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The Morning Record, January 01, 1901
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
I Cnaa OeMr Waieb
OffinSOAMMir, «,« « «
Jill Unit »l Office Stpplin
Wseewaaetke I
Imliwmpntia. Pec. 81China** Rulor* Indignant Over
lawn, Dte. U-A miiMtir ca
ilM tha Crii— toidcbt to Mteod.
Demandavf Powera
the waileh meefitK held note the
italndiam^Unotbe nwleoted dar•o^doaa of the Bed Cnma Bialety.
i^ the fOar yenm to eonw ahleoa
COHDATIONS ARE ACCEPTEIT Oomew-oMet DbiMb Mmald die and
* be law faroeaUy dl«»eTbe parreyor
oeMndeo tor Ae opMdw cd the
atw ^ baton
By. WM. Peu ViH* wae faae- Though Formal Dooumant Has
. To Propore for Trial on MarIT
unng * - pwmaiietuitet M the aoeettag. natntieB of
Mot Bean Presanted
ly eombllih klwwU U the law boMohaii Murrior Charga
tteoeatdagwMaodehy Oea. John
qSlMk. A iMglby taagfue
^rm, tateniMd with Toeal
itod for Ue t
Ubtaoky wnaKhedenseA
KOinler. Pope lAo XtH.. i
nw «^at<rta > *
wed heade of Kofope oad *ep
dire tnaa ao^ womea of the <
Shanghai, Dee. St^Yonr oarrewMm
MdlM«MrtA '
dwt leenta on good aalhorily that the QuMtionat laauain Pui
l-a^ to .IMM 1
Bmpemr and Dowager emprew beof West India*
Toiy angry whoi the demwidaof
DMriot, MMi.,.tm. 81-^ la
the powen as contained in their
Plsirrar vW«>«
SHppad Thrpugh tlw lingers Uminaiy note, ware enbwlttei
, mat* tb» mm^mm «( Oteria* T.
dtmi by U Bnwt Ghang'aad Prlnoe
I’paa by j-U
'^tCon. FredO^t
Wriaht. who w»» coorieted in Bmie
Ghing. They “thooght the po-----ooant7 of Utr nordw of Dr. Tbva/r,
Imd taken adrantage of 0»i^'B |
in Airil. lao. to i; rmra Vriaht
eat Mndltion to exact tr'^huniliatlag apMsI V> Tkr HosSac Bmad.
wu Met o|> for life. Tho aovofBor
pwoe. The general opinion
Waablngton. Dee. SI—Thwe appears
w hr the
nlao Kivtm Wrlatit • parolf of tii
unong the Chinese merrimnU U that to be no bitch in the nrgotiatintis for
the transfer of the Danidi West
will gtmtly iBftease the aatl-fmlgn Indies to the United Smtes etm^
feeling and giro an inereawd NoAkt- in regard to dw politicol eiatos to be
Manila. Dee. 81-Oeo. Alejaadriao,
Wrifriii WM indietad «a two dhanna.
tanity^tj^^^secret soeiedea to to- aooordedthe inhabltaBli of the iethe rebel eeanaooder who waffolit'tried
tried only oa the
Iho oa* otn^:
1 onder Anwrioaa rala The i*ice
lowadto Moaat Aatyat by a foroe
Hon. BnDaiaIn Colria haa boa
OM> ogrood on and a namber of
Ota. Tkad Ofant.
MKetic in bri«K of TTrlaM and the
rerbally informed the foreign mlnie- other Important terms arranged to
lat mMniidit bet night
lafole ii alrea
ten of the throne’s aaaent to the de- the wtlMaetldn of both parties, bat
throagfa the ooedoa drawn
UoIrlB nlialt hooose wpoamet iot
remins the qaeetlon of politiaroandble foroee by the Aaerioan
Wriaht while he i« riatHna bii {aa<nl atataa
loet bat a t«w
In anatina U>r 1««le for 'Vriaht
Qeo. FanetcB. will reinforoe Ora nt
OoTomor Piaate* eoaUaded that
with Ire oonpaalee of die TwmtyVriaht tMd bM imfairiT tMted hj
the iH-«riqapm while hr ha« been be Seeend Infantry.
Ob the nordMoet ilopai fta Friday
British Have Not
hind Um- ban and unable to <lefend
Bight UoiiaMtO'SbMof the Foarth
Boer Invasion
of the TweUth
Inbnt^. .with a men. had a itwo
Witnessed by the Elks snd
tha rebel f<
Mar. tON. for It 7MM, for fawy.
IsMeWto flTill«ufor /
Th«Tr Fair Guests
waa Ubmted today ea a fardon by aaderOcL Teoeoa.
■UMatbe laraOera-Oloony
a FnMlaeo. Dec. tl-The tianaUovenior IHnane.
.OaUaek hr Kriilsb.
Grant airirM from Manila today
The aorernor girea rolonloona
, the bodiea of M <dBoera. aol LADIES’
H|>Ttsl la IW MnlDC Bre-aO.
nwaoaa for Miii
dien and cirlllaiia. who died i
Jan. I—The n-ail of ilie
lUBoaa ottMT thl^a. that the (rial
nawgtl. «e Ftailippinee and OMna.
ywr finds tbe Britiab wiUi their
waa aadaly laflawireil by the n
pa|a>ra, that DeKrance had a alrong
Charming Event and Beautiful hands as fail as erer in Sontli Africa.
The OBtlook do«« not;.OBeoiirBge the
alibi and that the |wiaoD aothoriliea
iiope of a apeedy ending of the tmw«e wotUaa hin to dMth.
■amnUy with Kitohoner-s
Othera who were releaaed yeaterday:
that the Boer inradera are
Willla F.Ttaoer. Hilladale. eentenrMost BrilUaal B*sr
steadily poshing footh. both in the
ad in Noreinber. iwn. lo Jaefcaon for
two and one-haif y<«ra for bantUry.' pkW toTheKwhiarBmwd.
• Colamboa, Ohio. Dei 81-OoBgreae^
io* la Two lUUs.
Ijemnel Hwank. regardlUK whom oan latoU today aerred noliee on
In the appeals addrewthe Iwonl of rardana Iwi no record, ao ]ongTe«man-el»et TompUn; that be
The fifth annaei Kew Year's eoolal lanatoal
rreent waa liU oonriction, aeniaopef woald ooateet tto Utter'a seat in •eeeioo of Trarerto City Lodge No. «d to tbe Loyaliau inhabitants of if
in the colony. ineladlngOai*
for nine monthi to looia for laroeny,
883. B. R O. Elks, raerked the dawn
are. amd to^ai
ing of the new eeotary and liaa
Tbomaa U'Brie^ neotetuml to Jarkpawed into local history as the most ttie milltory lorcw' in repelUn/ tb<
aoo for life for abnrder. from Detroit
faritOant social fnnetion in the ble- Invatlon by tbe formation of a paid
tocy of the lodge and one of tlie most defense force., Beaidea thia. there ii
—..--------— in Trareiee City. rirtaaUy no news of too artnal aitaa
tiOD in Cape ColonyMiebael J. Bymea, aent from Moa.
London, Jan. 1—Genoral Kitobener.
ki«o«>. Janaary. 1W». to Maiqnette
l^ksM Coen.
for ttre year* for toanalaafftiler,
than last ni|^t and the faanqaec and in a dittwtob dated at Pretoiia, Dec.
apRSsl ib fhe ascslae SMsea.
81, reports that a amatl inrt of toe
. ,
PrinoeMi.-lad., DeaSI^Tba trial ball was meed by the presenee of' Boera inrading the eastern part of
The gdremor aay* be would iwobmany of Trmrerae Oity’a fair women.
of JomphUeA tor the mnrd
Oape Colony hare broken throogh tl>e
Kora Klfer ta oo in the circait eonrf The attendance of ladies was Urge Britith lines and gone in a sooth
a foil hiatory
he been in p
here. The came was called thle after end inclodf* wires, ewi
. direction. They crowed
of the ease, li a|ipiart that the ahooteleters of memben of tbe lodge
noon and the iniy is being in
tbe railway between langorand Sh«Ing for which Byraca waa
nelleA From the renii* of aisfy. and inrited goceta. There waa also borae. badly damagiw the line.
was in ran accMontaL
t of the
^rtn aooepiBble Jarore hare been
' ^
BertJ. Kigdim. sent frota Kina' second. Many of the Tcnire objected city.
cble. Febraary. IWD. to
Thiiwaathe second ladies-aocial them.
to Imiming the death pnniahment.
The weaten inradera |[Baaed Oartea yeora for bogtUry, pardoned.
The hinring ofyeridenoe is expected
George Uarpenter. sent. from Em
that were poeaible. it waa more eUb- narron and VIciorU.by the west road
met eoaniy. September. IS*, to Jack
otate and encceesfal than Idst year's on tbe monting of December 80. go
ing aoath. They ware closely fol
aa& for tftaen ream for rape, parf^on.
X*W<*B*m'RV,Dt KXOI,AWtl
lowed by OeneraU TharaeycToft and
The prepaiaticoa for the erent
►The following pardons and parole#
at Ibe Mrtk ertbe elaborate. Tbe entrance to the opera Oellale. Very few ooloniata arajota
boose was embelUabed with palms, tog them. _________________
Robert Mehan. sent from Hilladale
draperies and poctien. while matting
Tbe Camarr'e I*awB.
ooontr. March, IS* to. Jaokeon for
oorated the stoirway and halU.
eis years and sU mentfae lor deaaall, Umdan. D*c. 8i-BritJah peciple of the head of the stairs coetinooas
Vienna. Dee. sar tae <death of toe
arith intent lo do irraot bodily harm, ereiy clam miMlfeited a deep iaiereat moaic araa roadered by Fred Bertel's
_____ , waeobiiUtdby
by the oeleteala the going of the old and the com
aatomatie banja
tien of solemn twmea to all the
Daniel Brnaki. ecnl from Wayne ing of the new oentry.
Tha gaoets wm reoeired aA the ohorebea. which were largely attend,
ooanty. May. IMO. to the Indoatrial
bead of theatain by the laoepttoa
Bong chuchea and aoeletiea. The
School for Boys for leieeny^ Paroled.
eommittoe. rridle R R Bbru preridBprlto. Dee. 81-Owtog to the wUewia Robb sent from .Berrien obnreA of BniHaaA thoae of the Oath edaa tickeutaker in a oaetame of
oonaty Jenoary, IBtft. to MaiqiwMe oUe-falth and ncmnionfonniaw '
"oaeotUwflMat”thebtaaat of Us T«re eoM weather, tbe oentoryoelefw 1& ycM for aamnli aith intent to
uniform eoat being eorered with btatton here wee qaiet and not to•pited
by any epecUl feataiea
kill. Sentence commoted and parolwl.
medaU, rewards of long and taittifol
Frank Hill. n'Mencrd to Ionia bom
eerrioe and cmtqdeaoas brarmy.
itcirAwn griLi. s
Washtenaw COUNT. Marrii. 1800. for
Tbe interior of the haU was eUthree ymrs for-iarci-ny. Ibroled.
gantiy decotatod Streameri of natWm. H. Johnson, coorleted of the
erlmr of haritlarT and mateoeed 'in
from the dome to the gall^ tail,
Koremehr. I8U. to JackBoa (or II
whUe toe raU itaeU w tnmwed
Nah. Dec. SI—Tonight the with lUg* of all natlona all tbe way
jnean. Seoteaee oommaed and parW«atdo(fiBO,n)a atonda. fortheoapcdeA
Aleaaader Eaoa. aent from Mar- tare of the men wbo'mie Eddie OodSeren ten* tablw wm ananged
Imliyandeecarwla king's lanm (or aoraw tbe hall ranntog north and
qaette ooaaty. Fehcaarr, ISM.
fe for life for morder in the Ua retam. TbU U tbe oolmiimtloe
A sMlI teble just to fmnt of
oftheUiieni of tbe haiuUta to UU
toe stage facing the eatranoe was
. aent from Maeomb Eddie -Oadahy if Ua rite did not - e«d on a raised pUtfonn. Tbe
•coanty. April. J«0, to JatAeon for withdraw the reward.'a.aatUn.'emblem of toe order,
The city ooaaell tonight offm an
ywte for making and entering
graced the oentor of thU tabU abore
addmonal filROao, thoiagh requesting
Urwdtar. Pardoned.
fiag. TUa table
[Edward B. LydeU, aent from tbe Bfiemitt^Oadehy to withdmw Uete- oocnpiedby
and ett-aCoort, Detndt. toJaefcaon. ward and tons eeeape ttw foty of the oars of toe lodge. atolU toe gnaeto
life for murder in IMS. Oowmo- rebbma. TUs Cadahy firmly deeUned
eeatodat toe other tohUa
to 18 year# .
wtre of wifii tobfe was a U
Ultan E. RariliW. swfi fnai
ly. Aagaet 1«». to
School for Boys for four
am eariy ereatog antil lOdO
ywss for dleorderiy eondaot. Seno’oloek the gaeete enjoyed deaoing
tonoe eommated and jardwed.
to toe Academy adjoining toe toeatie
Heoty ^amakw. aant from Wash
hnU aadalsbtottreBlk’almUahofa.
tenaw, March, 1M0. to
for two
nehwtta of WTto ptoow to w«h
yeora for Ureeay. PwoM
I to Dake Henry haU famitoed toe maMo for dnriv
u UeMeinlly adMartatomwt before toe teat
Faugtoto uf Mm erentog:
VaUwarilibmii XewOwtwy.
axafifwFbtoeaiya. Itoi,
When toe caeete filed tatotlmbaaBpnrid toTbriaondacB-^rd.
Mia. Oewse AmtotteawlMlwVioU qaet haU it was nearly derw o'alook.
Rowe, Dee. SI-Hm ratlenn eeU' w to^ emend, te ettate of
bmtod toe new een^ to cartons ap- gtranb bare fe«nmd troM MatoadetewBOitte’ C^ottem
vhwatofiy hate bew ririttne
pnicUtovaya Tlin.gape^
te Mm priraw rMn*^ mdniAfi
B» of Wright Cob
0ify Book Store.
to 17 Yo«r»
Cm begim th* Utw Year mlfb,
Bawinstact. •
Wttam suit pau.
wish M>9U
I Bappv and
Centurp. j
Alfred U.
Now. white our
Ie the Ume to buy.
IsiESiiiSiE i
Bverythlic ta the stM% cot my Arm.
Salts, Reefers, Orercoats, fM- mk* fii4
boys CO fit fi sole, two*! bUss it........
We wish Everr’One a Happy New Year.
ubt think of the good you will get out of *
acket from now on—Cold weather is just
setting in. Our garments are all new and
up-to-ual<-, and made by the best firms io
this country. But what wo-want just aow
is to sell a big l°t> about 40 iti all, one and
two of a kind, at just
If yon with to be ao, tlie Tele*
phone is indiepeoaibl&
No one can be up tu Uie worki
In this age, wiUiontlhie twefiUetb
nry adj'nnct
ow ie the tiini^-Ao get into com
Not in two bonn—Not tomor
row, but Immediately. ‘
Tbe other fellow trfton geU the
order yon might bare bad. becaoee
be baa a T^epbone in bia place
Cry it..
« ..Tt’sntw
It wm Mot Psy Too to Walt
IHalf Price
In other words, a Ladies’
that sold at $ 6.00 now...............$3x0
that sold at $ 7.50 now...............$3-75
that sold at Siodo now.............. $5^0
that sold at $12.00 now...............$6do
that^old at $ii;-6o now...............$7.50
Bl| M In Lilln' ton, KltMt' ml CMMm'i JiiMi.
II we oan fit you. we'll 00 you good.
Reliable X>ry Goods, Carpet *od Clothing HooM.
Aak the lo<»1 managen.
tBl^igan tthphomt Ca.
J1 Genthman's^
Tull Dress Shoe
Very swell, !\*ery stylish, are our new
enamel Kid BaJs. ^
The Musician
ProfesslfiBfii M tflatecr. wHI
beiafercstefi in ov store And oar
stock of niistcsl BierchtBdlse.
Made on the new Dunlap last. This is the dniy up to date
party shoe shown in the city. Make ooxm'tstake, the "Nettleton" Shoe.
There ie no maaieal demand
we oannoteapply attlie low
eit prieea. while keeping «h.>
srr%» Njwte •*mr««i.
Boy toe Kimball Piano.
When yoB think of raoaicdl
goods. lUnk of
grctoeaw «Mptoto% -
The leading Shoe House ol Northern Michigan.
Physlelan and Surgeon.
Gtasses SdcMillcaUy Fitted.
An unprotected foot often leads one in*
to trouble.
We wUl make * ^mdal
low price on Osmena. Many
bare already appreciatediWa
opportnnity nad bought
g^ btotrament cheap. We
hare acme more barbae t*
tUsUte. Now ia the time to
buy a Chmeia, at
Buys at our store a pair of LADIES’
ALL FELT SHQES-just the tUng
for this cold weather.
Several other styles in Ladies’ Warm,
Shoes at $1,501 $1-75 and $ajxk
F^nt Stre^
B <3Tf,TrtSBAT, JAXTASr x/l
coDimr mom my
-mt- -
im, TMfMM B»7 TmI H& ias. E.
O. T K.. AWAad
A W. HAHHW. Bdttor «nd
. C- &
VBda. 'Jx.
Tiniraaj at 10 e'elocft. Bor. H.
gin Work today
tbn bbUwI la rnwriogo Mr. Flaky
WUlfaBB Eratoebra and Rloo Rose
ErataMtTUatttBdod tbo lalAal
im oroBl^ a doUgbtfBl -noo]-----Sill bang
waa givoB the bappy pair ot Dm
la tba WiTwd B
tboBOWoRoMs will propai* to take boms cU the Mdo’o imBlo. Mr. aai
• A iMcaafar, Wo- Mn. WoBC^ EfafaMbril. three bOIm
ooBth of tbe
0 lotgo Bamber
iB tbo ofBoeof
■ of tbo
OBB coottorat.
It, 1bar i
ntK PAMOro or riKoMiu
iuowB. Aboac 11 joan
OOWMK tHacTM )>M «Swtad * fin- mi lAratcBMiit Bay. la bU roport td
to Poiat Barrow,
MivfaidibMbM apraMtelAdtt
diaslnc a Uiaft X foot
Sm htattrjr o< *B7 (tMe of tbe Uol<B.
behnr the caotb'a amfaa to obtaia
oanb tumperatara bafa^ a pair of
wooda «<«>». poiBtlBg to tbo «ial
»m5t. tapa ct tinw idoa tbm atnna were
OfelSwlMt HU |)M4ai^f«oerd f
IrHiBopled. Tbo Aliaka MlDtaa Bock
tte bMt mbiA of Uf nm^cK oSi ,Wd oaye that tbU ooBstiy waa andoobttdly iabohiuil lo^ bifpco Onlambea
hm ezeiiad asTm attieUa. It
r«T likelr tbM MBM «if tb« firlNoef* Ciaeatfred AmCTica. Of tbe oriffin or
vhMB bo bM nleuod {root 2oefc«m dm^of ibo iBbatetaatt BO doOaito
trace baa bees foead. and tbae are bo
~ prim AoriMd tbo «lemoW7 ozer- taeorda
tbe past aaoBg tbapa
«lMd. Bnt \t u aqaallr ^ifBnBt wbo DOW lire tbet&- Tboir lantfii
«hM m>r of tbo* libeatod moitod abociDddn hgcaidi. bat dobs sires aoy
Ibo iota vfalob anitod tben vbaii
rbirb to }Bd||e bow loBS «
tb*7 0B(«*«d Ibe prim doon. Kow
Tbo ^iui tif aocdcsl riUara aod
wiatcr bBU aloBg tbo aeaabore.,aDd in
Ur. CSMriei T. Wrijrtit. tbo arr
mt toJookmfor Ufo fram Bewio tbo iBleriur cfaaw that tbo caemlry bao
bnm lababiled for oentanes. Tboro on
matrud ooraoloo bb oonloBOO. Dtoaodi St PciiDt Barrow toarkiBg the
The eirauHtaaoM otteDdlnr ibii
^M*SbM Aftod tbo orMoDoo of tbo Boaiidit Ktaod Ib tbe middle
Malnd^Bot ooM>B»»d » pot- MKi tbe aiijkiaf; of tbo land caomd tbe
Am. Ob tbo cxwiBfr. it >■ docloaod ate 10 be flotried and atandcaiod. ~
lime capped tbe ontthrm part of tbla
ecmtlMBt and hare mofN aloair tbe
a Ube cf OwTol Thle U abown
howerer, boo damBiDfbd
federal (UairitaDtiuB of a aimiUar
___» of Wrifbl to IT r<
•■dcliMblaBpmlo 'of clx imtho
laablob to]*ep0B for trial in tbo
mtm* mo a«aiiioi bla.
itaai roBlos tTBTcled. TT>a acnaborci led
aloBstbo (ncMi of Labrador and Gi
ehwslair bin vith mordorimr Roil bod. Hadoia bar and ilt tribolaiy
warm They came down tbe Yalna. so
Thii aetioa of tbo goronior will rich in miDetBle. to pec^o tbo aboroo d
met with amiAatic diapproral.
and the iniericr uf Aloaka.
batboazoanttbr.aoaon Dr otaHnff BDd (rarcled alobfi tbe cuaet to Gape
that Wrlifhl boo boon onjortly dale
vtU> br tbo newipapoa whllo bohlnd
Uio ban and BBBblo to dofood hlra» (bey qMh
aelt Thloexouoe oo^ imulB
tow^Mt the ^ti°° t**'
■ tbe stnoi in Siberia.
tujm^^lr a^ tboir laToetiKa
Umld bo foopretod. HowoTor, tbU
la IB Um> with other iliBUar i
moto and oriUciwB io fetile. There otbonthari'tbey are Japaneae crCbiocas
in oriirin. aod etbora eHil that tbq
to nntimUrifBi to the tboaibt, bow
tin tbUroomitry arrow the atrali
oTor, that the priooo doon mar i»w
far a* deflaile infur,
bo elooed. Oorernor Plnsreo'*
maUon U c«
« of the
R antii
^ iobi thin«o of the B
bMI BOW that tbo twentlotb ooBturr
Im dawBod tboro.. t. bepo that tbo
panlng of PtBuree bmt be ao t
plooo ao the oblitmtioB .of tbo^ pa«
*iait Fcinta'- One «f (born rveolml
praroMt orerlaad to Boram Ayrea, and
fnao Ibfuae In Montevideo, where faa
wciald join tbe BRaii* aleamer. wfaifa
the Ollier ptefened to make the joaroey
la dBo tiaot tbe _
Mca»Mdw>.A»d ll» two friimda isei
a«siB. \a fIcT tbo rnMitotna^ aalBlatinm
(bey exanme
SBir dtiioniDnit of a paper that ihonld
bo oloml to a wionan writer U tl>e med
ial—oatew of cobrae afao ii a medical
*'mao.” He pwa a to ar that 4ba
■MdkBl mlBinui of aor UBda weekir,
it la ear to perreive. ate wudootod by
omapUalied extau. hot a cm ba leoatly came oude* hie BOttoe wb«n- a
yoBBC wciBLBii wbo had failed w ao art 0ewa^ on bo^ yarfriBed a ptofe
aiUe wu ert to aaawvr tbo medial io< Igmirauce nf (beir ostive tongae aod
pcwbrtfd Io anawering all qneMioBB pat
fatjcet ioadecinul «bat e
in ilwl leugnage wilha"Wbat. alr!"<a
Bvutalitycd tbo diatrict."
"Big pardno. «r!" ■-Ocilyluagior.’'.
bo aaid. "tliai dBring nil ibo royaga
rita raiaticed inorh loapor <m> tbo papa. from Vnli
boaboBldbaveba.1 DO abatibera Infl. b-.ni
Odb of ber replire waa amDethiup I
qnilla. beniiw ll>c atowanU either
(Ui; ‘To Daley—TiMBka B3 moefa
wobM ikiI orrcmld DiatinifarMaDdine."
OBBT Uod letter. Va TbonMakat
"My dear friend," repUed the ow—t-e It abtiold bare bora a cpBcrtec land rooio roan. 'I will tell yoo bow to
, fmlB ttiyahaiiie inatad of a qoatiw OTWeme ibat 'diOeaUv. Tbmo ia a
OfaBOBBdfur yuarfather'acomr*
........................of E^Boiah'woeda
BowBBlarky! Bettor lock tiezt Ham, rfhicb can be made to du doty
bot 1 waaeonsybcuj. Va Tbnol
lisb. It ia tDen-ly a epmaien of paniog
bMtar Amp fa mocziBltig than Jay‘i
ap the' mooth Imd apealrfag barafaty
Umrogh tbe leelb. Fiv iaataiilce. ia tha
owe of pon coo taanleqailbi. tbe Spaofadi werda to be emphiyed are ecaatarro
y taiu. Hake tbe trial aod yua will be
Sm oaoaoB! I’m WrHInt a icirtora eemrioerd .if tbe effieary .d my mellMd. "
Next mmioti tbe two frieodi aat
ibapter la my iiorel ud wMI to «ot U
down tcgnlii.r to bnakfnat. and the
a iwBt to BOtste ae 1 can.
overland man. Dodging hit campanicB.
Critiowbiapcivd. "Tty my method.'’ linmedialcly altercrard cme id the Chileanmows wko waa anable to ccmprrbeBd
tbe meaning of pan cmmsairgailb appcBrt.e.1. and tbe paabg^. Brewing
up hi* iDunih and apaaUmi ibnmgfa bit
B>oB baa waa cnltivated by tf^b; .xclaiaieil, "t^naWru y bota."
; ^typtiana, bot tbnr priocta "So^ teecKi and battar? Yea, air."
it a -BDelao.-- Tbe Old CBM tbe an*wtT..aod tbe iBiuma
toatioM tbe baa twice. ha^ diffiealty afSr tbal in |ronHi«
jBd«o Hobicw ^ bon fair Umi cfleo
U yom BBd bo Imom it ia
elaao thope Ib orrry dotalL !
eamto ia tbo OMVt bM bm oettlad 00
tBTM r«-dMe ^ OOtfaiOg
eSO^ B low OBOOO 1
wfaleb it io iatpcmiblo to settle mtil
tbo teqsfaed la^ limit' boo I
md. Jodgo LcroBgor wUl
dTorytblag la —oUiBt enbiiriwi
dOBbtfal U Bay oOBBty la (bo
Mte caa abow aa good a rBOOtB la
tbe probate oOoe at the olooe cf tfaa
ofoOcoof tbe letfalag jBdfo.
iodm Horn wiU
to mttera eoBaoetod with tbe
aor-a Mattml lasBiBaoe Go. bet
baa oo otbar idaBa.
mocrod lato the
jail yoooorday aad
a Mr. s^pm. t:
retfaiac Aeriff, aaoTod
aoTod^ bia.oOoe
, pd^OB Of 1
16 Trimned HU, ■'
II Trimmnl Hit, "
ypfcMilBdooB TtaSod
Atiwi OrByaeo. aiifat poMoaiaan,
tea beoB OB tbe form tweWe
yoan. la the todpiaat of B Sae
ooet, raUod at WO. fram Obarlei
BoonUml of tbo Bootoa Stem,
oor Orayaoo waa so approeUtlc
Ow gift that be ffoalrM to make pabUc eipreoaiim of hii graHtado.
Saaday tbo BapHat Saaday sobool
riteoad tbo ftdlowiag oWeWB:
SaperintaBdoBt, O. H. Craoa; ooeretary. Henry VanWie; troaoBrer; Mollie Gnymi otganiat,Oi»oe Qntming-
kmld last Bi^t. tbo following offioen
olootod: PrwtdfBt, A E
atmb BbertS Cbaadlar ataito ia
with Oto bemidMB, tha iBajfirlty of Fiaaoy: rioe preaidaat, E O. Oompwhom an oMtcuBplating« cteage. loo; aoerotaiy. Joa. fftaam
Bo*. ER. Smith aad“A Hadley
wont to Inland ycatarday to aftOBd
BMBll apoB AithBr Doriae mod will
watch oerTioo.
naHI the aezt seasloB of that
tribnnal, thu moatb.
Alex Fooatate baa 14 more daya
0 aorro for aataalt aad battery, harDg been seatoBoed to BiB^ days. ,,
Fob eYery ease of
John Wombold «
Kingtlry to twenty days for laroeny
and baa torao more doba to anre.
Floyd Willett and ifary Mapoa
awaitiag ezamfamHob on charges of
W. A NowtOB, retUiag emnaty
clerk, will stay a abort time to wlad
op Sia year's bcislBaas of his oSee, does not enre. Nooase of DaBdruH
mad Coaaty Clerk Robert Walter U and Fallirtg Hair it will noi •
ready to stop in and take poeeeaaion
ai bis bemda are opprorod by
tbe board cf •Bpor*iaaro WodaoedAy.
Mr. NewWB has net Idoeidod npoo
bit fataio plana, bot will toon go to
Ohio for a rlait with hU aged mother,
wbo i UVea in OolBmbot.
CiroaiCGoort Ootamlaaiooer Otutia
WiU take poMMSioB of ooe of tbe
olBoea in tbe spper part of ibe ooBrt
Doe Staadard PrepantioBO
faoBse today.
Oea W. Clyde, retiriag ooBnty take nothing elae—they coot yoo
treasarer, ia winding ap the affatn of nothing abosld they fail
bia ottoe aad wiU tun the office yon.
................... to yi
o*er to TTeasBrer Steward in esoel, ifil
lent ahape aa aocm as the new official
Mr. -Clyde wUl eoBtfaiBe
ipy Ua naldrsoe on Ninth
street for a whUe bnt baa aaitoBnecd nUCOVMMMD AT LABTl . ,
Aliogetber, ererything ia is flae
ahape ia ooBBty affain and tbe new
DbBiiMaa, MaUfta
offlolala will find their datiae^made
eaiy by the ezeelleat maanrr
whiiA their predeeemon bare i
aged tbe oociBty affaire
JRor-theXarls (tneiSoys
Scaip Disease
- ■
nil nm wM aulce hn for the Girh and
Boys. We bsve s fine liae of...
^'Iks tfasuiMu^
Andte oiiffip to $3.50. and owing to the
lateneM-of tneteaton wewillgiveyou.3o
per cent difcOBBt on all Sfeghs aad
Coasten. We abo have Cutter Boxes
(or babtet, End both wood and steel Runoers (or b^ carriages.
Kodol |j.isi»niyiii)iisriiiim
Dyspepsia Cure
o«o R-aaopST
Digests what yoa
pngmodby E C BoaiTT ACO.C«M«»
F. 0.-TH0Mn0N
Money Refunded Grand
Land Co.
HOUSES for mle te all tBito of tbe
eilT—all prieee.
rMs - A long Uet of dealtable
forma and other Imda.
----- 'AND3 oo fbe. Paiiomla—
Improved and ........, . ..
BAROAINS-We hare them.
Cent's Fur Lined Gloves and Mittens,
Gent’s Fur Lined Coats.
Cent’s Dress Suit Casas.
Gent’s Fur Driving Gloves.
Ladles’and Cent's Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robe».
Sleigh Bells.
Baby Cab Robes.
■a JW!mi C. Btadk^
Gmid Ttaverse Land Co.
F.narCaU C A. Bammaad
New Phone 38
H. A M. BloA
"““tstrssifr* "•
The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
snnisi^ Begin the
New Century
Miw jlfw Bewseecl.
Miaa Nettie C. Gray ha* reamed
from Orbad Ba|dda. where the
A 'skv
tendrd Ibe State Tcooben' AMMia- ipCaA
dll liMm aad aiiatamam. Urn sial >o«el
tioD, afterward apadiag a few daya
inOacUlUc. Darina tlie meeting abe
JAS. O. JOHNBoV Draggirt
SchobU. Tbe pMitiCB it cme of oonaidmhle impartaaoe, aad aeveral
meoH^ ate held daring the year.
Mila Gray will leave today fox
loBBlag lo-attand tbe tret neeciag
of the eoatiainee.
By trading where you get the best of goods, best of
prices and best of treatment. These are wonderful trading
days, and this the greatest ot trading centers.
to I o’clock. OalyUei
Blanket Daya
DontBe Footeoi
Wamn's SUpt>m M rciar pn pr
in a Bashgt
Commendog Monday momiog and continuing
all week, we are going to put up, all in e basket, the
foUowuig articles, all to ^ at the price of $1.50.
K ■
wAMb thy baan fall of atroBfftb BBd la Sm warn air <d nngceiiality. CdiAdmire hinda its parta toge*lMr aod it
tbo cxibenre |uwer td iu aatare. while
Suoagb every ffbec.' ll ia aa
and U indlgoMBi to'aU laaA. !h
mostbaaniKnlftowetaapoo daring tba
Bight, and. while a ptreBnial bkxaas.
Bit nKM fragrant in winter. Time
emtaot wither or deatroy it; age bot
OtraafttaeBa and developa.—C & neU.
a Waot’ Tntb
A w« of frlMda wUl Joia la
25 lbs H Best Flour......$ .^5
6 lbs Granulated Susar- .25
I lb Coffee........................... 15
1 sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket................ ^.............. 05
Thh tsa so^ and will postivdy go off sale io
one week. - /
All goods guaranteed, or npiiqf back. -- /
EtrtHTHse €rocErr
Are these latter days--Must k^p
NS'arm if eveything else is forgotten.
Great big. lleecy blankets—the look
warm and feet warm kind — made in
white, red and gray—Prices from $3.35
to $10 the pair. Got a splendid Uanket that sells from 50c to $i.jothe pair.
Bound to please you-
Party Season
And you’ll need an extra dress
shirt Your wife may invite some
friends Ia or jrou’U want to make a call
—All your shirts are “in the wash.”
’ The finest Dress Shirt sells (or $1.50—
Got another qdendid shirt ai^ it sells
(or $i4ia Bay some now and have
Dress ’em Warm
What Ainmt Stoves
- -Those boy's of yours — They’ll
live longer and make yoiT bappiOr.
Boy's Blue Cbiocbilla Reefers sdl at
$3> $A $5. $6 and i$7>So; Brown Reef*
ers $4.50; handaomeTan Colored Reef
ers: $7.50. These are Reefers thii will
stand all the rough usage a growing
boy can give it. Buy one and prove H.
Don’t yon want an extra one for
dut room or a larger one for some
other room? Ever own ao AirT^t
Stove? They sell from $3-;so to $&oo;
Round Heaters. 00 finer line ahoirn.
tell from $11.50 to $24, aod tbey give
tbe best of sadsfredoo, See how it
teems to be fully
A splendid stock to select from.
A plain hand lamp (or 35c; a large size
for SQc; a fine decorated lamp widi
shade and base to match, aelb from 85c
up: handsome parlor toaspafroBiiyirri
The finest lamps exhibited sellfrom $6.50 to $8joo aod $oax>.
Sawiie Manliiiie
«e are meemnes and
and macfainctThere
we warrmot die White_____,
aad when you pay^ tor oae yM I
maohine made.^
o£cr ‘styk
atylea at
VS DEnumsifT
StMBd ttte Mb teBnpte awBBt
.BM tan tea
MMtelteM^ iteteiTliBwiatirf
MB tete teBteM
What we are Closing Out.
m ank teBMititeteii .1 mifti.Botte
ter. with a «>• Um fm
Ita. Mb T. flahwhate «« KU-
«BhteB >tBKM ter tette by «klb.
IdBf B Mt <4 tmt tBMh ate tea «te
jxrfMtty fm*a aad w«re Mte
» Ma. Bare may te
»Mt. toflU bT.
of-MBH MBBtmttefar.
BteTBcmtby tee kMOfter bb»l^lteWBlBBcfftteABB.
bI cm and to mtUtj the iiiiliii*a
blB tote MBethiBg aorri. Itey
>•» Mte Wite B MMMB teUt BBd
15 kjmfi^jiaoMBmMiiB
t)B wUlc riMnc tB tmt of
Onor iB ter lUtU work teop
OwlBTr PWBBt, <B* of tte rmafc
ByBf«r*«teti<( 8t. UbIb 1b IH*
Hare I not hidden yea beware
te B trip BP tte KteBBri rtrer Bad
________ - owwed with bBrasete,
iB ISIS looted Bt tte {BMBBtt ^ 0( ahelhand waadi that the crigiMl ootSioBT'Cl^. dtod at BioBxOl^ Sotte’ Une b MtliBly kM to trie*, and htre
imr, B«Bd 74 yBBTB PeeBBt. b* ote «< and tee a dcNifct Mrip. tranMorBed
ttelMB(>ttlBrB,l»]AtBd>y tte «• ten a ficati^ tatcor of tte deep Into a
my^P« cat
To tte Tazteyets of tte City of T»vdiBdBWtellIthyMBB.
Wtai 1
The tax rolls for tte aoUeetioo of
tee Mau and oouty Mzu for tte
Pteite lllBia. BT«n B «BtelB(MB AaartlelelaapBrtodlealcallti----- yaar'
IBOO. ud to tte deUaqnent
ocrmpoadat. TUalaMBd te sadar tlM to tte d«rai cf M. B—l^bbSM MBoludcity taxes ud apacial astte AmriBBB. Am Bad .^Ib tte MBtyle-aa that uoM ooraUd by all MMBuu to mid year hero been
terted to oae It d tte Bidiar B oaal- WOBM. oatreakiBg. at lu« ao farai piaeed in By teadt to eollaetloe.
1 will bab myoffioetoteoeiromld
Mte W«M la ID KBCitob l>rBUlr bIh. la to tBorry tte «■
taaea from wow antil Fefanazy I
MB« UBte of Wijtnalnatrr.
1808. ca each week day bom 8
In extCBt, b healthy, aad. It- b be. Made keek U tte old qtMry. DoeoDega o'elote to M «la tte toucoa and
intepaette BBrty oreBiDp {artat
Ui Baa. Uered. wiU make an admlmble Mu
boa 1 o'clock aatlt 4 e’elote in the
▲teal 8 o'clote -iB tte amli« te
tte prodeeted eMtksi. ThW^
___^sei locks and elothhic! It . ,
BBMBltod by tteoe aadced atfo, bad waa owaed by
-----blr te uawtsd that te <la Iten
wte threw B blaatet orer Ua.teBd. ■atitea of Oaaa. who, tte offlclala _jyteno dtenita. {BHpahHi “Tiewa*'
On all aaU and eooaty taxes paid
hla iBtp •ay. will Ure in afloeBoe na n raanlt npcwlte matta’, hat the. pindple that
iBBbtryBidBadriflBd hla nooteta
a WOBU, te mate tte man at tm a^
reoelred from Detroit oaaets aad of dSO. He did Bot teeorer fraa tte of tte Mle.
tedcB papen waU that: Mber.
anpald Junary lOte. tese will ‘be
from Use ear abopa of tte Pare Karla tlB« to aeo Ob dine- able tala. fi« aad dirt made Ohibt. _________both look bM dwaa Jnai as oharged a fee «f 4 per cent to .eolqaeiie at SairlBaw. it D aadarstood tfoB tBkea by tte footpadi.
waUasteetaabaaimiBl Mrs May
BBB week aa aril maBory for Bng- ~ ' BawaU tecaetf woolda't dreem leetiee. Peaalty cm daliaqaut rity
that tha Pen MarqDMte tBilvay 00mud aebool tazM and qncial ameaaa ttere U b ki«o dteth bnd. and depnaalng glocM. In tbcr4 oeoU on each dollar of tte
taay La. deflaiieiy decided to eeaaoloagh termony with tte wcate, ymr-s buoet. Ite dgy c' tte bhM
t of ■ •
Uate the ear ahopa of tte retire lya•toekiDgadaBd
thkkBmhceUaednfonBMb and msore theB to Utnad Bapare
- of BOthlBK ao
The 8 year old eoa of Mra Ray- oertBln to ^re laatBiit reUef-Ba One U out of Joint and tte pobUc b biturly dicaatlag eritleliB of tte BritBMBd Thierrey of Dollar Bay. Hoochiihanay.
BMI ooBBty. baa baea kidDapped fa BBdlBBftmblM
BdBlu. PbuWUle Omt Britain U tied hud
RGMlu tbeaiete.
ttebope.of aeewtac a tanaoB.
.BOttotBkB P. O. TteaqaiB.
and foot to Sonth Africa, the bbt^^
The tBB* of BnteUn'a Arn'lea
U teUered tte boy waa takes by
Herar Da Hbb, b ookrod
white b not (Maptag tte ware of Saba, as tte bast In the world, exwell known ehsiBctar In tte eojn
a «"—-*« of tte edoBty hoBte, eritieiiB. U qnlctly tDcieaaiag iU tands Tooad tte earth. It 's tte ooe
w«toB. BBd the ateelt. with b Isrse
haalar of Oau, Oetna Bnna,
elBlBU to te IU yean old. ■
atrength and morale. ForemoBtte pMeat
pone of IndlcBBot eiOaesa, U aeodrEntbaa 8<M. Bealds, BeiU. Dlceri.
walkMlatotte <dty VodaeodBy
both men ud ahlpi hare .ban kept PeloM. Aetea. Paiaa mad all Bfcla cietT. and Charlet H. McMtcteel —
tac tte ooontiy hoplii« to oatch hW
la u naaaoal aMte of readlaeu ud ~ Uooa Only InlaUlble Pile care, J. nV ZlBser. Em: '
faafere te gtU away beyood tte ataU
Yon are tetehy notified ttet u asat Jaa. Q. Joham't ud a
•Jte Ml to there are now boildlng in Britbh
^ line. IttothOBCtatteU hndiac for
dt 'a drag Mona
they can: yards no fepwr tten elerea katUe) Oanada
M Thaw
nineteen mnisera and toutaen
Atltteu. K. Y.. Prof. Moaai
At Detroit LobU ORtalBTeltB. a _ -u inpBiBtioa »te» dinata
ndsryof ]ot l.bloe
Tyler of tte chair of hbBty tn Conell
peddler, waa atradt by a Oraad Tmik -)t—- of food, Bod that la Kodol
Ttaratse Cilr.
Essity, rice pteMdut of the Aatrain at a oonlBc. Be waa Btrowa
esM with a six j
white hare been tried bot ore anfin*
a Historical BseoelatiaB ud to
■ fraa hte wiMNo Bta landed on hU
r years a profeasor la the Ualrertewd fifty feet away, coatalnlnc InMieet: tbOMe raulag north from
Aboot ioat Btetei aco. R. O. Dmjarlea from wbleh te died a few
Bid point with a nine Inch pipe to
KaUMkB laopoae- to do aane'.boBt- ton a Mloankaepar. of Dcaota. IlL. UlBom of three weeks
hoon Uter at Onee hoapital.
cuBect with the uwer already ocoameted at a point aboot 60 feet north
Mta. H. Weed of Kilea. wants d&.- Uap the eoDlBK tsatexy and aa a Bet hU death aa a malt, it was
of the north line ol tte alley between
mo from toe cUr for daaacea aai- •tarter tte lo«pl baaineaa B«e hare tearged, of being tnltiatad into a
Tte old idea that tte body------ Bute ud Washington alreet.. Tte
talned by falUmt oo an alle«ed tlefec- orRBDlaad an imiaoTeaiaat aaaoeia- eeeiel order known q^tte BnighU of thaae needs a powerfaU drastic, pnrpoto of mid btoral
tloo to^ceeiote tte inttraBta of tte' the Boyal Arte. fe. Deaeon faai
ti«e aldewalfc.
sewer tte........................
lo|cltilira. Aart Sebllder. aited BO yeara,
City. blcKk ».
Dunt at tl.WO.
farbiany ye«n a nwident of Urand
1 City, tee west
BapItU. altrtidi.d tte- llilrd lefomed
the ayatem ud ' * " ________ __ ____________
all__of .lot
>t 16.
do beiel
lerete Ut^ core ConstipaUon and SItk blt^^ll. Qfiginsl 1^1
We. tee <
ehnreb eanday Boning to tear a
a 80Only tSo at Jaa O. Jcdin_...torefBBdtee me
•BBon by her ton. Heary Sehllder.
tad 8y- acB'a ud S. £. Wait's dng aterea
eant bolile V Oteue'a
who la a atadenl In the weMrn Tteo» year
-----------------------npofTar If it faib .
ported to tee rity eoanril 1
Icwteal aeBtliBiT. On her way home,
Dr. Jnitns O'Hsge. health eommU uce with the eitr charter 1
ungfaoroold. We atao
S&HMBt boWe to law aatiafactory
ieoerofSL Pul. has iaaned atrin
the droned dead ol
ting of the lud it. early nse i*erei
endera against tte
At tte biennial
Tte eoancil ud board of qieeial asd
Hlrhlgan State Game and Plah Pro________________
eltyof Wincu, where Wo
Jaa O. '
jemora will meet on Junary :. IBOI.
Maallpex are mid to exist
leetire teagoe at tenalnc. on Jaan-;
UMoMi, rnddliqi nine
at 8 o'clook p m.. to tee pnipom of
gto remore’ u apple
tewing mid apeetal
ary 0 and M a|iu>lted effort will
! nUea’eonlhweat oTOrand Ba|d<U. U
white had lodged in tee throat of
An/peroM Interested in the chore
made l^-amend tte game lawa •> •» I im«id. She tea all her faonlfwjMir btaA.MaaUileBUi
eploable eow. Maroaa Fetn
te loeeem tte total eitteoHon of the;
^ mentally la bright and weU
^ „__ totue to
VaUey. Pn.. had hb
deer la MloUlgan. which blda lair to
g,^ ,, *tadnally falUag.
mesBut eboaldnot be levied ud coleolad ud mid board of review thall
. enaneaooB If tte ainnghier of the 1 ^
Ufe will right arm ao tedly teewed that it
l£>lto worst hare power to adJaM tte mme ud
had to be BBpntated. Tte eow waa
pact aneon la repeated many tlmee. j ^ ^ ,*oloocwi iMny more bobBu.
tte aetieo of mid board is relation
• Dr. WB.LooBa.a:ptoiniaing yo«Bgt,,^l^^^„^
, lm,ny piBive as he rratead into ter moatfa
thereto shall be final.
to take oot the apple, bat “■— *■*
physician of Ann Arbor tea lefI
loocerity. Her
Dated this flatb day of Deoember.
remore bU
2!d^'*OoKe nui y^anleed
natuleed care to
the PhUlppMe Iriandafor the porpoae I
^ ^ „C
iT Throat aad Lnag
■■ AIbcb W, Rieketd. City clerk
of (Wtertng npon tte jBaetloe of lua]
^ .... snapped.ter teeth In It
IlW-eodfcp 1-T.
finally battared into letting go. Pet TObSTtrtSd it
nrafoMloti at Manila. Or. Loomia | ?**
bottles coiad ti
er ntoly Wtadjodeati^^
/ waagBdaated from tlie medloal
^^^*tUael Salre. It
lartmenlof ibeUnirerally of Mich- nUerea at «MB aM enree pilea. aerea
Oarm dbsy apelU. _ t^
. Igan with tte rUaa of 18BS.
| ooBeaia and ^ di-aaea Beware of
Trial bottlea Ifie.__________
Tte Bowing well which waa etmck, Imitartona T. C.
OecMoal l^ae Khu MofakaaB
at Bo*etaCitT by the men who weri>: Althoagfa Petoteey boasU of being Ask your drogfibt________
Dowlet tte new Peralu Binistar
dxilUng foe water for fire i»ot««oo 1 eitr. the etlnga to her TlUage tehBUY YOUB JACBBT now. tee oor tebcoutry. to a .prime farorite In
If yoa hare t
la maalBg all klnda of troaUe. Tte lU. The street llghu are tnniad
ad^^ oar sriadow. Tte Boston WaahlagtoB alxaady. tte ganeial to
fiew la too ^t for the aix-'lneh pipe ant at 11 p B. and any beMtad way
not yet 40 yean ofd. hudecue. rich
wfiileh waa pot ijown. and 4te watar (arar abrcad after that boor has to
write tte insBrande for yoa. and will
eanwapaUarooBdtte plpr and la CTO|» hia way boaa u teat te «u la
giro yoa prompt and oarefal atten«B 'It tel it' will eome an
tte rielnlty. The fioar Bill ItedBknasa
A DsM Mrcuar“SlyOw it rallahto Mbok loear
of Lewla Bmdcr dk'son haa ■
It to a my limy why wcuu udara
■lied to saape
saapend opeiatlons bMaaae
SUCH SLaUOHTBR pricea ware
the arater has flooded the I
neret before Bade on met fine
ud engine .
bekaU ud ladim' aaia Bead <mr
OoMidera here lestod mneh lud
We. tte andmigaed. hare known
iBBedlatelT antroanding Dnnmd.
Tr*tferae City
bWMB OltW*_______
'. J. Cheney to the p
anil.wiU eommenoe iwoapectlng tor '.
Ttero li s .lending qnanri of years
between Mu.te.ter and IJrerpoe! M me an I'noald not dram myaeU. bet
Bmt BBch coal lies beafath the: ______.
Mrially nbls
sbla to aaiy
cany aM
oat any
may obligaobte
hirb to mure toporuni. Tte Her- neotrie Bitws whoUr eared au,
and. althoagb 78 yeanold, I now am
carth'f aaiber in test rlriniiy
able M do
o alt
say boaaaworl
bcaaew^;^' It
fia dork area. Hanebreur rMerb wttb
It iatei'eai in the cat
SJXd’SfftUS. 'Ll'.
Fire Insurance
a Chttarh Cue b Mkcp tnr. aeting dlm» apn ^
-f- - .
____ I u«w« ud maeoa aaitaeaa of tte
J T-lt. Tte^car^ab baa rec(Btly '„mB.. Pricea, 71c pm bottle.
LMtelttBa^bank4>. the,ntaeai ^ldby all draggbta teMhaealah
E. JSawB-a aad
WaU'e dr«c atoraa
Ftae cfiU fllUarfit am |b4
Mice aad porceltlfi work. All
vfirt rnuBBteed sstlsiictMT.
Du I
ib dlffenat kicaUtiM to mto on may
Mtma Abo maecy. to lau oo real
aeUpethatof tte othtf featare* of|CItnAnM tntfirly^bpy Ifi th*
tee show.
MOM l1Blall^^ eaariteji^
Eresy small boy In Ksfifinnee «»T
' ' '
owaa a dog large enoa^ to draw a
alad b hasT jaM BOW I«aparing to
8uh Uttie pUU ae DeWltt's
tea auaal -dog derby", which b
Early Bisen aae^ ^
ran In Utsi rity on New Tmr’a IMy.
The laoa b u ^t mgarly loaked
; vbeo
C. ThiMinu____________
toward to 'by tte yoengston. and
Qompai^ viUi oer apidAl
tte older folks, too, take ocbsUm. able laUcaH In it Aboat fifty boya
er'a warronted dothiag that
hare uterad (heir decs and tea Wb«• bowAtfit saolkBjMy ta-
He tfix dtfise iBserted^ aMtp
. K. MoM4k8MAMA
-r-iJk'S?; OttoBfaiHamUMa^MilUku Block.
doMMd by a local marchut -The
. ooarse for tte race b a Mx-Uoek
In^ aaatte dnwa the city's Main
toratPMoteay, dnw •»» from tee
tow oZbBk Tfiloe. Waofcr
!bB Mofiiw Sxoaa.
iFire Insurance
John R. Santo
For ages 3.4. 5. 6. 7 and 8 yearapricesfrom $1.60 to $3.00-pricea
'• .put in two. teme <.f them hav. ex
tra vests-ONE-HALF OFF._______
One Cot Tine fiodds
'Beautiful patterns-new this season
Sold all the season for from $3.60
to $4.60-rive to seven years.
One Cot
(gild’s eape Ooerceatfi
Former prices $2.25 to $3.50—AU
go at $1.50.
One Cot
Boy's Reefers
•Former priep $1.50, now $ 1.00Ages 4 to lO years. Come quick.
Jill Child's Reefers
- The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per cent, discount.
Co Beys' and
Children's Ulsters
.................. at 25 per cent, disoount.
Cot Boy*$ nice Ooerceats
16 to 18 years; marked, from 25 to
50 per cent. off.
Beys' Fancy Oleel Uests
Ages 9 to 1 1 -former price $1.76.
now 75c.
JIf the
Pre^Jnventoiy Sale
One Dollar will bU^
56 in. Venetian that Was S1.50*
The colors are ijray. brown, tan. cadet blue and
SO in. Whip Cord that was $1.35
SO in. Broadhead WorstM that was $1.35.
53 in. Cheviots in blue, brown and green.
56 in. Rainy Day Skirting, gray, brown. pWd.
checks and mixtures.
56 in. Homespuns in gray, blue ahd brovrn.
This is DO cheap out of date staff,, but the very
finest quality of plain staple goods, such as suits
and dresses are nOw made from.
Greatest Values
Ever Ottered
You will find them on first ubie in center of
store. Come and look them over.
deavf Ovaking
Jlnd Suitings
56 in. Kersey in un. blue, cardinal wine and
Waefe, the $2.50 and $2.75 quality for.......... $1^
The $.^.50 quality now.................. ...................a.50
HeaN-y Chenots. Jilfick and Woe. for dditfi.
cloaks or boys’ overcoats and reefers, the
. S3.50 quality for................................................. *J5
56 in. wide and the best goods ever thowa
fo; this price.
Oxtord Graf Skirting
... onW .
left in tiiM-ie.^
^n t watt Dll Its all gooe 3>i yards will
make you a skirt.
BugnlMdlthroogh the Bore. We 6nd odd lot.
ud broken lines in every deinrtoieet, so on nulWr
wh.t you WMt in our Une there is . bu,.iu wutuc lor
you. Ask us to shosr you the soups.
Visit our aouk Ueputtneut. Souk very sp^
piKOS there these d.ys-
[**J6 »
rt iitif Bt.’
100 tern HoKe. -
klkeOiaviriNrfifUifetten. ilatkelMTsafMrGrutfckBAm
EMtMfer »M M Ike wfU bo(4
OUT eco eod ti» ICliriMlFf4 nJhj, MWeUMtegalfatateaaBd mil
b«7e»l tbe Bockie*. VMpeopM wUh
ImdtHi, S^Bimrdiv^TkMh. mod
kqiilMof it«UMppo«dto br
Bf Mo ihe ap-tti-dmle vfilmffe
city oeatetwiem will be ^hnaUfal
bmlhUap. each tttth a tom
qslcUyredaoe Che dead to a.
Tlw Urto wUl be healthier for 00
doi^. for the emrth wiU aoi be palmoaed by iafecdlm The aahee of the
lAed wa reowlB io the orma
vit^w fa7l«tv>tema4pBbUew^ mod placed aaeoair t^ fmaUIy bolrnd tfw towm p—p it^m rtvml ict
Ibm !•*«»> mm m •Mbmriw
COOidiM. Item win m mrtUelml
. iMmam tor Uftimc wmtor mbvrr it» elected for life or Robd befaaTior.
, lorri for diotAbrndoa. WmMr wmm wlU aot be eotapelled to bow to the
io the form of
tbo MI7 P0WW ootmhi* of mmaot* for
■WTiof ■mrt.lnory.
died hrfote Ikwe^ne
m iron or fleet Mdce is eiiMonee.
Be fceded ibe rirerm mroosd PbUmdel9hlm OS iMMe teok. Be famd'7s9|
fowU will be Imisored is
fftaoi *ls liU wtadnra. m*d Berco: plsmmte nd flemb. mad is the ri«Id $f
owwd mBnmmete or WiltoD a
4Dtm, Wild blrdm will hmre |m«ilaliy dtepiemnKl throdch the ekagW
ler for hmt orsmsMaW^ the wm
am of the mmmll Gof. The e|amrw
Bimr rmmin, the mole telio of m fordosMeteReMjOsem,.
Bier onsieroa* bird life.
m bmbw feme!
ST Umt he
r---------- . Win
tridgadf Bow^ The die Of f------W^ereaen) and imiaoTed la fona
•emnemed' eomtlr.
The monb asd moasiml
emrrfed is m snrd^~bX'^
mrill hare praeUoaUy diaiiptared. The
MMt of MpportiDK a icood asllaal will
Oeouti Is the rriiudpel city aot be snatar tbas to kw a poor
ftiBBtm were eleppisc iUbm mlMBt m
footmpmrttfami iiedaotriaam miitht be
The mptiMl of horeem wUI be taksft oat of the aare. mod theme
eteaem ca m ninr dmy ommied freqaent rmaaod; oowm will (tire ftaore aad
bettor laiik. The borine tribe will
Iwre beeoBM>
laaetieally ^extinct
kaefi their feet oat of the aed.
ezeept anfal rarietiem whlelt awy be
Bth7 TBlaelial hcmme is the clli
smtitaled. Soakem wiU hare
d its itettar. mleetiiiff fmr bojroad
the roof aad etartlnf m Mwrest id
wmMr down iato the rntroet. Tlie
wtadewm worm aUed
decldtMl mod distiaet is >000 at it'aow
is, asd eery aieeh atame boaisees mrtll
opes to the isflaesoe of tviraie
h la the aodeca wa
ladiriduU. mach at the aatioeal
me |d«ol e toat or two malU are aow tarried by {Birale
ooatiaM wider the reatzaiat of op<-s
' 'JZt
la 1000 Kew York ehoatd hare
popaUt&n of 10.000.000. 9hiea«o.
e Ushtaias rod. aor aboot i>,aao.oo«. Ptailadeltdiia. m,
oewmre, aor (Imeewmie. 000.000. Bwtoi. St. UiaU aad Balli
, laore each O.OOO.OOQ. CiaelaBali.
t aor alatoaaB ware, 1“°' j BoBale. Clerytaad. Kew Orlrnat and
oor rilrerwBle is asy >>■' Pittaboii. KUD.OOO each, and Detrail.
the walttplled form, ksows Uilwmofcce. 8t Pkal aad MinarapoUt. I.na,ai>. is that day a pnpmUtios of U0.000 or 1.000.000 will be
rr r
n.1 o. I««
War will be robbed of it« frtutilineea. for. aoeordioc to Teal^ ntacJiloetwlll do the fiphtioft of (be
ifntofe' aad nuisio sU the
kaookt. their humas
Oae haadred years a«a pocket |dek-1
iai^WM a eapltal offeare where may-! ,1,1 ««„e to be rntre duel. betVees
ihiBk wtetll, wore thas a Alllinil lastowabiio. and broken metal will
waatakma. for whleh the offeader.
oatsaltr lUi. intuad of
ooaU bm aeamoed to daatb in Eas-’ brakfn bonea
Uad. and hs Um- (Tnilod Statem there.
were aeretaldowmwpitol offend ; Many isx>|iomitiont for the mimpUaThere wan se bed epriiijrr
aordc w4re amod to eoppon
"liekm" atslfed with etraw. Iiay. s
a« hemJrMf^d^tllT a eonnil ^
their ehamp-
^ to hrad a !
of‘S??’i,^"' 'rt 0!?
newMfta. lo that, lailer case
I. bon,.
i laied coourrie* in tlie old world.
. There were ao milismry rtore*.
I Brok..., ..1 U.I.
adchl Ue
oree aatU Ihe sprias'
if not on t:> emntt
witbonl Ibe meat
•epatstr kitchen tes
toor permooi
Praple . la Kew Ymtt aad otb
a of raoUBK all dwelloiUsa tmad mpwi aaywhere from . - Public
wmAtothrramemtheoMia a
i *»«•»*> •««b»w “d’"smlsy them in
I winter, of irripailiik arid Uadm. of
letter rawrimt
Itower. isiplnaeau 1
isiswriem. wiU
WiU ta
peeat of today. Oaaetry
V ezimt: the capital tnre
ylad to hare a weekly t» mmi-mreekly
^ od in which will be a cooror' id pridetrend tiwoaah the aadlt
rale ineome to the indlridnaU, while
or to sfter It warn (minted.
the mode of oee aad rate of oe
Ahaadiady«aria«ollw war with*««* ft"
shnll lanrelr he stale
Fiaaee. fonght on tla- sm. warn ai<n<'^o*'
topic of raorenaUen and Or------ *—
The perfeeted air mhipe 1* oae of
.......... .................... ........... ...................... , the certalnUma.of the ncas' fniare.
talaa. The fnaebam of the wooden ; Before >000 the aattoam will be rntraKahipi, the cloaeaem of the arlioem,, gling for sn|peaBcy in nariem in the
tbedniing of the baaxden and tbejalr. lattrad of on water. The Mg.
eSsctlTceras of Ihe Aateritan bnlj I ocunbersone tattleahiia of today on
■hoiB were fmatuea of the fighting to ■ whleh the world ia ajoandering
glory orer.
.1 nabi-r will hare dimppeared.
Mr. aod Mrs. Angast
have mtaraed from a abort wedding, to borne erf Mr. ud Mra. A. .
■ MiU take ap toir abode in! Fiitoy. 6U Webstar street.
, — ——
J ............... a
• I to.eoclelles lo the dtr will 1
hie duties la the H.
' acto FimM.'E. ehudi tat
8.0. De«»
____ ____ ________
•nMtrftoBoQm. lafi few Lanttog Birdmye View of Mi-iOBary Work
Throogfaoat the World."
H«-tllc CoMa paMday by to wrlOBt illato >«ertay eeeeivH a ctalimd erf aa»r
; tram BoUaad.
a IL Hewn of to Word has 1*;^ toctirti of to
ettyaeteofo who was enrapelted by
----- ta lataiB tram to State
. Bi.^ r. Bnk at MolUe.
I Bet's Biitm
f—SLM. MnrSI I
Ibe Boys Bead trill have tbair masat Kaw Year s dinner at to Ftak
Plaee ibis evMUng.
The posuflee will be open this
MlBg from 7 MU « and trosa <
to > ia the aftmoaB. A moraing
deUvety wOl ha asade by to aarriars.
There will ha a lipaaial eomedave of
Vawwm City OnmndRyHa 41,
win b
win also be topeetmit ky 1
to B. D. Wbeeto, of- Maalte, who
eoamm as a mammrtatfra^ ths
Onto Osmaaadscy.
Thsmlormaef J. W. JIUlikaa md |
tfaeBanitea<lloiUi«OeL win mloee ,
today at Bocm to the 1
fast at If e’etok Tt
tUa ia to kamn- UiaritmdaU
talniad laafea-1
l>H«)y aad (aoqaxns SmSte. aad
toa e^i idiji »nem
laoraliig. tha Beoord hoys will nil ,
mdsnkip of; to gbM ia tara eziamsaad to nna
epoa nek dty makanlber today ]
aaaaTiahtelwishi^hehallof to Into nmbna
ato omamal their jgetty
Isitably ^ ato the etbm preent. This was a
for to am eentary aad wifh each , rnsBatad cm tUi oeeasioa.
«<«7 P«*ty iaaagantieB of to amw
ato aU a Happy Kew Tear. Oormes had famea laid ter k» gents, ynrsad to atgniScaaoe of it was
The rmgalar meetiag of, T
City Chi^ 1
I 8nr '
' Uf>bi a—ml k^a.rk
held this •tmelag.
serred aftar to______________..
T. A. Gcaloe. kpaei^ ageat of to
Mntaal Life has Jan imadad Mr*.
Laciada Kewbeciy a ofasok for
iiMaymeBtof a AODO pMUy. The
ooniw has paid the prmnlans <»
the plilley for t)B Ito thrme years.
Zhe rarloea match memtiags in to
difffrmnt obarehn wne earriad oat
last nii^t aocordlag |« the (wograma
into Bwiord.
AU^ tom wore well atl
lU»i|rroU0Bal aerrimat
to «ld year aad to <
Teeaa TVawxnCtv Mnmamr.
to pngiw SBtll TBoaBt plaen oeald
bm laoridsd. This
aad tbnm
thing rmaaltiDg rny h^gdly.
Exalted Baler Baato pemsidad aad
opsoedto pragma with a tmw ap-
Dsvid McMeekea, oee of to Oon-|
paayILBeya.anirmd iato city last I__________________________
Manistn. with hi. i
bride, fortorly Kiss Blaacke Hooker
ton g
of this dty. Their amrriage. which —- *■•**
eeearimd ia Msitistee Satarday, tm
a mupsise to aome cd toir trieada in
thiseity. Some of Mr. HeHooke«-s
H. Pratt, mrfao
to fair I eomtadof of Oompasy M met him aad
gnesta of to lodge is eloqaaat tame
aad oatUomd the ohleeu of the orla elasiac bo dralarmd tot no which a boat of friends of lioth will
lodge eoald Uro witoat to
IP of joinheanilr.
approval of to notots, an
ntm aad fwmolknm oftonombon:
Seronteen of the Meads of Rasa
asd this aoeial aeoMoe. bo nid. would
eoerey aa iatalUgeet idn of the earn- Veigand met at hU home last eraaWefts r •r
a Mipua.
tarns sad aonttmeai ofthe npnin- Ing sad wntohod to new ynr in with
It i. -sol g
there ate eac sun. fAniM. in Mafia tioD. aad ia oeaielnMoa Mr. Pratt hto A fine time was had. The fol^><r ladiridiials aad paid a brlUiaat Mbalm to to Udto. i^wlag Idll of fare was disposed of;
M6q>rtl Oy«l.
UpOBIthe cion of Mr. Fran's sdwbiebare literally worth a kteg'i nn- dren to ertoatta stra^ np to Lr»nnu.a
Hilne rmm
•oa. Ill all to w«M there i. no mere
>aad tokaBtinetPamtOInlV
Itoe Ptr
famaa* pearl than toTavoniltr, aow la
K.y W.-rt Hanto
the pcmewimi of the shah of Persia.
This remarkable gem caai^ ibis eartOrftffv
arti king by deacoit aad is a gennlnely
The T. M. T.
Olive. ■
ratuirkable rniicMity. Il dsirea its
eWd TnHcey .
CoU Bom
nattM-from having ben sold by Ibe trav
- PlehM Itob'. Tnrme
fnl manner/laR et
eler Tavorniet >DV man ago to to tbn
f Mr. a^Uis. (
rnler of P
he pr»te iben was
Ircd 8hffBn
n-freshmenls ^ v
r worth am than
tot Bt-ensev.
nes Mere played, mnsie was
Immodlatoly npoB
eastern king, the i*..
to fsast Tinw“ j
■ *<rr ane rime indulged
worth >106,000. weighing IS>foarmta
Tbniogh il to daylight can bo ton. to time-honotM castom of drinking
are a
Prioows Yotuuapctf'e&Dert gets iswooydeth. nice wir
drefolly boantifoL Valnrd at <1MI,000. Brothers, "aad all arose and shared , Ooidci
shnUeew- in tbe.expreasion of tbu tender seuti- k^nnt II Tea. Adkyoor druggist.
lilip IV of
bpain. Eighty lbea«i»l dollars ii to -One of the moat oniqne,
r, apiBotoale BEFU
figoretol it isapptoimiled to pcqw’s and original featnm of ib
f ihc^.f'VraiDg
pearl woeld briug. One of Leo's
the electric eSeets piWed by
enton became pomceecd of It ia a maoipbell
nerwMch has not been lold. and it has
ia rtgnlar oooree to the
«tu inrombont of 8r. PAer’s thrcBo.
MS a frame^toaring the figures, |
LotChHd’s "
Tbis. M far n is known, oxbaiists to
in red. white and bine;
list of truly celebrsled pearls. Therm electric Inot^deerent btribo. During
Winter Suits
the early Un of the evening l«th
T.IOB la cxiraiinimiiiy. xoma
Forikpi^ :i. 4. 6. n. ; and'ti
neetbera are made tip gndoally. pearl were abowh, bnt as soon a. the lionr
veare—|inees from fl..V> to gt—
after pearl being added to the eet. asd of Is o'clock was lamed the -IW
print, eat in two. tinme of
tlieni liav.: loittn vemfs—<>NK
laading >ewekn are raoscautly oo'-tbe snuBZftngoiahed and "IVOr'shosm
OFF. HamlKou ClotJiloukonl to prorate gmii. of like rarity opt brilUaolly, a beantifnl evfiletiev
to extend Ibe chain. On to whole, pink Of the dawning of tlie new eeninrr.
peark are nut npecialIgTaliiable. black
The progiBin
cues bringing far higher ]wuies. 'and ceived and contained features which
peark that are yrbite hruig moghi next bore the im(wess of professioasl lal
after tom. Qeto.Vi(-toria of Ijiglaad
All of to en
has a nerklaoe of pin pearls tbat^U
rse City (teoiUe. and it is eredi
worth gHO.OOO, and to dirwager <mWednesday Evening
(cess of Gormanyono made of 3 J peark table to my Uiat no better enimaicment c»nld have been given by irnvi lwhich wonia bring oasHy |12.'i.000.
The Boihirhild wuiurn hare, how ing professionals. And each nambrr
ever. gems of this curt that far etreed
. appboded in
ia relne those of Realty. BaranrasGoa- to the
tivede R-torhild praeosea.ae made Followh
np of five rows of peark. (Ite whole
cbsln being rained at <fO0,000. Bar
oness Adolphe de Botlischild owns a dies'-Fred
HongBliaD Fantasia, d".v ^ afteraoon
Even mote hrilliaui,
Recitation—'' A Pletore on the Bar-, nt p
semi Mtvs. is the necklaee of Ibe dnw•om Floor. "-Mim Beulah Mahan.
Bp«r etupress of Rnarla. Tlw gems.
Vocal aolo-Ctiaa. A. 8k6lcher.
Iiowtmr. are nut qoite as fine as (h(»e
"What I Know Aboot Klks"-Dr.
in tbe.Rolbscfailil eullertioo. The rsiiA. Thompaon.
ket id this royul lady is the mad faViolin sole. Faust Overton—Prof.
moos in (be wuriri from ■ gem puint of
view. Usnlly sevoud to il is that uf a K. Horst.
to etn|icvB« of Anslria. whume.bUek
Banjo Dnet-Mri^^m
-MnL^r Garland and
One Lot
piork ore mted tbnagbiral Earupe fur
their extremu beanty and mrlly.
Child's Cepe Overcoats
Violin and OniurfBelection-HowWliat has Invaae uf to while peoik ard Brothers.
of the Ihupnos BagiWle. *.0d at lbs
Fomier prices
'Ragiimt"•clois> of Ihe Fraueu-Prnimiao yar, has
-.\U go at II .W. Hamilton
I'lojhiog fo.
never been uuwh- knuwu, The value of Chas. A. Bkelcher.
,«I Friday. Jan. a. tren 1
Violin solo. "Bine Belts of Scot
tom was aiime >n«.t»00. pnd they were
; sad Saturday. Jan. 6. mi
tugetber iu a very brantifel land. "-D. W. Stewart.
B<«klare <that fm-nently grared the
Orebestra—"Light Cavalry.'
M.-k Ilf tl
While every nsmber of (lie program
YuA W«14
was greeted with warm applanae.M
Oaa ShkdM and Ok^
Cispbill Bai.
of the oombers are deterring of more
than ordinary mention. The first
somber rendered by Cbas. A. SkelcliLot Bojr'a Nice Ov>rco>ts
rr, a sentimental ballad, was enthn1« to 16 ysBTX. marked from I
ally ngeored and Ur. Bkelcher
t'olora, ‘intiriM telop^ooM for bouw!
>6 to 10 pir c«aL off. Hamil- I
ded with to popular "Handy
whleh was warmly reofived. 1
146 Front Street
His teeead namber. a ragtime selee-'
MT5.isiga'aig~‘ "ag’
One Month Tree!
i 6RASD BAPim IjjPIttA »t.
; Dancing
; ;;;
HuMm I Nertkiutert ft R.'
Mr Wik-«irekie* an amnsing story
ot an o91c«T wko dcsermlscd to eater
Chinese Tibet kg atratagem This oflIbe freotier at
night, and aumca|>id'tbe frontier gnard.
Kelt di^r. bowFvs.
wb<le be "wm Joar•vw.wo'teTwwm
riag deeper
into Xibrl Um Tibetan
ovsxtouk binPHid informed him
of ruhben. they vronW go with him in
ewdor to protect him. to wbicb arrangemeet the traveler war emnpeUed "
agree. In a few boars toy came t
nver. which wm cgnmed by a rope
bridge The Tibetaae pamsd ovsr fliat,
in order to diow ihu the bridge wm
mfe and then to oflSecr got into tha
bBaket and wm palkd alcmg bwto Tibeiana Saddest, bowever. t^ cemed
paUing and left to Englishman bang
ing In mickir above to tnahltM icnest
la vain to traveler ahoated »to
TibettUM to poll Tbt^nMrely
Irfaeto. ~
hang above to
another, aad that fallMl-to atlsfy the
thirst of Um aadleooe for mewe of it.
He responded with "The Bine and
to Gray.-’;
Mrs. C. E. Horst tang the dtm^..
Bobolink" Tnyswmtlybat declined
lo rmapoBd to the very enthosiastlc
on* of the hits of the evening
and they came ob toaeoond time aad
rendered "Home. Sweet Home"^
D.'W. Slesrartato violinist-made
that brought ont spontaniMamn aad re^mnding. be
gave MoetaowMri's Serenata. He was
rteaUedaad plgyed "AaBie iMuzie "
in a style that Inrited
hat he declined to
Ai-t- DwcjoojimTm.
Yon can almajr* gnt lAan
yon n>a ga Efoetric Baaor. I
hiVa t^-fineat atoek oi high
grade, fine tempered Electric
Baion that aw gnaiaataed to
be tbe brat aad aoat wtiafoeiotyaada.
FHeea froai •! to«i.
I Cnaa OeMr Waieb
OffinSOAMMir, «,« « «
Jill Unit »l Office Stpplin
Wseewaaetke I
Imliwmpntia. Pec. 81China** Rulor* Indignant Over
lawn, Dte. U-A miiMtir ca
ilM tha Crii— toidcbt to Mteod.
Demandavf Powera
the waileh meefitK held note the
italndiam^Unotbe nwleoted dar•o^doaa of the Bed Cnma Bialety.
i^ the fOar yenm to eonw ahleoa
COHDATIONS ARE ACCEPTEIT Oomew-oMet DbiMb Mmald die and
* be law faroeaUy dl«»eTbe parreyor
oeMndeo tor Ae opMdw cd the
atw ^ baton
By. WM. Peu ViH* wae faae- Though Formal Dooumant Has
. To Propore for Trial on MarIT
unng * - pwmaiietuitet M the aoeettag. natntieB of
Mot Bean Presanted
ly eombllih klwwU U the law boMohaii Murrior Charga
tteoeatdagwMaodehy Oea. John
qSlMk. A iMglby taagfue
^rm, tateniMd with Toeal
itod for Ue t
Ubtaoky wnaKhedenseA
KOinler. Pope lAo XtH.. i
nw «^at<rta > *
wed heade of Kofope oad *ep
dire tnaa ao^ womea of the <
Shanghai, Dee. St^Yonr oarrewMm
MdlM«MrtA '
dwt leenta on good aalhorily that the QuMtionat laauain Pui
l-a^ to .IMM 1
Bmpemr and Dowager emprew beof West India*
Toiy angry whoi the demwidaof
DMriot, MMi.,.tm. 81-^ la
the powen as contained in their
Plsirrar vW«>«
SHppad Thrpugh tlw lingers Uminaiy note, ware enbwlttei
, mat* tb» mm^mm «( Oteria* T.
dtmi by U Bnwt Ghang'aad Prlnoe
I’paa by j-U
'^tCon. FredO^t
Wriaht. who w»» coorieted in Bmie
Ghing. They “thooght the po-----ooant7 of Utr nordw of Dr. Tbva/r,
Imd taken adrantage of 0»i^'B |
in Airil. lao. to i; rmra Vriaht
eat Mndltion to exact tr'^huniliatlag apMsI V> Tkr HosSac Bmad.
wu Met o|> for life. Tho aovofBor
pwoe. The general opinion
Waablngton. Dee. SI—Thwe appears
w hr the
nlao Kivtm Wrlatit • parolf of tii
unong the Chinese merrimnU U that to be no bitch in the nrgotiatintis for
the transfer of the Danidi West
will gtmtly iBftease the aatl-fmlgn Indies to the United Smtes etm^
feeling and giro an inereawd NoAkt- in regard to dw politicol eiatos to be
Manila. Dee. 81-Oeo. Alejaadriao,
Wrifriii WM indietad «a two dhanna.
tanity^tj^^^secret soeiedea to to- aooordedthe inhabltaBli of the iethe rebel eeanaooder who waffolit'tried
tried only oa the
Iho oa* otn^:
1 onder Anwrioaa rala The i*ice
lowadto Moaat Aatyat by a foroe
Hon. BnDaiaIn Colria haa boa
OM> ogrood on and a namber of
Ota. Tkad Ofant.
MKetic in bri«K of TTrlaM and the
rerbally informed the foreign mlnie- other Important terms arranged to
lat mMniidit bet night
lafole ii alrea
ten of the throne’s aaaent to the de- the wtlMaetldn of both parties, bat
throagfa the ooedoa drawn
UoIrlB nlialt hooose wpoamet iot
remins the qaeetlon of politiaroandble foroee by the Aaerioan
Wriaht while he i« riatHna bii {aa<nl atataa
loet bat a t«w
In anatina U>r 1««le for 'Vriaht
Qeo. FanetcB. will reinforoe Ora nt
OoTomor Piaate* eoaUaded that
with Ire oonpaalee of die TwmtyVriaht tMd bM imfairiT tMted hj
the iH-«riqapm while hr ha« been be Seeend Infantry.
Ob the nordMoet ilopai fta Friday
British Have Not
hind Um- ban and unable to <lefend
Bight UoiiaMtO'SbMof the Foarth
Boer Invasion
of the TweUth
Inbnt^. .with a men. had a itwo
Witnessed by the Elks snd
tha rebel f<
Mar. tON. for It 7MM, for fawy.
IsMeWto flTill«ufor /
Th«Tr Fair Guests
waa Ubmted today ea a fardon by aaderOcL Teoeoa.
■UMatbe laraOera-Oloony
a FnMlaeo. Dec. tl-The tianaUovenior IHnane.
.OaUaek hr Kriilsb.
Grant airirM from Manila today
The aorernor girea rolonloona
, the bodiea of M <dBoera. aol LADIES’
H|>Ttsl la IW MnlDC Bre-aO.
nwaoaa for Miii
dien and cirlllaiia. who died i
Jan. I—The n-ail of ilie
lUBoaa ottMT thl^a. that the (rial
nawgtl. «e Ftailippinee and OMna.
ywr finds tbe Britiab wiUi their
waa aadaly laflawireil by the n
pa|a>ra, that DeKrance had a alrong
Charming Event and Beautiful hands as fail as erer in Sontli Africa.
The OBtlook do«« not;.OBeoiirBge the
alibi and that the |wiaoD aothoriliea
iiope of a apeedy ending of the tmw«e wotUaa hin to dMth.
■amnUy with Kitohoner-s
Othera who were releaaed yeaterday:
that the Boer inradera are
Willla F.Ttaoer. Hilladale. eentenrMost BrilUaal B*sr
steadily poshing footh. both in the
ad in Noreinber. iwn. lo Jaefcaon for
two and one-haif y<«ra for bantUry.' pkW toTheKwhiarBmwd.
• Colamboa, Ohio. Dei 81-OoBgreae^
io* la Two lUUs.
Ijemnel Hwank. regardlUK whom oan latoU today aerred noliee on
In the appeals addrewthe Iwonl of rardana Iwi no record, ao ]ongTe«man-el»et TompUn; that be
The fifth annaei Kew Year's eoolal lanatoal
rreent waa liU oonriction, aeniaopef woald ooateet tto Utter'a seat in •eeeioo of Trarerto City Lodge No. «d to tbe Loyaliau inhabitants of if
in the colony. ineladlngOai*
for nine monthi to looia for laroeny,
883. B. R O. Elks, raerked the dawn
are. amd to^ai
ing of the new eeotary and liaa
Tbomaa U'Brie^ neotetuml to Jarkpawed into local history as the most ttie milltory lorcw' in repelUn/ tb<
aoo for life for abnrder. from Detroit
faritOant social fnnetion in the ble- Invatlon by tbe formation of a paid
tocy of the lodge and one of tlie most defense force., Beaidea thia. there ii
—..--------— in Trareiee City. rirtaaUy no news of too artnal aitaa
tiOD in Cape ColonyMiebael J. Bymea, aent from Moa.
London, Jan. 1—Genoral Kitobener.
ki«o«>. Janaary. 1W». to Maiqnette
l^ksM Coen.
for ttre year* for toanalaafftiler,
than last ni|^t and the faanqaec and in a dittwtob dated at Pretoiia, Dec.
apRSsl ib fhe ascslae SMsea.
81, reports that a amatl inrt of toe
. ,
PrinoeMi.-lad., DeaSI^Tba trial ball was meed by the presenee of' Boera inrading the eastern part of
The gdremor aay* be would iwobmany of Trmrerae Oity’a fair women.
of JomphUeA tor the mnrd
Oape Colony hare broken throogh tl>e
Kora Klfer ta oo in the circait eonrf The attendance of ladies was Urge Britith lines and gone in a sooth
a foil hiatory
he been in p
here. The came was called thle after end inclodf* wires, ewi
. direction. They crowed
of the ease, li a|ipiart that the ahooteleters of memben of tbe lodge
noon and the iniy is being in
tbe railway between langorand Sh«Ing for which Byraca waa
nelleA From the renii* of aisfy. and inrited goceta. There waa also borae. badly damagiw the line.
was in ran accMontaL
t of the
^rtn aooepiBble Jarore hare been
' ^
BertJ. Kigdim. sent frota Kina' second. Many of the Tcnire objected city.
cble. Febraary. IWD. to
Thiiwaathe second ladies-aocial them.
to Imiming the death pnniahment.
The weaten inradera |[Baaed Oartea yeora for bogtUry, pardoned.
The hinring ofyeridenoe is expected
George Uarpenter. sent. from Em
that were poeaible. it waa more eUb- narron and VIciorU.by the west road
met eoaniy. September. IS*, to Jack
otate and encceesfal than Idst year's on tbe monting of December 80. go
ing aoath. They ware closely fol
aa& for tftaen ream for rape, parf^on.
X*W<*B*m'RV,Dt KXOI,AWtl
lowed by OeneraU TharaeycToft and
The prepaiaticoa for the erent
►The following pardons and parole#
at Ibe Mrtk ertbe elaborate. Tbe entrance to the opera Oellale. Very few ooloniata arajota
boose was embelUabed with palms, tog them. _________________
Robert Mehan. sent from Hilladale
draperies and poctien. while matting
Tbe Camarr'e I*awB.
ooontr. March, IS* to. Jaokeon for
oorated the stoirway and halU.
eis years and sU mentfae lor deaaall, Umdan. D*c. 8i-BritJah peciple of the head of the stairs coetinooas
Vienna. Dee. sar tae <death of toe
arith intent lo do irraot bodily harm, ereiy clam miMlfeited a deep iaiereat moaic araa roadered by Fred Bertel's
_____ , waeobiiUtdby
by the oeleteala the going of the old and the com
aatomatie banja
tien of solemn twmea to all the
Daniel Brnaki. ecnl from Wayne ing of the new oentry.
Tha gaoets wm reoeired aA the ohorebea. which were largely attend,
ooanty. May. IMO. to the Indoatrial
bead of theatain by the laoepttoa
Bong chuchea and aoeletiea. The
School for Boys for leieeny^ Paroled.
eommittoe. rridle R R Bbru preridBprlto. Dee. 81-Owtog to the wUewia Robb sent from .Berrien obnreA of BniHaaA thoae of the Oath edaa tickeutaker in a oaetame of
oonaty Jenoary, IBtft. to MaiqiwMe oUe-falth and ncmnionfonniaw '
"oaeotUwflMat”thebtaaat of Us T«re eoM weather, tbe oentoryoelefw 1& ycM for aamnli aith intent to
uniform eoat being eorered with btatton here wee qaiet and not to•pited
by any epecUl feataiea
kill. Sentence commoted and parolwl.
medaU, rewards of long and taittifol
Frank Hill. n'Mencrd to Ionia bom
eerrioe and cmtqdeaoas brarmy.
itcirAwn griLi. s
Washtenaw COUNT. Marrii. 1800. for
Tbe interior of the haU was eUthree ymrs for-iarci-ny. Ibroled.
gantiy decotatod Streameri of natWm. H. Johnson, coorleted of the
erlmr of haritlarT and mateoeed 'in
from the dome to the gall^ tail,
Koremehr. I8U. to JackBoa (or II
whUe toe raU itaeU w tnmwed
Nah. Dec. SI—Tonight the with lUg* of all natlona all tbe way
jnean. Seoteaee oommaed and parW«atdo(fiBO,n)a atonda. fortheoapcdeA
Aleaaader Eaoa. aent from Mar- tare of the men wbo'mie Eddie OodSeren ten* tablw wm ananged
Imliyandeecarwla king's lanm (or aoraw tbe hall ranntog north and
qaette ooaaty. Fehcaarr, ISM.
fe for life for morder in the Ua retam. TbU U tbe oolmiimtloe
A sMlI teble just to fmnt of
oftheUiieni of tbe haiuUta to UU
toe stage facing the eatranoe was
. aent from Maeomb Eddie -Oadahy if Ua rite did not - e«d on a raised pUtfonn. Tbe
•coanty. April. J«0, to JatAeon for withdraw the reward.'a.aatUn.'emblem of toe order,
The city ooaaell tonight offm an
ywte for making and entering
graced the oentor of thU tabU abore
addmonal filROao, thoiagh requesting
Urwdtar. Pardoned.
fiag. TUa table
[Edward B. LydeU, aent from tbe Bfiemitt^Oadehy to withdmw Uete- oocnpiedby
and ett-aCoort, Detndt. toJaefcaon. ward and tons eeeape ttw foty of the oars of toe lodge. atolU toe gnaeto
life for murder in IMS. Oowmo- rebbma. TUs Cadahy firmly deeUned
eeatodat toe other tohUa
to 18 year# .
wtre of wifii tobfe was a U
Ultan E. RariliW. swfi fnai
ly. Aagaet 1«». to
School for Boys for four
am eariy ereatog antil lOdO
ywss for dleorderiy eondaot. Seno’oloek the gaeete enjoyed deaoing
tonoe eommated and jardwed.
to toe Academy adjoining toe toeatie
Heoty ^amakw. aant from Wash
hnU aadalsbtottreBlk’almUahofa.
tenaw, March, 1M0. to
for two
nehwtta of WTto ptoow to w«h
yeora for Ureeay. PwoM
I to Dake Henry haU famitoed toe maMo for dnriv
u UeMeinlly adMartatomwt before toe teat
Faugtoto uf Mm erentog:
VaUwarilibmii XewOwtwy.
axafifwFbtoeaiya. Itoi,
When toe caeete filed tatotlmbaaBpnrid toTbriaondacB-^rd.
Mia. Oewse AmtotteawlMlwVioU qaet haU it was nearly derw o'alook.
Rowe, Dee. SI-Hm ratlenn eeU' w to^ emend, te ettate of
bmtod toe new een^ to cartons ap- gtranb bare fe«nmd troM MatoadetewBOitte’ C^ottem
vhwatofiy hate bew ririttne
pnicUtovaya Tlin.gape^
te Mm priraw rMn*^ mdniAfi
B» of Wright Cob
0ify Book Store.
to 17 Yo«r»
Cm begim th* Utw Year mlfb,
Bawinstact. •
Wttam suit pau.
wish M>9U
I Bappv and
Centurp. j
Alfred U.
Now. white our
Ie the Ume to buy.
IsiESiiiSiE i
Bverythlic ta the stM% cot my Arm.
Salts, Reefers, Orercoats, fM- mk* fii4
boys CO fit fi sole, two*! bUss it........
We wish Everr’One a Happy New Year.
ubt think of the good you will get out of *
acket from now on—Cold weather is just
setting in. Our garments are all new and
up-to-ual<-, and made by the best firms io
this country. But what wo-want just aow
is to sell a big l°t> about 40 iti all, one and
two of a kind, at just
If yon with to be ao, tlie Tele*
phone is indiepeoaibl&
No one can be up tu Uie worki
In this age, wiUiontlhie twefiUetb
nry adj'nnct
ow ie the tiini^-Ao get into com
Not in two bonn—Not tomor
row, but Immediately. ‘
Tbe other fellow trfton geU the
order yon might bare bad. becaoee
be baa a T^epbone in bia place
Cry it..
« ..Tt’sntw
It wm Mot Psy Too to Walt
IHalf Price
In other words, a Ladies’
that sold at $ 6.00 now...............$3x0
that sold at $ 7.50 now...............$3-75
that sold at Siodo now.............. $5^0
that sold at $12.00 now...............$6do
that^old at $ii;-6o now...............$7.50
Bl| M In Lilln' ton, KltMt' ml CMMm'i JiiMi.
II we oan fit you. we'll 00 you good.
Reliable X>ry Goods, Carpet *od Clothing HooM.
Aak the lo<»1 managen.
tBl^igan tthphomt Ca.
J1 Genthman's^
Tull Dress Shoe
Very swell, !\*ery stylish, are our new
enamel Kid BaJs. ^
The Musician
ProfesslfiBfii M tflatecr. wHI
beiafercstefi in ov store And oar
stock of niistcsl BierchtBdlse.
Made on the new Dunlap last. This is the dniy up to date
party shoe shown in the city. Make ooxm'tstake, the "Nettleton" Shoe.
There ie no maaieal demand
we oannoteapply attlie low
eit prieea. while keeping «h.>
srr%» Njwte •*mr««i.
Boy toe Kimball Piano.
When yoB think of raoaicdl
goods. lUnk of
grctoeaw «Mptoto% -
The leading Shoe House ol Northern Michigan.
Physlelan and Surgeon.
Gtasses SdcMillcaUy Fitted.
An unprotected foot often leads one in*
to trouble.
We wUl make * ^mdal
low price on Osmena. Many
bare already appreciatediWa
opportnnity nad bought
g^ btotrament cheap. We
hare acme more barbae t*
tUsUte. Now ia the time to
buy a Chmeia, at
Buys at our store a pair of LADIES’
ALL FELT SHQES-just the tUng
for this cold weather.
Several other styles in Ladies’ Warm,
Shoes at $1,501 $1-75 and $ajxk
F^nt Stre^
B <3Tf,TrtSBAT, JAXTASr x/l
coDimr mom my
-mt- -
im, TMfMM B»7 TmI H& ias. E.
O. T K.. AWAad
A W. HAHHW. Bdttor «nd
. C- &
VBda. 'Jx.
Tiniraaj at 10 e'elocft. Bor. H.
gin Work today
tbn bbUwI la rnwriogo Mr. Flaky
WUlfaBB Eratoebra and Rloo Rose
ErataMtTUatttBdod tbo lalAal
im oroBl^ a doUgbtfBl -noo]-----Sill bang
waa givoB the bappy pair ot Dm
la tba WiTwd B
tboBOWoRoMs will propai* to take boms cU the Mdo’o imBlo. Mr. aai
• A iMcaafar, Wo- Mn. WoBC^ EfafaMbril. three bOIm
ooBth of tbe
0 lotgo Bamber
iB tbo ofBoeof
■ of tbo
OBB coottorat.
It, 1bar i
ntK PAMOro or riKoMiu
iuowB. Aboac 11 joan
OOWMK tHacTM )>M «Swtad * fin- mi lAratcBMiit Bay. la bU roport td
to Poiat Barrow,
MivfaidibMbM apraMtelAdtt
diaslnc a Uiaft X foot
Sm htattrjr o< *B7 (tMe of tbe Uol<B.
behnr the caotb'a amfaa to obtaia
oanb tumperatara bafa^ a pair of
wooda «<«>». poiBtlBg to tbo «ial
»m5t. tapa ct tinw idoa tbm atnna were
OfelSwlMt HU |)M4ai^f«oerd f
IrHiBopled. Tbo Aliaka MlDtaa Bock
tte bMt mbiA of Uf nm^cK oSi ,Wd oaye that tbU ooBstiy waa andoobttdly iabohiuil lo^ bifpco Onlambea
hm ezeiiad asTm attieUa. It
r«T likelr tbM MBM «if tb« firlNoef* Ciaeatfred AmCTica. Of tbe oriffin or
vhMB bo bM nleuod {root 2oefc«m dm^of ibo iBbatetaatt BO doOaito
trace baa bees foead. and tbae are bo
~ prim AoriMd tbo «lemoW7 ozer- taeorda
tbe past aaoBg tbapa
«lMd. Bnt \t u aqaallr ^ifBnBt wbo DOW lire tbet&- Tboir lantfii
«hM m>r of tbo* libeatod moitod abociDddn hgcaidi. bat dobs sires aoy
Ibo iota vfalob anitod tben vbaii
rbirb to }Bd||e bow loBS «
tb*7 0B(«*«d Ibe prim doon. Kow
Tbo ^iui tif aocdcsl riUara aod
wiatcr bBU aloBg tbo aeaabore.,aDd in
Ur. CSMriei T. Wrijrtit. tbo arr
mt toJookmfor Ufo fram Bewio tbo iBleriur cfaaw that tbo caemlry bao
bnm lababiled for oentanes. Tboro on
matrud ooraoloo bb oonloBOO. Dtoaodi St PciiDt Barrow toarkiBg the
The eirauHtaaoM otteDdlnr ibii
^M*SbM Aftod tbo orMoDoo of tbo Boaiidit Ktaod Ib tbe middle
Malnd^Bot ooM>B»»d » pot- MKi tbe aiijkiaf; of tbo land caomd tbe
Am. Ob tbo cxwiBfr. it >■ docloaod ate 10 be flotried and atandcaiod. ~
lime capped tbe ontthrm part of tbla
ecmtlMBt and hare mofN aloair tbe
a Ube cf OwTol Thle U abown
howerer, boo damBiDfbd
federal (UairitaDtiuB of a aimiUar
___» of Wrifbl to IT r<
•■dcliMblaBpmlo 'of clx imtho
laablob to]*ep0B for trial in tbo
mtm* mo a«aiiioi bla.
itaai roBlos tTBTcled. TT>a acnaborci led
aloBstbo (ncMi of Labrador and Gi
ehwslair bin vith mordorimr Roil bod. Hadoia bar and ilt tribolaiy
warm They came down tbe Yalna. so
Thii aetioa of tbo goronior will rich in miDetBle. to pec^o tbo aboroo d
met with amiAatic diapproral.
and the iniericr uf Aloaka.
batboazoanttbr.aoaon Dr otaHnff BDd (rarcled alobfi tbe cuaet to Gape
that Wrlifhl boo boon onjortly dale
vtU> br tbo newipapoa whllo bohlnd
Uio ban and BBBblo to dofood hlra» (bey qMh
aelt Thloexouoe oo^ imulB
tow^Mt the ^ti°° t**'
■ tbe stnoi in Siberia.
tujm^^lr a^ tboir laToetiKa
Umld bo foopretod. HowoTor, tbU
la IB Um> with other iliBUar i
moto and oriUciwB io fetile. There otbonthari'tbey are Japaneae crCbiocas
in oriirin. aod etbora eHil that tbq
to nntimUrifBi to the tboaibt, bow
tin tbUroomitry arrow the atrali
oTor, that the priooo doon mar i»w
far a* deflaile infur,
bo elooed. Oorernor Plnsreo'*
maUon U c«
« of the
R antii
^ iobi thin«o of the B
bMI BOW that tbo twentlotb ooBturr
Im dawBod tboro.. t. bepo that tbo
panlng of PtBuree bmt be ao t
plooo ao the oblitmtioB .of tbo^ pa«
*iait Fcinta'- One «f (born rveolml
praroMt orerlaad to Boram Ayrea, and
fnao Ibfuae In Montevideo, where faa
wciald join tbe BRaii* aleamer. wfaifa
the Ollier ptefened to make the joaroey
la dBo tiaot tbe _
Mca»Mdw>.A»d ll» two friimda isei
a«siB. \a fIcT tbo rnMitotna^ aalBlatinm
(bey exanme
SBir dtiioniDnit of a paper that ihonld
bo oloml to a wionan writer U tl>e med
ial—oatew of cobrae afao ii a medical
*'mao.” He pwa a to ar that 4ba
■MdkBl mlBinui of aor UBda weekir,
it la ear to perreive. ate wudootod by
omapUalied extau. hot a cm ba leoatly came oude* hie BOttoe wb«n- a
yoBBC wciBLBii wbo had failed w ao art 0ewa^ on bo^ yarfriBed a ptofe
aiUe wu ert to aaawvr tbo medial io< Igmirauce nf (beir ostive tongae aod
pcwbrtfd Io anawering all qneMioBB pat
fatjcet ioadecinul «bat e
in ilwl leugnage wilha"Wbat. alr!"<a
Bvutalitycd tbo diatrict."
"Big pardno. «r!" ■-Ocilyluagior.’'.
bo aaid. "tliai dBring nil ibo royaga
rita raiaticed inorh loapor <m> tbo papa. from Vnli
boaboBldbaveba.1 DO abatibera Infl. b-.ni
Odb of ber replire waa amDethiup I
qnilla. beniiw ll>c atowanU either
(Ui; ‘To Daley—TiMBka B3 moefa
wobM ikiI orrcmld DiatinifarMaDdine."
OBBT Uod letter. Va TbonMakat
"My dear friend," repUed the ow—t-e It abtiold bare bora a cpBcrtec land rooio roan. 'I will tell yoo bow to
, fmlB ttiyahaiiie inatad of a qoatiw OTWeme ibat 'diOeaUv. Tbmo ia a
OfaBOBBdfur yuarfather'acomr*
........................of E^Boiah'woeda
BowBBlarky! Bettor lock tiezt Ham, rfhicb can be made to du doty
bot 1 waaeonsybcuj. Va Tbnol
lisb. It ia tDen-ly a epmaien of paniog
bMtar Amp fa mocziBltig than Jay‘i
ap the' mooth Imd apealrfag barafaty
Umrogh tbe leelb. Fiv iaataiilce. ia tha
owe of pon coo taanleqailbi. tbe Spaofadi werda to be emphiyed are ecaatarro
y taiu. Hake tbe trial aod yua will be
Sm oaoaoB! I’m WrHInt a icirtora eemrioerd .if tbe effieary .d my mellMd. "
Next mmioti tbe two frieodi aat
ibapter la my iiorel ud wMI to «ot U
down tcgnlii.r to bnakfnat. and the
a iwBt to BOtste ae 1 can.
overland man. Dodging hit campanicB.
Critiowbiapcivd. "Tty my method.'’ linmedialcly altercrard cme id the Chileanmows wko waa anable to ccmprrbeBd
tbe meaning of pan cmmsairgailb appcBrt.e.1. and tbe paabg^. Brewing
up hi* iDunih and apaaUmi ibnmgfa bit
B>oB baa waa cnltivated by tf^b; .xclaiaieil, "t^naWru y bota."
; ^typtiana, bot tbnr priocta "So^ teecKi and battar? Yea, air."
it a -BDelao.-- Tbe Old CBM tbe an*wtT..aod tbe iBiuma
toatioM tbe baa twice. ha^ diffiealty afSr tbal in |ronHi«
jBd«o Hobicw ^ bon fair Umi cfleo
U yom BBd bo Imom it ia
elaao thope Ib orrry dotalL !
eamto ia tbo OMVt bM bm oettlad 00
tBTM r«-dMe ^ OOtfaiOg
eSO^ B low OBOOO 1
wfaleb it io iatpcmiblo to settle mtil
tbo teqsfaed la^ limit' boo I
md. Jodgo LcroBgor wUl
dTorytblag la —oUiBt enbiiriwi
dOBbtfal U Bay oOBBty la (bo
Mte caa abow aa good a rBOOtB la
tbe probate oOoe at the olooe cf tfaa
ofoOcoof tbe letfalag jBdfo.
iodm Horn wiU
to mttera eoBaoetod with tbe
aor-a Mattml lasBiBaoe Go. bet
baa oo otbar idaBa.
mocrod lato the
jail yoooorday aad
a Mr. s^pm. t:
retfaiac Aeriff, aaoTod
aoTod^ bia.oOoe
, pd^OB Of 1
16 Trimned HU, ■'
II Trimmnl Hit, "
ypfcMilBdooB TtaSod
Atiwi OrByaeo. aiifat poMoaiaan,
tea beoB OB tbe form tweWe
yoan. la the todpiaat of B Sae
ooet, raUod at WO. fram Obarlei
BoonUml of tbo Bootoa Stem,
oor Orayaoo waa so approeUtlc
Ow gift that be ffoalrM to make pabUc eipreoaiim of hii graHtado.
Saaday tbo BapHat Saaday sobool
riteoad tbo ftdlowiag oWeWB:
SaperintaBdoBt, O. H. Craoa; ooeretary. Henry VanWie; troaoBrer; Mollie Gnymi otganiat,Oi»oe Qntming-
kmld last Bi^t. tbo following offioen
olootod: PrwtdfBt, A E
atmb BbertS Cbaadlar ataito ia
with Oto bemidMB, tha iBajfirlty of Fiaaoy: rioe preaidaat, E O. Oompwhom an oMtcuBplating« cteage. loo; aoerotaiy. Joa. fftaam
Bo*. ER. Smith aad“A Hadley
wont to Inland ycatarday to aftOBd
BMBll apoB AithBr Doriae mod will
watch oerTioo.
naHI the aezt seasloB of that
tribnnal, thu moatb.
Alex Fooatate baa 14 more daya
0 aorro for aataalt aad battery, harDg been seatoBoed to BiB^ days. ,,
Fob eYery ease of
John Wombold «
Kingtlry to twenty days for laroeny
and baa torao more doba to anre.
Floyd Willett and ifary Mapoa
awaitiag ezamfamHob on charges of
W. A NowtOB, retUiag emnaty
clerk, will stay a abort time to wlad
op Sia year's bcislBaas of his oSee, does not enre. Nooase of DaBdruH
mad Coaaty Clerk Robert Walter U and Fallirtg Hair it will noi •
ready to stop in and take poeeeaaion
ai bis bemda are opprorod by
tbe board cf •Bpor*iaaro WodaoedAy.
Mr. NewWB has net Idoeidod npoo
bit fataio plana, bot will toon go to
Ohio for a rlait with hU aged mother,
wbo i UVea in OolBmbot.
CiroaiCGoort Ootamlaaiooer Otutia
WiU take poMMSioB of ooe of tbe
olBoea in tbe spper part of ibe ooBrt
Doe Staadard PrepantioBO
faoBse today.
Oea W. Clyde, retiriag ooBnty take nothing elae—they coot yoo
treasarer, ia winding ap the affatn of nothing abosld they fail
bia ottoe aad wiU tun the office yon.
................... to yi
o*er to TTeasBrer Steward in esoel, ifil
lent ahape aa aocm as the new official
Mr. -Clyde wUl eoBtfaiBe
ipy Ua naldrsoe on Ninth
street for a whUe bnt baa aaitoBnecd nUCOVMMMD AT LABTl . ,
Aliogetber, ererything ia is flae
ahape ia ooBBty affain and tbe new
DbBiiMaa, MaUfta
offlolala will find their datiae^made
eaiy by the ezeelleat maanrr
whiiA their predeeemon bare i
aged tbe oociBty affaire
JRor-theXarls (tneiSoys
Scaip Disease
- ■
nil nm wM aulce hn for the Girh and
Boys. We bsve s fine liae of...
^'Iks tfasuiMu^
Andte oiiffip to $3.50. and owing to the
lateneM-of tneteaton wewillgiveyou.3o
per cent difcOBBt on all Sfeghs aad
Coasten. We abo have Cutter Boxes
(or babtet, End both wood and steel Runoers (or b^ carriages.
Kodol |j.isi»niyiii)iisriiiim
Dyspepsia Cure
o«o R-aaopST
Digests what yoa
pngmodby E C BoaiTT ACO.C«M«»
F. 0.-TH0Mn0N
Money Refunded Grand
Land Co.
HOUSES for mle te all tBito of tbe
eilT—all prieee.
rMs - A long Uet of dealtable
forma and other Imda.
----- 'AND3 oo fbe. Paiiomla—
Improved and ........, . ..
BAROAINS-We hare them.
Cent's Fur Lined Gloves and Mittens,
Gent’s Fur Lined Coats.
Cent’s Dress Suit Casas.
Gent’s Fur Driving Gloves.
Ladles’and Cent's Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robe».
Sleigh Bells.
Baby Cab Robes.
■a JW!mi C. Btadk^
Gmid Ttaverse Land Co.
F.narCaU C A. Bammaad
New Phone 38
H. A M. BloA
"““tstrssifr* "•
The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
snnisi^ Begin the
New Century
Miw jlfw Bewseecl.
Miaa Nettie C. Gray ha* reamed
from Orbad Ba|dda. where the
A 'skv
tendrd Ibe State Tcooben' AMMia- ipCaA
dll liMm aad aiiatamam. Urn sial >o«el
tioD, afterward apadiag a few daya
inOacUlUc. Darina tlie meeting abe
JAS. O. JOHNBoV Draggirt
SchobU. Tbe pMitiCB it cme of oonaidmhle impartaaoe, aad aeveral
meoH^ ate held daring the year.
Mila Gray will leave today fox
loBBlag lo-attand tbe tret neeciag
of the eoatiainee.
By trading where you get the best of goods, best of
prices and best of treatment. These are wonderful trading
days, and this the greatest ot trading centers.
to I o’clock. OalyUei
Blanket Daya
DontBe Footeoi
Wamn's SUpt>m M rciar pn pr
in a Bashgt
Commendog Monday momiog and continuing
all week, we are going to put up, all in e basket, the
foUowuig articles, all to ^ at the price of $1.50.
K ■
wAMb thy baan fall of atroBfftb BBd la Sm warn air <d nngceiiality. CdiAdmire hinda its parta toge*lMr aod it
tbo cxibenre |uwer td iu aatare. while
Suoagb every ffbec.' ll ia aa
and U indlgoMBi to'aU laaA. !h
mostbaaniKnlftowetaapoo daring tba
Bight, and. while a ptreBnial bkxaas.
Bit nKM fragrant in winter. Time
emtaot wither or deatroy it; age bot
OtraafttaeBa and developa.—C & neU.
a Waot’ Tntb
A w« of frlMda wUl Joia la
25 lbs H Best Flour......$ .^5
6 lbs Granulated Susar- .25
I lb Coffee........................... 15
1 sack Buckwheat Flour .30
I Basket................ ^.............. 05
Thh tsa so^ and will postivdy go off sale io
one week. - /
All goods guaranteed, or npiiqf back. -- /
EtrtHTHse €rocErr
Are these latter days--Must k^p
NS'arm if eveything else is forgotten.
Great big. lleecy blankets—the look
warm and feet warm kind — made in
white, red and gray—Prices from $3.35
to $10 the pair. Got a splendid Uanket that sells from 50c to $i.jothe pair.
Bound to please you-
Party Season
And you’ll need an extra dress
shirt Your wife may invite some
friends Ia or jrou’U want to make a call
—All your shirts are “in the wash.”
’ The finest Dress Shirt sells (or $1.50—
Got another qdendid shirt ai^ it sells
(or $i4ia Bay some now and have
Dress ’em Warm
What Ainmt Stoves
- -Those boy's of yours — They’ll
live longer and make yoiT bappiOr.
Boy's Blue Cbiocbilla Reefers sdl at
$3> $A $5. $6 and i$7>So; Brown Reef*
ers $4.50; handaomeTan Colored Reef
ers: $7.50. These are Reefers thii will
stand all the rough usage a growing
boy can give it. Buy one and prove H.
Don’t yon want an extra one for
dut room or a larger one for some
other room? Ever own ao AirT^t
Stove? They sell from $3-;so to $&oo;
Round Heaters. 00 finer line ahoirn.
tell from $11.50 to $24, aod tbey give
tbe best of sadsfredoo, See how it
teems to be fully
A splendid stock to select from.
A plain hand lamp (or 35c; a large size
for SQc; a fine decorated lamp widi
shade and base to match, aelb from 85c
up: handsome parlor toaspafroBiiyirri
The finest lamps exhibited sellfrom $6.50 to $8joo aod $oax>.
Sawiie Manliiiie
«e are meemnes and
and macfainctThere
we warrmot die White_____,
aad when you pay^ tor oae yM I
maohine made.^
o£cr ‘styk
atylea at
VS DEnumsifT
StMBd ttte Mb teBnpte awBBt
.BM tan tea
MMtelteM^ iteteiTliBwiatirf
MB tete teBteM
What we are Closing Out.
m ank teBMititeteii .1 mifti.Botte
ter. with a «>• Um fm
Ita. Mb T. flahwhate «« KU-
«BhteB >tBKM ter tette by «klb.
IdBf B Mt <4 tmt tBMh ate tea «te
jxrfMtty fm*a aad w«re Mte
» Ma. Bare may te
»Mt. toflU bT.
of-MBH MBBtmttefar.
BteTBcmtby tee kMOfter bb»l^lteWBlBBcfftteABB.
bI cm and to mtUtj the iiiiliii*a
blB tote MBethiBg aorri. Itey
>•» Mte Wite B MMMB teUt BBd
15 kjmfi^jiaoMBmMiiB
t)B wUlc riMnc tB tmt of
Onor iB ter lUtU work teop
OwlBTr PWBBt, <B* of tte rmafc
ByBf«r*«teti<( 8t. UbIb 1b IH*
Hare I not hidden yea beware
te B trip BP tte KteBBri rtrer Bad
________ - owwed with bBrasete,
iB ISIS looted Bt tte {BMBBtt ^ 0( ahelhand waadi that the crigiMl ootSioBT'Cl^. dtod at BioBxOl^ Sotte’ Une b MtliBly kM to trie*, and htre
imr, B«Bd 74 yBBTB PeeBBt. b* ote «< and tee a dcNifct Mrip. tranMorBed
ttelMB(>ttlBrB,l»]AtBd>y tte «• ten a ficati^ tatcor of tte deep Into a
my^P« cat
To tte Tazteyets of tte City of T»vdiBdBWtellIthyMBB.
Wtai 1
The tax rolls for tte aoUeetioo of
tee Mau and oouty Mzu for tte
Pteite lllBia. BT«n B «BtelB(MB AaartlelelaapBrtodlealcallti----- yaar'
IBOO. ud to tte deUaqnent
ocrmpoadat. TUalaMBd te sadar tlM to tte d«rai cf M. B—l^bbSM MBoludcity taxes ud apacial astte AmriBBB. Am Bad .^Ib tte MBtyle-aa that uoM ooraUd by all MMBuu to mid year hero been
terted to oae It d tte Bidiar B oaal- WOBM. oatreakiBg. at lu« ao farai piaeed in By teadt to eollaetloe.
1 will bab myoffioetoteoeiromld
Mte W«M la ID KBCitob l>rBUlr bIh. la to tBorry tte «■
taaea from wow antil Fefanazy I
MB« UBte of Wijtnalnatrr.
1808. ca each week day bom 8
In extCBt, b healthy, aad. It- b be. Made keek U tte old qtMry. DoeoDega o'elote to M «la tte toucoa and
intepaette BBrty oreBiDp {artat
Ui Baa. Uered. wiU make an admlmble Mu
boa 1 o'clock aatlt 4 e’elote in the
▲teal 8 o'clote -iB tte amli« te
tte prodeeted eMtksi. ThW^
___^sei locks and elothhic! It . ,
BBMBltod by tteoe aadced atfo, bad waa owaed by
-----blr te uawtsd that te <la Iten
wte threw B blaatet orer Ua.teBd. ■atitea of Oaaa. who, tte offlclala _jyteno dtenita. {BHpahHi “Tiewa*'
On all aaU and eooaty taxes paid
hla iBtp •ay. will Ure in afloeBoe na n raanlt npcwlte matta’, hat the. pindple that
iBBbtryBidBadriflBd hla nooteta
a WOBU, te mate tte man at tm a^
reoelred from Detroit oaaets aad of dSO. He did Bot teeorer fraa tte of tte Mle.
tedcB papen waU that: Mber.
anpald Junary lOte. tese will ‘be
from Use ear abopa of tte Pare Karla tlB« to aeo Ob dine- able tala. fi« aad dirt made Ohibt. _________both look bM dwaa Jnai as oharged a fee «f 4 per cent to .eolqaeiie at SairlBaw. it D aadarstood tfoB tBkea by tte footpadi.
waUasteetaabaaimiBl Mrs May
BBB week aa aril maBory for Bng- ~ ' BawaU tecaetf woolda't dreem leetiee. Peaalty cm daliaqaut rity
that tha Pen MarqDMte tBilvay 00mud aebool tazM and qncial ameaaa ttere U b ki«o dteth bnd. and depnaalng glocM. In tbcr4 oeoU on each dollar of tte
taay La. deflaiieiy decided to eeaaoloagh termony with tte wcate, ymr-s buoet. Ite dgy c' tte bhM
t of ■ •
Uate the ear ahopa of tte retire lya•toekiDgadaBd
thkkBmhceUaednfonBMb and msore theB to Utnad Bapare
- of BOthlBK ao
The 8 year old eoa of Mra Ray- oertBln to ^re laatBiit reUef-Ba One U out of Joint and tte pobUc b biturly dicaatlag eritleliB of tte BritBMBd Thierrey of Dollar Bay. Hoochiihanay.
BMI ooBBty. baa baea kidDapped fa BBdlBBftmblM
BdBlu. PbuWUle Omt Britain U tied hud
RGMlu tbeaiete.
ttebope.of aeewtac a tanaoB.
.BOttotBkB P. O. TteaqaiB.
and foot to Sonth Africa, the bbt^^
The tBB* of BnteUn'a Arn'lea
U teUered tte boy waa takes by
Herar Da Hbb, b ookrod
white b not (Maptag tte ware of Saba, as tte bast In the world, exwell known ehsiBctar In tte eojn
a «"—-*« of tte edoBty hoBte, eritieiiB. U qnlctly tDcieaaiag iU tands Tooad tte earth. It 's tte ooe
w«toB. BBd the ateelt. with b Isrse
haalar of Oau, Oetna Bnna,
elBlBU to te IU yean old. ■
atrength and morale. ForemoBtte pMeat
pone of IndlcBBot eiOaesa, U aeodrEntbaa 8<M. Bealds, BeiU. Dlceri.
walkMlatotte <dty VodaeodBy
both men ud ahlpi hare .ban kept PeloM. Aetea. Paiaa mad all Bfcla cietT. and Charlet H. McMtcteel —
tac tte ooontiy hoplii« to oatch hW
la u naaaoal aMte of readlaeu ud ~ Uooa Only InlaUlble Pile care, J. nV ZlBser. Em: '
faafere te gtU away beyood tte ataU
Yon are tetehy notified ttet u asat Jaa. Q. Joham't ud a
•Jte Ml to there are now boildlng in Britbh
^ line. IttothOBCtatteU hndiac for
dt 'a drag Mona
they can: yards no fepwr tten elerea katUe) Oanada
M Thaw
nineteen mnisera and toutaen
Atltteu. K. Y.. Prof. Moaai
At Detroit LobU ORtalBTeltB. a _ -u inpBiBtioa »te» dinata
ndsryof ]ot l.bloe
Tyler of tte chair of hbBty tn Conell
peddler, waa atradt by a Oraad Tmik -)t—- of food, Bod that la Kodol
Ttaratse Cilr.
Essity, rice pteMdut of the Aatrain at a oonlBc. Be waa Btrowa
esM with a six j
white hare been tried bot ore anfin*
a Historical BseoelatiaB ud to
■ fraa hte wiMNo Bta landed on hU
r years a profeasor la the Ualrertewd fifty feet away, coatalnlnc InMieet: tbOMe raulag north from
Aboot ioat Btetei aco. R. O. Dmjarlea from wbleh te died a few
Bid point with a nine Inch pipe to
KaUMkB laopoae- to do aane'.boBt- ton a Mloankaepar. of Dcaota. IlL. UlBom of three weeks
hoon Uter at Onee hoapital.
cuBect with the uwer already ocoameted at a point aboot 60 feet north
Mta. H. Weed of Kilea. wants d&.- Uap the eoDlBK tsatexy and aa a Bet hU death aa a malt, it was
of the north line ol tte alley between
mo from toe cUr for daaacea aai- •tarter tte lo«pl baaineaa B«e hare tearged, of being tnltiatad into a
Tte old idea that tte body------ Bute ud Washington alreet.. Tte
talned by falUmt oo an alle«ed tlefec- orRBDlaad an imiaoTeaiaat aaaoeia- eeeiel order known q^tte BnighU of thaae needs a powerfaU drastic, pnrpoto of mid btoral
tloo to^ceeiote tte inttraBta of tte' the Boyal Arte. fe. Deaeon faai
ti«e aldewalfc.
sewer tte........................
lo|cltilira. Aart Sebllder. aited BO yeara,
City. blcKk ».
Dunt at tl.WO.
farbiany ye«n a nwident of Urand
1 City, tee west
BapItU. altrtidi.d tte- llilrd lefomed
the ayatem ud ' * " ________ __ ____________
all__of .lot
>t 16.
do beiel
lerete Ut^ core ConstipaUon and SItk blt^^ll. Qfiginsl 1^1
We. tee <
ehnreb eanday Boning to tear a
a 80Only tSo at Jaa O. Jcdin_...torefBBdtee me
•BBon by her ton. Heary Sehllder.
tad 8y- acB'a ud S. £. Wait's dng aterea
eant bolile V Oteue'a
who la a atadenl In the weMrn Tteo» year
-----------------------npofTar If it faib .
ported to tee rity eoanril 1
Icwteal aeBtliBiT. On her way home,
Dr. Jnitns O'Hsge. health eommU uce with the eitr charter 1
ungfaoroold. We atao
S&HMBt boWe to law aatiafactory
ieoerofSL Pul. has iaaned atrin
the droned dead ol
ting of the lud it. early nse i*erei
endera against tte
At tte biennial
Tte eoancil ud board of qieeial asd
Hlrhlgan State Game and Plah Pro________________
eltyof Wincu, where Wo
Jaa O. '
jemora will meet on Junary :. IBOI.
Maallpex are mid to exist
leetire teagoe at tenalnc. on Jaan-;
UMoMi, rnddliqi nine
at 8 o'clook p m.. to tee pnipom of
gto remore’ u apple
tewing mid apeetal
ary 0 and M a|iu>lted effort will
! nUea’eonlhweat oTOrand Ba|d<U. U
white had lodged in tee throat of
An/peroM Interested in the chore
made l^-amend tte game lawa •> •» I im«id. She tea all her faonlfwjMir btaA.MaaUileBUi
eploable eow. Maroaa Fetn
te loeeem tte total eitteoHon of the;
^ mentally la bright and weU
^ „__ totue to
VaUey. Pn.. had hb
deer la MloUlgan. which blda lair to
g,^ ,, *tadnally falUag.
mesBut eboaldnot be levied ud coleolad ud mid board of review thall
. enaneaooB If tte ainnghier of the 1 ^
Ufe will right arm ao tedly teewed that it
l£>lto worst hare power to adJaM tte mme ud
had to be BBpntated. Tte eow waa
pact aneon la repeated many tlmee. j ^ ^ ,*oloocwi iMny more bobBu.
tte aetieo of mid board is relation
• Dr. WB.LooBa.a:ptoiniaing yo«Bgt,,^l^^^„^
, lm,ny piBive as he rratead into ter moatfa
thereto shall be final.
to take oot the apple, bat “■— *■*
physician of Ann Arbor tea lefI
loocerity. Her
Dated this flatb day of Deoember.
remore bU
2!d^'*OoKe nui y^anleed
natuleed care to
the PhUlppMe Iriandafor the porpoae I
^ ^ „C
iT Throat aad Lnag
■■ AIbcb W, Rieketd. City clerk
of (Wtertng npon tte jBaetloe of lua]
^ .... snapped.ter teeth In It
IlW-eodfcp 1-T.
finally battared into letting go. Pet TObSTtrtSd it
nrafoMloti at Manila. Or. Loomia | ?**
bottles coiad ti
er ntoly Wtadjodeati^^
/ waagBdaated from tlie medloal
^^^*tUael Salre. It
lartmenlof ibeUnirerally of Mich- nUerea at «MB aM enree pilea. aerea
Oarm dbsy apelU. _ t^
. Igan with tte rUaa of 18BS.
| ooBeaia and ^ di-aaea Beware of
Trial bottlea Ifie.__________
Tte Bowing well which waa etmck, Imitartona T. C.
OecMoal l^ae Khu MofakaaB
at Bo*etaCitT by the men who weri>: Althoagfa Petoteey boasU of being Ask your drogfibt________
Dowlet tte new Peralu Binistar
dxilUng foe water for fire i»ot««oo 1 eitr. the etlnga to her TlUage tehBUY YOUB JACBBT now. tee oor tebcoutry. to a .prime farorite In
If yoa hare t
la maalBg all klnda of troaUe. Tte lU. The street llghu are tnniad
ad^^ oar sriadow. Tte Boston WaahlagtoB alxaady. tte ganeial to
fiew la too ^t for the aix-'lneh pipe ant at 11 p B. and any beMtad way
not yet 40 yean ofd. hudecue. rich
wfiileh waa pot ijown. and 4te watar (arar abrcad after that boor has to
write tte insBrande for yoa. and will
eanwapaUarooBdtte plpr and la CTO|» hia way boaa u teat te «u la
giro yoa prompt and oarefal atten«B 'It tel it' will eome an
tte rielnlty. The fioar Bill ItedBknasa
A DsM Mrcuar“SlyOw it rallahto Mbok loear
of Lewla Bmdcr dk'son haa ■
It to a my limy why wcuu udara
■lied to saape
saapend opeiatlons bMaaae
SUCH SLaUOHTBR pricea ware
the arater has flooded the I
neret before Bade on met fine
ud engine .
bekaU ud ladim' aaia Bead <mr
OoMidera here lestod mneh lud
We. tte andmigaed. hare known
iBBedlatelT antroanding Dnnmd.
Tr*tferae City
bWMB OltW*_______
'. J. Cheney to the p
anil.wiU eommenoe iwoapectlng tor '.
Ttero li s .lending qnanri of years
between Mu.te.ter and IJrerpoe! M me an I'noald not dram myaeU. bet
Bmt BBch coal lies beafath the: ______.
Mrially nbls
sbla to aaiy
cany aM
oat any
may obligaobte
hirb to mure toporuni. Tte Her- neotrie Bitws whoUr eared au,
and. althoagb 78 yeanold, I now am
carth'f aaiber in test rlriniiy
able M do
o alt
say boaaaworl
bcaaew^;^' It
fia dork area. Hanebreur rMerb wttb
It iatei'eai in the cat
SJXd’SfftUS. 'Ll'.
Fire Insurance
a Chttarh Cue b Mkcp tnr. aeting dlm» apn ^
-f- - .
____ I u«w« ud maeoa aaitaeaa of tte
J T-lt. Tte^car^ab baa rec(Btly '„mB.. Pricea, 71c pm bottle.
LMtelttBa^bank4>. the,ntaeai ^ldby all draggbta teMhaealah
E. JSawB-a aad
WaU'e dr«c atoraa
Ftae cfiU fllUarfit am |b4
Mice aad porceltlfi work. All
vfirt rnuBBteed sstlsiictMT.
Du I
ib dlffenat kicaUtiM to mto on may
Mtma Abo maecy. to lau oo real
aeUpethatof tte othtf featare* of|CItnAnM tntfirly^bpy Ifi th*
tee show.
MOM l1Blall^^ eaariteji^
Eresy small boy In Ksfifinnee «»T
' ' '
owaa a dog large enoa^ to draw a
alad b hasT jaM BOW I«aparing to
8uh Uttie pUU ae DeWltt's
tea auaal -dog derby", which b
Early Bisen aae^ ^
ran In Utsi rity on New Tmr’a IMy.
The laoa b u ^t mgarly loaked
; vbeo
C. ThiMinu____________
toward to 'by tte yoengston. and
Qompai^ viUi oer apidAl
tte older folks, too, take ocbsUm. able laUcaH In it Aboat fifty boya
er'a warronted dothiag that
hare uterad (heir decs and tea Wb«• bowAtfit saolkBjMy ta-
He tfix dtfise iBserted^ aMtp
. K. MoM4k8MAMA
-r-iJk'S?; OttoBfaiHamUMa^MilUku Block.
doMMd by a local marchut -The
. ooarse for tte race b a Mx-Uoek
In^ aaatte dnwa the city's Main
toratPMoteay, dnw •»» from tee
tow oZbBk Tfiloe. Waofcr
!bB Mofiiw Sxoaa.
iFire Insurance
John R. Santo
For ages 3.4. 5. 6. 7 and 8 yearapricesfrom $1.60 to $3.00-pricea
'• .put in two. teme <.f them hav. ex
tra vests-ONE-HALF OFF._______
One Cot Tine fiodds
'Beautiful patterns-new this season
Sold all the season for from $3.60
to $4.60-rive to seven years.
One Cot
(gild’s eape Ooerceatfi
Former prices $2.25 to $3.50—AU
go at $1.50.
One Cot
Boy's Reefers
•Former priep $1.50, now $ 1.00Ages 4 to lO years. Come quick.
Jill Child's Reefers
- The very best goods as well as the
cheapest, at 25 per cent, discount.
Co Beys' and
Children's Ulsters
.................. at 25 per cent, disoount.
Cot Boy*$ nice Ooerceats
16 to 18 years; marked, from 25 to
50 per cent. off.
Beys' Fancy Oleel Uests
Ages 9 to 1 1 -former price $1.76.
now 75c.
JIf the
Pre^Jnventoiy Sale
One Dollar will bU^
56 in. Venetian that Was S1.50*
The colors are ijray. brown, tan. cadet blue and
SO in. Whip Cord that was $1.35
SO in. Broadhead WorstM that was $1.35.
53 in. Cheviots in blue, brown and green.
56 in. Rainy Day Skirting, gray, brown. pWd.
checks and mixtures.
56 in. Homespuns in gray, blue ahd brovrn.
This is DO cheap out of date staff,, but the very
finest quality of plain staple goods, such as suits
and dresses are nOw made from.
Greatest Values
Ever Ottered
You will find them on first ubie in center of
store. Come and look them over.
deavf Ovaking
Jlnd Suitings
56 in. Kersey in un. blue, cardinal wine and
Waefe, the $2.50 and $2.75 quality for.......... $1^
The $.^.50 quality now.................. ...................a.50
HeaN-y Chenots. Jilfick and Woe. for dditfi.
cloaks or boys’ overcoats and reefers, the
. S3.50 quality for................................................. *J5
56 in. wide and the best goods ever thowa
fo; this price.
Oxtord Graf Skirting
... onW .
left in tiiM-ie.^
^n t watt Dll Its all gooe 3>i yards will
make you a skirt.
BugnlMdlthroogh the Bore. We 6nd odd lot.
ud broken lines in every deinrtoieet, so on nulWr
wh.t you WMt in our Une there is . bu,.iu wutuc lor
you. Ask us to shosr you the soups.
Visit our aouk Ueputtneut. Souk very sp^
piKOS there these d.ys-
[**J6 »
rt iitif Bt.’
100 tern HoKe. -
klkeOiaviriNrfifUifetten. ilatkelMTsafMrGrutfckBAm
EMtMfer »M M Ike wfU bo(4
OUT eco eod ti» ICliriMlFf4 nJhj, MWeUMtegalfatateaaBd mil
b«7e»l tbe Bockie*. VMpeopM wUh
ImdtHi, S^Bimrdiv^TkMh. mod
kqiilMof it«UMppo«dto br
Bf Mo ihe ap-tti-dmle vfilmffe
city oeatetwiem will be ^hnaUfal
bmlhUap. each tttth a tom
qslcUyredaoe Che dead to a.
Tlw Urto wUl be healthier for 00
doi^. for the emrth wiU aoi be palmoaed by iafecdlm The aahee of the
lAed wa reowlB io the orma
vit^w fa7l«tv>tema4pBbUew^ mod placed aaeoair t^ fmaUIy bolrnd tfw towm p—p it^m rtvml ict
Ibm !•*«»> mm m •Mbmriw
COOidiM. Item win m mrtUelml
. iMmam tor Uftimc wmtor mbvrr it» elected for life or Robd befaaTior.
, lorri for diotAbrndoa. WmMr wmm wlU aot be eotapelled to bow to the
io the form of
tbo MI7 P0WW ootmhi* of mmaot* for
■WTiof ■mrt.lnory.
died hrfote Ikwe^ne
m iron or fleet Mdce is eiiMonee.
Be fceded ibe rirerm mroosd PbUmdel9hlm OS iMMe teok. Be famd'7s9|
fowU will be Imisored is
fftaoi *ls liU wtadnra. m*d Berco: plsmmte nd flemb. mad is the ri«Id $f
owwd mBnmmete or WiltoD a
4Dtm, Wild blrdm will hmre |m«ilaliy dtepiemnKl throdch the ekagW
ler for hmt orsmsMaW^ the wm
am of the mmmll Gof. The e|amrw
Bimr rmmin, the mole telio of m fordosMeteReMjOsem,.
Bier onsieroa* bird life.
m bmbw feme!
ST Umt he
r---------- . Win
tridgadf Bow^ The die Of f------W^ereaen) and imiaoTed la fona
•emnemed' eomtlr.
The monb asd moasiml
emrrfed is m snrd^~bX'^
mrill hare praeUoaUy diaiiptared. The
MMt of MpportiDK a icood asllaal will
Oeouti Is the rriiudpel city aot be snatar tbas to kw a poor
ftiBBtm were eleppisc iUbm mlMBt m
footmpmrttfami iiedaotriaam miitht be
The mptiMl of horeem wUI be taksft oat of the aare. mod theme
eteaem ca m ninr dmy ommied freqaent rmaaod; oowm will (tire ftaore aad
bettor laiik. The borine tribe will
Iwre beeoBM>
laaetieally ^extinct
kaefi their feet oat of the aed.
ezeept anfal rarietiem whlelt awy be
Bth7 TBlaelial hcmme is the clli
smtitaled. Soakem wiU hare
d its itettar. mleetiiiff fmr bojroad
the roof aad etartlnf m Mwrest id
wmMr down iato the rntroet. Tlie
wtadewm worm aUed
decldtMl mod distiaet is >000 at it'aow
is, asd eery aieeh atame boaisees mrtll
opes to the isflaesoe of tviraie
h la the aodeca wa
ladiriduU. mach at the aatioeal
me |d«ol e toat or two malU are aow tarried by {Birale
ooatiaM wider the reatzaiat of op<-s
' 'JZt
la 1000 Kew York ehoatd hare
popaUt&n of 10.000.000. 9hiea«o.
e Ushtaias rod. aor aboot i>,aao.oo«. Ptailadeltdiia. m,
oewmre, aor (Imeewmie. 000.000. Bwtoi. St. UiaU aad Balli
, laore each O.OOO.OOQ. CiaelaBali.
t aor alatoaaB ware, 1“°' j BoBale. Clerytaad. Kew Orlrnat and
oor rilrerwBle is asy >>■' Pittaboii. KUD.OOO each, and Detrail.
the walttplled form, ksows Uilwmofcce. 8t Pkal aad MinarapoUt. I.na,ai>. is that day a pnpmUtios of U0.000 or 1.000.000 will be
rr r
n.1 o. I««
War will be robbed of it« frtutilineea. for. aoeordioc to Teal^ ntacJiloetwlll do the fiphtioft of (be
ifntofe' aad nuisio sU the
kaookt. their humas
Oae haadred years a«a pocket |dek-1
iai^WM a eapltal offeare where may-! ,1,1 ««„e to be rntre duel. betVees
ihiBk wtetll, wore thas a Alllinil lastowabiio. and broken metal will
waatakma. for whleh the offeader.
oatsaltr lUi. intuad of
ooaU bm aeamoed to daatb in Eas-’ brakfn bonea
Uad. and hs Um- (Tnilod Statem there.
were aeretaldowmwpitol offend ; Many isx>|iomitiont for the mimpUaThere wan se bed epriiijrr
aordc w4re amod to eoppon
"liekm" atslfed with etraw. Iiay. s
a« hemJrMf^d^tllT a eonnil ^
their ehamp-
^ to hrad a !
of‘S??’i,^"' 'rt 0!?
newMfta. lo that, lailer case
I. bon,.
i laied coourrie* in tlie old world.
. There were ao milismry rtore*.
I Brok..., ..1 U.I.
adchl Ue
oree aatU Ihe sprias'
if not on t:> emntt
witbonl Ibe meat
•epatstr kitchen tes
toor permooi
Praple . la Kew Ymtt aad otb
a of raoUBK all dwelloiUsa tmad mpwi aaywhere from . - Public
wmAtothrramemtheoMia a
i *»«•»*> •««b»w “d’"smlsy them in
I winter, of irripailiik arid Uadm. of
letter rawrimt
Itower. isiplnaeau 1
isiswriem. wiU
WiU ta
peeat of today. Oaaetry
V ezimt: the capital tnre
ylad to hare a weekly t» mmi-mreekly
^ od in which will be a cooror' id pridetrend tiwoaah the aadlt
rale ineome to the indlridnaU, while
or to sfter It warn (minted.
the mode of oee aad rate of oe
Ahaadiady«aria«ollw war with*««* ft"
shnll lanrelr he stale
Fiaaee. fonght on tla- sm. warn ai<n<'^o*'
topic of raorenaUen and Or------ *—
The perfeeted air mhipe 1* oae of
.......... .................... ........... ...................... , the certalnUma.of the ncas' fniare.
talaa. The fnaebam of the wooden ; Before >000 the aattoam will be rntraKahipi, the cloaeaem of the arlioem,, gling for sn|peaBcy in nariem in the
tbedniing of the baaxden and tbejalr. lattrad of on water. The Mg.
eSsctlTceras of Ihe Aateritan bnlj I ocunbersone tattleahiia of today on
■hoiB were fmatuea of the fighting to ■ whleh the world ia ajoandering
glory orer.
.1 nabi-r will hare dimppeared.
Mr. aod Mrs. Angast
have mtaraed from a abort wedding, to borne erf Mr. ud Mra. A. .
■ MiU take ap toir abode in! Fiitoy. 6U Webstar street.
, — ——
J ............... a
• I to.eoclelles lo the dtr will 1
hie duties la the H.
' acto FimM.'E. ehudi tat
8.0. De«»
____ ____ ________
•nMtrftoBoQm. lafi few Lanttog Birdmye View of Mi-iOBary Work
Throogfaoat the World."
H«-tllc CoMa paMday by to wrlOBt illato >«ertay eeeeivH a ctalimd erf aa»r
; tram BoUaad.
a IL Hewn of to Word has 1*;^ toctirti of to
ettyaeteofo who was enrapelted by
----- ta lataiB tram to State
. Bi.^ r. Bnk at MolUe.
I Bet's Biitm
f—SLM. MnrSI I
Ibe Boys Bead trill have tbair masat Kaw Year s dinner at to Ftak
Plaee ibis evMUng.
The posuflee will be open this
MlBg from 7 MU « and trosa <
to > ia the aftmoaB. A moraing
deUvety wOl ha asade by to aarriars.
There will ha a lipaaial eomedave of
Vawwm City OnmndRyHa 41,
win b
win also be topeetmit ky 1
to B. D. Wbeeto, of- Maalte, who
eoamm as a mammrtatfra^ ths
Onto Osmaaadscy.
Thsmlormaef J. W. JIUlikaa md |
tfaeBanitea<lloiUi«OeL win mloee ,
today at Bocm to the 1
fast at If e’etok Tt
tUa ia to kamn- UiaritmdaU
talniad laafea-1
l>H«)y aad (aoqaxns SmSte. aad
toa e^i idiji »nem
laoraliig. tha Beoord hoys will nil ,
mdsnkip of; to gbM ia tara eziamsaad to nna
epoa nek dty makanlber today ]
aaaaTiahtelwishi^hehallof to Into nmbna
ato omamal their jgetty
Isitably ^ ato the etbm preent. This was a
for to am eentary aad wifh each , rnsBatad cm tUi oeeasioa.
«<«7 P«*ty iaaagantieB of to amw
ato aU a Happy Kew Tear. Oormes had famea laid ter k» gents, ynrsad to atgniScaaoe of it was
The rmgalar meetiag of, T
City Chi^ 1
I 8nr '
' Uf>bi a—ml k^a.rk
held this •tmelag.
serred aftar to______________..
T. A. Gcaloe. kpaei^ ageat of to
Mntaal Life has Jan imadad Mr*.
Laciada Kewbeciy a ofasok for
iiMaymeBtof a AODO pMUy. The
ooniw has paid the prmnlans <»
the plilley for t)B Ito thrme years.
Zhe rarloea match memtiags in to
difffrmnt obarehn wne earriad oat
last nii^t aocordlag |« the (wograma
into Bwiord.
AU^ tom wore well atl
lU»i|rroU0Bal aerrimat
to «ld year aad to <
Teeaa TVawxnCtv Mnmamr.
to pngiw SBtll TBoaBt plaen oeald
bm laoridsd. This
aad tbnm
thing rmaaltiDg rny h^gdly.
Exalted Baler Baato pemsidad aad
opsoedto pragma with a tmw ap-
Dsvid McMeekea, oee of to Oon-|
paayILBeya.anirmd iato city last I__________________________
Manistn. with hi. i
bride, fortorly Kiss Blaacke Hooker
ton g
of this dty. Their amrriage. which —- *■•**
eeearimd ia Msitistee Satarday, tm
a mupsise to aome cd toir trieada in
thiseity. Some of Mr. HeHooke«-s
H. Pratt, mrfao
to fair I eomtadof of Oompasy M met him aad
gnesta of to lodge is eloqaaat tame
aad oatUomd the ohleeu of the orla elasiac bo dralarmd tot no which a boat of friends of lioth will
lodge eoald Uro witoat to
IP of joinheanilr.
approval of to notots, an
ntm aad fwmolknm oftonombon:
Seronteen of the Meads of Rasa
asd this aoeial aeoMoe. bo nid. would
eoerey aa iatalUgeet idn of the earn- Veigand met at hU home last eraaWefts r •r
a Mipua.
tarns sad aonttmeai ofthe npnin- Ing sad wntohod to new ynr in with
It i. -sol g
there ate eac sun. fAniM. in Mafia tioD. aad ia oeaielnMoa Mr. Pratt hto A fine time was had. The fol^><r ladiridiials aad paid a brlUiaat Mbalm to to Udto. i^wlag Idll of fare was disposed of;
M6q>rtl Oy«l.
UpOBIthe cion of Mr. Fran's sdwbiebare literally worth a kteg'i nn- dren to ertoatta stra^ np to Lr»nnu.a
Hilne rmm
•oa. Ill all to w«M there i. no mere
>aad tokaBtinetPamtOInlV
Itoe Ptr
famaa* pearl than toTavoniltr, aow la
K.y W.-rt Hanto
the pcmewimi of the shah of Persia.
This remarkable gem caai^ ibis eartOrftffv
arti king by deacoit aad is a gennlnely
The T. M. T.
Olive. ■
ratuirkable rniicMity. Il dsirea its
eWd TnHcey .
CoU Bom
nattM-from having ben sold by Ibe trav
- PlehM Itob'. Tnrme
fnl manner/laR et
eler Tavorniet >DV man ago to to tbn
f Mr. a^Uis. (
rnler of P
he pr»te iben was
Ircd 8hffBn
n-freshmenls ^ v
r worth am than
tot Bt-ensev.
nes Mere played, mnsie was
Immodlatoly npoB
eastern king, the i*..
to fsast Tinw“ j
■ *<rr ane rime indulged
worth >106,000. weighing IS>foarmta
Tbniogh il to daylight can bo ton. to time-honotM castom of drinking
are a
Prioows Yotuuapctf'e&Dert gets iswooydeth. nice wir
drefolly boantifoL Valnrd at <1MI,000. Brothers, "aad all arose and shared , Ooidci
shnUeew- in tbe.expreasion of tbu tender seuti- k^nnt II Tea. Adkyoor druggist.
lilip IV of
bpain. Eighty lbea«i»l dollars ii to -One of the moat oniqne,
r, apiBotoale BEFU
figoretol it isapptoimiled to pcqw’s and original featnm of ib
f ihc^.f'VraiDg
pearl woeld briug. One of Leo's
the electric eSeets piWed by
enton became pomceecd of It ia a maoipbell
nerwMch has not been lold. and it has
ia rtgnlar oooree to the
«tu inrombont of 8r. PAer’s thrcBo.
MS a frame^toaring the figures, |
LotChHd’s "
Tbis. M far n is known, oxbaiists to
in red. white and bine;
list of truly celebrsled pearls. Therm electric Inot^deerent btribo. During
Winter Suits
the early Un of the evening l«th
T.IOB la cxiraiinimiiiy. xoma
Forikpi^ :i. 4. 6. n. ; and'ti
neetbera are made tip gndoally. pearl were abowh, bnt as soon a. the lionr
veare—|inees from fl..V> to gt—
after pearl being added to the eet. asd of Is o'clock was lamed the -IW
print, eat in two. tinme of
tlieni liav.: loittn vemfs—<>NK
laading >ewekn are raoscautly oo'-tbe snuBZftngoiahed and "IVOr'shosm
OFF. HamlKou ClotJiloukonl to prorate gmii. of like rarity opt brilUaolly, a beantifnl evfiletiev
to extend Ibe chain. On to whole, pink Of the dawning of tlie new eeninrr.
peark are nut npecialIgTaliiable. black
The progiBin
cues bringing far higher ]wuies. 'and ceived and contained features which
peark that are yrbite hruig moghi next bore the im(wess of professioasl lal
after tom. Qeto.Vi(-toria of Ijiglaad
All of to en
has a nerklaoe of pin pearls tbat^U
rse City (teoiUe. and it is eredi
worth gHO.OOO, and to dirwager <mWednesday Evening
(cess of Gormanyono made of 3 J peark table to my Uiat no better enimaicment c»nld have been given by irnvi lwhich wonia bring oasHy |12.'i.000.
The Boihirhild wuiurn hare, how ing professionals. And each nambrr
ever. gems of this curt that far etreed
. appboded in
ia relne those of Realty. BaranrasGoa- to the
tivede R-torhild praeosea.ae made Followh
np of five rows of peark. (Ite whole
cbsln being rained at <fO0,000. Bar
oness Adolphe de Botlischild owns a dies'-Fred
HongBliaD Fantasia, d".v ^ afteraoon
Even mote hrilliaui,
Recitation—'' A Pletore on the Bar-, nt p
semi Mtvs. is the necklaee of Ibe dnw•om Floor. "-Mim Beulah Mahan.
Bp«r etupress of Rnarla. Tlw gems.
Vocal aolo-Ctiaa. A. 8k6lcher.
Iiowtmr. are nut qoite as fine as (h(»e
"What I Know Aboot Klks"-Dr.
in tbe.Rolbscfailil eullertioo. The rsiiA. Thompaon.
ket id this royul lady is the mad faViolin sole. Faust Overton—Prof.
moos in (be wuriri from ■ gem puint of
view. Usnlly sevoud to il is that uf a K. Horst.
to etn|icvB« of Anslria. whume.bUek
Banjo Dnet-Mri^^m
-MnL^r Garland and
One Lot
piork ore mted tbnagbiral Earupe fur
their extremu beanty and mrlly.
Child's Cepe Overcoats
Violin and OniurfBelection-HowWliat has Invaae uf to while peoik ard Brothers.
of the Ihupnos BagiWle. *.0d at lbs
Fomier prices
'Ragiimt"•clois> of Ihe Fraueu-Prnimiao yar, has
-.\U go at II .W. Hamilton
I'lojhiog fo.
never been uuwh- knuwu, The value of Chas. A. Bkelcher.
,«I Friday. Jan. a. tren 1
Violin solo. "Bine Belts of Scot
tom was aiime >n«.t»00. pnd they were
; sad Saturday. Jan. 6. mi
tugetber iu a very brantifel land. "-D. W. Stewart.
B<«klare <that fm-nently grared the
Orebestra—"Light Cavalry.'
M.-k Ilf tl
While every nsmber of (lie program
YuA W«14
was greeted with warm applanae.M
Oaa ShkdM and Ok^
Cispbill Bai.
of the oombers are deterring of more
than ordinary mention. The first
somber rendered by Cbas. A. SkelcliLot Bojr'a Nice Ov>rco>ts
rr, a sentimental ballad, was enthn1« to 16 ysBTX. marked from I
ally ngeored and Ur. Bkelcher
t'olora, ‘intiriM telop^ooM for bouw!
>6 to 10 pir c«aL off. Hamil- I
ded with to popular "Handy
whleh was warmly reofived. 1
146 Front Street
His teeead namber. a ragtime selee-'
MT5.isiga'aig~‘ "ag’
One Month Tree!
i 6RASD BAPim IjjPIttA »t.
; Dancing
; ;;;
HuMm I Nertkiutert ft R.'
Mr Wik-«irekie* an amnsing story
ot an o91c«T wko dcsermlscd to eater
Chinese Tibet kg atratagem This oflIbe freotier at
night, and aumca|>id'tbe frontier gnard.
Kelt di^r. bowFvs.
wb<le be "wm Joar•vw.wo'teTwwm
riag deeper
into Xibrl Um Tibetan
ovsxtouk binPHid informed him
of ruhben. they vronW go with him in
ewdor to protect him. to wbicb arrangemeet the traveler war emnpeUed "
agree. In a few boars toy came t
nver. which wm cgnmed by a rope
bridge The Tibetaae pamsd ovsr fliat,
in order to diow ihu the bridge wm
mfe and then to oflSecr got into tha
bBaket and wm palkd alcmg bwto Tibeiana Saddest, bowever. t^ cemed
paUing and left to Englishman bang
ing In mickir above to tnahltM icnest
la vain to traveler ahoated »to
TibettUM to poll Tbt^nMrely
Irfaeto. ~
hang above to
another, aad that fallMl-to atlsfy the
thirst of Um aadleooe for mewe of it.
He responded with "The Bine and
to Gray.-’;
Mrs. C. E. Horst tang the dtm^..
Bobolink" Tnyswmtlybat declined
lo rmapoBd to the very enthosiastlc
on* of the hits of the evening
and they came ob toaeoond time aad
rendered "Home. Sweet Home"^
D.'W. Slesrartato violinist-made
that brought ont spontaniMamn aad re^mnding. be
gave MoetaowMri's Serenata. He was
rteaUedaad plgyed "AaBie iMuzie "
in a style that Inrited
hat he declined to
Ai-t- DwcjoojimTm.
Yon can almajr* gnt lAan
yon n>a ga Efoetric Baaor. I
hiVa t^-fineat atoek oi high
grade, fine tempered Electric
Baion that aw gnaiaataed to
be tbe brat aad aoat wtiafoeiotyaada.
FHeea froai •! to«i.
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