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The Morning Record, November 25, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
n^Txan' cmr,
••rvM* UP To a OVtaek BoorT ■
Royal ftooBptton wMT«nd*r«d
KnifTin Prmh Capitai
Ouard to Avart Troublo
Parts. Hot. M—Krpfftr arrirod la
Parts at IC:40 this noniac Bad was
gtm a —sf <a*i—» fataprtaa,
tealmtda ««a ^iMed wltli nat
, m.. Hot- M-The ataalBBte T. V. Oeto, the
nnoraaaxpmi pa^.
>. to atUl As
wwfwtpdky taMtac c
with the Boer hrau.saiig by ehildm
of the Traasraal eoDeat, to waieh
Kroger Udmed t^ch tsan ia hit eyes
a lU
aad lataly drirtog oS stock Atoagtog
ittton TA goretnor’e ^psato
to Ae interior depAtan
Aebdtoae back to As
met WiA ao attn
week age Ae i
Covamor of Mlaalsaippi
A few Ays ago tA MiAigaa Starch
Vour Wife
Kaowa when yoar ckAkea fit and kok woQ—
Ladtoo as s raid are meat partiookr—tbay Uka
tbeir kasbaada to ba dramad ia the lataM
ioB. aad Aaiafore moat riotbwia make aoer
taoaawbeayoa briagjeer battmhaUto htip
yoa ebooae a Rarmant
. Rot Soaiith Benda
Bm Hm MW WjU. or
To^Kl is a great pleaaore to hare the ladka oom ah^
whan yon oonteaplato a porohaaa—It plaaoea mto baabkto
pleaaa Ae moat parttoalar thaae that oaaaot ba olaaead alaa.
Brins your Olife
Aad hare bar look orar oar aphmdld amortmeet el • 16. $ 12
and $10 Men’s Suita, Overcoats and Ulsters.
8be will like thaoi.
Cb* VamMis $>.00
Shors lar Otomcn....
MiN An
It I imiti Pitn
Bha^Maad^^Lmthere for all
OaAty- llfbl Dress Kidflexible solas.
Mediam weight selected
Kibn KiA
Kibn Kid Uppers, maaatoh
toes, welt soles.
HtiA eat, hnry sols Storm
Calf Boot.
Kibo EaaBel Calf — haadsoiae street sboea.
L-^KMP-KOT F’l-r-rKMfl
Sl.oo qnality Bstay Man's ftae Orereoato
DnyN^iag-oxford —bine, blnekaadox-
' '79c
aalvaa in Secret Meeting
B Ite Voralac BMwd.
Cepe Town, Nor. »4—It to reported
tAtaeeoret meetAgof Afrtkaadete
Aid at Putifteea. Cape Colony.
Alrty mlA from WonkeeWr. yester
day. TAee present pledged Asm.
Nor . *4 - Gneial
Trenob ant aroolamn throagh Kliprirerebug yesterday. A party <rf
•heat forty Boen AU A
approaA of Ae eoAma. Only a few
Aelto ware fired.
TA Boer
rislted Brakpao
BataxAyaad eaiTiedoffall tAborma
OOeere at Aadqaarttee nr It wiU A
le for As refages to retm
e for serenl montA
SxtmqnnUtyOatinc Ohotoe of a Mg ha
«f Kaa'awtatRspn
9c Yd
Ken's Ftoooed Ua^ TSeqnnUtytoiUeeSBe Begnlor Se Wool Bos
Dieeelag Saeks. rib formte-cBly
bon tie Bt aeek, oromine nt
obet e^[e-^
in Your Home.
after Ae Aipmeot of Ae nunplea from here is rery gratifyug to
Ae Miobigea Starch Co. and Ae opAioe cabmltted nposi Ae quality of tlie
floor espeeAlly plcasAg. More mmptos will be shlffkd to Loadoo A
enable Ae
deakra there to eAitot it to heary
nnra of Ae artlole. whlA is eridently A fisTor wfA Ae Ann A qaeetion.
ipaay which handles east qaanUtiea of sooh a prodact erery year
aad who distrlbates it aU Ota the
oontAeaL A Aeir
they'ask tlmt ahoeld Ae prodact bold
ap to tA qaaUty of the aaples sobmltted the exelasire agency A gieea
them. FarAer aegotAtiona ere A
S1.IS qnnUqr toSlM
nU wool WnistestleatlwM—
Hognlar msOCbeah
mnsb Cnps-only
St OO.
TA Mlehlgaa Stanh Oa. to now
tbotoaghly eqalpped M prodaee pota
to floor of a superior qaallty ead Ae
proepectt ere that 11 will find an
tentoee amrket A forelga eoeateh
waUas A Ae United Smtee. TA
teetory ^ beea to Aprorki Utoly
Aat a Ay erew can now do Ae work
heretofore done by e night ead Ay
fores oombAed. wlA a force only
eUgfatly redaeed Cram Ae doable
orew. Aae gittag day work to neaHy
, ae aaay ead serAg Ae extra cx{
■ it ths Prtortpel ftomss rtejte of eight opeeatAn.
Up to Ato time Ae Ceetorr has proTetennr-Tale Wine SasBs
daoed orer t.«n.fi0D prnaA of starch
Ato AU froB aboat U0.0O> faasbels of
TAeonpany has A sigh)
Chioago. Nor. *4—The most oxoit- aoA A ttiwagr ahoat $00,000 bosAls
iag game pAywl today was Aat A- wUAfceep Ae Aetory raaalag
nd Abb Arbor,which «al bcbAs wiA what can A teoored
was e tie. after two haleea of rery A addithB to what to aow i
tvioaa plarAg. Tale defeated Hex- Erery day potatoes are arrirAg from
rard nelly. Following an Ae soores remote potato, erea oomiag '
wlAA two Bllee of Otaad RapAa.
of AetoadAggemee:
At Hew Ham-Tato M, Harraid 0 The etnaar nuaoto toak ahoarf
t trip aad wUl take
1 tone oa bar next jrtp
At BiAaond. lBd.-Depaa^ •:
» Shake^eare oAb test at Aa
TheooBpaay haeiAd 400 tons ti
s of Mite KelUe imedto toal omBt b. etenheadtoa
Ag. ead etedtod Ae aoSed herd of
» niBgh TheoaoeretAt At* AT •O’CLOCK PBOMPTLT
nr OrsrriTsT
AsAotorywas afnated Algal
ben atoeted tor tA oAh an n ' '
eftenioea. OaagMgtotoaal <*»-_
axpetimntol w^r. bat now «
antoan passed sad Aa ptoat to A
AU aad nooMfal opention. AtAe
A toons Ann A ^ teagto
of Ae potato esaan wheat MA
Attend to iMnto of teatofto,
teOl A ^ndaaed ao Aat Ae Aotory
ly. Mr. tinrdie loaded wm
wlU RB ataaoBt, if dK qaite. Ae
inkMO Atoali, Alpped to a Ohiem
LM BwJs bs Ytw SMrtt O
reoeired from Ae
No Hope for Ra^ary of Min- Staieb Co. acknowledging Ae receipt
of nmptoe of Ae potato floor Bade
naaota SAtaaman
by Ae Trareree City factory, aad ei
time sAaoweldgiiig Ae re
ceipt of two eopies of Ae Monlag
nsIBrIahfs Dll
wrtte-op of the
dMarOte rahtoTwntr.
new prodnet of Ae local slar^ tactory.
tonW Id Tte Meceter Bseord.
A teeehteg npoD the laalyels of Ae
8L PamX. Hot. M—Aoate Bright's aaples of potateo floor of Tiarerse
■nee it to aow edAxtted. to |Ae City, Boehme A Co. state that Ae
arnAdy wlA arUA Senator Darie to pradaet to saperior to Aat made in
tafleriag. aad whlob to Ukelr to end Eerope. AAg sweeter aad whiter.
The Popular Shoe House
Ar samples seat,
fatally for Ae MAaeeota ctateeaaa
The Old Sund.
wiAA a recy short tiBo. This dto- Ae Americaa potato floor woold Ad ig
oloeare is errideaoe tAt Ae pabUc a leady nUe to Ae patron* of Ae Ixm- IsSBeSHSBSBSESBSZSBSBSESffi
wbich sappUntA British
goremmeat wiA e slmiA fndaet
Poinn from his AAred foot, it was for aae A Ae army and for germ
Bid today, had permeated his wAle mental ezpeditioas. The London firm
miapA A greater
system ead *—*- his ease hopetoae.
It to doabtfal .if A Urea U boor*)
Oukart* BmNr eoe
Let BmAi Im Yssr $Mta dm
U Min. Hot. M—J. E. Oib-
reolered a letter from H. Boheese
A Co. of London, A re^Nmae to a
Kragtr to aod froB the Blrsee paUoe.
A battalln of lafeatty was tBtfontd
The gnrlty of tA erime of stnUag
la the eean yard of the pelaot aad
paid him tall military hoaom. while froaii store, from tA pmoon or from
a haad played the Ttaanaal aattoaal go^ tAl are naorsd front A ildiage
of fire to not gonetally Aown.
aatheok Kroger wore hit proaideatof these oSeasse Bay A poatal «»rf aad the ctob o* the Ln>oo
peaalty of fire years at
of Boaor.
Loabeft reton' riait ta Kiogor at
the Hotel Bfrtbe lasted tweatr talaatea. The laterriew wae rsry oordlaL
Kiagar wilt main la hie ajorttaeote
all day Saaday aad will an ao om.
ll to aet kaowa when he wiU riait the
hotel De Tilts, tf at alL TheBnaiei
pal eoaaoiUon proposed to tender hia
A gmt deal of Intoteot to briar
a roeepOoD and haaqoet. bet when
naUeeted la tA ^bs of foot All
they spoke w Lsyds etxait the laelter
tAl to to oeear ThafsAy Atwesn tA
' today they neelred aa iadedalte
Pstoeksy linort High eeho^
ply aad departed dimatle&ed. Crowds
reaalDed ia tnml of the hotel aatil tA team tron tA High aebool of this
city, ihto may well A As oaee, as
late la the sreoiag. There was no
ia Adltien to As feot that srery iataeidBot of e serioos aeten. Stodeats
dtoatlan poiate to As meat anitlag
paraded throagh lbs boolerards shootgame of tA enetm. tfato wlU probably
lar-A BasOheaberiaia." •■ateaealaoBd “Oaoepaasles laaglaa.” Tbs. A As laat game of As asnaon to Ato
polios dtoper^ tbsia.
: Bty.
TA local team are doing eaoeltont
The Brtttoh smbaear was gaarded
ap to fine form
all day aad alghl aad the polios arB aad energy, aad
•aoted HBC aati-SnglUh ihoatm.
y wants to eany any laareto
back wlA Ar. sA wUl Are to play
ball frota As ttom tA fftBe begtoe
UUA last attoate of jAy.
TA taoB to ptoytog eseeltontly
team, aad team wtnk to As cmly
Atog tfMcna wto ,-------Waltoa
Qi^ wA knows As nae of foot
•psAel ts Tte Mwetar BmrA.
HaArUIe. Tina.. Nor. «_Ooatin tall better than maa:,- eoUege playm.
naae ntoe for thirty-six hoen to ths to eoaehtog As toan. aad Aey are
Ttetoityof Bopktosrilto. Ky., Are
lAreare etlU eaae* Unto
-------■ — ^ people to aA
atotA play At As boyi
their Anea Haadieds are aaaUe to
naA tAir places of baetoen. Saeamt
are rtob« sto tooAe an Amr. Tobao A oat ef Ae way by TAxeday. Tho«
00 waraAases aad Soartog mllto au- wA an A tA TwelfA street gronadi
at t o’etoek Tbamday
toteed aarioaa kn. Haoh dtotrer
an a battle nyaL
reported to ths flooded districts.
just tike a look at our two
. west 'windows for the most ele
gant line of Hoe Ait Kcturcs—
with Che latest and most swdl
ideas in Frames.
Most dainty and bewitch'
tog China, from Japan, and other
beaotifol art go^ ThelowCkt
prices for quality, ia the city.
McKtoley WA Ae gaateAAaerA
ai^ A Aa I'^madBs" day AagnA
UBton'laagae. TAodne
Bpaaerilt. rtoe presldsA-etoet. meatton of tA ostoaet. wiA As exospQaebee. Vor. M-TA steamsr St.
ttoBASeteetety Boot. aadSaaaMa Otof. ooestiag betwen this port and
lodge aa Votoett Aao wen praeaet Podat Aax Bigatonax A «A Awar St
-- - .toy's lenptim wa Awnmoa, to a total wreofc off Sena
leMaamd Ar erew are lent BeAdtohtoa
flrst paUto Btten
wn Inmd tAt smn imasaagen alTtotory. %Mohi
port. lad., was atreetod here today on
a ehaige A attenpttag to brito Oerr Longtno to aaaA him A eeearMB aad Bpaelal Depniy Tboiais J. tegaeontnot for Ae new 11.000.000
HeUaad to AA oAtge at aa atfoilABadalaA tA
« TA bsb
today tat Olnwoed Bprlage.
where Aey wiU meet twnty war^
wA hare beeo armiag aad toepariag
for Ae laat week. TA
The Starch Co*a. PoUto Flour
Takaa Wall In Uondon
a AeAsrlff ARloBtoc
ty to ntoa a pone to raid;Aei
BetOereare expeeSed to joA Ae exmdltioo A fores. TA Aateaetlons .ntlac f^lsk rtrw Darlara U to br
asasrtar to tk XeroOMe
to drtre the ladlaae baek at what-
UeoOs P
Ed Belch got ipto Croable last ereolag. aad will Are to ^tpear before
Jestloe Brown Wedaaaday oa a Aarge
of larreay from a stoeo. It to said
that A mads aa eCort to atnl eeretal
artiolee froB the store of the HaaeUtnOlothlagOA. aad was noght ta
the aet. The aitielea that It'to olaiBed that A wae attomptiBg to ^g»opriats oonatoted of paata, a rwsotw
aad dre [min of Bitteas.
Beieh was promptly amamd by
Chief Benaie ead broogfat Afore
Jateioe Brown. He woe aaizoos to
Are tA aftdr orer with, aad ande
no denial of tAcArgea againtt him.
TA oSeaae’wlth which A to charged
howerer, to not ia tA jnrtad<ctian of
tA iBstiee ooan. It to a state's prison
•e. tbs Umit at poaishmeat br
ing fire years ia Ae state prison.
Rsieb was plaeed aader fiSOt bends
for his appearaaos for examiaatio
Meily Book ,$torcM
CharE«d With Attempt to Bribe
Utah Are ban nidtog As westen
By dopsA OoAado. bAeArtag gaae
Amartowi Soidiara
XaalK Hot. M—The fortnaa oeeapiad by laaarsnt OUaf OtaoatlaM.
alooit the mte. paojde. waillBA of at Plaaaaa, lop( aappoaad to be lathe aldM of the traek. on bridges aad
plokedfom aaderOoL IhonpMa.
Mh» polBli of adTaatage. wared Ibelr
OeroatBO aad Boat of hit omii eaoapIhs Aaerlnu deetroyed a krge
peat at Its highest nnd.
Hoartag ntita the gathartaga gmr
non frsqant aad of larger ovmbara
wtU the traia apfa«a«*a>4 the terai___. A large aasanMage flllad the
anrtoa. while, throagh opea dpors
eoBld baaeaa a hage oaoeoarae oe
people gathwed ta the eoart yard oat- Ha I* ChATBad With UArowny
a Tlie Bayor, aaalelpal aoaaollFrom a Stora
Ion aad a aoBber of aeaateta. depa-
peered. Then hate
into the air aad the shoatlog was re•oBsed with mewed rigor. '
OahUarrtnUalthe HoielSerlbe.
Wrwck In 8L Let
ttea aad any ottoen ware Baaterad
‘I%e Bayor aad analdpal aeaaelllonwelooBod hlgiiB the pbtfomSiagcr, to the float dimppalatmeat
of those waictag ia the bIcb of hcawr
passed throagh aaothsr door to the
boat of the eBtleo. whve he
olaadoaBad wasdrireo to hk hotel
aabd nthartaode dheoriag.whicA followed klB ala« the whole roots.
Otar the antin roots tram the etatlea to the hotel • otbaaiMtie cries
greeted Kroger, tthea he eoteredthe
etaarad area io frooi of the hotel the
deBOaattaChm wee aproarlooe. He
qalohly allghtod from hUoarriage and
sotned the hotel, bat the ipeoBtora
wen Bot Btlafled aatU the window
Ootnnter CAoiarwn War
RakAra Prpm Utah
xovan TSAB-^a iio»
BomBT, aon
Mdto Miaka today io o waat dold
PMTby. A doap hoU «M ton to iko
gmodoad tho npoot waa baoid <er Rgd Man Eacapln* From Raaniiao.
arvationa Cauaa^TrouWa
Oote ^ oSand a rawaad for
otaotkai of Ibt andar. TUa wiU
ba latAokly aapplanaatad vltt a UnhB Oeae mmd Drtrtag Og a
aad Wetoott. FnAdeat MoKtoley LkOnS! Oin a gnttoten a Ohrtotpaaittra ctw haa yat baaa food, bot
mas A beartftr Ae BenA ImAl
toft A atodaight for WaAtoglon.
aaa|d<T<«!Bi potota atroafly to tvo nea,
aad A kaowe fi'e '>THK THDIO."
both raaidla, la the aoath fiart of ti»
PUiplno FortrwM
Kaapw aad Us party boarded the
tnlaat DUoaateJO this wnl^.
TWy ware Bhaarad by a fclr waadaa
the taata polled oet. Th» mta atop.
padbol«>aaottiota,al Ip Books,
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House. |
Tape e system of o
tO.OOO snbaeriA
Endless mrer of time, rwun
e* B sense of eearity.
Eams its trwa ^MitaL Tear pvhrt boek
Pays as it goea
P-er moyrn and
Reqilre Iti Rfibber$-WUl Not My.
Handy day aad night Tear •wee.
We $eU the best use of school shoes Is the etty.
Not Bsv Chesr. m Bsw Gsod. '
F’ranlc F^riodrioh
amt t» think
abmtt «
The Old RoliAblo Shoo Man.
THn Pdnw S«ter*«l.
Jyolidap “to
it ms-
Shape, Style
and Fit
Wt hnpt thtm
Dew Stotk...
Lattst Hoptltits
AU of the above good qualities are to he
found in a pair of
’’Supple” Shoes
A CsAts.
The qoaUt; of msteri,) toed in Ikeir mmnutemre h the eerjr best, and the workmanship is perfect.
Wske Vmtf « «
Stkd$nnt Dtm
Bamum i Earl,
MiaTn fTiirr
^wnr»e •hrnnto
m noaiiaia mm.!
TiMveiiM ctiir, liicHiaAN B B atfll u ardcto «f toito. not oalr
la latoa. bet to aQ toto wbrn auCmAMD TtMVBBSCHBBALO
~^n«HO&r.ilAT»4iMii.v. iiAUtmm\ toabdW to towadaodoabt. BalJte
JOHmX.HAMrr - mvCtrmUtor
D BOAm Ajn> nn »fr»AX
abM* n«lMl nCofs* ta thU
««^r4, lh« Tl—Ilwiia ct OUei«c
fates «D tki tea ml daUfar;
voak. TWMlalaaBn:
t teTu*
r glna <
0|N«adto.toB«toiu oftoaoN .
Btoata tolb aa «■ too oaftatoty id tu baktui hare hau ktUad, twain
bOly witeaiod OBA two m tetoto.
. .rutwM uhartugoa. toa Inn
3. Boradu PowttUB, a tunli^ of Ood ww to bar boart and erery
fartwaa teUu .wu aiiMBd atMoa- word that ooteo teto ter Upa «M bou.
u^Hteiplitot ofShuig OneTtoktotei o toato id “totood Col. ter H. KoMMtote, toKgod wito jn*owm*' Wtoa a teijrrt it nagtl. to taoditet to toil futtoaaa Tortmm teOKim Fbalpa will aptek at toa Bapttot Obarto Kowdoy. onaiag at «
Mate toe town
tovgaUdowatooB mmA baattoa
toiaa it B told, m*
toaay. IbBBiMtqateaortdkaknta*
« kokt. te tba, aasod ap« tot tegaaai aa ladiaa tiUaga wiD rtodily
atoioatonga h tojary. and It Ba
Btooa pcaOBa wito tfaaa
■ bate wbto aagtnd.
They ban a gnat MMy chUdna
Hdwbu a ekild B aalikaiB fatoto
«d teotote It B torowB eat OB toe bigb
nad. Thu they an taken by Ike Htodean, orhe teato tom orery aort of
haadfaxafi. oraeU tben at aight. that
they may not dad tbetr way tona.
▲t flhabar. vbkb a«>paan to ban
tote totoiwbwi aaar Idadna. paopla
dan not tanl by Bight to tba wooda
tetaar cdantokayi. which Bowtatoly
Dot eztot. BiDce ibeaa emtorn aaw
Bwmafte nadowB. bMlf Iton baa
fnamtotito if tracb to to tend it it
•Brloaa Wa an not aware that atg ladiaa
at toB day will aitoek a putertg naBrn ItoTely {roeofced. Bat
tom an ptouy aBowbon that will
It ia a wen known fact tot -la |od>
eoediagtoraldtoaeoRideldt toowtato
pm <f Afrtea apta ban
• aaar toe Uaaef
nmelTea that toa
noal aMll dallrwy roataa> ^cMtea
«o InmUk tha tepalUsc teea'te
tenta««p.l»tettecfaigii;r kclala«naa to tba witiiitUy te caaetlac
I—nHoil rood nad lawa ttet ariU
•tebtoaouHaa to taka bold of tba
vwk Mwnhflly and teaatiteaUr.
1 «rihUr«r tba tea
ml diBfj mrtat wara axta ' '
•nrtJMaUteaoaariBt aaara
T.M7 ifaaaa aUaa aarriar a po|
atMflCOTW * 4Wte of a teUlaa
aad hMdUaf ia OM raar t.«tMr
ptaaaa af MIL «ba . aaata«a(«ia
lyitwaa aaluli* foateala otMala
to teyal Oe^f at lttooBlB« aaateatoaafcakfga ^ipnjaiaUiBa for
iti mate DC Lat U ba kaaara all
cnrar tba saloa that ao temiaf eonanaltj aaa bara tea mU dallTV BBtU It hat baltt aaod foada aad tba
nia, tofatitar with dia deraloia
va< tba iwtoawaUa, arlU aolra
BBaab-Bfoa * teatotta hata Jut
taatallada aaw ^aUae gaa plant,
yatialv tba Viably Brit* dk Tile
Kaehlaa Oo. af Xetaaoi. Xteh. Ibe
piMi waa aold to tba.caadj mi
taiact %r K. D. Olatka. a aibiabar of
ThetaoteT U at prawnt Ugbtad
arltb H teapa arbieii bon tba «u
gtaitaiail bj thla plaat. Is addition
•a ^ ao angiaa iHU ba nia by tta
gaa aad It will ba aud la all partt
at tha te>tei7 In a aadaV of araji.
I Aao^tbaaa la tba aaa .of tba gu in
. \ aedaliM.to fcaap die oaadj want d^
tat Ita■aanfadtara. aad Itauaf^a
ateilat parpoaa la UtUe atoroa.
Tbte U dia fltat plmt of tba k4d
taanUad to tba 0U7. Tba gu U irad.
atatad «r taotag te otor tonka
guoUaa. after wbb* ibagat It tolaad
with « par OM of air and ptiwd w
dia latopi, wbwa a brllliaat light la
t <arr, moB, BinnitoT, aoyjmBBB sb,
gin crdeit in tach digareet tonaa of
ttdca torn aacfe boB fatee a apecial
Btonaiag Tte aldm are nleatwhca
adnaetog. bn toa »ato body, famaBa
aad yoBBg. keep op aa Iw
raadfndiagai they go. w»babby
follows the rear guard
Od nacbiiig toe oanSeldt toe kobU
ika poet all roatid. ttolle all tbarte
faU to phiDderiiig with tba atauwt upaditieo. dUlng toalr cfaeto poubto M
fall aa they will bold, aad tbea tockl^
toabitobof otnwader tbair n-'THE ORGAN.
TteorgaaaiiteziatadlB Bacfa'tday.
and aa to moot emcBtlali K exitis now,
to regard to the mlitatioB of toe daeto
aoB completa effaeaa of hannony.
^alatioo and of that aimaltBDeoBf
, _ -cocltm cf melodiea to polypfawuo
ootobloatioo whitdi B moat eomplMely
rated la toe form of ootopoaitioa
wtotoafagotL Itiaaotetwoor
' reamu. lii the diet place it ia the
InatranMBt to wUcb toe wnada an
aaadrat emitted. Hrmwm kmg a
ban to be raBatoed. its faU nine
•re till toe maoent toe fingtr guite
tot key. a gaality wblto B lovaloabB
wbca we are dealing wito long aaatoadoMaadebatoatf soaad. SNxmdIy.tba
oppotanity of playtog the baaa with toe
feet on tba pedela. teriog toa left hud
tee te the toaer parte, pna within tbe
gnap (d a aliigla pUyig a fall and esludad banaoDy ud a teedam ia manipalatioD CDcb aa no other fnatnuneat idfonb. Thirdly, and to tba cue especial
ly of fdgwe emapnaitteia. tbe imntaaao
tdhiaia aad power <d toa pedal eotea im-
u la toe tlaw of Baeb tliia apleadid
toa great argue of Oanuny.
Tbe Englito mgana ctf tbe day
.mudao pedal board, and it ia pidbahlyowtogtotolifactmaretbutoaitototogoBe tbte Hudal'ipabliahadorva
ante la «> Ugfat. and oten epbetaaoJ
to atyB aa ootnpond whh Bacb'a; that
ba tMted tbe <xgu. aa ttpitta Irnly cbaenrea. tnmiy like a la^ aad maa
powerful harTtocbard. Vitoout tba aid
of tba p^1 it wooM ba raiber dlfflult
to do Mbarwito, aad toa
of toa day waa in erery reopact a tntoi
lighter end toinner affair tou toa
"hnge boQir cf the aosaiB. ” toe tonder cf which wu flared in tba arm
galley <f m.
1^11 Mnraaii U book teto bit
«Plp to tba apper pMOaaala after daar.
Ba bnaght took, m tephtot of tba
teat, itar laa daar. C. B. Marra;.
vho tnal with kr. Mocgaa, baaaoi
lalanad bat la axpaotad the drat of
A ■etUleaa Fm CMO.
tUanaak. Tte tot tea da^a Tbnoa
A Frueb tachoBal papa. Tba JovaoTw got a ahot, bat on tha elatoatb aal ded-ltelogaie. deelarea that a MW
te togagbt down one aad dba uzi
boa beu diaconred which ia
tnl anfaatttnu f-w gpld. It <u•wodtotbraaaoro. ■
olau of S4 porta cf co|^ to tlx parU of
Vims TSAXxautTiiru autvicx Mtlmoay. Tbe coppa ia meludoadtba
•bu added. OiwetbttWD
Cbaoeto Wm I'aHa la alfaWiaaTkaea.
d caihuate cf lima
added to ieemae toe deaMty of tba
Tteaadoaa ohaiataai of tU oit7 material The prtdact cu be drawn,
viU aalto aaxi Thuadaj teoeitoc to
tba aaa«a naakaglTtog torrioa.
Tte noattag will ba teU at toa Ooa- iaglMllBied.
cf ammooiacal aohs cf nlttow
grtottlWiil obaiob. Bor. W. T. •efion
Ttpon it praerrea IB eokr. Tbaooat of
wUl praaeb tba aamoa. making it B obaUateiUtet apoaad
wttb Bor. WiUtoto Laateaa aa alternot tba el^ an t»taatoadto aitanoaot tola atrriea totog. agd alt aaiaban of tba rariou
atentea an fogaaatad to attaadtfaa
Kato Wiadonr, of Pvt Boon,
Wtet Baivuod toV0Mo”wbMi
aged U. wu orwtoed to Auto u PHI to B«wtobotg-a Onad Than,
day while oonpliag two OMtea.
day. Doe. «., Qivgi M*.
a Brood.Tba Look Broa. V Brooklya abipborst bu proTidod
idadaa teto
teto 1that pro^toCbtego Tbvatog nbudof
Many of
> to aoM I
. BBdiBltoea ao
o bi^t aad guatooly witty. Tbe story
tory tteUn^oa toe gtoandwork te tba JiUy it qnite
toMla. bat thora ia not a dall momui from tlm opeatog to tba tall V
Tba ooat tootad^ John
Alii—, JowiB XeKaerv. H. C.
Hoakay. B. W. Mtmtgomery, Will H.
Vaddv, (terlof Oteu.L. P.Retotmrk
Maria Hayaaa. Plotuee Mariu, Olive
Kanay. Dototoy Aitettnmg. Bertha
Urtogitnoe aad Maad AlUaoa.
tteaffoot of bootjaoka or etobi. bot
aoae diaaaaa U oarrytog toa pota to
Kaor Jaofciu E-Tu Ben |doo^
«p a oampalga button aaod wbu
JameaK. Polk dafeatad Baory Olay
toibM. Tbe aamet-PoIkaBd Dal-I
tea” an oo VM aide aad a pioton of
Aldra Bam. who to to pUy u uPolk u toe otov. Vu Bon hu
gagewimt bare at u early data to
aea ogetwd a good prioo te it.
**A Pov Baiaatoo" UooeVtoafew
Olmrioe E. lioekwood, a pcoo|
famv of Kortb Coloaa, wu torowa aotora who ou eome before tba cortern bit wagon doling a reuway teto te a apoeob withoot u aente
attaek of atege. fright, aad knowing
and wfll probably die.
toia bli oadteoe alwaya expeoto a
Near Oaliu the nlsiag V
baa bau toe ohlaf todnatsy tbia year. Uttla talk from him. It it add Mr.
WilUan Mall, who B ooa of the Baaa U tba beat bafote toe-enrtato
talkor of all toa ao called apeeebiflert
laigeat grawett. aot oot 1*0
ud bu toooaaa in tba 80I Smith Rnatoa Ohambvlato atoadowi
weatmi part of tor Mwnabip Ha bu aall part. Vuh Vale, la toa ttlk of
•mployad aludlly throogboot tba toa profaaaton.____________
aeoaeo from 40 to I!
Iba WarMW niDDtog.
ingbl.lO par
Ltoyd'a UegUter. tbe new edilloo of
toy.~ The wet weathv la tba early wbtrb has jnat appeared, gtvea u uaoimrt of'toe aaaaoo wu eapacdalirte- al a root uiiocnt of valuable sUUatIca
oawble to toe grvwtb ef ooiema end relating to the merraMlle martoe ©f
tbe entire world There are now 3S.*23 TFwels having a loiinnge of 2MH3.TJS. cireat Ilrltaiti ban
will amoui to IM.ODO baabeli.
her tc«oaB>- la
Fiabwmen u tbe weat ibo
tou. oa.va Tin- Sdeolillc .tmerlcan, K
Oraea Bay aaSared loataa oggreg
#IU tw areo that tbe Dumerteal iiroporH.OOO by damage to aeu daring tbe ttuu of Brltlfb slil|« l« uiit au great u
late DVtbwwt otorai. Tba flab oatob la toa caw with aome olbi-r rvuotrU-a.
cfiTifirwiirfirktiMTW-baU' tbac beraoaa the greater part of her ihiiia
of laat eaaaon 'ud will aeoroely aaoui ore of larger alar tbao tbooe of o(b<T
n‘40.000 package*. BDyan*in offer- eonnirlea. aud more of thorn are oteam
veaarla. It U gratifying to Dote that
g dl.n per package for bar '
tbe I'nlted thatea c»m<-a next to tlie
wUen B toe priaeipal flab taketL
Btitlob empire. We have S.IST. vetocB
■Tbegiud ebarity boll, wbleb
obegiruby toe Woau'a Leogne,
at Ana Arfaw Deoomber U. fau had 3.<ri0.im. Then enmea Norway witb
to be oalled off. Extentire prepare- SUWO vewels wllh a touiiage of I.U4U,.
tioau te toe affair had been made ud H'i then rr»n.T «ttb 1.214 v.-aorla
ererytbing pointed to a aocial ereai 'bating a lonDage of l2Vi'if>nS and Italy
of only aeoood magnitude to tbe Ju- with l.lT«i ve««-U hating a toauage cf
tKl,<r>S. 8wedi-n baa a gn-aier nnmber
lor bop. Bnt Preoident Angell ia
of veoadf than Krance. hating l.ATl.
formed Deu Koobrr lut ereniiig but aa tbe vi-wu-U are amallrr tbe ton
that toe ue of toe gymnaalna
nage la otiiy <BT.2T2 Japan ha« l.iold
that porpooe would certainly be de reosals. tbe tonnage Iwlng ■'•74..V.T: Hol
nied, ud yeaterday t«rparatlotw were land. 4(K1 ve«rU wHL a tonnage of
Aopped. Prealdent AageU thlnka tbe &3r).2TT; Iteuniark. 8U2 voonela with a
naivernity cannot afford to lay iUglf tonoage of Mb.iill: Auatrla-llungary.
open to oriticiam by otaadlng ipooacr 770 vi-ooela wItb u tonnage nf 4IG.0M.
Greece, Braill. nrlglum. rortugal and
to a duee te ebaritr'a aake.
Chile nil have a tonnage In exeecs of
At Xt. Pleaaut the oonento
lOO.nuti. The oteam tonnage of toe
toe new bnilding at toe gorernment Urtttsh nier<iiant naty la aapertor to
ladiu ladnatrial aobool wu laid l-ri tbat Ilf all Mthi-r cnnntrtea rocnbtDed.
day by toe gmod lodge F. A A. U. but nearly hnlf of 11k- lonnare of tbe
acoordiag to their ucieat cattom. Voited State* la made up of oalllog
The new bnilding whieb tekea toe veaaeU. «rt-at Britain ho* mere than
place of the old bnilding boned dar l.OOfl atcomeni of 3.0P0 tone and upward- Germany ha» 12T nf the oame
ing the aammer of IBW. will
alxe. tbe i:nllod Statea 170 and f'ranca
00. Great nntalu U<1W ba« 24 ateameto
with a reglKter of 10.000 tnna or more.
State LomberCo.'a mill at.Muiatee
laat week. Onatare A. Laiadbetir at
Id mod printing office* benxlne i*
tempted to cleu off toe mwdnat from
naed to wuh tbe Ink from tyiie. Home
a aet of rapidly rcrolring rollara
wvkt agu
Ii’ auch an office while
tor edger when fail aleere became handling a can of benxlnc act It down
unable to estrlente with snoBiial force, ceualng *mDe of
himaelf and befm the machinery the IwckXiDe to fly ont It fHI on a gu
atovc. and tbIa roeulted In avlout damooald be Mopped bU heaul wu
to toe printing office, but fortu
rUd by a projeotiiing key ^
nately ao iKu- wu Injured It la anrUpco
: wu feared that his akoll wu tar- prising tbat more acrldenta of this
nature do not ocenr. tvitb tbe nre of
ibly fmetarod.
rnrb an Inflammable and exploalva
Tbe bury wind of lut Wed anbttuce a* Iteaxloe tbe gretteat pTVnaoday imlaed'.faaror wito all toe cantlon abould l>e uaed. and In no cav
flab aeu in Sagtew rirar from tta, aboDid any brntlae or napbtba ba need
ctconLnc or other parpooet
moato to Zilwankae, either taariag
them looee tern the attkea or rippiag Mom wblch bu any light or Are. ex
tliem BO they will bare to be repaired. cept. of eonrae. tbe edcctric UgfaL-SdrnUfle
Tho'watar reached aneb e low atage
that tor box of
lagdtOOwcwthof flah become dry ud
Would qotckly leave yon. if i
aU died before toe water oame book. need Dt. King's Kew Life PfL_
The Epworth Laagne of Oiugea Tbonauda of anfferen have proved
toelr matcblev merit for Blok ua
made u aniogmpb qnlU eliarglng Kervou Headache*. They moke
uok indlTidul a nm for worUng ur* blood and build up vonr health.
toalr uame on toe qailt. They hare Only W oenta. Money book If aot
Jam ooBpleied it ^Bd flad that they
hare oloared ItSB-ao oa the ruaU »t
toalr walk which will be naed te toe
Mrs. Tom Bench, the only wc
bewflt of tor cbnreh there. Among in Jaefcaao coonty who tock <
tbi moat noted indiridnala who a
butte Uconae. hu ratnmed from
tn tbair namea aad a $5 bill wito
bar northrni trip bringing with bv
wve William JaBBlagt Bryu^d two dav whieb aha abet.
Fvohildru wb
rben tronbled with
BalpbAdaiuV CUyttm, ^
tjnita ao good
while bwtiag ellmbad a tree to thoot eroo^toore ia notote
Un's Congh Remedy.
tabbtta. when a dog drove them from
___ of Roy. Obio,mya lt
a ewavp Tba gu wu oocideatelly eaaaoc ba but, ud that hla ct
era nw It with tbe beat ramlto. Thi*
blowing tba top of
remedy oonttinas no opfam or
hud off.
bamfnl drug*. It
ia te sale .by F.
C. Thompson.
aada cf oleumargarlna eroy neb. k
mtbe IxmduSatetday BeiWt^ tdinnb npu ‘
aacaUedoBomargariae "that Amoiu laritetion
a erima agaiaat hamuity amd tbe to ulooe mu of all kinds to ba i«etm." M B wuU_ ptoUb^ rtgird ut Today B Worid'a TaapwoMa
---- BM ttettboir toarto an all
Sos^udwiU ba obvrred ia all
5u tteto nimtean awbla
toa Sgaday aeboob of oar city and to
extent ia all ov obarofaea.
gw wDMm . .
wud Ctembvyon bare r« oau a dtUd to toe
__ .’S.'S
■ ■ rL
r. a ThMitete,
l0t Bendi ba Your Santa Ciaus
Utl»to~iiYof Swti dm
sas felBT WAT toM wult a»
te like 11 to^AlBy a eoa^ or to
boUU Perea-
lit M te IMT SMta Orsi utBemwYSrsito
Aadtrobofto Jut wbnt
yuwnt-n g»od l«g.
ttbteSudlOfaat which
we are clotlng ont.
^ m will ted toot aU nw
who have had tetma wiB
uaafc a good word te «a
Tbara la dwaya two aidaa to a
Mvy—Hoar out bafve yna
bnUava toa otov follow.
AioodSft.«0ido.k.«adtor»10.M, doKODlfor *7.76
Ab*te«»«*llot »HHS,do»o.llor............ -9.76
Aw»dl0».«Jdfar»lli0,p«.«>,ta........r. 0.60
A Uig. Hd. ol tabta.................. B.7S, $4,76,68.60
Do Not Delay
Bnt eoau 8p to my otoeaawd
ttlk too matte orv. Wa'll
be a friend to yen. aad before
Vaingm^ teabla toproro IL
J. M. Blakeslee
(Ite-lteo p-moitix teTMKKT
« yim bora a dwaUtof. oMck.atore,
fanrn, vany otov prmiortj toiar>
able, ki^y remui^ I wul to
write toa Inanium fv yon, ud will
gva ynn prompt ud oaaefnl attuOnly then
For this fall, for we know our pat
rons appreciate fine goods, and we
guarantee every pair you get from
us to give the best of satisfaction.
rt relUble atoto tear-
Bate very low.
Telephose 78
I'lwvene City
IMi PrkK M Off mstn mdi Btoils:^
lExtta Fte Bateat Loatoar Oxford*.
at RO
Tbr above ore Oiylhih. Uanlib- mod tVimrurtabb- Uooda.
1 3S Front Straat.
JW klHtlM ef
Biqfch B^paMnq
Bicfdt Sandrits “'—'“ftsrssjr*
Pries WaH
Wryrliafur oltLerUdln urreoUrm
•rr ovIUnx theai rnwt hariMB*
B- 31- Ltderk,
m a«h« SI.
0. !•. Oteryv^r
^ L-. A. tewlltflwB.
And they'll pass rapidly. Prepare for
your holiday giving NOW. Our great store will
be the Christmas buying headquarters for all
this north region. Our buyers with wise fore
sight and judgment have anticipated your every
want. In no place in the city and at no time In
our history has there been such a stock dis
Our Toy Department
on the second door
Is surely Sanu Claus' headquarters. Toys and games and dolls
and books in endless profusion. It's a sight that will delight
every child’s heart and make them wish that Christmas came a
dozen times a year so they could continually visit this veriuble
fairy land. There are dolls for a penny and knit dolls for 5c:
IOC dolls with good bodies: 25c dolls that sit up; dressed dolts
from 50c to chose most elaborately fashioned, go-tp-sleep dolls
at $3 and $;. Games of every description from 5c to tbat 50
game Carom board at S3.35. Alphabet and building blocks sc
to $1. Mechanical toys. ever>- kind imagineable, from 25c to $2.
In fact something to please every child for miles around.
Our China and Art Dept.
on the second floor
Has the most elaborate display of beautiful china, cut glass and
art novelties. You will find the celebrated Wedgewood Ware
Lottwelsa, Onri, Parian Marble, Clo^nne, Tiffany Art Glass.
Moriagi and Japanese China Salad dishes, chop ^ates, dive
dishes, spoon trays, bon bon dishes, from 50c to $4.50. A splen^
did line of fancy vases in all these beautiful goods, from 50c to
5(6. Cutlass in alt the most elaborate cuttings. Pr^ynn
from 50c to $10 and $13..
M A* MUHku 1
Try Us
U iteda atea. It
Smt Gtmialfeaa
lOtv Cabk to
j Paf favour
rv-V ■
Oare wbiob giTu relief u
■ATO^T BMfPA TOLD » of Ite
alilltoa Pbatpa vt 8b CMte- We Pay
rtaao, Cteada. bot noUy V
rWatloter —oa. I
who ouootetoglo
tenet, gan owgof toa ■
to m nUBOto OatiBl tohtoti tU—
atoca wiadow. ~kat it memm to mm
■■7 kBM fMCfteorr' «M IMia. th» la^tenatat.«fat tttodtek
kM^Air M« bt U« ii4b.
Jaafar G. H. aBtdety ht A
lmot«n<m'“MMBtoh’'byRCr. 101■vfarthaMMtohobanwBt Sp.m. ~Ob.Itowam Xto^toriHM—^ato-baatato—uftM |l»««toitf U
hi—tidkto aK.aoeto«y stdtM. gat
(hia tms mat— Stoft J— to a
T. P. S. a K. BtSstfpL *.
8Bh$ee«Bfar tJw bcu two Bmmimj
B»«to«a at ; B'eloefc wiU be <
if I Mb'* teno^ nr tercDd** Im«]M« to tear OB the nb)Mt. «>d if IM
Bt^Mtod to otaam the iww tekfdMM.
UcMMaabaathkaUiif: IwaiiBakt^A
flTiaC trip tfera^ tfaemt to HBvk of
B BBB wte WM Mid lo haM imoBiaJ a
a fer tonpsiito eopptr br alaecrto.
Ow maiiur abovt domertiiBcT
mebcd n
tevB wfcMk 101 all
rim br Mr. <T«u» UjKwipU. ib.- .iWBr kin*, and rKrotlj dcdkatcd to <M»
n 4>ato Iiark. It ira« dmciiMl in lU-ld Broa. arrhitoru. Han mnctoeo.
la Mid to t» OB* or tto Bam ar»rtm.-na of mrat arrUltocWto to tWa mmUJ.
. It to bflkFad that tbto coattr and bniitlfBl parilbm to amaiaM Hrbcr to Bto
- Ripa «e AtoeiVa Tin- rattro atninair to nadr of natirr Callfonila aandatotie.
arWrli to kard and otoaa patoed In tntBiv and a biutob icnir to color. Tb*
rarrtocB arc Bot claintatc. ton arr blcblr aritotlr. Tto band aUnd propw to
In as ak«Tc aodcr Ibc Btoln arrfa. The rapllato of Cbr cotonBodc colpanM al«
Ionic. wKll onrlcbcd cuBIcc and an opao balnatradr oo top.
m SHORT STORIES apokce late
tbo I
^ t€B
load, clear roloaa.
worfciBK to ahlfu of two.
rrotoDBo. n toMarriid Tltootovc At SpriBcftelA L. L, a yellow mobEoomcbU will jto>7 what to for hto> Itrol waa chrtotaned Oalert and toade
laiciBBitiBBad role of lalvat* eltf- aa httoory toombor of the local fli«
Tbe dec beloBfato Mra.
a liitto Kiri of
ho koepa a froeory alone
; aide the ponofltoa.
Iteday Biehl
, bra
; Uto. Laonhardt heard him tarfcUiK.
\r foil of thorn as they bnt tmld no attenUoa. He waa tied
T«T lantc Twonly-acrtia of-' to the cellar, the door of which waa
na« killnd aod a neat oontato' open. She had doaed off. when the
little oBra vai foBDd.
• dOK apiaiiK into her roeta, dtaKfftoK
^ famity had >aa( laoeed tolo the\ the tope that had held him. and tafMaae, which had
^ beea oaooonpied’ ftedat the bedolotbea. Itn. LeoaAIM n. lo>bn
AUkUlrf 1. .h.
mirf .1.1, «... ..d
Ttoitotlon to not known.
br th- ffremen and the
M^E^lya Trerorof Yonk^ ^
S.e «Hm.l
•». T.. wbo^already poaaemei a f<»-] w
a doct^dlm
toae of •l.aoO.OOO.wiUreoeiTe $1,886.
u> deeided lo ”
nmke him an
$86 mace next Wedneaday. Tfai>‘' honorary member of tiie fire departaeooBd fottane eomeato her by
' I ment. and to reohrUten him Oalert.
of her father, a Wall «
WcAw. who died ten yean b*«. and ' Beware of Ototmeate fur ratonh tom
npCMento <me-flfth of her ultimalr !
(toMala Meremr.
A«.ih.f.tiAb« hi..111 1..1.,
yrorlded-that hto ohtldran ahonld re -, o,, »hole lyatem wlmn eotS^
eaire their inberitoaoe to InataUmeaie | throai^ the mneona eufaeoASBoh
atetotod toterraU. the Ua. ttEo-flfth.
to be paid them when they reach the I
the damaKe they willdo to
aite of 40 reara. It i> eatinmled that ^
. wbeoMtoi TrcrornBcliM the a«e nf derire from
r. 3. Cheney
40 her forione will amoant to $10,000.
000 or more. The yonuK heirem lltee | \ ry. and i» taken
Moini— aerriee and ■
BreBi— aerriee at T.
All an eodtol^ torltod
»the toaft poyahle to him.
How.' —d 1. ‘if yoa’U ktedly aerrieea.
tiitaa oot the price of a dtaam and ftoe
toe the halaace of thlt «N I’U he Bar. W. T.
Pimebtog atfOaOa. la.
"The faodkrd read onrtednft farMonti— Mhjaet. "Hot All. bot
down. TheB be held it ap lo the Itoht BBOagh."
Senday acAdoI at bool
^laat he lodmd at me tharply and
Young Paopto’a maettog at 8:46.
BTemtogawTtoaTMp. m. Tfaaaka"'Your name Meektor
girtog aerriee aa feUbwi:
** 'T. J. Meaktor
Sketch of the htototy of Thankf•‘•Sore.’
A. O. Oarnett.
a. what we hare to bethaakfal ter.
^•••Too danX bat I’m toDtof yoo,*
<a) Oor Natioe—O«o. B. Omaa
<b) Oar Temptoal Blaartoge-tbe
•• -How do I know yoo atot «aa o’
th*M yere Aim flammwi?'
’■■TondmiX Oo 1 kx* Uka a fUm
[e) Oar Spdritaal Blearinga Mia.
Dr. Minor.
•• ‘Waal.yeiDOB^tBBy»iBOB|fatBX'
"WhatShall 1 Render m the
war the laadlard'eeBcaoreKtoK reply. 0 Lord"-Mra E. Wilhelm.
wa* KetttoK Beak train lime, aad 1 wat
Special moaie for the ereotog.
getttoKBeTToa. IcKUnctof aroaadtbe
office with the faint hope that I'd toe Un. DaytOB wiU ting a aolo.
Prayer meeting Tbaraday erentog
mane <me I knew, my glance feU op« a
lo— dirtanoe telcphcne orer in the oor- at 7:9a
otr. Bight here wai where I torented
All cortUaUr toTited to tbe eeray bhiff to Jlyrillc at 8:4S p m.
■■ -Sm bme. Ur. Uan.' 1 aaid to the
Ret. Arlaoder. of tbe Swedish Baplandlord, 'ytm know a bank draft when tin ohanA. Oadiltae, will bold a aerTloe on Wednesday eretong.
rirat M«beaia.
differeoee to yoo who I am if I can
prore that the draft'■ good, doealtf All Wm. Imafmsn. {ottor.
right. laeeyaohBTeatetofAaM. Oaa
Momtog serrlee 10 JO.
Morning SahJect: ••Woman’s Work
‘Ye can if ye kBOW bow to wot* to Tempetanoe."
tbething. JnKpot her to ytotiddy. an *
Sandny «:hooU 1* m.
ain’tt on to tbe game yik'
• •
•AU ngbt.’ 1 replied. ’KowyoB.: Bpworth Leagae at 8 ;45 p
Erentog arrrioe at 7.
e over ben to the talepboDe with
ETeaing •nbjecc "Tbe Mtotreatod
K .1, Ad d Adi. iim.lt»r Ad ». rr„^
“! ii"..‘‘^'dr^".’sr u
AAiTApnii.™ A« pmiitrflo ^tTAtSSiSim AdSr .* «fc
^ ’: ain't ttae finest
thing I mr aee! TAlk-
Oiaeo, Utah, aared the gOd
nt^that hUbain *««raok
abeat $6,000 last Satardny by hto prealightoi— at 4 o'clock Wedneaday
"Itouk the mcBty. thanked him aod
• of mind. Three i
1 lontog
that a conaidcnble earn of
' >*»nuag and hto hoctoa all tolared to nearly Ungbed myaclf into faycMrioi aU
tbe way to ladiaziapa'
woaldpu. throogh the little pnt’Beriew. ______ _
BBloe at that place, entered the balld-'
tog. Thrr held up the clerk aad in
A cako.
AfamoBs Eindoo fasttog man haa
Just paamd away to India. Same ywn
= took eat the tnokiige of money and rap of Tar If it fail* to care yoar ago be appeared at Treraodram and eat
ailpptog it into a gannT lack tossed ooagh or eolA We alw gaaraatae a dtrwn andtr a banyan tree to epend hii
k into a comer. The next mo'?_*!' »? 1*®" totiatoctoty or time to diTine coatemplatiao. At toat
money rcfaitded.
be ate at long totermla. bat tbe fasta
tooBt the men
red him with gan*. I S.
E. Wait.
extended till at tori he atr nrihi^fer
They eoald not find any money.
Jaa O. John
three Team. He amply sat boddlfd beThe Her. W. C- Jones. )B*lar of the-----------------------foro a fire, deaf to aU speech and moBda
rirriJOo—regntionalcharchof Slmron >»ome of Uie frienda of Porter Yntea ,^
_____ ,____________________
almori aa a god. and
Pa., baa reaigaed beoansc some of the
Baldwin, being dimnttofled with I
he died waa baried with cartoat
toambersof htochnrchtoicrri'o«edbU '^^rd>«"“'l«Td at the eorimer’s <m«nMBica.' A hnodred cocoanots wera
tormoa* witb aoBoroas anarca Hi- toqaeai, which was "that death re-1 broken oo bii skall to make a craric te
BhargeaDeacoo Johns. Williams with "Ited from an aacidenlal fall." had | tbeaool to toape.—AoBdai Uraphio,
aleeptog IS onl of the last leSandars.
exhnaaed and a paatotortamj
Ito Wink. I’d Boea 1
demt think I’m h—, d
not I'm oely latotobly it
a fate.’'-Chk—oTiiaea Bar-
Omt Dtihr ssS CtMSiy.
Bot Oats
I; UinScSStocSU'TirSSrtl^^ anm."-!
MSmB Btaa Smi dna
voDOii i sl
XI !
tog. or aonrihing of that sort, so that
ibemginaaatoppcdfardreor six boara
IhadcAeataad and beard ahoat bow
tbe taptato wm the great mogel aboard
ifalp. bow aboat all tbtoto
to tbe affairs of tbe ehlp be bold a'oed
aod mast oot be apfroariwd by (be pasaeogert, and that it wat a son of riolaticB of tbe nnwritten rales of (ha sea
tor a pamwiger to ask the cajtnin any
thing. Aod then may be aotoe ceaaoB
to all toil: if ooe lamrciflir migbt aik
him, 40migbl. and sorely tfaecammaoder of toe ship ooitot not to be nnneeeaaarlJy diriarbed by aaelem qoeiiUros.
Wa bed b-ra lying tbwe three or foor
tbe cummuii infonuaiiuo wh that tba
•lay was doe.to a healed bearing.
"I was nmodiog ca the ap|irr deck
by ton door lotbe main compauiaoway
kadiog to toe deck below. Tbe eaptoto
came aluBg (bo apper deck from tbe
after part of too ship and went below
by tliac cumpaaioDway. Be tunst pass
within a f«a of me, and luukr tbe drcamstBUoes it did not seem hfce a rioleclly aureasanabto bmsefa of sab water
etlqa<ete to ask him what was (he mat
ter, which I dii A piMiiigi i who stood
cm too other side of toe doerway looked
at me with the amnSMl tmileof anolda
traveler. Tbe captain laid nothing. He
riniply pamed on, to all oetward ap
«T. S. SaUbery, panor.
Chareh oo oomer of Mb aod Wads
worth atreeta.
Hooday services are as follows :
Preaching at 10-JO a m.
Snndav acbool at 11
I Prraehing al 7 p bl
The pteaehtog will be <bme by Her. [
W. B. Oldt of Petoskey.
jnitbe Cattst Silks.
Jlhs »n Stptts sr Cshn.
Halt muffltn,
2Sc to $t.
Clothing Co.
ABd Misses’
One of tbe ennuos fuest growthi of
the isthmas of Panama and lows Ostral America in geosal is tbe vine
wbtrh tbe Ppauisrds call maupalo, or
"tree kilkr
This vine first rtarta In
life as a climbs nptm toe tranks of tbe
large tzus. and. owing to Its marveloosly rapid growth, suao macbei the
tows branebea At this point it firri be
gins to pet oot iu "fstors"—tends,
hannleas kxAing toot tbosi. wbidi
■osi reach tbs groBDd aad bcoome as
The worltf^M never known a more firmly fixed M tbe partBt stem. Them
lal presented
diamatio sitnad<m than that
r within tbe
..... cat off from ,
n their couutry-! aad it begins to scad oot iu aerul ten
' tow. doobtfal. drils to all direi-Uigia These totwtoe
pesttog figare In ; toemeelves tightly aroBod evsy bmb of
(b>- tree, evsi erteptog to (be very
nuuro «A~., -AA -A. A—---------- , tbernuat tips aad otioeeijQg toe life
twenty-five Tears has been, as far as a; o(^b bark aad l««f. Things go
EuropMn might, the staterinan gnid-: ^ r............................................
slKrt while brfore tbe
ing toe affairs of the Chinese Empire. furori giaat is cumprlied to saccamb to
lions hoped, after the the giguitic parasite whk-h is mpplng
few years
—tog. that Sir Robert
relief „
of -Pek:
woold break his long mle of sUens ‘ tbe tree rgu aod falls away, leaving (he
aad give to the wsld bis story of the matapalo riaodtog erect and boUow,
evsits wbirii led to toe oloatog of tbe: like a mtsiRv vigatabie drvtUisb lying
gates of tlie British Legation, aod bis apiti iu hark with iu horrid teourlia
views as to the poUcles which woold clasped together bi^ in tbe air. Uur'll to the settlemcBt of toe dlfll- gan, ''('eotral Amisica Afoot," mys,
■•tirciike arbors of maUpalo ai« to’be
)otober. toe following seen IU all dimrtiios. w:b cmtlfying to
toe liugeriug death cf some sylvan giant
thFt fnmuwiT ennmnMl It "_‘st IvkU
>poUtaa was received:
t Hart has sent for Hot
s Fortnightly. Loadao,
_____ ___________ York, an impor
Some rectat Imtr writers in vsnoos
tant article on aeige to Peking, aboat
fifteen tooBsaad words, whi<£ 1 will newspapers have been oumi>Uimng that
poet yoa UMaorrow.
*'T. arrived to tims to be to-bargegnay U- extend
(he December issae. It will rd to tbe state- jam M well It is said to
be rend with the deeneat totorast. bepoMibleto imprisua a maa fta- debt
both by stotetmea aad the gmreral
barborocs as it is
The Cosbu^UM has Wa
' Roberi Hart looked Bp(B in other regians. and it is
_____aeleethm o^e American mag- Saul lu be pomible. ton. fur a creditor to
asine (hroagh which thU valaable tou-n- pt the salary of a maa witb a
cootribatiaB to the histcry of tbe family, except $10 a week, aad toil.
world is given pablicly.
t,«o. even if (here ore a dozen in tbe
nd toe
Both makers and
conaterfeita coBUult fmad. Hoaert aaotoer penon’a
(htogs m these, one ceanm lu won
mm^s^ not de^^yoa^^totobwp—
der at toeextat cf theemigrati in from
WU^Si^rSw?*%>e*’origiBai”iJ icgioos where each things oie pcmibln
The tostor at —— —>-i* —~.o«. the oanae of death. There sreie no •
____a namber of a
md his mogr-ation. 1 »>«“•*• «»I* «* tbe foot, which waa com ware dwpleyed. "What la Hms
>—The dorter bm told me to take a
l^f,- Withont a Uotoer?--be read to tottan «<
, ------...
canghi nnder the walk
Be then handed to his
walk evmry evening for esercue. bot he
sold yerierday to die local market
sbA saUaw wotoied.
BUTS I ought to have aonie object in view
mmattmed. •‘‘That toeagy The price tout ^walled was » mate
Ube—ttXy act think of bare!—Hew
eoBUnaottf bath ; aHoi^ a
or a cold to derelop
My family is axto <ff tfaa
Mr. H. E. TaBdewmlker wiD atog a York Hereto____________
to tha pari toTen waeka For aim
aalo at tbe OcBgregatioBBl efaaieh at
Otms Laekefen BaMer.
I "For two yews all efferte to core
------ prepatatloB known.
---------x»e Bouoaye w»i
DeWitt'a Uttle Bnriy Riam are tba
best livm pUls enr made. Bagy to
take and Berergnpa. F. O. Thempaoa.
to a bath, the wntar being impr—nut-' 'lObUdrcaUkeitand
Ik F. C Thomtiioa.
•d with actoe sort
tAmitoL He I
tor«M dto^ As a reaall than
has ben np to hto Ain erar aiBto aad
--------Me at Jaa a. JohBMB'a
kaanpatoaoed muA improrameBL
mi ari*—1 rr**“ anrimarar'T-* with
nd& B. WUfa_________
A BBW lelepboae htoben eataUtohPB&B MABQUBTTB
Ttokem WiU be sold at one w—- fim THB WBBKL of bn da am tsM withed at Bade Peath. iM oktot to to keep
Thank-iTl—Day. HaeatobtoS
fw RMBd trip CB Deomabm lA >A 16
OBt fricT— «( Ba^'A We bU it
aad lA from aU etottoae to
its A«0 tobsariban nppliad widi aU
.brnt^BBlittoa a»d
exeem tLoee met of Sontb Dyornlmtolaat news. Tha atrrtoaa baa a
om.OnmwaU. Tale and Mim|ikh
a Una l« mitoa to toaftb. and it
itoaaetad with prieato boB«a aad AA UaUXa.M. a F. Ha
la——kito wto. VNtotdbto 0.9. A.
Wurntrs Stotntf. 1
fivt Ctnts
Well I hadn’t aaycaab. bat I had a $00
drmftoaKewTmktomypoeketbook. 1
^ ..d..«„:7.h« i^-ih. .Si'S--;
roapea thc-parment of the cosu of hottie. Begalaraite 60c and
tbe inoatc utioB.
Ernry bottle gaaiantf '
"1 think tha eaa-HTto anttoan M
toaaythi— itmmtogtaaa to pto«a,«
mUtbaagcBA "WbatlaytmrtBNblar
-a. I am a. tototomto
PlMddBKBtlOftOB^m... BBdT IL
“And cat wtoca lUre tlm <Btr«M to
toataODB to at tha amthaidcd tha
IfecBtoc aahtoot:
tarder.” the Sfth
“It’a tba ri—a vi^ at BbbA^
mrieeloetheTw O
OaBimaeiinff at t:4A
the only hotel to the ptooa,Mhidfar
SBBtoy aAool at U m.
me diitoer aad WM '
' "
Bpworth La^Be at diU pi m.
Tharatey-Ptoyec mutt— at td
olto.B> 1 (xmld
train toeaach tha ameftm and the wbola
todflatofaad myrnaaklStoe
k—tb back again when I get dnwa
a my poeketi for a dtoM to ti
town, ft tot fair. I o—ht to gel tba
the waiur wiiA 1 foaod 1 befta^^
hkaaniuR not to myclothea Toolaow
Yon can’t change It! WeO. then, wonld
"We went orer to the 'phene: the
Tory almplr to her Gutea Slie hes! aarfacn of the ayatam. In bnying landlord hnned ap aKaizwt tbe wall
BO maid. Khe in very fond of outdoor'-***!!'* Oatonh Oniv be aaiv too pi watching my ereiy morcmaiL Lookily
nci one was arnand bat aa old man
arlrcp near the More and a atapid Oerer will permit of walklliK. One of her | Oheoey ft Oo. Teedm<»iaU free.
meti pentcr. I picked np the receirer
f fcid
by dracRiata.
bobbtoa U marketimr.
___ _______
............ - .
withiat nuging. and thii ii what the
At WhRdtoK. WntVa.. J**tice of 1
landlord boird:
tfaePMce Uarttoof theUarttoabont^ Hall a yamllr PUto an the beat
’Hello.ceatral! Gimme Kew YoA.
eoart haa decided timi KintUnK in
Bello! Tfair Hew Tort? Gimme 8898
Aaahrim, CaL. tot!
Cmlandl. Hello! S8SS Cmtlandt?
1 within bia Uilioharrii
NaUanal bank!
jlA Thl. d.,.!,. d^a,
^.H«i™ill.h..M. . Ur. CrandellExchwige
there! Bellol Tbli yoo,
ready beea drirea from their, hotnea c.aodall. old man? TbU u Unkto.
A. VolAA.1, ™«1A IhA. a+.|«Ara. HTA.Ad 11 1. I«d lh.1 U doable^ k-i-n. V«k Ueekto. T. J.
Sow an Tim! Say. I’m to JayriUe.
there Ima been
'Ultom Smeliaer, ofabooi the
Ind. Hotel man mye year draft namber
laada below.
The diitarbaaoF took ptoec
847 on m.T acuoimt U no good. How
Lathcraa eharoh eboot flee mltoe ,
aboatii! Well! Good for $5,000. U it!
Sore? Yon are. eh? Good Joke on yonr
old hank, ain't it. Orandell? Coat yon
U. lAllmAJ « th.r^ “* -lAl A»ld Ub.«AAOA T1»IA. abnitlewlieD Igotback. Sizrait'agDod.
to—e namber of the merabera. waa the prieton of Dr. EiiiK'a Hew Diacororr are yon? Ua. ba! TbM't good. Well, to
•almtoaHoa of a aeriet of gintllnE for OoBHimiMiaa. Oo^ aad OohU. Toeg. See Too next UondiiT.'
axhiUtlcB. extendtogorn a iwriod of
• With that 1 hang op the roceirtr
•rreial moatha. Aa the yoang men
gBowtog it hai eared thaotoocid, of withont
wlthmit ringing off. aod tamed to in*
wen erideady enticed into gigRlUiK hopeleu ceaea. Aathma. Broadtoitia. ritbela
Bl tbe landkcd. Hia eyea were balging
by the girU (he jaatice diamlued Lb Orippe and all Throat. Ohest,{ oat. and when 1 ^md him if bo raqalred
. aad LmnKd
m^iaaij -sj
e of the leadlngOilanzletg to dlepoeeor
our auroluaetock of Ladiea'andMieees* Jackets: it enaMeeus
which will make our cloak cSepartment the buBleet It has bBen
(or many a day. 200areall the Jacketethatthereareonrtand
Embraces Ladies’ Jackets
in beavers, ker—ys and mel
tons. some are silk lined.
Their standard values are
$5, now they go at................
Embraces a line of unfinishA ^
worefeds, Oxford twills
nd all wool kerseys, nearly
II are silk lined. Their
sundard values are $7-50.
Represents Ladies' Jackets
in kersey and Lucies,
some applique and silk lin
ed, values $8.50, reduced
Consists of a large range of
fine all wool Kerseys in cas
tors, blues, blacks aod tans,
fine Boucles in black and
oxfords, all silk
’^'roughout, well uitored,
ey were our strong $I0X)0
mbers. They now go at
Consists of a lot of swell
Jackets, some aplique, oth
ers fur trimmed, lined witb
fine satins, our regular $13
and $15 lines, all go at........
en fur trimmed, uned witb
best of uRetas and satins,
our $18 aod S$o values, all
go at.......... -............................
I AX *7 lodudes our best Misses,
1^111 f jackets, values up to $i3.
all goat..................................
Others as low as $2.35
Aline of excelleat qualiQ? Fan (agent’atan^). bought at a discount of 25 ^ceoL Oorsariog it your gain.
■'mmvtM. «• twt'iMo
"fvrie * eov btemt ■m."' «y* h.
mqk JHt WVWBWY OF TMt WIT. SmaaBtecatkiaiiat
t £r£n»X^tea/33tea
bmo." Mf« h
toatelLltootetwtatoBa. m
Itor wterintobtealaaaly nad*
loepto tonp-oratewwiw atoaa
anMototetoetoUto. thto to
oMately* riiiiiirkJitli waard. i
innatontoto Hate of aU tea
(tote Uotean toaaodly ttooc
atorfc'* otew to all ttot ttna.
landj Mr Brnwa toinontell Ibl*
a aoivtofc Wbtob to aeaady
atote aB teo ItooMn tonod.
Ihto to atoner nnabntete toor
teitad toftoa to oay faU yno.
It to teto teat teatotetaa ttoa a TO
wore knot, and that the dimea*
> fea paM4 Uaa tfac toetekr all the nany wbon to ha* narrl
toao tote nej few.
■f»M*i ~Bwny i»^
»Hi|fi k}mm I
T«to tod abate
te fawr c< «>» rfhMMu.
* OrtUfem»rt Bey
TW^ VcMdDIA tMtotr
^4»Vm M*ir >itkt« MMWt
cTAwMor k««. Fbo^ wiU'
MlMiiAbMrmr.» tlwt ofKaOc
vlU W>wmd W«dM«dirMiwfcw rf th« Ror»J Otrtk Mid
4Mr«d*o«twtUta vlMtobM Is
■ted tkM os Uw *T««lac tlw mb
Vcwmter n ostarteteMt wiU
b» imlM. MBoiftteg of bs «ipi
tyjoiitemwcaiMMOstee.. si
te UgM nA«d>mote Bteb M
to tettftei to tbo islTftof*«< !>▼
«M«rW>o( tfablr Mtads Wsteh
tto futer for totcr —BOBteowwit
tfa* tmmaLr tbu II«1M te
CtaflO Sslpb Bmmb Hteoobad Bom
Blkttat. The teottee remi
tW uboidlr
kr mj duwco. b«t
mko tte miBirod
be did.
fWtMBt with ooMr duo OMioff apple*
HMiH^wMAareboti^ nmeh ««■
iopod tribe bar* and *1>^ fri«sda
Abitentorr and kitobes of tbe
^ IsdMkdfaBtfT tailditlC V0e foood
fte ba^ftd rortiodar br tbe water
mmOI b^ Id ttbe water
- -
' r^imycmmg people fta. tbe Hi«fa
> ^Abooli^wtettoatteDdtbefDiMral
ISMbar Dtes. who died at Klage* tor, bare oaoh raealred a idtotogiapk
oftbeCoateet oitd tbe flowm that
AU atember* of tbe Elk* tod«e are
reqaotoadto neet Id their ballatt
a'etook tfato aftanooa to eoaptote ar■Bfeteteti for the trip to Petoeker
Taoidir alibi
Kla Laitoa Pbalf* of Si Ckther
tea, Oatario, will dallror bar tarnpmw tootef^-“Tb* Sphinx.'
Itoa4ir«*«lai. »a M, at 8 r - '
nite* Bapttottdmrtb. All ai
dtoUr larited to to jaMesi
at oar people who bed the ptoaaete
to ItotMtei to Miee Pbelpe at Bai
▼tow toot epamar epeak of her to the
blcbeat terata. and wheierer tee Baa
Vafete Mthtei bat word* cd pmlae
ar* ipibm. A oeUaotioo will
Itet aTtetoy a teartoac aoolal
party wa* yirea at«tto toaa*«rMra.
Or. Aarrto. Tto oecilte wte ■
prto* apon Mm Otoia Oabto of Bat
tle Oioek. Dapoty Sniooate Obiaf
Baoteroftbe Oonpanioo* of Poroitera. Tto party wae amgte by tee
- paatou of Ootet ItoTcne aad
are bote to tee pMet* end tbe beoor
tody, wbo wa* {SMteted with i
lift of a cold thmia a* a taatlntetol
teWotel Cbtete Aid Sooietr wa*
Ciraa tor Satoidar al«hi n>e wwtol
wUl to baU Tneedar ntofat la tee
^ Tbe aoetel-itetoh____________
fl«te atet Xoadar araatep hr Olea*
Ko. 4 of tea Mtai IL B. SiiBdnr
Kite Addle Itoae <1 Terr
at her bone on PratiktiD etrewi
Mm Ptekbam U aerioaalrlU at her
’ bone oa tbe eoraer of Wefaeter atreet
awd Oarleld Areaoe.
A naBriaia Iteeue ha* been imed
to BacnoB D. ' Babooek of Aldn and
Owilto JaMatd <d T«ba.
PK moxAi
^aok Utoer of Batten* Bar wa* te
OaaatrXto^farer’Boxtleof IjeeU■aa eoabtr-Wteln town reteardar oo
of Bobooto Onacan
Of BaMteaBar
to aee Crteods to tbe cltj.
H. B. BMW of the W - W. Klatoll
Oe., oane ap froa QroBd R^ald* lait
aroteni joined by Profeteor lUtoer.
wbo to to toetere te the "Ifentoh"
to tbe OQo«ie«aHooal oboroh tel*
J«ny SolllTan of Oedor wa* a meat
« Pnfc Plaoe rcaterday.
Mr. aod Iton D. C. LwA tetonied
ywfbl Aote rtottlar.friend* la
<bw*r Ball hte retoriMd fron a
trip to Datroii
Hn. «. A. Key** of Oitete. paned
Iteoaih the city yeatertoy after u
ahMM of two month* apMl in rtoit.
ita|««totlm in Kew Baitond aad
^Obte. She wa*
•tooa.Mi« Vtorteoe B. BoUook of
B. L. wbo wlU I
aon* ttea wtob bn ntottr^
mill with ____________________ __
team b tto efty yenteeday,
■ r. ate
and I:
I mopped
tore tstechl M my way toms la Mae*
teem is ih* eaok. ate I may odd that
tepie ate manly kiiiity bet te
d me that I wooU wOtacly koe*
My frntonln bai i
ii 1 dnt mjnU Mte tf* mate
tbaa a teed anay elton. Hn
tbatbanhtoc lode with nystary- S*ne
ycsn aye Be aad tbe reettomaa wbe
..............ae neMed with Be to
______ — . tost wkb tewte atoea
tbe* aad at penaat int abto «* r> atej tocktay aioand tor « jab. beisy i
It tton tatbn hard np. a* yoa idyLny. We Btraek a maU coon ry
t town—I
. ain't yefaw toftre It away by teOtof where
whet tto aane of ft wm Tbcte
■ak there. The prcMdeal wa*
• rich eld doS*r: oinwd the tnilU, vwned
tke teak, owned aost of the tews. There
won't as actor etoen ton the easUn.
aad they had B bey. who B*te to sweep
set and raa of erraad*.
Tto bonk wa* oa tto mala teesi pretj wcD op one rod of It—ales, aaoc pUea
ea tto comer of • eroee ctreei with aetb« eery orar ft. We teak oar etacrraoo* and (oead there wasn't no troabi*
I al.ahiat ft. n*re was aa oM wauhlaa that walked
toehto. wtoo to
foraci ft. Tto ranll tod two doors. Tto
[* of her any In thi* city. oatsid* oo* war cbflied Iren aod tod a
tbire wheel eomblaation lork. Tto Inner
door waaa*t no door *1 all; yon eoahl kiefc
•d to to nethlny
Mn. J. P. Berr of the pentoaale Prl.
‘*n’l rren ItoL
day BlghCoa the oonteon of her aoth
tkito WF dene, of coarse, was
btrtetoy. Beeidea tto nei^Vn.
to St • k«7 td Ito uolsidF door.
tto key was
load* of friend* drore down from
Bttrd I wai to go Into tto took, and
Tnrerte Olty and Sil*ar Uke.
Jim—(tot wasn’t bl* name, of coarse,
bn offtetty preeentoware
bat let ft ptae-was to keep watch an
lennitoe* of the ocaarien. anany tbe oatalde. Wbea any one passed, to
was to tip me 4 wbisile. and gm I
them a Biee ratelny efaalr.
doosed tto Klim and lay low. After
they r> by I con on acais. Bimpla
and e*iy. yoa sc*. Weil, tbe oiybt as wa
aeleetcd tto prendest toppeaed to to
oat of town: cone dorrn to the dty, aa to
eftea did. I got Inside aU rlcht with *
slide Unlem. a breast drill. ■ «■—ti alee)
__ tto ' beet eetUny bittei* 1 here
handled to WyearTron know why* jimmy, a bancta of akelnoe key* and a
Most dtoeaae* beyin to dleorden of Ciecs beln bas to stow tto sirac- 4
______1. Um,
kidney*, bowel*, fixrd ray Ufbl and ricced my brtost drifl
work on the door richt orer
blood aad nerrea. Eleotrio Bitten tto
tone* Bp the iionaciti. tey^te* Urer.
1‘rotoUy a emt many of year read
kidneys and bowels, pnrifle* tto
------«•— *• - -lerrea, benee er* is oot so well posted s* me sbost
enroT mnUitndee of natodiea It took locks, aad t may say (or tbsm
............................. lattoo
bnild* np the entire______
'"r a^ Tiyior into any weak,
ran down in^«or woman. wheel in order to anlock Ito door yna
e to yet t
Prioe Afty eenu.
s3m to ja*. O.
k other at
. f tto lock,
Johnsni atu] 8. E Wtei tuaygisu.
e tto nomber (to k
t oo yoa ( a do ihia. bat If y
doat yoa bare to depeod oa
Below to a list <
seOBity. Tbete Is Is each
.^Utoyprioee ofy*____ .
els a sanall bole, tbiaoch which yoa
-arioa. prortoton* and ,fars
. . a wire throafh tto beck of tto lote
to Tnrem Olty:
wbre yoa ehaaft the eomWnatios. Raw,
If yoa caa bore a bok ihraafb tto
fie 0 door and ptek ap (boar wbeds by
Clear M per bbL new
061 ranninc a wire tbroasb those bolea.
why. yoe can open tto
cei, I make mynelr '
Plmr. B. L. * ^ Beat
4 t1 that bole. The S
- — •. H. L.AOo.Be« 4» aboot (to neateei si
whietied oatalde.
itn toddled by. By tnd by. when
pretty near tbroote- I beard Jim
apeak-wbistle ayaln. I stopped,
M and pretty soon 1 beard footsteps oatsid*.
aad I'm Uowed If they didn't coma rich!
tto tank steps, aad I bean) a key
ltd that (tot yoa could hare
1 10 sKppsd tto bracelets richt OB me. I pkk*d wp my batera. and l-U to banced B
I didst k( tto slide aUp down and throw
tto Kcfat rich! oa to Ito doer, and there
wn* the prrsidrot. Instead of ealUnc
fbr help. ai I loppeoed to wonli to
took a step Inside tto door and shaded
Oats Sit. 1 per ba
bk eye* with bk hand and looked at me.
f kuowed I eochi to knock him down and
eat oat. bat I'm Uest if I eoeld. I was
that sarprlsed.
"Who ate yoar* aayt to.
"Who at* year mr* I. thiofcinc that
waa an Innocent remark at to comaeorfor potatoea, all nook. 10
*d ft and a-trying all tto time to eoUset
PreTBlltoy prioe tor potetoe* ye*- myeeU.
terday-» eena a bastol
"I'm tto president of tto bank." say*
be. kinder sbnri: "snmrtklnc the matter
. Uo. not »cl
with tto kekr
prlee of Book^M..........
By Osorce. tto Idea came t« ma ttote
worid orn.
rer. nmie
BOte yeBBin*,
yentoe. bbIm* "Ye*, sir." say* I. toochhic ite.tep
tto M-«»—
Oo. Mr. JesBlnct. to Ukcraptod thb mom!■ at the lock waa oat of order aad he
aeoMs'i cri la. and I'm eeme *• to opm
Mm Mary E Loote* was teltod to kiorblm."
Interloohen yeaterday to attend bn "I toM Jnminc* ■ week aco." say* h*.
I. Mia*' Lain Oitobell, who to that to oecht to art tto lack Axed.
Twylow with typhoid farar.
"Hc'a been a-wrltiac bRcre. and he*i
Jack Oaldwell of Cbartoroto. who omt op to bb boose to got another letter
ba* been with a yorenineot nrreyi^ r wanttd for to answer."
partT to tto wcai ander tto diraot- -Well, why daat yoa «* rifbt aor
**?'te got almsM threoch." mn L "and
I didn't want to fate op and open tto
sstdt tiD there was semrbody here."
•Tbsfs eery ctedllabir to yoa." say*
If wires tore any «
he, "» eery proper seatimswt. soy man.
the aarrowiof emn,on
rire tbm Ro^
Tea esn'l." to com oo. cominc roond by
door, "he too perttcolar aboot teoldTwill reaoreaay ;
Im Ito eery aosplctoa of eefl."
to tto famUy. Ate
-No. str." aayt 1. kinder modest Ilka
"What do yoe toppeae k tto matter
>1th tto bekr aayt to.
theatre ordheatm
-I don't ricbUy know yec" say* (. "bat
Opera Boose.
1 tether think ft's a Uttle <• accoont of
OY8TEB8. OYSTERS. OTSTBBS net brine «ik4 mooch. TWar ‘ere befca
eoebt to to oDed aboot oaoe a year."
-WeiU" aay» to. "yoo mitbt at well go
rkhi oa. now I-m tot*. I wffl atay tlU
Jeonbes eumea Can’t I help yoa-boM
1.EAVX TODE ORDEBS ,, 3mA- ywer lantern, or aaotcthlng of that eoetr
mA-t^mrwtmnmmi tee ermea let TV thoocbi emmr to me fito a Bash,
remx TtmeiettritA etemete.
ami I tnmrd aroond and aeys:
-How do 1 know yoa’re tto prteUtwtf
I •b’l rear asm yoo afore, aad yoe may
to ►twB* B Obte *«*^ ** •“ «
Mia. Mtento Cban^may wa* aaltod
to Ote» VUtoie Ttetntorbr tee
■rva of tee aarioao UIm of tor
OateiaB. Baikte bMgoM whto ..teeasenrliy.
hem to ritet to iptBd Sanday.
Ita tsx dme IsKrted ti nar«;^,
B. U Matew of Qiee Acbn waa hi
OOee to
A mma—
Dowt Be Foolcdi
DoteteOaldwaUof^ .
I tidd tom t was. tboro
■ly. ate M I
tete b whkh 1 was pbelac yea. Boweeor. I coa eaa&y eoerinee yoa that If*
al richi. Do yoo knew what tto tette
dw’a namt kr
"No. 1 doa%" eoye I. sorter soriy.
"Wea yaaf tad ft <w that htt."
ate to issk mme ktter* ftpm ^ «Bi-
■ 1 aayn:
,"T*a adte* bar* cat item Mnr* «•
SamboMteteartefoA "Bthster
I bwac yon will eoatenm to Us* ■ tommkChgktkm Ufa''
"Aflsc sAmte amtep tarrite hoM
with hkwife. who had oemkmte (to
riiirlilftii Wtoo they w«n fteriy ate
et pieeyhody's hftwtin. to tkew a kw
bMthte fsIM ate totted a self ^
pwiof tetote to hte better balL
%Qr.” to aU to • toV mmriote
whkpB. “«C toM te «oM date I’d toM
ft kte aivte. anahr Iktem Barifte
M apsk and
ttmt I
cooU see tto door. 1 toaid Jim. os>IcaB
1 coB
tom. ootslde once ar twia, ate 1 like
bees boret eat kschtec. ttonklagr bow
to lamft to wrmiiri^ what ares gtong on
tatoda. I worked ewoy and kepi atetoiatof to torn what I wm a-tryiac to da. Ha
Mt to wrork. He aaked me aboU what
wages I CM ate tow I liksd my kmlami
and said to took oofta a fancy to me. 1
tnmsd loand wee In awhile and leofcte
at tom awmiac te there at eaksmo aa ■
hOed owl. with my dork taamn in to*
bate, and I'm blamed If I didn't think I
hooU hare te boOm ritet on. .
2rariff=.£r s-j-ss:
boUOo., ite Prate Bk
totedte Mr. BnlfCBir'a*‘l
BMisd.” Mto* tetotem 10 wy ttot KiUd
book*, dsaltoc with tto cna ptobkm*
« Btegl ate totenk. to* »o kmcsr rate
tirniogimtlmifnlttmmg^esametLLANBOUS WANTS.
(tf tto deiUced worid Msaatewototo
ssMSf tto raodtoc ekmo* m kriger
■any to Otethite Ub* aadi BaabteB M
ttoy forwrly tbd. ted tto
tsek hoid of Ito door aad opened tto
-ru pot my bands ia." my* be. "and
r> beam. Toe can leek ep and wall tlO
Mr. Jenalnc* earns*. 1 don't soppoe* yea
wOl try to fz tto kte totoebt-"
1 ted torn I storaiia’l do maythlnc mm*
with ft now. ** we eeold c*« in befsr*
mermlac. "Well. Ill tod yoo Cbs4 tocto.
my man." ssys to. os I swanc tbe door
to again.
Jost ttoo I heard Jim. by nOB*. whkUr. and I gorsstd tto watehmaa wa*
-osmlag up (to strret.
"Ah." say* I. Ton might speak to tto
otchmoa. If yoa »r* him. and tril him
tto troot door.
“Ttor* eomra
strcM." my* to.
ho* bm Being (be bank hxk. and I wont
yo« to keep a sharp lookosi loaight. H*
will My brt* nntU Mr. Jesalncs re1 mw Jim. no called, la tto shadow on
tto other side of the street, os I stood on
e step wiib tto wstebnum.
-Well.’’ *ty* I ID tto watehmon. "IH
go sod pkh op my look sad get
i ready to
1 ««Dl bsch into Ito
irrytof *t«a fWif aw
T'*— ——— —------ rroo asi ■
. .
ilktbMitwoBld ;
to Tastiy bsoer ft* both tnco ate eroam to read norek fer raratoCiaD o^,
ate wtoo a work to read solid book*
wbito Molly exercks and derslop tto
brain. In piaetke tto ran& of Ihk
woold to tha both men and wo
wtmld tore better and teongte hr*
They wtitiU many stelite ate with t
»— ,l.tw toy. s----------------------- :-----------------------------
■1.x " M-fSECS.'S-iSl.lS— "Sttr
ttoy would hscane tbe psRBts of'whole-
One of tto ft
•UinWsahinctoD. wbo u seldom called by bis ririti
name, lx toner Antonio Lteo-Arriaca.
He ia ceDoralty referred to as Minisut
Amaffa. which U hi* motbw’a name,
hia own name beiiiK Antonio lama
“InCenDal Amorica,” to say* in ex
plaining tto matte. "wbeeamBfaean
his fattor's Christian name to adds hi*
aothR'i family name, in order tha a
proper distinctioo may be ofaarrad be
tween bu sire and bimecE For exam
ple : My fstber’i name i* AnUmio Into
I also waa namod Antodlo. and in order
tha I rixjtUd nt« to cooftranded irith
tog. 1
___ boxr* lying aroond and a
tboald ntbrr bare liked to bare tachkd.
bat It teemed like tempting rraridcnc*
after tto lock we’d tod. 1 looked at my
ntefa and sec it waa jost a qoanrr past
12. There was on etprem went Ihroogh
at half pait 12. I torierd my tool* In tto
hog on the lop of the bond* and srtlked
at to tto front door. Tto watebnun wot
D the »tepa.
"I doo’t belicTe l*n wall for Mr. Jennines." my* I. "I tappom it wW to all
right If I gire yoa hi* hey."
‘Tbaf* all right." say* (be watehmaa.
"1 woaldii't
'’ t r
go away rcry (ar from tbe IS also named Antonio, ate In wder tha
be may bedirtinitBlatod from biaginDdbonk." my*
".\lK 1 * I'l." say* to. -I’U acay fatber and myaeE be trill add hi* moth;
X ia. my wife'*—family namet
right aboot here
re all eigbt.'
-Good night." say* I. and I snoot which is Mmka Thu tbe three genhand* with him, snd me and Jim—which entiems In mytomily, all Imaco, will be
wasa't bis right name, yoo ondrrstand— Antonio Laxo, Antenio Lnao-Arrisga
■ 12:80 express, and the best and Antonio Laio - Morilm.h'ew
psrt of tbit job was we oerer bmrd Y«* Tribnue.
aothloc of iL
got Into (to papero.—Arro-
CwMltitiii ni EitiiiittM Ftn iid Strictlr Cwfliiitiii.
The Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, MicH., Will be at the
THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1900.
C late Tibet.
ytra strike a match
in tbe world. prcscDts R w adreotarou
Tbe garmtmt la cot temUete at tto
aortk pole. No one bas rtrr reached (to aonUi end and tbe bottmu tied anrand
(UOkxiit of thi* pinaaclF of Ito earth, bat tto ankles or ksoc* to keep tto mice nau
moaatalo climfapr* constaatly srr trying
Yon cwn'l pat it over yottr bead like
to do au. To reach tto mstera side of Er- yon do your shirt, nor arnond yoa like
. (he sidF from which tto asceoi I*
TrssiblF. tto expioree bas to pass a corset, bttt yoa mnst alt cm tbe flora
Tibctre territory. This may be and poll it on just ai yondo yoor riockwith perfect safety, ti Ito 'Tlbet- ing*. tme foot at a Urae In eacb cumau bare come to the coociaaioo (bat any
rhe would risk hi* life to try to
Forily tell tto right ode to
B place where It must of Bm-sElty bare in frrait by
7 tto
' ’both ■ OD the
be FxceedI
crazy. As ersty
r regarded aa
boly mcD In Tibet
s cUtabFTE see permitted ] pass ibraagfa
k T
Tlbeiao tcfritery uni IFeted. FFceiTing. c
tto contrary, many mark* of respect from
Judge I lorrcdnkraaly >—Ton Will hare
Ito nattTF*.
of explorer wboin tto angre- acsse dilBrally in proriiw that.
tody—fexc-itcdlyl—Voo'U And bard i
de Tibetan* turu out of hla cooniry
asperity than soy other is (be to prore tbe contrary, oa tto cfanicb rag- 1
utnrallst. Before Sikkim wa* aonexnl kter which contained (to entry of my I
of tcIrBC* had been through lb* name waa bnnied in tto year 164S — I
' eolleeting specimetia of (to anl- Tetu Siftinga
_____ d regetable life of tto Unis king
dom. and tto Tlbetau Dow are cosrtarad Brmly that any man wbo collect*
Prieed—And yon ore Tery bappyt
moib* b rrally trying to grab territory.
Brid*->VcTT AlsKM e*«ry day I
It is safer to Class into Tibet with a
frswB sword is oBs'a hand than wlU a toar of aume other girl who would bare '
jumped *t tto rhanee to marry my bu»hstterdy nM^______________
boml—Detroit Tribona
Blagorestetonsk. la Blberis. k a rity
ot aboot 40.000 mhabitaata It bn* many
lac bnildloga Indodlng four or Ire
Greek ebaretoa. ouc of which k i rattodral, aod sue k in proewsa of esuMruethm. Besides a large department stat*
German Brm. (her* k a Roarian depertment stort srUch would bold iu own
b Broadway or Birth arcDoe Id paint
af ail* aad egalpmaet. Tto building k
at white stoe* aad autes on o« aid*-of
- market scoarr. wbsrv dally tto
- prter*
pritT* may tato a little bearicr and
tto cariety of sto
Ito hairat* <
^traB*to*bought 1
tl tto irorld.
•r toy* com
. ..
w.-Naw York TribuM.
Ut 8 O b« Yw S»Eti CI.W
to tea oHy.
r teatedsr. -mmr.
tiflM about prapraty rigbta Be ted hi*
anoMtaa were fra aco terii
tod BO right* wtobSTte. esca
own psramm Tberafraa aU ttoy could
gnlnwutbrai ’
’ ’
rtbat tto Mgn «i
f fnteouL I»*ay _
TVee i* DO sores** go fwssl wtto
snecera aehteced by ading teniosi tto
terioe of our fristea
In *U probabiUty (to mut dktlo
guiabed female ekrsTBsa in tbl* exiii)
try is Rer. Ptobe A. Hanafrad. i
proaeel a rasidsmt cd OothaSL Bto u
The Most Suoceuful and Scientific Treatment of all Oli
ar>d Weaknesses Possible to Obtain.
ri^p^'rs-.:sr:s;-Si* j
riw most widely sad <sFmsblyfcBowaSp««islia( in tto I’umI Bum. BMkMtwpsrtmmiE
Ber. Hanafrad fra almoat 80 yurt ha* :
baa an ordained ---------mioigtra--------------in amxasfnl I ^
I L-,i=Si
dte in thk oounDr, a* «to waa tto flrst
radalned wranan mintora Is Amraiu
and tto fonrth in tto wrald.-I>hUadripUaPrena
A Wag Tkay Bm— Im a
A dotetetio who bad r
in Chicago tram Sweden
to boil eem pantos* fra ram
pumaea am pot tbta la
btdto srith steM clotbu. ted optrabe.
ing (aktetntuk te It. ekptea
(hkwtettoetetote taSwadiu; that ta
thi* wny tto hummaUti i
okttoa while at tto mbw
tar tba potaftte te tate
Rwt W *0
Q CAM rorsd m tsssy
j kraaflriito
Ut Bewto be Youf Swto CUu
hkateUybmitttncglBwilltotetecd- WB ABE PBBPARBD te fenirii lea
tea Conte In hi* notnqmctlDgteinv- rawm to Sj enanttv te TtoetowtyrigtoB cf otton. Atetton^hliTtor. JtekSTtto nrtet^cr
TODB GliOTBKrM tto Amr who tod britte him a MX BML _ BUVO
artaau ate tors them ektead ate
praraaBriite dOflactPrate
l«t B«i*a b* VOn Stub Cliw
Grandmotheifs Thanksgiving Puddings
as dyspepsia and sad indigettioa
Season my food at tbe banquets of men.
I sigh for the past, and f question,
t^y '^yn't I feast on such rkbness again/ wan
VoiXoW fraud, yco have' widened tbe waist of me.
my brow with your scythe's gleaming blade,
dainty you've brought with the taste of tbe
Thanksgiving puddit^ that grandmother made.
Md Ttafaity. tbM eolor Md amrated teavarioM dagiuwcl at-
opportunltr to wrlu tbe ee«l.
ot an eventful lire, and ll U
to be hoped be
will Improve It.
Born Nov. tt
eaiir a* work
aa an
In ItM be became a reporter
la the bouae of
eommona and
made tbe acooaintance of
many famooa
Sbr rauldn'l do ll
r<rvb*b]>'. If •!><■ irM. II «ill be recalled Ibat our
CalUnt -buMdo* of the WT." the peerleei Orecon. » ben eteuntne off the Chi
na roaal on her war In loA the fleet near the Taku fona. atruck a «ubater«ea
lo were ael_«oln*. and
ret aioni;. «nn me aaaiatanre of aome wrMklnt
r ht hand, when, without wamins. ahe ran upon
there ahe atu. k
Two forel
forelcn war vesaela. the
HMlUh Ebidrmlon and the CM wear Naitchans. booked on and attenpied
p«ll her off. but It wda not uniu four dare after that ahe a-aa floated.
It waa rather huinUlallb| to her jornmander and crevI- to be petebed helptaaMy on a rock Juat lao yean Id a day from the time abe h
rendered each
callani aervlre In daetroylnc tba BpanUh baiileshipa off (be
walh ^ Maw Tork. ateofo <d tomm,
oua toll 10 urtderflu. i
Infl for concealed Urda. but haa ooly ta
ail or aland quleily In a ebaaen apot.
rat for hla fltin. a bampor of
eatablea at band and a "B aad S’* aodaakmally to rafreth hinmeif with aad
blaae away unlll bla royal arm la
weary. Then be and tala fluaklaa flo
boma and (ell of the flreat Aeeda. trhlla
tba flame that waa alauflbterad la raekoned by bundreda abd mifltat aa waO
have been mowed dawn with a Oalllbfl
fluo worked by an automaton, oo tar aa
proof te lacklDfl that tba
cold eerpaea which are
ahown aa vletlma of their prowraa have
d not be remarkable If they could
h (he facimiea at their dtepoaa]
ilauflhter It makce'lbe blood of a teal aponaman boll wUb In.
n read of (he M-catomba of royal viedma when flame U ao acaroe
. elluKR *»P a p*l«rR»e.
la v.-r) rar.-lv that niyally ron
ecenda to warble for the delectation Of
coDunon hrrd. but I-ondoii ihia
If ravine over a Maori prlscena who
baa Invaded the runteri hall. 8
wiU ba Mdwad
taotbjdefci nod mii’liii m ttekoMlBto
af variomMtmnatindtaaUtkflM
Mow H MVMt*. W «kat Om i—l»
amrloek Hol^
■bearsednets htrked in their savor,
jbt laughter and freedom from caret
fUowsh^ gave them their Bavor.
. too, added its share,
of tbe old home locality,
‘home that never would fade,
love and good cheer and a glad bospitatity.
Hallowed the puddings that
Zephyrs Hut stray where tbe n
Breezes that bask where tbe
Wbat was year breath to that
Baroe to tbe board Jn a bah
Sikes to fit a bak youngsters
Sauce to be pouted in a hi
Never a cheek oo a boy's glad voracity—
Ampk old paddings that grandmother madel
•ddM flflMtaar Mfljtw » bte MMa »etataAtehkb NM*d« tba MgiUa—itd
tetOsa dal an twpeOMt otewa to tba
dotafafdtbswtBlaalahMM Bpoiiat
iak. tdgar aabm. Mite «B tba
tea psthitea «f dM ia tba feddi
nte^ fltuaU akxiaMt to tbte obMT.
•at water ahar Mb w ravaalte
ttaaaa. fdaeasaad tweanMaw la teUft
paspteBMtybavabaaawwifaA Thaw la
name still bewitebest
and brown,
bursting with rkbes.
te H»e gems in a crown,
kks of the Carkbee.
ii^dappled ghde.
spkes from Aiaby.
that grandmother made.
trom tbe gkom of the gntc
Bora where the wind in
Fhat tbe dim gbetts of tbe
Bidding me dream of
Bri^giag fight eeboet of
Forming bright pictures
Teasing my palate with tboughH
Thanksgiving puddings
avok i«oPT noi'iM la antATroflo.
The milnc I
8tratford-on-Avon haa now a new at
r. especially li
traction. the fiienda of Mlaa Marie Co
relli claim, owinc lo her lonfl residence i lea where the
there In the house known aa Avonlhual tuppl> of eeU fram (ba roalaa
They may not claim. Indeed. Hut the lai
obatructor eif
the water pipe
In. as ahown In
the llluatratlon.
«N tbe dflapoma of tba eriatlfljrSMM!
Mrf i^wbat knk Ukatfaarflda mwlip at bora *a ta rcaUly tba hcnI
rmboli br wbtefa bofclM eoflmtaM
itb caeb otbar.
Gfaalk fliwka flfldar (ba adta tiT dM «r
rov enmt Mepa mar mm thfll raw
kmaabmbMiapottadaBdwlUbfl bretooflaeanutB data Andadrawtba maa imiUofi may lo tba m‘ flra d( tba lalUalad maMt
“tbte BteD bw
bufltW atam oa bte
aader bU pdltter. but tba telw te ta
tba batter's paster OB (te Am «(». Md
tba boaw war te aatend tbiaacb tba
Ibtey teai^ to ^ a
Itr toftedm^ bfll BO ateawpt te wate
at aecniacr dnarti^. as that voald
tba boiTten an wada to look waraflb
lite tba rods aaaw^ at tetenlbora M
.■tiJVatewa awTBot Md a bo|
lOtew a bpTPaMWto ite
hrlt;^oabte«o.t.Md tba mtamS
completely filled
tntf.lL ir. 1-^Maten «f tba tMw-
ter anpply flrnd-
Bl^U. 12.
and nt lenflth
■eaard allofleth.
were called In.
(>eare, but it may be safely aasert-d
that (he latter never prirduced anyihlnfl
like what she baa i>ubllshed. However
this mat Is-, here she wrote "Hoy" and
"Master Chrlatlan," and hence she also
Bent out thrree scaldlnr celilrlsms of
Mr. Hall Caine which have caused him
•elL DIckena. Carlyle.
John BHchi. He U not only known aa
a leader In polluca. an titahman of ad
vanced ideaa. ^t baa won fame aa a
hlMortaa and witter In ceneral litemtme. hla novela beinc many and hla
••nialory of Our Own -nniea • belny *n
-w .pertain aenae a claaalc
He la well
known to Americana both aa a vlaltor
anfl a contributor to tbe preea, and la
hlflUla reapecied.
never been ao unfortunate aa Io^)ect
Mlaa Corrlira manuscripts when he waa
render for a puWlel.ina house.
the produclliin of her booke and the Co.
relll-Caine conlrorerey. the talented au.
thoreaa will cite up her pretty Avon
Croft for awliUe and spend the winter
of IMO-I in Errpt ae^klnc recuperatidn
that tteSteHK rund tbm «M* art
-----SaimWm tba wsntewmSwdalAUtteartedac.
otter ptotwuaarbteuii by tteawaton Bbwteok Botew dsrtac bte palMtaklxic toTaMffaUoa at tbte aabMel
had forced an
entrance into il.e
pipe Ibrouflh a
at tte aign wrttw aa to tba isMctar cl
tbabouw. liladleteadtbaitbwatewi
thrw eteetrlo balte cm ttearttetowi, mS
.usi ooa troDaa wrraat teas awpkrad
A er«da dyawtof te
Oetilnc ready for a trip lo tba end ot
■ he earth la no inorninca work. Tima
and money are both required for the
ealeriprlse. Captain (trod, who la orsanliinc the llrlilsh anurctlc expadlHim. which Is to ael out In Heptember.
expedition baa n
V reached Utc aM.
not descended from royalty on both
sldea. however, her father bein* an
Enctlihman. But her mother waa Merewaka. hereditan’ queen of the Maorte.
irr ahe inberttj a swarthy comand tbe rtflbt to wear (he black
Ite feather, the badfle of royal^red Hula- HuitUfl behind
> and lemptatlt
tiona of a
buigteriwd. ScBMcdttebootraflpa^
to ba woBiad, tofalbw teilb teataiaga as
to poadbte diOcalttea to be Bit vtth.
tadkaiad brrtm pteMiw at rthw
■poiBf. eats aad jAM. Mfatter teltb
tte iMtaatet ttet (te plaeatew "At."
bat tbtei teaa limiSoBBt teMtea te a
do^ a mraiw aad rtsotrie btete to pa*
ttetbteywspaattetrgaateaalotete* .
flaw tte idteiUtr te tba lattw is (vnated
btetew tte
( toJterote t
thta llluatmilue. which baa puaalej
them mote than a little. They cann.4
decide, for Inatanre. wbelber tbe tiw
fftvw Ihrouch a bole In the rack -r
Whether the rock yrew around tbe tr~,
bat are IreUned to the fornwr atippoaltion. Ttwrr nevrr haa been ourh an
adUllDfl u-uraiion (or tbe botanlco-ire.
Oloctala to diacuaa atnee the flrwl aettletnml of tba country, but they bate
BOI yet rone to the len«th of ofrertna a
prlae for Ita aoJailmt.
Crtmlnal atatlatira abow tr
raralahea more polltiral aaaaw
all other countrlcp roablaed.
ttestiaMaad i.wH«.riwj (tet ttebm
caatbod te ingrew tew (hxoufb tte rool
Tba itraat and aawbw te tbte howa
wen also sbovs by a wikiwrt tte te
Bwalt which onlr (te
Juvenile beauty
world over, and no ma|^«r where tht
, be found it haa n chatjn of Ua
-the beauty of Innocence. As oar
t waa alraytnc throuflh a street In
the Eternal CUy he cauflhi this snap
shot of a little beccar flirt flahlnfl’ tor
carbofle u an old barrel oa a comcr.
Sbe waa dlr^- and bedracfllad. ber
Men la a (rank of nainra. pbokormpbed
unlgue. tru the flank of a hone, aa ropr«Mta<......... ................
proflle—a aort of modern Janua in faot—wbkk the erparta have vartoualy
pronounced aa that of cs-Praaldcait Knicwr and hla wife. Lord Batubuir and
noaed *frL t
i. eof a UtUe flirt
rail la
ta there at all erenta JoM aa nataiw made it
POC noae facUifl tbe abotiMer of tba boraa. aad abotber laca anowinfl
w-a piwflle. Mh wroaderfally flood, cooaldertnfl that tbej were dobt
If. aa tbe experta
ahowa (bat hii defeat aad tr
of their occurtvace. m be U
portrait la Butt rf Mr. ICitifl^lt
rearward inaltad of abtad.
AlOUCU CiUTAX exossno IHI mi.T aon ;
Diw't gat MgfatsBadwtete yoa wa
alk laafbs oa jaat trotet Mop or waa
Tbe probabUldw wa tte*
tfaer an toeralr tte idtotto wntrla te
bora Aittewasadsw aiawlai^aw
ekaalr. wd if (berawatopota* to bMgUrkpus ialaat ordadm H wifktteflt te
a bad Idea to rapevt tba wattartotte
- a tte laltw wlU ptobablr to^
m -ilM
ban bWte Bflrtead wUl. to ■
torloas war. toca te kaovs «
toak.aadft------------------- —te frlgtowia oA—Haw Tork W«rlA
to.r2iiigit i.m to
Mwwar. d.OOO to Baada md toato
AMO an told ta etow fbin|wa agmKiaa laladlathwoanKi.OMMAto
OaWM. (Maa. aw tow Warn IAOOAl
> mT.
th« »r«
probably la hUtotr a party of Im.nraM haa----------- im J *
that vaat aad uMrlle tram of larritary which occaplea nearly a third «fl tb^
PM wna.M.w._ _i«w
________________ ___ ____ a xnira «■ taa atmod
Mbfl la CMoa raaebad northward
nmoot mlralaB In China, of a
atlb. raaMvad to attempt the I
It tbe Anf w«A la Jana they
0 Ihc craat wa& It wao epa
^ ^
0 cat aC toward tbo
gtberta- StartlBfl
«fl tar> and patabad. bar
nettva far flU tbU. parbflps
a If aba bad '
wiMM te Htea D. C. MavM(k»«a yaarw has eafldflcted a Uflb
la that dty and nteda It pay. Bha admiu (bat II may aaam
,1 for a woman to taks op a bualhUi of (fate eharaewr. but at
te (ba waata e( bar
(ha Msa Ume abe llfcas tba work, aad by Krtct attasUea b
cuatotnan abe has flalnad a
■ rake ta Mop ASt Mara wacii sum
Itda Mp. aaa wbaa. aa tai bar
IB.*' »te te kouad tfl Bteka It a anrewi Tbte
euRlBfl up. buylsfl. fleUlBC—U fact, every_____
mss would da—aad is oaa of tbe teulaat waaaaa abva. Aside ttam tba attracUva aavalty af a Weraaa bstafl ta tba flteat
. kudpaaa. parbapa much te dua to bar fnparltwbaMe fload aatfln. for aba kayw
1 have a flood rail trada aad eaa vmM Mr teaflnafl a mIM aatt aprtflc. «bM
(kattte topw popatottM te SmS
9 muaiA a mo. towt at tSSSMS,
“I kaote It. (m I «ai too MB to Mi»/
la IdHtted^WtototMto'lMr
4ka MoMtnwmpDTO, m.mn carr, Ham, stmur,:
-ttM. • I^o ■■ m »<•«.
•bbm. Ota m ta Cbtossr ato'Mt
to toptet to tate aria, tat Ota udgfat
hpeo fwtoato Obowt oottog tt. Tks
■mt to ttata IDs FtaUg cUtaMA
aad. iMgt ter tto mmAF «ta. Ita
tat «d (to aOtator, It total to tahta
A TMmiflfiMO mi
r jm iflcau.
la tto aarlh. Ttoa to (mwted opow
iha.atm '«ttcb was teaate thaa Ms
bady. aad Mtaa-watokte «p It toward
tto derated sad oMer wUcb tto aat
was wocfcin to bnfly that he did not
aara te sotexet tto yroasw oC a
draadM anav. Bray aew and ttoa
tto ulltetostyl nd irrtetd to Ptad
to pan ooar tto edge to tto atkk to
teaksaaroarttoapfsiNattka. Asks
Mated tto potet dlrocUy orar tto aat
wbn to hto tsade ready, by
tecnan aa aad of wwb owntalp to
tto sste^ (Itooe tedders do thte so that
they aay «Bwb back tf aosd be), to
9WI, w^ te tM th* tM b7 «M
«4HB to«mk bto tkMk wMi tk*
Sm tk» two ton. »Md ud B«b««• toCMid tt Mklaf tto MItontiiii rfttotettoy. BaMto. tto
nanr. «M
MaJas Wa Du. aa>
m tto pBMc'a bv »to ‘ • ‘ •
tto tow wpold totter todt Vmekt
teto tod (to vhtetofB.
•towM wutod tto MMUr br to»1ac.
totk a vtek M hte wua. that tto tor
ko*i MB* »ai Dmla
WmbMi IM vmt«l7-rnd aad BtoBM «f ttotr tlaa at tto
------- «-f Dante anifa wtatevar
to ttoir toada asd MM tto to-
rra pretty uoarty curtow tat 1
M rata* to mart, or p*rapy twa» toon, but, aqybpw, I Home
*Twtet on tto Ota* I ate tto foto Mg ■aactrp of k* cranj
Tkat I drautad >ast tto bwribtat njoat awfte. waratoat teOMte
I drauiuid tat *tseM TktaMMkto. «9d I uuw om tobte toM
Vitbevary Uodof potoy taklpuaua. wto«««r nudri
Tto stnteilc that fottewed was a dlsappetntmnt to Pied. Tto great botk
rilildtyoti.apdnptayta.tadn oqtadr^imtor mef
n praoce apd dope* tata you wttb my pricta. beta foot,
■owteTte my boyl Talir cart, my boyr^fcrpob^ oay*. nayg bte
act (rote vtew. an altar a tew aUght
s more tbsa tee
Patente taken out ibrougli us rcoeiro ^»eut motkt, vilboat ebarge,in
-tote, an raa tolaf «•!« (to
nur Mr. Mawitoa iPmr a
Itete toiav. *n da It % tto'te
It waa a long, oshappy midte hack
bemior Fred. Ue did not take the
» fo. tee. bat Mn. 8)a<
jbort cat. for to was In no borry
an kaav tor bora.
face tto wrath that to felt swatted
-Ko.** nM tor. II |tte taatb wet
him there. Bot as to came ep tto Uttota>a aa teOlnv whaa rn'd to bato.' ley and climbed tbg^back feoee he saw
■aPtadcotacraai lataadwaabartp- •BOiethlog which made Urn wonder.
teff deara tto batoatrn Cor tonally \Ttor« was tto whole family In tto
Wk yard and Dnnte stretUng aboat
tied long by one leg totto elotbes post
Mr. 81a WKHi was digging worms whteb
BoMite was feeding to tto turkey,
while tto women stood looking on.
Fred coDid not oneratand It st alL
On Us slow way borne be bad coatederad many different escosea, but wton
to saw the cheerfnl facet tn tto bock
yard to forgot them alt. As to teld
down from the fence to was greeted
with Itnghter. and BobUo came r*t
atag toward blm, aboottng:
*X)b. Fred, pa ain’t going to kill Doa-
m ',-i
m art was irao nar era m a
iBteadad to to qalck aboat tto erraod
-artoa bte atteatln wu attracted by
a tecta Joaiptac apMar. walUnt ta tto
tetty teiaaar of lu Uad aetw tto
laadwv. Ttata vss aotUac aapcctel
ly nwartablu obom tbU i^bter. It
atao of tto cooisno aort trltfa yblcb
Mteytody te famlUar. Era iu Mica
Tn PsTkirr Ranoim, nn iloi-trated and widely aroniatedjoarsal, nooiahad
by Maonfaetnms and Inrertuni.
Bead (or aainple copy FREK.
a latar
-IT tot tolM ana tto an*
ftod. -ttoiiTl to loa.’
Aad aart ahoopb tto toMer aeaa
. am Blgaa al bartos apled tbte mrnfitot dteMT. Tto aat apparatly did
■a asa tto lyhier fnaafctpy toward
Itok Whaa tto teddtr teid nactod
a palW abaoM a foot away Irate tto
an to teappri aad teumd to look at
Mr P(«r ter aoaraal tetaatn. <DMAto
aabttkwi '
r wrttb
Enam BaUmmg,
Aod tap a tet Mum PwdMo Kipder gnipted Iter apd aaM :
Apd If you dart to oat mr. toy. upoo Tbaokadvlp Day,
WAOHnmtOH, 0. O.
7n Waking Ycur Stkdien^
hr Zaikt Soaps
n comr at ptgbt apd teaar you lo a friyWful oert of way.
n Mtump you. aod n bump you. ood l*U hints up btgb aod fall
Oowp op yew iHtir atemacb Iter a atssUp cao*Mp ball:
n beupd you. ai^flbpoyBd you. aod n acroacb. •Ramambw mrr
Bear Id mind tbe (act that we can fit you ont with tbe beat
Bowart. myctoprTaHr c^-my toyP tat suddte aay*. says be.
qoality of selected aoepe at prioee ffom .’k- to :i.ic i>or cake.
We buy in <iuantiUea, and make tlio price ri(fbt.
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
: |ir<sluillona. liy pru|N>r care and
tleiught till tlifM- ina.v sduni the table
, (III TliniikSBlvlng iliiy In Potty Uico.
and «u-'li ns nr>- eaten uiay to- washed
' down with .ool cocoa aster, tiaUve
I rum nr ivirev made ou tbe Inland from
! the home raised produrt*.
Wiiliuut apealilng disparagingly of
j the prinlurts <.r ,-ltber elime. ur exalting
‘ tto one els.* <• tto other. It tnty to stst
I ed at s rap't-tliat uur fellow cltlxena In
I Porto Rleo can haw on their tables. If
I they rliuusr, more tarlety of fruit aod
1 vegetable than we can on that day proI vlded (bey rXi-rvlae a Uttle gumption
' lod beaUr tbetuselres In season.
_________________ ^A. Oagn.
>mpad from jWtato M gtarad at mr aod wlokad lt» BWr cyt.
**You boy“M^rt- •TjifelwfMo Day. deo*t dart te touch a slier
Of me. for
aod cramp you Iter a visr.
ru rootTou. and FB bool you. aod rS twist you tai you aouaaL
rn ataod '*0 odtr aod roll aroupd your str-roach Dke a wbcel.
n Itupcb you. aod FB puocb you. aod FU acroacb. 'Aomembor cptF"
All tbe
goods is this line are from well known mnken.
Aod tap. oooojto tadteddlo attasod. a misty oW miper fir
I doot Itoow wbat ramt after tab 'cause l woHc up. sou soa.
; Ossersl Kras's Castra
tto InshMa I
Apd wbop I'd stuffed Jest all l coutd. I Jumped and gavr a aooam.
One nf tlemral Knui'i pcraliarilies
ii that be ne ver telb. the name story to
(be s.ime man a second time, flot long
agi> he wa» talking sboat hi* tnvela in
the L'uiP-d Kingdom. "I had always
tli'.uglii." said he, "that the famoiu
‘Cauta. al at oocr. whop tway too latc. I 'memborwd keut tat_draafte
Apd pew iFy ahnoat bedtimr. apd I outbter pay ny
Apd to! ta fotej *'0ood pirirt" apd to a-poHtp off
Ihoogh ail who toanl tt had ossa thoo•ands ot aneb tators amt mtIBen s<
oatte anta. net «m ot tam goemed
how tto true Kory was coming oot tato Fred reacbod tto potot wtaw* tto
q^rolted ora dtad mte aeomsd
•*WA’ aaM Mr. Btewosa. -thte bta
bora a ^ of tatede down Tkautota
— teDtttoff fiMStloa wtth then
ataR thte Otes te tow to obssrre tto
-Tea. aad Fm ^aA of tt.** Mto. Btaw- day pngxrty after tto Yankee faahtea.
SM added.
Ton might bare tetpsand Mr. BtowsM to mg. "TFhat tf I had kOsd Iteto
"I'm roupd aod bot aod atcamto. aod I'm bcavtar tad teate
-ThU was tto way oMt; When Fted
had started for market Bobble. p*r«y
from fear that aomebody would oxtree* from him tto terrible aecretwhieb
was bomlng la bu ecasctenco mA
partly te eee If Dennia was all rtgkt
bad erawleS imder tto froot pereh.
Oneo then with tto turkey, to had teegotten bis leers and soon was boidkig
UennU In bis Uttle arms and rurag
to blm aa tf they two were tto only Br■ of
ate test ntgbtr But to dktoT. -
(Patent Attorneys,)
bat I came away from Ireland with a
very, diftcTetil iilca.
"Iwue Btoptnug at a Uttle cnnntry
not to take a hand, and
aa an Anu-ni-niiiz •! Inshman I tbonght
I ought lo k” p u]> Ihe reimtati'Si of the
ootuitrvf.e H.-ml.ility.
I aekod what
they wen- play.ug, and ihi-y repUed
'Forty five.' an ..M time In*li game.
told lli.-m that I hardy knew the rules,
btn that 1 e-*iM pkiy reven np, euchre
ur nearly luiy other Americanoud game.
Dot th'-y inti’ietl ou mr talaug a bond,
and 1 did so. tine of the page-, who was
standing st U>e ludc of my choir.
wQlcb-d me hand pretty cliwrly,
tbe first
aolM v.w>: 'Holy
ncli a pisy in me loife
I wonder
j phwere Ihe rti« I tJie Bion com from '
thbugir*iben- l/ ren- Unle game ’in j
Porto lllco (sorb ba. I-cd Uie sharp I
eompeUtlon for a oKTe living atmmg [
,s- ^.tetod inhabitants., there i, |
.ugh to aaOsfy the ordinary sports. |I
Ikere a» probably a good many peo-1 mao
D triio knows when- to look for It :
to to sure,
Un. BUweon when she went ont to pie wbo think that tbe real reason why , There are no wild
pick Oowen for tto UUe. sad eto bad Ikahkaglteng day had its origin In , tot there
here are some that
thai have run wild ;
dtecorered him end tto lost torksy.
Tkns drlra to tto last defense. Bobbto jmAlOe In lorteys SD<J pumpkins. There ' *•
had crawled ont snA with great tears
ara steo many other, wbo bold that '
ntnning down bb dirty cheeks, had
tarami Injun." They ate not ai i
innot eujuy a dinner on that day ;
r native turkeys and are rather
begged Us tnsmms net to let paps MB
aalted a lasplac optdar not baeaoat It
It a good, sharp frost to pot an ;
ir. bat tbelr flavor
dlspused tl
valka ta a Janpy way. bat bacane dear Denote. Tto plea bad tooehad
ttolr appetltea. Cold weather. Is good. and. If they bare been feedlUK
Vhn It tos ctawtol to wiiua a frw tto mother heart, and ao. Instead of
Ttaksgtrlsg. toikeya pumpkins, d- oo tbe seeds of certain palms snd
teatoa oC a Oy «r ottor prey. It joi
dsr. '’apple soas’’ and other concom- Bbrubs. coostltaie a food fit for any one
at« aad attdan niaate tto Mrk.
(to tesul banquet eonstl- . to est.
vaa la tto bap* or aorioc tto apten Thsnkaglrlng dim
Then there ore the wild guinea fowl
Fred’s fear bsd ranUhed. tad to Mid tote a comblnitlon that cannot be sefr
nn at tetetehlDt that Prad atoppad
' oecaaloasJly found In the Jungles along
tewatebtt. Aaduttoaptdrrcrawted tto exact troth os te bow tt happened aramd in tbe minds of tboee people.
But now that we have uken to ser- I the rtTera. where they have left tto
alawtr aotoa tto rad. End tortot that to failed to reach the market In
tlaae. Mn. BUwaen
BUwson got
gat op s rery ae- eral tropical dependeoclss wbera trote farms aod taken lo the bosh. Tbera
ntej lkly tot tto laaaefa num ot a tSsaea^ wbn* bltberto the U nothing oo earth more deildoos of
coptaUe dinner of eggs aod sweet po
ivtog Ifeatura has bra con- tbe fowl kind than a nice uader pullet
A attek^iect two taai lea« lay tatoes. topped off wtth mash and mOk.
the optoJoo ex- that has rateed Itself on what It conld
tons Ito wagoa track. Oaa aad el of which tor boys nerer tiled. At ta
It tod ton erabtd late tto earth by table Frto tted tto steer of tto spUstte prated absre will bars to be modlfisd. pick up to the woods and pastures
a trtoM ae that tto ottor aad was qoMt for a Ttaankagmag diansr. and. ter Aswb to Porto Bleo. at least tbers wttbont hartag been made toogb and
aateto mm tfataa teetos atora tto
aoaten of (to rad. Imradteuty oa-
Us loot deoperate effort te free
Iron tto aercOeoB prtp. aB
«ateL Per as aita as ball as boor
tto boy watched tto laaecta, lor to
wlBbn te kaew'wbat tto spider was
fOlof 10 do with tto aat's careate.
An as bora gnienUy syoipathlae srith
tto sader dog. so Pied sympathl
wttb tto poor Dttle ant. He cootd
help ednilrtog tto ahrewd cewetah
tto aplde, bat
Tto MM Bat tteaoto:
Bto anar Frad an Batote tod «oM
to tod tto togbt tiiiin Thatoaclrtu
ttoynud ttotr Mttor epILato aMr
DK^laS tana OAkk DKI_'l^.
Intwrior telaphonM for for house, factory or atore. Ws
can wlra anything from a call boll to a whole city.
ta teta:
n ttoow off al ta bteglioto. apd n p«di away tto aboat
a tto spiders
tana tatete EHta^tate wrota talotatete.
Aod taa a ruat Mg pabktor. tat wag op a ptattar tare.
sat. nappttag kite tigbtly la bte tag.
bsity laga.
*to tfto/ tocnw as om a( tbm-*,
UnttoMndoornik- sorry that to had sot poatod tto spider
tort toy i^tiift nto tto tew aad off aad glrea tto oat a chaace to staod
op lor a fair flgfal or at hast to bars a
at a foot race.
After a tone, teog time the spider begao to hMoea tto muntetoos prtp to
Which to bod told hla pr«y. an m tto
leaf bUry legs siralgtatMod away Ptod
kaelt dowa cteoe aad got a peep oner
the teiMor'o bif tiody. Tto am was lytof
dat iten IU bock. Farttor an larttor tto tedder'o tefs spread untU they
met store bte hack. Fred bad arrar
belere ma a aphter do this,
dowa cteoer to see what It aieaBL Tbea
tto suaafest thing of all bappnad.
TEe spider, with aU bis eight tegs
raised store fals hack, rolled orer n bte
BMe. an I'trd saw pot only that to
wad dead, bat that tto aat fan ew
him open and scooped ererythlBg oat
of him. tarlag ooly the eaipty okla la
tto outward Iona of a spider. Bo. aftdr all. tto boy bn srasted Us sympa
thy on tto poor Uttle aat. wbo aeeaed
to to amply able to take csre ot Urn•elf. Aad wbea tto UtUe black fcUow
begaa diagglng tto grat bulk of tto
dead spider across the road, orer tto
mouoialas an through the rallsys
made by boob an wheels. Pred's ad
for tto aat's caotmoot
strength was aroused, aad to md to
-Oet\ It 1 ecrald lift a load Uke that
1 could walk off with a boose.'
Tbea to added. -WdL tto aat has
got bis Tbanksflrtag dlnaer all right.'
Aad tbte broogbt back te bia mind tto
thoogn of Us own errand, so to set
oat again for tto maikeL But tboogh
eaaM aal to dalr ealettrated wlthoot to did net think to bad spent moeb
ttekaj. aa alter noeb of tto teonlac time wstcblng tto snt aoB tto qilder
aad though to ran as fast as to ceald.
L Frsd waa poated off u
tto market was cloocd for tto day
when to reecbed IL
of ‘*Brst (Utch your hair'' of coorae
will hare to to oboereed. Bot as ttoie
aTe**ao baiea or era rabbits wOd to
Porto B«e> (he appllrailoo may be
Inotenatateotantt Utemtate l.ta o. g^. *o 300
■nsde to the dores and pigeons
ta. tara teO teHtaptate tana taoltarai.
that one of ttom to
foond. there will be four kinds of lueat
Inelodlnc tto Iguana, or xhree wUboBt
R. Betaking oarselra to tto rtren w«
shall find most delktoos crayfish tbao
to tornlng orer the stoora and rocku.
*«• ta-evntt Dtt.
whk-h are calh-d '■camaroaes.'' By
whstcTur name itoy ace called they
will go wet] Wilber In a salad or serred
op by their own sueet selves. wHL s
dash uf lime Juice, a pinch of tapper
and iust a bnolh of redbot •vhlll."
There are fish lo (to rivers also, and
atan. toiU*...! rarv.l. ,A-*...1 Wnrlal
better tn tbe sea. such as red snapper,
wto- isadv m .wfiera <g (ai bad to^ All
gibuper. etc.
Hat (lie natives rely
p*r rakluc sad biatint poriwwo
fclod. unomlwv for •oh.
tnore upon the -lo.ulao.” or "tkpe
Bell 'Phane Ko. 87.
Cod torkey." ■•rougl i to rlielr shores
in Tankre seboeoers. (Inn upon tbe
caMii-s of their friend* st Ponce and
But tbe stove will ••ouiprise tb«' vland* fora lutlee Tliankscltlng dinner,
to wblcb may to ad<li-d such vegclsbles and fruliH as tto Uland van raise,
which Bieaus uiore than uoe can cat st
OarftantBnwdifwafaO. A07 OM geo^ dntdb and dcaoi^tiaa a
a slttltii:'
1'l»-s<- arc. fur regelablca
■sreK putatow*. eitdoee, yams and plsn- aof inTenUon will promirtly rreeire oor opinion free eottcenungthe patenttains: for fruit*, i.iii.-applc*. gnavas, aUlity of tame.
-‘How to <>t>um a patent” tent npoe nqBwt. Patento
bananas, oranges, sapadmas. mstard
tocnml tbroagh u* advcrii*e<l fnr aale at onr expense.
Hr Mood op ta ta teoftaWcIte. nod to aayp. *^rea boy. to>ic <Mel
n crota ta to your kotaom io ta irdddte
wttb twteay. and wttb yudtete. ao4 wttb aoarytbtei. -tod fMl
*Twu> dteidM. 'CMM ibay way ulw aad a«t tad tooltod at o|te
For V. Tkatatateia Day. you tonto my dark mtat or my wWto
l»» tfitta PM wd pnewM t»ta
saMlMptettataMMwr. W1
tto wt €( tk« tMB7 «Md anoad
te cUekta tf grtastr torred. U oasd.
kewvra. tore It Mewed aad as mta
aa guiittli aiteitlii* to tto additlia
cf TtasttUss. ottorwtee R might to
tokta for Ttoi Sir Walter Batelgb
mHed tl once--a eerie oglte amptaL"
Mow aad then anxag tto sea grapw
ta sboeo or in tto ua copses awy to
toaiui a aprrba of pigcoo and wood
dore. tto foroier qnlle abundant tt
odjoeent islands and (to tatter resembllng a partridge. ERter or both tbeae
would to eery nice brolM ta toa«
otottest fW» tr JM uoeout
aad teada aaettor detow. That to
caattaaad teOhte^^ aeaOopad ai ^
8o there are two kinds Of meat tndigcDoas to the tetend which U we were
there we could bare for oar Tbanksglrtag dinner. If yoa want another,
why tbne Is the arttadlDo. which te
not so rttr tod If cooked to tts ah^
and served op In Its own Moee. It
takes a native cook, tboogh. to proper
ly prepare the armadlUo and mnor/
from the llsah that distinctly earthy,
ameU It has acootred througb a Utettoie of dtatog to the graoad.
Than, again, tf one te not too tastJOtow. to tan find a 'deUctotw ddbtt to
the qtaOlIko fisoh of tto Ignana. -Thte
to a aort ed tend Iterd. wbkdi aoalas
to (to ItaBte «( fies or oto (set aad
Mdka ta tetta Ite a caad oU laatttaH
•liinr* rtorihg the whole 21 liimriL
4|. n.
V.A s'sis.si-.'.jSrrT ;sim*"ss;
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- buun>. loi-j ir« m.; r i- 4 sod * lu • u. w.
b.-ll iJimnc. Nxntora '{Uksm- No. I.
Four Ministers^ffALHsSSs''^
Tell el Magleal Rstuht Brsogfat Abeoi
Iteblng. Btoediag
Tfoubtes by Dr. Chase's OintmcBL
l-jB A J
V-imasiT Bur»«i, at
Dr. Chsw'i Ointment drswi more prsiw dum-JiM^Ilniii^*^ itoTs^ and m-to ^
from mmisierv. phyiicwn* sod Iswyer* th« prov™! n,.-tthslii. ltej w nl^i oolte promptly SO?- Other »vd.O« in thr mgld. It i. .a
K« ._________________
dorisd t’)- every profettioc
Exuaett (rom ibclr
Rev. W. N. Edtrsrdt. BapdM miuliler, J
- -___ ________ mre
«'■ >‘«*'*''-'®
haw bees t source of
“-1 «•«» ■«' »•">
Tto next me, end frequeotly,
1^“" I «'»de a ^ pb., and it w«'t, become intense. At
very loi.g, he again *iud. talking lohim
ing sod the ilcbiag sod burniog «si heyood
did I^wv a man plav rodorsocc
Tho results I luve derived Itocn
wU. 'B-dad. mver
Ur. Chase's Ointment tove been msgk
noyed. but mill I said nollnug. oltboogb tbe bcnefili Utung. I ieeJ it e duty
lets luflerers to lecenaeod It."
7 U.gVAN's, K. li..
mMlraJ depsPtmm
Rev T K. Vas Nsiter. Mcthodht
ttoffsii.. Pvt., e.
ff. ffil.
ter. AlWoo, Wis., write*
••My wife wu tetribiy Afflicted with pt» Vf
HoweviT. when to broke out the third
tnsdiog pile* sad eDotempisted a suigKAl: ^ „
time 1 crclrl I'-intain niyiwlf no longer.
I tnniKl oruuiid and said. "Look tore. opcrsiioe when ber ooticc *ras drstra to I>r. •—
Otac's Oiotmeot. sod Isss tbaa ooe ba ! ~
"1 tbea osed it for sa onsigbtiy sod'
trocMes3«se skm sfleettes. whleb bad bsfBcd
sMdicAl skfU for t«ret>ty.fire yesre.
Cbaac's Ointment thorosgUy ared H. For MeXaiaAin BIX.. (TOv Parkw Itow Sbo-IUovv
"I Joined the rr<t of them to the
s worth hx weigbt
Isogfa. ondfoiil. 'W,a. boys, order op;
that puts 'em oo nio'"—tiuicinnsti
Rev. J. A. BsUwte. Baptist otintetar.'
Aikoos. OoL. writes
•• For over tnreaty yearn I was s great solHE KNEW JERSEY E6«A
icm Ifum hebiag and pmradisg ptks. I
aol many reswdla sod oodetwem three very
Tto Wto Priswr CealS TWU to Ttotr
psinfol toxtesl operststa. all witboot.
Otoaiateg aay permAoest bcafiL
Two printers InncbMl at a Port row Absto to give op is despair 1 wss leld to ose
nstaoiant the other day. Oas tedsrsd
"bte tetd'' aad thsoctortwo baited
eggs Whoi tbs eggs rnma ptoosd befesa cotirslrc«nd..TbeitchtoctesDcooe. I
tbs ODeorfao tetaedthn. toteld to hte have sdvwcd othen to ste k. bcSerii« ii
wald are them ai It ta BC."
wtolteaksi. "^y. taw an J«*y
PiBC told filllnts, chiwB ud
bridte find porcelAlB wwk. AU
verk<itonateeduUsfgctoi7. _
John R. Santo
**^ow do yoa know they bo Jerney
eggs? They alMil tors beta laid to
Penafylranto or KentteAy for all yoa
••WoU. 1
(.andwbta atadto
g-oqiteinsd; "Orer
lag that ttesc I was s great saSerer. I tried
■tay ruasdlu, sod sosc of the best pfayniritat
«s tote Asiti riiMril
asa The tat bos of Dr. ChMc's OliStorM
eostsa boa. aB dsatetoor Or
_________________ board with bolsA lata
ta« gteaU.bteod taik AU««|stM
i|osinlre liaonnH.
; crrr,
«nn»AT, jmmm m, uoo
» w^gigBtt (to Viteiiitiy.CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR.
Hakaa cn thm teg-'
Taec.-tette tte LwA-te «aWL 14*
‘■■DM-.tenr! TM'b • nltF.**taM
teefeto with a good hint at «BWBtato
tktaifl fact that tbs Tbl* paabn was prebabig wrtttaa ter .
TbosB aawwwa wbtob I Btac at ermg taBS 'Iwnud gon totaita«bMta Catti4atatgs« a hoUi Ibe Ncned ter ooe to tea aaeeod tmnite. It pxnlaM
BiBiat I caaU not bare sopportsd had wtthtBtB «Nnteg.'"-a]taBmBiiSit of trait todnatrieo. 0«d teatMOg ter btta«9tag Hla peopta
tbrg tetea oa wtg besrt. I eotod sot ham
sack aa tbe growtag af
troo) rapdrttg and ct«tag,tea«i powat
artn OM a< B>g rhOdrapB dto wtthoat djlif
leBMM. pMcbca aad grapa^ Aa a na- to retmUd tea wnlM of' Jaewtem;
Bgmtt. And to apite a( eecrTthiag. I
Obb «• eat BMW trait than sag otbar -The Lord doth boSd up JtTwaaliBt
bar* ntatoed a tear af (ate aa obaems
and nenetrati^ that tbr al^t ad mg
and grew eeaaltenMg MN than w*
cat BgbtgBltltaMofteltonagear Be gatbrretb ugeteer the oatMota af
a telrer to ag retos eecrg dag. Aad Bin SSTtohant^i^^lotbo^"SSi t* tbr Bgvr for attawherrieg aloM. A larnaL- Dot there ar* reffremcea bate
t hare aottiiBE now 1* tear.the fwpwimtatP tend fcr ana fgad- boadred amtons wtmM ararceig rotor alto (a tee morr irgatar nod roaniaa
TV Abbe Haadah ceased. & goad tog to aach hoOto Bid ma a toft td etA- tba valae af all tee grape* tnateeted. blaaatoga of life, nod ter tbroa alaa
at tbe tie to (be great miaatg
laabatttogaaaaniyB. HaeaaBBto- Peaebro w« ratoe to aatonlabtog aw- Ood Is praised. In everg guar of oar
pan that tba bott^CBiiBdtamif Ottea to
Baag Uvea Ood Bends apectal favors ape*
koawa to the Ilf* which be Bl^ bam tod
bat oar banner crop •a. aloM with tbe aaaal' beacAti that
bad be braa more hardened agatoW wmt- tont)g. Inrmt
in tba bonoB and pnttoanant
(ertog. lie rraamad la a low eaicn:
BO far ai frelt la concmed M appMa.
“I swa rlgM. I was not mate fto (bto taeoMaboretba sUkto the bottte. We have ptodnrod aa mang an XMMnCto we doUg ttveive from UtaL Both
Stand tea faootoa on tt; wbenthawteB 000 bariwta to a Magle aeanoa and bavw ktada of Meanings ohotdd be ateoowh
Tbe rouDtaaa mU aMbfaig. At toat bedto draw tbe oaocepaa to a eootor part arid as Ok ak k.000.000 bamte ta edged 00 Tbankagivtag dag aad Ood
after a long altotev «be Bananrod:
<d tbm atnra. whan the water will reabonU be pralard ter teem.
-As to Be. U I had not Bg fiaadehO- Bain near tboboiti^ point iBt aotaa- BB^ADdlRw. We carrg to cold ttorTbia psalm anggrau nang immm
age ererg wlater aDgwherc from O.OOU,dna I thU th« I wooU ns loiwrr teee
000 to UkOOO.OUO bamia of tbe crop of ter praising tbe Lord.
tbe asaaoo before ta order to aecnra
I. Pralae tbe Loml for iplrtUMl baasAnd tbe cute
witboat aaethK
word.—TraasUted FVnia tbe Pnatb Far
better price*. Sbipa welgb oncbiv ta toga (verae* 1-d*. Tlie'iMani (NB
Sew Tor* Retnid.
New York three at a time ta a atiigla eaptlrltg and all Its aceompaagtag
weHt beartog apites to Europe. In bleaaaig* was pre«ntaentlg a gnat
deed It Is ooe of (be
to welt kanwh that the rfhntorg
mtohataNgondatatr tbe wacrg baa enwr wltneeaed aad Vlritoal bleoatag. It waa a mnra ta
• or the Iraf «r the Bsmen and atbre
promlae* to uke rank as tbe chief God. a return to 'Cod'* (anpla, a re
CiBarcrop of tbe world, says a writer turn to the ordlnaacM of Ood. all of
"Van. gon
mg daar teltaw. to ftolt
wbieb would pradocc an toertaaed
ta Pearaon'a
tela baaotlgbategoncan't gatangalxMills countg and loteed all tbe eotite- apiriioal life, wltb Its manlfoU MmopemngeigBnsncbaalaintn tha habit weaten sectkm of loww li tnOg a tngs. and for tbeae Ood aroold dta«.rva
npoo which the btt.-oed portioa af
«t Baoktag. aad so I barb to Mha ahift
olatk ran. la rirtar of Ha etostleitg. a
wonderful apple roontrg. hot not math to be praised. Hot God Ueoaad ua as
to aad fm aa tbe e lad acts apon tbe
Bore Imporunt than ope of a arore of a (latioa. aa a efanreb. as ladlrtdMH
toarrs or (be tree. Tlirce ba te been areleglou lo variont ports of (be tvuutig with aplrtnal btoaalaga nod vmioQtAwblcb produce apple*. In that roimtg erilg Re baa let us be gratofnl nats
tbra ^Itofsctarg.
akwe tbere are over P 000,000 trrao, Him aad pralsa Rim (or all He ba*
tbe origto of (Us c
nmm to Mtoea an twl.
tbe potpoae aerred bg (be -treBbUBg- of
tvetagtog at tbe krareot ten boshda a done.
•i. IValte tee Lord (ar isBpotal
thr leaf. II. J. Cotboorn In a letlw lo
tree per annum. Ooe bnndred and
Nature ooexeat* an explaaatioe.
*IW drntiat didn't wut to talk teev, flftg tbooaand of tbeee tree* are ta ons Mroalngs (veraea 7-ll>. Btog wria
be Bid. but ba tboogbl tba itorg wotth orchard. Tbe total ontput It cloo* oa tbe 1-unl wlih tbanfcaglrtog. • • •
covered (he beavena wltb ctooda,
to ILOOO.OOO harrria or enotigh to toptar r* aUM* «l rar ar^lr rtu,
.................................... to Uabto to
wbo preparatb rain (or tbe oarth. wbo '
VB to u. at BH(W oekr — el* ONWA
B (be (oBag* «d team to manhg be Bid. "a waaten rating pnaitat pig tbe preoent Atnericao aale to Enr makrth tbe grass to grow upon tbo
o woued. Kretrtbtog (bat loncfard It
cama to New York, and cna aronlng land.
l.-=.ue Ml a ite
MUc ri-a
• n-agong of• aaffcrlng.
■ Bg Hapw
Ito .•nri tmto 1 llir ear Udlw.
lie girrtb to tbe beast hk
waatoritnd to dine with soue of bia
New York, however, bu two roan*
aa atlirt vUk aj axU pm wmid vrIM.
Ban wbom aalnre ha*. paaepUtd
tee goung nvtaa
biends beta. Tbe dinner was a paitiaa- Uea much amailer titan MtUa wbtob da (ood and to
At aa UaM toar 1 Aarv m >i|au WNW
b todlSefcM* and armed whb
w tbai gear toe* (er torig }ollg affair, and wham tba wewam even bettor than (hit. and as a Mate It which erg." God's providential caroaf
1W amp bxM »■* -all tr li?« ar *aa
B* wUl I*
l>raat rallt (or roatiiiwd
AM, vhaa*. krw U a. *'
n>«rraises three time* a* mang apples as
‘*>1 was now 1C. Aa rxrroairr limMItj
She—What do got export a* (o
bod reealtrd froB tbl* apiitndr (or aor- gooT A wrillcn tecoBBcntetlee team rg mood. It was bit cnatutn to plaea bia Iowa. The eotmtles referred to are
art of falB teeth nndcr (be pillow eimg Niagara and Orletna. In tbe weatero
faring. PeHtog mg—r naked agatoal tbe toot I loeadt-DsOalt FVee Pima
tb« artacks of rbanr* «r of faia. I (eared
night Init befoe guiog to bed, and ba tier, which together raise 7.000.000 btoaacd to temporal nSalrt to the past
Tto ttpp, Mara, aril aato Ukr (mcMto Mi|a an eonlan. all appniarfcra. all adrancca.
bsriels of tbe beet kind of nisrket a|v gear. FruHs abnadant bar* baea
WHk amM a Uc* mMm «M/ alU worid tU 1 Urrd awakr a* If oader tbr constant
Flea. All tbroogb this area are or- borne b> our tree*, aor flelda havt
•U» kMIr Ira mi haamae aagr ttoir Brnacr o( aomr naknown and alwagt
Boning be waa imabto M find tba
cbalds bolding 20.000. 90.000. 4OA0C
expected sorrow. I dared neitbrr talk
fiaarebtog high and low to tbe rao
and ocraainnallg 100.000 trees, wblcb nal pros|ierllg hi
nor be mgarir to pablk. I bad a amuwaa uf DO trail, and flnaUg ba ooaa
1. all of wbtob a
to MossowiDg make of tbe nadalda a
lioB that lllr was a battle, t (rlghtfol
me (or a new set.
glrlng to Ood.
atniggle, to which on* rerrirn irrribto
■' -How long will it take goB MX
k. ITnise Ibe Lord for ccriaataatkal
Uomt. painrni and mortal woonds. In Ig agreed at to tbe exmt propstger
stead of eberishtnx aa olbrr* di> a bappg Bald of tbe tBs'a ram which to meat ef- tbetnl'be aak^ I loldbitn foor or ffra
Ucaslnga (veracs 12-191. For pratoOhope tor tbe morrow. I r*l( onig a ragti* Bdeot to artloa ot> Wtorit and fungL
tega. -Can't
'Can't Ilmen M angtbing like
tlon. peace sod ptontg Ibe ebu^ la
raar of H. a wiab to bidr mgsclr to troid
that.'be replied. 'I'll giro gon triple
called upon to pralae Ibe Lord. Hw
Tbe toqntig ‘
tbb combat. In wblcb t sbooU be ran- Profeaonr a
tt k
Harwhall Ward, to whtni BQDcy to wake (bem in 14 booxa. * Ton eat In (be scientiOc cirrie* of Enrope. eburch of (lirist todag to our land |p>
tbe Ibooght ocmrrol to tbe cutme of aec people (nan Cbica^ think that Wilktoa was born on a farm near 8t
bla work that the nioot direct &atw« to money langb* at eroything, aroi time. I>BUl In 1K74. Wbon be was but 1« lYiriTfurr
stx BODlbs ot earallM
yestt Old.
old. or
be loeasunvi
measared aii
six fwt In churches for Ills inaalfuld btoaalng* to
"All isy ariiniug with (he old fellow jears
cboooe a career. A rerg simple erent tbe qnetiutai. Which rays ate the tnent
________ ______ did no piod. *u 1 act lu work «» hu height and now has grown t' the tre- uur <'hURHira.
canard me suddenlg to scr rlearig Into
"Mg dsrliagE.*’ eaU IL.
mgatJt showed me tbe dlacaaMl >tat> »(
apeclnmi dlrcctlg ! b«Hh. In the tucantinic, howerer. I Mid
4. l-rals.' tbe Urd for aaUonal blaoattor for g..u to go to U-d."
apnn tbe fitni <d t]win and roakiag it By atoiKtant to basuo atonnd to (be old
togs ovrse 2III. “He liatb nut dealt aa
Tbr tbm rhildn-n—■ lag end two Bg Bind, made nw nodetetand ttoe'GW rectrd tlie cflo-tJi by tbcir
man's iiutcl and make ateiviitl&eaearcb
with any nation." GimI baa greatly
and derided tar to Bee la
girlr-eroa- and reiiw fonraril to klu g*r
of his room. The wislenxff toiisted
bhimrd us as a nation to tbe past gear.
■'Verdim to a llltb- town tarroadad behavior, amnliiig ms
(brir modmotber. Thru tbrg Mid good wltb plaiai and woods, la the.
groaps <if rays fvll opuo them—in otbur that be litul dnwk no more wine than wtimeo'lM-furi' V
H e have a goudly bt^htare, where tba
elgbl la kl. to- cure. wb» bad dined at Ibe otre<-( lag Bg pan-tits^ boaae. I
favor of God sreiiis to be freely dhe
wiwito. by obiaiumga pbo(<a;n}di u( tbe amial at the dinner, bat I was MUofltd bare strivi-n In <
raatlr, as was bis wont on Tbursdags.
that be waa deoetrtng bimielf. 1 bad Ibeoe freaks uf ni
|irDs«.l. I-et tn therefore tbank BlB
fjicctrtim lu living and dtoil hartiTia.
Tbr Ablw Uaodull mi iwd of tbam wbleb 1 bao a
UsIUe s
The rmlu abowed ccnrliimvt'lT that not Us-u lung at tbe iirebminary meoato ttaought. to word and to dead.
npoo bis \rxTs. passing bis tong, black
B Fretic
tbe rays Uiai 1611 the bucK-ria aii> ibo onnuouts when my amiatoU called Bg
TRS Fsavgn wEgrriRi.
.edbrd arms brbind (ba ut«k* of tbr cblltbroogb toe OcJd* all alone to allow tbcB blue and viutot <Bcm An oUwrvatKin out and banded me tbo tcafb. Ba bad saga that g
Lei tbe prayer meeting coamlttaa ar
drrn. Briagine tbeir brads logetbcr to
aenpe and Bg awaj. Mg father and was made daring the torraigstiao (annd (bem in the pilknrcMB, wbm lew* than a dlaca«'. This dlaeaae genwltb a paternal Borefueel. be Uaaed tag Doibrr. eatirrlg .Kvagtod wltb thair which may g« far to acrunnt for tbe na- the owner had pot (bem Inatead of na- erallg occurs In patleeta Iwlwecn tbe range a siM-clal tbankaglrtog pam
or use tbe ooe pobUsbad by
Ibm opoe tbr forebred whb a long, teo- boKlaeis and pevora-upled wltb mg (n- Btudaclcry cbu|ricr of tbe determlna- der tbe pillnw.
age* of lb and 3i and U Srrt called tbe Cnlted Borietg.
der ktoa. Tbra hr pot tbra down agato. tntr. onlg talked lo lue of Ibrlr aalaa ee tioDs of (ormur experimeata.
‘' I returned (he terUi and tbe railroad arrumegalg (from two Greek words
Biaig naMiiaa.
Va<> Iba little oee* wltlidraw. tba bog of tug pootlhlr plans. Ibcg loeed B*
of tbe exuem■nie chief dtflb-Blly to be ureroome Ban waa *u overyoyed that be did B0(
Pa xxxIv. 1-B; xlvllL 1; UrI. L ti
aa poiilire people with practical Btote -----tbe gmit wcakoumg of the toten- cancel tbe erdnr. but Mid Be M go IUi-*“), If the patient U not attocked
iHdlng. tbr glris (allowing.
■■Yob l..re efaUdren. 11. to nier bM
imtll after he la 18. the ends of the Ixxxl. 1-3; xctl. 1-C; cvU. l-K; 11 i3aSL.
of^ the rtispcTWcd rays of the beam ol
heir heart.
tbr rounlraa.
bones In tbe artna and legs arc enlarg It 10-12; I'bIL iv. 1-0; CoL U. «. T: If,
'□rm tbe apectrtun,
>r mg aars . light dccnm)<u>«l
“Verg nneb. fudaBr.**
2; Bcv. vU. 11. 1
.............................. _ ,
Idering si mg’ own »nUaB- a- weakening caosi'd by tbe diatrilm ODbeut so (or ae to admit that perbapa, ed and prolonged sllgblly. but If (bU
(Kd of (he inciilriicc <if' the rays ore* a I bficT all. he bad drank glate ed wine disease ba* altneked a child at
to Ibe priest.
| ons dbqnlrtade.
inncli tl.e night bef.ire, and when I after blrih glautism is the n-sult. Tit*
• Aad your aaUtndr baa aceee weighed I "So*, one evening after a tong walk, tonrer nffa and by llwir absanuioo and
heavily qpnn yonr*
r aa I was (rthraiag hastily so as not to be roflwiiuo m pawiing tbroogb tbe lanOH Not him my bill I rewired a check fer boni-s are prohmgiHl all along- tbeir friend, your Lord, jonr Bavloor, t
-------------- - u-J ..... ,
. ---------me.
donblc the uuaont (ram him."—New length, grow iinnalurallg. and tbe re- you to (lo that gvu are leavtag undone
anlt 1* a giant.
1 It waa (.Kind alto, in setting with York Tribnua
today? Ih> goo doubt ooe toauot with
fur i.fdiiiary life."
When yon see a big man. It li tber^...........................
(•!«'»''>' lipl'l. that ibo jwwef <J the
me be mopped. 11
Ills blgb and detp lore (or your aoul,
-How do yoD knowr’
fofv a qui<stion whether lie I* nnusool-1 (bat
,^,1 IIIUe waata
waata gou to tirag? And do
« (or , did the St'n,. Tbeu hr iTgaa lo' wag bltic and riuUt tty* waa (crtbir im-Ob. 1 am sure of It.
ly atrong
strong or wbether
wbelber hr
he I.
It a autt.-rer
doolrt on. fnaunt
"11.“ , bto 1*11 BBd *ppr"«diral ailh *b<« ateps.' paired—m .hImt w.rds, that (hey were A Tato of a TslkallTs
iHth tioA cn.ii.-hiue moTeoienl* of bia ; mopped—by tbe material (ghwa) tbrcaigh
aad BIS UeoB C
•x'ome. U. le cure, (ell me ahoot it. ; ' eUdy <reml.linc BiKiB bis feet, and'which they hod t<
bleaa aU the man about
As be threw himself hack inM tbe
Etplato lo me how yew cam.- to deride 10 genily •bsking
•baking hi*
bis bead. 1I <-slled
.wiled blm.,
The efli'C* of the glusewa* practloallT embrace of the co»hioncd choir of
rie. He m.-nlloit. i«o glonta In tbe „„
^ „„ brethren? And ora
reaouaer all ib"M- Ihinr. wbieb Bake lie spproa.-bed with s msnoer so bumble. ; ihe same ns that of luiri or base to the
IWl, aniiy who did ii.H
to |
doing auythlng like lUt? Do you
os tore life, sD wbieb opbolds sad cna so rad. <0 supnlunl that I felt Ibe tear* „m.M.J.en'. whicli
which *0
M filtiTS
filters oni D.s
I- was ('harlc* Frrut a duulH one Instant tbat He a
autos u>. Whm Is It Ibal iBia-Jb-d yon t< rife Id my ejes, I
- purr lu deed and word and
II DBliiral n>ad of aiarriogi
foe- in the newspsis-r Bat lliu barber
, (bought? And arr you |iure? Do you
and Ibe fsailly?
!• neilber
g inaiL calline In bini
t. At Urn ' day was uf little effect In (be aotbew't diito't mind (lie tjgly cpraiing. He
the Mlicte-ctilh regl.,
orM- Instant that Ilia coBBnnd
terto. nor fncsllc. 1 r snmlwr, aor laelleaned over, garrated tbe tnoaorial pa
dilRooltic* were oeeroome by tient with a towel and palmed bis face pTnehra
aacb'Jv. Uto. li no r great grief which very grnny au
I IS f.w you o|«-oly to own Him *a^
prrsus.led yi.u to proaouacr-db* eteraol I ean-te.-d his
lie bertoie bolder, tiring qnana instead of gtoat. with with lather Wlien be bad ftlpflapped
plated bis paw* upon my which it waa {xwrible to obtain a yeeg
Tbe Abbe Uaudult rase sad went etoss holders sod llekrd By face. Qr (.dlow- pure spwtrnm nnfficicntly n.-h to bine . a rax.g once or twice alotig tbe otrop b« lived 1-forc Wllklna was «'liarlra ,-niroc ,re quratlon* which maka te*
bagan wildly:
to thr treplatT. Tbra bi' lifted toward <d mr all tbe way borne.
Byrne, an Irlsbmsn. He ineatured B
•nd violet rays to kill tbe stxjres to a I
"Nice day. sir"
ifar first being whom I lored few bonn.
tbe fismes Ibe heavy sb.ws worn by roua•Thh was il
“Ob. la It?" aorwornd the other.
•iy. l«T*u«- be retnrned my leaIrg priests, tie seemed to be besItaHag
U'l queallon bin! ^
before snawerinc.
Uy *Uravi..o for this aoimal obtain ■BtitfanocT reralu to the ram
Tbe bartw looked startled, but ba
IS probably scro- i
as men somriimra m
Hr was • Urge old Ban. ailh white
. exagg.
rai.d bdiI ridlrutoaa mer with auUr rays, even with glass ,
letisca, mitvora, etc., ood expoannw of j
hair, who for LHi years bad bees miaiatremtifused fasbien it
i pect-not so does Cbriat apeak to UA
Paper aay* we’re gotog to bare nlea
_ of Faiat
ithcr giants were (onstanttor. bom ; ^pd yet He tpeaks. I know «bat Be.
Aatrine da .....re were t*o brafbers. who bad tom
! wauher now."
Thr pearaul* osed to aay
nag of ivur way 'to eonh. oae as isolated and
rts)aired to bo ao lung aa tu be : ■■Thanka." wot the aosww. 'T know
FAirlch. Rwlurriand. 8 feet 1 Inch: ,4,^.
^_He. here to V
him. “Ab. ibera's a #Be man!"
drf.Dseless as tbe ptber. lie never leri
HeroW. iKWP at I^I|mIc. 7 fret f. Inchra, n,,,rt-wsEls me to do today, and I
. bow to read niyaelf. "
Ur was. in fart, a fiae mae-sbenevo-t bt anersard. lie slept at tbe foot of Mooibly
1 iocb.—Gold- I know that i am not mlstskra to Bg
j At (hit rt-bnfr tbo barber kept altoeL benign, appraaebable. IaU St. . B) bed: a'e at ibe talJe. DoiwUhsisDdlog
k-nowledge. tt Is no gnras of mine. It
The rerorh Esi>
{ ience Bnt be shaved aguuuntbe grain,
Martin, be would bate eni a elnak la ptte Burmr.r* of my pareolL and (ollnwed
Is III. Toira tbat teU* m..-PhaUpo
two. Hr laurhed easily and tried at: me in all my solitary wslka.
• uv 4...-. II "vcl spnclacle of all
• twrakevl the other's n«e and daalwd
raBplalats of Russian Wheat.
sUgfat pruroraiiiin, like a woman, a fact ' "Often 1 would »t<ip on tbe side of *a 1 earofoilv
xrd si>d wc|tiipped expe- i *«P ‘uto the comw of bit month. The
Vice I'onsul OcDcral Hauaner of;'IS rook*.
wbtob rsihrr l"vered him le tbr mladi' dlirh aad oral Byself in the grass. S*B
“ ^diti'oi ,;f I'M. .wmoTOBAolara. who. ac- 1
mvure atrflly, tbe barber Frankfort write* lo thr »iat.- ilrtwrir hi* eocigrrgaiioa.
I woold run at once. I*' d..* n at my side of ouniiug to wliaiVa* then the raabion. ^
___ ______
Tbe t'ountrss of Karin.-,
Karin. , wbo bad
bod t»ra- on m.v knee*, and rsi-e my basd wltb tbe
tirod to her chaicaa lo eduenir her grond- I end of his nose so thst ! ailgfat caress wm-dcwtincUtog-alhcr tlte Oraanrra of I grabbed Ibe other bribe pq) of tbearalp aad I'rovUioD Detlera publlthc* * g,'nerally ai li'ongbl to'te! that good
the pb-irauhs unci of tee Ptoleniit* for ' •»* twisted bi* hnul until tbe cervical warning to it* mrmlwra agunat grain | i,.m|--r cannot only Ue rulllv^tad. but M
Chlldrrti. chrrUbed a gn-at affvc(fc<e for > bin.
Juar. at tbe Pollccii'Bi .if Pari*. TTtcir apitaratut ' vertobim crooked ogam.
b.-r om- and would ray of him. “Three"#: -One dag toward i:
lm|K>rtailun. from tomheni KumIo, , , rtrladti. duly, aod that one bn* ao
Kuicit PtoTTv d* r» di*w»TT wo* tbo'u*t obtainable, 1 "Sia.v." cned tbo gruff man. ''iny #*ylDg,li ha* received reliable Informa- | n,„^| eight to Inlllct gh»m and dea bran'''
| wr were no tbr road
Hr came rvrrg Thorwlty to pass tbr; (Tiavrul. 1 hw tbr diligracr ap. "•(*- tbeir Iraroing wo* at loori rvapecioble '»«•'»
‘ «»
wbreL "
tlitt llusslan exporiera fn Ode.** | „K,nd.-nry upc» ibe borne n
rvrning »iib the cUatrlaiar, aad Ibry Its four horse* were niiining at a r*nop. and tbeir librarr wm a n.txtnre of tbe I Bnt eull' tbe harlw shaved on to ti- and Mculab'w (ports of the lllack a
mODity. we sbtJI d
tkcr la a ftaak and { Thr driver v.-as crackiag bis .t.whip
r boood bwotltr
1 aorirat cUirro with th«*-<rf Ibe mod-IHe shaved and shaved. acrapiBg liavp of late revived the fraudulent '
ander tbr -a
wbnlcsomr ftlniteblp But
cfeud c^«.t roj..
„ romonbe-na. of nudia-val lew* with
»k>n »o cl» that .t .bowed ragged practice, prevalent
-Ah. If jvm kww bMT. nonrittetate
las. aortvw tartans aad teon me! tea
that wblcb wanU bate bnm ter B* aa
' ' '
~tttog to tarwad toM
a afl tW Iwltate
Mt tkr iBdlrtdwl
■I* or tto fMidtr w b» oa
I mar »iuwt to PNC
ak«lrlBC «r««.
ter tto 4>r.
Mtlrr «r table tetwfatkw,
VMk«* ar tba dlstw taUr «ad a<
«Mwr stTlOf aw at ameb obararad to
poMtr aacMj at tba toiaot MteJ to
4Noa Bai aatoVMapa wBmnb U
IW nlM of aaltabfWr tbn* to bo dan
ger ar 0B««toliw tba rritial Ufte ol
BMat rxartUg. Often tba panooai
aanttoB a toauaa glrn to tba taUt
adomaat to tba aaatet of a ■uiniifn:
aMaftatatoant Far tba beataas «bo to
mduata to*—1.1— aqul to affeetJaa
naaa and beantr to a (ar bon axpan
olaa dteplar- Tbara to tool ana raetrle
den to carrrtog oat tba daeoratlaa. and
ttet to tbai tba color rffart Boat ba la
bameoF «to tba MML
Cot a large puapkla to two and amog
ant ana balf. taking care not to break
tba Itorll. Ptore li on a toat of grrea
crepe paper to tba caetar of tbe table.
Fia earr(allr *ltb araeonable (ralla
■au and rdtotoa. Arrange aotiuDe
toaeee or emtlaa aboat tba mat. heap
tag tbam bigb. eo that tbe pompfcto to
appanotlr a part
tba foliage. Smal!
ttoi^ of bavtboni wub berrtoa and
trOd Ndar took well Btxed to with tb<
Uenn* written npoo Manic Ttoltlni
Aid* and ornananted wttb tba boa
teea' own work to waiar colon axid
aotiMad npoo taming oak laarte land
a tooab of origtoaUi; and maka prettj
CaeoM (or tba goeeta F*ob abora tbi
(raU bowl and attarbod te tba chan
drUar or faetanad to a boot to tba call^
of torge caodrlabia wttb red eandln
and iMf ebadee mag be art In a Uoi
with tbe frolt bowl For aacb goen
. BBaba todlridoal candle boldan frott
tbe root ente and toaart Ubg gaUea
candtoa, Bbattae Bade tran a«(«na
Imtpo and aupporied bg tba legPtoUot
boldan arr aa^«aib!. Corar cirriaf
of cardboard about Uiree lacbM
nmatarwlib grmirrepapBprr.arrann
oak tram npoo tbam. (aetealng tto
atame at tba center of tba carte, inact
a cartM randla boUar on caebcaqi and
taataa eccurrlg wlib alrong thread.
Sal tba cindlae to tba bolder* and put
«M at tba right of aacb plate. LIgbi
tba cnndlae tbe but Iblag baton dlnnet
U aanoopcad.
In tbe plan of etareotgpad ftogai
botrU, large.
large cncuBban ate a notreiig
wblcb ba.r turpi-d grllow
la and trill prora an agreeabl.
tba lB*ldr. uktng cere not to panrton
tba analU. rucr aacb rcctlon
ptela vltb a dolly and fill bait fall of
water. Add a drop of lamoo jnlo
and a croeatrljw *1100 of unpnlcd ru
Fsmbar. Tba tuantal tneg ba bonkc
wltb laaraa and anjiaraga* fanu ami
tba baarth. If Pot In uer. hlddan to Ui.
eama mannar.
With tba eaaaun of gift girtog and Uw
■MiMi return of tba tranderm doc
at band, plane for ('tartotmaa daoura
UoB oaturaUy Intrude upon Tbanke
firing rcrert.-*. YotaUde bring Uit
rarulYal of gootb. tba e axilla rice of
I'hrtotmae fan<i ebould raflact tt
pirit of gouiu bg Uialr brlghtaaoe and
c drenntion tbai win plea*,
rani chlMrvn as well as children o!
i*rg.-r growth Is sD vvrrgTocn n-otrr
Ideve Bide by flxtag a small and per
fectly sha|wd plnr In * iwx or JardI
Blere wbtob It comptetriy buried to a
bank of fern*, smaas and boUg. By
tba ahl of fUtirring oraament*. Unaci
fringe and ^ack Frost powder*
brancbM and trunk wlD br irmnaform
«d tato a pleasing spectacle for tbe egr
Afrangc two ribbooa diagonally sens*
tec talde and famrn here and tbennloug them opriga of tietly wiib ber
rle*. I'tace <« tbe oppooltr corner*
two candelabra npoo bsU of green.
Have (be randies rapped wltb red and
white abndra. With wsllt and mantel
«f a dining room bung wttb feMoonv
and rope* of green, wfth pientg of UgtR
sad bright teces nnd good cheer everTwftere. tbe C^riatmss decoraUau will
fts n auaeaaa.
B. Vox KAiLUni
Kbr insistrd. “Ootar. U. I* Core, roa^AJ^d^nlv .. It^Str Itwsrd no. : tl.^hwlaii and T*».^ whih-Kouiecan'a
tras la yoor turn."
Bam. (rtcbirard perbapa*7 «be ootor aad |
aluod neighbor to Ooetbe’a
wlsbUis to F4a aw. threw birnsrlf to I "Wenber" Among otlu-r "politiral"
bone’s hoof knocked hiB | wnk* wrte M-mfewinira, the Vfdas. the
I saw him rrdk inra. raise biBsrlf. Eoroi) and tbr Bible. Caroline Bonamysdf ibst I was not m
again upon aU bit .lltL
feet. Tbeu ^
tba \
"Jly iwrrul*. who *
f*" bsrtsvKbcr aa afanroell gift
r carriage
sh'>pkcc|s-r* of Yrtdb-TO. ebrrisbed tmbi^ a Utile p'tckr^dibrorv, amung tbs rolto sebt
r wBiaa n to ins .
Dto...... '•'Etey*."
dust aomribing wbieb qaivetud B.
. . r know
Mror. deStnel-a -lnfloettroof thePo*rhOd can soSer la a roU. ee in (br mete bigtawog. Ue wa* almost rat is tt
snd Mnretoe'a "Phllcnopblo Vitar Interior of hi* loro no
ostaidr. (br blood spontlng o
k. bet h
(brae rohiBw* and found to tbeir well
endeavored to
r and s
worn psftes a few pAtmgm kpeHsUy
ni'.rv MWriiivr brsri ihan tbrir rMera br- the earth a* if making a boto T^ '^imsthed. In bit boon td sobtade tbe
Itove. tud wbru (hat up too early (ar (Kbrta arete alcvadj dc.i and be bowtod ,
aoUtarv read to Barra bow be
from (hoar • boat they love they oftCl drw
I coaot 1 »Uo dcuninaia otbei* loaea his oara UbVrlap lo rxrrs* a srasitivrfMu* wbtob beromrs Ugh stroag. cHaraard sad dongre-
, -I bad no coarodrs: 1 paaurd mg tee
ta loBClDC (nr homr; I wrpt at night la
Bg h..d; 1 bld-ay brad la thr pUiow* lo
reeaptorr aj ercoUrcGoB*. iMigulAraat
rresOrcrions of Ihtlr (Ungo. of bttlr
tacts: I dwelt snecastoolg npoo oil that
I bad left tbrrr. I Mealy brcaow 4 bgpoehoedrtsc. for whoa tbe Ugbwut nDsadrrnlurrs w«te frightful raTaaTmpbta
"Wltbal I rrmsiaed sQrnt. test up
whUs my*r((. srlibost expaariou. witeeut cotiftdsBtt. IMs mraul axollntel
otoeoceiy bat rertalatg dU Its work. 1h*
cfBMrtnxDi to other reofde. Acratnto Beevt* of ehlldreo ar« «akUg ogUalrd.
so tte tut Mo grant flight <ff aprtvaB profoasd peace ostfl ibeir deveiopB
r. Bat 00 ooe rvn
eoittwv. when ikn hoMka ttought to sbaost rontplrie.
Imaginr* teat forr seme
coOcuv bey*
KttK" ■be aaid.
An ptaRlat wasad Us
^^ianUy. Bad«n." h* anU. “tba
caatft doaa m batog tottAtf lam
«Au«^Witt•■taaIffR U^pte
Ister wfil srwva tbr death
Wbo kttsrssu btmsaff ta
roetoi* yocag sonto rxpariBotha* obsat Bstetac snd
dek attas. taasnkto ssUa?
WithBS. Ibstoolta
of Ptaf liedmi....................
baslf wte tt* ta
w vtaA*
I grabbed s handfnl uf raw snd tender
“<• rolled it between bis flugtrt
■ untiUhe other groaned aloud. As tbe
'•ropa stole do«-n tbe tcarifiod taco
'D. run sbavt' yooraelf. air?"
No." nnr<vl (be greff man. leaping
11 uop in tbe cUotr, "I shave mygrandI
! Tbra beboried bis (ooe ta (be pnpw |
“dibs barber eniled and smiled and
■nntad. while be riibbrd olnm Into ib*
■•««*pot»ca tbe vtetim'a dito.—New
r Yote World.
1 any other r
wbrat and barirg destined for shruad.'
n to one erf tt*
Tbe sasoclalton is now considering
'ttt of one's r*what step* to take to eSemallg stop
tbU fraod.'
m.-tiiber of Ibe famlly~i
s..|fi*li mother-abould topplg sO tea
Soep Bevios Drvlee.
A Reaver Falls ll’s.l iDvvntor bat In- sunshine for the borne.—WalcbmAA.
ented SO spparatas for atvlng trap at
tbe wash baalD. Tbe soap la forced 00
ire yon ever aeeo the goad ta
te tbe forked ends of a i.lvuted rod.
- erne and bis sHllty wbUe b* was
When It U desired (0 uac- I>iv soap, the
obocore nod propbraM tbs high
rod It bent down into (be wate-r. suit
when released It will fly back lo lU plair be would take, and than, wtte
puBlOon. thus preventing tbe waste of this wa* realiickl. aod be bad risao
aoep tbet comes from rarelenig leav aburv you In your own sphere, wur*
you sUD able to pralae him? Tbia H
Tbe point u made by a writer to ooe leg tbe bar In tbe besU.
a teat of rbaractor. and here It wu
John prored bto nobtli
^S^.^aT^tox t^fatber. ftmiott < Hocirr erf on cwarmtol viriooarg-bm 1 •?«*«»
racoimt«td m
“Did I not tell you I
« aroiag me in (hi. «ate (or *0 amsU t. rftra tbe gloriro of tcmpirory snoean. [ ^«ow«ftil operaura of water wheel*
A* a rule natoral bistorg sod geo^ than I? And to He no
matter. oIIowmI Us ptsMoa to explode. 1 «uted bis dava to exileand teoRetfal- I “•
“ eoratetonl aspect, tbe too
-TVhai do go* *aM«se wUl happen.' ^_i>^,«„gii*ae’*"ldf*«<Hnp»-|
«otire sharara <rf ragtoewtog akUJ fdiyare moe deligbtfnllg tasgbt to than 1 tboogbir Re rouM witt f
br ctird. “arbra you have rvsl griefs-lf ,
, to unlmng tbe power, aod test maDga Pruaria than bae. We gladiy asa Ito Him to lorreuj
arifn* child? Yonmnst'***
j artter power woUd develop gra^effi- maps, oolored pkttma aod natural eol- dny and for t
toetiraa Kcfaool hygite to Swittetand Mttlaren.
act be aacb a (ooH
-Tbess word* rematoed with me. They
U raforoed to wtaitatfiJ wugi. Skttii«
••Spraktag of dinna." said Haw- |
hassled me. *Wbat wfl) bappes when
~."»r w
— raeatirat ra well !*»*■■** tettllta
goo have leal griefs—If yos ever lea* a vtciSi "isoiind* me (rf something I OTW- : —
KraEdnabCtaeyiraiiarkB: xftta
are pnosribed. and (hare tro vansOoB
wite.scUldr AU I began te see ctonralwaytbera tug te far ttradta
I7 iau) mynMf. I uadevstood why oil — I nhrayu'kDOWtaaookawtttrf a I “«>• be remarks, turbina* w**« uaed 1 eoicBlra and ■'mita eon*" tor tta akA- day Maas bow raagMs up ttt Mttta .
eag^. fadl DOW they are aoed aitfatr Ijc Prom VMBna^omra tta a««-ssx4 fer
Kale dally griefs amamed la my eyas the raving natur*. bsn I
aegniitt If ttt tta* ttHttaff Had(>.
af eataatropbea. I p«
(be Mkrw waa doarnright raaan. *'
arm sweat and you ar* rsody tt
•‘Bow's tbatF' oaked BlsSktaa ta- M egpedicDL and to batteries et aeta; pttMBoed sracdilirt wistatalttid by tbs do H tawrtily Sttd
^ P>»
bytb*n*e,too.trfirrac»««ll>*- city and ragntariy sttedad.—Ite Babar* ttSBt your
fttand magnify tbrotth my dtoanaed tentl- difismiay.
"WelL it waa torn tlxto TnaUay aMdia and teed pipes tbe a^MOttcf ta- parted Dnitadtftsias OterateODered pera I don't tog* wbrita it ta la
bra been largely radacad nd
-Aa sartsl (ear *( ItaTcll upas me. 1 Right Boooks earae to and bqsan talktag atalliag
ctereb or euLtaths fiaMaertoystt
was without psttiras. wbheat stsliitlttn arfth Webb. *1 bow yra'rogntog away
•aoursd; tbe growing demand lor large
I dsiidid la ttolAss psssibto )oy* 1a *e- raSamdtt-'aaidSnate
fir playing and troUefctac uritt ttasfau:.,
dsr la BvoU oatsfa oamwt. ‘LUs is
•“Tra.’ottwraed'Wehb 'Fta tttu* nidls sf power bra abo baen rarittad.
ttm. But buuaiH |ur bavu ^ ■» ta .
otaM. I wiU paa ft la ssTTiag ethesa. ta
ao ttat wfaerew a tew yean book a »M
Pbuwttra Jahi—▼'y, «* kdd had ttayteteod ft ft ttttttadHn.«K•“And whtttt* yttt ^ Mtettttr
nttTB Hr ag tttvfett*
X 'Wntate/ mH me M tan
itoHan^ —wmm
»BwwroF’rwK aocwn.
iMktac rMic MW«r «f • CWMB tr»«.
M <kt «fk« w« «M •( tb» M IM
t • Ui«> •« n<
■V «« «^ «*i»
km f» tilit tte
■w«al»ii tbabtMiyaata _a«ltkaa-
hi?*MI tr«. 1
4m*i waat W
tm. m im ar.
bat-bat 1 M*T roa. that'i aUl ' '
* 55 rM. ii m toi«. >»
1 aaaMa't ha«« iaM Mch a tUai w h«*
■V Ma.” Mli tb* othM. ~la fact for a
iMf dm I eealtet io aaiddac worth
teailas, aai tbr qaarrcrt UUa« abeat it
la dal It-----------------WM IbU-rr
aahket-dwi kept m a iafe.
It aaartr Ufiad m. la tact Oh. ao. k
im't a bto alalr. bat It'i oac of tba
art iraam *t la
aaa airaata*. otar mat af aaeh fataatt^traa."
tba raaai MM aaMad aoMot dM t«a
MMi thrmalrra ea a aofa eppMlta tba
aai tba atti« toU Ua tall aa fotTba hMarr of Ala alctara fan back
to T party fbMbaoi lasaevvallM
tba amaf aiic of SO. but I ramnber
TM7 aroU bow, wbea I waa a boy aai
ttaai with Bty panats la tba IKUa aai-
Otar IhitP. Iba aarar left laa. iay or
a^ vaktac or iraaslac. Aai la ooa
pardcBlar tba rWoa waa aet Uka tba pietwa. Tba brtia I atw aiwayi bai hrr
tfm dchtty deotd. 14o oot ramBbrr
farala aboat bari '
naiy paMlIag
beriB tba Sail
of mack <
aai awata that aba robbad
tba joyooMiM of yoath.
ly bmH 1 (rtw ap late
“Aai I waa atcali to laO aiy aaCrt to
aayboiy. aaaa to By fooi paiaata.laot I
Bli ba laacbai it WhaD I waa
rt to tk art aeaiafBy la.D.
"Jaat wbcB I fait as iBWalac I
oMMbtac worth whUa aai aratai Byoatf
k k Siai rtoolaa aoc
•imar whb lUrtllBC dMlacCBtai
taka alBoat taayiblr abapa brtata my
ayao, oe Aat I aroali throw iowa btaak
aai patoda la airttaMiat aai iaapalt.
Aai BO aU My party pIcntBo wtra pratty
psaa PtoC. ter I waa ae Mock apiar tba
MaO of tbp oaeaaay aai nyptprtooa rtilM that I eoaU aot ceacMtratP
im^by rtrU I tiW to Sa it opos «aaoaa. boplac to
aa aoi af It la that
tray. Tali bopa! At oraty atlaapt tba
taea frtw polar aai palor
tba attampt waa abaadooai.
na tbla w
ODotM they b
tttai tor work.
‘At laat wbM I eoaU ao loator palat
•Poa Moilaao pietorao I wpat to a phypMm aai Uli tk* eopi krtero U» witkoat rmrri. Hr attrlbotai aU aty troobUa to otiriaealtlrr aomt aoi toU m
• atop arork aai r> travollef at
‘1 toaowpd tba proocrtptloa. aai It
«*ai BO. 1 traoppd tbreofh tbr woa.............................biutpi Bbrk
iliiptoi. la rlUayr
Uayr tuM
toM aai
bataa aai
y aroMtay
aroiitDc tbr laJlway.
— tbtoopb
b all tbb
tbte doUybtral
baai Htp tbr pab brtir poroaoi bt aai
i a TOT
Kbci tbr
Utdp towa of I
dp tboMbt ai 1 paMii tbroocb
toailBTal cataa that I abooM tbpro Sai
thP aoladoa of tbr ByBcry- Oa tbp
•toalac of By arrtral I brteok Byartf
to tbo PBly ircBBt looUat ta<
*1 hM bora aUtiap parttopa IS Bla•ta la tbp low caiUBfPi aoi well oaekai pofaUe roea wbM a Bta catorai,
iMilap POP of tbr Moprt i<«i I rrar
taw. Wbpthrr tbr brott waa Irritatpi
by By rorfol cooatroaacr or thooebt ba
bai tom otbrr near of ofroor 1 emoMt
Bay, bat tba alaplr fact la that bo broka
away fioB Ua Baator aai raabri at m
ao aatoaaly that I. brlac aaaraally wrM
“fciatal iay» riapioi k
aalX to M.
tbawtoiow totoar TbmwMM
■i PW-
Tbp diB Hfkl tkal otraoM tkaonyb tkp
diirty iraora rortalaa toowai ar a
kMMky of old faahlcmi toiokoia. walk
oaracod wHh ItokI celatod papa aoi arr-
■At that taotato. bowartr. the iaar
Mi. aoi a HMt tody loUraj,
tod ai M toAtogai ooi com
L' '
m 1
prayar 1 rOB adini. 1 waa reoaoi ftaM
By abaargiia by dw raka of tba Ada
tody aAbfftt ay ara waa aim paiafA
- TSo,’ I loU. tar I waa nally tae aadtai Job tbco to foal aaytktop aa tfUlap
aa a mra pbyalcoJ pala. «>i Am aba
toU m cAt tto Up BoMlt bai tot* ay
aiB baity aoi that I bai loM Back
btooA For two iaya I bai bOM taiB
Aalatoaocaofaplitto. Aa I waa a total
Mnaprr to Aa rtDapa I bad bm takn
to tba baoar of bar hoabaoi. tba LoArtM Aalatar. I tbaobai ay plaoi
Btdt boBm am btoidly aai told
vbe I warn. TbM ay tboMbta wont boA
to Aa pirtai*. aoi la aplu of ay WiyaiMl wrikiMM I datrrortaci ta tatA all
Moot II at aoca. TV BtaWarbVlfk,
'"^AtThcaT'woSto Ar aeaWa fall froB
ay ryM aoi Aa Aetloo of ay lifrlouf
B^rry tirciBr aaddroly aa ptola aa
day. la ISM > Ilnd l| O. aai waa S
ycora old. I frb coarlacrd that I. loo.
had at IVI timr area Ar ’braetlful
corpar.' PfotaWy ay uaroe. arbo, Uka
all propir of brr rlaia. had do ioabi a
Atop tor mA acroM. had vm to m
Ar fair yooay brldr ta Vr coOa and bad
takra rar with brr. Tbr acror had Bait
ao ladrUbIr Apmaloo oa ay ehlhliab
aod larcpIiTa brala wltboat. boarrrrr.
toartop aoy clear mraory of pUc*.
or rtrcotatuarc. And pradarty
Ala rraaoB It bad bream Ar plapiw of
ay lairr lift.
-Bat now wbrn I Vd tracad tbr
DPCtlon of canar and Htort and at
aamr dm aaw tV rrrtublr portrait of
tbr dreraard tody Ar torownttop rtAa
rantobrd. nerrr to rrlpprar. WeodrrAI.
toa’l It. iVt Araopfa Ao bita
apt dap 1 waa carrd of a prr
tVl to a.............................................
birr wrackrd my rraaoaT Tbr dayi af
By cooralracracr la tbr qairt old bootr'
aad to Ar aoclrty of tbror Aaralap '
propir wrrr ao drilphtfaJ that I i
Ufa. t look a ropy of tbr picture wilb
‘And, do ytni know, I repaid Aat n>oaeat aa tbr ml bcgunlop of my arttotle
cototr. My wort at oocr aeqaired new
airvepA aad life. Brfora 1 had palntrd
wilb ay baada. Now I brpaa to paiiil
wlA ay bran and aaoL
‘IV copy toy loop forpottm to a portfolio.
Fiftren ynn totrr, wbm At
whole afair bad alraort paawd oat of my
Bcsiory-I had aarrird and Vd altatord aomr Uttlr, n-polalion aa a paiatrr In
Ar aaantbDc—tbr Iblnp eamr tolo my
bandi by neddrot. I tboapbt I mlpbl
make aomrtblnp oot of it, and Ibrre you
arr tbr rreult. It la a p^ deal better
Aan I boprd.~
atory b
It a pnioi
jp Vd <
rk aV 1
••Well. tV pair bride baa atoned for
ao loop."
Tbr Ual nya of tbr arttiap an at tba
moment alolr Aroopb tbr prrat wra
wtodaw. ftU upaa IV plataie and Irat it
a MW piory. Tbr aad fared painterMtoryta to Ua
. and to bU bran <
arirM •rain Woa
I Oermaa ptyck
. nl JoaCMl
Profraaor Van Wal__________________
Tatora pirra a Aort draeriptioB of IV braTtoot brala on toeerd. Tbr pcainur af Ala poedcroaa orpiB waa an rpilrptlc idU. wV died at
the ape of SI. He brpaa
yean of apt. nrrrr
t attended
acbooi and
rrerirrd loto
o At
Ar toatiiatioa
a at
Pbrrp at bia foartrralb year.. Hr
tor of low iBirlUa
r aad of
> bai pood burnt
traara aermrd pood aad tbr
maamlar ayatris well drrrtoprd. Hr m '
frrrd frea rptlepay. dnrlnp an attack
wbkb V died. TV brato wrtpbrd S.S
'Lota of Cblaam
to wlpaakrr. ‘'com t
ry want to look Ukr Ar mayor
CSitoatown. ta Ary wear wipe. aV acanr
• Back a> tZS far-~Arm.
batopa a lot of ibea la «a. Bat.
A thry want to look like Aaori. Ary won’t aacriSce tbrir cnaa.
Proa oar (bird atory arr ran look tore
one of tV Chtorir barber abopa aV
Aeir wiM aV Vrr tbeir brada aVred
CmnaaoD to tV bark of a tnr whU
to natlea to Ory-ka. acaiA India and
Many cf Ae EaB India iatonA^ Dnrim
Aa Biddle apea it waa hiphly aMoanod
M a BKdicinr. and one itaOnace to on
record cf a poond of it beiap nohl to
Spain A. D. U< tor a BOB aMrlyaquieatoautoliUofOBiBMney. UwmV
a.rM—T.D M, mw,
M tbp '
kMA M opMaarty «PMP iowa trm tbt
PM wkh oiytblm. rtr» 1 bopp
MO MO (Pcdi« bpttar,’ ibc ^d. 'Too
Wt btpo Tory U. yao koow. hak tka
iaotor taU m taday that yoo om aow
mtt «( doaiar. Tboafc Ooif ^ti Aa
t^OHotb to koap Bartop ot Aa pto
SSaTolte ^ *****'* **‘* ^
-'WIB «M boM % gpAm ta..MM,
irltphunn Bty V imotrtrd wttk tmr
dtotrtrtwliw. By totaan of Ato nyMtM
arery bnoar and tbctorr alonp Aaltoa
of Ar wftrn ran V cootoctad wiA An
otara wko. aad Am pcMnctlan noy
V bad «t a tow coot TV wlrao cab
ntoo V onrd id oanccC vtA A* h^
dtotnnee Mrpbem for otbrr onM.
CaMy wrg patoaai ooa-Aa HAtor mf
■abaad. aoi aV iM a brtda.
“ ■Bbirtly iwfoto bar icaib. wib* Aa
raO korw aoali oooo «cc«r. iho bai Ala
plctart palalrd. AfMr tV ilMb of b
MTTBta K cam tote ear p
‘WVrt did aV ilcr I
TaO/ Bv'ilimd ay'rarty boaa.
“la wtat yoarr
“U ISlfi. BV waa TPty baaotitol. aa
jm laay Judpa froa Ar portrait. aMi Aa
wvk Vriod to brr waiitop iraai. My
baataad. who aitrodri Ar fBMCoL told
ar V arrrr law ao baaetlfaJ a Corpar.*
BV toy iBbriiri to Sowtra llkr tV
MOW fairy to tV oM talr. pneofflUy
drrptof 1b Ar erratal coabpt aoi ar
to Ltadok waa rwoadpd Joly IS. iHi.
S5.SdifMM: MParw.t04.aiAat. M
im: nt AlaliUt. AMBolto. Jonwy
IMI. lU; M Mo—k. liadio. Joty IS.
A MBoroto «*• to VMT Mr
d*B« Obato Aot pMato Aoi SmAi------m. tobro tba rartoiaa waaabpioA ooi
Ar kaylAr awaiBai to. 1 toiw AM AP
oaapictao wot wA iMBAi.. Tba pdmra
woo M raorttoM pBOoh M Aa pair
toUa Aat Ai tMMtawi m te aa BOW
yaora. Tbara waa ooly mb Atop obMt
-Half of IV propir wV ww ptama
•nd ceraplaln tVl ABf Bpbt U prodoally dlalntobtop ewe tV Mro to dWy
^aiara,' roMarka Aa optlrtoa. ‘Bpec-
cwr tar mm ■bn'a pant to Ae potoan
af onoAffto.
•Ba of toto I
ratwnlv m Int
pilMdiitoo and mot Baoy af ay gany
poAnta wlA booarVld 'matdtoo.
Down iiaA wbmo I yrrw op. paapito
ptoMr by A ■ bonettoBk core. WlA
toad iMaai too. Lactic aeU. Ae mar
of btmMMilk. ottaeka and dtoaoIrM
rray mm af qonbr drVMit la At
btoad eoMda TVa It krwfa iV tHm
aad artactoa m oopplt aad tie* rnaatap
Aim can V na doBtof np. Voer bo
Dyspepsia Cure
Oitem wtot roa eat.
Bltod by a VA oow and tVn M peo
ple are. It to araape Vw lauy peopto
Acre arr wba think Ant by wtp^
I Bnnly brUerr. postpaacn tba
Artr ptoMre now and tbr« ibry keep
) of It 10 ta SO year*.
Arm dean. TV fact to tVy waat n
-TV pouty dtotbewto to
VA Job aa frequrtilly oa dorn a bar. bnt AarxcltlnpcaoM
aan bellip
Yon atw. H to thto way: ef acinal pool I
Tbr toor and raprctolly tV eyea aD
Ar flaw pirr off a Snr caper. Thto
cAtpn to Ar ptoMro. aad tV dwt coldoM rrra n
la taolnp ibe atamacb.
Ircta oa Arm. Aa aooo aa Aey bo. It Ac matrrtal from
eorar Hron-Aat to..apparraiUr draawhich to maV rlrtu ted, bfolAy biood.
n. .......
Ar wreirr la aotlaSed.
‘So* tbr pi^M pora oo. Rot wbito
Ukr twrd milk. Ito food raloi may I Laarm.todmim.NMtolkmmaodi
wtplnp Ar ptoMm droaara tVm and
V leaa. by cVmkol tcat^ hot In ecery ; ~*rOtop Vtkaamoay.
la npcTMary. a boA la atoo required.
other way U to .-ery moch more. If
Brrry Mae tV Btoinra arr wiped a ttor
yoo Vfe patn or a pouty trwtoocy.
Urn of dirt to toft an Ara. and tbto aodrink a goart of baitmnllk rerty Sd
enmutotra. aitd no wlplnp will rlrea It
boura. rat M awat or
tot alone
partrito. apicrd tblnpa aiul wlor. Vt
allow yonradf all IV rppa, pamr,
tbonpta at a plaaer Ar plataea may ap
firtb fnilu aad cepruhlea. raprdally
pear dean. Yl’beo tbto oewom. tbr olpfat
Hlada. yon can coMumc. aad nnlcM
ta dlmlDtolMrt. and tbry onar to me ar yon air a
Bime otbrr optician. WVI tbry oupbt
yoo wiu abenly V amaird
to bare done waa to pier tbr ptotare a
own Imprerrmrot. I Vtr arm alnwot
boA la warm water, aril acrabblnp
^1—.woe. WITT 400. CM...
'■Ai a
tec* tl pmfikr kMt7. vKk wr *m
Mw «T« aai AmbK ki». bat p>lt Mi
wMMtr Mi. M If wM • <mh>«M it
iMttu TW MBOWI kK««M thi •*•
■ftiilM Mi tht TMthfai bMRr aai
Mial «B7 «M i MMMk i<
—-| Mi th. littm baii fair M
Bti, IMO
Aa a ontrtoat. bottenallk iy wholly m>-1
SometlniCS yOtt dO botll
and aftrrwanl wI|m- tbrm. Tbto abonld
be done with rhamola Irnlbrr and tbrn
with lliav paper to poUA
Orertond l*Ialo Itoalcr.
(tniro a day. tbr vb rake aalnrali-d
wilb pood prasB baltrr ami aopplrented wilb roaated rppa. potatori aad
A itoiitb-maii V« a > cr)- fine Aopora
rat and w> fliii- a siMM lnirn of brr kind
that aV I. roiiK.iu in a torpr elide of
tarbioiiaWr folk. She I. not rapprd In btaculu occaakmally do not hurt. pr.r
cannot V..............
take: phyalr.
- .
may. IV>putor
It \
mn*aa. bread of evrry
An* kp OliillMI. VoAilMton.
Adatral vd Mr*. Itrwry h\vr rrtnrii.sl t>< lli.-lr WaoblnRton bnoir. and
tbe bouae aheni wblSh Ibrrr liaa Imn'R ao iim< li iiilk bn. iHM-n nprni'd for tbr
aroaon. Tbr admiral and bla rbarailiik a lf<- » ill ink.' n [iniminmt |iort In Ae
aortal payattoa of Aq natlOD'a mpltal dumiu Ur' inuiliic wlnirr
Uwo put It. brr milk, it baa been
roltrd with hrr iiiral. It haa even been
Adrly and rlolcntly rubbed in ber
mouth, but nrerr Va ilir bmi driadrd
or furrrd Into iwbIJowIdr any of It
Laat wi<rk a ern-m Irlab pirl appeared
anKPiic til.- VuarVId erreanU.
branl almui tbr fallarr to tn-at tbe rat
-Sorr." aald aV. “pier mr tV medi
cine and lumir lard, and I'll warrant
abf'U V oiliic all I pirr Vr.”
Grand Traverse
Land COs
trIV of frrmcfiu to beM
to Ibe bDtirrullk. tbe goart la Ae
> mlnlmnm. If you Vee appetite and
caiacity for Aree Quito, au tuvb Ae
L/.wl N/.|a.4rautln-. iMy.
BODsIs for Mle A all parts of Um
FARlSr^VuSp' Hat of VotoaMa
farau and other tonda.
FRUIT LAKDS oa tV .Penttsato-^ '
Imiouved aad nntmproved.
BARGAINS—We Vve them.
pended from an orertiead wire. The
frame to u Vlit Aat It will bold aa
THE ART OF MANICURINa I •«« rrrry y.-ar, will
V aerO i
---------------lapala. bot tla adcocatro will
Ver a i
«n«"ttl It onAcrat a
ordlarry bicycle.
wlA tte aeeAo WbV# Opaeofloa Mode Wola V [ bard Mmr InttodDClnp it TV drea I *»
koth aldra ctoan aad cosary mreVntom for comniunlcailnp
Aar Ooa Mar ••rrcora It
j coat wUl Vrr aVuldrra of mrdloa
•“ '*»e phyato.
-Kaltb." tv powrr made on tbe prdato by tbe
An eipert doaertbea aa foUowa Ae : width, built np juat motipb to pi»r a i
aorcant ptrt. "everybody la feet WlA tv wberta ocerbead. wbirb
rboto procoM of mantourlnp, ao that agnarr. rather than aronodor droop
Ireland dora knowhow
run alons tbe wire.
In medlAla ma
tboae wbo cannot .pay
rtolu to inp..
inp. rffrrt at tv top
rlnc to a cot"
tv frame. blcycW and rlVr travel
. repolar
'twlfily atonp tV wlrr. with a t
a ptofemloaal may know Vw to per- ; Tbe walairtuu will V
v rtcbcr
rttber alai
alDple or |
Mablaa Wateh Crratala.
form Uto Intrrratinp operaUen for! doable brraatrdI wbm made of Aa I
mum of rmtotanre. It baa Iwen Iratrd
In the tirodurtlon of couimoa watch
AemaelTca: Tbe Snprr iipa mnat SrB
fv a abort dtotance. It to uid.
I plaaara t V ylaaa la blown Into a apbere
be Irametaed for a few mlnotea la a
Topulor Brteoce.
' about a meter In dlamrtrr, onlBrtmt
H Utber nil
material briny taken to civc tbr deTbia to t
'almJ Itilcknraa, aa tSr raac may be.
A rieurh acirotlat baa found a name
Dl»k» nn- tiH'ii <-m out from tbIa apbere
for Ito flnprr naU bitinp Vbit.
Tbto cutirle. or thin, toupb akin, la fro, witli till' nid t>r a peir of rumptaMa
rolls It onyeVphapla. from tV (Ireek.
quently allowed by tb.
[bavins a dlatnond at the extremity of
mraalnp nail eotlnp. TVl ouplit to
Ae banV and nalto
Ae dainty care of tbe
I one Irs. There to a knack In dctacblnp
^fblen tbe cblldm out of It. «it
to prow up over Ae mairly and tbta
the dtok after 11 Va been cuL A pood
hide from rlew tbe lurtty white half
Workman will. It la aald. cot (1.0U0
moon, or -Innula." which'In all weU
kW nalla to to be plainly dlacerned.
>01 Ploar.
toon aa tV «
o baa become alceIt Is rr|M>nr<1 t„ ibr ilciiartmeot of
T* •*o^-SMaywi*w"tor«l"'''™'
aprlrulttirr. tVasliiopliin. that In tV
tv BMP wlmloii and srotly dried
WVre hide* hU old ewotloal
n-ploti about Tara tbr utila known aa
WlA a vft towel. Tlioy are now ready
“bratlli " pruw lu sovli abundaoce AM
for Ae operation of Ar cuticle knife.
thoDsands of Ions arr wasted every
-tnaKirta]'- tbooah to be. V stU.
Thto must V used mllL Ae sreaieot
TnboBoas'llk., STOWS oldrv,
year, t omanuts are also found In pro
deUcacy.eare briup uki-n not A oeratca
«blle sto. hu mass <4 PlVos MU.
fusion l.n many plarrs. It Is predicted
tv nail Id any way. Tbr viot of tV
atlU Atm a yoathral abueUer.
that -nut flour" will compete wlA
AnUe aVuld V sruiJy paaocS under
Osald that too q^Ublly nyaipk bat Isapo
wliratvii Hour.
tVedpe of Ae akin. Inooeulnp It from
Bt *«vtow arao' and U«o<)'.
tv nail. Tbe aupcrflnou membrane
-1. tAwist ttoa both.
u«aia air Paeteer.
or cuticle abonld uow be cut away ;
A factory fur liquid air to belQp erect
wlA Ae coUcle ertsaora. Tbeae art'
Bat sto sbs coat rrcNs prsy. sad aa
ed at Vs Anprlea for rcCrtpefatlnf
made ioup aud alrudrr. with VauA !
wbuas bsirs arr fslUap.
Masl t'ni his Done Hole t„rt«o
folly enreed poinA Utdlnary vtoaora
Grand Traverse Land Co.
Id iota from S5 to 11,000 oa t^ioil
cbattel awurity, jewelry, fnmlinr.'.
pianoa, borseworanykiDd ofptock,
or ifcod aecured nou-a.
(!alt at room 1 and 2, Handlton
& Miiliktm Birwk.
_ JOHN* Ei KELLY. A(fant
Haoistee I Northeaatern ft. R.
vortd Alnk.
would oot do Ibe work properly.
It mtat V dlatioctly underatood that
Bverr naasebalp ta Dlsaue at Ita
thto entUnp of tV ettUcle la only nee-;
Owo Metaas.
caaary with vptocted nalla.
coaucr pcpyiac prpm
Mrs. niica
Nowlan Is tbr Uwntor
wbleb receive proper and repular at- lame material sa iv rom and will
tentloo bare tV lunula well In view, Vve a low u ahniwd op>-ni:ip
(Tbsa .of a <loD»-st!c parbapo tiurorr which
aad tv ViD at tV baae is not allowed made of fancy material in- wolalroat rau be atUviM-l lu any pas ranpi- or
to prow over A Vlnp gently pubed moB V duulUe breasted
troueera Coal stove, sa} s lUr fhUapo Becord.
back every day wtA an Ivocy preoacr., will V shapely, averaping is in< bes at j H consist* of a double sbi-et Iron cyllaWbenever tt to arcettary to cut tV co- Ae knee and IS locbra at the notiom. der drum wllk a perforated bottom
pipe tltal oorrtrs the fninra
Bda tt muM V Vne wlA a4kAfnl TV Tuxedo, linrinp tbe all silk shawl
i IV pr
aad delicate Aueb. and under no rtp- tuD. will V more popular Aan Ae coat Ae rbinmry. In Ae Inside rycllnder to
science. J.
BipbMd. M. D..
to drawn, m vlA tbe peaked lapel roll
Tbe walat- placed Ibe parliope. and beneaA tbto
R &, P. I
D. Q.. a
The refoae to rapIn neb a caMlrrtUVaacd Btobaoro- «Mt tor tbi* coat is either a raacy
__________ _________________erfor or ’.*nioV :
"p on
«M would follow.
black material or piaio nitck.
wlA obaeTV nalla tVmacIvea may now to
inc-r and outer cylinder allows the air .
aV tTimmed wttb naU aetiELECTRICAL JOTTINGS.
tV firm
•y abould V rut to a pretty
oval abape and may V flotobed off WlA , *»tea and RewarLs o( Imeeeoi I
outside ejllnder tolnp in inebea In
_____ _
a die to neftou and level tv edges.
TV beautlfylap proreaa ibaa com- I
The Marara IMlI. Power eompaai
motiooed tV vtoitoe to a
maw by Immerslop Ae nails for a | makes a romlnal c-horpe for allow top' Tbe l.uri,er will he mad- In different |
minute in any of tV rteanslnp flulda | visitors to aee the Installation. Tbr
Baca, and Mrs. Nowlan expects it tt **“
apertal preparaUooa maV foe tV I
C" A c hnriiy.
TV Bwartby browed visitor ptonoBl
rpaoe or by tV nac of a little lemoa i
use »f ei.-. iHeiir to cut wroupbt
around to make aura tbat tb^ ware
ee to free tv nail from all uUIds ' Iron ClnlcTs wiw r.-ernlly ancreasfnily
alnoe. ib«a> dtuwforA fron tV folds of
aad dIaeoloAtiooa. Uttlr oraape wood | accomiiUNlwsI dur.np repairs on a Cblbla cloak a atnall bottle oodtalbinp aona
StleV. Mid In ttoy buadlea. ora otoe 1 vapo bulldinp.
; mval^-irBI fluid.
^ to apply tv flnld nader tv com Tlir in-nny in Ao slot system af dV
••Sir,'' V began A uadtrtaaea. •■Ala
of tv uU. aV Aeoe effacwally' trtbuUnp pas U.n.upb tv poorer aad
bottle omtaina port of tV ocattaats of a
eradiate Ink. paidenlop or igto*! artlaao districts of l.sjodnn baa been
man's stomach. TV diwawd died two
otaAo wbleb are aoraedmea dlOcnlt to «> aneceaafni that attempts are now
days ago under tV moat aa^rtrtooi drrmnore from Ae edpea. Now rtnae tV , VAc ma.U- to supply fV elertrte light
cumaloncM. after bavlnp dined wlA a
nalla ta a little rooewater aad com-1 A tV same way.
very beontifol woman. I want expert
iMce tv poltoblDg
tt t* reported from l»ndoe that Uar-1
awun tmtimnoy—an trcDctod. all wooL
TV pollaber. or rubber, baa aa eb- «*! baa succeeded in tranamlttlng a '
I yard wide, no rebate, expert analyrta
ony. ivory or pottoVd wood Vndle aod meosape by the wiralcaa ayatem from
I What's your prteo. star'
to eompoaed of ao ovaJ pad covered Boulo^r, France, to Dovercoort. Eng'
TV pvMt man Vld tV bento np to
vtA a piece of floe cVmoia leaAer. A i Uni a dl.iance of «0 mUea.
tv lipbt. Aeu pulled a atnnp dlscloelittle pood nail posrdev to aprtofcled!
Eleetricliy rei^rts ivt a company
tnp a acoto of prices cm tV woU, whieb
«TB- IL and tv nalla are rubbed brtok- I with SS.fWi.raa) eapiul V. tooo formtv vitiur reod. aa foUow*
Vekward aad forward onA a brO-1 «l I» >•>* Tort to run
Dowptne uaaaAoa araxpa.
TeBadputoBaadewnrlo n...................... I1.(M
at pollab la obulned.
If It tt dw
do- I aVped
aVpr' alumlnlnm
------------------- CM
- a» m«ea per ^^i^uoolu: tV parbape QOeBloa ta________________
r t.u-*ns of rtectrtcHy from a n^ ,,rs,.r elUea.
Mra. Nowlan
baa ,TefltttpotoooaedswaerlrtMT................AM
pots* aad swaaeld^T.,
•trad to color naHa wbleb are oot vta-; Vnr
___ ____,
rany piak. a little pink colertop poBe,
to projerted ,
,i^ i.qumw for trveu mmsAs
»tV ta 5"*
aay'ocw v rubbed into Aem aad At betwi
ManeVater and Uveirool. to b„ a,,
LaaaUe avenue,
^•nd. tv Bwed to V 110 mlloapef j
V. been ke|H gUMS^ aa to
pettokiv reoewed.
Ta keep Ae Vila la. pood coedUoa
paprt road IWore tV rbytleol |
tVy abouM V maalcnred iwlca a
•« £ *k U
ua> SB
io N
<War Has
e Is
■vaa 4 B
*to 4B
a i». X S
■is H to m
n m « B _ TrsVNfw Ciiy_
Ttmle* an_____ stgb
to to to 2
•rise Hiatluas.
^w. ctuNi^BSSirASl^,
and ooce a day. after
aortety of Kraakfort-mi-Ao-Uetii Hen
tv bands. tV Ain mambraae at Artr VVfer dewnibed a cob^ dcBpaed
base abould V peutly pnaVd back for uto la
TV cobetw la made by
wttt Ae 1vu»T pruoaer and Ae nalli Icprapby.
poitoVd wftb tv ebamato toatber rub- pasting strips of
of tin
tin foD
foD on
on a
a glata
pUtt. If Ae ptaaa V allrered. It wfll
anrwer tV fmrpaae eqtBliy well pro
beattb. are trouWed wlA Ala.
rtecdiy. brittle oalla. wWeb are raaotaatty
bcaoktop or apRttiap oM baeomlap trtrtty MTUM tv metalUc atripa ptvm
JOOBI at tv odgeo A tomoo k^ ca
tv waabotaad and Med after waaktop Ae etortile wares Vplnped mi them
tv mlataarv was Increased « bunto NMfrt for remedytap Ato aUto.
TV coherer werV to a
■•••a airlea.
A new triepbeme Are alarm ayatem
to* wtD V tittle eVoge la o«mlacdreMoulto. Aecocdicig to tV Kov Va Joat been patented. tV whole ^
Terk TrAuaa. ta Web tV PlMtri- tom brtnp operated by
toa ueemn. iv paakad loprt W V and dry Vttrrien. After tV ayatem to
rm apalB. t>« ymow toM wlU wear once iBstoltod tv UBiy Aliip to p« oa
r iiiilii 1i III lurnlii [Tt T —^niSj
m$t Vlit U WlA Ae avwl tuB. TV
«c a
j '
^ coofldent sV hM dto| covered Ae aecret for making a model
, city w
M —
tar —
as rtvaidloeM to
i g||,
raafldeat tVt If Ae
way roe------- -
„ eweapn caa V Induced to try ber
1 Aey wm We aa
-Now. air.- LoCtotoa tV piuat
‘Com la IV Vae of extotMua. a touiuBicBl axpert. "m Wd> rtde of Ae
very tricksy -AHcl amoop dtoaaaea.- (cMatoyua! An yon toapkiyBl ta tV
tV old doctor Mid la bto alarriap latanM B tv potoMB (to IV prtBBMr
Ba Aa drtaetivahad flalAed As laB
aoudirru voice, aa reported by Ae Bt.
Lonto Ctobe-DemocraL ‘Tog amr Bneuf Aemslecf prfeae and fair hair
kaow jam where it will taV you. It rtond «B Md. Skrwly V arcae. looVd
boa as many ways of ohewlap Vrtf at bto wrtA. mw Aat V bad been
Mda, drew fcrA a roU Bad
as yoa Vve Onpen aad tees—yea, aad
and maartea peneatfy. 1
«IM. praMtof ft into tv
Vadof Aapmaexpmt. TVe.wiAa
lock of Mvy av adatMAm. V fiV
•rate aV tadirldiB] acV
fiber of tV baaas frame. Ba evM. iart to ttma to a>*a MaAm VaAod.—
that to qb tv
-»■ qi.»
— ffidmi.iTfitoaat
----------ss Cuy.
Pepe Marquette
_________ •m* mum.
oaito BOCTB,
n^Txan' cmr,
••rvM* UP To a OVtaek BoorT ■
Royal ftooBptton wMT«nd*r«d
KnifTin Prmh Capitai
Ouard to Avart Troublo
Parts. Hot. M—Krpfftr arrirod la
Parts at IC:40 this noniac Bad was
gtm a —sf <a*i—» fataprtaa,
tealmtda ««a ^iMed wltli nat
, m.. Hot- M-The ataalBBte T. V. Oeto, the
nnoraaaxpmi pa^.
>. to atUl As
wwfwtpdky taMtac c
with the Boer hrau.saiig by ehildm
of the Traasraal eoDeat, to waieh
Kroger Udmed t^ch tsan ia hit eyes
a lU
aad lataly drirtog oS stock Atoagtog
ittton TA goretnor’e ^psato
to Ae interior depAtan
Aebdtoae back to As
met WiA ao attn
week age Ae i
Covamor of Mlaalsaippi
A few Ays ago tA MiAigaa Starch
Vour Wife
Kaowa when yoar ckAkea fit and kok woQ—
Ladtoo as s raid are meat partiookr—tbay Uka
tbeir kasbaada to ba dramad ia the lataM
ioB. aad Aaiafore moat riotbwia make aoer
taoaawbeayoa briagjeer battmhaUto htip
yoa ebooae a Rarmant
. Rot Soaiith Benda
Bm Hm MW WjU. or
To^Kl is a great pleaaore to hare the ladka oom ah^
whan yon oonteaplato a porohaaa—It plaaoea mto baabkto
pleaaa Ae moat parttoalar thaae that oaaaot ba olaaead alaa.
Brins your Olife
Aad hare bar look orar oar aphmdld amortmeet el • 16. $ 12
and $10 Men’s Suita, Overcoats and Ulsters.
8be will like thaoi.
Cb* VamMis $>.00
Shors lar Otomcn....
MiN An
It I imiti Pitn
Bha^Maad^^Lmthere for all
OaAty- llfbl Dress Kidflexible solas.
Mediam weight selected
Kibn KiA
Kibn Kid Uppers, maaatoh
toes, welt soles.
HtiA eat, hnry sols Storm
Calf Boot.
Kibo EaaBel Calf — haadsoiae street sboea.
L-^KMP-KOT F’l-r-rKMfl
Sl.oo qnality Bstay Man's ftae Orereoato
DnyN^iag-oxford —bine, blnekaadox-
' '79c
aalvaa in Secret Meeting
B Ite Voralac BMwd.
Cepe Town, Nor. »4—It to reported
tAtaeeoret meetAgof Afrtkaadete
Aid at Putifteea. Cape Colony.
Alrty mlA from WonkeeWr. yester
day. TAee present pledged Asm.
Nor . *4 - Gneial
Trenob ant aroolamn throagh Kliprirerebug yesterday. A party <rf
•heat forty Boen AU A
approaA of Ae eoAma. Only a few
Aelto ware fired.
TA Boer
rislted Brakpao
BataxAyaad eaiTiedoffall tAborma
OOeere at Aadqaarttee nr It wiU A
le for As refages to retm
e for serenl montA
SxtmqnnUtyOatinc Ohotoe of a Mg ha
«f Kaa'awtatRspn
9c Yd
Ken's Ftoooed Ua^ TSeqnnUtytoiUeeSBe Begnlor Se Wool Bos
Dieeelag Saeks. rib formte-cBly
bon tie Bt aeek, oromine nt
obet e^[e-^
in Your Home.
after Ae Aipmeot of Ae nunplea from here is rery gratifyug to
Ae Miobigea Starch Co. and Ae opAioe cabmltted nposi Ae quality of tlie
floor espeeAlly plcasAg. More mmptos will be shlffkd to Loadoo A
enable Ae
deakra there to eAitot it to heary
nnra of Ae artlole. whlA is eridently A fisTor wfA Ae Ann A qaeetion.
ipaay which handles east qaanUtiea of sooh a prodact erery year
aad who distrlbates it aU Ota the
oontAeaL A Aeir
they'ask tlmt ahoeld Ae prodact bold
ap to tA qaaUty of the aaples sobmltted the exelasire agency A gieea
them. FarAer aegotAtiona ere A
S1.IS qnnUqr toSlM
nU wool WnistestleatlwM—
Hognlar msOCbeah
mnsb Cnps-only
St OO.
TA Mlehlgaa Stanh Oa. to now
tbotoaghly eqalpped M prodaee pota
to floor of a superior qaallty ead Ae
proepectt ere that 11 will find an
tentoee amrket A forelga eoeateh
waUas A Ae United Smtee. TA
teetory ^ beea to Aprorki Utoly
Aat a Ay erew can now do Ae work
heretofore done by e night ead Ay
fores oombAed. wlA a force only
eUgfatly redaeed Cram Ae doable
orew. Aae gittag day work to neaHy
, ae aaay ead serAg Ae extra cx{
■ it ths Prtortpel ftomss rtejte of eight opeeatAn.
Up to Ato time Ae Ceetorr has proTetennr-Tale Wine SasBs
daoed orer t.«n.fi0D prnaA of starch
Ato AU froB aboat U0.0O> faasbels of
TAeonpany has A sigh)
Chioago. Nor. *4—The most oxoit- aoA A ttiwagr ahoat $00,000 bosAls
iag game pAywl today was Aat A- wUAfceep Ae Aetory raaalag
nd Abb Arbor,which «al bcbAs wiA what can A teoored
was e tie. after two haleea of rery A addithB to what to aow i
tvioaa plarAg. Tale defeated Hex- Erery day potatoes are arrirAg from
rard nelly. Following an Ae soores remote potato, erea oomiag '
wlAA two Bllee of Otaad RapAa.
of AetoadAggemee:
At Hew Ham-Tato M, Harraid 0 The etnaar nuaoto toak ahoarf
t trip aad wUl take
1 tone oa bar next jrtp
At BiAaond. lBd.-Depaa^ •:
» Shake^eare oAb test at Aa
TheooBpaay haeiAd 400 tons ti
s of Mite KelUe imedto toal omBt b. etenheadtoa
Ag. ead etedtod Ae aoSed herd of
» niBgh TheoaoeretAt At* AT •O’CLOCK PBOMPTLT
nr OrsrriTsT
AsAotorywas afnated Algal
ben atoeted tor tA oAh an n ' '
eftenioea. OaagMgtotoaal <*»-_
axpetimntol w^r. bat now «
antoan passed sad Aa ptoat to A
AU aad nooMfal opention. AtAe
A toons Ann A ^ teagto
of Ae potato esaan wheat MA
Attend to iMnto of teatofto,
teOl A ^ndaaed ao Aat Ae Aotory
ly. Mr. tinrdie loaded wm
wlU RB ataaoBt, if dK qaite. Ae
inkMO Atoali, Alpped to a Ohiem
LM BwJs bs Ytw SMrtt O
reoeired from Ae
No Hope for Ra^ary of Min- Staieb Co. acknowledging Ae receipt
of nmptoe of Ae potato floor Bade
naaota SAtaaman
by Ae Trareree City factory, aad ei
time sAaoweldgiiig Ae re
ceipt of two eopies of Ae Monlag
nsIBrIahfs Dll
wrtte-op of the
dMarOte rahtoTwntr.
new prodnet of Ae local slar^ tactory.
tonW Id Tte Meceter Bseord.
A teeehteg npoD the laalyels of Ae
8L PamX. Hot. M—Aoate Bright's aaples of potateo floor of Tiarerse
■nee it to aow edAxtted. to |Ae City, Boehme A Co. state that Ae
arnAdy wlA arUA Senator Darie to pradaet to saperior to Aat made in
tafleriag. aad whlob to Ukelr to end Eerope. AAg sweeter aad whiter.
The Popular Shoe House
Ar samples seat,
fatally for Ae MAaeeota ctateeaaa
The Old Sund.
wiAA a recy short tiBo. This dto- Ae Americaa potato floor woold Ad ig
oloeare is errideaoe tAt Ae pabUc a leady nUe to Ae patron* of Ae Ixm- IsSBeSHSBSBSESBSZSBSBSESffi
wbich sappUntA British
goremmeat wiA e slmiA fndaet
Poinn from his AAred foot, it was for aae A Ae army and for germ
Bid today, had permeated his wAle mental ezpeditioas. The London firm
miapA A greater
system ead *—*- his ease hopetoae.
It to doabtfal .if A Urea U boor*)
Oukart* BmNr eoe
Let BmAi Im Yssr $Mta dm
U Min. Hot. M—J. E. Oib-
reolered a letter from H. Boheese
A Co. of London, A re^Nmae to a
Kragtr to aod froB the Blrsee paUoe.
A battalln of lafeatty was tBtfontd
The gnrlty of tA erime of stnUag
la the eean yard of the pelaot aad
paid him tall military hoaom. while froaii store, from tA pmoon or from
a haad played the Ttaanaal aattoaal go^ tAl are naorsd front A ildiage
of fire to not gonetally Aown.
aatheok Kroger wore hit proaideatof these oSeasse Bay A poatal «»rf aad the ctob o* the Ln>oo
peaalty of fire years at
of Boaor.
Loabeft reton' riait ta Kiogor at
the Hotel Bfrtbe lasted tweatr talaatea. The laterriew wae rsry oordlaL
Kiagar wilt main la hie ajorttaeote
all day Saaday aad will an ao om.
ll to aet kaowa when he wiU riait the
hotel De Tilts, tf at alL TheBnaiei
pal eoaaoiUon proposed to tender hia
A gmt deal of Intoteot to briar
a roeepOoD and haaqoet. bet when
naUeeted la tA ^bs of foot All
they spoke w Lsyds etxait the laelter
tAl to to oeear ThafsAy Atwesn tA
' today they neelred aa iadedalte
Pstoeksy linort High eeho^
ply aad departed dimatle&ed. Crowds
reaalDed ia tnml of the hotel aatil tA team tron tA High aebool of this
city, ihto may well A As oaee, as
late la the sreoiag. There was no
ia Adltien to As feot that srery iataeidBot of e serioos aeten. Stodeats
dtoatlan poiate to As meat anitlag
paraded throagh lbs boolerards shootgame of tA enetm. tfato wlU probably
lar-A BasOheaberiaia." •■ateaealaoBd “Oaoepaasles laaglaa.” Tbs. A As laat game of As asnaon to Ato
polios dtoper^ tbsia.
: Bty.
TA local team are doing eaoeltont
The Brtttoh smbaear was gaarded
ap to fine form
all day aad alghl aad the polios arB aad energy, aad
•aoted HBC aati-SnglUh ihoatm.
y wants to eany any laareto
back wlA Ar. sA wUl Are to play
ball frota As ttom tA fftBe begtoe
UUA last attoate of jAy.
TA taoB to ptoytog eseeltontly
team, aad team wtnk to As cmly
Atog tfMcna wto ,-------Waltoa
Qi^ wA knows As nae of foot
•psAel ts Tte Mwetar BmrA.
HaArUIe. Tina.. Nor. «_Ooatin tall better than maa:,- eoUege playm.
naae ntoe for thirty-six hoen to ths to eoaehtog As toan. aad Aey are
Ttetoityof Bopktosrilto. Ky., Are
lAreare etlU eaae* Unto
-------■ — ^ people to aA
atotA play At As boyi
their Anea Haadieds are aaaUe to
naA tAir places of baetoen. Saeamt
are rtob« sto tooAe an Amr. Tobao A oat ef Ae way by TAxeday. Tho«
00 waraAases aad Soartog mllto au- wA an A tA TwelfA street gronadi
at t o’etoek Tbamday
toteed aarioaa kn. Haoh dtotrer
an a battle nyaL
reported to ths flooded districts.
just tike a look at our two
. west 'windows for the most ele
gant line of Hoe Ait Kcturcs—
with Che latest and most swdl
ideas in Frames.
Most dainty and bewitch'
tog China, from Japan, and other
beaotifol art go^ ThelowCkt
prices for quality, ia the city.
McKtoley WA Ae gaateAAaerA
ai^ A Aa I'^madBs" day AagnA
UBton'laagae. TAodne
Bpaaerilt. rtoe presldsA-etoet. meatton of tA ostoaet. wiA As exospQaebee. Vor. M-TA steamsr St.
ttoBASeteetety Boot. aadSaaaMa Otof. ooestiag betwen this port and
lodge aa Votoett Aao wen praeaet Podat Aax Bigatonax A «A Awar St
-- - .toy's lenptim wa Awnmoa, to a total wreofc off Sena
leMaamd Ar erew are lent BeAdtohtoa
flrst paUto Btten
wn Inmd tAt smn imasaagen alTtotory. %Mohi
port. lad., was atreetod here today on
a ehaige A attenpttag to brito Oerr Longtno to aaaA him A eeearMB aad Bpaelal Depniy Tboiais J. tegaeontnot for Ae new 11.000.000
HeUaad to AA oAtge at aa atfoilABadalaA tA
« TA bsb
today tat Olnwoed Bprlage.
where Aey wiU meet twnty war^
wA hare beeo armiag aad toepariag
for Ae laat week. TA
The Starch Co*a. PoUto Flour
Takaa Wall In Uondon
a AeAsrlff ARloBtoc
ty to ntoa a pone to raid;Aei
BetOereare expeeSed to joA Ae exmdltioo A fores. TA Aateaetlons .ntlac f^lsk rtrw Darlara U to br
asasrtar to tk XeroOMe
to drtre the ladlaae baek at what-
UeoOs P
Ed Belch got ipto Croable last ereolag. aad will Are to ^tpear before
Jestloe Brown Wedaaaday oa a Aarge
of larreay from a stoeo. It to said
that A mads aa eCort to atnl eeretal
artiolee froB the store of the HaaeUtnOlothlagOA. aad was noght ta
the aet. The aitielea that It'to olaiBed that A wae attomptiBg to ^g»opriats oonatoted of paata, a rwsotw
aad dre [min of Bitteas.
Beieh was promptly amamd by
Chief Benaie ead broogfat Afore
Jateioe Brown. He woe aaizoos to
Are tA aftdr orer with, aad ande
no denial of tAcArgea againtt him.
TA oSeaae’wlth which A to charged
howerer, to not ia tA jnrtad<ctian of
tA iBstiee ooan. It to a state's prison
•e. tbs Umit at poaishmeat br
ing fire years ia Ae state prison.
Rsieb was plaeed aader fiSOt bends
for his appearaaos for examiaatio
Meily Book ,$torcM
CharE«d With Attempt to Bribe
Utah Are ban nidtog As westen
By dopsA OoAado. bAeArtag gaae
Amartowi Soidiara
XaalK Hot. M—The fortnaa oeeapiad by laaarsnt OUaf OtaoatlaM.
alooit the mte. paojde. waillBA of at Plaaaaa, lop( aappoaad to be lathe aldM of the traek. on bridges aad
plokedfom aaderOoL IhonpMa.
Mh» polBli of adTaatage. wared Ibelr
OeroatBO aad Boat of hit omii eaoapIhs Aaerlnu deetroyed a krge
peat at Its highest nnd.
Hoartag ntita the gathartaga gmr
non frsqant aad of larger ovmbara
wtU the traia apfa«a«*a>4 the terai___. A large aasanMage flllad the
anrtoa. while, throagh opea dpors
eoBld baaeaa a hage oaoeoarae oe
people gathwed ta the eoart yard oat- Ha I* ChATBad With UArowny
a Tlie Bayor, aaalelpal aoaaollFrom a Stora
Ion aad a aoBber of aeaateta. depa-
peered. Then hate
into the air aad the shoatlog was re•oBsed with mewed rigor. '
OahUarrtnUalthe HoielSerlbe.
Wrwck In 8L Let
ttea aad any ottoen ware Baaterad
‘I%e Bayor aad analdpal aeaaelllonwelooBod hlgiiB the pbtfomSiagcr, to the float dimppalatmeat
of those waictag ia the bIcb of hcawr
passed throagh aaothsr door to the
boat of the eBtleo. whve he
olaadoaBad wasdrireo to hk hotel
aabd nthartaode dheoriag.whicA followed klB ala« the whole roots.
Otar the antin roots tram the etatlea to the hotel • otbaaiMtie cries
greeted Kroger, tthea he eoteredthe
etaarad area io frooi of the hotel the
deBOaattaChm wee aproarlooe. He
qalohly allghtod from hUoarriage and
sotned the hotel, bat the ipeoBtora
wen Bot Btlafled aatU the window
Ootnnter CAoiarwn War
RakAra Prpm Utah
xovan TSAB-^a iio»
BomBT, aon
Mdto Miaka today io o waat dold
PMTby. A doap hoU «M ton to iko
gmodoad tho npoot waa baoid <er Rgd Man Eacapln* From Raaniiao.
arvationa Cauaa^TrouWa
Oote ^ oSand a rawaad for
otaotkai of Ibt andar. TUa wiU
ba latAokly aapplanaatad vltt a UnhB Oeae mmd Drtrtag Og a
aad Wetoott. FnAdeat MoKtoley LkOnS! Oin a gnttoten a Ohrtotpaaittra ctw haa yat baaa food, bot
mas A beartftr Ae BenA ImAl
toft A atodaight for WaAtoglon.
aaa|d<T<«!Bi potota atroafly to tvo nea,
aad A kaowe fi'e '>THK THDIO."
both raaidla, la the aoath fiart of ti»
PUiplno FortrwM
Kaapw aad Us party boarded the
tnlaat DUoaateJO this wnl^.
TWy ware Bhaarad by a fclr waadaa
the taata polled oet. Th» mta atop.
padbol«>aaottiota,al Ip Books,
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House. |
Tape e system of o
tO.OOO snbaeriA
Endless mrer of time, rwun
e* B sense of eearity.
Eams its trwa ^MitaL Tear pvhrt boek
Pays as it goea
P-er moyrn and
Reqilre Iti Rfibber$-WUl Not My.
Handy day aad night Tear •wee.
We $eU the best use of school shoes Is the etty.
Not Bsv Chesr. m Bsw Gsod. '
F’ranlc F^riodrioh
amt t» think
abmtt «
The Old RoliAblo Shoo Man.
THn Pdnw S«ter*«l.
Jyolidap “to
it ms-
Shape, Style
and Fit
Wt hnpt thtm
Dew Stotk...
Lattst Hoptltits
AU of the above good qualities are to he
found in a pair of
’’Supple” Shoes
A CsAts.
The qoaUt; of msteri,) toed in Ikeir mmnutemre h the eerjr best, and the workmanship is perfect.
Wske Vmtf « «
Stkd$nnt Dtm
Bamum i Earl,
MiaTn fTiirr
^wnr»e •hrnnto
m noaiiaia mm.!
TiMveiiM ctiir, liicHiaAN B B atfll u ardcto «f toito. not oalr
la latoa. bet to aQ toto wbrn auCmAMD TtMVBBSCHBBALO
~^n«HO&r.ilAT»4iMii.v. iiAUtmm\ toabdW to towadaodoabt. BalJte
JOHmX.HAMrr - mvCtrmUtor
D BOAm Ajn> nn »fr»AX
abM* n«lMl nCofs* ta thU
««^r4, lh« Tl—Ilwiia ct OUei«c
fates «D tki tea ml daUfar;
voak. TWMlalaaBn:
t teTu*
r glna <
0|N«adto.toB«toiu oftoaoN .
Btoata tolb aa «■ too oaftatoty id tu baktui hare hau ktUad, twain
bOly witeaiod OBA two m tetoto.
. .rutwM uhartugoa. toa Inn
3. Boradu PowttUB, a tunli^ of Ood ww to bar boart and erery
fartwaa teUu .wu aiiMBd atMoa- word that ooteo teto ter Upa «M bou.
u^Hteiplitot ofShuig OneTtoktotei o toato id “totood Col. ter H. KoMMtote, toKgod wito jn*owm*' Wtoa a teijrrt it nagtl. to taoditet to toil futtoaaa Tortmm teOKim Fbalpa will aptek at toa Bapttot Obarto Kowdoy. onaiag at «
Mate toe town
tovgaUdowatooB mmA baattoa
toiaa it B told, m*
toaay. IbBBiMtqateaortdkaknta*
« kokt. te tba, aasod ap« tot tegaaai aa ladiaa tiUaga wiD rtodily
atoioatonga h tojary. and It Ba
Btooa pcaOBa wito tfaaa
■ bate wbto aagtnd.
They ban a gnat MMy chUdna
Hdwbu a ekild B aalikaiB fatoto
«d teotote It B torowB eat OB toe bigb
nad. Thu they an taken by Ike Htodean, orhe teato tom orery aort of
haadfaxafi. oraeU tben at aight. that
they may not dad tbetr way tona.
▲t flhabar. vbkb a«>paan to ban
tote totoiwbwi aaar Idadna. paopla
dan not tanl by Bight to tba wooda
tetaar cdantokayi. which Bowtatoly
Dot eztot. BiDce ibeaa emtorn aaw
Bwmafte nadowB. bMlf Iton baa
fnamtotito if tracb to to tend it it
•Brloaa Wa an not aware that atg ladiaa
at toB day will aitoek a putertg naBrn ItoTely {roeofced. Bat
tom an ptouy aBowbon that will
It ia a wen known fact tot -la |od>
eoediagtoraldtoaeoRideldt toowtato
pm <f Afrtea apta ban
• aaar toe Uaaef
nmelTea that toa
noal aMll dallrwy roataa> ^cMtea
«o InmUk tha tepalUsc teea'te
tenta««p.l»tettecfaigii;r kclala«naa to tba witiiitUy te caaetlac
I—nHoil rood nad lawa ttet ariU
•tebtoaouHaa to taka bold of tba
vwk Mwnhflly and teaatiteaUr.
1 «rihUr«r tba tea
ml diBfj mrtat wara axta ' '
•nrtJMaUteaoaariBt aaara
T.M7 ifaaaa aUaa aarriar a po|
atMflCOTW * 4Wte of a teUlaa
aad hMdUaf ia OM raar t.«tMr
ptaaaa af MIL «ba . aaata«a(«ia
lyitwaa aaluli* foateala otMala
to teyal Oe^f at lttooBlB« aaateatoaafcakfga ^ipnjaiaUiBa for
iti mate DC Lat U ba kaaara all
cnrar tba saloa that ao temiaf eonanaltj aaa bara tea mU dallTV BBtU It hat baltt aaod foada aad tba
nia, tofatitar with dia deraloia
va< tba iwtoawaUa, arlU aolra
BBaab-Bfoa * teatotta hata Jut
taatallada aaw ^aUae gaa plant,
yatialv tba Viably Brit* dk Tile
Kaehlaa Oo. af Xetaaoi. Xteh. Ibe
piMi waa aold to tba.caadj mi
taiact %r K. D. Olatka. a aibiabar of
ThetaoteT U at prawnt Ugbtad
arltb H teapa arbieii bon tba «u
gtaitaiail bj thla plaat. Is addition
•a ^ ao angiaa iHU ba nia by tta
gaa aad It will ba aud la all partt
at tha te>tei7 In a aadaV of araji.
I Aao^tbaaa la tba aaa .of tba gu in
. \ aedaliM.to fcaap die oaadj want d^
tat Ita■aanfadtara. aad Itauaf^a
ateilat parpoaa la UtUe atoroa.
Tbte U dia fltat plmt of tba k4d
taanUad to tba 0U7. Tba gu U irad.
atatad «r taotag te otor tonka
guoUaa. after wbb* ibagat It tolaad
with « par OM of air and ptiwd w
dia latopi, wbwa a brllliaat light la
t <arr, moB, BinnitoT, aoyjmBBB sb,
gin crdeit in tach digareet tonaa of
ttdca torn aacfe boB fatee a apecial
Btonaiag Tte aldm are nleatwhca
adnaetog. bn toa »ato body, famaBa
aad yoBBg. keep op aa Iw
raadfndiagai they go. w»babby
follows the rear guard
Od nacbiiig toe oanSeldt toe kobU
ika poet all roatid. ttolle all tbarte
faU to phiDderiiig with tba atauwt upaditieo. dUlng toalr cfaeto poubto M
fall aa they will bold, aad tbea tockl^
toabitobof otnwader tbair n-'THE ORGAN.
TteorgaaaiiteziatadlB Bacfa'tday.
and aa to moot emcBtlali K exitis now,
to regard to the mlitatioB of toe daeto
aoB completa effaeaa of hannony.
^alatioo and of that aimaltBDeoBf
, _ -cocltm cf melodiea to polypfawuo
ootobloatioo whitdi B moat eomplMely
rated la toe form of ootopoaitioa
wtotoafagotL Itiaaotetwoor
' reamu. lii the diet place it ia the
InatranMBt to wUcb toe wnada an
aaadrat emitted. Hrmwm kmg a
ban to be raBatoed. its faU nine
•re till toe maoent toe fingtr guite
tot key. a gaality wblto B lovaloabB
wbca we are dealing wito long aaatoadoMaadebatoatf soaad. SNxmdIy.tba
oppotanity of playtog the baaa with toe
feet on tba pedela. teriog toa left hud
tee te the toaer parte, pna within tbe
gnap (d a aliigla pUyig a fall and esludad banaoDy ud a teedam ia manipalatioD CDcb aa no other fnatnuneat idfonb. Thirdly, and to tba cue especial
ly of fdgwe emapnaitteia. tbe imntaaao
tdhiaia aad power <d toa pedal eotea im-
u la toe tlaw of Baeb tliia apleadid
toa great argue of Oanuny.
Tbe Englito mgana ctf tbe day
.mudao pedal board, and it ia pidbahlyowtogtotolifactmaretbutoaitototogoBe tbte Hudal'ipabliahadorva
ante la «> Ugfat. and oten epbetaaoJ
to atyB aa ootnpond whh Bacb'a; that
ba tMted tbe <xgu. aa ttpitta Irnly cbaenrea. tnmiy like a la^ aad maa
powerful harTtocbard. Vitoout tba aid
of tba p^1 it wooM ba raiber dlfflult
to do Mbarwito, aad toa
of toa day waa in erery reopact a tntoi
lighter end toinner affair tou toa
"hnge boQir cf the aosaiB. ” toe tonder cf which wu flared in tba arm
galley <f m.
1^11 Mnraaii U book teto bit
«Plp to tba apper pMOaaala after daar.
Ba bnaght took, m tephtot of tba
teat, itar laa daar. C. B. Marra;.
vho tnal with kr. Mocgaa, baaaoi
lalanad bat la axpaotad the drat of
A ■etUleaa Fm CMO.
tUanaak. Tte tot tea da^a Tbnoa
A Frueb tachoBal papa. Tba JovaoTw got a ahot, bat on tha elatoatb aal ded-ltelogaie. deelarea that a MW
te togagbt down one aad dba uzi
boa beu diaconred which ia
tnl anfaatttnu f-w gpld. It <u•wodtotbraaaoro. ■
olau of S4 porta cf co|^ to tlx parU of
Vims TSAXxautTiiru autvicx Mtlmoay. Tbe coppa ia meludoadtba
•bu added. OiwetbttWD
Cbaoeto Wm I'aHa la alfaWiaaTkaea.
d caihuate cf lima
added to ieemae toe deaMty of tba
Tteaadoaa ohaiataai of tU oit7 material The prtdact cu be drawn,
viU aalto aaxi Thuadaj teoeitoc to
tba aaa«a naakaglTtog torrioa.
Tte noattag will ba teU at toa Ooa- iaglMllBied.
cf ammooiacal aohs cf nlttow
grtottlWiil obaiob. Bor. W. T. •efion
Ttpon it praerrea IB eokr. Tbaooat of
wUl praaeb tba aamoa. making it B obaUateiUtet apoaad
wttb Bor. WiUtoto Laateaa aa alternot tba el^ an t»taatoadto aitanoaot tola atrriea totog. agd alt aaiaban of tba rariou
atentea an fogaaatad to attaadtfaa
Kato Wiadonr, of Pvt Boon,
Wtet Baivuod toV0Mo”wbMi
aged U. wu orwtoed to Auto u PHI to B«wtobotg-a Onad Than,
day while oonpliag two OMtea.
day. Doe. «., Qivgi M*.
a Brood.Tba Look Broa. V Brooklya abipborst bu proTidod
idadaa teto
teto 1that pro^toCbtego Tbvatog nbudof
Many of
> to aoM I
. BBdiBltoea ao
o bi^t aad guatooly witty. Tbe story
tory tteUn^oa toe gtoandwork te tba JiUy it qnite
toMla. bat thora ia not a dall momui from tlm opeatog to tba tall V
Tba ooat tootad^ John
Alii—, JowiB XeKaerv. H. C.
Hoakay. B. W. Mtmtgomery, Will H.
Vaddv, (terlof Oteu.L. P.Retotmrk
Maria Hayaaa. Plotuee Mariu, Olive
Kanay. Dototoy Aitettnmg. Bertha
Urtogitnoe aad Maad AlUaoa.
tteaffoot of bootjaoka or etobi. bot
aoae diaaaaa U oarrytog toa pota to
Kaor Jaofciu E-Tu Ben |doo^
«p a oampalga button aaod wbu
JameaK. Polk dafeatad Baory Olay
toibM. Tbe aamet-PoIkaBd Dal-I
tea” an oo VM aide aad a pioton of
Aldra Bam. who to to pUy u uPolk u toe otov. Vu Bon hu
gagewimt bare at u early data to
aea ogetwd a good prioo te it.
**A Pov Baiaatoo" UooeVtoafew
Olmrioe E. lioekwood, a pcoo|
famv of Kortb Coloaa, wu torowa aotora who ou eome before tba cortern bit wagon doling a reuway teto te a apoeob withoot u aente
attaek of atege. fright, aad knowing
and wfll probably die.
toia bli oadteoe alwaya expeoto a
Near Oaliu the nlsiag V
baa bau toe ohlaf todnatsy tbia year. Uttla talk from him. It it add Mr.
WilUan Mall, who B ooa of the Baaa U tba beat bafote toe-enrtato
talkor of all toa ao called apeeebiflert
laigeat grawett. aot oot 1*0
ud bu toooaaa in tba 80I Smith Rnatoa Ohambvlato atoadowi
weatmi part of tor Mwnabip Ha bu aall part. Vuh Vale, la toa ttlk of
•mployad aludlly throogboot tba toa profaaaton.____________
aeoaeo from 40 to I!
Iba WarMW niDDtog.
ingbl.lO par
Ltoyd'a UegUter. tbe new edilloo of
toy.~ The wet weathv la tba early wbtrb has jnat appeared, gtvea u uaoimrt of'toe aaaaoo wu eapacdalirte- al a root uiiocnt of valuable sUUatIca
oawble to toe grvwtb ef ooiema end relating to the merraMlle martoe ©f
tbe entire world There are now 3S.*23 TFwels having a loiinnge of 2MH3.TJS. cireat Ilrltaiti ban
will amoui to IM.ODO baabeli.
her tc«oaB>- la
Fiabwmen u tbe weat ibo
tou. oa.va Tin- Sdeolillc .tmerlcan, K
Oraea Bay aaSared loataa oggreg
#IU tw areo that tbe Dumerteal iiroporH.OOO by damage to aeu daring tbe ttuu of Brltlfb slil|« l« uiit au great u
late DVtbwwt otorai. Tba flab oatob la toa caw with aome olbi-r rvuotrU-a.
cfiTifirwiirfirktiMTW-baU' tbac beraoaa the greater part of her ihiiia
of laat eaaaon 'ud will aeoroely aaoui ore of larger alar tbao tbooe of o(b<T
n‘40.000 package*. BDyan*in offer- eonnirlea. aud more of thorn are oteam
veaarla. It U gratifying to Dote that
g dl.n per package for bar '
tbe I'nlted thatea c»m<-a next to tlie
wUen B toe priaeipal flab taketL
Btitlob empire. We have S.IST. vetocB
■Tbegiud ebarity boll, wbleb
obegiruby toe Woau'a Leogne,
at Ana Arfaw Deoomber U. fau had 3.<ri0.im. Then enmea Norway witb
to be oalled off. Extentire prepare- SUWO vewels wllh a touiiage of I.U4U,.
tioau te toe affair had been made ud H'i then rr»n.T «ttb 1.214 v.-aorla
ererytbing pointed to a aocial ereai 'bating a lonDage of l2Vi'if>nS and Italy
of only aeoood magnitude to tbe Ju- with l.lT«i ve««-U hating a toauage cf
tKl,<r>S. 8wedi-n baa a gn-aier nnmber
lor bop. Bnt Preoident Angell ia
of veoadf than Krance. hating l.ATl.
formed Deu Koobrr lut ereniiig but aa tbe vi-wu-U are amallrr tbe ton
that toe ue of toe gymnaalna
nage la otiiy <BT.2T2 Japan ha« l.iold
that porpooe would certainly be de reosals. tbe tonnage Iwlng ■'•74..V.T: Hol
nied, ud yeaterday t«rparatlotw were land. 4(K1 ve«rU wHL a tonnage of
Aopped. Prealdent AageU thlnka tbe &3r).2TT; Iteuniark. 8U2 voonela with a
naivernity cannot afford to lay iUglf tonoage of Mb.iill: Auatrla-llungary.
open to oriticiam by otaadlng ipooacr 770 vi-ooela wItb u tonnage nf 4IG.0M.
Greece, Braill. nrlglum. rortugal and
to a duee te ebaritr'a aake.
Chile nil have a tonnage In exeecs of
At Xt. Pleaaut the oonento
lOO.nuti. The oteam tonnage of toe
toe new bnilding at toe gorernment Urtttsh nier<iiant naty la aapertor to
ladiu ladnatrial aobool wu laid l-ri tbat Ilf all Mthi-r cnnntrtea rocnbtDed.
day by toe gmod lodge F. A A. U. but nearly hnlf of 11k- lonnare of tbe
acoordiag to their ucieat cattom. Voited State* la made up of oalllog
The new bnilding whieb tekea toe veaaeU. «rt-at Britain ho* mere than
place of the old bnilding boned dar l.OOfl atcomeni of 3.0P0 tone and upward- Germany ha» 12T nf the oame
ing the aammer of IBW. will
alxe. tbe i:nllod Statea 170 and f'ranca
00. Great nntalu U<1W ba« 24 ateameto
with a reglKter of 10.000 tnna or more.
State LomberCo.'a mill at.Muiatee
laat week. Onatare A. Laiadbetir at
Id mod printing office* benxlne i*
tempted to cleu off toe mwdnat from
naed to wuh tbe Ink from tyiie. Home
a aet of rapidly rcrolring rollara
wvkt agu
Ii’ auch an office while
tor edger when fail aleere became handling a can of benxlnc act It down
unable to estrlente with snoBiial force, ceualng *mDe of
himaelf and befm the machinery the IwckXiDe to fly ont It fHI on a gu
atovc. and tbIa roeulted In avlout damooald be Mopped bU heaul wu
to toe printing office, but fortu
rUd by a projeotiiing key ^
nately ao iKu- wu Injured It la anrUpco
: wu feared that his akoll wu tar- prising tbat more acrldenta of this
nature do not ocenr. tvitb tbe nre of
ibly fmetarod.
rnrb an Inflammable and exploalva
Tbe bury wind of lut Wed anbttuce a* Iteaxloe tbe gretteat pTVnaoday imlaed'.faaror wito all toe cantlon abould l>e uaed. and In no cav
flab aeu in Sagtew rirar from tta, aboDid any brntlae or napbtba ba need
ctconLnc or other parpooet
moato to Zilwankae, either taariag
them looee tern the attkea or rippiag Mom wblch bu any light or Are. ex
tliem BO they will bare to be repaired. cept. of eonrae. tbe edcctric UgfaL-SdrnUfle
Tho'watar reached aneb e low atage
that tor box of
lagdtOOwcwthof flah become dry ud
Would qotckly leave yon. if i
aU died before toe water oame book. need Dt. King's Kew Life PfL_
The Epworth Laagne of Oiugea Tbonauda of anfferen have proved
toelr matcblev merit for Blok ua
made u aniogmpb qnlU eliarglng Kervou Headache*. They moke
uok indlTidul a nm for worUng ur* blood and build up vonr health.
toalr uame on toe qailt. They hare Only W oenta. Money book If aot
Jam ooBpleied it ^Bd flad that they
hare oloared ItSB-ao oa the ruaU »t
toalr walk which will be naed te toe
Mrs. Tom Bench, the only wc
bewflt of tor cbnreh there. Among in Jaefcaao coonty who tock <
tbi moat noted indiridnala who a
butte Uconae. hu ratnmed from
tn tbair namea aad a $5 bill wito
bar northrni trip bringing with bv
wve William JaBBlagt Bryu^d two dav whieb aha abet.
Fvohildru wb
rben tronbled with
BalpbAdaiuV CUyttm, ^
tjnita ao good
while bwtiag ellmbad a tree to thoot eroo^toore ia notote
Un's Congh Remedy.
tabbtta. when a dog drove them from
___ of Roy. Obio,mya lt
a ewavp Tba gu wu oocideatelly eaaaoc ba but, ud that hla ct
era nw It with tbe beat ramlto. Thi*
blowing tba top of
remedy oonttinas no opfam or
hud off.
bamfnl drug*. It
ia te sale .by F.
C. Thompson.
aada cf oleumargarlna eroy neb. k
mtbe IxmduSatetday BeiWt^ tdinnb npu ‘
aacaUedoBomargariae "that Amoiu laritetion
a erima agaiaat hamuity amd tbe to ulooe mu of all kinds to ba i«etm." M B wuU_ ptoUb^ rtgird ut Today B Worid'a TaapwoMa
---- BM ttettboir toarto an all
Sos^udwiU ba obvrred ia all
5u tteto nimtean awbla
toa Sgaday aeboob of oar city and to
extent ia all ov obarofaea.
gw wDMm . .
wud Ctembvyon bare r« oau a dtUd to toe
__ .’S.'S
■ ■ rL
r. a ThMitete,
l0t Bendi ba Your Santa Ciaus
Utl»to~iiYof Swti dm
sas felBT WAT toM wult a»
te like 11 to^AlBy a eoa^ or to
boUU Perea-
lit M te IMT SMta Orsi utBemwYSrsito
Aadtrobofto Jut wbnt
yuwnt-n g»od l«g.
ttbteSudlOfaat which
we are clotlng ont.
^ m will ted toot aU nw
who have had tetma wiB
uaafc a good word te «a
Tbara la dwaya two aidaa to a
Mvy—Hoar out bafve yna
bnUava toa otov follow.
AioodSft.«0ido.k.«adtor»10.M, doKODlfor *7.76
Ab*te«»«*llot »HHS,do»o.llor............ -9.76
Aw»dl0».«Jdfar»lli0,p«.«>,ta........r. 0.60
A Uig. Hd. ol tabta.................. B.7S, $4,76,68.60
Do Not Delay
Bnt eoau 8p to my otoeaawd
ttlk too matte orv. Wa'll
be a friend to yen. aad before
Vaingm^ teabla toproro IL
J. M. Blakeslee
(Ite-lteo p-moitix teTMKKT
« yim bora a dwaUtof. oMck.atore,
fanrn, vany otov prmiortj toiar>
able, ki^y remui^ I wul to
write toa Inanium fv yon, ud will
gva ynn prompt ud oaaefnl attuOnly then
For this fall, for we know our pat
rons appreciate fine goods, and we
guarantee every pair you get from
us to give the best of satisfaction.
rt relUble atoto tear-
Bate very low.
Telephose 78
I'lwvene City
IMi PrkK M Off mstn mdi Btoils:^
lExtta Fte Bateat Loatoar Oxford*.
at RO
Tbr above ore Oiylhih. Uanlib- mod tVimrurtabb- Uooda.
1 3S Front Straat.
JW klHtlM ef
Biqfch B^paMnq
Bicfdt Sandrits “'—'“ftsrssjr*
Pries WaH
Wryrliafur oltLerUdln urreoUrm
•rr ovIUnx theai rnwt hariMB*
B- 31- Ltderk,
m a«h« SI.
0. !•. Oteryv^r
^ L-. A. tewlltflwB.
And they'll pass rapidly. Prepare for
your holiday giving NOW. Our great store will
be the Christmas buying headquarters for all
this north region. Our buyers with wise fore
sight and judgment have anticipated your every
want. In no place in the city and at no time In
our history has there been such a stock dis
Our Toy Department
on the second door
Is surely Sanu Claus' headquarters. Toys and games and dolls
and books in endless profusion. It's a sight that will delight
every child’s heart and make them wish that Christmas came a
dozen times a year so they could continually visit this veriuble
fairy land. There are dolls for a penny and knit dolls for 5c:
IOC dolls with good bodies: 25c dolls that sit up; dressed dolts
from 50c to chose most elaborately fashioned, go-tp-sleep dolls
at $3 and $;. Games of every description from 5c to tbat 50
game Carom board at S3.35. Alphabet and building blocks sc
to $1. Mechanical toys. ever>- kind imagineable, from 25c to $2.
In fact something to please every child for miles around.
Our China and Art Dept.
on the second floor
Has the most elaborate display of beautiful china, cut glass and
art novelties. You will find the celebrated Wedgewood Ware
Lottwelsa, Onri, Parian Marble, Clo^nne, Tiffany Art Glass.
Moriagi and Japanese China Salad dishes, chop ^ates, dive
dishes, spoon trays, bon bon dishes, from 50c to $4.50. A splen^
did line of fancy vases in all these beautiful goods, from 50c to
5(6. Cutlass in alt the most elaborate cuttings. Pr^ynn
from 50c to $10 and $13..
M A* MUHku 1
Try Us
U iteda atea. It
Smt Gtmialfeaa
lOtv Cabk to
j Paf favour
rv-V ■
Oare wbiob giTu relief u
■ATO^T BMfPA TOLD » of Ite
alilltoa Pbatpa vt 8b CMte- We Pay
rtaao, Cteada. bot noUy V
rWatloter —oa. I
who ouootetoglo
tenet, gan owgof toa ■
to m nUBOto OatiBl tohtoti tU—
atoca wiadow. ~kat it memm to mm
■■7 kBM fMCfteorr' «M IMia. th» la^tenatat.«fat tttodtek
kM^Air M« bt U« ii4b.
Jaafar G. H. aBtdety ht A
lmot«n<m'“MMBtoh’'byRCr. 101■vfarthaMMtohobanwBt Sp.m. ~Ob.Itowam Xto^toriHM—^ato-baatato—uftM |l»««toitf U
hi—tidkto aK.aoeto«y stdtM. gat
(hia tms mat— Stoft J— to a
T. P. S. a K. BtSstfpL *.
8Bh$ee«Bfar tJw bcu two Bmmimj
B»«to«a at ; B'eloefc wiU be <
if I Mb'* teno^ nr tercDd** Im«]M« to tear OB the nb)Mt. «>d if IM
Bt^Mtod to otaam the iww tekfdMM.
UcMMaabaathkaUiif: IwaiiBakt^A
flTiaC trip tfera^ tfaemt to HBvk of
B BBB wte WM Mid lo haM imoBiaJ a
a fer tonpsiito eopptr br alaecrto.
Ow maiiur abovt domertiiBcT
mebcd n
tevB wfcMk 101 all
rim br Mr. <T«u» UjKwipU. ib.- .iWBr kin*, and rKrotlj dcdkatcd to <M»
n 4>ato Iiark. It ira« dmciiMl in lU-ld Broa. arrhitoru. Han mnctoeo.
la Mid to t» OB* or tto Bam ar»rtm.-na of mrat arrUltocWto to tWa mmUJ.
. It to bflkFad that tbto coattr and bniitlfBl parilbm to amaiaM Hrbcr to Bto
- Ripa «e AtoeiVa Tin- rattro atninair to nadr of natirr Callfonila aandatotie.
arWrli to kard and otoaa patoed In tntBiv and a biutob icnir to color. Tb*
rarrtocB arc Bot claintatc. ton arr blcblr aritotlr. Tto band aUnd propw to
In as ak«Tc aodcr Ibc Btoln arrfa. The rapllato of Cbr cotonBodc colpanM al«
Ionic. wKll onrlcbcd cuBIcc and an opao balnatradr oo top.
m SHORT STORIES apokce late
tbo I
^ t€B
load, clear roloaa.
worfciBK to ahlfu of two.
rrotoDBo. n toMarriid Tltootovc At SpriBcftelA L. L, a yellow mobEoomcbU will jto>7 what to for hto> Itrol waa chrtotaned Oalert and toade
laiciBBitiBBad role of lalvat* eltf- aa httoory toombor of the local fli«
Tbe dec beloBfato Mra.
a liitto Kiri of
ho koepa a froeory alone
; aide the ponofltoa.
Iteday Biehl
, bra
; Uto. Laonhardt heard him tarfcUiK.
\r foil of thorn as they bnt tmld no attenUoa. He waa tied
T«T lantc Twonly-acrtia of-' to the cellar, the door of which waa
na« killnd aod a neat oontato' open. She had doaed off. when the
little oBra vai foBDd.
• dOK apiaiiK into her roeta, dtaKfftoK
^ famity had >aa( laoeed tolo the\ the tope that had held him. and tafMaae, which had
^ beea oaooonpied’ ftedat the bedolotbea. Itn. LeoaAIM n. lo>bn
AUkUlrf 1. .h.
mirf .1.1, «... ..d
Ttoitotlon to not known.
br th- ffremen and the
M^E^lya Trerorof Yonk^ ^
S.e «Hm.l
•». T.. wbo^already poaaemei a f<»-] w
a doct^dlm
toae of •l.aoO.OOO.wiUreoeiTe $1,886.
u> deeided lo ”
nmke him an
$86 mace next Wedneaday. Tfai>‘' honorary member of tiie fire departaeooBd fottane eomeato her by
' I ment. and to reohrUten him Oalert.
of her father, a Wall «
WcAw. who died ten yean b*«. and ' Beware of Ototmeate fur ratonh tom
npCMento <me-flfth of her ultimalr !
(toMala Meremr.
A«.ih.f.tiAb« hi..111 1..1.,
yrorlded-that hto ohtldran ahonld re -, o,, »hole lyatem wlmn eotS^
eaire their inberitoaoe to InataUmeaie | throai^ the mneona eufaeoASBoh
atetotod toterraU. the Ua. ttEo-flfth.
to be paid them when they reach the I
the damaKe they willdo to
aite of 40 reara. It i> eatinmled that ^
. wbeoMtoi TrcrornBcliM the a«e nf derire from
r. 3. Cheney
40 her forione will amoant to $10,000.
000 or more. The yonuK heirem lltee | \ ry. and i» taken
Moini— aerriee and ■
BreBi— aerriee at T.
All an eodtol^ torltod
»the toaft poyahle to him.
How.' —d 1. ‘if yoa’U ktedly aerrieea.
tiitaa oot the price of a dtaam and ftoe
toe the halaace of thlt «N I’U he Bar. W. T.
Pimebtog atfOaOa. la.
"The faodkrd read onrtednft farMonti— Mhjaet. "Hot All. bot
down. TheB be held it ap lo the Itoht BBOagh."
Senday acAdoI at bool
^laat he lodmd at me tharply and
Young Paopto’a maettog at 8:46.
BTemtogawTtoaTMp. m. Tfaaaka"'Your name Meektor
girtog aerriee aa feUbwi:
** 'T. J. Meaktor
Sketch of the htototy of Thankf•‘•Sore.’
A. O. Oarnett.
a. what we hare to bethaakfal ter.
^•••Too danX bat I’m toDtof yoo,*
<a) Oor Natioe—O«o. B. Omaa
<b) Oar Temptoal Blaartoge-tbe
•• -How do I know yoo atot «aa o’
th*M yere Aim flammwi?'
’■■TondmiX Oo 1 kx* Uka a fUm
[e) Oar Spdritaal Blearinga Mia.
Dr. Minor.
•• ‘Waal.yeiDOB^tBBy»iBOB|fatBX'
"WhatShall 1 Render m the
war the laadlard'eeBcaoreKtoK reply. 0 Lord"-Mra E. Wilhelm.
wa* KetttoK Beak train lime, aad 1 wat
Special moaie for the ereotog.
getttoKBeTToa. IcKUnctof aroaadtbe
office with the faint hope that I'd toe Un. DaytOB wiU ting a aolo.
Prayer meeting Tbaraday erentog
mane <me I knew, my glance feU op« a
lo— dirtanoe telcphcne orer in the oor- at 7:9a
otr. Bight here wai where I torented
All cortUaUr toTited to tbe eeray bhiff to Jlyrillc at 8:4S p m.
■■ -Sm bme. Ur. Uan.' 1 aaid to the
Ret. Arlaoder. of tbe Swedish Baplandlord, 'ytm know a bank draft when tin ohanA. Oadiltae, will bold a aerTloe on Wednesday eretong.
rirat M«beaia.
differeoee to yoo who I am if I can
prore that the draft'■ good, doealtf All Wm. Imafmsn. {ottor.
right. laeeyaohBTeatetofAaM. Oaa
Momtog serrlee 10 JO.
Morning SahJect: ••Woman’s Work
‘Ye can if ye kBOW bow to wot* to Tempetanoe."
tbething. JnKpot her to ytotiddy. an *
Sandny «:hooU 1* m.
ain’tt on to tbe game yik'
• •
•AU ngbt.’ 1 replied. ’KowyoB.: Bpworth Leagae at 8 ;45 p
Erentog arrrioe at 7.
e over ben to the talepboDe with
ETeaing •nbjecc "Tbe Mtotreatod
K .1, Ad d Adi. iim.lt»r Ad ». rr„^
“! ii"..‘‘^'dr^".’sr u
AAiTApnii.™ A« pmiitrflo ^tTAtSSiSim AdSr .* «fc
^ ’: ain't ttae finest
thing I mr aee! TAlk-
Oiaeo, Utah, aared the gOd
nt^that hUbain *««raok
abeat $6,000 last Satardny by hto prealightoi— at 4 o'clock Wedneaday
"Itouk the mcBty. thanked him aod
• of mind. Three i
1 lontog
that a conaidcnble earn of
' >*»nuag and hto hoctoa all tolared to nearly Ungbed myaclf into faycMrioi aU
tbe way to ladiaziapa'
woaldpu. throogh the little pnt’Beriew. ______ _
BBloe at that place, entered the balld-'
tog. Thrr held up the clerk aad in
A cako.
AfamoBs Eindoo fasttog man haa
Just paamd away to India. Same ywn
= took eat the tnokiige of money and rap of Tar If it fail* to care yoar ago be appeared at Treraodram and eat
ailpptog it into a gannT lack tossed ooagh or eolA We alw gaaraatae a dtrwn andtr a banyan tree to epend hii
k into a comer. The next mo'?_*!' »? 1*®" totiatoctoty or time to diTine coatemplatiao. At toat
money rcfaitded.
be ate at long totermla. bat tbe fasta
tooBt the men
red him with gan*. I S.
E. Wait.
extended till at tori he atr nrihi^fer
They eoald not find any money.
Jaa O. John
three Team. He amply sat boddlfd beThe Her. W. C- Jones. )B*lar of the-----------------------foro a fire, deaf to aU speech and moBda
rirriJOo—regntionalcharchof Slmron >»ome of Uie frienda of Porter Yntea ,^
_____ ,____________________
almori aa a god. and
Pa., baa reaigaed beoansc some of the
Baldwin, being dimnttofled with I
he died waa baried with cartoat
toambersof htochnrchtoicrri'o«edbU '^^rd>«"“'l«Td at the eorimer’s <m«nMBica.' A hnodred cocoanots wera
tormoa* witb aoBoroas anarca Hi- toqaeai, which was "that death re-1 broken oo bii skall to make a craric te
BhargeaDeacoo Johns. Williams with "Ited from an aacidenlal fall." had | tbeaool to toape.—AoBdai Uraphio,
aleeptog IS onl of the last leSandars.
exhnaaed and a paatotortamj
Ito Wink. I’d Boea 1
demt think I’m h—, d
not I'm oely latotobly it
a fate.’'-Chk—oTiiaea Bar-
Omt Dtihr ssS CtMSiy.
Bot Oats
I; UinScSStocSU'TirSSrtl^^ anm."-!
MSmB Btaa Smi dna
voDOii i sl
XI !
tog. or aonrihing of that sort, so that
ibemginaaatoppcdfardreor six boara
IhadcAeataad and beard ahoat bow
tbe taptato wm the great mogel aboard
ifalp. bow aboat all tbtoto
to tbe affairs of tbe ehlp be bold a'oed
aod mast oot be apfroariwd by (be pasaeogert, and that it wat a son of riolaticB of tbe nnwritten rales of (ha sea
tor a pamwiger to ask the cajtnin any
thing. Aod then may be aotoe ceaaoB
to all toil: if ooe lamrciflir migbt aik
him, 40migbl. and sorely tfaecammaoder of toe ship ooitot not to be nnneeeaaarlJy diriarbed by aaelem qoeiiUros.
Wa bed b-ra lying tbwe three or foor
tbe cummuii infonuaiiuo wh that tba
•lay was doe.to a healed bearing.
"I was nmodiog ca the ap|irr deck
by ton door lotbe main compauiaoway
kadiog to toe deck below. Tbe eaptoto
came aluBg (bo apper deck from tbe
after part of too ship and went below
by tliac cumpaaioDway. Be tunst pass
within a f«a of me, and luukr tbe drcamstBUoes it did not seem hfce a rioleclly aureasanabto bmsefa of sab water
etlqa<ete to ask him what was (he mat
ter, which I dii A piMiiigi i who stood
cm too other side of toe doerway looked
at me with the amnSMl tmileof anolda
traveler. Tbe captain laid nothing. He
riniply pamed on, to all oetward ap
«T. S. SaUbery, panor.
Chareh oo oomer of Mb aod Wads
worth atreeta.
Hooday services are as follows :
Preaching at 10-JO a m.
Snndav acbool at 11
I Prraehing al 7 p bl
The pteaehtog will be <bme by Her. [
W. B. Oldt of Petoskey.
jnitbe Cattst Silks.
Jlhs »n Stptts sr Cshn.
Halt muffltn,
2Sc to $t.
Clothing Co.
ABd Misses’
One of tbe ennuos fuest growthi of
the isthmas of Panama and lows Ostral America in geosal is tbe vine
wbtrh tbe Ppauisrds call maupalo, or
"tree kilkr
This vine first rtarta In
life as a climbs nptm toe tranks of tbe
large tzus. and. owing to Its marveloosly rapid growth, suao macbei the
tows branebea At this point it firri be
gins to pet oot iu "fstors"—tends,
hannleas kxAing toot tbosi. wbidi
■osi reach tbs groBDd aad bcoome as
The worltf^M never known a more firmly fixed M tbe partBt stem. Them
lal presented
diamatio sitnad<m than that
r within tbe
..... cat off from ,
n their couutry-! aad it begins to scad oot iu aerul ten
' tow. doobtfal. drils to all direi-Uigia These totwtoe
pesttog figare In ; toemeelves tightly aroBod evsy bmb of
(b>- tree, evsi erteptog to (be very
nuuro «A~., -AA -A. A—---------- , tbernuat tips aad otioeeijQg toe life
twenty-five Tears has been, as far as a; o(^b bark aad l««f. Things go
EuropMn might, the staterinan gnid-: ^ r............................................
slKrt while brfore tbe
ing toe affairs of the Chinese Empire. furori giaat is cumprlied to saccamb to
lions hoped, after the the giguitic parasite whk-h is mpplng
few years
—tog. that Sir Robert
relief „
of -Pek:
woold break his long mle of sUens ‘ tbe tree rgu aod falls away, leaving (he
aad give to the wsld bis story of the matapalo riaodtog erect and boUow,
evsits wbirii led to toe oloatog of tbe: like a mtsiRv vigatabie drvtUisb lying
gates of tlie British Legation, aod bis apiti iu hark with iu horrid teourlia
views as to the poUcles which woold clasped together bi^ in tbe air. Uur'll to the settlemcBt of toe dlfll- gan, ''('eotral Amisica Afoot," mys,
■•tirciike arbors of maUpalo ai« to’be
)otober. toe following seen IU all dimrtiios. w:b cmtlfying to
toe liugeriug death cf some sylvan giant
thFt fnmuwiT ennmnMl It "_‘st IvkU
>poUtaa was received:
t Hart has sent for Hot
s Fortnightly. Loadao,
_____ ___________ York, an impor
Some rectat Imtr writers in vsnoos
tant article on aeige to Peking, aboat
fifteen tooBsaad words, whi<£ 1 will newspapers have been oumi>Uimng that
poet yoa UMaorrow.
*'T. arrived to tims to be to-bargegnay U- extend
(he December issae. It will rd to tbe state- jam M well It is said to
be rend with the deeneat totorast. bepoMibleto imprisua a maa fta- debt
both by stotetmea aad the gmreral
barborocs as it is
The Cosbu^UM has Wa
' Roberi Hart looked Bp(B in other regians. and it is
_____aeleethm o^e American mag- Saul lu be pomible. ton. fur a creditor to
asine (hroagh which thU valaable tou-n- pt the salary of a maa witb a
cootribatiaB to the histcry of tbe family, except $10 a week, aad toil.
world is given pablicly.
t,«o. even if (here ore a dozen in tbe
nd toe
Both makers and
conaterfeita coBUult fmad. Hoaert aaotoer penon’a
(htogs m these, one ceanm lu won
mm^s^ not de^^yoa^^totobwp—
der at toeextat cf theemigrati in from
WU^Si^rSw?*%>e*’origiBai”iJ icgioos where each things oie pcmibln
The tostor at —— —>-i* —~.o«. the oanae of death. There sreie no •
____a namber of a
md his mogr-ation. 1 »>«“•*• «»I* «* tbe foot, which waa com ware dwpleyed. "What la Hms
>—The dorter bm told me to take a
l^f,- Withont a Uotoer?--be read to tottan «<
, ------...
canghi nnder the walk
Be then handed to his
walk evmry evening for esercue. bot he
sold yerierday to die local market
sbA saUaw wotoied.
BUTS I ought to have aonie object in view
mmattmed. •‘‘That toeagy The price tout ^walled was » mate
Ube—ttXy act think of bare!—Hew
eoBUnaottf bath ; aHoi^ a
or a cold to derelop
My family is axto <ff tfaa
Mr. H. E. TaBdewmlker wiD atog a York Hereto____________
to tha pari toTen waeka For aim
aalo at tbe OcBgregatioBBl efaaieh at
Otms Laekefen BaMer.
I "For two yews all efferte to core
------ prepatatloB known.
---------x»e Bouoaye w»i
DeWitt'a Uttle Bnriy Riam are tba
best livm pUls enr made. Bagy to
take and Berergnpa. F. O. Thempaoa.
to a bath, the wntar being impr—nut-' 'lObUdrcaUkeitand
Ik F. C Thomtiioa.
•d with actoe sort
tAmitoL He I
tor«M dto^ As a reaall than
has ben np to hto Ain erar aiBto aad
--------Me at Jaa a. JohBMB'a
kaanpatoaoed muA improrameBL
mi ari*—1 rr**“ anrimarar'T-* with
nd& B. WUfa_________
A BBW lelepboae htoben eataUtohPB&B MABQUBTTB
Ttokem WiU be sold at one w—- fim THB WBBKL of bn da am tsM withed at Bade Peath. iM oktot to to keep
Thank-iTl—Day. HaeatobtoS
fw RMBd trip CB Deomabm lA >A 16
OBt fricT— «( Ba^'A We bU it
aad lA from aU etottoae to
its A«0 tobsariban nppliad widi aU
.brnt^BBlittoa a»d
exeem tLoee met of Sontb Dyornlmtolaat news. Tha atrrtoaa baa a
om.OnmwaU. Tale and Mim|ikh
a Una l« mitoa to toaftb. and it
itoaaetad with prieato boB«a aad AA UaUXa.M. a F. Ha
la——kito wto. VNtotdbto 0.9. A.
Wurntrs Stotntf. 1
fivt Ctnts
Well I hadn’t aaycaab. bat I had a $00
drmftoaKewTmktomypoeketbook. 1
^ ..d..«„:7.h« i^-ih. .Si'S--;
roapea thc-parment of the cosu of hottie. Begalaraite 60c and
tbe inoatc utioB.
Ernry bottle gaaiantf '
"1 think tha eaa-HTto anttoan M
toaaythi— itmmtogtaaa to pto«a,«
mUtbaagcBA "WbatlaytmrtBNblar
-a. I am a. tototomto
PlMddBKBtlOftOB^m... BBdT IL
“And cat wtoca lUre tlm <Btr«M to
toataODB to at tha amthaidcd tha
IfecBtoc aahtoot:
tarder.” the Sfth
“It’a tba ri—a vi^ at BbbA^
mrieeloetheTw O
OaBimaeiinff at t:4A
the only hotel to the ptooa,Mhidfar
SBBtoy aAool at U m.
me diitoer aad WM '
' "
Bpworth La^Be at diU pi m.
Tharatey-Ptoyec mutt— at td
olto.B> 1 (xmld
train toeaach tha ameftm and the wbola
todflatofaad myrnaaklStoe
k—tb back again when I get dnwa
a my poeketi for a dtoM to ti
town, ft tot fair. I o—ht to gel tba
the waiur wiiA 1 foaod 1 befta^^
hkaaniuR not to myclothea Toolaow
Yon can’t change It! WeO. then, wonld
"We went orer to the 'phene: the
Tory almplr to her Gutea Slie hes! aarfacn of the ayatam. In bnying landlord hnned ap aKaizwt tbe wall
BO maid. Khe in very fond of outdoor'-***!!'* Oatonh Oniv be aaiv too pi watching my ereiy morcmaiL Lookily
nci one was arnand bat aa old man
arlrcp near the More and a atapid Oerer will permit of walklliK. One of her | Oheoey ft Oo. Teedm<»iaU free.
meti pentcr. I picked np the receirer
f fcid
by dracRiata.
bobbtoa U marketimr.
___ _______
............ - .
withiat nuging. and thii ii what the
At WhRdtoK. WntVa.. J**tice of 1
landlord boird:
tfaePMce Uarttoof theUarttoabont^ Hall a yamllr PUto an the beat
’Hello.ceatral! Gimme Kew YoA.
eoart haa decided timi KintUnK in
Bello! Tfair Hew Tort? Gimme 8898
Aaahrim, CaL. tot!
Cmlandl. Hello! S8SS Cmtlandt?
1 within bia Uilioharrii
NaUanal bank!
jlA Thl. d.,.!,. d^a,
^.H«i™ill.h..M. . Ur. CrandellExchwige
there! Bellol Tbli yoo,
ready beea drirea from their, hotnea c.aodall. old man? TbU u Unkto.
A. VolAA.1, ™«1A IhA. a+.|«Ara. HTA.Ad 11 1. I«d lh.1 U doable^ k-i-n. V«k Ueekto. T. J.
Sow an Tim! Say. I’m to JayriUe.
there Ima been
'Ultom Smeliaer, ofabooi the
Ind. Hotel man mye year draft namber
laada below.
The diitarbaaoF took ptoec
847 on m.T acuoimt U no good. How
Lathcraa eharoh eboot flee mltoe ,
aboatii! Well! Good for $5,000. U it!
Sore? Yon are. eh? Good Joke on yonr
old hank, ain't it. Orandell? Coat yon
U. lAllmAJ « th.r^ “* -lAl A»ld Ub.«AAOA T1»IA. abnitlewlieD Igotback. Sizrait'agDod.
to—e namber of the merabera. waa the prieton of Dr. EiiiK'a Hew Diacororr are yon? Ua. ba! TbM't good. Well, to
•almtoaHoa of a aeriet of gintllnE for OoBHimiMiaa. Oo^ aad OohU. Toeg. See Too next UondiiT.'
axhiUtlcB. extendtogorn a iwriod of
• With that 1 hang op the roceirtr
•rreial moatha. Aa the yoang men
gBowtog it hai eared thaotoocid, of withont
wlthmit ringing off. aod tamed to in*
wen erideady enticed into gigRlUiK hopeleu ceaea. Aathma. Broadtoitia. ritbela
Bl tbe landkcd. Hia eyea were balging
by the girU (he jaatice diamlued Lb Orippe and all Throat. Ohest,{ oat. and when 1 ^md him if bo raqalred
. aad LmnKd
m^iaaij -sj
e of the leadlngOilanzletg to dlepoeeor
our auroluaetock of Ladiea'andMieees* Jackets: it enaMeeus
which will make our cloak cSepartment the buBleet It has bBen
(or many a day. 200areall the Jacketethatthereareonrtand
Embraces Ladies’ Jackets
in beavers, ker—ys and mel
tons. some are silk lined.
Their standard values are
$5, now they go at................
Embraces a line of unfinishA ^
worefeds, Oxford twills
nd all wool kerseys, nearly
II are silk lined. Their
sundard values are $7-50.
Represents Ladies' Jackets
in kersey and Lucies,
some applique and silk lin
ed, values $8.50, reduced
Consists of a large range of
fine all wool Kerseys in cas
tors, blues, blacks aod tans,
fine Boucles in black and
oxfords, all silk
’^'roughout, well uitored,
ey were our strong $I0X)0
mbers. They now go at
Consists of a lot of swell
Jackets, some aplique, oth
ers fur trimmed, lined witb
fine satins, our regular $13
and $15 lines, all go at........
en fur trimmed, uned witb
best of uRetas and satins,
our $18 aod S$o values, all
go at.......... -............................
I AX *7 lodudes our best Misses,
1^111 f jackets, values up to $i3.
all goat..................................
Others as low as $2.35
Aline of excelleat qualiQ? Fan (agent’atan^). bought at a discount of 25 ^ceoL Oorsariog it your gain.
■'mmvtM. «• twt'iMo
"fvrie * eov btemt ■m."' «y* h.
mqk JHt WVWBWY OF TMt WIT. SmaaBtecatkiaiiat
t £r£n»X^tea/33tea
bmo." Mf« h
toatelLltootetwtatoBa. m
Itor wterintobtealaaaly nad*
loepto tonp-oratewwiw atoaa
anMototetoetoUto. thto to
oMately* riiiiiirkJitli waard. i
innatontoto Hate of aU tea
(tote Uotean toaaodly ttooc
atorfc'* otew to all ttot ttna.
landj Mr Brnwa toinontell Ibl*
a aoivtofc Wbtob to aeaady
atote aB teo ItooMn tonod.
Ihto to atoner nnabntete toor
teitad toftoa to oay faU yno.
It to teto teat teatotetaa ttoa a TO
wore knot, and that the dimea*
> fea paM4 Uaa tfac toetekr all the nany wbon to ha* narrl
toao tote nej few.
■f»M*i ~Bwny i»^
»Hi|fi k}mm I
T«to tod abate
te fawr c< «>» rfhMMu.
* OrtUfem»rt Bey
TW^ VcMdDIA tMtotr
^4»Vm M*ir >itkt« MMWt
cTAwMor k««. Fbo^ wiU'
MlMiiAbMrmr.» tlwt ofKaOc
vlU W>wmd W«dM«dirMiwfcw rf th« Ror»J Otrtk Mid
4Mr«d*o«twtUta vlMtobM Is
■ted tkM os Uw *T««lac tlw mb
Vcwmter n ostarteteMt wiU
b» imlM. MBoiftteg of bs «ipi
tyjoiitemwcaiMMOstee.. si
te UgM nA«d>mote Bteb M
to tettftei to tbo islTftof*«< !>▼
«M«rW>o( tfablr Mtads Wsteh
tto futer for totcr —BOBteowwit
tfa* tmmaLr tbu II«1M te
CtaflO Sslpb Bmmb Hteoobad Bom
Blkttat. The teottee remi
tW uboidlr
kr mj duwco. b«t
mko tte miBirod
be did.
fWtMBt with ooMr duo OMioff apple*
HMiH^wMAareboti^ nmeh ««■
iopod tribe bar* and *1>^ fri«sda
Abitentorr and kitobes of tbe
^ IsdMkdfaBtfT tailditlC V0e foood
fte ba^ftd rortiodar br tbe water
mmOI b^ Id ttbe water
- -
' r^imycmmg people fta. tbe Hi«fa
> ^Abooli^wtettoatteDdtbefDiMral
ISMbar Dtes. who died at Klage* tor, bare oaoh raealred a idtotogiapk
oftbeCoateet oitd tbe flowm that
AU atember* of tbe Elk* tod«e are
reqaotoadto neet Id their ballatt
a'etook tfato aftanooa to eoaptote ar■Bfeteteti for the trip to Petoeker
Taoidir alibi
Kla Laitoa Pbalf* of Si Ckther
tea, Oatario, will dallror bar tarnpmw tootef^-“Tb* Sphinx.'
Itoa4ir«*«lai. »a M, at 8 r - '
nite* Bapttottdmrtb. All ai
dtoUr larited to to jaMesi
at oar people who bed the ptoaaete
to ItotMtei to Miee Pbelpe at Bai
▼tow toot epamar epeak of her to the
blcbeat terata. and wheierer tee Baa
Vafete Mthtei bat word* cd pmlae
ar* ipibm. A oeUaotioo will
Itet aTtetoy a teartoac aoolal
party wa* yirea at«tto toaa*«rMra.
Or. Aarrto. Tto oecilte wte ■
prto* apon Mm Otoia Oabto of Bat
tle Oioek. Dapoty Sniooate Obiaf
Baoteroftbe Oonpanioo* of Poroitera. Tto party wae amgte by tee
- paatou of Ootet ItoTcne aad
are bote to tee pMet* end tbe beoor
tody, wbo wa* {SMteted with i
lift of a cold thmia a* a taatlntetol
teWotel Cbtete Aid Sooietr wa*
Ciraa tor Satoidar al«hi n>e wwtol
wUl to baU Tneedar ntofat la tee
^ Tbe aoetel-itetoh____________
fl«te atet Xoadar araatep hr Olea*
Ko. 4 of tea Mtai IL B. SiiBdnr
Kite Addle Itoae <1 Terr
at her bone on PratiktiD etrewi
Mm Ptekbam U aerioaalrlU at her
’ bone oa tbe eoraer of Wefaeter atreet
awd Oarleld Areaoe.
A naBriaia Iteeue ha* been imed
to BacnoB D. ' Babooek of Aldn and
Owilto JaMatd <d T«ba.
PK moxAi
^aok Utoer of Batten* Bar wa* te
OaaatrXto^farer’Boxtleof IjeeU■aa eoabtr-Wteln town reteardar oo
of Bobooto Onacan
Of BaMteaBar
to aee Crteods to tbe cltj.
H. B. BMW of the W - W. Klatoll
Oe., oane ap froa QroBd R^ald* lait
aroteni joined by Profeteor lUtoer.
wbo to to toetere te the "Ifentoh"
to tbe OQo«ie«aHooal oboroh tel*
J«ny SolllTan of Oedor wa* a meat
« Pnfc Plaoe rcaterday.
Mr. aod Iton D. C. LwA tetonied
ywfbl Aote rtottlar.friend* la
<bw*r Ball hte retoriMd fron a
trip to Datroii
Hn. «. A. Key** of Oitete. paned
Iteoaih the city yeatertoy after u
ahMM of two month* apMl in rtoit.
ita|««totlm in Kew Baitond aad
^Obte. She wa*
•tooa.Mi« Vtorteoe B. BoUook of
B. L. wbo wlU I
aon* ttea wtob bn ntottr^
mill with ____________________ __
team b tto efty yenteeday,
■ r. ate
and I:
I mopped
tore tstechl M my way toms la Mae*
teem is ih* eaok. ate I may odd that
tepie ate manly kiiiity bet te
d me that I wooU wOtacly koe*
My frntonln bai i
ii 1 dnt mjnU Mte tf* mate
tbaa a teed anay elton. Hn
tbatbanhtoc lode with nystary- S*ne
ycsn aye Be aad tbe reettomaa wbe
..............ae neMed with Be to
______ — . tost wkb tewte atoea
tbe* aad at penaat int abto «* r> atej tocktay aioand tor « jab. beisy i
It tton tatbn hard np. a* yoa idyLny. We Btraek a maU coon ry
t town—I
. ain't yefaw toftre It away by teOtof where
whet tto aane of ft wm Tbcte
■ak there. The prcMdeal wa*
• rich eld doS*r: oinwd the tnilU, vwned
tke teak, owned aost of the tews. There
won't as actor etoen ton the easUn.
aad they had B bey. who B*te to sweep
set and raa of erraad*.
Tto bonk wa* oa tto mala teesi pretj wcD op one rod of It—ales, aaoc pUea
ea tto comer of • eroee ctreei with aetb« eery orar ft. We teak oar etacrraoo* and (oead there wasn't no troabi*
I al.ahiat ft. n*re was aa oM wauhlaa that walked
toehto. wtoo to
foraci ft. Tto ranll tod two doors. Tto
[* of her any In thi* city. oatsid* oo* war cbflied Iren aod tod a
tbire wheel eomblaation lork. Tto Inner
door waaa*t no door *1 all; yon eoahl kiefc
•d to to nethlny
Mn. J. P. Berr of the pentoaale Prl.
‘*n’l rren ItoL
day BlghCoa the oonteon of her aoth
tkito WF dene, of coarse, was
btrtetoy. Beeidea tto nei^Vn.
to St • k«7 td Ito uolsidF door.
tto key was
load* of friend* drore down from
Bttrd I wai to go Into tto took, and
Tnrerte Olty and Sil*ar Uke.
Jim—(tot wasn’t bl* name, of coarse,
bn offtetty preeentoware
bat let ft ptae-was to keep watch an
lennitoe* of the ocaarien. anany tbe oatalde. Wbea any one passed, to
was to tip me 4 wbisile. and gm I
them a Biee ratelny efaalr.
doosed tto Klim and lay low. After
they r> by I con on acais. Bimpla
and e*iy. yoa sc*. Weil, tbe oiybt as wa
aeleetcd tto prendest toppeaed to to
oat of town: cone dorrn to the dty, aa to
eftea did. I got Inside aU rlcht with *
slide Unlem. a breast drill. ■ «■—ti alee)
__ tto ' beet eetUny bittei* 1 here
handled to WyearTron know why* jimmy, a bancta of akelnoe key* and a
Most dtoeaae* beyin to dleorden of Ciecs beln bas to stow tto sirac- 4
______1. Um,
kidney*, bowel*, fixrd ray Ufbl and ricced my brtost drifl
work on the door richt orer
blood aad nerrea. Eleotrio Bitten tto
tone* Bp the iionaciti. tey^te* Urer.
1‘rotoUy a emt many of year read
kidneys and bowels, pnrifle* tto
------«•— *• - -lerrea, benee er* is oot so well posted s* me sbost
enroT mnUitndee of natodiea It took locks, aad t may say (or tbsm
............................. lattoo
bnild* np the entire______
'"r a^ Tiyior into any weak,
ran down in^«or woman. wheel in order to anlock Ito door yna
e to yet t
Prioe Afty eenu.
s3m to ja*. O.
k other at
. f tto lock,
Johnsni atu] 8. E Wtei tuaygisu.
e tto nomber (to k
t oo yoa ( a do ihia. bat If y
doat yoa bare to depeod oa
Below to a list <
seOBity. Tbete Is Is each
.^Utoyprioee ofy*____ .
els a sanall bole, tbiaoch which yoa
-arioa. prortoton* and ,fars
. . a wire throafh tto beck of tto lote
to Tnrem Olty:
wbre yoa ehaaft the eomWnatios. Raw,
If yoa caa bore a bok ihraafb tto
fie 0 door and ptek ap (boar wbeds by
Clear M per bbL new
061 ranninc a wire tbroasb those bolea.
why. yoe can open tto
cei, I make mynelr '
Plmr. B. L. * ^ Beat
4 t1 that bole. The S
- — •. H. L.AOo.Be« 4» aboot (to neateei si
whietied oatalde.
itn toddled by. By tnd by. when
pretty near tbroote- I beard Jim
apeak-wbistle ayaln. I stopped,
M and pretty soon 1 beard footsteps oatsid*.
aad I'm Uowed If they didn't coma rich!
tto tank steps, aad I bean) a key
ltd that (tot yoa could hare
1 10 sKppsd tto bracelets richt OB me. I pkk*d wp my batera. and l-U to banced B
I didst k( tto slide aUp down and throw
tto Kcfat rich! oa to Ito doer, and there
wn* the prrsidrot. Instead of ealUnc
fbr help. ai I loppeoed to wonli to
took a step Inside tto door and shaded
Oats Sit. 1 per ba
bk eye* with bk hand and looked at me.
f kuowed I eochi to knock him down and
eat oat. bat I'm Uest if I eoeld. I was
that sarprlsed.
"Who ate yoar* aayt to.
"Who at* year mr* I. thiofcinc that
waa an Innocent remark at to comaeorfor potatoea, all nook. 10
*d ft and a-trying all tto time to eoUset
PreTBlltoy prioe tor potetoe* ye*- myeeU.
terday-» eena a bastol
"I'm tto president of tto bank." say*
be. kinder sbnri: "snmrtklnc the matter
. Uo. not »cl
with tto kekr
prlee of Book^M..........
By Osorce. tto Idea came t« ma ttote
worid orn.
rer. nmie
BOte yeBBin*,
yentoe. bbIm* "Ye*, sir." say* I. toochhic ite.tep
tto M-«»—
Oo. Mr. JesBlnct. to Ukcraptod thb mom!■ at the lock waa oat of order aad he
aeoMs'i cri la. and I'm eeme *• to opm
Mm Mary E Loote* was teltod to kiorblm."
Interloohen yeaterday to attend bn "I toM Jnminc* ■ week aco." say* h*.
I. Mia*' Lain Oitobell, who to that to oecht to art tto lack Axed.
Twylow with typhoid farar.
"Hc'a been a-wrltiac bRcre. and he*i
Jack Oaldwell of Cbartoroto. who omt op to bb boose to got another letter
ba* been with a yorenineot nrreyi^ r wanttd for to answer."
partT to tto wcai ander tto diraot- -Well, why daat yoa «* rifbt aor
**?'te got almsM threoch." mn L "and
I didn't want to fate op and open tto
sstdt tiD there was semrbody here."
•Tbsfs eery ctedllabir to yoa." say*
If wires tore any «
he, "» eery proper seatimswt. soy man.
the aarrowiof emn,on
rire tbm Ro^
Tea esn'l." to com oo. cominc roond by
door, "he too perttcolar aboot teoldTwill reaoreaay ;
Im Ito eery aosplctoa of eefl."
to tto famUy. Ate
-No. str." aayt 1. kinder modest Ilka
"What do yoe toppeae k tto matter
>1th tto bekr aayt to.
theatre ordheatm
-I don't ricbUy know yec" say* (. "bat
Opera Boose.
1 tether think ft's a Uttle <• accoont of
OY8TEB8. OYSTERS. OTSTBBS net brine «ik4 mooch. TWar ‘ere befca
eoebt to to oDed aboot oaoe a year."
-WeiU" aay» to. "yoo mitbt at well go
rkhi oa. now I-m tot*. I wffl atay tlU
Jeonbes eumea Can’t I help yoa-boM
1.EAVX TODE ORDEBS ,, 3mA- ywer lantern, or aaotcthlng of that eoetr
mA-t^mrwtmnmmi tee ermea let TV thoocbi emmr to me fito a Bash,
remx TtmeiettritA etemete.
ami I tnmrd aroond and aeys:
-How do 1 know yoa’re tto prteUtwtf
I •b’l rear asm yoo afore, aad yoe may
to ►twB* B Obte *«*^ ** •“ «
Mia. Mtento Cban^may wa* aaltod
to Ote» VUtoie Ttetntorbr tee
■rva of tee aarioao UIm of tor
OateiaB. Baikte bMgoM whto ..teeasenrliy.
hem to ritet to iptBd Sanday.
Ita tsx dme IsKrted ti nar«;^,
B. U Matew of Qiee Acbn waa hi
OOee to
A mma—
Dowt Be Foolcdi
DoteteOaldwaUof^ .
I tidd tom t was. tboro
■ly. ate M I
tete b whkh 1 was pbelac yea. Boweeor. I coa eaa&y eoerinee yoa that If*
al richi. Do yoo knew what tto tette
dw’a namt kr
"No. 1 doa%" eoye I. sorter soriy.
"Wea yaaf tad ft <w that htt."
ate to issk mme ktter* ftpm ^ «Bi-
■ 1 aayn:
,"T*a adte* bar* cat item Mnr* «•
SamboMteteartefoA "Bthster
I bwac yon will eoatenm to Us* ■ tommkChgktkm Ufa''
"Aflsc sAmte amtep tarrite hoM
with hkwife. who had oemkmte (to
riiirlilftii Wtoo they w«n fteriy ate
et pieeyhody's hftwtin. to tkew a kw
bMthte fsIM ate totted a self ^
pwiof tetote to hte better balL
%Qr.” to aU to • toV mmriote
whkpB. “«C toM te «oM date I’d toM
ft kte aivte. anahr Iktem Barifte
M apsk and
ttmt I
cooU see tto door. 1 toaid Jim. os>IcaB
1 coB
tom. ootslde once ar twia, ate 1 like
bees boret eat kschtec. ttonklagr bow
to lamft to wrmiiri^ what ares gtong on
tatoda. I worked ewoy and kepi atetoiatof to torn what I wm a-tryiac to da. Ha
Mt to wrork. He aaked me aboU what
wages I CM ate tow I liksd my kmlami
and said to took oofta a fancy to me. 1
tnmsd loand wee In awhile and leofcte
at tom awmiac te there at eaksmo aa ■
hOed owl. with my dork taamn in to*
bate, and I'm blamed If I didn't think I
hooU hare te boOm ritet on. .
2rariff=.£r s-j-ss:
boUOo., ite Prate Bk
totedte Mr. BnlfCBir'a*‘l
BMisd.” Mto* tetotem 10 wy ttot KiUd
book*, dsaltoc with tto cna ptobkm*
« Btegl ate totenk. to* »o kmcsr rate
tirniogimtlmifnlttmmg^esametLLANBOUS WANTS.
(tf tto deiUced worid Msaatewototo
ssMSf tto raodtoc ekmo* m kriger
■any to Otethite Ub* aadi BaabteB M
ttoy forwrly tbd. ted tto
tsek hoid of Ito door aad opened tto
-ru pot my bands ia." my* be. "and
r> beam. Toe can leek ep and wall tlO
Mr. Jenalnc* earns*. 1 don't soppoe* yea
wOl try to fz tto kte totoebt-"
1 ted torn I storaiia’l do maythlnc mm*
with ft now. ** we eeold c*« in befsr*
mermlac. "Well. Ill tod yoo Cbs4 tocto.
my man." ssys to. os I swanc tbe door
to again.
Jost ttoo I heard Jim. by nOB*. whkUr. and I gorsstd tto watehmaa wa*
-osmlag up (to strret.
"Ah." say* I. Ton might speak to tto
otchmoa. If yoa »r* him. and tril him
tto troot door.
“Ttor* eomra
strcM." my* to.
ho* bm Being (be bank hxk. and I wont
yo« to keep a sharp lookosi loaight. H*
will My brt* nntU Mr. Jesalncs re1 mw Jim. no called, la tto shadow on
tto other side of the street, os I stood on
e step wiib tto wstebnum.
-Well.’’ *ty* I ID tto watehmon. "IH
go sod pkh op my look sad get
i ready to
1 ««Dl bsch into Ito
irrytof *t«a fWif aw
T'*— ——— —------ rroo asi ■
. .
ilktbMitwoBld ;
to Tastiy bsoer ft* both tnco ate eroam to read norek fer raratoCiaD o^,
ate wtoo a work to read solid book*
wbito Molly exercks and derslop tto
brain. In piaetke tto ran& of Ihk
woold to tha both men and wo
wtmld tore better and teongte hr*
They wtitiU many stelite ate with t
»— ,l.tw toy. s----------------------- :-----------------------------
■1.x " M-fSECS.'S-iSl.lS— "Sttr
ttoy would hscane tbe psRBts of'whole-
One of tto ft
•UinWsahinctoD. wbo u seldom called by bis ririti
name, lx toner Antonio Lteo-Arriaca.
He ia ceDoralty referred to as Minisut
Amaffa. which U hi* motbw’a name,
hia own name beiiiK Antonio lama
“InCenDal Amorica,” to say* in ex
plaining tto matte. "wbeeamBfaean
his fattor's Christian name to adds hi*
aothR'i family name, in order tha a
proper distinctioo may be ofaarrad be
tween bu sire and bimecE For exam
ple : My fstber’i name i* AnUmio Into
I also waa namod Antodlo. and in order
tha I rixjtUd nt« to cooftranded irith
tog. 1
___ boxr* lying aroond and a
tboald ntbrr bare liked to bare tachkd.
bat It teemed like tempting rraridcnc*
after tto lock we’d tod. 1 looked at my
ntefa and sec it waa jost a qoanrr past
12. There was on etprem went Ihroogh
at half pait 12. I torierd my tool* In tto
hog on the lop of the bond* and srtlked
at to tto front door. Tto watebnun wot
D the »tepa.
"I doo’t belicTe l*n wall for Mr. Jennines." my* I. "I tappom it wW to all
right If I gire yoa hi* hey."
‘Tbaf* all right." say* (be watehmaa.
"1 woaldii't
'’ t r
go away rcry (ar from tbe IS also named Antonio, ate In wder tha
be may bedirtinitBlatod from biaginDdbonk." my*
".\lK 1 * I'l." say* to. -I’U acay fatber and myaeE be trill add hi* moth;
X ia. my wife'*—family namet
right aboot here
re all eigbt.'
-Good night." say* I. and I snoot which is Mmka Thu tbe three genhand* with him, snd me and Jim—which entiems In mytomily, all Imaco, will be
wasa't bis right name, yoo ondrrstand— Antonio Laxo, Antenio Lnao-Arrisga
■ 12:80 express, and the best and Antonio Laio - Morilm.h'ew
psrt of tbit job was we oerer bmrd Y«* Tribnue.
aothloc of iL
got Into (to papero.—Arro-
CwMltitiii ni EitiiiittM Ftn iid Strictlr Cwfliiitiii.
The Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, MicH., Will be at the
THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1900.
C late Tibet.
ytra strike a match
in tbe world. prcscDts R w adreotarou
Tbe garmtmt la cot temUete at tto
aortk pole. No one bas rtrr reached (to aonUi end and tbe bottmu tied anrand
(UOkxiit of thi* pinaaclF of Ito earth, bat tto ankles or ksoc* to keep tto mice nau
moaatalo climfapr* constaatly srr trying
Yon cwn'l pat it over yottr bead like
to do au. To reach tto mstera side of Er- yon do your shirt, nor arnond yoa like
. (he sidF from which tto asceoi I*
TrssiblF. tto expioree bas to pass a corset, bttt yoa mnst alt cm tbe flora
Tibctre territory. This may be and poll it on just ai yondo yoor riockwith perfect safety, ti Ito 'Tlbet- ing*. tme foot at a Urae In eacb cumau bare come to the coociaaioo (bat any
rhe would risk hi* life to try to
Forily tell tto right ode to
B place where It must of Bm-sElty bare in frrait by
7 tto
' ’both ■ OD the
be FxceedI
crazy. As ersty
r regarded aa
boly mcD In Tibet
s cUtabFTE see permitted ] pass ibraagfa
k T
Tlbeiao tcfritery uni IFeted. FFceiTing. c
tto contrary, many mark* of respect from
Judge I lorrcdnkraaly >—Ton Will hare
Ito nattTF*.
of explorer wboin tto angre- acsse dilBrally in proriiw that.
tody—fexc-itcdlyl—Voo'U And bard i
de Tibetan* turu out of hla cooniry
asperity than soy other is (be to prore tbe contrary, oa tto cfanicb rag- 1
utnrallst. Before Sikkim wa* aonexnl kter which contained (to entry of my I
of tcIrBC* had been through lb* name waa bnnied in tto year 164S — I
' eolleeting specimetia of (to anl- Tetu Siftinga
_____ d regetable life of tto Unis king
dom. and tto Tlbetau Dow are cosrtarad Brmly that any man wbo collect*
Prieed—And yon ore Tery bappyt
moib* b rrally trying to grab territory.
Brid*->VcTT AlsKM e*«ry day I
It is safer to Class into Tibet with a
frswB sword is oBs'a hand than wlU a toar of aume other girl who would bare '
jumped *t tto rhanee to marry my bu»hstterdy nM^______________
boml—Detroit Tribona
Blagorestetonsk. la Blberis. k a rity
ot aboot 40.000 mhabitaata It bn* many
lac bnildloga Indodlng four or Ire
Greek ebaretoa. ouc of which k i rattodral, aod sue k in proewsa of esuMruethm. Besides a large department stat*
German Brm. (her* k a Roarian depertment stort srUch would bold iu own
b Broadway or Birth arcDoe Id paint
af ail* aad egalpmaet. Tto building k
at white stoe* aad autes on o« aid*-of
- market scoarr. wbsrv dally tto
- prter*
pritT* may tato a little bearicr and
tto cariety of sto
Ito hairat* <
^traB*to*bought 1
tl tto irorld.
•r toy* com
. ..
w.-Naw York TribuM.
Ut 8 O b« Yw S»Eti CI.W
to tea oHy.
r teatedsr. -mmr.
tiflM about prapraty rigbta Be ted hi*
anoMtaa were fra aco terii
tod BO right* wtobSTte. esca
own psramm Tberafraa aU ttoy could
gnlnwutbrai ’
’ ’
rtbat tto Mgn «i
f fnteouL I»*ay _
TVee i* DO sores** go fwssl wtto
snecera aehteced by ading teniosi tto
terioe of our fristea
In *U probabiUty (to mut dktlo
guiabed female ekrsTBsa in tbl* exiii)
try is Rer. Ptobe A. Hanafrad. i
proaeel a rasidsmt cd OothaSL Bto u
The Most Suoceuful and Scientific Treatment of all Oli
ar>d Weaknesses Possible to Obtain.
ri^p^'rs-.:sr:s;-Si* j
riw most widely sad <sFmsblyfcBowaSp««islia( in tto I’umI Bum. BMkMtwpsrtmmiE
Ber. Hanafrad fra almoat 80 yurt ha* :
baa an ordained ---------mioigtra--------------in amxasfnl I ^
I L-,i=Si
dte in thk oounDr, a* «to waa tto flrst
radalned wranan mintora Is Amraiu
and tto fonrth in tto wrald.-I>hUadripUaPrena
A Wag Tkay Bm— Im a
A dotetetio who bad r
in Chicago tram Sweden
to boil eem pantos* fra ram
pumaea am pot tbta la
btdto srith steM clotbu. ted optrabe.
ing (aktetntuk te It. ekptea
(hkwtettoetetote taSwadiu; that ta
thi* wny tto hummaUti i
okttoa while at tto mbw
tar tba potaftte te tate
Rwt W *0
Q CAM rorsd m tsssy
j kraaflriito
Ut Bewto be Youf Swto CUu
hkateUybmitttncglBwilltotetecd- WB ABE PBBPARBD te fenirii lea
tea Conte In hi* notnqmctlDgteinv- rawm to Sj enanttv te TtoetowtyrigtoB cf otton. Atetton^hliTtor. JtekSTtto nrtet^cr
TODB GliOTBKrM tto Amr who tod britte him a MX BML _ BUVO
artaau ate tors them ektead ate
praraaBriite dOflactPrate
l«t B«i*a b* VOn Stub Cliw
Grandmotheifs Thanksgiving Puddings
as dyspepsia and sad indigettioa
Season my food at tbe banquets of men.
I sigh for the past, and f question,
t^y '^yn't I feast on such rkbness again/ wan
VoiXoW fraud, yco have' widened tbe waist of me.
my brow with your scythe's gleaming blade,
dainty you've brought with the taste of tbe
Thanksgiving puddit^ that grandmother made.
Md Ttafaity. tbM eolor Md amrated teavarioM dagiuwcl at-
opportunltr to wrlu tbe ee«l.
ot an eventful lire, and ll U
to be hoped be
will Improve It.
Born Nov. tt
eaiir a* work
aa an
In ItM be became a reporter
la the bouae of
eommona and
made tbe acooaintance of
many famooa
Sbr rauldn'l do ll
r<rvb*b]>'. If •!><■ irM. II «ill be recalled Ibat our
CalUnt -buMdo* of the WT." the peerleei Orecon. » ben eteuntne off the Chi
na roaal on her war In loA the fleet near the Taku fona. atruck a «ubater«ea
lo were ael_«oln*. and
ret aioni;. «nn me aaaiatanre of aome wrMklnt
r ht hand, when, without wamins. ahe ran upon
there ahe atu. k
Two forel
forelcn war vesaela. the
HMlUh Ebidrmlon and the CM wear Naitchans. booked on and attenpied
p«ll her off. but It wda not uniu four dare after that ahe a-aa floated.
It waa rather huinUlallb| to her jornmander and crevI- to be petebed helptaaMy on a rock Juat lao yean Id a day from the time abe h
rendered each
callani aervlre In daetroylnc tba BpanUh baiileshipa off (be
walh ^ Maw Tork. ateofo <d tomm,
oua toll 10 urtderflu. i
Infl for concealed Urda. but haa ooly ta
ail or aland quleily In a ebaaen apot.
rat for hla fltin. a bampor of
eatablea at band and a "B aad S’* aodaakmally to rafreth hinmeif with aad
blaae away unlll bla royal arm la
weary. Then be and tala fluaklaa flo
boma and (ell of the flreat Aeeda. trhlla
tba flame that waa alauflbterad la raekoned by bundreda abd mifltat aa waO
have been mowed dawn with a Oalllbfl
fluo worked by an automaton, oo tar aa
proof te lacklDfl that tba
cold eerpaea which are
ahown aa vletlma of their prowraa have
d not be remarkable If they could
h (he facimiea at their dtepoaa]
ilauflhter It makce'lbe blood of a teal aponaman boll wUb In.
n read of (he M-catomba of royal viedma when flame U ao acaroe
. elluKR *»P a p*l«rR»e.
la v.-r) rar.-lv that niyally ron
ecenda to warble for the delectation Of
coDunon hrrd. but I-ondoii ihia
If ravine over a Maori prlscena who
baa Invaded the runteri hall. 8
wiU ba Mdwad
taotbjdefci nod mii’liii m ttekoMlBto
af variomMtmnatindtaaUtkflM
Mow H MVMt*. W «kat Om i—l»
amrloek Hol^
■bearsednets htrked in their savor,
jbt laughter and freedom from caret
fUowsh^ gave them their Bavor.
. too, added its share,
of tbe old home locality,
‘home that never would fade,
love and good cheer and a glad bospitatity.
Hallowed the puddings that
Zephyrs Hut stray where tbe n
Breezes that bask where tbe
Wbat was year breath to that
Baroe to tbe board Jn a bah
Sikes to fit a bak youngsters
Sauce to be pouted in a hi
Never a cheek oo a boy's glad voracity—
Ampk old paddings that grandmother madel
•ddM flflMtaar Mfljtw » bte MMa »etataAtehkb NM*d« tba MgiUa—itd
tetOsa dal an twpeOMt otewa to tba
dotafafdtbswtBlaalahMM Bpoiiat
iak. tdgar aabm. Mite «B tba
tea psthitea «f dM ia tba feddi
nte^ fltuaU akxiaMt to tbte obMT.
•at water ahar Mb w ravaalte
ttaaaa. fdaeasaad tweanMaw la teUft
paspteBMtybavabaaawwifaA Thaw la
name still bewitebest
and brown,
bursting with rkbes.
te H»e gems in a crown,
kks of the Carkbee.
ii^dappled ghde.
spkes from Aiaby.
that grandmother made.
trom tbe gkom of the gntc
Bora where the wind in
Fhat tbe dim gbetts of tbe
Bidding me dream of
Bri^giag fight eeboet of
Forming bright pictures
Teasing my palate with tboughH
Thanksgiving puddings
avok i«oPT noi'iM la antATroflo.
The milnc I
8tratford-on-Avon haa now a new at
r. especially li
traction. the fiienda of Mlaa Marie Co
relli claim, owinc lo her lonfl residence i lea where the
there In the house known aa Avonlhual tuppl> of eeU fram (ba roalaa
They may not claim. Indeed. Hut the lai
obatructor eif
the water pipe
In. as ahown In
the llluatratlon.
«N tbe dflapoma of tba eriatlfljrSMM!
Mrf i^wbat knk Ukatfaarflda mwlip at bora *a ta rcaUly tba hcnI
rmboli br wbtefa bofclM eoflmtaM
itb caeb otbar.
Gfaalk fliwka flfldar (ba adta tiT dM «r
rov enmt Mepa mar mm thfll raw
kmaabmbMiapottadaBdwlUbfl bretooflaeanutB data Andadrawtba maa imiUofi may lo tba m‘ flra d( tba lalUalad maMt
“tbte BteD bw
bufltW atam oa bte
aader bU pdltter. but tba telw te ta
tba batter's paster OB (te Am «(». Md
tba boaw war te aatend tbiaacb tba
Ibtey teai^ to ^ a
Itr toftedm^ bfll BO ateawpt te wate
at aecniacr dnarti^. as that voald
tba boiTten an wada to look waraflb
lite tba rods aaaw^ at tetenlbora M
.■tiJVatewa awTBot Md a bo|
lOtew a bpTPaMWto ite
hrlt;^oabte«o.t.Md tba mtamS
completely filled
tntf.lL ir. 1-^Maten «f tba tMw-
ter anpply flrnd-
Bl^U. 12.
and nt lenflth
■eaard allofleth.
were called In.
(>eare, but it may be safely aasert-d
that (he latter never prirduced anyihlnfl
like what she baa i>ubllshed. However
this mat Is-, here she wrote "Hoy" and
"Master Chrlatlan," and hence she also
Bent out thrree scaldlnr celilrlsms of
Mr. Hall Caine which have caused him
•elL DIckena. Carlyle.
John BHchi. He U not only known aa
a leader In polluca. an titahman of ad
vanced ideaa. ^t baa won fame aa a
hlMortaa and witter In ceneral litemtme. hla novela beinc many and hla
••nialory of Our Own -nniea • belny *n
-w .pertain aenae a claaalc
He la well
known to Americana both aa a vlaltor
anfl a contributor to tbe preea, and la
hlflUla reapecied.
never been ao unfortunate aa Io^)ect
Mlaa Corrlira manuscripts when he waa
render for a puWlel.ina house.
the produclliin of her booke and the Co.
relll-Caine conlrorerey. the talented au.
thoreaa will cite up her pretty Avon
Croft for awliUe and spend the winter
of IMO-I in Errpt ae^klnc recuperatidn
that tteSteHK rund tbm «M* art
-----SaimWm tba wsntewmSwdalAUtteartedac.
otter ptotwuaarbteuii by tteawaton Bbwteok Botew dsrtac bte palMtaklxic toTaMffaUoa at tbte aabMel
had forced an
entrance into il.e
pipe Ibrouflh a
at tte aign wrttw aa to tba isMctar cl
tbabouw. liladleteadtbaitbwatewi
thrw eteetrlo balte cm ttearttetowi, mS
.usi ooa troDaa wrraat teas awpkrad
A er«da dyawtof te
Oetilnc ready for a trip lo tba end ot
■ he earth la no inorninca work. Tima
and money are both required for the
ealeriprlse. Captain (trod, who la orsanliinc the llrlilsh anurctlc expadlHim. which Is to ael out In Heptember.
expedition baa n
V reached Utc aM.
not descended from royalty on both
sldea. however, her father bein* an
Enctlihman. But her mother waa Merewaka. hereditan’ queen of the Maorte.
irr ahe inberttj a swarthy comand tbe rtflbt to wear (he black
Ite feather, the badfle of royal^red Hula- HuitUfl behind
> and lemptatlt
tiona of a
buigteriwd. ScBMcdttebootraflpa^
to ba woBiad, tofalbw teilb teataiaga as
to poadbte diOcalttea to be Bit vtth.
tadkaiad brrtm pteMiw at rthw
■poiBf. eats aad jAM. Mfatter teltb
tte iMtaatet ttet (te plaeatew "At."
bat tbtei teaa limiSoBBt teMtea te a
do^ a mraiw aad rtsotrie btete to pa*
ttetbteywspaattetrgaateaalotete* .
flaw tte idteiUtr te tba lattw is (vnated
btetew tte
( toJterote t
thta llluatmilue. which baa puaalej
them mote than a little. They cann.4
decide, for Inatanre. wbelber tbe tiw
fftvw Ihrouch a bole In the rack -r
Whether the rock yrew around tbe tr~,
bat are IreUned to the fornwr atippoaltion. Ttwrr nevrr haa been ourh an
adUllDfl u-uraiion (or tbe botanlco-ire.
Oloctala to diacuaa atnee the flrwl aettletnml of tba country, but they bate
BOI yet rone to the len«th of ofrertna a
prlae for Ita aoJailmt.
Crtmlnal atatlatira abow tr
raralahea more polltiral aaaaw
all other countrlcp roablaed.
ttestiaMaad i.wH«.riwj (tet ttebm
caatbod te ingrew tew (hxoufb tte rool
Tba itraat and aawbw te tbte howa
wen also sbovs by a wikiwrt tte te
Bwalt which onlr (te
Juvenile beauty
world over, and no ma|^«r where tht
, be found it haa n chatjn of Ua
-the beauty of Innocence. As oar
t waa alraytnc throuflh a street In
the Eternal CUy he cauflhi this snap
shot of a little beccar flirt flahlnfl’ tor
carbofle u an old barrel oa a comcr.
Sbe waa dlr^- and bedracfllad. ber
Men la a (rank of nainra. pbokormpbed
unlgue. tru the flank of a hone, aa ropr«Mta<......... ................
proflle—a aort of modern Janua in faot—wbkk the erparta have vartoualy
pronounced aa that of cs-Praaldcait Knicwr and hla wife. Lord Batubuir and
noaed *frL t
i. eof a UtUe flirt
rail la
ta there at all erenta JoM aa nataiw made it
POC noae facUifl tbe abotiMer of tba boraa. aad abotber laca anowinfl
w-a piwflle. Mh wroaderfally flood, cooaldertnfl that tbej were dobt
If. aa tbe experta
ahowa (bat hii defeat aad tr
of their occurtvace. m be U
portrait la Butt rf Mr. ICitifl^lt
rearward inaltad of abtad.
AlOUCU CiUTAX exossno IHI mi.T aon ;
Diw't gat MgfatsBadwtete yoa wa
alk laafbs oa jaat trotet Mop or waa
Tbe probabUldw wa tte*
tfaer an toeralr tte idtotto wntrla te
bora Aittewasadsw aiawlai^aw
ekaalr. wd if (berawatopota* to bMgUrkpus ialaat ordadm H wifktteflt te
a bad Idea to rapevt tba wattartotte
- a tte laltw wlU ptobablr to^
m -ilM
ban bWte Bflrtead wUl. to ■
torloas war. toca te kaovs «
toak.aadft------------------- —te frlgtowia oA—Haw Tork W«rlA
to.r2iiigit i.m to
Mwwar. d.OOO to Baada md toato
AMO an told ta etow fbin|wa agmKiaa laladlathwoanKi.OMMAto
OaWM. (Maa. aw tow Warn IAOOAl
> mT.
th« »r«
probably la hUtotr a party of Im.nraM haa----------- im J *
that vaat aad uMrlle tram of larritary which occaplea nearly a third «fl tb^
PM wna.M.w._ _i«w
________________ ___ ____ a xnira «■ taa atmod
Mbfl la CMoa raaebad northward
nmoot mlralaB In China, of a
atlb. raaMvad to attempt the I
It tbe Anf w«A la Jana they
0 Ihc craat wa& It wao epa
^ ^
0 cat aC toward tbo
gtberta- StartlBfl
«fl tar> and patabad. bar
nettva far flU tbU. parbflps
a If aba bad '
wiMM te Htea D. C. MavM(k»«a yaarw has eafldflcted a Uflb
la that dty and nteda It pay. Bha admiu (bat II may aaam
,1 for a woman to taks op a bualhUi of (fate eharaewr. but at
te (ba waata e( bar
(ha Msa Ume abe llfcas tba work, aad by Krtct attasUea b
cuatotnan abe has flalnad a
■ rake ta Mop ASt Mara wacii sum
Itda Mp. aaa wbaa. aa tai bar
IB.*' »te te kouad tfl Bteka It a anrewi Tbte
euRlBfl up. buylsfl. fleUlBC—U fact, every_____
mss would da—aad is oaa of tbe teulaat waaaaa abva. Aside ttam tba attracUva aavalty af a Weraaa bstafl ta tba flteat
. kudpaaa. parbapa much te dua to bar fnparltwbaMe fload aatfln. for aba kayw
1 have a flood rail trada aad eaa vmM Mr teaflnafl a mIM aatt aprtflc. «bM
(kattte topw popatottM te SmS
9 muaiA a mo. towt at tSSSMS,
“I kaote It. (m I «ai too MB to Mi»/
la IdHtted^WtototMto'lMr
4ka MoMtnwmpDTO, m.mn carr, Ham, stmur,:
-ttM. • I^o ■■ m »<•«.
•bbm. Ota m ta Cbtossr ato'Mt
to toptet to tate aria, tat Ota udgfat
hpeo fwtoato Obowt oottog tt. Tks
■mt to ttata IDs FtaUg cUtaMA
aad. iMgt ter tto mmAF «ta. Ita
tat «d (to aOtator, It total to tahta
A TMmiflfiMO mi
r jm iflcau.
la tto aarlh. Ttoa to (mwted opow
iha.atm '«ttcb was teaate thaa Ms
bady. aad Mtaa-watokte «p It toward
tto derated sad oMer wUcb tto aat
was wocfcin to bnfly that he did not
aara te sotexet tto yroasw oC a
draadM anav. Bray aew and ttoa
tto ulltetostyl nd irrtetd to Ptad
to pan ooar tto edge to tto atkk to
teaksaaroarttoapfsiNattka. Asks
Mated tto potet dlrocUy orar tto aat
wbn to hto tsade ready, by
tecnan aa aad of wwb owntalp to
tto sste^ (Itooe tedders do thte so that
they aay «Bwb back tf aosd be), to
9WI, w^ te tM th* tM b7 «M
«4HB to«mk bto tkMk wMi tk*
Sm tk» two ton. »Md ud B«b««• toCMid tt Mklaf tto MItontiiii rfttotettoy. BaMto. tto
nanr. «M
MaJas Wa Du. aa>
m tto pBMc'a bv »to ‘ • ‘ •
tto tow wpold totter todt Vmekt
teto tod (to vhtetofB.
•towM wutod tto MMUr br to»1ac.
totk a vtek M hte wua. that tto tor
ko*i MB* »ai Dmla
WmbMi IM vmt«l7-rnd aad BtoBM «f ttotr tlaa at tto
------- «-f Dante anifa wtatevar
to ttoir toada asd MM tto to-
rra pretty uoarty curtow tat 1
M rata* to mart, or p*rapy twa» toon, but, aqybpw, I Home
*Twtet on tto Ota* I ate tto foto Mg ■aactrp of k* cranj
Tkat I drautad >ast tto bwribtat njoat awfte. waratoat teOMte
I drauiuid tat *tseM TktaMMkto. «9d I uuw om tobte toM
Vitbevary Uodof potoy taklpuaua. wto«««r nudri
Tto stnteilc that fottewed was a dlsappetntmnt to Pied. Tto great botk
rilildtyoti.apdnptayta.tadn oqtadr^imtor mef
n praoce apd dope* tata you wttb my pricta. beta foot,
■owteTte my boyl Talir cart, my boyr^fcrpob^ oay*. nayg bte
act (rote vtew. an altar a tew aUght
s more tbsa tee
Patente taken out ibrougli us rcoeiro ^»eut motkt, vilboat ebarge,in
-tote, an raa tolaf «•!« (to
nur Mr. Mawitoa iPmr a
Itete toiav. *n da It % tto'te
It waa a long, oshappy midte hack
bemior Fred. Ue did not take the
» fo. tee. bat Mn. 8)a<
jbort cat. for to was In no borry
an kaav tor bora.
face tto wrath that to felt swatted
-Ko.** nM tor. II |tte taatb wet
him there. Bot as to came ep tto Uttota>a aa teOlnv whaa rn'd to bato.' ley and climbed tbg^back feoee he saw
■aPtadcotacraai lataadwaabartp- •BOiethlog which made Urn wonder.
teff deara tto batoatrn Cor tonally \Ttor« was tto whole family In tto
Wk yard and Dnnte stretUng aboat
tied long by one leg totto elotbes post
Mr. 81a WKHi was digging worms whteb
BoMite was feeding to tto turkey,
while tto women stood looking on.
Fred coDid not oneratand It st alL
On Us slow way borne be bad coatederad many different escosea, but wton
to saw the cheerfnl facet tn tto bock
yard to forgot them alt. As to teld
down from the fence to was greeted
with Itnghter. and BobUo came r*t
atag toward blm, aboottng:
*X)b. Fred, pa ain’t going to kill Doa-
m ',-i
m art was irao nar era m a
iBteadad to to qalck aboat tto erraod
-artoa bte atteatln wu attracted by
a tecta Joaiptac apMar. walUnt ta tto
tetty teiaaar of lu Uad aetw tto
laadwv. Ttata vss aotUac aapcctel
ly nwartablu obom tbU i^bter. It
atao of tto cooisno aort trltfa yblcb
Mteytody te famlUar. Era iu Mica
Tn PsTkirr Ranoim, nn iloi-trated and widely aroniatedjoarsal, nooiahad
by Maonfaetnms and Inrertuni.
Bead (or aainple copy FREK.
a latar
-IT tot tolM ana tto an*
ftod. -ttoiiTl to loa.’
Aad aart ahoopb tto toMer aeaa
. am Blgaa al bartos apled tbte mrnfitot dteMT. Tto aat apparatly did
■a asa tto lyhier fnaafctpy toward
Itok Whaa tto teddtr teid nactod
a palW abaoM a foot away Irate tto
an to teappri aad teumd to look at
Mr P(«r ter aoaraal tetaatn. <DMAto
aabttkwi '
r wrttb
Enam BaUmmg,
Aod tap a tet Mum PwdMo Kipder gnipted Iter apd aaM :
Apd If you dart to oat mr. toy. upoo Tbaokadvlp Day,
WAOHnmtOH, 0. O.
7n Waking Ycur Stkdien^
hr Zaikt Soaps
n comr at ptgbt apd teaar you lo a friyWful oert of way.
n Mtump you. aod n bump you. ood l*U hints up btgb aod fall
Oowp op yew iHtir atemacb Iter a atssUp cao*Mp ball:
n beupd you. ai^flbpoyBd you. aod n acroacb. •Ramambw mrr
Bear Id mind tbe (act that we can fit you ont with tbe beat
Bowart. myctoprTaHr c^-my toyP tat suddte aay*. says be.
qoality of selected aoepe at prioee ffom .’k- to :i.ic i>or cake.
We buy in <iuantiUea, and make tlio price ri(fbt.
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
: |ir<sluillona. liy pru|N>r care and
tleiught till tlifM- ina.v sduni the table
, (III TliniikSBlvlng iliiy In Potty Uico.
and «u-'li ns nr>- eaten uiay to- washed
' down with .ool cocoa aster, tiaUve
I rum nr ivirev made ou tbe Inland from
! the home raised produrt*.
Wiiliuut apealilng disparagingly of
j the prinlurts <.r ,-ltber elime. ur exalting
‘ tto one els.* <• tto other. It tnty to stst
I ed at s rap't-tliat uur fellow cltlxena In
I Porto Rleo can haw on their tables. If
I they rliuusr, more tarlety of fruit aod
1 vegetable than we can on that day proI vlded (bey rXi-rvlae a Uttle gumption
' lod beaUr tbetuselres In season.
_________________ ^A. Oagn.
>mpad from jWtato M gtarad at mr aod wlokad lt» BWr cyt.
**You boy“M^rt- •TjifelwfMo Day. deo*t dart te touch a slier
Of me. for
aod cramp you Iter a visr.
ru rootTou. and FB bool you. aod rS twist you tai you aouaaL
rn ataod '*0 odtr aod roll aroupd your str-roach Dke a wbcel.
n Itupcb you. aod FB puocb you. aod FU acroacb. 'Aomembor cptF"
All tbe
goods is this line are from well known mnken.
Aod tap. oooojto tadteddlo attasod. a misty oW miper fir
I doot Itoow wbat ramt after tab 'cause l woHc up. sou soa.
; Ossersl Kras's Castra
tto InshMa I
Apd wbop I'd stuffed Jest all l coutd. I Jumped and gavr a aooam.
One nf tlemral Knui'i pcraliarilies
ii that be ne ver telb. the name story to
(be s.ime man a second time, flot long
agi> he wa» talking sboat hi* tnvela in
the L'uiP-d Kingdom. "I had always
tli'.uglii." said he, "that the famoiu
‘Cauta. al at oocr. whop tway too latc. I 'memborwd keut tat_draafte
Apd pew iFy ahnoat bedtimr. apd I outbter pay ny
Apd to! ta fotej *'0ood pirirt" apd to a-poHtp off
Ihoogh ail who toanl tt had ossa thoo•ands ot aneb tators amt mtIBen s<
oatte anta. net «m ot tam goemed
how tto true Kory was coming oot tato Fred reacbod tto potot wtaw* tto
q^rolted ora dtad mte aeomsd
•*WA’ aaM Mr. Btewosa. -thte bta
bora a ^ of tatede down Tkautota
— teDtttoff fiMStloa wtth then
ataR thte Otes te tow to obssrre tto
-Tea. aad Fm ^aA of tt.** Mto. Btaw- day pngxrty after tto Yankee faahtea.
SM added.
Ton might bare tetpsand Mr. BtowsM to mg. "TFhat tf I had kOsd Iteto
"I'm roupd aod bot aod atcamto. aod I'm bcavtar tad teate
-ThU was tto way oMt; When Fted
had started for market Bobble. p*r«y
from fear that aomebody would oxtree* from him tto terrible aecretwhieb
was bomlng la bu ecasctenco mA
partly te eee If Dennia was all rtgkt
bad erawleS imder tto froot pereh.
Oneo then with tto turkey, to had teegotten bis leers and soon was boidkig
UennU In bis Uttle arms and rurag
to blm aa tf they two were tto only Br■ of
ate test ntgbtr But to dktoT. -
(Patent Attorneys,)
bat I came away from Ireland with a
very, diftcTetil iilca.
"Iwue Btoptnug at a Uttle cnnntry
not to take a hand, and
aa an Anu-ni-niiiz •! Inshman I tbonght
I ought lo k” p u]> Ihe reimtati'Si of the
ootuitrvf.e H.-ml.ility.
I aekod what
they wen- play.ug, and ihi-y repUed
'Forty five.' an ..M time In*li game.
told lli.-m that I hardy knew the rules,
btn that 1 e-*iM pkiy reven np, euchre
ur nearly luiy other Americanoud game.
Dot th'-y inti’ietl ou mr talaug a bond,
and 1 did so. tine of the page-, who was
standing st U>e ludc of my choir.
wQlcb-d me hand pretty cliwrly,
tbe first
aolM v.w>: 'Holy
ncli a pisy in me loife
I wonder
j phwere Ihe rti« I tJie Bion com from '
thbugir*iben- l/ ren- Unle game ’in j
Porto lllco (sorb ba. I-cd Uie sharp I
eompeUtlon for a oKTe living atmmg [
,s- ^.tetod inhabitants., there i, |
.ugh to aaOsfy the ordinary sports. |I
Ikere a» probably a good many peo-1 mao
D triio knows when- to look for It :
to to sure,
Un. BUweon when she went ont to pie wbo think that tbe real reason why , There are no wild
pick Oowen for tto UUe. sad eto bad Ikahkaglteng day had its origin In , tot there
here are some that
thai have run wild ;
dtecorered him end tto lost torksy.
Tkns drlra to tto last defense. Bobbto jmAlOe In lorteys SD<J pumpkins. There ' *•
had crawled ont snA with great tears
ara steo many other, wbo bold that '
ntnning down bb dirty cheeks, had
tarami Injun." They ate not ai i
innot eujuy a dinner on that day ;
r native turkeys and are rather
begged Us tnsmms net to let paps MB
aalted a lasplac optdar not baeaoat It
It a good, sharp frost to pot an ;
ir. bat tbelr flavor
dlspused tl
valka ta a Janpy way. bat bacane dear Denote. Tto plea bad tooehad
ttolr appetltea. Cold weather. Is good. and. If they bare been feedlUK
Vhn It tos ctawtol to wiiua a frw tto mother heart, and ao. Instead of
Ttaksgtrlsg. toikeya pumpkins, d- oo tbe seeds of certain palms snd
teatoa oC a Oy «r ottor prey. It joi
dsr. '’apple soas’’ and other concom- Bbrubs. coostltaie a food fit for any one
at« aad attdan niaate tto Mrk.
(to tesul banquet eonstl- . to est.
vaa la tto bap* or aorioc tto apten Thsnkaglrlng dim
Then there ore the wild guinea fowl
Fred’s fear bsd ranUhed. tad to Mid tote a comblnitlon that cannot be sefr
nn at tetetehlDt that Prad atoppad
' oecaaloasJly found In the Jungles along
tewatebtt. Aaduttoaptdrrcrawted tto exact troth os te bow tt happened aramd in tbe minds of tboee people.
But now that we have uken to ser- I the rtTera. where they have left tto
alawtr aotoa tto rad. End tortot that to failed to reach the market In
tlaae. Mn. BUwaen
BUwson got
gat op s rery ae- eral tropical dependeoclss wbera trote farms aod taken lo the bosh. Tbera
ntej lkly tot tto laaaefa num ot a tSsaea^ wbn* bltberto the U nothing oo earth more deildoos of
coptaUe dinner of eggs aod sweet po
ivtog Ifeatura has bra con- tbe fowl kind than a nice uader pullet
A attek^iect two taai lea« lay tatoes. topped off wtth mash and mOk.
the optoJoo ex- that has rateed Itself on what It conld
tons Ito wagoa track. Oaa aad el of which tor boys nerer tiled. At ta
It tod ton erabtd late tto earth by table Frto tted tto steer of tto spUstte prated absre will bars to be modlfisd. pick up to the woods and pastures
a trtoM ae that tto ottor aad was qoMt for a Ttaankagmag diansr. and. ter Aswb to Porto Bleo. at least tbers wttbont hartag been made toogb and
aateto mm tfataa teetos atora tto
aoaten of (to rad. Imradteuty oa-
Us loot deoperate effort te free
Iron tto aercOeoB prtp. aB
«ateL Per as aita as ball as boor
tto boy watched tto laaecta, lor to
wlBbn te kaew'wbat tto spider was
fOlof 10 do with tto aat's careate.
An as bora gnienUy syoipathlae srith
tto sader dog. so Pied sympathl
wttb tto poor Dttle ant. He cootd
help ednilrtog tto ahrewd cewetah
tto aplde, bat
Tto MM Bat tteaoto:
Bto anar Frad an Batote tod «oM
to tod tto togbt tiiiin Thatoaclrtu
ttoynud ttotr Mttor epILato aMr
DK^laS tana OAkk DKI_'l^.
Intwrior telaphonM for for house, factory or atore. Ws
can wlra anything from a call boll to a whole city.
ta teta:
n ttoow off al ta bteglioto. apd n p«di away tto aboat
a tto spiders
tana tatete EHta^tate wrota talotatete.
Aod taa a ruat Mg pabktor. tat wag op a ptattar tare.
sat. nappttag kite tigbtly la bte tag.
bsity laga.
*to tfto/ tocnw as om a( tbm-*,
UnttoMndoornik- sorry that to had sot poatod tto spider
tort toy i^tiift nto tto tew aad off aad glrea tto oat a chaace to staod
op lor a fair flgfal or at hast to bars a
at a foot race.
After a tone, teog time the spider begao to hMoea tto muntetoos prtp to
Which to bod told hla pr«y. an m tto
leaf bUry legs siralgtatMod away Ptod
kaelt dowa cteoe aad got a peep oner
the teiMor'o bif tiody. Tto am was lytof
dat iten IU bock. Farttor an larttor tto tedder'o tefs spread untU they
met store bte hack. Fred bad arrar
belere ma a aphter do this,
dowa cteoer to see what It aieaBL Tbea
tto suaafest thing of all bappnad.
TEe spider, with aU bis eight tegs
raised store fals hack, rolled orer n bte
BMe. an I'trd saw pot only that to
wad dead, bat that tto aat fan ew
him open and scooped ererythlBg oat
of him. tarlag ooly the eaipty okla la
tto outward Iona of a spider. Bo. aftdr all. tto boy bn srasted Us sympa
thy on tto poor Uttle aat. wbo aeeaed
to to amply able to take csre ot Urn•elf. Aad wbea tto UtUe black fcUow
begaa diagglng tto grat bulk of tto
dead spider across the road, orer tto
mouoialas an through the rallsys
made by boob an wheels. Pred's ad
for tto aat's caotmoot
strength was aroused, aad to md to
-Oet\ It 1 ecrald lift a load Uke that
1 could walk off with a boose.'
Tbea to added. -WdL tto aat has
got bis Tbanksflrtag dlnaer all right.'
Aad tbte broogbt back te bia mind tto
thoogn of Us own errand, so to set
oat again for tto maikeL But tboogh
eaaM aal to dalr ealettrated wlthoot to did net think to bad spent moeb
ttekaj. aa alter noeb of tto teonlac time wstcblng tto snt aoB tto qilder
aad though to ran as fast as to ceald.
L Frsd waa poated off u
tto market was cloocd for tto day
when to reecbed IL
of ‘*Brst (Utch your hair'' of coorae
will hare to to oboereed. Bot as ttoie
aTe**ao baiea or era rabbits wOd to
Porto B«e> (he appllrailoo may be
Inotenatateotantt Utemtate l.ta o. g^. *o 300
■nsde to the dores and pigeons
ta. tara teO teHtaptate tana taoltarai.
that one of ttom to
foond. there will be four kinds of lueat
Inelodlnc tto Iguana, or xhree wUboBt
R. Betaking oarselra to tto rtren w«
shall find most delktoos crayfish tbao
to tornlng orer the stoora and rocku.
*«• ta-evntt Dtt.
whk-h are calh-d '■camaroaes.'' By
whstcTur name itoy ace called they
will go wet] Wilber In a salad or serred
op by their own sueet selves. wHL s
dash uf lime Juice, a pinch of tapper
and iust a bnolh of redbot •vhlll."
There are fish lo (to rivers also, and
atan. toiU*...! rarv.l. ,A-*...1 Wnrlal
better tn tbe sea. such as red snapper,
wto- isadv m .wfiera <g (ai bad to^ All
gibuper. etc.
Hat (lie natives rely
p*r rakluc sad biatint poriwwo
fclod. unomlwv for •oh.
tnore upon the -lo.ulao.” or "tkpe
Bell 'Phane Ko. 87.
Cod torkey." ■•rougl i to rlielr shores
in Tankre seboeoers. (Inn upon tbe
caMii-s of their friend* st Ponce and
But tbe stove will ••ouiprise tb«' vland* fora lutlee Tliankscltlng dinner,
to wblcb may to ad<li-d such vegclsbles and fruliH as tto Uland van raise,
which Bieaus uiore than uoe can cat st
OarftantBnwdifwafaO. A07 OM geo^ dntdb and dcaoi^tiaa a
a slttltii:'
1'l»-s<- arc. fur regelablca
■sreK putatow*. eitdoee, yams and plsn- aof inTenUon will promirtly rreeire oor opinion free eottcenungthe patenttains: for fruit*, i.iii.-applc*. gnavas, aUlity of tame.
-‘How to <>t>um a patent” tent npoe nqBwt. Patento
bananas, oranges, sapadmas. mstard
tocnml tbroagh u* advcrii*e<l fnr aale at onr expense.
Hr Mood op ta ta teoftaWcIte. nod to aayp. *^rea boy. to>ic <Mel
n crota ta to your kotaom io ta irdddte
wttb twteay. and wttb yudtete. ao4 wttb aoarytbtei. -tod fMl
*Twu> dteidM. 'CMM ibay way ulw aad a«t tad tooltod at o|te
For V. Tkatatateia Day. you tonto my dark mtat or my wWto
l»» tfitta PM wd pnewM t»ta
saMlMptettataMMwr. W1
tto wt €( tk« tMB7 «Md anoad
te cUekta tf grtastr torred. U oasd.
kewvra. tore It Mewed aad as mta
aa guiittli aiteitlii* to tto additlia
cf TtasttUss. ottorwtee R might to
tokta for Ttoi Sir Walter Batelgb
mHed tl once--a eerie oglte amptaL"
Mow aad then anxag tto sea grapw
ta sboeo or in tto ua copses awy to
toaiui a aprrba of pigcoo and wood
dore. tto foroier qnlle abundant tt
odjoeent islands and (to tatter resembllng a partridge. ERter or both tbeae
would to eery nice brolM ta toa«
otottest fW» tr JM uoeout
aad teada aaettor detow. That to
caattaaad teOhte^^ aeaOopad ai ^
8o there are two kinds Of meat tndigcDoas to the tetend which U we were
there we could bare for oar Tbanksglrtag dinner. If yoa want another,
why tbne Is the arttadlDo. which te
not so rttr tod If cooked to tts ah^
and served op In Its own Moee. It
takes a native cook, tboogh. to proper
ly prepare the armadlUo and mnor/
from the llsah that distinctly earthy,
ameU It has acootred througb a Utettoie of dtatog to the graoad.
Than, again, tf one te not too tastJOtow. to tan find a 'deUctotw ddbtt to
the qtaOlIko fisoh of tto Ignana. -Thte
to a aort ed tend Iterd. wbkdi aoalas
to (to ItaBte «( fies or oto (set aad
Mdka ta tetta Ite a caad oU laatttaH
•liinr* rtorihg the whole 21 liimriL
4|. n.
V.A s'sis.si-.'.jSrrT ;sim*"ss;
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- buun>. loi-j ir« m.; r i- 4 sod * lu • u. w.
b.-ll iJimnc. Nxntora '{Uksm- No. I.
Four Ministers^ffALHsSSs''^
Tell el Magleal Rstuht Brsogfat Abeoi
Iteblng. Btoediag
Tfoubtes by Dr. Chase's OintmcBL
l-jB A J
V-imasiT Bur»«i, at
Dr. Chsw'i Ointment drswi more prsiw dum-JiM^Ilniii^*^ itoTs^ and m-to ^
from mmisierv. phyiicwn* sod Iswyer* th« prov™! n,.-tthslii. ltej w nl^i oolte promptly SO?- Other »vd.O« in thr mgld. It i. .a
K« ._________________
dorisd t’)- every profettioc
Exuaett (rom ibclr
Rev. W. N. Edtrsrdt. BapdM miuliler, J
- -___ ________ mre
«'■ >‘«*'*''-'®
haw bees t source of
“-1 «•«» ■«' »•">
Tto next me, end frequeotly,
1^“" I «'»de a ^ pb., and it w«'t, become intense. At
very loi.g, he again *iud. talking lohim
ing sod the ilcbiag sod burniog «si heyood
did I^wv a man plav rodorsocc
Tho results I luve derived Itocn
wU. 'B-dad. mver
Ur. Chase's Ointment tove been msgk
noyed. but mill I said nollnug. oltboogb tbe bcnefili Utung. I ieeJ it e duty
lets luflerers to lecenaeod It."
7 U.gVAN's, K. li..
mMlraJ depsPtmm
Rev T K. Vas Nsiter. Mcthodht
ttoffsii.. Pvt., e.
ff. ffil.
ter. AlWoo, Wis., write*
••My wife wu tetribiy Afflicted with pt» Vf
HoweviT. when to broke out the third
tnsdiog pile* sad eDotempisted a suigKAl: ^ „
time 1 crclrl I'-intain niyiwlf no longer.
I tnniKl oruuiid and said. "Look tore. opcrsiioe when ber ooticc *ras drstra to I>r. •—
Otac's Oiotmeot. sod Isss tbaa ooe ba ! ~
"1 tbea osed it for sa onsigbtiy sod'
trocMes3«se skm sfleettes. whleb bad bsfBcd
sMdicAl skfU for t«ret>ty.fire yesre.
Cbaac's Ointment thorosgUy ared H. For MeXaiaAin BIX.. (TOv Parkw Itow Sbo-IUovv
"I Joined the rr<t of them to the
s worth hx weigbt
Isogfa. ondfoiil. 'W,a. boys, order op;
that puts 'em oo nio'"—tiuicinnsti
Rev. J. A. BsUwte. Baptist otintetar.'
Aikoos. OoL. writes
•• For over tnreaty yearn I was s great solHE KNEW JERSEY E6«A
icm Ifum hebiag and pmradisg ptks. I
aol many reswdla sod oodetwem three very
Tto Wto Priswr CealS TWU to Ttotr
psinfol toxtesl operststa. all witboot.
Otoaiateg aay permAoest bcafiL
Two printers InncbMl at a Port row Absto to give op is despair 1 wss leld to ose
nstaoiant the other day. Oas tedsrsd
"bte tetd'' aad thsoctortwo baited
eggs Whoi tbs eggs rnma ptoosd befesa cotirslrc«nd..TbeitchtoctesDcooe. I
tbs ODeorfao tetaedthn. toteld to hte have sdvwcd othen to ste k. bcSerii« ii
wald are them ai It ta BC."
wtolteaksi. "^y. taw an J«*y
PiBC told filllnts, chiwB ud
bridte find porcelAlB wwk. AU
verk<itonateeduUsfgctoi7. _
John R. Santo
**^ow do yoa know they bo Jerney
eggs? They alMil tors beta laid to
Penafylranto or KentteAy for all yoa
••WoU. 1
(.andwbta atadto
g-oqiteinsd; "Orer
lag that ttesc I was s great saSerer. I tried
■tay ruasdlu, sod sosc of the best pfayniritat
«s tote Asiti riiMril
asa The tat bos of Dr. ChMc's OliStorM
eostsa boa. aB dsatetoor Or
_________________ board with bolsA lata
ta« gteaU.bteod taik AU««|stM
i|osinlre liaonnH.
; crrr,
«nn»AT, jmmm m, uoo
» w^gigBtt (to Viteiiitiy.CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR.
Hakaa cn thm teg-'
Taec.-tette tte LwA-te «aWL 14*
‘■■DM-.tenr! TM'b • nltF.**taM
teefeto with a good hint at «BWBtato
tktaifl fact that tbs Tbl* paabn was prebabig wrtttaa ter .
TbosB aawwwa wbtob I Btac at ermg taBS 'Iwnud gon totaita«bMta Catti4atatgs« a hoUi Ibe Ncned ter ooe to tea aaeeod tmnite. It pxnlaM
BiBiat I caaU not bare sopportsd had wtthtBtB «Nnteg.'"-a]taBmBiiSit of trait todnatrieo. 0«d teatMOg ter btta«9tag Hla peopta
tbrg tetea oa wtg besrt. I eotod sot ham
sack aa tbe growtag af
troo) rapdrttg and ct«tag,tea«i powat
artn OM a< B>g rhOdrapB dto wtthoat djlif
leBMM. pMcbca aad grapa^ Aa a na- to retmUd tea wnlM of' Jaewtem;
Bgmtt. And to apite a( eecrTthiag. I
Obb «• eat BMW trait than sag otbar -The Lord doth boSd up JtTwaaliBt
bar* ntatoed a tear af (ate aa obaems
and nenetrati^ that tbr al^t ad mg
and grew eeaaltenMg MN than w*
cat BgbtgBltltaMofteltonagear Be gatbrretb ugeteer the oatMota af
a telrer to ag retos eecrg dag. Aad Bin SSTtohant^i^^lotbo^"SSi t* tbr Bgvr for attawherrieg aloM. A larnaL- Dot there ar* reffremcea bate
t hare aottiiBE now 1* tear.the fwpwimtatP tend fcr ana fgad- boadred amtons wtmM ararceig rotor alto (a tee morr irgatar nod roaniaa
TV Abbe Haadah ceased. & goad tog to aach hoOto Bid ma a toft td etA- tba valae af all tee grape* tnateeted. blaaatoga of life, nod ter tbroa alaa
at tbe tie to (be great miaatg
laabatttogaaaaniyB. HaeaaBBto- Peaebro w« ratoe to aatonlabtog aw- Ood Is praised. In everg guar of oar
pan that tba bott^CBiiBdtamif Ottea to
Baag Uvea Ood Bends apectal favors ape*
koawa to the Ilf* which be Bl^ bam tod
bat oar banner crop •a. aloM with tbe aaaal' beacAti that
bad be braa more hardened agatoW wmt- tont)g. Inrmt
in tba bonoB and pnttoanant
(ertog. lie rraamad la a low eaicn:
BO far ai frelt la concmed M appMa.
“I swa rlgM. I was not mate fto (bto taeoMaboretba sUkto the bottte. We have ptodnrod aa mang an XMMnCto we doUg ttveive from UtaL Both
Stand tea faootoa on tt; wbenthawteB 000 bariwta to a Magle aeanoa and bavw ktada of Meanings ohotdd be ateoowh
Tbe rouDtaaa mU aMbfaig. At toat bedto draw tbe oaocepaa to a eootor part arid as Ok ak k.000.000 bamte ta edged 00 Tbankagivtag dag aad Ood
after a long altotev «be Bananrod:
<d tbm atnra. whan the water will reabonU be pralard ter teem.
-As to Be. U I had not Bg fiaadehO- Bain near tboboiti^ point iBt aotaa- BB^ADdlRw. We carrg to cold ttorTbia psalm anggrau nang immm
age ererg wlater aDgwherc from O.OOU,dna I thU th« I wooU ns loiwrr teee
000 to UkOOO.OUO bamia of tbe crop of ter praising tbe Lord.
tbe asaaoo before ta order to aecnra
I. Pralae tbe Loml for iplrtUMl baasAnd tbe cute
witboat aaethK
word.—TraasUted FVnia tbe Pnatb Far
better price*. Sbipa welgb oncbiv ta toga (verae* 1-d*. Tlie'iMani (NB
Sew Tor* Retnid.
New York three at a time ta a atiigla eaptlrltg and all Its aceompaagtag
weHt beartog apites to Europe. In bleaaaig* was pre«ntaentlg a gnat
deed It Is ooe of (be
to welt kanwh that the rfhntorg
mtohataNgondatatr tbe wacrg baa enwr wltneeaed aad Vlritoal bleoatag. It waa a mnra ta
• or the Iraf «r the Bsmen and atbre
promlae* to uke rank as tbe chief God. a return to 'Cod'* (anpla, a re
CiBarcrop of tbe world, says a writer turn to the ordlnaacM of Ood. all of
"Van. gon
mg daar teltaw. to ftolt
wbieb would pradocc an toertaaed
ta Pearaon'a
tela baaotlgbategoncan't gatangalxMills countg and loteed all tbe eotite- apiriioal life, wltb Its manlfoU MmopemngeigBnsncbaalaintn tha habit weaten sectkm of loww li tnOg a tngs. and for tbeae Ood aroold dta«.rva
npoo which the btt.-oed portioa af
«t Baoktag. aad so I barb to Mha ahift
olatk ran. la rirtar of Ha etostleitg. a
wonderful apple roontrg. hot not math to be praised. Hot God Ueoaad ua as
to aad fm aa tbe e lad acts apon tbe
Bore Imporunt than ope of a arore of a (latioa. aa a efanreb. as ladlrtdMH
toarrs or (be tree. Tlirce ba te been areleglou lo variont ports of (be tvuutig with aplrtnal btoaalaga nod vmioQtAwblcb produce apple*. In that roimtg erilg Re baa let us be gratofnl nats
tbra ^Itofsctarg.
akwe tbere are over P 000,000 trrao, Him aad pralsa Rim (or all He ba*
tbe origto of (Us c
nmm to Mtoea an twl.
tbe potpoae aerred bg (be -treBbUBg- of
tvetagtog at tbe krareot ten boshda a done.
•i. IValte tee Lord (ar isBpotal
thr leaf. II. J. Cotboorn In a letlw lo
tree per annum. Ooe bnndred and
Nature ooexeat* an explaaatioe.
*IW drntiat didn't wut to talk teev, flftg tbooaand of tbeee tree* are ta ons Mroalngs (veraea 7-ll>. Btog wria
be Bid. but ba tboogbl tba itorg wotth orchard. Tbe total ontput It cloo* oa tbe 1-unl wlih tbanfcaglrtog. • • •
covered (he beavena wltb ctooda,
to ILOOO.OOO harrria or enotigh to toptar r* aUM* «l rar ar^lr rtu,
.................................... to Uabto to
wbo preparatb rain (or tbe oarth. wbo '
VB to u. at BH(W oekr — el* ONWA
B (be (oBag* «d team to manhg be Bid. "a waaten rating pnaitat pig tbe preoent Atnericao aale to Enr makrth tbe grass to grow upon tbo
o woued. Kretrtbtog (bat loncfard It
cama to New York, and cna aronlng land.
l.-=.ue Ml a ite
MUc ri-a
• n-agong of• aaffcrlng.
■ Bg Hapw
Ito .•nri tmto 1 llir ear Udlw.
lie girrtb to tbe beast hk
waatoritnd to dine with soue of bia
New York, however, bu two roan*
aa atlirt vUk aj axU pm wmid vrIM.
Ban wbom aalnre ha*. paaepUtd
tee goung nvtaa
biends beta. Tbe dinner was a paitiaa- Uea much amailer titan MtUa wbtob da (ood and to
At aa UaM toar 1 Aarv m >i|au WNW
b todlSefcM* and armed whb
w tbai gear toe* (er torig }ollg affair, and wham tba wewam even bettor than (hit. and as a Mate It which erg." God's providential caroaf
1W amp bxM »■* -all tr li?« ar *aa
B* wUl I*
l>raat rallt (or roatiiiwd
AM, vhaa*. krw U a. *'
n>«rraises three time* a* mang apples as
‘*>1 was now 1C. Aa rxrroairr limMItj
She—What do got export a* (o
bod reealtrd froB tbl* apiitndr (or aor- gooT A wrillcn tecoBBcntetlee team rg mood. It was bit cnatutn to plaea bia Iowa. The eotmtles referred to are
art of falB teeth nndcr (be pillow eimg Niagara and Orletna. In tbe weatero
faring. PeHtog mg—r naked agatoal tbe toot I loeadt-DsOalt FVee Pima
tb« artacks of rbanr* «r of faia. I (eared
night Init befoe guiog to bed, and ba tier, which together raise 7.000.000 btoaacd to temporal nSalrt to the past
Tto ttpp, Mara, aril aato Ukr (mcMto Mi|a an eonlan. all appniarfcra. all adrancca.
bsriels of tbe beet kind of nisrket a|v gear. FruHs abnadant bar* baea
WHk amM a Uc* mMm «M/ alU worid tU 1 Urrd awakr a* If oader tbr constant
Flea. All tbroogb this area are or- borne b> our tree*, aor flelda havt
•U» kMIr Ira mi haamae aagr ttoir Brnacr o( aomr naknown and alwagt
Boning be waa imabto M find tba
cbalds bolding 20.000. 90.000. 4OA0C
expected sorrow. I dared neitbrr talk
fiaarebtog high and low to tbe rao
and ocraainnallg 100.000 trees, wblcb nal pros|ierllg hi
nor be mgarir to pablk. I bad a amuwaa uf DO trail, and flnaUg ba ooaa
1. all of wbtob a
to MossowiDg make of tbe nadalda a
lioB that lllr was a battle, t (rlghtfol
me (or a new set.
glrlng to Ood.
atniggle, to which on* rerrirn irrribto
■' -How long will it take goB MX
k. ITnise Ibe Lord for ccriaataatkal
Uomt. painrni and mortal woonds. In Ig agreed at to tbe exmt propstger
stead of eberishtnx aa olbrr* di> a bappg Bald of tbe tBs'a ram which to meat ef- tbetnl'be aak^ I loldbitn foor or ffra
Ucaslnga (veracs 12-191. For pratoOhope tor tbe morrow. I r*l( onig a ragti* Bdeot to artloa ot> Wtorit and fungL
tega. -Can't
'Can't Ilmen M angtbing like
tlon. peace sod ptontg Ibe ebu^ la
raar of H. a wiab to bidr mgsclr to troid
that.'be replied. 'I'll giro gon triple
called upon to pralae Ibe Lord. Hw
Tbe toqntig ‘
tbb combat. In wblcb t sbooU be ran- Profeaonr a
tt k
Harwhall Ward, to whtni BQDcy to wake (bem in 14 booxa. * Ton eat In (be scientiOc cirrie* of Enrope. eburch of (lirist todag to our land |p>
tbe Ibooght ocmrrol to tbe cutme of aec people (nan Cbica^ think that Wilktoa was born on a farm near 8t
bla work that the nioot direct &atw« to money langb* at eroything, aroi time. I>BUl In 1K74. Wbon be was but 1« lYiriTfurr
stx BODlbs ot earallM
yestt Old.
old. or
be loeasunvi
measared aii
six fwt In churches for Ills inaalfuld btoaalng* to
"All isy ariiniug with (he old fellow jears
cboooe a career. A rerg simple erent tbe qnetiutai. Which rays ate the tnent
________ ______ did no piod. *u 1 act lu work «» hu height and now has grown t' the tre- uur <'hURHira.
canard me suddenlg to scr rlearig Into
"Mg dsrliagE.*’ eaU IL.
mgatJt showed me tbe dlacaaMl >tat> »(
apeclnmi dlrcctlg ! b«Hh. In the tucantinic, howerer. I Mid
4. l-rals.' tbe Urd for aaUonal blaoattor for g..u to go to U-d."
apnn tbe fitni <d t]win and roakiag it By atoiKtant to basuo atonnd to (be old
togs ovrse 2III. “He liatb nut dealt aa
Tbr tbm rhildn-n—■ lag end two Bg Bind, made nw nodetetand ttoe'GW rectrd tlie cflo-tJi by tbcir
man's iiutcl and make ateiviitl&eaearcb
with any nation." GimI baa greatly
and derided tar to Bee la
girlr-eroa- and reiiw fonraril to klu g*r
of his room. The wislenxff toiisted
bhimrd us as a nation to tbe past gear.
■'Verdim to a llltb- town tarroadad behavior, amnliiig ms
(brir modmotber. Thru tbrg Mid good wltb plaiai and woods, la the.
groaps <if rays fvll opuo them—in otbur that be litul dnwk no more wine than wtimeo'lM-furi' V
H e have a goudly bt^htare, where tba
elgbl la kl. to- cure. wb» bad dined at Ibe otre<-( lag Bg pan-tits^ boaae. I
favor of God sreiiis to be freely dhe
wiwito. by obiaiumga pbo(<a;n}di u( tbe amial at the dinner, bat I was MUofltd bare strivi-n In <
raatlr, as was bis wont on Tbursdags.
that be waa deoetrtng bimielf. 1 bad Ibeoe freaks uf ni
|irDs«.l. I-et tn therefore tbank BlB
fjicctrtim lu living and dtoil hartiTia.
Tbr Ablw Uaodull mi iwd of tbam wbleb 1 bao a
UsIUe s
The rmlu abowed ccnrliimvt'lT that not Us-u lung at tbe iirebminary meoato ttaought. to word and to dead.
npoo bis \rxTs. passing bis tong, black
B Fretic
tbe rays Uiai 1611 the bucK-ria aii> ibo onnuouts when my amiatoU called Bg
TRS Fsavgn wEgrriRi.
.edbrd arms brbind (ba ut«k* of tbr cblltbroogb toe OcJd* all alone to allow tbcB blue and viutot <Bcm An oUwrvatKin out and banded me tbo tcafb. Ba bad saga that g
Lei tbe prayer meeting coamlttaa ar
drrn. Briagine tbeir brads logetbcr to
aenpe and Bg awaj. Mg father and was made daring the torraigstiao (annd (bem in the pilknrcMB, wbm lew* than a dlaca«'. This dlaeaae genwltb a paternal Borefueel. be Uaaed tag Doibrr. eatirrlg .Kvagtod wltb thair which may g« far to acrunnt for tbe na- the owner had pot (bem Inatead of na- erallg occurs In patleeta Iwlwecn tbe range a siM-clal tbankaglrtog pam
or use tbe ooe pobUsbad by
Ibm opoe tbr forebred whb a long, teo- boKlaeis and pevora-upled wltb mg (n- Btudaclcry cbu|ricr of tbe determlna- der tbe pillnw.
age* of lb and 3i and U Srrt called tbe Cnlted Borietg.
der ktoa. Tbra hr pot tbra down agato. tntr. onlg talked lo lue of Ibrlr aalaa ee tioDs of (ormur experimeata.
‘' I returned (he terUi and tbe railroad arrumegalg (from two Greek words
Biaig naMiiaa.
Va<> Iba little oee* wltlidraw. tba bog of tug pootlhlr plans. Ibcg loeed B*
of tbe exuem■nie chief dtflb-Blly to be ureroome Ban waa *u overyoyed that be did B0(
Pa xxxIv. 1-B; xlvllL 1; UrI. L ti
aa poiilire people with practical Btote -----tbe gmit wcakoumg of the toten- cancel tbe erdnr. but Mid Be M go IUi-*“), If the patient U not attocked
iHdlng. tbr glris (allowing.
■■Yob l..re efaUdren. 11. to nier bM
imtll after he la 18. the ends of the Ixxxl. 1-3; xctl. 1-C; cvU. l-K; 11 i3aSL.
of^ the rtispcTWcd rays of the beam ol
heir heart.
tbr rounlraa.
bones In tbe artna and legs arc enlarg It 10-12; I'bIL iv. 1-0; CoL U. «. T: If,
'□rm tbe apectrtun,
>r mg aars . light dccnm)<u>«l
“Verg nneb. fudaBr.**
2; Bcv. vU. 11. 1
.............................. _ ,
Idering si mg’ own »nUaB- a- weakening caosi'd by tbe diatrilm ODbeut so (or ae to admit that perbapa, ed and prolonged sllgblly. but If (bU
(Kd of (he inciilriicc <if' the rays ore* a I bficT all. he bad drank glate ed wine disease ba* altneked a child at
to Ibe priest.
| ons dbqnlrtade.
inncli tl.e night bef.ire, and when I after blrih glautism is the n-sult. Tit*
• Aad your aaUtndr baa aceee weighed I "So*, one evening after a tong walk, tonrer nffa and by llwir absanuioo and
heavily qpnn yonr*
r aa I was (rthraiag hastily so as not to be roflwiiuo m pawiing tbroogb tbe lanOH Not him my bill I rewired a check fer boni-s are prohmgiHl all along- tbeir friend, your Lord, jonr Bavloor, t
-------------- - u-J ..... ,
. ---------me.
donblc the uuaont (ram him."—New length, grow iinnalurallg. and tbe re- you to (lo that gvu are leavtag undone
anlt 1* a giant.
1 It waa (.Kind alto, in setting with York Tribnua
today? Ih> goo doubt ooe toauot with
fur i.fdiiiary life."
When yon see a big man. It li tber^...........................
(•!«'»''>' lipl'l. that ibo jwwef <J the
me be mopped. 11
Ills blgb and detp lore (or your aoul,
-How do yoD knowr’
fofv a qui<stion whether lie I* nnusool-1 (bat
,^,1 IIIUe waata
waata gou to tirag? And do
« (or , did the St'n,. Tbeu hr iTgaa lo' wag bltic and riuUt tty* waa (crtbir im-Ob. 1 am sure of It.
ly atrong
strong or wbether
wbelber hr
he I.
It a autt.-rer
doolrt on. fnaunt
"11.“ , bto 1*11 BBd *ppr"«diral ailh *b<« ateps.' paired—m .hImt w.rds, that (hey were A Tato of a TslkallTs
iHth tioA cn.ii.-hiue moTeoienl* of bia ; mopped—by tbe material (ghwa) tbrcaigh
aad BIS UeoB C
•x'ome. U. le cure, (ell me ahoot it. ; ' eUdy <reml.linc BiKiB bis feet, and'which they hod t<
bleaa aU the man about
As be threw himself hack inM tbe
Etplato lo me how yew cam.- to deride 10 genily •bsking
•baking hi*
bis bead. 1I <-slled
.wiled blm.,
The efli'C* of the glusewa* practloallT embrace of the co»hioncd choir of
rie. He m.-nlloit. i«o glonta In tbe „„
^ „„ brethren? And ora
reaouaer all ib"M- Ihinr. wbieb Bake lie spproa.-bed with s msnoer so bumble. ; ihe same ns that of luiri or base to the
IWl, aniiy who did ii.H
to |
doing auythlng like lUt? Do you
os tore life, sD wbieb opbolds sad cna so rad. <0 supnlunl that I felt Ibe tear* „m.M.J.en'. whicli
which *0
M filtiTS
filters oni D.s
I- was ('harlc* Frrut a duulH one Instant tbat He a
autos u>. Whm Is It Ibal iBia-Jb-d yon t< rife Id my ejes, I
- purr lu deed and word and
II DBliiral n>ad of aiarriogi
foe- in the newspsis-r Bat lliu barber
, (bought? And arr you |iure? Do you
and Ibe fsailly?
!• neilber
g inaiL calline In bini
t. At Urn ' day was uf little effect In (be aotbew't diito't mind (lie tjgly cpraiing. He
the Mlicte-ctilh regl.,
orM- Instant that Ilia coBBnnd
terto. nor fncsllc. 1 r snmlwr, aor laelleaned over, garrated tbe tnoaorial pa
dilRooltic* were oeeroome by tient with a towel and palmed bis face pTnehra
aacb'Jv. Uto. li no r great grief which very grnny au
I IS f.w you o|«-oly to own Him *a^
prrsus.led yi.u to proaouacr-db* eteraol I ean-te.-d his
lie bertoie bolder, tiring qnana instead of gtoat. with with lather Wlien be bad ftlpflapped
plated bis paw* upon my which it waa {xwrible to obtain a yeeg
Tbe Abbe Uaudult rase sad went etoss holders sod llekrd By face. Qr (.dlow- pure spwtrnm nnfficicntly n.-h to bine . a rax.g once or twice alotig tbe otrop b« lived 1-forc Wllklna was «'liarlra ,-niroc ,re quratlon* which maka te*
bagan wildly:
to thr treplatT. Tbra bi' lifted toward <d mr all tbe way borne.
Byrne, an Irlsbmsn. He ineatured B
•nd violet rays to kill tbe stxjres to a I
"Nice day. sir"
ifar first being whom I lored few bonn.
tbe fismes Ibe heavy sb.ws worn by roua•Thh was il
“Ob. la It?" aorwornd the other.
•iy. l«T*u«- be retnrned my leaIrg priests, tie seemed to be besItaHag
U'l queallon bin! ^
before snawerinc.
Uy *Uravi..o for this aoimal obtain ■BtitfanocT reralu to the ram
Tbe bartw looked startled, but ba
IS probably scro- i
as men somriimra m
Hr was • Urge old Ban. ailh white
. exagg.
rai.d bdiI ridlrutoaa mer with auUr rays, even with glass ,
letisca, mitvora, etc., ood expoannw of j
hair, who for LHi years bad bees miaiatremtifused fasbien it
i pect-not so does Cbriat apeak to UA
Paper aay* we’re gotog to bare nlea
_ of Faiat
ithcr giants were (onstanttor. bom ; ^pd yet He tpeaks. I know «bat Be.
Aatrine da .....re were t*o brafbers. who bad tom
! wauher now."
Thr pearaul* osed to aay
nag of ivur way 'to eonh. oae as isolated and
rts)aired to bo ao lung aa tu be : ■■Thanka." wot the aosww. 'T know
FAirlch. Rwlurriand. 8 feet 1 Inch: ,4,^.
^_He. here to V
him. “Ab. ibera's a #Be man!"
drf.Dseless as tbe ptber. lie never leri
HeroW. iKWP at I^I|mIc. 7 fret f. Inchra, n,,,rt-wsEls me to do today, and I
. bow to read niyaelf. "
Ur was. in fart, a fiae mae-sbenevo-t bt anersard. lie slept at tbe foot of Mooibly
1 iocb.—Gold- I know that i am not mlstskra to Bg
j At (hit rt-bnfr tbo barber kept altoeL benign, appraaebable. IaU St. . B) bed: a'e at ibe talJe. DoiwUhsisDdlog
k-nowledge. tt Is no gnras of mine. It
The rerorh Esi>
{ ience Bnt be shaved aguuuntbe grain,
Martin, be would bate eni a elnak la ptte Burmr.r* of my pareolL and (ollnwed
Is III. Toira tbat teU* m..-PhaUpo
two. Hr laurhed easily and tried at: me in all my solitary wslka.
• uv 4...-. II "vcl spnclacle of all
• twrakevl the other's n«e and daalwd
raBplalats of Russian Wheat.
sUgfat pruroraiiiin, like a woman, a fact ' "Often 1 would »t<ip on tbe side of *a 1 earofoilv
xrd si>d wc|tiipped expe- i *«P ‘uto the comw of bit month. The
Vice I'onsul OcDcral Hauaner of;'IS rook*.
wbtob rsihrr l"vered him le tbr mladi' dlirh aad oral Byself in the grass. S*B
“ ^diti'oi ,;f I'M. .wmoTOBAolara. who. ac- 1
mvure atrflly, tbe barber Frankfort write* lo thr »iat.- ilrtwrir hi* eocigrrgaiioa.
I woold run at once. I*' d..* n at my side of ouniiug to wliaiVa* then the raabion. ^
___ ______
Tbe t'ountrss of Karin.-,
Karin. , wbo bad
bod t»ra- on m.v knee*, and rsi-e my basd wltb tbe
tirod to her chaicaa lo eduenir her grond- I end of his nose so thst ! ailgfat caress wm-dcwtincUtog-alhcr tlte Oraanrra of I grabbed Ibe other bribe pq) of tbearalp aad I'rovUioD Detlera publlthc* * g,'nerally ai li'ongbl to'te! that good
the pb-irauhs unci of tee Ptoleniit* for ' •»* twisted bi* hnul until tbe cervical warning to it* mrmlwra agunat grain | i,.m|--r cannot only Ue rulllv^tad. but M
Chlldrrti. chrrUbed a gn-at affvc(fc<e for > bin.
Juar. at tbe Pollccii'Bi .if Pari*. TTtcir apitaratut ' vertobim crooked ogam.
b.-r om- and would ray of him. “Three"#: -One dag toward i:
lm|K>rtailun. from tomheni KumIo, , , rtrladti. duly, aod that one bn* ao
Kuicit PtoTTv d* r» di*w»TT wo* tbo'u*t obtainable, 1 "Sia.v." cned tbo gruff man. ''iny #*ylDg,li ha* received reliable Informa- | n,„^| eight to Inlllct gh»m and dea bran'''
| wr were no tbr road
Hr came rvrrg Thorwlty to pass tbr; (Tiavrul. 1 hw tbr diligracr ap. "•(*- tbeir Iraroing wo* at loori rvapecioble '»«•'»
‘ «»
wbreL "
tlitt llusslan exporiera fn Ode.** | „K,nd.-nry upc» ibe borne n
rvrning »iib the cUatrlaiar, aad Ibry Its four horse* were niiining at a r*nop. and tbeir librarr wm a n.txtnre of tbe I Bnt eull' tbe harlw shaved on to ti- and Mculab'w (ports of the lllack a
mODity. we sbtJI d
tkcr la a ftaak and { Thr driver v.-as crackiag bis .t.whip
r boood bwotltr
1 aorirat cUirro with th«*-<rf Ibe mod-IHe shaved and shaved. acrapiBg liavp of late revived the fraudulent '
ander tbr -a
wbnlcsomr ftlniteblp But
cfeud c^«.t roj..
„ romonbe-na. of nudia-val lew* with
»k>n »o cl» that .t .bowed ragged practice, prevalent
-Ah. If jvm kww bMT. nonrittetate
las. aortvw tartans aad teon me! tea
that wblcb wanU bate bnm ter B* aa
' ' '
~tttog to tarwad toM
a afl tW Iwltate
Mt tkr iBdlrtdwl
■I* or tto fMidtr w b» oa
I mar »iuwt to PNC
ak«lrlBC «r««.
ter tto 4>r.
Mtlrr «r table tetwfatkw,
VMk«* ar tba dlstw taUr «ad a<
«Mwr stTlOf aw at ameb obararad to
poMtr aacMj at tba toiaot MteJ to
4Noa Bai aatoVMapa wBmnb U
IW nlM of aaltabfWr tbn* to bo dan
ger ar 0B««toliw tba rritial Ufte ol
BMat rxartUg. Often tba panooai
aanttoB a toauaa glrn to tba taUt
adomaat to tba aaatet of a ■uiniifn:
aMaftatatoant Far tba beataas «bo to
mduata to*—1.1— aqul to affeetJaa
naaa and beantr to a (ar bon axpan
olaa dteplar- Tbara to tool ana raetrle
den to carrrtog oat tba daeoratlaa. and
ttet to tbai tba color rffart Boat ba la
bameoF «to tba MML
Cot a large puapkla to two and amog
ant ana balf. taking care not to break
tba Itorll. Ptore li on a toat of grrea
crepe paper to tba caetar of tbe table.
Fia earr(allr *ltb araeonable (ralla
■au and rdtotoa. Arrange aotiuDe
toaeee or emtlaa aboat tba mat. heap
tag tbam bigb. eo that tbe pompfcto to
appanotlr a part
tba foliage. Smal!
ttoi^ of bavtboni wub berrtoa and
trOd Ndar took well Btxed to with tb<
Uenn* written npoo Manic Ttoltlni
Aid* and ornananted wttb tba boa
teea' own work to waiar colon axid
aotiMad npoo taming oak laarte land
a tooab of origtoaUi; and maka prettj
CaeoM (or tba goeeta F*ob abora tbi
(raU bowl and attarbod te tba chan
drUar or faetanad to a boot to tba call^
of torge caodrlabia wttb red eandln
and iMf ebadee mag be art In a Uoi
with tbe frolt bowl For aacb goen
. BBaba todlridoal candle boldan frott
tbe root ente and toaart Ubg gaUea
candtoa, Bbattae Bade tran a«(«na
Imtpo and aupporied bg tba legPtoUot
boldan arr aa^«aib!. Corar cirriaf
of cardboard about Uiree lacbM
nmatarwlib grmirrepapBprr.arrann
oak tram npoo tbam. (aetealng tto
atame at tba center of tba carte, inact
a cartM randla boUar on caebcaqi and
taataa eccurrlg wlib alrong thread.
Sal tba cindlae to tba bolder* and put
«M at tba right of aacb plate. LIgbi
tba cnndlae tbe but Iblag baton dlnnet
U aanoopcad.
In tbe plan of etareotgpad ftogai
botrU, large.
large cncuBban ate a notreiig
wblcb ba.r turpi-d grllow
la and trill prora an agreeabl.
tba lB*ldr. uktng cere not to panrton
tba analU. rucr aacb rcctlon
ptela vltb a dolly and fill bait fall of
water. Add a drop of lamoo jnlo
and a croeatrljw *1100 of unpnlcd ru
Fsmbar. Tba tuantal tneg ba bonkc
wltb laaraa and anjiaraga* fanu ami
tba baarth. If Pot In uer. hlddan to Ui.
eama mannar.
With tba eaaaun of gift girtog and Uw
■MiMi return of tba tranderm doc
at band, plane for ('tartotmaa daoura
UoB oaturaUy Intrude upon Tbanke
firing rcrert.-*. YotaUde bring Uit
rarulYal of gootb. tba e axilla rice of
I'hrtotmae fan<i ebould raflact tt
pirit of gouiu bg Uialr brlghtaaoe and
c drenntion tbai win plea*,
rani chlMrvn as well as children o!
i*rg.-r growth Is sD vvrrgTocn n-otrr
Ideve Bide by flxtag a small and per
fectly sha|wd plnr In * iwx or JardI
Blere wbtob It comptetriy buried to a
bank of fern*, smaas and boUg. By
tba ahl of fUtirring oraament*. Unaci
fringe and ^ack Frost powder*
brancbM and trunk wlD br irmnaform
«d tato a pleasing spectacle for tbe egr
Afrangc two ribbooa diagonally sens*
tec talde and famrn here and tbennloug them opriga of tietly wiib ber
rle*. I'tace <« tbe oppooltr corner*
two candelabra npoo bsU of green.
Have (be randies rapped wltb red and
white abndra. With wsllt and mantel
«f a dining room bung wttb feMoonv
and rope* of green, wfth pientg of UgtR
sad bright teces nnd good cheer everTwftere. tbe C^riatmss decoraUau will
fts n auaeaaa.
B. Vox KAiLUni
Kbr insistrd. “Ootar. U. I* Core, roa^AJ^d^nlv .. It^Str Itwsrd no. : tl.^hwlaii and T*».^ whih-Kouiecan'a
tras la yoor turn."
Bam. (rtcbirard perbapa*7 «be ootor aad |
aluod neighbor to Ooetbe’a
wlsbUis to F4a aw. threw birnsrlf to I "Wenber" Among otlu-r "politiral"
bone’s hoof knocked hiB | wnk* wrte M-mfewinira, the Vfdas. the
I saw him rrdk inra. raise biBsrlf. Eoroi) and tbr Bible. Caroline Bonamysdf ibst I was not m
again upon aU bit .lltL
feet. Tbeu ^
tba \
"Jly iwrrul*. who *
f*" bsrtsvKbcr aa afanroell gift
r carriage
sh'>pkcc|s-r* of Yrtdb-TO. ebrrisbed tmbi^ a Utile p'tckr^dibrorv, amung tbs rolto sebt
r wBiaa n to ins .
Dto...... '•'Etey*."
dust aomribing wbieb qaivetud B.
. . r know
Mror. deStnel-a -lnfloettroof thePo*rhOd can soSer la a roU. ee in (br mete bigtawog. Ue wa* almost rat is tt
snd Mnretoe'a "Phllcnopblo Vitar Interior of hi* loro no
ostaidr. (br blood spontlng o
k. bet h
(brae rohiBw* and found to tbeir well
endeavored to
r and s
worn psftes a few pAtmgm kpeHsUy
ni'.rv MWriiivr brsri ihan tbrir rMera br- the earth a* if making a boto T^ '^imsthed. In bit boon td sobtade tbe
Itove. tud wbru (hat up too early (ar (Kbrta arete alcvadj dc.i and be bowtod ,
aoUtarv read to Barra bow be
from (hoar • boat they love they oftCl drw
I coaot 1 »Uo dcuninaia otbei* loaea his oara UbVrlap lo rxrrs* a srasitivrfMu* wbtob beromrs Ugh stroag. cHaraard sad dongre-
, -I bad no coarodrs: 1 paaurd mg tee
ta loBClDC (nr homr; I wrpt at night la
Bg h..d; 1 bld-ay brad la thr pUiow* lo
reeaptorr aj ercoUrcGoB*. iMigulAraat
rresOrcrions of Ihtlr (Ungo. of bttlr
tacts: I dwelt snecastoolg npoo oil that
I bad left tbrrr. I Mealy brcaow 4 bgpoehoedrtsc. for whoa tbe Ugbwut nDsadrrnlurrs w«te frightful raTaaTmpbta
"Wltbal I rrmsiaed sQrnt. test up
whUs my*r((. srlibost expaariou. witeeut cotiftdsBtt. IMs mraul axollntel
otoeoceiy bat rertalatg dU Its work. 1h*
cfBMrtnxDi to other reofde. Acratnto Beevt* of ehlldreo ar« «akUg ogUalrd.
so tte tut Mo grant flight <ff aprtvaB profoasd peace ostfl ibeir deveiopB
r. Bat 00 ooe rvn
eoittwv. when ikn hoMka ttought to sbaost rontplrie.
Imaginr* teat forr seme
coOcuv bey*
KttK" ■be aaid.
An ptaRlat wasad Us
^^ianUy. Bad«n." h* anU. “tba
caatft doaa m batog tottAtf lam
«Au«^Witt•■taaIffR U^pte
Ister wfil srwva tbr death
Wbo kttsrssu btmsaff ta
roetoi* yocag sonto rxpariBotha* obsat Bstetac snd
dek attas. taasnkto ssUa?
WithBS. Ibstoolta
of Ptaf liedmi....................
baslf wte tt* ta
w vtaA*
I grabbed s handfnl uf raw snd tender
“<• rolled it between bis flugtrt
■ untiUhe other groaned aloud. As tbe
'•ropa stole do«-n tbe tcarifiod taco
'D. run sbavt' yooraelf. air?"
No." nnr<vl (be greff man. leaping
11 uop in tbe cUotr, "I shave mygrandI
! Tbra beboried bis (ooe ta (be pnpw |
“dibs barber eniled and smiled and
■nntad. while be riibbrd olnm Into ib*
■•««*pot»ca tbe vtetim'a dito.—New
r Yote World.
1 any other r
wbrat and barirg destined for shruad.'
n to one erf tt*
Tbe sasoclalton is now considering
'ttt of one's r*what step* to take to eSemallg stop
tbU fraod.'
m.-tiiber of Ibe famlly~i
s..|fi*li mother-abould topplg sO tea
Soep Bevios Drvlee.
A Reaver Falls ll’s.l iDvvntor bat In- sunshine for the borne.—WalcbmAA.
ented SO spparatas for atvlng trap at
tbe wash baalD. Tbe soap la forced 00
ire yon ever aeeo the goad ta
te tbe forked ends of a i.lvuted rod.
- erne and bis sHllty wbUe b* was
When It U desired (0 uac- I>iv soap, the
obocore nod propbraM tbs high
rod It bent down into (be wate-r. suit
when released It will fly back lo lU plair be would take, and than, wtte
puBlOon. thus preventing tbe waste of this wa* realiickl. aod be bad risao
aoep tbet comes from rarelenig leav aburv you In your own sphere, wur*
you sUD able to pralae him? Tbia H
Tbe point u made by a writer to ooe leg tbe bar In tbe besU.
a teat of rbaractor. and here It wu
John prored bto nobtli
^S^.^aT^tox t^fatber. ftmiott < Hocirr erf on cwarmtol viriooarg-bm 1 •?«*«»
racoimt«td m
“Did I not tell you I
« aroiag me in (hi. «ate (or *0 amsU t. rftra tbe gloriro of tcmpirory snoean. [ ^«ow«ftil operaura of water wheel*
A* a rule natoral bistorg sod geo^ than I? And to He no
matter. oIIowmI Us ptsMoa to explode. 1 «uted bis dava to exileand teoRetfal- I “•
“ eoratetonl aspect, tbe too
-TVhai do go* *aM«se wUl happen.' ^_i>^,«„gii*ae’*"ldf*«<Hnp»-|
«otire sharara <rf ragtoewtog akUJ fdiyare moe deligbtfnllg tasgbt to than 1 tboogbir Re rouM witt f
br ctird. “arbra you have rvsl griefs-lf ,
, to unlmng tbe power, aod test maDga Pruaria than bae. We gladiy asa Ito Him to lorreuj
arifn* child? Yonmnst'***
j artter power woUd develop gra^effi- maps, oolored pkttma aod natural eol- dny and for t
toetiraa Kcfaool hygite to Swittetand Mttlaren.
act be aacb a (ooH
-Tbess word* rematoed with me. They
U raforoed to wtaitatfiJ wugi. Skttii«
••Spraktag of dinna." said Haw- |
hassled me. *Wbat wfl) bappes when
~."»r w
— raeatirat ra well !*»*■■** tettllta
goo have leal griefs—If yos ever lea* a vtciSi "isoiind* me (rf something I OTW- : —
KraEdnabCtaeyiraiiarkB: xftta
are pnosribed. and (hare tro vansOoB
wite.scUldr AU I began te see ctonralwaytbera tug te far ttradta
I7 iau) mynMf. I uadevstood why oil — I nhrayu'kDOWtaaookawtttrf a I “«>• be remarks, turbina* w**« uaed 1 eoicBlra and ■'mita eon*" tor tta akA- day Maas bow raagMs up ttt Mttta .
eag^. fadl DOW they are aoed aitfatr Ijc Prom VMBna^omra tta a««-ssx4 fer
Kale dally griefs amamed la my eyas the raving natur*. bsn I
aegniitt If ttt tta* ttHttaff Had(>.
af eataatropbea. I p«
(be Mkrw waa doarnright raaan. *'
arm sweat and you ar* rsody tt
•‘Bow's tbatF' oaked BlsSktaa ta- M egpedicDL and to batteries et aeta; pttMBoed sracdilirt wistatalttid by tbs do H tawrtily Sttd
^ P>»
bytb*n*e,too.trfirrac»««ll>*- city and ragntariy sttedad.—Ite Babar* ttSBt your
fttand magnify tbrotth my dtoanaed tentl- difismiay.
"WelL it waa torn tlxto TnaUay aMdia and teed pipes tbe a^MOttcf ta- parted Dnitadtftsias OterateODered pera I don't tog* wbrita it ta la
bra been largely radacad nd
-Aa sartsl (ear *( ItaTcll upas me. 1 Right Boooks earae to and bqsan talktag atalliag
ctereb or euLtaths fiaMaertoystt
was without psttiras. wbheat stsliitlttn arfth Webb. *1 bow yra'rogntog away
•aoursd; tbe growing demand lor large
I dsiidid la ttolAss psssibto )oy* 1a *e- raSamdtt-'aaidSnate
fir playing and troUefctac uritt ttasfau:.,
dsr la BvoU oatsfa oamwt. ‘LUs is
•“Tra.’ottwraed'Wehb 'Fta tttu* nidls sf power bra abo baen rarittad.
ttm. But buuaiH |ur bavu ^ ■» ta .
otaM. I wiU paa ft la ssTTiag ethesa. ta
ao ttat wfaerew a tew yean book a »M
Pbuwttra Jahi—▼'y, «* kdd had ttayteteod ft ft ttttttadHn.«K•“And whtttt* yttt ^ Mtettttr
nttTB Hr ag tttvfett*
X 'Wntate/ mH me M tan
itoHan^ —wmm
»BwwroF’rwK aocwn.
iMktac rMic MW«r «f • CWMB tr»«.
M <kt «fk« w« «M •( tb» M IM
t • Ui«> •« n<
■V «« «^ «*i»
km f» tilit tte
■w«al»ii tbabtMiyaata _a«ltkaa-
hi?*MI tr«. 1
4m*i waat W
tm. m im ar.
bat-bat 1 M*T roa. that'i aUl ' '
* 55 rM. ii m toi«. >»
1 aaaMa't ha«« iaM Mch a tUai w h«*
■V Ma.” Mli tb* othM. ~la fact for a
iMf dm I eealtet io aaiddac worth
teailas, aai tbr qaarrcrt UUa« abeat it
la dal It-----------------WM IbU-rr
aahket-dwi kept m a iafe.
It aaartr Ufiad m. la tact Oh. ao. k
im't a bto alalr. bat It'i oac of tba
art iraam *t la
aaa airaata*. otar mat af aaeh fataatt^traa."
tba raaai MM aaMad aoMot dM t«a
MMi thrmalrra ea a aofa eppMlta tba
aai tba atti« toU Ua tall aa fotTba hMarr of Ala alctara fan back
to T party fbMbaoi lasaevvallM
tba amaf aiic of SO. but I ramnber
TM7 aroU bow, wbea I waa a boy aai
ttaai with Bty panats la tba IKUa aai-
Otar IhitP. Iba aarar left laa. iay or
a^ vaktac or iraaslac. Aai la ooa
pardcBlar tba rWoa waa aet Uka tba pietwa. Tba brtia I atw aiwayi bai hrr
tfm dchtty deotd. 14o oot ramBbrr
farala aboat bari '
naiy paMlIag
beriB tba Sail
of mack <
aai awata that aba robbad
tba joyooMiM of yoath.
ly bmH 1 (rtw ap late
“Aai I waa atcali to laO aiy aaCrt to
aayboiy. aaaa to By fooi paiaata.laot I
Bli ba laacbai it WhaD I waa
rt to tk art aeaiafBy la.D.
"Jaat wbcB I fait as iBWalac I
oMMbtac worth whUa aai aratai Byoatf
k k Siai rtoolaa aoc
•imar whb lUrtllBC dMlacCBtai
taka alBoat taayiblr abapa brtata my
ayao, oe Aat I aroali throw iowa btaak
aai patoda la airttaMiat aai iaapalt.
Aai BO aU My party pIcntBo wtra pratty
psaa PtoC. ter I waa ae Mock apiar tba
MaO of tbp oaeaaay aai nyptprtooa rtilM that I eoaU aot ceacMtratP
im^by rtrU I tiW to Sa it opos «aaoaa. boplac to
aa aoi af It la that
tray. Tali bopa! At oraty atlaapt tba
taea frtw polar aai palor
tba attampt waa abaadooai.
na tbla w
ODotM they b
tttai tor work.
‘At laat wbM I eoaU ao loator palat
•Poa Moilaao pietorao I wpat to a phypMm aai Uli tk* eopi krtero U» witkoat rmrri. Hr attrlbotai aU aty troobUa to otiriaealtlrr aomt aoi toU m
• atop arork aai r> travollef at
‘1 toaowpd tba proocrtptloa. aai It
«*ai BO. 1 traoppd tbreofh tbr woa.............................biutpi Bbrk
iliiptoi. la rlUayr
Uayr tuM
toM aai
bataa aai
y aroMtay
aroiitDc tbr laJlway.
— tbtoopb
b all tbb
tbte doUybtral
baai Htp tbr pab brtir poroaoi bt aai
i a TOT
Kbci tbr
Utdp towa of I
dp tboMbt ai 1 paMii tbroocb
toailBTal cataa that I abooM tbpro Sai
thP aoladoa of tbr ByBcry- Oa tbp
•toalac of By arrtral I brteok Byartf
to tbo PBly ircBBt looUat ta<
*1 hM bora aUtiap parttopa IS Bla•ta la tbp low caiUBfPi aoi well oaekai pofaUe roea wbM a Bta catorai,
iMilap POP of tbr Moprt i<«i I rrar
taw. Wbpthrr tbr brott waa Irritatpi
by By rorfol cooatroaacr or thooebt ba
bai tom otbrr near of ofroor 1 emoMt
Bay, bat tba alaplr fact la that bo broka
away fioB Ua Baator aai raabri at m
ao aatoaaly that I. brlac aaaraally wrM
“fciatal iay» riapioi k
aalX to M.
tbawtoiow totoar TbmwMM
■i PW-
Tbp diB Hfkl tkal otraoM tkaonyb tkp
diirty iraora rortalaa toowai ar a
kMMky of old faahlcmi toiokoia. walk
oaracod wHh ItokI celatod papa aoi arr-
■At that taotato. bowartr. the iaar
Mi. aoi a HMt tody loUraj,
tod ai M toAtogai ooi com
L' '
m 1
prayar 1 rOB adini. 1 waa reoaoi ftaM
By abaargiia by dw raka of tba Ada
tody aAbfftt ay ara waa aim paiafA
- TSo,’ I loU. tar I waa nally tae aadtai Job tbco to foal aaytktop aa tfUlap
aa a mra pbyalcoJ pala. «>i Am aba
toU m cAt tto Up BoMlt bai tot* ay
aiB baity aoi that I bai loM Back
btooA For two iaya I bai bOM taiB
Aalatoaocaofaplitto. Aa I waa a total
Mnaprr to Aa rtDapa I bad bm takn
to tba baoar of bar hoabaoi. tba LoArtM Aalatar. I tbaobai ay plaoi
Btdt boBm am btoidly aai told
vbe I warn. TbM ay tboMbta wont boA
to Aa pirtai*. aoi la aplu of ay WiyaiMl wrikiMM I datrrortaci ta tatA all
Moot II at aoca. TV BtaWarbVlfk,
'"^AtThcaT'woSto Ar aeaWa fall froB
ay ryM aoi Aa Aetloo of ay lifrlouf
B^rry tirciBr aaddroly aa ptola aa
day. la ISM > Ilnd l| O. aai waa S
ycora old. I frb coarlacrd that I. loo.
had at IVI timr area Ar ’braetlful
corpar.' PfotaWy ay uaroe. arbo, Uka
all propir of brr rlaia. had do ioabi a
Atop tor mA acroM. had vm to m
Ar fair yooay brldr ta Vr coOa and bad
takra rar with brr. Tbr acror had Bait
ao ladrUbIr Apmaloo oa ay ehlhliab
aod larcpIiTa brala wltboat. boarrrrr.
toartop aoy clear mraory of pUc*.
or rtrcotatuarc. And pradarty
Ala rraaoB It bad bream Ar plapiw of
ay lairr lift.
-Bat now wbrn I Vd tracad tbr
DPCtlon of canar and Htort and at
aamr dm aaw tV rrrtublr portrait of
tbr dreraard tody Ar torownttop rtAa
rantobrd. nerrr to rrlpprar. WeodrrAI.
toa’l It. iVt Araopfa Ao bita
apt dap 1 waa carrd of a prr
tVl to a.............................................
birr wrackrd my rraaoaT Tbr dayi af
By cooralracracr la tbr qairt old bootr'
aad to Ar aoclrty of tbror Aaralap '
propir wrrr ao drilphtfaJ that I i
Ufa. t look a ropy of tbr picture wilb
‘And, do ytni know, I repaid Aat n>oaeat aa tbr ml bcgunlop of my arttotle
cototr. My wort at oocr aeqaired new
airvepA aad life. Brfora 1 had palntrd
wilb ay baada. Now I brpaa to paiiil
wlA ay bran and aaoL
‘IV copy toy loop forpottm to a portfolio.
Fiftren ynn totrr, wbm At
whole afair bad alraort paawd oat of my
Bcsiory-I had aarrird and Vd altatord aomr Uttlr, n-polalion aa a paiatrr In
Ar aaantbDc—tbr Iblnp eamr tolo my
bandi by neddrot. I tboapbt I mlpbl
make aomrtblnp oot of it, and Ibrre you
arr tbr rreult. It la a p^ deal better
Aan I boprd.~
atory b
It a pnioi
jp Vd <
rk aV 1
••Well. tV pair bride baa atoned for
ao loop."
Tbr Ual nya of tbr arttiap an at tba
moment alolr Aroopb tbr prrat wra
wtodaw. ftU upaa IV plataie and Irat it
a MW piory. Tbr aad fared painterMtoryta to Ua
. and to bU bran <
arirM •rain Woa
I Oermaa ptyck
. nl JoaCMl
Profraaor Van Wal__________________
Tatora pirra a Aort draeriptioB of IV braTtoot brala on toeerd. Tbr pcainur af Ala poedcroaa orpiB waa an rpilrptlc idU. wV died at
the ape of SI. He brpaa
yean of apt. nrrrr
t attended
acbooi and
rrerirrd loto
o At
Ar toatiiatioa
a at
Pbrrp at bia foartrralb year.. Hr
tor of low iBirlUa
r aad of
> bai pood burnt
traara aermrd pood aad tbr
maamlar ayatris well drrrtoprd. Hr m '
frrrd frea rptlepay. dnrlnp an attack
wbkb V died. TV brato wrtpbrd S.S
'Lota of Cblaam
to wlpaakrr. ‘'com t
ry want to look Ukr Ar mayor
CSitoatown. ta Ary wear wipe. aV acanr
• Back a> tZS far-~Arm.
batopa a lot of ibea la «a. Bat.
A thry want to look like Aaori. Ary won’t aacriSce tbrir cnaa.
Proa oar (bird atory arr ran look tore
one of tV Chtorir barber abopa aV
Aeir wiM aV Vrr tbeir brada aVred
CmnaaoD to tV bark of a tnr whU
to natlea to Ory-ka. acaiA India and
Many cf Ae EaB India iatonA^ Dnrim
Aa Biddle apea it waa hiphly aMoanod
M a BKdicinr. and one itaOnace to on
record cf a poond of it beiap nohl to
Spain A. D. U< tor a BOB aMrlyaquieatoautoliUofOBiBMney. UwmV
a.rM—T.D M, mw,
M tbp '
kMA M opMaarty «PMP iowa trm tbt
PM wkh oiytblm. rtr» 1 bopp
MO MO (Pcdi« bpttar,’ ibc ^d. 'Too
Wt btpo Tory U. yao koow. hak tka
iaotor taU m taday that yoo om aow
mtt «( doaiar. Tboafc Ooif ^ti Aa
t^OHotb to koap Bartop ot Aa pto
SSaTolte ^ *****'* **‘* ^
-'WIB «M boM % gpAm ta..MM,
irltphunn Bty V imotrtrd wttk tmr
dtotrtrtwliw. By totaan of Ato nyMtM
arery bnoar and tbctorr alonp Aaltoa
of Ar wftrn ran V cootoctad wiA An
otara wko. aad Am pcMnctlan noy
V bad «t a tow coot TV wlrao cab
ntoo V onrd id oanccC vtA A* h^
dtotnnee Mrpbem for otbrr onM.
CaMy wrg patoaai ooa-Aa HAtor mf
■abaad. aoi aV iM a brtda.
“ ■Bbirtly iwfoto bar icaib. wib* Aa
raO korw aoali oooo «cc«r. iho bai Ala
plctart palalrd. AfMr tV ilMb of b
MTTBta K cam tote ear p
‘WVrt did aV ilcr I
TaO/ Bv'ilimd ay'rarty boaa.
“la wtat yoarr
“U ISlfi. BV waa TPty baaotitol. aa
jm laay Judpa froa Ar portrait. aMi Aa
wvk Vriod to brr waiitop iraai. My
baataad. who aitrodri Ar fBMCoL told
ar V arrrr law ao baaetlfaJ a Corpar.*
BV toy iBbriiri to Sowtra llkr tV
MOW fairy to tV oM talr. pneofflUy
drrptof 1b Ar erratal coabpt aoi ar
to Ltadok waa rwoadpd Joly IS. iHi.
S5.SdifMM: MParw.t04.aiAat. M
im: nt AlaliUt. AMBolto. Jonwy
IMI. lU; M Mo—k. liadio. Joty IS.
A MBoroto «*• to VMT Mr
d*B« Obato Aot pMato Aoi SmAi------m. tobro tba rartoiaa waaabpioA ooi
Ar kaylAr awaiBai to. 1 toiw AM AP
oaapictao wot wA iMBAi.. Tba pdmra
woo M raorttoM pBOoh M Aa pair
toUa Aat Ai tMMtawi m te aa BOW
yaora. Tbara waa ooly mb Atop obMt
-Half of IV propir wV ww ptama
•nd ceraplaln tVl ABf Bpbt U prodoally dlalntobtop ewe tV Mro to dWy
^aiara,' roMarka Aa optlrtoa. ‘Bpec-
cwr tar mm ■bn'a pant to Ae potoan
af onoAffto.
•Ba of toto I
ratwnlv m Int
pilMdiitoo and mot Baoy af ay gany
poAnta wlA booarVld 'matdtoo.
Down iiaA wbmo I yrrw op. paapito
ptoMr by A ■ bonettoBk core. WlA
toad iMaai too. Lactic aeU. Ae mar
of btmMMilk. ottaeka and dtoaoIrM
rray mm af qonbr drVMit la At
btoad eoMda TVa It krwfa iV tHm
aad artactoa m oopplt aad tie* rnaatap
Aim can V na doBtof np. Voer bo
Dyspepsia Cure
Oitem wtot roa eat.
Bltod by a VA oow and tVn M peo
ple are. It to araape Vw lauy peopto
Acre arr wba think Ant by wtp^
I Bnnly brUerr. postpaacn tba
Artr ptoMre now and tbr« ibry keep
) of It 10 ta SO year*.
Arm dean. TV fact to tVy waat n
-TV pouty dtotbewto to
VA Job aa frequrtilly oa dorn a bar. bnt AarxcltlnpcaoM
aan bellip
Yon atw. H to thto way: ef acinal pool I
Tbr toor and raprctolly tV eyea aD
Ar flaw pirr off a Snr caper. Thto
cAtpn to Ar ptoMro. aad tV dwt coldoM rrra n
la taolnp ibe atamacb.
Ircta oa Arm. Aa aooo aa Aey bo. It Ac matrrtal from
eorar Hron-Aat to..apparraiUr draawhich to maV rlrtu ted, bfolAy biood.
n. .......
Ar wreirr la aotlaSed.
‘So* tbr pi^M pora oo. Rot wbito
Ukr twrd milk. Ito food raloi may I Laarm.todmim.NMtolkmmaodi
wtplnp Ar ptoMm droaara tVm and
V leaa. by cVmkol tcat^ hot In ecery ; ~*rOtop Vtkaamoay.
la npcTMary. a boA la atoo required.
other way U to .-ery moch more. If
Brrry Mae tV Btoinra arr wiped a ttor
yoo Vfe patn or a pouty trwtoocy.
Urn of dirt to toft an Ara. and tbto aodrink a goart of baitmnllk rerty Sd
enmutotra. aitd no wlplnp will rlrea It
boura. rat M awat or
tot alone
partrito. apicrd tblnpa aiul wlor. Vt
allow yonradf all IV rppa, pamr,
tbonpta at a plaaer Ar plataea may ap
firtb fnilu aad cepruhlea. raprdally
pear dean. Yl’beo tbto oewom. tbr olpfat
Hlada. yon can coMumc. aad nnlcM
ta dlmlDtolMrt. and tbry onar to me ar yon air a
Bime otbrr optician. WVI tbry oupbt
yoo wiu abenly V amaird
to bare done waa to pier tbr ptotare a
own Imprerrmrot. I Vtr arm alnwot
boA la warm water, aril acrabblnp
^1—.woe. WITT 400. CM...
'■Ai a
tec* tl pmfikr kMt7. vKk wr *m
Mw «T« aai AmbK ki». bat p>lt Mi
wMMtr Mi. M If wM • <mh>«M it
iMttu TW MBOWI kK««M thi •*•
■ftiilM Mi tht TMthfai bMRr aai
Mial «B7 «M i MMMk i<
—-| Mi th. littm baii fair M
Bti, IMO
Aa a ontrtoat. bottenallk iy wholly m>-1
SometlniCS yOtt dO botll
and aftrrwanl wI|m- tbrm. Tbto abonld
be done with rhamola Irnlbrr and tbrn
with lliav paper to poUA
Orertond l*Ialo Itoalcr.
(tniro a day. tbr vb rake aalnrali-d
wilb pood prasB baltrr ami aopplrented wilb roaated rppa. potatori aad
A itoiitb-maii V« a > cr)- fine Aopora
rat and w> fliii- a siMM lnirn of brr kind
that aV I. roiiK.iu in a torpr elide of
tarbioiiaWr folk. She I. not rapprd In btaculu occaakmally do not hurt. pr.r
cannot V..............
take: phyalr.
- .
may. IV>putor
It \
mn*aa. bread of evrry
An* kp OliillMI. VoAilMton.
Adatral vd Mr*. Itrwry h\vr rrtnrii.sl t>< lli.-lr WaoblnRton bnoir. and
tbe bouae aheni wblSh Ibrrr liaa Imn'R ao iim< li iiilk bn. iHM-n nprni'd for tbr
aroaon. Tbr admiral and bla rbarailiik a lf<- » ill ink.' n [iniminmt |iort In Ae
aortal payattoa of Aq natlOD'a mpltal dumiu Ur' inuiliic wlnirr
Uwo put It. brr milk, it baa been
roltrd with hrr iiiral. It haa even been
Adrly and rlolcntly rubbed in ber
mouth, but nrerr Va ilir bmi driadrd
or furrrd Into iwbIJowIdr any of It
Laat wi<rk a ern-m Irlab pirl appeared
anKPiic til.- VuarVId erreanU.
branl almui tbr fallarr to tn-at tbe rat
-Sorr." aald aV. “pier mr tV medi
cine and lumir lard, and I'll warrant
abf'U V oiliic all I pirr Vr.”
Grand Traverse
Land COs
trIV of frrmcfiu to beM
to Ibe bDtirrullk. tbe goart la Ae
> mlnlmnm. If you Vee appetite and
caiacity for Aree Quito, au tuvb Ae
L/.wl N/.|a.4rautln-. iMy.
BODsIs for Mle A all parts of Um
FARlSr^VuSp' Hat of VotoaMa
farau and other tonda.
FRUIT LAKDS oa tV .Penttsato-^ '
Imiouved aad nntmproved.
BARGAINS—We Vve them.
pended from an orertiead wire. The
frame to u Vlit Aat It will bold aa
THE ART OF MANICURINa I •«« rrrry y.-ar, will
V aerO i
---------------lapala. bot tla adcocatro will
Ver a i
«n«"ttl It onAcrat a
ordlarry bicycle.
wlA tte aeeAo WbV# Opaeofloa Mode Wola V [ bard Mmr InttodDClnp it TV drea I *»
koth aldra ctoan aad cosary mreVntom for comniunlcailnp
Aar Ooa Mar ••rrcora It
j coat wUl Vrr aVuldrra of mrdloa
•“ '*»e phyato.
-Kaltb." tv powrr made on tbe prdato by tbe
An eipert doaertbea aa foUowa Ae : width, built np juat motipb to pi»r a i
aorcant ptrt. "everybody la feet WlA tv wberta ocerbead. wbirb
rboto procoM of mantourlnp, ao that agnarr. rather than aronodor droop
Ireland dora knowhow
run alons tbe wire.
In medlAla ma
tboae wbo cannot .pay
rtolu to inp..
inp. rffrrt at tv top
rlnc to a cot"
tv frame. blcycW and rlVr travel
. repolar
'twlfily atonp tV wlrr. with a t
a ptofemloaal may know Vw to per- ; Tbe walairtuu will V
v rtcbcr
rttber alai
alDple or |
Mablaa Wateh Crratala.
form Uto Intrrratinp operaUen for! doable brraatrdI wbm made of Aa I
mum of rmtotanre. It baa Iwen Iratrd
In the tirodurtlon of couimoa watch
AemaelTca: Tbe Snprr iipa mnat SrB
fv a abort dtotance. It to uid.
I plaaara t V ylaaa la blown Into a apbere
be Irametaed for a few mlnotea la a
Topulor Brteoce.
' about a meter In dlamrtrr, onlBrtmt
H Utber nil
material briny taken to civc tbr deTbia to t
'almJ Itilcknraa, aa tSr raac may be.
A rieurh acirotlat baa found a name
Dl»k» nn- tiH'ii <-m out from tbIa apbere
for Ito flnprr naU bitinp Vbit.
Tbto cutirle. or thin, toupb akin, la fro, witli till' nid t>r a peir of rumptaMa
rolls It onyeVphapla. from tV (Ireek.
quently allowed by tb.
[bavins a dlatnond at the extremity of
mraalnp nail eotlnp. TVl ouplit to
Ae banV and nalto
Ae dainty care of tbe
I one Irs. There to a knack In dctacblnp
^fblen tbe cblldm out of It. «it
to prow up over Ae mairly and tbta
the dtok after 11 Va been cuL A pood
hide from rlew tbe lurtty white half
Workman will. It la aald. cot (1.0U0
moon, or -Innula." which'In all weU
kW nalla to to be plainly dlacerned.
>01 Ploar.
toon aa tV «
o baa become alceIt Is rr|M>nr<1 t„ ibr ilciiartmeot of
T* •*o^-SMaywi*w"tor«l"'''™'
aprlrulttirr. tVasliiopliin. that In tV
tv BMP wlmloii and srotly dried
WVre hide* hU old ewotloal
n-ploti about Tara tbr utila known aa
WlA a vft towel. Tlioy are now ready
“bratlli " pruw lu sovli abundaoce AM
for Ae operation of Ar cuticle knife.
thoDsands of Ions arr wasted every
-tnaKirta]'- tbooah to be. V stU.
Thto must V used mllL Ae sreaieot
TnboBoas'llk., STOWS oldrv,
year, t omanuts are also found In pro
deUcacy.eare briup uki-n not A oeratca
«blle sto. hu mass <4 PlVos MU.
fusion l.n many plarrs. It Is predicted
tv nail Id any way. Tbr viot of tV
atlU Atm a yoathral abueUer.
that -nut flour" will compete wlA
AnUe aVuld V sruiJy paaocS under
Osald that too q^Ublly nyaipk bat Isapo
wliratvii Hour.
tVedpe of Ae akin. Inooeulnp It from
Bt *«vtow arao' and U«o<)'.
tv nail. Tbe aupcrflnou membrane
-1. tAwist ttoa both.
u«aia air Paeteer.
or cuticle abonld uow be cut away ;
A factory fur liquid air to belQp erect
wlA Ae coUcle ertsaora. Tbeae art'
Bat sto sbs coat rrcNs prsy. sad aa
ed at Vs Anprlea for rcCrtpefatlnf
made ioup aud alrudrr. with VauA !
wbuas bsirs arr fslUap.
Masl t'ni his Done Hole t„rt«o
folly enreed poinA Utdlnary vtoaora
Grand Traverse Land Co.
Id iota from S5 to 11,000 oa t^ioil
cbattel awurity, jewelry, fnmlinr.'.
pianoa, borseworanykiDd ofptock,
or ifcod aecured nou-a.
(!alt at room 1 and 2, Handlton
& Miiliktm Birwk.
_ JOHN* Ei KELLY. A(fant
Haoistee I Northeaatern ft. R.
vortd Alnk.
would oot do Ibe work properly.
It mtat V dlatioctly underatood that
Bverr naasebalp ta Dlsaue at Ita
thto entUnp of tV ettUcle la only nee-;
Owo Metaas.
caaary with vptocted nalla.
coaucr pcpyiac prpm
Mrs. niica
Nowlan Is tbr Uwntor
wbleb receive proper and repular at- lame material sa iv rom and will
tentloo bare tV lunula well In view, Vve a low u ahniwd op>-ni:ip
(Tbsa .of a <loD»-st!c parbapo tiurorr which
aad tv ViD at tV baae is not allowed made of fancy material in- wolalroat rau be atUviM-l lu any pas ranpi- or
to prow over A Vlnp gently pubed moB V duulUe breasted
troueera Coal stove, sa} s lUr fhUapo Becord.
back every day wtA an Ivocy preoacr., will V shapely, averaping is in< bes at j H consist* of a double sbi-et Iron cyllaWbenever tt to arcettary to cut tV co- Ae knee and IS locbra at the notiom. der drum wllk a perforated bottom
pipe tltal oorrtrs the fninra
Bda tt muM V Vne wlA a4kAfnl TV Tuxedo, linrinp tbe all silk shawl
i IV pr
aad delicate Aueb. and under no rtp- tuD. will V more popular Aan Ae coat Ae rbinmry. In Ae Inside rycllnder to
science. J.
BipbMd. M. D..
to drawn, m vlA tbe peaked lapel roll
Tbe walat- placed Ibe parliope. and beneaA tbto
R &, P. I
D. Q.. a
The refoae to rapIn neb a caMlrrtUVaacd Btobaoro- «Mt tor tbi* coat is either a raacy
__________ _________________erfor or ’.*nioV :
"p on
«M would follow.
black material or piaio nitck.
wlA obaeTV nalla tVmacIvea may now to
inc-r and outer cylinder allows the air .
aV tTimmed wttb naU aetiELECTRICAL JOTTINGS.
tV firm
•y abould V rut to a pretty
oval abape and may V flotobed off WlA , *»tea and RewarLs o( Imeeeoi I
outside ejllnder tolnp in inebea In
_____ _
a die to neftou and level tv edges.
TV beautlfylap proreaa ibaa com- I
The Marara IMlI. Power eompaai
motiooed tV vtoitoe to a
maw by Immerslop Ae nails for a | makes a romlnal c-horpe for allow top' Tbe l.uri,er will he mad- In different |
minute in any of tV rteanslnp flulda | visitors to aee the Installation. Tbr
Baca, and Mrs. Nowlan expects it tt **“
apertal preparaUooa maV foe tV I
C" A c hnriiy.
TV Bwartby browed visitor ptonoBl
rpaoe or by tV nac of a little lemoa i
use »f ei.-. iHeiir to cut wroupbt
around to make aura tbat tb^ ware
ee to free tv nail from all uUIds ' Iron ClnlcTs wiw r.-ernlly ancreasfnily
alnoe. ib«a> dtuwforA fron tV folds of
aad dIaeoloAtiooa. Uttlr oraape wood | accomiiUNlwsI dur.np repairs on a Cblbla cloak a atnall bottle oodtalbinp aona
StleV. Mid In ttoy buadlea. ora otoe 1 vapo bulldinp.
; mval^-irBI fluid.
^ to apply tv flnld nader tv com Tlir in-nny in Ao slot system af dV
••Sir,'' V began A uadtrtaaea. •■Ala
of tv uU. aV Aeoe effacwally' trtbuUnp pas U.n.upb tv poorer aad
bottle omtaina port of tV ocattaats of a
eradiate Ink. paidenlop or igto*! artlaao districts of l.sjodnn baa been
man's stomach. TV diwawd died two
otaAo wbleb are aoraedmea dlOcnlt to «> aneceaafni that attempts are now
days ago under tV moat aa^rtrtooi drrmnore from Ae edpea. Now rtnae tV , VAc ma.U- to supply fV elertrte light
cumaloncM. after bavlnp dined wlA a
nalla ta a little rooewater aad com-1 A tV same way.
very beontifol woman. I want expert
iMce tv poltoblDg
tt t* reported from l»ndoe that Uar-1
awun tmtimnoy—an trcDctod. all wooL
TV pollaber. or rubber, baa aa eb- «*! baa succeeded in tranamlttlng a '
I yard wide, no rebate, expert analyrta
ony. ivory or pottoVd wood Vndle aod meosape by the wiralcaa ayatem from
I What's your prteo. star'
to eompoaed of ao ovaJ pad covered Boulo^r, France, to Dovercoort. Eng'
TV pvMt man Vld tV bento np to
vtA a piece of floe cVmoia leaAer. A i Uni a dl.iance of «0 mUea.
tv lipbt. Aeu pulled a atnnp dlscloelittle pood nail posrdev to aprtofcled!
Eleetricliy rei^rts ivt a company
tnp a acoto of prices cm tV woU, whieb
«TB- IL and tv nalla are rubbed brtok- I with SS.fWi.raa) eapiul V. tooo formtv vitiur reod. aa foUow*
Vekward aad forward onA a brO-1 «l I» >•>* Tort to run
Dowptne uaaaAoa araxpa.
TeBadputoBaadewnrlo n...................... I1.(M
at pollab la obulned.
If It tt dw
do- I aVped
aVpr' alumlnlnm
------------------- CM
- a» m«ea per ^^i^uoolu: tV parbape QOeBloa ta________________
r t.u-*ns of rtectrtcHy from a n^ ,,rs,.r elUea.
Mra. Nowlan
baa ,TefltttpotoooaedswaerlrtMT................AM
pots* aad swaaeld^T.,
•trad to color naHa wbleb are oot vta-; Vnr
___ ____,
rany piak. a little pink colertop poBe,
to projerted ,
,i^ i.qumw for trveu mmsAs
»tV ta 5"*
aay'ocw v rubbed into Aem aad At betwi
ManeVater and Uveirool. to b„ a,,
LaaaUe avenue,
^•nd. tv Bwed to V 110 mlloapef j
V. been ke|H gUMS^ aa to
pettokiv reoewed.
Ta keep Ae Vila la. pood coedUoa
paprt road IWore tV rbytleol |
tVy abouM V maalcnred iwlca a
•« £ *k U
ua> SB
io N
<War Has
e Is
■vaa 4 B
*to 4B
a i». X S
■is H to m
n m « B _ TrsVNfw Ciiy_
Ttmle* an_____ stgb
to to to 2
•rise Hiatluas.
^w. ctuNi^BSSirASl^,
and ooce a day. after
aortety of Kraakfort-mi-Ao-Uetii Hen
tv bands. tV Ain mambraae at Artr VVfer dewnibed a cob^ dcBpaed
base abould V peutly pnaVd back for uto la
TV cobetw la made by
wttt Ae 1vu»T pruoaer and Ae nalli Icprapby.
poitoVd wftb tv ebamato toatber rub- pasting strips of
of tin
tin foD
foD on
on a
a glata
pUtt. If Ae ptaaa V allrered. It wfll
anrwer tV fmrpaae eqtBliy well pro
beattb. are trouWed wlA Ala.
rtecdiy. brittle oalla. wWeb are raaotaatty
bcaoktop or apRttiap oM baeomlap trtrtty MTUM tv metalUc atripa ptvm
JOOBI at tv odgeo A tomoo k^ ca
tv waabotaad and Med after waaktop Ae etortile wares Vplnped mi them
tv mlataarv was Increased « bunto NMfrt for remedytap Ato aUto.
TV coherer werV to a
■•••a airlea.
A new triepbeme Are alarm ayatem
to* wtD V tittle eVoge la o«mlacdreMoulto. Aecocdicig to tV Kov Va Joat been patented. tV whole ^
Terk TrAuaa. ta Web tV PlMtri- tom brtnp operated by
toa ueemn. iv paakad loprt W V and dry Vttrrien. After tV ayatem to
rm apalB. t>« ymow toM wlU wear once iBstoltod tv UBiy Aliip to p« oa
r iiiilii 1i III lurnlii [Tt T —^niSj
m$t Vlit U WlA Ae avwl tuB. TV
«c a
j '
^ coofldent sV hM dto| covered Ae aecret for making a model
, city w
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tar —
as rtvaidloeM to
i g||,
raafldeat tVt If Ae
way roe------- -
„ eweapn caa V Induced to try ber
1 Aey wm We aa
-Now. air.- LoCtotoa tV piuat
‘Com la IV Vae of extotMua. a touiuBicBl axpert. "m Wd> rtde of Ae
very tricksy -AHcl amoop dtoaaaea.- (cMatoyua! An yon toapkiyBl ta tV
tV old doctor Mid la bto alarriap latanM B tv potoMB (to IV prtBBMr
Ba Aa drtaetivahad flalAed As laB
aoudirru voice, aa reported by Ae Bt.
Lonto Ctobe-DemocraL ‘Tog amr Bneuf Aemslecf prfeae and fair hair
kaow jam where it will taV you. It rtond «B Md. Skrwly V arcae. looVd
boa as many ways of ohewlap Vrtf at bto wrtA. mw Aat V bad been
Mda, drew fcrA a roU Bad
as yoa Vve Onpen aad tees—yea, aad
and maartea peneatfy. 1
«IM. praMtof ft into tv
Vadof Aapmaexpmt. TVe.wiAa
lock of Mvy av adatMAm. V fiV
•rate aV tadirldiB] acV
fiber of tV baaas frame. Ba evM. iart to ttma to a>*a MaAm VaAod.—
that to qb tv
-»■ qi.»
— ffidmi.iTfitoaat
----------ss Cuy.
Pepe Marquette
_________ •m* mum.
oaito BOCTB,
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