The Morning Record, January 06, 1901

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The Morning Record, January 06, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




TRAVBBSK «mr, men., HinrpAT,



hakWhaae WMbmabe ■aCMa^

•9nmiH S*vm» Th«m ^Pre
B*inc Lynched



Alarm for Safoty of Capo Pan-

New Vote. Jm. fi-The totfa of

inauU to intarM

«, i«oi.





Offkt Stathmuf, « « « «

eify Book Store*

CommiMloonrM Today

S BM aU^ M hnaa aadnu-

OuUaws Mad* OMparmt* R«•Icfane* Bdfor* Captura

aof CUI Iff
Bamatt'a wUa that when JUdl
Maga. "ItbaMi of IlMa, Lor*.'


Om> te sAnC. «
Wt 'earn gmit fom.

a hB. Fbr Mtae lakermea


PrinonChlnpCalMon MlhMter
ConpAT YAAtnniay

■dtoklU 1

tkab--xo. um




tmmimA. Kn. AUm A.:telM k»iUlMMf AMMIa'la •n adt for mpmtt uitmtmi

1 Koaa atfll M raiWI

fflaelad hB aad Ua akUMaa. bat
darotad hit tlBe aad BHMy to ai
dta aottaaaand if;aiii. I
«MC0 viUtoatttaa
VlMNWl. Mrb.. iBL
If imor4fr «f Rctbm 7aba at Brny•U* UMt nielli, tbf kMdIlr rrara jwii
wt bU pemf tnar Haribarr; W mOlm
from tho weme pt the cHMb.- Hm
houda fu «p to • hoy Moefc laofc of FrnaJi»roJ«ot Now Updor OteOMObloudMOfipod.
oiiwlon toy Cenvontlen
Tb« abwiff rolM 1« a load m'ee
far tfa> robbMi to
I7 oat dotted a aua, fir'af trllta two
mrolran ai tba poaae. '
ed U tba aadirthuh bafgra Um iIm*.
Iff ttuua.M. fmrmit. Cklia
then Bade apoB the raaaialBK ban­
dit fo runadB. iUaairlnit w> reRaraM, Jaa. t-U :
apooae. UiriMrlff Brad the alaiA aad totoriaiatoaa iifliaid «f the Baal.
another rotter booaded oat. aadtraa' FRdeot vbarki vlU ba adoptod by the
irrebbaii and diBmad.
tn>e eheriff etaitad book t9 the
. rOBiily aeat with hie pt^ooer, and
woe met at OioweU hy a
poaed nf aalithfaon of the
One of Xahn’e
alala iaolodlag tte mm
led tbe erowd and with a pUtolfiolnt■ a it boloaged to Sfnto.
rd at Ite aheriff demadwl llw
Bd wetton defiae* dtiaa
mt>b-r of the prlaoaer that be mieht
to lynefaed. The Wirriff harried hU
man into a hone<‘ and defied the Moh
SoeUoa twelve t
Re rmn in a eltlaaa and tht^ fooicht (he gaallfioatkma of the pneitenL
Itotr way in the dejiof and bmailht He mnat be Onhaa ten or Imre
llie prieueer to Itemoat.
ed ia the rerolatiOB for at lean tea
Fnan diff.tvnl |iarta of the emini year*. He 1* eleoud by direct rote
mine reperta that
and hi* term to to be *U year*.
I to PreBMit
' tynch the irieoner.
He van idiot twice hot not daniter-

* lataTbe-Cil 1 1


CUP'S aMsmvniM

.-e murder oeoarred while the robhem were holiUiwt np Zahn ^ fowtern other* tii hi* ptooe of bnatotoa
AnditormanWlieved to to a memher of the KaMir that oonunltled tbe
tnnrder. wa* amvted at Wen Folat
.(hi* erniiay liy a |n**e. after enme
. re»iet»iitt>. Tto prieoner at We*t
l^1lDl had been followed einee la*t
> and a
He man at Weil Poinl wm fearfal of
IminK lynehed. ani to«qpd not to to
taken thnnihi the loeallty wbeia the
tobhwy oeeorrrd. Imt the offlern
nui taotooLhlm.
A third rnbtvr; arretted ihU erea(I of Qroweil. i* ntor in
-Jeil ton-.
The wonoui on whoB farmiaee tbe
two men were tint' loniled thii after- MMm wa« alix Irimirbl her* and jail-



Mm. Werntwocth, “ta giro my haabead baok to me. IWk wto bnt toa
day totet toay atapad. tet ote only
laaMted at toe and teld. 'G
twortota toa only man b
world worth hortog and 1 01

It Bata and are gaaidl^ the
aa to
Town. Thi




wlUbelnd vitoto hearla* of toa
---------- oattowtodttetMr^dMaatrilljola the
topnBrodmit’a ^vob
maader of toa Wee* a ookmtal dirta.

ortteCItr ondC
> report of toe <

of one aad au

Tbta lapert

tole petitom, 1
dl^yih bem Pretoria mye that
force, which la parMing Oeoetal Dewet. paaced tlBoagh
Vietaborg yntertey and diridad
into three eolomn*. One eaptored
William* f<
ed from Middleborg on Tomday.
Tte Boetp WBT not atnmg eaotigh K
detor them and were rompelied to ivUeoeial Omfell ha* nmde
Janctioo with Gen. Wtlliama Oeai.
Brabant ha* arrired at Ormf Belnet,
Cite Oohmy. Nombrou Dateli Imre
■ gDlaif to toe
DorUi daring toe paat few dayi tram
The MlddlBH tt«i.
mem hea gone to Pigaetbarg.

apMat te tto Mwatac Oiawd.
KaalK Jito. d-The FUtlpi^
' haapaatod* biU iMridiait for a hoard of
daet tbe Baa Joee OoUrwe of Modielae and Pharmaey and to brltot aeiortolM of tbe rr^wrty. ‘Ae 1
Bar eoBitto decide the peiata
taredrad la toa coatforarey and ai>- tattB tn*t
wonld be nuhed into effeef immadi
ately If the Groat bill aboold beonmeataw. "1 hare been approaehTbeattonwy gniaral
heaaid, “by an agnt of the
ed to aet to eoanael to tbe boarded
and *haU be a member of
traeteea and to file a petltioa
thlr^ day* with elaiin* agaiaat -the toe combine in all probabUlty.
(w^mrty. wbid 1* now in the-hand* portB hebo of the firm of 1
.of New York Oily irediet
of tbe QitheHe etoardli. ThebHI aleo
laorlde* mle* in regard to the way
the legal emitrormy Mty be eat

wm M«m la ito to'
the nwaiMa tiataij riah-Me.
ttowra Al«> atoael.
: ltoel*lMltollMn.toHeomt
Kew Yotb. JaiLB -Kid McCoy and
Tom aharfcey WBT matted thle aftemooB to fight a twenty-roond battle
to the opimlng of the Twatotolb
Oenicry rlah at Han FranciaMi. Feb.
to Jin Kennedy, the nmtohatoker.
, of the new olab. offered them a good
!e of tbe troeipn. Both tbe
readily aoeepted.
Wiite waa then *eleoted a* xrferee.

by Uie aaMmbl
dairr InteraB*.
They mid ttet
Mb a trail wa* an ImpoedbiUty.
Tbe itraggle to deUy the oleo MU
row* more bitter day by day. Te}.
agtam* and lettB* are poBiag ia
tbe erneton of tbe pommlttee.
Oae of tocen teeeiTed 6,000 lettar* to­
KadtriUe. Tnn.. Jw. S—Olde day. Ho deeiaieD to end tbe hmringe
Walkiv. the It year old daughter of
CarmB realdtog aboat two mlhn
from WolBtown, Tcml, wa* crimlrmUy aoMBiled today by Hoaotoa Itei-ttoe. a pttm M yaon tod. O&wn hmle** Tnilmoar I* <tl la aod 0
of oil
to fight in the latter part of ,Kay. teoa^ toe eoutry frn toe ae^ and Bpwiai tuTV-HwBlac Beeod.
Nobody hat been eelMtod to tnmt ifoaptatada total will ba am
tooetoo. Ind.. Jon. S-U the
.MoOoretn. tel it i* Ukely that Kid
The girt ehoigai that toe
Keith Battler trial toe atate imtad
MeCoy will to Terry'*
eniendtoe WalkB borne while toe tob aftamooD and the fiefenm wlU
The eleb ha* been chartered, aad I
to toe family
aeaee Monday aeoni^. Urn
alto reerired a lienee fron tbe *alienilam to bojd the boxing onile*t.
toe emod and taw wtet
be a oomplete edmin of c

waetoaU be aigecebl*
to toe eooaty of Omad Tiaterie and
toe oity of TrarBto Oily.
ThirratoB ambigooaa tepon waa
tte remit of'tte 'diaeorery
port of the committee that they conld
Bot-wellenmr into a oontraet with
negtaoted or liadir
teqnlie them to grant the eoneeadona that had boen promieed Umagfa ^tii. ’ Rotey ‘llomtal£^te
. .ja in all
Agent O. E. Monay.
Aak ypor drnggiit.
Ttere will irohably be ao dlOenlty, bowoTB, in gettliw
•armtoe* ttet theae
and it U tboogfat that tbe
work of iraparlag for toe G. R. A I.
extenatao will be begu at once, aa
tola wa* toe erident Intention of tbe
TUa will mean (he extooaion of tbe
O. B. A L trmA north of the rtrB.

n bridge to toe
Jamm G. Jofanaeo'e drag aUr*. and
to toe rmr of tte
RboU teUding, tte Hannah A Uy
Go'* atore, tbe new tegle oOee and
toe mndy factory, to a polat n««t ‘
From Btreet bridge.
Cbainmn Wallmr mated ttet it
the iateoHon. wfate toe OHApany are
ready to teild. to tere toe
toe eompany meet <alto a
of toe oonneil and the beard of raper.
vlaor*. and hare tIA ligbt reamdl lb
city of a eroadag ia cam Oam
M U erw ^tended, and tbe titel
to a poblic loading ptaee in toe rmr
~ the Hannah A tey MereantUe
Oo'a atore.
The report of tbe eemmlltce on
ftBBDee. way* aad mean* waa adopted
the payment of rarioa*
otaima ogalnat the eoaaty.
toeoe bllU were the one* arliiag.
from tte cam of email pox in toe
ily toll- Itaa George wo* award­
ed lit for el«»biBg deatroyod. and
Ales Foontato $1U f^a dmilar
Wallie Perry wn* ordered paid
•ar.aoJor oaitog for Oe^ ter U
Tto bndnem of tto board being
finlteed toay tmetod a fliml ad}0«nIt at lOfiO o'clock a-'B.

Air Power Oompany of America hat
dlapoeed of lu otam right* to
tenaep*. IlltooU and Mimoori, and
prarliealty aiao to Ohio,
air railway* Will be
•araried to thoae atote* and to order
- tc^neel the demand* for can and mo' tor*, the OoBiwcBed Air PowB Com­
pany tea imrohamd Uie Rome Loom
aaotir^wBfca. Reary D. Cook, ptceIdmit. aar* the eompany U '
dilp fifty earn to Booton m
targe ahliaant to Xtaytm. OW*.


TtmoroB AX OPKK awm.'B
Big Foot lailread and Mynn M. Bb>
rick of CleVetand.

Tto Morton hi

golal Mtoaea

..Our Already Cut..

vi™ i-re-v





fiBam. Ind.. te. »-A pm
(helTto foaafi of what waa tatere gB tmla « toe Big FOB road te
a fifiwoaai eonmot Thr fighil^
loh aa opm ewilte amr hMo
BtoUnoetoorecimfinadtohia bed «a* taiiiy eren arAU toe tan two
with a oetete ooU. Santo lim* oteee
da, when ffekiaMa begaa to
Mr. Ray waa otHeken. tet M* phy. tbe. AftB kaetolBg him fiawB I
John Onto, the
r.«ne killed, aad John a
ian.ta totals lalfcai.

M kUs 01 Him a( BHw kr tahM
We hare jolt nnpackad n Iqt of Mow Maekwaar7Cblkrfi,
' Always eonanU Banda b^ra yon inreat.

S. Bonaa & Co.
$0.00 Ladies'
up to date.


8 Ladies jadeetfi
Met ibteyW. mate.

Sold op to $10




Persian Flannel
(! instead of $i.oa

} Nice Wool Kas1]
Black or White


LadiesFur Collarettes
Worth $s

-Big ait on all
Udies- Wool r
Waisth; nice lot



Extra size f^re
Linen Towels—
always 35c

Good quality


l| Nice lot Mi«o»Jackets -this
year's make


New lot
Stocking Caps
Pretty colors

To cl<»e,out
lot of
Men's Caps



Reliab'e Dry'fiooda. Carpet aad Clothing Bonne.

fCarUr AfrCer.

rat t-



rat K.

«Wt In

rot to

n iHc*. eitaii.


Sneelb SbaM


You enn nlimya get wbaa
you nae nn Eketric Baser. I
hurf (he 6neat stoek of bigfa
(."ade, fine tempered Eleetrie
that are goanataed to
!>• Ilie tout and moM Mtiifae.
lory made.
Pricee from 81 tots.

HoT>- wCloroir
•-at to


W. J. l-lobb«

rLECTRlC and
C»hi« Bw. p'

Bpfs'and CItHdrm’s
All grede*. KrriyoiiegOM
at a nniform diaroent of f8 per
cent. Bamilton Clothing Go.


wtob to be aa. tbe Tele
Mo one «ta ba op to tbe work,
Ui tUa ase. without tbu twaatiatb
oentary adjoDot.ia tba lima to sat ihtooogi-


Mot in two bohxi—Mot taaorn»w. bnt imtiigdiAtMg.
fb* ette laltow nftan tea tba
jonmigfatbdra hnd.bacniaa
fa Ida phee




nmtttrn ctkft*

ea tte W


Boy’a nil wool Knar Pnntr, ntxM np to 10, far............................40o
Stocking Cai^
*1 coloivOcrman



kind of clothing for both.

Item pr-wote*

to hB while io tbe BraaoTllleMil: “Koahrakemy pnrm at
My n»on*T waa gHtb« away
Pneto. HL. Jaa. fi—Two cAaowa
tokUaapOy- boot me and aoaetbing had to be
Anotter witnem tawifiad to
inydB, toe eerm year old
Viotor D. SaydB. a. waU4o^ exhale
U white Koito mM:
totar. The attooept w«t madi
“IfHoraUeein BranerfUe like tee
aboat half pan* e'eloch. to the
did here mow one wiU kiU hB ate
of the BaydB reeideaaa wUta the throw bB into toe rim with a Mow
bey wa* ptayi^e The big tMlIy d^t ttedtofaBnete."
paaaeed oat at tte maa end they
Dr. HsttoP teatlfied Itmt he anal
•ftetocd. Mti. ScydB
iyaadtoefetohminKelto’e boggy fa«
child oe toe ponA la
■ red Mood
dtoeoldwoU and

lUbat kind of a boy
i$ yours?

Pekin te 6-Prinee Chlag oalled
today on Mtotamr 0««B. While the
aoetal <me.
Prince CUog oafeed a trember of qoN
lhmeatato« tont he and hU.eol
leagae. Li
-------- ....-----ioastolooeno time in eioalag the
whole affab. Oaring thta call Obimt
made no refotenoe to the ob}ectlm»
made by the Dowager empreee to
lof toe termt in tbe note of toe
------ itore. CerngB informed toe
prtooe that toe demanto weald be |«e1 Sanday and that toe Ohineee
----be opeeted to
Tbe demand* wfll ba acuf
m Bute to omn
Earl An
U ana
Prince Ghlag, to white they will be
informed that after aignUig toe note
they wUl be reqaeatod to meet th<
foreign repoeemtatirea to eenterenee
• n-|aa*umaiiTee
>rlTe* will aiao
atao be
h\ ttet if they hare any qaee
dona to aak they will he e.spNtei1 to
pot toem in writing.

Edn tMt RMbn



M ..TfsOtw


Oar«faad«a and Otobm

«'olura lotenor lelephooM far boom.
Of »lo". w«,can wire aaytbltot

fron a rail bell to a whole eity.
148 Front Street

Don’t Pay

An ordinary price for an ordiiuuy shoe
-not wbeo/An ordinary price vkl boy
something extraordinary. Just think of
this when boying

$3^00 Shoes

And come here (or the extrurdinuy
valoM. Our.peeiJp-i.lmiie.'Ao«.«>
this price—eooKqeeotly ire ate >1* to
give you the vefy M -velM ud lug.
Mureitoieotpotmbleu thepcire.

Front Street.


MffKunan Stock



^ WA-ncsnrfta




Y.-Of— » ■ x-w. MMmiM


mlghtBagaU. bat ym^ natfft ta
- - ‘
-"the wattr la the Wld- at iWlMiitt «#:!•> «. n
day. At ndaado 4*laga. wM
iatmft tmW^ Hdittop
aenta bnAaa amd other aBght
•tUT tbe Mon bod etoMd ^rert

i^'agitt to 1
hna la laoagallka of the inteoteod
hrldmfkra mmriMl omAaat to Ihda
aoaa^. The gift ooaaMa of a large
bocA boand hi laatem te pagaa tf
iteob ara' aattd ailnr. The whola
»«Ute Morrto at
1MW Mm- wai^ twaatr-dra pohada
OUo, wfateti wn nporud i> itedoipaga to te Amdrloaa od

MchlofUteld baae. Mr. KawMai
that be ooaU abaoM etoa
hUtrw and ire to tbe my epet

.dtafaMt the Bpaakb-Aiiiilww
Ihmr the berpoae iato -^Ytagm.
. A^bediditwltfa’the aAetle laWi
vWehiMe cteraeMieMlUte .eeloa*i
erer etaoe be beeaee* eoBBeetbd with
tb* pMe MtUHa. Many ymn a«o,
TlHM «ae a IttUe iHtberlaf «( nUi|J7aai'anar the BUa. noeptioe to
X.«Ma«. la the Mei{ur beii>it ColOBMl MeOarria. Dartnit the eoBTer.
V Mtk« HeChKrtB eaaj^i i« lean
j- (roa the ei.*«Freit«)r why it wee be
the IWrtyMattad dw
> ia( the late war. The rn>H*a of Pia-

The e«Mh late
e wnkli
wM<* the aai
•leta be
girl'* bioed xba, i.<meibe
aard lo bib wbea..boy. 7
■aaeeo-«Bt itiri
Mr. Vewtoe bee
kHled; wbea ibe waa-yet a ray
aaell ebUd. Re wae peaeoaally aetbe Wlentaeek taally.
and deeUm them to ba^a wwtblw.
of the tefa
beat WBi (a etiaaptiiic
bU faUier. Mr. Newtaa aaa ray
ma«h affeetMl br the report of tbe
terribSe ttarder of HUa Meerta.





J. V. M eoKf miiiiiKi m


Be Fool«.


gala* OoBtldemble ) property
PttB daatrpyad near Odema, where
te ttalaa are datayod by deep mow
drifto. -Btoek Sea ratee are overThe Danaba to frown over at
and tberv U ikating la
north HoUasd.
Repoata of as ostbraak of ptogna at
Rmn^v for to
- ..-ripre
todivMteiA Imva been emSimed. aa it not only• ^TC»
____ .jwompt
There hav« been
idele locovery.
y. but atoo

whidi flftaan have troved falal- any tondaney of to grippi' lo n-anlt In
Pour |dagoe pattenta are atlll in te
boapital aod nambeta are ia^tod. ;
Owing to a iwisdeaoeBOe of te!Mr*
___ Harry Hayse* a leapher of v

n above.
__ _
_ _ _ira‘» wonder, warmingj^tiee to te heart;
to Rocky Moon-’
tain Tea. Me. AM yoar diaggiat. !

todiee who may <lraire inatrueliau* \ h
and ezidatn the work, lertn* etc..
ether borne. SIS Franklin St. anyi/a
afternoon fram 1 to A. Saroplee <
Mr* Rsynee work oan b-e wm
- I
the Temple of Faafaion.


and Delivered
Call Ball Phona SB4


J. Dewitt ■Ular In the High Sebool
Lectare aad Mnaie eoaraa premlma
»reat are eaoagli. loojv to bp ooe of tbe moat intereating
ariy aaed. to insnrr yon a
sambart of the aeaaoa. asd ebcnld
fill every amt la the honae. Mr. Mil­
« at oMoatti
ler waa bare la te mme coDiae aev! and th. <
mal ymn ago, and wlil be remem­
J Ufa.
Wakaupasd «mH> year opporlo- bered aa me of te moat astertalniag
ignrtaTi that evar oocapied te looal





AU who bare atmndad te ooBiae
will ramember OaL L. F. Copetond.'
itoNwe SohooU. of Bctanloe. Pa., who hat gives Iwo Ssa loatarei te
wblcA te Booord wtU give yoa Fab
IA if yoa bara te iMgeat sambar of
year. Oolooel Copetond my* of
Mr. Miller:
*■1 know J. Dewitt Millar iatimataly
and am tborongblv oonvermnl vritb
The Mimm Nallto asd
Oalaot, dmibiin of Wm. Ctoleek. hit rraofd on the platform, bavisg
tnllowed him In at leatl a basdrad
BTrtTBd la te HtT yaaardny.
Mtot Hnrtot BoudlB hm mtaisad leetare ooaraea and Uatraad to him os
tram be* vaeation, whlda abe «peat
to. ia my opinloB. (me of ■ te moat
In Read City.
LtUe.lBtereating'aBd Bniqaelv mMlaa Ubrlatine Palos Ima ratousad
Inlng laatoien on te platfatm
after qmiding bar vacBtloB at Ah
!• tecaltod again and agaio and alMU, H.I1.I Olbb.
There are aUU a few good matt laA
(or tbit amr lectare sambar. Vo oaa
Moold mtot te teooa to bear Ms.
Mra. BmaUna A. Joaea and ebildres havc jaat retoisad to tetobomr
to StmUnt, Mtah.. after H»dl^
OatotmatMdVbwTaan wlto Mrs.
JmmMitor. Mtoa Otoik. asd Camtly. alOMp Imkel A very plmmst
Uma wmipeat cm Ohriitimi
te homa of Joaaph Ctoik.
nma toe* wat enjoyed by everybo4y>
Mar wktoh lantA vest aerred. ttoi
nil i^lstil Bsctl a lata boar.
Bar. G. E. Donban <d OadUtoe to


to AM ysM


237 Front Street.


Steinberg Block.

n Bargain

in a Basket

nD «e?::”,S'|oiw «%t”nr^ “n

folMni n.ticle..lll » go at the^ice oi.S1.50.


I aack Buckwheat Flour
I Basket.......


The more you spend
the more you save, if
you trade here, and
we are olTcrinK you
goods you want now.
Satisfaction follows
the purchase of the


No breakfast complete without BucKwheat cakes and
good Maple Syrup. Were »elling the New England Buck-..:
wheat, put up id packages, for loc the package. This is
strictly pure, prepared self-risiog buckwheat. Then we have
the i iannah & Lay Co's celebrated Buckwheat in 35c sacks.
Now the syrup. The finest on the maritet is the Adirondack
Sap Maple Syrup. Absolutely pure, put up in air tight cans,
thus preserving tbe syrup to the last drop. The quarts sell,
for 50c. the two quart cans for 55c and the gallon at$i. Wc
have the celebrated Canada Syrup.. A pure article that
we're now selling at 35c for the quarts, the two quarts at ,<;oc
and the gallon at qoc.

Need a Gutter

Now that tbe snow is here? Enjoy every day—get a
good cutter. Seen our line? We've the Sundard Swell and
the Portland, in both regular size aod extra wide body with
high back seat furnished with the finest of upholstery in sev­
eral difTerent colors, and the cutters are finished in black,
green and maroon. Prices run from $17 to $30. -We fuiiy
warrant these in every respect, and we've never yet had a
dissatisfied customer.

SlBigh Delia
Are music to the hordes. The belU wc sell have the
finest tone made aDd we have shaft bells, big and little, full
chimed, sell froi^ 50c to $3.50 the pair; team bells, a big as­
sortments sell from 35c to 73c each; string bells; well made,
good pli^ leather, no danger of losing the bells, sell from


$1.50 to ^3.50 the ttrteg.




Tkii isa snnp. and eai poMt^ gp VSn
one week.
AU Roods guaiHDteed, or■ rooMy
bAck. '■ ■. / ■'




26 lbs H Best Flour........$ .45
6 lb»Granulated Sugar.. .25
1-2 lb Tea............................. 30

Bo(k 'FNooes, No. 146.WnrebntgBloA

•! * n m..i

Cakes and Maple Syrup

Com aSd Glo»^rch. pouod..................

i! LOANS....

The Hannah & Lay


Tbe two boart a day yoa devote


jltw Pi..«.eai.

2 «dOeb yoa might atady.and qualify
joaraaK at home (or a mlaried poai.


Fire Insurance

. i Uoa.

lOO’Pkce Dinner Set

ricnnuTAVcs tx z
Nkdy deconted. for only $6-00. We have a full asTbaUnmbi LHmary eoalety trlQ
give a pdBte metol aa Prtday otmrI aoRiiieot o( dt^MS. p^es. styles and prices. AU
lag. 3m. 18. to wbkA all an invited.
Idddsfrf Tinware,GfmiUteware. Nickleware.:Wooden-.
AU Kladt of paaeakeB. with mapto
ware. Good Tub Wriogen for $1.75. Beach WrinK*
^rap nad BoAba, trill be tarred.
itoapatiitelatbt-oaoeiir Pn
- « Locaagm. to be appoiatad
I en $4.75 up. Anythtog you need to furnish your
maetlMtlaatomiBg, aad wUI hoM
house, on easy payments.
_ toa^vadtritfa
faUmhairtoSl.MO la Dm
tioat pamed in yntoa of te *
enaas to as oUW. aad me of te
Hub eoama a page eagriwad with the
oldeat iMtiesU ia tbe aaylnm U thto
•oag which waa te ampertr'a priae
riiy. He waa tmaafered (ram '
aid te 'act rage to m'
Ealaaaaoe agylam to this ooe
tealmlle of tbe priae.
Edward GoU of Ki
^ (oartaea acne of w^ that.
T. 3. Oteuy for te paff- 15 yean.
a faltare Imt aprlag. Be faoagbt aiae aadbaUareMm perfaotly boaorabla
baaheU of fuitnifl wbiob ooat him la all batfnaa Iraamnrlnai. aad Antia; aowad tbe aaod April Id. and
from tbe focataea-acre dald thtaahad
In Angaat »I6 boibela of flant
wblofa ba baa }BM aold dor
AppUled by the pnvaiaue of |
°^'a Oactarh Oaie
(hnity in teir tawa. the aatbocli
■ecto* dtraoU^,
dl.^^,. _
rerm.v. MMlBg
from lauammia cr oonamptim, we of Portlaad. Pa., bave^i^rad an oldj Uood and----------------ba^ty believe ibvt yon will have te • *
nee of too vlgoroat laagaaga.
tariS to Ct eeata per earn word.
In dlffnest loealitien for mb- on rdiv
Bioi'a Fhmily PUto an te beat.
* Atoo money lo loan «i real
Aaoatbboaod taaannga imlB oa
a aamrity.
tbe Nevada. OalUomlaAT>regaa all­
A imartlv drrtiwd wosmn baa bees
Ms tax date lascrtc4 la wdeare.
way waa ebmAbyamOtu Jlaylaa mmoaaire
leaping * goUeu b*rvr«i in Mew
and barlad tnm the rmiK Foar Ic tairibto-agmy, te leaalt of te York tbrnngli a ivocet* of book eanOOoa
Millikrti BloiA.
pamaageit aad tbraa ttaiSBMa
Tsmiiig whioli -mvott etemgly 9of
everything is tbair power to mve bit blackmaiL She tiavelt in a narriage,
At Yraka. OaL. taready-two laohea Ufa. bat the martest died while witha liveried footman. Afier gain­
r mow baa fallaa. Bnildinga bare they were daoldlsg whether to am- ing admiMioo to tbe home of a
palate bto left hasA Oa Mmday wealibr family iibe argee-k
aii^i be eloaed bto hdloring aemb- tion to a.’ baactlfnlly illnrlTated
Uahmmt on EmUd araaoe. aa bad itlon * of tome *Undard wiirfc. glviog
If yen have a derailing, atoci
In avdiSerent plaeea In tbe bcoB hit oaatom lor thirty-three the name of a an-iety . leader a* a rec- MeVMura I
mall line# of railroad*, year* In trying tbe rear door he ommendatioo. Tlie victim tignt what,
mil- ■be RogipoM-s to be a liil. Bad
j Two hnadred and twaaty-Hva azeorpte ggia AIMaaw own aii
JOB 1*0
or'a pin which Imd been placed there later that the hat contracted for a
Only ten It reliable atock inimrte keep te knob 00 te doer, la the large number of very'htpmivlTe book*
•ad other poiatt are In San Franele- moralsg bU Ml hand wa. liwollan Tlie only meant of eecape ia by "m-i ' work caaiuiecfl tattskdorr. /
ee. anabb' to retan on aoeoant of the
tleraeol ' on allE Icnur.
A cold anap to appearing throagb.
oat Eampe. Tbare have been aevere
\ Sl}0€S % jyEpji/yrf^j******^** ^
Trareroc Citv
atocmiln maters Oaliela and

A patmon waa astarad In the jc
of twolMte'a oRoe yaatorday for ^aa
^ whem*' a the wtatby colosel iaqairy aa to the easily of Alton
WMt B<ta the oa^emer with the BilU of Patadiie towathSp.
The Woman-t Relief (kr|a aad HoRKnnn Pott will bare a Jtet loatalIt la lelaled that Ibe way UlJoD of the ofleeca for the esaolag
eaabed down the reUrln* year Moaday evening.
■m a Mfbl to beheld.
Seven year old Joe Latter of i
hai blllierio bad rtaetared hit leg between Ibe
ritynttyBaahtrtaMra aray when It and bip while alidlng dm
‘ *imt te BBtlUiw iwiamMl attaeka
rfayafleraooa He «B be
.t aadUUnotreeorded that aay hare
‘beaa bold aaeacb te meet Mr. Piairra
wCity etadeata of tbe
•. Ui»<|Tife
la a laee to teee ai
-• > arideart HmU the farareiy of Ceknte)
^ MeOavfa U wet eowfiaed W aote
Tomorrow tbe eohooU will .
' *paa ^«eU, aad to the aoesUee of iftcr a rwt> wertt' vacattoo.
: PtaMtMi la Ibe atate ailUtie he will
be fagardad aa a real hero.
—------- --------Bbazri. UiU morning by Rev. V. K.
ud by Ibe
The f^eaoenl waa loroed
elatbe U- tew weather Friday > pnt Into
____ _
1 aDlberlty It bow OMiUckvllle' for tbe night.
- aeataed to two band* of ontlawe. Soith her trip lo Mortliport yeaterBe atatee that tbe war woatd be orri day. Sbe.^iU not make more than
weae it mm for tbe (act that the oattrip tbU aeaaob.
Uwi an lad by a woetaa. A Rtrl
»d Mra Oeome Bodge of
. vheaa brartoy aad eaniiMt bafflea the Bohemia atreei are the paienu of a
AnctlcMiw. He «ya aleo that tbit dno baby girl.
J (air baaW U bearer tbao the Jaioib
MaaA the aeven year old daiq^iar
, beyi arar dar^ to be. That tbe of Mr. and Mn. Samnel lie*, it ill
' dabea the AaMirleao* to raptara her
. aad get* away ««fy tune the b
^Mamd. ThiaUaatartUngphaae.of
the altaattoo. BD(onaea by tbe gor. Aaron Sager it poatmaetcr.
aroBaBl. Mow there la no telling
Mr. Frank A. Lafon^ and Mitt
whan the war wlU and.
Lens Weetm were married ''yceterday
afternoon by Jnttiee
Ve^ at the
boDU of tbe bride
Ide oa Smta atzaet
HkMvtertly la the mUpideeh. 81
Mr. and Mn. tafontaee will reeatve
T- ■
naabMd bngtot a lettMto the Recthe eangratnlationa aad good' wt
ocdaa(otlewt: "Iwrllryoa
of many friend*. They Will make
• Ut yoo known we
their borne in Big Rapid*
Then be pn}eeMl-i to glrr
The apeeial eornmnnlcatioa ofTtav
It o( a daapante flgbl
rae City Lodge Mo. Stt. F. A A.
ta wblob ooa waa killed ant a kige
M-. aoBOoneed for tomorrow i
Ha nlataa alM
Ing bat bem poatponad till a week
that a great aoBbar are bbJII for
from tomorrow evening, by order of
I daty. Breiybody will be glad
tbe W. M.
kaewtlMlttebeyaareall wall. <
The Oeed Temiilan bald a very
wiU i««ret to lean that the mi krr lively aeaalm laM evening,
i' not ae well.___________
aoop wat nerved wbiob wat enjoyed
by all, eoatldering that a boy made
Vaar Tlare.
^ .Dw'l waale valaable tin


Prank BaU. oat of te drlrMa te|(
te Hannah A Iny )
mat with a ewloai aectdaat j i liil
tel will lay him ap (m ai

gtoteboaak bem te l
—m'a -Aoalf«l^ ’***• MIm-M'md ,«.» M
waeaa acaoai nw
tomtsflmr hto toft
tea aap.-' U wUl laababty lie at'
^two monte bate Mr. HaU to

Uafpw'AayathanwiUba aUpped



A Bttr-



/«iuiiiifntAVEft*e HeitAU>

know, had to ask every one you met on the way
downtown. Buy a good Thermometer, saves yoa
worry, tells you how cold it is out of doorsor how^fim in
the house have them in all sizes and
from ite to the
fully testbd Standard Barometer at $

T. P.«. O. B.a»<Mlpim.
te*MovealagClatel oMollat at



boak, belbrea that be
daeat S yaar old abon-boni heifer.
iB the Mate. He feeda her 00
herb and the tifa riie bMto at LMU or oar other laag troabK iwoMpt
relbd b aeceimry. aa it U dangenmi
Crew of Oleaa,
wa. aot oade nprtmel.v aowiaa ladbaUana of Imrlat tote
happy I t Snnt* Cbat- eUH.’ He oold ore DoUeed. It earn qaltdOy
4 iu oMly^Boa paareata oonm a a <%rtatmaa tree aad bfi hi*
». F. C. Tbompaoa.
wife aad rhildrea at home with r
eoailn who hod been rialttag Hwm.
n to hare a temperWhea he retatoed he dlawrered the
d by the Woama'a
oooain hod eloped with hb wile, tokaoe Vaion aad
iag the ehlldrea. boae aad wagon, lUaUuta' Uaieai. the adraaoe gaard
aad all the ralaable* lu the faoaae.
anoadera harlag iaat reached
George BowUag. Ilrt^ aorth of;
OateoarUb. faM a yaortiag eolt that
•rimiUy weigfaa HMD immbb-'
HomT*Batre. It
Tbe qnoiahhaa which ima raoUd
« at «m aad eorea pUeo. aeroa
. oa the BiwaidaBU aadiamatea of ib.>
iiniTenity hoapitai oil
IT. wiien Stndiwl Walk
^ Fotea. aged 40 yean,
illpox t
Tlianuby rveaiiig. Wo new oMee ao. aigad 18 yean, mlarn. were
hare heea derrioprd and the Mriag nmtod la their oahia Bear MoQaaaa’a
a gaaraaiea that Ran. Ohio. Fbe tie waa OBaaed by
of a«aa of giaat powder.
iltere will W none from thb 1
Red iia tegar dgnal oathenilraad. oa a felte'a
laow and on a
in *1 face. "
Man aad wom aae
le Chicago OeUtoP- wcaaon'
of Mediaine oad Ha^eay with.,a too-' Boeky MoaBtte.1
Mtn a( umlMiml UMdmMiki ntm..! ^
tmceko. He..
ai $I8D,0CKL Pr. Kotti. aa alamaat! -On Hew Tear'# ore Bov. BaaMll
af tbe laMltalhm. hertag boM gtod R CoawoU of the B^tfM Iteple,
- Bated from H forty-three ydon. wte {PhUadelphto. led tl aow n--------'
the college wa« located la Ciaeumali. I eeam into the water aad thmgh te
The doctor b BOW ttyeara of age. trite aaring teaii temheia of te
WbMi n«dy for (hiiaaNit tbe coUce-1 Beptbt MiarriL Mr. Ooawell ha» a«w
tiai will oceapy five tiaigbiean. |bapttoMlom4.e00eaavrtoaadbbo.
aadbMidlobc te moat eotopletr! Ibred to hare mpatoed te reeorde
iateMMUiBy. ttboBeteiotamaaytefaUetereb^ymMof Ur «MommedbalBoUveahare ootetod lor aitoat^ _______
loag time.
dBMbeHenry Taylor of Maaleloet It baa^Mmy^woMM
haebee. aneted. ohmged with m-j
betoUag ' 047 from te Foraten’
ledge, of whith be wu tnaeant.

Satey-Mhodt at IttOO.
Bnwerto Uagw attriL
he rand that Dr. Kiag.'a ^ew
U OrMve and all TteM and Imag
teoabba; triedit oad aaya: ‘-mwoe
bottba oared te whob famiW. Vo
other medirtae oa earth eqaab ik"

FIJI blemK and 1 know bow yoa
. and eeo ereime yoa. IU bare
you akme. and yon eaa glre yonr erne- Bar. C. T. Stoat, tMtor.
Ibm full PbTr
wilt Tlrnrrtiinn Are. aad'WMhtagtoaSt.
Trial bottbi lOc
Irries o> ■ Crtttr.
Moratog Mcvba aad rntm a lOjo.
Sk- nmry Irrlne eoa giff the kenHoIyOototoanteatll'-ao.
eat Ixit apibreafty mote liifealane erltSaadoy Mtoml at 18.
IHmm. For lateanee^ ode of fab earnevety tte." Galffioa'a
patiy. Mr. Vatentlne. w*. eate for u
Brenlag amvlm and mom
Ftoor ▼atnbb. - 8. 8,
oM lullao refagi^. a caplul rharocAU are eotdtoUy tooltod to thoM
ter Pkeldi. la “Bygooea.” Be teadird •tvrloee.
the part rayefatly . oad rOMldmd bimSahbet 1a te Monatog^The Bpt- VIOBT BOaOOL wiU open at BaalBelt iwrfert at M> ftrte nbraraal. tor phaay Oaeinito. Wlmt It Iteigiidi
Henry aatrlMd the piece from brglBaa. la te evte—A Hew
aU« 10 end wriboot agylag a olagb
word. That wa. a bad tega. Wbra Tear'a emtoOB.
Ibe late word wa. apekVa be caate 'la te ovonteMv- Bnlate wlU
orer to the eld Italbn refagee la hb aiag"Tte«laa Ot^BH^t,” by A.
aaaal qabt way.
-.Are yen gotog to ptoy It like tbatr
he aefcad.
Mr. Valntiee mteprrtrd «M If be
Monte ewvlee. lOMA
Saaday toboot. 18 at.
Bpwvtettogei attbtpt m.
-no." Irrktg wotdil aalBialty aak:
Bronte mrbe nl T.
- y
— i>a. why not tebeenw U ae yea
D to ptey HT" 1b be wlarty aaHmateMtooM. “ThoOttlfctf te
i«>l: ->Vi41. u« thoae IJoe*. Too if. my tlr.t »ebear«aL"
Brente entoeot. ‘'Bow to
-I «ee.“ ret>eatrd tor Ilcoty. wKh a
kind .tune, • Aa oW Italba tvfugee. tbred." Spaobl tote «ad oral
l*i-| lull iiiTiriti la nwairilM with te
eroate ombe.
Her. W. T. Woa&aoH, poMor.
One way to remove Aamlrug 1. le toaak an Imllan.


This week will close out the balance of our high art.
tailor made, elegantly trimmed Jackets at just half price. It
does not pay us to carry them over-hence this deep cut.
it will pay you well to invest, eyen for next winter—It means
to you a 60 per cent, profit on your investment.

down to hB«lDroi.
Hr ebarliaUr. A tight
t ta apt
to gr« Ibe rfaeamatlteB.
laal toootte. liMoy i
Wli never killed any one. bsi away at 7Ja
bare dieil fnHii Ibe want at li.
ftnyer aorrlee te ratetobg ereoBe mre you are rlgtii oad ibea ga toga tf te weak, oteept Bataiday.
aldeway.—-If yon are a crab.
Bor. M. A. Kelmy. paetor.
OovMV tf Fifth aad Oak nieeta
BlbbMdNol.B4ta. m.
MiMte («v wonU^ U A to.
Jaalcra R.fp. m.
BnbrC. K.. tbt ^
Bventarotf'toM To'eloefc.
Pnym awettog. Wadnetdar. 7 p to.
odreKbe.; "imparted tegar. of my
A hald-breded ebntyawo nreatlr
prrarlied from tbe appropriate ten:
-Tbe kaha of ear bMd are aam-

b Mid to BoMoa'tet nee b elMire to MW te tear. K- E. Halt
b- ettewi la Ibe rirtoily of the
t'DitarUB taOdtog oome time errry
Meate artewiag. He dote twt aaem
to bare growa a day etoar In the laM
flfieea yeatw.
Dr. Wtaihrap Ubwnrtb Ftene.
i^Mly^'rrara e£
a aa pcieltet ha
Prior le hb orbetton
•t for elgW rear*.
had been rim
>f tbe tUMBCbnHe b a grad
A aomalt of Mn. tme T. Mo
te titoa koag ta tbe eaerwflre
ate « Itereoa Oiy. Ho. Pm
of Mteu goTMnore are ihrrr la
ly. bwt Mre. MeteW b tbe te
WoH tf a geieiaef. wife or otk
nmle relattee le be hoMted by a

to ttej


g-JS S

115 M S Z..... tz
Only a few lefl-lf yoa wish one caU early.

Pre-lnventoin Prices

n caotoalS*
<hat II
___J IMML aad bbr he foato*
tttote te Dteaaeged Oritota.
Twoltf ynn btrr he waa Bade cototoaadw-larbbf la ladb. and waa
aparbtly tbaaked by partbmeat tor
hb tori oad energy la tbe Alghate
toa epenrioa..
Tbe bd weirior to bab aad hearty,
ami tein haa ea eptaba of Ua own.
It b told tf him that • dbtam of Itetd
Wilaripy* waa qaeUd agatote one tf
Ua oara.^^Wr ^Fteritojyped hb
**^1b<tel*^«hte! AcbvMlad.
ietfy07.thataetHedM.tft ---


I Black figored OAvrlUM. mttI

laade and crepoo rffreto,


42in. wido.tlS6aadSl.60
goods, tbia week..................... yOc

S Qteviola. in



dn« Mma


f mpay peopb. as teiS
ny. Tbe other day oao
of BagUed-i retmon FbU Martel
Hr rndteWk r.UUloeo. teitorawd
hb tote Hrthday.
Jate teny-eae yean age he bate
Ua cstetr aa a warrior, aad Sfty-d«o
yean ago hr wnt ikroagh hb Iroti
napate. ettfag mote tf toe Ightte
that teok pbre to tbe SotbJ «



-a E, OMa, ftedonci. 118
B. Vtoth Mreel.
-Btgi BUa. iBoldMnt. 418 W.

' Tboimik of
wiu ha oh- 440 R Plant HTML
881-Mrm. Ida Htey. wwideaM fit
-He went ea a reyoge to Japan U a
K. Front Mieot.
aalllBg chip., aad I heard that tbe '
woe a-recked aad aU
Aad did tl lara «
be tner ovaatat at fte AUaaeiBvHod la
Mto. Khnba CoatonrlM.' wife tf
Voel Oaatoarter tf Prorraaimt. dbd
r bOMe on Haaday tote, at toe
ogeofto yearn. She aad her ImePiilihlitatlOtda. to.
ware among te rnrly jrienaaw
Thktgr^ will ho a paWle weltflmeteaa eenaty. She wae te'
BMarooe bad ledb loai..._________
motoer tf It ehihtaon. tf team ton.
Thcr CM Iota, oad It fen apaa mr
boyi aad thrae glria. are atUl
brother, roar Bear
*«at the eaniroia apoleglacd te ton of CM M
TOO. or nsrvT' Tber Mid tbef ware
oiwtoo at 7 p. m.
My te be obliged le eel rear bcelh- Thano-“Hb
Boy tet
A maU itom to

W«*e .. ..............
ahoa faiabhed
at tfaa reqeeM of Iha Beeord. te toilowlBg Mattattei ed tU mortaUtr te
IMS, Mt oatT of the MAT, bat of the
whole of Uamd TMeotM ooaatp.
Tlwn MO HT dMiha ta Oread
fean! IVete exetae ate."
TsTone ooaatr la IKn. PUif-wtfht Three
*t>Ttalaly." rrpibd tbe otber. -I
wore OTtr tf pern old aad M aada id% greadfeiber •ealimd by ladteaa.
fstber retried eC by a eyeteae. a
me Tear.
eeteo by aa alHgetar. a abter
la Ttareree Oltr thm <
.......................................two broth-

UleA with h«7 bMtod «■ the Pm
Ibwiwite UMkm ovMd I7 the B*boork Ufwin eoapu;. It pCBteisHt
•bool aou toot, sad atnot OM-Aird
«M Utnei. U>^ raoutiste b«4i«
AoiiwKtM br <awk». Tb« loa 1* imxIt
j toti
total, bat U eovmd bf laairaBeo.
I Toaac banter to(* the abelU aiwthem' ■arlaia. There <
hwm-hl« iron on eateriaji the booie of borimUiaO
toiT ond-Sfl
• &b11t Based Ooltoa, oad pot tbes bodies wm (Upfied to other ftaew
bilo bb ocBi lOMbei to keiqt them for boiteL la othw coobUm oat
from the cAiiMsB. Wliea bo ooe Wat ■Ideof Oniid TconnaHlr.
la the room • 6 Tear old boj eUsbed « node M boriaU
0|>, ROi Ibe ebelU. |mt one Into the
More thuihaU or Uw imikt la the
mn and ditehorited it. A >■, T«ar jontTwm
le ooMdo Ot Tarnoe Oilr.
old ebtrr roonirod the olmrRe la
TUa eeaami there Ua large death
tieek, eod ehe died ia oa hoar with
tale among ohUdtea Iram eroap oad
a eererFd jBciar Tein.
Prompt aoUon will
Oberlne Uuwia of PelookOT, BUle Mve the little com
from Umm terrli
IbUiiurler or UaekqtoB and Mar- bb
We know of aothlag ec
' jcnit-i Modwr oad BoboM J. Prdet, eertaialoglTelMaBt relief oa One
KtmleBta la' AIMoo .ooUege. were Miaato Oo^ Care. It caa alao be
relied aponla grippe and oil thraot
dkatlas oa the mill paid wl» the aad laag trteUee of adalta. neoafee broke aad all were eospiotelT aat to take. F. C. nwmpecn.
iauaenmd. AllbooiHi ia the ohaaoel
the rirer where the eamat wom Tbe bodr Of Hamphrer Jaekmaa of
■Witt Ihrr taanafce<l to «»wl apoo OtaadriUe wae toaad la bb bant
Thar^T laoratac- It tra* at flnt
the ntnuiper ire oad Ikae emprd.
' Wilber Ro«<^ tile 1M8 idio eMBped eappoaed that be Imd been* kicked to
. from a boaidiac inooe at Me. Clem- death bf • boeee. Imler • Uood>ai Wedae«d«T aittbt oad waadered abdaed atool waa foaad ia • amagM
tbe bain. aaNI thla haa led to re•boat the ainnrTT till tlie followlBg
a that Jadtmaa woa Oe rbtlm ofaocm. died Thnrwbr aa the itwtril of
the expoaore. He came there Hve foal pbj. The eoaeaer U toTeotigiP
we^e ogo from Daqoroae., Pa., for hwthe batiu. He wai at
Sech little pUb •• DeWin’a Idttb
A log from the ekidwar rolled apoo Barlr Klaenaae rerr earilr Mkea
Charle*i^1, a mwytt la llm PiHeh- aad they ore wonder«aUT effaetiro
howela. P.
anl mill eoM pf Petoeker- aad la* O
Janir him eo ■eriooelr that be dbd
• few hnor> nfier Iwiag Iroagbt to: The etmaal at Bootbar baa
PetookeT' He wai W Tran oU aibl I to the Mate departmwt a letter tram

Saian Lined
Satin Shoulder
1-4 Oft.
Clothing Co.


...... .*7.98 J

brown, gray,


grren miied and Moe nig-


Pd,&4 iseb. rogntarSlvol.


nea.tUawevk........................... 67c
All wool Seotrh Biaafoortltira.aowool6ritiRa. HiMk
wide, thw week......................78c




Cboiee of Boy of our best Overcosto. iadudiiig all the celebrated a KupKokwner make, in tbe latest Oxford eSect»-«tnctIy high grade and wsr*
rsBted. Tblv iocludeaiulfbBda. foil btoda and Ra^xm—values op to $15
—tbqr go OD Monday for just f15.

The Boston Store


rat Moksnm KBooBO,

ott, ima,

Uwputiawt «»:
.^—--------------,--------------------------tMN* tn airi«« ta Aanrin* i« oaD ;
ITbia vr oos* *• -(SMilar tbp M,»|lifchci*rffarWib«««»»V.«bK«^ca» pot f«r»nl.«bi« tW traaUf
te.W0 people fw» «lt«r W0«. <on la-; owtag to tut larntJoa of wmw» tdt»»
tfelteviM •» bad piPfaa»d for Md a>«(lKWb. «bWb b inlMibi«4U tb*

k iitt.



Xofta b »o« ia Wlfco*. «b« te IM I » r>r fM K brte« aa pi<i-r. WP M
eptloM a W.OM ao- <d U«1 la ad*- R .uawtlulw a ccBchadv.- »««« far
tba lott« alniadx pmli vrl tlnai^ tlb ni«fe«k blmlorii^ of
IdLaa. N« aatba faaa a tlcbl ta 0an ■
iUmfol tbaeokaibta an UatMaol- Itaeir la fn>paahloa :• 7^*1^ 1^ i
4I«B. Aaaaeb w tbectoncrlagEaaiad
do aa b to MmW ifaa pnatW Wd will bp «iu>p.t«d iato iota to artatkio and cna-ll- of pHiieUdn f..
p,n»rp«. Hui»f^
aadt pondtanea. and 1 S.UOO acm viU
ba laid uV into t<itrn lr4a
Tba atraaW UoB. Wsofrr. iBIoh-rasTP. l*»cwaapi-.
“7 I*
wUl bawhb.aBddooUbaa UwiU bo,...
enxliarliuii. aionlpp.
<M <d tba bM laid <« to«raa la tba | eipom awl all tbr ITU
ITb or
af liariam
—‘tTbe aile fcr Ifap JovaabSp baa { an rppfnpaipd l>r Uj.' Itoimi. a« far
ba* tbanaae bam | oUtar molia. and rran :a N.-w OtWaa.
bat It U thoaabt tW«» g I -EtdMpal Baaotdar.

bM l»#« t»<*«•#< tv
,4^ of fw S<« of iM
||, ai., h «b brh- ./ Bfp
M>» Md alK> b •

.nradaota? Tba I
.j^, „,k',„„h, ^ n,, maapaak*vu, i „
an «««
•nm «
n to
ao apd
>»• 4w*0

Mnad Claranf* Pipdaaa na tba
-MB «r iba gmr ai ibr AaihaaV iw
cfbOr. «bm arm»l am ifalM* wan
aaU ad tiN vnudbakir. Ktrfeard Ran-- ‘
BMd la b* aa av
prfoMee la aa Iran roaadn and prabahlr r^aaa aatptwi fw liurm «b°».
aroaa la
73 jpan la pat MadMaa
a«Mii^l»»w U

Tha -baow" of * hpMd »Uk
termited a oaw aytorto
toepy pnaota. Ua vary altoptlrHy 1
• auiMnu. amanieo.
The attor Mptri a arwiga
waat ta tto hotel, and. bala,
(Wiled ai aa rarty bavr. too
wim -bool..Eattodad
ax wmM to all rMt. <h*
aerfto rettred and 4rpt
KsHy toxl


. . .13

^ bapm* t« Ub

.-WfUr to daeiwuled. tbarply:
. .
Tr* get aa bapurtaal maMg* for
POB. air." mM the toy to bvIMto *«• >

_“U Mftera

lap U«» Ar* ibaar ayra of mlna ae
wn« la look on Ibr ibNor of ataraai
glory «nd no Iba aaraadad EadramarT
^aad aya* and ttea
' _ ^
» Ibr w«W aad V*a

-'Thai da yon------------- MtaM«r
Kor a flaw tba dUracatap
riuSiS miad Hntar*d la AaaM. Mt
Iba teal TaTAW wa. te faror f ae.-aptaar*. Tbr aathor waa MW of
bad bay*-Bdam^ /;U^^ WadMB

Tawalag aatll to nnlatd hit far*. »
tto arrlhr Jamp^ eat af bnl loddUd
aereea tba toar and naleafcfd tto door.
-BalMw- baadrd bln an raveU.p.

vufbaidB to airin intaJl tcanabcaa , _ _ . ..

-Tba Dtan-.aBawlag Irgntd:
il It wondarful bow aioah (tar g
Ud af Iwgm War.'
bbclaitnedt^iaaiirfd tba; about ifaiarralUpd. it • npanM Mo tea BMalfraiailaat of oo.- appnvta
-Wbv dtm‘t yoa g*| npT*
a. a pHrllapc nibar Iban a daty. of olbm do » Mgblta and t
Almdto all or tba toaebtn
oihiap If *
It It rra.|ncoU} 0 mai:*r of amoltaa car ndatlOBt wilk ilwai. la iba boiaa
d iba.latpa
•SM.OOO. Tbpr «illnp»d 9350.000 nibar than ->f fwlnrlpla- Wbxl l« naad- atlwrlaUy wa air woat lo taka too
la faajii« tfap Undo, and OIM.OOOia ad It a atcady and paMlatrot mora- nurb for grluitnl. Wa laaaoa Ibat tba bORy of rartala <bar*at*t* bat «ftr» ealtoaa aod ar* ready te bagia work
rbtmiilb and otbar la- mael toward Chrlel a* oar Rartoiir aad an ml—* of «.nr fanltm knew bow a raConAy irrliatlag tXm apaa bn.
; arboobaad paitam or a daily dylap
ainrh wa tbink (d Ibam aod tbara la gba wna tbnKHax otw day at rertala
awillfapaaubliiMalau. Tboaa BMl
( lor imio U
no na.*l of oor !.«»« ibam otionl It wall.bBowa atoTP*. aad. barlrx <a«nr porrhatw. look baTa af tba
vIki ban aaiieliava mat vilb a waiai
-Tbal b mw. (lot (brra ar* olbar way*
It wbo bad tar**d bar wMh
tvraplifla from Uw pocd pi-opia <d that 1
of nbowlag oor kladllncm ibaa tbat
.•aoo aa..........
.unr - — m .
aactkB, and a ftpauap old Uerwipa <a«I- | Ut tta Ibaok Col Hun tbe Biaattaoth of ulklap abont tu Tnoea nwy ba maaAy -Good
dato|| f7.90
ibat bMnl w
earn avaiw tboae Trt to tuna. —■. rvBiaty
cvaintT It dmwiop in aa and. Il bat jollr a» tipnlBranl a. wont*, and ae reply. In ibat'hMrdwwktof
tena <Oa-) Ti«a-Bpnmbr.
! hat-n a rae'Jiry of mrlartol tMampb* cutuwr alwny> aarrtaa wlib il a mal- naTa 1-iuy rarr*r tbm we* »e tiam.
HamllMa Clolblag Co.
tndamU. nlib Hu- tnlmltatlon of low |J|rii.-!ir Ilf klijdiae*. flol ihPB Ibaf* piobably. fnr Iba atlnw rrttbaaatm of
Ufa: -Ray goad mara'tig and aadlar
Meali for rtwal jrtilhii. 'ml lb.- naccxfdaimad Mr*. Kaodal. latertnoaMy.
ttoo b onrr u> cona and pat an aad u that I
>1 furpotlm. BoianUna- Iba
girl otarad In mirta aaimmml.
tba atntbabaU of «|rt.-Jrwbk Tlmnt.
At bpdtii
« I abai
at bar boben’ buna tu aaf bar mraia.
prn^*« tXRTAI^ IM ral .*^
bat yet to I to ArmeM
At a rrrula raCrw raraaUi
TUI* wat l»i Borb for Ibr girt.
l^belp b«
Tba man «tai livvt for today U Uka
m.*nlBX." .to .iM. and toiTrt
lUa ancisoMi toat;
one liom In a |>rtanB. wlm laa arrrr
I>oBi lhal tartif Mr».
.'Iram. God. pm^toa.
baga mtwd. Btliig aafiona to oWala
Itatxml lhal tlia errat world Ibroba ba- Krtidtl . a|i|wa;aiH-a at ito non* -a
'mrmbv my
f'la rtayia 4 ^
good vieo for talBUirtr aad BMna U'
tlxMl f.r au outyuu.1
wUb a indy Ihat dca’I know nny."— |
' bliu. and praPhilnd»l|d»» TinM_________
| ,0^,
r-bg aurr a*aii h.w^u. p-a>*~^.-.*.

AliOorllO UUters Go it

i»... .rti k»... k.......

Ucalin—I think I'll takaawifa^ Aoa- <
MiP« Flrpp,
Mbo FiTp|(-ir yon wouHL gat matrlad. that will I* yonr pmpar plan. I
don't oaiJpotr that any w.mian wi
take yoo.—Driroit f'rra Prank

luinory loop.




Make wa,


Jadpa J.

B. CM»pbaU«UI hold.


tortb la tba ottea



probata Jodpa

f Of Laaalaaa oooatr. alUtoapfa Stlnar
' OBf«tM.bU oppoaaol la tba lata alx1 Maa, aada orartara. M laka poaaaa-

*”“Garnl Thai ala’I fndbla'.” growled
tttr IU4D. We'e* tba bloaoiiD' peepU

Tbit conatryimriata from G
ia.-01y nuay lUauand piaiada 1
d drinlcBiaalt. whieb oreret

all, «M omaulxing n lM.y«ai on Brn» , „,„4ard . of .-ibm
danllat in
g>-la--a. wlilrh

A 5«l of -orlatsr woqwb la ban T»ib .




I J!!jL ^

oBiforiadva of

Ma. tbt^ynw. MraDlaMaHoat



by a ai.-bii.Jbp bun

<Bi the Ollixa/ik
martpi ara. ao Hon




Tha I ulaa of r.aibattatm.


: rnk—< I’..’.- !• a l.•-•TM■ of afatba'Ba>til •■li>:->t nil lln- llllbi lha bnodilnd
wlM' l •nr'ii' I l»- tlrirao In Iba lallay.
lli. i.b.i l■..l■■■llk^l1■• JuM ilib nor rare
liliras M-lf bit
liK. ,l.-iia lit. p-trl
Hit buodn-il
.* itl'-ll dit f amt
iitira ri-tvil <*l

tbai fodar (bm]>fapll, irho bad h> hl i bUEven of IhU cUa acaoDulaot of
driartafoal. XcBban
^^«n>for It year., ' nuuHl<-d «Mbe iDoannca driar.____
a uaiorilt aa»'a fro* Ohio laM Muainrr. vhprr
a luajonn h« J.ald a aimlbr . noaltlon witb
conaldarjbly Umar ibau
far Cbaqibatl

iwt Irat m-ordrd for Oartix'. Ii
^«w Btalad Hut OartbawDold lakr
.... i_._
IdIo .t—..............
(Iw courl■^ biit. uuili
b? lag dptailP bat dpvpioprd.
i^xniprii K iHtHitKit
iwpawa la«

of ^I'abaop Manx.
lAportr. lod . Jan. t—Tba poat
«Bn> at WelUboTO MlltlaB. nine milpa
aaalb of Itm wai raiptad tbii aflfW•00a amt (hr aifp blowB ofiau and
robbpd of a UtitP qaamltr of ttamfip.
Iteatraa no ntoDP.T

is iba

. .
“Toi aftbld- I .ImpT. wpII harp la
.W'U.t-.T ..r
l.rnl. -t
Ilsi> itpia
tav-> ain't a-eolu to Ipaallt na a nil**
s.'.'it- In fppi any
PC i!ar In |NK-kt( •raa.p Ibal'vp rtaaidad
In lakp :bp'«iaoi|> lax .>lf o' bant
-IVl .1 1- a tank iTP. k, tVfaryr
•Tlu.i'p H. Tixtft ««a Utp of «
Kill !>■ RtkinV
Ml' tlian Ibarr'a llie
rvdii<a<l iii\ on lirpr. la (hai sota' to
InoaOl :1iP DObb army of towara
ru.Jip»V I di>n:i tbiiiL H. Iladitinl ata
I In OTiu- In Ibw'lor llaBIIPr
.iinrulii-. Uiiif>.aiia«k Idialf beatn'l

->l.iL:T.lllafm.'' •aid a I'rr-hi-h
•e.....vnl , ■.•■I ■>■..11

F. M. FULLER Concnrl F ianlat






If yon bad a frlrml 1- v If-nt yoo iierrr waat but to a«k f-.r ...........
If ynor \Ult« fa. yonr frlaii.l nara made
net enaa. but Iwi.-r. i.r ix-ii nfMMT.
pn-ry day. wliat <1o yon i.iit>|inia
frli'Btl nodM tbliik nf ymi';
(•K to airuMBU
today TtK
f« nra
Ht* boat*.
.urmity of i.i. .all. .No
daad. la anch a ram. niislil i .utotklnk
Vadva Kirk lafnard 10 releaaa Mca. ; m* arar .allad l<> prrarL wlu. ranuol of yoilurarif?
S'oililiig. ■iirely, that
Katloa. the mloaa wm^er. I imra boa. Praa.-ldtic and idowins pu wmild ba rary dattorids
yonr aclf
•ba MaM Main In }all hn fall qnar- on ............. iba aaiiH- fanaaa. nniopllBaa T(Wpa>A. And yal lU-n- an. mnKItodra
•atlM pariod of 31 ^
wc pat aoBfond la aor mlwih»a dt> wlm D*T«r pn to God ••xra)X for farora.
nb<. narer appruat-b Him bitt aa bpfMaWBTItT aAVBO THE 0CMWB
part and tnppllaot*. Tbalr iwayeri at*
> pkiwman aod a anreanfol prearfarr
Ueitrr than no i.rayi-t*. for llic loAoll*
■< M wm'
H ihalr furrow, at tba M
UM-iry la onwaariail by uttr tenladncaa
lima. Kucran It ai
and weakuna. But bow Inralctllably
rt wbbafliiB.
tba trianiph of ooa'. o<
BiiiHi la bwt by Tatlurr lu reengBlxa
Aa UMaatiwt atorr la told of Oao. > oiaMar wbo fall.
ptayrr at tb* appomioliy for roramnakui. at ofaoha wllb tba InriDt F'ptber.
W.lMcWatby-iaxaltiii* tima In aa' total fallat*. lie tuaj
. .
fartaaaa. lot tba taialatarUJ for abaorpglaa. during bowrrrr brief a
V to prorldp a CtnUtBBU din-1
tnalr. arr tba ooa* lo .wbiai aarlaty M>*r*. IBM iba dirlue nalmv. wbmee
Ha waat to latarioobaa M par-1 ;
j wot wWpfa falm. fio with ararr
lo amrrg* wMfa Mtiritt <-ha»li-aad. portfortbaboUday 1
M. onbardmad; Joy In tba mere
iiilar aaoarliw > ftaa Urd ba tied ito' '
prayer of andbraiKT -wr aball not
U«a aoaialy and plaetag It In a good
knov botiMar* It Joy Di»T>aakab)e to
tba png-ar of ftflawablp -Flxamtoar.

--------------Tba rtg
waa laiaed 1 h*y|,» _ .
t aad a aaartb taatitotad for tba
tag Mrd. Tba bagwa. ftaally
I oaafaridiieB
» hrl^ not lar
tronatar- aM tbongbta; . ______________________ _
4aebMk bat tba gooaa wm
gCM,*««wrbaa In aU Ibaaa waya. O my
fban waa aomw la tba family ad*,Cod. and Tb«o ba« tottirca and for|Cr. MeWatby arrirad boma wltboal Mten alL Italp aw aUo m rarfira and
promlMd ChiUtmna l««|nai. *'»**'‘-<'««bn»h-fn».
ba or-


atartad oat

tba pfxt

bnaalM 008 tbma wax graat. mjolcUtaroatrlMM tba baatm ra-:
•naad Riyfally

rxhibldag tba toati

------------- —



TbU tlBMUwatMt eaicM;

teah^ That wnt aot naootaaiy. I
||« a vaU-almad abot tmd randered '
•haRBOM laeaiabUot a^ aaeap-1
0 tbe yrap.;

nod tfaa |R«]

MBikB 4tt>a boUday fwat waa al-|
And the godtej


CtotS tMo M a la tkt amt


.m .« ... .k.. !■« iXr*"'-"
J»l a> ba waa ruiululiiR tbe Ual
' untrd:
<inBd;v vf pa|wrt>- to axrUliurd:
•1 l--!l.-ia n il lorn iHil I'm a f.-dr
A ntoi. on ibi otl«*r *lila ..f tto .lon
ITit ar«>|wj.r for a
miuriii iJwatad
.lowly and .untor
uiruiani. and
and MiU.



l.a —k-' lyiny M
’ "T N I

mu. »ti.i..

“‘^li.Hxa ma. tlr. by UylB
na war fur e
PeptiB prapo^lou



IlgatiiOB (.nd girat Inatant H.mi
■■ .
tdigMit wliat yga
tUg^Mw* ^ win^.y.


***'^ *

■ ifiel^

M"i!T IKT'.iTSS.fS--' 'seT?-


will, .r.lli.!.
1|. C3<a iiU TTpOlltlna.
■I • Ufa. iiR. .iH Inlc. IIh- Itiaai-li. BBtl bla
I. d> ma l Ik.- lMi.rj:.- ..var wbkib Iba
ra--.’ tut........ ..
lull. ii» }M>rHagr.^UB
, Maltarvti





Tba MUtUet a

M»irr. E tVai.rna.

"Zero" Ultltn
_____ dlaecMBt fmm 1
tb* Uiwert prioM. HamUloo I
Clothing Co.

I tb* rb<
It tlia -cv


.militp. Tba nlad workar and tba pbya-

It wmt


tuorki-d. "I'lu a fooir
Tba uaarrh proc*adad.,ond a monitnl, •ilbha* la-k


dodaod ar mi.
Tba .baraater of
---------------' dplrmiU.p.1 «bo*MU-r



Wb>. will ltk>


d that a baat woald

CT'Rinai|B> lUKIMH -nh far
A nurliaia fanuar naa travallug to:I_.«r"“* tb-ik I'au.
U n-k-n u> reaaBll a Uwyar. nliaa tba
r.«r .
blu Ibat ba bad lrf<
lam Iniia.nabt [latiat* Iwblnil.
nadp a lianicil «aarvb «f bU liag.
-It I did laara Ibuta papri*/' far r— _ _

i.-ir . 411.1I k' f.t.lri-—

tetd M <%leage tafa blown*.

tba Balpot n'rorbar.

hi. roMeair on Jnbu
otWr day for bl. limrtoaa
' ' twai. lad a. ha
raiar.-.! m. dnorwat to ianatrrd of bit
Wifa; -Hid T«u*** ibtl aoia-auieaatn Na* Itrlaaat Ju.t uuw?•N«." .II.- rrplled. Uagblag liyMm-bwllv. II did tioi aa* Bi.y anl..N*w
•ri.-^ii-. ‘ml 1 dhl tea an aotomobUa.-\U-I1. to'*-"
to-. -I'd Ilka 10
kUo* wlui yon'rr Uugblag 1at. I kutw
|« ihlng. wrr* twmrd altrr '
1 M.nttH'tn .UW. ami Xrw ;
Ortaau. toi'l amb-a grrai dl.lai—
m.iu M.d.ll*. I
way. anyliow.
■n.m tb., Mil .town lii a-lato.* and
BUorbrd Iba aiUlday Baal yr. 01 baan
*. to .vffaa aad r.-nf


Tba labbeoa aaeappd. boi bV
MB Mjr cm thair trac*. Tba loot U;

batbopawat rariaad


NaMns tba Matt
Wbal W* Ba**.
Till- •‘nllllllnll (rtnlll'-IU luUM. luin*.
In II ii^n fawy nbal ware
I'lU ill Ilf.- pr.;. Iib^l il •miM ■>-. tnit
l.'.illi'i; I'r-t nl'jr my
iIkh liud
I.. IV I

" • ‘'“‘h' »f>».ay: t a..
Laoia TibbiiN: cbapUln.NalHa Johna|%hla 10
iP ibP nmop lial
„ a.,„v. G.. MaHba Holli.
O^baU poUulr docUaad and Umr-;
..'nditp'la fap«l tha
' l«: L-8-1« V. O.. Alatiia Fox: fa

tbe TMMil elaoHoa flHoer Garfba


- .1, l.-mni^r mrn an.1

ricepI Hull A'l II-' iini\*rtal npidlralkm of
U|4'literal Itn.' Nt llbaroia) wa.-llar.
;KKri.l C -Uatou iti l imarmlltl
; laxiili r

Neiiia Uli

Ifarr Oaaflrld



Tlia Oarman etnpamr wmr« .
bm<vl.-t. on III. lift W1I.I. on* a,a. ’‘‘‘i*
lelna a tuwfol liBIr wai.-b, iIh. mbar t 'h*' e»-vr nad tba l«iri-r who Mi|.|dy
U in tba fonn of a gold i-aidt.
aiul nllb lb.' rallw,, ..u
________________________ _
_ _
paii.r nl.lrli fanil-lH-* lilm a inmnt|»nailaa fpt bhiw-ir. Iiw family

Him UlHan Downing of t:
•dMol la tack from bar ’
which aba apnat in aoatbam

M. G.. Hattia Koofcar; L.

ter baalaaM ahoald lbit«.
>' *4*0*1.
war. Ha
M*la wap.
callnl B|i
a f««.l
fonaal danaad

r"- - a.—-

today. Wa olKKikl
oaki ha
prianoara of bopa.
for. a* HI. Paul myt. "AVa ara oared
l>, bnpa.-. .||rr.>rauA ('hnrtb U.

r tba propla of Ibit
m«a that in all rxtanai*aa*«milanaa
ayMmi of onTfooe wind* u blowing in
sward a afami Mater.

,m ,.l».-ad Pi.rlt_UI.rl.


b>w ••Igbi of Ilia nlilmate

rpk»-r ..r.« .k. 1

-■» ?“


prltoii.r. of today.

lamti-d nltb ibantlHW, aad n
I.III' df-rina tha wnrk of jnl<«lcn« t
ily niHdU-r way uf dt>-rylog | -Bkit'ii-Ui-tn .k
' rl lovb mirk, lisd -tbarr l>ai-n ii
I'UrUi liad oarry |iatM-<l U-ymiil tbr
nallt of Jrnmiaiii. A gUmv bIoRP
tbi'vl.-tnria* a.-lilaiixl 1a tba but r>-a'
iniy !• rnmigti to .litpmv*
turat* <d ihow tilii. «pl«'W iiiltaioa
work a« luHaiu. «ad lltam- farm au
Maall fiorl .if ibaHnm-b. Ona bnailrrO
1 y*ar» agn in Ih-aib -a Uurt; tbar* w.t*
hanlly |iti cnmirnialraBK la ululoa
ah»irrl:iw. Twla.- tbara art- a inilUoa
aod a half tnatnlH-re. Tbara w.-n-ibae
imi 1
I Ibrra
. ..-..v— M—k-.-e.
1 anxINariaa. Tbr Bible bat Iwra inn*
lalnl into 3M laapnaga* and illalrcta
: to Mat If Ibay cboaaa oUiiMantbt of
; tbr bamaa nr* may knra.iibe nay of
| tmtb. Bneb palna are not to U- dc' nplanl. ami ibr, may Iw rrgaldrd ai
| prtnular of what tba* yaam a

Deer SkOOCkOOD eepie*
wara aoU by
year. Tbl. it an la- '
-t. .;i =. a.,
Bible tociMy but year,
errata of I.OnatWOoTar Ibr aaleacftba : t -ai IM t^l. q—4
yrar brfor*. tayt a la>otln<i i«-n-«paprr.
WMI -pant'
-pant- of ibr
Iba TrotaTeataSixty tbommod
far tba
prtaird and
aa ' l»mid
ina Of tbe tmra In Soulb Afnea. Blit
for Mil ntrailirr the tab- of HIMra In
Stwhor- tn-'b -M tia ualwm t*
r-g'—* bai mnalard for two yi»rt at
Il •UtMlity;.
2.0X1000 cnplm. Tbe uilmlmBirte* are
Jtx t*e (Oa»~ a.
for tbr
Bitk Lurk tea dob.
to Me ootiMt. Tbt hratbPD baa mora
AM **• A «!.. b_j^i.|*mw»*
Blbm than ever Iwfot* Moat of the
nPfitted la tTlna aod to! *"'*
ad to tlia


tfi I — iki aw

iiHolly nude np of daalt*

a la* t laqt* bnut
il vlre vrt»x.
Mmillnc waiidirt aiA rbwka I
, •ar K. Improve time.
41>e nail wIioG awan- nf kU ItopaafmloD* !• ahnoat ipMfan.
Hi- moIt tbUix auwi* ttetworfa
la Iba or. Il of a raft hark.
Sos|> It on- nr I*- trw tbiv* that
MiodM Ih- baiHlIad wllbuiR gtor*-.
Unw wbm tbarr to
Dd !• K. >Wgb It.
eilma* um-1 n> axof ibaai —' i'i.-apa l.tlly Xewa.
TU. Ka—M M-rr-ta.
Imrii* bi» •e.-.ud aom^rir
paUu VO Iba llnniblkau tk-kei for
goiaraor of Uk-bl^u Iba lala Juba J.
Kadaywiuk- .me rvanlop at KalataaBoo. lie wxt a goad iwiOi.-tt laan. bat
a poor pnUk *]>eakeT. Ai tba Iwgia'

ba ellmled fraukly M hi* lark of araI turewl pin*. Afirr iw had gnltliad «
oua |.v«lH-t forward, praapad
hand warmly and taM:
-Govamor. 1 bavr hr-a a Ufa-

»«••• y-o.
UP aaiwaat,
lanab grattted. “May I nto; yoa the
■' --------------------------------- . ’
raaano for yoor rbaag*."
yop at* tba •« ipoMte
' rtf* In In«fl et *r.,JW «rt^ * t^
^i,h,.r •bh- in Ml« ramtuton that

.---- n.-4-e

to way af Sfa to 'a^w. baeaw j
•" ***
« to aaty not toaner. CkrlM. Bat ! U.F7.73': tlan rrqabd. tope ti^,

I b^'r beard uiT tba ttvu*"& ^
«bee >.« U-san
Um that yea
xea awlda't
auke ai^ at g ipaKb. gM. ky Jlaki


Horses For Sale
T will have a carload of horses in Trav­
erse City. Wednesday. Jan. 9. which wili
weigh from 1200 to 1700 pounds each.
Aa nice a lot of horses as have been
brought to this city in a long time.
Come and see them-You will see some
fine horses.

8Uts Street

Brodhagen'sa Bam


TBATXB8B crrr, ncai., nnn>AT,



PA«T Vim.:



«n rnttm trtp. a

- A M ibat acne*
-araT- nrtHrc.'' Uv paMM' acm
-Atlaalk Jmtt" Wia bp nad* ta i ____
U>e KaMtf Wil(«ar Aar«. «r at <bt aoai aai ta «
uw title
of ^ae^
{ beba det
m Mrs.
Pmtac taio tW M ctalarr •n4 aj<«l was O-T* kaoU per ‘
n,p best tliae bf aar other ablp «p ta
ka»lac la tnlad ibp vrsnd ar^krsi
(hat date sas made tor Ibe Locaala- Bilnutts In Id
Ap to the SI
dara » kamrs aad « mtaotea-ta mi.
. -------------- ■ ‘
the AOantle tec- srill evolve f<
dara P
itrrnaliaie aa ■
_ T _____
, rapaMe oC1 bouts sad
Males. are^
Ot^ adraaee
aaricatMa baa been------------- ------Anet
. Thlptr kaots. or

wiBdowtte hMk fiMMOMIlM UtL

(rtple expaaMoa eadM of

r thM SMT dir M
bare It fpt la tad*.

balieee tat tbe; bars it te talr VMk>
cts. aad adtoo •*« ita H «Mpt M ta
If ran hm-b (rtaad la ta itfknt
■ aad atop ktatathaM.--------------A trMaidl7 “BaHo. oU ftlta. «M%
tbe dBier Toa ahrtTi tesa ft BMfl.**
be will taa out bit tlMiptaM trtika
lailXBiaatBlraad visa tba tar
soiOB tta tatos ba kaowi «ta «ta fl
la aad that be is i

may w II be qiwled of Ur. ChambcTUta. Bnctand t
"Ube (alber. like ao
colonial serrMary. and hla eldca) aon. Mr. J. Auailn <*hainberUln. tbr Onanjtmeni. Acrosdlna iq their enemjsa. lbs
rial sscreiarr (p ibc treasury
father, even to the irtevlisble monods and
e U alnwai aa exact copy of I
be orchid which "lacy" alswya wrsri In hla
adopted •
min ibsBeulh

-W-. recent attack npon him In ib- bouie of com
Uln pere defended hla "persDnal honor.- which hr asaumed waa Imm

toe a radical deparlnre from tbe present
l|-pr—In fan, that the twentieth centu­
ry orean express sill be In a <
herself, unique In even' respecl-•■ llMThey also a»pee that tbe penattrie
It ham been nearly reacb^ In lenctl
arul lonnade In Ibe ties’ Oceanle-17.01
tons, rot fret
IP and «t* feel In lencth
German Une owaln* the
srr Wllb. Im der Grtaasr has aaaoonced
anolber »Mp to sarg^as her In
n lenxth. Ic
She will be launched

Is Just M
Brillsh admlraliy, sould be eanlvalent , l«S days to croM^ l»
to nearly S sialule miles-MD miles lest years since the BHlannla. Of ».U«
er-rry !l hour*- This would be suffldrnl ’ sl.h enH^es of .« horsepotrer. made
rsttwUantlc trip U
to cover In four days the dlstaare 1 lu InltUI trs
w Ailanilr between any "ult and I
I hours.
hours Ten rests Uier tbe voy• Brinsh imrt and New Toito. | a*e had been
beei reduced to * days « bou^
>ld iranalt
csme to atay »ti 1**:
w mllee to spare for delenlbins [and rapid
e City of HarUof
Parts of ihe
the old Inman
l when^t^^iy

aad Ibe vTsnd total of e:
alaile ps»ao«e i
m.Ma to tlM.dW.
0 stanee any t
r KTMI Neplunea of c
a«alim IbU there abould be St off tbe
lecelpu from popaei .pers and
inlln* loover Pa#,een that somclblnc
should ...................- —....................
of Ibe ship (not lent than M.M0.W01 nud
njnninc expenaes.
and buJIdem are not now
irte venluiys ta Ibe
at Ibe ascrlSce of
apace wBIch Ihla enlalla. They are
walllnt for some nes development that
ahall five the
n at present li
alble In view of what baa been a
pUahrd by the Inventor of those won
derful boats, the Turblnla and the VI
which allalned Ihe unprecedenlw
spe«l .f 40 and 41 ml|rs per hour o
ipa. ..
II would
seem that the et
trial trips.
. .
pine of Ihe future la to be like thelra>
of tbe rotary lurWnr syaiem-tboncb It


AS Movi-rtas fiskbau
TbU anap shot, which swa taken from
Inside a rarrtape In the principal
r Alexandria, abowa ti


tallest meinjwrs
of Ibe dtpbtai. I
li- body/and Is ^
his commandli
KoalandM years

Isho'sra also, the
I peculiar manner
I in
which tbe
RgTpttan Arab
U carried to hU
last real ina
I. toorrw by bla
four bcsrewt re|.
ativea tbe bead
of Ihe corpse beln« dimcity be-

Thirty of hla M
spent In the service of hla fntberlaod.
and ho scMS as active today as when
he hegwn hl« lareer. reilHnc as rme «f
' the most poiHilar at the foreign minis­
ters iislJem In P'rsnre.

■M-reiari •■r.wtr.


ous protuber­
ance atnndlng
up from the front pan of the casket.
Ruch eibrr retetlves aa tbe deceased
may hare left le bewail hU taUnc eft
foUow on ford, cbantttig In a moootooe.

de^^UM Uw for which tbe thief
may be JuMly kIBed eo the spot by any
one findinc him oaL


Ilrles as worship the emblem of power wKbogt Inquiring aa to
<• • wonderful scepter, endowed s-lih every altnbule
of Ibe Britlab house of rommona. Ocured in ihU
taken. There la only one perao^pern the bouse o
milted to lake p
of the atiictrat charmter. He
aakder aMt and anap shot anybody arvd anything hr choosea from the
of the partlamenl Bui let any othiy. and tbe ragle eye of Ibe proper
rr perooo try to gel a snap shot on i
landed In chukry."
w'^hably kMn!"ropreoenU delegatedaolbortiy.
In such e.

of tbe crosti and aometifflM of —- - - —'
la tbe boose of lords or eommoi


- - - - - - -


expotaeed Jawclar i
nata. wta asked ta nam whpac
' '
good tltna. mM tat
wwtrlwa waa dos to <
lm«Blailt7 In wttodii*.
A trahih
fbonld be sroniid M ta Mta tta
trrrj day. nod II aagbt to be lagutad
on mm day every week at ta noew
boor, srfcm both banda cew tageabM.
Tbe flmwt watches cwDDot be Bade parfeet. and tlM> best way to dataet aay
H ifaein at IS o'clock, aod If 1
not exactly togetber naha tba ao


boor band up to It.
An cxpcnslee Jeweled watek tataic
frmnPMiOio PI.OOO la veryMldcBi la
good rannlug lader simply bsMtaa ta
osmea y afnid to let a JawclartaMta
with II and ta tool data tonek tt biM-

• mailer batwaan at
I dcatai (to two fd meo wbo follow ata
y etrake at Ibe pendalsm aad«

‘ ramoBf Umrpta. TTca
be Ibe meat cveta In----------[wetHiea Aledyheeaamtok trmMliito




I bnt he geu lbs Jewsin topM U la good
i ahapeaoooplaof waekaaband gad tagto' npnn bandf tt over to tbe lady. How,
{that watch baa bsniraniiliig UkaaataiBaoetv ontn the fair owner gMa hold
fqfit. The flirt thing ta ta la to ■»> tier the time in a stun window, aad da
i her watch don POt agrro srtth H Aii aaM ~

n i.rlnce o
of hla lllUBtrkius r.i'
Following In the fooli
inter, Thiv 11lu>lnii
Germany would be a mfgl
. _ (wditivi with It—In the bandsoin.. elk that
Ibal was Uia low4«w*y orerw one aida That nita »
forgeO to Wind If np. the Be« moi^
being drl-en up to the ivoicesl. .|
by a I
t of
ta winds it up cmly baU way tor tear
— •
Ing by
by royally, however. I- .m a |u.r -111, .........
■ of lireaking ta main spring aad aata ft
•r in W-:
the boar. ’ of'whlch tbe emj^nw uf tiertnan} Is w, t.m.l
When W alone, lbs Ij by ,nother
another clock In
in ta aftaTBOOn.
wild swine of Ihe Impertsl preserve!
It runs down insids
cf right b
prevent sn onslsughi ..
ta thinkail Uronningwlld—aa ft *ai7
-..........- dodge
-n hull! at frequent intarvala into -lilih ih,log. h
likely is. ataa she baa put taiagaht•d, Aa the kaiser Is ratfier weak Irf o le of bis ai
ing 4crer li0k aod forth DO lem tta
alwatw hit II e game that is driven up for him to s
limrainlbecoerM of a weak. AfHr
lives feel sure o' receiving the r’ustomiri
roysl reUliv'
UiU ta woDdan why ta watch la alilal of his skill and regsri.
, ways wnag and blamea ta Jewelar.
\ RMT popi i.«a Kik4>.
CoPrrvi limecanea into Phliadatphla
MHW THfcv nau-rKD tmk toiKRx.
Although the king or the iwtgiaas la every day at noon by telrgnph tm ta
.. piMiy story Is told of iwo lltilr
United fttateatliDeatMrTatitoy atWaAgirls who atlrwcied Queen Victorts'a C years old snd has
ingtoa. wbm ta •'drop imD" makaa
suenllon one dsy when she uss out ' slni-e hr ran temeniber.
and loywliy an elacTTicenBlact tatfCBds tarigaal
driving Bl <mbarti-. «m her relurtt ale- foeg* i ihr cares or sia
- Aral
■r tbe country. Tbe
reqursilna that and mingle
has been brought ' i
. In fart. Ihe charge has
e> mlxlii come by
him severwl 111
w moth- I
t ihr r> slralni of e
. The> had never si-uken
they bail learne,! their nid
clock automatically elkk into
and thought Ihst tbe igree'iba aciloD tjf ta magnet and ta Nttlt
king r
train <rf wheels attaefaed to U. Tlaoa ta
reel for a queen. R
WaAtaingtou tima buB beeooMittaM
hand, tbe) came lm«
ta aotarity for all cloeka and ate*
Vlclosla was watllhg
Ullible adjnftcr.
they fell on Ihelr kn.v-s. eg. laJmlng ■■
gether. f)h. quern, lire forever'"
, is wound and ragnlaicd we^tir*B
Naedlem to say. her motherly mi
expert efaroaometer makee, wbo aata Ida
was delighted at the quaint aalui
own waicbby F ' '........... and a
Independeoee ball Many taff* MaBBr
lactuRga and bnalnete plaeaa whtaa Id
, u necemaiy on acoount
ta BumbM o(
men empkiye'l tobava Mrictly finaaHa
lime amploy a ma 10 wlad. ki«
der and tegnlaU tbrir clockf ta
!year rouDd. Oocka kap( cIobA «0 «bl
I mark in tbU vrar 'are very atUcm la
; orcd of anunrive lupaliB, and Bha tadad-

o, hli4H


haohoiteos oateeus foe a feotooeaph.

htji he dm the atlatocTU.. aiUtndaof ta«M '
r uoies on I'arts and the pretty
iliacled thither from all paru of ■( iua
_ AataeaRb'ataeola-,
lid and many of the hard earoad tiooa baetant akiwar only toy tbe (metia
otamoiMdia atboosandynm fta^l
be mid tfaal w* an enable io tta
wrti^orta nataral meant atawmi

This lUnstralloe depletna cemp nrta tm Amen. It a
■ -n cooking Mf dnkas ^h'----------•*-“
dtp«ndsbro in gsostul. a
tonmaa dsah. and tbe traaafar of
aiivet) lOHsa nippo msai inrror; a capUve of t^^o^^kpsta *s ta
___________ _ wua dar to ta sSorta of ta
triagtuph. erbo tarwad ta negrost from
to parties at tbs Cape le
_________ party deaertaa ta aewnes he w1tn> wad aa
...................................... ........... ..............mlagimpb ta. by ta way. U
■ Caps Tewu.
paaat -bagta tat Taagaartta. aboot 1.M* mdlaa *-----------

______________ tktadlB t__________________
bosiiiMa You Mk klMlhetan. lllta
nmr. nah to yoMMlf tapM>
TW waa Mb
■m ilwm. Bt«7 tlMs ta Mtae bell strita • bndtH mm pall
itaanteta with n imIII alt
c< beinji ectrect and pat taM kta
with Ml
%t all Uee. tariMi ■ a 4Mln tta.
keqiata c
■ that baas ta

by bolding ta iooi«r nd wtatata


To crtma In lesa than a week waa now
atm of abIposTiers
or atrsmei hat. been bulll. slih the r.- tbe —............
-____ _navipatofs.
suit that terot^s hav.- been ateadlly the first lo Mart this mort to^ t
lowered, aad atm the end of the century : America, which In is., open
Anda the five day recocd unaltalned ; bandy Ho^ a^ Qmerwtosr^ • da
T,» «« ,«........... u.b..! I.
r the EtrurU reduced tbia itmo by
The dmn of
nl the tune of h

own and had lu mak< ....
a reUtlA-rs’were a
It« .wn b.41.1 nolhlw of dlatltmlah*
ed birth or lohcrlied wealth. 1 II bar an nnbmken record
•trtty.lurte o
» bdcbelor. UkU
ec-i nd morrlafr of bU fa*
» Mstera, be nccepml
ntle-hcd to their AmeriewB

lar«r caiAclty. The preai objection t.
... tons as the beam it'sol creally them is their torsclly. aa tbey are per
plutions for coal, and no ship ha
Increased, lenptb and speed are In n
measure rorrelated. and'll bss been
calculated Ibat the » knot expresa
ar day trip a
aamr time.
feet lon«. About »» feet beam and over
« the toiary turbine [
M feet draft. Her dlapUcement should
attempt to curb
urb the j
be about 40.MD tons, as a«slnst the
Deutschland's a.«M and the new ln> appetite -................. ......
t-eraln's n.OM. 'Mie cannot he used for them foi rrMil liner*, no there is
> to any extent slnre her enormous reason to belirvr that the hundred hour
ortlotis must be utilised to tbe ut> voyage slU become an eventualliy in
moat for enplnrs. boilers, coal and fur- tbe first decade of Ibla ceniutr./''

'•n^ ambition of the AtlaWh^ | 'town ‘1^*-'^'}^
3 hours and 4 ininuieo.
Unecs for the past Arn yea
1 by tbe Britan.
time he '■ Thta record
been to reduce tbe overs
T daya 11 I
re New T

Vo (M ta ^

Idea <4 kwpiBg ibt aSRuct tlma.




out6t■ butodnd 00
l^ktiiVtbMr WMdMln faM c<«

tbe IddbMI rtaaa and perbaps oaa
baadiud boAlets and funaeos.
of («al alll pnitoabir
vbicta Ibe fatare
d Ibe Atlaalle la drr^W lAM.le LMD U
lasers over 7.M* loti foe earb trtp- ‘
rs and
stMt beaHllforraMalaseoratla

- ZiT



Oeeaale la P.«M. of the CWMBla
Kalan SIhala der Oraiii PA**. ;
CntseklSr&M*. Kalaer WUbM» « i
(toaUdlacl MAM; but that of tbc baa.


If nrla. (or a
. oltaoRtbat baa 1
> ta making of Untato

F« M.0M

. *U of tbam Bitoe m )m It a hard world
rwynard hai by this tima P«*k^ta
taatateoded. aad .
Ttoa fqg baatma
when a rival Is amptoyed le
le ta
ta afata of ta ibUpiiI bag. Tbe ft
taa la for arseb as 1
aepoiuulV'butta atllesrti bag baa '
• ~tbrir ptetnito taka' at raw ase how bUtreaUng
la Ibla
. They know waU eomteb tal no barm M Inir rootad tauntara wbo rvn down
B aeridMi. BO tay enter b
airi tat ta a

Of tawing these ladles sboat." They
gnre Urn
J a M
A. iraiw
franc pmr.
pleve. wuivu
which iw
be —
taebed n his watch chain aa a aoaval^■nB-a^ABPf: ■

> aaemn IbM M tbM aswtrr-


! mvyVkg^ ■Hrais.ia’h
■Bi^ to alknrwp cf boob sad i

i^«»l ThP 1

' •». p»»r» Md tauf ■
• tma «m* iMfriHl. «sd li
M*«( th* MM.Mrfnl




, ................................. B ttftJy - - fU, faeRU MU14 scab on the Mmt giAx.
-TfcekWr l«tal « IW


; MdtooivtMn ewW.

.b i«.; Sd",S3 iL:s: .SaL "m- u«b. ««i drop,!-.... b»

™wofntorf« rklnR ter lh» d»y.“| * "bdUd. ••wmjnntril lbur«ag i

tl*»t he twh^wte no mi*- ■

. u..
A ^-«d AsUr jor.;mcr^Tt.«n*uid
i ■
! lac IWTUH It wliHubowtrHV t»»» i* '
;'B«u ll»«»'‘•o a nrwol»^le. Ita ,
*. fap».-.awl aa*l an-atarr'rltfc :

.__ _



t> har3to«ndihev^n mind. In lb
,t n,,»-n, ■ irt. n nTrnlT-f-*-**~

<«!.(.« krtta. Bpr«a^«dh>U<d
b^MtonfrW. laaWMmwIlH

Ih..wb« of .V mark. «d the

„»d. , «Wri. .i»r orOba»K»«- Jann* tin.
F natter, bat
offlT' X•• m^<l
mril l11lMlnI%«L It T«a< tmm
rod<41 Vo U
<11 llir i-ad fti4j4
on hU to«-,
K,,jjLu„l. iMb,;. >'.t|» inx'.ri' tbo m
iu tb««i.'
<-■«.-(. wbrarr
T i.< ih« Rtuit ta-M'>lbr4M> <i :
> (xtUt
l-Ktut tko vriiT
•*** i siMi fn niM".
W. BlW

a brqom by ItacWrtrr. Il»
I t»®odhli. 10 proTklr r»t;»afcl wine** ; jp,,^





Tba bomer and Uw ranin an both tbr.Jiab Balu
MUiaDi fitn*. bot (be bomcr it (be
• .. _

X. -™.


S.S21; I

________ a amof «>tathai o( ..
MP Md Ointa eorttad. (ba aunm whkb
n >!^i»a bn. ban nimad in
nadmaallldrTi«ua appbed.
l iefccpi apfor tdM
■ jBid tba paticDl obMainn. dntef

__4.._t t.

-. ...

___ in Ibe .-Hoan*. « «■»*

nmnarilr be norh aarmer than to
oi-rr trnlbeni builioim Au inreetiiiatiiei of Ibr ree«cik> of Ihi- sutmunant
ttnabiT banan v ill .b«w that tben it
BO ctoeinl for Marb aa oMtniptMau
-Otir nunmen an> kua. bat they are
uot«in’l>wm. Tbr heat in the nntb
and Ttrfl i» noeb mete onawadre dorins Jim«. Jnlr aud Amnirt than to the
Mth. I>stl»fr.imMmdTPkcnn>mocb
taun- iminerone thm, and Ibe h
dn-t<l<HllT t]i.n- inltty. Oor low
e deltotatfnl,
an ' a nlirr nlcbl
Itotatfnl, and

Th. i,»x ^ u,


Dyspepsia Cure

iBUWT 01 ..•‘.iiuf
foau-i«e-.f - b Mi'ir;: .1 o:a:<ibHr Santa
of tin'liiirllL
>, •• ••.■■.••«--!»
*< imiriefoia nay
iT"*’n Sw. - - thn«*b
ehlldrea thrtr awreu and ibrtr -"y.--; rated lt»
uutnbeU. car cinpaiv »«.»
Biay be. Ilbiqoite
....._(4 MO'b d ev.-o'
Od Ihte altbt ine joimeatm “'w | ,„n,i,^thin« to ip^ tl«e iatrver to vili)v iTiMi tboee idatir ee^ia c( ' anTa^ tati
: nrept -^lo
ronb with bfOX tin tnnapeta to tbe toy .
lotot.. pleaeant.
feta UprCMb M
T> of eodiUBii^-. woii'iuiito
! ..■
Uaaar. naklDC a dla lodearribaWt
ti«ba|« hariiiTb^ ko"'
0 dr W) »ll« lai.Kllitfc+t.trt,.!.. :.i
and flnally rctnni u> banc op t
ciaameuce t» uorit (be :
BlicbttoB O- » rbwday. wttb '
aky and
wioil. 4U0 ^omll.r tl«-nxUiiul ir!he»i<
r tovtoni
1 adnilrjble iwurd. aUbuoch '
diHn.u. and il.<- <-ni
,**tnai Biy
• of <^r of the ou
BD«-ritt«. rok. h t.
» oujiae
lih-a day u the «ool id erery pt- i™> t''it t h .rria-•’•
wo. He ■nt'lt fnan Jaaaa
gairrallT oloerred.
lOd the rrwlt^ Of tb* cake.
lu tl»
BBbin ai- A bird that o'
IboaMnwbotaade to l^o« l«ie to
I auy BOO
Bood-ffolt cake rediw
wtlJ n<a «> a.ltait "." n»'i. , fn* tlier'i
itrnwtwrtibiltttmvrwU^wtgppy ^
. for wonu »
. with the addition of a l«B ^
,hr .roe m«nu to ,
o (lie inirtore Joat befiMB •
r dr.1.-toaie lobe i.lemiBed with the
•*®®- ““ niV better noed. The j
■T I'lotbiiu.
*......... ............««« !-»•..«,
ami Lcil
!dartw *ba» Itow ofiod aawal nf f *yw»d
If '* t>"t ""o
etanima and epeed
tba party who wno bItW by fottkaa
• ual
U' ]• 1 -11
' an’Vrtul;ii
(■d c(bn ptoMaKwe nnkee. I hare
;<R luitHi
(• »«
with tbe
f»t. It i:i lUabrfalff tar .baa. pleal■!». on. „„„ipriiBetjfiif.. t<wafii«. m
»«^;>boltor^u«*.t««. M<«t ,h^ h;.„ ,«««1 iln-ir prime (l*r
fttoBpvtteabwfrteodedmtoe. I ban
»iyle* frmi. \otn«e
k,i<n>'bow tloy waul to <ii»to a-•arr.-lr indircable d.>
. Mt wto (ha ottaw ftr nw time. bW . ■<
,,^^3*16:::' «■ t^y to c)*o a teat o( ita bmcIW at ebotr.
,v«ai> of acv ^ **1J‘ I Tliew iiionntaiii IfaHiSrt ni» mewi- *“*'*
“*• *’
a I AdTtTtiarr.
. cnca.—Hub
ly baid C'H *.Ii[«<" ibeirwi-'W'
“■ ibatavill li-jm no d tth: wlw
w tbo erog will.
No ICMmitUo or (Mdan.
ijneatlr d^aHneutirl In'Me iwU » i'lio
1. Tin bf.iW*lnnnv.Win*taiicp*
'The .fiik.ninl-.pati yonns cdB.yr
rt lui'u, luiuo u(
«f (he inihiliiy id-------------.
The itnide. (fareitbo
wi«d I
w i;.. relnilj tnk.-e couitnaiid orer.v.l'
IbeiB d:.tiu;.’oblied
lav,^.. to roake a (Se. jieunel <4 ire apd (akf |o the nnie
cmiie emwu "kruy In laKle and vie.
lory" U -umietliiien an eiiiluHi.i: jar
will Out yrill Maud
Tin'i^tNitai .retieA rewedr.
Lawyerv iiatmlJy dta't
rolkd il'iwn from abutv, and be ww
auu. ■■anl'tilnriy
that DHiy be ,
u,,,^ lulftht follow. S'jnel.r had
Wflnird wiUi
.tliey ata oiiwiil- wv pm <im of onr innnrh and upon the
teaiii- WIHOI d<iwii eniiix au arahi:i<-b<'
„ vi-np-atn-... ;.t..lwow.Trwilliiu
I I'liijihiyi'cndii tt. leBjiIH»»«<H1o» iuH.. rHailed l»T Thouaatvda of Fair Woman,
,ruiy miul iduiticr bis 1 ..
------------ --------- '--------- --- -‘
lu lU- 3 .v....
^ f„.,. «.
^,1 -a ...............trvineuiloo. dtia-JiarK*- <d
' li-iit lacotsi a btek of i .
Anyhow (be jimwniiiai to of lit. (J„,bkiu<1» «f tw. ■d '
.n,nowllrthe.b«Mtlluih« ,l.lrt
we. fur luTariablytho lawyer wlia w jjxi-h/wvjpi down the ail lUal
••Vaca tot r» bare tba bridal _
.. -----fiodv___ liaieMd Mime l»epatati«B , -j'ln. imie-Hat Uphl Hor-e . who 1
,..i a,\
.-.Lmand. bad .dlly
Phyalclan and Surcoon. •
It to dtorhaed in iMir liticati.a
aMviidrd. We •oorereowrihe iliw- .0.1 re..^i«.«d ,
TCLTBT. aaTTtantraTRBBAPrna.
drew■ it
IIINS, half to cure tht pii
aafe. tint » lobow ihc ball lii».
*2“ with oral rdd boriikw 1. (be ««tw «v«.->a”-Cbi<aBo
classes SdeBtmcmjrHttcd.
, . ..
<1 in uiy cat* f<e mmie
•* *” la a ajipper of oatln embroidered with
oae ea tw ■"__
ira may 1
ill Iliil the homimMe and .
', uuil for iiiany ni|,dit» nftirv-anl.
The 1-rinre id Waba .awe Ti.i.rt
u iielipi-'libli' miiiwm "r liail mtif>
pevitirely iajaikan Uallaiii fruni SaiMliui.t,, ;------------------------------- -----------------bn-r la.NliM'iNl evil (In-aius. lln' ava
bnche-wa- aun. .0 ,i, lu .hnn.Wife" aad^ dawn the pan. " But we rii J^ITL^Li^r .^^tb^
~“lW "-ilb Uird Bl4.kwo..reitoKam..-.
md^ tw m.
mi^t need Ibe i
Woptharg BlkTmverde C5i!r
nuld id MrriarmiiK foau -•lii»il<—
abetl nut be dlMorbed. 1 aaanre
Md’iho'o'^^ I"'""''’"
AM reo- the Aewelera.
H. .R. H among the yabre gmthiui.-o. Mnmnia. wv bare lireu irA.litur id .m n
tbe cWk. "and tba
EJato Beeaaya.ln Jewetora-Clreotar; aacUiiued:
. dtirelfnl ilniw. I ..... .
taanl to a lurely <a
,'toie d
Up to date womeo bare broagtat back ‘ "1 woudw whlidi to tbe firmr
biiyr aakad Urn yuc
-AbIuthat.'' andag
ram Rtiropo the (a.hloo of weartac i then cried not. at Ibe tup uf br
piit aomwauMd tba elwk a faoa. "I
rateb foba.
"tomig Ure the priore!
wiUaay that tba rwaa ooalatoa aerao
Inleai In Ita line la Ibe torgdOO a
latoanllr the prince ton
braoebe. Thia to toiuply a pair of '.bowrd,
__________ ___^
^ aal'^Ci’^MrihNlV,
Tliegf ran bd iigtl .
••UibathlmVabe iiiipiired. t
perfectly 1
l'uhl-U>b. yu.. uu
Tbe-reuageoaptoJoakadBleaiihoUi- (old a^ fit Into ibe handle.
uoieh rt^r. I I kil l'. It wa. jieui </( wiaie
WE. Tbreilbeyimaf •arooumapolm
W-dll suM • ec*l rinffa
Fmat-KioK and Kr.»l l^nn-n lirawJ.
••1 Aar'I think are abaU tmre fir (bat
coon. Yaaaee.uar three eblldnavni o w ill tlml iheir pbwe. and 11
(• with their uarae in I be tnunstoc. mwa. anew op more prwniiB«.u,,iu.o ,^ reoaUr kten kibiwul Well, if "ur
ita. and rm
They ean all eUmb like gnata.
p^atncaJor portrait liraoebet
hm Bo»i T<.n..i« ik»iiiio,.. H„1 u™r no..mi,«,a.,
•ora ttoy wtmU to falling f tbom ae^^tler a^.upply
N.. '• •

SiKoreV old S-al-r tow : men lor bu'n.. wald. »nd «wry tort o(
IVinilliiio. anti Hot CVxrta witli Wliippod (^rrom. DuriDR
of the aenaon. The qnarier or half
------ ------willuotl-' ri'i»i;i:.'.i. aii<l .10 .In-iv-x-f clialini; iiTiun.'n o: ernfitiou oI thcuia I>r.
B ehoppinK tour IbiWf^ wfll W found wry refreahlnji sml
.-4 tb.
day, w'beu Ibe bile toed Beaeuna- dyiLv-Tv
w ill k- .'..m-l.-l.-r, H Huv Chaie'• Oiotmen: aflurd. a mle aed cenata
ha( totrayed deepenuticB.

Ihto geattoiuan and Ihia lady up
IJiiTev oi tbCNita^ of tome*
if fcnlniDe ranlllca.
Wry Sow and bare the maid pal tto
,p., Hogla iiihn Mju.r. lie wiw
Mahw-.l-nw i. mi*rr Ir i. the mind xiatre; <o erm f boa. ai all A
The aerpini
NNNore- IB todar*B a well kienui |iari.lil<aier n<«ed hr IiIn t Naun^ilii- «
A. \V.aia>eMe<lici<ieCp.. Bel
•orarey tootdat.'' -Tiwlb.
rradrwu. It U-ii.g winter ii.i.e and
GM Wke Ure. la dwtia
: 3««riry.
-----------.the weather nun.nlly revere, tbe vil
- "ra glad I lire to America, "aatd a '
r*a Cnlemaar.
inger alter pariOK hla rrwjrei. to hia
retoUattaataa: l,rd>hi|i
l.hip cmiRMwerel
nmiRMwerel to make au appeal
pnity yaoBg wonum. talking to a Philodalpfaia Inqoitrr reporter. “boranie !
1 fur a little Iwlp
*‘H«w tdlen bare 1 toM yvm tube
Ihim. liana noto Unit krent ato:
; o„rftil and prepare hr u rainy day? or. M nrkeM tWto to
”Ab. Hurt . right imotigh Sil dW,
■nm^wllb a fritmd who to married. ,
ST l(rd.--Bid the ready wined nland we wme apokeo to in an inenlting :
If.nei uoBODBi.aBMoMatoivh
lager.- but llien who erer IhotiKlil uf
nmnner ereir time we wreit <W. nri. '
Urt.M>Bi<iBn cMkiia M to
WBaatillwirae. ftoupto aprwk of the j
Thi. reiely rttgrt luul the deaired ofVpBoeli pdlltimrao. W it ia only a
ail amt torn wan a^pel l^aMfi*
. fsi.—Hooa^'hl Wirito.
Tbe mm wimld gel lu front
r utHi amirk '
a^etotler like monkeTA. I'm
i DcMburoB bad a v.m-e
ouiwo and
anylbltig they
glad 1 di.
Ihareh Ibat oiire.nmitoriiiig a,
like (be Aorer
'■ ; when he alteiupie.1 i>i hmo a jatoMge
a> m fully ahto
1 bare
llw tli« 'rellu ti> show bow tl .htnibl gu.
to apirac-iate it aa 1 w
r of tongbler-----mm thuae of otbrr liatiim. to tbeir
• I from Ibi- larbetora. Helunied very led.
PWB lantU Beeldea. (be girto are
; bat afterwardbimeelf bogl.ed. and tbt
Iraatod bettor bore tliaii anywlierefl e
|m .Bd trIH*
triMa dar* *r ky.
rat caraaia Hare to
iDTideul paotod cat ptoaeuiilly
oa toRh. and 1 ^‘1 wmi to miaa li


Weak. UaHEAmv Kioacys.

As a Food
For the Skin.



i«i»^ John r. Sanio
.''.'“K-" SrJ2H-*S
iBBUii knmk.

rtSs's.-Js'EoWand .
.tSt.Chanflcawe ttleafbcr
IrF.IiE.“ oUF’tSSr'i'; nt eur Rat Soda eovnicr

3as.«. Johns^

............. -



Not Leave Home or Work to Qualify Yourself
You Need
For a Professional Salaried Position.

MkwotmU^Uto'r* ***^
WUlMit. a famona airiibiriiap ,ol
Mmha roar to that elerated porilhai
tram U» eery toweat nmka. Hewa. the , ^
SXa^V^puM^. He mil inly
«Hanl tbo following toaeriptini to be ;
phrari natopironoaly to hia palace.
r «>y P*
bat bml tbe wbaeto <4 a cart bong np io
tba eni^Rlnl c4 Uenta Ptmn (hat time

SSaTL?!--aaaa to t« eall wotrid

■Orrem. tore bh-." «iiu to- retag.
“gret tore, tererer—
- A toarklag. lonrel ailda.
SS^rt^a-^k-to kill rn>l»*d.x
Eret. to
Bren to I

it I tore bol tto«\

____ amltoa."


gad all oto fetoad. at toato t
«Kk Chttonaa gMa to mr

TO The International Correspondence Schools. d«.
200.000 STUDENTS.


jil^pgUJ^itMaL Jniinmf Sflalua if I

-bare toe. I man wenky (irore.
Wlma ft wa. tret pnipaaed to Ugbi
tba atioaaa <4 Undna with gaa. great _
oh)arOi« waa made by (be pahlic and
>g tagatariaa woobt all ba ksltod. and
•rtasNis j_u
iamtmid el-ti-1™
eewM ..a
Mr ■*«*«• tte
dmdly fomta.

— .- „ ____
Per Ptorara

kn-rwer rapped three timea. and riaUf

h.x-rfSTa»«, "»bo u i>!"b.I

mid.not rety Ibe ik
. CMkoUe Apmralie ehoreh. a dla- ••U> TOO warn a model!"'

«toii^Vwilh (brae-riiarebre and


“Till a ttotre fa.
- MarittaaBekaaa
garer.amr. a
-Lure tow" atm lha to


'~Be kNikad a> tow with tba
< n Wm Oaa
------- .«
! Tbt B«r. H. a Ftobtr eoaU net
featorei AppanMly tbara waa ' naUt the MpMCkto to tril a attar «c
Tht face ' a kacdlin rntrinm:
btoatifal. tbe Min mai fmtam
''U waa riwfiH^ Ekhr Still of tbe
! MfthodM ohtnh. Tbeg.

• -I----------------------------------------------.

T and im Pepotar
doaiy. yellow gray, tbe
dall and I
beary. tbe i»«th and Jaw thick and >
Kight pankt. Twelftb day. or "CHd hard. AU of tbto Anail be mw oa dw |
tbnmgb the d«r oninrilad.
^ v.^
day. U iiM> Oib day of 3am paaaed
••What are yoor

be naked her haU «


aapUng of Uw three "attr M magT
to BriMehma. Imwa to (be tlmt oT
Abe rim wars lahtogtond Twritth day thnamtEM*7
to«a kept with great toatlrity at cowl
. aAor- th.. aablUiy. la tht bairfetotV pUed. 'Tm • I

'.fbe eaiS^reUag of the eUtr to
He had a male
vbkh be o«d to ride, and tbia mala

bang tbe ton mi. and turn whkh be
heUneadhe enold awi^ to (be ottor
aOa. Bat the molt ogahto i twine-



fifhttanx^ i


iL Amm uf
^9 ssA liu Jrwai jifhtianai^ amd
uAjdtAJt^ M
hitlit bw H ffwttiihd to nu Uiit
ftfuian I , tun ItoA
»ai tkt uCt ifmn btltiu uitk fkt TlOrtit

. irnsiiEnn
hire-it Tbr loUT
to •gHFTaatoB.Pa..
re<« rreitna, ft.-

Cut out attached Coupon and mall or bring it to
the bualness office of the Record.
Each Coupon must bear the name of the peraon for whom you wiah to vote.
The reoorda of the competltore will be ehown
In the paper after the oorttaet la started, and yoI»
will be received until midnight of Fehy. I ♦, l »01.


lUw PyaaoDta w>4 apatiy (d Mtwli
•DtLobwtadnMAr. ««
atobaiottolcd toe witoi vbotoodaead
H. ModrfwtoiWabBttorrttdy.JW
Itkr ia <|dicC!^ rcOCTtt OtO*
MAW tor uae aa -beWad* .
■iMti'je liarijiioknia^B^tM anlr dn «e eelrai toe beat potot 4d aiew
Mt tor tottoirwa biMB foMd to Ooad in a Wr «bt
mj ^p™BMaffcraVte
* •»---------- glWrtte thfl« »a»i* frartM Urn
Aflatr aSton of iMa kind;
' Aa anrarllrr |«d un> I* wntoM
cnrertoc a Wary ^ af rmkp bmti. M.1 bU Jay*. M»a. l«ala* a taac.vnnM
him ion tod fl«W Ida. Wto
• iff B inrta-. Hi »;«t-«Kb old
|*prr fatoi •« h b> Bata eota
bU<n woaJd l«« •« ^ bto«< «>• attMh^.
And Ibe pieii
hwd of a prHi>- KSrt. natog b
undtor tar -fli.- oriUBe or ala
Um to»a Tew rfWT year
’’^oet aafig appUabee lor Tknrlat
tlato a toDHi ot tvT niaddrr «» tor ^
and Epbnim kad not yrt «Una4'
(u t«U k-urr. patoi ~£»-ibaar.
^ pdetana to too an calM elaDOtiale eUt.
■w. • Nolarteea!'^
, fer yawltot b«r «to TbU bi BMcely a elii oioeatvo ailUjnseaeru"
toBidlfaiaacnid ortointdaM
-----------fail. Oa r»r<
IptoeotaafrtreldtoanaittoU ..
M floariT. "
A aenllclMifc luakr. I . 8lti wUrti Jf^oftWMdnat-aWilviikaqaiek
-..T-__ ______,____
_____ tmatoe
gukd- Uto. <# W. tartfe, and ibe bear me add. 10 toe eireei to tlewlw paiattofa,
aotWr «•■ lb- l-Bod Toitod *•■»» «2 dn«B
Kftoal- Uoew bfa< fnm ato M li allovr the ray* of liidit to.on)y
■enKTidUD u jwa theoagb Iho
bar Ml >mnir.<d;el- t-'«r * aoatl i feniv'. ■>' «br
and rsled-oni
nredk-taiok -i.ur-tour tUUlag rardi ^
“lie-, a bkely earalin.
aaralin. Man
Htai atole. ] «r ibr otoarer. If be
pntoltog done by an aitlat wbM
«to mik. Wiitt or liaec
«wcdi yo‘ tod. I'n rwnlo.
okMD.. lae- II tor lb- ooiaMr ot Itaa! |^t" And bo cdatdied «be btor by the rWooJaiHraal. or nearly ■o.toeobMTtv larut Ibr alit atonnd tncnr«90Bd
enter and rtk «r uiiu f-r ibr
i tbnat.
A dataiy -IT-I >• oidalunl by oatoft,
tik aaltoal fol ita pm an»d wlto Ibr K-ildiau id bir own beat rirlen.
VMII- lair-ie tor <b- •■nirr and eotoe; {jabnlto. and tbry foachk raUis« to If. bnwetrr. bo look* at a plettie
brtgto abaik- Ut ua fvr ibr laM.
dlnrtlOB. nnttl h waiabneM
«bkb It i...........................
Tbf-laatirr o( dr-oraitee abw toe Ij^M, m
»“ *«"*■—‘
vldtto liuio«e-itoBr»».apt»MyebUd!S^f)ond; Tta> boye beU ibadoM
a fra ellrrt
wtofr.1 l-ifM.
- enbrd i
• toa
• . old toan

damiim meilbB. or e l>^ l.on Hos om I
,0 |,iu,
It yvK oar tor j —dolt, fiepl Yen'raput’eml Oito
a plDk rtorer bkbtonUH-e. lairi---------------i..oo lrMpr» «« n to tto, lb-dr
tbe other eldr «>f ihr ro»-r, -Hob doth
Dran tor trill Ibo tworoDadwitll
Ibe lllUr t»D.J W
eWb tbry roold roU do fartbrr. '
t^Let Wne lbedc«i>’'>bDalrd^old
OMn. **ljrt 'mbioaelTberrilbr'agot
boMbi tbe\e)dtoaa
Ml Ibe >iye toomtol
a better opmnalty
lion and _
rraHto M. anblll
.yew_Vbew and kept toe daft a«ay.

%£ C.-HU Into Alfaeap «a itaCaottd
H«o«^ laaewiia«e drawn hr torn
- Tta(Mtebi4nAdTW.ttaeawta
|wore«4cd u pita eon In Ui
(Jne el thraa. bowever. woold
DottakbnrfaaM biataadand
aU loud. The diltw. la a Mle at w!M
toU Utiia fab faita and dtoland. wito
(Rbxitd tnwda. I'M tmoC-tta Ibdito
tad -otwloQksd" toa otetap tatae.
tad mat toe bewt ww aboalt towpirn
riae only war *0 pM It cwnd (ran toe
rSectf of toeerU eyawtoforttaoew*
loiihHl toqdtHnlt. 'DtedilTWta'
pear. 10 bate bad nodoobiwbleb la^y
wa. ita pitotoiir at Ibe evil poww eiwciwd Bpcn tab BBiwal.
woe«b. tbe lady In qoMIlta bitaao
ptot tanryniry tob >*lwlllTe twa

toe cMId of Cad, aw ittawl tatai
nera b a totaOaClr.aa wM aa a
Chrtetba way or toetap tbe b of Kta
BtaK 1 aBaw aiy wm u eWcp ia Ibe
ptweart at any rwlamity en toe
gnand Ibat cabnaty b taablbto faafece am erOodf ~
" '
tneoce. Tbeyatflenlybcwbiaeatb^i
to—. .Kto- -------------------- --------- h- . e.B-!


diteet Jearwey ir
Teec I an maraiad that H b atIB that
Ibe d-MlBBtlDB b aothlag baa dellpMfid ItaD beartw Itwtf. Hub. ttaa. eaa
I (nr when oare by (alib I tare eon-'
nOar wUh-^be haana to
Thb —• - —

Ibe Abbi ot a Mrd ibraach aom dark
Head and toeo out Into ibr fall Ugbt
e of pbyalral lib or tnelaeto «b- at tbe aaa. It Biab he like aom trar.
ebr feorneyllip
"Wbat eanl .be cwrcd aiuat be eadw ■


__ ________ _____ toe btend
coantry. wbere'lbe eaa b

wylag. ‘WUb toere’a BhlDlBC I
H. ainry I*eetn tbe ant blD
MM tla«. and lie tiny l«tab.[
^ „ hkwa. Pntely If It b
, Bnafcwtaat no«r pw bta...::
baJldlBg. Ao B-bile a prmra m .imicrB ^ -Wlri
■iwtM NWn afTtaitoto cbr
remi^ to aa we HmU bhor o« f~
^md 1^0 the Hitnlw
Bard oar bettennewk tmaitop Ood to,
bearea. Bby. tadert. abooldl
Mta wbea onr obw bew retaedba fait |
b. r. Uaibcfc. D. D.
OabNoTi pwba..................... totatl
-Sunday Bebonl Tlmea ‘
Oom pw bn fold)........................

•"*'t •••‘f a n«*«



Cbrbfa style of prearfalng m
B Lad Ota epal BpiB toe
Ml la. tbe

toe rolorm a

?! eoarae tta etaago b
lOKehrr p<-Ukjo, ’naaaUy at ri|d>t i eidmi*. Probotly the tarn
Ita Ant.
Ann. and
and with
with fbb
I hb a can-[ too tired toeai. hmdanta tbedlmto
(o tta
' • he«» d«»la
ear wbirb hofiae toowed too elwrly tbe »Mu • ■ loeidt or not to
bkeeim td rolor now taromre blewded
taWBS qalb
ialu II laodi more prifeH wbob
lu fact, port hoe.
• thU iimpb •
g and tta
bue. The
eke lu any isir wbu liaa not abeady ag- not
- ptopter
. .
. i^Wlair
pnf&itojted with ll. Tbar. fay odjaattop teoiTwy loilowtBA r^ *BnT .i .gl
cwr .mil peraual equatioo id eytoipbt
to tout <d Hie Bilirt. we lltermlly obtaia


api« r
In-trad id towklap. like onr omATBMd in bit beitaf in toe
Iriniil Bentitwrd al Ant. fcr “tta <^ue curiuciav
•ad baud, with aa ewr*y batifdde- banditot wa> to ic« out of Ihl. 'em toutaht ampb proof at tta aOea^ <
p1are,"wa aie pbd to nay kaiper tn
at B« MBdy and to etjjuy. Hm-. w< eraiy- Botbing bad happened. and’ttatWu>>>
diand wbeee. it ia an nud irif^ laprttar
natll biaefeabeawero Wtn toebirdi:
bta lw« and body were mrerert with that yield tortirlirre reedlT If aeience (ormafciug me of ttaem dosdiamtreenr may abb Iblnp witbunl aoy rtoall. tbe dfirw
ii bDiiwH In ta IhrInUrprMrr,
pipinc woniata, ttoen wfikb toe bload {■
might bare tapnn lo think tbal. aft*
bowed to fitrly tow U kfl
^-------- pilD B helsHe»r<l ruj-yiarut .if art and
tbe artirt a comfottliip locn-ai«> of ap- all. bb Jogpliup riito woe naoMBto
nail wbeaerrr
nnrialioo.—Lnri.-n Howe, IC O.. in Ltapend opoB it. the ooincideoce rtratedtbetoaumof
Jd*afh^«r'b<^ and u'woJd hare Popalar ricienoe Hontoly.
tightertbraierer. After Ita incidetitwB ;
fared loaeblf wtto toam. bat they fled.
ban Joat iiotiued ta wiH inbably ba- |
Tbe old wait rewbed bla bom sadwaa
Here aa flmly in tta erll eye and tb* I
•fanurt dead Irani tow of blood, bot bit

S' ■

Ibe wab b aa« b toe raOry. bot
ibin^ tbe eaBer- Ah. toco * waw
te a malcbt aad pbb path

: su

Mppwte Mri^ Cttoh
is foreree Hoata Ibe dooe &
la alB b a jrlDP
a of oU cy, CM
o of Ita divine bw«ad li
wbo Btuxl in llUtldsee and proHalm
iBpleaauie. Tet bm
Tokea Ibe......................
nietrutk Tta ges^ ia aa
ba OB. rvcardlew of tbe IneTltalde conrd ai ev.-r. sod If preMIrd aa tta Maator did It w in find Its way to human toqumera tliat ratM f.dbw tbeir peealetent op|»altlan In tta faeo of offer-.
beaita amt cwBacienceB-rrtobyterbn.
«d-iankm They wlU not lepenl and
tan to do.1 wilb full porpoae of bnrl.
Tbe MInber Lltf.
Tta- uDob talked abnni -bipbcr life’' whieta 1. ibrtr only hope of e
b almidy llvlup Hueo In dud. on toa mi^pbb UetbodlsL
Sahtatb li. Ilia unetnary and throngta
Uh- week In \>ur uBti da-elllngB and
pUeeaofhualnm. Ill.kreplng
ev.-n nod oor eyre atere
Idindlur uibl«
ubl« .if w.irWnn«w
oar ta«n. In rkwr louefa with our 41-{
vine MBalor --ll.-v. T. I» Coyler bl

Tito Cto-. rna. »l*a mto. ju. M
tlui will n Btrain tkn am.a>

■atoF aeWiit Bi^eu bn ivra<
jma 1^ laibtor. .wrto |Utk.


ruat Ml. ta. Ita-'ll l-ar tky ftn;
ua. <cUu> uik atoT I~n ute taaiH
Tta mwm 1. Mtaiul h; eta cata
AM vltoir a«ta L« «*.. of Ssta.
ItaS aiafci r«r. star w itoiftoM dwi
liK tata Mill -taor itar s mr oar. '
• •
- I «ia Utota tta >i.i
NrctataT .koo aav
Saw WM.
aosu nsktaot oota Ita* w*rk<M,
Ab4 <tao kou taltaol i« mo Brtit
, Sto miir rmi Ikt kltftato lIBi
TMe* *Bto “i' snH aoJ kooa Uir m
Oh. tasc> oar. .Mr tasB a«kla>

Ttoi Uto aur ton U l*a
tWl-tM ranup W nil Wtk
Ato lie toh Ototl It imA

-klane Jim." wrote toe eotored eBbediufot. “1 bopea. yaw ata i gwlta dta
matar me lUa rhrt«>»Ba. bk. /am
dota*ln dr ba- .met la dr laa’ Cbib*
oiim you didn’t ao m' 'member ton :
dan yoD wmil.l a maa rum wbtoD yoB**
burrowed fS. Sow. dal ais’l Hgbt. .
Uatw Jim. ra well you k
I mlmM you ra de Jersey calf Wem
n iu4o «r you wua lee yoBop tar WS Sa.i
r .T tay to 4e prtee er cotton; ■
you pTowe.1 U|> cn ’lowad yOB
-Weepe ler run fer oOee. knao .
niimlu' worn ta de fsmMy ea jam

ramlictole done Imwi you so bad yM
- • - •
whar roe lived at. OB
u .lUoTM wid yo’ wtfn
fer lettin’ you ta f.«d eonapb tar rant
I itkln't ‘wiB ■ iiiMiln' dal year. Marta .
JIui. tat atii-r ytm did gU ’leeted. ta
got nrfe hi .to ..rilee—d* time Aat -I
loa- my amlBHler
myTellflta ta^
4an*rtibl*fri you ler po down la faT
britehea |.o<-krl en uiaAe^^_ H^mMI

PtoU MS OSM Ik.i laotatodl SM;
ailta •■•t ta ii« rWM oimt M.
*. Blew tato I...., iru taN Ihr taato;
fta thf. flUl a-m lUr't r-tas Okto.
To Urn. tkUisr rufta rolero coil,
•el Uto la loto rvta .err all

a ■■otuerwuB’ fi

Itas'l Try Ta Ba Psany.
atBbiiliai lied been
TWn .raU-t I alll taf
toBto to ai. CwerapB
If iw ^wmea your way. don’t By ta- ’
Tiai l.’v It W(Mh1 "‘.llltoir
wbliipnd'a yearUai bear la a fair Acfal.
Tta Ule M. HatDliolnfr. ex-ptmiw
ta fnimv al hu -x|>etMr. He le asBTbe boT. bid out in tbe wood* for eov<
id HBbaiia. orr.1 lo ta oallcd "Ita
lup |.lii.i.-r Imapea fiir-welL fOP OBgwal di^B. i»d woold nnt mn« imill
Bi*man-k.d Ita Haiku.. ” Oacidbia
Iblup lx- > aa pH
tbeir filber. wbnee }<iy at bla mnrn
•chess on the ARAIN.
B»at dramilir |iatoapr> with
■nram rtiyiof.
tad pot ibi- brtlrr <d bla I«i» and an
TWtr tHVB Wrtita
neurrtd ilortiip thr wu wllli Herrta
flaw la WahaaJU* PBaa.
nu BMtor t-llitoH tot roll tor cr.
par. M«i ibem word tbal In. would n<e
HW hareneglatad Kupluh iin-umBtatlmi » r wbleh mm
' >i.i.a
Ami . w« u>L
»!.*■* tor M
l*rlnr.. Ak-J-uuilrr lui.l poor out lo lead
pwwhip tooni if lliry rcloninL Hatfield
«orr»mmto>«ra rmi
to oMtie tbeir Bflaln. Hni J-metjit. Diy
ItaHnlpailuiiarni.r in peraai. leatiiis
^arked'down. five d'olton io'tWwA
«» Ml • Ml - to. un U tfc
MTor wearied lelliap bow hr whipped
dni Mill Sir Imuh- nil died in.K. Muuboinff ill rharpr bI lione. It -------wbito.' usiue ii kri-ll
* •• kouwu
twti twti
affor.1 II.
At preabil
Urn --«> U.e -ml."
Co 'all'
old row.' art llaea to nwbe ayearlinp biwr, and hie non. am aqnaUy
InUie. Barxi tuaidvelll.
dvem. sud
tia. epi
war n d-ar day. with
a Inralh of phyeraaod uu.t nonlday.-ra of (bat aei- lhajiri<w fto wakiiip
• iWi'i want II." i.'lururd owe of tti
fart- .f a
a baatlhervlili-r I-BW. LUrer fonr pleceo irutid of tbeir iatoer'e acfalerrme
piu mi liulb-r'. lu-ainnienl iu
air Mirrlup. and ttaraar of ttara
(l.-rLo lu 11- .JH-e b- bail larsded.
of <at.l iibuul Bve toclwe equare. two UinrinBBll l^iirr.
bey anfib-ieull) .-apUina why I
"I wo ik.ltor oi'teitlf fire ital." %0
wit plaiiilr taanl in tta rit.r.
tost Ita loK nae uRBUt-aemUy which I J—i w bo U preally wruikhd baa to lay
Wtto lla- III.M1. two Bill! dcllrile pink
• Xrrd luuiiey."
tJlomliBlnff thnophl 111- tarrlana Thll“ wMUewtoary 1.. dtul.U." whib an-1 |I.Ki Tl-.1.TUi.a..HuflM tow lo hw mtojy <aben Uke him t
clitna aUk loin tvtili-b tiai >>^-11 iitit a
-liuu't BBM II." again aaacrled tta
iiiely “‘«amd in «.-..u.tai 00 ib-laard irfiea ! r.-u. !<• Are .ley. uimI i. somewlta will:
wimiinp ttarinr. It
layiB ot miioo inllloc vllli airtH-t

Thr |orCo fata la taeo la >
iitm>iipl>llrd t.i Ita Bna- ini him III uuvuUK-ioualy do ridicaloai i paiiifnl, lini leil niitaBrahly ■>. b« tta
III Ibr ifiller ot ihc llii.w
"Jlni..- -.ffer.” pemlMed the prAdita.
apriit for adriev. *That toiup. wtan Ibe patm- wa. .walui .Hlibi
i akiu iwuminp |a.1e nmUlna rtoaiii. W
larini a dM: in coW and ln-«l<k- it wiih
“Wlllm 'mtid L.r.1 (kA«. “end the
In an lm|«riiil city lately a erimiaal grulbiuan torapped biaabonldera and
•K.B luatuK.-. ' tasald. -it ienot I ontuh ih.-rorle-'11 rertaojaw. ^ odd conalrnrliiiaof lb<-ni do nn»e perpln
^irn-"7r^1iere Itu' bumorM of tta
r«lr>r 1 rlrh iiurd rrluiKOD ebrya
aae mdetuKrd li> betalieadrd who had said il waa M.> affair of lib.
BtHiHuuiiu ib‘up for mo. wbon walk- : Uiinp ia that if you have your wrlnkbt a man lhau any <Pber. and li> A
BDil n
lae Ibe 1 ■ iiw color a
ploy at Dinepliii.
••But." nrped tbe BslparUn mlnie-• tobiT*. be offered AS
laliipnlar ilrhing
Imiuo iu tta eveuing aflar sererBl, remored y>a ate really aa old rirtaln e-inatnioll<ai of Ibom eare
Aliile bit otaieucr loa protMBDciDp be lira, “toe HcrTlana arc alnoA
JI Ibey
of cb«a to my clnb, to icAlM , wonuui
they will ruaw
rua>e agaiu aa yoe ad- JarlaptadeWiauiartton. ' An old
yunra." jB-rtnpHy MBrntd
had toe tomwity to offer a rcqiitot to gain. Yon cooM atop Ibem with a dato Ita wrinkled
ape. bat U ytm
cmeufiUpieDetCB Ita board |raiM«toita
mb nay. that ertcy man U tdlber 1
-pe.Ull-rrtoaudlnp II fi bim.
be petmitted to pbyoaoe BKte si bb gl- word, if you woold. ’’ “Yea. tat
'and probably wbito ( hare Itam reuiored after yon
there are ta
fBTtwile game at Ibe pbcB of ezemtlon. Hint 'vurd will uni be apokto. On oor
elsB, I wi
win ; wrinkled aa JOB areerw likely
_ else.
Pemelbiag raltier UBiqae b a lap
and Ilien ta told ta wonM anbmlt eondilion duly will 1 Mop them, and __ _
to plant my fen Arrnly they do ik*
raw. Ita foundniloo la foor rbiilnr
take gresi
in Ita o uler of the ftapMooca and
cards, orer whlrli art- alrrlchi-d. thi-n Wilbno's
aaalyitMinirrd. “riir H.-ury. mayn’t be
-lluw Innp did It take yoB lo Mta
Aa tlie bat prayer of a dying mtoi
U Ibto rna.will n
aiep upou tor lints tbto dirlde Itam. aorer-i gnm. ia
alltrbed topefber. Idti of while lalfi-ta
faelMhl” Alnuyraleriitr’rtrtienlMcbm
Iboir art anap laliHsr
hlambohdr. "I
hw u-qoMl was grautod. Then arrlred tontidiyid
Agaiu. toe ides ihai 1 am a knight will tsew whik- Ita posle
for III.- oiiUI.1r aii.1 aomc dnrk.e allk
I that iawyoTH who draw tiieir own wlUa
been savlnp Ibetn for mta*
at Ibo miktnu spot be futmd tnerythlng _jl dll No. uol for kO Rmuiea
d-i. a »
aeizu me. ond Ibm who walk behind diwdly w.»k
ter lliilnp
U-l Hie dceoralkiD be a
tlnii iwu years "
With tbal kt Slomlinloff aprang Into
prepomd. toe pint being eet ap and Ita
are oouvnloed
i-ouvnlord with Ungbler to act f.Bin. and eonjKit be got rid lit
traveler, a dainty maid with a drew
did f
--------- ------------------------- *
bowl ready. He pUy^ Bltb no little toe Kuidk- and dart>«1 away lo tbe tat
taka a Me,, f.irwtod. and one .0 ota ally y^ mn.. ^ thepa.u «.h ta a.-'
auli raer. a dmmnirr wllb bb grip or
you w hen relumed Hie piler
Huumioeia. bat tlieaberiff at kogth. tlefi.'U. while the Hotoiiin aprnt aeni
c. which 1. UMI. io»y the least of it. ^lely pl^hl coontmau^. Er« a |
^ dttoHwy proceed......................................ioaar
a dude with a heavy ranc. IVImn It b
•TTiey a«il
MXit ni.
ni.- a pair of lbe enleM
that ta tbnwed no inrlinati.s lo , to hie frimda lo e«.n»e lo bU bonae H
a dlgnilhxl melbud <f ptopr
llrth- ruhlwt d.dl
finbhed. pot IneUe II a doarn lagi.
dtobl. rrlTOtelyotderedltaeiroofloort jwloUefeIhe defeat of Ita BolpariaD
11 it to that If any- '
Ito- iHwi liila
{kusetimm I am s biahop
and n»0Te
a olODped 1 armlni. A lew bonr. pamod,
irike Ita fatal blow i
H- d-4la. or yoB ICM
to all
iu aabiHliiip dirurttou, till forcible ctmaaids by Lmd llinrl.m.—Temple Bat.
1 Ita Rnlger-ul foiripn lutiii.ler pot a
wail brings me to my
Till- tfi
While CMdopting a aeries of testa
o.i.;.ur tor. was hr rlv-'
Tta e*e(wHcB>to
did ao, and toe i uhwram f'-m M- Waiuboloff. dated ______
me a «nr oo^tab o^.^ I »-•->
‘“'o «*
!««>•• <» H - field of batOe. of Prince
XrHfi.-ial allka
of a
«• -Al-sjuto-. magniflcon. rirKwy aad H
filler. •Ilm.lve.l to a plue-like eoBotot*
WD.M-™iSne ' rtbTwL He aimed al tbe STntftfroot of the tarrito,a Be barr. rsao
p«Hblllti» are ; rinded tbe leerinp .# a Mh-I wtoe rop^
■ed Ihn.Bph
one)' l.y acMa. f-Hr-ed
tieIff iB
game. 11.
».! DO lirbit or Bine, nmreiring Ibto il wa. the bowl, ritd with itio ibe Iwnae of the Remiau
aocmtioBally .
il.-rw n .yt
Il nine fa
cbea l.>meua1m.tMt beramlng a amnd. rtn»a werento a nudem iu.tatiou, to.d
Aihletto-No. BU. not Ttatta featirilira. And wiim ta told tbe
.,n»l l-.....r, ,,,||.U, [ h~--1^^-^;
news the triurwenlatlTo of
a tbe Oermao.
mu 1 wpr <»H-lialf ia.-hlB<llaB»eter and Irtnn
Tbe elder BoU-ru
toldta tnurrlewer that „ «tapknalj *>>'c
Brtn.lrr Uudpet.
“'.TI -----------------V bT uilbtota ' tartwl in '1- raiua .4 Pompeii, and
M ud w<to- which mnM hare bwai al toaM I.WW
Jm'ldSll.I.'^lT'.l.r gueaia .Itoiiled "Kr I
Then, an 17 diffnent braatoca of
QstoUato'to Bl
At Ibe Aotolamy Wadneadnr afUrn off Ibe I yta» old.-PhiU4e)pbU Ledger.
r voirra. and I *»«'«'f ilif’""*
»«n. bnl ta
ietoodiom in this ninuiry. each baring
Tbo pcqmlor iwiiou that aa atblelo.
noon at 4 o'e!
• dlminctireiBoma, itoowu ehorefi ypigi.
. .
.Twnaoof bl. slhlelirlnu. Uataallby
Women wbo bar. a faury hr baarier
imn of Ihl- i.n-sniiiiine e^nelaird In er
artr. its own mpaniadlne, its own Oi^ w^m
leemmiin tta an of .
tirt A<f for fllliap a fnni tooth with I niui fa a deln.lrr one. Mnaeolar derelperfamra than delicate Wtrl wtoera and
ery one mmiiiiip lii enlcnm alienee ali
planes ot warship and its own body o< dancing. phyalMl^onltan.^l^
goW. refarltig to fwy il tacamr ta said opmeut 1. not au affair .d Ibo crmatltnrtota ami'Illnp cwhignes. and rrho affect
nnd depnetmeeL
Ita silver
Ita MU waa exiBbiiant. Tta oib« day I tioo. Il if an oreidrul. 8mag limbs
aiwte aperial raaeuev, an niA olwaya
——r Patlswe
bla pockets al Ita iiwuimt Hold aa«
Ita flUiBg eame oat. H. Uwk tta gold ] and » wwk J.etol are u.a lnfie«iwi»tly
awair. laTbap., Hist lew iM Ibe flowecB
(OPsl.lmHl iiMiw-ky. tail toirrr
lo a Jewelry altoe and imd it ratoni.
ralood. I[ Btoiiritoea.
aaorltoea. attoiy
Many o
a “ainmg
airaig mou
man" ‘“*■1
A prandcnntltrr ll.lop In tiw weto slaam will be formed bop* Woteito
ponrd 10 hriiip all itmnner of pood for­
wrote m tta fieotiai tad in- pmmalBtelyofc.mMimpH..n. H health
tab. w.ird -HIH- werka apu lo' tot lay afumoen at 4 o'olneh. Pfaytune 10 Ihe owo.-r TlK»e ladles wbo eloae.laclHr-kf.»hi.amiuut.beaedta|maybedefiiKda»a<wpa.-ilyforboldlBg
Hi. idea U to tuaPe
’ '
dnugt.tH'a family lu Ne*- Yort toai SDtatamadeon MHsriBg tta
wtabed lo tlla—vcT wlieilirr or nol Ibr
. ..............
af any boi—
-ibe foUowinp eumpntali.w: -Arlnaljon lo life. thru. In iiikuy caoea. iba
wmiUl ta imaMe l«. SiHTid Itrl-t- tMVaie
New y.-ai «outd are ibem wedded to
tad loarJl ill il a.
irahu. if Ibe pnkl. gS .VI; UDODat of ' weakling, an-lbs brallblrst.
lu tbe "gieit fire If LimdoB.''IMd.
wllli ibHu aa planned,
t-reai .. Petoskey. CtarbtToIx. Mam
llT "mBB of iliHr choice" had OBly lo
laU-r(wbicb I deom iitaral,, Ao: fnr aae '
If anrh a definliiim t> aemntr.
charebre, balls. Ilbrariw,
ami Bunahluf of le.-lli Kolkaaka and Tmrene City.
throw tbeir oaiidala tonu- dieli
boiugtoe rt-sl Ihiag. Tbe salocm has a ; >1*"
dfstrciyed and inly
—..IU. ni..D il». nmou BDOU
15 yeats. Si; Inlal. A18.&0. j on aielieallhlur llisu m.-n TlietT aver- big tar. with a sotastanlUl rail, fnmi h^tata rirt.
h.lf . ri.M InweU Bark I rO l'rr> lent.
lus anil all. «
ei-areely ta I'tirli .inuia Tta olber .toy
..j i»i
bl. mteb-uii.
Ivrd a toiler.
rows of slitlves. n
Il read. “w-Tr
a directed luward
whn rercui
f-rety year—sIinuM 5.000 !«»».
wrddmp wonW tofaUlWy uke (daca
aU awfully -urr> you won’
to 01 a child.
na t'brlaSBUM. tal. sever m jd. yoo-ll
durlBg the yeor. If. howerer. the toe#
Iem.u« tad a w.—■
loiukenplhaillwiao. Erery day some '
.>i rfea't *ee eh) any woman abonld ta wury. ti«. for y«m'H u.
were (uroed In ■ eoolraiy direction,
(birrtr ricHBi wanders in and ordwi \ n-malii Mnpir. If -be esrb-.
farewell to ibelr bopea
ui»- ..f Ita ride* prsn.
He gelaa gUia of foaming,
-A-ad: beuce Ibrre to a.i rweori
oahcalibrl It iaashsrd l.'imy w
Klbel. ape.1 i«i, elpoed tta i
wtoMtblag tbto r«d«. may ebem. but |
n.y ix'i • he aaka.1.
aiM tut to oa In snr wbsl b.-sltb ir. aad ^
fbsi bejipTTsBd. Wm abki autei
1- al.nri wslaied empire centA
iB-briale. Tta rivtiui uraallj
,J1., I< I. o<> rosy li. aemrr pio|i«a
gratolniuttar lu Iwr dsupblrr. "Wby.
oscalaijui waa on nul
'■•***?%»*» w hir* M
I pru|.-fij. nitae. tare • qoalBt
gslps it down, toes -1ica» and shnU bto ala of niarriape," to- re|.lle.L "IV any in In-aiou a nstta. wse new talir kept
• "-------luuuthtad tries torceall toe taste, while rid Ihlnc 10 pH your nsn.c In ita jta ■ n---ivt?” H aakid. "Havr |na| to-aid
furuiabl.r a|mu diffeicni p»inu.
a jraialed kuk qnada <irrr bis faeo. l-era In a ai-liatoinnal way end you’ll
r..upli Fhtal'a IHier. l-el me knov
iLf gg I wongu letnorked inavnire b ed
If Ita TrainldueRtiiM be asks qoeatinDa. bat ua
-re .•hauir-a ibsii tta liclle »f psrihiTlnn.
.-ulnn. iit oriee 1 to ^
b-r all, “Well. 1.* mr port. .
ntgi-rrn pariui-rt imi
alir bo Walks slowly away, wondering the -D-.m. Bliy. »ta Mlnneaiadto mtolH-r ws^smSB-l tor -taiigbHr wsa
1 I
a txaiiiit? wlp-rt'
bios and •
Cbffeinr. IbeacTiveTcieciplcof orfee.
Apnte. Thr rinplt* fsshlofts are prclwhetber nr ii« Ins atCBiacb ia nH right piri wl». la lnv.Tlve.1 IP Ito- liau.m-n
ratof—AlhuMB C<auiUtBt.uu.
^ waa diacweird by Bunge in l«a la a
tlral ol 111 fni lea and tvehlnp gowna. ,
^'bicapu Letlor
l»ay luurder a-i le petllnc ,wo|»-aU
and la these elalrmnlon to itol ooi of
by the ta-fc<-> Indiana •■>mB of tbe oat
place, itml ih.- Mrk-t empire alyie ttcad
■ D wbn li'hleved dlallto-tton by als- riona »bel. Mio. bat lap ■diamved
•ol be rieerly toUowed.
(wbutaa jBJtlmd .
Blup a boroen.irrra-Hn-d ibrer
f..riy-rlpM to«ra. It !• really Ml nitm
uf s -vew
0 BpOB
Dossfa. Ita fitose to Fileri.* lifcethat j
n*. It to said
to him)
TM t'oer reset.
ct a cvek. tool when il l.a. blstfd itself j ^ cbemtota iBsl tmffeine in its maI in. orj S.I.H nmoi SI aicH.
out there trwalna ihB efen to moA Si
with ftainr. tta sc

Tie ni.k uWt .hsaai ts oWt. .
TIH >«>*» Mik Ht MiH ato isews.
' wnold dnat the OBleuBS: of a bottcrAy.
cisitalple.if l«w Chnn al
TV mmH eta* t* ItB IV bwsti
. nevwT Itompw of Ibel tafore."
iufenrrqnsllHvaof lenevBiUln »
TV hen
kossai Hit M *a« |4t.
Bbe nduened. -hoi did It nerer ornai
4 te. «tolM Wu *1 rSIm aUi
,e yon ttal a woman may not want Jo tars of |iertlaa»eet were dlarusrlBL
a Mcpr*. Il
taour MSP pdM 10 Irtoand and Irtib
Its- MVw IV A.< d latwncW U.
omlnptLto Eilini’aa
marry s plain, naloral-tara foolt

Xwh^t----- -------------


•** f




bancing School
Wednesday Evening


’^ 7. SZi —“ f"

! —l-



I fcl 1.1






Fire Insurance

..... ________ ..Z

ta. ta.





“Sorry. Biadaui. tat yoe «mbsr« toJ

• from SCOT


__________ Dm'iyoB see my *

Bod wwti Malta oat Ike tad.
Wua tow totta «a pmer * MB. .

. .........
itobxnied ill tta lotwy
I tmea. -FkwMa T.mes..Cubm.

right tbriB i» tta eta<*l"—Bt

yUan. an':
lying injUr. Oaug."
Me Mtr of 110 year. I.
.Ito- bwidial .d Tomsk
Ue arin iw'
“Yea. run am
- -rtfasB
on-mhtT. Cntbi-rtiie 11. and tstta of
bay lap tarinl bit wife
II niaeli-on y-srs tark.
and bto
yon «• » 7l|«w doata. am
In into) tta

Tta AramtoA. ta Uatar. wm



Tta klnp of Italy iia«
LMen to falHata

ATWold of Itovrtoeh-


"Talk aboot s
agrtatmed ,tBBl Asa
op Iht iKwe la
wtau I wa. **«*
that ifj wobM


ripbi 1 'mlkr.1 It f..r
for Itta uod Ibra weal
.... —— I e®teris- SN.1.1 toibeblleta*
tea nilBolea. and ibew ta
a eske lU Ida.-k »• one ■

». taw
"o'hiin. *Je^. lor ^ la^s


la the tart of taalib.
waa made oBt of tta water, tor. "-Jam-

,nm m « roontey like AeocUnd. fa-i
MMia for il* fcUptooa. tuieBertiial and j
I •.wdeunc HJiierioHty. fte |w6pie. wllb ,
oM dtollsHtoa of ebur.* or ctota •
'{ abo'nld ron-niur alrobuL - • - la tta ;
ironp form of wbitoty. al sU
1 and on M otraatona. lua toep tars aa
Iseaplkwbfa- fart«beu eiOrr. and


BagtajMl ta a scale
wUcto dcserrea. sBd to now mtortaff
tta gtare study of the tadtosl pcosrbose amtartiT to tos


■o^aa a ftaalrhamn. tta ettar at
B from BeoUand taU. 4

thnl while ta was gM they were te
wear tto- ^tamrerfc ta At. Patri-k'a
day. If maoi bbi in ferponta ibsl tbe
HIghlaiMtocB bad tan Apbtlap bmve
ly. rpb; “they eipn-icd ta
of firor for ibHr ,orTlee..^^W wjw
always ready to brav
qniMi. and ibatr toy.

•"1 ..tad tare
tatb BbtoB yon 4
w nipf'^

r ***"






tMinr BHAKS. UMKT mam
FANcinn. oARNiruMU.

f«M te-afl fW mW 4«h bw^ .
Ml lo^MwItaii n iiKt—a.
Or «n weapon i* as

T> MM IMlHatli*.
a»—w< IW I mill xU M */ aM nMM
-FMMm !• S 1>to «r «>n.
'' aHtvMd la«(«aiA
Mb'Bad tat* are aU mde «f tar.
...............................-.. X ■_
M« to «Ma^ tb* tkrcal* of
«wWM tboAriefeto Jackto to u papator aa orer. TofT amrt todaed to tba ‘
totoal enapto or tkto arttb Oto agaara •
toBad back aad ret athar itoert oa .

*;.iL’•.SONIA. ,


vae caBad. eatoo tof tke 4Mm Mft
W^bad tsto the B%to. and «baeba
waaWbMo itoe aoabdad to • a^*mwf. OroemdMfadtoihBMr.bBftIbt
eMtotm of tbe faattoma 10 MMd
ftcao tba ^ae <d tbe pntotoa.Mdaa
thMtoibefr. Mdae PmM taiaaee ae
a* c«d to Bmo MidU r ae ^ od«to aritotr. «• M
Watorie M—»f Itoa f«ilfao<a the atftbaMikoI ptoioto. laoodi.
•Mb ana atcvpad bp lieLaa. aadhto
MMtopUto. Ptorikat. to be «aa NMf»-

MttahB. ItwlbrabMiafabefj M «be had fM WmU. sad el! fH- to*r.
Whea SMto Bear Wat b «a* a» im.
Baalaoi at tto-«ao( of bn-bfd aai ba­
ld tov; .bt taoM hnr tbi <tM <M IW
hMto ai ttoa caai iwribir.
tia« ba Mari W real, ibi (ritod a«. arax tbr aoaad K btr «ek» be realriirt,
at. pnaid tbe tote m-Baa oU b ibrr AdrUUi aM (ba _______
te bto er«. aied etWMd bte. "Hm (tedoeerteooriteft
boU erent ttoo^ tbe toped tbectorkl.
««ztMa. . .. .
Md tf 1 bril au ao tod> oeanr to the i
kdt ride vaat bare gtae thrmpfa mj ;
ted.” Bto tri freatr
tke taari-. PI
■Miv rixadrel. erbeo the tow at te 1

who to. bath oto pari aod ear pttoa.
Let aa aakr a flte atart ot the h '
■tog thia. aMlber MV rear, aad tot
m keep MMliyoa to tbn at aB tote
tattore Mta Bke ftoto. wa toato tonra


. s±}.r£.'S--3—».

K» » » . I 8br bad breasbt fitaa bir boar a pOe
- IWB«r. a hMp of aMMT. aa rXMbeot
IWnd reared riBapr tor ton 4rra to ;
a MaU aad bee e«a at»m*fTe.
tbi bDlta*. ita craj Mae aaebe raae gbe dfore tbe rfOarr ptorie tota tbot a‘
-f-i-- UtP ceeea aed btan Of ibe bOla. ebretbr raaltohi raagbt tbr rirreeH. It,bn atooe. ..
vu a reairir |0ete. abree reepto
gMMr. aa*aa
«ety Itovlr- Brixii okmf ihn»—tnaa U- mtlcae aad 1

-The -ye Mari pneerie the toot
•V toriita ate aat toraodr to tera^
•M- anato eofat ba tioraltoc Ihttf ~
Bto we «Mt atoa pee* fWwaK
fbrraN took to adVHtlee ad • te
wwd MerroMwt. We raaari itawd
aCBL far that to atapMNtooi «a
•at tare aatde. tor tbM to tete
ter. abd we foaant «• bte tor

: thectwa at rigl

<i well bred penaaa
<d the pea
«>U U» M7 Me»<^ Ba Mta U tha pto- with itdtrMee to tba Batata
leJbadehataaabahadaiMtbprftwhiB-: tela of Oneotoad. ItUtePtoodtoba
aelt. Cha X do te tte Mp 1 wUl be I * eheatte wmt» of kaaMtoow.
hteril U ba ur- He gire. aa aBtteg; M
dotoktioL Ob tori teihm I litei of (he rath that wm aada . m

> later «

■ faU ot daad> cto-


Iteo Ibaaate pete riritad hi* la thto traltag aaon vmb awap te tha
Ua call <* the tori eaadap ritrinha lataite uatehr from Uxarnkte to
Mrtarioe. ao that ba taiated tvtoe fna [ autueo with '-‘tha mytk frTcr.”.tha
toe». rroB the haiMid
the heaL TbarioUa fbew cd WhXle'i priaripal rrmptria of «hkh ia a brig___________ ftoaU. frit
. .
dnoM. m by tbe thae tbe week *a» at eaaa ia a bodp. Lade OnoUaa Met- i )gg to tatciu to theM Britbeia riiutaa
w sap man to hr lawtriv
^ ibr i3t. WUUaiB Hea- aa nri the W aad Seeda^
tea te other ladia of titto wept uaar: PntMKrAafO-lo Belliria. iehto ter- m bmu ha teMid. Cato frit bed
hia gad attared tnkea wordt of roa- cute acrutuii «d the Pesip talief azpe*.
bta alaa. bgt hr did Ml
It tbe.eod If the «eek ttor Weald ari tet ”8aMa«rtfaabrigbt«riepMwna;di(MBrteacwdbpUB.tteiteka<d eeafeaa. Seal waa graariy lormcwtad
' Greeuland
— herpo. Tbete *e wai iTTegalar a althlttlMeioteata.”—Atalaata.
ta bta mlad. hwt be wrat te tha wMeh
dteaiir aad Inn Uadly"Oore Ibr funi haa bam M apcri tba ; ^
Lord. Pa. B rnatb ia bli errealeealb pear.. (eaQj prv-m. oerrr atteeded ehoith fa
id at botae. He had bm edoeated
edarated' |b« otoratoc. did »t>d made them io 1
i-id tmni 1U.
oC tbe near
tbiac* of wbM they '
^(BKtTmwaafoldtfaeinaete TM| juuar ilHt ba wrwt oat te banged
.. d fmm Mrih ‘ •ern Iboorbl bef<
» aM www^ _____
^ bnla patrber a< grrau are aglow with 1
hat ha dU aat maff that
bad made Ua- ber go. Krea Lori
[>m tha bam MUM <m Uu, train f" i
^ I” **" "^. *^ i ta. hr did not coafeM to Ood. Beeatot
tbiacb be dd IH*I ka«w U-» r««h »ha> Tteaie atiy toag
ted m totesieBtod woodaDna aa ba .
to Jba prlMta. Mplooked erril arit eirried'. bianrif waB.; be the Md ot 4
U.—W1 -X. rrwLl, r^nga^ ;
,^.1 i baqp
Wltfc them I.T«I I.orie KaiHm. « lebool- «tNdd ari let So
1 ptafc. IM dwm
It oral
Ctrl of 14. Ibr rarur’i ^nl. Hit hair : afnM n( ber it ib
tie te ttotkri OB the Btiaalo. Barbra- 1


-- .f,

D^dti!°22^ V!Sra.»ff-JS

tar te PtttriritR.

______________ _ _
at poo to take *a
Ur beaply. aad ibe
•Tri tha aad posrioaalr.
I tbiwrib Ike pior troodi oa Ibr blD tbrr
To tbern ealrrrd Soaio. and ebe rr~ ,I Adelildi
Adelilde .gUixed at her brotWr, b«t
itch her eye.
_________— ______
away ' did Bot etich
laOgklBg- 4’el »br rilUte'n to ber god- I wrBt t > Ibe rnum.
fdttor. Ibr rrrtor. f>br trritri kio ofU* hriglm
U) Mini AdrtaHe IloaariL 1------------ -------------- .—
j. w. nii*, ■ - - - ii
...____te leva pate (beoMh what DtAaovuirhtQ,
anttwm tbe Iritna ibil .Vortoo hritn ta ;,bMraa wete ofM. 0Wrr oai Bo pioblr BtoMiWBW. arlih W. W. Kialtf
among tha poltaa we do for thaa rather than thnwgh PnsI
ber. bol »hr nfrro Io him io brr Mtm Ulioe.
aarori. Tram-Cuy. riMb.
gniaf. wbilr. fr>aa afar. arciaaB ttaoegfa what thrp A for Iri. Uod has gooc far
.. hu Tbrre b orter a word
Tbapk yew. Sueto." wld Nortia.
.k. they wBlfcad Ibroogb tbr piar wood
tbe nark- nf ttatgUag rilia iuid feracte. beyead oor thanfclag ta what He haa 7 B. gTAVa. M. tl. OiMaali
.lioot l.iH-ir KerraDa
eomrtbrmclodtfla atyrinof tbooMada tome for BB. bat we lake Uka gtriJ as
Tbr brokm thread of Ibrir aormal life : .kior tomla aiki-d Um ■ hnndrrd qiww
any tte alnnt hi- lif-. W^l bid iri dooa
bai. lb tbr eaw
of BxMialtaea, who r-trr rbrirfBlIy iMd matter of eoarae oatll He eao lad*
rate, bna iriaed
Ihraj Ilife befurr abe «---- .....
----- .Kor
-..........r TX.O
MO o-MIswhBspe- a^to do aoawchlBg for HIbl
I• ***•' “** «'*" ' ®*“
of Lo- rinotii? 1 thinkyraiarethewteaaB
sera OB na lirforr. ihoogfa tbry leeaD
-NulUnt:.*'hr mU.

b,. i
Thto to why Ha tbraws oa na tha bavibtoga -Hooia aaW.” -ttoola
“IH dr. i.ralaiag Wr.r. Thm for aw«1r tbry » U»
yoo n-ririnbry bow abr looked wbrn~— . valknl oa in riir.
L«k toM.. ^ _ of dec of Borbte wbare He Might here
ite commot phraar. *illi tbrfc.
■ Uuk lu rr«i. and aa hr atood before
________ To wrar a wboir aalmal li
wnroght »»d glvtag wbera Ha might
Tbry bad wver atord fk.uls te rwor. tbdy rji. ib.4.
'■at pethapa aotirrjy craiifying >n tbe
lip bally a
^ hi^vrii. IttofMorwaakrathatwa
toara to tare tha Dorr te
■aibelk- praar. Wr are aide to (orget
:. Kowiil
ftorr Ita
—^ bad
— Do
— aUrraaUvr.
—' - Binchr
bcMri ..............
Tba lamr bad erideBily raueirad a ■arfani nf au ioterior
- -‘tee tuny thr datalto of their alaugb- bQDihk-. oir
Giver of aU
r aad toU
loU bar gniralbrr that
-> r».~ abe aald: ~l
“I knew
tar wbra are Btarely saw apoo tba
. riooa aetbaek. bat ba didan Uka to boMBU (bal iiDDdrad* of' Unimtfi, tha
mmtog to EnsUad aod would Uagbrd. aM Ibr*. “Why have yao
appMrInbe too eaailp Mbdiinl.
for bar chHd hcrarif
ikiM of Ibr hodlra worked tote ta^ alay with Ibrai for a-werk int waa "Dri
M mi Ira to Ibe laalwaid. w-sinred Uka
weia Tbrre to twihtog vary heart- dla|ih-a«in*." Boala’a amlbrr alia wrolr.
a It lova by sattlBg It to do for
-i oiaaot: brIp
brip it. 1 mraat to trU Toa
Tteteg to Ibe aigbt of a aabla cape, ap-dofirtWny- Soria war aoate te nr «.b(« yea arked aw to comc oat tbia
ami. aad Ibr Kcr. tVUUa*
a Haaoril
”----- ” .onUag. I weaM bare told yea beforr
meept « ba OB poor deairat (rite and EhSbml.
»0 TCty WihJ
MO m-y-f
, |l I ceOUl.
MBif •
pao waat It tor peerarif. trot the wbola
Prilhfol CMa Date.
aa iatorral la Ua griMaBsktor. ; “1 au vtry glad. How asorb da you
Pehn HIM on tba dap of bta degth. ptJMJHw. ixmUK. Aiicnn at I
dead aalnal riariag at poti with te­
''*' •’•f- Hk* »*-l"
ta hto elghtMb pear, waa fete taoch&-a.
ed bM raproarhral epic if a dlaattlit- abom br bad nnrr anm:
ahr lorioard SoiiU'a Uat pbolograpb.
-jioie lhaa any oar to tbr wortd ao lor. te ^^^tTnldi tha-mtolahr 1 •*«“ “
l*****"”^ aa«Kisn
te ohtocL Hovrarrr. tor wboh- tot
ml Adriglrlr nil Ibr pagra of tor . that Ihir* to aatbiag I would nu do far
be yrgi«». oriblnguf tbooet«ti»a tag tbe alpIrilM to aa Indten fhOd st
. haa ebialaa to white. tda«.-k aad lirowa RdaaI Lyall
novrl wlih aa
wte yog » r<ri waalcd h. tbri'.**
mind reflrit tha Ua bnUldr.
“Why 'not r*ot from poor taborar
pad M'la. aad aaffa are laade to rnaieh.
bar brea. We
i|irr kDifr....... ........
VUh btet aat la the ceaier. aad for ..K- bad l*TO jrAlnlrd to llcbiew char1 lova Sinwlng agalBri t«w it'*>
“Beesaar." Mid tba raoeraUle man.
smt.cnttte kto bead ao that ilreqatred '
iteb 1-MdlMJUa
“1 have prayed to Oed to make ma oac• attto ebHdrro theae are to he aa«i Id aelrra. She bmtd Ibr two Iniori rfA- ,
“.No." abr Mid. “yoo • g ari lore tor.
while. A for. however, more appro­ Cbr *aa tbr t*olograpb, Sto- Mid very
AMichte.v«ro.-P««^-«(Utat- fnl la my apbarr. and Ha baa brord my
priate to ehUdrea la mlalrer, aad luoat
ptoyrr. for now that I ran no longer
what bad bapiwwd be Mid: ’ ty«",«
■maetlra littto b<ri« aad matTa are
prrorh Hr toorca me atrrogtb aaongb
"1 didn't think tbr .Uabrd thins wm '
^"7^ wa. dtapote to
atode of tbia TIk-b, loo, ermine li
dtotrast »aifiwbat the aemiary at tha Io Irarh this poor child bla alpbabet.“
Tary waO halted to ibeTtoiag eblld.
After atk-b ao exainplo of rijadtanea
poauK mauV vi-inu.
aad. to Mmbtoatlon with rcot- plak or Soolh’i pbotograpb. wblrfa bad
le'tbe command. “Br ye fsltfafal
you like na at alir
‘.‘Sbe to braMifol. poa Mpl”
riBBlay Cbato TlaiHIL
pale blae or cnaoTe ctoth. It wlU make handed acMod. Hr ataiad at ” with , «i j,,)i g.4 (Ml yoo.“
TpDdall war. 1 think. <ai<< of the n
Hr idradrd ralaly. N'"t for dapi weaM
btoryra. Wbal wosid fbr tl
a haairtiral wtoter coat
the pbo- ,ke let bis br with brr aloae agals
Tbe tefloasee of the fashion of for Ja 6br loofcr
ica. were , -^nwo abr did. abe mM. “TWI tar oarr
I •«» • sVs'.'.'..»
dtoeenlUa 00 tbe totaat elotba which
. .. ______ .r and woodrrrd wbrtbrr
Ddrh pon Ifkr lar.”
inr.” And wbra
■a in euiamim with bia own
Be nmatly mogb of sarface and alhe- abr
Man bte notolng by obeplng Ood. I DVt 8 «8«SISh888SS88
troidd drapinr him. Lncir Barraat ; „ ,j,e |„,
aaj iog goodby
.Hat to leitiire. AgabC aomc of tba IKoLrd orrr Nnttoo'a aboridrr and wm ^
rrovldeace and gnuw work In voajoncp .^10- Hot tbia thaa aad Mr. Wh.rtnpor raatwit <4 that ppaL.
riaib draMea abow draigni of for trac­
tlon for (hr go^ of Ibooe wbe '
at 111* atworptioB.
,«kl. -Tctl me agailT how moch
aaditWM u<>( tilllbm-or fimryean.
ed with geld or faaHtol braid, tbe Sal
a T«T b
brantlfol far*-.- mU tbr
And to rriorn? Ur wo
brfurebir death that be'asaiu alirtidrti | flaetoriily.fara betag morilp oied for aoeb pnjraofcly.
TTrtir Irtlrta to brr. aud f ---••Karuily. my 1*71 Fainlbr? Why.
■rrrytbbi." Adrialde UUa* Ibrr
t hand-aribtog.
peaaa. caiacal and btoadiall to praf^
band—oribtog. in
io fart. In ra- oae nf too Bunnal dinueri td Ibrrlnb. ‘
mdlrd. 'jrirr tbia U{a were piraaed
wbr^ bi^ and PrTif;^'Hoxh-y wi+i ;
■ '“l!? ‘"r
nmoogtbegorid.ritoetortilnK. •
a^-Lino.,la pari' —ChtenTImo.
k Vetp itpUah bolero or aeaWeto epBoth orated, hot in tbe lortk-nUr art ; Herald.
paera to the drat eni. )n»t draped over
Tbdrr wai
1 K
T of..............................................
■ at afiK dinner apmking Tyndall waa
TrM€«B»M* '
the boat aw) beta by aa engrarrii geld auBiIikr
kaWr prrooaal b
rtaarr of m
^ aSeetkw of two Hderiy proplr. the lore
■batua. white tbe fringe to of oM gold tbr viUagp B itil
...-----of a l>oy and the hatred of a gH.-Btoek
“ ™' --j -I- -O” I x.-a»-a. .»b«.
aad sifd bead*, ibe earfa and eadt of
rod i«gaa loto gray Chria-,
■ tmt'ml tuifavroahlt with lb© '
T-i a largo•**«•* tktM whoara to bo
tbe atria betog etabroldared to doll llanlly. Her hair wa. dark brewa. Her
x-l~ '
woodrrfnl. with loas Uabra. ;
Tabaawa Taaga.
neiKnir perrmagi- in muairy. wuu. «-t | ^
i>w mi«t mretnL ;
f^f pool eqalpmMt.
.T on hrr red li|x conlradlrtfd : ta tbr aiileroth aod arvrBteeBtb erThey know that moi yaqataa mm
tongw a W**'? «* 1“T
The aaeoiHl eoitame ta of a pair ocber ■ be patlK- of her rym- Mort richer tmlr* a palr^ot woodrs
Work for ahiadrnrarsl babilimanl for tba war of JM.
. _______higbert
_. . . riril
irilltacrirard etotb. wMli a Imirio of Al^bUlobarcp nprii wore part of a
and Ibe Brri rate women who export to
o( her moTirti
mDTirtioaa a
emfit. Tbr leosa of coataa rnmr.-iMt ligbt—with drat rata mm in
frankly hart«rton. Sbr wai
aUod tbr tovor of tbr "Btobt Triridadafrom Ibr land of paradoxnIbr ringgla id sfaa worH yaaUaa that
wberr tbry Mill tiavrl by eecA aad yat : to light fair "Worikoek Head- la kind of
' tbry sari ba pcaparad to ball for rapi|.rl at thr “ordtoary- 6rr or at Ibe
0 below.—Blac^ood-r Magnni
I pain Aod tooroogfaiMm tea mighty 8m
Bimtoecan-'a hraiirr. DBriag tbr m(a
1 bankas

; PBf’iingtrialitttoTaMai
I? Wb(9 I tapir For tbr »>rb ■
‘■When Uaahip
Adriaidr. who bad baan riagnlariy aUrat i «> by thr tpribr^rjra.
-COMMOBI br Met. *. H. Ooyl*.
; las lu know Beret daeridtirias aiunrr. rommrocod brr rvrriiig
^krr. la ^ “Gril a .....
Haro Book- abeuinataya"
of: {taKii. uyt Ibr gallaDU of bit time
and nmly
nne-Iy aoy ima
ooa aba.
etae. mre
aare br
ttr a
n amy
"Bv Grwaa." eteimad Fradecaan i T»r. -1«—rJ i-a—n-.t u.. ir h
gaoM- of patlror*. Sbr liked
tbrlt ptpr. with live real! aod when ba braid thto old timer. TU | TU- mroth iif Jauimo «»rrieaa Its U«,t Ume. Ufa. Uka Iw to a Iraatar,
inlitaor. hot her eooaclrorr fortodc brr Hsblr.1
to am tba deadly pUytne cardr. Sbr had i that tbr toac* la um were made of gold ipring
snrias thstc*
Ibsl cm thoVbnardm
' .tuuue fr> iii Juour, uu i.ld iiallaa god ! mid u wa- lira amoog folks they mm
i.triti'r^'',------rvorlrartrd a park brrarlf. In whkb dr- I aM ■Urer. 1 ranoot cmKiodr tbl% oota te br did. Wbeti tiSy all given K , iliat bod iw.. fa.-r- i-.luimB la oppo- gpd ,et >ari bow mneh wa hri't kriow.
rarrtas to Joawa'i “Alcbrt.«k thr piort. of ipadra. cinlo. hritta ; tatot.” U thto pUy Karr. PpraklBg of »p. be rxctalmeel with* pride aiHl pleas- i m«- dlrvelioiir. l li.- <u<.Blli la wrU ‘ and Ibawaok rpota in irirsi.^ .
«tc io bto area. -Wbil it has ila conM ■ natncl. fur it bImj |«jioIi. two waya fur tba huUaryaa f« thrir ahafts.
Thr king, qorm aad Prnggar. ripa^
sod «
go__BQ. (bat ibireb't aenmd HM right ' at tbr lu-gluiiiiu.-uf thr year. Bbllr w<-1 X toll yon tba (rainpet blaricf pfOgknsrr «rro>rpmrBtr.1„ I^W aaml^
either, 'boc I’m aore it waa emnething I Iwk forward.
bIm, took iri- liwafd.l mmim'i '’an eryte 00 wooH"—FoUf
U. li 11. Thr won)
m m
H waa railed “oor." Aoot AdrQoeiM.
abritootaria.teiiatn>cfcBrnapaatry I “
Ptf » A'«» '“He
MlewbralbMid It."—B<wMaj Ite'] both »-ny«. l-nuJ n-»n«-.l that, as wr |
inkr-of them nri ai ptoyiog rarilA i
krts. And. haring
Lot as palkoer tiriirls.
-wv ftori to.- n-f.-ri-iM-»- which wa ,
«waiM(p-Aita What did tba
irariad tbr ais from ,
Ihn* with rur.
•------------------------, Uevr iM-fort- un and at ou llmr in life la
1* vt Ibrdsnw. ebr rould with “pigeon” ^let” If a CblaamaB. of
u„lug au.1 ap|>ro|irtau- to fri- Aortca any?
riraea raioy Ibr same llerlf.
a- rijr- ■
The Inralld—Bs dktat say asT
tow I’BUl'fc •-laiiniU- lu Ibis iteert tbu
XU .wm ..P Ik
Ibr rardi. u™ii»
tanghloto whalrrer Btandlag, andm lo rrirotatka.
wTbat FaaaliltbaFrwMb at the- U-gtnulDs yC tbr year. Let as. Iblag Ha Jari toactaad te
•■Aoir I shall tell yoor fortooe. If I any.- ?. tel**?
CMSta F>rr
Men Mcewattata-Yonriritaa?
•n think. Snois." Mid Adrlgklr. “that— ' “»R'’
Once', aud core only. «
wrO. raany skoohl I act br able to trari
Ultly rpter Paris to be pozsled by a
iinir- aull
Uiai tbr tnlui* may SytaewMPte
yoo brtirr If
rxpUiB Tbe a]
partY' Sbr I
to' a ••<>n-iuiii luipruteiumi apoo tbe
... -........................
. (bgars bot while it larted It waa mnst perplrs- ^
.............................- • bad dtoarPERSON ALE.
reVred tb. rrrii last aa ttar Were laid rivHei bto “boy" OBl of tbr bonsr oo aa iagtena. Oor cvcaiBg sU tba toangera
1. .l ton kwaril bob. "Ku^rtili
Thr king of Saxony
Hsxoay N BM of fha
aeroMtioa of atraUag. brfoir hi. teirt.
• Il4r
•• of' Tmoprai
Rmopraa tor^..^7^1;^.-".

' when Ibr arrosed lerved on bis marier on the honlarartto. who were riteig' lUoac- thluge whU-h arc U-hlnd." Kte 1______ _
rmte with Soata.
.«tr«tea to r-t -tery doIUb“ o« tbeli beer or "atiaugiing
be had
gling a tamR.”
t»m».” as'
as 'recalls
ilir lari
jaui ami r-od<-l»dr*
roBc-tocir* that
inai tbr
me I arrigna.
pTrigwi. Aa nodlrBra may
recalls il.r
• “*

... ,______ 1,
t«. ( Wi.l. I.IX .l_n« une Hi
tba Prmcb pbime bath tllod«ii-i ‘"'t thing ... cto la to forge. Ik lie ■ with him. rimow any time.
_aSrd th
Onr of Ibr Brat
tbeptmtetrf toWbrog adoaecf tUt:
CborrhiU did on rrtelag Baal cm waa
Norton B atr^brt openly with very
l^rir Sa'rMOt
Samol took a book ^ Ite*"*
bote by obaoTTlBg the approach
of thrae'
aod brgaa
Injnriou. .0 fu.orc- .drMWMOrt...
tbto eraniry gatbarad op •arriiwc Baalrlanx. One man trandlrd a , ^
%ria bad talkrd with brr mother abnnt :
..IT- .B-l-IU. X_______*1. . 1 .. . . -I.. ..IW.
arat r»ra am*.
007 ASP caiixcBfUA cnsmiis.
Dr. Kami of VVnno. tto tatr« areta. nad U ta wan wiib most cseri----'; Whaa nag WaaS ta tba B.
la aim tbr yeeagesL Ba
•Saet Otar n hloaaa of eery costaa teen'
only r> yaeiB of agr. bm tte Wa
l^ -Ctteee Itte^
------------------------- grrr In pbDuBopfay. mnrhawflra,
for aaaa<B
tWapTthal .Vdrlxldr hriirred that '
for eaering wear, nod aomc of |
«b, m
the tontor <d tba bi|*way between Kenand phyrrnc at tlw I'nlrrTBlir «f Vtao**• ^tsw»ta applknuona on moorng-;
i.r,,acbt .Vdrialdc Im« Ibr nMantle i singlcB te KaigbUbridgr. Aa late aa
- two yrar* ago. "
iag tbe riirome te di^
: Wt thr,- Oil a. with pride aad arif mifiha or Bilk abow pattema twtiincd In : aiBocTlwte. aatomd tbr mran fact that tba year lTfl» a deuchmcnl of
: tita bad oorr yillrd a rnrair into a liraa- h*M- wm —to patrol nilditly
- tom-ta.te_______ _
( tafartkia acid chicrlv.- lu of tbe ambL
The Btelet mtatatm
pbia at ibair weakly mrattag tarn Momday trCsiwd to allow SUto Lfprx of
Manila w> addite them. TW7 taM
/br gnetmd that Imics Ib an umma to
ibla iweatiy and a aatirr «f a eem-jy
te •( ml «••*« « ehoMteta vtib
wbleb to at war wllb tbr rnlmd





M°g^i?b a ,ar£.g-a'

wj£ySXH~iins~ “i,?sr ■










( awtttMttni



r^v..r.‘fTirsi «'i5'


SH “

- - u'u. 1

-u™- ^5sr‘.»"«rx"S:


PERE Marquette


nt. te «bp agtaMri- • ta triRteria...
vbtah ta ««gNntaM ta ihs Ataritew' *<»^

tabr.RwaanlfM. te
taO yeat^ftBma> te that ataa Madad torin.* * kmg a> tbaenmp via
U Hydr lawk. the nads tteg •“ tacma
might come frmn lamdOD
M miy lima in tba ni«d>t wKbeat dsa“Too Briy trU mina.“ arid Itee Baf •m. whtob I did very <tei. ”
Thr Tomnnee vhirii ate wiilria m
“N<v no: i Bri afimld «f yoo. Tea sia

men to not 10 blghiy ookte m may be
aP*S »l5*^Bt*SoSS£KIO^«nP
voe(- lUw dore that •• aoMMcd. Daring bU brief taim of ofbe WM n man <d nota. tbr d«Ua(
tati Sia^!^‘n»teny ta ita«la^
do ms kncM.“ «cid Iter
of the fair mx. the hero of ptay te
On«t Britain no toogar fnstahM -{ ari Mt Ftttei aad do nm
dHty. BadaDtealBaMlagbtedinad
tbr targaat cooUngcM of Strim ttmr- j (t. | toU yoo (kat at dianar.'
tata. Crirmany rosnlng te aad rrMCc; “Ah. I feata*: I da net k r why I St tha einta wlib lig|vtoy- Md vbw
h. Yaa mhri ho became MtorioM an nagktaba
aretehrtv thoaskt te war
thr wtadowiand

MCh Hkitatsw; Bh^tand

ri.AighL TCa tet Rl

morir ri gtaaatm."
Pribtpa the vedM galte by tha ear-;
prim of the pahUe.parimpi nv»'
by the riHtacm of the enhry air. bat
(MtatolyilaoaMledMariaiTton Than- tbc-y impair falniw aarfalnroa. nwi let
Aril of MPtaam tea rained etdn, both MU- only anurty hr far tbst wa do net
gold te surer, rawmdad the trio’a ef- repeat tbrtD.
a A forward look. “Bctetng forth
{(■tf, bat they M*er gare hot two
onto ttoiM- iblnga whirh srr brio .. .
pn-wB toward the mark for the pritc of
the btgb caning td (tad In Cbriri JrfiH." ’Ibto flgun- cf tha nmMr I
traenbot aapert cf bar two waBpaaWaw. ta^drtng ona. Ur taoka forward. _
baa thr goal aod the prim bafoi* him.
a bond vote iMMWg errry Bot hr nul troly ktaka forward, trot hr
■rid Mmy
vodld ic^i a pMsaa forwanl with all his powtn
_____ ».hgtvhMtoiMmAliMttH and rmyglra tliet be may nte tba



W9th Kca^teM be |«te to tatomtm Navgrio • tr- ttog^top. iMltordte Mwagntar*- (Ml te ubtaU tha pete Da togtod
1 to too 1

at cnmplatrihadjMt
Hi tEArtiangro*rita far thr mla arhta


“I want my pletorr lakem" aha te
Mte -Do roe Chink my faca win
the eamrrar
^ _
-Km thto mmrra.-- -* --


Of rwraa Ibr mbs

the rlral pboiteaphar. who. whaa aha
vrtags tha |akr aboot bar far* ned
STTSorta. >otaa with tor la a

. 2-.


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