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The Morning Record, March 30, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
omciu PAPQ
aad Oarl C
VO mzOTXVO XV vatava.
tba aOra
•; wbOa Cbartoa FWbtoc
maporta of Troabla Xtaatod bp Ooitsol
aad Mr. OrtoMtod arfBOd tba aafatlTa
.aMa of tba qaaaMoa. Aftor Mock dai^aBafalI.aa.
MAiVLvrt AsntVBs oirp.
Ubafatka oo tb* anrwaato of tl)a
i|^. Marcb to.—Aaalataat
rovT BX8 rousxov.
•IMokM th« Jut doetood to tow of
' Dap aald todap tbara U do
for tba raporta that rtota aad dto9»oLAm*nom or womxm ri'ofMiOi Dddnraj thm |»vo u to* BITT TKKU IS UVBVtT AKOVO baalB
torbaaa^ ara thraataaad to Baraaa.
All widths. We can sarc you money. Get <mf
OmSAXEB HUOHXZOXtSKBn. torc^ar tolk opoo *lk»ttoo." '«ad
Tba atata dapartmMt baa pea tad tba
Bwbort SoMM fare ao Impcwtoa.
prices and We will get yonr trade.. ;
Ua aa^Mt of wbtoli waa -1%e adw
toad Aetioa to Vrtoc Ifittora to a that tbara ia DO aoaaaloo for i
Ute BalarraatkabltodWocraphleal
Ortola With tpato^troae ^jpAaiua rapona'aa to tba alMattoa to I
wriUen bp Mte Mprtla Laaf
«f W«r Acalut akateb.
Broaebt to Boar
tba Braob
wortbp. the aabjaet. batof “WlUiam
Z«dtoa*‘Xaa ^ota a« Mra. F. M.
MehM t> WUoh
daat to XlaaUra Via lataotioa Ba. Aabtoo’a.
CbaMlbr* «>itok wac miMaad bp
Haala to Or(«« tm Wttwtag Oabua. Ctood Pala^.
ProtOMor Dockarap
Sola of all popolar Bbaat Moato at with priM bafora you buy
WwUaKtfn. )Unh ».—IIm fR»- cave tba eriUcb raporV
Waabiactoo. ManA ».-A dear aa*
MUT««oHldmtooB of tb« oU^oteorbjorltp of tba BapabUeaa aaambato. U la half prlea wlU ba eo^ttooaddte tbirtp
dapsioorar. **’
daaooatfatad bp aetaal eooBt, baa or* Froat atreat.
toe Oabaa praUa^ to tba
ted talcaoiiedfor aoUoa spoo Oeba taoBordim aMtUtar oraab aad «
row, aad salata tba leadiuo eaS^'wbip
And let us show you our new stock, at
tewal Jotot OatM FMolattoao wara aCTSTBBXOOS OISAFFBABAVOB tbam toto lior with tba adcatotoUaUos
or BOOT or av xvrAVr.
tbara wUl ba troabla.
latrediMod, aaeb araattoc a Uea^ oaaa- ‘
If tba laadrra eaa bold tba raak aod
aTtoiaAca aad a
dla bp aaanrinc thaa tba praaideat will
• Pafbapa tba i
ftotrodoead bj Mr.
tad bU aacoilatloae
Bartad—WhM> Ofl---------------Ofletola Soofbt i--------- with
— '
BawltM of Dtob. Mr. Forakar of Obtb
Bold aa'l^aat Taotardap tba i Bafuta witbto a weak, or wUbto tbrea
Bodp bad XMrrrP—ted
^ preaidaat nap witbbold
tba Mttor tro« aoacreaa aad co
9 et Caba aad towtof
Suttoaa Bap. Mardi n.-On Moodap.
Mareb 21, tba bodp of a sala wblta laU tba Bapablkaoa rafota a anta of
Hr.TWakar aaked Ibat Ua raaololaat waa fooad la a waat lot bp aooia
Id tba
Mabcoto tba foraicn ralatktoa aito*
Made b; tbe White Sevinc Mach
c2(lldraa at piap. It waa earofnllp
tbap Boat tomorrow, thap will ba .-e
BlMaa. Bb aald bia wolottoa. bad
wrapped to eavara) eorartori aad bad
troatad witb tba w^la Co-wa
ine Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Another lot of select atjrlea in Drees Goods Datteraa were
AoM loa^ dalapad. Be bad totaadad to
erldenUp tola for aom tlato. Tba
jujaaat-tt iMt Deeambar. bat wllbbald bodp waa takra to durfc bp Sacrototy tOOaUle, aad it probably at-aa> war at
the drop of tba bat.
# stock. If yoo want som^ing nght in style, in ooloc, sad in
tf%0(MBa of tba teaar of the praal*
of tba Board of HaalU Saaaioaa aad
^ qoabty, get yonr new dress at
Tba Kaw York dalefauoa is tke
/teotb ■iiMca. A raaaaaabla tiaar
waa bariad bp his to the rUiafa
booaa will rota aolidlp.' Wttk poslbtp
a mow to bare alapaad.
Retisbie Diy Goods, Carpot
two axeapUooa, acalaet aap aeboraa of
Tba paopla raaliaa that
antonoBp. Wltbaqaal aaaalsitp tbap
and. Clothint House.
M»a baa ba«,tw «,ato to ^ j ITd aTo;;;;:^“to,-"aat
will oppoaa any approarlatloa for food
which daea oot carry at Iwt tacit roe*
litp. Aeoordiaclp (
aa Ua toUaro fraa laaltoad tba
aor FraUek aad Sheriff Bamorw of
The Iowa delapaUen will follow aop
' waa ooatroatod bp the Da Lose tool*
Maple City. Proadbattoc Atton^^ppp*
atoea the apaadp drlvlaf
tete. Tbsi *’tbe Matoe toeideot’ ton. Coder Sheriff Browa of L^d lend wblel
of toeSpaaiarda
la from the toland. la
were hare aarlp tbia sorator to bevia
Mleblpan. Mtanaaota. IlUnoto. Indiaaa.
toe laqoMt. Qerk Basioaa piloted toe
and la fact all BepobUcaa eutea. toe
sap badooa aa to the -Matoe laeldaat.'' party to where be bad laid toe bodp
and fine samples et—
to oeerwhelsiaplp apaiaBt
satioB saat ease opon tba fuoral rest aad foaad aosa oae bad boea tbera
farther delay.
before bis. Ke treed eonld ba had of
red to toe toe body. TbeJooUce. aberiff. allor
aad repreaenutivea ewarsed to toe
aepa aad all totarcatad retamed booM
WbiU Boom to orre the preaidoat to Alee otoar whoala ef •
Maaoa of lUtoSa waa rooo«^Md tor a
toia Boretor.
deffoe btooouM aad dlMTow aeqaica^Heboatoapeealteafasesaca. Mr.
eenee la a plan which e<
Maaoa oaM be baUered It waa due to
fnrtoer delay and daeUrc hU intenUon
the oeoatop to kaowtb# ceeoral oa*
of iaterTenlBf.
Swaioa of tooiateottoo of too sesBan of too aoaata. Ua Mid that be mUlp aad Barbara Thlal of Beat
waa. tired af toedUatoep taotica to%t
WeahiB^toB. Mareb.
Attoe eloae
baW baaa amplopad for tbiaa poare to
af toe eabinet SMUar today Beeratarp
'jprartet atolataaoo from too Daitod
Teaterdap afSmooB Cadermberiff Alcer rave ont toe followlar autaseni
"Tbe mesber* of the eabinet are all in
I SYtof to toe Btarrlac Cabaaa,
teartp accord with toe pre^dant. and
-tootorti bo totaadad BO dlareapoct to tbo aiTMtod Pklllip Tbiel aad bit
404'niiian StrMt
8<mth SU« ShM Stan.
Barbara. They were takea before Jna- have bean witboat oeeptioa. When
Bo deoerlbod rlrMlp too deatltatioa Uoe Browa aad with toes tbeir two- be read to toes peaUrdap bU bm
oa toe 'Malae' tbera waa not a dlsantto Saba aad too diaaa(er of toe M^o tooatoa’sld babe. Tbe aerated
aad aald that U atootp of tba rletisa ebarped with crMllp'trMtlar and with
not aaffleiaatlp clotbinr Jasoa Cole, a It commanded toe approral of every
Bow eonld toe prcaident
„jsa* soald net hart baoB*fortp dapa la tod Mae pear* of affe, who waa ladM- sasber.
Aadartor war. Mr. Maaoa mid toe tarad to toes from toe OoldwaUr hare epid son? Uera'
Whst voold yon think of a lawyer who tried to seenre clieots by
oatootropbe eboold be rsdlad to rifor- aobool for bopa. C. O. Taraer waa re- report at csee and atotod tUt ba bad
offering chances on a bicycle?
•oaab-. Baooaldaetopeak for otoctn. tatoad bp Thiel aad toe exastoatioa forwarded it to Bp^.-and to awaiUnr
Would yoQ want tbe serrioes of a |diymcUn who offend to gin
Aat ta-htoseUbewaaforwar.' Tbla WM art for Satardap jaonia(. It will toe reply. Be saat take one atep at a
(.’ool bods or sofa pillows to pstients who emptqyed him ragokrlyt
AadavatAoa broMbteota
that tbto caM waa Usa It sap be aald there need be ao
We think not We beltore also thst when aickilcss eomn and
borteof ^plaMO ta^ toe raUeriea.
broe^bt to tAs atteatlMi of too antoor- tear be will aot take toe next. Be kaa
you have |>reacriptk«8 to be filled, or need any other aid tiiat th«
Ba daMared that toota ooold be ao ittoa toat tall bp Mtoa Cslor. taachor ^ not loot a soseat la preoeatinr not
akilled i^annacut can render yon want perfect aarriee at a fair price
—and nothing else
too aebool at Bmi Bap. Tko bop to only toe ‘Maine*
to Spain. The eoaa*
We can give each sernce. We beliere-draggists that are com*
with bU face asaarad With blood aad Up oan well afford to await toe 'reply
'baentioas abont qoality are pretty anre to be ae corefnl abont pikite
oarp tor toe Matoe aeort to fla toe -ra*
faoad that of toe aeroUntkwB. wbloh will
speoalbUltp: tba tow did that.' If it ooe of bit MS waa partlaUp ton fros prospUp sateknoorn, wbatovor toe
arat a torpedo or mtoa. it waa a S
too bend. Upot beiap aaked when be
Trarerae Ci^.
888 Union Bt, Oomlir of Tthd
It dM ae> taka tka Trarma Clt/ pteaW loM*
Ito torpate artolaa. Bpato saat aa* mtolTod too tojaip toe tod atotod tbat
and Hang Curtains
Madhim BlocL
ThtW j Yesteriay
Pramat k n a a s "UDa
™?,“S Wheel Enamelfld For S2.5B
or moot'
Good solid leather connter8,aoles and appers—that lb the kind that wears. -
Qnalitj And Price Aw The Priies We Offer! 1
Wlelin Bros.
Bicycle Repairing!
It WM done by Mra. Thiel. Tbe saV
Ba woald" oppoaa aap -propealtioB Mr wna tovMUcated aad broapbi to
loohtoff to toteataitp. aa be w '' toe nttontiobef toeooaatp apent. It
■ State Tax
to alleped that betwea toe fst of laat
Soptasber aad toe Slat of Daoesbor
aap ktod of aatoaesp or aap pin to toe Tbtola have aabjaeted tba boy to
Laaalar. Marck te.-Mr. Adama baa
BMiat Spain. botbleteiBaad waa tkat aneh treatsoat that intorferaaoe by
laUwdocod a Mil providinr that toe
toe Bpaalah flac be drieea tros toe toeanto
Weatorb keslapbara. NStoer did ba
Tbe aeeaaad were roleaaad npoa toelr aaeretarp of >tata aad toa land <
stoaloaw eontUtato toa board of aa*
believe Coba ahoald be reqnlred to pap
until Jaaqarp neat.. At ibe
AodesBltp to Spais "We are told.**
IHod U toe Aaplnm.
Kovesber election two sesbern are to
be Mid. -we soet wait oa tko Spaaiah
CbarfM Qlbaoa. aa inmate of too bo elected for two and foar pMta re*
.elaeUoaa. bat If toe Spaalab elect
aaplas. died Moatep nipht. Oibeoa epocUvelp to eaeoeed tbe above oaeI that
bad beta la toe iaaUUUan aboet a 1 i^ The bill fnrtbs
toe board ahall fix toe valne of rail
Be WM a teotoar*U*Uw of road. telampb, expnM aad
Fred L. Bepnolda, sanarsr of tbe Mae- property aad report et tbe openiaf of
Traracaa Bap Teat B^eod' Sabataa* kefOD Opera Uooee. A wKa aad four each rerular aoaaion of toe leglalaturr,
okUdrna sarvive bis. Tbe rosaina and alM report tbe tree Mab markat
dial Addition Laat Bi^t.
warn taknbo Maakeroa peotardap bp valaa of all pioporty in the ataU. the
'Ttatotao feap Teat. Ka. IM. K. O. T.
Mr. Bepaolda who ease bare to^hsk
valaeoXAbe Msa and tba total
M.. to lapldlp fOUiar to tba front aad
after tod actoarwneata.
natoantof Uxm levied aaA eoUaetod
to addiac nstarlallp to is membaroblp.
darinr toe prevtouB year for all Kneral
Laat oiebt
pood caadidatea were
pnrpoaM aaeept liqnor. dof aad poU
toitlatod bafora a larfo attendant aad
TUe lerWataie ak^ tom-ffx toa
«B away sore wUl take toe work at
ntaof ta'satioaof toe above eospaa*
oatoaqpBiil toriawa After tka
iM for toe aaeooedlBf two yean.
MoalM tofreaksanto were aerved aad a
Sna BMlBl ersiiar waa ea}eped. The
aboald be paid by toe atote for aetoal
teot to«»w la Ssa ekapa and too aub*
tailroad fan ia poinrtoaadfioaa the
atanttol toeriMi to sasberahip to jUt*
Be Mpa tou wobM aatUo toe
torinr to toe efforto of tooeworUaT
;paM qneatloa. and be leobralMa tbe
fact that tovp saat t* borne ooeaalea
Mia. Lorea Boberta
W «np to atteod to |wlva^
Mr. OoeaU’e reaipnatioa aa aaaator
alpht fros Onadv^
iMofto OoUafo
Win JoBM ease ap tres Gtual Bap- WM read toll aftoriton.
Xhnt lobotlBS Van Oa Bot
ida pMtard^ to vlalt frieada.
Profit by
E. Boland aad daaffhtar Dalqr
Fret CT.Ovawa baa raoeived word
Tba Baatoas OoUafn Lpoens sat went to Qtaad Bapida pmtordap.
froM Bev. Moi«m Wood, who wm pn'laat orantor and oBjayte a abort tsi
Ferep .Walla, reprwMtias toa 3. W. eaotod (ros loeurtac bare Aa too Bipb
Mr. Flos opoaod Bate Paper Oo.. of Cbioacn, lab toa
•tooel loctan eoaraaea aoeoaat a( illtbo protias with aotoeia roadiaf aa*
aad Mia. A B. BolUdar arrivad BOM. Mr. Wood hae boea too tU ^
UUad '1‘Mr. Baaford’a Baistar Alars.*
wktoh eraa raMlvod with saob aatoa* ittm OiaadBapdtelaSalcbkaaeos*
paaM bp toelr mb Lowin, who hM boaootteelted.pM wbetoer to wait
teraa aSUot* farlir. Vote ar ■■DM! iMtos attiao*
■ •Id tba labor' adbpsatStMarkbhoapUaL batbaia Moato taka too plaM of Ms aaa poab
ti« saa." a A Portar, J. B. Ssodlap.
hot m
... .
IP- 'w*. jcAJsm,
o a*e eat *bo »M tba eeli poaruoal azporrared Mc^lr tapairor aad ballder. aa mj
lOwTpro'aa.- i am |
lar eroaral ao» Moala. vbiab vOl MiBe b
lebod. aad 1 laolta -He -yab'lr u> rail aad I
•port tba w<»«BaBablp oa tbtaa abarJa Dm
loata rtnir aboal vUb et
ur ripraaa: leaoa It trltb e
ta II vtU be rapalrod n,bl.
1 do nil kliwla ef Brariag. Valtsaiting. and sp BonsaiIng U toe finest
that poo caa gataapwbara.aad
gat aapwbaia, aad tor toa
laaat sonap.
Coma in and aas Msplaa.
K. EJ. a-IBBS,
You bave
ihe. prettiest,
in town.
bavaton. Tba bodlaa ara all sate
in filffaeaet aolsa aad toara ara an
vary teaiiabla. Oail la and l4sk (has
w nod poa wfU aap tont toap e>« ^
A Uauof Babp OamatM poa
MW, aad toa priea U no bighcr'toaB oa
Staple and Fancy, feoceries
Phone Ho. 34.
Nearly Gone.
We cannot promite yon a complete stock of shoes
to choose from. Since the opening of this greet so
ling ontsale of shoes o^y. our uzes are, broken np,
hot amoiig those remaining are barg^ for anyone
needing a pair of shoes. They go bt any price re
gardless of cost. We need the room, j
Eeery pair warranted.
m-mnata noanBDau
S44 Front St
Browh Block.
TBB MUMTUrq MbOBP. W»P»»tPAT; MA»OH 90. \9^
xoBvnro uoobd.
P&RS^NAi. tHAT6,
■tffc VaAW At ftAAldMt OAAAtd A
Mia FIMOW HioUi bMbMA ilM*-
TMMrttaOr «M>Ar AB AAfiAA OA A
T. * A. MU wMriAV rtAAkfart, Mt
wtU A nmillAr AcridAAt wMcA cAAMd
M tbAt pcrtkA a( tA« Uaa
«M. T. Batm An j. w. Hawb.
ftfr MM Um. Tha birb WAtcr of tb*
«. H
abb. jbuwr Ud 1
terbor oAAMd U« bAAbt to b* ub>
pUMAAd )Mt boI
s=i.-«-=r' ■
FOR ONLY $2.50
TowDfO. Ib« “TartU* Tbi^” wi»
tin, U aid to d»|Mi4 bacA on tb*
boRM taem te t^km to n))dw u aa>
Will elsAB (t Uionwgbiv. Uiia Uie whmU. gin any eoior orsAmeniAl work yoa viati,
- *1^ »-iiaiBnl or vAniiab yrjor ri«i* (or Above price.
GaH Aod aea aAinple.
o OrdAT, do it cbatM Atod gire befr
W« alBo BliUd WhMU to
ter mAterial Aod work Itiau any aboil in tba city. Bare bad aeveiBl,
yoara’ experitmee and KUAraoU-e aaltof*<-tioii
Please give u a triaL
ELLXt. 8U Trent 0C,
' The UtA 8tr J
bof oooe t&Adtt A abcn pny«r Uwbiob
in wblob
be aid, ■■HAkeatAllrwdwutoodmt wUJ WA AAB’t bo BO goodeTAr."
fet« Mterlnr tbetowB tb« aa«iM asb
fat to tbA oATtb. tbe bad of tbA
Admiral tha Bon. Sir Heair Ki^pal
tfAek AlAkibc wltboAt wAralnc- Hat- of the Brltb* bat7 bo'paa to complote
ATAl boon WATA tA^Alrod tO rAlAAAA tbo hi* book. /'BeBlniaocaoea of an OW
SaUor," In tba oonrae cf tba aommer.
Oaptain Habit M- Sooweil. a wcAlthy
eltUsi of tndtanapolta. wai at ooe tiM
BoatoA StoiAb HA* XUpArtoiA.
mala cd an Ohio ritv auAmboat and
TbA BoAtAA Bun bAA tatradAAAd a a*TAd BcBjamU
•w AepArtorAtbU^riag which wlU imtbA lAdr fAtroM of Ua tUn.
Saoator Daria of
An Bp-lodAtA aUUnaj ‘
i of the flneM NapQlaatfto
•oMtorial TlekAt.
bAA bean Added ABd.tba northwcBt
BAT of tbA nppar Boat baa bAOA bandAAANly «UAd n|> for that pA^pa^ ^
alacABt'dUpUj of UtaoUtplAA aad pattcraawlUbc
rlUbc madaUtiwaa«aadondar
tba aaperrUloo of M m Palmer of Dw
trait tbb dapartmaa-T^llmaka a gnAt
addition to tba o ' • r extaasiTc departHr. Boaanthal ia preparing for
bia apHag opening, which wUl taka
place Friday aad Satnrday.
lUfdriM U the
worlA It ooBpriAM more than bOO toInuea Mr. Davit hat baco oollacting it
Adolph LDatgAit. tba
who wat oonVietad of mordariog bit
wile, bat been placed <■ a life tentenea
in tbe OlUoU TenitenUary abd pnt to
making mnmgee for tba inmatea
KU Benng Buih. a yo^ Korean,
irilt be gradnaled boa Roanoke col
lege. Vermoot, U Jana and wUl be tbe
Aral of hit aonotrymen to take the daI of bacbelor of arta in Amcrloa
and prolAbly in tba
Verdi, tba lU
fbr McmbaiA Baard of PabUe Weebn.
■’ThaTtekat of LaATaHaa'
ttaaetUa U Sladnbtrg’a Ormad laat
The piaoaUweUatagadandadndrably
Vbr JoaUea of tba Paaaaprodneed by tba Simon oMpany. Tba
of tba eompaay
eompaay da exeallaat
work, wbleh tbe aadianco ia qaiek U>
XbUcA to OoBAidar.
appraeiata. Tha indlridDal aiforU of
^^ban -ATA tbraa thine* which the
of tba caat are worthy a/
Aotor abonU b* pArtienlar aboat next
loo n
and tha aaaapnny daapaeial mantUn
MoBdaj. Flrat: To Totc for tha bondgaka Simon
tagof thAOOABlj tar OU.oeo tor a:
garana^a^id dalinaation of IMtar
court hooae. an a^Aolata BAcaaMtp. Mem. the Qabrair. anil A. R- Bihlar InSecond: To rota far trcA taxt-booha for
n Ana Imparacnatton of Bob
tba local poblic aebaoU. thca andonUr Briariy. Mlm Holbnrn praaentad a
tba praaoBt axeaUABi adBcaUcAAl ayaebanaUg paraonatioa af Mr*. Bdtarn and UToringlacalcontroL Third:
warda aad Mm. Derara gave aa axoel'
TO TOU* tha antlrn BepnbUonn tiekaC
«banet*r»tk» of Mta. WlUongbfrom atata eanator down ta aonatabla.
by. Tba dtbata warn r^,.plcao^
pnrtleaUr Ularast
thoaa maattoaad
*■ My Motoar-UUw,” a langhabla oemady, wtttba ptaJCldiigaa for any OSes than J. W. Mil
likan. tba regular Rapnbliean nomlnaa
for state aenator. Mr. MilUkaa faron
CaotUoad aa# aoUva rahmmal* are
B of tha burden of tnx- U progreae tor tba
ntton and t^levaa that tilaphone. tsla- ment ta be girea April ISth ^ tba
............................... iMaAt of tha HnsUaia. ThU p^arm^ tha fall ll^t Af tkair ahara of the
tm»— of tha aUta. Be la a maa af bnb- the epaetolty work will be each ft ta
mora fan ia an honr than —
« wd a aneeamfnl bnaUem
manwho.iaaataamad all aver northern eoald imagine Ua year. There will
Mi^dgan and nnmbared amoag
be a fall rehcnraal Tbnraday nig&t U
beat cftUeaa U tba ateta. Tberafora Martaogb'a acndMy.
there to no poaaibla rentoo whjf every
eotar abeold net east hi* ballot lor Mr.
Mmie wm baafaaura both after-MUUbaa for state aenator.
>oa and eveaUg. Friday and Satni^
The city tloket to amde op of enerday at tha Spriag opanUg at the Bea
gntle. eapabla and raapaetad cItUao*.
ten atS«.
meat of them baviag beaa Uled la poWlUam Danato, a barbm from tbe
MUona of pablie tnat and who hava
1 traatworthy 'aad Horten Home shop U Grand Rapid*,
tetima U tha dtoebarga of pabllc ha* bean engaged for tbe **0*00 by O.
dUOee and eeaateUona la the Uter- B. Betob*.
L. a. Banger, n vrell known broom
Beta of tba taxpayen.
tte ward maaafaetnrcr of lUBoekmn. to U the
The,maw maybea^ot
city and to eoaMdering a plan to mova
r hold lag oaoe aad theca to yat to hi* batlnam ta thto city.
ha TaaordadaBythUgofadrarm eritfDo sot forget to
atom odthal^ets
Every voter cbeald aaa to it that kto
■ nndcArrfal moBU- Bcma to OB tha regtatry Itota. Bspaeial1^ iegtoUttoB. Thto esB be am^ ly tboaa wka hava changed ihair pUoc*
aiaad U the
---------- *---------
low. old party Unaa and
Ctynl raforma being tha toana. Thto to
: Bndtoy and wUl <
Of two evils eboom tbe gi
will be blamed
TBnmaralBga ■npplai
Ate fall test of the raport of the eout
.otlBAolryUto tte Atoastar w^ Aw
■ gtrpyad tha batttai
Sound Hemtock Lumber,
. Maple Rooring,
Short Maple Wood.
III This Week.
Comedy Co.
Mill Machinery of all ,dtecriptiaiia, binding Two'Er^ixma,
Pet Wotka, Carnap and SawB. A coo^leto Saw Mill Plant
Hmdad by tbe Favortta
Hr. Me Simoi
213 Front St.
Baitimom Btodc Beodlvad Tbim Timm a «ate
Coonta, «Oc per quart
FletCkn’S OrSKT DtpOt 111 RtStunit
Elwyn A. Barron bat written a
play in Pans for Wltood Barrett.
J. M. Ban? lately wrote in 24 twnia
* one act play or “dnologoe," called
“PlaConle Friendship" which will be
Loudqn bat nretldeaoa popolatton of
nnrly 1,000 p '
L Ofthistotoln
are violiusta.
Hamh Bcanhardt’e eon Manrtc* it
working in oollabomtioa with Henri
Amio 00 a dramatisatiaa of Goorge
Sand's novel. “Gabriel. .
Bovetta'anew play. “At the tmiag
Poet of tbe Omtnry, “ which was given
Cm. K.¥bida.Cff.b8«M>M.
Bieycle Riders.
Lendoa. March a.—On tbi streets
: xao FroatEtTML \
Sternberg’s Gnid Open Hense
Huming Post and was
oonsal at 6t. Petervborg from 1849 nntii
1866. a pexiod which ioolnded tbe
aventfnl years of Uw Crtoacan war.
Alttob Leal'*of Waat Chester, Pa.,
who died, was s geoniue “old mston."
For 66 years be was tbe sexton and
gravedigger of the old
meatipi honae
that town, which was
mad a* a hospital after tba fantile of
Oscar Wilde's qoipe are not mnch
gaohdnow. bnt (his seems worth whlla
“How an English prisoners treated?"
COM one asked bitn after his own re
lease. “Why." he responded. “England tnau her pripcnem m badly that
she docB not deaerve to have any.
Private John Alim, who to steving
hia seventh term iu the hooae. explain
ed to come brother coagretsincn that be
a obliged to be a total abstainer when
imping bis Misdaatppi district.
“Think what woold happen to me otb-i
erwiae.’' he aaid. “if i tried to aay.
ktih‘Fellow cititeua of Itawamba or Oki
bha or TishomUgo coautyl’
do give yon tha bast work of aoy
one in the city for tb« money. Don't
Kar West. Fta.. Msrek
mght ba daoaivcd by what otbam toU you
fall yeatardar an the ship* to tbe batter *•-' —*---- •- * eom* and aa*
except tbe OUetonaU were gaintad a
lesd color from wntar t(pa to m '
^fu^tae nil ^ werit fob* right,
Black top.
Apr4 1st and 2nd. ^
If You Have Logs to Sell
UmtldoaUktoda of ro' ba bnmgbt'aboat axoapt thrangb tha
•AopUoB af their pat theory.
Friday and Satuftlay,
f« binwelf and * temx te Others.
Jokes 00 marriage fw only truly fn- i.
Ladiee are ianted to pall and see dor display of Spring
By to tbOBS who ara-bapplly marriad.
^ Millinery, Pattern Beta. Fltwa! Korelties.
____friendship is like bmltb—all
Latest itjlee in Saflora.
right so Icngna it doem’t cost anythUg.
PoUteness to called tbe Sower of bnaoity. bat man cannot tire by
qneu altsa
Tba vroman who makee good boma£1 fur an aoto^pb or a liKncd photodoesn't oftra Sgare U
gmph. WhiBtbenqoeatcameaframa
wealthy admirer, be atom doable that tbv dlviBoe conrts.
Be doe* oot keep tk
Wboo a good man has a
dutribotet it amcog tba pom.
wife, all ether wiverf-har* a mystertoos
feeling that things aza beUg made a
Or. John Msmy. dlrcettr of
SooUlah inafine ration, baa tbe mre
diatfnctiou uf^ving r«weiv«d from tba
Gecman emperor as king of Fnuaia
kniybibood in the order poor la mmita,
Correepood iritb tbe TraT|rte Ci^ Lomber Company.
foonded by Ftyderick tbe GreaL
We bare toe nale Good,
Mr. Charles BatoUnd Micbell. who
mpy tte aparv
ipiad by Or. Horton. Him Hadley
•oeaptad aa oartnU sign of wmknam nxpeeto to tonve tte alty aoon.
Mtoa hettto Osborn, an expert milllWhat to tna of Ncbmaka to
od many atotoa. The allareaMnta of nary yimmae. wte has been U the amtha fraaaUvcr theory bald oot by aU- picg of tha whotoaatom. Bdaon. Keith
A Oo.. hat bean engafed by Mm. W.G.
Mte Oabome wiU begin
by tha improvad
todmtrlBl aeBdtUMa, u€Baacad by a hardutfoaia Hm.
an FrsBt atraat today. tevlBf',aRived.
I i':i!.';S..rOI’ENK
ChariM Tomp^a. Oertto OrMbv
and Jhbn Uolme* will l^v* Monday
for Briltoh Oalamlda. wbore they will ntNi ■
• ■
latiy for poaMble and WiU not be n
hlgnoca Dose to mdited with tbe inQaUcy Thacker baa angaevd to cell
version of "Tbe
thto aMUon of Hieblgaa for Bamay iseoaod Mm. Taistjoemy."
Dr. VUliets Stanlocd. compcwcr -of
AndemoB. Be went to Yabs last eight,
‘Sbamoe O'Brtoo.*'to at work oe tb*
where he wUl be located for a *hort
ocou of an frlah opera, tbe date of
which to Idd U tbe mventeentb eeai8. Ceken cam* over frdm Kallcaaka tmy.
yecterdey to look after the JmpiyveTba thamboldem in Drury lama thaaite OB hto bnlldUg on Frut eWart ter. London, hare Just b
and left in the atierMon for Cbieage.
where he will procure a new stovK of
oent per anuum.
dry gooda, prepamtocT to openite
Forbes Bobertaan and Mrs. Patrlok
CamptelJ actoally Intead to ggodnoe on
Bav. £. U Kellogg laeclvpd a totter an (.-labomui scale an Baglitb version cd
yesterday Cm AU eon. Arthur, wte to Maeterlinck's weird, myatioal “Palleau
I. tor the eaadidataa. oa hto way to Dawson City wiU a and Melitande."
than what to apparent ta everybody. party of eeven gold bantem. Tha party
sailed from Vanoonver a fow days ago. ably mokti her debpt in vandevilto In a
Tha conelosioo to aaaSy drawn.
abun tinn!. bhe can give *0 aninates of
and tha gold siehem wiO go over
A BECKXT diapnteb from 1
tbe Waguerian cyclns to tbe votaries tt
Dr. J. K. EIm has pmateaad tbe
that stole, aaya: “Tha fraewUver
elaotrle bath cabinet UUodneed here
wktoh wat mad* tbe lamltng fa^ra of[^^^
^ Mlm Hattie
r. dntisg tba pmt o
or two yearn. Aa to tha board of adombm of thathonrd tana vmy
great—,---------and tbebeatmeBahonldbeaoBfbt for
Inam am all men of Utegrity and to
whom may eafaly be entreated tba raapomlbility at laoklng after oar pablie
aehoola. whwh are oenoadod to be as
goad aa any U Miehigaa. Therefore a
vote for tbe
«b* varion* ward* wUlbe a vote for the
hmt mas and tboM felly capable of
naanming the tmeU whieh ahall be im
posed is them. Ths earns may be aaid
Of tbe other oandidates. TravetaeOlly
to reeagntoed aa the beat governed
Slap in tni • o'eioak avaryl evaaing.
aagayt HnndaLy. U tte OaldwW A Lou
don TtoOdUg. at north and of Dnlon
Oha Tigs ei bin nightly.
“Mj Mother-In-Law.’
Popnlar Prices,
10. 20. 30c.
We hnwe niM ApplM, On
Dried Apriootn. Tooshm, PnmnH,; Tigs, Dstss asd
Vqetables, Cabbaei, Bagas aad Beats.
Matinee Satnrdijit 2:37 P.H. !
ne 1ST.
Prnrrt Street
Is a ^od tbin^ to have, especially when it is well filled. Bat
can buy. so maebi for your money in
at this store tbst you don’t need one.
: Our values in tbis jine are so good that pnrohaeers once
are customen always. We are showing oonreotsi^^stylek 3
In shoea
THsi iwMmrO iaaoiitt. ^MBM>A*i^. >tiaoH so, isea.
to the oolfTreri in Cmbe on « Cor c
On tb«
SpolB ____________
hBOim tti«i U rwevnIoM the faonioao
t thoTWr*l ts told, not grapWcallj'. bat ih »
ownnor which stv«s «U lb» <
cont. No technical
bnical detaU la omitted.
Eyery movement and loddcBt ee»nected with the Maine from the time
n to orold all opr«riunlU<« for fr cUon. ehe left Key Vc« until the teet dlecr
:fod that the relief will ha examined the wreck la clven. Perhape
tarried In warrhlpa aa thla wuaM intro- the moat Mniaeant teatirooay la that
t Into a pfo}eci ehowlnx the bottom platee on the port
which’ te purely hi tiane.
Thto ae- nidi of the Ill-fated Maine to be bent In.
by Spate clearo the way for ward and upward, a reault that hardly
the prealdnit'a meofaite of the o«tt tew could have followed anythlnc nave as
daya. asktne a larre appn>prla^n tor axpioalao from the outatde. ”
the relief of the d
D In Cuba. It I
But the'moot eenaatlooal etory
had been »eared that thli rvllet riven ' told by an unknown wltncaa Hla name
directly by the^’otied Slatee povero'
ipprvased by
treemeni between
ment would be tveented by Spate aa
the court. He had to talk
Indirect intorventlnn. In that event throuKh an interpeeter. Thli wltncee
there la Uttle rraaon to donbt that the waa crosalnx about half past T pj'rlock
relief would have been forwarded at on the momiite of the 56th frt.mHav.na
any coat—even the coat of war—aa the to Reclaa on a ferryboat. He wa* «ltadministration baa felt that a war te Unir near three Bpaniab
iniab officers, two of
bebilf of a humane object would com
mand the universal approbation o( the
World. ■
u aal^ *7tiAi Is
_____ _ ______ _____ “ The etti
ettlaebv^ed If
duriog mahlnr esploelona In tbe bay wopid
report. endanirer Havana. The . lllceraald"No.“
I which H was amnerd ae that it would altnply
the . explode, open the vessel and ahe woald
le only a
to these
emment te autrailttlnc to SpalL .. .
of beer on that oecsalon.
finding of the American court. Tbe coo-by and they suddenly stopped the
reached by the SMntte com- cooTersatlOn. They bad
- - said
eald It
it was a
-ti.oppaafte of tboea ahame .hr Ithe Mslne] should be te-tbe
of tha Aaerlcan court. No demanda
y and they would blow her u
Up inyWBtTT. I
• not'tfJubt that tb^ I
ft with Honor.
iMliaMl to Mok* CoocmioM
•r tee XkM* te McKlalera ha<eel 8
« teaad^ed le Ptna-llMttB
•e^er m.r An Maa OwHUli
Waahterton. Me rrb
~ Teatertay
e or aeuoa la every branch of
hCMcfaca of conercoa. where the mea■we of tbe praatdeM oa the Ualoc die-.
•niae and the reiirt and testimony of
Uammrtof teQnlry.were received;
Uoa te tho a
a of atata
MgotteUoa. and a^on te the war and
ftevy departments. irUh Use Bpantab alt■atlon as the common purpiST' of jOl
the bouac.
Of the report of the Spanish
and report «era tefemddo tbe commit
tao'oe foreign affairs, snd Bpulsh de
bate was for thd Ume being diverted
Zb the senate thciv w as a similar refer,
once to the committee on foreign rvlatteaa.' and Mom r of MiteUxlppi dellvtrod a brief and yergetic apreeb pirturtec the woes, of Cuba.
The special
caMoet aeaalon waa held to go
partlCBlatest developesoding with Bpain. These had
Matiie ouesUon. bot
e enUre Cuban
■pateh Beply Was Is Sssa..
The answer of Spain waa in hand to
(he Dm note sent through Minister
Woodford test wedi stating that the
•oopfilUon of Cohan nlTatrw had become
•o tetoierable that tbe I'nlied Btaies
oould sot anch longer remain Inactive
toward IL
The generaj tone of the
>r|te)prewBed the preeldeal
aad cabteet ofBcera most favorably, »o
port contains declarations
>dc by ocuter 1
atid experts. From these
It clearly deduces and proves'
(be aboenev of all (base attetMteot dr-
have been made te connectloo wUh-tbe
Maine, and therefore iher* la no rosponae beyend the aubmlaaion of the
SpanUh report.
Pollnwing (he call of the Bpanith mlalater at ibe state department tbe
French ambassador. M. Cambon. had a
conference sUh Judge Bay. Thla re
newed the uik of Burapean medlalton.
which la aMumlBg tangible form. The
speech -J Premier Hanolauz te the
Paris chamber last Baturday Is looked
ppos ae foreshedowlng at least sym
pathy. If not direct
diatton by Prance end other continental
paired There Is good rasrnn to believe
Spain Is ready and aoxli us for thla
move, and has been ffiHvuraglng It at
' the Burapean capitals It would nnt be
an (HTenalve Intrusion, but more a
friendly offer to mediate tbe dlffdvnces
which have recemly threatened to terffllnale In war between Che rnlted
Slates and Spate. U le understood,
however, that up to the present time H.
Csmbon baa not received any definite
0 take the Ilolttel
| mich mrdiailon.
| At (he war and nsrV departments the
| stir of pre|isr«ti«n‘ ronticued as usnaL
Tb«_navy det'srtmrnt made ptai
patiuHo neet”
fleet" tn be coiopo;
coiopoaed of
tugs/and teesm yachts recently fwirchas^ and armed as an auxiliary fleet.
The war department made numeroua
ahifU In the Incathm of troops te the
we« with a view In their apeedy edncentratinn. and generally did a big buslete In war preparations
cut Oh tbe occasion
t exptoalox
a torpedo.
"Tbe evidence at wlinessea eomparaUveiy cloae to the Maine at the mumeni
la to the effect that only one explosion
orcurrad: that no column of water'waa
thrown InUi the air; that no sh^K-k to
the aide of the nearest vessel was felt,
nor on land was any vibration noticed;
and that no dead Bab were found The
evidence of the senior pilol of the harbor slates that (here le abundance of
flab in tbe harbor. an|l this la corro
borated by other witnesses.
The assislant engineer of works states that
after explosion made during the execuUon of worita te the hartwr be has alwaya found dead flsh,
"The divers were unable to einmlne
the luttoro of (he Maine, wrhieb waa
Yiurted In tbe mud. but a careful exam
ination of (hr side* of tbe vreseL the
rents and breaks In which all polnl out
ward. shows wllboui a doubt that tbe
.exrloalon was trrrm the Inside. A mln.. r'xsmliutcon
of (hr bottom Of tire
! harbrr around ....
shows absoi luiely no sign of the action of a torpixlo.
decal {Judge aiivoralr]
commission <an And no i.recedeht for
tbe exploahn of (be storage magaxlnet
of a vessel by a mrpedo
‘The r.-imn makes cinr that owing to
the si>ecial natute of tbe proceedlne*
followed and the a'asolute respect shown
(or the vxtra-terrllortelldid of (he
Maine, the .commlnlon has 'been pre
vented from making sorb an examine,
tion of tbe Inside of |h* vessel as would
by hypotbcala '
be attributed to tbe ragrviuble refusal
to permit the necessary co-operation
of the ftpanlsh commission both with
the eommander and crew of the Maine
and the different
American officials
commissioned to inveatlrate the causes
t« sesrre s WkoUlWple.
of the Borldent. and later-on with tbora
Washington. March ■'a.—A aeent
employed In salvage work.
totenae lati-rest waa presented, In
-The report Antebes by Mating that
senate when the presideRl's me—
linn of the inside and
transrallling U.c ftedinga of the Maine
sldr ef the Maine aa soon as such etamIngtlun may be p iiislble. ai also of the
laiitom where tbs vessel rests.
uulte as
aupl’oaing the rfmalna (of
tenge aa it baa iwen at any ume
Ume "dur«ur- ,
t to be totally or panially
teg the prvwm session. Eager to asp-**ceaaof • xiractl in. the
dcrute the full DBdtngs of the court, |
of members of the hvuae. after '
the adjournment or that body, had burn*c lo the asnaiv chamber and the floor
was crowded with ihi-m.
When the
e< Iwellsed to Wall Any Leeger Wsfafs
reading of tbe presldeni'a message was
begun s ‘bush ao marked fell over the
O. -After
chamber that one gmght have heard v ' Washington. March
pin teU. Througtaoul the reading of (he Jonrnment -if the house yectirdsy there
■mewfliLgC' and the findings
a pro
Uwra wu out the aUebieat drmonstn.
pined IV neolldatlon of (oreea
house who favor some form of Immedlaic action on the I’olum Issue. There
e speech of Hon
vas a atrang feetlr.i; Shown over the
of Mlasteaippl. u^n il* rei-ent vb^rv
avoiCanre In tbe mpsaage of any outline
ctloh fr<
Uona in Cubs, sod
of a ilpflnite administration policy, and
them which he hid made. He spoke ex- a decided -ilsposltlon was apparent not
laly. and declared that -r
to await .any further detey nor leaort to
rntraiius in Cuba had been planned lem|,urlxlng mpaaurva The project to
furnish ad libitum relief supplies lo tbe
sding ttsgaata and who was sssai- Cuban aon-cumbatanu la meeting with
......................................................... c dellberoptmalllnn to -which members on both
dcalh (be glops of the house have given vole# In
ate purpose of aiarvlog
popi^tluD which bad refused lo v
ground, flrat.
___ —^-i on the
govenicd pr Spate. When tbe d^th of that Spain alone la responaihls
Representhtive Mmpklna. of Maasaebu
rondliton on ihe island and. second, the
I the senate adAV^('ak> A DEAD 8TAYCaEAX.
enhouEMWEX AES'raE aennx.
TUI awagngaa
V-m BMisaed "Xsw OrWos.”
much »■> that afu-r (he meeting It waa.
a«at«i bv rn-inin-ra that the outlook
waa Ur ii...rb easurliig. an^ that Spate
had shown wu<'li a conciliatory tone
that it ws* b-livved she would make
eoaoeasinns ifum, lent to permit an
amicable sdiustm. nt /of the praaent
strained relations Tiila waa dnalUted.
however, by Ih, slateinrnt (bat the
danger point hsa nm >-• itesaed. and
that wan—while no i..pKer a probablUty
—wag yet a poasiMLi.v.
rammchT «*>••»* r
■UMIsffiol-e May B. n
sf Oswgr-
jwt notoilon of the Cuban prt.bietr..
»iu, braathlesa intereM by thg
and be had tat from the di»p«iui„n members and tbe spectators to the galBtanUeMcd by Spate that this just solu- ’ UHea. which were trowded te like sardines in a box. Jnai one wave of mpr. ond
te wlChbut oonffiderteg eongren. which pteuee swept tram floor to oeilteg.
au«. now that tbe subject la formally then the death of BeppeaeoUUve tempbefore II. tabs aotne radical afUon. kins, of Haasachasetts. waa'hEDOOgoed
MeanUme. «t ithe state department, and (he bouse adjournsd.
•“•“T received ftvr
r Kpanisb
HteUier WoodfoiA and (be
me i^Spanisb
Sflnlstcr. Sehor Jfolo. eras '
ennferenev with Judge Day
praaPe,tive adfusUnenL The
hetarses the Spanish minlstn-andji
Day came afio- tbe cabinet oonferenee.
ao that such reprasantatlQD as Spate
■ubmlttad ihrou^ him did not get betese tbe cabinet At least two of these
floor leader of the xw]0f1tr). ror TIsDcy
(the Bemocralir lehder cf the house),
would make any eejtnment on the me»■aga. Other members, however, were not
ao reticent. Tbeir co'mments ranged all
tbe way from approval of the pieevBge
out-and-out to entire disapproval of the
that It did not4>ropuse war Imme
diately. failing a hf^roplete bo.k-down
by Spate. Hopklne Of Illinois favored
Intervention el ome. LudH c.f Indiana
was equally radical. Many of the men
people of this country. .The atepa taken
yesterday on this line arsre of an Inferipal nature. Heprenentetlve Hull.
Iowa, chairman of tbe house committee
on mllltan' affairs, te leading the
meni for prompt action,
V8k80«8 W1T8 WUtraTBmM^T
most of those who tgtked with UcKI
ley Taa that congreas was Inclined U>
Kaw. b KegtYwe^^AgraasiwsA ad (tea' bbiect to further delay (owatda a setUsV
BMSd af lagalty.
^ ''
ment of tbe Spanleb aunatton. and tlM
Washington, March tM-The lamsssr
by the Mates Mte (he radteal mamhen could not b«
court of Inquiry was sent to tbe senaU held te check.' At the meeting of the
ywiierday. aad with tbe pteoida&t’s senate cwnmltwe on foreign rffiattoM
r Fm will move that
Buioage aad ftedlogs of tbe court, re
ferred ID the comnuttee on foreign rela
tions. Tha teMteKmy was latra on
alflhieen dlffermt days, the____________
the MatM. (Snbs and Bpate are sMtied.
kaown day, however, heteg devoted to Mswteg Foraker wM tetrnaiw^ to^Mh^en^
^ wneh.
Bvetr W
Whs xras
have any
1 '•
Has his ideas alxiut a good
cigar, but all smokers agree
sst for Ffve Cents
Centi is the—
? that the bwt
Traverse Belle.
and for Ten Cents, the—^
Diamond J,
nv Inclined to cHUciae the
(nr its leek Of announcement
et a vlgorons poUcy.
Made by A. W. JAHRAUS,
soxxasteUtew BxooiK.
aowDeeterwdtsBs*. Beea T«y rseUtvw
mlasioa which investigated the deetruotioB of tbe batUtehip 'Maine Is'bete
gluen by the Associated Prate. It Is
taken'from a copy of the ortetnal repor(
which it oow on its way here tp>m Ha
vana. the avnupale being cabled U the
meantime ahd yesterday placed te the
hsndi of ihU geverpment. The conelu-
The |
mate evem of the day. Those who had
antlelpaied that the mesaage would
'contribute to tbe~aggreteivc splrll were
Special measures—Tall men, stout men, fat men, stub and
twist, lean men. all get fitted.
ova OKMA8D4 eras BPAU.
the varyteg aspects of official action.
StedocB has a day been repleU ^th ao
aaay dlveine dad Impoftani pbaaea of
luttfeoL.Aite Yet It All ■eaoe Pmss. '
Aad yet. throughout tbu acUvity. ttaa
pCevallteg u>n& aa received frvm adsUaiatraUop «<Cirres. baa been more reaMBitnc. mare te the line of peace than
It has heba ihr.aome daya Ttati waa the
teipteaeloo conveyed by eabtnet offieera
a^ tlM apeclal cabinet eeaalon. The
Mine seatlmeM cbaiactertsed the dlpyteeiaUe eoafercncea at the auie de^
■ partment.
But te coogresa. which af/ forded the greateet field fdr ami-Bpan'
teh and war-llke cxpresalons. a etraln
Of diaoentcnl and uneasiness prevailed
after the preaidtnt'a meeaage and the
I Call and see the line represented by Ceo. Wller
the Spanish caMoet test wcMt dlflerlag ; bad to taee.atore the Kapoleooic erira.
•omewhat (ram that given by The > There ie an omlnoue abaence of excited-e Madrid cotreapoottent. Be
among the people, wboee one topic
The note which oeneral Wood- ' ••
poislbiuty of war. It is the
LlOOOfiolls : ^
Wall Paper Given
tetd prraeoted on Wedoesday waa of a ’
, I (he American ultlmatom comca.**
(hat Spate pul an end
Cuba immediauiy. recapitulating the
damage to American lateraata, and fur
ther hinting that the war was a daocer
te tbe public
health of tbe United
Fiv^roHa fnra With «vot7 SZ.M orte.
Btetea. tbs cootteual amuggllng. ^
tween the evsau of Cuba and Florida
beteg the means of conveying the yel
low »ver.»
"Bpaln-w'reply was energeUc. It de- ,
_________ ________ _____ ________________ ______________ ______^_________
cterea Uffit the wap~woukl have been'iV
| WaeUoa ffuanatoed. ;
ended long ago. but (or the material.
oyttehai* Coth«> -te Beenui'
help and support the rebels
sad m* heCurwiicK uwtawl c-ltes.
receiving from
. 418 Iffikff ATUitt*,
plains of tbe pbllry followed by
Chas. Mastic,
rmied Slates in demanding from Spain
tbe termteatloD of a war which tbe
United SUtes were virtually mainutnIng by the preaenre of a
itsing aucror for the recottcenlrados
te a manner that would be offensive to
an> naUon. aa well as by keeptag te
Havana a consul who la publicly the (
agent and representative of the rebeta, i
Boodreauiof this eHj aad
Hiss Agaes rseoeeal of hk Ignaoe hava
mned drem making ifarlors at tS4
WaahixrgtOB street, one door oaM «l
Baptist ebureh, wksra ther wfll ba
I pleaaed . to meeV.Uie ladtea of T
i^ix. SaUafi
Grand Spring Opening
Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2;
1\/F-l 11 -Ln.©iry
a, S^©c±al"fcy
We ai«-again before the people of Traverse City and vicinity with a brand: new spring
stock of'.Merchandise. Embracing Clothing, Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, a big stock of
Carpets, and Millinery. We take this opportunity, our opening week, to thank all of our
patrons for their liberal patronage and with the assurance that our mut^ iniv^ts will be
as beneficial as heretofore, we start in on
seventh'^ason of our existence infthis locality
full of determination to optdo all of our former efforts.
Our purchases this spring have been more extensive and elaborate.' treating every
branch to its minutest detail until now we claim for our departments completenjess unparal*
led in this vicinity. Rich or poor, we can satisfy you all.
Our Millinery Department
Will ^present a variety of styles, strictly up- to date, of medium and high grade
goods. Nothing biit a living profit is our motto in this department as well as in all others.' :
lew Goods on Displai Readi n Tate lwa|.
Fine wool Henriettas, silk mixtures,4risb Poplins. Illuminated Coverts. Fancy Mohairs,
Satin Salliel. A beautiful line of fancy woolen novelties. A full line greatest novetries in
silks. A complete line of all kinds of new linings. A choice selection of imported Organdits, Ginghams, half silk Moysselinc DeSoie. A big \ariety of new Shirt Waists, ladia
suits, wool a^ silk capes, wool and silk skirts, ladies’, misses'and children's jackets, povelti«
in ladies jeweled belts, pocket-books, fancy silk muslins, embroideries, chiffons, embroider^
silk muslin, neck scarfs, ladies' misses', and.children’s fancy hose; high art fancy ribbons. A .
large stock-of Ingrain carpets, velvet Moquetts and Tapestry Brussels. A large and fine stock of men’s, women’s and children’s high .art foot wear..
. j
Our usual force of clerks will be pleased to wait upon you whether you buy or noL
Music h Zflenon aid tnaias, SaS Oafs.
The Boston Store,
OlteSB BliOdX.
OibrT^rto-TtM* WtWO»T.m»—t U
d«aertpttonoT Bdward8l«mpal.d*nertbed
aa an American mlUtonalra. bore at
Bock laland. Ilia., and Utely renldlng
In a aubarb of Berlin, aahdna for hi*
arrow on the ebafge of ewnmlltln# a
Idly ara
a train fliempal te aald I begtopping at Kloe with bla family.
wuhlnnoa. kUrch ».-m*ct«tATT Al>
'—^ctallt «f tb* Tragtdjr T^mt
\ Overlook th«'NtwrMindUnd
Baal Fiaharman.
B*oom*t • Vast Uk« by
Uv«M Brtaking.
a»r rMtrrdAr a*vc »at for trahUcAtioa
• Ulcvrim frorn Aan Arbor, March M.
whlihaara: 'Tbt •tudcnta oTUm Uiv
Tcrclty of UlrblKoc ound iqr Utr ad*
Uon and (coder
> AWMui MVDcna ▼ouimaaa>
feadr "Meeanae aent by you tender^
tea your aervlee* to the (torertitneol
rhould we have war. waa delivered by
me to the prealdent who areally ap*
predate* IL
. ,
am bure all wlab for oonilaned
peace If we can have It with honor,
but ahould we unhappily be plunged
Into war It la graUtylng to know that
cruda. rtallonamy. euid party affllla*
wiir all merge Into one thought,
and that the defenae of the natloB-a
honor and ita flag.
I am happy
know that among ih<iae who are wiuing
to make the aardflee. If need be, t*
•tudenta-of the great unlveraity of r
mate atand among the list of the
noble young men who are ready foi
VwMMr-nee U-epM oat MmM and
ooow aaMav tbmbir-ndtht*
<ai EivoftWw •( «ho
Wbe Woe*
laM M «a* Xm -Tw«. DMib«aoao«' or
•t. Joah'a. Nd..-March M.»Tbc aeal*
Inc MMIOMT arm And haa wrled^u
tb* harbor «iUi a rrewwai* ' carxo.
Twaaty-fl** corfinei were plied .npsa
tb* deck, and ilhj-'flr*- man ware nean*
tag wlib (rTTtWe.aurrerlng In the boMs,
tma the pain of (ron-Mticn Umb* and
bedMa. n* UKIe *mHi« aUamer whloh
neoOlog t*.0M are.- of »*!• Iw*de aw
Ttwee Am
of t--“ •* Uf—Plug
•fty IMroMf* Wm Be Te»T HeaeyWabw* lueer H.g—r Tbn H E.iw We
KHMe-nmare oi P.m,*4Ua Wheeo the
WateiB Meve Jtei
gulllvan. ind.. March Ifci-The levee
on the Wabash river went out lartnlght
with a break cf lU) feel. enlsJUng a lr
of nw.eot Twenty thousand acre*
land* are overllow^ed. aAd haridicda
nmiii.. ...
destitute, ailaeiw are reaVadljIg for
mile* around bi thdr effort 'td^mov*
tamlUe* and Wock. Bondred* of mttle
and boTwee are hemmed In. Such a ru*h
Kallooal TeloolMe Moeemeak
The dead Vedla* were In Her*
an the decha of the aicaner.-dlaflcnrcd General Cortin recelv;^ a trtegpsmyeaand alraoet unrecoanUaMe rrocn the et* lerdav from Oen». fe-hofleld. Howard
gwDicniney I.and
an'_ McTonk.
...a committee r
fecta of the terrible ■
of the pMSt TIbe National Volunteer Heaene.
liad endured. pceaenUng
borrtbt* aigbtd bniaan eyas ever be- low*: "Speak well of and wuj.port <
great fnlon movement of norihem and
All Weal W*U Oatll TaM*>y. .
The Oreenland act nail from St. Jonh's.
Nd, about the 1st of March cm her fate*
,lul voyage.
She waa
' '
e Captain Gee
arew of
ar ptuo
of the w
day* she divtvged on a Mpara:i^ track
•I of .the pi
ihl* without
re, snd (hi
e»i-cn*e In government or creatlnf loo
much feeling a* an act of war."
• Abner Oieney Ooodall. who inveaud •
the llrW periling printing prem. I
dead *1 Salem. Msa*.. aged M.
G. Balser fell afleep at hi* home ■
ffieefc BBwfc. Wl*.. and died without
awakening. He wm* ft yearn old.
JamM W. Buchanan. • grand nephew
of the late eg-preeldent. wt* run
Tcavsrse Ctty, Wish
by a train and killed at Altoona.
Am»ed militiamen were called
Houston. Tag., to tjneii a riot by gym*
Beloftdt a Itet of the hoeing and -elllaera with tha wreet car atrlkw*.
tug priee* of yeWartiay Inr froenie*.
mer Oranger. 1« y*ar* old. eteppe.
nad farm pr^oela in 'trav- ..... . train at Janesville. WIs.. and fell
twwity.four feet. Be wa* aeverely In
The little son of John Klinger, of New
London, Wl*.. was suaefced by an en
~~ • --- v
raged belter and severely gored In U*
When In noed of anythluff Ib tbla
Uae iwmomber ihU la the plan* to lacs*
[ck and lace.
According to noUce given on Satur- pour order* and fet ]Wois]it work.
HnUafaetlou rnaranwtd or no chMfk
Say the York coitou mill* In Saco. Meopened yesterday, but out of l.«»# atrtk- Lease your ordecs at ofie* or «nll up
Inf employe: only »« went to work.
John R. Santo.
Gemai liswBMe.
T. A. Olfford* and wife, of
Wl*.. who narrowly cacaiMd ■
by coal ga*. hav* nearly i
though they Wet« nearly «
TnyWMOitT BUtikw.
Hscl, Bd8 and Bsggigi
£:sr _
n mile. long.
-Phone No. 8.
The Indiana and t
^ outcor |WT '
>* '■
It. Look thU.up ntosen.
One W-loot lot. Barlow ettnet. Oak
lirrk Matloaal n-tsL Brights, at almost yonr own prie* «
J. S Bockv. CVI
Wsohiosw. D V..%
aoldatoAce.dow-ws* sab-aos
--------and tlKty-flve
«»re ««eot
pMSd -wtler
Kg *
time separated Into a number of sec
tion*. and l>egan the sork of picking
«p tb* todies of tbe dead and
rwenty-flve corp***" were taken on
hoard that morning, but iwenif-ihie*
men were still miming, and though
paarcb waa cobttnued aU day nb i
were rscovered.
Thursday night
Oreenland beaded for .bora, reaching
Bay de Verde Sunday.‘'-procee
thsnoe to St. John’s with her ghastly
cargo. Moat ofThe men who met this
Awful fate on the treacherous Ire flora
were Btarried men with large families,
who are thus deprived of atl visible
ABHK»mTZD miama.
Manager Burn* and the Cbiengo bnna
bdU club are now quartered at Savan
nah.' Ga
It «ras Just slxtr yaara age yraterday
that Prince Biamardt MUted the Pnm*
Stan nrmy,
The city trensom of OAkeeh. Wt*..
has returned to tbe oounty^eUnQusni
taxes smounUnc to <U.«tt.lL
Jame* P«yn. the British uoraUat and
Edwin navih. John Thomas. John Pin* feunialUt. t/dead' at London. He was
horn at CbelUnhsm. Beb S, ItlO.
The United Btates minister. J. B. Anlaway. I^otu laland: Cbarlea Ralp
gcU. has ralurned lo ConstanUnopl*
Island: A.
Coursga. WUUa_
from B tour of Egypt and PaiesUn*.
BeaiK. Harbor Grace; Wim* Wolden*
China bat agreed to nil tb* Bneslaii
den-.aii1*.loc!udlns:*a*e* ut Port Arthur
, and
Kcnccth Parsons, George Norris. Henry
Curtla Newton: Fred llow-ae. Qoae«
Tb* Pwoplek hank, of PhdndelpbM.
Island: J*«>b Pond.. Greon-a
baa clqeed Us door* lu llaWUtlau-aie
: Waii.T Norris. Pond Cove.
; TBc!■ tmiaelns aic: Benjsmln Brown. Jl.SM.SM: it is dtclared by lu triendA toZ>eers Isisnd: Attwrt Uowteo andTheo. be BolvenL
H. Oordlner. Republican
for etty attorney at Bloox City. la., was
Mkhad Henneasy. Bt. Krendans: Hebsr aandbaggad and robbed la tb* restatyan. Bhlp vPve; MatlhVw Well*. Lo*
renio WsM. Noah Mortimer and Oeo.
Bynn. tlafbor Grare: JcAm Wlcka.
Traren*. Kalks-ks. t«*l-iua sad WrslonI
sa Hwday. Aortl Poartb. elrbi**- bsadi
sad Blartyvlsbt- u *l«c> * Btate Srsaior le
Cot*ll. wbo wa* elrewd rrosi that dtalrVt He
n»b*r (bird, rlgbtseu bsaSred ao* sla*«y^t.
aod vbwr lens woaM ba«e Sxplrad Dwesab**
thlrty-am. •(*%(*** headrtd aad aWty »ybl
I- Kaliseay abereof 1 bbew-bweteaw sdl ay
SouUmrn Railway
forme th* Great Thrciogh-Trunk-LlBe
to th* South and Florida. -----vestibuied trains. earrylBg thinogb
sleepinr. dining and chair can.
Une Par-esoeUane* of the South.
Harbor. James Mai- PoruUst nomination for
Jnvd. 8L io
be Is *«t
Aral-rQjie ttodgeru. Georgia and announces '
politics for good
^wer Island Cotv: William Saunderu. of
-Trinity: TTiomaa Ricketu. King'sCova: . A contract tor tSAMt yards of oaslllara1 Cullen. Tor hay; James Con- iBcb whit* braid. presumaUy for nnl-way, Turk's Cove.
forms, has been pUced in Ksw Tork
Tbe frost-'blltee me
number flfty- by the iMvy department.
ttve. AH wtu teepvcr.
w-TlMerr stOsaMlI
I* an esUmaU calling lor apr
U." March" ».’_«•
aty elsctlon held here yesterday re-
tbe^epnbiicaas only elected on* amid
'Alderman add tbe auditor
gnoA* yeeterday that tb* fl
' the Delagoa bai
- Axfiected earty tl
FRIUr, mil fst, 1898.
Oa* OvTOair Xneh Xomtb.
ITMoad ttrloUj
By n vou of B to II th* Central
Methodist confereaM at 4&anana enCt
Its influence agalngt the raw>istlsA fur
equal Uy representuHvee In the geanral
confcrcae*. .
Th* funeral of th* lau Ocwsral
WheeloA O. Teaaey. buincrly
state commerce
gnllant eoldicr of th* late war. tdok
a ed tte^o.
TIM ^ Lom
iTn M
^0 Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
_________ 4rs
Tbss* srbe'ar* nssMsteeaBeas —Till fill peninimi M IlHmsassanA kn«ome*b
jthat party electing three
.leHtw Mhich n.—:
ooeed Ajew day* aga hitwisn tb*
Booth SUiXnmher companr. wt Bterens
, Faint. Wl*., and th* fkeler Lamb**
\ dmnpany. of Wausau and Manta. WM,
• by whkh th*---------- ------------- ----------------I UM.«M fast of kamwiil aiM '
Look Box 160.
d. ^2JS.i;ss;''iJ5h.lc
I. *it?ss?SL;f-srA"rsrt
rvA rii ArrmZi laad tor sal* cbeaa se w«
TiemsjmvtraDsw cm (maim, Oraad Bug
iSiSt. laealte *4 K. C. Welar. Masriisas
Hick. SK-mw
sm.ee. as —m m
Thi OdfltetflAfipMialiBU,
TTT H. POSTEE. Auoram 1 ine- Bpshal
W . altaatioa to tss titles.
'**40' tiw * mTra*. ony ..
\rvnvf TO LOAH-W. bsr. «a
Tratosb CiTX, UiOK.
—Front Street.
Bipiti t lifim 1.1
D*7JS>ifS2f.V.K5,°l‘.‘.LK: Gtud
Oi^ Bi Si & COi s-ttssr.™ "r~* .iJiS'ss
d «?th* »orth*e
-John Verly.
SrsfN-ESS CAUD8- .
a S- BBOWN. aiwtwey aad Oaesaausral
, eere*r Pla* abd IMb oumta
Hotel Whiting
—Watch Repairing,
Attoraoy* at Law.
omsas U Maaiagee Sleek. Traron* CMy, lOeb.
N-TSVi.-is i-EsrJris
asaresi eoupoa Urket agoat
Wn. H. TATLoa.
Aan. Uoa’l. Pam. Agent.
No. t)« rourih Aenu*.
LouMvtUa Keutaoky.
Jas. U. Jmixfos. DrnggisL
Tbe B and O. B. W, railroad cannot tnn
trains over this part of the rosd. The
ttuck east of here, betw een LAwrwncebuTg and Avrora, for three and s half
fflMes la four feet pnder water. The Ohio
Is rising at the rate of tour Inrhea an
Ohloaco Kartnt:
no immediate prospect of
Oiiearo. Marah t9.—Wh*AS—May.
The condition* are alarming
•104k: July- SlXMUci September,
rear* tbal
tbe spirit of patrioUsmIt show*. I must ' £iw«^birg'*re enh^ned.
Ooru-Hareb. Sake: May. »ak9Ke:
for me. Let * '
decline . let you
- light
Htghsst kw K-ew*.
sly, SOke: September. Stkeovt tbe whole nation and move
The Wabash reached ttt feel yeMac
Oa'a—Mareh.S4ke:May,MKe; July.
off the continent. 1 enclose a let*
day, this being the blgbest ever knesm.
i#r from a young man of Dayton. 0„
and Is *im rising Tbe lowlands of up
Hork—March. *9 U; May.lB-40.
wbo wants to take your place."
per Vincennes and llevker lownahips
, are submelked bjT Wtilte rtwr. Th*
Oraad Baplda. Mariih*9- fTbeat. SSe.
Conn., March M.— steamer Owensboro left (or Heal with
lonal Guard llrigadler * relief party last night. Three bun*
General Buseell Frost Issued the followpoople tbere are water bonpd and AlAJVtr TKB -0^»BAT WSHWAT
ing order yesterday
-rmil further destitute. Owing to a break In tbe
order* ofllcera n>mmandlng oraanlas* Evanavllte and Terre Haute at EmlSoB
tlon* of tb* Connectlcul NaHenalGuard caused by the break at Lower Bhaker
will not atwent themselves from their pritirie all train* on that line are shanTo rtoridn Tin “IM* Land af th*
home station* for s period exceeding goned. The ftrat train on tbe Jndlanap*
■ •ky-twenty-four hour* at one time es<vpt i pin
Vine* nne* n-ad since last Tuesby a regularly Issued Irave of ahaeace.- g«y leacbed.................................... ■ —
Tho Mighty Soulkara
>e eight G
■.IBrMWibe l^aUh gteWlaa.
Oreensburg. Ind., March 9—Fiatrock of the Booming South, dealren to a
Madrid. March 9 —Tbe latest ciectloo
the ntUoUon of the Heslth-aoeker. t
return! show that IK Mlnlaiertallsta. TlTW. at St Paul, t* a picture of dceo(mnd-seoker. the Pleasure seeker, t
«d O.nscrvallvea. f nomertast*. IS Be- latlen stne* receding. The damage win
Pickle Traveling
be more than at itrot *uiu«i#c<
publicans and S Carllats bat
Public, to the many advanUgew. the
dlfflcult to place an estimate
eleefed. Advices from Havat
damage done by Che flood In this coun beAuOfuI aoeaery, the rich and forUle
s and t Coo
Ibat 4 Aui
which he
ty. but It will ninst likely surpass bv
have been r
the tlOO.OMmark. Thefarmingc'mmunl. along lu linca.
MIsm«ot Wo-df-tU CWalatw with OsU-a
Go to Florida and qaeape the many
March M.-Unlled Slab
....................................... eold and dtsagrrahWe days of wister.
Minister Woodford had an Important ^■,„cn« famtiy are drowned. Tbe bodies and alopat ASBBVtLLl TbeUM
conference last olght with Senor Gul* ]
Almoai IM af the Sky." TfiBSWlTZBRLX^^^
loti, the foreign mlnlater. and rommutu* I
perlriieJ with other AMEBICA. where heaven and earth
cated to him an etiract from the report i
seem to meet amongst tbe many of the
ot -the Amrrirmn board of Inanlrr Into
heautiea of antore. Sea the grnndast
the Maine disaster.
in America Md
Amerton's oaly PnUee. the
Bleetiaa Votla*.
Chateau of Goo. W. VaaderhUt.
tbe traveler, who M U a hurry to gut
tpeelal BImHob.
Ida wn
to Florida
«nn go vU a.
Calumet;'Mich.. March M.-Oan*ral
_ Leolrimt Moontnln. had
Bohth. of the SalVatoB Army, and par TV lb* U*wl VeSM* e( Ibe City e( Tra
kick tall
the many BotUe-flei^ wkle
ca>. tirsod Traierw Ooswly. Mtckiroa.
ty were met'at th* autlon by torn peo
KMIreMbrvrtagirvB Uai vamuost i
the Ul* of th* strife hatweon th* Blue
ple and an audleeee of LM» Itsteaad to wOer of tb* G«T*fi>or ef thto ttest* t
and the Gray.
Oeoeral Booth'* addram atjlh* annaer-
. h— of the P—A-
•nceeed are men of brain*—*tron»
B*rraa^-rr«at will power.
food cannot tnpply th* rital forcta
whicb .people with <
bodle* require.
I—make tbe mind bright, mi
—make flesh ard b1<w>«* and
heellh to Men «-.l nomen.
__ __
Tt-nxMi* t
'Anoiher night, one which *eemtd to
the belplee*. drifting suffemr* who *1111
Used a thousand time, longer than th*
Biatj-Was padird la untold aguny. Some
Of the victim* had already given up
hope, and In despair, lay down and
dliA and every hour allnessed at iKast
two death* on that awful night on the
ice floe.
loWBid morning the
•ubalded and clear weather enabled the
garvlvom to *ee that tha Greenland wa*
I for the thias*
, The steamer burr
nvj B u MJLxrcsi.
O- P. CABTEB. kilMt
Mmw Thaak. Dr. p-wsU.
. Iuirn»*e, Wl*.. March a.-Dr. Oeo.
K. I'.iwell. who accepted the ehalleng*
t.Mied to Senator Mason by.Bsrou cl
Esir Burned Ovtf
lojfou know
of water* wa* never known In thU sec____________________________
tlon of the counto' before.
The lev**
the shadow of revtlonallam. strengthen*
tnt the president-* hand*, and declaring
the'flnnnea* and loyally of the people
to the natlA).
Vrge all ne-apapera
throughout the country to publish cn*
ratlTOsI Tolunle Ni
last and •
wnd oeveml good pack* were secured;
Oa Tueeday morning-the hunters lefi
the aMp About Lo-clock as u-uaL wben
the topk'out In the Cro«-B Nest reported
iM pfeniiful around them.
Mea Clad to t.leh> Ct-tUag.
// The men were clad In light elothtn*.
/ for the alaoghtertng of Bcala la ethad**
tive work. Scattered over the Ice SeM.
they wandered far from the prolecOon
*f the ship and a gale and enow stocm
abut them out from view. The Ice flc«
^rt«d and they drifted away from the
Meamsr. Lcmg elv the etorm aubslded
many of th* unfortuflate fellows had
gnecumbed to the terrible cold and eg*
poatire. Tboae who *'1 —' TfiT terrl*
hly rrostbtticn and suffered egrruclatlng
pain. The Umg ntgbi passed, but mom*
Tought r
1 and tl
with the anew driven before the gale.
Snow cenUmied nearly all day. and the
essnliw brought no re«*atloe • to tb*
high wind.
Ptaudlt Is atm faeortte M the betting
for the Kentucky Derby.
-The fiiraltt of MacklnaW^aejpwtod
jeeterday morning by a anotbem gal*.
eliy Addram rvierM '
Trs**ta» Cliy. Mleb. t____________________
^JAPtk^O^lw sah. Tts»m** OKy L
mboMo. incumpAt, mamh ao.
u Bioorad In (ram Kw «nd
«x tkiboms^ wutr. T»;»
(>«■ rondlUoo
boUm. coal bunkara
aor kind wara'nuStS^ toraoT tSS^aUr
feii '
ot Uw other atnraraq—. hbm tu iran^
' ‘
'--------- ---Tbr ruAl I'ankrra
. . IhU effect CDUid baei_____
teed only by tbe'tr>iHualoB u( a i <*»<
maxuinra and aimU room* (ov <rar« ml»e altuated
ander the bottom o( the '
e*Uaot Arder pnvalW
emjnr. namely « 1. B «. B E' B C. A U Bhip M
at about frame U, aad aomeabat > b«A
dl(«tl(>n of Hi>- rauaa f>: «n Intrrnal had tx-AD Id uae (bat day aad A U waa oa the
fbll of x>» River coal TbU deal bad .
A Tb«
heeo rarrfully fnepacli
ted tefore raeelV'- Ualne. cm the occaaloo named, wna
Uiard. The
ejrrythlnc had baati rapurt-d •rcnre In* M
_jie to
___ .... the baracfenalble on
tbraa _
^ «U wa« quiat.
At (ori> mtaatcd
»« the part of any
oQ- .
TO of the -rj.
TO , TO.. TO - ...
two later, which
f o'oiork tb« vcwe] »«« ■uddrair
asd the fourth aide
aide'' eera or member* of tbe Crew o( a*M , •»
_____ ______ of _
the southward
-.................— — — —.o wr
of ounker*
bunker* B 4;
4: veoaeU
berth, atom 4*a or tW yarda.
ar.d U 4 bHna emoiy. Thla bonkor. A
t. Id the oplniue of the court the ,
ensign FoWelsoe then said thattad-'
. la
olUar (be earrouadlnv at tt«
lA had been tnai-ected (hat day by tha Malbe baa deairciyed by the ^toalM Inch powder tank that be saw appearedI . lime of
____ JM
explosion. C
Captain. AvhM ,
ooclheer nfflter op duty. Tbe flr»« | of a eatanarlDe mlnee which e ausad
" Jith*
to be an emirty tank brokea by '
W l>aa**T a* bMit tm lb* ttMaa M>«.'B|
alanrta In the bunker* were In worklaf i partial eiplooloD vif Wo or m .moth* iloalon. as It mas nat badly dent__________________
_____ ________
1 atUL The Ali-bar.*-> XII w
•(•^bta-VvrtartK* lU^ii
and there bad never been a caaa (ortrard macaxlnea.
it [ van I"
. merely ripped the length of the seam
Tar snwU
SBWU Bpaniag
Bpanwg dtonnlch'
dMpaUh' - ^
has b
n unable to oh- , A Id-inch Unk was badly battered out boat Lecasue had
out tmT
I tala evideiu
c«»'T'»able shape. OonUaulng.
bef.wv and lakeh tbe berth aaengdad
Tt tbe Conbreaa of tbe t:r
A *^T
wlincsa esM tbe diver* up to the alght
by the Crtimaa man-of-war. th* OriaTot aomellme prior to (he
r ler*.
1 of tbe ertdence of the diver* esUbllshea that f L° ^
‘•efore be was then on th* ataad had aeoau. whli h had left.
The staar—-I* Havana
- _ barb
----------- — coraular
he int
the aftpr pan
•eotatlvee polntett out the advana
ally.Intact, anu auis
lami '-^oaiuon i
d aaat at tha
i.te now from the vtall
. <if
. ^tlonal
stern. sngbUy on the pen
to the Cuban water*.
I'Uers could not have cMsed >v«
rater*. In accuatum*
people to tbe rreaenie
♦ o
He bad aa neoDertlee of any wmtt
- yBa« aa ^•
aymbol of (oud »1”
l>eeh ^ound by the i
B and‘ ofirpon the eviaene* of ra-icurrant ex-I
my knowledge tt wad not found. going oa In tbe
the magaMne
or i_____
I the fulAllmeet of the mla- teenal cause the rinding of the court li dfrara and are in fair rondiuoa.
Mr.- wa* the reply.
rooms on the day of the exploatea. Iffie
as tainw*:
.TO TO«.,..^TO tro keys were called tor In the naanl way
^At frame 17 the outer abHl of tbe
found under the tdace
____ _____...
oa tbe-^y la quesUen aad were graptberafore mtsbt exlau
ship, tram a point eh-ten aad one-half
ret foraerly ^w^ ^t Its exact cfaarac- . rrly reriirned. At tbe Urn* a(-lh* ffi*AccordUurl) on the Mtb of J
feel from the tulddle line of tbe ship
. aster ihg two after botler* tn the attar
T eonferenre
*-i(b the
tbe BpanMi and six (eel shove the keel when In
.......................: Are room were la oa* baeaaac tta hrmixdWer. I
which the rmeval .of viaiu normal powliUm. ha* been forced up
ar as yoa , dr^uUc aysleta was awnewhat Maltl^.
TABels to Bpanteb water* aa to be now four feet shot.- the «wPnwelaao [
T,J|—,,, uftl.sitsf—
WM diacuaaed and accepted, the peota- face of Ihe wattr: therefore, abqui
Cmwal Oehetal TUshagh Lm ap•Blar ButhoHtle* at kladrld and Hav thlrty-four feet alwe where It -Would
report* alone, or bom (be ap
ana were adclaed of the purpooe . f thla be bad the ship sunk uninjured.
pearance of the wrack?.nverament to re«uit.e frterKlIy haval
OwSsMe FWlovs PiollBc M ■«(.
VlaiU at Cuban ports and that tn (bat
•The outside hctlom platlnc is beat
view the Maine would forthwith call at Into a reversed V shat--, the after
wing of wh.ek. about nfi.er feet broad
.M ree*lve<^y the S^l<di n-v- and thirty-two feet in tTWgth {fromit with appaScHaiion of the frl-nd....................
frame :S)^4» d -itbled liack
addahip line and at a point la the leuwth Aguiar ataxua of aavnl mMttoa* be' the
' e iMt
ilmt of the
(he Maine ' i^jr.laelf aLai^I^i -(I
ly dharweter of
about opposite tbe conning tower,**
i tween the two cooatrlea.
ha wa*
the <-<>nt1;iuaUoa of
ending f..rward.
WsIgBI <•
<s Msoaaa-.
Mira SB •» smasmee..
________ ,,tA________
Be Welghi
* ordered
airangementa at th*
vcttlra! keel
Itneas, IIn
d teolT
.“i the
reply to
to further
further ooe.rto«
----------- in two and
.^jRL.‘S.-^r P*«P«'
-r »*>*■ hraken
ar.d keel lieiii Into an
said hla opini
opinion was baaed itpoc the ob- eoaneMear'After a call
UaUed Stalea.
sitgle singular to (he angle formed fw
slion of things abore water.
—'---------I he ——
am •*—
departthe nutpidc plates. ThU 1-Teak ts about
gave no weight to Mr. Morgan's at
j saying:
MranwhUe the Maine entered the port ! atx f4et betow (he surtace ut tbe wi
meat about falUag Into a hole on _
•Havana on tbe *6th ol January, her ,
port aide because Morxaa mlxht have ' raliJd^^’tra £T**^
arrtral oetig; marlted witb bo 4wdal *^“^2
been mistaken about IL Referring le arnling the ship
thla adfeet
tnddenl beside*
e* “e
haniee »if cus- I
----------- of the court___________
hia notes made of things oa the Maine.
tmry aalute* W cersmonlal rtaita |
}':aBlgn Fvwelsoo katd that tbe arc o(
mated under tl
( It not he doqe
^ Mairte cmUr.rlrt'inThTharKlr‘‘.ff
e harbor of I'“f'"*"*
till they cam gat
the eaglae mom iMegrapb and tbe Uat
ship, at about frame
Rarana durtne the three weeks
eekt follow.-.
iractlona tram Madrid. Bay Omt M
shaft of the ateerliig gear coining do^
on the pun.Mde of tl
(M her arrival
No apprwiabie e*-*'-f
dhrough the armored tube (lurri-u was tor friendly pw^ofA “ riatmad. Aatay
dtorrent attended her atay: on tbe cn- i *“PhMit from port to sUrboard. The port
Irary. a feeilnc of rvll.-f and cenfldence
side of tbe protected deck was covered **It'"*^s^oD*lnu. bowoveg. th* M.aMa
tnptlnn of the I. n* ln> i
The co
IS of th.
with a greasy deptolL th* starboard had already sailed. Ih* arrived natt
day and Lee reported her arrival «a (ha
■t the M
sUc being comparatively free from IL
1. So no- •
That I!
r. tleeable wa* thla
“ ct of . a
c to
Tbe forward sm^e pi]>e. between tbe
her ylalt that the c
______ _________ ,
feme ec il
-I of an]
main and superstructure decks, drd not
ty arired that the prexnoe of our bM|w or membei
show Mkns of tbe iDternal prenure <
water* should be kept up by
It tbe ship BUS destroyed by {be
gases, nn the main deck, forward
d <of
retalplnd tbe
the Maine at'Havana. or In
Sinn of a aubmarlnr mine, which
the conning tower, abere the fore aa
a in regard ti
the event of I
after angle tnilb beam was located, the
ezMosloo of two or
> and all ot
ether ycaael
.rd maEsalues: and.
planglag was blown off on tbe only re
out Oh heard iMR i«W
ty min
maining plate of tbe main deck oo tbe
evidrM has been obtainable
tre was taken U avuM
re*tHTnslblUiy for the deport Mde. while the wood was aitll at.Mlrayed by an esplosion. by which the ' siructlhn of tbe >]Blav
Urbed lo.ibat part on the starboard
any person
—— forward
*------------ --------part
side, bgtweeeo Ihe conning tower base
teely srreched. Injhti catasirarhe two |
* bare dl^rtcted that the
and turreta
R-hat wUnea* saw would
inquiry and' the vIeira of
dt^her crew ,-rl,hH!. ; »hr
thdlcate that tbe pressure lifted the
^ nlghL
irorernment ibemm ^ cummnniprotective deck up on tbe port Mde.
lowed to
a to the eovefrunent of her roajes.
prolcctlVf d
the protective
drefc oo (be stv.
qutH-n. and 1 do not permit my1. and the r
On the night cf the detraction of th*
doubt that the sense of Justice
t St tbe time of the OBMab:
the hi
it^ Spanish nation
win dictate a Maine even lhlvt had hern reported se log* and Bndlng* of the coon of tnhere
______ _
hesvy «Bck. sad beard Mia*
se 0,1 action suRcested by bunor cure for U|» n.x*it at » p. m. by rrllahle qairy m the above caae are approved.
TO——^ .-..jrorvTO- to the court show of (slang euecu os deck. Tbosghitb*
the friendly rvuitlotw of the two prrwona. thraugt. the Opprr authorltira,
ing diagram of various parts of the ship waa bMM Br«d upon. Was MM bff
F was rendered I
dliRcfficer At the lime Rear Admiral.
and n ' the captam to see tbe boati ercr* low
the V. S. Nai
F ua the Nsrtb
ered. He mw few mas entsiac. msMhe result,
the uiala of tbe Spanish
ly olBeere. He saw no rasaoa U Band
le conaid- cldent r*u»-J b>
^mrso XII and the Ward
e about the
tbe raagaslnes because water s
r TEk punMOkT
on board
aty of Waahlnffton. which
p of
dr* fi
. The
.... d.
lealracqpo of the M— toMa^tli : of the ship which.
_ I fob
.Jlded began to crowd around tha.wr
e Ifaeal Beotd of Iwqslry
curred •( »:lu p. m. on the IMb day of
tor by tbe anlhorltle* of Ra>
rolled haek was recalled fo him.
He tndaced boats to take tbe w
Februap-. iwi. In the harbor of IlavboadU'U beinc freely opened
(son said be could
.-e pl_
plate to dlffcreat veoaria. He otder*
anv Culo. being at the time moored In
r are portions of the tea■to them, while tha oarllast rec.vered
________ J> It was bent o'itward. aa It
bodies of the dtkd were Interred by i
a only two feet uedrr
B*atdvf iBq.iry.
taken upon her
numdpamy in a public
•owclaon was caned
^ ahear orcurredOrder* wen •foBowed wtth
-The followin* Is the full text of the two exploalOBt <
tbe dty. Tribute*
ffrlef and sy...
court. Be irsiiaFd
------------- of
„ _.ief
lad ukee soundings and had
■ a dm. The only order
character, with
paihy were1 offered
pteaeat on the Maine
otte^ {
from all official report of inerourt of Inqulrr:
fatbotrs (f water on both
> theMooe to Mavc shtpL
U.«. a lowa.-Flr»t Rale.-Key Weal. tiDci Interval b
______ j. VI
of the
the Island.
the arrival of the boat ddo of the Maine down to the mud.
d thc'mrecfc^ dag
FU- Munday. Marth 21. laa-After forward part of the ship ..._________ __
The atmlilhc eatamlly feO •
great deal of tbe Tkklnx a lt-p«und lead Hn* and dragdegne-at the time of the drat ffiving.
people or oqr country with crusblBC fun aad mature cunsidFrallun of all
ging irtth a wherry for obsir
a gig. with U
in reply 10* qu^kffi to (gn the Mart the port sid« ■
BMh. *hd
«d attempted
atrAo board the wrack,
all about the randlUon of the wreck, he M tbougbt 1
axmement prevailed, which
water waya would t
t* wsraed off by aa amad bears
Bc wa*
t. That the tlnlted Blairs tiauimhi
said th* forward partiftheahlpforward
muBliy |s*s Just and aelf-eonirolled
tound. he f-ii
of Bimalards aad tbee poBad
no Lhrtrarttons wtai
the hsrliur
hsrliof of HavicL
of the after smedtesUck had been to all
than eui*. miebi have led to hasty acts Maine arrived In tlw
starboard aide he found
a tbe wreck. There wm MM
of blind rrscn.tnenl. This spirit, how. Cuba, on the Uih dal of Ja
feet where be
ever, sum rsvc nay to the c*inter and was-tafcvo lu buuy .No. L in (rum
<al (he^waterof tbe court, caused by the partial th* door leading t.> the *upS»tructuP*
pcoctwse/ Ilf reason and to tha resolve Bve and a ha ( t» six fathunu vjf water
by the rvcu.ar government p..ut.
Chief QaBser's Hat* Otae* of tbr 0.
HI of two or more of the for- aft and to sUrlmard. inclined at about
to Investleale the ficU and await
xwer to qpretloas he, said there
mid boW b* had bee* sMt
Whtrrtol proof before formlnc
_____a Judgthing kft of (he port pMu^ at
nt as to
CewSUiwa ef (he ST reek.
' Of the-coanlng tower lo board. Coatln.
that place the previous evening
and If
e *U**ia'
ulng. ^ deBTrtbed with rioid detail tha see If anything had fallen out
I warvamed, tha iBtended a r.val of the ^laine.
aetmdad (o«r-ttmas. bwklag oboBi atm
temedy due
c^'itton'tmdM ^'main dmA
t. *The-------------------------------- <m iioanl th,
of dlsrtphM
or am* bean of total rgataliiatlna Otnot enable tbe court
C-srr eflraB-re
form ___________
a Mlhlte
‘1^ Axtt
Milp <n th* pert tldr was entirely gone
line w
was excelletiL and all orders _
and conrlusioo as lu tbe coedHluti
aea told bow oa Ua Bret dcaeoat ba
■ndHluti of the 'I wrecked,
while (Ixii
---------opposite point* tadkated on a diagram
«~vs«rltr recomr„«....,
nlaUors IB rega^ to the care and
west over tbe forward part of the ship.
srrei k. although It eras cauhllabed that I ^Uon
handed the-------- - —To an* hla owd cxpcaaslea. b* skld: *T
almtwt Intact
The port blown out.
th* after part of the ship
practical- |
—-e was
— — v-w
out. AlI.etnmuDltl
llr^ waa'siowed*"**^
toaad (h* wreck aO Mosred M- I to«M
ly Intact, and sank In
n that eoadl
eoadltJon a ' ***■"'
-----------------------------This cone
traarertaincd cens niy lAuld it deter- th aeeoruaLti with tnsiruciioiia. i
Resign Fowetaea'
• lAI nt erwl* tars gnWTB tBsi r "
few minutes
dcatnieUoo ;
oaanlng tower support had
proper tare was taken whenever *
been biowo aft on both side*, but a
.f the forward part.
munltim was handled.
Nothing i
U,, i giimt deal more m Ihe port^^ m tte
The follnwing farts In regard I
are was followed, as in
fliiror atosred ut any of (be magaalne*
starboard al^^Tfae^re room batch lm- th* roan of mqal
•ter to nUx.
fonrard part c( (be ship are. boa
abaft of tbe *01^1^' tower
of a
* sutc. 4 t
eqishUsbed by the testimony:
. mediately
- rIn the harbor of K
stowed there.
Thal pcMlon of tbe Mde of the pro- bad‘ -been Mown In three direuetnet__ n. aald that be assumed_______________
It once OTRBI dxed.*
td of
. lo aUrtMsrd. and to------ - ~
.—f of officars weU quallfled
tectlve deck, which -extends from aboht
over the platas be straek k
Tbe magaslres and shell raoms were frame » to abuuLframe 4f; was hlosra tectlve deck uader the conning
and practical expeiiencv
4-lDcb shells with th* shags aa thgm.
loci^ after having
bean up aft. and over to port. Tbe mam deck
m iiro
tiro dlrWti«*4
su* duty impos.•d up.10 tbenu always
was bent In
vans tbe last time Jaa. K IMA
The Going to the rtgbt wttnaao atatad ba
o|«D^ and uter the ileetrue;ion of the freen -about mme M to about frame 41,
OB the starboard Mde betw
r a Btruiv foiy,v <f ,tvreckcrs
trre '
(oond a M *d vraefcaga. It aaemad «a
Ua ni thCroKrys wen- yuond in their
ejun proceeded to
up aft. and alightly ov«r to
baca Mews over tbe gttfbaord.
prulwr p:*ie -B th* captain's cahto. ev _____ ____ _ folding the forward part of down.
bavtag Infarmed the autbartlle* ao» atotsM Ibat be pot Ua bbM Ms
erything havirg been reported secure the middle subetatnicture brer and as
cmplartnit every available
-----------------cording to official cuatotn. After b*
oaoks and brought owt aneeral •etcnltig at I o'clock.
the Impartial and exact de.............
•rt This waa m the
la reply » *» Inquiry as to whether look cm an oBcUl pUoL aent by the
■ of (he magaMnes
of the caases «( the exploaiiin
irL caused by the par he meant with refereoee to their oelg. eaptaia of the port of Bavana. tbe ship
ere taken dally aad tial exploMoD of two nr more tt th* Inal poBlUoas Saslgn Powelma reptlad
operaUoBs have been conduricd with
was berthed in. the man-of-war anchor
The beam -supperUag age off the Machina. dr tbe Bhean. aad
f undue amoam of hat was the
inches atmft aecoidlng to hla understanding was one ward of tbe OSM oa the pert Mda B*
ThMy-FMirlhMOaiw Fssttaa.
peocacUv* deck a few Inches
r la-lDch
toUowed tbe :bauca Uet« —' -------- *
k-lDch magaMi
magaMne aad that did not'
A At frame nTthe outer afaeU of tbe
““ «“*• of th* regular booya of the place. He ibai tbe aUpto Mte wa*
was deahd1 the
t- ^
. stated that be bad been In Ha- beard pod alimgrti tU «n
Mp. from a po.ni eleven and one-half
strayed The turpedo
_. ______
*4 for a
i In ItR aad again la UM.
feef from the middle line of the ahlm '
of »»*•
be xraBMd oa.
BpanlA aotharlUca
k all stuwed In the after pan of the-ahip.
tower, underneeth th*
—: could not a ale wbelbfr tbe Mala*
under tbe watd ruom.. and aeKber
“At the port where abe t
nsdlBWOfShet]—Ft. •
wa* placed in tbe nsna. berth for menThe Bhdinc dr the rotm ef InqutrT
ef-war. hot said that be bnd beard re
ue- tonmd iffi.
was reachrd after tawaiy-thtpe /£» primers aad de.uaili were atosred in
tain flterena temponirtly ta cemMsM and the pUlaa are pmem owwi
______ tbirty-foor feet al
tbe cabin
aft andretnuie from the
-------- —
<d tbs Ward Unc steamer City of W*ahwould be had the ship i
of the exploBloo! Tbe wa«e
tagtan as aatbortCR (nr the stateambt
The outside *
that be had bever knows In all hla ax- three feat forward of that spat tbara la
perttbc*. which covered vlMta to HaWing o* which about ........ .. ...................
6^ ID regard lo iWiThad
VUM far Bv* or alx year* a m*a-a(and thirty-twv> (*et in length f
It Is harewtih laU before tht coaatmi. dryeva aiooboi a
wv to be anebared ai that buoy; tbai bottoffis. la cvMed Uk* * *ast tt paper
_ __ ______
frame 17 to frame ffi) ta doubled
■ Isaether with the vr’—■-------ha'hnd rarely knows merchant veiiH*
- agal
alnst th* Mptlniiatloo M
upon itaelf
the court.
before tbe
It* parpon
to »* snehoeed Umre Shd (hat It was
TOTOildMdpa Ml tka MM piM* than M
I, ta brief, as follows:
aBythlag to-m, witw thtbs .eSM saad buoy ts the hartxw.
*^AtTrem*u''& varticsrirey'iahfalMB
Jmtm the Maine arrtvad at RavaM the Maine.
la iwu. and the .Bat keel. hoM talo ac
angt* Mmllar to th* aagl* (mmad hr
UMpomlMitjr for Wrwk of U<o
Mmino Not Ptacwl. .
I arsh.-'s as?
BT mniXiEm USE.
i ssJKT.'-ija s
. IK!
•• ffcat III
%sa:'r?£ .
i s SEK.-.T,
: S?
r.5SiS",r, ‘rni“'n4j i
* £1?
“ “os ...
Kr'iS",': ;►*:
. ... -- .. ..
‘irfrelWe the keW sTbS
ty MhoMsd^fi^^aia rw
- - -
isns 5rj?ija?.r5r£si
Uw outaMs bouam plaUBg. «MB teaS ^ BtthkMr«« M« i» mR;
s'- -:k,
ItOMTOfa MOOtft. w
UAMtm »0.1M«.
We Ar^ fay Savers;
To the bueleet place In Traveree Olty and see how huelnesa ie rushed along.
will make you feel good to see it go.
It’s the stook and the prices that do it.
a IOC for fast reds. Rather poor
quality, but docs very well for beddinff. S-T'S. 4 and 5c for clean, nice
^ring ^les of best quality made.
8c to 12 i-ac, full yard »
wide. No
better to be had. Elegatmt Choice
styles in light and dark.
be^jcr for children.
Styles in AU Wool
Isnnishliic Haloes
E?tra good for skirts.
If You
and Curtains
make the price 28c. an^ claim that
is an extraordinary CORSET for the
Sole Agents
For Oresoo Corsets.
3 Great One*.
10c—Better than last year.
12 l-2c—A wonder.
Fine as silk—2Bc.
You didn't do much paperingrlSst year,,
therefore you will have to thta year.Our prices are
Cannot break at waist line.
Prict—$t 00.
An Umbrella
For 39c.
40 Styles
Good frame, good doth, wood
rod. Splendid school umbrella.
For Mt better cloth, steel- rod.
Splendid school umbrella.
At B9 and 69c we can astonish
Don’t fail to see the Patent Brace
- 1
Are finer and lighter than Per
The biggest line of Umbrellas,
cales. Softer than the ordinary and txStljargains.
Ginghams. They come in plaids and
toipes and ^re particularly well ad
apted for shirt waists.
4c, 5c,
10c, 12c|i jlciibleM.
To select from.
Spring’ Wraps.
From 76o up.
and up.
21x45 inches, and heavy. Why!
A good many of them weigh a ton.
And.many similar goods will be
As we are offerirffe at $2.99 is a
shown in great variety this season. very scarce article. It s just such an ASSORTMENT
Checks, stripes and, figures will other rainy day bargain as our Um
dl be good. 12 1-2 to 25c will buy brellas.
the medium grades, and they must
be seen to be appjwiated. Lower
and higher priced goods of course.
IOC to 35c.
At 29-3*9-Wc.
Wash like a piece of white cloth.
A^ood one, 30 inches wide, for 20c.
Are You
Going to Ride a Wheel?
Is so \-ou’U want a Bicycle Suit.
We arc showing a 6-4 Wide Flannel
“3 shades." at 33c—Very suitable.
Good thing, low prict.
Then'we carry in stock ail the extra wide
Shade Cloths.
We make and bang Curtains from the nar- ‘
rowest up to 00 inches wide'.
Get our prices before you buy and we will
get your trade
In the domestic stock we play second
violin to no concern in Michigan.
Yard Wide Cottons
At 3 1-2.4. 4 1-2.5 end 6 cents.
City Bookstore,
of the lakes.
wuj Bw* He HHMui.ewm
Fjraany yean tbe great 6oei
vaa looked spon • ‘
ol ooBinecc
i» U»
world, trying wtennow <«■«
ttab Ita ga^y^ tbe aa-L
. takm has dwarfed the Sneaeanrf. Tbe
' Beane of tbe Jar-ber which goes
j^my cH Ibe lakaa ia eeut away 00 to
Amnioan polnta witbom aepermU..I aklng ,0 • jora», of
b^dred ntife.’doWntliriTm
^ , tbotwand milea and
»ora on tbe lakea to tbe Sc Lawrence.
gb^pgi, the Welland canal to
280 Front St.
an la Ua Oraat lakaa
W. B. Barwood writaa In St. NIebojlatof-The Grfat Lekea.*' Mr. BarI wood aaya:
I Jaoqoea -Oartler. wbo ahipped from
8t. Malo in 1684. explored the ooaal of
' NerrfnondUud and made tbe olroalt of
the gnlf ol St. Urrrenoe. and be did
The Iowa lithenaryamorffonnldahlebaHlrahlp. Ber atatlgtieeere: DUptoeement. IMlOtoee; qwed, leknota; boCMpower, 11,000; ooat,«8.
armaBeet. tea II toeb, eight • tnob, rft 4 taeb gona and 28 gnu ol
batna. Homoa la m mwe* ^Aka.
mboole and to tbe can of ita poor.
Glaigow bM BO pobllc llbmiy, and apparantiy baa m bo^tal anpport^ by
inidpallty. U bai a mwialpal
two of 111 SMala
, tofti'
t gallery aad i
uaaWHHe emawara, warau w* iwa
>d in
orided and
rirata geBeradty. Ula^ow opera gee plant wllb anooam and bat
"ILT!!.*?!! l in tbe matter cf poUoa, water and flra pnrobaeed and toi|eo*od a <
fcr^»p»Um«df tototo^talow
cf onaottyla tract of land. Bomb taae
: ^ . Bhont ae good aetbat cf tbe etotr.
«l!S?Sl2rSl» 0**««»*
*• ***
! rfnrtedUM'caatbb-aiMWartbom *ecaa
of Hanw and at IM toand fatanetU at
Sanlt Sta Marie, or tbe fella rf 8A
: Mary, now abtrtened to ‘*8oo“—the
I drat white mao. it li bMierad. to rmA
' tfaU key to the noble lake beyood. Qn
; wat
aa far aa Green lay, en'LafceMkbj ^
at la«
knowledge e< tbe
I| exploreta end were no longer mytbe.
Bnt M tbeea Freneb' eaploawi eOH
:' ttnoed to derelop new and UMMrto awdreaved of pomibilittea of aanplra tbe
En^lNb begat to taka deep teMieal ia
the Soea canal in I8M waa 7,000.000.
;Tbia tonaaga of tbe ^doea not by any
'•tb» grwt takaa; It jTeal^ porUoti of
year or two baa/banpabbanimbItt. Handndaof tbonra^af tonaaf UrfMd a atody of tbe admlniapnUon
mp^iea^ all k
T. Lowrfl
ly Mripp^i
M. B. HOLLEY, Kanager.
ninetieth binbdajt. He baa occupied tbe
aauie atndiu, at 10 Trenioat row. since
I I8ts. when be itarted iu boaineae with
^ Ur. Sontbwirk. wbo died a few yeara
' aga Mr. Hawse la atUl riga
j tuoda to all tbe details of trada Be «
' tbe flrit to make dagoerreotypee in tbie
' city, and all the fatnooa mc« end worn' rn of a generatif* ago. incloding Daniel
• Webster. Knfoa .Cboete, Jenny Lind.
Baron Botharbild, Edward Ererett.
Charlotte Cnabnias, Loagteliow. Whit
tier. Parker. Emmti. Alcoik Locy
Larooni and Grace Gtvoiw
; bim iu tbla name atndio."
ena Doer eno loober end. iron ox«-^ell
the oatml prodoetg from e WMt er«e of
oountry, drawn to ibe leke roote be
fiin r I i '------------------eeue it ii w aneb cbf>dper to more j
Ike Sms 0—sI,
goodi bjr water then b; rail. In retoro, t
In 81. KlcbolM there ii SB srtlde on tbe eut MiKii Cbe «eA vast qaantiHes
“The Greet UfcM" hr W. 8 Beewood. of nanoUctitred gondi and ImmeDW
ifbe eotbor Nye:
eoppllea of bard and eoltooeL Tfaewert
The CQiiiiB»ee of the kkeeleettar- fnmiabei raw materlali; tbeeertnanflman. The onUeC from Loke Svperior factorea tbeae materials-aod aendi back
to l^ke Enron bed elwaye bees e Md- tbe prodneu of ber factorjua«nd millv
*» «uobetee)etooaBBMree.lnthatitwae,n»ereweranceiTedattbep(ra(Hl>Dnot deep enough to allow tbe Unt« ibU, ud Superior daring tbe year 1896
freight and peawngrrboeta to pa«oomfaring ibe take Maeao—
fnrtablytbroagb. Lo(^ bare beat bailt i.jTs.; I* tow of ooal,
at goretsmeDl eapenae. at tbe ^ of
qd the margini of tbeie lakra. peranny milUane of dollmra, whidi now gj„,urly « tbe aborei of Soperior.
allow tbe paMga of large boeta. and
^ ^ „;,.rtng toAm oontaloing
two w loeka era being Wlt-«e
1^0. eilr.T. o^ipcr and ^d. Tbe Iron
tbeOaoediene and one by tbe Ameri-,
oonunmlal YaJoe
allr inegbanaible in anaast
enn aide U larger tbao tbe old end when
I on iu YMT banka, are iron
eonpleted wUl be one of the tnoct woo, otpnt of wbicb rirala that
dertel pieoai of namry to be fonnd in
I in tbe w<
HooklM «0»'•WM-
What's nicer than a nice clean
Gingham that can be washed over
and over and always comes from the
ironing table fresh and handsome as
when new. Poor ones at 2 \-2c; and
all other grades up to 25c-
In plain and striped at 13, 20 and
25 cents. They haye ho equal in the
19c Wall Paper
V" )Hade the Price
Yourself you would say BOc—We
PIcnV more
of those go6d Night
. ] Gowns at
And attUs ttmeuftha yMTltlStoa
oB for «> theft C iima. npem k> amaU •
male and with aneb donhifnl naslta
tbatnoTtlnable oooclnaicai can yet ba
drawn from it. On the whole nod regardlew <f oort. tbe poblio eerrioe of
BoetoD is rather more exteneire tbas
I chat rendered by Uhmgow. andto qaality wobU wem to be quite m good.
TbaBcKoBTraBMirlj,. .
JebBKm Bawet. tbe «lde« wotktog
rfwtogtnpber to tbie oonstiy oBd^nb-
_________ wbo thronged
•tiraig and Mendly fnan all the ragloai
in and abost qsebee and Montraal and .
Ottawa and Kioietoo. Another mariner I
of St Malo-Franola Gwo-^began_^ |
oolcnicatigB cf tbe laid. Abont 1870.
to Frano< Samuel de flhaitipUlti wee
bom. and wbw be reaobed tbe age cf
early manhood be. too. Jotoed to tbe
new world esplcaatian to tbe regbm
chore tbe great laken. Tbe kinga of
France were meeb iaiereetad to tbe
new Undkitd did all to their power not
only to explme tbe regiim. bnt to oolonlae ^ derelop it Cfaamplato. to
1616. made an crpedicfae np tbe Ottawa
rlrer and peoetratad as tar as into
Georgian bay. tbna toaetatng on iba watcraof lake HnroB.
In 1818 Etienne Brnla, an oU tot■^
prater, eame tote Obampialn'e camp
wllb tbe newa of tbe dimorary at Uke
: Sopsrior. Lake Erie, with XtotarfatM
probably .dlaniemed eone Mmn, mrntw
ttoatbU. Mioollet, to t8M.
abto totba world, baa torf ortatatnd Me • cBBoetatteMadMOW
than 1
Ibelr I
ginla and Maamehnmtta Again and
again ibroDgb tba yeara that foUow tbe
tbnada croaa and rwrom, not wanTlBg
a beauifnl gaimeni of barmoay. bnt
tangling In a wtatebed Bark a iwtnbwork-of diapntea betweoi tbe natitaia.
Entanglement foUorred ewtaaglament. ware haramed tbe land.«itU nt.
ln« the EngUab were Biae&n rf tbe
Borefaern lake region f<w all time -nnleaa aome day we abr 11 aee tbe etata and
atripM Boating from tba belcbta rf
Wbal yon call ‘■ebtomey mpway“ to
he MBC ns tbe boom tor enltoi
•‘hearth money.'* It wu erfahMrfiad nil’
of makti« «p tbe deJdmqy to«
toCbarlmU. It wee rhpentod by I end
U WUUam end Mery. e. 10. bat wan
tUmpoaM to Seotlnnd to Septambw,
l69C.etlbentecf la 2d. tor bewiy
SenHb. Tbe repeal waa cm of tba Sito
booM mmeedml k, WiUigm on hto
wrienL—“BiM*y tf Tamttoa.’* by
fbe«MmlMtblem <c tryaiiytt«t-.:
MMtoi to Ibe toon orowB rf tbeLem-^
banto Tba toner iirip of tooa noem*.;
^ mcndltton. w»be«H oatM
omciu PAPQ
aad Oarl C
VO mzOTXVO XV vatava.
tba aOra
•; wbOa Cbartoa FWbtoc
maporta of Troabla Xtaatod bp Ooitsol
aad Mr. OrtoMtod arfBOd tba aafatlTa
.aMa of tba qaaaMoa. Aftor Mock dai^aBafalI.aa.
MAiVLvrt AsntVBs oirp.
Ubafatka oo tb* anrwaato of tl)a
i|^. Marcb to.—Aaalataat
rovT BX8 rousxov.
•IMokM th« Jut doetood to tow of
' Dap aald todap tbara U do
for tba raporta that rtota aad dto9»oLAm*nom or womxm ri'ofMiOi Dddnraj thm |»vo u to* BITT TKKU IS UVBVtT AKOVO baalB
torbaaa^ ara thraataaad to Baraaa.
All widths. We can sarc you money. Get <mf
OmSAXEB HUOHXZOXtSKBn. torc^ar tolk opoo *lk»ttoo." '«ad
Tba atata dapartmMt baa pea tad tba
Bwbort SoMM fare ao Impcwtoa.
prices and We will get yonr trade.. ;
Ua aa^Mt of wbtoli waa -1%e adw
toad Aetioa to Vrtoc Ifittora to a that tbara ia DO aoaaaloo for i
Ute BalarraatkabltodWocraphleal
Ortola With tpato^troae ^jpAaiua rapona'aa to tba alMattoa to I
wriUen bp Mte Mprtla Laaf
«f W«r Acalut akateb.
Broaebt to Boar
tba Braob
wortbp. the aabjaet. batof “WlUiam
Z«dtoa*‘Xaa ^ota a« Mra. F. M.
MehM t> WUoh
daat to XlaaUra Via lataotioa Ba. Aabtoo’a.
CbaMlbr* «>itok wac miMaad bp
Haala to Or(«« tm Wttwtag Oabua. Ctood Pala^.
ProtOMor Dockarap
Sola of all popolar Bbaat Moato at with priM bafora you buy
WwUaKtfn. )Unh ».—IIm fR»- cave tba eriUcb raporV
Waabiactoo. ManA ».-A dear aa*
MUT««oHldmtooB of tb« oU^oteorbjorltp of tba BapabUeaa aaambato. U la half prlea wlU ba eo^ttooaddte tbirtp
dapsioorar. **’
daaooatfatad bp aetaal eooBt, baa or* Froat atreat.
toe Oabaa praUa^ to tba
ted talcaoiiedfor aoUoa spoo Oeba taoBordim aMtUtar oraab aad «
row, aad salata tba leadiuo eaS^'wbip
And let us show you our new stock, at
tewal Jotot OatM FMolattoao wara aCTSTBBXOOS OISAFFBABAVOB tbam toto lior with tba adcatotoUaUos
or BOOT or av xvrAVr.
tbara wUl ba troabla.
latrediMod, aaeb araattoc a Uea^ oaaa- ‘
If tba laadrra eaa bold tba raak aod
aTtoiaAca aad a
dla bp aaanrinc thaa tba praaideat will
• Pafbapa tba i
ftotrodoead bj Mr.
tad bU aacoilatloae
Bartad—WhM> Ofl---------------Ofletola Soofbt i--------- with
— '
BawltM of Dtob. Mr. Forakar of Obtb
Bold aa'l^aat Taotardap tba i Bafuta witbto a weak, or wUbto tbrea
Bodp bad XMrrrP—ted
^ preaidaat nap witbbold
tba Mttor tro« aoacreaa aad co
9 et Caba aad towtof
Suttoaa Bap. Mardi n.-On Moodap.
Mareb 21, tba bodp of a sala wblta laU tba Bapablkaoa rafota a anta of
Hr.TWakar aaked Ibat Ua raaololaat waa fooad la a waat lot bp aooia
Id tba
Mabcoto tba foraicn ralatktoa aito*
Made b; tbe White Sevinc Mach
c2(lldraa at piap. It waa earofnllp
tbap Boat tomorrow, thap will ba .-e
BlMaa. Bb aald bia wolottoa. bad
wrapped to eavara) eorartori aad bad
troatad witb tba w^la Co-wa
ine Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Another lot of select atjrlea in Drees Goods Datteraa were
AoM loa^ dalapad. Be bad totaadad to
erldenUp tola for aom tlato. Tba
jujaaat-tt iMt Deeambar. bat wllbbald bodp waa takra to durfc bp Sacrototy tOOaUle, aad it probably at-aa> war at
the drop of tba bat.
# stock. If yoo want som^ing nght in style, in ooloc, sad in
tf%0(MBa of tba teaar of the praal*
of tba Board of HaalU Saaaioaa aad
^ qoabty, get yonr new dress at
Tba Kaw York dalefauoa is tke
/teotb ■iiMca. A raaaaaabla tiaar
waa bariad bp his to the rUiafa
booaa will rota aolidlp.' Wttk poslbtp
a mow to bare alapaad.
Retisbie Diy Goods, Carpot
two axeapUooa, acalaet aap aeboraa of
Tba paopla raaliaa that
antonoBp. Wltbaqaal aaaalsitp tbap
and. Clothint House.
M»a baa ba«,tw «,ato to ^ j ITd aTo;;;;:^“to,-"aat
will oppoaa any approarlatloa for food
which daea oot carry at Iwt tacit roe*
litp. Aeoordiaclp (
aa Ua toUaro fraa laaltoad tba
aor FraUek aad Sheriff Bamorw of
The Iowa delapaUen will follow aop
' waa ooatroatod bp the Da Lose tool*
Maple City. Proadbattoc Atton^^ppp*
atoea the apaadp drlvlaf
tete. Tbsi *’tbe Matoe toeideot’ ton. Coder Sheriff Browa of L^d lend wblel
of toeSpaaiarda
la from the toland. la
were hare aarlp tbia sorator to bevia
Mleblpan. Mtanaaota. IlUnoto. Indiaaa.
toe laqoMt. Qerk Basioaa piloted toe
and la fact all BepobUcaa eutea. toe
sap badooa aa to the -Matoe laeldaat.'' party to where be bad laid toe bodp
and fine samples et—
to oeerwhelsiaplp apaiaBt
satioB saat ease opon tba fuoral rest aad foaad aosa oae bad boea tbera
farther delay.
before bis. Ke treed eonld ba had of
red to toe toe body. TbeJooUce. aberiff. allor
aad repreaenutivea ewarsed to toe
aepa aad all totarcatad retamed booM
WbiU Boom to orre the preaidoat to Alee otoar whoala ef •
Maaoa of lUtoSa waa rooo«^Md tor a
toia Boretor.
deffoe btooouM aad dlMTow aeqaica^Heboatoapeealteafasesaca. Mr.
eenee la a plan which e<
Maaoa oaM be baUered It waa due to
fnrtoer delay and daeUrc hU intenUon
the oeoatop to kaowtb# ceeoral oa*
of iaterTenlBf.
Swaioa of tooiateottoo of too sesBan of too aoaata. Ua Mid that be mUlp aad Barbara Thlal of Beat
waa. tired af toedUatoep taotica to%t
WeahiB^toB. Mareb.
Attoe eloae
baW baaa amplopad for tbiaa poare to
af toe eabinet SMUar today Beeratarp
'jprartet atolataaoo from too Daitod
Teaterdap afSmooB Cadermberiff Alcer rave ont toe followlar autaseni
"Tbe mesber* of the eabinet are all in
I SYtof to toe Btarrlac Cabaaa,
teartp accord with toe pre^dant. and
-tootorti bo totaadad BO dlareapoct to tbo aiTMtod Pklllip Tbiel aad bit
404'niiian StrMt
8<mth SU« ShM Stan.
Barbara. They were takea before Jna- have bean witboat oeeptioa. When
Bo deoerlbod rlrMlp too deatltatioa Uoe Browa aad with toes tbeir two- be read to toes peaUrdap bU bm
oa toe 'Malae' tbera waa not a dlsantto Saba aad too diaaa(er of toe M^o tooatoa’sld babe. Tbe aerated
aad aald that U atootp of tba rletisa ebarped with crMllp'trMtlar and with
not aaffleiaatlp clotbinr Jasoa Cole, a It commanded toe approral of every
Bow eonld toe prcaident
„jsa* soald net hart baoB*fortp dapa la tod Mae pear* of affe, who waa ladM- sasber.
Aadartor war. Mr. Maaoa mid toe tarad to toes from toe OoldwaUr hare epid son? Uera'
Whst voold yon think of a lawyer who tried to seenre clieots by
oatootropbe eboold be rsdlad to rifor- aobool for bopa. C. O. Taraer waa re- report at csee and atotod tUt ba bad
offering chances on a bicycle?
•oaab-. Baooaldaetopeak for otoctn. tatoad bp Thiel aad toe exastoatioa forwarded it to Bp^.-and to awaiUnr
Would yoQ want tbe serrioes of a |diymcUn who offend to gin
Aat ta-htoseUbewaaforwar.' Tbla WM art for Satardap jaonia(. It will toe reply. Be saat take one atep at a
(.’ool bods or sofa pillows to pstients who emptqyed him ragokrlyt
AadavatAoa broMbteota
that tbto caM waa Usa It sap be aald there need be ao
We think not We beltore also thst when aickilcss eomn and
borteof ^plaMO ta^ toe raUeriea.
broe^bt to tAs atteatlMi of too antoor- tear be will aot take toe next. Be kaa
you have |>reacriptk«8 to be filled, or need any other aid tiiat th«
Ba daMared that toota ooold be ao ittoa toat tall bp Mtoa Cslor. taachor ^ not loot a soseat la preoeatinr not
akilled i^annacut can render yon want perfect aarriee at a fair price
—and nothing else
too aebool at Bmi Bap. Tko bop to only toe ‘Maine*
to Spain. The eoaa*
We can give each sernce. We beliere-draggists that are com*
with bU face asaarad With blood aad Up oan well afford to await toe 'reply
'baentioas abont qoality are pretty anre to be ae corefnl abont pikite
oarp tor toe Matoe aeort to fla toe -ra*
faoad that of toe aeroUntkwB. wbloh will
speoalbUltp: tba tow did that.' If it ooe of bit MS waa partlaUp ton fros prospUp sateknoorn, wbatovor toe
arat a torpedo or mtoa. it waa a S
too bend. Upot beiap aaked when be
Trarerae Ci^.
888 Union Bt, Oomlir of Tthd
It dM ae> taka tka Trarma Clt/ pteaW loM*
Ito torpate artolaa. Bpato saat aa* mtolTod too tojaip toe tod atotod tbat
and Hang Curtains
Madhim BlocL
ThtW j Yesteriay
Pramat k n a a s "UDa
™?,“S Wheel Enamelfld For S2.5B
or moot'
Good solid leather connter8,aoles and appers—that lb the kind that wears. -
Qnalitj And Price Aw The Priies We Offer! 1
Wlelin Bros.
Bicycle Repairing!
It WM done by Mra. Thiel. Tbe saV
Ba woald" oppoaa aap -propealtioB Mr wna tovMUcated aad broapbi to
loohtoff to toteataitp. aa be w '' toe nttontiobef toeooaatp apent. It
■ State Tax
to alleped that betwea toe fst of laat
Soptasber aad toe Slat of Daoesbor
aap ktod of aatoaesp or aap pin to toe Tbtola have aabjaeted tba boy to
Laaalar. Marck te.-Mr. Adama baa
BMiat Spain. botbleteiBaad waa tkat aneh treatsoat that intorferaaoe by
laUwdocod a Mil providinr that toe
toe Bpaalah flac be drieea tros toe toeanto
Weatorb keslapbara. NStoer did ba
Tbe aeeaaad were roleaaad npoa toelr aaeretarp of >tata aad toa land <
stoaloaw eontUtato toa board of aa*
believe Coba ahoald be reqnlred to pap
until Jaaqarp neat.. At ibe
AodesBltp to Spais "We are told.**
IHod U toe Aaplnm.
Kovesber election two sesbern are to
be Mid. -we soet wait oa tko Spaaiah
CbarfM Qlbaoa. aa inmate of too bo elected for two and foar pMta re*
.elaeUoaa. bat If toe Spaalab elect
aaplas. died Moatep nipht. Oibeoa epocUvelp to eaeoeed tbe above oaeI that
bad beta la toe iaaUUUan aboet a 1 i^ The bill fnrtbs
toe board ahall fix toe valne of rail
Be WM a teotoar*U*Uw of road. telampb, expnM aad
Fred L. Bepnolda, sanarsr of tbe Mae- property aad report et tbe openiaf of
Traracaa Bap Teat B^eod' Sabataa* kefOD Opera Uooee. A wKa aad four each rerular aoaaion of toe leglalaturr,
okUdrna sarvive bis. Tbe rosaina and alM report tbe tree Mab markat
dial Addition Laat Bi^t.
warn taknbo Maakeroa peotardap bp valaa of all pioporty in the ataU. the
'Ttatotao feap Teat. Ka. IM. K. O. T.
Mr. Bepaolda who ease bare to^hsk
valaeoXAbe Msa and tba total
M.. to lapldlp fOUiar to tba front aad
after tod actoarwneata.
natoantof Uxm levied aaA eoUaetod
to addiac nstarlallp to is membaroblp.
darinr toe prevtouB year for all Kneral
Laat oiebt
pood caadidatea were
pnrpoaM aaeept liqnor. dof aad poU
toitlatod bafora a larfo attendant aad
TUe lerWataie ak^ tom-ffx toa
«B away sore wUl take toe work at
ntaof ta'satioaof toe above eospaa*
oatoaqpBiil toriawa After tka
iM for toe aaeooedlBf two yean.
MoalM tofreaksanto were aerved aad a
Sna BMlBl ersiiar waa ea}eped. The
aboald be paid by toe atote for aetoal
teot to«»w la Ssa ekapa and too aub*
tailroad fan ia poinrtoaadfioaa the
atanttol toeriMi to sasberahip to jUt*
Be Mpa tou wobM aatUo toe
torinr to toe efforto of tooeworUaT
;paM qneatloa. and be leobralMa tbe
fact that tovp saat t* borne ooeaalea
Mia. Lorea Boberta
W «np to atteod to |wlva^
Mr. OoeaU’e reaipnatioa aa aaaator
alpht fros Onadv^
iMofto OoUafo
Win JoBM ease ap tres Gtual Bap- WM read toll aftoriton.
Xhnt lobotlBS Van Oa Bot
ida pMtard^ to vlalt frieada.
Profit by
E. Boland aad daaffhtar Dalqr
Fret CT.Ovawa baa raoeived word
Tba Baatoas OoUafn Lpoens sat went to Qtaad Bapida pmtordap.
froM Bev. Moi«m Wood, who wm pn'laat orantor and oBjayte a abort tsi
Ferep .Walla, reprwMtias toa 3. W. eaotod (ros loeurtac bare Aa too Bipb
Mr. Flos opoaod Bate Paper Oo.. of Cbioacn, lab toa
•tooel loctan eoaraaea aoeoaat a( illtbo protias with aotoeia roadiaf aa*
aad Mia. A B. BolUdar arrivad BOM. Mr. Wood hae boea too tU ^
UUad '1‘Mr. Baaford’a Baistar Alars.*
wktoh eraa raMlvod with saob aatoa* ittm OiaadBapdtelaSalcbkaaeos*
paaM bp toelr mb Lowin, who hM boaootteelted.pM wbetoer to wait
teraa aSUot* farlir. Vote ar ■■DM! iMtos attiao*
■ •Id tba labor' adbpsatStMarkbhoapUaL batbaia Moato taka too plaM of Ms aaa poab
ti« saa." a A Portar, J. B. Ssodlap.
hot m
... .
IP- 'w*. jcAJsm,
o a*e eat *bo »M tba eeli poaruoal azporrared Mc^lr tapairor aad ballder. aa mj
lOwTpro'aa.- i am |
lar eroaral ao» Moala. vbiab vOl MiBe b
lebod. aad 1 laolta -He -yab'lr u> rail aad I
•port tba w<»«BaBablp oa tbtaa abarJa Dm
loata rtnir aboal vUb et
ur ripraaa: leaoa It trltb e
ta II vtU be rapalrod n,bl.
1 do nil kliwla ef Brariag. Valtsaiting. and sp BonsaiIng U toe finest
that poo caa gataapwbara.aad
gat aapwbaia, aad tor toa
laaat sonap.
Coma in and aas Msplaa.
K. EJ. a-IBBS,
You bave
ihe. prettiest,
in town.
bavaton. Tba bodlaa ara all sate
in filffaeaet aolsa aad toara ara an
vary teaiiabla. Oail la and l4sk (has
w nod poa wfU aap tont toap e>« ^
A Uauof Babp OamatM poa
MW, aad toa priea U no bighcr'toaB oa
Staple and Fancy, feoceries
Phone Ho. 34.
Nearly Gone.
We cannot promite yon a complete stock of shoes
to choose from. Since the opening of this greet so
ling ontsale of shoes o^y. our uzes are, broken np,
hot amoiig those remaining are barg^ for anyone
needing a pair of shoes. They go bt any price re
gardless of cost. We need the room, j
Eeery pair warranted.
m-mnata noanBDau
S44 Front St
Browh Block.
TBB MUMTUrq MbOBP. W»P»»tPAT; MA»OH 90. \9^
xoBvnro uoobd.
P&RS^NAi. tHAT6,
■tffc VaAW At ftAAldMt OAAAtd A
Mia FIMOW HioUi bMbMA ilM*-
TMMrttaOr «M>Ar AB AAfiAA OA A
T. * A. MU wMriAV rtAAkfart, Mt
wtU A nmillAr AcridAAt wMcA cAAMd
M tbAt pcrtkA a( tA« Uaa
«M. T. Batm An j. w. Hawb.
ftfr MM Um. Tha birb WAtcr of tb*
«. H
abb. jbuwr Ud 1
terbor oAAMd U« bAAbt to b* ub>
pUMAAd )Mt boI
s=i.-«-=r' ■
FOR ONLY $2.50
TowDfO. Ib« “TartU* Tbi^” wi»
tin, U aid to d»|Mi4 bacA on tb*
boRM taem te t^km to n))dw u aa>
Will elsAB (t Uionwgbiv. Uiia Uie whmU. gin any eoior orsAmeniAl work yoa viati,
- *1^ »-iiaiBnl or vAniiab yrjor ri«i* (or Above price.
GaH Aod aea aAinple.
o OrdAT, do it cbatM Atod gire befr
W« alBo BliUd WhMU to
ter mAterial Aod work Itiau any aboil in tba city. Bare bad aeveiBl,
yoara’ experitmee and KUAraoU-e aaltof*<-tioii
Please give u a triaL
ELLXt. 8U Trent 0C,
' The UtA 8tr J
bof oooe t&Adtt A abcn pny«r Uwbiob
in wblob
be aid, ■■HAkeatAllrwdwutoodmt wUJ WA AAB’t bo BO goodeTAr."
fet« Mterlnr tbetowB tb« aa«iM asb
fat to tbA oATtb. tbe bad of tbA
Admiral tha Bon. Sir Heair Ki^pal
tfAek AlAkibc wltboAt wAralnc- Hat- of the Brltb* bat7 bo'paa to complote
ATAl boon WATA tA^Alrod tO rAlAAAA tbo hi* book. /'BeBlniaocaoea of an OW
SaUor," In tba oonrae cf tba aommer.
Oaptain Habit M- Sooweil. a wcAlthy
eltUsi of tndtanapolta. wai at ooe tiM
BoatoA StoiAb HA* XUpArtoiA.
mala cd an Ohio ritv auAmboat and
TbA BoAtAA Bun bAA tatradAAAd a a*TAd BcBjamU
•w AepArtorAtbU^riag which wlU imtbA lAdr fAtroM of Ua tUn.
Saoator Daria of
An Bp-lodAtA aUUnaj ‘
i of the flneM NapQlaatfto
•oMtorial TlekAt.
bAA bean Added ABd.tba northwcBt
BAT of tbA nppar Boat baa bAOA bandAAANly «UAd n|> for that pA^pa^ ^
alacABt'dUpUj of UtaoUtplAA aad pattcraawlUbc
rlUbc madaUtiwaa«aadondar
tba aaperrUloo of M m Palmer of Dw
trait tbb dapartmaa-T^llmaka a gnAt
addition to tba o ' • r extaasiTc departHr. Boaanthal ia preparing for
bia apHag opening, which wUl taka
place Friday aad Satnrday.
lUfdriM U the
worlA It ooBpriAM more than bOO toInuea Mr. Davit hat baco oollacting it
Adolph LDatgAit. tba
who wat oonVietad of mordariog bit
wile, bat been placed <■ a life tentenea
in tbe OlUoU TenitenUary abd pnt to
making mnmgee for tba inmatea
KU Benng Buih. a yo^ Korean,
irilt be gradnaled boa Roanoke col
lege. Vermoot, U Jana and wUl be tbe
Aral of hit aonotrymen to take the daI of bacbelor of arta in Amcrloa
and prolAbly in tba
Verdi, tba lU
fbr McmbaiA Baard of PabUe Weebn.
■’ThaTtekat of LaATaHaa'
ttaaetUa U Sladnbtrg’a Ormad laat
The piaoaUweUatagadandadndrably
Vbr JoaUea of tba Paaaaprodneed by tba Simon oMpany. Tba
of tba eompaay
eompaay da exeallaat
work, wbleh tbe aadianco ia qaiek U>
XbUcA to OoBAidar.
appraeiata. Tha indlridDal aiforU of
^^ban -ATA tbraa thine* which the
of tba caat are worthy a/
Aotor abonU b* pArtienlar aboat next
loo n
and tha aaaapnny daapaeial mantUn
MoBdaj. Flrat: To Totc for tha bondgaka Simon
tagof thAOOABlj tar OU.oeo tor a:
garana^a^id dalinaation of IMtar
court hooae. an a^Aolata BAcaaMtp. Mem. the Qabrair. anil A. R- Bihlar InSecond: To rota far trcA taxt-booha for
n Ana Imparacnatton of Bob
tba local poblic aebaoU. thca andonUr Briariy. Mlm Holbnrn praaentad a
tba praaoBt axeaUABi adBcaUcAAl ayaebanaUg paraonatioa af Mr*. Bdtarn and UToringlacalcontroL Third:
warda aad Mm. Derara gave aa axoel'
TO TOU* tha antlrn BepnbUonn tiekaC
«banet*r»tk» of Mta. WlUongbfrom atata eanator down ta aonatabla.
by. Tba dtbata warn r^,.plcao^
pnrtleaUr Ularast
thoaa maattoaad
*■ My Motoar-UUw,” a langhabla oemady, wtttba ptaJCldiigaa for any OSes than J. W. Mil
likan. tba regular Rapnbliean nomlnaa
for state aenator. Mr. MilUkaa faron
CaotUoad aa# aoUva rahmmal* are
B of tha burden of tnx- U progreae tor tba
ntton and t^levaa that tilaphone. tsla- ment ta be girea April ISth ^ tba
............................... iMaAt of tha HnsUaia. ThU p^arm^ tha fall ll^t Af tkair ahara of the
tm»— of tha aUta. Be la a maa af bnb- the epaetolty work will be each ft ta
mora fan ia an honr than —
« wd a aneeamfnl bnaUem
manwho.iaaataamad all aver northern eoald imagine Ua year. There will
Mi^dgan and nnmbared amoag
be a fall rehcnraal Tbnraday nig&t U
beat cftUeaa U tba ateta. Tberafora Martaogb'a acndMy.
there to no poaaibla rentoo whjf every
eotar abeold net east hi* ballot lor Mr.
Mmie wm baafaaura both after-MUUbaa for state aenator.
>oa and eveaUg. Friday and Satni^
The city tloket to amde op of enerday at tha Spriag opanUg at the Bea
gntle. eapabla and raapaetad cItUao*.
ten atS«.
meat of them baviag beaa Uled la poWlUam Danato, a barbm from tbe
MUona of pablie tnat and who hava
1 traatworthy 'aad Horten Home shop U Grand Rapid*,
tetima U tha dtoebarga of pabllc ha* bean engaged for tbe **0*00 by O.
dUOee and eeaateUona la the Uter- B. Betob*.
L. a. Banger, n vrell known broom
Beta of tba taxpayen.
tte ward maaafaetnrcr of lUBoekmn. to U the
The,maw maybea^ot
city and to eoaMdering a plan to mova
r hold lag oaoe aad theca to yat to hi* batlnam ta thto city.
ha TaaordadaBythUgofadrarm eritfDo sot forget to
atom odthal^ets
Every voter cbeald aaa to it that kto
■ nndcArrfal moBU- Bcma to OB tha regtatry Itota. Bspaeial1^ iegtoUttoB. Thto esB be am^ ly tboaa wka hava changed ihair pUoc*
aiaad U the
---------- *---------
low. old party Unaa and
Ctynl raforma being tha toana. Thto to
: Bndtoy and wUl <
Of two evils eboom tbe gi
will be blamed
TBnmaralBga ■npplai
Ate fall test of the raport of the eout
.otlBAolryUto tte Atoastar w^ Aw
■ gtrpyad tha batttai
Sound Hemtock Lumber,
. Maple Rooring,
Short Maple Wood.
III This Week.
Comedy Co.
Mill Machinery of all ,dtecriptiaiia, binding Two'Er^ixma,
Pet Wotka, Carnap and SawB. A coo^leto Saw Mill Plant
Hmdad by tbe Favortta
Hr. Me Simoi
213 Front St.
Baitimom Btodc Beodlvad Tbim Timm a «ate
Coonta, «Oc per quart
FletCkn’S OrSKT DtpOt 111 RtStunit
Elwyn A. Barron bat written a
play in Pans for Wltood Barrett.
J. M. Ban? lately wrote in 24 twnia
* one act play or “dnologoe," called
“PlaConle Friendship" which will be
Loudqn bat nretldeaoa popolatton of
nnrly 1,000 p '
L Ofthistotoln
are violiusta.
Hamh Bcanhardt’e eon Manrtc* it
working in oollabomtioa with Henri
Amio 00 a dramatisatiaa of Goorge
Sand's novel. “Gabriel. .
Bovetta'anew play. “At the tmiag
Poet of tbe Omtnry, “ which was given
Cm. K.¥bida.Cff.b8«M>M.
Bieycle Riders.
Lendoa. March a.—On tbi streets
: xao FroatEtTML \
Sternberg’s Gnid Open Hense
Huming Post and was
oonsal at 6t. Petervborg from 1849 nntii
1866. a pexiod which ioolnded tbe
aventfnl years of Uw Crtoacan war.
Alttob Leal'*of Waat Chester, Pa.,
who died, was s geoniue “old mston."
For 66 years be was tbe sexton and
gravedigger of the old
meatipi honae
that town, which was
mad a* a hospital after tba fantile of
Oscar Wilde's qoipe are not mnch
gaohdnow. bnt (his seems worth whlla
“How an English prisoners treated?"
COM one asked bitn after his own re
lease. “Why." he responded. “England tnau her pripcnem m badly that
she docB not deaerve to have any.
Private John Alim, who to steving
hia seventh term iu the hooae. explain
ed to come brother coagretsincn that be
a obliged to be a total abstainer when
imping bis Misdaatppi district.
“Think what woold happen to me otb-i
erwiae.’' he aaid. “if i tried to aay.
ktih‘Fellow cititeua of Itawamba or Oki
bha or TishomUgo coautyl’
do give yon tha bast work of aoy
one in the city for tb« money. Don't
Kar West. Fta.. Msrek
mght ba daoaivcd by what otbam toU you
fall yeatardar an the ship* to tbe batter *•-' —*---- •- * eom* and aa*
except tbe OUetonaU were gaintad a
lesd color from wntar t(pa to m '
^fu^tae nil ^ werit fob* right,
Black top.
Apr4 1st and 2nd. ^
If You Have Logs to Sell
UmtldoaUktoda of ro' ba bnmgbt'aboat axoapt thrangb tha
•AopUoB af their pat theory.
Friday and Satuftlay,
f« binwelf and * temx te Others.
Jokes 00 marriage fw only truly fn- i.
Ladiee are ianted to pall and see dor display of Spring
By to tbOBS who ara-bapplly marriad.
^ Millinery, Pattern Beta. Fltwa! Korelties.
____friendship is like bmltb—all
Latest itjlee in Saflora.
right so Icngna it doem’t cost anythUg.
PoUteness to called tbe Sower of bnaoity. bat man cannot tire by
qneu altsa
Tba vroman who makee good boma£1 fur an aoto^pb or a liKncd photodoesn't oftra Sgare U
gmph. WhiBtbenqoeatcameaframa
wealthy admirer, be atom doable that tbv dlviBoe conrts.
Be doe* oot keep tk
Wboo a good man has a
dutribotet it amcog tba pom.
wife, all ether wiverf-har* a mystertoos
feeling that things aza beUg made a
Or. John Msmy. dlrcettr of
SooUlah inafine ration, baa tbe mre
diatfnctiou uf^ving r«weiv«d from tba
Gecman emperor as king of Fnuaia
kniybibood in the order poor la mmita,
Correepood iritb tbe TraT|rte Ci^ Lomber Company.
foonded by Ftyderick tbe GreaL
We bare toe nale Good,
Mr. Charles BatoUnd Micbell. who
mpy tte aparv
ipiad by Or. Horton. Him Hadley
•oeaptad aa oartnU sign of wmknam nxpeeto to tonve tte alty aoon.
Mtoa hettto Osborn, an expert milllWhat to tna of Ncbmaka to
od many atotoa. The allareaMnta of nary yimmae. wte has been U the amtha fraaaUvcr theory bald oot by aU- picg of tha whotoaatom. Bdaon. Keith
A Oo.. hat bean engafed by Mm. W.G.
Mte Oabome wiU begin
by tha improvad
todmtrlBl aeBdtUMa, u€Baacad by a hardutfoaia Hm.
an FrsBt atraat today. tevlBf',aRived.
I i':i!.';S..rOI’ENK
ChariM Tomp^a. Oertto OrMbv
and Jhbn Uolme* will l^v* Monday
for Briltoh Oalamlda. wbore they will ntNi ■
• ■
latiy for poaMble and WiU not be n
hlgnoca Dose to mdited with tbe inQaUcy Thacker baa angaevd to cell
version of "Tbe
thto aMUon of Hieblgaa for Bamay iseoaod Mm. Taistjoemy."
Dr. VUliets Stanlocd. compcwcr -of
AndemoB. Be went to Yabs last eight,
‘Sbamoe O'Brtoo.*'to at work oe tb*
where he wUl be located for a *hort
ocou of an frlah opera, tbe date of
which to Idd U tbe mventeentb eeai8. Ceken cam* over frdm Kallcaaka tmy.
yecterdey to look after the JmpiyveTba thamboldem in Drury lama thaaite OB hto bnlldUg on Frut eWart ter. London, hare Just b
and left in the atierMon for Cbieage.
where he will procure a new stovK of
oent per anuum.
dry gooda, prepamtocT to openite
Forbes Bobertaan and Mrs. Patrlok
CamptelJ actoally Intead to ggodnoe on
Bav. £. U Kellogg laeclvpd a totter an (.-labomui scale an Baglitb version cd
yesterday Cm AU eon. Arthur, wte to Maeterlinck's weird, myatioal “Palleau
I. tor the eaadidataa. oa hto way to Dawson City wiU a and Melitande."
than what to apparent ta everybody. party of eeven gold bantem. Tha party
sailed from Vanoonver a fow days ago. ably mokti her debpt in vandevilto In a
Tha conelosioo to aaaSy drawn.
abun tinn!. bhe can give *0 aninates of
and tha gold siehem wiO go over
A BECKXT diapnteb from 1
tbe Waguerian cyclns to tbe votaries tt
Dr. J. K. EIm has pmateaad tbe
that stole, aaya: “Tha fraewUver
elaotrle bath cabinet UUodneed here
wktoh wat mad* tbe lamltng fa^ra of[^^^
^ Mlm Hattie
r. dntisg tba pmt o
or two yearn. Aa to tha board of adombm of thathonrd tana vmy
great—,---------and tbebeatmeBahonldbeaoBfbt for
Inam am all men of Utegrity and to
whom may eafaly be entreated tba raapomlbility at laoklng after oar pablie
aehoola. whwh are oenoadod to be as
goad aa any U Miehigaa. Therefore a
vote for tbe
«b* varion* ward* wUlbe a vote for the
hmt mas and tboM felly capable of
naanming the tmeU whieh ahall be im
posed is them. Ths earns may be aaid
Of tbe other oandidates. TravetaeOlly
to reeagntoed aa the beat governed
Slap in tni • o'eioak avaryl evaaing.
aagayt HnndaLy. U tte OaldwW A Lou
don TtoOdUg. at north and of Dnlon
Oha Tigs ei bin nightly.
“Mj Mother-In-Law.’
Popnlar Prices,
10. 20. 30c.
We hnwe niM ApplM, On
Dried Apriootn. Tooshm, PnmnH,; Tigs, Dstss asd
Vqetables, Cabbaei, Bagas aad Beats.
Matinee Satnrdijit 2:37 P.H. !
ne 1ST.
Prnrrt Street
Is a ^od tbin^ to have, especially when it is well filled. Bat
can buy. so maebi for your money in
at this store tbst you don’t need one.
: Our values in tbis jine are so good that pnrohaeers once
are customen always. We are showing oonreotsi^^stylek 3
In shoea
THsi iwMmrO iaaoiitt. ^MBM>A*i^. >tiaoH so, isea.
to the oolfTreri in Cmbe on « Cor c
On tb«
SpolB ____________
hBOim tti«i U rwevnIoM the faonioao
t thoTWr*l ts told, not grapWcallj'. bat ih »
ownnor which stv«s «U lb» <
cont. No technical
bnical detaU la omitted.
Eyery movement and loddcBt ee»nected with the Maine from the time
n to orold all opr«riunlU<« for fr cUon. ehe left Key Vc« until the teet dlecr
:fod that the relief will ha examined the wreck la clven. Perhape
tarried In warrhlpa aa thla wuaM intro- the moat Mniaeant teatirooay la that
t Into a pfo}eci ehowlnx the bottom platee on the port
which’ te purely hi tiane.
Thto ae- nidi of the Ill-fated Maine to be bent In.
by Spate clearo the way for ward and upward, a reault that hardly
the prealdnit'a meofaite of the o«tt tew could have followed anythlnc nave as
daya. asktne a larre appn>prla^n tor axpioalao from the outatde. ”
the relief of the d
D In Cuba. It I
But the'moot eenaatlooal etory
had been »eared that thli rvllet riven ' told by an unknown wltncaa Hla name
directly by the^’otied Slatee povero'
ipprvased by
treemeni between
ment would be tveented by Spate aa
the court. He had to talk
Indirect intorventlnn. In that event throuKh an interpeeter. Thli wltncee
there la Uttle rraaon to donbt that the waa crosalnx about half past T pj'rlock
relief would have been forwarded at on the momiite of the 56th frt.mHav.na
any coat—even the coat of war—aa the to Reclaa on a ferryboat. He wa* «ltadministration baa felt that a war te Unir near three Bpaniab
iniab officers, two of
bebilf of a humane object would com
mand the universal approbation o( the
World. ■
u aal^ *7tiAi Is
_____ _ ______ _____ “ The etti
ettlaebv^ed If
duriog mahlnr esploelona In tbe bay wopid
report. endanirer Havana. The . lllceraald"No.“
I which H was amnerd ae that it would altnply
the . explode, open the vessel and ahe woald
le only a
to these
emment te autrailttlnc to SpalL .. .
of beer on that oecsalon.
finding of the American court. Tbe coo-by and they suddenly stopped the
reached by the SMntte com- cooTersatlOn. They bad
- - said
eald It
it was a
-ti.oppaafte of tboea ahame .hr Ithe Mslne] should be te-tbe
of tha Aaerlcan court. No demanda
y and they would blow her u
Up inyWBtTT. I
• not'tfJubt that tb^ I
ft with Honor.
iMliaMl to Mok* CoocmioM
•r tee XkM* te McKlalera ha<eel 8
« teaad^ed le Ptna-llMttB
•e^er m.r An Maa OwHUli
Waahterton. Me rrb
~ Teatertay
e or aeuoa la every branch of
hCMcfaca of conercoa. where the mea■we of tbe praatdeM oa the Ualoc die-.
•niae and the reiirt and testimony of
Uammrtof teQnlry.were received;
Uoa te tho a
a of atata
MgotteUoa. and a^on te the war and
ftevy departments. irUh Use Bpantab alt■atlon as the common purpiST' of jOl
the bouac.
Of the report of the Spanish
and report «era tefemddo tbe commit
tao'oe foreign affairs, snd Bpulsh de
bate was for thd Ume being diverted
Zb the senate thciv w as a similar refer,
once to the committee on foreign rvlatteaa.' and Mom r of MiteUxlppi dellvtrod a brief and yergetic apreeb pirturtec the woes, of Cuba.
The special
caMoet aeaalon waa held to go
partlCBlatest developesoding with Bpain. These had
Matiie ouesUon. bot
e enUre Cuban
■pateh Beply Was Is Sssa..
The answer of Spain waa in hand to
(he Dm note sent through Minister
Woodford test wedi stating that the
•oopfilUon of Cohan nlTatrw had become
•o tetoierable that tbe I'nlied Btaies
oould sot anch longer remain Inactive
toward IL
The generaj tone of the
>r|te)prewBed the preeldeal
aad cabteet ofBcera most favorably, »o
port contains declarations
>dc by ocuter 1
atid experts. From these
It clearly deduces and proves'
(be aboenev of all (base attetMteot dr-
have been made te connectloo wUh-tbe
Maine, and therefore iher* la no rosponae beyend the aubmlaaion of the
SpanUh report.
Pollnwing (he call of the Bpanith mlalater at ibe state department tbe
French ambassador. M. Cambon. had a
conference sUh Judge Bay. Thla re
newed the uik of Burapean medlalton.
which la aMumlBg tangible form. The
speech -J Premier Hanolauz te the
Paris chamber last Baturday Is looked
ppos ae foreshedowlng at least sym
pathy. If not direct
diatton by Prance end other continental
paired There Is good rasrnn to believe
Spain Is ready and aoxli us for thla
move, and has been ffiHvuraglng It at
' the Burapean capitals It would nnt be
an (HTenalve Intrusion, but more a
friendly offer to mediate tbe dlffdvnces
which have recemly threatened to terffllnale In war between Che rnlted
Slates and Spate. U le understood,
however, that up to the present time H.
Csmbon baa not received any definite
0 take the Ilolttel
| mich mrdiailon.
| At (he war and nsrV departments the
| stir of pre|isr«ti«n‘ ronticued as usnaL
Tb«_navy det'srtmrnt made ptai
patiuHo neet”
fleet" tn be coiopo;
coiopoaed of
tugs/and teesm yachts recently fwirchas^ and armed as an auxiliary fleet.
The war department made numeroua
ahifU In the Incathm of troops te the
we« with a view In their apeedy edncentratinn. and generally did a big buslete In war preparations
cut Oh tbe occasion
t exptoalox
a torpedo.
"Tbe evidence at wlinessea eomparaUveiy cloae to the Maine at the mumeni
la to the effect that only one explosion
orcurrad: that no column of water'waa
thrown InUi the air; that no sh^K-k to
the aide of the nearest vessel was felt,
nor on land was any vibration noticed;
and that no dead Bab were found The
evidence of the senior pilol of the harbor slates that (here le abundance of
flab in tbe harbor. an|l this la corro
borated by other witnesses.
The assislant engineer of works states that
after explosion made during the execuUon of worita te the hartwr be has alwaya found dead flsh,
"The divers were unable to einmlne
the luttoro of (he Maine, wrhieb waa
Yiurted In tbe mud. but a careful exam
ination of (hr side* of tbe vreseL the
rents and breaks In which all polnl out
ward. shows wllboui a doubt that tbe
.exrloalon was trrrm the Inside. A mln.. r'xsmliutcon
of (hr bottom Of tire
! harbrr around ....
shows absoi luiely no sign of the action of a torpixlo.
decal {Judge aiivoralr]
commission <an And no i.recedeht for
tbe exploahn of (be storage magaxlnet
of a vessel by a mrpedo
‘The r.-imn makes cinr that owing to
the si>ecial natute of tbe proceedlne*
followed and the a'asolute respect shown
(or the vxtra-terrllortelldid of (he
Maine, the .commlnlon has 'been pre
vented from making sorb an examine,
tion of tbe Inside of |h* vessel as would
by hypotbcala '
be attributed to tbe ragrviuble refusal
to permit the necessary co-operation
of the ftpanlsh commission both with
the eommander and crew of the Maine
and the different
American officials
commissioned to inveatlrate the causes
t« sesrre s WkoUlWple.
of the Borldent. and later-on with tbora
Washington. March ■'a.—A aeent
employed In salvage work.
totenae lati-rest waa presented, In
-The report Antebes by Mating that
senate when the presideRl's me—
linn of the inside and
transrallling U.c ftedinga of the Maine
sldr ef the Maine aa soon as such etamIngtlun may be p iiislble. ai also of the
laiitom where tbs vessel rests.
uulte as
aupl’oaing the rfmalna (of
tenge aa it baa iwen at any ume
Ume "dur«ur- ,
t to be totally or panially
teg the prvwm session. Eager to asp-**ceaaof • xiractl in. the
dcrute the full DBdtngs of the court, |
of members of the hvuae. after '
the adjournment or that body, had burn*c lo the asnaiv chamber and the floor
was crowded with ihi-m.
When the
e< Iwellsed to Wall Any Leeger Wsfafs
reading of tbe presldeni'a message was
begun s ‘bush ao marked fell over the
O. -After
chamber that one gmght have heard v ' Washington. March
pin teU. Througtaoul the reading of (he Jonrnment -if the house yectirdsy there
■mewfliLgC' and the findings
a pro
Uwra wu out the aUebieat drmonstn.
pined IV neolldatlon of (oreea
house who favor some form of Immedlaic action on the I’olum Issue. There
e speech of Hon
vas a atrang feetlr.i; Shown over the
of Mlasteaippl. u^n il* rei-ent vb^rv
avoiCanre In tbe mpsaage of any outline
ctloh fr<
Uona in Cubs, sod
of a ilpflnite administration policy, and
them which he hid made. He spoke ex- a decided -ilsposltlon was apparent not
laly. and declared that -r
to await .any further detey nor leaort to
rntraiius in Cuba had been planned lem|,urlxlng mpaaurva The project to
furnish ad libitum relief supplies lo tbe
sding ttsgaata and who was sssai- Cuban aon-cumbatanu la meeting with
......................................................... c dellberoptmalllnn to -which members on both
dcalh (be glops of the house have given vole# In
ate purpose of aiarvlog
popi^tluD which bad refused lo v
ground, flrat.
___ —^-i on the
govenicd pr Spate. When tbe d^th of that Spain alone la responaihls
Representhtive Mmpklna. of Maasaebu
rondliton on ihe island and. second, the
I the senate adAV^('ak> A DEAD 8TAYCaEAX.
enhouEMWEX AES'raE aennx.
TUI awagngaa
V-m BMisaed "Xsw OrWos.”
much »■> that afu-r (he meeting It waa.
a«at«i bv rn-inin-ra that the outlook
waa Ur ii...rb easurliig. an^ that Spate
had shown wu<'li a conciliatory tone
that it ws* b-livved she would make
eoaoeasinns ifum, lent to permit an
amicable sdiustm. nt /of the praaent
strained relations Tiila waa dnalUted.
however, by Ih, slateinrnt (bat the
danger point hsa nm >-• itesaed. and
that wan—while no i..pKer a probablUty
—wag yet a poasiMLi.v.
rammchT «*>••»* r
■UMIsffiol-e May B. n
sf Oswgr-
jwt notoilon of the Cuban prt.bietr..
»iu, braathlesa intereM by thg
and be had tat from the di»p«iui„n members and tbe spectators to the galBtanUeMcd by Spate that this just solu- ’ UHea. which were trowded te like sardines in a box. Jnai one wave of mpr. ond
te wlChbut oonffiderteg eongren. which pteuee swept tram floor to oeilteg.
au«. now that tbe subject la formally then the death of BeppeaeoUUve tempbefore II. tabs aotne radical afUon. kins, of Haasachasetts. waa'hEDOOgoed
MeanUme. «t ithe state department, and (he bouse adjournsd.
•“•“T received ftvr
r Kpanisb
HteUier WoodfoiA and (be
me i^Spanisb
Sflnlstcr. Sehor Jfolo. eras '
ennferenev with Judge Day
praaPe,tive adfusUnenL The
hetarses the Spanish minlstn-andji
Day came afio- tbe cabinet oonferenee.
ao that such reprasantatlQD as Spate
■ubmlttad ihrou^ him did not get betese tbe cabinet At least two of these
floor leader of the xw]0f1tr). ror TIsDcy
(the Bemocralir lehder cf the house),
would make any eejtnment on the me»■aga. Other members, however, were not
ao reticent. Tbeir co'mments ranged all
tbe way from approval of the pieevBge
out-and-out to entire disapproval of the
that It did not4>ropuse war Imme
diately. failing a hf^roplete bo.k-down
by Spate. Hopklne Of Illinois favored
Intervention el ome. LudH c.f Indiana
was equally radical. Many of the men
people of this country. .The atepa taken
yesterday on this line arsre of an Inferipal nature. Heprenentetlve Hull.
Iowa, chairman of tbe house committee
on mllltan' affairs, te leading the
meni for prompt action,
V8k80«8 W1T8 WUtraTBmM^T
most of those who tgtked with UcKI
ley Taa that congreas was Inclined U>
Kaw. b KegtYwe^^AgraasiwsA ad (tea' bbiect to further delay (owatda a setUsV
BMSd af lagalty.
^ ''
ment of tbe Spanleb aunatton. and tlM
Washington, March tM-The lamsssr
by the Mates Mte (he radteal mamhen could not b«
court of Inquiry was sent to tbe senaU held te check.' At the meeting of the
ywiierday. aad with tbe pteoida&t’s senate cwnmltwe on foreign rffiattoM
r Fm will move that
Buioage aad ftedlogs of tbe court, re
ferred ID the comnuttee on foreign rela
tions. Tha teMteKmy was latra on
alflhieen dlffermt days, the____________
the MatM. (Snbs and Bpate are sMtied.
kaown day, however, heteg devoted to Mswteg Foraker wM tetrnaiw^ to^Mh^en^
^ wneh.
Bvetr W
Whs xras
have any
1 '•
Has his ideas alxiut a good
cigar, but all smokers agree
sst for Ffve Cents
Centi is the—
? that the bwt
Traverse Belle.
and for Ten Cents, the—^
Diamond J,
nv Inclined to cHUciae the
(nr its leek Of announcement
et a vlgorons poUcy.
Made by A. W. JAHRAUS,
soxxasteUtew BxooiK.
aowDeeterwdtsBs*. Beea T«y rseUtvw
mlasioa which investigated the deetruotioB of tbe batUtehip 'Maine Is'bete
gluen by the Associated Prate. It Is
taken'from a copy of the ortetnal repor(
which it oow on its way here tp>m Ha
vana. the avnupale being cabled U the
meantime ahd yesterday placed te the
hsndi of ihU geverpment. The conelu-
The |
mate evem of the day. Those who had
antlelpaied that the mesaage would
'contribute to tbe~aggreteivc splrll were
Special measures—Tall men, stout men, fat men, stub and
twist, lean men. all get fitted.
ova OKMA8D4 eras BPAU.
the varyteg aspects of official action.
StedocB has a day been repleU ^th ao
aaay dlveine dad Impoftani pbaaea of
luttfeoL.Aite Yet It All ■eaoe Pmss. '
Aad yet. throughout tbu acUvity. ttaa
pCevallteg u>n& aa received frvm adsUaiatraUop «<Cirres. baa been more reaMBitnc. mare te the line of peace than
It has heba ihr.aome daya Ttati waa the
teipteaeloo conveyed by eabtnet offieera
a^ tlM apeclal cabinet eeaalon. The
Mine seatlmeM cbaiactertsed the dlpyteeiaUe eoafercncea at the auie de^
■ partment.
But te coogresa. which af/ forded the greateet field fdr ami-Bpan'
teh and war-llke cxpresalons. a etraln
Of diaoentcnl and uneasiness prevailed
after the preaidtnt'a meeaage and the
I Call and see the line represented by Ceo. Wller
the Spanish caMoet test wcMt dlflerlag ; bad to taee.atore the Kapoleooic erira.
•omewhat (ram that given by The > There ie an omlnoue abaence of excited-e Madrid cotreapoottent. Be
among the people, wboee one topic
The note which oeneral Wood- ' ••
poislbiuty of war. It is the
LlOOOfiolls : ^
Wall Paper Given
tetd prraeoted on Wedoesday waa of a ’
, I (he American ultlmatom comca.**
(hat Spate pul an end
Cuba immediauiy. recapitulating the
damage to American lateraata, and fur
ther hinting that the war was a daocer
te tbe public
health of tbe United
Fiv^roHa fnra With «vot7 SZ.M orte.
Btetea. tbs cootteual amuggllng. ^
tween the evsau of Cuba and Florida
beteg the means of conveying the yel
low »ver.»
"Bpaln-w'reply was energeUc. It de- ,
_________ ________ _____ ________________ ______________ ______^_________
cterea Uffit the wap~woukl have been'iV
| WaeUoa ffuanatoed. ;
ended long ago. but (or the material.
oyttehai* Coth«> -te Beenui'
help and support the rebels
sad m* heCurwiicK uwtawl c-ltes.
receiving from
. 418 Iffikff ATUitt*,
plains of tbe pbllry followed by
Chas. Mastic,
rmied Slates in demanding from Spain
tbe termteatloD of a war which tbe
United SUtes were virtually mainutnIng by the preaenre of a
itsing aucror for the recottcenlrados
te a manner that would be offensive to
an> naUon. aa well as by keeptag te
Havana a consul who la publicly the (
agent and representative of the rebeta, i
Boodreauiof this eHj aad
Hiss Agaes rseoeeal of hk Ignaoe hava
mned drem making ifarlors at tS4
WaahixrgtOB street, one door oaM «l
Baptist ebureh, wksra ther wfll ba
I pleaaed . to meeV.Uie ladtea of T
i^ix. SaUafi
Grand Spring Opening
Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2;
1\/F-l 11 -Ln.©iry
a, S^©c±al"fcy
We ai«-again before the people of Traverse City and vicinity with a brand: new spring
stock of'.Merchandise. Embracing Clothing, Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, a big stock of
Carpets, and Millinery. We take this opportunity, our opening week, to thank all of our
patrons for their liberal patronage and with the assurance that our mut^ iniv^ts will be
as beneficial as heretofore, we start in on
seventh'^ason of our existence infthis locality
full of determination to optdo all of our former efforts.
Our purchases this spring have been more extensive and elaborate.' treating every
branch to its minutest detail until now we claim for our departments completenjess unparal*
led in this vicinity. Rich or poor, we can satisfy you all.
Our Millinery Department
Will ^present a variety of styles, strictly up- to date, of medium and high grade
goods. Nothing biit a living profit is our motto in this department as well as in all others.' :
lew Goods on Displai Readi n Tate lwa|.
Fine wool Henriettas, silk mixtures,4risb Poplins. Illuminated Coverts. Fancy Mohairs,
Satin Salliel. A beautiful line of fancy woolen novelties. A full line greatest novetries in
silks. A complete line of all kinds of new linings. A choice selection of imported Organdits, Ginghams, half silk Moysselinc DeSoie. A big \ariety of new Shirt Waists, ladia
suits, wool a^ silk capes, wool and silk skirts, ladies’, misses'and children's jackets, povelti«
in ladies jeweled belts, pocket-books, fancy silk muslins, embroideries, chiffons, embroider^
silk muslin, neck scarfs, ladies' misses', and.children’s fancy hose; high art fancy ribbons. A .
large stock-of Ingrain carpets, velvet Moquetts and Tapestry Brussels. A large and fine stock of men’s, women’s and children’s high .art foot wear..
. j
Our usual force of clerks will be pleased to wait upon you whether you buy or noL
Music h Zflenon aid tnaias, SaS Oafs.
The Boston Store,
OlteSB BliOdX.
OibrT^rto-TtM* WtWO»T.m»—t U
d«aertpttonoT Bdward8l«mpal.d*nertbed
aa an American mlUtonalra. bore at
Bock laland. Ilia., and Utely renldlng
In a aubarb of Berlin, aahdna for hi*
arrow on the ebafge of ewnmlltln# a
Idly ara
a train fliempal te aald I begtopping at Kloe with bla family.
wuhlnnoa. kUrch ».-m*ct«tATT Al>
'—^ctallt «f tb* Tragtdjr T^mt
\ Overlook th«'NtwrMindUnd
Baal Fiaharman.
B*oom*t • Vast Uk« by
Uv«M Brtaking.
a»r rMtrrdAr a*vc »at for trahUcAtioa
• Ulcvrim frorn Aan Arbor, March M.
whlihaara: 'Tbt •tudcnta oTUm Uiv
Tcrclty of UlrblKoc ound iqr Utr ad*
Uon and (coder
> AWMui MVDcna ▼ouimaaa>
feadr "Meeanae aent by you tender^
tea your aervlee* to the (torertitneol
rhould we have war. waa delivered by
me to the prealdent who areally ap*
predate* IL
. ,
am bure all wlab for oonilaned
peace If we can have It with honor,
but ahould we unhappily be plunged
Into war It la graUtylng to know that
cruda. rtallonamy. euid party affllla*
wiir all merge Into one thought,
and that the defenae of the natloB-a
honor and ita flag.
I am happy
know that among ih<iae who are wiuing
to make the aardflee. If need be, t*
•tudenta-of the great unlveraity of r
mate atand among the list of the
noble young men who are ready foi
VwMMr-nee U-epM oat MmM and
ooow aaMav tbmbir-ndtht*
<ai EivoftWw •( «ho
Wbe Woe*
laM M «a* Xm -Tw«. DMib«aoao«' or
•t. Joah'a. Nd..-March M.»Tbc aeal*
Inc MMIOMT arm And haa wrled^u
tb* harbor «iUi a rrewwai* ' carxo.
Twaaty-fl** corfinei were plied .npsa
tb* deck, and ilhj-'flr*- man ware nean*
tag wlib (rTTtWe.aurrerlng In the boMs,
tma the pain of (ron-Mticn Umb* and
bedMa. n* UKIe *mHi« aUamer whloh
neoOlog t*.0M are.- of »*!• Iw*de aw
Ttwee Am
of t--“ •* Uf—Plug
•fty IMroMf* Wm Be Te»T HeaeyWabw* lueer H.g—r Tbn H E.iw We
KHMe-nmare oi P.m,*4Ua Wheeo the
WateiB Meve Jtei
gulllvan. ind.. March Ifci-The levee
on the Wabash river went out lartnlght
with a break cf lU) feel. enlsJUng a lr
of nw.eot Twenty thousand acre*
land* are overllow^ed. aAd haridicda
nmiii.. ...
destitute, ailaeiw are reaVadljIg for
mile* around bi thdr effort 'td^mov*
tamlUe* and Wock. Bondred* of mttle
and boTwee are hemmed In. Such a ru*h
Kallooal TeloolMe Moeemeak
The dead Vedla* were In Her*
an the decha of the aicaner.-dlaflcnrcd General Cortin recelv;^ a trtegpsmyeaand alraoet unrecoanUaMe rrocn the et* lerdav from Oen». fe-hofleld. Howard
gwDicniney I.and
an'_ McTonk.
...a committee r
fecta of the terrible ■
of the pMSt TIbe National Volunteer Heaene.
liad endured. pceaenUng
borrtbt* aigbtd bniaan eyas ever be- low*: "Speak well of and wuj.port <
great fnlon movement of norihem and
All Weal W*U Oatll TaM*>y. .
The Oreenland act nail from St. Jonh's.
Nd, about the 1st of March cm her fate*
,lul voyage.
She waa
' '
e Captain Gee
arew of
ar ptuo
of the w
day* she divtvged on a Mpara:i^ track
•I of .the pi
ihl* without
re, snd (hi
e»i-cn*e In government or creatlnf loo
much feeling a* an act of war."
• Abner Oieney Ooodall. who inveaud •
the llrW periling printing prem. I
dead *1 Salem. Msa*.. aged M.
G. Balser fell afleep at hi* home ■
ffieefc BBwfc. Wl*.. and died without
awakening. He wm* ft yearn old.
JamM W. Buchanan. • grand nephew
of the late eg-preeldent. wt* run
Tcavsrse Ctty, Wish
by a train and killed at Altoona.
Am»ed militiamen were called
Houston. Tag., to tjneii a riot by gym*
Beloftdt a Itet of the hoeing and -elllaera with tha wreet car atrlkw*.
tug priee* of yeWartiay Inr froenie*.
mer Oranger. 1« y*ar* old. eteppe.
nad farm pr^oela in 'trav- ..... . train at Janesville. WIs.. and fell
twwity.four feet. Be wa* aeverely In
The little son of John Klinger, of New
London, Wl*.. was suaefced by an en
~~ • --- v
raged belter and severely gored In U*
When In noed of anythluff Ib tbla
Uae iwmomber ihU la the plan* to lacs*
[ck and lace.
According to noUce given on Satur- pour order* and fet ]Wois]it work.
HnUafaetlou rnaranwtd or no chMfk
Say the York coitou mill* In Saco. Meopened yesterday, but out of l.«»# atrtk- Lease your ordecs at ofie* or «nll up
Inf employe: only »« went to work.
John R. Santo.
Gemai liswBMe.
T. A. Olfford* and wife, of
Wl*.. who narrowly cacaiMd ■
by coal ga*. hav* nearly i
though they Wet« nearly «
TnyWMOitT BUtikw.
Hscl, Bd8 and Bsggigi
£:sr _
n mile. long.
-Phone No. 8.
The Indiana and t
^ outcor |WT '
>* '■
It. Look thU.up ntosen.
One W-loot lot. Barlow ettnet. Oak
lirrk Matloaal n-tsL Brights, at almost yonr own prie* «
J. S Bockv. CVI
Wsohiosw. D V..%
aoldatoAce.dow-ws* sab-aos
--------and tlKty-flve
«»re ««eot
pMSd -wtler
Kg *
time separated Into a number of sec
tion*. and l>egan the sork of picking
«p tb* todies of tbe dead and
rwenty-flve corp***" were taken on
hoard that morning, but iwenif-ihie*
men were still miming, and though
paarcb waa cobttnued aU day nb i
were rscovered.
Thursday night
Oreenland beaded for .bora, reaching
Bay de Verde Sunday.‘'-procee
thsnoe to St. John’s with her ghastly
cargo. Moat ofThe men who met this
Awful fate on the treacherous Ire flora
were Btarried men with large families,
who are thus deprived of atl visible
ABHK»mTZD miama.
Manager Burn* and the Cbiengo bnna
bdU club are now quartered at Savan
nah.' Ga
It «ras Just slxtr yaara age yraterday
that Prince Biamardt MUted the Pnm*
Stan nrmy,
The city trensom of OAkeeh. Wt*..
has returned to tbe oounty^eUnQusni
taxes smounUnc to <U.«tt.lL
Jame* P«yn. the British uoraUat and
Edwin navih. John Thomas. John Pin* feunialUt. t/dead' at London. He was
horn at CbelUnhsm. Beb S, ItlO.
The United Btates minister. J. B. Anlaway. I^otu laland: Cbarlea Ralp
gcU. has ralurned lo ConstanUnopl*
Island: A.
Coursga. WUUa_
from B tour of Egypt and PaiesUn*.
BeaiK. Harbor Grace; Wim* Wolden*
China bat agreed to nil tb* Bneslaii
den-.aii1*.loc!udlns:*a*e* ut Port Arthur
, and
Kcnccth Parsons, George Norris. Henry
Curtla Newton: Fred llow-ae. Qoae«
Tb* Pwoplek hank, of PhdndelpbM.
Island: J*«>b Pond.. Greon-a
baa clqeed Us door* lu llaWUtlau-aie
: Waii.T Norris. Pond Cove.
; TBc!■ tmiaelns aic: Benjsmln Brown. Jl.SM.SM: it is dtclared by lu triendA toZ>eers Isisnd: Attwrt Uowteo andTheo. be BolvenL
H. Oordlner. Republican
for etty attorney at Bloox City. la., was
Mkhad Henneasy. Bt. Krendans: Hebsr aandbaggad and robbed la tb* restatyan. Bhlp vPve; MatlhVw Well*. Lo*
renio WsM. Noah Mortimer and Oeo.
Bynn. tlafbor Grare: JcAm Wlcka.
Traren*. Kalks-ks. t«*l-iua sad WrslonI
sa Hwday. Aortl Poartb. elrbi**- bsadi
sad Blartyvlsbt- u *l«c> * Btate Srsaior le
Cot*ll. wbo wa* elrewd rrosi that dtalrVt He
n»b*r (bird, rlgbtseu bsaSred ao* sla*«y^t.
aod vbwr lens woaM ba«e Sxplrad Dwesab**
thlrty-am. •(*%(*** headrtd aad aWty »ybl
I- Kaliseay abereof 1 bbew-bweteaw sdl ay
SouUmrn Railway
forme th* Great Thrciogh-Trunk-LlBe
to th* South and Florida. -----vestibuied trains. earrylBg thinogb
sleepinr. dining and chair can.
Une Par-esoeUane* of the South.
Harbor. James Mai- PoruUst nomination for
Jnvd. 8L io
be Is *«t
Aral-rQjie ttodgeru. Georgia and announces '
politics for good
^wer Island Cotv: William Saunderu. of
-Trinity: TTiomaa Ricketu. King'sCova: . A contract tor tSAMt yards of oaslllara1 Cullen. Tor hay; James Con- iBcb whit* braid. presumaUy for nnl-way, Turk's Cove.
forms, has been pUced in Ksw Tork
Tbe frost-'blltee me
number flfty- by the iMvy department.
ttve. AH wtu teepvcr.
w-TlMerr stOsaMlI
I* an esUmaU calling lor apr
U." March" ».’_«•
aty elsctlon held here yesterday re-
tbe^epnbiicaas only elected on* amid
'Alderman add tbe auditor
gnoA* yeeterday that tb* fl
' the Delagoa bai
- Axfiected earty tl
FRIUr, mil fst, 1898.
Oa* OvTOair Xneh Xomtb.
ITMoad ttrloUj
By n vou of B to II th* Central
Methodist confereaM at 4&anana enCt
Its influence agalngt the raw>istlsA fur
equal Uy representuHvee In the geanral
confcrcae*. .
Th* funeral of th* lau Ocwsral
WheeloA O. Teaaey. buincrly
state commerce
gnllant eoldicr of th* late war. tdok
a ed tte^o.
TIM ^ Lom
iTn M
^0 Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
_________ 4rs
Tbss* srbe'ar* nssMsteeaBeas —Till fill peninimi M IlHmsassanA kn«ome*b
jthat party electing three
.leHtw Mhich n.—:
ooeed Ajew day* aga hitwisn tb*
Booth SUiXnmher companr. wt Bterens
, Faint. Wl*., and th* fkeler Lamb**
\ dmnpany. of Wausau and Manta. WM,
• by whkh th*---------- ------------- ----------------I UM.«M fast of kamwiil aiM '
Look Box 160.
d. ^2JS.i;ss;''iJ5h.lc
I. *it?ss?SL;f-srA"rsrt
rvA rii ArrmZi laad tor sal* cbeaa se w«
TiemsjmvtraDsw cm (maim, Oraad Bug
iSiSt. laealte *4 K. C. Welar. Masriisas
Hick. SK-mw
sm.ee. as —m m
Thi OdfltetflAfipMialiBU,
TTT H. POSTEE. Auoram 1 ine- Bpshal
W . altaatioa to tss titles.
'**40' tiw * mTra*. ony ..
\rvnvf TO LOAH-W. bsr. «a
Tratosb CiTX, UiOK.
—Front Street.
Bipiti t lifim 1.1
D*7JS>ifS2f.V.K5,°l‘.‘.LK: Gtud
Oi^ Bi Si & COi s-ttssr.™ "r~* .iJiS'ss
d «?th* »orth*e
-John Verly.
SrsfN-ESS CAUD8- .
a S- BBOWN. aiwtwey aad Oaesaausral
, eere*r Pla* abd IMb oumta
Hotel Whiting
—Watch Repairing,
Attoraoy* at Law.
omsas U Maaiagee Sleek. Traron* CMy, lOeb.
N-TSVi.-is i-EsrJris
asaresi eoupoa Urket agoat
Wn. H. TATLoa.
Aan. Uoa’l. Pam. Agent.
No. t)« rourih Aenu*.
LouMvtUa Keutaoky.
Jas. U. Jmixfos. DrnggisL
Tbe B and O. B. W, railroad cannot tnn
trains over this part of the rosd. The
ttuck east of here, betw een LAwrwncebuTg and Avrora, for three and s half
fflMes la four feet pnder water. The Ohio
Is rising at the rate of tour Inrhea an
Ohloaco Kartnt:
no immediate prospect of
Oiiearo. Marah t9.—Wh*AS—May.
The condition* are alarming
•104k: July- SlXMUci September,
rear* tbal
tbe spirit of patrioUsmIt show*. I must ' £iw«^birg'*re enh^ned.
Ooru-Hareb. Sake: May. »ak9Ke:
for me. Let * '
decline . let you
- light
Htghsst kw K-ew*.
sly, SOke: September. Stkeovt tbe whole nation and move
The Wabash reached ttt feel yeMac
Oa'a—Mareh.S4ke:May,MKe; July.
off the continent. 1 enclose a let*
day, this being the blgbest ever knesm.
i#r from a young man of Dayton. 0„
and Is *im rising Tbe lowlands of up
Hork—March. *9 U; May.lB-40.
wbo wants to take your place."
per Vincennes and llevker lownahips
, are submelked bjT Wtilte rtwr. Th*
Oraad Baplda. Mariih*9- fTbeat. SSe.
Conn., March M.— steamer Owensboro left (or Heal with
lonal Guard llrigadler * relief party last night. Three bun*
General Buseell Frost Issued the followpoople tbere are water bonpd and AlAJVtr TKB -0^»BAT WSHWAT
ing order yesterday
-rmil further destitute. Owing to a break In tbe
order* ofllcera n>mmandlng oraanlas* Evanavllte and Terre Haute at EmlSoB
tlon* of tb* Connectlcul NaHenalGuard caused by the break at Lower Bhaker
will not atwent themselves from their pritirie all train* on that line are shanTo rtoridn Tin “IM* Land af th*
home station* for s period exceeding goned. The ftrat train on tbe Jndlanap*
■ •ky-twenty-four hour* at one time es<vpt i pin
Vine* nne* n-ad since last Tuesby a regularly Issued Irave of ahaeace.- g«y leacbed.................................... ■ —
Tho Mighty Soulkara
>e eight G
■.IBrMWibe l^aUh gteWlaa.
Oreensburg. Ind., March 9—Fiatrock of the Booming South, dealren to a
Madrid. March 9 —Tbe latest ciectloo
the ntUoUon of the Heslth-aoeker. t
return! show that IK Mlnlaiertallsta. TlTW. at St Paul, t* a picture of dceo(mnd-seoker. the Pleasure seeker, t
«d O.nscrvallvea. f nomertast*. IS Be- latlen stne* receding. The damage win
Pickle Traveling
be more than at itrot *uiu«i#c<
publicans and S Carllats bat
Public, to the many advanUgew. the
dlfflcult to place an estimate
eleefed. Advices from Havat
damage done by Che flood In this coun beAuOfuI aoeaery, the rich and forUle
s and t Coo
Ibat 4 Aui
which he
ty. but It will ninst likely surpass bv
have been r
the tlOO.OMmark. Thefarmingc'mmunl. along lu linca.
MIsm«ot Wo-df-tU CWalatw with OsU-a
Go to Florida and qaeape the many
March M.-Unlled Slab
....................................... eold and dtsagrrahWe days of wister.
Minister Woodford had an Important ^■,„cn« famtiy are drowned. Tbe bodies and alopat ASBBVtLLl TbeUM
conference last olght with Senor Gul* ]
Almoai IM af the Sky." TfiBSWlTZBRLX^^^
loti, the foreign mlnlater. and rommutu* I
perlriieJ with other AMEBICA. where heaven and earth
cated to him an etiract from the report i
seem to meet amongst tbe many of the
ot -the Amrrirmn board of Inanlrr Into
heautiea of antore. Sea the grnndast
the Maine disaster.
in America Md
Amerton's oaly PnUee. the
Bleetiaa Votla*.
Chateau of Goo. W. VaaderhUt.
tbe traveler, who M U a hurry to gut
tpeelal BImHob.
Ida wn
to Florida
«nn go vU a.
Calumet;'Mich.. March M.-Oan*ral
_ Leolrimt Moontnln. had
Bohth. of the SalVatoB Army, and par TV lb* U*wl VeSM* e( Ibe City e( Tra
kick tall
the many BotUe-flei^ wkle
ca>. tirsod Traierw Ooswly. Mtckiroa.
ty were met'at th* autlon by torn peo
KMIreMbrvrtagirvB Uai vamuost i
the Ul* of th* strife hatweon th* Blue
ple and an audleeee of LM» Itsteaad to wOer of tb* G«T*fi>or ef thto ttest* t
and the Gray.
Oeoeral Booth'* addram atjlh* annaer-
. h— of the P—A-
•nceeed are men of brain*—*tron»
B*rraa^-rr«at will power.
food cannot tnpply th* rital forcta
whicb .people with <
bodle* require.
I—make tbe mind bright, mi
—make flesh ard b1<w>«* and
heellh to Men «-.l nomen.
__ __
Tt-nxMi* t
'Anoiher night, one which *eemtd to
the belplee*. drifting suffemr* who *1111
Used a thousand time, longer than th*
Biatj-Was padird la untold aguny. Some
Of the victim* had already given up
hope, and In despair, lay down and
dliA and every hour allnessed at iKast
two death* on that awful night on the
ice floe.
loWBid morning the
•ubalded and clear weather enabled the
garvlvom to *ee that tha Greenland wa*
I for the thias*
, The steamer burr
nvj B u MJLxrcsi.
O- P. CABTEB. kilMt
Mmw Thaak. Dr. p-wsU.
. Iuirn»*e, Wl*.. March a.-Dr. Oeo.
K. I'.iwell. who accepted the ehalleng*
t.Mied to Senator Mason by.Bsrou cl
Esir Burned Ovtf
lojfou know
of water* wa* never known In thU sec____________________________
tlon of the counto' before.
The lev**
the shadow of revtlonallam. strengthen*
tnt the president-* hand*, and declaring
the'flnnnea* and loyally of the people
to the natlA).
Vrge all ne-apapera
throughout the country to publish cn*
ratlTOsI Tolunle Ni
last and •
wnd oeveml good pack* were secured;
Oa Tueeday morning-the hunters lefi
the aMp About Lo-clock as u-uaL wben
the topk'out In the Cro«-B Nest reported
iM pfeniiful around them.
Mea Clad to t.leh> Ct-tUag.
// The men were clad In light elothtn*.
/ for the alaoghtertng of Bcala la ethad**
tive work. Scattered over the Ice SeM.
they wandered far from the prolecOon
*f the ship and a gale and enow stocm
abut them out from view. The Ice flc«
^rt«d and they drifted away from the
Meamsr. Lcmg elv the etorm aubslded
many of th* unfortuflate fellows had
gnecumbed to the terrible cold and eg*
poatire. Tboae who *'1 —' TfiT terrl*
hly rrostbtticn and suffered egrruclatlng
pain. The Umg ntgbi passed, but mom*
Tought r
1 and tl
with the anew driven before the gale.
Snow cenUmied nearly all day. and the
essnliw brought no re«*atloe • to tb*
high wind.
Ptaudlt Is atm faeortte M the betting
for the Kentucky Derby.
-The fiiraltt of MacklnaW^aejpwtod
jeeterday morning by a anotbem gal*.
eliy Addram rvierM '
Trs**ta» Cliy. Mleb. t____________________
^JAPtk^O^lw sah. Tts»m** OKy L
mboMo. incumpAt, mamh ao.
u Bioorad In (ram Kw «nd
«x tkiboms^ wutr. T»;»
(>«■ rondlUoo
boUm. coal bunkara
aor kind wara'nuStS^ toraoT tSS^aUr
feii '
ot Uw other atnraraq—. hbm tu iran^
' ‘
'--------- ---Tbr ruAl I'ankrra
. . IhU effect CDUid baei_____
teed only by tbe'tr>iHualoB u( a i <*»<
maxuinra and aimU room* (ov <rar« ml»e altuated
ander the bottom o( the '
e*Uaot Arder pnvalW
emjnr. namely « 1. B «. B E' B C. A U Bhip M
at about frame U, aad aomeabat > b«A
dl(«tl(>n of Hi>- rauaa f>: «n Intrrnal had tx-AD Id uae (bat day aad A U waa oa the
fbll of x>» River coal TbU deal bad .
A Tb«
heeo rarrfully fnepacli
ted tefore raeelV'- Ualne. cm the occaaloo named, wna
Uiard. The
ejrrythlnc had baati rapurt-d •rcnre In* M
_jie to
___ .... the baracfenalble on
tbraa _
^ «U wa« quiat.
At (ori> mtaatcd
»« the part of any
oQ- .
TO of the -rj.
TO , TO.. TO - ...
two later, which
f o'oiork tb« vcwe] »«« ■uddrair
asd the fourth aide
aide'' eera or member* of tbe Crew o( a*M , •»
_____ ______ of _
the southward
-.................— — — —.o wr
of ounker*
bunker* B 4;
4: veoaeU
berth, atom 4*a or tW yarda.
ar.d U 4 bHna emoiy. Thla bonkor. A
t. Id the oplniue of the court the ,
ensign FoWelsoe then said thattad-'
. la
olUar (be earrouadlnv at tt«
lA had been tnai-ected (hat day by tha Malbe baa deairciyed by the ^toalM Inch powder tank that be saw appearedI . lime of
____ JM
explosion. C
Captain. AvhM ,
ooclheer nfflter op duty. Tbe flr»« | of a eatanarlDe mlnee which e ausad
" Jith*
to be an emirty tank brokea by '
W l>aa**T a* bMit tm lb* ttMaa M>«.'B|
alanrta In the bunker* were In worklaf i partial eiplooloD vif Wo or m .moth* iloalon. as It mas nat badly dent__________________
_____ ________
1 atUL The Ali-bar.*-> XII w
•(•^bta-VvrtartK* lU^ii
and there bad never been a caaa (ortrard macaxlnea.
it [ van I"
. merely ripped the length of the seam
Tar snwU
SBWU Bpaniag
Bpanwg dtonnlch'
dMpaUh' - ^
has b
n unable to oh- , A Id-inch Unk was badly battered out boat Lecasue had
out tmT
I tala evideiu
c«»'T'»able shape. OonUaulng.
bef.wv and lakeh tbe berth aaengdad
Tt tbe Conbreaa of tbe t:r
A *^T
wlincsa esM tbe diver* up to the alght
by the Crtimaa man-of-war. th* OriaTot aomellme prior to (he
r ler*.
1 of tbe ertdence of the diver* esUbllshea that f L° ^
‘•efore be was then on th* ataad had aeoau. whli h had left.
The staar—-I* Havana
- _ barb
----------- — coraular
he int
the aftpr pan
•eotatlvee polntett out the advana
ally.Intact, anu auis
lami '-^oaiuon i
d aaat at tha
i.te now from the vtall
. <if
. ^tlonal
stern. sngbUy on the pen
to the Cuban water*.
I'Uers could not have cMsed >v«
rater*. In accuatum*
people to tbe rreaenie
♦ o
He bad aa neoDertlee of any wmtt
- yBa« aa ^•
aymbol of (oud »1”
l>eeh ^ound by the i
B and‘ ofirpon the eviaene* of ra-icurrant ex-I
my knowledge tt wad not found. going oa In tbe
the magaMne
or i_____
I the fulAllmeet of the mla- teenal cause the rinding of the court li dfrara and are in fair rondiuoa.
Mr.- wa* the reply.
rooms on the day of the exploatea. Iffie
as tainw*:
.TO TO«.,..^TO tro keys were called tor In the naanl way
^At frame 17 the outer abHl of tbe
found under the tdace
____ _____...
oa tbe-^y la quesUen aad were graptberafore mtsbt exlau
ship, tram a point eh-ten aad one-half
ret foraerly ^w^ ^t Its exact cfaarac- . rrly reriirned. At tbe Urn* a(-lh* ffi*AccordUurl) on the Mtb of J
feel from the tulddle line of tbe ship
. aster ihg two after botler* tn the attar
T eonferenre
*-i(b the
tbe BpanMi and six (eel shove the keel when In
.......................: Are room were la oa* baeaaac tta hrmixdWer. I
which the rmeval .of viaiu normal powliUm. ha* been forced up
ar as yoa , dr^uUc aysleta was awnewhat Maltl^.
TABels to Bpanteb water* aa to be now four feet shot.- the «wPnwelaao [
T,J|—,,, uftl.sitsf—
WM diacuaaed and accepted, the peota- face of Ihe wattr: therefore, abqui
Cmwal Oehetal TUshagh Lm ap•Blar ButhoHtle* at kladrld and Hav thlrty-four feet alwe where It -Would
report* alone, or bom (be ap
ana were adclaed of the purpooe . f thla be bad the ship sunk uninjured.
pearance of the wrack?.nverament to re«uit.e frterKlIy haval
OwSsMe FWlovs PiollBc M ■«(.
VlaiU at Cuban ports and that tn (bat
•The outside hctlom platlnc is beat
view the Maine would forthwith call at Into a reversed V shat--, the after
wing of wh.ek. about nfi.er feet broad
.M ree*lve<^y the S^l<di n-v- and thirty-two feet in tTWgth {fromit with appaScHaiion of the frl-nd....................
frame :S)^4» d -itbled liack
addahip line and at a point la the leuwth Aguiar ataxua of aavnl mMttoa* be' the
' e iMt
ilmt of the
(he Maine ' i^jr.laelf aLai^I^i -(I
ly dharweter of
about opposite tbe conning tower,**
i tween the two cooatrlea.
ha wa*
the <-<>nt1;iuaUoa of
ending f..rward.
WsIgBI <•
<s Msoaaa-.
Mira SB •» smasmee..
________ ,,tA________
Be Welghi
* ordered
airangementa at th*
vcttlra! keel
Itneas, IIn
d teolT
.“i the
reply to
to further
further ooe.rto«
----------- in two and
.^jRL.‘S.-^r P*«P«'
-r »*>*■ hraken
ar.d keel lieiii Into an
said hla opini
opinion was baaed itpoc the ob- eoaneMear'After a call
UaUed Stalea.
sitgle singular to (he angle formed fw
slion of things abore water.
—'---------I he ——
am •*—
departthe nutpidc plates. ThU 1-Teak ts about
gave no weight to Mr. Morgan's at
j saying:
MranwhUe the Maine entered the port ! atx f4et betow (he surtace ut tbe wi
meat about falUag Into a hole on _
•Havana on tbe *6th ol January, her ,
port aide because Morxaa mlxht have ' raliJd^^’tra £T**^
arrtral oetig; marlted witb bo 4wdal *^“^2
been mistaken about IL Referring le arnling the ship
thla adfeet
tnddenl beside*
e* “e
haniee »if cus- I
----------- of the court___________
hia notes made of things oa the Maine.
tmry aalute* W cersmonlal rtaita |
}':aBlgn Fvwelsoo katd that tbe arc o(
mated under tl
( It not he doqe
^ Mairte cmUr.rlrt'inThTharKlr‘‘.ff
e harbor of I'“f'"*"*
till they cam gat
the eaglae mom iMegrapb and tbe Uat
ship, at about frame
Rarana durtne the three weeks
eekt follow.-.
iractlona tram Madrid. Bay Omt M
shaft of the ateerliig gear coining do^
on the pun.Mde of tl
(M her arrival
No apprwiabie e*-*'-f
dhrough the armored tube (lurri-u was tor friendly pw^ofA “ riatmad. Aatay
dtorrent attended her atay: on tbe cn- i *“PhMit from port to sUrboard. The port
Irary. a feeilnc of rvll.-f and cenfldence
side of tbe protected deck was covered **It'"*^s^oD*lnu. bowoveg. th* M.aMa
tnptlnn of the I. n* ln> i
The co
IS of th.
with a greasy deptolL th* starboard had already sailed. Ih* arrived natt
day and Lee reported her arrival «a (ha
■t the M
sUc being comparatively free from IL
1. So no- •
That I!
r. tleeable wa* thla
“ ct of . a
c to
Tbe forward sm^e pi]>e. between tbe
her ylalt that the c
______ _________ ,
feme ec il
-I of an]
main and superstructure decks, drd not
ty arired that the prexnoe of our bM|w or membei
show Mkns of tbe iDternal prenure <
water* should be kept up by
It tbe ship BUS destroyed by {be
gases, nn the main deck, forward
d <of
retalplnd tbe
the Maine at'Havana. or In
Sinn of a aubmarlnr mine, which
the conning tower, abere the fore aa
a in regard ti
the event of I
after angle tnilb beam was located, the
ezMosloo of two or
> and all ot
ether ycaael
.rd maEsalues: and.
planglag was blown off on tbe only re
out Oh heard iMR i«W
ty min
maining plate of tbe main deck oo tbe
evidrM has been obtainable
tre was taken U avuM
re*tHTnslblUiy for the deport Mde. while the wood was aitll at.Mlrayed by an esplosion. by which the ' siructlhn of tbe >]Blav
Urbed lo.ibat part on the starboard
any person
—— forward
*------------ --------part
side, bgtweeeo Ihe conning tower base
teely srreched. Injhti catasirarhe two |
* bare dl^rtcted that the
and turreta
R-hat wUnea* saw would
inquiry and' the vIeira of
dt^her crew ,-rl,hH!. ; »hr
thdlcate that tbe pressure lifted the
^ nlghL
irorernment ibemm ^ cummnniprotective deck up on tbe port Mde.
lowed to
a to the eovefrunent of her roajes.
prolcctlVf d
the protective
drefc oo (be stv.
qutH-n. and 1 do not permit my1. and the r
On the night cf the detraction of th*
doubt that the sense of Justice
t St tbe time of the OBMab:
the hi
it^ Spanish nation
win dictate a Maine even lhlvt had hern reported se log* and Bndlng* of the coon of tnhere
______ _
hesvy «Bck. sad beard Mia*
se 0,1 action suRcested by bunor cure for U|» n.x*it at » p. m. by rrllahle qairy m the above caae are approved.
TO——^ .-..jrorvTO- to the court show of (slang euecu os deck. Tbosghitb*
the friendly rvuitlotw of the two prrwona. thraugt. the Opprr authorltira,
ing diagram of various parts of the ship waa bMM Br«d upon. Was MM bff
F was rendered I
dliRcfficer At the lime Rear Admiral.
and n ' the captam to see tbe boati ercr* low
the V. S. Nai
F ua the Nsrtb
ered. He mw few mas entsiac. msMhe result,
the uiala of tbe Spanish
ly olBeere. He saw no rasaoa U Band
le conaid- cldent r*u»-J b>
^mrso XII and the Ward
e about the
tbe raagaslnes because water s
r TEk punMOkT
on board
aty of Waahlnffton. which
p of
dr* fi
. The
.... d.
lealracqpo of the M— toMa^tli : of the ship which.
_ I fob
.Jlded began to crowd around tha.wr
e Ifaeal Beotd of Iwqslry
curred •( »:lu p. m. on the IMb day of
tor by tbe anlhorltle* of Ra>
rolled haek was recalled fo him.
He tndaced boats to take tbe w
Februap-. iwi. In the harbor of IlavboadU'U beinc freely opened
(son said be could
.-e pl_
plate to dlffcreat veoaria. He otder*
anv Culo. being at the time moored In
r are portions of the tea■to them, while tha oarllast rec.vered
________ J> It was bent o'itward. aa It
bodies of the dtkd were Interred by i
a only two feet uedrr
B*atdvf iBq.iry.
taken upon her
numdpamy in a public
•owclaon was caned
^ ahear orcurredOrder* wen •foBowed wtth
-The followin* Is the full text of the two exploalOBt <
tbe dty. Tribute*
ffrlef and sy...
court. Be irsiiaFd
------------- of
„ _.ief
lad ukee soundings and had
■ a dm. The only order
character, with
paihy were1 offered
pteaeat on the Maine
otte^ {
from all official report of inerourt of Inqulrr:
fatbotrs (f water on both
> theMooe to Mavc shtpL
U.«. a lowa.-Flr»t Rale.-Key Weal. tiDci Interval b
______ j. VI
of the
the Island.
the arrival of the boat ddo of the Maine down to the mud.
d thc'mrecfc^ dag
FU- Munday. Marth 21. laa-After forward part of the ship ..._________ __
The atmlilhc eatamlly feO •
great deal of tbe Tkklnx a lt-p«und lead Hn* and dragdegne-at the time of the drat ffiving.
people or oqr country with crusblBC fun aad mature cunsidFrallun of all
ging irtth a wherry for obsir
a gig. with U
in reply 10* qu^kffi to (gn the Mart the port sid« ■
BMh. *hd
«d attempted
atrAo board the wrack,
all about the randlUon of the wreck, he M tbougbt 1
axmement prevailed, which
water waya would t
t* wsraed off by aa amad bears
Bc wa*
t. That the tlnlted Blairs tiauimhi
said th* forward partiftheahlpforward
muBliy |s*s Just and aelf-eonirolled
tound. he f-ii
of Bimalards aad tbee poBad
no Lhrtrarttons wtai
the hsrliur
hsrliof of HavicL
of the after smedtesUck had been to all
than eui*. miebi have led to hasty acts Maine arrived In tlw
starboard aide he found
a tbe wreck. There wm MM
of blind rrscn.tnenl. This spirit, how. Cuba, on the Uih dal of Ja
feet where be
ever, sum rsvc nay to the c*inter and was-tafcvo lu buuy .No. L in (rum
<al (he^waterof tbe court, caused by the partial th* door leading t.> the *upS»tructuP*
pcoctwse/ Ilf reason and to tha resolve Bve and a ha ( t» six fathunu vjf water
by the rvcu.ar government p..ut.
Chief QaBser's Hat* Otae* of tbr 0.
HI of two or more of the for- aft and to sUrlmard. inclined at about
to Investleale the ficU and await
xwer to qpretloas he, said there
mid boW b* had bee* sMt
Whtrrtol proof before formlnc
_____a Judgthing kft of (he port pMu^ at
nt as to
CewSUiwa ef (he ST reek.
' Of the-coanlng tower lo board. Coatln.
that place the previous evening
and If
e *U**ia'
ulng. ^ deBTrtbed with rioid detail tha see If anything had fallen out
I warvamed, tha iBtended a r.val of the ^laine.
aetmdad (o«r-ttmas. bwklag oboBi atm
temedy due
c^'itton'tmdM ^'main dmA
t. *The-------------------------------- <m iioanl th,
of dlsrtphM
or am* bean of total rgataliiatlna Otnot enable tbe court
C-srr eflraB-re
form ___________
a Mlhlte
‘1^ Axtt
Milp <n th* pert tldr was entirely gone
line w
was excelletiL and all orders _
and conrlusioo as lu tbe coedHluti
aea told bow oa Ua Bret dcaeoat ba
■ndHluti of the 'I wrecked,
while (Ixii
---------opposite point* tadkated on a diagram
«~vs«rltr recomr„«....,
nlaUors IB rega^ to the care and
west over tbe forward part of the ship.
srrei k. although It eras cauhllabed that I ^Uon
handed the-------- - —To an* hla owd cxpcaaslea. b* skld: *T
almtwt Intact
The port blown out.
th* after part of the ship
practical- |
—-e was
— — v-w
out. AlI.etnmuDltl
llr^ waa'siowed*"**^
toaad (h* wreck aO Mosred M- I to«M
ly Intact, and sank In
n that eoadl
eoadltJon a ' ***■"'
-----------------------------This cone
traarertaincd cens niy lAuld it deter- th aeeoruaLti with tnsiruciioiia. i
Resign Fowetaea'
• lAI nt erwl* tars gnWTB tBsi r "
few minutes
dcatnieUoo ;
oaanlng tower support had
proper tare was taken whenever *
been biowo aft on both side*, but a
.f the forward part.
munltim was handled.
Nothing i
U,, i giimt deal more m Ihe port^^ m tte
The follnwing farts In regard I
are was followed, as in
fliiror atosred ut any of (be magaalne*
starboard al^^Tfae^re room batch lm- th* roan of mqal
•ter to nUx.
fonrard part c( (be ship are. boa
abaft of tbe *01^1^' tower
of a
* sutc. 4 t
eqishUsbed by the testimony:
. mediately
- rIn the harbor of K
stowed there.
Thal pcMlon of tbe Mde of the pro- bad‘ -been Mown In three direuetnet__ n. aald that be assumed_______________
It once OTRBI dxed.*
td of
. lo aUrtMsrd. and to------ - ~
.—f of officars weU quallfled
tectlve deck, which -extends from aboht
over the platas be straek k
Tbe magaslres and shell raoms were frame » to abuuLframe 4f; was hlosra tectlve deck uader the conning
and practical expeiiencv
4-lDcb shells with th* shags aa thgm.
loci^ after having
bean up aft. and over to port. Tbe mam deck
m iiro
tiro dlrWti«*4
su* duty impos.•d up.10 tbenu always
was bent In
vans tbe last time Jaa. K IMA
The Going to the rtgbt wttnaao atatad ba
o|«D^ and uter the ileetrue;ion of the freen -about mme M to about frame 41,
OB the starboard Mde betw
r a Btruiv foiy,v <f ,tvreckcrs
trre '
(oond a M *d vraefcaga. It aaemad «a
Ua ni thCroKrys wen- yuond in their
ejun proceeded to
up aft. and alightly ov«r to
baca Mews over tbe gttfbaord.
prulwr p:*ie -B th* captain's cahto. ev _____ ____ _ folding the forward part of down.
bavtag Infarmed the autbartlle* ao» atotsM Ibat be pot Ua bbM Ms
erything havirg been reported secure the middle subetatnicture brer and as
cmplartnit every available
-----------------cording to official cuatotn. After b*
oaoks and brought owt aneeral •etcnltig at I o'clock.
the Impartial and exact de.............
•rt This waa m the
la reply » *» Inquiry as to whether look cm an oBcUl pUoL aent by the
■ of (he magaMnes
of the caases «( the exploaiiin
irL caused by the par he meant with refereoee to their oelg. eaptaia of the port of Bavana. tbe ship
ere taken dally aad tial exploMoD of two nr more tt th* Inal poBlUoas Saslgn Powelma reptlad
operaUoBs have been conduricd with
was berthed in. the man-of-war anchor
The beam -supperUag age off the Machina. dr tbe Bhean. aad
f undue amoam of hat was the
inches atmft aecoidlng to hla understanding was one ward of tbe OSM oa the pert Mda B*
ThMy-FMirlhMOaiw Fssttaa.
peocacUv* deck a few Inches
r la-lDch
toUowed tbe :bauca Uet« —' -------- *
k-lDch magaMi
magaMne aad that did not'
A At frame nTthe outer afaeU of tbe
““ «“*• of th* regular booya of the place. He ibai tbe aUpto Mte wa*
was deahd1 the
t- ^
. stated that be bad been In Ha- beard pod alimgrti tU «n
Mp. from a po.ni eleven and one-half
strayed The turpedo
_. ______
*4 for a
i In ItR aad again la UM.
feef from the middle line of the ahlm '
of »»*•
be xraBMd oa.
BpanlA aotharlUca
k all stuwed In the after pan of the-ahip.
tower, underneeth th*
—: could not a ale wbelbfr tbe Mala*
under tbe watd ruom.. and aeKber
“At the port where abe t
nsdlBWOfShet]—Ft. •
wa* placed in tbe nsna. berth for menThe Bhdinc dr the rotm ef InqutrT
ef-war. hot said that be bnd beard re
ue- tonmd iffi.
was reachrd after tawaiy-thtpe /£» primers aad de.uaili were atosred in
tain flterena temponirtly ta cemMsM and the pUlaa are pmem owwi
______ tbirty-foor feet al
tbe cabin
aft andretnuie from the
-------- —
<d tbs Ward Unc steamer City of W*ahwould be had the ship i
of the exploBloo! Tbe wa«e
tagtan as aatbortCR (nr the stateambt
The outside *
that be had bever knows In all hla ax- three feat forward of that spat tbara la
perttbc*. which covered vlMta to HaWing o* which about ........ .. ...................
6^ ID regard lo iWiThad
VUM far Bv* or alx year* a m*a-a(and thirty-twv> (*et in length f
It Is harewtih laU before tht coaatmi. dryeva aiooboi a
wv to be anebared ai that buoy; tbai bottoffis. la cvMed Uk* * *ast tt paper
_ __ ______
frame 17 to frame ffi) ta doubled
■ Isaether with the vr’—■-------ha'hnd rarely knows merchant veiiH*
- agal
alnst th* Mptlniiatloo M
upon itaelf
the court.
before tbe
It* parpon
to »* snehoeed Umre Shd (hat It was
TOTOildMdpa Ml tka MM piM* than M
I, ta brief, as follows:
aBythlag to-m, witw thtbs .eSM saad buoy ts the hartxw.
*^AtTrem*u''& varticsrirey'iahfalMB
Jmtm the Maine arrtvad at RavaM the Maine.
la iwu. and the .Bat keel. hoM talo ac
angt* Mmllar to th* aagl* (mmad hr
UMpomlMitjr for Wrwk of U<o
Mmino Not Ptacwl. .
I arsh.-'s as?
BT mniXiEm USE.
i ssJKT.'-ija s
. IK!
•• ffcat III
%sa:'r?£ .
i s SEK.-.T,
: S?
r.5SiS",r, ‘rni“'n4j i
* £1?
“ “os ...
Kr'iS",': ;►*:
. ... -- .. ..
‘irfrelWe the keW sTbS
ty MhoMsd^fi^^aia rw
- - -
isns 5rj?ija?.r5r£si
Uw outaMs bouam plaUBg. «MB teaS ^ BtthkMr«« M« i» mR;
s'- -:k,
ItOMTOfa MOOtft. w
UAMtm »0.1M«.
We Ar^ fay Savers;
To the bueleet place In Traveree Olty and see how huelnesa ie rushed along.
will make you feel good to see it go.
It’s the stook and the prices that do it.
a IOC for fast reds. Rather poor
quality, but docs very well for beddinff. S-T'S. 4 and 5c for clean, nice
^ring ^les of best quality made.
8c to 12 i-ac, full yard »
wide. No
better to be had. Elegatmt Choice
styles in light and dark.
be^jcr for children.
Styles in AU Wool
Isnnishliic Haloes
E?tra good for skirts.
If You
and Curtains
make the price 28c. an^ claim that
is an extraordinary CORSET for the
Sole Agents
For Oresoo Corsets.
3 Great One*.
10c—Better than last year.
12 l-2c—A wonder.
Fine as silk—2Bc.
You didn't do much paperingrlSst year,,
therefore you will have to thta year.Our prices are
Cannot break at waist line.
Prict—$t 00.
An Umbrella
For 39c.
40 Styles
Good frame, good doth, wood
rod. Splendid school umbrella.
For Mt better cloth, steel- rod.
Splendid school umbrella.
At B9 and 69c we can astonish
Don’t fail to see the Patent Brace
- 1
Are finer and lighter than Per
The biggest line of Umbrellas,
cales. Softer than the ordinary and txStljargains.
Ginghams. They come in plaids and
toipes and ^re particularly well ad
apted for shirt waists.
4c, 5c,
10c, 12c|i jlciibleM.
To select from.
Spring’ Wraps.
From 76o up.
and up.
21x45 inches, and heavy. Why!
A good many of them weigh a ton.
And.many similar goods will be
As we are offerirffe at $2.99 is a
shown in great variety this season. very scarce article. It s just such an ASSORTMENT
Checks, stripes and, figures will other rainy day bargain as our Um
dl be good. 12 1-2 to 25c will buy brellas.
the medium grades, and they must
be seen to be appjwiated. Lower
and higher priced goods of course.
IOC to 35c.
At 29-3*9-Wc.
Wash like a piece of white cloth.
A^ood one, 30 inches wide, for 20c.
Are You
Going to Ride a Wheel?
Is so \-ou’U want a Bicycle Suit.
We arc showing a 6-4 Wide Flannel
“3 shades." at 33c—Very suitable.
Good thing, low prict.
Then'we carry in stock ail the extra wide
Shade Cloths.
We make and bang Curtains from the nar- ‘
rowest up to 00 inches wide'.
Get our prices before you buy and we will
get your trade
In the domestic stock we play second
violin to no concern in Michigan.
Yard Wide Cottons
At 3 1-2.4. 4 1-2.5 end 6 cents.
City Bookstore,
of the lakes.
wuj Bw* He HHMui.ewm
Fjraany yean tbe great 6oei
vaa looked spon • ‘
ol ooBinecc
i» U»
world, trying wtennow <«■«
ttab Ita ga^y^ tbe aa-L
. takm has dwarfed the Sneaeanrf. Tbe
' Beane of tbe Jar-ber which goes
j^my cH Ibe lakaa ia eeut away 00 to
Amnioan polnta witbom aepermU..I aklng ,0 • jora», of
b^dred ntife.’doWntliriTm
^ , tbotwand milea and
»ora on tbe lakea to tbe Sc Lawrence.
gb^pgi, the Welland canal to
280 Front St.
an la Ua Oraat lakaa
W. B. Barwood writaa In St. NIebojlatof-The Grfat Lekea.*' Mr. BarI wood aaya:
I Jaoqoea -Oartler. wbo ahipped from
8t. Malo in 1684. explored the ooaal of
' NerrfnondUud and made tbe olroalt of
the gnlf ol St. Urrrenoe. and be did
The Iowa lithenaryamorffonnldahlebaHlrahlp. Ber atatlgtieeere: DUptoeement. IMlOtoee; qwed, leknota; boCMpower, 11,000; ooat,«8.
armaBeet. tea II toeb, eight • tnob, rft 4 taeb gona and 28 gnu ol
batna. Homoa la m mwe* ^Aka.
mboole and to tbe can of ita poor.
Glaigow bM BO pobllc llbmiy, and apparantiy baa m bo^tal anpport^ by
inidpallty. U bai a mwialpal
two of 111 SMala
, tofti'
t gallery aad i
uaaWHHe emawara, warau w* iwa
>d in
orided and
rirata geBeradty. Ula^ow opera gee plant wllb anooam and bat
"ILT!!.*?!! l in tbe matter cf poUoa, water and flra pnrobaeed and toi|eo*od a <
fcr^»p»Um«df tototo^talow
cf onaottyla tract of land. Bomb taae
: ^ . Bhont ae good aetbat cf tbe etotr.
«l!S?Sl2rSl» 0**««»*
*• ***
! rfnrtedUM'caatbb-aiMWartbom *ecaa
of Hanw and at IM toand fatanetU at
Sanlt Sta Marie, or tbe fella rf 8A
: Mary, now abtrtened to ‘*8oo“—the
I drat white mao. it li bMierad. to rmA
' tfaU key to the noble lake beyood. Qn
; wat
aa far aa Green lay, en'LafceMkbj ^
at la«
knowledge e< tbe
I| exploreta end were no longer mytbe.
Bnt M tbeea Freneb' eaploawi eOH
:' ttnoed to derelop new and UMMrto awdreaved of pomibilittea of aanplra tbe
En^lNb begat to taka deep teMieal ia
the Soea canal in I8M waa 7,000.000.
;Tbia tonaaga of tbe ^doea not by any
'•tb» grwt takaa; It jTeal^ porUoti of
year or two baa/banpabbanimbItt. Handndaof tbonra^af tonaaf UrfMd a atody of tbe admlniapnUon
mp^iea^ all k
T. Lowrfl
ly Mripp^i
M. B. HOLLEY, Kanager.
ninetieth binbdajt. He baa occupied tbe
aauie atndiu, at 10 Trenioat row. since
I I8ts. when be itarted iu boaineae with
^ Ur. Sontbwirk. wbo died a few yeara
' aga Mr. Hawse la atUl riga
j tuoda to all tbe details of trada Be «
' tbe flrit to make dagoerreotypee in tbie
' city, and all the fatnooa mc« end worn' rn of a generatif* ago. incloding Daniel
• Webster. Knfoa .Cboete, Jenny Lind.
Baron Botharbild, Edward Ererett.
Charlotte Cnabnias, Loagteliow. Whit
tier. Parker. Emmti. Alcoik Locy
Larooni and Grace Gtvoiw
; bim iu tbla name atndio."
ena Doer eno loober end. iron ox«-^ell
the oatml prodoetg from e WMt er«e of
oountry, drawn to ibe leke roote be
fiin r I i '------------------eeue it ii w aneb cbf>dper to more j
Ike Sms 0—sI,
goodi bjr water then b; rail. In retoro, t
In 81. KlcbolM there ii SB srtlde on tbe eut MiKii Cbe «eA vast qaantiHes
“The Greet UfcM" hr W. 8 Beewood. of nanoUctitred gondi and ImmeDW
ifbe eotbor Nye:
eoppllea of bard and eoltooeL Tfaewert
The CQiiiiB»ee of the kkeeleettar- fnmiabei raw materlali; tbeeertnanflman. The onUeC from Loke Svperior factorea tbeae materials-aod aendi back
to l^ke Enron bed elwaye bees e Md- tbe prodneu of ber factorjua«nd millv
*» «uobetee)etooaBBMree.lnthatitwae,n»ereweranceiTedattbep(ra(Hl>Dnot deep enough to allow tbe Unt« ibU, ud Superior daring tbe year 1896
freight and peawngrrboeta to pa«oomfaring ibe take Maeao—
fnrtablytbroagb. Lo(^ bare beat bailt i.jTs.; I* tow of ooal,
at goretsmeDl eapenae. at tbe ^ of
qd the margini of tbeie lakra. peranny milUane of dollmra, whidi now gj„,urly « tbe aborei of Soperior.
allow tbe paMga of large boeta. and
^ ^ „;,.rtng toAm oontaloing
two w loeka era being Wlt-«e
1^0. eilr.T. o^ipcr and ^d. Tbe Iron
tbeOaoediene and one by tbe Ameri-,
oonunmlal YaJoe
allr inegbanaible in anaast
enn aide U larger tbao tbe old end when
I on iu YMT banka, are iron
eonpleted wUl be one of the tnoct woo, otpnt of wbicb rirala that
dertel pieoai of namry to be fonnd in
I in tbe w<
HooklM «0»'•WM-
What's nicer than a nice clean
Gingham that can be washed over
and over and always comes from the
ironing table fresh and handsome as
when new. Poor ones at 2 \-2c; and
all other grades up to 25c-
In plain and striped at 13, 20 and
25 cents. They haye ho equal in the
19c Wall Paper
V" )Hade the Price
Yourself you would say BOc—We
PIcnV more
of those go6d Night
. ] Gowns at
And attUs ttmeuftha yMTltlStoa
oB for «> theft C iima. npem k> amaU •
male and with aneb donhifnl naslta
tbatnoTtlnable oooclnaicai can yet ba
drawn from it. On the whole nod regardlew <f oort. tbe poblio eerrioe of
BoetoD is rather more exteneire tbas
I chat rendered by Uhmgow. andto qaality wobU wem to be quite m good.
TbaBcKoBTraBMirlj,. .
JebBKm Bawet. tbe «lde« wotktog
rfwtogtnpber to tbie oonstiy oBd^nb-
_________ wbo thronged
•tiraig and Mendly fnan all the ragloai
in and abost qsebee and Montraal and .
Ottawa and Kioietoo. Another mariner I
of St Malo-Franola Gwo-^began_^ |
oolcnicatigB cf tbe laid. Abont 1870.
to Frano< Samuel de flhaitipUlti wee
bom. and wbw be reaobed tbe age cf
early manhood be. too. Jotoed to tbe
new world esplcaatian to tbe regbm
chore tbe great laken. Tbe kinga of
France were meeb iaiereetad to tbe
new Undkitd did all to their power not
only to explme tbe regiim. bnt to oolonlae ^ derelop it Cfaamplato. to
1616. made an crpedicfae np tbe Ottawa
rlrer and peoetratad as tar as into
Georgian bay. tbna toaetatng on iba watcraof lake HnroB.
In 1818 Etienne Brnla, an oU tot■^
prater, eame tote Obampialn'e camp
wllb tbe newa of tbe dimorary at Uke
: Sopsrior. Lake Erie, with XtotarfatM
probably .dlaniemed eone Mmn, mrntw
ttoatbU. Mioollet, to t8M.
abto totba world, baa torf ortatatnd Me • cBBoetatteMadMOW
than 1
Ibelr I
ginla and Maamehnmtta Again and
again ibroDgb tba yeara that foUow tbe
tbnada croaa and rwrom, not wanTlBg
a beauifnl gaimeni of barmoay. bnt
tangling In a wtatebed Bark a iwtnbwork-of diapntea betweoi tbe natitaia.
Entanglement foUorred ewtaaglament. ware haramed tbe land.«itU nt.
ln« the EngUab were Biae&n rf tbe
Borefaern lake region f<w all time -nnleaa aome day we abr 11 aee tbe etata and
atripM Boating from tba belcbta rf
Wbal yon call ‘■ebtomey mpway“ to
he MBC ns tbe boom tor enltoi
•‘hearth money.'* It wu erfahMrfiad nil’
of makti« «p tbe deJdmqy to«
toCbarlmU. It wee rhpentod by I end
U WUUam end Mery. e. 10. bat wan
tUmpoaM to Seotlnnd to Septambw,
l69C.etlbentecf la 2d. tor bewiy
SenHb. Tbe repeal waa cm of tba Sito
booM mmeedml k, WiUigm on hto
wrienL—“BiM*y tf Tamttoa.’* by
fbe«MmlMtblem <c tryaiiytt«t-.:
MMtoi to Ibe toon orowB rf tbeLem-^
banto Tba toner iirip of tooa noem*.;
^ mcndltton. w»be«H oatM
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