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The Morning Record, September 14, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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:-:U- :
AU«C*d VioUfeion cf Twou
«f OapltaUticm at MLaalU.
0««1 BhaftarBaa niad a BaoM
•f BaatAafo OtMpalco.
BUeUcaa- tor Oa^ Baada< Pa., pnparatory to a fartbor Joaraay to Caba
or Porto Bleo lor aa tododaito atay.
tally Ml of toa treopa are trytof
to bato eat at rtaerfally at poaatbto.
Aa aa attotoa of toa
pat It: »l>ay aracatUat tired of playiar aaldiar aad waat to ratara hoBa."
Oovaraor Piarraa aald: “BatotlvM af
the bayi'of toa Thirty Bf to have ovarraa tote offiaa iBplarlar Be ta da aaaatolar to aU the volaatoaia to thatr
•Borto to roio«t<rfvo*acto Oaba
Porto Eioo. Tbay are advaaouc
•arto of aaeom for to^ aaaa or toothla BOW at OoBp Bataa.
••A paUUoa kaa baaa raaaivad by na
siraad bp aboat baU too Baabara af
tllk raaiBoat. atolnr tkat tooy ba al
lowed to ratara koBO. Tkoaa foUowa’
•aly aaoata te praetteaUy that toay aaItotod to Crbt Bpaoiardt, to draw btoad
ftOB paopU toat kava tonltad o«r »•€■
Tkatb what they aay. Tkay doa’t
oraal to to w»Ty aa rtofteoe detail.
I ■latof Opatatar Taaead
Away at Oaliaaat.
Ofoelolw Tao Haaam aaeeoa
OaloBat, Bopt. ll.-Capt, Joha Oaatote of the Oaeaolo Btae. te doaA Be
• aad toa Bnt
of toa 1
■aa to ad fooato toa atoktor •< ptoP»Aoalar'ebafu.
XiAiraa Boapitol Tnto Ziaft AtlaaU mtfc Thirty BietoBeldton.
Attoato. Bopt. U.-Tba Biohlraa
bopltelteatoatartad bom today with
aboat thirty fery weak bat kappy Baa.
A M^raB WM raealved froB the war
4«pMtmaitotahaipMtoloara of the
MtohiCM ■
Praak Whltaay. oaptoto of OoBaaay
0.otMaak«aa.te aary atek with ty*
phoUtavarattoahaBaof hit paraate
Mr. aad Bra. a to WUtaeyaf Dlrtetoa
aad te wwAiW alaapUae alitott >
dMtoUy abet to tba
froatkt to too hooMtal ben. bat died
Uatairbt VUta aad aaotoar maa
wan banttor. y
SirhtoaB Par Oaat of Aa
Are Down With Dieeaaa.
•pami lota aeuara BaowB.
FOMB. Bept. II.—Baperta abow tkat
l.nt. ar II par oeat. af tho Parto
RIoaaarBy. e atrlekaa with dtenar.
Two. ■ (d yellow fever naaltad tatally.
Aaka Tkaa toOra Up Tkeir Artos
vda Caba. SaptoBbar II.—
Ltealaaaat Ootoael Bowaa aad Oaptoto
Sarknor of tba Bnoad arttllary aad
Ooloaal Oareia, ahlef of atoff to bte
father. CaUato Oareia. arrived ban to
day from Olbaia. Tkey broarht ward
to Oeaeral Uwiea of too operaUoa of
Ooloaal Oareia told Oaaaral Lawtaa
bte Caibar bad baea exerttot bte partoe CaboM to
lead toam to tora tbetr arm over to
toe Amrleaaa,to ratara M tbair honn
and rot# work. Oeaaral OareU bM
told tba Oebaaa, bte mb any*, that toay
have aototar to caU by ntoialac tbair
arm aad reatettac tba efforta of tba
ABerleaM to reatora order aad aelaV
Iteb a atobla
^baaaaat to* oAoera of bte etaC
bam to apread bte vlawi aboat the
aaaeaatty of iBandUtoly dtebaadlar
Ooloaal Oareia aald avarythtor at
Olhan WM rnaalac aBaoikly. Hw
father bad
to* aBoant of BM.MO wbea be oawred
toa town. On learalay a low daya
Utor toat toe peaee pmtoeol had beaa
aifaed be pUeed toe moaey U to*
beak, toberetoraad to toe b*b who
ooatribatod It. Thera b a |raa* aeardty of provteloM la to* town, aad
BBcb aicka*** aawaf tbs poorLteataaaBt Oolaoal Bewa*. OaptoU
Harkaer aad Colaaal OweU all argad
Oaaaral Uwtoa to aaad fraab amt ta
tba wwa. tote baiag badly aaadad to
■apply toe Blok with breth. Oeaaral
wlU uk* etape IsBadUtoly t*
aaad relief M Oibara.
At Vioana, l.MC luUana Who i
aBplayod oa tba ■
d to avert a popalar Stotutry-aigh ggd*^ at mderate
Tbrowa rroB Bte Borao Toataiday to ravalt
B. L^'a^VUedt.
Tba Itollaa tBbany at Vieaaa te
raardad by a atr^r body of Infaatry.
Loadaa. Bapk ik—Nat Ooedwto, toa
aatad Aetarleaa aetor, ^^lla ridiar to
toaaaaateyyattorday aaar Woalrleta,
wee torowB froB bte boraa. Be aaa- WiU Haro Baited Prom Baattaro Thte
totoadtwobadfraetureaofa Iar- Ha
Weok,Toretoor With Tallow
totoadad to taU fOT New York today.
Baattaro de Caba, Bapt. ll.-Tba laat
oftoaSpaateb prteoaen at.OaaataaBZr riBB AT OHBBAVIVB.
.pi Oananl FareJ* and bte
VOiMf Vaarty Wiped Oat Teoltrday BtoSaad airbty bob wbe an varydok.
btva aallad for bo^a. Tke oaly Bpaateh troope mow in toe pieviaee of' Saa-
Obaaaator. Mick., BopV 11.- tkte aBB.- Ikon an 1.000 af tkM at toa
vUIare waa aaarly wiped oat by Bra at
plaoeaed 1.700 at toa Uttar.
aooB today. Tka loaa te aver BtS.OOO. Tka Bpaateh tnaaattaatte ataaBon
BboII iaaaraaea The ftrb eaarbt fioB Baa Anraetta aad Baa Fraaoiaeo are
to to# harbor here awtiitor toe arrival
of toa tioopa at Oaantoaema. wbea
pBovouaoBo A pa:
(bay will ptoaaad toltbar aad take
Aad Vo Attampi Waa Bade to Aa- toemo^board. The aattie Ut will
have called for Bpato bafere toe end of
■aaalaate OnaaB WUbalmtoa.
too wMk.
apMtei «e Tniloanat aaeoBB.
Ooloaal EUy eaye that tba ooadl
ABttcrdaB. Bapt. II—It te aaBi- of toa ma aeot from Oaaatanaao
o&oially aoaonaoed that toe raparta Boat wrattoad Tbara wat aa apldaBieotpanowfavaraBoar toam. and
of toa atumptod---- -----^
a are withoat feoada- tkay were dyUr dl 1^0
aevaaty a dty wbaa ha waa than a fortai^tafo. BUty-iva Baa died oa tba
VATOB HOAB VAT AOOBPT. wharvaa toa day the boapitol ahip Baa
BaMvad Va WUl Take Plaaa of Am- Ireaeia WM loaded. Tba aoffartore of
tba BOB wan aeeoatoatad bpttiaaeare. baaaaAarBay.
ityoffratoBtoV Nobaaf wm to ba
WaakiartoB, D. a. Bapt. it.—Tka had. Ooloaal Bay wm toreed to kill
praaideat baa aot rlvea ap hope of parkBln daily to anpply the
aoadtor Boaator jBoar of Ifaataekoattu
to aoaapt toe ^>oa to Borlaad. Be
te arrl^ Beadiv Boar to aoataat to
Ookmal Bayb eoeeeetar, aad
toore aeoBa to be rnatar hope of
OewgreMBea Dto^ aad Bead Vacan BOW toaa oeeaa waakt are wbea
ealy dUBeal^ to the way of aeoartor Parttaad.lfe., Bept. It.—The fall BeBaaator Haarb oooaoat te toa ooodlUoa pablioM Ueket hM baaa alaetad to
Matoa. Tba
bte baaltb. It to roanlly
Uewallya Fowara; e
toa aBdate of toa roveraa
I^B^aW Bmrto^ O^offc Baa. Pint dtetriet, TbeBae B. Bead;
Baoaad dtetriet, Neleoa l^ry: Third
7^ toa Navy Lear*
------ r froB Mean '
dtetilat,Bdwto 0. BariolrkrPoarth dte
triet. Oteriae A. Boetotla.
If it tarns warm
this week
of am Upper Paatoaato
LBAder of OabAoB Do«B Hot aeitteiwTMWnnaiaaoiae
lUBbar II. —DleotaU
II.— Oaaoral
flkkfMr Mttoialtha i
AcbImMo DmUn« to
B«Imm4 Ul» »ftofmoMM4 Mtalttod Ui f- Beliadn the Abedtota BoBlaiea of
Uaitod Blatoe aad VatlnBeai
AUa»tBlA VriMMn M« Btotod port «t too Soattaco eotopotca. Ao
k oovarafroB the bwlaatoc Oabaa JUpabUo Wilt be 1
W too oa* ol tor oporattoM of too arOOooa D«ln^ ArohlrM •>«
Ooattol Oaaetal Peatn «a Part of
Mvdo« KaaMpol ■jmBdorUooMUUwdfai Oato.
Zaanigaato to Dtebaad.
aawUi M Be Ueanae kaeoaa.
•pMlol MTao HoaoiM aaeeia.
Baattaro de Oaba, Sept. ll.'-Aa aaBoat Boar. 86pt U.-A apodal dto
Mtradloted report waa raealved by
potto <iaB> MaaDa, Iram a Bpaaito Oa&aral Whaler
Oaaaral Uwtoa laat alykt to the af•oaroa, oajK ‘•Aralaaldo haanitofatod
toat Oaaaral QeBea baa taadered
That Vfav.
bte rcatrnattoa of toe eoBwaad of toe
.vtdadaa at too toran •( c
Baltom the Xroabto With Bpaia to Oobaa anay and tbat it baa baaa aoBot Badod-Tha Potst of Oaatoa«i«Ur«a, diorafafdod i
,, ~Uootiar orardao Bpatoto tioa wni ba the PblUpptoaa Whleb, Oeaaral Oobu hat beaa |
araiael the Cat
Bo Bara. V* Oaaaat Olro Up.
tor toe ooBtroI of afltlra to toe AboHflrr-t-'
“—-r ■—■
aad bte expIaBBtloa for raalrator
Doeator. Ala.. S^t. II. Jaot attar
hto dteapproval of the “paeelva oabtoo toMrol of kU aaa. Naval Oadot
to toa ooBditiaat taadlar to
SodreraTdaac Voao a Voaad U Wboalor, Ooaana Wkoolor aarpriood a
«wa Vaakagw to too mtror at
partj of triaada hy doelariar ta kl» toe pvaetleal dteeradltlDr aad r«tirait of toe Oabta rapabllc. aa tneh,
SftdiRport. Ooaa.
Mdool aad akanetorUUe MaaBer tkat
BlMdol to Tn Moanao Baooao.
bo did Bot boUovo that too war bo* aad establtehiartoe atoolota dostoloa
, Ooaa., BoptOBbor 11 — twooa too Daltod Btotoa aad Boato had of tbt Doitad Btatoa"
A rraat oaantloa «*aa eroatod today dad. Bo Mid:
The Oabaathara are Book aaeltod
‘•TUo Bpaaioh-AMrioaB war la aot by toa report. Now toe raaonl dealre
jvaat woBiaa wao foaad to too rivor.
toe part of toe Cabaa aray te to
080 wkieh la to '.bo oottlod ao oadly aa
Tkoapparkaltoftoobody wao foaad
tpaoploaratodlBodtoboltova. t dtebaad.
to oat paekaro aad Ika
^ boltova,aoslaooroly aa lovarbaliavad
aaotoor. Tko body wao UoatUtod ao aaytolat. that tola t«voraMoat will toe qacatloa of back pay wilt aal ba
that of a protoaatoaal aaiaa
Idarad by the Atomoans.
kava Boro troaUo with Bpato. Tko
r kaow wkea tkey are
defeated, aad they, that te the
at toe peopU of Bpaia, are of toeoala■OLDXXBB or TXZBTT.nm tea that Uara waa ao aaad for tkalr AvalOBt lUliADB On Aoooont
Of Murder Of Bmpr«BB.
rarBBaat to kava rlvaa apaoi
I>o Vot Xrfka rroopoet of Btorrio-n
Pfaaalod Saba BAottof ta the Btraata
Ba^Amd Balt too JUctoioat Vaat
Of Trmw Aad Traopa Oallad Oat
To go Boai*~Bat too Oororaar ratoaofpaaaa. BetoldBap
reUtodnmaaadTkoyBaat ■ttok aai a rraat aaay baore aro that ha
Loadaa. Bapt- II Bpaelato froB Vibad ao (alto that the
It Oak
woaldboabto to oom to aattefaotary aaa eay that the aatira Aaatrlaa'
tetofariatad afatott
I with toa Bpaatarda. Thte bablaad Lako. Niok.. Bopk lA-Bootoaltatteaaaatoaraaaltof tba a>
rotary Alpor aad Bovaraor Ptofrao to- Uaf oa kte part te baaad^^tha PbiUpatoatiM of Bapreea Bliatbatb. aad
~ appetod too oavp tola attoraooe aad
vlotoat aatl-ltaltoa daaMBatratioaa
oral* oatoaotooUoaUy raeoivod. Iko “Bpaia will lafaaa ta give ap the
have token plaea ai TreUto. wkan the
fOToraor ralltod thoBoa oa too raport bUlpMato. aad of ooBiaa,** eaatit
bte laat ttoUaae and aativee kava been flrkttor
that tana ariabad to flaak froa far- too Oaaaral.
tiaoadaty. Ovar baU wito to be atao- warde. “vra eaaaet Ihlak af aato a to toaatraeto.aomtlBaa aalar rayoV
toes ap aad wUl aek
torad oak bnt they will kava to atay. tolar aa
Bin daatoe an rapartod tbara The
Now that ,toa time ia aear at head Pmidaat MeCialay te deeply aad
troop* wen oallad oat to aappreae the
far toa d^artaia of tka Iklrty.ftfto rtavalyooaaaraad onr toa altaat
T*o<W "•
They Go!
A lot Of them at
Bead* A Oo.’a aatln aboa atock
boaghtbriMsttOtoWeante aa
tba ddlar to new bdar daaed
oat by a*. Bhoaa balaf aeU at
law UBaeaat at BaUag. TkUk
of gotttv Vonb gt ebOM at gl.M
aadllea'e «t-M aboM atfl.u.
Boya* ebaa* at etc. Tie aad
Me. Ladle*'ta* abeaa ese. »«
aad Me. If tern* aad CteUdrea'a
aboa*. wa atU at what etban pay far tom. Blggeat abM
Bale oa raoord.
Pofilw Sin Httse.
kb oar ba«
help yaa Bake year reo^ toak attnettva forr too tear*
290 Fnnt 8ti«et
To tnra out oatj tine best of work in PICTUKS
Martiliam Rloct
I «and the most
surprising thing
Is the price.'' TUa ia referring to thoee twW
• Ladies’ Fur Collarettes
Wa've jaet raodvad from th* BBaafi
fare, aad ear popalar low >
'dtepUy of tooM geode.
Reliable Dry Goode, Carpet
■and Clothing House.
HasflRgs’ Rnf EstatB AgRRCi.
Good for PraitBateUg.
Oood for Sleek BateUg.
Good for Ooaaml FkrBlag.
■attlMiMta; aU
WUl be add at low priem tor oato; or, an Ung ttm* with aaeg paymeate and vary low lataraek v
Oa O. B A I B. B.
Times of
again and
tbe “plow and the
_pnming hook” rate
the world. Tile lion and temba nay Ue doim togeaier,
bat the krnbe (Cobe, Pnerto Rico and
HaniU) wUl be inafaleof thefion. Inwar
or peace SBLZ AHOBS are at dw froot,
the aeddier and the dtisen wear tiiean to
“make tbdr feet glad." Ten boy them
on a guaranty aa tbe best aboea te tea
wocid for the money and more pei^de a
6BLZ than any other kmda of aboea.. T
wear more, bnt coat no more.
It Is a Man's Duty
To Dress WetL
Bveiy ooMldenUon. lodal. battam, bom tomUy and htefts aar
gMt that a maa detoa m wdl m bte B*aM aUow. Tka waU dnnad ana
bMBorara^aetforbiBaalfaadMtemaan^Bdad: hM ner* aonBdaae* U hlBBdf aad ao UapteM aoaBdaaa*. Be UdB aaaaental aad
Why Not Dress Well?
WhaaOl.M wiU aaean.lbr yoa a tdl aad wialeranit tt
a tally dond* that.
aBWwlUdiM*y*BaplBa*«7ABaaalt.to* IQn yaa have ;
aa a* aaybody for laaa Ihaa BU.M
Oar ge.M ovareeat te a wiaaar.
AUtoaMh*v*«taaafitaaM.M waU m fakrte aad Bateh.
« arttetteaDy mada aad ar* goad vdia lor twiea toa prtoa atoad.
mm momauiB bboobd.
wmi |te voia HoMb abA
feM^naxoiTT' r
b S. Baw
9.9.M^fer. miMn.
J. W. I
if*. tuu>. m>» ■»« »»««•
festwr^""' • s
mtroAblAAn tev*
r tnaa tfa PUUppbMA
ABlfaAnlAAfAirpraApAOt tbAt POAAA
ftBteAABABrtroeBAAWAtad AA BAArty
WfaAlor, wfa lA VaU yOAl
tea aylBliB that tha DaUad •utaa b
Mt BAArty thnmtb «l«k ^ bomtte
mrltk SyAlB. Tha ehlaf fawa fa
teBtiaB will fa tfa FhlUyyIaat bbA tfa
fhBAnlbfnDklAhb AplAUi thAt It
•fllBAt 4Afor4MarlAAlotirA«y tfa
u wm!
>• A ViBA
AMmUm of tfa pobUe oUl aaoa fa .
la^ VAIRSl^iMSCilltelBTC abA'
.forUAAOAM Of 1N»4.|
OM forwUosrriQAOOA fa ImbaA |
•^AborsM'irobwrvAd At tk» rwt- Tbte wm fa MtfaAtSoAfa tfa AabaI
dvAA faro.
• of Hr. n« Bn. OraMorktKWkAtej Hooter ollkt. TtetMUteoolW. OtAWB fao tAkAA fftAAt pteBA iB BtAkr. Oitettf ABd Df. J. A farter Atei l^hMAAtooMAAl Of AttfAOtlAOA ABA tfa
iCn. w. S. KoUr AAd dAorktor Loer
IboIbAa •
of tkto oily. Ate Mr. ao4 Mro J. L. tfa ArATAff*
OibkAAte AroUo OlMo of MAjfaU rAleh aaIAo* rlAtt oitlAA of UIb ^
Int AABbw will fa cirma ob
«oro Ifarl
vtfaAbOAtoBA fasAroA
*>«• Oetofar It. aaA wlU UtndoM tfa
KlacAlAy. Tfa aS^ waa oaa of tfa BotoA OoloAAl L. P. OopaIabA. wfa »H
wltk ABAh A worn rrmetiBr fan laat
aoAt w}A7AbU IB tfa blAMy At Kiar»1A7 ABA tkO AAtAAMd AOABlfa rOAOirAA yAAT. Tfa UUa of Ite tootaro wtU fa
■AByrAlAWAABdoafAlffUiolB hOAor •■nofa abA Soobfarr■" «fa fan*
•c tfa AAWAiw. prABOBtaA kr far. bemrt bit Uolmn UAt yoAr wUI fa OBly
TIrafBtAo. Am i
fa rirmm
WAA SAte by Mr. CfaMor. TfaAA two *”i£^***'d
OB XovAmber 14. a lAotmn by far.
fAaaUto An AMBT tbA BMMt pr«
4 iB KtBffBlAy abA tfair IfaBAA Dlnm of Raw York, AattUod
•‘faekboAA” Bar. DisoB U ABA of tfa
fiBAAt yUtfom ApAAkAim la tha aoaawy
to dUpltr thmlr rAfAn*.
abA ha will fa ByyraalAtAd.
Tba fahabart fllae Otmb fa aUtAfA.
A fiBA oollaatlaB fa rfaeam. wlU ABtar0farlAtSlAdA.OI0A. M. WfaiAAOAtAlB Daaawbar trd.
AaaA with tfa fATAT U Otaaa aoAidtAl,
“The World'A TmAfrow. or a Dtaabi
OAtrolt. io AxyottoA to AlArt for faoA
fa Daatlny.’* will fa tfa aabjaet fa a
fiaa laetan by OfaHaa H. rrmaar, aaJ. M. Tbonit, AAeABfABioA by Ua
otfar ayaAkar fa aatU^ fABw. who
AAB VorlU, Oi OA. M. WABt to MABlAtM
will Apoaor JABBAry 18.
yAAtAtday. Tfay wOl OBUBlt wlU
4 BAW Idaa iBABUrtAlBimaAt for Ub
liUtAry cfielAU 1b rtffArd to VerUa't
fdty wUl fa tka UAIaa' HUitary faaA
fatan work in tfa baAfttAi AArym.
fa faatoA. w)
Attorwoy M. a DaAca ktA rmtorBAA
ABd ar«ry oma fa tha ladlaa b an artUt
(rMB rrmakfort
ABd aarml of tho« pUyoararal ioatruMn. ChAiteA OArllaa wmat to OaAIUaa
Thb AttraettaB will ayyaar
yAturAAT for a rialt
Fabroary It aad it will fa worth tha
D. r. Bosia, fa Nortbyert.«
yrlaa of a Uekot to tha aatlra eTana.
I hanyaaMidAy.
Tfa Uat BBWBar 1b tha ooona wUl
AlfiWmiAa ShAkaay
fa ciroB Marfa lak Bdward H. Frya
fa B-wtoB WUI ylra hb axoAlIaBt aAtor4AdrawBlaek hAa ntanAd traaa
talAwaaV aatlUod. “Bip Vaa Wlakla.”
faw dAya’ rialt At MAAaabrBi
aad thb WlU eloaa tha laaat aorlaa
Mra B. W. Oay ABd Mba K. Oraea
Osy.fa 4Uob. watm rblton han yaatorday.
b U tfa '
Bdlfa BMat^wtaa ABd prfaaBBdjBcbtA ' Mia. Dr. Baydar aad faUdna n
r dlCBlifa tfa Bayirtaa ‘
----------------Mr. aad Mra doha Bhayarl. who
faBfa fa tfa alAla.
• lor UbboU hy hb loyal o^kwa fara booB rialttBC Moote aad:
Mya Oafaayr ]hM hmybt Mtfaiyaa la thb city ter tfa .paBt twa waaka. ratrm tfa hBMfa
Uraad ta thalr hABM at Martoa. lad..
*a Moat abU- }Ad(aa la Ifa irBiwd laat
iBtfadaath fa iadfo OwOay Miahl^ll^ AM fa tfa
(Iran ta Tnroroo City.
Tha yrtaea of tha eonna tlfaate wiU
fa »l.». »1.M ASdhI.OO. Tba lattar
yrtea wlU admit to althar
lawar boa aoaU aad Ua othan wlU
(Ira ebotoa fa aaata U oUar yortloAB fa
Xraa Vat^t TaU oa Him.
WkUaanbtlB( la yattla« tewa a
drira wall at 4ema yaatarday,
Oaorre Stltaa. •rotxa BaneA waa
Atrack by A falllAC Iroa walfkt aad aaMr. 4rekiA Bray of FUat apaat yaarartiy brsload abeat Ua abooldar.
tarday la Tnrana Olty.
I to Ub el^ lAAl aroBlBy U fare
Bar. BobayyU fa Patoafay. wfa haa
on OV THI B»T.
Ua tajary drtaaed.
baaa rbitlBf IB yalamaioo. aad wko
■aw dAWfaiy OtBn fa Banam A Bari pratahad la tfa BrAafaUeal ebarek
faca Saaday. waattB Pataakay yaatarYaatarday
4aatol Rarllafer aad
U fal fa batUatb MiohIfAA Uata b day.
Staybaa fardb reealrad tfair oarilfl.
■htBAlAnfmaerAAcomylAteA jawalry
fa HHierrlUA. III.. CAtaa from Profaaaor Qtawb, which
4taraBAthAtfaBArBnm4BArl, whteb wfa haa baas kara far Ua yaat twa oatIUn Uam to admbaloo la Ua 4db
«BA AyABAd yntarday AftAr AArATAl waaka. haa ratarBod homa.
4rbor CBirenIty arlthontej
4BAto sput la fltUB( ay tfa Mii
Bar. B. tebbary bb4 wUa. wfa waat
WaUb CampbaU wUl atiaad tha
ynrlaloB ter
iBAt Friday, jBtBrmad ]
atnat &lr at CAdlllAC tbb wnk. Thb
Kfa Ua
day arenta(.
win be Ua ftrat oabbratioa ha haa AtMboBraAiByaf ■
tended aiooe ha waa elpht yaara old, at
ABdF.4. layatewteyawlU MiM Ploraaoa B. which ha ha* mat Ukca part aa miuifor twaira yasi* ba- BlAkaaI^faOartd4
tin Mr. Bart eama to Ub dty aad oaa 4. OrOABA ataru Ub moralac ter
A raiy pretty plUow wUl ba dnwB
•dhUthodak larya mad thifrlac bBalBaaa. A 10B( trip AAAt. HawiUriritte Raw
At Stalnb^'a aton Ub arealay At«:to
TVy fare ABAt thalr lAttat«Uora(AlB York, PoBBoylraab and OaBAda.
o'clock. Mra. Stelafair ■•mte Uc pU>
fara tfa dBAAtflon aarU Oraad
Mba BdiU Bolaomb b yr^aria( u
Ik fa Ua aala will
wiMrfaihi AM#BUM
W pn^ dhalta aad ailUbiy fafahfad
IfalfadiapUy <d tfa
- '
fadBA BtariW AUrarartn, ast (baa,
dptaty ehlBAwara aad aoraltba »
Japnlry. baaldaa
;iptehaa. akato ABd A ApriBkllBC fa
walaahU dlalKUdA
Bararal saw Uaaa fara haaa Addad.lB...........................»triBr
ateamyBBd aUkmmbralba. BoUfrast
, tfa SteU Mormal eekeol at YpaiiBBtL
Sra-C. OermalBA asd Mbi Klttb
armalBA wUI roto MaBbtaa Ub
iaf 'to Tbit Mra. BUb Baaudall.
Artkar Baott,osa fa OomysBy M.
(B to MABbiaa today to attand Ua
Is haaar fa OomysBy B.
TMrtydowU raclmaBt.
L M. MbVy and daB(hlac. Hn. Oata
Tfa ABBAAl moatlBC fa tha Mbbl(AB
.ABfanBoa of tfa M. B. abrnreb wlU fa '
balA tbb araak At Lomallir.
Tha ay
paiotnanta for tha yaar Wvi fa nUa
At thb waatUMT. wkleb wiU obA oact
Bar. J. 4. Braody. B,r. K. L KoUar
ABd Bor. 4. J. Bidred ettbbdty. alao
Bat. & StaalA ABd Bar., WhitnaB fa
Morthportlaft yntarday BAOrBlar to
MlHIcmt Dlras Away.
It b orrtalnl
klnly (ntlfylay to the Mbof one CDDOOTB Id tbe land
an not afraid to be (eoarocia to
saedr aod nfferiny. Tbe yreprlaof Dr. Ktiiy'a New Diaoorerr for
rb* aad Colda,
CoatBapUoa. Conrb*
Coldk, fare
(iTes array orur tea
M millioa
millioB trial botalaa of tbb (n-at tordiciaa.
BM-dicba. ant fan
bai abUi« aatiafartion of knuwlny H baa
lolntfay cared tboiwandk fa bopabaa
.bina. BroBcbitia, Baaiaeall aiaaaar* of tfa Throat.
Cbaat and Lanr« are aarely epnd
it. Call cm Ue DrnyrbU^S B- Wal
and 3. O. Jobnenn and (et a trial boteta. Bffrabr aic* 50e and SI
battle (nanntoed. cr price ra-
fadlaa, e’aaa your kid (lorea
MUbr Oioreilaa. It b sot a Umold.
. ba aaad
Ua (Ion U on Ua haaA Per aala only
hy damn g: Johbaoa. Drayrbi.
bUbeity. tfa follawbc clarfimaB
WUaoB MacBl*
City; Jabn BedyaU, PaUakay
ktt Smib. Boyaa City; B. B. Tall.
Tha*. Ralld. Elmln; A. W.
Ycatarday afursoon lllUa Heary
Hull fara a party to a fe4 jJarenile
TbltlB(Mr. BUBbyhaoBk.
Obariaa BoaaaUal fa tfa «oam frUnte b bo^ ed hb friaad Frad 8#>
fa Oraad BapUa. wfa wlUbare for
hooka Uday.
Mra. Bra Baoor and aaa wUl ban Amoar Ua saw pnplb fa Ua Bl(h
aehool caroUrd yaaaUrday. ware HidUb morale ter Oraad BaM* aftar
Tbit fa aann! waaka wiU Mn. Saaorh aayaad Miaa Vaa Bore, who fare ropanab Mr. and Mn. W. 3. Parkar.
eeotly oomo horo from Liacola. Koh.
The famUy fa Oharba Paianoa ar- Mr. Vaa Bora eatarad Ua tcaU aad
"Wbaa8.BaBdaAOo.tett*t. ipBaoe
tfa Saalte Lyeaam at tfa meat:
ShtyfaShlMnP^k®*****A. V. Frtairish hae boachMa Baate A aroolar, Thbmaatl
Bicycle Sundries
My work ia fint oIbm and prices that u» in reach of sU. 1 sn
•» all times to take <sre of.....................
the trade. X* make
a spedal^ is
HraziBf, VolcaBisuig and XnameliBB. A Am ttae of vha^ fir sale
J. O. XLLtS, 811 Frcmt stnet, «asU
low aad Ua p
Into Ua fund far takprarbc Ua
Ba1shrew oaaMtcry.
«»t Alda fa tfa nar and b iltud a
m»j fairati ofiea aad ad)oiBiB( It a
tMbtafaBAAd ter tfa BByaeklacof
gM Ate kiBdrad wark.
{JCfa BiAw ttora b BOW raady ter bmai'
mm Bhd It CAB aately ba
«fat tfa Brm wUl fara a amceUe wbbk aad will make Ub plaea Uelr tioma.
Hwir^ and aomet,boabaaamaU- Tkay are ooeayylaf Ua rcaldaBaa at
eu Wwt SaroaU attoot. Mr. Pataraon
b acaat ter tfa OettiaakAB Brawtaif
ft O. T. S tVFFBB AMD BAHOB. Oo.faMllwaakaa.aBa b makbe Ub
At Wklek Haasah Bttba VUl fa Ba. city kb
Fraak Friadrloh b oal fa Uwb ob aa
tartaUad Brat fa ChATBA.
fal laapoeUaf trip.
; Tfa Udiaa fa Amaste Blra. Ro. Ut. tmala Aadaraiwfa Omoirn apeat a
It O. T. M., will (ira a taa-oent anypar faw faaia ta Ue dty yaatarday.
BMay trom4:M p. m- Tfa erealAC Bohart Baaetafl aad wile fa Aral,
arm ba daroted te dABcby aad card arm rblUafoU friaadkaad meqmalatgtaylSf. Tfa hire alao axtaate a
AMk UUbcity. Mr. Baacrofi
Blal larltatbB U Ua Bawaak BlAaa wall kBQWB hare aa baib Ua ploaear
BfawUlbaplaaaad to
■ - ----- of Ubra^a.
•wdaUfaUamfraafa charfa.
Arthar D. SaoU and John W. Boott
fa Oompaay M, wUi attoad tfa paaea
QaooB fa Ua Xokaa Balaaaad.
eaUbratloa aad fair at Manbtea Uli
.•XU Qbm fa Ua fakea, owaad by weak. Tkay will laara bare Ub moraIj^tab A. B. Johaaum.
IgH. D. OampbaU A '
Boa. W. H. Fbater b U Uc ridaity
___ __ for a claim fa SU ter alaetrlo fa Praaktert ob palltlcal aad la(al boafriria(MdSatBimarmoaBUy patoataa
nrr---- Tfa matter waa tetbfae.
SKily aattlad laat alght by Ua payyyaat fa Ua aceooav Tfa boat will Ohaa. ThoopaoB aad family fa Orcoa
•^for Oraad,Sarea Ub moralof. Lake arm aboat te mora to Oadllbe.
,fharaafawiU (o aa a rmaaa«raad Ob Ub aeaomBt Mr. Thompaea haa ra■tv batwaaa Oraad Baran aad abrmad tfa ofiea m6rn\
r fa that
OnmdrlUa, aotu Ua drmdclar fa tfa tewaakip.
gtnf b aomplate. wham hrlpa bom At a raaaat moatlas fa tfa tow^ly
flnmd BapMa te Ua lafa wlU ba tekea board, WUUk Wi(hti
teSUUa f
OowtUMSkMOhUBhltea fa «•
Mr ill
. SVvouVd TcnvVui
oi cotter
ooea to eomo. '^oo voutd bo
wVse to aattcty&to ^oot ^twe
TDamts ti^ tbo Cape arvd ^aoVet
homr sdocttooa
oartt^. tSe b&no m&tvh dotlrabte sth\06 tVvat tbo loanuiactuTerk are aVreadh mcttitltTvt me
eammot bo dmvdteatod Vater Va
tbo eoasoa. *100 oaa moot amti
yTtooe,bat aToner^etroatl atVraia
&b.00 to &U.00.
Bpg to announce tbe early compUtion of Fepairs
to their mill, which ma^es it the most complete null
in Michigan.
It is ready for operation on tbe new
crop and we are pfepared*to manufacture the finest
quality of flonr at tbe minimum ofexpense. Onr cus
Only $1.50.
tom department has been supplied with all the latest
We bare a few of those
fine shaped seat. Arm Rock
ers that we are selling for
$1.50. Don’t delay—it is a
to our customers, both old and new, who may favor
improved machinery and we guarantee satisfaction
us with their business.'
hb a’ktar Ua alarcaU (tmde.
Prof. C. K. Borat wUI leara Ub
moralac for da(laaw aad ramalo there
fora faw dayt before Joinlay Porter J.
Wblia’a "Paakt” oompaay b Detroit,
aamaaleal dlivater. Prfaeaaor Borst
will rmtela htaatadb at Ua
fa Mrm. SMtaoB. oa Wi
aad ratmra hero aest Hareb. whaa ba
axpreta te roemmo kb work ia rlalla
Geo. R. Winnie
Dp-t04lale Painter
aad Paper Haager.
Shop opposite Kagle office.
No Comparison.
The Dal
fa Sactaaw deea not toU yoa wbatU^
expect to da. Tfay rater to wbatjfay
hare doae aod arm dolB( dally in Tfar*TSifaoa atock la______________
byaUer*. Wm are bercsaarmaaeaUx
aad CAB faak eretyUlac we my. Yoa
deal dtroot wiib me b maa of aoddaat
or tlokaeok. Tfarm b ao aompa
WlU oUor aempaaica Look ap
a; oar
Ibf thoa aompare Uem. fatter
<r>t a pdby: It domat coat mack.
Bujam,rK A MoOcmmcK. Dbb M>(ta.;
ofica JfaBMm bioU, Tnr-
House FamishiDs .Store.
gGur Offerings
I -N Furnitupe
Dasame Uausaal ttraatioa.
exclusive with ns, that :
[ for beauty have not been equalled. ■
'■ We make particular mentiou of SEED and BATTAH FUB- i
; EimKE. Aside trota a floor Ihll of beantiflil creations In :
: this material we make prices equaU^ as at'ractlve.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house .this fall or '
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your j
■ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity :
1 to do so at a very litUe cost We want you to see the goods ■
- in any event
|jli«Hj(fc»i»**i »ii*H*** *•*»»•§■
Some gIkkI Stories of F»ct Md Foocy Coodeneed •
For Boey Readers.
«««»»« ***** ***********
—PIWjBM t4. twe.
, i*.f<M*.’
I tha *ia
7U D^imI tUMa, U la a*Ma*aa4.
faaa nplM ««tka raemt M«a of tka
rarktah foraramaav doaUalaf to a*
eapt TariMT'a ra»a>artoa of raqiOBal'
bOity far Um AMctaa* looaaa darlof
ttoAraaotia iroaMaa.
■oday Blfkfa teat did bbA dav
aai ap to arltkla a abort tlfaa kafora
aca i* Iko aoaUan partof t*a atato.
hte daatk walkad aa«oa mtlaa U tkc
Oara toaaty aUtea tbo yoaafoat
ta tbo alata ia tbo
Fom«r Bavoy So Ohiaa 4ta
PhUlpida* OMotfen.
f Bolfovai M Woald
Bat» «mt.lKMiba«otTo BatMa
Tha Ifioada, At teat tka blend
THty Came
to terms.
Waaklagtoa. D. C.. Sopt. ll.xCtailat
Danby, farmar MlBlaior to Ckiaa, Mya
«•««*• flaM «M. bat tkaVaitadlluteaBkoald kaap all tba
l^ilipplMa. Ha .aid loot oTMlar
Mr. and Mia. Awia K-iaop. of DowVanaao(AaaB.dUriak.wbo«aa r*
Two diBBU who wotkad Mde by Mda
I'Tba aaly qaaatiao kafom foa AmtBirlae. kara Vaa aairiod forty yaaia in tbo foa. pit tall dot ovor a girl and
by tfca eoaaty
. a»|rtatad
teadl- fMaaadfoneak waaoboUiar forafor. Mr. AUriak ia aadao* Mia. Knapp
. to All a
thia p«f«nunaat okoold hold
iial waaki. It was laaflaUa tatva to/
r oaljltyaanal^
ooly tka Uaad of Laaaa or uka Ika
Oapt. Bari DaWitt, i^dfodatoaa both of tkM. tor tboy had lallad apon
Oowltl OUa sad Mlaa Look Barin.
aacdi otb. fo rpllera tba bMlBia of wort wkala proap of tka PbiUpptnda.*'
f daiMktaf of Jad^ liawraaBi M. Bartea.
la tba mlaa, batoaltboraaHaad iBoUaod
Mr. Daaby baa jaa) raurakd tea
was aaa of tba to maka tba ftM tttmnpl otWaMllla.> oMUdod wbllo bforela ridiat at Kata- Saatfafo ta Hair
Ohfo* aad eamad teat tea tha Paelfle
' ■aaoo. aad Miaa Barka aaaUlaod
' yeaacaat, If aot foa
tice. aod ao tba ertraage ----------aaly U
ia tba oolBBtaar aarViaa ia fba raeaat
tba aldor <d ‘ D*l^t fo MO bis aoaa, wbe teas bora
war, bilaf baialy le. yaaia of ara.
Lao KDlaa. of Labaaao. was aari
tbe two oaaa ap to bia oompanloa aai lathawar. Haarrltad korayeaforday
Toaac DaWiu was tba oaly
ly if aol fatally iojarod by Wiaf raa 0^ Harry K. DaWtti. of tba Mas- laid a paody, aapaaMra Udy’a wiim momtap aad bad a loap lW(drrtaw with
Praaldaat MoKlalay thia
eoar by a kany •kUa rMlay bU hfoy
ka^ tra dapartMoV Ha woald belt at bit fast.
••Whaftthat far, iaokT* ated tba Tkay did *ot diaeam the PbUtpplM
flfo Bo baaafao oataaffM la tba bar
hara fradnawd frav tba I
olbcr awkwardly.
qoeatlon. bat Mr. Daaby c
ta wkaol aad waa oarriod ooaaral
hl(h aebeot la tba elsat a! ‘V8. bat laft
■ tiy tby look wi*. owd rtewa la a rary poolUra
kafora kaiac axtrleatad. Tba bleycla
aeboal to fo to tba teat.
I Jaok. ‘*81. arooMot
"My owa rlaw fo that wa akoaU
wMaaoaplota wraak.
J-weph aad Mortoa H ManbaU. of take It fro’ me.
PalUp"Wbo wooida'tT’
Tba potato wm bad koootaa aaeh_a Oia^ who want to Alaaka laat feb-I.iian>ow.wnoweo.
pinet.-laid ha.‘ bat I may bi mfotak
paat akoat BatUa Orark that farmm roaiy. bare boM aaordnod by iUorea.
alappsd my face when Ab dfomd h to aa aba« tba wtodom of arnk a aaarfo.
kMO bad fo aaplay awo fo pick tkoM I ^ utter raeairrd tiom a frtend of Ue bar and and ma if Ab toeft kw for a It foaimply tkajadpmaotof o*a man.
off tka Tteaa. Wlthfo ^ fow weaka a I .ea atatra that thalr bkdiaa
and he may be prtjodfoed by lonp reMI fly haa mada Ita apppatusoa > (Mad la tkelr aalalac akaaty oa Coy Tbee^faar 'wIMtoak aa' tea'if tka daaeefo the far Baa^ where be haa aetkot daatroya tba.woraa, aaaalnr aaeb i ^
fares any better."
qoirad cnapparafod riewa of tka imbibwiap into the apirit of tbe tblng,.
«)Mai.*a.fo»tk.forT* Tkaflyj
caWt tk. ... of tkfa. tk«.
partaaoe of that partot the wortd in
tbe yminpar oolUer eongbl the plrl aad
la *at larfor than a m^alfo.
, nad dollatakaab
d/orvba edfetad bar the bal^ wtaiMi abo aooaptad lu fataie
poaifo ■MaroMVm *■ «ka ]
. kaMdtofOoO. TkamoaaywiUkaciwd with pnobJap rapeua.
■Bot I eannot ooeaeiee of nay etntaawor. wkleh daaa&^lato
^ M pay tka capaaoaa at tha aon.Htea
"Ab tbowtao, owd man." atid Jas moMklp In keeping ieee Uma tba fopot. aad this spira ^ cjao>>a abri«t
land of Laioa. Unleaa tha Daltad
... I which waa aaat fo rerate aad eare for
** Uipa aa a fnia of rtaa. Tkafo
"Bat wa*io pall
that tbe taadlap of troops
u;~. «■.».
i^ia, aient waf
fo tha FbQIpplacs wm a great mfotaka
.warm, aatll thara b potklap laft of It
ofotamp ptwruan mr taam- ^
"Beytbec,” anunrcd tbe laokyonltcr 1 might my one of tba meat atapaad'
iaba Oorey. amplspod U tbe Eatey farreotly.—London Telegraph.
If wa ara going fo oarLiaafonaat W. J. Watson of Maite. faofoiy at Ooome. who badbfostomrandar tbena folande back to Spain and
pan. Tkirtytklrd MIekipaa. died in •okratopao^ a saw SaiaiAay morakaep only a aeaiiap atatfon. Admiral
tka Batforwortk batplial at ~
Dawoy mads a great mfotaka fo i*
Dasiat HSiaelair. aped «» yoom.diod foe bow low yoa bare got," mid tka
BapUs Monday of typhoid foror. He
■sMiMiBg fo .MaaUa bay after be had
•rrtrod thara tern Deteit a wook ago, Moodv*ll^tbtMrian, Ha waa tka
Tba prtnmm. * faded, bMtmed M«d> Aaatrayad the dpaafob flaat. aad anr
had a hipk Mtar nad waa not »Ma fo oldest Odd Fellow aad one of tka eldpDOokame. Tbe romalat wtU ka fob- oat Maaona la Mfoklpaa.
taea. Asqfly linad with tba «Mrfc
take fo taadfop troops to MaaUa.
on to Matkepon tomorrow with a MtiA «MBW aammar kofol to fo ho ImUt dMpa^ there 1101 UBpmedfofolfo"Idoaotaaakowtbara can ka any
MBt doaapkbyCt
bolding tka lalnad at
Wkaa aeraoof tka Boar tea. MonBoot Woodford of NBee will ka
Laaan. aad I tkfok wa oa^t fo hold
-Toodefoe fojamfoa. your
l■foaoonnty. boya arrt<
fal bow ka praane for • wkUa, While hamld Utterly. "Icon bearfoadfo-|Ua whole PklUpplaaa. 1 do aot aae
«swartka«itfoaoahad a Wpjalllte
set the otbar Aay be ^am of wreat te teakcnMm, tbe . kow ihme ma be any otkn qomfon
tfoa. wkleh waa kept np *n nlpbt
d hto }tw, aod saflrradptaatly aaortlflUiii of: bedag
befog thn^
htte a batore
bafaro the
tka Amerkna
Amcrfoaa paao.oommtoefonpaaoa oommfoate
a,aodtewpoblk%and ere than Ula. Wbatbar wa okaU kaap
At L'Anaa, Monday. dnaph-Batna. tUltbei onblaed rflarta of foor meo.
te a ezowdad and
apod IV. akot kimeMf noddenfolly two of them doetora eaeeaeded la rea- dmmUlafkn of a ttW
only tka prteeipal found or tha whoU
dingy eonrtroook bat fo to
r a sbetpao. Tbalakd urlap that aolaeky member ta Ita ptw- ■by a pedloe niapittrefo wbo
biewalarpakeUla hn ka*d.«a«ai*r perplaea.
teflnlteoa thal ta, tedaed. a mnshfop
Ta tftkoCp
iaafont death.
Seerafory Alpertold Maynr Maybary iblow.
AadmtkayM him away he placed
Mtaa Celfo Orifttt wlU loavo Ufo dty
Hoar tha Iowa Use betweea CUn or Detroit tbat be would bnee tbe bodling bwi fo kfofaMhcadand aboat foe Mtb foat. for Kaoaae City,
Lake aod Sbtman towneblp tee the’las of oaldien thot died la Cabo aaat
Mou wbare ahe aspeeta fo aafor the
famlHae of two Getaaaa aattiera aamad borne an aeon aa tka —
Gospel Cnioe IwtiWto for a two yaara'
Mfookm aad Brakm. Tkiee <tf tka onoapk.
oaarve. preparatory fo tomlgn mioaloaThai* arc omr one handred MfokiIfood WU*—Ton oaa’t prora that ory work.
Bfoebar, nad aow tba mEfapeiDein of paa aoldiera afok Id boa^tals ia Haw
««e and two oaUie five.
Pm a Bomherof year* past Mfoa Ov|.
joaop Dfo^foer and a daaplfoar of old v«rk. Brooklya aad LoogfeUnd.
teiDg Umba.ii—EaMly. Ton my
A baa been aa earoeat
man Br^m fo
itonlytakm poo two mfontea to •*
mgr^tfomal ahareb cireUa, aad
It to aaM that there fo
afoata tbelblrty foarth bad aot beea yemr hair, AenTt yonJ
tbaae wUl be greatiy
»a WU»-Tm.
•f efokaem, mack of It tppbald maUria board from b» bla fam«y afoot before
MfoaGrUnhatatoo held foe poMUOB
?ving awband—And two mta
nt isfood Laha. bot tbat it to balnp tba aoldiera (eft Oafo.
Be leSanied
of bookkarperaS WilDelm Broa.’'dry
home tbe other day wdbeir proaX jTf.
gaoda more for aome time peat, bat
ThomasOlate, aped 7«. waabarlad Ha had had dlpbUeria laDd baaa n tbe
Iitg Boibaud—Well, tbat'a tee wglvoaign her poeitioo to take ap hor
nt«ao CUira ^ maaoale fodprn Mon- boaplul.
Im't Ml—New York Joncnal.
m PUT T8 M»L
«ba Woifo of Xoaaatikattec Ooodi
of the Wor Itoaa Mot Boem
Bpneval *«*>« V«Mi of Votoortel
Cbrl flmkb and towU I*m. tooth of
.< IS. a- rtlv-..i,uCo<m. Cbk,v. E«
si., s.. ..kM hr rntIUmt M.K1.1V '
!■ >k.
to anfial mombonhtp oa tba propoaad BncbafCa mptda. at tka ontlet of Lako
a tba admlnlB'
dobaa, by tbe npaettiap of
---------------------teatlosofthewi____ ,_____________
. ! nn va Tte we^oa a belldqy tonr.
■ I shot
have now dadIntA fo aacaa. tkey«ra: Atlow watm- thempUa ara aftai
90.01 SckublA S*krtT. UMklD.lkJ t». I.Sl~i b.l Ui. -.Ur k.iv
Sk.’S.uur Maederaoa.
S..l.r«>s Coloaal
CoU.9 LaL. I W«A. «k. (riM-oM«ua U U, W.
mont and Oeeer.l Gordon.
| •«
^ “*• ^ iootnalfofo.
Uanmal On^e. Coloael geartoo aod j Whoa one eanoe apaei the otbg- want
Frotecw Oilman are tbe oaly thraa teifoaaaltianoeandwaaafoaammpad.
iBoth tba poUea were drowned.
Btelonb Annie
Haoda, OUfblaliia. Oama,
Sniptlona. aod posttealy
nrno parmqolrad. It is
Men 38 eeata per bw™*Bbr
mUbvJ.O. Johnson andI^B - -
3B3I Assfol bearMsM via & K. A X
Ts lUltefol ScpfoBktt »tk: It
Xmeky Tip Olte.
TipOldeletbe proad own w of a fine
aw bamom. wbiek was vaAad a
faw days cinoe at Oraad Bapida. Ha
bald one ehaaas on it wbfoh he boaght
enveral weeks ago of
paying oa* Aolfor for It. •Tip waavary
ae wall as pUaaed
oitosabalancwed-foat babaUfoawUnlng Uekat. He reeelvad tka karaam
Bleyde Girl. H. J. Moipan'a
marc, baa b*ea antoi^ tafoamc
bebeld at HanleMe foie week aad will
be taken to that place today by her
trafoee. SImer MeC^. Will Lafayette
will go aloag to uke care of the hi
Or. Kean, who U fo Berope. hae sot | The ateaaaar BoeaUc haa arrfoad
Dcttait aad (Uslmge Oct dth.'
jat raapoadad.
Seottle from flhariiey. Afoeka. wttb flO
The u B * 1. will rivr their aeDnel
'aba praeiaont hae deformiaod that pamsapere from Uawaan. wbo bmofht etcerBloB fo Riebontid oo September
II take a
I. end aboat halt a million doUare la geld 17th, and to Detroit and Chicago oo*
wMk later. October ttb. Tirkata will
vhiU bo fo natarally dfoemararad over dset and drafia
be ec<d at foe rat* of fo 00 to Biohmood
«ke refaeal of more than half the mea } ^urnt afo haadrad
aod D'imli,aadd6.0oto Chicago. CkUorlploallyaaltadM ooadoe*. Khewlll ^hU^^ were elth.a bOraed site or draa aodor 11 yeara. half rate 'ItekOtmUaae bU eBortt W aaeore a e^mnfo-,
m foe ootbmak fo Crete eu will beaotdfromalUUtloaa. Mackloow City to Big Bapida. iaelaalve.
•kwaompoaed of maa of pfogloeooe^i^^
nad otasdfop. All the pereou whe
fotroUlap aad
ap ah« pond Jar reiattt on regolar tralna tor
are temlliar with tbaae efforU hare
**^£etrolt. cboma of Iwo rooUa will
kern roqeeatod sat to temleh UformaBev. {Uaaibal ioodwis of Kawark. be rives: Oee ria F A P. M. retlroad
from Bred City; foe other. vU D..Q H.
tipa W the preee aa fo daelfoationa.
K. J.. aged aeariy to. af<
A M. railreod.from Grand Beaide. For
Tba peaMdeat balform tbat If tha
for It long yeara to prora that he fo Oblvapd the ronte wUl be vU Viekeborp
I day today
tha arlgiaator of the kadak Aim. moah and the Grand Troak ayetrm
tba aamaa of tbaae wbo are aekad to aaed for
For Um* of trains and farther infarphotorraphic
serve aod doclfoe. other mea wUl, aa a ihroaghoot tbe world.ka* Jest meelved mavloa. apply to G. R. A I. ticket
ngcBis, or add
matter of pHda. rafaae fo aealathlm.
word that tbe patent aetberltUi i
nltbooph their fodfoaUoaa might be
igfoa bare raeogaiaed bla etali
and gnolod him a aafooL ‘DiU wUI
maka him a milUoaalm.
therefore, sot be made pablie nntU tbe
By alaettoB reforaa it U eatlmated
body hae been oompletad. It U tbe de
nim of the adminletrelioB to have at that foe Bepeblieaa plamlUy ta the
lasat aoven members eompoae the earn- BUta of Maine oo the voU for governor
mfoalon, bot If that aomber nt eoltahle will be between 30.000 aad SS.ooo, Thle
man enasot be aecorad. the fovastiga- fo aboat half tte ptnmllty raeatvad by
Ooveraof t^wentwa yaara age, aad
tim wtU be coodacted by dve.
The prealdaat hae aeked WillfomC. aboat two-Uiirda the plarallty of UOt.
Tbe Womaab Otrfotfoa
Badieottk of Maeeaoboaetu. who wee
rtNe^ aad alao the
• daring Clevelabd'e anioa of Newport
protaet to Him
B tbelatata orpaaisatioB.
Tka namm of Charlea} Loiter of Ckieapo. M PreoidaBt MeXiaDe.by.lmmaeiymlBfovartoChtoa. aBd;lry aod Secratary Lo«». apafoet foe.
Ifott W. Banaom, e*-aenaler and et-|om of ekampagse In abrialeafop **-MlnfoUr fo Maxioo. ara bafop oduid-: lUiaola. mad nrpe foe nsa of water.
mnd by foe praMdeat, bat they ham
sot yat baaa Invitod fo aeaapt
the tedoa Dfttly Tftlgrrftph mya that
ih^wiiera almoat paale
Hwvy Parker wUl go fo Grand B^da Btrlekea by foe dieialmal of LI Haag
tote fo amor ft baftlaem eftUape (UftogfnmpHe* by foe emparor of] Leofoca U tbe wortd for lie. Open ell night.
dUpatb.w have
-tkWito, .
Close Out!
Men’s Pants
That never Bold from lees than from three
dollara to five dollars going at a price
which ought to sell every pair in one
See Cur window ftill—Step inside and look
up your size—It's an offer yon oannot
afford to miu.
Farm and Draught Horaea
t have received a car load of Vr
farm and draught horses from Chi
cago wlUch are at my sale staWe
on State street.
^ Morses to suit all purchasers.
Watch This Column For Bargains!
For Yobt School Ms
Fifty Cents 2£ra'S3r.iA“.”'t.TFS:.Sii”‘‘"
Ouard Chains
Furniture Bargains ^oSSZ,
Columbian Restaurant SJt™
A Thousand To One.
make yes a enit or an orereoftt rquaf
la atyU, fit and trimming fo an "Adlar" rcftdy-fo-waar garment, bot Be
wUl bare to eearpe you doabl*.
doabl*. for bla aervl*«e.
B*c»b«* be fo bat oo* I
a factory
. fi
fa11 Where
b* m> »k*e
oae aoit. tbe factory makea a tho imad
or more.
Aad hfo ki rirdge aad akIU
I BO greatar than tbaae of the feefory deaipBen and toOOTa. while hfo
te^ttoa tor baying aad manafa^ararc bongbt la vBBt qnaaMttoa for eaab.
Wa poiy eaab aad eoU ter eaab. Every
advwi^. foorafat*. to aeearwd by tba
wearer of -Adler" Olofotap..
Ji0»»nro iiBoo»i> WP«—PAT, nmtmn i*. ia9«:
iB ditwtiag tb« odtocte e< Ifca port
«l How Took tP Ate u apiKrt torn
«b. mppntaooot ncttUp
sUy Bwdaby
Hwitceriand, the tnaonry d
' actnated by a deoin to
nacfa a flnai ooDoliwiaB band open the
aC rtl the tecta. It teatnattwtd the BtwrtlMtotheDa]
ttat a talr and Jrut baate rf
Aonld pmail In applying the onatona
- dntiea to iuported gooda. If a oertain
,gUai of gooda are broogbt to thla oonn..%y (rotn 8t Gall, Swltawtend, on in;^etaa-wfaioh nnderaute actnal Taloea,
Htefedrcal goreniment te not ooty de
manded of tea rightful dotiee, bnt .the
' lapoTteca who pay dnliee od theaame
elawof goodaat foil Taloatioa ate made
tberictlmacl an nulalr and mlnoni
gydoportat Wtas-lbo loert tp>
BMtkw OB ortlrtB topofrttiMO rt 81.
abont^aBdtookooDCB7. HtedMirtaa. white
AfiaeMBrir6*7am«f BspBroteUed
Oelealtoe What a good thi« It
seeaB as a linv^, htetosfaa pad teewooldbalt weall eoohlaae oataalvM MT JotM L. Stoddard boa rrttrod
fNBtetetuiwIrtd. T%a ••Stoddard
Ibe OaptelB--ilt eroBld be an bboob- LwturB-have doBt Bora ta bring te
BOB bad thing for yoo. Eh—whyf te
teaoUoterworksta ... ________
acd. Mr. Bteidoad haa derided to
(ToBaboold have BOB the teofc*a
iMtab oil
all hte laetBrao.
laetBran. SI la auBber,
gave him l)-AUyBl^
nod te now engaged teaUlog hte Beetoo publtebera in telr Moduetioa All
of the prerlm Steddard vtewa nte in
hte teetnna, »oa,are bring i*-pcodacad
in artteta. in ele
gant haif-Vms ptetB whteh bring oat
woftbeviaartioa^teUU adoMMod
•a 10 wMia tbopriadptefarwhiob tho
liMWuy deportaatf tfaroosh itenpronftttem in Hew Tack aod ateood had
' ' '
; 8eo>
Bowall promptly ordered!
l^ipcal to the board of United Steton
Thte Hooad i^ip^
wiU be heard by at leate ^zeettf the
I coMca) appraiaoe, and their deoUan te
EnaL It te likely that tfate
hwing will be of mpob greater Interert aaOeeareraceleC. tlirvetfc.________
a oana.auarMfe.
than the tne oemdoot^ by Omni ApGcatear Sharmu, fee the reaooo that
{b«e te In the haada of the gooenment
oSotela a great deal of aignideant and
teadinQay retetlTe to onderla of 8L Gan embroideriea that
baa not yet been made pnblia
It te h<qied that the ootoocoe of title
oSote] trial will be a.................
of the whole rexed qneaUon of the
toma Taloation cf iimportatiooa W
r. OBm*. cur OpTeBou—Bit.
OaU gooda WtaUe the ttnanolal oontidcutioiia are of nohmall importaDoe. it
te of far greaur importanoe that any
obaolete DMboda or
which Imda directly to a TioUtion of
the Cnteed Statea lawa ohall be oreroocne and removed ea qnickly aa pomi*
hie. The loual onatoma cfBciala who
have ao peratetentiy and effeotively
I Gall'nodervalnatioaa
foogbt the bt.
ontaiitly entitled to the oatiafactioe «f
aeeing their loyal eSona crowned with arte.^^v^rwj^toeelli ter nsnlOB' SI
globe en naturally that me' eaa a
hear te trickling of tba falling
arateuehe down te i
rich and m Mwaa iTKte|^_galaoim
broogbt with magical, arttetio tosteh
our door*.
A writer in the Chicago Beeord said
the othar day that Joha L Stnddaid'a
• ahtaAr example of a
eeeesfnUy eoBhiaed I
andclaBio Uteraturo.
Via Ana Arbor railway, Wednei
vtobar 6th. IMS. Thrrilgb eoa
from Traveiae City Leare M. A N. E.
rwii’oaddepot at S:3t a m. TiekeU to
Tol.-do aod relnm $s oo;..................
a to eelU ter Tol>do and polnu on the Wheeling A
tblc. van W«« Lwk • Erie. Br«kiag Valley. Ohio CrnSTTMIb
trwl, Detroit A Lima Nerthem, CiacinnaU. eamilton A DsyL>n between Tr>ledo and Lima and Ohio Ontrwl and
Big Four ronte between Toledo and
Tloketa good to return on any regu
lar train until Nov. 6. 18P8. For-fnil
i T‘S'siJss^.KUS^-isa-1-.:
evila iDi)tet be fomid to eiitt. Within
the paat ate eight tnaothiaome of the
morn ex^rienced and tnatwortfay
mta of the iriwaory dop
been cuganert lDaaiqil<'Dieatingttaoalert
work of tne local coatonii oUaiate at
the port of Kew Tork. Tberehave been
a aocrearion of acarching inqnirica re
garding tbe oteCbode of importing goodi
from bL Gall. 8wicaertend. Umb Imindnatry that aome time ago a ooneapOBdent in St. Gall wrote to an o&ctel
in WaabingtOD that thie govemmtBt
waa ‘’Iwiug IhoBBLde <d dollars annu
ally in cotiseqocaoe of groa UDderralBOtiOBa.”
With on apparent deaiie to eanae aa
' ' '
mea and
poadblo to the importera the ofBdnte of
the United SUtee appmiwn* departBBt at tba port of Kew York priioeed
omfpL By that tbe divorce bnaineB
glvoatbem achancetobocameaoqqginted with aoue of the moat cultivated
and intoreatiiig people of the eoA, and
it te a matter of freqnent reference tbat
MxA Bo-and-K of fiaatoo spent last
winter here, and that Ocaonel 1. of te BB«san<ie>tBK.<irArs4c. Aasme, «1l Kau
_______________ CS*»
regnlar army te expected as soob aa hoa- BfSte earM,
airi r»
There te evidence of
•agian in this divoroe habiL One wom
an. It te related, came here to visit a
brother who waa aarving hte thrw to anlinr Gibbers.
iths' at retedeooe, aod altboogfa she
re uS !«•
•rCo oatl
never tbooght of divcRe wbea te
M girl to eon
of matrimeny. Ifany of te yoong peo
■,m Wasblai
ple of the dty, too, have oome to thiefc
TWarRAMCS—Wboo reti wool Or* or lltc Inthat they oogfat
J. raraec*. reneabw ttot IM Is lb« bostprlvUege cloB at hood, for which per----- froB a distanoo pay ao baavily.
si. Prssklon Plsw Olsss. Mleb., notssi PlsM
. Tbeyfoondompte evidcBU at tbe ontaet that the federal
treaBxy wae not getting its fair abate
of reveonea from tbe Bt. Gall importatiooa. To a oertain enent thte fact wae
dne to fanliy methods which had de
TiBeetoaOny MarkoL
veloped in the ooniB of aevenl yean,
Below te a Itet of tha bavtag and aailhot in nmc nma there were olear indieationi of deliberate nudervalnatiooi of
gooda. It did not take Iwg for the
eiea City:
toBi ofSoera to ascertain that a large
proportion of the iucesandenifaroidBries
aani to this market from St. Gall was
■nt oy wbAt te known as"ti>e cuosignthat te, tbemanitfactnrers' In
6L Gall c<
r abipmenu di
» M
rect to resident panoers in Hew York
1 rt
or to oanBdeuiial agents.
In the alsecce of a legitimate bUl of
atie the shippers were in eaob inetanoe
teoe to pni in their iuvoioea any valnatioB that soiled tiieir poipoae. Some of
tbcB invoicMbaTe (dayed an Important
pm in the anbaeqnsat iDveKigalioos,
aod if in reoent mostbe name iwportna
to Ohkiiefto 83.00.
r tbe llth
lha Northern Michigan Transporta
tion Oe. will Mil round trip tickets
from Travnrae City to ChkagoforSI OO.
Tlekots good nalll Oetebm- tetb.
Ttekemonsaleat te dock ofiM on
above date. 'Phone 86
E. B. PoPK. Agent.
Bicycle Riders.
A Is^ amount of teatimony regmidtag tbe coal of ptodouioo and the mar
ket ralnaUasi of bt. Gall embruideriet
and Ucea bas been taken by Uuit<4
Btntea cnatoma offiiinis both at borne
and abreud. and while the exact injogbt his nut always been
fortbcoiinDg there hate been signifloant
diadusniek cl iU exutuicw and extent
of the nLi.u\:.it..Liui i\ll. turn© wit’ soteca xcD ii*' il
npriliiig Itonkui-se
that they iuvU.-.u lU.ir gc.4is aa low u
they did
Uhcia dJl It." Mote
of thue in\*:.:t.«:« r.eie at Ifwiit 60 per
cuiih.\v(.i lia.c th., I.j,ri;.*r ihooebt
theyrh-UJd111. i-tuh..* o; melaei that
aon.t.»y<4 iht niiMCU-ucieii dad ten|K.:;ir»ctbi Ccii I.1..U Ud lc4igbesB
fa the hi-V.i
c.s.iiui.- ih..ir uupurtntions at
l.iun iLt-.d-U market
valntis thu L-..1U tf ihj Inw'Vork ap" pewteer to ii.i.rtL>e va<u>ut-u« u.i>c with
a teobboni itfuiance.
Some of tbe iupcatera alUged tbat
tiieir pwnlter tettUda i-t talCL.ion had
V tbe eaaciiun cl l-cg cuatciLS nsageat
this port. Tbeywtru told that cmiiK
te {vciisiunsof ihu pieseut tariff luw
te methods to which u.iy cliuig w
BaliWtn] and could not be tolcni
StiU they rudsted. end some even «
00 far as to acense the government ofBBtel who was scvkiug to enforce the tew
• fiopartiaily cl •h«ldicg op” their bateMB. The nu'.horiiHs at Uathingfm-ere tboronghly urfi imed os to tbe .
^ stalb ut uCeira, hnvilig received re
ports irtin vKuel annis alroad wbitei
ach Mip
the uiectioo eff toil
baa beca apheld by te traae-
■rrtafiik ..
............. .
Bemembri- tbat I dooU kinds of re
pairing and enameling, and tbat I eoi
wnd do give yon te beat work of anj
goucmia w,'aNTBD-Lsatss or OssUv one in tha dty for te money. Dob*<
tor ta* bollSsrs. Baek wi bss lost V
be deceived by whnt others tell yoo t<
entSeS ter Uuls SMS te mwB sp tslks.
te contrary, but eoma aad aee for
rrtenaVle te B
I guarantee all my wBk to b
«ovls« srtUihst
Saseeellrrs. WMblscItkeU
If it does not prove ao 1 i
Stop in tUI 8 o’cloek every ovmIbc
except Sunday, In the aaldwell A Lon
don bnUdlng, at north end of Unto
^#’1^ ••
bates of Taloation fv 8L Gall goods tiie
nant apmteer
o find oot as nearly as pote
powible the coat
t production of the goods. He nacnrally nascaed that with tbe cost of pro.teBotiOB as a known quantity there
-oogbt oot to be much difflcnlty in
' Toaotoiag a baste for a nriform mud fair
valnation of the imparted goedt for coatoms pnrpoeta. Many of tbe mannfaotnnrs mad their agenta. bowever, obJeotad to goiu deeply into the qaestioo
■Bfoo^^ctenctionbo tbegroond that
d^Jedlfy freely on that point would be
Ut dteeloee tbe’‘acmUof thterbate-
Scope—Almost Endless In
Lecture I:—
NOEWAT» 125 IlloBtratioas.
Leetare U:*^he Lud of the ICdiiight 8aa." a
SWITZEBIaAND, no IHostrations.
Lecture HI:lUJeetio Alp* OatUiiod.
ATHENS, 112 lUnstratioos.
Lecture IT:—
FloMtnir Throo^rh History.
VENigS, 90 JllastratiooB.
Lecture V:The City of the SeR.
OONSTANTIirOPLE, 105 Illnstratione.
Colsabtss Bsotsorast.LectonVl:f
The Saltan »t Home.
JEB178ALE1L 120 lUastratioos.
Lectore TilEerthR Voet Seered Spot.
EGYPT, 115 IllustratioBs.
Ever Bamed Oat' Lectore YIIT:—
-Lend of Phacnohe and tiie Sphinx.
a MAomt BOIhB* ter sets. Isqslre of
A Tvstet^gty Leaner Oo._________ SILVt
JAPAN, 125 lUnstrationa ^
If 00 yon know
IXiTbe Awakened An|drete value of
JAPAN, 130 UinstratioDS.
Lectore X:—
A Lend Where Watore le AdoredL
BatBeortBaiiniagrr OBai/CHINA, 125 lUastrations.
o. P. CARVER. Agout
Wbant, oU.p
The Home of Swarmlnff MOIone.
TrmrerM gtr Lswber'
Lectore Xlli—
The Solemn Silenoe of the Himeleyaa.
INDIA, 125 lUostratiooa
Lecture Xm.—
Xwol Paleoee and tbe Taj. XahaL
staaAs asSlelsr seS aistsste el tt
mvhoesrrrsVBdM L
' _>‘THB PABBION PLAT” 100 lUnstrations.
Leclaft XIV:-We Gene With Beverenttal Awe.AOtewerTslek.
PABI8, 120 Ilinstratioits.
It eertnialy looks like It. but thete Is
LecioreXV:The Home of Beenty and of Art. ,
reoUy no trick abeot it. Anybody eaa
La BELLE FRANCE, 115 Ulostrationa
WT it who has Lasse Back and Weak
EUneya, Materia or aervons troi'W^
Lectore XT^l:—
Vine Olad HlUe and SippUng SiUa.
Wa'iM be M en« bimeelf rMt
SPAIN, iOO Illustrations.
way by taking Eiirtriv Bitten. Tbte
Lectore XVII' Tbe Dying Nation and Alhambra's Halle
up te whole ayatem.
s^ldne tones
acta aa a atimateat to the Liver and
BERLIN, 110 IllustratioBs.
Eidneyw te a blood pnriffer and nerve
Lecture XVIXI:—
A Military Konardi^ Home.
tonic. It eorB ueesBpwuua.
OoHtipation. umiHead
VIENNA, 100 IHnstratioas.
ache. fWnUng
and Metencholy. It te owvly vegeULectore XIX:Beantlfnl Wlen-Parls of AneMa.
ble. a mUd laxative, and restores the
8T. PETERSBURG, 90 Illustrations.
BTBtrm to ite natural vigor. Tty EleeLeetoreZX;A Wondrons FFoaen City.'
trie Biltare and be omvlnced tbat Uirt'
tirade ww-aer.
worker. Every bottle
_ e a wirada
MOSCOW, 50 IDustraUons.
Lectore XXI:Her Bella Bing O’er the World.
THE RHINE, lOO Illu6tratjoo&
■Phone 167.
848 Pront 8t»et Lectore XXIT;—
A Silver Course, 700 Milsa.
BELGIUM, 90 lUastrations.
S. * H. S. k. B. Talnaad Afltixt it Ou
Tonriste Love To Linger.
HOLLAND, 90 niustratioDs.
Mantetoe and Maaos eoenty fair at
Maniate. Mteb.. September U, U. te
Lectore XXIV:—
A LltUe Lend of Mighty Pema '
andW.'lte Oaefare tor the .
MEXICO, 50 lUastrations.
trip from all H. A N. E statioM. TiesLecture XXV:Montesaemee end i
ISaad 16. rebu, ____
FLORENCE, 110 niostratioos.
ISM. All trains slop at Fair Oronnds.
Lecture XXVI:The Artlete Dreem Of Thee.
SepMaatotM county day at Mantetre. Sep
We bare for eole Good,
tember M. A speetel train wUl leave
NAPLES. 100 lllnstrationa
Tiwverae City at 7KM a. m . tare Bl and
Lecture XX>ai; With Waters Bias end Balmy Skiee.
ROME, 115 lUastrations.
____ __________________ a at B .
at 10 p. B. F. A. MUchall. Oeaeral
Lecture XXVIUThe Seven-Hilled Btamel City.
PaBeager agenL Manteiee. H. W.
SCOTLAND, 115 Ilinstratioos.
Cnnnlagbam, agent Tiwveme City.
Where Heroiep end Bomanoe Co Hand In Hand.
Lecture XXIX:—
Mot'oete Ta* Fayen.
ENGLAND, 120 Illastrationa
Blah in Literary Aeeociettone.
LONDON, 120 Illustrations.
Lector XXXI:—
, A World-Wide Bmpire’s Seat of Power.
■mdsy sM Prtdsy vT«aJj«B eisseh vMk
ICill Meebinery ot ell deoMiptioiie, indqdiog Two Eoginee,
CALIPORNIA 110 Blastrations.
Set Works, Garriogee and Sew*. A complete Sew bUU Pleat
Lectore XXXIIr-Tremendooa Treee aad VallM^ QranA
COLORADO, 100 IllastratioiiB.
Where Towering Peeke end Oenon*eOroir. j
Lectore XXXIII:YELLOWSTONE PARK, 125 BloBtrationa.
The Immeaaity Looka On.
private affaira" the rBpoBtibility mi
asrely rest open ibe midmrs of each in-'
The “Stoddard Lecturea" Are World
John R. Santo*
Geural lisvraice.
We Would
Like to Call Your Anention
To' the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we are
eeiling. We never had any nicer, nor did any.
body elae.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
AU«C*d VioUfeion cf Twou
«f OapltaUticm at MLaalU.
0««1 BhaftarBaa niad a BaoM
•f BaatAafo OtMpalco.
BUeUcaa- tor Oa^ Baada< Pa., pnparatory to a fartbor Joaraay to Caba
or Porto Bleo lor aa tododaito atay.
tally Ml of toa treopa are trytof
to bato eat at rtaerfally at poaatbto.
Aa aa attotoa of toa
pat It: »l>ay aracatUat tired of playiar aaldiar aad waat to ratara hoBa."
Oovaraor Piarraa aald: “BatotlvM af
the bayi'of toa Thirty Bf to have ovarraa tote offiaa iBplarlar Be ta da aaaatolar to aU the volaatoaia to thatr
•Borto to roio«t<rfvo*acto Oaba
Porto Eioo. Tbay are advaaouc
•arto of aaeom for to^ aaaa or toothla BOW at OoBp Bataa.
••A paUUoa kaa baaa raaaivad by na
siraad bp aboat baU too Baabara af
tllk raaiBoat. atolnr tkat tooy ba al
lowed to ratara koBO. Tkoaa foUowa’
•aly aaoata te praetteaUy that toay aaItotod to Crbt Bpaoiardt, to draw btoad
ftOB paopU toat kava tonltad o«r »•€■
Tkatb what they aay. Tkay doa’t
oraal to to w»Ty aa rtofteoe detail.
I ■latof Opatatar Taaead
Away at Oaliaaat.
Ofoelolw Tao Haaam aaeeoa
OaloBat, Bopt. ll.-Capt, Joha Oaatote of the Oaeaolo Btae. te doaA Be
• aad toa Bnt
of toa 1
■aa to ad fooato toa atoktor •< ptoP»Aoalar'ebafu.
XiAiraa Boapitol Tnto Ziaft AtlaaU mtfc Thirty BietoBeldton.
Attoato. Bopt. U.-Tba Biohlraa
bopltelteatoatartad bom today with
aboat thirty fery weak bat kappy Baa.
A M^raB WM raealved froB the war
4«pMtmaitotahaipMtoloara of the
MtohiCM ■
Praak Whltaay. oaptoto of OoBaaay
0.otMaak«aa.te aary atek with ty*
phoUtavarattoahaBaof hit paraate
Mr. aad Bra. a to WUtaeyaf Dlrtetoa
aad te wwAiW alaapUae alitott >
dMtoUy abet to tba
froatkt to too hooMtal ben. bat died
Uatairbt VUta aad aaotoar maa
wan banttor. y
SirhtoaB Par Oaat of Aa
Are Down With Dieeaaa.
•pami lota aeuara BaowB.
FOMB. Bept. II.—Baperta abow tkat
l.nt. ar II par oeat. af tho Parto
RIoaaarBy. e atrlekaa with dtenar.
Two. ■ (d yellow fever naaltad tatally.
Aaka Tkaa toOra Up Tkeir Artos
vda Caba. SaptoBbar II.—
Ltealaaaat Ootoael Bowaa aad Oaptoto
Sarknor of tba Bnoad arttllary aad
Ooloaal Oareia, ahlef of atoff to bte
father. CaUato Oareia. arrived ban to
day from Olbaia. Tkey broarht ward
to Oeaeral Uwiea of too operaUoa of
Ooloaal Oareia told Oaaaral Lawtaa
bte Caibar bad baea exerttot bte partoe CaboM to
lead toam to tora tbetr arm over to
toe Amrleaaa,to ratara M tbair honn
and rot# work. Oeaaral OareU bM
told tba Oebaaa, bte mb any*, that toay
have aototar to caU by ntoialac tbair
arm aad reatettac tba efforta of tba
ABerleaM to reatora order aad aelaV
Iteb a atobla
^baaaaat to* oAoera of bte etaC
bam to apread bte vlawi aboat the
aaaeaatty of iBandUtoly dtebaadlar
Ooloaal Oareia aald avarythtor at
Olhan WM rnaalac aBaoikly. Hw
father bad
to* aBoant of BM.MO wbea be oawred
toa town. On learalay a low daya
Utor toat toe peaee pmtoeol had beaa
aifaed be pUeed toe moaey U to*
beak, toberetoraad to toe b*b who
ooatribatod It. Thera b a |raa* aeardty of provteloM la to* town, aad
BBcb aicka*** aawaf tbs poorLteataaaBt Oolaoal Bewa*. OaptoU
Harkaer aad Colaaal OweU all argad
Oaaaral Uwtoa to aaad fraab amt ta
tba wwa. tote baiag badly aaadad to
■apply toe Blok with breth. Oeaaral
wlU uk* etape IsBadUtoly t*
aaad relief M Oibara.
At Vioana, l.MC luUana Who i
aBplayod oa tba ■
d to avert a popalar Stotutry-aigh ggd*^ at mderate
Tbrowa rroB Bte Borao Toataiday to ravalt
B. L^'a^VUedt.
Tba Itollaa tBbany at Vieaaa te
raardad by a atr^r body of Infaatry.
Loadaa. Bapk ik—Nat Ooedwto, toa
aatad Aetarleaa aetor, ^^lla ridiar to
toaaaaateyyattorday aaar Woalrleta,
wee torowB froB bte boraa. Be aaa- WiU Haro Baited Prom Baattaro Thte
totoadtwobadfraetureaofa Iar- Ha
Weok,Toretoor With Tallow
totoadad to taU fOT New York today.
Baattaro de Caba, Bapt. ll.-Tba laat
oftoaSpaateb prteoaen at.OaaataaBZr riBB AT OHBBAVIVB.
.pi Oananl FareJ* and bte
VOiMf Vaarty Wiped Oat Teoltrday BtoSaad airbty bob wbe an varydok.
btva aallad for bo^a. Tke oaly Bpaateh troope mow in toe pieviaee of' Saa-
Obaaaator. Mick., BopV 11.- tkte aBB.- Ikon an 1.000 af tkM at toa
vUIare waa aaarly wiped oat by Bra at
plaoeaed 1.700 at toa Uttar.
aooB today. Tka loaa te aver BtS.OOO. Tka Bpaateh tnaaattaatte ataaBon
BboII iaaaraaea The ftrb eaarbt fioB Baa Anraetta aad Baa Fraaoiaeo are
to to# harbor here awtiitor toe arrival
of toa tioopa at Oaantoaema. wbea
pBovouaoBo A pa:
(bay will ptoaaad toltbar aad take
Aad Vo Attampi Waa Bade to Aa- toemo^board. The aattie Ut will
have called for Bpato bafere toe end of
■aaalaate OnaaB WUbalmtoa.
too wMk.
apMtei «e Tniloanat aaeoBB.
Ooloaal EUy eaye that tba ooadl
ABttcrdaB. Bapt. II—It te aaBi- of toa ma aeot from Oaaatanaao
o&oially aoaonaoed that toe raparta Boat wrattoad Tbara wat aa apldaBieotpanowfavaraBoar toam. and
of toa atumptod---- -----^
a are withoat feoada- tkay were dyUr dl 1^0
aevaaty a dty wbaa ha waa than a fortai^tafo. BUty-iva Baa died oa tba
VATOB HOAB VAT AOOBPT. wharvaa toa day the boapitol ahip Baa
BaMvad Va WUl Take Plaaa of Am- Ireaeia WM loaded. Tba aoffartore of
tba BOB wan aeeoatoatad bpttiaaeare. baaaaAarBay.
ityoffratoBtoV Nobaaf wm to ba
WaakiartoB, D. a. Bapt. it.—Tka had. Ooloaal Bay wm toreed to kill
praaideat baa aot rlvea ap hope of parkBln daily to anpply the
aoadtor Boaator jBoar of Ifaataekoattu
to aoaapt toe ^>oa to Borlaad. Be
te arrl^ Beadiv Boar to aoataat to
Ookmal Bayb eoeeeetar, aad
toore aeoBa to be rnatar hope of
OewgreMBea Dto^ aad Bead Vacan BOW toaa oeeaa waakt are wbea
ealy dUBeal^ to the way of aeoartor Parttaad.lfe., Bept. It.—The fall BeBaaator Haarb oooaoat te toa ooodlUoa pablioM Ueket hM baaa alaetad to
Matoa. Tba
bte baaltb. It to roanlly
Uewallya Fowara; e
toa aBdate of toa roveraa
I^B^aW Bmrto^ O^offc Baa. Pint dtetriet, TbeBae B. Bead;
Baoaad dtetriet, Neleoa l^ry: Third
7^ toa Navy Lear*
------ r froB Mean '
dtetilat,Bdwto 0. BariolrkrPoarth dte
triet. Oteriae A. Boetotla.
If it tarns warm
this week
of am Upper Paatoaato
LBAder of OabAoB Do«B Hot aeitteiwTMWnnaiaaoiae
lUBbar II. —DleotaU
II.— Oaaoral
flkkfMr Mttoialtha i
AcbImMo DmUn« to
B«Imm4 Ul» »ftofmoMM4 Mtalttod Ui f- Beliadn the Abedtota BoBlaiea of
Uaitod Blatoe aad VatlnBeai
AUa»tBlA VriMMn M« Btotod port «t too Soattaco eotopotca. Ao
k oovarafroB the bwlaatoc Oabaa JUpabUo Wilt be 1
W too oa* ol tor oporattoM of too arOOooa D«ln^ ArohlrM •>«
Ooattol Oaaetal Peatn «a Part of
Mvdo« KaaMpol ■jmBdorUooMUUwdfai Oato.
Zaanigaato to Dtebaad.
aawUi M Be Ueanae kaeoaa.
•pMlol MTao HoaoiM aaeeia.
Baattaro de Oaba, Sept. ll.'-Aa aaBoat Boar. 86pt U.-A apodal dto
Mtradloted report waa raealved by
potto <iaB> MaaDa, Iram a Bpaaito Oa&aral Whaler
Oaaaral Uwtoa laat alykt to the af•oaroa, oajK ‘•Aralaaldo haanitofatod
toat Oaaaral QeBea baa taadered
That Vfav.
bte rcatrnattoa of toe eoBwaad of toe
.vtdadaa at too toran •( c
Baltom the Xroabto With Bpaia to Oobaa anay and tbat it baa baaa aoBot Badod-Tha Potst of Oaatoa«i«Ur«a, diorafafdod i
,, ~Uootiar orardao Bpatoto tioa wni ba the PblUpptoaa Whleb, Oeaaral Oobu hat beaa |
araiael the Cat
Bo Bara. V* Oaaaat Olro Up.
tor toe ooBtroI of afltlra to toe AboHflrr-t-'
“—-r ■—■
aad bte expIaBBtloa for raalrator
Doeator. Ala.. S^t. II. Jaot attar
hto dteapproval of the “paeelva oabtoo toMrol of kU aaa. Naval Oadot
to toa ooBditiaat taadlar to
SodreraTdaac Voao a Voaad U Wboalor, Ooaana Wkoolor aarpriood a
«wa Vaakagw to too mtror at
partj of triaada hy doelariar ta kl» toe pvaetleal dteeradltlDr aad r«tirait of toe Oabta rapabllc. aa tneh,
SftdiRport. Ooaa.
Mdool aad akanetorUUe MaaBer tkat
BlMdol to Tn Moanao Baooao.
bo did Bot boUovo that too war bo* aad establtehiartoe atoolota dostoloa
, Ooaa., BoptOBbor 11 — twooa too Daltod Btotoa aad Boato had of tbt Doitad Btatoa"
A rraat oaantloa «*aa eroatod today dad. Bo Mid:
The Oabaathara are Book aaeltod
‘•TUo Bpaaioh-AMrioaB war la aot by toa report. Now toe raaonl dealre
jvaat woBiaa wao foaad to too rivor.
toe part of toe Cabaa aray te to
080 wkieh la to '.bo oottlod ao oadly aa
Tkoapparkaltoftoobody wao foaad
tpaoploaratodlBodtoboltova. t dtebaad.
to oat paekaro aad Ika
^ boltova,aoslaooroly aa lovarbaliavad
aaotoor. Tko body wao UoatUtod ao aaytolat. that tola t«voraMoat will toe qacatloa of back pay wilt aal ba
that of a protoaatoaal aaiaa
Idarad by the Atomoans.
kava Boro troaUo with Bpato. Tko
r kaow wkea tkey are
defeated, aad they, that te the
at toe peopU of Bpaia, are of toeoala■OLDXXBB or TXZBTT.nm tea that Uara waa ao aaad for tkalr AvalOBt lUliADB On Aoooont
Of Murder Of Bmpr«BB.
rarBBaat to kava rlvaa apaoi
I>o Vot Xrfka rroopoet of Btorrio-n
Pfaaalod Saba BAottof ta the Btraata
Ba^Amd Balt too JUctoioat Vaat
Of Trmw Aad Traopa Oallad Oat
To go Boai*~Bat too Oororaar ratoaofpaaaa. BetoldBap
reUtodnmaaadTkoyBaat ■ttok aai a rraat aaay baore aro that ha
Loadaa. Bapt- II Bpaelato froB Vibad ao (alto that the
It Oak
woaldboabto to oom to aattefaotary aaa eay that the aatira Aaatrlaa'
tetofariatad afatott
I with toa Bpaatarda. Thte bablaad Lako. Niok.. Bopk lA-Bootoaltatteaaaatoaraaaltof tba a>
rotary Alpor aad Bovaraor Ptofrao to- Uaf oa kte part te baaad^^tha PbiUpatoatiM of Bapreea Bliatbatb. aad
~ appetod too oavp tola attoraooe aad
vlotoat aatl-ltaltoa daaMBatratioaa
oral* oatoaotooUoaUy raeoivod. Iko “Bpaia will lafaaa ta give ap the
have token plaea ai TreUto. wkan the
fOToraor ralltod thoBoa oa too raport bUlpMato. aad of ooBiaa,** eaatit
bte laat ttoUaae and aativee kava been flrkttor
that tana ariabad to flaak froa far- too Oaaaral.
tiaoadaty. Ovar baU wito to be atao- warde. “vra eaaaet Ihlak af aato a to toaatraeto.aomtlBaa aalar rayoV
toes ap aad wUl aek
torad oak bnt they will kava to atay. tolar aa
Bin daatoe an rapartod tbara The
Now that ,toa time ia aear at head Pmidaat MeCialay te deeply aad
troop* wen oallad oat to aappreae the
far toa d^artaia of tka Iklrty.ftfto rtavalyooaaaraad onr toa altaat
T*o<W "•
They Go!
A lot Of them at
Bead* A Oo.’a aatln aboa atock
boaghtbriMsttOtoWeante aa
tba ddlar to new bdar daaed
oat by a*. Bhoaa balaf aeU at
law UBaeaat at BaUag. TkUk
of gotttv Vonb gt ebOM at gl.M
aadllea'e «t-M aboM atfl.u.
Boya* ebaa* at etc. Tie aad
Me. Ladle*'ta* abeaa ese. »«
aad Me. If tern* aad CteUdrea'a
aboa*. wa atU at what etban pay far tom. Blggeat abM
Bale oa raoord.
Pofilw Sin Httse.
kb oar ba«
help yaa Bake year reo^ toak attnettva forr too tear*
290 Fnnt 8ti«et
To tnra out oatj tine best of work in PICTUKS
Martiliam Rloct
I «and the most
surprising thing
Is the price.'' TUa ia referring to thoee twW
• Ladies’ Fur Collarettes
Wa've jaet raodvad from th* BBaafi
fare, aad ear popalar low >
'dtepUy of tooM geode.
Reliable Dry Goode, Carpet
■and Clothing House.
HasflRgs’ Rnf EstatB AgRRCi.
Good for PraitBateUg.
Oood for Sleek BateUg.
Good for Ooaaml FkrBlag.
■attlMiMta; aU
WUl be add at low priem tor oato; or, an Ung ttm* with aaeg paymeate and vary low lataraek v
Oa O. B A I B. B.
Times of
again and
tbe “plow and the
_pnming hook” rate
the world. Tile lion and temba nay Ue doim togeaier,
bat the krnbe (Cobe, Pnerto Rico and
HaniU) wUl be inafaleof thefion. Inwar
or peace SBLZ AHOBS are at dw froot,
the aeddier and the dtisen wear tiiean to
“make tbdr feet glad." Ten boy them
on a guaranty aa tbe best aboea te tea
wocid for the money and more pei^de a
6BLZ than any other kmda of aboea.. T
wear more, bnt coat no more.
It Is a Man's Duty
To Dress WetL
Bveiy ooMldenUon. lodal. battam, bom tomUy and htefts aar
gMt that a maa detoa m wdl m bte B*aM aUow. Tka waU dnnad ana
bMBorara^aetforbiBaalfaadMtemaan^Bdad: hM ner* aonBdaae* U hlBBdf aad ao UapteM aoaBdaaa*. Be UdB aaaaental aad
Why Not Dress Well?
WhaaOl.M wiU aaean.lbr yoa a tdl aad wialeranit tt
a tally dond* that.
aBWwlUdiM*y*BaplBa*«7ABaaalt.to* IQn yaa have ;
aa a* aaybody for laaa Ihaa BU.M
Oar ge.M ovareeat te a wiaaar.
AUtoaMh*v*«taaafitaaM.M waU m fakrte aad Bateh.
« arttetteaDy mada aad ar* goad vdia lor twiea toa prtoa atoad.
mm momauiB bboobd.
wmi |te voia HoMb abA
feM^naxoiTT' r
b S. Baw
9.9.M^fer. miMn.
J. W. I
if*. tuu>. m>» ■»« »»««•
festwr^""' • s
mtroAblAAn tev*
r tnaa tfa PUUppbMA
ABlfaAnlAAfAirpraApAOt tbAt POAAA
ftBteAABABrtroeBAAWAtad AA BAArty
WfaAlor, wfa lA VaU yOAl
tea aylBliB that tha DaUad •utaa b
Mt BAArty thnmtb «l«k ^ bomtte
mrltk SyAlB. Tha ehlaf fawa fa
teBtiaB will fa tfa FhlUyyIaat bbA tfa
fhBAnlbfnDklAhb AplAUi thAt It
•fllBAt 4Afor4MarlAAlotirA«y tfa
u wm!
>• A ViBA
AMmUm of tfa pobUe oUl aaoa fa .
la^ VAIRSl^iMSCilltelBTC abA'
.forUAAOAM Of 1N»4.|
OM forwUosrriQAOOA fa ImbaA |
•^AborsM'irobwrvAd At tk» rwt- Tbte wm fa MtfaAtSoAfa tfa AabaI
dvAA faro.
• of Hr. n« Bn. OraMorktKWkAtej Hooter ollkt. TtetMUteoolW. OtAWB fao tAkAA fftAAt pteBA iB BtAkr. Oitettf ABd Df. J. A farter Atei l^hMAAtooMAAl Of AttfAOtlAOA ABA tfa
iCn. w. S. KoUr AAd dAorktor Loer
IboIbAa •
of tkto oily. Ate Mr. ao4 Mro J. L. tfa ArATAff*
OibkAAte AroUo OlMo of MAjfaU rAleh aaIAo* rlAtt oitlAA of UIb ^
Int AABbw will fa cirma ob
«oro Ifarl
vtfaAbOAtoBA fasAroA
*>«• Oetofar It. aaA wlU UtndoM tfa
KlacAlAy. Tfa aS^ waa oaa of tfa BotoA OoloAAl L. P. OopaIabA. wfa »H
wltk ABAh A worn rrmetiBr fan laat
aoAt w}A7AbU IB tfa blAMy At Kiar»1A7 ABA tkO AAtAAMd AOABlfa rOAOirAA yAAT. Tfa UUa of Ite tootaro wtU fa
■AByrAlAWAABdoafAlffUiolB hOAor •■nofa abA Soobfarr■" «fa fan*
•c tfa AAWAiw. prABOBtaA kr far. bemrt bit Uolmn UAt yoAr wUI fa OBly
TIrafBtAo. Am i
fa rirmm
WAA SAte by Mr. CfaMor. TfaAA two *”i£^***'d
OB XovAmber 14. a lAotmn by far.
fAaaUto An AMBT tbA BMMt pr«
4 iB KtBffBlAy abA tfair IfaBAA Dlnm of Raw York, AattUod
•‘faekboAA” Bar. DisoB U ABA of tfa
fiBAAt yUtfom ApAAkAim la tha aoaawy
to dUpltr thmlr rAfAn*.
abA ha will fa ByyraalAtAd.
Tba fahabart fllae Otmb fa aUtAfA.
A fiBA oollaatlaB fa rfaeam. wlU ABtar0farlAtSlAdA.OI0A. M. WfaiAAOAtAlB Daaawbar trd.
AaaA with tfa fATAT U Otaaa aoAidtAl,
“The World'A TmAfrow. or a Dtaabi
OAtrolt. io AxyottoA to AlArt for faoA
fa Daatlny.’* will fa tfa aabjaet fa a
fiaa laetan by OfaHaa H. rrmaar, aaJ. M. Tbonit, AAeABfABioA by Ua
otfar ayaAkar fa aatU^ fABw. who
AAB VorlU, Oi OA. M. WABt to MABlAtM
will Apoaor JABBAry 18.
yAAtAtday. Tfay wOl OBUBlt wlU
4 BAW Idaa iBABUrtAlBimaAt for Ub
liUtAry cfielAU 1b rtffArd to VerUa't
fdty wUl fa tka UAIaa' HUitary faaA
fatan work in tfa baAfttAi AArym.
fa faatoA. w)
Attorwoy M. a DaAca ktA rmtorBAA
ABd ar«ry oma fa tha ladlaa b an artUt
(rMB rrmakfort
ABd aarml of tho« pUyoararal ioatruMn. ChAiteA OArllaa wmat to OaAIUaa
Thb AttraettaB will ayyaar
yAturAAT for a rialt
Fabroary It aad it will fa worth tha
D. r. Bosia, fa Nortbyert.«
yrlaa of a Uekot to tha aatlra eTana.
I hanyaaMidAy.
Tfa Uat BBWBar 1b tha ooona wUl
AlfiWmiAa ShAkaay
fa ciroB Marfa lak Bdward H. Frya
fa B-wtoB WUI ylra hb axoAlIaBt aAtor4AdrawBlaek hAa ntanAd traaa
talAwaaV aatlUod. “Bip Vaa Wlakla.”
faw dAya’ rialt At MAAaabrBi
aad thb WlU eloaa tha laaat aorlaa
Mra B. W. Oay ABd Mba K. Oraea
Osy.fa 4Uob. watm rblton han yaatorday.
b U tfa '
Bdlfa BMat^wtaa ABd prfaaBBdjBcbtA ' Mia. Dr. Baydar aad faUdna n
r dlCBlifa tfa Bayirtaa ‘
----------------Mr. aad Mra doha Bhayarl. who
faBfa fa tfa alAla.
• lor UbboU hy hb loyal o^kwa fara booB rialttBC Moote aad:
Mya Oafaayr ]hM hmybt Mtfaiyaa la thb city ter tfa .paBt twa waaka. ratrm tfa hBMfa
Uraad ta thalr hABM at Martoa. lad..
*a Moat abU- }Ad(aa la Ifa irBiwd laat
iBtfadaath fa iadfo OwOay Miahl^ll^ AM fa tfa
(Iran ta Tnroroo City.
Tha yrtaea of tha eonna tlfaate wiU
fa »l.». »1.M ASdhI.OO. Tba lattar
yrtea wlU admit to althar
lawar boa aoaU aad Ua othan wlU
(Ira ebotoa fa aaata U oUar yortloAB fa
Xraa Vat^t TaU oa Him.
WkUaanbtlB( la yattla« tewa a
drira wall at 4ema yaatarday,
Oaorre Stltaa. •rotxa BaneA waa
Atrack by A falllAC Iroa walfkt aad aaMr. 4rekiA Bray of FUat apaat yaarartiy brsload abeat Ua abooldar.
tarday la Tnrana Olty.
I to Ub el^ lAAl aroBlBy U fare
Bar. BobayyU fa Patoafay. wfa haa
on OV THI B»T.
Ua tajary drtaaed.
baaa rbitlBf IB yalamaioo. aad wko
■aw dAWfaiy OtBn fa Banam A Bari pratahad la tfa BrAafaUeal ebarek
faca Saaday. waattB Pataakay yaatarYaatarday
4aatol Rarllafer aad
U fal fa batUatb MiohIfAA Uata b day.
Staybaa fardb reealrad tfair oarilfl.
■htBAlAnfmaerAAcomylAteA jawalry
fa HHierrlUA. III.. CAtaa from Profaaaor Qtawb, which
4taraBAthAtfaBArBnm4BArl, whteb wfa haa baas kara far Ua yaat twa oatIUn Uam to admbaloo la Ua 4db
«BA AyABAd yntarday AftAr AArATAl waaka. haa ratarBod homa.
4rbor CBirenIty arlthontej
4BAto sput la fltUB( ay tfa Mii
Bar. B. tebbary bb4 wUa. wfa waat
WaUb CampbaU wUl atiaad tha
ynrlaloB ter
iBAt Friday, jBtBrmad ]
atnat &lr at CAdlllAC tbb wnk. Thb
Kfa Ua
day arenta(.
win be Ua ftrat oabbratioa ha haa AtMboBraAiByaf ■
tended aiooe ha waa elpht yaara old, at
ABdF.4. layatewteyawlU MiM Ploraaoa B. which ha ha* mat Ukca part aa miuifor twaira yasi* ba- BlAkaaI^faOartd4
tin Mr. Bart eama to Ub dty aad oaa 4. OrOABA ataru Ub moralac ter
A raiy pretty plUow wUl ba dnwB
•dhUthodak larya mad thifrlac bBalBaaa. A 10B( trip AAAt. HawiUriritte Raw
At Stalnb^'a aton Ub arealay At«:to
TVy fare ABAt thalr lAttat«Uora(AlB York, PoBBoylraab and OaBAda.
o'clock. Mra. Stelafair ■•mte Uc pU>
fara tfa dBAAtflon aarU Oraad
Mba BdiU Bolaomb b yr^aria( u
Ik fa Ua aala will
wiMrfaihi AM#BUM
W pn^ dhalta aad ailUbiy fafahfad
IfalfadiapUy <d tfa
- '
fadBA BtariW AUrarartn, ast (baa,
dptaty ehlBAwara aad aoraltba »
Japnlry. baaldaa
;iptehaa. akato ABd A ApriBkllBC fa
walaahU dlalKUdA
Bararal saw Uaaa fara haaa Addad.lB...........................»triBr
ateamyBBd aUkmmbralba. BoUfrast
, tfa SteU Mormal eekeol at YpaiiBBtL
Sra-C. OermalBA asd Mbi Klttb
armalBA wUI roto MaBbtaa Ub
iaf 'to Tbit Mra. BUb Baaudall.
Artkar Baott,osa fa OomysBy M.
(B to MABbiaa today to attand Ua
Is haaar fa OomysBy B.
TMrtydowU raclmaBt.
L M. MbVy and daB(hlac. Hn. Oata
Tfa ABBAAl moatlBC fa tha Mbbl(AB
.ABfanBoa of tfa M. B. abrnreb wlU fa '
balA tbb araak At Lomallir.
Tha ay
paiotnanta for tha yaar Wvi fa nUa
At thb waatUMT. wkleb wiU obA oact
Bar. J. 4. Braody. B,r. K. L KoUar
ABd Bor. 4. J. Bidred ettbbdty. alao
Bat. & StaalA ABd Bar., WhitnaB fa
Morthportlaft yntarday BAOrBlar to
MlHIcmt Dlras Away.
It b orrtalnl
klnly (ntlfylay to the Mbof one CDDOOTB Id tbe land
an not afraid to be (eoarocia to
saedr aod nfferiny. Tbe yreprlaof Dr. Ktiiy'a New Diaoorerr for
rb* aad Colda,
CoatBapUoa. Conrb*
Coldk, fare
(iTes array orur tea
M millioa
millioB trial botalaa of tbb (n-at tordiciaa.
BM-dicba. ant fan
bai abUi« aatiafartion of knuwlny H baa
lolntfay cared tboiwandk fa bopabaa
.bina. BroBcbitia, Baaiaeall aiaaaar* of tfa Throat.
Cbaat and Lanr« are aarely epnd
it. Call cm Ue DrnyrbU^S B- Wal
and 3. O. Jobnenn and (et a trial boteta. Bffrabr aic* 50e and SI
battle (nanntoed. cr price ra-
fadlaa, e’aaa your kid (lorea
MUbr Oioreilaa. It b sot a Umold.
. ba aaad
Ua (Ion U on Ua haaA Per aala only
hy damn g: Johbaoa. Drayrbi.
bUbeity. tfa follawbc clarfimaB
WUaoB MacBl*
City; Jabn BedyaU, PaUakay
ktt Smib. Boyaa City; B. B. Tall.
Tha*. Ralld. Elmln; A. W.
Ycatarday afursoon lllUa Heary
Hull fara a party to a fe4 jJarenile
TbltlB(Mr. BUBbyhaoBk.
Obariaa BoaaaUal fa tfa «oam frUnte b bo^ ed hb friaad Frad 8#>
fa Oraad BapUa. wfa wlUbare for
hooka Uday.
Mra. Bra Baoor and aaa wUl ban Amoar Ua saw pnplb fa Ua Bl(h
aehool caroUrd yaaaUrday. ware HidUb morale ter Oraad BaM* aftar
Tbit fa aann! waaka wiU Mn. Saaorh aayaad Miaa Vaa Bore, who fare ropanab Mr. and Mn. W. 3. Parkar.
eeotly oomo horo from Liacola. Koh.
The famUy fa Oharba Paianoa ar- Mr. Vaa Bora eatarad Ua tcaU aad
"Wbaa8.BaBdaAOo.tett*t. ipBaoe
tfa Saalte Lyeaam at tfa meat:
ShtyfaShlMnP^k®*****A. V. Frtairish hae boachMa Baate A aroolar, Thbmaatl
Bicycle Sundries
My work ia fint oIbm and prices that u» in reach of sU. 1 sn
•» all times to take <sre of.....................
the trade. X* make
a spedal^ is
HraziBf, VolcaBisuig and XnameliBB. A Am ttae of vha^ fir sale
J. O. XLLtS, 811 Frcmt stnet, «asU
low aad Ua p
Into Ua fund far takprarbc Ua
Ba1shrew oaaMtcry.
«»t Alda fa tfa nar and b iltud a
m»j fairati ofiea aad ad)oiBiB( It a
tMbtafaBAAd ter tfa BByaeklacof
gM Ate kiBdrad wark.
{JCfa BiAw ttora b BOW raady ter bmai'
mm Bhd It CAB aately ba
«fat tfa Brm wUl fara a amceUe wbbk aad will make Ub plaea Uelr tioma.
Hwir^ and aomet,boabaaamaU- Tkay are ooeayylaf Ua rcaldaBaa at
eu Wwt SaroaU attoot. Mr. Pataraon
b acaat ter tfa OettiaakAB Brawtaif
ft O. T. S tVFFBB AMD BAHOB. Oo.faMllwaakaa.aBa b makbe Ub
At Wklek Haasah Bttba VUl fa Ba. city kb
Fraak Friadrloh b oal fa Uwb ob aa
tartaUad Brat fa ChATBA.
fal laapoeUaf trip.
; Tfa Udiaa fa Amaste Blra. Ro. Ut. tmala Aadaraiwfa Omoirn apeat a
It O. T. M., will (ira a taa-oent anypar faw faaia ta Ue dty yaatarday.
BMay trom4:M p. m- Tfa erealAC Bohart Baaetafl aad wile fa Aral,
arm ba daroted te dABcby aad card arm rblUafoU friaadkaad meqmalatgtaylSf. Tfa hire alao axtaate a
AMk UUbcity. Mr. Baacrofi
Blal larltatbB U Ua Bawaak BlAaa wall kBQWB hare aa baib Ua ploaear
BfawUlbaplaaaad to
■ - ----- of Ubra^a.
•wdaUfaUamfraafa charfa.
Arthar D. SaoU and John W. Boott
fa Oompaay M, wUi attoad tfa paaea
QaooB fa Ua Xokaa Balaaaad.
eaUbratloa aad fair at Manbtea Uli
.•XU Qbm fa Ua fakea, owaad by weak. Tkay will laara bare Ub moraIj^tab A. B. Johaaum.
IgH. D. OampbaU A '
Boa. W. H. Fbater b U Uc ridaity
___ __ for a claim fa SU ter alaetrlo fa Praaktert ob palltlcal aad la(al boafriria(MdSatBimarmoaBUy patoataa
nrr---- Tfa matter waa tetbfae.
SKily aattlad laat alght by Ua payyyaat fa Ua aceooav Tfa boat will Ohaa. ThoopaoB aad family fa Orcoa
•^for Oraad,Sarea Ub moralof. Lake arm aboat te mora to Oadllbe.
,fharaafawiU (o aa a rmaaa«raad Ob Ub aeaomBt Mr. Thompaea haa ra■tv batwaaa Oraad Baran aad abrmad tfa ofiea m6rn\
r fa that
OnmdrlUa, aotu Ua drmdclar fa tfa tewaakip.
gtnf b aomplate. wham hrlpa bom At a raaaat moatlas fa tfa tow^ly
flnmd BapMa te Ua lafa wlU ba tekea board, WUUk Wi(hti
teSUUa f
OowtUMSkMOhUBhltea fa «•
Mr ill
. SVvouVd TcnvVui
oi cotter
ooea to eomo. '^oo voutd bo
wVse to aattcty&to ^oot ^twe
TDamts ti^ tbo Cape arvd ^aoVet
homr sdocttooa
oartt^. tSe b&no m&tvh dotlrabte sth\06 tVvat tbo loanuiactuTerk are aVreadh mcttitltTvt me
eammot bo dmvdteatod Vater Va
tbo eoasoa. *100 oaa moot amti
yTtooe,bat aToner^etroatl atVraia
&b.00 to &U.00.
Bpg to announce tbe early compUtion of Fepairs
to their mill, which ma^es it the most complete null
in Michigan.
It is ready for operation on tbe new
crop and we are pfepared*to manufacture the finest
quality of flonr at tbe minimum ofexpense. Onr cus
Only $1.50.
tom department has been supplied with all the latest
We bare a few of those
fine shaped seat. Arm Rock
ers that we are selling for
$1.50. Don’t delay—it is a
to our customers, both old and new, who may favor
improved machinery and we guarantee satisfaction
us with their business.'
hb a’ktar Ua alarcaU (tmde.
Prof. C. K. Borat wUI leara Ub
moralac for da(laaw aad ramalo there
fora faw dayt before Joinlay Porter J.
Wblia’a "Paakt” oompaay b Detroit,
aamaaleal dlivater. Prfaeaaor Borst
will rmtela htaatadb at Ua
fa Mrm. SMtaoB. oa Wi
aad ratmra hero aest Hareb. whaa ba
axpreta te roemmo kb work ia rlalla
Geo. R. Winnie
Dp-t04lale Painter
aad Paper Haager.
Shop opposite Kagle office.
No Comparison.
The Dal
fa Sactaaw deea not toU yoa wbatU^
expect to da. Tfay rater to wbatjfay
hare doae aod arm dolB( dally in Tfar*TSifaoa atock la______________
byaUer*. Wm are bercsaarmaaeaUx
aad CAB faak eretyUlac we my. Yoa
deal dtroot wiib me b maa of aoddaat
or tlokaeok. Tfarm b ao aompa
WlU oUor aempaaica Look ap
a; oar
Ibf thoa aompare Uem. fatter
<r>t a pdby: It domat coat mack.
Bujam,rK A MoOcmmcK. Dbb M>(ta.;
ofica JfaBMm bioU, Tnr-
House FamishiDs .Store.
gGur Offerings
I -N Furnitupe
Dasame Uausaal ttraatioa.
exclusive with ns, that :
[ for beauty have not been equalled. ■
'■ We make particular mentiou of SEED and BATTAH FUB- i
; EimKE. Aside trota a floor Ihll of beantiflil creations In :
: this material we make prices equaU^ as at'ractlve.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house .this fall or '
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your j
■ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity :
1 to do so at a very litUe cost We want you to see the goods ■
- in any event
|jli«Hj(fc»i»**i »ii*H*** *•*»»•§■
Some gIkkI Stories of F»ct Md Foocy Coodeneed •
For Boey Readers.
«««»»« ***** ***********
—PIWjBM t4. twe.
, i*.f<M*.’
I tha *ia
7U D^imI tUMa, U la a*Ma*aa4.
faaa nplM ««tka raemt M«a of tka
rarktah foraramaav doaUalaf to a*
eapt TariMT'a ra»a>artoa of raqiOBal'
bOity far Um AMctaa* looaaa darlof
ttoAraaotia iroaMaa.
■oday Blfkfa teat did bbA dav
aai ap to arltkla a abort tlfaa kafora
aca i* Iko aoaUan partof t*a atato.
hte daatk walkad aa«oa mtlaa U tkc
Oara toaaty aUtea tbo yoaafoat
ta tbo alata ia tbo
Fom«r Bavoy So Ohiaa 4ta
PhUlpida* OMotfen.
f Bolfovai M Woald
Bat» «mt.lKMiba«otTo BatMa
Tha Ifioada, At teat tka blend
THty Came
to terms.
Waaklagtoa. D. C.. Sopt. ll.xCtailat
Danby, farmar MlBlaior to Ckiaa, Mya
«•««*• flaM «M. bat tkaVaitadlluteaBkoald kaap all tba
l^ilipplMa. Ha .aid loot oTMlar
Mr. and Mia. Awia K-iaop. of DowVanaao(AaaB.dUriak.wbo«aa r*
Two diBBU who wotkad Mde by Mda
I'Tba aaly qaaatiao kafom foa AmtBirlae. kara Vaa aairiod forty yaaia in tbo foa. pit tall dot ovor a girl and
by tfca eoaaty
. a»|rtatad
teadl- fMaaadfoneak waaoboUiar forafor. Mr. AUriak ia aadao* Mia. Knapp
. to All a
thia p«f«nunaat okoold hold
iial waaki. It was laaflaUa tatva to/
r oaljltyaanal^
ooly tka Uaad of Laaaa or uka Ika
Oapt. Bari DaWitt, i^dfodatoaa both of tkM. tor tboy had lallad apon
Oowltl OUa sad Mlaa Look Barin.
aacdi otb. fo rpllera tba bMlBia of wort wkala proap of tka PbiUpptnda.*'
f daiMktaf of Jad^ liawraaBi M. Bartea.
la tba mlaa, batoaltboraaHaad iBoUaod
Mr. Daaby baa jaa) raurakd tea
was aaa of tba to maka tba ftM tttmnpl otWaMllla.> oMUdod wbllo bforela ridiat at Kata- Saatfafo ta Hair
Ohfo* aad eamad teat tea tha Paelfle
' ■aaoo. aad Miaa Barka aaaUlaod
' yeaacaat, If aot foa
tice. aod ao tba ertraage ----------aaly U
ia tba oolBBtaar aarViaa ia fba raeaat
tba aldor <d ‘ D*l^t fo MO bis aoaa, wbe teas bora
war, bilaf baialy le. yaaia of ara.
Lao KDlaa. of Labaaao. was aari
tbe two oaaa ap to bia oompanloa aai lathawar. Haarrltad korayeaforday
Toaac DaWiu was tba oaly
ly if aol fatally iojarod by Wiaf raa 0^ Harry K. DaWtti. of tba Mas- laid a paody, aapaaMra Udy’a wiim momtap aad bad a loap lW(drrtaw with
Praaldaat MoKlalay thia
eoar by a kany •kUa rMlay bU hfoy
ka^ tra dapartMoV Ha woald belt at bit fast.
••Whaftthat far, iaokT* ated tba Tkay did *ot diaeam the PbUtpplM
flfo Bo baaafao oataaffM la tba bar
hara fradnawd frav tba I
olbcr awkwardly.
qoeatlon. bat Mr. Daaby c
ta wkaol aad waa oarriod ooaaral
hl(h aebeot la tba elsat a! ‘V8. bat laft
■ tiy tby look wi*. owd rtewa la a rary poolUra
kafora kaiac axtrleatad. Tba bleycla
aeboal to fo to tba teat.
I Jaok. ‘*81. arooMot
"My owa rlaw fo that wa akoaU
wMaaoaplota wraak.
J-weph aad Mortoa H ManbaU. of take It fro’ me.
PalUp"Wbo wooida'tT’
Tba potato wm bad koootaa aaeh_a Oia^ who want to Alaaka laat feb-I.iian>ow.wnoweo.
pinet.-laid ha.‘ bat I may bi mfotak
paat akoat BatUa Orark that farmm roaiy. bare boM aaordnod by iUorea.
alappsd my face when Ab dfomd h to aa aba« tba wtodom of arnk a aaarfo.
kMO bad fo aaplay awo fo pick tkoM I ^ utter raeairrd tiom a frtend of Ue bar and and ma if Ab toeft kw for a It foaimply tkajadpmaotof o*a man.
off tka Tteaa. Wlthfo ^ fow weaka a I .ea atatra that thalr bkdiaa
and he may be prtjodfoed by lonp reMI fly haa mada Ita apppatusoa > (Mad la tkelr aalalac akaaty oa Coy Tbee^faar 'wIMtoak aa' tea'if tka daaeefo the far Baa^ where be haa aetkot daatroya tba.woraa, aaaalnr aaeb i ^
fares any better."
qoirad cnapparafod riewa of tka imbibwiap into the apirit of tbe tblng,.
«)Mai.*a.fo»tk.forT* Tkaflyj
caWt tk. ... of tkfa. tk«.
partaaoe of that partot the wortd in
tbe yminpar oolUer eongbl the plrl aad
la *at larfor than a m^alfo.
, nad dollatakaab
d/orvba edfetad bar the bal^ wtaiMi abo aooaptad lu fataie
poaifo ■MaroMVm *■ «ka ]
. kaMdtofOoO. TkamoaaywiUkaciwd with pnobJap rapeua.
■Bot I eannot ooeaeiee of nay etntaawor. wkleh daaa&^lato
^ M pay tka capaaoaa at tha aon.Htea
"Ab tbowtao, owd man." atid Jas moMklp In keeping ieee Uma tba fopot. aad this spira ^ cjao>>a abri«t
land of Laioa. Unleaa tha Daltad
... I which waa aaat fo rerate aad eare for
** Uipa aa a fnia of rtaa. Tkafo
"Bat wa*io pall
that tbe taadlap of troops
u;~. «■.».
i^ia, aient waf
fo tha FbQIpplacs wm a great mfotaka
.warm, aatll thara b potklap laft of It
ofotamp ptwruan mr taam- ^
"Beytbec,” anunrcd tbe laokyonltcr 1 might my one of tba meat atapaad'
iaba Oorey. amplspod U tbe Eatey farreotly.—London Telegraph.
If wa ara going fo oarLiaafonaat W. J. Watson of Maite. faofoiy at Ooome. who badbfostomrandar tbena folande back to Spain and
pan. Tkirtytklrd MIekipaa. died in •okratopao^ a saw SaiaiAay morakaep only a aeaiiap atatfon. Admiral
tka Batforwortk batplial at ~
Dawoy mads a great mfotaka fo i*
Dasiat HSiaelair. aped «» yoom.diod foe bow low yoa bare got," mid tka
BapUs Monday of typhoid foror. He
■sMiMiBg fo .MaaUa bay after be had
•rrtrod thara tern Deteit a wook ago, Moodv*ll^tbtMrian, Ha waa tka
Tba prtnmm. * faded, bMtmed M«d> Aaatrayad the dpaafob flaat. aad anr
had a hipk Mtar nad waa not »Ma fo oldest Odd Fellow aad one of tka eldpDOokame. Tbe romalat wtU ka fob- oat Maaona la Mfoklpaa.
taea. Asqfly linad with tba «Mrfc
take fo taadfop troops to MaaUa.
on to Matkepon tomorrow with a MtiA «MBW aammar kofol to fo ho ImUt dMpa^ there 1101 UBpmedfofolfo"Idoaotaaakowtbara can ka any
MBt doaapkbyCt
bolding tka lalnad at
Wkaa aeraoof tka Boar tea. MonBoot Woodford of NBee will ka
Laaan. aad I tkfok wa oa^t fo hold
-Toodefoe fojamfoa. your
l■foaoonnty. boya arrt<
fal bow ka praane for • wkUa, While hamld Utterly. "Icon bearfoadfo-|Ua whole PklUpplaaa. 1 do aot aae
«swartka«itfoaoahad a Wpjalllte
set the otbar Aay be ^am of wreat te teakcnMm, tbe . kow ihme ma be any otkn qomfon
tfoa. wkleh waa kept np *n nlpbt
d hto }tw, aod saflrradptaatly aaortlflUiii of: bedag
befog thn^
htte a batore
bafaro the
tka Amerkna
Amcrfoaa paao.oommtoefonpaaoa oommfoate
a,aodtewpoblk%and ere than Ula. Wbatbar wa okaU kaap
At L'Anaa, Monday. dnaph-Batna. tUltbei onblaed rflarta of foor meo.
te a ezowdad and
apod IV. akot kimeMf noddenfolly two of them doetora eaeeaeded la rea- dmmUlafkn of a ttW
only tka prteeipal found or tha whoU
dingy eonrtroook bat fo to
r a sbetpao. Tbalakd urlap that aolaeky member ta Ita ptw- ■by a pedloe niapittrefo wbo
biewalarpakeUla hn ka*d.«a«ai*r perplaea.
teflnlteoa thal ta, tedaed. a mnshfop
Ta tftkoCp
iaafont death.
Seerafory Alpertold Maynr Maybary iblow.
AadmtkayM him away he placed
Mtaa Celfo Orifttt wlU loavo Ufo dty
Hoar tha Iowa Use betweea CUn or Detroit tbat be would bnee tbe bodling bwi fo kfofaMhcadand aboat foe Mtb foat. for Kaoaae City,
Lake aod Sbtman towneblp tee the’las of oaldien thot died la Cabo aaat
Mou wbare ahe aspeeta fo aafor the
famlHae of two Getaaaa aattiera aamad borne an aeon aa tka —
Gospel Cnioe IwtiWto for a two yaara'
Mfookm aad Brakm. Tkiee <tf tka onoapk.
oaarve. preparatory fo tomlgn mioaloaThai* arc omr one handred MfokiIfood WU*—Ton oaa’t prora that ory work.
Bfoebar, nad aow tba mEfapeiDein of paa aoldiera afok Id boa^tals ia Haw
««e and two oaUie five.
Pm a Bomherof year* past Mfoa Ov|.
joaop Dfo^foer and a daaplfoar of old v«rk. Brooklya aad LoogfeUnd.
teiDg Umba.ii—EaMly. Ton my
A baa been aa earoeat
man Br^m fo
itonlytakm poo two mfontea to •*
mgr^tfomal ahareb cireUa, aad
It to aaM that there fo
afoata tbelblrty foarth bad aot beea yemr hair, AenTt yonJ
tbaae wUl be greatiy
»a WU»-Tm.
•f efokaem, mack of It tppbald maUria board from b» bla fam«y afoot before
MfoaGrUnhatatoo held foe poMUOB
?ving awband—And two mta
nt isfood Laha. bot tbat it to balnp tba aoldiera (eft Oafo.
Be leSanied
of bookkarperaS WilDelm Broa.’'dry
home tbe other day wdbeir proaX jTf.
gaoda more for aome time peat, bat
ThomasOlate, aped 7«. waabarlad Ha had had dlpbUeria laDd baaa n tbe
Iitg Boibaud—Well, tbat'a tee wglvoaign her poeitioo to take ap hor
nt«ao CUira ^ maaoale fodprn Mon- boaplul.
Im't Ml—New York Joncnal.
m PUT T8 M»L
«ba Woifo of Xoaaatikattec Ooodi
of the Wor Itoaa Mot Boem
Bpneval *«*>« V«Mi of Votoortel
Cbrl flmkb and towU I*m. tooth of
.< IS. a- rtlv-..i,uCo<m. Cbk,v. E«
si., s.. ..kM hr rntIUmt M.K1.1V '
!■ >k.
to anfial mombonhtp oa tba propoaad BncbafCa mptda. at tka ontlet of Lako
a tba admlnlB'
dobaa, by tbe npaettiap of
---------------------teatlosofthewi____ ,_____________
. ! nn va Tte we^oa a belldqy tonr.
■ I shot
have now dadIntA fo aacaa. tkey«ra: Atlow watm- thempUa ara aftai
90.01 SckublA S*krtT. UMklD.lkJ t». I.Sl~i b.l Ui. -.Ur k.iv
Sk.’S.uur Maederaoa.
S..l.r«>s Coloaal
CoU.9 LaL. I W«A. «k. (riM-oM«ua U U, W.
mont and Oeeer.l Gordon.
| •«
^ “*• ^ iootnalfofo.
Uanmal On^e. Coloael geartoo aod j Whoa one eanoe apaei the otbg- want
Frotecw Oilman are tbe oaly thraa teifoaaaltianoeandwaaafoaammpad.
iBoth tba poUea were drowned.
Btelonb Annie
Haoda, OUfblaliia. Oama,
Sniptlona. aod posttealy
nrno parmqolrad. It is
Men 38 eeata per bw™*Bbr
mUbvJ.O. Johnson andI^B - -
3B3I Assfol bearMsM via & K. A X
Ts lUltefol ScpfoBktt »tk: It
Xmeky Tip Olte.
TipOldeletbe proad own w of a fine
aw bamom. wbiek was vaAad a
faw days cinoe at Oraad Bapida. Ha
bald one ehaaas on it wbfoh he boaght
enveral weeks ago of
paying oa* Aolfor for It. •Tip waavary
ae wall as pUaaed
oitosabalancwed-foat babaUfoawUnlng Uekat. He reeelvad tka karaam
Bleyde Girl. H. J. Moipan'a
marc, baa b*ea antoi^ tafoamc
bebeld at HanleMe foie week aad will
be taken to that place today by her
trafoee. SImer MeC^. Will Lafayette
will go aloag to uke care of the hi
Or. Kean, who U fo Berope. hae sot | The ateaaaar BoeaUc haa arrfoad
Dcttait aad (Uslmge Oct dth.'
jat raapoadad.
Seottle from flhariiey. Afoeka. wttb flO
The u B * 1. will rivr their aeDnel
'aba praeiaont hae deformiaod that pamsapere from Uawaan. wbo bmofht etcerBloB fo Riebontid oo September
II take a
I. end aboat halt a million doUare la geld 17th, and to Detroit and Chicago oo*
wMk later. October ttb. Tirkata will
vhiU bo fo natarally dfoemararad over dset and drafia
be ec<d at foe rat* of fo 00 to Biohmood
«ke refaeal of more than half the mea } ^urnt afo haadrad
aod D'imli,aadd6.0oto Chicago. CkUorlploallyaaltadM ooadoe*. Khewlll ^hU^^ were elth.a bOraed site or draa aodor 11 yeara. half rate 'ItekOtmUaae bU eBortt W aaeore a e^mnfo-,
m foe ootbmak fo Crete eu will beaotdfromalUUtloaa. Mackloow City to Big Bapida. iaelaalve.
•kwaompoaed of maa of pfogloeooe^i^^
nad otasdfop. All the pereou whe
fotroUlap aad
ap ah« pond Jar reiattt on regolar tralna tor
are temlliar with tbaae efforU hare
**^£etrolt. cboma of Iwo rooUa will
kern roqeeatod sat to temleh UformaBev. {Uaaibal ioodwis of Kawark. be rives: Oee ria F A P. M. retlroad
from Bred City; foe other. vU D..Q H.
tipa W the preee aa fo daelfoationa.
K. J.. aged aeariy to. af<
A M. railreod.from Grand Beaide. For
Tba peaMdeat balform tbat If tha
for It long yeara to prora that he fo Oblvapd the ronte wUl be vU Viekeborp
I day today
tha arlgiaator of the kadak Aim. moah and the Grand Troak ayetrm
tba aamaa of tbaae wbo are aekad to aaed for
For Um* of trains and farther infarphotorraphic
serve aod doclfoe. other mea wUl, aa a ihroaghoot tbe world.ka* Jest meelved mavloa. apply to G. R. A I. ticket
ngcBis, or add
matter of pHda. rafaae fo aealathlm.
word that tbe patent aetberltUi i
nltbooph their fodfoaUoaa might be
igfoa bare raeogaiaed bla etali
and gnolod him a aafooL ‘DiU wUI
maka him a milUoaalm.
therefore, sot be made pablie nntU tbe
By alaettoB reforaa it U eatlmated
body hae been oompletad. It U tbe de
nim of the adminletrelioB to have at that foe Bepeblieaa plamlUy ta the
lasat aoven members eompoae the earn- BUta of Maine oo the voU for governor
mfoalon, bot If that aomber nt eoltahle will be between 30.000 aad SS.ooo, Thle
man enasot be aecorad. the fovastiga- fo aboat half tte ptnmllty raeatvad by
Ooveraof t^wentwa yaara age, aad
tim wtU be coodacted by dve.
The prealdaat hae aeked WillfomC. aboat two-Uiirda the plarallty of UOt.
Tbe Womaab Otrfotfoa
Badieottk of Maeeaoboaetu. who wee
rtNe^ aad alao the
• daring Clevelabd'e anioa of Newport
protaet to Him
B tbelatata orpaaisatioB.
Tka namm of Charlea} Loiter of Ckieapo. M PreoidaBt MeXiaDe.by.lmmaeiymlBfovartoChtoa. aBd;lry aod Secratary Lo«». apafoet foe.
Ifott W. Banaom, e*-aenaler and et-|om of ekampagse In abrialeafop **-MlnfoUr fo Maxioo. ara bafop oduid-: lUiaola. mad nrpe foe nsa of water.
mnd by foe praMdeat, bat they ham
sot yat baaa Invitod fo aeaapt
the tedoa Dfttly Tftlgrrftph mya that
ih^wiiera almoat paale
Hwvy Parker wUl go fo Grand B^da Btrlekea by foe dieialmal of LI Haag
tote fo amor ft baftlaem eftUape (UftogfnmpHe* by foe emparor of] Leofoca U tbe wortd for lie. Open ell night.
dUpatb.w have
-tkWito, .
Close Out!
Men’s Pants
That never Bold from lees than from three
dollara to five dollars going at a price
which ought to sell every pair in one
See Cur window ftill—Step inside and look
up your size—It's an offer yon oannot
afford to miu.
Farm and Draught Horaea
t have received a car load of Vr
farm and draught horses from Chi
cago wlUch are at my sale staWe
on State street.
^ Morses to suit all purchasers.
Watch This Column For Bargains!
For Yobt School Ms
Fifty Cents 2£ra'S3r.iA“.”'t.TFS:.Sii”‘‘"
Ouard Chains
Furniture Bargains ^oSSZ,
Columbian Restaurant SJt™
A Thousand To One.
make yes a enit or an orereoftt rquaf
la atyU, fit and trimming fo an "Adlar" rcftdy-fo-waar garment, bot Be
wUl bare to eearpe you doabl*.
doabl*. for bla aervl*«e.
B*c»b«* be fo bat oo* I
a factory
. fi
fa11 Where
b* m> »k*e
oae aoit. tbe factory makea a tho imad
or more.
Aad hfo ki rirdge aad akIU
I BO greatar than tbaae of the feefory deaipBen and toOOTa. while hfo
te^ttoa tor baying aad manafa^ararc bongbt la vBBt qnaaMttoa for eaab.
Wa poiy eaab aad eoU ter eaab. Every
advwi^. foorafat*. to aeearwd by tba
wearer of -Adler" Olofotap..
Ji0»»nro iiBoo»i> WP«—PAT, nmtmn i*. ia9«:
iB ditwtiag tb« odtocte e< Ifca port
«l How Took tP Ate u apiKrt torn
«b. mppntaooot ncttUp
sUy Bwdaby
Hwitceriand, the tnaonry d
' actnated by a deoin to
nacfa a flnai ooDoliwiaB band open the
aC rtl the tecta. It teatnattwtd the BtwrtlMtotheDa]
ttat a talr and Jrut baate rf
Aonld pmail In applying the onatona
- dntiea to iuported gooda. If a oertain
,gUai of gooda are broogbt to thla oonn..%y (rotn 8t Gall, Swltawtend, on in;^etaa-wfaioh nnderaute actnal Taloea,
Htefedrcal goreniment te not ooty de
manded of tea rightful dotiee, bnt .the
' lapoTteca who pay dnliee od theaame
elawof goodaat foil Taloatioa ate made
tberictlmacl an nulalr and mlnoni
gydoportat Wtas-lbo loert tp>
BMtkw OB ortlrtB topofrttiMO rt 81.
abont^aBdtookooDCB7. HtedMirtaa. white
AfiaeMBrir6*7am«f BspBroteUed
Oelealtoe What a good thi« It
seeaB as a linv^, htetosfaa pad teewooldbalt weall eoohlaae oataalvM MT JotM L. Stoddard boa rrttrod
fNBtetetuiwIrtd. T%a ••Stoddard
Ibe OaptelB--ilt eroBld be an bboob- LwturB-have doBt Bora ta bring te
BOB bad thing for yoo. Eh—whyf te
teaoUoterworksta ... ________
acd. Mr. Bteidoad haa derided to
(ToBaboold have BOB the teofc*a
iMtab oil
all hte laetBrao.
laetBran. SI la auBber,
gave him l)-AUyBl^
nod te now engaged teaUlog hte Beetoo publtebera in telr Moduetioa All
of the prerlm Steddard vtewa nte in
hte teetnna, »oa,are bring i*-pcodacad
in artteta. in ele
gant haif-Vms ptetB whteh bring oat
woftbeviaartioa^teUU adoMMod
•a 10 wMia tbopriadptefarwhiob tho
liMWuy deportaatf tfaroosh itenpronftttem in Hew Tack aod ateood had
' ' '
; 8eo>
Bowall promptly ordered!
l^ipcal to the board of United Steton
Thte Hooad i^ip^
wiU be heard by at leate ^zeettf the
I coMca) appraiaoe, and their deoUan te
EnaL It te likely that tfate
hwing will be of mpob greater Interert aaOeeareraceleC. tlirvetfc.________
a oana.auarMfe.
than the tne oemdoot^ by Omni ApGcatear Sharmu, fee the reaooo that
{b«e te In the haada of the gooenment
oSotela a great deal of aignideant and
teadinQay retetlTe to onderla of 8L Gan embroideriea that
baa not yet been made pnblia
It te h<qied that the ootoocoe of title
oSote] trial will be a.................
of the whole rexed qneaUon of the
toma Taloation cf iimportatiooa W
r. OBm*. cur OpTeBou—Bit.
OaU gooda WtaUe the ttnanolal oontidcutioiia are of nohmall importaDoe. it
te of far greaur importanoe that any
obaolete DMboda or
which Imda directly to a TioUtion of
the Cnteed Statea lawa ohall be oreroocne and removed ea qnickly aa pomi*
hie. The loual onatoma cfBciala who
have ao peratetentiy and effeotively
I Gall'nodervalnatioaa
foogbt the bt.
ontaiitly entitled to the oatiafactioe «f
aeeing their loyal eSona crowned with arte.^^v^rwj^toeelli ter nsnlOB' SI
globe en naturally that me' eaa a
hear te trickling of tba falling
arateuehe down te i
rich and m Mwaa iTKte|^_galaoim
broogbt with magical, arttetio tosteh
our door*.
A writer in the Chicago Beeord said
the othar day that Joha L Stnddaid'a
• ahtaAr example of a
eeeesfnUy eoBhiaed I
andclaBio Uteraturo.
Via Ana Arbor railway, Wednei
vtobar 6th. IMS. Thrrilgb eoa
from Traveiae City Leare M. A N. E.
rwii’oaddepot at S:3t a m. TiekeU to
Tol.-do aod relnm $s oo;..................
a to eelU ter Tol>do and polnu on the Wheeling A
tblc. van W«« Lwk • Erie. Br«kiag Valley. Ohio CrnSTTMIb
trwl, Detroit A Lima Nerthem, CiacinnaU. eamilton A DsyL>n between Tr>ledo and Lima and Ohio Ontrwl and
Big Four ronte between Toledo and
Tloketa good to return on any regu
lar train until Nov. 6. 18P8. For-fnil
i T‘S'siJss^.KUS^-isa-1-.:
evila iDi)tet be fomid to eiitt. Within
the paat ate eight tnaothiaome of the
morn ex^rienced and tnatwortfay
mta of the iriwaory dop
been cuganert lDaaiqil<'Dieatingttaoalert
work of tne local coatonii oUaiate at
the port of Kew Tork. Tberehave been
a aocrearion of acarching inqnirica re
garding tbe oteCbode of importing goodi
from bL Gall. 8wicaertend. Umb Imindnatry that aome time ago a ooneapOBdent in St. Gall wrote to an o&ctel
in WaabingtOD that thie govemmtBt
waa ‘’Iwiug IhoBBLde <d dollars annu
ally in cotiseqocaoe of groa UDderralBOtiOBa.”
With on apparent deaiie to eanae aa
' ' '
mea and
poadblo to the importera the ofBdnte of
the United SUtee appmiwn* departBBt at tba port of Kew York priioeed
omfpL By that tbe divorce bnaineB
glvoatbem achancetobocameaoqqginted with aoue of the moat cultivated
and intoreatiiig people of the eoA, and
it te a matter of freqnent reference tbat
MxA Bo-and-K of fiaatoo spent last
winter here, and that Ocaonel 1. of te BB«san<ie>tBK.<irArs4c. Aasme, «1l Kau
_______________ CS*»
regnlar army te expected as soob aa hoa- BfSte earM,
airi r»
There te evidence of
•agian in this divoroe habiL One wom
an. It te related, came here to visit a
brother who waa aarving hte thrw to anlinr Gibbers.
iths' at retedeooe, aod altboogfa she
re uS !«•
•rCo oatl
never tbooght of divcRe wbea te
M girl to eon
of matrimeny. Ifany of te yoong peo
■,m Wasblai
ple of the dty, too, have oome to thiefc
TWarRAMCS—Wboo reti wool Or* or lltc Inthat they oogfat
J. raraec*. reneabw ttot IM Is lb« bostprlvUege cloB at hood, for which per----- froB a distanoo pay ao baavily.
si. Prssklon Plsw Olsss. Mleb., notssi PlsM
. Tbeyfoondompte evidcBU at tbe ontaet that the federal
treaBxy wae not getting its fair abate
of reveonea from tbe Bt. Gall importatiooa. To a oertain enent thte fact wae
dne to fanliy methods which had de
TiBeetoaOny MarkoL
veloped in the ooniB of aevenl yean,
Below te a Itet of tha bavtag and aailhot in nmc nma there were olear indieationi of deliberate nudervalnatiooi of
gooda. It did not take Iwg for the
eiea City:
toBi ofSoera to ascertain that a large
proportion of the iucesandenifaroidBries
aani to this market from St. Gall was
■nt oy wbAt te known as"ti>e cuosignthat te, tbemanitfactnrers' In
6L Gall c<
r abipmenu di
» M
rect to resident panoers in Hew York
1 rt
or to oanBdeuiial agents.
In the alsecce of a legitimate bUl of
atie the shippers were in eaob inetanoe
teoe to pni in their iuvoioea any valnatioB that soiled tiieir poipoae. Some of
tbcB invoicMbaTe (dayed an Important
pm in the anbaeqnsat iDveKigalioos,
aod if in reoent mostbe name iwportna
to Ohkiiefto 83.00.
r tbe llth
lha Northern Michigan Transporta
tion Oe. will Mil round trip tickets
from Travnrae City to ChkagoforSI OO.
Tlekots good nalll Oetebm- tetb.
Ttekemonsaleat te dock ofiM on
above date. 'Phone 86
E. B. PoPK. Agent.
Bicycle Riders.
A Is^ amount of teatimony regmidtag tbe coal of ptodouioo and the mar
ket ralnaUasi of bt. Gall embruideriet
and Ucea bas been taken by Uuit<4
Btntea cnatoma offiiinis both at borne
and abreud. and while the exact injogbt his nut always been
fortbcoiinDg there hate been signifloant
diadusniek cl iU exutuicw and extent
of the nLi.u\:.it..Liui i\ll. turn© wit’ soteca xcD ii*' il
npriliiig Itonkui-se
that they iuvU.-.u lU.ir gc.4is aa low u
they did
Uhcia dJl It." Mote
of thue in\*:.:t.«:« r.eie at Ifwiit 60 per
cuiih.\v(.i lia.c th., I.j,ri;.*r ihooebt
theyrh-UJd111. i-tuh..* o; melaei that
aon.t.»y<4 iht niiMCU-ucieii dad ten|K.:;ir»ctbi Ccii I.1..U Ud lc4igbesB
fa the hi-V.i
c.s.iiui.- ih..ir uupurtntions at
l.iun iLt-.d-U market
valntis thu L-..1U tf ihj Inw'Vork ap" pewteer to ii.i.rtL>e va<u>ut-u« u.i>c with
a teobboni itfuiance.
Some of tbe iupcatera alUged tbat
tiieir pwnlter tettUda i-t talCL.ion had
V tbe eaaciiun cl l-cg cuatciLS nsageat
this port. Tbeywtru told that cmiiK
te {vciisiunsof ihu pieseut tariff luw
te methods to which u.iy cliuig w
BaliWtn] and could not be tolcni
StiU they rudsted. end some even «
00 far as to acense the government ofBBtel who was scvkiug to enforce the tew
• fiopartiaily cl •h«ldicg op” their bateMB. The nu'.horiiHs at Uathingfm-ere tboronghly urfi imed os to tbe .
^ stalb ut uCeira, hnvilig received re
ports irtin vKuel annis alroad wbitei
ach Mip
the uiectioo eff toil
baa beca apheld by te traae-
■rrtafiik ..
............. .
Bemembri- tbat I dooU kinds of re
pairing and enameling, and tbat I eoi
wnd do give yon te beat work of anj
goucmia w,'aNTBD-Lsatss or OssUv one in tha dty for te money. Dob*<
tor ta* bollSsrs. Baek wi bss lost V
be deceived by whnt others tell yoo t<
entSeS ter Uuls SMS te mwB sp tslks.
te contrary, but eoma aad aee for
rrtenaVle te B
I guarantee all my wBk to b
«ovls« srtUihst
Saseeellrrs. WMblscItkeU
If it does not prove ao 1 i
Stop in tUI 8 o’cloek every ovmIbc
except Sunday, In the aaldwell A Lon
don bnUdlng, at north end of Unto
^#’1^ ••
bates of Taloation fv 8L Gall goods tiie
nant apmteer
o find oot as nearly as pote
powible the coat
t production of the goods. He nacnrally nascaed that with tbe cost of pro.teBotiOB as a known quantity there
-oogbt oot to be much difflcnlty in
' Toaotoiag a baste for a nriform mud fair
valnation of the imparted goedt for coatoms pnrpoeta. Many of tbe mannfaotnnrs mad their agenta. bowever, obJeotad to goiu deeply into the qaestioo
■Bfoo^^ctenctionbo tbegroond that
d^Jedlfy freely on that point would be
Ut dteeloee tbe’‘acmUof thterbate-
Scope—Almost Endless In
Lecture I:—
NOEWAT» 125 IlloBtratioas.
Leetare U:*^he Lud of the ICdiiight 8aa." a
SWITZEBIaAND, no IHostrations.
Lecture HI:lUJeetio Alp* OatUiiod.
ATHENS, 112 lUnstratioos.
Lecture IT:—
FloMtnir Throo^rh History.
VENigS, 90 JllastratiooB.
Lecture V:The City of the SeR.
OONSTANTIirOPLE, 105 Illnstratione.
Colsabtss Bsotsorast.LectonVl:f
The Saltan »t Home.
JEB178ALE1L 120 lUastratioos.
Lectore TilEerthR Voet Seered Spot.
EGYPT, 115 IllustratioBs.
Ever Bamed Oat' Lectore YIIT:—
-Lend of Phacnohe and tiie Sphinx.
a MAomt BOIhB* ter sets. Isqslre of
A Tvstet^gty Leaner Oo._________ SILVt
JAPAN, 125 lUnstrationa ^
If 00 yon know
IXiTbe Awakened An|drete value of
JAPAN, 130 UinstratioDS.
Lectore X:—
A Lend Where Watore le AdoredL
BatBeortBaiiniagrr OBai/CHINA, 125 lUastrations.
o. P. CARVER. Agout
Wbant, oU.p
The Home of Swarmlnff MOIone.
TrmrerM gtr Lswber'
Lectore Xlli—
The Solemn Silenoe of the Himeleyaa.
INDIA, 125 lUostratiooa
Lecture Xm.—
Xwol Paleoee and tbe Taj. XahaL
staaAs asSlelsr seS aistsste el tt
mvhoesrrrsVBdM L
' _>‘THB PABBION PLAT” 100 lUnstrations.
Leclaft XIV:-We Gene With Beverenttal Awe.AOtewerTslek.
PABI8, 120 Ilinstratioits.
It eertnialy looks like It. but thete Is
LecioreXV:The Home of Beenty and of Art. ,
reoUy no trick abeot it. Anybody eaa
La BELLE FRANCE, 115 Ulostrationa
WT it who has Lasse Back and Weak
EUneya, Materia or aervons troi'W^
Lectore XT^l:—
Vine Olad HlUe and SippUng SiUa.
Wa'iM be M en« bimeelf rMt
SPAIN, iOO Illustrations.
way by taking Eiirtriv Bitten. Tbte
Lectore XVII' Tbe Dying Nation and Alhambra's Halle
up te whole ayatem.
s^ldne tones
acta aa a atimateat to the Liver and
BERLIN, 110 IllustratioBs.
Eidneyw te a blood pnriffer and nerve
Lecture XVIXI:—
A Military Konardi^ Home.
tonic. It eorB ueesBpwuua.
OoHtipation. umiHead
VIENNA, 100 IHnstratioas.
ache. fWnUng
and Metencholy. It te owvly vegeULectore XIX:Beantlfnl Wlen-Parls of AneMa.
ble. a mUd laxative, and restores the
8T. PETERSBURG, 90 Illustrations.
BTBtrm to ite natural vigor. Tty EleeLeetoreZX;A Wondrons FFoaen City.'
trie Biltare and be omvlnced tbat Uirt'
tirade ww-aer.
worker. Every bottle
_ e a wirada
MOSCOW, 50 IDustraUons.
Lectore XXI:Her Bella Bing O’er the World.
THE RHINE, lOO Illu6tratjoo&
■Phone 167.
848 Pront 8t»et Lectore XXIT;—
A Silver Course, 700 Milsa.
BELGIUM, 90 lUastrations.
S. * H. S. k. B. Talnaad Afltixt it Ou
Tonriste Love To Linger.
HOLLAND, 90 niustratioDs.
Mantetoe and Maaos eoenty fair at
Maniate. Mteb.. September U, U. te
Lectore XXIV:—
A LltUe Lend of Mighty Pema '
andW.'lte Oaefare tor the .
MEXICO, 50 lUastrations.
trip from all H. A N. E statioM. TiesLecture XXV:Montesaemee end i
ISaad 16. rebu, ____
FLORENCE, 110 niostratioos.
ISM. All trains slop at Fair Oronnds.
Lecture XXVI:The Artlete Dreem Of Thee.
SepMaatotM county day at Mantetre. Sep
We bare for eole Good,
tember M. A speetel train wUl leave
NAPLES. 100 lllnstrationa
Tiwverae City at 7KM a. m . tare Bl and
Lecture XX>ai; With Waters Bias end Balmy Skiee.
ROME, 115 lUastrations.
____ __________________ a at B .
at 10 p. B. F. A. MUchall. Oeaeral
Lecture XXVIUThe Seven-Hilled Btamel City.
PaBeager agenL Manteiee. H. W.
SCOTLAND, 115 Ilinstratioos.
Cnnnlagbam, agent Tiwveme City.
Where Heroiep end Bomanoe Co Hand In Hand.
Lecture XXIX:—
Mot'oete Ta* Fayen.
ENGLAND, 120 Illastrationa
Blah in Literary Aeeociettone.
LONDON, 120 Illustrations.
Lector XXXI:—
, A World-Wide Bmpire’s Seat of Power.
■mdsy sM Prtdsy vT«aJj«B eisseh vMk
ICill Meebinery ot ell deoMiptioiie, indqdiog Two Eoginee,
CALIPORNIA 110 Blastrations.
Set Works, Garriogee and Sew*. A complete Sew bUU Pleat
Lectore XXXIIr-Tremendooa Treee aad VallM^ QranA
COLORADO, 100 IllastratioiiB.
Where Towering Peeke end Oenon*eOroir. j
Lectore XXXIII:YELLOWSTONE PARK, 125 BloBtrationa.
The Immeaaity Looka On.
private affaira" the rBpoBtibility mi
asrely rest open ibe midmrs of each in-'
The “Stoddard Lecturea" Are World
John R. Santo*
Geural lisvraice.
We Would
Like to Call Your Anention
To' the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we are
eeiling. We never had any nicer, nor did any.
body elae.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.