The Morning Record, January 09, 1901

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The Morning Record, January 09, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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r^* ■






vich^ wkdkbboat, jakuakt




I ioa;j I


•ritfsh Un^toto Ctwek Cap*
Colony lovMlon


PloiMMHi and SoHic .BKaoutoO


4t»:«aUar7.MB; total a
• aMM'aatataltaaa tadaj aaaad that ther waaU attack fat
aaatt the taaparla al«M W r>»t a
paaadt far tba patae Ig^t. ea the
■roMds Oat the naiainfnt Atfiletie
eiabPae fonad eapectaUr for tbe
Dae af aradte the law, aad ie


ta. »-e» f» M au be
h> Bow tmtei «t Cava
(Maax Im ao« bM chMfead. IW
mm rMmbU npM ••Ataata ttat
Dotay In P***ln« Army Bill
•ebaalMiie tin neqmtkmg read,
CAUsoo Conoorn
laaalrtac la »•
paaMa aid Aart of paaaaal aerriaa
Baaa tbaDalah ra'
raadUy fire ibaaa >
L. Tbabalialcn^tb
aa^alaadaHtaaaCratda bptWlab. Naodod to Pill Plmeoo of BoeHM7 laaparad iarariaa la fane,
plaaaad hf Oaaaml Dnret aba. aitboatb javraalMl froaa l«adla«Uai
Iba aalaat, alll aaeaaad, if ha haa
aM abaadr aanaadad. ta aURdac
tteaagb the Brittah Itaaa ia the OrMwe Rirfc Oabar aad>>obrta« the
A talartBa frdm Oapa Town akf«
that if ba doM Mtar Uapa Ookaj
IhataHa eraay likMbeed <d the Caldt
aalaaiata Jetatiw hia. proeMed he effeet ia the FhiUpfdaea of the delay
aaa eappJy tW with
by tbe amate tapaaelap theamy bill
It ta dMlared that the RtaTeat eonthnateae the
Tetaw^itwaiMid that the delay
wlU famibre the pormacat I
additianl expenae of 01.aDO.<X».
dayedMaleeay that thta expoaie !•


», t«Q».

BE $600,000,000

aoftbe order of
waa mde rariy
la the ^y, by which the eoari per) EquItaAih ■taaed three ooaaatl for the petlUoato opea the earn, aad owe. ebaa. gtriag theMs faaara far tl
«M giraa lha alM
who ta wdtaintrgaBacal for the 1
eat that he wold harem like eaaa of tim. Tbia wlU oritaaat
tbe remiader of thta freak. F. R.
Ooatet. Jr.. opoMd the ugomaL
te «W Moabw ta-cea.
PeUa. Jaa. 8-¥bm ie aaaaidtaable taifc hare aa to tbe aaoaat of ladeani^ to bedaaaadad hr ^ >Ulee
a^ Oitaa’a abUitr to par tbe a
While U U latpaaaiUe to etata a
atalp the aawoat of daiaapae directly
Coast or Maisoiiios
pacoable to the Bo»r opriatac, *800,
000.000 ta gaaeiBlIr awatioDad aa th<

Cm, CmAamF
WooMia'a Warm f^^toea—Uce
and topgWM, * somber of dif­
ferent kihda, aold
for ft SO rod

City Book Store.
U begtM tke litm Utar with,
D»w to

Wt eSM suit PMf.

Alwwmym *Km V*ry Smm« mW

How $!.0O
Womes'a $100 Kid Shoea•tyliab ahaper, sice eaoogh for
dreaa, stro^ esoogb for orry


now fl.SO



Suits«Overcoats Ulsters

and coognaa, Ugbt, c
and dorable,

now fl.SO

WetaAtaew ta»

laid for private loena. It ie jaotaUe
Cfaitdrcii’r and Mtaaea' Shore
ttet 10,000,000 wltl eoret the lenaa to
—iDottly battoa, valaa* npto
BtheUe arierin aad 01.000,000 the
mm to PrateatBot deaemiaetioe
MmeUtaa.. Jaa. «-Tha mU
A OaRaaB ezpeditioa ia the north- «awr Bamta. float Om. went
ndiftriet eaeoantared at Bee Bai ariiore yeataiday oa the ooaU dar;oac. tweatr mile* northweta of the lag a rioicat rtam. with fifty ^tataJaaetica of tbe ptaat wall^Ot^ Ohl- gtra ^ a orew of forty. She ha*
healed to ettrtaeard, aad the waver
ate rweepfag over her. Attempta to
« the la-tmtef* by life boauaad
aad the vUUtie i* la an eaeloaed ateam laaachM were amde yeaterday
vallejr with a walled eottanee. Tbe and repeated today, bat thai far the
Oeiwane aaraaee<l to attack tbe ^odIt. roagh tea* hare prevented every ef­
on which the Oliineae had tea noant- fort to approaeh her. lt>ii probable
that Hie reml and all oa -board will
barded the )>laee for aa boarr*^dti
poaitioo waafhMi taken at (be polot
of the bayoaet. Three boar* further
flghttag ooeBixad before the meBy
were drivea oat of Hie valley. The
ChloeM lo« U eaiUaaied at *00 and
the Oetman* loat ooe killed aad fnar Managors of I ndUna. Prison
' Under Examination
i Boooption for ToAnother batlle between the Chlaeee
neoearity of leplaeini the vein' Bd 'Oonnaaaooeaited to tbe northnlptit Pootponod
I. MBit IVb
aaet of Pekin. Three eoaipaaiet ol
aad ooe troop of inilaaii laol
_______ __
■ aoi beUare tha
lataaliee'n ■ur (WBirofi
flrrtMOliaaat to pc to the Phlllpiddea t.Q00 Oiiam. Two himdred Ohiatoe
■a at tVuwea
to relieve the rolaataon eaa leave tbe were kiile.1 and W) woaadrd. Three Nt-rrUI t„ Thr Mun,ln( Ueivnl.
killed aad ooe oOoer
Halted Staiea hefoM the fh« of MarladtaBBfelta. lad. Jaa. R-Tbe
OOoen ia tdtaqte of the feenittap
board of laaaagm of the womaa'*
work for the amy declare that it maalndfT of tlie Ohlscee fled.*
Xrt Ypm ap U Zht
priwo, eompoaed of three tadiet
wlU take all meatha to laereaae tbe
the only laatlrntioB in tbe eoiuitzy
artayaloapIfaeUaeaot. tbe bill
EIGHT TRAINMEN KILLED governed wholly by ladle*, ha* beeo
before oenfieas.
[f yon. wish to be so, the Teleander iavedtigatioa for aeveial day*
aa aaeoemt of tbe
OfCMCal MaoAxtfaor oaatiBBM to HeatOe CMIMmoo BritlaMve* OMe by the board of eharitiea lu report , one is iodupt>DaibIe.
Aa thU U the Sm , pabUe faBOtioa arge apea tbe eeoreiary of war tbe
Dead. Ilw to Mleaadrreuadlai
No one oan be np to the work,
WB* today filed with the govetnor.
akaadoaed I7 order of the t»eal tnpoitaBee of keepdiw ttie Philippliie
Tbe board , find* that there ha* beeo in thie age. withont-tbto Iwantieth.
tbat'e idgratelaB aiaee MeStalaj ea- forte ap to 00,000 n
eeutnry adjonct.
oomtant frietion in the board
taaedthe White Hoaae aearlj- fanr
Mimlnc R-rie,!.
tNow ie the time to get into o
•rTexal moalh*. tlios ImpalriuR it*
paana«a.tbe auaueataeak aaa»e
Anderam. W. Va.. Jaa. tfBy
aod caoclog lax dtaci mnnicatioD.
aub aaalaa. b,. KUW, W CORSOLIDATiD BAND BENEFIT mlatUBderataadlng of order*, a he
Not in two honm—Not Ion
of the
pUae among
oo eolIUioo oeearred oe the M. !
row, but Immediately.
» Bed enter SfM.
|«tthe White Hoaae aad today aoneoaoee
Divtaiiai of the Baltimore A Ohio
rw wfll Aro^r i
that tbe preaiOaat baa tbe grip Tbia
road talay.
traipmeo were (haeeeYortbemaetve*. through thetr
The other fellow often gcle the
poalliou a* laaBagen of tlie inrtits- order you might have had, becaoae
vaa ngalar oablaei day. bat Baaibon
tioa: t-ve lei out prieoacr* oa tick- he haa a Telephofie in hU place
«t tbe oabiset were aottfted tbat they
et» of Irave, and caeouraged the prU- of buaineaa.
Med aoi report aa there woeld br no
betweaa Bllver Broa. ai»l the
, ooeta to aaMTtatr together in vlotataaetlag.
Aak the local nunvager*.
aaomaftba eoaMdidikad band for
lUonofthe role* Ihd board it*e1fi4*Tbe fonowlag
ataleaatat waa
Bte idi iiiilil|-r of the Silver Broa. (Maeli tm-ttw la.1*. oa the Ke.
tnafintWied at tbe While Soaae
big taweidlty ahow aad Swta* Bell
afpetM. WMIe Mlrtlaae TeDentaae
laalcht: ‘ IhapnoidHit-a ooadltioo
Rli«e» bare oa tbe Stlh of Janaary.
rii.imwAK cAiTrnxo
<-o.WBBtTbMale mar10 a well d
Tbe attraetioa will be preaeated in
Of grip Dr. Rlzley atalaa that Piere
Anuetiag wa* held yeaterday in
are ao eoaplioatioaj aad everythtag Sdeiabttg'd Onad Opm Roan. th* oflkie of Aldarmaa J. A. Moore ai
Thta ta the ftm attempt of the noria nt^rotaiai lavecably. The d'e- gMDtaed bead aad a» the proceed* ate which tbe matter of the pole* thac
have been ordered off tbe Btieeta by
.mm mat t«a Ita regaiar eoarae. aad
lu thr tairnlB* B.vtwU.
th farm a aaetam fora new oatflt of
Maalal, Jan. 8-A large , aamber of
dw pmtdaat ta therefore act likely
tbe ooancll w»« thoroughly dlaeumed:
lad lattzameata the Ubml
Inaugeat* and their oampa have been
IB be oat foroevetaldaya.”
ofthepablieta pncUoallT aod when the meetiug
and dettroyed recently in
Tbe new orgaataatioa de- partie* held the mn
wrion* dtaCrlett'of tmoa aad lafloe.
tbe eoaterenee.
Tboae prveent at the mcetiog were A loontiag party of the For^wlrUi
. WaR, m taeke
City Attorney Davta. Manager Barry Brgimeat captored a eoore of Ulattaa Of two good band* will reaalt
of the Michigan Telepboae Co.. Mr. dioaea nrti Bitangla the largeat aad beat head in northTboapaon of Detroit, attorney for
«n Mlehigaa wiU Mfre a* a dlmarxix* HAM WII.I. PBOTKaT
Maaaftald. O., Jaa. ^Poar batg- Itu for ganaiOBi rapport aapeetally the company, aad the eooacll 00mW* bWw opMi tbe mie ia tbe Bs- irtmn •ach a good retuM ta to be given mitttv. eoBriettug of Aldermra Mon- Thiliata Aiiart ea Paaama liar ta
Attge ttaat at HbUrii oariy thie for the amll prioe aaked for adata- lagae.Moore and Booghey.
Tbe partv drove over tbe grooad AvTMta br ralu* «Ual*> lat«rw«<
mcalag. aioartag OAODO, Tbe oritae
Tbe merit* of the
WMoot dlaoovmd aatil T o'otook mol* giT«B by Silver Brea are well Hopled by the i*>le* that are eaa*- SfMW to Tbe Maniac Bwxird;
WataiiagtOB. Jaa. 8-Tbe taaie deaadaa tba robbery ta aappeaed to haowaaadlttaaoadlam M «y that lag all the troeble; oa Welliagton,
paHitawt today teeeivad a teltwtam
have beea enamittad ahaMty after AeatoewwfUbe aMotata «m» ia FibakUnaad Watttlagtoo *ti
OB Boardama avenue. The i
from Mr. Oadg«v. United State*
•Rldaight the oalprita had aaple tiaae every laqNot
si geaecal at Pnaama. to
to mke their aaoape.
matter • wa* viewed anwrratly in following efleot. “Tbe Colombia
-g'xd'ITT OFTtCIAL* AUtBOTCn ,ermy li|H>t of which it ta oapabJ*.
nil-----that tbe 1
The matter rtaadi now luit where
mmm ream.tiwae HeM aa tfwema II did before the eoaferroeewa* held.
Tbe oouacll commitM ia^t that tbe
polea BU*t oome down, while Manpml tolta Mantar taovdager Barry aad Mr. Tbompeon Inetat
Shcmld further advieea ihow an
Semataa. Ba. Jaa. »-Thne
Mew^irk. Jaa. ft-T. O. Manfaall
are aador axreri timt ttiey ai* plaoed where it ta aee- attaek ca Faaama to . be ptaotirtlly
^ Jrney OUy, formerly maior in
-Mmy^oa Amy. b itaw at wort for pNjaiy. Marrta V. Morrta, Slam ramry to hare them, la order to ae- oerttia,. lb* taut*
ptotata attaiata it uadmibeantbority
Thniwi aad TboameOoyaa They cammadate the patnusi of the
giroa thta goTevnawat la the treaty
teaigord 6am tbe eeaaoll a
Aaothcr oenfirMee may he held be­
taalmdy la progrem than oadare iraeoatloa for aeeeptWednesday Evening
tag bribea, bat whM oalled apoa to fore the next meeting of the oonaell,
bat aa yet there ta no a«amt pmbteatifyagaiaM ether ooaaritam. '
AUhe Atadamy Wedwwtay aU
atsfiST cAwmtn ir
abtUty of aa
Bev. a. Kaaaady ha* gem to Mon­
roe Oenter to aataal Bev. J. V. Mil- oily will give tamooi in the art
tar ta a aeries of revival maett^gi.
n\TXG or oij> Aox
daaeiag, phyrioal oaltare, delis
ksbusop n> uMumv'
AlltbelatoM k



Ofikt SMkaetf, « « « «
BIm* BbbAv. T»fo «M#« «

jm kimh 0i OmnStippnea

now 75c

OimiiulM Baratin
It emr Dtptitmnl

...Ten Dollafs...
Takes j our pick (rom a «rand aasottmeul.

S. Bends & Co.

Him V. fmiai




For Ladies
At Half Price.

better investigate

As they are moving.

Ueliabic Dry <<ooda. Carpel aod Clothing Hoaae.

micHgtn ttltphami I


HJUet, eiun,
*m«elb Sbav*
You MB alwaya get wbrti
you na- an Electric Bacor. I
have the finnt otock of Ugh
grade, fine tempered Electric
Rer..>r* ihat are gnaraataod to
U- Ui.> Iwut awl mort Htrtfao.
lory made.



Trirtw from $1 toe.

W. J. Mobbs
irt« ^pora* m%.


a ..Jt’sntw

factory or atnre.
We can wire 1
from a cwU bell to a whole city. ’
1 46 Front Street.

Shoe, made
' I Especially
For Fins
V50 Drass Wear
Fit Wall
Wear Will

Dancing School




FA. Jaa. 8-All l—-

The heart of I

» af the city


d by the am
al at Sta> 1Ul^. mat la the
• af ThH-T. tetaa lata aighL
MlAdlaaUhnryBaUwM <
i^ta the advtaat

May OawOohh of Howard oaoBty.
tadyt^rteWaff* aad g«Mal dabOlvatbathamenrtrVew Ltmdoa.
MtaOohhtathe oldata of the UvaC VBmol* Otta
_c. the Fiaaoh arita of IMfi. 8ha
wa. th* oaeimd wife ef Loata &
•t. gfuat gmadlMh. of
bsM hen la FiaMkfort. Ky.. ia Jaal*iy. MM.

v:- f


k-www.w... m.,,<
HaSkarta aad Trtyawe City.

or overwork. , Tbe heat
ady ia a cap of AnM«rl* Estrul Bed>c Vu. HaMV

ery aad or*ekH». al S flMli h


ehaiee today for
jata $L«. They’re beaatifni


Freut Siiu«.

McN««m» Block


laaakMo aakad to


Tto Ladte AM;Bte*toA< tto |kp-

M townb wm ■**» tok a^
atSo’akakwttoJfto A. D.

- bma to tea atetod by.
tekktoiteebal bte ate
wd^Mnat. WfaUetbetotetp

waa k iBOgkk n wemmmma gp
atetedaaalfaoeanatotlk naaena.
Ona ed toe higbteymw toU htr^M


after tto tto bteraa ItobaadtbM bo



omy Kte teewM meW k*tete
***- Tbiktermmd teteb nktei,ead

te ua^!te^J!l!ir*kte^tete^ I)

tolltetiM pto**, ka»mr. w
M«to» atotod toto to* Cto «« «M.
JbttM «M i«to*d n«*r to* door
•tv toM VmP Md 1I«M9 «Wl
toddiiiilij. Itoe. «. tm. aad

I mwtt ta
Hm.rialM. nti^klwt »•

fiW U to tb« eoneU. It «w Mtetod
ftoto th» fli—ill Icr ^ ti w ti»w<
‘IkM tlM VM*to votod *M anwr* «t
;k«tow* wtkt woaU Wltop tto
ifflpDWd MlWtote to ■«*> ■■ •*'


'ttottotoMar to* teti
>t to toU dt7.

It u <
by tto rratootw. wbo
toaton toto u wtu to aerval yean
totore ton* vlU to aay F*tolt to tto
toMMtaada lai<*
to tariHiUtotor* aay
• whawrerare rtoU*.
I I* tto


mwi»I ItoMl
to to* otdll-Moa. Ulaavaadthattl.iOafboa*. !«wl aataie (aet k m»A tee hiffb
Wla. *r« tooa^ a laurlataa
■ade far a fedaetiaa of « aatoa a(l
t«* ywn. Thk U ako a ralid c ,
: Jaetloa. tot «•* ttot k am Ukely to'
aaaw toaefc ttoabla tto Baeord ton
aoafd«d ttod tto natkr of eoMpetIttoA by tto «ketrle llebi eont>M7
AAd to* <oto»* Of ooaaaniFttoa wiU
> atlU to to a
■in*tt1 Utbe rrto* k euMalTo
to* paapk arUl AM aae tto
tfttoprloe k rnapwbk
mpOcA wiU to knialy loormaed
wd aU tUaga belv «q*ol It woald
tote tto lAtarMt* of tto ootaiiy
to nato to* prke a* low a* poakbk.
to«*>y Wldlv to tto proik. Tton
bakW ekotrk light

ato aa*w«rad. vilb gnat WAWayt.
'■Bar* yoB nad pDp*>’a -Cany oo
Maar “anlueoind ktelyof agtolof

"Ota. are got brywd that kag

)y qaaoetod. Itor* h ao gettlag any
tetbs In tto aigntaetit. for noplgto^- Aenaalatto pjgtoadfdoaaa <J tto
rtoU. And tow be_or ifae—k n
to TTrfiTgnT

Auumi miiuTW iw

wadlly otmioiae

O. R. Qatttk of BakHAk. fon

to* ininiiikiiii of to* oadiiko
*etoak. ktkad to tto papUa of tto
*etoal yaatetday kMAlag.
Tto ngakr k**tkg of Tto.—
Bay Bir* Be. T1 wiU to told thk
afkmooa at tore o'rtook. Tbk k
tto dm koetlag of toe Aew yaar
and* laige attwtoAB* of aen
Tto Ooiigfoiatliiwl ataito aU aoakty artU aa*M Rodnadaty afkn
la tto ektfto parte* at • o'teok.
Tto FAIakra-Uaka arm toU Itotr
tagate kMOUgat MnWawata- HaU
^ •aOAkg at T o’otek. By-kat*
aad otoar tepaattol baataak wlU
to oakatdeaed..
L. Boak aeaadae 1 mailing ol___
to tto a A. B. iMkIlMlM Mmday
aaoalvkakad of (X & Vadtr.
Tto Tawgtedk*' Boakty of Bt.
Vkkek ateioh arUI gtr* a pta«t*aMao padaa paaty to to* aetoot toU
ThtetortotoAagi iaa. 10. te toe

aeat?am ptely ligbl iadaed. It*!^
gaboeaeck art to eweate toedaneo,
te Mona Mae atop toe egp arcald be
dmed togetok, tto danoe ageOa* and

totektbaa toi

r OWMkit kfl Kotto-

Ttorokdaneo oCBdwBida Tbyte

toa baa Ud ap te toa artote. TBk
toaaaa wrlggiks aa tto tor
. Vaadma akd B*gal
lU told a iatol ikbttD


Bbew^ M <f toe arinow artaael.
aromto arbkli at agaal dktaaem are
tekdfc and at to* aad of aaeb tbreto
tom k a nooae. bald m by a faato.
Tbk «tmi to* gld pkeee on bw
bwd, arbUe toe emte a faoeket of «h*
<k tor ana. Wton toekwleairikk ap.
to*bvtetodaAea.a*d toe Fbeel begia* te
wotod. BfaetoMkkaaan
«g.tramto*bMkat,-pkoMil leeeaet
ttotorand aoaam aad tbrom HfMm
bwartto aoflfeteartao* to drear tto
tl^ Tbevkaiagef tbaarbeel
a*e^ too toned-----MtoewdoflL
Stotoaokbk anotomagg tew to*
bwtot. pkeaalt ia anottor nooaamd
ivaatatbknntil.cbar*k oaaggkaa-

tom oat of toeaoom cm ty cng.aU
toattaa bateV too,wbaal tobkead
and ta wodon. and agak pkem tb*k
k lb* batoer oa te Mk.
VBwtoedancok flnbkad. tto
temmalteadtct nawtin tb*w
taaaattotttoyeanr “ -..............

A.B. Odftk

aUSa^banaad fhak


. killed and tto pkao

.AWgbte tgoke Ink Ito I

AiAaMtteaml. .


te hat hgkgoM fatemed
aadtegalt andgenmlattiti ktook
of «** teaih froas tto bttk bnfaote
WMboM, ktiForer. any alga <f habkgeoofldenea ttewaetobe eipeeled
of a Mraager to elty way*, toe ml down
M to* kte enn ■Iraki Ubkk to*
rote. Aeorlykekiagtoterard playtr. wbo. alibovb it «•* • o'clock U
wrnlte getting bkbitette. etared M bar wHh caritety. Two

.--a :______* I'j

i«o k-MOTtrr •


I Bell-Ptomn Ho. «■


teTT A

U diSennt loonlitki for mb- ea may
te^ Ate money te hma nn rani
enkk seenrity.

wto*toy^kSte k'wl
toH OB boor, otowrad bat with eligtat

Ite tax dtaic taserted la teflcare.
Ottee in BnmilUm B MlUikm Btek.

"WeU. now.” mid oea, “ttot'e a
fanny old girl to eaetabm. Item
te mint te Idad ia raaaUy to
wbm I WM ta tto ibow boakm
mable cm wtol rbe'U

•• she replied, ••fsitot’ato nefb-



into cm Ito day betor*. wbo wm eoke-

« my tbal I'm m* altogetber oblabk to yoar peueats," to paid

j a kite toU
Mmpod bMkM of toe new begook* to
Olock de toontee. A lofge wo.
while UUee wtU onMoni to* altar,
whleb WlU ako to deecaskd with
white wobito. while loaei aad Ulte
of toe raUay. with a temto of piak
bwa nad toak. Some of to* kUeat
Itomi ia tok OMIry wiU to a« ‘ '
toe ebBto daoaktfamg eom* of
toirty toM high, ate groaped k fom
aa arch atew whkh tto bridal |tey
WiU ——‘- r*^ tto alkr.'
Onecrftoatefkt kekon aew la
Hew Tork akk in laokt yawa faU
ink Bweoa kka, bMwew ter)a and
fa* ktete.tofaao •
o’ekekBateay. Aoowdkgkaawanl
wbo Uta in ttot rioted,
« btel with MriBo twoa
a ten a aaaate afiw H

■R . *.


te tto pk with
kare uo forki wbm toe ocbimo fitaa.
Bat tto octe woald aol beC Be mid
mmly and uoc ankiadly. "tibe doem'l
eem to Bt tbk place.”
Tbeycoald aot bearwhet pb* urdned.
tot they coold m tbal there w*» oothlag Sippaoi ia tto atiiinde <f (to waMar who went to bar. She ale with delibenOkn and ttoBidefatted. One of tto
two aamccmafal patnau cf ibe tarf
eaUrd tbe waiter aad aebed. "Vhal did
2 Tto FUlptaoe k Manila tore tea -ttot oM Jedy ordwl”
eakyiag teeeotly a a*rel aaperience
“Wbj. k’» m,” ai
la tto boldkg of opw pMIttei
_. -I--------------bad
think ato b. pigetm aadepiut
Moot of toe addrema at Ibeae cfflxA tSM's vary food of bacb. ”
Tto gamblm knked earprleed.
ige Fare made by form)
, ••WbokebeVaikedooe'
em of tto teargank. all of
amerted ttot toe beM Fay of
lag peraonal Ufaerty k to aoeept toe
Ubeniei gaaiaaked by tbe
atloa Badgoreiamenof.toe United
Stake, which k what Amerlean aororeignty tkads for. tlto aadkneea
to deme with a SnNrbmsD i(
groatly iakraatod aad
maghl yCFoag-" whiebtoa pamed into
ineaeat eigned toe federal party
Uetwieal witticism, waa flte spoken by
Dr. Johaetm la tefemce to Lord Hsa*
Tbe baU flght anea at toa Look ted. An amatini UUIe ioHdeOt ie mid
Poioal. Mesko. was toe
to bare girra rke to tto remark.
Lcid Manetield. toriag received bk
ottor tngle exhiUtioo of faratal eport
Whlk toe flghtjrae ia prog- •daealiaa fotkely io kkgknd. alwayp
of the rielooe talk lamped eousidmd bimneU aa fixliebapaa. I«i
toe Btoae barrier ttot eriwated the tto (act that be wae bora in &r.tknd
was emre referred In with great eflect.
fighting liag from tto
Oeoenl tobiue. gwramorof Gibraltar
Ttoaaitel teded in (he mtdel of M tbe time, haring failed io bk sttto erowd. aad inakatly oharged ap- Msapts to extent naate fram > ^cw.
oe toe men. .womaa and ohilrdea. HBt him back by force U> Tetoao. ia
wbo fled la erery direcHoa, valntr Marorco. from wbsKc be bad cotue
Oilnltar. Tbe Jew efterwaid weal
■etoiv toe esit*. One
&>gki>d aad med ito gdrtyb.r (nr
IdiUto by toe animal aad
lore ialared, being kaoeko^ down d«tn«gep.
Lcrd Hawtold, wbowsi then known
aad trampled ander toe feel of their ■« Mr. Mnrfty. was coeawl for tbe gor.
paak-Mricken frteids aad neighbert. WBor. la Ibe r.nrm of hk deteae be­
Tne ball waa flaatlT killed by a rnial fore tto Jury to mid:
"Trae. tto Jew wae baaisbed. Bot
wbmJ Why. to the place, cf bk tu.
Bmperor Kianeu Joeepfa of A<
to* gireo gl.OOO to Bmr Ktae*. an tirliyi Where k ltocraehy..wl
tordsbip. wbm tto ujostice of
ible him CO oontinae iag a Biaa to bk own coontrry'’
hk «xpetimeok with ao Aerial mnMr. Nowell, cneaael f.r (be Jew. re­
cblae wbi^ Bm Krem etarted bat torted : ••Fiore mr leante friend Iblnki
was sBAble to flalsh owing te kefc eo Ilgfatly of tto matter. I ask him to
sappoee Ito erne bk own. Wemid to Uke
ed raoMy. Proataeat aenmaoi
be bnakhed to bkaslire Uad?"
• the work of
Ttocnart rang with pea>*<^ l*ogb
Herr Krew with iotereet and tore totw. ia wbirh Marray biueeU )oiaed
premrd regret Not be was
with a right good wilL_Ynatb'i Comp ramaia idk wUie Oeaot Zeppkia.

toot* cd orohlds. fa
toe ralky aad thir^-flre i
■alka WiU be ate la toe de
of Barber Tkw aad toe Zabrtek
Obaioh tor tbe waddiag of
Kte Fnnebb and •otoeealtar of tto cAalch

J? fOO-Piece Dinner Set
Nicely decorated, fpr oiUy $6xxi. We have a full asaortment of dtsb^ all graded, atyles and prices. All
kinds oi Tinware, Graniteware, Nickleware. Wooden- .
ware. Good Tub Wriogei* for $1.75. Bench Wring­
ers $4.75 up. Anything-you need to furnish-your
house, on etey'paymeqtK

11 SuifK IOH J

•BaaOU «*gr Ite a Bkm ^ Im
- Tto old kdy temd a laakn
WhkA. ritelF «
toanamtaf toagaytewa^te flb

me erery time I eom nmr and chew
pkeeoat^my rlalte?"
"Ob. yoa mustn't mitoBratai. Be’s
trained to dotbit. An
atom! raoagh lamplm
make a knwiy palcbwwk qnilt." —
Wasblnglk Star.
In I8lt posugenim iatto Called
Btates wm: Siagte kttcis by land, 40
mlto. Bennts: M miles. lOemU: IM
mlk*. ll.S eenti; WO milM. 17 emits;
WO mllea. 10 ceati: oecr MO miles. U
cents. Dtmble totm. twiee tto Hngle
ratM.crneateeeai«tonmcf fevdngle Isttm.
Itappsoi .
dUe k foond
bteecmu. Itk-------- —
bom tto nUigatcr aaeapt by tto tep*
<g its tond. Ihongk U gruwe trigger nto

ntoktkof r -




If yon bn*e a dwetltag- stoek.maa*.

FTik tto titeranes for yen. aad will
JAS. O.-JOHNSON. Druggist


me ftu mat*, cravi aad
Mdce ami pwceMla vnt. AD
HMt neniteei satliMctHy.

F Htpaind^
John R. Santo

Only Ito moot Nlkbk Meek tas^rBnte very tow.


Physician and Surgaon.

Wonbunt Blk.

gra yen prompt and cniefal ntten-

and Delivered
Call ami Phene 9SA

Oitr ;

Tnlophte*' TS

Tnreno (?ity






The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Campany.
These Wintry pays
Are the days to be warml' A good Fur Coat will keep
you so. They're the best coat a man can own. We're
sliowinga splendid line of Fur Coats. There is the
Goat Skin, Dog Skin. Siberian Bear. Russian Calf.
Wombat and Coon Skin. Our prices are $7.50, $10,S13.50. $i5,f20.$js, $30. $35. $40. $50 and $65. Our
uies are increasing right^long in this line because we
have the goods to show and'the prices that tel] them.

A Man is
A store by its valuf^and ’‘satisfaction
Putting us to the
test costs yon noth­
ing. Test oor prices
and you'll be a satis6ed customer.

They Fit like a Glove >
They never pinch the foot they arc beautiful in design
ttrey fit high or bw instep, they yield to' every action
ot the foot they conform to the shape of the srearef's
foot instead of pressing the (oot into the shape of the
shoe. These are the points that always sell tbe Gray
Bros.- Ladies' Fine Shoes. Tb^r are made in three
grades at $3. $ vso and $4- Why not be comfdruble
and Bear a high*gra^e shoe.

An IhpnrtKltil Fmt
Often leads a man into trouU*. Some men go abont
in a "half S9M’’ sort of way. They defy the weather,
catch cojd, spend a dollar for medidne. All of which
weeputd savetbem ifthey'd buy a pair of our edebrated "Hu-maa*ic” shoes for men. These are'built for
perfect ease and durability, and we cany them in five
kinds of feather aiMl sell them at $4 the pair.

. Tgykr. waa dktowMy fate k Onaara by perbk artfo and ton* mU obildion. Mwbovanante ateM M tet
pto oldaM ckly Bra ywn of age.

jisr- *• '

, ..Aa to^takka kaalaak at Baw

tot aU 1

*iy*to>nHfag*<to* Vn*wand.
■a llpMto Obto* «tn to Md toto
«m, trkd to tear him to
**<aiv M t^lptouTL AUtto
pkeaa. Afteabatd flgbt too
- mwlUtaiMMUBd. Md • toU weapad. tot tod hk rtgbt band
te nad bk right am tea aad
ladtotoa bom. Tto baar k
of tto hotel, and k a vlMoo* brnk af
CtortattoB Ki»d**v«r ■oetotr, mt* gram- NDpoatea wal^ Be brake frok
toe to toMML H» hitom for to* kk oage tet algbt. aad. atttaokd ky
aaaoU of oeokiv otoagod, ink
M of to* wwfc torn tow ton* a*
toaai and aotead toe flart ram
, W*dM*d*r *rwlv. y«ett* t. be waie to, erbm a namte of tto
sittikc- - -kl toe eight of
Bert: nmdv.. B^r. 6. OaehU»
toe bte they aU Med k get oat af
IMdto. Mt» Itowtov
Ikntoritod to ttow rntthtin, Iba oppoalk door at toe moM time
her MMton ef aer Outotto* atekikd.
Mwr*r wei*^ «r Mt.
At Albany forty Bangarka oadtorrlMB <■ PIm
«***rtoi teak whp.Milred from ttwinal
Sonday moraiagteo-d
Tto eov*l niTTTt*n at toe Pto ' ** early
Albaay poUoe Bmtekd
anUtekd Ixoal
makiag them
fhey tod no aieane>of
of makl
, aa^ they «aaklrae
r aboat. .They Fate
AaaUy taken to a hoki add ali r
Tb«y Fere
cold, tto cAildrea and *
••A to aot aa artfcto.-wttad . ttnaally etylag- Aa tatftrpretor was
Iiedafkr a te« aeanh aad it
aUld ito ottor day to tor awttor. »to
laanad that toey
tolptv tor wilfc tor aetoal toam•‘Paaey yow aol kDowtoy that ifa a 40 emignak wbo Fere booad for
Tasaakevkk <• toiaiag. They
rant k Kcf Tmk tbk after-

kg to pky i( only to pteae toeitel
tot toey an mildly and poUtely bond.
They are barad witb bmM ihtug*. They
bare tOptelnn boohs arltoe are had «m
ncAB of 'year gerlih, end* ilhainttet. bat mtoetk dekga*. and yet tfaoy
' mt mam to care abool tbea.
There k a goodttoryM bow aa old
piao* tto late ao low H to adtar to
arito koto loll i
nd a tog* Uk te hk
gtoteaaai*to*riltet^“* *** ^
Ba aad aootow oU Iriaad,
. Oa to* wtok toe otdlwAoe k noamt oot to fly to* fclla
•aaabk la Ik ^eritUme. City At' MtA«y Dark baa b*eo abroad atadykt to* ga* altaattoA ia Mtor eitka b* gaktiy abawttd blmelt
•ad tto ooadltkto aanoaadkg tto aiM time toe teo old fi«kt foond to
ktoahrtan aad ooaaakptlaA of ga* toair dknal that they bad bew krfclBg
. te Uidit and boatlag paipo***. Re aboai all akkeartth a Utc. Boeb to to*
aiBMamwit ef to* pawanby. And aodnftod an ordtakAoe itokkto d«
olbw BNty—Of a Uttk girl of B arbo
aMkbk for tto eoMUtloM ndatlog mU to bar kotorr <aa aatborra),
toto aad to took iklA* to gMtd to* "Ob, aiBBMoy. arhy aol call yoor oev
atk’* tateMk la Ik laorktow. Tto book -Tto-Bod of Loaef ''—do« not
liag gate pktowitly. Ab. Tbere k
-n^-tbiy tmibly naebUdkb aboat to*
“aaar cUMI"—Mew Toto
kaadad It to tto ooai
lyaapnawtadby toe'eity attorney.
Tto naalt vm tk adogtloa. Tlwre
•ro waatohk t^aeOam, bat ttore
hap* to* «ala* «
• wfU to aaab aa I

Bo, VoToatte m. dMtete
atXaaCtogofNO iWk boyg.
> of tote, toe WTi. van
aUrototto otamb. Otoaaa
to tto Brptoaagi oatalde of tto M^.

- m^eera--



Tuiw Ctor:
nat B. a Wirtif aaB tbo aetoal aad tMiMabto caM fbe
•ton Id. TWHiailiin



« to <ML lor b
' m the

daefe rnaaMHUIaa ar
•r obM e*ty ner froa ttae to tiae
n work a fartdtare of
prambe. Mty mxI sU e( the itreeBi.
lua. hOert mmi Mdke ea—*e 1b
ladedihc aay lof-rtlorr that:
aid dtr. ladedii
0^^ Toaa^M^itoda^tBaar bwUfter be added a tlw aa^'
y ba aefced tor by
ler the »v*Me ot aeaancttac aad; eaU aaardl la raard to aiae; toatlaa.
aalatatUas a cm IlgM ptaat U aid i aadlUaaadepa.................................
Htjr. aad to U)r dowa asd aalatala la aaiaa. readactoea.
aaM KiMa. laaea. aOen and pahik
Irea Uate to Uac. a aald
1 of th( ctreata i


"toe P«ESIOBnT«EW rEM-S RECErta.
RL heM fonaoJ rrrefdlua at the
witateM. led bf Ueaml KaBaa
A. MDa. bavtog the wor imUdla fa the

Ifaalatee U to Wave a
aOll trlth a

eapaelly of


•r floar
a ao to'

7t banele a imj.
The apper dletrlM ie 8kc^ with
' epattoai otoae. ahkAr h«eat |deaea
BBdearaaallof «t lead. Hae, a'
tU. It ie BMaght that «M7 WM
.eaetteleatlMr tooMi. Baeaet aceai
an at work.


l4oTided. I


1 eokainar ikaJI
atra^ tbe paaeace d aay eIrceL Mae. aOer or pahUc
creaada. aad Mall witbla
----------able tine after
Lfter makinc
for tbe parpan
topalr tbe cane aad leave It
food tendUteo la all taeperto
It b fartber ordalaed that
lUsa ot tbe prtnI tha toU H. B.

wiU be beld toonrrow noralag at
Mid. aad Mtll be ao coORtrurted aad
10 o'eleek at the t«w« hall in
tike direeclaw of Bal|di leeuted therein ae not to laterfere with
le of the laiae: aad
faiM boBMe near Bparta. iohnUaaer Aadentai.pipe! are UId IB aay
aw fit ta break the qaataaiiae aad
Matoae'Metor i#oi. ,
drire iaio towa. Ba. wae praapUr ;At the buR laeetlag af Brt^r«to
arreetod and flnad $40. and Inu t»oni l„a Ma«»>' (Tnioa No. 8. tbe followlaw

--------- The Traeetae Otr Oea
likbt eeapaar Aall be liable to cea' tbe ettr af Trareiae City aad
aO danaft that
. anr saw eat af
—-adsUvaef mM
eftr ter Ha aald ta
IBM. aad far fear-

aar other <Baae whatner cat
with the fraachlae <>r Ikcaae
caafrmd aad

ptooed apoa eorerel


roaoril aay

______ _

To prerenl the epread of ia«a|mx

lead to otaerre


imioa. or a aalorllr of
. thetMf. ahail .<neaituie
tbe baali of mW uato. aad both Ux
city of Tn«one CUy aad the aald <na-.
paay ahtfI be teoad ta abide then by
Beettoa 21. That Mid gruteeu aball'
Bot aell. tranaftr or dlMoae of the tiuAiao. xicht or pdellowto gnuilcd aad
uiateiiud aader aad by elrtae ef the
B s> u^vruiaBce, wruout
the prartoae appaeml of 'aald counetl
af each oato. traaMer or diapeaal: aath
acprvral by mU eoaacU Mall ragalre
the aftramUre eoto of at taa« twothirds ef aD tbe ^umben elect of mU
maeil Uca la eftee.
Seetton 22. Bald company, or H. B.
:ahbMaad a P. OaUagher. aball with
la thirty days after tbe panage of thia
ordiaaacc atgalfy lu areeptaarr in
writing of Ike nghu aid prlTlkwn
hereby granted, and the

to all ordlnaaoe eiow li
Jttwe. or
wbirh ney bereaftrr be
id relatlre
to atreeta. alleye or paUk smandt of
rtoue. aatoMMie. aaalna. ae ladiMid city. ^ t^, i^n« oIjMkIw
IM. or ae a body oerporate. aball
all Old
led. and «
aaaee* relatiag wil
of puMl
________wHh the city eierk,
protection wbUc-ruataUau are beteg
Sectlea 22.
This ordlnanr
llnanre aball
•IdiiDetwfth a W aarMade la Mid atre-ij aad a»ep«; and Uke
r effort from the dale ot iu a
Ml rMCetdar-^Uraiaff at
tbaa aeeldMl
Mid corperaliooa or txaipnay abell anre
e b
by II. II. tt eliber and K, V. (tal­
e epeaias ot
lUtchell ft Kalao'e nlU at
ker oi tbe aal<I TrareiM- CHv (tae
City Id the a
Bbt. which will lar bln ap for a kag
driviag a load of hwa
We hereby rettlly that the lortgolug
» yMr fraai aad after the
ordinaarc was paaMd Iw tbe rwaaril
.. Ikle ontiaaBce. barlai at ...
a MlU. wbM tbe lagd waa <
ot the city of Trarwrne City, on iho <th
Mrikea or aaauen bryoad tbelr ___
ha feU la eaeb a na
day of Jaanaty. mi.
tiol: and aball faraUh satfof a sood
that hie rtj^ foot wae embed be­ qaallty. a«nal to elcktow^dleftcbt
r lu
■ aathorlty
a ■* '
or uader lu aiTou.
A. V. Pntanen. Mayor.
lt tbaa. Tbe aakle wae hadij power to the mM rtty Gkd tbe lahabit- or froB tbe paaeaec of the ordiaaacc.
W. BirKMk. CHy Cterk.
Boetloo It. Said company hhall Uy
qniaed aad the boaee abore aad be- aau thereof.
BerUOD I. Aay toatporary lallare on and malBUin *t it» own etpeaae all

the part ot aald ciaaUM to partom
where Dr.
aay of tbe eoedlUoaa ot tblrefdlDaaea.
Oanar atoeaded bU la|arlaa Be
at PbiladelpUa
Fear Urec aboai a adle troai the aeeoe of
udiite, two Pnabrtorlaa. three theaeeldeat. Ba wlU be laid mp for atraed aa a forfeiture
f« •( the priHl^ea
Bdptlat.two Oeairr<«BtMaa>, two OarItoNttiae
MBB EraimeUcal aad a Oeraaa MethMre. OMrae AiaUea Dead.
odiat diereh, oa the Met
Tbe craateta lo laylac
Kre. Oaaira
wife of
pipe* aball lay tbe aane
It depth beaeatb the anrOadiOae im a elaaee to toeare a Oeorte Ataldoe. of tdlaad, died j*ao be an Inpedineet to tbe
faiiel faettwr. wbMi will eaplor ><» totdar tooraia* at NeaaM City, while
n lajtiry to tbe eurtaw of
neo or UwrMboaU (he rear aro^. Arne in a rUiL She wae K yton
aad beeidee her baeband abe
br cirUw a eUe raatoeieatlr lotmted
for aUppiag taeUitlM. No boeae 4>r Itaree foor etaUdree. Her faaeral

^aaraatlno wae

eity wbk*

Mlaa of ihlB rmaddM or graat. tol
■hall anew a Ulr ealae for tbe peoF
arty aetaally aaad by mM rmanalii la
lu batoatM aad khan take ihto <««'
tt of Table the
Mt^Mparlty of^

dtora* FIM M« <

Bar 0»r U w the eve ad a am
raligioat awakaotaa. vhldi it to be J the heate of Me. Mabaa.


two jMKban af mU beard af artdtratlaa. twn wbwe af Mid baMd iteB
be appefated oa tu bekatf by the drtoo the caaatr ef tegi


,r ..'■JT’Ur;


Bcfrr KABKAm.

. .

aball lc nr
Utto to eharre lor l-.rnicUeg
>lcUeg and lay1 -plpce
-plpci fiou tbe lot Un*
______ ______ at the eaat thereof, not
eaeeediai «uea eeato»er IlMal loot.
No rent or other cbaigey *hall be made
— —aoumera for the uae of meun
any other pnrpoae eurpt that
Mall to Mt for hM
than fortyjWr B-oath, which rhiice
will eailUe tbe concumri to uh- Uirae
bUBdred ruMr feet of ga* dortag the
for whirb atnh rharge U loadc.
MM r.
not charge nor receltr aaj
than tbe t oilewiBg f.' maiiu'actui
to coaeoiaera wHbla tbe Hly I
KroB tbe tli
thia orlluai
aball Uke effect uaUl the firm day
lary. A. !>.. im.
1M4. tbe •un of e
dollar and Bfty renti per Ibouiiaiui
ruble fret: froo tbe linie Ibe total
aoaatlty of maaufaHured ga* aald
amount of
if flfiy imillion ciibir fe.t |wr
annum and unUI
laatliy ahali
lall ex '
ered ibe amenni of alxty
y tulllioo e
fiTt per annum, tbe earn o
and Ihlrty-flre renu per II
bir feet: from Ibe time t........................

M and .farm prodaeu

lAPd per lb • .. .
~ ller tar lb Dairy
amcry Butter
liter per

Ball per b
Bmn per iv-......................................
BuokwbMt Flour }ar bfal

tocr, who WM nhot aeeldMtally Satarday while taking a toadad «ua
froiB hi* mUe giaadaoe. «lad In a
few boarw He wae tn. kie eightieth
year aad wa* highly re^Mtod.
Tbe drownlag of Balph Neil in
^ag lake UM Bantday night
the tbitd fatality U that bo4r of
a year. Dkm havo
bef« » diwwBiagi in tbe lake Ma
poet to yMhb ahd one nMUrtaker

1 idMtbat the body


«a$ wUMa

I will have a carload of horses in Trav*
■to'rjerse City. Wednesday. Jan. 9. which will
i weig:h from 1200 to i 700 pounds each,
As nicc a lot of horses as haye beenL
brought to this city in ajojig time.
Come and see {ham—You Will see some
fine horses.

Satd granteea before taytng aay each
aoae- tapes In tbe strecU, altoya. bighways

BogMotonk Mfftag la HeMmlaee eonaty aa4 Mr Mai hdafted

Ito eonaell upM

In wril-

tha pa«

Section K.



sy-arsassr ss is









to Jtoke. aad* ta

^^SaibM Sru^^wa
ima SB at taoot aae aide o

Bto and


State Street



Fire Insurance

Brodhagen*s Bam

I-. i- A. •kdltolra..


- --- /

Why Hava Sny Htlr?


prapertr •


I sack Buckwheat Flour .30
_ I 'Basket.......................... .05
Thi. Ua «iap. «Kl win po.itiv.l)r «o off Ml. io

7 atoto M^^^iflaBrnTto
made to ritoedaate both mM and

. eftodimam, U

----------------oou StftoD^ to MM
_____________adJt la aMamny re_______ nevaar. te WMiii or aatigaa,
six 1—1>~ hotira ot Ito tatmtUa to
mate mto jwrrteto, ate a^ pro-

toMtoraof to«



Ji Bargain
in a Ba^lt^

It u

bee who hare beM.gettiag tbrir sap- laager ton ta aacetm^
MWtfy to do ao to pratoet to puUk
•CPU to work for
ply of coat legatoriy fiosn tbe oars mme Man have bem opaaed, aad to
The rity ei
ot trotofoo
BoardofF ' ” “---------Otytonharaitortghtb
totoff Bmt the stodmU la aU Che de*
„ _
at aar toe af
pnftmanti tobst be ■irasriimliil
B ta
T>e tome of BaokUa'a
U be brtmgbt 8al^ ae to r
tbe nsUkmee of PMf.


Tbe aald e

I dalriM aoeonats. abowlng Che
......................... c feet of m
■*■ eMMi. iCM Buoiwer
■ember oi
of cvuvuanrv i

BecUoD «. Tbe Mid grantees shall *T^ratidMce*^ tbe^mea and Ptam I TSSHaoTs^S^
do no injury to any street. arcBue. al­
ley. Iaae..paik or public sqnarr. nor aamber of toir reapectlre meUr^ to ! pxK. g a liiKoa. sbyekws xnd rarsBei.
O^to at Joe. O. John- to any Made trees nor In aay maanerdUtuTb or iatrrfere with ety etertric
-■ r poa’a and 8. BWaUa drug elona.
C. X. Barton of Demdt. an m
rmdulta. or with waur plpSA nor with
----------------- '-------------faklre.
, edaimtog to aiapresMt Tbe Northwest, hereafter I
And If the council ahail not to wUifled
bMo. la a ana of that Oapt. Oharles
.............................................. by tbe OtMt
I fally iDdemDiry aad mre bsm- of tbe correctMW ef aay report or
Roberts of the British army, who'y^i^.^ lailwiy,
thr Hty of TrarefM City, from gtotemenl rendered by’i____ company,
MptUDTl Major Mtobtam. from the wotklug
ider to prc^xlons of thia
■ erdlQ
somtberu Michigan, The any and alt rtaltna for damages wbkb
tbe eeunrll aball destfusto a sul
DAT. imU.ll TOCB
railway company baa 'beaa waning aald city might be made or become
>rll.WVMPuBUg. T.
llaUe to pay by raaeoii of tbe coa- aad competent person to make ■
tbe war of me.
Btnetieo. maklag. laying, or opeiatBtepbtw Oook, B Berries eoaaty
« purpOM
Ing of mid pipes, mains, eondnrtora or
_______ _
_________ a to said
MiTke pipes, or tbe glriog or allow of making
at to dtapoaal ot
ahail place
cheery grower far 40 yaanandwbe
cburTb that can- lac of tbe lleosM. right aad pririlagta companr ■hall
such deeignated
- - red to be a trail aatborltr. aot be 0^l?H^'s
---------------Oatarrh Care. bereby graated.
Props..Toledo. O.
mya tbe elterry crop this yoar will baj F.J.
F. J. quMy.Oo.,
or pub­ ef tbe
fore opMtng ear street, altar «r
a total failnre. The caam tor Ibe _*•>
iS years, lic plsee tbe said gnateea ahaU tore
ptosiwctWe Inea. Mr. Oook. wyw waa
the- Board of PuMk
PuWk Works
‘amonble Botlre to tbe'
the wunn fall weathm mid tbs' exeep-! {a all
aad 'fia- la wrillag of SUM latsattoa. stating
ttooaUy late aad wild wlator.
.. The -_^ly aUe to earn ont aay obUga* tbe plaa where aad tbe obtoM for
^kh‘*^ opMlttg la io'to'made.
tom to Miohigma tarnwra will
aad sbali
-Muln from the Bmrd
-worst la V TMTs.
;glsta,Totado.or>aUUiM'KiBBaB ft Public works a penult therefor,
TheriMiin of ytaterdny's Brr n< ,MarTia. Wbolmale Dragglau. Tole- opealag aad redUlng of an opeatoga
made aa afoiemid. tbe relariltg of
paremeau and ffiilng to ot mrtb. sad
Hall's Oaitarh Oaie ta
all other work aeceemry to tbe com­
tonally, oetiag dtaaotly
of tbe plete tTstorstlen of the etreets, pare•tobt. Vwtbws-MMe.aa;;iMlS7
ralks or gretiad to aa
I the banlag ddrelUag In Bold by
aawhen duturbcald compaar aball to under taithloUr oteerre aad canpir with all
Msranrofthestabtawiththe tatont,**^... _

e the beet.
nylakw of tbe Boaid of Pnblie to prtnriskms of tbe ordiaaacM o!
WMTeeomeorita eoatemu. Ashe
« FamMy Pills
Wcrki or IU uatherised agenL And
entondthebolldlBgfnltapsedaBd be j Tbs sMbol balldlsg a at Mnskegoo •ben said grantees thall 9pen gracad balldlag matotal aad asea^aUag lo
! will ' be
ettaipped with mfety Are la mid Ciir Ao tar aar MB Fip«« or to atraels or other pabUe ptataa .n
purpoM whatorer, It Mid eltraf the
» M
Minhlgan Agrical-falaita derioas. ai ibe roqseat af Fac­
aariiOB 1*. The eonaell af to dtr
____ ___
mare at any cne
ia I tory
torr laspecut
lasnecur Addiaou.
taral eitilMe.
take Are driUe .in
tw who
Ume OM at aar oae place, nor keep to of Trarerue Oty ihubmI/ noerre to
ptoeof a military ooataa. ttomoa-. At Ana Arbor. XlMigaa Omtial
op-D laager ton u ae^rr right to abor aad amend this ordteeau to work for wbkb tbe BaaeoatWy'tlmotoUwMlaaBr mantoted thalr ahUity -> to^ igfaters AeteotlTM hare hern doing Mna owlet
aer airrmaty tor to mfety or welfare
'bysaoecaMunydeaatoAWaaewhtohlwatMiagwBdhaTeaUsl eff AAthmlwaek. AM to tta tot bog rbotoM
leportod la Meaoaitaee eoaaly

Horses For Sale

tng prorlaiona
Tbe 1
............. -........................................ -•tar, of Petermade
a as wen aa to being
aball apply to ep
an) time pric
Slh da
dross . ..
mouth follow log that for wtaii
fto aaune direction.
ttera wholly cured
waur I ta rendet^
b n ytouBold. '
Section U. Tbe
the riMt
to no all my fa
n or belorr the 3.-.
........................................, pm aad
BtorMBld shall be so
render to tbr council
to —________
Mr. Hackley did not atate tbe eoet of iconatructien of
rowers, sa tbe
prcaldeiu or ether ofAcer, Mowing aad Walt’s drag storeai
Mamrait, bat it ta already made Ik
pipm ahsll be aelttng forth to number of ruble feet
Sectlc* 7
and promisee to beanmgnlBoeataddllaid in blleya wbeorter piMtlceddr. of meantectored gaa sold by said comtlon to MaMegm
durlag to six Boulb ending with
■ad when ae erderid by the cownell.
Cbarleo Haofc'toy ne

from to tbsl period.



4 :e


iss-’sssa- i”-.sssr;



rfcfier lb
t^oti .

tbe! fair Mle wae adopted few the ntaoiair
niag water malne unlne Ue roearll aball
Bertm Baire ^Trawme CUy luMea
olhervler dlre<l. lb whieh reiw the)
. |y*«
. _ eball to lorated a. dIreeiAl by aald
P“- ronnrtl.
UaU No. I |M- fan _____
ts tor
Tbe IomUob. ot aueft
Oon per ba toldr
pm. Onlr OM oaee estota, that being
plpea and. rondults in eatd HreetA
Bye per bo
Boea. lanae altoyu. and publlr pUeM.
Wlleoa KiUhM. but a hage uatoberldar , wiwfc.
e pDVerMd'
by the loratlon of
11 to
af people bare beeu espoaed.
^ tiu
. t.-«.
li la all nwpeoto tbe
otber pipe*,
Ipec, roDdult*
condulu or
. oewetw alnady
It to etated that Prof. U. E. Coolme dollar and iwent.v-five . eat. per:
Iherela If any. aad la
Bland cublf fe«; prorUed tint af
potoloee. allit^ lOeraU.
toaneh of the elate tax oor <Ube tocated eo ae not to Interfere tberetbe flrut day of Jaatury IP«, or i
- .
wlth. aad UId ao ae not to ialore the
■toe. wfaleh laae been at work for
* '•"» Myweer.
do beieto
We. the .nad
prereat free arren thereto If tbe annual coaMimplIoe ot gu akiJI j ,
aacertalalng the value of
|t«e l» refund the lao^r OB a toMlcdilgan rallraadB for Wttoa parodSy.
mt bottia of OreMf'e Wot
. your
poeM. hae rMolied the ftaal Meeln■toe tfaet the t-aiuatioa «f Mitftlgan oonghoreold. ^
md« ehali be ptored at $l«i,QOO,cno.
Wbl 11. Uadane. an

Satin Lined
Satin Shoulder
1-4 Off.
Clothing Go.

I iSgiuBtabset



eAiiAllii A (to TmmsA Ottr Bl—

to*— A—ctahs

■9ST SECURE $7,806,080

•m 0»*y -.d

1U«»ph * OAbOa kM tow n•W* to WRT Ml IM eeatast *wktak M Mi|*lrad a0,000toMW
M «*Mim mn* u III. Am
totwliW (to Art* itMmi to» tto
BrtlMMtoM. IiUaovdMMw
to Itol Ito dMl WM aM OMM
toovfto*totiMto«WUt7«( A* Ap•rteM Binpwy «o j*l ip tto euh for
Ito •todc, tod tto Brto Ma|My.
vhfto toaltoM HitolgH. MW nMBti u IbMB towoW^ii totan

F"tJ="i5ct..- — las



S— sslep be per* A adma bet Ac
trtel7-dMdbtol" — OBlr will an aitieA.. TbAp
A tto Intel tree f« e wtoc. bet A
■*■7 MM* wilt Meet* e kee b— A*

Tto -d—bto" cnoPeMly e*el*M

beesUed aw a fool loaM him aocKhw. — Imwiiflattlj I (0— my*^dttAf oa Ito fioer. A BoboSy — loy
(tot 1«—tL-Lomka T^-Bitt.

ShpB. wkkk kM tow —iaiat A
batoAg <—Aa A MAH— Ar «
r*ais. Bto wkfcB A »a— M Ae

<Mto^ s—A ^ta| be—— kalBAt ky A—
k to —elJy «tolMod Ast w—a
(Oto arrirc* at a hotel wittom be(-

CombbMtton wM not
b • rwt. Mh( Cto M
AIM M FMtn M> .Om

WA*« AkM ky

Hsm H. V. Hurii^i 1


far a two MMtto' aAT*
MiaA. a r—

toy to Itotoak bat

- lo op- the betel msi
Bweydiir* ar> ttot
wtf1 kMWB hotel WM dedraedad A e
of a weA*a be—
— Boneof ibeceA A ttotia Tto
-d—bto" walked Ato tto tout kbby—AecouBd— naaMriae—kk
TasAsday Pcato Waltoa-; adbier.
Be wMt«c^tA||IMtol« Bt—- ■eew oe Ae n«totp
—star—ATI TotM. wkkk ]
lettto (Akeca Be wei Ms...
!*( —of Kew Yerk't epTtod a aeudl pHp. He^oraedtto
ekrfc ttot be WM a trerel— MB«e
_______ used loecetAcb tto dtoor that to ibeeld tor* kto bktirttriptotbeeoto.
I* Mem* to to —y
Tierelioff teen *re (ood
pfatate'Utoa Be wa> Mllltw •—'•
Ae MW urriral we* eaig— p> a good
« ataa Alt A tto field.
rotas. Bt banded two—
to Ae ekrk

______toed «< heir. Ooltatefo—t
to — kei a«o (ireo ep bartiig pto- *B tomr tr two be inqsl— why bia
li(is[d i nTiilmr- euda *o be replied: beUto. tod — tow a»t »p A hi.
-Ko; Auk roa I wut Mse «( rocu. Tbt pcetir wa* ewt (<■ — mrwreBepoM. 1 here brakes ptmU <d pk(— Aal ibe tre—er eoDpeBytod
wwM bfW ebk to flod It. ItspilrW ware
(top—4PXd> tout.
toWl. Mytototo loo KOocA
eiaiir by lekpbnee, bet Ibe rsiboed
bsldfar Aet—I—\

Last night A* AsMltottoa al the
twowtly alee— oOken e( Ae A. O.
0. W. wa* Ae eecaaloa ol a feast
B« Ae*«eoi wm pt^eei. —|P«opVr.>aWlt'reMiirfisi»*ti*B«dAe ead s geeeral good time. After the
Boelly tto pbyekAu asi^-1 will meks Piattuii baniBg*
I.wlU takTI! -WelUltusA. sice to." mU Ibe
yoo a
ml . .
win I MW
> Ibe bote] ekrk. "for all
deebla does «( year ctmpM* U


Balph Ha—tt toa ratOMad fMM
lia vaeatAa apaet wlA hla rektHM




oompuy, .
0(—lAi Burte, formerly of Ae
Arte Reeee. OedllUc. now ef-Har-



OUddM to tto Sti* ■* iMto to^wTll*—**—>^'^"** "
' plM.ttolhill*.ba»e(ouee»tT«y.■•
topptarioAatoototoldpB to hto ••A^l rtaht."
Hgbi.' laid
BSitl tip e«wt
e«wi alter
eder a
e •' Tin
n ekrk w
-p-j U whkdi to Mid Opi It «M

U to (to MMPM7.
MtalM ctoMl9.
ttol tobM ton tow taeonto u
tto A *bwt 9t,Qgo,ooo. Ttto inaiHldllll to IKVMM *0 trip* MV
i tto MMMW7 fudi (or

;•* reflecliw. "Hr.
"Hr.----—--n erteue Aat. Serb ifatuM an d— ereay
day A tor besAtM. Him are ytnr wef(M. <toMloltogaltoyf.iryisir*tttisg eexi HatsiA^."

' * tterelin* mu willtael ^i* rkAm is
iodted lo to pitied. W (etkw mua— to borrow •to ^-^y *<«ue Aiita.
fo»« tto, ete-.and

Btsdk ttofolkwisc totenAy. Itodoo-letokpa.
.. .
Ur WM met at tto don by a Ad wba : T*Wii« si tto depot there ft to where



the rtotnow remored hia ktt j Ae* —ting owl oniMdlWlMbTDPk- wtoe
c-old Ool- tot.•Ob.
tbt* i* Or. —l» It? B— i bark tbat they x>,n
«to Trut Oa to Bortoa. to (too
right alnig tbu vtaj." Cariue* A know ;
u.l pemiiait I
toAoeoMtony’B wMm and prorld* wby thie hsl bad tow (wrwartMd ol >>rw romi bad s rn;
■to to MOMd dl.OOfcOOO tm (Brttor ' iul. Ilie plindciu wned is — I hotel in a lew d .

lU.sll.r met by a yo««W kd.r. who ! and it tton dawned spoo tto Atolmw
nd at b.> lewd aud amid:
; that ll>rr bad toeo srslly awtodled by
fc. Dr.------ 1 beliere-Ae mas I A* bmwu. .< two bagga«ecb«*a wWA
eridentlr had bew alolw al
A Chicago ur elaawhent
AiHlber lavnrile trick lo drlraod a
"J’n tto man." perple—ly replied hotel 1. d>an bt meaua of a mrfedetsta
tot it did Bto •
(to idiyalelaii a. be west^ wt AloAe Dm mu will go to a flrel clan to—
ud eavurc a gnnd roam. Abool tto aeetto toto Od. to tiiU iMppd Tor
operailog room.
ood da.T to will be in Ito uBce, ato
T«r trv totoBBM to Uto to* to* • 'Ah." said.tto iBU A charge d tto while
Ibere tbe bolrl clwk will tereire
camera*, ••ihi. is Dr. -----, A It out—
tolMtopnir ttkw MW *too
Ito mu fur wboa we are to moke pho a lelepboiie mramge poiportiug lo cobm
tok eoMiMlM, Tto** Moep
tograpto wbtcb will mK Aew tto bak- (mu a wi-ll kiiinhx etne aakiuff if Mr.
tor* tow tto Vnr York ud ChiMffo MSi
of bu besA m oar ageui pruaiiaed. S<vai»l.Mi dndics the gmli be cednod
totoA TkM A* Mb-eoap
■out up tu Ibe toitel ‘Tberlerk will nalJeatkAdly
arally a>k the gOMt tbe /|oeeli<io, ud
tor* toMwbUfto to «u« for ttoU
to will reply that to dnim (to good*
jMiiMTi wd tto Soqtkm BelL
aailBp. When Ito parktororrirea, there*t«MM B.U, low*. Kow
right 'Now look i I* aAay. #10 to •«;; i.< to paid. Tto
. T«*k. Hii Kow d*r*ey, Kow E*f- ytm h— That'*’

yoar pktan'a '-I
| b""*! mu i» nqtmifd by tto goeet to
. kwd. Ptoide OoMt.
UdIob. 'pteaaest. pkaae. Then,
tie lb* emaant and rbarge it up in
PtoM7lrwto Md 0«mberbDd wd -Well. 1 b— 1 eu get borne wiAblil- It dna IKK pay to .dlrad
_4fdtorogMPM>iMtoroto*PobUced to It being takw A fay.a —g of
go el
e who* appeaiaore indicate*
to— bwd* to tar for oMwwlptr
*Awa" aaid tbe pl^tu. after to wealth. ^ Ito BKUicy < handed ow in
paymwt. Tbe gtn*l now UiMppeata.
'tfetoftowtotoAe telopb— told reali— that to bad'b---------•*ud bia Irnok » (mud to to h ctaeap
VMWMlklM Bbtot •■0.000,000 now timed aeletfw trick-—
one and gweraltr (nil <if- paper, while
—Mr PM rw and Ao BoU C/O. to
tto iierkige \Tbieh ba* toco paid for
oalrntotoRtraM OS.OOO.OOO to 010.An old friend of Dr. Btilmee aaya- by tto hotel peu^de i* also wonblrM.
0X1.000 per r«*r. *o ttot it to t«7 Aboot
Bugoa tel<«niua aud h-llorbes '
«l yeen ago, being In Bootou cm
- MtOMt ttot its SBtaCMpStliH Will tf* day,
1 called open him and wa* oabered fieqoraily a d bT*'deadbrala ‘I
. «Ul|to to took 0*1 for AeMtotrM Ato hi* Ubraiy nnunoaored. A* tto der In «eco a Utile iMdycaA
' and Terr
door opeofd 1 beatd a (ingnlor anaplng
Ktonie worka bll
aonsd. ud tto dortn row lo ntn me
clerk is alway* afraid of affrnding a
wiA a sliiAtly futorraawd air. _
in Itow matter*,
r*. foi
for aboaU be
Wbcsi Ito asrrut was gate, 1 aak, goe»t
>*BMpto w«*dK torw tto Bito
mlrtnsd an
mu to will iupir*
PMir<MidiM>«*d*big( •>.000.000. -1 am afnld 1 diwarbed yoa"
He Aagbed. "Yea. yon diA bat 1 Ito botel'* repotmiou. BliUt mart botot It AoaJd to—bMPd AM tto WM
caA drain «
a( wnk w neittor a pnrai nor a tel* make it a rak net
toil Oa so—risM omsUA of tto
rbecka or has money, etill eery ofteo
prapeitr of tto ooutr*.
Ibe-davdlawt" will make them break it.
-Tto feri* Oa wlU pcrkto fgr A* der Aelibraiy
A wlietne wA(h baa TMWOll.r bees
tpypeot q( tto •t.SOO.OOOoT S per —t fitted ootwiib a tnniiiig lalto add look worked all urer tbe ci’niiltT was for Ae
"Tbla i* Itowaylrertmymlf.-to -deadbeet" lo awd by rxpr«*s a pack­
■oto* et p^tr to ■
mlA "Bdl Ibryrarepaopkisltoworld age lo a botel in another city. It woold
to toarily sealed ami marked. "A'aAe
-Tto BA* Btoek. whleh «irM (to wbo woeld AAk that If a pbyakiu •>00." ami tto hotel mu. tbinkAg
saade ■JirntTarh*- be mast to maA (k
lBt*r**l*l—lto|A« r.BOO.000
wbw 1 Aisk any sacb (oula are romiag tbat it ctmlehKd jewelry iutended fm
ire. would pat it io
l looch this bolloD. aodawaygaea my

tto Bmmm Vm Bmm> Mr*
-Vtop tto not* to tto Brio mbwiMDto to|*y lor


ttostoektrftto Brie i
A*MM*MUtoek<rf tto Brie oolUHMl
-WlA tto«seqdl*Bo( A» Mitot•M Oa Mto of A* Brl* MboompwlH tofs wr
^Ttor* wtU. to. M
wtA A* l—Mt f*to of dlrldetoi
aow pMd on Bri* *toA. ti« wiU
ttotstotortdtMto A tto met
PMl Of tto pxjpertj ueept Areo*h
A* •ddlMw fld MW AilMlar*. "

il butcl. tvgisier and
ckaiacier. towding over my honk*."
wooU istnepei
lotnep at (to
Or.Bolmmvrasuueufttollmtofoar | Aqalra U a package had acrired
pbyrtciaiu In Me and ptum nsl tto dan- him. Be wneld tot.dd (hat il wa* in
Which brain vrorkm* is Ai* omnlrr ton
oftn nbjvpt ttoBMlTM. Hr imkted
apiB tto Tala* ct a bob)?, oom muUl

B botel man. r
ralaabk package la the' aafe. would A
nine caoes oat of ten band oel (to evda
Tto goeie woold dimppeer. and wbCD.
Ito package was opeaed il wa* faend in
to of on T*hie.
A* all eenmaU m botel* are roidered
vrvekly it A Impawihle for diAcme«l
world that is pebUAid A
pen— in obcau free tiring for kogtr
Ibu e sreA. lew ttoy will be taqneeted
to pey or v—la
A mu aed hi* wife, by pleeAg a *epevw qaarter d tto gkto. It U printed p(— }rw*l —e in a hotel mfr. uuia-rsi—."or Breibe knui, awl i* eged. mint time aga A rvcoie over *ig
ea—dered a literacy rartortty. That it weeks' living in ■ vraU-ksowe buiel in
will MX— may to >*dged
Ibi* city.' Tb* kadi—, wbo bad seu
fact that it bu beu twice
tto vtooiu wearing aanuliiycf jew•Ace (to (all «f ri««S—(M. Deek
ak. nsiutallyMippe—fber were in tto
bodo* Ka too. L O. O P.
case In hie safe. When tto gnoM*
V. a.aveB
and Ito package was opened.
sty. fOkM. 8.
arrWT. B. J.
, Dsrls; ti«M*m. Jm. a Mimm; a
- B. to K. O.. K. D. Hollister: L. 8.
^ toK. o., 3. a Heist—; a & to hong it cm the knob wtorv t
tT.o.aaAUy.,U8. to T. a. SN iL-Pkk Me Cp.
CW. 3. DsKv: w—M. Vm. a
ill bitiag. aoeardAg to a Fyesma d —lurk—
K—:a a.T. Ttorso«:L o.. a oueMV. is hereditary. Ala—-Abd riag* wtatrh hove (onim attarasca
aitA«* of tb* Gmmu imrliamcBt
BUM: a 8. 8..a D. HMtis: U 8 d tb* PcvDcb —ool etoldiu him thrir the
■ is attributed
•-‘-r to
—k. and tto girl* amSrtwm ,Au tto Tto /oltoAn dk»ra, a &
Biassatek. "Jtkui

■M OtOCK OP woom

GtortN Ho—ttol. <d


: -Tto PMt- utd to is U Bic Bi|dds
lodto- Mr. BosmAsI r—tto Bosto* 8SMS St Tnnm Oltr. and *Tto
PUT- M— tola«|—liMUy MW.
As AM —ptoWi tortac toss A
kw—IP Iwi ttow • ymt, to wlU
MMtsAs^wlAki.eAsr —a
Is twe or tkre* tor*, (to stoA wUt
ko toAsd — .top— to TtoretM

Vk—karieh alcma beat pkA ML

• of lif* vritboat I

of AaDabUneityattUhtyi
to atop OTtr A
. mlUtU wa. admittad for traatMMt «hA wm
tto Aohm bo—ml Fat wm tatb* —» towa vrhof* Acre wa* bat —
hotel, at wbkh Ae ar—.moJari—
war* hardly to beeaUedakbciata TbM
tto eok— vndifr touagbt hi* diaur.
A* Matter to A* doetor at
tto Booum MM faoDd Aat to wm to
tM—Ag toWMg
havatoaM baA aiev— traaefaM. corm.
whh Ae MMl. -WdL and bew
am yea tbk MoraAg. My amsf"
**r— in lb* a* Ml Wcem ekiaa CMoaa
Qmm the —Mr'* Mi prim wbM ht Pnuotty to — Ito tto wgHw. -Dick,
' Tto vraiirr lulled bi*
rm d chMB* ^A t!™ll
■aMei 8eNlwa*«aHedat Mllb — I Vhal y«“ Ik yu- *pe

BMistut oaabier.
■And; seooad Baaiatul c*
How—. Diah. Tbe above o
oomprise Ito boa^ of dirwrtor*.
Tto bnsiiieM of tto buk dortn* tto

h- b— ....pu«.aj,


'aw CmsKMIm ad Eneiutla Fiaal SfeidlT CafiMiil.
■^ ^

ud tbe Aereaoe baa bew rere prati. 1 . ■


U yon feel Aal yoo are i
. ud eonld do
Reil Efitato Duler^
well at arcbitectnt
tt electrical esgAearing.
TOO can.chaDge to tto profeasios of
Money loaners.
your Aeioe Aroogii the Free 8cho|.
anhip la Meebanlcal or Archiieetnnl
211 Front St.
Dmwibg in The latcniatioul Dormpoodroec BeheoUTtf Scrantoo. Pa.
Up HAira.
which tto Record will give away on
Traverse Oity, Mich.
F b. 1.V
Tbeplu is ihia: l«ani ilrabing
by corrmpoudesee at home wlthooi For Sale-hfiS-Honse utd lot ou
Esat (<lli street, <> rooma all ni
giving op roar iwe*ent pocition: next,
Easy trruie. Price |7d0.
secare a imiitioa a* dnfUmu. «
thing eatiiy done now on abcosm ol For Bale—t<?i7—Honst‘ aod lol
Cedar, jost sootb of nth afreet
tbe Domber of openAgi in tue*e bniy
Honse hat 7
lot, ail il
plenty of *|»re time, qualify b]
home *tady for a j—i
,u arehi- For Sale-How aad lot <
tect, or mechAlcal
•lec^cat eti.
atTWl. cloae^in, t» rooiDA alooe
fonndation. all new, low price
Price IR50.
Then—fb hare done il. Yon
If yoo make il yonr botinea*
For Sale—Hoase and lot on l4li
this EdscatioDBl
mtional Voting
Contest, yoo
afreet, verj- cloae in. boose bag
cu do it withoQt
o loiwt. Lot alone ia wotib
Tbe Uis^EMe ud' 'r— 8tuky
have returned to thvA hose A Maple
City after a visit vritb the Misace

A Name Twice Made
Famous, Now a
Shining Mark for
Tto mow -Ctoie." Ivric* atade (*—*.
b a Aieing mark lor ito ononpalom to
psrttktii. Tlrem bird* oi ptty, by stiag
------ MCbsw. expect Ibe pAUc ts be
eame aeted ■< the aaltor of tto werUhnied Or. Chaw* rvdpe bod — family



RDi.«jth Serve. Braia aad Bkod
b«< dsiv IKK coaatcrfcil tto
portrail and «;ge*lnrt.of Dr. A. I
whicii kniiiln tto Nenv mb n
sited a> iafslllble (or i

Tb^ settle irritated aenvs. ivphce lu.
gur— I—tedi with raagy— oe—.
Cm* Nervom Dyi—^

price atketl fur wIwW property.
Piicr 11000
ForSale-HI!* - Honge aod t—
tote on corner of Randolph ai^
Maple Hte.. H rooma. iiood bait),
low price. Price SfiOO.
For Sale-CiU-Houae and Igri.’e
lot on corner of Labe greniif
and Mb gtreel Boaaa baa It* [
larp:* rooms. Lat]p> bM. room j
for r. borsea. Lot 6Hxl60tl|0
Room foi H more bonaeA Price'
For Safe—7fH—Honae aoti lot on
Garfi.ld arenne. Lot 88x330.
Houae ba* illarfce rootna. Ouod
barn and well water. Plenty of
■badetreea Ptyce 9IH00.
For Rale - H20 - 80 acre brm,
about 12 milea aooUi of city, 2
miles of Monrto Centre. iX)
aorta under cniliratlon. Good
frame houae aod fra— barn.
Ot«d orchard. About 7.^
feet merchantable timber. All
lerel and all good aoiL No betAr Arm in tbe conntry.. If asy
&rni is wortt) 9100 par aero this
oneii. Price 92300.
Kow is tbe Dme for fpu In maki
yonr real eatete lOTestmeate
ItY been a liUle dnll- always is
abont the holidays am] tbat A
jnat Ae time to bny—wbew
aome one wants to let mo: From
BOW on property will bsgin to
move, aad we predict tbat tbe
comug aeaaoo will diaro^ last
aeasoB. If it
priaaa will
aU aliHig tbe
of ^ of tba bar.
ber, aei^bon, If yoa want to
ebandiae, hotel, boriea,toiBto
boiiaeM or out of boahim bor.
tow or lend mooey, oalldSM.


Ik. IbiD ni Ik.

Wade Bros.

The Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, Mich., will be at the



, THURSDAY, JAN. 17,1901.
br~ - - -


and WMkna— PoaalMe to Obtain.

aassasIfiCHAROiNO BARS ramS im non,


a'wssf’spasate ^^si''Ks'iras5rss ■


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