The Morning Record, January 23, 1901

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 23, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





—nrtM Up To » O«look ■


torla Closed By O^th
,wUUb|| loMlCetlMCi^V

Ei»aME peacefully;
welt to Her Family



Shoe Sale

Ion QM tetiw bM aalTer-1 Matter Brougtit Before Council
by Mayor Biiedrich.


o ib» aVretioo of tbe ^
I7 laonln a»d awear to sormi tbe world.
i&fCBed.. -Wm. MeKialey^
ipreplc of tUa United Kiaipioa ofi
iOml Brilaia awl Inland and the TV Ba* ou tin n-catlTr SMitaio
o pUeed
' ' ’ at half maet at tdO thi* Committee Ap^inted to Assist

Oyinc SoverelgTi Bade Fai

nu U Uie ftrai time in tbe hUlory |
;a*ned CO and tbr tnapfwrtrr^ law*
of till* connitT that thi* mark of re- i
:aad rwMoBU of tbentae*
*|wcl lias been fldd to tlie memory of [
m^Jiaiy r>»J^
a foreign mler. .
ll*>4attde«r l(M|W«a AdapMt tv t'etydl
I LordChaDcanof'-frUI yoa to 1

l4e« Will Take-oath of Alle- ioMler
"“7* la mrrcy
Bianoe in Lonc^ Today

WnMaal w-AII Kwlaai

InlanL dafaodar of thn falih and
rreoi of IsdU. U DO more. Abe {wned
away withoet pain or aafferin, at
Otbene Hoan at half ' ia«l aii
oVIoHi thia rTOulDK. Klmr E<lwarJ
Vj;. rulea in her *tnd.
Knalawl U ■ilcnt with attef. Tl«>
aena* of pennial benwreinrint I* *e
OTftwhrlalnit that Knaflahaira will
he enable for a artUnu to
layal ery of <-L*iQd<llrr
A ffUmpae of die Uni mSBU^U of
tbr beldTtNt aornrelirn whlrh the naUna aed world mt> •wraniay craved
haa been Tooohntnl by a npreeeti- Mlire of tite etrlekeo taniiiy. It «nu
when tbe nold. ktbj day rtawufd.
that the renewed deelluo of vital
powira wanted tlie watcher* tl«|
tlieir ntniKirle n«|Bia*l nntare Ooold
not maeb Inttger noceed. The qaoa-i(
Wfta tbra cxMaplntelr niiaouK-lou* Micl
from tiHMuetil te tanmenl the exliau*tlotfoTUie wiall nwohliifc eUire «I
viUlUy l>ecaiDe perre|>tibly gieaBr.


■rtllr IJfarm* (• Imillm* IJ.'


TU-aenate thi* afteCDoeii iuimedi'
of tbu city
ately after Uu-clov of tlie I'xerutire! Imst niglA'e
eesMoo. OB motion of aeoator Alli-leoonoll
Ively Rmrl.
tiH- foll^-; tboagh it might have been much
ing reeolalioo:
iahortcr hadlt not been for *ome mal"Heeolved. That the death of H*r' tera Uutt^SDBcman Kmyon wataled to I We can till your onlcrs .5’
KayallmiierUl Majeety. Victoria.- orjmasider more folly than wa* at fim
today with the
noble virtaes and |Mi movm.
' tiiooght ni rr^rr by tbe
auttvjvly d*|dored by die ' eexmte of eonnelL -rUag* went abool as they
the United State* of Amerira."
would hare dooc nthersrU*. bat Al­
You pvtr nte. We'ro prou.l U
Later in tl>e day Lord Hsonwrotr, derman KenyoD had his my. And
of the meat we jo»t koI in fi
tbe Rriliiih amhaMdor, reeelrcd a anyway, Ite lias not been at conneit
la<t oiifUt.
It ia really h
lUapstcb from Marqei* of Laosdowne. meeBngs mnch of Ute. and be evi­
extra lino. All kitxla.
minlMer of forclgii affairs, mying dently wlibed to a^e'np for loM
You'll like it, we arc wire.
that the qQren had pained away.
The onitai Ufk wa* taiaed at half
Tbe matter of twving Frost atrert
mast on the tall |K>le in frunl of tbe wm UviQgbt before the ronoeil by­
lion from
It is probabbr Uiai miwiorUl. >>rVfcM will lie held ill liie 'K|d*col«l
rbnrrh V the
the day of the fnneial. faelieTe, tbe geneial o|iinion of the
which will
[1 be Iattended hr the rtesi-. eiliteni of onr city and eepectally of
tb-lil. (abbrt. ■diplomalic cohm. and. lh<> [roperty ovmrrs along Fitml
iMcial Wnsliiutjrbn gem-tnlly. Tlie stn---l. (hat FniiK street from Itnioii Vou nolle-. in lUrk ahoeld U' |sre<l at as eaxly
lira, exjui sod the dee|a-st 1
dale as liocsible. This Work w.mM no.
retviving tlie news. Tlie
donbt have been detx-ere ^Ihia. had
once ortiensl tin- ImpcAl nag of
the Uenimo. empire
lioistcd at 1 were
lialfmsM. Kerr Viurllelirn'ien waa{ street.-the Uyitig of whldi would
the first one to call M the British'an-1 nrermitatc tbe iMtring op of ibemre-. And every iiiglil nnlil r- n. ih., the

to W rxeratrd In

1 to the
lain the
alsaal of yoor txtwrr matotalo
law* of Uod. tbe irae yrafen*ie«i of
tbe itgmkI and the Pratoetani Re­
formed religion eaiabllAed by Uw.
and will yoo malnialo and preenre
tSTlolably the aettlemnnt at tlie
United Chanh of Bngland and IreUod and tbc duetriac. wotahip dinrttdlDv and fovenuaeai thereof aa by
Uw eetafallahed within KogUod nod
Ireland and tbe tnritoHre dierennio
bMoigtag:aBd will yon pmeerre onto
tbe biaboia awl clergy of England
and JmUod and 10 tbe chnrybea Here
oommitied to their ehaige all each
rigbt* aad prlTibwee
as byt^Uw do or
any of

dwy Tints!meat i


6rtat Special Salt 0f
Opprigbt Bocks.





Hrawe the Ihinking cIbsu-m to Ibif

K'ore. JsBt now emy

HEa's swr. ULSTEa or avEacaiT at


:iMOA& CO.

--------------------- -------------


111 tbU 1 |«»mi.
imitar to do.

6 O’clock

' Ldndon. dan. M-it wu aome time
afleaj n'clocA before the new* of Ui*
tbe effeit OOald be *f«i U. tlie ■crowd'


Our sheet announcinK our Great DayliRht Main Floor Sale tells you how to
save some money on desirable
merchandise. Have you seen it?


—t'--.— ■■- -"-i-™..u,,..™. ,.

Charing Onw* ttaad and (hanbonn/

Uhe atmH IS left tn a very tad nndilion for fhivel. w will l»- in IIm-

ru'';rr.'r:r«r,:::': sothern

iiiade a'^hit sising.
If this w»rL IS to liX ue<-iM>i|>hs>H-.l

lM| MiKt Utpiioiie

One-Hat tl» Dai ps.

n ntev, eitaa,
Smsotb Sl>ay<


You ran always K«t wb«D
yi.ii nae an KUctric (Umr. I
have the finent gtock of blgh
Kra<h'. fiiie U«inpcrfd Electric
Uay.<«a that arc Iguarantoed to
U' tlie Uet Mul nxwt aatiofac­
tor)- nado.
Pri<-i« frtitii FI to VH,


MichigaB Telephone Go.


^ Codav «
at tbt

Enterprise grocery
ilaylcs Devilled Cheese, per bof^Ie..........




We Ha«*tlie EiperieDce.
00^ df .the ,Uy. no OernuulbTihed.a1hofoorUtc wirmlgn
emperor will. areomiUny him. Tie-fhs,hw mcmMy herome onr only taw-1
Utter's fatare movements have not ;fal!«nd righifol- ileg.- Lord Kdwardj
beMi dedde.1 npon.
.by jnnee of Ood. Kiiq; of tUe United |
I*■t1ta■s^l 1VIII iirmiir"-—-r . [Kingdom of Great Rritain and Ire-1

Florida (iranges. j>cr dozen........J.....................


, and Sleder.
Alderman Moore proposed tiuit a
jeommituv of three be appoinled ler
Ju. K-T4,
drtr.d.,0.0.. ,eil. .0 wh™.!
■ R. B. MXUKBER. Prop.
the mayor to act with .('ity Attorney
('•mraay Psrrksse Knllte
ofleUlmuMnnoemcot was made at!’'*' »ckaowledge all Uiih. andjeori.lmi
11. I'n-.n S'e. 1
Davis in i.roiKMiag ameodan-nu to Konbersl^.a. N-..V.1
Midnigfat: "In consmiaence of njot®*"!
the chatter. Alderman .Smith aogdeath ol the qoeeti. iIh-Immscs
ly. CJiat ii might U
larlUmralwill assemble w„dneala.T :"
•" iqssvalt.-TIvll.mnK a.-e.«tl.
• ordinance eommltat 4 p. m. fer tim imrrase only ofl^’-ta aar royil King Kdwatd wtU.
Monl|.elier. lad.. Jan. g*_Todav I
took after this, whldi started Aleonbliag ibepor* and jaembers m i
‘«*PRr .tea" «o n-wn "t" witnessed the largest oil .Ital erer jKen.von. He did not wisli to
take the oath of
con*Bmmal<Hl It. Indiana, when tbc!*-"
<««Kn“«'r «Mamitee elioscn.
, Jan. Si. it!U p m.-Hcrl
dwndaid Oil Company j^arehose.1 tbe an.l objected at great length. He
Malesly. (Jneen Vtatoria. has jasi ‘ MESSAGE FROM McKINLEY
Kd a pledge from (be mayor
pBMed Bway quietly wlfhcml a strag-'
the committee wonld be anTdlnl•targeeiheUr—“•*
t/lm. She BBk to rest in the ivesraer '
ed frtaa rarioas committees of the
Of the Frioer of Wales, aow king aii<l;
conncil. ADer a loog ouotinaed
luuntb. The price jaid Is not ki
Mapetta, the Princes* of Wale*, tin-;
i bat i* ihoaght to he nearlv a million game of talR, the motion was carried:
Oake of York, and olher ntember* oftapsoai
and wbea-tbe mayor made hi* apI doIUi*. _________ .
the royal family. The qaeen taiald: la-.t.
1, Jaii.81—Tbe great i
W bare bid farrwell in feeble Uoao-;
,|^ „loea* of (Jneen Virtor I
from the
Is the subject of a
-al>led at
■ylUbU to the family aioenilded
atju maBUesied throagboat tbe tapmasterly address to be
iMT bedside at middar. She 6r« tec- ■ital____
____ 1
t _______
rally, toned
11 Bebool Rfll Am
given by the famous ora­
egalaed the Friace of Wales, to whomlterqu of aymiathv atnd sorntw when,
■5e spoke a re'^werd* of g^l <no-{thtnew* eameilhal her majeetv was
, _ -s, . _
tor and platform king.
.Rl. Then l^tpcror Willtam of,4*. An "ettia" conreild ro
lm-.v.t t..-ns^,«.*x8.^ed.
Oromany, and others laroeot flhsllpejpW the lltat tMing. ihkt tbe ex-1
past and beard s whispered good-by.; p,ci«d tad hajqmited. and tbe shrill: •**'**’* 7 7
commisjqi thosP in tbe bmlroom wete la ■ erita of the aewabor. roowd the! *“■
^ impcmiKm of man Kenyon decUred that it wa* a
at the
jtowBas itaeldom has hroaroaBedbv!*^***®***^ ^*****“ ““*^
“pal ap job" And pertain it was.
T1h> foUowlag oIBcUl batlcUa of 1 any great ereat sitiee Precidrat OarH>e eommiuee oe mwer* to whom
(be qaeea's death has been loRcd; 1 field was shot down by on —
was tafored 'the matter of Ibe two
■•Bar majeety. the qaeen. taealhfdj Ultlc work w»* done'iu any of the
[ii^mdiveni. •ewer* for wMdi pUa* had beeir
tar^atdADpm.. Rttaanded by | fovtram«t departmRta for the Aim
drawn by City £aginM Watma. re­
Uw cMldiea and rraadcUIdirn. Ik
g tbe receipt of,
ported Urorably to tiie Uytag of tbe
of Vif«» 'm-taslloTta-M-utarlfc—
fteid. R. DongUsaewer from the river td SevenVou cannot afford
ottcUUbTtae mosti' Was^lagfoa. Jan. M-vAt the re-. •—susot. IB
From the higheri oOeUI
la isie
the our.
oUcT east
. n*. —•
to miss II
bamble emiAoye. aH «p
•>-- boaoe lie baaiMM duTiag-Umt period
I tbe effect on tbe wnrid of
UtemadltaU fer tbe |«aaid^y.‘K from the poUt near the avoath of
laoKi’e iwmlw away.
ba iBTfted to give bU ’Tim oa the the river to the ta
>d on tee Hatl-I^v
Tbr prmidRi and aecreraty of state
■ I Uaqf before laklag aelioa
— (be
-------------‘ 5“‘SivS“’'“‘--““ *______ i_. bat
form* arowad|KKSS' FIHB VI


lAe K-renW S*.


Radish Mustard. p<*r bottle-----

the World
Better” .

W.H. Ferris

cm opn MM,
Frtte EMbfc Ja 2511.

w beffom tea c


‘ TIoorSoUaiB




Try ua fur Tea'and CofTi p- \Vp ct-rtalaly con plnoM.
•\ couiplHc line of Ittvok/ftat Foolli alwaya on band. '


, ■ J.



C S. Cox,

UaMr llalU e^ TbMiM I

T»"; z

City Attorney.

Sl.aoisdie*-Wan RboM - *1
l.«S Mime*' Warm RboM
T.q> Cfaltdm'B Watm flhor*
Ladies' Waim Honac Sliiqm
Ladle*' ftnt qaallly .krrtics
Mi**ee’ first qaallty Arctics
Childien'* first qnalily .\tctir..
l*lilldTen** the yam Leggio;:*
Roys' tl.t-'i <'bith L>wgini;>
LdtHo' III hultUO OVi-lltBlIel-s


rales are n|i)«n\niiai.'1v
ing l» railway alaliona qr re«i<lciiimi
this coming soaMHi, ol 1 l■eU■'Te 11
dUlricU. Every theatre and nioair
ImII wa* iiraedUtely elowtl, and Celebrated Actor Frovonted a sbnold be. it is none too early to lake
the mailer np at oiic' a* there bpthey pal ool bUok-edged notioc*
Panic at a Fire
many things to lie emsideml and
wiiioli had been held in read
dnesmioed befop- tbe work tan be Nocharge-f.^ nmkiiig api»itilnu-iil»
the family also to the lector of tU'
nndertaken. Thi* irrliminary work
to talk at n ejaH-ilinl time.
(irmmi <>|Mwa Home 1
tsyal ohaprL
. |
alKxOd not be done- hastily as it 1*
^efose all arrired thetv temk place |
very Important that we shonld smn
Ibhi imrldenila] |•benomru which na­
•1.1HMMNM1 HUae.
right in this work of permanent imorKiagnswaKVIl.
ture aomrthnes graix* to the dying.
tb.- M-rtmu: IU-.«»I
protemv^tLondon. Jsin. »-'As anop aa tU' de­
'OinHnnall.Jmi.K-K. H. Sotlternj Haiquiy. we have a city, eni^tieer
K.-a U-iipi«-r »?mTriif.
uni all^Rfferlng. ll was nnder jtMlae of the qneeh lieeame knowo the ami bis coini»uiy aided UigHv in' «•>•* V* had ronsiderablc cx|«Ticnce
Hwa- eInRIuuncr* Mint ilie |•ecisej^««^cUmatton of-tlip death oftVneen staviqgoffn imnirmuong the big an-;*"
Hoe of work and wlmae koowl■eSory <Aiir Um InlKTlews with! VktnrU and the 1
dience tonight, during the ffre tliat | •'•Hf cHonld aid materially in jBVV.iiltesAtbbvB
and grand
children look i Wward wns issued by the Pn^lrr.
destroyed the Uinud »i*«ra
Hie city from fslllng Int.. any
pUce The worbl will never tpow 1 l<or<l SalUburr, and the -\i
1^114.; wrions emir. Then- are many new
and ham»® -rtglu
- 1 - -.........................
■ mat.Ti.U
materials for k
I rare. Till- qaeen
.en reroivtsl IV Friry Counell.
Uou rtoUar.,
being ttie.1 and ex,wrimenled v rith.
^ngly. by two*
twos andIthrcRwilhthreRwilh
Aft.T iJie liay of Hamiei lutd ,go-: iV merits of which mast
ddeterxlnt I
V (n llJ^Bt lour bo
bonra. She rroog.
gp-s-dalJtlMlfat. i..'„r. a str.nig i
by rap^ful tnrestiga.ioD.
ira tlie ear- tbc
the Lord I.ienlonants
Uentonants of countjeM, etc.
nil.... ..iit... (,. .../i» ...
•alsedJR^of them. Then
......................... ......iu>lioi>d for I.
mI nBoontcioos
aBoontciooso-ws fell for tbe T%e imclniuslion leade:

M'iierqas. It lias ideaaed the
tbe ihrslcians made
-rtI the
into stollwro advaiioct U.rrbc| “I*
im-llmiiuirv work.
Shown ftial the qm
dying. mightv tiod to call to Ills meaiOTy
Trout of the stage, nhd .-irtroateit tl.e : ff*
■!». I rec tTed n I
I asarmbled mid n-mafnisl niitll
le very enA
■■'■' ''■■■'•'■'■■ '■■ ■'"■
'■ •'«■■'« .to ■«"'- I-. 1.?.V.‘
■hHc tbc coon I* uot |«e|inred for
the op-ro house was emptying icarlf i'“«
Opal Hritain
at .-very imini id .Ntress. 80 far a,| ing for information as to lavement*
anil Irelatul is is.Iely and righirnlly
'^KTuTimin'laSmaVoilKS “
.the change' of a.
known evervlmdv got safelv ont.
| Vre.
come to the high and mlglity Frince
W..SC. aeitlnl iliBi tlic remains ».e,........................
Soth.Tt. said his ,.Uy of iUmlet i> | »
thorttforo reeommcn.l timt
taken to Windsor and tmriM beside lAlfy-rt K-lward.
oompletely wiiVd ool. Hi* coatnmesI
»*»=.• np this matter at
Ilioar of tin. iwloce cousorl. at Frog-’Lmd* *i.iriraal and temponl of thi* weie worth
JA8. O. JOHKSOK. Drnggiat
Tl..- headqoar-1KcspeetfuUy anhmitted.
mqtv-. Tbefnneral wilt la> dHayj.d ;r«a>m. Is-ing Im-p-with tlmse of her «.Ts building of ih.- OiuHmmti deiMM-'
Alfred V. Friedrich. Mayor.
.tG ■
mace than n week. It ha* not yrt Wn ' Utr Majesty's Priry 'Cmmcil; will, -.............- ba.Ilv wPTked.bV the. In aeeordaaee with the siytgelion*
decided whether the Imdr will lie in tmtaber* of oUier prmH|»l gentlemen flsnV*. and mnch vnlnal.l.- aptatata*
“•Jw. Alderman Moore ^oved
•Bte In Obsoqie Konse or«f........................hlh.-U.idl
noallly, with ih.- Utd Mayor. Ali* destroyed, the new Boiler hnild. 'that it wa* the aense of the 0001
ImmedUlHr io«L Oeoege'. eha»»l.' rtemen and rttixeas of London, do


I 1,290

ofW^TT <nac«L «*
• I taire' reeriired wWi irofoaod
will tskr tbc aotb ct
of tbr
-----to Md ia LMdM wo.------_
u Mated tiai tbc kta, xill Mart j d«oUi oTBer MojeM,. the qaeca. Aledtetidr far the capUel
Uiw bm. atr. to <m« mr alaoMe wyv
! fMtltr aod Chat of <tw AtBericoa p«o-

-- ---------


Enterprise Grocery
118 Front-Street

Both'Thones. No. 146.
____\Vurzburs Blodc

I YouMI irape a Fit

The moment you put on k pdr of ant

Box Calf $boes for iBenl |

ir you arc looking for real value, style,
-'fit and durability,'you will do well to
invest S3.00 and gel a pair of theae
shoes. They have a Goodyear Welt
Sole, with a wide extenribn edge—A
big amount of service for a sm^l
amount of money.
, .

Parker Bros*
Freo. Susel.

t €sn, nm vnnnKBAT, lAsnrAKr «s,



*TA«K AKB rl.ASl


tahr* ft*
WM k»*ft(dra|r«a««Wc*k«*f^
cilia* liM
ttwW TlMncMoUt
b(«s n tWteriMB alMt.*4WMriB

At Biabiitir. K. T.. Aom Fh(faU of gtrtag ftw an aeantlal* apI4ia. • tew*, faftar of Mary BUb
PraC. W. S. Fec^ la known aU
1w«rid>». brioca ftEfwit afaiaiM
tbe aiata aa a laotnrar when
■ jmion. ataUf ita arfWHOM joaft* tmmy AtreTl fW. «t>.<«i. Mia.
word* bolpaa v*U a. ia>i*iali,
HAmOM vfco IubLx to be asUor baft oHj kmtw
i*crdfy,.n**araoki*aTy-aa fb ba
b*w maay tlira mil aatlM* of «Mr
t/mOng, yMUtvorde aa. fall relative to earryiag li^ts maw bl-{
oil ibe dr^:** bad d*t*d oat ftM* at be* wtiUe di«aU>ed
aaalag.wadeweaMM knt faal
nighti and roaewUy;
htefaea. rnm the terror of that
aevtsal attonqws have been amda W
Every ooe of our large fitod; W Couches a bargain. 1
udraf a tar to oad Mfl witk laperiewoe the fwntth
th*wi to eenniel
MM. Aartedr vbo hw kad M7 oBt. fncU* flri nerer lounutid.
Come in and look them oi'er and you will
llghm while rUh« mb' night la tbe
Uw iiwiaaiHI viUly at orecy. aUtei
not go without, for the prices we are tnakk»ur*«>M<b*ca|«BiB b aaaally ft* eaad or aaeaial ftodow. vaaled
BoyvOraaeMt h*ad imr* b*eo highly
<.lrlt.a*teai<l.*adtlaMM*kBaarlaway npMlyftwUr died «w
will convince you now is the time to
iteal la te|R»li«
tlekata fer of Mcyctee npna the eldewaOm al
aanr dd«d ia *ar eoitaf* <« JaB.«.lMO. 8be wat. It laeditedbenegt amaebea lobegirea by Bight without a li^t, but doM aet
buy. A good full spring couch ^vered
|bvn>*<7 <w ■edWaa la ft* ^a* <d
trigbte*d to death,
surer Br«a la Btelaberg'* Or ' paohiUt aaeb ridiag-apaa the street*.,
with velour $6.75. A finej couch juslTlkc ^
bba U oew aafferta* trw fta Aaraday mwlDg. b addiUca
M (rip of
Ate twdiMBoe. a> it otaada. tm-1
•erereat eold kaown tbdr* for'«M the featara* alt**^ referred to the
r fna 1
ablp tto>l lak
this cut. 2$ good heavy storings, a b&rgain
w a anfileitoi bardee apen wbeelHadi distroH faa* been eacuwd eiaiwg r*U oiebMa of Bttwntt A SleSen*
1. aritbont having iU twoviaftoa
for $ia75. only S8.75: and so on riRiu
tfae aaUrea, vbe are eotlrely wltboat will reader eereial *electioa» Eraiyaged bf any effieer. And It earpweetbai from tbe ritcri of
ihrough-our line.
eea.iheeld oak* it a poiat to wiinen toialy is Bat, mt cwly to bltTfle
etlawtr. A (napetatate of «0 degree fhe gnat Swim BaU Hagen aad tbe
rideea. bat hteu to the night wntth;
ieqaite aoioeoedeoted. ICaay ^1OTfO end to coeb dodi«ida*l ;td 1
tlvao. that tbe awneom
Anra. with (be nlaataM dKall
ft ergnrd ft tbe enforae■nonifMtbMdlBrliB ihatfteaKad aad ar* rety badly oft.
nwnt of thii ordftaaee. whieb apfrom tiv Onana* rnfte. 40 Son*, ae they hara a long f
j>niaUr»Mi.pal«it aaedielaa kao*
KIVU P.DtVjinn** TAI
ifi both tbe dally {Wf***
uitaa wcat of Santiago, raporu
pin. I.#ood old (aabte^ad eawa
' i|{
{loal repabUon. Their
tinw ago. be cottected to <
No BBtier what I* lb* Doablowith on tbe aoniBiit of Xoaat Torqaiao.
with the provUlant of tbe erdinana-.
Jaek. be RH* caAor oil. Nooe of tba at aa altltade nfg.OOOfaM. AlaEdvard
•0 that pMoeable ritiu-u*. lawfully
uewfaiivWd rarlatlao* (f it U (m- gWAleratxwU from the aortfa aay
■aalMUir ^ A^»^(^P)
NTlhed. The projaiwor of ft* dnf that a aerer* nortbar 1* raging aad
riding alo^ the Knelt of our cily at
of Wale. IV,
Ptoee brve ool (»• MaiaMBt B* ay*
night, may do ao^witboul iueuiring
attlrs of Aai*. aad csorpt daida« (be
that m«*««l« 0*1 I* •didlol.I.rad to that ihippftg I* delarmL
Hae.lw.Mlw>! h.niir«.k 4 f. *1*L» *n4 .Ticino* I
the inecaviene* of brftg held up
IMtfrvpvan bU life va*. derated
Twaira St Barnard doga left OhiH*nl«.x>l *0.1 b.->,b.'b .liiveiur* end inw
Mil'a* Hum »nj otbw «*rtldo^ aalam
ninr*. h*nlu.->l i-urUle (•h- *.>.■ Hp^l
every block or two by a night waich. ftalalp lo Biamlaa anaacatFBU aad ItuurbeaalUaDdM^ Ifo caplaia engo ft'a prlaaie ear Moeday night
|inr.-> na4>. .« .«4.r>...r Im boil !.«> *11 I
man and ordered to appear before
■oedetp. Maeb ibat U' aoeoai]4laeB- • ill nil wilboat * liberal aopplyof
for Aloaka. Aw they wilt
the Re«e(dcr> conri am morning.
tarp haj baee aaid iif ft* life of (be biah. (jfc.-t.iituoi* tapi*laha*r*aw»
.iOMM IT. OT*r Ml oo .
d by Obiongo pUpaetora in
Bell -Plioiie Ko. 5
OMTite H. (rroea
o belieie eoiiv of blaowr are ibaa>- traaiportiag sopplica orar (ha gUtviao*. and aov that be i> ealled
. -appatcaaiaBvth. foartloMof klo« laiuK ilia^. aad (ba tbeoMiar oil I* eiara ft the Copper rirat region. Ae
r of a RMt BOIIOB. made griatar bf the wlmiBi«trT*d la dto** «o bli or asy m«* dog*-hare bean tnftwl for aaranl - ll U atated i
.TViadoq aad rlrtae of bl> lllattlroa* lo bi* iKibrr *ni(ed
Ibi-medieiiieito ft* eafiUlD'* Boatli* and it U the eirtaina of their
' wtbw.. (be world will wateb
wateb bli _ ra>«
ate rbafaarfa. qaiila*. Jataakai- owner. J. W. Bradbury, that they ft (hat cue, the' ftdtetiea it fta t»K< hiernroeleMni Mourn*ibeI.
; at the Academy
■ ooarae wtft more Ihaa (icdlBaryr in- doRTTond |wn«orie Mid ewtala old wmandura-.thahardftipaof the far Boo. W. H. Poalar i* not a wleked
cry B'nlnnMlny sftrnioon and cVM-'
(mat A naa wboae career ha* aot.
f«r be can'4 do it. Mtmday
Dortb amcli U-tler tbaa (be AUakan
r, l*rof. De Gopm..
a (TiiefJ ^
W -iw. {1401.
^taea deroled lo (be raanoad^illllira
Aeyeaaaaw make a haaitr | avraftg h* took hia fowrtl. tuniUe
hf lianriiig. Pliyaiml
of (oremiornt. bat ratber to llpbl
____off bone* and boottether and iaftce tbe walk* have baeome ao UllpIVtearte and DeponmeDt — evny
IMUaxw. wilt aafarallr be the «l.}»et bipidnx paltouaga patejil uedieiMe ean pall great load*. Six memara iu : parr, and thU tiaw hU faU raaallKl oenliy Kolen from Mm. togetheri
• It ft.of ootMoni anioox ilie mtioo*. Hal b*l Ibe DimleiD palfOt laadirfte flaud- Ibr |nny under Bndbary'* leader-1 ft aenon* eonaaquenonL Ha broke a wllb Ibn pcnonal laiier*. whirii Ihe
Ifttd a'rTi
. Elav Edward li no loa«er a youaji DerurTwwid cd,^au far Inck.
Lillie «nsu-|>ill> cbaiy go with rapawa. Tla U acorly aixty yeari^ an*. lain*
. op at bone, trying to get into ^pc
Mr<lieiDa ■■ gd«lu><tered lo a been crocteil for each dog
A IBBB of Ibe world, bal vbooe traln- ■all.* with Ibe Idea that, ft* wane H
wkton. Kaa., man )>ajchaaMl a {for bosiiMat again. Dr. Tbompnan i*
n Ml in*IIIII lilial llInniMlllllUMl cnieriiig nie elaaa fnvale li
not relunied. the tbtef eti.tently 1“'•: SSuIUaUe:
la* va* direoted toA^ prewier
(brhinrr apt tbe sick laaa I* lo
building ilia'i has been uaed atundftg biu. and Mr. Koater will
good use for that. •
tMav* tbaa Hum
think it I* curing blin. S*ikn aoora for Btoraga of com. When be came i make an effort to be al bU oftca each
^ ‘'SteSiv'^ K'S'kaft?^ Vrt.,
•iwal hi* nuiwr. Bat irUrmidd of bin llltle ngar crwied pilla—Naw York to repair ll he foood iW tiqahel* of i day from « to 4 o'clock, at which
that be aowad bl* wild
giKMl con under (be floor, wbufi had j time cUenla may roe him there. .
Zina Trouiaui died yratcnbiy ut
yearaago. aud It U now nld of him
been onrried there
ybr irata for bi
---------* >
fie home of fate moUi.-r at Gedar _____________
ab> Ihal he i¥M*eaae* the Mretigth of ' It
a few eraning* befm tba cm- raftj-daf.
Prof. J. De Commerce
Ran. Ponetal aervioto w.ll'l* held ■UPtbartWiimL----------.
otwrarier lo faring eredlt opon
pan*'* depenore f<ir the Raooo-AoaAt Kearanaa, 111. flit> early
at tbe SeoiBd M- E. riiureb ip (blc |
ralga. Boi llu* euraple *»r by tbe
MID-. Geoeral da Guile WM on ,moniflg. daMroyed the Cm
city tbi* aflcnooo at 8 o clockj Rev.
vewnblc Vicion* will be haid to
at tlm IlDke. and diuaar want faoo*a and oaaaad the djwib of thrrej
•*** ViertM ftwihe i
follow by her *00. aad in the death deun i.i Ibe *iuukiDg rmim *al apait f«r
>e»I The aanusl hailaea* meeting of the
Mr. Trotman liad been III for.
bf the qann Gr«vt Britian And* her- Ibe mllilarTMUd civil biia« -A*
T.-rrlb!e weather luu prj^led on. x^^etaa City Driring Ark AmoelaItmg lime'and bU death
aetf wllb a new raler. while tbe em- tb.tig i.«ellM,‘’ ha tabl aloud, ligbl- fte north aide of Jamaioa. Since j „<*
bald ft tlv otDce of Pratt A expected- He tevcia wtfc aad fam-.;
ing-o rlgarelle. "lb a day or (wo Wl
i |dre 1* in aert' atnilr aad in ne<>d of ftall lip >m <ar Way to tl^y, wlaaf Friday night a norther luu been t d,tU last nlgbt. bWoera were elect- ilv
the eterriw of more than ordinary I'ruviibmn- aod Ibe loaaey eomDlwImlal.. ikqUI ..rJtarl Kw-UU -it nawInrcM'
« of banana pl*nu- ^„ follow*;
■ndVi-nn*. andrinx. K.n».4'.«r.-H Med.v'
tael ft ilv ■ilrertioo of tb* ehlp of e» *tup u* at Ibu flr*t atage al Chartn- tloo* on every »ide. In aome of ilvj Diraciora-Dr. J. B. Martin. J. T.
II UleUlM lbe«krt-x
.iM-hr KwWx HjniAriar On-hextra.
Otalr. Wbift the polioie* of tbe goT- tibi " (f^arenloo I* llie t*arla mad- pariche* hundred* of ncTc# of fruit j Hannah..E. C. Oompton, A. B. Cook;
Tbe fkme of Bncklft-* Atolw'' ?% hk-W* ffSi-umI..-.
-. ) li>U an boor later tbe ganaral have been ruined. The cour»e ofjsa laniner. K. K. MeOor. Peter Salvi-. ai the beat ft iIm- world, cj. ite-onb ttT.wnt^diu.vho.l of vi-.iio iitefie*:
einnieBt remain under oootrnl of parlend* ronnd the rortb. tl.a the one {
T.***"* «■ Amd.wr .e teww °> eaNU
up alair* tu lb* ainpre**' drawlon Bluff Bay river ha* been diverted and ] Wnrsburg.
IbnaMit and the exalted omdaU of
petfeet healer of Cnft Coro*. Bom*. ■ — ■
--------------------------Hr had acarrelT entered Ibr
the ranplrr, yel the Inflaeuoe of lin­
U ba* been diverted and tbe. awollen, prealdeot. Dr. J. B. Martin: vlee
1 Skill
king 1* pownrfuL The Bec|b>T
lUeady emed away two! pr^.ldrou K. R. McCoy; wwtary. Eropllona uuly Intal.lbbr«a*tW:
1.- Pllu cure, ;
eimh iu Brilaln’p dilatory will l«** iU-«troy I P(.(er Wnrxbnrg; ireai
S5o a bos at Ja*. G. J ' Kw'iand S.
wnlched wtili Inter.-*! far all «*large, thivlng fruit n-glon. TI>c{o^;*„
E.«'alt'a dreg Korc*.
•« are runnlug very high and liav.-1 jutler* letetive to the work of the
Real Estate
pmollfted Ihc wharve*. There lave coming rear were .liscotard and ll SPECIAL PRICB!^or«he.
ihe«>ni. eheelTgAriiKiwroii Tint
■ f.w Whirb
ftg and pillow ca*.-*. <1during ilhbeen many oanaltle* among tbe wa* pmeHcnllv agreed that the aa
Ae (irorUioii in Ibe Hbllippine clSleinbrrg'*.
small craft of (be Vnited Eriilt i
itb iIk-otuptea*."
adallonal bill for ibe impprtaiiau of
Thai did DM rail (be gaoml'a bonk- pony, and oibet American frnli
ear tboawuid Amerlo«B ncbool (oaidij
ft September or Oeiober, with a pn*er* I* rery gralifyitig.and while offer- nt ail. bul be did not utter a .word in tereata are niffering.
ib-fctne. He .oily bowed. He wa>; ft
Btlending (be . Khllltv of maeftee* betwrew.
. tag adranlage* of educatinn bereto- fan. i«u mtuilfberi at bU ranimeni oborqitlM of live tetrof ^mn.l
duke of
fere unknown iu the wrebiprlago. buvink readied lb* aan of Ibaempmr Saxe Weimar, a number of peraoM of
ruMwulofMtu. Mbit Wllhetw.
It will im-aenl cxerllem n|iporttiollie* *e Mvai.' A* far aa b* wa* awaie. no Iilgli rank contnried: the mraeic* in
The fnncral of Mr*. Mary Wilhelm
for ftatmrtom from
I'nitrd ■ivvam had tmtared Ibe niaB whik< be tbe iofeclcd *cbloa*. Tlie dnko n-geni; took place yeatarday aflmoon from
wa* IhcTv. Be wa* Iben relBClaoi:
BtatM to open Up new fUlrt* <>( t
the the mideoce on Soulh Gnloii (trecl.
talau* tor ibemaeWe* a* well a*
bod pUred ib* part lelhtle. and ibat dueheei are down wilb tl>c dlccaar. Ker. D. Cochlia ofiiclaling. A large
Ihoar wImiui they will l»- required
ll also tbe yonng grand ilukc of com|wny wa* aaw-mbled, and Itetencd
o'l.ur w.Mikl enivey a fair Idea of tb*
:to the eancat weird* of the , . .
rodcef.buiHW/hal Dbiaft* amoag the Saxe Weimar hinoeU.
itiiin.-dlut* eolnarage.if ibe auvereigna
George W. McOftnU. nii aged mer- be aimke of ilte loving GhHittea life
Nevwiticim* baw*i out^ going to bt ehaal of PrftetOD, N. J-. wa* frozen ; that hail been led by the deceased,
left .ml i.f ihe flgfatliig. ao on Ibe I4lb to death in hte own yard. He lad and gave wonlt of t
the Ibrqaetle prleoti lia* *larted upon .4 May lie •imply had Ida bone and
Luroberm^'g Bubbere
; knee Pants Special
iu work. Hrartirol iu«troetluii upou inggage laklk lo tbe imperial ttalu, aa- been weak minded for aome time and. mouroera Tbe mn*lr wa* fantebed
Ibe ramug of IwIgUn lure* for ilw In-led a aeat in an empty cimpanmeet had reqnired conKant watching, lost : In a qoartel composed of Mr*. Horat.
<1Ub* lhT,m»h .xir leiu.l.rt H.iHr
- ™: d-.-Tj-w.“Vi
Mul imlv ebowed hi* faceel Meneillea night he evaded Ihe watrhfalneis Mr*. Baohant. Mr. While and Di. (auBA nmw d.T>VT.«M *> '4 nnh-v t*ki- X— , le.i.i n^‘ i..*a.u>
Mate larioww will tirotBhly U
ab}eel of a |WT1 of ibe Mrelim. wliib
Lumbermen's Son
__ ____
>h>'«Tl-v4.UiU0i. liV}.«r.
itairrwindow andileocenditig into; Ac flocnl iribntee were many and
TYxrt M.**- Z1..I *.<•* r.*iBa.rt4l from tmi.v Mrtd.- *
nndetti netboiU fur llie •Db]erti{iE ail In* liaiiil At* ii i^ mmple of tb*'
aa.4ii.v am- «*• xsu. ■>.■• iiv cW-.i.rt
-> I..|IA>lhn lalr-aiat lnal.vnii.-fi'.i*.* r in .
y. of b'l* williigtunadV
of priwnier* will eoine ft ftfr
.-ll.*! f:.T-,KAs«n.|(.:.«*
an lu .
le byguue*.—Xurtb ground. He wa* clad only in hte,followed the remain* to their teK OitnlBtwCUei.v^ttie
altentloo. Kt-Uovenior Plugrei- wH
nightrobe*. aad wa. found, by mem- reMIng ptere ft Oakwood cffteloy.
twebably be a*ked lo *ub.U.nlbite l.u
her* of Ihe family thte morping drort
‘r*iaiito*.-an.l aliom-tber kir. EWm*!
in fufiilxl. fr»ra
A.Mro- >Uav*i>
lolbeg*idoM da.v> cf M. Bteorit fiwn expenre to Ibe fearfnl cold.
I* likely ia be kept Iki>t for •
-X—----------- 1.|------ .X
la luur erwt—«lJu.
When Mft. Predcriek H. Thihl-i Tl>r ta*l brigbht.* will mert
wa* the coaioa. *o tbe aliwy goe*.
Th. P.EU*. Enii Ji.rh.-i In
dianlt died at Ware. Maaa. ,en ;
evening ft Mod-ilv a »ai.-ide wa* found to stuff

thr uBtlann I*!-. .J «tJB v.«-li
|■llll ibMia- l*ii~4icln ■•Lb.fivr p.-kcti
>«<|. M>.. -HP Btrppsd «« _v
ne1« imne ibal hi* IcoBe* al play
wi-rvii-n Ibecauae of hte ha'rried de
mhoM ‘fearlie* mudareO tUir rrewwer inriere.fniui ih* •bormnf lime. A* ,h. ra, b-y».d . h.p,.y
...U r,t.m X.J ui. Urr ton chll.
• ofMMn*rt*«n*r.l**.>r Jum*
Imi petadu vftn received ftte genwuM
I. th.. i™
Irt n.n4 i»ea.0.T. isk..*. rsa nan.
m-attm-iil wa*. I believe, an Amertnui
.11 lop. -aV^UrtlwirN
He wat foand lying In ooe of Hie quiet .ufx.,d.iidm, h... dirt, od,
d>r u4 nirs m-hlr Lntr.rlth hlxhjxv l■.*:!dltb.'(air T-an MU-aU*.
U,4M-n rhmndmUf mmU
a1lev* of Ibe beautiful grooiMU.wilh an .h.1 rtu . ludlT dl .i. odly Ux I Ox CdrtTrt.Urtdl 0..rd.
•ociety will meet in the eburcb UbcaMl ud lb- I—I ■ J B|<b.Jdt-rT. .a 4lS-r ■>.*.< - II map S>-1- 7A- .a.4.. i
------.,<—41 fr.pp ttS e,.\ t2- kmeftpir loltle tebelfd -PolKia" by hte I.UX.1.1.IL
----------rul,.ra Prtdx- lr.*a *i: I- tm ai»d r«H. ' acti.rt«t ,f .Iruw la-lb. te.ft
l) .< B<W-IU4p M.JPP. -tl *4 »tJ aarl tu-<w
: ry thte afternoon al 8 JO o'clock.
ejihv Tbe wrrel sgoil* at the bold
Ae heavieet anowfoll kno'
(UU-fk-ar at tIL
,vv e-prtV.«
the live* of (hr elilldrru of Mr. and Blanc iuMaotlv fluffed hte pocket* full yean baa
blockaded- all : Tbeie I* Imporuat baaftee* aad all
Mra.RodgeSan.tey. When Iheir dwell­ •« gold ami ntde. preparaKwy lo glvi^ ratlnod* of Alaska. From Skagway member* ore rvqueated to be fneaeal.
ing eaught Are it wa* «appa*ed that iiilimimli.m to ih* pillcc.
lo Dawaoti and below tbe Yakoo U Tbe ladle* are oftrd to brftg their
Ibe ofaUdren tad left the liouer.-lml
eovered deeply, while the drift* ft
it «u* anally diteerered by Mia*
plaae* exeesd twenty feet. Tbe bBainest meeting Mra Perry will
Bran* that Ibey were atill iu on np
White Paa* and Yukop mllraad U give one of her dellgtatful book ttper Jroem. She enters ft* banting
lied up iu antiro length grith ftot an views
Tbe tegular meeting <ff (be PtnlefBmhlJ—U. B. SUM -fat "OagaoM's eaffiaenovlnt on tlie 100 mile* of
ballding at grrot .ri»k to Iter own
.wtfetyand *ut>cm-.led In grttlng iliv
rood from Bkagway to White Horae. al M.vxtic Ciitde will be hel< (hte
children out wtibool injury. these tefftinab'are eight evening at 7 ;K> o'clock ahatpBy mistake tb*
Lsrg.- iftrl* of (and wade* ars baiag engine* and three ntarie* ant out lo)
9* wa* anttoaaeed for laK
clear the traek before tbe anoarfall I
— A* pasliicn of draftaman hot- coly . Actehned alotg tb* Valak
ftg. ll will ootwr tbi* evaalng. AU
rvoehe* iu mariiaam.
Aiplb-'.mlj !■
aSutd* pleamat aad well jsid work,
are tevlitd. . Good mualc will t*
ri.ieely lul.-rwierni with *ri
roartesa- an »-v IV-n-'- that «rr .^If plyhbnl U the ImI knovrn depping atone wil ufacc* between DMaeraats are filled
Bwwa Is AtooM.
llp. .PIT piu. ct*. <1->A atlaM.ortbp ,1111 aWr
Id maeh ticiicr tiling*.
uilb railb and road Knjnaga ft the**
The. old idea that tkm body' eome-: TTm- divorea . (MAS. ill awl Ilk' Oan |>l-i-' v-oas; wa;
Ac .aciclill.-ctan1 dtaftanuti can wiosA Item, audi a* aycauaK, willow. time* need* a powerful. druKle,
Jamei Foalm, baa
unrily become a roatracior aad imild- |iiur and aider, ate plaatad. white ft*
ued la tbe circuit epuK by mutual
ar, uaanarcbltcci. in which m|wrl rtdgM are •Miwn with gmae I
perieertly faomleea. gently otlmoteteKit ll and planted with brtex.
.-fihv tki s
and Steffaai fall oreheatm.
llver ud bowel* to expel poiicnona
Oiixl Iwaktaai ' rbii, - aipl a.wr p. guid a
Kn-jMrliaLrx p-4 ut «. ftt* '
matter, eltonae (be aynem and a^ which Mde aarii a bit at tbe annaal
tkalaz.Aalr.2 xlMaW.UJ*
*44R; V4-WI i-i Pamlir Bourj HaHiUp-. TU. took (ft Enrt .
iahlr. *XM; af»M
"1> tbi. wlten you vutar' aM aa Hte^cbT'oSl^*“a“TaA*o! John- Moial aeaion (d tbe Elk*, will aaobt
MMciak .tall am.
ntrvft tM. auo MMuu4 talsfftoa. i>n»'at Ib. I*an, KztaiAtiaa. kud l,a|k-la'l<
toy*4k«*o*nt,baad ft th* aatorr kkj POO
O-iiovutmatoan alactian “
aon-a and B. R. Watt'* drug MotM.
' Bna.MaST ^P******* ft* adraaeeiaent;
3^ efcalfp. *4.»ud MAt
c.w>dil>rDrp|>Bmdai U.
"Vw., mtW
taftmant to be given by Silver Braa
4ftrr ftairp. n.a hi MA
' Imaan learA deatgo maduacfy al
pteoae cut off mniptes «ff
cf all

Mlwdiievfms panou rlaited tba ft Steftbav'k Uamd Thandny eranI
W,arrwlIUm >•. M|> yoeta envy mu
tan SACO, to SIAOP a dar-meefaaa- fte tb-fcd*. and ru uk* thm biBwand
1 HV pudU.-. a*n m ftw yoo Iwu nyp-ihr
Icnl. ulautri'cwl. and rivil angfteeriag te wb^ 1 Ilka kart."-PUUhM AJiy tern of Mm Aaaebqlts. a
Stowe TonMilp. (Pn-) texaer. and
•a all open to the drnfnmaa who
adjaatod a pair of rod spaetootet ovw
I of 4b* pnmpi of tb* *
jHU iMfwwve bU ajore time by itudy.
lb* ayuof bU otos* white baU. work* kyWf have bean oantu
Do D»i undereetimate the ttaVftaThe- body of Mn. MUdrod StopvUMi the raadtrs of the Beoonl m will lie ft etato thte ftmte Dwiar. Tbe animal ftade a wild with tbe fttaka p^. aa^ «b* *
bamgaanniod to oounmai
«tU iraaent yon If ffon win Uite tanfiUU *o-eftak.M^
knSokad ft. asTftft lugtba of tew*
g token tem a print 1.000 fari
«a Voting Oonlest It will
At OMO a brief *«vte* wiU be brid rroetjuied and a ftUk Mid gaiety ea- ont la the bay.
: deal lo yoa to have
eapsd with fam Ufe. Tb* bfiU i* laid
atfte bout, and tbe fuMtal i
^11 take plaae ttoft the I
ohuwh at 10 o'doek.




it. w iHt NBim »«t



Dancing School

~ {Dyspepsia Cure S;"



5a“SfdVSJ%iF'K Don-t Be Fooledi


The Hannah & L^y
Mercantile Ghifnpany

Overcoat Bargains




Logging Supplies

Sleikh ^eHs

' Cutter Robes

[QDcy Back If Goods Don’t Suil

Gas Lamps


Gift Books


BotartPtewofHodeewMta tb*
. ta^ eonpon la ihU Imc
cUy jestwday.____________
Record and gel a* many.
diapdaa. far ma


,IIM Ifi-

A* t Tto. dan'l get astoto
Hfi tfil ciMM itecrtefi Is avipct.

K. MtaMJbWfidbi
Otoe* ft BanriUan

■ Book Cases

Sewing Machines




I Show Shovels

Everythirig Bought
Under Onq Roof.



Offer Oto Handled DoUara Re­
ft aafcnm of Qttorrhthaitoa.•ni|J-.y™w !■ y»«iT <t»rr. imI self
i»~«ili r«a ralwd Ut raci • In fill •
. Tlial «w «<r1^ hta n«i^

kU'iw iH-rfi-Ml
-rtly irHL Whn------rnii.S..n.1>’ fl.'i. V Ib»I bU W- nMl)
xf Inr hi* UdI.I •ml Hnimv." '


[ lia>hrli.r l•r•rfl•rr. n b" «’•• ••■arUli'd____
hiu III Ik- tmn .rf KUary klulllwi A Bro.
a nrtf’al .killlally etrratml. how,f.a it >lr».
hml one
in-litr Unijoa aarrylx her
i> Jan. fl
n'lrli the iifaMllBiwT In bnOMT >-t llwU
daucktrr «i neallh aad inuttnn "
radJb- llrMbrr TuU an br
• Mm Meraw A. Il«im« Irntfu. ■ IrfHlUyu ■.
ot the
« UrtM-hM- asd laaT« kl« .
lUi Uaa
. Feetnnauljr livu not Inded. •mal.' In bn rhtUtMi. l^p
<ln- liaa laa-u MD-n^atBl. BrottMy
orth. iBUi'«lMl wtnld lavn bMD
iwa> 40 amt iwnnalomly
hlowa off. Thr whole ihiBff wu l»r<«a.lM that h. ha.l r^nr allamt
dooe ao qalekljr a«t node ^ the wit- kanwa l<> innliral arinirr nr |*lrst Bedwho U'
Deaaea enald atop the
■ ' • hU
‘' nfli.v
- 11 o>
o'Hnrk in tb*
latnrlMra with natni-raai fnm •DpotM-d to he ff^y.
DKimlna. but li wa. with ae rCoct and
At Jaekaon on Uoad^ tl>a polit* •flnr Mr*. Mnllku had .•■rrm! hU toaat
.ipwem Id Boaihnra Micliim i»‘Tinl
Hr mIU to bef
HO hMwlMWr ol InjanMl^^t. Prrnflrfl wb-a> abr l.nMlxfal hi* brt
•Ihar ««rr Ih.Ta, I den t kifw
'■the ffwlt bods, napaeially of dipoaraamaatloDBoleoBthMaiBtir- ak^ld lirr a ilar wilbtKit >>•11.*'
hna, to’i» Id lieallliy Foadilton.
!d«r. A trail of Wood'hwdtojt to a aa< a *ln-ak.»f laxioras li. hln.
od ttir
Uaoof Uw Old
old aiw
ww lallU
booaa id
la uooaiia
Looatia' woooa
wooda iinu-t rr-mt-r.''b>-w»u!.l ^1. “(
of Mnakriron lake U WdDff ton. [DOd a Iwokno roftta fonttod; Ih.- na-
in Ibr^wso* «b>






' doWD, mod thm- oOwm whloli have »aBaof tlin anp|ioaad ripe, The poMcr |
I««| lain Uln will br NrrvQit IIm-mtw'look the noAo to Ibi- atalioD. amliBian! Hah ym Urn Ikiaklac a
way aoDD. U’hra Ihia U lionr Ihrm nft<W workbift on Ui< oiiu- fot a few i itrliiai: ituiira.n Yun kD»w y«
wiuiw bBl flve iuilUai the huiki ..f , honra diaroi erwi thal an iBiliafloo of i
the Ukr. whare Id tiie'iialray daya' of the 8I-. fUrnDnl aorh-iy w- »i—.r-1*'*"



the laMWir baaliH-aa there were nanrU 1 alblr for the wTiol.. affair,
tan ttoM« tliat DDDiher.
t iiai^la 8|p. Marie

: dam had Iteen pkaotkl in
tlv Urea of,
rtf »ken
ukr In a hark to thv detained hoaaA,
■e tand tlie bloo>l Sowi^ from aaI tnjQM
4.00Q.O« lake aail hnaA matt ia ilte
e which fell down
the ky
aWle flah hatchery ware eadaairrretl
hy tha hatehefy’a walaw aapiilr plp>-*
fpaaalaji Snaday nlffht .8^. Mark*
a baiAet brlffade.



It ia a nyatery why wdBK ____

baiaff aandled in iiiia aiaaDer aatii

bod aiH.ibrr
^ ibroart Mra. MoDlWa
mind nbra b-r hu.baad aUfled Ibe
I blaair tanu btauu-lf to ‘Hau for the oade! alnUe alleotk’ii ynnar Ur. Binbe wna
rlne BIKIU tbrir dau^ter. T« of“■

nakluc for
fnc lb«
, ..... _______
foio by
•bmfKly forbid-

Tom «'•• aoilito.
(epllM iiday. Tbe todp~I toard her
KoltoM waa eatogeOed ta tolt*dorr Jaael le brolbrr T>Jto.
-I libed yuor ttagiag. MW Craig.**
Bealber 1Mto.wa. oaylog:. "tad tboagbl
1 MUM bear h near al band. Wai yoa
“If yno wlUi.Un. UoUUoo waa aa dMretaed wbrw
the aw hrofbee Toto baaglag erer tbe
ptobu Ibat ebe f-irgoi Beryl aad Artbar
aad left Ibe moBi la order to harry ap
tbe -dtoarf ead get rid ft bee gaen ai
aa poatlfale. Bbe now
oft of UW Crfta*. 4
1. wbUc Tato tmwft her ma*TV dtoaet to neTed"

-No; I'n gftag to take HW IValg i
diaaer It abe wA eteoae tay drealii
•• iBletrairted tb.- laralid.
“E»e, Blylbr. Taa lake Beryl ia.“
Un. UolUwn aaw the yeaag pair parn ’
before ber wHb boabfal awtirardaeq•ft afaftdered.
“Tbe busy r* Bbe waa tooklag at Ja-‘
BM’a bland l■a.A balr.
“Sbe-i a lalffaty amtn wi^toap.- Uc.‘
HoUboo aid ewiUretlally •< be ap-!
praariied bU w -

,> liaiiilea liad Ineaftikle.
rer. eoTt-InjHBg the IpraUd
d erra reaebiag tbe embarnord pair of yoong larera opinwHe
tbeto. Beetber Tom Wtoled apto being
to erery enarar.
*«ee bnw bai>py Aithar aft Beryl
le,** X
remarked wlib artlcto ala.liHly.
-I aerer a r niytbe tooklaf » weff.”.
Tem afre.-d.
-.tad wbat dn yna tbIakT Be gare
Beryl tbe p^kft aUrer baft almr

.'"if; "x,“

lag to hia Inm ehoeea. He
Mirhlgaa In l«W, and waa a

....pon'taSaR.^ Walfa
f Trial bottlea lOc

large a»l ratted iatereata
and n-quite
.o.rr.,.. -e.

At Adrian when Dr. Foe ft 8on n-

1 •4»iy.Ju h-al

r u iarited brr«

wiwlihy. He haa held the o«ee of, „-ted llielr drygoodi atoie Monday I -Jiy ie,r. i .bit wlw. ToaB bar*
poatoaater at rialnfield eaatiDaal1y->,.orBtDg. Hier ditoorered that aoiBe^i- aWy y-ar noiber, 1 aoticuw. bo:"•bMT 1».1. Wing iwobably. the olih-at ^ne liad been tlierr daring the Bight. I
imuanawrliithe atate in i»lal of
rtook of We black


•iU. The loM U iwolwhly abowi *1.- J.iMi." Beryl walled.
nming. •tflfi. The raoner drawer waa robbed :
aopnow- y»or aialber hiiiWa bW
Buet Moaroe. age<l ». while trrlDg ..t .bo,, W lo



to board the eaat boami Iraiu. tli|iprd
. aiid fell nnder

llte eara. The train
te l-arie Tomr J
Doi't get aldenarked in baaiaraa. :■I “ITbete
•aretwl hU bend from the body.
DaUaem aomeliiaea paaar* ..........................................
for ileath. ‘ ed
Twanty-two aerr«
Hen wltf
with * luaina mrh the goal.< “Oh. be'o It bed. He aerer tots to «a
ofof laud
. Ottowo fftew cro|a of bar and elover Roekr HonBlaia Tea poU gray matter i Bnaday. Uw Imltb imt auod.

; toW for^^e owae^ go. tosa




O doth. BM be
« At Beaton, Harbor the
tbeorr of
• uiari gri ai>.• toontaneoaa oorabaatioo haa been ad*'
U«ff»ore. a .rooa*
_______ ■ .. - noaiible canar for the
W* “hont thirteen ream wai'li.’■*1®*^.“
“ «rreu«looaelmr*e of forwerr. He: -Wr .hall eee.*
■yeterinaa die am boar* tbe ateamer —
' T** r»«n«-4aillea mteted the drawlag
Loaierllle. Il U .aid that pakim; “* *~* ■" *^
1t«rtb«. a. gaWem a. two kh-

Whldh meaaared SI InoWa ta
With leaa than 800 pqmkttan. the

eibu ol



. ...




. °T^ ri. 1^"J' _!!L
Tbe 18 montfai old child of


-Be a* alee
■r •■ yea eaa Artbsr.** It
Tbra ihr borrled «ree to W
Ur. U.4IUaa ea tbe aata. aW
twa mtoatea had hW teBtag wlOl
aB aba« tbe foodta eC iba
btoimwa at gWaey Malliaaa ft-------.
beMber*. health


• mea who were waiting to be I loeoil, of Rend City. waa.dmwtod*'• in an Brart torber ilKqi »he i HoWay ttheBoon. The

toother waa;' im
k be I
day had a peealur cxperieMe. i having the family wariiiag on the! aha« bU heait ar bU liter ar Ua
and that aiafcA it bard to ay wUr."
-SbeVto gvedr aaU Jaaei. V ‘
tand the ahopwad after being abaml; hoo*, |be child waa fWad dead In I
perfrnlTirtlT to gire him a^ml?
■atdowa by the atore for a few nib-1
- ~
for It.'*
«aaa Saddenly be intoprd ap grabbed i
------------------------ ^_
Mr. HoBiaM owelM wHb tbt prida
ft daabk twrakd tootgan hanging-^
a ton Ctowtto. «r tto achlewtoeat ft

Wnmod that--------------WUagdUipa. -Me waafottotoite to ba-

----- -

Hftl'i Fatoilj PllUara tbe towL

MMWddmwd pnllad Wth tg^}wMOn «a Aiky««rdranki.


l‘4 0ff
CMhing Cim/NUif

Reil EsUte Dulers,
TriAen, Money Loaners.
2fl Front St


I'OE HALE-Hl*2-70f«d on Oaw.
1-10 feet oil KUte, a w rxinier
Stale and Caw. iarRC iDodetu
booae, all conveoleacea. Fursace, bath, oity water, datere.
well; bot, Bei^bborg, tbla ia not
renidenoe property, itM>aginaaa
property, and in the near Jotare
one of rtfap beat cornen in the
city. Time will be, and at no
very diatant
.. .. t dat
date, .when Slate
atreet will be tbe bneini ra atrei-t <4 tbia city; in fart it in now. in >

• ...A -u_______ • L

boMneaa hosnea.
. __ _
■treet cara go down State, which
yon will with almoat a certainty


_______ ____________ ____ +:
TTiu property ia well worth'iwv.; +‘
enly-five dollara pey fool front I .










Jill gt It '


;i0 dn.vo, if not aoouer auld. at ;*•■
i>otfroDleu8lnU«. Uen- *•
»■aona«ly ctof term« - Prirv
Pri fr^'i
For 6nk or Trhde—(lood dririni;: r
hone, weieht Altoat lOOCTlbs-nound, kind and a-good rundater.
i'mB rowl SO mileg nn boor. An
A Xo. I driver. Price
8ale--N33—,*<0 gcrai.'l milto
•onthetot of city, .tH ncren ander
calUtotioo, nil good land, no
bniidincB. Price tTOO.'
For Snle-Sai-dO acred on PeninralA ecren mileg oat—thirty
•erei under tmlUvnlion, nbout
SOO bearing Imn, good bonee
and bnra, faun moatly all level,
good heavy doil. Team, doiible
barnen, wagon, tleigha and all
neeeawry farm toola Low price.
Price Sl 450.
For Sale—HOB—Fine utoJprn 10
room honae on Eighth atix-el,
**you can furrip on it. between Union and Hailr
Ronae newly Imill,atone U*
on. Urge baaemenl.'l
baaemep* ' '
•tone walka, faroace, bath, allr^f
modem conveniencea. Oood' 1‘
l«ni with poom for foor horarelt)
nod carriage. A Ko 1 prop rty,' ,t
rloM in. Price SSOOO.
For Sale-890 - Honie and 1oli {(
Bonlb pOTDce atraef. joat
Front. Houae haa ^ rooniai
atone fdiintUtioo, large celUr.
alone' wall; good wrtl water,
large bam, room for aix horaea.
A nice comfortable home at a
very amall fignre. Price f.OO.
ForSale-888-HoiUe and lot on
Eaat Vtb afreet. i> rooina. all new.
Easy terma. Prica «750.
far yon I toftonawitb pala ta toe bead, For Sale- 887—Hooae and lot on
pala la tbe iMw tod I a toe mmll fttbo r
Cedar, joat aontfa of fitb atreet.
Honae baa 7 Uft;e moma. Urge
kit, all in good c^itioa. Price
For 6de—-Honae aod lot oa Mb ] n
atreet, ve<ty cUae in, boa«e baa
6 tooBB. Iftt aloae U worth
price naked for whole proper^.
For SaU-814-Home and Urge
lot o« comer of Iftke avenne
~~and 8tfa atrert. Botfte baa 10
large raoma. Large hem. room
for fS horeee. Lot €8x160x110.
Boom fot 3 more booara Price


dranwd dMul aaddenly while attena- Only Ma aad $1.00 at




Up 8toin.

-I bate laU Beryl abe toaat relara Ibe
prweol.** abr to-gaa. Bat brother Ta«
“Beryl «oa*t retnrn It. That weald be
K. Bnuirh of Maniatre. U ,
.la. a^l a Ume Iwck iwl^
eniel, waaUa*l II. MWdaartr
Merry hnapital aafferinff froin' ..
i ..........
ao- Iooald
Dot dreaa
d^ inyaelf.
mywlj. bat
,b.. p»,.rrU.- t.T ditdoB
“1 anile agree ariib yaa.**
“That aetilea H. Beryl toaat be{y tba
Wain trouble. HU wife, ftaraetly
rnun^ w'??ow
.nun* lo uii ni. *UT inniarwun.' Vi It j
|„ ^ft,
‘Ilea did abe do hr Ur. MalUmn
| a),„|| wiHir
Wiu BbMt It ffrat apJ •ak>-d bb wife wbre ibe dl
Bat Urn. MuUU»«
toUU»o waa
wai too aogry to egemiM- liUv f»r planer urxi
n wUii Ib-ryl lia« effrcded pUla.—OiH-ago Ilreonl.
|)m l»Httioo at an
ihutipnar* eaeBir.
eaeBir. ! *•" • dragotorra. j
| i.i„
xe bl. sift I aball have
n ihutinnary
T;------- !—;-------, ,
' Klrt ot han.l id ..>n~>le bliiit-Jaael
I. benefaeAt Hwqartte
lAtltenlan hrlnjto j*hr U Uui Wur .yed thin* whom IV-ryl
Wheo Mr. M..fty .
k be
«er MontUr infonaed
the tibrar. ^
.1 i'behgio. (Wpilnl ofi»>i>l aU.ul .« h>u<-U nliU U4 aMiniuer.
PWeoa Uwit they eoatd draw on hiai
emr liters I *'*■''* ralber <d4. I iiuaclnr. aad will Hit Aftiew t-urke. ____________________
tben- wai ID alarmlog irregularity ia
forfS,ftw to be Dfod in the .<reetlon
the ariioo of hU beort.,_
_ofawaw tlbraiy holldlnB for that
VhoTa^e’lu'andI arrrated I TU-n we .hi« I.>kr^<er,
1low many litoe. a doy arc yuo in tba
• oity. Thlalallie third donation «»r any mllitarr .atodenu.: They wrte j aad -IUrrl V HI
ited «t fare latatna- habit <H n*oliatT afted Bit Aftrrw.
“Oh. I iKaaHy preoeh three lima a
tACODfor that itoT].»ie. an>l noW •IK-.ytfowa iiito-iiriarn oh il.e- tdnnp* of!
Wf"*' >!'* yen tbiitk nt lb.- H«a?"
.ffOOinoaU. UoralUWe. in addition pj„,u„,„o oteithrow the dTnaaty.and
r.V**?-! «m V.- l.u
“Bow aaoy day* a-weekT“
to • lot triren by Mr. and Mrw J. M.
ralliltmly de.B,.ren,.4r >•
-Vtn dayi In tbe week. On Soadayi
Lnagyear. Tlie laeaeol llbtar?- inlld ; ,»pitBted. Btndeata of taililary aiad-1
-I weteb
n-eteb t"t"- Mr.
Mr. UntIUoo paaard to
opeak foor or fire limeo.“
and regard bh wifa
“yoo*T» a fooL air; yoa*re a fooir wno
tag taay be aold to oomplrte
ctauig aa.1 Chang
......................... .hut Ibe I
braaqne reHwow.
“Toe*re killiag
Wilding fati.1. Th« t«tt>roled WiW-|»^ alnilarlr manoMiTed Uat fall.
taffwiUbe llw ftnetl in Ik' ■mall offirial. ,<f interior prorjaeea liare
WMMl.eVhal^nill baiiiru wbro Toa
•TVeU. dortor.** uU Mr. Uoody. “I
Wtm of Mlehlgan.
tlie opening of nillitarr
Uke Baurday to mt. Nuw, way I aft:
' TbiTv-U W
on bow many luwin a day yon workT*
tWfe are ilm» « foar lamiliea In .oaaeniiea la ilK-ir diairleta.
.V ril Waerr.*'
“8i«eeB or 1T.“
lowiublp. ffaginiiw eowuty.
-Ml >b-ar. I faatr alway. been, abb- to
“Bow many dayi'a week?”
who are Bid to belong to a Jtang Hull
lin««bHioo4 roriaae.
>k- i-are et niwtr." uM Ur>. U>lUi>oa.
“Erery doy. oir—erery dayr
■n.e 8ul»U> dinner Ibal wa. le k tbe
*Tben. doctor, yoa're a tdggrr Cool than
Koor ot them are bow in ^.Hior Oliria Keittk oMhe BagiBaw.
With Ih^ pleuaalrlee they parted.
the Boon I y iall <■> a Wiarge ot tW iHieli. )Pn«t nnd iHeiang. He nod
fell exa>iiHe<k Bnt f>w eume leawn
Ir Andrew tu lire Utile more tboa a
iwean to go WTWW hrforr Ibe -Um pear. wbUr Ur. Moody Heed areea tlame
tbiag- waa ta tbe boaae |ea
aa leto.-T«atfa'o Oompankm.
gMttel WWW in Jail laal aamm.'r «u > oi„.«„ery for Xknaaniptlbo. Oongha 1
* chaqte of enJtle wrwling. bol on ae> aad l*.olds waa a caariwileed ente toe I
me teehnieal
ieehniiwi defecta
defects Ihithe
Htippe and •»! Throat and Lnag,
t of aome
— it, bnt It wtUciatoe ap
abe ria away
eaae aerw ease to utal. •
d rmK..ia» l»r
Uam wbat tbe irmHear
Topidag olher BM>dieiBa on rati


^ hr all drdggiala

ia taken

Traverse City. Mich.

>• tawiahn.!
nmaio’.l In
la a allrnt
2r* ^11! •’*
Madj’^l iai
piy of water waa tamad «m. Owlny jiroTed that KKvtrle Bltlera will eaoucti for Mr. Metlbna to urn
to liir aaiwrlaiendenl'a |iraai|>l aeiiou qaiakiy Aire aach trooWen "I i
Ittihlr out.
■ot a Sth waa i<wt
with kiilney_lltm
4M." Mo-. >l»nuaa maned la a aoft-

sjrn "r.

^lUr. auiarh'ttoTr

Hiw. Manwa

MMM Mawky. whan thereynlar ao|K


h4 0ff

We, the nadcaaigned. hare knowif'
T. J. Cbtoey far the paat IS rnra >
and helliTe taito perfeetly hooftable
la all barinoto aanmftlona and ftnaneially able lo earrr oat aar obliga­
tion Bade br their drto.
Weft A Tmx. Vholetoie Drag-




aalee, bare larger Unt
Mt pot together.


Wade Bros.


Commences tn eartwM this raornioff.
“Tbe Fair" stock is placed in Brst daas
gondttiofl and is iin chaise of a doxen
sales persons to render you prpmpt

“TIi8 Fair” Store*
Was bought to be disposed of oa onr
basemcDt-.flo^'aBd will not be mixed
with the regular stock on the maiB

Our Time is LiinitOii
Wc-own the stock cheap. We have
placed prices oq it that wrill move U
lively. There is not a thing in your
daily wanu in the general Shoes, Dry
Goods and Clothing lines that you
wilt not find here and purchase mudi
lowxT than cost< of, production today.
Everything goes at a uniformly low

m GoU Tthp 6l FM
EiiliHliTin M tti IMIl
wi WM Yh U b Imdpk.


^toa«lstB«r. Bnt te f*nt4i

^ «-

•A «rtK«I


frtcBil* vm r>MCaatl7 ■«ld«K. n-

tb Hfonr WilKB, aod ««n AoMd >T >'<>S *»<>''«*>">•
n|« wo.
Bmla (roD a lacirr miom U I6W "I " binurU biraa «>
Ibe <x«d Mn. R
Wibia loeernia'iiFrMP ia Bono.
if.jr(af beiOKBanedvithwo- '
wi,o b. biia. Tob!
b.1 ..Uk.. I». r-nb-d
tbeMilpa- ixomant vf Ibe BMOlax uf
-«BCrt*niiu«it ■•"’ ••'
Ibe belt Mirbab a. when tbef ».«« ' befuom! tie- rti>wio(i
. . rt^ y»«». ««■» rtiunglr »».«- •*•?all tin-p-Tb.
IL.-p-n*. to
and bir
Iiip fnet
<i slllbi- pe.^d«'. br oil
to him. aad
.anmaader Rorkwell. U. tr K.,ba.’all the people.- tbe eiaei Uoinwe. ■no'l that be w.mld br.te* *« an
taf‘diuall«i <m the eobject 1 with the eaceptk* of m»e
cf that
Ibaiib* ladynonwd
wfalrli will Ui
• ibitr-.llna to tbe tfaoo-^-—ibuc-jaaeriboii tu Wiboa ood employed If
■mde vb'> haiv ruilwl Uoeb tjaB'e Unr«Io Bat Mill fortbet bmk bad tbe !
Du y«a itiiuk tho;-" tod’ibr dmaidiipu
aane idea be«.expc»«<*d uieabwanlidl- Ae.bauitqt i* tbe nediiUD tbioiwfa I ly the
i-T Daniel Wetofris "’'• ‘'* **
towptible likp.
whiHi^ rhi). oniiltar.^
inairt'uieof bi. Bf»t rpleodid orajcrieal ef«r.. -HI ! font wh-o erety pbrare waa (amitur

' tell !• Ibat 1hT>iasn whirb ebe ad- | to all pattiotir AtBnieaa. inufi betme ^ aitbe d-wrU-lI Waa aBaXrmj by
dn>(«> ber-K to tiKm. aWrd, md 1 Parker nltned bu epreeh or Wibmn
;H-rviuamatd lib Mitb 1*. wilbiO' nha ae Ur a. >ee le
tiailibCBwhicb tn ail ibe uatie. of ?&• world ! wrote fai« letirr. In hi.
i>|>fch ' taiiAty bat calmly a.Le.1 tbe hirer BaddUU ibcplme uc health
‘—'•‘-.liadibem\-e»,i>ir. WiU ync Liodly walk id;-' wtm lrttb« p>ol the iiimtfa to pMcr
Webrternacdtbewwwda. Thepeopie-a 'N‘V I ibank too. Be km.l eooairb to to-»iul«j the, oeee pomewd. ItVte-,
Krery laiid.-luan ha> |inihilil< learu^ furs iiiri. il» metbid .-f .trikiu* ; by the jwople and atwwenble to tbe^
the bnbr yeonl dii,i. bat tb.’ dalhet I pecjde. "
may make «iiv Ilf Ibia kienrlidar tifr<, Thephraeedlienned Uduopno nnre
.n^ wurda “y biltmeib I'la llie new Metindui
iIm nx ul bu life by (natuiy inn or -1« Eileen than to Ltmilu. - Tbe
bare Inra
namaned. .Myfnende boto. t
ibVei; thiiipn rieur in bi. .hi^ Tba |<al> »<• i»or>' be kuiI to bare
faera P™“fher
-, , ... I'm
tmufiral da.r U pm* and end. at noim, I "qnoteir by I-meobi
I-iaeobi fi^ Wilnm tban
• '*
TU-'’ •

waa tiieiid yon ton wife Harepmauy.ib
vbeu eiplii U il> IK murk. Tie bell it
rlnitki half
h-.-ciIy day and niffbt.__ familiar with tb* wntitijp aud tjyfrhr*
'■ '''•?• »*^’‘y- **r.-Sm~•inike boms addxl fur erery Imlf boor. ' <f Parker,r. He tmd potable nerW eeen
*^b:at |.-.|^iag taart.
ontilrii^ltr n-aebie|. »h«u tberi-ant
faetrin. main at .me I®1L
bi. biupaacr ifaocld beezarOyibrNUne
yot "Vly ‘bwd
Tba-Ibe bi«t. are indicated in everr iaalUl «d the Utter tra. a rvdnridmoe. “yklareiac l.e»«wc.
il» ! boFTbrdaMy b'rtbins more.
re. Tbr'l*
r Ilf tbe ciiilizeil world, exoepl ll
»f All - K'e n'iil.rKf It waa{wumjCly
Her.- ilem 1. u rarruta deria ' wa> tueieiy ibe expteeii n. ib tbe i
IT natal OKdW irf
direct Usjpiajte, <1 tbe gV*. uj»n. J Ire lie Iier.elf.
indieuliuKthe Inmr.
-‘Ju tbe maii«r <if tbo bell.there
Ibe Tnited SI.
- •tt-.-Il, Mr. suitb. it i« arrty eeritab!, bedIby ia.t..i.tiV li-elfU, nso-:b* aarriUd.I.i any .me
nail affair. «>fralleif biRh. httlil ' dm* irot site tbe atatemcnit a>aputirr oas muiief I rb ml.l tmi like to Ref .ml
. • Smiled mdaCLboUa.
ume. hau».-» enter JU*I f'T.vjrdor jnrt •k'— ..{|lirw;,i4,it l‘nir..b.|M>i-—
p rferrly .iiidentand pm. Mitb
Vchr ileiipmdcncy.
ahafl'.tf Ibe f mnL-.kl. <ni .a nnd.y Ute letid-id in mid f-. ldl> iauri la a» a ]mblK
pciu-e. hidraav, i«i caanyfbaa(cd
f(B«-j'tle. Tirf-eaplaiir^ .atiiTlT ke. In ,
t-u'- o-e*
de*erip P"*
llutb biier: i>w.b
A. 1
ib.-iii..eaiid r.;-iruu>tb-..ftir.T nf tbe .
our pr^-niuienl iu tttieriuR tba
d»-L Uiehiaruii.iniMnf belie Ttic.iffl rne.lte that it-eball not peti»b frma "“y. ““ “t“
werkmttat «rmaad«ippl,«i.e(«ca.
ibe.i.fji til-u bi ts Ib.i iii.M-iijecT I the earth


y i W*2^b“;ts

I it bablBd bla. witfaoar looklac to aaa want. Vbeo be aeued (be
j boeae be ar* that be leaked hack aed
BW Bntoe Sealor ecnlea at bin
Jaator with
iate tbe boaae.
aoold tS





•p* Deriae. ^ b«ncbt ae. aotbia,;
•a*ia»be«ae. W. tB»laN*T beiari^'**'- ^ hrf to o«der thiSB. <« 1
' Unee brfore they w«l
Bat twe a
»*-» Dm
^ *boi^'^t£ ' •***“
adJeoiBed for toe day.
■Ichl after tbe -___ with hu i,Md ^ **«>•”*»«» •*"« «>“ “»• »I*«
.be «oaa >aanlaatl<m. aa<l foteed


l» «Td« to faake

•sr..iLSiri»»nirir »i

»»»«‘«««‘«- b-‘ *y»«-

VOrtb rlabaad I
bad •UboaTtaTla* hi. w<mad.lT?^
ffriirhteioed wtaee
the. iroable
..p^,^i«al-« «..
.: tdea. la »hJ<*..
1 that the >aiy decide the 11

<r of Ueante Jerm. n.' Harr

I tUc niabi ,'
hare bee® (aedoaed by the
lb eaart of the wife aad m*-.,
>thiref tbe aeaend. J. V. Pairhia
■ada.a'at(Mw plea fur the defenee. !
iBwbiebhe> dwelt apoB t«e 'c ___
ftat ^>d i« tbe d^ to wide}.
— —.
u neia.
held, aad lo
la wine
wliieh he ]
d on the frraoeat emi
BP?ty of
d ffm
from flret i»icr)
^ la fleDe^aad laI |laKle-{fflBpi, ibtereat frotti Ahlermtt Kn>. . ^ ■
jyoo. Ibe'plaa t« to Uy a 16 ladi
»n* to S«
b* lary.
j^UbU ehatfe
iBry. Jodae itorer kwHi to Eh-reaU. rtreet, oad
J> a I^Ue-iadi pipe the


J^ WaBlehio decide wbeiber the, ,®^ Troth .treel. for ■urfBce drainloll to do I
(xxllly^Me- A* Mr. Keayoo ha* alreadrinid
tent leaf tbao the crime .. ___
te. aBaBBll aad battery, or atBoli , there
- lb-1 the
------- -------------- -1 pay aBiin. Sot aftn a irliilc heyieldrt aaqOUtioK the acrtue.1,' or of a i rt, aad i'.TraiHe.l tire aduidion of the
romtniUee’e report. Thli wwer ii
»>»«~f*«‘Ottolheiorylmm«llal.- ro,^P„,i™„patop«.t.»:.,62l.aO
Tioie to odjourn-, Th.-comaiittee appoioted to roofer
amt OBI^. and they im<l not a«Teed.' «Uh the l«*rd of libmry tmku,.
tb^ were called In by Jad^ Mayae. I
,o tbr ifmoral of tl» city
^iljmfoondtbat they atood 10 [ libn,, ,o todie.- Ubtary Hall, re­
lot. They were itlrmio chaoee at it > ported in faror of the ehaoirr. Tliii.
B^la, and at too o'cleek they [it wa« ahown by the report, woold
Mood tl to i, Thro JadK*!iDnr«aeihe«oDoalK>el.oftl>rUlaa‘•tOM wl‘h lB.tnwtion. to render! ry from aboot »M0 to aboot WOO. and
a anM rewdiot if (hey aaoeoeded in;an unmediate-appropriAliou of «160



T'-ivsHSigEE'-rr— -i-li e


Tnat hjBm wcada of tlie apeecb bad
ly i
•"nx-re ii e arn wiiat B>'aeet..riBahiy I
«‘d h.<ore d.»r not detnict fitan ,
“ ’■*
at rinbt UsU* Hull at 'niV.-i
t.w ' tbe beaulr.v inaiul.-Br <d Lujen’a'a ad.
Ibi-o i!m h mr i* t.icirt. d t
alnltbe WIl ia ...» e--n.A _____ ._ ,;£^.“eUs-!itM
• ill. l.Make 11 e .
, m-orda.if oiaiiTT'•( nui .eua .» any
•toW* reauwd Thm «
H Hr" r--nime at K it nj ; Tim ' '-ther cuwitry, na. k. Bo( l«rwa*e it waa
m Wa* la (he Aeellr M
rdi rlj eay* M Or .-nWr.d th d..-k. '! **>• bd.nvi and pilielii-d effort «d, a
iiaiitle-llsOr.' nieiir.!err.dlbed.t:k,|wa«kf.l Cranr. but toanu- rd the
•IJepirl III
.11 the •. apiain
loin eiirht
e^ht ' «tv»'“ev.>'f >l»e rnan.if
If a man. who Lod;.,-n„n.„
.repli'--. •llepirl
lull- naiiMfrimttiii-ierev-yitiu.I.yii.- “nie • niiete.1 u.—WaOiiustim si H-I.V
nnIrilT ll
in Ibe . udravur to .ul«ti liw p-rid-xiBR
tb.-nunleu.if Pkl.-u Arii reifimit Ohmiiid.-d. rej.lie
tlniflee lln'-weito e.«iel«ib-i> Ibal tbe '
au’ -nH- .yiliilyivinm- to tbe iiflevT <i
goi-eibu u iin .aairvT atiew.vivl tban tt
the deck ami MV.i. Make itfi-.' .Tbe
MHHI yialv n||i>. aud-tbat ib.
■i Uiinlou f
onie<‘r of tile (i<fk e.tya In tbi' in.->Maiiny ]wiee, penvid-d j.iu bare auvihiOK to W”i i.-.
i»~i iil Ibat Hie matl.T
Ilf 0...wamt.*.'-mt.- eijjif l,.-ll.. aad riniw an eiiK-^, -'MldiIajml5vank Me•ly Htil.vl br aiiT--j
lai.ei and In i-l m-


I— ,ir,r-




s'lKtii «i!K .:-T.r-»^jir

•tier Jonnary 1«
r.lit.ei* tumpaBy. 1-e.i

iio Im

piUHtl.K. IH>^uukieev<eW*«h''«e.^

time agn I w.-ui *o lAOidn


liH.-lhiflh.-db.i.i! ;
lU.tit.t O.uf Un^i.rdn (to Oe*A*bl of lU- aveian.. ii,c.idi*a..a^ Oh.
«>OBt datable ®
kti-vwlu. 1 wattlM* m.x nnlik.-!,-Otexa. etfHl. f.;r luwadto -------- ^-------------maJeMi
131 in.|niiii 1 i-i lUiui.-oerd
oivniiii'd. N.-verrin-leu eex-ral
imral ea|rti
(. enpHcerJul "
I 1 Atnii*•ttoitbiiieu. Ilinveinib- »'■’“hd Ibuual.lful
Iiwnd bo. H. pncerlol [ J
l.ljlCtly toeeil. I y.Hi mean UOIIh>M 1 Ibe e...-v fl.-.f .■-vl.a.H, ...A 1 e 1**mil oant tn hoy,If.end
ll |.,k •- lafi.
.Tocr exiayt. ''
rajBaii . if H. 1 ibiJi'hI. miKi" put -Ibe
wailar. f bil
op tty
Bake I’
111 util-:al due nn
,lv.lly, .|.,-l. HI (ieidutiuu tell bi
a .s-i»ni
will 1
Wai. .-U-Huttely ln«
buyins.IviUR lU pin. avaita ; ■ a:~. Iluiiy Wa».osaill»il. T)h ei-,
I It lii.i l•■t:A)l^l*m.m^HH—mni-li t.®
nil tbe.-^ I all (liKhl, reptlrt of fho oommiltef waa mloped. Ib.
,[.-. WUe
.11)1.1 llji- pr-ntciy.andrrpvK.I {"■» II a.tiuii .if tin- ifHHBHv id any llv
tne-HjiRi-i j.Uui. by the
Int op to 4 o clock thU maniuR Imd It waa abown that the atreet fabd «*!
iimbK. anil a hhvOub
not atcreed apm a rerdict. .lUI .land- pntirely exhausted. Ibe ti^ de|«it> tJir-aitUai lira
A..II oalt.aii.l iJm-ii ii P-J.-BU to be
aid tb.--|f
It fanil will not hare bnoaRli
fleet ate HWinb-O. Lyiiirt. a, ili-y an-. |
tliM the lavraertroiay p-e;-l-d. fiirt'r. itb then with
1 mn it till the end of the yWr.-that 4iailocliiN-lo)|H]>rr. Me-.-ffeet ii tulerol- I wehav.- (.mini 1
l«. wi.-rOi minieiliius. VVI.IO )•' T.uir birdH uud Ub.,:^. liiiallr wiih man.
iMBdiately after dinner the oaae | the prinllnff fund haa already been lU(t and aKr.-eld.U-.
|I I*Ic-l- '
. ' '
' Till nr-t>p.t <01 earth |n gel rnni
■■•nH- fla).iibipak<i|;tr.-e<Hii iltf ti
affaittrt Rembtm Ayleawcrth waa taken ' oy.tdrawn »«) and that the Klariea
T*-.. Iimrircl amlfiftyth.-o-aiid,'
«.• c-v mirtb In
uiil 1.
1*11-pi.a-.ea id litae ii gut tun euhl. bat
■p. ThefollowlniOBry waaaec(m.<i::fBudia«l&aleaa'lhaD cUinu already 1 IlH- rtber
1. M. Winnie. Oeonce W. Imitlie.! in ai(iht. TIm imly fon.U that seem ShcMlT U-f.
••■ThalU miiti- lhBU*e.-xiHvtedU, 'f”"'
U-.u a,I.®R |.eri.ri,,
o-elivka. m..
laj. W.- e*p-i-i.O III iwratajul I'uO.- '-b.-n H:e p.Ui t.-jiini) w-a* Ora m'lat
Oobn Conroy. K. J. Kait. Talbott to K-in roodition to Ual till the end >7 the flafodlip At .-xortly ' rip.
iHiu. -Tui-r,- uiiii mneb .liff.-vi.a-1.- •*'»..rifiaW-Ji-iit "I il.ew.a-ld. Dorii.|l_
OHdIay. A. D. Hewitt. thiTid O. of the year are liie imlioe and-ligbl•iiwal drop-, llie rl-vk* .«! all-lin-1

Olatt, A. B. Pray. n. c, TlnnnjmoB. fia*
Ins fntid<
fnuda. ^
.aud eeveii b-lJ> 1-. rii B--k tlire
Orare.'Xfledaiiiiiu.l IbrlwrOipile
dr.iptira Ml.i-'iu JU. willlaVeii.*‘i
W. A. Lee. J. R Bowen. Williaa J.
Tliia taoairbt i
•Oh- fletini>« eCii.nii rttoT and that •«
“1 cxpert.1.1 t.igei aPraidl'i'-.tHeiJor
-TtH->iii||-*liell rcrro 111.1 .ally l» iii- tbe |inii-rly. a.wiiU »-U'tv ..f ivlpc- *h
of m
1.1111.01 i®. imwenllig.
ai.- Ow b-mn.. t«il to Kir-iial a van-iv tan.7 1 u;;i.ed t.i ;-o-.i,i
I were iotroilnced - AUb-muui 'Biiffbl i
1.1 i-le-it idtrr.
irfter. '••■‘ut'-ii't-*-in ib«-ir br»i iHime. 1
Wbwi OIhh--p.ii-etH
luj-r-i. wer.1 .ait. I waa U.-wo w.Or .-nlire .-eiiai'ity lhai
f. .J n i.
•nrpn—.1 i., I.iaiij lliat ile-y lu.1 (ram I
Aelcawtath U aMaalt wilji.lbe i«ii>w|ilowinK in the flftb ward'
.ah'_i ■
:. Tbrbi-lUi..'
talking nU.e.i pmudH alul I abi-Bt li-.l-' ' •P i-nl vv8< lilt Inn i.igMwilH-re. "I li.-re
iatenttodo areat bodily harm lem who .«uUI BUy .m the walka half
lueraiK Wnb a liiee Uta; bat 1 WB» very ramful not lo^t
I- iigbl ei».ugli ato to anefa v<wHa. than tbe crime of innrdcr. and, ilw time, it woold mee-Bome expendl-! In-,rf urotBi.-T'
-y n-i;ub>iii«a
Hi fbui ia the way 1 ' I.—aliO)Mlaiii IirIii. luitrert, to nil
——- r
to ■ht'w ahorelinK. Cliairman t )a.>vide to tin- in-re pe
g"t $1.0
l|i-iuiiii-. Htent|rac- ' -i Iiii.l pl.-iitr pniueyal
tan. who waa Uie Brat to be |«f n|nii farvrr of lira bourd of jmblie workajw-.wd, vAlUiand. l-nry Ih.-.bml.- In .-ill file I.. I
Il-gy t.-Ila ni. Oat luau migln bate
look oceaalou to reno^ that they had | >»all<i> i®rtainiuK m ii-Mtl. Ibetuvy P
i-d at the mrili p.V.
ll appean (hat for some time lliere i eodiWTored (o get a man who »onld '>
A-4K««r A
haibeeabad btoal between Saxton-take earr of thd- matter.
1' i*'
, r -f itom^noia bare
Wh.-o Adtnii..i -•‘leidi.-u B Lore wa. a
Md Ayleawortb. Imal .October, ar-| bol that Mr. Wright waa the ffr«t oar i
Itr-dncvl ml.. enltiTa- y -uiig li-ul.-ii Jtil - <« tlw uldrbipC.®todtag to Saxton-a teatlatote. be [ to
the eriZe.
i^ibi- euntilry. Already .» the »'.-JIaiieu. b- wm. kteAsn «|jally fur
parohaaed a cow and a pig from Mr*. | tiwlng to lira fact that the urrei! "Tb.-talH.aU. the flreOgnal. Wlieu
u-tiif I‘I.,ri.Uaie-gr'm-iuKS.'.0,000 lit-Ci-|abiliu.v a, an .dTraer aii.l f.d bin
-Agleaworth. to wbleh br imre a | fond n> entirely exlmtialed. the clerk i a fire .Iih-ui.iwI alaunl i-hip, tbe bell eunaiinl
• U-ii
abeoktolso. Hr got the row and later ; waa gieca aotborile to |»r riainu i ia niug rnpi.ily. ami ib.--bipj;aor planiaibgj. It i« (eb-\ed that tb.- flrri
!•-• u tuarkul ijiiality. a-ix
for tr.v«.rf III!-, km,I ill Oui..i«e »pruni.d
MBt hU aon Howmpd. wiib tb.- hired ! ngalBat that fond from the couttagenl i n-^vnid* wiOi Ohb. f.illueing that i. a
from iiotH I nmgtii t vmml Ank-rit be wacdru mu .,f tin-nary
Man. Ifaiban Perry, to get the ,dg.; fond, wo long « money aiWffirUted'
TIh-. >hip wa>> ut Newpi
Ayhwwonfa. who was away from to other iraqrama U
afire mK«i1. l.'-t Hi.- km w-leilg.- Out
boate al the line the lanmciian _ n.-eded. Tbe par roll of tbe board
of Ibav uaBteaboI.I OiipOiKAV tlf-rr. w Hireuu. Al Key Went aii.l-alraut iH-nre 11,1 lV!i.•d Ib.'uld l.irtii <-<>--au.iitH wi-r.i plant.vl .t-lal pile- I
-1 ilul guy rliy Afjie
tmdf. but reterned and refaaed to poblle workt called to
I into |uuie aitti iliMiari ilUlu
Ihiu ft-mi ilM-ir at an',-arly djiy. a- iv-Mani aDcient Inca -••ut ali-jr.l
: veu'.iig. after ui aftIM yonng Saxton and Perrr lake th.I .l)B.-lll.^ uT tlgbr.UK.
llRbl.UK. Alb.-iluriug
u,mi-raudtng hear wime«.. InlxTya e,i>-vai imi, rlra uftietx''.'*’ tb- ,le.-k u,'ipiff. Then alt Ihreg, Saxton. hU aon
i lieu u r.-pat,-<| n. ilie.-ajna.a. an.l he bark ti- ighi.-.) tviib o-eiuiijuie oat 'i.-ori that
Kll.t.RI* A PIIRAt-ilER.
H.q, V
lelaib nftbvtH at..! i
and Petty. w«wt after it imd Ay■ •ih>-dmy of .wogbt >u u M.-rm - II tbe ecu® .rf l-'I,iri- n. »i might
_■ - . ....
■ edel;
lii« HtetncHt luu.-H
Wworth (wne onl and onleK-d wme-e .w-i.,WK„ta,e.M-biutuom.!»r.»!|«.daaaJtH-o,-;-.lueerLak.-W.rili. .-v-v- -hI. '^Mr Lo.v-. yun'ie tigbl. .ir'-’
Ibem «« Sir imiae® When Saxton t,f Ibe unit «-ere •avnl VimV lu a fla-I, .-ilioe Ibt
er. - If
rnn.iTT gi.mib
audlilaiii. ,i. Oh- Mtufnn.iry
gi.mili if ' 5i- 1-lii-ii.B. I.wv, buw
buW rau
eau l.r la- right.
lafontad hint that be Imd eOme after
I (igaaL . Vbeu a *Ji>p He-a'uih-Ih'w in u
»n:- TbelatBtv a.lmii..lliHar.l iiuDKire
Ibe pig, Aylecworth aeixed a clabaa.l petal 1.1 ThrV-mtiiEB' ul the laati'-r.—CiiK-i-iuuO Tiiirar-Star.
threw it at Saxton, then ibrrw




and than a Urge atone. Then.he nm!
^ 1 of U-lb., nee diom. f-a Ou. j nni dMotbe honan and got n tevolter. i"®*' *'
D. W- K. Poary. ai -Tlra fwovUito-.d the,-.i .<„,m
which looked to Saxton Hke a SK calMethodial minUter . «>f [ naty uukeii fnip-uol-letbaiTlie vari-xn
thaa.aad thrmiieoed to kill Saxloo!
^iit killed: Higual, <.( ibe belU Orall !•- .-.aitof.l
wnUat heimmedUlelT left Ibe i.Uce ' <*o<l
^><1 fatally wonnded. i uue with an.Nber. TIra lulling f-g
Bach waa tbe leatlnoey of the com' '
***^ robbeta leceired a mortal I fhart-h. tingle , olr-'kHH. uiarai.-.! »ir a
l.'ciujn-a W mfruiUeo f.g
It—H,,,..— -n,,
>*H “l-HHr,—
hla wo Howard and of tli.- hired
^ trio waa ahof and
kMIrd by the poraaiag party,
ttpie fig Kigiial Tbf l.alt b-iorragiul-,
third robber wtu at nigfathll ae different fr->ta eitiier ■< ibAra. Tb- y
eoonrtei in pair-, with :i
lira. Ayleaworh waa the fitat wti. but ia anre to br orertaken.tarral If aa.-«i.dgBiiil.-t i- i-. be.,«;i»l
■aa to Ibe drfeate. «he toMified aa
edUrariugh wr)ta-«ai.e> lax."—B<i«
to tbe axta of the eow. bat deotand
kai UIoTm.
d to ocU it to WL
Mtb».hafBe before Saxton
attar tba |dg. ao' Uwt abe eoald not
FoUowiag U tbe atandlng tofey in
tataUT w to tke troohie that ooeeted the Becord'a Kdaentiawd Toting ecaatlhattlflM.
Ayteaemtb tbMi took tbe mad ia
a defitoc. Ho teatUtad
tba kaiiala bta wife ^ tald'ttet Mae
FOBESTERff DAKCE ibia eenlto
■ade with SaxioB. Tbe pig,
^^fe'^haU. Ereiybo^ laehed.
•tatad. waa tbe proptor of bii
ly CM# to It be Tdomd to
IhMi bare the anlam).
Wbto the three came, aeegrdiw
Ib'a taarttauay, be w
d wbat tirny were dot^. Hu

THERE WILL BE a idpaMt aocial
dance ibia - ereafeg at Foceotara
balk All are taril^ UV> tt '

fteMi from tba beds.

TBe CaMe Ctto. ' ' - ‘ ;
, As VaieBehsMe
Oneuf lira toriwitleH uf lira cable' M.a.eafrvuy. f ami uywJf ntra.d tbo
(viAe metb.ri of n-udiog inf.miation la nnet i,:it,-ai bal-!r ot )iDu,au being-. 1
H .lay. lake m anetlilug
the luM by fire «d
'Dm 1 Irave in all raiestuleuii)
wboii- ninuagr w
three v-bat.vrr i wjiiiIt tu leuru in a way of'
W0rd> of .-ra.,U » Oiblenak 'r*iu>ratd.-r- ll ba- Ira^ Ul wiib law. wltb
lo^itu ad
ataodi to -'iLr*hip lia* tem
luu-Jiitery I ii
tier fire." "hnrraJi-- to-crew
<a-v. with Kugfehr*
buaP" and "hallelujah" to "all had,
ilh i-verything «
eiTed—Inform wivvaa
TH-r.—"IJfr of Sir Juum Filzjsaiw '
—*>w Twi Tribnue.
raildieu*. •

It U Mid that Ibe blind
«C riaible objecta, and a B lebubacB, An tcmtricriii I) <d Phib
obmrred wbtw dreamiaf to carry on a
et by a man who aafced him .
Like a maa to donbl- bawneH- hotmd, cdDYenatitm
by tneasxof bUfla^oc the way ti{ Ibe
I .neriff-. uffioa.
___ ____
Be to- '
1 Mad ia pBiwe **bvtv I etall fir:.i b» fa writing.
gin. aud both nwie.-!—Slnk.^iwire
♦lO.'—Cbrtanaa Adrocata.
ratal EaUaataa ta laaiaaa.
il i. well lii.,Mn that Ora thtdrama of ? We. the naderaigaed. do faeieby
^HttS I- n- Mrawaa RwvM.
tbe layiT of Uih- aaud in filtering bede “Jto*
refnnd tbe mow odbU^New Albany. Ltd.. Jaiv tt—Uertoa
eaunw be reduced bey.ariaeertalii pjauT'*®* *“5‘*
Oioeoe'e WarrantedSyFinley, eotoed, wax killed and fire wtUioot endaoperiog the quality of tbe .'"P“ *»*•
.. orool_ Weatao gnaranto a
otbee tMBnxweor.leM eeriooalyl
water ilMi fili.T-ibAragb, Dr, Knitburf !
' Sfi-oent bottle to
fered by the exploMon of a toiler
Bremen bar f-mmi i- - ~
Ohio Fhtle Iran Co. tbix aflembmi.
inie^ thn-ngii a layer
thick ibil
ibal tbe nemtoof baoMawM
g«tly inctraaed. owiwi, •
irikS EVEKIKO at F«
Hpfcial uicnibi' ’tluit omldaMta
' waant aoctal danre.
fooad >u tbe water tarfmr It Mterad the
Floor Sale at Stein.
T. These tnkrobo tnnet tborfoca
e exiried ta tbe fllteriim material BADS COATS to ladiea and mimee
•*" Ftaeatoi
^ Boctal daaearBt there.UU it,
• to^

eandtilaiw at eanfrat.

Uib. vn-w fr wlHM. lb.- rmi.Bi 10)1x1.04
,m BEFOUKFEKHI .v^tgetaere.rret >Bl> m HlUv i fr-M-dwHUal j
lasor ilH-AirbUulaiBl frravlac rquiw .4

- Cut out attached CouMn and mall or bring It to
the bueineee office of the Record.
Each Coupon must bear the name of the per­
The records if the Competitors wiil be ehown
^ i.D-the paper after the oorjteet is started, and votes
of Feby. 14, 1901.


pt H*r. int. m* • bncW
■vriBB na*m ym p
XardMP ud aloDC Up pminrrr
at n«toad
A* t» kBM r<«d>IM>.
■our or AoprVaa
apnraa own/,
Uhrm. wm
bad #•-.

rtgkt BPoatteI ■» Jl»r. Edaaid. dafcr nf I
KraL fa'tar
. TV- WC Boaai „„
a> Ltmgwuoa had aearlr loo frar ^ i
■alaii I brforr V tnuai taka bto
aadrr IV wUlaaia In Manr'a vanryTV- otPM laaha XVIII oaa for Up a c.
oMd Ubp crtiliK bP rtrkrlr tOroip in
ordrr a( »%m Alraardrr I aiNl HadamaKrudPpr wrrr-rajorlri* tV foarth
rrar'a fnilu ot IV Holy AUiaii<«
UoUba al Wtlroar waa Vrtnalnr IV
ooroBd port of -TauR." aad fthHIry at
Hoap araa ftnlaUac TV ITtfapUptia
4." lapd Ryroai. irtih rovnl
aad bM dauabm. paa aiaklnd
r froai Itaronaa to Moa. ' la
Aaiorlca. doCrroaa aad Jcdia Adama
' ta IlMdr bldacr ««ra anHUlw proro anor a IlfaUtBS of ouelrbltua and orrr
\ a«-«ua« Up Aaal rrrm. trilllam 1:1
OladatcHp. Alfrrd Tmaroon. CharIra
DararlB. tHoarrtilns Pont. Abrabaai
UiWW Oltror ,B>adHI Holapa. MBar A. pip and Jaooh l<udal«
dUoaoba >rrra all lad. of la thabjrr-ar '
la Earopr IV rrtoluUonari
trhloh had proralPd for M m
•unk to IV drod ralm of apathy, and
ta tv Vnllod Slatra Jamra Uonror a la
baBlaalad tV third yoar of hP drat admlnltlraliari u proatdmi.
Tlpy Bard (otV Otily dahchtr-r of tV
DuV of kVb
Vtrlorla. At Up lliat Vr pi«p""
prrr not cJraHy forrora-n, but tVy l.rtan U V rrvraird In bar rarty alri
hood. Al aoM
nu mat ahr
tairllrar of Ihr Brtt
tdaord imd-r tV
Of Up I>vbrv af
bar motbp brat and by tbr durVna
anrrward tbr rduratlon of Ih- prlnr*aa
pHorlpally dlrorlod. To th-m
Ihr futarr iiuom van rrrr tndrbird for
Ihr wVilraolTP diorlpllnr of Vr yoifth
In hrr lrri» ahc rnnalard tinOrr iV.
oarrful aurvrillanrr and molborly
«loB of IV da< I

I tmd (tsM th* d*n o
palma. OowaTa. Iraaa. ihttaao. fooa-1 Barara:
lalv: tV omic trllb tV SW Vutra-! reracd.
iweeai'* w. they | wnder IV auiplce* of VP torta bad cake
Ev«l I:
BPnia. and dM ralcea wdilrb aoundad ' mrmn
y What prlaihaaaa | an lhal typieai form which It new baarh
•IbP IhBt.......... .......................
like antkiBC. ai4 ay batovrd hnbaad. tVy ,
prIariM , Ibrtr ■ In IV pitpeoa of Iranafenaaitan tww
McMoni PboioM aipfMv 4a Hw barney m
OrM« M tip tpraatur «t (n n-matotub f <■ >U
Tb« rpforn adtAUoea the autbor of Ihlapaaea featlaal whirh : stamaia tebl them lu taV. Of tV^neo Vd artam OBdeedUapiricBlIy op.
tkt b<M»r of HMtoTKoe a'tnorw radar-'vbick had ahakcn Eacload duHM Up unitad tV laduotry of all aalloaa uf ^nchiera IV eldeat waa Blvwa la ISt >u4lr eondltPina of Ufa and cbaimdar
tv earth—aU Ihlc waa iDOTlns Indeed.' lo FVderlck of Oem »n». afterward the ' to dIvtV rbe polillca] atapite bataraoa
UbW boBli Tip tPTMtti- ^ ral«B of Vllllata
I jraaotinnloiial hablia which tV Britov and il aoB aad 1* a day to lira foaevar." Bmpen r Frederick III A« far tv them. TVy eoaiended for It u Biadlaal aad rrsal rharaetar ofvictaria la
r ■■ewatiral ton fur a prur. WllUam E. OlatatoD*
b> iirdBOd hr b»r aMUir to »irm (ha w on- boveforth ar coolly mm tbclr Bar- Evan an. yotaB aaeea; la Up retro- I'r.nce of Walao. V
oMPlbaad cPndlitoBa of Up dTVaatr Bad < menu. TV whole of the nflh lAccaa- apael we btcttidce you BMbliw of that Al- taadra uf
day* ckobarBipa:

Uareaie saM when
p a period of vttl
. ' .__ ______
la which
h the scdlBPOl of a
rere, froai tV IMUc
ifiar Hyde park the next crlato with ^ Br»«n» bad l»-«raj
virttpa. tat ospata•I.PU WU Up CrUnean war. TVre Bui aU of v Oav
lorn, and the Wove* nf peace one* nor*
»>'lr() of Ihe ItBP* becBlv coeccnlraU
. Inlu BiulilpUcIly aad poner.
■ a tlap dorlac iba hlaturirwl aitin.
uull-ranthiBR of - ad aronnd the two lyaderw. and Iwa pokOrtalnly IV laak Impoaed re<julred iapfPd Ihe chalky rtiBa of EnBUad.
re In Asia wVn bar B>a>eaty wwc
With thu rpa'
IV comWaa-lan of Vr own rhuarter
aad. li waa la IV wlaier the aeu huitfr
llrtiirh dynaaly Wle* wm- evol«-ed. The iwn eiaaeoiTpa
The yoana Vidaria «u happy la oU
her forlape*
A prinerwr wu bora
trllhlo.lV year to bear ber motbar'a
DBBP arvd atier *• yeara lu beeonp'ber t: aaoialaeta,
HalakUtw. doded heiaeir a»l
fur t$, daya, MM Ihe epuuae of tier'the oiok an.1 noun
•*« UAer
W.lae KaHer. IV rmprew of Uermany. [ that Ihe
mjBBled rrVf and iw- nbe ItjMlahed
nrylnc ptdicy uf fete-Leatea *«>e In lazaUan. whIW IV aaap crtala
Lord KkBlan. aajW:
jaV UT-te

' .......................... ... U policy of tweruwaad priralPun of IV army, the Fr-ari the Joomal
HlthlandeIt wv at
A few >eu>« Vfore iV-iUeen'a uMow- "■‘a
‘n I'ntloh hlMury that Ua
bMud ..UP the 4i..Aiii< aeaerf tv He- financial of Up ktnadita
puy.r-lpilion ARaln h-r Biajeai-•» K-ii.
>»'“ ‘V l*«h prevribta by

la ... far a> IV diPeo bad a Policy,
she and the t-cime' favored IV melhods
<d Iriirvell. and all IV laadad arlalo. -. Ilrllain foVowed In Iba
TVre v.H.- ..thcr reason* why
IHNnieii Bile i-ref-TTed and Uladat-in*
rrlct-d h} llrilieh royally. In tbia
case Mu* akaHi fwiniledtV aayUiB,
ejai-oh have
halcl. ' onlv
a man of the inctchaaia and tnanufactuiere-r Ijimwidilte.'
mafeoty .r.ald rpver V reconciled
■ ■ ■ tnelhod*. Thera
llfn-and chamc-

wmm amk a bUat
biaek tte. A
bM it tba pca^
too or nsUnc the Tazade Mre of B
draos root hat baew gfwtag. At i*a4
b«U of tb* aae hoUead the adhar BbM

To cook a cWcM la • chaA^ «*.
cwt II Into foar irieraa and atoBM M
thopoocUy with tall sad pepper. Melt
to tv dlab two acant tabte^aasMi
«( batter am) add la It • imrpasBfhl
Hi chapped aaloa. PM U the eUAM
aad cook alawty. larhiac ftdqatatly
asm It la lewder. Then olx the /a&

chicken. Add half a tabte^ataM «
k«on }nk* lost before nerrlnB.


Bread aUefc* tied up w«b tCbbas art
one of the pcHcj iHfle* af tv datatfly
lettable, and of tbroe IV noolosOaak- •
lB« Scboal ^^Ifauv c<'es aa lUoMraMod with arrompanylai ivrlpe;
8caM iwo enpa of milk,
add a ycaat cake i#ine.l tt

sail, len ttan half a epp of MtIrtaU bntter.'IV while* of Iwo *«Ii
btalta HIS and Sour lu makwa doBCh.
KAMd nroriy half ap Iwpr. Let riw
nail] tknildc ID Indk. tbev otape Mb
VUs; Un« roll tV tall* IWllbuSt tDOrr
ddUk- Isanl w-ltb IV haBdauBtllatieM
at tulfonu sJv ao.I aliape. like a Ihkk
less |■m>rtl. arc furinnl. Art Is rtoo IB


In IHSfiUiwMaryToddafStatv^
Tirrd In hfringflcM to risil-a w.a*»t»A
dWer. lira. t»wartl*.' At Urn iBataSM
Of bu frieud Aisetl. who waa aW b
KeutBckfau, Limv.Ui teuamo a *Wt«
•t Urn EdwotV. aud brfunlotiB it ww
apparrat lo Ibe obarvaol amtaa IbOM
in Spiinfiflrld Ibal the lirely ]
lady U.M
buM liim rnptize. 1

p orrr raurh. fw tbr aub)r>'t
'birr Bum an adiulrablr iraf
tlOB of Ih* way 1o which tbr prin.—»
war inlilaiM Into a knowlrdar nf h-r
place and nprctathic
Uvir William trv atenl In jo, II
' r>urh*M of NorihutnVrUnA thoaBht
boal la Mwah IV vwa to Up youi .
miVoty la order iVl aV mUlM V an I
paired a illlla In advance of the Imml- I
aani cataatropbe.of ^ty that

1 Ibat I
were nut aunnuiH-ed as iuibi a> IV9
wn* made, and II i. But at all impoiribb that Him Todd and Mr. UsooV
fartmihed many Dnolba bofota D^ ’
than Mrs. I
knew uf H. wrtln
in TV Ladita' ll.yni* Juanial.
Ai Uil. time, a* was IV CM* UQ
Idnisdo waa elerted lu iV ibmUmbf.
his WM'upvial rlral in Illinois was
Btopimn A. D-miilaa Mr. DobbIm had
of tV surial Kraers than Mr. LV
tain, »

One PveidnB In IV aprias of ttr the I
dacbeM aaid at tear "Alezandiina. here
la the bonk of the Vuae of Han­
over. nhh-h you hBve~bui bkl.ertn ez
amtned. TV aicknem

ent oal hi. izdilir^ tital in tV aSaeUoiu of IV cntaiiainiuB and llVoip
Him Ttsld. ami s.i V paid liar court.
A rpIrilMl yuDUy lady fru Eaitacky
. that Urn.- In llliucda woald 1
been almiM im. lhau buman if aV hml
(rafaseri lo ae.-iid IV BtloolioBiuf Ita
fwo It-u'liny
of Ihe
wlily. Ttat«
fotp-Misa T'zld. ViuR n^ c bomad. •••
ookRtyetl l>iuj(la>. and ■
WhM tiuwadsys wiu
aBirtsixaj- Tliisc

and necep««*i->- for you
IP pn*ll
you to ■
nlaht.earae down to lireakftat abe Vouaht bnnk with her and laid It by her
pUlr. vylnR nothlBR. Kv wa« there
manlfeai lu her demeanor any ihar.Re
af manner or rymploiti of
The durhein aald. "Aleza
did you And of intenwi
Un nU1
ly repll.
the .

aficf ninrb self w-<irTiB>rut. lu bswak oS
the cutaArtiHiit. which V did. bat at
themUM- tiiliTTii-w- IbiCF wf*«a icoacniatiisi aad a rwmvral uf tte HU*


in siv hr IV flrnat H(«b1 aad omM
CRVr well known sUme., U Hally tl^
flse.1 uf all. ViPK Dearly fsakicM U"
fonp and psiity and tV'tiMBt brtlUaBt
thatamd lu Ib-wiwld Piday.

aiRn. and tV day of h-r
BlenVd wICk
Thia «
and aara the hoov
■ Ortalnly the distaaly waa ... _
Btatr repuIrlaB speedy aalvailun. Il, Itevles-or tV monarchy reqi
ralRht wall aaem that IV Ivi adnd* of lo marry. illi( wr.uld d.v her duly very
tv royal line were runalnB out. TV willlBBly Vcitiae she wanted lo do II.
five kins* who bad ralcnad aueceaalrely - The mithnilnea* of Iheslrl Qipea'a paatme IV dralh ot Anne Kuan in i:n : P^ wan *• blear a* her parpov waa exhad arrmintly done a* riiucta as ihek- ptcli. We fnay accept U a* an mtahroalil to make t V eurvlval of their d> ■ - lllibrd fact that for uoo
VMy ImiwaeU.le Vlach -Vd w
aceotdiaR to hP i
Vd cohtrihuled
abamce and Iknii
apecisMc Murldity and aiuhlMrnnem.
And the rrsiillf The rraull was that
IV fourth vr*.vhal vice and WUUam i the old huuv.of HanatTr became a
MoHUly to the comn»..n fun.l of dratroy -' nwntnwcen.-e In IV very court whare It
Ins forrea. lUaioo w«« workinc out her | had Utely fl.niHahed and decayed. TV
pruhteai. The fertunee ef the lUnm er ' rehull wv that the vw houee of 8azv
prtace* were ruehlny down TV acene i-pburs ami (lutV came In It* placa—a rapidly rkwlns with vandal, itnu- . The mull waa that the youta noeei
• nmy
ny aad.
aad cbUdleMPeoa.
rsirred the domain of r.r '
.n (V
(V n
mldal ef all thh deatinj sent h*od Her pmmiaes ahd pi. wpectsinulIV yauas dauchler of the DuV of ul-llr.1, Th- tvaull aa* th It IV l^itKa« lo aae -w Vk «ke could do la tv i«h natt.ui heiriui to admire
way of arteettnc the dowipUde of the tV vfcrrtk.. There aw* v._
dynasty. Her prtDCfpal bvinern ■■ w^.. u,* pn*|p. i of many kli«*
man and uoero
_____ ww* to tramtvl
mal Bp
BP tl
the .uliI warn
was tthat Vr-rtam. Imi
vaw. Har late uncle.' her oth- i ......................- —. knell kdi.qy at th.
h. r fd->l
of the throne. The mnlt w a* thst
t-emndfatber aad hi* fatVr bad a vw livrature Vyan is nourish. Th*
much a* mlBbl ba. each In TeimyWonlao IwpP took win*.
.4 IV
tacBI off.tVcVbMBof Ihalr uM Idyls and liwBedlr* of
•f hhiBIlah
hla1Mly In VlcUBst tv perpatsliy ol
e asalB from
data had maV U wbH Bbih tmpoae ■ tv eith with ahh-h It

S nawee' Bedaiwm Thai la B Ttate
■a Bvwey Owe W llhta Ila WaUa.
A beauilful cowwllp Ipilrwoai. which
hnks mit n|»n tV BurtbrrB bills, law
Uw aflrtt of iplDc fl.»lrtl wllb otth•hlv; tb..u#-.a. a matter of fart. tV
BBS peep* Id fur only tv Urtef.Hci rwriy
tDORilBs RtewlBB. TV will. Arc papaard with rreom rulorad famidcr
' pare*, attd Ibme U a d.Tp tikv wberv
CBwidip uoaaoms niB riot. Ui a {doasWt carwar Bear a whtdaw Is a broad.
. law diTBB. ewrered
with cBwd^
cww*l%> po>'cd With

kH-a Uch bv»

»*uaker rm>rr w sofHy iw.ktcd
roren-il with IV Mmc. a< aim- esc
f»»y clmlr. Tbrtr are w.-rwl UcUt
rav wcRI. cbalrw w-blcb l-ara Ven
pahttiHl wllli Wtili.. .wameL and iVaa
hare favy rttsklau* tied tmo i V arau
and Bfro** IV op|wT pan of th^ tacks
wlili yellow rlMuKiH. TV cooklosa of
kv rtair ba- uf wblic deck, nnbroldtrcil.lmhlly wlifc coorpniloaRUaed cow»U^: far aaotber tbey are of while
iSdla *Dk floin-rrd with rowwl^ia.
y b of I
iMrod of allk. TV flaSBcr «t tV
toRrt tkUa b UV tv cortshm. of

. Iiir tV Freseb icgnU^ by tV Unkc td ihlMDs, tbta fapMt ^
l^BIM-e. wheiM-p its proHRil BSBW. U
bad bon kauwa fay a baa*
almost oe fiunuBklu i;i; 1^-orli AnaDCM wars V«.
desiKraU) strait. TV poi^le warn Mr*.
II wa.^l.«t. yet Bndsr CV |at- -

in Creol linialn luuwirye ever m..rr fit.
, ed ae Ihr .uder of atale. M.-iv and m-'re
sprans IV Crystal pah
amt tne nret RTesI ezpualllon of Its who was everIt ntlyb} V said -the <|tieen cHiev ami
.par'lsmeni rule* Ihr empir. - > and
kind In the n..rld. Keen w as lha anz- , (tniea.
trty at Windsor for (he aucwn.uf th* : la Decembrr.
mun- Ih.- irodtll.m. ami mantieri of tV
flrwl flvr Manocerlsn *<»-rrelyns n-ere
^ I'ryrtal patecr
,suM.l*nted with Ibe-nr.. m-lhodaoriV
r arose aad sbona .aad Albert uf taxe-Tuburc
atilmdor. The duty
uty of Ihe fortnal him Ihrouyh Ihe sale. In hi*
hi death Ihr Victorian era. <Mi1 Ihlnye pa*:^ away,
upaalBB w as aiolcned
d lo I*rince AlVrt.: fntted Slat** lust Vr straarrsi
aad 1
TV yeuay ubeea, I* the prime of her . truest friend
womanfaoad. ^ year* of a«e and *tm In British power and Influence. While the ai.W-etnnn.tHr
lore, w ent proudly w ith her huatand I aueen w-as In moumlny fur her lent Ihe
lu lh» y-ar ..i
tenniat celebrascev Bhe Blva* a tlow lny ae- Trent was run down liy the Kin JaHnio. il-ui the gmen
\-u4ranlr rxi-luslon and Ihv niorl :-e*i»»
f.U'ulw and. en,
count of what -was
abe aaysT -I alhall ever V proud for my then a. ■
Vle>\-ed Albert and my country. • • *. When
• |>nnee .onsort died. Vl.-ie- kn.-wn in Eur..j.e lluwrt-er c
n her furiy-thlrd year, place the wld-.aed migesty. ml
A'mile rain fell last a* w-« atsrted. but ?~rU
RO,4 ChiracVfure w.- esmenear lhe>rTSUl
, ...Vlace
mother «.f clBhlI children.
lAe was erar
the atui shov and yleamed
upon the 8V bad antoyed a wnVted .lKc ot ft , t«. e h.w* were sml
answered with
puMIe sisti.m was
BlBBntlc ediflee upon Abich tv (Ub* of : years. Aiteady the aurslhm -t'an Ihe In her pobllesiati.m
ih,aie*l] m d-rlralc
Ilf- aad with
oiBhl as-hense <tf Hanorer he aav.-t fr m cdo eqaBrih,4esi]
all -nailou were flyiv. —
a—.. and
..a aa..
came >0 the middle
maBiral illrtonr'bod been aaowared fay her maj-. vrev. iruthfalne*. ...
pni•rned V-aelf always and
so Morlouf- 00 tovblBRl laaty
A* puae.
Ilea c' tl
a MmendoB* cbearw. the llo the dy-aony. *V bad iBod tbal oe- j by (urns
with the n
tae*. tv Im- cute. The Vie-CobBra otral I Vd bey af IV taMdlBB. tv a
IV'e- »*■-“
arptl. ii«l urt-r II. and ytdiow
. lav,- Iv p Wi-rk.-.l In the
cmlet of tbr Ih'lkn ilola. Tills has a
rrty IwiAl.irtitns cff.vT and was very
lOttlc wutk. llu. ciuialiis nrr finUbM
with nOk-a^ui]
Op llie di\-en ...
low*, rm-.eutwn-d wlib crrtninc
B Isrsr tuumi tblOE. Is of bewvy twilled
white roltia. «u^>rolJercd whb eowBlips, srailujted-oa Uic fd(c am) laced
OTcr B poor of yrtlow ladia
Bli^ OibnBtaTtfavyaUktaren.
TV VMtWI Is B tatr Maple «M «C

■Ct-u.,.1 lu wbltr euliiirt. lint ii is.
mede rery drcnratlea by-a aliaple dapery at tV head of errtonv i-Brtaina.
wbMi «i* hBBR Id sd ioBrtikdis fssbIan AD oM BiulirrlU fninei waa rorered on tbe omsIJe wllb errtoav and
Ivhlc with yellow nape rVitb. TV
bDDdle WSA oftaDroe. rat off. abd IV
temde ami w«s twlnirtl
rlae WBS am-wed into It. and 11 wwi
bBlwrrrim a Imma hook Id tbe ceCUnB.
A FOflte ofJV-rtrt*V sjiiTOOOds IV
BahndtalBDil uDdcroealh it. tor thrra■Barter* of tV ciRWnltTrtMc. btam
rUiCB ai« aewed. TV cartaib* Vok to­
te IbsBr.

talor InBortxv. TV- biter is u|xui some Mloreif’
u ktruuc Bs 1 hat of mvie and *s pow­
erful furevM vIlL and weahOBMclTB
rait-fcl .uBskleniioa to tV
luRs whicli may -inaV ot b
bewreat and dearvot to na.
Kx].ecicDrt- ta* proted, CORK
■faante. ttat t
c effei-t apea
____ _______
its eheerful iBdfewce is Ml by all. and
<wcryl«dy Is happy withto Its wans.
Bren a tfoenkm. dtseasiBCtd And mM•vbDly tesaPd ylMd«d tB_IV kiBsi

•*** KrePr* .-onvenll..n
hlelorian .leacrlhee the
under hi* withered
a ecene which V could not comprehend,
TV rmiuewe -T India. In the Uxt twlHybl. ready- for the Rolny fi-nh In IV
shudows. mu«t have aat lliu. lookipB
forth, kiie ha.l In her last moraesis
outlook and vision and the

n<] the mher ylorthM
r ezpnlrn'-e. -mInBi
I*.’ of |u>\.er snd BTWtlfled
I .-Oth oeedhllki• with incltl■ us ever witneiwsd ai Ha eslt
tern thl* moriwi arev.
I'-o' -ltd shr,dfa- aatlaOed: Waa aV
ell'ita t.. c»* Was her taDd realty
lire* jf hoMInc IV arepter? Waa tMT
really'waarted of IV rrowiiT K
parhaV TV sole n» P-.Vr o(
IV hoiTdn tarqUr to'b
ed trlih the


(Ireaily to il
artnnsalcdlotVpridouf tV F
piciple, and i Ulead <d tandaialtKkB nw
bit estraTwyaaoe V ramnd Ibatr

dismoBd to IV French ncaUa wm It
IV HrclM of iV crown made t« tba
COTiBBtltaeftVboylBiaisZV, toim
Altta half aesQtaryitwB* B«ate tV
eoiteof a Dew ctotrs. Ihatwbldito

ir:s‘wcteVd Vaeyaa tWadoflV
yoDDE Louis XVI liU V OTted «ta te
dVtaafOTt. -'ll but* tool"
TMb ctaOT 1T88 and IV tew BbJ ■Ddfniy uf tVFi

Htaart Pratt to UpptoaattlS.
14 SVmrd add* Itat bl* MM
BMdIto tell him tted tf>*» tawas •
boyVooca met Tssmysoa ol adipM
p^.aodtVl VwDsrtty&HblMlt
•I k» appsaraartL -TtaKyataVtaA


tailed. Bpe TSTJ DoUc««life.Ui New Y
Mda aeaaun. occonlloc to aa aniborlty
on neo'a CdMiIoB*. Krrenl nifbts s«a
to tae uf IV oosl fasbJoBSbV Visli
to New York al hwst thtre com oo>M
ET^worr lUBOer eoata not to I V tafe.
bat In IV ladles' dlalas room and to
IV ball* With portW of Udita When
Ma iTbm Bocroiended a* a ttdl dfwa
il- n*

IM poMbtat acroMlV toMaaMo*.
drsassd ay tetVr. to (n» ctf wbm
WtaTlneed a dtob id tnM. MhI4
■BTpiremaBBDppia.- 'lOMbaiiaaMA



<m Montm CTwwm. rmxr



n> n«k n* «r Thm wv rrw tanm b
•;** ???' ^ ■ en OHkr 4 homaiaw
*«br wbk* «»> teitsM
te*. «« ib,,,
•nt4 tar ht^n
I OKw w nr ta artar star to cHior. rassUr tbrr

, rn.;5.-£s^s;taiM>a> ««v>-

..-ry - •—

■ cm, mcBXftAV.
sstatav Milk tha a


to f

at* i»

(Ua votatbatba nttita an
an batf- to two^bMa M hta ta^tk.

«o. Ihu fc

, ow rnmk |wrttat«> lBI» Vbirta Sf« Meraal* amhatkannbtaeanad
l^lbrml an tbp Cbotcr Mu of SV
ik>«^ faUii« 4on ttn ttadr
. IVny •lioioo faU a
that rSb br ohtaJard.
a tka can Jaw sad ■
Wt sf »Ml. I. tla H<
HrtriBof Sflrr tbat.
Thai «bb fad for tin i
a trlka; tratr <a thair potatin. .Tha knliij



IMM «iU trad t

: •• rrt,



mtcii. 1
1 Urd aUasnat Mb «M
tbfw ntr »"•
7«» Tbrnintacd bunibatant. Vacai
nils Untipn.
laM taka
Unom. ftasthnn.
win Ihawndtdnr
:r lathihmBk Ufv win
is hlBI.
hr rlirau with
KiVwra ntanid itapK an ow tka

iba baa*. Vlan t

: nek and to gira |vwtr to tba ■
ir ta thb Ihr raw. la .--------------------------------------------------------

-Bkhta ^kiwl


. iknnb"si yrarn___
: Iho oBita of Bathlha ahall r
Tost MartAail gkiw with 1

l!r.o4 W
a4« BO nrarr^io n >'« -f f"»"l* -ab<1 rmafiti rosaMu ‘ Mb u made With aMapl (wifisn that .am ar >bo »t«v»ily i
U. dBtaa. both tkr are frnn-d oat l.j ibr wnao who her-d*-aa»pa M theTieln. Tta* i. bat •«>«*. "
trr;^ aad k.> aoro—the (umr oppal), Ihr ‘fanillr aalkiw <tazr," aad If abt taw atrikr. Tha naio pat» haei tato rI' i> pot aloohitt !y otrraojiT ibal the
ibrUitrr wi iptt;
Ircu to raurtsia the ^haam t» Dnd a rirhnr taUr. a l•r«- ita euU aaala with tha mar awiftan Chutaatan w Ubiaa i n '
Iksw «wi hr a<o>U hr oUlerd la nr
l>iirraa <T a blcfa
rtialr Ikal It ihiww iiarlf oat Am the fan* '«>¥
br irawi.
oar. ^brr
** *■1*'**^
trr. aud tbo fiotoar irlhw "*
A «ot mt'o- fiw». otf
ANO SHALL Accessories.
of Tram- ^ <^>>11 »rwok at i* brjoBl tha rat
draw* fir thna aad taaih ihr biita ml
,o.^. ------------------------------------------------^Mwrm«b,l
I prln- that will
1 •»«■• "«*• «ha naka haa Ibo ponr id liakot wbid. aaiioii
or, ,1 hran. -a»i Ihrtuoair «*d WU- ' "**- *" romniaotl
Ua*. 4Hr,. tta- Mtcrrlrw -thehrlUf i aWi ■

Ohak Lr J-tro-d."
I«.u. .if tlirar BT'
> rsllhoaakr biaB ila n aoow of lbr.1i|o.wfairbB»-ai)7TSiBr brooiiria werMaa ia Aa«aob haw- . It i. imnh wl.Uo
T^ITbABI^IB w TUbo^^
- ^ faqg*ia Ibo flerbtd
Ibo object It atrikB, aaaibb-lanadir
taaibb-lanadir tirkrlr
rrrr. ihr ro(4iio rwBr lato Ibr fardra
r Apt dngo
Bod ABl duou tw>Mr ftmit. lir ■rrs>rd
bet tbat dOB talj icwpotarr daBagr
Thr hlcbet endr U
Tlir taipulaiily .if 1
ritoarrl) oHird. aad ibr rirl'. brait
> . tn Braa* cd reutiDg i
^ * Ihruh or aaarrhraohw a> ihr lo-4(B|d.7TlbTB
nd u be iiiiwBa df an tsdlui-T cugoHie
earyfMt.Bsd ia laa covb coapaio. wbirfa i* oi ina Maari ilukid
j ohr f^rroiJ, board hla aaowrr w^uU I*
aad rluldnei • JtaoMTT w-rBliy TStao '
dayiB nltlrwiakr tbat Wo«l AprauMlihrr.«iii«-rliiilr»iiiane loaB nhedy. ami iln--.-’ a'n- t
str niarLrd •ml IB Ibr wnid i.mtalni
ksi kwi 111 faaifi
> "I kaio." br n-alird. ollh a arreoS* tlL
Tbb u a good
traoibu*. .Jfirt girias
traad new |«ir. “
'log tbr-latr
tbr -latr .d
of tibi
th_. , ^-m sml ibr Ja.-Lm I
Hr .ilBbiiic ihr owU aad'
ai.icini lu I wtates* llie reni<>i
to maraibpr. f«
. .
. driH-iu* lai- Ihr aanlni I auaaaed i*
Ibr )»|Blay
*btfih Ibr aaiBlim.
- aw
’ roi.l, him uuawarrs rod wWe br ralf'
carrert-ud w iib futir a«r aiol by .-i«M
lirrtatiiadr baisilrB
• tlirrr a*, m. bnrdldr ro.m|oi fm
rnracUug lir rrooB tangi. Tbr inly "unwli" ipaoaiitut do ilir )«n
brU o« Id* baa.1 rad orH hr
way to wedar on uf tbrn leplilB •oothBy.Tibr dimlnBid iln Br.-db. lu-t
I llchird to m- rar. lihl roa rrrr hanw
faamlBa. btaidra kilhngii. iato^lr diealf* wbal (urtaigo yog tasy rtpe l
■ •
I brl~rTt.ri
Aflrr I'd
radbol tno lu iba aeitira Mthylbo'
Thr t.ewawinii arbltrarraod eaiy ar- I
_nn Ot Ibr rfanrr id
taasa Thii will dnniy all tka Titalitr onrdiiig «'* lbriwwii..< Ibo <-m>i.>aiai 1
1 boaliaa i>lC '
.rf Ibmr liugtatBa |Bm. and aowtosga : They br|ni> b» 1 <vm f-r 'Im fUi sad i
! -I Ihi.iL H ia< rrer alrr of ihr old
will urn Mima is.
ruond Mirk* and run U|i <» VI fx ltd i
wfihlBS hr woMd IrD
-‘The ralilenahr aem tnhiwabu ; hunjacopt.—New York‘Irilimw.
j bii »ra> •rithoiit brtllaf
brrllBf khoat
ahoat Ibr be>h.
prry ; br walla
Be will oM go cat of
I "V- hr pelllr all ibo
loo aimh au.*' leopoedH
-If b>. bad olunaid
Yoe may
ntp wl '
Ihr idai-r BiHl KKB hi. bail. I I
a miWwke and
i-oobi barr
r Urarlard
wlib bin I
■al By own n
*46.000 OF 1
•Mdni.1 aad nW. la A
CBM- will laks
■ 'rbalhaige and ,
|i. rrfii
r* Mrd C* with A
bit riio uuly looi|Biek. ll i> Baid. aa if ; IW Ka-nretN M
ilicriiy. thailbei
ad.lril I..
fcBud. bia rail la oatii be Uucuilrd
onibl I
a nii.« ion
n^t „
ralDmakai Ibat 1 liare a
iB-aMlllnl obi b
5V*I Aln-ir nBTfuliK--. Ev.'u n-lwobra
baea bwo tiaaka. fur ihiw hse*
-f Undl.-HIt l> falAiJI I-. I‘*>'<r« ' ^.r.i
K-OI-I mlj
■■•Igbi l-•^nvaHaldr
In ovallaldr If tllr
illr color
mlur ..,tW
wbiai Ifirg
tyin at fall iBopb
laogtl and
.rill JoKHe- T. (L.tilin
. i.rc>r.T BBd yrt h.- niSnoi In r« wh<-n n.-r|iB. aa wrU aa in
of Wim-bTHer.
r it. Il..*> lui.rrBbly aioir
, Tiirr.- i; numlH-r
nnU. The tanhr. wboa irareUug, will ou lb« bnirt maiHbi. ‘liiBi I liad tbo
In Bill.
a->«l.-MLr/.. bear brt • ,

iwar 'bU
tbir nln-b
nlM.lrotlr m
nl-Jrothitw lr
iral of Tin- old <-ci^ . «mi Ukoa and iManL O'jd ba nrtan boecr.d killiuir ihriti.H .oln4,Wibb
iVia. ... T.-l.r,Mmlly
TI*-> ot«.lfurfi«a.oolld,«„b hi. i>rad aad bi* tatllB wUiJ
* hi.'r.K.ri.Kr In l..ib baail..
tlwl erer »waui il.- •*-». 1 dirt ll Biiuik"n..-ir I.
.uir h.>|-- f.T aw. >II'B wntll.. Tlierr
n-WBB Blwoglb a. wrU 8ajw,.],,ab.ini Ibe water. The f.iin. with
.11.,~.en..l Ur. leauini f.>rwanj iBb'a .brainy lo llwlr ilrabm Bod Ibe .inr* , «|,„.h a nlllBsaka ow oirike ia oDch haadr.1 loi. laiiT iliol llii- fl.|i waa
r bihI k.errii.e bU t.*-e a liiilr. l-it t|..„
pm,Thai ullUfy wan ibe under
j gorf iiward one Inlu awikiug at a Wurth luore ai lln> itiu.-<d ii.doiili iliau
Tatb.-r a f.^wi. uar. <>M - g iug rbonraMn tbrir ntrariKrr. Kt- piwe-uf belling al IsmI a qsknet uf an Ibe floeM .|■ml> wluilr
1.. Br berauBr I au. a
I- elMBbl n-ollv
r Inmarr. aay^ wrHer ;« , .ud, thick, and be ainl bir tmogt ehBI
. ir I Will a*we In-ouirTy.a^
| nliii
wnu ««; tbiciogb lu"~-Kew VtaiSgu.
l.ruBii..- I.. ci<r i»- iwd*y aanlr*.
raBliUiiK-d fnnilahinci. 1* berr trpro-; .
aril im- tbr Ii.hiw/'



forward oaiUVrdilaiilr >bad frrt
rd *nirrrlr •* twrh Ihr Uddrr.okr I
wtrhrd Ibr *latU>rlwmi ,isu lllllr SaareKdn-o oIoePiirolb oBd broachllM
arbotn locrlhri Mnartl*.
' Ihdbrrailaar' •hr rirUlaiH a* Ibr
Marr frail »upp-d fraB brr arrtuB
•raw rad Ml orrr Ihr hlafa woll. ~lrU
aat liar nrr wr oorh a rtoatd prar?

- pMoTT^lr>>pplu( lalu Ibr bald i-wil.
I ander wbrrr ll ha. n>Brd lar
<«ii^MraBaoMhl'*fV^ uWr.Halrh<d
Ibr wall aad boArd ot«. Tbra ohr ladi
M jrrl,,
d bar! b>w brad
Ur Ibr pnamr firaf
rrarlr ao Ihr a^aidra'” .. .
brbnr. irhkia ra.r 'narti of a d.ii haltalKw h Bn»
wan. 10 ral II
irbra Ibr >oa*t U rber. Tbi- wmeh;
ll»« daw brr
ttanoKBlai all brr raor
«hr rneab.-<] lahi- in a
r, kaard
rho fr.n totu< baadini oar ibal prarT'
abr Bokod. 'll Irll oTcr a* I or. nmisf
Tbr r<im»e ■nan B*dr o«.^.«rr.
draf ur^ di-( a»i wai
nioaahl Itir Uirro-aait n
W nlro norakOI baacblllr.
„*|4r r-Hi <” irtura Ibal
r brr IDTC-Ij rhrrk*.
■ parlMilaHr <>l*h ^ou l..dv
ADI au rohlr fna Ibr rMiud uaa hr
tow. tmii III. rhie ouoL<uu bta lirra*t
aad bir nrawbol Ultrd oror M* frrr. br
Ml e«MIr on ll>r lirarb and .hoard ui
Ho of lif.' Mrr a Uiat Tllr.ii.oi of bt.
a^ iowad to blni^
IViiui|n> thr lallrr
rtwror w.«hl lo- Ibr wiwT."
Tbr nrrbntd wa. a hint war fn>n tbr
■atr. bat iOi.- ran IM aad la »W
Miwad. lrarbr.1 tin Wlrb. gilH-L Ibollrh
Ar had l-TW. burn.-..:, ll- jo.ii« aiau
bad laLiw adrantarr rf ibr lBHY\al to
tvBB.. blioodt aad oa> e.tiuc *1 ibr mH
Jbw i-wr ollh Blrrpr ooi.d. r In hi* bi(
J t-Unir, Biiproarb“Voor iwnl'W.
Hijiir... "iMil lb*t
taa htn* «lib .0
larar brloiHt. |o au. 1 am .inta.j aad al­
lowed It lu bIIu Ihnioab lae bDCrrr.i'
TV- mw man lauclHd miwl. allr aU
Uflrd M> bat. •.Trollul o .nirlr bnnra
W and a bronaod. ari«.--r.ii. l-klae

i'“- ■'! E“r-SSs.“«W^

cAr«HT with lioui.'


.4 UasS^l. ’STJri’JJLi



O. m, 0«rv*r

distisy hkvkauch.

.-.d-r IrfI 1''a rfarrh*.
'-'•alyabrgTtpi.rd Ikrlart
clranrr tooni. nm ion di-lUn In- fUbnl
or. wbrii lined. 4«n beaTy lo Im pulMI;
-ll •l—ihl U.0 br hard la famil a iBi-: am. will
eunaeli tlDdi-n^
dllMHi like ibai.'i akS. bbW, Iryiuc >» I la br
be •w.lly
rcaelM-d by i1u«l Iwii.Ii m a Irlllalr -ialrb not ef br* vok-r. ' lironin
.-.n™,, and
pn-vi-iii lb<- ilu.l frutn roll
-N..l.y ,onU- atv am f..bln..ldr
wad* Iwneaili ll.
IU..nUb-. B..1 BIT. raa aUay. an ».rhicl>. Btralglii lack rtialra comred“‘“drd rararMly.: I’FlI'd »iir 18 all ewri on III* own
111" uoUH-B llu-y UM.t > lackl.inr. clilos Uie Birnlehl. Ilnii jdiyXlm UH.-ill.-. i*l.|np iniinuwibir lu oblalD lu mir ea.y
lud I xaal lu Biany lb<- BUi-i-l.-d.
lurrll- ■-1niiidrni dmlrx. wl.lcli i-ncunniB.- bdllDK
UM-i.-il. loTrllIH aud kunMi liiih- eirt la all ibr w.irid. , ,ml n*.- ami amrt ii. lo gyiuna-lumii
ir .hr will mw bavr.w.J .baH reOBiD a I
pl.yBtwl ralllira idaaw. lu uigalli
Lt<bd..r f.w Ibr ITBt u
iDdinuibcr* «..rfor
I.. . L.,.rr.A -A—..-..
iiir (a-i iruuUI aerni «■> Iw- a

■|!"'inr’'l'''n''nr*im.llhM>a Xli- UH.-iU.-.i|

br n-nl-d. Iriilec hi* hami iff****
'Inie*- «n "fforl t« »»'lnc
f.U iAodSUly ... b.!^«•
FiiaCMl ........
of .inr
ll •■ibrio Ur. XJU. Urlrillr."
i fun-fathcr* ami lu IniMalc Ibrni along
Thrn- r>*. a- mirlakiag faU Iradrr { aouu--f tbr line* Hint niadelli-m wbal
M-oniaa im*. Th-oigb hi. wordr wrrr , llo-y «.*i- aad T-rnkru. 4•i••lr cxiold f*rl bl» <
------ -------—-----------nrrra in-mldioc a. ibry loarw ArrwJ
T) 1'P'TT IX! V 11TD
n.l ibr n^r rctnrued lo her foredn a.
1 H K RA ITlrr>N A R E.

----------- «nd rrrw bad lorn iwnf i.. v.bmb in ii^
40W THE.FUTURE 15 MAD BY CHI ; lu recirer »«.« .toff tr-im a Spaul .|
I h«l Ibal bad fi
ml idfllieM
lYiba. ]nM where I rtuij-t li.iw ti'-uliert.

lini.y fui>. ami a lanirw <-kaiapbi-r all Ibal t« •b-IU-luu* lu lid* Hue
woHlll- lu- far t.i ..-.A titan a Ihnv
i|iiari.-r <-81.1.111 run »f K-by: fur in
■tanr,-. .01.- wUli tn.- nrw ndl..1 cillaf.
IlDMl wlib Mild.-. tumii-DM- Bofl tr»rr«


Jn. erery I'l.inn- cmiiaouity Ibi-re i
will br fuoDd MH- ..w tL-we a.Mliraym I
» fiwtnue lellm-. wbo. in eeiara fiw a
~i". »‘ll amd a-fale aerking ;
«iinsmaa- i.way eitb.-r luppy ur laiM-r- ,

an eipeivirr lliliig i
Uiya kurwilial lll•'lau■u.| be aumrtliiag
jirellr valoalde iiilln- b»M ■ f^lu-wi
I wa*
a* Rnilr
Rnili i-I-m- i.i nor .1 Irto-r, aud lie
,„|.t aw ibaMl-iewere ►-v««l bn».. rd
iIi* wtrrk. On mr irr.ral
al ll>e i«irl iirur wlien- ibe wreck lor lu
#U feui ol wai.-Mbr ajc.ut cd llw-owitin
of Ow- Binkrii .rlif.aB-r l..ld n. M>nir-

abb-. The Oiiiieac <|warler in Nrw Y'Wk i lli'UB neoa MinniMiui. ll wa. Ibal Ibe
I iali.wi.thrra.dlllef.-tlBwjogglrt*. !«••■<* hwl u d
...l^i,. h.,.. in
I whoRiaiMge lo make a tnirir ipwd hr '■>* rabiii. *. wa« o.nul lint f-t i-mi*
I iufi •■ot of iMr latniua. lu iln. rtiuiiliy i Fr-aaiu bad l.••n IomptI mid |■lai-•.l id
tbc wiutliBj.-rT U mw .> In.piwiaut a ; Oir Indd. Iiriimb IMt a.<-.i|i|.rwa.l.-T..
among Onn*turn a* br it iu ^*’i» wag pn.b* ilj- a m-Im-ui. Im d»*id
I China, fur ibo iaflaeurr nf -Mmicau" j
uf I'.riRiirii nf cupidity un*.
„„,D h.. uir«Ted arm rduhd J,*u.

**.\aoibn' dlBapirninimmt." hr obhI. rrMartna Ihr frail saUiailr. •'I w*. halt
rt Ibr liupn-nloa Ibal MHm- rmH
'■•1 U 7*b^mlful bouw- <'I.Hr- b.
pra..*aiil; aw
r ba.l drerloprd
ready .1 iM^lahirm niu wERRORS HeOAhDINO ITe ! to Ibe aoitnnt». .if the ••lock" BJrki.
■A. Ibe wiau. I war »
aaamtiarlhl. a. i
ria.j. brr iM Bb. arm*. -iBu'i let ii” la '
1“ Chliia ibe kraeridaBB
le«.-d lo ira-l.nvm fiiM atidfuMUb.. imBbat it
tai-l B1..I ml* cbm ear Bilk wonl wiU :
lake aur »tep .d ioiportaiKw.wilboDt ' T bag., atiacb Jim-, m iln-m aud bara
tan-. Uow uiu.-b fsnbrr <• il l" nriar
urn. S|--«k. darilbgr.
: eciu.BHiu« Ihrir famrite aoulbaaTeT. ra I «>•«« tak.-n -inl brf.we tin-.tlwr dlr.-ir
dalr Hall, pbw.r'* Thai ......... ....
Hhr I-A..I up ai him wlib a btppy.

Sttlkiag arm ,
oui.iJenibU. uiilamrt,
«"b Ihr
aan tbrer adlr*. I'm i aJni.-nS)- b.>|>r It'o
' ir) ad

hi* ct.H.Bama Tie-Cliiii.we fiw"“wr
retry, it
•Ir tuec.- *lie BarBarnl.
Ibal Ibrh^.wc
ta Allar* Anylblag.
Mnar'o dorlamlou, and thr olrancrr ro*e
«ri«->»rd Ml
greal day t.> lake a )>rFp lui Ibr futme.
>.c Ih.' d.-*i dill piare. and I late 111
I- fnita tlir l.i.b>
.................................... Kbr ih.>nrti bim lair
aud tb>- Cbhrrrr none iu...New y„.,'a.lyalitil.. di*o
I.V owner liwr - <•blra«o Tlmr*
Ilium by a
"Nubudy war e<
It Wbrii br .TmiUB'K.oil to
u> •
luld lliTH-b-inrr
fnauali Ihe aeigliboniig Mwn* wfalcta ' Ox *’<b> >ha< >»d

. foake. and oubudyerej will be,"
aad al
Cbinamefi to.! f'-burt-r. I ba.1 .bc-u lidd ilial Ibcre
are urn atruag omBgb
brait '
llBBlet<a Orarr.
- i Bum
Mndird Ibriu* ".And ilie
.. but 1 a. 1.1 by i-.>
rlie ’ won).I lie 11 lug..
-d nh blni Tn tlay.
rerywbrrr ibv taodal* ate; bol. oo roaBuu i. Il» Uwi tliai r.nild Jreaibir bo. .
Kiaallr 1
hi. trade iiu Ih. .-dp- i b*"!*
*l( doaii braiiiV rbr a-rird.
< Ii.di-. •*;> Jbm.I. a. Hilt In The J A ratibwoakr can't bllr. 1> >*}>'• bkriy !
<iar Ibe h.ilr in
AB.nber n-'"« a «"n* »«■
in. lei
llnd.ViMl Ifarj uurbt I
........... .. I laibct ibiak Ibal ».looee ba* ............................ ...
................ ... ..... .. ......... ........,
Itr ball, and lai pirkiDi
at Ar al*li.Hi bon far it «
lurii .lTlirialdo >.a Ibeni. IIiBlrl brUg [ TidKiwilIi loMb and Jaw. bur l.w pow-!
, 1rrr cbwe tu Ibe (Ihiaei*. ibe
. IboiiA. fiM-tliry don
Ur.d, ilK-r.. bad U 1.- a H.in1r|-. grare. ; „ .<'r Jaw. ate not I
7,'' ilr Ibe iblid lain ibe Jumhunai
l.nt (tirri
ETrrr jBCabiimw baa ill deeided Ibal ibr l.rary Ihplr wa-klUg
tfWulA nf hnntins o'
. ID Mult
hail been lutyuir-u iuu.itiiewaTor<r.bta when Ibr o il-.airr ■Bilk. I faMnied
’ In.nglnf w ill, all 1.1-. b.-«ti I* BM-rpi
,4*,* gr.allr dian lb*t bur Ibr a*Br ' ^ "" <"«rag« what, vri lu cbwiug
Ihl. gumn-i. lmii*il..u. tM yn doulnful l. i ib,-a,rl*B.-b..l, lunr. The lebr bum. 1 >«w •*»"'« iba «ber. aud If ii atleiapi:
kind, of amBVnni
ml for- *brf bad lti.-m li-nubd. afii-rward giuug
af Ibr piTiwaly of ll. lb.- j.«iBs naa hr*-'. .. .bi|.pe.l il lo pi.TT. lu ...m Iwirf ara- : erl i.i inllirt Injufy by l.itiiig it r-ialdn t
of lwt!»l'
».’F- f-x
lUlMl. *B.I widir I..- dkl M. 111.- rertor ..a Tlu-h.*irl kr.-|.-t* pu-.lde.! auolbrr.
pierrw Ibe *kiii. Tbr
Tbr Uug*;
faug* !
inrbrr. •< iaocli a. pierrw
___ _ '«7 gnoil
rwBe wllblii light .-t bmi arul gar
ol a raiitcwuak* ■
"III a frw iimiutr* I iKutu. d in Iba
Srwb br uMi.Ae. u
Wbeu».in»ritnpenilili.iiBChinamaudr-*«*wb <•« the *r*iinrd coin*.
*g. arreral
» by IIibc fart
I gfrwiM hare hli fortoualuM, Iw pa.r. 10 ! ''eiy few uf ihmi. wr-rr m algl.t. ll
T year*
I tbr aolid
or faa.l
per Jaw. “
Baa far ibr
: a; iu.< h.-k ol ai
. ■ "W.-.wiigbn.
Jay wbm bWi
gbi n.|.^«
nilb Ibnu *1 laat.- br dowiib ll
Wil e«~r«f
BBPipcrlc Bertiiw
Beclilir a. i
hath Ibal lk.y
lajlmd an.1 uighrd bkeffnai thr gla«* w-ork* rTrir y
j; wund, and then llirowa Ibrin apnu lb*
arkaedboya at
I e|. lIu- b.ihw Ibey Bade Ibr wwi
osake bile*. ^ wbnirver any .am Irll*
Ibe bule wbni i raiuMubcred that i
id grt I' n.lain l*nn-1 Ibra In ibnu gu abrad. Waal
-non la. C
nilghi baiard ibe air pipe. « I wa
d Ibr n i« r-odly. 11 -k at iir>brlla-. agringr
! STStlleaaake
leaaake Ibet bimii
polbd Dp and l- i down
ion. V.m-ll:
---- ------ --------------; win. ll I. aa
ly fa.-a mule- eratrly bad ngn aud call* few gnwt eao- '
d'-»W*"idad lurt

iFire Insurance
John R. Santo

bdi I* an Ib.ui ja>-k.H of Ida.-k TvlUi cn-st-ri-ii-r. and «.dlar of
wlilir ami liMadiall muff to
II I. I.. oiling rlylra Unit II.- luaglr
flrbluD draw* ii*iu<»4 Immlmlldy Jn--t

WnYibnnr BIk.

Tmrerse Oily

Fire InsCirance
E. W. Hittlip' Xtac|.

: U-Viy 1*
Ig Iinr uf Iluu.. aid-ar*
I .fa*HBatlug
iBcinatlug tlr.1 lall
i-butiA »r
Bii.l tab-
nw... will, ilnri
.. ou.. ,urtaM.I> of flon.-r*
naubl. whllr II... ailnal 5ki
Ju <iD.' wlib flu- draiB.I
glnlb- end rlW..u uf |«le
»aiin cuuipb-ti
1 laiteiial in aofi alutib-* uf Idllr.

iTBaiul.drmMat* i4 b
(i.miri MOUTH

;'3 '".t;


i R. .i.-, ^ ™ ,1,

• I.dd her b.- •..Dl.t gire aU be kad !

“i., .,;iU< .b.




. a • I lb'

..-ring lb* riming year.
»*• “>'• wh-amer. lal m lu w.ek
maud fidcBp and Ihe olbta digging re->lnlely in Ihr eaud. 1 Imd
1, lb- .Dgurr >. awrmwly g-^ >n>« • f-« d-nm wlwa. I-irj^ ibe
giild pirtvr all.m II lonip
I iiirkari «ol
great bandfol aad taru.Tl the ligbt ou

« a b»T.i uf guW iheo.
did iiul la luiig
..aiirlliiug I
•xpHAril M bappw wwau The Ida. 1. lo
Ibr luMier >M-luii-t
■i-t rife fnsn
•bar* *'*!
^ »lx Hick^’willlSte « tawJwmB *«*l


OtoCh. '^Itak. arr o bar. and
-' a. "w,!n*ai Ibe
left fad gairt Ibr cfll) t
S^ la wlUi aafelT. I n
> aaddmly
___________________ .-empedeod *f fnmUldng ta. ate
takm ftota Ufe. lalooped *o«ni *« *w ' .mB, 1-.
- Ita redor aboek hU bead.
and lb- family, ital haa
- BOT# bia tnltte. I bmi ao i«na«.
. . “Taa wffll aerer iodnee oU TrmiaBt ta wild idn-.-* ..f
lad kit tall than bu aiaiiltlad bead
M pan ten the Buaar." be .aid. “Jr ■iA I StSM ^Hhir yai ttU



—r. «.» badui ib.*ighl of oi»r lu a.i bam il•hat I
b-1 m«l*d«l m bring bt knifr li

of IW bdlrl.
*'01 In. fr.Bt and one In the
:B>'ddh- ..f ILc ta-k marl Ibe peweBt
1 *'^Fl mmli I.
i A w.d.-uturreelial reported 1. Ital
'Idoke.! yof laff->a mrbinga awoBc
| rir IU!. iriiiindiigr for gnwua In gaui*


;' ta7«^‘ted «iTte^

5.. .u «»«; -o. ^ ■—n .i» h. •bS.i,


illy oBd and.«Fiia bom-g tadmn*.yTer
- of h.u.w»« ^ B>r.

iUak.taeotaaiarflp af .eaw-UwRF In Mm- paper shd Use^ with SI

taa of Iba Ullla
tad read, aload tha asialta o

Tbe emrl gold Lug* bad Mit Ma
be darTored, after mrl

1 flaiig inta tbe bideom omw
to bay lae a broua ia New
1 aaw blm map aad gwalJow

ed. aad aa ,gtta Sid 1 hsrlcoU lato Um
Aarfc'a Umwl. Iteny ana be brestaa
I ia ttegtaM Siaay. B. II wroo, f>«1bo gedd tad taBOtak talaerad tniu. cMllng ia ib* forwan!
pan Id bU budy. Tbta te wrfebed Is

wtabareg a#


IsMM o imilj ,mmaH nmm rmi «te tas


MmMm I Norttimtirt R. R.

-i-getablc*. aurb aa prwa. bean*
n,< and |

!! i


I M• I•

-kllbullgll H

1 penUleat beftait
WetU. Hto own aerraau Srapali
IM Mm awte Ibta cm4e a week, ai

*... ste 1 tat* ta arr-b emply.-; which a geeSt-ffTeal-gtaSdtaalbH taa ; ^ R^ »te ■takaafwaya.RTsri.
, J.
- luTe
4,.> _*l
tare oal,
blot aare tayarif' atepi. ac. better aHU, awe npon wboae ( Jf**** U m gtaftap in ikU reptile
^ I cmi--------- Wathlapita or La-! J teta term a
•tel 1 ratber Jlked bta tben.



"X Bcdd nrar the

______ _____ 1.7Ant**- »«d»iog at me.
Tire wap.d crealor*
_ _
H^Tprd M roumUrr ttat with a
i«',e: mbbdasd lra.1 dlrw-tua a divor Biakf*
knurling Md.' tbi
TCrdirt of the Micka apon tbat |ari|Kigi- > P»°r in
•• *«
lioB BerTBHuwraanmbeg-ti^Sr^ 6<>‘'l
fo«HlBwlcB*Saiaadi.aka.hUpliij; 1/ksag«to Ibe liaurifal <4 g-H a. Ikagb
wrapui Ha larurd uii bu
non. cm- ofroedinglT.
M ma 111
in Ibejrta- *’(!.. npeniag bi* bomble ibonlh. A




trf Ibe f'Wtnue aeeker ia

™-. I. "i*

I* If
if Tun’r*
T.n-M tunliogarioiud
r.r.l.n..r,.u.1 lua
1... ennnrnua.
-oo’n- a irnr |>rupkrt. aid i MU«
; toy wheie br i. apaudiiig iba Anamer.
whal did .be dor
I'apiala Terry niaion a* b.-! “Ai
married bln. aad beM him MtM_______ - jalrV alradrr bgarr dirap--! “A
' <>iuBi«r - -XVaahiaglon Rrar.
, prariag tfarmuib lb<- rrctorj door. -J*Tr. j'T
haw brr ere* apatklr! Jnut likr a fairy
tavntaia wfara thr *iin ablnr* .m llT'
plrwaatil lirtlr laarb w.^ alraoH
rTrek-irbtt la ynoi
irforr IVtrr
•[•<kr of
ra*i..n.rr - A Bu.iard al.H*r. r,nk*:
IbaUetaSfbat «xe and/mod
whkb bad broughi bim I,
Jhea b. loU Ibe led
he bad cub* U*^b.T‘. r*, ,brcra»p,-IMrHi 1^..;^ by^^ltiig|^
ikalilwnntMv «'•*”»■ »l>*» *ben
■r of Kiiard: iW liaH. with Prem,_________________
a Tiew I.
a ranlBDake ia atmebrd al fnil Jmgib.
MHty buibW whUb, lor w iB<
wak tbrinn»kigumdr.l loibentmmt.
ter tmant. had k«g .inn- Im-a.
' bt njnld iMt I
ba Ibr rata aB-l tbr >)4drra
Tbr rad Far Tim* Wwen Melle. I
-Wl want |o hr.- •..Brobrre a
ta'waS. ■eral. rhiaa.
faackwaril i
I length aud with
Sale." br aaid. Ciiac bi* c.-a.
mib tbc rerlral of Ibe crSoslal atylc :
lly. One ^ ‘ ‘
BriaaHy. an C>.wI Ibe bcl
tif 8r.'bllMlim-, »o largely aeeo la I
im of th.-


; PteRE Marquette

Rftay.SBdlbte tu tew A-4.I-. hi.

SeaMtaed Twrbey.
Oor of tbe way* ta amaase ibe *Vfl
ar.-r“ imnicBa of ibe aulde bird bow
.tuUnwai la a botlereS
iiakiBg dlah. llar.1 wHb crwmta. pfi
iltrrtete layeia .rf half lai* Ww aC
eoU loptcy. amnaf aad graFF <«
white MB-e aad cmaba. if tbHr be as
wad *r«Fyi. rarer sub
gad bake U talasUa.


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