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The Morning Record, October 18, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TSAmsK cxrr,
• up T» a 91fio0k ■
I.OM. n-A> .
......... ..
> M
Bo*Jr> H.
i tO$0f.
StM timt.
Turn ol Atlslra Hattsd
Only Tbst Atwoiutsly Msons
•sry Will iMi. Dons
Mi* CkadMr maU
Wllh |
b•»^ltvy ActlM
AuthorUlns Its PufchsM RMc^nSed LntNlsht
ttv <-«••«« to apwiai
UhMW TIM lb* «>M
* " I
thr > The pity eoaBrit«McalbdU«rther
otadayllpM araafatir ta apedal aeaSM by
Maycerriedfiob to fai^ ooatider
• MB Wtrsy hwr Ihu : I
(hat. (bo MtaatiM ofjthe Mallar of tbr pBitdiaw of tbe
(be BrltUhiaSoaSiAfilMwaeMTfirJaiMBi roller______
tbe MM^iac
(baa at pwaeot. OMtiaiy .to iia« Monday oTMlap.
!!«■ dHt Ua< eoniSBU* «mU ms tba raporu prtalod In
Ob the Mb>ae( for which tbe awetpapan.
aeirlre in.
lag waa callad. Mayor medrieh lead
The nm msMd t*Msl n)otrtac tlre and OfMl Srltiaa wtll Sieftly be the followlag MeaMge w the alderobliged to iacOMM hw foreea
•ad M MM M ti tpnad tb» «t
wm fllM vidi iMpfe «NIM to
Oeaileetra of t>u-Coaacll; At the,
tha telUtia boMdi aad lUmta
«, Oct. lA (be
• BaotoM.
MM. •!.
_____ __ tbe laayor aad
fdMMd.for HaM folioM IMM oerarclerk to imirimae <f tbe Port HaiM
n4ami oib«n m» tlu MHMd, Wbilo
WM mhpaatr
llggg AoOy round
rev In 4bp«
u Oet. n^awe ad fb* •••
tlMod (be 1
«M ierfalt)' mxdTMl today by (he,
MaMi, batbMMMM and isdtvidoal.
•laeatan. Tbi> IVtasm.tMkaw
A VeMmi Uo. at oaee pat
work aboeliiy malae and petUag (be
(alM« ta readlaeae for a naOB]
Of work Moaday aH«niM|. The
•be are prapariac tbtir toob aad the
■aOPikalalookad apM m MdaA
' Pbllad«i]|>hla. UM. tt-Tbe ea
. paw bMvwa the tadirldnai open
micb., tbvbsdat,
ocretes is. isss
SM ho had (awnd fWtiac fM of tl»
bona lalkr aaad by (bo eity. tf it
bad to bo «aMpad taw (be hay. He
bi. oaipriat (bat tbo acwet
4 bad almoA all c
AlAerama 8to^ ai^ that it waa
net ao racy atnage that the faad
waa epMt ao fa«. Bo mM that tfame
bad aot koM a petiUM for tiw opMtag of a Mm*, the
ar garri
tag of OM ahMdy opM. « dm lay
ofaolficwafttkat kad kaM itfoaad ly theooaacU. HeeMMdtlmt
tbe letaBMe m eaamat walka Itod beM
Migw fay far tbaa erer i
tbota large ^eantlty of etoae bad
band to
the crodil of the eOcet fnaA
The NotiM to iMcdad the aettoa of
Mowtay ai^t WM poMd witboat
diaeMtiag roioa. wbea Alderm
MMtagae taprad that the moMNi
datiM<4 tbe mayor be adopekd U
mgMfi to the alopplaf of all
wtsk aaoepi Mok a* waa
Thu iBMioa WM alio earrled.
AUmmbb MtmMgae thra offered
the iMtlMMi tlmi the beaid of
lie worka be rarirtetod lo oaly
work ae U i naiiial/ ordecod br tbr
ThU datMghl
Moore to hU feet. He atatod that
tbe ooaoFil eaoald go alow la tbU
lOcattaaod m fdartb page
in Olsnitors Lsbs
Rapubiioana Hava Saourat} Om
O. O. Howard for an AdOresa
IM«' ana Aw WWe Alee
OWdaeOM.V’. SMIeyoBd (He
IMnli awAwMit.
Lyaa.llaaA. Ool ir-TUe mom
lag t«a MM (osad a ta« oMtainiag
iheOBBkpfa bamaa body doatlag
iaOltaaMre lakA halt vay - betweM
ihltettyaad BaliM Tbe bwd had
to tbe
both lage Mt oC iati abeoe the kawe
aad both anae Mt oft aear (be body.
Kooe (d Ibe dlMiamlMOilmn. were
foand. Tbo BMlUatiM vu a cImd
. ____________ ____ flfteM___
dred dollare aad fbe ctty'e borw ibMMl Atom Mar Alee WPeMW wO
roller wai tbe loweei lerma et whi '
tbe aUd taller ooald be patrhaaeiL
I foaad M InractlgatiM that Ibere
la bat fiMaa) Id tba atteot dlatrlct
JaiBw H. Mooroe.
of tbe
fond at (be preaeut time. At tbe
RepaUioan oonaty committee
reired poailire aaaatBBeee froa
there waa ooIt aboat gtlOaOD in tbe
ttteel fud at that time hot there
hae aiaoe beM paid Ml of thU faad
•lTtn.00, tlie amoBiit of tbe par nol Howaid. faad beta Mriininil here for
of tbe hoard of poblir worke. for &
M tbe ereaiag of On.
■ro weeka eading Oct. iSUi aaW^
SMh. U waa alee eMted that abonld
OMiral Algor be la tbe male be
Aboat fisa00.ro will ret be laid into
here alio. Tbe commUthe atreel fond from <Uff(reQl eoarree lee Wired Oenatal Alger . laal night
making fisnaao timt <bb W figured
hing mote definite regarding
on tor atieel patpoeea. If the atreet
mllnr ehoold hr imrcliaerd it would tbe twofaahility of hU ialning Ocneral
hare bet fiU(U.0U to Uie atraet fond Howard in tbU cit.r. A. B. Darragh.
for all ntm l porpoan for tlu balance Retmblioan candidate foe congreoa
of the fliml year, nwrlr wren aod
mber of the
oae lialf (; >,) moaUu.Uf tbia filtoaoo Ihu dumet. will be
about soatlb ritoobl be alloared for lainy.
aaow plowing, etc., tlartng (l>r earnUpnu the itmigth of the
lag winter. Irnriv fim.00 for ail eatioa from the amte watml nimnilt.
other work on oor etreeta for the
ne« n-vM m<Biba or anttT Jaw lal.! lee the «»“*.» OMoamiitee Immod
]«. vhM another atqroprUtioD biU Utma prewMltau for a giaad rally
la fSMcd b.r aifthM cowtriL . With | for the SU^tMl already apwul rdie.
oridMi Umt tba i»b VM deUbuiatoly
aad tarafally doBA ae the body «aa
tarefally tied o|>.
BMtdM tba matlbSlMi of the body
two ballet hotoe vote feoad (a the
4mmt. both .wUlila Oirw laebw of
nirh other
aod eridentaUy fired at
moee nutge.
Tooighi' Jobs H. Beat
- - the body M that of
Bailey. He aad Bailey,
lew kSieTuS^pl^Je^^'^
worked a farm on ahane at Knrtb lo
that Hie new roller would DOi l»*e [ mlnmda and tprcUl ttalni will be
fiaagoA Half an boar alter tbe Mm- nurh work exrept to finiali np each
tlfifwtiM Brel WM lotSed op at }«- ■treela a* havi' alnwdv been graveled.
ider thi-w
cundilian* and cutwmHer heatlqaarten pendiag an larrail •
Jrwued it Dowiae to eater
gatioa. Thepohwbarelnaraed thax|2!S'^Lii!
tialioDi for the imrclmae of
Bailer waa laat aeen alire Oet. 8. at! {he ,?55Shroller until your hottorable
mid ad<9l tba tbe tens la oomiaiiy with Beet.
body ahould ecmiudrr lT>e m
fully aad ahould di
ahould b- don#
under ll>e preaeal
aMted ai the ametiag Tbia iaeMi
: OvorflO.OODhM bees aim far the
Seomadeot tlm etrikeH ami BM«iu
board of public worku on atreet work
•J? filled to matetaliae on aooount of tbe
fbe Immediate Md 0( the atrike.
r and one-half montha.
Oniha. Oor------thr rrralt ahom by the ecpoffibUadelph&. Oct. l*.-PrMideBt CovomorRoosovolt Orsetsd by
IK of eo large on 'amount^
time It U aMutw) that there
amount of, Gu«
Thoussndg*ln Cleveland
imaoer doe» not allow
|«'W uia<
that uie
the wura
work will be no dUappointatent.
mlly ooodurted.
| GeMinl
Howard U a vetotan
of the
to BMh aatll <
Tbe mayor baa on aennai lUffiMM
timoa called tbe coonrll'a allMtloa ciril vrar. wboae reeord adoraa the
gifM ta. ,
to tbe fact that the huge appropri- pages of United Stotee bittory aod hU
tioBe (or etreei porpnaea wae fMI aerrloea for bU eoaatiy have betn
deuleting tbe aUwt fund and that a dUtiagnUhed.
He liaa eloquesl
ball eboaid be oalled and tbi. de,ianJbrtarH to Atoaar That
-mani giren more attention fay the •laaker. and cm who U eagtwiy
Clevu^A Ot. :~Tenaof tboai- oouBclI. In view of the fact tlmt eougbi everywhere for oampahm ad' aada of peo|d« Oaae to CUvaUnd to- there U bcl fiiOD.OD in tbe atreet faad dreaeea It will be ramembetod that
a iM of Oeowal Howard waa killed
night to clieer RoMveli and the party |
laot ytar is the RkiUndoea while
Alkaay. tin. It—tCm. J. Bryaa ta- (or which be la rsmpalgalng. From board of imblir worka to atop all flghtlag FUlpiaoe.
alt o’clock aatll oMTly ten o’clock,'«t^»orkexce|K that which U abMail the flrM day of bli Umr of Kew
The eoaaty ecMmittee U fartunair
the .r»ei.
omwdrd with mafeh.th* aOMt
Torino Ihu elij tonigbi by a more
may not U- n<
In having ateared Geoetal Howaril
RtoJiectfolly jbmitled,
«|N derUnltae w to hii iMalliM
Alfted \ . 1Friedrich. Mayer, and it i« ]vopaae4 to bold the biggeM
M }h» Anaorlal qneesioa than any |itiltv^ lue eireRRm ui .ue wui.n. .
re wae the firet ic tally eince 18M.
he Gm made fnim (be lOatfom «vt (viwsbed 30,000 people and waa'pe-'|
..l.^ •Uh reeeet Ae.en>.eMO(n«o nf
tbe altMiee that foBowed the
af the Atbl^Blee durii« (ho MM- oaiMd With great dei
paiga. He dmoaaerd tbe ftoaorlal approval. There were few tatemp- readii# of thU i
.to a>
----------polity of tbe Repabliam* aad telter- How (KM B^yaa ahoomn plaoad (hat he waa grlered I
^.llarernttward ihewaW af Clevelaai Ac
- Uw ^1. bat tbe '
deal and tbe« be <
at(4 the aMUty'^Bf hlauelfaadbU
far tlMn waa priacipally eauaed! ooL He amied that a' good ma(dilBe| «M4.er <be Moram- of' lU. Twa
< lo drive the Rrpal
-IlMBaiDloB bole la the dlM-ueion V groana of dUapproval from the au-{bad been oSrted to the city, a |*ae-i
«f tbe mooey quoMion if he aad they tasea that gfeeeid each intenuptiaa. ' tioal laaebine. one that ibt cityj^.talmTWllmamrBMBmO■nw NewbMK MMtiag in tl- Itvm !w«.t, mid at a ^e^
g; _ Kew Vork..Oet l.T-W Howard
fiboae.toiry. ‘The maa who drove
ora. BbI la ri«w of tbe etUdag
Mark aUvea yeara ago. ’ be exelalBi-dlotrict waa
Stowatt. a atoaegrater of Oievelaad.
pA. ••Uaol half eomeroilea. aa U»- **^*.’- Ww Btyan element got into ntBUtaarea. be mw bo way bat to Ohio. WM anoM«d in tbit oily today
MWbotli-i'r* white aUvee todav Iteat in whirii the mpeTlBg waa teeede from the fonucr oetiM of tim ri lha mqueat ef the poUce of OlevewUb mmmgagea The aorfiid oimr-early aad emyed there aatll tbe ooaDclL He aouriUngty'moved .liM land, vboaooam Um <« Mfirdortag’
goterof tbe Kepoblicaa aam|sigD,‘'>’^ waa filled ap aad baadreda of tbr actloo takea at (be previoai mmiT hU two memtht old'OeMtivee
itM.“u riiowa by the hwt|^Bcpa«toaBawere Wt MUide. lag be teeelndrd.
have beM ahadowlag Stowait
In npiporting Mr. Mooer'i motiM.
_ ..pabUeane waai the mmmv to- l'"* iWiee did tghat they coold to
BMtottMt. He left bU btMi two
gag. The dollar U above aU. Repob.|"IV«“ thedietarhera bat were not Aldermaa MMtogue Mllad the aitM- veefci ago, taklag the ehild with
tlM of the eonacll to i
(erhaviaggiven you (he.
aid. The tratlt ia AevjP*^ Tbe governer.
«fma. ud n ol u™ pb„, 71,
.b, .iua.,...
yM that. Thev H»wed hia grit fay tpaakiag Uiree
(gaailiwd yoa a dMble etaadatd and tfMMaaloagaabetiadintMdMi and paid. TbaHhU .rear over filAOM WW
pgVttFy VMt TOO to (>«to them
rive amile. Tfaera wat a brief qdly cl|y MfiwM* waa paid tram a difffarlorirtTiBgyov
Mid toV^te"*SeM
^MMaed yoa. Vhy did the Hcpabli- la fiMt of the HotleadM heial Ute- Mt (aad. He doclond that he ooaU
gBM wad a co^iMiM* to Baiope to (Might. A> the goveraor wm Uav.i dm Me where bo Mach laore Momey
tag the Hewbargfa meetlag a email = had gMe thU vaar. iktaiamil a dMlie Italy wiM.
Imed thU
hoy Atow a pri*Ie which etraok hU | to bay Urn vteam roller, aa Jaat what
^ ^^•to“‘*«wdMtedaBd;ikaoity Meda. bat aapportod tbe awdard had got at iaw. if the
ted U a good thttotf H'hy did they tba govMMS aWed that ao attoatlca > lioa amde bv Mr. Moma
fipead fil0O.a00 of the pwplc'a Moaey
; U the t^arw of hU rcmaifc. he
fiogelridefagoadthiact Why did
the kfU poaaed wichla ayeor aUU
State etrdei eaet of the Fork
SMlalB a cUaae boldlag Mt te hope
Plaoe ho(al. aad amted tkat he Imd
hfblMctolUm; Thaiwiaaimaf hlmat.
^Wtooepieeeof ooaatiy raad
Aomt sBmdA.w
tathtoMaar^teteoakdranacH H
Slina WM a ftoad. BM>hUoMe
•rw iBteadcd to give It to yoa.
. SK Ml o.t Urn
. MB bad driveway. Be deektod ttpt
-Tbe Beadiag ooMpaay bwrhy
wUbdratte the aotiee poaind
. aad ta brt>« aboat a pMoefa
fonalty la the adraea la pagve in the
It glrw aortw
that 11 will eatpnud
and tbe tojietallM ft
«be elldlog ewltai
aad will j-y a lO pfr
seal adre
• ■optomber wagly
•ati) A|oil I IWI. aad thereafter a
tU' fanber aotiee, Md will lake i
with lu mlar empkpree any griev*
aaoM (bey a«yba>r.*'
Tbe Leblgb Valley. eoMmay.
Vbow Wglao tbe.Alldiag ocalr
Franoa ~Bus»a>tg That Pasos
Nasottationa Pronaad
0|h w-te|a
mMUwathlahiteat te pab
AA- A.
f tmpov*
‘ *****
L tkgiagh ^ <iui(m ^
----- I dOM to
ibai^ Mid ham to
Clip Book Store
This Govammsnt arUI AequiMln Frstich SussasUon
TriU. t> to. AI.M «m T
portaat a
MtUfactory a
tbe powete for a
tbeChiaaw tnw
by tbe Pm
thiMgh lie rimntf d’affaiatm. jKmmt
ed to tbe eewecaiy of Mate a mmmottiag tlmt BMOdaOMt
TIr utiKic chtra ud poocfy ««rndi>.
it.. pl.y<d I. c<ir M wii>dcw are «<kIr.
Irem Ur Offchrered pocttrire «J Wed*««»d Co, Eo*Uu«I; Tre-iMU ft Voght.
Frenre; HovilMd ft Co, Frenre; Huogar
iao An Potrerire. Hongary; the Rootwood
Pon««, Oocumod; U,e Urepioi An Pottenes. Ohio; and others. Look them over.
Robart $ Beecher Co*
----------- ------------------------------------ ■
8aa thh Now NaOewaar juat In at Banda's. 2So and BOo.
What a Pity
all tbe powem Imd i
If FOB oboald bsjr s sfi«
MiadbyPmiiceUetobarA aad that
naeoa {now arUta (far .huihai
delay Uie powm (gooeed to aator
Befora yoB’ro aew
Li Haag Ohaag aad Priaw Ohtag.
mredited enroye of tbe OUamt
m mi M
e •nie bamUm..aaBl
RH>R AUraUr.niM-
Prieeo tray belw otber hoBiiiI
(^isiUy way above other hoiawl
ThU atop M the pan-of Fiaaee U
tatfticaUrly |■baalBg to the Oidtod
hadae aod tbere eaa be ao dMbt
that a oordUl anquUMcaoe wiU be
givea to dw reqneM. la tbe otdakm
ofthU geverameai BcgotUi
peace caaiiet be tokeo ap loo aoM aad
II--U brlievtdnriiaeoarae will do'
>aeh 10 BMP (he agltoUon .ia tbe
Hn'tsmilj" Na'sTeCMISjf
Ha'ilMntfj- ZnIWnt!."
It ooeta you nOlhlnu to look.
Nooem will ur«a.yow tobor. at
Just received yesterday. We've had a great
trade this season in this Une-It's simply be
cause the styles we show are up-to-date and the
values are wonderful.
Kpri'ial stylea for wnmoa tbia
' aeaaon ta the
^la LiW' Jaduts It tS.110, U.HI, tlO.00 to tJ2M.
wrciiwMCtoo-M ’ s-c'65.ssfa*~s:'~’
Eibo Eiiuul Calf
Street Shoe ahowa below.
Tbe vaiup ia made of Kibo
eoamel calf, (be aole ia goud
^Ung ^iKlH. made with
wide exteitoioB
edge. Pricoaame aaall other otylea,
• fHC klANSo
£■ Footwear
Bold oaly by tbe Uld ReUafalc
8bee Maa.
Frank Fricdricli
Heavy Ooubb
«>k. cflenuen 1
edge, bond «eh.
Mew Hhoe Rlotv
SUFroni Mtirat
For Cooking or Furnace PurpoMt
Hardwood Slabs, Hemlock Edinnffs,
Hardwood ClippiagihHemlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock SUbs. Hemlock KiodUng.
JIrt Dtpaifmeiit
______________BaceeMD** to TtoVMM Pity L
It’S Our Business
The T^ephone
/Mways In Demand
it'fladf ita ejtee of omfutaew to llm
bornw. wfaece it m«i»ta tko reqalreMBta of baaiaeoa, dOMririi aad mx
• • maMvaoa Moa’e tee.
aa MPMditBre tf m.
ew ead MOMy. bat a wwaagl
tSe to ^»M M vatoaUo aad tMte'
k_tTRMre<~RWR tt-
To Ml you the very befic4ootw>
at the price.
It’S Your Business
To bny w^iere you caa get the best ior ;
your aioaey. If you will aDow us tg show
iwourliae of
Men’s and Women’s $2 Shoes
’ You win be cooviBced that we attend to
I MUMTUM —cxim, imATaan omr, ucb, tstshut. octosn u, im
s cmniniED
«f ¥nuard VoiMW teNot
I. b In the
waam of thie
tfaa Smbnll pbnoa are atm a RToWbc
taTorba Is the Qcand Trararaa reben b a par> it baa a
for tha Rnal
ta Ait
bnadyaanadayM of the acete. Hr Stronc amtaa
r nan. and Bwidmn
of tha paM year bna
tad with bento tba «ntln day and
aattl ; o'clock bn erMi^. Over
tary of tba compahT la Mbhifia.
Obbf of fbUoa Bannb. and
td tfaa antln foroa of
factory. Orar a dona boat*
tmaaad.aad pbnty of RtMtdinc dMhB. RAM. P
L Ul*ae Baerr FanMor br
faeoki wan anployad by the dlSerret
partlaa. Tfaa Mierea of tfar lake i
t'ebwfM rae afMal
nda to Aad the body of the TW known aa jaoob 8. Biblat. fermerly
MB or the boat In wbioh ba wah ati^dac to <9oni tba lake.
Tba aaanfa waa eontbaad tiU noon
baa dinner waa {Rtwidad for tba:
aaarehan by Chief Bannb and WIUba Baltaar. nnd tba laanii continAt 4 o'elotk the tadlaa of tba
nn’a BaUat Cer]B fwnbbad food Biblat'aplmfor matey, atatad that
fv tfaa pnniaa that wm atlll en- bad tbare bars no atntwa on the anbdin the Mreh. and the work Jeot the Boenfe<r aboabl Inre knopn
that he waa prrp
f a jmai
Tba wiwk of the
il wmoft.
derad vary dUknIt oo Bcamnt of (ha
falRb wind tbat waaMowinc all (by.
b waa bepad tMt It wmld db down
toward erantBR. and many remained tcrly to find a tiiiRlr aztainiatiaR oirthe lake liU ble. Bat aa (bifcne^ FomatniM*. The aanlKicw of Ibb
fell, the laka betnma roaRhar and tha eooH b that yoe eprad the aeit foar
for the alRht.
MotMar wa. found of the body, and
it b not Imewa that the boat waa
tanMtad at any time by tha RtapplloK
boom. atheo<a> It b tboaRbt by «me
Ta taka aat M AwMant Mtayjl
btforrynd ta
------------------------- ia oada a*'
pMUkB «Mf ba aohad br aara
te bn^l to nnUaa tlat an
dxaa la no nl
""l(BST?oi™»w w«»i«.
I to a aartaln axtoat
to thmr U«ht
al aoaotkaa In
Uhaa Dot (MB
bon>1^^ <bn. u Aunrauu-
IthMMa haa^bla______
Alex Koantnin , bta brooftht before
Jeatire Brown yiMenby afternoon
aad emigneri by ProMcator Pratt
a charge of (yimiaal aaaaell. 3.
Paicfain ai^mred for the arraaed
Nm witneaan were pru<lBre<1
the [woaecBrioii. Baeua Gilbert,
ataiiut whom the crime 'wum claimed
and her alaIt waa darifM that the erideoiw
oot aafficlem In hold him
critrlaal ehante. ao be waa charRed
axMlt aad tnrtarr. in whieh
DalaM the wind diaa down anO-'tbe he pleaded irnilly. and waa aenlenred
lake baoMaaa calm. Utib oan be done to BO daya in the cobnry bitin tba aearob today.
1-helhnth Ke<M.
Idllir Parriier. ated 1& yciani, died
Tnaaday at her hoM ia Gi
The’ faueiat
will be held in the Beanie. achool
htHuethiamoniinRat lOdO. B<>r. K
KodeSnite i
Halaberr offlebtinR. The lariat will
amdr by the laoioctota of the brew be in Oakwood crmclerT. lu d
ery entarprtm mantianad a abort time of H. U Ibrtrr.
ffnnk Ooodriob baa bean In
A Ftnaiih Atl^.
ranee wlUi the
An aiteck waa btele made on C F
of the oominay to effect a mle of Collier
^Cherokee, lowa.ihat nwly
land wfaicdi they deedre. bot the d^l inced «toO. It came ihruaRti Ku
with blm-waa off bat aiRht. aa he Xldnero. Hia hock cm ao bme he
oonld not lei the property ro withoot conid BOI atoop wllhnni emt fnin.
r ait in a chair cxc 1 |cop|a«l l>c
Nn remedr belptd hitti
nntil he Inrd KcU-mc'
effccicd auch a woof}eTfu1 ch
he writeathat he fw>U like a
3. H. WiUlanu of Belbire waa la
. Tiiia moreeloBa medicim- r
backache and kidner mwble. loriflea
bli^ and boiUla^ji yoor licwlfh
H. Obambarlaln of Oratral Inke b the b
Onle .
a faeat at the tChituiR.
Tohnaon'a droR aloi
Mib. M. E Hillaof Lelaad Ir in
Ae cdty.
CAU.. BELL -PHUKE NU. f4A- Ammoon Steam lauindry. J, 3. Bar
Dr. 3. C. Oaeatleit came orer from
den. irornelor. lOOh-tf.
Blk Bapldf TMtnday.
Sr MleUnan
the tSabar
U tbe {viTAte iMtan tnm oOemn
■Miliil In lliii Hi' '
the iMbUe thM* wo«14 be no donbt «f
the (Mt thnt the inaufenta'
The vhate ad*w to artdoh ««
nettTltf U euaed entirelr
bopaa thej hava of Btynii'a aU
the lanal U U nn naforv
podticn for a wndUnta to be p
In whan kU word* and nfoirod p
CO alov. Tow lam
I more
ltl<re hope nod a
« to yen
roB in tha Beta.
Oon'l w
aofawd:aafcetiina to Rat
d foea ot bu own rotit
— S“Si
and thb
atoerpaoand of ni^u
aaalaaa ...
the world____
we Rtow oldar.
tanoy bamooRl
naoh Itbaoanaaabwdrai
MWwbUUy^Mj^al^thab tnitl-
Mt. BtTM -a apaolaltj b irloon. Be ^l"^n^lH^* 'yea will keep^ ■ A A HflOoy left yeaUiday f<w
BWkab in bettarabiM: heooe Mka iitneaa ttip threcRh Iowa aad MboMbt to racadra tha aoUd -aappon of aa niaeb or nore nonay, Ton wit
aniline *-vetT time." Caiman a
the aatl-aanihlBa partr:
take Ufa aaaiar and ba a Rniner al aootl which will ocauame aereial
EUatif Floor Voini, ‘
the Di
n aa; that^ loaalaic
Mra. V. B. Rolaad and daaRhiar
Bath retained yettowday ftam OmnJt'DUB MArVB OUBTAIRKO
TlUe. where they hare been rlaiilaR
•ebonowihao laod.
la HUDaHRen InlbetAw nTMalkr n. lira Jaam. VrlRfat. who retorned
niailllp MRAI'K II.I.
Ber. 3. W. Sherwood of Gtaad
taViaWaKB. V. Aaatln
I Bh amh daoblon Of JndfB Knyna in tfaa c
P. Rvb'family bare moTMl into
of Banaas M aaUar ra Bmir :
tbeir new born# at SIR Fifth atnet.
at aL At tha eloaa of tha <»a ia tha
Bammy of -Rapid Clt»
Adbtnieb b tha
oiirail eonrl ben. the plaintiff waa la the MtT yeatenby.
Haiqaatte mf% that the roaMabla
IhnoRh hb attonvA Onlw A
A. L. Badmnt waa is T^moa'Bbbop Kraak celalmtad hb tOth derwooA teak Map* to awry the ean
Tille on '
Hnh^ aaalTaratrr Taeaday. Ha
to tha anpraan
coon. It waa the daXba Olbaoe of Inkaaide. Mich.,
b rear lit. and it b f««nd that ha aiie of tha pboiura aftomaye to aat
erlll aarar riar from bb tick bad np io tha bill of asaontiaa ooly the u been aufaRcd to leach the aeeond
fmb of the Elmwood arenoe aohooL
Mala. BUboflfta^ baa a boat of
Tbb Rtade haa bees laaRhl by Mlaa
frtimdi all Ibreaitb tha Onnd Tearft«ria. who haa been eompelled to
• ona raicteo wbo will rnnet to ban
Dt'iattor*ay. eontaodad tbni
of ill hmlA. Him
ofhUillMat He <aa»a to ihb eoBD
all tha taatinany Mwld ba tncladad. Olbaon U a ilatar of lira J. C. Mar. B«mB. Ham^t«TA*MiilSin'BlSok.
New phone SB
tC7ia IMbtaklacap
aad JodRa Mayw walalaad that rie*
C (ha ladbM. and cemlnR with ofthaoaaa.
• bedrof iham to :
The comty W. C.
Tba ptalatlff took the enaa to tha
\m. Ha aobblbfatd a aeboel tbara
Oan will br held
for the ladbu. and waa tin flnl
•A. the dai«a t
Oalbelle (riaat to tbli Tiaraae City.
bter. The addrem of the ecrainR
Ha «aa RteaU? batoead by wbllaa
and Indiana alika. U ISl ba
IWRaad »mrt>mc3~niM" 'mr
Tha aaevrama
patiU 8k Maty-a iMpitnl at Karqi
fmt le note ytm M *«ae
tlm. aad If tfaa (Me U' apfMnbd. H
when ha bat temalaad arar atno
wiU ba with aU the taMbaany la tha
«bi Waat OaiMUIbnnn' Olnb
«m baldUa naUnnatlBc at Low
TnaTbanday. 0«L tt at ;dOp.
Tin Nbiael of dbaanion eriU ba
•■Bo* Beat to Bandb and UatfcM
Ite olnb wiU bare a e<«n abo*
•eanlK, lOaan of a enrbkf: P«nl*
■Mtobaawdad. AH Inttn
abatliar ntinbaai or not. an larMed
«a brine In a upla and cm a jaanl
RB. AU vtaUM t« know vbni iba
dRb b detac
lavitMl to at) '
JiAiaa taeladid. toUabn to and dbnot to atani tha other I
MB wd nnka yow
• ■bniiTM yen do with nU ywr
than drop me a cord and I will
booked thni waa thooRht to faa
tba bntv It eeald dm be llfud tnulUy and waa belaf il(BRR«d toward
. when It aaemed to eateb rm
ofeatnMbn ia the bottom and
Lnm the
oriKidBettoBmatbr Mtatahitil in
> Ohbet waa bookbd. bat
oHm- that ttnn aaar ^ ae«o
book beat and tfaa hold waa loaL
Tba other oar tlnl waa iumI in the
boat by Yeaac waa ftmnil yeater^r
made br • man
■“ aodataw
of oatpnL Doabtlaai tbaia an naaf
■ilia vUefa wenld bactar ahat dm
and nnohat a AeOnte. . maant loa the boat waa alao fooad flaatiac in
nthar^aa iaMnita bat lancer the water al tha npper «nd <4 the
U Baee a Oaan
' Is the most ecooomtcBl beater aade for fall
and spring. When Voti waot only a little fire you
can pot in a few kindlings and a s6ck of wood and
. you have a little fire at oace tiMo you can abut it up
I and it wHI keep fire.
We have a fine line, commencing at $3.75,
$3.Soandnp. If you want a stove for a bedroomtbeae Uctle box stoves for $2.50 and up.
If you want the best beadog stove made, boy
an Oak Peninsular, from $8.7$. or a Pmiinsalar Cotiage>-a good large one for $8.50.
ttoal work eo tha part of ataj
•IMkt daafl^
^ oual
*• "•'"Si&SoC- «0»TAT».
Brysa dtoM the raport that he had
inatlaad a anbUai poaiUen to Otokar.
Lf to be timt BrTat haa
paeaiaad aethtaf at all eaoapt
klefc the aplBa] eolana oat of the
atandard and to aaka the J
iaaa da« la tha PbiltpplDaa look
a bnek-nambar.
Baorr think thb amtaor M
Air Tight
A ebnlkoxe ha. bStaSerad ban
Cron Bapdd Oity, aakiac for a 0na
with any taam In Ibb city. It b
laobabb (bat they WiU pby tha Aw.
twa. ia tha nanr tatan.
It wlU ba inMtbte to «a«
Ibb altyRi knew tb^U Rnr,
who haa playad awh tea footbnll la
thbetiy. playM riebt and on tha
Vairareity of KloblRan feoclnll taM<
ta tbair pna acMnat tba Cbn at
their tatalar meetiaR t
Snbjeet for dbenmion.
Work bother Inade."
K(na«iy. leadM. Xra. P. 3. How'
preaidBnt of the ebrenA dbtrio, bespeotad to be iweeeut,
Aey manot taaefa Ae mat of Ae A.
i, ,
aad ta mi
ttmarnO taka Intmnai lamedba
Ul’eMOBfa ante b mken latcnmUy
of loothaU batwaan
M ^ inaRlu. ***
everybody tor DYSPEPSIA
fjsucv.^ gra&aarsi*
JAS. O. 20HK80N. Dn«riM
the Bunnab & Cap ift
Wmantik Companp
dial Cold
ebilly Feeling
Chat Cold
Chilly Feeling
Quickly disappears beside a
good warm stove. It's most nec>
essary these days and those that
will soon follow. Buy now.
Disappears like magic when
you own some of our warm underdothingrthat for price and quality
can’t be beaten.
Catton TIcect
That produce an even tem
perature, the kind that, barring ac>
cidents. never gd out during the
cold season. Have 15 kinds to se*
lect from. Prices from $iS to $40-
• A splendid article that sells
for 50c each.
Ok Radiant 6arland
Is a splendid air tight stove
that bums soft coal, makes no dirt,
consumes all-the clinkers and are
.sold from $30 to $24.
U»««I Tlrrce
That is the natural gray, a
good garment for 50c.
TIat natural Olool
A most excellent article and
sold at 75c. $1, $1.50 and $3.
mcdtcaKd Scarkt
Jiir Cidbt Stones
A garment that sells on its
own merits and guaranteed to
please, casts $1.
Are the quickest heaters on
the market. ~ They give the best of
satisfaction and are made in 4odif*
ferent styles. We carry them all.
Small sizes for small rooms are
S.t.50, S4 and $5. Larger sizes are
A garment made to fit the
^y *^°**^y'
«wm as can be.
gonnd 9«dters
Caa Vael
• •
Are great sellers from our
experience. Made for good ser*
vice. Have 16 kinds from $ti.co
to $24-
Many customers vrant a cd>
ered garment. ’This is a splendid
article, sdls at 75c and $1.50.
Nothing so nice as tbe^
comlMoatioo suits, best gannents
made sell at $2.sa $3. $>50
Tobe addressed by die^ia*
j dnguisbed veteran.
and b a
fiaEuu 0. NHna
On the issues of the hour.
TMq enM 8cl 25.
Special rates on railroads en-1
terin^ the dty.
i «ftT, ttidU THirMiM.Tr i
asaxiBM oa» SRMpL
A tan « lb. teM «r Mn. Snta
WM >Mta
br U^ntta —»%«nnd Twtair
■Igta. ttfOm vilb «U or ia
MW. <ari>d«ac thnt bdrw tw.
»l.aO: iWloUf oora*A I? towor.
Tta tana Md CM17 or rmiwu■■■’. loMMd «ta«t Umx adlM aorta
odFiMiat, taiata Koota; algfat.
•eeib. ha* dKlIafd
en Pfaeerarir dab.' aew teratar
ie ChMafo. Brieir will ta foaad Ue
mioB for derliaiac le >U:
>: taBC S. na-Kr Dm «r;
rn <«r rov iaduUM te taa «ta
i*n fl( wMca an « a* taura
Al th* eea* tla» I aoM rMB«
of tae batMtal of 4
or HoUaBd to Dako BniT ^ Hwblntai(«ta«erla.
The Oika«» <dt7 cobkII baa takn
M)« toward aaakdfta owimtaip
aUnraad oWorle Uta* ptaBM.
4a^aaa nt* od n onto pertaoBoa»d fast rv w K
Wtau, aotataob or oaa «ad •
titr «d ta*. Un. •MRB; tJ
trr atau »t,m. Tta tan all
«<iataoBo« itataUar MOcdU*
l 11^ UMk
bad oftartadltacaraMBtotorttM la
tta aaaa) way allaw tboB ta *a*L tan
>at tacto to totm a qaanar of n ton
tain aad arraBBa « atocia tojw of
ttaaa at tta bonato or a wta
pto dtob. Bprtaklr tta peiaion w*«
A Ota* oaito wao ntata ta a nata with nit. papM. *Mly taeppad otaaa.
nta o( Atan*. O.. fajr ttaaa mm. Btaod pantoy aad crated ctaon. (tai
Tta wota WH «alta aad tae Tobton
wbita nan- a»d1 mne la tM
oaniwd. Eoptahaotan ta Am*In a paar BBd wrwtad ta tta dtal order aatn tta dlab toe
Irtttac oaaer fora tta h ___
talaea at Ooratac. Ba had
rapt a nrtbUtac od craiod
•100 aad WBB rda« bone to b
wbM aboodd ta added )iat bHora palttac tta pie ta tto orea. See tbot tta
tta'toowaybon tta bn
Taeaday. briar to well bniad. tbaa a*
Br i« toft vtlbost a «•
tta toe to tboruucWr hot aad e
Bln- p4dn browa arrr* laotafaUy. tta
oarfarr Max aprlakled altb a aixtar*
or Baaiy rtopped paralry aad atttad
*8C rota, (ta pto Iltob tetdr (taced nw<ll ta a Baattair of tta oa a prattp dtob papar arltb a boed*
oTaOtacb hicb ataool
pM***d vSaW
1. Mmria. toplad tato
B narbloi
taarJjMtaB^Tia to
rwrhlBi tta hlfbClft at a aorardca (be ftrael Taaadar.
Of a iB^Ua*« a*B
ttaSoltaa of Ttokar ba« leand
ro«^ MB of MoBtnn.
to 0«(saii7 tor talit^reanttalaalill. WBlktat atav ta* rl«*r a taat
laad fld Urna. ia tae Bad 8n. tet7
aiiW Borth oT Kaamian. for a oobUbc Kadgbtofifl^tataatatoaTntao witb
tbe MTosad *ad 1
for tta aaend d^na.
toBBd ttaf.WM ta* haw or ao UTwostr-na CkUtoraton. tta adA daaetac
will ta fim ibU ,
. _
AMa viio tad tan tad ttan aanr
iraBoefBardcdHO, bare aaflad fiw eraatac bp ttaattaodaato «ftbaa«yof tta a^-fnn a«a Ttaw na B-nl BraoU
KaW Yst for tta Anestiaa Ba|«b- tan. ta tta Andaaiy.
MtaJ taiabW OB a badktaia taoBC.
Ur, iBtndiaii to orttlr then. Tta
law beeBctBBtod
aad aa old UaiJort Hit baad bnld*
40 Topa** to bead....
XoOiU aod Haiy Tkobta*«k*lHn.
ed by (<wr brottan nned BaUett. Ihtoy, both cd Kiacatoy.
*• lae *arr aaw of ataii m tar a fnn Loa AttireW. each d feat ''toll. I A tea eni aapper will ta oamd
TbM*an>«;fffri«attta ladaacrta
ttatra Ofairrat. aaeb u rea ccoCMa
Usme U*itke
to. t« pM*a Btaa tadMOaal ta^. and neb harinc a wife and* foor | tbto amtiiii ta Poteatera hall br the
I now M un ifniail ia to caaniuo daa^tora The oelooy. wfaieb baa' Oeotrml lobor Uaioo. All aaloo'Ben
aa aaiUf* a< atau tann. Btoa aB a( oa.
a onr toKacr. M.«e.fn B
' >aB« ao* BOiaaO ctoi Om ««*«'• pWe* B cnuldeiBide ndi npiial. will co 'aad ttatrtaBlttoaaretaTiied.
sad tan for wiaor iai
laf^rwr i« ito whlu aa*'* aa .UeUea Oar*. tato (Bale ratotar ia ita rallay of Tta
naktac wtta ta* aaoBBl
i TaomK^MurtaOtTUoal^nr tbaa «a tta Platte rtn*.
t«T csmBi oapwaiB. aa acPBtaU oT ,mui bait af Ito »iralnta a ta* atawa
. lad..
T«ar.n*M. Kwtii CaraBaa aaO AfWuu** Biauil ha* reeolyed ibc deed to tta Bade ta die cboraen
Tb* B*tr coal taatw al Jaekita ar*
drtewD acm of toad ia 8peaear Renin AylMamrtb. who lira* ou a
empletmL The talUiaf U rtztt
oooBty. eanuBiUiic tta crare of' Cam near laterlpebni aad ta* been
that ha* *M Boda
reel and SO reel hl«fa. aboM 2.C0D
Kaaey Hank* Ltaeota. tbe tooiber of: ta Jail on a dtoffe td amab with'tafar Ito OMMachtai
KM «d oobI on ta «mb4 tarn. The at Ito Mcra to mtobcM (a da aa; aad. AtaafaBB Ltaeota. The deed eonreye 1 teat 10 do ctni bodily lam ton tbaa
iM> M* a( o«r ••ntoa *bo toltovM to tto
r *1.000. I
rUAtto tto An«te-a*too t* rate. I* a^ tta land from tta eouty ecniiiii- iantder. baa farained The mpiiml
n r«H oT Ibb•iooefa of Kpeoerr eooniy to il* {*1.000 hail, .and boea nlnwd rmn:
'K m I ta aaual b a toawami **n- Kaaey Hank* Uacoln Hmorial awo-leaatady.
tac la d«atr*T tto Ml<r*et« af tto AserThe »>U> JimtjMB iidhaoy wiU toaa aawfuaaat to Ito
---- - etation.a( which tta troraraor to i*e*- [ The ealoyto of tta O. B. ft L at
hold iu aiiBBal roaaioe al Ypoltoatl
altfato petal were raeriiiBCed reatentoy iUFreaiBl. Tatopbitaa «M
cooalrr eooM aai baeonbir b*r* etr- iteb
OB TVanday. Threw of tta foor omid- nioe*ni*«;
ie*ni*«; *a0 *utoc«B*D(ir n
Tta heart of tta aarqnii of Bate.; hy Dr. Vebtar of Oraad Ra^dt. Tta
tan od tta Iwaodk Mtaato taottat.tta orictaal of PtoraeU’* charaetn'raoeBt oeibiaakariiDallpoi In Bmiaet
draw aarpo.^ aarrtrf with tba n«- •« a I were • eoBBoa trailer.
od Lottair. will ta token to tta eouiy to tMpndble fv tbto action
iBMt tbtaacboBt' tta war. wiU ta ~A aaoibaniar by Mttb. la peUttoa • ««B- Roly tend to ha tmried ta Bout; oa ita pan of tbe lailnad eoB|uy.
Aa Aawrtoaa br tbe araa* of Oo .1
pmoeot with ttair flfao aad draw*,
11. la
- tbe
“ *to*a
lafa........................ Olirrt. Thiaiitha fnlfllltaant of a 1 It to nid itatt erery ani|iloy* of tta
I. ew* (or ktr.
tea od tta hrotoon died toontlproadetoar
" . liaaw City wUi _ ,
Tta Mta pabUe wbool for depiwOoetaRin tail of<raoetaated.
‘ .
den oUldreo at Coldwatar. wlU retta alBoot total dntneloa bV flr* of Kreiy rotor ta order to rote on '
. orato* *in.000 |ier rnr for (wroet .raFort Lii^ the prUudpal pon of tta ' KoroBher 6tb b«*i itottotor hla | *
poaoBb nd ia additin wiU an (or
Bapublic. Tbe faui^ •eelicn of. naate. Tta placta of taptotry acal
«I1.M0 for UiptOTtiBrat, a aaw beat. OOmUSTBD WITH MEXICO. tta city wat entirrly.wiped oot. IhajtBMd ia another coIbbb and (hr i
rety aooo pot heyc*d eontroL'data# are Batorday, Oet. I7tb aad tatBUSINESS CARDS.
. after IwlldlDx aad block, nryday. KoreBber krd.
PaaM* ta Bar P
block wete owrpi by lb* flaeie* TIk- eeturaet fi* toe new bnildios
MiHBoe Walkar od Haopnta. laaltad ta a idKWtUMBoie 1^*1.000.. to be erected by E. K. Piatt 00 I^liS.
taad #«n fme a pasab orohard tbto
ono wwtii of ]»o]«'rty waa bnrned o
•tmt and to ta ocenpied by the *
ymx. Atadottora boobaol ta nya. Praa oOrrr aad be Nbcta ate beat
WJlltaB JohnoD of
. Eaple. baa faoen let to ' Ulber A
that Wta. haa for yean been aflUrted.Smitb.
(ta art* of paaoba* na ba wadi
ampytrldnnwcctbof frolt a piar.
ot tbf trw rrpob- With itoBwib ttoabto told flnally; Fatbor itotpatanan, will bold arr- ^
At Bainall, Gouty Clart Aaotln Ucana erar elected auyer of El I'aaa,
MUinnhiw boaidtal, wtafe rion Sandny ta tta -Oattalio fbwrh'h^i a blKon. ph^ m
iopaad a taarHap* UoaoM- Taaadar toppHra Ibeoe rosparatirc prtc^ itwaafouid Itat ha waa anff^iw aHUptoliB,
to a bride and crnoai whore acre
which ahow bow labor firro aadfe fron naopt. An oiwiattaa waa per
Tbe irtrnler ...I
of me
the Wornb
•■ ..HU w
noB* ^
-----, ....
^ibb, RTb'
T» Ud ;; eaare reapoctiacly. The free allrer.- It na*t be reiueBbered 'fmaed. tta cntimB OtmlnR AXay.an's Clnb Wilt be held Fridar after- UkKi.VC ixitati. Aulrwry
Iride had bnea Married twiae tefoir that the Mextoaa prieeo at* ci»en la ' iwo-thlrda of tta atotaach. Johnma
hnaoB noon in Xontainse Halt. UmBKh an 21*.'" “
aad tta vooM owaw
Mexleaa money:
: j, aow op and aboni and will aonn etror tta notice
A talntod tor WiJlHoUyoU prrpariac to atitiae tta
tone peat Buidiii la that eicintty.
reoordad n*ro tbe entire tuaaeh hai.
. Joaeiih tern, of WtaBttald towataenremored. lot JahnaaoB expn-j
ience i* Bid tn be on>i|ae.
ahip. aaar taaeiac. loot aa axw> ia a
pon haaker Taeaday moraiiMr.
At Jarkaao Joho C. Oaner waa
~ torxicaa Uborer rrxclriof »ikA
taud daa<l to bed Tpraday mmltia:
wa^ to anabU to boy Uttto
taan Ihllaie. Be waa bora ta Ao- If any prorialona. la the word* of tta To Alanaon cjiaar, Kilo wa* oojithBd .•;'’''*7*Wbp alao toil.ul," lofaltil.b- D c-OiujBT.Ar
bora. K. T.. la IBto. and tad mid- tote Mrxtoaa Bintotar QoBare. ~h* ~
ad at JaekacM 4» yam
^ will lire on ten and twrutrerntaaday. {oil
J^bnaoti. Cbc.
lotcb wl
Time tar TU eoBriolo
Mrielo in tta pftaoo
Aaad 'nilea planle.
M at 'Jan*ao at iraaaat. TV> (next
riphi-hand drawer of my boreao. 'i MnTIPC flC OCeiCTD*Tmai
hi* hut. aad three
throe fora the larprst
- toctototan. will ta aakad
hU bill of fare tarot ttaiea
fBBpriaiiuo of *79.000 for
•>---- ■- for SU day* In ihc year. Fire ttal iii* abnt apM hare eunceabd
Ud a boo*- for the dr|My
epher fcroioa*
Itort par
per year 1wtU clothe
A red oak ana year* old. oocapyiac
in tta art of taelh. Accnrdlnp-i **T^* Uie^^llftS V/4._
t IwrhaiM hi* hat.
hi aad for
ahaat baU a oily lot of laaA wat
11, If ha naa■ pel the
money, ]y lie atnatoicd np hi* faca?’’*'' but «■!« of Traveroe City. Mieh, IW~■ - ■ niiT^
tamtly auld by a Beaporia Canm
pay from Art to tweal) doilara.''
Paraan kaow that with UbnrCEip
Ba pot ataoi *t f« It He to aei
B aadwlllaoi talae Jlrinp in (hat mtaaae. 4ba boma mar.
ket will be cot oP. 'Free allrar Sanaa a* a rerepacle fur nKBay baa been ' jdvtap
nafc* al *e par u*w por .r«n.
Are warda of
Al Mendon me flonrfaw wiU Af J- a rondUion of dtolraao OBoap Ita Itotafolly
workinp people of thi* country neror
■. KiehoU boraod tanilv aicbi before knooD. Aa loop at tb* (ara«h*1Bopeny wa. raloAl at *10,«0; tr hnow* tbr clly wape-ewmrn ar«
7*9.000 tatnraaoe.
aattoPta, ta hnowa that there wlU bo
ta*. Mn. Wi
pood ptiee* far all farm prodocta.
of Brookly*. aatobndrd their . flflieiri Aad that to why the farmer* of tbto
wwMta« nMirrraary m Mdpday. Foar eeuiitry are with tta MaEtatof admin. Lia wife told the more to a eatotmnit. day. Kor. 6, 1900. that In there moM
D.rt knowinp it* cootenta. Mr, Roffre-repirtjt^on of all
irnifwaliont wore repraomtad M tta
Al IMtcd TlpBitatoy./a pinaaor
ciiiBB in pood liaalib. hatred blae •( tna toatlww nrw*e* 1
aoir ta LI* tan. Two taffllVta aim
br •oorhe raafeaan •(
hatipe.1 tbemaelre*. and it to taUarod
(be Buirlcbil BanU Tuain tta family.
____. . 4<tern oonrtabip of alMT year*. ] acliool lioUdtap.
Al a pnrerycp of aoihli"*f^^**^ »hleh boida Ita vonlnp nvotd of] Orelliekotrapi amJ Elmwood
AUepBii Miner* are fladtap it necei^
' warp fo *lii)> in «h<«t. One flra baa Cochran to «rcBta oaly to
la (be
■ a reeml apeech al Cblcapn br aaidj
taaoata two carload* from Hokptaa
•The pkiry of Americaii *oldliT*ba* r
Rtalita.«ail another coB]Bliy 1.000 not 1x^0 in the preataeaa. J'Bl ta ta*
J®®*"qoielly Bar-jheeieat
bn*tato omap wtieal from Chinpo.
iIlDiw* of thrir numbera."
,tW Hauday near Katyland- IWlaadCaaa
There are 4S Matanu ta the IbeolThat .ourKl. well in
hftdo aad proBB dacltaed any.atobor-i
apical detiartiwul of Niltodale ool- what are the fact*?
laemtioiu. alihmipKttalr adwol baildiap on 1_______ _______
la the war of lilt we bad MAOp raw- friend* and rrtotiero dealQ<d
Ige. a of whom are wamad. <>utl07l*‘T‘d^' *“***^
lara ata (Ti.Oi eoloawpra In lie tta eooaidoa a fr*tlTe one. Tby the
‘ of the ibeolcipieal 1
are only two or time m»t1H I
,h. Mexican war we bhd k0 9M «««btp. wb
Aaotadent. tafllape.
forv tta Mrxiran war, waa of «ich
TW Uiand Trank mad ha.1 anotiieT > The ciell warttolW lorfi»erEO«.000 :‘*"*‘<00 both Mr. aad Mr*. Raictar
wiank at tta piak bole near BUw. ,«,».
i declined to .tale. Ttay idmplr reMonday eeeatap. and *0*0(01 car* of: Tbr ^nlidi war breopbt oat aa I maikrd that the* weiv prowtap «ld
(relphi wore wroekad. Train* were ! n™.* «f MA«» «»«>iaadiLcmitai Uiey tad better MRy
Aetoyed wrcral taara Tbto make* i
.*• •“‘.“ap a^l nbont ttaot '
inontf Ifehittdtd
Standard Balm
and Soap
__ _______
....... . .
mmi i
Himiltoii 'ClothingCo.
DR. w. 1 ussnis
AD ccmbUuw* meAr m I
••(•MIA ..owawwl into r»lwvrkVital |
cA.webettaiaw.il.-■rXenarmtS .-kOi.* t>ar*re-> ftaa Aba*
aoTicuF REeiSTMTioK. o. ^,T2.7,.';ssw'f2n,t:
« ...V.
sS™rH 'S;
i.M* *
.... ..... •
Mttaan who ha* owned and kept for tt, cbln* to 1b. Um »a#rel Fhlph It ha* kb. Wath. A den*, fop icevenled tta
iMny yoato |M aa I8lt United Bmteo. won.
' moionM raotap ahead,
land WBRaai for ino arreo of jto*«n-j
Edtranl 0. AIibodw of Ewi Or•n>'P~i'>-'‘»a«Mroo..l«ay..re.
• dWTa-da.*. He wa.
tatl«byrneletto»(or W* aerxice* | li.Ue trade barometer, ha. doubled
«aada*. of CBe of Kapolecn'a ataff
*• *be warof lUL Dmil Intoly ta r.oce IW. when free iradr roird tta .oOfoc*. a Oalifcnto •»». at eaie
■r coold he pmaaded
aaU to. bat at toat oold it for aboni
MUAt Adrtax a beua baa been lataed
fey tta cltiaeoa to aw«r« a knittlap
toeuxy eotploytap lOO banda. to
We imported »0S.«u tea* el ta*
Aan l. ta tta bnildtap to be n
In 199* under tae Oeeetoad r*pW
fey *0 Itafectimi Tooth Pick Faftoty U ja» tta import* were Hfm^DU
Hilt to tbe diPereaco btlwooa nr^
thu aad (re* trala.
.! =
Band—b E and SO toe old > hope
for tmproTOMl? ItaoaUi y_iiot.
stsiSK?'.i;8,.'a5.te svru‘?2“?.2;r;
lair at «. A* ynnr dfapptol
wmi for a arrore cold or a bad toMr
To be addressed by the distinguished veieran.
On the tames ol the hour,
Clmr«4ay Eveiilna* Oct 2S.
special rates on railroads entering the city.
Try a
For Women.
Misses and CblldFen.
MOU don't know, unless you have seen the remark.
« able gathering we are showing—how many "best”
styles-there are. You will fmd here all the swell
creatKMs in
Suite, Capes
and F*ura.
It matters but little what you want—WE HAVE IT.
We price our ladtetf* jackets from..... $2.98 to $25-o(;
We price our Mines' jackets from. .,.$2a)8 to $iaxo
We price our childreo’s jackets from. .$1.25 to $6.50
We price our capes from........................ $3jx> to $15^5
X We pr«ooffars^..$,j5to$25O0
We price our suits from.......... -.gs-so to $2$joo
Yofegttmoredcgukce. style, qoahty aod better
^ Ms here' thao ever before. It is impossible to des*
^thtwgOTMBMddotbem joaue ii thb Cmited space. To tborooghly appreciate their,true
mtrit* you must see them yourself. Come in and
Ida show them to you—try them 00 aod see bow
beeomibg they are to you. Oiv prices are a inter,
teog a the goods thenkadves.
flic Boston Store.
I Off, ineto tKttBAT, awtoto Miuw
I Mwa nu«
WADE BROS. Fire Instance
^ <to MM
toil BftotwBte qi
to.^ «R tto Mito- It to ^mttr
IS smm
teTtonn. City
r hi tto I
It b Mto imiliiii ttot Rina tto
to germ IdOtoc tMwtJ *>4 >
Ito Mb to toiT toKto a toto
RMl « an tlM. b« eavtoteltr
MM. «Wefc toto to to-M .(Bl la to
MtMT. B* mit
b* M
fy««rt >m»ib»wi»i —
ptoaptointopt aad.eandal aMto-
or|«W« tpwki»i
-Ih* «o«e»l.
Ml. & ZeM tbM «Ub i«
' Migbl to tWi 0> •mmhttt ml *■
hM«bad»cN>hns«Ci*itf *•
PH»»1 XMMte to ib> «st->di
«ato«<aMM7lbtotoo^ ten tM
btol. rtotyt Mto Mi to fto»MM>
«ta» toiT *»»*" to) tor
StotoRk teM toto*
ttoir ttto
to. eU7.«biei> totr tor. to toto
italr^totobxitoto. U. -
Tto toiai
• wlUto bhM
4f|Mad tto toM that Ito mMI md
tto totod ara aM
vartdac to
mmr- Ptotlr. ^ ttototot. tocMaa
Itor to Ml sadarnaad bM oitoc.
AlimaiM Mmim* toatoaad ttoi
to dto BOt at aar ttoM tettod to »«Mat <to band ad toWto wafka, «Wto
tSa ar aionauc oM of Iba ooloa. m-'otSKri^ba
tt to
I" Oab Ko. I prr to ’
rpk > co„
to (old
Maattcal with tto «
I la atafebda. wbkb b aiaMai tto ._____
Ponton pn pa
MI aitd toHonta oeoalbm
CM. U.. Oat. » >Btoa
at af all anrlb that an aaatr.]^.---------Aboitofolkwtat oao_- .
hecar radbh. ao taarti Utod with Battar ptr lb
Barratt. a aa»aa yaar aid top. baa
barf tor lb keaa aad bUlne pnp-1 ■(■»
doa. atrtotly fiM
Itoowa tnoi aa *M«n fotof a nila
•TtT.aadttoocdlaamaBUardaroori Tto Mtehtpaa ^areh Co.
ntoaia totop- Ha wa.
talk* both on tbrir atreedT atlamb-! for potaiom:
For Be. I atoeb. M
boar latar to a «>» aMt to to* tor
tlrr mpanka to tbb aaiaa aalpbarrf t <mu
hto naadiat ta tto niddla ad Ito
rf allTk. wbkb (tna tbnn brat aad ‘
orritofn to* toolbar aa- '
u» .wo 0—0*.
aetldltT. tan aot aa o««»lr* ancU.
Tto nnrM etoetbw for Ito paraatajaiad ampl for aa
OvlM <0 tto dlSmat amBcrtorBUl
M toto^ -f aa-tottotk*. MU.■Mb Oarrar. M ftotaf
aarrlo to tto ettr-
Ba todarad ttot
to woaU Mt Ifctok ad •
ttoto. beaaaa. (tor did aa(
MaTcr ritodrteb
dtto boarded
dutoaaf Ito
MMtotrofka. aad *
area* to tore U* m
Ha daekiad that wtoto*ar tto ecaidl»t~.
to tto] ^tnaa to to da-
tton. turMoe. Ibi^ ban,
lot MkxlSO. den is xraMty.
Tltiifa CM of tbe bMMhaad aOUMB te mk to aU prk H
Swim Ealkaaba Vasfotd. Ban^.
Leolaina aad Otaad Trarora*; abo
: Oto rnnaeatatir* ta M Mto b(i»-
Mtoi n tto torato MM.
BAR(}AQr8-We tore ttom.
Grand TnTcneUad Co.
otitiM& PrioBUOa
FflB SALE-8tt-116 Bern 8
faad aad wtota
^nial «dn rf baaiaan for
Bia( at to o'oloeb.
cat fron dOO n (in, aad
it b
Mtee wtth aon* rf tto aaparit bad baaa efmtt. tto bona tolto
vbto* wtotber U Will to bwfal to
aad trtol ha* baaa aad oacfa.i t
tab* tto aabry aaw or aot.
doaa with it. tto atraat (radar.
Tto nlaiy rf J. O. Ebdnid*. JaaaOar totaaau rroot aad ftota atraat,
tto arotb oa Vaal FcMl
faptoiBb of to a day to .ibe
itor rf tto ooart
haaoe. wa* caiawl
who aa*M Oi^ »(ton»pataM aad
rartoaa otbar natton. ttoy ger* B.
wnnIttMOD inato. waya aad
ta naal both nato oat tbalr rrporta aflat tto oatfn « tto report rf
(Tto tto Btbrac* batirrr «bre 1 w
ai lair Mnb toCWtaUMtadorMl
hick ta nuutUif don faUL
it la atatrd tbu tb* Brttlab «l(btbeaar toard irlU adopt a or* foto of
rtt«<:kallT llditnl lioer to rtpUed tto
aU b(U aad saa baoT* atttieoto at rarieot daBMfMa polata alons Ibr ohaaTbe pHbdpkto wMiMi tat*(rapk7
toa bare apfilXd la tto atrcniig ,of torpatora. aad taWa nadr la Baiiaad
rrailT apprar to atow that tto aratrn
Tto rtcrtrtc car anric* fron Voatot
to tto ahiliia of Btr. Anto da Branpra
baa bfaojBMmatiiUT baaofurattd. Tto
ear* rao at a rate of U atUni aa btor.
aad tbm «r^ to M trahia a daT.
la maoT (Opper nlora tto rktor bodtoofMT hair tonmbanatnL and tto
toanlolBg rack b of a abani-trr
poor IB tnnal to rrpaT (to rtpnu
brtadaa It lo tto •orfat^jod worl
It for It* natallk cootrotilTtoi 1
wUI hr abk 1a (Imb iwppct fron aorb
Mara wlUilB tto Blolouia of rapiwae
nallBum b pprollattT tto rketnCtaa'a lartBL it*
of natatlBp
................................ irlT aad Ita abUllr ‘
aad BO etbrr materbl raa take lU
place for ttoer aer*.
Oae rf tbr no*l astoolahlBC fratorea
at tbr dyutne «r aiotor. b lu ettreon
dtaary eak-kticy In iraoBfonalBE nerbaitkel late. rk<-trkal raarfy or rk*
eeen. Tbr eqalraket of rltbcr kind
rf rwrrRT In irrau of tto otbrr b
kaevB wKb Rwat raartana. HC Mt
anprre* or eatt* of rketitcal r«my
beM cBOal tn oar banepower.
la Aaatru ibr oar rf Mvftal pewardbtrfbattoB Id nltb and fariorke b
bacoeiliw *Mrw>n*d aad aUnet oal«enal b tbr lm|K>n*tii teatik li
try. RerniUy a piaal ba* tore b
kd at BaxrrOo, ta tto aoMb TyroL U
Vbkfa OOP rHrrl wiarloR toon* *r«
evrmkd by pol.rpbaae rirrtrie nottn
Tbe arv Orairal toodoo ihctrtc rail
way. Wbkb evened to paUk traSr a
lew weeka am baa, it b aald. pmred a
pMdlRloaa BBcrm. Darlni; tto Biot
Pear day* It waa npmed ao Ire* than
mOOO peepk aMkd tbrmarirre rf
tWa aew nraaa rf tapU traabl. to tto
dMrtnaat rf tto onattaara Re ourEM baa bet* tto eotbaataatk reeek
ttaa rf tto bweratioB that tto Pader-
X B. Powte rf BoMato who U
MoppiBR at tto Betal Wbitla(. bad a
racy *britTla« *■(**■■"«
Inke MIchtRaa eat from Miiwaafcw
Monday erealaR. He wa* aboard tto
dor*.wbM>had bft
MaaUteeoarly iatto erealaR. Ttoy
were Ur oat ban toad wtoa Ito
toary'otMnof IM al(bt eaw
tto wlad Mowt^ dMd aboad.
a laoR tUae tb* bM Rnnd M a
with tto war** MbioR ao bi«b that
ttoy broke tto wtodawa U the pilot
hoan. aad nada oom tto oMala
aad tto onw tbbik tbal It nlRbt
the Uol oMn- tto OoreU wo
erer take. Tto waM to two feet
deep en tto lover dato. eonlBR
Uater Ma it oeaU.ra* eS. Maay
tto ftiiiRiri wen RBreamlag aad
prpbabty non af lldb tbooRbi ttot
Ftaally O
la penlMI Ibe tool abBat. aad tboy
IBB before tto vtad Mb n the Wbeoaala Mre. pottUf iato a oobUbr
Mebon. It w«a a aanow e«M
FOB SALE—880-M) acre farm
UmflM BOBtb (rfoity.S bUm
from Monree Center, 60 acrea
under caltiTBtlan. Rood Crame
boaoe. wind otUi, frame bant,
drire abed, com crib, poailry
botne. orcbaid. a^t 7&.000
Mtotad Iv tbak frtaM
Fire Insurance
Iw. to. A. Vajlirfleap.
DontBe Foolcoi
.■Ti IS IS
ss:: '•sc-i;'”
•s£'?s "tsJissnr*
Chursday Cosofiis. Oct. 2S.
^OUK WAXnb *t cerr •• nik^a*--
.caah. balance on 'time. Price
FOB 8ALE-811-Nic«booaao
Wafaater8L.«ix roomhi
in No.l conditkn. latRelotOe
feet good bam. How coat
$600. bam $300. lot worth $400.
Let the whole bwBM go for
low price of $L000.
Among tbe different pieoea
above admtiMd yon will find
Is the place for the latest ideas Mine money
m Millmcr,-.
\Vc take pleas-13-v,™l ol Ike .be,, piwn of
special rat(?5 on railroads enterinp the city._______________
I «n «H»te&eenw
of fasbion
ate ia P'-ing oat. ^«on,et.
We also carr>- a beautiful line of j ^ of them on eaay Imm. Don't
fancy goods. Now is the time take onr .woid for H,itoi«bbo^
to get voo, Chtismas P^ots
2»9 front Strut*
PSJttraS- ■
OM penow with WtS^ aad Ulto
AboataoM. BtiA Wto baindM
eaaal rf-tbna. Mi Nifciy‘i baM I
anaotH with rm^.Iv tto pan
pupVtolMD 4NOND
M. pto Mil mHmmm* lando^X
“Wbat'a tbUr* In Vtrf. dtaMR
^ for houaa, factory orator*.. IF*
can wire anything from a
ttoli to r whole city.
«M «rf tmm tto •
•toto ^ru»e«* m%.
J__5____ J__5-5
Pebb Marquette
Itete than aU the net pnt t(«eSeT {
hnR cwoi^by7SnSSP8H^!n
M railway, after naay yeare'
of conne,oor woid in tbl« «•pect
oect ia liable to be qoe*tione4
qoertioned, it
oMma to be a part and pareal of
tbe bnaiowe of a real eotate dealer
to not bare ftdka believe what be
aayt. 8o far a* we a» cnaeemed
we care bnt very little what an?
one aayi alMt iw, bat when it
I oomea to taking your oath ^ a
matter of protection to tbepiBalvm
we would'adviMOTeryoM to tell
Ibe troth We never had onr oath
doubted bnt cnoe to onr knowledge
by a t*Mg under oath, and it
on account <rf ite
nrr and toteti/in. we think more pnrdoanfafo
to fet^ve. believing it men ebiriteble to attribute it to imbaaU^.
foan lo cowndy knavery, aad
criminal maTirifimnM
cessa CRRRRMwtoRaae
Started, and we can help you
out with new ideas as well as
materiaU to do it with if you
will give us a call.
r. aad Mya. BVMM wtU to at
LanndMnWdMM'a tba nAn to PI pAWkMM “
im Ueh* St.
O. m, 0*rv*r
W. L. Brown
bMI aw- Tto brtde
naay elcMt Mm «f eatean.
all Jrfa 'to wbUoR then a I
unnt Khb.
B- Jt. Cedtrie,
aUte. Low price tS.500.
FOE 8ALE-««3-Oood lot on
State street, 06 foot fruni. aootb
aide of atreet Price 1250.
FOR SALE — 784 — Honae aad
SMa.’^aoTSey ‘tov'Tu^^ mLwb ‘work. Special orders promptlot on Earf Ntatb dtreet, just
to to BM nrtr dtairmprr* of tto air. Ijy looked after.
ton hodka of a traly idaanarT aatnrr.
off Union. Home baa 8 Ui^
traMlag anjnad tto *00 lu orMM B» ;
I irsl-class t^ork.
rooma, Roud well water and oia*
4raa(d a* tbal of tbr rartb liartftero. ootioected with aewer.
good ban, lot alone worth bail
what we a«k for property, bnild'
inga coold not be pot there foi
*l«:ELl.A»EOUSWA1>:^:p,„^ S.r«t. b...«n 9.h .nd ‘
lea tbaa $1000. Prica $1900.
FOB SALE-894-Two lott on
Hannah aTenoe, lota of afaade Hiniitee I RortheasUre R. R.
troM, lerel-and dandy bnildisR
Wfll take low price for
___ jf will Mil for $900 ea
on amall-payment down.'
Btot^------- lB<toL>
* M ;r a
PUB 8ALB-«I9-Hoi^ and A. a.ip B.i
.Ktlfr U.UUH'
uiMuHrimU■* numhudlQ
two loti on comer (rf Maple and • W tAAL*
Ari U<* .a IT
(Wr —------- ------------- ----------n. Wr will Uki- y.«r Unck ■***!.
Randolph ttreeta, good bam IS fSiar^
!fS tL‘
and well of water, corner
unriawll) o-w * b.rl *t a naatl roM. Wr
ban aW.aAan'rl.lin, ..r»-v*M ■ri—lbi*i1
good location. Will let gi. ..
i!S it
thii property for $W ^wn, bni.
aoce $6 per month aad intererf. •tto •*to
inHHM‘ni(\('i.R wonne
We’re Mlliac yon the
u I F»*il in . TmTww.aiy
tbrowing in
t*B ••
IMr a**
POE SALE-782-Hooae,6 rooma
all ia Rood conditior '-----it
comer of Wabatar a
* at Mma'. mn tvH. raiT
fltreata. rows for
o n*i»
one on Wabater and two on
Barlow. $M down and |K per
Dooth takea thU. Price POO.
FOB BALE-699-Two loto on
To be addressed by the distinguisht»l veteran,
eaat Niotb atraat, aonth dde
of atreeL joat wM of OaM. 6RARD RAPIDS A IRDIARA «V.
On the issues of the hour.
tWarfariMk Caton
A]»eMy weddiBR wa* oobni
at tbe retIdMB* af Bm. Pr. 1
IBM erealBR. aailtw Mb* Kate Oilehrlit aad Mr. BdvtMd A. Seynoar,
both rf tbb oM». fto bride wa* ati«lM» ■wMiai. I •
waa ibdatUy aVtaad la pak hlaa rflk
naUaad eairtad vblk maa Tto
4H|-blae triBMd
u white aad a
AweddlBR ■
anrrd at tto h
1.^ th
Bkfdt Sundries
Biln Bortb of OedBT City. 14
•lilM froa Traraiw
acrea mbbIb. elm and bcnlocL
—lo cat 850,000 Dor
ehaatablB loaa, 40 acrea partly
g^ewd. Afigood kod. Prka
immK, BMi-siwiiit
jr/i ukH
BItfdt Htpalriug
8ALE--.8B-H(Ma aad
«l OtooB rflM jvit iwrtll erf
14tb rfieoC tttx room
oooditiotx. tSOdevB.
^ numiii. mm,
a AM.Btoto
pnea oC 1800.
Tbb brlaci at to a ant rurteaa fact
(corrbtd etotto* an oOni diorarkd_______
r ward* at tto I
ta 'aataia. ttot nM atrmB*Wy. yrt aa boptkda. tot It art loo nort. Imnwd
.. _
to tto
neat cartalDlT. coMtnKt* all ratrtabk I ttoy may to aorrO by Ito palkot , _
1b ....
th* am
B ' w_
a eUt la raacOy tto aam* ny-1 oar of ooUjb Jukr.
-------- •— I buadABR ai air Kan Frail aoeei.
!a tto irroed ward, la
tbe -]
Iton all. wbrttor ttoy anlaadw]urr*r«u«ltojahv. Mlxltr,ltb
.r f.r rttkr^ ratth-a link *hrrd-'artml baildiMjai tto «Mtr rf Otoiof ctovra, or-laBO
Ikk atran
aad Elnwood aToaaa.
ami a-a4l>r|iaa.fBl
eo. Utyiar. roar. |d«d
la tbr thirri '
il tto mlxtotr nil Ito *oBp b
oaloB, of «act-(Mr.
nltto* oa <
SoBtb UaloB
IbaildtoR I
Tto nport rf tb* •
: tbro a-alt till It b roM toMf^idlOM
tto iTtton
lob-jf-rr einditns Mob II aril orrr tto —li’jh, (oarth ward, la tto
tod plavr. ware lo dr> ood ttoa , hoo*.. u tUr corarr rf Ukr
,tnl ibv BBttwtit In tto rreular waab- 'aad (to* atrrri.
' R.adTls(tsnrXfhaocr
l la ihr Bflli ward, ia tto 1
at 9 o'olacA. Tto aoMltta*
, dWenot
------------------------------: ae^l belldlBir« Eaat Stab
te tto iwUto Mpbarottoia
eoBBiy by lAlH. abor*
tto npar---------------------nid rlfvUoo day fran ■
A Orma’i • hmilM bs> aualyxrd Ibr
. aniB^l mninrr* tltai are made
HrfroraWy to
rliwrd. •
lix li ■ will b-Baallr
- . ................
<b« wbok year roaad. ricnrt wbea (Idiu id lars»- <iuanTitic-* They
.------------------------1---------.fj bare
1b Iratimnor
vrc.-i*)ik and 20 per ------ .
inalOM-imyhaad *l 1
nmib ruk* pn-mlDrotly a* tto B»r- ; mlnrral *iil.v*t:rr..
Uraad Tnrmc Cooaty.i
tror taootb-tbr noBtb of Adfoat. It f '
day of Ortobrr. I«0.
Alnoii W. Rii
by tto tom^tte at (7.«0,fl0» a* eftgt et'them attoMl
«to pan ia nora ttoa aad deaa
nad* any real advaaco. ny Ibr bboT* ;
watfc. far tto elt; ttoa Otol
tOTt -r., o. d.
oar of whom. I
a r*cy fra otoc
Tto natto rf rabtaR tto talaty rf
Ctonr Of tto baud. -‘I an wilUw
. r. Ocaalac. may br laid lo biwool- ;
to taka mj atota of tto blane for tto O. P. Oarrrr. elnIrMB of tto
rftto poor, wa* WrfRtod an etbm pot losrtbrr la
enidltlM ttol aiMa." nld Aldaman
Mar aad
(And all^inds of I’laninc MiH
MMRbt brfka tto board, aad nad*
BMS — A tow Urf rf dertnbk
Uztoa and rfbto Mda
Tiatom Otty’* taloatbn by rT,«. I
ptoad. Aa
bkna ttoa tto taard, M ttot tto Tto oqnUaod valntlM for tto eity
rllr itoeld «m eaMia ear
Tto eatocln rf tto
Uanatto liaaida WL Ha daataaad tot y«ar.
ttot ttor* WBB Mt a naa in tto «ii7 Mtlro eoaaty for tbb y«ar /b vaportod
FOB SALE-ElS-doed 7. tbm
heme mi Uaw* lot. WMtdnth
offlerr. will be toW-to tbb oily, to
Tak* a**r*b rwmm u>*a.
etty-all prbda
boMCB iB tb*
of ite aion* la ibrl# *elailk olb.
Grand Traverse
Land Co.
boOBB. 14 KMMB. HOM 6
tto aalpbto-ft>"“ »ba attoBdr atoot-.Braapn WO^ - ^
to aad oMtora aabataaca rmilad aol- Baafc^M r^pdr Wd
, pbnat of aOrto. wUrh a fooad In an .
BaMa m»« MtoN* oaa
F0& 8ALE-^«»-.lnt«B, ■
Ms OaaMB. Bad tUa. reobtaloc vltb g^, pto bbl
Bataa eery tow.
Timoi Oty. MU.
atotm of laaaMMt aiid ri
^ Mtofitect'
» pnaMtort
If Tto haaa a dMta. Mk.Mto.
M oraar otbM piiiplito taM
ktodlT -maTTT I naal M
aitotoaiaMiMLifMyto.aad ^
srzttoT^ ■!■■«■> M
TSAmsK cxrr,
• up T» a 91fio0k ■
I.OM. n-A> .
......... ..
> M
Bo*Jr> H.
i tO$0f.
StM timt.
Turn ol Atlslra Hattsd
Only Tbst Atwoiutsly Msons
•sry Will iMi. Dons
Mi* CkadMr maU
Wllh |
b•»^ltvy ActlM
AuthorUlns Its PufchsM RMc^nSed LntNlsht
ttv <-«••«« to apwiai
UhMW TIM lb* «>M
* " I
thr > The pity eoaBrit«McalbdU«rther
otadayllpM araafatir ta apedal aeaSM by
Maycerriedfiob to fai^ ooatider
• MB Wtrsy hwr Ihu : I
(hat. (bo MtaatiM ofjthe Mallar of tbr pBitdiaw of tbe
(be BrltUhiaSoaSiAfilMwaeMTfirJaiMBi roller______
tbe MM^iac
(baa at pwaeot. OMtiaiy .to iia« Monday oTMlap.
!!«■ dHt Ua< eoniSBU* «mU ms tba raporu prtalod In
Ob the Mb>ae( for which tbe awetpapan.
aeirlre in.
lag waa callad. Mayor medrieh lead
The nm msMd t*Msl n)otrtac tlre and OfMl Srltiaa wtll Sieftly be the followlag MeaMge w the alderobliged to iacOMM hw foreea
•ad M MM M ti tpnad tb» «t
wm fllM vidi iMpfe «NIM to
Oeaileetra of t>u-Coaacll; At the,
tha telUtia boMdi aad lUmta
«, Oct. lA (be
• BaotoM.
MM. •!.
_____ __ tbe laayor aad
fdMMd.for HaM folioM IMM oerarclerk to imirimae <f tbe Port HaiM
n4ami oib«n m» tlu MHMd, Wbilo
WM mhpaatr
llggg AoOy round
rev In 4bp«
u Oet. n^awe ad fb* •••
tlMod (be 1
«M ierfalt)' mxdTMl today by (he,
MaMi, batbMMMM and isdtvidoal.
•laeatan. Tbi> IVtasm.tMkaw
A VeMmi Uo. at oaee pat
work aboeliiy malae and petUag (be
(alM« ta readlaeae for a naOB]
Of work Moaday aH«niM|. The
•be are prapariac tbtir toob aad the
■aOPikalalookad apM m MdaA
' Pbllad«i]|>hla. UM. tt-Tbe ea
. paw bMvwa the tadirldnai open
micb., tbvbsdat,
ocretes is. isss
SM ho had (awnd fWtiac fM of tl»
bona lalkr aaad by (bo eity. tf it
bad to bo «aMpad taw (be hay. He
bi. oaipriat (bat tbo acwet
4 bad almoA all c
AlAerama 8to^ ai^ that it waa
net ao racy atnage that the faad
waa epMt ao fa«. Bo mM that tfame
bad aot koM a petiUM for tiw opMtag of a Mm*, the
ar garri
tag of OM ahMdy opM. « dm lay
ofaolficwafttkat kad kaM itfoaad ly theooaacU. HeeMMdtlmt
tbe letaBMe m eaamat walka Itod beM
Migw fay far tbaa erer i
tbota large ^eantlty of etoae bad
band to
the crodil of the eOcet fnaA
The NotiM to iMcdad the aettoa of
Mowtay ai^t WM poMd witboat
diaeMtiag roioa. wbea Alderm
MMtagae taprad that the moMNi
datiM<4 tbe mayor be adopekd U
mgMfi to the alopplaf of all
wtsk aaoepi Mok a* waa
Thu iBMioa WM alio earrled.
AUmmbb MtmMgae thra offered
the iMtlMMi tlmi the beaid of
lie worka be rarirtetod lo oaly
work ae U i naiiial/ ordecod br tbr
ThU datMghl
Moore to hU feet. He atatod that
tbe ooaoFil eaoald go alow la tbU
lOcattaaod m fdartb page
in Olsnitors Lsbs
Rapubiioana Hava Saourat} Om
O. O. Howard for an AdOresa
IM«' ana Aw WWe Alee
OWdaeOM.V’. SMIeyoBd (He
IMnli awAwMit.
Lyaa.llaaA. Ool ir-TUe mom
lag t«a MM (osad a ta« oMtainiag
iheOBBkpfa bamaa body doatlag
iaOltaaMre lakA halt vay - betweM
ihltettyaad BaliM Tbe bwd had
to tbe
both lage Mt oC iati abeoe the kawe
aad both anae Mt oft aear (be body.
Kooe (d Ibe dlMiamlMOilmn. were
foand. Tbo BMlUatiM vu a cImd
. ____________ ____ flfteM___
dred dollare aad fbe ctty'e borw ibMMl Atom Mar Alee WPeMW wO
roller wai tbe loweei lerma et whi '
tbe aUd taller ooald be patrhaaeiL
I foaad M InractlgatiM that Ibere
la bat fiMaa) Id tba atteot dlatrlct
JaiBw H. Mooroe.
of tbe
fond at (be preaeut time. At tbe
RepaUioan oonaty committee
reired poailire aaaatBBeee froa
there waa ooIt aboat gtlOaOD in tbe
ttteel fud at that time hot there
hae aiaoe beM paid Ml of thU faad
•lTtn.00, tlie amoBiit of tbe par nol Howaid. faad beta Mriininil here for
of tbe hoard of poblir worke. for &
M tbe ereaiag of On.
■ro weeka eading Oct. iSUi aaW^
SMh. U waa alee eMted that abonld
OMiral Algor be la tbe male be
Aboat fisa00.ro will ret be laid into
here alio. Tbe commUthe atreel fond from <Uff(reQl eoarree lee Wired Oenatal Alger . laal night
making fisnaao timt <bb W figured
hing mote definite regarding
on tor atieel patpoeea. If the atreet
mllnr ehoold hr imrcliaerd it would tbe twofaahility of hU ialning Ocneral
hare bet fiU(U.0U to Uie atraet fond Howard in tbU cit.r. A. B. Darragh.
for all ntm l porpoan for tlu balance Retmblioan candidate foe congreoa
of the fliml year, nwrlr wren aod
mber of the
oae lialf (; >,) moaUu.Uf tbia filtoaoo Ihu dumet. will be
about soatlb ritoobl be alloared for lainy.
aaow plowing, etc., tlartng (l>r earnUpnu the itmigth of the
lag winter. Irnriv fim.00 for ail eatioa from the amte watml nimnilt.
other work on oor etreeta for the
ne« n-vM m<Biba or anttT Jaw lal.! lee the «»“*.» OMoamiitee Immod
]«. vhM another atqroprUtioD biU Utma prewMltau for a giaad rally
la fSMcd b.r aifthM cowtriL . With | for the SU^tMl already apwul rdie.
oridMi Umt tba i»b VM deUbuiatoly
aad tarafally doBA ae the body «aa
tarefally tied o|>.
BMtdM tba matlbSlMi of the body
two ballet hotoe vote feoad (a the
4mmt. both .wUlila Oirw laebw of
nirh other
aod eridentaUy fired at
moee nutge.
Tooighi' Jobs H. Beat
- - the body M that of
Bailey. He aad Bailey,
lew kSieTuS^pl^Je^^'^
worked a farm on ahane at Knrtb lo
that Hie new roller would DOi l»*e [ mlnmda and tprcUl ttalni will be
fiaagoA Half an boar alter tbe Mm- nurh work exrept to finiali np each
tlfifwtiM Brel WM lotSed op at }«- ■treela a* havi' alnwdv been graveled.
ider thi-w
cundilian* and cutwmHer heatlqaarten pendiag an larrail •
Jrwued it Dowiae to eater
gatioa. Thepohwbarelnaraed thax|2!S'^Lii!
tialioDi for the imrclmae of
Bailer waa laat aeen alire Oet. 8. at! {he ,?55Shroller until your hottorable
mid ad<9l tba tbe tens la oomiaiiy with Beet.
body ahould ecmiudrr lT>e m
fully aad ahould di
ahould b- don#
under ll>e preaeal
aMted ai the ametiag Tbia iaeMi
: OvorflO.OODhM bees aim far the
Seomadeot tlm etrikeH ami BM«iu
board of public worku on atreet work
•J? filled to matetaliae on aooount of tbe
fbe Immediate Md 0( the atrike.
r and one-half montha.
Oniha. Oor------thr rrralt ahom by the ecpoffibUadelph&. Oct. l*.-PrMideBt CovomorRoosovolt Orsetsd by
IK of eo large on 'amount^
time It U aMutw) that there
amount of, Gu«
Thoussndg*ln Cleveland
imaoer doe» not allow
|«'W uia<
that uie
the wura
work will be no dUappointatent.
mlly ooodurted.
| GeMinl
Howard U a vetotan
of the
to BMh aatll <
Tbe mayor baa on aennai lUffiMM
timoa called tbe coonrll'a allMtloa ciril vrar. wboae reeord adoraa the
gifM ta. ,
to tbe fact that the huge appropri- pages of United Stotee bittory aod hU
tioBe (or etreei porpnaea wae fMI aerrloea for bU eoaatiy have betn
deuleting tbe aUwt fund and that a dUtiagnUhed.
He liaa eloquesl
ball eboaid be oalled and tbi. de,ianJbrtarH to Atoaar That
-mani giren more attention fay the •laaker. and cm who U eagtwiy
Clevu^A Ot. :~Tenaof tboai- oouBclI. In view of the fact tlmt eougbi everywhere for oampahm ad' aada of peo|d« Oaae to CUvaUnd to- there U bcl fiiOD.OD in tbe atreet faad dreaeea It will be ramembetod that
a iM of Oeowal Howard waa killed
night to clieer RoMveli and the party |
laot ytar is the RkiUndoea while
Alkaay. tin. It—tCm. J. Bryaa ta- (or which be la rsmpalgalng. From board of imblir worka to atop all flghtlag FUlpiaoe.
alt o’clock aatll oMTly ten o’clock,'«t^»orkexce|K that which U abMail the flrM day of bli Umr of Kew
The eoaaty ecMmittee U fartunair
the .r»ei.
omwdrd with mafeh.th* aOMt
Torino Ihu elij tonigbi by a more
may not U- n<
In having ateared Geoetal Howaril
RtoJiectfolly jbmitled,
«|N derUnltae w to hii iMalliM
Alfted \ . 1Friedrich. Mayer, and it i« ]vopaae4 to bold the biggeM
M }h» Anaorlal qneesioa than any |itiltv^ lue eireRRm ui .ue wui.n. .
re wae the firet ic tally eince 18M.
he Gm made fnim (be lOatfom «vt (viwsbed 30,000 people and waa'pe-'|
..l.^ •Uh reeeet Ae.en>.eMO(n«o nf
tbe altMiee that foBowed the
af the Atbl^Blee durii« (ho MM- oaiMd With great dei
paiga. He dmoaaerd tbe ftoaorlal approval. There were few tatemp- readii# of thU i
.to a>
----------polity of tbe Repabliam* aad telter- How (KM B^yaa ahoomn plaoad (hat he waa grlered I
^.llarernttward ihewaW af Clevelaai Ac
- Uw ^1. bat tbe '
deal and tbe« be <
at(4 the aMUty'^Bf hlauelfaadbU
far tlMn waa priacipally eauaed! ooL He amied that a' good ma(dilBe| «M4.er <be Moram- of' lU. Twa
< lo drive the Rrpal
-IlMBaiDloB bole la the dlM-ueion V groana of dUapproval from the au-{bad been oSrted to the city, a |*ae-i
«f tbe mooey quoMion if he aad they tasea that gfeeeid each intenuptiaa. ' tioal laaebine. one that ibt cityj^.talmTWllmamrBMBmO■nw NewbMK MMtiag in tl- Itvm !w«.t, mid at a ^e^
g; _ Kew Vork..Oet l.T-W Howard
fiboae.toiry. ‘The maa who drove
ora. BbI la ri«w of tbe etUdag
Mark aUvea yeara ago. ’ be exelalBi-dlotrict waa
Stowatt. a atoaegrater of Oievelaad.
pA. ••Uaol half eomeroilea. aa U»- **^*.’- Ww Btyan element got into ntBUtaarea. be mw bo way bat to Ohio. WM anoM«d in tbit oily today
MWbotli-i'r* white aUvee todav Iteat in whirii the mpeTlBg waa teeede from the fonucr oetiM of tim ri lha mqueat ef the poUce of OlevewUb mmmgagea The aorfiid oimr-early aad emyed there aatll tbe ooaDclL He aouriUngty'moved .liM land, vboaooam Um <« Mfirdortag’
goterof tbe Kepoblicaa aam|sigD,‘'>’^ waa filled ap aad baadreda of tbr actloo takea at (be previoai mmiT hU two memtht old'OeMtivee
itM.“u riiowa by the hwt|^Bcpa«toaBawere Wt MUide. lag be teeelndrd.
have beM ahadowlag Stowait
In npiporting Mr. Mooer'i motiM.
_ ..pabUeane waai the mmmv to- l'"* iWiee did tghat they coold to
BMtottMt. He left bU btMi two
gag. The dollar U above aU. Repob.|"IV«“ thedietarhera bat were not Aldermaa MMtogue Mllad the aitM- veefci ago, taklag the ehild with
tlM of the eonacll to i
(erhaviaggiven you (he.
aid. The tratlt ia AevjP*^ Tbe governer.
«fma. ud n ol u™ pb„, 71,
.b, .iua.,...
yM that. Thev H»wed hia grit fay tpaakiag Uiree
(gaailiwd yoa a dMble etaadatd and tfMMaaloagaabetiadintMdMi and paid. TbaHhU .rear over filAOM WW
pgVttFy VMt TOO to (>«to them
rive amile. Tfaera wat a brief qdly cl|y MfiwM* waa paid tram a difffarlorirtTiBgyov
Mid toV^te"*SeM
^MMaed yoa. Vhy did the Hcpabli- la fiMt of the HotleadM heial Ute- Mt (aad. He doclond that he ooaU
gBM wad a co^iMiM* to Baiope to (Might. A> the goveraor wm Uav.i dm Me where bo Mach laore Momey
tag the Hewbargfa meetlag a email = had gMe thU vaar. iktaiamil a dMlie Italy wiM.
Imed thU
hoy Atow a pri*Ie which etraok hU | to bay Urn vteam roller, aa Jaat what
^ ^^•to“‘*«wdMtedaBd;ikaoity Meda. bat aapportod tbe awdard had got at iaw. if the
ted U a good thttotf H'hy did they tba govMMS aWed that ao attoatlca > lioa amde bv Mr. Moma
fipead fil0O.a00 of the pwplc'a Moaey
; U the t^arw of hU rcmaifc. he
fiogelridefagoadthiact Why did
the kfU poaaed wichla ayeor aUU
State etrdei eaet of the Fork
SMlalB a cUaae boldlag Mt te hope
Plaoe ho(al. aad amted tkat he Imd
hfblMctolUm; Thaiwiaaimaf hlmat.
^Wtooepieeeof ooaatiy raad
Aomt sBmdA.w
tathtoMaar^teteoakdranacH H
Slina WM a ftoad. BM>hUoMe
•rw iBteadcd to give It to yoa.
. SK Ml o.t Urn
. MB bad driveway. Be deektod ttpt
-Tbe Beadiag ooMpaay bwrhy
wUbdratte the aotiee poaind
. aad ta brt>« aboat a pMoefa
fonalty la the adraea la pagve in the
It glrw aortw
that 11 will eatpnud
and tbe tojietallM ft
«be elldlog ewltai
aad will j-y a lO pfr
seal adre
• ■optomber wagly
•ati) A|oil I IWI. aad thereafter a
tU' fanber aotiee, Md will lake i
with lu mlar empkpree any griev*
aaoM (bey a«yba>r.*'
Tbe Leblgb Valley. eoMmay.
Vbow Wglao tbe.Alldiag ocalr
Franoa ~Bus»a>tg That Pasos
Nasottationa Pronaad
0|h w-te|a
mMUwathlahiteat te pab
AA- A.
f tmpov*
‘ *****
L tkgiagh ^ <iui(m ^
----- I dOM to
ibai^ Mid ham to
Clip Book Store
This Govammsnt arUI AequiMln Frstich SussasUon
TriU. t> to. AI.M «m T
portaat a
MtUfactory a
tbe powete for a
tbeChiaaw tnw
by tbe Pm
thiMgh lie rimntf d’affaiatm. jKmmt
ed to tbe eewecaiy of Mate a mmmottiag tlmt BMOdaOMt
TIr utiKic chtra ud poocfy ««rndi>.
it.. pl.y<d I. c<ir M wii>dcw are «<kIr.
Irem Ur Offchrered pocttrire «J Wed*««»d Co, Eo*Uu«I; Tre-iMU ft Voght.
Frenre; HovilMd ft Co, Frenre; Huogar
iao An Potrerire. Hongary; the Rootwood
Pon««, Oocumod; U,e Urepioi An Pottenes. Ohio; and others. Look them over.
Robart $ Beecher Co*
----------- ------------------------------------ ■
8aa thh Now NaOewaar juat In at Banda's. 2So and BOo.
What a Pity
all tbe powem Imd i
If FOB oboald bsjr s sfi«
MiadbyPmiiceUetobarA aad that
naeoa {now arUta (far .huihai
delay Uie powm (gooeed to aator
Befora yoB’ro aew
Li Haag Ohaag aad Priaw Ohtag.
mredited enroye of tbe OUamt
m mi M
e •nie bamUm..aaBl
RH>R AUraUr.niM-
Prieeo tray belw otber hoBiiiI
(^isiUy way above other hoiawl
ThU atop M the pan-of Fiaaee U
tatfticaUrly |■baalBg to the Oidtod
hadae aod tbere eaa be ao dMbt
that a oordUl anquUMcaoe wiU be
givea to dw reqneM. la tbe otdakm
ofthU geverameai BcgotUi
peace caaiiet be tokeo ap loo aoM aad
II--U brlievtdnriiaeoarae will do'
>aeh 10 BMP (he agltoUon .ia tbe
Hn'tsmilj" Na'sTeCMISjf
Ha'ilMntfj- ZnIWnt!."
It ooeta you nOlhlnu to look.
Nooem will ur«a.yow tobor. at
Just received yesterday. We've had a great
trade this season in this Une-It's simply be
cause the styles we show are up-to-date and the
values are wonderful.
Kpri'ial stylea for wnmoa tbia
' aeaaon ta the
^la LiW' Jaduts It tS.110, U.HI, tlO.00 to tJ2M.
wrciiwMCtoo-M ’ s-c'65.ssfa*~s:'~’
Eibo Eiiuul Calf
Street Shoe ahowa below.
Tbe vaiup ia made of Kibo
eoamel calf, (be aole ia goud
^Ung ^iKlH. made with
wide exteitoioB
edge. Pricoaame aaall other otylea,
• fHC klANSo
£■ Footwear
Bold oaly by tbe Uld ReUafalc
8bee Maa.
Frank Fricdricli
Heavy Ooubb
«>k. cflenuen 1
edge, bond «eh.
Mew Hhoe Rlotv
SUFroni Mtirat
For Cooking or Furnace PurpoMt
Hardwood Slabs, Hemlock Edinnffs,
Hardwood ClippiagihHemlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock SUbs. Hemlock KiodUng.
JIrt Dtpaifmeiit
______________BaceeMD** to TtoVMM Pity L
It’S Our Business
The T^ephone
/Mways In Demand
it'fladf ita ejtee of omfutaew to llm
bornw. wfaece it m«i»ta tko reqalreMBta of baaiaeoa, dOMririi aad mx
• • maMvaoa Moa’e tee.
aa MPMditBre tf m.
ew ead MOMy. bat a wwaagl
tSe to ^»M M vatoaUo aad tMte'
k_tTRMre<~RWR tt-
To Ml you the very befic4ootw>
at the price.
It’S Your Business
To bny w^iere you caa get the best ior ;
your aioaey. If you will aDow us tg show
iwourliae of
Men’s and Women’s $2 Shoes
’ You win be cooviBced that we attend to
I MUMTUM —cxim, imATaan omr, ucb, tstshut. octosn u, im
s cmniniED
«f ¥nuard VoiMW teNot
I. b In the
waam of thie
tfaa Smbnll pbnoa are atm a RToWbc
taTorba Is the Qcand Trararaa reben b a par> it baa a
for tha Rnal
ta Ait
bnadyaanadayM of the acete. Hr Stronc amtaa
r nan. and Bwidmn
of tha paM year bna
tad with bento tba «ntln day and
aattl ; o'clock bn erMi^. Over
tary of tba compahT la Mbhifia.
Obbf of fbUoa Bannb. and
td tfaa antln foroa of
factory. Orar a dona boat*
tmaaad.aad pbnty of RtMtdinc dMhB. RAM. P
L Ul*ae Baerr FanMor br
faeoki wan anployad by the dlSerret
partlaa. Tfaa Mierea of tfar lake i
t'ebwfM rae afMal
nda to Aad the body of the TW known aa jaoob 8. Biblat. fermerly
MB or the boat In wbioh ba wah ati^dac to <9oni tba lake.
Tba aaanfa waa eontbaad tiU noon
baa dinner waa {Rtwidad for tba:
aaarehan by Chief Bannb and WIUba Baltaar. nnd tba laanii continAt 4 o'elotk the tadlaa of tba
nn’a BaUat Cer]B fwnbbad food Biblat'aplmfor matey, atatad that
fv tfaa pnniaa that wm atlll en- bad tbare bars no atntwa on the anbdin the Mreh. and the work Jeot the Boenfe<r aboabl Inre knopn
that he waa prrp
f a jmai
Tba wiwk of the
il wmoft.
derad vary dUknIt oo Bcamnt of (ha
falRb wind tbat waaMowinc all (by.
b waa bepad tMt It wmld db down
toward erantBR. and many remained tcrly to find a tiiiRlr aztainiatiaR oirthe lake liU ble. Bat aa (bifcne^ FomatniM*. The aanlKicw of Ibb
fell, the laka betnma roaRhar and tha eooH b that yoe eprad the aeit foar
for the alRht.
MotMar wa. found of the body, and
it b not Imewa that the boat waa
tanMtad at any time by tha RtapplloK
boom. atheo<a> It b tboaRbt by «me
Ta taka aat M AwMant Mtayjl
btforrynd ta
------------------------- ia oada a*'
pMUkB «Mf ba aohad br aara
te bn^l to nnUaa tlat an
dxaa la no nl
""l(BST?oi™»w w«»i«.
I to a aartaln axtoat
to thmr U«ht
al aoaotkaa In
Uhaa Dot (MB
bon>1^^ <bn. u Aunrauu-
IthMMa haa^bla______
Alex Koantnin , bta brooftht before
Jeatire Brown yiMenby afternoon
aad emigneri by ProMcator Pratt
a charge of (yimiaal aaaaell. 3.
Paicfain ai^mred for the arraaed
Nm witneaan were pru<lBre<1
the [woaecBrioii. Baeua Gilbert,
ataiiut whom the crime 'wum claimed
and her alaIt waa darifM that the erideoiw
oot aafficlem In hold him
critrlaal ehante. ao be waa charRed
axMlt aad tnrtarr. in whieh
DalaM the wind diaa down anO-'tbe he pleaded irnilly. and waa aenlenred
lake baoMaaa calm. Utib oan be done to BO daya in the cobnry bitin tba aearob today.
1-helhnth Ke<M.
Idllir Parriier. ated 1& yciani, died
Tnaaday at her hoM ia Gi
The’ faueiat
will be held in the Beanie. achool
htHuethiamoniinRat lOdO. B<>r. K
KodeSnite i
Halaberr offlebtinR. The lariat will
amdr by the laoioctota of the brew be in Oakwood crmclerT. lu d
ery entarprtm mantianad a abort time of H. U Ibrtrr.
ffnnk Ooodriob baa bean In
A Ftnaiih Atl^.
ranee wlUi the
An aiteck waa btele made on C F
of the oominay to effect a mle of Collier
^Cherokee, lowa.ihat nwly
land wfaicdi they deedre. bot the d^l inced «toO. It came ihruaRti Ku
with blm-waa off bat aiRht. aa he Xldnero. Hia hock cm ao bme he
oonld not lei the property ro withoot conid BOI atoop wllhnni emt fnin.
r ait in a chair cxc 1 |cop|a«l l>c
Nn remedr belptd hitti
nntil he Inrd KcU-mc'
effccicd auch a woof}eTfu1 ch
he writeathat he fw>U like a
3. H. WiUlanu of Belbire waa la
. Tiiia moreeloBa medicim- r
backache and kidner mwble. loriflea
bli^ and boiUla^ji yoor licwlfh
H. Obambarlaln of Oratral Inke b the b
Onle .
a faeat at the tChituiR.
Tohnaon'a droR aloi
Mib. M. E Hillaof Lelaad Ir in
Ae cdty.
CAU.. BELL -PHUKE NU. f4A- Ammoon Steam lauindry. J, 3. Bar
Dr. 3. C. Oaeatleit came orer from
den. irornelor. lOOh-tf.
Blk Bapldf TMtnday.
Sr MleUnan
the tSabar
U tbe {viTAte iMtan tnm oOemn
■Miliil In lliii Hi' '
the iMbUe thM* wo«14 be no donbt «f
the (Mt thnt the inaufenta'
The vhate ad*w to artdoh ««
nettTltf U euaed entirelr
bopaa thej hava of Btynii'a aU
the lanal U U nn naforv
podticn for a wndUnta to be p
In whan kU word* and nfoirod p
CO alov. Tow lam
I more
ltl<re hope nod a
« to yen
roB in tha Beta.
Oon'l w
aofawd:aafcetiina to Rat
d foea ot bu own rotit
— S“Si
and thb
atoerpaoand of ni^u
aaalaaa ...
the world____
we Rtow oldar.
tanoy bamooRl
naoh Itbaoanaaabwdrai
MWwbUUy^Mj^al^thab tnitl-
Mt. BtTM -a apaolaltj b irloon. Be ^l"^n^lH^* 'yea will keep^ ■ A A HflOoy left yeaUiday f<w
BWkab in bettarabiM: heooe Mka iitneaa ttip threcRh Iowa aad MboMbt to racadra tha aoUd -aappon of aa niaeb or nore nonay, Ton wit
aniline *-vetT time." Caiman a
the aatl-aanihlBa partr:
take Ufa aaaiar and ba a Rniner al aootl which will ocauame aereial
EUatif Floor Voini, ‘
the Di
n aa; that^ loaalaic
Mra. V. B. Rolaad and daaRhiar
Bath retained yettowday ftam OmnJt'DUB MArVB OUBTAIRKO
TlUe. where they hare been rlaiilaR
•ebonowihao laod.
la HUDaHRen InlbetAw nTMalkr n. lira Jaam. VrlRfat. who retorned
niailllp MRAI'K II.I.
Ber. 3. W. Sherwood of Gtaad
taViaWaKB. V. Aaatln
I Bh amh daoblon Of JndfB Knyna in tfaa c
P. Rvb'family bare moTMl into
of Banaas M aaUar ra Bmir :
tbeir new born# at SIR Fifth atnet.
at aL At tha eloaa of tha <»a ia tha
Bammy of -Rapid Clt»
Adbtnieb b tha
oiirail eonrl ben. the plaintiff waa la the MtT yeatenby.
Haiqaatte mf% that the roaMabla
IhnoRh hb attonvA Onlw A
A. L. Badmnt waa is T^moa'Bbbop Kraak celalmtad hb tOth derwooA teak Map* to awry the ean
Tille on '
Hnh^ aaalTaratrr Taeaday. Ha
to tha anpraan
coon. It waa the daXba Olbaoe of Inkaaide. Mich.,
b rear lit. and it b f««nd that ha aiie of tha pboiura aftomaye to aat
erlll aarar riar from bb tick bad np io tha bill of asaontiaa ooly the u been aufaRcd to leach the aeeond
fmb of the Elmwood arenoe aohooL
Mala. BUboflfta^ baa a boat of
Tbb Rtade haa bees laaRhl by Mlaa
frtimdi all Ibreaitb tha Onnd Tearft«ria. who haa been eompelled to
• ona raicteo wbo will rnnet to ban
Dt'iattor*ay. eontaodad tbni
of ill hmlA. Him
ofhUillMat He <aa»a to ihb eoBD
all tha taatinany Mwld ba tncladad. Olbaon U a ilatar of lira J. C. Mar. B«mB. Ham^t«TA*MiilSin'BlSok.
New phone SB
tC7ia IMbtaklacap
aad JodRa Mayw walalaad that rie*
C (ha ladbM. and cemlnR with ofthaoaaa.
• bedrof iham to :
The comty W. C.
Tba ptalatlff took the enaa to tha
\m. Ha aobblbfatd a aeboel tbara
Oan will br held
for the ladbu. and waa tin flnl
•A. the dai«a t
Oalbelle (riaat to tbli Tiaraae City.
bter. The addrem of the ecrainR
Ha «aa RteaU? batoead by wbllaa
and Indiana alika. U ISl ba
IWRaad »mrt>mc3~niM" 'mr
Tha aaevrama
patiU 8k Maty-a iMpitnl at Karqi
fmt le note ytm M *«ae
tlm. aad If tfaa (Me U' apfMnbd. H
when ha bat temalaad arar atno
wiU ba with aU the taMbaany la tha
«bi Waat OaiMUIbnnn' Olnb
«m baldUa naUnnatlBc at Low
TnaTbanday. 0«L tt at ;dOp.
Tin Nbiael of dbaanion eriU ba
•■Bo* Beat to Bandb and UatfcM
Ite olnb wiU bare a e<«n abo*
•eanlK, lOaan of a enrbkf: P«nl*
■Mtobaawdad. AH Inttn
abatliar ntinbaai or not. an larMed
«a brine In a upla and cm a jaanl
RB. AU vtaUM t« know vbni iba
dRb b detac
lavitMl to at) '
JiAiaa taeladid. toUabn to and dbnot to atani tha other I
MB wd nnka yow
• ■bniiTM yen do with nU ywr
than drop me a cord and I will
booked thni waa thooRht to faa
tba bntv It eeald dm be llfud tnulUy and waa belaf il(BRR«d toward
. when It aaemed to eateb rm
ofeatnMbn ia the bottom and
Lnm the
oriKidBettoBmatbr Mtatahitil in
> Ohbet waa bookbd. bat
oHm- that ttnn aaar ^ ae«o
book beat and tfaa hold waa loaL
Tba other oar tlnl waa iumI in the
boat by Yeaac waa ftmnil yeater^r
made br • man
■“ aodataw
of oatpnL Doabtlaai tbaia an naaf
■ilia vUefa wenld bactar ahat dm
and nnohat a AeOnte. . maant loa the boat waa alao fooad flaatiac in
nthar^aa iaMnita bat lancer the water al tha npper «nd <4 the
U Baee a Oaan
' Is the most ecooomtcBl beater aade for fall
and spring. When Voti waot only a little fire you
can pot in a few kindlings and a s6ck of wood and
. you have a little fire at oace tiMo you can abut it up
I and it wHI keep fire.
We have a fine line, commencing at $3.75,
$3.Soandnp. If you want a stove for a bedroomtbeae Uctle box stoves for $2.50 and up.
If you want the best beadog stove made, boy
an Oak Peninsular, from $8.7$. or a Pmiinsalar Cotiage>-a good large one for $8.50.
ttoal work eo tha part of ataj
•IMkt daafl^
^ oual
*• "•'"Si&SoC- «0»TAT».
Brysa dtoM the raport that he had
inatlaad a anbUai poaiUen to Otokar.
Lf to be timt BrTat haa
paeaiaad aethtaf at all eaoapt
klefc the aplBa] eolana oat of the
atandard and to aaka the J
iaaa da« la tha PbiltpplDaa look
a bnek-nambar.
Baorr think thb amtaor M
Air Tight
A ebnlkoxe ha. bStaSerad ban
Cron Bapdd Oity, aakiac for a 0na
with any taam In Ibb city. It b
laobabb (bat they WiU pby tha Aw.
twa. ia tha nanr tatan.
It wlU ba inMtbte to «a«
Ibb altyRi knew tb^U Rnr,
who haa playad awh tea footbnll la
thbetiy. playM riebt and on tha
Vairareity of KloblRan feoclnll taM<
ta tbair pna acMnat tba Cbn at
their tatalar meetiaR t
Snbjeet for dbenmion.
Work bother Inade."
K(na«iy. leadM. Xra. P. 3. How'
preaidBnt of the ebrenA dbtrio, bespeotad to be iweeeut,
Aey manot taaefa Ae mat of Ae A.
i, ,
aad ta mi
ttmarnO taka Intmnai lamedba
Ul’eMOBfa ante b mken latcnmUy
of loothaU batwaan
M ^ inaRlu. ***
everybody tor DYSPEPSIA
fjsucv.^ gra&aarsi*
JAS. O. 20HK80N. Dn«riM
the Bunnab & Cap ift
Wmantik Companp
dial Cold
ebilly Feeling
Chat Cold
Chilly Feeling
Quickly disappears beside a
good warm stove. It's most nec>
essary these days and those that
will soon follow. Buy now.
Disappears like magic when
you own some of our warm underdothingrthat for price and quality
can’t be beaten.
Catton TIcect
That produce an even tem
perature, the kind that, barring ac>
cidents. never gd out during the
cold season. Have 15 kinds to se*
lect from. Prices from $iS to $40-
• A splendid article that sells
for 50c each.
Ok Radiant 6arland
Is a splendid air tight stove
that bums soft coal, makes no dirt,
consumes all-the clinkers and are
.sold from $30 to $24.
U»««I Tlrrce
That is the natural gray, a
good garment for 50c.
TIat natural Olool
A most excellent article and
sold at 75c. $1, $1.50 and $3.
mcdtcaKd Scarkt
Jiir Cidbt Stones
A garment that sells on its
own merits and guaranteed to
please, casts $1.
Are the quickest heaters on
the market. ~ They give the best of
satisfaction and are made in 4odif*
ferent styles. We carry them all.
Small sizes for small rooms are
S.t.50, S4 and $5. Larger sizes are
A garment made to fit the
^y *^°**^y'
«wm as can be.
gonnd 9«dters
Caa Vael
• •
Are great sellers from our
experience. Made for good ser*
vice. Have 16 kinds from $ti.co
to $24-
Many customers vrant a cd>
ered garment. ’This is a splendid
article, sdls at 75c and $1.50.
Nothing so nice as tbe^
comlMoatioo suits, best gannents
made sell at $2.sa $3. $>50
Tobe addressed by die^ia*
j dnguisbed veteran.
and b a
fiaEuu 0. NHna
On the issues of the hour.
TMq enM 8cl 25.
Special rates on railroads en-1
terin^ the dty.
i «ftT, ttidU THirMiM.Tr i
asaxiBM oa» SRMpL
A tan « lb. teM «r Mn. Snta
WM >Mta
br U^ntta —»%«nnd Twtair
■Igta. ttfOm vilb «U or ia
MW. <ari>d«ac thnt bdrw tw.
»l.aO: iWloUf oora*A I? towor.
Tta tana Md CM17 or rmiwu■■■’. loMMd «ta«t Umx adlM aorta
odFiMiat, taiata Koota; algfat.
•eeib. ha* dKlIafd
en Pfaeerarir dab.' aew teratar
ie ChMafo. Brieir will ta foaad Ue
mioB for derliaiac le >U:
>: taBC S. na-Kr Dm «r;
rn <«r rov iaduUM te taa «ta
i*n fl( wMca an « a* taura
Al th* eea* tla» I aoM rMB«
of tae batMtal of 4
or HoUaBd to Dako BniT ^ Hwblntai(«ta«erla.
The Oika«» <dt7 cobkII baa takn
M)« toward aaakdfta owimtaip
aUnraad oWorle Uta* ptaBM.
4a^aaa nt* od n onto pertaoBoa»d fast rv w K
Wtau, aotataob or oaa «ad •
titr «d ta*. Un. •MRB; tJ
trr atau »t,m. Tta tan all
«<iataoBo« itataUar MOcdU*
l 11^ UMk
bad oftartadltacaraMBtotorttM la
tta aaaa) way allaw tboB ta *a*L tan
>at tacto to totm a qaanar of n ton
tain aad arraBBa « atocia tojw of
ttaaa at tta bonato or a wta
pto dtob. Bprtaklr tta peiaion w*«
A Ota* oaito wao ntata ta a nata with nit. papM. *Mly taeppad otaaa.
nta o( Atan*. O.. fajr ttaaa mm. Btaod pantoy aad crated ctaon. (tai
Tta wota WH «alta aad tae Tobton
wbita nan- a»d1 mne la tM
oaniwd. Eoptahaotan ta Am*In a paar BBd wrwtad ta tta dtal order aatn tta dlab toe
Irtttac oaaer fora tta h ___
talaea at Ooratac. Ba had
rapt a nrtbUtac od craiod
•100 aad WBB rda« bone to b
wbM aboodd ta added )iat bHora palttac tta pie ta tto orea. See tbot tta
tta'toowaybon tta bn
Taeaday. briar to well bniad. tbaa a*
Br i« toft vtlbost a «•
tta toe to tboruucWr hot aad e
Bln- p4dn browa arrr* laotafaUy. tta
oarfarr Max aprlakled altb a aixtar*
or Baaiy rtopped paralry aad atttad
*8C rota, (ta pto Iltob tetdr (taced nw<ll ta a Baattair of tta oa a prattp dtob papar arltb a boed*
oTaOtacb hicb ataool
pM***d vSaW
1. Mmria. toplad tato
B narbloi
taarJjMtaB^Tia to
rwrhlBi tta hlfbClft at a aorardca (be ftrael Taaadar.
Of a iB^Ua*« a*B
ttaSoltaa of Ttokar ba« leand
ro«^ MB of MoBtnn.
to 0«(saii7 tor talit^reanttalaalill. WBlktat atav ta* rl«*r a taat
laad fld Urna. ia tae Bad 8n. tet7
aiiW Borth oT Kaamian. for a oobUbc Kadgbtofifl^tataatatoaTntao witb
tbe MTosad *ad 1
for tta aaend d^na.
toBBd ttaf.WM ta* haw or ao UTwostr-na CkUtoraton. tta adA daaetac
will ta fim ibU ,
. _
AMa viio tad tan tad ttan aanr
iraBoefBardcdHO, bare aaflad fiw eraatac bp ttaattaodaato «ftbaa«yof tta a^-fnn a«a Ttaw na B-nl BraoU
KaW Yst for tta Anestiaa Ba|«b- tan. ta tta Andaaiy.
MtaJ taiabW OB a badktaia taoBC.
Ur, iBtndiaii to orttlr then. Tta
law beeBctBBtod
aad aa old UaiJort Hit baad bnld*
40 Topa** to bead....
XoOiU aod Haiy Tkobta*«k*lHn.
ed by (<wr brottan nned BaUett. Ihtoy, both cd Kiacatoy.
*• lae *arr aaw of ataii m tar a fnn Loa AttireW. each d feat ''toll. I A tea eni aapper will ta oamd
TbM*an>«;fffri«attta ladaacrta
ttatra Ofairrat. aaeb u rea ccoCMa
Usme U*itke
to. t« pM*a Btaa tadMOaal ta^. and neb harinc a wife and* foor | tbto amtiiii ta Poteatera hall br the
I now M un ifniail ia to caaniuo daa^tora The oelooy. wfaieb baa' Oeotrml lobor Uaioo. All aaloo'Ben
aa aaiUf* a< atau tann. Btoa aB a( oa.
a onr toKacr. M.«e.fn B
' >aB« ao* BOiaaO ctoi Om ««*«'• pWe* B cnuldeiBide ndi npiial. will co 'aad ttatrtaBlttoaaretaTiied.
sad tan for wiaor iai
laf^rwr i« ito whlu aa*'* aa .UeUea Oar*. tato (Bale ratotar ia ita rallay of Tta
naktac wtta ta* aaoBBl
i TaomK^MurtaOtTUoal^nr tbaa «a tta Platte rtn*.
t«T csmBi oapwaiB. aa acPBtaU oT ,mui bait af Ito »iralnta a ta* atawa
. lad..
T«ar.n*M. Kwtii CaraBaa aaO AfWuu** Biauil ha* reeolyed ibc deed to tta Bade ta die cboraen
Tb* B*tr coal taatw al Jaekita ar*
drtewD acm of toad ia 8peaear Renin AylMamrtb. who lira* ou a
empletmL The talUiaf U rtztt
oooBty. eanuBiUiic tta crare of' Cam near laterlpebni aad ta* been
that ha* *M Boda
reel and SO reel hl«fa. aboM 2.C0D
Kaaey Hank* Ltaeota. tbe tooiber of: ta Jail on a dtoffe td amab with'tafar Ito OMMachtai
KM «d oobI on ta «mb4 tarn. The at Ito Mcra to mtobcM (a da aa; aad. AtaafaBB Ltaeota. The deed eonreye 1 teat 10 do ctni bodily lam ton tbaa
iM> M* a( o«r ••ntoa *bo toltovM to tto
r *1.000. I
rUAtto tto An«te-a*too t* rate. I* a^ tta land from tta eouty ecniiiii- iantder. baa farained The mpiiml
n r«H oT Ibb•iooefa of Kpeoerr eooniy to il* {*1.000 hail, .and boea nlnwd rmn:
'K m I ta aaual b a toawami **n- Kaaey Hank* Uacoln Hmorial awo-leaatady.
tac la d«atr*T tto Ml<r*et« af tto AserThe »>U> JimtjMB iidhaoy wiU toaa aawfuaaat to Ito
---- - etation.a( which tta troraraor to i*e*- [ The ealoyto of tta O. B. ft L at
hold iu aiiBBal roaaioe al Ypoltoatl
altfato petal were raeriiiBCed reatentoy iUFreaiBl. Tatopbitaa «M
cooalrr eooM aai baeonbir b*r* etr- iteb
OB TVanday. Threw of tta foor omid- nioe*ni*«;
ie*ni*«; *a0 *utoc«B*D(ir n
Tta heart of tta aarqnii of Bate.; hy Dr. Vebtar of Oraad Ra^dt. Tta
tan od tta Iwaodk Mtaato taottat.tta orictaal of PtoraeU’* charaetn'raoeBt oeibiaakariiDallpoi In Bmiaet
draw aarpo.^ aarrtrf with tba n«- •« a I were • eoBBoa trailer.
od Lottair. will ta token to tta eouiy to tMpndble fv tbto action
iBMt tbtaacboBt' tta war. wiU ta ~A aaoibaniar by Mttb. la peUttoa • ««B- Roly tend to ha tmried ta Bout; oa ita pan of tbe lailnad eoB|uy.
Aa Aawrtoaa br tbe araa* of Oo .1
pmoeot with ttair flfao aad draw*,
11. la
- tbe
“ *to*a
lafa........................ Olirrt. Thiaiitha fnlfllltaant of a 1 It to nid itatt erery ani|iloy* of tta
I. ew* (or ktr.
tea od tta hrotoon died toontlproadetoar
" . liaaw City wUi _ ,
Tta Mta pabUe wbool for depiwOoetaRin tail of<raoetaated.
‘ .
den oUldreo at Coldwatar. wlU retta alBoot total dntneloa bV flr* of Kreiy rotor ta order to rote on '
. orato* *in.000 |ier rnr for (wroet .raFort Lii^ the prUudpal pon of tta ' KoroBher 6tb b«*i itottotor hla | *
poaoBb nd ia additin wiU an (or
Bapublic. Tbe faui^ •eelicn of. naate. Tta placta of taptotry acal
«I1.M0 for UiptOTtiBrat, a aaw beat. OOmUSTBD WITH MEXICO. tta city wat entirrly.wiped oot. IhajtBMd ia another coIbbb and (hr i
rety aooo pot heyc*d eontroL'data# are Batorday, Oet. I7tb aad tatBUSINESS CARDS.
. after IwlldlDx aad block, nryday. KoreBber krd.
PaaM* ta Bar P
block wete owrpi by lb* flaeie* TIk- eeturaet fi* toe new bnildios
MiHBoe Walkar od Haopnta. laaltad ta a idKWtUMBoie 1^*1.000.. to be erected by E. K. Piatt 00 I^liS.
taad #«n fme a pasab orohard tbto
ono wwtii of ]»o]«'rty waa bnrned o
•tmt and to ta ocenpied by the *
ymx. Atadottora boobaol ta nya. Praa oOrrr aad be Nbcta ate beat
WJlltaB JohnoD of
. Eaple. baa faoen let to ' Ulber A
that Wta. haa for yean been aflUrted.Smitb.
(ta art* of paaoba* na ba wadi
ampytrldnnwcctbof frolt a piar.
ot tbf trw rrpob- With itoBwib ttoabto told flnally; Fatbor itotpatanan, will bold arr- ^
At Bainall, Gouty Clart Aaotln Ucana erar elected auyer of El I'aaa,
MUinnhiw boaidtal, wtafe rion Sandny ta tta -Oattalio fbwrh'h^i a blKon. ph^ m
iopaad a taarHap* UoaoM- Taaadar toppHra Ibeoe rosparatirc prtc^ itwaafouid Itat ha waa anff^iw aHUptoliB,
to a bride and crnoai whore acre
which ahow bow labor firro aadfe fron naopt. An oiwiattaa waa per
Tbe irtrnler ...I
of me
the Wornb
•■ ..HU w
noB* ^
-----, ....
^ibb, RTb'
T» Ud ;; eaare reapoctiacly. The free allrer.- It na*t be reiueBbered 'fmaed. tta cntimB OtmlnR AXay.an's Clnb Wilt be held Fridar after- UkKi.VC ixitati. Aulrwry
Iride had bnea Married twiae tefoir that the Mextoaa prieeo at* ci»en la ' iwo-thlrda of tta atotaach. Johnma
hnaoB noon in Xontainse Halt. UmBKh an 21*.'" “
aad tta vooM owaw
Mexleaa money:
: j, aow op and aboni and will aonn etror tta notice
A talntod tor WiJlHoUyoU prrpariac to atitiae tta
tone peat Buidiii la that eicintty.
reoordad n*ro tbe entire tuaaeh hai.
. Joaeiih tern, of WtaBttald towataenremored. lot JahnaaoB expn-j
ience i* Bid tn be on>i|ae.
ahip. aaar taaeiac. loot aa axw> ia a
pon haaker Taeaday moraiiMr.
At Jarkaao Joho C. Oaner waa
~ torxicaa Uborer rrxclriof »ikA
taud daa<l to bed Tpraday mmltia:
wa^ to anabU to boy Uttto
taan Ihllaie. Be waa bora ta Ao- If any prorialona. la the word* of tta To Alanaon cjiaar, Kilo wa* oojithBd .•;'’''*7*Wbp alao toil.ul," lofaltil.b- D c-OiujBT.Ar
bora. K. T.. la IBto. and tad mid- tote Mrxtoaa Bintotar QoBare. ~h* ~
ad at JaekacM 4» yam
^ will lire on ten and twrutrerntaaday. {oil
J^bnaoti. Cbc.
lotcb wl
Time tar TU eoBriolo
Mrielo in tta pftaoo
Aaad 'nilea planle.
M at 'Jan*ao at iraaaat. TV> (next
riphi-hand drawer of my boreao. 'i MnTIPC flC OCeiCTD*Tmai
hi* hut. aad three
throe fora the larprst
- toctototan. will ta aakad
hU bill of fare tarot ttaiea
fBBpriaiiuo of *79.000 for
•>---- ■- for SU day* In ihc year. Fire ttal iii* abnt apM hare eunceabd
Ud a boo*- for the dr|My
epher fcroioa*
Itort par
per year 1wtU clothe
A red oak ana year* old. oocapyiac
in tta art of taelh. Accnrdlnp-i **T^* Uie^^llftS V/4._
t IwrhaiM hi* hat.
hi aad for
ahaat baU a oily lot of laaA wat
11, If ha naa■ pel the
money, ]y lie atnatoicd np hi* faca?’’*'' but «■!« of Traveroe City. Mieh, IW~■ - ■ niiT^
tamtly auld by a Beaporia Canm
pay from Art to tweal) doilara.''
Paraan kaow that with UbnrCEip
Ba pot ataoi *t f« It He to aei
B aadwlllaoi talae Jlrinp in (hat mtaaae. 4ba boma mar.
ket will be cot oP. 'Free allrar Sanaa a* a rerepacle fur nKBay baa been ' jdvtap
nafc* al *e par u*w por .r«n.
Are warda of
Al Mendon me flonrfaw wiU Af J- a rondUion of dtolraao OBoap Ita Itotafolly
workinp people of thi* country neror
■. KiehoU boraod tanilv aicbi before knooD. Aa loop at tb* (ara«h*1Bopeny wa. raloAl at *10,«0; tr hnow* tbr clly wape-ewmrn ar«
7*9.000 tatnraaoe.
aattoPta, ta hnowa that there wlU bo
ta*. Mn. Wi
pood ptiee* far all farm prodocta.
of Brookly*. aatobndrd their . flflieiri Aad that to why the farmer* of tbto
wwMta« nMirrraary m Mdpday. Foar eeuiitry are with tta MaEtatof admin. Lia wife told the more to a eatotmnit. day. Kor. 6, 1900. that In there moM
D.rt knowinp it* cootenta. Mr, Roffre-repirtjt^on of all
irnifwaliont wore repraomtad M tta
Al IMtcd TlpBitatoy./a pinaaor
ciiiBB in pood liaalib. hatred blae •( tna toatlww nrw*e* 1
aoir ta LI* tan. Two taffllVta aim
br •oorhe raafeaan •(
hatipe.1 tbemaelre*. and it to taUarod
(be Buirlcbil BanU Tuain tta family.
____. . 4<tern oonrtabip of alMT year*. ] acliool lioUdtap.
Al a pnrerycp of aoihli"*f^^**^ »hleh boida Ita vonlnp nvotd of] Orelliekotrapi amJ Elmwood
AUepBii Miner* are fladtap it necei^
' warp fo *lii)> in «h<«t. One flra baa Cochran to «rcBta oaly to
la (be
■ a reeml apeech al Cblcapn br aaidj
taaoata two carload* from Hokptaa
•The pkiry of Americaii *oldliT*ba* r
Rtalita.«ail another coB]Bliy 1.000 not 1x^0 in the preataeaa. J'Bl ta ta*
J®®*"qoielly Bar-jheeieat
bn*tato omap wtieal from Chinpo.
iIlDiw* of thrir numbera."
,tW Hauday near Katyland- IWlaadCaaa
There are 4S Matanu ta the IbeolThat .ourKl. well in
hftdo aad proBB dacltaed any.atobor-i
apical detiartiwul of Niltodale ool- what are the fact*?
laemtioiu. alihmipKttalr adwol baildiap on 1_______ _______
la the war of lilt we bad MAOp raw- friend* and rrtotiero dealQ<d
Ige. a of whom are wamad. <>utl07l*‘T‘d^' *“***^
lara ata (Ti.Oi eoloawpra In lie tta eooaidoa a fr*tlTe one. Tby the
‘ of the ibeolcipieal 1
are only two or time m»t1H I
,h. Mexican war we bhd k0 9M «««btp. wb
Aaotadent. tafllape.
forv tta Mrxiran war, waa of «ich
TW Uiand Trank mad ha.1 anotiieT > The ciell warttolW lorfi»erEO«.000 :‘*"*‘<00 both Mr. aad Mr*. Raictar
wiank at tta piak bole near BUw. ,«,».
i declined to .tale. Ttay idmplr reMonday eeeatap. and *0*0(01 car* of: Tbr ^nlidi war breopbt oat aa I maikrd that the* weiv prowtap «ld
(relphi wore wroekad. Train* were ! n™.* «f MA«» «»«>iaadiLcmitai Uiey tad better MRy
Aetoyed wrcral taara Tbto make* i
.*• •“‘.“ap a^l nbont ttaot '
inontf Ifehittdtd
Standard Balm
and Soap
__ _______
....... . .
mmi i
Himiltoii 'ClothingCo.
DR. w. 1 ussnis
AD ccmbUuw* meAr m I
••(•MIA ..owawwl into r»lwvrkVital |
cA.webettaiaw.il.-■rXenarmtS .-kOi.* t>ar*re-> ftaa Aba*
aoTicuF REeiSTMTioK. o. ^,T2.7,.';ssw'f2n,t:
« ...V.
sS™rH 'S;
i.M* *
.... ..... •
Mttaan who ha* owned and kept for tt, cbln* to 1b. Um »a#rel Fhlph It ha* kb. Wath. A den*, fop icevenled tta
iMny yoato |M aa I8lt United Bmteo. won.
' moionM raotap ahead,
land WBRaai for ino arreo of jto*«n-j
Edtranl 0. AIibodw of Ewi Or•n>'P~i'>-'‘»a«Mroo..l«ay..re.
• dWTa-da.*. He wa.
tatl«byrneletto»(or W* aerxice* | li.Ue trade barometer, ha. doubled
«aada*. of CBe of Kapolecn'a ataff
*• *be warof lUL Dmil Intoly ta r.oce IW. when free iradr roird tta .oOfoc*. a Oalifcnto •»». at eaie
■r coold he pmaaded
aaU to. bat at toat oold it for aboni
MUAt Adrtax a beua baa been lataed
fey tta cltiaeoa to aw«r« a knittlap
toeuxy eotploytap lOO banda. to
We imported »0S.«u tea* el ta*
Aan l. ta tta bnildtap to be n
In 199* under tae Oeeetoad r*pW
fey *0 Itafectimi Tooth Pick Faftoty U ja» tta import* were Hfm^DU
Hilt to tbe diPereaco btlwooa nr^
thu aad (re* trala.
.! =
Band—b E and SO toe old > hope
for tmproTOMl? ItaoaUi y_iiot.
stsiSK?'.i;8,.'a5.te svru‘?2“?.2;r;
lair at «. A* ynnr dfapptol
wmi for a arrore cold or a bad toMr
To be addressed by the distinguished veieran.
On the tames ol the hour,
Clmr«4ay Eveiilna* Oct 2S.
special rates on railroads entering the city.
Try a
For Women.
Misses and CblldFen.
MOU don't know, unless you have seen the remark.
« able gathering we are showing—how many "best”
styles-there are. You will fmd here all the swell
creatKMs in
Suite, Capes
and F*ura.
It matters but little what you want—WE HAVE IT.
We price our ladtetf* jackets from..... $2.98 to $25-o(;
We price our Mines' jackets from. .,.$2a)8 to $iaxo
We price our childreo’s jackets from. .$1.25 to $6.50
We price our capes from........................ $3jx> to $15^5
X We pr«ooffars^..$,j5to$25O0
We price our suits from.......... -.gs-so to $2$joo
Yofegttmoredcgukce. style, qoahty aod better
^ Ms here' thao ever before. It is impossible to des*
^thtwgOTMBMddotbem joaue ii thb Cmited space. To tborooghly appreciate their,true
mtrit* you must see them yourself. Come in and
Ida show them to you—try them 00 aod see bow
beeomibg they are to you. Oiv prices are a inter,
teog a the goods thenkadves.
flic Boston Store.
I Off, ineto tKttBAT, awtoto Miuw
I Mwa nu«
WADE BROS. Fire Instance
^ <to MM
toil BftotwBte qi
to.^ «R tto Mito- It to ^mttr
IS smm
teTtonn. City
r hi tto I
It b Mto imiliiii ttot Rina tto
to germ IdOtoc tMwtJ *>4 >
Ito Mb to toiT toKto a toto
RMl « an tlM. b« eavtoteltr
MM. «Wefc toto to to-M .(Bl la to
MtMT. B* mit
b* M
fy««rt >m»ib»wi»i —
ptoaptointopt aad.eandal aMto-
or|«W« tpwki»i
-Ih* «o«e»l.
Ml. & ZeM tbM «Ub i«
' Migbl to tWi 0> •mmhttt ml *■
hM«bad»cN>hns«Ci*itf *•
PH»»1 XMMte to ib> «st->di
«ato«<aMM7lbtotoo^ ten tM
btol. rtotyt Mto Mi to fto»MM>
«ta» toiT *»»*" to) tor
StotoRk teM toto*
ttoir ttto
to. eU7.«biei> totr tor. to toto
italr^totobxitoto. U. -
Tto toiai
• wlUto bhM
4f|Mad tto toM that Ito mMI md
tto totod ara aM
vartdac to
mmr- Ptotlr. ^ ttototot. tocMaa
Itor to Ml sadarnaad bM oitoc.
AlimaiM Mmim* toatoaad ttoi
to dto BOt at aar ttoM tettod to »«Mat <to band ad toWto wafka, «Wto
tSa ar aionauc oM of Iba ooloa. m-'otSKri^ba
tt to
I" Oab Ko. I prr to ’
rpk > co„
to (old
Maattcal with tto «
I la atafebda. wbkb b aiaMai tto ._____
Ponton pn pa
MI aitd toHonta oeoalbm
CM. U.. Oat. » >Btoa
at af all anrlb that an aaatr.]^.---------Aboitofolkwtat oao_- .
hecar radbh. ao taarti Utod with Battar ptr lb
Barratt. a aa»aa yaar aid top. baa
barf tor lb keaa aad bUlne pnp-1 ■(■»
doa. atrtotly fiM
Itoowa tnoi aa *M«n fotof a nila
•TtT.aadttoocdlaamaBUardaroori Tto Mtehtpaa ^areh Co.
ntoaia totop- Ha wa.
talk* both on tbrir atreedT atlamb-! for potaiom:
For Be. I atoeb. M
boar latar to a «>» aMt to to* tor
tlrr mpanka to tbb aaiaa aalpbarrf t <mu
hto naadiat ta tto niddla ad Ito
rf allTk. wbkb (tna tbnn brat aad ‘
orritofn to* toolbar aa- '
u» .wo 0—0*.
aetldltT. tan aot aa o««»lr* ancU.
Tto nnrM etoetbw for Ito paraatajaiad ampl for aa
OvlM <0 tto dlSmat amBcrtorBUl
M toto^ -f aa-tottotk*. MU.■Mb Oarrar. M ftotaf
aarrlo to tto ettr-
Ba todarad ttot
to woaU Mt Ifctok ad •
ttoto. beaaaa. (tor did aa(
MaTcr ritodrteb
dtto boarded
dutoaaf Ito
MMtotrofka. aad *
area* to tore U* m
Ha daekiad that wtoto*ar tto ecaidl»t~.
to tto] ^tnaa to to da-
tton. turMoe. Ibi^ ban,
lot MkxlSO. den is xraMty.
Tltiifa CM of tbe bMMhaad aOUMB te mk to aU prk H
Swim Ealkaaba Vasfotd. Ban^.
Leolaina aad Otaad Trarora*; abo
: Oto rnnaeatatir* ta M Mto b(i»-
Mtoi n tto torato MM.
BAR(}AQr8-We tore ttom.
Grand TnTcneUad Co.
otitiM& PrioBUOa
FflB SALE-8tt-116 Bern 8
faad aad wtota
^nial «dn rf baaiaan for
Bia( at to o'oloeb.
cat fron dOO n (in, aad
it b
Mtee wtth aon* rf tto aaparit bad baaa efmtt. tto bona tolto
vbto* wtotber U Will to bwfal to
aad trtol ha* baaa aad oacfa.i t
tab* tto aabry aaw or aot.
doaa with it. tto atraat (radar.
Tto nlaiy rf J. O. Ebdnid*. JaaaOar totaaau rroot aad ftota atraat,
tto arotb oa Vaal FcMl
faptoiBb of to a day to .ibe
itor rf tto ooart
haaoe. wa* caiawl
who aa*M Oi^ »(ton»pataM aad
rartoaa otbar natton. ttoy ger* B.
wnnIttMOD inato. waya aad
ta naal both nato oat tbalr rrporta aflat tto oatfn « tto report rf
(Tto tto Btbrac* batirrr «bre 1 w
ai lair Mnb toCWtaUMtadorMl
hick ta nuutUif don faUL
it la atatrd tbu tb* Brttlab «l(btbeaar toard irlU adopt a or* foto of
rtt«<:kallT llditnl lioer to rtpUed tto
aU b(U aad saa baoT* atttieoto at rarieot daBMfMa polata alons Ibr ohaaTbe pHbdpkto wMiMi tat*(rapk7
toa bare apfilXd la tto atrcniig ,of torpatora. aad taWa nadr la Baiiaad
rrailT apprar to atow that tto aratrn
Tto rtcrtrtc car anric* fron Voatot
to tto ahiliia of Btr. Anto da Branpra
baa bfaojBMmatiiUT baaofurattd. Tto
ear* rao at a rate of U atUni aa btor.
aad tbm «r^ to M trahia a daT.
la maoT (Opper nlora tto rktor bodtoofMT hair tonmbanatnL and tto
toanlolBg rack b of a abani-trr
poor IB tnnal to rrpaT (to rtpnu
brtadaa It lo tto •orfat^jod worl
It for It* natallk cootrotilTtoi 1
wUI hr abk 1a (Imb iwppct fron aorb
Mara wlUilB tto Blolouia of rapiwae
nallBum b pprollattT tto rketnCtaa'a lartBL it*
of natatlBp
................................ irlT aad Ita abUllr ‘
aad BO etbrr materbl raa take lU
place for ttoer aer*.
Oae rf tbr no*l astoolahlBC fratorea
at tbr dyutne «r aiotor. b lu ettreon
dtaary eak-kticy In iraoBfonalBE nerbaitkel late. rk<-trkal raarfy or rk*
eeen. Tbr eqalraket of rltbcr kind
rf rwrrRT In irrau of tto otbrr b
kaevB wKb Rwat raartana. HC Mt
anprre* or eatt* of rketitcal r«my
beM cBOal tn oar banepower.
la Aaatru ibr oar rf Mvftal pewardbtrfbattoB Id nltb and fariorke b
bacoeiliw *Mrw>n*d aad aUnet oal«enal b tbr lm|K>n*tii teatik li
try. RerniUy a piaal ba* tore b
kd at BaxrrOo, ta tto aoMb TyroL U
Vbkfa OOP rHrrl wiarloR toon* *r«
evrmkd by pol.rpbaae rirrtrie nottn
Tbe arv Orairal toodoo ihctrtc rail
way. Wbkb evened to paUk traSr a
lew weeka am baa, it b aald. pmred a
pMdlRloaa BBcrm. Darlni; tto Biot
Pear day* It waa npmed ao Ire* than
mOOO peepk aMkd tbrmarirre rf
tWa aew nraaa rf tapU traabl. to tto
dMrtnaat rf tto onattaara Re ourEM baa bet* tto eotbaataatk reeek
ttaa rf tto bweratioB that tto Pader-
X B. Powte rf BoMato who U
MoppiBR at tto Betal Wbitla(. bad a
racy *britTla« *■(**■■"«
Inke MIchtRaa eat from Miiwaafcw
Monday erealaR. He wa* aboard tto
dor*.wbM>had bft
MaaUteeoarly iatto erealaR. Ttoy
were Ur oat ban toad wtoa Ito
toary'otMnof IM al(bt eaw
tto wlad Mowt^ dMd aboad.
a laoR tUae tb* bM Rnnd M a
with tto war** MbioR ao bi«b that
ttoy broke tto wtodawa U the pilot
hoan. aad nada oom tto oMala
aad tto onw tbbik tbal It nlRbt
the Uol oMn- tto OoreU wo
erer take. Tto waM to two feet
deep en tto lover dato. eonlBR
Uater Ma it oeaU.ra* eS. Maay
tto ftiiiRiri wen RBreamlag aad
prpbabty non af lldb tbooRbi ttot
Ftaally O
la penlMI Ibe tool abBat. aad tboy
IBB before tto vtad Mb n the Wbeoaala Mre. pottUf iato a oobUbr
Mebon. It w«a a aanow e«M
FOB SALE—880-M) acre farm
UmflM BOBtb (rfoity.S bUm
from Monree Center, 60 acrea
under caltiTBtlan. Rood Crame
boaoe. wind otUi, frame bant,
drire abed, com crib, poailry
botne. orcbaid. a^t 7&.000
Mtotad Iv tbak frtaM
Fire Insurance
Iw. to. A. Vajlirfleap.
DontBe Foolcoi
.■Ti IS IS
ss:: '•sc-i;'”
•s£'?s "tsJissnr*
Chursday Cosofiis. Oct. 2S.
^OUK WAXnb *t cerr •• nik^a*--
.caah. balance on 'time. Price
FOB 8ALE-811-Nic«booaao
Wafaater8L.«ix roomhi
in No.l conditkn. latRelotOe
feet good bam. How coat
$600. bam $300. lot worth $400.
Let the whole bwBM go for
low price of $L000.
Among tbe different pieoea
above admtiMd yon will find
Is the place for the latest ideas Mine money
m Millmcr,-.
\Vc take pleas-13-v,™l ol Ike .be,, piwn of
special rat(?5 on railroads enterinp the city._______________
I «n «H»te&eenw
of fasbion
ate ia P'-ing oat. ^«on,et.
We also carr>- a beautiful line of j ^ of them on eaay Imm. Don't
fancy goods. Now is the time take onr .woid for H,itoi«bbo^
to get voo, Chtismas P^ots
2»9 front Strut*
PSJttraS- ■
OM penow with WtS^ aad Ulto
AboataoM. BtiA Wto baindM
eaaal rf-tbna. Mi Nifciy‘i baM I
anaotH with rm^.Iv tto pan
pupVtolMD 4NOND
M. pto Mil mHmmm* lando^X
“Wbat'a tbUr* In Vtrf. dtaMR
^ for houaa, factory orator*.. IF*
can wire anything from a
ttoli to r whole city.
«M «rf tmm tto •
•toto ^ru»e«* m%.
J__5____ J__5-5
Pebb Marquette
Itete than aU the net pnt t(«eSeT {
hnR cwoi^by7SnSSP8H^!n
M railway, after naay yeare'
of conne,oor woid in tbl« «•pect
oect ia liable to be qoe*tione4
qoertioned, it
oMma to be a part and pareal of
tbe bnaiowe of a real eotate dealer
to not bare ftdka believe what be
aayt. 8o far a* we a» cnaeemed
we care bnt very little what an?
one aayi alMt iw, bat when it
I oomea to taking your oath ^ a
matter of protection to tbepiBalvm
we would'adviMOTeryoM to tell
Ibe troth We never had onr oath
doubted bnt cnoe to onr knowledge
by a t*Mg under oath, and it
on account <rf ite
nrr and toteti/in. we think more pnrdoanfafo
to fet^ve. believing it men ebiriteble to attribute it to imbaaU^.
foan lo cowndy knavery, aad
criminal maTirifimnM
cessa CRRRRMwtoRaae
Started, and we can help you
out with new ideas as well as
materiaU to do it with if you
will give us a call.
r. aad Mya. BVMM wtU to at
LanndMnWdMM'a tba nAn to PI pAWkMM “
im Ueh* St.
O. m, 0*rv*r
W. L. Brown
bMI aw- Tto brtde
naay elcMt Mm «f eatean.
all Jrfa 'to wbUoR then a I
unnt Khb.
B- Jt. Cedtrie,
aUte. Low price tS.500.
FOE 8ALE-««3-Oood lot on
State street, 06 foot fruni. aootb
aide of atreet Price 1250.
FOR SALE — 784 — Honae aad
SMa.’^aoTSey ‘tov'Tu^^ mLwb ‘work. Special orders promptlot on Earf Ntatb dtreet, just
to to BM nrtr dtairmprr* of tto air. Ijy looked after.
ton hodka of a traly idaanarT aatnrr.
off Union. Home baa 8 Ui^
traMlag anjnad tto *00 lu orMM B» ;
I irsl-class t^ork.
rooma, Roud well water and oia*
4raa(d a* tbal of tbr rartb liartftero. ootioected with aewer.
good ban, lot alone worth bail
what we a«k for property, bnild'
inga coold not be pot there foi
*l«:ELl.A»EOUSWA1>:^:p,„^ S.r«t. b...«n 9.h .nd ‘
lea tbaa $1000. Prica $1900.
FOB SALE-894-Two lott on
Hannah aTenoe, lota of afaade Hiniitee I RortheasUre R. R.
troM, lerel-and dandy bnildisR
Wfll take low price for
___ jf will Mil for $900 ea
on amall-payment down.'
Btot^------- lB<toL>
* M ;r a
PUB 8ALB-«I9-Hoi^ and A. a.ip B.i
.Ktlfr U.UUH'
uiMuHrimU■* numhudlQ
two loti on comer (rf Maple and • W tAAL*
Ari U<* .a IT
(Wr —------- ------------- ----------n. Wr will Uki- y.«r Unck ■***!.
Randolph ttreeta, good bam IS fSiar^
!fS tL‘
and well of water, corner
unriawll) o-w * b.rl *t a naatl roM. Wr
ban aW.aAan'rl.lin, ..r»-v*M ■ri—lbi*i1
good location. Will let gi. ..
i!S it
thii property for $W ^wn, bni.
aoce $6 per month aad intererf. •tto •*to
inHHM‘ni(\('i.R wonne
We’re Mlliac yon the
u I F»*il in . TmTww.aiy
tbrowing in
t*B ••
IMr a**
POE SALE-782-Hooae,6 rooma
all ia Rood conditior '-----it
comer of Wabatar a
* at Mma'. mn tvH. raiT
fltreata. rows for
o n*i»
one on Wabater and two on
Barlow. $M down and |K per
Dooth takea thU. Price POO.
FOB BALE-699-Two loto on
To be addressed by the distinguisht»l veteran,
eaat Niotb atraat, aonth dde
of atreeL joat wM of OaM. 6RARD RAPIDS A IRDIARA «V.
On the issues of the hour.
tWarfariMk Caton
A]»eMy weddiBR wa* oobni
at tbe retIdMB* af Bm. Pr. 1
IBM erealBR. aailtw Mb* Kate Oilehrlit aad Mr. BdvtMd A. Seynoar,
both rf tbb oM». fto bride wa* ati«lM» ■wMiai. I •
waa ibdatUy aVtaad la pak hlaa rflk
naUaad eairtad vblk maa Tto
4H|-blae triBMd
u white aad a
AweddlBR ■
anrrd at tto h
1.^ th
Bkfdt Sundries
Biln Bortb of OedBT City. 14
•lilM froa Traraiw
acrea mbbIb. elm and bcnlocL
—lo cat 850,000 Dor
ehaatablB loaa, 40 acrea partly
g^ewd. Afigood kod. Prka
immK, BMi-siwiiit
jr/i ukH
BItfdt Htpalriug
8ALE--.8B-H(Ma aad
«l OtooB rflM jvit iwrtll erf
14tb rfieoC tttx room
oooditiotx. tSOdevB.
^ numiii. mm,
a AM.Btoto
pnea oC 1800.
Tbb brlaci at to a ant rurteaa fact
(corrbtd etotto* an oOni diorarkd_______
r ward* at tto I
ta 'aataia. ttot nM atrmB*Wy. yrt aa boptkda. tot It art loo nort. Imnwd
.. _
to tto
neat cartalDlT. coMtnKt* all ratrtabk I ttoy may to aorrO by Ito palkot , _
1b ....
th* am
B ' w_
a eUt la raacOy tto aam* ny-1 oar of ooUjb Jukr.
-------- •— I buadABR ai air Kan Frail aoeei.
!a tto irroed ward, la
tbe -]
Iton all. wbrttor ttoy anlaadw]urr*r«u«ltojahv. Mlxltr,ltb
.r f.r rttkr^ ratth-a link *hrrd-'artml baildiMjai tto «Mtr rf Otoiof ctovra, or-laBO
Ikk atran
aad Elnwood aToaaa.
ami a-a4l>r|iaa.fBl
eo. Utyiar. roar. |d«d
la tbr thirri '
il tto mlxtotr nil Ito *oBp b
oaloB, of «act-(Mr.
nltto* oa <
SoBtb UaloB
IbaildtoR I
Tto nport rf tb* •
: tbro a-alt till It b roM toMf^idlOM
tto iTtton
lob-jf-rr einditns Mob II aril orrr tto —li’jh, (oarth ward, la tto
tod plavr. ware lo dr> ood ttoa , hoo*.. u tUr corarr rf Ukr
,tnl ibv BBttwtit In tto rreular waab- 'aad (to* atrrri.
' R.adTls(tsnrXfhaocr
l la ihr Bflli ward, ia tto 1
at 9 o'olacA. Tto aoMltta*
, dWenot
------------------------------: ae^l belldlBir« Eaat Stab
te tto iwUto Mpbarottoia
eoBBiy by lAlH. abor*
tto npar---------------------nid rlfvUoo day fran ■
A Orma’i • hmilM bs> aualyxrd Ibr
. aniB^l mninrr* tltai are made
HrfroraWy to
rliwrd. •
lix li ■ will b-Baallr
- . ................
<b« wbok year roaad. ricnrt wbea (Idiu id lars»- <iuanTitic-* They
.------------------------1---------.fj bare
1b Iratimnor
vrc.-i*)ik and 20 per ------ .
inalOM-imyhaad *l 1
nmib ruk* pn-mlDrotly a* tto B»r- ; mlnrral *iil.v*t:rr..
Uraad Tnrmc Cooaty.i
tror taootb-tbr noBtb of Adfoat. It f '
day of Ortobrr. I«0.
Alnoii W. Rii
by tto tom^tte at (7.«0,fl0» a* eftgt et'them attoMl
«to pan ia nora ttoa aad deaa
nad* any real advaaco. ny Ibr bboT* ;
watfc. far tto elt; ttoa Otol
tOTt -r., o. d.
oar of whom. I
a r*cy fra otoc
Tto natto rf rabtaR tto talaty rf
Ctonr Of tto baud. -‘I an wilUw
. r. Ocaalac. may br laid lo biwool- ;
to taka mj atota of tto blane for tto O. P. Oarrrr. elnIrMB of tto
rftto poor, wa* WrfRtod an etbm pot losrtbrr la
enidltlM ttol aiMa." nld Aldaman
Mar aad
(And all^inds of I’laninc MiH
MMRbt brfka tto board, aad nad*
BMS — A tow Urf rf dertnbk
Uztoa and rfbto Mda
Tiatom Otty’* taloatbn by rT,«. I
ptoad. Aa
bkna ttoa tto taard, M ttot tto Tto oqnUaod valntlM for tto eity
rllr itoeld «m eaMia ear
Tto eatocln rf tto
Uanatto liaaida WL Ha daataaad tot y«ar.
ttot ttor* WBB Mt a naa in tto «ii7 Mtlro eoaaty for tbb y«ar /b vaportod
FOB SALE-ElS-doed 7. tbm
heme mi Uaw* lot. WMtdnth
offlerr. will be toW-to tbb oily, to
Tak* a**r*b rwmm u>*a.
etty-all prbda
boMCB iB tb*
of ite aion* la ibrl# *elailk olb.
Grand Traverse
Land Co.
boOBB. 14 KMMB. HOM 6
tto aalpbto-ft>"“ »ba attoBdr atoot-.Braapn WO^ - ^
to aad oMtora aabataaca rmilad aol- Baafc^M r^pdr Wd
, pbnat of aOrto. wUrh a fooad In an .
BaMa m»« MtoN* oaa
F0& 8ALE-^«»-.lnt«B, ■
Ms OaaMB. Bad tUa. reobtaloc vltb g^, pto bbl
Bataa eery tow.
Timoi Oty. MU.
atotm of laaaMMt aiid ri
^ Mtofitect'
» pnaMtort
If Tto haaa a dMta. Mk.Mto.
M oraar otbM piiiplito taM
ktodlT -maTTT I naal M
aitotoaiaMiMLifMyto.aad ^
srzttoT^ ■!■■«■> M
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.