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The Morning Record, April 17, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Firat Teftr«>No 998
Avs BaDOttirmoir.
•ptrtteo o»tete te aMM* OratteMO
All Iter mmA late th«
I artb*
din AT-
tenoM teTkk* lUmr Up Ac*ta
noon noK rou
" *•W
tateaV la aooardaaaa with the afrean^t reaehed laat alrkA the aeaato
neaeiaii prampUy at 10 o'clock.
Af^ mlantoe a qaceam a^tored.
itr. AUenof Habraaka. rcfan^ to
•harialtcf the rcpreoontatlroe
MOwAn to the Whito Boaae an April 7.
maid: "I want to reflatm- my prrieat
4«hlMttha Fi|tmatoUrea of tha ae■caUed powen of Baropa catorter toe
BTUto Bocee airi Iriliac thE cocatry
ctoat It Bhril do. I eaaaot andarmiaad why tha presldaat did aot iatem thaw that thfa eoaatiy weald aot
.totento aay iatorfeicaoe from' team:
Tot hare te the Brat atop toward breakdown the Maaroe doetriaa and the
Aatraettoa of the aatioa. 1
mtaad tha powen latoad to re farther
«ad to meJre another eanaltapoa the
White Howe erlih more 'pewelac de
mandA Wltbia ete monthe the mm
poware wOl ba aigiac the OalMd
fitonatoacTaatoarbltraUM la .prdec
Ohat car liaMUty Ittht Hpealeh-Oabaa
Mr. aemwanfMlri
the poaltom amamed te thte. eriete hy
the w^lAmt aall aigAkd agaitot toe
reeegnlUan nf the praaant tepahUe of
Aagtea MoColl hae letomad from Bay
City after atiendiag the aaaaal
veatloa of toe
He came home alao bearing
nddithmal hoe rba aad weariag a saleable aad haedaome gift whloh te
aoarea nf eanaMarable pridA aa It wna
eetod to tha
ia MlehigtA There Were le eaadln te tha eantaat aad Mr. MeOoU reaaiced ISM toto. for tha iewel. li is a
paadaat te the form of a hoteeahoA
anlld gold aad aet with ti elegant
paariA aad eaepended from a mUd
gold bar, engna^ with hte aama. Ur.
MoOdU waa ate# honated wlthVnilnfiteiina aaeretaly af toa'amodaUen.
arertter war. aad it te
. . ^ ■
SSO Front Btretet.
BoUey Otb^sUo
It's early for
but-we bETS got them. At
Would You Use Soap
If You Could Get It
At priem tost are right. We eas mil
pan Toririto Bath at 6e per eatn. Not ches
soap, hot daa that ia bolltoo hener.
Maay other hmpde at 10a *0a SSe.
UA 90e and 75e per cakA The old aad well
knnwB ^tomen Baqaat for <6a
which he baa b
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
115 Front Btraot.
KS." WIiMl tnamBled For 12.M
Monday NigHli
I han a muabar at odda aad aada in tha .tso^
I raoanUy boa.ht of Kra Danlala, aX Front atraat,
vhioh I moat diapoaa of to maka room for now atook.
ISortef ChaiigOnSale.
Thay WiU be aold out at low prlota. .
April 18th.
w.w. VILLE&r>s
Opening Monday Evening!
80 Artists.
V. r. VasBboTg Didn't Xaow Ba,
Bad Aa Beamy te tbs VeriA
W. F. Wortborg, a wall hnawa traw
alteg saleamaa at Qiaad BapldA mat
with a peeeliar axpwisaaa Fridiy
sight. Bs wm rstomteg from a trip
around tha “hors*' ahaot 11 e’etoek.
when at the. foc^ af Pratt’. hUl a
Is divided agamstitself. Paper the whole of it at
the prices we are selliog paper from 4^c up to the better
prices. See our samples before buying.
MarMuw iiwt
that “when toe meret parea of toe lw>
rira aHea anmadepnbUc toc-c will
ha fouad that her majaaty-. pwaonal
A dkaatrooB fire oaeerrad at Slffbu ^ aa wa eaa ecA Amyrtcn wooU W
fidinc laatalchtwhlehdeatrayad the
gotag wrong, not throogb: bar atatoelarte saw aad piaalar mUU' of the
daha a Lewie eatatA fw mjfly owhed ama. hot tboogh aatloaal hyatariA It
te eoaeparaUag to thorn who wish
by Kelley A Oerelli
C. A. Bammoad, aae at the truetcee peace aad aa aad te Cobs af Spaateh
of tha Uwie estate, wee notified hy mterola to asa Amarieenpei^an throwat 6:iS o'elaek aad was kept | teg away what AoMrieaa stotoamaaeoaataaUy ioforawd «f the prefrem^
the fire anUl deafer to other proptetj ship has woA There te abriooriy aa
There te a prieau tele- appartuoUy for the forelMa tetm
wtloa hatweon the' Pirat tioo of the poAm Tbs aottea that
National Beak aad toe general atoce at- Baglaad most eappsrt America agalast
SUfbtA which enabled Mr. Hi
fiuopA whether right ar wrong, te abto gate partlenlare of thaidteaetor. At
ladteraoA Bat if a new holy
fiiat it waa thought adeteable to hare
attomptod to eoara America
tha Traeena Qty fire
hot it proved latar thatU
tetteg a mattor te which car aymwaa aot. needed. There was a large patoteo arc with AmorioA ahe wUI no
' Uty of lea
daobt Aad Uraat Britete a atrong ally.
Ldtetoaee from the aUUs aad it
feared that tote would he destrored. hat p
ipalaUoa of toe water woriie af the
plaai aad the aid of fifty
blase wae eonfiood to the mUte. Ia lem
St Feromptefy Order lanaed by
thaa two haure both etreeurea were
The Uaitod Statoa Var
radaoad to aeheA There was no wind
at the tlriA bat If there had heea a
Barite. April 16.—The Spaateh agtot
Borih wind the catlro graap af halldhere te go^ to Kiel an Monday to teat
tege aad tha lamher eaald net have
thlrwan Sebwrrxknpf torp '
OBsat to Spate. Tha Uaitod Slate,
^ lorn anataiaad te ahont tio.ooo
embamy has beu noUfled aad wUl iw
and toe .property te partially covered
by teearaaea Jobs GUIU, the maaa- qnoet the Germaa gavomo
It ablpoMst if war breaks oaVbaforo
gar af the bmlneOA waa la toe city
they an OB ihe way to
when toe fire oecerrod. Imtcly the
Ira pempa te the yards and the hoUen
KorfaUt. April lA—The Spaateh govhave been tamper^ with aad as there arameni hae beaa for aome time
has hee^ aa firs te toe mills steee test charing eoalekippml to eootoerp ,
Wadneoday U te ballavad that toe fire from Kewpart hewa
weaoftaeeadlary origte.
from the war departmaat thte moraifg
ad and a portion of the ioi
Bteppteg the ahipmeat af all eaal «
yards sold. As toe timber te that ie- alg^ to the Sp^teh goveramaat.
eaUty te prmeUeally eahaaetod the niilte
wUI act be rekollt. The tote^
oa tbaotoersidoatthaHver was net
aad toadamage'teeoafiaed Spate -Baa Ordered All AUa Bedted
Mas to Batura Homa '
Paria April IA—A dtepatek from
- BrarittOA
OattA departmaat
Heraalt. aaya all
J. A. Loraagar te rMteg a saw Clip- ahia bodied ^maisrde there have 1
ordered to rotors to Bpalk So early as
There' will be a mmtteg of toaoooa- rmUUm. __________________
oD Monday avaateg.
Joha Kroopa af Old Mteelon aad
Frida Kalaoa af Arehte were married
yoalarday by JueUee Verly.
TW Bhakeepeare etady elaaa will ba
peatpoMdaatUToamlayvraateg. The
meetteg wUl ba bald at toe beow af
The Santo Wda Amktapenm Oab
wUl meat with Mia Oeorfa Harrteon
«r hoesA 110 Beet tfkvrato atreat,
aftamooB at S teo.
•ehem Oamp, Ka SUS. Modarp
Xndmgof in Another Spree and Wae Woodmaa af imeriea, wiU bald a ragXndgodtidslL
alar Btootteg te Meaugna HaU Mon
“Blato’- Jato late troebU agate aad day sight. AM aumbaea are laqaeewd
tote tlmagaeeaEWbttoaaaeralteaa- tobepreeen^
eantpoteoftA Uat night Freak NlmM. E Tbtasaa wiU open hte new
tab waa aromed »y aomeoee pouadlag Sooth Sid. aonfeeUoaery and tohaooo
entoadoorefhteTeaidaaoe Henabad atore on Sooth Unioa atraet Monday
ant te-tteatoaeaamnafmaand aato aveala^ te the .tore room raeeaUy vpTha door cntod by B. E Vaa Fleet. Mr. Tbtmaa
af toeatmetare
by Nlm- wUl aiwdnet aa >a-to-date atorA
<lto and torae maa tell an
,-Jsra Oarnattone and LlUml^the
Otoeer gteaey was -wet tor.
Valley, SmUaz aad ether triaimtegA
arrieed ha dteebrend that E
open aatii t
•Pteefc Jack.*’ dnak again,
today. OdatonT
on's Oreeahm
A House Partly Cleaned
etood. hm watched the coeme of the
------cririA a epeeial eerrioe af tolerrams'
The taeorahle i
heriar ^prlwd her of eaary tarn te tioo of him te
h the ap-j
..........eaUrely witbool hte I .
.Her maJmiyhaaeoaMtted toe Mar- eoUcUaOao aad hte lo)^U are itUIj
. both tha qeaaa w
It ie claimed today that the prwideat DMABTBB AT SZJOBTB LABT
tent of Spate ^ Fkealdant MeKtely.'.
Ebb aaaoeaced that he wmM alra any
TbeSpaateh^ Autrtaa ambaiee: war rmalatlaa whlto maehea him from
■aw and Plaalac Kills Totally Da- date aynte attomptod today to parnada
. aaacTwa. Ha oaat'word to hie elooeot
strayed, Bat Oorered by Zaearaaoe arant Britate to Jeta the powen te far
wraiorlal Meada to ahertoa ap the
-i-Kard Ticbt Bared Xmr«e Eaantl- ther npceaeatetloaA bet reorired na
Msate debate UCpoMfbta
tie« of bomber-Out tor the
It ie aaU tea prerideatb poUey U to
Waa Abaot PtaEhed and Plaate
The SI. JameeOaaet^thlaaftomoaa
Will Vot ba Baplaaed.
AUOm a blow toe oMmaat be h dltMtod
mya; “jf 4«eriea want, to fifhV to
Wm helag the foarth day of too aaaate debate oa the war reoolatkma. and
;iha feat thatareta wlU be taken tomade theaesatethe oeator dt te-
Two Crate.
Here Beoteved OiOen to Vm »Mth
KaatiaB of O. T Orewa to Ooaaeotton
with Orand EapMa AppaiatmaeA
There ie qolto a eoatrorany oa ia
Seelt UU. Mftrie. A^ lA—The bfttOread Rapid, arar the employmeat of
tolloft ftf the NiftoMftftte Ufftfttiy,
MftUoapd ftt Port Biftdy. hoe beem or- LSVM WO BBOOUBAOBKKT TO aeapartatoadaatot tee peblk eehoote.
4w«d to r> eoolb Mt Moftdey.
W. M. Chalmen, the preeeat laeambeet, hae Meade oa the hoard of adChioftro. April 16 —The Uoope fra*
Fort BkerUftft ftftd other pftiTieeft
nr THB PBOPOBXTXOM TO ZVTBB- aaatkm *ha are .erflaf hie eppotavmeaA bet other membere taror a oew
the deportment of toe UkH trill pot
eeperiateadeat. Three oataide maa
etort eonto before Toeedey ftlirht.
hater earloaely oeaeMerad, aad
The rftllroftd oompoelee here beeft
Oroaf Britain ia to Sympathy With
nr tham'Frafaaaer O. T. Orawa of
kept la woeb with the qaerterM
marioa aad Waeld Bat Eetar Aa
tola city, la tote aeeaeetiaa the Oread
ftftd had the, order from VTeehlft
AUiaaoe Tasdiac to Ooaroa Uaitod BapMeHcreM c^a
Otetaa-Bflbrt Tastorday to ladaaa
“Mr. Orawa waa raopatiy' ramleetod
hoee been set oftidenad Oel. bee treald
to lain Paw. , hy toe beardte Traeeeee City, arad it te
------here been ia a poeitioa to eemplete the
Bat the 1dm Wae Bqjedtod.
| aaid that be te ri*l>C eiealleot eattewith
moftt of the- dlrtot llBea trithte M
boad<m. April I6.-The only qseatto.
bote a. aa edncetor aad a maa.
lead ttet It te only a qeeeUoa of a abort
boorb Oba and tntope eoftld hare
briore to. pebllcte war or peace,
wbm. the piopl. of thatcUy-aet
bees ia meUee before aooa today.
emryhody te dtecuaater U. l(et al^W .orrmder kirn to a larr*ir city."
friendly dtepmed toward tbX^'al^ [ It te bet joet to my to behalf af Sep-1
W^UfVw. April lA—The weetc
f«Mhed ft v»le 4W the F<|r»ker Cabfta
TMftlftttcM Vmirht.. The reeoleiio&e
oyaroteofe. toti. They
They ^ Pertmaater*a
Berth ia Otaad
pawide for immedlato armed taUreea-;
Haa Bean Awardsd.
«en aiB the retoraltloD of the repob-|ep.„^.,Tai>toa>... Beooai..
Iteef Ceba. The eoto waa'takea atj Oiaad Raplda, April 1A->L. K. Bleb-9:18 o'daek.' '
|op bae reeelved the appolatmeat aa
I poatoteeler of liraad Bapide. Thlaeade
Waehtacton, April;i6__ At t o'clock | a lonf eoaMreny la whteh Burma O.
toil aftoraaoa the haaaAhelieriac that icons*' wae fora len« Use rfrioaaly
-tte ohaaee of the eeaato re^t^, ,! «-*Wered for toe place
' rote hetore late toaifffat wae veiy reMla. adJovMd aaUl 10 d'eloek llon-
OfflCUl Plf«
Seale on ml# at h
him. aame of which eame eery i
Bememher I ham a falHtea af BleyMr. Wenhorg's bead. Be whipped op ele Sondrtm aad Bap^ I alae have
ptoaty of ■mhmm to da yoor work
promptly, 1 goamntae aU work to be
the boet'and the laweM te prim 1
boOd whaate toordar. thay arohandi' A OaU and aee them.
EuBtliig III D«nriiii{
ii tin Litesl Stflts.
Laariito, April lA-TW eight bOls
MMd at the tpeeml eamten ware
Bnstec af aU ktedA tirm ehlmntoad.
Signad hy Oovemar Ptegrm UeanighV
AU wars' daporitod te the etato faparV
maril thte morateg. AU bnt thten inrroaring tha tasaaW asprvm hsmpa-:
rima^tb^^ to
nlm aad proridtog for oahmlttteg
qhmyton of rorioteg Ua aonettta
New SoaU «de Om
Call and aaa mm
In a mao blowing his own horn if he selects a
good tune. Neither is it wrong for a merchant to
everlastingly advertise his goods as the best for the
^ prices in the city,—if they are the best- Truth nev
er grows so old that it will not stand repeating—
therefore we repeat that we have this spring the
best assortment of medium and
Higl Grate Footvur
at tju Liwest Pricas ii Ike cit}.
We have cleaned ont most of onr dM^ stodc. and
the remainder islmncfied on onr banifain t^les which
will be sold for Minch less than their v^ne. The
shelves are filled with oew np-to-date goo^s in all the
prevailing styles. . Black and colored, for both men
and women, Wetta, Tnms and Ma<•>»««* ^wed, work
manship all warraiited.
A large increase ia onr trade proves that onr ef
forts to place good, reliable, styli^ footwear before
the public, for the least possible money is being ap
And can snit the most fastidious. Onr stock is
large and all the goods new and np-to-date^ Come
in and inspect onr stock.
Tte Sitel Stee Dateftaeit
^ Vm^TUtSK OtTT.
Vm- T.
AKB i. w. BAHin
«IM rlgkt«{tkaMMkUr tka raqMat!
for Ua u* ttf lha alcMUa. U »M ■wsk
Ua Urra lar UM
m4 U for tb»t,
raaaea oaly aaol4 «ot bata baca Wd.
la lawUaaa aamatj. ka««var, a vir
aaUa of Oararaor Plafraa waa far- '■
BUkad aftkaptoparalaa. ai> aaarly ao.]
aad a w<u ManI tm (M Uekat Poaaiblr
. 1. W. HAmu. Bdttar aad tliaina I
‘™* •*
-----aoaatlaa la Ua diatriet. Wa ai
wiaaieoan of Wazfaad eoaaqr waa aiailartotkaooaaaattklaaooBty. aad It
eoBld aot be aaad.
Jt U troe. UMrafore, ttet a air
BMta of Goraraor Pincrea waa latbadad to be aaed at thtulaetioa. aad that
it woi tuadlaatta^ ooe eoaa^ U
a,iaVMaiaMat .
tba dlatrlet. That the oat waa “aaby tka aaeaUar that 'aoBlaaIfr. CawpboU waa wall kaawa bare
aa that tact wai aaBoaoead la tke Dally
Maw Hratias Paraaea.
Ctfla af Maaday e^raaiao. Marek 3«tk.
aftor tka aotaiaaUoe' waa
Oao. M. Bdisoo. a wall kaawa boaiBow It waa Tavorad.
awda, aad i« Tn Moaano Baooao,
sas maa of Gtmad Ba|iMa. k la tba
alirbt Ua
davoUd «Miaid- Taaaday wormlar. Marek »tb. If tba aity latrodaelpc Ua Ediaoa faraaea, a
OfaUa apaea la iu editorial eolana to Tiyadtio waa aot aard la aowa of tka
lavaatloB. The foFaaee k daIka dlaaaeUoa af aa adltorUl la Ue
U waa aot becaota tka aetbor- atraad to bora elUar.aoft eaal or wood
Baooao o4 yaatard^. Tka Rscoid op- batiaa af lU oaa •
aad U aa aooaomieal arraarawei
paaad tke Maa adraaaad bj tba Bafia. bat beeaew tka eoaaty a
of aakiar a Jelat oaUi^tM ky tka
of tka ooBBlka doabtad tkair
oity aad aoaaiy of tka pn.pow
rlfht oader tba Uw to pat it apda tka
4y kalldlar. aOdfaTa Icfieal
ticket. Or beeaaBe Iba eat fatakkad
Hpraraa Pratt
•korafor, witkaot tiriaf a
waa aat of tka proper alaa.
fr^m Abb Arbor.
ThaE^laraThaaa are tka facts la the «aaa.wkk!k
Boa. O. O. O
^ tkat It
k a aamawkat peealkr eae aad may from Graad BapUs.
peaod to the eotfn boaba prajcet aad kara a mye ar laaa importaat baariac
Robert l>awarwbo has kaaa baylar
daelaraa It talaa. Yet tka adiior of tka apaa tba oaodaetyf tba ■
lambw at Maaealaaa. k la Ua city
Barla aaUad waay eppartaaltlao to dia- pralimlaary eampaica for tka BapakU- vkltiacoaaraca tba plaa. WbUa be did aot
W Howard OamsMrfOrmmly of Oadoifofoaaly oppoie It la bk
la jasliee to Uo*araar‘'Plarraa tka Ulab bat aow af Detroit was
•kraw aold water apoa tke pi
Rsookd daalraa to soy that it doaa aot yoatarday.
Tka atateMBt k wada fkat tka IkcU kaUara tkatfaatlamaa bad anytklaf
J. W. Seward aad wife Srrirad yeadavarad hcwllBc. Tka Maaar in wbieb to do wiU tba matter, ar tkat ka <
tarday from Los Uatos. wbaro Uay
Uk waadaaakahowaby the follow- kaaw tkat aoeh a aonrse was eoa
apeat tba wiaus. Tkay arlll rMt J. A.
, lac aditarial paragraph prUUd April plated ar bad baan adopted here, aad It Moatacao Md family aaUl Moaday,
ta'maaifaaUy aafalr to bo\d him aad tkra (a va to Bay V‘ew. wbaro
' Tka bfia doaa aot aoMidar tka
oaalbla Bader all tka circamataa- Uey will ppea tke Bawaid Honae.
baUdiac of a aaw aoankaoaa a aaoaoaity, bat It artald ba a ptaat MraaC. H. Haatar Has pnrebased tba DatoBeaaBdaaiaatbiaciokara.aad wa
OBVBoa snviaxB topat.
Laof reaidsBoa oa Btoto atnat
alao bellaaa tba aoaaty caa ataad tka
oxpaaaa, aad for tbaae ccaaoaa wa to- Tatalabad by BaopaeUea Ohniokw Welitoftoo aUaai aad k hariac It faaar aoUac tka boada.
ramodalad. Aa attraatira vataada U
dt ao ttaka.dM tka lacU laally few ks*.a.aalsaer7, Pawar.
baiac added aad aha beUdiac srill be
tka Nwdlac af tka aaaaty aa doeidad by
pa^atad aad atkarwka Improrad.
tkaaapafakoraaadtkaAka of tka pa
Boaday aekool at U ;M.
Jar tall to akow a aiafla liaa af aaVonac people's maauac at« p. ot.
Tke feailsri (C yepfayn waswirrinc.
» tarribla thaa tka
Pnoekiac at 7 o'elaek.
Cbe very bcaacb of apetof. soft aad of a
' akOTc qbotatiaa. wbleh k
delieloos tomperatma. wriles Bradfoad
ntkar tkaa faaorakla ootoma
T«ra> to Tba AUantie. My New BnsTba paiaooa) rafaraaca la tka artlela 0>T.Caar(mT.a
land cbeaka winter crasied aad atUl
rodarrtd ta aoMaa with panleotariy bad
half beaembad. fait li only to totvautCraoafnm tka editor af the Back. Wa
taoi paffs. bat tke pirn laavaa, mote
laare it to
readara af that paper to
asitiva, kqp( op aaontineoasinaraar.
A» Irief intervals a Held apamw.
oay If the aiatanaata aad aeaertlaae
aomeabeta dawn the billaide pave oot
Braaiat aarrlba aad aarmoa a{ 2.
tkara made era fair,
a sweat end aniens kratn. clear as
AU are eardiaUy iaritad to tbaae a«
tree. It woald aaaw tkat a atmc^a,
atof watro eud soft as ibs breatfa of
far from pwaacbl aacrikaaa of thirty Ttoaa.
spriagiiiDe. How faotly it
Cve yaan for tka adraaoeOMat ol
aart Tbe plaor aod Ike
« day bad fonada
rnnrj antarpriaa of public baeaflt aad
voicA Ooor a KTv
Coraar Oak aad PUU etreato.
Impartaaea, aOt oaly ia Travena City
iverfel of all BBtaral sonads.
Bito aekool at «;4« a. as.
bat thaw bale UrandTravarae rac*w<
toBM at leant, "dramuinf" ikonfb i»
Momlaf aarriea 11 a. m.
be. speakiBK alwaysot fair weaiker and
oboold ba a aa%leat rafaUttoa of tka
Jaaior BMatlac i:M p. as.
woody qai. ineas and pracr-:-Aud cooa,
impatatlaai aad ekarcaa ao aalalrly
C. E. maetiBcate;is.
to my sariwisa. 1 li«ard a cia^er of
Ip plaea of Ue raralar avaainf
ill U’jtaa. lbo;-Kb 1 aaw aolbiac
^ioa..Mkt WlDttrsd B PrmU will cira of tba biidi rastlew sooU. waaderm
About Tkat ••Otteial'
berraportaf Ua Saciasw coaTaatloa. np and down Iks eunb and. after tbe
A hearty waleoma to all of Uoaa kabit cd testlem suola to feneral. frapa»a to tbe tori A basaard drifted
TIm mattar of Ua foha af tba oflleia] aeatlaca
aoori tbs sky . Like tbe swan csi still
aaaatorlal ballet aaad la Uk dktrletat
rissr MKTHOPssr imtra^n.'
St Mary-stoke, bi- floated doable kii4
tba apaelal aleetioa April «U. U atlll ae- EsT.i. A anoOr. pMUr.
aad Uadow. A flicker Uoeted. aod a
oapylac tba time of tba poUtleiaaa aad
PioaeblBc at I0:M A m. aad 7. p. m. ^vink. ondrr tbe sweet fern aad
oooaldatabla apaea la tba ataia praaa.
Oam maaHac ar»;M a m.
laarel kosbcA stopped bis
A Laaaiardkpauk U Ua Fiwa Praaa
Saaday aekard at It m.
laawbile to addrem
m by
or fellow mveler. A C
Jaaler Lsaraa at >:W.
antbalcb, calliaf softly, bnof
M _____________ ___________
Bpworik Laafaa at S:49 p. m.
__ J acalaat Oor. PUrraa I
Maniac aabjaet "'Thlaca Ckitot k downward from a ptoe rc
oapladed by Praak FHedriab of Travby a' solliary vtreo aat
otaaClty. wkcarodoeea oopim af bal- abakiac dowa aad Ulaca wkkk are
amain fanver." Bvaalac aak}aet terlBR, "Ow vary aoDDd of happy
lata need la tka apecial aiacUoo far
oaaator U tka Oread Travana dktriat ■Tka tUaca' of Joriao by Oaaaral Uonfbtt.” I was with bim in fselloc,
-—Tka cot of Plafraa daaa aat appear «p- JeakaA*'
Uoofb BO saatob for btm la tke ezptee«a Uaaa kaUaU over Ue allTer TapabTksuoday prayer maaUac at ?:M p. Monofit
Ikwa tiekat, amlif it waa aaad la aay
u Narotal clam at Ua aloaa.
MUaotbc/coaaUaaefUc'aktriet It
A cardial iarltoUoa k aataodad to aU
area aot wlU the eoeaeat of Uov. PiaW
''graa or aay af bk immediate adrlaera.
rtaar aAiirav raracA
Pri<ataKacreiaryBBUaayo: -If Ue
Wkat am I offarad «» a food boat# aad
|MfllateaJaikatraat.waatr Aaafyda!airaktoptooa.eaa ka koafbtimmoatkWill claon it tboroogbly. trae
re® tb®
th® iwbeeU, gir® any .oiorotiut.
Jlypayaaata- tot takaa ta airtaarw
maaUI wx>A yoo w|ab. »nainel oir Tarnwh yoor ritna for ab
above prW.
j Alao food boapa aad M faot lot. Oak Call aod aeoeaiE ‘
hrk. Waatlaftaa atreaa.
We alao L..Aiv-w
B'oU4 Whi»l.
ubm to
to Ordw.do
urtMT. do il
it cbeaper .»iKiv,
tor mmtenal and
«y a^ in tfae ^ly. Have bad w-reral
e «kd gnagnt
Tka facts are Ueae: On Monday.
Marek flU, Urea or^onr loaal tree
aUvar party maa mat^ Uk alty aad
•omiaatad k. D. Ckmpbell aa wkatUsy
^Oallad a -8U*ar BapaWkaa Tiekat "
.AtUaaamaUmaUa portrait af Ooa.
Piacraa srapckoaaa far Ua VlcncUa.
Aaat kow Urea or foor maa ooald Uas
awet orraaUs a atata party, aad aotkoriM a vinelta k aot quiU elaar
sadar tba'maaalac af tka law. whieh
toads; ‘-Itsball barUftor ba Ue daty
Aftka stole oommlttee of aay p^ittoal
-party arorcaalsaUaa la Ukatato.baima alek slaetloa. to prepare aad adapt
by earraTiay or aUarwka, a vlrnatta.
tobaprlatadatUatopof Ua eoloi
of Ue ballet amicaed to aaak party
as a dutlaeti*a aad
kaadiac tkerato: aaek ricDetto ahall
•ot be more tkaa aac laeb a^ a half
OqaarAaadlB addition fo-ttm davioa
•doptad. Uall aat torU IscaUy Ue
•ame of aaek party."
^ tke aetloBofUaaa tkraeor foar
local poUUelaBa (ao ana was preaeat at
tka AaatiDf from antoide Trar
Oty) waa witkla Ua maaDiar af Us
- law ralaUar to Ua orcaaiutiae of a
•fok pomical party.' Uan Uair aetloa
adoptlat a T^Mtto waa lafal, bet Ue
lacality ofUkacUoa waa qaasUonad
by maay. Howerar Uk may bA Ua
oopaty eaaBmlaaloBera of alaeUaa to Ua
CtCaraat eoaatlea to Ua dkiriet were
•ollflod. Uniaaebaricaaitowontd be
faipkkad. Tba vicaatta of Ooearaur
Plagroa seat to Ua eemmtsaloaafi of
•faad Tbvaraa Ooaaty wassklk4 toobaa
la otoa. .balar aboat a Uraa^nnar
JmwU portrait Bnm if tk«
e give os a truL
£1^. 811 Front tft.EAst.
TivTds aa^L '3\.o\)oeTs
aad liaT^avas.
S\\ovpvtva a Measure xnVvcxv sueVv a coxabvxvaUon vs seewadt*
'^0'^ wVV eTv\o^ Wv6 Avsv^ag aivii \os s\vaVV
! hz
\o sss laoa \b\vc^«t lawv Mjaa\ \o bvv^ ot
SVtiw CAVers..................\e e&ck
Oavenor'e ptetard^aa amd at all U
area aaad witkoat kk kaowladra or
CTcsVveV CettoTv.......... .\eVvi
S>aiVto TVeVJi "aVto.. - ^
1.. -Sc
'S.VkkoTvt---- ........\\e qerd
...... .........SSe
■Dress Seoit, ut Itobv..........SV-Se .
'Bar^auvs aW dkevBT\meTv\s.
S. ■«)'WCMivVett
MetyJ. V. CmrmtM, Psator
PaUlo warakip ttaaday maniac ot
10:S0 wilk proaekiac by Ua paator.
Baaday sabool at U:u;
VeoBf paoplab maafW »t >:«SGaapelaervleeatTp m.
A oordiaJ laritotlon k ci*M to tka
Ototkinc-Oo. aad J. W. MiHikaa
An Tory AUariac; It kaa beaa Uaeostom far years for
the Bamlltaa CtoUtof On. aad J. W.
Mimkan to c>*« oo*>'eraary- aalea !
Ttotrlat (to sttanjter>—Hoot, moal
Thk yaar k ao azeepUaa aad boU
. Stranfter—VotyuBdiaklToe->aowU
atoroa were Uroarad with parehi
—Kew Yort; World.
aad Tkitors yeetarday. baaator Mitli,
OhleacB Marfcet.
kaa's papdtor trad inf plaoa waa a aoaaa
of lOTallaaaa all day aad ladlm fooad It
Cktean. April lA—Wbaai—May.
il.OMriO; eon, SOe: onto. »><9»ea:
impUaf resort for a few mom
iaspaettoa. The dkplayt af rieb and
dalieata draaa fabrlm aad baaotOnl efGrand Baplda April id—Wbaat, »lc.
faeu ware madaV*ttiar bf floral daoraadtBf an adverttsemaat ot
oratiaas whkA added fracraaaa to Ua
Okembarteta-s^lr.Cbelsraand Dlarartlstte effaet wblla eacM of imauka rbtes Remedy iatba Wepaeetor Baurmade the air rlac wtu aonc added U prise recently, wkicb leads me to write
Uk. I aae traUfally mj 1 aever need
The Bamiltoa Ooiktoc Oa. affared
11 aarto of atMcUoaa te Ua mom aad
--------------------- .—J
worai ease with myaalf o
npoB-Ake rnab. Tka lines of etylkk W. A. Bnwiib, Popemel
aele by & K. Welt. Oi
spriof clause crowded Ue skelyee end
dosloa ef feaUemaak farakktofe
ettraetively di^iUyed. Tke dkpley WiU beemettopad Meodey.
Oerd of Tkeaka
Wa wkk te enead to Uom wka ex*
the IllBsos s^ daeU «C ov taoUm.
rnutal Uaaka aad eatosani^eC
Oppoatm Eafle ornsA
awaits the person who examines our new I
[..Stock of Carpets..I
We have surprised ourselves as well as done our- ' ^ '
selves prpud on our eelScUons of Value and dual
. ^ ’
Ity. and at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. -Ko one has yet gone
.^ ;
away dissatisfied.
^ .
THE KOMmro BBOOM, BPgPAT, APHU, 17, less.
•jimsTiKG hciicui oirantGs
Doilia of oU Botta of I>oo|de uiil Odd Blto of Nows From
AD Over Ths Btste.
fon TM fiy.
beffotalcBc. >'Ob, Am rate,” waa tba
kli40(h7Mr«f eoBtUMW MrriM v> reply.
««MteWU wUb iMt Mo»d»r- Tkto <• '■^Ida't row paruar call yoa dewa
fMbkWy »tmoori mm wmm la HkUcu forbadidayarTfritB- Okw Was
«aa beat. A c«od portlea «t tbia Use
-No. he didn't flad fanlt «Htb my
Danlek baa bf aa dapaty ebarlt. aid be pUyatCll. Wbiat ia a dmeM qalet
baa eaaAht ar avlatad 4« eaieb May yafae. Tbe only tbfay be wid to aa
or tbea a»>eaiiairlr dorioff tbe eronlar vat onee »baa 1
Fbrt blonree. Ve., ApHI }A—Tbe fly
wai abeSllny tbe earde abd aoarthiaf
drpanure ot vhlrb
allpped and half of tbea fell on to tbe
Alaa. LeRry, a yoatb of aoM cl
; Boor, and then all be aald waa.t -Why.
aaauaata. aayetbeAlpm Aiyoa “•
— rmaat f^n't v.» ........................
IV oan't yoa deal eitbarT
baaa paraiataatly taaatat bla paraau
daya and twe nlybu of arduoua Ufar a bra aa that be af(ht atart pool* I
A little lad obo aUeeded tbe aortb
aauateetlon to lu commandtry ratalac, bat tbia reqpaat waa reey a-anird
orntty. Coramcdere Brhirr
foaed. Notblay dauated tbe yaaajr Went atreel ecbool at KaUmaanu. bae I iheVaj
lalRfl of the fleet'to fcoow each
qaile an idea of nobility at «
faader proeorad a han'a «Cf and plaaed
I other lo the moreinem of their veae-la.
I and to tw ablf to ani^er q^kly to aU
au n,, ni.^KI.
™»dl»* ahoot tbe alynala for muvements llabio to bemade
In an cnicairement. Runnlny duwn to
Cape Henry «»n Wedaeaday aneraoon
obeeriar eooad afahealtby ebiek.n-.
■•Now. ebildren, if tbe
oqnadron waa taken f.fli
------- --1 tbeboy U no. ..praMly
to aea. at the aametkne
raanoevvern bad a eon what woold
e alqjvaWTrqra i
beber*Tttc Jack.” .aa tbe qaiak rwpanee
Cbarlie Bterato dared Fred Neely ta
trim bln Bayer nail* an tbe IS-iaeb rip
aa. at tte eawmlll one day reeenUy.
A yood alary in told aboet alr«»ldrtt t rialiy and aurprlainnly quirk. Line of
battle e-aa formed. The almal lo an
Find ayreed. bet when Charlie yot ot tbia Tillaya .hcM boaineea Ukee chor In line waa obeyed no well (hat an
tbionyb with tbe'danyeraaeopaimtlon. him into t^jB conotry oary Ireqorntly. etffioat perfect ellmment waa obiainad.
ooadnctad .bile »be Meblnefy era* eaya the ParUaad Opaereer. ReaaaUy
WMtber thellaealttiiawiali
Thoraday nornlv found wy unfar at iu neoal tpaad. Frad pm- be waa lo yo. and wiebed to etart early.
deoUy daellned U riak It. Myi tbe Clio He iaformad bit wife the nlybt befora
Ntar. The operation rrqnlrad a deliea- that be tnnatiretttpearly tile followiay
oy of toeeb that la at tbe ooBMad of ^ Boml^ and aakad her to yet thlnya
a MO of oaBlnebtay nerm only, bni. notly for breaktaet aa far aa poetlble
Cbarlay waa rqnal to tbe ooeaaloD. and; the nlybt before. He aet tbe alar,
did a yood clean Job.tboayb the barn- rlook aa ba auppeaed for 8 o'clock and
. lay eeaaatioo be ety>eriOD«ed in hU Bn- retired. *The aiarn went off all riytai
yertlpadnriny tbaoperatloa waaeoae- enoayb and be took hia lanterp and
light cruiser. The ether, vraaela also
tbiny be hadn't baryalned for. Tbia went to tbe ban and^bta wile yot opto
were qulckrto respond to slgnata. Thii
Mkea two bazardona feau tbav Cbar- yet breakfaat. remarkiny that It bad drill
waa kept up all day. nr.d at nightlia baa aoeooiglUbad. wbkb few laen been a abort nlybt. Neither loobed'at fall anchorage w-aa trade at a point
'iny taken a | the clock, boweeer, natU tbe " man
thirteen mile* from Cape Oiarlea Aft
ride U tbe driea wheal of the nill a<
' tbe beoae” earn in from the ban and er dbrk signal work byr electric llg^i
fonnd It waa Jnat II e'eleck. Me made vat practiced for
Trted Them •• a HIgkt Al
dfewremarka to btmaelf. tbe ooeple
At * p. bL. when moat of t
A yremt band aat down at a whtat
breekfeat .kick bed ^ pre and men had prepqyed to retire, tbe call
fame at 'Tba South Bad tbe other pend. tbe clock area eet aa It Ueald ba to quartars and battle calls were
■Itfbt. myn tbe Oraed Bapida Pram. and they went back to bed. Th<y sounded. On the Brooklyn e<i quickly
waa the work done that every division
:^'beaendeyefriead eaked him bo.
dyeb! officer
had reported ••^dy" in four
minntea and the ship was ready forbat; tbe floor - The «peakcr lUiened with lle. with water-tight cninparimenta
W13 SCiB2 ir.'ictj
I Imperturable TOuntenaiire. Italleysald: aloard. ammunltlna hoisted toguna tur
|taw«BiiipBiBB« Meee to Welt CeW the j *<^onatralnrd fay w hat I contidered tbe rets awlaglng. battle batches down and
CwbM tiM.i Is cieM.
I nntair end unjnat treeimeoi of tbe tbe crews at the guns ready to shoot.
Hew Tork. April .t.-Breilatrfffn rhair I objected, end upoo that objec- The other ships report^ a
■ayn: The elftct of the pr*v»i ln»«ncer. 1 “**
acene of dioorder that h quickly.
yeneral treUe. ao far at future enyteoatenta are eoacerned. In nearly all parte
•tf the country. Whilr there la a Uttla
acUvity to be noted m the da.
for seaannable
aurlea at the
tba wear
le aUrlea
and nortbweat. where better wmifaer
^ur upon thl* aide. The r
ivraelilrw- aUpM-rie*
. blllty ii
the apeaker of ihit bouae.
Friday morning was given up to praci who aoufht mean partisan advaniaye
ee at the guns, all the ships puti'.ng
: by forclna bla political opponenta
aut targets at MO yards. The gunners
i *al»* potltloti (applause on tbe 1
Brooklyn rut the flag from tbe
: cratic si<f«l and the eountry ought
their target within twenty min•------ 1 understand Ir
the speaker <ft U»
otea, lemarkaUe work, when It It conla reportpq at 1
sldereni that the target was but eighteen
the east and ct
l> Atunilc and
lion uf perwunel pr!vll^T“ invbes Bciuare and the flagataff out two
yuu porta. •VI ere
_____ ,,
leches wide. At 1 o'clock the chips
bWaeaa haa become nntcularly aerl' inlerpoaed Bteele.
•The chair doea rvot know, but will
algnilied by Ck>mmudore Rcbley
soon Irani.'' oboerved the to bead tor Hampton Roads for anchorchief effect la found la the indU- probably .....
with the aaceiiitoB of the Tcaaa.
Dena ee
Coll.»Juy tfv-k place here dOf
In* which Italley pmrtlcal’y railed Dal- wnicb was ordered lu remain but and
big guns and improved turrets
ooniroveny. in the iwm trade b eioM:
conilnuee of large volume, but the b.lk
‘"d ‘h-n Bailey pro- with solid shot. Tbe rest ot tbe squad
'll eurbored off Port Monroe at about
ot this la claimed to be on account . ? | "^1*,
'^5 Hwaker.
order, pre.vlou.ly boohed rorrign im- ^ RerXeen?* n
Commodore Schley egprvosed himself
preaalon. aa to the ouloome regaixUn* I
V very wiucb pleased with the werk of
Cuba are reflected in sharp advaiKva In
***r'l"'*blt office for
le captains of the veaaels jnger
wheat, wheat flour, corn.^d and othadvnniagr of hla party. I eapeci
Tbe manocuvets
er food producu. Dc llnee ar* le be
“> do It aa certainle Nvkts I
found in Reaaemer
ever «-e«pled the
r pig liIron. ateelWIlel..
■-hair: but Until a short while a^ 3 becoffee, lutar acd leufl. while ... ___
attention to the rapldlJleved
pared with a week ago tbe price of oata.
with wbleb the ' call to quarters ' on
perk, beef, molaaeea. copper, cotton, house was aa imrtlaan as an honest
•.r*.'klyB was responded to. He
wool and manufactnred i nvducts of man could b». aiM a> honew aa a parti
called attention to the target pm
^^tlf of thoee euplea- are senerally san vvuld b#; but .r.ficr the perform also
ance! <i( last Wedneeday I would not ha Uce of Ihe rapid-flte guns osylng: "1
— steady and nnehauffed.
don I thick any torpedo boat would
Tbe bvBinesi failures in the 'nnlted wllUng lo father that sentiment any
ve ut-det 'thaf-Bre.*'
longer." [Applause on the DemucraCic
SUIes for ty we*k number *U, agalut alde.l
Th- avAas-ran tnto_Hamptoa Roads
8a last week, 18 In the cotreapordlna
When Bailey «o<A hla seal the wtmk- aUih: t C dock and joined the aquadweek at HT, fit In I8H. and Ilf In u;s.
er leaned forward Wlgbtly and repUhd: run. Oaplain Philip sa.d the new tur
had wiirked ettisfacDOFT XAXE AHT.^TAKL. The chair desires to My that whatever ret-a-rntpemeni
be ^s done—the other day or any day tcrily. an.' the big guns cou.d
Tea will. a<swM«r^ Tow Asw a BwU la since tjie commep<-emeni of this aeMlen
l..-u<«nant Harsirr's new iutv;iatJ'.
- lem-nt Bi any angle and r-iy
—haa been done in the preaenev of tbe ittnngem
•Wasblngwo. Apm ll-rThe rr-esrin*
., ___
1.000 w llneaaea. He
doea ,'ulrkly. He could Or* more than twice
le jos irnty sli.o* now. he said, than tiadef
I It la neceWoopinion ameng mthufaciurrrs . f cigark
l-oud applause
"'•* h.'ngllah airaagemcnt. The Coe
I'.baren. Hgarelles and snuff, and dlwuiw. hla conduri. /IJ-ou
- —
luniMw rro Ulnnespolla went up t«
brewers, thsf In the Tvent of war there
Kew-r-ort News list night after coal oo
• m h* a marked Increase to iKe mt-r>t bis situation de- ae to. Ml up ibrlr bunkera, repiaciiuc
bsl »■ venue U*re levied Upon thew tll^ratlon has felt
prodo. ta ti u Wald at the iresruiy de- :
dlsni^on and explanation. that I!»cd. CommiMlore Schley it very
'■Adel inh.h ihared with' the skillful way in
psrtment. ondoobu.* , will be verified. |
that Idea th* 'chair entirely 'which lie crews of tbe ----------The Irri.re.elnn. hnwever. »h«» by
. .lumbla obeyed
■d '' IsIgDala.
agree*. (Laughier.J Ii is not the flrgi
purefiBeirg aisn p* at (be rate of t.»-I“*"
now levtru. afflxin,
goodm. and
In tain Ii. but Capialnt Jewell and
attemi.iod to reply: but tbe RonJa were both warmly 00mm
manufaciureni er their eustomera wUl
-“aa demanded and tka
raap a very de.i.>d p.,,„i wb« mtaa
Chicago. April 1C—‘The atory widely
te advaned by t,.ing .hi, „ ggg tp,
printed yewterdsy and today that one C,
same to the price of such goods. Is arbeen arrdated at ItlghTort WVy^rirf! aThI Il.-ri#ag * ' * Cran^U
Wk;“i.w it I. .....s -...
shoe-dealer*. ha* aasigned to Wllh
* •‘“'“rb uf this city, who bad
mTsS n^aloL w
^ B®*"**- ^ T. Dortaln. of Ander- f*"te..ed that he ... hired by W.yler
thTmerS^Tta US I ng cuIleeT^ liJS
'*" beavleat creditor. Tbe Ha»« Havana barCM increaae in tax
WilUta ara fa.OM; aeaeU. «.»•.
, •>'» •« »■»< •'>'» ‘“'1 P«‘ »nr at buoy Na
aO wholamla and retail dealer* inwbna*
4—the one. tu whirii the Maine
bands iheae product* may be found
y a fake. A dispatch
Mbaa the lav goes Into etbet
says that the oeervt
TbaqBMriaeafMegBE«faasfcg|ntay|MTvtce bureau there knows nothing
RAiura yean past.cansed mneb bad blood aud ! about it. A dtspgtch from tndUnapolls
otill worse loBgow tbrougbonttbq em- 'auoies Admiral Brow n, retired, os aayst**Oalr*Tbtag*a tbe 0*^ That pira Kvaiy idik elainii a right to
"ffsHcy*'story and that
- '
- —• - tnrpedu expert. --
"" “'S”'
incldew at tbe sesrion of tba hous. yesle^y was wortby of public nottca.
Biley . tba Dsmoctntlc leader, aroae u
a queetioB of privilege lo reply to a
Phlls'delDhla nmnaner criilclmehai*
ina him with eGwo^WIrfUtv for th/^'
rairty scone ^TSe
netf In ratdvloa to eHtlHm.
thera ws* anr Individual raendnalblefnT
. the wene It must r... upon tbe vMkat
hlmseH.. He read from The Coogrtw•AeRgl Record the report of the eoUoqoy
do austain Ms pusliloA.
-Aa ba proceeded wttb bla artulgnlera wciw^ieBld asrite^ent on
8hlp^^ th* nvlnT Squttfron |
at-^ 1" tU
»■»>•»[ Wee here -« om knows anything
^op«»w»ba Oafi^ UDd disoomffa »bo«n.
laagnago liol their own. Tbelr
CanKlewM^ Ihe IWIr
the cJoig erf I88J, bds beca
«SeM. Ilia.. April
Pretce.. of the
eute board of agri.
raltnra. on behalf at tbe b^rd yeaut'
ucr tendered Ouveraor Thnner Ui> nac
or the atau fair grounda on which to
mubltla* am NsUonal Ouard In case of
war. Ool-rranr Tannv replied, accepttbra«yflftha Now. trf all Ing the tender.
^ fP<*«by*be
tba iaaat aareedve and
Kingston. Jamaica. April U-tba
tbanoBtameoablatoraiiaM. Ibey have ritlab cotoolal autboriUea here have
alwaya rested tba elaims or~tb«8 fan- kwtmctlona Bum tba home govtrbmem
fuagaMUBOwsiMrtta aodbavedem to dadara eoal abntrahapd la tba erst
of war.
H.nHl[t|.flir S
Oil Hat Department Swarmed Willi People Saterdap.
The latest Shapes and Colors..
^ Will attract much attention when their merits
are .known—Come and see them.
ILpalrat ■n's NeUVstou'. Ox Blocul. Cklf Uwed M 00 Shoe
SpalralB I'a Nettletoa Patcotad Oalf Laos td.OO Shoe now
B p*lra« I's Pingras Tan. Heal, heavy sole $0 ooaboe now...
17 pain n
Hingree Dart^Tha.
Toe -Bala fa 00 abM n
'• k'Thi Raaoc
14 pain mea-a HeU Boyal Sloe Box CSU Bah fliOOaho* MW.
St pairamen’s Dnuglos Oalf Ball *3 00 and At
tl palra men's Se'x Tana.
Tans. Kid. Coin 1Toe tt.uu
0 palra men's flse Os liieod Bale Cola Toe fa
»4 00 oboe
abo< nc
14 pain men's fine Os Hiood. BaU Coia Toe fa oo aboe n
4 pain men's Heavy Hole Tana. Wet Weather Shoe. fa.OOshoon
Tie pain ladles Square and Pic Toe Hbom. fa «. akov 0
B4 pall
palra ladles Basor Toe Kid Tip Shorn, fa &0 oboe nc
44 pahin ladle* Coin Toee, eaverar.etyla* to cl<«e...........
3B pain misae* Piagree Kid Spring Baal Skoea fa.OO.
Several Other Broken Lines at 1*3 Price.
A sua*. nagw*!*.
dW JM. .oUc. Mn. B«h. i Tb.
TbaaMiaai Vetea.
Op... Crap...
lours can portray, and whether lu bla
will I bl«u rt «»U.b.i »Ur.. bU. topcbl..,
ter atopfa-r^BUd a wad <4 red ntgfctla they preaanl the opera, ••i'ra Diavolo.''|
«• »«*■* iro« 'bam reatichi^ out uf it”—New Ycffk Trnib. .tomorrow nigbl. Tbe advance sale u
tl>« haartipst
vary large A short synopsis of Uia The hrllllaat aad t
story is ffleeu in Werner's magasiM for held fall audlanoo apoll-bonad and oaTba oriffinatcr at tbe
| April. IHM, under tbe bead arf Basic, rapiurod. aae« whan It went . ialW
wblriwlads of appiauae.”
“r” ailitoratiaa ''readioB. "ritlug and bad Is aa follows:
•rithmetlc'' was Sir 'ViUiam Cnrtli. a
“Fra Dlavolo'' waa composed in 18J0
'Manager faq^^rg haa arrangod with
^ mayor ofLand^ in. I T»6 be pro- ! by Anbac. This opera deali .with Uo Gao A. HaM^, maMgarof "Pbnat,”
fl Itosa I
1 bafan tbetnordp I adrentnnms cotwer of MIebeli
to brlag bla gs^t Hooale and Eloetri•domuoa.
I wboao Boubriqnot was “Fra Dlavolo.” cal ProdueUea bpre. «a May 14tb, with
I L a.. ••Brotber Davir-a ptmasat of Porter WbiM. la tbe role of ''Nopbioto.” Tbia la «sld to'ba tba meat iaatmellva and aatarulnlog play on tba .
I leader.
Ilia atroelUoa and explolta Amarlcaa atpffo aad abanid be aUoadad
made bim notoriouafatdgaaood a prieo by all wbo «a)oy a dcsmaac treak Tbo
to bo aet 00 bis boadi bot la 17». on preoa tbronghont tbe cooatry bae pr«tha Prabcb tuvasioq c4 Italy ba dr- [ nouncad tbb to ba a prodaetioa of a
elarod for pbe king of Naplaa. trua par- ,ery hlgb order. Tbe oompany wbleb
idonod by Cardinal Buffo, and lavaded la aa a
d ba grootod
I papal UrrlWry. He waa flaally ba- whbaao
I uayed lato the bands af tbo FkMcb.
Tbe mlaotrel abow waa ropaatad last
j aad baagod at Naples la IfaC
KifbtUUiaCltyOparaBoBagtoa <far
Wednoeday ovoaiag <M L. P. ■laad andladea. la MW of tba faei ^
Oopalaad will lecture in tbo City Opera that oovctal mombon of tbe east ware
Bouo. Ibla bMag the last of tbe Hlgb Mt able to partidpato oa aeeobot at
aebMl ooaroo. Ooloeel Oopataad's
}oot will bo “Boolag ^ Klopbaat” and
m oojoyad Ik Tba taoTO wbo pul am
that U will bo a treat la aaaarad
by tba bnadrado of ffattori^ taoMI parforwmaeo *rin map a vary eob^
moolals roorivod. A Baabviilo. Tobb.
a ^^'kito. tbo 1
ilMriy th« Whel« UnK^ «teiM
Army Orders to Pour
Points io th« South. -
>f Uir colon) ~
*M M Wmrilk«M It 1> H
BP.1., Bvlo, b.r t.„u,,.OTr
knawer . whether "ahe win' i^^bly
withdraw her troepe and flas from
WOM warllk. alrp uken Wftbt d«pan. Cuba. Rer refuaal to evacuate the lal»#«»t In prctwrlns foi tlw pcadbUltr «f aad—whlrb U. of courae. expected—w:
the alynal for acUon on
part of
with RpniB wu Imokut..
ihia cevemmrnt. and that actios wOl
M«d TMterdar ,»h.n oMai* wer* iwtwO
be the viRoraua uac of both our naval
fcr tbr foncantrmtlon at lour itoUiu In and land forcea
tW Moth of «ls retrlmenta of cavalry.
'The Root makea Ihla Maietneet upon
Iwmtr<lvo mrirornta of Infanlrr and the bixhett autborily. the courae of ac.,
Ow nclit ballarlaa of five (vgUnrnU of tloB Idicated havtn« been decided at I
•rtlHrry. At Cbit4camactia iherr will yeaterday-a cabinet meetin*. Should
eh the president ae.
^ •!« r»*lmrnti of ravalry ind tha ............................
d by the a
M«(»t baiurlM ef-fiva radmcnu of arIns the repul
ibilc of Cuba the f
• dlllary; al »w Orinnii aUht rrclmogu
win rlcn the.
a .brief metaa«e
.■at iBfantiT; at Tampa, orra tailmcnta
bold that the con
of Infantiy. and at MoMla. Mv«a rvfi.^ etltutlonal prerocatlve vealed In tta<
nanla or iDfariUT «l»rr lb» civil a-ar prrrident to rrccpltlw other rovem
^ aorh proportion' of ihr army baa menu cannot be ukrn away, and that
u» la tfaerefure vol.
kn^ tha iMVrmraJ ..
•rif U tha-bew erldence of (be CTavtty'
" ___________
at the alluallon as looked upon hy tbe
Wayterltari the Mwy I. r.tww
Trerideai and hU advisera The deter-1
^UiaUoc to rendcavous the troupe In
tb« aunib where They cab b. acclimated
to the <ondllions .rf a m..»» irupical
^mate ha* been under ronslderatlon
by tb- pr aident and bta rablnet for
awme Dme.
Madrid. April
Can. Weyler
asthnrisee tba---------...
puNlehed Jierr aa Ip a .
menl hy Conaul Oebrtal Fiubtuth L«a
twapeettny a letter riraeral Weyler ad
dressed lo Samoa auxman aa to tor
pedoes and mines pisced Ifi the port of
Havana durlni hU (Weyleria) comV.
»"<* reepectln* a eobeequenl diebe enuiledl '
Outman to de.
“ ~ •' stroy the letter, after the cstaatropbe
that befell the UalBA are enUrdy withoat toundaUon.
•erwice Oeneral Miles and Adjutant
Oeneral Corbin and acquainted them
with the pe*u1i of the cabinet delllisnitloM There were hurried consuhatlons
tn which the quartermaster general, i
trbo baa rha'kP of tba iraapottation -.-f'
tbe troopa; the rommlasary Renernl.
. wWf. looka after their subriatance. end
rettwnenistlees In WaaUniton of eaii•tw rallraada ninninc to tbe aoulb. t»r.
Aeta aiU. 1.A IO«.
p. m. be found that
fc**! hern there elnre be ....
Cbrifrianlty la «
Ua'uVwb.'ai*Iw’Jd'^l'v^Tu''^ Se‘'ou'!%'’r
prantdent la empowered to nnr lb* army:
andnavybewlUlMueaholUmatumto). “»•»«• " **001. eief^^ lort-
Wirtinfton. April
tf wet Wav* Hem aa
tea for Maatar BlUr*a
le -A bo a day.
IlSht robhery ocemred to tbr eoanir
treaasrer’a o-Hea. neat deor'tb the aher.
ira offlr.^ When tba tr«,ur« mtu“^
U.„”d aSth ^ k.r
n't .‘Th*
Waahlniton, April It-The Wa*lat>
Ibeonly way by wbKJj thiaoui bedona climbed ever the pertiUon
ua Pc»i*a aummary of the eltiiatlon "-‘I haven't
hi of »o£m the pmnlaaa’^ Ivfortbe iUkrtpl
diaeirb . of Cbriat to ro aa nearly to . the eelllnst pried
' a hit
pu|>Uahrd In today'a laaua Includra
tha 111*.
utdered, but
u wiio i be bwT> Utl br- ttiwlcDarley
aiMicnarlae and U‘11, all »M the etoay »«»»rdrawer.an4abeiraoiedtheeor.....................
fWlowlas atatetneot; -ImiDadtatrit thcl t«*of~wD«»r! ikarl And to tblnk aa <rf Jeetia and Bia.lora
Tbla-haa been ! »•“•'
1«'» «wi»e wii'+iweed by foot
•Mt X«t Ik. rmtm M A>r P'lM.
2- ''
• "1 «aai aona
* by Re*. A a. Uayto.
bMd." laU the parlor maM. “ifa'a that
feverlab. doenw aaya. ll<alobo kaptonall.
and Koopdey. la a worldwide tniarion.
Sir. HtalloB. the fUbuoacar, lookad AU n«lon. atoAo be W to Cbriet, «,d
la th»lr cratltudr to th* mothfr
They dM not know that 3Hlykad da
will alvaya act with her tn
a. rata at tb«a-rtten aaTtBcea. ■tany frianda asUI be lay 'a-dyl^v Tbaa
dene from the <«r1ie*i dayaof CSirtfttaaity. Tbla tbtrieuilb chapter <if ibe
*|iS J.S'SklS'^lhrilir
^ *•
lor all that. atHl Hilly waawont lo auwUh
blm h> the kBnn.la, and knew allI tbe old
i apd iillly held Ipn* <
he kul.yectof
kuliyect of joacboca.
t theradlcBl
but that
Ae for Ua cun
dear fririxU lie •
aftcniuuiie bowllu
audowrbarida to b
ieoenaeaw to anccemdully carry .fiwward
Vt worki wbetber at boniwoe
J. rnw gnai
larrj aaya Chamberlaln'a Coach Reai‘^y rivee betur eatUfaeUon than any
'tier ia the sarkk. Be hae beea la
• hedrne huaicaaa at Elkioo, Ky . for
twelve yean; has aold huadredeof hotUee of thU rviaedy aad nearly all ether
I.} .\«!llL '
lily ’s lu.tl
A Prom great miadonariM we may
Uam to be willing to labor in new and
and; and Billy trotted after bin,
b« hBiltupon no other______________
la all hia borOcuUnral opwa- daUon. It G reoordad in the UfaofLiriBgytcaie that early be showed “a fixed
^»e <
hired him beat fmnd that i* muM <u«
* ;^t. t
Chtcaso. April II-Teaterday was tha last ihiauah the daw At tuaminii nr*i>*
./Blaees indicated
a* followe: To CbIckRthe eumia Rave Um that "U* pniytre of
y maitca baWleBeld-The Flret. Second. «raai day before which the day wa bel
with ^In u only an •nncl- the ooncnwailoD are dcalied tor B'llllam
Third, klxth. KIntb and. Tenth reslrof •yeeterdaj' tbe national Wynnlnston lofraai." Then be patwed
menu >t cavalry, and the Ilirtil baitertes of flvr reslmcMa of artlUrty; to came opened up for the aeaaon and the and »lth a ring of mppJleatlon In hie
lUt^lng iwopie
Beventta. husky experts with the plcakln and bat
«Snn their battle for tbe trophy.
Bchth. Tw(inh. Sixteenth. Sshteentli.
«ie Bcorea in the Deaguc wen _
Twenly-tMrd and Twepty.fourtb reitl.
‘•Wimsm*^WyBnl^^ ln*»mni" bad
Clnelnnall—Cleveland A
menu i‘f lf.tiV.try: to MoWle-The Sectalhaon
ood. '-bird. Tenth.
Nine* Clnclonafl 1; at,J*>w Tork-BoKon A
k-three laniace. ralai-at 8t.
toenib. TwentlHb and Twenty-aecond New
rcclmenu of latantr}: to Tainpa-The LoulB-OticaBo t Pt. LosU 1; at LoalaIn tha pause whicdi foUawad the worts
- Poerth Tlfih. Stelh. Ninth. Thirteenth, yUle-PltUbur* A Loutavine U: at
*m-em.vnUi and Twemy./lrat reyl- WaahligtOB and Phlladelphla-IUia
are desired,"
the deaf gardener's votss
menia of Infantry. The heavy batterire
was luwrd lo
•of niili.er)- IB each of thefive reRimeiita
>t Kuuday.
weBiloned will reinalD al thrir pteaeei
aitor HcCuUocb has jnpared a euieTb. mrl bad no aarBlm to take OIL •>
ment of tbe rondlUoo of aU the euu he rwwiMd biUy'i bo^ first. BuTtbt'
banks up to April t Reoourcet: t...,. ouraie taught bin. at tbedriysgste. bw
The di'pettmeeA Mn« wa ussinpuieo tne t - * dtseonma.
twvety-iwo rectmente of infantry at:......... prevloua ,^«r.
tmarwas noaoi
year. »«.iM.»*i.aa.
U.UI.m.tt. iubb
no sound in Uw house but
---------------------------the gulf that they 1 « hanA itAHAOtt-TT; decteaae. «A«A- tha volosof Billy's
treauportailoo to ^
Checks end eeah items, mt.- over end o«w agala
— .
inereeae. UK.4n.es UabtUties la
tiam Bteaairhip oampanlm Cor ebarter- depoylla. Includlag mvlng. sabjsct to ^ the eumm, and sllantly (hsy luUowrt
lag vmsels to the goremraeBt for ih's
him up Into tba darkenrt nursery. Billy
werfc, Isatrucrinns to the
neuilM when he saw th«. He could not
a N. BROWN. Anei^ ana O
O. t^e. Spertal st-sa«M* W
asironvcianrler. DiyVaots<
a J. MORGAN, /
Hack, Bos and Bagga^
«n*B Out beyond reqairee
mcrifice, wlUlngneei to do
work, bat it pays In tbe nd, and
•bosM be willing to do lA In bla
strikinR oat into the ialand. ot
Africa Bohurt Moffat lived for eli
moBthe alttte lo a rude h»t
"In this
bisiorian. '-UremidBrt:
1 si t t
Vlulisad Air admlntoterrt forahaoluU palBtass extraction of teeth.
Aatidolar. for czuacuoo of taetb
without pain ased. Latest and moet
aalIsfacUHT preparatioa yet naad for
making axtraetma aaag.
Here Bill, «l*sr.lwerrupbri.e*elelm.
He found It wa. God's w.H
iacduUthUkli>.'''ibai»)oo.>oukDoe!" wrf cUdlywe*tfosth. Entireeumnder
and damanded (ho verse >rb1o
to God la a tteouamry pteraqniiite to
Tbate wa» >uw frlmd from wham Billy raeocsefnl w^ for God.
TbonsrI ouuld elns. too. Uf hi* tejicr- *17
wbeo'a yuonc inan in Edr
tory. tbe tavorlio .w w—
Uod. Robert Mcdfat. the crust miwdaB81* «i«i and *u U*rti.4. that qwrWjwl aiy. Went btioie to his room and prayed
Dr. Higgins,
"f or It'e My Ik lJKbtci
lt<«S* ItlU eutlR IliBlca
rua.. April «.-Tb* nd-
mimianarlmwc may
ltd slug miesiuua (he Holy Ghovt mid td the
lulnk aon^.,
m.wm «t Antioch.
.-c*|*xsu] auo o*r*
Uuo ul Billy a piuliormea was (bat be nafana and Banl ftw the work wbereuato
Attorseya at Law:
exsn«l«>uK. lr,uuall hl.lrl....da
lb.-n 1 bare cwllrd tbtan," tbe church aukbe hwrnod ibutn hltnwlf ai.d >
Baniabaa aud Saul enbinltled. ODcm Is HoetaraeRleeb. TVavwwrtty. Mieb.
hlaturn. .Tbcrurale'e
Unols National Onard’
to tbetr fuU e
the end of thia week
balBf rapidly flilad
Wk. kUeey* and tda«4«r-*a. Urawe hr
---------------------------- ..--------hi*
J*A O. Joaxaok. Drugglnt,
“A word u tbe wlaa U suffielent" and
awiwd-troiDthewlee ebonid be eoflcUel. bet yw ask. who are the wise?
Thoea who know. The oft repeated
--------------------------- 11 owwBlvet U. God. TUia
j, otararteristlc of aU (irwatmisaionariea.
-reneral fcelinr of wearineM—U esn '
evideneoof kidneraad bladder troabU.
Tab* Utah Kidney Beana at onee-tbay
will core yon-lb.y bara eared tboiuaoda of olberm. Tny Tt aaca'a... Pti..
,ai>u.i-HlA make Utah Kidney Beana
b«riitloa.'hut there u no
TOj «
“U'baletta- kbatl we doT" Bicd tha i*rleriusM. '*nbai«orr kliall wedol"
g«M mlarioBaiy iBorecimit under the
••Do!" echoed hr. htiJIon. ••Dol Why. Hwy
l^ol. l-y wiilcfa flic
■at euiuo. to hr sum I'll ko to Kanham Bemaa empire waa to te ltd to CbrlO.
iur it i) yaelt. Ihll your lady eba ahaU Hinl waa tba grrataat of tba cnrly 1
bare It in an hour."
lowers of OiHat.
He oonseerated
Mr. Stalkui «ai ofw of Bllly'a frUada. life to ml
mMoBA Manyof OirUrlaulty’s
Rnwincn have dcnui the «a*oa tblait
Iruhcoloml uod chubby,
lirm we may ientn
iackiou in dlpulty. He la ao U. F. U.
. nous n SIT ora.
Whan kn aart of aayiblar'fn thS^
Um raaambar tbU it the niaee to laaea
Tbone Ho. 3.
bud Kipidi a iDdUu L1
“5"^ to tbe son. ran. doRA makea
hod^ttle. doing hta own aewing and
«»Whff ««l
having nothing lo
ooox, owmoiing hUnmU with hia rieli
«nd 8001^1 pmlnu. but with all bis
hardships maintaining
and premihuig
m»hine **^1/*."
; t*mrg« H*U. Blocbaw. AprU lA UR
tolL God will Wma
blase oa
oa U
if we
we are
are willwill*®*‘hig tn do tbe bardtst work for Cbiiri.
lit, 7; Nah. i.
Hath. V. 11 . Hi xxviii, 18-SO;
B<»-. ix.
is. 1-6;
1-8; X. IA...
18; Acte i, «-l4r
Floe I
tin. a8'40; xr. «B. *8; xyi. 6-18: 1 pVlR
Cor. iil, 8.10; ix.
H Cor. xi. x#;
t/Tj ViSewJT
■‘'"•e“-'" ,5, ,
speak, be was so «ind.
mere war. aem ooi late yesterday wltb
dlreciiona ihat tbey be put late effect
. «a soon as rtwsible. It U tbe juBBdent
evectachm cf tbe eOclals that the
movements In same pUcM win begta
tndsy. The taIIros-1 fseillllea. the offlrials say. srv more than ample lo t
the demands of the orcatiuB an<
trouble will be eqpertqpoed in mcddlU^
Rrm that ihr Renley regatta commitlee 1^ decided to retuae the eotry of
Tea Eyck, the American oarsman.
••= n Tit iv. «-8: Heh xl. 88-40.
wim.aeta aiiaA* AfaMaewA
Chicago. April
It-The baae ball
Hie motOw knalt teams of ths Michigan. Oitcage aad H-
Bis fatte knalt down at ths other aide, Uoae w ith (be Unlveraliy of WiaeotiriB
I , ...... ..u,^
AU, wnicB
loving, sorrowful
owfnl^m Ibecorale knett trarts h.ve been algnedwrin be pteyed.
down at tbe
foot of the bad, and the earl, Tb# three Instltutlont wtu bar Wlacon1 foot
who made BoatMpt Suwip, tbe Sean eln from all wettera inter-colleeUta
T I3T POg aabS-As E. -Sik
m«e NSW URN hem l*va eagsgee te'M
A aAer tb* work la *r Meyele rvyeir ekep.
If yoe w*al yosr
rasr wbeel rui te tkwoagk
tkereagk order
lleiOndKed al l*s«M-Lm<a (r^iMosa
London. April U.-AerordlBg to the
Washinslon <twiespundva( of Ta< Dally
Chronicle the Buropeao ambaaaadora
angreo* for tgaorli _
Two slight iriiocks of earthquake wem
felt St San Pranrisco Thuraday night
: BotbCT a voice went on. Thao she aang an atbleiics un'
It aattafles th* board
Bred iHlbert retaloa the shooting ^ aofUy. and suddanly Uwm ww M- ta the contrary.
trophy, beating Prank Parmelee
to St
Hilly had gone to risep.
drive gate clicked and agnkk as^
TmeomaOi^ lUiMot.
Channcey Ptaber. the pitcher, wiu be
/muag. Trerera*
. ^________
dou ibesratelbrnnkle.
It was tha
manager of tbe Omaha Weoum'
Haiow b a Itai of the buying^ aall- W ^^Ui*1
doctor. He oeue hastily Into tbs' room ,___
team of halt player..
mf^ mar so BUly;i moth1
The Chicago aad Kurtbweetcrii et^
UoB at BnlUoA WU., was robbad whUa er. lilted bur upand tot her In a
look her place, bylng
a hand on I
the agrat waa at dinner.
pulseaiMluu bteforabaad.
forabaad. Tfai
Than ha said ^
John Allen, who lire* on
in a whisper: "lle'U da Us'
of Wsrrena. WU.. U
aald lo M
be Mfyu^.
IM ysart
amr Pork per fc....
uf age. He U In good health.
Tha three a*ti ruse frqm thdr knamm Short Cat Pork................................
r TO tOAN-W* kaw ea deaerit
John D. Rockefeller. Jfr„ son of tha
iUlly’s muUwc fell on her*, with tbe fitR- Short Cat Pork oar fit................
Standard Oil king, haa'^n elected a
taam^ bad riled Id all that wtar, week. «<mr. H L. A Co. beat-..
trustee of tbe Dnlversfty of ChJmgo.
Tbey rulluaedibvdtcuiroutol tto room Bya Ploar, B U A ^ Bwt.
The RepubUcan deadlock In the PTrat
>d cr»-j.t down emir. Into UwhalL Tbe Heal. H. UAr “
Kansaa congnwslonal district U broken. doctor pushed UlUy ’s father Into the din- Fart. B. L
5"«le bring renamlnated on the 7»th Ins rooiu. mvluu; -Va»a
___ - Ko—. -u
’neiMlocttrtS. iwv MorR* eeJ '--r—rn Akb
.rmtotloe that they are conferring with
a rlea to oonceried action. Thera
re la
la no
runfirmsilon of the report that Burupc i
make a naval
itrwuon !
-event Great Brllala'e fleet will
lu b} its obs
aeoeraliy the ■
1 demonsireilUon U anurcly die- j
—^ei utt*
B to i-tbr J
£7 *i&‘" “
t on foot among
».aaubllab a produce ox-
wun^ here (hat in spite of ihe'irT |
Msu Mlnban. a tahorer of Necadah.
X^ioe In Cuba tbe Insurgent* conUnue i Wl... while at work wllh a gnjbblM
tta.r lBcursl..n*. and It U added that machine, was struck on the h^ by a
the gnvemment has received news tc Djlng chain --........................
and fatally
• the effect that new Bllbusiering expedlProd OrtA of Norik Prairie. WaufceU(41B are beinc organlaed in Ftorida.
■ha county. Win., was Injured fatally
by the premature explosion of a blaat.
A. ponion
portion or
■ ni*
'' face
was blown away'
Ma^. April 1A-J51 epoca. Oonaerya.
tlVA eonalderlng (hat war U imminent.
•pprovea the summoning of the cortes
•a atrengthsalng alike tbe public eplrit
wad the hat.4s of the govemraent. It
Jeoeapllmeou ih* queen regent on her
Jacob Myara and wile, of Martoo. fX.
•eneroaa sutacriptiao lo the navy fund,
denounciag aeverely the congtseWonei Were fatally bnmedgwhtle bumlngcemMra
yetsPBoee to the Maine dikastcr. highly
“*• ‘■**“4
approvlag the derision of tbe governBant thereupon, aad says that *nhe
world now knoers American humanlTarlawlsm Bells hypoertey. "
B Spoca nays It U glad that Senor
^ie r.Beraabe baa orders for with
drawal fiom Waahingtoa should aa sfficlal act aaactloh Amerkan Inierrea{ba> In Cuba. Tbe world. It declaroA
•I’pady poaeeaaea jdenty of proof# of
patictrio -and
though as the ceasatloB at dIplomaUe
mlaibm* 1» a «ep toward war It (D
Xpacal could wlah that the lalUaUve
bad been left (o AnMriea.
Tbe Cuban oolonlal eablnet has adfireaarJ a manifesto to the queen rel eflertng
, Tbe two young men inrnedand
'Into the drtte, when they found Wmuu*
waWiig fur newa Tto-.i ---------------------
___________It Floor...........
Pototoca, par bn.
P*f «»h...................
eld man and po»
pm "*•
ble;mouto w «u ear.
Urd be
^He^hwhart lorn hb Uf. trytoi^ , ni Wo‘ young me. riiot toa"^’iS5
j and went down tbe rood.
Tbe curate went to hinetort with toe
■ aort. They bad ehampagns. and the narl
«*ad. Mnt'Mary'jobiaon.”
>w frivoloee. at Ue maaaar b. Uehaa
her month ao wide that her fa* broke
t muefa dignity, mid heandtoecutab
with a ansb
: are oU fi
Ooraraor Ttolcott has seat a -Tiiimn !"theboaae" «..-^kato tto Masa^naetta bgbUture iwcom- I ."I 'my. oU ohap." mid tot mri ooaS-
1.1. cmasTt^bi, m inm.
My wife haa oart Gh*
rjwmaMam arlth ftmt r«^f.
Vattoa to Arohitaoto.
•••Jov whloh we has*
W. JJ. CcTikfi.
CtTTLkfi. Srt Cbwak.
The war department has rmrtvrt
— flOtala imnrt bank Ibhbertir art
word from a dime c. mpaay that U tbe 4Hlh
than a ronilnlmmiee of their
-------- of war twentr-flve
----------.dr In hbrnaanmiomarkrt."In
would he
be put at
at lu dbpoaal (or active matter# of
aervlee tn Cuba.
ibb villaffa and oea of tha
£?*i w^laent moa
a in thb vicialty.—
*«tor Bad
Ert Creek
Creak Btr-
wblTr3r^to*« F-raalebyS B Walv
^but^^M^ moontniaa la woata
AwoiaaSb Motdm ttontoa
meodlng-eW^amergaiieT appropriation of dantblly. "yon wars Jolly miufol tost tot
O80.«# to tncrraae the aflidener of too
#ute mfUtla.
CahmU Paebeca a Mormon bolony :
tba kremler, preoented the manUaato
tu barmajeety aa aaoa ae It .w^^
aw^. yoo ^ lamd IttimUm.
John R. Santo,
Goirtl luiram.
ta^wl^'lee i'betottott~eS!?‘a£rtMS
etreelil la gradb*gmaaSs. lev (anutero. varilgstaree, drswmg plane aad
THE KOBaiHaaaooBP. TaA-Vmtaa orry. inoH. buwday. atbil ir i898.-t»ABT two.
« Ut
. \
Almiramte <H(io*po
T/ie Fighting Ships of King Alfonso In Bmie
Important Interview IVith General
Daniel E. Sickles, Ex-United
States Minister to Spain.
rceprtWbt. UR.1
'oittftra iM'Si ^
proved avaa tatthln the past year and
tate as a whole ta today quite the '
wqoal a( our own In poini of eaetancy.
Shlpo and CUBS, ^ata has been enarcetleally at weth the past year la
nnbolpaUaci of t^bat. and her actlvl.
ty has bean suiusaful to tbe extent of
her m- .
baqa-devoted to that. She has not paid
her army, but has spent tbe money .jm
iMraavy. It ta better than n has bem
«er yaara. Bar torpedo Beet should not
be dsniwnns la actnat combat exeept
•t Meat ar dvtac a «b««nas aotdd aaotmttae torpedo bents
. <wtth a fair cbawv to sicbt them.
-AS tor battleehlpa. ws have thras
nnpsrtar to any three Spain has and!
may noon have tour. I mean the In- i
4laM. Iowa and Bassacbosetts and the
Oiecee when ready, la ships of theaooOBd etaaa of which the Viscaya ta
«oa I do not think onr
AWtaeie L«M ts ,
i IS
But many of thane are veassta of oheelete type, others are not equipped.
sBd lb* ninboats omild not take part la
declared to ba
dent, and ilfcewtac tbe Oaltela.
iva Rspaita. tbe MoUao and tbe ftoson. which, aceordlac to contract, wart
> show a spaed of » knots, bnt havn
een unable to make mote tha£ U.
llery «
tnral .WMknesees. Tbe arilll
On April « Italy eoM to ^tala the 4r>
n caparlly tor coal does not allow mored cruiser Qlnseppe OarlbaldL Sbs
a steel veeaei ofAM teas and lA«d
; I It to take on aaonch tor a trip of over
Uertoncth to M
lAdW mitaa. Tbe emlsers AtmlraaU
M.«a Oquendo. lafaau Marta Tenna aad
of >4 feet. Tbe craleer has a
AM VUoaya are not mUsety protected. The of six Inches of harveytaed etscL ato
crulsem Alfonso XII aad Betas Chrtaeeted. while the Attoaso Inches of tbe same metal orerh '
Xni to abaoluteiy uaprotaeted. Its bnU
eaa be partomtsd by cuaa of tmaS eall- Indus thick. T1
Garibaldi constots of twn 1» Inch enna.
aad It ta consequently w'
tan I Inch quick Artnc cuns. atz 4Jf
tncb'cnnA ten tJt lack runs, tan LM
Inch cuns and two maxim enna tn addle
Hen to foar torpedo tnbse. Hey apaed
to caiimatcd at to knots She asKtas
Ltol teas of coal and baa a enw at m
lafaau Isabel. Dda Juan de Austria
and Dob Antoata dc CUoa are whaUy The PtUye to tha
unprotected and make only from U td^ Sftantah wai^fp. The ledtaaa to onr
14 mltos an hour. None of them would meat-formtdabte eaa Sebtar. The fuemar
be of service la a naval battle. They has a >onimce of AM and tbe latta* .
of lAtoA The nnmhar of cane me
apectlv^ ta r and eA A stmnto bn*
ttoeen thcae two wonid aattto the qnanf
the enemy's stroac armored aad
em wamhlpo. and on aenmat of thetr Oon of naval enpeeaiw. Thme ttwr
eaaaot be empleyed as
inrtsifs between better Alps of a navy
oMBtlT U« Of BpAlB ta Of I
o omH* on* t
OaMAl 33wtol &■ SkcklM. wtio ns I lapomaM -------------------------------m^SUtM
mJBlawr to
Spain dwiiw ! fortvx tlM r*«»U ,of o Spuft-AxMcl.
Bins— IBlIUPier
pin«wr AU
^ <
'T «*ax«Bmct. As the two narlM art eon.
tast Cnbaa war. has t
•* !«““»•
ham tbe prss«wt trouble
/•psaktBC la-dtapatactmsBl
„*erve of tapUi ooiiBtrtM and tbt
lih navy. To a press ■
vMwIs ibat
pot OB tbe fisbUnc
trkp asked him for a deftnlte stttemsnt •trtBKth of our navjr. but. which patriot,
tan wooM aptcdlly ptae* tbert. tbt tol.
«f his views tbe central saM:
ta» ta BlsBl&caBt. Tbe mw war'Any ratine of tbe Bpanlsb navy as It
ta Spain is iwportod to hate rMtnt.
•toad at tbe openlncof this srar or even
- u>d those w« bars bouebt
tip to a year ar so aco ta out of date to*
■ 4ap. t an not an expert la naval mat-
we have a dtaUact advaais^. and our
ships cencrallp arc lamer and mora
UAie modem. Only In ssacolnc torpedo
t»aia has Spain any marked superior-
aly when -» to
batitoaUp or enatom to mad coacratulatasr teto*
eoaJeetnre CraiM to trienda at a dtatanire who nr*
T ia#raay betnc marrtad that to. the meeeace IT .
timed to «mre Jam after the ceiemo.
of Vsea Mur- sv
- —----- - feast which nanaSy
ISow. a ocrtaiB e I. a torse
rJTt^ folloem.
farmer, was aboot to be marvted. and
Bbortty before tbe time be het^ thM
one of bis cnttie had strayed. It bala«
a valuable aalmaL be toid bis bam* tc
let btm know at ones When R ME
Ibvad. Tbt bains, belac an o
-Traakly. then, maktac dne^allow•aee. tbe two navtas are a cioae roalcM
no far as vedeeU ao- But I look fi^ a
Ataplay of nupertorlty In oOcaiA In dlsuipUoc. in appotatmeau• aad equip. TwTor. two tufT
’ navy; hence Amphlulte. two
>a»e ta etaat j
. of vmr to aa 1 ^iST..
Oltricaie aoo oumpuvwASU
mm :
tar eOctency In action AnI headed An-; Msj^head .
do-SnxoBa are better than hot blooded. SSSScxclUblc Latina Enctond always ahows cushlny
sopertority la thto renpeet over warm
blooded aatione. Only AmeHmas eaa [
our foe. The Rpaalards are brave aad cuaboaU. • torpedo beau, one of them,
puteky. but hoi Mooded. In the oonfu-; fbe Pluncer. belnc subenarme. Bl<
alon of battle they will net equal our I nioiv of tbe Utter
win be n
aramm. The rnsrhlnerr of a modesn for service soon.
nhip Is soon out of order In hsated ac \ Bpala has oe hand, then, a fleet of »
tion. The turrets yet fast, the wronc ^
Includlnc torpedo boata .-nwee
aimnanitlen Is broucht forward, the
It a dtoptocement of--------TAM
pteeiinc apparatus ceu disabled.'and a toBA With 4SJ CUBA torpedoes on every
e of dtoclpltne. of coolu
3 have baen informed from s Eimrpsan:
source that Spain baa retained EncHah I
and Bootch snclneers to handle her i
ships of arar.
"If the two fieete eome tacether. I look
for the destmetloa of half of each of.
totam. They'U ilcht sure, and It anil not
he at Are miles or three arthiror one
mOe. but they ertU oem« to close action.
A few shots from ths heavy cues wiU
dsetroy a vuansL
"Spain's one dtaadvnatacs on this stds
tbt ocean wfll hs lack eC docks to ce
4s'io for' repairs and reetttne- Bits bhs
Itot the one tn Havana at bent, and if
that to tom ta her cbe can't reAt with.
. out croaelnc the AtlanUc. la the matter
of consimetton neme of the earticr ahlpe
parlor to that of tbs Oaltsd StatsA
Bnt In reaUty we have tbe mare ter.
mMabto navy, for on onr side ar* aU ths
elements that In ths Oplnlen of expertA
will eensUtnts snpertortty In naval bat. - .. _.
f ofahlpsor
number of cans tkni "eonats" so m
as tbs thlekBSMiSr ths armor and
caliber of the cubs and. as of old.
Acbilnc spirit of-ths man. la all thass
particular* Amsrlea hM a datoded advantacc. Spain's actual Aghttec Aset
consists of Avs
- -
tnaaoi Acbt*S doaA^nmped qdaiterA
Thto was ehown dSflac ow war. sspe.Many in tbe oum of ths Oi ' '
s TatinsOTse and Altontn."
Unltsd.9tatM and B ■ msnn borrlbto.
Mnculnsry eaconn
erurM has never aee
B*a betue will be a
and poasibiy tbs a
n of the other
. ta q«lu poastble that n Sgbt
......................... cofhothn
I sompartaoB of tbs
--taC the mealtarA Tbe total
it of this naval body to KM
. Their stased to tmm U la B knM '
The David and
Goliath of the Navy.
How the Smallest
Torpedo Boat Can
Sink the Largest
lac mesnsce lust'as they aU sat do*B
to dinner: "Concmtutotloas! Itoe heasd
tacanchtr It ta fair toeonelnde-tliaf
tbe Mecrmm aSordod at least as nmeb
CratlflitattaB 40 tbs nmswihlsil cnsstS
ss to tbs aetusl ledptont hImnelT
- A British marqata' corowet ta Mmt
cm was sold In a Loedoa aocUoa room .
recently for tS.' Saw Brtttah peers own
coranetA as the state occastoas «■
which ibey are need are rare. Tbe owe
aotd was prabably made for Ibe e
Tint xpsantp ncoat>. wiHDior.Araii. i7. mb»
m Mm TfBity urnpim
«*w ■« M • Qoeater «f M »• W«a
IB tu*l«e work te wall d_____
MpvtaMiof RilMilitblo NoUoBd Mfo.
NiTtsa. ror oomo tim %IO$ tc«l|«. •!•
tbotvk oaeot ^ iMMlo «lw oMf.kMbeee
dotoii tiuhi or Bo wurk. ami »mlthm»of
BdariMoB wwa raralj i**-
r ^ tba iSna i*da
•iMa wart of tba baMtO ta aa* aoT-;
aa of nwa-
nitMia «MvB
tarite te aa ai
«Dd taMoot «tmn’ toAid «t end* ct
altp. lalatad aa ■
s WkdilMrtM'a ttitbdv
un ia tka coome o* bia rwBfarita ba
L-ldfd to tbo
the patriot kapirit
icepirlt of tbe clap
aboot a pear after ba 'j
from ooUtca.
He waa i*aocioia( to a
I Cases
i Of Tan-
kli riltaga la lodiiiia cooaip aboat
d tba oaoaakai
oeoaaiai to tba
Um exiaot
exloot of
ctf palotpalot-1
bUm troB uf railroad.
Ha bad
InitacaBa reap pictam of,tba i«Mt boao MoaoUp marriad. and to tbatorasOf tbe |U to Bake eoda meat tba proepect at
ttoiae baeame varp dtoocMuapiiig. It traa
aiTaacto aa paa cnUeMa are at t
--------------- -*of tbaaa.dapraeriv pe^
M mat. Jr., tba ptoaMi praad '
r,- ta weU koowa tbreoghoot tba
- Well, they’re here, in all tte latcfst styles.
Qnalities tosnit^eryone. Ladies', gentt’r boys’, misses’and child's sites.
Best assorted line of work stoes we have
ever shown. Prices $1-00 to H.OO.
rt la tba iiropamd tars o<
|« in tba boeaa wai cxThe babmee of tiad. to aor fewer far 0
eBlncdarpaar. MB. rearbwitbr — c*-"
eC". vhh-b he. oMrd «i»-b to the p
maoblp In LooUrOla la AaftMt.
k aap o
Tba Uiac lilaod 1. O. a F. HonwaaaojlatloB mporto a balaooa al •«.*» In tbe
irwMurp aCwr pa7>n« aU axpaoma few tba
Artoob lodpeof Leap BraiMb la tbe M
rear* of Ita rsMeoo bae ralwd M1.M7
and asprwlad lor raUef P»7.iva
ibbecata OM Falloiie ate te fiwtital BubmdiBata IickUm la tbe near
fotoia. thui abowin* that tba order te
keeplnp Up lU eiaadp itrowtb la tbe toata
tlial ba ooald
ill OErtato adart
ml trEUatrl
Lm ben thte oi
ao4 ceicniBfTcT e
ivun and vlll r
tbe etaliB oT all other
letbe 1. O. O.F. leaden
wot-. pat
9* acBMtbL.....
acaMtblii7far braakfaat.
laettod of
‘be*a aoiBatniba-toofabemowitodbUfaithfolllftotbaitparttaalloUp aod atarted off tbroogb
toTtoit bia paiiani. Wben
daartrade tba drifU to
nlrriirlm «»tti
rate to leata. afwr attaodiuff
lotnaponfot. tbaoidlanuermid:
t>.«Trfnl and rraUr gnat to h thr BrilU
miioo. wv of Ibr rmixd
Cloak Department
“Doo. 1 ato't got uo inooep. bat H- a
lOartB of bato'll do poO
poo aup good 1
,^00 tba roadf pit brobe.'*
Mes Blue
Flannel Snil
m at |ir>e«cTka, a»rt’
B^a’toto“a*!?liSSJ^*5t’^t^‘to ’
boiDo and ebn;^ wllli «. u>iaking of boptos wnub beat, aud
^Btp niato aDDirarea^ a
...j.— .....
and .>.~c..A.nn.
tbit «m
will mma
oona to
to baodp.”
Moet. If notall. of tbalodpaa iMOcToi.
Ovwloda IbnlUcv '
; futir e^nanTbe prtqnailioo wai aooeptad. »od tba
vlll bold catartalaBHraeeJa ttaatr taepactelta. ^
notildliig errrr faniwr'saon helped ^-tba^oartar of
.K.t ..m—eiM.
Vbea • . Vnltm
MUrberone tbe Pm mUeanf
eboeldrta. and tba
n Dcnaalet. aacrataip of Hwaoeli ,b„«rtb.
rdfr«ntiilwUtallapcaittobo>i- famaevard josmep.began. Tbe Bi...
lodgr of PbllacSalsAlB. bae bemi to pood, tfnvaoe
Odd FaUowtord? paara. armiaten
V^.‘ii''i^.Slreb*rf5-*m wa» rtittleh. and tba doctor bad diffl
, I eoltpio kaeptog tba bcaf'fram falltop.
H* li «W p«arm old
I vltbrnd nnd rbohed brad
It baa aboot'tba bi
aIRnn my ta lirf tbei iV • mlnr'Prr 7c«n Ftoallp 1 be mare ebiad at acuuetbtop,
rof tba e.
will vrmx tbe BMM ea i-**'*.***.’^ -and awop vent tba beef tow a big mow«|n»ad IncTc-i-e ang aiten
Art, aealor pranci waideti and dqra^ Cbicapo. and It
pood wewk.
Sw^Sd to^l^Wfl
,-^tid iMWhil. ae>,himh« blateelf loevarp
Tba Odd Frlluarsof Kael .St
Tbe doctor waa a Sknber of tba
iMtoait to the ooMplati eallefactlwi of ble makingazi
Metbodiri ebnreb. and. nmrdtog w bto
tbe «r\(—“
Ha diaroooDtad
Ko fanll cu ba footid with Sanalor storp. dtd not awaar
Oarter Barrtooa, Baperof Chteapo, was o^AprlTM
and endewrortd to pot tbe beef on tba
mM to ABbtun Fork lodps a lew daps
Oatarto bae 8T« ai
but aba wooldu't aland atIU. and
admirable and pirarisg
It U a fdtp. mare, b
lpottP.7ST; total ■
tba Urt aaatned
bowerrr. that tbrp are Dot altogtobor _____
ante p* oaptta to what tba
taopelea uue. TbI
aaatutord bp faiitB. It U nofortnuatalp a taopcleei
_ of tba raaol.oBand eommandtrrcf FeanepIraaU baa
not “poor tbipa"—that to. the sbipa ad ' clem, tba ponng doctor art hla taetb and
tba mamben of fba Kew York mar-; triad again. Tbia utna be waa aocoaBtba OBIiad Btatm. wbhto maate at Pitw- Wart ef OapMta la Maglac ta Ba» ebaota' and manatactBrar*' board of : tal. He felt )>ka a ooociiiaripg baro ai
borp next aammer
II Maeaa
nwtn—fbat “plow tbalr forrowa from , be dumped tbr beef on tbe portico of bit
Ale^bfaoRowvaebridbrtbe Ma
boriscB to
carrplng to tba eoda modaat hema aboot mkinlgbt.
le of 1_______
tbe CItp of
la batter of tba did-aoe ef tbe Fee
— -Mezleo
of tbamrtb tba gaibetad prodacta eff faittatol link wife waa mm it ww a
wbo pwlabed to tba batUmblp within a rtort ti
Aiocsrioi BDd bringiog to poor #barfa Aspanatiaa of rtoridanoe. bat tba doe-
tote aa old oouBc
A apadal ooaamatioa of Scoalab Bite rtuwa bocr a'llm mao oao toapdraao^MBBoa wUltasbeld at at. Louie for four ^daoea and aatbopbMtB aiuoiip toBtaam
AarabBtonlaa Mar la.
| ro«k. where a loeal mainbar aaaBsta bate
tbalr golden ntorar"
A new ■—C— waa rerentlr HiitlWWl la I no rMble affect, aa/a Tbe Hopal AlaanaB
WtannaH^ihe neclUoB tor wblcb bad OoKIcl Parbapa it la that tba toaal paopto
rtfSSml^wbW. ta -M B be
know tba afortaaM loeal maenbar toowaU.
p bp foralgueta. to whom wa pay
#300^000,000 etery year, or naariy
amoant of that farorabie trade tatonoa
r atteobad to a lUa pattotoa.
<,tor. remembertog bia atrogglea at tba
•Tbay ara. mam'a tba pity. ^ alien' aowdritt. uaiirad bis optoioo.—PiU»rtipa, owned and manned atBOat an- borg Dispatch.
• ‘
wblcb in three pa^a gmoeata to “an
and Uhbia to tolfc and pnwent tba mUent poieta of tba ottkt tta betwAu ala ;
moofa batter andatotood. and bia wgfdacra-
. before are aball “aarilp bacotna tbe Siat
laiioD of the rartb.“
frrtt” uia*
that ia
maa^ v-^
zna “untoward
ootowBxu ina»
> up on Capita)
to booBkoai^
to work to keep aa exact aoconnt of
bar axicenditarea. batoncing bet booka
in Ksropaand ofSowad and wiled bp | rwatotlp onoe a month.
foreignara. it ia going to be a long w^ | carlir.t p
Lcia Aagelea eonnell la the 1aniMr ei
11 of Califomto.
It baa a mombarabl
bill ma^ed aod.w
U wd keep ’ to tba........ ....................
un papinS.^^
*)** graaa ratoa
cl oar axpcsi toreaaeto boilt and owned
naots. arltb a U
tors at Fittaburg.
w OMto Osa tba Annwar. b
Not ao. basator Onlloni.
Tba par eapita tnz to tba grand kdge of
ole to Ti emu
From tblsaancal
One of ber
•7-bO, SiaOO and #lBOO.
the BhoiceBt
that is
ahown In tki*
ara rightly
$3.00 to
I nicMitb Uw. in making ap ber ao-:
into itoocarrad to bar that tbat #10
tbonld ba divided {soportionatelp
gwae;. to a matnoar oi tuiaooui owowcu.
berawitb bto
his elowiae
glowing pradio-1 tbaaeraral moatba Bentioaed on tba
>ek iaairtodpapw tirket to ordev to give 16 eacb dap's ac
to tbe cxtwt of #su0.000,000 a pear, j oonnt oolp tbe ambnot of mooep ^aal
.vSL oL.. ~..dir.». i
« af Itow a
wirted to wlenlata and aet dnwn tba
oamber at pounds of loe asad each day.
Tba problem bad aarertl ramlflostioti*
It to neb always pbllcpto pnaba w and Madom eooiiell. No. ifl|8. raeatrad try_a&d finaoca.
wambar tow oflka ai aooa aa be reertVaa
and wtaiefal have forgottoo.bat. at any rata,*
re for tba largest li
tba raakA Tbto to often dona arm to
com iand.iBg?
: it was axceadinglp dltDoall.
wan wbna tbara are old ahdjpltbfol
jooigMgitp wblcb to rigbtfallp oon na- > boQBwifa oorcred efaaet aftv waat of
w writ qaallftad for tbo oflloas
a aad bto fellow pro- j paper
til Sanstor ObIIcbi
tocmberrtlp and
bpagato' n
to ooDgrBaawafcatotbanal'
wraal' riTal ofiierbattiandfaandtatf dlabaeal'
wtiUrd tn tbe
Mas ara am
Tba~ttawail Plan Is •
to Favar. :
g( tba oaM and anact tbe lagiila-: «d and in a state of erident diKtaB.
lodga. In I—,................................................
•aaab taai
dim nacemarpto trwt tbe Atnerloanj
"What to tba world to tbaa--------oU mambw ferla tba, ailgbt pot on him,
I to tba «rat I
. --------- --‘ ba aaked. Tba wife explainad.
aton awsP a“d Iowa letaraat to tbeworkI14 of tba lodga.—Fptbton JoamaL
The Pptbtona of Trias will hare an aX________in______
to tbe enpof UexIoD
—^Br tba ooarenUoD of tbe grand lo^
Tba Kntgbto are making aztemdea
Hipaitoloaf to attend the grand lodga of
OMo tnaatihg to be bald to UaptoaxomBaneing on tba foonb Toaadapie Map
At tba oaaa BOW atMidi tbe Aniarican
abip to tba only ABwicao thing with
wblcb tba oataide world ccBMt lato
that is not praueted. That
- - which bllgbto
SialptoDtoto HeraimlciUwgiMdla^ tbe treitfal proaprtt to ftowatcr Calwilln
a adopttbaplan—KgpaBtaWart-11^.,
lorn'a patriotic pictora.
Tba ladlaaapolto Pptblan
Hast Grand Maaiar at New York A. a
Berwick has been oboaaa aa tbe edtior of
Tba ICnjplre State Sorkmaa. a 10 patga
er. SU.O0U eoplaa of vhkeb are printed
sent to ararp mamte Id tba atato.
Daring tba first two mootbs of tba
toBs papinrats have
io RoI<) eoinT
to tba oorteapcmdlng montbi of last
to gold was received
J__ ii.,.!...
king rolM 78 CM
I. wbkb uwaDsoi
ibar of oaU
oaUanBed D
grsataat numbar
Konioekp oolp laeka $» meBlw to aacore tba prtoo of #S.W0 offaroU bp ibomptnoaiodga
UwlllLaveuatoadlbaiwiuMta iDcreass loag bafora tbe
at tbe IteH of tbue.
Tbewsirkirs and braveaof Wabeonab
toibaaiaacootlDg tbefonatof bast BufCalo. oaptoitog patotoBB. and adopttog
pari Orwt Saeban Oseggs R. Lorla of
OamoraiabM bwu aanouaoscl as a can
didate for great jonkr mu«£o«a of tba
gmt eoaneH at tbe Cfallad Ktalaa.
Tba rtparU from iritMO cif Iowa do not
rtowas largo a gala to mambwablp as
^tpselad. pat.tbap abew tba tribes to ba to
' TBAVBilSE biTT, 1U09.
itallgiblo I
Yon ^nt to Save Money uid le can belp yon do it
Tba twrty ring of tba Woodman'# ai ta
oarer silent to tbe Ohio faraati .
Jmt MR R. .n>»Uiag W.11 P.ii«r At price. »c»crl).tor« AttompM. Tbe qnAliiyi.tb.Tery bo.t
Wbaa tba eoaaol la abaaoiand tbai
riser ufcm bM ebair. ba to empowerad
pwform all of tbe (tones partaiatoi 1
'oOes during tba ttma ba to fllltog-|L
« of title order andsr
aboat everptbtog. imt now both
tboB are warklbg for peat*. Tbop an
Or. Urvy Uodkia baa antoad apon
Jma troabtoR» tinaa as an on»r-
4c a'Double Roll
6c a Double Roll
. 6c a Double Roll 8c a Double Roll
lOo a Double Roll I
tlBlV »« «1«W»*)^
1C Uva of K«pw Yurt g
ling sob-'
‘ itnitT
•aad tort
na toWBla rtew that the lodgB to
IdtoBBribavspBldteibe aaMBa lodge
«* **w M.
Owit ta that tba“eiiBtiaf l^T#".
witoHovs Into abllTteo tff tbo asplB-
fm tnt Bl$«M*Mn.iW^4nwn|^
MoB at tba Ualntf—Oatoba Baa.
tUnew. Clip toodmao wUI areal a baB
B boM tba bead'eamp to IVW
agreed to the optoion that ao avertlbla,
flbnold a dapotp latam a part of Iba nnuiuilBTy war vrooM be not oalpa
fee to tbri
tbr appUcant. ft ao
poblio Blrior^BM but a polltioal sima.
vaUditpaf Ua
—Hartford Goefytrt.
- Jeba J. Coat la now aagnma knlg^
It is true and oo one now linowing this fact wifi
pay more than lOc for the best pattern.
We have sold them largely and the sale is only
limited to tbe extent that lots of ladies don't know
about it yeL
This is a good time to make up gannente Call
and get a fashion sheet and see what pretty styles
are shown.
The New Idea Pattern gives-you the fn'nre sty
les and you can make no mistake in following them.
The correct spring styles in Dry Goods, Cloaks.
Carpets. Clothing, Fumtshiog Goods, etc., ail at low
est prices—shown here.
Call in and see the goods.
nTriUDCDO’C Reliable Dry Goods, Caspbt.
and Clothing House.
I'bnna of Indiana have
IS past grvwt sart
ulatad pIsDs for
r Booap-"—Vo«>>-
preaeni pear ovrr 8 per cent of tbe eos-
lupmua lodge ws noCtoe that
..___.1__ ....
awallawtog bard—“1 o I gat a lovely
answer, bat 1 can t pot it( to my book
baotoae 1 twi'l tall-I c»n't teU wbatb.
er it's dapt or lea
; ■
i g
bare ara maap aw^bo are imlp
tog for ae
’ -----------------A O U
■mUW af tta Orwt Cimitl at li
Ifled aatpioioaal
. I. 1 can gat an a
wKioM WS iprmoouceo M«Rt
It was a new revelatioM that we conld give a
pattern equally a# good aa the best and those that
ladies had to pay 2S and 35 cenU each.
M. a BOLLCT, Hanager. <
THB MtSairivo USOV, BOOAT. Aram. IT, UM.
*TT« .
* '**'^'wUriSl
Ah iaetAmt <d gm* Md bweMAl b«4<7o^ )M^te«wa>l«loi>wy srark,
■.pool. SDK
opm^ A.4 a«t hr «te aMlnMH)
wSptterhadbetf B
lag Wetwa
-Tiin't film PwUna. la Itr aSked bit
daughter Molly.
At that moment a elam of tbe deer and
a biwl cf wintry elr made her look np, m
e WrooK limbed jeueg fellow eorared, «wnot Car awor. where ao maornC tbe goiing -Tying a luneh tenfled ttaili
wumep ere etUwr engaged «« fbOBg nUa'
hetrawr. if ^heg on -iratnlng for work la ttowp in from the Boiler. .............
■ ..............................................gothere
-OohU" eobued the maU carrier. "That
bala't oo naaio fir blu illt't coldar'n
"Big null. Jimr"
"Naw- Tnar ain't bat three leMert, an
It can tbe yoong wcontn Uotoas. ooe o'them's a portal eyard. Oeob. bot
wn known fur btr cbtrlty and
__ny gameiiU for the poor.
, I'm fmel Don't ate why the gov'ment
Tbe Bibletraloingacbool fullowtolomly | weoit ibea letten eviey day. Coon Holler
bf> lleet laid down by tbe onlvetslty or ain't got oo acob Important bualaeatw
TIn!i» U a two years'coorm
years'roorat of ncedt Immeht aniwere. They <«t«r welt
ullegc. Tlicre
'rtody awl |pracUeol work sinung the i till tbry’s a latch of Iratrae ao thn faring
of tbec-lty.
tbe«lty. Jamee sod Itureasmet' ’em In."
. larly each icorulng It
In tbe ___
keutrel "Jiatloerttoktninea,JlD.andlrvekoo
thrin la jUtt'es. Iiiipcetant lulbeCooo
rouw. while
In tbe .Sunday wbuni Jai
__ .
Ibras ours le ai Ot.” r-be tamed
bwi a '
' •
laugbl ibr lutan^oloasof s’tru. fAsa mat- as she spoke aad Uganstomplng the mall.
iurvo Um7 raime to be well as- I'hso tbe, drlheied a papa to a aboek
qualm .and after awhilt when Dorcaa bfwdral-«ba]l boy and waibdon a cntlvmbad bt glteo thoeareuf a ttml Jti»«t er, abUe tbe mall carrier warmed bit
b brt in tbe evnnlug Ui knd the hands by tbe stove-tn tbe reorul sbe tturr.
prayer luwi .ngs. and at tbrYwatked bbiiic ' Tbe customer was ■ yoong girl, aad the
togvibcreMti1ugaflcTevenlhw.ah4rWked two gn-w abaorbral la tbe oompamtlve
d\-erlbedayV,e>efiiewbst«^ihd bo ihure meclUof two ptooos of diem gouda Then
natoral than that they tbouldf^ in iwe. they dlsrutard ibe bappenlogt at the
wbiefa they tlW.
ebureb fair of ibe previout night, wtih
The weeks ami nnotbs eped ijulclily by. : many a "And I sayw and be says." and
end the course <d true lure fur Jaiues and I "I iurt told bliu.” until Ibe cuetamor
Uunas, contrary to tbe old adagw ran tarned to gu with.. "Well. 1 mtiet be guBwoiithly rnuligb. aodibe endul sbetwo log. C'niup.”
ymn' course was appruacfalng. Tbty both - "Well, 1 wlU.. Ton e'm desro," mid
rejulfiL-d ibat they bad entered Un. eebuol Molly and began ruUlpgjip ^agoodt on
tbe aaiiiv time and would itmlve tbeir ibe ooonter. At tbe rtood with ber fam-k
dlpluinaa toKeUier. In-tbe days of ttheir to tbe room, placing the bulu of guude
' thvKm.
A toe beard e (slni
film oUck at
lung couitsblp ibor bad dceldsd to give : on tbe
tbeir lives to tbe work uf mving tbaMmtb- , the bock of tbe suae. LookloK o
«a and mode tbeir arrengeu ent« to go 10 * obouldw, toe saw I’erklbh, tbe
- mall I
I Muliy'e Urol impulse-waaI to sor
"Ob. J
tiM imblo
kbedtv* (b« other dej e
» Britleh ftni ter the «
..m ay -
' MIMA Bmeeati«tat7«
Tbe work, wbiob ooneimi e( a .dam
: atroee tbe Nile at Aaenui and another
is to be oompleled la five
a at Antat.
•■mInHum <M ■ deriee wbmbr the oat pwi. and the t
Inrtellmcnu (d £160.meat bj e
AlnrB mower U|d delivered to o
000. extra: ling over ao pewe end be
tftoole «t the hoefc of Ibe me- ginning oo the eonpleUcoi of the dene
vurWea betsR iswle tojreeeui The greet den forming the leewvolrti
Arnnen will be ootwtroeted npoa Che
^eT^lbegroond wheetete Iwatedn
graniie mi* td tbemunot end will be
.. almiar whom aide pteeee ._
granite ambler,
4owa qoH* rlom to the arooBd. e pro-{
pro- { eolld in
io eection
wcttoa end
ud plemed with mfiimliid bawd or epraB coBlag
cmhiBg new the' dent
oicot dpniugi
dptulugi to pmnU cd
c< the pei
. end there bola«}oaiBiJrd
____ ^jooiBelfd in the of the Nile in flood, withe
with e Terr
rttj moderfMepteomnnapperaDde
lower roller, ete heeding op lutbeentamn
fMepleom u opp
' bnt etrosg esdleoi eU-' niter the eilt Udrai weter he* pened
WMorWt. The el
iedrlrcsbpn off.tbe»1tfSoegateewillbeclaeedgredi nell; Butil the reeerrotr hi fnil. which,
in en o*dinAr7 jtmt, will be in Jennaip
or Febmarr. From Ajdl to tbe tetd (d
; Aogoat. when nbe river ran* low eod
' tbe demand for water for the mger,
cotton end rioe erope it et the btgbeet,
tbegetet will gradoell; be opened, and
the roiipl; in tbe river will be enpplemeotMl-t^tbe water utored in tber«eer-. Bf the time the reeervulr Is emp
tied tbe new flood Wetrr will have wrived. Thus no breek.wHl oocnr io the
irrigeUoB eTCthni. Tbe dam will be 7«
tAwv wuwra aTVAnniKKT.
feel above the river bed et Us ioweal
WtcoaaeetiBf tbe ebaft cd the rew polot. nod the differeoce in ibe level or
^osad wheel with a pollep res the bmd of tbe wi
(raanloo of the ai>per roller. Tba ele- in npiroxliiiaie lengt
TaMrlma an adJaMable oover. topre- g.OOO feet, and tbe amoant of water to
veM the eoattwing of tbe gnm, and be nored i* ealenUted at 1.0bS.OOO.OOO
fegderi prevent tbe falling of fbe graee cobio metrra LodnwUl bets
«‘between tbe fmai roller and elevator. tnpabic of pawing N ile itrainerf tbroogb
Tbe elevator and baakt-t tna; be readllp tbe oataract Tbe Amiol dam ii inlendatf'hed to and removed from aey lawa ed for raidng tbe river level during tbe
•ommer, tbni InoreadDg tbe dlttrlbntKlectrldtr mye Ibe Uteel devdop- ing poirar of tbe cw"«U in middle 1
mmttaaaioinetioe ie a eon blind rtf and Ibe Faynm. and It iidedgned
eanOy totradaoed by a Berlin firm. At npcm tbe Horn of tbe gnat bairagt
non at tbe ean-ebloee on tbe rutnu cw north of' ewra One of tbe objuaiiop
window to be protected tbe blind leU nrged agalnat tbte mbeme, wbiob now
limlf down, and when the ean '‘goee bat been adopted drfiailely. was that it
fa** the bilk dtaae itedf np again. woaid mtaaerge tbe raiat of the tem
Two glam toibi are ecworcted by a ple at Phil*. Ilia
“ ■ » pnrilli................... mercory. eerding tci pmwat arrangemeou tbe faA pUtlaani wire meittd into tbe )[\am
■ mint will be above high walat
. makwooBiart-with tbe meroory at the; lavaL—New York Poet,
i of Ibe labe. aad ifarre are alee {
tact wlrei broogbt
into tbe I
of tbe tnbe, one of which ie iiH
Another fatne pemliar to OaliforewiUi'tbe mmaiy only wbea il I ata it tbe Irrignlon jwohlem. Tbegravrievrl <«'t.-a two rfiiee and tbe'
eoaroee of .water anpply avallablt
***^ *1 . A mImn{(or Bible ttodr •■><>»>• Ml*-
Wan Paper
Window Curtains
Picture Frames
Base_Batl Goods
1898 Goods
Karkham Block.
To Cure
iThat Spring Gold
I Use Rose’s Pine Expectorant.
CKU(MI6r& =
E BMdlg3iiiIdiii«.
is kiKjw that sbe bed s
r. and in ewapauy with
would Isatelbe store and tbe town and
who. II'
tbervwae Do tolling when be would be
enugbu Sbe glanced Ml of the window.
field, etoitod for .Sew York.
leep Jim
There did not srami to be a cloud on tb« No one woe In aigbv She must keep
beriuii) (it their be|iplneeA Their record
In Ibe training erboal had been uf the beak,, toning np hie eoat and pwUlng
and they were roowautetMlud oe mart do-. Moa
g^»lall party y>f fellow atudenca.
bould nut be eppulyiledUne of the nsuirvmi-nta of the
.....---------------- ._.------ ^ ,1^ foreign
“Blob and Bare
Were The Gems She Wore.”
1 awniiA
; "Uh. 1-m worm an better be ttwmpin.
! Blt'sa kmg-Woy back, an 1 gottorgoU 1
I want any dlnaer.'' .
And she secured them at Very Low Prices, becaose
F. A- EARL displayed a targe line of Eluant
Goods in all kinds of-----
Uun neiieni by the buerd.
U'bat eoulU be duw-r AU tbrtr bops
rydld i -ib
talneooly air, tbeotberiifllled eriib
'i>shaw! That haln't ootbln In that.
w ays dum they prayed andprouitsed racb
blaofc wool WbtB ao mn it ont. the water for irrigating them,
other to abtd.-by ibf< (llrranfuo and inspl- Mully. 1 new went wHb bur. oeptiMbe
Look Over tbe Lorgart asoak to
ak in the twotraiba ooeepiee tbe tame alao'reqnired for tbe email o
frum mccUn unct or twkt."
ratloD that sl.ouki euiw tbruugb prayer.
' veinme. aad tbe mercory nand* at log aad meebanical work carried oe la
Tbry parted Itr a Udn) and spent tbe I "Well, tbets abet ibey told DM. 1 Waa
egaal beighu io botb leg* of tbe tnl«. tbe different dtiee and lowtu. aewall daye
ofaweekthey geltlngrlgM Jiwlous.ol Kalta” And Molly
In prayer. At tbe
tat wbm tbe ann it ablnlng. Ibe bolb aa for tbe beet eater aad canaigre in- met again. Jalum luuklug y«le but teso- emibd a U<Wiicblng amllr on Jliu.
"Ub. bub, Molly, you bala’t no canae
*witb tbe blaok wool abaurlw tbe eon's dnotriet. wbiefa are growing to large lute and Iknuas like adnnpiug Dower,
Ibe menuy to rim in I proportlmia aaya Fngineenng Kewa butpaileni dud nsigonl. Naob mad tbe Mr ulk tbai a way, an 1 ravkon yoo
drclsluu In tbe trtber'e eyra. ‘I’becunOwt: wasa't J.-atuos mueb." Jim touUlsd ble
theoppoaileeldeortbeiobe. TblicluMS | To gmarate ateam powei
butweru lo>e and dulyhad been lui-vlieble ' feet and a pbwsrd inltifitokeed aiaung
tbe oirwit of a motor which leto down ooi pfcrpinet there it no cheap fnel and duty had triumphed. It was deotded i tbe fnrklia on blifaoA
Ibe blind, an antomatio awileb twlteb-1 available, at ooal ba« to be imperted that Jbiuea abuaU gt> akioe to tbe biretgn I "Yea. I waA Jua. Mart any girl would
Vfag.off tbe current as anno at the blind . bom NDgland. cmiiag, wbon landed, DeM and Durou reluiu to the Ualnlug IW Jetloos If toe knewa feller toe tbungbt
gen to tbe end af in range anfl revere-1 from ga.bO to gv per ton. depending oo eebuol to take up lbs wort of city uUa- i war bar friend was guing with awitbcr
. lag tbe nmneetioaerd tbe motor ao that tbe qnaliiy end on iba rate of import
ft is ready to wind np Ibe bllad as ootm: daty. while tbe llmiiral emoont cd fael
ae the other conuec in tbe tnbe it made. I oil obtained from wells in the vicinity
waist. Hbe tnored sway a
In UU world. Jam. _ .
"Wbm tbe blind seacbee Ibe top, tbej of Los Anrelm oells for fnan gl to China
awl iXovas mturoing ogam to (be ' step, awl
oarraot it again ewilebed dt. nod tbe ' gi.M.per barrel, which la eqnal to good work toe bad laiditowa.
caaaacUsBa armreverted at tbe ewitob. ooal at from fit to «d per tun. At areTime will tpsMl quickly, eran fur bro"Ob. say. Jim. don't go i You know—
.......... . ■ - ------,
enlted theaaootKlUiont tbe prodootioo LenbMtrtA Lioodrvpuruuauemuu Jamra you know—«l> -...-.hr«l» «,ioh« s«»
Yon waBt aoythiog in the
-■■saliw Cataa.
power unci fniui g'b to glOO pet aoruss (be sea, aad Uuruas becatitv known
uf tbe puur It...............
lb tbe body (ulul
Somimn cattle may soon oame to 8k ‘ bmepower annually, wblch high ooat and luted In tbe bouts
drug line ym ^ant it
""------ ‘
ber ex-. hour. " And now tbebna. grown bolder.- ,
' tbe rale retber thas tbe eseeptks. Al; would bare oaoaed tbe detelopment cd district sbe tooded. TbcpolDuf
perlame gaw a gi
me. and padenoe to ; went around Mul>y^ tllw waist.
all evenu. tl looke a poeriblllty. eiaoel tbe water powers mneb tootter bad It ber
You-^rpt it right at
dealings with oibere not there bf|.a«, ! wlnoed sod woDdemd tf Iba gtric at
debonitttg taae ootne to be eo popaUr. I not been for tbe fact of tbeir looatioa and her name became a ayoonyiu fur lore I "Urtler" bad wbah-booe rAn.
At firw tbe practice was objected to as I at a oaoetderable dltunce from tbe oeo and S7tupauy with tbiae towbuu lorei "Not au-Ugbl. Jim. You faurt"
being wnel and ounatnnil. Tbe early tore <d popalttlon. At eooo at long dlttdeympeUiy bad beso uakMwn.
i "Laws. Imney. tbet balnt notbln. Ef 1
* Iff daboning with a eaw was
U had Uioa alurtwt tbr. jmn eliMe | w. to gltc Tmi>rt unr good eqinesa, I'd
awl Donas .iswted. Duroas'siraagtb brak
'k yoL.
you In two
. . "
ndly elow and 'painfol, bnt spe- aocomplistaed fact tbe remotonew cf the
!ca oo
ao far rratotvd tbat
that oi
al ibesug-l "tv< II. dou'i try Ik 1 den'
reare now nmd dratrr piwi-rt imm tbe market wet no had licca
and. ionglng i
that often ramovo a btaa In a tingle !'longer an objecitoa. and tbit field of de- mtsliun uf trioMls.
tbe wurk sbe bad trained to d« sbe deteraeQood. and with seUWe raffering that velopmeni became a most profliable oaa mined to make another appltcatmu lur a
-'-fatdlog is oontinaed as *nenal, aad tbe i
^^-----------•W 7. ea,, 1 oou t Itotera ye like m.
futvlga post
operation is reallp bamaoe. tbe baqneat I
mga* Ter^ caM aj ■■tie.
tsdoiw tbe boald, .V. aoeeptod.
lajarlea is bwda Irom goring being .prm
It is inierwiing to note bow Bnrapwa
"Yea. ld.s"
When (b.7 htord biv lo what field aha
f'Do yr now imdlyr ‘
Tented. Tbe borne bare baeome atterly pbyeicuut are eiopluyiiig more and wisbed to gu. DoreM niwwemd tety gen
tly, “To China."
Bblttaort Stock Bwnivwl Thrae Tim« • Itgta
nmieea being BO longer aeaded at pro-j mure byglraiio miwpurw
"Oh.Jlml Not here'"
Then toe srt about nuking thaelmplo
CouDtg, Me p«r qunrt
tcetiaB againet natoral anemiea la, drag* for rarinoi forme
"Wy nou Come. now. Nf ye doo-V
im<m In cbUdrwi'
'w»dvt»nurA A leilrr
BUodmi^s, 80c per ^1^ ^
.aalvrs lew then 8 wradia oM.tbe embryo < Night
Iullw yuyeodhupe.say 'l'iua-fOlo
' rwa-golo right
. away.
borne oaa be remo^M with one etroke
«ke j Imperfqrtly
fed and nfivn oocorring In j
ling for b.-r.
Mully sboddured. There
Tnera wae
woe wrtlag
«faebarpknifi,ortber ran be maMd! ocbert through faulty iralning ie now'
nriui ini> slur)
stun ouuiii bhn U- luM for Ik tlbc had started li> now. and
213'Pront St.
with a cnnsilc anfAoirttUy powerful to! eacpes^nlly treairai by menns of the > by ixiu. uwn lellits
h-tuts to Ut frh-DiU. A ' going su far to gain ber eod might as widl
fimtruy Ibom. Per tbrae yitas tbe: uoiIl-bux. Nigbl terrirt never oronr! lelluw worker ru»i>ed a letu-r fituu her
. .. iw'thi^b with
lb Ik
Ik t^be luraed her loot
mt .Id (alowly up to blssldewlte, and tbe nutt In
Mtloenphrlmaat etotloa baa ilehprned when tbe child U eohndI ntleep. bnt; Biwut
alMut two inunibs
munibs ogu
ago tolllna
lellina of Iber.ld
a trAack that Usik
calves br rabblng tbe bonit fqpr
Sva, only lu Im
im fikit
fikst stapcA
stagcA If tthe
Mmnaob I nnirul In cti.na uud atscrusng it thus: i etant
pr ur Sva
' .B sfomaob
sway Ixr breath. Sbe gatprd a Uttle. and
TWm Be W.
tiines with caBaloputaih. Inv(very com ; Is overhwdrd.
tfc" crude,
dlgvrted. The ataipcmt aariss-al n
but (die tbe opentrion boa been engotitt food IniCatCA and we b:ive n retolari lemihs lsad.suu in.wi.
"What ie
"UlkfaUierV’tbecrlni.wblleJlDtunUS and tas. lu ti
fnl, tbe (siK
Id J(be cxm
-------------------bock, "i'elher.
---------------I'te got hlui! I i we be like, par
naubcij ibu age ci 8S days betoiT treat-1 naie in Irar. The true reuredy uf coor.i lediy uisappuaumui k-Mu.jKh au.mw u.u,. I bf
meiii. will! .the reenlt Ibai dwarfed., ie tu esublito gu><d bcbiis of diet and!
lwuu..j-.urn jm. w »s.
-Out wiml liot wba
ball " asked Ibi- p(al formcney.iuy sun."
i> liiai.
.U.S.A. s»ss,u..« -be dour Ul.lud blu
tarns ai. im-b or 1«, inebet Irntg were' go-ri mental baWU. ourt-fully avoiding I
-Id Uis band .. «*-•«- stantaing the
pairing and enameling, ai that I ___
gnUtajat-uily ilcri-lupi-d. A breed from i frights and )al(« tbat prudoev toank . wta<s ibe iM<*> u( rMMil sruara and walklnii to ihu rear uf lb. stora
and do r*v* Jon the beat
ib(ii.ue who's been
(betsi di-luiriiMl caiile born Without I Verv bripfol Ins bmi foniid a mualoi tow wvr* twi-in
*1 w.-asMisdy yra"Be oUitus tobeaauotherii pUulw.”
In tbe city
city for
f the money. Doa't
• ^ura. IcuuM
horns is -cooildL^Uy expootofl.—New box act IO
eo |day plraweot
rlraweot aira
"He doeen i look like one "
by h-bet oibere toll yon to
•neo IB biis. buv Jo. A UsikiBs up
York Timea
(tlllil is pat tn bed. Cesos of afaronlo___
7. bnt come. and aee for
"He la. ibenigb. He ieaHotaitenIsn-. .Id williy. "iMT IkMca-, yuo i Midiy."
night tomnw bave bivu evred bj it' are v.-ry .sliaaswl."aud my bu|M- u Inst il.rl “Just yon sraivb btiii: I.wbimt He’s dertkker. "—New York JonruoL
« all my work to br right,
......................... 'utber .ebaae... tui Its Is-i.ri. Wars lu Lc msirfd ’i geS a letter! 1 saw bliu al tbe sale! Look
when allnibcriuniusbavelailed.
ai chriPii
ll O..W I BI
and*?”it doee nat prove oo 1 make It
Lighting Ibe pyruiiiitlsof k^ptwllb aervoDs invalids have al>o foond tM
I In bis isrteto'"
ally fur at;
' "liuw la tbJft. Jlml " donrantM the
•loobiuiy and tbe iu.tallaiioo of« H8.- box bciprd to promote sleep. It
b works
Stop ia tin^'eloak'avary ovening.
■■Have you bo«-n fobbing tos
It to Aatnto
000 hmepower pl.iut. tn <>ost —vme
i-videctly a
___ eierpt bandoy. ip tbaCUdwoll A Lon
rt«lslrr>d Ml) r Uu mu
m the safcl '
#400,000. is a plea uuw ond.-r r.m^idep. ,ibe nurvone eyatom aud a aiwndiT. uiora,
' Mtlwlfadua..
don bnilding. at,'north aad of Oalon
tm said ooibli
ooibliiK- Uls bead bui
•lice by tbe Brititb gur.-riiD»-ui. and pMorfol repo..—Journal id IlygieM. '
ondbts big red Uiigt-r* plcWnl uetiousiy
made tron s louk
•n Amgrtcnn Arm ie repunml ss likrly I
,--------al bU rawk
IB fra sod yabroDs
•orccN ivetoeoontraci A.ooilliH-d, ibe I
yb. Ky.
' .rl. arv. bu.y p.st,Jc. aud u tbe staihmta ferward.
1 "Gu
"Go get Constable r<touk b
Itao Juclodos the gcMnuou nf . itsitlo ' If naythlng gcU lut» your ey«. don't an inUwl one tbe pwas
mlA "I'U wpicb Jim.’
siua, and toco |ly."
power at tlto Assuan falla <«Jhs Nile . «b ik Ort eomcltay to torn Ibe npp* there is ibs walui.g
■pa It was uuly t Wl--------.flvar. and its trdnsmiaM(« adltfams- of - rvolid-geully over a thin penboldrr ao • mw days ago ibat frlMMls tn ibis city r«- [ (Wvn was luoud in tbe ivki-i uf Ills coat, a Aad mckhd pics' hvk n
loo aillee tbrongb the couoo gn.wiuB ! ii,ai he may «• ihclnUof the eye tbor- '»*'•«*
off lu ai
While eve it's BIrk with r
diatrieta. wbeiw. it it b.ywed. the enghly. Tbe eyelashm. (rtvfnily graap- nwaoed b. mam»g, to
ebaap power will penult ibe boilding ed. wlllaerveio laiM tbe eyelid ovir »> bad^ a pmny wsddi.. WsworsU As (bay wtw taking him irusn tbe store bs
inrnm) and knkraT'Et Molly. "Was that
did link
llisk Mullyl
Mully 1""
The power to tUnminato tbe lMen<a and if you eeu the aoi-ldeni at uiob. i upras. My wmuiBs dim- was ibr
" YewL H was! You <dldnt Umk, did
vine. I tok (1^ is wvT._ na t'
eorrldors of tbe pyramids aud also op- [ wasli ont ibe eye wUb one part
WMht 4M bs meuk Mollyi" atoed b«
pouping moohUiiwy for irrigating g.r i.. iwo Wu of w»Uw. I’
if ;
fatber after Jim and tbe eonstabla bod
areosof draart. along tbe NUa— dca’t sra.i/caocideaiimmefilaUly
_____________________ elmaUAl n esols W bar. yooi weddliw dnse fatber
karmd to rarteriug Mfira.
ply pnr-s4r«Ti oil or olive oil into tbe owde. aewUledepil awnyoftbeqaaiBiaad gODC. • How dU you manage to keep bba
eye and eond lor tbe doctor.—^opaliir
Mrtta "J ■ebeve.rletarililsd IfaSaat,
taieDce Ncwa
And Fcs»- Ie place of rymesa, btos portm. fHniwil4 a
tor the
ie reported ia Almta.
my lere lo sU ib,- <U»i
taartvr bpiker never Im
found out bowMoUy
dec. waya
•rir .MBSrtbsr OM as y •
boMebethlrt.—»k LonU Globe-,
i^^Jy poly Asm sad peoskme•gon
-Chicago TrlbuDA
Biwfeamr Wiuklri is pemoded tbat
taeoeb tv wreck srtotato tkrt m mads id
. 0( OIL - It was iad
more than so p«- cant (d deotol eartee
•pringA nud the >
is abaolntely pievraiUUe by
-1 knowm lotAUke
mwefoticdawl. Tbey tnoublmmjiles
I M^t wttb iny tatr dw np^ wo^
Ever Barned OstV
•r tbe (111 to N.-atile. onfi ttoU provA il
Ws-re Mart hlghmiona ibtom. boa nntblag
«h be i£ as high grade •• any ever token
r awy B ward and etways
bar heir to ihol rtyto That wUI do.
FepnaylvonU welta
y at night, leeantonti
Ii enoagb ^1 Oifl eoal la'tte fila
—, f> toj—^—
mrmj to apply ibe world. It iTchiN
S’- -Ato. S3-AJRIfi,
Fletchtr's Ofstsi Dspol ud Risttnin.
Bicycle Riders.
k Lederle.
It I.
.«,» ,i,_.„u,jto u iito
to. K'r—rto'r'..tr.rc-to
—Watch Repairiiig.
-John Verly.
—Front Street. , _ ,
sysjssrsi^r'toto. M..
Tn MuBaim bboobs. •tnrOAT.-BniL ». in*-
MAI—i" ^
—M n— MlHiHiCy
I «k«of I
^ BooT^lAd.
I eUul; d«
««n «xpeoi*d to N—It tR— the _ .
tioa of m inUted cnmaor BtuaMd of
<m own, oUicint tb« world to oonrom
or—ffwrtbeooMoqMBOM. Tb«Cliio«AO
plBtlorm onbodlod the id— in ttMM iw
iah. ewT eild a U« —eO Wt
Ah. eol
Utlip y—r hwrt. hn — rear ^
Owr the g«^—foot ^rtrhW
BeWdc Mm t—elj riWh g—.
UalhttotoUdlkh Ul—aMhe.
mh I Idih fir>- aad —afanaol
.Oh. ha n» «enu Ua IB wr
Th vena ^bS'a Ut aanertaal
••Itooaghttbe-^etdicifl^te J«T
ktoosse was ^ty.“
It ie—ly
I In hie wlM
“Tb— why he—'t be be— a—teno-
“(». that was becBose tbe Jndge ask- Tslo this *Me of Bsiringt—'a \
Bcre be mt-eu toe mysterio—to3y
■ ad him if to—> waa anything be wished
to my befocs •—isms was—md op— agsio and again. Andrew to »0-ton.
strong sod m—ly looking. Cara fhrri%
the —lU bte^. OSes aU her Man.
“WtU. that's oosio—ary, i—'t it?"
-gb. y— it’s oastomary: bni, y—
oea. ha to a Popoltot and caomqBoaUy
tUatolBlking yet.
Chicago Post.
Om Of toa Kama Popollteatood
Ooomal Orosr—or U fas held thate—•
gnm ooBl^ toftolsu twlas into piopar-
one boor before midnUht. he
toe rim in his little brawn wherry.
•Oa the big rack which' eerrea for a
pter a m— and a woni— arralt him.
Barringt— osiriee a rollae la each
hand. They—irr (he wbmy, and An
drew polle iwKtIy and aUentiy down
of her, that, Barringt—being her eocain and friend she has oome to'bim tm
protcotioa. atU she osn get eot of toe
to .50 to
”'Tbs anewar oams readily aad owopl
story. “W—Id be think rtie WM Mr’
uilboal ia tii-d to a ring lu the rooky,
ebelring bank.
They go aboard this, the little wherry
a faaicsied am-ni. the sail* are aiitorled
lud — thi y go, liBiK-iu;: lightly—I into
(be waters of the bay.
At nigbifuU of the next day they
come to a giiwt city. Bnrriagton and
the tody g« b*»;otv. home-parebasn ate
to be made btie. cud Barrioginn U to |
nr a mao who will boy tVe.'b—t—thia
ie what they bare toM Andrew, la the
»—nrime he ia to wall with toe bast'
nntiJ their relorn, when (bey will sU I
go aboard the greatI one—
oee— steamebip'^
wboea black feunele ' '
baring wharf.
Andrew ie riot< pMtlwiVrly
. tb.la. TBr.mniilou i.etoac.yjii..
U. w...oii.RMT
' iv
belief that she lores bun. end be e—
nem forget that her Ups bare tooobed
hie own. 'The paw boy is <]aile daft fee
toe time and does not dream that ba te
being duped.
The city clocfci are striking 10,-wfa—
a ragged snert gamin ctomc* toe wbarf
and bail* Audn-w.
“Hi. there! Be y—r nantc R—nllV*
Andrew nods, and the boy bands biui
a note
“A Mg owedJ aptnwnsist tbie to
Andrew takes Ibe note —d lesrs it
reeds ss follows;
eai—rd booad
If you wonder where they all pome from call in and look j
^ over my line of handsome Oarrlagee anl Oo-Oarts, snd see what |
g low piioei'we are selling them at. then you will wonder no long- |
A er that everybody can hare a nice carriage.
i J. W. Slater’s House FumisMug Store
X28-X8J3 B'xoxL-b StTOet:
Ob tanring Praaos, if y— —pen to
“* tnaii— CO— no—a. — y— go
mu. Tbaiettcid-rablood^ShS;
r— ap-i»
bis eyes. Be staggers down into toe Ut> ;'
to re-—tor with—t
tie —bln and thmws himself laeatrato’ formalitiea, ' else hare y—r
the floor. He tat—ks into gr—t sobs
is. haee a UxUe
which shake him trcsn bead to foot To
All nigfat kmg U
first gi—t tt—bie. In the morning be__________ ___
Mgkt of -it U bstefal to him. and be
. _ _
In —y e
y— wUl be —bjeond to more or I
annoysMe aad delay, whiefa o— aU ba
arolded by Joining a toonag eiab. Aad
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oomqnal <ith tlia Tm.icM.a.r lombv Oomfur.
We ban <bc ale Chad.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mfll MMfaiBM7afhlid
ttooe, do not Mas year temper, for toa:
faolt is probably all yoor own. Rear I
Wb— he CO—M oat of UsAtaper. be
y tr—tier, bat eepeteUy ia Fraa— |
flade hlmerlf nndar anen for being the ^
_.w. uadmitarcm. H«l—ms,
He Uams.
. .. . '
aeennpli—of anadmtarm.
an. That she aad Barringt—. who U ------- „ minieter is
her lorn. pUnaed the oM worn—'■ v> helo roa.—J-enhI P—aeU
to B—>
mnrd«. in order to otoain p—ri— of
the mooey and JewrU which she board- te
—. That Madge OeUpfalns t
ed tos marder bp means of h
—btie'fatir—. rirte* tbs' body into a
Otottoaoy u tbs foot trf his whole
Monk aadc—reyed It to Barringt—'s oharaom.andhe—lyknoekBtoel—d—
- raXs.wb«ritwasb(iriiriiDtososlUr. *t the door. t< te ministry of a^toaL
The my
[T mnJ. wbleh
Ai.A.n,bak«> •"
ried aoren
-----------------------h« h
Ju bu
In troth, toe faettoea. seUto.
before a mogtatrate. wkM
where be
bit hoanty. • Inooth,
aiy upatriotie poUoy «ff
story, c—iniag tbe lore ps—sges. Bat
the magistrals to sn—catr oldmunod
reads betws— the Uncs ad pitica toe reretee to tbe medal of Oto
tbe plow. Tbe forming
to toe —tspak— ignmidniii of iu«
aireeted. 1 want y— to identifj her.
Be opens toe do— to — toner toon
Thay are toe nohlss. they are toe oAand nttere an exclamati— of dimayThere, proetnte op— tbe floor, with __ toey stand (or tba tond. toe enp(d dynasti— and tbe aoreery of
stoe* tbro^ bn
T Jeweled hairpin m
armiea. Un tbe sti—gtb of aU this they
«n, lies Madge Del
aad epecial nwieHirsti— at wimt"la thi* Ibe wo—sn*“
ooet to other
“Cars FcTTi* bad dark hair,.
,fra— . the
AbdT-w. .hol.wWl. »iu.lli«. '
<^07 lo wbo» wdtoT. IW boM
, Tb, »»b«»»
be ssid that toe
ksU from s table— by.
^ adraooe to Ueniun praspertiy daring
Iset geuerstum has not be—to their
wM^n^TJ^tw^’^STto IhJ'cSJ toe
■____ . «_________________ __ __ cronnos. nor an tbrr to be looksd to
faetWo(kh,CBrrw8(»BBA6dte A «tnpbto 8«w Mm IW
We era am the aama at-Tramaa CIW
-always a atei ahead of otosra to qaaUv
aa^aetephehtadtoa—to priaa.
Oar flptog Um ef M—'h aad latUa’
Shorn U made eopaeiaDy to vy eadm.
TVy are omde o( tha Ugh-t prised-a*
tertol. Momof theiart aqaal — to flL
raehi— aad Make, aad they aU aab more,
moeey ttea we da Saroty ihU U wartk
toe—Ugstea (or yoor owa laUc—t.
prioOT •!■
48, $1.68, |
$1.8T $8.10. $8.44. $$.68. $M, I
$3.00. $3.60, $fo00.
Our $L1$ show srs winasrs
Toot trsds wfU bs ^n»«oiRtsd.
186 Front Strsst.
PsraotcLoal a^Aiseze
«L.w.b.bUs:.. .br^
.no. t™.a.rt71. b»I. 0.
Um. bbO IbiO.IbJ bbm. To Abdnn, 11 ttirn».-Bl«*.oal .
seems as if tbe memorr A his folly;
-------------------------tartora him forem, bat as toe ,
w go by toe shame aad w€omj die ' Tw—ty y—n ago Mrs Bll— Baztay
away Uttle bv Utte
. and ber basboad of AnBapolis. Md..
Jea. faitofol o—L hefifo— to him porabaaed some toad (ram a balldii«
—d lorn him. Be to y—ag end tbe asaociatl—, ThgT <—ttoaad to —aba
world to (te aad lite is plea—tit after toeir tagotor peym—te to toe aesoeto1
tea. toe wife 0—ttoatog to pay toe tn80. gradaaHy he tetorae to bU oU rtallto—uatar toe death of ber h—
legi—CO. aad it all eada—it sboald hand, which oeearrsd eamal yean
■with a weddtog.—Oahlto World.
after toa poroha— Theoenedatea bar-------------------------tog goM oat of exisesDoa. the w—laa.
at tb> mm mm
who is axiom to seoon a tear this to
Tramp—Usee yoa anytotog. saAm. tbs pKgwtty.-snnu to know to whom
to span for a poor teyforar toto mom- to pay toe MO balaaoe rtmaw- —U.
- Aettog onder the rais toa*“ba ihM
-ym T— SM ga flgM -eks eqalty mam do equity.’’ber
—t to tbe wood riwd aad todslgs In ori e—Made that hyofferingtoa
cold obepe aad—m to yoor heart's oea. of tbs pareham money toe'^U dotog
-Bom— Ooariv.
aqalw — ber part and wiU apply to
-------------- 1.' ' ■ —
I toa oqaity ooart tor a deed of tbe propre—S '
I any. Thao—e'
Tbs qasrii— tost
Paaflrtte—T—w Wb 1»«7» to tba eexpormti— btesd-4.
----- --------tscriva tbs balaaeaF~bKs*
. . • ...
ita'^ WS«.S®.S®'SA^S'8®*®'S'S®'8’'
b.ia„ipl,rti«o,wbll.li.l«« mA. ^sbe ^ad eoqaettUhly.
Owner—Te^ indtad.
toe Wito— toiiff law that eongr-s
Andrew letsim a decided negativs.
“Bat bow am 1 to kaow tbatP*
OMid toglstoto oM-half the—Ins -t of
tog U10
“Try *im. J«’ go —trida with na
older. J— Bsrdy is t—mood to own ■delimbia attoatwtodar.’’—Cbbwa
iwp**y- _______
tost Andrew docs not ooi— to m ber
anymore. Andrew b—no motbex. aad
•nreMew V-kEr-laffPjPt.
Us latoar,. who U not a my.
“Wa base faand oat why Meta fenokl
righted maa.ae-iie<tengetol
—Id atepes^
-mateehtoa.'' <
Mtahltobed ia toe United Bt^db bow who to moody hr onltod by flta
“ is itr*
In two weeks’ time Aodn
rihawsd in demoarttotiag toat^defi*
hs goto - dwi ttrad
himesU madly in lorn wlto tUs wa
«i—by In toe tort sdnrfBietrwtte
meoU dishes om sod
wteoto a sarplae totoepNMitaa.- Bedoasaat rioptoroaa— omtbaab* am fad om."—DeOofl
Jk— Ffo—
—xdttydt» MlUtoS a or—laraSa-“—
ne tolhl d—M«re «r-t
the toUd too—ta toradtol
••d rdd At tbe pi—t tagkl ntlo of Id
to 1 wttbosi wAltiag tor tto aid or ecwtoBt of may other aetioe. We deoMod
The big. white ateaiaboat becfca i
. the! the etendkrtf lilver doUer ebAll be
A fsU le«>l woder tonBllF with gold fraa the eHiart rwingi ahoat and goea
te ell debu. pablio and
Md alowly do«n the rirer aoanding hci
we totor ODcta l—ielatioB u will pre^ whiMle at iuterralA for the fog if eon
toat tor the fetnre the '
ing in rapidlr.
AB* kind of Irgdl tender d>ob«7 by
The few loafere oa the pi« eye eori'
prime oontrert.’' la tbe amenc^te of oaaly the tall. Uegant wonaa who h—
pabUo iptokitig that aarked the eai
ptigi^BO phtaaeof theeilreritea
d with a more swelling einpbaaia |
“witbont ^ aid or eanasat of any I pnta this oneiy:
erherulioB." There waa aonetblng in
t hiMi ■
It —nnaed w pot all other ooantriaa la ; mtc— the rtrerr'
the boekgrtMnd with one ware of thej «'Jnekoa not.''daelawo«ad Jed. takacahori—1 am. and it waa always good] lag oat bia pipe to stare at bar with aelorabigNan^oltre
itaoe aaplaaae. , tonishment.
traiishmcat. “The
*‘Thi» ateai»ef
-■-------- ^ goes
— into
I port Jest below here ter wall fer tha
Itogtrr.litt. nar'snogittia.acvon'tba
foreign ocwtrover^. The great oonoap-^ rirer tmilghi, mam."
tica of onuiug loose from all the reet of j •*C— yoa manage a boat, ay good
creatioa will be adhiitted et'present to
be qnite inpracricabla We might have
All toe loafoi anile at thta Old
been willing to —11 oar pradneta on a
sd b—aka into a neUow lang)i which
rilear bate bat other aationa take a sends a perfect network of wrinkln
dlSw—t Tlew of their owe traneaetii
rer bis brown (aoa.
It happens toai it U gr—Uy to' onr
“Why. ieddy," benya “tone ain't
•tareat to bay aotite forein warships not nary a boy of lOornp'ard ak>«too—
toly to etrengthM oar nary, bet eren aa d—'t know bow to handle a boaL’’
toan to keep then oat of tbehandsof
H» lady laagbs toa Sba is my
ah adeertoiT. Of eoaree tba trade la for chaming. er— old Jed realian that.
aaah, and'lt is to be noted that the two She takes a goM pieoa tram bn daiaty
Brateiaa tolpa cost ia gold Ite than pomand nysi
half toa anoBBt ttet wooM hare he—
“U y-wOl takaneaad
(or tbna in ailrar. Tba
anon the rim. thia ahaU be
Tbet—ak ia ahage affair, aadted
/ -- -------- QoW
anywbwe in'tba look! at it with om eye aloaad aad
■arid at toe ewin^ raloA while slrsr ihakn faia b—d.
is aoeepted only ae hdlUon ootte# of
“Uitwa»'(fntoe fog, aum. eay
toe oNBtry where it ia coined.
OM — — 'ad take yw acraat fer noth
If ai7 CM had takeo the floor in the ing. Bat we oooldn't aee the boat's
Ohiei«ocW*(«ib<» and eoggaeted '
length tonight''
toe day might
. The lady atten a aharp exelanatfaa.
flhd it blgtily
. . arpeditot
to bay foreign eager aad dfnppointin—I ehndlag bn
wartoipa In a bury, be would hare featoree. A bewwn faced led sSepa from
he—howladdqwn as aridonaryi '
tba earnn of the Uttle red-bhggage
tolly taeUng In patrtociam. Ra
bease when he has be— ataadiag.
rarwbalmad with abonto
“If y— dare to go. madam. 1 wiU
r thing nndar all oiroaia- takeyoo." haaaya.
a flaaaeiaUy at laaaL la to act
8be fir— him a radiaat anile, at
“with—t tha aid or ecaia—t of —y which be ftoabes to the rootoof hie faiz.
atoarMtkn." That n—th filling boat waring balr.
at aloqaant self snAci—cy wonld bs
Jed and CM or tee
the other m—
tekad tba inbteat. while fboomnds
zemewtnie with him to no paiposa.
Canaaats Jotnad in the PopaHn y
A aBiall brown wherry ie broagb't ap to
to. clinto (be point. NeTertbal—L
the flight of weather fa—t— steps lead
b^lng the two Brarili— diipa we bare ing down (ran one aida of the wbatl
—red acreral milU—
The big trank is lowered into it, and
toh lady handed down by Andrew B—also made Ibe
be diaoqrwy that than an aeU. who ia thrilled
the tooch of her
ia which toe mt of toe coot satiny fiogata. Be polls off into
world nay be urlal to — Oar
Oarfo-^to—Ign toe fog bank while the loangan — the
oxpons last year, am—nting
hg to "orar wharf make their comm-ts.
11,000,000.000. rra— paid for in gold.
“Mighty fine kteiag craft toaL ’’
In the laoe <d a threat—ed foreign war
“Carrin too aaeh tail.''
. CM of oar best w—p—s of defense is
“ Wbet ran abe waat om the rirerf'
to# naob abased gold alaadaid.—SC
VP'rbipa abe'e boond fn Bteinit—'a”
“P'thapa She looks Ukahla kind."
fionell iHortia OM Jad maato him
barriyag an the ^Uaga street
“Well. Andrew, y— got aoron all
Wadnaodayin tbsaauatemadashoto- rightr*
m noord for the flexible knte aad toa
“Tee. Ihadaoampa—•'
aanpilec—1 mdatb of the Populist a—•
star (ram Kehrsska.
“1 oon't tell yoo." is tha oart reply,
as toe boy paena —.
.____ » AU—.................
All aobseqnettt inqnirieealioH ao farIbul apf—eliy aU ototr.s—aUn...
ton iofortoati— to— that Andrew
Prapa- eTerse* (oaneeh sraklw......
1—M ber at (be road which leada np
heosta Alin's escess U Us areraae
That is to aay, — Wedaeaday Se—tor by Barringt—'a and that aba expected.
Allen exouted bie b«tliiuate share of
the opgettlag —d talking by ab—t
'^rlagt— ierepo^tobeimmease.
1,000 pet o—L
So tar at we —menbar 4hen baa ly wealthy. Be nem miagley withA^
ia a Imlly
errer be- aDythtag like ttaU in the prriple
I>'nD>e tbm
tnere. and
ana be
ne lim
biatory of l—iteU—. Ko winder the fasbioo. He hringa bis
and there araat^ra
pablimi—«f the exact
*bom ditent>rts;
' ■* ‘
..wi wild
—4i.( doiogs
Abbid... at
mt the
*a« gr—t
I of tbe Uuu. William Vin- of gny and
c—t AU— e niainepnng ia prodaehig Iwow-whicb fill tbe mmopbiiticatod bcow—rniatitio every where except amcaig tires with amsm-iiieiit
hi* admiring Popalist oanatiiD—u in i He comes sad gora — he Uk- and ia
' altog<'toer very mysterioos.
But it to motK—ily—bold, btotont. ■ Audn-w Bnsoell b- a sweetheart on
nthlew monopoly.—New Y«k Son. |
-ygtete-bi-lganaat bc^lika
Oawfa—— t——wtadad^ttoe
;Aad eal el—.^a barn—
If jran srs Folngr to »skr gsrdss 4o not fkU to 4ss onr
oomplsto Btosk of Flowsr, Osrdett.snd nsld
Zn psskstsnr balk.
MB rmst Blrwat.
Hutto Tlw Hmlwifi Hnn
^ 1
■m—hstmtef sBthne
Kaqi. Bd», HM* Bhanl*, raita.
WhMlbumra. W,. .te. X
4.4:8 B^TOiL-b street!.
Bs tern ■-*—M (he atom to Ms am.
. 5,
Firat Teftr«>No 998
Avs BaDOttirmoir.
•ptrtteo o»tete te aMM* OratteMO
All Iter mmA late th«
I artb*
din AT-
tenoM teTkk* lUmr Up Ac*ta
noon noK rou
" *•W
tateaV la aooardaaaa with the afrean^t reaehed laat alrkA the aeaato
neaeiaii prampUy at 10 o'clock.
Af^ mlantoe a qaceam a^tored.
itr. AUenof Habraaka. rcfan^ to
•harialtcf the rcpreoontatlroe
MOwAn to the Whito Boaae an April 7.
maid: "I want to reflatm- my prrieat
4«hlMttha Fi|tmatoUrea of tha ae■caUed powen of Baropa catorter toe
BTUto Bocee airi Iriliac thE cocatry
ctoat It Bhril do. I eaaaot andarmiaad why tha presldaat did aot iatem thaw that thfa eoaatiy weald aot
.totento aay iatorfeicaoe from' team:
Tot hare te the Brat atop toward breakdown the Maaroe doetriaa and the
Aatraettoa of the aatioa. 1
mtaad tha powen latoad to re farther
«ad to meJre another eanaltapoa the
White Howe erlih more 'pewelac de
mandA Wltbia ete monthe the mm
poware wOl ba aigiac the OalMd
fitonatoacTaatoarbltraUM la .prdec
Ohat car liaMUty Ittht Hpealeh-Oabaa
Mr. aemwanfMlri
the poaltom amamed te thte. eriete hy
the w^lAmt aall aigAkd agaitot toe
reeegnlUan nf the praaant tepahUe of
Aagtea MoColl hae letomad from Bay
City after atiendiag the aaaaal
veatloa of toe
He came home alao bearing
nddithmal hoe rba aad weariag a saleable aad haedaome gift whloh te
aoarea nf eanaMarable pridA aa It wna
eetod to tha
ia MlehigtA There Were le eaadln te tha eantaat aad Mr. MeOoU reaaiced ISM toto. for tha iewel. li is a
paadaat te the form of a hoteeahoA
anlld gold aad aet with ti elegant
paariA aad eaepended from a mUd
gold bar, engna^ with hte aama. Ur.
MoOdU waa ate# honated wlthVnilnfiteiina aaeretaly af toa'amodaUen.
arertter war. aad it te
. . ^ ■
SSO Front Btretet.
BoUey Otb^sUo
It's early for
but-we bETS got them. At
Would You Use Soap
If You Could Get It
At priem tost are right. We eas mil
pan Toririto Bath at 6e per eatn. Not ches
soap, hot daa that ia bolltoo hener.
Maay other hmpde at 10a *0a SSe.
UA 90e and 75e per cakA The old aad well
knnwB ^tomen Baqaat for <6a
which he baa b
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
115 Front Btraot.
KS." WIiMl tnamBled For 12.M
Monday NigHli
I han a muabar at odda aad aada in tha .tso^
I raoanUy boa.ht of Kra Danlala, aX Front atraat,
vhioh I moat diapoaa of to maka room for now atook.
ISortef ChaiigOnSale.
Thay WiU be aold out at low prlota. .
April 18th.
w.w. VILLE&r>s
Opening Monday Evening!
80 Artists.
V. r. VasBboTg Didn't Xaow Ba,
Bad Aa Beamy te tbs VeriA
W. F. Wortborg, a wall hnawa traw
alteg saleamaa at Qiaad BapldA mat
with a peeeliar axpwisaaa Fridiy
sight. Bs wm rstomteg from a trip
around tha “hors*' ahaot 11 e’etoek.
when at the. foc^ af Pratt’. hUl a
Is divided agamstitself. Paper the whole of it at
the prices we are selliog paper from 4^c up to the better
prices. See our samples before buying.
MarMuw iiwt
that “when toe meret parea of toe lw>
rira aHea anmadepnbUc toc-c will
ha fouad that her majaaty-. pwaonal
A dkaatrooB fire oaeerrad at Slffbu ^ aa wa eaa ecA Amyrtcn wooU W
fidinc laatalchtwhlehdeatrayad the
gotag wrong, not throogb: bar atatoelarte saw aad piaalar mUU' of the
daha a Lewie eatatA fw mjfly owhed ama. hot tboogh aatloaal hyatariA It
te eoaeparaUag to thorn who wish
by Kelley A Oerelli
C. A. Bammoad, aae at the truetcee peace aad aa aad te Cobs af Spaateh
of tha Uwie estate, wee notified hy mterola to asa Amarieenpei^an throwat 6:iS o'elaek aad was kept | teg away what AoMrieaa stotoamaaeoaataaUy ioforawd «f the prefrem^
the fire anUl deafer to other proptetj ship has woA There te abriooriy aa
There te a prieau tele- appartuoUy for the forelMa tetm
wtloa hatweon the' Pirat tioo of the poAm Tbs aottea that
National Beak aad toe general atoce at- Baglaad most eappsrt America agalast
SUfbtA which enabled Mr. Hi
fiuopA whether right ar wrong, te abto gate partlenlare of thaidteaetor. At
ladteraoA Bat if a new holy
fiiat it waa thought adeteable to hare
attomptod to eoara America
tha Traeena Qty fire
hot it proved latar thatU
tetteg a mattor te which car aymwaa aot. needed. There was a large patoteo arc with AmorioA ahe wUI no
' Uty of lea
daobt Aad Uraat Britete a atrong ally.
Ldtetoaee from the aUUs aad it
feared that tote would he destrored. hat p
ipalaUoa of toe water woriie af the
plaai aad the aid of fifty
blase wae eonfiood to the mUte. Ia lem
St Feromptefy Order lanaed by
thaa two haure both etreeurea were
The Uaitod Statoa Var
radaoad to aeheA There was no wind
at the tlriA bat If there had heea a
Barite. April 16.—The Spaateh agtot
Borih wind the catlro graap af halldhere te go^ to Kiel an Monday to teat
tege aad tha lamher eaald net have
thlrwan Sebwrrxknpf torp '
OBsat to Spate. Tha Uaitod Slate,
^ lorn anataiaad te ahont tio.ooo
embamy has beu noUfled aad wUl iw
and toe .property te partially covered
by teearaaea Jobs GUIU, the maaa- qnoet the Germaa gavomo
It ablpoMst if war breaks oaVbaforo
gar af the bmlneOA waa la toe city
they an OB ihe way to
when toe fire oecerrod. Imtcly the
Ira pempa te the yards and the hoUen
KorfaUt. April lA—The Spaateh govhave been tamper^ with aad as there arameni hae beaa for aome time
has hee^ aa firs te toe mills steee test charing eoalekippml to eootoerp ,
Wadneoday U te ballavad that toe fire from Kewpart hewa
weaoftaeeadlary origte.
from the war departmaat thte moraifg
ad and a portion of the ioi
Bteppteg the ahipmeat af all eaal «
yards sold. As toe timber te that ie- alg^ to the Sp^teh goveramaat.
eaUty te prmeUeally eahaaetod the niilte
wUI act be rekollt. The tote^
oa tbaotoersidoatthaHver was net
aad toadamage'teeoafiaed Spate -Baa Ordered All AUa Bedted
Mas to Batura Homa '
Paria April IA—A dtepatek from
- BrarittOA
OattA departmaat
Heraalt. aaya all
J. A. Loraagar te rMteg a saw Clip- ahia bodied ^maisrde there have 1
ordered to rotors to Bpalk So early as
There' will be a mmtteg of toaoooa- rmUUm. __________________
oD Monday avaateg.
Joha Kroopa af Old Mteelon aad
Frida Kalaoa af Arehte were married
yoalarday by JueUee Verly.
TW Bhakeepeare etady elaaa will ba
peatpoMdaatUToamlayvraateg. The
meetteg wUl ba bald at toe beow af
The Santo Wda Amktapenm Oab
wUl meat with Mia Oeorfa Harrteon
«r hoesA 110 Beet tfkvrato atreat,
aftamooB at S teo.
•ehem Oamp, Ka SUS. Modarp
Xndmgof in Another Spree and Wae Woodmaa af imeriea, wiU bald a ragXndgodtidslL
alar Btootteg te Meaugna HaU Mon
“Blato’- Jato late troebU agate aad day sight. AM aumbaea are laqaeewd
tote tlmagaeeaEWbttoaaaeralteaa- tobepreeen^
eantpoteoftA Uat night Freak NlmM. E Tbtasaa wiU open hte new
tab waa aromed »y aomeoee pouadlag Sooth Sid. aonfeeUoaery and tohaooo
entoadoorefhteTeaidaaoe Henabad atore on Sooth Unioa atraet Monday
ant te-tteatoaeaamnafmaand aato aveala^ te the .tore room raeeaUy vpTha door cntod by B. E Vaa Fleet. Mr. Tbtmaa
af toeatmetare
by Nlm- wUl aiwdnet aa >a-to-date atorA
<lto and torae maa tell an
,-Jsra Oarnattone and LlUml^the
Otoeer gteaey was -wet tor.
Valley, SmUaz aad ether triaimtegA
arrieed ha dteebrend that E
open aatii t
•Pteefc Jack.*’ dnak again,
today. OdatonT
on's Oreeahm
A House Partly Cleaned
etood. hm watched the coeme of the
------cririA a epeeial eerrioe af tolerrams'
The taeorahle i
heriar ^prlwd her of eaary tarn te tioo of him te
h the ap-j
..........eaUrely witbool hte I .
.Her maJmiyhaaeoaMtted toe Mar- eoUcUaOao aad hte lo)^U are itUIj
. both tha qeaaa w
It ie claimed today that the prwideat DMABTBB AT SZJOBTB LABT
tent of Spate ^ Fkealdant MeKtely.'.
Ebb aaaoeaced that he wmM alra any
TbeSpaateh^ Autrtaa ambaiee: war rmalatlaa whlto maehea him from
■aw and Plaalac Kills Totally Da- date aynte attomptod today to parnada
. aaacTwa. Ha oaat'word to hie elooeot
strayed, Bat Oorered by Zaearaaoe arant Britate to Jeta the powen te far
wraiorlal Meada to ahertoa ap the
-i-Kard Ticbt Bared Xmr«e Eaantl- ther npceaeatetloaA bet reorired na
Msate debate UCpoMfbta
tie« of bomber-Out tor the
It ie aaU tea prerideatb poUey U to
Waa Abaot PtaEhed and Plaate
The SI. JameeOaaet^thlaaftomoaa
Will Vot ba Baplaaed.
AUOm a blow toe oMmaat be h dltMtod
mya; “jf 4«eriea want, to fifhV to
Wm helag the foarth day of too aaaate debate oa the war reoolatkma. and
;iha feat thatareta wlU be taken tomade theaesatethe oeator dt te-
Two Crate.
Here Beoteved OiOen to Vm »Mth
KaatiaB of O. T Orewa to Ooaaeotton
with Orand EapMa AppaiatmaeA
There ie qolto a eoatrorany oa ia
Seelt UU. Mftrie. A^ lA—The bfttOread Rapid, arar the employmeat of
tolloft ftf the NiftoMftftte Ufftfttiy,
MftUoapd ftt Port Biftdy. hoe beem or- LSVM WO BBOOUBAOBKKT TO aeapartatoadaatot tee peblk eehoote.
4w«d to r> eoolb Mt Moftdey.
W. M. Chalmen, the preeeat laeambeet, hae Meade oa the hoard of adChioftro. April 16 —The Uoope fra*
Fort BkerUftft ftftd other pftiTieeft
nr THB PBOPOBXTXOM TO ZVTBB- aaatkm *ha are .erflaf hie eppotavmeaA bet other membere taror a oew
the deportment of toe UkH trill pot
eeperiateadeat. Three oataide maa
etort eonto before Toeedey ftlirht.
hater earloaely oeaeMerad, aad
The rftllroftd oompoelee here beeft
Oroaf Britain ia to Sympathy With
nr tham'Frafaaaer O. T. Orawa of
kept la woeb with the qaerterM
marioa aad Waeld Bat Eetar Aa
tola city, la tote aeeaeetiaa the Oread
ftftd had the, order from VTeehlft
AUiaaoe Tasdiac to Ooaroa Uaitod BapMeHcreM c^a
Otetaa-Bflbrt Tastorday to ladaaa
“Mr. Orawa waa raopatiy' ramleetod
hoee been set oftidenad Oel. bee treald
to lain Paw. , hy toe beardte Traeeeee City, arad it te
------here been ia a poeitioa to eemplete the
Bat the 1dm Wae Bqjedtod.
| aaid that be te ri*l>C eiealleot eattewith
moftt of the- dlrtot llBea trithte M
boad<m. April I6.-The only qseatto.
bote a. aa edncetor aad a maa.
lead ttet It te only a qeeeUoa of a abort
boorb Oba and tntope eoftld hare
briore to. pebllcte war or peace,
wbm. the piopl. of thatcUy-aet
bees ia meUee before aooa today.
emryhody te dtecuaater U. l(et al^W .orrmder kirn to a larr*ir city."
friendly dtepmed toward tbX^'al^ [ It te bet joet to my to behalf af Sep-1
W^UfVw. April lA—The weetc
f«Mhed ft v»le 4W the F<|r»ker Cabfta
TMftlftttcM Vmirht.. The reeoleiio&e
oyaroteofe. toti. They
They ^ Pertmaater*a
Berth ia Otaad
pawide for immedlato armed taUreea-;
Haa Bean Awardsd.
«en aiB the retoraltloD of the repob-|ep.„^.,Tai>toa>... Beooai..
Iteef Ceba. The eoto waa'takea atj Oiaad Raplda, April 1A->L. K. Bleb-9:18 o'daek.' '
|op bae reeelved the appolatmeat aa
I poatoteeler of liraad Bapide. Thlaeade
Waehtacton, April;i6__ At t o'clock | a lonf eoaMreny la whteh Burma O.
toil aftoraaoa the haaaAhelieriac that icons*' wae fora len« Use rfrioaaly
-tte ohaaee of the eeaato re^t^, ,! «-*Wered for toe place
' rote hetore late toaifffat wae veiy reMla. adJovMd aaUl 10 d'eloek llon-
OfflCUl Plf«
Seale on ml# at h
him. aame of which eame eery i
Bememher I ham a falHtea af BleyMr. Wenhorg's bead. Be whipped op ele Sondrtm aad Bap^ I alae have
ptoaty of ■mhmm to da yoor work
promptly, 1 goamntae aU work to be
the boet'and the laweM te prim 1
boOd whaate toordar. thay arohandi' A OaU and aee them.
EuBtliig III D«nriiii{
ii tin Litesl Stflts.
Laariito, April lA-TW eight bOls
MMd at the tpeeml eamten ware
Bnstec af aU ktedA tirm ehlmntoad.
Signad hy Oovemar Ptegrm UeanighV
AU wars' daporitod te the etato faparV
maril thte morateg. AU bnt thten inrroaring tha tasaaW asprvm hsmpa-:
rima^tb^^ to
nlm aad proridtog for oahmlttteg
qhmyton of rorioteg Ua aonettta
New SoaU «de Om
Call and aaa mm
In a mao blowing his own horn if he selects a
good tune. Neither is it wrong for a merchant to
everlastingly advertise his goods as the best for the
^ prices in the city,—if they are the best- Truth nev
er grows so old that it will not stand repeating—
therefore we repeat that we have this spring the
best assortment of medium and
Higl Grate Footvur
at tju Liwest Pricas ii Ike cit}.
We have cleaned ont most of onr dM^ stodc. and
the remainder islmncfied on onr banifain t^les which
will be sold for Minch less than their v^ne. The
shelves are filled with oew np-to-date goo^s in all the
prevailing styles. . Black and colored, for both men
and women, Wetta, Tnms and Ma<•>»««* ^wed, work
manship all warraiited.
A large increase ia onr trade proves that onr ef
forts to place good, reliable, styli^ footwear before
the public, for the least possible money is being ap
And can snit the most fastidious. Onr stock is
large and all the goods new and np-to-date^ Come
in and inspect onr stock.
Tte Sitel Stee Dateftaeit
^ Vm^TUtSK OtTT.
Vm- T.
AKB i. w. BAHin
«IM rlgkt«{tkaMMkUr tka raqMat!
for Ua u* ttf lha alcMUa. U »M ■wsk
Ua Urra lar UM
m4 U for tb»t,
raaaea oaly aaol4 «ot bata baca Wd.
la lawUaaa aamatj. ka««var, a vir
aaUa of Oararaor Plafraa waa far- '■
BUkad aftkaptoparalaa. ai> aaarly ao.]
aad a w<u ManI tm (M Uekat Poaaiblr
. 1. W. HAmu. Bdttar aad tliaina I
‘™* •*
-----aoaatlaa la Ua diatriet. Wa ai
wiaaieoan of Wazfaad eoaaqr waa aiailartotkaooaaaattklaaooBty. aad It
eoBld aot be aaad.
Jt U troe. UMrafore, ttet a air
BMta of Goraraor Pincrea waa latbadad to be aaed at thtulaetioa. aad that
it woi tuadlaatta^ ooe eoaa^ U
a,iaVMaiaMat .
tba dlatrlet. That the oat waa “aaby tka aaeaUar that 'aoBlaaIfr. CawpboU waa wall kaawa bare
aa that tact wai aaBoaoead la tke Dally
Maw Hratias Paraaea.
Ctfla af Maaday e^raaiao. Marek 3«tk.
aftor tka aotaiaaUoe' waa
Oao. M. Bdisoo. a wall kaawa boaiBow It waa Tavorad.
awda, aad i« Tn Moaano Baooao,
sas maa of Gtmad Ba|iMa. k la tba
alirbt Ua
davoUd «Miaid- Taaaday wormlar. Marek »tb. If tba aity latrodaelpc Ua Ediaoa faraaea, a
OfaUa apaea la iu editorial eolana to Tiyadtio waa aot aard la aowa of tka
lavaatloB. The foFaaee k daIka dlaaaeUoa af aa adltorUl la Ue
U waa aot becaota tka aetbor- atraad to bora elUar.aoft eaal or wood
Baooao o4 yaatard^. Tka Rscoid op- batiaa af lU oaa •
aad U aa aooaomieal arraarawei
paaad tke Maa adraaaad bj tba Bafia. bat beeaew tka eoaaty a
of aakiar a Jelat oaUi^tM ky tka
of tka ooBBlka doabtad tkair
oity aad aoaaiy of tka pn.pow
rlfht oader tba Uw to pat it apda tka
4y kalldlar. aOdfaTa Icfieal
ticket. Or beeaaBe Iba eat fatakkad
Hpraraa Pratt
•korafor, witkaot tiriaf a
waa aat of tka proper alaa.
fr^m Abb Arbor.
ThaE^laraThaaa are tka facts la the «aaa.wkk!k
Boa. O. O. O
^ tkat It
k a aamawkat peealkr eae aad may from Graad BapUs.
peaod to the eotfn boaba prajcet aad kara a mye ar laaa importaat baariac
Robert l>awarwbo has kaaa baylar
daelaraa It talaa. Yet tka adiior of tka apaa tba oaodaetyf tba ■
lambw at Maaealaaa. k la Ua city
Barla aaUad waay eppartaaltlao to dia- pralimlaary eampaica for tka BapakU- vkltiacoaaraca tba plaa. WbUa be did aot
W Howard OamsMrfOrmmly of Oadoifofoaaly oppoie It la bk
la jasliee to Uo*araar‘'Plarraa tka Ulab bat aow af Detroit was
•kraw aold water apoa tke pi
Rsookd daalraa to soy that it doaa aot yoatarday.
Tka atateMBt k wada fkat tka IkcU kaUara tkatfaatlamaa bad anytklaf
J. W. Seward aad wife Srrirad yeadavarad hcwllBc. Tka Maaar in wbieb to do wiU tba matter, ar tkat ka <
tarday from Los Uatos. wbaro Uay
Uk waadaaakahowaby the follow- kaaw tkat aoeh a aonrse was eoa
apeat tba wiaus. Tkay arlll rMt J. A.
, lac aditarial paragraph prUUd April plated ar bad baan adopted here, aad It Moatacao Md family aaUl Moaday,
ta'maaifaaUy aafalr to bo\d him aad tkra (a va to Bay V‘ew. wbaro
' Tka bfia doaa aot aoMidar tka
oaalbla Bader all tka circamataa- Uey will ppea tke Bawaid Honae.
baUdiac of a aaw aoankaoaa a aaoaoaity, bat It artald ba a ptaat MraaC. H. Haatar Has pnrebased tba DatoBeaaBdaaiaatbiaciokara.aad wa
OBVBoa snviaxB topat.
Laof reaidsBoa oa Btoto atnat
alao bellaaa tba aoaaty caa ataad tka
oxpaaaa, aad for tbaae ccaaoaa wa to- Tatalabad by BaopaeUea Ohniokw Welitoftoo aUaai aad k hariac It faaar aoUac tka boada.
ramodalad. Aa attraatira vataada U
dt ao ttaka.dM tka lacU laally few ks*.a.aalsaer7, Pawar.
baiac added aad aha beUdiac srill be
tka Nwdlac af tka aaaaty aa doeidad by
pa^atad aad atkarwka Improrad.
tkaaapafakoraaadtkaAka of tka pa
Boaday aekool at U ;M.
Jar tall to akow a aiafla liaa af aaVonac people's maauac at« p. ot.
Tke feailsri (C yepfayn waswirrinc.
» tarribla thaa tka
Pnoekiac at 7 o'elaek.
Cbe very bcaacb of apetof. soft aad of a
' akOTc qbotatiaa. wbleh k
delieloos tomperatma. wriles Bradfoad
ntkar tkaa faaorakla ootoma
T«ra> to Tba AUantie. My New BnsTba paiaooa) rafaraaca la tka artlela 0>T.Caar(mT.a
land cbeaka winter crasied aad atUl
rodarrtd ta aoMaa with panleotariy bad
half beaembad. fait li only to totvautCraoafnm tka editor af the Back. Wa
taoi paffs. bat tke pirn laavaa, mote
laare it to
readara af that paper to
asitiva, kqp( op aaontineoasinaraar.
A» Irief intervals a Held apamw.
oay If the aiatanaata aad aeaertlaae
aomeabeta dawn the billaide pave oot
Braaiat aarrlba aad aarmoa a{ 2.
tkara made era fair,
a sweat end aniens kratn. clear as
AU are eardiaUy iaritad to tbaae a«
tree. It woald aaaw tkat a atmc^a,
atof watro eud soft as ibs breatfa of
far from pwaacbl aacrikaaa of thirty Ttoaa.
spriagiiiDe. How faotly it
Cve yaan for tka adraaoeOMat ol
aart Tbe plaor aod Ike
« day bad fonada
rnnrj antarpriaa of public baeaflt aad
voicA Ooor a KTv
Coraar Oak aad PUU etreato.
Impartaaea, aOt oaly ia Travena City
iverfel of all BBtaral sonads.
Bito aekool at «;4« a. as.
bat thaw bale UrandTravarae rac*w<
toBM at leant, "dramuinf" ikonfb i»
Momlaf aarriea 11 a. m.
be. speakiBK alwaysot fair weaiker and
oboold ba a aa%leat rafaUttoa of tka
Jaaior BMatlac i:M p. as.
woody qai. ineas and pracr-:-Aud cooa,
impatatlaai aad ekarcaa ao aalalrly
C. E. maetiBcate;is.
to my sariwisa. 1 li«ard a cia^er of
Ip plaea of Ue raralar avaainf
ill U’jtaa. lbo;-Kb 1 aaw aolbiac
^ioa..Mkt WlDttrsd B PrmU will cira of tba biidi rastlew sooU. waaderm
About Tkat ••Otteial'
berraportaf Ua Saciasw coaTaatloa. np and down Iks eunb and. after tbe
A hearty waleoma to all of Uoaa kabit cd testlem suola to feneral. frapa»a to tbe tori A basaard drifted
TIm mattar of Ua foha af tba oflleia] aeatlaca
aoori tbs sky . Like tbe swan csi still
aaaatorlal ballet aaad la Uk dktrletat
rissr MKTHOPssr imtra^n.'
St Mary-stoke, bi- floated doable kii4
tba apaelal aleetioa April «U. U atlll ae- EsT.i. A anoOr. pMUr.
aad Uadow. A flicker Uoeted. aod a
oapylac tba time of tba poUtleiaaa aad
PioaeblBc at I0:M A m. aad 7. p. m. ^vink. ondrr tbe sweet fern aad
oooaldatabla apaea la tba ataia praaa.
Oam maaHac ar»;M a m.
laarel kosbcA stopped bis
A Laaaiardkpauk U Ua Fiwa Praaa
Saaday aekard at It m.
laawbile to addrem
m by
or fellow mveler. A C
Jaaler Lsaraa at >:W.
antbalcb, calliaf softly, bnof
M _____________ ___________
Bpworik Laafaa at S:49 p. m.
__ J acalaat Oor. PUrraa I
Maniac aabjaet "'Thlaca Ckitot k downward from a ptoe rc
oapladed by Praak FHedriab of Travby a' solliary vtreo aat
otaaClty. wkcarodoeea oopim af bal- abakiac dowa aad Ulaca wkkk are
amain fanver." Bvaalac aak}aet terlBR, "Ow vary aoDDd of happy
lata need la tka apecial aiacUoo far
oaaator U tka Oread Travana dktriat ■Tka tUaca' of Joriao by Oaaaral Uonfbtt.” I was with bim in fselloc,
-—Tka cot of Plafraa daaa aat appear «p- JeakaA*'
Uoofb BO saatob for btm la tke ezptee«a Uaaa kaUaU over Ue allTer TapabTksuoday prayer maaUac at ?:M p. Monofit
Ikwa tiekat, amlif it waa aaad la aay
u Narotal clam at Ua aloaa.
MUaotbc/coaaUaaefUc'aktriet It
A cardial iarltoUoa k aataodad to aU
area aot wlU the eoeaeat of Uov. PiaW
''graa or aay af bk immediate adrlaera.
rtaar aAiirav raracA
Pri<ataKacreiaryBBUaayo: -If Ue
Wkat am I offarad «» a food boat# aad
|MfllateaJaikatraat.waatr Aaafyda!airaktoptooa.eaa ka koafbtimmoatkWill claon it tboroogbly. trae
re® tb®
th® iwbeeU, gir® any .oiorotiut.
Jlypayaaata- tot takaa ta airtaarw
maaUI wx>A yoo w|ab. »nainel oir Tarnwh yoor ritna for ab
above prW.
j Alao food boapa aad M faot lot. Oak Call aod aeoeaiE ‘
hrk. Waatlaftaa atreaa.
We alao L..Aiv-w
B'oU4 Whi»l.
ubm to
to Ordw.do
urtMT. do il
it cbeaper .»iKiv,
tor mmtenal and
«y a^ in tfae ^ly. Have bad w-reral
e «kd gnagnt
Tka facts are Ueae: On Monday.
Marek flU, Urea or^onr loaal tree
aUvar party maa mat^ Uk alty aad
•omiaatad k. D. Ckmpbell aa wkatUsy
^Oallad a -8U*ar BapaWkaa Tiekat "
.AtUaaamaUmaUa portrait af Ooa.
Piacraa srapckoaaa far Ua VlcncUa.
Aaat kow Urea or foor maa ooald Uas
awet orraaUs a atata party, aad aotkoriM a vinelta k aot quiU elaar
sadar tba'maaalac af tka law. whieh
toads; ‘-Itsball barUftor ba Ue daty
Aftka stole oommlttee of aay p^ittoal
-party arorcaalsaUaa la Ukatato.baima alek slaetloa. to prepare aad adapt
by earraTiay or aUarwka, a vlrnatta.
tobaprlatadatUatopof Ua eoloi
of Ue ballet amicaed to aaak party
as a dutlaeti*a aad
kaadiac tkerato: aaek ricDetto ahall
•ot be more tkaa aac laeb a^ a half
OqaarAaadlB addition fo-ttm davioa
•doptad. Uall aat torU IscaUy Ue
•ame of aaek party."
^ tke aetloBofUaaa tkraeor foar
local poUUelaBa (ao ana was preaeat at
tka AaatiDf from antoide Trar
Oty) waa witkla Ua maaDiar af Us
- law ralaUar to Ua orcaaiutiae of a
•fok pomical party.' Uan Uair aetloa
adoptlat a T^Mtto waa lafal, bet Ue
lacality ofUkacUoa waa qaasUonad
by maay. Howerar Uk may bA Ua
oopaty eaaBmlaaloBera of alaeUaa to Ua
CtCaraat eoaatlea to Ua dkiriet were
•ollflod. Uniaaebaricaaitowontd be
faipkkad. Tba vicaatta of Ooearaur
Plagroa seat to Ua eemmtsaloaafi of
•faad Tbvaraa Ooaaty wassklk4 toobaa
la otoa. .balar aboat a Uraa^nnar
JmwU portrait Bnm if tk«
e give os a truL
£1^. 811 Front tft.EAst.
TivTds aa^L '3\.o\)oeTs
aad liaT^avas.
S\\ovpvtva a Measure xnVvcxv sueVv a coxabvxvaUon vs seewadt*
'^0'^ wVV eTv\o^ Wv6 Avsv^ag aivii \os s\vaVV
! hz
\o sss laoa \b\vc^«t lawv Mjaa\ \o bvv^ ot
SVtiw CAVers..................\e e&ck
Oavenor'e ptetard^aa amd at all U
area aaad witkoat kk kaowladra or
CTcsVveV CettoTv.......... .\eVvi
S>aiVto TVeVJi "aVto.. - ^
1.. -Sc
'S.VkkoTvt---- ........\\e qerd
...... .........SSe
■Dress Seoit, ut Itobv..........SV-Se .
'Bar^auvs aW dkevBT\meTv\s.
S. ■«)'WCMivVett
MetyJ. V. CmrmtM, Psator
PaUlo warakip ttaaday maniac ot
10:S0 wilk proaekiac by Ua paator.
Baaday sabool at U:u;
VeoBf paoplab maafW »t >:«SGaapelaervleeatTp m.
A oordiaJ laritotlon k ci*M to tka
Ototkinc-Oo. aad J. W. MiHikaa
An Tory AUariac; It kaa beaa Uaeostom far years for
the Bamlltaa CtoUtof On. aad J. W.
Mimkan to c>*« oo*>'eraary- aalea !
Ttotrlat (to sttanjter>—Hoot, moal
Thk yaar k ao azeepUaa aad boU
. Stranfter—VotyuBdiaklToe->aowU
atoroa were Uroarad with parehi
—Kew Yort; World.
aad Tkitors yeetarday. baaator Mitli,
OhleacB Marfcet.
kaa's papdtor trad inf plaoa waa a aoaaa
of lOTallaaaa all day aad ladlm fooad It
Cktean. April lA—Wbaai—May.
il.OMriO; eon, SOe: onto. »><9»ea:
impUaf resort for a few mom
iaspaettoa. The dkplayt af rieb and
dalieata draaa fabrlm aad baaotOnl efGrand Baplda April id—Wbaat, »lc.
faeu ware madaV*ttiar bf floral daoraadtBf an adverttsemaat ot
oratiaas whkA added fracraaaa to Ua
Okembarteta-s^lr.Cbelsraand Dlarartlstte effaet wblla eacM of imauka rbtes Remedy iatba Wepaeetor Baurmade the air rlac wtu aonc added U prise recently, wkicb leads me to write
Uk. I aae traUfally mj 1 aever need
The Bamiltoa Ooiktoc Oa. affared
11 aarto of atMcUoaa te Ua mom aad
--------------------- .—J
worai ease with myaalf o
npoB-Ake rnab. Tka lines of etylkk W. A. Bnwiib, Popemel
aele by & K. Welt. Oi
spriof clause crowded Ue skelyee end
dosloa ef feaUemaak farakktofe
ettraetively di^iUyed. Tke dkpley WiU beemettopad Meodey.
Oerd of Tkeaka
Wa wkk te enead to Uom wka ex*
the IllBsos s^ daeU «C ov taoUm.
rnutal Uaaka aad eatosani^eC
Oppoatm Eafle ornsA
awaits the person who examines our new I
[..Stock of Carpets..I
We have surprised ourselves as well as done our- ' ^ '
selves prpud on our eelScUons of Value and dual
. ^ ’
Ity. and at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. -Ko one has yet gone
.^ ;
away dissatisfied.
^ .
THE KOMmro BBOOM, BPgPAT, APHU, 17, less.
•jimsTiKG hciicui oirantGs
Doilia of oU Botta of I>oo|de uiil Odd Blto of Nows From
AD Over Ths Btste.
fon TM fiy.
beffotalcBc. >'Ob, Am rate,” waa tba
kli40(h7Mr«f eoBtUMW MrriM v> reply.
««MteWU wUb iMt Mo»d»r- Tkto <• '■^Ida't row paruar call yoa dewa
fMbkWy »tmoori mm wmm la HkUcu forbadidayarTfritB- Okw Was
«aa beat. A c«od portlea «t tbia Use
-No. he didn't flad fanlt «Htb my
Danlek baa bf aa dapaty ebarlt. aid be pUyatCll. Wbiat ia a dmeM qalet
baa eaaAht ar avlatad 4« eaieb May yafae. Tbe only tbfay be wid to aa
or tbea a»>eaiiairlr dorioff tbe eronlar vat onee »baa 1
Fbrt blonree. Ve., ApHI }A—Tbe fly
wai abeSllny tbe earde abd aoarthiaf
drpanure ot vhlrb
allpped and half of tbea fell on to tbe
Alaa. LeRry, a yoatb of aoM cl
; Boor, and then all be aald waa.t -Why.
aaauaata. aayetbeAlpm Aiyoa “•
— rmaat f^n't v.» ........................
IV oan't yoa deal eitbarT
baaa paraiataatly taaatat bla paraau
daya and twe nlybu of arduoua Ufar a bra aa that be af(ht atart pool* I
A little lad obo aUeeded tbe aortb
aauateetlon to lu commandtry ratalac, bat tbia reqpaat waa reey a-anird
orntty. Coramcdere Brhirr
foaed. Notblay dauated tbe yaaajr Went atreel ecbool at KaUmaanu. bae I iheVaj
lalRfl of the fleet'to fcoow each
qaile an idea of nobility at «
faader proeorad a han'a «Cf and plaaed
I other lo the moreinem of their veae-la.
I and to tw ablf to ani^er q^kly to aU
au n,, ni.^KI.
™»dl»* ahoot tbe alynala for muvements llabio to bemade
In an cnicairement. Runnlny duwn to
Cape Henry «»n Wedaeaday aneraoon
obeeriar eooad afahealtby ebiek.n-.
■•Now. ebildren, if tbe
oqnadron waa taken f.fli
------- --1 tbeboy U no. ..praMly
to aea. at the aametkne
raanoevvern bad a eon what woold
e alqjvaWTrqra i
beber*Tttc Jack.” .aa tbe qaiak rwpanee
Cbarlie Bterato dared Fred Neely ta
trim bln Bayer nail* an tbe IS-iaeb rip
aa. at tte eawmlll one day reeenUy.
A yood alary in told aboet alr«»ldrtt t rialiy and aurprlainnly quirk. Line of
battle e-aa formed. The almal lo an
Find ayreed. bet when Charlie yot ot tbia Tillaya .hcM boaineea Ukee chor In line waa obeyed no well (hat an
tbionyb with tbe'danyeraaeopaimtlon. him into t^jB conotry oary Ireqorntly. etffioat perfect ellmment waa obiainad.
ooadnctad .bile »be Meblnefy era* eaya the ParUaad Opaereer. ReaaaUy
WMtber thellaealttiiawiali
Thoraday nornlv found wy unfar at iu neoal tpaad. Frad pm- be waa lo yo. and wiebed to etart early.
deoUy daellned U riak It. Myi tbe Clio He iaformad bit wife the nlybt befora
Ntar. The operation rrqnlrad a deliea- that be tnnatiretttpearly tile followiay
oy of toeeb that la at tbe ooBMad of ^ Boml^ and aakad her to yet thlnya
a MO of oaBlnebtay nerm only, bni. notly for breaktaet aa far aa poetlble
Cbarlay waa rqnal to tbe ooeaaloD. and; the nlybt before. He aet tbe alar,
did a yood clean Job.tboayb the barn- rlook aa ba auppeaed for 8 o'clock and
. lay eeaaatioo be ety>eriOD«ed in hU Bn- retired. *The aiarn went off all riytai
yertlpadnriny tbaoperatloa waaeoae- enoayb and be took hia lanterp and
light cruiser. The ether, vraaela also
tbiny be hadn't baryalned for. Tbia went to tbe ban and^bta wile yot opto
were qulckrto respond to slgnata. Thii
Mkea two bazardona feau tbav Cbar- yet breakfaat. remarkiny that It bad drill
waa kept up all day. nr.d at nightlia baa aoeooiglUbad. wbkb few laen been a abort nlybt. Neither loobed'at fall anchorage w-aa trade at a point
'iny taken a | the clock, boweeer, natU tbe " man
thirteen mile* from Cape Oiarlea Aft
ride U tbe driea wheal of the nill a<
' tbe beoae” earn in from the ban and er dbrk signal work byr electric llg^i
fonnd It waa Jnat II e'eleck. Me made vat practiced for
Trted Them •• a HIgkt Al
dfewremarka to btmaelf. tbe ooeple
At * p. bL. when moat of t
A yremt band aat down at a whtat
breekfeat .kick bed ^ pre and men had prepqyed to retire, tbe call
fame at 'Tba South Bad tbe other pend. tbe clock area eet aa It Ueald ba to quartars and battle calls were
■Itfbt. myn tbe Oraed Bapida Pram. and they went back to bed. Th<y sounded. On the Brooklyn e<i quickly
waa the work done that every division
:^'beaendeyefriead eaked him bo.
dyeb! officer
had reported ••^dy" in four
minntea and the ship was ready forbat; tbe floor - The «peakcr lUiened with lle. with water-tight cninparimenta
W13 SCiB2 ir.'ictj
I Imperturable TOuntenaiire. Italleysald: aloard. ammunltlna hoisted toguna tur
|taw«BiiipBiBB« Meee to Welt CeW the j *<^onatralnrd fay w hat I contidered tbe rets awlaglng. battle batches down and
CwbM tiM.i Is cieM.
I nntair end unjnat treeimeoi of tbe tbe crews at the guns ready to shoot.
Hew Tork. April .t.-Breilatrfffn rhair I objected, end upoo that objec- The other ships report^ a
■ayn: The elftct of the pr*v»i ln»«ncer. 1 “**
acene of dioorder that h quickly.
yeneral treUe. ao far at future enyteoatenta are eoacerned. In nearly all parte
•tf the country. Whilr there la a Uttla
acUvity to be noted m the da.
for seaannable
aurlea at the
tba wear
le aUrlea
and nortbweat. where better wmifaer
^ur upon thl* aide. The r
ivraelilrw- aUpM-rie*
. blllty ii
the apeaker of ihit bouae.
Friday morning was given up to praci who aoufht mean partisan advaniaye
ee at the guns, all the ships puti'.ng
: by forclna bla political opponenta
aut targets at MO yards. The gunners
i *al»* potltloti (applause on tbe 1
Brooklyn rut the flag from tbe
: cratic si<f«l and the eountry ought
their target within twenty min•------ 1 understand Ir
the speaker <ft U»
otea, lemarkaUe work, when It It conla reportpq at 1
sldereni that the target was but eighteen
the east and ct
l> Atunilc and
lion uf perwunel pr!vll^T“ invbes Bciuare and the flagataff out two
yuu porta. •VI ere
_____ ,,
leches wide. At 1 o'clock the chips
bWaeaa haa become nntcularly aerl' inlerpoaed Bteele.
•The chair doea rvot know, but will
algnilied by Ck>mmudore Rcbley
soon Irani.'' oboerved the to bead tor Hampton Roads for anchorchief effect la found la the indU- probably .....
with the aaceiiitoB of the Tcaaa.
Dena ee
Coll.»Juy tfv-k place here dOf
In* which Italley pmrtlcal’y railed Dal- wnicb was ordered lu remain but and
big guns and improved turrets
ooniroveny. in the iwm trade b eioM:
conilnuee of large volume, but the b.lk
‘"d ‘h-n Bailey pro- with solid shot. Tbe rest ot tbe squad
'll eurbored off Port Monroe at about
ot this la claimed to be on account . ? | "^1*,
'^5 Hwaker.
order, pre.vlou.ly boohed rorrign im- ^ RerXeen?* n
Commodore Schley egprvosed himself
preaalon. aa to the ouloome regaixUn* I
V very wiucb pleased with the werk of
Cuba are reflected in sharp advaiKva In
***r'l"'*blt office for
le captains of the veaaels jnger
wheat, wheat flour, corn.^d and othadvnniagr of hla party. I eapeci
Tbe manocuvets
er food producu. Dc llnee ar* le be
“> do It aa certainle Nvkts I
found in Reaaemer
ever «-e«pled the
r pig liIron. ateelWIlel..
■-hair: but Until a short while a^ 3 becoffee, lutar acd leufl. while ... ___
attention to the rapldlJleved
pared with a week ago tbe price of oata.
with wbleb the ' call to quarters ' on
perk, beef, molaaeea. copper, cotton, house was aa imrtlaan as an honest
•.r*.'klyB was responded to. He
wool and manufactnred i nvducts of man could b». aiM a> honew aa a parti
called attention to the target pm
^^tlf of thoee euplea- are senerally san vvuld b#; but .r.ficr the perform also
ance! <i( last Wedneeday I would not ha Uce of Ihe rapid-flte guns osylng: "1
— steady and nnehauffed.
don I thick any torpedo boat would
Tbe bvBinesi failures in the 'nnlted wllUng lo father that sentiment any
ve ut-det 'thaf-Bre.*'
longer." [Applause on the DemucraCic
SUIes for ty we*k number *U, agalut alde.l
Th- avAas-ran tnto_Hamptoa Roads
8a last week, 18 In the cotreapordlna
When Bailey «o<A hla seal the wtmk- aUih: t C dock and joined the aquadweek at HT, fit In I8H. and Ilf In u;s.
er leaned forward Wlgbtly and repUhd: run. Oaplain Philip sa.d the new tur
had wiirked ettisfacDOFT XAXE AHT.^TAKL. The chair desires to My that whatever ret-a-rntpemeni
be ^s done—the other day or any day tcrily. an.' the big guns cou.d
Tea will. a<swM«r^ Tow Asw a BwU la since tjie commep<-emeni of this aeMlen
l..-u<«nant Harsirr's new iutv;iatJ'.
- lem-nt Bi any angle and r-iy
—haa been done in the preaenev of tbe ittnngem
•Wasblngwo. Apm ll-rThe rr-esrin*
., ___
1.000 w llneaaea. He
doea ,'ulrkly. He could Or* more than twice
le jos irnty sli.o* now. he said, than tiadef
I It la neceWoopinion ameng mthufaciurrrs . f cigark
l-oud applause
"'•* h.'ngllah airaagemcnt. The Coe
I'.baren. Hgarelles and snuff, and dlwuiw. hla conduri. /IJ-ou
- —
luniMw rro Ulnnespolla went up t«
brewers, thsf In the Tvent of war there
Kew-r-ort News list night after coal oo
• m h* a marked Increase to iKe mt-r>t bis situation de- ae to. Ml up ibrlr bunkera, repiaciiuc
bsl »■ venue U*re levied Upon thew tll^ratlon has felt
prodo. ta ti u Wald at the iresruiy de- :
dlsni^on and explanation. that I!»cd. CommiMlore Schley it very
'■Adel inh.h ihared with' the skillful way in
psrtment. ondoobu.* , will be verified. |
that Idea th* 'chair entirely 'which lie crews of tbe ----------The Irri.re.elnn. hnwever. »h«» by
. .lumbla obeyed
■d '' IsIgDala.
agree*. (Laughier.J Ii is not the flrgi
purefiBeirg aisn p* at (be rate of t.»-I“*"
now levtru. afflxin,
goodm. and
In tain Ii. but Capialnt Jewell and
attemi.iod to reply: but tbe RonJa were both warmly 00mm
manufaciureni er their eustomera wUl
-“aa demanded and tka
raap a very de.i.>d p.,,„i wb« mtaa
Chicago. April 1C—‘The atory widely
te advaned by t,.ing .hi, „ ggg tp,
printed yewterdsy and today that one C,
same to the price of such goods. Is arbeen arrdated at ItlghTort WVy^rirf! aThI Il.-ri#ag * ' * Cran^U
Wk;“i.w it I. .....s -...
shoe-dealer*. ha* aasigned to Wllh
* •‘“'“rb uf this city, who bad
mTsS n^aloL w
^ B®*"**- ^ T. Dortaln. of Ander- f*"te..ed that he ... hired by W.yler
thTmerS^Tta US I ng cuIleeT^ liJS
'*" beavleat creditor. Tbe Ha»« Havana barCM increaae in tax
WilUta ara fa.OM; aeaeU. «.»•.
, •>'» •« »■»< •'>'» ‘“'1 P«‘ »nr at buoy Na
aO wholamla and retail dealer* inwbna*
4—the one. tu whirii the Maine
bands iheae product* may be found
y a fake. A dispatch
Mbaa the lav goes Into etbet
says that the oeervt
TbaqBMriaeafMegBE«faasfcg|ntay|MTvtce bureau there knows nothing
RAiura yean past.cansed mneb bad blood aud ! about it. A dtspgtch from tndUnapolls
otill worse loBgow tbrougbonttbq em- 'auoies Admiral Brow n, retired, os aayst**Oalr*Tbtag*a tbe 0*^ That pira Kvaiy idik elainii a right to
"ffsHcy*'story and that
- '
- —• - tnrpedu expert. --
"" “'S”'
incldew at tbe sesrion of tba hous. yesle^y was wortby of public nottca.
Biley . tba Dsmoctntlc leader, aroae u
a queetioB of privilege lo reply to a
Phlls'delDhla nmnaner criilclmehai*
ina him with eGwo^WIrfUtv for th/^'
rairty scone ^TSe
netf In ratdvloa to eHtlHm.
thera ws* anr Individual raendnalblefnT
. the wene It must r... upon tbe vMkat
hlmseH.. He read from The Coogrtw•AeRgl Record the report of the eoUoqoy
do austain Ms pusliloA.
-Aa ba proceeded wttb bla artulgnlera wciw^ieBld asrite^ent on
8hlp^^ th* nvlnT Squttfron |
at-^ 1" tU
»■»>•»[ Wee here -« om knows anything
^op«»w»ba Oafi^ UDd disoomffa »bo«n.
laagnago liol their own. Tbelr
CanKlewM^ Ihe IWIr
the cJoig erf I88J, bds beca
«SeM. Ilia.. April
Pretce.. of the
eute board of agri.
raltnra. on behalf at tbe b^rd yeaut'
ucr tendered Ouveraor Thnner Ui> nac
or the atau fair grounda on which to
mubltla* am NsUonal Ouard In case of
war. Ool-rranr Tannv replied, accepttbra«yflftha Now. trf all Ing the tender.
^ fP<*«by*be
tba iaaat aareedve and
Kingston. Jamaica. April U-tba
tbanoBtameoablatoraiiaM. Ibey have ritlab cotoolal autboriUea here have
alwaya rested tba elaims or~tb«8 fan- kwtmctlona Bum tba home govtrbmem
fuagaMUBOwsiMrtta aodbavedem to dadara eoal abntrahapd la tba erst
of war.
H.nHl[t|.flir S
Oil Hat Department Swarmed Willi People Saterdap.
The latest Shapes and Colors..
^ Will attract much attention when their merits
are .known—Come and see them.
ILpalrat ■n's NeUVstou'. Ox Blocul. Cklf Uwed M 00 Shoe
SpalralB I'a Nettletoa Patcotad Oalf Laos td.OO Shoe now
B p*lra« I's Pingras Tan. Heal, heavy sole $0 ooaboe now...
17 pain n
Hingree Dart^Tha.
Toe -Bala fa 00 abM n
'• k'Thi Raaoc
14 pain mea-a HeU Boyal Sloe Box CSU Bah fliOOaho* MW.
St pairamen’s Dnuglos Oalf Ball *3 00 and At
tl palra men's Se'x Tana.
Tans. Kid. Coin 1Toe tt.uu
0 palra men's flse Os liieod Bale Cola Toe fa
»4 00 oboe
abo< nc
14 pain men's fine Os Hiood. BaU Coia Toe fa oo aboe n
4 pain men's Heavy Hole Tana. Wet Weather Shoe. fa.OOshoon
Tie pain ladles Square and Pic Toe Hbom. fa «. akov 0
B4 pall
palra ladles Basor Toe Kid Tip Shorn, fa &0 oboe nc
44 pahin ladle* Coin Toee, eaverar.etyla* to cl<«e...........
3B pain misae* Piagree Kid Spring Baal Skoea fa.OO.
Several Other Broken Lines at 1*3 Price.
A sua*. nagw*!*.
dW JM. .oUc. Mn. B«h. i Tb.
TbaaMiaai Vetea.
Op... Crap...
lours can portray, and whether lu bla
will I bl«u rt «»U.b.i »Ur.. bU. topcbl..,
ter atopfa-r^BUd a wad <4 red ntgfctla they preaanl the opera, ••i'ra Diavolo.''|
«• »«*■* iro« 'bam reatichi^ out uf it”—New Ycffk Trnib. .tomorrow nigbl. Tbe advance sale u
tl>« haartipst
vary large A short synopsis of Uia The hrllllaat aad t
story is ffleeu in Werner's magasiM for held fall audlanoo apoll-bonad and oaTba oriffinatcr at tbe
| April. IHM, under tbe bead arf Basic, rapiurod. aae« whan It went . ialW
wblriwlads of appiauae.”
“r” ailitoratiaa ''readioB. "ritlug and bad Is aa follows:
•rithmetlc'' was Sir 'ViUiam Cnrtli. a
“Fra Dlavolo'' waa composed in 18J0
'Manager faq^^rg haa arrangod with
^ mayor ofLand^ in. I T»6 be pro- ! by Anbac. This opera deali .with Uo Gao A. HaM^, maMgarof "Pbnat,”
fl Itosa I
1 bafan tbetnordp I adrentnnms cotwer of MIebeli
to brlag bla gs^t Hooale and Eloetri•domuoa.
I wboao Boubriqnot was “Fra Dlavolo.” cal ProdueUea bpre. «a May 14tb, with
I L a.. ••Brotber Davir-a ptmasat of Porter WbiM. la tbe role of ''Nopbioto.” Tbia la «sld to'ba tba meat iaatmellva and aatarulnlog play on tba .
I leader.
Ilia atroelUoa and explolta Amarlcaa atpffo aad abanid be aUoadad
made bim notoriouafatdgaaood a prieo by all wbo «a)oy a dcsmaac treak Tbo
to bo aet 00 bis boadi bot la 17». on preoa tbronghont tbe cooatry bae pr«tha Prabcb tuvasioq c4 Italy ba dr- [ nouncad tbb to ba a prodaetioa of a
elarod for pbe king of Naplaa. trua par- ,ery hlgb order. Tbe oompany wbleb
idonod by Cardinal Buffo, and lavaded la aa a
d ba grootod
I papal UrrlWry. He waa flaally ba- whbaao
I uayed lato the bands af tbo FkMcb.
Tbe mlaotrel abow waa ropaatad last
j aad baagod at Naples la IfaC
KifbtUUiaCltyOparaBoBagtoa <far
Wednoeday ovoaiag <M L. P. ■laad andladea. la MW of tba faei ^
Oopalaad will lecture in tbo City Opera that oovctal mombon of tbe east ware
Bouo. Ibla bMag the last of tbe Hlgb Mt able to partidpato oa aeeobot at
aebMl ooaroo. Ooloeel Oopataad's
}oot will bo “Boolag ^ Klopbaat” and
m oojoyad Ik Tba taoTO wbo pul am
that U will bo a treat la aaaarad
by tba bnadrado of ffattori^ taoMI parforwmaeo *rin map a vary eob^
moolals roorivod. A Baabviilo. Tobb.
a ^^'kito. tbo 1
ilMriy th« Whel« UnK^ «teiM
Army Orders to Pour
Points io th« South. -
>f Uir colon) ~
*M M Wmrilk«M It 1> H
BP.1., Bvlo, b.r t.„u,,.OTr
knawer . whether "ahe win' i^^bly
withdraw her troepe and flas from
WOM warllk. alrp uken Wftbt d«pan. Cuba. Rer refuaal to evacuate the lal»#«»t In prctwrlns foi tlw pcadbUltr «f aad—whlrb U. of courae. expected—w:
the alynal for acUon on
part of
with RpniB wu Imokut..
ihia cevemmrnt. and that actios wOl
M«d TMterdar ,»h.n oMai* wer* iwtwO
be the viRoraua uac of both our naval
fcr tbr foncantrmtlon at lour itoUiu In and land forcea
tW Moth of «ls retrlmenta of cavalry.
'The Root makea Ihla Maietneet upon
Iwmtr<lvo mrirornta of Infanlrr and the bixhett autborily. the courae of ac.,
Ow nclit ballarlaa of five (vgUnrnU of tloB Idicated havtn« been decided at I
•rtlHrry. At Cbit4camactia iherr will yeaterday-a cabinet meetin*. Should
eh the president ae.
^ •!« r»*lmrnti of ravalry ind tha ............................
d by the a
M«(»t baiurlM ef-fiva radmcnu of arIns the repul
ibilc of Cuba the f
• dlllary; al »w Orinnii aUht rrclmogu
win rlcn the.
a .brief metaa«e
.■at iBfantiT; at Tampa, orra tailmcnta
bold that the con
of Infantiy. and at MoMla. Mv«a rvfi.^ etltutlonal prerocatlve vealed In tta<
nanla or iDfariUT «l»rr lb» civil a-ar prrrident to rrccpltlw other rovem
^ aorh proportion' of ihr army baa menu cannot be ukrn away, and that
u» la tfaerefure vol.
kn^ tha iMVrmraJ ..
•rif U tha-bew erldence of (be CTavtty'
" ___________
at the alluallon as looked upon hy tbe
Wayterltari the Mwy I. r.tww
Trerideai and hU advisera The deter-1
^UiaUoc to rendcavous the troupe In
tb« aunib where They cab b. acclimated
to the <ondllions .rf a m..»» irupical
^mate ha* been under ronslderatlon
by tb- pr aident and bta rablnet for
awme Dme.
Madrid. April
Can. Weyler
asthnrisee tba---------...
puNlehed Jierr aa Ip a .
menl hy Conaul Oebrtal Fiubtuth L«a
twapeettny a letter riraeral Weyler ad
dressed lo Samoa auxman aa to tor
pedoes and mines pisced Ifi the port of
Havana durlni hU (Weyleria) comV.
»"<* reepectln* a eobeequenl diebe enuiledl '
Outman to de.
“ ~ •' stroy the letter, after the cstaatropbe
that befell the UalBA are enUrdy withoat toundaUon.
•erwice Oeneral Miles and Adjutant
Oeneral Corbin and acquainted them
with the pe*u1i of the cabinet delllisnitloM There were hurried consuhatlons
tn which the quartermaster general, i
trbo baa rha'kP of tba iraapottation -.-f'
tbe troopa; the rommlasary Renernl.
. wWf. looka after their subriatance. end
rettwnenistlees In WaaUniton of eaii•tw rallraada ninninc to tbe aoulb. t»r.
Aeta aiU. 1.A IO«.
p. m. be found that
fc**! hern there elnre be ....
Cbrifrianlty la «
Ua'uVwb.'ai*Iw’Jd'^l'v^Tu''^ Se‘'ou'!%'’r
prantdent la empowered to nnr lb* army:
andnavybewlUlMueaholUmatumto). “»•»«• " **001. eief^^ lort-
Wirtinfton. April
tf wet Wav* Hem aa
tea for Maatar BlUr*a
le -A bo a day.
IlSht robhery ocemred to tbr eoanir
treaasrer’a o-Hea. neat deor'tb the aher.
ira offlr.^ When tba tr«,ur« mtu“^
U.„”d aSth ^ k.r
n't .‘Th*
Waahlniton, April It-The Wa*lat>
Ibeonly way by wbKJj thiaoui bedona climbed ever the pertiUon
ua Pc»i*a aummary of the eltiiatlon "-‘I haven't
hi of »o£m the pmnlaaa’^ Ivfortbe iUkrtpl
diaeirb . of Cbriat to ro aa nearly to . the eelllnst pried
' a hit
pu|>Uahrd In today'a laaua Includra
tha 111*.
utdered, but
u wiio i be bwT> Utl br- ttiwlcDarley
aiMicnarlae and U‘11, all »M the etoay »«»»rdrawer.an4abeiraoiedtheeor.....................
fWlowlas atatetneot; -ImiDadtatrit thcl t«*of~wD«»r! ikarl And to tblnk aa <rf Jeetia and Bia.lora
Tbla-haa been ! »•“•'
1«'» «wi»e wii'+iweed by foot
•Mt X«t Ik. rmtm M A>r P'lM.
2- ''
• "1 «aai aona
* by Re*. A a. Uayto.
bMd." laU the parlor maM. “ifa'a that
feverlab. doenw aaya. ll<alobo kaptonall.
and Koopdey. la a worldwide tniarion.
Sir. HtalloB. the fUbuoacar, lookad AU n«lon. atoAo be W to Cbriet, «,d
la th»lr cratltudr to th* mothfr
They dM not know that 3Hlykad da
will alvaya act with her tn
a. rata at tb«a-rtten aaTtBcea. ■tany frianda asUI be lay 'a-dyl^v Tbaa
dene from the <«r1ie*i dayaof CSirtfttaaity. Tbla tbtrieuilb chapter <if ibe
*|iS J.S'SklS'^lhrilir
^ *•
lor all that. atHl Hilly waawont lo auwUh
blm h> the kBnn.la, and knew allI tbe old
i apd iillly held Ipn* <
he kul.yectof
kuliyect of joacboca.
t theradlcBl
but that
Ae for Ua cun
dear fririxU lie •
aftcniuuiie bowllu
audowrbarida to b
ieoenaeaw to anccemdully carry .fiwward
Vt worki wbetber at boniwoe
J. rnw gnai
larrj aaya Chamberlaln'a Coach Reai‘^y rivee betur eatUfaeUon than any
'tier ia the sarkk. Be hae beea la
• hedrne huaicaaa at Elkioo, Ky . for
twelve yean; has aold huadredeof hotUee of thU rviaedy aad nearly all ether
I.} .\«!llL '
lily ’s lu.tl
A Prom great miadonariM we may
Uam to be willing to labor in new and
and; and Billy trotted after bin,
b« hBiltupon no other______________
la all hia borOcuUnral opwa- daUon. It G reoordad in the UfaofLiriBgytcaie that early be showed “a fixed
^»e <
hired him beat fmnd that i* muM <u«
* ;^t. t
Chtcaso. April II-Teaterday was tha last ihiauah the daw At tuaminii nr*i>*
./Blaees indicated
a* followe: To CbIckRthe eumia Rave Um that "U* pniytre of
y maitca baWleBeld-The Flret. Second. «raai day before which the day wa bel
with ^In u only an •nncl- the ooncnwailoD are dcalied tor B'llllam
Third, klxth. KIntb and. Tenth reslrof •yeeterdaj' tbe national Wynnlnston lofraai." Then be patwed
menu >t cavalry, and the Ilirtil baitertes of flvr reslmcMa of artlUrty; to came opened up for the aeaaon and the and »lth a ring of mppJleatlon In hie
lUt^lng iwopie
Beventta. husky experts with the plcakln and bat
«Snn their battle for tbe trophy.
Bchth. Tw(inh. Sixteenth. Sshteentli.
«ie Bcorea in the Deaguc wen _
Twenly-tMrd and Twepty.fourtb reitl.
‘•Wimsm*^WyBnl^^ ln*»mni" bad
Clnelnnall—Cleveland A
menu i‘f lf.tiV.try: to MoWle-The Sectalhaon
ood. '-bird. Tenth.
Nine* Clnclonafl 1; at,J*>w Tork-BoKon A
k-three laniace. ralai-at 8t.
toenib. TwentlHb and Twenty-aecond New
rcclmenu of latantr}: to Tainpa-The LoulB-OticaBo t Pt. LosU 1; at LoalaIn tha pause whicdi foUawad the worts
- Poerth Tlfih. Stelh. Ninth. Thirteenth, yUle-PltUbur* A Loutavine U: at
*m-em.vnUi and Twemy./lrat reyl- WaahligtOB and Phlladelphla-IUia
are desired,"
the deaf gardener's votss
menia of Infantry. The heavy batterire
was luwrd lo
•of niili.er)- IB each of thefive reRimeiita
>t Kuuday.
weBiloned will reinalD al thrir pteaeei
aitor HcCuUocb has jnpared a euieTb. mrl bad no aarBlm to take OIL •>
ment of tbe rondlUoo of aU the euu he rwwiMd biUy'i bo^ first. BuTtbt'
banks up to April t Reoourcet: t...,. ouraie taught bin. at tbedriysgste. bw
The di'pettmeeA Mn« wa ussinpuieo tne t - * dtseonma.
twvety-iwo rectmente of infantry at:......... prevloua ,^«r.
tmarwas noaoi
year. »«.iM.»*i.aa.
U.UI.m.tt. iubb
no sound in Uw house but
---------------------------the gulf that they 1 « hanA itAHAOtt-TT; decteaae. «A«A- tha volosof Billy's
treauportailoo to ^
Checks end eeah items, mt.- over end o«w agala
— .
inereeae. UK.4n.es UabtUties la
tiam Bteaairhip oampanlm Cor ebarter- depoylla. Includlag mvlng. sabjsct to ^ the eumm, and sllantly (hsy luUowrt
lag vmsels to the goremraeBt for ih's
him up Into tba darkenrt nursery. Billy
werfc, Isatrucrinns to the
neuilM when he saw th«. He could not
a N. BROWN. Anei^ ana O
O. t^e. Spertal st-sa«M* W
asironvcianrler. DiyVaots<
a J. MORGAN, /
Hack, Bos and Bagga^
«n*B Out beyond reqairee
mcrifice, wlUlngneei to do
work, bat it pays In tbe nd, and
•bosM be willing to do lA In bla
strikinR oat into the ialand. ot
Africa Bohurt Moffat lived for eli
moBthe alttte lo a rude h»t
"In this
bisiorian. '-UremidBrt:
1 si t t
Vlulisad Air admlntoterrt forahaoluU palBtass extraction of teeth.
Aatidolar. for czuacuoo of taetb
without pain ased. Latest and moet
aalIsfacUHT preparatioa yet naad for
making axtraetma aaag.
Here Bill, «l*sr.lwerrupbri.e*elelm.
He found It wa. God's w.H
iacduUthUkli>.'''ibai»)oo.>oukDoe!" wrf cUdlywe*tfosth. Entireeumnder
and damanded (ho verse >rb1o
to God la a tteouamry pteraqniiite to
Tbate wa» >uw frlmd from wham Billy raeocsefnl w^ for God.
TbonsrI ouuld elns. too. Uf hi* tejicr- *17
wbeo'a yuonc inan in Edr
tory. tbe tavorlio .w w—
Uod. Robert Mcdfat. the crust miwdaB81* «i«i and *u U*rti.4. that qwrWjwl aiy. Went btioie to his room and prayed
Dr. Higgins,
"f or It'e My Ik lJKbtci
lt<«S* ItlU eutlR IliBlca
rua.. April «.-Tb* nd-
mimianarlmwc may
ltd slug miesiuua (he Holy Ghovt mid td the
lulnk aon^.,
m.wm «t Antioch.
.-c*|*xsu] auo o*r*
Uuo ul Billy a piuliormea was (bat be nafana and Banl ftw the work wbereuato
Attorseya at Law:
exsn«l«>uK. lr,uuall hl.lrl....da
lb.-n 1 bare cwllrd tbtan," tbe church aukbe hwrnod ibutn hltnwlf ai.d >
Baniabaa aud Saul enbinltled. ODcm Is HoetaraeRleeb. TVavwwrtty. Mieb.
hlaturn. .Tbcrurale'e
Unols National Onard’
to tbetr fuU e
the end of thia week
balBf rapidly flilad
Wk. kUeey* and tda«4«r-*a. Urawe hr
---------------------------- ..--------hi*
J*A O. Joaxaok. Drugglnt,
“A word u tbe wlaa U suffielent" and
awiwd-troiDthewlee ebonid be eoflcUel. bet yw ask. who are the wise?
Thoea who know. The oft repeated
--------------------------- 11 owwBlvet U. God. TUia
j, otararteristlc of aU (irwatmisaionariea.
-reneral fcelinr of wearineM—U esn '
evideneoof kidneraad bladder troabU.
Tab* Utah Kidney Beana at onee-tbay
will core yon-lb.y bara eared tboiuaoda of olberm. Tny Tt aaca'a... Pti..
,ai>u.i-HlA make Utah Kidney Beana
b«riitloa.'hut there u no
TOj «
“U'baletta- kbatl we doT" Bicd tha i*rleriusM. '*nbai«orr kliall wedol"
g«M mlarioBaiy iBorecimit under the
••Do!" echoed hr. htiJIon. ••Dol Why. Hwy
l^ol. l-y wiilcfa flic
■at euiuo. to hr sum I'll ko to Kanham Bemaa empire waa to te ltd to CbrlO.
iur it i) yaelt. Ihll your lady eba ahaU Hinl waa tba grrataat of tba cnrly 1
bare It in an hour."
lowers of OiHat.
He oonseerated
Mr. Stalkui «ai ofw of Bllly'a frUada. life to ml
mMoBA Manyof OirUrlaulty’s
Rnwincn have dcnui the «a*oa tblait
Iruhcoloml uod chubby,
lirm we may ientn
iackiou in dlpulty. He la ao U. F. U.
. nous n SIT ora.
Whan kn aart of aayiblar'fn thS^
Um raaambar tbU it the niaee to laaea
Tbone Ho. 3.
bud Kipidi a iDdUu L1
“5"^ to tbe son. ran. doRA makea
hod^ttle. doing hta own aewing and
«»Whff ««l
having nothing lo
ooox, owmoiing hUnmU with hia rieli
«nd 8001^1 pmlnu. but with all bis
hardships maintaining
and premihuig
m»hine **^1/*."
; t*mrg« H*U. Blocbaw. AprU lA UR
tolL God will Wma
blase oa
oa U
if we
we are
are willwill*®*‘hig tn do tbe bardtst work for Cbiiri.
lit, 7; Nah. i.
Hath. V. 11 . Hi xxviii, 18-SO;
B<»-. ix.
is. 1-6;
1-8; X. IA...
18; Acte i, «-l4r
Floe I
tin. a8'40; xr. «B. *8; xyi. 6-18: 1 pVlR
Cor. iil, 8.10; ix.
H Cor. xi. x#;
t/Tj ViSewJT
■‘'"•e“-'" ,5, ,
speak, be was so «ind.
mere war. aem ooi late yesterday wltb
dlreciiona ihat tbey be put late effect
. «a soon as rtwsible. It U tbe juBBdent
evectachm cf tbe eOclals that the
movements In same pUcM win begta
tndsy. The taIIros-1 fseillllea. the offlrials say. srv more than ample lo t
the demands of the orcatiuB an<
trouble will be eqpertqpoed in mcddlU^
Rrm that ihr Renley regatta commitlee 1^ decided to retuae the eotry of
Tea Eyck, the American oarsman.
••= n Tit iv. «-8: Heh xl. 88-40.
wim.aeta aiiaA* AfaMaewA
Chicago. April
It-The baae ball
Hie motOw knalt teams of ths Michigan. Oitcage aad H-
Bis fatte knalt down at ths other aide, Uoae w ith (be Unlveraliy of WiaeotiriB
I , ...... ..u,^
AU, wnicB
loving, sorrowful
owfnl^m Ibecorale knett trarts h.ve been algnedwrin be pteyed.
down at tbe
foot of the bad, and the earl, Tb# three Instltutlont wtu bar Wlacon1 foot
who made BoatMpt Suwip, tbe Sean eln from all wettera inter-colleeUta
T I3T POg aabS-As E. -Sik
m«e NSW URN hem l*va eagsgee te'M
A aAer tb* work la *r Meyele rvyeir ekep.
If yoe w*al yosr
rasr wbeel rui te tkwoagk
tkereagk order
lleiOndKed al l*s«M-Lm<a (r^iMosa
London. April U.-AerordlBg to the
Washinslon <twiespundva( of Ta< Dally
Chronicle the Buropeao ambaaaadora
angreo* for tgaorli _
Two slight iriiocks of earthquake wem
felt St San Pranrisco Thuraday night
: BotbCT a voice went on. Thao she aang an atbleiics un'
It aattafles th* board
Bred iHlbert retaloa the shooting ^ aofUy. and suddanly Uwm ww M- ta the contrary.
trophy, beating Prank Parmelee
to St
Hilly had gone to risep.
drive gate clicked and agnkk as^
TmeomaOi^ lUiMot.
Channcey Ptaber. the pitcher, wiu be
/muag. Trerera*
. ^________
dou ibesratelbrnnkle.
It was tha
manager of tbe Omaha Weoum'
Haiow b a Itai of the buying^ aall- W ^^Ui*1
doctor. He oeue hastily Into tbs' room ,___
team of halt player..
mf^ mar so BUly;i moth1
The Chicago aad Kurtbweetcrii et^
UoB at BnlUoA WU., was robbad whUa er. lilted bur upand tot her In a
look her place, bylng
a hand on I
the agrat waa at dinner.
pulseaiMluu bteforabaad.
forabaad. Tfai
Than ha said ^
John Allen, who lire* on
in a whisper: "lle'U da Us'
of Wsrrena. WU.. U
aald lo M
be Mfyu^.
IM ysart
amr Pork per fc....
uf age. He U In good health.
Tha three a*ti ruse frqm thdr knamm Short Cat Pork................................
r TO tOAN-W* kaw ea deaerit
John D. Rockefeller. Jfr„ son of tha
iUlly’s muUwc fell on her*, with tbe fitR- Short Cat Pork oar fit................
Standard Oil king, haa'^n elected a
taam^ bad riled Id all that wtar, week. «<mr. H L. A Co. beat-..
trustee of tbe Dnlversfty of ChJmgo.
Tbey rulluaedibvdtcuiroutol tto room Bya Ploar, B U A ^ Bwt.
The RepubUcan deadlock In the PTrat
>d cr»-j.t down emir. Into UwhalL Tbe Heal. H. UAr “
Kansaa congnwslonal district U broken. doctor pushed UlUy ’s father Into the din- Fart. B. L
5"«le bring renamlnated on the 7»th Ins rooiu. mvluu; -Va»a
___ - Ko—. -u
’neiMlocttrtS. iwv MorR* eeJ '--r—rn Akb
.rmtotloe that they are conferring with
a rlea to oonceried action. Thera
re la
la no
runfirmsilon of the report that Burupc i
make a naval
itrwuon !
-event Great Brllala'e fleet will
lu b} its obs
aeoeraliy the ■
1 demonsireilUon U anurcly die- j
—^ei utt*
B to i-tbr J
£7 *i&‘" “
t on foot among
».aaubllab a produce ox-
wun^ here (hat in spite of ihe'irT |
Msu Mlnban. a tahorer of Necadah.
X^ioe In Cuba tbe Insurgent* conUnue i Wl... while at work wllh a gnjbblM
tta.r lBcursl..n*. and It U added that machine, was struck on the h^ by a
the gnvemment has received news tc Djlng chain --........................
and fatally
• the effect that new Bllbusiering expedlProd OrtA of Norik Prairie. WaufceU(41B are beinc organlaed in Ftorida.
■ha county. Win., was Injured fatally
by the premature explosion of a blaat.
A. ponion
portion or
■ ni*
'' face
was blown away'
Ma^. April 1A-J51 epoca. Oonaerya.
tlVA eonalderlng (hat war U imminent.
•pprovea the summoning of the cortes
•a atrengthsalng alike tbe public eplrit
wad the hat.4s of the govemraent. It
Jeoeapllmeou ih* queen regent on her
Jacob Myara and wile, of Martoo. fX.
•eneroaa sutacriptiao lo the navy fund,
denounciag aeverely the congtseWonei Were fatally bnmedgwhtle bumlngcemMra
yetsPBoee to the Maine dikastcr. highly
“*• ‘■**“4
approvlag the derision of tbe governBant thereupon, aad says that *nhe
world now knoers American humanlTarlawlsm Bells hypoertey. "
B Spoca nays It U glad that Senor
^ie r.Beraabe baa orders for with
drawal fiom Waahingtoa should aa sfficlal act aaactloh Amerkan Inierrea{ba> In Cuba. Tbe world. It declaroA
•I’pady poaeeaaea jdenty of proof# of
patictrio -and
though as the ceasatloB at dIplomaUe
mlaibm* 1» a «ep toward war It (D
Xpacal could wlah that the lalUaUve
bad been left (o AnMriea.
Tbe Cuban oolonlal eablnet has adfireaarJ a manifesto to the queen rel eflertng
, Tbe two young men inrnedand
'Into the drtte, when they found Wmuu*
waWiig fur newa Tto-.i ---------------------
___________It Floor...........
Pototoca, par bn.
P*f «»h...................
eld man and po»
pm "*•
ble;mouto w «u ear.
Urd be
^He^hwhart lorn hb Uf. trytoi^ , ni Wo‘ young me. riiot toa"^’iS5
j and went down tbe rood.
Tbe curate went to hinetort with toe
■ aort. They bad ehampagns. and the narl
«*ad. Mnt'Mary'jobiaon.”
>w frivoloee. at Ue maaaar b. Uehaa
her month ao wide that her fa* broke
t muefa dignity, mid heandtoecutab
with a ansb
: are oU fi
Ooraraor Ttolcott has seat a -Tiiimn !"theboaae" «..-^kato tto Masa^naetta bgbUture iwcom- I ."I 'my. oU ohap." mid tot mri ooaS-
1.1. cmasTt^bi, m inm.
My wife haa oart Gh*
rjwmaMam arlth ftmt r«^f.
Vattoa to Arohitaoto.
•••Jov whloh we has*
W. JJ. CcTikfi.
CtTTLkfi. Srt Cbwak.
The war department has rmrtvrt
— flOtala imnrt bank Ibhbertir art
word from a dime c. mpaay that U tbe 4Hlh
than a ronilnlmmiee of their
-------- of war twentr-flve
----------.dr In hbrnaanmiomarkrt."In
would he
be put at
at lu dbpoaal (or active matter# of
aervlee tn Cuba.
ibb villaffa and oea of tha
£?*i w^laent moa
a in thb vicialty.—
*«tor Bad
Ert Creek
Creak Btr-
wblTr3r^to*« F-raalebyS B Walv
^but^^M^ moontniaa la woata
AwoiaaSb Motdm ttontoa
meodlng-eW^amergaiieT appropriation of dantblly. "yon wars Jolly miufol tost tot
O80.«# to tncrraae the aflidener of too
#ute mfUtla.
CahmU Paebeca a Mormon bolony :
tba kremler, preoented the manUaato
tu barmajeety aa aaoa ae It .w^^
aw^. yoo ^ lamd IttimUm.
John R. Santo,
Goirtl luiram.
ta^wl^'lee i'betottott~eS!?‘a£rtMS
etreelil la gradb*gmaaSs. lev (anutero. varilgstaree, drswmg plane aad
THE KOBaiHaaaooBP. TaA-Vmtaa orry. inoH. buwday. atbil ir i898.-t»ABT two.
« Ut
. \
Almiramte <H(io*po
T/ie Fighting Ships of King Alfonso In Bmie
Important Interview IVith General
Daniel E. Sickles, Ex-United
States Minister to Spain.
rceprtWbt. UR.1
'oittftra iM'Si ^
proved avaa tatthln the past year and
tate as a whole ta today quite the '
wqoal a( our own In poini of eaetancy.
Shlpo and CUBS, ^ata has been enarcetleally at weth the past year la
nnbolpaUaci of t^bat. and her actlvl.
ty has bean suiusaful to tbe extent of
her m- .
baqa-devoted to that. She has not paid
her army, but has spent tbe money .jm
iMraavy. It ta better than n has bem
«er yaara. Bar torpedo Beet should not
be dsniwnns la actnat combat exeept
•t Meat ar dvtac a «b««nas aotdd aaotmttae torpedo bents
. <wtth a fair cbawv to sicbt them.
-AS tor battleehlpa. ws have thras
nnpsrtar to any three Spain has and!
may noon have tour. I mean the In- i
4laM. Iowa and Bassacbosetts and the
Oiecee when ready, la ships of theaooOBd etaaa of which the Viscaya ta
«oa I do not think onr
AWtaeie L«M ts ,
i IS
But many of thane are veassta of oheelete type, others are not equipped.
sBd lb* ninboats omild not take part la
declared to ba
dent, and ilfcewtac tbe Oaltela.
iva Rspaita. tbe MoUao and tbe ftoson. which, aceordlac to contract, wart
> show a spaed of » knots, bnt havn
een unable to make mote tha£ U.
llery «
tnral .WMknesees. Tbe arilll
On April « Italy eoM to ^tala the 4r>
n caparlly tor coal does not allow mored cruiser Qlnseppe OarlbaldL Sbs
a steel veeaei ofAM teas and lA«d
; I It to take on aaonch tor a trip of over
Uertoncth to M
lAdW mitaa. Tbe emlsers AtmlraaU
M.«a Oquendo. lafaau Marta Tenna aad
of >4 feet. Tbe craleer has a
AM VUoaya are not mUsety protected. The of six Inches of harveytaed etscL ato
crulsem Alfonso XII aad Betas Chrtaeeted. while the Attoaso Inches of tbe same metal orerh '
Xni to abaoluteiy uaprotaeted. Its bnU
eaa be partomtsd by cuaa of tmaS eall- Indus thick. T1
Garibaldi constots of twn 1» Inch enna.
aad It ta consequently w'
tan I Inch quick Artnc cuns. atz 4Jf
tncb'cnnA ten tJt lack runs, tan LM
Inch cuns and two maxim enna tn addle
Hen to foar torpedo tnbse. Hey apaed
to caiimatcd at to knots She asKtas
Ltol teas of coal and baa a enw at m
lafaau Isabel. Dda Juan de Austria
and Dob Antoata dc CUoa are whaUy The PtUye to tha
unprotected and make only from U td^ Sftantah wai^fp. The ledtaaa to onr
14 mltos an hour. None of them would meat-formtdabte eaa Sebtar. The fuemar
be of service la a naval battle. They has a >onimce of AM and tbe latta* .
of lAtoA The nnmhar of cane me
apectlv^ ta r and eA A stmnto bn*
ttoeen thcae two wonid aattto the qnanf
the enemy's stroac armored aad
em wamhlpo. and on aenmat of thetr Oon of naval enpeeaiw. Thme ttwr
eaaaot be empleyed as
inrtsifs between better Alps of a navy
oMBtlT U« Of BpAlB ta Of I
o omH* on* t
OaMAl 33wtol &■ SkcklM. wtio ns I lapomaM -------------------------------m^SUtM
mJBlawr to
Spain dwiiw ! fortvx tlM r*«»U ,of o Spuft-AxMcl.
Bins— IBlIUPier
pin«wr AU
^ <
'T «*ax«Bmct. As the two narlM art eon.
tast Cnbaa war. has t
•* !«““»•
ham tbe prss«wt trouble
/•psaktBC la-dtapatactmsBl
„*erve of tapUi ooiiBtrtM and tbt
lih navy. To a press ■
vMwIs ibat
pot OB tbe fisbUnc
trkp asked him for a deftnlte stttemsnt •trtBKth of our navjr. but. which patriot,
tan wooM aptcdlly ptae* tbert. tbt tol.
«f his views tbe central saM:
ta» ta BlsBl&caBt. Tbe mw war'Any ratine of tbe Bpanlsb navy as It
ta Spain is iwportod to hate rMtnt.
•toad at tbe openlncof this srar or even
- u>d those w« bars bouebt
tip to a year ar so aco ta out of date to*
■ 4ap. t an not an expert la naval mat-
we have a dtaUact advaais^. and our
ships cencrallp arc lamer and mora
UAie modem. Only In ssacolnc torpedo
t»aia has Spain any marked superior-
aly when -» to
batitoaUp or enatom to mad coacratulatasr teto*
eoaJeetnre CraiM to trienda at a dtatanire who nr*
T ia#raay betnc marrtad that to. the meeeace IT .
timed to «mre Jam after the ceiemo.
of Vsea Mur- sv
- —----- - feast which nanaSy
ISow. a ocrtaiB e I. a torse
rJTt^ folloem.
farmer, was aboot to be marvted. and
Bbortty before tbe time be het^ thM
one of bis cnttie had strayed. It bala«
a valuable aalmaL be toid bis bam* tc
let btm know at ones When R ME
Ibvad. Tbt bains, belac an o
-Traakly. then, maktac dne^allow•aee. tbe two navtas are a cioae roalcM
no far as vedeeU ao- But I look fi^ a
Ataplay of nupertorlty In oOcaiA In dlsuipUoc. in appotatmeau• aad equip. TwTor. two tufT
’ navy; hence Amphlulte. two
>a»e ta etaat j
. of vmr to aa 1 ^iST..
Oltricaie aoo oumpuvwASU
mm :
tar eOctency In action AnI headed An-; Msj^head .
do-SnxoBa are better than hot blooded. SSSScxclUblc Latina Enctond always ahows cushlny
sopertority la thto renpeet over warm
blooded aatione. Only AmeHmas eaa [
our foe. The Rpaalards are brave aad cuaboaU. • torpedo beau, one of them,
puteky. but hoi Mooded. In the oonfu-; fbe Pluncer. belnc subenarme. Bl<
alon of battle they will net equal our I nioiv of tbe Utter
win be n
aramm. The rnsrhlnerr of a modesn for service soon.
nhip Is soon out of order In hsated ac \ Bpala has oe hand, then, a fleet of »
tion. The turrets yet fast, the wronc ^
Includlnc torpedo boata .-nwee
aimnanitlen Is broucht forward, the
It a dtoptocement of--------TAM
pteeiinc apparatus ceu disabled.'and a toBA With 4SJ CUBA torpedoes on every
e of dtoclpltne. of coolu
3 have baen informed from s Eimrpsan:
source that Spain baa retained EncHah I
and Bootch snclneers to handle her i
ships of arar.
"If the two fieete eome tacether. I look
for the destmetloa of half of each of.
totam. They'U ilcht sure, and It anil not
he at Are miles or three arthiror one
mOe. but they ertU oem« to close action.
A few shots from ths heavy cues wiU
dsetroy a vuansL
"Spain's one dtaadvnatacs on this stds
tbt ocean wfll hs lack eC docks to ce
4s'io for' repairs and reetttne- Bits bhs
Itot the one tn Havana at bent, and if
that to tom ta her cbe can't reAt with.
. out croaelnc the AtlanUc. la the matter
of consimetton neme of the earticr ahlpe
parlor to that of tbs Oaltsd StatsA
Bnt In reaUty we have tbe mare ter.
mMabto navy, for on onr side ar* aU ths
elements that In ths Oplnlen of expertA
will eensUtnts snpertortty In naval bat. - .. _.
f ofahlpsor
number of cans tkni "eonats" so m
as tbs thlekBSMiSr ths armor and
caliber of the cubs and. as of old.
Acbilnc spirit of-ths man. la all thass
particular* Amsrlea hM a datoded advantacc. Spain's actual Aghttec Aset
consists of Avs
- -
tnaaoi Acbt*S doaA^nmped qdaiterA
Thto was ehown dSflac ow war. sspe.Many in tbe oum of ths Oi ' '
s TatinsOTse and Altontn."
Unltsd.9tatM and B ■ msnn borrlbto.
Mnculnsry eaconn
erurM has never aee
B*a betue will be a
and poasibiy tbs a
n of the other
. ta q«lu poastble that n Sgbt
......................... cofhothn
I sompartaoB of tbs
--taC the mealtarA Tbe total
it of this naval body to KM
. Their stased to tmm U la B knM '
The David and
Goliath of the Navy.
How the Smallest
Torpedo Boat Can
Sink the Largest
lac mesnsce lust'as they aU sat do*B
to dinner: "Concmtutotloas! Itoe heasd
tacanchtr It ta fair toeonelnde-tliaf
tbe Mecrmm aSordod at least as nmeb
CratlflitattaB 40 tbs nmswihlsil cnsstS
ss to tbs aetusl ledptont hImnelT
- A British marqata' corowet ta Mmt
cm was sold In a Loedoa aocUoa room .
recently for tS.' Saw Brtttah peers own
coranetA as the state occastoas «■
which ibey are need are rare. Tbe owe
aotd was prabably made for Ibe e
Tint xpsantp ncoat>. wiHDior.Araii. i7. mb»
m Mm TfBity urnpim
«*w ■« M • Qoeater «f M »• W«a
IB tu*l«e work te wall d_____
MpvtaMiof RilMilitblo NoUoBd Mfo.
NiTtsa. ror oomo tim %IO$ tc«l|«. •!•
tbotvk oaeot ^ iMMlo «lw oMf.kMbeee
dotoii tiuhi or Bo wurk. ami »mlthm»of
BdariMoB wwa raralj i**-
r ^ tba iSna i*da
•iMa wart of tba baMtO ta aa* aoT-;
aa of nwa-
nitMia «MvB
tarite te aa ai
«Dd taMoot «tmn’ toAid «t end* ct
altp. lalatad aa ■
s WkdilMrtM'a ttitbdv
un ia tka coome o* bia rwBfarita ba
L-ldfd to tbo
the patriot kapirit
icepirlt of tbe clap
aboot a pear after ba 'j
from ooUtca.
He waa i*aocioia( to a
I Cases
i Of Tan-
kli riltaga la lodiiiia cooaip aboat
d tba oaoaakai
oeoaaiai to tba
Um exiaot
exloot of
ctf palotpalot-1
bUm troB uf railroad.
Ha bad
InitacaBa reap pictam of,tba i«Mt boao MoaoUp marriad. and to tbatorasOf tbe |U to Bake eoda meat tba proepect at
ttoiae baeame varp dtoocMuapiiig. It traa
aiTaacto aa paa cnUeMa are at t
--------------- -*of tbaaa.dapraeriv pe^
M mat. Jr., tba ptoaMi praad '
r,- ta weU koowa tbreoghoot tba
- Well, they’re here, in all tte latcfst styles.
Qnalities tosnit^eryone. Ladies', gentt’r boys’, misses’and child's sites.
Best assorted line of work stoes we have
ever shown. Prices $1-00 to H.OO.
rt la tba iiropamd tars o<
|« in tba boeaa wai cxThe babmee of tiad. to aor fewer far 0
eBlncdarpaar. MB. rearbwitbr — c*-"
eC". vhh-b he. oMrd «i»-b to the p
maoblp In LooUrOla la AaftMt.
k aap o
Tba Uiac lilaod 1. O. a F. HonwaaaojlatloB mporto a balaooa al •«.*» In tbe
irwMurp aCwr pa7>n« aU axpaoma few tba
Artoob lodpeof Leap BraiMb la tbe M
rear* of Ita rsMeoo bae ralwd M1.M7
and asprwlad lor raUef P»7.iva
ibbecata OM Falloiie ate te fiwtital BubmdiBata IickUm la tbe near
fotoia. thui abowin* that tba order te
keeplnp Up lU eiaadp itrowtb la tbe toata
tlial ba ooald
ill OErtato adart
ml trEUatrl
Lm ben thte oi
ao4 ceicniBfTcT e
ivun and vlll r
tbe etaliB oT all other
letbe 1. O. O.F. leaden
wot-. pat
9* acBMtbL.....
acaMtblii7far braakfaat.
laettod of
‘be*a aoiBatniba-toofabemowitodbUfaithfolllftotbaitparttaalloUp aod atarted off tbroogb
toTtoit bia paiiani. Wben
daartrade tba drifU to
nlrriirlm «»tti
rate to leata. afwr attaodiuff
lotnaponfot. tbaoidlanuermid:
t>.«Trfnl and rraUr gnat to h thr BrilU
miioo. wv of Ibr rmixd
Cloak Department
“Doo. 1 ato't got uo inooep. bat H- a
lOartB of bato'll do poO
poo aup good 1
,^00 tba roadf pit brobe.'*
Mes Blue
Flannel Snil
m at |ir>e«cTka, a»rt’
B^a’toto“a*!?liSSJ^*5t’^t^‘to ’
boiDo and ebn;^ wllli «. u>iaking of boptos wnub beat, aud
^Btp niato aDDirarea^ a
...j.— .....
and .>.~c..A.nn.
tbit «m
will mma
oona to
to baodp.”
Moet. If notall. of tbalodpaa iMOcToi.
Ovwloda IbnlUcv '
; futir e^nanTbe prtqnailioo wai aooeptad. »od tba
vlll bold catartalaBHraeeJa ttaatr taepactelta. ^
notildliig errrr faniwr'saon helped ^-tba^oartar of
.K.t ..m—eiM.
Vbea • . Vnltm
MUrberone tbe Pm mUeanf
eboeldrta. and tba
n Dcnaalet. aacrataip of Hwaoeli ,b„«rtb.
rdfr«ntiilwUtallapcaittobo>i- famaevard josmep.began. Tbe Bi...
lodgr of PbllacSalsAlB. bae bemi to pood, tfnvaoe
Odd FaUowtord? paara. armiaten
V^.‘ii''i^.Slreb*rf5-*m wa» rtittleh. and tba doctor bad diffl
, I eoltpio kaeptog tba bcaf'fram falltop.
H* li «W p«arm old
I vltbrnd nnd rbohed brad
It baa aboot'tba bi
aIRnn my ta lirf tbei iV • mlnr'Prr 7c«n Ftoallp 1 be mare ebiad at acuuetbtop,
rof tba e.
will vrmx tbe BMM ea i-**'*.***.’^ -and awop vent tba beef tow a big mow«|n»ad IncTc-i-e ang aiten
Art, aealor pranci waideti and dqra^ Cbicapo. and It
pood wewk.
Sw^Sd to^l^Wfl
,-^tid iMWhil. ae>,himh« blateelf loevarp
Tba Odd Frlluarsof Kael .St
Tbe doctor waa a Sknber of tba
iMtoait to the ooMplati eallefactlwi of ble makingazi
Metbodiri ebnreb. and. nmrdtog w bto
tbe «r\(—“
Ha diaroooDtad
Ko fanll cu ba footid with Sanalor storp. dtd not awaar
Oarter Barrtooa, Baperof Chteapo, was o^AprlTM
and endewrortd to pot tbe beef on tba
mM to ABbtun Fork lodps a lew daps
Oatarto bae 8T« ai
but aba wooldu't aland atIU. and
admirable and pirarisg
It U a fdtp. mare, b
lpottP.7ST; total ■
tba Urt aaatned
bowerrr. that tbrp are Dot altogtobor _____
ante p* oaptta to what tba
taopelea uue. TbI
aaatutord bp faiitB. It U nofortnuatalp a taopcleei
_ of tba raaol.oBand eommandtrrcf FeanepIraaU baa
not “poor tbipa"—that to. the sbipa ad ' clem, tba ponng doctor art hla taetb and
tba mamben of fba Kew York mar-; triad again. Tbia utna be waa aocoaBtba OBIiad Btatm. wbhto maate at Pitw- Wart ef OapMta la Maglac ta Ba» ebaota' and manatactBrar*' board of : tal. He felt )>ka a ooociiiaripg baro ai
borp next aammer
II Maeaa
nwtn—fbat “plow tbalr forrowa from , be dumped tbr beef on tbe portico of bit
Ale^bfaoRowvaebridbrtbe Ma
boriscB to
carrplng to tba eoda modaat hema aboot mkinlgbt.
le of 1_______
tbe CItp of
la batter of tba did-aoe ef tbe Fee
— -Mezleo
of tbamrtb tba gaibetad prodacta eff faittatol link wife waa mm it ww a
wbo pwlabed to tba batUmblp within a rtort ti
Aiocsrioi BDd bringiog to poor #barfa Aspanatiaa of rtoridanoe. bat tba doe-
tote aa old oouBc
A apadal ooaamatioa of Scoalab Bite rtuwa bocr a'llm mao oao toapdraao^MBBoa wUltasbeld at at. Louie for four ^daoea and aatbopbMtB aiuoiip toBtaam
AarabBtonlaa Mar la.
| ro«k. where a loeal mainbar aaaBsta bate
tbalr golden ntorar"
A new ■—C— waa rerentlr HiitlWWl la I no rMble affect, aa/a Tbe Hopal AlaanaB
WtannaH^ihe neclUoB tor wblcb bad OoKIcl Parbapa it la that tba toaal paopto
rtfSSml^wbW. ta -M B be
know tba afortaaM loeal maenbar toowaU.
p bp foralgueta. to whom wa pay
#300^000,000 etery year, or naariy
amoant of that farorabie trade tatonoa
r atteobad to a lUa pattotoa.
<,tor. remembertog bia atrogglea at tba
•Tbay ara. mam'a tba pity. ^ alien' aowdritt. uaiirad bis optoioo.—PiU»rtipa, owned and manned atBOat an- borg Dispatch.
• ‘
wblcb in three pa^a gmoeata to “an
and Uhbia to tolfc and pnwent tba mUent poieta of tba ottkt tta betwAu ala ;
moofa batter andatotood. and bia wgfdacra-
. before are aball “aarilp bacotna tbe Siat
laiioD of the rartb.“
frrtt” uia*
that ia
maa^ v-^
zna “untoward
ootowBxu ina»
> up on Capita)
to booBkoai^
to work to keep aa exact aoconnt of
bar axicenditarea. batoncing bet booka
in Ksropaand ofSowad and wiled bp | rwatotlp onoe a month.
foreignara. it ia going to be a long w^ | carlir.t p
Lcia Aagelea eonnell la the 1aniMr ei
11 of Califomto.
It baa a mombarabl
bill ma^ed aod.w
U wd keep ’ to tba........ ....................
un papinS.^^
*)** graaa ratoa
cl oar axpcsi toreaaeto boilt and owned
naots. arltb a U
tors at Fittaburg.
w OMto Osa tba Annwar. b
Not ao. basator Onlloni.
Tba par eapita tnz to tba grand kdge of
ole to Ti emu
From tblsaancal
One of ber
•7-bO, SiaOO and #lBOO.
the BhoiceBt
that is
ahown In tki*
ara rightly
$3.00 to
I nicMitb Uw. in making ap ber ao-:
into itoocarrad to bar that tbat #10
tbonld ba divided {soportionatelp
gwae;. to a matnoar oi tuiaooui owowcu.
berawitb bto
his elowiae
glowing pradio-1 tbaaeraral moatba Bentioaed on tba
>ek iaairtodpapw tirket to ordev to give 16 eacb dap's ac
to tbe cxtwt of #su0.000,000 a pear, j oonnt oolp tbe ambnot of mooep ^aal
.vSL oL.. ~..dir.». i
« af Itow a
wirted to wlenlata and aet dnwn tba
oamber at pounds of loe asad each day.
Tba problem bad aarertl ramlflostioti*
It to neb always pbllcpto pnaba w and Madom eooiiell. No. ifl|8. raeatrad try_a&d finaoca.
wambar tow oflka ai aooa aa be reertVaa
and wtaiefal have forgottoo.bat. at any rata,*
re for tba largest li
tba raakA Tbto to often dona arm to
com iand.iBg?
: it was axceadinglp dltDoall.
wan wbna tbara are old ahdjpltbfol
jooigMgitp wblcb to rigbtfallp oon na- > boQBwifa oorcred efaaet aftv waat of
w writ qaallftad for tbo oflloas
a aad bto fellow pro- j paper
til Sanstor ObIIcbi
tocmberrtlp and
bpagato' n
to ooDgrBaawafcatotbanal'
wraal' riTal ofiierbattiandfaandtatf dlabaeal'
wtiUrd tn tbe
Mas ara am
Tba~ttawail Plan Is •
to Favar. :
g( tba oaM and anact tbe lagiila-: «d and in a state of erident diKtaB.
lodga. In I—,................................................
•aaab taai
dim nacemarpto trwt tbe Atnerloanj
"What to tba world to tbaa--------oU mambw ferla tba, ailgbt pot on him,
I to tba «rat I
. --------- --‘ ba aaked. Tba wife explainad.
aton awsP a“d Iowa letaraat to tbeworkI14 of tba lodga.—Fptbton JoamaL
The Pptbtona of Trias will hare an aX________in______
to tbe enpof UexIoD
—^Br tba ooarenUoD of tbe grand lo^
Tba Kntgbto are making aztemdea
Hipaitoloaf to attend the grand lodga of
OMo tnaatihg to be bald to UaptoaxomBaneing on tba foonb Toaadapie Map
At tba oaaa BOW atMidi tbe Aniarican
abip to tba only ABwicao thing with
wblcb tba oataide world ccBMt lato
that is not praueted. That
- - which bllgbto
SialptoDtoto HeraimlciUwgiMdla^ tbe treitfal proaprtt to ftowatcr Calwilln
a adopttbaplan—KgpaBtaWart-11^.,
lorn'a patriotic pictora.
Tba ladlaaapolto Pptblan
Hast Grand Maaiar at New York A. a
Berwick has been oboaaa aa tbe edtior of
Tba ICnjplre State Sorkmaa. a 10 patga
er. SU.O0U eoplaa of vhkeb are printed
sent to ararp mamte Id tba atato.
Daring tba first two mootbs of tba
toBs papinrats have
io RoI<) eoinT
to tba oorteapcmdlng montbi of last
to gold was received
J__ ii.,.!...
king rolM 78 CM
I. wbkb uwaDsoi
ibar of oaU
oaUanBed D
grsataat numbar
Konioekp oolp laeka $» meBlw to aacore tba prtoo of #S.W0 offaroU bp ibomptnoaiodga
UwlllLaveuatoadlbaiwiuMta iDcreass loag bafora tbe
at tbe IteH of tbue.
Tbewsirkirs and braveaof Wabeonab
toibaaiaacootlDg tbefonatof bast BufCalo. oaptoitog patotoBB. and adopttog
pari Orwt Saeban Oseggs R. Lorla of
OamoraiabM bwu aanouaoscl as a can
didate for great jonkr mu«£o«a of tba
gmt eoaneH at tbe Cfallad Ktalaa.
Tba rtparU from iritMO cif Iowa do not
rtowas largo a gala to mambwablp as
^tpselad. pat.tbap abew tba tribes to ba to
' TBAVBilSE biTT, 1U09.
itallgiblo I
Yon ^nt to Save Money uid le can belp yon do it
Tba twrty ring of tba Woodman'# ai ta
oarer silent to tbe Ohio faraati .
Jmt MR R. .n>»Uiag W.11 P.ii«r At price. »c»crl).tor« AttompM. Tbe qnAliiyi.tb.Tery bo.t
Wbaa tba eoaaol la abaaoiand tbai
riser ufcm bM ebair. ba to empowerad
pwform all of tbe (tones partaiatoi 1
'oOes during tba ttma ba to fllltog-|L
« of title order andsr
aboat everptbtog. imt now both
tboB are warklbg for peat*. Tbop an
Or. Urvy Uodkia baa antoad apon
Jma troabtoR» tinaa as an on»r-
4c a'Double Roll
6c a Double Roll
. 6c a Double Roll 8c a Double Roll
lOo a Double Roll I
tlBlV »« «1«W»*)^
1C Uva of K«pw Yurt g
ling sob-'
‘ itnitT
•aad tort
na toWBla rtew that the lodgB to
IdtoBBribavspBldteibe aaMBa lodge
«* **w M.
Owit ta that tba“eiiBtiaf l^T#".
witoHovs Into abllTteo tff tbo asplB-
fm tnt Bl$«M*Mn.iW^4nwn|^
MoB at tba Ualntf—Oatoba Baa.
tUnew. Clip toodmao wUI areal a baB
B boM tba bead'eamp to IVW
agreed to the optoion that ao avertlbla,
flbnold a dapotp latam a part of Iba nnuiuilBTy war vrooM be not oalpa
fee to tbri
tbr appUcant. ft ao
poblio Blrior^BM but a polltioal sima.
vaUditpaf Ua
—Hartford Goefytrt.
- Jeba J. Coat la now aagnma knlg^
It is true and oo one now linowing this fact wifi
pay more than lOc for the best pattern.
We have sold them largely and the sale is only
limited to tbe extent that lots of ladies don't know
about it yeL
This is a good time to make up gannente Call
and get a fashion sheet and see what pretty styles
are shown.
The New Idea Pattern gives-you the fn'nre sty
les and you can make no mistake in following them.
The correct spring styles in Dry Goods, Cloaks.
Carpets. Clothing, Fumtshiog Goods, etc., ail at low
est prices—shown here.
Call in and see the goods.
nTriUDCDO’C Reliable Dry Goods, Caspbt.
and Clothing House.
I'bnna of Indiana have
IS past grvwt sart
ulatad pIsDs for
r Booap-"—Vo«>>-
preaeni pear ovrr 8 per cent of tbe eos-
lupmua lodge ws noCtoe that
..___.1__ ....
awallawtog bard—“1 o I gat a lovely
answer, bat 1 can t pot it( to my book
baotoae 1 twi'l tall-I c»n't teU wbatb.
er it's dapt or lea
; ■
i g
bare ara maap aw^bo are imlp
tog for ae
’ -----------------A O U
■mUW af tta Orwt Cimitl at li
Ifled aatpioioaal
. I. 1 can gat an a
wKioM WS iprmoouceo M«Rt
It was a new revelatioM that we conld give a
pattern equally a# good aa the best and those that
ladies had to pay 2S and 35 cenU each.
M. a BOLLCT, Hanager. <
THB MtSairivo USOV, BOOAT. Aram. IT, UM.
*TT« .
* '**'^'wUriSl
Ah iaetAmt <d gm* Md bweMAl b«4<7o^ )M^te«wa>l«loi>wy srark,
■.pool. SDK
opm^ A.4 a«t hr «te aMlnMH)
wSptterhadbetf B
lag Wetwa
-Tiin't film PwUna. la Itr aSked bit
daughter Molly.
At that moment a elam of tbe deer and
a biwl cf wintry elr made her look np, m
e WrooK limbed jeueg fellow eorared, «wnot Car awor. where ao maornC tbe goiing -Tying a luneh tenfled ttaili
wumep ere etUwr engaged «« fbOBg nUa'
hetrawr. if ^heg on -iratnlng for work la ttowp in from the Boiler. .............
■ ..............................................gothere
-OohU" eobued the maU carrier. "That
bala't oo naaio fir blu illt't coldar'n
"Big null. Jimr"
"Naw- Tnar ain't bat three leMert, an
It can tbe yoong wcontn Uotoas. ooe o'them's a portal eyard. Oeob. bot
wn known fur btr cbtrlty and
__ny gameiiU for the poor.
, I'm fmel Don't ate why the gov'ment
Tbe Bibletraloingacbool fullowtolomly | weoit ibea letten eviey day. Coon Holler
bf> lleet laid down by tbe onlvetslty or ain't got oo acob Important bualaeatw
TIn!i» U a two years'coorm
years'roorat of ncedt Immeht aniwere. They <«t«r welt
ullegc. Tlicre
'rtody awl |pracUeol work sinung the i till tbry’s a latch of Iratrae ao thn faring
of tbec-lty.
tbe«lty. Jamee sod Itureasmet' ’em In."
. larly each icorulng It
In tbe ___
keutrel "Jiatloerttoktninea,JlD.andlrvekoo
thrin la jUtt'es. Iiiipcetant lulbeCooo
rouw. while
In tbe .Sunday wbuni Jai
__ .
Ibras ours le ai Ot.” r-be tamed
bwi a '
' •
laugbl ibr lutan^oloasof s’tru. fAsa mat- as she spoke aad Uganstomplng the mall.
iurvo Um7 raime to be well as- I'hso tbe, drlheied a papa to a aboek
qualm .and after awhilt when Dorcaa bfwdral-«ba]l boy and waibdon a cntlvmbad bt glteo thoeareuf a ttml Jti»«t er, abUe tbe mall carrier warmed bit
b brt in tbe evnnlug Ui knd the hands by tbe stove-tn tbe reorul sbe tturr.
prayer luwi .ngs. and at tbrYwatked bbiiic ' Tbe customer was ■ yoong girl, aad the
togvibcreMti1ugaflcTevenlhw.ah4rWked two gn-w abaorbral la tbe oompamtlve
d\-erlbedayV,e>efiiewbst«^ihd bo ihure meclUof two ptooos of diem gouda Then
natoral than that they tbouldf^ in iwe. they dlsrutard ibe bappenlogt at the
wbiefa they tlW.
ebureb fair of ibe previout night, wtih
The weeks ami nnotbs eped ijulclily by. : many a "And I sayw and be says." and
end the course <d true lure fur Jaiues and I "I iurt told bliu.” until Ibe cuetamor
Uunas, contrary to tbe old adagw ran tarned to gu with.. "Well. 1 mtiet be guBwoiithly rnuligb. aodibe endul sbetwo log. C'niup.”
ymn' course was appruacfalng. Tbty both - "Well, 1 wlU.. Ton e'm desro," mid
rejulfiL-d ibat they bad entered Un. eebuol Molly and began ruUlpgjip ^agoodt on
tbe aaiiiv time and would itmlve tbeir ibe ooonter. At tbe rtood with ber fam-k
dlpluinaa toKeUier. In-tbe days of ttheir to tbe room, placing the bulu of guude
' thvKm.
A toe beard e (slni
film oUck at
lung couitsblp ibor bad dceldsd to give : on tbe
tbeir lives to tbe work uf mving tbaMmtb- , the bock of tbe suae. LookloK o
«a and mode tbeir arrengeu ent« to go 10 * obouldw, toe saw I’erklbh, tbe
- mall I
I Muliy'e Urol impulse-waaI to sor
"Ob. J
tiM imblo
kbedtv* (b« other dej e
» Britleh ftni ter the «
..m ay -
' MIMA Bmeeati«tat7«
Tbe work, wbiob ooneimi e( a .dam
: atroee tbe Nile at Aaenui and another
is to be oompleled la five
a at Antat.
•■mInHum <M ■ deriee wbmbr the oat pwi. and the t
Inrtellmcnu (d £160.meat bj e
AlnrB mower U|d delivered to o
000. extra: ling over ao pewe end be
tftoole «t the hoefc of Ibe me- ginning oo the eonpleUcoi of the dene
vurWea betsR iswle tojreeeui The greet den forming the leewvolrti
Arnnen will be ootwtroeted npoa Che
^eT^lbegroond wheetete Iwatedn
graniie mi* td tbemunot end will be
.. almiar whom aide pteeee ._
granite ambler,
4owa qoH* rlom to the arooBd. e pro-{
pro- { eolld in
io eection
wcttoa end
ud plemed with mfiimliid bawd or epraB coBlag
cmhiBg new the' dent
oicot dpniugi
dptulugi to pmnU cd
c< the pei
. end there bola«}oaiBiJrd
____ ^jooiBelfd in the of the Nile in flood, withe
with e Terr
rttj moderfMepteomnnapperaDde
lower roller, ete heeding op lutbeentamn
fMepleom u opp
' bnt etrosg esdleoi eU-' niter the eilt Udrai weter he* pened
WMorWt. The el
iedrlrcsbpn off.tbe»1tfSoegateewillbeclaeedgredi nell; Butil the reeerrotr hi fnil. which,
in en o*dinAr7 jtmt, will be in Jennaip
or Febmarr. From Ajdl to tbe tetd (d
; Aogoat. when nbe river ran* low eod
' tbe demand for water for the mger,
cotton end rioe erope it et the btgbeet,
tbegetet will gradoell; be opened, and
the roiipl; in tbe river will be enpplemeotMl-t^tbe water utored in tber«eer-. Bf the time the reeervulr Is emp
tied tbe new flood Wetrr will have wrived. Thus no breek.wHl oocnr io the
irrigeUoB eTCthni. Tbe dam will be 7«
tAwv wuwra aTVAnniKKT.
feel above the river bed et Us ioweal
WtcoaaeetiBf tbe ebaft cd the rew polot. nod the differeoce in ibe level or
^osad wheel with a pollep res the bmd of tbe wi
(raanloo of the ai>per roller. Tba ele- in npiroxliiiaie lengt
TaMrlma an adJaMable oover. topre- g.OOO feet, and tbe amoant of water to
veM the eoattwing of tbe gnm, and be nored i* ealenUted at 1.0bS.OOO.OOO
fegderi prevent tbe falling of fbe graee cobio metrra LodnwUl bets
«‘between tbe fmai roller and elevator. tnpabic of pawing N ile itrainerf tbroogb
Tbe elevator and baakt-t tna; be readllp tbe oataract Tbe Amiol dam ii inlendatf'hed to and removed from aey lawa ed for raidng tbe river level during tbe
•ommer, tbni InoreadDg tbe dlttrlbntKlectrldtr mye Ibe Uteel devdop- ing poirar of tbe cw"«U in middle 1
mmttaaaioinetioe ie a eon blind rtf and Ibe Faynm. and It iidedgned
eanOy totradaoed by a Berlin firm. At npcm tbe Horn of tbe gnat bairagt
non at tbe ean-ebloee on tbe rutnu cw north of' ewra One of tbe objuaiiop
window to be protected tbe blind leU nrged agalnat tbte mbeme, wbiob now
limlf down, and when the ean '‘goee bat been adopted drfiailely. was that it
fa** the bilk dtaae itedf np again. woaid mtaaerge tbe raiat of the tem
Two glam toibi are ecworcted by a ple at Phil*. Ilia
“ ■ » pnrilli................... mercory. eerding tci pmwat arrangemeou tbe faA pUtlaani wire meittd into tbe )[\am
■ mint will be above high walat
. makwooBiart-with tbe meroory at the; lavaL—New York Poet,
i of Ibe labe. aad ifarre are alee {
tact wlrei broogbt
into tbe I
of tbe tnbe, one of which ie iiH
Another fatne pemliar to OaliforewiUi'tbe mmaiy only wbea il I ata it tbe Irrignlon jwohlem. Tbegravrievrl <«'t.-a two rfiiee and tbe'
eoaroee of .water anpply avallablt
***^ *1 . A mImn{(or Bible ttodr •■><>»>• Ml*-
Wan Paper
Window Curtains
Picture Frames
Base_Batl Goods
1898 Goods
Karkham Block.
To Cure
iThat Spring Gold
I Use Rose’s Pine Expectorant.
CKU(MI6r& =
E BMdlg3iiiIdiii«.
is kiKjw that sbe bed s
r. and in ewapauy with
would Isatelbe store and tbe town and
who. II'
tbervwae Do tolling when be would be
enugbu Sbe glanced Ml of the window.
field, etoitod for .Sew York.
leep Jim
There did not srami to be a cloud on tb« No one woe In aigbv She must keep
beriuii) (it their be|iplneeA Their record
In Ibe training erboal had been uf the beak,, toning np hie eoat and pwUlng
and they were roowautetMlud oe mart do-. Moa
g^»lall party y>f fellow atudenca.
bould nut be eppulyiledUne of the nsuirvmi-nta of the
.....---------------- ._.------ ^ ,1^ foreign
“Blob and Bare
Were The Gems She Wore.”
1 awniiA
; "Uh. 1-m worm an better be ttwmpin.
! Blt'sa kmg-Woy back, an 1 gottorgoU 1
I want any dlnaer.'' .
And she secured them at Very Low Prices, becaose
F. A- EARL displayed a targe line of Eluant
Goods in all kinds of-----
Uun neiieni by the buerd.
U'bat eoulU be duw-r AU tbrtr bops
rydld i -ib
talneooly air, tbeotberiifllled eriib
'i>shaw! That haln't ootbln In that.
w ays dum they prayed andprouitsed racb
blaofc wool WbtB ao mn it ont. the water for irrigating them,
other to abtd.-by ibf< (llrranfuo and inspl- Mully. 1 new went wHb bur. oeptiMbe
Look Over tbe Lorgart asoak to
ak in the twotraiba ooeepiee tbe tame alao'reqnired for tbe email o
frum mccUn unct or twkt."
ratloD that sl.ouki euiw tbruugb prayer.
' veinme. aad tbe mercory nand* at log aad meebanical work carried oe la
Tbry parted Itr a Udn) and spent tbe I "Well, tbets abet ibey told DM. 1 Waa
egaal beighu io botb leg* of tbe tnl«. tbe different dtiee and lowtu. aewall daye
ofaweekthey geltlngrlgM Jiwlous.ol Kalta” And Molly
In prayer. At tbe
tat wbm tbe ann it ablnlng. Ibe bolb aa for tbe beet eater aad canaigre in- met again. Jalum luuklug y«le but teso- emibd a U<Wiicblng amllr on Jliu.
"Ub. bub, Molly, you bala’t no canae
*witb tbe blaok wool abaurlw tbe eon's dnotriet. wbiefa are growing to large lute and Iknuas like adnnpiug Dower,
Ibe menuy to rim in I proportlmia aaya Fngineenng Kewa butpaileni dud nsigonl. Naob mad tbe Mr ulk tbai a way, an 1 ravkon yoo
drclsluu In tbe trtber'e eyra. ‘I’becunOwt: wasa't J.-atuos mueb." Jim touUlsd ble
theoppoaileeldeortbeiobe. TblicluMS | To gmarate ateam powei
butweru lo>e and dulyhad been lui-vlieble ' feet and a pbwsrd inltifitokeed aiaung
tbe oirwit of a motor which leto down ooi pfcrpinet there it no cheap fnel and duty had triumphed. It was deotded i tbe fnrklia on blifaoA
Ibe blind, an antomatio awileb twlteb-1 available, at ooal ba« to be imperted that Jbiuea abuaU gt> akioe to tbe biretgn I "Yea. I waA Jua. Mart any girl would
Vfag.off tbe current as anno at the blind . bom NDgland. cmiiag, wbon landed, DeM and Durou reluiu to the Ualnlug IW Jetloos If toe knewa feller toe tbungbt
gen to tbe end af in range anfl revere-1 from ga.bO to gv per ton. depending oo eebuol to take up lbs wort of city uUa- i war bar friend was guing with awitbcr
. lag tbe nmneetioaerd tbe motor ao that tbe qnaliiy end on iba rate of import
ft is ready to wind np Ibe bllad as ootm: daty. while tbe llmiiral emoont cd fael
ae the other conuec in tbe tnbe it made. I oil obtained from wells in the vicinity
waist. Hbe tnored sway a
In UU world. Jam. _ .
"Wbm tbe blind seacbee Ibe top, tbej of Los Anrelm oells for fnan gl to China
awl iXovas mturoing ogam to (be ' step, awl
oarraot it again ewilebed dt. nod tbe ' gi.M.per barrel, which la eqnal to good work toe bad laiditowa.
caaaacUsBa armreverted at tbe ewitob. ooal at from fit to «d per tun. At areTime will tpsMl quickly, eran fur bro"Ob. say. Jim. don't go i You know—
.......... . ■ - ------,
enlted theaaootKlUiont tbe prodootioo LenbMtrtA Lioodrvpuruuauemuu Jamra you know—«l> -...-.hr«l» «,ioh« s«»
Yon waBt aoythiog in the
-■■saliw Cataa.
power unci fniui g'b to glOO pet aoruss (be sea, aad Uuruas becatitv known
uf tbe puur It...............
lb tbe body (ulul
Somimn cattle may soon oame to 8k ‘ bmepower annually, wblch high ooat and luted In tbe bouts
drug line ym ^ant it
""------ ‘
ber ex-. hour. " And now tbebna. grown bolder.- ,
' tbe rale retber thas tbe eseeptks. Al; would bare oaoaed tbe detelopment cd district sbe tooded. TbcpolDuf
perlame gaw a gi
me. and padenoe to ; went around Mul>y^ tllw waist.
all evenu. tl looke a poeriblllty. eiaoel tbe water powers mneb tootter bad It ber
You-^rpt it right at
dealings with oibere not there bf|.a«, ! wlnoed sod woDdemd tf Iba gtric at
debonitttg taae ootne to be eo popaUr. I not been for tbe fact of tbeir looatioa and her name became a ayoonyiu fur lore I "Urtler" bad wbah-booe rAn.
At firw tbe practice was objected to as I at a oaoetderable dltunce from tbe oeo and S7tupauy with tbiae towbuu lorei "Not au-Ugbl. Jim. You faurt"
being wnel and ounatnnil. Tbe early tore <d popalttlon. At eooo at long dlttdeympeUiy bad beso uakMwn.
i "Laws. Imney. tbet balnt notbln. Ef 1
* Iff daboning with a eaw was
U had Uioa alurtwt tbr. jmn eliMe | w. to gltc Tmi>rt unr good eqinesa, I'd
awl Donas .iswted. Duroas'siraagtb brak
'k yoL.
you In two
. . "
ndly elow and 'painfol, bnt spe- aocomplistaed fact tbe remotonew cf the
!ca oo
ao far rratotvd tbat
that oi
al ibesug-l "tv< II. dou'i try Ik 1 den'
reare now nmd dratrr piwi-rt imm tbe market wet no had licca
and. ionglng i
that often ramovo a btaa In a tingle !'longer an objecitoa. and tbit field of de- mtsliun uf trioMls.
tbe wurk sbe bad trained to d« sbe deteraeQood. and with seUWe raffering that velopmeni became a most profliable oaa mined to make another appltcatmu lur a
-'-fatdlog is oontinaed as *nenal, aad tbe i
^^-----------•W 7. ea,, 1 oou t Itotera ye like m.
futvlga post
operation is reallp bamaoe. tbe baqneat I
mga* Ter^ caM aj ■■tie.
tsdoiw tbe boald, .V. aoeeptod.
lajarlea is bwda Irom goring being .prm
It is inierwiing to note bow Bnrapwa
"Yea. ld.s"
When (b.7 htord biv lo what field aha
f'Do yr now imdlyr ‘
Tented. Tbe borne bare baeome atterly pbyeicuut are eiopluyiiig more and wisbed to gu. DoreM niwwemd tety gen
tly, “To China."
Bblttaort Stock Bwnivwl Thrae Tim« • Itgta
nmieea being BO longer aeaded at pro-j mure byglraiio miwpurw
"Oh.Jlml Not here'"
Then toe srt about nuking thaelmplo
CouDtg, Me p«r qunrt
tcetiaB againet natoral anemiea la, drag* for rarinoi forme
"Wy nou Come. now. Nf ye doo-V
im<m In cbUdrwi'
'w»dvt»nurA A leilrr
BUodmi^s, 80c per ^1^ ^
.aalvrs lew then 8 wradia oM.tbe embryo < Night
Iullw yuyeodhupe.say 'l'iua-fOlo
' rwa-golo right
. away.
borne oaa be remo^M with one etroke
«ke j Imperfqrtly
fed and nfivn oocorring In j
ling for b.-r.
Mully sboddured. There
Tnera wae
woe wrtlag
«faebarpknifi,ortber ran be maMd! ocbert through faulty iralning ie now'
nriui ini> slur)
stun ouuiii bhn U- luM for Ik tlbc had started li> now. and
213'Pront St.
with a cnnsilc anfAoirttUy powerful to! eacpes^nlly treairai by menns of the > by ixiu. uwn lellits
h-tuts to Ut frh-DiU. A ' going su far to gain ber eod might as widl
fimtruy Ibom. Per tbrae yitas tbe: uoiIl-bux. Nigbl terrirt never oronr! lelluw worker ru»i>ed a letu-r fituu her
. .. iw'thi^b with
lb Ik
Ik t^be luraed her loot
mt .Id (alowly up to blssldewlte, and tbe nutt In
Mtloenphrlmaat etotloa baa ilehprned when tbe child U eohndI ntleep. bnt; Biwut
alMut two inunibs
munibs ogu
ago tolllna
lellina of Iber.ld
a trAack that Usik
calves br rabblng tbe bonit fqpr
Sva, only lu Im
im fikit
fikst stapcA
stagcA If tthe
Mmnaob I nnirul In cti.na uud atscrusng it thus: i etant
pr ur Sva
' .B sfomaob
sway Ixr breath. Sbe gatprd a Uttle. and
TWm Be W.
tiines with caBaloputaih. Inv(very com ; Is overhwdrd.
tfc" crude,
dlgvrted. The ataipcmt aariss-al n
but (die tbe opentrion boa been engotitt food IniCatCA and we b:ive n retolari lemihs lsad.suu in.wi.
"What ie
"UlkfaUierV’tbecrlni.wblleJlDtunUS and tas. lu ti
fnl, tbe (siK
Id J(be cxm
-------------------bock, "i'elher.
---------------I'te got hlui! I i we be like, par
naubcij ibu age ci 8S days betoiT treat-1 naie in Irar. The true reuredy uf coor.i lediy uisappuaumui k-Mu.jKh au.mw u.u,. I bf
meiii. will! .the reenlt Ibai dwarfed., ie tu esublito gu><d bcbiis of diet and!
lwuu..j-.urn jm. w »s.
-Out wiml liot wba
ball " asked Ibi- p(al formcney.iuy sun."
i> liiai.
.U.S.A. s»ss,u..« -be dour Ul.lud blu
tarns ai. im-b or 1«, inebet Irntg were' go-ri mental baWU. ourt-fully avoiding I
-Id Uis band .. «*-•«- stantaing the
pairing and enameling, ai that I ___
gnUtajat-uily ilcri-lupi-d. A breed from i frights and )al(« tbat prudoev toank . wta<s ibe iM<*> u( rMMil sruara and walklnii to ihu rear uf lb. stora
and do r*v* Jon the beat
ib(ii.ue who's been
(betsi di-luiriiMl caiile born Without I Verv bripfol Ins bmi foniid a mualoi tow wvr* twi-in
*1 w.-asMisdy yra"Be oUitus tobeaauotherii pUulw.”
In tbe city
city for
f the money. Doa't
• ^ura. IcuuM
horns is -cooildL^Uy expootofl.—New box act IO
eo |day plraweot
rlraweot aira
"He doeen i look like one "
by h-bet oibere toll yon to
•neo IB biis. buv Jo. A UsikiBs up
York Timea
(tlllil is pat tn bed. Cesos of afaronlo___
7. bnt come. and aee for
"He la. ibenigb. He ieaHotaitenIsn-. .Id williy. "iMT IkMca-, yuo i Midiy."
night tomnw bave bivu evred bj it' are v.-ry .sliaaswl."aud my bu|M- u Inst il.rl “Just yon sraivb btiii: I.wbimt He’s dertkker. "—New York JonruoL
« all my work to br right,
......................... 'utber .ebaae... tui Its Is-i.ri. Wars lu Lc msirfd ’i geS a letter! 1 saw bliu al tbe sale! Look
when allnibcriuniusbavelailed.
ai chriPii
ll O..W I BI
and*?”it doee nat prove oo 1 make It
Lighting Ibe pyruiiiitlsof k^ptwllb aervoDs invalids have al>o foond tM
I In bis isrteto'"
ally fur at;
' "liuw la tbJft. Jlml " donrantM the
•loobiuiy and tbe iu.tallaiioo of« H8.- box bciprd to promote sleep. It
b works
Stop ia tin^'eloak'avary ovening.
■■Have you bo«-n fobbing tos
It to Aatnto
000 hmepower pl.iut. tn <>ost —vme
i-videctly a
___ eierpt bandoy. ip tbaCUdwoll A Lon
rt«lslrr>d Ml) r Uu mu
m the safcl '
#400,000. is a plea uuw ond.-r r.m^idep. ,ibe nurvone eyatom aud a aiwndiT. uiora,
' Mtlwlfadua..
don bnilding. at,'north aad of Oalon
tm said ooibli
ooibliiK- Uls bead bui
•lice by tbe Brititb gur.-riiD»-ui. and pMorfol repo..—Journal id IlygieM. '
ondbts big red Uiigt-r* plcWnl uetiousiy
made tron s louk
•n Amgrtcnn Arm ie repunml ss likrly I
,--------al bU rawk
IB fra sod yabroDs
•orccN ivetoeoontraci A.ooilliH-d, ibe I
yb. Ky.
' .rl. arv. bu.y p.st,Jc. aud u tbe staihmta ferward.
1 "Gu
"Go get Constable r<touk b
Itao Juclodos the gcMnuou nf . itsitlo ' If naythlng gcU lut» your ey«. don't an inUwl one tbe pwas
mlA "I'U wpicb Jim.’
siua, and toco |ly."
power at tlto Assuan falla <«Jhs Nile . «b ik Ort eomcltay to torn Ibe npp* there is ibs walui.g
■pa It was uuly t Wl--------.flvar. and its trdnsmiaM(« adltfams- of - rvolid-geully over a thin penboldrr ao • mw days ago ibat frlMMls tn ibis city r«- [ (Wvn was luoud in tbe ivki-i uf Ills coat, a Aad mckhd pics' hvk n
loo aillee tbrongb the couoo gn.wiuB ! ii,ai he may «• ihclnUof the eye tbor- '»*'•«*
off lu ai
While eve it's BIrk with r
diatrieta. wbeiw. it it b.ywed. the enghly. Tbe eyelashm. (rtvfnily graap- nwaoed b. mam»g, to
ebaap power will penult ibe boilding ed. wlllaerveio laiM tbe eyelid ovir »> bad^ a pmny wsddi.. WsworsU As (bay wtw taking him irusn tbe store bs
inrnm) and knkraT'Et Molly. "Was that
did link
llisk Mullyl
Mully 1""
The power to tUnminato tbe lMen<a and if you eeu the aoi-ldeni at uiob. i upras. My wmuiBs dim- was ibr
" YewL H was! You <dldnt Umk, did
vine. I tok (1^ is wvT._ na t'
eorrldors of tbe pyramids aud also op- [ wasli ont ibe eye wUb one part
WMht 4M bs meuk Mollyi" atoed b«
pouping moohUiiwy for irrigating g.r i.. iwo Wu of w»Uw. I’
if ;
fatber after Jim and tbe eonstabla bod
areosof draart. along tbe NUa— dca’t sra.i/caocideaiimmefilaUly
_____________________ elmaUAl n esols W bar. yooi weddliw dnse fatber
karmd to rarteriug Mfira.
ply pnr-s4r«Ti oil or olive oil into tbe owde. aewUledepil awnyoftbeqaaiBiaad gODC. • How dU you manage to keep bba
eye and eond lor tbe doctor.—^opaliir
Mrtta "J ■ebeve.rletarililsd IfaSaat,
taieDce Ncwa
And Fcs»- Ie place of rymesa, btos portm. fHniwil4 a
tor the
ie reported ia Almta.
my lere lo sU ib,- <U»i
taartvr bpiker never Im
found out bowMoUy
dec. waya
•rir .MBSrtbsr OM as y •
boMebethlrt.—»k LonU Globe-,
i^^Jy poly Asm sad peoskme•gon
-Chicago TrlbuDA
Biwfeamr Wiuklri is pemoded tbat
taeoeb tv wreck srtotato tkrt m mads id
. 0( OIL - It was iad
more than so p«- cant (d deotol eartee
•pringA nud the >
is abaolntely pievraiUUe by
-1 knowm lotAUke
mwefoticdawl. Tbey tnoublmmjiles
I M^t wttb iny tatr dw np^ wo^
Ever Barned OstV
•r tbe (111 to N.-atile. onfi ttoU provA il
Ws-re Mart hlghmiona ibtom. boa nntblag
«h be i£ as high grade •• any ever token
r awy B ward and etways
bar heir to ihol rtyto That wUI do.
FepnaylvonU welta
y at night, leeantonti
Ii enoagb ^1 Oifl eoal la'tte fila
—, f> toj—^—
mrmj to apply ibe world. It iTchiN
S’- -Ato. S3-AJRIfi,
Fletchtr's Ofstsi Dspol ud Risttnin.
Bicycle Riders.
k Lederle.
It I.
.«,» ,i,_.„u,jto u iito
to. K'r—rto'r'..tr.rc-to
—Watch Repairiiig.
-John Verly.
—Front Street. , _ ,
sysjssrsi^r'toto. M..
Tn MuBaim bboobs. •tnrOAT.-BniL ». in*-
MAI—i" ^
—M n— MlHiHiCy
I «k«of I
^ BooT^lAd.
I eUul; d«
««n «xpeoi*d to N—It tR— the _ .
tioa of m inUted cnmaor BtuaMd of
<m own, oUicint tb« world to oonrom
or—ffwrtbeooMoqMBOM. Tb«Cliio«AO
plBtlorm onbodlod the id— in ttMM iw
iah. ewT eild a U« —eO Wt
Ah. eol
Utlip y—r hwrt. hn — rear ^
Owr the g«^—foot ^rtrhW
BeWdc Mm t—elj riWh g—.
UalhttotoUdlkh Ul—aMhe.
mh I Idih fir>- aad —afanaol
.Oh. ha n» «enu Ua IB wr
Th vena ^bS'a Ut aanertaal
••Itooaghttbe-^etdicifl^te J«T
ktoosse was ^ty.“
It ie—ly
I In hie wlM
“Tb— why he—'t be be— a—teno-
“(». that was becBose tbe Jndge ask- Tslo this *Me of Bsiringt—'a \
Bcre be mt-eu toe mysterio—to3y
■ ad him if to—> waa anything be wished
to my befocs •—isms was—md op— agsio and again. Andrew to »0-ton.
strong sod m—ly looking. Cara fhrri%
the —lU bte^. OSes aU her Man.
“WtU. that's oosio—ary, i—'t it?"
-gb. y— it’s oastomary: bni, y—
oea. ha to a Popoltot and caomqBoaUy
tUatolBlking yet.
Chicago Post.
Om Of toa Kama Popollteatood
Ooomal Orosr—or U fas held thate—•
gnm ooBl^ toftolsu twlas into piopar-
one boor before midnUht. he
toe rim in his little brawn wherry.
•Oa the big rack which' eerrea for a
pter a m— and a woni— arralt him.
Barringt— osiriee a rollae la each
hand. They—irr (he wbmy, and An
drew polle iwKtIy and aUentiy down
of her, that, Barringt—being her eocain and friend she has oome to'bim tm
protcotioa. atU she osn get eot of toe
to .50 to
”'Tbs anewar oams readily aad owopl
story. “W—Id be think rtie WM Mr’
uilboal ia tii-d to a ring lu the rooky,
ebelring bank.
They go aboard this, the little wherry
a faaicsied am-ni. the sail* are aiitorled
lud — thi y go, liBiK-iu;: lightly—I into
(be waters of the bay.
At nigbifuU of the next day they
come to a giiwt city. Bnrriagton and
the tody g« b*»;otv. home-parebasn ate
to be made btie. cud Barrioginn U to |
nr a mao who will boy tVe.'b—t—thia
ie what they bare toM Andrew, la the
»—nrime he ia to wall with toe bast'
nntiJ their relorn, when (bey will sU I
go aboard the greatI one—
oee— steamebip'^
wboea black feunele ' '
baring wharf.
Andrew ie riot< pMtlwiVrly
. tb.la. TBr.mniilou i.etoac.yjii..
U. w...oii.RMT
' iv
belief that she lores bun. end be e—
nem forget that her Ups bare tooobed
hie own. 'The paw boy is <]aile daft fee
toe time and does not dream that ba te
being duped.
The city clocfci are striking 10,-wfa—
a ragged snert gamin ctomc* toe wbarf
and bail* Audn-w.
“Hi. there! Be y—r nantc R—nllV*
Andrew nods, and the boy bands biui
a note
“A Mg owedJ aptnwnsist tbie to
Andrew takes Ibe note —d lesrs it
reeds ss follows;
eai—rd booad
If you wonder where they all pome from call in and look j
^ over my line of handsome Oarrlagee anl Oo-Oarts, snd see what |
g low piioei'we are selling them at. then you will wonder no long- |
A er that everybody can hare a nice carriage.
i J. W. Slater’s House FumisMug Store
X28-X8J3 B'xoxL-b StTOet:
Ob tanring Praaos, if y— —pen to
“* tnaii— CO— no—a. — y— go
mu. Tbaiettcid-rablood^ShS;
r— ap-i»
bis eyes. Be staggers down into toe Ut> ;'
to re-—tor with—t
tie —bln and thmws himself laeatrato’ formalitiea, ' else hare y—r
the floor. He tat—ks into gr—t sobs
is. haee a UxUe
which shake him trcsn bead to foot To
All nigfat kmg U
first gi—t tt—bie. In the morning be__________ ___
Mgkt of -it U bstefal to him. and be
. _ _
In —y e
y— wUl be —bjeond to more or I
annoysMe aad delay, whiefa o— aU ba
arolded by Joining a toonag eiab. Aad
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oomqnal <ith tlia Tm.icM.a.r lombv Oomfur.
We ban <bc ale Chad.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mfll MMfaiBM7afhlid
ttooe, do not Mas year temper, for toa:
faolt is probably all yoor own. Rear I
Wb— he CO—M oat of UsAtaper. be
y tr—tier, bat eepeteUy ia Fraa— |
flade hlmerlf nndar anen for being the ^
_.w. uadmitarcm. H«l—ms,
He Uams.
. .. . '
aeennpli—of anadmtarm.
an. That she aad Barringt—. who U ------- „ minieter is
her lorn. pUnaed the oM worn—'■ v> helo roa.—J-enhI P—aeU
to B—>
mnrd«. in order to otoain p—ri— of
the mooey and JewrU which she board- te
—. That Madge OeUpfalns t
ed tos marder bp means of h
—btie'fatir—. rirte* tbs' body into a
Otottoaoy u tbs foot trf his whole
Monk aadc—reyed It to Barringt—'s oharaom.andhe—lyknoekBtoel—d—
- raXs.wb«ritwasb(iriiriiDtososlUr. *t the door. t< te ministry of a^toaL
The my
[T mnJ. wbleh
Ai.A.n,bak«> •"
ried aoren
-----------------------h« h
Ju bu
In troth, toe faettoea. seUto.
before a mogtatrate. wkM
where be
bit hoanty. • Inooth,
aiy upatriotie poUoy «ff
story, c—iniag tbe lore ps—sges. Bat
the magistrals to sn—catr oldmunod
reads betws— the Uncs ad pitica toe reretee to tbe medal of Oto
tbe plow. Tbe forming
to toe —tspak— ignmidniii of iu«
aireeted. 1 want y— to identifj her.
Be opens toe do— to — toner toon
Thay are toe nohlss. they are toe oAand nttere an exclamati— of dimayThere, proetnte op— tbe floor, with __ toey stand (or tba tond. toe enp(d dynasti— and tbe aoreery of
stoe* tbro^ bn
T Jeweled hairpin m
armiea. Un tbe sti—gtb of aU this they
«n, lies Madge Del
aad epecial nwieHirsti— at wimt"la thi* Ibe wo—sn*“
ooet to other
“Cars FcTTi* bad dark hair,.
,fra— . the
AbdT-w. .hol.wWl. »iu.lli«. '
<^07 lo wbo» wdtoT. IW boM
, Tb, »»b«»»
be ssid that toe
ksU from s table— by.
^ adraooe to Ueniun praspertiy daring
Iset geuerstum has not be—to their
wM^n^TJ^tw^’^STto IhJ'cSJ toe
■____ . «_________________ __ __ cronnos. nor an tbrr to be looksd to
faetWo(kh,CBrrw8(»BBA6dte A «tnpbto 8«w Mm IW
We era am the aama at-Tramaa CIW
-always a atei ahead of otosra to qaaUv
aa^aetephehtadtoa—to priaa.
Oar flptog Um ef M—'h aad latUa’
Shorn U made eopaeiaDy to vy eadm.
TVy are omde o( tha Ugh-t prised-a*
tertol. Momof theiart aqaal — to flL
raehi— aad Make, aad they aU aab more,
moeey ttea we da Saroty ihU U wartk
toe—Ugstea (or yoor owa laUc—t.
prioOT •!■
48, $1.68, |
$1.8T $8.10. $8.44. $$.68. $M, I
$3.00. $3.60, $fo00.
Our $L1$ show srs winasrs
Toot trsds wfU bs ^n»«oiRtsd.
186 Front Strsst.
PsraotcLoal a^Aiseze
«L.w.b.bUs:.. .br^
.no. t™.a.rt71. b»I. 0.
Um. bbO IbiO.IbJ bbm. To Abdnn, 11 ttirn».-Bl«*.oal .
seems as if tbe memorr A his folly;
-------------------------tartora him forem, bat as toe ,
w go by toe shame aad w€omj die ' Tw—ty y—n ago Mrs Bll— Baztay
away Uttle bv Utte
. and ber basboad of AnBapolis. Md..
Jea. faitofol o—L hefifo— to him porabaaed some toad (ram a balldii«
—d lorn him. Be to y—ag end tbe asaociatl—, ThgT <—ttoaad to —aba
world to (te aad lite is plea—tit after toeir tagotor peym—te to toe aesoeto1
tea. toe wife 0—ttoatog to pay toe tn80. gradaaHy he tetorae to bU oU rtallto—uatar toe death of ber h—
legi—CO. aad it all eada—it sboald hand, which oeearrsd eamal yean
■with a weddtog.—Oahlto World.
after toa poroha— Theoenedatea bar-------------------------tog goM oat of exisesDoa. the w—laa.
at tb> mm mm
who is axiom to seoon a tear this to
Tramp—Usee yoa anytotog. saAm. tbs pKgwtty.-snnu to know to whom
to span for a poor teyforar toto mom- to pay toe MO balaaoe rtmaw- —U.
- Aettog onder the rais toa*“ba ihM
-ym T— SM ga flgM -eks eqalty mam do equity.’’ber
—t to tbe wood riwd aad todslgs In ori e—Made that hyofferingtoa
cold obepe aad—m to yoor heart's oea. of tbs pareham money toe'^U dotog
-Bom— Ooariv.
aqalw — ber part and wiU apply to
-------------- 1.' ' ■ —
I toa oqaity ooart tor a deed of tbe propre—S '
I any. Thao—e'
Tbs qasrii— tost
Paaflrtte—T—w Wb 1»«7» to tba eexpormti— btesd-4.
----- --------tscriva tbs balaaeaF~bKs*
. . • ...
ita'^ WS«.S®.S®'SA^S'8®*®'S'S®'8’'
b.ia„ipl,rti«o,wbll.li.l«« mA. ^sbe ^ad eoqaettUhly.
Owner—Te^ indtad.
toe Wito— toiiff law that eongr-s
Andrew letsim a decided negativs.
“Bat bow am 1 to kaow tbatP*
OMid toglstoto oM-half the—Ins -t of
tog U10
“Try *im. J«’ go —trida with na
older. J— Bsrdy is t—mood to own ■delimbia attoatwtodar.’’—Cbbwa
iwp**y- _______
tost Andrew docs not ooi— to m ber
anymore. Andrew b—no motbex. aad
•nreMew V-kEr-laffPjPt.
Us latoar,. who U not a my.
“Wa base faand oat why Meta fenokl
righted maa.ae-iie<tengetol
—Id atepes^
-mateehtoa.'' <
Mtahltobed ia toe United Bt^db bow who to moody hr onltod by flta
“ is itr*
In two weeks’ time Aodn
rihawsd in demoarttotiag toat^defi*
hs goto - dwi ttrad
himesU madly in lorn wlto tUs wa
«i—by In toe tort sdnrfBietrwtte
meoU dishes om sod
wteoto a sarplae totoepNMitaa.- Bedoasaat rioptoroaa— omtbaab* am fad om."—DeOofl
Jk— Ffo—
—xdttydt» MlUtoS a or—laraSa-“—
ne tolhl d—M«re «r-t
the toUd too—ta toradtol
••d rdd At tbe pi—t tagkl ntlo of Id
to 1 wttbosi wAltiag tor tto aid or ecwtoBt of may other aetioe. We deoMod
The big. white ateaiaboat becfca i
. the! the etendkrtf lilver doUer ebAll be
A fsU le«>l woder tonBllF with gold fraa the eHiart rwingi ahoat and goea
te ell debu. pablio and
Md alowly do«n the rirer aoanding hci
we totor ODcta l—ielatioB u will pre^ whiMle at iuterralA for the fog if eon
toat tor the fetnre the '
ing in rapidlr.
AB* kind of Irgdl tender d>ob«7 by
The few loafere oa the pi« eye eori'
prime oontrert.’' la tbe amenc^te of oaaly the tall. Uegant wonaa who h—
pabUo iptokitig that aarked the eai
ptigi^BO phtaaeof theeilreritea
d with a more swelling einpbaaia |
“witbont ^ aid or eanasat of any I pnta this oneiy:
erherulioB." There waa aonetblng in
t hiMi ■
It —nnaed w pot all other ooantriaa la ; mtc— the rtrerr'
the boekgrtMnd with one ware of thej «'Jnekoa not.''daelawo«ad Jed. takacahori—1 am. and it waa always good] lag oat bia pipe to stare at bar with aelorabigNan^oltre
itaoe aaplaaae. , tonishment.
traiishmcat. “The
*‘Thi» ateai»ef
-■-------- ^ goes
— into
I port Jest below here ter wall fer tha
Itogtrr.litt. nar'snogittia.acvon'tba
foreign ocwtrover^. The great oonoap-^ rirer tmilghi, mam."
tica of onuiug loose from all the reet of j •*C— yoa manage a boat, ay good
creatioa will be adhiitted et'present to
be qnite inpracricabla We might have
All toe loafoi anile at thta Old
been willing to —11 oar pradneta on a
sd b—aka into a neUow lang)i which
rilear bate bat other aationa take a sends a perfect network of wrinkln
dlSw—t Tlew of their owe traneaetii
rer bis brown (aoa.
It happens toai it U gr—Uy to' onr
“Why. ieddy," benya “tone ain't
•tareat to bay aotite forein warships not nary a boy of lOornp'ard ak>«too—
toly to etrengthM oar nary, bet eren aa d—'t know bow to handle a boaL’’
toan to keep then oat of tbehandsof
H» lady laagbs toa Sba is my
ah adeertoiT. Of eoaree tba trade la for chaming. er— old Jed realian that.
aaah, and'lt is to be noted that the two She takes a goM pieoa tram bn daiaty
Brateiaa tolpa cost ia gold Ite than pomand nysi
half toa anoBBt ttet wooM hare he—
“U y-wOl takaneaad
(or tbna in ailrar. Tba
anon the rim. thia ahaU be
Tbet—ak ia ahage affair, aadted
/ -- -------- QoW
anywbwe in'tba look! at it with om eye aloaad aad
■arid at toe ewin^ raloA while slrsr ihakn faia b—d.
is aoeepted only ae hdlUon ootte# of
“Uitwa»'(fntoe fog, aum. eay
toe oNBtry where it ia coined.
OM — — 'ad take yw acraat fer noth
If ai7 CM had takeo the floor in the ing. Bat we oooldn't aee the boat's
Ohiei«ocW*(«ib<» and eoggaeted '
length tonight''
toe day might
. The lady atten a aharp exelanatfaa.
flhd it blgtily
. . arpeditot
to bay foreign eager aad dfnppointin—I ehndlag bn
wartoipa In a bury, be would hare featoree. A bewwn faced led sSepa from
he—howladdqwn as aridonaryi '
tba earnn of the Uttle red-bhggage
tolly taeUng In patrtociam. Ra
bease when he has be— ataadiag.
rarwbalmad with abonto
“If y— dare to go. madam. 1 wiU
r thing nndar all oiroaia- takeyoo." haaaya.
a flaaaeiaUy at laaaL la to act
8be fir— him a radiaat anile, at
“with—t tha aid or ecaia—t of —y which be ftoabes to the rootoof hie faiz.
atoarMtkn." That n—th filling boat waring balr.
at aloqaant self snAci—cy wonld bs
Jed and CM or tee
the other m—
tekad tba inbteat. while fboomnds
zemewtnie with him to no paiposa.
Canaaats Jotnad in the PopaHn y
A aBiall brown wherry ie broagb't ap to
to. clinto (be point. NeTertbal—L
the flight of weather fa—t— steps lead
b^lng the two Brarili— diipa we bare ing down (ran one aida of the wbatl
—red acreral milU—
The big trank is lowered into it, and
toh lady handed down by Andrew B—also made Ibe
be diaoqrwy that than an aeU. who ia thrilled
the tooch of her
ia which toe mt of toe coot satiny fiogata. Be polls off into
world nay be urlal to — Oar
Oarfo-^to—Ign toe fog bank while the loangan — the
oxpons last year, am—nting
hg to "orar wharf make their comm-ts.
11,000,000.000. rra— paid for in gold.
“Mighty fine kteiag craft toaL ’’
In the laoe <d a threat—ed foreign war
“Carrin too aaeh tail.''
. CM of oar best w—p—s of defense is
“ Wbet ran abe waat om the rirerf'
to# naob abased gold alaadaid.—SC
VP'rbipa abe'e boond fn Bteinit—'a”
“P'thapa She looks Ukahla kind."
fionell iHortia OM Jad maato him
barriyag an the ^Uaga street
“Well. Andrew, y— got aoron all
Wadnaodayin tbsaauatemadashoto- rightr*
m noord for the flexible knte aad toa
“Tee. Ihadaoampa—•'
aanpilec—1 mdatb of the Populist a—•
star (ram Kehrsska.
“1 oon't tell yoo." is tha oart reply,
as toe boy paena —.
.____ » AU—.................
All aobseqnettt inqnirieealioH ao farIbul apf—eliy aU ototr.s—aUn...
ton iofortoati— to— that Andrew
Prapa- eTerse* (oaneeh sraklw......
1—M ber at (be road which leada np
heosta Alin's escess U Us areraae
That is to aay, — Wedaeaday Se—tor by Barringt—'a and that aba expected.
Allen exouted bie b«tliiuate share of
the opgettlag —d talking by ab—t
'^rlagt— ierepo^tobeimmease.
1,000 pet o—L
So tar at we —menbar 4hen baa ly wealthy. Be nem miagley withA^
ia a Imlly
errer be- aDythtag like ttaU in the prriple
I>'nD>e tbm
tnere. and
ana be
ne lim
biatory of l—iteU—. Ko winder the fasbioo. He hringa bis
and there araat^ra
pablimi—«f the exact
*bom ditent>rts;
' ■* ‘
..wi wild
—4i.( doiogs
Abbid... at
mt the
*a« gr—t
I of tbe Uuu. William Vin- of gny and
c—t AU— e niainepnng ia prodaehig Iwow-whicb fill tbe mmopbiiticatod bcow—rniatitio every where except amcaig tires with amsm-iiieiit
hi* admiring Popalist oanatiiD—u in i He comes sad gora — he Uk- and ia
' altog<'toer very mysterioos.
But it to motK—ily—bold, btotont. ■ Audn-w Bnsoell b- a sweetheart on
nthlew monopoly.—New Y«k Son. |
-ygtete-bi-lganaat bc^lika
Oawfa—— t——wtadad^ttoe
;Aad eal el—.^a barn—
If jran srs Folngr to »skr gsrdss 4o not fkU to 4ss onr
oomplsto Btosk of Flowsr, Osrdett.snd nsld
Zn psskstsnr balk.
MB rmst Blrwat.
Hutto Tlw Hmlwifi Hnn
^ 1
■m—hstmtef sBthne
Kaqi. Bd», HM* Bhanl*, raita.
WhMlbumra. W,. .te. X
4.4:8 B^TOiL-b street!.
Bs tern ■-*—M (he atom to Ms am.
. 5,
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