The Morning Record, January 07, 1900

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 07, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




-No. 835




ci» nchUBc.

OrwBd Jbxy Hbb AdjouniBd

Bom. TBIo to ngtrdM to UcUy mV
MMlairTtMtBtBrtkol^towtrtboMloff tho Boon M tbilr
BolUor 0«Mnl Otioao'o «Mtl
XuMr that VbIIot Bm
roporttorU* ntm 41op»tM« «
bmk UcM opoB tko npolM of
BomM MettaBa* Tht MUM o
«« OMfttMMto «r Brport. BM H it tohtvo boM 0 owpriM, for OoUaro
•fur hU Bta>« «M btvlur • BMl
BaHmt BrttU Vtvt Bcfn fn4*7 Mi AfUlUr bB am
prmptlj Md oiiod iv praiMt ««4bet
AIVHM M T«t«lt
of Iho at^ poUoo, drovo Uh ombj
• Vuroo BtuM M VoruUo | hMk witboot bolw in** Uto » tr»»
HoouUi ••»*.» o« Uo
matoftooBoor*.«wto« U too
Loaio*. Jm i-Whao Uo war e
Bm ftvM oat ae iotalU latorm
ttB b*Uo«W ttot Ooaonl BaUorhto
MbaUro aai Bm bocaa
• ibt Ichttatr to too Tafoto itotriot
DUpaUMoWroWM) Moolrod naUaf Bapalb' Betoto Bay*r Proppod Doai
la B*w Torb-Wu Wall
MatoaMto too omo, bo» tooytro *a-


eBolai. tai
Mm to too 4
too form of Ooaoral BoUor Mr* bofa*
a bury obrUiof of too Boor totrooeb■mtt. wkito B flr« orodoaoo. m tU*
B too yroilulaory to 0 eoaeorud otuek.
WfiOo tom my Mr* booatotoproUutaory uoroiaaat It B aei MlUrei
toatotoaoraloirMMhuboraa. Bat
wbU* Mtoiaff B (rtroo ooi fartoor tou
to* oboro It B bolBroi tMt oa imoorMat uoronat B oboat to bofla.
That toU rrporud ftChtlac auy
•a MUok oa too oeuamMUa oa too
ooato baak of to* rirar B by ae uoaM
TMMmaotboiBleifoi M-

for too rut att*«M *0 toru
yooufo of too riror oaa bo oomi
*^^Caup.laa- 6-AuUro wfo
hM arrtroi bm taporU toat two of
too Bow t*M at TofoU riror bM
bou kaooboi oror by to* BrttUb
mrai fau Om of to* wraekod f*M
mot farty-toaaioi.
Lori Duioaali, *Ub toe UowUd
tMUtvoBoU ruo, tad a Uaxlu.
•pMoi tu et to* Bom toB aftoraoM
vbOo palrMltac U«aiit lUarwaa*
hUL Tb* Bom bad flrad oa
BrllBh ottpooU. Tb* aoral faao
MlMTod. oboUiar to* traaoboo. wbUb
vm tall of Boot*. TMtraetmtou
ytooBoU tai wral
rau. TM BritBb OMUlaod ao la
Ibo Eaflfo m oriioatiy ctriar too
, by Itrbtiar 1
•ruwboa to* BritBb utroU oUrt
Mb norooalt B toot too BritBb
aowr oaooood to oatUar pB too
tai ratara to oanp Urod aai iBao. aolatod afUr toolr bard work, i fart
toat rmUoaoperttkB bolt*! B that
tooaboop, MtUo, aad |wB' boloavta*
to to* Kafin ar* a*«or lootod by too
*Lwioa. Jaa. a.—i bolatoi dBpaUh
bom BoMbarf. iatod iaa- «. *ay*i
«>Bbutiayktaalr>,000 Boora. oappooai to bo u oaferuBiOBii, adi
to* loft frau Horral’o Put aad oauo
la outooi wito to* FUkoto of to* laOar Moa jotlroi
Mint, batralUodaaiobarfMoa too
Bom.hilUaf oormt aai
may. TMoaouy iod to abolUrM
kof}« aai epoaod a tarribU rid* Bra.
IBa BorMUn* aad Beffolha ropUod.
•ai tom wm a loaftby faoUau.
Tb* Mm* MtflBry tboa airaaood
with low r«M aad eaoaod a ioadly
ahoQ Iraoa to* Boar rifl*aMa. wbo tatlrai. Tbm tom wm aa artlUaiy
daol. tho Bom ariar foar fau aad
TB* Tmto bamia tooa airaaood,
•apFertod by a owlioo of tbaborMarffiuty. TB* Bom oa to* rifht tattrod
iurlaf too ma to bold to* bUl aad
pretoettootf latrut.
OwartUUry tboroa|Bty*oarab*i to*
bUl. whU* ISO Doulod Ufaalry dBuouud aad adraaoad aador *or*r of
too in of to* raw. TMy otermod
aai oarrUd too bUl. kUUaf aad wo*adtac Sfty. whlUalaot*.* wm tak*o
pnoeam W* HiSorod ao Icrnu
Dariac tb* IrbtU* to* laaBbUllar

Saowa U TbB Oty.
TM frioado of /aoMa MeKeaei
to* poUto bayw wbo bM booabm for
•ororal s*aM»* put, with too How
York Md.How Joroty ProdoM Oo. wm
•bockod yootorday to leara of bB oaddwiimto^p New York. He left bm
a abprt ttmo aro, apparaaty la porf*et
boalto. to opead two w*ok« with bB
faally It New York, i abort Uae be­
fore M wa* raadr to ratara to tbB dty
M dropeod dead froia boart fallara.
Mr. MeCaau wao a rary popalar
lao aad bad a larfo eirel* of frUado
U tbB elty who wiU bo crmUy aboakod
to boar of bB oaddaw duto.
noamid wa* aboat u year* of
aM wa* a aaUr* of IrdLaM. B*
obtalaoi a ooapoUaey la too *o«
alo« baolnau la Now York, bat tor
•ouo tlu* b*fm bB dmlb b* r*prw
omud to* Now York A Now Joraey
ProdaM Oo. la tbB elty.

WE aw unim.
OMarkWlUBMl DaUto Wut lailutoto* Vattod BUMS tor
Waabiaftea, D a. Jaa. t—A iBpatob from Oopoabafu tUU* that
too oftor of AmorBa of M 000.000 for too
DaaBb Wut laiBa. WbU* ao formal
ofor bM Mm auio by tbB eouiry for
to# DaaUb Wut ladBo, aa aaderauad.
laf wa* raaaboi oom* Um* ifo tMt
to* matUr weald M praoeatod to OonTOU
Tbm WM a fall taoit i
toat Doamark woeld mak* ao oSan
to otbar aatlont aatU to* otattor eoald
b* oabmltud to Ooafiua.
Oo to* other Mad, It wu oridwt if
to* Daltod 8Utu rafaiod to* BlaaM
Dumark woald of*r to **11 tb*m to
Earopua power aad l*t to* parr UM tb* abaau of raaalair
acalaot to* Mowtw doetrlar.
TM OatUd iUtuefforoi y«ara ofo for tM Blaado of it. Joba
aad 8V Tbomaa. to* third Blaad of Bt.
Orela Mrlaff bou Maimed by
tM tltto B
•arfc. ■■uoUry B*waN aefotlatadatraa^of tiiilDB fertM«am aamod. bat tb* aamu lafaud to raUfy lb
a pruut program B to nbmltto
eoagrau a propulllu to appreprUu
•I.OOO.OM tor tM par*b*u of to* thru
DaaBb Itlaaii aai lum tM raapeeribUlty with toat body. Dumark glru
toB aoaatry to* liat obaaw. It It rw
itoUkatM Blaado at Butbaa
half wMt It oCmi roara a«o otou
aatUu wUl M appoalai to. a* D*amark
moot r*t rid of torritory wbBb euU
awa«y to gorara-arary yaar.

Two Mm ladletaowu Bitod Tonorday—BU Baiwa Baid to M Pay of
tM TtoUm*, Xdre Btoek OauuBatomr Breva iaotbor Loagto of
MUlUry lamatlgattoa BUi to


TMmatUr ef tbo dobato bu<
to* BoaSor iyeeam aad too PraakUa
olab of MOaBtoo bu not yat been aatItod. It wUl M broagbt bofon
lal mutlag of too lyeoam toatorrow
aftanwoa. At tbB Um* it wUl M doeidad wMtbar toe dobato wUl M allowed to M dooiaod oa the atagU pout
ofargamuCor wMtoor too lyeoam
aball iaoBt oa lu rc^aut tMt It M dooidoiopna ton poinu of
oempoolUOB nod dtf irory.

Blank Books..

To niAtcb yonr old ones
or in any cue. tbickneu or
binding, frtiu 16c np par 100

Office Supplies
A 'good cMortment is
ini^ peitt. peseik. ersMU.
letter preuee, copy books,
■poiige enpA cAtd rsekA pMte.
muciiage, rnbber bends, pint,
eye shadea, etc.

Broroatad a Mor* Bwoaptog Zagalxy.


Uaalag. daa.
Atur lliog two
ladBtmutyUday. tMgraad Jary adioaraad aim dB. It B tboagbt tMt PlllpUw BraUUy Sbeot llowa Belm for at Bart tkru
dBrk Cakoa From Pnoon Oartag
pataouaad probably Ira.
aa Attaek.
Brewa of to* tut* Ur* otoek wmmBotoa B probably oaa of
aad LBaUaaata Bnoebo and Batoa,
latMladlotatuti. wbUo OoL Sottoa
with two oomuaB* of to* Twoatyof Detroit B bellorod to be aaotMr.
PIfU lafaatry, while roeoaaoitoiiBg
Ao aeaal to* aamot an uppremod aaynterday, attacked the iuarg*nt
tU thou ladBuo ar* U toe Mod* of umpa
olBoara TMy will probably b* arDoriag the igbt the liwargeeu took
raigaed at Maaoa Moaday.
from prBoa thru m-a of tb* Math
Thoroportofthejory wa* died. It
abdtaroof tb* Twelfth lofoaVry, and
B vary brief, elmply eaUlog attoailoa
foread them to ka*el la front of a Br­
to to* work, ud iUUac that It baa
ing party. TM flnt roUey killed two.
kou eoafloed io tut* affaire, aad tMt
TM rut wen boloed. reoeirlog awdoobtl«M aaay oiattor* that aboald
fol woaad*. Two war* ruea*d atUl
Mra beu' loolud loto, bare beu
llrUg. '
obelrod, bouaa* of toe leagto of time
rrqalrod for tb* iaraetigaUoa of toe
mUlUry d*aL\;4t B eloarly blaud toat
'im B work tor aaotbar grand jary.
la tarUf. to* raaalB of to* grand
Chu. W. Bait«r will obow r
}aiy** work tba* far an u tollowa:
the orlebrated iiae of 8tom- f
Flrot um* foar ladletmuto. two
Blocb aaito and ovensoato io g
igalwt Bpmtoor ddaau. oa* agalut
eprinii atyiu — Order* F
Daad OemmBoioa«r Pnaeh aad oa*
will be taken for eprinff de- 2
agalut OMrlu Pratt. TM gaaaral
livery — Hamilton Olothing S
obarg* agalaot aU too** B bribuy.
• * mo balag ladleUd for
I to* iadletmutef
Hammwd oa two
•baigu for Mlleitlag bribu growing
oatef bB oonnoetlon with the anCtraet bUl aad tb* famoa* tolagram to
tMOraad Bapid* wM1**ato groom.
Brad A, Mayaard wa* to* MEt ladletod. tM obarg* balag a mBdemaaaor
baaed oa tM nUagatlon tMt M ntalaod a portion of to* aaUry dnwa la
' anm* of ObBf dork Kokaa Tb*
mlliUry Uroatlgatlon be* oeenpBd
tofto* Jvy'i aUMtlea far foar
w**ka. It butbaa far rmltod toll.
lag indletmaata agalut OcamaB
Marob. Whiuaod Ooloael Salto. It
UbalBradtMtOoloaal Battoa B aUo
Indtoud. __________________

Tuesdaf aad Wedoesday

Sale Xonday on Vlolete-lOo.
OAAh paid for bid Bohool books-Ooms In and got a list
of the UndA.

a»-a29 Fnnt Strmt

Good Clothing
Cheaper than you cad now.

Oar Grut laiaaMi? Sale Raw ia Progcass is Taw Claan

124 Front Blre.4


a pair.

BM wu token to tkalr bom* aad Dr.
Payas wu eammoeed. It wu foaod
tMtoae leg wu brokaa aad *M M'd
r*e*ired Utoraal laJarU* tMt may
proro rary amioan
Mn. Bebm-BB tb* mota«r ofeU
•mall ebUdroa, tb* oldut aboat eight
year*of aga to* yoangut Butbaa

8uuA*partmut oaeUB wbo an
•ot partlealarly aeatoa* to bay tor BUado uy tou ooaatry moot oltbar bay
thorn tualf or ponalt Dumark to *eU
•Mbbiy. ItBkalBrodtooOopnkama aaaoaammut B tatoadod to
I toat Doamark bU raUlodM* Ufarmal agraomut arrlmd at laot NcOompaay M Boya Vow Move a
m aad will *aU at if tba
to Bet Boaethlat 1
Uaiud BUtoo will maM aa c8*r wltoaad oMir*d m to* rotrutlnr Boon. la I rraotmokli tlmi
tb* But* Baad.
Thv kUlod oeru aad nt tbrtr way
TM nlBf faud for to* *oldim of
tMBpaaBb-AmerBaawar. which bu
Altbeafb Omoral Broaob Mo robou aaMuUd um* tlma. Mfm oafl•olrad too doalrod roue tareomuB from
Do Aar daaetkm. too Boon otUl Mid Will Bo U Ooagrm aad WUl M Com. cBat nUcf wu oflarad to to* waldBra
kubeaa replaaBbad by tb* l^aMat*, BodatUg tb* Obugw Mad*.
to* m*U pooittoe at OoBabwp-a tartbor proof of too aatrurdlaary toaaoii, D O,. Jaa. I BomUry tar*. A bUl wu pamwl Friday U to*
ty wlto wbkb tboy elUr to peaitioM Oag* B pnparUf aa elabout* reply to M*dal auUoa. appropriaUag P40.000
wbm ooror tar toolr ftr* «aa M ob- to* rc^aut ot Oeagr*u for latormaitea man. TM arigiaal MU did aet eapaly
•aoagh to go aroaad and tM wldtua
Ulaod. TM iaak uoramoat wblto nUttag U bB agr
tbo Bom aitomptod Tbayaday
BatUaai Otty baak'of New York to m- of Oampaay M, Thlrty-foarto Mlehliofulod. Ommi ProMb aet only gard to to* dapoUt ot to* pabU* taada, gaa rolnauan, of toB elty, got ae r*ri------‘-f tbam U frut aM m tM baada aad nmau aad M* *al* of Uaf wMtorar. not Mrlag flilod their
flaaM. bat aBo tbrutoalof tMlr Uo to* New York oaoum beau to that alalm* Mtm to* toad wu *EMutod.
•frauut. TMp
baak. aad to* Truaary Di. .
.. Vow tbay will Mra a ebaau to gat a
bU partlu of Bom Mr* bom morlaf oMeBB an aeaSdoat that M wUl u perttoa of to*lr elalou at But
Tb* bUI jut puaad appropriatu BM.Borthwwi by tM oaly mau Bti epm auwu hW eritB* tMt tom wlU M oa
ex aad aU alalma mul M U to* baaM
U tbom-by way of iM railway brtdfa fvoaad for to* aeeauto
of to* aadltor gaaaul by Jaa. tl, IMO.
. at HorralBBUM-aacTaaB tM duifor or atom- aawarrutod
It B aet kaowa wbatbar tbB aawaat
•lyour to* paUtUa aad
oaailB awTon
IIB poadbU tMt to* BaarUary may wUluytMalatm* ta faUaraohbat
ae eUTmi will M AlUwad aatO to*
oaptartac tU «afaaim tbay will lad •otMabla loaaadbB roplyto Oaa- Um* Umlt *apiru, aad than tMy wlU
tortf oaimy aad maay *d bB g%m gnm ea Moaday Maaau af iMameaat
aU. All *oidlm Mrlag
erwarhaaamouyta oopytagtM dow ____________ 1 Ato tbam with IM aadltTM Boar toat Utbkapowtlwi ulil am«Uun*dfor. BatMBmmAdut tagboari at to* aoaa^ olarkhoSm
«arly u poMb • w tMt tb*y may
IP M IM, wBlto tb* BrtlUb bad ■ kOtod IhatwbuhB *uimrB nadyUwUl u
aaiPt wiaalii aaou* to *bow toat to* uiBfy to* B«paklBiM that, M bu MaaattoTiaoiagatoau
deaaflalywtatM ngiiMiu JaettAbU* aad aaoaaury to ralUu tM iua.

Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House.


SpeciAl clo*ing priou on everything in the wey of Indies*,
niiuee’ and eblldren’* cloaks, st


Enjoy the

Good Sleighing

May b€
a creature of the
coming centnry.

Havana Smokers
is the man
who rules the world
in this century.

A prominent New York official
uid the geoersl n*e of the tele­
phone had made the tsak of efficlUy protecting life and property
rer 60 per cent, euier.
Telephoning in esse of fire, ac­
cident or bnrglsTT bu become a
recognised neoesiity.
Every well regalsted hoosebold bsa s
Have yon
one in
yonr home'




School of Music

Geo. Cams,

For Fire InsurancB
Praapt, earefol and eoorteou attaa*
torn. The etnwgut aad olAut'An la<,
•utoC la my ageaey.

lotuoiBkeL ’FM7L

For all careful purchasers should be:—
“Where can I bny the best footwear for
the least money?’

If yoo will call at 208 Front St., and allow ns to show you onr line of footwear
and give yon pnees on Same, we truly
believe we can answer this question in a
perfectly satisfactory manner to you.


KM KaM r. WhM. n*M. Oamt

UtUapB** *M»-m1My.

I have eeveral fine new rigs—
both alBgle and two BAAtAd
Beat outfits in the d^. Try
Order by 'Phone No. 32.

Livery aaid Peed StablsB

The Man
Who Smokes
Sc Fig Tail



Fukioiublr OotSttei. ud Cblhi«.

The First Thing
You Do

Crushed 111 TREE.
art roatordoT Attoraoon M*ar
Bottoao Bay.

Salph Oonnabl* Jr.. lUiuc«’.



d torrIbU ao«ld*at oeearrM
Botwu Bay yuurday aflaraooo at I
e-elook that rualud U to* rary oirtbaa
iajary of Mra. Adolpb Beboria 8b* To choose from in our fam*
WM at wcwk with her bubaad la tb* OU8 line of ladies’ fine shoes
wood*, foUlag Uabor, wboa a tru fall
aad oM WH planed to
to* grooad with to* trank. Bar baabaad MW tou the wu torribly iajartd
bat M eoald not aaaBt Mr aloao
too largo. U* wu wmpallrd
to go thru qaartm of a mil* for Mlp.
All the new abapes—u nice fit*
Wbu bo ntaraod
tM Bm had to b* uw«d off la two ting and dnrsble a* moel I2..50 and
plaeu Mtm to* wemaa ooald
$2.75eboee. .

Front street




A tarp piBaaat )amUe parW

to BaOT. 'nriaUib dat .
faat to pe' tou’lp. tax' to po' a^ aa*
Vatoa Mraat Kapt to 9^
toaOp to te feUow-Bini: bnt, bato’ a
MBbak Ob po' owB tomlp po' kta
Bapalr tkia Wtotor.
wo% po'orT to twfca.
Tbaloaal knwia haaa anaaffi
Ob po* gmtaa* trtola wID to to Aem
po’ farnlp to BMt aa' at da aaow
wtth Biraat OemaMaatr KaUof '
Imp to food aoadlttoa Ibat porttoaof
' itwaaa Blavtatt
4p er IIMi .
eotr aa lha ptoaa nrp fob po’ to publlsb bow.po'
no aboat pc’
Idkaparmtttadto Wa ponaha. Bap uu0lo
aifbtlp o< kefpaahun. an’ aU----------- _
apaad ihair aalaala aadtUapav tha unto trood duria' <1«- cUp.tolB' kootnl
•wapraprepeaoto kaap tba atraatto to mato n uia<-b uul»- 'twin bit et
pooM^. Lrt dr rtmiuiunrrtp UHtobBrattiaHooadltto*.
ataa' dat po' am wilUo' to otrot dru
Whaa'atolfktof It food: aeato lara
' t of do'aoldea pola:
apaadlaf Mf ba mtoHoad. do **
ad po' woo't ball aufllo'
uflio' MMlo po* abaar
tin' ol> (to Iwriato.
dtp aaa boaa* of aaap toat


Do You

rawfoa VOl Bara SaathBad •


Mtfra U

Mn^farthavMMC* et ttobUlle
WylwIHi tte HldlM* nilM t*ni,
<rUik •pvmvWiM **0.000, A food
■M7 Oo«*M7 If tef* wbe tmUf
PM« tta BOMf tter opAl dBriat tbolr

Ttoo Ja»7 partloa of peaaf w
fna tba oral diak faatotr aajopad tba
•laifbtof toat araatot. Tbara w«ra
Otar a dbtaa to aaab panp aad a BteiTp
UM waa bad bp aaab.

M opporuinUy
tin. LoUlt A. Kona u rarp oteb at
barparaata' bosa oa tie Baadolpb
I far what iba/ lura paid, or u>
paj MUa ooBUaei^ tbroifb lUaoM root.
Plpa Orfaa Dirtaloa No. 1 bald a rrrp
aejopabto thlmWa partp at tba beiae
«f Mra C. B. Marrap paatardap afiar
mm leaaUta tba UalMd Hialaa tha
A plaaaaat faatora batof t-o
Pasiab Waa* -tsdiaa for tt.ovtfioo. aolea bp Mlat Brplpa .Korfaa. ao
paalad bp Mlaa Pooad.
mpnotUUViot ageod UTaatMi
no oBlean aad faarda al Asaeda
fU*. no Uaoda irttl aaka aa \m blTa«Uiaaatat;j e'alodi akarp to
^artaat addittoa to oar
Poraatara baU Taaadap altaraooa
It 0.^1
> ■
Tbara wUl ba a rafator ataattof of
•oehM nmp Mo. S.M8, M. W. /
Moadap alfbt to Mootofaa ball. A
boM load U iholr aapraaaloM
laaban ara ra«aaaMd to to praaaat.
ipapatt7 lor tba “poor dowatral
nuptoe” wiu dad it baid to ax
Tba rarator noatblp saattof of tba
, iba bratal alaafhtar of 0?a kmmima Bpmrib laafae of tba Pint M. B.
joUfanwhoa thapteak froa prlaea obatto wUl to bald Moadap araalaf.
••If to abeot dowa Uka dofa, aa ratbanaratorlttd to to pnaaak
aitotloa of tba ofloan of tba
pertad to fdarday-a aawa dtapaW
Bpwortb LaafM wUl oaaar oa Saadap
Mn. baa Bifftoa Mra
patoa aad Kta bddla Biim «te kara
HMipaadtof tbakoUdaf maattoato
•nad BapUa, rataraad laat atr^v
Mafor Praak BaMlltea rataraad laat
pwalafft— Korthporl
9. M. Daaa of Hortbport. It to th*
to atof evar taadaf.
a. S Biroaf wwt Uat aaoBtof aa
b^laaw tHp te Oblaafo.
paoBtoc from Mt. Vamea. Ohio, wban
fto waot ObrlatOM to rlait bar old
^OM wblob ato had aot aaaa ttaaa aba
iraaalltttorlri. Bba roaa to barwork
patoaabor of tba Morriarllla lobeel
Mr. aad Kn. E W. Bird ara aator*
tba formrb aethar. Kra. B.
K. Bbd of Hartford. Mlab.. at ttolr
toaaoa Fifth Btraot. ,
Mlaa Banla Bird of UotorUto.-It - tUfttof bar aaala. B. W.> Ba0 aad wlfa
Maaarar Bortort Moatofaa aad
•ae. Blaa ara to Oraad Baptda attoadtw tba faraltara axblMt. Tbap trill
aaka torn paTChaaaa for tba Mar•aatUa Oo. for tba aprtof trada bate*
Ibair ratora. Tb^ will to vm*
fnak OaaMtt win laan tomxrow
far Faorto, vhara to wUJ taka a aoaraa
•( aboat ato Boatto to tha atadp of
$mt wateb maktof aad rapalrtof.
Mr.aad Mra. Cbaa Boaaatbal. ae•awtodbp Mlaa Blamroaaa of
IMMatb^wtUL raiaatofor
^ vlBlt bar Botbar. Mn. Marka.
Mlaa Onaa Bldrad toa rataraad from
p Tialt to Aaa Arbor.
Mra.BsottaadacM’Eaddtaof Maata
toaan tto paaata of Dr. and Mr*.
fratopartoar. , .
4rtbmr Walla kaa totaraad troB a
fWtat Aldaa.
Mtoa Karp Baltaar la rlalttop at
Balpb Oaaaabla, dr., baa rataraad
from a baaiataa trip to Datrolt.
MiB Oraea Obattordon baa ntarnad
from a rtalt with bar parwto »t Moapoo Om tar.
0. W. Wbaaloek of tba Nortbara Tab
•pboaa Oo. U aea&kad to bla boma bj
Dr. A. J. Baott aad brlda ara to tba
•1^. Mib. Boott will ratarn to Fife
|«ka tOBCBTow'to ooBplato tha tom
pf tko aohool aba la taaoblap.
9.0 Mlakanaa

iKaKtp paatardap.

top to Ftotobod.
Ttotordap Jeha Probart A Boa bob
toatodlbaptoatortorofttototortor of
(banw aoari boaoo. Tto tUtop of
Iba baQwapa wU\ to aoBptotod to a

A aambar of pooat toopto dreta to
Blk Bapfda Bridap oraatov to attaad a
alabpar^. Tha foUowtoc ao«p
thapvtp: Mr.aad Mn. DrKap. Ida
Dolbarf. MabK Brotra. Paarl Bloc,
Blbal Daatola, rnakPaifa. O. M. BaiiiOao.
bM ]
BBaU baUdlap at tba raar of tba Ba
■etoe bloek. aow eaaaptod bp Dr. TUt
aaa ratartoarp oBaa. Dr. Tilt wlU
aeattoaa to oeeapp tba beildtop for a
Prof. C. B Henfa MW raaldau
d Ml WaabtoptoB ilraat to4of Ml aaa
Tba Mtoblna Olarab Oo. wlU raaaaa
•aataotartop potato atorab toBorrow
eraaxtdap. Tha eeapaap baa toaa
baplac ft torn qoaatltp of pptotoM
aad BOW baa aaoarb oa bato for a oeaaidorahtoraa. Tbap ara bab tod tia orBan aad wUl mb oat tba ■toreb aa
rapldlp aa peatobto.
doba Bperra baa panbaaad tba draptop baatoaB of Tip Oldi aad will
pladtoraealaa tba patroaan of bto
maap trtaada to bla aaw baatoaaa. Kr.
Bporra fermarip eoadaetad aa oil bailMbataold It oat.
At tbolr rapator ataatlap toat anatop. it waa daeidad bp tba I. O. O. T.
to pita aa opator aappar aaxt Batordap
araatopto Kontapaa ball. Tka bill
for tba aappar wlU ba 16 oaata.
Than will ba a Boattop of tha BataU Oorkb Datoa, to 0.6. P. 8. ball oa
OeloB oBaai. Moadap aaaatop at 7:60
o'eleek. Oarda for tbia qaarter bare
arrirad ato oaa ba ebtatoto at tbla
An aatborltp ce tba aab]-ct baa
aottoad that tba pabUe la ooatpftM oa
tbo aattarof tba tbraa prtoeipal talktop Bacbtaaa oo tba Barkat, Aba
Mphooa. tha prapbo^oM apd tba
pboaompb* The drat of Uaae la
a bp tba Barllaer Oo. aad lu
prtoeipal ebaraotonatle la lAa todaatraeUbla dlae abapad raaorda. Tba
prapboboaala Badabptba ABarkaa
Orapbopboaa Oo had Ita raeorda ara
epUadrfea] to abapaTba pboao
pnph U tba oripiaal Bdlaon laatraBeat, laraatod ato partoeud bp tba
wltard of toraatiOB. Mr. aaJ Mra JiBBBaaaem.
abpp.Tm trm of Bsadlap ato Woodworth baa pooa eat of Imalaaae Mr
Woodworth baeaBoalphtotofk at tba
Hetal Colambto. ato Mr. Bawdlap baa
aaMptod a pealttas aa laabar aealar, ae
tbm waa BO OBO to aarrp oa tbo boai-

Tbo rapator Baattop of tba Bpwwtb
Uapaa of tba Finrt M. B. abanb will
toka plaea at tba ehareb tOBorrow
ItbaabaaadaBoaaMatrd npaatodlp arratop. A fall awaBdaaca ia regaaat
to arcrp aiatp to *• Daloo. aad to
Mp toalpB eaaatriw, that CbaBbrr-



froB rb*
> aao adattea I
that CbaBWlatoh Palo lalB n’letod
Ba aftwaaiBberef other Bcdtelaw
and a daetoc.bed tailed. Itktbeb*e>
llalmeat 1 bate ttnr known oL—J. A.
Dodpea, Alpkaretta. Oa. Thoaeaadr
totoBptaBUp for aooaral paan^ bate baea eared of rheematks by ahl^rapa with prrf<^ MaaMa.
adp. One aptfloeiloa nheteetb.
u F.>raal>bp&B. WaltatoP. C

S^arm Ithaaaaradtballvaatooar
SjSm a BiBbar et tlBaa” IVk

mKv*<K W*

01 te F. Vaeb ba* broapbt enit for
dl* roe from tldoraa Naeb bp her
peat friend B*-lpa C. Hodpea. her
owtber, or the pronto* of c'nehp and

I bavo a fall line of tbem-haet of all; tablet that have tbe laavn
ripbt in tbea>.(W3 boodle of leevee Ipiap around to pour wap. Tbep
have a aolid center—a child can extend H without taklap cover er dkkotoffi 1 wUl Mil them aow from to 7ft to «!1 78.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 Front 8tr«cit.

The H. & L. Mercantiln Co.

Think of it-^VATURE’S


What ia Calary Klnf?
It Mae bsrb drink, aed Us pemure eni«
tor coDsUpatloe, b«ediu-br. DerroBs dWorOm,rbeumaUsin,kidnrrdlseaaa*,aad tto
tartoos trtraUe* arlslnc (ram a dlaordarad
atomaril «od torpid llm. It U a moat
phjxlrlana renemllr. Bameaber. II c
tvierr^l^r^Boid iBj^aad Me.

Tba bargaitu in warn footwear.' Tbe cx>](l
weather demanda warmer aboaa, and we're ifir.
ing yoH tbe biggeat ebanoa of your life to clothe
your feet at unheard of prieea.
We have been atlling Felt Sboao and Bearer Sboea at 11.00 the pair. W’arm Lined Kid
Sboea at $2.00. Beaver Blippere at T.'kc. Felt
Slippera at ILOO
aod $1.25. Oor great
stock of Julietta at $1.38. Alfred Dolge Felt
Blippera at $1.50 aod $2.00—And now we bare
marked Uie whole atock to sell at 26 p«r cent
dUoooBt from thsM priooa.
Think of it.

Think oflit-S*#^
there's a man tn
mef^an «4o topaA rrutov
shoes in 1666 ^nd it atm ti H.
Hit name' it Tinfrte.
He it
GAtmorMfia. 7^'safeto-aMe
fair tign that U it a good AoemaAer.-Yoejtvbablyha’bthtatd
ofhhn. We/osf«taitffofePpoe
dhathe mato* at a latOet'that
thatMlUfortJ apair. Uhkhit
fast the M that for that pHet
Oat emtr tame eat cf any man't
Vetter try a pair. Yca'a lOe
Bern. BIT blow per toEL nn*.
Mlartfprattrtylm. Wa’rtaek
ayardt far Mr Thqwr " Qmipo

Frank Fritdrich
he Old FtllelileSlioelljin

When yoa go |bome bow pleaMOt it wonld
look if yon had^a* nicej plctnre to hang in tba
dining room—oi
sitting room?

between the windows in the

Yonr psrfor has the bAid finish­

ed plaster—Just the background for s nice pio(ore with an oak framA

If papered-th«i mm

with a doll finish black or a Flemish frame.
We are making many homes look brighter,
because we have the stoek.
Onr new mouldinga are beautiea.

Think of itThe amount of time it takes to make a

t^ATbe next time you are at your dining tabli

handkerchief, and then of the fact ifqjQa selling

how much more comfortable you woulcl be if
yon bad a set of our No. 392 Diuing ( hairsV —


That's tboee qaarter sawed oak.goidcn oak finish,
braced arms, beaded apimllee, cape seat, carved

one at 3c—And you'll be surprised at oor 5e

back-aelU at $9 25 tbe set of six chain. You
could eat your dinner, and tbe food do you just
aa much good if you had one of our $3.25 chairs
—bat tbare’a more* aattofaction in owning the
bettor gooda.
Try it opoe and see.

Think of itToday—and ki^p on thinking until you
have purchafted all the School Books you’ll need
when the new Semester bf-gina.

One atyle at a cent apiece.

style with colored bordeos at 2c each.

A large

goods A nicely embroidered one, or a good
lio'^D. or a fine hemstitched all begin at 5c, and
increase in beauty and workmanship until it
costs $1.50 to own some of tbe stylaa.
A woman cannot have too many handker­
chiefs—thoee for the home and for tbe street—
for every day oae and those for spedsl occss-

Think of it-

How much mors comfortable you aroald be,
and bow you wpnld enjoy your night’s rest if
Yon know yoaratudies. then don't wait un­ --------------------------■*-----------of
->^...,4 ..ta«r U4 those
ItaPU ■All
77 oot
til that fint morning—for pefhape the books Knit Night Robes. They ara good and long
may be all sold. Ton'll surely need Tablets. and warm, and sell at $2.00. We are selling
5 and 10c Writing Paper Tablets are besn- loto of those Ooting Flanoal at fiOe and $1JK).
tiee—both in tbe quality ol paper and the cor.
Tba Sateen comes in different colors and sail at
era. 1 here are belter grades for correspond­
ence—and there are other rappUee that yonr $1.25. $lfiOand $1.75.
school wfcA require, alt of which we cany.
Think early aad bay.


Think of it-

No one dreams of ‘ saein* things at night”
if they steep in tbs Night Bobea bongfatbeie.


elaanad ap nadp for

£a«l« Faitidft

--------ille. After BiM?eleek la<!«

*3.7Voxton>loBtabIoft>r..,............ . *1.16
«6.TS table, ooUdgoldmiosk, for....... *406
«SS0 table for..................................... *766
*8 60 table for,.................................... *6.46
618 66 table for....................................*lo.b6
5 *81.76 table for........ ........................ *1676


MBMbtr Prof. BUma and aea s
deaetap iaabool ato daaoa at Mar
"etomp Beat Taeadap


A Dining Tabin?

-H «>, I ^11 quote jrn, .oae pria» tl»l wBl luka it u
(or you te buy at onr.. I hare 27 diffmnt ttyW on my floor
*'* “ *'
rao™ (or

O. D. m*otor Dead.

Mn Fraak Taader raeeind i
paeto'rdap that bar father. O D Beotor.
had died to Chleapo Prtdap Bontop.
po'. doao tot o« fool lawprr lajon po' Paeeaaed wee «t paan of apa.. He for.
to plead fulltp. No uiatiab wbat Barlp raeided to tbk dtp aad a pmt
proof* am rrcln po'. one-baif de peoplr ra-inr to lillrl* po' luooivMit rf Biap frieade here will repret to lean
po' l^i>f dcDpIo' (to rba'cr. Mtnnbab efhtedeatb.
mah aon bit am Tiattab to ai-rtie dr
fall iblrtp dap« aa’ lial> pirijtp ob
Atteatlon. Air Kalphtal
fri*n» tor lo rib po* a tolpln' baa' tr*a
There will be a rcpolar commaaleapo’ cit* out. (tan to rut riowo de aeatoacr Hjie-lialf bp ptoadlue' pump, an' ttoaof TraferseCltpooBiaaBderp No.
bab even Uidv rib po' de <-o]’ nbouMtf. *1. Wedaeedap etealnp, Jen. liHb at
7;lo p. B. - A cleB of ibm to receive
tbe Eed Creea decree.
A Hilncn man who ha* wrlttan a
Befreetameate, etc, will be aereet
bo»k wxN lelllur aliont It (be other dap abder tbe eapereiaion of Sir Keipbt S
to a friend who bad once done him a
C D«H>ree. UMoere will piraee be o(
W. W. Smitb.
"Hy the wap," aald the aotbor, "1 time
would be delli:lil>d to ptve pou a coiip
red for It."
than pleaiwd to
have It." was the rt-idy. "eejin-laUp If
poll a-m wrlle pour name In It"
Straub Brae. A Amlotte, mac.nfa«tar"All rtphl TLitc's a book etim )oa( ere of floe oaadiM, offer a See pound
arouud the eurner. If pou wTII ac- b X of cboeolaua to tbe peiaoe aeodlnr
conijuinp we will go there and gel It In tbe beet oaBe fw ibelr new eholo1 don't ba|i]N-u lo have a ropp In mp late jMt put on the market. Anp perOiBce Just now."
oB map aend in three namee e* loop a*
After tbep bad stopped to i^Bce at tbep are in bp Jan. 15’b After that
aomr of the new tblnga In the book
ime twelve pouap ladle* will look
•tore tija'ai tb^r balled a r^rk. and.
rer tbe namee and ballot on them.
pnsblnjt bii chest out rerp
Tbe eucOMfal one to tbe oonlaet will
for the
... oorel that be bad written.
be the name eboaen. Tbeae pooda are
"Vea. air." tbe clerk said. "We bare Bade from tbe verp bipbaa prade of
U around here aoniewhere. I bellere. 'hoeolate.
bni poo are tbe Orst noe «bo has t
Tbe pooda map be found at tbe Marasked for a copy and It map uke
" “ • auire.
itoro, 8. B Walt. J O.
aome time to dnd IL Wouldn't
- -.Ilia. A. OoreUla. A.
thing else do JoM as welir

■ • • A. Me
A Son.
»k.Jno f trieob.
Mear Anaa. nUiwto. a boiler la Cba>. Marvin. F. Ktop and J. B. I
Btoat'a eawsUI. exploded aad killed
three obpIojm aad tojarad tbe owner
time - CklBaaa Blaatie Floor Vanlab.
B WaiV
The new ofinn of tbo Bpw-irth
Loarao of tbe Pint Methodtot eboreh
wUi be laaianed at tbo moettop thte
omlBf at 6:«s.

Free Storage All Winter.

^g^to foTMto^B B. Waft ato F. nmaat

pmnli wen left te
The toUowtop ««• praeat: Manda
BaawWt, Atoip Hapdea.BAa Bapdea.
LHp BItpler. Jaaala Zltpler. Aaale
Plebell. B ekap Waraer. Ztlla Pearl,

H. I. GIBIS, Frap.


Ml PmlB





A Waftr UfO* Cr««W<»4 ASM* SB
riBk BBS «-kU«.

drftcret^. K

A* p«r«M« •( «ha a^tMW. Tb*«d-

)**HwMf«ttf«4 tr Om MnlUr.
«mMi. iMlaiM «ks BMfort hoMl u4




■kels ot vtiltr MtEoay. two sk«lBS 9t




Tbp )p>t:r aod poffs ai*


rriiar alffhb


was oaalaod

ai.aa« wlkleh wars <Uad wlUiTaiBaMo

Jeka firat^ alraU wu Craetarrd aad
Aadrair toMa »aa hadlj laiorad is a
alM mmaat Baagarlam at Maakicca
At Mb Marrla Oraaa Brawa. a poaae'

Ba^eavov avd p.

>»-«raad BAlte iMtallatlea Jaa.

tbn dnw ibn«d Ibroogb Uw 8 at



aad a*mt alaty appUoBttaaa ara la.
opodal dUponaatloo baa boaa grutad

iaitiaUofifoaap to and ladoiliBg
aboro daM and wbon tba Ua^i^aptr. a


TtaTOfio City Tent will ae oae of tba i

mmlad famar, waa ihrowa oat of bia | twopo
wililpnlDC* on ttae aboaMera la ^Ta*t Is Mieb^n.-Ia ordor to emte'um ArantreBc. J
. .
tafiT sad awliiaiT/ U aet tatallr ia- nrbrowtlio*: lniblP«lroiw*U.fwcpo. iaji»clyUitoroai In the work of getting »Ba»ni
Coortb «. flfib 8. aixtb 10. oorpotta 12.

Kn. AlaloB Mar. affad M

among tTe'^m*^ of

raara. a

G. BirrUaU being captain of one aide aicn Weh

patlMitat tba KatoMsio a«|lam from
Sraad BapMa alaos 1»7S,

fraa tent raoeivad Wedoarfay by bfp
dtaaa eatohlag oa flra tro« a grata.

iiiiaUon will be held Anortbe Initiator

rr*«ii onoasi

•at with a fatal aeddant whUa on bln

he served, at the aapeaao ot tbe aide


way to Moans with a load of atraw.


Bofiry Kopplar of U Sail* towotbip.

.U|«.d hU vMUd




eUiar baavy

mn,j, m_

Ha paaaod twoaaaeanfnUy bnt jt.






Port Buroa, will ba amoag the dia>


Bade. In abHla of 2 <1 r. 2 cti. 2 d <■ In a




plaee. ^>gln ai the fnmi corner of
yoke and make tu abplls. me In every

will ba a red Btur event for tkia tanu
IcvltaUooa will be aent to tbe tants ia W
b PMrcUia
sarroBOdlag towaa aad It it axpoetad I wm tawr

otbpr at oif yokf. turn ami make 2

thatTravarec City oa that data *ai|ort«ato

m tawaahip, atartad to attaad ratir
ioaaiBTleii at tba O. B ohanbbaUa

Bore rowa a abell in a abelL break

Uve more Moocaboea within bor gataa ^

yarn. I^Mve 90 ei for the alepre aod
work S rows of abrlla. 25 In a row. for

than wars evar

Uttti latB kg ahareh foora lying daad

the bark.

ing. tbo ialtatory work to follow.

U tba Btddla of tba mad.

tad make 3 rowa of IV abelht cacb for
other aide of fronL

Hnit db-

AlasMoHaloef Mtakagoa. wbo


• aanbar a( Oo. 0. Htb Mlebigaa mlgraatod a Bodatof
baaar by tba war dopartBoat tor gal
laataaratoBnadBod at tba battloof

■ aoler angtaat aad eaptar-


■rate tag oa tbs oeoaatoa.

wkiab bo tbn^ aw tba wwkaaad
tbMdaattaaedla tba obatga agalaat

Lrarp 30 at for oiber alcpre

From ibp front edge work back aod
forth ibr whole width of the wck.
piaclng e abell in a abell onUl yon
bare 20 more ni«-a

Itb^rapoaad tehaTstbaBlB


For (be wrist make 80 b d In

lower edge and work bark aad fortb
for 10 rowa. then rroebet tbe edgea to­
For tbe epaaleu on tbe abonldera
take tip U> abelU at (be top of each

with a amail bail on varb end.
Lewna la (Mber LaaSa.
In Aiuerica at- have not et'eo yet

to doaato a dollar for aaarr oaa rabad

gone Into tbe uranlnga and tbe atrtrt

BcaaBoaaarelle of




It b aa aptca worn at a sooUag oeor




aad whan Baajaaala FraakUa waa aaatar




kwatlag Ooa.

Lafayattoa waa labad to tka dagraa lof
Baatar Maaoa.

Tba ratb



qaaatbad to tba ladga by Jnlab Wahaaa U 1MB. lata whcao



caBolaltlB CroB yaoob &aya>lla. a
aaptata ia tbo roeoIathBafy arar.
Bbana Oharak, a wdl kaowa ymag
aaa. wba waa at worir la tka <«oa of
tba AngaaU

toarlng alU

two daya

ago wlib Baary Mareia. walkad oat of
tba ofioa aad tato

the allL

aaearbomaoaa aiaoe.



Tba Bill baa

baaa taaaaekad. tba rleor aad


aaankad. wooda sx^ocad aad laaidaau
of tba dty



Obatcbb wWaaboaia oaa





Hot aaa paraoa aaw blB altar ba nntor.
ad tba Bia

Ha was of good


Barrted aad bad aa famUy tnablaa.
Sba Utaai addltkn la \ha aaleatalt *
BBtaoBbaobild Bomag tros


aeaa wbtab bdoogod to«be a>ff D«eltars, aad waa aant bora





Laoaard. who baa sada atany aoqab!ttaaatotbo anMaa.


faot aad

aftar tbodotaUa bava baaa appMatod

ler. J.


King, W. a. BdBacM. Dr.

abtarad, aad trneas ot the balr and «y..
krowa can ba aeaa.

Pande-& Honda. W. W.



Be than aaearad



Js* Bareht*

oaea of lamps. IVeorb lamps, to show WwBsskcl
bow (hey ferl about tbrm over there, Oeter Bao*OS
do not wear ibelr abadea by day at all. RirhsrO BsmeUs
aiobea supply their plaree-tbe fatigue PrlrpOlMe
oolform of tbe lamp when off duly. PPHsnm
One never aeea a lamp abade In Ikrta. Wm Uodoe
HsrtlD Wool
Bor anywhere In France for that mat­
W W WssSer
ter. In tbe daytime. Bngllsh lamps, to
• O Less
go funber. do ooi appear at all Ip tbe JoaBrsS
hours wbm tbelr aervirea arc Dot re> 4o- J .nn- •
qtiJrod. caodles aod lam|>s are brought ha't lUcksrS
In aa they are wanted and kept In re­
tirement Boniewbrre nntll that time.
One may argne the irnprartlcabimy of Jofcs bersegrr
sn^ boosekeetdng In any but rbumy AtakBcslawtel
F. H PTsekUk
manatona. where tbe lam|M can be ac­
WsUkca Vsk Ursavr
commodated with an aiwmneat. but it
la always managed somehow In Eng- <>M l4g.F
Uab eatabllsbntenu. however unpre- Albm DskSBkotb
teodlttc.-Uouae BeantffnL
Horsus Poor)
E V*B WsgM
Lrwt* SklBsm
Bair a pound of butter, a poond of
engar. Bve rgga. baU a teaapoonfnl of
vauilla. a grated cocoanuL a cup of
milk, using half rocuanui milk If It la
SwetH. a pound of floor and three level

rraak VrMness
H S Smltk
BC BowatO

Blwa Buff
LrrU lABiarr
nest the grated nut. milk and flow al- Waldos Kdsrrua
temaiel.v. adding tbe baking ppwder Brn WSTMI
to tbe-last half c-u|> of flour and lastly Prank Slsaek
tbe atltBy beaieu v hitea.
Bake In a
loaf or In oblong abeeia aboat an Inch
Thl« cake la l>euer after It Is

a day Old. aaya Good Honsekeeplng.
Slmtlsa Cmiob*.




bat tba


Ell WeMreir
BwbmG imtfe
Ml Stret
1 Melsiwb
Pro SentkaiO
Vkrw Asemoa
Cksa Ltsprtrfei
W a Jsraba
Pl Vstkrr
Prsek IfrAroy
airksiO OaoSsJ)
Prakop KyMlksW Bsirta x*
rr*4 Pratt

Bev. BsreUe Jaoes. {Mar.
Cbnreb. dor Oak and Fifth atroata
Sssday school at 0:4s.
Fa bile woeablp ll:OOa b.
V F. S C B. prayer maotlag S:4S
^ PnbHo worship, 7:00 p.



Mode Toang Again.

Tbe paMta ara oesdially lavltad
lev. Bags KaoMar. Pasur.

I Sttii-Block
Spriig Slits

fiaaday—Proacdilng at 10:80 a.



Siaaa taoetlng at 9:80 a. ns.
I BBOmbers of 8. & are roqasatad to
.. ..eotaotat aiorainr servloa
Bsndsy s^ool at tbe close of BernlitgeorvW

and orerooata exlii6ited ai

! t

o«r atore Tuesday and Wed-


neaday — Onten


(or f

epriiuf delivery — Hamiltoo S
Clothing Co.

a Cold Wave Coming
Before it arrives we hope to have many of our
customers well prepared to meet it

Wait Walaok
A P BewarS

“Warmback UlstersuooOaaikitw
Saaarl Brtida
Praak Kbcrabergrt
Praak BaekUebra
Ckaa pKkoO
A La rant,
g Leaner
Peter DrsBlt
Praak Tmda
Trwprl Paark
Peter Borauih
Tew Parker
Okria Srwald
Darid aafpkrp
Darid Teoker
C oaiaekkB .
JaUka Praak*
■4 Lake
Ckaa Pra^
a MiPeiasii
4aa KUkrUr
Jareb Ponark

J. W. Ptaksli, Osptala.


asM, lafllgMHos. Baart trcmblo. Ooa
atipattaaaad BkesBatisss. by notmt
■sotrta Blttam, and bo writaoT^

“Jaros” Underwear-

W aeeICbakM

Praak jrvett

014 Foapta Mads Toaag
J. C Bhawaa. the eetaran aditar of
the ▼araoBtallta (Mieb.) Kabo, baa
I tka nBarkabla aaerat of



TmaaMiaiaanva Oaimn'a BmMi^

of Imklng powder. Cmim
e bntle
Iter, add the sugar, yolks of
eggs, well )>e9ieti. then tbe flavoring


"chn^^'^iSrt NlaUaadWada -

following Bemborablp roll will show:


fattoai aoBban oa Iba pragraB.


Aathma. U»y Favor aod all maladtea
of Cheat. Throat aod Lrosga ara pos­
itively eared by this onarvelloaa medldoe. We
ood 81 00.
Bv*ry bottle
^ip a largo aoBber of tbo Boat
roaraoteed. Trial hotfJea lOe at Jaa.
oroBiaoat bnalneM aad protoaaloBal Q Johasta'a aad 8. K. Walt's t
Beo and srorklngmoBin tbe city aa the atom.

batwaaa tba

•fStaaasBb’y waatd kaea baaa
Tkanday Bight,


Chriatlsa Scieoae aemaee will bo
beid at 4 IS Sooth Onion sireeV
Sonday momiiig at lojn and Wadaeadsy evaoiog at 7:80. All ara cordlsUy iovitod to iboae aorvioea.

“Oae of Dr. Klng^ Hew Ufa F01a->
eaeb algbt for two woMn hao vat bc -in mv 'teeas* agalB,*' wrltoo D. B. Taram of OempooytDWB. Fa- TboyTo tba
ed. tbe faailUa of Macoabeoa to be iabeat ia tbo world tor Uvor. Btoatash
Ssnday servtaes—
vitad. Aftar tbe ooreBoay there wfll
Froaehlag at 10:10 a. b. aad at 7:00 srd RowMa. Psroly vtgatabla. Hovorbe a graad daaeo.
gripo. Data uo at Jaa. O. fobaMib-p. B.
aad 8. X. Wait's drsg staess.
CtsB BsoUag at 0:48 v b.
Hm Wito Bkvod Btm.
Baaday oebool at U:4S a. b.
“My wife's good advloa saved ay
b worth Leagae at B;4S p oa.
Itfo." wrhM F. M
Boas of Wiadeld,
revival oorvtooi will eoattaao
Traa.. “for I bad SMb a bad ectagfa ~ aaoh ovaalng throo^oat tbo wc^ cs«Mld hardly broatbe. I grew ataSity oept Satnrday. Borvtoea bogia at 7U0
worea noder doetoria tiaatmooi. bat ^oofdlal iBvUatiea is oxtaadsd to
By wife argad me to aao Dr. King's
New Diaeovory for ODosoaptloa. sriiieb
mpletaly oorad ae." Oongba. Oolda,

olooud rBeere wUl be paUtely taatal’

Already tbo teat baa in Ita Beabor-

fcr prta •


Ooraor Wsabingtaaatroatand Boardman avoosa
Uolv OimmaitioB at »:40 a b.
Morning aerrioe and m-rstaa at 10:80.
Kunday School at 15 m.
Bvecing seme-: at 7 p m.
■ MraBoratandMr. Wbita.
All are cordially lavlted to thoae
erfertory. "My Alo Ooaotfy "....
Id tbe mopslog tbe rector will de­
Mr*. Boist.
liver hi* second ss'<s»1 «»'moe. sod
hoDes to see erery member of tbe oongrogstloo oreaeoi


Ba raatad

tba arm r/ and eoataraetad


W« Britkssst
ArtSsr lAsiasd*
A a BoitMsr
Jm Ms*

Ueo Bdgar. Tbs Parkor, Bd. Bade, Bd.

However draperies may be spread
out and fripperies Indnlged In on other

■nay Baro&aata by taUiag tbaB


B>rt Miller. Wb. Hanim.

aaaoaaolBg that ha was aboat to opaa

Minor, W. W.

Fatrcbild. Jeo. O. BlrdwlL

Ban Planer
V Patrick
Dans Cos
Bats MrKMuer
Tba bailaaB bob of Ana Arbor wars
WjrkadbyaSBoetblndlrtdMi enlllng
AkrI RerSolrBa
blMslf ••Prof." J. A. B llwool.
Praak KtawekrtUr'‘
arrtnd in town and nt a wMa swath.

^ band of iba obUd ara the caily parts na-

Batm. Boa. J. W-

W. B. Moure. Dr. B B.


Jaa-O Birdsall. Ospiaia.

Oaa aoapaay pmatan

AtAlbkBTba local Maaoate

tor a big tlift aad eoBBlttaea to look

T. T.


•lAcx (aptaowAi.) cavaca.
Bov. OSas T. meat. Eener.

ciiauriAS soiqicx.-

0«e Lewrte
Lswu hastow
J Jlmsl

Next Friday ovealag


Harndtoa. A. V. Friedrtab. M. B. Boi­

tlB# to tba widow, tba Baa kaepiag

hy tbaBlam.

'Brary pyraantloa baa baaa

HUlikaa. B. I» ffpeagaa. Boa. Fnak

aepbyr. Hake a rwlated cord with the
pink and white run (Iirougb tbe orck

to tba faawaL


In (be yoke sit and e In the abeUa of
tbe sack, and make 17 rowa for each

BB.rlra tba Boaay aaraad daring ibat
flgbtaaatwork, aaadlag a ddagailca


For the sleeve lake np 21 abells. U

aleeve aod a-ork 4 rowa
AtlabpaBlag. It b tba ontoa
All around (be aack. tbe edges of
BtaBta to anas work for two daya at a
aleeree aod Uu- •■pai leu work abelU of
•IBO ao at to attaad tka faaanl of tbe 9 tr r raateoed with a c. Flare a abell
aletia a< aa aeetdaat la tba Blaa. Tkb tb every other abell of tbe aark. Aromd
maaagrtatteto tba BaaaadoM. tbe abrlla work a rb with tbe pink


wiU be a Mg panda In tba aariy aran-


N k '•«»*»
A J yviMri
Urn Oaee

B0T.U. ot

groat camp iScen srUl be here.

aUafnB bit beaaa.


O»..0o™.fc,K. 8.

tingoished goeau preooat and


Wa UQrar
Pva«k KiBg
J a PaUUp
Ai1«li.h Beaks
BJ Kell*


erery ilme In midp •lU.-h
The body of Ibp «ack and Kleevp* are

bia aball

a Craia

nnmbor of .*•)*>« bm-s

taPOtb 20 aud In mlil'lii- uf ImuA widea

Bo waa bnriod

■aaryW. Eag«a.aCaraar of Saba-



alataotly agalaat a talapboaa poaa.frae

lag to pan a third.



new memberm

leada of

' hte load oapalaad wbUa ba waa atlrmpt-

C O Tkrnvr
arait AU/a

snt J. W. Piekell captain of tbe otbar Kr.e» iui«nai
I kui* mi.i
Un tbe ta .h of Jaanary a grand {terser

dUd Friday


deavor at 4 p. at
^Tooag Paepta's Boeloky of CbrtattaW
BaAoavorat dri8 p. at.
raosBAM BUMBAr avBmra.

18 ot. Wldps. Il» m. widen. 2 at. wldpa.
20 at. widpn. taro

ODCP In nildOJp of bark In pvpry roar.
Alwa<rp work 21 M bpforr Onrt wldmboo Inm-aop tbp ounilipf of at b»-

8 P-B^

Swvtaco bold la Oea^ halL
Haadsy oebool at t:M a. b.
Sormoa 10:M a. m.
Bodeavor at d:00 p. ta
Heraoo, at 7MW p b

Flm row-21 b d (at will after tbla baeaet Trataraa Oity That, Ho. 871. rvatnte
ataad for half dogbloL. wldps. SI st.- c. O. r M.. wUl Mka a giaad hoatU Oannaiww
teawoU Uio atoaborabip of tba teat. JpbaCwMr
wldpn. 21 at. wldPb"■ «™Seeoad row-21«. wldoa. 2 at. artdca. Alraady rapid progrm baa beoa mada

Mfb abouldPT and

Fraoebtag at 10«l a. b.

cgpaca -pcaatR.

FroB BOW aatll Jaasary 1» tba aaon

rr'^°XT, r"*-—

at 7:80 p. B.


Bfoiybody to Inritad.
raady bpoarad.


two Aa^B

I^ng Pbopta-s pnyar BssUag. BUS

tbtMd R>BDd tbp book, lakp op a at in
on book anJ B-ld.ii t.y plartnr «ro of

MOAMMaaia^ at SlAM br

Serrleoa ttaeOsy OMraiag m sisal
Rsodap Seb'frkl m it.

bon M » Bodaeod BaW to daanary


. ''Tba Bolattaa oFT

mMaa umaaAM
Be*. A a UaS, Pasisr.

• b«oe tiook. Mate tb^ rokv ssd cafls
oMbBsasoor. BBCtDaMbrM<A«1Ui' ■pealal 9 *pma*loa to Adait Mm
• «b of 8& at.

tnmtm u4 Ike Mom


F«»tahod brdboBoopoottea Ohardhoe

wbUs SBd «ae or piBk *ptix s(^}T saA

AtOraadBHitte tbo Oaaa ro)dlae.U>«^

: akMjtoUodf7>alaa,»bwslt atari.



r»tT«rMpit7T«at,llo. B71.
QattliiB HswMBabm.

Bartr Jeo-m*

Cardigan JacketsFine Wool SweatersCofTrigbl Itai. SMs-BM Oa

Storm Collar Reefers-

Each do their share to make s man ‘Storm
proof”—We never were better prepared^lh
every respect to flU winter wants of patrons. ’
A ‘Would-be purchaser” becomes a purchaser
in fact when he examines our stock.

•nrusa axAViao n
hhk. aids digoatkm, sad givas ^sptaaSdapaetitalltte wSrhai
flop ag Milo aad Bs. lt<saai

neat and astty. atyUsb but praetlea!.
Two modris that fnlftll t
are shown.
Tbe dreso on tbe left la of tarfced’i
doth, with bolero and tanlc of f

, Ih&adrag Mona..

trimmed with fancy cord.

-------------------------------------\jSS^LSS^!^JS!^ *i ttl


The o

cotamne toof ptala elotb wMboriittood ,^*SL





TH® JlORNiHG RECORD 8tnn>AT. jAyUA^7,1900

j &TMnX'VeeM



0b4w (te MHViMi «< tte M*


M«nrUa)rtianlnt IfMie ten te
Jmi thu ■Her*
?? «tetwaMO< niiter -oteT »•
:• «lte M MtetaM* MT^ far tk*
»Mti TteaMlfaff«MftC*«teMc- __ _ »♦•• ■ M«kt'
4M. otiirfa^ telaff rated.
I Aa«
n*Onte W«MtaUrnmQatewr **i hbU.Tu'^ke . kmr.

EteB«trMkMBtekKote.«C tte fa- i ***


“is* *2?’■•*•••«----fat--.

Tte lllMIBtHI BWterte It. , Aa« fa mn m *f fa-« •rr«r.

........................................•Hkfa fa«
5?*;^^= ^
-'----- '- aad
Md ,^ Ok. wk^^dy»^«tfaf ckM«* U«
Mlute atte tte rU*»* afaaak
^terawaaoeiaafa. dUltep
Hew. v»*T* •«( tn 4m* «*4 fM4

Att«B tear! tetetad with »te' ^ 'uouWT
A*4 t <«**nt think
*~~*‘ Tte Ikaa tart w«p* nMii far* faafai
iteoalh far eawtedy Tharaday aighk
Proeastaa Baittasa.a( tte Oa:wanllr at. FammyiwamM, gara tte
aaBleanl^|MB,tSS a* a Mew Taatfa
«m. Tte MMH WiU te pUoad fa tte
Tte MeTlDfe r I foretBaa of tte
faaadesdtte traaiifa to am aa Itey , Paao del Norte r adbonae. Be wii.rthfaktest
'atoe tte breadwl
After awTfag ths Belgiaa goesrathere were sereral Booths tftsBt tor asasral .yaars aa etas soomI an.
Aa Pittabarg. AraUd Bshnsidar fa aew I The family had remained fa tte EaBte<laad to aa asylaa tor tte. bUad. vten Tim nartrd for Mexico fa aear.
faaefag loat hfa eight sattraly. Ha ta a'of employment; hot now that hfa ah
maUeeaf Swilslaad. bat waa ehowa ^ Ity and faithfoteea* had l>em rewar.
tay Belgfaa to look after that eooaUy'a, ed hy rapid pmmoUMi from flremau '
AatansM la this city oa aoooaat of hfa ' engineer, and (hence to foreman of il
roondliODM-. Ite w** n-ceirlng a
wanatillty fa oaosnlar aCtira.
ly itlpeiMl (hat wrwld eDsIrte him to I
Tte Maalla Tteaa aaya: “It haa UliUsli
hfa bontu-buld goods In Paim <1
%aaa faaraad from aathaatis aoamaa , Noiir.
«hat fa maay of ear eloaely aatUod
lie had nerer taken kindly to aleMifhborfag towa* a aarioat aptdamto log on the hard earth Boor of a ba
taordarfagoa bateau pfagaoia ragfag. adobe house: oor cooW hr eat wl-Tte oaftraak fa aaid to te dae to sat- relish the food oerred hy the Immobll
Aag tte dash bom aalmtla whieh haea faced Wah Kec. who coodocted tV
4tad Cram diaaaaa. Moat eaaaa proea f**hlonaMc reetaorani of (be pla<be longed wKb the ktoglng of
:<atal wtthta 41 hooi* from attate. and
bomealrk sebootboy for (be coming •
»artalofaer^tanarafa«ly soodaet- the time when a wellw»oked »up|.


oakaa. Battem do OU aadarstand tte
•Sara whtah mast te tahaa. tet rsly
loaaah am thUr faith aad aapBstitioo."
M>fagae haa hrokaa oat aaumg tte
---- talKwwi oa tte Maosharlaa
It ta otalad ttet tte MU far tte
*~UMta yiiaBMl ptaaaar whieh
MlB^dfapaiteadtotteOapator ter
Bnldisfi aai aailoea at tte tooal wlU
Blfsoaeli and tte~walght whan
tte .............. .. of tte Zalas fa famraaafag. Maay of them am oa the
wartaof atareatioaaad ttem teeebera
saoearai iMfaaaaa of iootfag atorea.
<ta ttemd tte Bagistrataa will aot te
bMs to mawafa the wairiom a
loagar. It fa MMrtad ttet they am
.waxleaa to attack tte tecra.
Priaeaai Ohrfatiaa hat Ukaa tte doopmat totaeast to tte details of fas hosplt
ml ship Prfasesa of Wafas aad baa psr
•oaaUT WBtrltetad aftyoaaa faaaga
^ataa.wtfa flfWfarga and falrty-sfa
<aataU nihtaai. tte fatter mode by barmtif bad meBhen of bar family.
<Mn. B. M. Latorrfaraot Mfai
m taaehar of tte rmoch Uagaaga. ha*
maam adfaetad by fa* goeMor of Ksw
afasfao to go to fa* Fart* expeaitiea
, mad szeleit tte wcadarfal tar^Botae
jBiaaofBevMeKfaola Best oa tte otter day a aaaawle
Jted hsM armatod aa a aharg* of aoa
BMBsrt was taad gso. aad hla aagfaeud
•Vito assamd hfa rafaaaa by payfag fast
/dt Flttabarg kagaat Bargar waa kUlmd aad fete ITsmfac. foaeph Fraaoh
mte Jeaeph OteaU srosaMy fatally
Jhart by balag srashsd by a maasef
IroB a* tte Hoataetaad Steal works.
Fear man warn Mowa as oa tte
—----------Oietral raili^ slrht Bifaa
«fom Botewood. They wan aaloadlag dyaamlM wMa a qaaaiU^of It
■-wapfaded. OaaskaawaakiUadfaataat.Vstefaiaaefaamdfad fa two hoar*.
fdteraoa tte Fox farm two mUra
Boafasf BamUtaa. Ohio, boraod to the
Ctrmad Ufa Tbarafay night Bight
«iamps war* alaapfag fa fae terc.
Oaly.afa tee* haaa toaad afao* tte dm.
•f ttem John Bargsm
Oray ar* Uartally boned aad may die
/At Ohfaace as afaealor fa tte fonaes
room el fae btaaa foandry fa fae lUimota Bfaal Oo.'* branch works fell FrtMay. iMtantly kUlfag two wtwfcmaa
mad fajerfag aaofaor *o badly fast te
Bfad a tow mtasUe after being ramoeed

te tte hoapltaL_________
9raB or Ot»/^t^^Tolb»o | ^
FlUBaJ. CbAarT Bakas oath fast


ate aty of Tofado. Ooaa^ aad Stats
mtosm^ aad that mid Srm wUl say
far meh aad oraty oms of Oatarrh that
maaaot te sarad hy tte asa of Baufa
CarAaaaGoaA .


• B* ate oak*

ifaBfadayot I
Bolaiy Fablfa.

Bars flaiBRh Ova ta tatea fa-

TToSSn A 0.. ibM. a


aad comforuhle bed wonid awaU bln
at the end (g a day'* work.
Abd *o when be cooeertad hfa Sn>
month'* pay a* foieman Into a monc.
order, wberemltb bU wife ahoold d.fray the expetnea of (be rsmliy *
(lanRportjtloo to Tim del Norta; n
tbrin of aiKlHpatory pfaaaore ran from
the root* of hfa hair (o the tipa of hi*
The family anired In doe coorae of
time, nnd Tim proudly beaded the pro
ceasloD (bat wended Ita way from (he
depot to the adobe booae be had pre­
pared for IU domicUfatfao. He ted for.
nfabed the bouae a* Insurlooidy and
nrtfatlcally *• hfa parse and taaie
wouM permit: btmhe had been nMe to
accomplfab hot little. If rli‘w<!d from
the staodiHiInt of the arenixc Am.-rl
can woman, and Mrs. ‘McClure was
oee of (brae.
Her dlMpimlniment Was ki«cn, m-eartbHem abe made a brare egon in
stifle her feelings, and succeeded fair­
ly well In doing an nutIL In berlDsp<«don of the premise*, she anired In th<.
kitchen, 'nn-re. the tiny Kheei-lron
camp store and the meager anra;
T*y or
culinary s-ensefa that m<
r >|cw
censed her niter collapse.
•■O. Urn. Ttmr she gasped, “hon
ceer will I get enough cooked for th'
chUdteo on lhat-that toyT'
~It fast luurti of a store." Tim ad­
mitted. stmklng bis chin ruefoUy. **bai
H la the best that money would buy in
Paao del Norte. You know, my dear,
cooking stores are little used In MexI
“WelU why on enrth did yon not or­
der one mat out from St. Leulsr* re­
joined Mrs. McClure.
’ “Soefa a store a* you are accustomed
to would com 1100 to put It fa"
"A hundred deUarsr saapped Mr*
McOnre. cooicmptoonaly. “Why. Tim
yon can grt an elegant stoee and all It*
furniture fnr only On."
“In St. Louis, hut aot here.” replied
Tim. *301 say the store, laid down In
a Fkao. Tex.. Juat acroas tb^ rtrer.
would coat not more thao S40. It woul.l
coat $(» more to get H brought over
“Wbatr* gasped Mr*. McClure. "SU
ty dollars to more a atore one mit>
Tim McClure, bare you lost yno•Bses?"
“No, my dear, not quite. I hope"
Tim replied humbly. '-But you d" n- •
aeem to know that an Import d«'
must be paid on ererythlne broo.:r'
Into Mexico: and on stores the rat.- :
alKJot ISO |>er cent of their raloe."
It required s lengthy erplsnatron <
le tadfr qnesiloB and hIs most sulen
■snrances m permade her-that li
as not Jesting.
■•Why. Tim!" she exclaimed, wh-r
be bad flntsbed. "it's an ontrage. ai
BO better than highway robbery. Can'
We hare the store hauled across th
rirer some night, and the customs oAl
cer* know nothing about II? It setmts
that Wl- could, and we don't car.
whether the gotemmeot of Mexico bswrong of smug
that mused Tir
to healuie. for I
a no nodee In tbart of cUudestlnely Introdudog aril
• into the metOB re­
public. but he knew that the entir
frontier waa patroled night aad day
by a numerous ate rlgllatu custom*
guard, pan whom It would be all but
bnpomtble to emuggle ao cuBbetacm
a thing at a store.
He flaally bit
tte pUn of taktag tbe store span aad lowerfag it
pteea by plec*, Into th# tank of “El
Boey.* tbe sturdy twitch cagtaa. m
■OB* oecasioa wten It woald be on
the Texas side o< tte rtrer. But upoa
abtafalng tte dlBsaskte at the skfre
Mm. MeCfare waatad. te foate fast
fa* larger parts woald hM pass 1a at
fa* Bsshole.
B* wMtid haes gla« up fa fanpalr


iT^ M


WfaaCh a* OMsa* riasms.

last reson.
> I Tter* art atead^ maa; fashfaaabla
far vttk aoiip sf hfa fafates-tboas
^ . wsddtacB sa tte tapu. Adnlma at
aiest aitet ataladtac tte rtgUaan sd
‘ fte good aia ciistos* are aiakfag a bid
tte ewMM fwd. At Us rsqawt tte
ta tarlta tte weartag of tte brWfal
M te ateetstf gattetad fa Usaflte,
wreath. tmaiortallsMl In song and «osaa Binniliig, a OBtersBC* faat tasted, Tte glsantfa nadmaklnf
rr. A wreath of otmnge Oowets ar
aa tear sr man /oOoaad: rrsr^ tirr'
iDlDg coinpaiv fa teepar- .faTrtle fa ammU;^ a B^tfag and gfafag to dlreri tte water* of 8p**rtJah tanaaaa erowalng for a fait' face, bat
« to famish it has a mral aignlflcaace that wtO
*Tte sdtMBs’n^ wlA
,K^ Tte. arrer
-TK. , water f« tte apetatloe of Its ptaot. as scarcely lmpre« tte city bred wocnaa.
_rT7 well ai sapidyfag tte towa* of Dead •«» «» ker hrtdal iDora or ere. Ufa

L-iVEr, c™mi oti u«l -O. » b- l-r"! •!.. u.- brta*i -a

T.'t.rtli. will. ..ICT tor aci»™tu.d will ... Imj n«iui|l> U> OuUoii'.
pwwiwtlid purpew^ will ...olp. ebww Tb. t.11 1. . r«lo .X tt.

TteOlfaOpm Boom waa sadtet
iMt aightwUbteMtaaot U^ta la «te
BMdoat^ Lcatar* eaaraa. io tear tte
lalratai laiparanastar. Boyt L OeMiy.
Tte title at Mr. Ooaarj'a ■cwofagaa
waa'IteUaa Abeai Tewm.** Badaaertbed fa aa fatellahto amaaw asear*
a’ dty teamtasta. tecladfag aBateaw.
aa Irfab aldartMB. sa BngUab aalfar.
a New Baglaadsr ate a farasr. faipv
soostiagthaas fa faleraaBag dlak«aa
aad Blertoe. Mr. Ooaary waa tees taro
yea la HO sad tte aadfarot waa glad to
aojoy hla aalaHafatBrotagafa.
Bteate^ scoaldva kit
. tte eery teat te-

I tfao of the Bfcick Hllla. wtete a ecarel- **»" were wont to bold orw
store fa broad daylight, right arnlcr ’
of water has etfated for s sumber *»ride e bead to bMe b«r Muabea. a cos- truetiou of la* kite ou tte tute today
Iteir aoaea. and theyll BsvcMts !*■" . i ^
tom that begao to pan with iu slgsiB- —that of Mr. Baa Blcba. ate meocBlscaoce when the roll
refl waa thrown
tbrowo back ad Swtelab agpeaaaA ate a rtsear
l The wort wm be poabed as rapidly <*on
aupportiag sompaay fa Jacob UU>
ru^;:brnJ^T..l^te‘^tb!^S Sd^^'^l-^tte
groat play, “A Teoafae Taattamam'i
track, there
pattern aod already tea beep Tte bridal reU ta aaitally fastened to It wlU ba fa Trarsraa Oily oa Wadaaa
Kl piping wiU
wUl be ueed.
coiffure with a Jeweled clasp or day seaafag. Jam. 17. asd la wqrtty c<
t Aloiig in the afteraaon of that day the
iJeveloped dose to kcld In place by s tllTor or gold comb a partcad housa. Tala fa tte atghfa
' switch eagtae. with *nm staadlng on Tte water will.t he
fae bead of Spearttah stwkied with predoo* stonea. aod facaa
I wem senrrytoR ' * e spring
aanml loor of this eary aacoaaatal
k. andI U
It Is expected ttet more w*. trtokei* have eclipaed tbe typical and
' acroaa the rirer. It waa gone but i
now and play, aad bat ear/ tow eltist pa amtll
: abort
O^****^ fr«n «be ««»«orange bloom*._ bn.
ahott time, and when It refamed
returned It waa,
then a prosis-ctlve biide Is strongly aa Traearaa Olty haea baaa faeurad
obaarred by tboae of the tnllmader*
Imbued with sentiment, and she It fa with a elalt tram tte aboea matr^olj who were Idling about far yard fait
who itK-k* a tiny clnsier of fae accred- itan attractisu.
' there waa aomrthing queer fa itt apIti-d bloKMuns Into tbe lace at her
Tba propoaltioo to make tte eotea
faroet or bide* it under her waistband
as if ashamed of the llngeiing send-, take ehapareaa* with tbem oa tbtir ax
meni. says Table Talk apropos of wed­ padiUoBa.,ate to Iteama boardfag
was a dark object that seemed to be a
ding* and adds:
boaaca. mada by fa* Ladle*’ Litorary
part of the engine: within il a Are wat
Tbe manner of using artlfldal flow- dnb. U Bostfag with stroug oppoaliioo
burning fiercely, and from U* aletidiT
era oo Utce aod ort fabric* for erenlog amoBg fas attecacs aad laoalty ssampllie. wlilrti psRSAd up along the enbora. Thqy aay tte wotaaa naaaa all
gtiie's iniokcsia.-k. a r.>1i of bla<-k
of pale preen chiffon has Russian rlo- right bnt are tryfag to tore* boarefag
smoke was imuiing out and mingllne
li’ts and ibeir foliage appllqucl over It. ,
wl'b that of the engine, to all appi-arTbe stitches are so minute a* Intaettca upoa a
afi-'es emanntlng frvni a slugh- chlm.l.lbl., .nXil.o,1.1«.looli..H arop-|T.»T*/«ltU».Ul. |»om to loA...
ped on (Be filmy oct by a careleas uooo sack maaiuiaa in a sMni-^eata
When the engine had reached the
hsod. Tbe sleeves of fae bodice ar* of ateocl. bet ttet the** ta ao aathortty
cuUoni bouse track It cam.- to a standcr.-en Cbiffon
In slmlUr mantter a tor Mtorefag each ralga ■*•• a state
stUL and fae guards, who were alwa.r*
• r de sole gown, sent .dacatiooal testifatioa. Thar
swnrtnrng at that p"H>t. grarely aod
over by a famous Freitcb oiodlste. has
I wlU probably be «
somewhat •u-rfonctorilr examined It
rtch pink silk aod vdvei pctaled roaea Bfaor chaugoa fa tte i
for trtlrlrtlof a dut'iihle cliamcter.
appllciued In graceful spnyllkc designs
They dUcorered oolblug. in spite of
over skirt aod bodice A clever brush tte oo ads.
tbe uulted snicker of the American*
dnishe* (he sbadioga of rose petals and
Bucktauta Arwloa Sat**.
who wline»-ed tbe steue. and tbe en­
leiHler green foliage, so tbai one can
Boa world arlda fam* far mar*
gine was allowed to proceed to thbarely detect wliere tbe applbiue work
roundbonse. where It waa recelre.1
end* and tl»- iwinting begins.
wlib a wild hurrah by the railroader*,
Corns. ______ _____ ___
who had gaifaeted there to welcome II
lastead •( Damlaa.
Uleon. Tattor, Snlt Bteaiim. waaar
It of coitnu-. became kB««-s wiiblu
When (be beela aod Mies are ao
Chapped Hatea, Skin BrapttauK
a abort lime after the episode that
IMe^Pnoa.^ On* gaaraafaad.
much worn as to require a great deal
aomc spleudld flH|.Js'-k'^ were tnmeil
of darning, ii Is much more satlafacto- OnlytSe
out erery Pnnday m-irulng at Medrugatona.
ry to refoot tbe stocking than to coo- Wjlfadl
Clure'a. but the «-u*ioui» official* sim­
ply scraicbeil (heir sluiggy hea.l* an-l
s»td nothing.-Ran Kranctwo Traeeler.




will *bow MW ipriikK gtylte #

flow—wbk-b at present due* not com*
§ of Stdn-Bloota m«a,ta miiti S
to (be surface—(ban (be <-oiupaoy wUl
0 and orereoat* at oof atore on p
^ take out. Tbe «aier thus developed
preuy. ' She t* a little n.lypoly. stubpUw* hv giavi# Tneadayand Wodoeacbjr.Jan #
toed with ihkk planks, a

f 9tb and lOtb—Order* wU! ba {
strong fraUM- and a Ullg.- as aq“«rr ■" « p»,iot where a pumping station wlU
S taken fnr mrinw delirerj.— S
a bo*. Wbai sbe la.-ks In beauty and
csial.llsbe.1 Here (Im* water will be
# Bainilton C^Unng Co.
*-sce she tm.iv tliau make* up in nig- puuiped 4<K. feet to th. tup of a bllL
y 1 o*cftiln.-s and from her great age
„ .-m
peacf to lAWd aud iK-atlwuod.
and remark ibl- «-*p.-rli‘ij.-e* In..........
and In war she is fsuie.1 aud loved
Tbe ilum.-Kiskr coinpauy ba* pnr*« gepd aa the boat at CUy- Dfafaff
along tbe «-oast of Maine.
cliam-d ..
acr.-s of IrriBall, tte. e
Tbe Polly Is Mot only the oldeql artjan.l tn the SjKarflsb vqlk-y sud hbh* mcndlling. Tbe method here giTIve ressel ufluai that .-vcr <arri.-d lb.- pn, |o.-iii.>.l a large number of mining
. „ .. „Mv -hlch The Ijidle*' TVorid r*eAmerican flag in a naval engagement, (.talni* n.-ar the urtglual water right otiimeods as very uMcful. as the aeami
bnt sbe Is al*e ilieoblest vessel In ib.- for the puns.-- of buldlng sufficieutL do oot hurt (In- tenderest foot, aod fa*
bull.l tbe pump- a, ,, ,.i„.neiit. It also ukes loss Urn*
bnincb of iha
n-twlr a storklnx In this mannrt
IH year. old. (be I’ully. terrlng sci. Kt.rllngtoi. and Missouri river railroad
„r i-lch It
dents, is gntel f<ir many more year, of running fn.ui liumuoi to H|n-arfli<h
Cm from [Msteboard or stiff 'papet
aervice. and oln.-e she has Ik-co “iiew rrea-k will i-ounrvt
the paueras marked KIg. 1 aiul Fig. 2.
topped" sbe look* as good sa most of , with the oialu line of ibi- Rurlingieo Fold ,j,^
the won:
wuni stocking
stocking farough fae
the coaater* sBlIing out of Bangor.
i railroad and will fumlsb lasy iraoa^f tbe heel and byy pittertJ Fig.
BUert. W. U Brows. I
Sbe, U only til feet lung 13 feet pomaiioo for fuel and other neceoiiary
It off far enough to avoid all fain
beam sad G feet deep registering 4-i supplies Cue of tbe original water place*. The doned line In Fig. 3 show*
toiu. She wo. built of Ibe brtit white rights 1* located about half a mil* (be manner of culling tbe stocking
oak and tbe quality of her msiensis above Junl|H-i gulch, suoiber oo fa* down.
end wormanstalp Is shown in her n-- east fork, simut four ur five milet
Now cut hy iiattero Fig. 2 new sole*
markable state of prewrrailoo today, sbuve (he Juoctlou alib tbe main from some suitable material-woven fa
after nearly a .-eolury of battling with creek, while tta- other watei* coma IwsL as it Is so much more elastic Hew
UesersI Acos’.TmSss*. Mtsb.
tbe seaa lumlwr freights, and British fruio Juniper gtllcb.
up (be seam from a to b and sew ibe
-------------------------wewsB wools U
It was In tbe war of 1812 fast fa.c*.*«ioo«isa •»
I. Oet-weoy.
____ _______
The l>est _____
parts _________
of o
SSTIBS hosarkeeyee. Oaol plsls eook. A4PoUy won fasting fame as a warrior
Acvwrdlog to Ibe staUsiU-* poWUhed heused forthese Mie* T
bOM cut from
She was a privtiew. and her log by Uh- Imperial butesu. the eoosomp- oew weWdng sre. ofcourse, better.
•bows that In (bat war sbe raptured don of beer in (Jerman) during fae
---------------------------11 British ships, all much isrger than year 1»T-H .a* l.3n.T<u.uuo galhwo.
'«l O.e Fiogesed Cloves,
beraelf. Tier guns were few aod small while li was 1 .:£{<.(SW.iasi gsUuus In
Cloves have long been made In very ASdreM -W Uls ofaes. gtvUiS loesUos aaS
but abe had a great crew, not tn oum- the I'olied Kiale*. l.liU.<SK‘.<ss> gslfaua great variety, hut a novel tbing In this
bert. but in courage and Mamansbip. , m «lreai Briui*.> gsUons la line u ■ one fingered glove, or perhaps
Once, while her captain fay sick in Ausirfa-Hungar;. 2TU.UUU.U0U gaUo&a it might l<e called a one fingered mlt- «BWsstDrvMUstreM.
bta berth, the Polly's crew, conirary m ; ‘o Helglom. txii.imo.uu> gsiluas In ten. In which the thumb sn.l first flnUWro^lOt|^MOg-gwMay|^^
ordet*. UckW a great British ablp. l-'rance and a Hitle over tm.ouj.OOO gal- ger ate provided for prec A Ij- *• fa*y
with tbe result that fae Polly was
En""*- Df the IAW.7U),000 would he In any glove, with a jcorering
captured, hut her master soon retook I gallon* brewed In Cemiauy. nK*e faan for each, while fae other three fingeri |
her and ever »lnce
eiBce then il8l4i
(18141 she ha*
h*e ,■
.■ <l“aricr
quarter waa prtxluced In Bavaria, are toclooed In a mittenllke part. MltMlt-|
SALS- A rwall bora. <
imUv as slefaas. wl'l iti
Marches >(tF
j1 wuiMxarrues
prtr tens are warmer, but a driver must
•ailed under the stars
and stripea,
••‘‘“c uie
the tvrsniieoiiurg
isqalre SI Plrol MsUewsI Bsak.
Mosl'of ihe Poily'i orirlnai dm1»T»
13-'*-i«i,ua> gaUous. th* wear gloves or have at least pn«-finger
__ ...
province* alnnt
lai.imo /ma.
fn* galtree
to enable
him to- ...
handle tbe relna. |
*4Jrni> oea^i aewssswrk. WUi
Ion*. Haxonj IM/SS>.Utt) galluu*. Wart- One fingered ginves are buugbt also by ■
temlierg ifil.tSKi.US' gallon*. Hllesia 67.- shipping clerk* and bookkee|ier* and I
— '
Intact. She is engaged new In coaai
Uix.uiu gailun*. Westphalia
•ipbalfa Sk'uou.Oli} Mbers around markets and Mher |
Ing between Ifangor and Huston, a
though her maAb-r ('si>t D. A. M> gallons, the duchy of RacJi-n A’l.UOO.OOO places. Where more or less of fae hual rSesp. I W Bfaicr-* Heass ratafaaia^ws
gaUoD* sod the duchy of llesM-.Naaaao ness must fa- attended to outdoors, a
a ; imrrvsi *uvrv
FarfanA of I*orifaud. asvs (.fa- is fit i
Dearly as much. Il mar Im> added fast man can't very well liaodle a pencil
go anywhere.—New V«uk I'rrss.

of tbe beer pnaluced in the Braodeo- with mitten* on hi* bsoda but be can
sS^sT*** "
Ahvst s* Kwmm TVI>»
burg prortmv 'Zl.ixn.UOo gallons were swing one all right In one fingered ItgtU
t. Isrrtg. near wOl.
A well-koown memfa-r nf the I>» brew'ed In five Berlin breweries, a gloves. iJlovi-* of this sort are made
wolt bar tell* ihla story "Some year* fourth of fail lielng brewed by oo* of oalfiklu or of sbeepiklu and wool
ago 1 attended a session of tbe Clr firm. Tbe consumption of beer pee Hoed like any ufaer glove, say* fae
colt court up In Ibe state. A pro con bead of (he poimlatloo Is estimated at New York Bun.
lehMO K^tv^.AlSZrb
------------------------feaso dlvonv case was called, and U w 36 gallons In Belgium. 32 In tJreat Brit- ,
BswMbwta •rvviiies.
happened that tbe Judge waa very aln. 2S In UerroaDy. 21 In Denmark. 13 ;
mneh opposed to divorce*, especially In Hwliserland. lu In tbe t'ulled Statea, ' It fa a great (blog to know bow ta
A CbsarM/. IS7 8(SW stfM*
rno RCXT-ysmlsM m- si
tlon of old brasaca and articles of bo^
this ease had annunneed himself a* den and 1 In Hussfa.—London Tim
rr-lraow bsoss. (
nlsbcd copper. Tbe exquisite color of
ready to proceed, tbe Judge asked It
old copper Is «ld (o b* duc to fa# beat
any one appeared for the defendant
Nature gives an tDiereiitlng summary to which It baa been subjected durfag
There waa silence for a tuomest and
the Judge rei>eaied tbe question. At of tbe resnlts achieved in mafartal re- fang periods of Dse aa docnewtic ottBone end of tbe lawyer's table sat au searcb tly Manaoo. Ross. Crami. BlgFor brittle finger nail* meh two
attoruey who had acquired fae liquor naml aod Bastlaoelli. and iben goes oa
I ksviss ssSam eiai
haMt and who w*a at (be time, con- to Itelcste tbe lines along which fu- drams of pure white wax ate add to It
■Idermbly under the Infltteoce of atlinu. tUiY actaleretueots may be expected. a few drops of almond oQ; then mix tn
Tbe different species of anopbefae fae beaten yolk of an egg until a stiff
tants. Be waa noticed stmggtiDg to
sbonld be bunted for. in order to.aec If pane fa formed. Bob tte oalla with
get oa his feet and «a obaerrlog him,
tbeee are (be Intermediary boms of tte
fae Judge artsed tte HBortunlty ate different types of maUtia faroogboot this mixture erery night nt bedtima.
White ate gold china I* again popoatiicd:
a tassoM a
tte worM aod wbat wtecles fa moot
tar. but later Is tbe fatroductlon of a
“ *Do you aMfate (or tte defendant.
green groote oo tbe border, which ns a
Mr. Btaakr
other problem will be wbetber fae asa“ *No. your honor, I awraly igf* to pbelaBcaa be extirpated from a kwaU- fuQ for tbe gold bate ta oKMt faadnntrem«k a* “ftiete of the coorC Hgx ty ate by what mraua. It aeems that tag.
with Brother Douhtablaak aa attonfay tte asopbetes fa confined te amna Let tte bntiaeoH ate tte trMa «f a
tar tte comptalaant ate no oo* ca fae ateak. oo that “the •oggertloe of Eoa* day be wbat they may. hare an boor
otter tide. It wan abeat aa «t*b thlng.' to draw off tte watar from atagoast wtea they may be as completely drop­
“ttei Blank iwiiBia hi* aaat wbfl* pool*may aot bean bapelam a takk M ped firom the convcmatlM aa tf atmagen WM* pptieat Tkla to'tte teal
tte wtel* eoart toand with tankfarr It wauM at fim apfiaar *
kite of rataxattem
-Xtatialt Fnn Fma


'svfssisissjt.'s:^ JirtS




.vith.'a.'tss .’ssrs.’s!

ESX7S“ ~ ““




- ^

tss m^Bxaa sboobd. stoday, jAva&BY, 7. 1900.-pabt two


asA tkM

r< VBBT rm. .
•aoe Um «»€«■« «< koMUtUM tW*
. ku MMvalr kaaa • novc naA« «b the
par* .utb* BrltUk tkat Aid DM mmb to
to fatly aatMUiaiad by (ka Boera. to
fact, tba dUCMWt «(tial dcf«au wkiek
kar* beCalica BrtUik anu durli« tb*
•Mth Aleaa aaavalsa nay to attrfbatad to tka MBrliarr at tka Baar
ayeret aarvfea.
Oon Paal. and JookaA. It la wtO

. Tka arwiW att«a-lto^ a^aaTa Bow t
. .
nmet tbam baa a&tnraUy
to Soack Africa la ■
glaaa bar maleaty^ oOeara a aery dtoagraeaWe
frlcadllca and Juat vko an W ka aoaat- movenaata were only too well kaoan
ad aaMBK tba aaemy. Bow maay vtao. by tbe enaary. In fact It la known that
for Instanr*. than may to amoa* the Cape Town itaelf la fun of Boer apica.
----of tb« yet no cScctlve move can to made to­
Ckpc it ia Inpoaalbla to to ML' Tbla ward atopptag tbeir operatiotia.
pacollar poaiUoii of aflatra foread Oaaoral Oataera not loaf a«o to taau a <
proeUanttOB that any Cape Colony i
biHTbar travetuw from town to town
wodM to arreatad <m auaplehm.
forbade tbam to go to market towpi
eftener than ooea a weak. TbU
«bTta«aly to prereat tba 'dlaaemlni


oat aarrtea ayatem of tba Tranavaal ta
tbe moat cxteaMve and tbe moat affertlaa aSatr of Ita kind la exlateaea. When
It la ramemtorad tbat tbe '-almpta
tnladad TCMI burgber” baa aucb an
airolt and enpertenced aaeret aerrlca
airent an tbe continent aa Dr. Leyda
and n la>>rwr la mind that tbla oOelal
recatvea a aalary of IM.tPM) a year for
hla cervices, soma Idea of tbe faith

or Mm amusing sights of tbe city of Jat*.k*
Among/tbe famUiar and n
-------- ----------*------- ...
nesburg are the big; eUlwart
taming peace and order according to the laws of the
Oom Paok

about under toe official b
• of "Burepean repre­
sentative of toe Transvaal.-’ It Is said.
Indeed, that some of toe moat Influen­
tial eontlnental newspapers have t
Butoldlaed by toe Trmnsvaal gov.
m«nt through toe wily Dr. Leyda and
It U known that be approached Usbon
over and over again on tbe matter of
tbe pnrebaae of Dclagoa Bay. but could
not- succeed In sbafcing Poetugal'e

known, have splee avarywbere, and,
awtoc to tbe pecoUar oondlUons under
whieb tbe war te bemg carried on. K la
nrnetlanUy Impoaafblr for the Brltlab
. natberttlao to pul a atop to tbe leaking

Q regal
Of Us forces all uUU to neuirUlte the
and dispoclUoa of toe British foreea.
advantage which hie enemlce po»eeae In
Id tbe town of Mafeklng. toe. earty tbeir more perfect organiaatlon. in dieID tbe war. Ma>or Cecil was forced to
ine. and In auperloiiiy of oumbera
poet up notices to toe effect that Inesptalna to a great degree lust why '
formation bad reached him tbat splee toe little republtee of South Africa have ,
aere opereting In the town, and that , been able to make such an excellent
unleee tbe earoe left Mafeklng by { ebowlng when facing the most power- 1
noon of tbe following day they would ‘ ful and the most aggressive empire In
________________ ___________ i
_________ ^1____
existence at Ihe-present day.
to the law governing all such casM.
While the Boer It by no means a dlp-^
The stortlinf number of times the lomat. be Is. In sute and potillcal atBrUlah force* have been led Into am- faln. alwa}-* a wily and foxy achemrr.
This perhaps explains ]ust Why the sc-

A rsoucuid TOUVO


fact that Leyda, by i
ms or ether, has found It poasibla
to obtain sudlences with European
rulers unwarranted by bis own official
Imporunce or the importance of tbe
government which be reprveento.
It Is rumored that tou same governInstructs Ua European agent

vaal x.ivernment ha* amounted to
during the last 14 y>ars TbI*
goe* to show that the secret M-rvIrt
even *urh a small republic as
Transvaal is no inslgninrani affair.

The ai-eompanylng Illustration 1* from a phoiograph of toe queen of SwaA
land and shows her majesty eUiing In front of the aambotl. or royal kraal,
with a royal princess of the Bwaxla on either hand.
This royal kraal M
near Bremersdorp. and It to Interesting to know that this to tbe flnt phota*
graph ever token of tbe queen, who is known to her people under the aama
of I’hmiagnvas. BwaaJIand. by the way. to one of the most proeperoua of tkt
Biillsh dppendenrleo In Africa, for. unlike their cousins, the Zulus, the Swagig
prefer following egrlrultural and pastoral pursuits. They are a bospltabit a^
ith the men aa«

Uae of the lalesi outlandish SUces in
the far east to attain to the dignity of
having an official poauge s-tamp of Its
to Wei Hal

The arcompanylng picture to frOM
i the lalesi phot.•graph of Lady Audrq#
; Buller. the talented and graclotu wIM
' of the English general wbo has bSOffi

When toe Brltlab empire to at war, as might be mid of that empire during
the preaent tlom. toe war office to able to call upon tubject* from all corner*
Of tbe earth. Canadian*. Australian*. Irishmen. East Indians—all are ready
to respond to tor call of toe homeland, and curious indeed are some of the
forces which go to the front under the onion lack.
Perhaps the most out
landlsb element In this motley army are the Indian bearers who did such good
work at and after toe battle of Rletfunleln. Although acting only in the ra.
pacity of nurses and camp follower*, these expeHenced and intrepid gatber»r*
of tbe wounded were toe mean* of saving many a Hniisher-a life by the dis­
patch and thoronghneM with which they went over tbe battiefleld and carried
to «ei Its Wei known by t
tbe wounded to places at aafely. where surgeons and sUnuitonU were a*aliI.CU Kung Tau
The C. P.,
Ing them.
' Blands for courier post.
A ro^rsua

Bare |e a vary ‘gMc” tItUe baby Son who. ibougb fast 4 moathe oM. In
antte willing u pone for ble picture. He to at preaent aa inmate of Banger’a
•toswagwle and to known by tbe name of King Oeorga. Just at prment he to a
very docile little taltow. wbone favorite playmalcs are two nervous loofclng
«au wbo fly from tbe earoeam of hto big cushioned pawn aa be springs upon
tbam. On tbe whole be Is a rsmarkably genUe iinie bcaab bavlag a grsat affaettoB for hto fcseper. who carries him about ia hto arms Uka a ei.ti/4


Coquelln. the PVeneb actor. Is no
together a bandaome man. though a
eortaln Parisian artist has seen ni to
put the proOltof
the givat come'
dlan onainedal.
lion, the char
acter of which
may be Judged
eompanylng littie lUostroUon.
This medallion
was created


n. for she has a daughter wbo bag
t made her debiit loto toe
r Lnndoa'
he haa, neverthelaa^n herself . r of tbe moet eoefgetia
* many
have been interesting tbemselves In al­
leviating tbe sufferings of the Bngllak
sick and wounded at toe Cape. Owing
to toe recent aevetily of tbe flgfatinto
there seems plenty
.f opportnailT
ahead for ail such relief work.

of Coqnriln'a very soccemful prcMntatlos of ttootand's great pUy of ”Crrano
de Bergerac,*' with which Coquelln
made a hit m both Paris and London
before It was taken op m America by
Richard ManeAald.

The accompanying tittle must
shows the bead of that Intereatln
of the ftoutb African Republic I
aa toe -Kruger
to em­
toe classic tea- I
preoldent of the
Transvaal and
aciiptlMi. "Zuld
Atrlk. RepubUek.** Altboagb the coU
^ .............................
it to Mt Ukel^
- _ from
. .
that It will be til geaerwl otreuMUoa faff
a groat length of ttaaa.

that kM bac« in active service for
m you*. TkU oM font atagda la PU-

Om «( tka IMMt «0Bv«
a to ba kdafftni ky ^ h
*1M FkfMaa la tka «wdHi
mmr ka tmUmti tnm tba k______ _

Ag kgadlk FMRM griiiat. tka m

There M at grqpeat an •
abovt tot removal at V
at Uharty. famoaa for Its a
itoMk are abews to toa aa
Aktctoa. and It has ham a
Ptmt toil^ aa tka Baaisvai

Tba ealtora of too plattebo aat' to
tlkaiy to prova of vary wmalitofakto
vahM to CaHtoraia. Arlaoaa aad Mo*
a time o( toe .
e hkitortc tower, tte
d^naaovs tbam to toa path tastoff I



‘‘ZERO” "

■ at the Tea <
aad oebra Crafal h»M.
Tbe wortd tea meat regard to tbe
outside of tbe platter. Tbe ex* >•
anngbt and iranamlta Its toprqmlon
m IM t» th» t>va *m the
vln^ bx ertdencea af nlmx and
r*r ui«
ami BO. If xt>B desire to cltmb tbe •fffffffTTfTTfTfmifTTffn


■ CMm. 1» l»r»r—!■*»
Haw !• Wa* CaaaMaeto^

Tte riiulot «ru om4 ki
|ir tbe battle. Ibr rhue. In publle proMMdoBi aiiil Ib
irbecU bxhI wb* drawn t>j two boraea,
•Bd when OM «r tfD boraea were add•d tber were attaJbed to each aide <d
lolbe rmt oT«
f tbf one io tbe a
. BO of noTHK-c. wlik-li la a uiIqihBSiplr of a «wr (.Imrlul. tbr ao called
«BI|;b dl Fratuduu.** foobd l>r BuaaellId a Thi-tM-a lamb. Ii U crrululx
da old as tin- rooni.aotb cvtfiorx U. c.
tt la |irobaL>l>' a iratdij' oblaJtH-d In tbe
Bonb bx aotue llf^rptiao aarrfur.
Tbere la an eutlrv abseoco of metal
is tl.e ronatninlun. IfflimcJlatelx oo
(be axle, wlttaotlt aprlDKt of anx bind.
' xasu Ibe baal.<H. or budx. of tbe chart•C which coDKlstcd-ar a floor to aUbd
piulcbrulaj _
d aUiul half the height ot
It la twtireix o|mu at the
back.<ao that the coulaUDU mi^t
laap to tbe arouod.aud ap axais. aa beaaoc twccaaarx bx tbe exIgeDcUw of
- BCtloB. There was do acau and tcaar•HX In par ebartoU there waa oalx
Xoon for tbe eoiubatam and bis cbarl•teer to BtaDd la.
Tbe pole, aa la tbe present Inataaee.
Vaa osaallx anarhed to tbe middle of
tbe axle, altbonsb to outward appca^
•Bcaa n looked aa tbouRb It apranf
from tbe tR»t of tbe baaket At tbe
«0d of tbe pole waa tbe xoke. which
IdObad Bke p ram'a bonw. Dependlnc
fXon tbU bx leather ihoaga waa a T
fbaped piece, wbk-b probaUx took
the place of tbe modem borac collar.
Pl^tdx broad handa ww alao Sited
•roesd tbe cheat of tbe aslmala.
BsaMee tbe bsraeaa of each boras
Ibsn were a bridle and a pair of retna
pWkiwbat In tbe aame atxle aa are In
•wattbe present dar. Tbesewertnade
«r leather and were onamaBtad with
ftods of*lTorx aod meuL Tba retna
vara psaaaS tbronrfa rlnga nttaebad
IB tbs collar aad were Ions aseosb to
be Usd aroBBd tbe artist of tba efaarlotm IB ease af bis bartnx to defesd bias-


Tbe wbaala and bodx »ere oaaaDx 'of
VooA. soaaftbaaad Is places wltb
IroBaa ar Iron. Tbe wbaala ted fnm
«wr to aUbt apokm. and tbe diaa
wart of bronar or tree (is tba praaanl
ttetanca ash was aaedi. aad tbe ptea
Which asearad tbe felilaa were of fopafl
Tbit daacrtpcfoe applied tn tbe ebartMi of almoat anx of tbe natloos of anManx, tbe dlffereoee eoealaUoc cblefIX Is tbe SMVBtlate- Tb«a tbe ebartott
•r tbe Mmlana and Asayrtana, wnb
Whom tbe bow waa tbe prtnetpal arm
«r attack, ware rtebix noaated wltk
Mlrars foil of arrows while tboac of
ttt Uraeka, who oaed tbe epear. were
team except as resarda mere decors■iliSBa. Tbe Persians aod the anctent
Mttooa used a data of rharlou bartnx
Iba wbaels n>aastad.srUb sharp. alcUe
XbBpad blades, which ctR to.plecea
Vbamrer came Is tbeir wax- Ttala waa
BpateMx tbe IsreatlMi of the Peralaoa
Tba use of tbe battle chariot raailx
bilwift to tbe heroic period. Tbe warxlsr.atasdlox bx tbe aide of bis ebartutXat. was drires In front of tbe line to
iSrtta bostUe warriors to slnfle com­
bat. Aftar tbe straieflc aatU of a

if an lotNeldoBl baa faith In n medi­
ladder of aortal aoccraa. If yon would
hare tbe world think well of fon. nbow cine or tn a trrattneot. be a-lll assured0 bx xenr toilet ^t ron think well lx diTlre more bebrlii finu the idmIIaf xonrwdf.
cOic or ttvatmciK tlmD If be were
And tbe tea gown pUx* nn Important akcpihwl as to Us tiurlis.- saxs Tbe
part lu modem life. It is tbe sartorial Mfdual Ipi-Ohl.* Tb«-n> ran be Uttle
weapon of ibi- female UacblareOI.
doubt Hull ibr sxniianlictic ptixaiclnn
Tn«-D sbe exerrtsea that ixrannx of
tears, before vbirh tbe mildest and to the one brat ralcutot.Ht to trad bis
paili'Di to retxiriT.e .tgaia. id nianx
klndi-ct of men frailh
ble brairs. It la alvhx* in a tea goan diM^axw the good that niav Is- a-rnoght
as most effdltv. When abe nteans to tin- s«ff*e\-r t>x llic ag* o< x of uh-uUI
to turn from J>l» adauianiJoe ptirpoae anggraiKiu Is umleUisMu. Professor
tbe Inflexible one l>ofore whom hit J. ki ItaMwiii. referrlug (o tlilr fact to
aman wortd trembles, sbe dons her couue<nii>ti with iiiBOUiDla. sa.ra
lateet Ini gos'o and acLIee.s a vto*
"III ex|n-riQK-uilug ui»ffte«)e |•cMBlblUiritT.-. i»b. xe». Tlist It*-gown has tx of sugg'kTltig sht'p (0 am'ilier I
much f« ausH-er for. aod spe who have fi'uud i-<-rtaUi atroDg n-artivc Idkooas not Its poS'cr ba* still aiucb to fluvbreo utvio liix OWM Ue Dial coOdt.
Irarn, Tbe Hinging tea gown, sll (.oft- tioD Koi b an effort wbli ii iDrolvrs
btra and lUlnix dnipertce. is the tbe |>i<-tt:rsiig of another as a.lo-p Is a
affair of tl.e niciDieui. and tlnae brief BU-olig aiHii euggratiou of aUv|i. Uklog
daxa. Id iIk- b»cr< bcttrerD ibe dark effeti tti iii.v uwD rase in al-out fire
and tbe darligfat. are tbe -'mes whoa m onies If the conditions lx- kipi con
It I* moei worn, wIm-u re. after toll staBi. The more clrartx ibi- pairtbt's
romes allb afiernouo tea ba-fon- dreos- sleep Is pirtun-il Ibe smiogrr l«-eon»cs
IBS for dlDD<-f.
tbe suliji-itlre feeling of drovsinras.
Katin makes a large majorlix of the ; An unfalllug eure for insoDiDla. speaktea gowns of tndax. for It Is soft, snp- , ing for wxaclf. to Ibe {lersiucDi effort
ple and wears well. Borne are now to pat stane nue else asleep by baid
made with the bodice aod skirt aep- ifalnklDg of tbe end In riew. with a
arate. tbe boillre a tbrec-qtiarter length coDiiuued gentle moremeot. such as
looag Jacket ot er a fuU trallled ahlrt of . stroking Ibe other wltb tbe band.”
the same material.
I Hr. B. C. Bpitxka of New York baa
Manx people are now baring their recently given some really reroartatea gowns booed and abaped at the Die Inaunces of tbe power of mental
waist, ao aa to do awax with corsets aoggestioo. He Cites tbe well known
and. tbe result la dlstloctlx comforts- fact that tbe moruUty from wonoda
Me. If comets are wore, tbej sbouM and diaeasea la a defeated army com­
not be more than a ribbon cetnture. pared with a rlctorlooa army Is as 4
else la tbe rnlaon d'etre of a ten gown, to 8 and even 8 to 2. Re alao refers
to Ibe iDCODtrorertlble fact that per­
ease aad renfutnesa defeated.
The gown Ulnstrated to In flowered sons ID roboat health hare been known
panne. In abadee of manre and pink, to die apparently of aurratloa after'
with ipilpare transparent jeke and being wlthoni food for from three to
MedM ftolar. embroidered Is caboeboo Era ttona D*'- HfUtaka to of tbe opin­
ion ttet these iDdirhIttato did not die
anwralda and ontlloed wltb sable.
Plain, tight Anlaff skirts promtoe of actnal otarratlon. bat from tbe
soon to be tbe exception. On all tbe phyatcnl effects of tbe honger. Tbe
amarteat Imported gotooa plaits aod proof of this cootentlMi Ilea In tbe fact
qunlM little gathers prcrall. and tba that persona hare been known to fast
•f their free will for more than 40
days wltbont tojnring tbeir coastltn-'
tkina to any appreciable extent
Many cxamplca eetabllahing tbe tnsth
af this eutement might be glren. but tt
will be aiifllclest to ffnote one from Dr.
Bpitaka's paper. Heanya;
"la tbe grarer form of hysteria,
when loas 4f araaatlon ocenra In exacH’x one-batr of tbe body, yon can lay
a piece Of tinted paper on tbe aenalUre
side, then anggestlng It to be a mnstard
plaater a red area srtli appear on tbe
wpondlng nnsenaltlre aide. Bltaof enrtt a character that scars
d from them

cd In almllar caaea by
tbe aame method."
The medical profession. It appeara
more than likely, has not as yet wholly
appreciated the adrantages to be dorired from tbe cmptoymeoi of mental
s Comblaed.
A new bsir cutting implement, comblDlng the comb and arlsaors. to for tht
ctmreulenra of the barber, and it la
claliDcd for this tool that It greatly facDliatea tbe operatloD of cutting or
trimming tbe hair and furtbermora
cannot pull tbe balr. as do frequeatly

fanenl kneU of tbe plain eetokla akirt
most be moet clererty arranged, other■ Ibex are paln^lly nnhecomlng.
Tbe really swell models are almost as
tight aa tboac not plaited at all. They
preaerre tbe line of grace aod widen
out at tbe bottom only. Borne skirts
bare a wide flounce coming from the
knee, but this to not graceful. One
thing about wblcb no doubt exists to
tbe length of skins, wblcb grow longer
a tbe aesaoo adranecs..
Tbe dapper little bolero appeara
again In sealskin, aatrakban and relret sad tbe “derntor crl" to to hare
a capnebon round tbe aboulden eliber
of a tnlored relret or another for.
Btitebed hands continue to be a faeortie trtmiDiug for cloth gbsma. aod
throe ate told on aklrto to form tunics.
wrti as to iMrder tbe bem. aad
many of tbe sack back and other
coats bara a etUc-ltIng of this deaertpsioo carried down tbe center of tbe
back. The borne drraamsfcer with a
ydo a.great deal

bis personal ralor tbe chariot waa
VBaafkrred from tbe battlefleld to tbe
Mvodrome. where aloor Its orlflnal
fm was prraetrtd. Tbe deacrtptlaD
pt tbe Homeric battle cbarloL tberato a crest extent also applies ta
tbe blatoilc chariot of the race coorsa.
Tbe'email dtemetrr of Ibe chariot
Wbsel max be explained from tbe daftra af prerentlnt Ibe chariot from boM «PPoa«d bx tbe Impediments In tba
batlMeid. sneb at debrts or dead bodlas. Tbe rim sms oansUx fonued of
fnor felilca. into wblcb tbe four spokea
ware let. Tbe upper rail whicb was of
Xltber wood or menl, raried creaUx In
lorm abd.waa Intended to be fra^md
bx tbe warrior oo Jumping on to tbe
gbartot. while tbe front part aerred for
IsaaeoiDB tbe relna and tbe traces of
tbe "wheel boraea.” Is tbe Boman trtStnphai diaiiol a corering of leather
terred to ward off misallea. and later
an tbe aides were emnpoeed of strong
all rartrilee of tomb in i
Cofontinsielx we know rerx little of broad widths.
Ibe rebicles of erer.rdax use Is those
• taxa Tbex ncartx aU teem to be n rs■a«a t-lghtk of Paaklow.
rlatx of what we now term tbe “glg.“- Tbe new rape* bare gained an ele­
' •ctaBiific Americas.
ment of beauty by being weU fitted to
f that we bare long
ted (kablooed Breplace wltb Its aoot
BSd ctsdera. ibe said flreplAe la aOn
wltb us Is ererx new boose that la
.bsllt. Ita open throat leads the same
pM draft op tbe eblmnex. and tbe aame
ted renIt foUowa-colda aod cold feet.
There la no excoae for a eblmnex cr a
fiepUce Is a modern booar heated
' fnm Ibe cellar. Tbe gaa log ie a nalganee and a stem.->^w York Press.
-Hera X' an: JkO shoot It: Big teb
He m Setitb AWkx: Horrible alaiicbterr
-Bax. boU aot Which side xte
-Aw. wbat'B tbe dlffereseer^Jbl-

i' '

Bba>Wated xoo be wUUbx ta «la ter

Don’t class them with other ulsters on the
market—They are far superior in workmanship,
style and fitting qualities.
Their Patent Collar is simply perfection it­
self—No others compare with them—and now,
and now only, you get them at Inventory Sale
prices, which are very low prices.

184 Front Street
______ dl_______ .^bly aad In Umo, It will------------. 84 bourn, and fo" tba oough that tolwa La Grim V, wseer tolls to gtra
lef. Pri^TtecandeOc.

S.tJS' jar.TssBv

ratopSrae *«•«
----- aaw.B.H ea.xsiisialeeecUce
.r.BMcaaS gratio
«ae,m:Kew ""

,tests* tr.;

. apsctola waU

0%,‘iSS5ESM£?SSliS'..O. JUE2fa.i

Fashlonebie Outfitters

ADOther Happjr Patient!
Mr. Fred Bebme, of fiingbam. Uiefa... ^
three terrible ____
Bofferik|(, with bo help from any aooroe, bo one Beaming to* na^.
■tBod hia oBse, eonralted

DR. e. H. SNOW,
who imnediatl;
[ally diagDoaed bin rase aa bFlNAL IRRITATION. Tbe
sb and bowel symptoms being reflex end reoaed by tbe im*
i< ns of ifae apioal nerve oentora. He bna eapecUlly request'
Dr. Snow to pobUabBbie
hie experience
"I am glad (oaajibaiDr Hnuw baa mala a wondartol ebangt’in my
braltb. 1 have bean la rary poor hsaltb tor ibnw years My food would ate
digsat and cams away Jast aa 1 bad aaten It. Tbera was bclebtag of gaa tor
boars at a time,
Ime. my aiomaeb seemed Ilka a stone,
stona, wltb
with bad eoBBUpatwa.
eonaupatoea. 1
mid eat hardest
lly arythirg.
•' and erarytblng rare ma grrat* diairrae.
My ----beari
beat at timee rary fast My bach waa raey bad and than was a
good deal of pale there. My limbs would j -rk aad twiteh. and they fait i
and DO___________________,
feeling mueb in them by .,______
apella Mynrrrae
bad and
and I Iaould

rtMxk well.
or Oeep.and ooaid --------*
not read nrtMxk
thistoto all charged now.
I eannoi get enougb to eat baee gained It pennda
I aal arerypennde In a montb
thlng sow and Itglraa me DO dktraaa. My back to
la all right. Mo mota-numbmota -numbnem or t* Itching 1 feel like a new maa. I baee treated with a good msaiy
do tore bat they did no good. It was a graatidey when I ealird on Dr. Snow.
Be belpte mo within a «ew days. I adetoe eeery one who aoede a doctor l« aaU
onbiax It Is tbe beett IsvraUi^'
Iseratmedt ‘
-- - ---------Dr Snow oakeg a qmcialty of all chroaic dweases, diBDaaae
IBM of
cl WO*
men. the eye. ear. nose and tbfoat. He is eepecijly goiiceetefnl in
treating cancer, asthma and conaomptioo.

Cwsaltatioa Fm.

Taaihintactaf FarISc

M'S-’i%SSr!Er£2.°S'Sfk“te Offloe tn Hamilton te MUIlken Block=ri»*s.f.'!S'S';srr:*.^=Yti


• ■. eaita.
. m Weakfill aa*

NSW Tuu. roll ataaraa,
the aclaaur* and ihi- clippers which It
dtojitocee. This dovk-e Includes In Ita
eonstrnrlluD a pair of artssora. the low­
er blade being provided, wltb a comb
wblcb In operatiuD Is next to tbe hcad.
By Its use tbe tboroogb dlstrlliutlun of
the balr strands over tbe cutting edge
to assured and tbe balr evenly cut. To
sbarpeu or clean tbe blade It Is simply
neceseary to detach a screw and swing
the comb outward tbe proper dlsUnce
ao.aa to easily reach tbe blade wltb a
whetstoBC or the like.
I darn.
idemy of
Borgeuus to moving In tbe direction
making railroad cars more bealibfuL
It long bat been felt by tbe profeaalos
that reform In the hygiene of railway
travel to Imperativeix needed, and tbe
new movement promtoea to be both actlE* and effective. It to sbowo that tbe
■mterlal used Id furnlsblDg rallsray
coacbeo-plosbes and velvet cushlona.
woolens aod draperlee of every klndafford tbe beet pomlble orat for tbe
and preeei-railoo of germa,

later ot kseplag the can claaa

Oias street Batraoote

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap

alckt Wortaera 'ph«e

; bunched up effect <
abort shoulder capes.
itokln bolero with a pastel clotb
akin, ligbt blue or cream, to ao exceed­
ingly fetching combmatlon
Raveling the eoda of silk Into frlngee
aad ibea knotting them to an an wblcb
to being rerlred. It to worth acqnlrlBg.
for esabee. dieaaee and tbe InevtuMe
ends that hang from many atyltota bats
are thus treated.
Emloe contraats wttb dark tura In
rmewhat erode faabtoa but aocletr
Uke* Ibe nmintot.
Couvenieot and very smart rtaapa for
ftaiber or fur boaa take aon>ewbai tbe wood or toatber. srtiicb. while
form of a letter B toM upon ha side. A
>g qi
tendanme derdgn to a serpent thus self to tbe moat tastefnl arrangement
twisted aad Jeweled with appropriate Km only akoold plttob. velvet and dra­
pery be almost entirety done away
Exqatotte smeOtag bottlea come In srltb. but there abonld be lest emboaaMdeaceat tease wltk MIeer gUt moaat- iBg ate carving tn tbe oranmenutiOB
Tg»oftbeenra. The teodeoey In tbto cooBWe tera Dot only 4a ceealder bow tty ta tbe matter of decorattoa* to to ex(a nae allk. b« what Mlk to cbociaa. Incagaaea. ate in raasray can this
Olaoe for Ualaga to oaRe oai te data.
We moat baee aeoetblag aaft ate
ter elaaka tte rtehaat ktaeaflaa.


Done are poor ...
itack. Soap as you know is better after
being aged. £ver)-body
^ver)body who nsee
oaes soap
t—, know tbe .standard o^M
.. .
when they fiei the name on tbe wrappeiv. ^^'e will give yon good vml,
per cake.
uM for 5--, 10c.

A Strong


Regarding the Wonderful
Merit of



1 Miller'* alere abest 1 o'eteek a.
Dee. W,
eeetalBlse elekteea JoUars la MIb waa area
In-Mael IftoeywwIU leave tbe Bev*r
at W. W. Mmert atorv or at ikc BrralS fSee.



Rre Insurance.

Or. Chase’s Ointmeni

VotiM to Taxpay *»•

The tai rolla (ar UeeMlenlmefBtaee.aniB-


city oCTraewrwe CUT kave beea places la ay

L. I*. A.-Bvlldl&f.

John R. Santo,
tmral iisiranx




w«-k day reaa S o'elaek <c 11« a'elaek a. ■.
Dr. Cbase'e Oiatmeat to aa ahaolatt aad
Iro* 1 o'eloct le I e'etock p. B.
care lor piles, aod baa ne
On State aad Caeair ta*e* tkefs wUI b*
keowa to tell to o
log discs
Itocaso, wblcb b«
bofled tnedtcol skill for
This juiewcst
... ._jw -tbe
anwarkeeaitedet mimwi rain, gmsgiaa
Dr. iChase's Oiotronmsiiilahy.
meat, bat it is perfectly true, aod caMwwOOrw MarkkamBWiefe
doraed by the grsiciiil icatlmosy of
da of ama aad womca wbo bate
bccD cared
d by it after yean of ssfieriag
OBd after tryieg many preperatMos
, ,
.. osd
eonavltiug the beat doctors la vaia.
Aa bootst druggist will alwava rceommead
_j«a>1 Dr. A. W. Choac'
Cboac’s Oiatmaal as
tbe hast rmnady for pttoa. He-ksoers
........ Jl pbysictoas eodonc
It, t_.
sad kaows
... >rom
___ __________________
tell him tbst It to Ibe only pcrparatlao
•- a -posititivc aadabsolato cnefor
nble dt
leay nEmedtes afloed tamperary taI el. ate arwme false bopa.'^ never
qaito cara.
Bometlmsa a oaiglcal
peralloB srill care, bat that to tte oM
«a>—the cneU eapenatva, daaguium
SlSnralkl.iimbvia .UriM
war. Or. Cbara*a Oiatmcal cures by
to'augieal aombiag and healing Inflaeaee. It to tte oaly csatala ate gaae-


iSKi-T.;: iir.riy-.s'ssirs
- *"




umioB cumiBS xEMua stote .mno
iiEliu)n KiiiuM


DOMon t* Timm OiW XwSw Oo



‘‘ZERO” "

■ at the Tea <
aad oebra Crafal h»M.
Tbe wortd tea meat regard to tbe
outside of tbe platter. Tbe ex* >•
anngbt and iranamlta Its toprqmlon
m IM t» th» t>va *m the
vln^ bx ertdencea af nlmx and
r*r ui«
ami BO. If xt>B desire to cltmb tbe •fffffffTTfTTfTfmifTTffn


■ CMm. 1» l»r»r—!■*»
Haw !• Wa* CaaaMaeto^

Tte riiulot «ru om4 ki
|ir tbe battle. Ibr rhue. In publle proMMdoBi aiiil Ib
irbecU bxhI wb* drawn t>j two boraea,
•Bd when OM «r tfD boraea were add•d tber were attaJbed to each aide <d
lolbe rmt oT«
f tbf one io tbe a
. BO of noTHK-c. wlik-li la a uiIqihBSiplr of a «wr (.Imrlul. tbr ao called
«BI|;b dl Fratuduu.** foobd l>r BuaaellId a Thi-tM-a lamb. Ii U crrululx
da old as tin- rooni.aotb cvtfiorx U. c.
tt la |irobaL>l>' a iratdij' oblaJtH-d In tbe
Bonb bx aotue llf^rptiao aarrfur.
Tbere la an eutlrv abseoco of metal
is tl.e ronatninlun. IfflimcJlatelx oo
(be axle, wlttaotlt aprlDKt of anx bind.
' xasu Ibe baal.<H. or budx. of tbe chart•C which coDKlstcd-ar a floor to aUbd
piulcbrulaj _
d aUiul half the height ot
It la twtireix o|mu at the
back.<ao that the coulaUDU mi^t
laap to tbe arouod.aud ap axais. aa beaaoc twccaaarx bx tbe exIgeDcUw of
- BCtloB. There was do acau and tcaar•HX In par ebartoU there waa oalx
Xoon for tbe eoiubatam and bis cbarl•teer to BtaDd la.
Tbe pole, aa la tbe present Inataaee.
Vaa osaallx anarhed to tbe middle of
tbe axle, altbonsb to outward appca^
•Bcaa n looked aa tbouRb It apranf
from tbe tR»t of tbe baaket At tbe
«0d of tbe pole waa tbe xoke. which
IdObad Bke p ram'a bonw. Dependlnc
fXon tbU bx leather ihoaga waa a T
fbaped piece, wbk-b probaUx took
the place of tbe modem borac collar.
Pl^tdx broad handa ww alao Sited
•roesd tbe cheat of tbe aslmala.
BsaMee tbe bsraeaa of each boras
Ibsn were a bridle and a pair of retna
pWkiwbat In tbe aame atxle aa are In
•wattbe present dar. Tbesewertnade
«r leather and were onamaBtad with
ftods of*lTorx aod meuL Tba retna
vara psaaaS tbronrfa rlnga nttaebad
IB tbs collar aad were Ions aseosb to
be Usd aroBBd tbe artist of tba efaarlotm IB ease af bis bartnx to defesd bias-


Tbe wbaala and bodx »ere oaaaDx 'of
VooA. soaaftbaaad Is places wltb
IroBaa ar Iron. Tbe wbaala ted fnm
«wr to aUbt apokm. and tbe diaa
wart of bronar or tree (is tba praaanl
ttetanca ash was aaedi. aad tbe ptea
Which asearad tbe felilaa were of fopafl
Tbit daacrtpcfoe applied tn tbe ebartMi of almoat anx of tbe natloos of anManx, tbe dlffereoee eoealaUoc cblefIX Is tbe SMVBtlate- Tb«a tbe ebartott
•r tbe Mmlana and Asayrtana, wnb
Whom tbe bow waa tbe prtnetpal arm
«r attack, ware rtebix noaated wltk
Mlrars foil of arrows while tboac of
ttt Uraeka, who oaed tbe epear. were
team except as resarda mere decors■iliSBa. Tbe Persians aod the anctent
Mttooa used a data of rharlou bartnx
Iba wbaels n>aastad.srUb sharp. alcUe
XbBpad blades, which ctR to.plecea
Vbamrer came Is tbeir wax- Ttala waa
BpateMx tbe IsreatlMi of the Peralaoa
Tba use of tbe battle chariot raailx
bilwift to tbe heroic period. Tbe warxlsr.atasdlox bx tbe aide of bis ebartutXat. was drires In front of tbe line to
iSrtta bostUe warriors to slnfle com­
bat. Aftar tbe straieflc aatU of a

if an lotNeldoBl baa faith In n medi­
ladder of aortal aoccraa. If yon would
hare tbe world think well of fon. nbow cine or tn a trrattneot. be a-lll assured0 bx xenr toilet ^t ron think well lx diTlre more bebrlii finu the idmIIaf xonrwdf.
cOic or ttvatmciK tlmD If be were
And tbe tea gown pUx* nn Important akcpihwl as to Us tiurlis.- saxs Tbe
part lu modem life. It is tbe sartorial Mfdual Ipi-Ohl.* Tb«-n> ran be Uttle
weapon of ibi- female UacblareOI.
doubt Hull ibr sxniianlictic ptixaiclnn
Tn«-D sbe exerrtsea that ixrannx of
tears, before vbirh tbe mildest and to the one brat ralcutot.Ht to trad bis
paili'Di to retxiriT.e .tgaia. id nianx
klndi-ct of men frailh
ble brairs. It la alvhx* in a tea goan diM^axw the good that niav Is- a-rnoght
as most effdltv. When abe nteans to tin- s«ff*e\-r t>x llic ag* o< x of uh-uUI
to turn from J>l» adauianiJoe ptirpoae anggraiKiu Is umleUisMu. Professor
tbe Inflexible one l>ofore whom hit J. ki ItaMwiii. referrlug (o tlilr fact to
aman wortd trembles, sbe dons her couue<nii>ti with iiiBOUiDla. sa.ra
lateet Ini gos'o and acLIee.s a vto*
"III ex|n-riQK-uilug ui»ffte«)e |•cMBlblUiritT.-. i»b. xe». Tlist It*-gown has tx of sugg'kTltig sht'p (0 am'ilier I
much f« ausH-er for. aod spe who have fi'uud i-<-rtaUi atroDg n-artivc Idkooas not Its poS'cr ba* still aiucb to fluvbreo utvio liix OWM Ue Dial coOdt.
Irarn, Tbe Hinging tea gown, sll (.oft- tioD Koi b an effort wbli ii iDrolvrs
btra and lUlnix dnipertce. is the tbe |>i<-tt:rsiig of another as a.lo-p Is a
affair of tl.e niciDieui. and tlnae brief BU-olig aiHii euggratiou of aUv|i. Uklog
daxa. Id iIk- b»cr< bcttrerD ibe dark effeti tti iii.v uwD rase in al-out fire
and tbe darligfat. are tbe -'mes whoa m onies If the conditions lx- kipi con
It I* moei worn, wIm-u re. after toll staBi. The more clrartx ibi- pairtbt's
romes allb afiernouo tea ba-fon- dreos- sleep Is pirtun-il Ibe smiogrr l«-eon»cs
IBS for dlDD<-f.
tbe suliji-itlre feeling of drovsinras.
Katin makes a large majorlix of the ; An unfalllug eure for insoDiDla. speaktea gowns of tndax. for It Is soft, snp- , ing for wxaclf. to Ibe {lersiucDi effort
ple and wears well. Borne are now to pat stane nue else asleep by baid
made with the bodice aod skirt aep- ifalnklDg of tbe end In riew. with a
arate. tbe boillre a tbrec-qtiarter length coDiiuued gentle moremeot. such as
looag Jacket ot er a fuU trallled ahlrt of . stroking Ibe other wltb tbe band.”
the same material.
I Hr. B. C. Bpitxka of New York baa
Manx people are now baring their recently given some really reroartatea gowns booed and abaped at the Die Inaunces of tbe power of mental
waist, ao aa to do awax with corsets aoggestioo. He Cites tbe well known
and. tbe result la dlstloctlx comforts- fact that tbe moruUty from wonoda
Me. If comets are wore, tbej sbouM and diaeasea la a defeated army com­
not be more than a ribbon cetnture. pared with a rlctorlooa army Is as 4
else la tbe rnlaon d'etre of a ten gown, to 8 and even 8 to 2. Re alao refers
to Ibe iDCODtrorertlble fact that per­
ease aad renfutnesa defeated.
The gown Ulnstrated to In flowered sons ID roboat health hare been known
panne. In abadee of manre and pink, to die apparently of aurratloa after'
with ipilpare transparent jeke and being wlthoni food for from three to
MedM ftolar. embroidered Is caboeboo Era ttona D*'- HfUtaka to of tbe opin­
ion ttet these iDdirhIttato did not die
anwralda and ontlloed wltb sable.
Plain, tight Anlaff skirts promtoe of actnal otarratlon. bat from tbe
soon to be tbe exception. On all tbe phyatcnl effects of tbe honger. Tbe
amarteat Imported gotooa plaits aod proof of this cootentlMi Ilea In tbe fact
qunlM little gathers prcrall. and tba that persona hare been known to fast
•f their free will for more than 40
days wltbont tojnring tbeir coastltn-'
tkina to any appreciable extent
Many cxamplca eetabllahing tbe tnsth
af this eutement might be glren. but tt
will be aiifllclest to ffnote one from Dr.
Bpitaka's paper. Heanya;
"la tbe grarer form of hysteria,
when loas 4f araaatlon ocenra In exacH’x one-batr of tbe body, yon can lay
a piece Of tinted paper on tbe aenalUre
side, then anggestlng It to be a mnstard
plaater a red area srtli appear on tbe
wpondlng nnsenaltlre aide. Bltaof enrtt a character that scars
d from them

cd In almllar caaea by
tbe aame method."
The medical profession. It appeara
more than likely, has not as yet wholly
appreciated the adrantages to be dorired from tbe cmptoymeoi of mental
s Comblaed.
A new bsir cutting implement, comblDlng the comb and arlsaors. to for tht
ctmreulenra of the barber, and it la
claliDcd for this tool that It greatly facDliatea tbe operatloD of cutting or
trimming tbe hair and furtbermora
cannot pull tbe balr. as do frequeatly

fanenl kneU of tbe plain eetokla akirt
most be moet clererty arranged, other■ Ibex are paln^lly nnhecomlng.
Tbe really swell models are almost as
tight aa tboac not plaited at all. They
preaerre tbe line of grace aod widen
out at tbe bottom only. Borne skirts
bare a wide flounce coming from the
knee, but this to not graceful. One
thing about wblcb no doubt exists to
tbe length of skins, wblcb grow longer
a tbe aesaoo adranecs..
Tbe dapper little bolero appeara
again In sealskin, aatrakban and relret sad tbe “derntor crl" to to hare
a capnebon round tbe aboulden eliber
of a tnlored relret or another for.
Btitebed hands continue to be a faeortie trtmiDiug for cloth gbsma. aod
throe ate told on aklrto to form tunics.
wrti as to iMrder tbe bem. aad
many of tbe sack back and other
coats bara a etUc-ltIng of this deaertpsioo carried down tbe center of tbe
back. The borne drraamsfcer with a
ydo a.great deal

bis personal ralor tbe chariot waa
VBaafkrred from tbe battlefleld to tbe
Mvodrome. where aloor Its orlflnal
fm was prraetrtd. Tbe deacrtptlaD
pt tbe Homeric battle cbarloL tberato a crest extent also applies ta
tbe blatoilc chariot of the race coorsa.
Tbe'email dtemetrr of Ibe chariot
Wbsel max be explained from tbe daftra af prerentlnt Ibe chariot from boM «PPoa«d bx tbe Impediments In tba
batlMeid. sneb at debrts or dead bodlas. Tbe rim sms oansUx fonued of
fnor felilca. into wblcb tbe four spokea
ware let. Tbe upper rail whicb was of
Xltber wood or menl, raried creaUx In
lorm abd.waa Intended to be fra^md
bx tbe warrior oo Jumping on to tbe
gbartot. while tbe front part aerred for
IsaaeoiDB tbe relna and tbe traces of
tbe "wheel boraea.” Is tbe Boman trtStnphai diaiiol a corering of leather
terred to ward off misallea. and later
an tbe aides were emnpoeed of strong
all rartrilee of tomb in i
Cofontinsielx we know rerx little of broad widths.
Ibe rebicles of erer.rdax use Is those
• taxa Tbex ncartx aU teem to be n rs■a«a t-lghtk of Paaklow.
rlatx of what we now term tbe “glg.“- Tbe new rape* bare gained an ele­
' •ctaBiific Americas.
ment of beauty by being weU fitted to
f that we bare long
ted (kablooed Breplace wltb Its aoot
BSd ctsdera. ibe said flreplAe la aOn
wltb us Is ererx new boose that la
.bsllt. Ita open throat leads the same
pM draft op tbe eblmnex. and tbe aame
ted renIt foUowa-colda aod cold feet.
There la no excoae for a eblmnex cr a
fiepUce Is a modern booar heated
' fnm Ibe cellar. Tbe gaa log ie a nalganee and a stem.->^w York Press.
-Hera X' an: JkO shoot It: Big teb
He m Setitb AWkx: Horrible alaiicbterr
-Bax. boU aot Which side xte
-Aw. wbat'B tbe dlffereseer^Jbl-

i' '

Bba>Wated xoo be wUUbx ta «la ter

Don’t class them with other ulsters on the
market—They are far superior in workmanship,
style and fitting qualities.
Their Patent Collar is simply perfection it­
self—No others compare with them—and now,
and now only, you get them at Inventory Sale
prices, which are very low prices.

184 Front Street
______ dl_______ .^bly aad In Umo, It will------------. 84 bourn, and fo" tba oough that tolwa La Grim V, wseer tolls to gtra
lef. Pri^TtecandeOc.

S.tJS' jar.TssBv

ratopSrae *«•«
----- aaw.B.H ea.xsiisialeeecUce
.r.BMcaaS gratio
«ae,m:Kew ""

,tests* tr.;

. apsctola waU

0%,‘iSS5ESM£?SSliS'..O. JUE2fa.i

Fashlonebie Outfitters

ADOther Happjr Patient!
Mr. Fred Bebme, of fiingbam. Uiefa... ^
three terrible ____
Bofferik|(, with bo help from any aooroe, bo one Beaming to* na^.
■tBod hia oBse, eonralted

DR. e. H. SNOW,
who imnediatl;
[ally diagDoaed bin rase aa bFlNAL IRRITATION. Tbe
sb and bowel symptoms being reflex end reoaed by tbe im*
i< ns of ifae apioal nerve oentora. He bna eapecUlly request'
Dr. Snow to pobUabBbie
hie experience
"I am glad (oaajibaiDr Hnuw baa mala a wondartol ebangt’in my
braltb. 1 have bean la rary poor hsaltb tor ibnw years My food would ate
digsat and cams away Jast aa 1 bad aaten It. Tbera was bclebtag of gaa tor
boars at a time,
Ime. my aiomaeb seemed Ilka a stone,
stona, wltb
with bad eoBBUpatwa.
eonaupatoea. 1
mid eat hardest
lly arythirg.
•' and erarytblng rare ma grrat* diairrae.
My ----beari
beat at timee rary fast My bach waa raey bad and than was a
good deal of pale there. My limbs would j -rk aad twiteh. and they fait i
and DO___________________,
feeling mueb in them by .,______
apella Mynrrrae
bad and
and I Iaould

rtMxk well.
or Oeep.and ooaid --------*
not read nrtMxk
thistoto all charged now.
I eannoi get enougb to eat baee gained It pennda
I aal arerypennde In a montb
thlng sow and Itglraa me DO dktraaa. My back to
la all right. Mo mota-numbmota -numbnem or t* Itching 1 feel like a new maa. I baee treated with a good msaiy
do tore bat they did no good. It was a graatidey when I ealird on Dr. Snow.
Be belpte mo within a «ew days. I adetoe eeery one who aoede a doctor l« aaU
onbiax It Is tbe beett IsvraUi^'
Iseratmedt ‘
-- - ---------Dr Snow oakeg a qmcialty of all chroaic dweases, diBDaaae
IBM of
cl WO*
men. the eye. ear. nose and tbfoat. He is eepecijly goiiceetefnl in
treating cancer, asthma and conaomptioo.

Cwsaltatioa Fm.

Taaihintactaf FarISc

M'S-’i%SSr!Er£2.°S'Sfk“te Offloe tn Hamilton te MUIlken Block=ri»*s.f.'!S'S';srr:*.^=Yti


• ■. eaita.
. m Weakfill aa*

NSW Tuu. roll ataaraa,
the aclaaur* and ihi- clippers which It
dtojitocee. This dovk-e Includes In Ita
eonstrnrlluD a pair of artssora. the low­
er blade being provided, wltb a comb
wblcb In operatiuD Is next to tbe hcad.
By Its use tbe tboroogb dlstrlliutlun of
the balr strands over tbe cutting edge
to assured and tbe balr evenly cut. To
sbarpeu or clean tbe blade It Is simply
neceseary to detach a screw and swing
the comb outward tbe proper dlsUnce
ao.aa to easily reach tbe blade wltb a
whetstoBC or the like.
I darn.
idemy of
Borgeuus to moving In tbe direction
making railroad cars more bealibfuL
It long bat been felt by tbe profeaalos
that reform In the hygiene of railway
travel to Imperativeix needed, and tbe
new movement promtoea to be both actlE* and effective. It to sbowo that tbe
■mterlal used Id furnlsblDg rallsray
coacbeo-plosbes and velvet cushlona.
woolens aod draperlee of every klndafford tbe beet pomlble orat for tbe
and preeei-railoo of germa,

later ot kseplag the can claaa

Oias street Batraoote

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap

alckt Wortaera 'ph«e

; bunched up effect <
abort shoulder capes.
itokln bolero with a pastel clotb
akin, ligbt blue or cream, to ao exceed­
ingly fetching combmatlon
Raveling the eoda of silk Into frlngee
aad ibea knotting them to an an wblcb
to being rerlred. It to worth acqnlrlBg.
for esabee. dieaaee and tbe InevtuMe
ends that hang from many atyltota bats
are thus treated.
Emloe contraats wttb dark tura In
rmewhat erode faabtoa but aocletr
Uke* Ibe nmintot.
Couvenieot and very smart rtaapa for
ftaiber or fur boaa take aon>ewbai tbe wood or toatber. srtiicb. while
form of a letter B toM upon ha side. A
>g qi
tendanme derdgn to a serpent thus self to tbe moat tastefnl arrangement
twisted aad Jeweled with appropriate Km only akoold plttob. velvet and dra­
pery be almost entirety done away
Exqatotte smeOtag bottlea come In srltb. but there abonld be lest emboaaMdeaceat tease wltk MIeer gUt moaat- iBg ate carving tn tbe oranmenutiOB
Tg»oftbeenra. The teodeoey In tbto cooBWe tera Dot only 4a ceealder bow tty ta tbe matter of decorattoa* to to ex(a nae allk. b« what Mlk to cbociaa. Incagaaea. ate in raasray can this
Olaoe for Ualaga to oaRe oai te data.
We moat baee aeoetblag aaft ate
ter elaaka tte rtehaat ktaeaflaa.


Done are poor ...
itack. Soap as you know is better after
being aged. £ver)-body
^ver)body who nsee
oaes soap
t—, know tbe .standard o^M
.. .
when they fiei the name on tbe wrappeiv. ^^'e will give yon good vml,
per cake.
uM for 5--, 10c.

A Strong


Regarding the Wonderful
Merit of



1 Miller'* alere abest 1 o'eteek a.
Dee. W,
eeetalBlse elekteea JoUars la MIb waa area
In-Mael IftoeywwIU leave tbe Bev*r
at W. W. Mmert atorv or at ikc BrralS fSee.



Rre Insurance.

Or. Chase’s Ointmeni

VotiM to Taxpay *»•

The tai rolla (ar UeeMlenlmefBtaee.aniB-


city oCTraewrwe CUT kave beea places la ay

L. I*. A.-Bvlldl&f.

John R. Santo,
tmral iisiranx




w«-k day reaa S o'elaek <c 11« a'elaek a. ■.
Dr. Cbase'e Oiatmeat to aa ahaolatt aad
Iro* 1 o'eloct le I e'etock p. B.
care lor piles, aod baa ne
On State aad Caeair ta*e* tkefs wUI b*
keowa to tell to o
log discs
Itocaso, wblcb b«
bofled tnedtcol skill for
This juiewcst
... ._jw -tbe
anwarkeeaitedet mimwi rain, gmsgiaa
Dr. iChase's Oiotronmsiiilahy.
meat, bat it is perfectly true, aod caMwwOOrw MarkkamBWiefe
doraed by the grsiciiil icatlmosy of
da of ama aad womca wbo bate
bccD cared
d by it after yean of ssfieriag
OBd after tryieg many preperatMos
, ,
.. osd
eonavltiug the beat doctors la vaia.
Aa bootst druggist will alwava rceommead
_j«a>1 Dr. A. W. Choac'
Cboac’s Oiatmaal as
tbe hast rmnady for pttoa. He-ksoers
........ Jl pbysictoas eodonc
It, t_.
sad kaows
... >rom
___ __________________
tell him tbst It to Ibe only pcrparatlao
•- a -posititivc aadabsolato cnefor
nble dt
leay nEmedtes afloed tamperary taI el. ate arwme false bopa.'^ never
qaito cara.
Bometlmsa a oaiglcal
peralloB srill care, bat that to tte oM
«a>—the cneU eapenatva, daaguium
SlSnralkl.iimbvia .UriM
war. Or. Cbara*a Oiatmcal cures by
to'augieal aombiag and healing Inflaeaee. It to tte oaly csatala ate gaae-


iSKi-T.;: iir.riy-.s'ssirs
- *"




umioB cumiBS xEMua stote .mno
iiEliu)n KiiiuM


DOMon t* Timm OiW XwSw Oo


mm w AMHiici

wanted by (TtWBdau Batna OuM (b>-r«
war a .lonu In toe air, and to tte cair-;
faL Bm the Bbo abase on brl*hUy
tUal BO heed waa toben ot her warn-

Vurr, AT Tt«*

! “•:r


Dr ar nVk.rmi fro* Ar A^r 4* «•«..
Aa' 4r raWa> tttr «*A. ta«:
B«t 4r bww kit brack n ab BlC(ak-«
i?4c MVfe' baatcd fm;

to iba BoniKfB ataii* «f rt»ta Ma­
in to* doraratlc a*fTW qO«lt.« Ua*
tim dl*l<Jrr» iBto fbiT* .Tab: Tb* cw11*1, wtwo- aot-b arnim wu |n^tend by IndtatiA tolcir.^ iwopl* *u4
ndraptU«*r«, tb* laitw ptraoBk wbo
bad bean ci>Brlci«^ of mliNbio.-aBura
is Borland aad b*ot over bera a* inn'tahiMdit: toe aroiiod diTMus was toe
■ tte* from tbe n-rotathm (o Ibe HvQ
ir. wbrti naUre AmertoaB women
coanpoard ibe berrlBR eiala; a»d ibe
fblrto Blnto Ibe oar, wben foreqn
tore raidrtly eome ibl« favor.
The law n-fiilalod Ibe roUilnb between uaeii-r
uaeier auo
and ^
ttbbi uxuin
dnrlna toe
eotoalal period, is whK-h toe former
waa bound to >mi tbe lait.-r bniaaneif and pet to aell bU aervkwa to M- j
•tber acalnat Ito- aervant'a will. ..
tto other band, tbe master waa protect- |
ad by heavy pmaitlea against tbe oer«ant who ran away. Tbe whole syati-m
__ ____b Idea
i th* declam' tlon of Indepcndenee came to set all
meat OD tbe nue foetlng tbe old dia«lD«)oBa were In a great degree broken
* down and naUve mm. and women


lair a«ato*'> binr-C»c<Bit ail ar riM W luh wa «al m*b. ■
BoT dab be B<r1>iF lab be.
Feb dec Mlayldr bc«b toh tab roa'B 'Mf.
’OrpilD' SaiMT. «b’ Taavu aa' i^r.
Aa' 1 ■!»’ -trbixc aqff fob (oh pM


liQh leaf drap eat,
Ati' «)!• >Natl lillu’
An' Tawia loittr t'loh <*»
Tawm br r-l <
-----An* be
U’.t I
-- Irf han- —r
poh Via-^.a* •■


itn. «r>’ n— •

-n I. M.iTioer


'Twaa Uie to. tbe afternoon when a
little iqn-rk appeared to toe akf, bat It
crew woodertnUy fa« bad htotit.

A THBauxG Sight. '

'*• j
»a pwt Iwaa iVm. *tM*awnd«


b* hM*w> *>*< Ml bwb:

•• bMBa biAMa ntwa (IM

■O, dfn- "f ~U.

lo t.lL
"."T; S.”
.kMdra U.*!h I" w«a th* ■
abaip Baabeii of Hithtoto# made lb- “••• »?*•. *• 'V
aky Vlr4d. wlrfle the roll of tbundtr ^
Tft cU (be w.W* cl tbe ««MI
t^e them tolfili bearen'a 'arcHJerr:
*• ®~»* wiui a*-»a.
Ois bon In »iii **atli
wt* let lonae. Peal tipon peal folhnrOne of tbe iu«*i tbrHyn* and won- \
Vr Iw e» wmk.B* biiilc iMna
: Dim ibmiMt luouab ibc aak.
ed one after tor other, and ibe rain f> 1 derfnl alsbia In tbe world la tbat of ibe
In loTTi'tiK
latHiy llKiu-riea of t>t« Ui-diu-rraorao
to ■«-.*•«* rmt M.T latb I* oaftad
Tbe liernplrkef* ran at tbe- llrl maa^ Tbe pureuli of toeae *reai and
to Milan v*4t* M»i "Ml
r>a M fir iMfti.iM'iaik-c* C'n^
aim of toe aiona, but wbm they «> awlD iSabeb U not a oiere uute opetailtm
A»l pMiitM) brio an UM.
/Ired at tbf |*laee where Ibef had b-fl of oettluB. It w a ll«bt belw«-u uiaa
tbelf team the atomi wa« at Ita b-{^E)ii. and a>« creaian-a aiK-b aa la dnpllcaied
To maid- matter* w-trse. oM .Itobidtie nowbrre oantrt hi ibi- wimle Babeiiea. ■
to «oiN> bw CMM tr-M mart
bad bniken bla halter and ataried for Tbe tuunj la a bUi:>- LiarkvreL Ue U a
to beaa .b.1 wr. tacw.
pnjdac-vuu* Deb. ftiiU bi* rourw tbroDSb
“tvtiat efiall we do; O. wliat toatl we toe waa i* Ub.1 of a deativyw without
doT" <'rl.-d I.olto*. •*0. ItcitN-ri: O. 1 paralb-l bu tliadty la the tunny to toe
Fee ieew b
mean Mr. Itote-rl*-. no. I mean Mr acboole of bvrrluf and ulmHar food
-Ol tlui> oc
Ro.vHoti O RidN-ri; Bob. ^bnt -biiil Bobo (bat be la called tbe bvrrtng bo«.
we doT' and tbea. wnoianlilfStell lo In our wineiv oe i« known wore geo*
III* am.* In a faint.
«al>> «" **«• bonw inac. i-reL
' lie lifted her Hi hi* arm* to a n-. •»:
Tbe tunny n»beri.-. are di*tltH-tlj KuokleM IbdUF «a«4i «•. ibe piwer at Mfeor »*alb
the *lde ot the Inounltln ru.t'1. roix-uu. and they
tvlii.di elieliiTwl Uu-in fnmi ilie ll«•*r.v try iLat .* kiMun in lU- Mediu-namaa
The social *y*tem amoog tbe Uoroo
rain. a\id when flic r»-eoTeped •■he fc* To .-uj.iure tb.n.
found liU h«i*lir luMWl
her fa*-* tbeuim-in-*
r ID IsiCe
laice bodnw.
bodnw. la touch more jirtniltlve than It it
aml bl» un-at blue eye* lo..kiHB don n for ilxb. ruieu .liip; .muIJ do nutbiug aniootr the gnwter |ian of tbe other


. .. _

ftbe waa
a welPdrcnaed drHtoaa walUbg M the to o’ctack trato, mmT.
H waa then*^J».
____________ _________tbat to ^
' n'ctock train goaar abe naked at tba ticket wtwlow.
TUrty mlnotato ■adani." rrpBeOT
! tbe clerk anarWy.
I tore lime to gn out a1 b^
' "Tbat wlB depend apM MretUBnuuvea. madam.”
"I jnat want tn cn amaa tbe atrne:
“Where la your inoneyT”
TbU waa a qiieor qiwwtIOB to arlc,and tbe lady rather reaented It ”ln my poeket of eourdb.** abe aw—
awertel Nonwwbat leailly.
•nien yon have aean-rfy fJma, tnatfam.-’ paid Hie rb-rk with grarlty, aatf*toe lady flIrt.-J beraelf away.
Travaa Ouy MaiWnt
below U a Hei of toe bnyicy and aell- Inp prleM of rmteniay for groeerim .
pror^rtoi and fahis pw’ncta Ic Travanxna nttra.
•>1 st> <
II ot ■
Bfccrt Cut
Cul-l orb p«. ft................
n- irr U L. A On beak..............
Hyarienr.B. L. * Co f**....
w/l. P. L-AOo Foot............

« OC
4 DC
1 »b

“You arc "till determine.! In vtu-nd
wlii-D of ten (cet
J w.'l|;b u
■ a *}s tloular followers and bl* vtaven.
Tacnilon with flr*Ddiiiuthep- Eton *« Ibih RmlM.m’^oIrt her that be kii.-w aoiucimic*.
tbe Urdrerft...
tbe eld farm.” said Un>. Ann<iMne ’o that she rerognlacd him alnicsn fMiii ti-i.* 0/ co-op.-.atu-u ou ibr cuast*.umi side* ibene be ma.r cotmuaud allI tbe
a ‘*
h|.r yonngcat danghler. wbn had re . Ibe find dav but II took *u.J are rlaiud by Uiv tuna), a syau-s meu of bl* uno dlntrict In lime of war. niTi»i ' Ti -i7i
prerlou. fmi" tlinud.T from a^ear skv to make bet which date* isick to ibe Pba-olclanA He also ba« the rigid of Ufe and deaib tb^^r ft
who were great tunny caicbcm la toelr over bl* aubjeci*. For InMaacto a few
vaaaar. gTadiiatlni: with l.lch homuw i acknowledge It;
But. ot cotimc. the cIoikI* clear-rt time
weeks before we arrived lo Join. Data ■'Oont per bto, old
away and Ibe sun smlbsl duwo iir*>n
Tbe perfection of tola aysiem la doe. Jirttanioe bad occasion to «sc>cate one Ppmtooa. per bo...............
Ibe iovfsw
Ksi>1anan»n* fnlb-w.-rt. among other thing*, to tbe facri that of bU followera. Tbe mao bad been SaltprrbV..............
i IB
•I of
U« owoooo.^,
«oooo 100 porlod
•—-o <.
- ’ r™"'”
II *0 ■JlITT. a* 1
on ot,
or oool J.ilUt,
l.oiite *ald tbe re«Mcn she wcnij-ln'i w-'. the hig Babes have abaolDicly regular intruaieU.wlib mooey betongtag to the Prao per ir« .....................
am mnat ataloiw that yon *honld stuuid to Bur ilarlMir was cm accoiini of ;■ habits, la normal umee they can he data. Tbe Or«t Bam be came to hie Buebwheat rlovr nor bw
4otmic ro-opentloo.”
little- flinaibiD that occnnvrt l•eIwc■•■D rriled on to aiake tbelr appearance at chief aad aald;
nurtga BATBaorntAi
AU tou Uma. bowerer, tbere were tbe 'acanon with os at Her Hnriior.”
-Oh. great aad benevolent data. I
those who BtUl preferred tbe tradlilMi••Vew. mamma, but E«»le and 'sdl Robert and .Vggle lArklii. lie said lU , certain periods almoat to toe minute.
wheat, o’d,
o d. per bl-... ..
' ak obaaqvlotM service of Bnropean will be ^th yon. and they will m|ik'' ren*on be did not go to Bar llarhciT Wbuo they come. K la lo huge acbuola have gambled away the mooey! rpe- Wheat,
.Wheal, par bn. (hew).....
’ that cap be aeon afar, for they acour give mer
rranta, and where iberc waa money np for my ViM." “Bat, my dear, what wa» that be dM not w*nt to make
1, par ha. (asw'.
“Very well." eaM toe data
awonsfa these were brought over to will Mr Roylaton say. or what wlU be ••fooflwU out of the girl*' been*” 10 tbe uater* Uke ships of war. aod tb*
kic k almut a* be pWrcHl.
ka*rtnga of tbelr prey aad tbe leaplbg* that It does iwt bappeo agala."
' beep «p toe anclmt system. Tb*
think of yon? We gave him to uud-rBui (be fart that clmodmc.thef K>-n.«f tbelr own bulky bodlea beat tbs* Once more the retainer ranre. toylag; ■Rja.pnr hr...
ABMrkaba began to dread eoiering
- ”Ob.grMi and benevoleBt dato.agalb Eatowbeat....
aervlce leal they too abonld come to stand ibii yon would surely go. and II had to'>t a new -.blrecl man." au.l, deep Into wbite foam *ud Utoer.
lUi w«Wlii* card* Itacl hes-n sent H-l ««» they are *0 eaact in tbelr bhb- have I gambled away toy money, and Better.per W.
tnee tbelr Independence and poalilun
“.Verer mind, mamma. Mr. R..y1*loo the elite *1 Bar Hsrlsir. ibe uanic-s ..f Re. the Babonuco preparc^or them al- again I beg ibea. la toy gnat a
at toe beet trained foniga aervauts
M. Tbna tbe foreigners gndoally will aneceed In getting soiur one' lo Ml** lx)itl^nn*iri)ng and Mr, R,,li. j waya before they arrive. lAtaeswdeo- forgive mer
tiagaw to aster la and tbe native mea amnse'blm aa well a* I poBsIbly could.”
and women lo daw oat. Tbe enorm- ••Why. Lottie, bow can you talk *0
Bmx etfoogvei of hne. These an aot de- third Bme. I wara ibea. ibon abalt dla" 1
""^*-*"* ***
.*♦ _*"*'
ana aaalgntloa to this couauy In tbe wben you know be adores yon? Tber*
algped to <«tcb tor innnle*. Tte am
Tst agala tbe nafommaie ana
^ Mnot Baa aa OhuabartoUiM •
J^Mpty yeaik fottowlng IMU auppUed are few yonng ladles that wotiM thmw
j spread out merely to force therflabeeu
- - .....................................................*

iitto demaada
aewcowera away tbeopponunlty ibai you are now

n»ew tbelr pUrea.” aa toe arlatocrartc
daio.” be erted.------------torawlv
The parlor lamp «hs<l It* pe*c-c-fiil, real piiMOi aee wUlib la -----------------------------—-----------------,---------- .-----------------—-------------------^
tolatteaaea oaed to declan, and they aome and come* of a good family.”
are and arif
erif at
ei toe feel
feet of bit eUef. *T
”1 have alora.
More, Inform*
lafortaa oa that
that, h#
ha la kavte a*.
vety wetooow. la seme of Ibe aald Mr*. Annatroof. "Ye*, and con- r-iy* on a bappv gwmp of Bve persou*. uirancK- set lu aa tmmenae aqnarv
?y* '
* tbe middle - west tbenc alder* that be can take any girl's heart Tlierv waa the btacl of tbe family anrt'powerfol enough to defy aaytolag that Maaed agala aod taken thy —ey! r*^*.!*^,”*
.Mercy: Mercyr
eervtng women are still and kick it aboot Uke a football.- add­ the ohe who called himaeir tor bead'ewlme.
of the family, tbelr two danghter*.
Aa aoon a* toe Uat of toe acbool haa' “Cut him down.” Id tb* daw toon*
fnaad, bat in most of tbe large citlee ed Lottie. Mr*. Ar
Bed. hut abe knew It would be nseles* aged tvapeciltely IS and S. and a bo.v , enteiwd IbU bosllke incloaure toe aide* of bl* meo-si-ermt.
tbe whole idea is now obeolete.
eat to pleeea
It la a well-knows faet that tbe do- lo change her self-wlll.-d of 11 rear*. The father carrfolly rt-, Of the grvai um are nlaed at a aignaL ao natanee and waa
seat of the
tbe | At ttrat tbe Imprlaooed Bsbea do not srttb on* of tbe great knlrce of too aa- tba aoBgb. heal aa tbe acr* threat and*
toaetlc aerrlce Is eoffcrlng eonauntly child, so It was aetlled lltal lextle moved a beat pin from Ibe seal
woold Hpd -her rarnilon on tbe old rocklng-cbalr
ncklng-cbalr and
aod stood bolding It be- ebow aoy aigua of atenu. bat aa toe Uve*.-earperi* Weekly.
lanv bad glva reltaf srltbla a vstf'
abort tima TbS aalee ar* mwInE.
hi# Ifaun
Ihumh and forefloger.
j •»« rises. Inch by loch, from tb* sraier .
----------------------ween bl*
aad aU who try It ar* plena*/srltb ItoIt waa uoi Robert Boylslon'a fault
; depth* gleaming, swordlike backs ap-1
---------drawn off Into factories, abops and
"My *oa.” he
D you a
rdlwnrrtct.' pewr bere and mere above toe eurtace. . The family iMd octwpled tbe dw^
«•»'«* “««***> ^b*^
lewar-giade teaching. While the warw that be beard tbe atsire conreraatlon. yon ever. wbM
-aennected with ibene brsnebca are aa be aal OB tbe plana near the room beal. little pin. pause aurt refleci I
mqnrntly do better than fir even not where the mother and daughter were lung II tetok 10 make it and bow mu-.•'
an gned as fboee for tbe domestir M.TO- talkins. it Iwlne lupcMsItile for blni to dlCml lUDd. -O.IH1M....I
«; U”« “'l"I
we (here la tbe alluring proubie of get away without letting them know faabluBlng It a* ll la? In tbe Br.i
vaster Independence and liberty arirr tbat be heanl at lea*t pan of tbelr place, fbere weie the miner* who dug ' ^Im UwBtoeo t^o to leap.
ronvcrsailoD. "Bo I take .nxing giri*' ihc metal II I. omiKWed hf: tbe m.-n <*v Uunebe. himself atralgbi out of toe
thn Kgninr day's work.
«‘heart* and kick lliem round like a fool- who innancncd ll to ibe rartorlc: «toi“"i«M~unUa of glorious Ufe-w______
I -r o
hall? Kh. that'* what my lliile apliflre
A M HaMt.
It make* me abndder to aee a w«m- think* of me.- Ifalf an hour after Bub
am Mte torrwd or silk with her teeth, KoyUiuO left tbe Annsimng collage
I laedltallre
and alar women out of ten take llMt
way of oBlpplag off end* when they
uj^ Ilmt .-arled ibrm to .be ..or-.,
'.^Ud to aee ,00. Will yon come l.n
tWy «
sew. Tbe deatbiis have roaie to recog*
ml**. 1 will
■Me teeth which have lieew put to anch
of immenae .liver
“TbankA I believe I will atep la for
SyK ma?ktt*Sce. *11 e^^tto?
■ee, aad bare christeaed them "tbread get yonr imp* alaiard." l*>iHe JiiniiM-d
rii rrr hJfwtiMi thai croc k< I de'bing Bsbe-a riae everywhere at coi-e
of daamgod wheat bo*ght, for wbidb
"Von wlU Bod ns all ton ap. sT , they will pay aoeordlog to qaallty.
toeto.” Tbe biting of tfartwd la one of into* cwmfonalile iwo-»e*tc*d carryall enicy oMaberrr handled thal .w.kc-.i
eiemeat eaten. c<»i''*e.
We haven't begna to gal
.!#•••ng away little pin.
•'Yes.” aald toe Min nn.l heir. rrBcct■■ ,
I in and
Jvrly. “bm yon left oul a IM. pa.
ladoanre In ibcm siaod bruwo
~Sow. don't yon apologige. Mr*, i
turned tbe horse*' heart* towards
How Nor aaked the old geulleuiirn ^
Murkley, I know all about tola tbiag
Eton farmbcHiae. a Journey nf Bve
^ la a lone 0of enrprlae,
knive# kisbed 10 |H.ln Tbeq begins a
aoBtalns a -pair of *<-ts*om. aod only mile* over tbe monuialn*
tbew w i« the old Udy who
that U terrlbk- to a«L The meo
"H’* *0
J®**- Ito’l HT"
Mlw ladtle. *lltlDg in the rear *e«V% "Why. ll
Mte mepwt frartlan of rime It lost la
j bougfal a ppaiier of 'em: tbere wa* lirr Q,rust madly Into tbe atruggllng u.-..maaa'"Terrible.
aometlmea tell Mr. Ptof, lag thMn. What wbuM matter tto> Jiart ample opporiuniiy tk......................Bindy Orand-. .....
------------ 1-------------------------------—
less of whole minute* when the wel- fiiotber Elon'« hired man. biggest daughter, who look one lb |i:u e,of Babe*. Tbe fl.bei leap and roll and gillnp I'd almoat tutber have a apeU of
ng tbe moat of np «be rip In tbe watal of her dress; dive aad i,,i Ihi* ef tblaga wbicb can never be releap again, bammering tbe •b'kuvae than to move. Two motto
yonag man (hat (oM 'em at Ibe of- ^
eburu like the »''' ebont a* bad as a Are. WeQ.
I coacemrd. The |M-nil*tent
Be- (bat It wa* (be cat Ihsi made- ibat arr^a-. of ateamsbip* and whiten the tooiigbt I'd drop lo aod get aeqiwtntaB.
Mtlag It lllenilly aa« ing tbe enamel: mountaiaw
qff Ibe teeth, and uoibing can take It* ’ it «r«* a warm and beariy wricxmie railroad map strateb on tbe back of «rares wiib foam. Before many mla- Could yon lend me a cupful of coCfeef*
ptace; y« I reoture 10 nay tbat ev.-ry' I^iiile received from grandmother and bla band: the girl'* little hiuiher. wl... ules boats aifS-men are dreacbed with -Cbicago Tribnae,
see of tbe ibread-bHIng wurueo wcuM ' Audi Julia. But later on. w ben tor borrowed tor pin 10 wake Into a Bali bloody water. The anrface of tbe,'
Stoaily maintain that «be take* tbe
book: Ibe mile aistcT. whose straw bm ocewn I* red. Out of Ibe emoklng
r«*d Blemaat* I*'TraU,
be took la keep bis angleworms In. and apray peer face* now and then that are
®uwr- atarcD. gum. destrin. perriac.
hi* old father, who aat down on (be dabbled with blood tiU tbey look eectdiarlflalde cellulose, organic aclda
> pay : wrap*, l
llrc,l scarcely bnuian.
■‘•'I «toer ertrarilve mattrre *1*. ite
leh fmiuent tI*H* i
bent pin when bla little boy got tirxcl
r win not tell barr what
Tbey aU bad a band is It.; Now and iben a man slip* aod falls wtoer with sraicr. the chief elemeota tltiue for anotber Week OOE*
U tbe mat-I -\nio u be. Audi Jnlla? Where dM
amoag toe harried Bsbea. Th« tber*
Tbe sugar Is aasimlls- ' --.j-i
«*r. becattae he baa andoiibiedly grotra be come from? tVbai i* tala aamcr
"So." said the old gentleman, a* be ate loud senwros frocn bi* compantona
■ food«-l>'vb coo«“
very weary of glriag good advir* and fifty oilier c|iiestluii* la a* many
WThh-h-oobcidv Tollbw*. lie will r.-p*lr aecond* were asked by l.*ittle.
Aunt threw- the pip In tbe fire and took up and cries of •uppltcaiion from blm a* Min moot of It. aa tMnauaa date* aad
food* |
Ibe damage a* far as hi* skill goeo, Jnlla replied that be was a poor *iaaod pocket bl« fee* like o wmalble msB. dent, and tame up to tbe RrmUe llpuae, your imagination, my aon. 1 never Joie to fall amoog tbewe mighty Uxlle# Bttractire maiterw
_ Ktirer. never rtm-ct In ghi* wewk to wbete be rst**cied to wnrk. but waa found a pin that went tbruugb *ocb a
that are dashing aronnd In tbelr death but lo a tern degree, a* tbey are aot *0
: digestible. With tbeoe and other rarv
'-get an atom of Bympeiby for ibe r»- dbiappoinled. '-flc asked u» to take aerie* of e«|ierienre# In m> life''^suba of your own foolisbneM. for it blm for hi* board sad give blm any
“Maybe you haven't Inn you wilt.” j 8« *be fight cootlnoes till lo that In exception*, however. fruitA In ibeopla'cloaed sjiace of tea then- la not a fito . ton of M Baliaod. are little ootriUv*
WlU pot lie fonliconilng.
; wage* that wv saw fli. He aald .bla remarked hla son and heir.
■■ ■ —
] oatll* waa Edmuud Robetl* andv be
■•N« no' Bnt out anil plav." re- bH"- Every Imat It half foil of water e»<l «wbnot t»e ronalilered as food*.
c-ameTrum nyroonth, only he is the Plied hit fatber. "I am going to sit in M»1 »«d«l
*«to Ito'ng rilver. | Tbelr Juice*, wbicb ple**e nt by tbelr
tl I. Ih- U.-TO. ..t ...hi... tb.t .1.. I.,.,
- '

, where Hie »llm. piratical hodlea of the •®'dl or acidity, are coodlmeota ratber
bair ahalJ l>e dre**rd lu onme f«ra» or, Rrelty a* a pb-inre wa* l^xile .\miBui Ix-fccre he nai down be noltcvd beautiful fltlie* He. Tbe tnbablunu of . toao fo^s._____________^
•tber of tbe pnintiaduur puff; for yrsra ' aimng a* ehe entered ilw dluiBg-runin lliat hi. cMe»i daughter wat mending tbe town* near tbe acene of Ibl* fisblog 1

... .. ." .
...... . .
tbe tendency ba* been growing, and of ibe old farmbouxe tbhl day.
Hlie 1 tear In berdres*. while ibr lllile . make a fete lUy of the arrival of lb*
• tisin*
frctin .
; .mw. for t,

BOW Ibe prHiy. becoming style blda ' lum-ly oollced that tbe btretl man «-a< - -Il-I... ............
Bennnber tbia offer in good only,
for many hundred* of ....k
men. wo.^
«, WI- pinhecl
n...l.-.l 111*
M. arinciiatr
.r.n"»ir a*i-lc
...* ' meat ,o.
<str lo be a* pewabR a* w*. ,h* , ecaied at toe table, bni wa* aen*itlv.isplctcm* glOBc-e at a gkn.n- „ and children The flab U a favorite •
stralgbt psftlag half a door* year*
feoaional Mlary from lAu to fiO yea a until JaDQtiy 8tb.
D It* ocai and tank we-irlly •rto-le of f
sgex” write* Emily Wrigbi. of “Xewcea “"“T "P““
Tbe largeat line in tbe CU7 k»
oirie* Id balnlr»M*lnr ” in toe Anmst
loulu'd up during ibr
eelect from.
Ladbw' Hciue JemraaL -Fitim ^b^ tocal when «be dW abe felt tbat
taablmi cc-ni.-n. of EoMpe rnmoiw .1* ‘•la eye. were IcK.klng Ibroogb her. AfipbAUge of s
Fall line of Ebatmao aoppltaM/
“The old man couldn't very *,^11'** l«e paaaed through toe «tto» bonae toe nnlverwity ro#e aod ohDerved that
reactalng n. that tbe 'Iwag' Is to be reKcdiert. made a almpbit " a*M ibe bihaTI . when
Indlng it.”
*»Tvd. It U to be boned that in Amer- *‘*‘'«’* •*“"* atieadlng to boalnece have beipe d flndlnv
now that ProfeMior Bearn bad become
f. a* be ate
ni>e of tboRi tbe last Inaidloot distino•to women win not rrtum to tbe sJav.
sent a otrang* appearaoce then, for on
bl* breath two Nock*'off.
«T of trimming tbe lialr and keepm*
to l^tlc'. ivller
Hon would be removed by enniog down
there was a pin rin every blamed plc*ct- all aide* are wheelbarrow* fall of tbe
bla Mlary
Abel the Americao bora
It ta each a Way as i« anli that most .
*• ’***■
from of fartiliiire in that room. My Inr!
ebipely. moaorrem ertotorto-New proreewov tried to look as tbongb ba en­
towsbieaome erf all faahloaa”
won't mo give It to him for ■wearin’
________________ _
\ ".\l«oqt five mflea.” aald Mr*. Eton.
joyed It. _________________
like ilwt. ihoogbr-IUricro Life.
Vew eim.
! 'Tl'ould yon haw aoy objection to
A Peewltsr Ptowt.
A toary. wbo«e only Halm lo aiten- **'• ®'»hert. clrivlag me over tbere
RleaThtfic K-e
Tliere I* a *|iecie* of plaot growfog
Mon B It* oddity, ba* Jnai apfwared. ‘I’l* •ne»Ti«'i>r
Id Sc-r Anuib Wale* wboae sbowy
Tber* la no brauly tn li. yet It J* piwb“Ortalnlj nucwrder h^ to do any- Ancrtri*. I....• gone Into
____ _the buslneas of fall t oMln- (be frequent old red barn
flower* cootafn a targe proponloB of
Sbly tbe gera of a fionrislllng Cad. A •*““»
D^pt be timid j hWHimr’negto^ iiy elmrIcUy.
iriclly. The ‘ and ofteoth
whole set of farm
Juice of a gbawy earIB wboae faablonabllr attire bw- I® etoliig bleu: be I* accommodating,ana man on whom be tried
tbe expirrltbi*
d tbeei
niabllke appraranew. I'blneae ladi**
------- ba* bnea *c*B
1* did m«. take blm long to get
'* ft,pot I* atill a eealdent
ITenua and ; or Qaery was made at to tbe
oae (be Jolce for dretng tbelr baIr aad
DMibla Uicbed up. and Ibe look
loo be
With bet hands tocaaed la glove# (
aic a oorf of sample. 10 whom ^ tbewfor ll aeema red palm la cheaplo Java Ibe fiewer* are
tbljik’n,- where she
ilhilte kid iMtered by - a
M'- It I# Mid ihai several dusky prinec-* aod ao far as oerrlceableMm goe* MM need for blacking aboea.
wrnrked In hUck. As tbe wearer'* *«»««<■
'•« tbe beery dark
aa long aod sbada toe rato 1
Tbe moat aoclcoi dlcUonary and
Long may the little red f
band* bapfwbad lo be small and pretty ‘•Mrt
_____ -glomtary In tbe worM I* of tbe Cbloese
tbongb the detail* of brighten oar New Boglaod la
dha effbet wa* not onpIrasiBg. bnt jnst
«tay some of tba many an riectrical
kept 'teciet. It 1* -Bangor Whig and Oonrter.
langtmge aad u tbe lextcoii of Pa•amclto 1»w #iicb enverlag* wonM P»*««.«f iBtereat la tbe New Bamp- R*
cnrr>-oi I*
antsbe. Tbla flrsi known gkwaary was
eofflpttcd awre than lAXX) ytara twfora
A Diafii If
■ •
I a»ot^ toad waa employed to do tbe «f cell* .rf which toe «kto U compoid. riolenre. WotleoreaBd radeaeWL leara“ *»• •••«»»«*
Tbe OBlv fault found with the proctm tag and toe eword. tba stnag band
. Opeaftaraoon tbay Maitsd aC ob a NtbatltlMveapatlenUwltbtbeenB- teea H Brat, and tbe mnag bond faa>
batbUbeny erpedmoa. TWy warn Utloe of albitoa.
aeamd H Mat

'Z SStalTer*!-

0 5'


r ;.x-^-a r. o..
. I T« Oww a nm IB «M ■w^


We bare decided^to eon-

and Camaras


. --.rt. Off,.ir. rr

Tbompson’s Drag Store



------ gSEiZHM

^ . -r :^^.-'-.-v:;v-; P'
lamw aai
________ votM.''
“I vu tSrM.- mM 1. -Vmt JM
r«r tw mv*k
jm. W« ^SFLJ^
WM* GSMaod toltli bm: b«t jog M*
I T CtoBSMi h» «.». ». ■- »wW.
» *»d Um alika *iu Utot ^ 4»*
««>■■»■ ■•« Oaiair TWHM.
•M. M/M.
aMM M ta
«■ MN *»i o*^ «iu Mito. aaTt*. run ■
DhUMT clYtnt to OM of tbe BK^ •»*
”“ **
m «m to U* n«ki
*«ff«dedr aatd Mis PbrUto. “My
« M thm
ttoutf boMPM BBkca a adatate U ate
trtM to PM b«r gpctal otilHarleM ta
»f h*r aaau an Us* ■ .
, ^ .

____________ ___________ ilMd. For aa^ a oor a •nitti* Alnaar- lag »ha taenaaM arilMnjcaas rf Ood la
I 1 did see: aad to ay bomtr I rcalto baaVaaA the rollovlac bias atem aMwn tfca |«r«r* «d Hia paopto.
iaad for the drat Ume (bat (be ^toten.
a Ite ba(W tbat <tOa ptoat ar am baa
tt rras n* Utiuebold. vlU be Mp- ^ 1 Hm femym oT tbe (rtood at Bidtag oblaet wbkfa I bad beea adxaUtag
tal; li to taiponaai that then ba ao Bi«Sit (Uka ti. »-•
so aoeh ta PbytUs' ehUToa wu the
------------------------------------- .... parfret brooch I bad ordered for Laan.
mmOrnu^ npn <'»■ to MMtofto
with tu —-«- M, ..A
* "Tbat* 1 gaaped, la a Unto tne*
dtaaer pantea la aiaaU braan \md tot a triobd who baa come to Tto'aah?
- - - ttottoii
a» B«nl« of ov~ot my Mgagemeaf
(be aalrefw ban b^b rail ore as a rale. Four or alx rtoit him. At drat far refasea aad calls
• am tore «a
•V«jS Mid Phyllto. amniag. “I eos
narbed by beaua rtatoa. nya *»« «»■ be itn^y cntenaloed oat. “TroaWe nw Oot ' bat the othar *MaaruiU.ito r
er Btfself realty
engaged now."
Mbe rWtodelpbto Beeord. Tbto aatoood* »»eb barter tbaa a doMu. aad tbe ewa- pmtota. aad at tort hto p
i "Tea don't menn to say." I atam*
-. tatbe
. . . few larttcd
- - .to -tar
- -great*
jBwTBlto Becaose of hto importBnity •
no toaa an pUbmk
merrd. •that yoo—
i faU triead bean him aod |l%Bta hto n-1
than Profeaaor Kewcotob.
I •t). but I dor the Interniptrd.
e of the gnat*' ^ B^y eoaraes an a tatouka. ’ qaeS Now. If maa thu aosweeatba
am If toderd ba '^rom Are to arree are aulBctotiL prayers at bU fellow man. bow moeh
__________ ■” '^"l
ftoe not tbe moat emlneot of tbea aU. Notltlog to own wearytog tbaa the otore may we expect God to answer tbe tande blnndera - Unto blondera.- hto i “Tben to a mistake aoipewbere.- I
.Aocording to Profeaaor Keweomb. eri*
with pompoBt aamM por^aU continned
Uondera. aad ao forth, tfll one reach, s cspUlaed coafoaedly. “1 - that la.
Don't orercrowd -yoar a- M Hto pe^l ti is true. He
-------- .* Id accamnlattng whtcb polnto to •«bwwttoa.
M probabllliy tbat tbe amaU start bto. aod bare pI'Bty of room. Tbr res*Mhlcb oor powerful modern trltsrnpra ' tltotloo of the dtnlng room aboetd re*
^ea broDgbt tats
rtew do Dot took
eWre extra care.Air the room through*
ftnally come. If we ask. we shall iw
gaged - Wt U sptondWr







•«C totetoratoe. Beyond
them be ba- «•«»»• “ ^“«bta aad food warm a
UtovaaT prafaabto that (ben an DO otb* room quickly.
son. In other worda. If Profeaaor New*
Corer the ubto-a round one to tba
«Mib‘a theofy be correct we an ado- »«*» *«rtol of nU forma-wltb a henry
•stiy able to aac tbe boandartaa of owe «U«re cloth, orar which ptoce a Unea

* Tlte prayer of cbiMrea to panntn
Chnsfaaecoad (llnstratioo to tbat of a
oou aaking hmd <rf bis fatba aad »*
oetring bread aod'dah. aad ^ a atou , f
or a serpent Earthly par.-nto b«w and

^ 1


'Tb engaged to aomeooe etoe. ooc ta
Tbto speech. Wum and pUln eodhpb
"reined to afford Phyllto to*
ftoHr amusement, ffbe curied brnelf


from the center. Tbto disk, ao ta* Tbe ptolo damaik heoatltcbed clotba aarpeoto Uod to out H.*»enly Father.
parenu gire good gifts *" ‘“H you about. I bought she »ss
/ raat. baa a diameter four ----------------------------------------^
»•»« ®«* of atyle and always^rthly
an to their children, in answer to their f'-lug toforget b-nelfand say -y.-.,
Mr«reltaMiltstblcknens.boiastotha wclLxColond cloths and napklna
praren, moch more tuuv we extiort
'v»•'•r- »l*r «™th to on.- I- a little
SMeH. .f tbr diameter we eanoot »« oaed at dlimera.
oS our HMTeoly Father to gire Ula ’•*'
No dlancr table U
tbat sik
ask Him
er.vthlng will
will aeem
aeem to
to UU- going
MM acqoalBted wita the precis dto* »«»■««■ but gnat care miM be eb- Bpirtt to thorn tbat
taaace of maoy of (be stars. Fifty or a •*"•«* *® their aelactlon.
moBdred yean hence a great deal mora **“*“* dowers arc prMornl , b«.oi to ihta CM.. Mdc. pcMio
-sOl be known on that subject than *bey wlfl barmoatoe bettei
“SC of today know It baa baan actl* colon. Another thing to be nrelded to tbs regards Ood nor------ ---------------

I was golag


rmla tbse to niornUy n wide mnrgta N>tar« of cbryaanthemnms. edged with thus bear and anaws tbe |nys of a
^gosa. Aligfarysartotbedtotaaeo ■ «*t^ g«« rtoe.Md naUag on a poor widow, with »ba» »« ra^
. .., .f B«U MU
U eiMW
c«ur CUb cm ..
.~r. Obi who h_ j™i

gnav important truth—namely, that
I tbetufon be tbto Bta*
"P^Fa of amilax or apikes of wblta God will answer pruyes. that V we an
4 ^ aod greet) mlgooocrte. On tbe mlmr ennaat and ponwrering in oor prtl•*—uMxt ee br aoow)
it tnkea n !•••*• a jleoder raae conulntng a few ticaa Ood aril] not tore a deaf ear to
perfect half blown nee. or ennatloa^ oarcrim LB « he eooouragwl. Umnthf mb Vmm
"P^Fs of green. At aneto (ore. to apeod much time ta pnyar
narny. Tbe light by wbleb we P*«* ^ “ toon nloator of long atam- OorpnyereariUohtoin Uetnai^aetaUy
Ue to see
an a rery dtotant star
_____ _ W •tjWs tlnm te U» outpourUig eff
aore able
....... ___ a Uastang apon tbe ^urebea aad
a are affectlro*
atoteough a totoacope may bare started
___ ____________„
ly arranged In a border of amitox or peoplaof God. If tbe peayantrf Indl' a tbat
star 8S.000 yean
r^lZu^^itZh,om^^'r^^^ouBaiawuwnMc ndnato for temporal blemingapraeaUad.
-Bgbr y^ atnly^^
“»“«• ‘P®"' “>• “P*®k®* Boch moSrT can we bollere tbat
Bltb (be naked eye we can see nboot
oandetobm are placed at ettber our utdMd prtyen lor a
a.000 atnra. with a very powerful tele ««>
“»® w®«nl mass of bloom. htoasing_wlll preraU.
Thi PnAVim Jixrnaa -Make tbto a
e we can_________________________
see abuui JW.OOO.OOO. aad wo'T*®*! "fltk ahndea tbe hoe of tbe
____ _ I, BO tellinr bow manT mUllona
'hat are used or white. Stagte ^mcUI prayer and praise aerrioc Hare
JJ^^tbeSTiS^ibl^^ TbrS* candto«1ck. are now frequeutly ^
f« *^1 objecta. sen*cif tbe aamra orbit a line POAIOU.000 >“ P*»« <*' “»e larger candctahnna. tonoa prayer*. sUeot praym aod a
Mltoa Iti toneth. not oolT ranlAMihwm From. foOT to eight are need, accordlug •’payer chain. ' a number atanding
£? £ta^we
'® ‘kc all* of the able.
a^Wlng one after tbe oUmr. Inter^latnac* becomes such a men pi^ot BBonds and boubona are ptaeml about
.Ato. tbr pjort deUente appItoncM fail the centerpiece.
j*o make It mMmtabto..
her that injudlclona diet la the «uae of
Bany akin affevtlotu. and careful diet*
lag wtU In numbea of cases do more
to dear tbe skin from eruptions than.
drugs or lotions can poMibly accom*'

Brtgailtor General A I>. Bilfflngton.
sxblaf of the oMnaiice deponBtmt of
Mbe army, tn bto annual reiwn for tbe
‘ me ido ^___ ,
I year coded• June
a of the' oew ex-


TP. lu.

asly av<

wc mmd. P,

tCp. «P»P 0. ..HOP.
.« too DHL.. tolU U.1M Pl.l~. I.
-«w expsnmeniB agalnat pUtee the
m^atlM pcnetaling were leeoreml artth^ material detertoatloD. Teria wet*
- sate made to abow the InaenalbUlty of
idhto aubaunce to heat aad Us strength
ms shewn by the fragmeoutton teau of
«r«HctlIea Ceoeal BuffliigtoD aiyt
StM regactla atabUlty butmOe can


.•gtotatkm. The aobaequ,_.------- _
aabstaace iodicati-d that lu quail■<lca when damp had oo( been Impaired,
tn view of tbe reanttt ebulnsd In tbe



-p™. «. -oPPa*

Tbto mince meat Is made with maple
Take one quart of chopped

*era toooi Doming tnpanw
mniaragcr with your card,
»«T» fOMT ik‘W wtih'b n
knew It was a nilaUke. so I sent my
, __
__ maid down to inquire. It waa not dlidC«*nM; aod
cU y«

..jn .
""Brllmes amokea cigaM;
to talk atant ^
“Or said t lamely.
« aobJ^ia .ahe stays quite quiet, and
«rtrt*rr w Ac
• •ke-aaid. holding out the broorh. '•Bon.

It U . mik p-<«»

IM---,p, w„




aometblng origiual.”
. coukln'i think of anything mys«If. but be abowed me a design which
be decUred would he Just the thing
It wa.a
wasa son of bwch
brooch with two bearta.
oue a ruby and one a diamond. Tbe
ruby was supposed to be mine.

B^a srith hand of firn O weird
*ky harp attong wita Al«Uo‘i

in ism the deputy for the Ar
dennea aat- M. Ferry: for I»lr ei
Chere. M. Hrisaon. and for the Vos^
In ITlCI. 101 y.-aa
earlier, ea.-b district bad been repre­
sented In the chamber by a man of ex­
actly the same name.
Howes all returned from different
unknown to each
pens of the world nnk:
other on tbe same day.

zzjzz: z.

si;Lr“':7r.rroSjr"; sr,.r.T.“iJ';r«

bla return from bush

,bH,"‘bo'„"tb':.” .‘Iwb"';;
the door heralded a second son. whe
bad nnex(>ect<-«Ily come from India,
and Uter in tbe evening tbe family
by the

; td.„.T1! i

‘tiL’r.i:.rsr..-; z

rrw QfTCIODmeDl W DOy
ll luv
for Ilie
purpose. ii
It rw
vs-uu •Bsirrisi
iitv i-uruuee.
. —•— however to aecna a good do-mmtins fill

. Miaiiaa raae.

'send It direct to ibe ladr* h«us.
nyrer seems to bare o.cnrr«l
,c her ,

one teaspoonfoJ each of clorea. allspice touch aod klsa tbe moenUt warea and
B>d cinnamon
Boll slowly le two charm the iueen wandering midst tbe
"wr.“lLn.HDD... .,rr b. „b.d. „
-------------of----------- or thrM wine clad hills! But know your sweet<liBru
« .11 Lompu.d-HU, ' *“
koort. being careful not to let It burn,
Of cour*e. directly be asked me that
childhood's happy laugh -tbe laugh
that Oils tha eym with light aod every, t waa stuck. 8o I Just (old him to put
p usual aon of thing, and to send It

.ipitorrii ,rn“7:p2rw s .V-iS zz rs

m U#WWU|..WM.
!«. opoo which tbe tolilato --------of one's
-friends could be engared. Would tupply this want. And It baa. aays tbe
New Tort H.pmiii
Bcavy aUrer. or aomeOmea gold.
brnceleu are pnrehaaed by girto who.

Me Croat la winter tbe date palm muat
{bnee n eery dry and exceedingly bot
-rtUmato at (be lime of tbe ripening at
«be datea Tbe oandieal and. genernlAr upenklng. tbe pooreet aoils produce
itbe beat datea. While It «-fll yield la
may eeU It tnkea moat kindly to other*
wrlae almoat wonblew iaitd. even that
mrWA to white with 'nikali eutttag IL
«tlIL an nbondance o( water to at cqr*
Bain purtede of IB matnrtag quite nee*
« gxw namaAK aasciLXE.
maaary. Artaona to tbongbt to be a after wearing tbem for a abort ttma.
•aod Acid tar late growing.
reqnert their friends to honor them by
baring their inltlato engraved opoe tba
tace of tbe bracelcL
M. Philippe eootribotee an IntcreatFrom one friend to another ttie tflrar
^ nitMe to Le Beroe PblioeepblqM band to paaasd uoUl lia outer amtaea
I -la O
to AUad with the agmograma of tba
Matae Cblrurgleale" <coi
young woman'a acqnatatnncaa. It to
than ratamed ta tba owoar and ptaead
■gfleli tbe aotbor M/a tbat tba ort- amoog bar Jtwato ai a mamenta.
«eoea ft both pcttoaia and augleal
■eooomy and frlaedabip are aidod by
<kat UBdm Cba this raecat cnatom. A anvar braeaM,
Mmmo at aMaatbetka tba pattoM Boeb aa tboaa raquirad (or tba aagnT*
Maa oat laaa bla ill ...................
U tag.eu8ta(romS0ca«aton. Ttaoaat
ud aagmrtig abotad ba deCrayad bp
«b«a irba aia a*ad ta ptaea tbtir


■ you .
I art-ept you,
I'on. I
ti't y«
I'a aud

‘ for playing a pnrfical joke on you;
«» '»«•
but you did look such a plctun of die*,
m awfully well at drat; It^.
>•*«• ®“
' "Won’t you keep it. phaaer' hM I.
that It would l>e a mistake to carry
buuibly. "I ought to pay a penally for
maltere furtber; and as she had Ju>.t—
Diy stuplrlliy."
-It's awfolly good of you. Genid.
^®’’ '**•• ••''•''U'l '''»e. 1 thought It and It's pretty: Imt I don't know that
bener to let the matter
I ouglil to. I've lieeu engaged aliive
thal'?!.. th'nT^ WeclDenday. y»ii see. to Captain Ma*
b““’' *r «.t* tha -h.-thinks bon."
tke color srheiuv of a bsitoi m at Id"The very ihingr I cried, turning to
the ooiiolu* the Inscrlpitoii on the heck "I was
___ ___ __ _
elon that It to um-onsvlously Iwseit on
hymna and tastimonioa
engaged on Wednnuliiy. too: a*-e. bsre'i
BlWe *»“•“—
itoadtaga'-^Gea xxxU. *4-M. ’**•• i.rtwiilv.- prl.i.-lpU-s «f color music. the ttote."
11 Einga rlx. U-19. M; 1 8am xiL I am inre sb.-s right - Hike them my- I l•hyllls lo.-k.-d.
ld-26. Pa Ir. 17; lir. 1. S: ba IriiL
' -It (iocs siem to Hi It uh-ely.- ahe
•; IXT. »4; Math, ri d-13; fii. 7-U:
I MW a g«rt Of her after that
John air. U: xt. 16; Acto ll. 41-47.
Eph. lU. 14-81; Jaa *. 16-SO. I Jobs
anything tell him II was a premature
give ber some souvenir to commem- ChrisiniaK ng.-rlng.'*
lit. 88
oace tbe day — ui>i the onllnary'vul­
I am glnil (Up uiUlake ItaiipeDed af­
Tha. awarfiaed Bar.
gar ling- but aomelblug with a laieut
ter all. for I am fond <>f Phyllis. AndBow many bring t_Ba»cti6ed ear to meaning lu It Laura to great on latent
weU. Capiulii Mahon, or whai.-rer bit
1 knew she would apiirename la. to 6 lucky mao.-Home Chat.

_ ___ __
t»ch. ootom.,
_ Th..d.«>tUlol.P<.I
«t*a«“ np™o 'hr toilet able. As an oniy
. /sang
. weU. but they sang tometor the skin. Htber ta winter
Tbe word! ling^ after tbe
had ,aniMed.-Prcsbrtari.a
■^••Ich can auna*a it.



atmoapbera. baa a tendency to
nnbindtbe sinews and aofton tbe booea.
bat m
the c«a
cold wiiuu
winds oi
of wooie
tronbk make
"--w. qi
tAardy. bardy and well braced ia evary
!*« DnUokeo oocoem oftan lendt to.
-------- ■*------—of merciea aad forget
taOt^ tbTgiver tari^wltadrawal
« tn. «r.s),.n. i-di. ». A i««a f«- .n.

zzz,‘zz:TJr:.t;: ...

- i'r,A.r.r„* :rr. ;r.. rdn.,“r::H.L.:.v,t™’’.'sr
•®*- * kad tiiiended going to see Intui

_ ,



^ nK;m.
Phyllis. aod

found her. as nauaL curled up In an
armcbalr. smoking a cigarvt ti struck
'®®^'“* extramely
l»«‘r- ooa for OOP fleetinx second 1

getber from ib<- corut-rs nf the
A very tou- liiiig ciiio<-ldeu<v re«vmI ly bmuglil his T«-0 Icitig'lost dlaghli-r>
to the dcethls-d of ■ man named NallH.
In tbe BlooniOeld hospital. New Jer
' aey. DuriuE the civil war Nells bad
- f«lton
faUen Into
Into tbe
tbe hands
hands of
of tbe
tbe confe
aiet. and after a loug term of
: prmonmeni bad been aenieoeed to ba

Also, if Ixura has a fault - which. . >hot.
mind you. I'm not prepared to adult- i At (be last moment he scaped, a
StiD. If sbe has a fault, it la tbat aba I ta' aereral yean wandered1 about I
..A WWW, 'u _____ «w.«——
h. kas qualm Meat on tbe subject of hair- ' states In frultleaa search for bis wtt»
«<A year, to a aew «Bao^^^
dressing. Now PtylUs la always beau j and dangbtera. He QnaUy arttled down
Ood An
I Bloamfleld. I
Bfo-tbia to tbe golden, tbe otopMk
For my pari 1 fat a llitle uncom- | and lived there for many yeara. until
aUt. gift which Mcfa new day (tfma
, fortaMe^ but • Mias niyllli was not a serious tee aecldent took him to Onyou.—Canon Panar
'in (be allgbieat degree dlacompoaed. : hospital to die.
Tbere waa another man there, and he ' He bad not been In tbe bo^lui a
glared at me a little, bat I treated blm day when br recognised to a lady ris.
Wha *sf1h-i U« ftcun U patMto.
with deterred cMtcmpL After about , Itor aa old Vlrglnln neighbor of bU.
Wk«e Ua eUM oeton ksTS OM
ten mtaotea of deenlt^ chatter be wbo knew (be wberMbouta of bla lost
Ato th. yramwt oUlc
took blmaelf off.
daughter*. WItbta a few day* tbe
sad. WU. •« MU mat
Mlm PbyUla watted tbe dear etoae dau^lera were at bto bedBld^ mlntoW
bebtad him and then aaddcnly ton* ' taring u tbe father tbey bad Ion foi
tag to me abe otretebed oat her band Ad j(an.-daa Frnnelaeo CaU.
-My dear Omldt Bow enn 1 thank
iw seta W ttt Nr W tto ■atom.
M mto a Ml mini ow.
MB On (to amx m to isa «.
fir ms Sat M BMar as Ifam an.

Sacctssors n
Iranrst Chi toobat Ca,
Travena City,


Can’t Skate
With Dull Skates

.".c u*; o-

!£r •

■ rs35.:--S£?%i’r.i!: is:'

1-aun and - of course. I’m
..................... .... ..........
"tly dear Gerald. | doa't'look


John F. Dn & Go.

^ esafen that 1 wot eoaMwnMj
taken aback.
T think.- wtotiawad PhyOto. vttbi
not ootMiw my tatampdam -that rraaPnM

Bring tbem to me and
bave them ground by an
expert in tbe bnrineaa.




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