aad aoe Ckrl UenredaUp axpramtap pleanra attar
DfiTlBf Park ----------------------------------wantto
Tbuawitnaaalaptbaehow. Bora U a telawhere you like.
earn dokaalaUp at waU aa U aearp
pram raealred a few daps apo >p the
atharwap. The rce^ sora thaa dap.
The Miraaa Baialaand OMaOdaDela-, maaaplar areal in Cbirafo. wbleb b
aoearad tka kasrp axpasaa of tka maatBaat of Grand. Bapida. ara rldtinp in, bntoBeiMtesoaevidendae tbaexeallB».
tka dtp.
lance of tbb drena:
The OaBoentie oseprcatlOBal <
B. 8. Pratt ia la Frankfort aa baai*
Port Bnrae, Micb., Jnlp t. i»M
eaatiaB wUl ba held at Bead Uyj
W. B. Ftanklin,
tka drat dap of dupBet.
1^0 B’’xx>TXt 8-tx'ee'b.
Ulaa Bertha Balawla ia tba puaat of
IdBala A. Baoea of fife Uka towa- U W. Walt aad faailp.
Can National PrinUap Oo..
Up, baa dledA patlUon for a dlrorea
Ed Gilbert U entartaiaiap hia father.
froB her bnaband. Jobs Beace. on tbe Banrp Gilbert of Paawic. N- J.
WaUaee Clrana bare todap. Dominion
prooad of aoo-anppan.
Oaoipe Utber U enterulninp bU dap: taraad asrap people both parform- bablhd tbe larpn one nnd it pben
“Adu oow.” raid tbf man who liken
Marp i. Drew baa aaaadfor a dlrorea brothen aad eiitar. Joaapta Lather. aaeea: tba prandeat. elaaneat and flueat aapadallp for tkeUdiaa and cbildran. to a«k ranaodnima. "ran yov lllnetrate
Umia Ltthar and Miaa Lana Utbar of show erer in our dtp.
Amd« ten prominent faataraa of the perpcinal niMlun Id a i>lnxl<- wordr*
froa bar bnabaad, John P. Draw,
... - ara. tba
After s fvw atu-uiiXD all xave It
eharpea BOt-iupport aad entaltp. The Stratford. OnUrio- '
It ap.
FfKO T. Moons, Mapor.
famUr. aerobate: tha Stlrk
Later, when. U wa* .
Mr. and Ura. E. 8. Pratt are entareoBBla baap two aoaa. 17 and 14 peart
M. N. psTiT, Chief Pollee.
blcpellatf: Eyi abun
iburs. Barr
Back- them, tbey all womler<-dw aoxpUlncd to
J why they bad
talninp Mra- d. D. Baker of Grand
Barbims Ma^. Sheriff.
anlmala and maap
Tbe draat Wallace Sbowa ka«e InWord baa bean raealred from Kortk' Bapldt, and Mra- L. d. Pratt of dan
trodnead anoib^ noret feature la
art that dania WaltOBkerp. who waa drbor.
Bcatoraa Tlm.Tlpor.meuUi aad pbya
dl Chmaron apeat tbe Fourth w.tk tkairalreadp larpe atreet attraeUoa cal power, fllb pour bodp with mix
tormarlp an lamaU of tka Baplam
Oermnn emIpratloD In IKO was 23,>
life. That’* wbat B(ka
tba form of a miniature parade.
hare, ia canalnp troable tbara bp bar
740. a* oppoaej lo J20.«O in ItaM.-A|Serrra' n nth* apo a babp kanparoo
iBrnaa Qoadact. It ia claimed there and Mra G. C. Moffett, ratnrnlnp to
at tbalr winter
that ahe baloapt In tbia d^p.
Mr- and Ml? Prank Fricdrien ara an- qnartera and a few waekt later llttera
}. M. dleott d So. wetk eoBtnetad
SsTfiyou SShM.
tortaiaiap Ur. aad Un. Cbarlaa Worfel of lion aad tipw .euba ware born.
with paatardap to fornUb aebool enpdCbrd.
of Oread Bapida.
Tha manapamast at a larpa expaue
for depodtlnp aabes and pap in cash
pllaa to iba amOBBt of dlO.M.
Mba Anna drmitronp aad Mra. J. bad 14 minlatara capaa bnUl for tbe
do berabp
or soap to those wbo wUl saxe their
O.Brinptbe etorm Tbnredap nlpht. W. OaunUatt ara anjopinjr a racatioo little enaa and »4 cute little Shetland
moaap on a SOaabaa for them. Talepbona new
d 8r
pbtBlnp atraek a eblmaap at the G. at Nortbport.
pralea were purebaaed to pnll them.
&. d I. fraipbt depot, kaoeldap off
Mr. and Mra. B. U. Belt ara enter; Beddas tbe animali menUonad tie
fep brickt and claaniap tbe flue nlealp talnisp Mlw Banaou of Cbieapo.
rapes ara filled with monkepa, birds See Tb«m
of allaoot.
Dwallp Lanpwonbp of UweU. is' andolberamall animab.
from \ t>ui)r. James G. Johnson, F. C. ThompFrank WlBOla, tormarlp
TisiUnphli nnela. J. 0. Laapwertbp.
Tbeminbtare parade follows eoar
New Vorl
emplop of tbe dmerlcao Bxpreee Co. ia
Barrp L Middleton, praaa repreaenthis dtp, bee- returned from Cbieapo, taUra of tbe WaUaee eiren*, b in tbe
w^ra ba aoeaptad a poalUon la the of- dtp lookinp after the bllllnp of tbe
fiee tbarr. Ba will leare aoon to toke dtp for tbe tbow.
BP tka dnUaa of bU new poalUon.
dlrin A. Campbell and wife, who
Garde are out annouBcinp the apof MUa Oertnida
Blpplna to Ur. Cbarlaa Fred Banter,
which ia to take plaoe place Julp 18. at
the home of the kHdek mother. The
larriape earamoap wlU uke place at
o'clock in tbe erenlnp.
•■Bi" Waldrieb, a elarli
krlnet plaper who
amiatad in the mnile of
>r the fourth, baa
daddad to make thiaeitp bla home.aud
wUl more here In
HhUlcm WaUemi 9aai^
Thera’s no beautp In ail tbe land.
That cau with her face compure.'
Tan Waabinpton Pott, in an able
editorial, caatrani tbe eurplua of almoit three hundred miliioo doUan lo
the I'aitad dutci treaturp at tbe
pnMBt time, with tbe balance four ^^LadiH^ -I« can Jamp ec it
paare apo which wai theraault of bend
laanm io time of peace. It alas abowa tlme"Cbliaaa^ EJaellc Flo«^'a^»S | Vopular pricet—ic*.
- Telepi
that ootwltbiuodlnp tbe hearp war SEWalv
axpaaaea that bare baeo. aod are bciop
Inaurred, tbe aorp'.n* tpr ^le decal
pear will amount to abcat lit.ooo.ooo
■a compared with tbe ded:U of nearlp
$30,000,000 lour peart afo. It ia point
ed out that tbia ia not tbe retult of tbt
war laxea alooe. bwanae. cemparlor
tha mdotb of Hap tbU pear With Uap.
IIM, there wat ao Increase of almxt
PO.OOO.OCO tbit pear in rojelpV* from
■a niocc.
Waa it a Ulracler
■‘The Marxelooe eare of Ura. Bane J- j
Stoat of coDinsptioB baa created in-1
twae excitement in Cammaca. led-," I
wriue Marlon Stuart, a le^lny dra^-,
ybtof Moncir. led. Sheobly weixbefl i
Mpoundt when bar daapbier la Vork- [
town said abe mutt aooa die. Than abe I
boynn to uae Dr. Klop'* New Dbeorarp ,
nad $alned 3T poandi In welfht and
waa completelT cored." It baa cured
tkouaandeof bopaleaa raaaa. and U poa-,
ttlTcly roarutaed to cure all throat.'
eksst and Innc dbeaaea. tOe and SI.
Trial bottl
^kamTUUartbataMOp a< J.
rnmgUll ad Lake araaae, rataaad
paatardap to their kerao ia DaeaMr.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Have been well tried and found fo be
what you want. More than 1.000 of these
instruments owned by'Grand Traverse
people. Absolutely first class in every
Sold by tbe makers.
Easy terms.
W. W. Kimball Co.
ise *tM>t stTMt..'
a. BgBinoira, itaiugw
to Mahe You Cool
On a hot day. If the 'sudden changes
come, and it’s cold tomorrow, remember
these things when the next hot day
A Cool
A Cooling
Is wortb a fortune in time
of danger.
Our Straw Hate make cool
beads—Therefore if you wear
our straw hats your head will
be worth a fortune We have
them at 6.10.12 15 and 26c. Tbe
Split Braid Hats sell at 26. 60.
76c—the Rough Braid at 76c
aud $1.00.
Hires' Root Beer—A 26 cent
package will make 6 gallons of
a delightful beverage for the
summer. White Rock Ginger
Ale sells at 8c the pint and 16c
the quart. Hunyadi Janos Uineral Water sells at 36c. Vichy
at 30c. Appolinaris for 20c.
Are the suits we're selling
now. Those at $6.60 and $7.60
—the blue serge at $6.60—the
negligee shirts at 60c. with 2
collars and a pair of cufi'a Our
dollar shirt is the beat artteie
for the money that is shown in
tbe city.
For a summer atternoon, or
any time for that matter, is
most refreshing, and especially
so if made from the big juicy
demons we're selling now at 36c
a dozen. There may be cheap
er prleas, but tba lemons are
smaller. Buy the Ug onss—
they'll go farther.
The Hannah & Lay Herciuitjle Co.
- ... -
. Aa«*an«liafMril»« to nponti
tm. ^
l.<teOnaA Ba»l&i
tte Um tt hm»^
to Wm>.
Itot «t«rtt flf UncnM-
AtOotoMi. B.
\ ■Inn ■!■, tottoto wiU^
«k* mttrnd irtil*tiyiac ^ nw
Mkto Mt VM tlmm\ UUtiUy fV-
MalUtoaa.,ft toos k»i M tto
IfMMMtMWOaiBpM^^ »
fouU Ttanter BorsiairlB »!*•
•wrirhmlMWMweri^Mk baos
totUuhaw Mon.
anNOMoby lbea^rMO boat ha
(dl ia and pertohod wlthlaV ehort dto«aaaa ed a men of fallow
The manufecturers of Royal
wltbaatbolarablote gin aa alarm.
Baking Powder have always declined
Ba team a tamUy of MUraa.
A etrael aOr trailer broto laoM from
to produce a cheap baking powder
the motor ear at Martiaatta aid ndwd
down bill, ecoatiog low of CECUomoBt :
at the sacrifice of quality.
The Royal is made frojii the
bad cate and bn toea.
OF- B. Oago WH anrlp banad
dntbatOUntby tho aaplodoa ed a
gaeollBaeteve Thare^.
dadrow Boabow, aged
most highly refined and wholesome
Ig. «f Fort
BaiM. waa drowaad-ta LoW Boron ia
the prmeaei of
a laiga eroird
ingredients, and is the embodiment
paid BO bead to hto erica. tblnkSag be
of all the excellence possible to be
woo oaly ahammleg.
Tbraa Barriaea mea are going to. try
tbe eapariiaent of
attained in the Ijlghest class baking
geata tor tbeir wool.
. powder.
Royal Baking Powder costs only
WlUlam Daadaro of Lodingtoa jpmp- ad from a paaaangar train at Baldwlo
a^htoBOtkwMbroken. TbomuSaa.
lay of DIee atumpted to board a tnla
at tba aawa plan and fell
a fair price, and is chea[J^r at its
nader tbe
wbaelt. loalag a lag.
to Aiiuit mitoa mirnttouaudL
ev£MTt It soeierr.
price than any similar article.
iy tt Bijte boUied
foeod. Tbe dob bn much cd tlw nmo
litw Mother date oMbkud. ItBOett
cBFrid^. Its
VneorA fwibm.
Tbe utenben laoka o potot od walktac UMtor laddna ntloc 18 at tabl«
Kdag and eoBtog on Friday and apiUlog MIL It U Bot raid that tb«y traafc
Bsizrota with ddibenticb. bat ODybody
who doea tank a iBunria held in great
oooiideratioo by tbe other
The opal to the badge of
- oo all
pot forth
Samples d minures made in imitatam <v. MAtag
powders, but containing .alum, arc Irequcntly dis
tributed from door to d<wr. or gux-a away lO
grocery stores,
huch mixtures
to use in food, and in many cities their sale is
-prohitiiti.'d by law. Alum is a corrusivc ]>oison. apd
all jdii-sidans ondenui iiakiag powdas Coataiamg it
Obo of tbe meet deUgbtfal eoelal
laaebaoa" glvaa 1b boBor of Mtoa Oartrade Btggiu luteTaatag at tba borne
of Mtoe LotUe Barilaad by tbe O. B. C.
laritatlOBi are eat for Mto» Hlgrina*
marriage to Nr. C. Sni Boater, aad
tbe Inaebeoa waa la tba natare of a
Tbe booee waa beaotlfally
trimmad with flowern, and arary nook
aovAL MKiNO PowDca co.. too wuiuw sr..
baring an elaboreu eenterpleoe
U water colon by
tbe ahape of d^etoa. and
gBOtauoo appropruM ». each gBeaV
thaomaaandUe toMU.
The mean
ony*r JWlVrat.
il.ttil.-nsid tody to>unc»d
Into a »ul’iirl>ati i>.ll<o Ktuiioii.
••tVto-n-8 iny JliuJ" »b.- dcuianded.
•Tfa-B imnloii. iirndnii
niiier Mid tUf oiHivi
"iN.n'i yon «lsr>••iN.n'i
<tor>- to prswme
of the kind." i^iapi-d the lady. "Hoe.
lnd«d: No. Kir.
hnjlmiid—my huehand. Hc'e^mlKsliig. dlKaMK-un-d. di-
wbieb. ia Itt prerBiUng eolon aad ar.
of uaswoMMrr^
tbatotobn carried ob
oat the
raagemcat. oi
white aad gold td« of the datoy.
Pramid OlekeB
Lottaeo Sandwlcbea
Salted Almonde
Viooaa BoUe
KfiAlab BoM
Apple aadTiot Salad
Onage lee
aim HiruaiKi. pnBMi.Bg
•1 toaatmletme, called for the followlag toaete:
The Loei Plelad-"We that are of
panr fire. Imltete
the elarry oboir."
Mabel Batec.
0. b:-a-'-Speak:
meotgoce by
letter aa^affrotien."
Oaylc Uriiwold,
To Bare and to Bold.-"»ODe but
the brarc dcMfee the fair."
don't MijrU Inive sou to understand
.at r
dan. you «ll Iben- and flatly eolilradlei
a rate|Kiyert—liw-tway* the Inwfiil
wife of ow. I'll rvjMirt v«u. «lr. l>o
It report you! Wben-'s
you lu'ar that?
my linsh.iiHl^"
•Tloi dan* you iwll me your <lear
inndaui? IN> you think Hint 1' raniv
here to he Insult'd? I tidl you luy hnsluind lias di'f.omiK-d. and von'sit there
:iy. Wb..............................
like n dnmuiy.
•bnt do yon think «t
••Well, amdara." n-*ponded tbe po
lite lns]Nslor. "I baxi-n't the pleasure
of yonr hiiKlinnil'K neiinaintan'i, lint
Some of the lmt:d-.'rgaiis .md Ktreet
pIsiniK this y.-sr ,iiv Kinilng out relleImis iiinKir.
A chance Today and Saturday, to select
from «amples of the largest manufacturers
Tb« .lonait ct .duDoe 1. UmIbmU
aeoemory to iu cnooem. Aa urea worm
ekoneat to be remored to tbe fvide and
pleonre moot people take in tbeir onpemitiaL A rapurotition to an actrw
and designers of ydupg men’s wear in this
country—Young men may hnd an opptBtun*
in tbe way of adTerttoement to only lew
'ralsable than tbe loaa of her jewela To
otiwr people npentltioni are of Inportance in giving piqnaocy to-Mogr8]diical notices and sketchee of character
now BO popular In carrest weekUea—
3few Vork Adrerttoer. ■
hiu‘aad aUnaloai.
wbieb were keeoly appreciated by all.
Mleetioni on the phonograph ^ded to
One lauilnhle i hange in Kuuland to
lb.1t a eonti'uipt lor •onin.eriv, which.
OU.S' flourUlKil in tie- higtor social
etosKcs. to iiiiw every wlieiv dis<i>uraged:
JanH« l*ayu say* that sixty yvam
hii. iii.vme frr.iu *«<h
vhom iiwy «toP'- - - -hankers whom
I'uung nil II Ibuiight IbeiuM-lree
In invfeiTlixK a
whh iir.iliuble iKiiurj. lo an iieMired
Comiieteli|.e with their li.inde wdl.d liy
mill-. This nlisnrd prejudice to uow!
ax uiiii'h ridiriil.d by young uico as tr
the old.
• .,
ilne aristoiTatle youth toidy' liemme
engascil to the ward of a gei
old SllM-fl!
certnio Idut on In-r wntcl iii>a.
~i liave to (viifesK, u y dear sir,said he. *nb»t her fani
gults reeeiillv <iitineiii-d
"I am sorry—" to-ga;
aiau; gravidy.
••So am 1." iHit lu the old si-ntleauuL
tcxilly. "Hot it i-an'i lie li<-l|rf.d."
•'I wa. nlioiil to say." euiitiiiued the
"I .im
Mirry ih:ii
Hnnighl me Kiieh i
jBbaaoB'a drug atan.
««rw SigeoTwy
for Blood
. weirrt.thc.'..n.y istowd «.,.=< and
ic-tlm.. ttoo«f>.
It Sftved Bit Leg.
-Now.- said nil' uid cenrleman who
give th.'iii dlrv
Ui:il (all bnilOliig .iway
dewti tto.ei..-1'i"•Vwx. " repli..! ihe ilti.O l.K'kIi.g man.'
ii'.l hto wir... p. to- «iiN- tJiat there-
Will be shown at the same time and by the
same manufacturers' agenL -These are the
handsomest goods on the mariKt, and every
O.irKiiieii during ibe early *:*«.
I'ilkerton was uiateluil to row doable
nguliisl uiiullH-r le.nii.
lie ntid Ills
1- were Ito- <-liiiu.pious, and tite
rfal bi-lief wu» that
without effort. Hot 'the iilglii be
fore the p-gatlu public opinion xuddeie
ly am) mysn-rtoiisly rhangid.
knew iliai this w
cause.1 by .my new devel.ipuieiit of
■ In Ms o|i|KineniK or any Ioks
mother of boys should see them.
If you
' have a boy that you want something espec
ially nice for. you can order one of these
suits, overcoats, reefers or ulsters to be de
livered any time twtween now and next fall.
Call Today
and Tomorrow.
that tto-P‘ 'was talk of his rowing mate
having tom to.iight ii|> by tl*' other
side and of nn arraiigeim nt to liiruw
the raci-.
tie didn't
c atomt hi*
..lie, i*ui
uij.'ll lue I.... uieij
Hied ill the xb.dl and were well
oul into tlie cIm-ji uiiter he leaiosl ovy-r
tii hto male' and -aid:
"tosik here, y.iu U.smilnc i-flt-ihr«at.
to KU'luk drown or wi( this
kimn me:" He won.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
••See here." h- -.ii.l to ihe gr
•'are you V»- lu.-li. uiei pin the x:
on Mi«x Jetrtil.-'« lit-r-ify’
••Yt«. sir. -Vnyihltig wnnig. sJrl
••li was loose very Vk.m.. She had
no ;Sooner nioiintiHl tliati ihe x.idJJ>>
the Teacups
The women folks talk of the pleasant and uopleas^
~ant features at housekeeping.
s go Hdllic iiga'n ioinqrr..wy
One of the pleasantest things they tttlk about |
is tbe TEA we offer at 55c a pound.
L>to-dafe Grocer.-
Telephone 149.
157 Fr<
Fagged Out,” »
I £»aXesl
Hold i.y Dniiigina
1-7-f. jT.. iin.l rje. j
I ^
■Bic* S. Ive who'.ljrcursd H
... ulee
-ieer». wound*, oiler.
lo fire d.yi
____ s.ive
10 the world. Core
{fe the beet
Ooly iS ct«. Sold by S
E. Walt and Ja*. O- Jobawo. druggist*
' wbwev-r be found hlmatdf aloiip with
1 the »B«niinPat
lo«™meh. and
And caUed
omied upon
nnnn toronto ronm."e^d teibe'^^ fii^y wid i***latlmate frlcadt oar bdanfeU sym-|vpr«. wUb it.
patby aad auare them tba*. w# moarn i
Tbla nervouanea* was naderotood by
with than ia tbe hoar of their aorrow. 1 the other l<oy«. vbu evoerally relieved
aad farther
1 blm of tlH- terror of rexpondlng when
Beantrod, That oar ebarter be drap-: a roll tynii
> era* alone in the
edia soaratar for thirty day* aad - But oite
that a eo^ d tbeae rcaolatloM beloOtv..
epcoed mm tba alaatea of tbto order
Thore rome a rinf «i tbe tetopboae.
3tSol. ta. OaM ud a~
Suits, Overcoats,
Reefers, Ulsters
The first sutomutrartor to liegla
Work oil the X. iT Vork rapid transit
tunnel ' .wa James Fllberton. known
Yorkers as a h-adUlg
eonira.lor. but still niotvwldel.Tknown
as the chanipiuii sculler of America
for muiiy yearn.
Mr. rilkertuii, 1 .i*
I rought Into LI* business the same
i k uud^fom- that kepi him so long
• ' heiid of Yiinkiv oarsnieu. This
( Is lieai'
' u baps of llie
It You ((
•UUI It."
Tha AppaUtei of a^t
Qoo't fait to call and see
style and weight.
new roaa.
tbrerw-dCulBmM Sense.
Well, y ou gv to U.e
aiid-tln-n ttirt; ti> y..iir right. Ttn-ii walk
W.N-hK, and turn .axi. .\fttr rtiai
y.pil wil
ill luve to g«i—lid me. «f.-. ikiw
tba ercnicg'i ptoMure.
■ immy
ly K
Idot-kx to It? 1 de.-l.tr- I furget
lh.-r.-*< a xai.KiD MM Ihe
iiirii.-r sii-I y»ti p.i.« ihat ati.1-—
naaty of Jr'recbc* and Winter Applee
Lorin Sewoerry.
--------------. to ^bis eipr'■■V.-.No:- exetolii.'
u„- w..maii .llrertL F. I'erhett returned home July ♦.
h.-r h
- from
a three week* beelBem
If tiler..', no oilu-r w.iy u
n of Amerlc*. aad
(genius there w- mar a* well tor
' ploMan trip cetnblned. through tbe
Wberaa*. HU meoibenhlp ia tbe|)M<-k.
pa-. iu> .ahHiM—m.i wli
.prlaelpal eltiee of :the eeet
Be alee
.Bion aad atitoe labor* for the welfa'e ' ,|„. •luarter \vm;.im II..W ha* Is h:
olelted <%leago. Mllwaakee aad Oreen
_______ _
k.-tr Thi
Berepo*^^ rstenrive crop of ha* ffreaily endeared him to the nes-1.
HadB^ (before ta Uo II.
..jcbm. and winter applee all oeer tbe her* of the oaloB. l&erefore be it
Eeaolved. That while we deeolr''.
H.-nrr. fr.-.h from I’eeat.>tiU-a. romp,
Daiud Statea. aad aby* pHeee win be
moarn oar lot* we bow's aoboUtloo]
the .-Ity mid ne.vpt-d B |Mwlij.m a*
low. other frnlt* not abora aa average telhe will of tbe Sipreme Boler —
f..r « firm In the Boar.1 «f
crop. Some polnia»re short oa plum.
B«*o'.ved. That la
tbe oeaib of ‘ Trna-.'hulhllns.
Brother :ijewbeiTy tbto oaten hw tern
Hpiiry »Of.vi-d.xl In perfonulHg his
a truly and faitbfol member, hli otBci' duripx to the snttofaciion of evebildron a kind aad IcvIda pfireat aad [ erytoxly. btit be could not learn to jiae
W^mwixj at Jarre an htmorahto!
A wn... _x.V. r mn,...*mipowK-sslon of blm
-Ife PUto,
Daring the luncheon and later maaleal
ity here to get just what they want in color,
riihertM Wm the Bare,
I the -tnylK fr.<iii iIk-* hi..tr>mirtil»
I.w .e..m to h..|d .1 . nm-.! ..f I'st.m. r-
The toaeU were .dellghtfally glren
aad were full
fearfnl goreu’' Joltot PralJ.
Long Life—»^ntot|0ay»—"Prefer-
No t'aull lo lua.
ed with ferae oad datoim. tbaaldeboard
brief banked with them and tbe uble
Young Men’s
Suits, Overcoats,
Beefers, Ulsters.
aa U1 loi^ caDDOt ba tn-
and ooraer of tbe dining room waa fill
At ease plate were aooTenlre. painted
tDged. bowercr, that all (beae cffocte to
ntitiQa faflhf tbeir pnr-
9tonp totw tonmtotigcigtimigngtir
onsta of tba enmaear waa Ua "datoy
TMs Will Be An Exhibit
To tbo^'TbtrtMB dab" nd tbo “8oH
BpUlm" ecM tbe "Order od tte
Cii»L" ntoUuar^oteb
w U1 lode aadibow how
from an 'inner room, “mwer ttat
T. F. Bunier,
I Kov)e\^es
I \w
Hunter 8 BMtauEh.;« .5^^^
jDoNT Be Fooledi '
Mta. AM ywr eranut.
«i aU mW». 'm tS&JimvrtAtlu 50t t,.*.
hUiv4wmt Wm d Sa»rt* SiW mCKrt
Somt tenViWV iVkoh Vn
Will be paid for the retani or i
Infomiatioo leading to tbe recor-,
eiyofasmaU Mexican Black and' J
Tan Female Dog—beigbtb abont |
10 iocbes. aeigbt 3 pounds.
Care of Hieb. Btarcb Co.
■BUcV.SMitrts Silk -Bm,. »\.t5,
^1.16. St.OO, iS.16.
\wo vaVvs
0^ wxT SpeeVaX 9\(«)et
^OT 6S cetvt*.
J. AJD. l<lv\:vV.e\v.
*No." ssM the cewaas awamsntv.
theughtfully. “my job was not always
located right to tbe middle of the
rosepath. In tart. 1 was atotaka
ercrythlng fruro ^--------- -aad had Ue dsgs toekad oa roAtn a
~“ «*« >» ii- eoaUdrotce maa. tmd bad to Ikk tha
caasubto of the towaihip to keep a«t
."But I must couress that uy moat
ezeittog extwrieuce was doe entirely
av. UU . JuaK
to my own curioolty and coBseleBttoosi City Bess. I was toterrugattoc a Mra. Halr Oitv «hey. and 1 at Ust reached tbe «oe*tioa as to how amay there were la tbe
fa^y. “Kolae.* ahe teplled. aad.M
OftbeOeaaeaefthsCtv otCrasroM
AfClUiwoTitaMMraawt m
t Id iDpotta »•-
«ri«D« frooi m dticD. 4 ftr* iom e(
hr th« «n««to.
Jvaddittoa to Ud lajur to hi—
Mi. OitBftUi totolcf I4ts p—to
MrttoMSttMrttoWpMltolte. 44t
« httrlMli iMr lajvlto Id «r*'
i^ihtonil flriftlUnmiilm Tha
IWicnMtta. OiiDdutlptaflM ^
awto1 i» «7 ilitai, «hi
«lmo«».D< thk
Ma iaJiTT
HiiV of tha
tha Vova oCJsljwMllttarlr ohavtoi at MiatU lha tows wm «nonUrdaaorMad wtth htoarku flaff*
laiMlwit wtth • row aco. whaa
liwowMmo. thaoAool ohUdna
•Mhand Uiho
. folirohollwaa etna to tha poelOto Mnhilh baOdtot. A datoeh■ast of aatdion loUswtor tha LodWMW Dial Dalto Eto Onwda. toot tha
mmv Wadaaaday. kOtod it > «ad o^
ato tUia. Thrto Atoorteou
Ihlltor eras o thM atory wtodow
•I WiUtoawboit, H. T.. thoaua telay.
toroyM cii, Uadad to m wipty
hohy eorrlacD ud WM BOt hort.
ADotraUtau MiooitM hla ^
dtomtori olCM ahipod BOM-nl)
Into tras 4>hloMta ID Vow Toth to flia
tha prUa eOarod for tha aeaoptod
daa%B for tha ffMaway of Daorarh
alty paih WM woo by i 10 yaw ^ hoy
af that ally. Bart Wood, flow a dona
waUlowwBorahltODto ofloac «*poriwa OBd Itatotor. thoBi^yoBBt Wood
hM haaa aladytoc oaly a yaar aad a
At SaBtaABBa, Oal.. BwU Harkaa‘hart, aarcaaat. foD MO foot whtto
dtooaOay.aadwM <
Id to daath
ttotapoetalota, tha aaaldaat wia aaaaod hr i
hraaktocofaatrapto wUeh ha i
With Coknel Bryan to hit ««tog
tan wblcb the dasaad for aO that la Miapaton rxidattaUoaa. tike dtoitty.
eiaft bacto at hone, tor to the laat
throe yton a treat many thtopt harp
that ^ ShmtDO. which heloeca to tha ‘------- - to hli own state of Nebraaka
aWldraBlh reotory aad atanda to tha which the free i
tnet tank
srttL Tbm H a craoa hla fcOov dtlaeoc nerer coold batves
aad rWtoanrot about moat of the da- ontU the coMtrr bad tree cotoace of
Btoaa conblBed with an oHelaallty of oUrer-at Id toJ or until Colonel Btyaa
form which rtae the work a dtottoet ------------led preeidMit. aaja the New
charactor dolta apart tram toy othar TorfcPteaa Portoatance.tbecgodttlon
of the Nctnaka fanners caaeM Hr.
Bryan more anfnish (when be waa
talkinc to Nebraaka farmers) ttian 40^.
thlay else In this cotintry. Ererytbtoc
that tbe Nebraaka farmers raised waa
low to price aad ealoe. It aerer could
tet hlpber nntU tbe fameti _____
ceirlny dipped anrer doUan for what
they offered to tbe martets of tbe
Vbat hM bappeaed to tbe NetoaMa
fanDcti since 1M6 Bnnt be
tog to Mr. Bryan, tbe projAct for the
ealnea of aQ tbe imiinilm of the
farmer* hare, pone op- The flgnrcs on
Nebraska lire stock rnraUb D exampie. In 18B3 tbe bones of
rained at.tl7.7l54n2, tbe mtdea
at ItTM-aM. cows at $9,474,974. other
cattle at $1S33$.731 and sbeep at $SSA*
S. Tbe total ralue-of the lire otodt
ras $45.<S7A90.
aaiux ttonoABD.
At tbe present time tbe ralue of the'
of Iti klDd. In It aaHnwood la focnd cae item of “otber cattle" exceeds tbe
combined with mabogany either to , total raloe of the total live stock of
lwp«1lnff«. Dtrlngtog. shells, rases, etc., 18M. Tbe dgairs to deull for 1900 are:
and the wary light aad dark tone of , Botaea< $28,120,512; males. $2AM.«87;
the aattowood affords a most pleasing ' com. $24,329,499: other cattle, $46.mtrast to the rlcli. dark grain of tbe ,220,249: gbeep. $1,090,807. The total
Nebraskasideboards are often strnlgbL sometimes turned and floted. but the roost
gracefnl form met with to all the best
designs Is squsre. ta|>erlng to a pteaatog proportion ton-anl tbe foot, wblcfa
flnlahes with a brass caster.
Tbe drawing room chairs have usoally agnare baeka. with four straight pil
lars and carved capitals, with Inlay of
aattowood on tbe back rest. Sated and
tapering aqnare legs with spade feet,
or another design has curved nprlgbt
rails with carved top and rosette to
center, square legs, with rail and staff
ed seats.
to tbe work
toble. oblong top with drcular ends
which project beyond tbe body of tbe
table galiery ronnd tbe top. Ud toaida
locked by a key below In the talde
tmdeneatb a drawn Mlk bag for
and these totter will bold their own
through tbe summer iei^. ttelF mott
when trimmed with stltchlngs and
strapplnga, small silver buttons and
black or black and white tiro and lace
Tonight Bryan's Oomedtoas will
ffha thalr laat performanea of the
ytMMt aagagemaat to Stotoherg^
Brand. The oompany has fflraa many
ipIsBdid pertormanom of popular plve
Tha WU toatght srlll be "A Hot Time
te tha Old Town."
I ninii
Than to, peikapa, but a stogie place
to this eoButiy wbwe almoet aU tbe
aewMaptri of the Ualtad StatM are
To the fiarteaCeBarMUof The
p^er to this country epmet—an aggrorate of nearly 9.000. Itla the rnlete
read each one wilhto a day after it to
noeleed, ae a large ataff of trttotd
readtte to
VBy this plan it to poaaible for the ed:-•ore to keep to etoas tmeh with tbe
TiMtlni puhlia, and aeeuntely iafoncedastothe
to the public mmd to every section of
lbs ooentry. 'in this roedlng. such seleeUoni are made m may be of special
tosmedlate toterwi. as' well as matter
tor future nrsienee and notes that may
-warTeikBeBoranda oiisnggroiartle'.es.
KiDreow. sverytblng relaUng to the
Joniaal to dipped and filed. Tboac*
aads of dollam a year are epent to th's
week alone, bat- Editor Bok regards It
aeavery psofluble tovrotment, as IcnalaaUc totonnatlon is thus supplied
that eouldbsohtalnedlnnooiberway.,
Whits Has TartMd TeUow
SnateoattenaUoB was fait by tha
Mends of M. A. Bogarty of Lexington.
aleohlsoyaa.aBdheeaffered terriUr.
Btomala^ wasyeUow jaundice. Be
WM troated ^ the beet doctor*, bat
wUheat heaaflt. Thea be was adviacii
to try Beetrk Bitters. Us woadertul
stomaeh aad Itoer r—dy. and be
wrttro: “After toUag tn botUcs I
WM wholly eared." A tttol proves Its
^■atohlMr^tforaairetomeeh. liver
«mdkidaaytoDeWM. 6uly ueta. Soto
by sTirWt aad Jaa. G. yohnsca.
A Orest OisooTexy tor OsBcar
Woatsoa,'OxT.. Jaa. >4. looo.
Br. C D. Waruar. Dear 8ir^-I have
uaad yw Oompound of 8^ Ciw
the ffraat eaBoer euro aad blood parlBar, with caeeltont results. 1 doBOt
- - toe to niuusiiirond It forth# $mrfor whlA U to used. Ua affeete
.Mate a abort Uroa M
eaBBOtMl togivelhe
count nnlorfcUy came Into my utod.
aad I rashly determined that 1 would
allow DO such error. So I alked. 'Aud
bow auay of tboss afe plgsT
Tbe aext I knew Mra. Mulrobey
had crabbed a tettle of water off tbe
atoee aad t was pactog down tbe road
et a two-mloote dip wtu her a Hose
enough sc-ood lo sprinkle bolliog wa
ter all over my legs.and howling at the
Bite's tete^Blsr U the te
top of her voice at every Jomp. The
likes av ye'll mlMtame ihe.cblldreo av
Mike Mulcsbey pigs, 'all ye? Take
tbot! Ye’ll call me chlld.-r i^i
^tio^ the ye? Take tbot r Aod eo on
two hanks he aeeepted aad that the contents of the‘ kettle gave out.
“No," he coDCIndad.
roflsccively. “I
reallypm t
alariy Ironed li
after that
. _.
A. V. Frlsdrieh. mayor,
tag my cariosity.
A. W. Bldrord, dty clerk,
H. C. Davto. dty atterasy..
rata Oass Dvva aa tb* OUwr.
Trorane City, Mieb . Jum W. 1900.
Tbe.-e ar.- t«o mlnittcrs In Cleveland
7b the Bonorohto the Vapor ond Ou City
CoAeU of the City of Tra:
Who bear the same suniame. They aro
Vichlpsa.- '
Ber. Ward R.-<>cbcr rickard and Bev.
OeaUeman-We. tbs ua
Dr. William U i'lckanl. Some time
ago Bev. W. B. I'ickard was sittlogHo
bli study at ills homr-ou Fourth ave
\j the aty of%avane Cito amouatiag nue wlii-n his wife bruiigbt him a
[crease since 18K of about $57,000,000. to terty^ thomaBd. ato hoadred daintily sueiited euveloiw. She said
In otbn words, the \-alne of Nebras atoty-ema aad no oua huadredtha dol- that a man a.eveulug oitiro and who
ka's lire stock has snore than doobled tore ($i3.M7.00> to buy the water looke<I to lie a bloshlng groom had giv
of H. D. OaupbaU A Sous on en brt ill" iiarkagi-. Mr. rickard loro
by alorast $0,000,000.
Jaly 1st. 1900, vis:
As to wbi^er tbe farmers of Ne
ISSBIIH cf r O auer. Irfasrt,. »w«e> NMf
ntot. That the dty ooaueU MuaUy
ilrie. He e
what it was
braska have b^etlted by tbe locreasM dIvMe and Broke the Uaro limit of said
id for whom H v
uieaot. so be forraiues of their possessions and prod- boadatea <10), fltteaa (19) and twaty
aided It at -on.-, :o l»r. W. U I'lcknets. we think tbe esneeied mortgages (M) yaars.
ard. '
flieond. Thataaldboadsbeartoterof that state wlU testify, and-doubtlcaa
Another funny incldi-ui hap{M>ned. ^AITT*D -KUebe* gW « Pari^Itees.
onr readers will recall tbe stress which itattto^M^four^par^mt pro
r. W. I.. I’lckanl was condu<-tlng
Sunday school meeflngs lo a small
Odoool Bryan.laid upon tbe mortgages
town. After tb.- s.-nlcvs so elder of n*”* *I*TP> -ai PW «sros«<; asuro
which plastered the farms of tbe west
^TUrd. That tte madanlraM pay. tbe church cauie to him and said that
tbe only (teibOlty of course to pay off tho DOM of Marine mid boBda.
a pxiriy clad mah was waiting In tbe
lytag In the adopUoo
' That twoaty thoasaad aaie-txMm to see him. l>r. Ph-fcard
of the silver dollar as the money stand ....................doUan worth of Mid boads went into tbe room and coufruuied tbe
ard of the Cnited States; In 1894. when ofcqDalWoporttoa (as to time Umlt)
mger. The mau 8tsmmer.-<l and
tbe Wltoon law, which waa tbe real ha tosaa^ the tint Nattoaal Bank haltingly aald that to- wanted
trouble with tbe farmers and every ofTravsne aty, Mlehlgan, or bearer, Mr. I’lHani
body else, was startlag Its devastation and the haUaro of eald isms to Ue that his nau
TraTona City SUM Bank of *rrav«rw "What can
of Nebraska valoes. -the
City. Michlgaa, or boaror.
>11. I V
Hied In Mr. Bryan's state numbeted
Youra raapeetfully,
I n fi
24.842, and to 1895 the mortgages i«Ttavsrae City SUM Baak,
g»oil a mlDlsirt you
leased there amounted to $29,2a>.M9.
^ ^T.
me u -imui'T."
In 1898 tte tout amount of toortgagea
. ttoVl Bunk of TraveiM
Uc gut the mouev.
.444. The released mort- aty. Mich.!
IVaak WeltoD, cashier.
______ ajnounted In pumber to
msiiew.tnaTw 10 a. ■ Ojwy ».
79.932 and to value to $40^32.76^
Report of oommlttae appointed to
No fewer than tbiriy-tliroe Rritleh
Nebraska to Mr. Bryan's home state. uegottote and dispose of Ue water generals aro eerving In.auntb Africa.
The ahoe output of X.-w Hampshire
In 1800 It gave him its electoral vote. worka bonds amoButing u 84* 0B7.
I. Terws n..
- -andraad.
stete tost year was worth $2-JJNi>).000.
ras. AMnss
There can be no doubt that next to besroro*
Moved by
>y Ail
AI__________________ ___
Four or five ounces of sugar is all
that an adult In good lienltk should
eat with ImjKmlty iu tb<- course of a
MollOB carried.
Taae, Alderman Monteffue. Moore,
S’edv, Smith. Boufbey, ^yoo. fur nmiilug 1
Bound and Oairtook.
Naya, none.
we"woDder. Lave soccceded to
c lii>ure;-Chlcagc» Dail.v News.
Wbereaa. by raaolnUDo of Ible eonncU pasecd oa April 4. 1900, Ue mayor
The pn-M-nt CHtahlUlifflent of tbe
and clerk of mid city were duly a'n- military fori-v* of New South Wales
tbortoed and directed to aegotlate sad oouhIiu of ».T74 oOl.vrs and m<-n: that
obtain a loan of 84S.«fiT tor Ue pnrpoee of Qiiwmslnnd of 7.211!; South Austra
purebaaing Ue waterworks plant of
V Oampbell, said bonds to be paya lia of 5.217: Victoria of 10,218, and
ble ro follows: $13,667 to fifteen yean, west.-rn AuRtralia of 4.22ii. making the
$19,000 In twenty yean, and fli.ooo to total military fon« on the Australian
twenty-five years from Us date tbert- contlucnt 3U.G45 otflc<Ts and men
of, wlU totermt at Ue rate of three
Mow's Tbto?
and a half per cent per auBum. totereit
IL Wasted SI Lak.
payable anunsUr. and wiU Intel
We offer ana hundred dollar* reward Beatot-raeai paid.
sud principal to be payable with
for any ease of esUrrh Uat cannot be
change on New York, and
eared by Hall'e Catarrh euro.
Wbereaa. Ue mayor and clerk of uid
ledo, O.
dty did receive bids for tbe purebsi
We. tbe uaderalgaed. have iroown F.
eaid bends to be regularly issued,
J. Cheney for Uelaet
19 yean, and beUe bid of Sesaongood A Mayer of
Here him perfed
tble in all
etonati, Ohio, wae accepted by
butoero - flaaneially
able to e
m^or and clerk and Ue city eoui
'.ions mad*
^*toa'^ to
Sat unta tbe igirli! msMtof catted
by tbeDroyvtebebMdJaaekS, t$M.
we bed ae right er aathertty to offM
thebOBdsoftkeehfffara rote of toroedtogaxper eeat per e
tweror, sre haTs talcca^i
wot tbe bead tosM with
Woodbine Cottage
haartof by btt tooth.
tf Mftrnvt/o
' feed Tea.
For Iced tea make a not too strong
decoction, pouring It off tbe leaves In
three or tour minutes. Tbe tea used
should beallgbt, delicate kind. Put It
to a Jug with two or three thin atlcro of
lemon and stood on Ice UU thwoogbly
cold. JoM before seniog add a little
sbaveo Ice and baud round sugar and
milk. Few people, however, take this
totter with iced tea.
A very practical and tasbloni
bathing suit Is sketch^ by Vogoe. ..
is of light gray brUllantlue. The skirt
and blouse are told to box plaits. The
skirt fasteus to front under tho left
aide with buftona on a fly or with patfartenero. Tbe sailor collar and
tbe babds on the bottom of the skirt
ate of a darker gray brilllantlne trim
med with narrow stltcbed bands of red
bmilantloi-. white duck or rod silk
braid. Tbe dickey to also of brlUlantloe
trimmed wKli bands of red or white.
A high collar may be added If prefernd. and ll to pn-ferred b.v many wornIS the neck dites not become sun-
Wbereu, efter doe egamiaailon of
leeale Drugrtota.
Ue prooeedinga relative to uid letue of
boBdv uid Seroongood A Mayer re
Walding. Klnnan A Marvin, Wholetoaed to' accept Ue bsnds upon tb«
,le Dnigglau. Toledo. O,
ground Uet tbe city would not mort
Hall'* Caurrh Cure is taken intergage its waterworks plaoi. therefore
illy, scilog dlrrotly upon Ue blood
and mucous eurtaces ef the eystemBrooived, Uet the mayor and clerk reitimsniale sent free. Price 75e per
! and are hereby aaUo:
tborized and dl- bottle.
.11 dru|
r sale eSeapfai Ua I
geseral bnuat-
wtlOB II town a
,o.r jobB
F® »ouil>.w»»i con>«r^«ra>ire«^'^%
Ssr*I*s laslMd ot.DeBeil.
The Washington Post In an able edi
torial contrasts the surplns of almost
PStri.fSto.tXsi. In tbe fulted Slates
treas-jry .n the present timi- with the
halaui’i' four years ago. which was the
result of iKiud Usth-s in a lime of
pcatv. It al>u shows that, noiwllhSiaudiug the heavy war expeuscs that
have l-een aud are lielug locutvinl. tbe
suH’lus for this tlseal yi-ar will niuouut
tgyil>out Stt'i.oiO.iaiG oh cuniiianHl with
tbe deficit of m-arly
ymi* ago. It Is lacilnteil out that this
to not tho result of the war taxes alone,
bcceuso. eomi>aring ‘lbe month of May
this year wii
Increase of 1almost fuxsoo.uuu tbU year
to receipts from customs aloi
laalBeerc DeBoevats.
The insincerity of tho DerooenUe
leaders on ilie trust question was dealoustrsted lo the bouse of representa
tives when they deellnnl to rote with
tbe Reputdlcaos for a cousiltutloual
atoeadmeot which would have taken
the evil la band In an offeetlvo biaaner
Tbe Demucratie leodcrs don't want the
trusts destroyed. They need them for
campaign material.
■ vraue Larr* leu. alll be teld at Int thaa
Talking Maeklnes
Barkpi pne* Jche Verty
of H. 0 Campbell, payable 8M.000
for role by tbe W. W.' Kimball Co.
,000 to fifteen
yean .
years, tis.ooo
.667 In twenty
.ntv TUI
years from tbe date
Uereof. with tote............
iterrot at four
per cent Or. W. J. fflgglM. OperaUTi OeAUtry propenr J W. PatcSlB.
per annum payi
yable eeml-annoally,
prladpsl (ud tote:
iterrst to be payable
with exebaugr oa New York or Chica
go, bonus to be dated July 1. I
B.- t-i . I.h Jan. aacibruaU
it further
Besolvcd. that tbe mayor
clerk be auUorlxed to make such tem
porary arraegemeoto wiUUeTraverse
: jr yof WAXT laturaan cl acy klad ip 8r«
City bUte Bank and Ue Firat National
Bank of Traverae City as will be neccsrory to effect the transfer of tbe water
works plant from H. D. OampbeU to
tbe city of Traverse City on or before
July 1. KKIO.
Moved by Alderman Montague that
the resolution be adopted and paeaed.
Motion carried.
Yeas, Aldermen Montague'. Monra.
Sleder, BmlU,
Bongbey. Eeayon.
Round aud Uarrtoon.
Naya, none.
5Ioved by Alderman Moutague that
when Ue city hro acquired the tlUe of
the srater work* plant of S. D.
- -■ - clerk
d of 1
.__jge of__
Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman Moore Uat tbe
committee on way* and aroane be anUortted to porebaee Ue neeeanary
tooto and tostramenta for Ue city engUcro'a office.
MoUm carried.
. .
tidy bill were passburned if a high collar to won. Tbe bd," says Arthur Bewail of Maine, who
tleandbrdtareofredsUk. tbtotoon- was nominated to Chicago to 1S9G as
1 Oarrieon
Democracy's candidate for the vice Stodro. 8
presidency, "the days of the early flfTbe advantage of using brtlllantine tiro. when via were the trading mari earriod. coanall adjourned.
as a trimming U that U dries amoothly time iiaUon of tbe world, would be
A.W. Biekerd,
and does not need to be pressed out wlU ns again."
City aerk.
after a-earlng. as a galatea oV dock cot
For Amerteaw Sblitos.^
tar should Iw. To make this suit fonr
I Is everywhere e
TBoabrotttrange aotiuoa fro om ao
1 he nothing to prereoi tbe early youagaeahoUXateto Utok Uat Uou
ige of tbe sblpplng hlU at tbe next
mtog and a .vard of red f
eroilan of
banda will U-required.
Aik your drafgto*.
Bing! Bang! Bing!
For the 3rd, 4th and 5th- of July.
•BC.OO pLotoa for $3.00; $4.00 photos for 12.00;
$;100 photoo for tl..o0.
And e Genuine Platinum Photoffrspbs for 26 cents. ,
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Bldowmlk Lumber in
JOHN P. OTT ft 00.
•Bon ts TrBTsrse Olty Lombdw no
'em liOMmfo MooRD, sATn8DAYi!im,Y ?. i9ei
’ M MMto 4m
gkd wtt tta tauptalka tta a Bm. «
nnkad WaolU whKbar ha waa ermy. but
two or thiua ukotaa ktnc when ha waa
hkauU hi otend. ktaUa in bond, at
Om 4<7'm hi taunlfh, TWtlW* «(
• teff* kowr lahaUtad br MW^wti Md
•rrwsamit «OeUli be towd tte Mattor
n>TBlv mU aad putdBf
-MM* «r the kettcn Into the mO boxca
which were aallMl to tha w«U taw Uw
(Mot aulrcaae. SoBehow UataM ought
a gH^>a» of otae of the ktun. Tha addrau amah him aa betnc la a famUUr
oaouaer bad
...r druMwd tha ieOar late
bosaa than it daahad spaa 1
. . . It
waa WUhaliBlaa-a. ▲ wUd faUlag <d
nriuak> luuk ladd of Hanu. Hk awaatheart had arrar teld hlM aha kaew aarh»d» la Ihk nuete part of tha dtr. nach
taaa that aha waa la nmigMiiliiii i with
a laaldeat of thia hoaaa. HfW eoald It
r Or waa ha atlatakaaT Wa^
handWThHe banted to aee the latter___
!. aad aa hla eyas uet the jaatter’a
«g It at teat and
B awt (DOtatepa ware haatd ottxhk tha
^aa. and tha jadge, friteg pale ai
death, kl go
hk «n«T7 Bad Uptoed
hk way hack U kte Back’s dear.
That night ha draamed ot a ktter box,
b WM SMterer catatnaod with hk anon
maot. Bach pawbola te tha doar wu al
the unM tkte aa eye. oa aye whkta wni
wtehteg. whik a crowd ot peagte »an
hoodng and jaaiing at him.
“Thk (nnlkhnyai Boat atop.” he aald
to hlBsaU k thrunnlag. But It dU net
■op, end a wrafc had net
ha found hlBaaU In (rant
latter box oocw WMca. grappUng with hk
-tha painter’s knar. Thk
It out undlsturhed, b«R to
. gnut chagrin, the nddnu (tarned out
to ha no utterly mBIw WUbelMaa'a ddngraphy that ha haatUy slid it back..But
than the nazt knar te pulkd out
sddnaaad la a hand ao atrlkiugly
hen that hk head grew dlxgy. and be
aeanad on tha rarg^ ot a (slating spell.
oalse. bowarer. sod in hk
. -................. a» the knar to the box be
ancaped tha (nUtlng apall. which was an
uXceOmt thlng to escape; but. than, bow
waa-be ts And one what WtlhrtmteB was
wrtUog to (hst neenrsad palatarl “Oh.
htnransr’ h. excUlcuad. dropping hk
It an and to ay ukaryr
"Whoae boa k Itr
“Wbnfa tha matter with-my kttater
hakad the painter, holding out one wbhh
wna all oUabad at one nd and (nil o(
" said the jaalter, with ohaiqalew tiisngalsr boko In the canter.
“i'll safc the knar carrier,” nnawarad
Udwlx'a heart sank wUhIa him. At
aafclag the ktter carrier.’
the saata tliiw be waa oeercuoa with a
ba« aaase of hk adf hwalUatloa at dk- retorted the peintyr- **I hare tpokea to
blB ayaett, and ha asyi he deUren ay
CtaMiag a gratleiaaa with a janitor.
~Yoo «re Ml asked to teU all thla.** ha letten fite from pockmsrlu. Thk k the
aaU gntOy and betook hltuelf to tha dfth ktter 1 Urttacelrad la thk eondihooM of hk Dnclr. tha old tows had tion. There must be aome fiend In the
caaa, aome fellow who hoe n'knite nod
dark, m tha third door, rear atalrease.
nut eraiOlic Uaaaa uid to WUhah dotea't know what to do with it and
idl yon. (las (biug wlU hare to stop i
“Aa I paued thtoagh K-----abaet thk i’U Bore to s plaer when say aaU wiU
aattaiag 1 uat aa old ehom of Blue be Mfe.”
The upshot of It was that a tyap
whoB I had Mt aaao (or three yaara.'’
with aa
tad aa ha apokt ha watched her doady sat and hk honor wos caught wttl
upty enrek^ la hk band.
to ate the adTrel which tha aeotko of the
“So you an- the chapr ahoated tha
Kteet would hart ou bar. Bba Unahad.
ante enoogbl The bl«M>d niabad to hk janitor, grabbing Ua by the collar. “You
J like a geutk t, but yon act
(aoa. then hack to hk heart and ha Ml
la ancak."
bold to the apot Was ha mktakao? It
“Huob. hushr' the unhappy young man
ha waa. why did aha not eran aak what
bcaought hk captor. “A great alsfar
ha bad beon doinc on K-----amu) At
aU ereata, ha rahralad the aaaw again tune baa befaUen me. but I'll axpUia the
and again, aurlag bar (nU Jn tha (ace. Batter to yoor aatkfactloo and mske It
Bha did not esaeUy blnah. bat her ayea worth yoor whik if you only make no
hod an naatendy look la than. nuke and kt the ntalr go ao farther.”
“What! BriUag Be to keep qnktj
1 to be paIntnUy eBhnmaaad.
“Whafa tha eutter. WOhabalaar ha Who an you. auybow. and whst do you
do hen ao ofteni Are you a thkfr
nsnaa tteinUed. “Aflae thk 1 hare
to contliine aa judge. I an going
“Ate you a
to reoigii.” ha thought to blaaetf. “I gm
into your
golug to coBBlt aukide.-' be addeA
“B« you took—<
Bocaent later.
There was nothlog for b but to tail-tha
‘MtkujMng. and ha couldn't
holp Catalog in, but la tha dapthi ot hit jaidtur about hk un<1e. As good lock
bantt lay a trvubk which waa growing would hare It the Hack wna an old and
■on eacrueUting erery minute. It he reapeetid tenant and. whst wsa still
eodld only nik her and hare done with Bore to the purpose, the aunt sad tbs
It! Bat thk he had not the heart 10 do. jsnltress were bosom frteuds. The mat
Indeed aba might taka oSenae and Mara' ter was huahed up wilbout Ilsnu beliig
hk engagMurnt ring. Tha judge ahud- put to the aaseaslty ot idUag the whok
dued to think of IL
“It atruek me as If it wan the handTte neat day he went to hk nncia’A
Aa he paaaed the paintet'a letter box ho writing of a tasn whom 1 used to know.'
took a look at the peepholea in the door.
Ihara were m letten within.
And as the ofHk cwrloalty kept growing and wMb It'
nol repeated the janitor was
kk wiuebadaaan.
“What wan yon langhlag at tha athar satkflad and the aidsode boon faded oat
ot hk Bind.
day. WUbelBlaar be Inqnlnd.
The incident cured Bnate of hk jeul''B’baor aho naked with n bl
ousy and of part of hk
“K—atreatr i*a achoed.
“Can It be that riia Aon not r.______
the way ^ bunt out UugUng itet day
ar k aha actlug a partf’ ha aakad hlaaatt. *Hhe tertalnly
• • hgard
sa apeak ot
'‘“Why, 1 told you I met a trkod whom
( had not seen for three yraiu. and”—
“That 1 reBembar, but what hna that
got to do with K----- Biteatr* iho da■Btaded rather uatily.
“Siiapiy thk." ha anawerad noronaly.
“that I told yon how my Ifknd and I
of hk emirt with hk nld time dignity,
but often when be gtres hlmadf airs, be
........................ Often, loo. when about
ury sentence the ktter
............before hk Bind's eye.
urging the weakness of fauiuau nature
and pkndlBg (or merry. Tbe judge smiles
when be (hiaka ot that agmir. “What a
child I was!” ha asya (o blaaHf. And
yet the ktter box has doaa Uiu a cuntedeiubk oaMuut i>r gouL-Tranalated
From tha Uermau INw CotnaercUl <Ad-
ka.1 BMC .« K-------otMl.'*
aoBttota Woe lieBnla.
aadak, says Tbe Army and Mtey
d. weto insUratad by Charles I to
ir any other •iractY’
“To you It doaa not pathapa. hot to aa decorate tha leaders of ftelura hopes.
R doeo.“ ha declared rahemently and There ware a good many forlShi hopet
0 tha reign of Chartea I.
dremped hU gUnen.
Ooagaoaa gold Bidsk nsed to be giren
“I don't know what yon'n talMag
about. Ludaig," rite rejoliwd. abaranpiu iway after a “fsiauus rlctory." Tbe
ha •ctuiinlBd Iwr (aee tor aoBa-BO- inubara of medsk dktrihuted in modera
warfare make tbe noe of go
lato a m
“I don-
— — ... a walk and pauid
. lAappy ermlag fiuethar. and aa ha proanadad-on hk way houa ha berated himAattifur a jaakns idlat and a booby. Ha
•uat'to'bad In axcrtlmt aidriu and kept
nttaa tap. Nerertheleu the next'aonItag.na he bent orer i
bigM taOlac np the al
r thought planted It-
|«r ha aM hlaaatt. “If aha Ipraa
a^nbadr «h». what made bee necapt
krr* ha nrgwad and tegnlnad hk cubpoonM. hM tha aan BoUeot Ik nAec«ed
■krd kfu lalItgw^ a Mytfartona pfac
wllh'Ua WBhaknIna aa Ha eantfnl IgOte, and kk euriakty atad tha «rkarr
ST^r ^ aakad Uu oaa
•ay. taotldaghk 5«tek«k<h.
0* naara.'
Be aM^ her he wu la good wkta.
kadlnwardly wuodend whether bar uaaaIkM wute net part o( n coupkg achew
day. ns hs ealactd ^ rutihak o(
te. hoau whore hk oek Brad, ha bahaH n 'tectar la the -paintet'a box. Be
rank 1 chBi look at h tiwon^ iba Ink
•Mm hBndBililig.
Ab dmawiaMMa
d wel^t of-a
6 shUling piece tone ounce). They are
strmA at the coysl mint froa daolcna
prepared by proteaskiinl medaUate^
As aony as S.SIM> uneklmed aadak
• ■ * at a time at the War
toaln. though erery effort k mado to
or bJs.helrw
iral modal
had ■'aetbing to do with the caae.” and
caiketotB hare been poaakd by tha aUpa
nod telk at aa attagemeiir fought on
• 4&.ODOtla madak a
pRuidetit HcHlalara ranomlm
tor a nreood term by tbe BepttUkaB
Datlooal coorentkm was not otOy wUe
and logical, bat Inertrabk. Demanded
by party PoUcy. It wan iw»|Ulred by p»trtotlc prlnctpk. anya tbe Phltodrtphia
Freaa. PresIdmitB bare been dob
cd brenuse they were “aralUbk.'
ennse they nemgtat tbe ofllee and boenuae tbe oflke aoagbt tbeta. Piwsidest McKinley sms named
entire country bt^ierfd blm tbe beat
In bis party for tbe place.
Bepublkani beUcrethat be U the best
BBong Rcpnbllcans wmiam McKtnky
la tJu* boat man who raold be elected
both for the party and the country.
Ty>nr years ago be bad bis rlvak and
Bk majority waa seI- Un- 8L Loo
opened, bnt tbe atriigglc cnntlnuid to
tbe end. WlUlaia McKinley was iLcn
only one among a group ot leading Bnpobllcwns. He stands akmc lodsy. He
stood the reprewL-utetlre of prutectloa.
Today be represenia tbe entire party
platfonu. Ills public acrrlcc bad been
exdualrtly In tbe boimr. He war only
known as a repreiwntatJre. Today be
laa world llinirc. His pmldcDtlal term
has made blm onb of tbe few (uremuat
setora at tbe center of tbe world's
irtnrlplea. purpose and
policy arc of weight atnl moment In all
the snwid'a wide affairs.
T%eae an- great ebancea. They reg
ister s pmonal growth In pablle repu
tation. In pery^“i ascendency. In cliarand^Widty, in the wtac direc
tion of affalra and tbe wke reading of
tbe people's will as remarkable as tbe
ercnia of hk term, remadteblc aa they
bare been. Tbese changes and this
growth liBTC been aided by cTcote, bnt
mts conatirate a barreot
field in wbtcb only strong men re«p
and bind. h*roin war and from peace
alike President McKinley has barveat«d tbe results wbicli enflcli natjons and
ennoble tbelr hktory. Uls life k al
ready ao woven In tbe eitendiog web
of national atmaU that no man
raeord tbe growth of Its industrlea. tbe
expansion of Its exports, tbe stability
of its currency, tbe Increase of Iti terrlton- tor Its aasUDiptloo of new dutlea
and r
cmmuoltjcs wiibout-wrUlng bis name
blgb on tbe list of those who both
make Imues and doddu ibem.
fioeb men. oon- In coremaod, remain
r .v.ors ago
becaune be best rc|irefieo(ed proiectlou
and least divided tbe aupiKjrUTs of
aound nioney. lUs scli<ctluu then
a balance of conaictiiig luuta
probabUlileii. It k no luugi-r. He sums
today in pi-nion and in cUarncter tbo
overmastering current of tutUunal asi>lration, determination and purpose. It
nets and centers In him as it does In no
other maiL and to blm the nation pro
poses to commit In the new era just
Opening liefore It the direction and
cutlou of lU desires and cotumaudi
He stands tiic fortuuatu link between
thc stnigglc wbicb saved tbe Union
and the dawning doienuinatlon that
tbe Cnltcd States shall lie a power
among the great powers of tbe cortb.
Our place k there. M’e mean to take
It.' President MoKluiey's Domination
la more than the n-lecUon of a man fur
the presidency. It k the lurarnatiuo
of ta great national pun>ose. vkible.
manifest, puisaant In bU pulley and
Ills choice cuts sharp and deep
through all the l-mues of the i>ast
iras four years ngo but tlio candidate
of a settled and deOiiid |Miriy plalfurm.
He U no longer Ills a)i{><-nl k to the
nation. First a Bepubllcan and lut a
he atauds as a Republican
urging tbe rmhraclng nstiunal iniriKtse.
Bis candidacy calk to bk supiurt all
that look oat and not in, who look
forward and not Inekward and who
deiertulned that the uaiion shall
tend a band to the earth’s iiard labor
of advanriug clvtUxatlon snd proipotIng ppogn-as.
On Ibis broad platfurm every Amerlan can stand. Tbk standard all can
follow who desire tbi* protection of
borne Industry, the promotion of a for
eign market, a sound currency, a gold
standard, a stable and growing hanking
system, bigber wages for labor, higher
profits (or eaidial. tbe asseriloo of natlooal authority, tbe widening of na
tional lafim-nco, Interests and ascendency and o full knowledge of tbe {>owanil resources of ti>e United States,
political and commercial, moral and
inatertal. throogh all tbe islands of tbo
ora andAll tbe tends of tbe eartlL
For Ibese things President McKinley
stands. To promote these be was oumloated. To Insnre them for tour yean
be win next November be elected
by a nation grateful for bis |iast servIcca and detennlned to cMtlnoe Its sup
port of the wprfc be has began.
R. Keene and Oliver H. P.
Belmont are predicting Democratic
ehUgame with a ll^r
UDcceas this year. Mr. Keene Is the
---------------a aabeUtoStheandofa
dgar and locAtd around a amofclag car
riage on the Great Nosthen railway.
One trarckr peodoend aa aamty box
-Ml npalogha. Another said ha didn't dal dlstreus. Mr. Itelmont Inberltad
Yea: the Democratic par
Boka^nnd thaaetora didn't enrty
ty is terribly ot^msad to the iBllUoa*«an ya glea me a Ugbtr ropaatad the alma
.eotaman to the tlM. wha steBdly kofc•d o« o( tha window. Than the BeotaA DWenlt data.
mnn’s fiagm
OeMfk! Jot Whrrk-r k fiadli« K
hard work w asrrs tite coontry snd
maintain hk plaea In tbs Puaaaitlc,
While Gwra Is not TMT mneh nand^
VBriuka In tbe ntylaa of gattncitnea
the popnlnritr of tbe fame. iBndtng aa
it doaa in oatdoor iporte tor «n
taaken tbe attempt to orlcUtete
Ideas iMvttable. Tbe thaagr* nay ba
00 aUebt as to naed h label to oOnet
aU. Bat SMB Uttte
ranca nerreadp a
e oa wril oAo gradfy 1
nmbitloa tor new
York Son. wbMi^ notes tbe
Tbe golf hat of tbe aeoaon k a aroalMa Improvemeflt on tboae wocn befoc*.
an It protects the face to soma extent
It Is In rough straw and of be
Bhape. bound on tbe edge with n
and trimmed with a aofe oearf of sUk
twisted carefully aimmd tbe. crown.
Then tberc are tbe bats of stltclted
pique to wear with the. white golf palta.
Tbeso are trimmed with tbe silk scarf
and fealber pompons. Tbe bamboo bat
Is the ligbteM and consoqoetiUy eodeat
variety and very pretty to Its light
cream tint One point of ftasUon In
bats which moot be observed Is (be abaence of tbe stiff long qnlll oo promi
nent test season. This Is aald to be enUrdy out of fa^bhm. tbe altk scarf be
ing quite snlBcloat bat where other
trimming k deolred tbe pompons
rosette of ribbon is tbe thing. .
eboR eUrt-of test oeasoo was
flm caus>- of tbe UA of grace in this
costume, but tbe new edict calls for a
length which reaches to the top of tbe
ankles and Is vastly more becoming
I any aklrt an Inch aborhw. DouJacM tweed wbicb te plaid o*m aide
and pUin on tbe other U the moat pop
ular material for tbe golf skirt and
Ontehed with stltcblng and made srltb
either a bos |daU or ao Inverted plait
in tbe center of tbe back. Gray, tan
and brown are tbe leading culora. and
jackets of.bright red-or green are woi
Shirt walota in red and pink linen
mercerised pique arv a neceeaary part
of tbe golf outfit and arc worn wtCb
white pique and ecru linen, oklrta.
Some striking color, neetns to be neces
sary to a plcturaoqao effect on tbe.golf
UfikA and’wbtlc-tbere te an attempt'to
. 5;
The Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Amusement In
stitution of the 19th Century.
Introduce green red and golf pink* are
the favortteo. Uie givi-ii forailug no
cuntraiit In- the landscape picture. A
blue akin with a red liueu aliirt wolst
made n-lth a white culter and wuni
with a black tic and a red Taui U’Sbanter te n pretty costume for a youug.
aUm glrU while an ratin.- ewtume of
red liiit-n woni with a black bat te a
striking bit of color against the green
backgniuDd. Tb.-ae lluen suite arc uauy made with a bloiw bodice end a Tbe Greatest Performers in the known world are with tlie Great Wfillace HhowH thin season, inchidiu^
ilte lluen colter Oukhed with rows
Of ntitchlDg and faateu«.-d wKh white
pearl bultono.
The Ideal golfing suit for a hot day
THE .A.3>Ta-EIX3S,
a T.Tsaryip
I a white ])lque skirt and cither a col
ored or a wbito nhlR waist woru with
a iH'Cktle matching the color of tbo
ecarf around tbi- atltebed .white duck
bat and tbe stockiugo. An fur sboee, a
good shaped, well fitted boot of kid or
calfskhi with low heels te the thing.
The bulldog toe Is rattier losing cafite,
It gives tbe foot a very ctumay ate
peorance. The reversible golf cape te
LEON AND SINGING .MULE ‘ TRILBY.’another very necemary Item In this
ajiecUI department of your wardrobe
and te at all lioM-e useful fi .(traveUag.
The 9 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act.
The 7 Stirks, Bicycle and Skating Experts.
10 Principal Maie and Female Equestrians. 10
a in reign aa
a-popular gem.
One button kid glove* arc worn with
tbe new sleeve, which has tbe dainty
underaleeve banded so closely at the
wrist that a longer glove te clumsy.
Tbe elegance of the white lawn pettlCMt has no Umit this aeaaun. It te
trimmed with
cry end lace and la made to'flt tbe btpe
In tbe approved faabloo.
Sbart black glace jackets with stitch
ed bands or tacks are ooe of tbe datetUK oatdoor garments that can be
Skjrts must Sow and are etebonMy
triatmed with sUtCbed bandA dtepteying oiany of them eltbev actual ttmica
* semblance produced by etltcbed
The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze.
to tbe ankle and are worn wtttvlow
walking abocs.
Pink te a popular color for obn
•White eoatumea eoatUnte tbo able
At 10 a. m. (laity, is the finest ever pot on tbe atraets.. A aanbonl of
aplendor. A Triompb of Art. Money and Good TMe. with Uviah
LBzaYor Hpeclaculat Effecri, and Greataat Pioteadoaal FfiatoM
at« 9M A* Miv wh« WWW-TkM* IMmc. *• 4M
U.»d bwA «ki.te«•> « Wi
to bar. Xhiring the.
10 tto pcertiKai to ritot ay tomily.
X cDMtad tto boon when I wooU repMn*«**MWi«MnWe.
Paria. I baateaad to tbe Oefaatna to P
rpatoaaaf to Orenalk.
«y«y «W iMteMM af « Mir flam. llaa. than
my Ua) did ato ftpua la
w4 w w»Mtt« to M* K kam «•< to
« Mgbtfully anxhilto
E. S. OimMl Jk 8dm
wmtoanteir ntea Im tto b
wwra afan ot W. J. Bokto harw.__
Monday, July 16,
wkarktf tew hgatnc kwlana with
team aw nil wgn tern. Mt tf
• a«ft«v teataM to MtoB^
(to wMw Ghwtoto’e toMtoc >m
rataw «p»*d the *«. M tow< It ^
gata tto Btage door fcaaper of Gobrilu
Cd waa toM that Blaocto LiUa had oot
aMtal. Bwck to kli dtou^
toaa la-eiigagad. and no oaa knew wktt
fci —
tod baeo^ of bar.’*
at toa Otoaa. app«n« to^a ka-Taa neeer law her agalar
1_ma'de tagalVy after Inga^. te
MB^w mM Itoa to toaK, ka
«U) plwto ba aaatM. Makwa la to*
that 1 kto*
a that
Bfama tl
toa act «ad *U ka kato In S
tto LUaa I bare
aaddar hour, a more
« bitter
lore ezpetimA a wlah to Tan. .
aea. For mootto I wm toroMotable.''
-U that aUr qaeathmad tto.catoatoar. aat Irnna.
_I laathtr
__________ ___
-Fabrae. yon ara a^dlc and are mak
«al ttot to tkewkt (ka oU wemaa want ing gaiuo ut me with ibla aonraiUr of
to aat tre amagtof tka anktoa on tba
■n,. .......
▲ttor aU. tkewkt rahraa, wkai aaaa- haa come, aod tbey are vai
toc~»aa Ikara to kla rlala to Softoa yelled tto calUray. antcriag
Cbarabta. tkaaa «alia apaa ktr babtod rkdly.
tba aaanaT Thay ware not prompted by
-Ume. CbernblD. pleaaa borryl
tora. Mb aaaa tto wblrn at a paaaiat (anwithout. '•We are late.”
- cy. Tka Chatiibla waa alaiply a ioUy a roiee
•Haareiu!'' exclaimed Hopble. throwramwntn He racadM a .
tkay kad on day wkila be-------------
atooktag a fragraat cigar. Bophie bad
_____________ •charrabna. Tw
gnttiw tor MUIr hand.
WKOmSSS^ Mtok nmay.
amt. to VMta ttae in tklaktag aboat taattog tkk totdt and otmgxh of you aSae_____________ ___ aborakbkaad.
■Tan ara walcoma bare arhaoarar yoa
a^ ban a ekat with mo.
waa a ceaMW aM tor told (
__________ _______ -t tba drearer.
and Ml nreria waa Intafntpud akrapdg
ky caMdw tto ladaetkin la tka gUaa of
Mtow^ agly.
' diT
' T aa
m an old alito. wtlkWka wobU
aMdlTka.«wto iaewtotar!
kad arerT bbean yoBwf* Poaa
cU CkaatitoH Her kato waa pay. bee
ayaa wan dead and aipn
knnmaUMjB^aaate to tor tbe w
_ ring of her marry laugb waa beard aa
Me tan acroaa tto ilage.
Tto deputy wai aboat to depart wbee
aid Goaatance approached. Her atepa
wen feeble tad her face foil ot aadoeaB.
-Mooaleur.” abe aaW. “may I apeak to
yoa for a momebt?”
“Well, what la It. my good r
■ Pabrre.
“I bare a petition to make. X’ou
am old aod weary. Uy health la
and 1 can no kwxer do my work b
tto OdeOB. I want to make epp
to to admlUad ioto tbe boaplul.”
“AU right." aald
r. “Wtoa I call asain
ama, hare a ouU ready fur m
“Ttora la aoraething more, monaienr.
that I would
lid like to tay.” cooUaued ‘
«ld woiaau timidly,
“ll may Intcreat;
In my furor.
ir. I beatd all you said wl
you were taUUng to madame. and 1 w
to teU yoQ that I waa Blaacfae maa.”
Inndaotartly Fabrec uiurrd an
lamalioo and ahrank from the apeaker.
Ilaneto lOlaa tho dream of bU youth,
tlf poor old woman in wham <
ratige of beauty bad died.
“Uuw old ara yoar to ioqnlred.
“Not as old. monaleur, aa 1 appear."
■to aald. with a sad smlie. “t tore been
UBfortnnaie. I am 00. and
saw me last I was |aat 40.
age of aa aetrraa b not recognlaed by
those who are her only from behind the
footUghta. I waa retired that rny year;
they thought me too oM. From that boor
I bare kaown only iKirerty and dism-as.
TUa poaldon I ftnally obtained througb
tto ataga doorkeeper, lit- spoke to tto
at tto poor aid wo
the bdak ot
utfetoa. aU tka luntowan and rartad arttel
ot tbe datoty toOat to
Itoa and ya
ad oeenad totora-farottbartoltar.
BiWanlr Ito doer waa thrown
ato Sapkto Ckanbto appeatad. a d
tag Ttoiaa, to her pretty coatama.
woomn and dreocr ...........
waa kadiMh aa a boagnt at roaen. ladi- theater. I hare tried to do my doty, but
ant to yaatto kcatth and aCroancy.
sU I am flt for now U the fa-npitaL and I
-Ah. Fabrae." aba aald JoytuBy, ‘•yoa wWi to apply to tto poblle charily for
am aaaatwaltotoe tkia erentogr
Since yon rrmember me In
— -rw-Tilar myatot to ba i
____ I thought"—a faint flush
tlnied tor pole'faes and (he words trem-Wa aia to
Usd on her Ups aa tor eyes sank beneath
toaaa mgaHt and tka canpany-«a w« tto ssu of tto man who bed known her
ai* to ma to tba OaMa. whare wa kmaa Is tto past. "My name.’* ato mortuutvJ.
prtmiird to play tor a baoadt. Mnw “M Coattanre- Fortran. Will you do
wkBa, whlto wnW
....................... - for her who
BisnAs liMir
T will attend to H tomorTov."'to aald
i a ToSee that shook with emotion.
Best aaiisMi 1 ptoate sU shall to ns
yon desire.”
Extending hU band, Fabree doaped
sadly that of Ua eompaalon. Twenty
-Awtktog yw thtoh^af.yosts before to would hare wept-wUh
Tto aU waMB had ^atiiad to*
tn hare hdd It within Ua own. Now
neaaaa. aari tka pair eoBTtmd tnaiy- )oy
b tha preneaes of a palafnl reaUty«itors
nmnlaed only tto memorr ot ottor'daya.
Os tto foUosring day Fal
r tba mambare a#tto t tto Hosphat of the Inct ...
------------ .^aaaroom gaaalp
ar tbe woman who bad glreo him _
k WMrac be ftmok tor oooa
Snrt dream of lore.-Tninslaud EVom
takyan aboat that aCnlr wkh tka l
tto French F6r Philadelphian.
IW My at tto Naotaanaa-Tlto danar m ma btoto; X ton
Wars •( <rsUla« Tim
■ntbM to tatoBe rsfsiar is the pragma ol _____
-Cto yan aagaat m to baUaea-ywr
la a great city like New York that many
pmoaa aaarfc tto march ot time without
retsrrlag to a dock. They merely note
fkbiaa itallad at bar pertoatan^ to
tatoMtd atow. lika an baaaft aw f—tey ocesrmees. No matter la what
to torad wototo tar ttoaaalTaa wmt m asetioa of tto city one may lire to will
after a moment's Ikaughl recall
e Chat will acqnaiiit him
with Ito time vf day.
Tk A Baphtok gnmdton Fktoae iw Tto people on Wi
•M>aaly by imta which tald nalMw. tore (or ysota been al
and ai towtb Ma gim lerttatad at hto when it If 11 p. m. oa______ ________
o^dotA OB Sunday nights by the loot of a
famlHar tagboat whistle. This ttig whls-WkB. ton angfc- lapnad fkbtoe te for a watchman. A cuUer in one ot
tto biggam banka Bear WaU stiweC never
looka at Trinity aa to approaches his efiCB. ' He knows to ■ rertalnty wbrttor
aaa atory to «y Uto—aay Itat tofa."
tola aa Uaie by tto loeatica ia whieb '
-It waa Inr m aettiw. at coatoaF’
-Taa: bat I toni nO yoa that too aweo a shocdrlnc peddler. If tto iai
to ea tto seotb dde of Fine atisat 1
tto. Mtoaaato. tto haratoa waa aoi a Bsaadway the caMier knows to b
■ totaka at tto Qmtodto Fiwtoka X tea. Bhoold to te u tto math of that
waa^ at tto tea aad titold mad Wfr> pelat tto cashier b Ute.
pnun myio omnt.
of teoA nnd when tbeae goww te
nude by the beat dreamaketa teg
ore aa extraTaguit a atyia aa It U poo•SUetoflnA
Tbe llret gown okettedL « dainty
.ommer confection of dark bine aatU)
fotOard. baa a pointed tmic back and
front made of Uie fonlard and accor
dion plaited, abowlng a white gUce ondcraklrt with many frIUi edged with
half Inch dark bloc ribbon. Tba xtwt
and upper part of tto alcerc 1
rrtiltc glace covered with a Uttlo
of half Inch dark bine ribbon,
fatblooable twklnga are (ntrodsead a«
bodice aqd aireres, and tto bodice friU
(a white doaely pl^ed.
Xiueo EDwnt make a Saa ahowlng In
tto summer wardrobe ot the np to date
woman. They mwt be many and rarb
to anpply the neceaaary number of
frcab morning eostumea. Botdier'a
1. llacn lawn and Itton dnM are
aU popniar materiaU and come In eereral colon, of which ecru aod pda bine
forored. Moat of tbead gown* ara
simply made with blouse or locket
waist and trimmed with stitched linen
band! of contrasting color, but aoma
me mor> elaborate garniture. Tto
pecood cut. for InsUnce. abows aa alagant gown <>f ecru linen trimmed with
fanciful braid and gold buttons and
crowned with a hat of black toUa
swathed In -hltc tuUe.
White whlpi-ord skirts well eat snd
with >x>x plaited backs are exgeUent
far weafeall to summer tbrongb. Tbey
hare tto credit of not shrinking, as
plqce does, bnt the fsbrlcs sra mneta
In tbe faroiitc foulards Ooral pat
erna of am.tlny detSlU rte With OOf
^2: ««-*•“
4%L aat toteaaia to I
at tto momtot that a rmtsla gdlw iH
U b her way rffitefteai
n bouAga*.
*• *o_f7,ya>±
ipalalni arnak PrMrWaiiM
■are HI
keare: I0u>t<a.a.;l W i sad
Ml ■pSaos.
'pkeas. MortSrre—-MortSrre 1*m> We. ■
___ ■mtrnrs-.rr
fiat r --
Mrret. UoodSwla;—a»f«rm lar gaU
----_ .
—— ..I'oTSw Uat*m» eC
BoCntO. robR.lfR. Spoctel MUSUoa Stm
- ---
swwk aikomt fismSM Wa-m. anS n
The Waukazoo House!
Tbn bsst faralahad Md tost
•ara OB tbb paalssala la ready lor
saloM. Opsa te ysar rooad. Oood
Ursty la enaaisUoB with the hi
— w Bwdn koswa oa aapUsathm.
I hare hod my baildtog
reboUt had pat ia good
shapa aod am nov raody
tu i«osfT« all old patroao.
Good Line of Jenliy
Tto tscstga tuhlea of dlBlBC ta te
«psa air has mads Its dsbnt ta afla
iiuuBtiy. Obs af New York's swell*
gnuHiM, mmimiii
llr. McDogdd haa for ymn Mds
• stodjr gBd spedhHj of cbtonic awl
W^W.IOsbeU 0^ t
gimpis old friand. the spot Ohstry
colored fOulsrd bsartng smaO Hock
and white spots Is sttrmctlreiy CteBled with Inssrtfooa of cream colatsd
lace bordered with Usek rdrst (»■
IwBS. While foulards of dark toosa losk
tbdr best with a bolero of coarse laes.
AeootdiOB plaited asd sun ray kBM
teds are becoming and cspscisUy ste
ad to tto mnsUn. badsts. gsav and
teltoa fabrlCB ot tbe snmBat's MIftatfully dalatywsfdfotoa.
John R. Santo. Eeiwil lisKsm. '
Thursday Eve., July 19 (MHfMiO MkMU
pona DAYS ONIiY.
hnml Mnesr.
cmoi FABixma at
1.1. Btfrna
•ring diaeamw that r«ialn gkUlfol nedical tiMmeat for teir care.
Sncti enaea aa (amUy physktem taU
and proooa&ce Ineanbls srs
icalari; solicited, espedslly tese
dosed with straag miners drags
sad poisana. Dr. McDonald ostonn\j the ponst aedidDes trom the eeggUUe UngdoB. He pays attai
to tbe eoase of the disegse god tostraoti his inttoBla the way to health
happiacaa. Dr. NcBooald can
r handieds’of tsattnoniala in tha
NniUag of grotefal pattenta who
hare bssB cured by him wbaa otbm
d. Be U so fsmihar with the
aa system that be Is aUe to ryad
Iwaers of tbe miod or body cor
rectly at a gtaaoe wHboot asking aay
(ham. Tbotisandi of invsHds aie
being tteoted daUy for diseases that
they do Dot I»tb, while a few drops
directed to tbesest of the
disease wonM give speedy relief, asd
It care tn a wery short time.
Oood beshh is the meet pt^kKu }e«'
.1 . With
nr; a
ir crown of h
tewntdisbri^t; without ll, misery
ctsims aa for her own. If you an a
sufferer you should weigh well tbeee
words: A peraoo who uegtecU bis
Is guilty of a great wrong to
ytohumsohlMelf aod a grav
Tbe name of Dr. McDooald, the
taliet in the curecd
ohraoie and Uageriag dteeaici has be.
comes hoosehold woni ia thethouasoda of boiuM which bis skUl and
wtmderful remedies hare mads happy
by restoring dear ooee to health after
all hopes wen loet. Tbe doctor is s
graduate of te Ugbeal aad best medhal eoUerw, aod bte ‘
esBca surprise te most skeptical i
efarooie diseases of te
idsatltaUy and aaecsaifaUy treated.
Dr. HeDDoald bm tede a apeoial
study of aU diasaasB of te bniu aa^
nsmna system, sad all dslioats eoh
■eon dtMoaes fMeuhar to
Dr. MoDewld-s Special 1
an a parmaDeot can for men aaffer1^ from aemitw aad eenal debUity
■odnrlydnay. Bbeam^sadpnolytk cfippin made to walk; oatorrba)
diifniii positing cured aad maay
mads to bte a vMspar in a Tuey few
mliteto All aehai aad palas lads
away andar hto mkgkalnBadiea Bpany or MMag atetatoi pesitiealy
S3 tfa^ te
to ntate mSdMtoto a( te £sd.
nnaaaaUstotoil. wittofler«antta " •
.. ................................
Hra liBiiniici.
Dr. D. A. McDsMMr
M aad 3M Beat Fattsa tesaD*
WTirtag ai IJS a. a. ha^ .Imm
lit LaaW. laOiaaaoalU. Laatorilk aa4 Cta-------- ym dlalag cat Ire* «raa4 BastSa.
ooora aoara.
”'o2i5r.I Ml
is■i :sislia
■k|g»ii- M|TB
tn a sn
W‘ I
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