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The Morning Record, July 27, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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' r r-.- ■;-/
Second Tew—Ko 888
Kegotiatlona Now Under Coueideration And
First Hove iSomes From Madrid.
Tfarough K. Cambon, French Ambassador
In Washington.
xwpabimwtt K.Ajnnwa
’ir 1,310
xt u • ONinbi* roiat
Canaot Bopi to Hold Out Lou*
We’re Stuck
on Base Ball Goods, 4
AffftisM Ac
Ttoopa Hot to XTaed Thera but ImOoustOMao Buy. July
It ia difmuaea WUl he Best Te Bold
Oeolt to oeebow the Unro body of
Xt Wben Takea.
Soualab troopa at Bolruia can fail to Sp-aUl te Tn HouCRO Baneii.
New York. July M.—The SbdM
..altbourkrolaforo'aehiurtoa epeolal aaya. -Tbc aavml
•d by Spaalab foroea fros Olbara.
ee»yaEcru aeaiaet Uleafne^ with the
Belculu ia oua of tba
poinu ia eaaiera Cuba aad tbc aamad. object of taklof that inportaot place
>w nader eooaldaratlou by the na
«r of iU rarriaoa «1U be aa iBpartaat
ereet in tba war. Nawa troa tbare la val authorittei aad a plao of opnatlonc
expaoied ahorUy aad.upoa It wUl de- to Ukaly to be Inaugurated very enon.
The roverrmeul think* to Keep the oapaadaoM of tba fdaaa of our c
vy a* bo*y a* poaeible *o that ietereet
ntandar*. _________ _
In the war will not wane durinf tfae!
Booghl« big Modi to got the bedriioea ud oni-r
eeU 'eoi dl. Will giv. 16 p«r oaitf. oC%«^
Ibiog lor next loo d.y,lor«inoe the Mock.
2-20 Front »t.
250 Cloth Bound Books at 15c each.* Poor
paper—poor binding. I don't advise anyone to
buy them—I simply offer them at that pric*
to get rid of them.
Oonfbrenoe Held By The President, SeeretAries Long, Dny
^ nad Alger, and An Answer Will Be Prepared—Spain
v.mu.ern>eotha. deufueffo. to not
HarthaB] BlflCL
weU defended a* Bantlaco but the barEvidently In Earnest, Bat Thle Oovemmeut Will Hot
TH0TI8LB8 OOHTIHUS hor ba* tunch tbc nme bottle *hape.
Parley Wiilt Peace Commissioners Nor Do Anything To 8PAOPB
It toaotprobeble thattroope will par
Oaose Loss of Advantage Thns Par Gained.
ticipate lo the moveaenl If it to carried
Bliffbtaat Incidact Hay PreeipUata a out, bet leimuna rerineaU will
Washington, July 26.—(Special)—Spain has sued for Oriaia and Plnsfra tba Oouatry Into
We are ^ow making os
peace, formally and directly to President McKinley, through 'Ba^lutiou Oagaau Poworiaaa to aent to bold the plaee after it to taken. 0
M. Cambon, the French ambassador. The following official Cany oa tba War XffeotiTaly or to
Ooneluda Paaaa.
sutement is made:
Of Aa HBtortaiBiug Hatnn OhumoThe French ambassador, on behalf of the government Kaw Tork, July 9« —bTrifanae Faria
terine Ue Tnachen'
, SBo, 38c, 400,690,790,880 and *118. Borgmini, owy
of Spain, and by direction of the Spanish minister of foreign diadateb aaya that tba aarariiy of tba
one. Valu6» 46o to »2jOO.
liab eenaorablp praaaau tba exact
Vtolton as alwaya weleosed at Ue
affairs, presented to the president this afternoon at the White
InaUtuta and a profitable hoar cn
Dry Gooda, Carpet
House, a message looking to a termination of the war and a altuatfaiu in Madrid balnr <
apent among the variou* elacaca.
oapt by private obaouala
} O 1 CinDCIlb O
and Clothing Houae.
setdement of terms of peace.
Inancient htotary Psfe(*oi*Garney
Secretary Day, Secretary Alger and Secreury Long were Dadar thtte riruumatano
taking op tba kiatory of Greece,
in conference with the president in consequence of Ambassa- partaoaaattaebaato a Madrid letter aaeklag to find Ue Cnaac of tkeir adrooaived by a Praoeb diplomat wboaa vanoed Sviltoalloa.
. dor Cambon's call. Spain’s communication presented by
Ike opening exeretoes wes eouduetrtauiUea for aaoerUintar' the
Ambassador Cambon b general in terms and does not make truth at Madrid ara
ed by Mto* WIgbtsan who gas mottoce and In stora teaches and pupila
any distinct propositions.as to Cuba, the Philippines or any Tbebttar
"Tba aituatioa
wiU sottoea.
othec possessions. It simply requests that peace negotiations ufarnoraeriOeaiAhan at aay ttm ruaponded
An (ntarcating exeretoe n* well na n
be opened. No armistice is proposed.
elnee the war befan. The allshtcet good-teat of memory, wntgiveo luesAfter Ambassador Cambon submitted the proposal
Ue ‘-qoaetion box.” ten
Ineidcut Say pracipttate a ertoto whiefa
general talk followed between him, the president Secretary will pluDfe the oonairy into revolo' aeeoad* being given for na anaa v.
Asoag the qoeatloa* wes Ueae:
Day and M. Thiebaut The president reserved the answer,
-Bow eU to Frealdent McKinley?
on the understanding being reached that he would at once ‘■Sar*ata to powerieek to carry on the Whati* tbeaalary of the psMintSee- Remember Rlr New Place'lay the subject before the cabinet and then invite M. Cambon war efleetively or te conclude peace. stary of State? Who wrote "Twiakle
312 Sooth UeioB Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Depn.
twinkle lUtl* aiar?” and “The old oakto another conference at the White House,when a final answer The qiuNtioB of the war to Uuowa into eabaekatr'
H. E. QIBBB. Propr.
will be given as to the willingness of the government to c^n Ue baekeroaud by the nireney of the The eivU governmeat elaas to look In thrii ud ttrtm to Eat.
dyaaaty eoneers, aad by* the seal
ing np the test book lava, variAiu
ackool faada aad aabjeeta ra
The manner in wdiich peace negotiations shall be con to avert a sllitary proaonBelameato aonreecteofnaiform
aad free text bookai
backed by a popular nprtoto«. The
ducted in case the United States accept Spain's tender, has ■pectre of revolntion baa nosentarily The cloaiag divtoioa of Ue day to givea
not been determined upon, but it is understood that the reatouined the CarltoS in the northern over to aewapapen galore, the cursnt
ita ia political, ioteroatiODal. remethod likely to be adopted is to have General Horace Por provlaoea, hat Imfwved SaffacU to
llgioo* and aocial, topic* being dUly
Corre^wnd wiUi the Trsver
ter, United States Ambassador at Parb, and Senor Leon Cas pot fato whole truht in the hand* el the read and dtoeaaaed. In Uto vray Uc
T Company.
tillo, Spanish ambassador at Paris, carry forward the nego- army. The reaeral* are aow abai
We have for ssle Good,
as In toocb wiU all vital
. tiations from the point arrived at by the president and Am sactera of the dtuation, aad e likely qoMtlona of Ue hnnr.
bassador Cambon.
to ea*t aside Ba^ta. .
OEBAT rantr im kiohioah.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
1 These Are The Prices
Bon’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
If You Have Logs to Sell
Washington, July 26.—(Special)—It b not believed here
that the president will parley with peace commissioners. He
may consider propositions if presented in a definite form or
even say what the United States will do, but he will not open
. the matter to discussion by diplgmats and lose the present
advantages by stopping the campaign.
Iianding Effected, and the Fort of Quanica
Captured After Short Battle.
“The aatlre artillery foroe in the
rvrtooB of Madrid are openly hocUle
U the roreraseet. aad if ordered
fire on the peiqile would certainly rehae to do eo, and would fratemiza
wltb tbe inaunreeta. Several iafaatry
inenta would do the ease. Oficera
ofeTeryrndeaeeuae the statotry of
■ the war.
»u4 ebarre criminal neglect la faiUag
to aapply the Santia«« forece with
food aad
“Oenenl Pulavieja to Ue tact hope
of Ue dyaaaty, but though retalatar
Ue anny, he to
not believed to be able to ates Ue
popnUr tide when that become* neeeaaary.” __________________
Xmmenae HataUUw Being Bent t
Obicago Karbctat Good PrioM.
Chicago. Jnly 26.—The fist abip«at of UU year’* Mieblgan pcaeb
crop waa made laat wMk. the fruit aellingatttabaabel.. Today'* abipment
from Beaton Harbar ia eatlmatad
12.000 baaketa. and tbc output to
peeted to Inesaag spldly. Tbc varieticB now on Uc market are Ue Alex
andria and Amaden dnna*. The ato^
of Ue fsitnow on the market
cooda. it to mid. Uat of any early crop
in yeas.
AlUougb half of Ue crop wae pick
ed and thrown away mrly in Ue
eon, tbetrecans bowed under Ueir
burden* of fruit. Parmes aay
treca will yield os an average S5 bneh•to each, and each peaeb farm eontaina
from l.SOO to 2.500 fruit-bearing treea.
The grower* as pleaaed wlU Ue crop
and predict a larger ontpot than lor
aevnsl yeas
Stara and Stripes RaiBed For the First Time on the IslAnd Oeaorul BhafUr Boleetad to Loud Oumpalge Againn Oubato
Throagh Bravery ot AmericBiis—Four Spanish
Two Tire Atarme Teuterdny.
Yeaterdey e aUll elenn mUed Ue
epM-IU w Tee MoM»« Bccoao.
Killed and Detachment Boated.
crew et Ue Oaa* Birecl englna heuae U
Port of Goanica, Island of Porto Rico, via Island of Sl Waahiagton. Jaly 26.—U to kuewu Ue beru of Malcolm Winnie, in Ue
hec« tfaiat Oeaaiul Sbafter baa hcea aeThomas, Danish West Indies, July 26.—(Special.)—This leeted for Ue big job, Ue attack on rearef hto realdent* on Blata atreet.
morning th^ United States militarj’ exp»edition under com* Havana, wbiek will be begun In nboat No aoener had UU bmn eared toryrban
aa alarm called Ue department to Uc
maud of Major General- Miles, commanding the army of the elx weelca.
wagon work* of ChIdwaU A^.£«odoe.
United States, which left Guantenamo bay during the even
OB UulOn Htrupt. Fire had atartod In
ing of Thursday last, landed here successfuly today, after a WBOHOrOLliT MnXBTSUD ZH. Ue roof, preaumaWIy from a apark
from Uc amdkeataek, hut it wui exUn<
skirmish between a detachment of Spanish troops and a Thesfos Three Xiehlgan Boya XuM guiaked at onee and Ue departmeai
Hay Their Own Way Some.
crew of 30 belonging to a launch of the United States auxili
waa not needed. TheBre at Mr. Winaic'a bam to the eeeond that hea
ary gunboat Gloucester. Four Spaniards were killed and apMlai w Tu Mcanm Baeeae.
mhingtou. July »6.-Q«ieraI Oorred lately, and at Ue aame plaea.
no Americans were hurt.
enppoeod to have origlnatod
• Troops were pushed forward promptly in order to capture Un decided U the eaae of Uree Micbl- froma«eheap
of eeraplnge from |
gan boya who proved unable te bear
the railroad leading to Ponce, which is only about ten miles arm*. Uat Uey were wrragfally
east of this place. From Ponce there is an excellent military terediBaadUe goverumeet eould
w Creeoent hand
road running 85 miles north to San Juan.
ua tonight *mi attraet a larg*
The CotumWa wlU Iravo
The whole bt General Brooke's force, with the New Or- George Beker, BowuH City^^^Oeorge
ate:tOeoaa to allow tboee
leans. Anriopolis. Cincinnati. Leyden and Wasp are expected White. Mendon, and noyd PsakUa, whoiptly
attend Ue party at Omeaa Un
• here within 24 hours.
plenty •( time to anjey iU and oUm a
good time St
The ships left Guantanamo bay suddenly Thursday even
ing with the Massachusetts, commanded by CapL Higginson,
Sheet Xnnie at Badf Prioa, alae
every pli>oe of Ur lauat popular mnatoBmrch
leading. Capt. Higginson was in chargeof the naval expedi
W. \V. Kimball Co.. 285-ftont etreeV
uf oaem Bergmt.
N. B. Strang, mauager.
tion, which consisted of the Columbia. Dixie,'Gloucester and •pectolOondttct
te zn MomiM Bm>w.
Yale. General Miles was on board the last named vessel. Weririugtou. July 2C.-A ptumiueat
The Spanish were completely taken by surprise. Almost the ofioermidUmtUtf uberge ugutomt Triieise Citj ScIhwI of Intc!
first they knew of the approach of the army of invasion wm offiow (torrent e/Ue Ycnamlta. Ur
dor r»l aad Cam an.
the announcement conuined in the firing of a gun from tlie cruelty UhtommwwsuU he tsvini(Continued On Second Page.)
; Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of all descriptions, inclnding Two Engine^
Set Works, Carriages and SaWs A complete Saw Mill Plant
tor sale.
Hastings' Real Estate Agenq.
M ttoreemiMiMBlb aad wax trow tbcellr.
d. nia
U a barriio
barr>io (or oel; nJta'
reiUv wM^aUlBproTad.wIUbca^iaoee
Gommencing Tuesday, July 26th
S'03? 2.6 XDA^ra
We (rill Inaugurate a Speeial aotUng Bale. An attumpt to
a^taiaga ia lurit a prolt.'**^c will «ut and ■laBh'nclcM oealT
mar gooda to obtain daatrad tuaulta.
SO *11
eaaMmera anlta, won>d be a bargain at flo.W, to
**M*anita ot eoaraar bnt nU
•a at r.SO.
wecleac atS4.75.
4ft auiu of black and bloa -U wool aetge torilla. U^t vraigkta. a
aiderod good vnle^ at
fS 00, wi
Big rednetloai made
oa aU onminar eloUtag in <Aildi>hn-a aad boy'a
Mon'* Unen cTMb aulta. U cloM. SLM.
roduetian made on akotataa m
a la aetge aad 1^
Four moa^ aooera.
The Boston Store.
,,•;.. i-
4^T. B4t» WJ. W. BAsm.
#;%. BAami. BdiUir Md UsDa«sr
(Coniinued From First Pats.)
ma> fn oma e» ns
Cheapeat hod moat reliable place to get your bkycle repaired aod
put in go^ ranning order. Hare had several yMrs expfrieoce and
know bow it aboold be done. Satisf&ctioo guarauceed. I an eeliing
bicycle eondries st about cost. Kew and accond hand wbeela (or asle
and to rent. Please give ns a trial. _
Brazing a apecialty.
BLUB, 811 Front Et, Eaet
Gloucester, demaoding that the Spaniards haul down their
flag, which was floating from in front of a blockhouse stand
ing to the east of the village, At first a CQpple of^threepounders were fired into the hills right and left of the bay,
purposely avoiding the town, lest the projectiles hurt' women
or children. The Gloucester then hove to about six hundred
yards from shore and lowered a launch, having on boards
M yt»»w>» OKr
Colt rapid fire gun and 30 men, under command of Lieuten- ■
ant Huse, who were sent ashoce without encountering any
IFeddsd at High Voon.
Quartermaster Beck thereupon told Yeoman Lacy to haul
down the Spanish flag, which was done, and they then raised ne Mremonr which asde IfiM
Btsms Dsmek snd Prof. 0*esr HoCms
on the flagstaff the .first United States flag to float over Porto BSB sad wife WM soteiSBlsed yesler- .
Rican soil. Suddenly about 30 Spaniards opened fire with ds^atsooB St the hone of WilHsoi m CllSllCO.
Mauser rifles on the American party. Lieutenant Huse and tirsBt. The cerenon; wsa performed
hy Bee. Hurlbat of Norlhport. Only
bis men responded gallantly, the Colt gun doing effective imuedistei friends were preeent snd
’Phone 167.
248 Front Street.
reel. {
work. Norman, who received Aamiral Cervera's surrender,
bsppy ooople st
hM fissU; aasd* orertoros t»- and Wood, a volunteer Lieutenant shared the honors with Ursnd Kspide sfter which they will
VBVd pwos MfOUsUOM. ttbs hM MBt
• frapoMl direot io Prwdut McKla- Lieutenant Huse. Almost immediately after the Spanish
ti7 Ibroofh ih« French uabsawdor nt fired on the Americans the Gloucester opened fire on the en Hogmsn hM been rMsgsged for i
WanhinctoB. »nd the president snd his emy with all her three and six-pounders that could be brought other yesr sa eBperinteBdent
4khiMt here t*hen the mstter uder
to bear, shelling the town and also dropping shells into the
An sniwer wiU he
IB n rary ebon tine, when the terns hills to the west of Guanica. where a number of cavalry were
Dr. a: 4 Sbellman, the well haowa
•ton «hieh the United dtnue wiU ns- to be seen hastening toward the spot where the Americans optician of Uraod Bapide U kept bosy prioee will be right. A. S. FByMAH, SHOES. ISS Front nreeu
wiU be plslnly s^ted.
with hU enmeron* patron* in Dr.
office in the Markham bloek
The United Stotes U m snxions for
Lieutenant Huse then threw up a little fort which ~he HU office boara are between S and 4 p.
tanee se Spsin. hut this roremnent
m., a
and he
e rrqoesta that lhn*e r*qnir- PETTEELY. eiS Momoe street. West side.
win dletsW the terns, which Bpsin named Fort Wainwright. and laid barbed wire in the street Ingb
mrlees enU a* soon as posaible.
■Met seoept er eMtlnne s hopei«e* re- in front of it in order to repel the expected cavalry attack.
to be called away abonl
nlitnnee. That the terns msde bj this
ipMtry wU he tsir. the (rest Bnropesn The lieutenant also mounted a Colt gun and signalled for
fosren here slresd; eraeeded, heosnee reinforcements which were sent from the Gloucester.
0t the (sir, eoMcntieu end bonershle
While the Mausers were peppering all around Lieutenant
d by this SBties dnrtoff
Commander Wainwright called to the Associated Press cornil the wsr. With s Urte srxnj prisHanafactnred by ED. Olt.BEBT. Beat Five Cent Cigar Madk
•ners of wsr.hernsrrst the boUon respondet and said: ‘Tbcy fired on us after their flag was
<•( the see snd the UUnd poeseseions down and ours was up. and after I had spared the town for
Md srnlas st onr mere;, there U hat
the sake of women and children. The next town I strike I
•ne nlternntive for Bpsin: snd fsUlnr
do neeept it her losses will be slmoet will blow up.’’
Bros'. Sqasre. modern deaUm,
Presently a few Spanish cavalry joined those who were
‘Hie only hope of Spstn
‘ ---------------------- --- - la. Worth
«25. will sell to get room, at tl40. W. W. KI:
aeer le to asee the throne, which Is tot- fighting in the streets of Guanica but the Colt barked to a
•KbW sad which nest seen be (
purpose and killing four of them.
4Me^ orerlhrewe shoald the coi
nrsres of .wsr with the United
Dll line Oroooriea.
BtnUe he added to the UternsI troehlse and -of the blockhouse and all her guns were, spitting fire,
HIBAM COOK. Star Grocery. 34S Front Street.
»t the netien.
the doctor and paymaster helping-to serve the guns. Soon
afterward white coated, galloping cavalrymen were seen
It hss flaslly been detemlned
climbing hills to the westward and the foot soldiers were
me fwvenne stsnp is neeensrp c
liTlige lioesse. This wiU he e relief scurrying along the fences from tbe town. By 9:45* with the
to those sspliinc to nstrinoaisl hsp- exception of a few guerrilla shots, the town was won and the
enemy driven out of the neighborhood.
Zaza, the world'* gr«ate*t etairroymore dtU* Conpon*. bat
Gr-eerie* and Freeh
Red Cross nurses on the Lampasas and a detatebment of ant and medinm i* here. She tell* Baker* tToeda TBUBTBLL A UAKE. Ltd., P*lace’-ne
eorner 7th asd
regulars were the first to land from the transports. After
Lieutenant Huse had captured the place, he deployed his lUrellfe Instantly andeorreotly
auhTTXJi ousz ware dowjt
serve* drst
forces into the suburbs, but was soon reinforced by regulars, oat Mking a qnmtion. The past vivid
: and Best
Loechea in tbe world for 15c. Open all nigbb
who were followed by Company G, Sixth Illinois, and other ly reoailed. the present oomUUkably given, the fntare elaerly foratold.
^mmt Wss med With Festores by troops in quick succession. All the boats of the men of war Do not miss this giwat opportonity to
the Home Team. Bat the Tieand transports were used in the w’ork of landing the troops, consult Zaza, a* she remain* in 7^v- genuine anlvlr. a
City this wMk oaly. Zaz* hM de- ^brry, Sil Front stieet.
lte» Were Xssy Xsrhn.
each steam launch towing four or five boats loaded to the
Over MeVsnara'* Shoe Suva ■
veloped thi* wonderfnt power in East
IW Battle Creek team was defeated rail with soldiers. But everything progressed in an orderly India. She ha* been tanght by tbe
pciterdap at Tw^fth street manner and according to the plans of General Miles.
>t adepU the development of tbe
pnrh. The Bastlers won ent nt the
e habile forem of the baman or.
latter went ashore at about noon, after .stopping to board the
hat, eerarinp elzleen dsM hits Bathganism or wbst may be termed the
«Cord pitehed floe ball, Uttinf hb op- Gloucester and thank Lieutenant Commander Wainwright ■clenoe of the soal. ThI* study lead*
pnaenta down with onlp thrM hlu. for his gallant actions.
to tboac^a’*‘tk>n of power* which ap-'
mfA elthoaph be etiiick ont oalp fov
General Miles said, “Guanica and Cuiga are in the dis pear mystarione to the ordinary sanaea,
JBM. he kept the rMtore rneenlnr.
affected portion of the island. Mateo, the insurgent leader, bnt which are only Ue resalt of know
East was behind the hat and enorbt
ledge of natnral law* of a more delicate
• •tar came. “Jocke'' Weaver played lives at Gauco, a few miles inland. Had we landed at Cape kind thea thoee wbick are more gener
OAin hb nsaal feod style. HUler San Juan a line of rifle pits might have stopped our advance.” ally andeietood. Here one week only.
AntiAiIzr. for •jtrvrtinc sf levlfc vikhnet
nwri leiret eivt moat Hliefartury preyarShop Opposite Easle Office. jwlii
hb beat at short and in the
There IS no doubt that General Miles’ plans are being Call iSi* Slate street, comer of Ctm.
vtiuQ )vt awd lur ir*kiB< vxtrwtioa mey' dearth innloc he made e pbeaomeaal
«M-hand atop of a hot roander by
fddawWllbeln at seeond took ficers is admirable.
S Business and can teep your live stock |
} alive for months if you will give us a J
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Ask Ub For Prices,
Do Yon Wist t Boil?
Specttclos, 26c to $6.00.
5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars---6 cents
Free To Ladies!,
Guard Chains
Fine Piano for $140.
OGCULTSGIENGE! Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Boo Boos, Cboice Coofectlons.
Zaza, the Clairvoyant. Furniture Bargains
After August 1st
Columbian Restaurant
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-date Painter
and Paper Nanpr.
•MtTthlDr that cane hb way, and
erhen at bat In the sixth knocked ont s
fesMe rsn. Wheeler p:ayed so errorjMSesme St third sDd sod b credited
with three two-bscpers. The rest of
Ihe hoys pot np their atui wiry ysrae
Hst eoe fsolt with the hone tesn wss
that sfterbltUoc the bsll Uey losfed
^ daonneh.
The kettle Creek’s played by stre^
lt,M wm
WBM in
(n the
rhB box for th..
JB. Iddlnge
the I
Entdre lanlngB, when he wsa reliereA
bf Barber.
b Une Barber My bMome s good
fltaier. bat what he aeeda the tsost ii
pnottos. Asd a good deal of it wonld
fcs good tor the whole team.
It ironld he toe wearieone to gl*e a
.EstaUedaeeoantof thegsna, hot the
anmary and eobre by iaalngs tall the
and if iMt year can be Ukca m a eHteriaa UU will U the greatMt gather
ing of Sandsy eehooU ever seMmbled
in aorthen Michigan. The omplete
program will be carried ant M ps^
lUbed yesterday.
Ike neooraUng of bnelnetf^ace* 1*
already in progree* sad the eity will
doabUea* be la gala amy to welcome
the arrleal*. sad all will be reeeirad
with prorerblal Traverw City eoi^
Trogran Arranged tor An
gnat 16th:
Spectai stlenUoB iecalled to the progrsm of Famer*’ Uey st Bay View,
which i* to be OB Aogvet lA The or
der of the dsy will Inelnde the Mlowinr •tbjecU:
••rwenUelh oenlory Farmer”—J. M.
“G.xid Bosda nnder the coaniy ay»tea”—A E Pslner t-f RsIkMks.
“What shall we do with onr hurea
Und^r —Prof. A. B. Paitengill.
The program will aUe inelnde apedml
feaiaree which willl latereat
There will heno anioMr inetltoto .tn
TrsTcrae City this year, hnd this will
be a good oppwtniBty for proftt and
Oeed'BaM BaU Today.
The local faae wlU be glad to iearm
AOOIOBire OH a. H. A L
------------1 that there will be ao more slow
e Broken Blaage Oansad DeUy Taetor- tall nlsyiag here, for awhile at leMt.
day Attemoon.
t*r«i»y and tomorrow Maatatee will
AI. i
yeele^y. which delayed the s* the»e two teams are -withont donbt
one tW-two fastest independent t«am*-U
train dnehm^at
m hai^atl:
1:40. A flaege
pataenger coacbea wm broken the stete. good game* are assn^. The
and one end thrown from j Cnli* are two game* ahead of toe local
team. bat
Imt with
wtLk a
■ Urge
lepim. crowd
ppnarit ta
bnt fortanalely withont In- team,
to hrip
them theUntUer* wiU take both el <
J Jory to any of the
thongh they were somewhat shakea the coating game*.
It reqnired some time to g-d the
To iSarprlM Father Bauer.
car npoo the track again and it wm
Father Boberta, who was tiete Jaet
necessary to tranaler patsenge,* from
fall at the blemiag ot the bdU.aad
the traU goiag bjth waya )Mt evenmli^on of Bt. Francis ebnreh, arrived
jMterdsy to surprise ^ther Bauer and
Grace Cbwdb 0«Ud srlU BMet with apMd a abort Umeon a plMMat' visit.
MtasLee Tbaiaday aftmoca at twa He wUl condact early ma« thb more-,
! ; i ! !
ill! J
IT-.....",- -v i
Soadsy School Worker* Fien AU
Diiwctione WnibeOleeas Cor
dial WeiC'-me Today.
Today ts Bally Dsy. cne of the beet
dsye In the yesr, sod Trs*er*e City
will be glren np to the Sandsy School
worker* of the region- There will be
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with;* pair
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the fovorites at th<e season of ;
the year, and wo have them in all shades for 'Walking, Bicy
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
OMBXAE sooxAL Evxar.
To «athar at Btk taka.
Aagaat BU and eib art Ue date*
OeorgeBywlaleofOraBd Bapldt nrlAcf* Vambar Soedaty People Prom
given out for tbe quarterly Sunday, rived In Uw city laat Bight to >oia Uta.
the Olty WUi Attend.
of Acme and White- Byadala. who to vtolUag Uiaa Om MeA la^ eompany of young aoeieiy waur towntbips. to be held at Elk Coy.
people are preparing to attend tbe eo- Ukr. Tbe aamr* of E. W. Haatton
Mra. Laura Friadrleb-SmlU of Oraak
elal party to be given thl* evening at aad B WUbelBotUIaeity areoB Ua Rapid*, wbo fnmtobee the maale aS
Omeoa Inn. at the reeort. Oueeta will P™*™**- -_________________
10meaa Ina, Otaeaa. waa la town
be praaeat fram tbe Bi
Ml tbe hlofl, from Traverae Oty and
Mrs M. C. Buck ratnracd from Wal.
other poiatt along tbe bey. The Crew
toa Isat night after a vtoit with tba
ceat band will give an eieufalon to tht •
familyofD.C. Leach.
reaert oa Ue ColumbU for Ue oonven-! “ **
» «»** the oentmA
Mias ins Bsllengerof BlehmOBd.lad.
lenw of Traverae City people. The i between tbe oandltion cf tbe trmauiy
arrived last night to ririt the family ot
boat will leave promptly at «■.» a,.d,
admiaiattaA. J. Uelma of West 7U street.
Ue trip wUI be mad* pleaaaat by a I
to borrow moAMtoa AIU Fienoe. wb* haa been
eoaeart on board.by Ue banA to, ; f
the conditkn
year* ago, « h< n the Cleveland ad- spending Ue monU with Mm B.round trip wilt be ^t U cenu.
mlfJrtratiiBiwB* taking te authority BnUer, left tor her home In Ue soa^
port of Ue suu yastorday man’
to bonw money with which to repair
tbe breaches eauand I7 the expfvtadao tog.
MUa Jennie Kirby of CharUvoia to
XNpnty F. 9. Karria Otrm BoUce of an early poBSagetf a free trade tariff
T1h«. Iu Jaanary. 18B4. 8«a»ury Oar- ytolUng ber sister. Mrs. F. T. O'KeO.
ia Good Tim*.
lisle infonued tbo ohainnao at the
Btobop Daniel A Tattle will bs tbe
To TBR Voma or Qkasu Travkiwc
of the KPuate that ta- gnest of Rev. and Mrs. 8toot whUa la *
Coi-nrr—Tkke Kaice—<.'Li«sm»UBoiB ripu were falling ao much behind exU* city sttendliif Us Sunday scbeol
have *0 adjosud Uamaeivea wiUin tbe , .«endiruree that afur me.-tin« immedirally.'
laat two ’ year* and being ntged by I
liaUUriui there would renmin only
J. W. HaiTMn mads a brief visit to
. ol‘u.. b«.. .111.™, o. u, cm, ]
city yuterdsy on bis way to smt*
1 shall at UU time declare myself a
Dortbeni points.
minor coin.
candidate for afaerlff of esid
inly ai
J. W. Cliffs of Us W. W. Rlmbslt
Kow, on Slay 8, 1898. ScnvOiry Gage
tbe coming election. Wnhingthc
be hel’i , InfoRna the chairtunn at the aenata Co wtU leave Uto monung for Mob of thou wbo----------------oonacieotlonaly
fiaance coiumittoc that tbe ca^i halmice can. Oblo.Joravl«ltwiU relatlvea.
port me. I ahall paUently await the | of #218,000.000
J. W. Slaw arrived from CAtoog-v
net golA and at thecnrrcniraleof #25.- yesterday, wbare he parebaasd a Wrc*
T. D. klARVIK.
000.000 per mrmth of extraordinary war line of (araflDre for hi* new' stero,
expendinu* it may bvoume neoewary to
which to now being boUt adjoining Ue
Good Time at VrskUwanta.
lue the golA by rcaana of the exhanaFrledHeb block.
Yesterday a merry party of girl* en tion of the currency balauca.
E. W. H ivUngi raturned yeeterdey
Secretary Oarliale sU<d for bmedljoyed Ue day picnicking at Keabtaate relief beesnse tbe ttvamr# was 00 from e few days' reereetioe U Lolaad.
Charles Chriatiaiisen.Ue lumber in- .
,A few
. camera* were akan the verge uf complete cxhanKtiaD. aiid
along and a fine display of pictnna witlu.nt meb tvlief there wa* dingw of speeior ^ Manistee, is la Uc city oa
wiU soon be ready to go on exhlblUoa, Ue BUKpciudou of payments of prrariog bostoeoe oed pleosore.
y are not apoll
oiled In the ohligatksia Sc-crurory Gag* nmcifesta
Miss CynUa McAlpIne wbo hos'beea
. The following BO (HMccra regarding tbe gold rwerre.
Heading same Ume vtolUng Miss Btbal ^
i for it U ample f<g all rwiBitvmenu He Pooe of EighU street left last atght *
yonng ladle* made up U* groap;
BUbcs Kellie Lardie, Uargaret Lou to riUefly oauoerm-d lest, thmogh tbe for ber bene la Vanbnrrn.
exhanaiion of bis mm-nry balance, he
don. LnlpCslkin*,Flora Caldwell. Mty
N. E Strong went to KalkosA lest
pay be compcllrd to pay out gold coin.
and Corn Pierson. Ules Willsry. Grace
Never beftwe iu tbe htotory of the even tog.
Smith. Rboda Rattenberry, BAlda eonntiy. when we have lieeo engaged In
Dr. G. A. Holliday end family and
Grawn and Georgia Morgan.
war. has a >iuxvs.iiy of Ue mvuinry tbe fomUtos of Dr. A B. Holliday and
beacd bin ap.xol t« cougreni for njliii Kogene McManns. will spend a w*dt~
More Talepbouca.
for his department upc« tbe tact that to esmp at CArp Labs, leaving Trav>
Uougb he bad au abundauceof golA be eras City's dust tomorrow.
Tbe following telenet have
was moat nx»buU.v in u«ed of cnirrocy.
put in reeeoGy;
SmiU wsa called to IlUladale
That Uere to au oidre oonfidence la yraterosy by a mesMge snnoiindBf
FranK Friedrich’s realdcnce No. Ill—
tbo admiuUcrntim of Prtrideut McKin
8 rings
Us death of his faUer.
ley to shown bv the fuct that tbe oat
Dr. Biggin’s dmtal parlor* No. 16S.
gold at Uc end of April was #180.988,Meeort Motea.
i: Alfred Prlederlch's shoe store N0.IM 680. agaiuA #178.6S6.768 «l Ueclooe
—1 ring.
of March and #MJ:.484.000 ut Uoend
C. H. McEnigbtand wife of Chleaga
J Alfred Frirdrich’a residence No. lU of Febrnaiy. Contrast Uto onodicioo of are spending a few days to Ue el^.
tbo net gold reoerve with that which
-s rings.
J. M. Baaxhnrat has arrived from
Brodhagao A Wlncbnrwaiilto llvrrv
wben Secretory CkEltole was appealing Chicago and to enjoying tbe fine fishbarn (£. F. Ferris' old *tand) No. IM.
to onigrcto for tnlicf to save U« govern tog afforded to Uto vicinity.
Tom.fibaae’* bara No. 181.
ment from practical houkrnpey and
B. B. Babbitt and wife arrived yes-'
, city baokrupt.
I. 1and then ho oondemend'
Ue nit gijd rewrro from entire extiuc- terdsy from andonatl and wiU atop «d
d to remove the
tbe tariff and let hia caa'Busses (or Us CbUdran.
ti<B. it then standing at #44.706,967. St Ue Pork Place for a few weeks.
(canma ride for their
good fuUowahip.
^ .
It is not enipriidng that every friend at
The paranu of Ue kindergsrtsn’ele
Be ata^da well with all of tbe yonng qniekly areomplisbed and wlU tbe ^runate thing for me to be <ble to
Max Stone and wife of CblcMto stop
of Uc CengrvgsUonal church ar* re- Ue preiwni sdmintotnticm feels pcond ped at the Pork Place lost night ea .
stay here, as tbe bny* at Ue front are
of and n-juiccs ot the exhibit.
qurated w bavc Ue litUe ones mee
Ueir way home.
having a tongb time of it. We arere
Ue ebarcb prompUy at 9 o'clock. Om.
awfoliy bnry here for a few days as
Tboo. F. Wells sod Robert Staort
Bibaaee* will be provided and U* chllJ. A Dilllon, tbe power bdiiad Ue
candidate* for nomlnaUon there were over seven huudred wound
ore gocsto at Ue Park Place.
I *r Um Fv«>
thmie. is a wire drawor at the Amiri- before tbe convention two year* ago ed men brought to thU piste for treat dren will ride tiver to Ue groanda, in «n* Allecwl <
Mrs. George H. Campbell has arrived.
tocUv* Prieetpl*.
' can Wiro Kail miUa and formeriy lived from Mootcalm, UratiuL Isabella and ■aent. Un ILiusday and Friday tbe Ue parade and Uen back to tbe ebarcb,
The froe trade paper* ' lueniine” that om Denver, Colorado, and will re
that Uere will be a* oanger of Ue
/ la Coringtak Ey. Ho is in no icnae a l»rand Traverse eountiea. Uu year days we arrivid bere. Ue figbUng was
little ooes Hraylng away. Tbe Sunday Ue imnxwe of Chairman Dingtey and main to Ue city for aome time.
^ mechanic or an cugiuecr. About a year be*ded ibeir represvauUve delcga- Ue worn. There wsa but little
aebool wUl not have a basket picnic his Bcpoblican otaortorc* cm tbe ways;
• -.11 /«u» n,.^- datorday when our boy* got to
and mcaUK (vnemUhv to rni«u Ue ad<Upj fiorfim. TbcDlllum boue U loeaud iB.Uonof Mr M«.icb
on Ue grounds, but Ue Sunday aebool
titsukl rweame- nvpiimifxr wurexpmwa
frost«ad on y a lew of tbe 34U were
S, near the tracks of tbo Indiana Midland
picnic will takb place tbe followltig by internal tauticn iudrad of now cr
ei™. V-. wounded anu aoae of o.mpaoy M.
IncTRuaed datips on importK is TiitiuUly
aodela Be worked ovtf twomcatUia dealck, and tbr una'xiDoas action of
1 baven'i *oen any of the buys of
coulcaric* on Ueir port that n protectl/
. ,
lb* conveail'jc. w*r* ««-ll deserved company M since we landed excepting
ive tariff is a failure ni a means of {wu.'V;^
exprrasionfcof aatUfaction wlU Mr one of the huoit uoya wbo bad his band
' ■
• twenne.
, Mesick’a cunme h» congrvas during
This cmninpti'in in onnspicnnaslydia
Mr*. John G.Hto to ilL
• Ue last two year* and confidence in bi>
OHppilco have come for Ue Cnban re
igennons L’p to abont n mcsith ago
P. C' Gilbert and family a
work in the fol ire
lief being bandied by Ue Red Cram
t^ Dtogley tariff wn-^ proving iu efflat Long lake.
ivrince twenne to meet enraoeiety. Clara hartoo Ue foundar of
Everybody may be aosnrea
rmt expraa-s, and nndtv riablc oonditaat aoricty ha* been hare.
gasBC of boU Uto afu
tioo* of fieatv it con&<g b(> donbted that
Some of ber women nutaes are doing
Ue BasUers and Moatolee CedU.
cud of tbe proratit bwal year
good work ia belplng tbe. aurgeona
qA mosieol eomrdy enUUed "Otber it wonld bsvn more than rmlixed pub
-are for Ua wounded.
Peoples Money,” wiU BeBnessoy U lic bxpectoliona Ko emo antiripates
Kora Descriptive X.*ttcn Preu
Ttaere have been a eonple eases of
Royle in Ue lending role. U booked to wiU any good reBBcn that the tariff
yellow fever reported, but 1 Uink it a
appear here Aognst luih at Slctoberg's will bo a mcoospifnl rwenne prodneer
tiadn- preemt couditkns, when impm-i3i#r iWtorift
wiWtocwctoU-' false report.
tatioos have bevn luwh donased by
It isn't *0 very hot here. Nearly al
Miss Jg1& Phelps left yasterdsy for Ue Vwar wAre," and there is the pro*Cuba. Jane C. 1996.
ways a eool braese from Ue ooeao.
Chicago, where she will visit frtonda.
Dbab FABRrni;—No doubt yoa will
that Uey will be Jnrtiicr n-striewd
CiuiuJta E Kli-LU6U
A D. White was in Ue elty yester by active boKtilitie* oa the high wma
PuixiKtxT uitxioK an> an. a.
1 ** aorprtoed to bear from me In Cuba.
OlnctoaatL 00* cent per mUa. Sell
day from WmiarnsLarg.
To raise tbe money mialcd to war
, qteBdiug all
bis aparr time at the
> •“ *>«" »“«' “ “
the Bcpoblican rncmtxiv of ^jteraber 84, good to ratoni October
Hiss Winifred Pratt has retnrned
bench and in Uu- foundry. He had ^me aevemi day s before 1 did. I
from ber vUU at Grand Rapids. She tbe ways and ciraus oenamittev rccogmany (if (lie portK rpivUlly cnat and In Ue hospital, bat not wounded.
Detroit, one far* to round trip 8*U
Tbe X.. Xb. A Spjoyed a Pleaaant
niae tbe obvions fact that higher ilnrira Jane 27th and 2«U return July «U.
d by Mr*. A Batch.
• whenhofluhhid In* w.ric h* Imd con- aick but will be all right when Ui*
on itnpen* at this time wonld uot yield
Indianapilia. one far* for ronod trip.
Out ng Testerdsy.,
.Mis* Ells Beokos to 1a Charlevoix.
t^.y wrapp(4 up in tbe 80O renche* yon. We bate been to Ue
Ue ncceemry ivraine. bot that the pro Bel -Augnat 8U. ratsra Angnat 16U.
Beantlful EaallJsy Kune ont alt lu
poned ipteruaJ Uxos will niao the re .L°o{ngton. one far* for roand trip,
down quired amooQt mote oanliy and quickly. ^’11 Jnly^TCU to Angnst 6th, retora
ttroMhuJ. ibi«iun...!bi,btt™.a. I bbp«M 1» brtore i rtt bb.k. 1 n..,
Tbe new tnxe« will lie imposed solely
City Ladies’ Library AaseetoUoa. from Peioskey yeaicrday oa a abort:
to right of way and to Uki track. How
to go to war again. I helped
bosiaeoa trip.
Saratoga, one fore for ronod trip.
hxpodient* tu meet irar expoiditnrea.
well be‘bas aocmedtvl m liu, work is Vary the dead yesterday,
Which oeleb.wted lu twen.y4.toth,
A Sharp, pw,prtotor of Ue and they will not long be retained aftor Sell Angutlot, gnod to retarn Angost
evidenced by the grtat cr>.wdi( of ]>.-ople
Tbe b* v» made cne of tbe grtotost birthday by a phM«lc on Ue beach and
• in.
have served th.-lr pnrputc. bnch
Lake View house at —
Ak w.p»*.
Rapids, oao
Toronto, Ontario, one fere to rand
attracu-dtohisliue. Kot only chllrtr.*, -ebarriw.-^er knov g. driting Ue Ppan- under Ur pine*. .N.-dle*a to toll how i :T‘’
.l.c U..,,
|... b.™ p.rpl. ...
-.r...wu.r. b.„ ,n taxes do not to U* least dcoote any trip. Sell Angnst 24U.' 2SU. end #7U,
abandonment of the protective principle gar d to reura Sept. 6th.
der Ue Mft base Uie far Uore* that terday from that place.
tariff policy. To ostort os tbe
Vermillion. U.. one fare to roud Tkuakliuft’’ -IhcypiTmoaueeitevenan
A StonUy and E A Dsiley of Em
bonafied tbe grand old bay. how Ua
BwSio Herald does. Uat n reseat to io- trip SeU August 1st. good to ratora
improvement on the Indiana Midland. *‘‘*'^*'
city yceterdny on bnai- temsl toxatinn to puy war expenses Angoct
ingMt tist,
white capped waves rolled to and feil
from which it was copied.
»U right.
. -Fiew
Cemn M__________________
Meeting.one for* for
has given "tbe prototive ayatem, as a
Mr. DiUion mys: ”1 leanedmnU in
<he bpaniarda aarrotinded upon Ue yellow seeds to ersUtog
A A Bohle of SnttonsBay
broad national policy, ite deathblow.” ronod trip Sell July llU to Slot,
my work. 1 did not know 1 bad any and under a flag of trace, and expect manic, how Ue eool wind seng In Ue
rsoi to retorn Ang. MU.
knowledge or ahiliQ-, bat Uefo loeorrendersoon. We caplnrad pine*, aad Ue shadow* lay loag
Rcdnced rale* to other p^ts. PboM
ket Bnlletin.
k C. E Marray, Agent.
A ff .
-------------------- -------------------------- L»0 Spaniab 3
grass. For U* rest, Uere were boor*
reoeally aoeepted a pmiUoa wiU Frank
probalily my natnral line of work was efaanged some for
C. A Lockwood. G. P. A„
of social pleasar* to all concerned,
along Uoae linuB. My mo takes
. . .much
. .
vi- a— ».___
group of happy ehUdren who awnng to Friedrich, will move bU family here
t in (he lailroaA and 1 am in
hammocks, and aude rosUea to Ue
*h« nvrt Tear at I
Boston Brown BreoA
p«re*8 TOae Wa* S**a a»* »A
aaod. and eboaed Ue rippling wavs* on
geanine article, mode at
Tbe Epwerth Leegoe *t Ue First
Tbv tovcnlde foreign trade balance Bakery. 821 Front Street. '
.j.ftttnro life, and 1 think it ^1.
clean Uem oat in two days There Ue beocA and—needles* too. to telL
8(U 6t*-0(i«3r bays arc getting iiinch inroHwud. *re seven wemnded men in onr regl- tobira spread with good Utog* to sot. Methodist ebnreh will give oa near- of Ue Cuited Bute* *
my time will permit 1 will turn oot ■vt»t aad one hilled. One waa wound- which vanished In a morvelons fashion Sion on Ue hay next Meadny alght hy
month cf Match. Fur that
liUmal equipimiu f<r Uc tt»d and ed in the regiment that George waa in os picnic rlnod* ore npt to do. especinl- Us steamer Colnmbto.
manyuovo that which is completed.
Wvavr Uks-it-t
The lawn at Ue residenee of Mr^
ly when os today, some »t Ue sterner
to value #86,000.000
”1 think that with the p«dble ex-!
__Wt avr Uasttr.
Avery presented a very pretty apprar- grantw than to Match. 1897. while
you carry In
sex come ont on tbelr wheels to shsi
ptiaD of a line at IX-nvir this is Ue j Saa Jnan BiU. Santiago, Jnly «, isM
onoe last eveatog, Ue oeeoaioa belag -tbe toiporu obowed a dccnMe of #16,laUntinae^ lailway in the«nm.| Dr-xa MoTaxn—I am gUU alive and .that portioa of. Ue d^’s fesUvltie*.
Take It oil to oil. it wto good to be Ue laws fete given to Ue benefit *f 000,000 as onmiautd with Uoae of
ferltogwell. 'Wear* eleven men short there.
Oraee ehweb. The Boys' Bond dU- Marrii a year aga Tbe valne of manntw all the time, and bl-c is us safe
, b„ colon. B» I. i,.id«ll,
■!«»>'«- <•”“
penaed inspiring mnsie and a iom factored goods exported during March
of Uis year was #28.214.460. or at Ue
a playthiag and U cnjuhle uf do-. ^
Wonted-A Botme to Burn.
gaUering enjoyed tbe e^t and ■
Ue of #836,578,400 to a fnll year.
it a sodsl and flaaneioJ sooeeH.
if yon are sick 14 days or
For Ue nine mootbs «s»ded with
re we pay yon from ih* first day you
enn Biddleoomb appeared before
expcrmwerewcrtb{are token s>ck. also from Ue hour m
Jnsttoe Brow* yesterday and
«2uB.788.eS6. Uis being #8,780.000 , meet with on ooeldent, aU to #1.00 ear
eoannto, 1 me., banana., lemon. «d
^ bere to make a
WiU call el your residence
» b tdriure trken. to Ucie
mangoea. ami it 1. a grant tempu- tost-desUraon old bnlldSI^^; im of #100 bail, to oBswar ferloreeny. of Ue preceding fiscal year. In spite of oed *eUl* year claim ia fall Is eoac at
Cl - offfi«i:rfa(at
tbe oUer imd of
.. . that h.;d to be moved to Toad tlon
__ not to eat it. *Hwcially when mwi. which con be
The first cargo of Imfc* Snperior Uc war tbeyiar 'is certain to be a reo eiUer siekaeoa or aeeldrat, aad we al
mooey to nay yon with.
k tor a atoody diet.
1 n:*t awiiy. He bad tbe bill of
bavtog onUived its ntefntocss. to be «M haa arrived for Ue foandatioa of ord breaker in the matter of experts a* Stop and Uink. Talk wiU n* befora
WlU oU Ue danger, if 1 comioat all
well as in Ue ainonnt of our trade tal- yoa get Insured and yon will have no
_ aad rash •«dmt It__________
'asedtomaktogUeteoL PermmsbavThe latter, from preoent opprar- other.
Ut retoe, to take him on Uo ran. right. I wenlda't take #1,000 for Ue ingastnietara whWU Uay wtob to
OneofUefentorM of Roily Day to
I. wmamc«nttoaoariy#600.000.dlspea* of to UU manner Uenld apply day wUl be firewwka to Us day tima,
W.«. HAR TY.
000. Tbere ia a record to. begnmdefi
There ore 80,ooi> Doited State* aol- at onee to Fire <»lef Beanie.
Dlstrtet agent to MorUwaoto: a Mid
which WiU bs aaovtfty to .Mpraetat*. to the fit* year of protootion.
is tb* baritor whUa the Oag Of trace t*
. The oitrof AndtnoB, lod., ntaimV VAHSD BT ACOOLAXAnoV At fiylag from thrm baildlng* In tbe city.
awalUng word from Spain to BarrenUm bcncr of hkrioc (he
jmtlui r»i)rowl of the eowmy wlBtio
t.OOO Spulab aoldiar* bava
hn cotporacc UmiM and •!«> tbe you*,
throegh our liars and given tbcmaelve*
sort lallrawl tiwKtmto in the Ualied
Qtataa TbenaiMoftbaroadUUwDil'’’Wrto Eloo will be aaay. all naval aaBcttTnuik Itae. ltbuaKtx«tchctfri^t SlatrietaBl
aad *0 will Bavmaa. They
ctf way cxteadinff tbrooRfa an-oal back
aad Ita Votk Onickly 9<ma
yattU and it rniu frctn tunrhere to nolatend keepleg tbe regalam here for
Hoc. W. #. Meaotek waa ra-noml-_______
wbaw. TbondUnyatockaayetiaaooi*.
garri*oa.daiy. and the volaoteeta will
wbat teoonpMta. bat tbe ibopa have sated by aeaUmaUoa for ®o«gT«.|^ homeaWQ\'tiifliii'^'
1^ tbe aemtb diatriev yattrrd.y or October.
Di« Bvaraa.
___ aflemooa at Bead «ty. Tba eoavas■
<DSi^ Na & Tbe radbod U well Udtion waanaplendldgatheriog of rapg,honey Cuba. July 10.-Whea we
laatsd a::d tbe heavy 8 by 8 inch hick^htaUverepuUlcau
way place, a
a(k U aeoBxvly bold on icood OMiEvery I mu* Cuban village, we foand the fightFoUowinii the flrtt method* of ferutt coant'r* of the dUtrict
nlhoad baildi^. nripe of ateel aie eonnty wa* fnlly rrpreaantcd. » dde 'jo, bad already b^o. and they were
laid oo top of the hickory raila and the gale* being proM^Bt.
bringing men bere badly wouaded to
Ur. WataoD of Rm
#00 pound eaRine ••acoota” over them
be ehrad for.
vithtbejirabeaf aawau inadockpratd. hero of the boor among the dvlegatca,
To ohr great Burprl** brfwe we were
Engine Ko. 8 ie a model at perfeotim he havleg walked Dl fnlle* to be prea
■altled tbe order came to move at onoe
and ia nndoobtodly one of the amaUeet eot to cast tbe one vote of hU e^nty
to the front with three day*’ ratlona.
iractfcal engine* in tbeworld. She goe*
i' iosiiat a good gait over her >0 inch gange
aaion and nrarly loo
her*, Wrall got ready for the
b; tmek and canbeowilyaurtoland atopto the ball i,[p. u,
10 p. BL bet to my aarpriae
padbyber S-year^ild engineer. 6bb U
j ubugbl it
now ttndergoing aome ohangea which is a body aad enlivened the oeenaios '
when oonpivtad will pnt her ahead <d ^.ul« p.Woifc «>w.
Ug leoamodvea. She will ban ende oorai.il, ™»l»a „a loodl, •p il.„„(„rU.o«,bo,ooiai..bro.,lil
oil, whi< h will .be a
Prom tbe ground to tbo top of her, Theworkoftbe convention waaj 1 have thought *lnee tyt it wa* a
amckcstrick — her bighiat point__abe
meaaaria bat IS iucbeii, and from the
point t>f ber'enweateborto tbe end of
tbe nmning board back of tbe taidtr
abe ia le» thaic6 feet in liugib.
foor drive wheel* an> Lu 18 incb«a
high, and her boiiCr is aboot 8 feet long.
. She haa a headlight, which ligbu op
M feet of trark. and b<r cabin, with iu
levcn and valve*, i* jun lar.9 enough
tor Jawea \t ilUam Edn-cril DiUioo. btf
6*y«at-old (ingiueir. nlioisaiao pread'
driit,' niamu.'er, romlucbr. fireman,,
brakuman and gnuiU boouuer of tbe
ttain, and foremau and acedm man
the endre atretch of bmk. Be U
**ptaotical man” in every department
and diaplay* moat reiuarl
and mechanical abiUty.
Bia oigine ia a little beanty. She i*
well made and camplete iu crery pert,
la a few wedta new pamenger and
freight ooadw* will be toned ont of
the abepB by J. A. Uilliuu. who, beaidee filling the podrinn tf
badter. bend fioatcr. trcaKarcr, aecmtaiy. maet« ateebanio and fomnan cf
tbe diop*, U alao the paruital guardian
tbe prarident
llillion'e Trank linodoeaa_______
bndneia after achool boon. All of tbe
ohildmi in tbe wemern port of tbo city
^tber along tbo right of way. Iba
coodaetor haa ran a corner on all of the
pins in Bamlwood addition. Hedargod
. ten idha a ride for a
fioDK ProtKdTe[ Associttli)ii
- --
flidt kt best,
■AV rn.T.m a A IBSTOB.
. MbyaP
. « hnngry. alaonil
Domoi aad doanu of tijowbad Toa* dog. How Utterly be now Tojmtad hU
CleveUna, July
Tlte day ww warm and qaiogllke.
killed and several
■py Tomklixi’ stctber Mid to him: imlnridy vlto and bow gla^y.woald Happy roUna ebirped marily npim
Injured yester
to bit botoUng moth to«r awaying petohea amoo« tbe ^e
►l^anmy. yw are la^. Wb*t’# 0m ite bave pme
day while at work onasewer near EdgeONE MONTh FREE.
tatottar with yns anyiniy? Be apey and cr and bis daily wtfkJ
water Park. IWe men were down io
boogba baring appateaUy forgotten
Jait then be buanltberbcerinitaoond the diieomfort of tbe paat two weeka
the sewer trench when tbe treaUe on
Mir wooad. b^.'* And Tommy
which the cart haub away the .dirt fell.
•pry and. adned
dned ■round
pretty U'irety,' <d a diatant bnakfaat bell and trotted
Tbe ear was precipliated to a plaUom
Ut of a boy coald atir aronud eagerly in the d
covering the sewer. Adam nauaman
'Iced■ bit
• • ctK^as be tbon^tof tbe natnm b foroed to struggle snib the ,
enoajdt to «nlt tbe views of Mra. “e Itrta
^ opportoalty to
■•. him:
crushed to death benewtb the Um„—-------1
QoleM be had a etoam cowiae
senwof doty in order totumtaerlace . that canbotm him alithbSaDitariuAlbc^
In him. and a fast one at that, for die) Lender and loader gn-w tbe welcome Molidly from tbe beauty and igigbtBesa |
doctor baa eo much faith
badly Injored:
The follnwlna
gwrer erm took tbe time to pnt tbe pioud. and Tommy qaiekmied hu jnoe oonide to perfonn tbe intruding boose- experience be has had in treating i Thomas Kasuscr. dty 1
•. thigh
niai.rfct in anything abeeaid. toartm.
toHra Bi:
ehrooic dJeeasA that be will give one
jboldtaaka Soil
"Gei-wbiUikwit" «id Tommy, sit-j
At daybreak every moning die banl
frequently passed tbe open
i^hall. cut la the bead and body
jedTommy oat of
first ibrowing a ting up in bd and mWjing bb e>oa, !
kitobcu doling tbe praoeoi ^
aiXTBOSETttATAaETOOPOoaTOPAV.ibruIsed; Prank Boblnskl and Prank
di|9orf^ of water in bis face—to pat "what a dreani! 1 can hear those horri- i „ -doing np tbe moming'a work.
AUthat he aska in return U that socyanskl. badly cut and brubed about
my heels o-a }x-t j sbo atepped onuddeioempty tbeditoki^ in F good htunor. She then gave
erery patient will.
will atate to their frienda
e body. .
|him Jnat five minates to hustle into hU Bnt thera’a t^brtakfast bulL 1 won-!
niiiAanically'wiping the tbe reanlu obtained by h
telotboa, and while be war g<iing dmngh
All forms of chronic disc
TtsTataaOtty Katlwk
y opetatkai abe laid oat Mayl* I m to have a holiday. Well, ; Ut,y«id tbe barn ibc tiniok wound ib lormitiea treated. No man i_
holiday or no holiday, 1 bacA down on
amcaig an aiohipobgo of tiny b- 8tale baa bad anch erteoded expe*
in eariy morning dntitw thni:
Balow b a Uat of the boring and mUalong in tbe tunahine. ....
Ing prices of ysaterday for grooeriao.
"Now Toeiniy harry into tboee tbe .dog question. I’d rather build a ' im^da
provblons and farm prodaeta in TnvlelatbM and don’t waste any time and doaen flree every momlng and have a Her eyes followed itaoourw along down lyL-,erae City:
o down
d»« and build tbe UtrfaeB fire and bc«.d,ad d coldw.»r ponrol taw ^ tS
.her. ih. «e«leeT»l , “‘.5®!?“ "'f
ated ago
8? yeara
from Cleveland.
__ 1___ ti_____ i. .......1 ated 87 yeara
from ago
I’ down Will and be aaro yon have fsm rh», tn cev <i,at iinv in,in>
'91 was 15 years in general pracnew....... .
fl* W
•' m 1 bring up tbe ooal and
; after that lectured as Professor
, .1
': till- dining room
.natomy and Physiology in Detroit
... .A atmnt it Old Shanks
aeopathic Medical College for if fibort Cut Pork oar
yeara; wasSyeara Superintendent of Floor. H L. ACo-best..
Aievor doto bring tbe milk in time tor
A Co. I
Tto Aaril Blrt.
Alma and VpsiUntTrSsnitarinma. Bye FlouiIt. H. U ACo.tt«at..S.
taeakfaat I'll gu another mUkman
ted through ber luiod.
At dotk in . Ibo wilds of the
Her gaze followed tbe tinea of tbe Tbia experience, combined with many
Co P
aare'a my name is Tomkins Uo to
laodacapp back to ibo higher ground. years* atndy in the best hospitals in
Blake's and gel a quart of milk Tbe Braziliau (<dnn yon will tl
Tncre they were ■ ravwonsly cropping the country, and examining and treat- Qg^'per dot................................
Inker's bdiiud rime again I know Go Strungv to bear tbe rlink of a Immi
X thousands of chronic casea,- bas-cg^g^n,
and gvt a baf of tread and tell bini
spared bii
Imow it if be koute uy raateSD
^oick about it i;nw and don't yun stop
to play marbles v.-itb tboee Ssiriggias
a plauto get them txuk to pasture. She : we can cure
re you or not. If wecaanat iQats per bn (old)................... .
boys do yoB hoar Tomuiy Go at once
if your guide wore a native be 1 nbo knew that low rubbrs
rnbbrs would ba i cure you. we wiU tteU Jon what relief , Corr per bo., old...........................
and no Uziot^ now <ir yon'll catch it
e can
of —
tio um> —
iu —
the ——V
aticky __—
soil, so
ca give yoo.
— •it would we
1. per t
■are VHien yoo cume back yon mnst would toll .you tliat tbe euund was made < w
.h will to,, ti.it .perlbbl...
begin yonr work yon know so be by a campanuro, astbyy wUit, alfhough i not do for bar to go after them,
; Bfun p
to fiutagners it b known as tbe anvil
Ing 'to a window that looked absolatcly ’ fr«
‘, out opou tbe village road, she sriaiued operaiions. and the benefit of alfou DCYiae BAvno
Yob may not bclifve it, bat Tommy bird.
Tbb bird is a litUe larger than a
,o oairh a glimpse of tlio old Oar methods of treameat
1__ ’
nsoaUy bad stftngtb eooogh left, wbrn
is all that la , ^heaV old. per bo...
thruto. Tbe plumagcbporfccUywbite. , p.n(joman for whran abe ailed in
bis nmtfacr bud finished, to dy as she tnrusn.
cs|acity ol boaaekrtqsTr. aU tbe
dincted. and m it bad been going on the eyes are a pale gray oolcr, and tbe 1
■ for eo long a time that the boy couldn't naketl throat and dtiu aroand tbe eyes while talking mme to herself *>»«" to all agents in Paralyaia, Loss of Power,
ner ba........... ....................
are of a fine bright gnwu, while9 ib her little
^u ................................
son, Ned. about tbe wheat tbe Rbeumatism. and alFdiseasAs of the
rmnembtf tbe time wfacn it biuln't.
■tern. Clearly, as my
.......... 1
Finally be came to tbe canclusiao more nnrtberly relative b orange and cows were spoaling.
black, rivy mneb like our oriule.
It was Bselcas to tun about and took
that it
____ _____ IS T?lSw^BU»4 aaf 8Ua
It b geoviully in the early part of the down tbe road, ao abe finally dbmbmd
day that tbe cam|>anero aends forth the the matter from her mind and was aoati
chine needlea J. W. Stai
wonderful note than can be beard at a very busy in the kiteben.
ths^ eABBM to
fnrutohing store.__________ ^S7J-«l
distance of three milea ktarvelons in
Ned. tbongb bnt S yeara dU. nnderdeed must be tbe meobanism of the vo- atood pcrlect'y what his mamma bad
BoMon Brown Bread—Tbe real,
genuine article, made at J<*u Art’s
cnl organs rf so nail a bird to prodaoe been worrying about. Ha «t «iU and
r ,
Bakery. S*l Front atfeet.
BO fanvacblng a note, but there is DO
Remember, we give a written wuarStMl.____________________________ _
doubt of tbe fact, f<x many travelen
antee_to cure every case of PILES and
hare board tbe atrunge sound uttered by
tbe Urd when percbed on tbe topmost
Ever Bnroed.Oiit?
New Departure]
If aoyoa know
.................... - "‘£
bow be migbt begin a ruforu move' menL A gr^ many plans were conddvred, but be abandoned them trees ut
knew uey wouldn't work.
At last, Iwnnlne tired and dimast•d, be gave it up, mying, in bb daqnratioa:
"I’d lather be a dog, like old Bover.
Be has an oo^ time of it—no firca to
bnUd and all that foolbbneaa 1 wish J
could tniu into a dog for awbiie and
bly aroohd him and went to
SaUiMhing very etiange . bappen< ^
uiiriil. fur when Tommy Tomkitii.
woke the next morning be was Tommy
Tomkins m longer, tmt a big toaggy
haired, bethy tmleddog. -Bouncingout
-f Uti- bed. be ■aaicbid and barked at
ebodycame and tot
Borer. Now, Bover was a staid old
flow and wouldn’t maud any nunmoae,
and whtw be mw this atrangc dog
pnumug around in bis yard be went
for him like a tbnndurbolt.
Toiumy waggl'd bis tail and pretend
ed to be jolly guud fiirttdis but Hover
omiido’t auo it. and when tbe toort,
abarp light was over Tommy was seen
makiug tracks as fast as his legs would
tot bim. with ooevur gime and tbe otfa*
A XMiV Saws.
mtitber. Near tbo wustors CDtranire
a tall, red dnpiil stand, on which was
da model if the emigrant stagorerumeut is building <m El
lis irioud. in New York toirbur. Every
Mtructure was repradneed in tbe tiny
model, aud it kufcud like a Caify palace.
Tbe liule girl iu tbe torgo bat gued '
"I wish 1 knew Mr. McEinley’s lit» girl." abe aaid wistfully.
"Wbw dear!'' asked bix mother.
"Ub.Niaidtbv little
"-I would
just luva Vplay with tbol lov^y doll's
er dogs aaw bim and came v« Ijiing at bimae. It’# ben. isn't U.*"—Wariiing______________^
bis bucla Men and small boys jiiitted iu tun Post.
tbe ctaaro, and pow Tetumy, aching
Tks AgjataaU-ats Kama.
with pain and jauitiug with fiarpnd faThu Irr-uf Ji-o *“»r nottew bean
tigne. anight the sbt-lU'r of a baru that
aad. If aol. U Is sear.
And then tnrt 1 arlU tcU It DOW
aloud in bu way and hid bininiU'nuder
Uccaosi il >• Bol Irua.
tbe bay.
Oh. but it was jolly fnn. this being a
A imis (DM Ih iddes tlaw
dug! No one cot’ld tell b«w jolly until
doD'l thlBk ihi« staodbe tried it bimM.'If. tbiAight Tummy.
Alnwdy be lunged fix tbe fire Imndiug.
and tbe milk bringing, and eveu fur the
water tbsowing preu>s by whiub ho
was awakimd ivui? muruing.
fie toy iu the bay all night, shivning
with cold and taekid with ttoi pain of
bis wounds. Ito bud ufkai biurd that
a dog mu bcal bis wimnds by licking
tbssn. but whoever bwud of ailug lick
ing bisown earsf
Mombig came at tost, and Tummy
aras painfully hungry. Storing cautious
ly to tbe door of the bani. be looked
•ut to nee if any of bis emruloB were
near, and su-ing nothing tost threatenul danger bewsut out aud trott43dabout
the street in search of a bone. Itofoond
one or two. bnt tbiy bad alroady bqoi
gnawed at by1 dosun or more dn^ aud
Tommy couldn't find even a foneU of
about tbeia.
_____ ____ .
■nd bo finally V... red to enter a back
yard and ^iprmoh tbo kitcbeii door.
JMnab. tbe oook. was jn< vowing out
with a pan of water, singing tli<- while
in bigfa good bumnr. hut wboo sIh- taw
tbe strange di« the singing oeaisd, the
pan of waterdroppi'd to the ground, and
Diuab Was RausfomH'd into a ihondurAnd. sUll BKiiT strsnsr. as I outaa
atisia of wrath. Tommy ucvix could
DeiTB to tbu **ry
bow a well k^ bock yard
d ibpsdjaii
' eouldfnmi^ assnanymiasiles as Dinah
(brew at bln OB that torribto mmnbig.
Bicycle Riders.
and that 1
uairiag and enameling, ai
and do give you tbe boat work of any
one in tbe city for tbe Booey. "toB*t''
»«• •
be deceived by what olbcn tell you to
tbe coDUary, bat come and see fax
gnarantoe all mg wotfc to to ^bL
and If it doeanot prowsoo Ttodtea^B*^8t» in tUl 8 o'clock every evening
except tiaoday. la tbe OaldwaU A Loadon boUiUng, at north end of Untow
John R. Santo,
General lasiraece.
Wortbaeg Block.
Tinvstna Cttpyllbk
We are again ready, with a large
atoek of tee. to deliver tbe mine to any
pan of tbe city.
Maple Mock wood also for aalo.
flopmrs BEOS.
Telepbone No. M.
Grud Rtpidt * lidliu I. E
fiEEiSfl esss EEB
aaaaaa aaes ese
branch of aomo witbeied tree.—Onr
Animal Friends.
Tbe potato is evivybody’s friend. Bo
anivermlly is this vogebbto onitivated
igbout tbe land that tbe potato
may almost be said to divide with bread
tbe honor if being tbe "staff of lifo."
indispuusabto as it has become as
an article nf food to sJl oisswi of our
people we do not celelnte its virtues as
they do in Uonnany. There they erect
statoes to it. Offtsburg was the first
<dty toereot a statue of this kind, which
was—and is. for it is now standing—
certainly unique. The upper port oonatou of a statue <f Sir Fzaucto Drake,
wbo is twered fur haring introduced
tbe plant into Europe. Thi^ aswcU as
tbe ptdestal. is drapi-dwith garlands of
the potato vine, with tbe full grown
tubers intact. On tbe pedestal are insariptioos to tbe following effect; Tbe
first side sets furtb that the above figure
is that of Sir Francis; the sconod ex
plains in words of higiteet praise what
a btoasing the potato has tjom to manland', the third r< enrds that tbe Btatue
n tbe gift of a certain Andrew Froderof Btrasborg; the fourth ct«n
■antesiff theoecinra Aatotnesiinitor to this is ptoewd in tbe town of
■■ s.—Chicago Ertxad.
Attorneys at Low.
M ateek. TtotofseCltT.il
«J • Block.
A Prompt Settlement! ^
m Dim sots Imnolal StcM)
Traverae aiy, Hick. July 13tb.
Blakcalee A McCormick. District Man- SSirSfiSd. hEl.. ’Ptoos. faoau sad
agera, Traverae City, Miefa.
Uentlera*u: Allow me to tbaakyon
. Omces. CUT Ot»r» Hosse »
for check for »40. for lose of floger. I
looked steadily into tbe bright onal fir* Irish to say that tbe settlemeut was
, attmtioe iotas titUs.
for several minntca, turnine tbe prob very saUAfsetory. as 1 ealled at your oflem ova and over in bis tmnd.
fiee ia the Johnsoo Uock and reoeired
"1 b'l'mloould drive them oowt off
-taea't my own self, ’cause they "good°*^ord* f"
Ln’t hurt mo. V.'ou'l Mr. Hartly '' k them superior to all others.
Tours very truly.
think I'm a good boy?’’ bcaoliloquitod.
JoiM KAiTta.
Tho mor« be thnagbt about il tbe
_jorc pleased be was with himself for
thinJdng of it It took hot a minute to
pull off his lirtlo shoes and slip into tbe
rtowme to esiu ter botsIbc.
nioe rubber boots his big brother had
sent him from Chicago and wbicb
the pride of his heart
Putting OD his cap. be slipp:^ out at
rOx,UMBIA AVS UOV A. OVXdoors wttfaoiA telling his mamma any
^I^AWiTO-Oirl t
thing about it for be wai
rto woold not let him ^
Ooiug north dally except Sunday.
An hour posait) swiftly away to all
except Nod. and with it came Mr. Uartly. wbo tbooght ho beaad tbe cry of a
child in dtotrcca Thinking eon
neighbar's children bad strayed away,
itrnro-spplT “ Tratoiw
be followeAtbe aaind. which took him
toward tbe wheatfiuld. He quickoied
hia steps and 'soddeuiy came apun Ned
hMf cunncalid by a large sttimp.
What a plight he was in! Sunk into
Ar. Barber Springs..
tbe eoft mnd op to tbe tops tf bis little
-LsSIto' Xoa
boots, be was vainly trying to exttioate
Ornng south daily exoept Sunday.
himselt Repeated attompU bad only
tfBolted in hUfallitwoviT .o bis bands,*
and wbiBi he again straigbusied np tbe
of P. a.
A. aon.
mnddy flea woe used to wipe away the
Anuming toon.
"Well. wvlL" laughed his reamur.
"srfaat little colnrod boy is this^duused
in my wbiasfi.-Jd»"
Nod taTglui-m-fl up and explained the
LatoraKWood. t»sf
beet hi' could bitsfvrti aria.
M°isz: S- S 5ST7S.r"S5
■bareof tbe fasvoooo to makoNedai
toplT-f rtOiUUi«}ftot.Tiai»itoCHy.
^-tOOa WAKTED—PorUrrafUaf- *PPK.’^
Leave ---------NeabUi
SuttoM Bay
•• Omena....
Ar. Nertbport.
aaawe.fi.aaasnaaaa a
sfizRSSESSsasfiss s
EE •
aaws. a aasasssaa
ssfi- 6 RSSfiSfiSSS
uWto (Itto Bl. LoeU. LvDfVlUa le-
?i SSrzr^Js-EsrfSs-ras
Traiene Bty Lint o( Steamers.' i'K-Si'-sr ■■
"Ni^.rmiud! Uetit cry! I'U poll
ymn ont " Th<n h gao tbe work at exmean u N.Jrluug to bw liuot sumps,
and Mr Many polled N«l. Suddenly
thrliw M j.11.1 iM-rd-pwtod company—*
with a KO>d> of t-udiT smUDient maybe,
OrtuuM' It SMS -re l:a><d to (art. Hr.
Hani.T rolliklovvr <si bis back in the
n.auuiT. wUhBed aCUl
in hu oniii-.i
The tpl.hV’^ turned lu earneet.
Nrtl's sb.aiiik oi U-jghier ebned away
tia- mans and Hr Hartly. with a oomirtil grimace. sriumLied uixai bis feel as
hastily as the eoft gtiamd would permit
Taking Ned api n bU sbotdden. they
started au-rriiy for tbo bouse.
I jTwo very gfiiuy figtiroe preamted
tbcmkelvto before the amoniefacd face cf
Mwinnia Riulvy.
"What can hpve beppeoed?" sbe eaclaimed in moibfrly alsnn.
"Ob. Ned planjed himself anxmg the
wheat to grow, trai be fuolod himself
uiocIythU tiraa When be found iris
mistake, be mode so much nuiso tbat be
ecarnd the cows not d the field, end tbe
mud almost sw-allewed him like tbe
whale did Jonah—-einijdy m get rid of
him!" cxcUuDMl the old gtaitlemau hn*
Xxeurciau From
,er at B:W a. m. for KeabtawanU where yoa wul eoaneet with
it^ to Trav
lat ra'tonl
esty at 10:45a.m. ThiawUl give
JOB a pleasant ride of 54 miles on tbe
bay and can be made every PMmlng.
boattbe boat
If you wUh a •longer
STAPLE woiro Ito sal* TratortoCUx%*sf
Und yoa at Umena or Northpert wbera
you will eoaneat with steamer .return
BATX-JuBtor. atk aM sUaales.
ing to Traveiee aty at 4k» p. m.
Aftoroooo exniTBloiis trcMo Travvtee
City, uke the etaamer Craeoant every
aflemooB at tzOO for Keabtowanta
where yoa wiU eoaneet with suamer
raturuiag to TraveiM City at 4.-0Q p.
wtU W wllk nart tto }vw^ amfl Oeioka
warn ks win totan to eoUms.
Daily Xorning
A^SSJ-'S'S'.”"- ------
DO TOUWJiMTsrric^'^^rea:?
ear to ma traU.
^1— arrlto ftoto BteSuaea. Pan Wares.
Te take e*aei Sartar. yarn M. HR,
' r r-.- ■;-/
Second Tew—Ko 888
Kegotiatlona Now Under Coueideration And
First Hove iSomes From Madrid.
Tfarough K. Cambon, French Ambassador
In Washington.
xwpabimwtt K.Ajnnwa
’ir 1,310
xt u • ONinbi* roiat
Canaot Bopi to Hold Out Lou*
We’re Stuck
on Base Ball Goods, 4
AffftisM Ac
Ttoopa Hot to XTaed Thera but ImOoustOMao Buy. July
It ia difmuaea WUl he Best Te Bold
Oeolt to oeebow the Unro body of
Xt Wben Takea.
Soualab troopa at Bolruia can fail to Sp-aUl te Tn HouCRO Baneii.
New York. July M.—The SbdM
..altbourkrolaforo'aehiurtoa epeolal aaya. -Tbc aavml
•d by Spaalab foroea fros Olbara.
ee»yaEcru aeaiaet Uleafne^ with the
Belculu ia oua of tba
poinu ia eaaiera Cuba aad tbc aamad. object of taklof that inportaot place
>w nader eooaldaratlou by the na
«r of iU rarriaoa «1U be aa iBpartaat
ereet in tba war. Nawa troa tbare la val authorittei aad a plao of opnatlonc
expaoied ahorUy aad.upoa It wUl de- to Ukaly to be Inaugurated very enon.
The roverrmeul think* to Keep the oapaadaoM of tba fdaaa of our c
vy a* bo*y a* poaeible *o that ietereet
ntandar*. _________ _
In the war will not wane durinf tfae!
Booghl« big Modi to got the bedriioea ud oni-r
eeU 'eoi dl. Will giv. 16 p«r oaitf. oC%«^
Ibiog lor next loo d.y,lor«inoe the Mock.
2-20 Front »t.
250 Cloth Bound Books at 15c each.* Poor
paper—poor binding. I don't advise anyone to
buy them—I simply offer them at that pric*
to get rid of them.
Oonfbrenoe Held By The President, SeeretAries Long, Dny
^ nad Alger, and An Answer Will Be Prepared—Spain
v.mu.ern>eotha. deufueffo. to not
HarthaB] BlflCL
weU defended a* Bantlaco but the barEvidently In Earnest, Bat Thle Oovemmeut Will Hot
TH0TI8LB8 OOHTIHUS hor ba* tunch tbc nme bottle *hape.
Parley Wiilt Peace Commissioners Nor Do Anything To 8PAOPB
It toaotprobeble thattroope will par
Oaose Loss of Advantage Thns Par Gained.
ticipate lo the moveaenl If it to carried
Bliffbtaat Incidact Hay PreeipUata a out, bet leimuna rerineaU will
Washington, July 26.—(Special)—Spain has sued for Oriaia and Plnsfra tba Oouatry Into
We are ^ow making os
peace, formally and directly to President McKinley, through 'Ba^lutiou Oagaau Poworiaaa to aent to bold the plaee after it to taken. 0
M. Cambon, the French ambassador. The following official Cany oa tba War XffeotiTaly or to
Ooneluda Paaaa.
sutement is made:
Of Aa HBtortaiBiug Hatnn OhumoThe French ambassador, on behalf of the government Kaw Tork, July 9« —bTrifanae Faria
terine Ue Tnachen'
, SBo, 38c, 400,690,790,880 and *118. Borgmini, owy
of Spain, and by direction of the Spanish minister of foreign diadateb aaya that tba aarariiy of tba
one. Valu6» 46o to »2jOO.
liab eenaorablp praaaau tba exact
Vtolton as alwaya weleosed at Ue
affairs, presented to the president this afternoon at the White
InaUtuta and a profitable hoar cn
Dry Gooda, Carpet
House, a message looking to a termination of the war and a altuatfaiu in Madrid balnr <
apent among the variou* elacaca.
oapt by private obaouala
} O 1 CinDCIlb O
and Clothing Houae.
setdement of terms of peace.
Inancient htotary Psfe(*oi*Garney
Secretary Day, Secretary Alger and Secreury Long were Dadar thtte riruumatano
taking op tba kiatory of Greece,
in conference with the president in consequence of Ambassa- partaoaaattaebaato a Madrid letter aaeklag to find Ue Cnaac of tkeir adrooaived by a Praoeb diplomat wboaa vanoed Sviltoalloa.
. dor Cambon's call. Spain’s communication presented by
Ike opening exeretoes wes eouduetrtauiUea for aaoerUintar' the
Ambassador Cambon b general in terms and does not make truth at Madrid ara
ed by Mto* WIgbtsan who gas mottoce and In stora teaches and pupila
any distinct propositions.as to Cuba, the Philippines or any Tbebttar
"Tba aituatioa
wiU sottoea.
othec possessions. It simply requests that peace negotiations ufarnoraeriOeaiAhan at aay ttm ruaponded
An (ntarcating exeretoe n* well na n
be opened. No armistice is proposed.
elnee the war befan. The allshtcet good-teat of memory, wntgiveo luesAfter Ambassador Cambon submitted the proposal
Ue ‘-qoaetion box.” ten
Ineidcut Say pracipttate a ertoto whiefa
general talk followed between him, the president Secretary will pluDfe the oonairy into revolo' aeeoad* being given for na anaa v.
Asoag the qoeatloa* wes Ueae:
Day and M. Thiebaut The president reserved the answer,
-Bow eU to Frealdent McKinley?
on the understanding being reached that he would at once ‘■Sar*ata to powerieek to carry on the Whati* tbeaalary of the psMintSee- Remember Rlr New Place'lay the subject before the cabinet and then invite M. Cambon war efleetively or te conclude peace. stary of State? Who wrote "Twiakle
312 Sooth UeioB Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Depn.
twinkle lUtl* aiar?” and “The old oakto another conference at the White House,when a final answer The qiuNtioB of the war to Uuowa into eabaekatr'
H. E. QIBBB. Propr.
will be given as to the willingness of the government to c^n Ue baekeroaud by the nireney of the The eivU governmeat elaas to look In thrii ud ttrtm to Eat.
dyaaaty eoneers, aad by* the seal
ing np the test book lava, variAiu
ackool faada aad aabjeeta ra
The manner in wdiich peace negotiations shall be con to avert a sllitary proaonBelameato aonreecteofnaiform
aad free text bookai
backed by a popular nprtoto«. The
ducted in case the United States accept Spain's tender, has ■pectre of revolntion baa nosentarily The cloaiag divtoioa of Ue day to givea
not been determined upon, but it is understood that the reatouined the CarltoS in the northern over to aewapapen galore, the cursnt
ita ia political, ioteroatiODal. remethod likely to be adopted is to have General Horace Por provlaoea, hat Imfwved SaffacU to
llgioo* and aocial, topic* being dUly
Corre^wnd wiUi the Trsver
ter, United States Ambassador at Parb, and Senor Leon Cas pot fato whole truht in the hand* el the read and dtoeaaaed. In Uto vray Uc
T Company.
tillo, Spanish ambassador at Paris, carry forward the nego- army. The reaeral* are aow abai
We have for ssle Good,
as In toocb wiU all vital
. tiations from the point arrived at by the president and Am sactera of the dtuation, aad e likely qoMtlona of Ue hnnr.
bassador Cambon.
to ea*t aside Ba^ta. .
OEBAT rantr im kiohioah.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
1 These Are The Prices
Bon’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
If You Have Logs to Sell
Washington, July 26.—(Special)—It b not believed here
that the president will parley with peace commissioners. He
may consider propositions if presented in a definite form or
even say what the United States will do, but he will not open
. the matter to discussion by diplgmats and lose the present
advantages by stopping the campaign.
Iianding Effected, and the Fort of Quanica
Captured After Short Battle.
“The aatlre artillery foroe in the
rvrtooB of Madrid are openly hocUle
U the roreraseet. aad if ordered
fire on the peiqile would certainly rehae to do eo, and would fratemiza
wltb tbe inaunreeta. Several iafaatry
inenta would do the ease. Oficera
ofeTeryrndeaeeuae the statotry of
■ the war.
»u4 ebarre criminal neglect la faiUag
to aapply the Santia«« forece with
food aad
“Oenenl Pulavieja to Ue tact hope
of Ue dyaaaty, but though retalatar
Ue anny, he to
not believed to be able to ates Ue
popnUr tide when that become* neeeaaary.” __________________
Xmmenae HataUUw Being Bent t
Obicago Karbctat Good PrioM.
Chicago. Jnly 26.—The fist abip«at of UU year’* Mieblgan pcaeb
crop waa made laat wMk. the fruit aellingatttabaabel.. Today'* abipment
from Beaton Harbar ia eatlmatad
12.000 baaketa. and tbc output to
peeted to Inesaag spldly. Tbc varieticB now on Uc market are Ue Alex
andria and Amaden dnna*. The ato^
of Ue fsitnow on the market
cooda. it to mid. Uat of any early crop
in yeas.
AlUougb half of Ue crop wae pick
ed and thrown away mrly in Ue
eon, tbetrecans bowed under Ueir
burden* of fruit. Parmes aay
treca will yield os an average S5 bneh•to each, and each peaeb farm eontaina
from l.SOO to 2.500 fruit-bearing treea.
The grower* as pleaaed wlU Ue crop
and predict a larger ontpot than lor
aevnsl yeas
Stara and Stripes RaiBed For the First Time on the IslAnd Oeaorul BhafUr Boleetad to Loud Oumpalge Againn Oubato
Throagh Bravery ot AmericBiis—Four Spanish
Two Tire Atarme Teuterdny.
Yeaterdey e aUll elenn mUed Ue
epM-IU w Tee MoM»« Bccoao.
Killed and Detachment Boated.
crew et Ue Oaa* Birecl englna heuae U
Port of Goanica, Island of Porto Rico, via Island of Sl Waahiagton. Jaly 26.—U to kuewu Ue beru of Malcolm Winnie, in Ue
hec« tfaiat Oeaaiul Sbafter baa hcea aeThomas, Danish West Indies, July 26.—(Special.)—This leeted for Ue big job, Ue attack on rearef hto realdent* on Blata atreet.
morning th^ United States militarj’ exp»edition under com* Havana, wbiek will be begun In nboat No aoener had UU bmn eared toryrban
aa alarm called Ue department to Uc
maud of Major General- Miles, commanding the army of the elx weelca.
wagon work* of ChIdwaU A^.£«odoe.
United States, which left Guantenamo bay during the even
OB UulOn Htrupt. Fire had atartod In
ing of Thursday last, landed here successfuly today, after a WBOHOrOLliT MnXBTSUD ZH. Ue roof, preaumaWIy from a apark
from Uc amdkeataek, hut it wui exUn<
skirmish between a detachment of Spanish troops and a Thesfos Three Xiehlgan Boya XuM guiaked at onee and Ue departmeai
Hay Their Own Way Some.
crew of 30 belonging to a launch of the United States auxili
waa not needed. TheBre at Mr. Winaic'a bam to the eeeond that hea
ary gunboat Gloucester. Four Spaniards were killed and apMlai w Tu Mcanm Baeeae.
mhingtou. July »6.-Q«ieraI Oorred lately, and at Ue aame plaea.
no Americans were hurt.
enppoeod to have origlnatod
• Troops were pushed forward promptly in order to capture Un decided U the eaae of Uree Micbl- froma«eheap
of eeraplnge from |
gan boya who proved unable te bear
the railroad leading to Ponce, which is only about ten miles arm*. Uat Uey were wrragfally
east of this place. From Ponce there is an excellent military terediBaadUe goverumeet eould
w Creeoent hand
road running 85 miles north to San Juan.
ua tonight *mi attraet a larg*
The CotumWa wlU Iravo
The whole bt General Brooke's force, with the New Or- George Beker, BowuH City^^^Oeorge
ate:tOeoaa to allow tboee
leans. Anriopolis. Cincinnati. Leyden and Wasp are expected White. Mendon, and noyd PsakUa, whoiptly
attend Ue party at Omeaa Un
• here within 24 hours.
plenty •( time to anjey iU and oUm a
good time St
The ships left Guantanamo bay suddenly Thursday even
ing with the Massachusetts, commanded by CapL Higginson,
Sheet Xnnie at Badf Prioa, alae
every pli>oe of Ur lauat popular mnatoBmrch
leading. Capt. Higginson was in chargeof the naval expedi
W. \V. Kimball Co.. 285-ftont etreeV
uf oaem Bergmt.
N. B. Strang, mauager.
tion, which consisted of the Columbia. Dixie,'Gloucester and •pectolOondttct
te zn MomiM Bm>w.
Yale. General Miles was on board the last named vessel. Weririugtou. July 2C.-A ptumiueat
The Spanish were completely taken by surprise. Almost the ofioermidUmtUtf uberge ugutomt Triieise Citj ScIhwI of Intc!
first they knew of the approach of the army of invasion wm offiow (torrent e/Ue Ycnamlta. Ur
dor r»l aad Cam an.
the announcement conuined in the firing of a gun from tlie cruelty UhtommwwsuU he tsvini(Continued On Second Page.)
; Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of all descriptions, inclnding Two Engine^
Set Works, Carriages and SaWs A complete Saw Mill Plant
tor sale.
Hastings' Real Estate Agenq.
M ttoreemiMiMBlb aad wax trow tbcellr.
d. nia
U a barriio
barr>io (or oel; nJta'
reiUv wM^aUlBproTad.wIUbca^iaoee
Gommencing Tuesday, July 26th
S'03? 2.6 XDA^ra
We (rill Inaugurate a Speeial aotUng Bale. An attumpt to
a^taiaga ia lurit a prolt.'**^c will «ut and ■laBh'nclcM oealT
mar gooda to obtain daatrad tuaulta.
SO *11
eaaMmera anlta, won>d be a bargain at flo.W, to
**M*anita ot eoaraar bnt nU
•a at r.SO.
wecleac atS4.75.
4ft auiu of black and bloa -U wool aetge torilla. U^t vraigkta. a
aiderod good vnle^ at
fS 00, wi
Big rednetloai made
oa aU onminar eloUtag in <Aildi>hn-a aad boy'a
Mon'* Unen cTMb aulta. U cloM. SLM.
roduetian made on akotataa m
a la aetge aad 1^
Four moa^ aooera.
The Boston Store.
,,•;.. i-
4^T. B4t» WJ. W. BAsm.
#;%. BAami. BdiUir Md UsDa«sr
(Coniinued From First Pats.)
ma> fn oma e» ns
Cheapeat hod moat reliable place to get your bkycle repaired aod
put in go^ ranning order. Hare had several yMrs expfrieoce and
know bow it aboold be done. Satisf&ctioo guarauceed. I an eeliing
bicycle eondries st about cost. Kew and accond hand wbeela (or asle
and to rent. Please give ns a trial. _
Brazing a apecialty.
BLUB, 811 Front Et, Eaet
Gloucester, demaoding that the Spaniards haul down their
flag, which was floating from in front of a blockhouse stand
ing to the east of the village, At first a CQpple of^threepounders were fired into the hills right and left of the bay,
purposely avoiding the town, lest the projectiles hurt' women
or children. The Gloucester then hove to about six hundred
yards from shore and lowered a launch, having on boards
M yt»»w>» OKr
Colt rapid fire gun and 30 men, under command of Lieuten- ■
ant Huse, who were sent ashoce without encountering any
IFeddsd at High Voon.
Quartermaster Beck thereupon told Yeoman Lacy to haul
down the Spanish flag, which was done, and they then raised ne Mremonr which asde IfiM
Btsms Dsmek snd Prof. 0*esr HoCms
on the flagstaff the .first United States flag to float over Porto BSB sad wife WM soteiSBlsed yesler- .
Rican soil. Suddenly about 30 Spaniards opened fire with ds^atsooB St the hone of WilHsoi m CllSllCO.
Mauser rifles on the American party. Lieutenant Huse and tirsBt. The cerenon; wsa performed
hy Bee. Hurlbat of Norlhport. Only
bis men responded gallantly, the Colt gun doing effective imuedistei friends were preeent snd
’Phone 167.
248 Front Street.
reel. {
work. Norman, who received Aamiral Cervera's surrender,
bsppy ooople st
hM fissU; aasd* orertoros t»- and Wood, a volunteer Lieutenant shared the honors with Ursnd Kspide sfter which they will
VBVd pwos MfOUsUOM. ttbs hM MBt
• frapoMl direot io Prwdut McKla- Lieutenant Huse. Almost immediately after the Spanish
ti7 Ibroofh ih« French uabsawdor nt fired on the Americans the Gloucester opened fire on the en Hogmsn hM been rMsgsged for i
WanhinctoB. »nd the president snd his emy with all her three and six-pounders that could be brought other yesr sa eBperinteBdent
4khiMt here t*hen the mstter uder
to bear, shelling the town and also dropping shells into the
An sniwer wiU he
IB n rary ebon tine, when the terns hills to the west of Guanica. where a number of cavalry were
Dr. a: 4 Sbellman, the well haowa
•ton «hieh the United dtnue wiU ns- to be seen hastening toward the spot where the Americans optician of Uraod Bapide U kept bosy prioee will be right. A. S. FByMAH, SHOES. ISS Front nreeu
wiU be plslnly s^ted.
with hU enmeron* patron* in Dr.
office in the Markham bloek
The United Stotes U m snxions for
Lieutenant Huse then threw up a little fort which ~he HU office boara are between S and 4 p.
tanee se Spsin. hut this roremnent
m., a
and he
e rrqoesta that lhn*e r*qnir- PETTEELY. eiS Momoe street. West side.
win dletsW the terns, which Bpsin named Fort Wainwright. and laid barbed wire in the street Ingb
mrlees enU a* soon as posaible.
■Met seoept er eMtlnne s hopei«e* re- in front of it in order to repel the expected cavalry attack.
to be called away abonl
nlitnnee. That the terns msde bj this
ipMtry wU he tsir. the (rest Bnropesn The lieutenant also mounted a Colt gun and signalled for
fosren here slresd; eraeeded, heosnee reinforcements which were sent from the Gloucester.
0t the (sir, eoMcntieu end bonershle
While the Mausers were peppering all around Lieutenant
d by this SBties dnrtoff
Commander Wainwright called to the Associated Press cornil the wsr. With s Urte srxnj prisHanafactnred by ED. Olt.BEBT. Beat Five Cent Cigar Madk
•ners of wsr.hernsrrst the boUon respondet and said: ‘Tbcy fired on us after their flag was
<•( the see snd the UUnd poeseseions down and ours was up. and after I had spared the town for
Md srnlas st onr mere;, there U hat
the sake of women and children. The next town I strike I
•ne nlternntive for Bpsin: snd fsUlnr
do neeept it her losses will be slmoet will blow up.’’
Bros'. Sqasre. modern deaUm,
Presently a few Spanish cavalry joined those who were
‘Hie only hope of Spstn
‘ ---------------------- --- - la. Worth
«25. will sell to get room, at tl40. W. W. KI:
aeer le to asee the throne, which Is tot- fighting in the streets of Guanica but the Colt barked to a
•KbW sad which nest seen be (
purpose and killing four of them.
4Me^ orerlhrewe shoald the coi
nrsres of .wsr with the United
Dll line Oroooriea.
BtnUe he added to the UternsI troehlse and -of the blockhouse and all her guns were, spitting fire,
HIBAM COOK. Star Grocery. 34S Front Street.
»t the netien.
the doctor and paymaster helping-to serve the guns. Soon
afterward white coated, galloping cavalrymen were seen
It hss flaslly been detemlned
climbing hills to the westward and the foot soldiers were
me fwvenne stsnp is neeensrp c
liTlige lioesse. This wiU he e relief scurrying along the fences from tbe town. By 9:45* with the
to those sspliinc to nstrinoaisl hsp- exception of a few guerrilla shots, the town was won and the
enemy driven out of the neighborhood.
Zaza, the world'* gr«ate*t etairroymore dtU* Conpon*. bat
Gr-eerie* and Freeh
Red Cross nurses on the Lampasas and a detatebment of ant and medinm i* here. She tell* Baker* tToeda TBUBTBLL A UAKE. Ltd., P*lace’-ne
eorner 7th asd
regulars were the first to land from the transports. After
Lieutenant Huse had captured the place, he deployed his lUrellfe Instantly andeorreotly
auhTTXJi ousz ware dowjt
serve* drst
forces into the suburbs, but was soon reinforced by regulars, oat Mking a qnmtion. The past vivid
: and Best
Loechea in tbe world for 15c. Open all nigbb
who were followed by Company G, Sixth Illinois, and other ly reoailed. the present oomUUkably given, the fntare elaerly foratold.
^mmt Wss med With Festores by troops in quick succession. All the boats of the men of war Do not miss this giwat opportonity to
the Home Team. Bat the Tieand transports were used in the w’ork of landing the troops, consult Zaza, a* she remain* in 7^v- genuine anlvlr. a
City this wMk oaly. Zaz* hM de- ^brry, Sil Front stieet.
lte» Were Xssy Xsrhn.
each steam launch towing four or five boats loaded to the
Over MeVsnara'* Shoe Suva ■
veloped thi* wonderfnt power in East
IW Battle Creek team was defeated rail with soldiers. But everything progressed in an orderly India. She ha* been tanght by tbe
pciterdap at Tw^fth street manner and according to the plans of General Miles.
>t adepU the development of tbe
pnrh. The Bastlers won ent nt the
e habile forem of the baman or.
latter went ashore at about noon, after .stopping to board the
hat, eerarinp elzleen dsM hits Bathganism or wbst may be termed the
«Cord pitehed floe ball, Uttinf hb op- Gloucester and thank Lieutenant Commander Wainwright ■clenoe of the soal. ThI* study lead*
pnaenta down with onlp thrM hlu. for his gallant actions.
to tboac^a’*‘tk>n of power* which ap-'
mfA elthoaph be etiiick ont oalp fov
General Miles said, “Guanica and Cuiga are in the dis pear mystarione to the ordinary sanaea,
JBM. he kept the rMtore rneenlnr.
affected portion of the island. Mateo, the insurgent leader, bnt which are only Ue resalt of know
East was behind the hat and enorbt
ledge of natnral law* of a more delicate
• •tar came. “Jocke'' Weaver played lives at Gauco, a few miles inland. Had we landed at Cape kind thea thoee wbick are more gener
OAin hb nsaal feod style. HUler San Juan a line of rifle pits might have stopped our advance.” ally andeietood. Here one week only.
AntiAiIzr. for •jtrvrtinc sf levlfc vikhnet
nwri leiret eivt moat Hliefartury preyarShop Opposite Easle Office. jwlii
hb beat at short and in the
There IS no doubt that General Miles’ plans are being Call iSi* Slate street, comer of Ctm.
vtiuQ )vt awd lur ir*kiB< vxtrwtioa mey' dearth innloc he made e pbeaomeaal
«M-hand atop of a hot roander by
fddawWllbeln at seeond took ficers is admirable.
S Business and can teep your live stock |
} alive for months if you will give us a J
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Ask Ub For Prices,
Do Yon Wist t Boil?
Specttclos, 26c to $6.00.
5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars---6 cents
Free To Ladies!,
Guard Chains
Fine Piano for $140.
OGCULTSGIENGE! Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Boo Boos, Cboice Coofectlons.
Zaza, the Clairvoyant. Furniture Bargains
After August 1st
Columbian Restaurant
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-date Painter
and Paper Nanpr.
•MtTthlDr that cane hb way, and
erhen at bat In the sixth knocked ont s
fesMe rsn. Wheeler p:ayed so errorjMSesme St third sDd sod b credited
with three two-bscpers. The rest of
Ihe hoys pot np their atui wiry ysrae
Hst eoe fsolt with the hone tesn wss
that sfterbltUoc the bsll Uey losfed
^ daonneh.
The kettle Creek’s played by stre^
lt,M wm
WBM in
(n the
rhB box for th..
JB. Iddlnge
the I
Entdre lanlngB, when he wsa reliereA
bf Barber.
b Une Barber My bMome s good
fltaier. bat what he aeeda the tsost ii
pnottos. Asd a good deal of it wonld
fcs good tor the whole team.
It ironld he toe wearieone to gl*e a
.EstaUedaeeoantof thegsna, hot the
anmary and eobre by iaalngs tall the
and if iMt year can be Ukca m a eHteriaa UU will U the greatMt gather
ing of Sandsy eehooU ever seMmbled
in aorthen Michigan. The omplete
program will be carried ant M ps^
lUbed yesterday.
Ike neooraUng of bnelnetf^ace* 1*
already in progree* sad the eity will
doabUea* be la gala amy to welcome
the arrleal*. sad all will be reeeirad
with prorerblal Traverw City eoi^
Trogran Arranged tor An
gnat 16th:
Spectai stlenUoB iecalled to the progrsm of Famer*’ Uey st Bay View,
which i* to be OB Aogvet lA The or
der of the dsy will Inelnde the Mlowinr •tbjecU:
••rwenUelh oenlory Farmer”—J. M.
“G.xid Bosda nnder the coaniy ay»tea”—A E Pslner t-f RsIkMks.
“What shall we do with onr hurea
Und^r —Prof. A. B. Paitengill.
The program will aUe inelnde apedml
feaiaree which willl latereat
There will heno anioMr inetltoto .tn
TrsTcrae City this year, hnd this will
be a good oppwtniBty for proftt and
Oeed'BaM BaU Today.
The local faae wlU be glad to iearm
AOOIOBire OH a. H. A L
------------1 that there will be ao more slow
e Broken Blaage Oansad DeUy Taetor- tall nlsyiag here, for awhile at leMt.
day Attemoon.
t*r«i»y and tomorrow Maatatee will
AI. i
yeele^y. which delayed the s* the»e two teams are -withont donbt
one tW-two fastest independent t«am*-U
train dnehm^at
m hai^atl:
1:40. A flaege
pataenger coacbea wm broken the stete. good game* are assn^. The
and one end thrown from j Cnli* are two game* ahead of toe local
team. bat
Imt with
wtLk a
■ Urge
lepim. crowd
ppnarit ta
bnt fortanalely withont In- team,
to hrip
them theUntUer* wiU take both el <
J Jory to any of the
thongh they were somewhat shakea the coating game*.
It reqnired some time to g-d the
To iSarprlM Father Bauer.
car npoo the track again and it wm
Father Boberta, who was tiete Jaet
necessary to tranaler patsenge,* from
fall at the blemiag ot the bdU.aad
the traU goiag bjth waya )Mt evenmli^on of Bt. Francis ebnreh, arrived
jMterdsy to surprise ^ther Bauer and
Grace Cbwdb 0«Ud srlU BMet with apMd a abort Umeon a plMMat' visit.
MtasLee Tbaiaday aftmoca at twa He wUl condact early ma« thb more-,
! ; i ! !
ill! J
IT-.....",- -v i
Soadsy School Worker* Fien AU
Diiwctione WnibeOleeas Cor
dial WeiC'-me Today.
Today ts Bally Dsy. cne of the beet
dsye In the yesr, sod Trs*er*e City
will be glren np to the Sandsy School
worker* of the region- There will be
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with;* pair
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the fovorites at th<e season of ;
the year, and wo have them in all shades for 'Walking, Bicy
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
OMBXAE sooxAL Evxar.
To «athar at Btk taka.
Aagaat BU and eib art Ue date*
OeorgeBywlaleofOraBd Bapldt nrlAcf* Vambar Soedaty People Prom
given out for tbe quarterly Sunday, rived In Uw city laat Bight to >oia Uta.
the Olty WUi Attend.
of Acme and White- Byadala. who to vtolUag Uiaa Om MeA la^ eompany of young aoeieiy waur towntbips. to be held at Elk Coy.
people are preparing to attend tbe eo- Ukr. Tbe aamr* of E. W. Haatton
Mra. Laura Friadrleb-SmlU of Oraak
elal party to be given thl* evening at aad B WUbelBotUIaeity areoB Ua Rapid*, wbo fnmtobee the maale aS
Omeoa Inn. at the reeort. Oueeta will P™*™**- -_________________
10meaa Ina, Otaeaa. waa la town
be praaeat fram tbe Bi
Ml tbe hlofl, from Traverae Oty and
Mrs M. C. Buck ratnracd from Wal.
other poiatt along tbe bey. The Crew
toa Isat night after a vtoit with tba
ceat band will give an eieufalon to tht •
familyofD.C. Leach.
reaert oa Ue ColumbU for Ue oonven-! “ **
» «»** the oentmA
Mias ins Bsllengerof BlehmOBd.lad.
lenw of Traverae City people. The i between tbe oandltion cf tbe trmauiy
arrived last night to ririt the family ot
boat will leave promptly at «■.» a,.d,
admiaiattaA. J. Uelma of West 7U street.
Ue trip wUI be mad* pleaaaat by a I
to borrow moAMtoa AIU Fienoe. wb* haa been
eoaeart on board.by Ue banA to, ; f
the conditkn
year* ago, « h< n the Cleveland ad- spending Ue monU with Mm B.round trip wilt be ^t U cenu.
mlfJrtratiiBiwB* taking te authority BnUer, left tor her home In Ue soa^
port of Ue suu yastorday man’
to bonw money with which to repair
tbe breaches eauand I7 the expfvtadao tog.
MUa Jennie Kirby of CharUvoia to
XNpnty F. 9. Karria Otrm BoUce of an early poBSagetf a free trade tariff
T1h«. Iu Jaanary. 18B4. 8«a»ury Oar- ytolUng ber sister. Mrs. F. T. O'KeO.
ia Good Tim*.
lisle infonued tbo ohainnao at the
Btobop Daniel A Tattle will bs tbe
To TBR Voma or Qkasu Travkiwc
of the KPuate that ta- gnest of Rev. and Mrs. 8toot whUa la *
Coi-nrr—Tkke Kaice—<.'Li«sm»UBoiB ripu were falling ao much behind exU* city sttendliif Us Sunday scbeol
have *0 adjosud Uamaeivea wiUin tbe , .«endiruree that afur me.-tin« immedirally.'
laat two ’ year* and being ntged by I
liaUUriui there would renmin only
J. W. HaiTMn mads a brief visit to
. ol‘u.. b«.. .111.™, o. u, cm, ]
city yuterdsy on bis way to smt*
1 shall at UU time declare myself a
Dortbeni points.
minor coin.
candidate for afaerlff of esid
inly ai
J. W. Cliffs of Us W. W. Rlmbslt
Kow, on Slay 8, 1898. ScnvOiry Gage
tbe coming election. Wnhingthc
be hel’i , InfoRna the chairtunn at the aenata Co wtU leave Uto monung for Mob of thou wbo----------------oonacieotlonaly
fiaance coiumittoc that tbe ca^i halmice can. Oblo.Joravl«ltwiU relatlvea.
port me. I ahall paUently await the | of #218,000.000
J. W. Slaw arrived from CAtoog-v
net golA and at thecnrrcniraleof #25.- yesterday, wbare he parebaasd a Wrc*
T. D. klARVIK.
000.000 per mrmth of extraordinary war line of (araflDre for hi* new' stero,
expendinu* it may bvoume neoewary to
which to now being boUt adjoining Ue
Good Time at VrskUwanta.
lue the golA by rcaana of the exhanaFrledHeb block.
Yesterday a merry party of girl* en tion of the currency balauca.
E. W. H ivUngi raturned yeeterdey
Secretary Oarliale sU<d for bmedljoyed Ue day picnicking at Keabtaate relief beesnse tbe ttvamr# was 00 from e few days' reereetioe U Lolaad.
Charles Chriatiaiisen.Ue lumber in- .
,A few
. camera* were akan the verge uf complete cxhanKtiaD. aiid
along and a fine display of pictnna witlu.nt meb tvlief there wa* dingw of speeior ^ Manistee, is la Uc city oa
wiU soon be ready to go on exhlblUoa, Ue BUKpciudou of payments of prrariog bostoeoe oed pleosore.
y are not apoll
oiled In the ohligatksia Sc-crurory Gag* nmcifesta
Miss CynUa McAlpIne wbo hos'beea
. The following BO (HMccra regarding tbe gold rwerre.
Heading same Ume vtolUng Miss Btbal ^
i for it U ample f<g all rwiBitvmenu He Pooe of EighU street left last atght *
yonng ladle* made up U* groap;
BUbcs Kellie Lardie, Uargaret Lou to riUefly oauoerm-d lest, thmogh tbe for ber bene la Vanbnrrn.
exhanaiion of bis mm-nry balance, he
don. LnlpCslkin*,Flora Caldwell. Mty
N. E Strong went to KalkosA lest
pay be compcllrd to pay out gold coin.
and Corn Pierson. Ules Willsry. Grace
Never beftwe iu tbe htotory of the even tog.
Smith. Rboda Rattenberry, BAlda eonntiy. when we have lieeo engaged In
Dr. G. A. Holliday end family and
Grawn and Georgia Morgan.
war. has a >iuxvs.iiy of Ue mvuinry tbe fomUtos of Dr. A B. Holliday and
beacd bin ap.xol t« cougreni for njliii Kogene McManns. will spend a w*dt~
More Talepbouca.
for his department upc« tbe tact that to esmp at CArp Labs, leaving Trav>
Uougb he bad au abundauceof golA be eras City's dust tomorrow.
Tbe following telenet have
was moat nx»buU.v in u«ed of cnirrocy.
put in reeeoGy;
SmiU wsa called to IlUladale
That Uere to au oidre oonfidence la yraterosy by a mesMge snnoiindBf
FranK Friedrich’s realdcnce No. Ill—
tbo admiuUcrntim of Prtrideut McKin
8 rings
Us death of his faUer.
ley to shown bv the fuct that tbe oat
Dr. Biggin’s dmtal parlor* No. 16S.
gold at Uc end of April was #180.988,Meeort Motea.
i: Alfred Prlederlch's shoe store N0.IM 680. agaiuA #178.6S6.768 «l Ueclooe
—1 ring.
of March and #MJ:.484.000 ut Uoend
C. H. McEnigbtand wife of Chleaga
J Alfred Frirdrich’a residence No. lU of Febrnaiy. Contrast Uto onodicioo of are spending a few days to Ue el^.
tbo net gold reoerve with that which
-s rings.
J. M. Baaxhnrat has arrived from
Brodhagao A Wlncbnrwaiilto llvrrv
wben Secretory CkEltole was appealing Chicago and to enjoying tbe fine fishbarn (£. F. Ferris' old *tand) No. IM.
to onigrcto for tnlicf to save U« govern tog afforded to Uto vicinity.
Tom.fibaae’* bara No. 181.
ment from practical houkrnpey and
B. B. Babbitt and wife arrived yes-'
, city baokrupt.
I. 1and then ho oondemend'
Ue nit gijd rewrro from entire extiuc- terdsy from andonatl and wiU atop «d
d to remove the
tbe tariff and let hia caa'Busses (or Us CbUdran.
ti<B. it then standing at #44.706,967. St Ue Pork Place for a few weeks.
(canma ride for their
good fuUowahip.
^ .
It is not enipriidng that every friend at
The paranu of Ue kindergsrtsn’ele
Be ata^da well with all of tbe yonng qniekly areomplisbed and wlU tbe ^runate thing for me to be <ble to
Max Stone and wife of CblcMto stop
of Uc CengrvgsUonal church ar* re- Ue preiwni sdmintotnticm feels pcond ped at the Pork Place lost night ea .
stay here, as tbe bny* at Ue front are
of and n-juiccs ot the exhibit.
qurated w bavc Ue litUe ones mee
Ueir way home.
having a tongb time of it. We arere
Ue ebarcb prompUy at 9 o'clock. Om.
awfoliy bnry here for a few days as
Tboo. F. Wells sod Robert Staort
Bibaaee* will be provided and U* chllJ. A Dilllon, tbe power bdiiad Ue
candidate* for nomlnaUon there were over seven huudred wound
ore gocsto at Ue Park Place.
I *r Um Fv«>
thmie. is a wire drawor at the Amiri- before tbe convention two year* ago ed men brought to thU piste for treat dren will ride tiver to Ue groanda, in «n* Allecwl <
Mrs. George H. Campbell has arrived.
tocUv* Prieetpl*.
' can Wiro Kail miUa and formeriy lived from Mootcalm, UratiuL Isabella and ■aent. Un ILiusday and Friday tbe Ue parade and Uen back to tbe ebarcb,
The froe trade paper* ' lueniine” that om Denver, Colorado, and will re
that Uere will be a* oanger of Ue
/ la Coringtak Ey. Ho is in no icnae a l»rand Traverse eountiea. Uu year days we arrivid bere. Ue figbUng was
little ooes Hraylng away. Tbe Sunday Ue imnxwe of Chairman Dingtey and main to Ue city for aome time.
^ mechanic or an cugiuecr. About a year be*ded ibeir represvauUve delcga- Ue worn. There wsa but little
aebool wUl not have a basket picnic his Bcpoblican otaortorc* cm tbe ways;
• -.11 /«u» n,.^- datorday when our boy* got to
and mcaUK (vnemUhv to rni«u Ue ad<Upj fiorfim. TbcDlllum boue U loeaud iB.Uonof Mr M«.icb
on Ue grounds, but Ue Sunday aebool
titsukl rweame- nvpiimifxr wurexpmwa
frost«ad on y a lew of tbe 34U were
S, near the tracks of tbo Indiana Midland
picnic will takb place tbe followltig by internal tauticn iudrad of now cr
ei™. V-. wounded anu aoae of o.mpaoy M.
IncTRuaed datips on importK is TiitiuUly
aodela Be worked ovtf twomcatUia dealck, and tbr una'xiDoas action of
1 baven'i *oen any of the buys of
coulcaric* on Ueir port that n protectl/
. ,
lb* conveail'jc. w*r* ««-ll deserved company M since we landed excepting
ive tariff is a failure ni a means of {wu.'V;^
exprrasionfcof aatUfaction wlU Mr one of the huoit uoya wbo bad his band
' ■
• twenne.
, Mesick’a cunme h» congrvas during
This cmninpti'in in onnspicnnaslydia
Mr*. John G.Hto to ilL
• Ue last two year* and confidence in bi>
OHppilco have come for Ue Cnban re
igennons L’p to abont n mcsith ago
P. C' Gilbert and family a
work in the fol ire
lief being bandied by Ue Red Cram
t^ Dtogley tariff wn-^ proving iu efflat Long lake.
ivrince twenne to meet enraoeiety. Clara hartoo Ue foundar of
Everybody may be aosnrea
rmt expraa-s, and nndtv riablc oonditaat aoricty ha* been hare.
gasBC of boU Uto afu
tioo* of fieatv it con&<g b(> donbted that
Some of ber women nutaes are doing
Ue BasUers and Moatolee CedU.
cud of tbe proratit bwal year
good work ia belplng tbe. aurgeona
qA mosieol eomrdy enUUed "Otber it wonld bsvn more than rmlixed pub
-are for Ua wounded.
Peoples Money,” wiU BeBnessoy U lic bxpectoliona Ko emo antiripates
Kora Descriptive X.*ttcn Preu
Ttaere have been a eonple eases of
Royle in Ue lending role. U booked to wiU any good reBBcn that the tariff
yellow fever reported, but 1 Uink it a
appear here Aognst luih at Slctoberg's will bo a mcoospifnl rwenne prodneer
tiadn- preemt couditkns, when impm-i3i#r iWtorift
wiWtocwctoU-' false report.
tatioos have bevn luwh donased by
It isn't *0 very hot here. Nearly al
Miss Jg1& Phelps left yasterdsy for Ue Vwar wAre," and there is the pro*Cuba. Jane C. 1996.
ways a eool braese from Ue ooeao.
Chicago, where she will visit frtonda.
Dbab FABRrni;—No doubt yoa will
that Uey will be Jnrtiicr n-striewd
CiuiuJta E Kli-LU6U
A D. White was in Ue elty yester by active boKtilitie* oa the high wma
PuixiKtxT uitxioK an> an. a.
1 ** aorprtoed to bear from me In Cuba.
OlnctoaatL 00* cent per mUa. Sell
day from WmiarnsLarg.
To raise tbe money mialcd to war
, qteBdiug all
bis aparr time at the
> •“ *>«" »“«' “ “
the Bcpoblican rncmtxiv of ^jteraber 84, good to ratoni October
Hiss Winifred Pratt has retnrned
bench and in Uu- foundry. He had ^me aevemi day s before 1 did. I
from ber vUU at Grand Rapids. She tbe ways and ciraus oenamittev rccogmany (if (lie portK rpivUlly cnat and In Ue hospital, bat not wounded.
Detroit, one far* to round trip 8*U
Tbe X.. Xb. A Spjoyed a Pleaaant
niae tbe obvions fact that higher ilnrira Jane 27th and 2«U return July «U.
d by Mr*. A Batch.
• whenhofluhhid In* w.ric h* Imd con- aick but will be all right when Ui*
on itnpen* at this time wonld uot yield
Indianapilia. one far* for ronod trip.
Out ng Testerdsy.,
.Mis* Ells Beokos to 1a Charlevoix.
t^.y wrapp(4 up in tbe 80O renche* yon. We bate been to Ue
Ue ncceemry ivraine. bot that the pro Bel -Augnat 8U. ratsra Angnat 16U.
Beantlful EaallJsy Kune ont alt lu
poned ipteruaJ Uxos will niao the re .L°o{ngton. one far* for roand trip,
down quired amooQt mote oanliy and quickly. ^’11 Jnly^TCU to Angnst 6th, retora
ttroMhuJ. ibi«iun...!bi,btt™.a. I bbp«M 1» brtore i rtt bb.k. 1 n..,
Tbe new tnxe« will lie imposed solely
City Ladies’ Library AaseetoUoa. from Peioskey yeaicrday oa a abort:
to right of way and to Uki track. How
to go to war again. I helped
bosiaeoa trip.
Saratoga, one fore for ronod trip.
hxpodient* tu meet irar expoiditnrea.
well be‘bas aocmedtvl m liu, work is Vary the dead yesterday,
Which oeleb.wted lu twen.y4.toth,
A Sharp, pw,prtotor of Ue and they will not long be retained aftor Sell Angutlot, gnod to retarn Angost
evidenced by the grtat cr>.wdi( of ]>.-ople
Tbe b* v» made cne of tbe grtotost birthday by a phM«lc on Ue beach and
• in.
have served th.-lr pnrputc. bnch
Lake View house at —
Ak w.p»*.
Rapids, oao
Toronto, Ontario, one fere to rand
attracu-dtohisliue. Kot only chllrtr.*, -ebarriw.-^er knov g. driting Ue Ppan- under Ur pine*. .N.-dle*a to toll how i :T‘’
.l.c U..,,
|... b.™ p.rpl. ...
-.r...wu.r. b.„ ,n taxes do not to U* least dcoote any trip. Sell Angnst 24U.' 2SU. end #7U,
abandonment of the protective principle gar d to reura Sept. 6th.
der Ue Mft base Uie far Uore* that terday from that place.
tariff policy. To ostort os tbe
Vermillion. U.. one fare to roud Tkuakliuft’’ -IhcypiTmoaueeitevenan
A StonUy and E A Dsiley of Em
bonafied tbe grand old bay. how Ua
BwSio Herald does. Uat n reseat to io- trip SeU August 1st. good to ratora
improvement on the Indiana Midland. *‘‘*'^*'
city yceterdny on bnai- temsl toxatinn to puy war expenses Angoct
ingMt tist,
white capped waves rolled to and feil
from which it was copied.
»U right.
. -Fiew
Cemn M__________________
Meeting.one for* for
has given "tbe prototive ayatem, as a
Mr. DiUion mys: ”1 leanedmnU in
<he bpaniarda aarrotinded upon Ue yellow seeds to ersUtog
A A Bohle of SnttonsBay
broad national policy, ite deathblow.” ronod trip Sell July llU to Slot,
my work. 1 did not know 1 bad any and under a flag of trace, and expect manic, how Ue eool wind seng In Ue
rsoi to retorn Ang. MU.
knowledge or ahiliQ-, bat Uefo loeorrendersoon. We caplnrad pine*, aad Ue shadow* lay loag
Rcdnced rale* to other p^ts. PboM
ket Bnlletin.
k C. E Marray, Agent.
A ff .
-------------------- -------------------------- L»0 Spaniab 3
grass. For U* rest, Uere were boor*
reoeally aoeepted a pmiUoa wiU Frank
probalily my natnral line of work was efaanged some for
C. A Lockwood. G. P. A„
of social pleasar* to all concerned,
along Uoae linuB. My mo takes
. . .much
. .
vi- a— ».___
group of happy ehUdren who awnng to Friedrich, will move bU family here
t in (he lailroaA and 1 am in
hammocks, and aude rosUea to Ue
*h« nvrt Tear at I
Boston Brown BreoA
p«re*8 TOae Wa* S**a a»* »A
aaod. and eboaed Ue rippling wavs* on
geanine article, mode at
Tbe Epwerth Leegoe *t Ue First
Tbv tovcnlde foreign trade balance Bakery. 821 Front Street. '
.j.ftttnro life, and 1 think it ^1.
clean Uem oat in two days There Ue beocA and—needles* too. to telL
8(U 6t*-0(i«3r bays arc getting iiinch inroHwud. *re seven wemnded men in onr regl- tobira spread with good Utog* to sot. Methodist ebnreh will give oa near- of Ue Cuited Bute* *
my time will permit 1 will turn oot ■vt»t aad one hilled. One waa wound- which vanished In a morvelons fashion Sion on Ue hay next Meadny alght hy
month cf Match. Fur that
liUmal equipimiu f<r Uc tt»d and ed in the regiment that George waa in os picnic rlnod* ore npt to do. especinl- Us steamer Colnmbto.
manyuovo that which is completed.
Wvavr Uks-it-t
The lawn at Ue residenee of Mr^
ly when os today, some »t Ue sterner
to value #86,000.000
”1 think that with the p«dble ex-!
__Wt avr Uasttr.
Avery presented a very pretty apprar- grantw than to Match. 1897. while
you carry In
sex come ont on tbelr wheels to shsi
ptiaD of a line at IX-nvir this is Ue j Saa Jnan BiU. Santiago, Jnly «, isM
onoe last eveatog, Ue oeeoaioa belag -tbe toiporu obowed a dccnMe of #16,laUntinae^ lailway in the«nm.| Dr-xa MoTaxn—I am gUU alive and .that portioa of. Ue d^’s fesUvltie*.
Take It oil to oil. it wto good to be Ue laws fete given to Ue benefit *f 000,000 as onmiautd with Uoae of
ferltogwell. 'Wear* eleven men short there.
Oraee ehweb. The Boys' Bond dU- Marrii a year aga Tbe valne of manntw all the time, and bl-c is us safe
, b„ colon. B» I. i,.id«ll,
■!«»>'«- <•”“
penaed inspiring mnsie and a iom factored goods exported during March
of Uis year was #28.214.460. or at Ue
a playthiag and U cnjuhle uf do-. ^
Wonted-A Botme to Burn.
gaUering enjoyed tbe e^t and ■
Ue of #836,578,400 to a fnll year.
it a sodsl and flaaneioJ sooeeH.
if yon are sick 14 days or
For Ue nine mootbs «s»ded with
re we pay yon from ih* first day you
enn Biddleoomb appeared before
expcrmwerewcrtb{are token s>ck. also from Ue hour m
Jnsttoe Brow* yesterday and
«2uB.788.eS6. Uis being #8,780.000 , meet with on ooeldent, aU to #1.00 ear
eoannto, 1 me., banana., lemon. «d
^ bere to make a
WiU call el your residence
» b tdriure trken. to Ucie
mangoea. ami it 1. a grant tempu- tost-desUraon old bnlldSI^^; im of #100 bail, to oBswar ferloreeny. of Ue preceding fiscal year. In spite of oed *eUl* year claim ia fall Is eoac at
Cl - offfi«i:rfa(at
tbe oUer imd of
.. . that h.;d to be moved to Toad tlon
__ not to eat it. *Hwcially when mwi. which con be
The first cargo of Imfc* Snperior Uc war tbeyiar 'is certain to be a reo eiUer siekaeoa or aeeldrat, aad we al
mooey to nay yon with.
k tor a atoody diet.
1 n:*t awiiy. He bad tbe bill of
bavtog onUived its ntefntocss. to be «M haa arrived for Ue foandatioa of ord breaker in the matter of experts a* Stop and Uink. Talk wiU n* befora
WlU oU Ue danger, if 1 comioat all
well as in Ue ainonnt of our trade tal- yoa get Insured and yon will have no
_ aad rash •«dmt It__________
'asedtomaktogUeteoL PermmsbavThe latter, from preoent opprar- other.
Ut retoe, to take him on Uo ran. right. I wenlda't take #1,000 for Ue ingastnietara whWU Uay wtob to
OneofUefentorM of Roily Day to
I. wmamc«nttoaoariy#600.000.dlspea* of to UU manner Uenld apply day wUl be firewwka to Us day tima,
W.«. HAR TY.
000. Tbere ia a record to. begnmdefi
There ore 80,ooi> Doited State* aol- at onee to Fire <»lef Beanie.
Dlstrtet agent to MorUwaoto: a Mid
which WiU bs aaovtfty to .Mpraetat*. to the fit* year of protootion.
is tb* baritor whUa the Oag Of trace t*
. The oitrof AndtnoB, lod., ntaimV VAHSD BT ACOOLAXAnoV At fiylag from thrm baildlng* In tbe city.
awalUng word from Spain to BarrenUm bcncr of hkrioc (he
jmtlui r»i)rowl of the eowmy wlBtio
t.OOO Spulab aoldiar* bava
hn cotporacc UmiM and •!«> tbe you*,
throegh our liars and given tbcmaelve*
sort lallrawl tiwKtmto in the Ualied
Qtataa TbenaiMoftbaroadUUwDil'’’Wrto Eloo will be aaay. all naval aaBcttTnuik Itae. ltbuaKtx«tchctfri^t SlatrietaBl
aad *0 will Bavmaa. They
ctf way cxteadinff tbrooRfa an-oal back
aad Ita Votk Onickly 9<ma
yattU and it rniu frctn tunrhere to nolatend keepleg tbe regalam here for
Hoc. W. #. Meaotek waa ra-noml-_______
wbaw. TbondUnyatockaayetiaaooi*.
garri*oa.daiy. and the volaoteeta will
wbat teoonpMta. bat tbe ibopa have sated by aeaUmaUoa for ®o«gT«.|^ homeaWQ\'tiifliii'^'
1^ tbe aemtb diatriev yattrrd.y or October.
Di« Bvaraa.
___ aflemooa at Bead «ty. Tba eoavas■
<DSi^ Na & Tbe radbod U well Udtion waanaplendldgatheriog of rapg,honey Cuba. July 10.-Whea we
laatsd a::d tbe heavy 8 by 8 inch hick^htaUverepuUlcau
way place, a
a(k U aeoBxvly bold on icood OMiEvery I mu* Cuban village, we foand the fightFoUowinii the flrtt method* of ferutt coant'r* of the dUtrict
nlhoad baildi^. nripe of ateel aie eonnty wa* fnlly rrpreaantcd. » dde 'jo, bad already b^o. and they were
laid oo top of the hickory raila and the gale* being proM^Bt.
bringing men bere badly wouaded to
Ur. WataoD of Rm
#00 pound eaRine ••acoota” over them
be ehrad for.
vithtbejirabeaf aawau inadockpratd. hero of the boor among the dvlegatca,
To ohr great Burprl** brfwe we were
Engine Ko. 8 ie a model at perfeotim he havleg walked Dl fnlle* to be prea
■altled tbe order came to move at onoe
and ia nndoobtodly one of the amaUeet eot to cast tbe one vote of hU e^nty
to the front with three day*’ ratlona.
iractfcal engine* in tbeworld. She goe*
i' iosiiat a good gait over her >0 inch gange
aaion and nrarly loo
her*, Wrall got ready for the
b; tmek and canbeowilyaurtoland atopto the ball i,[p. u,
10 p. BL bet to my aarpriae
padbyber S-year^ild engineer. 6bb U
j ubugbl it
now ttndergoing aome ohangea which is a body aad enlivened the oeenaios '
when oonpivtad will pnt her ahead <d ^.ul« p.Woifc «>w.
Ug leoamodvea. She will ban ende oorai.il, ™»l»a „a loodl, •p il.„„(„rU.o«,bo,ooiai..bro.,lil
oil, whi< h will .be a
Prom tbe ground to tbo top of her, Theworkoftbe convention waaj 1 have thought *lnee tyt it wa* a
amckcstrick — her bighiat point__abe
meaaaria bat IS iucbeii, and from the
point t>f ber'enweateborto tbe end of
tbe nmning board back of tbe taidtr
abe ia le» thaic6 feet in liugib.
foor drive wheel* an> Lu 18 incb«a
high, and her boiiCr is aboot 8 feet long.
. She haa a headlight, which ligbu op
M feet of trark. and b<r cabin, with iu
levcn and valve*, i* jun lar.9 enough
tor Jawea \t ilUam Edn-cril DiUioo. btf
6*y«at-old (ingiueir. nlioisaiao pread'
driit,' niamu.'er, romlucbr. fireman,,
brakuman and gnuiU boouuer of tbe
ttain, and foremau and acedm man
the endre atretch of bmk. Be U
**ptaotical man” in every department
and diaplay* moat reiuarl
and mechanical abiUty.
Bia oigine ia a little beanty. She i*
well made and camplete iu crery pert,
la a few wedta new pamenger and
freight ooadw* will be toned ont of
the abepB by J. A. Uilliuu. who, beaidee filling the podrinn tf
badter. bend fioatcr. trcaKarcr, aecmtaiy. maet« ateebanio and fomnan cf
tbe diop*, U alao the paruital guardian
tbe prarident
llillion'e Trank linodoeaa_______
bndneia after achool boon. All of tbe
ohildmi in tbe wemern port of tbo city
^tber along tbo right of way. Iba
coodaetor haa ran a corner on all of the
pins in Bamlwood addition. Hedargod
. ten idha a ride for a
fioDK ProtKdTe[ Associttli)ii
- --
flidt kt best,
■AV rn.T.m a A IBSTOB.
. MbyaP
. « hnngry. alaonil
Domoi aad doanu of tijowbad Toa* dog. How Utterly be now Tojmtad hU
CleveUna, July
Tlte day ww warm and qaiogllke.
killed and several
■py Tomklixi’ stctber Mid to him: imlnridy vlto and bow gla^y.woald Happy roUna ebirped marily npim
Injured yester
to bit botoUng moth to«r awaying petohea amoo« tbe ^e
►l^anmy. yw are la^. Wb*t’# 0m ite bave pme
day while at work onasewer near EdgeONE MONTh FREE.
tatottar with yns anyiniy? Be apey and cr and bis daily wtfkJ
water Park. IWe men were down io
boogba baring appateaUy forgotten
Jait then be buanltberbcerinitaoond the diieomfort of tbe paat two weeka
the sewer trench when tbe treaUe on
Mir wooad. b^.'* And Tommy
which the cart haub away the .dirt fell.
•pry and. adned
dned ■round
pretty U'irety,' <d a diatant bnakfaat bell and trotted
Tbe ear was precipliated to a plaUom
Ut of a boy coald atir aronud eagerly in the d
covering the sewer. Adam nauaman
'Iced■ bit
• • ctK^as be tbon^tof tbe natnm b foroed to struggle snib the ,
enoajdt to «nlt tbe views of Mra. “e Itrta
^ opportoalty to
■•. him:
crushed to death benewtb the Um„—-------1
QoleM be had a etoam cowiae
senwof doty in order totumtaerlace . that canbotm him alithbSaDitariuAlbc^
In him. and a fast one at that, for die) Lender and loader gn-w tbe welcome Molidly from tbe beauty and igigbtBesa |
doctor baa eo much faith
badly Injored:
The follnwlna
gwrer erm took tbe time to pnt tbe pioud. and Tommy qaiekmied hu jnoe oonide to perfonn tbe intruding boose- experience be has had in treating i Thomas Kasuscr. dty 1
•. thigh
niai.rfct in anything abeeaid. toartm.
toHra Bi:
ehrooic dJeeasA that be will give one
jboldtaaka Soil
"Gei-wbiUikwit" «id Tommy, sit-j
At daybreak every moning die banl
frequently passed tbe open
i^hall. cut la the bead and body
jedTommy oat of
first ibrowing a ting up in bd and mWjing bb e>oa, !
kitobcu doling tbe praoeoi ^
aiXTBOSETttATAaETOOPOoaTOPAV.ibruIsed; Prank Boblnskl and Prank
di|9orf^ of water in bis face—to pat "what a dreani! 1 can hear those horri- i „ -doing np tbe moming'a work.
AUthat he aska in return U that socyanskl. badly cut and brubed about
my heels o-a }x-t j sbo atepped onuddeioempty tbeditoki^ in F good htunor. She then gave
erery patient will.
will atate to their frienda
e body. .
|him Jnat five minates to hustle into hU Bnt thera’a t^brtakfast bulL 1 won-!
niiiAanically'wiping the tbe reanlu obtained by h
telotboa, and while be war g<iing dmngh
All forms of chronic disc
TtsTataaOtty Katlwk
y opetatkai abe laid oat Mayl* I m to have a holiday. Well, ; Ut,y«id tbe barn ibc tiniok wound ib lormitiea treated. No man i_
holiday or no holiday, 1 bacA down on
amcaig an aiohipobgo of tiny b- 8tale baa bad anch erteoded expe*
in eariy morning dntitw thni:
Balow b a Uat of the boring and mUalong in tbe tunahine. ....
Ing prices of ysaterday for grooeriao.
"Now Toeiniy harry into tboee tbe .dog question. I’d rather build a ' im^da
provblons and farm prodaeta in TnvlelatbM and don’t waste any time and doaen flree every momlng and have a Her eyes followed itaoourw along down lyL-,erae City:
o down
d»« and build tbe UtrfaeB fire and bc«.d,ad d coldw.»r ponrol taw ^ tS
.her. ih. «e«leeT»l , “‘.5®!?“ "'f
ated ago
8? yeara
from Cleveland.
__ 1___ ti_____ i. .......1 ated 87 yeara
from ago
I’ down Will and be aaro yon have fsm rh», tn cev <i,at iinv in,in>
'91 was 15 years in general pracnew....... .
fl* W
•' m 1 bring up tbe ooal and
; after that lectured as Professor
, .1
': till- dining room
.natomy and Physiology in Detroit
... .A atmnt it Old Shanks
aeopathic Medical College for if fibort Cut Pork oar
yeara; wasSyeara Superintendent of Floor. H L. ACo-best..
Aievor doto bring tbe milk in time tor
A Co. I
Tto Aaril Blrt.
Alma and VpsiUntTrSsnitarinma. Bye FlouiIt. H. U ACo.tt«at..S.
taeakfaat I'll gu another mUkman
ted through ber luiod.
At dotk in . Ibo wilds of the
Her gaze followed tbe tinea of tbe Tbia experience, combined with many
Co P
aare'a my name is Tomkins Uo to
laodacapp back to ibo higher ground. years* atndy in the best hospitals in
Blake's and gel a quart of milk Tbe Braziliau (<dnn yon will tl
Tncre they were ■ ravwonsly cropping the country, and examining and treat- Qg^'per dot................................
Inker's bdiiud rime again I know Go Strungv to bear tbe rlink of a Immi
X thousands of chronic casea,- bas-cg^g^n,
and gvt a baf of tread and tell bini
spared bii
Imow it if be koute uy raateSD
^oick about it i;nw and don't yun stop
to play marbles v.-itb tboee Ssiriggias
a plauto get them txuk to pasture. She : we can cure
re you or not. If wecaanat iQats per bn (old)................... .
boys do yoB hoar Tomuiy Go at once
if your guide wore a native be 1 nbo knew that low rubbrs
rnbbrs would ba i cure you. we wiU tteU Jon what relief , Corr per bo., old...........................
and no Uziot^ now <ir yon'll catch it
e can
of —
tio um> —
iu —
the ——V
aticky __—
soil, so
ca give yoo.
— •it would we
1. per t
■are VHien yoo cume back yon mnst would toll .you tliat tbe euund was made < w
.h will to,, ti.it .perlbbl...
begin yonr work yon know so be by a campanuro, astbyy wUit, alfhough i not do for bar to go after them,
; Bfun p
to fiutagners it b known as tbe anvil
Ing 'to a window that looked absolatcly ’ fr«
‘, out opou tbe village road, she sriaiued operaiions. and the benefit of alfou DCYiae BAvno
Yob may not bclifve it, bat Tommy bird.
Tbb bird is a litUe larger than a
,o oairh a glimpse of tlio old Oar methods of treameat
1__ ’
nsoaUy bad stftngtb eooogh left, wbrn
is all that la , ^heaV old. per bo...
thruto. Tbe plumagcbporfccUywbite. , p.n(joman for whran abe ailed in
bis nmtfacr bud finished, to dy as she tnrusn.
cs|acity ol boaaekrtqsTr. aU tbe
dincted. and m it bad been going on the eyes are a pale gray oolcr, and tbe 1
■ for eo long a time that the boy couldn't naketl throat and dtiu aroand tbe eyes while talking mme to herself *>»«" to all agents in Paralyaia, Loss of Power,
ner ba........... ....................
are of a fine bright gnwu, while9 ib her little
^u ................................
son, Ned. about tbe wheat tbe Rbeumatism. and alFdiseasAs of the
rmnembtf tbe time wfacn it biuln't.
■tern. Clearly, as my
.......... 1
Finally be came to tbe canclusiao more nnrtberly relative b orange and cows were spoaling.
black, rivy mneb like our oriule.
It was Bselcas to tun about and took
that it
____ _____ IS T?lSw^BU»4 aaf 8Ua
It b geoviully in the early part of the down tbe road, ao abe finally dbmbmd
day that tbe cam|>anero aends forth the the matter from her mind and was aoati
chine needlea J. W. Stai
wonderful note than can be beard at a very busy in the kiteben.
ths^ eABBM to
fnrutohing store.__________ ^S7J-«l
distance of three milea ktarvelons in
Ned. tbongb bnt S yeara dU. nnderdeed must be tbe meobanism of the vo- atood pcrlect'y what his mamma bad
BoMon Brown Bread—Tbe real,
genuine article, made at J<*u Art’s
cnl organs rf so nail a bird to prodaoe been worrying about. Ha «t «iU and
r ,
Bakery. S*l Front atfeet.
BO fanvacblng a note, but there is DO
Remember, we give a written wuarStMl.____________________________ _
doubt of tbe fact, f<x many travelen
antee_to cure every case of PILES and
hare board tbe atrunge sound uttered by
tbe Urd when percbed on tbe topmost
Ever Bnroed.Oiit?
New Departure]
If aoyoa know
.................... - "‘£
bow be migbt begin a ruforu move' menL A gr^ many plans were conddvred, but be abandoned them trees ut
knew uey wouldn't work.
At last, Iwnnlne tired and dimast•d, be gave it up, mying, in bb daqnratioa:
"I’d lather be a dog, like old Bover.
Be has an oo^ time of it—no firca to
bnUd and all that foolbbneaa 1 wish J
could tniu into a dog for awbiie and
bly aroohd him and went to
SaUiMhing very etiange . bappen< ^
uiiriil. fur when Tommy Tomkitii.
woke the next morning be was Tommy
Tomkins m longer, tmt a big toaggy
haired, bethy tmleddog. -Bouncingout
-f Uti- bed. be ■aaicbid and barked at
ebodycame and tot
Borer. Now, Bover was a staid old
flow and wouldn’t maud any nunmoae,
and whtw be mw this atrangc dog
pnumug around in bis yard be went
for him like a tbnndurbolt.
Toiumy waggl'd bis tail and pretend
ed to be jolly guud fiirttdis but Hover
omiido’t auo it. and when tbe toort,
abarp light was over Tommy was seen
makiug tracks as fast as his legs would
tot bim. with ooevur gime and tbe otfa*
A XMiV Saws.
mtitber. Near tbo wustors CDtranire
a tall, red dnpiil stand, on which was
da model if the emigrant stagorerumeut is building <m El
lis irioud. in New York toirbur. Every
Mtructure was repradneed in tbe tiny
model, aud it kufcud like a Caify palace.
Tbe liule girl iu tbe torgo bat gued '
"I wish 1 knew Mr. McEinley’s lit» girl." abe aaid wistfully.
"Wbw dear!'' asked bix mother.
"Ub.Niaidtbv little
"-I would
just luva Vplay with tbol lov^y doll's
er dogs aaw bim and came v« Ijiing at bimae. It’# ben. isn't U.*"—Wariiing______________^
bis bucla Men and small boys jiiitted iu tun Post.
tbe ctaaro, and pow Tetumy, aching
Tks AgjataaU-ats Kama.
with pain and jauitiug with fiarpnd faThu Irr-uf Ji-o *“»r nottew bean
tigne. anight the sbt-lU'r of a baru that
aad. If aol. U Is sear.
And then tnrt 1 arlU tcU It DOW
aloud in bu way and hid bininiU'nuder
Uccaosi il >• Bol Irua.
tbe bay.
Oh. but it was jolly fnn. this being a
A imis (DM Ih iddes tlaw
dug! No one cot’ld tell b«w jolly until
doD'l thlBk ihi« staodbe tried it bimM.'If. tbiAight Tummy.
Alnwdy be lunged fix tbe fire Imndiug.
and tbe milk bringing, and eveu fur the
water tbsowing preu>s by whiub ho
was awakimd ivui? muruing.
fie toy iu the bay all night, shivning
with cold and taekid with ttoi pain of
bis wounds. Ito bud ufkai biurd that
a dog mu bcal bis wimnds by licking
tbssn. but whoever bwud of ailug lick
ing bisown earsf
Mombig came at tost, and Tummy
aras painfully hungry. Storing cautious
ly to tbe door of the bani. be looked
•ut to nee if any of bis emruloB were
near, and su-ing nothing tost threatenul danger bewsut out aud trott43dabout
the street in search of a bone. Itofoond
one or two. bnt tbiy bad alroady bqoi
gnawed at by1 dosun or more dn^ aud
Tommy couldn't find even a foneU of
about tbeia.
_____ ____ .
■nd bo finally V... red to enter a back
yard and ^iprmoh tbo kitcbeii door.
JMnab. tbe oook. was jn< vowing out
with a pan of water, singing tli<- while
in bigfa good bumnr. hut wboo sIh- taw
tbe strange di« the singing oeaisd, the
pan of waterdroppi'd to the ground, and
Diuab Was RausfomH'd into a ihondurAnd. sUll BKiiT strsnsr. as I outaa
atisia of wrath. Tommy ucvix could
DeiTB to tbu **ry
bow a well k^ bock yard
d ibpsdjaii
' eouldfnmi^ assnanymiasiles as Dinah
(brew at bln OB that torribto mmnbig.
Bicycle Riders.
and that 1
uairiag and enameling, ai
and do give you tbe boat work of any
one in tbe city for tbe Booey. "toB*t''
»«• •
be deceived by what olbcn tell you to
tbe coDUary, bat come and see fax
gnarantoe all mg wotfc to to ^bL
and If it doeanot prowsoo Ttodtea^B*^8t» in tUl 8 o'clock every evening
except tiaoday. la tbe OaldwaU A Loadon boUiUng, at north end of Untow
John R. Santo,
General lasiraece.
Wortbaeg Block.
Tinvstna Cttpyllbk
We are again ready, with a large
atoek of tee. to deliver tbe mine to any
pan of tbe city.
Maple Mock wood also for aalo.
flopmrs BEOS.
Telepbone No. M.
Grud Rtpidt * lidliu I. E
fiEEiSfl esss EEB
aaaaaa aaes ese
branch of aomo witbeied tree.—Onr
Animal Friends.
Tbe potato is evivybody’s friend. Bo
anivermlly is this vogebbto onitivated
igbout tbe land that tbe potato
may almost be said to divide with bread
tbe honor if being tbe "staff of lifo."
indispuusabto as it has become as
an article nf food to sJl oisswi of our
people we do not celelnte its virtues as
they do in Uonnany. There they erect
statoes to it. Offtsburg was the first
<dty toereot a statue of this kind, which
was—and is. for it is now standing—
certainly unique. The upper port oonatou of a statue <f Sir Fzaucto Drake,
wbo is twered fur haring introduced
tbe plant into Europe. Thi^ aswcU as
tbe ptdestal. is drapi-dwith garlands of
the potato vine, with tbe full grown
tubers intact. On tbe pedestal are insariptioos to tbe following effect; Tbe
first side sets furtb that the above figure
is that of Sir Francis; the sconod ex
plains in words of higiteet praise what
a btoasing the potato has tjom to manland', the third r< enrds that tbe Btatue
n tbe gift of a certain Andrew Froderof Btrasborg; the fourth ct«n
■antesiff theoecinra Aatotnesiinitor to this is ptoewd in tbe town of
■■ s.—Chicago Ertxad.
Attorneys at Low.
M ateek. TtotofseCltT.il
«J • Block.
A Prompt Settlement! ^
m Dim sots Imnolal StcM)
Traverae aiy, Hick. July 13tb.
Blakcalee A McCormick. District Man- SSirSfiSd. hEl.. ’Ptoos. faoau sad
agera, Traverae City, Miefa.
Uentlera*u: Allow me to tbaakyon
. Omces. CUT Ot»r» Hosse »
for check for »40. for lose of floger. I
looked steadily into tbe bright onal fir* Irish to say that tbe settlemeut was
, attmtioe iotas titUs.
for several minntca, turnine tbe prob very saUAfsetory. as 1 ealled at your oflem ova and over in bis tmnd.
fiee ia the Johnsoo Uock and reoeired
"1 b'l'mloould drive them oowt off
-taea't my own self, ’cause they "good°*^ord* f"
Ln’t hurt mo. V.'ou'l Mr. Hartly '' k them superior to all others.
Tours very truly.
think I'm a good boy?’’ bcaoliloquitod.
JoiM KAiTta.
Tho mor« be thnagbt about il tbe
_jorc pleased be was with himself for
thinJdng of it It took hot a minute to
pull off his lirtlo shoes and slip into tbe
rtowme to esiu ter botsIbc.
nioe rubber boots his big brother had
sent him from Chicago and wbicb
the pride of his heart
Putting OD his cap. be slipp:^ out at
rOx,UMBIA AVS UOV A. OVXdoors wttfaoiA telling his mamma any
^I^AWiTO-Oirl t
thing about it for be wai
rto woold not let him ^
Ooiug north dally except Sunday.
An hour posait) swiftly away to all
except Nod. and with it came Mr. Uartly. wbo tbooght ho beaad tbe cry of a
child in dtotrcca Thinking eon
neighbar's children bad strayed away,
itrnro-spplT “ Tratoiw
be followeAtbe aaind. which took him
toward tbe wheatfiuld. He quickoied
hia steps and 'soddeuiy came apun Ned
hMf cunncalid by a large sttimp.
What a plight he was in! Sunk into
Ar. Barber Springs..
tbe eoft mnd op to tbe tops tf bis little
-LsSIto' Xoa
boots, be was vainly trying to exttioate
Ornng south daily exoept Sunday.
himselt Repeated attompU bad only
tfBolted in hUfallitwoviT .o bis bands,*
and wbiBi he again straigbusied np tbe
of P. a.
A. aon.
mnddy flea woe used to wipe away the
Anuming toon.
"Well. wvlL" laughed his reamur.
"srfaat little colnrod boy is this^duused
in my wbiasfi.-Jd»"
Nod taTglui-m-fl up and explained the
LatoraKWood. t»sf
beet hi' could bitsfvrti aria.
M°isz: S- S 5ST7S.r"S5
■bareof tbe fasvoooo to makoNedai
toplT-f rtOiUUi«}ftot.Tiai»itoCHy.
^-tOOa WAKTED—PorUrrafUaf- *PPK.’^
Leave ---------NeabUi
SuttoM Bay
•• Omena....
Ar. Nertbport.
aaawe.fi.aaasnaaaa a
sfizRSSESSsasfiss s
EE •
aaws. a aasasssaa
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uWto (Itto Bl. LoeU. LvDfVlUa le-
?i SSrzr^Js-EsrfSs-ras
Traiene Bty Lint o( Steamers.' i'K-Si'-sr ■■
"Ni^.rmiud! Uetit cry! I'U poll
ymn ont " Th<n h gao tbe work at exmean u N.Jrluug to bw liuot sumps,
and Mr Many polled N«l. Suddenly
thrliw M j.11.1 iM-rd-pwtod company—*
with a KO>d> of t-udiT smUDient maybe,
OrtuuM' It SMS -re l:a><d to (art. Hr.
Hani.T rolliklovvr <si bis back in the
n.auuiT. wUhBed aCUl
in hu oniii-.i
The tpl.hV’^ turned lu earneet.
Nrtl's sb.aiiik oi U-jghier ebned away
tia- mans and Hr Hartly. with a oomirtil grimace. sriumLied uixai bis feel as
hastily as the eoft gtiamd would permit
Taking Ned api n bU sbotdden. they
started au-rriiy for tbo bouse.
I jTwo very gfiiuy figtiroe preamted
tbcmkelvto before the amoniefacd face cf
Mwinnia Riulvy.
"What can hpve beppeoed?" sbe eaclaimed in moibfrly alsnn.
"Ob. Ned planjed himself anxmg the
wheat to grow, trai be fuolod himself
uiocIythU tiraa When be found iris
mistake, be mode so much nuiso tbat be
ecarnd the cows not d the field, end tbe
mud almost sw-allewed him like tbe
whale did Jonah—-einijdy m get rid of
him!" cxcUuDMl the old gtaitlemau hn*
Xxeurciau From
,er at B:W a. m. for KeabtawanU where yoa wul eoaneet with
it^ to Trav
lat ra'tonl
esty at 10:45a.m. ThiawUl give
JOB a pleasant ride of 54 miles on tbe
bay and can be made every PMmlng.
boattbe boat
If you wUh a •longer
STAPLE woiro Ito sal* TratortoCUx%*sf
Und yoa at Umena or Northpert wbera
you will eoaneat with steamer .return
BATX-JuBtor. atk aM sUaales.
ing to Traveiee aty at 4k» p. m.
Aftoroooo exniTBloiis trcMo Travvtee
City, uke the etaamer Craeoant every
aflemooB at tzOO for Keabtowanta
where yoa wiU eoaneet with suamer
raturuiag to TraveiM City at 4.-0Q p.
wtU W wllk nart tto }vw^ amfl Oeioka
warn ks win totan to eoUms.
Daily Xorning
A^SSJ-'S'S'.”"- ------
DO TOUWJiMTsrric^'^^rea:?
ear to ma traU.
^1— arrlto ftoto BteSuaea. Pan Wares.
Te take e*aei Sartar. yarn M. HR,
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.