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The Morning Record, January 23, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tfclrd Ye»r-rNo. 84#
If0 6IEiT itllES
m »8 atltMi
k« Sm B«ctaf Tw 9m
M« to MU to tfmm 'Ml
llto liflM Affair to
OMliMtot Amrnm*. B»*tov
rrtH. Iw W.M to BrnM BmmM
Kmj Wntoii..
BMMto Jm.
to to. witoi.*. .rim bto. rifWli .
boMoa far Bond
touB toM wktok ftotoUi to M mm't
^torton. Ttov^MlfftoMnifirt
(iw M
totof to laoMr fwt
oatraat Batwaaa ONp aad B. Zk
Aftor Itojor E«Mto tmi OpllM Dtol^totohtotMrnfOTiea tk» Owto;
Mi FiMiln, Mf toinUtitoi tki
to to! toto. It m WTMl kuAfto
OitopkMI BHaad laat Mlfkt. Brtaa
TIaad bp ArMlraMn ta ka Afnad
to hp Bath Bldn-Mr. OanphaU
Bald BoodOalplfBaadadnTata^
A trim
winter boot
Ubera illoatrated^ It’o tha
^Qoaan QtiaUtp” mAka>-hicb
top, kid nppar, madisa aela,
a^eodid for atraai or ootiag
vaar, pat tna, abapelp and
frao^ anoogb for dra«
MjnttUi iNt
Oaali Paid for Old School Books
Than waa a Baarwi of tka Ban
41to.toto.l~to ““■‘••‘S.■?“ Itoto •ttortf Atkj.
■M.aM.~toMrtoto c*. tototol
toLtototoUk. talU I. taatotottu tolhiwari. IMrawan mo Mto or
t-r-"-. >"4“*
>toftori. Watonto to Mittoto. Mi toawrtoak'
StoTto to.MSk «a.41toUto~ totoaatoi
wara MUfM to itoto «
to1mpnAto.to«toto<kto . rtol IkaatoaaAoar.
a wetuto.1.1. toto..to tod ..tolltoto BM iWMiMt laTharawMBot
tka ftoaa.
to toa wator wwto aaitor.
Thflto irweat wan AliarMaa Farkar,
Wrlfht. OraitWi, Oeok,
Baton toktto to toa-rafert af tha
........................... OUrk Btokard
nad a lattar frea tha tint AaMatoat
aaaiMatotnttoa waa akan kjtka
Fnattototoi Oaaaral ta raplp to tha
toat that wmaaa wka kai kaaa aaaftaad
of tka aoBBoU ter tkna
teaontkaa a jaartoi flmhlrth
aan latter aarrfon- TbatoOalal aantotokttto.
toakltoraa. TUa
anaoad that tka fna daUwp faad
kaawa to tkaaa aata'aaat ot frtaea
mi Itola-. toto to LtotoaUb. wbito
had kan MUtepatod aad that tkto altp
bat It aroaaai BO laiicaaeoald aot ha aaooBatodatad with
U ta aaaitoM to aaftkattka aanlan at tkto tlna, bat that If far<ito -.T—I— .1 mu mi
tot admlalatraltoa lataada to wipe
oo tka Bnt
Uli lutorto. tto wetoAm bMMw
1 toll to* ralUItoLto/nltk
3o\j aaat tka natter waald ba
Major EaaaU to
taHtoaitottoref aakart Um.
apala takaa «p. Tka
port wfateb, wbaa it to aabaalttod to waa naolnd aad Blad.
A,a»dlaf totkaliaiapllhawaral-.^^
dftar tka dtoooalUn of tka abon
aatoktolMllaatoinltoloI Laipitoltk
. tka raport. of tko_^
aai Ikaa vttkaata inMa toar apaU
wktok I
altofMtoattoa aai parhkpa tkraa er
B. D. OawpbaU mardlap arbltnttoa
aai to etbaie an naeatiaaaiai for
of tka priea of kto pteaV waa aabatltThe leader in fine footwear.
taaraaatka m»7 i^
aalaM kan thair l
tod teftthar with a dnftot aa arbitiatin antnet wMM had ban aabodtaf toaattof aa atoioaa nnna. Tka
tad to Mr. MapbaU for kto apptotal.
lattoraoailttoaaan kali to aat^Aaaonpaaplat tka npert aad aa
ta Kaklao OaoaM Gnat traat
t tka la<
OanpkaU te wktok ka atpranad kto
IMaaitar tat Kaap
vMlea of tha Tnaonal h
appnaalof tkatarwaof tka antnal.
kMaa. than to anaU pnkkkUltf af tka
tka antnet pnrldaa
atp of Maatoo. Jaa. n-ttoa
vir Mitof iMia of alx noathtaaaha wktok was aaparlaaaai la aU H,..frtoa>r M plaat of &.,u.
Vkat than haa kaoa rarp kaato WMpanaet Mailae IHiap aad aatardap OatepbaUMSPba ditorwlaaf ly a
^•ataff aatoaaa Baatfito la tha
r* tatkto altp. board of tkna arbhnton. aot nsl...................kataap
ItoaOkarak ei tka Thna Ktan wn daoto of Traaana atp aad aU dtoia«to«aatoliaa of tka roatol to aatlnlp anakad aad has baaa alaiif for npatn laraatod parttoa; oaa to ba ekean bp
toahlarlatkanporlatotbawar oltoo
Adoka hato wan toralad aad aannl tka altp eoaaoU.. dm bp Mr. Oawp- The famous English sothor, writ
aai to tka aowapapaai- ,
brldpn wnakad, Than an ao fatal toU aad tka third bp tka two ponon ing in the Kortk American Beview
Lomdam. 3om M —k itopat^ **■
naaaad bp tka amaeU aad Mr. Oampaala nportod la tkto altp.
The Energy of the Americen
iatad Jaa. tl, aapa:
balL Tka priea datonalaad hj tha
■aarp kphttarkaa kaoi ta pnffnn
arbltntwo to bo aaeaptad bj tka eltp Pec^Ie,” eays:
Trmm all parta of tka aoaotrp
aUdappoatordap aad todap. lapaa- atorlaa of dtoaatar. At OoadaUjan aad Mr. Oampbell, bat tha pankaaa of
‘No man writn with bis own
awiapto «fkl a total if Ml wan
I eraekad ao bailp tka plant bp tka dtp aobjaet to tka band, if be can dictate to a steno
woaaiad. two won klUad aad two an that tka a
Totaoftketazpapantoa apodal elao- grapher; no man dictates, if he can
Mportod wtoMaf. Tha aaaaalttoa of elaoad for noain. Tka Okarok of Saa tloeapoa a propoaiUoa to'bood tha
telegraph; no mao tel^rapba. if he
todapto irktlap an aot Voowm. Oaa rnaetoao, ao baaoUfal la Ita Istoiior dtp for that parpoaa. The
‘ r waaOaplaia
It to kaowB tkroafk alao proTidaa that Mr. OawpkaU akall
■aatoop of tka Dabtla ntrlmaai. who oat tb# Uod ao the "ffoldaa eap." to, It wain all rlphta ud adnatoina ka
If yon are a typical, energetic
waa akot ia tka lotohaad.
Utaarod. o«rmaaaoUp lajnrad. Anooc ■alrktalaloi nnder hla ooetraet with np-to-date American, yon already
otkar WtldlapB lojand an tka Uol- tka rillapa of Tnnraa Oltp.datod Aap. nae the Long Distance Telephone.
•fktfna da#a u dar«, tka Brittob
nnitpda Oallado, Oanna •karraeka, 16, IMI. It u ala<4atipalatod that tka If not, a word to the wiee is snffieMowlp fatatac fnrnd. Than kaa Md Sarraelo ekank.
kaaaooaatoat tooakatrp Ariaf to tka
tkto dtp atto aarlp a data aa poadWa int.
AtOoliwa hotldiBca of lirkt
worth wtoW Tka Brittok faiaad a poal—*.------------------------------------- ...u
aad to tekka a rMort npoB^ tka aataal
Bn tka Boon wan koldlat «•
ralM of tka apetaw, aad aot taklnp.la
ataatUI atroatam tojnrad. Mn.
aa^ r*«aai
ten aad akUdm mkad Into ika
Tbaktttit whiM to prorraaalac Ja
airaate to aaaapa tka taUlap walla of la tarthar mataaUp apraad that If tka
aaat dlBnlt to daaarlba. Tkara to
idoat la pomhaaad bp tka dtplaadw
tkdr dwdfiaga. Mon tkaa Iftr
Milter’s Store
■•btlMTla ftnatawd oa both Baaka.
toe aoat of
aanrolp lojarod aad aaaanl blUod.
loaartac a wlda napa of torrltorp.
a to to ba bona roaallp bp
Qknrakaa aad otkar poblto b^laca
Atiao*atoaktkto noraiartka Dato
botti aarttoo, bat if tka aooala do aot
wfll bo laapaetad >p a aotenlttoi
We have
aatnM loaltloa
pelatod bp tka fowatent ter that Tototopmrekaoa tko plant, ton tko
at tka pout of tka kapoaak
dtp to hoar tka ntfta oapoaaa «l the
two CBrloads
1 tka Cold
AtZapatlan and Storalatka 1
kaMtoloa tMkattla daldeaOoraatka ohoak^l QoUtea
Aftor tka roadlap of tka ontraMa
^fana. Tka kalldla<a wan faU of
teotin waa nada bp Aldarwaa Baltk
woaadaili aboat two haadni
4 aad teaap panoaa lejaiwd. to top it n toe tabto ter tka preaaav
than an oortoatlp wooadad.
two batap nportod IrlUad.
Thk proraflad. thee tka Boeoaaarp
Onanl WarmtoaoBdiaataad eare
SaoBlMUtkePtolBa 1 4 at Bnt
aa to tka axpedlaaep of the
Hi. Ba profaiB laklac Bn dapa to ae
parohaaa of toa plaat bp toa dtp waa
wpitok hit objiot to rtoklaf dafoat
latredoMd, aafoUowa:
toattowptfarto waka a toe foot ad- :akn«paaa. Than otno 4bo ohodr,
Boaolnd. Bp tka .
wktok aot tka Blatn boM of tka
a eoaedl f Which makes ns crowded for
peonr etonoa taaibfta* aboot tkair < toa dtp ci *J>«Y
Wama bn ban oaficad lU dap. aan, hot ae fatal aaddnte ban bon
™om. Will 11;
•Uaflp oa kit latt, wklak ka kaa owaac
aapodint ter ntd dtp, to
•arwardaooaplaof Bilaa-i Thacroaad
bp porekoae tka wator wn
tonrTd;fllnlt.akd aatlia flfktlacta aorippaatordap teoralap. TkaakoA waa aad opatote. tofotkor withI aU toa f StiMt Ou Fi1..85c per 100
aad prMtocoa. stalao. plpv.
aHtkattwaapklUIttodUBsali totap eotepanttvalp lipbt. nt adoattota riffhte
kpdraate aad appartenaoeoa botoap- 5 FiM Fiud............ 85c p« 100
pndtot a ratom of |ka dtota
aaaaUp how mato wo irila. bat I tbiak
top toonto, aad boeor a tka ownt
' oof. now in opwatkM la oald f CouMOomHISScpnlOO
^ wo an
.aafbdoaptoptoB.D. OampbrU.
Aa aarllor dtopatak ftin Ow
toentrol.oparato aad atetoteto tka
Bailor, tinod 1:U o'aloek a-m.. 4aa___ 0. for tka parpoaa of aapptptopaaid i Cntil we here more.room.
Cdtepaap M WIU Attnd tha Bodp dtp aad toa tokaUteato toonof with
pen aad wholaaowa wator. ter tka wof Frtrato Brad •. Ooiir <a
tokteoat of Bna,
Bno, tka ordtoarp aad
ordtoarp aoaa for dwoUtopa,
t. hototo. atUto,taetortoa,-----------taetortoa, lawaa. !
Bobart M. Bdcoeoab naolnd a tola- ---------------------teUto,
S36 Front Street
r that too bodp baraa. aad all ototr beUdtopa. aad for
omaeU wap
litompoatardap. Ht kapt tha oaawp
of Pnd O Oonp. who toat kto Ufa to
taektor«a aad mta tkair traaakat la-taU......................
Oeba. had ban shtppad boa How dltton^teoddaoudlahaUdinM; bat
H9. Oar aaaaalUaa. two kUlad.
Tork aad woeld probablp meh tkto that too oepoaaa of aatd watte worka
^lutaMapttote.atllwUteaaaq«l '
dtp todap.
okaU aot OBoaod too aoM of oipkt
Utkantealnmto toa dlptodap
I. n too tankU prnartp' 1
Ton win find e fine line of
Boa that Btaanl rnaak npartt that
tka fBaoralwUlba hold toaerrew. If
dtp. aad akaU ba esbjtot^ oJ
too bodp dote an moh tkodtpnatU
MdartiUarp toward Babm Frldap
fowo of tola otato.
^ AliorateaLarttototo Stamped Lineta, aD cun of Sofa
A dtopatak to tka Oaatral Nawa.
Pillowy Down PUloom, Onehion
U altkar eaaa the fmanal wOl
nto Oaaap Baadap aickt,
KeapM ootod “Ho.*
Oorda. Bettesbo^ naterials of aU
aapa that tka BoanotUI hold tha aaa- bo koU ttom tko naldnoa of Mr.BdraAt totopotot Aliteteti Batok stoted kind*. A fall line Balding Bros.
»itof tka rMfa at Bptoahop. Lord
totakatoaroport of too spsdal eea- auke.
' ’ heldB tka apBmbrmdery UoKns given free.
teHtoo Irote too ta!
pmaktotka TUtwa. BtoakUnkalt. tktoanalapiaoldC.P.haU.to naka
tttp *ntop
aad Otlrlar kaok piM ihroafk tka amacatenta to kewor tha dead
' wHk
Tko npert botap katen toa eeanU
MwlUattaadtoateaotal ta a bodp.
apM AldorteM Lardto oCarad the tteaad a teUttarp faaonl wfU bo ooM
towtaptnotatln to adopt toa npoto:
adbptkate. Alaatt aU of than
Bototaod. That tka nport of toa
ban of the onpaap wU ton oat to M
ftiiwtetnii «■ Watte Woton. rMttn
knar to tkolr dead ootondo.
Prteato Oanp teU a detlte.totka
paBowtenr wkUa fa tka aatopolf*
MvBhnap Aantol, i«B.ndMa
MaidWha Btok of thaktoaMto«WB^
Martm'a HnmtB Body................ .4......................................... 65o
And a^nl ether booke.
• =
HI.. m u lu.. w-b«>i wiu 1Jui
We Will Dive
Free With
m-m FrootY!4trMt
Bdlph OeniiBbl* /r„ Mabbcbt.
The very best at the fairest price.
Will tell yon that the prices we ask at present for
onr best
Men’s Suits, Overcoats
and Ulsters
Are positively without profit. Yon take for a few
daya longeryonrnarcBtricted pickfrom Qltl
all our finest goods for only..................bPliaOv/
M-w ad.
Yak* • look M ow wlarioo
Ian Maclaren
New Colored
««»e«««« eeoeeeeoeee * eeeests
2 Hundreds
e of People Enjoyed
J the
Pianola Concert
J Last night given at ourQstore. and incidentally ex- J
0 amined Mme of our^beantifulfpianos just received 5
0 from the factory.
A word to]tbe wise is sufficient.
T£tsr.s:‘ss.. v„ o„„
fo, spring
Two oasM—flee tboaeaad yards. Jost received aad open
ed up for sale, tiie new spring styles of fine colored oambrioe.
hoot the niceet obttoi) gooos there's made—fine, emooth.
tely fast colon—cl
colon— ’ •
■ • B and colorings—yard• wide
Price is 12^0 the yard.
W. W. Kimball Co
j[ 129 Front St.
N. £. STRONG, Manager !
i W.W.BIRar'sCash Stera | eeeeeeee eeeeeesHseeee eeeeei
$2.50 SHOES
School of Music
jHlfoaa^atoto to Blnhtelttelto
We are -etricUy in if on ladiee’ shoes that
eell at 12.50. A fine assortment of this mieed
goods to select from.
We mention a few;—
A fine kid shoe with heavy fiexible eole—a
heavier ope with s fine kid lining-aleo >
fine light ehoe with cloth or kid tpp. for 8nn^T_jre^^rhe^2^terg2of^^oe^ton^
bonrtt far thie price—^te pleee
Eront street
ns. lowfAm cLUl
MsoaaaMM W«Bt» $10,000 (tf tte matMU
ift an DMMMd HMbud.
Vwt «< ta*
«9» ta AiMmim.
«aaiO tel takw nolhi
at Jaha Veadwafd ta IteaM* KlM
tedtecp Hlo tiupmty w
Oatm Btatatiiy totmoM la MMalo
TalBodatAteal $M.OOO.
Wtet^omtemletea'aory latafaattacMakaowoa
Majaolattealnaltoeart. It la tte
actloa teeaght bg Ua Woodward ao
dote M. Woodward, at. aL. Ite aam
hate a WU to lot aMda aariaia aoalatoa
a a.
Pratt A Daala ate a
ar tbr Mia. ^oodwate
MaalyUOedfoolthla Mt7 ate Boa.
Qarrit J. Xtekaa. aaapoakarod Ite
te«a at TiprmtatlM torlte do>
It Mr te tei «M« «wte ■
■, ate it iavelM tte oatata i
» kwf41< teWtate to tetraM tte
f»to •( tte (kartell «Mr«oM
two k a reamMo » aaoMai with It
whleh haa ba« ta «rod to to thk
iO m4 Mr. ttertaU m4 tte
r, bat launat wlU to rafted by
fiw OMMted tefon teJe
rMBt U«al proaoadtea.
9olk pwtin ton iifiote to otete te
tail. Joha Wood'
• 0# tte teMI c< ort
tea aboat 70 yaarm of age.
MA«hMtterrtao k MMdtteMM TCcy lU ate whUa ooalaad to hk had
■ oAoUmM to tote*
—teto of tte ooMMt of tte textojon
catallyate talth|o foytterriw Hkwlitea jMtte taUy BBtU te iaaQy
laaoiatad hk
Ite Mtettotoa. tte rmMam ti tte health, Tte latimaer ate
BteoKOifte tkktet»}Mtli««U kaom. thH T-**^**^ rtpwad iato a warmer
Itatos the food!
Laeal VHm Ckargod with SpMm
logoi Weight Bafotal
Charged with OMg «M XaMO.
DapaW Oamo ate Fkk Wardaa Alra
L. Oealtar ot CteriofM, waa la tte
olty yaatarday. ate while ten did a
UttlohnbM bMdaatal to hkoMao
tefodewa aa ttey oaght aot te ten
doae. ao Car aa tte law gonrakc tte
telBg ate teTiag of dah k eeaearaad.
Dopaty Ooaitar woat onr to Carp
lake ate
agaiaM tte dah Uwa. Wtewontteaa
baton Jaatte Oago ot Bl
ahlp ate aeawaod tte eoMof tte aatka
them. They
teanrad with aabg eat liaaa la dahlag.
Tba maa claimed that they wen akag
-boba”. bat Dopaty Ooaitar dadoed
‘•boha" aa tat Uaaa ate tkalraaaeoatraryto law. The ofleedeia b thk
BUI. WUllam Whealor. B. Vaa Valkaobaig. Joetph DaMh
aad &l«adahBngga
Wbaa Dapaty Oealtar eame han te
of tte Uw.
allwred that WllbMm. Bartak A Oo.
had la their pemmalea 100 poaada M
white dah. aadar tte alae praaeribed
by Uw. ate that W. W. MUlar bad U
poaada te tte aamo klad. whUe W. J.
Boblaaeahte MO poeada o< eimUar
•ah. It k aU^ that thaaa teh ware
below tte walght of two poaoda U tte
toead. whkh k prohibitad by Uw.
toalteoa both Mdaa ateaooa attar>
ward! Joha Woodward took hk aaiaa
tor a wllo. Ttey woat te Oalltorak
oa a waddiag tear ate
lima. Mr.
property iataroata la te wait. BraatBiUy tey rataraadto thkelty taroate. Ob daly «th, iM.Mr. Woodward
died ate it waa dkeorarad that oete
to Mr. BafUr <w tte crooad that to Jo loth day ot Ji
•otadWatarMtcd party, bat tteaa- had traaaterad ttehaU othkaMta
Mtte ooneil tavcnd Uaap- to hk acma. Seott, Joha M., Bart ate gBB la Jaatka Vorlay’a eoart yaatar
fMtMBk Ttera ara taw. U aay. Qraat Woodward ate to otter lalattea, day atlaraooa ate if tte Bah are foate
to be aa allagad ttey wUl be <
pwi inwiritil BMOttoa Mr. Bate
Bath ate Myroa fiteldia ate
MroateatraM. Bon
rateat ate tea aloe I
b te aMtlMaat of tte aetata It
^o4a of Ttp»«o 0>tr: ate la ao dotac bate that f«7 UtlU waa loft tote
^ alrwdy aoM kaowlaifa ad tte wlfa ate Utar ate aeagkt
plaat. Thk ateald aot ba waat ate alalmad to ha her rlghttal CUaa Bo. 4 ot tte Pint M. B. Baaday
•oobjaottea. Mr. Battarkaarrioaiara! portte ot te aetata, whkh ate bo- aehool. taoght by WOl Wlaaaa. Imtod
PitoaUaate aalar aate la
lkTOdteboaboatglo,c«>.or <ipa third their teeeher to a earprke kat enaUg
ate Mr. Qaa^baU wiU raaalva ad Ite aetata. awCTdlag to atatatery U boaorof hk
wbioh wae Sasday.
BodtteTalaaot tterya- Uwa
Kghtora of tte yoaag Udke
maa aa Mr. Bate woald Whaa Joha Woodward otegaad tte areaaat ate Mr. WUaae wee a Twy
balk of hk proparty te aamad Joha M. maok oarprkod maa. Oemee wore
I irlaa tea
r tte aalaa of a watar Woodward
a dM progtam WH gieen asd
wortoayMK. ateUi axpartoaoaate Bow Mxa. Woodward brlaga aalt to
han tte eeanyaaooa ot tte proper^
«ipart kaowladca aatea him a daalr- aat
Then win be aepeeUl meeUagef
•Ma panea to aa^ oo aato a board.
autatery Ularaita. b tte
Oompaay If U tte old Eolghk of
at B o'clock to orat the dateadaak It U elaJmad that PyUilae
range for the faeerel of Fred O. Corey,
Jtoa Woodard
at aboat te.OOO ate who died of yellow fenr U Cato.
IbatTrareraaOlly eaa have ao i
eartldoatoa ot depoalt U tte tint
Ilk aka to hoar right from htteqiar- Natkoal Baak ot thk city.
Mn.bottbkaoaldten baea karaad Berdor'a baakatZeeUte.ate
Warraa ate Ortwkahm. Miaa., aad
Bam Peatmaatac Bad aanral w
Boekford Waah., ate other poUia. to
agoateagooddaalofiaapaaaa b
the amoaat ot aboat gll.ooa Thk
ha*a haaa aparad.
property waa aaalgaed to tte abon dctaadaata, bat U addiikm to thk It k
alalmad that the rteBmaed Ult a heoaa . Wheopirtg Cough, Aethma,
ate IM U thk oity ealaad at aboat |l.Consumption, k
S«: aoM kti Is Orate Ba^ nlate
atd«OOategt.«(WUeaah U tte Pint
Than an Braat BrTort U tte
Natkaal Baak U thk elty oableet to
Thx BeUa.
Thkpropmty tte
claim k Ite oaly property U whkh
Ite fianrahm te Tax Om
«r Oakmaa. who waaU tteaity re- tte oUlmaot heo a Mtatory Uteroot.
that tte defoadaak ofgnUy ate who k aew at hk hoaaa U
r dtnl farad to pay Mrs. Woodward m.m U;
gpMak U c
with the tax caeh te oMtU tte ean, bat eho
I city ate eoaaty ate dower right U tte eatin eeuta,
whkh woald te aboat Sio.oao
« e< tte eltka U thk rkUUy.l
Mr. Oabmha repork that oar elty Pnrthermon the
■lUt ate taetoriee an^ememid at ttedaleedank axoreked aadM Udewlth
•hoat oac-thlrd od thoir aetoal nloo
Be aaye that all of tte aoaaUm u ttk daea him to aaaiga to them tte
paotka are peyUg tar leaa than they gmtor part of hk eeUto. Thk aUeaheafd Uto tteetaU treaaary.
gaikm tte dateadaak deny U thalr
b Maaktee eoaaty. Mr. Oakmaa aaawor.
gUUm that tte raal eMU k ameaaad
teltkoat OM half ot ita ml nlaa,
jBdtte^MMal properly geoatraaet BathelkooftteWoMBIde Waat Oae
ipaaliea U moat nM
b Patookey. ha daeUiad that tte
pnparty k amaraad for aboal ewe- Pathar Bsnar of St. Piaaek toarto
falilk tk real ealae. ate that khhy of hao beea aaertatk ter masy yean to
UldUgapategeaaral praep«rity
Ite dae eammer ooUagM are aot aaof the ehorch U thk elty ate toe ImIMadalaU.
to ahow lha dlBareaea bMwaaa thk
aeuw had that of Wayaa. Mr. OakxuB
U k etated that than tee
gaya that thk aoaaty pay* H*-*? par
a to cakrgtog too
9LMeer • •
gMaW- with aoatly baildUfa ate hl^ ohanhatetoath maatUg M haoa
bald OB tte Weet Stdo tor too parpoao
■fate laaaten payo hat gLtl.
tl k tte datemUatka ot tte lax atdkeamUgaprojoel tor haUdtaga
OatooUeehareh to that part at But you can get a pleasaot
paarnkMa to ahaaga all thk, oad an
loll that prepmly k Mmiil at ik tte Mty ter tte
OatoMkewhedo aot syoak Pi^kh
smoke out of a
ri>-: too Botemkae. Poke, rreneh.
a WUa Band Btaa.
toboUdapItep riobaroh atehae
dcBorto la
Ka.. “te I had aaah a bad ao^ I thk dlroetka. bat tte omrkm an ooa-
tte MM ImMWo M
rUo onUoMo <ir tteMtj ot IM tiM.
InMwH teuowte elooMr br tte •••
iMttateOoo. W. Baftar H tteponoo
to immm* tte oitr ootte boordof
Thera te ko bed aa neat and ottraetiTeMuIraD Bed. I
haoe tha laigeat Use ever
in Northern Micbigan-orar
47 different ptjlaA bom |s!75 np to S30.00.
Thk ent ahoks my Na 0186 bad. height of bead 4 feet
U inehea-Tha beat iron bed made for the money, only 86.75.
Aa inmbed with aa odd dreanr aad eomptode make a
nice badrow aait I bare the dieoaata ia all atylea and finUi.
aa and yoa eaa bay them with a bttia payment down and a Uttla
at a time paymeata.
Springe and mattroaaea of all kindk
Man Boekl Bateoa od B. B. P. Mto
Vahraary U.
AgiaalMamhaka k tohaltewM
apaelalcathmbir of the Bhaotthm
ally. It will eeear at te lodge reoM
aa tte enabg ot Pek u.
Dapaly L P. Ln o< Dekott, wlUte
hma at that tlmo ate tte beeakea wttl
te made oao o« Ite meat aoJoyabU to
Mti. Oox apoat aa aftaraooa with
Mra Jamea Borbwt of Old Mkaka, tte
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Ike Baaaty that Attraek Mas.
Uaetaomaeh U tte fbatamae U
eUar. healthy aomplexloa. ate a
plMpMydllte with the rigor ate
ritaUw ot pardeot health. Pale, weak,
laagald wemra an blly reatond to
rohoot boaltk by the aoe ot Dr. A WCkaeoh Mem ate Blood PUla. a oeadaaaad aam toed wkieh emtoe rtek.
panWoodateMWMrntkMW. Pooe
eatatetoeelmiU etgaatan ot Dr. A
W. Ghaaaoa
lab Front StiMl
Itfor; PlitiH
lih lisamn
See the new policiea oi the i
I ^tnoLUooi_______
&rtford—they ;
i krewuMn. Batea the moat
We alao tell their acodeot
ud health polidea.
H. L. & Co. Block.
CnMi't Ue
A lilltl
Hk Bn On Mm
Oomfortably in a poor bad—
neither can anyone elae, bat if yon
bad one of tboae new mattrcaaea,
even the on© we’re aelling at $1.76
will enable yon to aleep well—Bat
the $2.75 ia aofter yet. The $4.76
will make yon lie “down” to pi. aaant dreamt—and the $9.50 “Ideal
Down’’—lhafe the best of all.
On. Um .taigbt to
the mark—don't, atop to ai^e or
admire the aoenery. Oar prioea
on clothing appeal directly to yonr
pooketbook—eapeciaUy the high
quality gooda that we’re ariling
DOW—thoae anito that sell at $8A0
and 110 oa
Heads Ttgttlmi
) Tk. nun ■tpion'
You can’t
get a
out of a
Be Pig Tail
Havana Smoker.
E.’teCiSSJSA “
Ska Ida ate'^M-M. Bnry bettta
wkhaahartetja which avekoi teaU
tootterbagaagaa Tte
lanrit at Ite aBork tor a now akarah
tenauyM daeMpad.
Backkak Amka Saba.
Bao.woM« wite toM lor i
How k tte tiM m ten year BkyeU
■ mimilod ate Meaaod m nady tor
ate B. b:
Said one goat to another, and
yon’ll aee aome aUrt ing things—
That’s troe here—and then cornpan pricea and qaalitica with oth
er atores and we “win ont” every
tima The prices we'rs making
on certain broken sisea of. over
coats proves onr statement. The
$6.00 grades go at$3.26—the $6.00
at $4.00, and so (m down the line.
During the wet or alof^y
weather—that is, keep as mneh
shoe leather between you and
Mother Earth aa poasibla. Got a
warm lined kid shoe that sella
regnlarly at $8.0a onr price now
is $1.50. By the way, ever wear
the Hn.man ic ehoef A ”Yennine Yentieman” sayi it’s a “crack
er yack"—and it aella at the nniform price of $4.00.
Sa Maiir
Iftarioaa Tea
Eief Use.
And evening gatherings —
Nothing nicer to serve with your
cocoa or cboo^te or coffee than
cheese aandwiehee or Long Tal.iw^
Wafers, 15c a box, 8 for 26c, or
CfasmpagDecWalen, 26c package
Tb.t's th. new Uetomi J.U,
—abeolotely pnre—has no equal—
once tried always used. Comes in
four flavors—lemon, cherry, la^v
berry, strawberry. iVs the moot
delidous demert jelly ever introdnoed. Sella at 16c a package.
“Dt Hits
Wanted to lounge atound and
dokothing but reatf If you oan
all tbe time, you oan when yon’re
throu^vith your work. Better
eome in and see our easy famlture
at eapy prioes — Easy diain and
May eoB^ea. Got a eonoh (or
$8A0-a splendid sewiag rocker
(or $lA0-a Morris Chair for $8.50
—a rattan rocker (ur IBM.
That’s whst the doetora sayand they ought to knew. Well
SUthatpnscriptionqniekly. Got
verytbiog yon want. Some like
B kind better than othea. We
pleaeeaJlteeteA TbeBraxibead
Feannto are lOe a pound—the FUberts aodTecans are ISg^the Ea.
glUi Wntonb 18 nnd th. Almond.
80 cento.
Free Storage All Winter.
Hywackna aotbo teat ate yrkn
took weak WDl caU tar yoar AoM.
I & B. Waltk
OUma. Tottor. teU
Boom. Chapped g
i.rHns,Piipr. I
eemkOriaaekteM. »Pmoik
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
mmrnmmmmmm mmmmmmmm-
j-nnMMwnpnwwi MMMMtonWnWM WWWWWWt^
MtaBoC Hr. Wmm't todw
OaBi^aUy Mivind «t Ta Ol'a W
itaiMM nqatlad le Mi ai
Bclha’ rai^ Lnt V^V
<M <jt Mn. Mu«la, «M WaaUhr
Oaa at tha laaat daiicbtfal as wall t
ioa MtMl. Uto matar at t o’aleA aManterebp aatbariaad aad dtnatadta anaan tha naa la babalt af
otthasmeawss *
4t ran Bam U- a aau
aaM akp. aad that thattokha aadk
taaaa lattthattba tbaaldiHhieaad party ptnakyBipa!'
MM%n ot tha a & aoatollaa an
la *ba iaaatf 7a«da ODaMar
-- --------- M nM M Otvaa Dirtolea Ra i. at tha bom at ^
J«to Barte aai BaflH
------raqawtai «e aaai at «M Frtaaia
wdaly tkd
iratTiMte paastiaa ia2aa£»ctaOdW^ it bkM han Mr. aad Mn. iL B. Bnekaa lnt anaabarthttitoa
IM- than wan aaarty a baadnd
ky ■■liraliBl aad «nad that aaU
______________ la nU wrtttaa------------- pnaaat aad attk ebaata bad bosa raw
Mia. Wlaala dlad y
kOTbJjet^ttai^t at way at IkaO mead with roodrCaat, aa tkaqaalat
Ma Ba. • bMn« aa to aiaka
Uhm boMlaMapta atf. tba ra
ecatama tasUAad. 8omwanprat9.
an! atadNd iBla «ha 4aclat.
by a aad
aittoatatajaMterte taimaat.
nta at T to 1, lldinaaa Kaayea acala thair oddity, kavaay at thaw weald
kal4Mao<«t. ^oHpb, an akeat to
aaatlM «<iha ateak hoUM
nllBd *'Ko.'
attnat acmldnWi attaatka If wera
ia aa aatrM aat«frtMl>r«Ui IhaXrannaCU^ Drtftaf l■nalt^na
Thk aatiaa plaaad tha mttarlaa by tba ladiaa at today.’
Tbar haaa faatad
wiUhaWdlalhaaltgr aoaaail N
akaiiiUba Uthtaad atmtbanta
Utbapoepla ot tea aarUarparict
alaBaat at M aaraa oC saiab toad loalfbtaitMaharv. Cor tha |»rpcw
tha asoteiy bad as mtefaaaateWr
MV OrtOMaad will aaatafttt lata a
adtetbaaoaaatl: “Wa hanaemban lattardhy li^tetan tbay nat ban
Mhni fm. U«aa Praha, at at.
tortHkt ta da bntoaa aad t tUak that had a coed tlm. ter aU fastratet aad
a at U Olbkaabaa
a«Mph. iaalaatatwaraallb
thk aaMnat abeald ba aknad aad aaailty was
« Cnaa tba tlm
dU la I
tea dear waa a^nad by TkfW aadtea
IboMbt latynbabU that ba aaa n- oatad bain tba aaaasll
WbUa wa han dalayod ia
TaUawXld,aadteacBsatewancnatByaylanotaplaal SMalac' '
CUatM haa haaa MRfMr wfoairht ap
tha wain warba nttar H baa baaa aa- od by Mr. aad Mn. Oaerca Waablaftea
larthafMtlawdMaow a sad doff ban dualapad. aad bk daath
ThB Old SaUaUb Shot Mab
Wa han dalayod leoc
aaaaa. IWaa oraaMacoa atraafa dof alaeat aay tin weald aet aarpriaa bis aMfb aad I tblak wa ahaold tomaaaatac teaten was teatMflwr at tba
fal 1> ■■ apfaacaaaate-tiM vUlaca aad
plats tba work taai^t aster aa posk
k wltb tba PHot laappanpi
Bar. rr. Bprahowald. wbe baa tor
MS tin baaa U ebaqta of tha PoUah
As a
wnctnatewkkkaa dd tteamlaravlt eaa do* aana dm with tha parkbatTaatan. baai
aaatad to aad Mr. OaapkaU was laritplayad aa emU para tba protaanaehtanardaldatAlMaa. Tbia ad te stay ap la tea elark’i dnb aad altaUaa laat Saada^ aad was
CraiB. white waa la ebarca ot Bob
fix bk aifBaten ta tea aoatnei.
immem MUllkaa. waa aa JoUomt-.
nan an aanaal otkara that wan State, aad bk appetatnat la tha peataad did bkpart
MMaaaad It is aipntai thaj wUl tiaa pnnsiha blfh abUitlaa at Br. aad tea myor aad tea elark alcaad
8ola-"Bobta Adair," PrkoUU 3.
han Id ka kfllad. Uo pumm ban
ter the alWbaaa UMaawfar.
Thk mttar dkpesad of than wm a
Badtetka Ball’,# P. Banam.
tin iar Mastard A DMaeab apaetaaa- akrb of rallaf, bat tea bakam waa aot
4t *^^***T*
Oriftea) poem aanl tea aaw arcaa—
predaatleB. “Baatptj Daapty." all orar with yat. Tha
Bnwtat aoapaaj' baa panbaaad oi.
Madam yrSaran Dodfa
atbacradad ea wblab
latka cam aa a sort ef aarprka to
rain at Kolai Bavka.
paalad by Bin BtemMI Baydar.
Nks Barda Alta Stalabacf. wha baa
Aia la Maj, IIM.
Irad. TbatOaorra W. Batter, ef
laaarklUagnlattnaatPatealray. laBdMtioa by Prlmrm A Waatb Mia__tar. Haw Torb. ba aad ba k atrala—Moate oryaa. Jaremlaa Baater.
iia.ooo. Itlaaald t«
balba lalaatiea at tha
Boaaa.OayFaaka<Oamr. Timotey a
Tba yeaac Bn's BadaU^ af
atbat alaataioldatoaicadlraUv Ha
TrMaktearte wfllctna profnaain aeeerdaaea with a writtaa cootnet Prior; IbmborUMa Sharks Wdtea.
ban, aad la nha Oadfilaa tha dlapadn aad shadow aoalal aa Wadaaaday tek day mda aad axaaatad by aad W. 3. Biyaa Bobarte.
batwMBtbadWof TnnmOlty aad
ay Wdtn.
analac. Jaa. <1. la St. rnaak aeboel H. D. Oaoipbdl.
Oaiapbdl. relaUn to
' tea ~parWafkwOlbattaaaoaaaltha baUdlac. baU. A b« aodal wm ako ba oaa ot
Voeal ai^o-GkrkUBo BoUsn Day
eban of tea water works pi»a\ af laid
« te all the prtasissl Atm
Pterin nir M the bMt eUene ef It
Badmtloa-Lobdla DeU PobonL
B. 0. Oampbell by arUtntkn. aad
tha faakra at tba analaf.
teat tea Bwyor aad elate bo aad an
w, at Iba Old Balt Wap beaaa
Boay.BnioaByrnpbaay Q<
tbabarbaaaan awMacffnat pna- banby aat^nd to aaipley the nld
aratlcm for thair daaae at roraitan Oaotfa W Baflar oa n taranbla AdaUaa Paul Banaa. isula Llad
tba Wlaoaa. trow the aoppar wlaa ef
Blyylaa Oaorya Waaklaytea Brqpkn.
haUTharatoanalaf. AUryaarawd term n peakkla, aad to aet la aoatfct aam. baa daeararad fold oo bk
jaaetloa ^tb bln aad nU B. D. DaBaaU Walt, aeaompaalad by r '
mad a food iim an Baaarad.
tkaapbril la brtarlac abeal sate ar- Aaa Wdtea.
Tba rote k qaar’i aad ^aet^ttratka
mM baeacht la an rite la c«ld,
Bolaotkm by Oemb Qaartette-Ji
Baton tba rota apoa
pdalBly rklUt le amti BMCata aad ham doaday aftaraoea la pretty atyla
3. Bmma DaFoa Ham. OamabaU arm aad mnd. Blpa Bebmldt Saydar. Btp Vaa
sbmM mim anse Ikk.
flahaa. Tha aam qaarts nla axtaads Tba bom waaepttetekd to a aattor.
aaran tba laate at tea
Wtakla Bora.
by laaal
Mra Bamutea ynamlab Kraayer
aaprialkta Flaaar fold bn ban foaad eattar aad aUabod enr tea ant. aaM: "My Mn k teat Mr. Batter k ten latrodoeadhn family.
Ba k a food
la may itriiiai la tejs aoppar dk- SaUiaf tea rrin. bo aon bad tea
Bont. Jake Bant aad Beariatte Bardeal
«rtst.keteblyto Ffae Btad rtnr, bat
aamKnayar. Jake tanrlay teeooaaat la aaMateat qaaBtUlM ta pay for
rkwote bacaala ttat bk aalaetloa k a •
t, M Bampw Dnmptr; W.
Bddis MeDoeald.
paay with a nmarkable rioUa solo aad
tea Blfh aeboel yaatet^. with a at tea atari of tea aspnnad ayraa- smaatea daylay a deUybtfal sola
H. Barteolomw, tbs fbmompaalomimkt, as “Old. Ooa Two;" MM
Oarid riabn. a u ynr aid bey at
At- tea eoaeladoa of tha
BlandM Fnyoa as "Colambtos;" Min May Baymoad. "Oomb of pay:'*
Tba team atteteod to tea bn otUn•nad Sana, fallaaUy raaeaad bk
MM Ua Hobba Martin, "Qaaea of Niyht;" Troeadera Qaartatte, Ferris
ad teat Hr. Batter k aa la- eoCee, cmllen, pampkla^aadehem
yeaac ketear teen diewalaf la tha lalkS Broa laa away
A TnnaloB. Jamm R. Adamv tba fam ms elon aad a
temtad party aad 1 aball ban to taka wan aemd oa dd Urn dkhn
rtnrBatarday. Baktl^hne of tea M Pan Marqaatte depot. At Btete
with Mr. OampbaU apn teat 4Tba oommlttea wUl add fU.76 to tea
PrioM-760. f 100 And $1.60.
stmt teay wan stepped by Jaek
pdat Ha was employad by tea dty pips oryao faad aa the malt of teak
Bmtmlethk aioraliur at 7 o'clock, FOB 8UBBCBIBBE8;te tea
O. A. WBid,acad«7.Jadaadat Mat- Pnbort. Ba damofo sraa doaa
ta lanatiyate a aonne tor a dty water eajoyabls party.
yenani oablle. Wedneaday moralas-. ’'’elepboae lli:
Tba Xiebicaa Talaphoae Oo. wim aapply. aad to anyynt a ptaa aad aabMM- HahadUnd tlwn 36 yaan
apoa tea priaeipal atraam of tea rity
aad waa oaa at tea
aoat ot aayatem bat tbs
wUl be nblad In tea oaar faten. prmat pint k not a pari ot tbs syeK. a T. M.. hartac lotaad tea
wate it wn arfaa<sad, Mn. Ward, Twain baadrad feat at tbenklawaa tern whkb bs plaaaad. Mr. Baftn k
Bayern and Bade Man aad a Baby
bk wUa. k tea feaadar aad orifi
neelrad ynterday aad a larca fiBC aocaUsat ot tbs dtaatloa ban )
will ba ban eon to pat It ap aad do bs k not bissad or latensted aad
la a Datymas Baboway
attesL.0 T. M.. aad ik kaowa
enr tea state aa tea "Meteor oi tea 1 laifa amoant of etbar aoeatrai
naaot m tea fom of Mr. Campbell's
L. O,-^. M.” Mr. Ward tor maay yean
Bnycae aad Basle Man aad tee baby
wn oa u Baflkb mrahaat ablp. Hk
ary arm dan of tea
Aldarmaa Wrtybt aapported Mayor of tedr skter. Mn. ^ks Bnttor.
lnt nyaca was made le aoareh ot Blr WoateB'o slab will mnt tek attaraooe BamUtoe's pealtloe and ntarrad to tee aamwly aoaapsd soriem If not fatal
Jaba rraakllB. Tba raaeol wn nop bt at l:W. with Mn P. /. Oartk.
raeeat sanitary eoarsatloa at whleb tojary Baaday enaiBy.
Tbay bad
ia aa In floa aad was wieakad. Tha
I will bATB A earlood of of borsM in
Tba eoelal to ba flna Friday rm- M' Batter was presnt aadraea]/ed ban eat to tee eosatry. nod
araw wan aln days orlteoat Mood. lac af tek sraak by tba
teat Mr. Batter stated at teat Urns teat MTPtoy te tee dty, wbn to pamtoy by
Tbay aaaebt aa old sacla, bat as It Otan Ka • of tea Pint M. B. Boaday bs bsd BO iaumt wbateesr ia Trme- tee dlteh near the tarmof F. E. Moora
was Mo teach to nt tbay draak tea aebootlnteaebanb parlon promlen
City's water works other tbaa that they dson ts tee tide of tee road for
^ter It WM eeokad Isl wblab kept
employed to sayynt a pUa for better sldyblay. aed the eatter ellpmaay telaft atw aad aoral la tea
way of ntartelnamat. aad tea terya a syswn aad did eo. for whleb bo was pad tote tee dlteh.
Bdward a Batin k dead at Datnit aamber whteh All! a
tedly at- paid.
The Tshlde
.A.t; T?3Jod.>i Rgeix*e^Bataraa.
Mr. Oampbell—"Ho has ecrialaly Basie Man aad tee baby wan terawa
at blagd pekniac. A teort tlm afo tend srlU sritbeat <qai
a prim ntheplbht out. aamwly eanptny balmy ptoaad
aiowad a pot doc tea
orted te tek body, bat wbeteer ander tba eatter. BoyeM stUl steyad
oatnoarrin ta Uok hk fan Tha
h oome And eee them.
If yon like to eee nlo
lid boos hk report n the Byam with tee riy, and dnny to tee ntoa
dagk teacaa aam la oanteot srite
at the msoUay of the Olarim' Ooln
Tbia will be tbe nioeet load you hewe seen lor a Iodh
anaU aon n bk fan aad blood pole- iMloiyhV
teii« ylnn I do not know."
The bone bad baecma thoroayhly
Mayor HaRbUtoa—"It koarialoly aot Myhtenafc. oad started te raa. Be ran
oalaf foUowad.
Tberossmsnt plat tothoniarMb. Rafter’s bnslaem to be aa totenot- east oe Fraai street, aad Boyane aoald
Theee bortee will weigh from ISOO to 1800 peunda
talamnt to be ylnn tomorrow one toy
•d party to tee work be k eayayod to not stop him till the cotter omshad
Apiece. They were raleed in Hoble ooan^. In Um
to tee City Open Bonn to the bsecBt
M an axpert ewn nylanr."
tote a telephooa pole near M. Utaay’a
r. E. Balt ef Wabater aWaat k i
ef tee B^b sobooi ban baU team,
northern pert of IndianA.
"1 telak that Mr. ,wra aad wnt te pkeea
aariy m.
pat n ynterday moretoy. aad tee
Ndteer of the oceapanuot the eatter
Varrn Wood ntaroed laat alfbt af mm ..mn reniTed npMly. Thom Rafter hnalnadyoe
ter a foar mntba trip tbrooeb tba rbe bon tickets wm do well to ban
aad tee qamtlon waf pat to a nte. than k Uttle saon than btodltoy wood
mat la tea latamte ot tea Vtetoria team rsssmd m son as posaibto.
—------------- ---------------by ^
left of tee eatter.
nallBlac^air. larnted by D. E. OarK. D. Biyelow. tee fake thaatrinl of 6 to 1. Aldarmn Psrkor aM Kenyon
naoayer, k oew esrriay a anteem to ’ottoy adnnely.
y. B. Baate left laat alfbt Car PataaOld Peopls Made Touy.
tbs Maaktee joU to Inriay too aoemThk matter disposed ot Aldemn
I. d Sbamaa, tee ntena
■lonlT wlthnt settltoy bk betel
to hk feet aad said
s Vai
bia ABoeofflSM i
"Tear Howor. I fosl teat wa ban tekn
B. L. Garter, bneoea n a rklt ta kb
yoaay. ^ yw
ddamltot whleb be k eewyerytoy a
Step to tbs riybt dtrorilM. I woald
Mm U Oraad Jte^ ^
tonoty days’ snteom to Jail.
Ilka to ban tee Bscle etete tomorrow nan. ImUyiatlnni Heart troabU, Ooa
B. B. Pap*
loan today for a two
lbs adnom nls ef seats to sab teat to Mils of tee lam. tee halt aad attoottoBaad Bbaamatkm, br aalu
waaba nntln. wkloh ba wm apaad
aeribars to "flampty Hampty" wm tee bUad aad the card parilea we did lUetrle BlUara aad ha writea; “It
I have several Oae new rixs—
, boatom toalyht.
I tbiak wa
wmAahtoa smtte Uba Amayas- oonattes box oAm ot Btetobsryb
amomm compaaM to tea worU npre- both alDgle end two eenua
Oraad this mernlay at 7 o’doek, aad shoald taka etOl aaotear atap aad teat
aaatad te my ayaaey.
s wm bs a Usdy rash to 'ehoim
B. B. Ball left tea ally yaotarday n
Baal ootfits in the oity. Tiy
a Tba adnom sals to tbs yaa ad te eoato srltb Mr. GampkaU te aacbnlamartpteOnadBapIda
Qanci Qaaa Uttyaaterday to Bn- anl pablk oriU opao, ap tomorrow ensato If ba wm aaU bk UybUay plaat
Older by ’Phone No. S2.
to tea dty oad whather ba waald ba WiJt'a dray atom.
MnUanOrerbr of Ooed BarW
Than wm ba i mssttocof tea Portia wmioy teaabauttM prim toa beard
I Removal Shoe Sale
We bare plseed on sale at out prices
8400 pairs of Bhoea -We glVe you the
best makes only.
We can
yon from 10 to 60 per
cent on your footwear for the next 60
days After Karoh 16th we wiU be in
our new store, 848 Front street
Frank Friedrich,
lie front St.
mmwmmmmmmti»«»»««« »«««•««»
Steinberg’s Grand Opera House
Friday EveRug, JaRuary 26tli
TAe Grinitsl Pradacti^i
of Motkor Roost's Faity Stofy Enr Writtts
The Season’s Greatest Success!
Traverse City, Jan. 24th
Enjoy the
For Fire Insurance
M rklttic teoafanily of ■OUe TMk.
a ft White aaa Olln Whka
nUadtaiCaaeriaaa yaaterAw hytM
anian mam at teak Mtbar.
AaM Baatt at Merthpnt
Ihnach tea aity yesterday nbk way
ta tea Wf Maank adanattea at De
oo at tba bom of
Ma.a B.
■rho Uoltem Book X. of P. wm
mosttbk anotoy to tee pwpem of
I ot tea
• reqaaoted te rammbar tea aostol
tomorrow oftenmn at tea Mm ot
MMFIonShopord ot OU MksMo.
Hr. FraokUo tomorrow senlig.
in com to MooMm to m«o4 tea
■osnmtsmtebaamsrm bs pod#
IMo Mr. Qorrino wool oooodeotUaad tea odnatoym to ba yatoad by
tea dty owatoy Us osn Ufbtlar ptaot.
steUay teatotesr dtlm an fladtoy
eetuas a
^wSatenr tes eBsot ef Aldsrmo
Otrrkra’srisws teen wn ae astern
aadteasDoasU odJoorosA
MM Brads bust ef Old Mkmeo. bn
hsMspndlsyo few days to Tramn
spsrial mstlay ot Tranrss aty Tnt,
Mn. Bolph White ratarood toot Ha t7t. K. a T. M . si eomdste ar.
itetbsmsottoytebs bald TtemUInp^iitilMrB.
Friday snotoy.
tooridtotLqloBd. BMwmas)
No nandy aqoaU WASmlt Warn
alyht tea dty WM loft to fOTB cZrTAA SYSDP to thk terripoalad by MM Myrtle Heads od teat
sfeand fatal dlsmsa U tokeo tborCron obeet • e*cleok
eore, o
oA iSMOot od tee blowi^ >ugbly mod ia Ome, itowm
' D.K.BdMofMsodao.kloteoalty.
eombteot lolk Aewood o who oo ftete oai OsMr
HMBamDaLsofy oF Kol
' yWtoffkwWoiMP.JbtoOsUofy.
r^nSik te yin
MniBM. 'iPtwTS.
John R. Santo,
SnhiI liurun.
Warebara BiMB.
Haw Y<
Good Sleighing
Geo. Cams,
Uvary and Peed Stablsm*
Ha* Oftoa, ■aibkon note.
Fire iRsurancR.
L. n. A. BnOObw.
Rl«nralkI,iantMria aUilaM. '
MCn M TrcntM OiW Uiimbn Oo.
ta 9U0KTTtT9mf9
tT$»a* I
^I«v AfvO 1 It »U1 ta
or4vi os Md mM mtfmMdiMMtmMt to >U
-Tm----------wanarntm tattoPklUr
aoMirBada aad Om
haabaoB bold bp torn
wbaanlatinatadtotoa apprnabtof
aartr ta ba^tna bp toa peaar nn ad
toaettp. aad toa nriaaa aannlttaao
ban baaa obaaaa. tba partp wQl ba
bald fabraarp t. to too atpOpata
Bana. aad ae atet «rlU
aniMadttotwfll halp «e naka tUa
eaa aftoa noot aajipabto aeelal ataato
toat toa atop bn ana tawwa.
Tba aannlMan an aa faltawa:
Attm lyimt iiUiUr h«U» «Bt^
loiltobaa a. p. AUop. Pr.OapL.
Bapn.CB.Hala. A. tobbord aad E.
to iffUa to to e»wBMi.. U la ta•Sipttaa-rni. C B. Bam. 8.
'^.ftaaadlto««toKatoaMkaa araMtoa D. Al%. A. Otobatd. L t. TUaa, Dr.
W. J. Hlfftoa.
• mm Ijiaad to tTtoto *toto>«ytoM. PMcn^toat a B. BfliBt aad Oae.
toS7> aiSg. mm nama.”*^
Or waa* «r «n nnw bta.
Trntonnwwn —Wtbmn
bwSbnn m nrtwT*'
mr mwlBMpboaa^aUoaitto
■wan aaehatoa
idpUio toan aaald
bm baaa non obllTkm to too paadto
noncM tbaa tUt pair ad eftp tonn
la antW
toe bot aw) crowdrd atiaato
■‘B'nipi to ato*t n pood n ba aalpbt
ba. fiat tom'a wan aboat, aa -ba
ara’l alwapa aa. toe."
<*Ob. if poa Ukea to pet ap wto’ In.
mao do) Taia'tiwoanoerao'ntoa
^ttr br adtod noodilp.
"laao'i an' *im to tor worfcae, toa"
"Bat par cm
bananxd toar^.
bad bma «r atbw w«n arr fnad
Oa toaH* aa« wi Warn maad.'
•wm to «to Mtom at Wtoaa Htot
«M«latolaa toktor torktoMttok
.^Mtontototok Atan. fltotoaM. ■toKtoargtfttoltofato toarito
. Mima oatlala daay that wacao at
II iri-----------• F~^----------- -—*
•Itowd D.«aakmn. toa aonllat,
«adlaaday. Bawaa bora at Uac
marto. Mto, to lOM.
AHVaataaacatttotoa aratoto In. mdtooy ogalwtotoHb rtgaalaarrlaa
5*^“^ *«-**■ •^ Ba-kXatftoi^
John I Qtt & Oo.
oaefa otoaa. toefaeeod ttonaa wutklag Oarm. par W.............................
oaeratonlpndttoglri'BfBaaBnaeee- -----------------------
meted with pala
^ ??
Tbeteae aad toe naaaar pentad tor WbaeV old. par ba.............
top, ar'oB. Bala aad r.H.
ni"^— «
r. B.
Parto.ja H. Bala. B. H. BiBaOI. C. E.
Bitoktrien bridpe waa waned la kStamfwd amnm
a aad wfadfolb, toe pn
toe: bot if it'a bart oa per It’a roo^ lOOlCT
oeaee. Aaptoing npnr en'd ne loto
Fetoton. aaOa, (ineblffaa Biat^
Joa-aaptoiiipnleadd&o'nm}nito OajteSW^a^toT^to.^^
—Td do at, ante, witooet eapio '
KadeTeaat Acala.
Etowaaa thieaUp ed a plrl, with, or wberrfore. But aeo' the ola nan to
MOVOE or WAl.nB MATMBI 'paU,aalloweberkeaDda«^aafrafUa the workna—I oao’t do toat, lad. 1 -Ooe
___ of Dr. Klopk New Ufa Wlla
p|ilpbi tor two waaka bee tot ne
M toe Aowen aba eerrled is bar batoab know per tblnk 1 ortei, bat loan’t, Joe
t to Oaa I It wai ber epea eod bar baoda wblab —leeD-tdoet."
-------- ppatB," wrlta^. H. TvDmpa^toWn. PeL 'TWre toe
•■A prrttp fool par nade o’ ne
naitod bar off ..
(p xenr FaUow
aouow Menbne.
wh. ibeoonnee —..
-Dr. asi Mn. A. B. BalUdap. Mr. ato Hta W. 0. Boldaa. Mr.
rafntoaapn aad Mia. J. T. HaBMA. Oapb aad Mn.
J. V. Malataab. Mr. aad Mia. A. U
Baabaai. BMwd blab. Dr. A. E Bowtba wtola ftktoadlatrlat la toraataatop.EB-Hanato
^ «illi Aaoto. •»!■« to toa
.mawato tn^aaatitowa.
<«ha EUaa. to aamal Ftoan.ma »0
4aat to M baan.
Ttotoaann Potto wblab awltadai
tSMltoMtoe tranttootlaal. totoad
'ato/apamaat Baiaotola. TUa aen^latod a IM o( 1.000 toaida af tear daro
-»a taaetda «f too Innlcntlea toroaa
.«! Cawatolo abowa 'itotatoat 4ato U
iltoto IT too ^avaaaao ton toaa toadad
*‘r^'to^^»^toaraUw UUUi ‘CULtSjBTlbft*"
wbiebamii toa )ow«a eed ad Qaeea ChaoaapwrM...............
ricTarlaatrm and taaebed toe patot Oatoparbataow.)....
wben toep aaaallp parted. Tba giri
wT ’**
napped, bat toe naa waet oa.
"Ami't p« poia nr aeU oat. toar* 2“>JL*?S:...........................
-«4Mttor« taMIto li illUliiacI Ite
AaHBBhiM a< DuM toman
Tranrsi Clir,
rreablla atreat la boaer ad Waim
Hapan, a aopalar nenbar of tba
Onaadbt Baad.
p to gin tb^ aonrada
3 farawaU per^. aad wlto toair poBM
ladin tbap rWlad tba Bapen bona 1b
I lapM toaMmw
^^oaru of barcon'
_ —
I lante and lutrou and livra od per, an peb^mte per baria a
tod a pnmkiiig habit cd drooping tba nan aa ad be good toper.”
"It nd break me brart. Joe. tar *an
laabae wtm abe looked at eee. Wbattaar
eBbralatad cotniatryca Biure bora^uBnr abiedp ooeoemed woeld ban poa- ''“vitofStoTbl^^inkghtnonoT Q. 1J5"5i;.S'SS«r “SSm
a wraignn toon per doaa ev a ri^t andaearaeBaiai. tnrraaiai.
an." aaid toe man nragelp.
Sbe gave bin a look wbiob meat ban
h« b.»i. —u u.
bp C O. Oaoa. tha;
Heaped, boaatad toa ti^iw flagera cooTinoed bin <d fail error, bet blinded
■or «* l■■toBnaBta. 1 pad Albert oaiU geBcrallp ■aneiatea bp paaaiM) ba r^aed to aea.
-Weil,-- ba anal
Ba will aetn weak to toa faatorp.
I with tdrtb aad beaadlBg.
Tbaveeiwtoltobad a heppp lina
.Bb^ aold Aowen ia Cbaapaida. Bar got ter aooot—bln
Btond^cama eed feMmata.' at^ waa tba atapa of ibe Peel ■tataa, non f« two."
EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
a IB window.
M^:£.°8ss£.arssjitjag bumpUtl bUiiiRi.
.V.. wmmmm------ all ®®*' •• 1** olocke of tba«lpwan rtrikTtoitoti dnartnaal baa baaa to- aatoan aed wmaa tea poeto ■—
, tag jo toa woold depoalt bar baakatat
—«—• — ■«»«in«a.
toa foot of the wlomn and preparo for
-Ti-------- br OaUadtoalaa Acaat
' toa boatoen of toe dap.
Fran 10 to e aba plied ber warea dil•jflaaaawimaa af totoala vtoffaa toaaa prtoi«rtortortottortonpcitototo< ^3
H igaatip, potoing toe aale with all the
;9to twt nfsl. iaa. S. aad atodao
f toetwfaiobalife’aaxpahrooabadtaagtat
A aaaatol n tba 8aa rnaataao to
AND PLATFOMN B tor and all toa wilaa' wbiob a wonan'a
Cton Iron ■ecalaa. Maaloa. aafia bat- z
wit ooeld aaggait Bat aaob areelag.
toe wnry city wai feat mptplag
-«a baa baaa faaffbt hy too Kaito
"FaMo Ecnan".ar -Tto yamaHe.” aad tba bell of toe great eatbrdral waa
mad Ta^ato to wblab toa Taoala«
tolU atooiiig orerbead. ber eyawoold
«0todoatad with baa^ ton. Tbalrktltod
mnbarad OOO aad too war# takaa pria- Fab.7, la fron Marla Oonm*a fanaet. awaep tba long length od crowded aa.omL •Tba VMdatta." bartag baaa
amrcbing gloocaa, and oa
“r* T: aha nanoad tba ternina nBltitoda
0f Joba Aaakto. to oapooring weatward
wertward a apot <d crinaon
will btnoaU aeaet
tba Utla rola.
woeld foddeoly abow in the wan. white
— ........... ................ ju-.w- w.B.g.0*'obaakn and tba dark brown orba woold
a wtU ba totarrad to Oaalatas abarab
Id. Tba faaaral wUI taka ptoat aa
ia pw,
apoke again.
"Bow mnto par tak, 'Unr'
The qeeailoa waa abrept,
__ _ «-ieo.K.OBOaa. amnar aa< OamaPof a«
Heaxtoodedbia hand. &ba pet toa
o«*alah.a«aBMf. maw
araiep into it witooet a word.
»».cW«aMt.fWaaaw lat._______________
"MertN.na at tba Oarding ia toa n ooiLBBn.atMraar. apMtaiattaBttn
noroio. ’Lin. and I'U atook tba batoit
for per." aaid be. niereing bar nioa--------------
toe desiring atterauae of toe woman. ______________
"He a 'ad ’em awfnl bad mgan. Joe.
c. MorTAff.
Lam night it wnr that dreadfal"— ^J*?*"°*
Bbeatopped, warned bp tbe clood that
waa awaeping ap onr ber eonpaaido’a
lag looked
forward to kp naap
•• »I “.
ten noalaal mat Fron tot
' atdabMwi
•mdv tetonMp rapertad too bUl peegran of (ileamtad aoeg
a to walk togatoer down <)naea
^Mpnprlattof dHtoO tor a atota
«fibS£*«SS8tS ;±8«
—TiKrtm Panp-toabarool LakaErla, Itia anerad
u -u b..
am to wbito toa ladles to tbe Sarrep aide, be taking • "tarn'’ dirtiTe look bad rHunied.
ba ba araatad «t ftbla-Bajr. OUe.
"I wiab be nap die. 1 wUh "
to war T-k*. ®- »• rtOOD. 0«ce ta new TeBaaBM
arttod. Then boldlag toroogb Fleet aireet aod the 8traod to.
D nock CaIUaa.*eTaei«-^ «ar or
H—tbt» 0. Wapiaaar al Tatodo. O.
sagnSdBgdSkSddSA :S8SS8
"Ob. Joe, Joe. if per lore me. danaap ai«t« wonkfa -pa—«•»: aau.ni-______
Wha toddaJ wbew aaonratoa ta Obrtot- U.kM.«. i« tk«. —1 »1 n.
;«aolto waa raeaatl| aaaoaaoad, baa
baimad bk naraiAoaat Ubrarp oaoalBt.
.to« at wrlttofa at toldala. Maap af
moatuA. CG.U 4r«l«k.U.hi.
•bha aalann wan aaaaadtoflp ran- nIauluwwA—ol—
b«ra, ato lb. ATO of yAkI- J" IAJ. •.»<«.
-»bna wan a loan aanbar a* naaa- glno ebOdrm ao neeb reel happtoan TbkA AUed tbatbnroagbfaia. Wtaao to ’
(mrtotoaadtnl^taaattaba laaad
lac cnrOU^a M Oimad BnpUa aa4 ehatraar
tlM girl, tnrniog ber rwinmmg epee fall
av atoar llbnrp to Anariea.
bp.* Vbae Owrga L Foxprodoead It. toa mpantiva "alaek water" <
- A.:. .---------- o.1b
'I, abe
' Bi'oawd orer aod Joined
Vhatoat toofoat atoanar bailtaa M jmn ago, to New York, it ked toa i
(mLaralaa.Obla, Aataidap aftaraooa.
*^to eaw toat was aanad toa Jeba ff.
a«aan aad waa akrlatoead bp lire John
’W. Oataa af Obloagei. wife of toa pml«Boet of tba Anarieaa dtoeaaabtp Oe..
ftm wbm toa nnal I* toUdtog. Tba
'toeat to tout of alaal. 9t feat been aod
• JO faal n^dad depth. A alatar ablp to
. m-rnand the J. J. BUI wUI to toaaefa
. wd to'aboat ato waaka.
liletbat war bright
aaanp. waa all tl>a raoognltioe that
paned between them.
it baU Ito
Itogirl'rgli--------- *——’—
tor onr tra paeia aad toaa nnip to tbe barrow. It waa tba aeane
Oaerp E Abbap A Oo. etartod a eotoa- for cbarriea..end aba aodoad tbaloeg
idaeton whlto dwartad aU, amp of enptp baiketa.
V^nnd daa J-
Mlddlto ilka
a 1. Lonnao^a r^“y<t^S^aaa^^a
1£*£^T rrantat.
' "Tars'*
ajpxRTXD-aii arpartaaead IU» iac^ea
'S'»‘"uS'TOb^Sro. JS™ tei“oJnSi»fi:iSS:s'AS«K:
IIA X“ *2Sr'iSlSS
Ik..— —. oS.*K3
followed .. oooo TO kkkT-r»oJA.d oc luforAi^.
•Jwtarmttoe baa naebad tUeax Falla,
to. D.. ttot Mn. Vae Bom. who iwemtBpdtod le toa atoto of Waahtogtea.
Tba trick, lugaldlp and ataring alianooealp at
botog new aad
nemnad oe bar daatobad toat aba propertlnwUl
waardarad bar notoar. Mm. Tbonas
a. to ttot dtp. Bapt to. Itao. For
mepwtU ‘.TO
Uniats aad daeoara- Tto eompaap UI p«Mit top. Tba light tint bad ligbtit af
Janas cMd
then died oot of bar apes, tto
tba maa^ganL—.
_ Mr.
_ ______
E DIekm. aad eann to BtotobarTa i color which Ind ocma Into ber ebaeto
Oread next Friday anetog. Jaaaarp foraoakt^ bar mootfa grew bard, and
tor faoa hwt a’t ooee Its pooth and aniM. tar am
erdap noratog wklto prapartog
Tto nm eoetinead ti aun iateaar wUl aeralp doatrop the toaakfaat Mn. TIola BapaCt. wife of eaaqp aad walk naatoi
Oaerfo BapaU. a naria mekw of
n'tdoot. Joe- ieaa*tdoBt 1
r4fia Whala apaton .
Adrlaa. Btortod dom aoUar ter aaoM
Bitlain aed fall to tto bottom af too
. gto bed Ui tor baadp a )an^
Smea toa danaga dwp wUl d
pUta aed kelfa. Barbeabead opnag too voioo pelpitatad arltb emotioe.
.«ae laU to toa goad pm om poa
toharaamtaeoa.bat top ladp’a
Tto naa ahregiad bU abaelden im.tonlntrenUaaa B^’tOatorrh
had baaa bn*m aad ato died awltota patioatlp.
"Wot-a tto good BT 'in. ehr A
dod’rta ole Imiatio. Wot’a tto an ar
<tm ter aapbodpf Be ortar bna dead
Item ooeld to af man iaini«ai"
■•Ha’aanfattor. Joa," toa nainartaroal to_________________ naerd of
ObmvA Oo. Ttodl- w i^.bp tto e^agjlf^A. W.
■^Fu^toWowadl He'adnn a lot
OInaa’a JOd^ Unr PBla. :
tnpar. aiattof Y art ter taelp«»d
^^■SSuWfcltofl-to. prtoa to. par bot.
didn’t pari Pintoln bit gal’i
uSrSl ttp^W n^ oTdm^ ar’tm,
**toaltbfftoaOpnhan toa toeb
hliato* toe iHnpaaerIm bafen toa attnv—drlakiB till ba’t got tto ’dartU*
‘tooanp ret’ 'boat betoagaenaAlaAamaa at BrTA. W. ~
almaB an tto aoe av a ganrimaa.
to ain't get ao naa daaaaop 'oa a pfg.
BoBalo.ir. T. Fnaoi
Vtoatoeae'lcectablantf ao loagM;
a pig *111 Ua la tto swill troato. «■
artoe peer gtaatoaa taltor'a bad a
OergnatB m tala lee few depa.
Mm Vtoatoer ’teegrida
Tto Baw York eiara.
___ . s-jnf
■, sMsftste'ffs.'Sfj:
Jhtmmttm, tm MU —m
n goiD inler the 'Cat.' ’Lin, ter
Antto No. I nin t don oo dootp"—anawering tbe qneatiao tbe girl bad p«t
to bin hall an boor laforr. "I aurted
_________ _________________ ... ,i.i. W.TO-.
oot wiv a doaen. an thii ppte'a th' oo'p
Qttaleff.'' Be emptied tbe cxmtania «d
tbe bnket OO the bowd. “Itoailkoook
toaraalnot babpbood. tot all jipa
ban aa aed aed "Benptp Da.ptpdied, naah belond aad aalnmUp
•«b Ho D'^‘.iAK?r.;'’-¥Ss:32:3r;ii' kSii’.a,-issr.j* sa S3
,0. SSr&lF'== — .'S-wsat.a.’J^'SrASS
Taka Varan's White mat of Tor Sprap
tto Imt co^ iinidp ae oarto. ft aao
The Fere lirqKtte liilnil
Dweabtr tin. U
ooofQ aotnw.
Uril'a wath gold.
I. A. ,kbd TO. 1-* o,. »TO«
boom ia Lambeth a giri was kneeling
bp tba aide of a bed. A paper bag war waxomoe
lying on tbe cotwM; and
_______________ 5tll_
taodp of a naa
_ . Thaioon naked
with tbe faoH* of wbiokp. Tbe long.
Utba Augen of tbe girl’s right band
wan oloqied oooTalrinlp rand tba ^
baod of tba notianlan Agon axtaadad
on tba bed.
eOMP J w euwr'r
lad. pa'ra________________ SiL.
Joel" a_________ ’Jo^
got per wish. Tbe ola eton’ll oarer rile
p«r anp Bxra. I Ion par, mote, dearar
than Ufa. tot tl'a thin words o’ ponra
a> 1 aball bear, an oot paraoo’a. on tto tw>b aaba-OAoe «)«*« n<
TOTO_U^ ~ A» otook.--«.
....... F°»aa;r^"av5!rs3r.yo.“-.y;'."srri3r:£--s
Tk). fa tko woj A. ikUw.7
epoa BCHT-su
wW »•«» ei
•TiL’srTOAiiAi...- ip-zrfsss.7»'ktafTkoao;
-At .AM T
oo AoAl, bofoto i
M it • o’olatof At II sto. beeean llriA
Is E It dom't aoaad right attoa^
blona U, bet ttot’atto wap 1 beaid ft."
«m arm araan pmp «
Mb. Hawlp Blob (tocgptoi
— AAoMfUrkaTO A <M. danaf FmawbrnaV tom |
Tfclrd Ye»r-rNo. 84#
If0 6IEiT itllES
m »8 atltMi
k« Sm B«ctaf Tw 9m
M« to MU to tfmm 'Ml
llto liflM Affair to
OMliMtot Amrnm*. B»*tov
rrtH. Iw W.M to BrnM BmmM
Kmj Wntoii..
BMMto Jm.
to to. witoi.*. .rim bto. rifWli .
boMoa far Bond
touB toM wktok ftotoUi to M mm't
^torton. Ttov^MlfftoMnifirt
(iw M
totof to laoMr fwt
oatraat Batwaaa ONp aad B. Zk
Aftor Itojor E«Mto tmi OpllM Dtol^totohtotMrnfOTiea tk» Owto;
Mi FiMiln, Mf toinUtitoi tki
to to! toto. It m WTMl kuAfto
OitopkMI BHaad laat Mlfkt. Brtaa
TIaad bp ArMlraMn ta ka Afnad
to hp Bath Bldn-Mr. OanphaU
Bald BoodOalplfBaadadnTata^
A trim
winter boot
Ubera illoatrated^ It’o tha
^Qoaan QtiaUtp” mAka>-hicb
top, kid nppar, madisa aela,
a^eodid for atraai or ootiag
vaar, pat tna, abapelp and
frao^ anoogb for dra«
MjnttUi iNt
Oaali Paid for Old School Books
Than waa a Baarwi of tka Ban
41to.toto.l~to ““■‘••‘S.■?“ Itoto •ttortf Atkj.
■M.aM.~toMrtoto c*. tototol
toLtototoUk. talU I. taatotottu tolhiwari. IMrawan mo Mto or
t-r-"-. >"4“*
>toftori. Watonto to Mittoto. Mi toawrtoak'
StoTto to.MSk «a.41toUto~ totoaatoi
wara MUfM to itoto «
to1mpnAto.to«toto<kto . rtol IkaatoaaAoar.
a wetuto.1.1. toto..to tod ..tolltoto BM iWMiMt laTharawMBot
tka ftoaa.
to toa wator wwto aaitor.
Thflto irweat wan AliarMaa Farkar,
Wrlfht. OraitWi, Oeok,
Baton toktto to toa-rafert af tha
........................... OUrk Btokard
nad a lattar frea tha tint AaMatoat
aaaiMatotnttoa waa akan kjtka
Fnattototoi Oaaaral ta raplp to tha
toat that wmaaa wka kai kaaa aaaftaad
of tka aoBBoU ter tkna
teaontkaa a jaartoi flmhlrth
aan latter aarrfon- TbatoOalal aantotokttto.
toakltoraa. TUa
anaoad that tka fna daUwp faad
kaawa to tkaaa aata'aaat ot frtaea
mi Itola-. toto to LtotoaUb. wbito
had kan MUtepatod aad that tkto altp
bat It aroaaai BO laiicaaeoald aot ha aaooBatodatad with
U ta aaaitoM to aaftkattka aanlan at tkto tlna, bat that If far<ito -.T—I— .1 mu mi
tot admlalatraltoa lataada to wipe
oo tka Bnt
Uli lutorto. tto wetoAm bMMw
1 toll to* ralUItoLto/nltk
3o\j aaat tka natter waald ba
Major EaaaU to
taHtoaitottoref aakart Um.
apala takaa «p. Tka
port wfateb, wbaa it to aabaalttod to waa naolnd aad Blad.
A,a»dlaf totkaliaiapllhawaral-.^^
dftar tka dtoooalUn of tka abon
aatoktolMllaatoinltoloI Laipitoltk
. tka raport. of tko_^
aai Ikaa vttkaata inMa toar apaU
wktok I
altofMtoattoa aai parhkpa tkraa er
B. D. OawpbaU mardlap arbltnttoa
aai to etbaie an naeatiaaaiai for
of tka priea of kto pteaV waa aabatltThe leader in fine footwear.
taaraaatka m»7 i^
aalaM kan thair l
tod teftthar with a dnftot aa arbitiatin antnet wMM had ban aabodtaf toaattof aa atoioaa nnna. Tka
tad to Mr. MapbaU for kto apptotal.
lattoraoailttoaaan kali to aat^Aaaonpaaplat tka npert aad aa
ta Kaklao OaoaM Gnat traat
t tka la<
OanpkaU te wktok ka atpranad kto
IMaaitar tat Kaap
vMlea of tha Tnaonal h
appnaalof tkatarwaof tka antnal.
kMaa. than to anaU pnkkkUltf af tka
tka antnet pnrldaa
atp of Maatoo. Jaa. n-ttoa
vir Mitof iMia of alx noathtaaaha wktok was aaparlaaaai la aU H,..frtoa>r M plaat of &.,u.
Vkat than haa kaoa rarp kaato WMpanaet Mailae IHiap aad aatardap OatepbaUMSPba ditorwlaaf ly a
^•ataff aatoaaa Baatfito la tha
r* tatkto altp. board of tkna arbhnton. aot nsl...................kataap
ItoaOkarak ei tka Thna Ktan wn daoto of Traaana atp aad aU dtoia«to«aatoliaa of tka roatol to aatlnlp anakad aad has baaa alaiif for npatn laraatod parttoa; oaa to ba ekean bp
toahlarlatkanporlatotbawar oltoo
Adoka hato wan toralad aad aannl tka altp eoaaoU.. dm bp Mr. Oawp- The famous English sothor, writ
aai to tka aowapapaai- ,
brldpn wnakad, Than an ao fatal toU aad tka third bp tka two ponon ing in the Kortk American Beview
Lomdam. 3om M —k itopat^ **■
naaaad bp tka amaeU aad Mr. Oampaala nportod la tkto altp.
The Energy of the Americen
iatad Jaa. tl, aapa:
balL Tka priea datonalaad hj tha
■aarp kphttarkaa kaoi ta pnffnn
arbltntwo to bo aaeaptad bj tka eltp Pec^Ie,” eays:
Trmm all parta of tka aoaotrp
aUdappoatordap aad todap. lapaa- atorlaa of dtoaatar. At OoadaUjan aad Mr. Oampbell, bat tha pankaaa of
‘No man writn with bis own
awiapto «fkl a total if Ml wan
I eraekad ao bailp tka plant bp tka dtp aobjaet to tka band, if be can dictate to a steno
woaaiad. two won klUad aad two an that tka a
Totaoftketazpapantoa apodal elao- grapher; no man dictates, if he can
Mportod wtoMaf. Tha aaaaalttoa of elaoad for noain. Tka Okarok of Saa tloeapoa a propoaiUoa to'bood tha
telegraph; no mao tel^rapba. if he
todapto irktlap an aot Voowm. Oaa rnaetoao, ao baaoUfal la Ita Istoiior dtp for that parpoaa. The
‘ r waaOaplaia
It to kaowB tkroafk alao proTidaa that Mr. OawpkaU akall
■aatoop of tka Dabtla ntrlmaai. who oat tb# Uod ao the "ffoldaa eap." to, It wain all rlphta ud adnatoina ka
If yon are a typical, energetic
waa akot ia tka lotohaad.
Utaarod. o«rmaaaoUp lajnrad. Anooc ■alrktalaloi nnder hla ooetraet with np-to-date American, yon already
otkar WtldlapB lojand an tka Uol- tka rillapa of Tnnraa Oltp.datod Aap. nae the Long Distance Telephone.
•fktfna da#a u dar«, tka Brittob
nnitpda Oallado, Oanna •karraeka, 16, IMI. It u ala<4atipalatod that tka If not, a word to the wiee is snffieMowlp fatatac fnrnd. Than kaa Md Sarraelo ekank.
kaaaooaatoat tooakatrp Ariaf to tka
tkto dtp atto aarlp a data aa poadWa int.
AtOoliwa hotldiBca of lirkt
worth wtoW Tka Brittok faiaad a poal—*.------------------------------------- ...u
aad to tekka a rMort npoB^ tka aataal
Bn tka Boon wan koldlat «•
ralM of tka apetaw, aad aot taklnp.la
ataatUI atroatam tojnrad. Mn.
aa^ r*«aai
ten aad akUdm mkad Into ika
Tbaktttit whiM to prorraaalac Ja
airaate to aaaapa tka taUlap walla of la tarthar mataaUp apraad that If tka
aaat dlBnlt to daaarlba. Tkara to
idoat la pomhaaad bp tka dtplaadw
tkdr dwdfiaga. Mon tkaa Iftr
Milter’s Store
■•btlMTla ftnatawd oa both Baaka.
toe aoat of
aanrolp lojarod aad aaaanl blUod.
loaartac a wlda napa of torrltorp.
a to to ba bona roaallp bp
Qknrakaa aad otkar poblto b^laca
Atiao*atoaktkto noraiartka Dato
botti aarttoo, bat if tka aooala do aot
wfll bo laapaetad >p a aotenlttoi
We have
aatnM loaltloa
pelatod bp tka fowatent ter that Tototopmrekaoa tko plant, ton tko
at tka pout of tka kapoaak
dtp to hoar tka ntfta oapoaaa «l the
two CBrloads
1 tka Cold
AtZapatlan and Storalatka 1
kaMtoloa tMkattla daldeaOoraatka ohoak^l QoUtea
Aftor tka roadlap of tka ontraMa
^fana. Tka kalldla<a wan faU of
teotin waa nada bp Aldarwaa Baltk
woaadaili aboat two haadni
4 aad teaap panoaa lejaiwd. to top it n toe tabto ter tka preaaav
than an oortoatlp wooadad.
two batap nportod IrlUad.
Thk proraflad. thee tka Boeoaaarp
Onanl WarmtoaoBdiaataad eare
SaoBlMUtkePtolBa 1 4 at Bnt
aa to tka axpedlaaep of the
Hi. Ba profaiB laklac Bn dapa to ae
parohaaa of toa plaat bp toa dtp waa
wpitok hit objiot to rtoklaf dafoat
latredoMd, aafoUowa:
toattowptfarto waka a toe foot ad- :akn«paaa. Than otno 4bo ohodr,
Boaolnd. Bp tka .
wktok aot tka Blatn boM of tka
a eoaedl f Which makes ns crowded for
peonr etonoa taaibfta* aboot tkair < toa dtp ci *J>«Y
Wama bn ban oaficad lU dap. aan, hot ae fatal aaddnte ban bon
™om. Will 11;
•Uaflp oa kit latt, wklak ka kaa owaac
aapodint ter ntd dtp, to
•arwardaooaplaof Bilaa-i Thacroaad
bp porekoae tka wator wn
tonrTd;fllnlt.akd aatlia flfktlacta aorippaatordap teoralap. TkaakoA waa aad opatote. tofotkor withI aU toa f StiMt Ou Fi1..85c per 100
aad prMtocoa. stalao. plpv.
aHtkattwaapklUIttodUBsali totap eotepanttvalp lipbt. nt adoattota riffhte
kpdraate aad appartenaoeoa botoap- 5 FiM Fiud............ 85c p« 100
pndtot a ratom of |ka dtota
aaaaUp how mato wo irila. bat I tbiak
top toonto, aad boeor a tka ownt
' oof. now in opwatkM la oald f CouMOomHISScpnlOO
^ wo an
.aafbdoaptoptoB.D. OampbrU.
Aa aarllor dtopatak ftin Ow
toentrol.oparato aad atetoteto tka
Bailor, tinod 1:U o'aloek a-m.. 4aa___ 0. for tka parpoaa of aapptptopaaid i Cntil we here more.room.
Cdtepaap M WIU Attnd tha Bodp dtp aad toa tokaUteato toonof with
pen aad wholaaowa wator. ter tka wof Frtrato Brad •. Ooiir <a
tokteoat of Bna,
Bno, tka ordtoarp aad
ordtoarp aoaa for dwoUtopa,
t. hototo. atUto,taetortoa,-----------taetortoa, lawaa. !
Bobart M. Bdcoeoab naolnd a tola- ---------------------teUto,
S36 Front Street
r that too bodp baraa. aad all ototr beUdtopa. aad for
omaeU wap
litompoatardap. Ht kapt tha oaawp
of Pnd O Oonp. who toat kto Ufa to
taektor«a aad mta tkair traaakat la-taU......................
Oeba. had ban shtppad boa How dltton^teoddaoudlahaUdinM; bat
H9. Oar aaaaalUaa. two kUlad.
Tork aad woeld probablp meh tkto that too oepoaaa of aatd watte worka
^lutaMapttote.atllwUteaaaq«l '
dtp todap.
okaU aot OBoaod too aoM of oipkt
Utkantealnmto toa dlptodap
I. n too tankU prnartp' 1
Ton win find e fine line of
Boa that Btaanl rnaak npartt that
tka fBaoralwUlba hold toaerrew. If
dtp. aad akaU ba esbjtot^ oJ
too bodp dote an moh tkodtpnatU
MdartiUarp toward Babm Frldap
fowo of tola otato.
^ AliorateaLarttototo Stamped Lineta, aD cun of Sofa
A dtopatak to tka Oaatral Nawa.
Pillowy Down PUloom, Onehion
U altkar eaaa the fmanal wOl
nto Oaaap Baadap aickt,
KeapM ootod “Ho.*
Oorda. Bettesbo^ naterials of aU
aapa that tka BoanotUI hold tha aaa- bo koU ttom tko naldnoa of Mr.BdraAt totopotot Aliteteti Batok stoted kind*. A fall line Balding Bros.
»itof tka rMfa at Bptoahop. Lord
totakatoaroport of too spsdal eea- auke.
' ’ heldB tka apBmbrmdery UoKns given free.
teHtoo Irote too ta!
pmaktotka TUtwa. BtoakUnkalt. tktoanalapiaoldC.P.haU.to naka
tttp *ntop
aad Otlrlar kaok piM ihroafk tka amacatenta to kewor tha dead
' wHk
Tko npert botap katen toa eeanU
MwlUattaadtoateaotal ta a bodp.
apM AldorteM Lardto oCarad the tteaad a teUttarp faaonl wfU bo ooM
towtaptnotatln to adopt toa npoto:
adbptkate. Alaatt aU of than
Bototaod. That tka nport of toa
ban of the onpaap wU ton oat to M
ftiiwtetnii «■ Watte Woton. rMttn
knar to tkolr dead ootondo.
Prteato Oanp teU a detlte.totka
paBowtenr wkUa fa tka aatopolf*
MvBhnap Aantol, i«B.ndMa
MaidWha Btok of thaktoaMto«WB^
Martm'a HnmtB Body................ .4......................................... 65o
And a^nl ether booke.
• =
HI.. m u lu.. w-b«>i wiu 1Jui
We Will Dive
Free With
m-m FrootY!4trMt
Bdlph OeniiBbl* /r„ Mabbcbt.
The very best at the fairest price.
Will tell yon that the prices we ask at present for
onr best
Men’s Suits, Overcoats
and Ulsters
Are positively without profit. Yon take for a few
daya longeryonrnarcBtricted pickfrom Qltl
all our finest goods for only..................bPliaOv/
M-w ad.
Yak* • look M ow wlarioo
Ian Maclaren
New Colored
««»e«««« eeoeeeeoeee * eeeests
2 Hundreds
e of People Enjoyed
J the
Pianola Concert
J Last night given at ourQstore. and incidentally ex- J
0 amined Mme of our^beantifulfpianos just received 5
0 from the factory.
A word to]tbe wise is sufficient.
T£tsr.s:‘ss.. v„ o„„
fo, spring
Two oasM—flee tboaeaad yards. Jost received aad open
ed up for sale, tiie new spring styles of fine colored oambrioe.
hoot the niceet obttoi) gooos there's made—fine, emooth.
tely fast colon—cl
colon— ’ •
■ • B and colorings—yard• wide
Price is 12^0 the yard.
W. W. Kimball Co
j[ 129 Front St.
N. £. STRONG, Manager !
i W.W.BIRar'sCash Stera | eeeeeeee eeeeeesHseeee eeeeei
$2.50 SHOES
School of Music
jHlfoaa^atoto to Blnhtelttelto
We are -etricUy in if on ladiee’ shoes that
eell at 12.50. A fine assortment of this mieed
goods to select from.
We mention a few;—
A fine kid shoe with heavy fiexible eole—a
heavier ope with s fine kid lining-aleo >
fine light ehoe with cloth or kid tpp. for 8nn^T_jre^^rhe^2^terg2of^^oe^ton^
bonrtt far thie price—^te pleee
Eront street
ns. lowfAm cLUl
MsoaaaMM W«Bt» $10,000 (tf tte matMU
ift an DMMMd HMbud.
Vwt «< ta*
«9» ta AiMmim.
«aaiO tel takw nolhi
at Jaha Veadwafd ta IteaM* KlM
tedtecp Hlo tiupmty w
Oatm Btatatiiy totmoM la MMalo
TalBodatAteal $M.OOO.
Wtet^omtemletea'aory latafaattacMakaowoa
Majaolattealnaltoeart. It la tte
actloa teeaght bg Ua Woodward ao
dote M. Woodward, at. aL. Ite aam
hate a WU to lot aMda aariaia aoalatoa
a a.
Pratt A Daala ate a
ar tbr Mia. ^oodwate
MaalyUOedfoolthla Mt7 ate Boa.
Qarrit J. Xtekaa. aaapoakarod Ite
te«a at TiprmtatlM torlte do>
It Mr te tei «M« «wte ■
■, ate it iavelM tte oatata i
» kwf41< teWtate to tetraM tte
f»to •( tte (kartell «Mr«oM
two k a reamMo » aaoMai with It
whleh haa ba« ta «rod to to thk
iO m4 Mr. ttertaU m4 tte
r, bat launat wlU to rafted by
fiw OMMted tefon teJe
rMBt U«al proaoadtea.
9olk pwtin ton iifiote to otete te
tail. Joha Wood'
• 0# tte teMI c< ort
tea aboat 70 yaarm of age.
MA«hMtterrtao k MMdtteMM TCcy lU ate whUa ooalaad to hk had
■ oAoUmM to tote*
—teto of tte ooMMt of tte textojon
catallyate talth|o foytterriw Hkwlitea jMtte taUy BBtU te iaaQy
laaoiatad hk
Ite Mtettotoa. tte rmMam ti tte health, Tte latimaer ate
BteoKOifte tkktet»}Mtli««U kaom. thH T-**^**^ rtpwad iato a warmer
Itatos the food!
Laeal VHm Ckargod with SpMm
logoi Weight Bafotal
Charged with OMg «M XaMO.
DapaW Oamo ate Fkk Wardaa Alra
L. Oealtar ot CteriofM, waa la tte
olty yaatarday. ate while ten did a
UttlohnbM bMdaatal to hkoMao
tefodewa aa ttey oaght aot te ten
doae. ao Car aa tte law gonrakc tte
telBg ate teTiag of dah k eeaearaad.
Dopaty Ooaitar woat onr to Carp
lake ate
agaiaM tte dah Uwa. Wtewontteaa
baton Jaatte Oago ot Bl
ahlp ate aeawaod tte eoMof tte aatka
them. They
teanrad with aabg eat liaaa la dahlag.
Tba maa claimed that they wen akag
-boba”. bat Dopaty Ooaitar dadoed
‘•boha" aa tat Uaaa ate tkalraaaeoatraryto law. The ofleedeia b thk
BUI. WUllam Whealor. B. Vaa Valkaobaig. Joetph DaMh
aad &l«adahBngga
Wbaa Dapaty Oealtar eame han te
of tte Uw.
allwred that WllbMm. Bartak A Oo.
had la their pemmalea 100 poaada M
white dah. aadar tte alae praaeribed
by Uw. ate that W. W. MUlar bad U
poaada te tte aamo klad. whUe W. J.
Boblaaeahte MO poeada o< eimUar
•ah. It k aU^ that thaaa teh ware
below tte walght of two poaoda U tte
toead. whkh k prohibitad by Uw.
toalteoa both Mdaa ateaooa attar>
ward! Joha Woodward took hk aaiaa
tor a wllo. Ttey woat te Oalltorak
oa a waddiag tear ate
lima. Mr.
property iataroata la te wait. BraatBiUy tey rataraadto thkelty taroate. Ob daly «th, iM.Mr. Woodward
died ate it waa dkeorarad that oete
to Mr. BafUr <w tte crooad that to Jo loth day ot Ji
•otadWatarMtcd party, bat tteaa- had traaaterad ttehaU othkaMta
Mtte ooneil tavcnd Uaap- to hk acma. Seott, Joha M., Bart ate gBB la Jaatka Vorlay’a eoart yaatar
fMtMBk Ttera ara taw. U aay. Qraat Woodward ate to otter lalattea, day atlaraooa ate if tte Bah are foate
to be aa allagad ttey wUl be <
pwi inwiritil BMOttoa Mr. Bate
Bath ate Myroa fiteldia ate
MroateatraM. Bon
rateat ate tea aloe I
b te aMtlMaat of tte aetata It
^o4a of Ttp»«o 0>tr: ate la ao dotac bate that f«7 UtlU waa loft tote
^ alrwdy aoM kaowlaifa ad tte wlfa ate Utar ate aeagkt
plaat. Thk ateald aot ba waat ate alalmad to ha her rlghttal CUaa Bo. 4 ot tte Pint M. B. Baaday
•oobjaottea. Mr. Battarkaarrioaiara! portte ot te aetata, whkh ate bo- aehool. taoght by WOl Wlaaaa. Imtod
PitoaUaate aalar aate la
lkTOdteboaboatglo,c«>.or <ipa third their teeeher to a earprke kat enaUg
ate Mr. Qaa^baU wiU raaalva ad Ite aetata. awCTdlag to atatatery U boaorof hk
wbioh wae Sasday.
BodtteTalaaot tterya- Uwa
Kghtora of tte yoaag Udke
maa aa Mr. Bate woald Whaa Joha Woodward otegaad tte areaaat ate Mr. WUaae wee a Twy
balk of hk proparty te aamad Joha M. maok oarprkod maa. Oemee wore
I irlaa tea
r tte aalaa of a watar Woodward
a dM progtam WH gieen asd
wortoayMK. ateUi axpartoaoaate Bow Mxa. Woodward brlaga aalt to
han tte eeanyaaooa ot tte proper^
«ipart kaowladca aatea him a daalr- aat
Then win be aepeeUl meeUagef
•Ma panea to aa^ oo aato a board.
autatery Ularaita. b tte
Oompaay If U tte old Eolghk of
at B o'clock to orat the dateadaak It U elaJmad that PyUilae
range for the faeerel of Fred O. Corey,
Jtoa Woodard
at aboat te.OOO ate who died of yellow fenr U Cato.
IbatTrareraaOlly eaa have ao i
eartldoatoa ot depoalt U tte tint
Ilk aka to hoar right from htteqiar- Natkoal Baak ot thk city.
Mn.bottbkaoaldten baea karaad Berdor'a baakatZeeUte.ate
Warraa ate Ortwkahm. Miaa., aad
Bam Peatmaatac Bad aanral w
Boekford Waah., ate other poUia. to
agoateagooddaalofiaapaaaa b
the amoaat ot aboat gll.ooa Thk
ha*a haaa aparad.
property waa aaalgaed to tte abon dctaadaata, bat U addiikm to thk It k
alalmad that the rteBmaed Ult a heoaa . Wheopirtg Cough, Aethma,
ate IM U thk oity ealaad at aboat |l.Consumption, k
S«: aoM kti Is Orate Ba^ nlate
atd«OOategt.«(WUeaah U tte Pint
Than an Braat BrTort U tte
Natkaal Baak U thk elty oableet to
Thx BeUa.
Thkpropmty tte
claim k Ite oaly property U whkh
Ite fianrahm te Tax Om
«r Oakmaa. who waaU tteaity re- tte oUlmaot heo a Mtatory Uteroot.
that tte defoadaak ofgnUy ate who k aew at hk hoaaa U
r dtnl farad to pay Mrs. Woodward m.m U;
gpMak U c
with the tax caeh te oMtU tte ean, bat eho
I city ate eoaaty ate dower right U tte eatin eeuta,
whkh woald te aboat Sio.oao
« e< tte eltka U thk rkUUy.l
Mr. Oabmha repork that oar elty Pnrthermon the
■lUt ate taetoriee an^ememid at ttedaleedank axoreked aadM Udewlth
•hoat oac-thlrd od thoir aetoal nloo
Be aaye that all of tte aoaaUm u ttk daea him to aaaiga to them tte
paotka are peyUg tar leaa than they gmtor part of hk eeUto. Thk aUeaheafd Uto tteetaU treaaary.
gaikm tte dateadaak deny U thalr
b Maaktee eoaaty. Mr. Oakmaa aaawor.
gUUm that tte raal eMU k ameaaad
teltkoat OM half ot ita ml nlaa,
jBdtte^MMal properly geoatraaet BathelkooftteWoMBIde Waat Oae
ipaaliea U moat nM
b Patookey. ha daeUiad that tte
pnparty k amaraad for aboal ewe- Pathar Bsnar of St. Piaaek toarto
falilk tk real ealae. ate that khhy of hao beea aaertatk ter masy yean to
UldUgapategeaaral praep«rity
Ite dae eammer ooUagM are aot aaof the ehorch U thk elty ate toe ImIMadalaU.
to ahow lha dlBareaea bMwaaa thk
aeuw had that of Wayaa. Mr. OakxuB
U k etated that than tee
gaya that thk aoaaty pay* H*-*? par
a to cakrgtog too
9LMeer • •
gMaW- with aoatly baildUfa ate hl^ ohanhatetoath maatUg M haoa
bald OB tte Weet Stdo tor too parpoao
■fate laaaten payo hat gLtl.
tl k tte datemUatka ot tte lax atdkeamUgaprojoel tor haUdtaga
OatooUeehareh to that part at But you can get a pleasaot
paarnkMa to ahaaga all thk, oad an
loll that prepmly k Mmiil at ik tte Mty ter tte
OatoMkewhedo aot syoak Pi^kh
smoke out of a
ri>-: too Botemkae. Poke, rreneh.
a WUa Band Btaa.
toboUdapItep riobaroh atehae
dcBorto la
Ka.. “te I had aaah a bad ao^ I thk dlroetka. bat tte omrkm an ooa-
tte MM ImMWo M
rUo onUoMo <ir tteMtj ot IM tiM.
InMwH teuowte elooMr br tte •••
iMttateOoo. W. Baftar H tteponoo
to immm* tte oitr ootte boordof
Thera te ko bed aa neat and ottraetiTeMuIraD Bed. I
haoe tha laigeat Use ever
in Northern Micbigan-orar
47 different ptjlaA bom |s!75 np to S30.00.
Thk ent ahoks my Na 0186 bad. height of bead 4 feet
U inehea-Tha beat iron bed made for the money, only 86.75.
Aa inmbed with aa odd dreanr aad eomptode make a
nice badrow aait I bare the dieoaata ia all atylea and finUi.
aa and yoa eaa bay them with a bttia payment down and a Uttla
at a time paymeata.
Springe and mattroaaea of all kindk
Man Boekl Bateoa od B. B. P. Mto
Vahraary U.
AgiaalMamhaka k tohaltewM
apaelalcathmbir of the Bhaotthm
ally. It will eeear at te lodge reoM
aa tte enabg ot Pek u.
Dapaly L P. Ln o< Dekott, wlUte
hma at that tlmo ate tte beeakea wttl
te made oao o« Ite meat aoJoyabU to
Mti. Oox apoat aa aftaraooa with
Mra Jamea Borbwt of Old Mkaka, tte
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Ike Baaaty that Attraek Mas.
Uaetaomaeh U tte fbatamae U
eUar. healthy aomplexloa. ate a
plMpMydllte with the rigor ate
ritaUw ot pardeot health. Pale, weak,
laagald wemra an blly reatond to
rohoot boaltk by the aoe ot Dr. A WCkaeoh Mem ate Blood PUla. a oeadaaaad aam toed wkieh emtoe rtek.
panWoodateMWMrntkMW. Pooe
eatatetoeelmiU etgaatan ot Dr. A
W. Ghaaaoa
lab Front StiMl
Itfor; PlitiH
lih lisamn
See the new policiea oi the i
I ^tnoLUooi_______
&rtford—they ;
i krewuMn. Batea the moat
We alao tell their acodeot
ud health polidea.
H. L. & Co. Block.
CnMi't Ue
A lilltl
Hk Bn On Mm
Oomfortably in a poor bad—
neither can anyone elae, bat if yon
bad one of tboae new mattrcaaea,
even the on© we’re aelling at $1.76
will enable yon to aleep well—Bat
the $2.75 ia aofter yet. The $4.76
will make yon lie “down” to pi. aaant dreamt—and the $9.50 “Ideal
Down’’—lhafe the best of all.
On. Um .taigbt to
the mark—don't, atop to ai^e or
admire the aoenery. Oar prioea
on clothing appeal directly to yonr
pooketbook—eapeciaUy the high
quality gooda that we’re ariling
DOW—thoae anito that sell at $8A0
and 110 oa
Heads Ttgttlmi
) Tk. nun ■tpion'
You can’t
get a
out of a
Be Pig Tail
Havana Smoker.
E.’teCiSSJSA “
Ska Ida ate'^M-M. Bnry bettta
wkhaahartetja which avekoi teaU
tootterbagaagaa Tte
lanrit at Ite aBork tor a now akarah
tenauyM daeMpad.
Backkak Amka Saba.
Bao.woM« wite toM lor i
How k tte tiM m ten year BkyeU
■ mimilod ate Meaaod m nady tor
ate B. b:
Said one goat to another, and
yon’ll aee aome aUrt ing things—
That’s troe here—and then cornpan pricea and qaalitica with oth
er atores and we “win ont” every
tima The prices we'rs making
on certain broken sisea of. over
coats proves onr statement. The
$6.00 grades go at$3.26—the $6.00
at $4.00, and so (m down the line.
During the wet or alof^y
weather—that is, keep as mneh
shoe leather between you and
Mother Earth aa poasibla. Got a
warm lined kid shoe that sella
regnlarly at $8.0a onr price now
is $1.50. By the way, ever wear
the Hn.man ic ehoef A ”Yennine Yentieman” sayi it’s a “crack
er yack"—and it aella at the nniform price of $4.00.
Sa Maiir
Iftarioaa Tea
Eief Use.
And evening gatherings —
Nothing nicer to serve with your
cocoa or cboo^te or coffee than
cheese aandwiehee or Long Tal.iw^
Wafers, 15c a box, 8 for 26c, or
CfasmpagDecWalen, 26c package
Tb.t's th. new Uetomi J.U,
—abeolotely pnre—has no equal—
once tried always used. Comes in
four flavors—lemon, cherry, la^v
berry, strawberry. iVs the moot
delidous demert jelly ever introdnoed. Sella at 16c a package.
“Dt Hits
Wanted to lounge atound and
dokothing but reatf If you oan
all tbe time, you oan when yon’re
throu^vith your work. Better
eome in and see our easy famlture
at eapy prioes — Easy diain and
May eoB^ea. Got a eonoh (or
$8A0-a splendid sewiag rocker
(or $lA0-a Morris Chair for $8.50
—a rattan rocker (ur IBM.
That’s whst the doetora sayand they ought to knew. Well
SUthatpnscriptionqniekly. Got
verytbiog yon want. Some like
B kind better than othea. We
pleaeeaJlteeteA TbeBraxibead
Feannto are lOe a pound—the FUberts aodTecans are ISg^the Ea.
glUi Wntonb 18 nnd th. Almond.
80 cento.
Free Storage All Winter.
Hywackna aotbo teat ate yrkn
took weak WDl caU tar yoar AoM.
I & B. Waltk
OUma. Tottor. teU
Boom. Chapped g
i.rHns,Piipr. I
eemkOriaaekteM. »Pmoik
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
mmrnmmmmmm mmmmmmmm-
j-nnMMwnpnwwi MMMMtonWnWM WWWWWWt^
MtaBoC Hr. Wmm't todw
OaBi^aUy Mivind «t Ta Ol'a W
itaiMM nqatlad le Mi ai
Bclha’ rai^ Lnt V^V
<M <jt Mn. Mu«la, «M WaaUhr
Oaa at tha laaat daiicbtfal as wall t
ioa MtMl. Uto matar at t o’aleA aManterebp aatbariaad aad dtnatadta anaan tha naa la babalt af
otthasmeawss *
4t ran Bam U- a aau
aaM akp. aad that thattokha aadk
taaaa lattthattba tbaaldiHhieaad party ptnakyBipa!'
MM%n ot tha a & aoatollaa an
la *ba iaaatf 7a«da ODaMar
-- --------- M nM M Otvaa Dirtolea Ra i. at tha bom at ^
J«to Barte aai BaflH
------raqawtai «e aaai at «M Frtaaia
wdaly tkd
iratTiMte paastiaa ia2aa£»ctaOdW^ it bkM han Mr. aad Mn. iL B. Bnekaa lnt anaabarthttitoa
IM- than wan aaarty a baadnd
ky ■■liraliBl aad «nad that aaU
______________ la nU wrtttaa------------- pnaaat aad attk ebaata bad bosa raw
Mia. Wlaala dlad y
kOTbJjet^ttai^t at way at IkaO mead with roodrCaat, aa tkaqaalat
Ma Ba. • bMn« aa to aiaka
Uhm boMlaMapta atf. tba ra
ecatama tasUAad. 8omwanprat9.
an! atadNd iBla «ha 4aclat.
by a aad
aittoatatajaMterte taimaat.
nta at T to 1, lldinaaa Kaayea acala thair oddity, kavaay at thaw weald
kal4Mao<«t. ^oHpb, an akeat to
aaatlM «<iha ateak hoUM
nllBd *'Ko.'
attnat acmldnWi attaatka If wera
ia aa aatrM aat«frtMl>r«Ui IhaXrannaCU^ Drtftaf l■nalt^na
Thk aatiaa plaaad tha mttarlaa by tba ladiaa at today.’
Tbar haaa faatad
wiUhaWdlalhaaltgr aoaaail N
akaiiiUba Uthtaad atmtbanta
Utbapoepla ot tea aarUarparict
alaBaat at M aaraa oC saiab toad loalfbtaitMaharv. Cor tha |»rpcw
tha asoteiy bad as mtefaaaateWr
MV OrtOMaad will aaatafttt lata a
adtetbaaoaaatl: “Wa hanaemban lattardhy li^tetan tbay nat ban
Mhni fm. U«aa Praha, at at.
tortHkt ta da bntoaa aad t tUak that had a coed tlm. ter aU fastratet aad
a at U Olbkaabaa
a«Mph. iaalaatatwaraallb
thk aaMnat abeald ba aknad aad aaailty was
« Cnaa tba tlm
dU la I
tea dear waa a^nad by TkfW aadtea
IboMbt latynbabU that ba aaa n- oatad bain tba aaaasll
WbUa wa han dalayod ia
TaUawXld,aadteacBsatewancnatByaylanotaplaal SMalac' '
CUatM haa haaa MRfMr wfoairht ap
tha wain warba nttar H baa baaa aa- od by Mr. aad Mn. Oaerca Waablaftea
larthafMtlawdMaow a sad doff ban dualapad. aad bk daath
ThB Old SaUaUb Shot Mab
Wa han dalayod leoc
aaaaa. IWaa oraaMacoa atraafa dof alaeat aay tin weald aet aarpriaa bis aMfb aad I tblak wa ahaold tomaaaatac teaten was teatMflwr at tba
fal 1> ■■ apfaacaaaate-tiM vUlaca aad
plats tba work taai^t aster aa posk
k wltb tba PHot laappanpi
Bar. rr. Bprahowald. wbe baa tor
MS tin baaa U ebaqta of tha PoUah
As a
wnctnatewkkkaa dd tteamlaravlt eaa do* aana dm with tha parkbatTaatan. baai
aaatad to aad Mr. OaapkaU was laritplayad aa emU para tba protaanaehtanardaldatAlMaa. Tbia ad te stay ap la tea elark’i dnb aad altaUaa laat Saada^ aad was
CraiB. white waa la ebarca ot Bob
fix bk aifBaten ta tea aoatnei.
immem MUllkaa. waa aa JoUomt-.
nan an aanaal otkara that wan State, aad bk appetatnat la tha peataad did bkpart
MMaaaad It is aipntai thaj wUl tiaa pnnsiha blfh abUitlaa at Br. aad tea myor aad tea elark alcaad
8ola-"Bobta Adair," PrkoUU 3.
han Id ka kfllad. Uo pumm ban
ter the alWbaaa UMaawfar.
Thk mttar dkpesad of than wm a
Badtetka Ball’,# P. Banam.
tin iar Mastard A DMaeab apaetaaa- akrb of rallaf, bat tea bakam waa aot
4t *^^***T*
Oriftea) poem aanl tea aaw arcaa—
predaatleB. “Baatptj Daapty." all orar with yat. Tha
Bnwtat aoapaaj' baa panbaaad oi.
Madam yrSaran Dodfa
atbacradad ea wblab
latka cam aa a sort ef aarprka to
rain at Kolai Bavka.
paalad by Bin BtemMI Baydar.
Nks Barda Alta Stalabacf. wha baa
Aia la Maj, IIM.
Irad. TbatOaorra W. Batter, ef
laaarklUagnlattnaatPatealray. laBdMtioa by Prlmrm A Waatb Mia__tar. Haw Torb. ba aad ba k atrala—Moate oryaa. Jaremlaa Baater.
iia.ooo. Itlaaald t«
balba lalaatiea at tha
Boaaa.OayFaaka<Oamr. Timotey a
Tba yeaac Bn's BadaU^ af
atbat alaataioldatoaicadlraUv Ha
TrMaktearte wfllctna profnaain aeeerdaaea with a writtaa cootnet Prior; IbmborUMa Sharks Wdtea.
ban, aad la nha Oadfilaa tha dlapadn aad shadow aoalal aa Wadaaaday tek day mda aad axaaatad by aad W. 3. Biyaa Bobarte.
batwMBtbadWof TnnmOlty aad
ay Wdtn.
analac. Jaa. <1. la St. rnaak aeboel H. D. Oaoipbdl.
Oaiapbdl. relaUn to
' tea ~parWafkwOlbattaaaoaaaltha baUdlac. baU. A b« aodal wm ako ba oaa ot
Voeal ai^o-GkrkUBo BoUsn Day
eban of tea water works pi»a\ af laid
« te all the prtasissl Atm
Pterin nir M the bMt eUene ef It
Badmtloa-Lobdla DeU PobonL
B. 0. Oampbell by arUtntkn. aad
tha faakra at tba analaf.
teat tea Bwyor aad elate bo aad an
w, at Iba Old Balt Wap beaaa
Boay.BnioaByrnpbaay Q<
tbabarbaaaan awMacffnat pna- banby aat^nd to aaipley the nld
aratlcm for thair daaae at roraitan Oaotfa W Baflar oa n taranbla AdaUaa Paul Banaa. isula Llad
tba Wlaoaa. trow the aoppar wlaa ef
Blyylaa Oaorya Waaklaytea Brqpkn.
haUTharatoanalaf. AUryaarawd term n peakkla, aad to aet la aoatfct aam. baa daeararad fold oo bk
jaaetloa ^tb bln aad nU B. D. DaBaaU Walt, aeaompaalad by r '
mad a food iim an Baaarad.
tkaapbril la brtarlac abeal sate ar- Aaa Wdtea.
Tba rote k qaar’i aad ^aet^ttratka
mM baeacht la an rite la c«ld,
Bolaotkm by Oemb Qaartette-Ji
Baton tba rota apoa
pdalBly rklUt le amti BMCata aad ham doaday aftaraoea la pretty atyla
3. Bmma DaFoa Ham. OamabaU arm aad mnd. Blpa Bebmldt Saydar. Btp Vaa
sbmM mim anse Ikk.
flahaa. Tha aam qaarts nla axtaads Tba bom waaepttetekd to a aattor.
aaran tba laate at tea
Wtakla Bora.
by laaal
Mra Bamutea ynamlab Kraayer
aaprialkta Flaaar fold bn ban foaad eattar aad aUabod enr tea ant. aaM: "My Mn k teat Mr. Batter k ten latrodoeadhn family.
Ba k a food
la may itriiiai la tejs aoppar dk- SaUiaf tea rrin. bo aon bad tea
Bont. Jake Bant aad Beariatte Bardeal
«rtst.keteblyto Ffae Btad rtnr, bat
aamKnayar. Jake tanrlay teeooaaat la aaMateat qaaBtUlM ta pay for
rkwote bacaala ttat bk aalaetloa k a •
t, M Bampw Dnmptr; W.
Bddis MeDoeald.
paay with a nmarkable rioUa solo aad
tea Blfh aeboel yaatet^. with a at tea atari of tea aspnnad ayraa- smaatea daylay a deUybtfal sola
H. Barteolomw, tbs fbmompaalomimkt, as “Old. Ooa Two;" MM
Oarid riabn. a u ynr aid bey at
At- tea eoaeladoa of tha
BlandM Fnyoa as "Colambtos;" Min May Baymoad. "Oomb of pay:'*
Tba team atteteod to tea bn otUn•nad Sana, fallaaUy raaeaad bk
MM Ua Hobba Martin, "Qaaea of Niyht;" Troeadera Qaartatte, Ferris
ad teat Hr. Batter k aa la- eoCee, cmllen, pampkla^aadehem
yeaac ketear teen diewalaf la tha lalkS Broa laa away
A TnnaloB. Jamm R. Adamv tba fam ms elon aad a
temtad party aad 1 aball ban to taka wan aemd oa dd Urn dkhn
rtnrBatarday. Baktl^hne of tea M Pan Marqaatte depot. At Btete
with Mr. OampbaU apn teat 4Tba oommlttea wUl add fU.76 to tea
PrioM-760. f 100 And $1.60.
stmt teay wan stepped by Jaek
pdat Ha was employad by tea dty pips oryao faad aa the malt of teak
Bmtmlethk aioraliur at 7 o'clock, FOB 8UBBCBIBBE8;te tea
O. A. WBid,acad«7.Jadaadat Mat- Pnbort. Ba damofo sraa doaa
ta lanatiyate a aonne tor a dty water eajoyabls party.
yenani oablle. Wedneaday moralas-. ’'’elepboae lli:
Tba Xiebicaa Talaphoae Oo. wim aapply. aad to anyynt a ptaa aad aabMM- HahadUnd tlwn 36 yaan
apoa tea priaeipal atraam of tea rity
aad waa oaa at tea
aoat ot aayatem bat tbs
wUl be nblad In tea oaar faten. prmat pint k not a pari ot tbs syeK. a T. M.. hartac lotaad tea
wate it wn arfaa<sad, Mn. Ward, Twain baadrad feat at tbenklawaa tern whkb bs plaaaad. Mr. Baftn k
Bayern and Bade Man aad a Baby
bk wUa. k tea feaadar aad orifi
neelrad ynterday aad a larca fiBC aocaUsat ot tbs dtaatloa ban )
will ba ban eon to pat It ap aad do bs k not bissad or latensted aad
la a Datymas Baboway
attesL.0 T. M.. aad ik kaowa
enr tea state aa tea "Meteor oi tea 1 laifa amoant of etbar aoeatrai
naaot m tea fom of Mr. Campbell's
L. O,-^. M.” Mr. Ward tor maay yean
Bnycae aad Basle Man aad tee baby
wn oa u Baflkb mrahaat ablp. Hk
ary arm dan of tea
Aldarmaa Wrtybt aapported Mayor of tedr skter. Mn. ^ks Bnttor.
lnt nyaca was made le aoareh ot Blr WoateB'o slab will mnt tek attaraooe BamUtoe's pealtloe and ntarrad to tee aamwly aoaapsd soriem If not fatal
Jaba rraakllB. Tba raaeol wn nop bt at l:W. with Mn P. /. Oartk.
raeeat sanitary eoarsatloa at whleb tojary Baaday enaiBy.
Tbay bad
ia aa In floa aad was wieakad. Tha
I will bATB A earlood of of borsM in
Tba eoelal to ba flna Friday rm- M' Batter was presnt aadraea]/ed ban eat to tee eosatry. nod
araw wan aln days orlteoat Mood. lac af tek sraak by tba
teat Mr. Batter stated at teat Urns teat MTPtoy te tee dty, wbn to pamtoy by
Tbay aaaebt aa old sacla, bat as It Otan Ka • of tea Pint M. B. Boaday bs bsd BO iaumt wbateesr ia Trme- tee dlteh near the tarmof F. E. Moora
was Mo teach to nt tbay draak tea aebootlnteaebanb parlon promlen
City's water works other tbaa that they dson ts tee tide of tee road for
^ter It WM eeokad Isl wblab kept
employed to sayynt a pUa for better sldyblay. aed the eatter ellpmaay telaft atw aad aoral la tea
way of ntartelnamat. aad tea terya a syswn aad did eo. for whleb bo was pad tote tee dlteh.
Bdward a Batin k dead at Datnit aamber whteh All! a
tedly at- paid.
The Tshlde
.A.t; T?3Jod.>i Rgeix*e^Bataraa.
Mr. Oampbell—"Ho has ecrialaly Basie Man aad tee baby wan terawa
at blagd pekniac. A teort tlm afo tend srlU sritbeat <qai
a prim ntheplbht out. aamwly eanptny balmy ptoaad
aiowad a pot doc tea
orted te tek body, bat wbeteer ander tba eatter. BoyeM stUl steyad
oatnoarrin ta Uok hk fan Tha
h oome And eee them.
If yon like to eee nlo
lid boos hk report n the Byam with tee riy, and dnny to tee ntoa
dagk teacaa aam la oanteot srite
at the msoUay of the Olarim' Ooln
Tbia will be tbe nioeet load you hewe seen lor a Iodh
anaU aon n bk fan aad blood pole- iMloiyhV
teii« ylnn I do not know."
The bone bad baecma thoroayhly
Mayor HaRbUtoa—"It koarialoly aot Myhtenafc. oad started te raa. Be ran
oalaf foUowad.
Tberossmsnt plat tothoniarMb. Rafter’s bnslaem to be aa totenot- east oe Fraai street, aad Boyane aoald
Theee bortee will weigh from ISOO to 1800 peunda
talamnt to be ylnn tomorrow one toy
•d party to tee work be k eayayod to not stop him till the cotter omshad
Apiece. They were raleed in Hoble ooan^. In Um
to tee City Open Bonn to the bsecBt
M an axpert ewn nylanr."
tote a telephooa pole near M. Utaay’a
r. E. Balt ef Wabater aWaat k i
ef tee B^b sobooi ban baU team,
northern pert of IndianA.
"1 telak that Mr. ,wra aad wnt te pkeea
aariy m.
pat n ynterday moretoy. aad tee
Ndteer of the oceapanuot the eatter
Varrn Wood ntaroed laat alfbt af mm ..mn reniTed npMly. Thom Rafter hnalnadyoe
ter a foar mntba trip tbrooeb tba rbe bon tickets wm do well to ban
aad tee qamtlon waf pat to a nte. than k Uttle saon than btodltoy wood
mat la tea latamte ot tea Vtetoria team rsssmd m son as posaibto.
—------------- ---------------by ^
left of tee eatter.
nallBlac^air. larnted by D. E. OarK. D. Biyelow. tee fake thaatrinl of 6 to 1. Aldarmn Psrkor aM Kenyon
naoayer, k oew esrriay a anteem to ’ottoy adnnely.
y. B. Baate left laat alfbt Car PataaOld Peopls Made Touy.
tbs Maaktee joU to Inriay too aoemThk matter disposed ot Aldemn
I. d Sbamaa, tee ntena
■lonlT wlthnt settltoy bk betel
to hk feet aad said
s Vai
bia ABoeofflSM i
"Tear Howor. I fosl teat wa ban tekn
B. L. Garter, bneoea n a rklt ta kb
yoaay. ^ yw
ddamltot whleb be k eewyerytoy a
Step to tbs riybt dtrorilM. I woald
Mm U Oraad Jte^ ^
tonoty days’ snteom to Jail.
Ilka to ban tee Bscle etete tomorrow nan. ImUyiatlnni Heart troabU, Ooa
B. B. Pap*
loan today for a two
lbs adnom nls ef seats to sab teat to Mils of tee lam. tee halt aad attoottoBaad Bbaamatkm, br aalu
waaba nntln. wkloh ba wm apaad
aeribars to "flampty Hampty" wm tee bUad aad the card parilea we did lUetrle BlUara aad ha writea; “It
I have several Oae new rixs—
, boatom toalyht.
I tbiak wa
wmAahtoa smtte Uba Amayas- oonattes box oAm ot Btetobsryb
amomm compaaM to tea worU npre- both alDgle end two eenua
Oraad this mernlay at 7 o’doek, aad shoald taka etOl aaotear atap aad teat
aaatad te my ayaaey.
s wm bs a Usdy rash to 'ehoim
B. B. Ball left tea ally yaotarday n
Baal ootfits in the oity. Tiy
a Tba adnom sals to tbs yaa ad te eoato srltb Mr. GampkaU te aacbnlamartpteOnadBapIda
Qanci Qaaa Uttyaaterday to Bn- anl pablk oriU opao, ap tomorrow ensato If ba wm aaU bk UybUay plaat
Older by ’Phone No. S2.
to tea dty oad whather ba waald ba WiJt'a dray atom.
MnUanOrerbr of Ooed BarW
Than wm ba i mssttocof tea Portia wmioy teaabauttM prim toa beard
I Removal Shoe Sale
We bare plseed on sale at out prices
8400 pairs of Bhoea -We glVe you the
best makes only.
We can
yon from 10 to 60 per
cent on your footwear for the next 60
days After Karoh 16th we wiU be in
our new store, 848 Front street
Frank Friedrich,
lie front St.
mmwmmmmmmti»«»»««« »«««•««»
Steinberg’s Grand Opera House
Friday EveRug, JaRuary 26tli
TAe Grinitsl Pradacti^i
of Motkor Roost's Faity Stofy Enr Writtts
The Season’s Greatest Success!
Traverse City, Jan. 24th
Enjoy the
For Fire Insurance
M rklttic teoafanily of ■OUe TMk.
a ft White aaa Olln Whka
nUadtaiCaaeriaaa yaaterAw hytM
anian mam at teak Mtbar.
AaM Baatt at Merthpnt
Ihnach tea aity yesterday nbk way
ta tea Wf Maank adanattea at De
oo at tba bom of
Ma.a B.
■rho Uoltem Book X. of P. wm
mosttbk anotoy to tee pwpem of
I ot tea
• reqaaoted te rammbar tea aostol
tomorrow oftenmn at tea Mm ot
MMFIonShopord ot OU MksMo.
Hr. FraokUo tomorrow senlig.
in com to MooMm to m«o4 tea
■osnmtsmtebaamsrm bs pod#
IMo Mr. Qorrino wool oooodeotUaad tea odnatoym to ba yatoad by
tea dty owatoy Us osn Ufbtlar ptaot.
steUay teatotesr dtlm an fladtoy
eetuas a
^wSatenr tes eBsot ef Aldsrmo
Otrrkra’srisws teen wn ae astern
aadteasDoasU odJoorosA
MM Brads bust ef Old Mkmeo. bn
hsMspndlsyo few days to Tramn
spsrial mstlay ot Tranrss aty Tnt,
Mn. Bolph White ratarood toot Ha t7t. K. a T. M . si eomdste ar.
itetbsmsottoytebs bald TtemUInp^iitilMrB.
Friday snotoy.
tooridtotLqloBd. BMwmas)
No nandy aqoaU WASmlt Warn
alyht tea dty WM loft to fOTB cZrTAA SYSDP to thk terripoalad by MM Myrtle Heads od teat
sfeand fatal dlsmsa U tokeo tborCron obeet • e*cleok
eore, o
oA iSMOot od tee blowi^ >ugbly mod ia Ome, itowm
' D.K.BdMofMsodao.kloteoalty.
eombteot lolk Aewood o who oo ftete oai OsMr
HMBamDaLsofy oF Kol
' yWtoffkwWoiMP.JbtoOsUofy.
r^nSik te yin
MniBM. 'iPtwTS.
John R. Santo,
SnhiI liurun.
Warebara BiMB.
Haw Y<
Good Sleighing
Geo. Cams,
Uvary and Peed Stablsm*
Ha* Oftoa, ■aibkon note.
Fire iRsurancR.
L. n. A. BnOObw.
Rl«nralkI,iantMria aUilaM. '
MCn M TrcntM OiW Uiimbn Oo.
ta 9U0KTTtT9mf9
tT$»a* I
^I«v AfvO 1 It »U1 ta
or4vi os Md mM mtfmMdiMMtmMt to >U
-Tm----------wanarntm tattoPklUr
aoMirBada aad Om
haabaoB bold bp torn
wbaanlatinatadtotoa apprnabtof
aartr ta ba^tna bp toa peaar nn ad
toaettp. aad toa nriaaa aannlttaao
ban baaa obaaaa. tba partp wQl ba
bald fabraarp t. to too atpOpata
Bana. aad ae atet «rlU
aniMadttotwfll halp «e naka tUa
eaa aftoa noot aajipabto aeelal ataato
toat toa atop bn ana tawwa.
Tba aannlMan an aa faltawa:
Attm lyimt iiUiUr h«U» «Bt^
loiltobaa a. p. AUop. Pr.OapL.
Bapn.CB.Hala. A. tobbord aad E.
to iffUa to to e»wBMi.. U la ta•Sipttaa-rni. C B. Bam. 8.
'^.ftaaadlto««toKatoaMkaa araMtoa D. Al%. A. Otobatd. L t. TUaa, Dr.
W. J. Hlfftoa.
• mm Ijiaad to tTtoto *toto>«ytoM. PMcn^toat a B. BfliBt aad Oae.
toS7> aiSg. mm nama.”*^
Or waa* «r «n nnw bta.
Trntonnwwn —Wtbmn
bwSbnn m nrtwT*'
mr mwlBMpboaa^aUoaitto
■wan aaehatoa
idpUio toan aaald
bm baaa non obllTkm to too paadto
noncM tbaa tUt pair ad eftp tonn
la antW
toe bot aw) crowdrd atiaato
■‘B'nipi to ato*t n pood n ba aalpbt
ba. fiat tom'a wan aboat, aa -ba
ara’l alwapa aa. toe."
<*Ob. if poa Ukea to pet ap wto’ In.
mao do) Taia'tiwoanoerao'ntoa
^ttr br adtod noodilp.
"laao'i an' *im to tor worfcae, toa"
"Bat par cm
bananxd toar^.
bad bma «r atbw w«n arr fnad
Oa toaH* aa« wi Warn maad.'
•wm to «to Mtom at Wtoaa Htot
«M«latolaa toktor torktoMttok
.^Mtontototok Atan. fltotoaM. ■toKtoargtfttoltofato toarito
. Mima oatlala daay that wacao at
II iri-----------• F~^----------- -—*
•Itowd D.«aakmn. toa aonllat,
«adlaaday. Bawaa bora at Uac
marto. Mto, to lOM.
AHVaataaacatttotoa aratoto In. mdtooy ogalwtotoHb rtgaalaarrlaa
5*^“^ *«-**■ •^ Ba-kXatftoi^
John I Qtt & Oo.
oaefa otoaa. toefaeeod ttonaa wutklag Oarm. par W.............................
oaeratonlpndttoglri'BfBaaBnaeee- -----------------------
meted with pala
^ ??
Tbeteae aad toe naaaar pentad tor WbaeV old. par ba.............
top, ar'oB. Bala aad r.H.
ni"^— «
r. B.
Parto.ja H. Bala. B. H. BiBaOI. C. E.
Bitoktrien bridpe waa waned la kStamfwd amnm
a aad wfadfolb, toe pn
toe: bot if it'a bart oa per It’a roo^ lOOlCT
oeaee. Aaptoing npnr en'd ne loto
Fetoton. aaOa, (ineblffaa Biat^
Joa-aaptoiiipnleadd&o'nm}nito OajteSW^a^toT^to.^^
—Td do at, ante, witooet eapio '
KadeTeaat Acala.
Etowaaa thieaUp ed a plrl, with, or wberrfore. But aeo' the ola nan to
MOVOE or WAl.nB MATMBI 'paU,aalloweberkeaDda«^aafrafUa the workna—I oao’t do toat, lad. 1 -Ooe
___ of Dr. Klopk New Ufa Wlla
p|ilpbi tor two waaka bee tot ne
M toe Aowen aba eerrled is bar batoab know per tblnk 1 ortei, bat loan’t, Joe
t to Oaa I It wai ber epea eod bar baoda wblab —leeD-tdoet."
-------- ppatB," wrlta^. H. TvDmpa^toWn. PeL 'TWre toe
•■A prrttp fool par nade o’ ne
naitod bar off ..
(p xenr FaUow
aouow Menbne.
wh. ibeoonnee —..
-Dr. asi Mn. A. B. BalUdap. Mr. ato Hta W. 0. Boldaa. Mr.
rafntoaapn aad Mia. J. T. HaBMA. Oapb aad Mn.
J. V. Malataab. Mr. aad Mia. A. U
Baabaai. BMwd blab. Dr. A. E Bowtba wtola ftktoadlatrlat la toraataatop.EB-Hanato
^ «illi Aaoto. •»!■« to toa
.mawato tn^aaatitowa.
<«ha EUaa. to aamal Ftoan.ma »0
4aat to M baan.
Ttotoaann Potto wblab awltadai
tSMltoMtoe tranttootlaal. totoad
'ato/apamaat Baiaotola. TUa aen^latod a IM o( 1.000 toaida af tear daro
-»a taaetda «f too Innlcntlea toroaa
.«! Cawatolo abowa 'itotatoat 4ato U
iltoto IT too ^avaaaao ton toaa toadad
*‘r^'to^^»^toaraUw UUUi ‘CULtSjBTlbft*"
wbiebamii toa )ow«a eed ad Qaeea ChaoaapwrM...............
ricTarlaatrm and taaebed toe patot Oatoparbataow.)....
wben toep aaaallp parted. Tba giri
wT ’**
napped, bat toe naa waet oa.
"Ami't p« poia nr aeU oat. toar* 2“>JL*?S:...........................
-«4Mttor« taMIto li illUliiacI Ite
AaHBBhiM a< DuM toman
Tranrsi Clir,
rreablla atreat la boaer ad Waim
Hapan, a aopalar nenbar of tba
Onaadbt Baad.
p to gin tb^ aonrada
3 farawaU per^. aad wlto toair poBM
ladin tbap rWlad tba Bapen bona 1b
I lapM toaMmw
^^oaru of barcon'
_ —
I lante and lutrou and livra od per, an peb^mte per baria a
tod a pnmkiiig habit cd drooping tba nan aa ad be good toper.”
"It nd break me brart. Joe. tar *an
laabae wtm abe looked at eee. Wbattaar
eBbralatad cotniatryca Biure bora^uBnr abiedp ooeoemed woeld ban poa- ''“vitofStoTbl^^inkghtnonoT Q. 1J5"5i;.S'SS«r “SSm
a wraignn toon per doaa ev a ri^t andaearaeBaiai. tnrraaiai.
an." aaid toe man nragelp.
Sbe gave bin a look wbiob meat ban
h« b.»i. —u u.
bp C O. Oaoa. tha;
Heaped, boaatad toa ti^iw flagera cooTinoed bin <d fail error, bet blinded
■or «* l■■toBnaBta. 1 pad Albert oaiU geBcrallp ■aneiatea bp paaaiM) ba r^aed to aea.
-Weil,-- ba anal
Ba will aetn weak to toa faatorp.
I with tdrtb aad beaadlBg.
Tbaveeiwtoltobad a heppp lina
.Bb^ aold Aowen ia Cbaapaida. Bar got ter aooot—bln
Btond^cama eed feMmata.' at^ waa tba atapa of ibe Peel ■tataa, non f« two."
EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
a IB window.
M^:£.°8ss£.arssjitjag bumpUtl bUiiiRi.
.V.. wmmmm------ all ®®*' •• 1** olocke of tba«lpwan rtrikTtoitoti dnartnaal baa baaa to- aatoan aed wmaa tea poeto ■—
, tag jo toa woold depoalt bar baakatat
—«—• — ■«»«in«a.
toa foot of the wlomn and preparo for
-Ti-------- br OaUadtoalaa Acaat
' toa boatoen of toe dap.
Fran 10 to e aba plied ber warea dil•jflaaaawimaa af totoala vtoffaa toaaa prtoi«rtortortottortonpcitototo< ^3
H igaatip, potoing toe aale with all the
;9to twt nfsl. iaa. S. aad atodao
f toetwfaiobalife’aaxpahrooabadtaagtat
A aaaatol n tba 8aa rnaataao to
AND PLATFOMN B tor and all toa wilaa' wbiob a wonan'a
Cton Iron ■ecalaa. Maaloa. aafia bat- z
wit ooeld aaggait Bat aaob areelag.
toe wnry city wai feat mptplag
-«a baa baaa faaffbt hy too Kaito
"FaMo Ecnan".ar -Tto yamaHe.” aad tba bell of toe great eatbrdral waa
mad Ta^ato to wblab toa Taoala«
tolU atooiiig orerbead. ber eyawoold
«0todoatad with baa^ ton. Tbalrktltod
mnbarad OOO aad too war# takaa pria- Fab.7, la fron Marla Oonm*a fanaet. awaep tba long length od crowded aa.omL •Tba VMdatta." bartag baaa
amrcbing gloocaa, and oa
“r* T: aha nanoad tba ternina nBltitoda
0f Joba Aaakto. to oapooring weatward
wertward a apot <d crinaon
will btnoaU aeaet
tba Utla rola.
woeld foddeoly abow in the wan. white
— ........... ................ ju-.w- w.B.g.0*'obaakn and tba dark brown orba woold
a wtU ba totarrad to Oaalatas abarab
Id. Tba faaaral wUI taka ptoat aa
ia pw,
apoke again.
"Bow mnto par tak, 'Unr'
The qeeailoa waa abrept,
__ _ «-ieo.K.OBOaa. amnar aa< OamaPof a«
Heaxtoodedbia hand. &ba pet toa
o«*alah.a«aBMf. maw
araiep into it witooet a word.
»».cW«aMt.fWaaaw lat._______________
"MertN.na at tba Oarding ia toa n ooiLBBn.atMraar. apMtaiattaBttn
noroio. ’Lin. and I'U atook tba batoit
for per." aaid be. niereing bar nioa--------------
toe desiring atterauae of toe woman. ______________
"He a 'ad ’em awfnl bad mgan. Joe.
c. MorTAff.
Lam night it wnr that dreadfal"— ^J*?*"°*
Bbeatopped, warned bp tbe clood that
waa awaeping ap onr ber eonpaaido’a
lag looked
forward to kp naap
•• »I “.
ten noalaal mat Fron tot
' atdabMwi
•mdv tetonMp rapertad too bUl peegran of (ileamtad aoeg
a to walk togatoer down <)naea
^Mpnprlattof dHtoO tor a atota
«fibS£*«SS8tS ;±8«
—TiKrtm Panp-toabarool LakaErla, Itia anerad
u -u b..
am to wbito toa ladles to tbe Sarrep aide, be taking • "tarn'’ dirtiTe look bad rHunied.
ba ba araatad «t ftbla-Bajr. OUe.
"I wiab be nap die. 1 wUh "
to war T-k*. ®- »• rtOOD. 0«ce ta new TeBaaBM
arttod. Then boldlag toroogb Fleet aireet aod the 8traod to.
D nock CaIUaa.*eTaei«-^ «ar or
H—tbt» 0. Wapiaaar al Tatodo. O.
sagnSdBgdSkSddSA :S8SS8
"Ob. Joe, Joe. if per lore me. danaap ai«t« wonkfa -pa—«•»: aau.ni-______
Wha toddaJ wbew aaonratoa ta Obrtot- U.kM.«. i« tk«. —1 »1 n.
;«aolto waa raeaatl| aaaoaaoad, baa
baimad bk naraiAoaat Ubrarp oaoalBt.
.to« at wrlttofa at toldala. Maap af
moatuA. CG.U 4r«l«k.U.hi.
•bha aalann wan aaaaadtoflp ran- nIauluwwA—ol—
b«ra, ato lb. ATO of yAkI- J" IAJ. •.»<«.
-»bna wan a loan aanbar a* naaa- glno ebOdrm ao neeb reel happtoan TbkA AUed tbatbnroagbfaia. Wtaao to ’
(mrtotoaadtnl^taaattaba laaad
lac cnrOU^a M Oimad BnpUa aa4 ehatraar
tlM girl, tnrniog ber rwinmmg epee fall
av atoar llbnrp to Anariea.
bp.* Vbae Owrga L Foxprodoead It. toa mpantiva "alaek water" <
- A.:. .---------- o.1b
'I, abe
' Bi'oawd orer aod Joined
Vhatoat toofoat atoanar bailtaa M jmn ago, to New York, it ked toa i
(mLaralaa.Obla, Aataidap aftaraooa.
*^to eaw toat was aanad toa Jeba ff.
a«aan aad waa akrlatoead bp lire John
’W. Oataa af Obloagei. wife of toa pml«Boet of tba Anarieaa dtoeaaabtp Oe..
ftm wbm toa nnal I* toUdtog. Tba
'toeat to tout of alaal. 9t feat been aod
• JO faal n^dad depth. A alatar ablp to
. m-rnand the J. J. BUI wUI to toaaefa
. wd to'aboat ato waaka.
liletbat war bright
aaanp. waa all tl>a raoognltioe that
paned between them.
it baU Ito
Itogirl'rgli--------- *——’—
tor onr tra paeia aad toaa nnip to tbe barrow. It waa tba aeane
Oaerp E Abbap A Oo. etartod a eotoa- for cbarriea..end aba aodoad tbaloeg
idaeton whlto dwartad aU, amp of enptp baiketa.
V^nnd daa J-
Mlddlto ilka
a 1. Lonnao^a r^“y<t^S^aaa^^a
1£*£^T rrantat.
' "Tars'*
ajpxRTXD-aii arpartaaead IU» iac^ea
'S'»‘"uS'TOb^Sro. JS™ tei“oJnSi»fi:iSS:s'AS«K:
IIA X“ *2Sr'iSlSS
Ik..— —. oS.*K3
followed .. oooo TO kkkT-r»oJA.d oc luforAi^.
•Jwtarmttoe baa naebad tUeax Falla,
to. D.. ttot Mn. Vae Bom. who iwemtBpdtod le toa atoto of Waahtogtea.
Tba trick, lugaldlp and ataring alianooealp at
botog new aad
nemnad oe bar daatobad toat aba propertlnwUl
waardarad bar notoar. Mm. Tbonas
a. to ttot dtp. Bapt to. Itao. For
mepwtU ‘.TO
Uniats aad daeoara- Tto eompaap UI p«Mit top. Tba light tint bad ligbtit af
Janas cMd
then died oot of bar apes, tto
tba maa^ganL—.
_ Mr.
_ ______
E DIekm. aad eann to BtotobarTa i color which Ind ocma Into ber ebaeto
Oread next Friday anetog. Jaaaarp foraoakt^ bar mootfa grew bard, and
tor faoa hwt a’t ooee Its pooth and aniM. tar am
erdap noratog wklto prapartog
Tto nm eoetinead ti aun iateaar wUl aeralp doatrop the toaakfaat Mn. TIola BapaCt. wife of eaaqp aad walk naatoi
Oaerfo BapaU. a naria mekw of
n'tdoot. Joe- ieaa*tdoBt 1
r4fia Whala apaton .
Adrlaa. Btortod dom aoUar ter aaoM
Bitlain aed fall to tto bottom af too
. gto bed Ui tor baadp a )an^
Smea toa danaga dwp wUl d
pUta aed kelfa. Barbeabead opnag too voioo pelpitatad arltb emotioe.
.«ae laU to toa goad pm om poa
toharaamtaeoa.bat top ladp’a
Tto naa ahregiad bU abaelden im.tonlntrenUaaa B^’tOatorrh
had baaa bn*m aad ato died awltota patioatlp.
"Wot-a tto good BT 'in. ehr A
dod’rta ole Imiatio. Wot’a tto an ar
<tm ter aapbodpf Be ortar bna dead
Item ooeld to af man iaini«ai"
■•Ha’aanfattor. Joa," toa nainartaroal to_________________ naerd of
ObmvA Oo. Ttodl- w i^.bp tto e^agjlf^A. W.
■^Fu^toWowadl He'adnn a lot
OInaa’a JOd^ Unr PBla. :
tnpar. aiattof Y art ter taelp«»d
^^■SSuWfcltofl-to. prtoa to. par bot.
didn’t pari Pintoln bit gal’i
uSrSl ttp^W n^ oTdm^ ar’tm,
**toaltbfftoaOpnhan toa toeb
hliato* toe iHnpaaerIm bafen toa attnv—drlakiB till ba’t got tto ’dartU*
‘tooanp ret’ 'boat betoagaenaAlaAamaa at BrTA. W. ~
almaB an tto aoe av a ganrimaa.
to ain't get ao naa daaaaop 'oa a pfg.
BoBalo.ir. T. Fnaoi
Vtoatoeae'lcectablantf ao loagM;
a pig *111 Ua la tto swill troato. «■
artoe peer gtaatoaa taltor'a bad a
OergnatB m tala lee few depa.
Mm Vtoatoer ’teegrida
Tto Baw York eiara.
___ . s-jnf
■, sMsftste'ffs.'Sfj:
Jhtmmttm, tm MU —m
n goiD inler the 'Cat.' ’Lin, ter
Antto No. I nin t don oo dootp"—anawering tbe qneatiao tbe girl bad p«t
to bin hall an boor laforr. "I aurted
_________ _________________ ... ,i.i. W.TO-.
oot wiv a doaen. an thii ppte'a th' oo'p
Qttaleff.'' Be emptied tbe cxmtania «d
tbe bnket OO the bowd. “Itoailkoook
toaraalnot babpbood. tot all jipa
ban aa aed aed "Benptp Da.ptpdied, naah belond aad aalnmUp
•«b Ho D'^‘.iAK?r.;'’-¥Ss:32:3r;ii' kSii’.a,-issr.j* sa S3
,0. SSr&lF'== — .'S-wsat.a.’J^'SrASS
Taka Varan's White mat of Tor Sprap
tto Imt co^ iinidp ae oarto. ft aao
The Fere lirqKtte liilnil
Dweabtr tin. U
ooofQ aotnw.
Uril'a wath gold.
I. A. ,kbd TO. 1-* o,. »TO«
boom ia Lambeth a giri was kneeling
bp tba aide of a bed. A paper bag war waxomoe
lying on tbe cotwM; and
_______________ 5tll_
taodp of a naa
_ . Thaioon naked
with tbe faoH* of wbiokp. Tbe long.
Utba Augen of tbe girl’s right band
wan oloqied oooTalrinlp rand tba ^
baod of tba notianlan Agon axtaadad
on tba bed.
eOMP J w euwr'r
lad. pa'ra________________ SiL.
Joel" a_________ ’Jo^
got per wish. Tbe ola eton’ll oarer rile
p«r anp Bxra. I Ion par, mote, dearar
than Ufa. tot tl'a thin words o’ ponra
a> 1 aball bear, an oot paraoo’a. on tto tw>b aaba-OAoe «)«*« n<
TOTO_U^ ~ A» otook.--«.
....... F°»aa;r^"av5!rs3r.yo.“-.y;'."srri3r:£--s
Tk). fa tko woj A. ikUw.7
epoa BCHT-su
wW »•«» ei
•TiL’srTOAiiAi...- ip-zrfsss.7»'ktafTkoao;
-At .AM T
oo AoAl, bofoto i
M it • o’olatof At II sto. beeean llriA
Is E It dom't aoaad right attoa^
blona U, bet ttot’atto wap 1 beaid ft."
«m arm araan pmp «
Mb. Hawlp Blob (tocgptoi
— AAoMfUrkaTO A <M. danaf FmawbrnaV tom |
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