The Morning Record, July 12, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 12, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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8eeoad I«ar—Vo 87S


putations or bone fractures. In the
hospitals at the front there are no
wounded soldiers. The serious and all
the rest pf the wounded are aboard the
WmSMtroy BmnUago, Which 1* Sy»- hospiuj ship Relief, or on transports
temctloilly BcMi*»l By The
bound north.
The sanitary situation issusceptible
American Armyto much improvement. The landing
of reinforcements is progressing rapid­
ly. All the men of the First Illinois
regiment, six batteries of light artillary
TTmi< Oonferonces With Admiral Bamp- and 851 recruits for the regular infantry
•on and Oeneral Shafter Im.
are now on shore. It is probable that
madUtaly Upon His Arrival
the Eighth Ohio will be landed from
Baporti T»«erd»y Aftamooa ladloaUd Thst the St. Paul tomorrow.
Guantanamo Bay, July II.—The hos­
a«abM4m«Bt Wm atui Is
Bst Ho
aim—Tbo pmidoM Fasrod tha *a- pital ship Olivette is here, ready to
mmr Hisbt Saoapa at Hlgtot aad iBatraetad sail for Hampton Roads with 500 sick
Oasaral Bhaftor toPramtaocb aOoatiogaacp and wounded aboard, among them
General Hawldns.
Washington, July lu —Special.)—


The War department is advised of the
Wival off Santtago today of the aux­
iliary crusier Yale with General Miles
and staff and a portion of Garretson's
brigade. General Miles had confer
ences with Admiral Sampson and later
conferred with General Shafter by
means of the signal service telephone
Washington. July ii —(Special.^
The president, fearing the Spanish
may escape from Santiago in the darH*
ness tonight, wired General Shafter ex­
plicit orders to prevent it at all hazards.
Bngnma Ban Betiguod.
London, July
Madrid correspondent of the Times
says. “Premier Sagasu has tendered
his resignation, advising a new cabinet
lai^y consisting of the military de­
'_____________ _
Beeieged With Heavy Field Otma.
Playa del Este, July ii.—(Special).—
With all escape cut off. General Shaf­
ter. who now holds unlimited authority,
hopes to save profuse blood-shedding
fay systematically besciging Santiago
srtth heavy field guns and with shells
dropped into the city by the American
fleet, withtmt a hand to hand assault
by infantry.*
The idCent armistice has been used
to' prepare such a plan of action and
with a large proportion of women and
children now beyond the city lines it
seems a good time to teach Spain how
we capture.armies as well as navies. It
is argued that the sanitary conditions
of the city Are such that it will be less
expensive to burn it down and rebuild
than to put the place in a habitable
condition, thus relieving U of infectious
No Firing Yet By Warihlps.


Preparing to Seek Shelter at Cartha.
gena—Evidently Afraid of
Watson’s Fleet.
New Rork, July 11.—A Madrid dis­
patch bo the World says the Spanish
minister of marine says: “It will ukc
Camara’s warships Pelayo and Emperador Carlos V, ten day^ to reach Carta­
gena, where they, will be safer than at
“The torpedo boat destroyers .Osada,
Proserpina and Audaz, and the auxili­
ary cruizers Ratriota. Rapido, Buenos
Ayres and Isla de Panhy, will be sept
back sooner and will go to Cadiz and
"The present danger is that if Amer­
ica dispatches her fastest cruisers with
the Oregon. Texas, .\ew York and
Iowa, they may waylay Camara’s fleet
in the Mediterranean. The coast de­
fences will be ready in ten dajs.”

Judge Acheeon Deoidee That the
Company Has Infringed on a
Proeees for Making Caetinga.
Pittsburg. June n.—(SpeciaK—Judge
Acheson handed down an opinion to­
day in the case of United States Mitises
against the Carnegie Steel Co., limited.
The finding is that the defendent com­
pany has infringed upon the process of
the plaintiffs for manufacturing cast­
ings from wrought iron and steel by
adding aluminum. The case is one of
the most important in years and in­
volves the manufacture of armor plate.

Colonel Hoeokmr Will Go To Santiago
to Straighten Out Trouble In
Landing Troops.



It is an Every Day Strife
To M who will get the
for the least. Anyone.
gets eowe of oar WsH Paper will we at a glaaee'’
that tbey are getting the moat for their money
they erer did. See the new goods that we i|e offednff^at these remarkably low pricea.

Sagaata’s Go
t ia luerwising in
Unpopularity and Trouble for the
8p anlab Dynaaty ia Imminent.
Madrid, July 10. via Hennayc.France,
July 11.—Copyright by the Associated
public opinion is divided, it is inclining
rapidly in favor of peace. The people
are becoming more convinced every
day of the impossibility of withstanding
the power of the United States.
peace party in the cabinet is urging im­
mediate negotiations. Senor Gamozo,
the minister of public instruction
threatens to resign if the war party o^tweighs his influence. The latter urges
the continuance of the struggle, “to
convince America that it is diflicult to
obtain a prompt triumph for her army,
and thus secure for Spain better terms.”
There is a split in the cabinet which
will probably result in its resignation
and the formation of an intermediary
government, because Senor Silveia and
the conservatives are unwilling to take
the responsibility for peace n^otiations, for the best obtainable terms are
certainly to be trying to the Spanish
pride, which will demand a scapegoat.
The increasing unpopularity of Sagasta's government, which is supported
by the throne regardless of public
opinion, may damage the dynasty. The
queen regent must soon decide on some
course of action, and will probably
form a government with a strong mil­
itary clement and including the most
popular politicians.

290 Front Street

Holley ft Ooimabln

Wall Paper.It will pay yon to aee our Pi^er aad
get our prioee before you buy.



J The Choicest


—Of stricUy new and up-to-date x



That ia ohown in the ct^, ia here.


Popular Prices of 60s, 76c, 8O0, and $1.00, etc.



RcEable Dry Goods. Carpet I

and Clothing House.

and Examination



Popular Clothing House.
^ JiiS
You can examine our bargains in Cloth-,
ing Free Gratis. Consult with ns as to
what style of garment yon want
costs nothing but yotir time and a vefy
little cash if yon bay.

Interual Beveuue Beoelpta Since July
First Have Averaged
$600,000 A Hay.
Washington, July 11.—(Special)—The
effect of the war revenue act is shown
by the increase of receipts from internal
revenue since July ist. The total of
these receipts for eight days was $8.116.673; double fhe amount receivedfrom the same source for corresponding
period last year. The yield from in­
creased taxes has averaged about $500,000 per day. The total expenditures
for the war and navy department, for
the last eight days was $6,945,000. so it
is seen that the receipts from internal
re\'cnue sources have been more than
sufficient to cover war expiendltures
since July ist. _________



) ulClnuCIlbd



$6.9$ and $498

T. O". SOST,
124 Front Street

Friedrich Block.

Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
UaUlr««eaoraU*llbBa- T kaep ■seh u eiusclTe Un* of vbMW Md isudcM*


Mfrvpktnd, ttt* to tMpUMWwO.

Remembtr Mj New Planm Soutli UnlOB Street Opposite C. S W. M. DepM.
leilbeelsiilTiHeBtoBBt H. E. OIBBB, Propr.

Bequeathed Valuable Oolleetlon of
Dante’s lUnatrationa to the Mlobigdn University.
Ann Arbor, July it.-HSpeciah—Professsor Walter’s will has been filed for
probate. It leaves his property to
nephews and nieces excepting the
Lm4 fMd.
libraty. including a valuable collection •kkM-4t*cfMltoMatto*»»«aM4wMt(rototMcler.
Tbto toaterewlBterWBlrtma
of Dante’s Illustrations which he 'bd*queatfied to the University Library ading this peculiar clause, “But my heirs
shall be entitled to keep such Ix^ks as
shall be in said library if .they choosg."

Washington, July II.—(Special)—The
. Washington, July u.—(Sp^ial.)—
Notwithstanding the wire from General War department has arranged that Col.
Shafter thatheexpected to Ukc Santia­ Hoecker shall uke a ten da>'s trip to
go inthree days. Secretary Long is of the Santiago. He said this morning that
opinion that the navy has not partici­ he did not know when he would leave.
pated yet. Secretary Alger thinks thft Apparently the greatest confusion pre­
city will be shelled and battered down, vails in the matter of unloading trans­
but not assaulted. He expects to hear ports. The department is very anxious
that the firing is'kept up. but not of a to have the troop ships returned and
has sent order after order with very
dectsiye engagement right away.
unsatisfactory results. Col. Hoecker
Captain Emer>'’s failure to capture will go down with

instructions to
the Purissina Conception is evidently siraighten things out and if possible
Awfbl Fatality In Cleveland.
inspiring Blanco to attempt another faciiitate the unloading of the ships
SpwlBl Tat UotanKiniKiou..
blockade run and it is reported that he that they may be available.
■ Cleveland.---Tea men were killed in
is now loading vessels at a Mexican
A. res­
Bombardment Confined To ArtiUezy. the water works tunnel today.
port. These will be closely watched.
Washington. July 11 .—(Special)—The cue party of six a'ere sent in and were
General Alger's cordial welcome to best advices obtainable here up to 2 not heard from. A mule driver went
the wounded soldiers that called today o'clock indicate that the bombardment to the rescue and found them tincon.
clearly shows the interest the secretary of Santiago is in progress.
The war •sdous. The rescuers were rescued
takes in the common soldiers’ cause. department has received two but the othere are probably dead.
He left Senator Allison to listen to their dispatches from General Shafter, but
Gen. Duffleld not Believed.
___________ ___
declines to make details public. It is , Washington.July 11.—(Special)—The
said, however, that the engagement report that Gen. Duffield- had been re­
thus far has been confined to artille^-, lieved of his command by Col. Wood,
Only 76 Bemalning in the Hospitals the object being to save the infantry as of the Rough Riders, is denied by Gen.
far as possible and to disclose the loca­ Corbin, who states that Duffield has
At Siboney—Five Wounded on the
tion of the Spanish batteries.
not been relieved._______^
OUvstfe En Boute HorCi.
Gen. Duffield and his brigade are on
Siboney, July lo, by Associated Press the extreme right of the line now with
Ex-Senator Conger Dead.
' boat Cynthia. July 11.—Copyright by some other volunteers, which is consid­
Washington, July ii.—(Special)—Exthe Associated Press.—Theri are only ered an indication tfiat when the -battle Senator Conger of Michigan, who has
-seventy-five wounded in the hospitals, does begin Michigan men will not be in lived here since he left the segate, died
at Ocean City, Md., this afternoon.
" who are being treated for serious aih- the worst of it ‘


•sr 1,400

Hastings' Real Estate Agencit
«>tot«4. reuc ar. -

Millinery Department
ADLExtraordinar; SlaDgbter.

A eleon-np sale regardlea^ of cost. We are determined to
eloeo out everything in this department if low prioee will do it
2 dozen fine pattern bats, railing in prlcM from 86.00 to
87.00. to eloso umek marked down to 1^.60.
Another lot of trimmed haio, worth from 8^ to 82.60, to
close at 76c ank 81-00.
A lot of ladies' aeaorted walking bats, ranging fn^ 81*00
remainder of sailors to close at 6O0 on the dollar.
A lot of cbildren'e ocasb tam-o-ebanteis to cteoe out at 19e
A^ of gaoza all silk ribbona, Na 60 and 80, from 46c to
60c per yard, to close at 90c per yaM.
Touts in hsste,

The Boston Store,
Front Straet.


THB xoBjmra ksooBD, tubsdat, jxn^T lu, ism.
I *^0X9190 BBOOBS


EETAsxAnve non.

Oara. aad retetaaa and Bye DamVev OooB^ Evlldlsc WlU Etaad
a«ed t* a iBrye Bxtto.
ym*TXBBE om. .'miohioam
Veanr the Walks thaa at
Oee of the most eeeere sammar I
EiMt nasaed.
frosts te yean eisitad tetexoctoa Saa-!
When the rreaad for the aew ooort day sQrht. caitiar daws potetoas, oora.:
CM. T. bAi> ass a.
boM wae laid oat H wae foaad that it smaU fralts aad TCfetsbles aad ia
many tes'saecs eatlrely destroylay
too eloee to the preewt
A W. BAsnoi. Editor sad Xaucw.
to eloM to the aoldiers’ them. Is LMlaasa coaaty it wss so
>at the latter wontd ha?e aerera ss to kill rye, and maay ocrim of
to be Bored.
It was eabeeqaeaUT asrty peuuea ware rained. Tke aome,
foaad that there wae a mistake aad the te tree of Oraad Traeetae aad the
ohaaced. Mowtherfwisd emntlee eest aad aortb. hundreds of
hasbMB eiakedoetaaew aad the work acres of poutoce beteir miaed aad '
is sroBteaslar arala. The balidlac as special domsfe betey done to eora and '
BOW ptaaned will stead 87^ feet aear- berrieo. lo some .plsoB the freet^
er the walks oa both Wathlartoa street eeemed te yo in streaks sad while eae
fleld wonid be poaeed oter the next:
aad BoardBaa arsaoe. learlac
• M yiAf»* ORr, space CT feet from the walk oa eaeh wooid be badly injored. Hnckleberriee.
aUa Tbe 'iiuUa eatraaoe wUl be ea whiob ore jost eomteg teu the market
WaBhiaffton atreet, bat there wlU be a eriil prehebly be rateed for ahlppiof. |

Aaotber »*■«»“ Bch«8M.<
(ew moatiit mm <m
MAaIb oekeM UirMck the Mile.
Ike iMt OM ii to ralee a load far the
rhm PUst AulUar7’’ of the Eed
Chne Mcietj to furaleh fosde to eesplr
A'Zhe A«h«lMee Bhi».’' The flu to to
write ionr penotie to roait tea eeau
«M w4 Uea aeh theoe foar to wriU
«stair of their frieada trho la
an eeppaeei to read tea eeato eaeh
had all write to fear trioade each who
fapiattheplaa udeflaitolj, or np to
BM will take the troable to Oirnre oat
•beawoBBtof woaep that ooaU te
the “eh^'
^teoMhaadred. iherMoU ia doUan
ilB4MPttwoBU he MMthlBf actoaIke KtooBD doee wot heUm the Bed
Ante Sooletp haa aathorUed *‘Mtoe
Bathalie Seheak. BabpUa. Lose btod, N. y.." to leeae teeh'a eaU foraid.
BWd we eacfeet that ao reoUttaaoe be
■ade to If toe Nathalie Beheaek or aayBWebeaaderthto plea aatll the Bat«W te tally laroaticatod. TbtoiabeCf too ^ the Bsoobs.
Be Blow to Oriticise.
■owererBaekoae Bay feel dispoeed
# Id Mt well at this dbteiM toUdolre
|B criUcteB of aftein at Saallare.
is tnie Major Ocaerol Okafter did
M ha be bad expreesed belief ho
take Saatiafo U
lo Ifitd teat hdBlial Sampaos kaa
iidt swept frem abore the harbor lu
totltoUena* Nor has he eeat or '
to tot lato the harbor, it is erea
toa, er appeaia to be. that be was so•bto to lead to Oeaerol Sbafur the
TbeM are det^ls. n ty are ac
toat depTBalair. hot be oho has
•eeaiwu kaewledce of thocoDditloas at
EbaUac« bat ao ri^ht to eapUoaaly
arltlelsa toe etwdaet of the «
^ ladeed, be who doB ao comBlta
BeriBO. If eoadoBBattoh be daeerred,
M will hot be oaeaped wbea the full
darts are made kaowa.
Oa the ether haad, while thlofs are
M altochther as aU wooid wbh them:
tboarbt of oor dead aad oat
Mooaded aad aiek aad oor aafleriar
•oldtors wtu caoM oe to ate if tkere
to beea aaedUoa eaerlBoa. it Boat be
^ dakaa lato ooaeideratlon that a wea.''-4ocfal aad a brllUaot work hM ia
'' nality beM aeeompliteed at Saatteffo.
la fact. esaeUy the work for white
BBT aavy aad oar army were imbihI
dhere has bees «oae with | eomplete•OM that leasee aolhlaB to be
dBB»*d. Cerrera's fleet was the s
•tee ^ laoeetiiraUaff 8aaila«o. aad Cereora'e fleet is new ooly' a half doten
■Recked warships oe Cnba’s oeast. If
ibe admlaistnUes ware te call off tee
man aedlarmy troB Baatiaffe
prttboat striklo; aaother blow.
. veeld be jBStlfied ia facu for the real
Berk of lie Bteslea. the relief of the
MBS aad of oor coast from the. meaace
at a flMt of Hpoaiah srarsbipe, has
Before erllieiclag it te well to ren
bar tbeee thisc*.
It 1a ateo srell to
teke Into aceODst the brilliaat exbibi'
Mae e( rallaatry, ooarmre and ekiU
Bade by oor aary aad ara>y. had to
Y- tek* iBto acconat the awCBifieeat
L< Bonl etot el these deeds apea
[i BfriUsed WB-id, the exalted presUfe
‘ flbereby rireo to Assricaa arms.
It to only la a rery reaeral way that
to pablic o( the L'alted States eaa
Bare as idea of the dlffleolties. a
at teem UBloreoeea aad Impossib.

IM to aafair, to eoadema witeoat
jesHtotioB eoBmaadeta who bars
keaa aelcctrd becaaac of fitaess to
Baad. damoBstrated ia the aetivitles
at battle aad the hardships of former
MBpalBBs. te SDjost.
It is cosy to eriUclxe. bat it te moeh
better te bare faith ia the late«rily.
tbs latellifleaer. the axperleaee of the
orar leaders, aatU there te teal reaeoa
te teUere them aaworthy. We all hare
tbeartee. bat It te aot theoriee. but ooaAittoah, aetaal. hard, beartbreaklac
adliioea, that eoaboat oer oomBd-rr —*»ii rtrminemlal




- V,:


"*teW MM M J^etMtoA^

Cbetpfflt nod most relisble place to get yonr bicycle repaired ukI
mi in good numing order. Have bad aereral yean experience asd
know boir it abosM be dene. SatiafaetJon gnaraiweed. I am adUng
bicKla ansdnea at aboat coat N«ir and aecood band irbeela for aak
and to rent. Pleaae nve ns a trial,
Brazing aa apecialty.
BLUB. 811 Front at,

If You Have Logs to Sell
We have ter aole Good,

weat ealraoeeo^odte the walk lead*
lac to the }ail boadiar, with a walk
dollars Mtroaybooi the rerioa and will
eoBBeetiac that to the }aU.
oome with speeial fesac apea May Btala Taacber*' Xnstltato to ba Bald '
Here TUe Hontb.
farmers wbo hsea plsatad larrer serespes thsD asaslofpetatoee thU year.
The Btote iaetliate for the oonatt -e |,
B. T. Bdwarda mode a loaff trip ot Grand Trareree aad Uelsaan will
Urooeh the eoentry yesterday to learn ! open apaext Moadey, Jaly the
Praf. C. B. Doekway. who hte fof tbeeffecls of the froaL U« aUles that Oaalral sphool with Frofeesor Goerae;
ereral yeare sBeceasrally cead acted the oora bos s<
Hillsdale. Mtes WlybUnoa of Mt.
Boaiaees OQlIs«e aad Normal IneUtato aad that bis obaereaiion did aot rovasJ
Pieaooat. Mtee Gray, oorntn'mlrmer of
la the MaBMD block, will after thia ■mteriai domoye to potatoas.
oofaooU of Ibis coanty. and r'n>f. C. R.
t, ealist his serrices with tb« Suto
Deckeray of thia city os iastraetora.
laaUtate at the Ceatrai sehoel. eteslac OOMPAVT IL BOTS WOTTHDED. The work will ho coodnete. aluay the
hia eoU(«e aad toaaaferrlBir his papiU.
line of review aoraal work aad will
to the atorewid iasUtato. Beptoe
Eat tke BsmesOlTcnareHot of say
iaelode drAWloy. pkysico. yaopraphy.,
ftrst he will afata opeo bb beeiaeBcoIOf the Boys Who Lrfl Hera.
clrU KOvoraBeat. ireserai htetory, bat-1
lefe bat wilt eeek more oomowd'—
A report was eirenisted te the city any ochool law, pbysloloyy. aad. te i.
foci. oU branehee of work comiayi
aader the aermol coarse.
Btoae Oroaher to be Teeted
The eehodl wUl eoaUnae tea tour
The aew etoee crasher which
ware waanded te a reoeat asirt
weeks and a Isrye aambei of Isachera
city psreheed of the Oates I»a Works
at Sasttefo. Imjairy failed to eoaflrm from at home and abroad ore expected
of caueaco will be lesUd toaorroe
the report: bat the ofleial list of tb« to avail tkemaelvee of tke opportanity
tomorrow a:
Krader > -brasb np*- for the fall asamlaaUoa.
aad Alexander OreesTUU of Company
Oeorye BesJoBte, coaaty commleGates eempasy. is la ths city te ooaM. of the TUrty-fonrth. are ameay the elener of Ueiaaan coaaty, stated -for,
daet tbs test which wQ] take plaee oa
laded te the hoepltol at Siboaey, mathematiee, has withdrawn aad the^
BoUread fttoV* betwesp 8^te sad
Onba. When the company left here work wlU be divided amony the reel of
thero vprp pMe of thoM nomca ip the the toenlty.


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
^ Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


.Hill Maebineryof all deacriptions, inelnding Two Eagtaai,
»*et Works, Carriagea and Saw*.

A complete Baw Mill Plant

ter sale.


Only 60 cents

Bb«ter reU. Bitfaer there km been a

For Half Soling Shoes,
and Heels, 50 cents.

For Tops

Cptom Made Shoes a Specialty-

ska in tke asmet er tke atee bmXsfOmmSTentatrark PUoe,
»d were mactered ia at camp frem
Hew Store ead Bepsir Sliop.
An (mprompin party wu yivaa Setaome other plaw, to 111 «p th« qaato',
which te frrqnenliy done. Bowerer. arday avaaiay at Park PJsee by the
Rveord Want Column.
Beeitetloai. Olaaleal Mieeiaa it te abonl time for letten tojeoch
314 E. Profit Street,
here, it te quite likely that fell inform- ions ssd
atloa M to the welfare ot the boye will sat featnras ef the evealey'a eatertelaThe padroeoateet reenltod la
be yl»ea eoap,
Mr*. Jaa Monroa recelviny fleet prise,
a Isrya box of ehoeolxtee.. Omot VanOorileid tewaahfp DMeyatas.
lamp reeeived_-a flve-ponad box of
TU deieyatea to the Bepnblk
atershtaallows'as eeeead prise, whUs
chip are os follows:
Leea Titos was yivea a box of yroaad
atkarSemorrowaetftbeAil Ooll^a eaaty ec
Tbaradoy aad EHday.
A. D. ]McBee. Oeorye Stewart, dad ants ss a eeosolatloa.
It te very probable that Uhm Mjoy.
Has gone up -So has our stock. We have a fresh
Baell. F. B. Prate Abcw Loegobora.
able evenu will be Indalyed te ■ freTomorrow tbcia will be aaotbef ball Wl 1 .am Groat aad Ansel Jackson.
clean stodi of Cigars and Tobaccos and oor prices
qaeatly dariny the sammer.
fame aad a team white has aot been
here befera this eeaara wUl ooatest for
are reasonable.
boBors oa the diamond with the BoaW. S. Andereoa will yo to Maple City
Beeori Hetw.
Uero. The acrreratioB comes frem this aerniny to direct the fnoerate of
Mta. Jack Dewey aad-Mn. Gaorye
Lather aad is declared to be a otroar the late Peter Becker aad Oeorye W.
Dodd arrived from Cbietyo yesterday > I
The CABS* wUl be called ai Siso DaVte.
and will »pend some time at Omeoa.
i { ■PhoM 157.
248 Front 8trMt
and a tearp eoatoct te expected.
Jemee B. Stimsen was in tke city ymC. B. Chandler and wife. J. A. Chaa- e
There te to be s cbaa(e upon the tdchl. terday from Old Utesloa.
dler and H. Cushman and wife, toarteu **
team white will remote the fhmUiar' Percy Neble rede ever from Elk Bap from Cedar Baplds. Is., are speodlny a ~
flfare of Toay Norotay from firet hese. ids yesterday on hte bicycle. ^
few days at Pork Place:
Tbay has held dows that bag so loaf
Fred Cooper of Shermoa, traasaoted
Jobs Peters arrived yeeterday from
that it oeems almost a crime do allow bnaiaem in the city yeaterday.
Alma aad will spend a few days here
aayoae etes to taka the poeitioa. Tony
Ba1ph Cose was In towa yesterday
tons to yoiny to Bay View.
la foraed to rl're op bate ball pUyiar from Ktefoley.
We ore ayali ready, with a lorye
Uteaeoaaa oa aeooant ef the ealUtPerry Gore, of Blayhoai. spent yeastock of lea. to deliver the eoOB to aay
Oar baby bos beea em
__ y troaV non of the city.;
it o! hte brother, who arsisted him terdsy te tows.
Maple block wood a'so for aeie.
in kte baaiBees. la the Thirty-faanb
O. M. Brewa aad O. W. Benjsmla
eioee hte Mrth. aad all that we eoeld
Mltelrsn rolasteera.
-ere rteiton here yeaterday from Le- do for him did Dot seem to yive morn
Isnea the moat liberal SiekaoM aad
Maaarsr Keboe. howerer, hat teear- land.
latil wa tried
Telephone No. M. Aoddeat loanraaee Policy of the day.
Fred PenanU of Provemeat was te ...._____ ____________ .oirra aad Diar­
Antbonsodnader the State laaaroaM
ad a aaw ssao for flrot basemsa la the
rhoea Remedy. Biace yiviay that rem­
Departmeatof Mieb.
penoa of Jeeko Wearer, of NeweasUe. town Tcaterday.
he hss not beea tronbled.
Wf pay oar ayrato. Good BeUabto
Charles 3. Deayhcrty of Cbieayo is edy
lad., who te expaeted kare for the aext
want to yive yoa tbte teatlmontel os an
aoUritore waat^ Addreae «r eaU m .
vtehiny Mr. and Mto. Mortimer B. erldenee of oor ..’ratitnde.
not thst you I eolte or 0 ...
at 'BaaTutM^^W. R. HAR YY.
odverttee yonr merltorioos ’ iey Co.'e store next:t Monday and TacoOa the 14tb aad I5th there will be Gates.
- . .
Seethe latee
Dtetriet areat for Northweetm a Ml^
T. 3. Best bH retaraed from atrip
two romss with the fast oil eollere
j yaa. Travam City. Mich.
Tb te acsrecotioB wlU oeasist of to Grand Bapidsaad Deteoib
HIM E. Goodman went to Elk Baplds
Ue followiBf;
Tsro pltehera. Bote and sad Shape, yeaterday.
Mr. sad Mrs. E 8. Pratt ore enterof OaorrateWB Coliapa and of the Dnltatelog
Mr. and Mm. Peter Balflcy ef
rersity ef PeaBeylraala. reepectirely.
Ostteer-domeia. ef Moi^oette: lb. Grand Raplde.
M- B Bolley will leave tbb mominy
Stefert, af the Ualrerally of WtoooBiia:
8b. Oowas. of OeerretowB or Astoa. of for STtelial OloveravUIe, ». Y., hte
aid home.
Wteeoatis Unirersity: ss. Aston
Wm Hoodyaadfamnybaveretomad
Qwey, of the MilwaskM Doatel Col­
lege: 3b. Dewey, of wmiama College, from Chlcoya.
MtesAlacirteBimdraaaretarBed ycaor Oorpeater, of Marqaettei flrldarm,
Stewehdear, of Wsylaad. BoBsdka. i terday te her borne near telon after
ependtega few days visittey frieada te
Fordbsm and Downs and Carpeater.



The Price of Tohacco



Bad Troobla WitMaa OSeer.
Mte^Myrtte Day of Bay Ci^ U the
DndarsberiS AsbtoB want to Fife ynest of the family of IV. H. Fletcher.
LakeyeaterdayBoralArl* arrest
Dick Oliuon, wbo llfcs 14 mllee
ef that Tillare. oa a ehvf* of dteerdertj ooadset The sceosed te said
hare been mixed up te a brawl aad to
bars anfsred ia a ficht with efBoer
Walls, ths fflsnhsL
i^wairaat wm also swora ent for
tVilUsm Wells, tbs morshsl. sad he Shop Opposite Kagle OAoe.
ea a chsrrt of aesoalt and
battery and broarhi here last alrht by
ofBeer Aaktoa. Tbs wortoats were te
Otvr HeKsmors-a Bboe Btora
saed by iostiee Brown.

Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-lBte Paiater
aad Paper Hanger.


Tfuene Gitj School of Inlcl

Tbo ImeloBaa
I wiUbeMdat LalaBd



as AUer M. OraqAeA. MIso AUec T. Kotevte.

ProtdiYe Asswiafi^







Ooatest of Expert toe Shots.
The last of the eeries of sbootlag
oeatests will take plaoe Friday te Bill
Marrel’sraliery. These wbo sssde the
best scores te the last eoatesu will ea­
ter the match asd they ore ss follows:
Alderman Jahrou'
frrMadoto leU
A. W. Jahraus. Ed. Broach, Fred Robof tomb wfhboB
iBSon, Philip Sbermar aad Jim nil- polBOMd. ioiMlaadBvlaatiitartaT^
shea PM OMd (cr mriuw vilimtioa tom.
Bill Mnrrel'a Baahvraeketa-Clvn
CarUt. David Strickland. R. T. Edwardo, Boy Pcoae aad 3. K. Martfack.


Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
of Shoes, you win find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ^
of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this season of
the year, and we have themin aU shades for Wa)king.-Bicyf '^1
cle Biding or Woridng. They are easy, cool and comfortable — !
and the




■ .1' ■"> V:


f th* Deliberation* of the Cab*
in*t That Has Spain's In­
terests in Chaise.

nsa DBAXB 09 oemn.
A ■ples41dl7 ThrlUiBr
BepreduotiaB oftha
Zha Idttla Btf Hors.
Thla aeeaoB Ool. Codp *Ul praaant
her* OB Tnaadaj. Jo>r 19. tha ero»aJar bUtorU, berate and wariika
Id bia taiBona nMUCerUl
career, bp lotrododov in bit “WUd
B eat" pertnrmaao* a etapesdoea repmtesUUoB of General Cnatarb laat
batUo oe the LiUle Bl^ flora. Kotbinr in the wap of Hviar and BarUa)
apeetacle faaa ever been dr
trinpted wbleb eoald. in aej reapaot,'
approximate to this predaetfon. It
dwarft anp imperial exploiutioa erer
rireo in BLiue'e CoKaeum, and ao foar
walls aver erected fooad anffleiebt
■pace for iu wemeBdoBt acUoa. A^a^.
the liTlsf charpetara a«4 ipatorial laditpeMabla to iU prwraUUoB an eir.
tnallp oMDOpolIzod bp Col. Codp, aad
laelnda ^emeou the prototypes of
wbleb passing time baa alreadp almost

qairedV Piwfeaeor Borat aa a member'
Tba OMoant ba^ will maat at tb<^
room* at 7:M sharp tomorrow .monlnc
to fo to tha St. Francis c^nreb to ae*
oompanp the aehool qhHdrra OB tbeir
flaotye OW, WUUam Monltoa aad
Mark CMTw want to Cedar Hodf* Lak*
fiabt&r and reuiraad with a ftae catab.

Cbarles W. Bnitr will uhibit tin latest pro- ^
ductloos of tko tailor's art io


Will JobnaoB of Nortbpon baa taken
a poUlios in the aboe stora of Frank
Kriadricb aa bookk»aphr.
Tba steam barfe Pina Lake b load
lag lembar from the Barker Oeder Co.
at Bingham.
The Qnoen of ibe Lakes will eome
■ tfcafce.*
Pm from Charle<
Cbarleeolx this Boon and
Maerld. J«?7 II.—Th* cabinet ro^HI
I aa egeniUoa e
on tba bep tonight.
!^^wt^Sar. Uir irirlstcra declare. Old nen
She» will
wUI taWb
tak( the Si
SL F.-anola School to
Isaacs Um peace Lutetian. Ob the c«eSottaoB Bap trmorrow on a plesJe to
^raiT, «v wan Uie
object of
take place at Drastcr’a Park.
i^rShi auverQRipnra deiil>«raitoiu. The
John Tenlsh has reinmel from Cbl
rcoancil vm wevpied with a dlitpatch
eaco. where be poretaaaed a complete
Lfctwt Oovernor Oenaral Blanco detailing
. ..» defenar In Cnba.
outfit of saloon flztnrea. He baa leased
the Cobee building weetofStelaberg'B
ilaatJeM Chmroa. in Uic
of an imcrvlen at Sap iebaa* Shtlrelp deatropad. The apectaole aad Urasd and will open a saloon there
ejan. aaid ft
impooalblc that neeo- tablean require tba eo^opetatlra of aoon aa tba place ean be fitted up.
: tIalioBs for ivace ahuuld be entered up. some cipbt haadred mea aad boraes.
Op by the Er^nleh and American Sot- ' l•elvdisp trlbea «f Sioax warriora.
• •ictlmeiniB
aeoata. plainsman and ranlar troopera
but >ta ripe< lie had a!ni; • adrncated
PwrtalghUy nake.sMm O > Ml* osi ,
‘£ba ppaoinp aoena reeeals aa ladiaa
eiUace. tha iababitaaUof which are
Ifew York, July II.—A large crowd of
Ttsvataa Ottf MarSrt.
•,anioBo»y had .o.n yluid.-d Ue expected
bp a aeoat while lndnl(rier W'cll-known lilersry folk gathered
Below U a lUt of tbe baring aad sell>>MulU. pari:>- In aunrr<]uen > of the lel- in wild and earaleaaorglsaovar areoant the d.wk of the North fSrrtran Uoyd
^^grlees of psaterdap for groe^^
Id bar and nartl> be<rL:it it had betn
line at Hoboken to witness 'be departdnsnled too trie. }n
In IS < hi aaM. the vletorp. He retires and reports Uie ait, ........ .. natloB to General Coator. Kext that vre of tbe Portniglnly Shskespearc
late Benor <'ani<taa nt
suLLUie rmick.
firopoaed to blir.
uLuioeny. ] Murat of the Americas army aad bis club, which Is uking a trip In a body
to Stratford-on-Avon to w.iTBhlp at the
; but he-(Canip»r> Cr.l''
SIFTSbattaUon appear. In all tbe elecUfplug. shrine of tbe famous bard, and tneifa\. «! Lie
—,'«ldcf1nr the lin e unfa%.
frae.relgaed rush of a calvary- charge. dentally to take a leading part in
■: :
MtorT>lek» r-arr
two dayg Shnkespearean fesUval
P ' IB Uberal ra;.-» t* rt i-• ts Impor- Just aa an easy victory seems aaanred. be held at Stratford the latter past of
and bis - doomed
.^fbla If-the VrUiil -ux
<la1na the
this month.
^^"jicaeeaelpii cf (jn1»h anry
assailed la eeermbelot.
The lUnerary arranged for tbe trip
^ determined Ui repel shch a claim, but leg numben bp the Sioug. Then cornea ts iMrtrel. The six days on the AtUntlc
oven should the army oarr to exlri
will be devoted larg- lytoShakespearean
1 there would be tC.Itti vulurteer* faHy tbe yelling, tbanderieg shock between studies and readings. Six days will be
t-noolTcd to nptaoM the fsiMioiah (1st and aavaga, undiBclpUaed «i^r aod diaelCo reject peace." "In the event of the pUned despair: the roaf of tramping
i^Araniab aetdlcra quitting tbe island." hoofs, tbe flash and dcafeninr rattia of Randall Diehl, a leading member of
; aays ea Impart ial, “ih. war would be
Boroais. heads the party, which la made
the sbouU aod frenxied
r oonttnued by Its inhobitamr. who donot
of mortal oombaC The ^ain la strewn up exclusively of memberii of the club
^'^rWi to become Tankeea.
with tbe single exception nf Mlsa BaUy
c; Parts. July ll.-A letter from Madrid with rtderlces atoeds gallopiag wildly Isom, a professor of the Mississippi
gMya that General Blanco, In replytat to through tbe smoke aad iproar. Cuv State unlwrslly, who wa* gpeclally
ntbe govemmem's requesi fnr ble views
vlted to go.
^ «f1 the Bituatlon. once* "war to the end." ter with a handful of htaoommaad are
- C»Uwg» b^rratle BammaUsBa
. Bad Bseerti that ifar Cuban volunieen finally brought to bap oa an emloeaoe
Btmxa BATgsorTBavagsotrr dsad
'jmsaot be reconciled to the idea of tbe aod alaia. their faBtoos aod ehlvarlous 'Chicago. July IL—The Cook county
;;^ndlng over of the Islandstotbe Amer- leader being the laat to fail, aword in Democratic convention Saturday
,trtcana. especially now that "o great manounced tbe Allen law and the admlnlsbaod. Tba vietorious savages retire tratlon of Governor Tanner: UWursed
•‘Joiitr of the Cubans favor Spain."
and Bnffalo Bill, guiding rslnforce- Maydi Harriaoe: reaffirmed tbe Chlca'I &Oin>OW COUtSPOXDEISTS TtEfk.
c platform, pnd nominated the follow,
ita. appears OB the
ig ticket for'eounty
for county officers;
officers: Treasurer.
^ SbSWakaUi* yalt of aaat’ag* Will Bring ore, bis altitude and
ThorasE Gahan: o-unty clerk. Fred
expremlng. -Too late-”; Tbe horaee Etdred: aherlff, George Kerrica: county
employed are trained to aimulate <
president county
board, Vlnirtl H. Perkins: for Judpw
peace seems up to tbe present to have OB the baultfield wlUi remarkBble superinr conn — Jrmas Hutchinson,
had to no tangible redutta No doubt reBltomand patboB It la and aa il. Georg* A. Trude. Philip Stein, C. 8.
. tbe governmerfi »ould welcome an op. lueWatitMi of border wartare as .
Thomlon. William PrenUas aad Will^portanity to negotiate dhertly with tbr deaertptioo cannot paaa. aad the like of tam P- Buck.
, United States arrethe slcns propitious, which Peace Barer before mw, aad will
’ 'but there are su many c rcum<iances to aever lo^ upon again.
CtaBtianuoga. Tern.. July 11.— The
|.be oonaidered that It looks as tbongh
1b« of the monuments in be erected on hotel. About two yeare ago a aalra-l.
n:tfae policy of drift and waiting for
the ChKkamauga.rhatUnuoca NationKoomaJhUig to turn up would continu'
kipdly gave me a small battle of L0CL0rl^
To Bap View for the Bbbbob.
ti MUIlar) lark re on l.y ^hesu-t • | ch*ab<rlali
Bbtrlain’s Col ic. Cholera and Diar
P’tmlll Santiago has fallen. Hie fall of
Bct. E. L. Kellogg BBd wife will <S WlsconBln «as dedlcai-.l raturdar
tbrnitnit eingvln
^i«f the hO)<eirKsm-ss of tbr struggle, and leave today for Bay View, where they with lrapo*lrg <erem n ev. Tb - monu­
!WU1 give Ibe yvemmenl tbe d^s red veil! remain during tbe camp merting ment Is a vcr>- handsurre one and Is
lorhlcd St Orchard Km-L. T.ere were
:unlty at lesrt to suggL-<t an ar(ewdcMOf Ui
-for the drcirioD of terras. C r. BBd Amemblp. Mrs. Kallogg hsBbeen prevent Ihe a llowing members of the
committee: < apts
Tbe fcauU baa been
leumstaDUal st.-itements are already in BppoiniBd tetakeebargeof a cooterr and almost complete
Ircnlation to tbr effect that the war la BOMB of prvBcbefs wives which will be
iffliction ” For sale by
fiTlrtually ended, and that the guvem- held eyerp mornisg during the camp
^meut has actu-iiiy ip*r>ed peace neg'i>.
E. Walt. DmrrlsL
itlng in Epworth League Hall, sad
itlatlons. but they ci nnut be rer.fled.
“A detailed areount has lM.en pulr ao beiUr choice coo d have beoB made
lee-Bwaad Wlu.___
iUrtied of Spain's naval lotsea-^lwrciy- br thoae having tbe pmgrstB In charge
female. Waek.. July Il.-On June 14. i 1«»^^
* J**™ ?
warships atid inrnly-oormin-hant
.coAmg to mdriev* from I’nataska.thv
^nging la S years
_ B—as against practl-ally no lus es on
.->-em.e cutter Besr cleared for ,he j ««»re. but H Uey do call and have poor
u Pioneer.
Death ofaLe
* tbe American side. Tbis tends xo c. nerth with sorrlle* for the I"-®®®"*! 1
^ Vince tbe most rabid war advocate.
I^ter Becker, one of tbe old aettlers
^ aod the whole commercial and Indus­ of LsbIbi-bo county died at bia home
trial Interests of Spain. are' bringing
•trenr influence to bear In favor of near Maple aiyboudap sight of old
peace. Every day that pemes without age. Us was t»l pears of age. Besides
thl8,#caEon of the year. There U no]
dlsturbaorrg st*e g bens ihe
ae aged wife be Ibsvbb three bobb and
ty. It Is l-elleved. boweivr.
two daaghten. alio two brotbeiB. one
Is a atrong under-furrem in favor of
contlnning the war. ard the a .t tnde of
will be held la tbe
Bank Mitel roion street, where be can
the Carllsts and Kepubllcans muses Tbe fuueral
bs eoosalUd dally aad Bnoday from
ebnreb at Maple dtp today at ten
•The whole of Admiral
oquadron with the -exception of
Tbe /Daeral of Oeorge W Davie wUl
C—to Xvarttotuag
PeUyo and ihr. .San Augustin, which
Bprtngfield. Ills.. July 11.—At Camp
are wsiting at Tort geld for a trans­ be held at two o'cloek from tbe wme
Badnoad Bates on O. B. A I
fer of coal, Is now en route for Ppa n." place. - Bev. C W. WiUiams will offici­ Tanner Paiurday evening Governor
Bnffalo. N. Y.. oae fare for round
Tanner made an addreat to the mem- trip. Ml July isih to l&lb. Good to re-,
WHT AKBOS'aHJT SEW TOEX. ate at both.
bets of the colored regiment In which
prejudiceaj Chicago, cme fare for ronad trip plot
he reminded thitn
against them on account of their color tS reot>. Bell Jol.v ISU good to reWrn
Chicago. July ll.-t'aptaln A. C. An- • Albert A. Pearce, aged aigleen. son and'promised to give them the full jAnrost lOU. .

eon.-or base i•a!I fainr. arrivi-d home of Mrs. Lieoa Pearce, died early paater mewui- of .Itlsensllp guaranteed by* rmclnsatL OBeeeat par mile. Mil
the cvnriliuilon by wndlng them to the 'September Ml, food to' rctora .October
from New Turk Saturday, jifter biE | gay aomlng of ulcerative cotUsa.
brief career as mnnag-r -f the New!
Uken aick June 20. aod front under officer* *-f lh< Ir «iw n race. ■ *adhe referred to an arttrle I . Detroit, oae f^ for n»i^ trlp-_
Tork League l«se ball teem- He bIit.. bad partially recovered last week, but
which appeared t’aturddj- Is a paper June *TU aad MU reiora July 1U.
■ply said h« had Wn engaged to manage
lodianapllla. one fare for roand trip.
■ by a negro and printed here,
the New York bare ball Item. PrcsI. beciraetoactlveaBdeanaeda reUpae
ir Tanner d dared It wa» a Bell August 8U. retnrn Angast Itlb.
dent FVeedman perslstvd In m-ttlrg into Tbe funeral wUI take plaCB from tbe
Ladington. one fara for ronad trip.
his way. and the veteran simply nntlflt-d Friead's church tbla aftenoon at S:S0 dlagrsce that
5th. retore
the Gotham magnate that unless ^e
should seek
could have everything bU ua-n way o'clock; H. L. Carter frill direet tbe of a regiment that n iar>t so much
the colored race. At this there **« L
?"• >!*
tliMr reUUoBs must cemat.
criw of "He is her*:" “He U here:" and ,8cU August 1st. good toreUire Augnat
Anson said: "I madq.asveraJ ragges.
this annouiweraenl almost oruvoked a !»l*L
Uqos to Mr. Freedman, which 4>e chose
Veatssriapb Becmlta
'ibnmto. Ontario, one f^ for round
to disregard. 1 wanted to release aonu
riot Score of aogrj
Porter, the ed- trip. Sell Aug^II^. »Ut. abd *7tb.
>'rank D. May. Bobert Fred Brown, alarted after Janre*
players and to gel others. Freedman
wouldn’t have It that way. He
Charles CarpenUr,- William O. Benry Itor of the pu|>er r<ferred to. who start ge^ to rvtare b^L 61b.
VmmUllan. O . on* fare for rwind
win the perAHi wttb men under him.
Uviis E. Uendanoa ar* tbe »vfollow vd by bundrvdi of shouting sol- trip. SeU Asgust lit, good ta relure
Angast llsL
dlvr*. but managed t e*cai>e.
vViewQams M-------by the reemiting effieera.
That I cmM not get.”
Waaaded Men T* Be Beat Mmw.
luly 1
>. io'uw Nf^'BMds.
Slboney. Ouba. July C. vU Port An­ fwod t« retnre Aug. SOtb.
Washington. July IL—The subscripBadnoad rates to other polata. PboBC
tonio. Jamaica. July 11.—ICopyrtgbL
aqns to the new war bends Saturday
There wlU be a mreting of tbe Order ln>>, by AhSCK-lated Fresa-j—Orders have 12 C. E Mnmy, Agent.
r aggregated UMTtnS.oOu. Of lids amount of Mutoal iwoteetiOB tonight InsUI1. G. P. A.,
. SSS.OS.bOO lx in sums of S.V« or under.
read Baplda.
and Uil.UO<i.0('-i al.-iv tliai amount. The iatlon of officers wiU be tbe order and wounded and sick *i>ldter* who are able
^ BUhacriptlon* wli: close next Thursday. all members are urged to be present.
to bear remin-al Wiall be taken toHampjBly It at »_o'clt«k._ _____
Mias Maggie Andernaa. favorably bm Roads by the ateainers ’ City of
•IU n,. — E-t B-T U loUo-.:
Pall Beewrd at HanUags Laaan.
known in Bchsol clrelM in both Crand Washington and Olivette, -which , will
leave tonwirtxw. The bad caaia among | Leave
Washlnglon. July ll.-Kollow ng U Travend aid
intiea. but the wounded and aick will M put on I Anii___....
the ftfll offirtal numbr of irmte.l Ktatev who for tbe past flea yaart bacraalded la board
the hospital ship Relief for bAter ! Leave BIk Rapi —
IcBses Wore Rantlsuo in the engage.
ThI* will clear out the hospluM Arrive Old Mission.
>; meets of July J and 1: Killed, i: offi- Chicago, has sgaio enteredtbefold. bhe care.
ceiB and tPt men; wounded. Si -dnceri took oat aMOondgradeoartikeate at »f all but the minor csaia
and JJM men: missing. :s_m-n.
WUl PvwmaSe -^ampara aad Itrhlay.
examtoation, aod wiU teach
Wtshingu-n. July U,-Tbe prealdeot
Car*sit Bad Mrt'oy to Box.
In'CtaDdTraveteemnty this fall.
has drlermlnled to promote Acting AdNew York. July ll.-It Is nun-onced
Charles W. Baxter, who repreeenU mirni Sampson and Commodore Bchlcy Arrive
that Jain** J- Corb-tt and Kid " Me.
Coy bay* agreed upon u-rm* for a twen- the Btain-Block Oa ia aa exhibit of Id mogaltlon of their services In the
ty-mtind match, to lome off at Buffalo. fall clothiqg at tbe flamUtoa deUtiag destruction of the Spanish naval flert A^ve (W Mlre^
Ang. fl- TT>* purse will be tlO.MO. with Co. auiee that be is doing a good In Amrrkan waters, but is as yet andecided as to the extent of pnanotlon.
• side bet proliBble.
bnslacas which la growing better every Ibe sHuallon U somewhat corapUimted.
Sampson while commanding at BantlB. DeWitta, leader of tbe Waet Bay ogo Is ranked by both Schley and Wat­
pltsl servke announcos tbe dlsehargv of
son. the acting admiral, being nnmber
the test nse of yellow fever st Me* Ci^ baad for ■evaral yMwaod oo
six In tbe commodore UsC whOc Bchley
B«Brr. Mississippi, leaving the roantir lit in Baas’oelebrated band, arrtfafi te ta number eight and Wataan aumber
free of know n ca*»B
tbe city laat aigbt. He bat been aeJ Cunpoi Aba lbr> <h* T1i
It*l T*t BIp* for Talk «r
Ultora IsUx Tbkt |r opais h t
r* la C«Sa B ill CBBllaBC la
I >1aM-e«a«tal BlaaM t<r|« -War ta

At Oar Store

Today, Tuesday, July 12th.|


Orders taken now will be delivered for fall.
An invitation to all.




____ ...............



600 men of all classes to protect
themselves against Accident
and Sickness.

The United States Uenenleiit

]^| of Saginaw is the oldest and largpe—.m est company in the world. They
imder the supervision of the
of Insurance of Michand each i.oi;. ■/^

Branch Office at Traverse

Their District Hanagere. Blaheslee & KcConuick have opened a Branch Office in tbe
Johnson Block, and each member will "be
looked after personally, thus saving the uenal
red tape trouble of going to their doctor for
an affidavit. All we ask is that you notify us
or call at our office and your claim, ifjust, wriU
be adjusted.

Three Reasons Why
....We are the Best
t. We have more assets than a<l other slm-.
ilar companies in Hichigan combined.
2nd. We pay out more money in one month,
than all the -other companies put to­
3rd. We call on you personally and settle
your claims, as we have the money to do
it with.

One Dollar Per Monlli


Protects you against both Accident and Sick-ness. Stop and consider. How can you afford
to ho without it? What position would your
family be placed in in case you wore sick or
met with an accident? If you can’t call on us
at our office, drop us a lino and we will be
pleased to call on you. We wish to make
friends—have moved our fluuilies here and
have come to stay.
Tours'for Business,

Blakdee & HcGorniick,

Room 1, Johnson Block.
Thone 73.


Good, Reliable Agents Wanted.

Sir Richard Easton Monday, July 11

lou»hi off
mm tn IL Tl)«y answeiel th* crd«r of u>d dro{^ac. br mar>eloiM streofftb
.» tblp'i ofllwr. who dim- bif
«nd «WU <»ufh< thf dll o* the Bflb
•ad ordered (bens oJt. lb*t Ibey were. «orr window below him. The wire
Scientific Palmist.
pa»*eoiren and bad •■> much rlcbt to vltn waa beneath him to one dde
Use boat ai the'ethera. Thej- pulled He ewunff hie bedy. aimin let *0, and
kalvea and'wtabbed at tbr aallo.s Ike atruek the efen lo break hi* fall, Thepce
and Phlanff* Charto to «Mh
crew left thetr boat alone, not even he rtanced off and landed on the amatl
«uuia* It lisoae. but the men knew how ilopln* roof of a bay window at the customer this weak frea of ehatga.
ScieaUfle Ufa readar thnmffh
to laaaare It. and Utinrhed It nately. ateond slory. He *olled off thit and fell
Paaaenren in the water tried to cet affuarely Into the life net The dociure •tan aad plaaeta.
aboard, but were imabed off. Tbe cn> **7 his lojurtee consiKt only of severe
Sir Richard Baatoc' advisee upon
(tneem below sUyed onUl the f^fst en- bruise* and a dislocated elbow. PotUr
bnslnem affair* and tells what trade or
dneer told tbam to fly tor their llres. 1>
jears eld and unmarried.
profeealoB 70a are heat adapted iar.
Tieit will oaavlnM the
nidehip Vuse.
l>e«tUiM b to WIm
Ada Tbam to
Gradnate of LaRue PalmlsUT Sehool
Wo«W Not Etso Help toee Ufa,
Tilniswi rtr rmi Is ri-*rL
of Parla,.Fr.
When tbe boat with the AuscrUBS
Washington. July U. — C<

0™^ or BTAara.


Smitr But Hotel.

Tniersc Bif Line otSteuneis.


}» knoif
.f was excesBlve. But rule flxteen
goes even further. pn>vldlng thst a
vessbl - lArluq
elgn^i ®f a vess-'I ihe position of
whl^ Is not ascertained, shall, t

8; ....
at Cleveiend-Ft
.Louis 8, Cleveland
i: *'vIL’s'
Tork—Brooklyn 1.
2. Chlcsgo
New Tork
,. **
„ phTago-Cloclnnati
fSotidayl At anclonatl — Chicago t.
,.acrliinatl 11,
Western I..eague: At blilm-i



until the danger of “^.1!*
St, Joseph e. IndlanapolU 8. ISunday)
. Paul 8. Milwaukee
•: (secf.nd rame) St. Paul 8. Milwaukee
File oi Men DMtreys One Bhlpaad Kadan- 8:' at Columbus—Knosas City 8, Columger* AMtbm-KeeryMy aaeed.
bw 0:
Hen Voefc,,.tuty 11.—The Clyde line’
IXl»T..r,. t.«™ N.. rm» u|
Charteston and Jacknonvllle. was aban-' Bums, of the KatioBal Glass Workers'
doned off Bamegat. N. I., at 10:80 [ aam>clatlan, has been officUlly noUned
o'clock Friday night, the steamer at the ] that x* convention of the organisation
time being on (Ire. The pamenger* and i '*111 be held today. If he persists In hie
CKW left the l«lhnlng vessel In boats "f““>
psrticUtote he Is Informed
• and on life rafts. There were seventy »®*» “"-i"
«^»®* “>«
persons in all. and they were rescued by ventlon has the power to depose him
• the» of the Cedsr Creek life ■"*
another presIdeoL The workAevlng Btaiion. with the eld of tbe crew the Ashing sn.ark S. P. Miller. Jolm
‘‘***» f®*
B. MaUe. of Hackensack. N. J.. -mho
”* “*• <«®v«a‘ltm. President
was on the Leiaware, said:
i fiurn* melatalBs that a convenUon is
•1 had retired at aUjut »:«nn Friday' “""'•^”***77t__________ _
night, and bed liardly disrobed whcnal MlllUry AypelatmeaU hy Gev.tew.
^ward IwgsB hammering at the stateSprtnRflcId. Ills., July U.-Govemor
wmibouilng all up. The crew com- Tenner has made the following apmenced cuulng hole* in the ial.,t.nnoor.‘p,,in,Li.«.nant Charlee G.
fng with axes and hauheis. and from nali-u. trnliad Etau« army, to be major
evw hole thus cut great name* burst „f ,h« Seventh IlllnQls mruntry volunforth. cneumlDg the cabin furniture. It, t^ers: Sergeant Uiehard
lUehard B. Kavasangb
was apparent at a glan. e that the vp*. iL. oe second lieutenani ctunpany I.
•el was d<«med. Preiianillans were E.-vemh tntamr); Second Lieutenant
qabkly trade for taking to the Irats. William H. Barvt-r to b. flr»t Ueutrnant
The truhsfvr nas madt safely and with- company H. Third Inlantry; Corporal
out any incMrat of note, shmcinx the Joseph A. Hunter b> be wetind lieuten­
eomplete thwipllne under which Cap- ant cumppBy H. Third Infantry.
tain Ingram hsd hb crew. No boat.cap•txed. no get wet. and the transfer
Waihington.* July IL—Prewdent Mewas conducted in a manner mosipralse•wortby to the officers and crew of the Mlnicy RotunlayhuBorcd lllnob 1y ayepoiotng P'vnaior Cullora and Hc-prvaendblp."
Hitt as two of the three AmertThomas H Wholes*, of Austin. Tex..
• correti|K>nd«Bt of the Galvtcipn Ncua, can reproscBUtU-es on the cummJsalen
«aJd Oicre avre thr>« loud .-xplosloiis which Is to formulate recotcmendailonto
for leittMatlon on the an?
. and two minor ones oh the, Tb“
• V—.V ' .-lu bum In Phlla.l'iphla-lo nexed Hawaiian islands. Their sssu1k»u at nillmsn's ship yard. She was eintc it Senator Uorgap. Cnllora wiu
' three detis and Is ail fc-t
87 fevt
beam and IT feet deep. Her n c’strr Is
. BtowstotM BevessedUmp..
IJgT net tons and l.CtE gross iL>ns.
Washington. July 11.—The ipostoffice
Qoeenstown. July ll.—The Ounsrd department Is fooded with ieltvr* from
' Una St-.hmship CauT- nia.-whkh tailed p.>s:m«steraand oOji r* inquiring where
from ttcHon. has arrived here with 2EB the new InterWO revenue vtamps may
. pessengerw. On Wednesday, the dlb be obtained. First Asslaiam P.ietiDBster
left., the enrgo nl .-oUon in the Bbld of General Heath aays all orders for tbisi
The Catelonb wa* dtscovirrd te be on stamp* should be aeni to tbe treasury
fire. Although there wa* considerable department._______ _______ _
coaslemstlun and a mild isiuc among
Ml^lgsa*> Wh^ fbep
the pass users wh.hi the ennouncemenl
was made, (hr dlscii.llnr among the
Lansing. Mlcb.. July 11.—With reports
new was so perfevt that order w;as from l.lM correspondenis. representing
qnlcUy reatored. and desrdte tbe ap­ an •ecilons'or (be Mate as a basia Secparent danger the gtesmshlp continued retary of Slate <3ardner estlmatesHIcb' M Usvoyage.wblletheoRIcer* andcrew
endeavorid t« extlnguiah tbe llamea.

The Oames aprsad raptAy. bnt they 8&SM.9M haahds last yagg.

= piiii =




Monday, July 18,
Offloa Hours: 9


m. to B p. m.
OUT mallem U effset JOD* 80. UH.

a 00
i.Fler*atto«. OMess. City Opws
Dr. McDonald baa for year* made a
•tody and apeelalty of chronic and lin­
gering dbeaMB that reqalre ekillful
medical treatmeat for their core. Such
aa family phyakiana fall to help
___ ,iro»«naoe Incurable are particutariy aeUcitod. aapectany thoae over­
dosed with etroag mineral drug* and
poiaoaa Or. McDonald tuea only tha
------- 1 tnediclaee from tbe vegetable
lorn. Be pays atteation to tbe
of the dteease and laetructa hia
sU the way to health and bapplDr. McDonald can ahew huadreda of tmtimoalale to the band writ­
ing of graiefnl patients who have been
eared by aim when other* failed. He
is eo familiar with the bnman eyetom
that be U able to raad all dleeaaea of I
tbe mind or body correetiv at a glaoee LesereA Wood, ro-if
withoat asking any qaeatioae. Tboiu- -----and* at invnllda nre being treated daily
for dleeaeea Uat they do not have.
fvplr^ Tsi einb ■{[««. Tt*vw* City,
wbUe a faw drops of medicine din
to the seat of tbe dleesee would
epeedy raUef. and permanent cere
very abort time.
Good health it the
' « jewel in onr crown of
'itb It toe world U bright; n* WBahtOLfUa Ok «»4t*
______ mieory claims ne for her own.
If yaa ara a sufferer you ahould weigh
well theae words. A penon who nrg- te Jolla* Btolnbsrx am l(.
lecuhl* health is guilty of a great
wreug to blmaelf and a grave lujary t
hnmaslty. Tbe name of Dr McOonal
tbe well hnownspeclalDt in tbe enr


Dr. D. A. McDonald,

To parties of ire ar mare a rate of
one fare for the ronnd trip will be

w I* w



SB ■ S
a« a •

• saaaaa

aa a »

e 866888



i: =

J : • :SSf|a* :

BSisB a
nas»n *

ssRse 8

“=£= = - «»wws _B__
> g nnan&B.aasasnns n

: SBzasseassaeass a
. SS

asaa a sssnasssa

! 9B

aase s aagseasss

••*£“ S
«1BS srriva from m. U>-.Ub. LorlevUta. Isspoils. OtsetoasU. aicsco. Dnrxdi sad
4 KsptdtOAs. ■- Iteqpisf sad dlBlBg
TrslBs srrive tram Mseklsse City. Peushsr.
cblesco ssa Orssd BspMs, Ltf p. s. Oaslr
- trnod baflel esr oa (hi* tnOs.
Trstot srelTs (roa BlebsMsd. Fen Wsrn*.

)0 O. P. A T. A- Orssd B

etlfiae'Bteeks m.
000(0 MOBTH.


*M.8mWa*blsitoata.Tra***B*(*ty. flAU ‘
A FKWOOOD LOOMBN wanted. TraTtfe* 1
A. CUyl.oBt«rOa 8»«
T70K asLE-A good mama ar wUl usd* (or {
r city property. 4. W. Fstcbla.
•*« }

Si,"'*- i


1 wsatiairtr ealrsof tton u> heir sete
«TT Csr: t of B* St *ort oe Ue bn
«eVw'^IOtiS*i*rt SoeeK
r. A.8. Piriaaii.lErreBlau«el.

001*0 aODTH.

I bsv* psi s Blee hsek oe lb* Mnet (or the
aceoBWedsUaB or to* pebUr. Bu»4 wlU be
SI Wblitec Hotel. All oidm left there or
Pbnoe 8 slu receive preaipt stteailo*

Sealed Fropoaalp.
N'mica U bsrebj st*«e ibst seated
. inis-rOT-rlTnrIuBilIJnly II,« n. ai.. f<n-sll Ubnrtod Btlrrial (or s eeboof faoesr si OU
MUniew. sorordlarte piss* sod sprciArslteu*
oowoeBlesi BroSL-c St Old tti-floe. The
rtsbt U> reiert sar sed sa bid* !• leMrvcd
me If
BnsT LkXuia. nrretor.
Warthorg Bleak.

___1; EM


John R. Santo,
General Insurance.

|, 2I3FrpntSt.



[ s:I
Tp- Esei 1 1
ass* s a
sa Ksas a a

QKHUXni mogWSUt PLAWB-Fareate by

DO rOU WANT a;.,.T



i iii i:

P’JSSSTfeS,'"-"-"- "US
AKSS«'S5Sl^L“" ""S.S

stsodt stedietee sad dUesM el tbe eye or I
rare •rbenrverslBdled la s laedlet' —

of Teaebers for OH7

For information In regard to ^ualifleaUoBs of tea^era, anUcanU ara re­
ferred to See.vm^the By-lhsr* of
ehe Beard of Bdtuattoa.oeidee nfwhieh


whera Oonaalution tree and strietiy
CMfidentlal. Addreae

public schoala, the Boord of Exnminere
will hold a special examinatioa ta Ua
Central echael building Monday. AugUkt IStb, for kbe pnrpeac ef nxaaialDg
High School graduatch who may wish
to heoeme applicaal* for paMUohs to
teaek^lotfae public sehoals of Tea-



D'".;sjs2;£fc.v?£4; ■ss'"'





City, take the wteamar CrsMent evi
afternoon at 8:00 far Keahtowa^
wber* yo« will connect with etaainer
, irOO p.
retumiDg to Travet

6(Ud Rioldi ft bdiiu 8. 8




of bomee whleh bU akiU 1
ful ramediea bnvc made
•taring dear
is* a gradkopea were loat. .jet doctor
«aie cf the hiitgbaM and beat medical
lUegea. nnd bis advanced tbacrlea in
tbe traatmeat of chroaic . .
priae the meat skeptical. All chronic
•eieBtlficaUy and •nccemfclly traated.
Dr. McDonald has made -i apeeial
----Ar. Travena City................ 10:45 '■
odyofall disoastoOf
I* of the brain
roo* systom. and
*od all delloato and
lecnrv dtieeiee peculiar to women.
Or. McDonald'* Special Remediee are
a perma^nt cure (or men anffering
from nervous debility and early decay.
Bbeumatic and paralytic cripples made
to walk: catarrhal deafneee poaiUveiy
Daily Kenlng Xxoufifiona Fnnn eared and many made te bear a whlssrina few miente*: All aches and
tins fade awsy under hit magical relediea. Epilepsy or falling aieknem
peaitiveiy cnr«l through bit new meth­
od of trentment
Special attention
giren to caUirb snd -diteaeee of tbe


Bnihpi l.nnmdi,

: BnSllfBSS C^HDS.


Going towiU. daily axeagt Sunday.

_ JS= bS;-T.Tb737"SJ--i

call and get oar prlcen.


It back for the work of remrue. TbeAua.
* ^mon In reffard
tDaas refuted. aaylnK they were pa*- ^ **** «10»tiois'Intxlved a* to who
Botira 9 a. m. to V p. m.
—M«ra and should not be called on for
Next week ebarffee fl and «.
wortc. A Toluitteer crew from the o® teletrama and Mils of lading iMued
Cromartyshire then sei oat and con- >>7 eapreM. mllruad. ■ and ateamtsoat
Prlyate and retired parlon at
Usued the search. The boats manned eompanlea. AXtor quoting the law ^let
hr the crew of La Bourgogne and 1« ®ot by any means clear, be concludes
the English ship circled round about that the sender of the telegram must
where the big ship bad sunk, pick- •** a®** Pa7 for tbe stamp,
Unlea etrMt. next te Union atnet
ing up survivora. Tbe FVenchconru'sald
*® *®*
of transp.irtailon eomthg sailors snore that the compart- panicB. Commissi osier Bcotl decldea that brldffa. Ladp in attendance. '
Nedieplayof eigns inada Come to
ment dootp m ere closed. The consol nay* the comnanles shall affix the stamp,
he made the investigstlon carefully.and but that the court* mast decldewbether parlor.
the stories of tbe men agree and were f®* corpiratlon or theshlpper ahtll pay.
. Chicago. July ll.-To determine
Company m*pusUt.l» for Damages.
' whether. Under tbe Internal reventie
. law. it U the duty of the shipper or of
____ ___________ ___ ______the transportsUon company to attach
French User La nuurgoxne for tbe loss
®«» revenue stamp to Mils of Ud- OOLUMBZA AMD LOV A. OUX•f Ufe in the >.-o llslon cf July «. a com- f®<t- tievy lisyer. counsel for the llllnoip
petent legal aathorlty here sa d; "Frum Hanufseturery aasociatinn. has prethe desrription* thus far published U aented a petition to Judge Tuley aakappears that La Bourgogne violated
■ mandnmus against the Talted
rale sixteen of tbe laumatlonal rules. SUtes Exprem company. The summons
which requires a veatel in fog toga at a are returnable next Thnrsdar.
moderate iwtr of apeed. osnsiantly
•oundlng her fog horn whether other
ve*s<*J sr" h'ard In t‘e vlrlnltj 'or n L
l; .1 PUI.4,!:

rrwvinii* ot v^swa^saisv,
Abtorveya at Law. -OBeaeluMsetocw* gtock. TmvwstCttr.KW


TravsrM City, Mtab

BalttoMr* Stock B*«elved Three Timee a Weal
oitot*. AOs par quart

Fletcker's Orster Dept ud Resluraii i^a^asarrsigaaa

-No 871




there has been do move yet to transfer
the troops. Some of the tents are liter­
ally beds of mud an^ it is sure that INDICATIONS POINT TO PEOBAepidemic Mill be the result. As the
Omeral Toni Haa Bafoaed 8haftaz*s
New York and Maryland trobps leave
Believed that a Part ofSpanUh AniiY
Second Demand For An Un*
tomorrow ftlr Santia£:o, the Th|rtyBnooeeded in Getting Out of
secemd may be moved to their camp.
Santiago Daring the Night.
FaU of Sutiago iMay End It.
New York, July I2.-The Herald


Chicago, July 12.—(Special)—Senator corre^ondent with Shafter's army says
Thurston of Nebraska believes the war the American officers believe that the
Oeneral Milea WIU Not Aaatune Com- with Spain will practically end with the main body of tbe Spanish army has
mand and GEeneral ShaAer^
abandoned Santiago and that it is now
fall of Santiago.
fleeing to thewestward.
Plans WiU PreTAlL


It is an Every Day Strife
To BM vbo wUl gEt tbe moet for the. JaBet. Anyone
that gets some of onr Wall Paper will see at a gUnoe
that they are getting the moat for their money that
they ever did. Soe tbe new goods that we are offering
at theae remarkably low prices.

290 Front Street

HoUeF A Oonnntato

Wall Paper.^
It will pay yon to see onr P^ier and

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