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The Morning Record, June 21, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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omciu PAPER
Sbafter's Fleet of Transports Believed To Be
Beady To Land Upon the South
ern Coast of Cuba.
d b, BUneo—nrtb.
Fr«qu« .tl7 M BloekAdlac FiMt
wlib l>u(«r«ua Aoeuncj.
•pwlal to Tbs MoBiise ReooaB.
Ktj WmX. Jbd* tO-It te lwTB«d
froM asTBl ofiofn that 0«Deral Blam•
hM natUed tbe Anarteu bloekaAloffr
ilMtttathe win kwmtiw,
na flaf of trace: addia* U»t every
Shaffer Is
After the Crafty Enemy
Brick Barid«Mc ia Xlk B*pA4a FEattad aad tb« laUriar FartAaDF
Tbc lanra brick bmuc of IficbMl
Naekarmaa la BmA BIk Bapida, «aa
Btraek bj UfTklalair dariaf tke Bever*
atora »atiutla7 norainr- The bauaa
has bat racaBtlj baaa repapered, palaW
ad aad oarpebad. bat todaj it U ralaod.
Not a roos la tka kooM aaeapad, aad
eel wltkia a ais mile taafa wUl be
' tka Blaatar anta tora troa tk^walU
Arad apoa wbetAiar flyiaf tha stare aadI aad oeUlafa. Wiadowa wara tora from
atrlpeaorawbita Aactheir aaakea aad door* fron the hlarca.
Aaotber (overamaat yarn il wkieb, Tbe bolt weatfroBOBa rmb to aaj other, leaviaf bolea in the wal»e aal
thoB^h made b/ a ballet. Oae of lu |
peeallar freake was to eoorch evertkiar
i*|haTiar aajr flit apoa it. Hetare
laatbeiiavadthateaeh aecarate aboU j fraatae aad tha flirnraa oa tba wall
jeaa bafirad br tbeSpaclabraanen.
«<-r* taraed blaek as was tbe
I PVMa. s
Drapariea aad carpeU were
Harm Visited Upon Merrimac's Crew Will’that
Meet With Switt and Just Eetribu|-‘-‘^uekeep.Aria,ba.vy ri.eu.
tion by This Oovernment.
0«n«r«l Blsnoo D«duv. Th.t the American FrieonenOen
Only Ba Italeaaad Throtigh the Oaptura of HaTann—Itlt
Beliared That the Spanish Flag at Half Kast on Korro
Oastle at Santiago Was Baoaosa of tha Death of a Fpan>
ish Offloar.
to tb. Ab,.ricb «r
ehlpe raising a ooleme of
amoks over ion feat kigh.
AR ARII OF (00,000.
After tbe dollars and cents, and tbe aeuibb
are naking tbe doUan for tbemselrea by boying Wall PApar
at the present low prices. Never before heard of.
290 Front Street.
Both U. S. and Cuban-A new lot just received
‘“““"'b Tb.t^iUbt
escaping lojary. ehows that only;
through Providence were they
The boese aad faraltare ar
amat Utal wreck. Tke lom U partially
eevered by inesraaoe.
BoUay ± OonuBbl#
I Closing Prices
onjLadies’ Suits!
I keep tkc*. Yo« will Ant bave loCApPXBSXOBtft ICcXUrLBV
Wacktastoa, Jaae
No doabt is tare HavoBa before rewing tbcia.'
Mew aerk at the Wbltlng.
Mtertaiaed at tbe war departmeai
• SeltB
»I»B tt__________
taa< aacoM D
Will Wrightman, of the Botel
BB (B TrBTene Cl«r.
Seppoeed to bs Faiee neperv
that Geaeral Sbafter's military expeRlagsion. Jamaica, Juae SO-Bo100.000 Keo, Wh ck Would of Reed City, bea labea tbe poslUoa
ditAea has arrived safely off Saatiago.
eanae tka yellow Spanlek Aag oa Mom !
•^■"7 Meerly Half a |
Belol Wbitlag.
Velae M.SC. &t a< in
It is believed that Ike Ant traasporte
Will P. Rcbertaoa,
wbormigawas placed at half mast after tke bom:
KtUloa Blroag-A Senator Oloee to plaeeof
arrlvwl near ike UoekadlBf Aeet BaV
Freaidont BoUoveo tke OaU Will ed. Mr. Wrigbtaaa waa with Mr.
bardmeat of tbe Santiago battorioa oa
Compton when be was proprietor of
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
aiAay nir^^actMiogto tbe plase
Be Kade la Twe Weeka.
Tharaday, some of tka more exeiubla
tka Botel Elag, aad is aa efficient and
and Clothing Houa
arraage^^^ deberlca^ the Aeet ef
Waaklogvw. Jane M.—can aaeert c^ble clerk and popelar with
ottoem of tba Seat think that Hobaoo
traaeporta was tobeaa a safe place
volnaend kla craw have been killed by Ue
satil Sampeoa ktd cleared the way fee
teers will U aigaed by Ue praeidsat
OoL tmltk Baa Arrivad.
laadiag. Tke aelreUoa of a landing
aodore Schley dieeredlt the remor. aad promalgatod by tka aacretaiy of
Coloaal S. A. Smith and wife arrived
place hes been left enUrely to tbe
Tkere baa been notUag exoept tb.!
the next two pveeka." aald lest sight from Jaekeoe. Colonel Smltk
Jadgment of Admiral Saoipeon aad
b maaagor of the botel at Ke-ab-toplacing of tbe Aeg at half meat to la- * **'
General Sbafter. Meanwhile tbe Aeet,
waaia. and will go there this moraing
Jdieate that aay harm whatever bad tke preeldeBt.
of UanaporU woald lie oat a
ready to look after tbe comfort of the
“The call will be for 100,000
*** ** ----- * to tke prlsoaere. They eoold set
at tbe resort with hi* proverWal
By tke time it ia Imuad tka ragii
w ia the Aeld will have been racralt*
aa Morre w
.tiojarad. It ia proba-1
from attacks from tke Spaaiah torpedo
, ed to their maximaa atreagU.
that I
I Spanish «aoer
Flrat Shipment of Strawberrico.
The first carload of atrawberriea from
killed and the Aag waa lowered in i
Biga the third eall about tbe SSU tkU regloB to go ti marketo abreed.
SiobUd IB Windward Faemo*.
apent of kis dMth.
apeHsl tc Tax McBnav Rbccbii.
will be shipped tonight by Alderman
“Oae haadred :
George Lardie. who it loadlag a refrig
Klagaton. Jane SO.—Steamer* Bow
den, Jamaica and Brooklyn arrived
fom about eighty regimeau. which erator car with aboot 600 cratoe for
kora today, report ^et they peaaed la Which Promioe to Bave ^er OMoniea, will probably be orgacUed into tweatka windward peaaage laet night 34
Will Indaee Spain to Xdatea
tyacrea brigades, nine divisions aad
TbeladlMofthefixotH. B. church
on the
-- .ira,
Americas v aeU headed aoatbwaid.
to Ovartoree of Peace.
threa army eorps. This wlU make ne- wUl serve warm meals
Maecabee day.
in Grange bail, be%>wUl ioTbi Mobbixs Rbodbb
ceaaary tha appointment of twelve me- giaoing at ton o'clock a. m.
Madrid. Jaae so.-The aewapa
Og Oape JKarai.
jor-geaeraU aad twaaty-aevea briga
apeelsl te Tax Honme BaonBit
My that tke Cabinet yesterday discaae- diers. baaldes a large namber of pay
Eingeton. Jane SO.—Tbe British ed 'I'peace tendeaclee obaerveeble la tbe
amiaaailea of aebalatenee.
etaamer Etbelwold arrived fro Anto
stock Is golne down, but thero are muiy batealns lelt.
Calted Sutee aad la Spain.’' hot add qnartoroiMtora. aargaanto and other
nio this moroiogand reported. pasting
that Spain will “aaaaiaMnaly repadl- atoff ofTcer*.
rrhe looner yon oome the better eelecUone you set
yeeterday evaalng. near Oape Mayai.
aU eawortby eradltisaa." holding
‘With an army of nearly
tke eatranca of tke east portion
that peace ia only pcMlble “if
men, it wUI probably be anneeeesery
Caka, an American gaakoat. an eaxlJidlilona are hoaombU and iaelnde the to make a farther eall. nnleaa
ary crnleer. two traasporu and
reUntlon ef tke eoloniee."
naltiM from diaeaaea and hatUe are far
achooaer in tow. Later ebe p-iTf an124 Front Street
Friedrich Block.
exteaalve than aeenu probable at
200 pairs Chitdrea's Tan
•tber steamer with troope on board.
thU tima Tbe president baa beooma Shoes.. lace or button, size
Tlie Etbelwold waa atopped by a goaZfttt to Tkua Avoid Action on Hi oaavineed that tba war 1b likely to last
to 11. Compare with
boat with a blank abot and qaesUi
wallan Hosaara Wee Voted Sown.
>ocb longer Ume than he coaum- any $1.25 shoe sold,
aa to bar identity.
SpecM u> Tax KOKBIBS Rxn>Ba.
I pUted and be te mtiafied that the beat
Weahiagton, Jane SO.—Mr. WhiU in
way in which So force Spain to torms is
Harm to Hobeen WIU be Avenged.
le eeaate. moved to adjoara and Mr.
Mpvrlal icTbx Mobbim Bsccbo.
to organixe aa aray capable of aeoomWashlagton, Jane 30.—Swift and ter UevlB reeiaied tke motion with a do- pliahing the annihlUtiaa of all Ue
ribla retribnlioo will fellow any ham maad for the yeas and nays. It was
D Spain can pnt into Ue FUl
200 pairs of Misses' Tan
done to Bobaoa and hU mea at Saatta- tke Arat teat vote. The motion to ad Caha aad Porto Bloo t4«eUar. When
All Woi« Giutrnntend—Pricea Klght.
Shoes, lace or button, sizes
go. Tbe ofieeta at tbe navy depart- joara was defMtod by a vole of 44 the Ume oomea for Ue sieve of Bavana.
nays to U ycM.
UK to 2. Better than lots
aeat were very indignant when word
an amy ef at least soo.ooo men will be
of Shoes at $1.50.
waa received that Captain General
avaUable for Caban eerriee. if it ia
Bianco had refused to exchange priaBaltUacre Stoek Breelved Thiwe Timm a Weak
to aend aueb a fern
•pain BappUed WtU Lo
IS at once feared and xatpectod
BfwdBl toTaxMcHIBiifB KBrOBO
For BMt and Booroatlon.
that the i
Loadon, June SO.—A apeeial diapateh
savage deviltry. If Bobaon U mlaISO
from faria aayb the Austrian agent has grocery departmaat of Ue MeroeaUle
trealod. they pUI be pacleed: vengenca
in V'ici Kid. $3.00 goods at
returned frem Madrid, where be deliv^ j Company's store. U eajoylnga vacation,
will reach every Spanieh officer that
ered to tba Spanish aoUorttlm via
*“• ***• *n>>lng. somewhat
has anythiag to do with iejariag our
8.000,000 empty cartridge.
»«»Uon ba. beooma
hvav# aailon. If the Spaeiarda have
toe. of
neeesrity. Be will apesd about two
ton. Of axploBly^ dmived from .oaUataUklag short trip, ibiangb
placed Hobsoa and hia man ia Spanish Krsaeh. AoslrUn aad Belgton
Ue eonatry. Hr. Pybus baa beea in
fortlAcatioax where they have
Ue employ of Ue company for Ue
125 pairs Men's fine Shoes.
killed or wounded hy oar own ebou
past twanty y.
Regular $3.50 goods,
Ue offeaee would be Ue aame aa if Oadla Fleet Mew sUfk ti a SpanPrank UoldaworU has Jutretoned
from Ann Arbor aad having had aeveial
Hofaeon bad been exeenud by Spanish
lata Port.
yaara of cxperlenca in Uia liaa of work
ordara. If Ue Spanieh cannot aceounl RpMlBl toTas Uoxbibci Rsooi
Waskiagtoa. Jane 20.-The war do-'
for Hobson and bU crew, or claim that
they eeraped, or .were ehot while try partmeat has reoeivad a dUpateh aUV
Frank Friedrich’s Yacht
ing te escape, tbe paciabment wUl be lag that Ue ChdU fleet baa returned to
Many other special prices
We do net wait aaUl Ue aeaao* U entirely over, but we are ready
a SpaaUh port.
Prank hViedrieh has AnUbed Attlng on good shoes.
Jnel as severe, aad suScleat to arooae
now to give Ue benefit of onr rednoed priem to tmr patooM on eaaesmout bU gasoline yacht, Ue Hasea S.
Vutoet From Belgrade.
tha whole world to Ue knowledge that
We want your trade.
Pingree, Jr., aad took hU ialUal sail
wheo an eaemy murders United SUtes n^lml IB (bv MoenB. Bwmu>.
1 lot of fancy Braided Oapae. rednoed from St.gotoAl.7S. Dm
London. J ana so.—A epccUl dUpateh ior tbe aeeaoB Baaday. BU fiiaada
ahldiera retribaUca win be as direct aa
high art Imported SDk Oapee. elaborately
will enjoy tbe pleaearae afforded by
from Belgrade. Servla. Bays that ex-1
She bea beea
$13 to^, AS.&Oand A6. BroedeloU and Smge Oapea, silk lined, redaeed
Qoeea Naiqlie U orgaalxlag aa expedi-! newly painted aad
from $4 and AS to $3.96 Udlee'Jaeksta radaeed from A6.S0 aad A«.H U
Uoa to tbe aeat of war between Spain
Popalar 8ho« House.
ALPS. A lot of old-elyle Ladies' Jeokem, former pricM from AS to AM,
npwlal U>Tu HennSB Uxmbb
Bled ia Ht Fleeaant
and Ue United Sutee in order to narae
allgoatue. MUeee’Jeidiete rednoed from At-SO and AS to S3.7S. SpeeWeahiagtoa. June SO -Tbe feUowing
boU Americans nnd Spaalarda.
ie in CbUdree'a Jaekria.
Enowltnn. and a farmer reeldeat of
was reoeivad today from Commodore
We moat Ague oa apaoa for fall arrtvaU aad w* do not wUh to
UU city. dUd In Mt Plaaaant Pridey
Bmoke WUl Blee.
Watson: “TkaOaptnln General atataa
tmrry ever a single aammer gaiMoat. OaU early before tha
night The faoeral was keU at that
SperiBlMTui MmxnB Bscoeo.
ttiCt Ue SpaaUh govermneat refuses
Waablngtoe. Jose SO.—Thepreoident plaee Sandsy and waa attnaded by Mr.
We are again ready, wlU a large
Hofaeoa end
UU nfteraoon aeat Ue eeaaU the aom- aad Mia. C. C. Enowiton of UU plaeo. eloek of lee. to deliver Ue aame to aay
hie men are the prisoaeis la qaesUon.
InstloB of Lleatenaat Samanl Smt^
Chaa. Beck U ridlAg a aew Kenwood part of Ue eliy.
When Ue American oSceia want to
of Ue oineleeaU tafantry, now eut- WC7«U. ________________ '
MapU Uoek wood alao for aale.
Blaaeo to effect anwxchaago he said; tenedatPort Wayne, U be amUtasl
An lalbtmai Hep wiU — .....
«lha MW art my prisonera aad 1 wUl qaartermaeter wiU tank of eaptaie.
evening at Martaagh’a academy.
TelophOM No. M.
Strong Points
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong- point
-For This Week.
T. J. HOvST.
H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Han.
213 Front St
netchei's Bjster‘D»|iot aif Restairait
A Slaughter Sale
Summer Gapes and Jackets.
Alfred V. Friedrich
The Boston Store,
fMouraM tb*t tk» frtIUM of
Fnak ud W. W. taltk. to anet a
frwM teUdlar
tko BorUi alda of FVoot atroot. batwM
OaM aod Uaioa. be daalad. aa Um point
waa within tha flr* Ilmlla and aneh no
tion woold be aaubllahlnr a bnd prw
Bat the ootn»lUM neonmended that tha petltloneni be per
mitted to aroct a baUdinf with telok
eeneer. The report with Ufb reeom
mendaUan waa aooepted and ad^tad
DpoB maonmandaUan of the eom
mltUe Mra Marie rriedrick was matad pernlaaloo to erect n three
brick boUdlnr adjoining the Krledrl
imittoe on etreeu and walka
ImproeenaaU on
Woodmen aeanoe and tl
af the etreet tbrooirb the alley at the
I fOOmiB AT aat^TT.t^o
> fw a •tnod BatrloUc
Bnudng m Specdalty.
sUre of «a
n at OadlUae thla
year promlaaa to be a roaring aneecoa.
Baaldaa oalebratlng anr natal day it la
proposed fo make this a grand jnbilee
orer the gloriona Tielorioi aeklered by
Ameriean arma Eaeoa of alt kinds.
oraUnaa. flag drills, anaic galore, bal
loon aaeanitena and fireworks are aotne
of tke faaturaa promlaad while tbe comalttaee promise In additton many pleas
ing BnrpriscB. Trarcrae City will be
largely raprcaanhM la return for tha
big crowd fram CadllUc on the tSrd.
Cbeapeet and moat pclubla place to get yonr bicycle repaired a»d
pnt in good ronnmg order. Have bad aevernl yearn eiperience and
know bow it ahonld be done. Satiafaction gnarabteed. .1 am aellinR
bioTole anndhea at about coat. New and aecond hand wbeela for aale
and to rent. Pleaac give ua a trial.
£LU8,8U Front dt,l
I -fi ”WLacca\)ec'Daia aadi
1 I MDcaWter.
Laat Keating of OammItUaa.
The azeentire and anb-eommltteea of
tbe MaecabaeealabraUoa are requested
to meat la tbeolBee af O. P. Carrer
the eonatnetion of awalk on the aontfa tkli erening at B o'eleek to make tbe meet at their ball lomarrow morning |
aide of Bleranth street, between Oaaa final arangements for tbe celebration at alae o'cloek to attoad tbe funeral of
and Union atreeta. wbleh waa adopted. Thursday. Erery member la urged to the late Alonso HarrU.
The ladies of Traveree Bsy Hive; No.
71, arc requeatod to meet at tbe home
mended the MUblbhment of an are
of Mra. B. L Ilea on Seventh street, at
lifht at the ooraer of Unkm and
Seeerai riders auecoedad la ellmblng » o'clock, to attoad tbe funeral of Alonso
Twelfth atrseu, but raeonmandad the Boaghey hill yesterday.
rejection of petlUoaa for lirbu at tba
P. C. Oilbmt will delleer the Fonrth
U. J. Morgan rooeived five boraee on
intenectloD of Kroot etreet and the af July oration at Sherman.
the Petoskey Sonday morning, beridae
panlnaala road, and at tba ooraer af
E. H. Pope sold
Uek«to''to Pataa- two Sue animals for the ob.micnl en
In Ibr fire department.
key ela the atoamar Paloakey Sunday
e oUer light mantloaad ezk
Berby Allen has b.-en employed by E
B Pope, agent of the Noribern MlohiManr of tbe leeal ridein
trip to Elk Raplda Sunday. Tba roads gaa Transportation Co.. at the dock to
Milt in Ua office.
Tberaqueat of Wililam Holdaworth ■ore in fine ooadlUon.
dio c^akV.
Ibare waa a foad deal of dlacai
In last nlftat'a oonaell meetiar, ptindpally upon etreet ImproTemanta and
lha erlU of bicycle riding npon the
arnln of the city. The dlaeuialons
evare drawn out ao that it waa about
nUeen a'clock before the and
The drat propoeitlao for a streat ImpeDTemcnt came from L. O. Bryant,
who paUtlaned^^.a«ucll to Improre
.Bryant eWparfrom tbe^nlnanla rood
dofcal-Bay. Alderia^ Oarrlaan. In
Blmnainr the project Wted that Mr
Bryant bad offered to farnlak the
Iffneal to the city free of coeV Be
•loo offered to iFire Ue right of way if
elty would open a etreet from penlaanln rand to the fair greunda. The
■attar waa referred tba committee on
Mtnatand walks.
a«y Clark Rickard waa diraeUd to
pAsawledge wiU tbaain the receipt
«d an inriutlon to the great gymnaatie
donrnment. aoaa to be held in Grand
W. L Brawn petitioned the eonncil
do permit him to more thr old buUdIng
adjoining the Friedrich blncin to
tha northeast corner of Front and Park
jMaets and iaclnded la the petition a
fnqneat ta erect next to it another
Anme building lOzcn feet in dlmendloaa. both bulldingm to be oorered
with iron. Alderman Monugne sagpanted tha adriaabllKy of baring the
Waeal of light and fire alarm wiree
^irneted by a repreaenutlre of the
dlaetrie U^t oampaaieo and the fire
dUaf. and with thla prorlao the peUtlen
wnam*l«*l- _______
S5 Ceuls ^oT a bummer.
2 Tixass&oodLS
\n vricA.
for bettor facUlUea for reaching Ue
Chpuln Webb of tha Traverae Bay
Tbe Bamlltoa Cadeu are reqaeatod
of Us loU oa Union sUeet
to meet at tbelr armory thU eeeolng line has arranged for two atoamers,
the Columbia and Craaoent, to aceomoat 7 o'clock.
dargarol Booley. of Bay City, date tbe crowds from Northpori and
The eommittoe oa printing, to whom
tbe bay polsu Thuraday.
>pted a poaJtlon in the dry goods
ns rafarrad the petition to reaelnd tha
While removing the skin from a calf
departmoat of Stieaberg's atom.
act of the eouneil of ceatini
ooBtract with the Monaizu Rmvjui re
Tbe memben of Amanda MIee No. Saturday. Abm E Bingham eeflared a
ported as fallows:
5». are requmtod to meet at their ball bad eut naar tbe eye, eaoaed by the ac
allpping of tha knife he was
TotbeBoaorabls Msyor aad Cooacil thU afternoon at 1:S0 o'cloek.
of the City of Trarerse City.
The Traeerue Bay Line of hoaU wUI
Oz.NTl>;iiz!«:—Vour Commli
SeaU will be placvd on eale this
Printing, to whom wna referred thape- ran ezeuraiens to Ne-ah-ia-wnnla and
morning, at tbe box effioe. for tbe en
UUon signed by a number of the prin Omeaa every Sunday morning.
cipal buslaese men af oor city, ralaUra
The members of Amanda Rieo are gagement of-Oor iSobllos" on Thorsa> lr..i lot. ABSII bo«w. esr lorallns. fcS Mrwl. ess to bougSI 1m wn
to tha latUng of tbe cuotraet for the
day erening, at Swiaberg'a Grand
PI (oo> lot. «<M>d dweUlea. rrtuwood. IS dews and tiftiwr mosib osi'J paid ter.
>eaedlBgsef tbe Conn- requeetod to meat at the hall atSo'clock
_ year, would moat re- to attoad the funeral of Alonso Harris. Opera Bonae.
41 acrvsUivrBllMMrathaadaMtfmBUeelV. Load good, wvll waiorad. pouag ar.
apectfully report aa follows; That we
Jndga Corbett's drivtighoraeearapod oSard TSIa U a bargalu lor <mlr tl JU.
The rain of Saturday moraiag put
hare had tha matter referred to in tbe
from tha atabls yard Sunday and start
ms aerva I mllr wool. aU ItBprend, vrlU to sold ta oor plerver divided lonil. Leok.lhla
peUtion UDderoontidernlieD.aad hare tbe bicycle path between Ralea aad
eonclnded that Id the iatorasU of har- WilUamsbnrg in the beet of eoediUoa. ed of for a littia rMrration by itoalf. ap. OtBerpUersltM.asd«alraWrorBietv.a
iohaeoa BleeS. PkaoeIX
aad also s desire on our part to
There will be oxcarsloni on the bay Tbe auimal was recovered ycotorday
acoordanre wlU the ideas and
about 1! miles aoutheaetof the city.
wishes of our consiiiuenu. to reeom- Thuraday. given on the atcamera CreaWill Wymane of Honor baa aoceptod
msnd that the action of the Oeuneil in cent and Colombia by Travona Bay
a position In Ue
eontiaolng the nrraent contract for
Btve. No. 71, L. O. T. M.
printing with Tur. Uorkizo Rscubd fi
of Ue MereanUle Go's, aiore. He •
•TheQoaan of The Lalna” took a rivpd In town yettorday.
ilhout snbmiulng bid
>od that bids for tfa
parly of isv beaidee the Boy's Band on
work be solicited from each of U.,. ihaazeursloB to Ne-ah-to-wantn Sun'
newspaper publishers of thU city, and
that the uoatract be let to tbe l^eet day.
bidder, serrlce ooasidered.
Oraoa Church Guild will nerve a ton
Ae a further reaaoa for this action, oenl supper at Forestora' hall this even
Onduata of Boj
is said of people who
e desire to explain that there affpesra
> be eome doubt on the part of aome ing. Everyone ia oordlUly invited to
are up^o-date and ate
parties, or dlfferaace of opialon as
recogniied wherever
tha Irgulily of cootinuing our prrsi_.
JusUee U. W. Curtis has been apIbej- }TO for their conect
tract with Thi: Mukzimu Kzookh aa
of the
Bwstaads, and without soUclting
knowledge of life aad
bids. After a eareful study of that eaUto of the Isto Uavld Warec. whs
part, or secUoa. of tbs City Charter died a few days ago at T^ng l-ake.
bearing upon this subject, we are led
People in the swim
A horse belengiogtoRev. B. Salsbery
to beliere tha'. ao far aa the Charter is
fur furti
are the people who
rancerned, there Is aothing ta It to con- ran away Sunday maruina, knl wa
bprs'i Urs
-s Hou,» OkIm- tra. C. g
wear SELZ SHO^,
or pmhlk
wltboui any damage having Ilurai,
Hurst, dirrriiir
sad BAnss-rr.
! wordioj
because they ate posted
been sastalned.
on what is best for thar
and coaUiaa la one of its aaetloni a
Poundmaator Moody has apoolnied
clause wkich might poaalbly be eon- J. E Nelsoa aa dog eateber for thla
atrord in aneh manner aa to make it season. Be will b^ln his work among
feet. There are lots of such people t
0.« Mrs™,'. Sim Wm.
appear best, all things eonsidared. to
nntagged dogs after Thursday
3<S59t8i7 pairs ot SELZ shoes were
le the ooursa we now recommend.
made last year alone.
;laaae referred to la the last part
E H.Sslabury brought totheRmtiub
of SeolioB 1. of tbe priatiog contract,
In offering you these shoes we declare
- - a box of mammoth strawberries, one
and reads aa follows; --This i
them the best in tbe world for the
iAP.mVVykaa. I
Hastings’ Real Estate Agency.
In the
Teacher of Violin.
Ooaaldarable discnaalon waa engaged
16UB." If Ilia inie that the ver> '■ rirenmference. They ware grown
In orer the propoallion for the improre
■ant of the hUl oa Randolph slraet. ie named______________________________ on Travene City toil
All Good Templara are requeetod t
tha west part af the city. Tha com- contract at that moment, then coruin■Ittoe on straau and walka bad bean ly it could not be mada a new contract
iply by a vote of tU Couaell. aa a
•ear the grouad and were inellaed to
V eontraei frw the city priaUag can
fnrar the pellUoB. After farther dls- nly ba made along the line laid down
ansaioB ai ta the baaeflu to ba dartred I the Charter, as that of submitting
pan public tboroughfarc, tha metier
araa referred to the committee for far
For yonr money? That'a what you get
ther larMttgaUon. TbapeUUc
F. C. DnauuNK.
when yon employ <fOO. R. Winnie—
tlmated that the cost of the ImprareA. W.. JAiinAt-8,
your money-a worth in good honest
B. Moptauvk.
■aat would be about tlSU.
Tha report was acceptod and tha neOpposite Bagle Office.
T^ clerk read a strong proUat,
ddgMd by a large number of cIOj
dram all parts of tbe city, agalaat the
The board of public werka reported
MS of tbe sidewalks by wheelmen
number of walka eonatroetoP dnriag
fning that the walka were for tbe ex- the past year for which property own^aslvo nee of pedeatrisei. la lUis
bad failed to pay. The city had
—ctlon Alderman Garrison argued ihsl paid the coat and byrcaolutien
It was time Travaraa City got Into amounts were ■simsed agalaat the
Um with other ImporUnt cities la this ioua pranerUea thus Improved.
g^ard and preblbltod tha um of the
sanlka for blcyele riding. Ue mainAftor the diacnaaloa of aeveral mat
dnfnad that the atreeU were good
ters upon which there waa no ofielal
dSWigh aad that It was time the podeoacGon, tba board adjourned.
Want Work
V» t I
——ABliiluUf. t.w rAtrsnliB af tr«4b vIhbcBl
One aielil Onl>.
Bonon for Bra. J. L. Olbba.
Mn. J. L. Uibba of Mayfield, left
yeeurday for Naaaau, Win. where aha
baa baen invited to give an alumni addreaa. Mra. Glbba ia>promlnont mem
ber of tbe Womanl Clnb of thla city,
and ta a gradoato of the Naaaau aehool
and deema U quite an honor to be ow
lectod to give the addreaa.
Barney Anderson naked tbe oounell
Tub MoKKixe Ruookd today prinU
to order a osmant walk at hU property
pm Wabator atoMt and Franklin atract. the full text of the vrar revenne bUI
Wa waa rot«rred to tha oommltue oa reeontly paaaod by Oongreaa and whkh
gtroali and walka.
la now 4 law. It will bo found partlenlarly UtoiwUBg and mataiaing In» OB too and wator
atlaa of vnlite.
Thursday, June 23
— OR—
“Fqdod the Rhine.”
Interpreted by a thoroogbly oom.
potent oompany of playan.
Brieto—»s. u. 50c.
Bnaervml aaato na4y Tnai«By ■
money, no matter whether the price is
81.50 or 85-oa
Opera House.
Took Refuge la a Church.
Kcble Lewis and Glenn Power alf
Elk Raplda. roda over u wllaem thh.
performance of “Mlae Francla of Yale”
Friday evening. starUng for bo
aftor. They were obliged to aoekaholUr at Yuba from the storm, and the
only place was a church. It waa i
a'clock a. m. when they roachod heme.
Steinberg’s Grand
gtn of the wheal.
•envy wheel be taxed fifty
ffnllsr for tbs street fund. for.
•nbltohlngof bicycle p
AW Pity.
AUormsa Monugne,
ffhp eommittoe
ttat the eoBiniuce had a plan in view
«rkUh be tbonght would suit the ocoajt« aad asked that the eommittoe he
gfraa a ahon time to farmnlato their
ite. The peutiaa was than referred
to the eommittoe on ordiaanera.
As poMi as UU was dUpoavd of a pedition waa proaeatoxl, signed by the
fwUpoU of Waabington straal. asking
IRp eonncil to prohibit the use of Washd^gton atroet to wheelmen. Tbe petidlOB want with tbe other.
\0 eeuU.
Sammax CoxsaV
Tor OanMdarnbla httentten.
Cycle Works.
In the way of Summer Hardware is our Ice Picks, Lemon
Squeezers, Gra^s .Hooke, Garden Trowele, Ice Tongs. Axes,
Watering Pots, Poicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors. Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you wiU
find in our
Hardware Stock.
Mtm oTni.Tr or attbicptxd
Bcldlr Tou th« ttarj *f » ]
Act UKt Wu Oaickiy DiapoMd Of
—WitUan Ufn on Trial ChMV«(>
With Steoluc a BiojKl*.
Tba JB17 to U> CircDll court madi
atom work of Dudley Tboaat yooUiday aftoniooD. and be waa ooueicted
aa chaired. Tboaai U tbe man wbo
d a erimiaal aMault upon MIm
Bwtha Clnae, on boaday mominr.
May It. wbU# the waa on ber way boae
from ebnrcb, on the aayluin road..
Mia Clone waa tbe oomplaloant and
the only wttoeee called by tbe proeecntton. eaeept bfaerlff btapeou. wbotcatlfled to oertaiD admikaiuDa made by the
aciiMd. bnaeCluaetoldau iDtelllfeat
atoryoflba detaiU of the acttona of
It reoolred ooly about an boor to
aatoalttbaeueof tbe proeecotioB, by
<r Twaddle. Boa. W. H. Kquter ooaductod the defanae. hartor beta
appotoled by ibe court to Uke tbe caac
•f the defeodeni wbo had ao mcana to
omploy ao attoraey. Tbomaa
ralyaed in the mornlornad pleaded net
fnllty. Be wcntontbeauadin hlaown
behalf and had be rafralacd from taktoyadraataye of tbatttrirelayesltniybt
hare bean better for hU eaee. Ue told
MbaUatlally aa told by Mile Clnae. exoept that be eolorod it to eult hia fancy.
Bia Btanner and tbe brazen way to
Which-Ab told bow he followed the
oontplainaat and bU aobae^ueDtacliaae
d to dlaynat people with
ordtoararily rained eenUmenta.
yave ns hu main defenae that be
thonybt that bia rietim was a person
of quHtionahle cksraeter. and declared
Ust be deaistod when be fouad bU
Mr. Foeter's
der's del
defesAppMUi cl^nt a
(hat be 'aanU^oalyofflmanlt a
battery in.^
. ---------------------------------the tow. as^e
had ■
•eeompIUhed the alleycd pnrpoae and
(hat no istCBl to commit the crime
•Uayed eonld be abown.
hewcrcr. ooneldered the eridenea from
a different llyht and oonTcted bin.
When Tbomaa wae analyoed In the
morn toy the court sutod tbut be had
reoetoed a peuUon from a aamber of
womea in the city to coodoct the trial
to Bccret. but as tbe tow provided that
trtoto of criminals ebonld be public be
eonld not make eneb an order. Be Im»remrd upon tbe apectotors. bowerer.
(hat the natnre of tbe cane abonid
prompt the usnsl attandsots upon tbe
eonrl to reaped the c
(0 refrain from beiny preacnt. and ibni
relieve the compislnansni from
yreat embarrammrni which
aral upon such an uceasion. Tbe eugyestioo of the court evidently bad its
welybt, as thvA were but few in the
ooart room durtoy (he irisl.
thtok I am aa far abend 00 tbe trail aa
a yreat maay who cmm here woeka
ahead of me, altbonyh aoma Uet came
OB the eame boat an ornr to timber
loay ayo, bat they either had boracn or
dcya or
A hone here brinya ttOO. when yon «a»
boy oae. Tbeyearo with a man drlrer
from »SS to PSO a day. One hora* carad
pofl one aiyht. wheo the trail waa yood.
Tbearborececaabeboayolfor »10 to
•It each to Seattle. Doya are worth
aboat $SS each. I don't know the price
paid for freiyktloy clear erer the ylacler. but for halt way np tbe enmmlt it
US.', cenu per ponad. Tbe dUUaoe
U leee than a half mlla. The tempera*
tore up here doee not rary mocb. At
nlyhl It U frrm S0° to
and daye
i. & Crouer of Ktoj
elty yeatorday.
MIee Ethel Stator rode from Elk Bapida on ber wheel Friday to wiUeaa the
performance of "Mim Fraaeie of Yale"
and to rUit the family of ber nncle.
J. W. Slater. She reUraed oa the
train yeatorday. aooompanled by MUe
Kate Doekeray. who will eieU at Elk
Rapids a few dara
Mr. and Mra S. Ynlomatoto and Utile
dauybter Ray. of DnUoit. arrlred reotorday for a rUit with frienda They
were formerly realdento of tbU dty.
Mra. Mez Sarlas and danyhtor. re
turned yeatorday afternoon to their
home In Charlevulx. after a week's
TUltwiibrcJatirei and Mends in this
50® to *0®.
The anowtildee ran be aeen
Ur. RarwUe. tbr Gass street pbotoyheard on erery aide: they eonod like rapber.
’ hU deuykter
Ikuader. I have seen some very torye from Cbieayo.
where bnndreda of ncree of snow
Clare Franklin, the eon of Sol Frank
and rock cam* down. VSr bad oue lin of Bast Ntnih^sirt-rt. came home
'lldr brreat tbe foot of tbe summit from pFtoshey Saturday with a bad
K. O T. H. Souvenir Badyea.
and one down at tbe third bench, ^t cat on bU knee. The injory was renie K. O. T. M. souvenir badym to
below 1 think it boned ton oelend in a saw mill.
Tharaday 00 the occasion of
and bort one man. Here it
MUe Mamie, tbe
baried a row #f toaU and tone of pro- Mrs. Atwood, lately from California, to tbe Uacoabre cslebratlon are beiny
famished by i'botoyrapber Rndshaw.
vleioBs; 36 people were taken oat frosa ' .}nito airb.
' The botton U torye and bmn a landinder tbe anow from 3 to l.t feet deep:
C. (1. Ymteeof Muakeyon. is
two were dee*. It waa an exeitlnir
.1• r>"
time. Seeeral of tboae token ont were fi» -bii. M,.
is a tent and abivc. tbe emblems of the
lojored more or leas, and it was at: eejoya a three weeks'vaentloB.
niybt* to a bllndlny snow storm. There | Rev. W. K. Wriyht left tost ulyht for R. n. T. m. and L O. T. U. ordan.
seas a yreat bnstle amony tbe men to ; Csaw^olU. where he will ofistoto at Tbe button, with the ribbon atiacbmrat of tbe colors of tbe order will
yet act aomeonethey -knew, or any oae. itbe Palue-KHne weddiny
I’. J. Andresrs and bride arrleed in msks a pretty badge and a valnsblc
in fact, bat a cry for help was distinct
ly beard, and while tbe men tried their the elty yesterday from Illy Ranids
and will make thU city their home.
beet to 1-wnte it they nevar yot
An XxoaUsnt flcisstiflc Work.
one eryiay: so there isn't m doubt but
Dr. K. Bowell of the asylam staff of
City Snrveyor Nortbmp has racelved
there are several burled there yet. At ptayslrtoos left for Vurmonl yeatorday
reqaest from a profsssiir af tbs Chi
aoma places it was 15 feet dsep nadar to aiijMy s three weeks’
the slide. A man by tbe name of 8am
Joha Proberl want to Omene yeator cago University for a copy of tbe report
of the invcatlyatlon by himself and
FUber bad several days and he and tbe day.
days and all wera bnrted. When he
Uan. Roswslt Lenvitt of Beltoira. to Civil Enylaeer Rafter made here last
year. Flattorlny eommenu arc made
day ont be went to work dlyylny in the city.
out bis days, lie found three or (oar
Mrs K. 8. Kims of Mnskeyon. ta in regarding the valas and 1
Uie report which U to form aa importdead and then quit looklny: eight dsya tbe city.
after the slide there were partiem oeer
risorye W. Alden of Grand Rapids, sat fentore of the Iseinres of that nnlversiiy upon water snpply.
there diyyiny out their provUlons. and waa In tbe city yeatorday.
one beard a doy bark, and went
and ekovaled to abont a foot and out
eame the doy. Be bad day bU way al
most oat. and while bs was poor sad
weak he could walk sad sbo-v alyns of
joy for yetting out. That sounds Uke
n fslrv tale, but it Is litoraUy irae. and
the day. a Shepbeid.
TTe had a snow storm, wkleb I referred to, which tost^a waak
It only BBowed aeve^Thgl down at
Twelve-mile camp. Up bf^ it snowed
abont tan feat, and down on the flat at
the beach it rained sll the time. Lou
yoods were last all alosy tbe
trail In the snow storm; they
«rere buried so deep that they
e«nld never be found after the storm.
A great many people arc geiay back,
even after they yet over tbe'ylacirr.
and B ereat many would yo back but
they bsvt-n't the money. Osee in s
while giiuds are offered up here far
what they cost is Beattie. Tha only
B II 1
article there is no discount on is wood:
Followlijih. Tbon...
b,Io™ U.. coir, I..,
„ „
Special Attention
Is called to our very large assortment of
Colored Shirts—laundered and negligee—
39c, 60c, 65c to "^l.dO.' Don’t miss see
ing them.
Ur. and Mas. A. P. Booyb of Cbarlotto, stopped over night In this elty
their way to Petosksy. Mr. and Mra.
Hough were formerly of this city. Mr
Uooyb poblUkiny (he Transer^
Nr(Ue RMd of Empire, was in the
city yesterday.
Andrew bturtz of Conngton. By.,
passed through the city yesterday en
route for Omens, where ha will spend
cc w«.;;7i:;g trade
a few days on -Fee , ,.1 of u.. ..
eelebnUoB. aid -f v -u eeed any
thii. line come to sno I--ok the s'loea •'
Our (t 15 \
all over for >1 50. and onr POe shoes for
mee and women are warrantod sll »wito
and good wearers. Come and bay sboaa.
of ns. We will surely save yen money. '
More bargains here.
A. S. Fryman,
Maw Ball Ttnyara Are Hera
8 everal of tbe new base ball players
arrived yesurdsy to fain tbs Hostlers.
Among them
Wheeler from Cedillsc; Osteber H. L.
Hunt. Pitcher Ei| Ontea, Heeoad BseemsB E. H. Pittman, and Shortstop 1
Miner from Bradford. Pa. Miller was ,
substituted to Brannan's pisca. ss Unnt i
-Phone 167.
daemad him the beet of the tws.'
Misses riertmde Sprayne and Wlsl- Pitcher Frank Dye is expected today.
fred Pratt arc visltlny tbe reaorto along
the bay.
Mrs. A U. Nichols arrived from
Urand Rapids yesterday form visit with
bar parents. Nr. and Mrs. James Uarland, of >th stivrt.
Miss Mabel liibbe came from Mayflald yesierUey afternoon and relnrneii
last eventny.
Uort Miller of ManUtae. came np
yesterday 00 business.
, G. M Dame of Xoribpori. was in the
city yeeterdsy.
Ed. A. Maesesn of Suttons Kay. U in
tbe city.
Mta. Kenner and daughter of (iraDd
I. in,l» ip lb. b.p.b«. Rapids, are spending a few dsvs in the
city. They are at tbs Leelanau.
Mia Myrtle SnnibslI will leave tbU
I by CspUin
that he hired a wheel from 1
ling (or s visit si Milwaukee. 8be
V7-:-)aw ail tbs biyhaei token.
and that be never rvinmed IL He was
It was found to be 4.M« feeU Von see ! will aU-j spend part of tbe
A mBnufactar«r*s sale'en*
armatod Inter to l>atoskey. where it
Chllkoot would be an easy thing as I Engle. WU
I alleged bs bad sold tbe wheel.
erupsrrd to Valdra.
There are a{ Bert Kelley leturned from Grand i
ables U8 to place on tale
1 easels still is
great many that are in so IsM that Rapids yesterday.
Fred nenmann, Jr. of Ri
they won't be %ble to yet over tbs
glacier f<ir tbe rainy aessos bssslready arrlred yeatorday (or a few weeks' visbegnn on the beach, and it resi-hM up ! it with hie brother. F. U. Ueuraann.
on tbs glacier as tbe sassou advances.
Inspector of HnlU Uloecksr and InSeTcml have a pariof their yoods part epactor of Boilers Boaner of .Grand
Story of a Penions Joomay By a a of the way over tbe glacier aad the I Uaven. are In the city on oftieial bnritrall Is so soft that n man will sink in) ness.
Trsvarss City Gold
to hU waist If aot into a erevaas so! a N. Gwavarly of Ralkaaka. vras to
f they are eompaird to tarn back sod j tbe city yesterday,
there wUl be a good many goods lost I cook H Jckes came down from Marker
to that way. There are mmors of a,
Snmmlt of Valde» OIncier. May 15.
MouiNb K«-.c»iii>—I have been pat ■toika being made on the Uke aerou
Hps.'a. 1!. Cook has ratomed from 1
ting off writing for two reasons: When tbe ylacbr bat I Ulok It b only a two weeks' visit in Grand Raptda.
they make it too good.
1 enme In from work 1 was Um tired,
nad when 1 was not too tired I worked. They report »5 par pan. I wUl write
For the whole of tbe eorgnHitia ad
Wall. It b storming: but that is not S3 per pan. 1 will Write when a strike
vance lu tbe cnndititol of tbe bbaring
mmarkable on the top of tbs ylscler; j “
man tbo bntos was laid, tatw (or 01. by
U storms five or six -J-.M
days in the
kuv week;
wees. I
tbe gtwpnl. This «-aa in itt criginal
nsownf course. It mayraln ap here
tonn and in its contiuniug purpose, the
Amnnement Matas.
In midsummer, bot noose knows, for'
charter of human freidotu. and the two
(har« b no one herb then.
'■narGobllns.orF(vt on tbe Rhine" modes by which it most conrpicnously
Wa landed at Valdes April *. and will bepn
it ^tolnbery's Grand ameited itself in tbe •rdnonz procesa of
■rvfsT Tcyobemtiao were first tbe temd*
kstonoe, banliay
•para house on Taniaday evening by
goods toUie lop of tbe ylat^-ier, and have thoroughly compeieni eompnny includ* nal elevation of woman and next tire
mltit9Ziao and eveotnal nbolition of
worked every day sinoe. t caose and ; iny such sell kan'wa plmyera as tha
■Invery. —Gladstone.
wonlynawaiihetop. a dbtoaoe of Mihses M.nd Leroy: Eva Mastoia;
U mliea from Valdes. I didn't work Agnes Adair: Nallie Horadc: GerUe
la tbe Hatbto.
for one week an nocount of a snow
Hr. Busy Body—If yon bang those
Book:M.W. Douglas; Max Roaenbary;
ntorm. 1 suppose you think that
tnrkeya by the feat, yon will keep thena
Odds and snds selected from 75e
Theodore Kahnwald; E. B. Filrhayh;
IngKoopoundsprettyslow. Iflshonld
aad othera equally wall known to tbeaand $1.00 qoalitea. Ladies Kid Bicy
r. Botcher BnrinsM—That ain't
write up all the paper I have I couldn't
im yoera. Tbe very latest musical what I'm trying te do. 1 don't want to
tell you wbv 1 didn't yet along faster.
a bargain, 60c.
aurabera ere included to the coarse of kivp them snytuiigcr. 1 want to suU
There b only one way to flad out
the CTonlny's eatortoinment.
'em.—iUrlom Lif&
whether It b wark or play. Jast pat
•o year sled from ito to 300 poands,
Tbe only eoap which tbe Bindot* rtft Death of Aloaxo Harris.
•mooardlny to your welybt aad sand.
tbe orthodox type eanploy b made on*
Aloszo Bsrrb. aged 37 years, died at tiroly of vcgetoble prodncta But eoap
Ud einrt over. As I said. It b 33 miles
little used in India,
almoA an
to the enmmlt and It b all the way up
wn luxnry with the uiliTea
AUl: there are four benchee, es steep urday evanlay of dbbetb.
Ladies* Lesther StocUnga............. lOo
; .«hst 50 ponods b a load to pack up lenvce n widowed mother to monm bb j---------------------------
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badisbes, Bhubarb
Fresb Every Day.
24S Front StreeL
Silk Capes-
USD, $8.50. $10.00 and
$12.00 qualities.
Tailor Made Suits!
To close bnlance of stock cn hand
$10.00 Suits eo at $T.50.
$12.00 Suits go at $9.00.
$15.00 Suits go at $11.50.
$20.00 Suits, go at $15.00.
Good material, sleeves a little large makes'tbe price a little low
—$100. Exceptionally good Jackets in black
Reduced to S3.00.
Kid Gloves-
The Best Wearers
’ Bloat of the man have need a block and
line os the benchee. The first bench
} to ebeni ISO feet, the second 350 feet.
, (he third and fourth ose-haif mile each,
fourth b net atoep, bat tbe other
have an angle of fram 40 to 60
9S. Than comes the sommlt,
dboonuU all the benches pul to
ll bat least thraa-fonrtka af
nsUa loay aad a etrany rine. 1 ukanld
fram 40 la 43 duress. 1 daa’t kaow
meay have ffaae la ever thb tralL
; fl.n0D would ha n eicaa artlmata. I
o'clock thb moralay (ram the bouM,
Rev. H. B. Reiuehe of (he Meoond M.
An Informal Hop wlU be given thb
evening at Murtaoybto academy.
E. church cdBciaUng.
Motion to Dog Ow
A fliwday OoUleien.
I hereby give
a noilee that I have ap1
Earl Tyler and E. F. Van Wagner
Bolntod Joa. E Kelaan dog catcher, aad
ded OB their btcyelee Huaday night ha will gather np all doyv 1
on South Union street. Both
sliyhUy bmbed. The front wheal af
to It that toga are pracnr
Tyler's bicycle was demolbbad aad tha ad by that date.
frame bent. The farks of Van Waysexto wheal ware qalte bacly bast-
Boy's LeatherStoekingfl...16 and26o
Not leather Bot Wear Uke Leather.
Wash GoodS"
Apron G'ngbam................ 2c
86 inch Percale................ 6o
Popular Lappets................15c
Silver Star Madras........... 16c
Organdie Sublime............ 26c
1 Case Gauze Corsets.
They are all right.
Price, 2oc.
The uew Glove Fitttig Paris Shape,$I.OO.
Corner Uuloi aud Eightli Streets.
Than Am AEmM ruiM Tb>M
•rnM T«rr yaimm^
PUiU.ti*#BltomAn«WMtimmtodlol TJ* old coa^ «ptAln i.
Dmnbor.WlAO«X Amoo* tli«a ««
^ I^S!
6.000 rDopUlTrlwM^ eoo^
nmny ioinw^ ited «twn. whU«> be fiM.-d
food pl«ntA -nu'Ahore luclodw 1,100 the «*im of the ohmrrMit Jowyman
mt UilU«4 lAtar
cdlUo (niiu vid berrie* mud SOO edible
jt, pnia-A.
«w Kc« mmuiw r».d« iH*ir mA r*
K«<U. Fifty are reckoued Amoii« Ibe
'-if ^ ^uit tbe itm-teA pipe ia
■r o*Wi stMBitMWMHir.
r.T>«]« and 40 at nnrolcivab'd edible the world.''be mid. “you uinat fp« ooe
Amid tb<- w-btr
wlu'.li mad the
Foot bnndwd and of them, llwy are tbe .irUrinal POw« ot K>v<-r» and
is m m»- 1 twenty I
rla»«i aa vogi tablw and
|np«w luadt- in Huwbatan conuty,
*00 •»
am “««i
M-v-t amotiR toe
tbe . ^
«’« << « ptx-olur bine clay wbirb
oaediniu idsc4 l<Mtu wea^-ee r)«<tb witb<
. tb<> aid
tbe familiar l«bWn. The
Tbere are *7 of the onion RToap and ,
dnvontor of Ibii* aelf ftvd
atttch- S* of arrownatl. From Sb piauta anfmr
RviiuiiM Powhatan pipe ewn
»(«t «U.'Un» that it will lait ntiy do
■ In pa.riiiR qaantitirs.
** found north cf Baltini>re. and
•way with
with the
tbe IiobUu
i-ltoKrtber. bnt;
Iwblin '-Itoiw^w.
iti*i,i«rfrom 300 « *•
“* F'"*«»« in Norfolk ‘h»«
loon larfumia ii» work faithltdly cm.
ndlmlly nttw llutw Imsead of an as- ’
aurtnn-m oi
of roiaii'«n>ouu>
nnaU l<nl>Uiie wuuo
which ua.v
.........................J ;
It l. !»..» , ^
Bicycle Riders.
Eefaember Uat 1 do all kinds of i«M BalriB* and enasseliag. and that J ean
IS (and do glre yaa the beat warh of may
S9 ! one in the city for the money. Don't
SO I be deeelred by what otben tail yon to
TSithe eoDUnry, bnt oomo and aee far
sol yosraelt.
I gaaraatoe all my work to be right.
tAA- and if it dow not prore so i-make it
u. cri™, ..d S-'i""" „
BnUga I Iketaenp,
B. j. Morgan,
t-vodob a oorcix. AUOTwr* ead cobsmIU iwvmUb- oaeM.CUyOpBr.BoBMBtt.
On M. ft V. S. B. B.
H.'rOBTBB. AUdw^ at La*. ^Bdal
•aiica to iBx tilUs.
r. MOFFiTT. AtoWBCU ef^THK 1^
CeaMraaNas- Bo<m t. IU—
All bkggAge, bus And btek work
for said road ebookl be left witb
Office 238 State rtreeL tele
phone 3. All orders left with me
will receive prompt attantiem.
&tiid Eipids & iDdim L I
^mcB bov WAHT*o-ap|4j u
W Onjiwabwro. >H-tl
<«- L'TJ'iS'
~WmeB. Mei
c^Prisdrieii bbxka. ’Pbo.-. boo. ead o>
inoont vapor of the atmeapbere.
nly tbend pQrilons of the speotnm gel tbrongh. Tboold argaiid bom-
_______ FlfsVclaae Bigs. Everything new
.BBMtw at kod neau Bates as 'reaaoaable aanny
' ftrat-elaM bam in the city. Glee un
enU and gel oar prteea.
aad eosts. the court msy_ make a lurther aeovenoe that ibe offender on
le and eosUbelmi._
ur* to pay mid fine
________ city prison or la Grand
■eMWk ■BBigTsUs* M bcUto Wrttan Am oaed ia tbe
Tiwverse oonutv jail natil aneh fine
U m4 as U UtmUj Is.
with a L»ud<m fog tbauailberof
ad coato be paid, provided si
moroyontliful and fashionable rivals.—
England no donbt loveo aa dearly,
umeot shall not exeead the
bnt the Euglhdi aDihoru have not yet
Scieolifle American.
discovered that fact in its entirety.
8ec.^i. ftls ordlaaac* ahall take
ity daysaftor lu pablieaClark Rowwll. Max IViuberKa aod Aa- effect la t>
The aiasaKue prortBsi of cedar pbo- Ibiaiy Hiqw. to ay nothing of Conan Uoo.
We do beret^ aertify that
Doyle and Rndyard Kipling, will have
tograpliy. w hich _____________________j
cnated a
rse'pa^^ tbe
_>ing ordiBanc* wae
alUoo in Ldoidou
t Traverae City oa
Couaell of lae City of
Iv ovdwstlmatdd in the t though they wotJd roswit the charge
Uis «tk day of June isM.
W. W. Smith. Mayor.
Bngly liirtii and detiran-. It paai* first paWisb.'d diimpti.ms. Sir Henry ; that all EngUi
A. W. RicKKim. Clerk.
tthfoogb Ibe shod with Iml on.-.balf the | Trmnuan WomL the British exiRTt iu ; Another syi .
who voachtd-for tin- imc-! rwlaiiiw to emigmtiwi from r.rtrat Bnt
•optming reqairtvl by the shcitle, thns— • ph<a«igTBphv.
has rwtailv
poblidv ac- aiu. StotiMios show that an euormoui
'the oiR-mUg eii laim^—doing away ; tw .wiginaily.
rw-----,------------r- .
’-------- ------------------------ .--------------.„.b.i------------With the greater-part of the «raln ; kn.ot lwigid that the prcR-cw i, twa an ; number <d p^le ooiik> «o this com
•lists •
tots cluiiiicd. I from Urent Britoiu. I ut tbe
with the pn»-ut shuttle system.
'The opiwtnr rrqniiws to Jmov>' geuer- ' never bt-ard of it. Micawbar andi his •
itveukR the waii> tiinwds
interwaing famUy wvut U> Australia
If this new inechauiiuii is to supplant { ally what the coloi> slionhOje.
otherwnilolu largely'
i1<imm1 tai bis jad
l>ut>biu iRitli iiiiio aisl htUr will be | rvutilu
le grant
■awd in every fm iory when' looms are ! and skill in apjd.viog tbe cohr
,-. I like Martin ChuaiJewit and Mark TapI right places." U^Mill believc*.
believes how-1
; lev, they werv srat to this country to
there are ' ever, that a mtain aniocnt of the "
••0 bobbins to be toki-u *•« or pm in. h'ctive ali»iri«uio" originally claimed point a roical and adorn a tain. All
•nd the bnwklng of thrr;«ls Is r.dw-.’d f«w the prvRvs* do.* exist, but fln.U it English wtucib nwOTble Dickms
----------------------- |
«o a miuimum by the fn-idom and deli-! difficult to Justif.r hiniM-lf as to how Ihal respKft. In their stories tbe emi•acy with which they are |Hiid into the ' far the |m<VM is poivir muchaniiwl aod gniitk all go to Aastralia. Canada. .\fTrj»IulU.T8«MU. :
loom fitan the lafgi'spools. The chief i how far it i- a matter of skill—En- rica—anvwbctw but the Uniicd Slates.
This trait oonies under tb.‘htwl <tf
•perator of the exhibition loom in the . gimvring Newa
•, ktvw.; nerh the sulf feeding atta
Coal ream CMaa.
-will weave 100 ynnls <>f cloth iu the
It is rallHT sturtUng to finil that coal
«me time that the old loom with the
Cliiua and_______
sold in___
I'al'tebhln wiinld take to wiw«' 70 yards j if..ruia at a pmUt, aays Lonmiikive hjiI- . rgaiiiiig
........ at .u_
*-t»to1 carg«»» of ixsU from
w]f cloth, both loons
tbe giutsviug. s
Mme rule <if win'd.
China liavc Is-.-n ii..,_..................t^lihir...........
Unlft>ruiity «rf «ps«d is aDotber ssl- nia. and it is rcjsirml to be of very gotid j
WROtoge cla^od far tbe n(*w attach- quality. Thine wbo aru familiar with ;
Correspond with the Traverae City Lnmber Company.
•MAI. Tbe Id off and take np uf the the coid niaikct say that within a vejy j
^efi aiv fkisilive, and tbtr* being no few years the Chimwe rial niinee will
We have for sale Good,
•toinw. of till- h»ni or pciilaceniint of supply the who!.- market of the Pneifle ,
thixada the rmifomiity ttf tbe fabric is ocM, exc^it ihtM- ptrtiotis wberu bail j
•stablishud and for any length of run. is found. Tbe einvnely clieap labor of j
With liioma lu which ls>l>l>iuM art'ttanl China coables tbe coal to be liroaght to
miHi ex;s-rt wiwvi-r is nquirvd to look tbe stufarw at a wry 1<pw priew. Hie on-1
•fter frtini two t» six l<Rtuia acoording
_ Iv oUiarie 10 v«y arrive rtanpetitinn 1
the qnulity of ihnvul in use. ki'ht'U j„ |hi* iudnstrv at pn-seiit is the want I
iRil-brns an- ivi4a<vd by the large gf
tran^Rirttlioti fw-ililiea in Cbi-1
Horse Hotel.
Lii«7, Sale ud Feed Bun
Attorneys at Law.
lBMoei.rBrkt.ck. TiBwm nty.lt
ot G-'iiSS:
Td^ br^Mi
p»k kk»>Tr£."~*.^
J !»““
• Si
i.1 ................... '
Is ■”
r orr-PBiranu n
. _
s. r-ueedar s( rrueee. beiv
NBBsra's RBor -uxe and 4IW> sarM
nsSer BleiaM' lea tv at MeNamara'a su
as u________
TTTAfrr«i>-* rood
Mick. OO
T)^*l<TE»-Fineeo «~sl»Be»
sptac. etc meaAi**Bige£.
SM per BUBta. J.UOl^
WANT column. 1
t« •«-M.L, ,
(Apll-B bo<^ aTua^
- • '
-I SIS Was'
RSSefkeBM as dvalrvd.
’’irTli BTrivas at UM a. ■
UavsBilrim^. ^
o.t-u>cawoop o.r.a^otwiBiiTIr-
'W'j'iTgUTS'tllt'S.XY>B HALS-OOSRM ■bIobb asHfvB. 1
£ of HovBd WMOb
lB*alr* ot
lUBiu lunomusim LI
«• takBBgBMSBaaaF. Jobs fa. UR.
■pqBMtyCK aiDWAUMU»-ravBiJvkr
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
' Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
BT PBOPgBTY FOB 8X1.B-TBV----1 bb4 t»pBUr rMuri. B'-adek BsU.
aow.(orR^. WIU takv BBtBCBBknva
« S.'SSTi
dfc.WS W ^I
la. TrBWTReCliy.
UAJSTDS 'irOH BALBlMill Hachineryof all deacriptions, inclnding Two Enginea,
Ret Works, Carriages and Sawn. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
wrCa aa-t(
Mae)* Ova -
Bmmlmd Proposals.
KMics W h-rvbr rtveo tBsl awM
*1111* i*ve.T«U uill Jail II. ( p. a.. t>r all kkboraod BRWrlal Cor a •ekool Beuar al OM
MlaBiBB. sc<wnUB« le vUo. aad ap<«lBcBtlaaa
oo**aBlea> mj aSer M Old MUatoB. Ta«
t*Rntlbln7iwlr*o> ahoa* to Balt lol* ev
en dar: i ol ei at wefk aa tb* beach
Mac rear atM>*a: work deae ahlle 70* waU;
IviM are «0 sod kOceeu; work doa* Srel elaae
oal/. A.S Firwsa-iarroat street.
Trav«rav CBvM. '.Afe
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors.
at WUUac B««L .
and Windows.
‘‘New Process” Vapor Stoves.
•W. cr. SIOBBS,
146 Vront StxMt
TrBlMsmTkfma CilatdBSBHL Oiw^ Bap
If You Have Logs to Sell
A sjuall tire l.rii-k an-h to set'uvi* a
bloHismiih'slin-IiusIrrvi deviwvl and
•iii.m ly
pul <ai the luarkd ty C. K. Mircv. mas
i> iis. i^ra us yd
ter mtrbauic uf thi> Cbicagn <*ity rail
• tyjuh..m I*Bci:ie railway way. WTirti the areh is wi over the
fire, it Uxvuii.B w hite hot almost inuneca tbe Ia» Aum-i.
diutcly. and ib<. bent is n-tlcrt'd lock
aeqttODix' of a raja.i riw iu the )iri<v of niKA the lop and all arnnud a puvw <f
the oil <.bialu«l iindr Lo- .ti.gides the Iruu cvr Pt(vl pUee<l in the flru. hiaiing
. OB|iply to the miluay tell sliort. and it nuire unif<muly and <)uiekiy than in
: •MBP fi the engiu'w wen- (wnttid to the op«ai fire, Htwl wcn-kiw and t«xil
• Kol bufniTs. whii-h vliange can very drusscra ur,R.clally slmnld is- able tu apwdlybe wade. The 2.»Ir. .yWdn of psvriate the device.—Atuencau
^r«i»ij (dl for fuel has nveiiily been rtiinist.
aritsl on tie*
Y.ifk elevatwl toil-way: bnt. unxmlingiosimbliiOiidstate.•eat of Mr. Kniii-i<>li. tin-gen- nO mailAorording to the Literi iiiformatlca
•giTuf the o«ni III' syMeiu pruvtd a Rn-ivv<l from Ja]un ly The EltR-oical
fnUun-.—Kngiiux nng New».
Bt^view. then- ure at tin-)>re«vit tiiiio
three eUvHrw- railways in lluit '-iiipire.
W'ok <a four other p-snls will Ugiu
Nearly all the atiparMUs i.ir tht«a
Boijamiu Butii^rworth. nniimlsdcBeraf |ieu»ita lias rul'xl that jatent of- four new tvads hasUx-u puiehiued with
Rtsf CBuuiiKn or other cfllrials cannot in the past few munibs in (be United
•pply for patouto in their uwu UihaU.
7S *^top ia tui « oVloek wrery ereaing,
78 eaeept Sunday, ia tbe Cbldwell A Lon•t; don bulldiag. at north end of Unlaa
pamahment. and when at length tbe S^Jfi tL-'
cwtain fell the engineer hadoometoa
dsciaiua. Ilv went boate. packed np a ;
few nrncssnriis and a week later set. S.W.PMcblB.
the troaWc <d fimltiiR them
y“«»^ «*«
"«that thcpij.s
''•o ^
«Tx>le. “1 dtotUd wwir bare got tbe
y**- *
**' •!«“«« oocamoce might bare arisem from his
^«y tohac^lrt ia Norfidk hnnung anreqnitcd pa^<m.—Leaden Standard
f* them. Each one abowrf me a pipe
which l»«>kwl about tbe miDci an these.
An Ordinenoe.
; day. tftiT
ir ]1 bad abual giren np the
An ardl aaoe relative to
I attaehmeut
•earch, 1 b
raral an tandgee; The Couo.
at I That a Loudoii fog liepririwcruil gas
mooniiga of two (diuii..r parti
loORHbnrvmiui. •Tborc is only erne shop I Pra^atse City ordaias:
.rhiof 11.1 per cent
of iw
•teb end of the lay in onler to attach
_.™._ .
__ ____.__ _________ M __ u_, »»»
in Norfoik.' uf
he laiu.
... ,
Section I.
11 ana i ooi
not oe
be lawful
El to an old l«ai it
' U .Bily ii.Twwary
T-T. r ^ ?L^..i - the gwioino rowhatan pipu. That is a ride, drive or prcpcl any wagon.
to toko out the cn«.Uam
^MUaniof th.. _lay.
U,tie ,dmv down al.mg tia, river fnat.’ carriage, dm,%.g,bu., omciba.
Just ondorihomvL with all of iteahw- o.-oi bartM-r lsiot.l«lof as mneh as 30.8
«klnss. and them 1
boxiwand otb.tma«*iiiwT. and ln;pcr«nt of its eftcacy aude^ such or- ,^,^1.^...
or aerom any bridge
Eta pUev sot a squan. Uwm rimilar in enmsfancos is oerialnl, a«onlri.ing.
The obw-rvant Jonrvman has smoked '
aim to tbe old 0..0 taken ooi On mth The r, n«.i. Prof.wmt
givt. for ^
timm sinco ' within the Ciiv of TravBTUe aiy. Mlehigan faster than a walk.
-end of the BOW town, is affii.d tbe aim-1 ««is rlimomonou D that both the spec
the old capSee. S. ThU ordlnaace shall not oeapleme.'hanUmoftb.aftnchnicot, whlrh
tain’s praii
I wanoted. On tbe vent the moving of uams
toams and apparatappamt•wmvM «ith a matumons stq>ply of fill-1
.ppnacb v^ no.^ t^t td
label wiiioh came about each ns of tbe Fire department aa rapidly
•lag thrwul
I k^" ppcciruiu. being very rich in tbe
aa may be neosaaary la tbe diecharg*
• a
• ^ -‘'•'•t
ultruvioht rays, and it is
U is only
violet and
Tbe owTiw of- the
of duly.
«hn«,«mn. rf ui loA ii. iLirtaK-, i pr«4.1j il.~ r... »Wth ™.i»«
See. t. Ab.v
Vt V fine of
Wd, Uioi.Kh nude of suvl. it u uixod-1
tbioonh . LoudOT f^. TLi. ,
Ui«o«i „f . pU«.iK. Ihu. 1.«t- aance shall
than one dollar nor more than
I. tb. nra «hj (b.
l"ol« "d ~ Up. J
cU7 .11 of 11. n.ionil poro.1dollars and ooeU of prgeeeu'
on loH Far I
____ story wm* unfolded, jealousy of the di* St*;
Eyer Burned Out?
If BO you know
|, "
atrikuiR play a
..larformedia LaMpert.-......................
; which the dwauroaa coaawtnuons fol- BnUer per ib Dairr..
lowlugaai tbeioreof t
. -
taa«.r.Klv Tl.c -Ud -tyle Aatilc Uy. In |
«ily oav tUlii« thncMl »« • tin>^
in t..:--’ «« jsp.4. KortT^-i^l.t
^ncn^wU« mo«. than
,„n u..li«,i In makiiiK n«Lu«
thread is tint'd, as m the
^d ;4» haiw b«n tunjtd
^ boa or basket cloth, the old ahcttle
misvlhui-ouii i t ilditur
mw make a. timnv trip.
„f all
kf*".. .mW
Wa»th.wawfilUn« trfr>«.l.wb.le
d.vr« poi«ny chaoRi* <>f colcw mi-«-";tat.' the ________ p,u,t 1 - A-ieiax> \. wa
mopping of the nu-chincry and twose ecumas—Pui-t-l.^ e. .u»x> N. ua
TheK pith of Iheanufiower stem is said
rat,,, the lighie»r suintanc* known. Its
spiritu-' gravity Is 0.036, at compared
with 0.,0» for elder
------- Hs the Itghti. ..
f„r r« iudi-er hair and 0.84 for «irk. The
........ ................... .......... Ively______ ____ _
•wheihiT wi-jving silk,
lui.li, wool, otiral Rosda, uaiulv for its see<la
«Mt.-n <r oi.,.i m;.:. ri..l
.Ml Uiat > Hut the di-tt.v*-rv of llie exin-me light•leqtured to.. '■-1 i
eltiuae fwmi tbis» of its pith has addi-d to^ts oom• old i». Ih.- II w i» iliatthe btnni <a ; uiercisl valmi. For life saving appliWli l’ 'I- w lf t.s-. ijig iiturtuiifut is amvs at
s.-;iecrk hasa bnoyaueyof 1 to
platxxi -U. 1! l.e of in.- «iu:e length os : J ,„d reiouier hair 1 to 10. while aanthe <ii:- I .u wtif tlieotd lunu.—I flower pith bus a btHyauey of 1 in 8A
New Y.rk
aRLLDie psn.
aear Pork per bbl. new.............
aear Pork per lb..........................
lihartCal Pork............................
SbortCot Perk per ■»....
' Floor. II L A Co- beet..
•w«A kr a PierAn i»peee«iT«vUiBtauoe of a play that
mHuS tavriJ...differ-1 L unacT uw aumntns« tms pnis"
,.11» K,..., «« dia.-r-! Ui.J.-r il»
<i Ua. p~i.- me
wsed. the loom usqhrr
itself and <au- liuui is extRs
TR-etod loatatod to a whide ■diiiu i>f U>ima
It is explwiuisniy'be iiwiK rs rd this
arw mis-luiiisDi Uini it U the remit of
•everalyix-rs ci' luK r uiHlexjR-rimttii in i
dlifft-r-ni part- i f the vio-lil.
The attaehnieiiii lUns far pcrfertwl
TraretseOl^ MaiksC
Below ia a list of tbe bnriiiR and aeD
prieea of yeaterday for $
iVM-nted bis aiuntiuos in vu-w of tbe
I nuuMtiuM.' .u. .vuc* 9UJKA .«« .\i.
* *
. .
r fait that ^e loNwd aixitlNT man. who
^ ....... .............
Tanuin U present in couutlem
cottutlem plants
chanced to be tbe engiouer's bosom
ued iu
iu u.,
141 and
friend, ,,
this fday
... t.. u.,.
, -,one
Kr, 1lni>e Tbe
c (India rubKrt
K.IU -»>|h Tl«
■ ivlati™
e plant.
-------- --n
I >*«« ^Titua to apply to bis own an- OaU. No l.pJrba. (new).........
oe TO me
i^y «bti taar il^e
anle« aadated by a Britiab acxdety,
tak« hlmmdf and belonciiice to thia
i oNintry. and eren if the acxdcty klncUy
' lands him in Oaoada be takes tbe first
; ebanoe of iddpplsgoTer the harder. Hm
: only time be rocs to tbe “oolonies"
with checrfnl alaariiv ia in tbe taRos of
a Britiifa ooreL—Ciucaeo TiBiea-Har-
With £arl, the Jgweler.
John R. Santo,
Etnral lasimm.
Tiavwae Uttr. Uldb
(*Oa&aM FBI
« w.o
I xoBvnro nooBD. tubsdat, juvbsi^ism
Where Uode Sub** Fightteg
Metier b lUbed.
miB8 nrBJEOT n btaxp tax
as tbe raw poivM br toU MK.
«n 6. ThtoM and aft- tto<tn**e
A jBly, IBM. tbere obaU to Irriod, ooUooS
(daadpakd. (or and iaraapMttf ttoaer«ral bond*. dMmuun or e—llteat— cd
Moedanded iDdetMdm—and oltor doruk tnau—■ and thtug
Md and derarttod In aobednle A <
Tto on and aft— (ha Brat day ^ tnuwf— U by dri1v-y of the —rtiftcam aa’ or to rigiwd la blank ib—a ahall to made and
to any dellverad by the mil— to the boy—a bill
‘of iRMh mle.(o whlob
p-aaa aBy£MKk — >
. stamp, deootlnc (to tax lin- tto sump aball to affixed. and
puanlbrihU act, being afflxKl to a eopy —memoranduin of sM^or agrerment tn
(hetraf or haring the same stamped that*- sell brfora lo itluonrStoll show the daU
upon, and Id default thrraof shall inoor a Ui—euf. (to lunte of Ito—U—. itoamoont
penalty of flO. prorMol that only one of tto mU aud the nuitt— — thing to
Riqutrad In emob
-a «hk>b It —i—*. tiVnalty. a fine of nut
«mp riiall to inqutrad
----------meaaaga wbethw sent thraogh one - ■ athBn>&l»
w eompanlas; trorlded that tto maa__ M —dlatatetoof theoffle-nandem_ _______
t of sale —
pluyras of any mlsgriMh
— leleptome
tto aSali* aitd a—rioe of agrwaueut Iu sell any prodorU — m—•
and like ni—g»" <» <U>- ebandUr at any exchange—Imnid of trado
of —octor
tetoa?^r ofBalals
ofBoUla and employees
—other almlUr
almlli plan-, elib—for |»—eot ur
. _ antes —nioe—tto wtr—on futoev deUvery. (nr cath Sliio of value of
ttoir nepeetlra railroads shall to exempt aald uleor agraemeutof .alo.w^ agmmimt
tram thla requlram—it; providnl fartb— to—II. I cent, sod tor eaebaddltional f KK)
that mi—gm of offle—aand empkiy—a of — (raellonal part th<-rag In ex^v—fif StUO.
tto gmrerament on ofllolal budnma shall' 1 oent. prarided that on e»-rr mle or
to Bxempt from tto tax— bendn Impoaid ' agraratmt of sale or ogranM-nt bi aoU. aa
■pon Celt^rapblo andtelejihoote ninaaagea. afureaaid, then-ahall U- ruwWand dcUvSea 1«. That aU tto prurWema of thla ered I7 th.'-II—b.ito huj. r « Mil. mem
ao( ralatlng to dlea, Mmpa, adtoelTo orandum, mrr.»rl,ctit .e-ui- r rvldmuetd
and stamp taxes ahall extend to amh aak'. airav.u.nt of —le.» agremwot
mpa aa
seeptwb—a cuanUestiy In-' to sell. U. wlileh there Ainll »«• affixed a
1 Ineiut
11 table n|ual to
tto articUa or ub)eeU«aia- lawful Mump or Muiu|^lii
aui'hnale. And
ktul In -todule U. auh)ect 0 stamp tto amount <■
taxes, and applyM tto prarlaloi 1 IntM-levcsy such bill.
In—It ahall
show tbi- dab- llu-n.ir. tiuuf the
Baa SO. Tbatonandafl—ttolatdayttf —Uer. Uw amount of Uw-mU-and ito mat
.-htefa It —fiTa. ntid any
July, MW, any p-aon, firm, company or ***■ “^
liable to pa> thi- tax aa
........................make, prepare and I’l'rw'n
or —Ib hendn |itorhl«l. or any one whn acta In
malt— aa ngein
agiiil or ImA— lor aueb
omuuel- tto mall—
ug p—-, p™»»
^who aSall mal
agmiiM-iit of Mik', 01
^ 1^ eucb aalu or agmim
to a-ll. .irwlH, ahall. In |>ui
to 40 fsw oMiUitn of the amount of tto Ont! 1
:ly premium; pravhlMl ftuth— that
.ivUkm* of thU —4km
'4km shall bat ap-
1 p— eenttun on tto gtem
amount uf all rixwiM uf sdchperaM,'
firma. eurp—atlonsaiid eompanl— la tkffir
, riwpMtlw burimssi In exoa- ef arid MU
ef IgMOOti.
And a true asd aortmu ratnrn ef tba
atniuni uf gm— reretpts — af—caaid riiall to made and roxlcrcd monthly bT eato M
pap— apun whiok aueb lalarinc. InUnd. firekfBuiueota. naUM or tblnsa or an^ of
to wrlUoB — printed te anj
ppraon — p—MW, or party wbo atoll
0|s>n paup—ty of any tkwrriplion. « hetber
mato. sign or ta«oo ttoniuo.<r(—wton
—a or <m Inland wat—s.
(ue or henem (to nmr atoll to made,
or !>>' Ore or lightning or <ah>T iswU. upon
tigiMd or I—uni. (to- aer—al usaa — aama
ot tD0D>7 act down In flgunw agalnat (to
nine raapeoU\'oly or ottora lao ■endlUd '
tbavuf. proriiksl that purely eo-oimU<
na f-th In (to aald artoduto
or mutual fire losunUMDcompaiit—citrried
And (tore atoll alMi to torted. ooUratod
Ute UnlUd HtaM of and laid, (or and In ne^irct u> (to nwdlon by tto'men,bun tfaursif isik-ly fir tto
■ -.TJartUi
elnoa. prepatntloiw. matt—« and thtnea
manUonul and dm-rtlad In aitodule It of
InsuniD— (ca>nu.ity. tkk-llty and gnar(hla ao(, nanutactuml. told or ram
snt—>—K—b (stlky uf Inauranov or hood
fur nle. (to aeroal (axea or anm
orohllgatkmof the nature of liKbaanlty
nKBMT art down In woldt or flgnraa
or agalnat (to aame nspurllv^ or ottora-lae
forlorn, damage or Usblllty toiRid or exMMond for coownipUoi. or mIo wtthtn qmdflfd — aet forth in actodule B of thla
(Viitnl •» mnrwitl hiTany p—muo. owocU
tbo Unllid aiMM. br whB»rr*r B»me «nch
tiuii. mm|—nyor nirpurallun trau—cUng
Utom wr to floUed, for «r»«y tonol
tto busiia— of aueldrilt, OdcBly. ctuH<7toe. 7. Tha( U any p—aun
................... ---r (too SI itnUont. Md ahaU (oako, algn or laauo. or onnae to to
—'s lUhlllly. plate gta-s. sbauu toll—.
Uke nMefor
burgUiy. l•ll•valtIr, automatic iqirlokkT or
made, algned or bwonl. any lnst*tm»en^
(notloBal n
oitor bntii.'li uf Insuraucw (exurpt life.
docutuent or (wpiT of any kind or dearripmariiH'. Inland and lire insurmax'l and
lion wtol-of^.-r, wltlwut tto-aamo being
each lioDd. umh-nakliig ur rvcugnlxancir.
awtaMo to tonto nDMotod
•oeatdlii«)7. {aorldrd. ttot « dtonont of
eoiidltlumri tor U» j.-rfortuaiuvof theduTM per esotum otoll be oUawod npon oli upon an adbralro etaiup to duoutr mid
tkis of BUy um<e or iiwilbni or for Ito- do
MlMbj'eolkrUnUitorwcroaf the MB
ing or (wK doing <il anylhliigthcTriusp—I
Ut. miobia—uo urio—MUUahall todemied
ptOTldad for the parment of wld Ux.
(kri or oth— obllgaUtKi <d Ito- nature of inguilty of a mladeiueanor and upon nurtoeach oumracl or uldlgatlun
BpillOl «UM.
tkm thereof ahall pay a llneof not moR
dbealve Biamp
mmd iw
— laim
label —imng
de^ng UK
tto tax agracmeni 10 —II, dellv— any au.-h .........
jawl daninlty. and
•Ing (to-validity or legality uf
Iitw. at the dtwrutkm of (to eoort,
Boa t. Ttot (ran nod ofur Jn)r L
I to duemnl |
ottov olilIgTdh'Us toiH-d by any
tesn ohatl
ohaU to ai^tor^Bra and euoh Inatrumenl, doeumeot — pal—, Of a mladeiueanor and
]«W. qMcdalU us»
•a aforawild. ahall not to oompeteU erl th—(Of ahaU [«y a fine of
m—V that. In tequbed. or who aliall delUer aueh Mil, Mtc, county, liiuiik Ijial or other puMIc
UbpoM aMoaUim <
KDce iu any ouurv
1 not m—e th... aix m—norandum or .aher evlden.v 0/ aale. •« budyororganluUonorgiutnuiUring tItUw
1, Bank—aM4ngOT«nploylogaoaplU]
{tecllon a provi
lx«b at thedla—rtlon ef the “«n«'me«t to will, wlib.mi having the to r<4>l«sUU- urituv«amik-i'tiditsex<niU«l
in tu* ahull prop— alampa affixed th.-na.i. with Intent or KuaraiiU<i4l by any fidelity, guanouw
« oneedlng Ito euin <rf SSS.OM shall and n.unt—(uit b
court, provided that
uR4y eoirtiony upon tto- amount uf
mindti^ to evade tto to
ilum chnrgisl. coBe-huU of 1 sent un
I iM'Uan'wOM
tl.cno In eSM^f^^. n.'and In —U- •c^Ual aurpluadiall to biol tided
f.w aald p—wn «—ding to the w ritt—1
ur proprht.ira ..f proprtrury aiticloa,
trart for ll
a- or nail utf a
rtvlpe or |iivacrip(ioa of any practkdng
aapllal and eurp> ua ft» the la—adlng (laoal artkka aobje.n toMmp duty under erl—IA-rK'iiieiit or portion tbenuf—If (or a p<year. Any nrtoga bank hartug no onplrtod of iituc ii.g cxeciallng one ,v<4U-. I'ft
tal atook and wtoae bualmaa U oannDed
dnigglM — phaTTuadM aeUIng at reiaU | Bank eh-k, draft or cwtlBcaie
de- a-nis: if (ora pcrkslri UiiH-cxrenlingoDe
to raoelrlBg depuaiu and loaning — tn- United .'<ut«a. hU ur (heir own dm or dc- only.
' poalt not dtwaring liiteraat
iwdiw for the ytar and uut oxisvdlng Ihnx- yvars, ftO
mtlngthe nme f-(to beooflt of Itsde- tlgna iur BUiii|a to he used tliereoD. to to
Sea 81. Tbatany tDanuf—Aur—nr mak- paytiu'tit of any aiiniof inotM-y drawn ii|am orais; If (or a iieriod axaviding three
peatl—«. and which duea no o(h><r btulnraa ratalned In (he |a«—bin of (he commla- — uf anyofttoartlrlaaf—aalementloaed I urlaaued by any lanL. frii>< ioiii|iany— y.itrs. $1.
er of liiUTDal ivv-iue. f— hb — their iu aitodule B. aft— ttoeame aball have any latwm ur |a-r~>i>M. ia>tii|ieiik« ur oir
of tonkins. •‘mU
•uU>eot to thla
klanlfrs-t for rusbmi bonne entry or
—parale ua>% which ahall noitodupU
b—n au made and the partktilaraben-in- lairalluna at alglil or on divnaixl. 8—nu
rimrancr.if thecaivoof any ship, vt—cl
ly wh— ia*r«*ii.
bef—V twiuii—l aa b> stamia have bwB
Bill of exehniitrv iiiiIiuhJI. draft, iwr — M.wimrfur a fun-lgii jsna—If tto tvglsdnan It Uto
r. l«i That If any p—win tir pe
eonipbi'd wllb, or any o(h.T lamn wbo rlllcal.- of diiai.li drawing Inhn— or or tsired Itmiiagt-uf such ship. v.sM-lorMlmmnegotlaar^i«haem ^nle
W>« of atoeka, atoll nuike. algn <ir laaue. Or eanao I
ahall take off. rattmve ur detach nr nau— d.T for ihu pn.riiM-iil of miyaum of mon.7, or disw iHil cxnvsl Mil l.uis, 91: cxii44llng
_____ __________ . . ruined money,
made, aigned or liaued. or ahall accept — or |1—nilt ur auff— to bo taken off ur ri-- otherwl— rlum at idghl or >ui tlemand. or Sun Ions Slid nut cicredlug Oui tuns. $8;
tonk Botea. pronilaaory notea or otb— —• pay. urrauae tobeaerrptxl ur paid.
uxreiallng •»» tons. gft.
r detaahed, any ataiup, — who <
e—iUea for thenwolraanr nth—a atoll to dMlgn b> evade (to payment of any a
d fur elR-uIntinii. and for im-h nte-wai
Mortgage or iikslgt- of lands. (Mate or
lecatdad aa a fanik—. prarided that any tax. any liHl <it eietonge. draft or order or <viv—to warm any acaupiaaiuaeu, w.fo.w u. ... ^.n.,
u,n .
pnis-ny. n«I or ii-nrinal. la-rtUthle —
peraoD toring paid (to iqwclal Us aa a immiliwury iHiU'firt^e payment of mone}-. anyotlar artlck.—ooomi.allly than that .t eeul-. ami for
h addbi.uwl *ll>l)ur muvol-li- whatMwtt-r; also any is.im-yanrw
tonh—atoll not to nqalred to pay (he llalde to any of the tuxva lm|a—d by (hla urlglually ouulalned - In aik^ wrapp— ur '.fnalkinal part (b.vi.i( In exiv.. of f lUU. 8 uf any lauds, wXait- — jir-ipcrty whalsii'
-a»tal tax M a broker.
act. wittoail che—inela-lngdulyaumpwl. ouv—, wiin auen stamp wneo urat u«ra. ..-oia. ma, .n..u biiu mo.
u. etiT. lu trust In he sold or <-UMaartsi-cun^tTPawnbrakera ahaU pay MO.
— having ihrivupon an adtoabv aUiup with Un' luumt to evade the stamp dutba, ; dul.v. IMm. llH■p^l>vl>klM..•f ihi. ivnairniph wn.xl Into »oom-y. whk h s'u.ll he Inlmidfor d.tK>ilnK the laxhondiy ehargid tborr- shall (or every MM-b article napuotlvrly, , ahall ap|ily a> Well to .iriKimil doniiMtic cd uuly Hs M-curlty—on any of the furego'
4. CoiniDBralal iirukm ahall pay (90.
A Ouatotn botiae broken atoll pay ftO. on, be. the or tto-y ahall bo doomed guUty In ivqarrt of wblch any aoub offenae
log t-s.44ril>ur ll.iMi anil not cioariliig
A Piuprtttora of (toatm. rouaeumaand of a mbdinouanur and upon oonvlcaluo to ocimiulttrd. to deemctl guilty of a
$1.&<*>. 80 iviits. and ou iw-li $Ml> ur fru<Boooart haUa In olUea haring more than th—if ahall to puulatoal by a One nut ex
tlonal |wrt thmof in exixwS of $1.60U, 8ft
•AODO topnlatloa at abown by the lati ceeding SSUO. at thedlecantlonof Itieouuit. shall pay a Hue of wa imwe than *6m'«w oth.-ral- for the jaiy mem of rm.n.y la«»fd
S United Sutea
Sutaa cmw
eiaoa tl
ahaU pay
to tmprtaiTKd iwt luiilv than six monlhs, by exprx-aa or mher •■••lutiank* «» any |arBoMige tlriut by any vi<—ni from a port
— buth. and rv—y su.-h article or oum- 1 mu or peraucwl. dmw 11 In but |ia.valde out In the I'liIlKl Staire to a foreign pun. If
T. Tto i.
modlly aa nfimaalrl shall ahai be furfelbxL ' of Uw UiilU'd Slab*, .hall pay (.s- n aulii rasUng tHU oxontllng •ftii. $ii ousting
S—. S8. That any iiwk— <w luanufac-1 nut fxnwting Slixi. 1 ceni., ai>d fur
more than $M oml nul exradlng 900, $8;
A Proprlrlon or agenta of aU ottor
nwting imire than $<>». •&.
drawn. In any foevlgs
pnbUe eshlblUuoa or ahuwa for money country. Imt peyalOe In Ihel’nlted Sutea. menlloiMid In —Mdule B aa afurvaatd or $b».4.»-«t. If ■Imuii In n-l. of two
IViwiT of aiturni7— praxy (—vqjUng
^1 pay *10. and but oDetpeolal Us ahall ahall. U-furo |e>.v1uk <v acai«lng the aame, any other permn who ahall —11. send out, 1 morv. for e\.vy Mil of itwh
wlaw tlio atany I'kvikm f— offiorrs of any incorto raqnir-l for exhibit kma within any—ie pto— Iheemipon a niamp. Indl atlng (ho n-iiaoe or deliver any article .ir ixmimnd- ! sum made payahk' idwll m.l . xnaid $U«i 8 pureUrl c,mi|aui.v — a—a latkui. cxni« iw•mta, torrltory—the DlatHet of Oolunsbla. Ux npnn Ito aame. aa tto Uw requlrt*
chsrtlaliU- or llienuy iss-lMiai —
A Pro—ietora of bawling alleya and (or Inland bllU of exehaii|.-e ur proiub . lax tbenvu ahall haw bnw fully Id by : ttonuf In exivwa of tPni. 8 «x>niR. Bill, uf
of public n-nirierhw. lOtwnts. 1*1—of aXtaUUard rooma shall payM f-oachalley ttoUm, and n.1 bill of vsuhgnge ahall to affixing Ih—eon the pr.^— stamp, aa in | Udime or na.'
I charter toRicy h> si-U and oonn? ml cMalo, — Is
n-m or kww- (he wmii-. 10 ivorivc or colpaid or iHVotUted without auch
T------- . Clgait. ruiranm aed Sai
n.d ff'ini
from n |orl
lU— l•>tohldd<aor<vn—aled, | (crt. m la eiimri.d
ilm i.i atiy foitdgn port or bonds, scrip or for tto- collection of any
— wbo shall rvmuve or convey away — , the I'tilud
Baa A That th-e ahall. In lieu of tto
dlrkli-iids ur Inu-reig thmun, or to pi-r>
depiaK. — eau— l» to rtsnoved ur cmivtg- , plwv. lun-nta.
tax now liapoaed by Uw. to K-vlud and
ed away ftuui ur depiarlted In any plaoe | Kximw. and hvlgbt—On nai'li hill of form any and all other ocU mn bmdtilAooltotod a tax of IS eenta p— pound npon In au)iplyiug ihu atam]M (u u—m.
ffltyn. evade<ls<iliu<aalumporih.-.aIu.-or
i-nl. I'lxv (ore aiwctlkri. 8& orata. prvvkkvl that no
any such ortkeU ur cxunmoaity
S<v. 18 That any laraon or |
all tobaMeoand anuS. bower— prei—vd,
-bi.d ibsl but one lilll
bill irf lading
iadii shall
iv Mainp shall to- required upon any papers
port vki.d
tto tax ehargrahle tb—eon or
mantifaecarad and wild or romored for wbu ahall rwglsbw, laauik —II or tr
ilatk'- .I ri.iiilrid
«n bumlkw or iwckagiwuf
nonmaty bi to insvl f— tto colktHion uf
- .
«tale, and upon cigan and or wb«. ahall oau— loto bwued. n«biU1wl, lb—lof shall todraiHtl guilty uf ami—
' ■
■ lu IUR- gi-ncral
L» and upon convklkm tlnmv.f ahaU ; puisT. wto-ii Im-ki-d
claims from tto United Stal.w fig pi-nleb ahall to manufaetorad Sold or tranaf—d
One of nirt more than $5oo nr be im- j dk- at tto «ltii.'«r shlpuH-nv. (ISmaliy. »M ah>ns, liB<-k i-ay, bounty or (or property
or pap— of imy kind or d—tjdlon
than rix months, or for «»ch offwi—.'
kwt In Ito wllliary ur naval M-rvloe
whatawn— mentiulwd in schedule A of prtsonid to* I
OdattonshaU to levied andtudlw
ProUM—t')wu the protest of ev—y mite,
inof IbvCUUri. lOgrih- I
ibla act without Ito aamu facing duly Uah.
at tto dll
toUoerlns laxea, to to paid by the
tf—nsuioly. a tax of $S.W stampi'd <«• having tluTvupon au adhealve — with the furfeltura of any such arikU IVkiihonemnsaunw—Itsball tottoduty bill uf exchange. oiTt-ptamv. ctork or draft
— any mortoe ptutiwt. fift renu.
mmodlly, provided that ortlcl- ujsm I
vvevy iwns.n. lirni — uw)sirntlmi
D elgara of all d.—riptlunt ataiup f.ir denmtiiK Oh' tax chargm ibefeWondaiiM- mx'l|A f— any goods, mer................ -arerwjulradbythUart
.H.-ratlug an.v triepkom- hi.
Buda of tobaooo — any autotllute tbrae- un and .xmcled In the mann— reqnlrud
iKkd for expurutlon. to
„„,tc within (to fine Is days of chandlHr ur pnqsiny of any kind held on
f—and weighing more than (hr-pounds bylaw, with luleiil b. evade ibepruvlalona luay. wIm'ii Ink-iKhd
rtalcnR-nt to Ihi-ral otoragi- In any puMIe or prira—warrhuu—
•— thonmnd, and of SI p— ibouaand on of ibUai-i.ahall todeumnSguUtyotaDiU- manufacturtd and auM — romovisl with-1
yard, exixirt rvoelpw f— tqnicuitaral
ipoD coiirlctluD tb—mf .ml having atauipa afflked th—Mo. and I
etoara made ef tobaooo or any eubatliute
„.v,q,ue IntMchof itolr : or ....
dl.trk-ts. siatlug ito nun.U-r of
deiswltcd by the aetual grower
ttorafor and wetshlng not m
' - ahall to |miilabed by a One Dul cxcndlnc wlihout to-lug chargwl with lax as afore$6U. — Ity linprlMUimeut not einadlng six —Id, andeveryiuanufarturer —makorof n^.,,^..,u.„,n»-i.«.smk.iistruiismlft.4lov.-r tto.r...f In tto tegular euur— of Umle f—
thm ponnda p- thouaand. and .
—eois.. .s-. ik. -------•AW p— thooaaod on elgaraxea made of ifwiilha. ur laitb. In the dlacrellon of iho any article as afortaaid luu-ndad f- ox- 1 ttolr
nsqsvTiite IIihw during tto- imsicdtng
— any antotltuie therefor and court, and such Inatrumont. docuiaem —
and to|B,.ujthf—whicha cliargeuf
clisrgeof Ift o-nt* —
s. bills of lading and p
aubjert to such tuka and leguto
a than three ponnda per
was Ui'issicd. ant fur (tu b of such
ptuteot tto revenue against fraud.
igiw or csimcr—tiona the sakl person, tickt-u shall not aKdyt.
r of thi' gtttlon pravidea for
(hetkm »il pravldM that manutactiiiwn flnu ur ■sHisireUuii shall |oy a tax uf 1
Ida of tot—no — any miImU
_ .
of tto lainalty In —Msa of must furnish moutbly acbcdul- cuiKsrnI. pnivld.tl (bat only one |sxvn
Ing their output and file itomwliA the
(brae pounds p— thousand. Tto Uw also aorldrm and mlatake. etc.)
1 tax shfdl be tvsiuinri. lugwUIhataad
pravldcw for small— packages and wbaoco
84. Ttottto
iwsKjwd (ram the fertury — cnainm bouse
Ito- irwu
-n every packet, b
totora tto pe—age uf this act bearing tax stampixL wfalch has been signed — lanad In thlsai-t on ttoartlolcw provided I—In nrtasloo of «4>rh of —id mcMagiw — tun'
Otamps moa* pay a tax equal to one half wllfaoat bring duly i4aln|Md. ur with a de- achulule B shaU attaob to all such artlriM
tto dtffmmoc betw—ai tto tax already Ik-lent stamp, n— any txipy th—euf. ahaU and things sold .a- innoved f— —k> on and
tnx-lKw cw luiengva, slrupa. cofdlals. b|tpaid and Ito tax levied In thU act upon to mvmkvlor adiiilthsl or uaud asavtinanywurt nnillalegal sump —
aneb artickw.
have tovs.BH- luund .w t4igoged as surety h-m. awxlynes. tunics. pluS—s. Unluarata,
m(—sale any OKI- (ur the poynteai of any sum of muto? or solves, ointments, pastes, drops, wat—s,
Bee. 4. That from and aft— July 1,
MSA apntlal taxiw un tutawnu dealere and
(— the du,- ex—uthm — |X-efortoance of except natural s|irtng wat—1 (and carbonwto-lh—the article auofferiri — exp—ed to theduil.-sof
..................... aayoflkwor
______ .............
manafacturera shall to and btaeby arc Imposlthm.
and all atrd nsiural sjiring watem). e
. .tjaMM. ... ....m w. cd futx-Ign tnanuf—ture and tmpoftwl — of other bunds «d any ik—riinlun. except splrlU,uiUsi>dalli
. .
posed annually as follows, the smouut ef eiwiurau- ua PUS s .w
•uto annual tax— lu to eompuiMl In all (Slue— I—>u«l Id any fuR’Ign <x>unUy slui! tounesUo manutaesure, ritall bo d—med 1 mioh os may be nsiulrtd In k-gal praoeed- — compm-lcknu w latauev—.made ami sold,
•Maaim tto basts of the annual sales (ur fwv the same UX as U requlrad by Uw o (Itemaouractuna-th—wdandahallbusub- lug., not Mbcrwlse pruvkhxl (— In this or removed for sale., by any persunte per
sons whaiev—, wherein Ito person mak
tto praeedlngaaral year: Ihwien In leaf similar InstnimHiU
instniniHiU wton Issued,
lasued. sold cor Ject to aU tto taxes, liablUUes and penal- K-hcsluk-, M uc-nta.
tobaeeo wbo— atmual sales do no) exetwd > tranifen-1 In ito United Htataa, and tto tk» Imposed by law f— the sole uf ottlol—
C—tilkak- td pruflw or any a-itlfloate — ing—preparing the samo h— — rialmi
M.OOO pooDdi aball rato pay $0. Ihwlm | party to whom the mme U tomw! or fay without the u—of tto prop—stomp danot- meuimndum shuw litg an Int—x In the lu have any private formula, acetri — —In Uaf totoooo wboae annual mlesvxn—1 wtoiu It U a
log the tax paid ttoreon, and aU sucA ar- property —-x-uiuulatlons of any s-sieta- euU art I— tto mating — pniartng the
; the aame, affix riel- uf forrign mannlaotore ahall, In ad-1 {La, company - <4>njorarian and on all
M.OOO and do not exceed iw.oou pounds eulllng «ir t
have any oxtoall pay 918 and If tbatr annual -dm ex-;
dIrioD to the Import duty Imposed on the > (ronri—s thereof, unt—hdluouf face^-aloe cluslM) right — title to the making 01 preeesd 100.000 ponnda shall pay M4. U«Ieame, be cubhiet to tto —amp tax pre ’ or fraetluo thensd. 8 tv-i.is. Any n-rrifi- poring
.. tto* NUDC.. os fullowa:
an In tobann whose annual aaks exveid
' That it ahall not to lawful te sortbedin this act: provided furtb— that rote of damage — oth—wlis-and oil otb—
M'tore such p—fcri. box, botrig peg
M.000 pounds shall eato pay |IA klaiiur n«tri— any Inatrumcait, paper' iDiemol revenue almniM required by extol-'rorrillcMes— d.«4«n>rau hsund liy any vtal —otb— Inelarare, with Us contents,
fMtorara of lobacoo wbu— annual aaka do
Irud by Uw to to aumped Ing law on Imp—tad merohandtoeshall he p,,n wsnk-n. mariu.-survey——otb—pi-r-' shall not exceed at the retail price —
Mtcxcaed M.OOO pounds ahaU each pay
affixvdth—ebiandoanocUedat thesxpen— ron acUiig w> such. 8ft oeiiis iVniflcate - value the sum cd A cents, one-rigblh of 1
••. Manofaetar-a of tobaooo wtoae an- ousmul tooli luiw L
-ef theowoM or import— beferethewUh- ,g ary chwi-rtHkin risiulnd by law Mscxtit; 10 crais. twcselgliUks of loeM; 1$
anl sal— exceed M.OOO and do not axorad Oekri In tto manner p
- ----------- othiTwIn-si-o likd In thisact. iucenor I cento, thi4vc4gtatha of 1 oent; t& centA
100.000 pounda shall eato pay 91A Man-1
Chart—iMriy—tViiitnut or agreement flvtxiliriitha of I c—it; and (— each addlBf—tom of tobaeeo wbu— aanoal aalual lurirunumu upon which tto
(—tto chart— of any ship or le—el — UoualXftcuiM uf retail prtoe —value—
exceed 100,000 pounda ahall aato pay $94.
•Umps afunissld shall nut have bum
alenm—— any n-m-walurtransf^Atotud, (rwlionalpartthetraf Incxoc—cf 9fte—its,
kUnufaetni—s of elgara who— annual affixed and tmiuvlul. as ofurt—dd, toall Dot
If rill- ririUk red tunn—ie of such ship do— five-rdgbtliB of 1 cent.
nlMdo not «xeeed 100,000 elgan ahall be Used tu fvkk-jioe.
_xnds,deb«taras-eertlflcaMa of In- mK cured iKxi ions. $8; t-xeardlng XOO , For and upon avery pneksA box. bottle,
iM'. It. That DO
debtedne-toracd aft—(to 1st day ot July, urns and not uxr—.dlug OUu Ions, •&; ex- pM. rial. — Otb— Inriosure ootiUtnlng
icumcnl wqiitfvd iij- Uw to to stamped 18W. by any Modarion. company — eur- cudliig «iu tuus. $ia
any <—euce, cxtnMg. (dUm wat—, oueuet—a exceed WO.OOO elgan ahall eato pay toall be «k«mul or told Invalid and of no purariun. on caoh •100 of tws value —
Contract— i;nu.—s m«i — memuran- to, v—i-llnc. js-trak-iim, hair oU, putuade,
•19. kUnofaetui—s of elgan who- an- effixt fur the w-onl of
hrarion ttonsit. ft oeirtB. and un e-A orig duiuM sale but utbiTwIae prmkkd (—In balrdriMcing, hair 1—toratJvc. hair dye.
mal aal—an—d 900,000 elgan toall eato
tooth wash, duiltlrlce, tooth ptMie, arainal I—ne. wheth— on
Coiiviyaix*—IVid. instrument — writ- morio—chons — any rimUgr subetga——
PV9i«And OT—y pcraoti wbo oarrl— 00 any ■trumrai, pa)i—or ds umixii. pravldcd a •igaiaaariua,ofoerrifl(
Ing wto-re-liy any lands, k-neni—ts— ottoe artMe. when soeh tawket. hbx. boOle,
taMtoa—or ooeupaUon f—whksh Medal k«al diirnuwuUry suiupur riam|« duuot- on each 9100 off (ace value <
r—liy »ld shall to graiitid, sisdgmd. put. vtal — ottor Inriusure, with Its MUx— a— Impoewl by lUa —(, wHhout Ing a Ux of equal anHumt shall have b—n (toreof. ft o—Its, and oo 1^ mk
toriiMpaid (to^eelal ux b-ein pravld- duly sffisssi «tid used tboveon.
d In tto-vurehas—urpurehasers when . —valaeitosi □ of 6a
iiKini to —11 — n
H— IT. ^ all b^ d
M, atoll. baaMn bring liable tottopny.. twoRilghthsof losnt; ,
nmsldetatkui — value exoerds llOO^loral; IVa
4 by the
UMtnf Mito aparialux. be doMued guilty
s three^hthe
thneBLoom—AT —'and dons not exceed $Mi.ft-cv-iiia,and f— oents.
of 1 w—; 9ft cents,
Ml upon oonrlotlan
rsof ttoUn
TlRa iTXw . each additional »MU or fnw-tlonal part flve-rigtathseff 1 creit: and f-es«haddiby tto offiaetB ef any state, ootinty,
tomoftoaUpnyaAue of not mure than
' ttorwflDuxareofk&uo.
thereof In uxareof kbuo. Mfvnta
j riunal 8ftesnto
8ft esnto of retdl price
—II ninnkdi—1 e—p—atloB or oth—OUT•dOOartotmpHMiednot mcra than rix
Dispaiob. lolcgrapblo—Any dlqaricA — fracrionaJ part thereof
g tto taxing puw—. shall
—Uto. — both, ax the dlaenUon of tto
~ -|r 1 c«nt.
oenta. fl<n^-«lghUu of I —uv
Cn^tonby an exempt Irani tto Man.p blank. — by any <Wlv—y. — by any Mg { Entry uf any goudo, wenw
ux- reqnind |>y thU art. ptovkkd that midra— of transf— — sals, wheth— en- dim at any vuriom bouse riib— f— c
11 erah box. earton. Jar c
«nnd nto fton^Bd the stamps
liuttolnutit toreby to exempt trim tto ririlag the toJ4|s In any
to the Bumpri—i or wore-huUKlng. nut cx«>ed
<■ O—d tn dMOto tto payment of
sump ux—.Imp—ed by thU
booeStof auohetotA,—to-cure ttofti- •ItW In val—. »ft cunu: ex.reding |
Uxon tomented '
cVlcff Mali rains, ftar
payment of money. — (- the ftriure and nc
totoaeo. anvS. dgan and rigaratus may
I •too I
totanntpadnr tanlBUdarlib a anlubu
thereof. 4 n-nta.
d—UslodaealateBewntecffux. And
Sparkling—oth—win—eoBtalnhig mm
any pM—e torUg paaaeerioe cf tntaffixed OMMrity; provided furttor that Mto and transf— to shown ->ly Iff the books of (hs
nt or tom. I eeat; morr than earn pint,
bunds I—oed by oodpan"
eeou (Tto row—lad— of toe meftlon
■took do- company tto rimup riudl t
Iowa —eueUtletia
mridm tor tto sumpfrig off goods oa
such buokw and where the
exo—d •10.000
110.000 and talldlag*^
hand on July 1 andf-a irimfts onatttdam — eutnpanl—that
ipantottot raato ksma -shlptobylran
tow Ito* h—atorady pMd »iMMM $».)
atoU r—rira tham n* tto pat— paid f—
•• toaHto
T •■ ■■ bwM mm ■
MaliMiMikff tto pBftoanwamd tom
<I‘enaliy. ota l—aihan 91.000 and
ccrdlngflu.iMUf—oKh faUureegiMtoil
tomato rriuru.)
14—. 98. That from and aft— (to 1«
day of July, 180a a stamp tax of 1 east
riialt to krtk4l and eull—Ced on er—y seat
sold in a twlac or part——r and on wraay
berth sold in skv-plng ear. tto sUtop to to .
attxnl tu tto tkket and paid by Ito eeanpany imulug tto —me.
(iwtteos SO. M and SI t>vrtde f— m
Into-rtunce tax ranging fram 7ft eaots Sax .
pnrPllSluf bcquiwt tu lineal ilianfnrtania
to •ftp— hundred where the bo|Uf«tgo—
Mstrangen In blmal — o—p—atkios.)
at a rate of Inh-riwt oat eBoeedlng 9 p—
era turn per annum auob sum — sun— aa,
tu bli Judgnw-nt. may to............ to meet
ptiUk- cxis-nditurrs. and to Uiuc Ib-ef—
o-nlfioabwuf liKk-bristne— In such funn as
be may |>nwi-rtl«- and In drnorolnatkiagef
•M or aiun- multiple of that sum, and
c—di M-nlfkwU- Ml lamed shall to payable,
with tto- Inuiriwt acxned Itore—i at such
time nut-cxcuxllng otai yiaw (riun tto da—
of lu Issue, as the aeoTMary of the
time excari ftlUU.OW.UUO.
S.V.8X. TiiatttoMcretarTef ttottn—•
ttry Is bovby aulburtard to borrow 00 tto
eredit of tto I'nlKxl titatea (raan «*ire. —
time as tto proceixls may to required to defray rxpenllitinw authurtred on account
of (tonslsllugwarttoaiimof 9400.<WO.Oiiu. or so iuuch (Is-nxif — may be nawa—ry. and tu |>niian' and issue thertf—
coupon or reglsU-red lunds of the United
(Ipk- uf tlial sum. r>4k4-t;tabk- iu ndo at
tto iduasure (g the I'ulted .*t|al—aft—tM
yean frem the dau- of thrir I— sod payabhi 90 years ftoio such date and brartag
IntL-fwri pa.vaUcquan—ly In coin at tto rate uf 9 p—rvntuiii per annum, ixwvtdad
that tto bonds nulburtMil by I bis ouctlaa
s of imllrtdaaM
tlun of any Issue of said bunds net m
—rtlsri fur — atsivv prut idrd may to dlepmod uf by tto secn-tary of the treasury at
nm ksa thau par. und.-r such i
nut ex(444liiig uiH-'irath of J p<v c
of IlM- aiiMiuiit of Uw- bundgandoettl
iH-relu autlHirts.4i Is luariiy appro)
out of any money In ll
1 to par tto expen—
. advertising and taaulng "tto
Ser. 94. That tto s—retory of tto treeeury I* hereby auiburtxrd and directed to
coin Into etondard rilrerdoUare as rapidly
astto-puMlc Ini—ts may miolre. to M
aiuouoA huwev—.of iRg k— than 91.M0,utio In each m.inth. all M tto sUv— tmlUaB
miw in tto- tiwBsury purehsasl In aeegMau—with tto vrailslons uf (he act m*
proved July 14. linu. eotlUed. "An act
dlrerilng tto- purchase uf rii«'— Iand tto Issue id (teosu
saury not—lb ww.
and (— otto-r purpun—
wtoA K> coined. Mall be ti
In tto mann—and t—tto parpcMS Bi
In sakl aM.
■bred nawr.
S—. U. That (— the pnipoera <d IMc
act Ito wonts -mixed flour" shall be «nd>-r«ond to mean (to food praduMnada
ftomwbcM mixed— blended In whole — '
In |wn with any oth— grain—ottor ma
terial. — tto manufactured prodoe* «f
any otb—grain — oth— mat—ial Mag
M. ■n»ai every person. Ann — «rpetekm. bef.»e engaging in the borinsss
ofimsUng. packing — repacking mixed
fkmr. shall pay a opralal lax at the rats of
$18 p— onnuiu. tto aame to be paid a
altloB ttoreln imposed f— oigr vtolarioa
tbenof. (Swrtkm 97 prarides I— (ha
method erf mie and— Ito brand “griaad
— flneof nut It__________ -.....................than $eoos— by imprisonment not to—
ihon M diys trar more- than one year.)
. Bsc. 80. That in addlU-t (o the tonadlag and marking ot mixed floor — berola
pcorided, there ehall be affixed to the
imckogve ounUdnlBg tto —moa labri In tho
foUewlag W'unls: -‘Xurice The (maaofaettu—— packer, M tto ease may be) off
pUni with aU (to reqolremcnu of l—r.
Bv-yp—con to —uriooed not too—this
package or label again — to remove ths
cooumts without d—traylng the itiSM—
stamp theevsm, ond— the peoalty pMacrtbcdbylawlnaurii oaeeg" (Penal^,
flour there ahall be levied a tax of io-ris
per barrel containing IW poonde — m—a
than W pounds: 9 orals on every half hotrri eontalnlng Ml pounds— irarethanM
pounds and ormAalf <
Jg- Tto tax tovtodbythto a
(BaettarI 41 pevrtdssfar tto
the tox In c—lain —s—and XMtton a Improm a tax equal to tto tax aM forth la
aeerion 4t) In addition to the toapoK taxon
nil “mixed flour" from f-rign sBomiriw.
8eotkMato«A tnel—lto.l*oridapnl
ties, me.)
fisa aa Thto than toall to toriad. eeihetsdand paldniNO toawhM 1-4—d
. . >
Ttodtoto Mt toall ttoael
THE KOJamtQ ItEOOBl). TTTBSPATrJXma 81» 1898
Oanira. Benton aM tbe Oeorcta aa.
tbueltlea to raator* order at Lytle aad
rWI tbe outakim of rambling bouara baa
been prtMluctlve of c<.od reaults. TUa
Reported in t Dispatch Racahrtd
at Paris from the 8p*ff
Ish Capital.
Tnm-rnrts an Absoluts NsestStiy w.ch Your Undo $am>
u«l Just Now,
bauses were hermetically sealed, and ao
soldier* were allowed there during tba
enUre day. Recruits tor vartoua regi
menta continued to pour la from ^ di.
rectlons and by nlgbt tile number ar
riving leacbed MO. making a total Cor
throe days of ncariy I.IOQ.
Prom thb lime on until the 12 MO and
ajaslne in moundi of wrth pllad
tb* ex|>luM»n« of th» pTYj4«tllta
(br hf*T3' cuna for tx^dlv*. irkUc
tbelr h(«aa «-«Tf ftnnrd by tbr v>Q|« of
thr black aravenecra <if (be tumkflrld.
Tba two hUUopa aecm Utcrmllr blown
away. Tbcae marked the placea where
the ZM.pound t haraea of sunrottoa
UnwB by tbe Veauvlue landed. But the
moat omiDoua token of death flew from
Morro caatle. Tbe aalTron flac of Spain
waa hair-maaled for aeveral bouiA The
Btcnlflcance of. Utla Ja not known. It la
riot euatomary to half-maai flasa. but
hiU lElitLO ft
Pfiffc City. Utah, th* ld*al Minti«
Town, 8w*pt Off th* Fac*
of th* Earth.
Chicago. June Ik-Tbe Lake SUaM
Betaled Railroad company haa ra B*
•Bit against the FarmerF Loan and
Troat company, of New Totk. to saUola
tbe crust cMBpaay from forsrioalag a
r.4n.0M n
The Illinois supreme court h__
tbe decision of tbe lower courta. »*>«t
tbe Famers* Loan and TnM compaRg..
sot cumpeteni to aerve aa traataa '
becanw of lu failure to dcpoalt tM.M*
with tbe state auditor, aa requlrod by
unaatraHes wHb Otbaf Polsts «l
gwae aMwg la Ulm Be
the PhiltcplDea To Be Had
aiMl l*iwrtl«wny
aaOcawB Uaa Owt
amona tbe Spanlah
during the
HllUeatMlat*. a
at Aaj CoaC
•I Buiaaa—Kadkwl
bonaliardment Oflti-era i-ould be.aaen
for and equip these recruits,
m bwep* Away I
This dectaloa may etthnatety affaat
with drawn aworda driving ihe men t<
tbe recent arrivab In camp b Brigadier
every- foreign trust company dding btMlthe guna. but even then tbey could noi
U a Qwlal Hay—Matas H
General McKee, of Itidianapolb. Aa to
Flm-Bolp CaUed tar fra. awK Lake neea In Illinois. None of the toral0
be fojx-ed to atay no long aa our gum
• of the UHwrwwftb
OsJI tWrT*w.pa
the expected move of troops from the
......panlrs. It U said, haa aver eompUsd
City aad Ogdea-Ragm ttg^t Bom
were dlie. t.d at them. The fifteen min
San b>aoclBC«. June M.—The governSalt Lake. Cuh. June M.—A apectal
ute#' night work of the Veauviua bad
Colonel Rk'hsrda said that ao orders
abaltered their nervea It ta believed nenl baa uken a firm aland tuwaW had been- Issued for troops to Icavt 0 The Trihnne from Park City. Utah,
supreme court tt may foeee tru« com
by nime that the t:-ln< h proiectlle fired aecuring transports for the troops, and here and (bat there bad been no Intima
ays; Last nlghi the ideal mining camp panies elibrr to comply with the lav or
r Uanuae t. Ike ^
from the Teaaa whkh waa reported
from this time forth l
tion of an Immediate movement. Gen
Park City
a perform their irutlcesblpa through athhave exploded Ihe powder magagine
will be the rule until enough
eral Grant's second review and battle tass
tbe T agenriew.________________
-Vepwrt That Bbalh
one of the weacerti battertea did not f
have been secured to carry the army exerclae wlU Uke place durtag thb
re to
which it
to tbe Phlllpplnea The Pactfle MaU week.
beg!Baing_at 4 o'.lock yeaterday morn
Madrid. June
A private dlapatch
E. Pirty-aecoad ing and continuing with awful fury for
companyt steamer Newport haa been
A dramatic Incident of the bombard
received here from New Turk aaya Gen- ment w-aa the act of a Spanlah offl.wr tinpreased This makes the sixth vessel Iowa, left camp without prrmlsi
eight hours. HaU street, from
owned by the Pacific Mall com
ml Bhafter'a expediUun haa landed who brat ely ran along -he para|>el ui
tbe point where tbe fire originated to
Milwaukee. June
Word was l»>
beard from.
which Is In tbe service of tbe gui
the Union Paciflc sutlen. la ruined. celved here yesterday of the drownlBg
sear Santiaim de Cul« and will atuck der a heavy fire, enrouraglnghla men
WtseaasU WaHsfy Bea Bappy,
ment. Tbe steamer was thoroughly
Park avenue has auattfned iomm that of George Campbell and Patar Olaaa at
Milwaukee. June 2e.—Tbe batteryboyi cannot be computed with any degree Thunder bay on Friday last wbUe aafumigated, and h-s gone to the mall
are happy. Word cornea from WashParis. June at-Tbe Madrid corr**
dock. Her cargo will be i
The Chlneee quarter U gaged at work in a diving bell rocovor. •
spondeni of The Temp# aaya that It la
rapidly aa possible, and then tbe work Ittgion that they are Included in tbe
Ing tbe cargo if the sunken staamw
ew-aped death, of fitting her out will begin. The Peru aecond call for vuiunteera and are to go
Pem-ablc. which was Inal about a raOT
re>uKed there that Manila baa capitu- rrom tbe forelop ofhave
to tbe front. For weeks the Flrat bat remalna on Raw C. hiU. Tbe
the llrooklyn. f.yoc
ago in olxtrec feet of water. Campball
iatad. though tbe mlnutera have not re- yard# dlatant. the n-rn in the grounds Is duv from the Orient on June H. and tery has been waiting for the signal originated In tbe Freeman bouse.
"Forward?" It haa arrived. In addition American hotel. Twenty minutes Uter was tbe founder of the famous dlvli^
eelred any newa to that effect. Accord. could be notl<-ed. hut a mlnuit- later the City of Klo de Janeiro follows
to tbe laltery Wlaconaln la called on great swarma of peoplefliled tbe atrvwu bci:. and a aoa of aardlnn- CnmptMlI.
dual and flying debris would lake their on July i. Roth aieamera will pmba
for one reglmenl of Infantry-. I'nder the The names bad spread from tbe original founder of tte Oentennlal belL
pla.-ea. and when the amoke cleared be Uken by the goveruroenl. althoi .
No pauilculars of tbe accident weva
away only a spot of red eartb could be their tm.'.n-aament will leave tbe Pa promlae made by Governor Scofield this Btnictures. and fastening tbelr fiamlni
It ta presumed that the eabla
•een—guna and gunt-ers had been swijit cific Mall company without a aieamer means tbat tbe remaaal of the old teeth In roof and rafter aiied norU received.
running from the surface to tbe beO
away It was the most deadly and de- on the route between her* and tbe Fourth regiment will be the nucleus of ward with fiendish fury.
broken in some way and the work
It that will take tbe field under
slruc-llve bomlvardment ol Ihe war thus Orient
■wept by a Tenad. .f FUmaa.
men above being unable to grai^ tba
Colonel Seaman.
far. Kcam-Iy
men were aoSoThe
the Sydney. Colon and
of Ihe attuadron wi-m astray. The aim
llllMls Xsttaed Mtbe (OIL
* Jordon's butcher shop aad tbe Ivea «- eated. The Pewablfa cargo waa valaad
' I ■*
: ieawa i e mall comiianya
of our gunner# waa aut>erl. and not only
Springfield. Ills.. June Id-At Ooveta- Keith sublea were enveloped. The at tlM.OM. of which gTAW worth wm
were the coaat fort# annihilated but the Panama line In a crippled condlUoa.
battertea on Cayo Smith, up the harbor, and It was for this reason that thecom- or Tanner's office Saturday a dupatch
low whipped acruaa the street
pany objected to giving up the from the war department was nx-elved
were destroyed.
they fastened tbemaelves upon THKZS TTTJ.K11 OE THE m*Ti.
‘nie mall company la not asking for two regiments of volnmeero.
w of Rear Admiral G
Dahtgren'a residence, a weak but pretty
Flrat alienee the tiattrrtea on tbs selling t cketa for imaaage on the Peru which imoob b to fumlah under tbe structure that succumbed like chaff;
•fol OtbM* Mare or Iwm laJuMA.
shore and then continue firing until the fur the Orlenl. a fact which seems to second call for ln>opa Tbe reglmenU
irtlfl.'sllnne are redueed." This order Indicate a btfiief by the company's offi are already organised, ard are Colonel.
Roanoke. Va.. June 28 —Norfolk ato
cers that she will l«- seised as a trans Campbell'a regiment, auuthera Illinois
as alriclly obeyed.
Westem pasamget train No. 4 was
blocks and dweUli _
port. The Alaiiieda la tlus from Aua- volunteer*, and Ibe colored regiment or- i were
yesterday two miles wm( og
traila and H.-nolulu on June
and the ganUed out of tbe Ninth battalion
business boua>-s tbe fire gained Us way Shawavllle. Three were klllled and aav.
Seea.. Tw Be NwTroabieal Ail l»4M Paad govenini.-nt agents will swoop down oB
:bed lbs rcsldencvs on Park eral Injured. Tbe dead are: Engineer
her. This will leave ibeOceanIc Steamfor BlebIgaB.
Al Horner. Brtotul. Va.; Fireman Kt
Aasnt-lated Rivas t>isi«lch Dual Bhip tvmtiany with only the Maripoaa
iRnalng. Mkb..
ne SO.—Governor
Sadler. Biiatol. Va.; Hall aerk JL 8.
oft Santiago dr Culm. June U. via on the Aust'atlBB route and no steamer PIngree has recel
a call from tbe by- one. oc tbe saal side of this avenue, Francla. Merion. Va. The Ihjurad ara:
Klngatun. Jamaica. June » - (Crpy- on the Honolulu route. The Pacific war department I
mother regiment, tbe dweUlnga feU. Wllaoa'a .dwelling Mail Clerk I. V. GUI. Lynefaburs. Vl.
right. Ikst. by tbe Assoi-laied Pieaa.]— Steam Whaling company's siwamer and w-m at once a
filling It. ~
aeiioualy: two expreoa mraamgaia.
l^rer Urge cargo, s of supplies are Valencia has heyn chartered. It ta Bald fact, all prellmtnariea have been well M> Park avenue, between tbe startli
name* unknown: several pasnangasA
iiry mote than MO men. under way for some time, and the new
known to have run tbe bIo>'kade al
point nnd David Keith's row of dwel- names not known.
ready, and uuantitea of f.sMl are The City of Para la being prepared for f-gimeot win t» ready for Ihe field In llnga
ccupatl.in by the tt-imps.
smuggled U. Havana, by way of the
mu<-h leas time than (hoae which prebmaty-kve l>walUBa< BosmA
■ amor Bad a Orals sf Pae«.
Chicago, June 20.—Following are Batto the aanie aulhorlly the spanlab Jale of pines. Clmfuegns. and other
--ded It._________________
On tbe earn aide tbe dwellings wen orday'a League records at base baU: At
iKiInlsnin the southwest <-aasl having
•nte greatest excllemenl prevailed In
Hong Kong. Shanghai
direct raliP.md comn.unU-atlana wl.h the Camp Merritt over tbe report to the 8PZJT AMOIO1HB mXPVBUCAn next Ucked up until Joseph Dyes' rcai- PhlladelpbU-New York k PhlUdelpbla
dence. Juat above Ihe CreoceBt tram «; at Brooklm-Balilmore
capital. It Is beltev-ed. however, that effect that one of the most noted and BMwltar t
• Flgbl as way. waa wiped out. In this brief t; (aecond game) Baltlmure 1 Brooklyn
tw> at any coat the moat rapid
nulbli.g rea.hes Saiillacv from any of daring of Siwntsh aides had been cap
•tretefa no leas than aeventy-flve real 12; at Boaton—Washington t. Boston U:
aanlratlon wUb tbe poriloaa of the thvme points.
tured In mnip. It w-aa reported that
CleveUnd. June N.-Aa.one of tbe ta- drncea. valued at from MOV to ghtM it PllUburg—Cleveland 4. PitUburg 18;
Pom Antonin. Jamaica. June S*.—
-Bllsied In oue of the
arcbipelaco ailU under Spaalab author
{Copyright. IkK. by,* the Ass..-iated regular regiments of tnfantry. An In ■ulta of tbe aenaional figbt of last win were reduced. On along Main street It SL Louis—Lnulstille 4. St. LouU 7; at
Pres#.]—Well.authei :lca:edrep..rishave
stigation of Ihe rumor revealed the ter tbe Repub.k-ana of Cuyahoga county one buainem block after anolbar felL Chicago—Cincinnati 4. Chicago 18. (Sun
Tbe enure fire department, reinforced
Off Santiago de Cutia. June 1*. rU reached here that Havana la receiving fact that the spy haa not aa yet been bad Ihe flerresi sod m<ui turbulent by thousands of willing bands, together day) At Cleveland—Pittsburg 2. Clevaipplles through Haialan.i. on the apprehende.1. bnl It Is known that the convention battle Saturday ever seen
bnd 4: at Chicago—C?lnclnaatt L CblcnKlagBion.Jamal<«.June
with aQ apparatus. Including three b«w go »; at St. Loula-LoulaviUe 1 St.
WS. by the Aaaociated Preaa.]-Severa1 fswilh aide of Cuba. opp. site Havana government has recently received realmost tmi»salhl<- t» get prov sioos UaMe lnfarmatl..n that leads It to be- i amid tbe greatcal excitement. A Urge carts aad a book and Udder truck, were Louis 7: (aecond game) Louisville 8, BL
attempt# to find landing piacea fur the
he Island of Jamaka. all auppllea
SI ?paln has infurmerw In Camp: squad of police was on haad. The coun engaged U the alruggle. AppeaU foe Louis k
Valted Staiee truopa within a dlatarcv be|r.g sold to a^imnlah agent.
. It can be reliably stated thai ty commitu-e of fifteen, evntrulled by help were addressed to Salt Lake City
•f two mllea wewt of Santiago have derernment fearw a certain well- the Hanna men. Inalated upon lia usual and toOcdcB.and at M:U a m. a squad
Ites t>aB*l Uke the Piaspw I.
from Salt Lake's fire detnrtreent ar
Monatrated. along with previuua tnInformer.
Madrid. June Ni -The statement (hat present la withheld^____
Snlnea to the eaatwanl. (hat the ah.»«
chairman, and sent C. W. Colllater to rived. following them waa a troop frotn —IndlaaapoUa 2. Kansas CUy t; at
tor fifteen mllea la lined with Spaniard#. Preeldent McKinley has a.-nt to Admiral
the pUtforro In that capacity . Amid a the Ogden department. *I%e fire at that Omaha-Milwaukee 2. Omaha k (SaaOrvera and General Pandu tnesasgea
While tbia will not prevent a landing saying that he w.juld huld them peiaonstorm of shouts and yella and the great umc had reached the Crescent concen- day> At Minneapolle-Detrvlt t Mln.polta 8: at St. Paul-C<dumbas k BL
cioae to Santiago It may entail omaid- ally reaiMjnsltde for the lives of l.ieuim- Tsawg Men Whs Ars Xsmeit ts nil Tw- est ^fusion ..n the floor and platform tralcr. tbe northern extremity of Its
omiroe. which feU with a deafening Paul •: at Kanaaa City—IndianapolK k
McKiMon men demanded that F. L crash.
arahle delay aa ib# aurroundlng counl.y
nt Hotwei and his men has produced
aaa City t; at Omaha—Mllwaukac k
maat be iburuugbly «b lied and cieaiwd
dlaagreeahle impression here In mili
Wariitnglon. June 20.—At a late boar Taft. Eag.. be temporary chalrmati.
ha 7.
batore the iroupa can
tary ritt-les as showing that President bat night Adjutant . General Corbin
Wbra Rear Admiral Samrwun yester McKinley distrusts the military honor made puUlk the names ..f IK young bealdi
earns Into play a
of the Spaniards who on their pari de men who had !--.n sel.-r-ted for appoint
day ft
making a desp
spise all threats Such iressagea.
ibat historical atructura. Threa
ment as sec.ml lieutenants In Ibe regv.
ha aent word that they ahoulJ aland to declared, render the future tihange of Ur army to fill vacani-les created by the a number of angry personal eBrauatera I „„
The police charged on tbe pUtform. I •tioama twl by- a reseix-olr above were court Constable 0»nnard called Joaa^
the Bouih ten mllea and lie there until a the-prlsoners moat unlikely.
son a Uar. whereupon tb* two en
act of c.irgreas adopting Ibe three bat climbing over tbe rvportero' labUa and played upon It from 4;1S to >:30 a. m.
laBdlng place bad been aecured.
forced Colllater and every Hanna man The estimated loan la about ll.MO.SM. gaged la a knockabout fight. Attorae#
Wwl lata • UwrwM'a heat.
Washington. Ji.ne ja—Tbe transpons
with him out of a Bide entrance. Taft with light inaurance.whicbUdistributed Lee eeparated the men. whan Connard
Teaierday at daylight the Uunchra with the truoin. for Santiago are eg- of the sert kx-. and Ihe addition of one called for a vote on temporary chair among a large number of
turned on tbe lawjrer. who panied. aad
«f Ibe New York and tbe Maaaarhu- pected to arrive not later than some aecond lieutenant to al. battertea when man. and before It ended every Hanna
then began mauling tbe conauhte. Tba
•etta reounnoltered the abore between
Judge then 'came off tbe bench and
U>day, but nothlrg of #i>e< lal Inter- filled to war strength. The
delegate had left tbe baU. Tbe Hanna
Cahanaa. two mllea weat of the en eat Ivyond (heir arrival is antlciimted amount of work 'n aelecllni
mopped the fight Jnet In time to pewvMl
men went to Hibet'a ball near by and
trance to Santiago harbor, and Ouay- for two ..r three days at the earlleal. young men necessary to fl'l ti
tbe uee of deadly a-eapena.
aganco. two miles further weat. both of The landing of an army on a hostile
teg when It
conwhich points lie east of the range of oaK. It U> is.lnied out. Is not a matter
v-otka and a county committee of fitatountalna aurroundlng Santiago bay. if a few hour* even under favorable ic-lnlments were filed
Durand. Wla.. June 28.—A careful lateen
McKlaThe lanncbea pnahed tbelr noaca into a
sna men In Army and Navy ball did tbe •peclloD of tbe amoking ruins of- tba Omaha exposition waa a
harael'e neat. The bruah waa fairly
Among thoapappointed from civil life
Tbomas Seldon Km bouse. twa..mUaa
Pink Cast won tbe n. Leula Oarto
•live with Spanlah truota. Infantry ani land movement Is not Iwgun befor
are the following:
cavalry. uRd the Are 0|>entd upon
lllinola-ramphell E Rabcock. privaU HEMP ■KZTIB 0009 FOE BUt northeast of Fepin village. Indicates Satuiday. Time. 2:n. PUudU. second.
In tbe present week.
that tbe midday murder of Mary BelTbe Brocklm BuburtauHamUcapwaa
was ai> fierce that tbelr
First cavalry; James E Bell, pii
BeU I don. tbe IT-y-ear-old dsugbterof Tbomaa
Charge sf Mwlilaliag ■
ron by Tllto by a length: time. 8:« 1-k
(Yimpany C, Flrat infantry'; Robert K.
LU* FwUraly Tae CbMply.
Seldom was a Aendlah and revolting
_ ,| Judge Gary at Chhogo baa deddod
Madrid. June M.-ln tbe chamber of
Donald McNulia: John Princa
Portage. Wla.. June 2«.-B«war4
charred portions of that a board <d trade tronanettaa M md
deputies Saturday Senor Sslmoron. the i Oleson. private
-‘-ill of the gombupg.
Republkwn Itwder. askt.d the govern-; Evolve Wmiaina; RBlphPlumbRrower*. Seberbarih. a Gentian farmer realdtag
found on
ment to InMItute an Inquiry In order to honor gradule I'nlverslty of tlllnola.
Just outside the cUy. shot and killed
a Ik FIti
* of the altaR
tenae bed of hardwood charcoal la
ipore |<oUlvely omiradhi the rejiorta | Indiana—Harry It. Campbell, raechan- hla wife yesterday afternoon. Tbe ball
the celli . indicating
by tbe pooitlon
thal bodlea of Ametican marines killed />cal and elettrical engineer. Victor Oar- entered Ibe k
lie. Ilia., died Saturday morning.
that either aft-ter being murdered, or
at Guantanamo had l»H-n mutilated byj rlguea. private Indiana
brain. The
Tb* aecond annnal convention of tha
1 bound, the girl had Nntlonnl Good CIttsena' League wtn ha
tbe Spanlah Insipa. The minister <> the \}ah It. . rllndale. Jr., graduate
Seberbanb was under the Influence of
Interior, Senor Capdepc
Himary arademy; Iver# W. Leonard, liquor, .nnd said Co peroona who arrival been placed on a pyre of hardwood beM at NaahvlUe. Tbnn., July U-lk
>he reports were base
captain Indiana volunieert; William on Che scene aoun after tbe abootlaglhat taken from a rack a few feet dlatnnt
from tbe outside hatchway.
that an Inquiry
l«wla Hodgklna. houor grodutc Purdue
WOllam A. Onembs. of the NiHnnnl
stick of cordwood
Minere aaaoeiaUeo. died al OoMwnUc.
Iowa—James Frederick Howelt. grad
Mlcb.. after an lUaeae of algbt days,
Washington. June »--Tiie first aou
nate Cmell unlverally; Harry E- Whit. about hla poor marksmanship aayliw
eged Sk
ntr of the great naval battle which v
!«>•■ State Normal imong other things ibat be could net
Tbe twenty-aecoad annual niMtlag c€
It In.-Manlta
In-ManlU bay b
May 1
“oror groduau hit tbe a
•amaco pt cma rton Tsg mua.
tbe Stau Bar amoclaUoa wtB ba bald
1 In hhla city. It t
Normal acbooL
treat bad to be covered by the Vixen flag fully twenty feet long' and SpanUh
■* gt^l Miehlgan-H. J. Hatch, captain Nn•nd the Texas. When the Texas asked condltkm. It came
t 1-*^ .
Augustus Ledyard; ^uU
>re S<-hley to Klnley or Srcreii
Oeoege T. 'WUliamaou. president of tha
.ry Umg. but to W. E. ^ d. Ruiker; Oliver U Spauidlag. Jr.,
take a hand t
commodore selllaed th
Union Foundry works. Cblcage. dlnd
rum ininolj-a P^nt graduate I'niveialty or MIchlgan^WHISavannah. Oa., June 2#.—Tbe old Ha. WbUe puying tennU on the graante ad
naagapbohc. a...
raeh by klghtalag Out ef a Clear gky os
louled to Captain
bersham rice mtUa. a block of tbe eld. tbe Kenwood Otuntiy dob.
Phiap. - Yes. an
and give 'em —.
I gan Military- academy.
eat bulldlngi in Savannah, one of them
Ja^aonvllle. Fla.. Ju
has tmed n«ksril^ l»wy at Camp Atger.
| Wliitx.nvin—Henry G. Weat. late cap- about to go In bathing a
having been built in lt2k weredestroyed
------- ... vartlaemenU calling for propoanla ter
W’aahlngtuD. June 20-At Camp Alger
Wlacowdn National Guard; yesterday afternoon Jai
Tba Texaa landed 4-Inch ahella
rday afternoon. TTie fire
the three batthnUnaaothoclaad
T. Oatewaa aurted by lightning. Tbe buUd- by th* last naval appecyrtnuon bUL
'battary at Cabanas, completely- demut- I yesterday- the usual camp routine waa ^ Harry L. Jomea: W. E Haoe. honor wood, private a
of aouthern
labtng It. Ueutenani Shanw. of tbe ' practically- aus|>er>ded. Rellglouaservlees' ffraduste University of WlacuaalB'.Lau. Fltahu^ Lee. waa struck by Ughuang Inga were among tbe most historic tn, vw*
Albert CMnls. graduate 8tiattu<±
th* tamoua paK oC navVigen, and Lieutenant Harlow. In com- were held byall the reglmenls. Chaplain
instanlly killed. Tbe lightning Bnvann^. One of them was fitted up
" *’ ofjlllaneaota.
------ -- mand of the launcbea. were bmb com- A. R. Morgan, of tbe Sixth Illinola. who MUllary
from a clear Key. hitting Gate- at we time for the purpose of tendering ' „teen-ye« locuata. They are storming
been connee-ted with the regiment
ptlmenied by Admiral Samrwon fur agldnw.
wood at the baae of the brain and p*—- a ball to Henry CUy. but be was not | tb* coutry to aa
laatry. It la believed that tbe Insur- since lUl. delivered his farewell aerm«i
rircted ^o,nt aad the ball wu never i
,tortaa that there baa bew tito*
Ing dow n tbe spinal column.
riUClsssdaad tbe Hay la
given. Lose U covered by Insurance.
tlon between General mu.. ^ ^
ganta who are In force and under the yesterday. He wa* .v..r|--Ued to resign
command of General Garcia aUmt flf- an account of bad health
Wnahlngtun. June 28.-Saturday's oeataea mllea w-r*t will render effective aid
uga PaliL Ga.. June M.tkisdihs M alls Kspedlltoa.
Berlin. June Jk-Complete reiuma oC
«»<ymed at WaBUtoUn.
ll driving tbe Spanlah aklrmlohera off
Bong Kong. June ».-The BrItWl
••• •» exceptionally beouU- Kon of the house wa* devoted chtelly to tbe election* for memben of tbe retch- I *
Honnlaln that a
tte shore,________
ralogtea upon the life and character of stag show tbat there have been re- , Spnnlnrd *•atiampud to
blow *p tba
•teamer Yuen Bang arrived here from
'>*>' ** Camp Thomas, aad a cool former Senator Harris, of Tenne
turned « ConaervaUvep 18 Impernllata, Amertcnn troop ship Oty ot Poktag
Manila on June H On leaving Manila hreeae cunllnDoualy astir made park Prior to beariag euloglea aome on
BrracT or rai-RMiAru nmura
«» Oentrtau. t cundMatre of tbe Re- |
wna la Hannlsln barthe Yuen Sang sighted a number of life a dsUgkt. It was aigaiaeanUy a day
m the Filer D
form party. 10 National Liberals. 1 ' bor
vcasela believed to be American Iran#, of rwsi among the aoMleta All drills port upon I
•fimaUaas'. UsSeassa.
RadMnl Union candidate. 1 candidate ad,
bimdred nnd elghty-tva tbnumail
were omitted and Sunday waa geamlly
Aaaociated lyess l>iai«ich Boat, off
the Radical People's party. Agrarian ; •oUan ta am* waa tba eanct amaut
observed. In this reaped tbe dajr was
I^gner. tt Social Demoerau. U PoMr j PaM to the Unltad Stataa aub-tosaanror
•aaUage de <^ba. June lit. via KJngaOmaha. Neb.. June to.-Th. hand- e-ymewhat la contrast with many of lu
1 Dane. • IndependcnU and 2 Paoaant by cauenganna who want to anbmirlba
taa. Jamaica. June G0.-(Cop>-rlgM. IKK.
sme Wlaronr.ii state building
predneaeota. Tbe chaplains of tbt tkms for tlM.888 ot Michigan aror bonds League condldatea Becend ballola win ta tbe war bond 1
to Aaaociated Preaa]-A carefi
in- I matly d<-li aled at the exposition Bat- various regiments held ec: vices and the
o >H dlatrtcta.
Tbe Spanlah ecmsul at Hnnelalu praKMcUon of tbe fortl
C A-, and rvangeUsUc eoborta were asked for week before lost, aad
_ tba I nrday. Thei waa a large crowd of
appllcailoas aggregating 1888.188 hava
teeted agaloat tbe entertainment by tba
of tbe bllla defending Sanllagu Wlat-onaln peop; preyent ar.d tbe Wls-| *rre actlvrly
................ _ The revereac*
Deb government ot t
with wbk-ti there aervlces were UsUned been received from citiaeni of MWUr alnce tbe bombardment Tburs- r^m'lh dekgatlun to tbe convei
Federated Wutne a aubs panlctpaied to and the general good order whicb gan. The banka cloaed today. Sab- academic board campletad tbe examlnn- troops en route for HanU.
la tbe exerdaea
Ihrcampa were aignlfl- •cribata far amall amounu will be sivaa tloas of tbe nloety-algbt caadMaua wba
cant of a high moral tone which perapplied for admlaaMm to tbe Rautary
VB^ Some of Ibe batteries wert'iL I
»rw Tsrk AtbMIe. BaM Cblmga.
vadra the entire army.
academy last Tueaday. Only thirty,
Chicago. June 20,-Tbe "Mereuryfoof
Tbe aoldier* were forWdden to canalgbi paantd. among whom were: Da
-rnien circled on mvei wi^ over the team of tbe New York Athletic dub
gregwte at polnu of amuaement and
bUla tew hour* after the Brim
vid Henry Bower. Iowa: Myron E
aw-ept aearir everything belore It ta practically all remained la camp with
(Mney. Michigan; Cbarlsa O. Free. In- (nmlnm. yaaSmdK
exception rf a c
that aagotlatlotta are o I looking to cloa.
■ : Roger D. Oengb. Indiana: WIO- n b-Frir wmtbmi nwltoiU wln^ bm»
who bad permlMiOB to spend tba
tog^w^^ of the 4
totogne tfornn coaM b8 a
F. Morriaen. lawaj TbaM B. F.
Sbafter's Fleet of Transports Believed To Be
Beady To Land Upon the South
ern Coast of Cuba.
d b, BUneo—nrtb.
Fr«qu« .tl7 M BloekAdlac FiMt
wlib l>u(«r«ua Aoeuncj.
•pwlal to Tbs MoBiise ReooaB.
Ktj WmX. Jbd* tO-It te lwTB«d
froM asTBl ofiofn that 0«Deral Blam•
hM natUed tbe Anarteu bloekaAloffr
ilMtttathe win kwmtiw,
na flaf of trace: addia* U»t every
Shaffer Is
After the Crafty Enemy
Brick Barid«Mc ia Xlk B*pA4a FEattad aad tb« laUriar FartAaDF
Tbc lanra brick bmuc of IficbMl
Naekarmaa la BmA BIk Bapida, «aa
Btraek bj UfTklalair dariaf tke Bever*
atora »atiutla7 norainr- The bauaa
has bat racaBtlj baaa repapered, palaW
ad aad oarpebad. bat todaj it U ralaod.
Not a roos la tka kooM aaeapad, aad
eel wltkia a ais mile taafa wUl be
' tka Blaatar anta tora troa tk^walU
Arad apoa wbetAiar flyiaf tha stare aadI aad oeUlafa. Wiadowa wara tora from
atrlpeaorawbita Aactheir aaakea aad door* fron the hlarca.
Aaotber (overamaat yarn il wkieb, Tbe bolt weatfroBOBa rmb to aaj other, leaviaf bolea in the wal»e aal
thoB^h made b/ a ballet. Oae of lu |
peeallar freake was to eoorch evertkiar
i*|haTiar aajr flit apoa it. Hetare
laatbeiiavadthateaeh aecarate aboU j fraatae aad tha flirnraa oa tba wall
jeaa bafirad br tbeSpaclabraanen.
«<-r* taraed blaek as was tbe
I PVMa. s
Drapariea aad carpeU were
Harm Visited Upon Merrimac's Crew Will’that
Meet With Switt and Just Eetribu|-‘-‘^uekeep.Aria,ba.vy ri.eu.
tion by This Oovernment.
0«n«r«l Blsnoo D«duv. Th.t the American FrieonenOen
Only Ba Italeaaad Throtigh the Oaptura of HaTann—Itlt
Beliared That the Spanish Flag at Half Kast on Korro
Oastle at Santiago Was Baoaosa of tha Death of a Fpan>
ish Offloar.
to tb. Ab,.ricb «r
ehlpe raising a ooleme of
amoks over ion feat kigh.
AR ARII OF (00,000.
After tbe dollars and cents, and tbe aeuibb
are naking tbe doUan for tbemselrea by boying Wall PApar
at the present low prices. Never before heard of.
290 Front Street.
Both U. S. and Cuban-A new lot just received
‘“““"'b Tb.t^iUbt
escaping lojary. ehows that only;
through Providence were they
The boese aad faraltare ar
amat Utal wreck. Tke lom U partially
eevered by inesraaoe.
BoUay ± OonuBbl#
I Closing Prices
onjLadies’ Suits!
I keep tkc*. Yo« will Ant bave loCApPXBSXOBtft ICcXUrLBV
Wacktastoa, Jaae
No doabt is tare HavoBa before rewing tbcia.'
Mew aerk at the Wbltlng.
Mtertaiaed at tbe war departmeai
• SeltB
»I»B tt__________
taa< aacoM D
Will Wrightman, of the Botel
BB (B TrBTene Cl«r.
Seppoeed to bs Faiee neperv
that Geaeral Sbafter's military expeRlagsion. Jamaica, Juae SO-Bo100.000 Keo, Wh ck Would of Reed City, bea labea tbe poslUoa
ditAea has arrived safely off Saatiago.
eanae tka yellow Spanlek Aag oa Mom !
•^■"7 Meerly Half a |
Belol Wbitlag.
Velae M.SC. &t a< in
It is believed that Ike Ant traasporte
Will P. Rcbertaoa,
wbormigawas placed at half mast after tke bom:
KtUloa Blroag-A Senator Oloee to plaeeof
arrlvwl near ike UoekadlBf Aeet BaV
Freaidont BoUoveo tke OaU Will ed. Mr. Wrigbtaaa waa with Mr.
bardmeat of tbe Santiago battorioa oa
Compton when be was proprietor of
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
aiAay nir^^actMiogto tbe plase
Be Kade la Twe Weeka.
Tharaday, some of tka more exeiubla
tka Botel Elag, aad is aa efficient and
and Clothing Houa
arraage^^^ deberlca^ the Aeet ef
Waaklogvw. Jane M.—can aaeert c^ble clerk and popelar with
ottoem of tba Seat think that Hobaoo
traaeporta was tobeaa a safe place
volnaend kla craw have been killed by Ue
satil Sampeoa ktd cleared the way fee
teers will U aigaed by Ue praeidsat
OoL tmltk Baa Arrivad.
laadiag. Tke aelreUoa of a landing
aodore Schley dieeredlt the remor. aad promalgatod by tka aacretaiy of
Coloaal S. A. Smith and wife arrived
place hes been left enUrely to tbe
Tkere baa been notUag exoept tb.!
the next two pveeka." aald lest sight from Jaekeoe. Colonel Smltk
Jadgment of Admiral Saoipeon aad
b maaagor of the botel at Ke-ab-toplacing of tbe Aeg at half meat to la- * **'
General Sbafter. Meanwhile tbe Aeet,
waaia. and will go there this moraing
Jdieate that aay harm whatever bad tke preeldeBt.
of UanaporU woald lie oat a
ready to look after tbe comfort of the
“The call will be for 100,000
*** ** ----- * to tke prlsoaere. They eoold set
at tbe resort with hi* proverWal
By tke time it ia Imuad tka ragii
w ia the Aeld will have been racralt*
aa Morre w
.tiojarad. It ia proba-1
from attacks from tke Spaaiah torpedo
, ed to their maximaa atreagU.
that I
I Spanish «aoer
Flrat Shipment of Strawberrico.
The first carload of atrawberriea from
killed and the Aag waa lowered in i
Biga the third eall about tbe SSU tkU regloB to go ti marketo abreed.
SiobUd IB Windward Faemo*.
apent of kis dMth.
apeHsl tc Tax McBnav Rbccbii.
will be shipped tonight by Alderman
“Oae haadred :
George Lardie. who it loadlag a refrig
Klagaton. Jane SO.—Steamer* Bow
den, Jamaica and Brooklyn arrived
fom about eighty regimeau. which erator car with aboot 600 cratoe for
kora today, report ^et they peaaed la Which Promioe to Bave ^er OMoniea, will probably be orgacUed into tweatka windward peaaage laet night 34
Will Indaee Spain to Xdatea
tyacrea brigades, nine divisions aad
TbeladlMofthefixotH. B. church
on the
-- .ira,
Americas v aeU headed aoatbwaid.
to Ovartoree of Peace.
threa army eorps. This wlU make ne- wUl serve warm meals
Maecabee day.
in Grange bail, be%>wUl ioTbi Mobbixs Rbodbb
ceaaary tha appointment of twelve me- giaoing at ton o'clock a. m.
Madrid. Jaae so.-The aewapa
Og Oape JKarai.
jor-geaeraU aad twaaty-aevea briga
apeelsl te Tax Honme BaonBit
My that tke Cabinet yesterday discaae- diers. baaldes a large namber of pay
Eingeton. Jane SO.—Tbe British ed 'I'peace tendeaclee obaerveeble la tbe
amiaaailea of aebalatenee.
etaamer Etbelwold arrived fro Anto
stock Is golne down, but thero are muiy batealns lelt.
Calted Sutee aad la Spain.’' hot add qnartoroiMtora. aargaanto and other
nio this moroiogand reported. pasting
that Spain will “aaaaiaMnaly repadl- atoff ofTcer*.
rrhe looner yon oome the better eelecUone you set
yeeterday evaalng. near Oape Mayai.
aU eawortby eradltisaa." holding
‘With an army of nearly
tke eatranca of tke east portion
that peace ia only pcMlble “if
men, it wUI probably be anneeeesery
Caka, an American gaakoat. an eaxlJidlilona are hoaombU and iaelnde the to make a farther eall. nnleaa
ary crnleer. two traasporu and
reUntlon ef tke eoloniee."
naltiM from diaeaaea and hatUe are far
achooaer in tow. Later ebe p-iTf an124 Front Street
Friedrich Block.
exteaalve than aeenu probable at
200 pairs Chitdrea's Tan
•tber steamer with troope on board.
thU tima Tbe president baa beooma Shoes.. lace or button, size
Tlie Etbelwold waa atopped by a goaZfttt to Tkua Avoid Action on Hi oaavineed that tba war 1b likely to last
to 11. Compare with
boat with a blank abot and qaesUi
wallan Hosaara Wee Voted Sown.
>ocb longer Ume than he coaum- any $1.25 shoe sold,
aa to bar identity.
SpecM u> Tax KOKBIBS Rxn>Ba.
I pUted and be te mtiafied that the beat
Weahiagton, Jane SO.—Mr. WhiU in
way in which So force Spain to torms is
Harm to Hobeen WIU be Avenged.
le eeaate. moved to adjoara and Mr.
Mpvrlal icTbx Mobbim Bsccbo.
to organixe aa aray capable of aeoomWashlagton, Jane 30.—Swift and ter UevlB reeiaied tke motion with a do- pliahing the annihlUtiaa of all Ue
ribla retribnlioo will fellow any ham maad for the yeas and nays. It was
D Spain can pnt into Ue FUl
200 pairs of Misses' Tan
done to Bobaoa and hU mea at Saatta- tke Arat teat vote. The motion to ad Caha aad Porto Bloo t4«eUar. When
All Woi« Giutrnntend—Pricea Klght.
Shoes, lace or button, sizes
go. Tbe ofieeta at tbe navy depart- joara was defMtod by a vole of 44 the Ume oomea for Ue sieve of Bavana.
nays to U ycM.
UK to 2. Better than lots
aeat were very indignant when word
an amy ef at least soo.ooo men will be
of Shoes at $1.50.
waa received that Captain General
avaUable for Caban eerriee. if it ia
Bianco had refused to exchange priaBaltUacre Stoek Breelved Thiwe Timm a Weak
to aend aueb a fern
•pain BappUed WtU Lo
IS at once feared and xatpectod
BfwdBl toTaxMcHIBiifB KBrOBO
For BMt and Booroatlon.
that the i
Loadon, June SO.—A apeeial diapateh
savage deviltry. If Bobaon U mlaISO
from faria aayb the Austrian agent has grocery departmaat of Ue MeroeaUle
trealod. they pUI be pacleed: vengenca
in V'ici Kid. $3.00 goods at
returned frem Madrid, where be deliv^ j Company's store. U eajoylnga vacation,
will reach every Spanieh officer that
ered to tba Spanish aoUorttlm via
*“• ***• *n>>lng. somewhat
has anythiag to do with iejariag our
8.000,000 empty cartridge.
»«»Uon ba. beooma
hvav# aailon. If the Spaeiarda have
toe. of
neeesrity. Be will apesd about two
ton. Of axploBly^ dmived from .oaUataUklag short trip, ibiangb
placed Hobsoa and hia man ia Spanish Krsaeh. AoslrUn aad Belgton
Ue eonatry. Hr. Pybus baa beea in
fortlAcatioax where they have
Ue employ of Ue company for Ue
125 pairs Men's fine Shoes.
killed or wounded hy oar own ebou
past twanty y.
Regular $3.50 goods,
Ue offeaee would be Ue aame aa if Oadla Fleet Mew sUfk ti a SpanPrank UoldaworU has Jutretoned
from Ann Arbor aad having had aeveial
Hofaeon bad been exeenud by Spanish
lata Port.
yaara of cxperlenca in Uia liaa of work
ordara. If Ue Spanieh cannot aceounl RpMlBl toTas Uoxbibci Rsooi
Waskiagtoa. Jane 20.-The war do-'
for Hobson and bU crew, or claim that
they eeraped, or .were ehot while try partmeat has reoeivad a dUpateh aUV
Frank Friedrich’s Yacht
ing te escape, tbe paciabment wUl be lag that Ue ChdU fleet baa returned to
Many other special prices
We do net wait aaUl Ue aeaao* U entirely over, but we are ready
a SpaaUh port.
Prank hViedrieh has AnUbed Attlng on good shoes.
Jnel as severe, aad suScleat to arooae
now to give Ue benefit of onr rednoed priem to tmr patooM on eaaesmout bU gasoline yacht, Ue Hasea S.
Vutoet From Belgrade.
tha whole world to Ue knowledge that
We want your trade.
Pingree, Jr., aad took hU ialUal sail
wheo an eaemy murders United SUtes n^lml IB (bv MoenB. Bwmu>.
1 lot of fancy Braided Oapae. rednoed from St.gotoAl.7S. Dm
London. J ana so.—A epccUl dUpateh ior tbe aeeaoB Baaday. BU fiiaada
ahldiera retribaUca win be as direct aa
high art Imported SDk Oapee. elaborately
will enjoy tbe pleaearae afforded by
from Belgrade. Servla. Bays that ex-1
She bea beea
$13 to^, AS.&Oand A6. BroedeloU and Smge Oapea, silk lined, redaeed
Qoeea Naiqlie U orgaalxlag aa expedi-! newly painted aad
from $4 and AS to $3.96 Udlee'Jaeksta radaeed from A6.S0 aad A«.H U
Uoa to tbe aeat of war between Spain
Popalar 8ho« House.
ALPS. A lot of old-elyle Ladies' Jeokem, former pricM from AS to AM,
npwlal U>Tu HennSB Uxmbb
Bled ia Ht Fleeaant
and Ue United Sutee in order to narae
allgoatue. MUeee’Jeidiete rednoed from At-SO and AS to S3.7S. SpeeWeahiagtoa. June SO -Tbe feUowing
boU Americans nnd Spaalarda.
ie in CbUdree'a Jaekria.
Enowltnn. and a farmer reeldeat of
was reoeivad today from Commodore
We moat Ague oa apaoa for fall arrtvaU aad w* do not wUh to
UU city. dUd In Mt Plaaaant Pridey
Bmoke WUl Blee.
Watson: “TkaOaptnln General atataa
tmrry ever a single aammer gaiMoat. OaU early before tha
night The faoeral was keU at that
SperiBlMTui MmxnB Bscoeo.
ttiCt Ue SpaaUh govermneat refuses
Waablngtoe. Jose SO.—Thepreoident plaee Sandsy and waa attnaded by Mr.
We are again ready, wlU a large
Hofaeoa end
UU nfteraoon aeat Ue eeaaU the aom- aad Mia. C. C. Enowiton of UU plaeo. eloek of lee. to deliver Ue aame to aay
hie men are the prisoaeis la qaesUon.
InstloB of Lleatenaat Samanl Smt^
Chaa. Beck U ridlAg a aew Kenwood part of Ue eliy.
When Ue American oSceia want to
of Ue oineleeaU tafantry, now eut- WC7«U. ________________ '
MapU Uoek wood alao for aale.
Blaaeo to effect anwxchaago he said; tenedatPort Wayne, U be amUtasl
An lalbtmai Hep wiU — .....
«lha MW art my prisonera aad 1 wUl qaartermaeter wiU tank of eaptaie.
evening at Martaagh’a academy.
TelophOM No. M.
Strong Points
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong- point
-For This Week.
T. J. HOvST.
H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Han.
213 Front St
netchei's Bjster‘D»|iot aif Restairait
A Slaughter Sale
Summer Gapes and Jackets.
Alfred V. Friedrich
The Boston Store,
fMouraM tb*t tk» frtIUM of
Fnak ud W. W. taltk. to anet a
frwM teUdlar
tko BorUi alda of FVoot atroot. batwM
OaM aod Uaioa. be daalad. aa Um point
waa within tha flr* Ilmlla and aneh no
tion woold be aaubllahlnr a bnd prw
Bat the ootn»lUM neonmended that tha petltloneni be per
mitted to aroct a baUdinf with telok
eeneer. The report with Ufb reeom
mendaUan waa aooepted and ad^tad
DpoB maonmandaUan of the eom
mltUe Mra Marie rriedrick was matad pernlaaloo to erect n three
brick boUdlnr adjoining the Krledrl
imittoe on etreeu and walka
ImproeenaaU on
Woodmen aeanoe and tl
af the etreet tbrooirb the alley at the
I fOOmiB AT aat^TT.t^o
> fw a •tnod BatrloUc
Bnudng m Specdalty.
sUre of «a
n at OadlUae thla
year promlaaa to be a roaring aneecoa.
Baaldaa oalebratlng anr natal day it la
proposed fo make this a grand jnbilee
orer the gloriona Tielorioi aeklered by
Ameriean arma Eaeoa of alt kinds.
oraUnaa. flag drills, anaic galore, bal
loon aaeanitena and fireworks are aotne
of tke faaturaa promlaad while tbe comalttaee promise In additton many pleas
ing BnrpriscB. Trarcrae City will be
largely raprcaanhM la return for tha
big crowd fram CadllUc on the tSrd.
Cbeapeet and moat pclubla place to get yonr bicycle repaired a»d
pnt in good ronnmg order. Have bad aevernl yearn eiperience and
know bow it ahonld be done. Satiafaction gnarabteed. .1 am aellinR
bioTole anndhea at about coat. New and aecond hand wbeela for aale
and to rent. Pleaac give ua a trial.
£LU8,8U Front dt,l
I -fi ”WLacca\)ec'Daia aadi
1 I MDcaWter.
Laat Keating of OammItUaa.
The azeentire and anb-eommltteea of
tbe MaecabaeealabraUoa are requested
to meat la tbeolBee af O. P. Carrer
the eonatnetion of awalk on the aontfa tkli erening at B o'eleek to make tbe meet at their ball lomarrow morning |
aide of Bleranth street, between Oaaa final arangements for tbe celebration at alae o'cloek to attoad tbe funeral of
and Union atreeta. wbleh waa adopted. Thursday. Erery member la urged to the late Alonso HarrU.
The ladies of Traveree Bsy Hive; No.
71, arc requeatod to meet at tbe home
mended the MUblbhment of an are
of Mra. B. L Ilea on Seventh street, at
lifht at the ooraer of Unkm and
Seeerai riders auecoedad la ellmblng » o'clock, to attoad tbe funeral of Alonso
Twelfth atrseu, but raeonmandad the Boaghey hill yesterday.
rejection of petlUoaa for lirbu at tba
P. C. Oilbmt will delleer the Fonrth
U. J. Morgan rooeived five boraee on
intenectloD of Kroot etreet and the af July oration at Sherman.
the Petoskey Sonday morning, beridae
panlnaala road, and at tba ooraer af
E. H. Pope sold
Uek«to''to Pataa- two Sue animals for the ob.micnl en
In Ibr fire department.
key ela the atoamar Paloakey Sunday
e oUer light mantloaad ezk
Berby Allen has b.-en employed by E
B Pope, agent of the Noribern MlohiManr of tbe leeal ridein
trip to Elk Raplda Sunday. Tba roads gaa Transportation Co.. at the dock to
Milt in Ua office.
Tberaqueat of Wililam Holdaworth ■ore in fine ooadlUon.
dio c^akV.
Ibare waa a foad deal of dlacai
In last nlftat'a oonaell meetiar, ptindpally upon etreet ImproTemanta and
lha erlU of bicycle riding npon the
arnln of the city. The dlaeuialons
evare drawn out ao that it waa about
nUeen a'clock before the and
The drat propoeitlao for a streat ImpeDTemcnt came from L. O. Bryant,
who paUtlaned^^.a«ucll to Improre
.Bryant eWparfrom tbe^nlnanla rood
dofcal-Bay. Alderia^ Oarrlaan. In
Blmnainr the project Wted that Mr
Bryant bad offered to farnlak the
Iffneal to the city free of coeV Be
•loo offered to iFire Ue right of way if
elty would open a etreet from penlaanln rand to the fair greunda. The
■attar waa referred tba committee on
Mtnatand walks.
a«y Clark Rickard waa diraeUd to
pAsawledge wiU tbaain the receipt
«d an inriutlon to the great gymnaatie
donrnment. aoaa to be held in Grand
W. L Brawn petitioned the eonncil
do permit him to more thr old buUdIng
adjoining the Friedrich blncin to
tha northeast corner of Front and Park
jMaets and iaclnded la the petition a
fnqneat ta erect next to it another
Anme building lOzcn feet in dlmendloaa. both bulldingm to be oorered
with iron. Alderman Monugne sagpanted tha adriaabllKy of baring the
Waeal of light and fire alarm wiree
^irneted by a repreaenutlre of the
dlaetrie U^t oampaaieo and the fire
dUaf. and with thla prorlao the peUtlen
wnam*l«*l- _______
S5 Ceuls ^oT a bummer.
2 Tixass&oodLS
\n vricA.
for bettor facUlUea for reaching Ue
Chpuln Webb of tha Traverae Bay
Tbe Bamlltoa Cadeu are reqaeatod
of Us loU oa Union sUeet
to meet at tbelr armory thU eeeolng line has arranged for two atoamers,
the Columbia and Craaoent, to aceomoat 7 o'clock.
dargarol Booley. of Bay City, date tbe crowds from Northpori and
The eommittoe oa printing, to whom
tbe bay polsu Thuraday.
>pted a poaJtlon in the dry goods
ns rafarrad the petition to reaelnd tha
While removing the skin from a calf
departmoat of Stieaberg's atom.
act of the eouneil of ceatini
ooBtract with the Monaizu Rmvjui re
Tbe memben of Amanda MIee No. Saturday. Abm E Bingham eeflared a
ported as fallows:
5». are requmtod to meet at their ball bad eut naar tbe eye, eaoaed by the ac
allpping of tha knife he was
TotbeBoaorabls Msyor aad Cooacil thU afternoon at 1:S0 o'cloek.
of the City of Trarerse City.
The Traeerue Bay Line of hoaU wUI
Oz.NTl>;iiz!«:—Vour Commli
SeaU will be placvd on eale this
Printing, to whom wna referred thape- ran ezeuraiens to Ne-ah-ia-wnnla and
morning, at tbe box effioe. for tbe en
UUon signed by a number of the prin Omeaa every Sunday morning.
cipal buslaese men af oor city, ralaUra
The members of Amanda Rieo are gagement of-Oor iSobllos" on Thorsa> lr..i lot. ABSII bo«w. esr lorallns. fcS Mrwl. ess to bougSI 1m wn
to tha latUng of tbe cuotraet for the
day erening, at Swiaberg'a Grand
PI (oo> lot. «<M>d dweUlea. rrtuwood. IS dews and tiftiwr mosib osi'J paid ter.
>eaedlBgsef tbe Conn- requeetod to meat at the hall atSo'clock
_ year, would moat re- to attoad the funeral of Alonso Harris. Opera Bonae.
41 acrvsUivrBllMMrathaadaMtfmBUeelV. Load good, wvll waiorad. pouag ar.
apectfully report aa follows; That we
Jndga Corbett's drivtighoraeearapod oSard TSIa U a bargalu lor <mlr tl JU.
The rain of Saturday moraiag put
hare had tha matter referred to in tbe
from tha atabls yard Sunday and start
ms aerva I mllr wool. aU ItBprend, vrlU to sold ta oor plerver divided lonil. Leok.lhla
peUtion UDderoontidernlieD.aad hare tbe bicycle path between Ralea aad
eonclnded that Id the iatorasU of har- WilUamsbnrg in the beet of eoediUoa. ed of for a littia rMrration by itoalf. ap. OtBerpUersltM.asd«alraWrorBietv.a
iohaeoa BleeS. PkaoeIX
aad also s desire on our part to
There will be oxcarsloni on the bay Tbe auimal was recovered ycotorday
acoordanre wlU the ideas and
about 1! miles aoutheaetof the city.
wishes of our consiiiuenu. to reeom- Thuraday. given on the atcamera CreaWill Wymane of Honor baa aoceptod
msnd that the action of the Oeuneil in cent and Colombia by Travona Bay
a position In Ue
eontiaolng the nrraent contract for
Btve. No. 71, L. O. T. M.
printing with Tur. Uorkizo Rscubd fi
of Ue MereanUle Go's, aiore. He •
•TheQoaan of The Lalna” took a rivpd In town yettorday.
ilhout snbmiulng bid
>od that bids for tfa
parly of isv beaidee the Boy's Band on
work be solicited from each of U.,. ihaazeursloB to Ne-ah-to-wantn Sun'
newspaper publishers of thU city, and
that the uoatract be let to tbe l^eet day.
bidder, serrlce ooasidered.
Oraoa Church Guild will nerve a ton
Ae a further reaaoa for this action, oenl supper at Forestora' hall this even
Onduata of Boj
is said of people who
e desire to explain that there affpesra
> be eome doubt on the part of aome ing. Everyone ia oordlUly invited to
are up^o-date and ate
parties, or dlfferaace of opialon as
recogniied wherever
tha Irgulily of cootinuing our prrsi_.
JusUee U. W. Curtis has been apIbej- }TO for their conect
tract with Thi: Mukzimu Kzookh aa
of the
Bwstaads, and without soUclting
knowledge of life aad
bids. After a eareful study of that eaUto of the Isto Uavld Warec. whs
part, or secUoa. of tbs City Charter died a few days ago at T^ng l-ake.
bearing upon this subject, we are led
People in the swim
A horse belengiogtoRev. B. Salsbery
to beliere tha'. ao far aa the Charter is
fur furti
are the people who
rancerned, there Is aothing ta It to con- ran away Sunday maruina, knl wa
bprs'i Urs
-s Hou,» OkIm- tra. C. g
wear SELZ SHO^,
or pmhlk
wltboui any damage having Ilurai,
Hurst, dirrriiir
sad BAnss-rr.
! wordioj
because they ate posted
been sastalned.
on what is best for thar
and coaUiaa la one of its aaetloni a
Poundmaator Moody has apoolnied
clause wkich might poaalbly be eon- J. E Nelsoa aa dog eateber for thla
atrord in aneh manner aa to make it season. Be will b^ln his work among
feet. There are lots of such people t
0.« Mrs™,'. Sim Wm.
appear best, all things eonsidared. to
nntagged dogs after Thursday
3<S59t8i7 pairs ot SELZ shoes were
le the ooursa we now recommend.
made last year alone.
;laaae referred to la the last part
E H.Sslabury brought totheRmtiub
of SeolioB 1. of tbe priatiog contract,
In offering you these shoes we declare
- - a box of mammoth strawberries, one
and reads aa follows; --This i
them the best in tbe world for the
iAP.mVVykaa. I
Hastings’ Real Estate Agency.
In the
Teacher of Violin.
Ooaaldarable discnaalon waa engaged
16UB." If Ilia inie that the ver> '■ rirenmference. They ware grown
In orer the propoallion for the improre
■ant of the hUl oa Randolph slraet. ie named______________________________ on Travene City toil
All Good Templara are requeetod t
tha west part af the city. Tha com- contract at that moment, then coruin■Ittoe on straau and walka bad bean ly it could not be mada a new contract
iply by a vote of tU Couaell. aa a
•ear the grouad and were inellaed to
V eontraei frw the city priaUag can
fnrar the pellUoB. After farther dls- nly ba made along the line laid down
ansaioB ai ta the baaeflu to ba dartred I the Charter, as that of submitting
pan public tboroughfarc, tha metier
araa referred to the committee for far
For yonr money? That'a what you get
ther larMttgaUon. TbapeUUc
F. C. DnauuNK.
when yon employ <fOO. R. Winnie—
tlmated that the cost of the ImprareA. W.. JAiinAt-8,
your money-a worth in good honest
B. Moptauvk.
■aat would be about tlSU.
Tha report was acceptod and tha neOpposite Bagle Office.
T^ clerk read a strong proUat,
ddgMd by a large number of cIOj
dram all parts of tbe city, agalaat the
The board of public werka reported
MS of tbe sidewalks by wheelmen
number of walka eonatroetoP dnriag
fning that the walka were for tbe ex- the past year for which property own^aslvo nee of pedeatrisei. la lUis
bad failed to pay. The city had
—ctlon Alderman Garrison argued ihsl paid the coat and byrcaolutien
It was time Travaraa City got Into amounts were ■simsed agalaat the
Um with other ImporUnt cities la this ioua pranerUea thus Improved.
g^ard and preblbltod tha um of the
sanlka for blcyele riding. Ue mainAftor the diacnaaloa of aeveral mat
dnfnad that the atreeU were good
ters upon which there waa no ofielal
dSWigh aad that It was time the podeoacGon, tba board adjourned.
Want Work
V» t I
——ABliiluUf. t.w rAtrsnliB af tr«4b vIhbcBl
One aielil Onl>.
Bonon for Bra. J. L. Olbba.
Mn. J. L. Uibba of Mayfield, left
yeeurday for Naaaau, Win. where aha
baa baen invited to give an alumni addreaa. Mra. Glbba ia>promlnont mem
ber of tbe Womanl Clnb of thla city,
and ta a gradoato of the Naaaau aehool
and deema U quite an honor to be ow
lectod to give the addreaa.
Barney Anderson naked tbe oounell
Tub MoKKixe Ruookd today prinU
to order a osmant walk at hU property
pm Wabator atoMt and Franklin atract. the full text of the vrar revenne bUI
Wa waa rot«rred to tha oommltue oa reeontly paaaod by Oongreaa and whkh
gtroali and walka.
la now 4 law. It will bo found partlenlarly UtoiwUBg and mataiaing In» OB too and wator
atlaa of vnlite.
Thursday, June 23
— OR—
“Fqdod the Rhine.”
Interpreted by a thoroogbly oom.
potent oompany of playan.
Brieto—»s. u. 50c.
Bnaervml aaato na4y Tnai«By ■
money, no matter whether the price is
81.50 or 85-oa
Opera House.
Took Refuge la a Church.
Kcble Lewis and Glenn Power alf
Elk Raplda. roda over u wllaem thh.
performance of “Mlae Francla of Yale”
Friday evening. starUng for bo
aftor. They were obliged to aoekaholUr at Yuba from the storm, and the
only place was a church. It waa i
a'clock a. m. when they roachod heme.
Steinberg’s Grand
gtn of the wheal.
•envy wheel be taxed fifty
ffnllsr for tbs street fund. for.
•nbltohlngof bicycle p
AW Pity.
AUormsa Monugne,
ffhp eommittoe
ttat the eoBiniuce had a plan in view
«rkUh be tbonght would suit the ocoajt« aad asked that the eommittoe he
gfraa a ahon time to farmnlato their
ite. The peutiaa was than referred
to the eommittoe on ordiaanera.
As poMi as UU was dUpoavd of a pedition waa proaeatoxl, signed by the
fwUpoU of Waabington straal. asking
IRp eonncil to prohibit the use of Washd^gton atroet to wheelmen. Tbe petidlOB want with tbe other.
\0 eeuU.
Sammax CoxsaV
Tor OanMdarnbla httentten.
Cycle Works.
In the way of Summer Hardware is our Ice Picks, Lemon
Squeezers, Gra^s .Hooke, Garden Trowele, Ice Tongs. Axes,
Watering Pots, Poicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors. Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you wiU
find in our
Hardware Stock.
Mtm oTni.Tr or attbicptxd
Bcldlr Tou th« ttarj *f » ]
Act UKt Wu Oaickiy DiapoMd Of
—WitUan Ufn on Trial ChMV«(>
With Steoluc a BiojKl*.
Tba JB17 to U> CircDll court madi
atom work of Dudley Tboaat yooUiday aftoniooD. and be waa ooueicted
aa chaired. Tboaai U tbe man wbo
d a erimiaal aMault upon MIm
Bwtha Clnae, on boaday mominr.
May It. wbU# the waa on ber way boae
from ebnrcb, on the aayluin road..
Mia Clone waa tbe oomplaloant and
the only wttoeee called by tbe proeecntton. eaeept bfaerlff btapeou. wbotcatlfled to oertaiD admikaiuDa made by the
aciiMd. bnaeCluaetoldau iDtelllfeat
atoryoflba detaiU of the acttona of
It reoolred ooly about an boor to
aatoalttbaeueof tbe proeecotioB, by
<r Twaddle. Boa. W. H. Kquter ooaductod the defanae. hartor beta
appotoled by ibe court to Uke tbe caac
•f the defeodeni wbo had ao mcana to
omploy ao attoraey. Tbomaa
ralyaed in the mornlornad pleaded net
fnllty. Be wcntontbeauadin hlaown
behalf and had be rafralacd from taktoyadraataye of tbatttrirelayesltniybt
hare bean better for hU eaee. Ue told
MbaUatlally aa told by Mile Clnae. exoept that be eolorod it to eult hia fancy.
Bia Btanner and tbe brazen way to
Which-Ab told bow he followed the
oontplainaat and bU aobae^ueDtacliaae
d to dlaynat people with
ordtoararily rained eenUmenta.
yave ns hu main defenae that be
thonybt that bia rietim was a person
of quHtionahle cksraeter. and declared
Ust be deaistod when be fouad bU
Mr. Foeter's
der's del
defesAppMUi cl^nt a
(hat be 'aanU^oalyofflmanlt a
battery in.^
. ---------------------------------the tow. as^e
had ■
•eeompIUhed the alleycd pnrpoae and
(hat no istCBl to commit the crime
•Uayed eonld be abown.
hewcrcr. ooneldered the eridenea from
a different llyht and oonTcted bin.
When Tbomaa wae analyoed In the
morn toy the court sutod tbut be had
reoetoed a peuUon from a aamber of
womea in the city to coodoct the trial
to Bccret. but as tbe tow provided that
trtoto of criminals ebonld be public be
eonld not make eneb an order. Be Im»remrd upon tbe apectotors. bowerer.
(hat the natnre of tbe cane abonid
prompt the usnsl attandsots upon tbe
eonrl to reaped the c
(0 refrain from beiny preacnt. and ibni
relieve the compislnansni from
yreat embarrammrni which
aral upon such an uceasion. Tbe eugyestioo of the court evidently bad its
welybt, as thvA were but few in the
ooart room durtoy (he irisl.
thtok I am aa far abend 00 tbe trail aa
a yreat maay who cmm here woeka
ahead of me, altbonyh aoma Uet came
OB the eame boat an ornr to timber
loay ayo, bat they either had boracn or
dcya or
A hone here brinya ttOO. when yon «a»
boy oae. Tbeyearo with a man drlrer
from »SS to PSO a day. One hora* carad
pofl one aiyht. wheo the trail waa yood.
Tbearborececaabeboayolfor »10 to
•It each to Seattle. Doya are worth
aboat $SS each. I don't know the price
paid for freiyktloy clear erer the ylacler. but for halt way np tbe enmmlt it
US.', cenu per ponad. Tbe dUUaoe
U leee than a half mlla. The tempera*
tore up here doee not rary mocb. At
nlyhl It U frrm S0° to
and daye
i. & Crouer of Ktoj
elty yeatorday.
MIee Ethel Stator rode from Elk Bapida on ber wheel Friday to wiUeaa the
performance of "Mim Fraaeie of Yale"
and to rUit the family of ber nncle.
J. W. Slater. She reUraed oa the
train yeatorday. aooompanled by MUe
Kate Doekeray. who will eieU at Elk
Rapids a few dara
Mr. and Mra S. Ynlomatoto and Utile
dauybter Ray. of DnUoit. arrlred reotorday for a rUit with frienda They
were formerly realdento of tbU dty.
Mra. Mez Sarlas and danyhtor. re
turned yeatorday afternoon to their
home In Charlevulx. after a week's
TUltwiibrcJatirei and Mends in this
50® to *0®.
The anowtildee ran be aeen
Ur. RarwUe. tbr Gass street pbotoyheard on erery aide: they eonod like rapber.
’ hU deuykter
Ikuader. I have seen some very torye from Cbieayo.
where bnndreda of ncree of snow
Clare Franklin, the eon of Sol Frank
and rock cam* down. VSr bad oue lin of Bast Ntnih^sirt-rt. came home
'lldr brreat tbe foot of tbe summit from pFtoshey Saturday with a bad
K. O T. H. Souvenir Badyea.
and one down at tbe third bench, ^t cat on bU knee. The injory was renie K. O. T. M. souvenir badym to
below 1 think it boned ton oelend in a saw mill.
Tharaday 00 the occasion of
and bort one man. Here it
MUe Mamie, tbe
baried a row #f toaU and tone of pro- Mrs. Atwood, lately from California, to tbe Uacoabre cslebratlon are beiny
famished by i'botoyrapber Rndshaw.
vleioBs; 36 people were taken oat frosa ' .}nito airb.
' The botton U torye and bmn a landinder tbe anow from 3 to l.t feet deep:
C. (1. Ymteeof Muakeyon. is
two were dee*. It waa an exeitlnir
.1• r>"
time. Seeeral of tboae token ont were fi» -bii. M,.
is a tent and abivc. tbe emblems of the
lojored more or leas, and it was at: eejoya a three weeks'vaentloB.
niybt* to a bllndlny snow storm. There | Rev. W. K. Wriyht left tost ulyht for R. n. T. m. and L O. T. U. ordan.
seas a yreat bnstle amony tbe men to ; Csaw^olU. where he will ofistoto at Tbe button, with the ribbon atiacbmrat of tbe colors of tbe order will
yet act aomeonethey -knew, or any oae. itbe Palue-KHne weddiny
I’. J. Andresrs and bride arrleed in msks a pretty badge and a valnsblc
in fact, bat a cry for help was distinct
ly beard, and while tbe men tried their the elty yesterday from Illy Ranids
and will make thU city their home.
beet to 1-wnte it they nevar yot
An XxoaUsnt flcisstiflc Work.
one eryiay: so there isn't m doubt but
Dr. K. Bowell of the asylam staff of
City Snrveyor Nortbmp has racelved
there are several burled there yet. At ptayslrtoos left for Vurmonl yeatorday
reqaest from a profsssiir af tbs Chi
aoma places it was 15 feet dsep nadar to aiijMy s three weeks’
the slide. A man by tbe name of 8am
Joha Proberl want to Omene yeator cago University for a copy of tbe report
of the invcatlyatlon by himself and
FUber bad several days and he and tbe day.
days and all wera bnrted. When he
Uan. Roswslt Lenvitt of Beltoira. to Civil Enylaeer Rafter made here last
year. Flattorlny eommenu arc made
day ont be went to work dlyylny in the city.
out bis days, lie found three or (oar
Mrs K. 8. Kims of Mnskeyon. ta in regarding the valas and 1
Uie report which U to form aa importdead and then quit looklny: eight dsya tbe city.
after the slide there were partiem oeer
risorye W. Alden of Grand Rapids, sat fentore of the Iseinres of that nnlversiiy upon water snpply.
there diyyiny out their provUlons. and waa In tbe city yeatorday.
one beard a doy bark, and went
and ekovaled to abont a foot and out
eame the doy. Be bad day bU way al
most oat. and while bs was poor sad
weak he could walk sad sbo-v alyns of
joy for yetting out. That sounds Uke
n fslrv tale, but it Is litoraUy irae. and
the day. a Shepbeid.
TTe had a snow storm, wkleb I referred to, which tost^a waak
It only BBowed aeve^Thgl down at
Twelve-mile camp. Up bf^ it snowed
abont tan feat, and down on the flat at
the beach it rained sll the time. Lou
yoods were last all alosy tbe
trail In the snow storm; they
«rere buried so deep that they
e«nld never be found after the storm.
A great many people arc geiay back,
even after they yet over tbe'ylacirr.
and B ereat many would yo back but
they bsvt-n't the money. Osee in s
while giiuds are offered up here far
what they cost is Beattie. Tha only
B II 1
article there is no discount on is wood:
Followlijih. Tbon...
b,Io™ U.. coir, I..,
„ „
Special Attention
Is called to our very large assortment of
Colored Shirts—laundered and negligee—
39c, 60c, 65c to "^l.dO.' Don’t miss see
ing them.
Ur. and Mas. A. P. Booyb of Cbarlotto, stopped over night In this elty
their way to Petosksy. Mr. and Mra.
Hough were formerly of this city. Mr
Uooyb poblUkiny (he Transer^
Nr(Ue RMd of Empire, was in the
city yesterday.
Andrew bturtz of Conngton. By.,
passed through the city yesterday en
route for Omens, where ha will spend
cc w«.;;7i:;g trade
a few days on -Fee , ,.1 of u.. ..
eelebnUoB. aid -f v -u eeed any
thii. line come to sno I--ok the s'loea •'
Our (t 15 \
all over for >1 50. and onr POe shoes for
mee and women are warrantod sll »wito
and good wearers. Come and bay sboaa.
of ns. We will surely save yen money. '
More bargains here.
A. S. Fryman,
Maw Ball Ttnyara Are Hera
8 everal of tbe new base ball players
arrived yesurdsy to fain tbs Hostlers.
Among them
Wheeler from Cedillsc; Osteber H. L.
Hunt. Pitcher Ei| Ontea, Heeoad BseemsB E. H. Pittman, and Shortstop 1
Miner from Bradford. Pa. Miller was ,
substituted to Brannan's pisca. ss Unnt i
-Phone 167.
daemad him the beet of the tws.'
Misses riertmde Sprayne and Wlsl- Pitcher Frank Dye is expected today.
fred Pratt arc visltlny tbe reaorto along
the bay.
Mrs. A U. Nichols arrived from
Urand Rapids yesterday form visit with
bar parents. Nr. and Mrs. James Uarland, of >th stivrt.
Miss Mabel liibbe came from Mayflald yesierUey afternoon and relnrneii
last eventny.
Uort Miller of ManUtae. came np
yesterday 00 business.
, G. M Dame of Xoribpori. was in the
city yeeterdsy.
Ed. A. Maesesn of Suttons Kay. U in
tbe city.
Mta. Kenner and daughter of (iraDd
I. in,l» ip lb. b.p.b«. Rapids, are spending a few dsvs in the
city. They are at tbs Leelanau.
Mia Myrtle SnnibslI will leave tbU
I by CspUin
that he hired a wheel from 1
ling (or s visit si Milwaukee. 8be
V7-:-)aw ail tbs biyhaei token.
and that be never rvinmed IL He was
It was found to be 4.M« feeU Von see ! will aU-j spend part of tbe
A mBnufactar«r*s sale'en*
armatod Inter to l>atoskey. where it
Chllkoot would be an easy thing as I Engle. WU
I alleged bs bad sold tbe wheel.
erupsrrd to Valdra.
There are a{ Bert Kelley leturned from Grand i
ables U8 to place on tale
1 easels still is
great many that are in so IsM that Rapids yesterday.
Fred nenmann, Jr. of Ri
they won't be %ble to yet over tbs
glacier f<ir tbe rainy aessos bssslready arrlred yeatorday (or a few weeks' visbegnn on the beach, and it resi-hM up ! it with hie brother. F. U. Ueuraann.
on tbs glacier as tbe sassou advances.
Inspector of HnlU Uloecksr and InSeTcml have a pariof their yoods part epactor of Boilers Boaner of .Grand
Story of a Penions Joomay By a a of the way over tbe glacier aad the I Uaven. are In the city on oftieial bnritrall Is so soft that n man will sink in) ness.
Trsvarss City Gold
to hU waist If aot into a erevaas so! a N. Gwavarly of Ralkaaka. vras to
f they are eompaird to tarn back sod j tbe city yesterday,
there wUl be a good many goods lost I cook H Jckes came down from Marker
to that way. There are mmors of a,
Snmmlt of Valde» OIncier. May 15.
MouiNb K«-.c»iii>—I have been pat ■toika being made on the Uke aerou
Hps.'a. 1!. Cook has ratomed from 1
ting off writing for two reasons: When tbe ylacbr bat I Ulok It b only a two weeks' visit in Grand Raptda.
they make it too good.
1 enme In from work 1 was Um tired,
nad when 1 was not too tired I worked. They report »5 par pan. I wUl write
For the whole of tbe eorgnHitia ad
Wall. It b storming: but that is not S3 per pan. 1 will Write when a strike
vance lu tbe cnndititol of tbe bbaring
mmarkable on the top of tbs ylscler; j “
man tbo bntos was laid, tatw (or 01. by
U storms five or six -J-.M
days in the
kuv week;
wees. I
tbe gtwpnl. This «-aa in itt criginal
nsownf course. It mayraln ap here
tonn and in its contiuniug purpose, the
Amnnement Matas.
In midsummer, bot noose knows, for'
charter of human freidotu. and the two
(har« b no one herb then.
'■narGobllns.orF(vt on tbe Rhine" modes by which it most conrpicnously
Wa landed at Valdes April *. and will bepn
it ^tolnbery's Grand ameited itself in tbe •rdnonz procesa of
■rvfsT Tcyobemtiao were first tbe temd*
kstonoe, banliay
•para house on Taniaday evening by
goods toUie lop of tbe ylat^-ier, and have thoroughly compeieni eompnny includ* nal elevation of woman and next tire
mltit9Ziao and eveotnal nbolition of
worked every day sinoe. t caose and ; iny such sell kan'wa plmyera as tha
■Invery. —Gladstone.
wonlynawaiihetop. a dbtoaoe of Mihses M.nd Leroy: Eva Mastoia;
U mliea from Valdes. I didn't work Agnes Adair: Nallie Horadc: GerUe
la tbe Hatbto.
for one week an nocount of a snow
Hr. Busy Body—If yon bang those
Book:M.W. Douglas; Max Roaenbary;
ntorm. 1 suppose you think that
tnrkeya by the feat, yon will keep thena
Odds and snds selected from 75e
Theodore Kahnwald; E. B. Filrhayh;
IngKoopoundsprettyslow. Iflshonld
aad othera equally wall known to tbeaand $1.00 qoalitea. Ladies Kid Bicy
r. Botcher BnrinsM—That ain't
write up all the paper I have I couldn't
im yoera. Tbe very latest musical what I'm trying te do. 1 don't want to
tell you wbv 1 didn't yet along faster.
a bargain, 60c.
aurabera ere included to the coarse of kivp them snytuiigcr. 1 want to suU
There b only one way to flad out
the CTonlny's eatortoinment.
'em.—iUrlom Lif&
whether It b wark or play. Jast pat
•o year sled from ito to 300 poands,
Tbe only eoap which tbe Bindot* rtft Death of Aloaxo Harris.
•mooardlny to your welybt aad sand.
tbe orthodox type eanploy b made on*
Aloszo Bsrrb. aged 37 years, died at tiroly of vcgetoble prodncta But eoap
Ud einrt over. As I said. It b 33 miles
little used in India,
almoA an
to the enmmlt and It b all the way up
wn luxnry with the uiliTea
AUl: there are four benchee, es steep urday evanlay of dbbetb.
Ladies* Lesther StocUnga............. lOo
; .«hst 50 ponods b a load to pack up lenvce n widowed mother to monm bb j---------------------------
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badisbes, Bhubarb
Fresb Every Day.
24S Front StreeL
Silk Capes-
USD, $8.50. $10.00 and
$12.00 qualities.
Tailor Made Suits!
To close bnlance of stock cn hand
$10.00 Suits eo at $T.50.
$12.00 Suits go at $9.00.
$15.00 Suits go at $11.50.
$20.00 Suits, go at $15.00.
Good material, sleeves a little large makes'tbe price a little low
—$100. Exceptionally good Jackets in black
Reduced to S3.00.
Kid Gloves-
The Best Wearers
’ Bloat of the man have need a block and
line os the benchee. The first bench
} to ebeni ISO feet, the second 350 feet.
, (he third and fourth ose-haif mile each,
fourth b net atoep, bat tbe other
have an angle of fram 40 to 60
9S. Than comes the sommlt,
dboonuU all the benches pul to
ll bat least thraa-fonrtka af
nsUa loay aad a etrany rine. 1 ukanld
fram 40 la 43 duress. 1 daa’t kaow
meay have ffaae la ever thb tralL
; fl.n0D would ha n eicaa artlmata. I
o'clock thb moralay (ram the bouM,
Rev. H. B. Reiuehe of (he Meoond M.
An Informal Hop wlU be given thb
evening at Murtaoybto academy.
E. church cdBciaUng.
Motion to Dog Ow
A fliwday OoUleien.
I hereby give
a noilee that I have ap1
Earl Tyler and E. F. Van Wagner
Bolntod Joa. E Kelaan dog catcher, aad
ded OB their btcyelee Huaday night ha will gather np all doyv 1
on South Union street. Both
sliyhUy bmbed. The front wheal af
to It that toga are pracnr
Tyler's bicycle was demolbbad aad tha ad by that date.
frame bent. The farks of Van Waysexto wheal ware qalte bacly bast-
Boy's LeatherStoekingfl...16 and26o
Not leather Bot Wear Uke Leather.
Wash GoodS"
Apron G'ngbam................ 2c
86 inch Percale................ 6o
Popular Lappets................15c
Silver Star Madras........... 16c
Organdie Sublime............ 26c
1 Case Gauze Corsets.
They are all right.
Price, 2oc.
The uew Glove Fitttig Paris Shape,$I.OO.
Corner Uuloi aud Eightli Streets.
Than Am AEmM ruiM Tb>M
•rnM T«rr yaimm^
PUiU.ti*#BltomAn«WMtimmtodlol TJ* old coa^ «ptAln i.
Dmnbor.WlAO«X Amoo* tli«a ««
^ I^S!
6.000 rDopUlTrlwM^ eoo^
nmny ioinw^ ited «twn. whU«> be fiM.-d
food pl«ntA -nu'Ahore luclodw 1,100 the «*im of the ohmrrMit Jowyman
mt UilU«4 lAtar
cdlUo (niiu vid berrie* mud SOO edible
jt, pnia-A.
«w Kc« mmuiw r».d« iH*ir mA r*
K«<U. Fifty are reckoued Amoii« Ibe
'-if ^ ^uit tbe itm-teA pipe ia
■r o*Wi stMBitMWMHir.
r.T>«]« and 40 at nnrolcivab'd edible the world.''be mid. “you uinat fp« ooe
Amid tb<- w-btr
wlu'.li mad the
Foot bnndwd and of them, llwy are tbe .irUrinal POw« ot K>v<-r» and
is m m»- 1 twenty I
rla»«i aa vogi tablw and
|np«w luadt- in Huwbatan conuty,
*00 •»
am “««i
M-v-t amotiR toe
tbe . ^
«’« << « ptx-olur bine clay wbirb
oaediniu idsc4 l<Mtu wea^-ee r)«<tb witb<
. tb<> aid
tbe familiar l«bWn. The
Tbere are *7 of the onion RToap and ,
dnvontor of Ibii* aelf ftvd
atttch- S* of arrownatl. From Sb piauta anfmr
RviiuiiM Powhatan pipe ewn
»(«t «U.'Un» that it will lait ntiy do
■ In pa.riiiR qaantitirs.
** found north cf Baltini>re. and
•way with
with the
tbe IiobUu
i-ltoKrtber. bnt;
Iwblin '-Itoiw^w.
iti*i,i«rfrom 300 « *•
“* F'"*«»« in Norfolk ‘h»«
loon larfumia ii» work faithltdly cm.
ndlmlly nttw llutw Imsead of an as- ’
aurtnn-m oi
of roiaii'«n>ouu>
nnaU l<nl>Uiie wuuo
which ua.v
.........................J ;
It l. !»..» , ^
Bicycle Riders.
Eefaember Uat 1 do all kinds of i«M BalriB* and enasseliag. and that J ean
IS (and do glre yaa the beat warh of may
S9 ! one in the city for the money. Don't
SO I be deeelred by what otben tail yon to
TSithe eoDUnry, bnt oomo and aee far
sol yosraelt.
I gaaraatoe all my work to be right.
tAA- and if it dow not prore so i-make it
u. cri™, ..d S-'i""" „
BnUga I Iketaenp,
B. j. Morgan,
t-vodob a oorcix. AUOTwr* ead cobsmIU iwvmUb- oaeM.CUyOpBr.BoBMBtt.
On M. ft V. S. B. B.
H.'rOBTBB. AUdw^ at La*. ^Bdal
•aiica to iBx tilUs.
r. MOFFiTT. AtoWBCU ef^THK 1^
CeaMraaNas- Bo<m t. IU—
All bkggAge, bus And btek work
for said road ebookl be left witb
Office 238 State rtreeL tele
phone 3. All orders left with me
will receive prompt attantiem.
&tiid Eipids & iDdim L I
^mcB bov WAHT*o-ap|4j u
W Onjiwabwro. >H-tl
<«- L'TJ'iS'
~WmeB. Mei
c^Prisdrieii bbxka. ’Pbo.-. boo. ead o>
inoont vapor of the atmeapbere.
nly tbend pQrilons of the speotnm gel tbrongh. Tboold argaiid bom-
_______ FlfsVclaae Bigs. Everything new
.BBMtw at kod neau Bates as 'reaaoaable aanny
' ftrat-elaM bam in the city. Glee un
enU and gel oar prteea.
aad eosts. the court msy_ make a lurther aeovenoe that ibe offender on
le and eosUbelmi._
ur* to pay mid fine
________ city prison or la Grand
■eMWk ■BBigTsUs* M bcUto Wrttan Am oaed ia tbe
Tiwverse oonutv jail natil aneh fine
U m4 as U UtmUj Is.
with a L»ud<m fog tbauailberof
ad coato be paid, provided si
moroyontliful and fashionable rivals.—
England no donbt loveo aa dearly,
umeot shall not exeead the
bnt the Euglhdi aDihoru have not yet
Scieolifle American.
discovered that fact in its entirety.
8ec.^i. ftls ordlaaac* ahall take
ity daysaftor lu pablieaClark Rowwll. Max IViuberKa aod Aa- effect la t>
The aiasaKue prortBsi of cedar pbo- Ibiaiy Hiqw. to ay nothing of Conan Uoo.
We do beret^ aertify that
Doyle and Rndyard Kipling, will have
tograpliy. w hich _____________________j
cnated a
rse'pa^^ tbe
_>ing ordiBanc* wae
alUoo in Ldoidou
t Traverae City oa
Couaell of lae City of
Iv ovdwstlmatdd in the t though they wotJd roswit the charge
Uis «tk day of June isM.
W. W. Smith. Mayor.
Bngly liirtii and detiran-. It paai* first paWisb.'d diimpti.ms. Sir Henry ; that all EngUi
A. W. RicKKim. Clerk.
tthfoogb Ibe shod with Iml on.-.balf the | Trmnuan WomL the British exiRTt iu ; Another syi .
who voachtd-for tin- imc-! rwlaiiiw to emigmtiwi from r.rtrat Bnt
•optming reqairtvl by the shcitle, thns— • ph<a«igTBphv.
has rwtailv
poblidv ac- aiu. StotiMios show that an euormoui
'the oiR-mUg eii laim^—doing away ; tw .wiginaily.
rw-----,------------r- .
’-------- ------------------------ .--------------.„.b.i------------With the greater-part of the «raln ; kn.ot lwigid that the prcR-cw i, twa an ; number <d p^le ooiik> «o this com
•lists •
tots cluiiiicd. I from Urent Britoiu. I ut tbe
with the pn»-ut shuttle system.
'The opiwtnr rrqniiws to Jmov>' geuer- ' never bt-ard of it. Micawbar andi his •
itveukR the waii> tiinwds
interwaing famUy wvut U> Australia
If this new inechauiiuii is to supplant { ally what the coloi> slionhOje.
otherwnilolu largely'
i1<imm1 tai bis jad
l>ut>biu iRitli iiiiio aisl htUr will be | rvutilu
le grant
■awd in every fm iory when' looms are ! and skill in apjd.viog tbe cohr
,-. I like Martin ChuaiJewit and Mark TapI right places." U^Mill believc*.
believes how-1
; lev, they werv srat to this country to
there are ' ever, that a mtain aniocnt of the "
••0 bobbins to be toki-u *•« or pm in. h'ctive ali»iri«uio" originally claimed point a roical and adorn a tain. All
•nd the bnwklng of thrr;«ls Is r.dw-.’d f«w the prvRvs* do.* exist, but fln.U it English wtucib nwOTble Dickms
----------------------- |
«o a miuimum by the fn-idom and deli-! difficult to Justif.r hiniM-lf as to how Ihal respKft. In their stories tbe emi•acy with which they are |Hiid into the ' far the |m<VM is poivir muchaniiwl aod gniitk all go to Aastralia. Canada. .\fTrj»IulU.T8«MU. :
loom fitan the lafgi'spools. The chief i how far it i- a matter of skill—En- rica—anvwbctw but the Uniicd Slates.
This trait oonies under tb.‘htwl <tf
•perator of the exhibition loom in the . gimvring Newa
•, ktvw.; nerh the sulf feeding atta
Coal ream CMaa.
-will weave 100 ynnls <>f cloth iu the
It is rallHT sturtUng to finil that coal
«me time that the old loom with the
Cliiua and_______
sold in___
I'al'tebhln wiinld take to wiw«' 70 yards j if..ruia at a pmUt, aays Lonmiikive hjiI- . rgaiiiiig
........ at .u_
*-t»to1 carg«»» of ixsU from
w]f cloth, both loons
tbe giutsviug. s
Mme rule <if win'd.
China liavc Is-.-n ii..,_..................t^lihir...........
Unlft>ruiity «rf «ps«d is aDotber ssl- nia. and it is rcjsirml to be of very gotid j
WROtoge cla^od far tbe n(*w attach- quality. Thine wbo aru familiar with ;
Correspond with the Traverae City Lnmber Company.
•MAI. Tbe Id off and take np uf the the coid niaikct say that within a vejy j
^efi aiv fkisilive, and tbtr* being no few years the Chimwe rial niinee will
We have for sale Good,
•toinw. of till- h»ni or pciilaceniint of supply the who!.- market of the Pneifle ,
thixada the rmifomiity ttf tbe fabric is ocM, exc^it ihtM- ptrtiotis wberu bail j
•stablishud and for any length of run. is found. Tbe einvnely clieap labor of j
With liioma lu which ls>l>l>iuM art'ttanl China coables tbe coal to be liroaght to
miHi ex;s-rt wiwvi-r is nquirvd to look tbe stufarw at a wry 1<pw priew. Hie on-1
•fter frtini two t» six l<Rtuia acoording
_ Iv oUiarie 10 v«y arrive rtanpetitinn 1
the qnulity of ihnvul in use. ki'ht'U j„ |hi* iudnstrv at pn-seiit is the want I
iRil-brns an- ivi4a<vd by the large gf
tran^Rirttlioti fw-ililiea in Cbi-1
Horse Hotel.
Lii«7, Sale ud Feed Bun
Attorneys at Law.
lBMoei.rBrkt.ck. TiBwm nty.lt
ot G-'iiSS:
Td^ br^Mi
p»k kk»>Tr£."~*.^
J !»““
• Si
i.1 ................... '
Is ■”
r orr-PBiranu n
. _
s. r-ueedar s( rrueee. beiv
NBBsra's RBor -uxe and 4IW> sarM
nsSer BleiaM' lea tv at MeNamara'a su
as u________
TTTAfrr«i>-* rood
Mick. OO
T)^*l<TE»-Fineeo «~sl»Be»
sptac. etc meaAi**Bige£.
SM per BUBta. J.UOl^
WANT column. 1
t« •«-M.L, ,
(Apll-B bo<^ aTua^
- • '
-I SIS Was'
RSSefkeBM as dvalrvd.
’’irTli BTrivas at UM a. ■
UavsBilrim^. ^
o.t-u>cawoop o.r.a^otwiBiiTIr-
'W'j'iTgUTS'tllt'S.XY>B HALS-OOSRM ■bIobb asHfvB. 1
£ of HovBd WMOb
lB*alr* ot
lUBiu lunomusim LI
«• takBBgBMSBaaaF. Jobs fa. UR.
■pqBMtyCK aiDWAUMU»-ravBiJvkr
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
' Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
BT PBOPgBTY FOB 8X1.B-TBV----1 bb4 t»pBUr rMuri. B'-adek BsU.
aow.(orR^. WIU takv BBtBCBBknva
« S.'SSTi
dfc.WS W ^I
la. TrBWTReCliy.
UAJSTDS 'irOH BALBlMill Hachineryof all deacriptions, inclnding Two Enginea,
Ret Works, Carriages and Sawn. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
wrCa aa-t(
Mae)* Ova -
Bmmlmd Proposals.
KMics W h-rvbr rtveo tBsl awM
*1111* i*ve.T«U uill Jail II. ( p. a.. t>r all kkboraod BRWrlal Cor a •ekool Beuar al OM
MlaBiBB. sc<wnUB« le vUo. aad ap<«lBcBtlaaa
oo**aBlea> mj aSer M Old MUatoB. Ta«
t*Rntlbln7iwlr*o> ahoa* to Balt lol* ev
en dar: i ol ei at wefk aa tb* beach
Mac rear atM>*a: work deae ahlle 70* waU;
IviM are «0 sod kOceeu; work doa* Srel elaae
oal/. A.S Firwsa-iarroat street.
Trav«rav CBvM. '.Afe
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors.
at WUUac B««L .
and Windows.
‘‘New Process” Vapor Stoves.
•W. cr. SIOBBS,
146 Vront StxMt
TrBlMsmTkfma CilatdBSBHL Oiw^ Bap
If You Have Logs to Sell
A sjuall tire l.rii-k an-h to set'uvi* a
bloHismiih'slin-IiusIrrvi deviwvl and
•iii.m ly
pul <ai the luarkd ty C. K. Mircv. mas
i> iis. i^ra us yd
ter mtrbauic uf thi> Cbicagn <*ity rail
• tyjuh..m I*Bci:ie railway way. WTirti the areh is wi over the
fire, it Uxvuii.B w hite hot almost inuneca tbe Ia» Aum-i.
diutcly. and ib<. bent is n-tlcrt'd lock
aeqttODix' of a raja.i riw iu the )iri<v of niKA the lop and all arnnud a puvw <f
the oil <.bialu«l iindr Lo- .ti.gides the Iruu cvr Pt(vl pUee<l in the flru. hiaiing
. OB|iply to the miluay tell sliort. and it nuire unif<muly and <)uiekiy than in
: •MBP fi the engiu'w wen- (wnttid to the op«ai fire, Htwl wcn-kiw and t«xil
• Kol bufniTs. whii-h vliange can very drusscra ur,R.clally slmnld is- able tu apwdlybe wade. The 2.»Ir. .yWdn of psvriate the device.—Atuencau
^r«i»ij (dl for fuel has nveiiily been rtiinist.
aritsl on tie*
Y.ifk elevatwl toil-way: bnt. unxmlingiosimbliiOiidstate.•eat of Mr. Kniii-i<>li. tin-gen- nO mailAorording to the Literi iiiformatlca
•giTuf the o«ni III' syMeiu pruvtd a Rn-ivv<l from Ja]un ly The EltR-oical
fnUun-.—Kngiiux nng New».
Bt^view. then- ure at tin-)>re«vit tiiiio
three eUvHrw- railways in lluit '-iiipire.
W'ok <a four other p-snls will Ugiu
Nearly all the atiparMUs i.ir tht«a
Boijamiu Butii^rworth. nniimlsdcBeraf |ieu»ita lias rul'xl that jatent of- four new tvads hasUx-u puiehiued with
Rtsf CBuuiiKn or other cfllrials cannot in the past few munibs in (be United
•pply for patouto in their uwu UihaU.
7S *^top ia tui « oVloek wrery ereaing,
78 eaeept Sunday, ia tbe Cbldwell A Lon•t; don bulldiag. at north end of Unlaa
pamahment. and when at length tbe S^Jfi tL-'
cwtain fell the engineer hadoometoa
dsciaiua. Ilv went boate. packed np a ;
few nrncssnriis and a week later set. S.W.PMcblB.
the troaWc <d fimltiiR them
y“«»^ «*«
"«that thcpij.s
''•o ^
«Tx>le. “1 dtotUd wwir bare got tbe
y**- *
**' •!«“«« oocamoce might bare arisem from his
^«y tohac^lrt ia Norfidk hnnung anreqnitcd pa^<m.—Leaden Standard
f* them. Each one abowrf me a pipe
which l»«>kwl about tbe miDci an these.
An Ordinenoe.
; day. tftiT
ir ]1 bad abual giren np the
An ardl aaoe relative to
I attaehmeut
•earch, 1 b
raral an tandgee; The Couo.
at I That a Loudoii fog liepririwcruil gas
mooniiga of two (diuii..r parti
loORHbnrvmiui. •Tborc is only erne shop I Pra^atse City ordaias:
.rhiof 11.1 per cent
of iw
•teb end of the lay in onler to attach
_.™._ .
__ ____.__ _________ M __ u_, »»»
in Norfoik.' uf
he laiu.
... ,
Section I.
11 ana i ooi
not oe
be lawful
El to an old l«ai it
' U .Bily ii.Twwary
T-T. r ^ ?L^..i - the gwioino rowhatan pipu. That is a ride, drive or prcpcl any wagon.
to toko out the cn«.Uam
^MUaniof th.. _lay.
U,tie ,dmv down al.mg tia, river fnat.’ carriage, dm,%.g,bu., omciba.
Just ondorihomvL with all of iteahw- o.-oi bartM-r lsiot.l«lof as mneh as 30.8
«klnss. and them 1
boxiwand otb.tma«*iiiwT. and ln;pcr«nt of its eftcacy aude^ such or- ,^,^1.^...
or aerom any bridge
Eta pUev sot a squan. Uwm rimilar in enmsfancos is oerialnl, a«onlri.ing.
The obw-rvant Jonrvman has smoked '
aim to tbe old 0..0 taken ooi On mth The r, n«.i. Prof.wmt
givt. for ^
timm sinco ' within the Ciiv of TravBTUe aiy. Mlehigan faster than a walk.
-end of the BOW town, is affii.d tbe aim-1 ««is rlimomonou D that both the spec
the old capSee. S. ThU ordlnaace shall not oeapleme.'hanUmoftb.aftnchnicot, whlrh
tain’s praii
I wanoted. On tbe vent the moving of uams
toams and apparatappamt•wmvM «ith a matumons stq>ply of fill-1
.ppnacb v^ no.^ t^t td
label wiiioh came about each ns of tbe Fire department aa rapidly
•lag thrwul
I k^" ppcciruiu. being very rich in tbe
aa may be neosaaary la tbe diecharg*
• a
• ^ -‘'•'•t
ultruvioht rays, and it is
U is only
violet and
Tbe owTiw of- the
of duly.
«hn«,«mn. rf ui loA ii. iLirtaK-, i pr«4.1j il.~ r... »Wth ™.i»«
See. t. Ab.v
Vt V fine of
Wd, Uioi.Kh nude of suvl. it u uixod-1
tbioonh . LoudOT f^. TLi. ,
Ui«o«i „f . pU«.iK. Ihu. 1.«t- aance shall
than one dollar nor more than
I. tb. nra «hj (b.
l"ol« "d ~ Up. J
cU7 .11 of 11. n.ionil poro.1dollars and ooeU of prgeeeu'
on loH Far I
____ story wm* unfolded, jealousy of the di* St*;
Eyer Burned Out?
If BO you know
|, "
atrikuiR play a
..larformedia LaMpert.-......................
; which the dwauroaa coaawtnuons fol- BnUer per ib Dairr..
lowlugaai tbeioreof t
. -
taa«.r.Klv Tl.c -Ud -tyle Aatilc Uy. In |
«ily oav tUlii« thncMl »« • tin>^
in t..:--’ «« jsp.4. KortT^-i^l.t
^ncn^wU« mo«. than
,„n u..li«,i In makiiiK n«Lu«
thread is tint'd, as m the
^d ;4» haiw b«n tunjtd
^ boa or basket cloth, the old ahcttle
misvlhui-ouii i t ilditur
mw make a. timnv trip.
„f all
kf*".. .mW
Wa»th.wawfilUn« trfr>«.l.wb.le
d.vr« poi«ny chaoRi* <>f colcw mi-«-";tat.' the ________ p,u,t 1 - A-ieiax> \. wa
mopping of the nu-chincry and twose ecumas—Pui-t-l.^ e. .u»x> N. ua
TheK pith of Iheanufiower stem is said
rat,,, the lighie»r suintanc* known. Its
spiritu-' gravity Is 0.036, at compared
with 0.,0» for elder
------- Hs the Itghti. ..
f„r r« iudi-er hair and 0.84 for «irk. The
........ ................... .......... Ively______ ____ _
•wheihiT wi-jving silk,
lui.li, wool, otiral Rosda, uaiulv for its see<la
«Mt.-n <r oi.,.i m;.:. ri..l
.Ml Uiat > Hut the di-tt.v*-rv of llie exin-me light•leqtured to.. '■-1 i
eltiuae fwmi tbis» of its pith has addi-d to^ts oom• old i». Ih.- II w i» iliatthe btnni <a ; uiercisl valmi. For life saving appliWli l’ 'I- w lf t.s-. ijig iiturtuiifut is amvs at
s.-;iecrk hasa bnoyaueyof 1 to
platxxi -U. 1! l.e of in.- «iu:e length os : J ,„d reiouier hair 1 to 10. while aanthe <ii:- I .u wtif tlieotd lunu.—I flower pith bus a btHyauey of 1 in 8A
New Y.rk
aRLLDie psn.
aear Pork per bbl. new.............
aear Pork per lb..........................
lihartCal Pork............................
SbortCot Perk per ■»....
' Floor. II L A Co- beet..
•w«A kr a PierAn i»peee«iT«vUiBtauoe of a play that
mHuS tavriJ...differ-1 L unacT uw aumntns« tms pnis"
,.11» K,..., «« dia.-r-! Ui.J.-r il»
<i Ua. p~i.- me
wsed. the loom usqhrr
itself and <au- liuui is extRs
TR-etod loatatod to a whide ■diiiu i>f U>ima
It is explwiuisniy'be iiwiK rs rd this
arw mis-luiiisDi Uini it U the remit of
•everalyix-rs ci' luK r uiHlexjR-rimttii in i
dlifft-r-ni part- i f the vio-lil.
The attaehnieiiii lUns far pcrfertwl
TraretseOl^ MaiksC
Below ia a list of tbe bnriiiR and aeD
prieea of yeaterday for $
iVM-nted bis aiuntiuos in vu-w of tbe
I nuuMtiuM.' .u. .vuc* 9UJKA .«« .\i.
* *
. .
r fait that ^e loNwd aixitlNT man. who
^ ....... .............
Tanuin U present in couutlem
cottutlem plants
chanced to be tbe engiouer's bosom
ued iu
iu u.,
141 and
friend, ,,
this fday
... t.. u.,.
, -,one
Kr, 1lni>e Tbe
c (India rubKrt
K.IU -»>|h Tl«
■ ivlati™
e plant.
-------- --n
I >*«« ^Titua to apply to bis own an- OaU. No l.pJrba. (new).........
oe TO me
i^y «bti taar il^e
anle« aadated by a Britiab acxdety,
tak« hlmmdf and belonciiice to thia
i oNintry. and eren if the acxdcty klncUy
' lands him in Oaoada be takes tbe first
; ebanoe of iddpplsgoTer the harder. Hm
: only time be rocs to tbe “oolonies"
with checrfnl alaariiv ia in tbe taRos of
a Britiifa ooreL—Ciucaeo TiBiea-Har-
With £arl, the Jgweler.
John R. Santo,
Etnral lasimm.
Tiavwae Uttr. Uldb
(*Oa&aM FBI
« w.o
I xoBvnro nooBD. tubsdat, juvbsi^ism
Where Uode Sub** Fightteg
Metier b lUbed.
miB8 nrBJEOT n btaxp tax
as tbe raw poivM br toU MK.
«n 6. ThtoM and aft- tto<tn**e
A jBly, IBM. tbere obaU to Irriod, ooUooS
(daadpakd. (or and iaraapMttf ttoaer«ral bond*. dMmuun or e—llteat— cd
Moedanded iDdetMdm—and oltor doruk tnau—■ and thtug
Md and derarttod In aobednle A <
Tto on and aft— (ha Brat day ^ tnuwf— U by dri1v-y of the —rtiftcam aa’ or to rigiwd la blank ib—a ahall to made and
to any dellverad by the mil— to the boy—a bill
‘of iRMh mle.(o whlob
p-aaa aBy£MKk — >
. stamp, deootlnc (to tax lin- tto sump aball to affixed. and
puanlbrihU act, being afflxKl to a eopy —memoranduin of sM^or agrerment tn
(hetraf or haring the same stamped that*- sell brfora lo itluonrStoll show the daU
upon, and Id default thrraof shall inoor a Ui—euf. (to lunte of Ito—U—. itoamoont
penalty of flO. prorMol that only one of tto mU aud the nuitt— — thing to
Riqutrad In emob
-a «hk>b It —i—*. tiVnalty. a fine of nut
«mp riiall to inqutrad
----------meaaaga wbethw sent thraogh one - ■ athBn>&l»
w eompanlas; trorlded that tto maa__ M —dlatatetoof theoffle-nandem_ _______
t of sale —
pluyras of any mlsgriMh
— leleptome
tto aSali* aitd a—rioe of agrwaueut Iu sell any prodorU — m—•
and like ni—g»" <» <U>- ebandUr at any exchange—Imnid of trado
of —octor
tetoa?^r ofBalals
ofBoUla and employees
—other almlUr
almlli plan-, elib—for |»—eot ur
. _ antes —nioe—tto wtr—on futoev deUvery. (nr cath Sliio of value of
ttoir nepeetlra railroads shall to exempt aald uleor agraemeutof .alo.w^ agmmimt
tram thla requlram—it; providnl fartb— to—II. I cent, sod tor eaebaddltional f KK)
that mi—gm of offle—aand empkiy—a of — (raellonal part th<-rag In ex^v—fif StUO.
tto gmrerament on ofllolal budnma shall' 1 oent. prarided that on e»-rr mle or
to Bxempt from tto tax— bendn Impoaid ' agraratmt of sale or ogranM-nt bi aoU. aa
■pon Celt^rapblo andtelejihoote ninaaagea. afureaaid, then-ahall U- ruwWand dcUvSea 1«. That aU tto prurWema of thla ered I7 th.'-II—b.ito huj. r « Mil. mem
ao( ralatlng to dlea, Mmpa, adtoelTo orandum, mrr.»rl,ctit .e-ui- r rvldmuetd
and stamp taxes ahall extend to amh aak'. airav.u.nt of —le.» agremwot
mpa aa
seeptwb—a cuanUestiy In-' to sell. U. wlileh there Ainll »«• affixed a
1 Ineiut
11 table n|ual to
tto articUa or ub)eeU«aia- lawful Mump or Muiu|^lii
aui'hnale. And
ktul In -todule U. auh)ect 0 stamp tto amount <■
taxes, and applyM tto prarlaloi 1 IntM-levcsy such bill.
In—It ahall
show tbi- dab- llu-n.ir. tiuuf the
Baa SO. Tbatonandafl—ttolatdayttf —Uer. Uw amount of Uw-mU-and ito mat
.-htefa It —fiTa. ntid any
July, MW, any p-aon, firm, company or ***■ “^
liable to pa> thi- tax aa
........................make, prepare and I’l'rw'n
or —Ib hendn |itorhl«l. or any one whn acta In
malt— aa ngein
agiiil or ImA— lor aueb
omuuel- tto mall—
ug p—-, p™»»
^who aSall mal
agmiiM-iit of Mik', 01
^ 1^ eucb aalu or agmim
to a-ll. .irwlH, ahall. In |>ui
to 40 fsw oMiUitn of the amount of tto Ont! 1
:ly premium; pravhlMl ftuth— that
.ivUkm* of thU —4km
'4km shall bat ap-
1 p— eenttun on tto gtem
amount uf all rixwiM uf sdchperaM,'
firma. eurp—atlonsaiid eompanl— la tkffir
, riwpMtlw burimssi In exoa- ef arid MU
ef IgMOOti.
And a true asd aortmu ratnrn ef tba
atniuni uf gm— reretpts — af—caaid riiall to made and roxlcrcd monthly bT eato M
pap— apun whiok aueb lalarinc. InUnd. firekfBuiueota. naUM or tblnsa or an^ of
to wrlUoB — printed te anj
ppraon — p—MW, or party wbo atoll
0|s>n paup—ty of any tkwrriplion. « hetber
mato. sign or ta«oo ttoniuo.<r(—wton
—a or <m Inland wat—s.
(ue or henem (to nmr atoll to made,
or !>>' Ore or lightning or <ah>T iswU. upon
tigiMd or I—uni. (to- aer—al usaa — aama
ot tD0D>7 act down In flgunw agalnat (to
nine raapeoU\'oly or ottora lao ■endlUd '
tbavuf. proriiksl that purely eo-oimU<
na f-th In (to aald artoduto
or mutual fire losunUMDcompaiit—citrried
And (tore atoll alMi to torted. ooUratod
Ute UnlUd HtaM of and laid, (or and In ne^irct u> (to nwdlon by tto'men,bun tfaursif isik-ly fir tto
■ -.TJartUi
elnoa. prepatntloiw. matt—« and thtnea
manUonul and dm-rtlad In aitodule It of
InsuniD— (ca>nu.ity. tkk-llty and gnar(hla ao(, nanutactuml. told or ram
snt—>—K—b (stlky uf Inauranov or hood
fur nle. (to aeroal (axea or anm
orohllgatkmof the nature of liKbaanlty
nKBMT art down In woldt or flgnraa
or agalnat (to aame nspurllv^ or ottora-lae
forlorn, damage or Usblllty toiRid or exMMond for coownipUoi. or mIo wtthtn qmdflfd — aet forth in actodule B of thla
(Viitnl •» mnrwitl hiTany p—muo. owocU
tbo Unllid aiMM. br whB»rr*r B»me «nch
tiuii. mm|—nyor nirpurallun trau—cUng
Utom wr to floUed, for «r»«y tonol
tto busiia— of aueldrilt, OdcBly. ctuH<7toe. 7. Tha( U any p—aun
................... ---r (too SI itnUont. Md ahaU (oako, algn or laauo. or onnae to to
—'s lUhlllly. plate gta-s. sbauu toll—.
Uke nMefor
burgUiy. l•ll•valtIr, automatic iqirlokkT or
made, algned or bwonl. any lnst*tm»en^
(notloBal n
oitor bntii.'li uf Insuraucw (exurpt life.
docutuent or (wpiT of any kind or dearripmariiH'. Inland and lire insurmax'l and
lion wtol-of^.-r, wltlwut tto-aamo being
each lioDd. umh-nakliig ur rvcugnlxancir.
awtaMo to tonto nDMotod
•oeatdlii«)7. {aorldrd. ttot « dtonont of
eoiidltlumri tor U» j.-rfortuaiuvof theduTM per esotum otoll be oUawod npon oli upon an adbralro etaiup to duoutr mid
tkis of BUy um<e or iiwilbni or for Ito- do
MlMbj'eolkrUnUitorwcroaf the MB
ing or (wK doing <il anylhliigthcTriusp—I
Ut. miobia—uo urio—MUUahall todemied
ptOTldad for the parment of wld Ux.
(kri or oth— obllgaUtKi <d Ito- nature of inguilty of a mladeiueanor and upon nurtoeach oumracl or uldlgatlun
BpillOl «UM.
tkm thereof ahall pay a llneof not moR
dbealve Biamp
mmd iw
— laim
label —imng
de^ng UK
tto tax agracmeni 10 —II, dellv— any au.-h .........
jawl daninlty. and
•Ing (to-validity or legality uf
Iitw. at the dtwrutkm of (to eoort,
Boa t. Ttot (ran nod ofur Jn)r L
I to duemnl |
ottov olilIgTdh'Us toiH-d by any
tesn ohatl
ohaU to ai^tor^Bra and euoh Inatrumenl, doeumeot — pal—, Of a mladeiueanor and
]«W. qMcdalU us»
•a aforawild. ahall not to oompeteU erl th—(Of ahaU [«y a fine of
m—V that. In tequbed. or who aliall delUer aueh Mil, Mtc, county, liiuiik Ijial or other puMIc
UbpoM aMoaUim <
KDce iu any ouurv
1 not m—e th... aix m—norandum or .aher evlden.v 0/ aale. •« budyororganluUonorgiutnuiUring tItUw
1, Bank—aM4ngOT«nploylogaoaplU]
{tecllon a provi
lx«b at thedla—rtlon ef the “«n«'me«t to will, wlib.mi having the to r<4>l«sUU- urituv«amik-i'tiditsex<niU«l
in tu* ahull prop— alampa affixed th.-na.i. with Intent or KuaraiiU<i4l by any fidelity, guanouw
« oneedlng Ito euin <rf SSS.OM shall and n.unt—(uit b
court, provided that
uR4y eoirtiony upon tto- amount uf
mindti^ to evade tto to
ilum chnrgisl. coBe-huU of 1 sent un
I iM'Uan'wOM
tl.cno In eSM^f^^. n.'and In —U- •c^Ual aurpluadiall to biol tided
f.w aald p—wn «—ding to the w ritt—1
ur proprht.ira ..f proprtrury aiticloa,
trart for ll
a- or nail utf a
rtvlpe or |iivacrip(ioa of any practkdng
aapllal and eurp> ua ft» the la—adlng (laoal artkka aobje.n toMmp duty under erl—IA-rK'iiieiit or portion tbenuf—If (or a p<year. Any nrtoga bank hartug no onplrtod of iituc ii.g cxeciallng one ,v<4U-. I'ft
tal atook and wtoae bualmaa U oannDed
dnigglM — phaTTuadM aeUIng at reiaU | Bank eh-k, draft or cwtlBcaie
de- a-nis: if (ora pcrkslri UiiH-cxrenlingoDe
to raoelrlBg depuaiu and loaning — tn- United .'<ut«a. hU ur (heir own dm or dc- only.
' poalt not dtwaring liiteraat
iwdiw for the ytar and uut oxisvdlng Ihnx- yvars, ftO
mtlngthe nme f-(to beooflt of Itsde- tlgna iur BUiii|a to he used tliereoD. to to
Sea 81. Tbatany tDanuf—Aur—nr mak- paytiu'tit of any aiiniof inotM-y drawn ii|am orais; If (or a iieriod axaviding three
peatl—«. and which duea no o(h><r btulnraa ratalned In (he |a«—bin of (he commla- — uf anyofttoartlrlaaf—aalementloaed I urlaaued by any lanL. frii>< ioiii|iany— y.itrs. $1.
er of liiUTDal ivv-iue. f— hb — their iu aitodule B. aft— ttoeame aball have any latwm ur |a-r~>i>M. ia>tii|ieiik« ur oir
of tonkins. •‘mU
•uU>eot to thla
klanlfrs-t for rusbmi bonne entry or
—parale ua>% which ahall noitodupU
b—n au made and the partktilaraben-in- lairalluna at alglil or on divnaixl. 8—nu
rimrancr.if thecaivoof any ship, vt—cl
ly wh— ia*r«*ii.
bef—V twiuii—l aa b> stamia have bwB
Bill of exehniitrv iiiiIiuhJI. draft, iwr — M.wimrfur a fun-lgii jsna—If tto tvglsdnan It Uto
r. l«i That If any p—win tir pe
eonipbi'd wllb, or any o(h.T lamn wbo rlllcal.- of diiai.li drawing Inhn— or or tsired Itmiiagt-uf such ship. v.sM-lorMlmmnegotlaar^i«haem ^nle
W>« of atoeka, atoll nuike. algn <ir laaue. Or eanao I
ahall take off. rattmve ur detach nr nau— d.T for ihu pn.riiM-iil of miyaum of mon.7, or disw iHil cxnvsl Mil l.uis, 91: cxii44llng
_____ __________ . . ruined money,
made, aigned or liaued. or ahall accept — or |1—nilt ur auff— to bo taken off ur ri-- otherwl— rlum at idghl or >ui tlemand. or Sun Ions Slid nut cicredlug Oui tuns. $8;
tonk Botea. pronilaaory notea or otb— —• pay. urrauae tobeaerrptxl ur paid.
uxreiallng •»» tons. gft.
r detaahed, any ataiup, — who <
e—iUea for thenwolraanr nth—a atoll to dMlgn b> evade (to payment of any a
d fur elR-uIntinii. and for im-h nte-wai
Mortgage or iikslgt- of lands. (Mate or
lecatdad aa a fanik—. prarided that any tax. any liHl <it eietonge. draft or order or <viv—to warm any acaupiaaiuaeu, w.fo.w u. ... ^.n.,
u,n .
pnis-ny. n«I or ii-nrinal. la-rtUthle —
peraoD toring paid (to iqwclal Us aa a immiliwury iHiU'firt^e payment of mone}-. anyotlar artlck.—ooomi.allly than that .t eeul-. ami for
h addbi.uwl *ll>l)ur muvol-li- whatMwtt-r; also any is.im-yanrw
tonh—atoll not to nqalred to pay (he llalde to any of the tuxva lm|a—d by (hla urlglually ouulalned - In aik^ wrapp— ur '.fnalkinal part (b.vi.i( In exiv.. of f lUU. 8 uf any lauds, wXait- — jir-ipcrty whalsii'
-a»tal tax M a broker.
act. wittoail che—inela-lngdulyaumpwl. ouv—, wiin auen stamp wneo urat u«ra. ..-oia. ma, .n..u biiu mo.
u. etiT. lu trust In he sold or <-UMaartsi-cun^tTPawnbrakera ahaU pay MO.
— having ihrivupon an adtoabv aUiup with Un' luumt to evade the stamp dutba, ; dul.v. IMm. llH■p^l>vl>klM..•f ihi. ivnairniph wn.xl Into »oom-y. whk h s'u.ll he Inlmidfor d.tK>ilnK the laxhondiy ehargid tborr- shall (or every MM-b article napuotlvrly, , ahall ap|ily a> Well to .iriKimil doniiMtic cd uuly Hs M-curlty—on any of the furego'
4. CoiniDBralal iirukm ahall pay (90.
A Ouatotn botiae broken atoll pay ftO. on, be. the or tto-y ahall bo doomed guUty In ivqarrt of wblch any aoub offenae
log t-s.44ril>ur ll.iMi anil not cioariliig
A Piuprtttora of (toatm. rouaeumaand of a mbdinouanur and upon oonvlcaluo to ocimiulttrd. to deemctl guilty of a
$1.&<*>. 80 iviits. and ou iw-li $Ml> ur fru<Boooart haUa In olUea haring more than th—if ahall to puulatoal by a One nut ex
tlonal |wrt thmof in exixwS of $1.60U, 8ft
•AODO topnlatloa at abown by the lati ceeding SSUO. at thedlecantlonof Itieouuit. shall pay a Hue of wa imwe than *6m'«w oth.-ral- for the jaiy mem of rm.n.y la«»fd
S United Sutea
Sutaa cmw
eiaoa tl
ahaU pay
to tmprtaiTKd iwt luiilv than six monlhs, by exprx-aa or mher •■••lutiank* «» any |arBoMige tlriut by any vi<—ni from a port
— buth. and rv—y su.-h article or oum- 1 mu or peraucwl. dmw 11 In but |ia.valde out In the I'liIlKl Staire to a foreign pun. If
T. Tto i.
modlly aa nfimaalrl shall ahai be furfelbxL ' of Uw UiilU'd Slab*, .hall pay (.s- n aulii rasUng tHU oxontllng •ftii. $ii ousting
S—. S8. That any iiwk— <w luanufac-1 nut fxnwting Slixi. 1 ceni., ai>d fur
more than $M oml nul exradlng 900, $8;
A Proprlrlon or agenta of aU ottor
nwting imire than $<>». •&.
drawn. In any foevlgs
pnbUe eshlblUuoa or ahuwa for money country. Imt peyalOe In Ihel’nlted Sutea. menlloiMid In —Mdule B aa afurvaatd or $b».4.»-«t. If ■Imuii In n-l. of two
IViwiT of aiturni7— praxy (—vqjUng
^1 pay *10. and but oDetpeolal Us ahall ahall. U-furo |e>.v1uk <v acai«lng the aame, any other permn who ahall —11. send out, 1 morv. for e\.vy Mil of itwh
wlaw tlio atany I'kvikm f— offiorrs of any incorto raqnir-l for exhibit kma within any—ie pto— Iheemipon a niamp. Indl atlng (ho n-iiaoe or deliver any article .ir ixmimnd- ! sum made payahk' idwll m.l . xnaid $U«i 8 pureUrl c,mi|aui.v — a—a latkui. cxni« iw•mta, torrltory—the DlatHet of Oolunsbla. Ux npnn Ito aame. aa tto Uw requlrt*
chsrtlaliU- or llienuy iss-lMiai —
A Pro—ietora of bawling alleya and (or Inland bllU of exehaii|.-e ur proiub . lax tbenvu ahall haw bnw fully Id by : ttonuf In exivwa of tPni. 8 «x>niR. Bill, uf
of public n-nirierhw. lOtwnts. 1*1—of aXtaUUard rooma shall payM f-oachalley ttoUm, and n.1 bill of vsuhgnge ahall to affixing Ih—eon the pr.^— stamp, aa in | Udime or na.'
I charter toRicy h> si-U and oonn? ml cMalo, — Is
n-m or kww- (he wmii-. 10 ivorivc or colpaid or iHVotUted without auch
T------- . Clgait. ruiranm aed Sai
n.d ff'ini
from n |orl
lU— l•>tohldd<aor<vn—aled, | (crt. m la eiimri.d
ilm i.i atiy foitdgn port or bonds, scrip or for tto- collection of any
— wbo shall rvmuve or convey away — , the I'tilud
Baa A That th-e ahall. In lieu of tto
dlrkli-iids ur Inu-reig thmun, or to pi-r>
depiaK. — eau— l» to rtsnoved ur cmivtg- , plwv. lun-nta.
tax now liapoaed by Uw. to K-vlud and
ed away ftuui ur depiarlted In any plaoe | Kximw. and hvlgbt—On nai'li hill of form any and all other ocU mn bmdtilAooltotod a tax of IS eenta p— pound npon In au)iplyiug ihu atam]M (u u—m.
ffltyn. evade<ls<iliu<aalumporih.-.aIu.-or
i-nl. I'lxv (ore aiwctlkri. 8& orata. prvvkkvl that no
any such ortkeU ur cxunmoaity
S<v. 18 That any laraon or |
all tobaMeoand anuS. bower— prei—vd,
-bi.d ibsl but one lilll
bill irf lading
iadii shall
iv Mainp shall to- required upon any papers
port vki.d
tto tax ehargrahle tb—eon or
mantifaecarad and wild or romored for wbu ahall rwglsbw, laauik —II or tr
ilatk'- .I ri.iiilrid
«n bumlkw or iwckagiwuf
nonmaty bi to insvl f— tto colktHion uf
- .
«tale, and upon cigan and or wb«. ahall oau— loto bwued. n«biU1wl, lb—lof shall todraiHtl guilty uf ami—
' ■
■ lu IUR- gi-ncral
L» and upon convklkm tlnmv.f ahaU ; puisT. wto-ii Im-ki-d
claims from tto United Stal.w fig pi-nleb ahall to manufaetorad Sold or tranaf—d
One of nirt more than $5oo nr be im- j dk- at tto «ltii.'«r shlpuH-nv. (ISmaliy. »M ah>ns, liB<-k i-ay, bounty or (or property
or pap— of imy kind or d—tjdlon
than rix months, or for «»ch offwi—.'
kwt In Ito wllliary ur naval M-rvloe
whatawn— mentiulwd in schedule A of prtsonid to* I
OdattonshaU to levied andtudlw
ProUM—t')wu the protest of ev—y mite,
inof IbvCUUri. lOgrih- I
ibla act without Ito aamu facing duly Uah.
at tto dll
toUoerlns laxea, to to paid by the
tf—nsuioly. a tax of $S.W stampi'd <«• having tluTvupon au adhealve — with the furfeltura of any such arikU IVkiihonemnsaunw—Itsball tottoduty bill uf exchange. oiTt-ptamv. ctork or draft
— any mortoe ptutiwt. fift renu.
mmodlly, provided that ortlcl- ujsm I
vvevy iwns.n. lirni — uw)sirntlmi
D elgara of all d.—riptlunt ataiup f.ir denmtiiK Oh' tax chargm ibefeWondaiiM- mx'l|A f— any goods, mer................ -arerwjulradbythUart
.H.-ratlug an.v triepkom- hi.
Buda of tobaooo — any autotllute tbrae- un and .xmcled In the mann— reqnlrud
iKkd for expurutlon. to
„„,tc within (to fine Is days of chandlHr ur pnqsiny of any kind held on
f—and weighing more than (hr-pounds bylaw, with luleiil b. evade ibepruvlalona luay. wIm'ii Ink-iKhd
rtalcnR-nt to Ihi-ral otoragi- In any puMIe or prira—warrhuu—
•— thonmnd, and of SI p— ibouaand on of ibUai-i.ahall todeumnSguUtyotaDiU- manufacturtd and auM — romovisl with-1
yard, exixirt rvoelpw f— tqnicuitaral
ipoD coiirlctluD tb—mf .ml having atauipa afflked th—Mo. and I
etoara made ef tobaooo or any eubatliute
„.v,q,ue IntMchof itolr : or ....
dl.trk-ts. siatlug ito nun.U-r of
deiswltcd by the aetual grower
ttorafor and wetshlng not m
' - ahall to |miilabed by a One Dul cxcndlnc wlihout to-lug chargwl with lax as afore$6U. — Ity linprlMUimeut not einadlng six —Id, andeveryiuanufarturer —makorof n^.,,^..,u.„,n»-i.«.smk.iistruiismlft.4lov.-r tto.r...f In tto tegular euur— of Umle f—
thm ponnda p- thouaand. and .
—eois.. .s-. ik. -------•AW p— thooaaod on elgaraxea made of ifwiilha. ur laitb. In the dlacrellon of iho any article as afortaaid luu-ndad f- ox- 1 ttolr
nsqsvTiite IIihw during tto- imsicdtng
— any antotltuie therefor and court, and such Inatrumont. docuiaem —
and to|B,.ujthf—whicha cliargeuf
clisrgeof Ift o-nt* —
s. bills of lading and p
aubjert to such tuka and leguto
a than three ponnda per
was Ui'issicd. ant fur (tu b of such
ptuteot tto revenue against fraud.
igiw or csimcr—tiona the sakl person, tickt-u shall not aKdyt.
r of thi' gtttlon pravidea for
(hetkm »il pravldM that manutactiiiwn flnu ur ■sHisireUuii shall |oy a tax uf 1
Ida of tot—no — any miImU
_ .
of tto lainalty In —Msa of must furnish moutbly acbcdul- cuiKsrnI. pnivld.tl (bat only one |sxvn
Ing their output and file itomwliA the
(brae pounds p— thousand. Tto Uw also aorldrm and mlatake. etc.)
1 tax shfdl be tvsiuinri. lugwUIhataad
pravldcw for small— packages and wbaoco
84. Ttottto
iwsKjwd (ram the fertury — cnainm bouse
Ito- irwu
-n every packet, b
totora tto pe—age uf this act bearing tax stampixL wfalch has been signed — lanad In thlsai-t on ttoartlolcw provided I—In nrtasloo of «4>rh of —id mcMagiw — tun'
Otamps moa* pay a tax equal to one half wllfaoat bring duly i4aln|Md. ur with a de- achulule B shaU attaob to all such artlriM
tto dtffmmoc betw—ai tto tax already Ik-lent stamp, n— any txipy th—euf. ahaU and things sold .a- innoved f— —k> on and
tnx-lKw cw luiengva, slrupa. cofdlals. b|tpaid and Ito tax levied In thU act upon to mvmkvlor adiiilthsl or uaud asavtinanywurt nnillalegal sump —
aneb artickw.
have tovs.BH- luund .w t4igoged as surety h-m. awxlynes. tunics. pluS—s. Unluarata,
m(—sale any OKI- (ur the poynteai of any sum of muto? or solves, ointments, pastes, drops, wat—s,
Bee. 4. That from and aft— July 1,
MSA apntlal taxiw un tutawnu dealere and
(— the du,- ex—uthm — |X-efortoance of except natural s|irtng wat—1 (and carbonwto-lh—the article auofferiri — exp—ed to theduil.-sof
..................... aayoflkwor
______ .............
manafacturera shall to and btaeby arc Imposlthm.
and all atrd nsiural sjiring watem). e
. .tjaMM. ... ....m w. cd futx-Ign tnanuf—ture and tmpoftwl — of other bunds «d any ik—riinlun. except splrlU,uiUsi>dalli
. .
posed annually as follows, the smouut ef eiwiurau- ua PUS s .w
•uto annual tax— lu to eompuiMl In all (Slue— I—>u«l Id any fuR’Ign <x>unUy slui! tounesUo manutaesure, ritall bo d—med 1 mioh os may be nsiulrtd In k-gal praoeed- — compm-lcknu w latauev—.made ami sold,
•Maaim tto basts of the annual sales (ur fwv the same UX as U requlrad by Uw o (Itemaouractuna-th—wdandahallbusub- lug., not Mbcrwlse pruvkhxl (— In this or removed for sale., by any persunte per
sons whaiev—, wherein Ito person mak
tto praeedlngaaral year: Ihwien In leaf similar InstnimHiU
instniniHiU wton Issued,
lasued. sold cor Ject to aU tto taxes, liablUUes and penal- K-hcsluk-, M uc-nta.
tobaeeo wbo— atmual sales do no) exetwd > tranifen-1 In ito United Htataa, and tto tk» Imposed by law f— the sole uf ottlol—
C—tilkak- td pruflw or any a-itlfloate — ing—preparing the samo h— — rialmi
M.OOO pooDdi aball rato pay $0. Ihwlm | party to whom the mme U tomw! or fay without the u—of tto prop—stomp danot- meuimndum shuw litg an Int—x In the lu have any private formula, acetri — —In Uaf totoooo wboae annual mlesvxn—1 wtoiu It U a
log the tax paid ttoreon, and aU sucA ar- property —-x-uiuulatlons of any s-sieta- euU art I— tto mating — pniartng the
; the aame, affix riel- uf forrign mannlaotore ahall, In ad-1 {La, company - <4>njorarian and on all
M.OOO and do not exceed iw.oou pounds eulllng «ir t
have any oxtoall pay 918 and If tbatr annual -dm ex-;
dIrioD to the Import duty Imposed on the > (ronri—s thereof, unt—hdluouf face^-aloe cluslM) right — title to the making 01 preeesd 100.000 ponnda shall pay M4. U«Ieame, be cubhiet to tto —amp tax pre ’ or fraetluo thensd. 8 tv-i.is. Any n-rrifi- poring
.. tto* NUDC.. os fullowa:
an In tobann whose annual aaks exveid
' That it ahall not to lawful te sortbedin this act: provided furtb— that rote of damage — oth—wlis-and oil otb—
M'tore such p—fcri. box, botrig peg
M.000 pounds shall eato pay |IA klaiiur n«tri— any Inatrumcait, paper' iDiemol revenue almniM required by extol-'rorrillcMes— d.«4«n>rau hsund liy any vtal —otb— Inelarare, with Us contents,
fMtorara of lobacoo wbu— annual aaka do
Irud by Uw to to aumped Ing law on Imp—tad merohandtoeshall he p,,n wsnk-n. mariu.-survey——otb—pi-r-' shall not exceed at the retail price —
Mtcxcaed M.OOO pounds ahaU each pay
affixvdth—ebiandoanocUedat thesxpen— ron acUiig w> such. 8ft oeiiis iVniflcate - value the sum cd A cents, one-rigblh of 1
••. Manofaetar-a of tobaooo wtoae an- ousmul tooli luiw L
-ef theowoM or import— beferethewUh- ,g ary chwi-rtHkin risiulnd by law Mscxtit; 10 crais. twcselgliUks of loeM; 1$
anl sal— exceed M.OOO and do not axorad Oekri In tto manner p
- ----------- othiTwIn-si-o likd In thisact. iucenor I cento, thi4vc4gtatha of 1 oent; t& centA
100.000 pounda shall eato pay 91A Man-1
Chart—iMriy—tViiitnut or agreement flvtxiliriitha of I c—it; and (— each addlBf—tom of tobaeeo wbu— aanoal aalual lurirunumu upon which tto
(—tto chart— of any ship or le—el — UoualXftcuiM uf retail prtoe —value—
exceed 100,000 pounda ahall aato pay $94.
•Umps afunissld shall nut have bum
alenm—— any n-m-walurtransf^Atotud, (rwlionalpartthetraf Incxoc—cf 9fte—its,
kUnufaetni—s of elgara who— annual affixed and tmiuvlul. as ofurt—dd, toall Dot
If rill- ririUk red tunn—ie of such ship do— five-rdgbtliB of 1 cent.
nlMdo not «xeeed 100,000 elgan ahall be Used tu fvkk-jioe.
_xnds,deb«taras-eertlflcaMa of In- mK cured iKxi ions. $8; t-xeardlng XOO , For and upon avery pneksA box. bottle,
iM'. It. That DO
debtedne-toracd aft—(to 1st day ot July, urns and not uxr—.dlug OUu Ions, •&; ex- pM. rial. — Otb— Inriosure ootiUtnlng
icumcnl wqiitfvd iij- Uw to to stamped 18W. by any Modarion. company — eur- cudliig «iu tuus. $ia
any <—euce, cxtnMg. (dUm wat—, oueuet—a exceed WO.OOO elgan ahall eato pay toall be «k«mul or told Invalid and of no purariun. on caoh •100 of tws value —
Contract— i;nu.—s m«i — memuran- to, v—i-llnc. js-trak-iim, hair oU, putuade,
•19. kUnofaetui—s of elgan who- an- effixt fur the w-onl of
hrarion ttonsit. ft oeirtB. and un e-A orig duiuM sale but utbiTwIae prmkkd (—In balrdriMcing, hair 1—toratJvc. hair dye.
mal aal—an—d 900,000 elgan toall eato
tooth wash, duiltlrlce, tooth ptMie, arainal I—ne. wheth— on
Coiiviyaix*—IVid. instrument — writ- morio—chons — any rimUgr subetga——
PV9i«And OT—y pcraoti wbo oarrl— 00 any ■trumrai, pa)i—or ds umixii. pravldcd a •igaiaaariua,ofoerrifl(
Ing wto-re-liy any lands, k-neni—ts— ottoe artMe. when soeh tawket. hbx. boOle,
taMtoa—or ooeupaUon f—whksh Medal k«al diirnuwuUry suiupur riam|« duuot- on each 9100 off (ace value <
r—liy »ld shall to graiitid, sisdgmd. put. vtal — ottor Inriusure, with Its MUx— a— Impoewl by lUa —(, wHhout Ing a Ux of equal anHumt shall have b—n (toreof. ft o—Its, and oo 1^ mk
toriiMpaid (to^eelal ux b-ein pravld- duly sffisssi «tid used tboveon.
d In tto-vurehas—urpurehasers when . —valaeitosi □ of 6a
iiKini to —11 — n
H— IT. ^ all b^ d
M, atoll. baaMn bring liable tottopny.. twoRilghthsof losnt; ,
nmsldetatkui — value exoerds llOO^loral; IVa
4 by the
UMtnf Mito aparialux. be doMued guilty
s three^hthe
thneBLoom—AT —'and dons not exceed $Mi.ft-cv-iiia,and f— oents.
of 1 w—; 9ft cents,
Ml upon oonrlotlan
rsof ttoUn
TlRa iTXw . each additional »MU or fnw-tlonal part flve-rigtathseff 1 creit: and f-es«haddiby tto offiaetB ef any state, ootinty,
tomoftoaUpnyaAue of not mure than
' ttorwflDuxareofk&uo.
thereof In uxareof kbuo. Mfvnta
j riunal 8ftesnto
8ft esnto of retdl price
—II ninnkdi—1 e—p—atloB or oth—OUT•dOOartotmpHMiednot mcra than rix
Dispaiob. lolcgrapblo—Any dlqaricA — fracrionaJ part thereof
g tto taxing puw—. shall
—Uto. — both, ax the dlaenUon of tto
~ -|r 1 c«nt.
oenta. fl<n^-«lghUu of I —uv
Cn^tonby an exempt Irani tto Man.p blank. — by any <Wlv—y. — by any Mg { Entry uf any goudo, wenw
ux- reqnind |>y thU art. ptovkkd that midra— of transf— — sals, wheth— en- dim at any vuriom bouse riib— f— c
11 erah box. earton. Jar c
«nnd nto fton^Bd the stamps
liuttolnutit toreby to exempt trim tto ririlag the toJ4|s In any
to the Bumpri—i or wore-huUKlng. nut cx«>ed
<■ O—d tn dMOto tto payment of
sump ux—.Imp—ed by thU
booeStof auohetotA,—to-cure ttofti- •ItW In val—. »ft cunu: ex.reding |
Uxon tomented '
cVlcff Mali rains, ftar
payment of money. — (- the ftriure and nc
totoaeo. anvS. dgan and rigaratus may
I •too I
totanntpadnr tanlBUdarlib a anlubu
thereof. 4 n-nta.
d—UslodaealateBewntecffux. And
Sparkling—oth—win—eoBtalnhig mm
any pM—e torUg paaaeerioe cf tntaffixed OMMrity; provided furttor that Mto and transf— to shown ->ly Iff the books of (hs
nt or tom. I eeat; morr than earn pint,
bunds I—oed by oodpan"
eeou (Tto row—lad— of toe meftlon
■took do- company tto rimup riudl t
Iowa —eueUtletia
mridm tor tto sumpfrig off goods oa
such buokw and where the
exo—d •10.000
110.000 and talldlag*^
hand on July 1 andf-a irimfts onatttdam — eutnpanl—that
ipantottot raato ksma -shlptobylran
tow Ito* h—atorady pMd »iMMM $».)
atoU r—rira tham n* tto pat— paid f—
•• toaHto
T •■ ■■ bwM mm ■
MaliMiMikff tto pBftoanwamd tom
<I‘enaliy. ota l—aihan 91.000 and
ccrdlngflu.iMUf—oKh faUureegiMtoil
tomato rriuru.)
14—. 98. That from and aft— (to 1«
day of July, 180a a stamp tax of 1 east
riialt to krtk4l and eull—Ced on er—y seat
sold in a twlac or part——r and on wraay
berth sold in skv-plng ear. tto sUtop to to .
attxnl tu tto tkket and paid by Ito eeanpany imulug tto —me.
(iwtteos SO. M and SI t>vrtde f— m
Into-rtunce tax ranging fram 7ft eaots Sax .
pnrPllSluf bcquiwt tu lineal ilianfnrtania
to •ftp— hundred where the bo|Uf«tgo—
Mstrangen In blmal — o—p—atkios.)
at a rate of Inh-riwt oat eBoeedlng 9 p—
era turn per annum auob sum — sun— aa,
tu bli Judgnw-nt. may to............ to meet
ptiUk- cxis-nditurrs. and to Uiuc Ib-ef—
o-nlfioabwuf liKk-bristne— In such funn as
be may |>nwi-rtl«- and In drnorolnatkiagef
•M or aiun- multiple of that sum, and
c—di M-nlfkwU- Ml lamed shall to payable,
with tto- Inuiriwt acxned Itore—i at such
time nut-cxcuxllng otai yiaw (riun tto da—
of lu Issue, as the aeoTMary of the
time excari ftlUU.OW.UUO.
S.V.8X. TiiatttoMcretarTef ttottn—•
ttry Is bovby aulburtard to borrow 00 tto
eredit of tto I'nlKxl titatea (raan «*ire. —
time as tto proceixls may to required to defray rxpenllitinw authurtred on account
of (tonslsllugwarttoaiimof 9400.<WO.Oiiu. or so iuuch (Is-nxif — may be nawa—ry. and tu |>niian' and issue thertf—
coupon or reglsU-red lunds of the United
(Ipk- uf tlial sum. r>4k4-t;tabk- iu ndo at
tto iduasure (g the I'ulted .*t|al—aft—tM
yean frem the dau- of thrir I— sod payabhi 90 years ftoio such date and brartag
IntL-fwri pa.vaUcquan—ly In coin at tto rate uf 9 p—rvntuiii per annum, ixwvtdad
that tto bonds nulburtMil by I bis ouctlaa
s of imllrtdaaM
tlun of any Issue of said bunds net m
—rtlsri fur — atsivv prut idrd may to dlepmod uf by tto secn-tary of the treasury at
nm ksa thau par. und.-r such i
nut ex(444liiig uiH-'irath of J p<v c
of IlM- aiiMiuiit of Uw- bundgandoettl
iH-relu autlHirts.4i Is luariiy appro)
out of any money In ll
1 to par tto expen—
. advertising and taaulng "tto
Ser. 94. That tto s—retory of tto treeeury I* hereby auiburtxrd and directed to
coin Into etondard rilrerdoUare as rapidly
astto-puMlc Ini—ts may miolre. to M
aiuouoA huwev—.of iRg k— than 91.M0,utio In each m.inth. all M tto sUv— tmlUaB
miw in tto- tiwBsury purehsasl In aeegMau—with tto vrailslons uf (he act m*
proved July 14. linu. eotlUed. "An act
dlrerilng tto- purchase uf rii«'— Iand tto Issue id (teosu
saury not—lb ww.
and (— otto-r purpun—
wtoA K> coined. Mall be ti
In tto mann—and t—tto parpcMS Bi
In sakl aM.
■bred nawr.
S—. U. That (— the pnipoera <d IMc
act Ito wonts -mixed flour" shall be «nd>-r«ond to mean (to food praduMnada
ftomwbcM mixed— blended In whole — '
In |wn with any oth— grain—ottor ma
terial. — tto manufactured prodoe* «f
any otb—grain — oth— mat—ial Mag
M. ■n»ai every person. Ann — «rpetekm. bef.»e engaging in the borinsss
ofimsUng. packing — repacking mixed
fkmr. shall pay a opralal lax at the rats of
$18 p— onnuiu. tto aame to be paid a
altloB ttoreln imposed f— oigr vtolarioa
tbenof. (Swrtkm 97 prarides I— (ha
method erf mie and— Ito brand “griaad
— flneof nut It__________ -.....................than $eoos— by imprisonment not to—
ihon M diys trar more- than one year.)
. Bsc. 80. That in addlU-t (o the tonadlag and marking ot mixed floor — berola
pcorided, there ehall be affixed to the
imckogve ounUdnlBg tto —moa labri In tho
foUewlag W'unls: -‘Xurice The (maaofaettu—— packer, M tto ease may be) off
pUni with aU (to reqolremcnu of l—r.
Bv-yp—con to —uriooed not too—this
package or label again — to remove ths
cooumts without d—traylng the itiSM—
stamp theevsm, ond— the peoalty pMacrtbcdbylawlnaurii oaeeg" (Penal^,
flour there ahall be levied a tax of io-ris
per barrel containing IW poonde — m—a
than W pounds: 9 orals on every half hotrri eontalnlng Ml pounds— irarethanM
pounds and ormAalf <
Jg- Tto tax tovtodbythto a
(BaettarI 41 pevrtdssfar tto
the tox In c—lain —s—and XMtton a Improm a tax equal to tto tax aM forth la
aeerion 4t) In addition to the toapoK taxon
nil “mixed flour" from f-rign sBomiriw.
8eotkMato«A tnel—lto.l*oridapnl
ties, me.)
fisa aa Thto than toall to toriad. eeihetsdand paldniNO toawhM 1-4—d
. . >
Ttodtoto Mt toall ttoael
THE KOJamtQ ItEOOBl). TTTBSPATrJXma 81» 1898
Oanira. Benton aM tbe Oeorcta aa.
tbueltlea to raator* order at Lytle aad
rWI tbe outakim of rambling bouara baa
been prtMluctlve of c<.od reaults. TUa
Reported in t Dispatch Racahrtd
at Paris from the 8p*ff
Ish Capital.
Tnm-rnrts an Absoluts NsestStiy w.ch Your Undo $am>
u«l Just Now,
bauses were hermetically sealed, and ao
soldier* were allowed there during tba
enUre day. Recruits tor vartoua regi
menta continued to pour la from ^ di.
rectlons and by nlgbt tile number ar
riving leacbed MO. making a total Cor
throe days of ncariy I.IOQ.
Prom thb lime on until the 12 MO and
ajaslne in moundi of wrth pllad
tb* ex|>luM»n« of th» pTYj4«tllta
(br hf*T3' cuna for tx^dlv*. irkUc
tbelr h(«aa «-«Tf ftnnrd by tbr v>Q|« of
thr black aravenecra <if (be tumkflrld.
Tba two hUUopa aecm Utcrmllr blown
away. Tbcae marked the placea where
the ZM.pound t haraea of sunrottoa
UnwB by tbe Veauvlue landed. But the
moat omiDoua token of death flew from
Morro caatle. Tbe aalTron flac of Spain
waa hair-maaled for aeveral bouiA The
Btcnlflcance of. Utla Ja not known. It la
riot euatomary to half-maai flasa. but
hiU lElitLO ft
Pfiffc City. Utah, th* ld*al Minti«
Town, 8w*pt Off th* Fac*
of th* Earth.
Chicago. June Ik-Tbe Lake SUaM
Betaled Railroad company haa ra B*
•Bit against the FarmerF Loan and
Troat company, of New Totk. to saUola
tbe crust cMBpaay from forsrioalag a
r.4n.0M n
The Illinois supreme court h__
tbe decision of tbe lower courta. »*>«t
tbe Famers* Loan and TnM compaRg..
sot cumpeteni to aerve aa traataa '
becanw of lu failure to dcpoalt tM.M*
with tbe state auditor, aa requlrod by
unaatraHes wHb Otbaf Polsts «l
gwae aMwg la Ulm Be
the PhiltcplDea To Be Had
aiMl l*iwrtl«wny
aaOcawB Uaa Owt
amona tbe Spanlah
during the
HllUeatMlat*. a
at Aaj CoaC
•I Buiaaa—Kadkwl
bonaliardment Oflti-era i-ould be.aaen
for and equip these recruits,
m bwep* Away I
This dectaloa may etthnatety affaat
with drawn aworda driving ihe men t<
tbe recent arrivab In camp b Brigadier
every- foreign trust company dding btMlthe guna. but even then tbey could noi
U a Qwlal Hay—Matas H
General McKee, of Itidianapolb. Aa to
Flm-Bolp CaUed tar fra. awK Lake neea In Illinois. None of the toral0
be fojx-ed to atay no long aa our gum
• of the UHwrwwftb
OsJI tWrT*w.pa
the expected move of troops from the
......panlrs. It U said, haa aver eompUsd
City aad Ogdea-Ragm ttg^t Bom
were dlie. t.d at them. The fifteen min
San b>aoclBC«. June M.—The governSalt Lake. Cuh. June M.—A apectal
ute#' night work of the Veauviua bad
Colonel Rk'hsrda said that ao orders
abaltered their nervea It ta believed nenl baa uken a firm aland tuwaW had been- Issued for troops to Icavt 0 The Trihnne from Park City. Utah,
supreme court tt may foeee tru« com
by nime that the t:-ln< h proiectlle fired aecuring transports for the troops, and here and (bat there bad been no Intima
ays; Last nlghi the ideal mining camp panies elibrr to comply with the lav or
r Uanuae t. Ike ^
from the Teaaa whkh waa reported
from this time forth l
tion of an Immediate movement. Gen
Park City
a perform their irutlcesblpa through athhave exploded Ihe powder magagine
will be the rule until enough
eral Grant's second review and battle tass
tbe T agenriew.________________
-Vepwrt That Bbalh
one of the weacerti battertea did not f
have been secured to carry the army exerclae wlU Uke place durtag thb
re to
which it
to tbe Phlllpplnea The Pactfle MaU week.
beg!Baing_at 4 o'.lock yeaterday morn
Madrid. June
A private dlapatch
E. Pirty-aecoad ing and continuing with awful fury for
companyt steamer Newport haa been
A dramatic Incident of the bombard
received here from New Turk aaya Gen- ment w-aa the act of a Spanlah offl.wr tinpreased This makes the sixth vessel Iowa, left camp without prrmlsi
eight hours. HaU street, from
owned by the Pacific Mall com
ml Bhafter'a expediUun haa landed who brat ely ran along -he para|>el ui
tbe point where tbe fire originated to
Milwaukee. June
Word was l»>
beard from.
which Is In tbe service of tbe gui
the Union Paciflc sutlen. la ruined. celved here yesterday of the drownlBg
sear Santiaim de Cul« and will atuck der a heavy fire, enrouraglnghla men
WtseaasU WaHsfy Bea Bappy,
ment. Tbe steamer was thoroughly
Park avenue has auattfned iomm that of George Campbell and Patar Olaaa at
Milwaukee. June 2e.—Tbe batteryboyi cannot be computed with any degree Thunder bay on Friday last wbUe aafumigated, and h-s gone to the mall
are happy. Word cornea from WashParis. June at-Tbe Madrid corr**
dock. Her cargo will be i
The Chlneee quarter U gaged at work in a diving bell rocovor. •
spondeni of The Temp# aaya that It la
rapidly aa possible, and then tbe work Ittgion that they are Included in tbe
Ing tbe cargo if the sunken staamw
ew-aped death, of fitting her out will begin. The Peru aecond call for vuiunteera and are to go
Pem-ablc. which was Inal about a raOT
re>uKed there that Manila baa capitu- rrom tbe forelop ofhave
to tbe front. For weeks the Flrat bat remalna on Raw C. hiU. Tbe
the llrooklyn. f.yoc
ago in olxtrec feet of water. Campball
iatad. though tbe mlnutera have not re- yard# dlatant. the n-rn in the grounds Is duv from the Orient on June H. and tery has been waiting for the signal originated In tbe Freeman bouse.
"Forward?" It haa arrived. In addition American hotel. Twenty minutes Uter was tbe founder of the famous dlvli^
eelred any newa to that effect. Accord. could be notl<-ed. hut a mlnuit- later the City of Klo de Janeiro follows
to tbe laltery Wlaconaln la called on great swarma of peoplefliled tbe atrvwu bci:. and a aoa of aardlnn- CnmptMlI.
dual and flying debris would lake their on July i. Roth aieamera will pmba
for one reglmenl of Infantry-. I'nder the The names bad spread from tbe original founder of tte Oentennlal belL
pla.-ea. and when the amoke cleared be Uken by the goveruroenl. althoi .
No pauilculars of tbe accident weva
away only a spot of red eartb could be their tm.'.n-aament will leave tbe Pa promlae made by Governor Scofield this Btnictures. and fastening tbelr fiamlni
It ta presumed that the eabla
•een—guna and gunt-ers had been swijit cific Mall company without a aieamer means tbat tbe remaaal of the old teeth In roof and rafter aiied norU received.
running from the surface to tbe beO
away It was the most deadly and de- on the route between her* and tbe Fourth regiment will be the nucleus of ward with fiendish fury.
broken in some way and the work
It that will take tbe field under
slruc-llve bomlvardment ol Ihe war thus Orient
■wept by a Tenad. .f FUmaa.
men above being unable to grai^ tba
Colonel Seaman.
far. Kcam-Iy
men were aoSoThe
the Sydney. Colon and
of Ihe attuadron wi-m astray. The aim
llllMls Xsttaed Mtbe (OIL
* Jordon's butcher shop aad tbe Ivea «- eated. The Pewablfa cargo waa valaad
' I ■*
: ieawa i e mall comiianya
of our gunner# waa aut>erl. and not only
Springfield. Ills.. June Id-At Ooveta- Keith sublea were enveloped. The at tlM.OM. of which gTAW worth wm
were the coaat fort# annihilated but the Panama line In a crippled condlUoa.
battertea on Cayo Smith, up the harbor, and It was for this reason that thecom- or Tanner's office Saturday a dupatch
low whipped acruaa the street
pany objected to giving up the from the war department was nx-elved
were destroyed.
they fastened tbemaelves upon THKZS TTTJ.K11 OE THE m*Ti.
‘nie mall company la not asking for two regiments of volnmeero.
w of Rear Admiral G
Dahtgren'a residence, a weak but pretty
Flrat alienee the tiattrrtea on tbs selling t cketa for imaaage on the Peru which imoob b to fumlah under tbe structure that succumbed like chaff;
•fol OtbM* Mare or Iwm laJuMA.
shore and then continue firing until the fur the Orlenl. a fact which seems to second call for ln>opa Tbe reglmenU
irtlfl.'sllnne are redueed." This order Indicate a btfiief by the company's offi are already organised, ard are Colonel.
Roanoke. Va.. June 28 —Norfolk ato
cers that she will l«- seised as a trans Campbell'a regiment, auuthera Illinois
as alriclly obeyed.
Westem pasamget train No. 4 was
blocks and dweUli _
port. The Alaiiieda la tlus from Aua- volunteer*, and Ibe colored regiment or- i were
yesterday two miles wm( og
traila and H.-nolulu on June
and the ganUed out of tbe Ninth battalion
business boua>-s tbe fire gained Us way Shawavllle. Three were klllled and aav.
Seea.. Tw Be NwTroabieal Ail l»4M Paad govenini.-nt agents will swoop down oB
:bed lbs rcsldencvs on Park eral Injured. Tbe dead are: Engineer
her. This will leave ibeOceanIc Steamfor BlebIgaB.
Al Horner. Brtotul. Va.; Fireman Kt
Aasnt-lated Rivas t>isi«lch Dual Bhip tvmtiany with only the Maripoaa
iRnalng. Mkb..
ne SO.—Governor
Sadler. Biiatol. Va.; Hall aerk JL 8.
oft Santiago dr Culm. June U. via on the Aust'atlBB route and no steamer PIngree has recel
a call from tbe by- one. oc tbe saal side of this avenue, Francla. Merion. Va. The Ihjurad ara:
Klngatun. Jamaica. June » - (Crpy- on the Honolulu route. The Pacific war department I
mother regiment, tbe dweUlnga feU. Wllaoa'a .dwelling Mail Clerk I. V. GUI. Lynefaburs. Vl.
right. Ikst. by tbe Assoi-laied Pieaa.]— Steam Whaling company's siwamer and w-m at once a
filling It. ~
aeiioualy: two expreoa mraamgaia.
l^rer Urge cargo, s of supplies are Valencia has heyn chartered. It ta Bald fact, all prellmtnariea have been well M> Park avenue, between tbe startli
name* unknown: several pasnangasA
iiry mote than MO men. under way for some time, and the new
known to have run tbe bIo>'kade al
point nnd David Keith's row of dwel- names not known.
ready, and uuantitea of f.sMl are The City of Para la being prepared for f-gimeot win t» ready for Ihe field In llnga
ccupatl.in by the tt-imps.
smuggled U. Havana, by way of the
mu<-h leas time than (hoae which prebmaty-kve l>walUBa< BosmA
■ amor Bad a Orals sf Pae«.
Chicago, June 20.—Following are Batto the aanie aulhorlly the spanlab Jale of pines. Clmfuegns. and other
--ded It._________________
On tbe earn aide tbe dwellings wen orday'a League records at base baU: At
iKiInlsnin the southwest <-aasl having
•nte greatest excllemenl prevailed In
Hong Kong. Shanghai
direct raliP.md comn.unU-atlana wl.h the Camp Merritt over tbe report to the 8PZJT AMOIO1HB mXPVBUCAn next Ucked up until Joseph Dyes' rcai- PhlladelpbU-New York k PhlUdelpbla
dence. Juat above Ihe CreoceBt tram «; at Brooklm-Balilmore
capital. It Is beltev-ed. however, that effect that one of the most noted and BMwltar t
• Flgbl as way. waa wiped out. In this brief t; (aecond game) Baltlmure 1 Brooklyn
tw> at any coat the moat rapid
nulbli.g rea.hes Saiillacv from any of daring of Siwntsh aides had been cap
•tretefa no leas than aeventy-flve real 12; at Boaton—Washington t. Boston U:
aanlratlon wUb tbe poriloaa of the thvme points.
tured In mnip. It w-aa reported that
CleveUnd. June N.-Aa.one of tbe ta- drncea. valued at from MOV to ghtM it PllUburg—Cleveland 4. PitUburg 18;
Pom Antonin. Jamaica. June S*.—
-Bllsied In oue of the
arcbipelaco ailU under Spaalab author
{Copyright. IkK. by,* the Ass..-iated regular regiments of tnfantry. An In ■ulta of tbe aenaional figbt of last win were reduced. On along Main street It SL Louis—Lnulstille 4. St. LouU 7; at
Pres#.]—Well.authei :lca:edrep..rishave
stigation of Ihe rumor revealed the ter tbe Repub.k-ana of Cuyahoga county one buainem block after anolbar felL Chicago—Cincinnati 4. Chicago 18. (Sun
Tbe enure fire department, reinforced
Off Santiago de Cutia. June 1*. rU reached here that Havana la receiving fact that the spy haa not aa yet been bad Ihe flerresi sod m<ui turbulent by thousands of willing bands, together day) At Cleveland—Pittsburg 2. Clevaipplles through Haialan.i. on the apprehende.1. bnl It Is known that the convention battle Saturday ever seen
bnd 4: at Chicago—C?lnclnaatt L CblcnKlagBion.Jamal<«.June
with aQ apparatus. Including three b«w go »; at St. Loula-LoulaviUe 1 St.
WS. by the Aaaociated Preaa.]-Severa1 fswilh aide of Cuba. opp. site Havana government has recently received realmost tmi»salhl<- t» get prov sioos UaMe lnfarmatl..n that leads It to be- i amid tbe greatcal excitement. A Urge carts aad a book and Udder truck, were Louis 7: (aecond game) Louisville 8, BL
attempt# to find landing piacea fur the
he Island of Jamaka. all auppllea
SI ?paln has infurmerw In Camp: squad of police was on haad. The coun engaged U the alruggle. AppeaU foe Louis k
Valted Staiee truopa within a dlatarcv be|r.g sold to a^imnlah agent.
. It can be reliably stated thai ty commitu-e of fifteen, evntrulled by help were addressed to Salt Lake City
•f two mllea wewt of Santiago have derernment fearw a certain well- the Hanna men. Inalated upon lia usual and toOcdcB.and at M:U a m. a squad
Ites t>aB*l Uke the Piaspw I.
from Salt Lake's fire detnrtreent ar
Monatrated. along with previuua tnInformer.
Madrid. June Ni -The statement (hat present la withheld^____
Snlnea to the eaatwanl. (hat the ah.»«
chairman, and sent C. W. Colllater to rived. following them waa a troop frotn —IndlaaapoUa 2. Kansas CUy t; at
tor fifteen mllea la lined with Spaniard#. Preeldent McKinley has a.-nt to Admiral
the pUtforro In that capacity . Amid a the Ogden department. *I%e fire at that Omaha-Milwaukee 2. Omaha k (SaaOrvera and General Pandu tnesasgea
While tbia will not prevent a landing saying that he w.juld huld them peiaonstorm of shouts and yella and the great umc had reached the Crescent concen- day> At Minneapolle-Detrvlt t Mln.polta 8: at St. Paul-C<dumbas k BL
cioae to Santiago It may entail omaid- ally reaiMjnsltde for the lives of l.ieuim- Tsawg Men Whs Ars Xsmeit ts nil Tw- est ^fusion ..n the floor and platform tralcr. tbe northern extremity of Its
omiroe. which feU with a deafening Paul •: at Kanaaa City—IndianapolK k
McKiMon men demanded that F. L crash.
arahle delay aa ib# aurroundlng counl.y
nt Hotwei and his men has produced
aaa City t; at Omaha—Mllwaukac k
maat be iburuugbly «b lied and cieaiwd
dlaagreeahle impression here In mili
Wariitnglon. June 20.—At a late boar Taft. Eag.. be temporary chalrmati.
ha 7.
batore the iroupa can
tary ritt-les as showing that President bat night Adjutant . General Corbin
Wbra Rear Admiral Samrwun yester McKinley distrusts the military honor made puUlk the names ..f IK young bealdi
earns Into play a
of the Spaniards who on their pari de men who had !--.n sel.-r-ted for appoint
day ft
making a desp
spise all threats Such iressagea.
ibat historical atructura. Threa
ment as sec.ml lieutenants In Ibe regv.
ha aent word that they ahoulJ aland to declared, render the future tihange of Ur army to fill vacani-les created by the a number of angry personal eBrauatera I „„
The police charged on tbe pUtform. I •tioama twl by- a reseix-olr above were court Constable 0»nnard called Joaa^
the Bouih ten mllea and lie there until a the-prlsoners moat unlikely.
son a Uar. whereupon tb* two en
act of c.irgreas adopting Ibe three bat climbing over tbe rvportero' labUa and played upon It from 4;1S to >:30 a. m.
laBdlng place bad been aecured.
forced Colllater and every Hanna man The estimated loan la about ll.MO.SM. gaged la a knockabout fight. Attorae#
Wwl lata • UwrwM'a heat.
Washington. Ji.ne ja—Tbe transpons
with him out of a Bide entrance. Taft with light inaurance.whicbUdistributed Lee eeparated the men. whan Connard
Teaierday at daylight the Uunchra with the truoin. for Santiago are eg- of the sert kx-. and Ihe addition of one called for a vote on temporary chair among a large number of
turned on tbe lawjrer. who panied. aad
«f Ibe New York and tbe Maaaarhu- pected to arrive not later than some aecond lieutenant to al. battertea when man. and before It ended every Hanna
then began mauling tbe conauhte. Tba
•etta reounnoltered the abore between
Judge then 'came off tbe bench and
U>day, but nothlrg of #i>e< lal Inter- filled to war strength. The
delegate had left tbe baU. Tbe Hanna
Cahanaa. two mllea weat of the en eat Ivyond (heir arrival is antlciimted amount of work 'n aelecllni
mopped the fight Jnet In time to pewvMl
men went to Hibet'a ball near by and
trance to Santiago harbor, and Ouay- for two ..r three days at the earlleal. young men necessary to fl'l ti
tbe uee of deadly a-eapena.
aganco. two miles further weat. both of The landing of an army on a hostile
teg when It
conwhich points lie east of the range of oaK. It U> is.lnied out. Is not a matter
v-otka and a county committee of fitatountalna aurroundlng Santiago bay. if a few hour* even under favorable ic-lnlments were filed
Durand. Wla.. June 28.—A careful lateen
McKlaThe lanncbea pnahed tbelr noaca into a
sna men In Army and Navy ball did tbe •peclloD of tbe amoking ruins of- tba Omaha exposition waa a
harael'e neat. The bruah waa fairly
Among thoapappointed from civil life
Tbomas Seldon Km bouse. twa..mUaa
Pink Cast won tbe n. Leula Oarto
•live with Spanlah truota. Infantry ani land movement Is not Iwgun befor
are the following:
cavalry. uRd the Are 0|>entd upon
lllinola-ramphell E Rabcock. privaU HEMP ■KZTIB 0009 FOE BUt northeast of Fepin village. Indicates Satuiday. Time. 2:n. PUudU. second.
In tbe present week.
that tbe midday murder of Mary BelTbe Brocklm BuburtauHamUcapwaa
was ai> fierce that tbelr
First cavalry; James E Bell, pii
BeU I don. tbe IT-y-ear-old dsugbterof Tbomaa
Charge sf Mwlilaliag ■
ron by Tllto by a length: time. 8:« 1-k
(Yimpany C, Flrat infantry'; Robert K.
LU* FwUraly Tae CbMply.
Seldom was a Aendlah and revolting
_ ,| Judge Gary at Chhogo baa deddod
Madrid. June M.-ln tbe chamber of
Donald McNulia: John Princa
Portage. Wla.. June 2«.-B«war4
charred portions of that a board <d trade tronanettaa M md
deputies Saturday Senor Sslmoron. the i Oleson. private
-‘-ill of the gombupg.
Republkwn Itwder. askt.d the govern-; Evolve Wmiaina; RBlphPlumbRrower*. Seberbarih. a Gentian farmer realdtag
found on
ment to InMItute an Inquiry In order to honor gradule I'nlverslty of tlllnola.
Just outside the cUy. shot and killed
a Ik FIti
* of the altaR
tenae bed of hardwood charcoal la
ipore |<oUlvely omiradhi the rejiorta | Indiana—Harry It. Campbell, raechan- hla wife yesterday afternoon. Tbe ball
the celli . indicating
by tbe pooitlon
thal bodlea of Ametican marines killed />cal and elettrical engineer. Victor Oar- entered Ibe k
lie. Ilia., died Saturday morning.
that either aft-ter being murdered, or
at Guantanamo had l»H-n mutilated byj rlguea. private Indiana
brain. The
Tb* aecond annnal convention of tha
1 bound, the girl had Nntlonnl Good CIttsena' League wtn ha
tbe Spanlah Insipa. The minister <> the \}ah It. . rllndale. Jr., graduate
Seberbanb was under the Influence of
Interior, Senor Capdepc
Himary arademy; Iver# W. Leonard, liquor, .nnd said Co peroona who arrival been placed on a pyre of hardwood beM at NaahvlUe. Tbnn., July U-lk
>he reports were base
captain Indiana volunieert; William on Che scene aoun after tbe abootlaglhat taken from a rack a few feet dlatnnt
from tbe outside hatchway.
that an Inquiry
l«wla Hodgklna. houor grodutc Purdue
WOllam A. Onembs. of the NiHnnnl
stick of cordwood
Minere aaaoeiaUeo. died al OoMwnUc.
Iowa—James Frederick Howelt. grad
Mlcb.. after an lUaeae of algbt days,
Washington. June »--Tiie first aou
nate Cmell unlverally; Harry E- Whit. about hla poor marksmanship aayliw
eged Sk
ntr of the great naval battle which v
!«>•■ State Normal imong other things ibat be could net
Tbe twenty-aecoad annual niMtlag c€
It In.-Manlta
In-ManlU bay b
May 1
“oror groduau hit tbe a
•amaco pt cma rton Tsg mua.
tbe Stau Bar amoclaUoa wtB ba bald
1 In hhla city. It t
Normal acbooL
treat bad to be covered by the Vixen flag fully twenty feet long' and SpanUh
■* gt^l Miehlgan-H. J. Hatch, captain Nn•nd the Texas. When the Texas asked condltkm. It came
t 1-*^ .
Augustus Ledyard; ^uU
>re S<-hley to Klnley or Srcreii
Oeoege T. 'WUliamaou. president of tha
.ry Umg. but to W. E. ^ d. Ruiker; Oliver U Spauidlag. Jr.,
take a hand t
commodore selllaed th
Union Foundry works. Cblcage. dlnd
rum ininolj-a P^nt graduate I'niveialty or MIchlgan^WHISavannah. Oa., June 2#.—Tbe old Ha. WbUe puying tennU on the graante ad
naagapbohc. a...
raeh by klghtalag Out ef a Clear gky os
louled to Captain
bersham rice mtUa. a block of tbe eld. tbe Kenwood Otuntiy dob.
Phiap. - Yes. an
and give 'em —.
I gan Military- academy.
eat bulldlngi in Savannah, one of them
Ja^aonvllle. Fla.. Ju
has tmed n«ksril^ l»wy at Camp Atger.
| Wliitx.nvin—Henry G. Weat. late cap- about to go In bathing a
having been built in lt2k weredestroyed
------- ... vartlaemenU calling for propoanla ter
W’aahlngtuD. June 20-At Camp Alger
Wlacowdn National Guard; yesterday afternoon Jai
Tba Texaa landed 4-Inch ahella
rday afternoon. TTie fire
the three batthnUnaaothoclaad
T. Oatewaa aurted by lightning. Tbe buUd- by th* last naval appecyrtnuon bUL
'battary at Cabanas, completely- demut- I yesterday- the usual camp routine waa ^ Harry L. Jomea: W. E Haoe. honor wood, private a
of aouthern
labtng It. Ueutenani Shanw. of tbe ' practically- aus|>er>ded. Rellglouaservlees' ffraduste University of WlacuaalB'.Lau. Fltahu^ Lee. waa struck by Ughuang Inga were among tbe most historic tn, vw*
Albert CMnls. graduate 8tiattu<±
th* tamoua paK oC navVigen, and Lieutenant Harlow. In com- were held byall the reglmenls. Chaplain
instanlly killed. Tbe lightning Bnvann^. One of them was fitted up
" *’ ofjlllaneaota.
------ -- mand of the launcbea. were bmb com- A. R. Morgan, of tbe Sixth Illinola. who MUllary
from a clear Key. hitting Gate- at we time for the purpose of tendering ' „teen-ye« locuata. They are storming
been connee-ted with the regiment
ptlmenied by Admiral Samrwon fur agldnw.
wood at the baae of the brain and p*—- a ball to Henry CUy. but be was not | tb* coutry to aa
laatry. It la believed that tbe Insur- since lUl. delivered his farewell aerm«i
rircted ^o,nt aad the ball wu never i
,tortaa that there baa bew tito*
Ing dow n tbe spinal column.
riUClsssdaad tbe Hay la
given. Lose U covered by Insurance.
tlon between General mu.. ^ ^
ganta who are In force and under the yesterday. He wa* .v..r|--Ued to resign
command of General Garcia aUmt flf- an account of bad health
Wnahlngtun. June 28.-Saturday's oeataea mllea w-r*t will render effective aid
uga PaliL Ga.. June M.tkisdihs M alls Kspedlltoa.
Berlin. June Jk-Complete reiuma oC
«»<ymed at WaBUtoUn.
ll driving tbe Spanlah aklrmlohera off
Bong Kong. June ».-The BrItWl
••• •» exceptionally beouU- Kon of the house wa* devoted chtelly to tbe election* for memben of tbe retch- I *
Honnlaln that a
tte shore,________
ralogtea upon the life and character of stag show tbat there have been re- , Spnnlnrd *•atiampud to
blow *p tba
•teamer Yuen Bang arrived here from
'>*>' ** Camp Thomas, aad a cool former Senator Harris, of Tenne
turned « ConaervaUvep 18 Impernllata, Amertcnn troop ship Oty ot Poktag
Manila on June H On leaving Manila hreeae cunllnDoualy astir made park Prior to beariag euloglea aome on
BrracT or rai-RMiAru nmura
«» Oentrtau. t cundMatre of tbe Re- |
wna la Hannlsln barthe Yuen Sang sighted a number of life a dsUgkt. It was aigaiaeanUy a day
m the Filer D
form party. 10 National Liberals. 1 ' bor
vcasela believed to be American Iran#, of rwsi among the aoMleta All drills port upon I
•fimaUaas'. UsSeassa.
RadMnl Union candidate. 1 candidate ad,
bimdred nnd elghty-tva tbnumail
were omitted and Sunday waa geamlly
Aaaociated lyess l>iai«ich Boat, off
the Radical People's party. Agrarian ; •oUan ta am* waa tba eanct amaut
observed. In this reaped tbe dajr was
I^gner. tt Social Demoerau. U PoMr j PaM to the Unltad Stataa aub-tosaanror
•aaUage de <^ba. June lit. via KJngaOmaha. Neb.. June to.-Th. hand- e-ymewhat la contrast with many of lu
1 Dane. • IndependcnU and 2 Paoaant by cauenganna who want to anbmirlba
taa. Jamaica. June G0.-(Cop>-rlgM. IKK.
sme Wlaronr.ii state building
predneaeota. Tbe chaplains of tbt tkms for tlM.888 ot Michigan aror bonds League condldatea Becend ballola win ta tbe war bond 1
to Aaaociated Preaa]-A carefi
in- I matly d<-li aled at the exposition Bat- various regiments held ec: vices and the
o >H dlatrtcta.
Tbe Spanlah ecmsul at Hnnelalu praKMcUon of tbe fortl
C A-, and rvangeUsUc eoborta were asked for week before lost, aad
_ tba I nrday. Thei waa a large crowd of
appllcailoas aggregating 1888.188 hava
teeted agaloat tbe entertainment by tba
of tbe bllla defending Sanllagu Wlat-onaln peop; preyent ar.d tbe Wls-| *rre actlvrly
................ _ The revereac*
Deb government ot t
with wbk-ti there aervlces were UsUned been received from citiaeni of MWUr alnce tbe bombardment Tburs- r^m'lh dekgatlun to tbe convei
Federated Wutne a aubs panlctpaied to and the general good order whicb gan. The banka cloaed today. Sab- academic board campletad tbe examlnn- troops en route for HanU.
la tbe exerdaea
Ihrcampa were aignlfl- •cribata far amall amounu will be sivaa tloas of tbe nloety-algbt caadMaua wba
cant of a high moral tone which perapplied for admlaaMm to tbe Rautary
VB^ Some of Ibe batteries wert'iL I
»rw Tsrk AtbMIe. BaM Cblmga.
vadra the entire army.
academy last Tueaday. Only thirty,
Chicago. June 20,-Tbe "Mereuryfoof
Tbe aoldier* were forWdden to canalgbi paantd. among whom were: Da
-rnien circled on mvei wi^ over the team of tbe New York Athletic dub
gregwte at polnu of amuaement and
bUla tew hour* after the Brim
vid Henry Bower. Iowa: Myron E
aw-ept aearir everything belore It ta practically all remained la camp with
(Mney. Michigan; Cbarlsa O. Free. In- (nmlnm. yaaSmdK
exception rf a c
that aagotlatlotta are o I looking to cloa.
■ : Roger D. Oengb. Indiana: WIO- n b-Frir wmtbmi nwltoiU wln^ bm»
who bad permlMiOB to spend tba
tog^w^^ of the 4
totogne tfornn coaM b8 a
F. Morriaen. lawaj TbaM B. F.
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