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The Morning Record, February 07, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUfd Y«u—No. 861
Is pmsst U scsIsM <
Tssiss.gsfc. S-Og
itwillw fl< tbs
It sts^sUfre
1. « «ss. Osly fasrpipiw Htssw tbsssV
fsk* »i»islii fytirmrng <orVc» isst.
Itess SIMM wttb lbs atSMSt
pVtlM >tsskks> >0St<S "<OTSW t
ssrtilwiS )bas tbs 'fsvtate‘'«« tbs
S^tarls msMla Is tasMsios of insij wiU sC«st sslj essst aHtstst
rirht to pratsst scstat tbs Osltsd
^141^ TOi VwMr.
y^ttssltotor. sstO odsIsUyls-
tsMBiO s< tbs tost s< tbs scrssnsst.
■SSBU.bS»SW. tbsttbs
asbessstslsstlss Is* tor
«wsU bsstbsd. ss4 tbsti
MSkMbM s( UssbosM stss4
--------------- -- _—^
«hi,^ m&«
wsfb wbisb
asy m
s rsst taflssMS SB tbs «*As of tbs
stoUissd wortA.'
asUsrofsoBfss. tbsttbsDsitsd^tss
will fiBBt tbs worl4 sbsolsislj sqssl
S0B4ltl0BS la tbs BSS of tbs ssbsL
bsvssIdMbs BolpsWle I
a sod Isdsstrfsl fsis tbst Os
wbols wsrU. sbd sot tbs Isast Onst
Brltsls, wUl Asrirs (roa tbs ssBsl. It
sAattstbsdsslrsbUlIp of rsaoris« s
SBBSS of trlsOoS tbst MTS thSB OBSS
tbrsstsssd s ^Bsrrti bstwssa Orsst
Brilsls sad tbs (Tsilsd S'totss, bst
"B/sbsodoslsr tbs
oftbsirastp ws asks sa
to AMisaa Istarats aad
a eoBsastioa which oor
■rs hitbsrte *oaslstsatlp
dssliosd to rraat wltboat aoas rqsl?•
aUat. It b dlOssIt to bsllsss that
Lord Sattobaip ba a soaplstslp dspartsd troa tbs prastids of his prodsa tosoBslads a parst^
TbsOhroaisls ii aawUnac to bslisss
that Orsat Brttala's traaip rl^ls bars
withes I
ls«es of tbs
LwtsflUs <
. “A 1^ propesttfoB
hot bssH ssbslttsd ;tol sts," bs ssl4.
*<ssA 1 «toh •> souUisrIlv” i - iMisriUs. lEr.. #sb. S«-;4b Bs4srbstwssB
las boss slfssd dsasslasablp
paeataa to asttls tbs traa«U whleh
has tasbsd tbs saa tor ss«assl wssks.
AasBfasass was bsld|lsst slcbtssd
lbs MlMrtoff scrssasat. to ssaasss.
.»riiaitbsttrtbsffsssr«l ssssaMr
ia Jitot ssstlosl sdopt.s rssolatloB
Sbasoatast rsporta aatlaf-Oabsl aad
Mssirhsai. tbs soatostsosa. Vaplor aad
♦•Bissal Bat aU partlss baits ia aa
*d tbs alsatloa law as wUllsrorlds far
aoiipsrtliaa slsottoa boards aadtasars
*asaad fair alssttoas.
••Third, that the oeadlUeas rs«ata
la stats qso aotU Moadap. tbs fsaaral
Tbs Morale Lsadsr mfi “Ibat
ws ha?s walrsd oar rlfbts *111 pals
BO oasbasspt ths laaU AJas-throatsd
rise who rscard tbs sarth as a smb
stroas BaaKsr U wbisb ttrsat Brltala
Is to plsp tbs dor-**
bullkr;^ boast
••PoBrth. that aeuiac .bs does to
-Uadsr or prsrsBt a ssasloB of ths pnoral assSaWp to tabs asttos ua tbs Waak Has Vasaad and JAdjratiflsattos of ths rssolilloa.
amttb ia N«i SaUawad.
-rifth. that tbs SUM eoatsst board
BbaU Bssst aad adjenrs dailp aaUl
Xadt of IHdolts Vtwa Holds
Tbssdap wltboat toblac aap aotloa oa
Boffland laBi
ths soBtssts ter aiiaor suts ofloss.
••Slatb, that tbs slats troops bs i«that a Orsat BatUs U Bsloff Vooffht
aersd tron tbs saaltal at Mss.'tboof h
—I«ord Hsberia Pisparls^ to Hors
wUb aU umiiirp prseaatlsas for poboa Oiasffs ffrss Stats.
•HsrsaU. that tbs| Bspdblkaa ofiLoadoa, Psb. s—Tbs aaUoo Is Is
BiaiaaadoMisrs of the slats paard
SMpsoss, kaowlac UttU or ootbloff of
bars tsbHiBoltp fron> ehartas of trsatoo sasst stats sf affdrs oa tbs Tocsla
BSB. assrpatlsB. soart ssardial or aap
rlear. It oas bs Alatod with sartalatp
other sash offsasaa”
that OsBsral Boiler has not mads pood
DatU Moadap, wbUs tbs UtaaUoB is
his boast to be ial^dpsaaltb la a week.
to stats qso. OorsrBor.Tapler wlU rw
Tbsasrsadapserarsap psstardapaad
—«!■ la pontmlm of tbs ssssaUrs
It h osrtaia that tbs
baOdlara. wblls tbs BspabUsaas will
weald aot wlt^ the nows if Ballsr
rssecaUs bin aad tbs Dsi^oersts wlU
had rslisTsd tbs bslaaffasr«d faress of
OsBsral Wblu.
toadsa, Kp- rsh. S-8s«sa EspsbUtoapltsefthssUaaes of tbsdspartsaa rsprassslaUrssaadSBo BapsMisaa
SBOSt, tbars te a ssrp ffsstral bsllst
^saator arrfrsd sarlp todap. Thors ars
that tbs ferosa of OsBaral Bailor are
BOW M fsprsssatatlsss |asd toe ssaassffarsd la a bloodp hauls. This be*
toss la Loadoa, aU Bspablisaas bst llsf is stroafftbaasd is tbs »«i>d. of
Ssaatar Bapss, who Is a Browa Dsai*
ooBie bp top eotoptsis aUanes of ths
«Bt. With ths ssospUoa of a sowi
war dspartmsBt. wbisb tbsp aap is
Oftba‘*Barh»rs^spaard.'’ tbs Isfstmlftcantof battle and probablp of
1 Bswspapsr tosa are tbs
snrsrs loss to tbs Brittob Olbsrs aver
oalp sMafsrs bars.
that this ^eaos - Is slmplp ths «lm
Tbs bosas of rsprsssatatfrss cos
before too storm aad toat tbs farass of
sd at BOOB la ths Lasrsl eoastp a
BnUor. Bobsrts and Preaeb are all
aatp. BsorsssstaUrs Blade sailed tbs
prspartBff for important Bersmsali.
Mssablacs to order. Aa|ipaBkarTriBi.
Osa tolar that Is lost slitot of bp
hU was Bot prsssat. iBsprsasataUra
almost all ol -tboas who ars eo Intsrsst' Bstbasram was aoaloaWd for spsaksr
od in too rslisf of Ladpsmitb. with tbs
pro tom aad swots. Jodfs raalksar
sxosptloB of toe mllltarp sxpsrm. Is
«f Barbosrsraie. was slsetsd dark pro
toe faetnbat U OsoSTal Bnllsr leaebse
tM. BotolttUosa -ol respset eoBOsraUdpsmito. bis work will bars oalp
iac tbs death of Oosbsl wore adopisd
boffu. If SMStlar with llttlo oppoat.
•BsaaltoOBslp asd tbs boass tbs SA
Uoa. bs sboold aseossd In antsr.
Isff Ladpsmitb bp too Dswdrop road,
isarlar tbs Boer armp eoaosatratso In
tbs r«fffsd ooBStTp botwasn thslnraatod tosra aad tbs Taffala rirar, the
poaltlOB of both wUl be more daqrrr^0«|T»sa«p Prosidae tiat Xsthadaa oas tou B3W. for Us sBSBp toast bs
drivaa swap, so as to allow aabrokan
Vatsrwapnall baOpaaMteaU
BblfS Tsws of Msffllsb rrsas.
WasUafftoB. Tsb. s-Hui tost of ths
STM toads psbUs todap. It prorldss
Shat the Daltsd'.Statas sbkU barsaU
rtfbto IsddsBt to swab doBstTHStioB
•ad tbs ssslsalrs riffbt df proddlac
farlbsiVBUtieaaad tosssffstosstof
tos smL Ib order to toalatals a
as totslillTti-^ Is tbs OaptoB-Balwsr
tnatp, tbs prsssat oas pqoTidss that
tbs saMl shall bs aHraps qpss to trad>
toff aad war ssassUof all satiesaaB
«Ms of SBtlrs sqaalltp. Tbs saaal
d.Bor shall aap
Blttod srttblB It.
■Hdlsff tbs saaal or tbs sratofi sdjaTbs OaHsd BialasfaapAoWBsar
bsalllbastpto toatet^aato toilUaip
psUsaalaafflbs sasal ss A
AtUntlon Is lilrsetsd la sobs qaartort toward Lord Boberto aad KItoh.
soar. wkUs Osaaral Bnllsr to 'bow
rather looked apon as havlnff a taroe
tobsassdto divart tos.altoattoB of
toe Bears from too iAtssIm of Cra;os
rrss 8UU. Mr. ChambarlalB in hto
apoaok la too hoBss of at
dap eoaftnasd tola whea hs said Lord
Bobons woald seoB U stroaff oaos^
to bsffia to axseato too orlffiaal fUm
of oampalo-a maceh throaffH' tha
Oraaffs rrss Btato todopsadsat of Oob*
stalaBB^aad Wklta.
SS? i!Sd^
arB*ya for Whlfo ud
lUnh Adopt Adrott Vartloo
Tbay an gottof fa«t at Utaas
of BBttoB,BmrB aad Hsfsb—Tbrss
Oaa VUl Brsbably bs «rM at
HaiAXaa oddoaft ■
IsMBtaw. rob. s Aaotbsr sbspar to
thsworkbscaabrUsfisad Janrvaa
stsrtsd todap sad a aessaiat sras
aads apoB tbs part trf tbs starasps
far tbs dstsaasM U tbs Whla aad
Marsh asa to qsssb tbs ladtotasaa
*Tbs somasst far tbs rajesdiaa asms
tofara aad a rw* of too tack el
Betas Presssata Tottls oblsetsd to
arralac tbs anttoaa todap.
BUottO. StsrsMoa of OsMt rsproswaOoloasl ^sttsB: Jobs /. Spaa of
DstnltaBd BoraaM. PopsofDlacaB
raprsoMt Ossar^ Marsh, aad Oatrtet
Attora^ OordOB of DstreU aad B. M.
ZlJiiBsrasB sf Poatlae appaar fa BspMr. Pops moesd to qoaah tbs WhitsMarsk-«Bltb ladletasor for tbs followlaff roaaeas:
That it dess sot sbarffs that aap
riaiaal offsass ssatsbabls sadsr aap
etatss of this slats was sMssittsd bp
Ooasral Whits at qaartarmastar . ffsoorali that It doss sot allaffo faeio sonadtstUff. dsserlblaf or toarfflap aap
bp Osaacal Whits as
Btos); aad it b aot
alltotsd or ebarffsd wbatsbp or bp what
Gsasral Wblls prosaisd moBSpa
to bs paU to tbs HsBdsrooB.Atoss
soapasp oat of tbs stats fsads, aad
that la Bsltbsr etaald sosats Is aap
satbssslssMBt sbarffsd craUsfod. bat
both fraadaadSB
bcsBlstosatars shanrad to bars bssn
otoslttod bp Wblls.
Jadffs Bpsad, who appsart la ths
MosefbeMBatSeaasd Marsh, ssr
^otosstsd MjHt^opsb tootles with tbs
Mlowisf rssolstiost for qaasblas:
That tbs ladtettoset doss ast oharpe
that aap srimlaal offsass, paalsbabls
Bodsr aap autots of this stats, ba*
.Utssd bp Osnsral Wblls as
aad that so fst
oap or other off snss, poalsbabls nodsr
aap ststoto of this stats, has bees
eomwittsd bp OsQsral White at qatr
aad that eo fsloop
or other offense is ailsffsd to have been
praeorsd, aided. eoBBtelled, hired or
rmmanded bp Colonel Sntton.
Mr. BlsTeosoa on bebalt of Oolobol
Button morsd that Prosseutor Tattle
bs ordsrod to spsoifp what will bs re
lied opoa oodar tbs ladletmeat. He
wanted tobaow the Urns when, lbs
pises where sod the aanasr in whleb
Ooleosl Sattoa to allsfsd to bars aided.
■toanded trand as
Mr. Pops, os babalf of Osaoral
Manh,aBd Phil Oolffiore. oa behalf of
PrealdaBt Brosra, also morsd that the
proassator bs rsqaliBd to faraish bills
of partlealara. Vest Tassdap was ast
for arraassata on tbs motloaa.
At least tores oases wUl bs noUssd
far trial at tbs Mareb term. Marsh.
Battea aad PraU are said to bs triad
WUl Make a Cear of •eatbora and
Wsstsra Biatsa.
Washloirtoa. D. C. Pbb. d-Admlral
Dswsp*e apparaat parposo to take a
awlnff aroaad tbs soatbora aad west.
«« elrelot la ths oarlp aprtar is at
trastlBff mneh attontloB. aad manp
peopls. e^iallp ths psUtleans.
woBdarlaff at his saddsnlp aeqelrod
dsslrs to trarsl.
The adaslral raosBtlT aeosptsd os*
to visit oortaln t owns in
Oeerpia. Jbdap ths aBaoBBSssMat
omda that toe admiral has seerptsd
tbs isTlUtwa o* tha rdloweratt eiaa
of DeUoit to vtott toat eltp. Tha trip
will prabablp bo sxtoadsd tbroofh
Mlobitaa aad to MUwaakss. Bt. Paal
Tbs armlral has aBothsr Wlp arraar
ad far Obtoafo. St. •Lento. LoatorUls
aad ether polBO.
4ooovthol PHILXPPIMM.
ttlva Papas Has li
a 8J1 to HeffaUlb TUsm.
Waabiafft-m, Beh. A—Bsprosoatattvs
Papas of Haw T.-wfc. toairawn of too
OB sraps aad aspas, has latrodaood a nnhittoa to raffPlato toa
eoamalofthoPhiUpptaoa Utoiatoc
BlHk W6lhft Biwd b, Hurb Diotra *1.40
blo.t Lob. XiT-uriUlv. InaW
Womwa'a Bobbww
Fair qnaKtySBcto pair
Sh. Brow Buddlu b, Oon DuU. *1 *0
Womaa'a Babbara
A mpatotp.fiem asvm to savfT.
▼U Ormds by Maiuto Cfowford $1M
Kau*a Bttbbaaa
(or ahoea Me a pair
FablM in Slue by Oeotoe Ada $1B6
This book.lilts ••Paolsps"o8BBBlm a pssalar tsld ia aanapt Ulsw
atarsaad bsiagmads apof ahartstorlm. ffUsla bsUsBaa marp ssUd
laoa Babbava
(or aox f lAO a pair
A Dtsb fat B Thron* by HarebB»t $1.M
fa SB tbriMnr M Its UUs tadlsasm.
XiOff of A
WtU by Bnllin $1.40
Bopa’ Bikbbara
for POX. Ona tot at
OhUdraab Babbara
Sine 6| to 2,850 a pair
Bobux * Bwohw Oa
Ohildre&’a Box
to wear with mbban
86o and 85o a pair
we alao aril the beat
quality o( robbers at the
Lowaat Poasibla Prieas
Jut nnpuked . attended Un« of
Alfred Vi Friedrich
Miller’a Store
71TH the larger force of sales people
V V which we have now secured, you
are assured of prompt and careful attention
in the fulfilling of your needs.
Theliargians we are offering are such
arcana >t be matched by aoy other firm.
OD every dollar sale
except on
HAY and
The People Continue To
W. W. Miller's Cash Store 1
226 Front Sfreat
rfsadsa dtopaca.
Crowd Our Store Daily
showing very clearly that they appreciate
The Great^Values
we are offering,
Ian Maclaren
The famoua EauUali anthor. writing in the Korth Amerioan Beriew
on “The Energy of the Americim
Peopla,” aa^:
•‘No man writes with bis own
hand, if he can dictate to a atenographer; no man dictatea, Kbe can
telegraph; no man telegraphs, If be
can tolephcme.*'
If yon are a typical, energetie
np.to^to American, yon already
nae the Long Diatance Telephone.
If not, a word to the wiae is soffie.
Yon will find a fine Une of
stamped Lineni, aU tiled of Sofa
Pillows, Down Piliowa, Cnabion
Cmda, Battenbnrg material of all
kinds. A foil line Beldiog Bros.
Embroidery leaona prra (rea.
•87 Front 8CM
Bof too I
of. Loristoas.
iBf too I
fflorida.aad Alasl^ after thalr
Bsaattoa to too Ualtod Statsa. aad a
oopp of toa MU iBtrodasad U too
OHatokff Mr. gpaoam of Wf
It woo rofartad to too eoauBltMO oa la>
all the leteet petteru bi elriiM, cheeb,
plaids and only
School of Music
■^.-rsssjsasr*fMS. a B. S3Sln!KBMmMr.
Youth’s Clothing
Children’s Clothing
1 lot of Youths Overcoats worth
1 lot Youths* Suits worth
5.50 to 6.50 at.......................
I lot Children’s Suits value
1,00 and 1.25 at.................... /... ...
1 lot Children’s Suits value
1.15 to 2.25 at.................................... $1.19
Come in this morning if you can
Rellibte Dr; Grads, Carpi) aid Clotiiag Haase
Shonld be taken to have jonr
thou fit pniperlj. This can’t
be done nnleM the ahoeisnu^
Ladies fits like a gk)ve'>«looks
neat and dressy and has a hand
tnraed sole.
They sell for ... .
trp-to-dnte Petwrar.
I KOBVixa saoosD.
j; . '
•A Btoatfto B^wap Uda.
l a nti^ af toed
•AKHi«ewitj fVMi«
utmaoM** teW0U4 lOMUMlOd
Mrtdte aolM ctfM u pa^Mat te
> of UoUiotkal Ua
fem of Ua
• (tnotortbiooTmtat Uaow
w eot thM «Imi UoM waa ool/thrM
■Ika TkMiaoB7«tat7»to«(tha
k, U to 4oslvod. Md it to
•toeaoM loot oMiota oatewMatooa
«<tcaipa7«aaM, afa ■jotarteoalr ab
••at Ofeoafwwoiao^l"
l^wltbaaanaavbeaMU wltk atoboi wbMaaaa Mlbrntalp
I aa aatoaowa la«l«Uaa)
papa aa4 oeatrtbatM aeaUaf to
4toa aapport of hto aeaiaultp. ba baa
jalp blaaalt to btaata U ba «ala tba
aoftt HowUlboatfar^rabad
baafbt Jaat aa pool tmacaa of tboir
homawrabaat fw;a pood «aal laa
Map tbap «oaU Un malMd fair
, balpiar alaair a atorbbor
«id«aapapv. aad bapiftbair ■oaop
«It »oaM aoBO back
: jWalB aonatlM. tbap «oaU aot aa«ar
ttoabwaUlatloa of tartar baaa flaaead,
------- 4araMfr«4aaBt,
M«th<paboaUaar^ a*
iMaa ead a food ^Jgnmmx fa
A I'owar Oo. olaiaia^ tbat daftep tba
^flaa paan tbara.haa baaa BO pn>tt
la Ufbttaf tba ottp atraato at «ao pw
mmt par laap. aad for tbat -raaaoa baa
Mkad aa adaaaaa la prlaa to r» par
mmt. Tbara to do ,«aaattaa bat tbat
dlWoltpbaabadaarpehaapUpbu dot4df tba paat tra pa^. bat tbara are
phtaatiBai to paplap a«a,Maap. Aa
Ihwa toaootbv Wddar fo^UpbUac
Itoa atraato tba .Boardnan Blrar
>»toP»PP appaaratb hara *
m on nj. Tbara to a.«
latatthaMaMar eobpdafaaltaad lat
ika atraato nmaia la darkaaaa. IbU
^i^Taaotd prtoa U
iMi tba llphUac aoBipaap. tharaforr.
ana «t to wltbdnAr Ito bid aad
naka It iaaa, tbara aaaaia la ba ao altar■atlra bat darkaraa.
naab at tha ap'proptlaUoa doca aot al*
lew lar tba papataat of aap sera for
Hgkto tbli tteal paar tbaa to sow baiop
paid, tba oompaap tolrbt kba laaaaad
•aaeoUaea Ua Upbia at tba proaaat rata
n tba aad of tha Aaaal paar. prorldlac
•• adraaoad raU la acrard to for atom
•( poara from tba em of Map. la aap
nwta aoBprotoi^ Mrtaa daalrabla
etbortrtoa a drflnito i
naalelpal owoarahtp to la order.
A Jvar la a OhMapo aoart baa dacdd«i tbat Itr. Kabtoaat bad ao oaaa
•palaat tba letar Oaaaa for Ub«L Tba
aata prao ont of oartalo adlloriato in
tba laur Ojoaa ohartlep Eobltaat
orttbasbrH'asant aad other rtolatiooa
ddUia. Kow that tba jurp baa aeqeltod
m lotor O)
baba a froab atari aad oooUdm to
Ikrow ^ barpooB lalo Eohtoaat wlih
ito oU tine Tipof aad aaroratnaea.
■ow tbat a a weak to op, It to in
•rdar lor Qaear.1 Bailor to aotlfp
aroat Briulo that ba baa reached
Udpanltb and foaad Uaearal Wtalu
Sat Tbit Bop ClanbMd Book la Ba
BIp aad Srora Oa.
A bop drirlap a. farn taan bad a
oarp aarrow oaoapelron aartooB lajarp
aa tba tooth aide paatardap. Tba bop
waa drirlap a taoA bltobad to a doable
ilalpb whan oaa of bto talpaa dropped
aa tha wbifll Itraat. la reaehlap over
aCtaritthe lad laU apoatha boma
haato aad tba alalph paaaad aatlralp
•ear bln. rortanaialp ba tall batwaon
•ba raaaara. aad attor the alalph bad
panad aver bln in aoranblad to bto
tm aad raa aftor itoa loan. Ba baa•Aod blMiU late Ue alalpb
patbprad ap bto rtosa aad droea ea'amaalp
n tboapb aotblap Ibad happaaad.
Haato Olab Odaaaci Xoaipbt.
■V 9ba propran of the Haato Qab of Ibt
Will bo ptooB tfala oTcalap at' ?:M
aWoekattba BabOolof Haato tor
Waett of tba nanbara aad tl
a tba aanbw ’‘Aadaau frontbaB
Aactber L rpt CU^nt .
b ttroca & 'a>. 'are irwelriar i
Opi>i)|r P'-. aa aljaiMt t.ailp Yrat
pnrtaaltpattkto petot to aBtahllab a
eatoabto water power aed tba ^opartp
aato that *ara to t
bparabaoodto too ab'rra pntlaan
aabtol latHtoHp ai
with too paooiWo eotooet tba prapoaaH
Traeattodtp. Old Hto^toe A Paelaaato
« of the pear In a
Bp. Oo. to etow. A tpntj-toot toad
paaAlap. A total ef H pattttoaa
an to aoaared at tba near tbara.
wrra Atod dartap tba paar. Of tba
-___bra^t ap. 40 Aleoroto •
pmtoAaadtTara otBl paadlac.
aa aaaa baa a paUtloa baaa AaalaA
Wn d. fkotor TbUa of
Tbcrawlllba a naalalatooUap of
^ Toaap Haa-a BedaUtp o« Bb
Prod Dapo of farawood. baajaat.
atoabaieb la tha aaboBlball rriday
OToitap. Bpatoal baalaan wlU aona aateadalattorfronWlUland. Bhbbor.
bateratbanaatoap aad It to datorad at Patop. PbUlpfton Bopieaaappod
nmripttoa ef hto Ufa tbara. aed madar
tbat tbara ba a taU
data el Dae. ai writoa ae foUewa:
r. W. BItobap. who ba* ban aaela.
‘•1 thi»h that tba Urpeto part ef tto
teat Dtototot Bead Dtpup Onaa) ef
war to Otar. Tba alptaca areaUaaattba Modara Woodnn of Aaartoa, «raa
torod aew aad roanriap aboat tto
pmawtod-rabraarTUttetba potottoa
eoaatrptoanailbaeda. Tbap wlU aot
of Oiatrtot Oapatpatnd aad Bpht bat Bre n too AnarlTba adTBaae nla of ontofar*‘Bp
oaaa aad tbn ram
tba Sad Boa Wam" to to plm U tba
••It to pattlap earp hotlfca BOW. It
dtp Opera Boaaa Tbaradap baa opaaad
■ana ao thoapa tba aaa wao aot een a
ap la a rarp nttofaetorp naaaaraad a
nllo awapUrpo aadlaaaa to anaraA
••1 waa eeer to tto boopltal paeltrdap
Attbalaqaaatlatba «aaa ef Braak for a abort Una, aad whoa I retaraod.
Hapbae, raoeatlp klUadat Utorteahn tto bepa wort aewhora to to aan. I
la tba nlll ef tba Wplto Oeepnapa te.. aakad wtora toop i»ere. aad waa told
wdiot of aealdntat death wn tbat tbcp bad ban aa)tod to amt aboat
■bad. bate nacaiaiandattoa waa half aa boar befora aed bad tone
added tbat tba aanpaap took aarafallp aroat the brldpe to oatpoat No. t aad
tetbaanaUaorp.aadnako to aa wta -era oo tbeir wap to Ban Matoo.
aapoaalbla. Tbtowaa aaatad bp tba
•‘1 prabbed np paa. bait, barearaato,
faat that tbara baea baaa tbiaa rtolnt eaaton aad too roaada of
Aoatba In tba nUl io tba peat paar.
aad went n tba raa attar tbm. 1
Oabla Baaaattof Uto altp baa baaa eaarht tbm aboat two nilao oat aad
praatadapaaakneftoOO par noetb.
la qalek tint. 1
Hr. J. Otwk. lof Chtoapo. baa ban tboopbt that np boart woald }anp cot
bp Hr. Stalabarf for window .at np noaibn I ran acarlp everp atop
trinnn aed talaanan te Statoborir'a eraeet whea 1 eroaato ereaka-aad larpe
bolan 1 wUl not write poa aboat tto
dr/vpaoda. carpet aad elotblap atora
BabapanktodattoaMoadap nbnlap. Bpht that wa bad at Baa Hatao, aa I
bare It to print tron thto nonlapb
Hr. and Hta. Walter Or^tok left pea
Haalla papn whiob I will aand poa.
tatdap tor Loa Aapalaa, OaL Tbap
wUl to pna a nntb. aadwIU rotara Wa aeortad tba dead aad wonndad
to tto water werka, oatatda of Maailaop wap of Baa fraaotono. Ball Inka
Wa ratarnad last alpht after dark,
dtp and Dan^
P. A. daaoan aad & W. Pant wnt haBcn.>Wlaed naddp. Ha] On.
L\n^who waa blUad. waa a pmt
te OrawB paatordap. tren which place
aad bU dntb to a pmt ioaa
tbap droea te Hoaroe Ooaloc, rataro'
Woareorpa.tto Bipbto.
lap Uat eenlBp.
Moat of tto Bpbtlap waa la nad aa
to ear knaeo. 1 toea beta waablnp all
aad Hra J. A Heetapao attaadad
dap, aad now I an raadp for aaetbor,
taaaraleftbaUtaHra. BaddaaatOld
Olea np repardt to np frtoeda pad
Daeid Btobar of Battona Bap. i
Wriu na BO toon aa poa eaa. aad Mil
the eltp pocMrdap.
me all the arwa.
Hr. Pat
oltp.-broapbt In a Baa aln lop paalar«
Oo. K. 0. a Vol.. Manila, P !.
dap. 14 fact imp. that aealed l.ew
At New Ycrk tbirtp-Bee Momon o
Tba Br^al Balrhtora wUI plea a tea earn, aaanp of than wonan. arrteed
oeotaoppar tbtoaeaalapla Moatapaa Mondap on
Olanow. bn ronu to UUA Tbap
Oear aeeaa ton oftoa wara eat bp the are, fron 8*lpian aad Bwitterland.
partp of tba Ootoaarp elab at Oarp Thera ara epne poner pirU In the
Uke. for tba oaa ef tba elab darinp partp who ara prettp aad rrBaed loohthe tanner. The toe to 14 inebaa lap. Aa tba InnlpmU falfll all tba
ooadlUooaof tbelnmipratlon law tbap
tbtek aad of Baa qoalltp. .
wara allowed topiwed waat.
Tba Wonaab Bona and Poralpa
MtorinarpBoeiatpof tbaO
Br. W. J. BlMlat. OparaUea DtattiWp
J. o.
I. Btata atraat. tbto afnraon at TbtBatleul Stoptlolba
t o-eloek.
will ba at J. W. HUtar'e atora WadTha Wonaa't MtoHonatp Boeletp ef
eeaday, Tab. 7. with a fall line of
wbaala. Baa ad.
tba rirat M. B. ebarab wUI neat la tbo
pariotaoftooebarcb tbtoafiomnat
p-^MdidMUtot Otlsaal fittoto
t:*0. Mra. Towle boo the propran la
eharfb wbiek aaaarao a literarp traat.
A 10 oeat aaapar wUl ba tarntotod bp OmtOftvdi
tto Ladlaa' Aid aoelaip. lor tto bouBt
Throat oar Han departnoat dally.
Bala atlll ocoUaata. , Special
of tto nrpat faaA Tbop baopoto a
a All WlU ba nada
Mra. TrankJVaaaaa a
iajarp In ^Up dear la Oak Park Moo
dop aftaraooa. Tba nuar
Bldarablp danapad.
Ida, tba 11 BKntba old daophtor of
Hr. aad Hn-iPhUip rTbaU dlad Mon
dap. The faaaral wUl to bold today
at 10 o’alook.
B.J. Bowatt, a*lhraka«aa oe tto
Pm Marqaatte froto. waa aaeeralp
lajorod wbi|a naklap a awitob Moodap. Be faU ear waa eetp aaeeralT
bratoad. Dr. Keaalaad atuoded to bto
lajariaa. Ba wUl(to laldnf fwacearal
Bearp Patonoa of»:
wbohaa.baen tbmUi
eitto for aona tUee.ito betirr. aad Itto
tboopbt that tto Innadlata daapar ef
tba dtoaaaa to aeertaA
Please the Man
Trank Trladricb raealead a latter
paatardap tron Tto Opnntoaloaar Bob
OHtona. BtaUap that tto tax eonntoaiooara weald raaah bare today n of
ficial boalaaaa
Aboatnefttofriaadaef WUlaidJ.
BaMloeal^ traatadblnto fiauatttaa Royal Smoke.
Upbtfal aarprtoo loot oeoalap. la hobor
Oanaa wonplayad. aad dalkden aatotSAXSLE)
wiobaa, ice eraan aed aaka wara aareod
tottopmta Mato Baa‘pmntt wara
left aa nance lea ef tba ooeaalon.
d aad cleaned ap raadp for
Five Cent
Pig Tail
Made to
At^ tto Ikea BH*
at the Saw York Btora. B4abeaaat
«7oaad na. Bi Qxteto torMeato
: Tht rating atpeU-Sn
atatto Ito fa tba toattorof
nW tka paar
baoaaotopnaibpOtofk Bi
.Ml BU» ZTi. .»■•■
».«. maim, »m» »1«
w.li b. at
a< JJ -W Bla-rrVatcre
. .
ar-dtp. Feb. 7. t-libaloll Ubr of
abeaU. BeOad.
H-Oborliaoi Bl^baat «n la tka
Atoa Oinom o« Ttoek Uka. wn at
A Olbto el HaplalA van to Bw Hip
J. D. Tewar of Ito AfrteHtml oelm A OanpbHl of
Mo workota Im tto
Vonmnf twatan 4at open today,
an at Park Plaoa
Oaorp* BabbpMrof LakaAaa. eam
ta tto oitp paatardap w wtinaa ~TaWo
lonaal- loot BipbA
A. T. Baeilto of Bnpin. la at tto
J. W. aiBaiBlMln
aaUod to AaUaad, Oblo.-p«tardap. bp
tbaoaddndoatbof thoIrfattor.O. B.
Bof Obo
oo«atp, fnnnly of lUa ottp* la la tto
olty eloltlnp frindi
Aitkar Oarrtor, temarly of tkto titf.
»ow of Owoaao. baa ban la tto oUy a
law dapa ea bnlaan
Taman' XnUteta TodayTto aaaaioaa ef tto atata Tamen’
InimuwUlopnatOfaBpabaU tbto
nermlBp at iO o'Hoak. wltk Proridnt
Bebart damp la tba chair. A Baa
propran la prepared, aad a profit
in to ataaraA Tto aanlona
ooBtlaae today aad toatorrow.
Never Changes His Mount.
W. W. KNAGGS the traTcUer repreaeotatiTe
of the NATIONAL aBICYCLB CO of Baj Citr.
Mich., will be at my store Wednesday, Feb. 7th
with « full line of Bfinples. Any one wanting <mt
of the best bicycles made can have a chance to pick
^ ont jnat the Bpedheations they like. It is one of the
best known racing wheela made.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao S'xoxx't Btaroot.
1 SB Won
Oat of SB 4
I is S:x I
II paa wlab a jdly pood tina
lead oar pleaaant Una daaelac P
at Mariaaph'a academy toalpbt^
rMpeetfallp. Prof. B. B. Kleor.
At Bip Eapld* inaa TrlbUp. leaal
naaapar of tto Mioblpaa THapbon
‘ iMllp akot U tto Japa.
_____elM not nurad tto beak part
of hto rtpbt lap abora tto kaaa aad
. ball a drai
Tto waond to aenooa. bat aot i
aarilp danparoai.
Float Stmt
W« hare a lew pbetM of Ua li
Bea Ukaa Inwi Uraa diflmai potUtm
TIMM wa«f«aaUUeM ternuaaeh
mlor » saararr. Wa baaa hat U
tofk U jm wtmt Uam bay Un
Oema la aaC laok al Uea at
Wall's Drig Store.
Btoad DaotSOS.
Nolle praa-cd
npft “Mp Imiber «m aarp'^kn wltb
{aamaattlad.............................. ..........• nalarial fever aad Jaatotn I parI Dtoebsrped npn exsnlaatloo... 1 aaadMhlntotiTBIaetria BIttara, aad
he waeaooa naeb batter. balaoaMaaod
tbeir ioo anUI ba waa wboUp oarad.
Worklap Hlpkt oto Dap
I an care Blaetrte Blttan aarad hla
Tto baelwt Md nlphUaat llUto He.' Tbto racoedp
tblnp tbat rrer wpa node to Dr. Klap** kUla_____
New Life POto. Tbaaa pllto toaapo blood, Hda <
I weakaaaa Uto itnnrtb.Uatlaaaaao UU Udamato
- aarrpp, brala (nr Into nnUl power
: Tl^'ra wooderfal la baUdlap ap tto
fact baalth. Oalp Me at Paa. O.
haalV /Y_._
i/cr W._
aea. aad A B. Walfa drop atoeaa.
‘Jaaa.Jobnaonasd&B WalV
Whether you buy or not^We can't t^ll you everythin g
all at once—Tou'd tire of It—We mention, a few here—
Better see the things—Bright, novel, clever goods con
stantly reoeived, all of intrinsic value.
Wall Paper
Are the labor aavera. yon
can boy the "Queen”ior $2100 and C22.00 The White for
$32.00 and $3.5.00
Is coining fast Be pre
pared for it. No -trouble to
show goods. Bran’ new
pers from 7c double roll np.
Popular Booh
Cap for
a Quarter
Most complete stock to
select from. Cross-ent sews,
$2.35ito $4.50; single bit axes
from 70c up: double bit from
- Agood warm on^looks
well, wears well—Got other
grades, sell .at 50. 75c, $1.0a
and $1.25.
The BUckWoir.'Breed
by Harria Dickaon—a atory
of France in tbe old World
and tbe New in tbe reign of
Lonia XIV sells for $1.50.
np so little room. Can bny a
$4.’>.00 Birch Bed for $2000:
Quarter eawed oak for $*i3.00
tbat sold for $35.00.
What About
Ton’ll want some later..
Why aot see about it now?
Ooteome ’%hort ends,” tegu
lar price 06c and 75c. They
are yours for 45 and 50c,
Is jnst what yoa waat to
screea—only oasts lOr s yard
use Tneser
'f V
Want a
Are made from BUkaline.
Many ladies, naing nothing
else. Takea two widths, sells
for 15c a yard. Sestbensw
One of die best oa the
market is ifae ‘‘Rem-Sho."
We are tbe agents for this
machine. Are always glad to
•bow it. St<9 and see it.
SoUd Comfort”
That’s what every custo
mer says of the “Hn-man-ic'
shoe. All sises sold at tbe tmifoim price of $4.00.
Are seedtnl and aan ba
. bad nop at ooat Jost a few
left. Don't wait for tbe next
cold snap. Boy now.
For snythug that's im*
perfect, or defectiTS, or your
money back it yon wish.
That’s our way of ^ng bosi-
AM A o
Libby’s Finid Bsef or
Amoar’s Extract of Bssf—
iBest food foi ths
or for those who want aoms
Btrmgtbening food. Sells at
50c the package.
A Good
A good ms^ ia made aO
the better by Bector's cele
brated Chili Faoee at 35c. crt
’ Donkley’a Oelety Flavor
Mostard at 10c.
Storage All'WiMter.
Mp week aan not to beat aad prtcea'
tbelin^ WtUcaU for pnr WbeH.
---------■* IM.
N. f. BIM'.rropr.-
an m»i
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
ntipiii m i«t iVM«r«n«t ill vent V
H M« M
ta Kratarkr.
■of aUfehsax
«PMatHilMiM» »*ril bMMM tkW*
WM «0O m«flh iM U Ih* IMIU 10
•1(0* of boou %rtertac <m« orar <roa
«ho Mlalud, aad Ml
to oUew
iMUaf n onr *Uk mw.
■wml hovpwiB tko Mirbbor-
Or«r tiM ■•V ttOipttam
paap bsl tto floor
xlifh tBNtaoeo c
■pfap. “oio tm partienlar ofapot tho .
pwipb torp ahoadp tor* oa their IbU ^ad(H ■•»•>«• al dUahiau Appofab
oro abo^ penlnp toes u la
ad tod ato/adbal CfrauUtoAa^
too bccinniac Tbrp are rkh. of oonioa
tottb^aro Douoro oiftloH.wuho|
la a tDoa ^ wiU die of diwM within ! Wnnhlnftoa, Pob. a—Indon WUlbs
a.T«..rSL.„.a, otiS.
OfMa ■••M to** Ion ntdod
haadhag tto q ostlM la eooh a wap > ■
to toava dosbt u s whloh oldo woald
flqpUpeoBOiff vbton. Ttoqaoctlaa
‘ Bosolved That itoBasr b Puooaawr Uu W>niar.’> ThoaS sttlea,
WMhudlanhp AtboKBunatordato
ttodlaDoaghep ud toe aegaUvo bp
CBpde Thoaae aod Bertha Brown. Th»
rsalt of the detaala wm laftstto
toa deeluoa Into’
Our Linen and
Wiiila Gnnds Sale
ea> tar. hta tatarf bi 1,1. ta'taiita Paoasl rbJt» in duxtenme ponmls or Vf topolated todap Op PrsUut Ma>
ttaral in nnhsltop coutrls
; Klalap m pratldut of tto mw PbOtpTba prograa wao tiooad bp toe eritbow
• funplMUaeo
that ptoa o.Bsbokw. Lats ta toa dap 1^0 apart whbh woe glean bp ttla
up IM
e wbib i WM hviac la dadpa Burp r StooroM af I
nr «tO.1W0 Bca !■{ - Ko« Enabnd Xnw of onr
M appointed bj too pnbdut
1. totn buUnc port/
TWO WiU be
U biliy foUM to to hut for Mr.
goU SoldoatCtga
^^^u^’o^^dip^e'^iroS' -»-ntbfths bout. WeohUirtu Moaa, Alaoka, neat oobbs la too
Wo4ito Kitelowihi. • It UMtto eU
S&wnnd eo^Mloned the fact
^ *»
^ opiahtoofeo?. Bndp. af too UCTitoep.
toV.hMMmdnp aoniarM bb pw topt bea
pnaldut. . TUo -rmli^ to «wHwi oi aalos oongros takoa oupo to slablbb
•Bt^ rtoiuoo, la Dtlrap. m too romlt Kaatackp
[top WhlM Boas with Jslpo Dap. a oItU govaraoMnt u a flrs fonada<
«« grille tatoobutot of hot wUor
•‘•WbehT- laqelrad
tloa aad otaks torn daflnlng too proa^tn,
«Wto hb neltor htopr^arto to ooaM abrtip
‘' of elalsa An oxtraodl*
•d with too praalcut util tto a
•• •Ne« wsk.'
toMwBOin. SolnqnMi. -.
■s aod Jolaod him again nfts too aarp raah of geld introwto toeOapo
Dr. Tioior 0. Vi
odjonnad. Oo loavlag too Kobo plaoo ,b expoetod nut Mep.
••‘Ooiof to W • ftof o'ton
UorM-l»toPtoUfour no ottotoa ootalda
WhiM Hoooe, Jndgo Toft Matod
rr!' bwduted tho i
M at too nrlooo mapo darlac too •CO' -Before poo eUrt J wlto poo
»'a opaelal atacioa wonld world b roepuoA Poqtntaator Wright
<tolo ww with Spola m»A truMtUod trooM rtop In end eee me.'
to too stahlbkasBt of olrU govara of that Hip. bclieeao that balora toa
It to too ffororaor. It eonobteof li.ooo
wUI bo
‘Whet fort Wut bm to bop n BMt for too blanda. rortbar thu
oaewponoao ip Oeoo Homo Aboot
that be wna not St Ubortp to apeak.
~.‘Ko; Ywut toorrugo aboot poar
ont last
FMd Spado, a
that other meBbera of Sl.soo.oooof geld wa«
or. O. vat frosoa to doath. Hna- poUep.BlBion wUl be deaiguted OOBBS. Ou elaiB lo Anvd
** ‘What do poo weot to amago
paid tlTAOOC in See weok% -Oa too
Aop aoralnr whilo M mio bos Al- abootitT bBtitnllriebir
Yokon too gold 10 woU bHow too tor.
oootfbs, Mleh.. to hb besa
*Ys w long •• pi o utep lo thb BlBloB oarriM ont toa ■
fooe, bat at Bobo It Us asr too top of
Ihoocbt to wat thrown fros a
ooutrp NDnt If poo po down M Eeo- toa preaut PhUlpplu
tbegroaad. Mup oloist boeo been
awu tons, roadorwl naossrioai ud toekp We'D toee to adroi I the ate whloh wm ahorUp eou
eht. bat thso b a voot rngloo
bai^« BWBbon el toa old e
froBM to doath.
itUl >> bo axplorad. Thogoldtotoe
•••Well, what in------ begob the
t tt Sid, wUl bo appelflted OB tho
Aluatoor Do Pooff wan klUod noar
poUcp bolder botip. when toe manager ,lodge Thft WiU oail fros 8u Prai* whim oud raao fr m So snb to ll.se
■otv.Oladwiaoou^. bpa t™* fail iatornpted him.
pu. and toe pap etraak ot robp sad
0 eo after March IS.
le ^on his. Hb totw btetoon wwo
*• 'Don't flp too track, tnp dear fel>
The Sixth jadidal olruH to which on toe bed reek ruo SS to toepu, boontiiomofhUdoath.
low. besidgeatip. ‘It'• all right hero
' olds ooars gold.
Jodga Sreomb
Author faeurp *01 bo orootod at and the rob b stiefnetorp lo no: bat.
Ewteckp ond TbnnooR W. Oreiiiett ud Obaris Jobnioa
tottto Orwk too ooslar ofrlaf for too bp Jove, we cu't gis pou the nme Michlgu,
f too nnsonoo nte and Irt poo go Jo Kentorkp end 000. The ooort, which b ordioorUp o( toie eltp, have been drawn on toe
> like pm do in ihb oec known os toe Ooort of Appeolo. bs
I Uarol
tavss Jerp at Oand Baolda.'
hoalto feodo lor whloh> <thatI Ot^ hat tion Not mneb! Wr baeeD 't got $10.
tors iedgs osigsod to it. Bslds
000 policis to give
that, anf Jndgo Toft. Jndga Boros H. Lorton
Clevpisad aathorltlea expect to
Ibaah Morrb. affto IT, osplopod In pon mgbtn't to o
e! NatoelUe b ou of tose. ond Jodge pteie. during the pear, a luooel bring,
a tailor toon at dacinw.bao pnoolaf ingtoo Star
Willtna R. Oop, ex ssetorp of tlate tag wais to the clip from niwlat five
a pair of troaooro with u (itoetrb Iran,
RUStmi_lii_Uke_B»to----------------and ax praeidwt of toe poos sBsbAN HONEST ARTIST.
whu to oaso In eoaiaet with a livo
Maa. b toe otos.
orira. raootrlac a ohook whloh oaaMd
a K«w»te«>.
Tbse woe no love loH between ton
Sd. Boaob'ohosooM^aoBortoof
»•-- •—3,ndhucotwin.
BnbbMdooo. barnod to npidip that .----------t
BsidarU bp toe Bighth Bfada X.poahb wlfo ud oU ohUdrOB baralpw- Prince Napoleon, whom the Paririmnn
nm Tasterdip.
ealled "Plon Ploo.*' The prinMoaed to
•apod tn tooir alcbt rtothto
make abacive epeeebn agaiiwt the emTbe eighth grade of toe Oratal
Than WBO u laoroaao W MO fanao pars, which pra|>b wereonlp too rsdp
toHr eoeoad Ipeonm pea-1
la too appor putnoala lato poor, which to repeat to him “Let him oloae.'
Brenehttla and Irwiplant
A loi^ aimbsj
ohown tooro b ooaootolnr lo too oow- ImIs Kepoleoo woold .roplp. “He b tordap artoraooa.
too well known. No one wonld tan m etvUltore ware prsnt ud Ibtmodj
trp boons Blaine aad In^boriae.
t > u axoeUut progiaw whieb toa
Aboat 100 earioado of osrar bocU oot to pbee him on the throne. “
The empsor woe conegt. Ax ao ono poang atadeatt gave with a gnat d<ai: *
bar* baoB nhippod from Sobowalne tc
wid a g(^ word aboot “Plon Ploo.'
BapOltpand Oarotobshooo.
Be wu comiDonlp believed to bavo
Bsata Olds opued the pregnB with
WIlIloB BooMt, a forSpr photopra •bown the while feather in the Criins
phor at Otoboppu. wao fpnnd dead In ud nevs exjusd hiueelf obero tba a Boo raprodoetlon afts which a goo.i
Btool Jewel!
^.•®'**** was givu bp mne.Jexeu
too woodo M too asit oidh of MoliMt lead *.■ felling. An EngUeb bdv. who , rocdlatloo
<»wP<ud of eras Tbsbold,
laka. Ho had qoarrolad with two men ta her potingdepe mingled with French I
Lamtnnd ud Ln. McMonnx. fartp. teib in her "Foreign Coarta
i iwm i edy
av MeOfato’o wsp. ud oiartad In pnr- oocirtp,
aadleow with axMlIeo'
•aitoftoos ThotwMtoo toot aeon ond Foreign Homs'' a et<xp on diecrediteble-toPvii....................................
ince Napoleon ae it ii bon- maale. Marion Pleree then read a vr p
of biB allvo. Bo wao frotoo to dwto.
xable ic
French artlat
O. If Haaoon, Joaopb ^Brdlta. Pobl
lile tbe artlat wxi painting tbe
Howaek, Moos Lands. Willlo Landpe hietoncal picture of tbe battle of tbe
aad Oharba Sbsaa otart^ fawn
Alma, wbirb tbe emperoV had ordixed. .
aoalnoo to hnnt nbblto. While«
Pria'ce Naiuleun called at the painter'!'
too bap tooir boat wrat thronffh Stndiu to make known to bim tbe facta
•oso ohln loo and all wore thrown On laving be uid bewiabed tor prom- ^
iaio too water. SalBonud toe Lan* Incnt tlgnrp in tbe battle to be binwelf S
nowtiy »oO tl *M OMfOMd tb*
frtli «w **o-U*fto oam.
Mtor toj. to*o*«. • bic bUto
~ • hoc In
Is a Winner.
Tnkee the public to jedge It^ if the crowded eirifo
me >ey indienttoo.
other bargnlao which ere nfill »t yoar diepoui u
long u they toot,
Tweaty dozen 44x80 beevy both towels per jneoe...................... 10c
Faily Synrds wide all lines blencheddninuk per ynrd ....48o
3-4 bleached linen napkins per d6sen...........«................................. 98e
1.000 yards oottnn toweling p-r ynrd............................................... »ic
. Tr,
tad Iktatab U.. brtabU,t ot tta Ua^
We are oompelled to dispose of oor Winter
Clothing I^egardlesi'
tata_. ta.
Bny now
Goods wiU bo
mneb higher next winter.
$1.25 Mackinaws down to......................................................................$
2.00 Mnekinsws down to....................................................................
3.00 Hsekicaws down to...................................................................... 8A6
260 Kersey Jackets down to............... ...................................
200 Kersey Jackets down to....................................
.50 Wool fleeced Underwear down to............. ...'..............
65 Fleeced Underwear down to................................ ................
.75 Plush Caps down to......................................................... .........
25 per cent off on wool shirt waUts and Fleeced Wra^ fiero.
In fact yon don’t expect them as
cheap as onr prices are today.
Good Betver Jocketo each................................................................. $2C0
Gtood Po. ele Jackets lined................................................................... 8o6
Fine all wool Kersey JackeU, silk lined throughout.......... 4 98
A lot of Children’s Suits, sailor collars, double bn <.st«*«l.
values up to $4, to close at....................................................... $1.98
3 lots of children’s double brvaeled. all wool flue buits.
. worth double what we ask, lu close at $8.68, $1-09, $189
lOU pairs men’s all wool line panto, mnolag in riici- up
to $150. to close at............ ..........................................................$1.78
25 per cent, off on all Children’s Wool B1 mses.
Cbmee of<our men's best snito, Kuppenbtotnet> make,
inclnding suits at $:.'0, to close at.......... ^.......................... $13.76
Choice of a second lot of men's fine suits, ^est m -de. in
cluding suits at $15, to close at............................................. $10.96
Suits sold at $18 go at...........................................................................$8 60
Look at our $4.93 suits, and compare them with tin- sccslhd
$i.-'30 suits elsewhere, and wonder.
All Overcoats and ITsters, Knpp’ubf-iiner’s B’lke. $T0
and $23 vai ues, for............................................ ...........................$16 00
•18.00 vslnes for..............................
$12.00 values for...................................................................................... $8 00
Best 8< lection offoew merebandibe at
Ask to see uor all wool Kersey Overcoats, ou- $'*.50 val
ues for......................................................................................................$6.00
nnder prices. Save money by rsupplying your needs now at
Compare aod Decide For Toursfjf.
The Boston Store,
ta«,ta. -Ml. jsrta’":ro™ta:.‘‘"""
«««««««•« «««•««««
I Removal Shoe Sale
oorBlag” wtitca MroT B. H. i.i.tata.ita,, talented Imli-wife I'm going tobavei
{ { And
who ____________
nttnaded bsthu
plain _A
—______ .1____ ta________________________ ta. tatai________
thobeggwlfsDr.Kiag'tNawDiainto war that the had boogbt tlienp- ju
rp. which had mon'thu oeca aav-1 pea paid a man to aule them and tbes 'I *
•dhsUfe. ud eared hs of Ooa
. managed to -eew the bowa on crooked ; W
MOB. Afta
—detoem. Yet‘*
. T^.** jibe
; the WM verp
verr proud
moud and rrallp
reallv wonderwooder- i ^
managed to acoompUto W
aaia'sU' Throat, Chou ud Lau nta. ■
Trial hot- «>
Johsau aad 8. R
WalS’O drag Otora
•Toa" Bid toe peUow dog. “1 baUsc oils death we eats into anotber
OtoUB'i iBttriar BfyM too BMt •phm of actios i think I'll bAa golf
“How do poa fignn that ostr*
■MOM Wurm-WarMT
qnsied toe bladr ud tan
Whto.d T«r ftirTtipr t
“Ob. i'll be la tbelinkx'/
baas eongfe mmedp a
pUa Nsth Asterioa.
to ue dap if token in
while the scuon is with yen.
rm,.!. 1' th.
pribc wl,*- ^5 OPENS WEDNESDAY,
0, „ „
FEBY 7lh.
toepnno-Ibuve never pel pointed a
a atir o
. niqnin
kaotkuws, bat it iato^bt toot tu The p.anag.md-ai of a lha» J» ^«*haUs WM too old tor Mi-rice. The
«» ocenpottm requiring baaioem
__________ ______ ________ jed, but tbe mgncitp in n greo^ degree
than it
AnBogehMoot pet ban mtiBotad. ‘ alia ftx ertiatic uate.—W J. BenderThoBM Bmeimm. wbo Wm killed, U a *« In Scribns a
nMdent of Cairo ud bo Icavee n foailp
. f>n>B« of Her Wark.
Re looked wiib forced admiration at
A Might of Turor.
toe alippet«-fsad becans he olreBlp
••Awfal uxUtp WM felt 4or toe ; h-n k-Vf , a,^ .-iwidow of the have Qessal Barobasi
New Ginghams and Fercaka.
Prices were nevvr aoy lower.
phOMWirewareuabletoaniDinonaaAll win raeovsr. Tbe health; lie." The hint waa taken The princa
•atooritoas will InveoUgnte toe aiaat enlered tbe borw to be rubbed ont
SMtotoaahop that sold ii.
AtSuUSto. Marie. Bta rooslt*d la|
dprruaa Ibeatcr in the dtp ot: ^
«he busing to doath of two ohUdrm of
I’cxk map In a favorable oeaann ' .
, ,
bonnew of more thun AU.IO.OOO ?
uda girl, agad t ud s pear* »- .ad kwTio emplovmett |.^0 peoona
apnoUvelp. aad toe dletraotlm of Uwlr There ant 87 tb.-atenL tnclndiog the xa-'d
Ma Kowalaki' ioeked toe rietp bonar*. tn active openubm lo'the f
ahUdru In toe bonne whUe ahe went burungbi of Mimbaiun and tbe Btanx. { *
teehatwiteo neighbor. Boon afier- wbUe tbe bontugb of Bna>kl)-n _adda m ; ^
waHtoe lla waa diaooearad. When ««•*»»"«« Ever? thing which aBerta ,
tot front door WM tarofcu opu the
^ol to. ehlldru ws.
A„;:wi„redace hi. «p«ditnrm *
tanta ta . Cl. Th. itaUdIta .ta. ;
.tatai. lo
alBOSt tetailp deeti-q^ed.'
> ihinkauf i-oItiDg down Mo,
ThehoUsofa oow taill at Akron nopplp of di»a f« tbe cigar bdooga S
Itata »""d.J ."d
-ta. a..
'"tarita-kitli taWlJl#
200 aeta-sbeet and two pillow eases, per net.................... ..
dfoboTtonoeeodod In «oi^ on Ars
toe bone to Ibe artiat an that be cmid - ^
leoudbptfinr their c^to tofotoor pnint iU exact pi rtrait 'When tbe pic- ^
roawMd too otosa
tore waa finiabed and Inviutlona were |
nest oot fs a “(xivai
. ivate view,
ad of binwelf. wifa and fonr cblldrm, white ebarger waa aeen. a promii
in tbe battle, bat witbont a rids
noldiBg at BIplep. oppsiw Boaghtoe. flgore
. ..
man made vMeaUp Ul bp eating pork
O" b'-ring of tow temble obIbiod
tawbtu • Botablta tatataT. Tta 'J- W’™
“ ”•
■ .
' **>p rsaon. Tbe boost artiat mid tbe
2,000 yards of cotton covert sheeting per yflJd...........................lOc
l.G00^nrds all lines nnbleschcd crash.............................................
2.000 yards heavy bleached crash per yard ...................................
2,600 yards remnants of fine lawns in bare and checks.
worth np to 35c yard, (or thu sale per yard............. ..
j tta A
We place on aele tomortpw
gpecafll ertre anmborq to be nddrf to tba mot y
I tl%^lweV^
Hot A lot of flb^ worn flhDM. We cRiiMAToyon
from 10 to 60 per oemt op yonr shoe bUle the sext
80 deye—Xnep^ them—get onr prloee nod we will
oonvlttoe yon th&t no otbm ehoe hooee ollbn each
good! for the flhzne money.
After Merch 16 we will be et 948 Front BtreeL
Old Reliable
OHoeeeee*** »»aHtHoa«« ohoohuphos
requiriop clothes 44 to 50?
inch breast and waist (,
measure ale offered a rare ch.ince to buy
Iat a grand reouctionI
By Attendinyr
Come In This I'orning.
^ tewtornewoMu
Um. M. •. Ban Iioat litotof.
Iba Booh Baalaw dab waa ddtohOJiUyaBtormtoad yaakrdpy afiiraftn
Aa M0 Hoatata Hom. • torp aad ofoatof by Mr. aad Mra. B. C.
tbaatatoof tha dab Uw
OA. «M WMt MMrfaj. ▲U tka
jiiiili nur^ mala)afaA. Tka laa U by Mra. ■!>-«>- tar Mra. Aradd.
whaao day It wm. ed**BeML^ta
Old Oolnakl Daya," by Alka Mart
/M M9KT 9T0H£t
MTlWUppelia. • M«atla. AOtba
«ima.aa« Mha
imlkir wtth bmaa ^ilaa Tha
av Mai«i la Iba tomHk aaatary afiar
tou M ara tafia
Itaf wwa «B>7 n
tar M aifnawl taSaatf iaM ai
tailkaf at ataat CUiagaaia
Tta fsU la taw* ta Iba aMlI at
niiobtataaf la Iba aiaal fttetllra
■awr b7 wMhiaf Iba aaad.
Maaar Walab. aa aU aM feraatad
alarklaabaifaed Iba ^l^daparV
aaat of iba OUnfo poai
tifbl bf
4 with robWar Iba
lOwT Axv\vuaVT^co\)L\v\ SaVe
0^ TXl\)LS\.va ^lad^T^a3^aT aw^i "^VCv\e 5oo4s
TjCwd Jltv ^uVV'pTo^prwb.
nahaohaataoC Iba otob i
n. Ttara wara praatal Mr- aad
Mia. Bebwto. Mr. aad Mia. doba
Fowia. Mr. aad Mia. d. A. Maalafar.
aad Mra. Badt. Mr. aad Mia.
Mra Mab aad Mr. Bewatd
irkh. Mra Aradd. Mra H O Dark,
aadMta A. B. Parry. Atiaratoaftby
■itoka at tba oappar laWa, Mr. HoU
■adattaaMetofoaaaftba anat daachttelpoidMa with adaattoaa raa
bybklar ~
>06 110 Bdi bdtoot a«a tiort \ti ’bUtaVim KUeVvXqaii o^ore u eonvt^eie, natldi
^ TftnAVt'Vl.nionooaT at^ai ao» iVsvXaqdVa oar aa&enDoar
Aevartmeat. Sayerteaed,
baq\aq moaWva aqo,
iVo tart Taaaa^aeVarwa waTtaaVo ua \a qaaTaa\eo\.aq OTCTq qaTmoaUo be weVV maie aa4 ealto^aeiorq
I Va eoerq toaq.
bbA AoAtal^tAVBO
Ibat Walab baa
robbada,aao lattan datlac Iba paal
Matbewa A Baifar. to-tbat noatt-xtraordtoary atotara of faraaaadraodadUa. “By tba Bad aoa Waroa." will
«■ Oaa BlUlaa doltan for tba baatet of taaaaa at tba Oily Opara BoaaaTbaraaba widowa aad orphaMbf tta dfbUaf day a^ralaf. Eldtonloaa aa It nay ta.
Boan to tba TimaaraJl aelloatad to aofaraa plot la eoBaoraad. tba. tbtAaMTlaa aad taaaHalUad lbraach:tba wa don't know wbat to oorroeUyoall
atoladapariaaal, wUl probably ta to it—baa oorlaialy aanfht tba faney of a
Pratodaai Krofarb baada vtlble tra Croat n>l«flty of tba poopU wbo
patpoalaa tba ptayheaiaa tar plaaamra
tkaaacaatoaof tba nadtoy.o.to, la ta darirad Iron naro tana, nalody
|litr»Olyaa<ao Ooapaap. aoatototof aad opaatoltiaa of tta rarlaty ordar.
aboai 1.000 qaartaef tbaaa^ra, aaa Xobody kaowB wb4 k raapoaalbto tar
bla«r^ ap Moaday aftaraeoa aad tba tba aatborabip of “By ^ Bad Boa
aaaatry tor sUaa aroaad «aa abakao Waraa” or why tba pay tbiSf aheaU ta
paoofaraly Ibal wtodowa wara brekaa aaUad br tbk aad tlUa, aad aobedy
«MB, atoaa It anaduot laal
Mta n<
ara aatkftad with.
: ThoMa &■ Eilaaa la «alta aarloaaly
mat Abraa. Obto. ~Ba bad baaa at- ■raty partaraar to tba ptooa (aad ttara
laaitof tba taaanl a( a olator at IDtoa. aratblr^iro) appoan to haooootoaad aaM to Akroa taBday. tafctof !*• peoad hk or bar owa parLtaraata
--*—]• la bk bad. BlaallMat la pUyar eatdda of tba aarry abocaa. k
ty atatot la a Itot that taat Ik
aaala toryafltla. bat pbyalatoaa approbk or bar partiaator abfUty. “By tba
A ao«aaraia) liaaly baa Jaat baaa Sad 8« Want’' k brlntal of qntak
aaaaladad tatwaas yapae aad ObUi, tba wit. atobT anato. pratty flita, fay
^analBBa at «rbtah toatoda tba aatab- aarebaa. ddawalk apaaahaa. lo^aal
UabMt of a ataaaar Ubb botwaaa tba aoaca, aaantrk daaoa aad aratythtof
aka that k biat Ukad to tha
doaile opdta and torn eomdy line.
a oanpaljn to faror of jlaklair adraa- Oao week hvm tbk erealof omit
tafa of tba praaaat oosallealloaa to tbeaextoQabsr c» Uia Blyb Behool
foalb AfH«a lo acoura j RBoatoo porta Laetare aad Maato wtona. U k oe« of _
oa tba ladtaa oeaaa aad : tba Ifediurraaaaa. prodtlay by Qraai Brttato'a
dUBealUra to raaliae tba aebame apoo (TMt totorcak aad prodt to aU the patwbtob dapaada tha alttmta praapertty roat of tba eoaraa. Of tbk laetara tba
of Bui^. aad wbtob Ortal Britain bM Bolead of Wa•lmtoata^. Ooltoca. New
WllBlafUn, Pa., aayt: “Dr. Diniaiwaya troatratad.
A ballot tondad to Oaa. Botha'a atoreb laetora, “A Woodartal Btraapoekat whUa tba Brltlfh wara abaUiny tara," wag one of abtorbtof' Inlarast,
not ooly to tba aetoatkt, bat to the
Boon bafora Udyamltb.
I wait Tba aabjart
Oata. Bawail and Pnaro Bloc will
a crand.
taro Asartoan axblWtalnadar “Old faalttoM. aad tba laafaara tmootb
Otory" at tha ttorla BcpaalUon.
and poUahad. Tba brllltaat platform
Thrao bnodfta Ueidariaa to M w
' toa
Torb atooo araoat of work baeaaaa of tarly atonuer and their rxplnnntton
taafatlaraot tbaaapply of dlaaonda waa elaar and ooneka. Tba aotlaf*
tana Soatb Afrtoo.
Madtoal toapaaton OMladodaUpa. of a hlfh order aad they wei* amra
pik from tba pablto aehooto of Obtoafo than aatuead, tbalr only rafrat tatog
ImI waakon aoaoaat el motaorlaat whaa tba addraat waa ended."
ooaurtoaa dlraaaaa.
Tha next attraottoo at Btatoberfa
Darid Raakto of AtoUaaocoaaty.Mo. Oraad wUl ta Yoaar Broa.' mammoth
k«id to aoipley MN laaM to dotof bia Daela Tamk Oabto eompaay, wbtob
tspaopla. It wUl appear OB
John daaalBra of Ueioda, Mo. la a Iba l«tb of tbk months
-flaat. batofOtaat lOtoahaataU aad
wnd^tof «10 poaada i
__________ “PaWo BomanI" to
Laatyaar Mra Tboma Motoloekof StatoberTa laat night, bat Iba ptoaa
miao. Mo. aold 067 doM «r* from
Aa n waata diebar fl«k of Urbora haaa
play U waa a aoooeaa, axaepi to Uie
Yaan ar> tba brbtbar of Edward laat aet where aa mrnpUoa of ML
Tbk waa a
Wtocball of Warraa, Obla. dkappaarad
Lotaiy, Mr. Wtoaballwaa aotidod Ibat dkappetnttoaat aad fall vary Bat npoa
tha brotbar bad dlad aad aada bln aa aadkaM wktoh waa prepared for
Bat tba
balr^a tortoaato raaeh aad town
atadtoaawtog to tba third aeCwaa aa
proparty la tba atato of Waablartoo.
Tba lata WUUaa Jomtt el WoUa atakUe triompb. A taaw of tha bay of
•aoaaw- lad., left word that bbpall Na^ with Vaearloa to the dktaaaa
Wnra aboald mrrj hk body tbraa waaaUovary raalktie- The ataia to
tba aaaL howerar. did not appeal to
tlMa anmad Um old
Baalbarfal. Bk Wkbea iwara raapael ! axatatog H*y-foara. Batter work
axpaatad1. M'... Baaadlet baa n fina
Bavar aaf Ototmoata tar Oattnb ttat _____ jandaoma ability bat Oa altampta at hoavy work to tba ellmaxaa
OtBto'B Xarovr
aad to tba Baal aoaaa war* axblbltlooa
ary wui . ra<y deetroy tba of over axartioa. Mka Baanfota'e work
tha wbeU ayatam wbaa anteriag . to the early portioa af tba play waa
tbaagb tba maeoai aartaaaa. Baeta ar- vary angagtog and aba dtattopad very
tWar ahntild aararta oaadaxoept on
bat to tba laat aet
ftaaarlptiaaa from rapalabla pbyatatoaa. aa the damage they will do k
aaa fold to tba good yoa oaa poaalbU plaaatog. Tta aappota waa eraditabto
darita from theat. Ball'a Catarrh Oara Tba atmooptlaon aad Bra danem of
maBBtaelarad byP. J. Ckanay AOo . Mka Oraea Bnatar nmda an toataataa.
Tatodo. a. oonlatoa no mereary. and k aoaa kit with tbanadtonm aad aatabw toiareaUy. aetiito dtraeOy i
tbnalaatk applataa »—
martk of tbk taatara of tba atkadttoa.
A Oard.
Wa, tba andaralgBad, dd hereby
Ohio, by >. r 0bamiy A*o5
agree to rataad tbamoaay ee a 60-aaat
taHtoto traa.
Bald by Droetkk. patoa Tta parbot- bettla of eraaa'a WatraaMd Syrap of
TmUlttaikto eara year eeagb or
oeid. Wa -atoe gaaraataa a M-aant
HaUblWaanyPIlkara tbataaV
bettla to I
*....... lafaadad.
U IniH*
No romadvaqoak WamzB's Wsm
WMCS OW Tab BYBOP for tbk terrl-
Cambric Skirt. India Linen ruffle, 2 rows vaI lace
inserting with val lace 4 inches wide on edge of
niffle, also on dust/uffle 3 inches wide, for---- $2.89
Cambric Skirt, 2 rows val inserting. India iinon
ruffle, with 3 inch val late, dust ij^ffle...............$1.79
Very fine short Cambric Lawn. 3 ruffles, 2 rows
fine embroidery inserting, wide embroidery on
flounce, with dust ruffle......... ..........................$8.49
Cambric Skirt, lawn ruffle with 2 rows of English
Torchon inserting and lace edge, with dust
ruffle....... ................................. ...........................$1.80
IT tot tor Wtaw Mt torwni
Ladies’ Drawers
Finest Line of Gowns
D gjwaaa kltaa. eawbrk ra«r ^
sa M Osaeribc tow-Cuw* aad saa **r r*asa
"VOe are 6o\ai \o 'tdake a SveeVaWq
0^ ia^aai'e 6ooia
A»d can show a line that will aatonish yon for quality and workmanihip—Long
Dresses from SOc to $2.39—Long Skirts from 60c to $1.26—Short
Dresses, 26, 60, 76c, $1.00, $1 26, $1 69.
cr. V7".
iT iT k h iTcr
f H
to give
wlU ta at 2. W. Blataita atora Wad
T.wltb a fallltoa Of
' Alltatitol---------MO todki wMiag B aad 0 wUlta U
aBttaMavTarkBMibbkSta oi tba ■hoM at Ota aa tta Aad»r bt lha Maw
on Top
The “CarharttOvaraUB” new
tekB Bboond place —Who ever
beard of a railroad man wearing
any other make P Theeeweearry
in sisea from 89 to bO waist meas
ure—One# worn always celled for.
“Carhartt" Duck Coats
and “Carhartt" Pants
Kay also be found In onr stockbeing strictly
“Union .Made”
—Ho flaws can be found in them—
Aiwaya worth much more than
the dllbrenoe in ooet over Infarior
Bew and handsome patterns
in-more on the way—We guar,
antee you against loss when yon
buy theee-We promptly pay you
amA for any defect in these goods
Bead the wanan't:
“BBrksbirB Pants WarrafiteU
Rot To Rip
And we will pay yon 18o fbr each
snspmder button that comes off—
60o if the waistband rips, or a new
pair if they rip elsewhere within
B months after date of aale.*>
Ho other pant ever had such
t aale in this region, and no other
ed to be so popnlar-Always caU for them—There
are no others at the price that are
just as good.
Here are some of the names
that are constantly in the public
mind. Pick up your leading maga-zines or city papers and see if you
don’t see these names appear pret
ty frequently. When a clothier
has a good thing he is not ashamr
ed of it. We shall have full lines
from above houses for the coming
spring—Some goods are en route
Any one of above houses sup
ply a line a merchant may well
feel proud of.
. When we show you all three
we are giving you benefits that few
large city stores amid offer.
im M(«NmG RECORD, WBDSE8DAY, tTOgbi OT 7, ^9K
TM« aw Of »T*m.
that iC d»iiam in
tar MAIV U cte etaiAs. lartawd bj
• aMT Md CMM«U7 CIM idlUl
Mrw. Tta* taru. ta aur «tafc
mocuLAtma U)0U«ts.~
the profe5sqr-» baby.
I reweMta a Wta
petotaa Arvw^ ml
“Wbas Iwaa a aodkslatatals
tba, Cnirentty of nmnqrlvania." aoid
—taaluHO ata Nda
*k**Nd» w ta ftum It bu tta iiM>/amnetln la
NWIw a.iwilt
idataa aad Msroeco aM la tatb aad
tat AMca. Mj» Cba Ota«a Breord.
tat Ibd OaltMi StatM bad aot by aay
waaa lacajad tta iara«M. Foot jraata
a«e tba leraata «r Capa Ootofyr wart
ta ud wf« ta mfi Md «ta
atooat dtaroyed by an rp>d«ok. U
■Mtimbi M il r-iTill mirr*
waa provid that tba dteaaae waa tba
laanh «f faadlog
a ^lm(na■ druartb
r mom kaovD aa
ranni" and that
Nbi ta m hr ta rtgkl i
a law laatcu affanad «Htb tba maladr
Ow Heed *0 tad. ta tat Ml dta
m railUona l£i>
parlBBOu 00 a larga aeala bara abowa
muMf tmgmi ta atad.
tbat toataa atranna of Um inaaeta
1tata»ta»tataSta>iM—ta ptaab la a taw day* atiar a numtHr
af ladltldoala In aa4A prnup ara
aMtataiiMta dia
dta ta taUMCta dMa <0II
Ita m Mata darrad Dp a »lta ml
dm tUaa 1 ran away Oea
born 1 IwTDod a «iek or two tbat waa
wortb tba wUla. ” aald a wall kaowa
boaiotamaa -1 aurtadoatoa amral
aaaatborlaad to«n ol adrtaora baCort
1 reacbed yean o< diacrrtloa. bat tba
dm U moat rirldJy iapnaMd ap« my
tDODary Tbta of oa klda eancbt a
fn-iatat train aad fot mo «0 or 70
tpilft away fitm bona bofora tbadnt
iBiKbttaU ThfWWa didn’t know wb«
I to apead tba nlcbt Sararal attanpUAn
‘ M 4a anpty box can oa
Mt aaaf1> to Uw door, wbllr ibe width ;
^da track of a Uttla rUIaca oaly
af tba Ooatta u not tnocb cnaiar than ,Malted In oar bataf eboaad away aad
tba doorway
| tbraataaad irlth arraot. n wa wcot to
Tb# acconpaaylBC IHoarratioai abow!
©olalrtm of tba plaoa and boUt a
La pku for ranodailni tbm citatt
os tba bank of a Uttla croak. Haro
i ataic Bora piMiainf abd nita eonran > ^ B.da oonetraa a> comfortabU aa
ft toot ttaao Tbr dour la'reaiorad and in , p^bla and oaa « two of ot had actawHtlnf _.™
drak :HJJJ
,n,Qflpwi OB • lur
for ■HU.I
abort mipa
aapa wmh
wbn ■a
«—• •— - ..-Bpwn a.»
c, aarriea H introdurad. TV Ibi. paoalad . fwtaUr hobo, a (ood apadaMS of tU
OS tba vutatda. it anpiMirtid by aida nal article, bappaead atonsabd waatad
f ebalna wl>ra M down Wlihln tbit In- ^ know If wa had anytblay to oat Of
? elaanra
rlnanra ara
>r» two aniall
aniBlI dnwtra
drawvra and im. oonna
-------- __
wo hadn't
f. moraaa pIpaontMlao
Abore ara a
" ‘Wall, ha aaid. Hf yoa faUanTl
p eospla of bookahalraa. wfalcb m:iy batch a diicken I’ll abow yoa a triek
hATw a prrtty allk draw runaln In tbat'U
be aaofn] to yoa
CNstofIbam. Baiow are dipwara and ) ••ltdidn t taka 01 loa| lo catch tba
S ekta that will b.- foao.! ; rary cm. chickon and Inin* It back. Tba Vatican
nruibrr i>f tbi nomadic fnlernlty
In tba raaa of tba nt bar | lUfyaatad wmiiK il» hack. Jerkad ofl iu bao&
the Hwar part of, tba cioart , cli-Niiad
ci..«„ad it
It and
mid going down to tha creak
a la madr a rwpuala for larga wadded It ^ fmtban. fact nnd alL in
ntad ptiotograpbs or Mbar nnfram- a big ball of yellow clay. Thii ha rolled
ad pimin-a. Oioi mada laadlly accaa- into tba fire and acrapad tha busing
alMa. Aixva air drawara (br amallar ^bera ap arrmnd it Tha day
pbotogiwMbi of paintinga that an now hardened, and wa coaid aaa It ai
ao oomniouiyr to
t ba fooDd lb mltnrad, the wood coate gradoaU
' than an abaleai for, farlgbt cherry rad Whan it did ao. tba
I. cvvMwd by a drww conalD and onok roDad it oat again, let it cool •
Uttla and tban broke it open with a
ftona. Tba (aatben iwd dock to tba
bakwl clay and a claan. inviting dttekan waa ready to ba aarvad. AU tba
Btoianra tbat in ordinary baking la lad
bad been kept U by the brickUka In*
daaare. and tba monel tbat faU tomy
lot wu tha jniclad and ewaatad I ban
avn aataa "—Cincinnati Enq«lnr
tn dm Sotitatle Bfo «f
right nor to tba left, bot amiably
beamed throagtaont tba ropoat aaamiiiKly nose tba wotm for hia aaforead
fauUtlon. After tba basgnat aosM «m
tBDorantiy aakod him
• How did yoa aa>>y
_____ ___________________________
"nrd rata." ba rapUad hriakly
I «a open abelf at tba top w^ne hand- annogh. *‘t eat next to a con^ of fal[ oome yngm. vana or WU ol- flna old b»w. who weren’t theta
cbina can be dlaplayed to adyantaga.
Tlia fongoing Itemi on ABerad by *»• doaBwea HwabaaO to WaatStoao.
The Ladtea- WorKL not aa dlnctlona to ' Hdcn WattarauB Moody bWlavaa that
ba afbitrarUy foUowrd. hut Oa auggaw
tbe fattiliand who can ba monagad ta
tta tbat can b» otilliad In irantfornnot worth managing "and tbare la no
tag one uf tUeai- nnatinictln- old
the adda in Tba UdttiKi Inio wmetliing pleaalng and
di^JonnaL ■‘for both buband
and wifa to adopt la odjnatiag tb«tamate cvaam Oaap.
aelvfw to tba new relation tban that of
Tomato cream ie a favuntf noop for trying to do each by tba other what
Wbleb the BoMon r.ioklng b^kioot klog- men ara accoitamed to call “the aqnara
oMaeglvee itJii n-.-i|.e'tk-aldjoue<iuaft{
thing ' Many a woman nndmUndi
of milk with biir an onion, hve or aU | •managing’ a faaaband batter than aba
I. a Wi of bay leaf, a iprig of | doe. doing tbe aqaare thing by Urn.
pomley and iwo-thirdi■ ■a « op of etale !and many a---------- •*—-“■*------^-------
of tba SympalbaUo Morvoos
SyitoiD to tba Kerva Oeatan of tba
Tbe raltoi* Cram tba locnat foagna Bnta.' imd baU oa bow bafcct tba
la aow made 00 a largr scale In hae> 1 tlaa tet for tba leeinn' aomy man ia
ttanlogkal iBBUtntta and packod la tba dam. which aamborw) aboat UO.
toboa wbl<« con ba usaaportad for waa In hla plnce wiitlag for tha foa In
tboomoda of mllaa It te appUad by begin and ^aadag aow aad tta toMBaartOf several IneecU and letting ward tbe tbreo long opmotiag to bias U
tbm ratta ibolr^gwarm or by drop-, tba oaotor of tha toosL
plag tba eootenu of the tnba opoal "Promptly at 10 o'okta; tba doer
Wts of bamM aarib wberv tba inaaett op»ad aad tba favorite profamor aaMr>
•rofeadlog. Another plan la to bottlo adlbaampbithaota. HeoarefaDycloaod
«p tbe loctiau with a llitle of tbta tha door beblod him. tban with a satf
favorite food covered with tba calou* cometoaB clearing of hie throat tnmad
and attar they have ufcra their OU ta toward tbe clam At tba «nt glonco Us
sat them ai Ubarty. Tbe new remedy Jaw feU. while every one of tbs SM
bat been triad wltb great aaccaaa la Benda in tba mate o^pva began to yoD
Booth Africa. Iba tubes ara to be at tbatopof hisinnga 8i>ead oat opoN
Mppnad gratnllotMly to planiera, mla- tba____
three kng
opantitM tsbla
Uonaria and merchanta and tbair din abont 160 baby’a
and fomiahlap
wlU ara many
ot every kind' ond^
CoroM-ra from mla.
^ ware rattlm by tba dooaa. Noab’a orka
, dpUa of all olsaa a toy cooking atova
b»Twiia« • CbiBiaer.
| a fot? carriaga aa embroidered flannal
An anglnaar lecantiy mode so ntar- petticoat, a nuilng bottle lying in a
ostlsg report to tbe BrttJab loaUtatkm gmdnatad glaaa a pair of Uttla bfoa kid
of Mining Baginaen on tba faUlng of Aoa and otbee ibingi loo nnmarooa t»
a tasga cbl'mnay. which waa mo high mention. Afta tba drat abock of artrongty that tba priaa and emhamasmeot. tba profamor
ig It by tba slow woe game Ha tbonkad oa in a apaaeb
and txpeoslva mrana or.breoklng tt peppered with Bve ayllabled wuda for
down from tba top waa appalliag to oar thongfatfnlnam in tfau providing
tba ownara Tba engineer who wot for tba fntora naada of hia cApring,
Intmatad wtth tba uak of devlalng a bat be uhsoved. after a corefol examlbottar way of taking It down daeldad nation of tbevarioaainstraments of latbat ba woold try u feO It oa one fanUlo delight apreed ont before him.
WMld feU a tree, with tbe axceptloB that wa had forgoltan one thing, a bntthat, of ceuiaa ao otmpla an axpe^ant tie of paragurtc Tban be yawned in a
' Ig It down waa ont of tba way stigga»t1va of midnight vigila and
Ba bad tbe proWam also of tnrtiad hla attention to ‘The Relation of
maUog It foU to tbe aomli. as It wonld the Syropatbatic Ker\-oM System to tba
wreck bnUdioga If it fall in another dl- Nerve Canters of the Brain. ’
I "Bat ba was not allowed to proceed
Tba chimney waa 220 feet high, with beyond the first aentaooe or two. Hla
a bom of 21 feet Tbe workmen were attention was dnwn to tbe blackboard,
set to work catting away the brM- where aoma student of artlatlc tandan*
work on tba aonth aida. Aa fast aa dee bad drawn an elaborately dacoratad
tha brteka were Uken 001 they were design in red. white and bine chalk,
replaced with wooden auppona. which ‘U Marriage a FaiInraT’ Tbapoor prohad spaces left in them. After aboot twr. seeing tbst there waa ao pta*
dO feet bad been cot out ibe apacao bllity of a aerions iectnra that morning,
ware filled wltb ur and paramo, wood eaterUlned os for abont ten minotea os
was plied up bigb around it. and tbe the text j.eled on tbe blackboard: then.
Bre was act Six minntea afterarard after inviting I aU to vialt tbe newtha chimney CHI euctly 00 the Una comer in tba
marked out for IL Tbe coat of tha nisrcbed off to tha music of 860 voIch
work was only a trifle compared with singing. ‘Go to Sleep. My UtUa Pickwhat It wonld have bean bad the old aninny* and ‘Daddy Wouldn’t Boy Ma
..................................of throsrlng tba mo- « Bowwow.' "—New York Son.
Crrlal down bit by Mt from tba topi
AnA In addition.] A SCENE'OF BUTCHERY.,
of bricks were aavad 1
tor fnnber aaa.
On tba 16th day of Jana. IBSA tha
•riOB whole oorpa of tha Janlurlaa tai tba
tl» capita) araenblad. overtaraed tbair
. ttona eamp kettles (tba aignal of revolt) and
an ta Aar gbclar. Prom tS38 to IBtS •dranced npon tbe serogUo. Wltb hb
AgomU and bis Mracbatal frIendB dta- own band tba anltan onfarlad tbe
covered In tba moraine of the lower »cred "aanjak aherif and called npon
lor gbclar an coormona block <H tbatma believ'en to rally roond thair
Kona, which afforded natural protac- direhah and caliph, and ta saalons
non. and they cractad tbera a otooa Mnwalman ritisaas msbad from aU
bnt which |bay callad tba Hotri dm qnsrtars and rallied nndar ta aocrad
Nanchaialola This ’’botal’’ moved tycibol The ranks of ta Jaoitarim
downward 240 feat In tba flva ytora were rakad with grape and anUdsbot
from 1842 to 1840. From 1840 to 1884 bj "Black EaU" (a nicknsma for Ite*ta downsrard movamant was 181 feat uq,. general of artillery) and hb gnnpar annum, and from 1884 to 18M It nan asthey preaeed ibrongb ta straato.
wu m feat par annum. Wa tbna poa-' eoinpcUlag them to faU back to ta
saoa as suct record of the movamest
where tbev defended themaelvea with extrxordiury
abying great nnmbers of tbair
enta Tbe artillery, npportod by tha
■aaarwBae at Great Heat.
marinea aad the boetaugi. pTwaad foeT». UoUl« P,»w -r- tMt 1. Ir«.
„a ™mpen«l U.«. to
budrtf. blut
.».! ««o-'u.artan.cta. -her, B..J o»—1 to-
.bib bblkr niom. tb. uiMtHU b«t B
tj. u.a tb, worliiii™ .iill.r t..
.itbobt i«ti™.l»lo«. tb.
u» ..U.
Ill, ^ ol tb. albt tb. tcmpntitnn ^
b.tt—1 dowb bj imp-bot,
u too d.,m» r. to bi«t rutuM.
J u,,
t,.«»h,torf bj
J^.t in
u. «.^b ; „,.»,i.„,„jii„„.,p.7inrfibtl»iT
bCH. ymi. IM
^ bttntlb, utJ blood n-lori bui«A>
tbU m doji;™ ol b«t 10 . pot., 07
u,, oitT
olr I. oot toll » lobcb .. . mlitor.
doKd. .od «lth rttoU—.1,0.
of M degrcaa of beat and 80 per cast
■ was aearchad for aneb
idoxlcaL ta sutemcot la comet niamacre and when fonnd they were
Wbetbar or not tbe eanaa Is dot to
ptnoo IwsBos may romoln a aaaatioa.
(at tart is ao denytag ta tat tat
tart b an anormoo; iKnoae of------
pat to a aavera straia by________ _ ..
at aebool, praetka of made aad anxiety
of cxamlnationa It U daring tbb try
ing ttma tat giris baenma pale, —*and a
. .
t dalieata iaminlae
TaTs tatnrativa for pslt, wgak girls,
add woman snflaring with ta ills
pe^iar to tbair aaa, tbare b no traaU
atast to be compared wiib Or. A W.
Cltae‘s Nerve and «<*l_Pi]»A_ta tat
bo la ta atraet M any bot d
_____ were destroyed on this
bla day. and many tboomnds ware aft
erward put to death )n ta various
cities of ta empire, and tfau not ooa
Oaeaaalea Far tXa FH.
tog cm open. dlspUyed on tba aaetton toclaimad
ta nntioBal crion of Franca.
■“Mr- Peck, don't torgat yon’ro a
Ugger man in Tt^kn than yon wm
in Itobdcn.' '-Utlcago JonrtiaL
Onataolt lakolaraoadlagooaoeoato
mt ta aieaasivi drain made opoa It
by trrigatto* antarprtaea Tbia loka Is
"Wbat rime dldtabotricaKhftior
Hot tod by tmdarground sprtnga but by
light *
ta Jordan tod otar riven, and wbon
‘Embodygot ^mfriyr^
ta wolora of tats straims ara lata
-"AU exeepttbrnigfat
oaptad tar Irrigatloo pnrpoaas ta wn- cooldn’t waht Um np in tima
Sr lopply of Ball Ufca la of enoras tonTravriar
dhntoisbad, ao tbat ta
«bkb Is coMtantly golag «o to not
Tba Das«u at la
For Fire Insuraflce
Fire Insuranci.
John R. Santo.
Gntnl Inwna.
WeraOaAt B<oak-
Enjoy tbe
Good Sleighing
............ J
1 have WTBnl fine new rig^
both slMtlh and two Matod
itasa |»rt^t*MSrsigaatnra b oe^r^ ontton.
box of tha genaiac.
Beat ontfiti in the eity. Try
Or. A W. Cbaae's Nerve aad Hood
nui rmtore snd Rvltallae ta waoted <ni&
blood sad nerve crib, bring back ta
Order by
color w the checks and ta roandsaoi to
ta form go eenU a box, st all dcalen,
or Or. •
■ - - .
N. Y.
'Phone Mo. d2.
Geo. Cams,
________ Urarynnd Fta EtaMaa
ifiverj Piano and Or^an in 0|ir atore
Must Be Sold
In the next 10 daj*.
do not want to ship any of tfaeae goodi
to Grand Rapids, therefore they will be cloMd ont at
your pt ice.
This is your opportunity. Every instrument
fully warranted.
Second hand goods taken as part pay. Easy
W. W. Kimball Co.
Front Street.
H. S. BTBONQ, BUaagor.
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews and Bulger
la ta latoat ravtolon of ta,>ig vaadevtUo epotatta.
‘By the Sad
Sea Waves”
Everything abyilutcly new bnt the title of the piece
Ran 103 Nighta at Herald Square theatre, W. Y.
3B-Stars of Comedy-35___
“S ‘■““'J “«»t«l. N«rtr *1.000 J*ti-
' tubetoidtbat.JndgadbyhUownbBatAMiaalal •riatlaa af rvnlt.
ifula of aagar l& luinuiea Add aw» ataadaida ba babHnally dmlt onTorioaa frnita are colored on tba aorosa-foartb a taaipooornl of koda pam , ^irly with tui own wifa'
toca or la tbair aubataore to aolt ta
tbroogb a sieve aad add to itbe bread
fancy of purchaaara In Franca. Foe
a taUasppoofi
axompk, strawberries that ara onripa
poaos with eof
"I don I aaa' oatd Mr Mnlbany,
given a fine rad color by maau of
“why yon woman have that Mm Wr
fncbslM preparation,
OaallOewae WUfe CbaoM.
yun era bright anoagb. bat Mw'a aa
tad downward. In sailed
"H’t this way.
Mn MollUcvpaa. bead op. corer with
.lied water and bpll gently berry -Mn Watkta
«tob with aaU. pepper am) grata
•wtm ar American cbeeae pour over i * .
«•» —EaroB aboat a ptot «>f white oapee. cover
thick layer of Iwiiata bread
A Oaadld Oaltar.
oraota and place in a hot oven nntll
"Wbat do.yoaiUnkt Ftpa atad
browned Sarvr u a canraalwitb aoltJack if baaxpaetadtoiat any m«H0
too wafaro.~TaMe Talk.
in bunryimnna'
"Wm Jock tabhadr
"lasbltadl Bo told pop ta* A ffbT
*T am not edwata to mute, bat I
JHOW When I like a pleea.’ oayx tuay boms wu OMta of on object toliiai
Oatroit Fraa Prom
MOHa. Then try to be boneat eud leora tan wagm
rbetber yoar tlkra ore foondCaldnadatodpaaria
«r good mi
rigbi and a wroag priorlpio »adteta rf gfta potOHcy by ta CM-
t. tb. —It
>. ...t tb.t It at1.» obt tb. btatllUtut. I. b.11.117 ..pbo«4 lb tb, odt-
Oodtans Or. WmWhM In aa
AnktoM -natteaaH .
MoraUa. Naamoka ta Otta Nw
tas Dtadm Pram WMek Sn
JBapy -OMs Satfor oaM tn
nocs bad aeaniog I
takbA KoHit af "NamttaMd oU unr tba oairanity boUd*
ita and aondry dimei and qouton
woraenUaomd I7 taro or thnacf tba
la tba BriUsb Medical Joamal M dUModaata who coaaUtntad a sort of
Or. WacMboU'a ortiela oa
flnaaet ootanttma Every Pridoy nmeaand Nervaa." to which ba
olalma that the alarming
tag tba profmau gava a lactan to
MadanU ta tba ampUttater. The oob-
■avemaat of OtoHaro.
At a hsnnnat given in Boditaar two
of tba expected gneda ware nnabla to
bapraaant Tba order of aaating hap
pened to ba aocb tbat a particolaily
Jovial and companiooabla gantlaman
«t with ooa of tba vacant chain os
aorta ddaof him Tba empty chain
And flrat conna of oyden wan left in
plai-e for aoma time to cam
Piano Pracfice
Causes Disease
ud Ooatnmo.
"DtdtaaadtoamllkaHr ImnuBMly. Tba bonu naiad adtan and loadly • • • rasnUodta
prindpala agnln aad agata.'*
—Maw York BarnUl
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
Inelndlng tb« groat Baropmn Banaation. MLLE U 8BYB, dlroet tonm
ta Folios Bergorv, Parto.
Sss MathBw & Bulger's Eutirely New Spscisity.
Prioea-GaUary. 25 aaci 33o; rawrtal aasto, 50. 75c, $LOO; boK
' HMeKDOo sues
Hauim mmt
MUDwaae cuppMss mehocx smuwoot
keiiock umimg
aUnralk IdunlMr 1b .U ilaM,
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
MMon W XmwM Otlr
^raartyaid. TbaoiberaUatf
“wc explored tbr aext floor nnd tba nan
aad femsd aadttog
k 7M HV MWiUtar
^ w>>nii
iMt. to tkt bdM Amd h7
Umpom thfwiwihaf «Aak»
MM od rMM^WOMB. Mir
• Md mat «< tMr qwn tim
taif qMMttiM c( «tiwM iiUMa
The Pace at
The Wiodov i
avicgiriuacan. .
HarAm tb«
luflr ridtet la a leodoU at
_ ntiMriUM <a ceia kn, "Did fM md." wM mf BoadoUtr. *1a
od Ikto enlow coadlttoa c< tW Okaao of Barataad'* aaoMt Bto
■UtM. ‘U dote.’ facaivad tba pfWtolaB
*01 ii «tita tow «bat katf Vnaoa
. bad aat brard of It." 1 rapUad.
■MMHma tsiba ttWamaaC gmt •OTbat
ara tba drramataacai anaadlw
ta a'B draw ptooa. a)'
' '
*M«b M7 natoBatiaU bold Ibat
Fiaacb foranuDaot wastad to
• IkaBaltaeUU faadtr.
*4ha alenr.er tbb atraafo « (Mt
. Itotaw taped aaybbtaladT^
ftwe vtaoto t« b«la wltb, ia a dlrw
dtotoortbaboMda. SI Hi
Baba him a cbaraUar daU Lafioo d'lloaam. bat ba b aet
aat to ba fooad-dbapfooadpMiad. Tba aaaal la VaaW wbe
Mack toaatoid. we flaodly antecd at
tbr top floor aad loraed te the right, apradng to And a door cDrrrmwdtofl «»
Ikat oo tbr other Boors, bot tbrae waa ao
floor. Petbaps we mleealentotgd. IW
mast be it there. We sraat ia tbe next
floor. There was a small window nboeo
aad rnoeb rabMab and ae rad of rata,
bat. strange to aay. ao akyligbt. Mack
parptoxod. we roamed aboot tbe anmda.
aatariag fool amriUsg rooms, wheacr
bau flew to ov faces, canilag as to tail
aammer fabrlea ara lemptiagiy fltoptoyed. To be sura, tbera gamy tatags
arSI Dot be raqatred before next May.
bet tbe moM Arming patteraa la ori^ndlea. dlBlttoa and even fanlard
are brougtat eat and promptly sold. It
early to decide oe onmaMr
Finally at ooe eoraer a i
U down
ttracted oor attaatlna. i
aero, bat tbr woman wbo bogtaside tbe cebweba. we a
tMM la tbe organdie d^artmeat,
thlnktog obc trOi And aomething pcafi•oot mtOad. atoppod
ttar Utor. la
aimbalt roof.
*ntote's tbe akyUffto.” toU Barac. aad TiM cbotea daxlgni ara aooo pichad br.
-Now. took bore,Other Bide and flx a . _
acroaa tbe ooartyatd ra wa
The qneeo of Ibe Belgtoae wee biMflbt
which the .
_ .
npra now Juw^^^w to ^ a ■p to her fettor'a castle at PARb- amid
aaraouadtogs and cBstoaas wblefa rsaatod
t eight her taoae
of tbe
yet Tbal waa ibe stadlo.
waceadad tbe great male•TTbo to afraid' Just for a torh lath
e enter gale and tbe door
aqasrse to that door aad are It we caa ga Aise to lock tbe
ban wai fllat
V to tbe alodto.
spra. Perhapa that maT^be'ahaL li vUed into two ports, ear rad betoc rata-
John F. On & Co.
Iranrse Cfty Unber Ci.
TrmrsaCtty, - - MteM|u
waaM ba fleetltob towwntog w maafl ap-
s »
-It’s opposlee tbe alnh Minmn of tbe
•at trying to poor tola tbe akjll^b
rUeb was an nprlgtat oae.
___ — _ .
raealpt. aad that waa
Suddenly be aUrted to kla fato with M
tbaaadotbbksowladfa. AatooloCaiw
cL a BMdal aatplo/ad at tba Boob B..
Itoa I waa vatr aaitoM to «aka tba aa modal to tba acolptora at tba eld abaw
•ate a Malar oaa. aad with thU aad dooad paJaet la tba CaDala di CJ
sas aad was streaming half way flown
the aldae of tbe bolldtog. Tbe Hcdt wtola vfaw ba eaaaad It to ba dmlatad
It tbr atory.
IhtmfbMt Fraaoa Ibal
It appeara. braa^t low was la fnlUigbt
_____J Iwartad ia awo( tba ailaar with him fmm tba prorloeat a paa
-Is atataa.
‘ .adaeai baton it toft tba ntat a baak rwmarkabia bMuir to pc«a for bb
•Ola erepdto tor 1.0M.O00«< tbaaBaama 8ha waa tba talk of Vaoka. and f<
to a dream 1 aroae. aad. grai
■ • toawi rttofbly. - aboBt dsoo.ooo
tog Busac's sbouldar. we stumbled down
bat In ?alo. With aal...........
tbe llttir aulrease into tbe arcade and
ramalBad traa to bar rootrart."
MB at7 tor eartala, bnt
l^viDf tba RJra dadi ficUaaoal to
■iIUmih weald aaaa to abew that it tba rtcbt. we driHad on paat Rt. Mait'a Ml oppoaite tbe I
aguara. wbarr tba moon wai Jn« faagla- «ber Bldk|Of tbe AH
A btoak wall:
*la tba BaaaMripl BMoin of tba aint to tilrar tba llnc’i winn'
“Stay." t oald.
oaU aad. passing tbe lan
XHwda FaMa. Haetdra'a mlatotar of “Wall, to nwama, to an aril boor Bara- tern
up aod
and down the dirty walk 1 cumtaazl fortnad a frbodablp for aa Bnr
war. It to
prefully. My
By patoa were rem namad Kaflnald Qoortia. who toed it rarefully.
warded. Scairaiy diacrraible was a line,
a. deij atomd bf tba gayman of
“Ifa M
one of tboee alidtog paneli and"
Ibat iatolttitkiii. la a epiU fi franc pir - Qiioma bad
which br bad fitted np into a llttir flpai- (gutog on dews to tbe floor) “here Is a
Ibal tba balraa were then weldad
tag aiudlo. tie mwod it blmself. aad. minute necret eprtog“ (seraptog away tbo
1 and IbrowB witb a red fat cfowninc bii lenolue band
Bor r bad • cane and pried it ofta to
ba baap of dmitor eoiaa. which tba and a aaariat usb amuixi tba waist of bb
It was dogged witb dnat and
MBptor toUad with Ui own haoda old ralratm kolt^arbocfcars. ha was iba
Thaw oolM Napdaoa'.took witb him in
liar or mnrb Intairsl abiial tba aanaia.
b'inaUy U went back with a rueb. aad
"Well, QQorae watrbed tbe progrera of
a bac wbae b want to BoolcRMand
we rmiud ouraelves in tbe old etudfe of
' ' at
dtoSrlbatad laTiabl7 an route, arab drop- ^ Jol.'.‘ aod MerUno walch.-d blm.
tbe Italian sculptor. Hw floor
fiacnaewaf ibenoatof hla carriage tbe brlYitirnl nu>d(4 watched both <
of brok
i>artirolar1y Qoorne.
—In thbwayu wailtupoaalbla tbem. but
length the aenlf
Ipior tried to faanlib
Ba heap track of tba Ipcky coin.
-- tbe^i
- .ground that be filled the
him on
**T1w aawa of tbia odd lottary apraod
witb toUeeo smoke. Quunie dmply Utile window broealb tbo'ohyligfat ibefo
te aad wide, aad tba B franc piece
' bis pipe and coutlnoed to waa Duoe.
We looked at rarfa other besrlldeced:
toapad iato itninadlato taror. From
we gaaed about the room, expecting evthat day to thU mntltotlao of tba oola
“One day tbe fair■ pays*
ery moment to behold tbe ghastly face,
baa ban eoaunoa la Fraaoa. Rwltaar- taint, and. being unable to r
figure and all.
mlly cooreyed
Ind. BdflBiB aad atoewhan. Bror lodgiiigs. Quurae gelianlly
Tben «« examined tbe walla. Aedtbliber la bis craft. This toPP<«ed me
Mt Iba Baak of Fkiaea !■ rwitiMtad to Ibllber
dentally etumUlug over a day box. I feU
■abagood noraa of ptacaa apllt iaa than once. PiDsIly the model eome no witb my shoulder against tbe waU under
more. Nor Qooroe.
mla aaarab for tba B.000.000 traae
'OUeenibliug bU rage aod
a cvrauig
enraing w
blm- tba akyUgbi. It gave forth a boUow
•clf for a fnol. Baraiaxil sat gHmIy bw nound. I immediately kicked it bi
>. dntefatag a and. to! a paicb of piaaiering frU
fore bit
bare '
iced Id tbe rw)
«ada of tba fortnaa. ladaad
-There to a talae waO berer' 1 abooted.
baeomea aoddaaiy rich ia
I fancied I beard a groan m-bu Uiroogb
ileee ■■ tbongb turned to st<
tbr room. and. lurntog anddeuly. I was
wbitoito. ‘Ba maat ban fonadNapo- rat there, tbiaking, thinking.
I fiaunt of gartoenu <
*Tbe moon at length sireemed tbrongk
hoa'aCaBow oola.'
Dot more marUe baard retreating footatepa.
greui window, and not
• amtot tbal tba emperor kept
Aaay we a|>rd d»wu tbe arcade.
I tbr face of ‘La dole’ than bU la tbe
tbe aialrway
'way to tbe landing. No one waa
cold liglit.
wttk Hapolaoa'e character. Still H to a
gib Barataul aroae and.llgbted to be found but oui fondoller. whose
aerttort tbaory tbal aoma at tba moaer bit lamp and wrote a letter to Rlgoera eyes seemed to be glued to tbe little win
patwbtob aaabtod Napotooa lU toraaob jrnneeera Vecebio. 10 llira degU Rcbto«ba imperial tbroaa waa fonad la tba eonl. VeneaU. and. deeceodlng to the edved stUl tbe while fere.
“To tbe cafe
ea at once," said I.
ladkT dim plaoa. which bla moUur. tanding. be aigntled a gondoHcr and bade
~ b bad jwbaadtod oat of him deliver il>e note and wait for an aaFortified witb a measagran aud cugaac,
■WM-. Tben'be leaned agalnat one of tbe
bn bt«lb«.la-Uw.
atii}. diaouira
tall peeti and watched tbe warelHn lap“U waa atoo eommoB talk Ibat On•d a plau for Sulriug ibU mystery. Tbe
agalnst Its base.
anl BoRlaarr Ud aaaairad tba famow
waa that in baU au hour we had
Ire long tbe rbytbmiral thud of tbe
ccia eadl tba diaeora^ tbal bto moaej oar, as well at a soft voire ebanttag a
•opUn came from tM Dncbaw d’Ona love rang, apprised blm of tbe return of wviT at tbe false wall hewing away witb
ax and pick. We bu»b bad a grrut breach
nitbat baUaf at raaL
is meraenger.
“•Burressfnir be muttered as ■ wblu
*1W aud likely axplanatloB aato
■mile gleamed on bis fare in tbr mooa- held a aight to ahake tbe atouiest heart.
Ibry disappeared
dlaappeared up tbe dark On tbr fioor, dad to leopard skin, with
light. They
and that gondolirr
gondolier was tbe toal
■bar of Itba irreat Jowlah atalrway.
wuman. Brtwreu tbe riba was a jewded
human being to look u)>un tbe twain.
boaac. aaenred it TbUacoonat
lUge rolncldrnee was about tbla polgnard. ^au’gtog about tbe wai
entaatbat Baroa da Kbthacblld. bariag time tbe fiodiug
idiua of Quorne’s gondola
Bnt where was the facet
tba traditioa aad fonad floating bottom upward
rd iost
Just off there
A high oakeo eablix-t rote agatoat tba
of ito tratb. dellbmataa flinipae of tbe
ted that tbe gon walk and piled ou top of It was a mass of
2p aat te worti to looata tba aota.
cartoons portfolios aud Greek dra
dola was prubiMy run into by oome fiib“Bo qsiatly boagbl ia aad co
so high ae to obscure tbe Uttle
arary B fraoe place hi could gat. aad tog amaek returning in tbr duak. and as wtuduw. ^e frame uf which could joat ba
bto agrata wan aotlfiad to preaerra and tbr tide waa ruouing out its oecnpant'a detrcte.1. Tuiilng Buaac upon my aboalprobably carried out lo-aea.”
Sirwnd to Paria ovary 6 traae piece
bade him tear away tbe maaa. He
paused. “1
whlcb n«:bod tbam in Bnrupe. Ada.
did su amid a duud of dust and aenrrytoff
apiders aud an avatondie of rotting
Atofn at Amwica. In bto offloa the
bleb never will be brougl
bam kept tbm triarty men hard at light. We we oppoelie tbe Chlostra ca cloths. There fell, dragging with it a
work biaacting tba oolba.
nal. Lm's run In. and 1 wilt point out to Greek mantle, among the folds of which
lullding where Barataral it toy unbroken, a beautiful death
‘Bona ny that ba bad Invanted a yoa tbr old bulli
it hacLalld down from lu place on t^ of
ptod far waldlag them together agata.
heap bebiud aud
ai lay pressed against
Bloog In tbe abadow of tba tkB tbe h*ep....................
B n to daty dalectloa q otbara maiataia
tbe tope of whkb tbr window pauea.
that ha meltod dowq tba diver and were, white in the moop's
There was a scnffilng and sboullng on
rays, we clova
nU it to tba gowaramcat cn Uoc. The
oily waters of thelcanal. sniffing nb tbe sulra. and we leaped out iato tbe
Just to lime to see our g
work waa onlnml. bni in the end the
lately tbe salt sea and garbage, aprllng with e ragged fellow,
bam'aaytam UmldtobaraeuD^nerad.
_ -vividly to broad bauds of lamp- struggling
“Ba fooad tba -wota for O.OOO.i
' idowe aad agala seemed from bto costume te be also e
Ugbt from doors and' windows
ily rraalng other gondolier. Our man said tbe fellow bad
Craaea. bavli«apanlBaarly l.OM.OOtl to lorn in gb
stopped his boat at the landing stain and
obtola it Tba ordw wpa dniy praoeatad
atucked blm with a stiletto, but be bad
•I tba Baak of Fraacb aad
to We baited pieseoUy. at a aignal Cram dragged tbr would br murderer out.ef bto
Busac on tbe other aide of thejiwnal be
fore what must bare been a bouae of gondola and up tbe oiaira. Tbe man
“Ptowibto aa tbu' iainHoa may oome
ci.uscouence In tbe daya of tbe re seemed to be insane. Tbrongb tbe opaw
I, tba graat mam of Fnacbmaa n- public. Tbe tall mooring poRs bad al- tog la tbe false wall he stored fixedly at
Ibr while Btosk. and a tratb gatbeved ea
foaa te endit it. aad go on, year atti
bto Ups.
year, putting open thrir B franc ptoem
“Ula carMma Fraaeeraar bs «ktoto took for Mapotoon'a aula. It to carpertd.
y poster
Burar. wbo bad brea gasing bard at
to tka worid a bback for CkOO.suddenly abonted:
d Iroa bingca.
MStotooekiag abooiit bidden
ia an or- bung as If It bad b
“Tto I
•tony tohw coin worth tom than Bahil- turev. andindeed Uoaae tofonnedd°^ito We aO drew back and
M^'-Pbarm-a Weekly .
bouae bad harbitred a Und of tfalevca. log in tbe eoraer. Ue < .
vhidi tbe pollfe bad broken up iately- bto pockA for aometbtog. wblcb da draw
II was said to be haunted and bad baea forth, clasped lightly.
dost <ben tbr police caputo and two
IbaOamaad Plai«'ltoal«r talk a vacant for aome lime.
tony toa^ that th^ to
The stone gryphons aader tbe baleaay Bteo appeared in the paneled doorway.
a ewitl movemeat. BaratoaB'i
il to tba way of patting any- ap there were pw mal. and Bnaac bad With
amde atndim of tbetn aod pumped tbe hand passed aerais bto niontb. Ue ston
as if from a blow. and. stomping with
"••flBltodniltbat ytm raid aiy aM- tutHlolicr at tbe rame time. That Id41- ed
bad said, moieover, tbal If yoa oae foot, be leaped atoewtoe towaid tbe
m darter wra a* Iwmaiy aa a mad vidoal
wert out late there waa a time of algbt. white fere within, bto blue Upa drawtog
wbea tbe mooa waa blfbest. that a taea bach over bb gnmt aa be feU amoag tbe
“Tor om ««lto mtotakn. ray dnr tppaored at that acraU window op to«*. sbanrred etoy sioae dead. - Near Toefc
m^m. What 1 nid waa Ibat yoor but praple who were Ml late cenld ara Herald.
Mtoadil child rmtoMmoofamto- aaytblng ra a rule.
•ewaabt Cp la hlwae.
tom af tom tnu and aoaa |wa I
MmAtoapnedoalbomdary Uaa.
••Obi UtbataUt Dtoawitbnn
A FrtRhtfbl Blnnflar
wm often aawa a berriUa Bar^
flwU. Oat or Bratoa. Baektoah Arab
wflateawUiMia the pain aad
ly bwlit Caraa Fever Rnraa. UtoM
BoUa, Ooraa. all akin Braptioaa. Bwt
PUa eara oa eartk. Oalr M eta. a box.
Oara raarantoed. Bold by Jaa. Q.
yobMca and 8. B. Walth drag ttcrw
T« dvffi ■ MM Hi OM Offiy.
he beto ooa^ remedy on earth.
m omnna onn* wamch
New oBoa are added from Gme to Oma,
j( cotuae. bat tbe flrai moetba of tbe.
»ew year ara tbe bnrveet Ume for pratty Dovcltlea to cotton fnbrlea for dainty
gowns aa weU ae tbe goUeh
period for reaplfig bargains.
A coitoD fabric which to not all eottoA to one of the Doveltleo at tbe ot^
gaedle counter. It la
and to a dainty, oofi mlginra of allk aod
ootifm. aonictblDg l•FlweeD an organdto
aod a bahstr in icxtare.
tbe prettiest delicate colora. qalte plain,
witb a balriinc stripe like a tiny ec«d
or In white grauDda witb a otHped bor
der BDd Aowcrrd designs scattered
over lu.
Tbr DOW dimities witb a aatln atripo
ara prettier than aartbiug of tbe kind
over abbwo before, and. aa they ara
of yatd width aod only 60 cento n
yard, they are well wlibln tbe laacb
of every ooe. Cheaper muallns lafentord peiteraa at 12>^ aod » ewta
a yard are really very attractive, too,
bnt tbe finer class of cotton draw
goods will be a temptaGoo tndeod tbla
aeasoD If tbe early display Is a forarenoer of what the next few waeka
vrUI reveal to oa. BaUaiea of all tlflda
aod eoodttlona will be worn, aod or^odlea. alwnya cbarmlng. are bare In
more varied deelgoa Uiso ever.
Dainty floe white tows walati with
bematlicbed tacks In varying widtba.
waists auiped op and down with toes
and embroidered inacnioot aod groopa
of rocks, waists of embroidered lawn
and all sons of plaid, striped and fig
ured ablfGngi to colore are to be aoan.
Tbe pne feainre wblcb atampaNtbem
u new'and far pretGer than tbe aid
abirt waist la tbe entire aboeoco of
any yokes In tbe back. Tbe only yoke
wblcb Is aTyllsb at all la tbe one wblcb
la trimmed and applied to tbe abooideea. forming a little epaulM over tba
EnamelingBefit to be hid ta
the dty » at
8w fian^ ia window.
firud Ki^ t Udtiii R|.
aSISflSflflSSBfl ; 81 iBSSat
W. “J2Sf££SSl““’
-«aea and raatorara. Ms. n.
} jsflfll
•«Mfl*«S3A8fl .98«
• a..i.aS«i.-sw2
* Tb*%m W o>. wito kss pwier ear So OraW
bapMs. HD* sJavpisr ssr ao4 c—rS OroM
to FsMsk^.^ HpWuiT.AgsoV
Harass-s Bsrs TrssU eisswHs of al
liesalmoto bytbs IstM sak oust sp-
»flwooD.o- p. OT.A. Oreod neatoe .
The Fen liniDette KiUntf
M“KKisaTSjrs~‘ ’ws'PinOsc pissse tssvc si Bseeca earn. MI4>*
G'i.V’-sssrJK.-tss? “TK?
tsodlBtsg rasa
•(Ms It
»4« J 1
ana smatbi. o. p. a.,
Ovoae nwias
etoevaa. Tbe backs ara tnckad aod
plaited to carrenpond with tbe front. .70. a.L. O.U.- 1.... M..7 ..Ul
aa many of tbem were made tool
c ..1-'-' -——
aoa. and they are altogetber a vast
Improvamwt oo the yoke back prototypea.
Tbe etoeb gnlpan seen on so many
of tbe lateat wlour gowns wUl be a
dtotiiici fwtnra of decondoa on tbe
new spring eoatamca. It wUI form
satire waists, yakaa. tbe tower and
flartog portlao of tbe aklna and
tabUara at the aide or to froau Tbto
ta Bbown In one af tbe lUnatxatlooa,
where It to need as a paaM
of tbe efclrt and forma tbe yoke of tba
alU bodka. parttoUy oovtred with a
triple botofo of dotfa. Tbe kDotted
wab at tbe side to of crepe fle Atna.
Tbwe faabloM aod
■teanrd from ibe New Tert flna'e flaampttow of tnbrteo and garmaen
UDRB ID mmiran hi.
•etokeeflaet 1
la iS“r..irss.-“
TUfd Y«u—No. 861
Is pmsst U scsIsM <
Tssiss.gsfc. S-Og
itwillw fl< tbs
It sts^sUfre
1. « «ss. Osly fasrpipiw Htssw tbsssV
fsk* »i»islii fytirmrng <orVc» isst.
Itess SIMM wttb lbs atSMSt
pVtlM >tsskks> >0St<S "<OTSW t
ssrtilwiS )bas tbs 'fsvtate‘'«« tbs
S^tarls msMla Is tasMsios of insij wiU sC«st sslj essst aHtstst
rirht to pratsst scstat tbs Osltsd
^141^ TOi VwMr.
y^ttssltotor. sstO odsIsUyls-
tsMBiO s< tbs tost s< tbs scrssnsst.
■SSBU.bS»SW. tbsttbs
asbessstslsstlss Is* tor
«wsU bsstbsd. ss4 tbsti
MSkMbM s( UssbosM stss4
--------------- -- _—^
«hi,^ m&«
wsfb wbisb
asy m
s rsst taflssMS SB tbs «*As of tbs
stoUissd wortA.'
asUsrofsoBfss. tbsttbsDsitsd^tss
will fiBBt tbs worl4 sbsolsislj sqssl
S0B4ltl0BS la tbs BSS of tbs ssbsL
bsvssIdMbs BolpsWle I
a sod Isdsstrfsl fsis tbst Os
wbols wsrU. sbd sot tbs Isast Onst
Brltsls, wUl Asrirs (roa tbs ssBsl. It
sAattstbsdsslrsbUlIp of rsaoris« s
SBBSS of trlsOoS tbst MTS thSB OBSS
tbrsstsssd s ^Bsrrti bstwssa Orsst
Brilsls sad tbs (Tsilsd S'totss, bst
"B/sbsodoslsr tbs
oftbsirastp ws asks sa
to AMisaa Istarats aad
a eoBsastioa which oor
■rs hitbsrte *oaslstsatlp
dssliosd to rraat wltboat aoas rqsl?•
aUat. It b dlOssIt to bsllsss that
Lord Sattobaip ba a soaplstslp dspartsd troa tbs prastids of his prodsa tosoBslads a parst^
TbsOhroaisls ii aawUnac to bslisss
that Orsat Brttala's traaip rl^ls bars
withes I
ls«es of tbs
LwtsflUs <
. “A 1^ propesttfoB
hot bssH ssbslttsd ;tol sts," bs ssl4.
*<ssA 1 «toh •> souUisrIlv” i - iMisriUs. lEr.. #sb. S«-;4b Bs4srbstwssB
las boss slfssd dsasslasablp
paeataa to asttls tbs traa«U whleh
has tasbsd tbs saa tor ss«assl wssks.
AasBfasass was bsld|lsst slcbtssd
lbs MlMrtoff scrssasat. to ssaasss.
.»riiaitbsttrtbsffsssr«l ssssaMr
ia Jitot ssstlosl sdopt.s rssolatloB
Sbasoatast rsporta aatlaf-Oabsl aad
Mssirhsai. tbs soatostsosa. Vaplor aad
♦•Bissal Bat aU partlss baits ia aa
*d tbs alsatloa law as wUllsrorlds far
aoiipsrtliaa slsottoa boards aadtasars
*asaad fair alssttoas.
••Third, that the oeadlUeas rs«ata
la stats qso aotU Moadap. tbs fsaaral
Tbs Morale Lsadsr mfi “Ibat
ws ha?s walrsd oar rlfbts *111 pals
BO oasbasspt ths laaU AJas-throatsd
rise who rscard tbs sarth as a smb
stroas BaaKsr U wbisb ttrsat Brltala
Is to plsp tbs dor-**
bullkr;^ boast
••PoBrth. that aeuiac .bs does to
-Uadsr or prsrsBt a ssasloB of ths pnoral assSaWp to tabs asttos ua tbs Waak Has Vasaad and JAdjratiflsattos of ths rssolilloa.
amttb ia N«i SaUawad.
-rifth. that tbs SUM eoatsst board
BbaU Bssst aad adjenrs dailp aaUl
Xadt of IHdolts Vtwa Holds
Tbssdap wltboat toblac aap aotloa oa
Boffland laBi
ths soBtssts ter aiiaor suts ofloss.
••Slatb, that tbs slats troops bs i«that a Orsat BatUs U Bsloff Vooffht
aersd tron tbs saaltal at Mss.'tboof h
—I«ord Hsberia Pisparls^ to Hors
wUb aU umiiirp prseaatlsas for poboa Oiasffs ffrss Stats.
•HsrsaU. that tbs| Bspdblkaa ofiLoadoa, Psb. s—Tbs aaUoo Is Is
BiaiaaadoMisrs of the slats paard
SMpsoss, kaowlac UttU or ootbloff of
bars tsbHiBoltp fron> ehartas of trsatoo sasst stats sf affdrs oa tbs Tocsla
BSB. assrpatlsB. soart ssardial or aap
rlear. It oas bs Alatod with sartalatp
other sash offsasaa”
that OsBsral Boiler has not mads pood
DatU Moadap, wbUs tbs UtaaUoB is
his boast to be ial^dpsaaltb la a week.
to stats qso. OorsrBor.Tapler wlU rw
Tbsasrsadapserarsap psstardapaad
—«!■ la pontmlm of tbs ssssaUrs
It h osrtaia that tbs
baOdlara. wblls tbs BspabUsaas will
weald aot wlt^ the nows if Ballsr
rssecaUs bin aad tbs Dsi^oersts wlU
had rslisTsd tbs bslaaffasr«d faress of
OsBsral Wblu.
toadsa, Kp- rsh. S-8s«sa EspsbUtoapltsefthssUaaes of tbsdspartsaa rsprassslaUrssaadSBo BapsMisaa
SBOSt, tbars te a ssrp ffsstral bsllst
^saator arrfrsd sarlp todap. Thors ars
that tbs ferosa of OsBaral Bailor are
BOW M fsprsssatatlsss |asd toe ssaassffarsd la a bloodp hauls. This be*
toss la Loadoa, aU Bspablisaas bst llsf is stroafftbaasd is tbs »«i>d. of
Ssaatar Bapss, who Is a Browa Dsai*
ooBie bp top eotoptsis aUanes of ths
«Bt. With ths ssospUoa of a sowi
war dspartmsBt. wbisb tbsp aap is
Oftba‘*Barh»rs^spaard.'’ tbs Isfstmlftcantof battle and probablp of
1 Bswspapsr tosa are tbs
snrsrs loss to tbs Brittob Olbsrs aver
oalp sMafsrs bars.
that this ^eaos - Is slmplp ths «lm
Tbs bosas of rsprsssatatfrss cos
before too storm aad toat tbs farass of
sd at BOOB la ths Lasrsl eoastp a
BnUor. Bobsrts and Preaeb are all
aatp. BsorsssstaUrs Blade sailed tbs
prspartBff for important Bersmsali.
Mssablacs to order. Aa|ipaBkarTriBi.
Osa tolar that Is lost slitot of bp
hU was Bot prsssat. iBsprsasataUra
almost all ol -tboas who ars eo Intsrsst' Bstbasram was aoaloaWd for spsaksr
od in too rslisf of Ladpsmitb. with tbs
pro tom aad swots. Jodfs raalksar
sxosptloB of toe mllltarp sxpsrm. Is
«f Barbosrsraie. was slsetsd dark pro
toe faetnbat U OsoSTal Bnllsr leaebse
tM. BotolttUosa -ol respset eoBOsraUdpsmito. bis work will bars oalp
iac tbs death of Oosbsl wore adopisd
boffu. If SMStlar with llttlo oppoat.
•BsaaltoOBslp asd tbs boass tbs SA
Uoa. bs sboold aseossd In antsr.
Isff Ladpsmitb bp too Dswdrop road,
isarlar tbs Boer armp eoaosatratso In
tbs r«fffsd ooBStTp botwasn thslnraatod tosra aad tbs Taffala rirar, the
poaltlOB of both wUl be more daqrrr^0«|T»sa«p Prosidae tiat Xsthadaa oas tou B3W. for Us sBSBp toast bs
drivaa swap, so as to allow aabrokan
Vatsrwapnall baOpaaMteaU
BblfS Tsws of Msffllsb rrsas.
WasUafftoB. Tsb. s-Hui tost of ths
STM toads psbUs todap. It prorldss
Shat the Daltsd'.Statas sbkU barsaU
rtfbto IsddsBt to swab doBstTHStioB
•ad tbs ssslsalrs riffbt df proddlac
farlbsiVBUtieaaad tosssffstosstof
tos smL Ib order to toalatals a
as totslillTti-^ Is tbs OaptoB-Balwsr
tnatp, tbs prsssat oas pqoTidss that
tbs saMl shall bs aHraps qpss to trad>
toff aad war ssassUof all satiesaaB
«Ms of SBtlrs sqaalltp. Tbs saaal
d.Bor shall aap
Blttod srttblB It.
■Hdlsff tbs saaal or tbs sratofi sdjaTbs OaHsd BialasfaapAoWBsar
bsalllbastpto toatet^aato toilUaip
psUsaalaafflbs sasal ss A
AtUntlon Is lilrsetsd la sobs qaartort toward Lord Boberto aad KItoh.
soar. wkUs Osaaral Bnllsr to 'bow
rather looked apon as havlnff a taroe
tobsassdto divart tos.altoattoB of
toe Bears from too iAtssIm of Cra;os
rrss 8UU. Mr. ChambarlalB in hto
apoaok la too hoBss of at
dap eoaftnasd tola whea hs said Lord
Bobons woald seoB U stroaff oaos^
to bsffia to axseato too orlffiaal fUm
of oampalo-a maceh throaffH' tha
Oraaffs rrss Btato todopsadsat of Oob*
stalaBB^aad Wklta.
SS? i!Sd^
arB*ya for Whlfo ud
lUnh Adopt Adrott Vartloo
Tbay an gottof fa«t at Utaas
of BBttoB,BmrB aad Hsfsb—Tbrss
Oaa VUl Brsbably bs «rM at
HaiAXaa oddoaft ■
IsMBtaw. rob. s Aaotbsr sbspar to
thsworkbscaabrUsfisad Janrvaa
stsrtsd todap sad a aessaiat sras
aads apoB tbs part trf tbs starasps
far tbs dstsaasM U tbs Whla aad
Marsh asa to qsssb tbs ladtotasaa
*Tbs somasst far tbs rajesdiaa asms
tofara aad a rw* of too tack el
Betas Presssata Tottls oblsetsd to
arralac tbs anttoaa todap.
BUottO. StsrsMoa of OsMt rsproswaOoloasl ^sttsB: Jobs /. Spaa of
DstnltaBd BoraaM. PopsofDlacaB
raprsoMt Ossar^ Marsh, aad Oatrtet
Attora^ OordOB of DstreU aad B. M.
ZlJiiBsrasB sf Poatlae appaar fa BspMr. Pops moesd to qoaah tbs WhitsMarsk-«Bltb ladletasor for tbs followlaff roaaeas:
That it dess sot sbarffs that aap
riaiaal offsass ssatsbabls sadsr aap
etatss of this slats was sMssittsd bp
Ooasral Whits at qaartarmastar . ffsoorali that It doss sot allaffo faeio sonadtstUff. dsserlblaf or toarfflap aap
bp Osaacal Whits as
Btos); aad it b aot
alltotsd or ebarffsd wbatsbp or bp what
Gsasral Wblls prosaisd moBSpa
to bs paU to tbs HsBdsrooB.Atoss
soapasp oat of tbs stats fsads, aad
that la Bsltbsr etaald sosats Is aap
satbssslssMBt sbarffsd craUsfod. bat
both fraadaadSB
bcsBlstosatars shanrad to bars bssn
otoslttod bp Wblls.
Jadffs Bpsad, who appsart la ths
MosefbeMBatSeaasd Marsh, ssr
^otosstsd MjHt^opsb tootles with tbs
Mlowisf rssolstiost for qaasblas:
That tbs ladtettoset doss ast oharpe
that aap srimlaal offsass, paalsbabls
Bodsr aap autots of this stats, ba*
.Utssd bp Osnsral Wblls as
aad that so fst
oap or other off snss, poalsbabls nodsr
aap ststoto of this stats, has bees
eomwittsd bp OsQsral White at qatr
aad that eo fsloop
or other offense is ailsffsd to have been
praeorsd, aided. eoBBtelled, hired or
rmmanded bp Colonel Sntton.
Mr. BlsTeosoa on bebalt of Oolobol
Button morsd that Prosseutor Tattle
bs ordsrod to spsoifp what will bs re
lied opoa oodar tbs ladletmeat. He
wanted tobaow the Urns when, lbs
pises where sod the aanasr in whleb
Ooleosl Sattoa to allsfsd to bars aided.
■toanded trand as
Mr. Pops, os babalf of Osaoral
Manh,aBd Phil Oolffiore. oa behalf of
PrealdaBt Brosra, also morsd that the
proassator bs rsqaliBd to faraish bills
of partlealara. Vest Tassdap was ast
for arraassata on tbs motloaa.
At least tores oases wUl bs noUssd
far trial at tbs Mareb term. Marsh.
Battea aad PraU are said to bs triad
WUl Make a Cear of •eatbora and
Wsstsra Biatsa.
Washloirtoa. D. C. Pbb. d-Admlral
Dswsp*e apparaat parposo to take a
awlnff aroaad tbs soatbora aad west.
«« elrelot la ths oarlp aprtar is at
trastlBff mneh attontloB. aad manp
peopls. e^iallp ths psUtleans.
woBdarlaff at his saddsnlp aeqelrod
dsslrs to trarsl.
The adaslral raosBtlT aeosptsd os*
to visit oortaln t owns in
Oeerpia. Jbdap ths aBaoBBSssMat
omda that toe admiral has seerptsd
tbs isTlUtwa o* tha rdloweratt eiaa
of DeUoit to vtott toat eltp. Tha trip
will prabablp bo sxtoadsd tbroofh
Mlobitaa aad to MUwaakss. Bt. Paal
Tbs armlral has aBothsr Wlp arraar
ad far Obtoafo. St. •Lento. LoatorUls
aad ether polBO.
4ooovthol PHILXPPIMM.
ttlva Papas Has li
a 8J1 to HeffaUlb TUsm.
Waabiafft-m, Beh. A—Bsprosoatattvs
Papas of Haw T.-wfc. toairawn of too
OB sraps aad aspas, has latrodaood a nnhittoa to raffPlato toa
eoamalofthoPhiUpptaoa Utoiatoc
BlHk W6lhft Biwd b, Hurb Diotra *1.40
blo.t Lob. XiT-uriUlv. InaW
Womwa'a Bobbww
Fair qnaKtySBcto pair
Sh. Brow Buddlu b, Oon DuU. *1 *0
Womaa'a Babbara
A mpatotp.fiem asvm to savfT.
▼U Ormds by Maiuto Cfowford $1M
Kau*a Bttbbaaa
(or ahoea Me a pair
FablM in Slue by Oeotoe Ada $1B6
This book.lilts ••Paolsps"o8BBBlm a pssalar tsld ia aanapt Ulsw
atarsaad bsiagmads apof ahartstorlm. ffUsla bsUsBaa marp ssUd
laoa Babbava
(or aox f lAO a pair
A Dtsb fat B Thron* by HarebB»t $1.M
fa SB tbriMnr M Its UUs tadlsasm.
XiOff of A
WtU by Bnllin $1.40
Bopa’ Bikbbara
for POX. Ona tot at
OhUdraab Babbara
Sine 6| to 2,850 a pair
Bobux * Bwohw Oa
Ohildre&’a Box
to wear with mbban
86o and 85o a pair
we alao aril the beat
quality o( robbers at the
Lowaat Poasibla Prieas
Jut nnpuked . attended Un« of
Alfred Vi Friedrich
Miller’a Store
71TH the larger force of sales people
V V which we have now secured, you
are assured of prompt and careful attention
in the fulfilling of your needs.
Theliargians we are offering are such
arcana >t be matched by aoy other firm.
OD every dollar sale
except on
HAY and
The People Continue To
W. W. Miller's Cash Store 1
226 Front Sfreat
rfsadsa dtopaca.
Crowd Our Store Daily
showing very clearly that they appreciate
The Great^Values
we are offering,
Ian Maclaren
The famoua EauUali anthor. writing in the Korth Amerioan Beriew
on “The Energy of the Americim
Peopla,” aa^:
•‘No man writes with bis own
hand, if he can dictate to a atenographer; no man dictatea, Kbe can
telegraph; no man telegraphs, If be
can tolephcme.*'
If yon are a typical, energetie
np.to^to American, yon already
nae the Long Diatance Telephone.
If not, a word to the wiae is soffie.
Yon will find a fine Une of
stamped Lineni, aU tiled of Sofa
Pillows, Down Piliowa, Cnabion
Cmda, Battenbnrg material of all
kinds. A foil line Beldiog Bros.
Embroidery leaona prra (rea.
•87 Front 8CM
Bof too I
of. Loristoas.
iBf too I
fflorida.aad Alasl^ after thalr
Bsaattoa to too Ualtod Statsa. aad a
oopp of toa MU iBtrodasad U too
OHatokff Mr. gpaoam of Wf
It woo rofartad to too eoauBltMO oa la>
all the leteet petteru bi elriiM, cheeb,
plaids and only
School of Music
■^.-rsssjsasr*fMS. a B. S3Sln!KBMmMr.
Youth’s Clothing
Children’s Clothing
1 lot of Youths Overcoats worth
1 lot Youths* Suits worth
5.50 to 6.50 at.......................
I lot Children’s Suits value
1,00 and 1.25 at.................... /... ...
1 lot Children’s Suits value
1.15 to 2.25 at.................................... $1.19
Come in this morning if you can
Rellibte Dr; Grads, Carpi) aid Clotiiag Haase
Shonld be taken to have jonr
thou fit pniperlj. This can’t
be done nnleM the ahoeisnu^
Ladies fits like a gk)ve'>«looks
neat and dressy and has a hand
tnraed sole.
They sell for ... .
trp-to-dnte Petwrar.
I KOBVixa saoosD.
j; . '
•A Btoatfto B^wap Uda.
l a nti^ af toed
•AKHi«ewitj fVMi«
utmaoM** teW0U4 lOMUMlOd
Mrtdte aolM ctfM u pa^Mat te
> of UoUiotkal Ua
fem of Ua
• (tnotortbiooTmtat Uaow
w eot thM «Imi UoM waa ool/thrM
■Ika TkMiaoB7«tat7»to«(tha
k, U to 4oslvod. Md it to
•toeaoM loot oMiota oatewMatooa
«<tcaipa7«aaM, afa ■jotarteoalr ab
••at Ofeoafwwoiao^l"
l^wltbaaanaavbeaMU wltk atoboi wbMaaaa Mlbrntalp
I aa aatoaowa la«l«Uaa)
papa aa4 oeatrtbatM aeaUaf to
4toa aapport of hto aeaiaultp. ba baa
jalp blaaalt to btaata U ba «ala tba
aoftt HowUlboatfar^rabad
baafbt Jaat aa pool tmacaa of tboir
homawrabaat fw;a pood «aal laa
Map tbap «oaU Un malMd fair
, balpiar alaair a atorbbor
«id«aapapv. aad bapiftbair ■oaop
«It »oaM aoBO back
: jWalB aonatlM. tbap «oaU aot aa«ar
ttoabwaUlatloa of tartar baaa flaaead,
------- 4araMfr«4aaBt,
M«th<paboaUaar^ a*
iMaa ead a food ^Jgnmmx fa
A I'owar Oo. olaiaia^ tbat daftep tba
^flaa paan tbara.haa baaa BO pn>tt
la Ufbttaf tba ottp atraato at «ao pw
mmt par laap. aad for tbat -raaaoa baa
Mkad aa adaaaaa la prlaa to r» par
mmt. Tbara to do ,«aaattaa bat tbat
dlWoltpbaabadaarpehaapUpbu dot4df tba paat tra pa^. bat tbara are
phtaatiBai to paplap a«a,Maap. Aa
Ihwa toaootbv Wddar fo^UpbUac
Itoa atraato tba .Boardnan Blrar
>»toP»PP appaaratb hara *
m on nj. Tbara to a.«
latatthaMaMar eobpdafaaltaad lat
ika atraato nmaia la darkaaaa. IbU
^i^Taaotd prtoa U
iMi tba llphUac aoBipaap. tharaforr.
ana «t to wltbdnAr Ito bid aad
naka It iaaa, tbara aaaaia la ba ao altar■atlra bat darkaraa.
naab at tha ap'proptlaUoa doca aot al*
lew lar tba papataat of aap sera for
Hgkto tbli tteal paar tbaa to sow baiop
paid, tba oompaap tolrbt kba laaaaad
•aaeoUaea Ua Upbia at tba proaaat rata
n tba aad of tha Aaaal paar. prorldlac
•• adraaoad raU la acrard to for atom
•( poara from tba em of Map. la aap
nwta aoBprotoi^ Mrtaa daalrabla
etbortrtoa a drflnito i
naalelpal owoarahtp to la order.
A Jvar la a OhMapo aoart baa dacdd«i tbat Itr. Kabtoaat bad ao oaaa
•palaat tba letar Oaaaa for Ub«L Tba
aata prao ont of oartalo adlloriato in
tba laur Ojoaa ohartlep Eobltaat
orttbasbrH'asant aad other rtolatiooa
ddUia. Kow that tba jurp baa aeqeltod
m lotor O)
baba a froab atari aad oooUdm to
Ikrow ^ barpooB lalo Eohtoaat wlih
ito oU tine Tipof aad aaroratnaea.
■ow tbat a a weak to op, It to in
•rdar lor Qaear.1 Bailor to aotlfp
aroat Briulo that ba baa reached
Udpanltb and foaad Uaearal Wtalu
Sat Tbit Bop ClanbMd Book la Ba
BIp aad Srora Oa.
A bop drirlap a. farn taan bad a
oarp aarrow oaoapelron aartooB lajarp
aa tba tooth aide paatardap. Tba bop
waa drirlap a taoA bltobad to a doable
ilalpb whan oaa of bto talpaa dropped
aa tha wbifll Itraat. la reaehlap over
aCtaritthe lad laU apoatha boma
haato aad tba alalph paaaad aatlralp
•ear bln. rortanaialp ba tall batwaon
•ba raaaara. aad attor the alalph bad
panad aver bln in aoranblad to bto
tm aad raa aftor itoa loan. Ba baa•Aod blMiU late Ue alalpb
patbprad ap bto rtosa aad droea ea'amaalp
n tboapb aotblap Ibad happaaad.
Haato Olab Odaaaci Xoaipbt.
■V 9ba propran of the Haato Qab of Ibt
Will bo ptooB tfala oTcalap at' ?:M
aWoekattba BabOolof Haato tor
Waett of tba nanbara aad tl
a tba aanbw ’‘Aadaau frontbaB
Aactber L rpt CU^nt .
b ttroca & 'a>. 'are irwelriar i
Opi>i)|r P'-. aa aljaiMt t.ailp Yrat
pnrtaaltpattkto petot to aBtahllab a
eatoabto water power aed tba ^opartp
aato that *ara to t
bparabaoodto too ab'rra pntlaan
aabtol latHtoHp ai
with too paooiWo eotooet tba prapoaaH
Traeattodtp. Old Hto^toe A Paelaaato
« of the pear In a
Bp. Oo. to etow. A tpntj-toot toad
paaAlap. A total ef H pattttoaa
an to aoaared at tba near tbara.
wrra Atod dartap tba paar. Of tba
-___bra^t ap. 40 Aleoroto •
pmtoAaadtTara otBl paadlac.
aa aaaa baa a paUtloa baaa AaalaA
Wn d. fkotor TbUa of
Tbcrawlllba a naalalatooUap of
^ Toaap Haa-a BedaUtp o« Bb
Prod Dapo of farawood. baajaat.
atoabaieb la tha aaboBlball rriday
OToitap. Bpatoal baalaan wlU aona aateadalattorfronWlUland. Bhbbor.
bateratbanaatoap aad It to datorad at Patop. PbUlpfton Bopieaaappod
nmripttoa ef hto Ufa tbara. aed madar
tbat tbara ba a taU
data el Dae. ai writoa ae foUewa:
r. W. BItobap. who ba* ban aaela.
‘•1 thi»h that tba Urpeto part ef tto
teat Dtototot Bead Dtpup Onaa) ef
war to Otar. Tba alptaca areaUaaattba Modara Woodnn of Aaartoa, «raa
torod aew aad roanriap aboat tto
pmawtod-rabraarTUttetba potottoa
eoaatrptoanailbaeda. Tbap wlU aot
of Oiatrtot Oapatpatnd aad Bpht bat Bre n too AnarlTba adTBaae nla of ontofar*‘Bp
oaaa aad tbn ram
tba Sad Boa Wam" to to plm U tba
••It to pattlap earp hotlfca BOW. It
dtp Opera Boaaa Tbaradap baa opaaad
■ana ao thoapa tba aaa wao aot een a
ap la a rarp nttofaetorp naaaaraad a
nllo awapUrpo aadlaaaa to anaraA
••1 waa eeer to tto boopltal paeltrdap
Attbalaqaaatlatba «aaa ef Braak for a abort Una, aad whoa I retaraod.
Hapbae, raoeatlp klUadat Utorteahn tto bepa wort aewhora to to aan. I
la tba nlll ef tba Wplto Oeepnapa te.. aakad wtora toop i»ere. aad waa told
wdiot of aealdntat death wn tbat tbcp bad ban aa)tod to amt aboat
■bad. bate nacaiaiandattoa waa half aa boar befora aed bad tone
added tbat tba aanpaap took aarafallp aroat the brldpe to oatpoat No. t aad
tetbaanaUaorp.aadnako to aa wta -era oo tbeir wap to Ban Matoo.
aapoaalbla. Tbtowaa aaatad bp tba
•‘1 prabbed np paa. bait, barearaato,
faat that tbara baea baaa tbiaa rtolnt eaaton aad too roaada of
Aoatba In tba nUl io tba peat paar.
aad went n tba raa attar tbm. 1
Oabla Baaaattof Uto altp baa baaa eaarht tbm aboat two nilao oat aad
praatadapaaakneftoOO par noetb.
la qalek tint. 1
Hr. J. Otwk. lof Chtoapo. baa ban tboopbt that np boart woald }anp cot
bp Hr. Stalabarf for window .at np noaibn I ran acarlp everp atop
trinnn aed talaanan te Statoborir'a eraeet whea 1 eroaato ereaka-aad larpe
bolan 1 wUl not write poa aboat tto
dr/vpaoda. carpet aad elotblap atora
BabapanktodattoaMoadap nbnlap. Bpht that wa bad at Baa Hatao, aa I
bare It to print tron thto nonlapb
Hr. and Hta. Walter Or^tok left pea
Haalla papn whiob I will aand poa.
tatdap tor Loa Aapalaa, OaL Tbap
wUl to pna a nntb. aadwIU rotara Wa aeortad tba dead aad wonndad
to tto water werka, oatatda of Maailaop wap of Baa fraaotono. Ball Inka
Wa ratarnad last alpht after dark,
dtp and Dan^
P. A. daaoan aad & W. Pant wnt haBcn.>Wlaed naddp. Ha] On.
L\n^who waa blUad. waa a pmt
te OrawB paatordap. tren which place
aad bU dntb to a pmt ioaa
tbap droea te Hoaroe Ooaloc, rataro'
Woareorpa.tto Bipbto.
lap Uat eenlBp.
Moat of tto Bpbtlap waa la nad aa
to ear knaeo. 1 toea beta waablnp all
aad Hra J. A Heetapao attaadad
dap, aad now I an raadp for aaetbor,
taaaraleftbaUtaHra. BaddaaatOld
Olea np repardt to np frtoeda pad
Daeid Btobar of Battona Bap. i
Wriu na BO toon aa poa eaa. aad Mil
the eltp pocMrdap.
me all the arwa.
Hr. Pat
oltp.-broapbt In a Baa aln lop paalar«
Oo. K. 0. a Vol.. Manila, P !.
dap. 14 fact imp. that aealed l.ew
At New Ycrk tbirtp-Bee Momon o
Tba Br^al Balrhtora wUI plea a tea earn, aaanp of than wonan. arrteed
oeotaoppar tbtoaeaalapla Moatapaa Mondap on
Olanow. bn ronu to UUA Tbap
Oear aeeaa ton oftoa wara eat bp the are, fron 8*lpian aad Bwitterland.
partp of tba Ootoaarp elab at Oarp Thera ara epne poner pirU In the
Uke. for tba oaa ef tba elab darinp partp who ara prettp aad rrBaed loohthe tanner. The toe to 14 inebaa lap. Aa tba InnlpmU falfll all tba
ooadlUooaof tbelnmipratlon law tbap
tbtek aad of Baa qoalltp. .
wara allowed topiwed waat.
Tba Wonaab Bona and Poralpa
MtorinarpBoeiatpof tbaO
Br. W. J. BlMlat. OparaUea DtattiWp
J. o.
I. Btata atraat. tbto afnraon at TbtBatleul Stoptlolba
t o-eloek.
will ba at J. W. HUtar'e atora WadTha Wonaa't MtoHonatp Boeletp ef
eeaday, Tab. 7. with a fall line of
wbaala. Baa ad.
tba rirat M. B. ebarab wUI neat la tbo
pariotaoftooebarcb tbtoafiomnat
p-^MdidMUtot Otlsaal fittoto
t:*0. Mra. Towle boo the propran la
eharfb wbiek aaaarao a literarp traat.
A 10 oeat aaapar wUl ba tarntotod bp OmtOftvdi
tto Ladlaa' Aid aoelaip. lor tto bouBt
Throat oar Han departnoat dally.
Bala atlll ocoUaata. , Special
of tto nrpat faaA Tbop baopoto a
a All WlU ba nada
Mra. TrankJVaaaaa a
iajarp In ^Up dear la Oak Park Moo
dop aftaraooa. Tba nuar
Bldarablp danapad.
Ida, tba 11 BKntba old daophtor of
Hr. aad Hn-iPhUip rTbaU dlad Mon
dap. The faaaral wUl to bold today
at 10 o’alook.
B.J. Bowatt, a*lhraka«aa oe tto
Pm Marqaatte froto. waa aaeeralp
lajorod wbi|a naklap a awitob Moodap. Be faU ear waa eetp aaeeralT
bratoad. Dr. Keaalaad atuoded to bto
lajariaa. Ba wUl(to laldnf fwacearal
Bearp Patonoa of»:
wbohaa.baen tbmUi
eitto for aona tUee.ito betirr. aad Itto
tboopbt that tto Innadlata daapar ef
tba dtoaaaa to aeertaA
Please the Man
Trank Trladricb raealead a latter
paatardap tron Tto Opnntoaloaar Bob
OHtona. BtaUap that tto tax eonntoaiooara weald raaah bare today n of
ficial boalaaaa
Aboatnefttofriaadaef WUlaidJ.
BaMloeal^ traatadblnto fiauatttaa Royal Smoke.
Upbtfal aarprtoo loot oeoalap. la hobor
Oanaa wonplayad. aad dalkden aatotSAXSLE)
wiobaa, ice eraan aed aaka wara aareod
tottopmta Mato Baa‘pmntt wara
left aa nance lea ef tba ooeaalon.
d aad cleaned ap raadp for
Five Cent
Pig Tail
Made to
At^ tto Ikea BH*
at the Saw York Btora. B4abeaaat
«7oaad na. Bi Qxteto torMeato
: Tht rating atpeU-Sn
atatto Ito fa tba toattorof
nW tka paar
baoaaotopnaibpOtofk Bi
.Ml BU» ZTi. .»■•■
».«. maim, »m» »1«
w.li b. at
a< JJ -W Bla-rrVatcre
. .
ar-dtp. Feb. 7. t-libaloll Ubr of
abeaU. BeOad.
H-Oborliaoi Bl^baat «n la tka
Atoa Oinom o« Ttoek Uka. wn at
A Olbto el HaplalA van to Bw Hip
J. D. Tewar of Ito AfrteHtml oelm A OanpbHl of
Mo workota Im tto
Vonmnf twatan 4at open today,
an at Park Plaoa
Oaorp* BabbpMrof LakaAaa. eam
ta tto oitp paatardap w wtinaa ~TaWo
lonaal- loot BipbA
A. T. Baeilto of Bnpin. la at tto
J. W. aiBaiBlMln
aaUod to AaUaad, Oblo.-p«tardap. bp
tbaoaddndoatbof thoIrfattor.O. B.
Bof Obo
oo«atp, fnnnly of lUa ottp* la la tto
olty eloltlnp frindi
Aitkar Oarrtor, temarly of tkto titf.
»ow of Owoaao. baa ban la tto oUy a
law dapa ea bnlaan
Taman' XnUteta TodayTto aaaaioaa ef tto atata Tamen’
InimuwUlopnatOfaBpabaU tbto
nermlBp at iO o'Hoak. wltk Proridnt
Bebart damp la tba chair. A Baa
propran la prepared, aad a profit
in to ataaraA Tto aanlona
ooBtlaae today aad toatorrow.
Never Changes His Mount.
W. W. KNAGGS the traTcUer repreaeotatiTe
of the NATIONAL aBICYCLB CO of Baj Citr.
Mich., will be at my store Wednesday, Feb. 7th
with « full line of Bfinples. Any one wanting <mt
of the best bicycles made can have a chance to pick
^ ont jnat the Bpedheations they like. It is one of the
best known racing wheela made.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao S'xoxx't Btaroot.
1 SB Won
Oat of SB 4
I is S:x I
II paa wlab a jdly pood tina
lead oar pleaaant Una daaelac P
at Mariaaph'a academy toalpbt^
rMpeetfallp. Prof. B. B. Kleor.
At Bip Eapld* inaa TrlbUp. leaal
naaapar of tto Mioblpaa THapbon
‘ iMllp akot U tto Japa.
_____elM not nurad tto beak part
of hto rtpbt lap abora tto kaaa aad
. ball a drai
Tto waond to aenooa. bat aot i
aarilp danparoai.
Float Stmt
W« hare a lew pbetM of Ua li
Bea Ukaa Inwi Uraa diflmai potUtm
TIMM wa«f«aaUUeM ternuaaeh
mlor » saararr. Wa baaa hat U
tofk U jm wtmt Uam bay Un
Oema la aaC laok al Uea at
Wall's Drig Store.
Btoad DaotSOS.
Nolle praa-cd
npft “Mp Imiber «m aarp'^kn wltb
{aamaattlad.............................. ..........• nalarial fever aad Jaatotn I parI Dtoebsrped npn exsnlaatloo... 1 aaadMhlntotiTBIaetria BIttara, aad
he waeaooa naeb batter. balaoaMaaod
tbeir ioo anUI ba waa wboUp oarad.
Worklap Hlpkt oto Dap
I an care Blaetrte Blttan aarad hla
Tto baelwt Md nlphUaat llUto He.' Tbto racoedp
tblnp tbat rrer wpa node to Dr. Klap** kUla_____
New Life POto. Tbaaa pllto toaapo blood, Hda <
I weakaaaa Uto itnnrtb.Uatlaaaaao UU Udamato
- aarrpp, brala (nr Into nnUl power
: Tl^'ra wooderfal la baUdlap ap tto
fact baalth. Oalp Me at Paa. O.
haalV /Y_._
i/cr W._
aea. aad A B. Walfa drop atoeaa.
‘Jaaa.Jobnaonasd&B WalV
Whether you buy or not^We can't t^ll you everythin g
all at once—Tou'd tire of It—We mention, a few here—
Better see the things—Bright, novel, clever goods con
stantly reoeived, all of intrinsic value.
Wall Paper
Are the labor aavera. yon
can boy the "Queen”ior $2100 and C22.00 The White for
$32.00 and $3.5.00
Is coining fast Be pre
pared for it. No -trouble to
show goods. Bran’ new
pers from 7c double roll np.
Popular Booh
Cap for
a Quarter
Most complete stock to
select from. Cross-ent sews,
$2.35ito $4.50; single bit axes
from 70c up: double bit from
- Agood warm on^looks
well, wears well—Got other
grades, sell .at 50. 75c, $1.0a
and $1.25.
The BUckWoir.'Breed
by Harria Dickaon—a atory
of France in tbe old World
and tbe New in tbe reign of
Lonia XIV sells for $1.50.
np so little room. Can bny a
$4.’>.00 Birch Bed for $2000:
Quarter eawed oak for $*i3.00
tbat sold for $35.00.
What About
Ton’ll want some later..
Why aot see about it now?
Ooteome ’%hort ends,” tegu
lar price 06c and 75c. They
are yours for 45 and 50c,
Is jnst what yoa waat to
screea—only oasts lOr s yard
use Tneser
'f V
Want a
Are made from BUkaline.
Many ladies, naing nothing
else. Takea two widths, sells
for 15c a yard. Sestbensw
One of die best oa the
market is ifae ‘‘Rem-Sho."
We are tbe agents for this
machine. Are always glad to
•bow it. St<9 and see it.
SoUd Comfort”
That’s what every custo
mer says of the “Hn-man-ic'
shoe. All sises sold at tbe tmifoim price of $4.00.
Are seedtnl and aan ba
. bad nop at ooat Jost a few
left. Don't wait for tbe next
cold snap. Boy now.
For snythug that's im*
perfect, or defectiTS, or your
money back it yon wish.
That’s our way of ^ng bosi-
AM A o
Libby’s Finid Bsef or
Amoar’s Extract of Bssf—
iBest food foi ths
or for those who want aoms
Btrmgtbening food. Sells at
50c the package.
A Good
A good ms^ ia made aO
the better by Bector's cele
brated Chili Faoee at 35c. crt
’ Donkley’a Oelety Flavor
Mostard at 10c.
Storage All'WiMter.
Mp week aan not to beat aad prtcea'
tbelin^ WtUcaU for pnr WbeH.
---------■* IM.
N. f. BIM'.rropr.-
an m»i
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
ntipiii m i«t iVM«r«n«t ill vent V
H M« M
ta Kratarkr.
■of aUfehsax
«PMatHilMiM» »*ril bMMM tkW*
WM «0O m«flh iM U Ih* IMIU 10
•1(0* of boou %rtertac <m« orar <roa
«ho Mlalud, aad Ml
to oUew
iMUaf n onr *Uk mw.
■wml hovpwiB tko Mirbbor-
Or«r tiM ■•V ttOipttam
paap bsl tto floor
xlifh tBNtaoeo c
■pfap. “oio tm partienlar ofapot tho .
pwipb torp ahoadp tor* oa their IbU ^ad(H ■•»•>«• al dUahiau Appofab
oro abo^ penlnp toes u la
ad tod ato/adbal CfrauUtoAa^
too bccinniac Tbrp are rkh. of oonioa
tottb^aro Douoro oiftloH.wuho|
la a tDoa ^ wiU die of diwM within ! Wnnhlnftoa, Pob. a—Indon WUlbs
a.T«..rSL.„.a, otiS.
OfMa ■••M to** Ion ntdod
haadhag tto q ostlM la eooh a wap > ■
to toava dosbt u s whloh oldo woald
flqpUpeoBOiff vbton. Ttoqaoctlaa
‘ Bosolved That itoBasr b Puooaawr Uu W>niar.’> ThoaS sttlea,
WMhudlanhp AtboKBunatordato
ttodlaDoaghep ud toe aegaUvo bp
CBpde Thoaae aod Bertha Brown. Th»
rsalt of the detaala wm laftstto
toa deeluoa Into’
Our Linen and
Wiiila Gnnds Sale
ea> tar. hta tatarf bi 1,1. ta'taiita Paoasl rbJt» in duxtenme ponmls or Vf topolated todap Op PrsUut Ma>
ttaral in nnhsltop coutrls
; Klalap m pratldut of tto mw PbOtpTba prograa wao tiooad bp toe eritbow
• funplMUaeo
that ptoa o.Bsbokw. Lats ta toa dap 1^0 apart whbh woe glean bp ttla
up IM
e wbib i WM hviac la dadpa Burp r StooroM af I
nr «tO.1W0 Bca !■{ - Ko« Enabnd Xnw of onr
M appointed bj too pnbdut
1. totn buUnc port/
TWO WiU be
U biliy foUM to to hut for Mr.
goU SoldoatCtga
^^^u^’o^^dip^e'^iroS' -»-ntbfths bout. WeohUirtu Moaa, Alaoka, neat oobbs la too
Wo4ito Kitelowihi. • It UMtto eU
S&wnnd eo^Mloned the fact
^ *»
^ opiahtoofeo?. Bndp. af too UCTitoep.
toV.hMMmdnp aoniarM bb pw topt bea
pnaldut. . TUo -rmli^ to «wHwi oi aalos oongros takoa oupo to slablbb
•Bt^ rtoiuoo, la Dtlrap. m too romlt Kaatackp
[top WhlM Boas with Jslpo Dap. a oItU govaraoMnt u a flrs fonada<
«« grille tatoobutot of hot wUor
•‘•WbehT- laqelrad
tloa aad otaks torn daflnlng too proa^tn,
«Wto hb neltor htopr^arto to ooaM abrtip
‘' of elalsa An oxtraodl*
•d with too praalcut util tto a
•• •Ne« wsk.'
toMwBOin. SolnqnMi. -.
■s aod Jolaod him again nfts too aarp raah of geld introwto toeOapo
Dr. Tioior 0. Vi
odjonnad. Oo loavlag too Kobo plaoo ,b expoetod nut Mep.
••‘Ooiof to W • ftof o'ton
UorM-l»toPtoUfour no ottotoa ootalda
WhiM Hoooe, Jndgo Toft Matod
rr!' bwduted tho i
M at too nrlooo mapo darlac too •CO' -Before poo eUrt J wlto poo
»'a opaelal atacioa wonld world b roepuoA Poqtntaator Wright
<tolo ww with Spola m»A truMtUod trooM rtop In end eee me.'
to too stahlbkasBt of olrU govara of that Hip. bclieeao that balora toa
It to too ffororaor. It eonobteof li.ooo
wUI bo
‘Whet fort Wut bm to bop n BMt for too blanda. rortbar thu
oaewponoao ip Oeoo Homo Aboot
that be wna not St Ubortp to apeak.
~.‘Ko; Ywut toorrugo aboot poar
ont last
FMd Spado, a
that other meBbera of Sl.soo.oooof geld wa«
or. O. vat frosoa to doath. Hna- poUep.BlBion wUl be deaiguted OOBBS. Ou elaiB lo Anvd
** ‘What do poo weot to amago
paid tlTAOOC in See weok% -Oa too
Aop aoralnr whilo M mio bos Al- abootitT bBtitnllriebir
Yokon too gold 10 woU bHow too tor.
oootfbs, Mleh.. to hb besa
*Ys w long •• pi o utep lo thb BlBloB oarriM ont toa ■
fooe, bat at Bobo It Us asr too top of
Ihoocbt to wat thrown fros a
ooutrp NDnt If poo po down M Eeo- toa preaut PhUlpplu
tbegroaad. Mup oloist boeo been
awu tons, roadorwl naossrioai ud toekp We'D toee to adroi I the ate whloh wm ahorUp eou
eht. bat thso b a voot rngloo
bai^« BWBbon el toa old e
froBM to doath.
itUl >> bo axplorad. Thogoldtotoe
•••Well, what in------ begob the
t tt Sid, wUl bo appelflted OB tho
Aluatoor Do Pooff wan klUod noar
poUcp bolder botip. when toe manager ,lodge Thft WiU oail fros 8u Prai* whim oud raao fr m So snb to ll.se
■otv.Oladwiaoou^. bpa t™* fail iatornpted him.
pu. and toe pap etraak ot robp sad
0 eo after March IS.
le ^on his. Hb totw btetoon wwo
*• 'Don't flp too track, tnp dear fel>
The Sixth jadidal olruH to which on toe bed reek ruo SS to toepu, boontiiomofhUdoath.
low. besidgeatip. ‘It'• all right hero
' olds ooars gold.
Jodga Sreomb
Author faeurp *01 bo orootod at and the rob b stiefnetorp lo no: bat.
Ewteckp ond TbnnooR W. Oreiiiett ud Obaris Jobnioa
tottto Orwk too ooslar ofrlaf for too bp Jove, we cu't gis pou the nme Michlgu,
f too nnsonoo nte and Irt poo go Jo Kentorkp end 000. The ooort, which b ordioorUp o( toie eltp, have been drawn on toe
> like pm do in ihb oec known os toe Ooort of Appeolo. bs
I Uarol
tavss Jerp at Oand Baolda.'
hoalto feodo lor whloh> <thatI Ot^ hat tion Not mneb! Wr baeeD 't got $10.
tors iedgs osigsod to it. Bslds
000 policis to give
that, anf Jndgo Toft. Jndga Boros H. Lorton
Clevpisad aathorltlea expect to
Ibaah Morrb. affto IT, osplopod In pon mgbtn't to o
e! NatoelUe b ou of tose. ond Jodge pteie. during the pear, a luooel bring,
a tailor toon at dacinw.bao pnoolaf ingtoo Star
Willtna R. Oop, ex ssetorp of tlate tag wais to the clip from niwlat five
a pair of troaooro with u (itoetrb Iran,
RUStmi_lii_Uke_B»to----------------and ax praeidwt of toe poos sBsbAN HONEST ARTIST.
whu to oaso In eoaiaet with a livo
Maa. b toe otos.
orira. raootrlac a ohook whloh oaaMd
a K«w»te«>.
Tbse woe no love loH between ton
Sd. Boaob'ohosooM^aoBortoof
»•-- •—3,ndhucotwin.
BnbbMdooo. barnod to npidip that .----------t
BsidarU bp toe Bighth Bfada X.poahb wlfo ud oU ohUdrOB baralpw- Prince Napoleon, whom the Paririmnn
nm Tasterdip.
ealled "Plon Ploo.*' The prinMoaed to
•apod tn tooir alcbt rtothto
make abacive epeeebn agaiiwt the emTbe eighth grade of toe Oratal
Than WBO u laoroaao W MO fanao pars, which pra|>b wereonlp too rsdp
toHr eoeoad Ipeonm pea-1
la too appor putnoala lato poor, which to repeat to him “Let him oloae.'
Brenehttla and Irwiplant
A loi^ aimbsj
ohown tooro b ooaootolnr lo too oow- ImIs Kepoleoo woold .roplp. “He b tordap artoraooa.
too well known. No one wonld tan m etvUltore ware prsnt ud Ibtmodj
trp boons Blaine aad In^boriae.
t > u axoeUut progiaw whieb toa
Aboat 100 earioado of osrar bocU oot to pbee him on the throne. “
The empsor woe conegt. Ax ao ono poang atadeatt gave with a gnat d<ai: *
bar* baoB nhippod from Sobowalne tc
wid a g(^ word aboot “Plon Ploo.'
BapOltpand Oarotobshooo.
Be wu comiDonlp believed to bavo
Bsata Olds opued the pregnB with
WIlIloB BooMt, a forSpr photopra •bown the while feather in the Criins
phor at Otoboppu. wao fpnnd dead In ud nevs exjusd hiueelf obero tba a Boo raprodoetlon afts which a goo.i
Btool Jewel!
^.•®'**** was givu bp mne.Jexeu
too woodo M too asit oidh of MoliMt lead *.■ felling. An EngUeb bdv. who , rocdlatloo
<»wP<ud of eras Tbsbold,
laka. Ho had qoarrolad with two men ta her potingdepe mingled with French I
Lamtnnd ud Ln. McMonnx. fartp. teib in her "Foreign Coarta
i iwm i edy
av MeOfato’o wsp. ud oiartad In pnr- oocirtp,
aadleow with axMlIeo'
•aitoftoos ThotwMtoo toot aeon ond Foreign Homs'' a et<xp on diecrediteble-toPvii....................................
ince Napoleon ae it ii bon- maale. Marion Pleree then read a vr p
of biB allvo. Bo wao frotoo to dwto.
xable ic
French artlat
O. If Haaoon, Joaopb ^Brdlta. Pobl
lile tbe artlat wxi painting tbe
Howaek, Moos Lands. Willlo Landpe hietoncal picture of tbe battle of tbe
aad Oharba Sbsaa otart^ fawn
Alma, wbirb tbe emperoV had ordixed. .
aoalnoo to hnnt nbblto. While«
Pria'ce Naiuleun called at the painter'!'
too bap tooir boat wrat thronffh Stndiu to make known to bim tbe facta
•oso ohln loo and all wore thrown On laving be uid bewiabed tor prom- ^
iaio too water. SalBonud toe Lan* Incnt tlgnrp in tbe battle to be binwelf S
nowtiy »oO tl *M OMfOMd tb*
frtli «w **o-U*fto oam.
Mtor toj. to*o*«. • bic bUto
~ • hoc In
Is a Winner.
Tnkee the public to jedge It^ if the crowded eirifo
me >ey indienttoo.
other bargnlao which ere nfill »t yoar diepoui u
long u they toot,
Tweaty dozen 44x80 beevy both towels per jneoe...................... 10c
Faily Synrds wide all lines blencheddninuk per ynrd ....48o
3-4 bleached linen napkins per d6sen...........«................................. 98e
1.000 yards oottnn toweling p-r ynrd............................................... »ic
. Tr,
tad Iktatab U.. brtabU,t ot tta Ua^
We are oompelled to dispose of oor Winter
Clothing I^egardlesi'
tata_. ta.
Bny now
Goods wiU bo
mneb higher next winter.
$1.25 Mackinaws down to......................................................................$
2.00 Mnekinsws down to....................................................................
3.00 Hsekicaws down to...................................................................... 8A6
260 Kersey Jackets down to............... ...................................
200 Kersey Jackets down to....................................
.50 Wool fleeced Underwear down to............. ...'..............
65 Fleeced Underwear down to................................ ................
.75 Plush Caps down to......................................................... .........
25 per cent off on wool shirt waUts and Fleeced Wra^ fiero.
In fact yon don’t expect them as
cheap as onr prices are today.
Good Betver Jocketo each................................................................. $2C0
Gtood Po. ele Jackets lined................................................................... 8o6
Fine all wool Kersey JackeU, silk lined throughout.......... 4 98
A lot of Children’s Suits, sailor collars, double bn <.st«*«l.
values up to $4, to close at....................................................... $1.98
3 lots of children’s double brvaeled. all wool flue buits.
. worth double what we ask, lu close at $8.68, $1-09, $189
lOU pairs men’s all wool line panto, mnolag in riici- up
to $150. to close at............ ..........................................................$1.78
25 per cent, off on all Children’s Wool B1 mses.
Cbmee of<our men's best snito, Kuppenbtotnet> make,
inclnding suits at $:.'0, to close at.......... ^.......................... $13.76
Choice of a second lot of men's fine suits, ^est m -de. in
cluding suits at $15, to close at............................................. $10.96
Suits sold at $18 go at...........................................................................$8 60
Look at our $4.93 suits, and compare them with tin- sccslhd
$i.-'30 suits elsewhere, and wonder.
All Overcoats and ITsters, Knpp’ubf-iiner’s B’lke. $T0
and $23 vai ues, for............................................ ...........................$16 00
•18.00 vslnes for..............................
$12.00 values for...................................................................................... $8 00
Best 8< lection offoew merebandibe at
Ask to see uor all wool Kersey Overcoats, ou- $'*.50 val
ues for......................................................................................................$6.00
nnder prices. Save money by rsupplying your needs now at
Compare aod Decide For Toursfjf.
The Boston Store,
ta«,ta. -Ml. jsrta’":ro™ta:.‘‘"""
«««««««•« «««•««««
I Removal Shoe Sale
oorBlag” wtitca MroT B. H. i.i.tata.ita,, talented Imli-wife I'm going tobavei
{ { And
who ____________
nttnaded bsthu
plain _A
—______ .1____ ta________________________ ta. tatai________
thobeggwlfsDr.Kiag'tNawDiainto war that the had boogbt tlienp- ju
rp. which had mon'thu oeca aav-1 pea paid a man to aule them and tbes 'I *
•dhsUfe. ud eared hs of Ooa
. managed to -eew the bowa on crooked ; W
MOB. Afta
—detoem. Yet‘*
. T^.** jibe
; the WM verp
verr proud
moud and rrallp
reallv wonderwooder- i ^
managed to acoompUto W
aaia'sU' Throat, Chou ud Lau nta. ■
Trial hot- «>
Johsau aad 8. R
WalS’O drag Otora
•Toa" Bid toe peUow dog. “1 baUsc oils death we eats into anotber
OtoUB'i iBttriar BfyM too BMt •phm of actios i think I'll bAa golf
“How do poa fignn that ostr*
■MOM Wurm-WarMT
qnsied toe bladr ud tan
Whto.d T«r ftirTtipr t
“Ob. i'll be la tbelinkx'/
baas eongfe mmedp a
pUa Nsth Asterioa.
to ue dap if token in
while the scuon is with yen.
rm,.!. 1' th.
pribc wl,*- ^5 OPENS WEDNESDAY,
0, „ „
FEBY 7lh.
toepnno-Ibuve never pel pointed a
a atir o
. niqnin
kaotkuws, bat it iato^bt toot tu The p.anag.md-ai of a lha» J» ^«*haUs WM too old tor Mi-rice. The
«» ocenpottm requiring baaioem
__________ ______ ________ jed, but tbe mgncitp in n greo^ degree
than it
AnBogehMoot pet ban mtiBotad. ‘ alia ftx ertiatic uate.—W J. BenderThoBM Bmeimm. wbo Wm killed, U a *« In Scribns a
nMdent of Cairo ud bo Icavee n foailp
. f>n>B« of Her Wark.
Re looked wiib forced admiration at
A Might of Turor.
toe alippet«-fsad becans he olreBlp
••Awfal uxUtp WM felt 4or toe ; h-n k-Vf , a,^ .-iwidow of the have Qessal Barobasi
New Ginghams and Fercaka.
Prices were nevvr aoy lower.
phOMWirewareuabletoaniDinonaaAll win raeovsr. Tbe health; lie." The hint waa taken The princa
•atooritoas will InveoUgnte toe aiaat enlered tbe borw to be rubbed ont
SMtotoaahop that sold ii.
AtSuUSto. Marie. Bta rooslt*d la|
dprruaa Ibeatcr in the dtp ot: ^
«he busing to doath of two ohUdrm of
I’cxk map In a favorable oeaann ' .
, ,
bonnew of more thun AU.IO.OOO ?
uda girl, agad t ud s pear* »- .ad kwTio emplovmett |.^0 peoona
apnoUvelp. aad toe dletraotlm of Uwlr There ant 87 tb.-atenL tnclndiog the xa-'d
Ma Kowalaki' ioeked toe rietp bonar*. tn active openubm lo'the f
ahUdru In toe bonne whUe ahe went burungbi of Mimbaiun and tbe Btanx. { *
teehatwiteo neighbor. Boon afier- wbUe tbe bontugb of Bna>kl)-n _adda m ; ^
waHtoe lla waa diaooearad. When ««•*»»"«« Ever? thing which aBerta ,
tot front door WM tarofcu opu the
^ol to. ehlldru ws.
A„;:wi„redace hi. «p«ditnrm *
tanta ta . Cl. Th. itaUdIta .ta. ;
.tatai. lo
alBOSt tetailp deeti-q^ed.'
> ihinkauf i-oItiDg down Mo,
ThehoUsofa oow taill at Akron nopplp of di»a f« tbe cigar bdooga S
Itata »""d.J ."d
-ta. a..
'"tarita-kitli taWlJl#
200 aeta-sbeet and two pillow eases, per net.................... ..
dfoboTtonoeeodod In «oi^ on Ars
toe bone to Ibe artiat an that be cmid - ^
leoudbptfinr their c^to tofotoor pnint iU exact pi rtrait 'When tbe pic- ^
roawMd too otosa
tore waa finiabed and Inviutlona were |
nest oot fs a “(xivai
. ivate view,
ad of binwelf. wifa and fonr cblldrm, white ebarger waa aeen. a promii
in tbe battle, bat witbont a rids
noldiBg at BIplep. oppsiw Boaghtoe. flgore
. ..
man made vMeaUp Ul bp eating pork
O" b'-ring of tow temble obIbiod
tawbtu • Botablta tatataT. Tta 'J- W’™
“ ”•
■ .
' **>p rsaon. Tbe boost artiat mid tbe
2,000 yards of cotton covert sheeting per yflJd...........................lOc
l.G00^nrds all lines nnbleschcd crash.............................................
2.000 yards heavy bleached crash per yard ...................................
2,600 yards remnants of fine lawns in bare and checks.
worth np to 35c yard, (or thu sale per yard............. ..
j tta A
We place on aele tomortpw
gpecafll ertre anmborq to be nddrf to tba mot y
I tl%^lweV^
Hot A lot of flb^ worn flhDM. We cRiiMAToyon
from 10 to 60 per oemt op yonr shoe bUle the sext
80 deye—Xnep^ them—get onr prloee nod we will
oonvlttoe yon th&t no otbm ehoe hooee ollbn each
good! for the flhzne money.
After Merch 16 we will be et 948 Front BtreeL
Old Reliable
OHoeeeee*** »»aHtHoa«« ohoohuphos
requiriop clothes 44 to 50?
inch breast and waist (,
measure ale offered a rare ch.ince to buy
Iat a grand reouctionI
By Attendinyr
Come In This I'orning.
^ tewtornewoMu
Um. M. •. Ban Iioat litotof.
Iba Booh Baalaw dab waa ddtohOJiUyaBtormtoad yaakrdpy afiiraftn
Aa M0 Hoatata Hom. • torp aad ofoatof by Mr. aad Mra. B. C.
tbaatatoof tha dab Uw
OA. «M WMt MMrfaj. ▲U tka
jiiiili nur^ mala)afaA. Tka laa U by Mra. ■!>-«>- tar Mra. Aradd.
whaao day It wm. ed**BeML^ta
Old Oolnakl Daya," by Alka Mart
/M M9KT 9T0H£t
MTlWUppelia. • M«atla. AOtba
«ima.aa« Mha
imlkir wtth bmaa ^ilaa Tha
av Mai«i la Iba tomHk aaatary afiar
tou M ara tafia
Itaf wwa «B>7 n
tar M aifnawl taSaatf iaM ai
tailkaf at ataat CUiagaaia
Tta fsU la taw* ta Iba aMlI at
niiobtataaf la Iba aiaal fttetllra
■awr b7 wMhiaf Iba aaad.
Maaar Walab. aa aU aM feraatad
alarklaabaifaed Iba ^l^daparV
aaat of iba OUnfo poai
tifbl bf
4 with robWar Iba
lOwT Axv\vuaVT^co\)L\v\ SaVe
0^ TXl\)LS\.va ^lad^T^a3^aT aw^i "^VCv\e 5oo4s
TjCwd Jltv ^uVV'pTo^prwb.
nahaohaataoC Iba otob i
n. Ttara wara praatal Mr- aad
Mia. Bebwto. Mr. aad Mia. doba
Fowia. Mr. aad Mia. d. A. Maalafar.
aad Mra. Badt. Mr. aad Mia.
Mra Mab aad Mr. Bewatd
irkh. Mra Aradd. Mra H O Dark,
aadMta A. B. Parry. Atiaratoaftby
■itoka at tba oappar laWa, Mr. HoU
■adattaaMetofoaaaftba anat daachttelpoidMa with adaattoaa raa
bybklar ~
>06 110 Bdi bdtoot a«a tiort \ti ’bUtaVim KUeVvXqaii o^ore u eonvt^eie, natldi
^ TftnAVt'Vl.nionooaT at^ai ao» iVsvXaqdVa oar aa&enDoar
Aevartmeat. Sayerteaed,
baq\aq moaWva aqo,
iVo tart Taaaa^aeVarwa waTtaaVo ua \a qaaTaa\eo\.aq OTCTq qaTmoaUo be weVV maie aa4 ealto^aeiorq
I Va eoerq toaq.
bbA AoAtal^tAVBO
Ibat Walab baa
robbada,aao lattan datlac Iba paal
Matbewa A Baifar. to-tbat noatt-xtraordtoary atotara of faraaaadraodadUa. “By tba Bad aoa Waroa." will
«■ Oaa BlUlaa doltan for tba baatet of taaaaa at tba Oily Opara BoaaaTbaraaba widowa aad orphaMbf tta dfbUaf day a^ralaf. Eldtonloaa aa It nay ta.
Boan to tba TimaaraJl aelloatad to aofaraa plot la eoBaoraad. tba. tbtAaMTlaa aad taaaHalUad lbraach:tba wa don't know wbat to oorroeUyoall
atoladapariaaal, wUl probably ta to it—baa oorlaialy aanfht tba faney of a
Pratodaai Krofarb baada vtlble tra Croat n>l«flty of tba poopU wbo
patpoalaa tba ptayheaiaa tar plaaamra
tkaaacaatoaof tba nadtoy.o.to, la ta darirad Iron naro tana, nalody
|litr»Olyaa<ao Ooapaap. aoatototof aad opaatoltiaa of tta rarlaty ordar.
aboai 1.000 qaartaef tbaaa^ra, aaa Xobody kaowB wb4 k raapoaalbto tar
bla«r^ ap Moaday aftaraeoa aad tba tba aatborabip of “By ^ Bad Boa
aaaatry tor sUaa aroaad «aa abakao Waraa” or why tba pay tbiSf aheaU ta
paoofaraly Ibal wtodowa wara brekaa aaUad br tbk aad tlUa, aad aobedy
«MB, atoaa It anaduot laal
Mta n<
ara aatkftad with.
: ThoMa &■ Eilaaa la «alta aarloaaly
mat Abraa. Obto. ~Ba bad baaa at- ■raty partaraar to tba ptooa (aad ttara
laaitof tba taaanl a( a olator at IDtoa. aratblr^iro) appoan to haooootoaad aaM to Akroa taBday. tafctof !*• peoad hk or bar owa parLtaraata
--*—]• la bk bad. BlaallMat la pUyar eatdda of tba aarry abocaa. k
ty atatot la a Itot that taat Ik
aaala toryafltla. bat pbyalatoaa approbk or bar partiaator abfUty. “By tba
A ao«aaraia) liaaly baa Jaat baaa Sad 8« Want’' k brlntal of qntak
aaaaladad tatwaas yapae aad ObUi, tba wit. atobT anato. pratty flita, fay
^analBBa at «rbtah toatoda tba aatab- aarebaa. ddawalk apaaahaa. lo^aal
UabMt of a ataaaar Ubb botwaaa tba aoaca, aaantrk daaoa aad aratythtof
aka that k biat Ukad to tha
doaile opdta and torn eomdy line.
a oanpaljn to faror of jlaklair adraa- Oao week hvm tbk erealof omit
tafa of tba praaaat oosallealloaa to tbeaextoQabsr c» Uia Blyb Behool
foalb AfH«a lo acoura j RBoatoo porta Laetare aad Maato wtona. U k oe« of _
oa tba ladtaa oeaaa aad : tba Ifediurraaaaa. prodtlay by Qraai Brttato'a
dUBealUra to raaliae tba aebame apoo (TMt totorcak aad prodt to aU the patwbtob dapaada tha alttmta praapertty roat of tba eoaraa. Of tbk laetara tba
of Bui^. aad wbtob Ortal Britain bM Bolead of Wa•lmtoata^. Ooltoca. New
WllBlafUn, Pa., aayt: “Dr. Diniaiwaya troatratad.
A ballot tondad to Oaa. Botha'a atoreb laetora, “A Woodartal Btraapoekat whUa tba Brltlfh wara abaUiny tara," wag one of abtorbtof' Inlarast,
not ooly to tba aetoatkt, bat to the
Boon bafora Udyamltb.
I wait Tba aabjart
Oata. Bawail and Pnaro Bloc will
a crand.
taro Asartoan axblWtalnadar “Old faalttoM. aad tba laafaara tmootb
Otory" at tha ttorla BcpaalUon.
and poUahad. Tba brllltaat platform
Thrao bnodfta Ueidariaa to M w
' toa
Torb atooo araoat of work baeaaaa of tarly atonuer and their rxplnnntton
taafatlaraot tbaaapply of dlaaonda waa elaar and ooneka. Tba aotlaf*
tana Soatb Afrtoo.
Madtoal toapaaton OMladodaUpa. of a hlfh order aad they wei* amra
pik from tba pablto aehooto of Obtoafo than aatuead, tbalr only rafrat tatog
ImI waakon aoaoaat el motaorlaat whaa tba addraat waa ended."
ooaurtoaa dlraaaaa.
Tha next attraottoo at Btatoberfa
Darid Raakto of AtoUaaocoaaty.Mo. Oraad wUl ta Yoaar Broa.' mammoth
k«id to aoipley MN laaM to dotof bia Daela Tamk Oabto eompaay, wbtob
tspaopla. It wUl appear OB
John daaalBra of Ueioda, Mo. la a Iba l«tb of tbk months
-flaat. batofOtaat lOtoahaataU aad
wnd^tof «10 poaada i
__________ “PaWo BomanI" to
Laatyaar Mra Tboma Motoloekof StatoberTa laat night, bat Iba ptoaa
miao. Mo. aold 067 doM «r* from
Aa n waata diebar fl«k of Urbora haaa
play U waa a aoooeaa, axaepi to Uie
Yaan ar> tba brbtbar of Edward laat aet where aa mrnpUoa of ML
Tbk waa a
Wtocball of Warraa, Obla. dkappaarad
Lotaiy, Mr. Wtoaballwaa aotidod Ibat dkappetnttoaat aad fall vary Bat npoa
tha brotbar bad dlad aad aada bln aa aadkaM wktoh waa prepared for
Bat tba
balr^a tortoaato raaeh aad town
atadtoaawtog to tba third aeCwaa aa
proparty la tba atato of Waablartoo.
Tba lata WUUaa Jomtt el WoUa atakUe triompb. A taaw of tha bay of
•aoaaw- lad., left word that bbpall Na^ with Vaearloa to the dktaaaa
Wnra aboald mrrj hk body tbraa waaaUovary raalktie- The ataia to
tba aaaL howerar. did not appeal to
tlMa anmad Um old
Baalbarfal. Bk Wkbea iwara raapael ! axatatog H*y-foara. Batter work
axpaatad1. M'... Baaadlet baa n fina
Bavar aaf Ototmoata tar Oattnb ttat _____ jandaoma ability bat Oa altampta at hoavy work to tba ellmaxaa
OtBto'B Xarovr
aad to tba Baal aoaaa war* axblbltlooa
ary wui . ra<y deetroy tba of over axartioa. Mka Baanfota'e work
tha wbeU ayatam wbaa anteriag . to the early portioa af tba play waa
tbaagb tba maeoai aartaaaa. Baeta ar- vary angagtog and aba dtattopad very
tWar ahntild aararta oaadaxoept on
bat to tba laat aet
ftaaarlptiaaa from rapalabla pbyatatoaa. aa the damage they will do k
aaa fold to tba good yoa oaa poaalbU plaaatog. Tta aappota waa eraditabto
darita from theat. Ball'a Catarrh Oara Tba atmooptlaon aad Bra danem of
maBBtaelarad byP. J. Ckanay AOo . Mka Oraea Bnatar nmda an toataataa.
Tatodo. a. oonlatoa no mereary. and k aoaa kit with tbanadtonm aad aatabw toiareaUy. aetiito dtraeOy i
tbnalaatk applataa »—
martk of tbk taatara of tba atkadttoa.
A Oard.
Wa, tba andaralgBad, dd hereby
Ohio, by >. r 0bamiy A*o5
agree to rataad tbamoaay ee a 60-aaat
taHtoto traa.
Bald by Droetkk. patoa Tta parbot- bettla of eraaa'a WatraaMd Syrap of
TmUlttaikto eara year eeagb or
oeid. Wa -atoe gaaraataa a M-aant
HaUblWaanyPIlkara tbataaV
bettla to I
*....... lafaadad.
U IniH*
No romadvaqoak WamzB's Wsm
WMCS OW Tab BYBOP for tbk terrl-
Cambric Skirt. India Linen ruffle, 2 rows vaI lace
inserting with val lace 4 inches wide on edge of
niffle, also on dust/uffle 3 inches wide, for---- $2.89
Cambric Skirt, 2 rows val inserting. India iinon
ruffle, with 3 inch val late, dust ij^ffle...............$1.79
Very fine short Cambric Lawn. 3 ruffles, 2 rows
fine embroidery inserting, wide embroidery on
flounce, with dust ruffle......... ..........................$8.49
Cambric Skirt, lawn ruffle with 2 rows of English
Torchon inserting and lace edge, with dust
ruffle....... ................................. ...........................$1.80
IT tot tor Wtaw Mt torwni
Ladies’ Drawers
Finest Line of Gowns
D gjwaaa kltaa. eawbrk ra«r ^
sa M Osaeribc tow-Cuw* aad saa **r r*asa
"VOe are 6o\ai \o 'tdake a SveeVaWq
0^ ia^aai'e 6ooia
A»d can show a line that will aatonish yon for quality and workmanihip—Long
Dresses from SOc to $2.39—Long Skirts from 60c to $1.26—Short
Dresses, 26, 60, 76c, $1.00, $1 26, $1 69.
cr. V7".
iT iT k h iTcr
f H
to give
wlU ta at 2. W. Blataita atora Wad
T.wltb a fallltoa Of
' Alltatitol---------MO todki wMiag B aad 0 wUlta U
aBttaMavTarkBMibbkSta oi tba ■hoM at Ota aa tta Aad»r bt lha Maw
on Top
The “CarharttOvaraUB” new
tekB Bboond place —Who ever
beard of a railroad man wearing
any other make P Theeeweearry
in sisea from 89 to bO waist meas
ure—One# worn always celled for.
“Carhartt" Duck Coats
and “Carhartt" Pants
Kay also be found In onr stockbeing strictly
“Union .Made”
—Ho flaws can be found in them—
Aiwaya worth much more than
the dllbrenoe in ooet over Infarior
Bew and handsome patterns
in-more on the way—We guar,
antee you against loss when yon
buy theee-We promptly pay you
amA for any defect in these goods
Bead the wanan't:
“BBrksbirB Pants WarrafiteU
Rot To Rip
And we will pay yon 18o fbr each
snspmder button that comes off—
60o if the waistband rips, or a new
pair if they rip elsewhere within
B months after date of aale.*>
Ho other pant ever had such
t aale in this region, and no other
ed to be so popnlar-Always caU for them—There
are no others at the price that are
just as good.
Here are some of the names
that are constantly in the public
mind. Pick up your leading maga-zines or city papers and see if you
don’t see these names appear pret
ty frequently. When a clothier
has a good thing he is not ashamr
ed of it. We shall have full lines
from above houses for the coming
spring—Some goods are en route
Any one of above houses sup
ply a line a merchant may well
feel proud of.
. When we show you all three
we are giving you benefits that few
large city stores amid offer.
im M(«NmG RECORD, WBDSE8DAY, tTOgbi OT 7, ^9K
TM« aw Of »T*m.
that iC d»iiam in
tar MAIV U cte etaiAs. lartawd bj
• aMT Md CMM«U7 CIM idlUl
Mrw. Tta* taru. ta aur «tafc
mocuLAtma U)0U«ts.~
the profe5sqr-» baby.
I reweMta a Wta
petotaa Arvw^ ml
“Wbas Iwaa a aodkslatatals
tba, Cnirentty of nmnqrlvania." aoid
—taaluHO ata Nda
*k**Nd» w ta ftum It bu tta iiM>/amnetln la
NWIw a.iwilt
idataa aad Msroeco aM la tatb aad
tat AMca. Mj» Cba Ota«a Breord.
tat Ibd OaltMi StatM bad aot by aay
waaa lacajad tta iara«M. Foot jraata
a«e tba leraata «r Capa Ootofyr wart
ta ud wf« ta mfi Md «ta
atooat dtaroyed by an rp>d«ok. U
■Mtimbi M il r-iTill mirr*
waa provid that tba dteaaae waa tba
laanh «f faadlog
a ^lm(na■ druartb
r mom kaovD aa
ranni" and that
Nbi ta m hr ta rtgkl i
a law laatcu affanad «Htb tba maladr
Ow Heed *0 tad. ta tat Ml dta
m railUona l£i>
parlBBOu 00 a larga aeala bara abowa
muMf tmgmi ta atad.
tbat toataa atranna of Um inaaeta
1tata»ta»tataSta>iM—ta ptaab la a taw day* atiar a numtHr
af ladltldoala In aa4A prnup ara
aMtataiiMta dia
dta ta taUMCta dMa <0II
Ita m Mata darrad Dp a »lta ml
dm tUaa 1 ran away Oea
born 1 IwTDod a «iek or two tbat waa
wortb tba wUla. ” aald a wall kaowa
boaiotamaa -1 aurtadoatoa amral
aaaatborlaad to«n ol adrtaora baCort
1 reacbed yean o< diacrrtloa. bat tba
dm U moat rirldJy iapnaMd ap« my
tDODary Tbta of oa klda eancbt a
fn-iatat train aad fot mo «0 or 70
tpilft away fitm bona bofora tbadnt
iBiKbttaU ThfWWa didn’t know wb«
I to apead tba nlcbt Sararal attanpUAn
‘ M 4a anpty box can oa
Mt aaaf1> to Uw door, wbllr ibe width ;
^da track of a Uttla rUIaca oaly
af tba Ooatta u not tnocb cnaiar than ,Malted In oar bataf eboaad away aad
tba doorway
| tbraataaad irlth arraot. n wa wcot to
Tb# acconpaaylBC IHoarratioai abow!
©olalrtm of tba plaoa and boUt a
La pku for ranodailni tbm citatt
os tba bank of a Uttla croak. Haro
i ataic Bora piMiainf abd nita eonran > ^ B.da oonetraa a> comfortabU aa
ft toot ttaao Tbr dour la'reaiorad and in , p^bla and oaa « two of ot had actawHtlnf _.™
drak :HJJJ
,n,Qflpwi OB • lur
for ■HU.I
abort mipa
aapa wmh
wbn ■a
«—• •— - ..-Bpwn a.»
c, aarriea H introdurad. TV Ibi. paoalad . fwtaUr hobo, a (ood apadaMS of tU
OS tba vutatda. it anpiMirtid by aida nal article, bappaead atonsabd waatad
f ebalna wl>ra M down Wlihln tbit In- ^ know If wa had anytblay to oat Of
? elaanra
rlnanra ara
>r» two aniall
aniBlI dnwtra
drawvra and im. oonna
-------- __
wo hadn't
f. moraaa pIpaontMlao
Abore ara a
" ‘Wall, ha aaid. Hf yoa faUanTl
p eospla of bookahalraa. wfalcb m:iy batch a diicken I’ll abow yoa a triek
hATw a prrtty allk draw runaln In tbat'U
be aaofn] to yoa
CNstofIbam. Baiow are dipwara and ) ••ltdidn t taka 01 loa| lo catch tba
S ekta that will b.- foao.! ; rary cm. chickon and Inin* It back. Tba Vatican
nruibrr i>f tbi nomadic fnlernlty
In tba raaa of tba nt bar | lUfyaatad wmiiK il» hack. Jerkad ofl iu bao&
the Hwar part of, tba cioart , cli-Niiad
ci..«„ad it
It and
mid going down to tha creak
a la madr a rwpuala for larga wadded It ^ fmtban. fact nnd alL in
ntad ptiotograpbs or Mbar nnfram- a big ball of yellow clay. Thii ha rolled
ad pimin-a. Oioi mada laadlly accaa- into tba fire and acrapad tha busing
alMa. Aixva air drawara (br amallar ^bera ap arrmnd it Tha day
pbotogiwMbi of paintinga that an now hardened, and wa coaid aaa It ai
ao oomniouiyr to
t ba fooDd lb mltnrad, the wood coate gradoaU
' than an abaleai for, farlgbt cherry rad Whan it did ao. tba
I. cvvMwd by a drww conalD and onok roDad it oat again, let it cool •
Uttla and tban broke it open with a
ftona. Tba (aatben iwd dock to tba
bakwl clay and a claan. inviting dttekan waa ready to ba aarvad. AU tba
Btoianra tbat in ordinary baking la lad
bad been kept U by the brickUka In*
daaare. and tba monel tbat faU tomy
lot wu tha jniclad and ewaatad I ban
avn aataa "—Cincinnati Enq«lnr
tn dm Sotitatle Bfo «f
right nor to tba left, bot amiably
beamed throagtaont tba ropoat aaamiiiKly nose tba wotm for hia aaforead
fauUtlon. After tba basgnat aosM «m
tBDorantiy aakod him
• How did yoa aa>>y
_____ ___________________________
"nrd rata." ba rapUad hriakly
I «a open abelf at tba top w^ne hand- annogh. *‘t eat next to a con^ of fal[ oome yngm. vana or WU ol- flna old b»w. who weren’t theta
cbina can be dlaplayed to adyantaga.
Tlia fongoing Itemi on ABerad by *»• doaBwea HwabaaO to WaatStoao.
The Ladtea- WorKL not aa dlnctlona to ' Hdcn WattarauB Moody bWlavaa that
ba afbitrarUy foUowrd. hut Oa auggaw
tbe fattiliand who can ba monagad ta
tta tbat can b» otilliad In irantfornnot worth managing "and tbare la no
tag one uf tUeai- nnatinictln- old
the adda in Tba UdttiKi Inio wmetliing pleaalng and
di^JonnaL ■‘for both buband
and wifa to adopt la odjnatiag tb«tamate cvaam Oaap.
aelvfw to tba new relation tban that of
Tomato cream ie a favuntf noop for trying to do each by tba other what
Wbleb the BoMon r.ioklng b^kioot klog- men ara accoitamed to call “the aqnara
oMaeglvee itJii n-.-i|.e'tk-aldjoue<iuaft{
thing ' Many a woman nndmUndi
of milk with biir an onion, hve or aU | •managing’ a faaaband batter than aba
I. a Wi of bay leaf, a iprig of | doe. doing tbe aqaare thing by Urn.
pomley and iwo-thirdi■ ■a « op of etale !and many a---------- •*—-“■*------^-------
of tba SympalbaUo Morvoos
SyitoiD to tba Kerva Oeatan of tba
Tbe raltoi* Cram tba locnat foagna Bnta.' imd baU oa bow bafcct tba
la aow made 00 a largr scale In hae> 1 tlaa tet for tba leeinn' aomy man ia
ttanlogkal iBBUtntta and packod la tba dam. which aamborw) aboat UO.
toboa wbl<« con ba usaaportad for waa In hla plnce wiitlag for tha foa In
tboomoda of mllaa It te appUad by begin and ^aadag aow aad tta toMBaartOf several IneecU and letting ward tbe tbreo long opmotiag to bias U
tbm ratta ibolr^gwarm or by drop-, tba oaotor of tha toosL
plag tba eootenu of the tnba opoal "Promptly at 10 o'okta; tba doer
Wts of bamM aarib wberv tba inaaett op»ad aad tba favorite profamor aaMr>
•rofeadlog. Another plan la to bottlo adlbaampbithaota. HeoarefaDycloaod
«p tbe loctiau with a llitle of tbta tha door beblod him. tban with a satf
favorite food covered with tba calou* cometoaB clearing of hie throat tnmad
and attar they have ufcra their OU ta toward tbe clam At tba «nt glonco Us
sat them ai Ubarty. Tbe new remedy Jaw feU. while every one of tbs SM
bat been triad wltb great aaccaaa la Benda in tba mate o^pva began to yoD
Booth Africa. Iba tubes ara to be at tbatopof hisinnga 8i>ead oat opoN
Mppnad gratnllotMly to planiera, mla- tba____
three kng
opantitM tsbla
Uonaria and merchanta and tbair din abont 160 baby’a
and fomiahlap
wlU ara many
ot every kind' ond^
CoroM-ra from mla.
^ ware rattlm by tba dooaa. Noab’a orka
, dpUa of all olsaa a toy cooking atova
b»Twiia« • CbiBiaer.
| a fot? carriaga aa embroidered flannal
An anglnaar lecantiy mode so ntar- petticoat, a nuilng bottle lying in a
ostlsg report to tbe BrttJab loaUtatkm gmdnatad glaaa a pair of Uttla bfoa kid
of Mining Baginaen on tba faUlng of Aoa and otbee ibingi loo nnmarooa t»
a tasga cbl'mnay. which waa mo high mention. Afta tba drat abock of artrongty that tba priaa and emhamasmeot. tba profamor
ig It by tba slow woe game Ha tbonkad oa in a apaaeb
and txpeoslva mrana or.breoklng tt peppered with Bve ayllabled wuda for
down from tba top waa appalliag to oar thongfatfnlnam in tfau providing
tba ownara Tba engineer who wot for tba fntora naada of hia cApring,
Intmatad wtth tba uak of devlalng a bat be uhsoved. after a corefol examlbottar way of taking It down daeldad nation of tbevarioaainstraments of latbat ba woold try u feO It oa one fanUlo delight apreed ont before him.
WMld feU a tree, with tbe axceptloB that wa had forgoltan one thing, a bntthat, of ceuiaa ao otmpla an axpe^ant tie of paragurtc Tban be yawned in a
' Ig It down waa ont of tba way stigga»t1va of midnight vigila and
Ba bad tbe proWam also of tnrtiad hla attention to ‘The Relation of
maUog It foU to tbe aomli. as It wonld the Syropatbatic Ker\-oM System to tba
wreck bnUdioga If it fall in another dl- Nerve Canters of the Brain. ’
I "Bat ba was not allowed to proceed
Tba chimney waa 220 feet high, with beyond the first aentaooe or two. Hla
a bom of 21 feet Tbe workmen were attention was dnwn to tbe blackboard,
set to work catting away the brM- where aoma student of artlatlc tandan*
work on tba aonth aida. Aa fast aa dee bad drawn an elaborately dacoratad
tha brteka were Uken 001 they were design in red. white and bine chalk,
replaced with wooden auppona. which ‘U Marriage a FaiInraT’ Tbapoor prohad spaces left in them. After aboot twr. seeing tbst there waa ao pta*
dO feet bad been cot out ibe apacao bllity of a aerions iectnra that morning,
ware filled wltb ur and paramo, wood eaterUlned os for abont ten minotea os
was plied up bigb around it. and tbe the text j.eled on tbe blackboard: then.
Bre was act Six minntea afterarard after inviting I aU to vialt tbe newtha chimney CHI euctly 00 the Una comer in tba
marked out for IL Tbe coat of tha nisrcbed off to tha music of 860 voIch
work was only a trifle compared with singing. ‘Go to Sleep. My UtUa Pickwhat It wonld have bean bad the old aninny* and ‘Daddy Wouldn’t Boy Ma
..................................of throsrlng tba mo- « Bowwow.' "—New York Son.
Crrlal down bit by Mt from tba topi
AnA In addition.] A SCENE'OF BUTCHERY.,
of bricks were aavad 1
tor fnnber aaa.
On tba 16th day of Jana. IBSA tha
•riOB whole oorpa of tha Janlurlaa tai tba
tl» capita) araenblad. overtaraed tbair
. ttona eamp kettles (tba aignal of revolt) and
an ta Aar gbclar. Prom tS38 to IBtS •dranced npon tbe serogUo. Wltb hb
AgomU and bis Mracbatal frIendB dta- own band tba anltan onfarlad tbe
covered In tba moraine of the lower »cred "aanjak aherif and called npon
lor gbclar an coormona block <H tbatma believ'en to rally roond thair
Kona, which afforded natural protac- direhah and caliph, and ta saalons
non. and they cractad tbera a otooa Mnwalman ritisaas msbad from aU
bnt which |bay callad tba Hotri dm qnsrtars and rallied nndar ta aocrad
Nanchaialola This ’’botal’’ moved tycibol The ranks of ta Jaoitarim
downward 240 feat In tba flva ytora were rakad with grape and anUdsbot
from 1842 to 1840. From 1840 to 1884 bj "Black EaU" (a nicknsma for Ite*ta downsrard movamant was 181 feat uq,. general of artillery) and hb gnnpar annum, and from 1884 to 18M It nan asthey preaeed ibrongb ta straato.
wu m feat par annum. Wa tbna poa-' eoinpcUlag them to faU back to ta
saoa as suct record of the movamest
where tbev defended themaelvea with extrxordiury
abying great nnmbers of tbair
enta Tbe artillery, npportod by tha
■aaarwBae at Great Heat.
marinea aad the boetaugi. pTwaad foeT». UoUl« P,»w -r- tMt 1. Ir«.
„a ™mpen«l U.«. to
budrtf. blut
.».! ««o-'u.artan.cta. -her, B..J o»—1 to-
.bib bblkr niom. tb. uiMtHU b«t B
tj. u.a tb, worliiii™ .iill.r t..
.itbobt i«ti™.l»lo«. tb.
u» ..U.
Ill, ^ ol tb. albt tb. tcmpntitnn ^
b.tt—1 dowb bj imp-bot,
u too d.,m» r. to bi«t rutuM.
J u,,
t,.«»h,torf bj
J^.t in
u. «.^b ; „,.»,i.„,„jii„„.,p.7inrfibtl»iT
bCH. ymi. IM
^ bttntlb, utJ blood n-lori bui«A>
tbU m doji;™ ol b«t 10 . pot., 07
u,, oitT
olr I. oot toll » lobcb .. . mlitor.
doKd. .od «lth rttoU—.1,0.
of M degrcaa of beat and 80 per cast
■ was aearchad for aneb
idoxlcaL ta sutemcot la comet niamacre and when fonnd they were
Wbetbar or not tbe eanaa Is dot to
ptnoo IwsBos may romoln a aaaatioa.
(at tart is ao denytag ta tat tat
tart b an anormoo; iKnoae of------
pat to a aavera straia by________ _ ..
at aebool, praetka of made aad anxiety
of cxamlnationa It U daring tbb try
ing ttma tat giris baenma pale, —*and a
. .
t dalieata iaminlae
TaTs tatnrativa for pslt, wgak girls,
add woman snflaring with ta ills
pe^iar to tbair aaa, tbare b no traaU
atast to be compared wiib Or. A W.
Cltae‘s Nerve and «<*l_Pi]»A_ta tat
bo la ta atraet M any bot d
_____ were destroyed on this
bla day. and many tboomnds ware aft
erward put to death )n ta various
cities of ta empire, and tfau not ooa
Oaeaaalea Far tXa FH.
tog cm open. dlspUyed on tba aaetton toclaimad
ta nntioBal crion of Franca.
■“Mr- Peck, don't torgat yon’ro a
Ugger man in Tt^kn than yon wm
in Itobdcn.' '-Utlcago JonrtiaL
Onataolt lakolaraoadlagooaoeoato
mt ta aieaasivi drain made opoa It
by trrigatto* antarprtaea Tbia loka Is
"Wbat rime dldtabotricaKhftior
Hot tod by tmdarground sprtnga but by
light *
ta Jordan tod otar riven, and wbon
‘Embodygot ^mfriyr^
ta wolora of tats straims ara lata
-"AU exeepttbrnigfat
oaptad tar Irrigatloo pnrpoaas ta wn- cooldn’t waht Um np in tima
Sr lopply of Ball Ufca la of enoras tonTravriar
dhntoisbad, ao tbat ta
«bkb Is coMtantly golag «o to not
Tba Das«u at la
For Fire Insuraflce
Fire Insuranci.
John R. Santo.
Gntnl Inwna.
WeraOaAt B<oak-
Enjoy tbe
Good Sleighing
............ J
1 have WTBnl fine new rig^
both slMtlh and two Matod
itasa |»rt^t*MSrsigaatnra b oe^r^ ontton.
box of tha genaiac.
Beat ontfiti in the eity. Try
Or. A W. Cbaae's Nerve aad Hood
nui rmtore snd Rvltallae ta waoted <ni&
blood sad nerve crib, bring back ta
Order by
color w the checks and ta roandsaoi to
ta form go eenU a box, st all dcalen,
or Or. •
■ - - .
N. Y.
'Phone Mo. d2.
Geo. Cams,
________ Urarynnd Fta EtaMaa
ifiverj Piano and Or^an in 0|ir atore
Must Be Sold
In the next 10 daj*.
do not want to ship any of tfaeae goodi
to Grand Rapids, therefore they will be cloMd ont at
your pt ice.
This is your opportunity. Every instrument
fully warranted.
Second hand goods taken as part pay. Easy
W. W. Kimball Co.
Front Street.
H. S. BTBONQ, BUaagor.
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews and Bulger
la ta latoat ravtolon of ta,>ig vaadevtUo epotatta.
‘By the Sad
Sea Waves”
Everything abyilutcly new bnt the title of the piece
Ran 103 Nighta at Herald Square theatre, W. Y.
3B-Stars of Comedy-35___
“S ‘■““'J “«»t«l. N«rtr *1.000 J*ti-
' tubetoidtbat.JndgadbyhUownbBatAMiaalal •riatlaa af rvnlt.
ifula of aagar l& luinuiea Add aw» ataadaida ba babHnally dmlt onTorioaa frnita are colored on tba aorosa-foartb a taaipooornl of koda pam , ^irly with tui own wifa'
toca or la tbair aubataore to aolt ta
tbroogb a sieve aad add to itbe bread
fancy of purchaaara In Franca. Foe
a taUasppoofi
axompk, strawberries that ara onripa
poaos with eof
"I don I aaa' oatd Mr Mnlbany,
given a fine rad color by maau of
“why yon woman have that Mm Wr
fncbslM preparation,
OaallOewae WUfe CbaoM.
yun era bright anoagb. bat Mw'a aa
tad downward. In sailed
"H’t this way.
Mn MollUcvpaa. bead op. corer with
.lied water and bpll gently berry -Mn Watkta
«tob with aaU. pepper am) grata
•wtm ar American cbeeae pour over i * .
«•» —EaroB aboat a ptot «>f white oapee. cover
thick layer of Iwiiata bread
A Oaadld Oaltar.
oraota and place in a hot oven nntll
"Wbat do.yoaiUnkt Ftpa atad
browned Sarvr u a canraalwitb aoltJack if baaxpaetadtoiat any m«H0
too wafaro.~TaMe Talk.
in bunryimnna'
"Wm Jock tabhadr
"lasbltadl Bo told pop ta* A ffbT
*T am not edwata to mute, bat I
JHOW When I like a pleea.’ oayx tuay boms wu OMta of on object toliiai
Oatroit Fraa Prom
MOHa. Then try to be boneat eud leora tan wagm
rbetber yoar tlkra ore foondCaldnadatodpaaria
«r good mi
rigbi and a wroag priorlpio »adteta rf gfta potOHcy by ta CM-
t. tb. —It
>. ...t tb.t It at1.» obt tb. btatllUtut. I. b.11.117 ..pbo«4 lb tb, odt-
Oodtans Or. WmWhM In aa
AnktoM -natteaaH .
MoraUa. Naamoka ta Otta Nw
tas Dtadm Pram WMek Sn
JBapy -OMs Satfor oaM tn
nocs bad aeaniog I
takbA KoHit af "NamttaMd oU unr tba oairanity boUd*
ita and aondry dimei and qouton
woraenUaomd I7 taro or thnacf tba
la tba BriUsb Medical Joamal M dUModaata who coaaUtntad a sort of
Or. WacMboU'a ortiela oa
flnaaet ootanttma Every Pridoy nmeaand Nervaa." to which ba
olalma that the alarming
tag tba profmau gava a lactan to
MadanU ta tba ampUttater. The oob-
■avemaat of OtoHaro.
At a hsnnnat given in Boditaar two
of tba expected gneda ware nnabla to
bapraaant Tba order of aaating hap
pened to ba aocb tbat a particolaily
Jovial and companiooabla gantlaman
«t with ooa of tba vacant chain os
aorta ddaof him Tba empty chain
And flrat conna of oyden wan left in
plai-e for aoma time to cam
Piano Pracfice
Causes Disease
ud Ooatnmo.
"DtdtaaadtoamllkaHr ImnuBMly. Tba bonu naiad adtan and loadly • • • rasnUodta
prindpala agnln aad agata.'*
—Maw York BarnUl
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
Inelndlng tb« groat Baropmn Banaation. MLLE U 8BYB, dlroet tonm
ta Folios Bergorv, Parto.
Sss MathBw & Bulger's Eutirely New Spscisity.
Prioea-GaUary. 25 aaci 33o; rawrtal aasto, 50. 75c, $LOO; boK
' HMeKDOo sues
Hauim mmt
MUDwaae cuppMss mehocx smuwoot
keiiock umimg
aUnralk IdunlMr 1b .U ilaM,
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
MMon W XmwM Otlr
^raartyaid. TbaoiberaUatf
“wc explored tbr aext floor nnd tba nan
aad femsd aadttog
k 7M HV MWiUtar
^ w>>nii
iMt. to tkt bdM Amd h7
Umpom thfwiwihaf «Aak»
MM od rMM^WOMB. Mir
• Md mat «< tMr qwn tim
taif qMMttiM c( «tiwM iiUMa
The Pace at
The Wiodov i
avicgiriuacan. .
HarAm tb«
luflr ridtet la a leodoU at
_ ntiMriUM <a ceia kn, "Did fM md." wM mf BoadoUtr. *1a
od Ikto enlow coadlttoa c< tW Okaao of Barataad'* aaoMt Bto
■UtM. ‘U dote.’ facaivad tba pfWtolaB
*01 ii «tita tow «bat katf Vnaoa
. bad aat brard of It." 1 rapUad.
■MMHma tsiba ttWamaaC gmt •OTbat
ara tba drramataacai anaadlw
ta a'B draw ptooa. a)'
' '
*M«b M7 natoBatiaU bold Ibat
Fiaacb foranuDaot wastad to
• IkaBaltaeUU faadtr.
*4ha alenr.er tbb atraafo « (Mt
. Itotaw taped aaybbtaladT^
ftwe vtaoto t« b«la wltb, ia a dlrw
dtotoortbaboMda. SI Hi
Baba him a cbaraUar daU Lafioo d'lloaam. bat ba b aet
aat to ba fooad-dbapfooadpMiad. Tba aaaal la VaaW wbe
Mack toaatoid. we flaodly antecd at
tbr top floor aad loraed te the right, apradng to And a door cDrrrmwdtofl «»
Ikat oo tbr other Boors, bot tbrae waa ao
floor. Petbaps we mleealentotgd. IW
mast be it there. We sraat ia tbe next
floor. There was a small window nboeo
aad rnoeb rabMab and ae rad of rata,
bat. strange to aay. ao akyligbt. Mack
parptoxod. we roamed aboot tbe anmda.
aatariag fool amriUsg rooms, wheacr
bau flew to ov faces, canilag as to tail
aammer fabrlea ara lemptiagiy fltoptoyed. To be sura, tbera gamy tatags
arSI Dot be raqatred before next May.
bet tbe moM Arming patteraa la ori^ndlea. dlBlttoa and even fanlard
are brougtat eat and promptly sold. It
early to decide oe onmaMr
Finally at ooe eoraer a i
U down
ttracted oor attaatlna. i
aero, bat tbr woman wbo bogtaside tbe cebweba. we a
tMM la tbe organdie d^artmeat,
thlnktog obc trOi And aomething pcafi•oot mtOad. atoppod
ttar Utor. la
aimbalt roof.
*ntote's tbe akyUffto.” toU Barac. aad TiM cbotea daxlgni ara aooo pichad br.
-Now. took bore,Other Bide and flx a . _
acroaa tbe ooartyatd ra wa
The qneeo of Ibe Belgtoae wee biMflbt
which the .
_ .
npra now Juw^^^w to ^ a ■p to her fettor'a castle at PARb- amid
aaraouadtogs and cBstoaas wblefa rsaatod
t eight her taoae
of tbe
yet Tbal waa ibe stadlo.
waceadad tbe great male•TTbo to afraid' Just for a torh lath
e enter gale and tbe door
aqasrse to that door aad are It we caa ga Aise to lock tbe
ban wai fllat
V to tbe alodto.
spra. Perhapa that maT^be'ahaL li vUed into two ports, ear rad betoc rata-
John F. On & Co.
Iranrse Cfty Unber Ci.
TrmrsaCtty, - - MteM|u
waaM ba fleetltob towwntog w maafl ap-
s »
-It’s opposlee tbe alnh Minmn of tbe
•at trying to poor tola tbe akjll^b
rUeb was an nprlgtat oae.
___ — _ .
raealpt. aad that waa
Suddenly be aUrted to kla fato with M
tbaaadotbbksowladfa. AatooloCaiw
cL a BMdal aatplo/ad at tba Boob B..
Itoa I waa vatr aaitoM to «aka tba aa modal to tba acolptora at tba eld abaw
•ate a Malar oaa. aad with thU aad dooad paJaet la tba CaDala di CJ
sas aad was streaming half way flown
the aldae of tbe bolldtog. Tbe Hcdt wtola vfaw ba eaaaad It to ba dmlatad
It tbr atory.
IhtmfbMt Fraaoa Ibal
It appeara. braa^t low was la fnlUigbt
_____J Iwartad ia awo( tba ailaar with him fmm tba prorloeat a paa
-Is atataa.
‘ .adaeai baton it toft tba ntat a baak rwmarkabia bMuir to pc«a for bb
•Ola erepdto tor 1.0M.O00«< tbaaBaama 8ha waa tba talk of Vaoka. and f<
to a dream 1 aroae. aad. grai
■ • toawi rttofbly. - aboBt dsoo.ooo
tog Busac's sbouldar. we stumbled down
bat In ?alo. With aal...........
tbe llttir aulrease into tbe arcade and
ramalBad traa to bar rootrart."
MB at7 tor eartala, bnt
l^viDf tba RJra dadi ficUaaoal to
■iIUmih weald aaaa to abew that it tba rtcbt. we driHad on paat Rt. Mait'a Ml oppoaite tbe I
aguara. wbarr tba moon wai Jn« faagla- «ber Bldk|Of tbe AH
A btoak wall:
*la tba BaaaMripl BMoin of tba aint to tilrar tba llnc’i winn'
“Stay." t oald.
oaU aad. passing tbe lan
XHwda FaMa. Haetdra'a mlatotar of “Wall, to nwama, to an aril boor Bara- tern
up aod
and down the dirty walk 1 cumtaazl fortnad a frbodablp for aa Bnr
war. It to
prefully. My
By patoa were rem namad Kaflnald Qoortia. who toed it rarefully.
warded. Scairaiy diacrraible was a line,
a. deij atomd bf tba gayman of
“Ifa M
one of tboee alidtog paneli and"
Ibat iatolttitkiii. la a epiU fi franc pir - Qiioma bad
which br bad fitted np into a llttir flpai- (gutog on dews to tbe floor) “here Is a
Ibal tba balraa were then weldad
tag aiudlo. tie mwod it blmself. aad. minute necret eprtog“ (seraptog away tbo
1 and IbrowB witb a red fat cfowninc bii lenolue band
Bor r bad • cane and pried it ofta to
ba baap of dmitor eoiaa. which tba and a aaariat usb amuixi tba waist of bb
It was dogged witb dnat and
MBptor toUad with Ui own haoda old ralratm kolt^arbocfcars. ha was iba
Thaw oolM Napdaoa'.took witb him in
liar or mnrb Intairsl abiial tba aanaia.
b'inaUy U went back with a rueb. aad
"Well, QQorae watrbed tbe progrera of
a bac wbae b want to BoolcRMand
we rmiud ouraelves in tbe old etudfe of
' ' at
dtoSrlbatad laTiabl7 an route, arab drop- ^ Jol.'.‘ aod MerUno walch.-d blm.
tbe Italian sculptor. Hw floor
fiacnaewaf ibenoatof hla carriage tbe brlYitirnl nu>d(4 watched both <
of brok
i>artirolar1y Qoorne.
—In thbwayu wailtupoaalbla tbem. but
length the aenlf
Ipior tried to faanlib
Ba heap track of tba Ipcky coin.
-- tbe^i
- .ground that be filled the
him on
**T1w aawa of tbia odd lottary apraod
witb toUeeo smoke. Quunie dmply Utile window broealb tbo'ohyligfat ibefo
te aad wide, aad tba B franc piece
' bis pipe and coutlnoed to waa Duoe.
We looked at rarfa other besrlldeced:
toapad iato itninadlato taror. From
we gaaed about the room, expecting evthat day to thU mntltotlao of tba oola
“One day tbe fair■ pays*
ery moment to behold tbe ghastly face,
baa ban eoaunoa la Fraaoa. Rwltaar- taint, and. being unable to r
figure and all.
mlly cooreyed
Ind. BdflBiB aad atoewhan. Bror lodgiiigs. Quurae gelianlly
Tben «« examined tbe walla. Aedtbliber la bis craft. This toPP<«ed me
Mt Iba Baak of Fkiaea !■ rwitiMtad to Ibllber
dentally etumUlug over a day box. I feU
■abagood noraa of ptacaa apllt iaa than once. PiDsIly the model eome no witb my shoulder against tbe waU under
more. Nor Qooroe.
mla aaarab for tba B.000.000 traae
'OUeenibliug bU rage aod
a cvrauig
enraing w
blm- tba akyUgbi. It gave forth a boUow
•clf for a fnol. Baraiaxil sat gHmIy bw nound. I immediately kicked it bi
>. dntefatag a and. to! a paicb of piaaiering frU
fore bit
bare '
iced Id tbe rw)
«ada of tba fortnaa. ladaad
-There to a talae waO berer' 1 abooted.
baeomea aoddaaiy rich ia
I fancied I beard a groan m-bu Uiroogb
ileee ■■ tbongb turned to st<
tbr room. and. lurntog anddeuly. I was
wbitoito. ‘Ba maat ban fonadNapo- rat there, tbiaking, thinking.
I fiaunt of gartoenu <
*Tbe moon at length sireemed tbrongk
hoa'aCaBow oola.'
Dot more marUe baard retreating footatepa.
greui window, and not
• amtot tbal tba emperor kept
Aaay we a|>rd d»wu tbe arcade.
I tbr face of ‘La dole’ than bU la tbe
tbe aialrway
'way to tbe landing. No one waa
cold liglit.
wttk Hapolaoa'e character. Still H to a
gib Barataul aroae and.llgbted to be found but oui fondoller. whose
aerttort tbaory tbal aoma at tba moaer bit lamp and wrote a letter to Rlgoera eyes seemed to be glued to tbe little win
patwbtob aaabtod Napotooa lU toraaob jrnneeera Vecebio. 10 llira degU Rcbto«ba imperial tbroaa waa fonad la tba eonl. VeneaU. and. deeceodlng to the edved stUl tbe while fere.
“To tbe cafe
ea at once," said I.
ladkT dim plaoa. which bla moUur. tanding. be aigntled a gondoHcr and bade
~ b bad jwbaadtod oat of him deliver il>e note and wait for an aaFortified witb a measagran aud cugaac,
■WM-. Tben'be leaned agalnat one of tbe
bn bt«lb«.la-Uw.
atii}. diaouira
tall peeti and watched tbe warelHn lap“U waa atoo eommoB talk Ibat On•d a plau for Sulriug ibU mystery. Tbe
agalnst Its base.
anl BoRlaarr Ud aaaairad tba famow
waa that in baU au hour we had
Ire long tbe rbytbmiral thud of tbe
ccia eadl tba diaeora^ tbal bto moaej oar, as well at a soft voire ebanttag a
•opUn came from tM Dncbaw d’Ona love rang, apprised blm of tbe return of wviT at tbe false wall hewing away witb
ax and pick. We bu»b bad a grrut breach
nitbat baUaf at raaL
is meraenger.
“•Burressfnir be muttered as ■ wblu
*1W aud likely axplanatloB aato
■mile gleamed on bis fare in tbr mooa- held a aight to ahake tbe atouiest heart.
Ibry disappeared
dlaappeared up tbe dark On tbr fioor, dad to leopard skin, with
light. They
and that gondolirr
gondolier was tbe toal
■bar of Itba irreat Jowlah atalrway.
wuman. Brtwreu tbe riba was a jewded
human being to look u)>un tbe twain.
boaac. aaenred it TbUacoonat
lUge rolncldrnee was about tbla polgnard. ^au’gtog about tbe wai
entaatbat Baroa da Kbthacblld. bariag time tbe fiodiug
idiua of Quorne’s gondola
Bnt where was the facet
tba traditioa aad fonad floating bottom upward
rd iost
Just off there
A high oakeo eablix-t rote agatoat tba
of ito tratb. dellbmataa flinipae of tbe
ted that tbe gon walk and piled ou top of It was a mass of
2p aat te worti to looata tba aota.
cartoons portfolios aud Greek dra
dola was prubiMy run into by oome fiib“Bo qsiatly boagbl ia aad co
so high ae to obscure tbe Uttle
arary B fraoe place hi could gat. aad tog amaek returning in tbr duak. and as wtuduw. ^e frame uf which could joat ba
bto agrata wan aotlfiad to preaerra and tbr tide waa ruouing out its oecnpant'a detrcte.1. Tuiilng Buaac upon my aboalprobably carried out lo-aea.”
Sirwnd to Paria ovary 6 traae piece
bade him tear away tbe maaa. He
paused. “1
whlcb n«:bod tbam in Bnrupe. Ada.
did su amid a duud of dust and aenrrytoff
apiders aud an avatondie of rotting
Atofn at Amwica. In bto offloa the
bleb never will be brougl
bam kept tbm triarty men hard at light. We we oppoelie tbe Chlostra ca cloths. There fell, dragging with it a
work biaacting tba oolba.
nal. Lm's run In. and 1 wilt point out to Greek mantle, among the folds of which
lullding where Barataral it toy unbroken, a beautiful death
‘Bona ny that ba bad Invanted a yoa tbr old bulli
it hacLalld down from lu place on t^ of
ptod far waldlag them together agata.
heap bebiud aud
ai lay pressed against
Bloog In tbe abadow of tba tkB tbe h*ep....................
B n to daty dalectloa q otbara maiataia
tbe tope of whkb tbr window pauea.
that ha meltod dowq tba diver and were, white in the moop's
There was a scnffilng and sboullng on
rays, we clova
nU it to tba gowaramcat cn Uoc. The
oily waters of thelcanal. sniffing nb tbe sulra. and we leaped out iato tbe
Just to lime to see our g
work waa onlnml. bni in the end the
lately tbe salt sea and garbage, aprllng with e ragged fellow,
bam'aaytam UmldtobaraeuD^nerad.
_ -vividly to broad bauds of lamp- struggling
“Ba fooad tba -wota for O.OOO.i
' idowe aad agala seemed from bto costume te be also e
Ugbt from doors and' windows
ily rraalng other gondolier. Our man said tbe fellow bad
Craaea. bavli«apanlBaarly l.OM.OOtl to lorn in gb
stopped his boat at the landing stain and
obtola it Tba ordw wpa dniy praoeatad
atucked blm with a stiletto, but be bad
•I tba Baak of Fraacb aad
to We baited pieseoUy. at a aignal Cram dragged tbr would br murderer out.ef bto
Busac on tbe other aide of thejiwnal be
fore what must bare been a bouae of gondola and up tbe oiaira. Tbe man
“Ptowibto aa tbu' iainHoa may oome
ci.uscouence In tbe daya of tbe re seemed to be insane. Tbrongb tbe opaw
I, tba graat mam of Fnacbmaa n- public. Tbe tall mooring poRs bad al- tog la tbe false wall he stored fixedly at
Ibr while Btosk. and a tratb gatbeved ea
foaa te endit it. aad go on, year atti
bto Ups.
year, putting open thrir B franc ptoem
“Ula carMma Fraaeeraar bs «ktoto took for Mapotoon'a aula. It to carpertd.
y poster
Burar. wbo bad brea gasing bard at
to tka worid a bback for CkOO.suddenly abonted:
d Iroa bingca.
MStotooekiag abooiit bidden
ia an or- bung as If It bad b
“Tto I
•tony tohw coin worth tom than Bahil- turev. andindeed Uoaae tofonnedd°^ito We aO drew back and
M^'-Pbarm-a Weekly .
bouae bad harbitred a Und of tfalevca. log in tbe eoraer. Ue < .
vhidi tbe pollfe bad broken up iately- bto pockA for aometbtog. wblcb da draw
II was said to be haunted and bad baea forth, clasped lightly.
dost <ben tbr police caputo and two
IbaOamaad Plai«'ltoal«r talk a vacant for aome lime.
tony toa^ that th^ to
The stone gryphons aader tbe baleaay Bteo appeared in the paneled doorway.
a ewitl movemeat. BaratoaB'i
il to tba way of patting any- ap there were pw mal. and Bnaac bad With
amde atndim of tbetn aod pumped tbe hand passed aerais bto niontb. Ue ston
as if from a blow. and. stomping with
"••flBltodniltbat ytm raid aiy aM- tutHlolicr at tbe rame time. That Id41- ed
bad said, moieover, tbal If yoa oae foot, be leaped atoewtoe towaid tbe
m darter wra a* Iwmaiy aa a mad vidoal
wert out late there waa a time of algbt. white fere within, bto blue Upa drawtog
wbea tbe mooa waa blfbest. that a taea bach over bb gnmt aa be feU amoag tbe
“Tor om ««lto mtotakn. ray dnr tppaored at that acraU window op to«*. sbanrred etoy sioae dead. - Near Toefc
m^m. What 1 nid waa Ibat yoor but praple who were Ml late cenld ara Herald.
Mtoadil child rmtoMmoofamto- aaytblng ra a rule.
•ewaabt Cp la hlwae.
tom af tom tnu and aoaa |wa I
MmAtoapnedoalbomdary Uaa.
••Obi UtbataUt Dtoawitbnn
A FrtRhtfbl Blnnflar
wm often aawa a berriUa Bar^
flwU. Oat or Bratoa. Baektoah Arab
wflateawUiMia the pain aad
ly bwlit Caraa Fever Rnraa. UtoM
BoUa, Ooraa. all akin Braptioaa. Bwt
PUa eara oa eartk. Oalr M eta. a box.
Oara raarantoed. Bold by Jaa. Q.
yobMca and 8. B. Walth drag ttcrw
T« dvffi ■ MM Hi OM Offiy.
he beto ooa^ remedy on earth.
m omnna onn* wamch
New oBoa are added from Gme to Oma,
j( cotuae. bat tbe flrai moetba of tbe.
»ew year ara tbe bnrveet Ume for pratty Dovcltlea to cotton fnbrlea for dainty
gowns aa weU ae tbe goUeh
period for reaplfig bargains.
A coitoD fabric which to not all eottoA to one of the Doveltleo at tbe ot^
gaedle counter. It la
and to a dainty, oofi mlginra of allk aod
ootifm. aonictblDg l•FlweeD an organdto
aod a bahstr in icxtare.
tbe prettiest delicate colora. qalte plain,
witb a balriinc stripe like a tiny ec«d
or In white grauDda witb a otHped bor
der BDd Aowcrrd designs scattered
over lu.
Tbr DOW dimities witb a aatln atripo
ara prettier than aartbiug of tbe kind
over abbwo before, and. aa they ara
of yatd width aod only 60 cento n
yard, they are well wlibln tbe laacb
of every ooe. Cheaper muallns lafentord peiteraa at 12>^ aod » ewta
a yard are really very attractive, too,
bnt tbe finer class of cotton draw
goods will be a temptaGoo tndeod tbla
aeasoD If tbe early display Is a forarenoer of what the next few waeka
vrUI reveal to oa. BaUaiea of all tlflda
aod eoodttlona will be worn, aod or^odlea. alwnya cbarmlng. are bare In
more varied deelgoa Uiso ever.
Dainty floe white tows walati with
bematlicbed tacks In varying widtba.
waists auiped op and down with toes
and embroidered inacnioot aod groopa
of rocks, waists of embroidered lawn
and all sons of plaid, striped and fig
ured ablfGngi to colore are to be aoan.
Tbe pne feainre wblcb atampaNtbem
u new'and far pretGer than tbe aid
abirt waist la tbe entire aboeoco of
any yokes In tbe back. Tbe only yoke
wblcb Is aTyllsb at all la tbe one wblcb
la trimmed and applied to tbe abooideea. forming a little epaulM over tba
EnamelingBefit to be hid ta
the dty » at
8w fian^ ia window.
firud Ki^ t Udtiii R|.
aSISflSflflSSBfl ; 81 iBSSat
W. “J2Sf££SSl““’
-«aea and raatorara. Ms. n.
} jsflfll
•«Mfl*«S3A8fl .98«
• a..i.aS«i.-sw2
* Tb*%m W o>. wito kss pwier ear So OraW
bapMs. HD* sJavpisr ssr ao4 c—rS OroM
to FsMsk^.^ HpWuiT.AgsoV
Harass-s Bsrs TrssU eisswHs of al
liesalmoto bytbs IstM sak oust sp-
»flwooD.o- p. OT.A. Oreod neatoe .
The Fen liniDette KiUntf
M“KKisaTSjrs~‘ ’ws'PinOsc pissse tssvc si Bseeca earn. MI4>*
G'i.V’-sssrJK.-tss? “TK?
tsodlBtsg rasa
•(Ms It
»4« J 1
ana smatbi. o. p. a.,
Ovoae nwias
etoevaa. Tbe backs ara tnckad aod
plaited to carrenpond with tbe front. .70. a.L. O.U.- 1.... M..7 ..Ul
aa many of tbem were made tool
c ..1-'-' -——
aoa. and they are altogetber a vast
Improvamwt oo the yoke back prototypea.
Tbe etoeb gnlpan seen on so many
of tbe lateat wlour gowns wUl be a
dtotiiici fwtnra of decondoa on tbe
new spring eoatamca. It wUI form
satire waists, yakaa. tbe tower and
flartog portlao of tbe aklna and
tabUara at the aide or to froau Tbto
ta Bbown In one af tbe lUnatxatlooa,
where It to need as a paaM
of tbe efclrt and forma tbe yoke of tba
alU bodka. parttoUy oovtred with a
triple botofo of dotfa. Tbe kDotted
wab at tbe side to of crepe fle Atna.
Tbwe faabloM aod
■teanrd from ibe New Tert flna'e flaampttow of tnbrteo and garmaen
UDRB ID mmiran hi.
•etokeeflaet 1
la iS“r..irss.-“
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