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The Morning Record, January 19, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Third Ye»r-No. 84®
laplan Wilt Xaaiot ea Term
MapSeod Bqaadnn of WeiAlpa te
B.B.S.L .AP.0O. Asks $76
Otoptoh Balwar Trsatp la
Oanen torreteet Vraaeh
A Ymt SAohfor An
Waahiaptea, Jaa. I
«winl Warm AIm MMa tmfnn»mt
ate aatker- Oltp OenaaU Did Hot Anspt tka Bid
s of tha Mlaanpaa —Water Werto KaStse Defsmd
a VhM 40,000 Km-VIU Bag«c« aaaal tollad to neopB n tl
Impend oa tba Oallad Blataa bp tha A«ai>-A14arton Taayaa Vrprd thatltaeap heaaecnarp to aead the
■ afSTwii IkM lAdyMttt
tkat OUp Hog Ohtaker ba Xntraetad rreaah oqaadna, whSA Ua jest
(Bapioa-Balwer troatp. it la
■s—BsUsTad Or—I Britals VmIs
te iMk After Teoap Um Wke hroapht tha 8aa Domtope imbn«l
Zmaape Aboat Chonh ItoaMeaa anaeaaafaleapdaston. to UOaapro.
■attar baa aot hosa aallad te tba atLqaioa. Jsa. U-Tfc
Wbn the adW aooaaa amt last aipht
taatioa of tba adaaialatntloa bp Bnat than wn Jaat a qaar
dreea PnaHiat Aadnda oat of Vt„
MMsdbrOMtnl Bwlsr <* Than- Brttaia.
Ihrkar. Oaniaaa. BnttopB.Bmlth.Ur- sa^ and nbee tba anattnl hn nrmt4ar UM hM at Uaftk tasa iwaorad. Than la naaaa to boUaea, bowanr, dIaandKaapaabalappraaeal. Aldat- odand Imiwlaanad at Fort Ban Oartoa
^ tfSt aawt ta 4MaU .af tha ncna- tbatabok praparad to aoaart tba rlihts aaaa GraiUto earns to baton tbe ton- thadlneton of of the Beak of Veaeahan of latanat aad
Mt rsMlnd sUaa Bollard Wat aba alalma totaa tba
dneioaof theraadtap of^ mtoatoa aaeU tor rafnlap to adnaoe moae
dtopaM Maoaadwr M harlaf takaa
ofthapnrionmoettop. Itwnbepad
FtCtatart Dftft was taaairad kve Oaptoa-Balwar apnimaat. aad h wU- that then wnald ha anoaph pmaat to Among tbe dineton i
Uap to aeeada te tba daalneftbla
ie *.
M. m>iantD3
Maneatb3 moamaeaa,
a mack
amka another aeon to tba water worka «
aeaatrp that tba treatp be
ettlaea. Tha Wench Obarre d‘ASalree
Tkaaom^aaAaat daaerikn bria«/
bat n •••
atOaneaepreteatod. bat aic protoet
«kaMBaa*anky wUah Ua British If tha Oaitad Itatm will pea
" raftheaaaal.
fMsral had ^paa MhWsa to r«sei his
parehoae tba CatophaU plant fortbm wn ipaortd. M. Deleaeee. the Fnneh
adfiaea. aarpristaf tbs Boan at Oarmaap, too, wiU aaqaestloDablp prapnae. tor tbe preaent at tent, wn mlaister of feWipn aSaln. hasdemaodo4 ths lltaentlon of M. Moataetaaa. If
^rtactsU aad Pstrlatar's Drift, at adaaeor to aaoon tba aeatralltp of
rthlsh tottar place SMBS of tbs casmy
All other bnetoen of tbe ooBaell wn the demaad la ipaorsd a dirisioa of tbs
«wa foaad bsthlor la tbs Htst. Ba
dleaoaed of befon aap eqppeatioa wn French eqaadron wDl bo eeat to bring
can OB to tall of ths adraass of Cytmade rspmrdinp ths propoasd water the Venesaelaa ponramsnt to ito
tlatsa's brlfads to sapport Daadoaatt,
worha. bat diaaaasion wn atartod
aad dnerlWac tbs passafs of tbs
when Aldermaa Oarrieon mond that Wbeo Fnak Frladrieh<a ■
taw asrass tbs drift talU Af a left iwry
Him $800 wbn tbe eoaacn adjoaraad It be to haUdlapadJ^tolap the Bra
•aak’at^sk dsUssrad bj Osasral Warnext Moadap alpkk Than wn ooaAftw
na, iBPlliac that ha. toe. had aroasad
auod ap an tha aaooad itoar far ;
Alderama Keapon’e pcaltlca. bat nr- Bosaathal-lhompaan.
Oaaa vm Ba Appaatod to Bapsama* top a ecbotdbop hlaah or two the al^itan
ttet BaUar la paahiaf his traj rapidljr
wrt-Bnlek Oaaa Battlsd Oat of dermaa from the Foartb met the
aaihalatt. Ba has prebaWr a asraac
M eaata. Batoeta 1
art-A Uoaniaaat TUI Moadap nlUn of hk ooU^am bnrelp. Bo Biaadarda,
tons atBasnia treat, as ta ladlaatad
area spread to^tap aside and allow at Tatraaab. •
hj toa nalalaBaa to Warrsa’a paancs
thaofharmambantopaeb their ptoa
atthartsar at Waraa drift, aad as
throoph. bat aekad that la tba proeam
day moraiap. tba nrdlet U tba aaaa of ha he allowed to etond mats. Aa ^ rrada footwear hoapbt bp tbe
CfttaltaaaadWarTsaan both
aid ftitor ^ alrsadr bacaa la all Baaadtap ea Boloaasa waa ready. Than o«ort wn otade to panaade Um to BewTork Stonat »m
UMihopdafnatbatUahaa oou
I aoma pnttp alaappjaron whebad maad bis wapa, bat It wn fatlU. doUar. Watch eparial
ad.orsrlUbs U proprsaa todap.
aat oa tba ease alU aipht, aad bad atood Loariap oat Aldermaa Eaopoa than
tb^ batlU ths forass ee both aides wUi lOtolalmoataUtba tlma They bad wen aot aaoaph pnaaat to aooompUab
bad aa IntamUap time, bat aaoM to aa aapthlap. n aeraa rotn woold ba n
ftvbablp anoaat to 40.000 atee.
IBsnperi thatUa tnasbw atOo- fraomaat at 4 o'rioek la tha moraiap. qalred to pam a molattoa. tharafora
laaae aad OrohlarB hlaof had baaa da- It wUl ba nmembsrad that the aaaa
. nto
antodbrtha Boats srasprebablp aa waseaaaad bp tba ponbaaa of a team to his ampnaaimoas oSm to atap aside
annanUoa. Tbosa that wan alnt^' bp WUltam Haaediopof Leo Bolomoa aad not bloek lapialattoa to salt tha
ad oat to the sastward of thoas plaoas tor whieh a bone ealacd at PM aad itbar msmbora.
atap bass bass, aad probabtp wsra. n two aotoi of P7S each . wen pina la Tbs report of ths o
Beak Bsasdlapelalmed that the ed to pmaat a oontraet tor arbltrm
a the Um aboat Oolaaao. aad map arsa bars aaarehad to team was not eaiiataetcrr. aad eaed to UoatatMr. OampbeU wn ready aad
ward BaUarh prsaaat posltlOB. which recofor. Tbsiarp bUowed him $t00.
n ntd that ita eaeeatlal polata
amonat olslmed. It ta aa wereapned to by Mr. OsmpbeU.bat
weald laaTsths fona laftta oppose
Clarp aboat OolSBao aoDSldarablp ooaaoed that Pratt A Darla, attoraapa owing to tbe abnaee of aereral memsraabsMd. Oarp map. tbarefora. tor Mr. Botomn. wUl esrrp ths ease to bars it was aotbroapbt oak Alder-,
make aa eBort. spaehroaoaslp with thssoprraM eoart.
asea Moatapoe aad Cook were III aad
Bollarh moramaats aboat the Dawdr
Tbs ease of Pnab / nlak ra. Joaepb aaable to be pranak so aaothsr rSort,
raad.teeramtbaTafalaat Oolaaao
7-oalak at al, hu baaa aettiad oet of wUI be mads to dlspon of tbe matter
k This was tor ths aaooaaUap aeat Moadap aipbk lo ths diaeassioa '
Leodoa.Jao. !«.—Gaps TOwa dw and sals of real ssUta.
Maptr HamUtoo arped tbs aeoeMilp of
la to state that than are It waa esBssd bp a diaapreemsai
adiato action aad expressed tba
mt nimcn that La<
Bump the bain to a farm oa tha paa need of a toll atlandanos next Moadap
baai nliend, bat than Is oo ooeArm • isela. Tbs farm was ratasd at from aipbk
tl.OM to SI.SOO. Pnab Zealsk. oa
tiea of ths npmU from anp sooros.
OtBaMs at ths warotom an aatisflad thsbeln. bad paid a mortpapeaad Aaotber Importaat matter wbieb wee
that the tide has toroad. aad tbat'
»taaa, aad dsairsd oompenaatloa. looked forward to with laterest was
B. A Pntt and J. A. Loraapar, ths at- thereaswalof ths ooatraet for tbs
tbs British poist of risw wUl banafur lerasrs tor tha partlas to ths salt, stmt Upbtt of ths dtp. Tbs only Wd
be lbs rols lastead of the
•prsed eat of eoart that Fraak ahoald rassirad bp ths dark wn tbat of ths
WbUe Oeaenl Warrea'atona was rsoaln dlOO aad the aataia ahoald than
Rirar Blaetrie Light A
afeasiBC the TofeU rtnr, Boen who be dirMsd.
Power Co.. B. D. OampbsU A Son
9ontM a thleklp
Ooart was adjoaraod tUl Monday harlap faUed to raspcad to ths lar^ua wits aerth of the rinr aaat saesnl moraiap. at whioh time tha other a
tloa to pat la a Wd.
eoUapa lato fala advaaas poard. The on the ealsadar wlU he takea ap.
When the Wd WM reaehed than wn
Brittohrapliadaad artUlatp epaaadea
a aaatlmaat la tarer of waltiap aatU a
Bqi • aar* p«tfsM (bn sneM^ mA«
• aaifbbori^kop)a TbeBoantoaod
OBraer to bmiabs.
bid ahoald be molrod from Campbell |
thair paatlioi aaaomfortabU aad nttr
aIom. bet wbea it wn expUlaodi
ad to lha hUia. Immadlalalp after tba
tbat delalled apeclfljaUoBs repardtapi
poatoei bridfa had baaa
time aad plan to eahmlt bide had bna
tha whela British tom aroasad. It la MaaUa, Jaa. ll.—Th*
pirea it
thea^t pr^ble that a aombiaad for- allemsBt ta npmrd to the Man la oa
all that wn
. hn atoas danlopad. thrlaanaai TbaAi
ioUtarp bid wn opeaed. Iw ooauau
muwhUa the aanl rtas ea «waru tab paean hare takaa It ae aad tha ea.
irprtoeaadths ftpnros aamsd
Bxeloalre apent for Boroals.
Kop ban baaa panlalaatlp abelllac Un eilp hae baeo atlrred bp the talk. dldBotnnireaj9ptoIm«vtloa. Tbe
tha Boar eatnashmaaia faeliir the
The local rUiplaepapen an partlea- Boardaua Biter Oo. Wdmi fS a month
kopjes oeeapled bp Oeaenl UptUetoa’e larlp bitter apalast the Man
for 4» etreot are Uphto. to barn all
BlpbkenrpkipbttBthepoar.aad for
^%fBri^ plan, tor oaM wan weU Todar dttoraep Oeaeral Terrea, oa
addtUoaal lii^t oetabUshed M ts
Voatdad. aad tha Boto« wantakaa bahalf of tbe most reereseetatln peo- per month, the came rate par moath n
aamplatolp bp sorprtoa.- The aetaal
m *OB tka cabjsetfrom torthatsUmpa As the printer the
rtomlif of the rlrsrwos attaada
peara wn only fa par
tow if aap aasealtlm. so farashaowa tba Amerieaa eommaadar. Oeaenl month per light then wn dlontiataehara,bet the fiphtiop is said ta bars Oils mads this npip:
“Than it no aaeamltp for tba FOI- OB ixpramad at tha adraaead rata.
^ISew aaar Osasral BaUar hoe ad- piaoa to fear that tba frlan will apala Aldormaa HMttnpa Immadiatdp
eaaasd toward LadpaaUtb is oakaowa. be foreed apes them anto*t their •on sad mored that tha Wd be reOao ramor Is that tha lellef of Ladpaaalto hat alreadp bees sBesiad. Otasr wiahea. U tbeebanb aathorltlae as- jMtod. He atated that there wn ao
nsaUiadiaata ibav Ueaarals Bal- aipa Man to eemelet aad Ue amlap- reeeea tor thw adraaea la paWle Upbt- The famoua Enpliah tatbor, writ
meats an obaeatoaa tfie people wUl lap. Mon Upbts wan aaedad aad
weald ba ardarad. bat ha baltorad that ing Id the North Ai
not be compelled te aeeept tbeai."
Oeaenl .Otia alae aaaand Baaor tha tax papara weald raaaataap od- on *The Energy of tbe Atneriean
Toma tbat tbs flUKlBca weald be raaaad rato tor tha aarriaa. Be de People^” aayp':
protected in tba aaankaa af toair ta- al^: -We aaa afford tobaUdark“No man writaa with hia own
aem tor a eoapla of moatha jnt n waU
dlTldaal aad aeaetltattoaal riphia.
n net. aad 1 ballete tha taxpapaia band, if be can dictate to a atenoPbnadalphia. Jaa. ia~Ths Boaaapl- Utor on Beasr Toma said that wealdamtala ths aOBoaU in dioaardlap grapher; no man dictatea, if he
toala Baitroad Oe. baa aaaoaaaad a
a hid tor as laonaaod price. The prin telegraph: bo mao telegrapha, it be
roadjaatmaatefthasrapos of Its am- dalepate. apeeklap oa thte eab)e«t
ta. U paraaak man than wa can talephoae."
ptajaaia tha pards aloap the aetM pastordap. atated tbat If tba nUptaca hdn pUd dariap tha peat flrs paara,
dldaotdaalntbaMantetUtba earIf yoQ are a typical, energetic
apatam. Tha asw adji
oetoaba weald aot attempt to tom and nthar ihaa pap it the city mi^t np-krdate American, yon already
iate asset Jaa. i. Oa the AUaatic tbam oa tbs psepla.
a plant of Its owe.”
atp aad Oapo Map dlsWon it sras
aad tha nae the lioog Dutaaoe Telephone.
I an adIf not, a irord.to the win is anffica to rejact tha Wd e
jTb. Msisea Mark
pWaad.JO .
WhilaatworkatJ. B. OnlUA Oosc- did net mnt with eeanlmen tonr. ient.
.4ap. with ae redoattoa
Mayor BamBten aaked Aldannaa
haaia Tha aaw aeala with rmpeat
BsMla^ifhawoeldsotapna tealmto the other dlriatoas la as taUowa. Birlklapapeaaemsmacbiaatp. Hawn plp ncairiap aad iUnp tha Md Intoad
' aad aatrioa srith it a rodaetioa from M asnmp bralaad aboat tha bask and af rsjastiap Ik Mr. Baatinps Ud net
to It boon a dap: ■aplaiars Iiaraaai
fanep that ooena, bet whaa, Aldarmaa
<nia M to 17 eaata par r
Kaapea mond to reeetn and Ola. he
-4^om IS.to 17 eaata
Wm. Wataaa. tormarip McHam- aenptad tha amaadmnt aad tha' hid
ffrom M tottasmta (dap),from ti ten of
nh. waa boapht bp the Hew Tark
thn dkpaaai et
aaala (aipbt). Brabaasaa from 1* to •ten at to aanbi oa too daUar
Uaaata (dap), from 17 te U aoata Look oat tor kaiBalaa.
(topht). Qardrnppan Brom UH
Ctoik Btaknd toVAwne ardand nPfol. a a. ■ashTwCksrmav
telTKosato(dap).toom MH aaata.te
■Mad to Boward'WUUw. Banh BUI
Moadpopa.] .
Vrltteh Aimj Bmm ftacoMtftallj Orowd th« Tng«U.
ThefaalJapaa«aeaitiola,iii a ooe gallon
^an aqnarinm with ahelia, aea wMd>and 6 montha
..... 76c
Extra Gold Fish
At 16e MlOh
Yea it ia a little oat of onr regular fine bat—Want any
Can get yoo anything *'iaadMble"
I»-!29 Front Street
Ralph Oonnahla Jr., tUBrngtr.
Tk llew StM FarWamti
tevc Wka » p»«p »t Ik*
Big Sile Row Oi.
!■ 0«r erlMo.
Doa<l tartM
Buy a Cloak uniur.n.<e
The Special Values
We offer you in choice, desirable garmeatB. Clouag
prices on ladicB', misses' and children's cloaka.
MiUer’s Store
, We have ^
two carl/^ds
Ian Maclaren
School of Mnslc
Which makee tu crowded for
Will nil:
Wise folks smokf 6c
Street Car Feed.. 85c per 100
Pig TaII HavaoA Smokers.
Fine Feed........ ,.85c per 100
OoarM Oom Meal65c per 100
Cntil we have more room.
«. W. iiller's Cash Store
226 Front Street.
Gents Shoes
If yon have thej“Little Gent” we have
the kind of shoes tbat will make him
A good, strong, np*to*date shoep 9 to
—boxjcalf stock-41.25.
Tb4"Hoosier School Shoe" at $135 U a
A pair^of those high top "box calf’ wottld
be sore to please him—the price $1.50.
Front street
McNamara block
<gmm Koaam BBOOBS.
Tn ycna m« who aomftwti*
•tap.k tte «b»rch mtnitm t-M*
•Hkti. m4 wbo« AMmM euTtei
» flM*« to toim -fcoRbU *1 hayt.'
vU yratoUj *M tolu ktoaiy to peU«
lltolhnni wUk tktor rtmUm «f Ml«k If toi^ fD li
Iba abRnkM Md <
Hka ftt—to tto foUto wttl Mt hara
MMtoto to took ^tor thMB-
vkkRtaUtottoftotoy mtHdlaf
totolMkkag.kataa pal b* had
iduMBtol- Urtowollhaaw
Bawakk adetod ha aorad toal
tok paktlaa ka laku
frMtoahudaaf to* aoBiaHtoa aad
aad Boward Tattla. toak |ii|irlp toalaUghtka oMarad plaaad aa iw
aU.Watldaafaato Vtatk atoaal
waagIraptoBkaliBtoBoaa a ban
flarrlaw wafB. Ba k a
faoB toa alky adjaaat to kk praB- to*
Ulkkag aoBBlttoa aad kt
*”wfUtoa B. Dawttt. who
toattoarakrtrlMhitakac Usa by awdabp AldOTBaa Lardl*. Bald kr
tba teakwk. awl to to appUaatto
tbapoaMwaa aagtoaar of too
OM who ou do baltor.- Ba
walar werba ptoat whtok k to ka
that to*
Biabikkad kara toBatiipi Tka apOB had ratardad prograaa ef
f**-**-^ waa raaalrad aad Had.
ittag eoBBiltaa kp kot ru«tIkaaoaaaltMatowajaaad Baaaa,
to hart a lato
daawowaad kp toa alto o*
a to aalakllak U^tk •!
•uaat appiakad. laparaad ll
ralw waa P^Ot. Ika trperi waa iw- toa nilh wardwaaad waawar aa k*
aalrad aad Up* aad Iba appor aad preaaadto a^ kolora h* aaaaladad ka
atork utoarlaad to dkpeaa af toa propAaiak.
Aldarau Boapu agraad with Ut.
- Tto koaM at balldtor toapaatora
Mortod farorahlp «paa toa ptoaa aad Oarrlato aad aiatod toatU thaooB■* rratk Madrlahk Bltto* to ordlaaaaB weaU pcaaut toa
krttobaltdtaf aadraaoBBaadad Ikair erdlaaae* wkkk toap gar* laatrvaiad
appre*al..Tka raport waa aaaaptad to propar* aoB* iIb* age Ik* aaotBlttoo oa Ughttag weald tou prm
a^toaraaoBBaadaatoaa adoptod.
Maaiar Wanbarg rapwtod a bal- plu for dtp llgktlag wkkk weald
.ofpa.ue-ii to toa aiV kaaaarp Beatprraiataaadaaadaet addtolk*
rzpuaa BatorlaUp. k* baUarod that
MtoaiatafJuaarpardlaaBaakad aotaraa aoaai
1W aBMBMt ef toa baatd af ukU*
warn aaUad lor par.oa, wkiak waa to* altp bttorup'a ofla*.
«ba Wtoton MUklo* rawrto, Rst
rad paid.
whM Mtttote to* ftocrtow wlU •«•
ftoto toWRrt toMA IlMkaiM Md
Tbara katof a laU to tba praaaadtoga
•fUd Hwm w* alMitototo to eteto- AldarBH Oarriaw aatoad tba oppw
W«to* to Ottom, tutlgto bfiuapa aatoarwktto ka
Btoto u4 aof* toto to* read Itod* to
irad daBUdad toa Boat aaratal
TtofWM ttto tod PMaton7.-i»nB4
laatiM af Iha peUoa. Ibu ka wwt
a to alato that ka
last Baadap. la uptotottoa af tok
laotoTtotoli wotod toffWl Um aBtrtltokaaaUtoat wkUakadldaM
tti«Urd(« *M*hto ktokad tomU* gotoobafab ragatorlp. ka did aoaeoa
••MiliUtolj. btidldTWB X*ayto to a whUa. wkkk ka aouidarad parVOTld add to kto Wrd*M
feniar laetlp propar aad right. Tb«a wu
Mb to look afur to* tobbc B*a who
watt for toUrk**t d<rk atto**hai«h aotu
todkpaU tok pfopealUto. ae- Aldar
toktoMbaadaj •vtotoC*.
ButoaiTtoM awttoaad to ratotokk
Baadap might ■apartoaaa Ha atatad
’ On aaaaattoUftoataajr kappa la
that wbaa too aarrtaa waa dkwkaad
gtoltoky- nanfato wap w **»p* aad ka aBargad troB to* ekafok k*
MattowFiattBot aoB* otoar Baa** waaaBaaodtoftoditoad apaloag to*
faad la to kaaptotolda toat *»to. walk a half haadrad peaag ttaa aad
fkap kaUato dewa toar* kaaa a dla- koga whoa* parpea* It aaamad wi
iPBbagkakltaf ledgtar la aasaea* Maap toa akarak poar*. B* daaarikad
aba latoar toaa Ik* bu alBad at.
toa laagaaga ka haard aad wkleh b*
wiine m fmui
|ba ptolau aad todaemt.
Aad tok anaapuaa waa ut aoaflaad
to tka rlatoltp of tba B^kkt obarek,
bat toa bopt walkad aloag toward* tba
Matoodkt ebaiob aad amitoaad to*
tN*BW ofprofau toagaaga. Attorn
Tkto Omppaarad.
Hetbodkt obareb uotoar arowd of
alBilar proporUoaa waa waoub
• B- ■. Blfalow *ra* a varp bbi
M BU Wadaaaday *«wlag. bat hd aad toaa* too ladalgod la lodooaat
aad profau laagaaga.
ipUad to tare ap to up plaa* wbara
gw paUaa aoaU 8ad him. All -d«p b* Aldarmu Oarrkoa baoaB* aloqaut
bad kaaa kara. aad waa aaaa bp aawal todaaoaaelag aaeh ooadnot bad aald:
•aaMa. bat wkao a UlagraB oaaMu* ‘■If to* paraatt of tooa* kobbla-da-b^t
pianulnf that b* waa watod tar (racd oaaaot look aftar toaaa U k Ua* toe eltp
M a aalrkkariar ^to. ka waa abacat akoald do ao. aad toa polio* cmgbt w
BraB to* altp m paniealar baalau, be rtqalrad to axarek* tkalr utoorttp
larit BMBatoat baaada It kk bad- toBamroBtoeB."
a Lardle Mld-ABaB" to tba
paw to baabaut, karlBf dmbtlaai u
of AldamuOairlaoe. mod
MkUarafto* iatoattoMaftoa poll**
g«M*r*d that it waa bigb Ubm
Mbit aaaa.
BIfatowkaa k*M kuwa hart far totng waa doe* to atop *aak dkordwlp
at toa obareb aalraaooo Bu.
aaa* ««. kariag baaa aaaoeUtad
VltoVruk Taakar. J. Kau Oarle dapnlgbta Bo aargooUd that tbar* bo
.____ I,_
••d M. B. Btraaur la tba toaatrioal
. Jlaa. ThU U tba'rol* that ba aMnsad ofijara at toaa* plaoa* to protaot toe
ban. ' Ba raprraeatad blnwlf aa tba
AldaroBB Eeapoa eeboad to* aaaU
pdraaaa agul of “Tba Oalkap Slara."
aat* upreaaad bp bk two oolleraa*
pad to to* fltraectb of tka atatoBaat
gBt k* bad aaearad a data for tba mod sargratod with aom* wamto that
^p*. wbiok kaaald waa la Wlaaoe- to* dip dog oatebar ba 4*toUod to
Mb, h* aadaarorad to “work*' aoa* of gatoor la the poaog bu who aoogb t
lb* food badaaB ^u of toa aUp. dad toauop toareh Bowbof*. rataralag
It k aald that bk aebaB* workad ea from tbalr dwUoa*. The dog eatobar,
A BaBarbabl* Ptaak
Dsdortakor W. B. AadarawbaaseQ*
aaaiu that k ^aU* a woaitor. Por too
paatala aontli* it baa ban eovarad
toea^ offmdare Jaat aa wall aa ha
OMld oateh toa aaalaM dog* aboat
tba dtp. Ba bad obaarrad tba omdaet of poaog bim at to* obareb
ntrwee* aod ba dodaru that ehoreb
ibar* war* foreed to aaba^t to la-
Ban M loag la blaaaom that tbep bar*
haw tboagbt w ba artlftekl. »0Ba of
darsu Bwlto' nwrrad that tba
too tilraanmi topt ar* bow 00 tbo plut matur be refarru to to* oosBltMa oa
•naflM pUk. It Uiralparamarkablp polio* with aotborltp to laatraet to*
ebtaf of polio* to took afiorto* of andora utaed. bot Aldermu Keapoa
Mr*. Laara Oarliak of Blair Doad.
Mr*. Laara Cprilek of Blair, died objMtod to tola baoaaa* toaeoBBtUtoH
had uoabl* oaougb. Ba bdtorad that
fBltriap Bormlag at 1 o'doek. of
It waa tba detp of to* aapor to laatraet
r------of too atoBaeb. Daaataad wao
to* chief of poUe* to praaarra order la
Plpaaiaotag* aM baaidoa bar baatbariolaitp of to* obarebae ud to
gaW toaraa foar Obildraa.
dkgraoalal prooardlagB doTk* faaaral wdl taka plaea at Klagalap, Baadap. at ll a. ba
At Uk poiat Aldarmu Baatlag*
araaaia Bateaoo of to* bop*. BaaaaarlM that to* poaag bu ef thk eltp
moraet^arlp tku ia awpottka
rautaaJ. LaA«*y make* eatb that
U k tba amlor partaar of toa Bra of
oaadlag towa* aad that b* did oet
Fd-Canar A^. pdag butaaaa la b Itor* toar* waa tap istratloB to b*
llw dtp of Toledo.' Ooaatp aad BBta lanlUag or aaaoplag. Tba bopa war*
pHorawl*. aad toataald Arm wlU tap
Ua UB of OHB BUMDBBD DOLLAHB aartalalp aaraiaaa, tooaghttoB ud
lar aaU aad aaarp aaaa of Oaiairk that baMlBB. bat toap ar* Boatip aatlBabl*
naaot b* mrei bp toe aaa of Baix'# puBg BU who go to ehareh aad wait
AataBB Ocaa.
gBABKJ.CBEBET. OBtald* to *** tbalr but girU beow.
WhUa be did ut ueaaa aagutlaBoalp
•were to bafara»* aad
t. tok «to dap of Daoaai- aoodaet. h* btltorad a word troB the
L O. llW
pdtoa woald aBaetaalip atop to* u-
0CPtarto Cara k laku la' aeta dlraatlp w Ike
OB Of toaapatoB f '
ii^tb* kaal.
IB tart U tfWiB M iMm.
Ko (aBodreqtok WABsaBk Warn
jy ikk
**^*Mttar wM Baallp raterad to
to* ooBBlttoa to pdle* with utke
to taka aaeh atop* aa war* da*B*d;
au Lardkaahaaaatorateto to* are light
Hbad far bp to* BaBban of Bt ?ruak akorto. ka aiatod that to* oar**r
ef Out aad TUto etroata waa a dark
ipotaadtoBawar* aaaapaaoaa froB
hep* toar* aa wall ea at tM otoar
blob weald k* taaaaaad If
**■ Ik*
rahrradtotoa «
up Dodge to kk faak B* aiatod aapbatloaUp that u aaah ardlaaoM wi*
la kk UBBulea aor had k* baaa laatnietM to draft It. Wbu ka raoalrod
raatloa* to prapara aaak u ordiI* k* weald do ao witooal auaa.
Afm aoBo tortoar dkaBaioa AlderlU Cupea BKrad u aoMadaaal to
to* Botlu of Aldanau Lardla, that
to* «oBBltlM ba allowed fartker Us*
torapertMlk* light patitin. Tbk
Baallp prerallad.
Tku to aotlMof Aldarau Kaapto
atrutod to prapara u ordlaaawr
latlagto* llgktlag of raUreadoi
lag*, aad to report at toa aact Bukag
laton to* Beat Otoe* aa GOarb, tk*
DeparlBoalHarlat Allowed Kr.
B^lulag Vbbrvarp rirat Oau
Polrar of Bao-Bit Cl^, will taka a
elerk la tka poat oflea.
ffbaaroentlp ban al
lowed u ntra elork. ud at Mr. Palrrr
atood blgbaat la to* Ikt of oaadldatr*
at tb* elvU aarrie* anmlnatloa be ba*
boea appolsud to tb* poaiUn. B*
ba* utvad tb* oSo* to leara to* de
tail*. bet wtU Dot b*glB regalar datt«
aatU to* Brat of aaxt amtk.
Ubm Palrar ba* Iwn la
atraetor of abortbaad la Profaaaor
D)ckrr*p’i baalaeB ooUrga'
lUu aa
kf Mr. HcK
CbarlM Bemmlag ba* reeelred a latt«r from a maaber of tba Hew York
and Hrw J*r**p HrodooeOo.. giriog
•OB* parUnlara of tb* death of Mr.
McKnoa. Ba aapA la part;
-The loot 1 *aw of Mr. McKnoa
allrawMwbnha waa parebaalog thl
railroad ticket for that poaag bu
from TraYcra* Clip. Be apok* MB*
toeo ud *ald ba waa gelogtoeall
di.wa to the market ud aa* tom* tnuU of bl* aad get readp to etart for
Trarrraa dtp tb* neat dap. I bid him
good aigbt tbra, at aboot »o mlaate*
S ocloek. At S;» o'clock he wai
dead. BawMiaaboatebeowDedud
tookiog over bob* aapara in thr
aafa Among them w** bla will. Then
be got ap fr m hk chair and Mid be
would lfl*Te thing* oDtU he came back
froB Ulchlgu In Map or Jane, ud replaerd hi* will In the eate He tarned
aronnd and Ugbtod a elrar and atJd to
the man who kept toe *tora. *0000
bp*." and walned M far a* thedooraod
dropped dead. Bk fueral wa* largelp
erarp proBlant prodnoe
dnlar in New Turk ud aomo from
Michlfu belar prmenk'’
Old Baepl* Made Toug.
J. C. Bberatu. the rataran editor of
thr VrrBoovtUle (kieb.) Btbo. ha*
dkeorarad the rrmarkabl* aaeret of
keeping old people pooag. Por peare
t* aroIdKl Nrreonanc**, BlaapleM■ n. F
ean't be prakad too bigUp. It gnUp
etlBitUtoa tbe kldupt, tosed th* atoai•eb. aid* dtgeatlon, and.glrM a aptndid apuUt*. It to* werkag woadara
for mj wife ud om. Ifa a Barraloaa
remedp for old pooplo'i oeBplalata.”
Onip soe at Jaa. O. Jobaan'a aod A B.
Walt'* drag etoraa.
too Hew York Btor*.
DO YOU NEED . .; .
CHAIR?I bane 14 diflanat atylea, from a SgUd Oak, Obm Sat at
$4.25, nesi a PbUabad Oak, Cana Seat at $4.75. naxt a Solid
Oak, Saddle Seat at $5.25, ne^'aPoliahedQaartw Sawed Oak,
Luther Upbolatered Sut $6.75. Solid Oak, Luther Upboleter.
ed Sut and Back $8.76 and oa op to $12.75.
A Urge liM of Stoola from 75c op, Am Chain from a low
back ap to a Sne leather.
Enjoy the
Good Sleighing Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Front StYMt.
,I have *ev«ra] fin* oaif rig^
both Bikfle end two oented
Baal ootfito in the city Try
Older by •Phene No. 32.
Geo. Cams,
LItraryand Food Stablea
{lefora Plicltg
I .....
A See tbe new mliciea of tbe A
F ACtna Life of Hartford—tbep #
;■ are winneta. Ralea the moat t
p aatiafactory.
We alao aell Uieir accident #
aad health policie*.
H. L. A Co. Block. .
They re Nobby There’s a Room
They’re Nice Carpeting
The Overcuta we're aelliDg now. Some
of them are in the grut ''Oombinhtion Sale”
becaoM we'd rather have the room than tbe
good*. We moet prepare for onr Big Spring
Stock. It'* a trills urty 'tie true, but it'* better to anticipate all theae changu then to be
■ uoght *'all in a hup* later on. So look at
theae pricea, they'll tempt yon. $5.00 coat* (pj
for $3.26; $6.00 goods for $4.00: tbe $3.-50 atyle
far $2.85; one lot of boys' $5.tX) overcoats for
fS.bu and u on down tbe line.
and here are some urpeta that are jut tbe
thing and onr grut *<k)fflbinstion Sale” is a
doable beader, givu yon the goods yon want
and cleans np onr atnok. Take for
thoM- beat all wool Ingrains that sell regnlatly
for Goc and 7.5c tbe yard. There are patterns
that have from 7 to M yards that we're now
asking only 46(-and
One fine 75c Taputry
Brnaael* that U youre for 4Uc the yard.
A Quick
If It’s
Sloppy Weather
or slippery wuther (and yon lake tbe middle
rud) or cold wuther and tbe whole U winter.
It’* ali the aame you want waim abou. Our
great “Combination Sale" i* your benefactor for
you can get yonr choice of onr 1250 warm lined
shoes fortlhHj the $1.00 Felt and Buver shoes
for 7r>r; the $2.00 Alfred Do<lge Felt Slippera
for $1.50.
Exit Price
That's tbe reason onr chtak* are moving u
rapidly in our grut H'ombination >Snle'' They
most find a door somewhere and the only OM is
through the front door either on the back oi
the customer or in a bundle under their anna
and this i* the reasou: A $3..50 Kerwy Jacket
for$2.<!9; our $8.00 black tfbeviota for $6.00;
the $5.00 red Kersey* for $3.76; a lit* of $2.60
Ghildren's JackeU at $1.88. Be om of tbe
r mv
And About
That Room
or perhaps the wbede honse needs papering and
you've just pot it off. l>Mi*t do it longer, our
grut “Combination Bale*’ is your helper. There
are 20e papet* with two band bordera that
only cost 12c tbe doable roll.' Bolder* 1| and
2c the yard. Tbe I2c gradu for 10c and tbe
10c patterns for l^c. Webavaaome amaU rem*
aanta that are going at from 4c to 10c tbe
double roll, jost abont one quarter the regular
•*> **
The Home
make it look ooey and pluunt. Nothing faelpa
ao mneb u some lace^cnrtsins and now that onr
opportunity and at pricu that will fit any pnrsa.
Nottingham Cnrtains r^pUar priu from 60c to
$4 00 the pair now aelliog from 88e to $8 00.
Irish Point and Bnuael* oet regnlar price from
$4.00 to $^.00 now from -8.00 to $6.00 tbe pair.
Bow k to* tlBo to top* poor Blepel*
.■>airim*Hdaadalaaaad ap raadp for
Free Storage All Winter.
Mp work au bot to but mod priar*
toalowaat. WiUoall for pur wW
k L SUB. Pnpr-
TKe Hannab & Lay Mercantile Co.
> rmiM
»««asss«s aHassss«*« sssssste
t Hat tor ••Baspty
fffteMItoOMM, «a< atoat M «t Du^.*-b
tor FMte
• altek rito' ofoasa. ttot my to to«a^
Ito T»
9fm7 Wof.
awaadtboottyte ovMte- A vary oma -y ant rrttoy orwte. iaa. •
■m rroMtoo. CM., ioo. It-Tto MoaMBi «lm WM ooj ^ad by oU.
ter ■Utaf fwp o( Oi^o Horn, sate
1 ma yaatarday. with bat
ItooroO* cM*. »iU Montto op
> Maa^or StaUbary wUl
**t*-*iH vta»§*. KftUMM* ««urt7. tekttooppUoMoaof oKiUsUkm oad
aa. Bto WM a ama of J. J.
aBaalaCjrttokmralaf *« latto mot mton slate aooan
> ■ jRif ■liltni nf f** —
Bnaiaa. aad had may fnaada la (bia OfsaMtbo Bssbarof
»ita«U4wtk ■ritkto Ha Mmd«r :U«U1 W««»
tothm haadrad aad U that amtet li
Bloate saktemaUaary. telolMof olVte UM.
COmKa t of Ua Pirat M. B. baad^ oasarad, ba artU hart tto attraetea ^
of tto (tea Mom Klaate A. tod' fOftmat. at OoUwaior.
It irqalTM botwaaa foar te # b6St mak68 Only,
aobool. uaybt. by Rowtaad Dosylaa,
ule tebt aad>1MaptoM
te to «aoia dtod aad U laady to to
arm ftro a aodal la tto abareb parton •ra kaadrad aaata tor Mr. Smabaiir to' ^
•lad today.
n-n|-[‘ lato tto otata aarriea. A
oat aroB oa this aafafsacal, bat' ^
aramtdaataof Mom <M^ wUlaml
rof tto I
to wUl aaaam tto balasM of tto rlak 2
kimoU, la ordar ttot "Baspty Das- 9
Tto bnto worh tor tto bMCMi
OtoflMt. Booam. cm at tto aa»
ptr** my ba aaaa at SMtobaryk Qrte. V
, Jl'i------MaHUa ad MaAacoa. aa
teaad aa attcasay of Mom. mM Fiaak Frlsdrioh^ saw atora wm baraa
•Idtedtar.te )m iwairadamdai
■d^. Bill Broa. hart ebarfa of Tto toot la. Mr. Btaiabarr woata tto «
'•<te»^ MyaaWly Maw York ate
lOf M^Mb aafttal. la lamlad baaHly la tto work.
dtoUsattos etbarteaa attrsetleao< ,te
labia pops- J
Boa. J. iJoibba la atiU Uaprorlay.
It taalaaaraly hoped ^
aatebOBMasM^U. iNt
r wQl fs ap la tto aprte <te te atissir bepM ais aow astartalaad Ur
; at Mom aty" a torUiraaOTwy. ttoapk to la I9 ao towiUi
latOoU ______ teetriaal plaat, with aaMaloBt
laaaaostefdaacorBasadlotk “Fable Emaal,’'
_ r. te baaa ataaad oa
Mpaatty to apaply »to tawa wttfe Itchta
(Kirar Hoa^too, ooa Of ttoeU rtai- wblab ii to ba prMaatad at MUtobaryk
lie jiToBtst
rh« Old BBUmU* Sho* Ma&
Maaa Ito aylaada to te aad tto Maaeb aad Taada laado with
dMtt of Kteatey tod ttoAtortaao Onto os Fab. a. wltb Mr. Basadtot to
tewa aa dtetettoa to to Ttem
alaabria powar.
gnak a img wbBo aUddlap lof* ttotai.nla.l.adaa.natlo.. Itm••Wa atoU alao laalaU at Mam a
tepanaUy tto wtoU atato of MtelMostaOriato to ItaUtoMlty «f
.............................................. ....
..1 . ■
i1ty«-— with tto adjaaaat slaaa,
fVtotote CaedodwUA lattantrm
Otorm BtaSord had IbrM Aafara aotlos. la ito asbOoty of plot ato la Ha
mao fyoda avantflva wto ara leakte aad with Fort Ctaraaii. (te* York,
badly braUad at latarleebas Wedsaa- MOM ato rffecL
FartBafaty, Ooato't Oity. Oolray Bay.
an la Allot 'B,Pa..aro aad ti. MtatoaL”
A saloB dapot tor tba Orato Traik
Tba talaphoaa lUa toos Uapla Olty
(pyte te te* te toatam ma In tbo
Md Abb Arbor raUraada wlU ba bsUt
albto. totb larra aad aoMU. aod toforo
cold ftolda. act oaly fr«s tbla te Good Baitor la almat oospUtad.
My aa aatotaatleaal oranicbt tto at Darsad. Tba frietlee bMwaaa tto
Int tto fotarw wUl protoWy tela to aad tto oMtora aoaat. tot tros aU
ed Mia. Bara te Mra. Balaaa Grmto Tniak ooatpaay te tba riUaya
oem ta.ia tto ahapo of aospia
polBta U BeattoMiorB Alaaha aad oa
eoBBOll M te tba elealay of twoatmto
•m tto naite wW-wraad i
tto Yakoa rlrar. aattette »to pepa. wara eaalMad treoi tba Hat of aam<
bMbaaaaattte. Tba dapot wUi aoat
lattoa of Mom
aaat aasaar at Ibaladm who aaaUtod tba Qraaaaot
bte to ttolr Boppar Taaaday alybk •teooa.
a Batem Maa*a Mioaiatteo at Al. to.aoa.
BBeklasU Arslea Satoa.
Joba DrLoary. formrty alykt aUrk
. told to atsth amaalteqaat
Hm wwld wide fam for marreloM
r la tto armry< •*« ite
r. W a. Balbart at Fiaaktori. at tto Botol OeUabU, la aow ai
esna. It aarpama aay other mI«b.i
■mbm tote
mmrlyofMortoport,wMUtto olty ployed at tto Op-te-Dato raaUaraat.
lottos. oUtmat or bafw for Cato. |.
15 aorea, 8 miles from town, on Look Lake rosd jimt wart of tb^
■aaM (sport. wUoB wlU to aaada at
Oorsa. Baraa, BoUa, Boraa. Fe1oi>8,>
■«»k. That Um.
.. p^e^'Asylnm farm, aioelj loestod, with largo apple orchard, amall (ramw
D)aara,_TMtar,JUlt BhnA
Mr. te Mia. debs MaDmld
illy I
hald.«IU atow ttot tto aarsatot Ysba ara rialtte tBalr dateBm. Mis.
laige apring bpok mna foil length of front, mortly all cleared,.
tbt dealb of Oraut Allra baa
aapUal iaraalod ta saw ladaatrfaa tto WmUsLera.
ibr n«-iuory of a cnriooa poatrov.-ray. Oalytl_________
PHtym wlU asaaad tl.ooo.Mo.
Mia. DorsOrss aad bar fatbar. HoBPbody lUnri. a>ou after the pul>ll. WJtk dray atoraa.
40 acre* 2^ >ailM
IjaeUoan eoun^. ) mile wert oK
A U«te boy breka tkroafk (to too Orla Boxla. wlU laara today tor Hollo
Carter'* mill, go«^ frame houee, epet 1750 to build, Urge epriog brook
cite M a* a iuo«i uolioly Ixiok—a
wbOa ost akatte tto ottor day aad way, wbara tboy wUl rialt tor aom natoard or tourbiilone of 'tode<*oey.' WAtok
bed, .cnrnnU, atrBW'«aa aaarty dpowaad. Ha wm Saally tim Mra. Oms wUl alao rialt to ____
Ito Maw York Btorr.
lAOi. wbo weal to
berries, grapea, fine locatioB for gardening, plenty of timber for wood...
•atod eat, bywarar. aad takas li|to a Telado te CUiaaco bators bar ratara. work eeriouaiy «o »l«>w «b«i if Urant
aaarby laaBdiy aad drtad eat taa
B. & Morrk of A^tel wm to tto AUpo wAi
about 35 acres cleared, prioe $1650.
maooinr'.'^ni Joba klUion. anibor
steam aftar to had raaorjradaad el9 yaatarday.
30 Bcree
milee weet of town on county line road road, no*
of a ferpotipo work nlW -‘I*ai
ladi tot btUdte to WM bidk akatte Mr teMta. F. M. falsa wan aaUad
. _ _ bnildinga. plenty of timber for wood, 60 fine peach tree* in bearing.f«*w
aroaad oa tto oast te wkUh to had te looktoM yMmday. by tto death of
apple treea, a nice suaH farm for fmit and potatoea, price $5Q0.
te* teste toroBfh.
PMaok fisadCaltor, Haary B
_________ drail as if sbe did
aO acree, 3^ milee from town, in Leelanau oonnty, ama I framo^
Charm nya of toa Oroad
Obllda. SB eU roaMoat of Baat oeoaty. polblor .Vobndy i-ami wliPtber tbe
s«ah.oatarad toa
A. 3. Biadatow woat te tto flee tbiog was do<vm or Indpccut: It's JUKt
bonae, moatly ait deared, nice spring of water, good fmit and rege- >
dead, and thst's nli linTP Is 10 ll. From Ot Bsclcscheg snB HiBartifu. and
opaaod ^ toa Bay Osmts dlah of Maw
table Und, price $400.
wblrb ibP rrlilr mlpljt Intti a Immo,
Tdrk.aadte(stsirad aeteattottto
Retnovc It by UrtMf
—Uw wholi-sonip, sad leiwoii ihat not
160 acres, 11 milee sontb of town in beat farming country in tbs'
■aooadprlMwtoawardadtohlaa. Tho bom by ill
two iHH.kM til a KWM*ratli>D outside of
oonnty, 60 acre* cleared, plenty of timber, bam 40x60, atone baaemeot
iiiaad pciM wpa> tioo ta^aad
tbe ever^vunfnrtiiig nen-fncl bonks
F. B. Mei ■ WM la OadlUaa ;
a' rail.
rsaalrad a ohato tor toa amaat.Wad- oayoab
lander the bam. good apple orchard, amall fnme hoiwe, good well
. one’s little
hook, end M.ks np
aaaday. Tto Ant prm wMstiip to
Mia. drd.BmtoabM coca to
dfwt. and the tTiiU-s say Hielr lllile
Mate WM wes by a^yeaac lady Jordao, wbara aka will attead tba
-TbI oblivion
: and• then
80 acre# 4 miles west of town. 4 miles west of Lake Ann. amaU
UyteteBate, Onfos. Tto work of fsaarsl of Mlaa Oom, a forsar raaldaoi In^ As one’s self
•eif girps
u|i the gboHi.
frame houee and bam. .80 acres cleared, lota of timber on the plaoea brli-f ri< k«T• of
. ..life stirs Id i>ne'«
tit. Wrr% whlek wm aabsltud la tto of tbla olty.
Tbe error ot tbe dav in medical treat-; .
dead tomes. Tlim c-utni-s the flual
def II B^attraa
M. B. Htroaf west to Cbarlerols oa
It's a frsillsb IHiIp liuslcpea. meet to tbe •‘doctoriag" ol cfleets Isof Oraad Bapidt
iH) acres, 2 miles Durtb of Lake Aon, email frame boose, log
BvpisKP iHMik a-ritiiig. and a ateadoCgeifagattbeesMc. A powder!
X fiini)} OOP. Ibis wrious ciitl- foe besdsebe. a ubia lor iDdigtsdoa. iwni, email orchard, 25 acre* cleared, a good home for a poor mao. J. J. Votrntae of Beat Jordan to rialt mighty
A gnoa Baptda Itelady triad to
How lb.- dpad smhnrs In ibplr
held tto « yaar eld ekUd of eaa of hor lay hie brother, Frank Votrntaa of tkto
plaster for backache. Tbaee may '
(llgbl temporary ~ii^
relief, h„i
but next '
boardart «bo wm doUaqaret la paytaff eivy.
florist tbinks hp uas aflord -ti-M
10 acres, nicely located near Ferawood. all cleared snd fre*'
tor board bUl w aoearity for tto
Jadye F. W. Mayne bM nUrato to
d,T, (rom •tump,. « fine locntion tor bnilding, »1000.
asoast aad ato^ataly ra(a«ad to fira CbarloToix.
d. M. SUver of Klayeley. wae at the
ap tto littlo ooa to iU mtbar aaUI Ua
Colambia yeelerday
lattor landcad tto aid of tto law.
SreeutlBp ISvpMMVlprs.
A Bare ia
E. U. AUyn wm la Klnyalay yeetar
A(vx>rdiuc In tbp usual iMprtU-v.^bP
Tba trsiBlof aebool pab'.Ubiar
badly dU.
raduations on ibp tbennompt.-r p-nlps
oo bBeUeaa.
alatloB. Uaaltad. of Battla Orark. hM
_...................... ..
a signal of
cvpIs an- marfc«-d by smti bli
C. H. Betea peeaed tbroeyb the olty
•lad artelaa of ameiatlciB wUb BaylBslsipj to warn people that tbe sidDe.-s
tbp Burfni'p of tin- gtass in snnip wsy arc no longer pble te perform their doty .
m of Daada Daaban la tba aos of bioo iMt Diybt on bto way from find Qty
peril poliii wliprp tlipri' Is to be
ol filiering tbe blood. And this mean. 1
Itt objatt to tba prioUac aad pabllah* to hto bom in Baiaa
gniduation sBvs PopuUr Sclpupv. But that tbe foal impurillc* which would
te of apeclal adaaatloaa) lUaratara
Ike WUsla went to Patoebey 1m> tliP glass Is wmkPiipd in varb of Ibpse otherwise be earned uB by tbe kidneys
te tto tralnlay of atadaato is tba aerate
points and U apt «o l>rpak. wbli h Is rcnisie in ibc blood, sod fiod their way
after three terrible yeans
Mr. Fred Behme, of Bingham.
Bingbam. Mich.,
Beott yroodward ranraad to BIU- dangerous in tl>p ranp of iMiler levels. to every organ of tbe body, where they
aamaetbat tboy may baeim
Bofferiog, with no help from any source, DO one aecniing to underworth iMl nlybt. aftar a few daya It Is pridPtit that tbU could Ito avoided set as dca-lly poisons. leer PllU are ibr
‘stand hie case, consulted
Or. Cliaw’sKidney-Lh
WUUem Fraaklla. Jr., ayosao fi
Bprat In tto city.
dney cate,
•orldta yresleat kvJney
core, bacanae
Frank daatoo want to Prioekay ym- ^ss at ttap (Iralivd iKtinrs and mixing they act Sircctly
dn tbe ki'lncyt aad rem of Ddlbl towoihlp. aaar Matos, ta
eomp i-olorUig mettpr wltb It.
store them 10 besitb, strength and vigor.
■toalay- Be weat aortb aboat two torday.
AmpriPBD Unit nsaptis tbet It haa ob They remove ibc caase of beadschea.
mostbe ayo for a buUny trip. Be
Mr*. Cbarlca Boyaia of Sontb Haven,
bscksebe' and aa endless ebafo ot most
tain.*! fill* rcpiili under the K-st
past a door bom abortly aftorwerd U etoltlny tba family of W. C. Hall
dliluDs by paspi'tfl •’»" tlip tube wbeia fetal and complicaled dimaes.
Dr- Chase’.
sae'i Kidney-Liver
Kidney-L'ver Pills
•to alSM ttot Uoie no word from bim
Mtoe Annie Labntobi wm marrird a gradiintloD is to Im' tnarkpil au Iron
toa baoB received. HU family are nn- to Fred Haber of Chtoayo. Jaanary 8. diak iorti:ng .It Ihr ratv of ’J.4«0 revo- purely vegrt«blc. sod act plrssaotly and
eatorally. One pill a-ioae; aj cent. 1
Dr.A B.CDrttoofMapUClty.Uatthe Intlous a lulniii.-. Tbp frt.iiun causes box, at all deileis or Dr. A. W. CbsM
•Ua to toeato bim aad are ynatly
a risp of lemisTstnrv snmrt.-nl partly Ueilicioe Co , Buffalo, K. V.
bU dtoappsaranM. WhiUng.
FrspklU U a aiayta
te bU faabito
F. A. Clary of Grand Bapida. to in tbe to nipit ttip glass, and at tin- samp lime
small iartlH.>s of Iron arc dctacliod
ware rood.
who inimediatly diagnuecd hi* 1
from the wheel and lewroe 4nrorporst
Bert dlayton of Lske Ann. wm In tbe Pd ID thp aoRpDPd gUaa.
bcart^tuniacb and bowel »ymptom« lieing r.'flcx and canned by the im
Maay yaara ayo dt. JoaeiUwMeltocity yeaterday.
parl'd functions of the spinal1 nerve
in*rve cetiU-re.
He has especially rpqnr-at
ated Dortb of the db Joe
Mr. d. Boemtbal of PemWy.
^ Dr. Snow to publisb nia exin-riefice
tbe preeeaielu of tbe Iowa, te a few
Lint Of tottrta
wonder'ul efanngr in m>'
"1 am glad to my that Or- Know baa made
deys ayo the raioe of old balldlnye ware in tbe eily yeaterday en rente for \,bU
• varallre fi
bpaltb. I heve been in very poor bpallb for tbppp years "r
My food would nog.
by ehance dUeoverad In tba nty Band borne. Hewasthpgaeetof J.Slelnbery
?allltiC for ll
lehieg of yaa ter
digest and came away just ae I had eaten It, There was bole
ktUa near tba useka of tba Pare MarTba amll vUlaye c f Lima. Ito., Jnst
s time,
qartte rallwey. Biy Foar workmea
everything gave me great distress. My bear*
eonid set bardly a
eroMtb# Mleblyan stau Una. tear
............................. mea veryr fast.
fast. Mt hack waa very bad and there w
wanexeavaUny for a aaw eldetraek mllee from Storyla. was thrown Into
d j *vk
and - wiicb.
I good deal of pain there.. My iimba w_____
_____and they
, felt
ato fote hesey plaiAa ato ether porirsIP. g
ky afiernooB canomasWiB
Homs W
nervre were
w^re very bed and I 1eonld
, and 00 feeling much in Ibvm
them by spells My
Mj nervee
ttoM af nrioat elrsewrM barled dMp by the exploelos of the larye Sonr mill Cels NM
tbla la:
la all charged now.
itslietlU or sleen aod. oonld not rt-wd
m or think well. Hot tbU
la (to bUU. Tto alybt of tbe mloa owned by tto Ferqoer MlUlny Co- Tbs
gel enongh (0 eat. have gained 13 noands in a monib I eat everyRtr.lerl'W
w and It rives me no dtoUMS. My back to all right. No more namb(oaeaade
eanaeel tbeeaplaeloaUnakaown an nark Tows
~or twitching. I f,el like a new man. I have treated with a good many
0f rsllaa ware tabw from (be ite pita Irniii It was a dnst exi
Tbs amflo-tora bnt tbey did Dogood. It wm a greatpiay when I called oa Dr. Snow.
by eeearal who knew of (be flad.
ployte are all morn or leee Ir/ared, bat
belp^ me within a few—............................................................................
daya. I adriae every one wbo needs a doctor te call
BI on him. It to tbe beat !nv<eimeBt I ever mada
skd J. Rrbhr.
Cob Jobs F. Peteram. wbe led tbe all aeoaped death, which aMma nearly
Millar BaUM
Bosk Ar her
Thlrty-foartb Htebiyah Volanteeraat
Dr Snow makes a specialty of all chronic disi'anes. diseases of woTeaaklas Bwaa
■aatUyodnrtethe-Cabaa eampafya.
I men. the eye, ear. nose and throat. He is especially saccessfnl in
■arias a Great Maa ra Ohamberlalek
Piarted Wedaeeday from Booybtam for
\ treating cancer, asthma and c
Oon^ Bemedy.
btoformM’komlo'BaBalo. Be WMee
MartU of the Plenon drag
1 sent doe on each advwrttoed letter.
«PMb be WM token to (to train rm a atere. Inform* m that be to harisy •
Obomr W. Earr.
pireteber aad it to feared be eaaaot yrMt n
\! Offlos In Basilton ft KilUk«B Block. Cbm BtpMt tintranoo.
ptato the loaglonmey. Col. Peterman Eraiedy.
medldnet^raeofaByotbwbind, aad
At Kalaaauop tbe btefal ofmrrivvbo Wm greaUy betovsjl by hto 00m- it fives yreat Mttofaetkm.
■atote biyUy reyarded by tallow. deys of U grippe there to BOtbUy HAe MS of tba Tbirteratb Mleblyan' lofanpMom te eapoflora, bM nerer raoov- CbamberUlnk Ooayb tomedy teetop try mt Is tbe 0. A. E ball WednMday
prto from tbe eBeete of esporara at tto eoeyb. beal ap tbe nova throat te tor tbelr thirty flf ib .aunal rraslon
Inoyn te
wllbin a vary Amoe< tboM preaenv were J. B ' Me
SAtort vAkA,
■ibosay te Bi Oaaey.
ebert tUas. Tbe eal«
te all wbo try U ara
lu Bey of Colorado dprlnya. O0I.. wbo bad
^ eV»Mt u‘9 v(Ue.
Bis Vila Bevad Him.
•Mim. te C. Beyle ef Wayoear. 1. T..
by a ■ Walt te >. a wtobadberaabaaat Ulrty-OM FMia.
WimFrM. toes of WistoU Tbotopeos. drsgstoto
j SUU StoM
‘ n
I Removar SlHm Sale
■Istst CM9 Wm to Motes
We have placed on eale at out prioeie
• 8400 pairs of Shoes -We gtr* you the
We can save you from 10 to 60 per
cent on your footwear for the next SO
daya Aftar Karoh 16th we will be in
our new store, 848 Rront street
Frank Friedrich,
Farms Fop Sale
Near Traverse Oity
Another Happy Patient
DR. Q. H.SN0W,
koT A^Cu
Mew Olpaoraryrnoimnmptlpr Ooayba. C
La Orippa. Paam
y Feear^ all 1
Teeth Einacted Fer 25c
Mn. Mary Lathee* ef 1
Prof dlln I te Bonk WM thrown from a b«yg7 while r
jUaaaat Um d saciai^pM^at Pt^ taralny bom from Dettolt la« 8w
day te fatally Injered. TtoaeddraVJ
Cam te have a plMMSt ttm BUI wMeoMed byaranaway hOTM.
Mato. UdUstTM.
^OT bVtVrt «N\iU.
auMS mOM•a^
Vim of Tar 8yn:i
tba faari cm^ remedy ra aarib.
{TjetoHsk te & B. WaUk drsy
VaMB .
Iha Mow York Btora aala.
Coasultatioi Free.
Vdbm \bcVtA»
BldGWBlk T.vwttoaw fxi alt sIMM.
8 EWalt.
aOerata. ■ihm W aasta
B tG Timtw Oit7 litUDhwr Oo.
at Tatmaa'a
: 9cwa!l'K«!mt
IBa woeto aw awnv *• Btaa
toatow to a UM of tba hojtiw aad eaSb toiB 1 wn ataoB wora
FOahtoa'e maadatea haa no ctrovor
etolBM OB woBca than aaaM mcato
Men are a good deal like battci—the
aaftrr tb^ are tha rnora they qwBtd
ptoannk Tbor waatobeeae ipora
daaee. probably the laat, aa we wae to
II 00
Time oMvva ateng at the ratna old
•tart btxemid the tint of the followlBg
pec«>-«e matter whether yoor watelr
I 00 toI riiaDtng
raeatn-----week, Pbxl] had born rtoirlng r^tiva
It aomriimea happens that wbHe t
BBd bad jaat maned la time to taka
4 00
4 M ana to watching hto (Bemlcebtotrtead
get the beat of biB.
'Aa the wagoea drorc np at tha doa
Berery time a Ban agyn aoBethla,
of the tomwbere the dance wm to be
coBpUmeittary to bl» loving wife It re
held I bard a yning lady, a triced 4
morea one Bore wrinkle fna b«
latar’a. call ool:
la Bt ewrab cR rath or MFbrow.
WlapBa wW^ ‘Blew lorar
--^Wby, wbae baa Ur. Meredith
The average eoogregaUoa deatroL
pnar Bat 1 tbooght aothiag abeot it
leas liberality In Ito pastor’# rtows,
and tbe pastor detdre* Bore UbaroUty
“Tha detring had been geteg oa tar
ta tbe offeringa ofYbe coagregattog.
only a abort ttow wbcw tbit yoong lady
1 want to let tba paepU wbo enffar
OHM Op to ma and. with tome aaggeettroB rbaoBattoB aad aetotka kww
RMUBai bj Loadca a«aMa that
“A atoty, firtor’ aald pzaadBa bbU- in of Tcmaon or piqna, aaid:
tbat CbaBbori^’a Pata BbIb nUeved
tacly. -Why, I'To Bert* bad aayAiaf ^“‘Mr. Meiaditb wtobee to be totrean aflar a aoBber of o
•ba,«B«haraxpartad aarMla aald.aa
pw loBe that eoald asake a atoty
-»U»(tboaatpat«f tacllih maataa."lb. H^tli Ue. mM a. B
Bwpt oaea. Aad I*b alaato otoaid
daaoe with him, and not own bat auay
«ai«a to aa«M la toaUa« l^ta toeeUyeathatew."
tMea we dawoed b«a*hcK .Ha wn an
have baaa «u*d of rl
rea^y. Oaa ai^ioaHn* nlto^ tha
ladjadfaaaadtha priaa of aarholto ad lieew. -Wall hara that if we hara adnrirahto daa«r. Tn4.oeald hardly
aala. Por aol«by 8 B. Wait aad g. C
hoarwhat ha aald ae perptond waa L
wowdBiagwbere loeoid bare beaidbto
Otandma waa oUaet for amral alaittoBOtohMoi
» befora. Bat ^ hBgth aabaa^•^alharwanklUad aad 40 atban •Ma, wbila wadydwndadoaai
I taedad bto hand 1 gtaaeed down aad
OBw a naU eroB eat on the diaBOwd
vara ttiiiIiII hj tho anMoa Taaa- At laat ^ ga*e vaj bwd br^:
-Teataate. whnlwaaafill tUaga Ddhtoriiig.
o< tha draatotta at ArtfUaao. it
wm m> diffBoat toon oorway of Uria*
uallaa froMTarla.
g to qa^tg. lO-lle.
BOW that 1 toar ay alary wlU aeoa la- Bat to the end be oeted the part of a
AU laat aaaMvaad darlaf
geatlrman Ha led me to a window aad
Made Toang Again.
• «arl7 teU tba attaaltoa of iiaMwfin prcdMbto toyoB, I lived la a naU weat- atood Utlkiiig while ba ahieldad ay ogitown.
Klngto Maw Ufa PilU
aa tha Ma^ Dtoaoad eapraat wat
taUflh tram tba rwn aow fiUad with
each Bight for two weak* haa pat me
s «aUad to a ha»k mhkk mrf daj da* of laad alBKwt aa ierpe ae thto cntlia whirUng coaplea
■-Kotbiag waa aaid for arrenl Bia> in mr ‘taaaa’ again," weltaa D. H. Tur
aloB(h7 tha traia rwalar thiva«h ▼UUgn It tru a Icaaly place for yooBg
ner of DeBpoeytowe. P>. They’re the
tha Uhtoh ralto7 ea tta appraaoh to penpla, bet freqacoit rlniu to abool atea. In my fooltoh bcart I waa trying beet la the world tor I.trer, Stomach
frir^ aad ratnro rlxita frem tbem ra• akof I
’aedBowalk Pnraly regeUble. N*rer
Maaah Ohaak. Tha toaia era» raid
Urrod tbu dsariooap aoarwbat. We bad wmld aoconnt for bu mode of life. Hto orioa. Oolr ttc et Jee. O. Johnwo'a
■:tha hM waa raatof,. aad kata »ara plraiy cf rlduif aad driYiiw, bowerrr, ea toca, fmn which the bt-onl end mna- < end H S Weit'e drag etorea.
^vayapaadlBcoewhtob weald naah well ae anecDaeicaal daaoa Wanatly taebe were gno«s looked like that of '
" ................ .
'«« eartala petal dnt. Tha hawk aarer had little (imiu to unpe,
aome btqriab Sir (lolabad. nqt Uke that!
‘■Still, It waa a aed change whm ny of a oriminaL Hii kindly brawn
wea. hat reaawad tho aoataat dally,
Mdaa Iheafh actoaowladAlaf dafaai, ■iator -married and went to lire 110 tnUro Aooe on me with a world of i»«gki»g i >jpointv
»4n-Oe I
Meaarwtoaa. OffmaOltrO
'woaUaoaat late tha air aad awtrl anray. It aeteard aa remote aa if tow bad tatbrin.
~^-ied the ocean; bat the glorleoa aa•■•WeU.’ba’aaid
-------------leMdfor tho hadtward fl>rht. Oaa
ottonef Ttoitinf brrki>pt,me in a
• oay. a tow wookt afe. U flaw oa with torer of amtonneat for a whole year.
tMoBeelBkewUnanak .
the tcala. aa aaaal, whoa aaddaely U Oeriag thto tiBe I bad tart Paal Foatrr did not know and with canieat gntorea ^CKO-aaek •
war oaaa to halt aad qairpr. tbaa falL
pointing totny partner. Paal. too, bad
. Aet hr
tuoagnloed hiia.
ihaattBaa.- AU tha traia
“Tbon^ By beari waa beating m •eg._____________________________att tf ^
MM^at u*. I
8ee aamplea in wiDdow.
bac4 OtU I ooold aot apeak, I «oCioaad lpoasu.BOR eX0HA»Ol Oaeaat boM
■ thto hM aa thoarh it oatbaicBRMy.
to M^Mereditta to flnlrii the daooa.
and whea wa roacbed tba aide aaateB
Att TlooMharf. Pa-. Alaaaadar 8a*.
tbe opporile door 1 atopprd.
■e«a.whailtoapptarad»yaataaie aad of laxozy ia a palace cor cBtaqual now.
- ‘Bend down your bead,’ I whlattoaaiaathaoe ■oaraad aa daad. haa
“Tba. drive waa gloricmal On aona pend faintly. ‘Sum oaa bm noog- PitoOg._______________
^««od op aUra. Bto brethar to ia parta of the raad I aat on top of tba
Oty. la oHael Oeeamkar mb. Wt.
raaatptefalaMor trea kla aaaoaaa- Btage; bat wben 1 waa ttovd, ortba road g«k‘ My voice tnoibl
‘Muatr be said alowly,
still oaUrh a OeM, Fmat itn
l^thathatoaBofiaref Urh olaad- roagbrr than namU, I crept inaide. Boatattoaea we would walk while the boroea lag. Then be frowned. But tbe anUe •pOOMtlO RaXT-rafBltoad or
Tiv la tho Bpaalah aray, aad raddaa
cd or followedalowly. Towardeven- OBBe back iaotaotly aa be gUaoed at. Xh UtXMtmatbaUvK.
lat Madrid. 8a«afa aaja ha baa ae- tag wa would teacta tone ruoU tavera ae at 1 stood pale and trembliag. ‘Poor
rp««a«WAimo-rttoam*.vaatgd u> bul
. latred a larm fortaaa.
and remain oU night—glad that tiine Uttle girlt’ be aaid.
‘Bo divided be
iaa»gi.PomoB^^^ej^n*j^ m *.■ n
•■o* la aatr Teaaellsr
At Kadild la tha aoaaU Wadaaaday «f the change, bat Jort oa eager to atari tween a sense of duly and pity for a koal. anod rogA
poorwretohlikame. Oomi^u bargain, wiBleP* lob. k I
BlrVt Hertban'phe
riha praatar. (toaor SUrela, aaaoaaead agoia the next moRting.
-Tbe aeoood day. Joat aa we were ofaildl One more donee oil around tbe lymiOB
- DISH BLOeXa—For a aben tloa T B. MARTIK. Fh/etelM Bed uraaoo.
• that aacotlatiooa were la profreM
atartlog. a yuoug man comenpoud bar- room and bock here and 1 will ga *
Bell obOL. ..
• with tho UailadSUtM tor tha eoaelaUacka la leetoa^ Iota >0 be dcUrarad la 3mmriodly wlibiptrcd to Silaa. the driver. I
“ ‘Yen ooght to go now.’ 1 faltered mmrr
aad Feborarr. at N.Tt per leod^Oro]
vateaefatraaty of paaee aed CrUed- icnemte'r anil my lively rorioaity na to
“ ‘Kot until we llniah this donee,' be WaodDiabCe________________
<ahLpaadalao a treaty prortdiafl tor what it won all abool, when 1 mw Silaa mid firmly.
.eatraditloD aad tha raeaptloa of toon forward and draw ooi two Urge,
“Be eonported me almost rntinly aa
-aotaaliaiatioaa. Be added that pro- fleroe lookiug ptotola. He examined be»whirlod ornond tbe mm. or 1 beAad.
-----lialaary al^ had already booa takaa tbem earetnlly. meanwhile Ixddiug tbe Ueve that lobould have alipped to tbe
^^lUC WtoXI^Mm.^FTaaoac
. withaTlawtotheeoaelaaioBotaoua- llDfu in a peroliar way. portly between
bto kneeo. with tbe enda tanted aboat,
“ ‘Now, go!’ I whispered in perfect lequln Bl riFM KMIOBOl Buk.
laxtoo’imJr **”*“*“* «>»ra*.
-aaraial traaty,
■ arm.
A dtopateb troa OraaovUla, Teae .
“I found oat the meaning of the'
*“GoodbyrbeBalde«rn.-atly. ‘laboU
J W aUWf. nouarFareUbloxBora
xaaye Mra. M, J, Pattaraoa, the only whtoper. and tbe ptotola, too. when, nerer forget you. Tiiinkof mcaa kindly ckrap
flflt:S£S«S9S«S ;988
lUFraottraat.____________________ p-«
rly in tbe afternoon, we entered a aiyoBoon.'
blU et Aadraw Johaaea. to orilieally
B T reaw
TPOK aAkX—Or -aei a ora
“He bod voniabed in tbe darkneea,
eMtwra at XF Flflb
lU at her hoaae tharaaad aot a^aalad norraw poaa beiwoon tbe bilU By thto
i.' lir^aMrr bed s»«*r ceu
time I woe opwering inaide the coaeb. and noae tt» aoua. A few minutea Uter
-teltoa. She to ew M yaare old,
of J n. Uertf. r^etir okUI.
tboogh I coaid aec withoat wonting to tbeaberiff and twoof htomena;^xated,
ti.pa. g
Pk Bayaid. Maw Urzieo. bae baaa
■oggod mocnuiiu, tbe aterp oUffa, fully armed; but Mr. Mcndicb woano- R90S «ALK-.tk>od rirkt m
or* ae Ram Klch«k «
c Itoaoetiaaed aa a farrtooa poat aad tbe narrow roadway ol<mg which
wbanto be found—nor did any ooa ~ Blfdaall. Ha LOoblaek
tha baUdlaca wUl ,be taraed orer to peered carefnlly oa we proceeded. Yet ever dtocover bow be bad eocaped “ '
■ houer ea Ihh *
. gaqelrr J O.m
tbha earfaoa foaaral of the araiy tar not ao ooiefnlly bat that even be waa
Grandmother ai^ied ooftly.
token by aaipriae vbeu bolt a doaea
“1 have always been gUd to know faa
oaa la eoaaaattee with tha
tioa. The etroagoet aad oldaatflra la’heaplial to ha atabliahod there aa a men-aoddenly afxang np. atparantly aamped " sbe added
aee eoBpanlca U tha wertd r^ew
tonm Dowbere. 1 cannot exprem tba
oliraaaltarlaa tor the traatataat of ofioare
aaatod la By agea^.
nudity with which the wbole thing
.“Yeo, except that after the notioeof
oM toltotad waa et tha aray atSarlay waa done. Two anvid oi tbe hcxwa’
my marriage hod been iuaected in 4be
Area palwoaary UoaMta.
beoda, two qnii-kly diaarawd tbe driver
A rmU of tha war la death Atrtoa and tbe mtn oa top of the ooaoh. w hila
ring ariih a e
a,. Loewoo.?o*fS¥iT^iuH«a r,rflaatod la the drof trade 'a the ad- two otbraa at (bo aome ioatant threw oat in its sarfarr.
The girts were ailent tor a few mo'vaaea la tho prtea et qoialaa. Thto opn tbe door and with leveltd ptotola
eaderad na to atep oak Two elderly U- menta, and (ben txgan with exclomo.AaagaBaapNparaaat aad diaeheaa
dico, o middle aged one. on old geeUe- turns af delight at tbe otory, tomantto *fU vvehaoxa lar otkar pr«party. »' aarhtoaalllairat area a rraatar ad* man and mywlf obeyed aa quickly aa
beycad anythiag tb<7 hod expecned Baraka, eiw.
SOB tt
raaop. Part of ^e adraaea haa haaa we mold I oamre you. 1 trembled ao Then said oancy lret>^ with a twinkle
^rRMHEVD ROOKO—Ta rt , *1U Board
Aao. it to tald by dmevtota. le the pra- that I ooahl hardly atoud. and was ol- ia ber eyes:
aalaaoa ef Uflaaaaa la Boropa. Boat foiling, when aoddculy ooe of the
“Gtmadmotber, darling. I’ll
I Ht7 or (am
eipaalaUy la Baflaad. Bpala aad higfawaymen pnabed Uie other oot of anything that yoa never told grandfa
>d a Color. WAl
Mraaii. bat tha freataat doiaaed tor tbe way. exrioimiug. 'A Hebe, by Joref ther oil thto Btocy. ”
Vaw OSoa. WarkhaB Sloak.
TbepiiA blush spread over grand TFtODWAimB»a»a'K»ofaarkl»dlii Cm
■ qolalaa haa haaa treat tha amlea la and with ouch a bow oa tew had ever
given me be took my bond and beipcd mplbur's face, but tbe dear old aoul Nro eaU oa Allra * BlrOMll reeoa T aad |
toeolh Atrtoa.
me down.
would not lie even to point a mor^
MmaB(UaOa.Bleeb.Tr*>oraaClir.- eiMma
■'A aaetloB foaf of oiao Baa waa roe
“To teU tbe tra^t, I knew vioy little
-No, my ^oor girU " obe eoid. alowly.
wbot took place aroond me after “It waa very wrong, no doabt, bot>^
4ew8 oo tha Dalawara, Laekawaaaa A
Votloe to T^xpayero.
MianieC Bala in Brook
Tka las toll* for IkoeollorUea otaiato.Ooaa
Waetara taaaal near Oxford. M. T . that. 1 BW my highwayman give acxne never did
.f aad dalioarai Bekoel aed aty ~
Vadaeaday. aad twe of tho party ware orderi to hir 'men. Then by turtted to lyn Eagle.
ate, and in the moat giatlemoaly mancTiroc__________ _
laataaUy kiUad aid a third died ahortktadaloroaUaeUoa
aer beggtd me to walk with him oa tba.
raraira aatd >acaa aatU 1
U L. A. Bnlldiiic.
ly attar balac atrodi. Tha ether aU air waa roUNr cool I daivd not refaaa,
*aak day (ram S o'eleek_________
I'eleek to II MO o'clock a. a.
wraraaarioaaly bark
I a wild
aad we paced ba>-k and forth till I felt brooght home from Edei
aaaa thor* «tU bo
«atrtek O-Ooaaaii. a wiadow waabar m if 1 abould faint. He talked of tbe dock’s neat full of eggs, which
chaiaad a (aaar 1 parov— lav
*-----eoUroUoa oatll
Jaaoary ».
10. MB. aed
aad OO
oa aod afiar laeuaiT »
eaad beaaeawa at tha Holal Graao (a 'aoeoay. the moontain air aad other batched ook Wbea be oaoeeivod that Jaaaary
im Ihi-ta *U1 ba charvad a (ea .cd 4 par eaal
tbe iwatUngB were of an apt age, be torcoUaeCoa
A pooUty a( (oar par eaal *111
OtoMie. haa raoplead poolUra awar- BtoUen. but of hit purpoae tbera and <f
tbe opciatloM of hia eampaniaaa—ba carried tbem to tbeearling pood where
Moa (roB Philadelphia that htocialB to kept himaelf caiafully betweea me and he anperintraded tbeir odoratioa in
hotar owe ef the priaelpal hetra et tha tbrtn—he Mid Dot a word.
twimming. IVfacn tbey grew up, he
■ X Herald Balldlac.
ttfl.flQO,ooe BaU aetata et that ettr had
“It waaat amomest when I Mt I brought Mr. —« a local ^crtBuoa
ihaoB raaocmiaad. aad that wtthla a tow could endwe no morc^ that 1 oaa^t whom he often aocoanpanied totberiiot,
.^apahto Ohara of the «tala, oatlBated eight of Ponl'e face. A11 tbe mco had and hto purpoae obvionaly waa to aocUBt»Aoa,«M. wUl bo taioed erar to hlB tbeir bands tied behind them, and wen modmwild dneks within eogy Riara»>~
Bader aa order ef tha prebaU oMri. standing ia a row. lonting into the n- aad save tbe walk to tbe moath of Edco.
Thto oppeart to be good evidenoe of
'Tba ootate hu baaa mader aeart aha- volven of in>-ir capwn, wbo lellevad
then of evetytJiing of valoe. Then mdimentary reiannlng powera ia ffto
atood year gnnulatber with aaob a dog. Be waa very fond of a cat named
glare at belpleos iodignotioa at poor ma Peter, whom be would often take oot
JLa avaty atata la tha Uatoa. aad la that it waa mere than 1 could ataad, and tor ioDg ewims on hto hack when the
,atony faraire rranliiia. that Chambsr- with a aeoe cf the ridiealona that was weather waa 'flne. Unlookily a
. •lain'aOoagh ttomady to a eartaU p-c- Bwre than naif hyatcrical, 1 UtAe into araor oae day. Pepter waa ewept
, wontora aad ooia tor aroop. It haa saeh peola of Unghter that tbe moun- board and drowned Obdot brought the
.. •hiBBae tba aalraraal ramady for that taiia echoed. 1 ooold oot help ik I poor animal In, dead, buried him obova
dtoaaaa. M. V Ptohar of Uberty, W.
water mirk, erected a btocuit bos
iVa.. aoly rapaato what haa baaa aaid langfaed and loagbed tUi tbe bar* tan
mreoadtheflobawhaa ba wrltai: •1 down my cbeefeo and my eorart at laat to hto mamcry aad oftea vtoited tha
Mwraaaad OkMtbarlala'a Ooagh kaaM- Jotned me. while he whtopered sona- aepolrtrer witfi offOiags of boaaa-—Androw Long to Lmynaa’a Magaaina
woold have died ooiri^t it be oooM
thiMara that It to aot only the beat have beard.
A Aaha ta «Ba €—Baaa,
■ titoigh ramdy. bad that It to a aara oara
-FWly my U^waymaa plaeed ma
It to not often that the bonae (f oei
in tbe ooadi again, with a whtopand Bona has the (dBBM of (oioyii« a good
reqaeot tor acote rrmrmbnDOf a ring and iaaoeent Jakn But It found tba oeaS^rCwpim
and W. or anything. As 8a hod it in bto powm eaokn the otlwr night at tbe expeaaa cl
totak»riiigaaBdever7tUngalae.lBlip. Mr. John Borna. wbo to for too earMol
YitaWtadMn sm Qa^l Haul pod off a tarqaotoe and gave it to him. a man to iadalga U>okHaf malioe prw
Be plamd it <B hia thin
poona “BinealeaBa into the boaon
Ur. W>. tki ChiMM atetota
• WMktar«0B. bM pwohMid M MtO.wbito. •hWi tM VMi for cSoUt wd
•oti*l rMtt Mid tor tilwnrr rtttat
. »kMi tho el^.
<Mmi ter* bMB iMMd lorM!!/
r OHftolB MfrbM <i«M U*
•doftha ^
*!• la tka baad of tka aaral talalU-
-PlM H. «Mh IN wWeM a( prtda
ITrtfrreet it milPlM»a|IBttoolto.TWd*BwpBchnwtaeeiB.*’
root Thoo 4t>« B<a vaifb Be hMftr
>b ttew lore «DcteaM art.
Iletot MatBbaWf
John F. On & Co.
Irmrst Ciir IrabN Ci.
Tranrsr Citr,
''TO..____ «*"SJSk’'i,Ki.ta.'?sr
Best to be had in
the city in at
P.ti»s52: "a5 ES'.":rf
Qfuniififft taiiuiKj.
P“ .vii:k.”£U'£s .’rrrS,.'£s!
For Fire Insurance
Si’Ui-.iSll!”-.”* SIS sst
iekMUMt 'PkCMTS.
fire Insurance.
John R. Santo,
Good Horses!
Tbe Fere luqnette Billraf
The best ohauce you have ever had for a pood
mw a tiay croBoot into Ito ntM.
•ff T«r Aypt^
Motbiagetoa waa takaa frimBU Iwml
•Nth. nraa a'oold ■01 even anrehed. aad with a oontty I
faoMdayiftalmiBtiac. SaadMcta. bmr By kalgbt (f the mdnj kto OM-
See them at Brodhagen’s barn, on Bti^ Street
”3 ^
5ft 5ft5
I have just received snother carload of
Good Horses from Indiana.
' *"**wy'
Third Ye»r-No. 84®
laplan Wilt Xaaiot ea Term
MapSeod Bqaadnn of WeiAlpa te
B.B.S.L .AP.0O. Asks $76
Otoptoh Balwar Trsatp la
Oanen torreteet Vraaeh
A Ymt SAohfor An
Waahiaptea, Jaa. I
«winl Warm AIm MMa tmfnn»mt
ate aatker- Oltp OenaaU Did Hot Anspt tka Bid
s of tha Mlaanpaa —Water Werto KaStse Defsmd
a VhM 40,000 Km-VIU Bag«c« aaaal tollad to neopB n tl
Impend oa tba Oallad Blataa bp tha A«ai>-A14arton Taayaa Vrprd thatltaeap heaaecnarp to aead the
■ afSTwii IkM lAdyMttt
tkat OUp Hog Ohtaker ba Xntraetad rreaah oqaadna, whSA Ua jest
(Bapioa-Balwer troatp. it la
■s—BsUsTad Or—I Britals VmIs
te iMk After Teoap Um Wke hroapht tha 8aa Domtope imbn«l
Zmaape Aboat Chonh ItoaMeaa anaeaaafaleapdaston. to UOaapro.
■attar baa aot hosa aallad te tba atLqaioa. Jsa. U-Tfc
Wbn the adW aooaaa amt last aipht
taatioa of tba adaaialatntloa bp Bnat than wn Jaat a qaar
dreea PnaHiat Aadnda oat of Vt„
MMsdbrOMtnl Bwlsr <* Than- Brttaia.
Ihrkar. Oaniaaa. BnttopB.Bmlth.Ur- sa^ and nbee tba anattnl hn nrmt4ar UM hM at Uaftk tasa iwaorad. Than la naaaa to boUaea, bowanr, dIaandKaapaabalappraaeal. Aldat- odand Imiwlaanad at Fort Ban Oartoa
^ tfSt aawt ta 4MaU .af tha ncna- tbatabok praparad to aoaart tba rlihts aaaa GraiUto earns to baton tbe ton- thadlneton of of the Beak of Veaeahan of latanat aad
Mt rsMlnd sUaa Bollard Wat aba alalma totaa tba
dneioaof theraadtap of^ mtoatoa aaeU tor rafnlap to adnaoe moae
dtopaM Maoaadwr M harlaf takaa
ofthapnrionmoettop. Itwnbepad
FtCtatart Dftft was taaairad kve Oaptoa-Balwar apnimaat. aad h wU- that then wnald ha anoaph pmaat to Among tbe dineton i
Uap to aeeada te tba daalneftbla
ie *.
M. m>iantD3
Maneatb3 moamaeaa,
a mack
amka another aeon to tba water worka «
aeaatrp that tba treatp be
ettlaea. Tha Wench Obarre d‘ASalree
Tkaaom^aaAaat daaerikn bria«/
bat n •••
atOaneaepreteatod. bat aic protoet
«kaMBaa*anky wUah Ua British If tha Oaitad Itatm will pea
" raftheaaaal.
fMsral had ^paa MhWsa to r«sei his
parehoae tba CatophaU plant fortbm wn ipaortd. M. Deleaeee. the Fnneh
adfiaea. aarpristaf tbs Boan at Oarmaap, too, wiU aaqaestloDablp prapnae. tor tbe preaent at tent, wn mlaister of feWipn aSaln. hasdemaodo4 ths lltaentlon of M. Moataetaaa. If
^rtactsU aad Pstrlatar's Drift, at adaaeor to aaoon tba aeatralltp of
rthlsh tottar place SMBS of tbs casmy
All other bnetoen of tbe ooBaell wn the demaad la ipaorsd a dirisioa of tbs
«wa foaad bsthlor la tbs Htst. Ba
dleaoaed of befon aap eqppeatioa wn French eqaadron wDl bo eeat to bring
can OB to tall of ths adraass of Cytmade rspmrdinp ths propoasd water the Venesaelaa ponramsnt to ito
tlatsa's brlfads to sapport Daadoaatt,
worha. bat diaaaasion wn atartod
aad dnerlWac tbs passafs of tbs
when Aldermaa Oarrieon mond that Wbeo Fnak Frladrieh<a ■
taw asrass tbs drift talU Af a left iwry
Him $800 wbn tbe eoaacn adjoaraad It be to haUdlapadJ^tolap the Bra
•aak’at^sk dsUssrad bj Osasral Warnext Moadap alpkk Than wn ooaAftw
na, iBPlliac that ha. toe. had aroasad
auod ap an tha aaooad itoar far ;
Alderama Keapon’e pcaltlca. bat nr- Bosaathal-lhompaan.
Oaaa vm Ba Appaatod to Bapsama* top a ecbotdbop hlaah or two the al^itan
ttet BaUar la paahiaf his traj rapidljr
wrt-Bnlek Oaaa Battlsd Oat of dermaa from the Foartb met the
aaihalatt. Ba has prebaWr a asraac
M eaata. Batoeta 1
art-A Uoaniaaat TUI Moadap nlUn of hk ooU^am bnrelp. Bo Biaadarda,
tons atBasnia treat, as ta ladlaatad
area spread to^tap aside and allow at Tatraaab. •
hj toa nalalaBaa to Warrsa’a paancs
thaofharmambantopaeb their ptoa
atthartsar at Waraa drift, aad as
throoph. bat aekad that la tba proeam
day moraiap. tba nrdlet U tba aaaa of ha he allowed to etond mats. Aa ^ rrada footwear hoapbt bp tbe
CfttaltaaaadWarTsaan both
aid ftitor ^ alrsadr bacaa la all Baaadtap ea Boloaasa waa ready. Than o«ort wn otade to panaade Um to BewTork Stonat »m
UMihopdafnatbatUahaa oou
I aoma pnttp alaappjaron whebad maad bis wapa, bat It wn fatlU. doUar. Watch eparial
ad.orsrlUbs U proprsaa todap.
aat oa tba ease alU aipht, aad bad atood Loariap oat Aldermaa Eaopoa than
tb^ batlU ths forass ee both aides wUi lOtolalmoataUtba tlma They bad wen aot aaoaph pnaaat to aooompUab
bad aa IntamUap time, bat aaoM to aa aapthlap. n aeraa rotn woold ba n
ftvbablp anoaat to 40.000 atee.
IBsnperi thatUa tnasbw atOo- fraomaat at 4 o'rioek la tha moraiap. qalred to pam a molattoa. tharafora
laaae aad OrohlarB hlaof had baaa da- It wUl ba nmembsrad that the aaaa
. nto
antodbrtha Boats srasprebablp aa waseaaaad bp tba ponbaaa of a team to his ampnaaimoas oSm to atap aside
annanUoa. Tbosa that wan alnt^' bp WUltam Haaediopof Leo Bolomoa aad not bloek lapialattoa to salt tha
ad oat to the sastward of thoas plaoas tor whieh a bone ealacd at PM aad itbar msmbora.
atap bass bass, aad probabtp wsra. n two aotoi of P7S each . wen pina la Tbs report of ths o
Beak Bsasdlapelalmed that the ed to pmaat a oontraet tor arbltrm
a the Um aboat Oolaaao. aad map arsa bars aaarehad to team was not eaiiataetcrr. aad eaed to UoatatMr. OampbeU wn ready aad
ward BaUarh prsaaat posltlOB. which recofor. Tbsiarp bUowed him $t00.
n ntd that ita eaeeatlal polata
amonat olslmed. It ta aa wereapned to by Mr. OsmpbeU.bat
weald laaTsths fona laftta oppose
Clarp aboat OolSBao aoDSldarablp ooaaoed that Pratt A Darla, attoraapa owing to tbe abnaee of aereral memsraabsMd. Oarp map. tbarefora. tor Mr. Botomn. wUl esrrp ths ease to bars it was aotbroapbt oak Alder-,
make aa eBort. spaehroaoaslp with thssoprraM eoart.
asea Moatapoe aad Cook were III aad
Bollarh moramaats aboat the Dawdr
Tbs ease of Pnab / nlak ra. Joaepb aaable to be pranak so aaothsr rSort,
raad.teeramtbaTafalaat Oolaaao
7-oalak at al, hu baaa aettiad oet of wUI be mads to dlspon of tbe matter
k This was tor ths aaooaaUap aeat Moadap aipbk lo ths diaeassioa '
Leodoa.Jao. !«.—Gaps TOwa dw and sals of real ssUta.
Maptr HamUtoo arped tbs aeoeMilp of
la to state that than are It waa esBssd bp a diaapreemsai
adiato action aad expressed tba
mt nimcn that La<
Bump the bain to a farm oa tha paa need of a toll atlandanos next Moadap
baai nliend, bat than Is oo ooeArm • isela. Tbs farm was ratasd at from aipbk
tl.OM to SI.SOO. Pnab Zealsk. oa
tiea of ths npmU from anp sooros.
OtBaMs at ths warotom an aatisflad thsbeln. bad paid a mortpapeaad Aaotber Importaat matter wbieb wee
that the tide has toroad. aad tbat'
»taaa, aad dsairsd oompenaatloa. looked forward to with laterest was
B. A Pntt and J. A. Loraapar, ths at- thereaswalof ths ooatraet for tbs
tbs British poist of risw wUl banafur lerasrs tor tha partlas to ths salt, stmt Upbtt of ths dtp. Tbs only Wd
be lbs rols lastead of the
•prsed eat of eoart that Fraak ahoald rassirad bp ths dark wn tbat of ths
WbUe Oeaenl Warrea'atona was rsoaln dlOO aad the aataia ahoald than
Rirar Blaetrie Light A
afeasiBC the TofeU rtnr, Boen who be dirMsd.
Power Co.. B. D. OampbsU A Son
9ontM a thleklp
Ooart was adjoaraod tUl Monday harlap faUed to raspcad to ths lar^ua wits aerth of the rinr aaat saesnl moraiap. at whioh time tha other a
tloa to pat la a Wd.
eoUapa lato fala advaaas poard. The on the ealsadar wlU he takea ap.
When the Wd WM reaehed than wn
Brittohrapliadaad artUlatp epaaadea
a aaatlmaat la tarer of waltiap aatU a
Bqi • aar* p«tfsM (bn sneM^ mA«
• aaifbbori^kop)a TbeBoantoaod
OBraer to bmiabs.
bid ahoald be molrod from Campbell |
thair paatlioi aaaomfortabU aad nttr
aIom. bet wbea it wn expUlaodi
ad to lha hUia. Immadlalalp after tba
tbat delalled apeclfljaUoBs repardtapi
poatoei bridfa had baaa
time aad plan to eahmlt bide had bna
tha whela British tom aroasad. It la MaaUa, Jaa. ll.—Th*
pirea it
thea^t pr^ble that a aombiaad for- allemsBt ta npmrd to the Man la oa
all that wn
. hn atoas danlopad. thrlaanaai TbaAi
ioUtarp bid wn opeaed. Iw ooauau
muwhUa the aanl rtas ea «waru tab paean hare takaa It ae aad tha ea.
irprtoeaadths ftpnros aamsd
Bxeloalre apent for Boroals.
Kop ban baaa panlalaatlp abelllac Un eilp hae baeo atlrred bp the talk. dldBotnnireaj9ptoIm«vtloa. Tbe
tha Boar eatnashmaaia faeliir the
The local rUiplaepapen an partlea- Boardaua Biter Oo. Wdmi fS a month
kopjes oeeapled bp Oeaenl UptUetoa’e larlp bitter apalast the Man
for 4» etreot are Uphto. to barn all
BlpbkenrpkipbttBthepoar.aad for
^%fBri^ plan, tor oaM wan weU Todar dttoraep Oeaeral Terrea, oa
addtUoaal lii^t oetabUshed M ts
Voatdad. aad tha Boto« wantakaa bahalf of tbe most reereseetatln peo- per month, the came rate par moath n
aamplatolp bp sorprtoa.- The aetaal
m *OB tka cabjsetfrom torthatsUmpa As the printer the
rtomlif of the rlrsrwos attaada
peara wn only fa par
tow if aap aasealtlm. so farashaowa tba Amerieaa eommaadar. Oeaenl month per light then wn dlontiataehara,bet the fiphtiop is said ta bars Oils mads this npip:
“Than it no aaeamltp for tba FOI- OB ixpramad at tha adraaead rata.
^ISew aaar Osasral BaUar hoe ad- piaoa to fear that tba frlan will apala Aldormaa HMttnpa Immadiatdp
eaaasd toward LadpaaUtb is oakaowa. be foreed apes them anto*t their •on sad mored that tha Wd be reOao ramor Is that tha lellef of Ladpaaalto hat alreadp bees sBesiad. Otasr wiahea. U tbeebanb aathorltlae as- jMtod. He atated that there wn ao
nsaUiadiaata ibav Ueaarals Bal- aipa Man to eemelet aad Ue amlap- reeeea tor thw adraaea la paWle Upbt- The famoua Enpliah tatbor, writ
meats an obaeatoaa tfie people wUl lap. Mon Upbts wan aaedad aad
weald ba ardarad. bat ha baltorad that ing Id the North Ai
not be compelled te aeeept tbeai."
Oeaenl .Otia alae aaaand Baaor tha tax papara weald raaaataap od- on *The Energy of tbe Atneriean
Toma tbat tbs flUKlBca weald be raaaad rato tor tha aarriaa. Be de People^” aayp':
protected in tba aaankaa af toair ta- al^: -We aaa afford tobaUdark“No man writaa with hia own
aem tor a eoapla of moatha jnt n waU
dlTldaal aad aeaetltattoaal riphia.
n net. aad 1 ballete tha taxpapaia band, if be can dictate to a atenoPbnadalphia. Jaa. ia~Ths Boaaapl- Utor on Beasr Toma said that wealdamtala ths aOBoaU in dioaardlap grapher; no man dictatea, if he
toala Baitroad Oe. baa aaaoaaaad a
a hid tor as laonaaod price. The prin telegraph: bo mao telegrapha, it be
roadjaatmaatefthasrapos of Its am- dalepate. apeeklap oa thte eab)e«t
ta. U paraaak man than wa can talephoae."
ptajaaia tha pards aloap the aetM pastordap. atated tbat If tba nUptaca hdn pUd dariap tha peat flrs paara,
dldaotdaalntbaMantetUtba earIf yoQ are a typical, energetic
apatam. Tha asw adji
oetoaba weald aot attempt to tom and nthar ihaa pap it the city mi^t np-krdate American, yon already
iate asset Jaa. i. Oa the AUaatic tbam oa tbs psepla.
a plant of Its owe.”
atp aad Oapo Map dlsWon it sras
aad tha nae the lioog Dutaaoe Telephone.
I an adIf not, a irord.to the win is anffica to rejact tha Wd e
jTb. Msisea Mark
pWaad.JO .
WhilaatworkatJ. B. OnlUA Oosc- did net mnt with eeanlmen tonr. ient.
.4ap. with ae redoattoa
Mayor BamBten aaked Aldannaa
haaia Tha aaw aeala with rmpeat
BsMla^ifhawoeldsotapna tealmto the other dlriatoas la as taUowa. Birlklapapeaaemsmacbiaatp. Hawn plp ncairiap aad iUnp tha Md Intoad
' aad aatrioa srith it a rodaetioa from M asnmp bralaad aboat tha bask and af rsjastiap Ik Mr. Baatinps Ud net
to It boon a dap: ■aplaiars Iiaraaai
fanep that ooena, bet whaa, Aldarmaa
<nia M to 17 eaata par r
Kaapea mond to reeetn and Ola. he
-4^om IS.to 17 eaata
Wm. Wataaa. tormarip McHam- aenptad tha amaadmnt aad tha' hid
ffrom M tottasmta (dap),from ti ten of
nh. waa boapht bp the Hew Tark
thn dkpaaai et
aaala (aipbt). Brabaasaa from 1* to •ten at to aanbi oa too daUar
Uaaata (dap), from 17 te U aoata Look oat tor kaiBalaa.
(topht). Qardrnppan Brom UH
Ctoik Btaknd toVAwne ardand nPfol. a a. ■ashTwCksrmav
telTKosato(dap).toom MH aaata.te
■Mad to Boward'WUUw. Banh BUI
Moadpopa.] .
Vrltteh Aimj Bmm ftacoMtftallj Orowd th« Tng«U.
ThefaalJapaa«aeaitiola,iii a ooe gallon
^an aqnarinm with ahelia, aea wMd>and 6 montha
..... 76c
Extra Gold Fish
At 16e MlOh
Yea it ia a little oat of onr regular fine bat—Want any
Can get yoo anything *'iaadMble"
I»-!29 Front Street
Ralph Oonnahla Jr., tUBrngtr.
Tk llew StM FarWamti
tevc Wka » p»«p »t Ik*
Big Sile Row Oi.
!■ 0«r erlMo.
Doa<l tartM
Buy a Cloak uniur.n.<e
The Special Values
We offer you in choice, desirable garmeatB. Clouag
prices on ladicB', misses' and children's cloaka.
MiUer’s Store
, We have ^
two carl/^ds
Ian Maclaren
School of Mnslc
Which makee tu crowded for
Will nil:
Wise folks smokf 6c
Street Car Feed.. 85c per 100
Pig TaII HavaoA Smokers.
Fine Feed........ ,.85c per 100
OoarM Oom Meal65c per 100
Cntil we have more room.
«. W. iiller's Cash Store
226 Front Street.
Gents Shoes
If yon have thej“Little Gent” we have
the kind of shoes tbat will make him
A good, strong, np*to*date shoep 9 to
—boxjcalf stock-41.25.
Tb4"Hoosier School Shoe" at $135 U a
A pair^of those high top "box calf’ wottld
be sore to please him—the price $1.50.
Front street
McNamara block
<gmm Koaam BBOOBS.
Tn ycna m« who aomftwti*
•tap.k tte «b»rch mtnitm t-M*
•Hkti. m4 wbo« AMmM euTtei
» flM*« to toim -fcoRbU *1 hayt.'
vU yratoUj *M tolu ktoaiy to peU«
lltolhnni wUk tktor rtmUm «f Ml«k If toi^ fD li
Iba abRnkM Md <
Hka ftt—to tto foUto wttl Mt hara
MMtoto to took ^tor thMB-
vkkRtaUtottoftotoy mtHdlaf
totolMkkag.kataa pal b* had
iduMBtol- Urtowollhaaw
Bawakk adetod ha aorad toal
tok paktlaa ka laku
frMtoahudaaf to* aoBiaHtoa aad
aad Boward Tattla. toak |ii|irlp toalaUghtka oMarad plaaad aa iw
aU.Watldaafaato Vtatk atoaal
waagIraptoBkaliBtoBoaa a ban
flarrlaw wafB. Ba k a
faoB toa alky adjaaat to kk praB- to*
Ulkkag aoBBlttoa aad kt
*”wfUtoa B. Dawttt. who
toattoarakrtrlMhitakac Usa by awdabp AldOTBaa Lardl*. Bald kr
tba teakwk. awl to to appUaatto
tbapoaMwaa aagtoaar of too
OM who ou do baltor.- Ba
walar werba ptoat whtok k to ka
that to*
Biabikkad kara toBatiipi Tka apOB had ratardad prograaa ef
f**-**-^ waa raaalrad aad Had.
ittag eoBBiltaa kp kot ru«tIkaaoaaaltMatowajaaad Baaaa,
to hart a lato
daawowaad kp toa alto o*
a to aalakllak U^tk •!
•uaat appiakad. laparaad ll
ralw waa P^Ot. Ika trperi waa iw- toa nilh wardwaaad waawar aa k*
aalrad aad Up* aad Iba appor aad preaaadto a^ kolora h* aaaaladad ka
atork utoarlaad to dkpeaa af toa propAaiak.
Aldarau Boapu agraad with Ut.
- Tto koaM at balldtor toapaatora
Mortod farorahlp «paa toa ptoaa aad Oarrlato aad aiatod toatU thaooB■* rratk Madrlahk Bltto* to ordlaaaaB weaU pcaaut toa
krttobaltdtaf aadraaoBBaadad Ikair erdlaaae* wkkk toap gar* laatrvaiad
appre*al..Tka raport waa aaaaptad to propar* aoB* iIb* age Ik* aaotBlttoo oa Ughttag weald tou prm
a^toaraaoBBaadaatoaa adoptod.
Maaiar Wanbarg rapwtod a bal- plu for dtp llgktlag wkkk weald
.ofpa.ue-ii to toa aiV kaaaarp Beatprraiataaadaaadaet addtolk*
rzpuaa BatorlaUp. k* baUarod that
MtoaiatafJuaarpardlaaBaakad aotaraa aoaai
1W aBMBMt ef toa baatd af ukU*
warn aaUad lor par.oa, wkiak waa to* altp bttorup'a ofla*.
«ba Wtoton MUklo* rawrto, Rst
rad paid.
whM Mtttote to* ftocrtow wlU •«•
ftoto toWRrt toMA IlMkaiM Md
Tbara katof a laU to tba praaaadtoga
•fUd Hwm w* alMitototo to eteto- AldarBH Oarriaw aatoad tba oppw
W«to* to Ottom, tutlgto bfiuapa aatoarwktto ka
Btoto u4 aof* toto to* read Itod* to
irad daBUdad toa Boat aaratal
TtofWM ttto tod PMaton7.-i»nB4
laatiM af Iha peUoa. Ibu ka wwt
a to alato that ka
last Baadap. la uptotottoa af tok
laotoTtotoli wotod toffWl Um aBtrtltokaaaUtoat wkUakadldaM
tti«Urd(« *M*hto ktokad tomU* gotoobafab ragatorlp. ka did aoaeoa
••MiliUtolj. btidldTWB X*ayto to a whUa. wkkk ka aouidarad parVOTld add to kto Wrd*M
feniar laetlp propar aad right. Tb«a wu
Mb to look afur to* tobbc B*a who
watt for toUrk**t d<rk atto**hai«h aotu
todkpaU tok pfopealUto. ae- Aldar
toktoMbaadaj •vtotoC*.
ButoaiTtoM awttoaad to ratotokk
Baadap might ■apartoaaa Ha atatad
’ On aaaaattoUftoataajr kappa la
that wbaa too aarrtaa waa dkwkaad
gtoltoky- nanfato wap w **»p* aad ka aBargad troB to* ekafok k*
MattowFiattBot aoB* otoar Baa** waaaBaaodtoftoditoad apaloag to*
faad la to kaaptotolda toat *»to. walk a half haadrad peaag ttaa aad
fkap kaUato dewa toar* kaaa a dla- koga whoa* parpea* It aaamad wi
iPBbagkakltaf ledgtar la aasaea* Maap toa akarak poar*. B* daaarikad
aba latoar toaa Ik* bu alBad at.
toa laagaaga ka haard aad wkleh b*
wiine m fmui
|ba ptolau aad todaemt.
Aad tok anaapuaa waa ut aoaflaad
to tka rlatoltp of tba B^kkt obarek,
bat toa bopt walkad aloag toward* tba
Matoodkt ebaiob aad amitoaad to*
tN*BW ofprofau toagaaga. Attorn
Tkto Omppaarad.
Hetbodkt obareb uotoar arowd of
alBilar proporUoaa waa waoub
• B- ■. Blfalow *ra* a varp bbi
M BU Wadaaaday *«wlag. bat hd aad toaa* too ladalgod la lodooaat
aad profau laagaaga.
ipUad to tare ap to up plaa* wbara
gw paUaa aoaU 8ad him. All -d«p b* Aldarmu Oarrkoa baoaB* aloqaut
bad kaaa kara. aad waa aaaa bp aawal todaaoaaelag aaeh ooadnot bad aald:
•aaMa. bat wkao a UlagraB oaaMu* ‘■If to* paraatt of tooa* kobbla-da-b^t
pianulnf that b* waa watod tar (racd oaaaot look aftar toaaa U k Ua* toe eltp
M a aalrkkariar ^to. ka waa abacat akoald do ao. aad toa polio* cmgbt w
BraB to* altp m paniealar baalau, be rtqalrad to axarek* tkalr utoorttp
larit BMBatoat baaada It kk bad- toBamroBtoeB."
a Lardle Mld-ABaB" to tba
paw to baabaut, karlBf dmbtlaai u
of AldamuOairlaoe. mod
MkUarafto* iatoattoMaftoa poll**
g«M*r*d that it waa bigb Ubm
Mbit aaaa.
BIfatowkaa k*M kuwa hart far totng waa doe* to atop *aak dkordwlp
at toa obareb aalraaooo Bu.
aaa* ««. kariag baaa aaaoeUtad
VltoVruk Taakar. J. Kau Oarle dapnlgbta Bo aargooUd that tbar* bo
.____ I,_
••d M. B. Btraaur la tba toaatrioal
. Jlaa. ThU U tba'rol* that ba aMnsad ofijara at toaa* plaoa* to protaot toe
ban. ' Ba raprraeatad blnwlf aa tba
AldaroBB Eeapoa eeboad to* aaaU
pdraaaa agul of “Tba Oalkap Slara."
aat* upreaaad bp bk two oolleraa*
pad to to* fltraectb of tka atatoBaat
gBt k* bad aaearad a data for tba mod sargratod with aom* wamto that
^p*. wbiok kaaald waa la Wlaaoe- to* dip dog oatebar ba 4*toUod to
Mb, h* aadaarorad to “work*' aoa* of gatoor la the poaog bu who aoogb t
lb* food badaaB ^u of toa aUp. dad toauop toareh Bowbof*. rataralag
It k aald that bk aebaB* workad ea from tbalr dwUoa*. The dog eatobar,
A BaBarbabl* Ptaak
Dsdortakor W. B. AadarawbaaseQ*
aaaiu that k ^aU* a woaitor. Por too
paatala aontli* it baa ban eovarad
toea^ offmdare Jaat aa wall aa ha
OMld oateh toa aaalaM dog* aboat
tba dtp. Ba bad obaarrad tba omdaet of poaog bim at to* obareb
ntrwee* aod ba dodaru that ehoreb
ibar* war* foreed to aaba^t to la-
Ban M loag la blaaaom that tbep bar*
haw tboagbt w ba artlftekl. »0Ba of
darsu Bwlto' nwrrad that tba
too tilraanmi topt ar* bow 00 tbo plut matur be refarru to to* oosBltMa oa
•naflM pUk. It Uiralparamarkablp polio* with aotborltp to laatraet to*
ebtaf of polio* to took afiorto* of andora utaed. bot Aldermu Keapoa
Mr*. Laara Oarliak of Blair Doad.
Mr*. Laara Cprilek of Blair, died objMtod to tola baoaaa* toaeoBBtUtoH
had uoabl* oaougb. Ba bdtorad that
fBltriap Bormlag at 1 o'doek. of
It waa tba detp of to* aapor to laatraet
r------of too atoBaeb. Daaataad wao
to* chief of poUe* to praaarra order la
Plpaaiaotag* aM baaidoa bar baatbariolaitp of to* obarebae ud to
gaW toaraa foar Obildraa.
dkgraoalal prooardlagB doTk* faaaral wdl taka plaea at Klagalap, Baadap. at ll a. ba
At Uk poiat Aldarmu Baatlag*
araaaia Bateaoo of to* bop*. BaaaaarlM that to* poaag bu ef thk eltp
moraet^arlp tku ia awpottka
rautaaJ. LaA«*y make* eatb that
U k tba amlor partaar of toa Bra of
oaadlag towa* aad that b* did oet
Fd-Canar A^. pdag butaaaa la b Itor* toar* waa tap istratloB to b*
llw dtp of Toledo.' Ooaatp aad BBta lanlUag or aaaoplag. Tba bopa war*
pHorawl*. aad toataald Arm wlU tap
Ua UB of OHB BUMDBBD DOLLAHB aartalalp aaraiaaa, tooaghttoB ud
lar aaU aad aaarp aaaa of Oaiairk that baMlBB. bat toap ar* Boatip aatlBabl*
naaot b* mrei bp toe aaa of Baix'# puBg BU who go to ehareh aad wait
AataBB Ocaa.
gBABKJ.CBEBET. OBtald* to *** tbalr but girU beow.
WhUa be did ut ueaaa aagutlaBoalp
•were to bafara»* aad
t. tok «to dap of Daoaai- aoodaet. h* btltorad a word troB the
L O. llW
pdtoa woald aBaetaalip atop to* u-
0CPtarto Cara k laku la' aeta dlraatlp w Ike
OB Of toaapatoB f '
ii^tb* kaal.
IB tart U tfWiB M iMm.
Ko (aBodreqtok WABsaBk Warn
jy ikk
**^*Mttar wM Baallp raterad to
to* ooBBlttoa to pdle* with utke
to taka aaeh atop* aa war* da*B*d;
au Lardkaahaaaatorateto to* are light
Hbad far bp to* BaBban of Bt ?ruak akorto. ka aiatod that to* oar**r
ef Out aad TUto etroata waa a dark
ipotaadtoBawar* aaaapaaoaa froB
hep* toar* aa wall ea at tM otoar
blob weald k* taaaaaad If
**■ Ik*
rahrradtotoa «
up Dodge to kk faak B* aiatod aapbatloaUp that u aaah ardlaaoM wi*
la kk UBBulea aor had k* baaa laatnietM to draft It. Wbu ka raoalrod
raatloa* to prapara aaak u ordiI* k* weald do ao witooal auaa.
Afm aoBo tortoar dkaBaioa AlderlU Cupea BKrad u aoMadaaal to
to* Botlu of Aldanau Lardla, that
to* «oBBltlM ba allowed fartker Us*
torapertMlk* light patitin. Tbk
Baallp prerallad.
Tku to aotlMof Aldarau Kaapto
atrutod to prapara u ordlaaawr
latlagto* llgktlag of raUreadoi
lag*, aad to report at toa aact Bukag
laton to* Beat Otoe* aa GOarb, tk*
DeparlBoalHarlat Allowed Kr.
B^lulag Vbbrvarp rirat Oau
Polrar of Bao-Bit Cl^, will taka a
elerk la tka poat oflea.
ffbaaroentlp ban al
lowed u ntra elork. ud at Mr. Palrrr
atood blgbaat la to* Ikt of oaadldatr*
at tb* elvU aarrie* anmlnatloa be ba*
boea appolsud to tb* poaiUn. B*
ba* utvad tb* oSo* to leara to* de
tail*. bet wtU Dot b*glB regalar datt«
aatU to* Brat of aaxt amtk.
Ubm Palrar ba* Iwn la
atraetor of abortbaad la Profaaaor
D)ckrr*p’i baalaeB ooUrga'
lUu aa
kf Mr. HcK
CbarlM Bemmlag ba* reeelred a latt«r from a maaber of tba Hew York
and Hrw J*r**p HrodooeOo.. giriog
•OB* parUnlara of tb* death of Mr.
McKnoa. Ba aapA la part;
-The loot 1 *aw of Mr. McKnoa
allrawMwbnha waa parebaalog thl
railroad ticket for that poaag bu
from TraYcra* Clip. Be apok* MB*
toeo ud *ald ba waa gelogtoeall
di.wa to the market ud aa* tom* tnuU of bl* aad get readp to etart for
Trarrraa dtp tb* neat dap. I bid him
good aigbt tbra, at aboot »o mlaate*
S ocloek. At S;» o'clock he wai
dead. BawMiaaboatebeowDedud
tookiog over bob* aapara in thr
aafa Among them w** bla will. Then
be got ap fr m hk chair and Mid be
would lfl*Te thing* oDtU he came back
froB Ulchlgu In Map or Jane, ud replaerd hi* will In the eate He tarned
aronnd and Ugbtod a elrar and atJd to
the man who kept toe *tora. *0000
bp*." and walned M far a* thedooraod
dropped dead. Bk fueral wa* largelp
erarp proBlant prodnoe
dnlar in New Turk ud aomo from
Michlfu belar prmenk'’
Old Baepl* Made Toug.
J. C. Bberatu. the rataran editor of
thr VrrBoovtUle (kieb.) Btbo. ha*
dkeorarad the rrmarkabl* aaeret of
keeping old people pooag. Por peare
t* aroIdKl Nrreonanc**, BlaapleM■ n. F
ean't be prakad too bigUp. It gnUp
etlBitUtoa tbe kldupt, tosed th* atoai•eb. aid* dtgeatlon, and.glrM a aptndid apuUt*. It to* werkag woadara
for mj wife ud om. Ifa a Barraloaa
remedp for old pooplo'i oeBplalata.”
Onip soe at Jaa. O. Jobaan'a aod A B.
Walt'* drag etoraa.
too Hew York Btor*.
DO YOU NEED . .; .
CHAIR?I bane 14 diflanat atylea, from a SgUd Oak, Obm Sat at
$4.25, nesi a PbUabad Oak, Cana Seat at $4.75. naxt a Solid
Oak, Saddle Seat at $5.25, ne^'aPoliahedQaartw Sawed Oak,
Luther Upbolatered Sut $6.75. Solid Oak, Luther Upboleter.
ed Sut and Back $8.76 and oa op to $12.75.
A Urge liM of Stoola from 75c op, Am Chain from a low
back ap to a Sne leather.
Enjoy the
Good Sleighing Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Front StYMt.
,I have *ev«ra] fin* oaif rig^
both Bikfle end two oented
Baal ootfito in the city Try
Older by •Phene No. 32.
Geo. Cams,
LItraryand Food Stablea
{lefora Plicltg
I .....
A See tbe new mliciea of tbe A
F ACtna Life of Hartford—tbep #
;■ are winneta. Ralea the moat t
p aatiafactory.
We alao aell Uieir accident #
aad health policie*.
H. L. A Co. Block. .
They re Nobby There’s a Room
They’re Nice Carpeting
The Overcuta we're aelliDg now. Some
of them are in the grut ''Oombinhtion Sale”
becaoM we'd rather have the room than tbe
good*. We moet prepare for onr Big Spring
Stock. It'* a trills urty 'tie true, but it'* better to anticipate all theae changu then to be
■ uoght *'all in a hup* later on. So look at
theae pricea, they'll tempt yon. $5.00 coat* (pj
for $3.26; $6.00 goods for $4.00: tbe $3.-50 atyle
far $2.85; one lot of boys' $5.tX) overcoats for
fS.bu and u on down tbe line.
and here are some urpeta that are jut tbe
thing and onr grut *<k)fflbinstion Sale” is a
doable beader, givu yon the goods yon want
and cleans np onr atnok. Take for
thoM- beat all wool Ingrains that sell regnlatly
for Goc and 7.5c tbe yard. There are patterns
that have from 7 to M yards that we're now
asking only 46(-and
One fine 75c Taputry
Brnaael* that U youre for 4Uc the yard.
A Quick
If It’s
Sloppy Weather
or slippery wuther (and yon lake tbe middle
rud) or cold wuther and tbe whole U winter.
It’* ali the aame you want waim abou. Our
great “Combination Sale" i* your benefactor for
you can get yonr choice of onr 1250 warm lined
shoes fortlhHj the $1.00 Felt and Buver shoes
for 7r>r; the $2.00 Alfred Do<lge Felt Slippera
for $1.50.
Exit Price
That's tbe reason onr chtak* are moving u
rapidly in our grut H'ombination >Snle'' They
most find a door somewhere and the only OM is
through the front door either on the back oi
the customer or in a bundle under their anna
and this i* the reasou: A $3..50 Kerwy Jacket
for$2.<!9; our $8.00 black tfbeviota for $6.00;
the $5.00 red Kersey* for $3.76; a lit* of $2.60
Ghildren's JackeU at $1.88. Be om of tbe
r mv
And About
That Room
or perhaps the wbede honse needs papering and
you've just pot it off. l>Mi*t do it longer, our
grut “Combination Bale*’ is your helper. There
are 20e papet* with two band bordera that
only cost 12c tbe doable roll.' Bolder* 1| and
2c the yard. Tbe I2c gradu for 10c and tbe
10c patterns for l^c. Webavaaome amaU rem*
aanta that are going at from 4c to 10c tbe
double roll, jost abont one quarter the regular
•*> **
The Home
make it look ooey and pluunt. Nothing faelpa
ao mneb u some lace^cnrtsins and now that onr
opportunity and at pricu that will fit any pnrsa.
Nottingham Cnrtains r^pUar priu from 60c to
$4 00 the pair now aelliog from 88e to $8 00.
Irish Point and Bnuael* oet regnlar price from
$4.00 to $^.00 now from -8.00 to $6.00 tbe pair.
Bow k to* tlBo to top* poor Blepel*
.■>airim*Hdaadalaaaad ap raadp for
Free Storage All Winter.
Mp work au bot to but mod priar*
toalowaat. WiUoall for pur wW
k L SUB. Pnpr-
TKe Hannab & Lay Mercantile Co.
> rmiM
»««asss«s aHassss«*« sssssste
t Hat tor ••Baspty
fffteMItoOMM, «a< atoat M «t Du^.*-b
tor FMte
• altek rito' ofoasa. ttot my to to«a^
Ito T»
9fm7 Wof.
awaadtboottyte ovMte- A vary oma -y ant rrttoy orwte. iaa. •
■m rroMtoo. CM., ioo. It-Tto MoaMBi «lm WM ooj ^ad by oU.
ter ■Utaf fwp o( Oi^o Horn, sate
1 ma yaatarday. with bat
ItooroO* cM*. »iU Montto op
> Maa^or StaUbary wUl
**t*-*iH vta»§*. KftUMM* ««urt7. tekttooppUoMoaof oKiUsUkm oad
aa. Bto WM a ama of J. J.
aBaalaCjrttokmralaf *« latto mot mton slate aooan
> ■ jRif ■liltni nf f** —
Bnaiaa. aad had may fnaada la (bia OfsaMtbo Bssbarof
»ita«U4wtk ■ritkto Ha Mmd«r :U«U1 W««»
tothm haadrad aad U that amtet li
Bloate saktemaUaary. telolMof olVte UM.
COmKa t of Ua Pirat M. B. baad^ oasarad, ba artU hart tto attraetea ^
of tto (tea Mom Klaate A. tod' fOftmat. at OoUwaior.
It irqalTM botwaaa foar te # b6St mak68 Only,
aobool. uaybt. by Rowtaad Dosylaa,
ule tebt aad>1MaptoM
te to «aoia dtod aad U laady to to
arm ftro a aodal la tto abareb parton •ra kaadrad aaata tor Mr. Smabaiir to' ^
•lad today.
n-n|-[‘ lato tto otata aarriea. A
oat aroB oa this aafafsacal, bat' ^
aramtdaataof Mom <M^ wUlaml
rof tto I
to wUl aaaam tto balasM of tto rlak 2
kimoU, la ordar ttot "Baspty Das- 9
Tto bnto worh tor tto bMCMi
OtoflMt. Booam. cm at tto aa»
ptr** my ba aaaa at SMtobaryk Qrte. V
, Jl'i------MaHUa ad MaAacoa. aa
teaad aa attcasay of Mom. mM Fiaak Frlsdrioh^ saw atora wm baraa
•Idtedtar.te )m iwairadamdai
■d^. Bill Broa. hart ebarfa of Tto toot la. Mr. Btaiabarr woata tto «
'•<te»^ MyaaWly Maw York ate
lOf M^Mb aafttal. la lamlad baaHly la tto work.
dtoUsattos etbarteaa attrsetleao< ,te
labia pops- J
Boa. J. iJoibba la atiU Uaprorlay.
It taalaaaraly hoped ^
aatebOBMasM^U. iNt
r wQl fs ap la tto aprte <te te atissir bepM ais aow astartalaad Ur
; at Mom aty" a torUiraaOTwy. ttoapk to la I9 ao towiUi
latOoU ______ teetriaal plaat, with aaMaloBt
laaaaostefdaacorBasadlotk “Fable Emaal,’'
_ r. te baaa ataaad oa
Mpaatty to apaply »to tawa wttfe Itchta
(Kirar Hoa^too, ooa Of ttoeU rtai- wblab ii to ba prMaatad at MUtobaryk
lie jiToBtst
rh« Old BBUmU* Sho* Ma&
Maaa Ito aylaada to te aad tto Maaeb aad Taada laado with
dMtt of Kteatey tod ttoAtortaao Onto os Fab. a. wltb Mr. Basadtot to
tewa aa dtetettoa to to Ttem
alaabria powar.
gnak a img wbBo aUddlap lof* ttotai.nla.l.adaa.natlo.. Itm••Wa atoU alao laalaU at Mam a
tepanaUy tto wtoU atato of MtelMostaOriato to ItaUtoMlty «f
.............................................. ....
..1 . ■
i1ty«-— with tto adjaaaat slaaa,
fVtotote CaedodwUA lattantrm
Otorm BtaSord had IbrM Aafara aotlos. la ito asbOoty of plot ato la Ha
mao fyoda avantflva wto ara leakte aad with Fort Ctaraaii. (te* York,
badly braUad at latarleebas Wedsaa- MOM ato rffecL
FartBafaty, Ooato't Oity. Oolray Bay.
an la Allot 'B,Pa..aro aad ti. MtatoaL”
A saloB dapot tor tba Orato Traik
Tba talaphoaa lUa toos Uapla Olty
(pyte te te* te toatam ma In tbo
Md Abb Arbor raUraada wlU ba bsUt
albto. totb larra aad aoMU. aod toforo
cold ftolda. act oaly fr«s tbla te Good Baitor la almat oospUtad.
My aa aatotaatleaal oranicbt tto at Darsad. Tba frietlee bMwaaa tto
Int tto fotarw wUl protoWy tela to aad tto oMtora aoaat. tot tros aU
ed Mia. Bara te Mra. Balaaa Grmto Tniak ooatpaay te tba riUaya
oem ta.ia tto ahapo of aospia
polBta U BeattoMiorB Alaaha aad oa
eoBBOll M te tba elealay of twoatmto
•m tto naite wW-wraad i
tto Yakoa rlrar. aattette »to pepa. wara eaalMad treoi tba Hat of aam<
bMbaaaaattte. Tba dapot wUi aoat
lattoa of Mom
aaat aasaar at Ibaladm who aaaUtod tba Qraaaaot
bte to ttolr Boppar Taaaday alybk •teooa.
a Batem Maa*a Mioaiatteo at Al. to.aoa.
BBeklasU Arslea Satoa.
Joba DrLoary. formrty alykt aUrk
. told to atsth amaalteqaat
Hm wwld wide fam for marreloM
r la tto armry< •*« ite
r. W a. Balbart at Fiaaktori. at tto Botol OeUabU, la aow ai
esna. It aarpama aay other mI«b.i
■mbm tote
mmrlyofMortoport,wMUtto olty ployed at tto Op-te-Dato raaUaraat.
lottos. oUtmat or bafw for Cato. |.
15 aorea, 8 miles from town, on Look Lake rosd jimt wart of tb^
■aaM (sport. wUoB wlU to aaada at
Oorsa. Baraa, BoUa, Boraa. Fe1oi>8,>
■«»k. That Um.
.. p^e^'Asylnm farm, aioelj loestod, with largo apple orchard, amall (ramw
D)aara,_TMtar,JUlt BhnA
Mr. te Mia. debs MaDmld
illy I
hald.«IU atow ttot tto aarsatot Ysba ara rialtte tBalr dateBm. Mis.
laige apring bpok mna foil length of front, mortly all cleared,.
tbt dealb of Oraut Allra baa
aapUal iaraalod ta saw ladaatrfaa tto WmUsLera.
ibr n«-iuory of a cnriooa poatrov.-ray. Oalytl_________
PHtym wlU asaaad tl.ooo.Mo.
Mia. DorsOrss aad bar fatbar. HoBPbody lUnri. a>ou after the pul>ll. WJtk dray atoraa.
40 acre* 2^ >ailM
IjaeUoan eoun^. ) mile wert oK
A U«te boy breka tkroafk (to too Orla Boxla. wlU laara today tor Hollo
Carter'* mill, go«^ frame houee, epet 1750 to build, Urge epriog brook
cite M a* a iuo«i uolioly Ixiok—a
wbOa ost akatte tto ottor day aad way, wbara tboy wUl rialt tor aom natoard or tourbiilone of 'tode<*oey.' WAtok
bed, .cnrnnU, atrBW'«aa aaarty dpowaad. Ha wm Saally tim Mra. Oms wUl alao rialt to ____
Ito Maw York Btorr.
lAOi. wbo weal to
berries, grapea, fine locatioB for gardening, plenty of timber for wood...
•atod eat, bywarar. aad takas li|to a Telado te CUiaaco bators bar ratara. work eeriouaiy «o »l«>w «b«i if Urant
aaarby laaBdiy aad drtad eat taa
B. & Morrk of A^tel wm to tto AUpo wAi
about 35 acres cleared, prioe $1650.
maooinr'.'^ni Joba klUion. anibor
steam aftar to had raaorjradaad el9 yaatarday.
30 Bcree
milee weet of town on county line road road, no*
of a ferpotipo work nlW -‘I*ai
ladi tot btUdte to WM bidk akatte Mr teMta. F. M. falsa wan aaUad
. _ _ bnildinga. plenty of timber for wood, 60 fine peach tree* in bearing.f«*w
aroaad oa tto oast te wkUh to had te looktoM yMmday. by tto death of
apple treea, a nice suaH farm for fmit and potatoea, price $5Q0.
te* teste toroBfh.
PMaok fisadCaltor, Haary B
_________ drail as if sbe did
aO acree, 3^ milee from town, in Leelanau oonnty, ama I framo^
Charm nya of toa Oroad
Obllda. SB eU roaMoat of Baat oeoaty. polblor .Vobndy i-ami wliPtber tbe
s«ah.oatarad toa
A. 3. Biadatow woat te tto flee tbiog was do<vm or Indpccut: It's JUKt
bonae, moatly ait deared, nice spring of water, good fmit and rege- >
dead, and thst's nli linTP Is 10 ll. From Ot Bsclcscheg snB HiBartifu. and
opaaod ^ toa Bay Osmts dlah of Maw
table Und, price $400.
wblrb ibP rrlilr mlpljt Intti a Immo,
Tdrk.aadte(stsirad aeteattottto
Retnovc It by UrtMf
—Uw wholi-sonip, sad leiwoii ihat not
160 acres, 11 milee sontb of town in beat farming country in tbs'
■aooadprlMwtoawardadtohlaa. Tho bom by ill
two iHH.kM til a KWM*ratli>D outside of
oonnty, 60 acre* cleared, plenty of timber, bam 40x60, atone baaemeot
iiiaad pciM wpa> tioo ta^aad
tbe ever^vunfnrtiiig nen-fncl bonks
F. B. Mei ■ WM la OadlUaa ;
a' rail.
rsaalrad a ohato tor toa amaat.Wad- oayoab
lander the bam. good apple orchard, amall fnme hoiwe, good well
. one’s little
hook, end M.ks np
aaaday. Tto Ant prm wMstiip to
Mia. drd.BmtoabM coca to
dfwt. and the tTiiU-s say Hielr lllile
Mate WM wes by a^yeaac lady Jordao, wbara aka will attead tba
-TbI oblivion
: and• then
80 acre# 4 miles west of town. 4 miles west of Lake Ann. amaU
UyteteBate, Onfos. Tto work of fsaarsl of Mlaa Oom, a forsar raaldaoi In^ As one’s self
•eif girps
u|i the gboHi.
frame houee and bam. .80 acres cleared, lota of timber on the plaoea brli-f ri< k«T• of
. ..life stirs Id i>ne'«
tit. Wrr% whlek wm aabsltud la tto of tbla olty.
Tbe error ot tbe dav in medical treat-; .
dead tomes. Tlim c-utni-s the flual
def II B^attraa
M. B. Htroaf west to Cbarlerols oa
It's a frsillsb IHiIp liuslcpea. meet to tbe •‘doctoriag" ol cfleets Isof Oraad Bapidt
iH) acres, 2 miles Durtb of Lake Aon, email frame boose, log
BvpisKP iHMik a-ritiiig. and a ateadoCgeifagattbeesMc. A powder!
X fiini)} OOP. Ibis wrious ciitl- foe besdsebe. a ubia lor iDdigtsdoa. iwni, email orchard, 25 acre* cleared, a good home for a poor mao. J. J. Votrntae of Beat Jordan to rialt mighty
A gnoa Baptda Itelady triad to
How lb.- dpad smhnrs In ibplr
held tto « yaar eld ekUd of eaa of hor lay hie brother, Frank Votrntaa of tkto
plaster for backache. Tbaee may '
(llgbl temporary ~ii^
relief, h„i
but next '
boardart «bo wm doUaqaret la paytaff eivy.
florist tbinks hp uas aflord -ti-M
10 acres, nicely located near Ferawood. all cleared snd fre*'
tor board bUl w aoearity for tto
Jadye F. W. Mayne bM nUrato to
d,T, (rom •tump,. « fine locntion tor bnilding, »1000.
asoast aad ato^ataly ra(a«ad to fira CbarloToix.
d. M. SUver of Klayeley. wae at the
ap tto littlo ooa to iU mtbar aaUI Ua
Colambia yeelerday
lattor landcad tto aid of tto law.
SreeutlBp ISvpMMVlprs.
A Bare ia
E. U. AUyn wm la Klnyalay yeetar
A(vx>rdiuc In tbp usual iMprtU-v.^bP
Tba trsiBlof aebool pab'.Ubiar
badly dU.
raduations on ibp tbennompt.-r p-nlps
oo bBeUeaa.
alatloB. Uaaltad. of Battla Orark. hM
_...................... ..
a signal of
cvpIs an- marfc«-d by smti bli
C. H. Betea peeaed tbroeyb the olty
•lad artelaa of ameiatlciB wUb BaylBslsipj to warn people that tbe sidDe.-s
tbp Burfni'p of tin- gtass in snnip wsy arc no longer pble te perform their doty .
m of Daada Daaban la tba aos of bioo iMt Diybt on bto way from find Qty
peril poliii wliprp tlipri' Is to be
ol filiering tbe blood. And this mean. 1
Itt objatt to tba prioUac aad pabllah* to hto bom in Baiaa
gniduation sBvs PopuUr Sclpupv. But that tbe foal impurillc* which would
te of apeclal adaaatloaa) lUaratara
Ike WUsla went to Patoebey 1m> tliP glass Is wmkPiipd in varb of Ibpse otherwise be earned uB by tbe kidneys
te tto tralnlay of atadaato is tba aerate
points and U apt «o l>rpak. wbli h Is rcnisie in ibc blood, sod fiod their way
after three terrible yeans
Mr. Fred Behme, of Bingham.
Bingbam. Mich.,
Beott yroodward ranraad to BIU- dangerous in tl>p ranp of iMiler levels. to every organ of tbe body, where they
aamaetbat tboy may baeim
Bofferiog, with no help from any source, DO one aecniing to underworth iMl nlybt. aftar a few daya It Is pridPtit that tbU could Ito avoided set as dca-lly poisons. leer PllU are ibr
‘stand hie case, consulted
Or. Cliaw’sKidney-Lh
WUUem Fraaklla. Jr., ayosao fi
Bprat In tto city.
dney cate,
•orldta yresleat kvJney
core, bacanae
Frank daatoo want to Prioekay ym- ^ss at ttap (Iralivd iKtinrs and mixing they act Sircctly
dn tbe ki'lncyt aad rem of Ddlbl towoihlp. aaar Matos, ta
eomp i-olorUig mettpr wltb It.
store them 10 besitb, strength and vigor.
■toalay- Be weat aortb aboat two torday.
AmpriPBD Unit nsaptis tbet It haa ob They remove ibc caase of beadschea.
mostbe ayo for a buUny trip. Be
Mr*. Cbarlca Boyaia of Sontb Haven,
bscksebe' and aa endless ebafo ot most
tain.*! fill* rcpiili under the K-st
past a door bom abortly aftorwerd U etoltlny tba family of W. C. Hall
dliluDs by paspi'tfl •’»" tlip tube wbeia fetal and complicaled dimaes.
Dr- Chase’.
sae'i Kidney-Liver
Kidney-L'ver Pills
•to alSM ttot Uoie no word from bim
Mtoe Annie Labntobi wm marrird a gradiintloD is to Im' tnarkpil au Iron
toa baoB received. HU family are nn- to Fred Haber of Chtoayo. Jaanary 8. diak iorti:ng .It Ihr ratv of ’J.4«0 revo- purely vegrt«blc. sod act plrssaotly and
eatorally. One pill a-ioae; aj cent. 1
Dr.A B.CDrttoofMapUClty.Uatthe Intlous a lulniii.-. Tbp frt.iiun causes box, at all deileis or Dr. A. W. CbsM
•Ua to toeato bim aad are ynatly
a risp of lemisTstnrv snmrt.-nl partly Ueilicioe Co , Buffalo, K. V.
bU dtoappsaranM. WhiUng.
FrspklU U a aiayta
te bU faabito
F. A. Clary of Grand Bapida. to in tbe to nipit ttip glass, and at tin- samp lime
small iartlH.>s of Iron arc dctacliod
ware rood.
who inimediatly diagnuecd hi* 1
from the wheel and lewroe 4nrorporst
Bert dlayton of Lske Ann. wm In tbe Pd ID thp aoRpDPd gUaa.
bcart^tuniacb and bowel »ymptom« lieing r.'flcx and canned by the im
Maay yaara ayo dt. JoaeiUwMeltocity yeaterday.
parl'd functions of the spinal1 nerve
in*rve cetiU-re.
He has especially rpqnr-at
ated Dortb of the db Joe
Mr. d. Boemtbal of PemWy.
^ Dr. Snow to publisb nia exin-riefice
tbe preeeaielu of tbe Iowa, te a few
Lint Of tottrta
wonder'ul efanngr in m>'
"1 am glad to my that Or- Know baa made
deys ayo the raioe of old balldlnye ware in tbe eily yeaterday en rente for \,bU
• varallre fi
bpaltb. I heve been in very poor bpallb for tbppp years "r
My food would nog.
by ehance dUeoverad In tba nty Band borne. Hewasthpgaeetof J.Slelnbery
?allltiC for ll
lehieg of yaa ter
digest and came away just ae I had eaten It, There was bole
ktUa near tba useka of tba Pare MarTba amll vUlaye c f Lima. Ito., Jnst
s time,
qartte rallwey. Biy Foar workmea
everything gave me great distress. My bear*
eonid set bardly a
eroMtb# Mleblyan stau Una. tear
............................. mea veryr fast.
fast. Mt hack waa very bad and there w
wanexeavaUny for a aaw eldetraek mllee from Storyla. was thrown Into
d j *vk
and - wiicb.
I good deal of pain there.. My iimba w_____
_____and they
, felt
ato fote hesey plaiAa ato ether porirsIP. g
ky afiernooB canomasWiB
Homs W
nervre were
w^re very bed and I 1eonld
, and 00 feeling much in Ibvm
them by spells My
Mj nervee
ttoM af nrioat elrsewrM barled dMp by the exploelos of the larye Sonr mill Cels NM
tbla la:
la all charged now.
itslietlU or sleen aod. oonld not rt-wd
m or think well. Hot tbU
la (to bUU. Tto alybt of tbe mloa owned by tto Ferqoer MlUlny Co- Tbs
gel enongh (0 eat. have gained 13 noands in a monib I eat everyRtr.lerl'W
w and It rives me no dtoUMS. My back to all right. No more namb(oaeaade
eanaeel tbeeaplaeloaUnakaown an nark Tows
~or twitching. I f,el like a new man. I have treated with a good many
0f rsllaa ware tabw from (be ite pita Irniii It was a dnst exi
Tbs amflo-tora bnt tbey did Dogood. It wm a greatpiay when I called oa Dr. Snow.
by eeearal who knew of (be flad.
ployte are all morn or leee Ir/ared, bat
belp^ me within a few—............................................................................
daya. I adriae every one wbo needs a doctor te call
BI on him. It to tbe beat !nv<eimeBt I ever mada
skd J. Rrbhr.
Cob Jobs F. Peteram. wbe led tbe all aeoaped death, which aMma nearly
Millar BaUM
Bosk Ar her
Thlrty-foartb Htebiyah Volanteeraat
Dr Snow makes a specialty of all chronic disi'anes. diseases of woTeaaklas Bwaa
■aatUyodnrtethe-Cabaa eampafya.
I men. the eye, ear. nose and throat. He is especially saccessfnl in
■arias a Great Maa ra Ohamberlalek
Piarted Wedaeeday from Booybtam for
\ treating cancer, asthma and c
Oon^ Bemedy.
btoformM’komlo'BaBalo. Be WMee
MartU of the Plenon drag
1 sent doe on each advwrttoed letter.
«PMb be WM token to (to train rm a atere. Inform* m that be to harisy •
Obomr W. Earr.
pireteber aad it to feared be eaaaot yrMt n
\! Offlos In Basilton ft KilUk«B Block. Cbm BtpMt tintranoo.
ptato the loaglonmey. Col. Peterman Eraiedy.
medldnet^raeofaByotbwbind, aad
At Kalaaauop tbe btefal ofmrrivvbo Wm greaUy betovsjl by hto 00m- it fives yreat Mttofaetkm.
■atote biyUy reyarded by tallow. deys of U grippe there to BOtbUy HAe MS of tba Tbirteratb Mleblyan' lofanpMom te eapoflora, bM nerer raoov- CbamberUlnk Ooayb tomedy teetop try mt Is tbe 0. A. E ball WednMday
prto from tbe eBeete of esporara at tto eoeyb. beal ap tbe nova throat te tor tbelr thirty flf ib .aunal rraslon
Inoyn te
wllbin a vary Amoe< tboM preaenv were J. B ' Me
SAtort vAkA,
■ibosay te Bi Oaaey.
ebert tUas. Tbe eal«
te all wbo try U ara
lu Bey of Colorado dprlnya. O0I.. wbo bad
^ eV»Mt u‘9 v(Ue.
Bis Vila Bevad Him.
•Mim. te C. Beyle ef Wayoear. 1. T..
by a ■ Walt te >. a wtobadberaabaaat Ulrty-OM FMia.
WimFrM. toes of WistoU Tbotopeos. drsgstoto
j SUU StoM
‘ n
I Removar SlHm Sale
■Istst CM9 Wm to Motes
We have placed on eale at out prioeie
• 8400 pairs of Shoes -We gtr* you the
We can save you from 10 to 60 per
cent on your footwear for the next SO
daya Aftar Karoh 16th we will be in
our new store, 848 Rront street
Frank Friedrich,
Farms Fop Sale
Near Traverse Oity
Another Happy Patient
DR. Q. H.SN0W,
koT A^Cu
Mew Olpaoraryrnoimnmptlpr Ooayba. C
La Orippa. Paam
y Feear^ all 1
Teeth Einacted Fer 25c
Mn. Mary Lathee* ef 1
Prof dlln I te Bonk WM thrown from a b«yg7 while r
jUaaaat Um d saciai^pM^at Pt^ taralny bom from Dettolt la« 8w
day te fatally Injered. TtoaeddraVJ
Cam te have a plMMSt ttm BUI wMeoMed byaranaway hOTM.
Mato. UdUstTM.
^OT bVtVrt «N\iU.
auMS mOM•a^
Vim of Tar 8yn:i
tba faari cm^ remedy ra aarib.
{TjetoHsk te & B. WaUk drsy
VaMB .
Iha Mow York Btora aala.
Coasultatioi Free.
Vdbm \bcVtA»
BldGWBlk T.vwttoaw fxi alt sIMM.
8 EWalt.
aOerata. ■ihm W aasta
B tG Timtw Oit7 litUDhwr Oo.
at Tatmaa'a
: 9cwa!l'K«!mt
IBa woeto aw awnv *• Btaa
toatow to a UM of tba hojtiw aad eaSb toiB 1 wn ataoB wora
FOahtoa'e maadatea haa no ctrovor
etolBM OB woBca than aaaM mcato
Men are a good deal like battci—the
aaftrr tb^ are tha rnora they qwBtd
ptoannk Tbor waatobeeae ipora
daaee. probably the laat, aa we wae to
II 00
Time oMvva ateng at the ratna old
•tart btxemid the tint of the followlBg
pec«>-«e matter whether yoor watelr
I 00 toI riiaDtng
raeatn-----week, Pbxl] had born rtoirlng r^tiva
It aomriimea happens that wbHe t
BBd bad jaat maned la time to taka
4 00
4 M ana to watching hto (Bemlcebtotrtead
get the beat of biB.
'Aa the wagoea drorc np at tha doa
Berery time a Ban agyn aoBethla,
of the tomwbere the dance wm to be
coBpUmeittary to bl» loving wife It re
held I bard a yning lady, a triced 4
morea one Bore wrinkle fna b«
latar’a. call ool:
la Bt ewrab cR rath or MFbrow.
WlapBa wW^ ‘Blew lorar
--^Wby, wbae baa Ur. Meredith
The average eoogregaUoa deatroL
pnar Bat 1 tbooght aothiag abeot it
leas liberality In Ito pastor’# rtows,
and tbe pastor detdre* Bore UbaroUty
“Tha detring had been geteg oa tar
ta tbe offeringa ofYbe coagregattog.
only a abort ttow wbcw tbit yoong lady
1 want to let tba paepU wbo enffar
OHM Op to ma and. with tome aaggeettroB rbaoBattoB aad aetotka kww
RMUBai bj Loadca a«aMa that
“A atoty, firtor’ aald pzaadBa bbU- in of Tcmaon or piqna, aaid:
tbat CbaBbori^’a Pata BbIb nUeved
tacly. -Why, I'To Bert* bad aayAiaf ^“‘Mr. Meiaditb wtobee to be totrean aflar a aoBber of o
•ba,«B«haraxpartad aarMla aald.aa
pw loBe that eoald asake a atoty
-»U»(tboaatpat«f tacllih maataa."lb. H^tli Ue. mM a. B
Bwpt oaea. Aad I*b alaato otoaid
daaoe with him, and not own bat auay
«ai«a to aa«M la toaUa« l^ta toeeUyeathatew."
tMea we dawoed b«a*hcK .Ha wn an
have baaa «u*d of rl
rea^y. Oaa ai^ioaHn* nlto^ tha
ladjadfaaaadtha priaa of aarholto ad lieew. -Wall hara that if we hara adnrirahto daa«r. Tn4.oeald hardly
aala. Por aol«by 8 B. Wait aad g. C
hoarwhat ha aald ae perptond waa L
wowdBiagwbere loeoid bare beaidbto
Otandma waa oUaet for amral alaittoBOtohMoi
» befora. Bat ^ hBgth aabaa^•^alharwanklUad aad 40 atban •Ma, wbila wadydwndadoaai
I taedad bto hand 1 gtaaeed down aad
OBw a naU eroB eat on the diaBOwd
vara ttiiiIiII hj tho anMoa Taaa- At laat ^ ga*e vaj bwd br^:
-Teataate. whnlwaaafill tUaga Ddhtoriiig.
o< tha draatotta at ArtfUaao. it
wm m> diffBoat toon oorway of Uria*
uallaa froMTarla.
g to qa^tg. lO-lle.
BOW that 1 toar ay alary wlU aeoa la- Bat to the end be oeted the part of a
AU laat aaaMvaad darlaf
geatlrman Ha led me to a window aad
Made Toang Again.
• «arl7 teU tba attaaltoa of iiaMwfin prcdMbto toyoB, I lived la a naU weat- atood Utlkiiig while ba ahieldad ay ogitown.
Klngto Maw Ufa PilU
aa tha Ma^ Dtoaoad eapraat wat
taUflh tram tba rwn aow fiUad with
each Bight for two weak* haa pat me
s «aUad to a ha»k mhkk mrf daj da* of laad alBKwt aa ierpe ae thto cntlia whirUng coaplea
■-Kotbiag waa aaid for arrenl Bia> in mr ‘taaaa’ again," weltaa D. H. Tur
aloB(h7 tha traia rwalar thiva«h ▼UUgn It tru a Icaaly place for yooBg
ner of DeBpoeytowe. P>. They’re the
tha Uhtoh ralto7 ea tta appraaoh to penpla, bet freqacoit rlniu to abool atea. In my fooltoh bcart I waa trying beet la the world tor I.trer, Stomach
frir^ aad ratnro rlxita frem tbem ra• akof I
’aedBowalk Pnraly regeUble. N*rer
Maaah Ohaak. Tha toaia era» raid
Urrod tbu dsariooap aoarwbat. We bad wmld aoconnt for bu mode of life. Hto orioa. Oolr ttc et Jee. O. Johnwo'a
■:tha hM waa raatof,. aad kata »ara plraiy cf rlduif aad driYiiw, bowerrr, ea toca, fmn which the bt-onl end mna- < end H S Weit'e drag etorea.
^vayapaadlBcoewhtob weald naah well ae anecDaeicaal daaoa Wanatly taebe were gno«s looked like that of '
" ................ .
'«« eartala petal dnt. Tha hawk aarer had little (imiu to unpe,
aome btqriab Sir (lolabad. nqt Uke that!
‘■Still, It waa a aed change whm ny of a oriminaL Hii kindly brawn
wea. hat reaawad tho aoataat dally,
Mdaa Iheafh actoaowladAlaf dafaai, ■iator -married and went to lire 110 tnUro Aooe on me with a world of i»«gki»g i >jpointv
»4n-Oe I
Meaarwtoaa. OffmaOltrO
'woaUaoaat late tha air aad awtrl anray. It aeteard aa remote aa if tow bad tatbrin.
~^-ied the ocean; bat the glorleoa aa•■•WeU.’ba’aaid
-------------leMdfor tho hadtward fl>rht. Oaa
ottonef Ttoitinf brrki>pt,me in a
• oay. a tow wookt afe. U flaw oa with torer of amtonneat for a whole year.
tMoBeelBkewUnanak .
the tcala. aa aaaal, whoa aaddaely U Oeriag thto tiBe I bad tart Paal Foatrr did not know and with canieat gntorea ^CKO-aaek •
war oaaa to halt aad qairpr. tbaa falL
pointing totny partner. Paal. too, bad
. Aet hr
tuoagnloed hiia.
ihaattBaa.- AU tha traia
“Tbon^ By beari waa beating m •eg._____________________________att tf ^
MM^at u*. I
8ee aamplea in wiDdow.
bac4 OtU I ooold aot apeak, I «oCioaad lpoasu.BOR eX0HA»Ol Oaeaat boM
■ thto hM aa thoarh it oatbaicBRMy.
to M^Mereditta to flnlrii the daooa.
and whea wa roacbed tba aide aaateB
Att TlooMharf. Pa-. Alaaaadar 8a*.
tbe opporile door 1 atopprd.
■e«a.whailtoapptarad»yaataaie aad of laxozy ia a palace cor cBtaqual now.
- ‘Bend down your bead,’ I whlattoaaiaathaoe ■oaraad aa daad. haa
“Tba. drive waa gloricmal On aona pend faintly. ‘Sum oaa bm noog- PitoOg._______________
^««od op aUra. Bto brethar to ia parta of the raad I aat on top of tba
Oty. la oHael Oeeamkar mb. Wt.
raaatptefalaMor trea kla aaaoaaa- Btage; bat wben 1 waa ttovd, ortba road g«k‘ My voice tnoibl
‘Muatr be said alowly,
still oaUrh a OeM, Fmat itn
l^thathatoaBofiaref Urh olaad- roagbrr than namU, I crept inaide. Boatattoaea we would walk while the boroea lag. Then be frowned. But tbe anUe •pOOMtlO RaXT-rafBltoad or
Tiv la tho Bpaalah aray, aad raddaa
cd or followedalowly. Towardeven- OBBe back iaotaotly aa be gUaoed at. Xh UtXMtmatbaUvK.
lat Madrid. 8a«afa aaja ha baa ae- tag wa would teacta tone ruoU tavera ae at 1 stood pale and trembliag. ‘Poor
rp««a«WAimo-rttoam*.vaatgd u> bul
. latred a larm fortaaa.
and remain oU night—glad that tiine Uttle girlt’ be aaid.
‘Bo divided be
iaa»gi.PomoB^^^ej^n*j^ m *.■ n
•■o* la aatr Teaaellsr
At Kadild la tha aoaaU Wadaaaday «f the change, bat Jort oa eager to atari tween a sense of duly and pity for a koal. anod rogA
poorwretohlikame. Oomi^u bargain, wiBleP* lob. k I
BlrVt Hertban'phe
riha praatar. (toaor SUrela, aaaoaaead agoia the next moRting.
-Tbe aeoood day. Joat aa we were ofaildl One more donee oil around tbe lymiOB
- DISH BLOeXa—For a aben tloa T B. MARTIK. Fh/etelM Bed uraaoo.
• that aacotlatiooa were la profreM
atartlog. a yuoug man comenpoud bar- room and bock here and 1 will ga *
Bell obOL. ..
• with tho UailadSUtM tor tha eoaelaUacka la leetoa^ Iota >0 be dcUrarad la 3mmriodly wlibiptrcd to Silaa. the driver. I
“ ‘Yen ooght to go now.’ 1 faltered mmrr
aad Feborarr. at N.Tt per leod^Oro]
vateaefatraaty of paaee aed CrUed- icnemte'r anil my lively rorioaity na to
“ ‘Kot until we llniah this donee,' be WaodDiabCe________________
<ahLpaadalao a treaty prortdiafl tor what it won all abool, when 1 mw Silaa mid firmly.
.eatraditloD aad tha raeaptloa of toon forward and draw ooi two Urge,
“Be eonported me almost rntinly aa
-aotaaliaiatioaa. Be added that pro- fleroe lookiug ptotola. He examined be»whirlod ornond tbe mm. or 1 beAad.
-----lialaary al^ had already booa takaa tbem earetnlly. meanwhile Ixddiug tbe Ueve that lobould have alipped to tbe
^^lUC WtoXI^Mm.^FTaaoac
. withaTlawtotheeoaelaaioBotaoua- llDfu in a peroliar way. portly between
bto kneeo. with tbe enda tanted aboat,
“ ‘Now, go!’ I whispered in perfect lequln Bl riFM KMIOBOl Buk.
laxtoo’imJr **”*“*“* «>»ra*.
-aaraial traaty,
■ arm.
A dtopateb troa OraaovUla, Teae .
“I found oat the meaning of the'
*“GoodbyrbeBalde«rn.-atly. ‘laboU
J W aUWf. nouarFareUbloxBora
xaaye Mra. M, J, Pattaraoa, the only whtoper. and tbe ptotola, too. when, nerer forget you. Tiiinkof mcaa kindly ckrap
flflt:S£S«S9S«S ;988
lUFraottraat.____________________ p-«
rly in tbe afternoon, we entered a aiyoBoon.'
blU et Aadraw Johaaea. to orilieally
B T reaw
TPOK aAkX—Or -aei a ora
“He bod voniabed in tbe darkneea,
eMtwra at XF Flflb
lU at her hoaae tharaaad aot a^aalad norraw poaa beiwoon tbe bilU By thto
i.' lir^aMrr bed s»«*r ceu
time I woe opwering inaide the coaeb. and noae tt» aoua. A few minutea Uter
-teltoa. She to ew M yaare old,
of J n. Uertf. r^etir okUI.
tboogh I coaid aec withoat wonting to tbeaberiff and twoof htomena;^xated,
ti.pa. g
Pk Bayaid. Maw Urzieo. bae baaa
■oggod mocnuiiu, tbe aterp oUffa, fully armed; but Mr. Mcndicb woano- R90S «ALK-.tk>od rirkt m
or* ae Ram Klch«k «
c Itoaoetiaaed aa a farrtooa poat aad tbe narrow roadway ol<mg which
wbanto be found—nor did any ooa ~ Blfdaall. Ha LOoblaek
tha baUdlaca wUl ,be taraed orer to peered carefnlly oa we proceeded. Yet ever dtocover bow be bad eocaped “ '
■ houer ea Ihh *
. gaqelrr J O.m
tbha earfaoa foaaral of the araiy tar not ao ooiefnlly bat that even be waa
Grandmother ai^ied ooftly.
token by aaipriae vbeu bolt a doaea
“1 have always been gUd to know faa
oaa la eoaaaattee with tha
tioa. The etroagoet aad oldaatflra la’heaplial to ha atabliahod there aa a men-aoddenly afxang np. atparantly aamped " sbe added
aee eoBpanlca U tha wertd r^ew
tonm Dowbere. 1 cannot exprem tba
oliraaaltarlaa tor the traatataat of ofioare
aaatod la By agea^.
nudity with which the wbole thing
.“Yeo, except that after the notioeof
oM toltotad waa et tha aray atSarlay waa done. Two anvid oi tbe hcxwa’
my marriage hod been iuaected in 4be
Area palwoaary UoaMta.
beoda, two qnii-kly diaarawd tbe driver
A rmU of tha war la death Atrtoa and tbe mtn oa top of the ooaoh. w hila
ring ariih a e
a,. Loewoo.?o*fS¥iT^iuH«a r,rflaatod la the drof trade 'a the ad- two otbraa at (bo aome ioatant threw oat in its sarfarr.
The girts were ailent tor a few mo'vaaea la tho prtea et qoialaa. Thto opn tbe door and with leveltd ptotola
eaderad na to atep oak Two elderly U- menta, and (ben txgan with exclomo.AaagaBaapNparaaat aad diaeheaa
dico, o middle aged one. on old geeUe- turns af delight at tbe otory, tomantto *fU vvehaoxa lar otkar pr«party. »' aarhtoaalllairat area a rraatar ad* man and mywlf obeyed aa quickly aa
beycad anythiag tb<7 hod expecned Baraka, eiw.
SOB tt
raaop. Part of ^e adraaea haa haaa we mold I oamre you. 1 trembled ao Then said oancy lret>^ with a twinkle
^rRMHEVD ROOKO—Ta rt , *1U Board
Aao. it to tald by dmevtota. le the pra- that I ooahl hardly atoud. and was ol- ia ber eyes:
aalaaoa ef Uflaaaaa la Boropa. Boat foiling, when aoddculy ooe of the
“Gtmadmotber, darling. I’ll
I Ht7 or (am
eipaalaUy la Baflaad. Bpala aad higfawaymen pnabed Uie other oot of anything that yoa never told grandfa
>d a Color. WAl
Mraaii. bat tha freataat doiaaed tor tbe way. exrioimiug. 'A Hebe, by Joref ther oil thto Btocy. ”
Vaw OSoa. WarkhaB Sloak.
TbepiiA blush spread over grand TFtODWAimB»a»a'K»ofaarkl»dlii Cm
■ qolalaa haa haaa treat tha amlea la and with ouch a bow oa tew had ever
given me be took my bond and beipcd mplbur's face, but tbe dear old aoul Nro eaU oa Allra * BlrOMll reeoa T aad |
toeolh Atrtoa.
me down.
would not lie even to point a mor^
MmaB(UaOa.Bleeb.Tr*>oraaClir.- eiMma
■'A aaetloB foaf of oiao Baa waa roe
“To teU tbe tra^t, I knew vioy little
-No, my ^oor girU " obe eoid. alowly.
wbot took place aroond me after “It waa very wrong, no doabt, bot>^
4ew8 oo tha Dalawara, Laekawaaaa A
Votloe to T^xpayero.
MianieC Bala in Brook
Tka las toll* for IkoeollorUea otaiato.Ooaa
Waetara taaaal near Oxford. M. T . that. 1 BW my highwayman give acxne never did
.f aad dalioarai Bekoel aed aty ~
Vadaeaday. aad twe of tho party ware orderi to hir 'men. Then by turtted to lyn Eagle.
ate, and in the moat giatlemoaly mancTiroc__________ _
laataaUy kiUad aid a third died ahortktadaloroaUaeUoa
aer beggtd me to walk with him oa tba.
raraira aatd >acaa aatU 1
U L. A. Bnlldiiic.
ly attar balac atrodi. Tha ether aU air waa roUNr cool I daivd not refaaa,
*aak day (ram S o'eleek_________
I'eleek to II MO o'clock a. a.
wraraaarioaaly bark
I a wild
aad we paced ba>-k and forth till I felt brooght home from Edei
aaaa thor* «tU bo
«atrtek O-Ooaaaii. a wiadow waabar m if 1 abould faint. He talked of tbe dock’s neat full of eggs, which
chaiaad a (aaar 1 parov— lav
*-----eoUroUoa oatll
Jaaoary ».
10. MB. aed
aad OO
oa aod afiar laeuaiT »
eaad beaaeawa at tha Holal Graao (a 'aoeoay. the moontain air aad other batched ook Wbea be oaoeeivod that Jaaaary
im Ihi-ta *U1 ba charvad a (ea .cd 4 par eaal
tbe iwatUngB were of an apt age, be torcoUaeCoa
A pooUty a( (oar par eaal *111
OtoMie. haa raoplead poolUra awar- BtoUen. but of hit purpoae tbera and <f
tbe opciatloM of hia eampaniaaa—ba carried tbem to tbeearling pood where
Moa (roB Philadelphia that htocialB to kept himaelf caiafully betweea me and he anperintraded tbeir odoratioa in
hotar owe ef the priaelpal hetra et tha tbrtn—he Mid Dot a word.
twimming. IVfacn tbey grew up, he
■ X Herald Balldlac.
ttfl.flQO,ooe BaU aetata et that ettr had
“It waaat amomest when I Mt I brought Mr. —« a local ^crtBuoa
ihaoB raaocmiaad. aad that wtthla a tow could endwe no morc^ that 1 oaa^t whom he often aocoanpanied totberiiot,
.^apahto Ohara of the «tala, oatlBated eight of Ponl'e face. A11 tbe mco had and hto purpoae obvionaly waa to aocUBt»Aoa,«M. wUl bo taioed erar to hlB tbeir bands tied behind them, and wen modmwild dneks within eogy Riara»>~
Bader aa order ef tha prebaU oMri. standing ia a row. lonting into the n- aad save tbe walk to tbe moath of Edco.
Thto oppeart to be good evidenoe of
'Tba ootate hu baaa mader aeart aha- volven of in>-ir capwn, wbo lellevad
then of evetytJiing of valoe. Then mdimentary reiannlng powera ia ffto
atood year gnnulatber with aaob a dog. Be waa very fond of a cat named
glare at belpleos iodignotioa at poor ma Peter, whom be would often take oot
JLa avaty atata la tha Uatoa. aad la that it waa mere than 1 could ataad, and tor ioDg ewims on hto hack when the
,atony faraire rranliiia. that Chambsr- with a aeoe cf the ridiealona that was weather waa 'flne. Unlookily a
. •lain'aOoagh ttomady to a eartaU p-c- Bwre than naif hyatcrical, 1 UtAe into araor oae day. Pepter waa ewept
, wontora aad ooia tor aroop. It haa saeh peola of Unghter that tbe moun- board and drowned Obdot brought the
.. •hiBBae tba aalraraal ramady for that taiia echoed. 1 ooold oot help ik I poor animal In, dead, buried him obova
dtoaaaa. M. V Ptohar of Uberty, W.
water mirk, erected a btocuit bos
iVa.. aoly rapaato what haa baaa aaid langfaed and loagbed tUi tbe bar* tan
mreoadtheflobawhaa ba wrltai: •1 down my cbeefeo and my eorart at laat to hto mamcry aad oftea vtoited tha
Mwraaaad OkMtbarlala'a Ooagh kaaM- Jotned me. while he whtopered sona- aepolrtrer witfi offOiags of boaaa-—Androw Long to Lmynaa’a Magaaina
woold have died ooiri^t it be oooM
thiMara that It to aot only the beat have beard.
A Aaha ta «Ba €—Baaa,
■ titoigh ramdy. bad that It to a aara oara
-FWly my U^waymaa plaeed ma
It to not often that the bonae (f oei
in tbe ooadi again, with a whtopand Bona has the (dBBM of (oioyii« a good
reqaeot tor acote rrmrmbnDOf a ring and iaaoeent Jakn But It found tba oeaS^rCwpim
and W. or anything. As 8a hod it in bto powm eaokn the otlwr night at tbe expeaaa cl
totak»riiigaaBdever7tUngalae.lBlip. Mr. John Borna. wbo to for too earMol
YitaWtadMn sm Qa^l Haul pod off a tarqaotoe and gave it to him. a man to iadalga U>okHaf malioe prw
Be plamd it <B hia thin
poona “BinealeaBa into the boaon
Ur. W>. tki ChiMM atetota
• WMktar«0B. bM pwohMid M MtO.wbito. •hWi tM VMi for cSoUt wd
•oti*l rMtt Mid tor tilwnrr rtttat
. »kMi tho el^.
<Mmi ter* bMB iMMd lorM!!/
r OHftolB MfrbM <i«M U*
•doftha ^
*!• la tka baad of tka aaral talalU-
-PlM H. «Mh IN wWeM a( prtda
ITrtfrreet it milPlM»a|IBttoolto.TWd*BwpBchnwtaeeiB.*’
root Thoo 4t>« B<a vaifb Be hMftr
>b ttew lore «DcteaM art.
Iletot MatBbaWf
John F. On & Co.
Irmrst Ciir IrabN Ci.
Tranrsr Citr,
''TO..____ «*"SJSk’'i,Ki.ta.'?sr
Best to be had in
the city in at
P.ti»s52: "a5 ES'.":rf
Qfuniififft taiiuiKj.
P“ .vii:k.”£U'£s .’rrrS,.'£s!
For Fire Insurance
Si’Ui-.iSll!”-.”* SIS sst
iekMUMt 'PkCMTS.
fire Insurance.
John R. Santo,
Good Horses!
Tbe Fere luqnette Billraf
The best ohauce you have ever had for a pood
mw a tiay croBoot into Ito ntM.
•ff T«r Aypt^
Motbiagetoa waa takaa frimBU Iwml
•Nth. nraa a'oold ■01 even anrehed. aad with a oontty I
faoMdayiftalmiBtiac. SaadMcta. bmr By kalgbt (f the mdnj kto OM-
See them at Brodhagen’s barn, on Bti^ Street
”3 ^
5ft 5ft5
I have just received snother carload of
Good Horses from Indiana.
' *"**wy'
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