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The Morning Record, May 01, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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^“7 7f
Tut OabMUw aad KarUl VIi«d Upon and Fortiflofttlona D«.
aoUahed—Xany BpaaSiuda War« Baportad Klllad
but th, Amtiloan FlMt Vninjurad.
In-rasloit of Oaba Will be^ Next AcTTofaive Xovemant by
th« Arqpy and MaTy and Pl^ are Mow Bncrou-
I % \
inff the Attention of Hi^h Officials.
See our Red Prices on Wall Peper.
H«w S««r. April M.-n« Oeriua aaoTcd Mo wm OommcMI the Mlcb
CmreMatku«pA«nd A w«nhlp to
i«u TelaotMn.
piwoMd to MmIUo wiU tbo Btmt PKlal to Tn MoBinaa KaooBs.
Woabloctoo. April U.—lod
ftbocttbo toorAepwtmoatun
April 80.-Tb« dltp^teb
tbet It Mjbody fotc the ■
cat Dolpbln cMOutend * -v^oatoir
rn at brifadiar goamal ot
prt*o ^ccUrdor m4 Mt OM moo wiu
tha volaataara It wUl be Adjatoat Qtmbwr te port thU monlof. 8bo te ibc
oral Iriab.atOovaraarnagrae-a »aS.
flcblof cebccMr LoUa, bwad tor Ho
It la alao hiatad that Oaa. Hathaa
CSiareh ot Ithaoa. Mioh . la to gat aa
Nhw Tork. April SO.—u b now ba- Oeaaral Milea' •taff.bacaaaeot tha iaag
Ibvad that the prise stsamtr Paaama trtaadahlp aziiting batwaaa Uoaaral
wlU aarar be retoraad U Spaia. She Miles aad Oaaarhl Chnreh.
b ae aoalliary erobar. Twa boadrad j Alger, hewevar. may veto tkb it 1^
Manaer riflea aad a large qnaatity at i waau to.
•words. bayoBebaa4am«uBltloB were! Balbble aathority says Miebigaa
bwpc at Mtattaaoaca Hava nrokaa Oaap aad Oaoc to Tampa. Mbcra tooad aboard. ________
| will gat twa brigeabra la Ilaa at
Thap Wm Form the Tint loradiar Foroa far tba Iaiand-aaa<
.Waabiagtoo, April so—NntioM have
OarcU aad Oomaa WUl Hare Zacorgaala Do Moat at tha riatatiap aad
bapa ported both la tto army aad navy ’
« laaeUre aad eaaSdoat of a
tha Taliid Btraagth at Onbaaa Witt UnttaA StaUa Boldlam WiU Driao
departments, plaelag a sirbt lajoacSenator Barrawt’ mall today
UoB Of the aecretary ai
' ttaagbl that bemai aad OaroU
of ai>pUeathms for miliaadar paaaltyaf d
Haw Tork. April SO.—A Key 'Weat aa aittated t^at they will bare the lataiy appatatmaota.
Waabtagtoa. April SO.-Ooagrma
igialal te the New Toric Jaoraal uya aarreatsAo noataf the Bjrbtiog. The
that the torUfiad tawa of Ckbaaaa. SS rowanaat baa girea aetica that it Oarlbs today raparud from the <|
Blleawaatef Baraaa.
Arad ea by win bombard aay eltr It daalrw with- aatioo eommittce a bill eztaadiag the
•ha Hid Mot Arrive at Mia /aalaca
tha flaftbip New York iaet araaiag oat rlriog aay aotiea of coeh aetioa la powers ot the Datioaal ^^jpwtlae
Witt the Oregoa.
maaf plaeiog it in ttb
aptoUltoTevMoutm Kwxnu.
the Mariae hoitpitol earriee.
It la (opartad that maay Bpaaiab
Wattingtha. April sa-Advksaa aaChanaucoga. April SO.—Tba aatira
troapa ware IdUad ar woaadad darlaf
Chienga, April sa -Normaa Barriag- BOBBriag the arrival of the
eight battoriaa of arUUary, alao the
tha bombardmaat. The Amariraa aklaa
Htb iataatry aad »th. oavaliy broke tM, who taead tba Baroalaaa mab. U Oregoa at Bio Janiara say that oothlog
wata Bat iajarad. bat owe maaer waa
lartrielaa. Ha b aow aa araenag b beard of the goabmtt Mariatta.
camp at Chiokamanga yaaUrday aad
Baer aad la eharga of tba larttUara aapaetad to reach Tampa toalghk
Tha aenf»»t Uatad flttaaa ailaAr tralae will be glvaa >he pretar- tloB of maeblaary shipped by tha AUai bty will be fait ragardiag her sataty.
eSwaad waaeaoW by alre tram' tha
Oompaay to Madrid aad Barealoam
whaca at tha terpado boata. Parttr aad aaoe aad a spaed of tweaty-dra mOaa or
All tba latra-Otiaka, flaaat tea eraai
mare le agpaetod.
1 3-4c for Double BolL
Sao Front Street
Art all rifbt in their way, but they can never take
the place of a UAMMOni^ >«■■"
‘"o. H '
yon prefer the nWIVIIVIUOI\ Hammock buy at
caiM.1 i>nm.id'.;Markh8iii Bloct
Would You Use Soap
If You Could Get It
At priara that ara rigkt. WaeaaaaU
yea Tarkbh Bath at &e per cake. Notttaap .
ao^k. bat oaa that b balUoa haaor.'
Maay other braada,at lOe, toe, ate.
Ue, SOc and 7Sc par sake, the rid aad well
kaowa Qaakman Beqaat tor toe.
JAB. O. J0HH80H,
Wheel Enameled For S2.50
TbaywOl probably ambark tamarTwa Spaairii rubaata triad to aaeapa
rowaad jeiatha Oabaa tareae aadar
yhoai Havana harbor yoatorday. The
Ooaiai aad Oareia at Hataama for drivMAT oar A OMAMCM TO FIOMT
leg tha Spaaiah teraw tram tto hlaad
ly, bat they got back to thair harbiw
aad glviag raUat to tha otarring raeoaUhasta.
Ttaahatowaraflrad. Tba Now Tork
Brad eight wall dlraetod okalla from a
oda-laeb ^a oa bar part bow aad two ara graaUy dtaappoiatad at being left
Vtala MeXatosb Oflbrad to yolBBtram oaa of tta alghVdaeb goal ip bar
tw with FaU Oompaay—Hlg Mally
teward twral aad oaraplata^ allaoaad
Waahtagtoa. April 10.—Gaaoral Milm
la Oity Opera Khmaa Toaaday Might
tha g«M of tha two Spaaiah torto at •ay* that thora Is a dbtUet eftort from
—Marie. Bpaaohse aad Patrlotie
Spaaiah aooroaa to create terror at
Hathoriaam wUlha tha Frogram.
AoMrtoaa rtHaataan aver tha ta
Tbara are iadioatloei now that, the
Waahiagtoa. April W.-7hapraatdaat
btlag eoadHieaf in
Haaaah BIfles wlU have a chaaoa U go
haaracalTad naoffielaladrieaa tram the
Bart that the towa at Marial. la tha yellow fever aad mala^ bat it will U the boat to fight the
Ihajellowiag telegram trem Intpartor
art daUy the praliorioary exped
* '
preriBoa ot PUar dal Bin. abaat ttir^.
Oaaaral Caaa to ChpUla Molatoah. wUI
. Bva milea wont at HavBBa, had alra
oz^a itaalf;
'* '
lalaad Lake. Mich . April SO.
Oaptata J. V. Melatoah—Fravtdtag
MadatoBamoregivea. batU b aapH oaa bo arraagod would yoa Uko to
'gcoad that tba torte hod apaaad Bra aa
Ooraplataly Xarwtod Baatiago da
aoraa of tha vaaaeb ad tha float while
F. K. Oaaa,
CMba aad Ooatrab the Bauth
they ware doing aooot daty.
Maatara Poftiaa ad laiaaA
Waahiagtoa. April M.-Caanl Oaa- aptoW to Tn aotoin* RioeBn.
to Oaaaral Oaaa that tte Baaaab
Haw York. April sa—A Hiag
«nJ Laa toy* the towa oT Martel.
Fltm were aaMg to go to tba fraat aad
hoshaMad by tha Qaltod Stotaa. b af oahb rapoStt that Oaaarnl Uateb's, Traveraa City dheld taad a fall earngrapt- valna. It haa flaa raada wUeh arm^ haa ootoplatoly ievaatod Baa- pMTTba praaaat aempTImait af the Mbhbad from there to Harma^ aad tha Mage da Ooba. An attaek by tha laigaa troops b S.SOO sBaa. bat t.lOO are
ritab feared.
MW oallad tor. which wUl aecem
The famatto traeha auMt ^ Geamal
have naahad Oanda's oamp aafoly,
Campaabaglaa Share.
Ia riaw at thb *1
Oareia appsan to aoetrot tha sltaatiaa Ukely that the Hunah Biflaa wlU ha
Haw Tark. April W.—A Madrid spaeagthaaatara Oaty.
oaa of the flrat bodba of
. «al to tha New York World ray* that
aome Ubm past tte membon of
riUMCB have been eeireat la the ^aampaay have beea eagerly woittah eapMal riaaa flva a'eloric thb meniag for aa opportaalty to Joia tb
lag that the Amarleaa and Spaabh
farees. Tbalr hopes ssaa
Baato mat aS the FUIlp|daa lalaadt, .FlaM Willi
abool ta be reallnd. There have beei
ria to flpanbh Flotilla.
aad that the Spaabh dafaatad
many addlUoaa to the oompaay btely IF
•pwUl u Tn msosns karaas.
aad aoorea waold sigh tte mnrtei
^wiariraai. aUkiagttrae-Ualtod Btatra
Waahiagtoa. April SO.—Ordora have i-f_th«ra was aay abow to era so.___
bead given Admiral Sampaoa'a float aad Tbofa has bees a groat deal of peat op
Bat at ttsMw* of tts aacagm
tha flyiog aqoadroa to oamblu taraa* --■‘■Blaam in tte city since tba war
■not aaoM avar a Spaabh cable
aan the Unisad States aad Spain
off tba AtUatic eaaat la aatiripathw
Bang Kang, tha report b aoaildar
■ baVasyatnopablledamoMtraot tha early approach at the pawertol
Haw. hawaver, arrangamaeb
vary aaraliabla.
Spaabh flaataald to be oa lb way to
are In program tor tha greatoat patri■aag Kaag. April M.—A stoamar the raliaf af Siaaaa'* army ia Caba.
in yaara.
For thb parpoao the City Opera Baoaa
^arrived from MaaUadid aat eight
ha# baaa aagaged far that porpoaa.
: tha Amarieaa float, which b aappoaad
Tha Parte BaUad Into Maw ,ToA Tba pramlaaut boslnam man.
f- to balmahoR, bylag
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Oor Hew
213 Front St
FletehersOrs^,teto titled'
If yon wecoiBg to make g^en do not fflU to bm oar
oomplete Btook of Floww, Oflrdeii and FiBld
Re* anf Pleasiij. ^
Tork Harbor Aarid WUdaat
New Yoric April to.—Tha onber
Haw Tork, April to.—A Bo^ Ka^ •Tala, tovmarly thaAmerlean
dpaolal to Talagram. dated t p. m.. Parte, Bhoat which there toa bean ao
•oya aa wotd ot too MaaUa aoafliet has
•nnialy. aneoaadad U atadlag
naahad thora yrt
tha Bpaakh warahipa Bad raadtod her
I;-':, WMhtogtoa. April SO.-li b ballavad Haw Tork doek tkb moralag. She
I/j^hWa that attar Admiral Dewey eatUm braogkt ana kaadrad aad fifty p
gsn aad a cargo at maaltlons af war
t f rtn-m, M-u» n.~io. « O.W, ter tha Caitad
daya aat Tha Parte raorivod a groat,
*I» -•l-Uo. ck tt. .nn. ovattoa apea hwarrtvtoflhteteBnIag
m. kmJ. M Ih. UKF ud Tba dnaka won orowftd with a
ehaariag aalUtada. Blaam wkteUm
at Ite
aaaanllatiaa at any
mattma impmtaat to tha
OrBfOB at Mlo Mo flaanlfe.
It b Bat ballavad Ibara b apmtal le tn Keasma BaooM.
^' MiM tn«^ to aaka naa af tha ImB& Oa Janrira. 'April M, e yi. bl—
kbatlhangalartraapa wOl ga Tka wBnktp Ongoehto jmt Birtrad
toUawad hy vidBatoma It- k
______________ _____________ ■. R. TATffiAW.
Salisfactory anj Sensible.
In pBokagB or btUk.
248 Front Street.
Alfred V. Friedrich
: arith the laaargaata. Tha Spaabh
fleet WM eralriag ontrida Maalia.
Hardware. 146 Front St
The R^t Kind
Holley ft fVw«w.bito
The Popular Shoe Noese.
area City loyalty to the United States
la tha ptaaeat atraggia.
ale MndM dad
Bapaira Ilaba
aba he^ra
r- Bspriro,
Tba Maaaab Biflm wUl ha praaaat aad -1--------« workman to da yonr work
tha Bays' Basd wUl lUipmi tha aawork te ha
tlaaal alia. Tha mayor aad dty aMelab wUl be praaaat a^ it b ezpoetod
thir^ hall WlU ha arawdad to Ito
tolbat eaparily. Ladim ara Mpaeblly
iaritad aad ante wUl ha
Carpet Dept.
bnrinrof aU ktoda. &mvB
-laMg^Msaw. Thaai
^ mn b._n. ...n, . „ n,
•pm. am e»i e an.
im —me . I—m i».
been appreeUted.
InfraiMfroml9ciiptothebe8tLowdljtndart* .
ford brands. We also make low pri<xs <at Bnissds
Wi^w S^. nireadj mom.tSl(from 9c np.
Sbrtra MK WindowShnde.ai.de 4 order for oort .
of material. No charge for Ubor.
V / '
itfsMhrp PriOM.
wiMt-k ftfantttroflt
TBB KOMMra faqom, ■OTPAT. lUT I. I Ml.
cxa Kounaa
ora Of m raanxMT.
FOR ONLY $2.50
noitMMOoinsWhjrDI hofU M
ttMy Taut lUMM SMartalMd
tha iMU to Borthorn raoorta and bay
■oBtafna Kail Xmat Kitbh
■M. ». LwruroJ. W.Eamwk
|,r t. W. Haxui. fe4>tcr ud MaMfcr.
Oao a« t)w prattlart parOdi of tha
otaaaa waa ylm
tho food
timo waa
both of UtarilyeWoraBARtod y«
drantof by twao-
day by lor. 3. A. Brwdy.
ty-ol* yonny ■Iww. to aa oqoal bobbarof Uairboy frirada. Tha oaaaa of
Side Sbakaapaara Clnb|
will Beat VoBdar afiemooB with Mra.
Montayaa ball,
wbieh waa elaborotoly and taatofnlly J. J. (My. oo Webator ctroeU at tha
d In fToeni d fold, tha llfhu nanalbonr.
SSSni: - ■ ■
;• ••.
with Uair eolored ahadaa, tha polata,
Tbora wiU ha* rafolar Beeliaif of
aad fema. and the aofl eaay eoahloma DoehMChBp, No. tS4S. Modero Woodin every aook and oomar maktof a Biaa of ABorioa. Monday night in Monpretty aetUof tor the marry tiaaa that tafoa Ball. All Bamben arc reqneatfallowed the arrtral of tha rocau. The ad tohttond.
iBTitalions aeoi odi a faw daya afo. oa
Alderman Cook ia makiaf elabormU
dainty fraan note paper, r«*d aa tol-
Will ole.n It^lhoronBhlv, tree the »h.i l^ ^ive .ny ^lor ora»monthl wrk you winb, onamel or vami»h your rinia for nbore prico.
CaH hod floe ^ple.
Wo ^ BaUd Wheels to Order, do it cheaper and give better toAterial Aod work than any abop iu the city. &ve hadeorerhl
yem expone&ce and gnarastoe SAtiafactioD
Pleaae give iu a trial
BLL18, 811 Pront dt. Best.
If -You Have Logs to Sell
I keantlfylof tka baiidlnf with a new
I porch, plate flaaa windawa and other
I iapraremeBta.
It tb« kil^ad raporto to Vodrid eoitha SfMitk ud ABerieus Boeta.
b* aliod vp with Blaoeo'i aecoii^t of
After a<
- Ako-bOBhordBOBtofM*U«zm. it may
playing |
I dim ef Uraca EpUcopal ehorch
le «■— apaot in rialUOf and |
* ■opper at Korrmtem' Hall
mea delieiooa enka and let
\ boMtelyeo«e)a2led that if abattla haa
B. foarht it waa aa ABerican vic
meat aarkeL
I. O. O. T. OfBaara.
' Vox SopoitBOiit ViU Taka Prompt
Haoanroa to StroBRthaa Tkom
•paeUluTaaHoBaniu llncas.
OmwB. UyrUa and Lelah UlUdr. Geor-!
gla’Monran. ElU Scboelder. Louisa j
Era Thacker. FauBle Ureenstead, Nita
Porktoa aod Whiw hare had a lose Cora aad MayVoruoa. Grace HaaUDga.
Btkal Oibbe. Wlolfred Puller. Edna
.aanfereaea with (heaecrotarr of war
•a to tbo defoBMlcaa eoBditiOB of Ua
Nice Templar—Jeaaie Curtiaa.
ThoIOo «oaat
I’aatChiaf Teuplar-1. D. Uobba.
baeretary—Maiwt Brown.
AsalataBt •JeervUry—May Boyeton.
ly King,
Guartf—Bert Wood.
(toDtinel—Lee Swan.
Moflatt, Jaaia Murray. Kathrya ParThe Jewelry atore of W. C- and B. A.
rwnl, Rbeda Rattenbery, Gnea Orbelt.; Gaai
t has aeriargaae a very atlrac
Circuit Oourt Aifjoaraad.
Loot Hisht.
LMdaa.. April
U roportod
that ffladatoBO U rapidly aiokliif aad
'almoatein renderad a Tardiet of
Last Week’s Circulation of Tke
Morning Record.
S. :
Tha court was pd jouraed to Hay J3rd.
Vow Tork. April 30.—A Kay Waot
* raporu the aoddaht to the Caahiaf aa
aat aariooa and daa to aa esploaioB of
• roealrer.
8ba wUI be raady tor i
Sunday. April 24......... 8S1. .294. ..
Tuesday. April 26.. . . . . 896 . . . 106 ..
Thursday, AprU 28 . . . 966 144.
Friday, April 29
981. . . .119 ..
Saturday, April SO . . 997... 139
prise, was la the city on boMnam ya^
FormmaL .
Baldan's eighth birthday aad sba and
ibar af ber fricadi spent a very
buppy afternoon at tba boat of Mra.
G. B.. Utfarop at Edgawood, ,b».
SB joyed a delicicns supper.
Dave Sieber came over fro
Mra. DavU returned to Old Mhaio*
Bay yesterday.
Wilbur P. GUI of Glllt Pier.
the city yeatarday.
io today after a short visH with Mho
o. W. Gbrfb,, bt 81, Pbbl. U U.;
gudPtof Hoe. Perry Hannah.
Un, Cb«,.J,. B.,. wbo b.. bbb.
'apeading aame time in the city
MIm Oraoe U Forge of Elk BApida.
*( Mr. and Mra. H, Montagu*,
baa> bean viaiUug
vialling Mim aavaUad.
left Tmtevdav
ymterday far Uarvaenia,
Taken by tha Kartgagao.
Tha mortgage oa the fair grounds
property was foreeloaed yraterday and
Bi^D M.. Peake baa
raturuad to j where aha will apend tha ai
sold at sheriff's >Ale tv Joku Omaopd,
the mortgagee, for (3.328 08.
Vo Adapted by Board of .Suporolaora Vast Tueoday.
Total .... 5.591
9 70
Today's Edition.................................... 1200
oflioe, bat uodered tha tarvicas of hia
liaemaa. Tboass Drak. to Fire Cbiaf
eoart hosae coaailtea waa to bara
xoeefrad plana for the prepeaad oouatr
Mldtog. Meaan.
aad Puleipbar
warn tha only mamben preseat. Mr.
Walker not (Miag able to get
The toll e»Bim(tee. however, wilt meet
Reanie (or the besefit of the ire deXxnaptianal Musical Talaat
aoagaia Friday Dighl'econoerl. where
of which mdieate. a good |
Mr. Itoak is aa efficient and
sjgep ic the eegiae bouse nigbu
^ and
^ writa_f haben^corpua will
vary difficult barmoBieaUoD was doaalP'*'^
MB Of plsM ^ apeelBcAtioBs
byMiaa Crawford, who Brat -had to
tranipoaa tha original solo aad then ]
Boon roeaived and another U expected
ioproviaetke accoBpaaimsnU
-'atoon at tha Beetini Tuesday.
iisemsn mud' will make a ralua, expert
* *•'7 •^tracOve daaign of ^ b e additioa to the 8re department He
The friaud. of Mias Alice Crawford
will be lateraeted to kbow that ia tbe
Itoaday to thoroughly iaveeiigau the the saag tbe S'>Ie part with hummlag
ory to aeeompoaimaat by tha quartet, tbe
n to the beard of a
Manager John Barry of tbetelcphoaa
exebaage and Weatera I'nioa ulegraoh
Taatarday waa iba day upon which
■ PeTo> 1U-. after a short viait in tha dty;
Editor Nelson of the Leelanau EbUwKafgaiat Boldoa'e Birthday.
OpaetaluTBi Hobiibq Barcas.
that' CapUla
Sacaivar tor lolaad Zdtmbar Oa.
Wilbur P. Gin was yesterday ap-j
Lan Sogga. traasurar of Leelanna
UendersoB will leave Monday for BelUlre. to attosd the ADtrim eonoty Cir- pointed receiver af Ue Laland Laabar i»a>ri7- wasovarfroB LeU»d yaatm*
Co. dolagbualBamalUlapd..
enit cnart.
Yaeterday waa IKUe Him Margaret
eaase of action.
Judge Corbett aad Court Stenographer
aaa hardly laat Uroofh tha Glybt.
. dlapateh
Ia the Circuit court ymleiday ^e
ary In the case of H.
tp'irlil toTai Woaauia Bacoaa.
Mill MaohiDcry of all deAcripUona. including Two EDginiee,
Pet Works, Carriages and Saam. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
orge Unnter.
to ftoo tha matter prompt atteatloa.
Vaa Wat Sapoetad to Loot Threncb
Treasprar—Warren Mitore.
Rer. J.A. Bready will take far
Tbo aocretary promiiea
OX.AMTOVX sarxzHo.
PiDaacial Secretary—Ellsworth Hale.
IN»l. No. 1)^. U. A. R.. will attend aar-
bis subject -The
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
.Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
Chief Templar-W. W. Goble.
Tha Haanab Siflm and MeCfaeraoo
the easning quartar:
Margaial Tice iu tha Plrut M. E church this even.
Loedoa.' Nellie Urdie. Loin Calkiat.
tha fallowing uftlcera ware elected for
wasagift protolaed by
<»«• k«r 8n.t letler.
Grace Smith. Mamie Poharal.
the maatiug of
Lodge. -So. 4il. I. (t. T. T. laat night,
braryoia U
Supper SO crou.
paraned by Mra. J. \
^nilam Baltner has shipped a tVarThe penyo
B. MartlB and tha r. UBf ladim flriaf '"•'r hlcycle to bis daugbur Ida. who
it were tha Miasm Alice WaiV Hilda,'* ■“ **»« “hool for feeble minded at
CorrsApond with the Traverse City Lumber CompaDy.
W^bave for sale Good,
Ob Teeaday ereelBf. May 3. tha la-
' Mralnr tke oxpoeud UtUe teti
Jnst Received Spring St|les, New Designs'
readyin case of tire to l<«k af-
beap-1 ter i-lewinog ofbuildings ia danger
'« the kupreaae court ia lbr!of tire
seatenced '
for .aevan 1
These ““'’‘hafor assault and totUry.
ou the !
.. T^hua.
City News Co.
tbe '
a aeoteece to tba reforms-1
ftea Saginaw. Tbeot received are two and tbe encore eong were amoag the
tory for that offenav
lav IS
U UlegaL C. G. Ii
Dr A.,
I.. Von
von uolcxe
Dolcka will be le
ie the
tha eitr
teaplsMfromP. a Moore and W. A. mast delightful aombera ou the praSaturday aad Monday to att: DsvUare looking '
Tureer aad Pratt A
each gruB. In this conaeclion a ward ia
; tend to pstimia sod will give free ooaafter Pierce's case.
Worn Milwankoe. Grand Rapids, aad
' I soltalioD and advice to these seeking It
-thdlanapollA. .The beard *111. adopt given the qearwt by Mlec Crawford
- -............ from
be amlsB. Her amistaace U diarrt(i-a ever since the war aad hare |
iho <m thw daaa beat suited to
aratiau aad carrying out af tba used all kinds of laedlclnea for It- At'
■Mda«»«emeaUng Tnaadsy.
last I r.tand one remedy that has been |
eoneert added anch to Ha ancccas.
ftonn, loenl arehitoeU aad one
T *"a j
berlsin's Colic, Cbelc
■ ^by Idgkt Olub Sipkabet
' Remedy.—!•. E. G
FollewiagUtba clobi
Of the ! La. For sale by 8
Ruby Ugbt aub. read frem the club
t aad Diairhr
Your Wife
one to baag tbe paper
druggUt- j who will not dlaappol . either ia the
I workmanship or the t la be promises
Tara fruit juices and bast tea
Tka presldant of lbs AlBrnni Aaaoala- paper "It" at tbe Friday night Beet-!
I to coma. That's me.
!aaly are sold at (5. B Waifa
toe* yastorday made the foHowlng ap'aoDUiB.
: Pann
pototaapto of eomaittoea far tha au- A Is lor Alhee. a high vch.*] irlrl. >1
ngl raeeptien:
bs at tbs club and the Lyeeam
«o Look Aftor the. BaUtU of the
Frank Friedrich.
PlAoa of fneaUng-Parm C. QUhart.
VottiaC. Gray. WilliaB H. Poater.
DoeovAtiODs-AIieeL. Crawferd.SaUs
KaU. Will Heramaa.
and that psu n.- in wind
John R. Santo,
General Insurance.
' ivunbun
Trsvvrav City. Mich
' peAB, Blswarth Hals.
Smith. 1>7; Wialfred f>mpv«a. •«S;
floorge B. lUlbonme,'»(; Praao -Oage.
*»1: Mra. CynUia Douflas. *9^
T. Trade. 'SI; WUI Galdwall. '00; Mary
Bntnar, ’89;
Mra. Chiria Plerea,
.FecTto WkllBan.-^T: Mabal Batm, '86;
Mra. Matilda McMaaua. '63.
BefraakBaato—Alan Uaaprea.
1 !•.# crotipof Mwe alee Utile cliaps;~^
'bPlr wasroBl4ii-l COBS ootSey sat ue Iniihms.
I U(or Hord;sbs-.aaead, bolsbe's nlee.
ti our }€.» wbse «e oar a pUl* mice
^ Albvxr
B I.babaotbe
nnalagtou. HlnBle & Walt. Eraeat a. Allyu. Parm C.
»»hmeU, Alma Daapraa. Hany Knay
Vardlct Againat Jneknan.
Pis ler pMk, wbo is fond of the truth;
Poe bts vlfe, nho !• praetteed In gteur rapm
P Is (or Perry, vbo to xotox to rawp oni.
apetacTlgetsUoaecw adtotof leosl.
V to foe quad, out ot date bat stUI ene.
■ ra. J. A. JaekaoB waa eouelnd- B to Uto kaby Usbi dob ererj Uwoi
8 Is lor itoTeranev W* hope sbs vUl "Jiee."
.ddlntha Circuit court yaeterday. averdiet hsiag teadarud in favor of tha T la (or Tylw. as gevd aa the beet
vs tba botiae and vs de Iho rest
f)nlAtiffiBforS3?o.is. Tba enae Invovad
tadstcrWalt.vh»atartedtbs(ee: .
Aka attornaya toes la tba enaa of the
TMseeaaof J. J. Tw.
MMhiffiO" Brawtog Oo. va. Jaekaou,
u^ldh waa triad in the Circuit aourt
Whoaplng OaBgh.
IhadullUle hoy
dead fraa aa
who waa nwrly
ef whoop^i^
E. B. Barbour,
Theatre Co.
Supported bp
New Specialties.
Mary Sbnar Dsnd.
>’s Cougn Remedy.
—'tMt Blrkb at 11 e'eloe^AUty. tha
not ihlak thak any medlciae w.
iBtoat duthtm of Mr. and Mra. C J. help him. bat after gIvlAC hiB a
doees of that raaedy I aotlood an
provement. and one botUe curad____
«- malriag syrapa
g^^fc^tnin. a. V. Wait.
XnaOtuM BnAAr-Tha baat-s oMta
. ffiffitoitAt^ffitWklMngBtora.
n‘‘wWSSE:'’VraeTthtog la nuat. elaan and now
Opening Piny:—
“A Ghee^l Liar.”
BsAU an
At box efiea
Om lady (rsa Monday night If aoeom^ by A per*, holding a paid »c
^ ^
CoimeDciDg Moudi; .Efesing, |^
IMIay 2,
Btolnberg, EateUa dekneider.
^ Once More
I Washington
Steinberg’s Grandig
-'V^eptloa—Marion Eobaru. •»<;; Jea-
I Has invaded the^Iand in the interest of humanity, and once !
more in the interest of those who intend gettii^
IA New Carpet Or a Floor CoYoriDg
OF A -NT-^ -pg-T-NTT)
We mention the fact tbat we offer tbe best, have the :
; largest sEock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- :
: isthotion than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.
•aa xoBjmfo bboosd.
Cubc't *‘Buteh«” Oef«Bd« Himfor Hi* Court* White
Oovomer 6*nor«L
rsTsiaba* br Maappettk* CfcukM,
8|>rlDKflrId, Ilia.. OpMl H.—Tbc snprana court lua IM nicbt fllad • daclaloo In tbc
of WllUam Hoonar
eouBi'r clerk
of Wifl counlr. eakliui
6anM» at XOiW*. m. oa ‘Tba Wada will ba balpiral to raal
Matt. nit-H.
at bpM plaaaa briar teas wltb
UTS ms A0T8
M ifc. 1-i.u-l bT >prtlla tha Nnaaft. Vr.alM> nC Mm
aatir-MI«ai>rae'B A«T»ra *a
aantatiVa from i
trtct. c npuwd O
diatrtct belod
«lli« cumposad o
of Will and Dui'>«r. ‘
court m bia daclalun
nida that tba
aanatorial appon
bill paaaad bjr
itcpubiK'BD icKialaiurc at the apal araalun la ut-L'onatltullonal. Tba
Taka, baarty part 1b tba suala.
Mbaol at
cloat of
Joaier Cbrlaiian BadWror at ;
Y. P. 8. aE.at#-JBp.«.
V from <- I
At 7;B0 p. B. tba plater will pranah
■ annlTtraary aerann.
TbU ia tba
I ON....
Blatb aonlvataary of bla paatorata ja
Utataax Ar^ Tnra'aaad.
Madrid. April JO.-Purlb* tha dabaio
In tha wbi.'a ypt.-rAty 'lanarai Waylar.
In a clear voiraand uinid atianllon fiMin
Khulf houBc ttbd tba catlarlo.
apotopiaad l.ir ptol.-ncln* the tiebale.
piaadtng that hi wulJ not aJIuw the
opportunity ta-p-aa ol drfindlnt himaair adainat tnucl'm.
Wiih much
wamiih ha dt-rmd.d hia p-.iitical and
MlUlarr acle of aav. rliy ID Cuba, ahnfr.
e that be daamad^ih-ni vitally nacaT and that tiny »on- juaun.-d by the
> they pn»lui-.'d. (to much waa
la raar. ba dailart d. that bad ba
bran bIIo'^.hI ala moniha
Innai-r b'
ironid h*».- .ntir.ly rruahad tha InaurnctlUR and would have .raatlaed the
protniaa ha Rioda to Rvnnr Can"Voa dal
Caallllo that by April, laps, ha would br
llnola prx.vidat. that tha ktale ahall ba
apportlonrd after each fedaral cenaua.
TJia defenaa b.ld that the apiwrtti.nmenl ivul.l Iherafore ba mada ni nriy
llme, but the aupi. ina court h. lda that
tba Axina by ih.x oonatitution »r u
lima and mnda for the d-dns of aiu h net
waa hy Imiili.atlon a r.irlilddlnc -d any
othar time or m.Kle and a pr>'hlhlilon of
tha axArrse of Die p- war In any .><lo r
way. The dreiai.in la by JudjTe Ca-iwrlrhl. Ju.lcaa Wilkin and I'arier .1 ila-rempl.-ry w'rli of mandainua
la ordarad lsa ae<I us aakad
roBBd la Thair H..ina I
Chh-t*o. April 3o - ri..a|H-d In .airli
orheraarnia John Aaknlih, 7a yaara u d.
and hiH wife Uarf:ar.'I. 74 yrant .Hd,
wara found dead .-n the floor of their
Canal alno.i yaaierday by
Id a poMU'in 10 offar him &‘i.00t> vatarana | bonia at
'to Btlai-k IHV Vnltad Slat.-a. Oaiiaral I |~>li<-.'iiiai
-om me canaliuri avenua
— .
- I, ,h, h„n,..
iinted nbl-Ida. but an inveallL'decivciua It. and hr i-.iMlu.hsl xMfh
gailun d.-valu|>ed the fact that they had
aaphyglaled, the
a d.aplay of ci
room* l>elng full of
aping gaa. Aak•*»T.
CaaaamtiTM ta.lowM ttrrler.
with and him wife
S-olrh, and eooTha Duka of Teiuan and I.u-uienani dgc-tad a notion elora on the Brat floor,’
Oancral .ktcarnipa iln-lar. d that the while the up|K-r hour waa Ou-upled aa
Conaarrativa party
elwaya apiinn.-d alaaplag aparimanla
■nia oflli'arw f.ircad an aniranae to the
•nd arceptad tba rmponaihlllly f. r the
kcts of Oaneral W.jrirr In Cuba.' Theae •tore by a rear doer, but It wa» ei-varwl
Oeclaradona alford.-d Manor Morel.
nilnuiea bafora they could enter. W. Patary for the ■-■iloiiie*. an.l o|>i>>r lunity cau»e of the na Fnnally tha -imcera
of avoldln* a da ate with Oeneral Wey- manacad to make' their-way upatatrw.
lying on the floor near the aiepa
■ lar. fSenor Mom declaring that
acouree would ha uaadvtnable at
claxpad It
•Dt and would better ba laf> for “
wbeD Biaiaamen can tlnd lime for
a mlnlaier of war. flanaral Oorra
On /ha lower
iB tba Chtml»-f nr depoila*. raplytno I overcome hv the gaa.
for particular* In regard to the bom- I Door the oRIx-ar* found a J*l hid bean
iBardmanfaf the fort* at Mttanxaa.aald I left open, from which tba deadly gas
. tba govemmatii had dc-ided to pubitah j «'ai eacapinr
•■aU the newa received, good or bad."
1nik> o( lb* Mwawu. AOnlr:
Continuing. General Curran told Ihl
«epult»* Ih.M tha rmiad State* wiuad
roB flrrd aixiy pr-J-cil.v*. and that ihi
New Y..rk. April SO.—Itradalrkct'a
•niy vktlm w.i* a mul*. n remark
m.uiK the
Yha luck cf axcltamanl. nrr%-ouawhhh arouF'il laughl.-r
Infomei !
“f Ihi-rrupilon to the ordinary or»
houae that -he Ameri.-ati wanbips ^ drrly runducl of public aftalra. and parwere .Injured oy
the fire of the ; tu-ulariy
Lu»1nc** .ii^ralii.Ba.
Bpsnl*h baiiaiic*. and ofillnulng aa- ! w hi.b tbia M.untrv h>* pn***d from
serted that tha ln*urgani* ware acting i p..acc to w-ar»c,-iiia Ilk.-., i.. lH-...ne hl«SB conjunctiup with the I'nli-d Stal.-s | t.<r:.-al
The lrn-|.*r ullh u hich tha
fbrea*. a* lliay advam-ad In ih- dire - 1 counlr)- baa rvi-ogii r.-.l ihr ouihraak of
tlOB of Maianxa* while iha l...miMrrt- 'hcwtljlil.-* with a fm-ign jMWer 1* mu
Bant waa procaedliu:. "But." ad-<l the ' .ml) pr.e.f ihil tha. dullpr** and d.-■d^terfor war." th. ) were er.nu .c>aiy pre,*:un of tha paat aix weeks have
pained." In r.mclu*k,n Genarwl iVirreu . Urg.-lv dl»c..urt*d the HT.-i i uaually
glorloua day f-.f'; wiir.e»*r.|. i-ui fuiniah. * a valunbl.- ini.—n.-ral jW.inl of y
•wteaaay Miawld lalcafrrw W t>*a I
•srMb IMiaaad Herb Aailow
svhdat.xat i. ism.
Incldeau will ba related.
Pleaa^obaorre the aerolnr aerrioea
are a balf hour later.
All are 'eordially iovited.
Be»,a. 8al»b*rj, P«.ior.
Service* at lOi.tn.
Kundaj eubool at lliM.
Young people'* Beetinr at 0 p.
Preaching at 7 o'ciork.
Prayer Baeviag on it edueaday arenIng and laacber'i meeting la eoi^ac
A cardial iorltalioa U extaoded ta all
to attend Ibeaeaarrlcca.
Bowaaa Haore aed Vary Mnora. Pa«»r*.
Comer Oak and Klflb atraeu.
Bible acheol nl h:4h a. m.
Morning aerrica 11 a. m.
Junior mwelia^ 3:(I0 p. B.
C. E. maating at u:K..
Eeenlng acryiee at 7 o'alocb.
hearty weleoBe to all af
Servlcea in K. U.
T, ^<ban.^isi
Front atracl.
iBUi JanuBlem.
Owing to Ibe abaeaec of tba rector
tha lervieaa ia Grace ebareb toBorrow
We shall do just as we have been doing for :
: the past month or two, viz:—Give the best
; jalues in tbe largest assortment of patterns
; shown in the city or elsewhere at the popular :
: prices—S7.60, $10.00, $12.00.
|i :
Himdreds have been convinced of this—
_ : You will be when you examine these fine ■
^ garments.
will obaaUt of lay raadiag at I0;S0 in
tbe Barsiag and
boDday acbdial »t
Clothins: Co.
erenlngbyBlabopGillaapia. Hr. blout
la expected to be borne 1b tlBe to take
part In tha Monday aeaninf aerrieea.
rta*T-MgTR00l*T CUl-BCH.
Be*. 3. a. Braady. imam.
Class mealing at 0:30 a. m.
Sobday acbool at 12 m.
Jnalor League at 1:SU p m. aad Epwartb League at r..O p. m.
i Moraing
Uornlnx aublacl:
auhWi "Tbe
"Tha Dabi nf iha
Tba Debt of the
!i-koreh to tba rbildran," and in the
j.eeaBiag. tha
aubjrct will
will be."The
I bpaBitk-Aaiaricaa War."
Tbe aaaaah 11
Riflaa aad Ike Mcl’beraoa I'est of tbe!
l|*,n g.-n.-r;i; trade dlttnhu,th.b ..f *n unrav"ru..|.- char*, tar
Kfc-plible la the rat,onB of lha p
Dondon, April
Tha Karlin
Bpondrnt of Tlw Standard aaja; "ITInca »cvk.
Btomarck think* that Germany muM '
G. A R. bare bees invited and bare: I
kindly accepted Ibc inelutloa.
Thurwdsy prayer mealing at 7
Koratal daaa at Ae aose.
n.itahl*. ben
Amusemrnt Votaa.
FIlBt sugc.
Tbe clacuical effects [
exeepiioDslly flac and afforded |a'!
iBual ancceaslon of startling »ur-{
A Grand Offer!
Tbe date* of Robert Dowoiar't ea•Bfl poaalble, but that ahe mu*t imerf.-re ;Tham- adv.n.-.-. loo. h.ve m.i i-Mn ,
iasUntly and moat enargeiliaily ih* i flnad to f.«Kl pr du t* but in, luda many
electric sparks, bebtad which were
aaemant bar iDiacests demand Intarfar- | w idely dtfrannx arn, lea. alike of home ably be Hay 22rd aad 24th. at which ^,n
a the witchaa aad imp* raaalliBg la
•Dce. Therefore he IhlnLa Germany 'and foreign enwth. Wheat, eom. oata time ba will be seen in "Tba Gladia- their
ir Saedisk aecrlmeav"
eagbt not to bind bar bands by neutral- : and flour have udvancad, while pork and'
Ity daclaratluna."
| other anlmul pr.Klu.f*. m.iahly l*rU.
r feel tbs efMaey aid
London. April W.—Tha CUdm corra-| baron and hum* have al*.. been marked Uteioberr'a Gnad Opera Boaae. MasaoTTice they aadured
•pondant of Tba Times says: "Wbantba j U|v The demand for aleal plaice for
d—™ ..c
Mr. Gao d.
feMileahIp NumsBCla arrlvaa from Car- : vaaaal* l« alao * feature i,r Iniareal. knd
aad tba
af —...
theatre-gaa.a „ jvoasvuie.
Roaeviiie. i
conaU, Feoa
Fepo , wno ..
tagana the squadron will be prepared, m- ouihn.k la for arllvity In ihe shipfor bringlnf aa atUwetJoa of tfaii stag- saw* the hardest klad of ■ervloe at tks !
lnduMr>' for some
a -I'alayo.’lhe VlUorta. .............
nitnde here. Mr Dowaisg siaad* u,- ^
'* “o* frequesUy troubled with
-o XIII, three torpedo b<«t de- come. The ccj. situation generally
Btroyor* aad.ihcee torpedo boats, to of a m,«t grullfylng kind, but pai
leava Imadlau-iy."
llcu'afly *o la that of wheut and utbi
f BarlcBD atage.
of ChamherlslB a Paia KalB. It did so
Madrid,^prll^.-A great tmprenlon grains.
----------------ouch good that ! wonld like ta know ]
baa been pnulucad hare b) a rumor that
Bualnm failure* in tha United Stall
la addiUoB to the other big attzwcthe Grrman goxtfnment has
f this weak number S4S. a gain of twantytioB to be'aeoD ia Traaarae City during
Bote declaring that II will not oppoie ona over last weak'* l,,ial. and compar
'the landing ..f iiuu|« in the Philippines, ing with 244 In the corieapondlng weak May by loeeri of nantaBenta. I
but w ill n-.t |« null a bombardment, ow of IW7, IS4 In 1*9S and 20* jtns*:.
will also ba tbe eagsgeBFDt af "Darkfamily eboDld bare a t«tUe of it la
ing to ihi- Imiurtani Garman mcn-ancat Amarica.” TkU aggregaUan will
their homo, not only for rbeamalUm.
tUe Inirreeia in all tbe lowna of tba
Bomber fifty people, and promise* to but lame tack, (praiaa. swcIllDg*. cam.
Wanda. fW-iir.ai )'* umlaslon to declare
a groat pradnetian. It will ba ber* bmtse* aad boras, for which it iaeuiralll) la h. id to give color to thi*
wlherw Psainer,
eqaalod. Por aaia hy Ci. K Walt. ,
before the end af -May.
n Paso. Tax.. April 30
London. April m.—A tpaclal diapatch
J K,unil Foutham PacIBc paasenger train
A pleasant cTaaiDg will be erjoyad
from Ua-:il.l re,
n No. 2* was taken In rharga by
by all who atlaad the performance of Ooiag Out of tbe rbotograpble Bis.
tb^ point of <-MH Iiiig *11 . lUr.-niTof Vbe maaked man M-Comato-k. Tex., at mldFor the last fire years 1 kara enjoyed
■■A Cbeerfal Liar" at htoiaberg'a Grwad
©nitad KlMiea fr,,m bialii.
[ night• Thuraduy night and t«» mllaa
the librral patronage of the Qoaea
tomorrow oveniag. Tbe Barboar Com
London. A|,rfl » - It i* *nn,,unaa<| In I **'■•* "f ‘^e aiaflon lha exprer* car
doriag wbich Ubc ll has baeD ay l_ .
pany. accarding to all reports, la as to twler te the Ideas of ay different pa- whOO WADt«d.
*apa<-lal diapatch fr,,in Ma,lil,l that th.- '•‘nxini-a ware de-lachad and run a ■
captain ofihefSjianlrn *i.-*m»-r Muntaer. ! <li*i»n<-a.
The robbers wrai-ked
good a papular priced alirwctlon
troBS. To plaaac all has bean my aia.'
.rat. tha leaael which waa la.iind f,.r . G'rough wafa and liw,k th* aiiilra money will rtait Traveraa City ikU seai
aiid Id doing so hare Wen amply re
Havana with a valuable cargo and ‘'""'• '‘i*- “'’“’Ub'li'K «o I2C.WI0.
paid. not only from a fioanclal view, bat
Their repertolro coasisu of all
which auccaedad In making the port ,,f
Injured and none of lha .
bare bad the pleasure of aaeiog ay |
latest aad beat camcdlaa, among which
Claofucgaa.has bcei\.jle«orated with thi gers was dlaturl.ed. Tha robbera
Bad t'roaa and has
ll southward toward the Mexican are "A Bachslor't Wadding," "A Yan
pren planted a tp.-- - *
b-irdt-f. • _________________ ____
dal pension.
kee Is Caba." "The Oanatry Girl," aad airely. bat in other branchea of por
London. April *0.— TTia Standard's
trait work a«d fraBleg. aad bare
"An IrUb Alderman." While Ue prinw.r.- oa tbe tUII PtoU.
. Meaniw- corrcapondanl says Runda has
reached the point wiikontany alteraa0 per doxea
eee for this engegemeat haae 'beca Ure ofmaklagmy choice of portrait j will „
rccatvad a severe blow In a auapactad
Chicago. April 20.—Ta^arday'a
. grtendly axreamant between tbe United in l*-acue duunonds were: At
placed at to, ro and SO oaata. tha per- work or photography. Either hraaeh card stylse oe aqnara cards, fmaerlr
fUataa and Ki,gland, charging Ajnaiica
fariiianeas will eompare vary favorably leqoire* ay whole attoatioa to de It I made at »2. will now be $1.20. and th*
iialnirg-iinclnnall B, Piitaburg 2; at
jaetliw. therefore I bare decided to kaalt card $I instead of $1 22 per dox
ClcvcUnd- St. t> ula 2. Cleveland *; at with mneh blgher prioad attraelloB*. abaadon obotegraphT. bet before leer-1 ra.
We bare eUer elylm at rahioed raUa
daau arc OB aale at tha baa afflea.
^ I Chicago—I^-ulawlla 2. Chicago U.
lag t
tbe old rat wklcb I hare followed f All piciarm finM ia tbe elatlBO or
1 W.-^ryaa. six I w.-atcra League: At Hllw-sakae—Coipwardi ef 20 yearn, win place be-' gloat axeepl lha $1.1
Vlias from hate,
vlalird yealarday , lumbuB S. Milwaukee 7; at Rl. Paultba ^public a few indaoemeBm,wm balagloaioely
by one of th* moat ext*n*lva and dam-fKana ■ ihty 4. Si. r
Bgtng mine aetillnga that has aver oc-loUaVMInni ,
SDlage .....................,
yoor Uas; fiatabad at the
eurred In this jwri of tbe anthracite
Fhnat. la be given la tllalBbarg'n Oraad
a 7. Detroit
It will ha ay ala to keep ay work at
jeoal regions The cava took place all
May 14(b:
par. ir net above the bVh mark, raever the old working* In tba Hallslaad
•aaUwg CrwwS %-*.,M»r Lsat.
' 'Paaat' waa gives a worthy da
gardlea ef any iadaeaaaBts wbataver. Bat lha Bast BargaiBS aad Bara to!
mlna. and affect*, more or ieaa, ora
Aslorla, Ore.. April SO—Tha pilot beat
aalng tbe beat of mstariaU aad laklag
Plaaaa Are Is tb* Portrait Line.
and aeealc prcaanU^ hy ^
bundrad at,,res and dnallinga
tba aeae palaa to plaeaa all. Havtag
_ we _____________
■ ■f.
mn. Thomas Wllllamt and David Em- Ban Ji«a rrporls having Ylpbkap tha
White aadbUeampsBy at Staae'a
From say photo
have takea dar-1
aaaling schooner Doris, of Vancouver.
agaia laenred ibabclpof Mr Saitb.
BBueL are entombed In tbe mine. Mr. White aa axpert fialsbar, will ba able to gat lag th* last five years we wiU make a
Tha Doris recently lost most of her opera hoM last night.
pertralt ta black:toe*lwafer$$.
or eelwa
CMaWMaB* frwm Orwal's Wesk-ltaMh.
men. While hunting they were blown gdva an artlMIe portrayal of Ika part, all srork eat MapUy.
Galena. Ills.. April M.—Before his da- awny from the reasal and were naable
BagiaalBg Hay lad. and for lha felUlo. aad was aeeordad axeelpanarc from Oaler.a Judge Spear, tha to again r«rh bwt___________
iawiag 00 day* only, tba bUb of ay
leat aapport by ArsoU Maaaiald aa
e wa pill not alight
deqnant aouthern uraior who paid such
work and ladBaaeam will ba pab■ss sad Wllb SUM al a Craalwc.
■Faaai.' filaalay Jabac aa ValaaUaa. lUhad la toaorrow'* laBaar LMk tbea Ue work, hat giv* yon tba beet raealta
B glowing tribuia to General Grant at
far tba amacy, aad will ba made at tbe
MMi Cbarlotta Craig aa Dama Martha, over earofallj and If yea taka advan
Iba mamorlai axarclaas held here, was „Appleton.
. wWla.
_.w.April IS.—Tbooiaa
o.„ * .
regalar pries aay time after Jane POtb.
wife ware
ware kill**
killed 1
Breaenled by tbe employes of thaQalena
"ifl *>ls wife
and Miaa Olga Varaa. wboBO latarpra- tage do aa at aa early data, aa tba Uat Sbeald you not have a pictare that
Ocaetle with a cane made from tha
* •oulb-bouiid freight train
days always aed ia a nab.
aaite yoa, we wlU nsake eae Mttiag
blatorlc workbench used by aeaeral
Chicago and _ Northweatem rall- UUOB af Ua rata of Margaeilta ooaMow ior tba ladaeomaBta.
Walsh was%Betantly killed, but tribatad to tha dramaUe part of tba
dSaanl before lha war.
Oar prices far aaMaam have beaa
As to tiaaae, vre are iW addl^ a
his arlta lived about half an hour.
^armaBee oae of Ita abiaf aharaa
$130. $2 and S2 par doaao; bow with fin* atoortaeal which wQl be sold at a
Tba BlDor eharaotara wm la goad each dOMB of $3 aahUata we will give
BMP of the national W. C. T. U. have
doaBieallr it waa -parhapa tba eaa artra baaatifgUy tlatad photo la
: aatft a paUtlon to Prasideat McKlalay
idBeUaa of ‘PbBCt'avar glaaB water e^ora. ■eouBiad apoa a vary fiae eaU aad aea-oar werk after May m.
OcBBial Mllaa raquaatlag the prohl- of Democratic aenatera ycoterday aftarfixlO card, tbe mmo etyto ea to eeU at
ia tbia lAtj, tba gardaB mm» U tba
u, .tittCB of tba caUbllabmaat of ---------------. BOOB SenatorOorman radgaed aiebalrif in tba dty. With aaab doaat far $1
P;)B CBB90.
I manr of the .Democratic caucus and wM aaaoBd act belB|[^a»)aaBaoMhly OM of wOl ba.gtvaa ms exto» aahtoet, a rar
'anccoeded bg Benawr Turple.
alar alba, aad heanttlBUy ttatad. oS.11 Hm*
Every i>air of shoes sold in my store from April SS feo
H»lf-Soled Proe of ChnzE*
A. S. f^'RYMAN.
Bicycle Riders.
pairing aad enaaeliag. and that I caa
aad do give yon tba bast wi^rk at any
one in tba citv for tba aonay.
ba deceived .tywbatotbarataUyoB to
t^^trary. bet eoae aad eae tor
I gaaraatea all ay work to ba ri^t.
-^^f it doe* not prove ao I aaka it
rtgbtStop in tni $ 0‘doek every avealv.
Seaday. la tb* OaldweU A Lo«df twUdlag^jf-Bartb mi of D^ea
L2!T“ 5:.“-Jii •
MwsU*. «r oda
r yoa have aold*.
ato. aay farm ef
»m eaaviaee tbe meet ehipWwl.
Por'Paelal hapnitfyiat. ratoovtag
THB MOEaatQ MtPOBl), S01>*^.Wt
TlwDtfntor OtriW^ Hook«r It
mf Wu*r White B* tay *»■■<»«
Bm ina« P»<tel»<w
(h» i
WhidilnctoM^fll M.-"Uhr I <• Ui*
MBl«-«rMrr or • sr»«t bhiti*."
•Mhtor Burron thU mornloc. “lUrtr-avf )-chn hso OB that day Ocoml
SiBOkrr led hit aymy arrow U
back of rnnlerlrfcabutv. Va..
Iwicbu of CbanrelloraMlIe aad tbtro
BBcafod ibr t'oofedcrate army under
OaBtihlltee aadOeoeral Jackm. Hook-
that the war win taai (or at twat
moElba and nay be loiurer. m aayi
that the boya who enUtt to r> on a picBle may aa well take their hn
and haeecaaeka with tham. He baUaraa
that ihe ramp at Chattaaeoca win be
matnuined. and the troc«ia will not
amt to'Cnba until eome time In t
fall-afirr the Cuban noay acaaon
orer. That will be eome time dnrth«
Ihe latirr pert of September or early
la Ortober. Miller la a cloee friend ot
•ecretary Al(er.
CnntuI Brtce, who recently relumed
from Ualanxaa Cuba, wa* at the Cap
itol today,
today. a<
. hen I I
there <
them and urted them to leaee. but they
entertained the ot.lnlon tlyit diplumatte
necoiiatloni would reault In peace. 1
apprehend that all of them will be anaaawlnated
I do not believe
raroncentradoa will he killed.
«r had every advantace oa that occathrouch eome Inexplicable
• loot bla advantai
Lae to vloUtc one of the Mapoleoalc
axhMna not to divide an army In the
preaeiwc of an enemy
DIrecily In the
ptwacnce of Hooker and hja army Om«ra! Lee divided hla ermy and aeni GeaJarkaon lo aiuck Hoofcer-e rear.
S%e movement wai enccewful. and
Meeker waa defeated, but the Coofed•rataa k<el Ihetr ableai lieutenant sen•lal. for "StonewaU" Jackaon waa abut
by mlauke by aome of ble own men."
Coacreawnan Spalding of Monroe
aald: "I left the Army of the Potomac
acreral moniba before the batUe of
Chanrelloravnie waa fought. 1 waa at
tha_«^ of Torktnwb. hut « a« drialled
pml.er reading It In detail
Bvcaybody t a* then afraid that WaahtngtoB cdly wuuld be captured.
Ocnera! Lee
jndertake that
moreBtimt. but oa the onirary . be
t-aded ftnnaylvanla. and
I driven
bad! from Oettyabur*. That
high water mark of the Confederacy."
BplHI >f Hte Mataer.
-I waa wounded at Chancellftwrtlle."
naya Colonel Lounsburry nl l^'^'liai
•ad TwentyOftb Michigan. "White I
waa lying there ub the Held al mldnl
and I
the aplrli of my mother
* "
It 1
aaved my 111
n a aplHiuall..
It araa auggeeled that one of the atetera of m.-i.y ntlghl have given him
that water und that. In hla weakaaed
coBdItlon h- Imagined that It waa hla
MMher. But no. he win never believe
anything other than the Impreoalon be
received that night.
Tt 1* nrange how aetf-lnlerwat over- ,
loaha patHottem." aaya CoogTcaatnaa I
Cnrllaa •Noia-Hhiitandlng the fact that ’
thin country la engaged with a foreign
power in a war which may affect our
•Dtlre future, the people are aUll lend
ing in petitlona for and againat the
anO-acalper bill: for and agalnal all
1 until rvccnlly Several daya beleft there I obaerved Spanigh offlcera aurveying the harbor, particularly
the channel* leading to the buoya
m aatlafled that now mine* have
0 placed ao ibal II will be dangerfor our warwhlpa. or fo* our ship*
vrryliig f,
auppllc* to enter the har•There are now more than
food aupplle* In Malanxa*.
have been dlnnl.uleil lo ihe reenrentradoa by the Pritteh cinaiil Of courwe.
now that tbe war la on, ihe Spaniard*
will conllacale all that food and will u»e
their own aoldlere Inaiead of glv.
lag II lo the aiarvlng people Therefore,
except for the purpone of ahowlng
the world that bnmanlurten phlU
thropy actuatea our people. It would be
unelea* to aend another ahip loaded with
provialona at Ihia lime
---- -
orrxviAL PBoeanwM
O. BomoM.
Ton NkLaoB,
1*RU SwAMoa,
Mwodbyllr. Pyhoa^that tha oom
— —
ha raf<wrad:^io f
Of thB BoaH or Xdtwattei «e tte
of SraTwaa Oi^. Boh.
Banlar mahUBf of Board of BdaeattoBhald te'OMBoU Boos April rr,
Maatlar waa eaUad to o>«w hj tha
rroaldaat. W. W. Smith.
fVaaaB^ Memhan HoitaU. Mama,
Kiebola. Boaod aad Stearaa.
. 8.1U, i*rarido.t.
Laataa of >aat rerolar meetiaf rmd'
MoUon imrrked
Eaport of 6
Bedow lanUrtofthebBriBrhmlaril-
Key Weat. Fla.. April sa-Captate &
F. Uarrihatoa. conimander of the Daltad fluiea moaitor PuMiaa, andlbe commandlna omrer of the Cardenat fleet,
who haa Juat rome from there, epodfleally and etcphalleally denlea the
----------- ------------------- of the alltced bomlwrdmeot of that
Pon by the nx.nltor Terror and sunboat
Machlaa He aays there are n.. htanteb
balterlea theia aad that the entire etory
la untrue.
There a abaolvtelr no i
1 rne.ru
•from here
e effect i
wa< pnaoatad aad read.
treapoB haa been dlacovered oa board
Mbaed by Hr. Mom that the a
I'njtd Staten monUor Puritan The
It he laid oj
BoAd of enter Wnrabnec. City Troaa- rumor* arow fr.ut. the etrange actlooa
nrer. in the aom of STO.uoo 00 with 6 J.
TrwTerwa aiy. Mich., Apr. n. 1«M.
Horraa. J. M. Bnallmaniel, Antpn w
name, aow uoder re*treini <m the war
ship because of hte eccenirb-itlee.. The
7I> the Booni tif EduecUkm, TVoeera* Bartakaad Charlaa Wilhnlm aa
Uaa, waa praaoaied aad oa owUoa nf oBlcera ot the Puritan de< larv there la
CUv. Mkhiptin.Mr Pyboa duly
‘ '
earrind. waa i
no thought or trying the man by courttiurriAiMn—We
ronom- aadordnrnd
d placed oa flla.
martial, and that pU r
imd the payment of Ue folluwli
--------------aCUy, Hleh., April M.19M. treason I* absurd.
Bepurt •( Utee apant a* truaat ofloar
It appear* that a few days ago
oa aad foond etwrcet:
from Feb. !i to April ao, IIM.
man in queailon waa seen In one ol
Feb. fS.-M da*. U,- H day
i Mda.
monitur'a lurrela and tbe man who
him reported lhal he had bl* ban
Har. 1-1, i-S- M. 8 S. »-l. U->* 4H "
Twekeiw i«r twU April
Mar. 18-S. 17-1,, 18 S.fM.M MtS "
the lock of the magoalne. where,
Har. IS-H. 18-1. w V
st^ ••
the llr«i man was pla<ed under
Stretnt. The crew of the monitor
ApL 1-H. U-t. is-li. 14-H, 18-1
81* "
came egcited and declared there w_____
J. wood
itechTU. »•»«
Total. 14 vA. Bpanteh ■!'> on tv.ard. Thpoogh (fai* ib«
Me. kaaiug wao4 ..
«:a ML •Xtrwvagant ai-.rl-w wervronri-K-ted Tbe
mber aot offlceni of the l^l^lun believe ihetmon
- . ,
---------------- vde three la a fuban In tympalh} with the Co-real*. Oae la »«t on •napeaded *«a•noe.
F D M*avig.
HoTwl hy Hr Moore that tbe atateRaletgh, N. C . April M —Tbe chat- '
d aad Uin biU ordered
tenge to General Lee and Captain Slgs- {
bee It Lieutenant Carrania, of the i
14 W
Spanish navy, haa
ar-nie. .1 a .North I
7b C- T. Oravn. Cilp
Tra*e*ee Bay B*i^. >ob w
Carolinian. William N
Ballard, of'
T>kA» 8ll:—»Vr propone «make.
de- Astirville. formerly .m the poiw force'
It lleer aad let up In Ihe Ceatra!
atra! School there, who has writier General Lee re-' ^
- 'Balidiag. 1 Ked Uak Book Che* end queetlng that, la caa- the general doee
Btaad aa fellow*: Slie ot eaae « feet
d.f1re 1.. meet tbe Bpanlah officer I
high by e feet wide. IS iacbm deep,
he field of honor, hr be allowed ta !
afaeleca adjustihla Top (orniataed with
O. C. Murrarr,
aaitahle corniee. 2 glaaa door* fitted
J. A. Mosiut.
up aad ready (or buslMw
with brM abeavm lo roll on hi
■e oa VTaya aad Meaw
with tb* beat ice cream cods W> be had
track. (A* U* doen, will aeceeae
Heved by Hr. MoSatt that tbe report be qnlU large aad liahu to «*arp.
. at B. B. Walt's Boda FeanUl*.
auaof Mr. Moore duly
“* “
_ _.mpiad aad
KaportofCity Traamrrr for meaith
of Mareh, ISSS, waa praaeatod aad on
BoUoB of Mr. MadUU, daly earriod.
aoMpted and otdatwd plaead <m
^ ....
■c'fe,-. ,
Ko*ret Anil*
The harbor of Maianaaa la open nad
eaay of accena. and la not ao land
locked with a narrow enirwncc aa the
harbor at Havana. It la eleven milea
from the harbor entranre to tba oily be aceapt^ a^ aad ad^t^ aad the
of Maianaas. and' the long diatance claim* oril*
Mellon Cl
power of our rilled gunt wilt be tboroughly lealed In order to prove Ihelr
«n<l deatrurilblllty.''
V..O tl,*,
____ k____ . -__
haacberuB a great
deal of public Intereat ventera In the hiring of the teaehan aad y
commander of tbe army. Al the begin.
ecUve aalarlea aaariforth
Bing ot tbe civil war Lieutenant Gen
■ ■
eral Scott waa la command of tbe fed
eaeept that Hr. Gilbert done
eral army. General B<-..ti waa a aelfrooemaendlng M. A. Cobb,
made aoldler. never having received a
oommiuee oalla atUnUon of tha
mfllury edocailon.
Board to the fact that we moat hav*
Although there are many Wegt Pointera In our army, the aenlor major genaelf-made w.ldler. never hav- action theieoa.
military educnllun. -Gencornea Of a agbtlng atoch, be
ing deocendrd from that race w hich baa
participated In Ihe battle* ot tbe world,
alwaya on the aide of freedom and lib-
clamor* for home rule at the haads of
Great Britain
HI* mother. Ml«a CurUos came from Engiteh anceetry. Gen-
Sd^SiSS?^*^ •*-“-**-
propoae to make aaaie with aecUoaed
^ae eaae aad eeheer aaae. which wUl
iaaare them against warpiag.)
Chee u he akanated 6a heavy aak
table 16 u M laebea high, aad wide
t ledge e to 8 laebee
}. «. Paleeia
Moved by Mr. Kowd that the proposiUea be aoeepted aad tbe caae •rdaced
will la aonordaaro tharwwith.
W. P.-Orctem
* a* t I
Attoraeya at .Law.
OAoos I* Woeiagaa Ateok. Tm»*«a* Ch&. MIth.
Same le have 1
Dr. Hi^ns,
a n.nnowN. 41001*07 •** 0*aamlt*rel
0. Lew. apodal aooatla* w MiteeiteM
aatiiiveyaealag. tllPtoatm
^ungrr e uam. Anonvys. npKioi
^ wetUmtopTobMepraeUco. BaomataM
witheot pula Med.
of tenth
Latem UAdKOit
Matloa evriod.
Meved by Mr. Moer* that the eopmda—baaothorisad---------------------------dlplouao.
Schedule of PosiHoes, Teachers aed Shlaries, 1881-99.
*jn |I<T.
XJ loru ot tew. OAeok City Opera Bees* Blk.
TT7 B. POffTEE. ittofam at Law. flpaMl
itbPrev. 0«j
dJ Veteea
^Glal bills granting pension* to them
"Now. the right of prUllnn canno
PriDCipal .
tIlOO 00
and ought not to be abridged
Pbyaice anc
540 00
D ought alway* to pay heed t.
t<^fat againat King |:
540 00
tbe petujon* and reguret*
Philip, the Indian chief, w ho became *o! ‘
540 00
pie; but It 1* Jurt aa well for the peo
Lillian Downing
403 00
ple to pay aome bred to the Ilmltalloni celebrated aa a aurcesidul leader of the I
the encroaching I
Halea A Nertoo
405 00
of power which a congressman pos- aborigine* against
lAtta and German.................................
General Mites’
Itea’ grai
grandfa- ['
403 00
aeaae*. I cqnld a* easily fly to the moon Caucaslana
a a soldier I
loth 04. Bag and Am LIU
e war of 181L
450 00
> get rongreea lo consider private
Ceml. Bras, aad Paa. la grades
Eophemia JickJiag..
mattrr* Just now. and t don’t think !
We«*d*d •
wounded three
t peoplr ought to overlook the fart '
0«"TUl Milea brevet of briga
t we are at irar. and that rongreai '
•“'* f«-elved
3 BIgblh Orada. Div. A. .
Lucy Severence .
il rather than perFloroaea Warner
or irill
In action at Chanoelloravttlr. Hay
aeual and Individual matter*."
Satie E Prall
On- yrar later, timuai on
War teewte ter the Lahra.
13 Blgth.........................................................................
Edith Gibbs....................
aame ground, when the army of
WhOr the war goes on the prcllmlm
QtX oiktn WANTTb-Al the kolr 4iMteae
14 FifU Grade.......................................................
Alma Coek..'...............
405 00 I1 0
pDiomac croaord the ttapldan and
tea for the new war vessel to take I
15 Fourth Grad*...........................................
Chrieleua Patou..........
3*t 50 1 ceat of Muitabper-* Ona4 Opera niaai, SW
gaged ID that lerrMc grapple wJth the
place of the Hldalgan on the gie*
Ifi Third Grade
Mary E Cryaler.
34J 50
army of northern Virginia In the WllCVatluaati
lake* are under consldera^on In th
.-pasrno'C VA.VTgD-Voaaa wMtea tram Tveteeasrimtiem
17 Becnod Gtude.....................................................
dernea*. be rendered
or a aad PWaskey at IM a. •.
na»7 deparimenl. The money
I» A FlralOfuda................................................
Edith Burd..................
moled U
Vo-rkMOW mck
iteago w TUU p a.
appropriated, plana are being
Jenal* L Bard. . ..
ot t>rlgadter general fur gallantry in I» B FitulOrude.............................................
. .paved, and It la aim
. . a qoew
** *** *■
I J^vrac Ltewo^-llrw' Oeorge V :
d nille time vbrn contracts will be lei that action. He fought In the Wllderneaa. al Po river, dpotlsylvanla Court to prlacipal-oih and 7U> Grades
and Ihr work begun
o j kgpte*VUM^r^^pqpil.*^pZeo'Sd
' Honar. North Annr and
Senator McMillan nowaday* a
»l Fifth Grade..................................................
few of hi* buMneu and political leitei*.
Harbor, a Uiiie which contmurd tt Fenrth Grads................................................
Boby Dees . .
O 00 ' y
rroni M
All of hi* nikll I* handled by hi* con- ^*8’ and night for more than a month. *3 Third Grade......................................................
V mt ,
kerehlet. plad
Ida Covert-.............
Mentlal aecrelary, Charte* Moore, and ”* ***™f'«»
attention of General f4 Beeead Grad*.............................................
Lllliaa USelle .
Senator McMillan »ee* only auch IcUeia
armyaiReam’i fS A. Firat Grade..........................................
AugusU Adawa.
gaaiaolry he was
.aa hi* aerrelary deem, neteaaarj. lo
“d to' 'h*t g^lanlry
B. Firat Grade..................................................
Jeesie Cbmp ....
place before him The average huolnea*
Oct. :i. IWf,. be VOS com•|7»0« SALg -BM>e<
Biae employ* a rirr.turrapher. and Ibl* *“*• "■
D trade, >
K atMl. elU le*.
mlaalnned full major general ot volun
aeeeml'atr. . grcai je.l „t
o-.-.-.b aad ru Grades ..
Ague* Bate*
teer* and remained In the aervlce wiui
dictating leltera- The »uperior_________
Lain Bnabee..
grade unill Bept- L 1888. When he
Loey Uanaett
waa emiHoy* a confldenllal •ecretary. '
. -ilrd Grade..
Who can write Mier. on all auhjecle wa* mualered out of the volunteer
Beeead Grade....
arltbout dicuilon
Such a M-creian' te •emlte. Thai, in hrtef. I* tbe history
during the five year*
A FIrvt Grade...
Mr. Wooee. and he la InvaluaUe to the.
whKh he *peni in the volunteer amUe*
B. Firat Grads...
aenator In hla political work
of 111- country, am] It Is urparulleed
for gallanHT and succesaful scbieve. JUI eorta of rumor, re*.
meet in the field.
Me waa without 34 Principal—7th aad Stb Gradea .
Nettie Filkias
— tea concerning pillileal <
Gertrude iliggioa..
hMeUgan. but w-e don'i know -what t.. scholaailc irilning. bl* original tnfor- 33 Fifth and Sixth Graae* .................
Clara Carr
believe or 4ll|be>leve. There wa* a man niali. n comerning milliary affaira waa ' Foertb Grade..............................................
Third Grade
. Faanie Taylor
here receniny-from Michigan who. aa:.l vrububly lea* than that of many men
Qraee Cleveland
that gioo.ere have been rateed lo re* I snwii xewr urv k,.^ i—
___ _ i
Edith Somers
eiect Burvowa to the senaie, and a* for there mere cultured, educated men 3» A. First Grade,
405 no 1 It yuu »ol your ubwl i>B> l>
soon a* this etory excite* intereei. in
at a Twowtoatev pnev cell oe
cornea a man from Bay City, who *ay« ba-.li- f.-r Ihe I'nlon. Hut he wa* a '
I laiorloeheB.......
HolCuwvth Uioek Ooslk I'ol.
PUor-u awtieh..
that Plagree ha* unlimited wealth ■ unstant student, keen, alert and p
41 Firat and SeooAd Grmdaa.
~ laktrwau’u WUL
backliK him. Theee riorie* which reach
•k for tee tklilM
-r Co *e If
Waahlngton are probaply blowing over n»- and command the attention of
tbe prairlea and soughing over the •ui-erinr offieera- On »rch 3. 1587.
450 00 QA/\ Actvu ot load lor oote ebewp. or will
received the brevet of/ijriftadler general
CongTsaamaa Bishop gave half a dol- and major general tn tbe regular army
Meeed hy Mr Pyboa that the rep
ratlrood . M oerv* wrIJ Im
' lar to a poor but reapecubte-looking In ree.ignliion of hla services *l Clian- be aoeeatsd and adopted aM the pv
> aad orrbord, sod bfw 4
ceilusvlllt and SpotsylvanlA
■ire of N C. Wc|vr. Moa
' beggar woman on Pennsylvania avelogaire
deafand clerk he antkorisad lo a
htesUentioa aad valuable oervlee rea- Itoli.
miim oa Alhtete.
aur The correepondenl wltneaaed the
the eoatrueu with the toAohara 4
ooufo notm.
dared sa membor of the Bovd of BdnGeneral MU^ I* a bard rider.
orcurrenca. and alow])' walked after the
te an athlete. He te tall, erect, aoldterwoman, accompanied by Mr Bishop
Oa moUea of Hr Gilhtft, duly
The woman walked two blocks, entered ly ID aiipearsnce. a splendid buraeman.
ava.fmv«a* city. Kick
tteiUy Ik
Moved by Hr QUbort that the vaei
a aaloen. cam* out wiping her Ups. and aed a perfect niorkaman either with a
ev la th* sehodoU ot teoehat* to be a
rpkaarcD xtbsb—miw Bauu* w-i—i- *
aarrylng a pint fla.k m her hand. It rifle or a revolver. He rides * blo'cle plo^. bo filled by the aapnriateadi..
X greSaate of ibo CalrersUy BaapUaX Aaa
e is a swimmer.
- wlH be a long time before Bishop gleae
ArW. will
te eoU* for stwalag. 01
SAd comaittoe oa Sohoola Md Teachany marc, money to street beggar*.
Bu matter where be
Motion earriod.
I oa (orol•tgn reUUntu Buffalo Bill says ther
Moved by Hr. Ollbort that tha
of which WTIUam Alden Smith Is a a ^ecUy equipped man for. I
laU 0*4 okl
Travona CBy LomWv
aember. U practically without occupa fighting to th* eatlr* army, and Cody lar of employing )anlU>r* far th* «
ivCO. M-U
SaeelBl meeting of City OoaneU held
tion, now that the fubtn-Spanlah af- baa great reepact for all of the offleera lag aehool year, be defan-id until
U &ty
Ity CTerkte eSom April tt. ia»*.
«alr haa gone bryond thr timita K dl- and men of tbe army, for he has Brat meeting lu May.
letiBg wM enlled bj order bj W.
Motioa carried.
ptomacy. There la a etroffg likelihood. served with a number of
W. Smith, Mayor.
. He would say
Trovurae Civ, Kloh.. April 14. im
bewever. that the comniiitec win soon
kldermra Parhnr. Koatw
:ory of any offleer. t
.be mulrwdle.Kk« up (or con*lderailon
Th Me HouoMUe School Board of TraoImrdl*.. OATrianA and W "SupMij* y*>elS^re«mv^MSl^S
-awna' proposition* tooUng ce a treaty
ereeCUy. inch..
ot kind with Great BrtUln. That eral Mllao.
luinu lu lonBiiini ii
li- so! T'ahll" '
riedbT- -
The Nea Perce* CbleC Joocpti. who
r tt looking with great klodnem
of tb* crestest of Indian Mad
this republic. But It seems to be
L had been punued
by a
_____ te* *b» heed* kelp forufc immelua nghters Atb good
tflute future.
3 bad eluded sU ot them.
Bed Kenendy. tbe hasdaon-.e young
Milea. however, fonowed him
-tjpMtMAnt doorkeeper of tbe bouse of
tugmentutlvea. would tike to go to the and surrounded him. and when th* old
«gM with 0 Michigan rogimenu But chief realised that he had been outBert la MW a papa, soad be cannot go gyneraled In bis own style ol warfare,
•way. Be If like tbe man In BcTlptar* and in hte own eauotry. be sapresaed
"Who Ja this
who wa* hidden to the wedding (east, amaxement. aad oold:
•Al emit »AC«'verd that "he had mar- new ctilef, that has outwitted me?
know It {bust be a Asw chief for the
V M • wit* aad could not come."
XMrKt Ce^nfipOAdant Milter beSevM MhaOLAN ehUdrom-
On.TrLnuM—W« herohy
. wlUHoAfT I________
BKke you ua ofiar far the aAooI henaa
Bartaha* BaroUaa. a
oa Baal Ntalo atroat, arhkh w* under *a moGoA of Alderm
stand th* nrioo I* bo aerun hundrod
Oamntiawef A
Wa. aa new haglnnen in onr ledge,
would Ilk* to aaio yea on oflor of oa*'
W.-«lCKZK>. City Omk.
kandrM doUaru dowu and puyaacot
(oar timaa a ysnr a* ensy as th* teraae
eould ho made hy you gMtlomaA. Aud
orthapnaulng flw
set M Um* that we could pny tt uU. in
y let, im. KynOA* yoM or t^ with InMraA nt oU
L*n«« yew ortes At odkn or «All np
Hacl:, Bos and Baggage
nAdmlgnod. ora eoKKlttia
-Phone No. 8.
|4THE uses and
ICop}-H«ht. IM.1
THE warfare ot \oda7. whether
t be on land or aea. draamlte la
bound »o be an Important faeior.
Tb# Hmtted knualed** of Ita poe■UBHltlea a«d the frt«blful dander
lit uae an elctnenta
mm Ef lOBffl WME
I shipa may aafeiy steam. This
■ riT>» pioatna. by Ibe way. com
le. The lerrlWe runs of tJ
can moreorer. drop a II
are dynamite »un» de-
pneumatlc bbattery- at Sandy
ports, the pneumatic
■ fuardins
^ tne rntranoe to
Hook. N. J:
-’ork. t* the moat
tba harbor of New
defetiee In the erortd.
of defe
. «noplete
,e em>erli
■uvlue a
the '’eeu'l
trials of tbane weap«i
a BocA and Fort Lafayette I
tklshly natufactory. The
tocluded ranite. accuracy.
—.toadlnr and nrlne and pro T action i
the ealve mechanuma It
B^dW that the t inch run must he
•bir to uover all ranices from 100 to J.OOO
yards with a ahell cnntaJnln* too pounds
«( axploaire delatin and from lOO to
BMO yardi with abeil. contalnin* M
found In the near future which will mercury, which In turn Irnitea a
aallafacloniy answer all requlremenU." run cotton. The run cotioD Ores
explosive relsUb. which explodes
proJecUle. ThU relatln. thourh very
, raeots In this direction
destrucUve. cannot be Irnlted with heal :
Oeoeral Flacler appear
almost prophetic. The Sima-Dudley run below r* derreea. This explains the ;
present* Ot the several layers of explo- i
to dd It
them. The excessive slauxh- usinc tor a couple of years asalni
mrte upon
ter that will follow will appear more their Si>aalah oppreaaore appears lo
like Whbteaale murder than the stereo- meet the views of the chief of ordnance
a and fniarantees
typed 'civilised warfare." But. at any in their broad aspects. This run W
coast can be kept
rale, the use of these weapons by the loaded with powder, which, when experfect
fectly clear of forelm warahips.
Cubans has aatlsBed the military mind
adapted for Ibis
of their value Cor offensive purposes.
rk. for Ibe run. besides belnr
uV.V have p
emiu no flash asd has o recolL These '
points render It uf peculiar advancare
le uQ turn or other small craft,
tbe dynamite 'projector" will be
In other locations than on our
The Cnlted Stales
Bu-amer Vesuvius, With t4|>e< lal lieferencr to Her Hneumatlf Uailery." Is the
way by Ueulenant .
Commander Srutl.n Svhnnder. 1‘. B N., I
.ne time in C'lmmand of that vessel. '
admits filar she was deslRtied sIm- .
to carry the runs and to satisfy tbe
Isipulsr ami somewhal erralir cry foi
1 speed and that the latter object
attained at tbe sacriOce ot other '
A sironr point In favor of the pneu
matic run Is this Tbe luriiedo strikes
under s*ater. the armor plerrlnr shell
altaeks Ihe porilon of the hull above
at flrwt were able to exterror in the hearts of their asislly Imagine
---------------- the
- ...
what batteries of (. IS andI » «ubs.
cubs, as
are u> be found at many defenalee
II be able
d SUlea. win
The U Inch run. with » ed that (lynamlle can be thrown with|
pounds, must ranr* from 100 to t.MU safety by means of compressed air. and i
yardai^wlth lOO pounds, to 4.S00 yards, by the use of this system the projectile [ pioded. com
• turn expels
with 90 pounds, to S.ua yards, imd Is dis- harsh-d without shock.
Hrigadler r.eneral Daniel W, Flagler, lutely no dsi
» Srith SOO pounds. .10 S.OOO yards. The
crated b
finalrn1 result was moi* than attained In chief ..f ..rdpanee. Is connneed that dy. m, pjece
play a considerable [lan In veriest tyro, as has been proved by
every Instance
it 4s kne»-n that a namite
He sulNJIvldcs („.t that many ..f Ihe gunners In I'uha
Pbsll containlne JOC pounds ->f dynamite the warfare of today.
srUI blow Itie lantewt Ironclad afloat out the.dlffirulty of handling Ihe substame who have handled them had been farm
the water' If It strikes squarely Into two heads, aaying that It Is nec- hands who had never previously seen
•ralnst tbe sid. or deck
The latter
reference amdles .f Ihe surr-sted use Ihe highest order that ran l>e fired : 'There bas Just 1-en brought out a
cf dynamite dn>pt».ri_ from i.ail.»<ns on safiiy—that Is. wrihoul danger of ex-. new form of this dynunirie gun wui»h
tbe'Secks of a fleet at th- heads of an plosion fr.'m the shcK-k in the breech of |a a great Impti.vement over Ihos*. In
a SI-1- ..f wartare that Would 4he gun-and. s—ond. one which will use In ipba
Although so deadly that
hardly seem alU.oable amone civilised n' t burst from Ibe sh-yck of Impart, but 1 everything within a distance of 40 ftet
e projectib■atlons.
ftring desired l.y the gunner
He adds* "We . Is smashed t"
The rapidity of loadinr an<
- from a shor>' battery, fort or ot ■r for- h"w use high expl.istv.-s' or dynasub- very simple in . .-nsirucllot. I'nd.
Then* tube from wlii l' the proj-ctlle Is
tlAcailon varies with the am. inl ot I marine mines and i.T|“-d'-'S
tbe explosive In lh- shsll. but I - time ' form a part of our system o' coast de- is another cnn-. i—I witii it
xnnst not exe.-.d three mlnui-s )r one fense The compressed air guns ithus Is place! a charge ..f smokeless
•hell of son poiTnds or 40 mini •s for he terms dynamite gunst are built to powdet. WheWflied iTis p.'"der
discharge large charg.-s uf hirb exph -' presses the air to su. h an extent
ton consei-ulive rounds.
tests "have demonstratedI the projectile Is nurled to a distance of 1
chanted with I'W pounds two mlnul“s aives.
___ allowed or 2T mlnuf-s f..r ten cm- their al'lllty to do this work
BSCuUve rounds
The rale ..f rapidity desire, howeier. Is to obtain s..me sysTh- projectile Is a k e tube, which
continues toIn.-rease
smaller teni by whb'h the rxplosiies ran l-e contains a lap that la iii.-y ny an inohanrea asmany
as tenrounds in
tired long distances. The simple cm- genl.ius Krraogem.nl when the projecl—
- .Inch
method falls to give this re- , lie strikes either eaith or water. Tbe
ig reachedThe t
press I) minutes
if fulminate of
I iMHlev- 1
4 system will be leap s
1 five rounds w llh sn and suit,
enn win be
either ahead o- aslero of the enemy,
and while It may i** rarely possible for
a single ship to rho-ise Ifs position vesaels of this class, hontlnr in ci.uples,
which Is the best of Uclirs should And
imie difficulty, by sepsratlnr. In rslUnr their victim In the moat favorable
p.*luon for dellvenn* a fatal blow from
one or the other
The rnlted BUtfS *overr.ni»nt. rscocniaing this fact and pri>p..sing
, death dealing t
i-oui'les has lately
•r Nlctheroy. 1
Sll the dvnamite n
by tbs officer In the connlnr tower, be
cause they are fixed In the boll and
be controlled by the one who
On Nov. It. itW. It was staled that
Old Olory came down forever from the
Nlctheroy and the flax -r Brasil
“-----------------raised Co the peek, but
a «M pound Charre
1. and her
propels her at tb
knots an hour. Her encine
e belOK 1
B la M fe
n enUrely under water,- bvt
s wiu be awash,
ghe U painted ■
I lead color, aatf
mnipent c
DTNAUITE IN WARPARE1 pneumatic gun. one 4
ig guns,
a and foti
orpSo tubes- The efficiency of tl
pneumatic weapon, burling
Ing col
coloaaai e
Id but when the provisional v
for B-aall was ..r-ganlS'st In 1
1 continue
las reihrlstened the Nlcthen.y. i
early so much damage
ji h-r dynamite gun which was
. ' la done v
ui-.n to ciuell the ret>ell|on In
i proving ground firti American lepubMc
H-r late
Inga This Is demonstrated In the romhoeeiei. precluded the test
ttiva.umis gor n-s a .-.re ... .a paratlvely slight Injury done to ths
,-he- and throws pr..)-c|lles carrying Hua-e.r In her gallant ronfllct with
ton is. and
t-omds of nlUo- two Chilean IroncUds and the diaapi-eerin the range ..f nr- rarylBg fcc- pointment felt a; the Inadequate rer.bnr to the weight The officer coin- suits of the b.-inl.ardmenl -“
I Id July. I*S1.
, • Frenm f
e Alexandria (Rgrpti forts by
posalble for a foe to pat a ahot lnt»
It time, when the subjsot
tpark of martial feel^
nay not be amisa to cz>“ •*“ “»“■
appeatance tod proesas o<
manufacture Dynamite,
lie, or g
gtant powthe invention of Alfred Nobel ot
cakea. or It
leb: eu be made
sticky past*
be converted lot
enveloped la
1 or metal t*
a defeated mtz.
ture of to.w OW-.W .o.acid, autpharic acid and r
- wilt aswdi
e cocoa. To some it appsars Uk*
rse brown engar. ‘'BxpInsiTe gain'*
)f pure nltriqflycertn and run cottna
re highly charged with nltrata.
1 is the cap and the cartridge naed
«ve with 100 pou
.unds In the shell, while
tlre-j ihr.— roundsthe IS inch will
with to. eight wit
«. ten with JOO and!
«ve With SOO.
The pneumatic
•ones. Is quite at
of bytlraullc pumps, tmlle
and reservoirs Th.* guns are so mount«d as I" h- pointed In any direction and
to be elevated to ;s degr.—s Tbe latter
aan be done either by hand or hy pneu- '
matte, hydraulic or eleciric power. It;
Is obvious that some of the ol.Jectbms.
raised agninsi th.. us.- of such a form
of armam..nl ..n -hlpl.oard do not ap-
i that he exploded a cartridge in faU
' mouth. Instead It was tbe much small*
er but Just as deadly cap.
I 8ep«- wr-rw;. Ueufeoant E. t* Zallii.
: ski of Ibe United Btatas army, now »
i captain on the retired Hat. gave bit flrM
■ successful d-monslrallon of lb* experi
ment* he b^ been for some time cob*
l^amiie gun. Secretary of the Nsry
I tvhitn-y and mrmbe'rs ot the ordnaaca
comnuiiee were present- The doomsd
old coast surv.-y sailing vessel BIlllmaB.
which had outlived Its us'-fulness tad
w*aa to end Its marine existence In tb#
presence of a dlallngulshed and ad*
miring crowd, was aacbored Just below
the Narrows, shout a mile end a quar*
' ter from Fort Hamilton PhortlJ- aftsr
! o'clock there was a trial shot. A wfalS.
ting noise was heard, a long drawn out
•ro-oo-oo-oe-ee." ven much like that
made by a rocket, and a Jet of water
rose in the air JO feel astern of th#
siarlkiard quarter of the Stillman. Tlier#
w tut no dynamite In thla or In th#
•— .n.1 sh.ll which fell eight yards to
tl... starboard side of the veeael. Th#
il.ird shot, with more preienalon in iu
sound and movements^he projecttl#
; contained M pound* of explosive ge!a(In—shattered a mast. The fourth ebot
made a lerTtflc nqise as It expk-di-d. lb#
spray was Intermingled wiih srac* and
small pieces of wv«1 and biackeued with
smoke, and th. Sllllman. struck directly
' under (he middle of the hull, was lifted
bodily out of the water and wrecked
^motlli.m hy
vesyrl or ex|.)...|e t-neulh
I studelfls - f "r.li'.ir... that the
ose of dynamite juHill..- th- ,iis.n1i. '
tore of millions of d-.tlar- wi.er.- tli'.usands have previously I.— n -xp. n1..d. ‘
The dynamite gun can Im used in forti- .
Ileatlons. as a lorpod.T^i f.-ns.- "f a liar, i
bor or. In swift m-.ring tmpe.|.. bouts
as a defense of m.-n-of-wat again.st
ttoval'le iorped.»-s or for‘siege i.p<-ra.
tlons on land by regular approaches.
Tb* appllcsii .n of the dynamite princi
ple of ordnan.-c to a clasa of gun* light. .
easily manipulated and quickly moved
will In all prohahlllty eventually dls- ‘
place field artillery.
Dynamite guns
may be mounted upon a fast nnarmored ]
.weasel or a whole fleet of them and Ihe (•
0xnl-powd>-r shells shot Inin the enemy i
with such tierce rapidity as to quickly I
lODder him helplca*. Virtually the expense of armor and heavy steel guns ts
rendered unnecessary hy Oie use of
pneumnib- dynamite guns, at least so
far as "inshore" lighting Is concerned.
The war In Cuba may be primitive in
its ireneral methods, aa tl has been bar
barous I; Its l.uirhTy. but It has had a |
madernlxed asi-. t in the use of dyna- i
Silte and other . xpiosives as weapons I
«r offense and def.-n.- To the dynamite
gtm used by the Insurgents In tbe weaterp provlnc*. Plnar del Rln. may he at
tributed more than to anything else tbe
poteworthy succesoe* of Msceo a year
and a half ago. and lately with tbe dy.
namite guns su<y»«sfull.v Innd^Tmm
fUlbusterinc expeditions near Nuevita*
Ocoenil Gome* has been able to push
bis forces more vallanOy on toward tbe
anvirona nf Havana.
. ' Invisible bullets, thougb deadly tn
.tbelr effecAs. seem trifles In comparison
with a dynamite shower of liquid devsatatlng fire. It Is little wonder that
d against feucta
A. Md U tbs C
The. lubmarioe
ably f
base IS what
sea nmt.
the BiitUhcalla "torpedo chaser.-o< thr
Tarrow type, named tbs Uanlcy. She
Oalhmann's dynamite gun IsalsocoB*
aldered a terrlhle engine of war. but
as It throws a torpedo shell tt should
properly he termed a torpedo gun. On#
ot them, h- elalma of tbe same weigbt
as tb
wtn throw 1
siv* acrurwtely a dlstanc
three miles. No ship o
would emliark on their errand of death
with many chance* against a safe return. She carries an enormous supply
of dynamiu. end a hostile prujectlle
oorrecUy aln#d would eAPlo^r tbla
leaving not a trace of vessel or men.
She will either hurl dreadful but sudden death upon her enemies or sutler
annlhllaUon. perhaps both. Should a
rapid movement
ent be mad* against any
will precede our
.oding all tbe mine#, a
____ ____ ran rwach. Her three IS tBCb
guns will distribute explosive ab#Us IW
feet apart, tbe fuses being regulgted #0
aa to explode only after tbe bottom of
the channel has been too^sd. Every
bidden torpedo, mine or wbniarlne b#i-
singt* Impact, and tbe rock of OlbraRar
would rrumble. with the garrlaoB. lot#
1 the MedlterTanraa-under a day*# boB*
| bardment.
Tbe ZaJInskJ gun Is 75 frwt long, or U
feet longer than tbe Eropp 19 toe gm
{ and naturally murli less In weight, as
|( |* simply a pnoumatlc tube. With
i f.ooo pounds preasgte this pleee of ord| nanc* will aend iM-pounda of dynaadte
; JH miles at a spa#d et l.4Of0mt a asc
[ ond. This prodke## upcAlte objant
smick by tbe. sbat an I ' ' '
picspcre of aboqt M« pMBda''p*r
square tncJi. Tbe coM o( tbs gu I#
•light. IU manufactore do*# aet raqulr#
any special puot. and is «xlgseel«# U
French aolaaa fa #Bd t# h««#
. of th* three gum there will world. Tbe thunder li
I be cleared a safe channel m fe«t wtd# tag. aad tb* peal# cot
land IM t««i leiw ever which oar war-'oinn
IbeaiiaDBlrepartoftbeNew Fork
U jour l.ideo baa law runnlns a nunilwr atate aapenotauideiilot babka. tentaadc
of jean and jouliarenot aocumuUtert ■ public,
public, affordi
iff '
meet eoorlnciog
fsoonj jou bate Dot ueed (ood boalona
pmf of the fact of reTired proeparftj
metboda. and bankruptej will be jonr fate.
Id tbi* Btete. Frotn tbla report il ap------ Fellowi’ Hormld.
• New
'ark III lariuga banka, and___ _____
tailed last j«ar. Ouij one inetUatioii
abowa a oonditlon Itxllcwting a probable
ennalden.l>le octKlij of lata and ouaebt to lioprieaa stroRgle for exiatrnce. That
abvw Q|i well Id Uie ntporu.
JTosMe ID this bank waa oecaaioDed
ti by
d ibroufib tbe failore of a
A lod(« luaj uae Ue tonda In bIrlDK
atrben for tu own or iranaleDt sick national bank which lield______________
Ibird of Ita depoaila.
•Wtowl-Ckip* rrwm
raker tar tteodcr to KMb«B
Cnn ol CbKnpw. «i»o<l teremaB o( New
Ba«Und I'nlMd WorktuMi. He we« bora
U New Tork tS jaw* aco. Hr. Craij
> Wb«1 the order or a charter iMrabw of
Meam PIcaeatrt todm. Id which be held
•Ona ter wreral jaar*. At the (raod lodfca
■wtoD lo I8W be waa made a membar of
•bebad aunggled raliantJy for her In- i
dependeooe and bad woo renown daring *
tbe fieroe oonu na belweeo tbe Uneli
;partlBne of tbe pope) and ItiaGbl
limwipartiBinaafOieemperDr). Tbongb
Plaa bus long since forgotten tbe .
of ber greatucM. tbe world cannot
gel them when it iock* apon that w....- drnotlr beanlifai grasp of (oor marble ' •
white boUdiuRs Rending apart in tba i f
BBored oorut-r—tbe oattaedr^ tbe bap- I
tlstcry. the oampo aanto lor burial |;
To help each oiher Id time of need la
Tbe total amonnt dne deposltori in grosu'll, and. wbat intenwta oa mcMt of |
tbowork ufan (bid r'allow. narabmild be Mviiie* banka on laat Jaa 1 waa |TQ6,- all. tbe remarkable campanile, ao well!
forimt that the ilaj of adveraUj tuaj eome 8KJ «I6. a gain darinc the year of #t8.- known aa tbe “leaning tower." Tbtt
to blm
I 60-.027. or |22,0W.,67ij more than wai famona inwer waa bailt in I17A
conatruoiioD ia pecoliar. Tbere is in tbe
lodge deeldee that qailllp l«aiuwl during tbc preriona year.
and not queudij ja d.-Rjralile
At tbat time tbe aggregato
I <*t“*'r a bol
hollow brick tobe a
d<'sJrable In loeiuberineiuber-II
agcregato reaoarcws
ablp. there will b.. Inw lunucil end enl-! of ibcec inatltotionB were fS69,7£1.244 | around ibis pUin raoud lower II
snrplDa fund *10S!.4J«.h02. '
tbe grand
and tbwDoinberof openaoc'ionu I.804.b*-*n'iifal. rlendiv coiamna .
In our luvo Tor thii order wc
•e lO^piildoTer-, jhO, roptwDliuR gains since Jan
white marble sopporting semicircular
look and (orm-c os far as
!TS':>n reacertvs, of
Tbe general .ffnet ia one of
Ino Sllahts
sllffht. n'r
nr ij,dicDltl.ru.'.tm-r
ferod b* offending memhnri
‘■*•*^24 lu snrplns and of 6b.812 in •
delicacy and liKblmaa.. a fairylike
watobmao bj Grand Hnater Workman
Binrtna Ajeorlaterbe
ftiMewtd In nm gnod
Pirn aMma like a tleepiogoity. aa dta
^nteUy and gently alcng tba *
two border* cd tbe riker Amo. Bbe fell ' •
Mlesp aerer*l bundrud y<nr* ago. after *
It thed.-clslons of tbc Brand sirehranmo
Uw. why am they Dot .-nflo lch*^mi
traretarr far dl.tHboiloD a.....ng lodgaa. a..
tbattboM) Ignoramly Ulaobying tbe lawt
may ba lad t.. du rightr
Tbeoffioersof ihu lodge hare tbe right
U> ibelr res[iectlra posliion opoD (bn staff
In Iho regular ludue wurk and cannot be
| tower ..f wouderfol grace. Tbc enniniil
t-'an^l-riug further. tb>. gain in re«l>e Kronud. Aa yoo all
slnioat exactly twloe at k»o«. the tower leans 13 feetootof
RK'X inJK97 at in User., in turplus
perpeodicular and looka aa i
coDhiderubly more than threefold, and , »'"»*<* ■'■''■b' fell otct at any moroeni.
e'^^Dts more IbaD 00 p>-r rent, bat, a* tbn center of gravity ia still
Tbe avenge amount of each account ia willilaltiLaae.it ia aa nfe as if it
i »4S4. 71.
were erect Tbefoandatlonswerepnib'
exceptional prosperity •Wy imperfectly bolU et tbe start, for ^
in anolber part of i___________
___________ _
began to lean before i
Tbe seoretatj U __________
to iDseri____
tbe ; thn shape of the report of tbe Nebraska '
finished, and we i
« where at
rank of a memberwbo takea a •rUbdrawal
bureau of indtuirial stoiistiea giviDg"^”
tried to faring it:
tbe reenlti of tbr lately completed comas mUL-h as poesible to tbe vertioU :
■I of New York pllaliuu of tbe murtgage record of that
*’J ntaklng the oolnmna on tbe low
paid out to membara laat year llb.tti.'v
is promotkiD it wall deserved.
Tbe period <vv«r$d-is the laR six ,
bigber than the otbe^ Tbe walla
Orett aotivlcy la bvlng abuwn In ...
i IroD bars.
Past Ofund Haster Worknuin SUget
iodgm at Houat Starling, Harla. Coving
j Fancy tbe ooottarnmon of tbe aroblja tbat lb* order 1s doing w*U In Arton. Newport and Lndlow. Ky.. tbe latter
tecu when they mw their beaatifol
having 1ft InUlatlona at a recant mvUog.
; tower leaning over and tts foimdaticiu
A staff la a volnatary organlaiUoa and
' sinking in tbegrou^l It req
tba oaptalD aboold be seleewd by
vwy ransDoabl
esdy ne
of farm and city t
wbo are to oompaas ttgrivUagm wbk
Tbemoble grand baa do rtghtto appotnt
Bembw. Amoant. Mben we are on the leaning sida
an iDveRIgatthg eoumitlea lo InvesUgnta
■■"baf Cbaflaa Didlena mys
rumora iDvoIvlDga................................
plaint having been
Otj. reiaaawi........................... k.im
4.xti.Mi I ll«ly“In tbe oouraa of tbe aaoent to
Mgs In Provideoee. together with tbc
------------------------------y, tbe top tbe UKlioatlaB la Dot very an- !
fast that tbr grand rblaf of booortbUyear
I parent, bat at tbe subbiU U becomes
Is a abode Uland Rater. Is alrmdj a<a
sod gives one tbe senmcioa of being i
attoa MBit Ba ■aaramj Kspt. ,
pushing gnat good lor tbs {Mitoedi
a ship tbat bat heeled over tbroogb ;
blpi raem the TMtpto.
------ -LrU> mrrimi nf eti
.• ■
tbe action of an ebb
tide. —.
Tba effect
-ptclans- la admluad to tbs
The necemlty cjf a vlgoroai c
upon tbe low side, ao to apeak, lookinga
mated drete of Uw fraleratty. ba entera
:r from tbe gallery and^welag
and meing tAe ;
■: total mmntwr roluntarlly end of bla own aoDonL Ha enIblna baa j
> fokma 00HI pact with bU mm- in Cbl
bla ledge and with tbeenUre
Tbe trade of tba I tling. and 1 saw a nervoos truv^bold
rkmaa of New
fratafultj. It la a eumpaet, ao agnoownt. United Staim aTAnericawUb oor east- on to Uw tower involuntarily after
. tS
tte :
Tlgorooa effetta on put forib la HI |urtHletlone to wla tbs *1,000 prtas effciad
X. C. Btabl la now grand mmtm wwkmtm of New Jersey.
■ataaans Paad-nama TimMater OeDml Carasbao appeals to eneb
....--------------------- ..J funds cb
gMtHbuted wtU be am aside and known
Asunlform rank fuDd for tbe Katbbone
MnUDODtand will be raligteoalydevoted
praettom of
I govseaed. Iilaapaei_______
walk nprigbUy by Uw ptemb of reoUtuda.
to do and to fortwar doing. Tbla Unds
aneb membm et tbs craft, and It Is a eord
wUeb botda tbea togatber.
Tbe art worka of tba law John Barmin
ire DOW on exblblUoD Id tbe Ubrarj of tba
UaaonIcMmpK PhllmWpbla.
Tbe iDcisnslDg praetkw of lodges and
uethren Id pnbUablng tba doings of Uaaonie bodies la an evil, tayi Orand Haatar
SeoU of Ullnola.
era pomeadani U euttlng into that of
British raanafacturer* so nrlonsly chat
■ New York yooroaj
teernal annoonoed
annoonoea a nguteamabip arrvioe tbenoe to
I if tbit is prerasture tb*
facta are serions rsongh. Ooocracts for
than S«.000 bsi of steel rails
tor India have b
1 given u
lofacturer*. wbo propose to dn
rconaigiinMataBt regular Intervals,
• to begin thedirect Reamerservioe.
. n frosD tbia tbe United Btatm ban
jOoMed Uanohreter from Cb« Bed sea
|ud Bomaliland trade Id> pito
plrae gooda
ird by regular
---------- ---------------------------..w.,.. ~ Liverpool and Marmilleo. and
ele«rtUwPriT)ooofVraI«lortbclweDty-jtbeDoe by “Iralnpa” lo the
tbe Bed
Profamorr Cbaries NHson^et Oxford, a.
kntrlDg been
ID axpeUsd tram tbeetdmfar
I L O. K. P.. bas emplojed
d bcoogbt salt I r *10,000 di
. Toung has bsan sisemd grand
Bmnard HeBj
mamtwri of Uw otdm in
* Tba total memberablp of tbetMmon
Marafa 1 was lM.ft0ft.
Jan. 1 was 6.118. TbU grand JartadteUoo
boa Uw tmalloR aonliil membaiblp <d aU
^nnd JorladIcUoDa only 96ft. Tbe Wdlea
ngtnumbar tb# male members by *00.
eoprems Saermary Rarray bas iMDtds
bndbook of Uw Older wfaleta ts a bandy
trerfc and one of uwmaat oompteia and
uwnpmkwiitreof tba kind ever tmowt
Mater nils a Hoyar of Raadlng has
bMB appmnwd obainaen and eblaf mar
M «f toa X O. a dlviuon of tba saaqul-
Awwmndtaitbs reemt
jggi—etodga iiiil BwhlQbprevtdmtbat
d Bonk I* iwe.vt««g very
1 dhsetuia ef Bow Tor* etty haaa
Dry Goods Depaitment.
There Isn’t
Nobody Gan
A Man in Town Spread News
Tbat doosa't nerd i black
Every day more and more
frienda abont the goodneaa of
demonatrated that
Clay Worsted...
New Idea
Whstheryon live in Trarerae dty, or ten milea, or aoreral hundred miles from here,
tbe cost for New Idas PmU
Is the moat serricaabUi and
well-looking cloth
tenu ia the
to yon~
tea oaoto for any »^I»~>
delivered fma of poatage to
boauasa, or drens
want yon to eee
Band for monthly toabioB,
sheet—DO charge.
IVu a plaMor* to be able
to riiow yon aoch
Dress Goods
As is DOW here for yont attootioo.
Tbe effeets an very
pretty, and
taken care
tbatt^pricea will please yon
folly as much
valoee than the other atone
can offer yov-
thene prices:
line of
In Black Clay Woratoda, at
Like a pleasant woman.
suit o{ some kind or other, on
aa the gc^
Tbe finer etnfb
ooae moetly in aingle drea
ieosths, eo that the styles an
"Yee," mid Nevada Ned. “I’m as
woolen textUra required by the Am«riret CaogblUwluilaetboalasmuf anaoU
«D people. During tbe McKinley pe
A mottob in
D ooni
oonfiiet wHb tba bylawi riod the lloit of domMtio masolsotura
Uioald not ba pot to ■Uw oonaul. If aocb
abont 60 per oeot of tbe wooleni
motion abooldI be made. Uw eoofOl
eoofol abotUd
abould sand by toll nation. Under tbe Dingley
declare it out of ordw.
(at least for tbe year 1696) AmeriIn balloUug on a
(Oa Mtgbbor voUng does Dot addrsM ormlutaaltbw
aontnl or adviser,
than nnder tbe HoKinley^u"
When UwlaR
In Joly next, it a Ratod'thH^toJuwm
bare base lufflolaDt willaeMd to pay all tba
beneflolartaa of «ba dead In elam B and a
sorplus of about *ao.OD0. wbM weald be
svpUad toward Uw parnwei of eniwil
Clothing Department.
—--------mpecially againn tbat
»“Ue mtUemeoi of bam* and ex-eonTiota railed Coyote City. Bnt tbla bar*
a pal patrioUam ean be ooniad too
lar. And I'm of Uw opinlao that our
W*rn oonnoil. wbila, of eonria. aetuated
w world bat never seen a flnw dis
play of magnanimity than it affcMed by
tbe dietrltuUoo of tblploadt of Ainerioan raUefeappliesanteiigRarTingSpaotto oubteots at tbe very time when tbe
United StotM goveniiiMat it pr^arlng
xaot repnatioa tram Spain fcr a
irdly attaok on tbe natteoal flag.—
“Yea. but wbat wot Itr
“Why, you ees. od* of oar boys got
abot at Coyote City Ur week. We
didn't make any turn over ik Bncb
tbiogils expeeted to bsppeo now,la
•wblU But it set ibeo teller* ovor
there to blowiu lifcs a staom mgiaa
Tbsir^Uttls local paper bas a wboU
page d< tekM on tbe tnsrkemanUilp of
oaa^a and they've
os to HI torts of abootin scrapes. Tba
thing was tairiy*etao unbearable, and
latt nigbt oor town oouooil took a»Utm. Tbe oouDcll rwolvad to mod weed
to Otooto Olty offerin to stand taa of
our dtiseos-np in a row In front of tba
lea of tbeir best sbota and tb^
Mid }aH awom Uw eiMt and sboot t
oar men until tbey bad cmptlad every
ehambsr In tbeir guns. It anybody waa
bik oor town was to bmr all tba exMow. ftr one. I don’t mlad
staodln sp tbere. but I don’t juR ralish
tbi idm td bavin my guns minowbMS
aUo dnrin Uw pmfocxnaiiea “
And 1 tanwSsway. anzteas to Sal^
The most rabid aad aBeamptomlM^
7 baaknem la Obetas Onlob and bo
tma dlvwito is Ml laglag tba HlgbtMt
l awny btfma UUs eonlm* of Aill Mak
I fl*0a.—W. O. Btooks In Up lo Data.
atar MUU of lexM only bMams a gold bog aftm ba bad "strook Ua” In bU
bonk yard. Otberiilveritai eroold also
beeanm goUbags if tbeyooald strike
all or affsarts vein.
leUiM Hit Mt CDR IS (MUg bm
praiiewonby rnoilvaa. have
plumbago and iniliaoell
“ Well, yon see. tbsn was a quit
ImporUng into Uww
PreamBiao" appear* foi
little rivalry between our town and
plaoea ber
cheaply in bulk.
I stanite Sfiof Bdward
We're each tryln to do op
II algnlfled
wbo[andber pieoe goods, wbi^'are prefer- you City.
worked In fraeetooa as
, I red as bolb more dur-.hle and ebrap tbe other lo boRle. ratorprise and ev■a wbo buUlwaUaof It
. than those of tiraat Britain. TbeAms- etyibiog tbat goes to make up a pro,: icau boosea wbo tntey Uie beneflu of gremlve modem city. Now. sa I mid.
I'm tor CactoB Uuleb fink UR and alir free trade and go^
' way*. I never gc pver to Coyote City
! but wbat I have a fight before 1 bav*
been there five nunutea
When tbey
lynch one mao over tbere. as
must lavHe a post maaur to do Ik
oomparative tofferera—Landoo Ne
we bear of it we go et il and lysob
Iwa If tbey make tng jmimiationa for
a bowUn old Poartb of July oelebraa mrnbw wbo looks at bto taambt
Uoo. we lOR do a little braclin and
ID tbe Hodare Woodman of Amen
e melaty bas . token In
atlno* Jan. lUwD there
are mambwa in many molatles that bar*
keen dotng boRnam tor aeveral yaaia
this when yon ee« the gooda.
j"**manolactur. Tba grand lodga of Hai « ta vi»^„u I
laln tlrglnla
ebiefly. h will certainly pay well
bat mada a/rangemaou
I oektanUAb*
for Mew York to run cargo steamer* dioestaoDlal of tb* daetb
“ root to Calcutta for tbe in to and bidra >
Dm. 14, 1800.
. .
----------------------of appll
eanti and not oa Uwtr moral or aoolal
eMDdtog. ' Tb* proper Ume and place to
ga^oa tb* latter Is at oouncU wltb tb*
glancing dotro. aa if be had some idm
I td propping it np. “
When w* tmeb tbs sneult,
____ ___________
' not forget that tbit was where tbe gnat
aRronomer UaJileo watobed tbe stars,
i dxperimeBtad cn tbe fall of bodim and
| studisd tbs law of grarltsUon
Owtba^UwaytteiD of moraliiy which land ooooanut olU for llgbting
year Mt
eent tb*
tbe Unlud
UbiS StaiM
aiuw flv*
' laat yaar
toaxuaot tbe a
' I timaa more than U reoaivad in tba tana
Ibe rawleatlon of Urand Uagenl W. Holt
Apgar of New Jertej
here, ia all the latest styles,
yudlities to suit everyone. Ladies', peals’, boys', miss
es aad child's sizes.
Best assorted line of work shoes we have
ever shown. Prices $1.00 to $2.00.
of nwb faat to Uw grend raaoWr. be sufDelent (noae for tbd orraR of tbeebarto <g
tba tooge Id which Uw offeoae oocura
............ ......................are Imperlababla
--------------------------------- b.revlewedo,ob4Dg-|«
ad to tb* grand lodge Tb*re I* noappgal. |
.Bt of Uw medknl ntanUBR
gtappUaanti Is a prollffe onaj henna tbere
AH alwajaarlstBg qowUout pro nnd eon
MgamllBg tbs rHaUvs Impormnot of nwdexamIneUociAnd tbe tborougb Invea■•■Uoo of Uw appUeanta' standlnA bj tba
r Uioroogb nwdkal
; iban 12.000 pounda Tbe bell fonnder*
, of Ftm bad ■ wide repstailon for oast! ing belli of bmotifnl uaa sontvoos
sod bannoniODa, They Uvlsbed on
> them all tbeir artknd tbeir Wlent.
Tbe Paaqnareccia i tbe Paachal bell),
ir n»wt famooa of tbe Pimn balla tb*
One wbicb was tolled when erimlnaUi
were lakt-n to execoiion. U ornamraied
wiib a ngure of tbe Virgin end Uw dovtoee of Pim and baa a riob. full Una
room by any Iwotber
'« '• taooming underbroclwr of
at any
«n, book poraStporW- !i “
FnmityneveroasMa dwdow on tbe
tng to give Uw___ — or aowrlua w^
l>y Ibe cheaper Ruff from Bomia
Bema never wounds a buman bmrt
of tba tbrsa degrees. If permuted by tbe ' osrried in balk, and tbat rivalry would
............. a hmnan sooL
the tone and Iqjal Pythian is a man
mmr ssnas of Uw word, a manly mi
Of Tan.
Well, Now!
Ever Burned Out?
If ao you know
Wbat am I offered for a r
tbe value of
T-NTWT-n=?A To-r-t-gi
slraWa place, ean be bought oa Mtb
O. P. OARTKR. Agent
ly paymmita.
Let talcu U exekaafa.
AUe good boose aad U feat let. Oak
Park. Waahingtoa straK.
Red Prices
Wall Paper
1 3-4 cts. for Double Roll.
Bn mmaim of k stoMetir* tariff ra•nUaa padi of vdvea wboae pear
fcM«aoapad*oa pUoaeff nfatr- Tbap
Wiu> fat* the asimiUj whtoh tliai»
TletiM •oioTt.
taoantly boaodad
Rraa trada advooBtaa.
taattika, ■urJ at areryiWng vbiob raariadf tbem of ibair Io« opportmltp to
Sariro; Amaricaa iodottrtM. Tba; aack
to balinla tba protperlty wbieb U aoIc^ by tboaa of tba eoamliBity wbo
by Ibe inlqnltooa
■rSB^aaMBvoaaaaMtftaa 47IMSB aiM)
bMatr, wklak ^
ae W aMibtr'a
tbal da dM act aattoa bl0 aod waa
b^aalvtopn thaohalra to tha labto
OMO t^ a wbaa ba riatpad la.
Masd tbat Iha ^attM alafatbaanr
-C^naoU ^caaaa. .wUt a aanater'
na a ftri akaniac (Mat far tba CaAUy diB- OM aaaaiatB,'ara«B« loar laa, aao laae
ibaotbancoBtlMotaas to. aod tbe; aU
It wM ao odd noark. bot Un
M lalkad n B>aeb at>d •
lioraca M t»aodantad
bU old tatbar «aa aarr anxlouB that ba
you^n <m to eat bis aocu bmd
donld D>arT7 aod lala« booN a wUe to < u>d butMt jori aa aba bad dooa (or bar
kerp boota aed make U bomellke fcatban ' noiSar. WbUa aba dM It............................
both, aa tbe BMbar bad lone baaa dead «atek.aat»bla haadaaad.
■■Aliaoat aa gmTal aa deUlBf paaa."
Tba aldat Hao anllad aod eicbanred
not actuallr la k>»» with
aor one. bat there were tbraa girU be
tteboaa wttb bar boabaod. bba bad ao
rather admired, ao be tried an exprrlmcoi.
dot uf wbat oaa oomloa, aod wbea, lalar
Ha aoiiounicO bla InleDlloo of Uklng a ; |ti tba iuanilD(.
uiorolDC. *aba aav llorarc a^ bar
bolldar ur, at all ercou, of aolog oier to Olrtoo girl eiromi
U>e city for a trip, anyln
anylnir be wot not quite Uwo abe
le would t
abir to h'turn. (uriT.lNa.
nly Ibty oauui IU||eU>cr.
About II v'clutk u
Bing bowi-nlio and Uureev Nkl qul
^ boma o( the girl be: liked beat, and
"Mary haawIlowedW
bera ring
aed Ke
ate to
give bCTa
: when ihodoor okiuhI »askedrorbllei KIloo (or her birthday preaenk
;reaen\ and pruuilwd
prumlw] tu
bange It lot
aaythatbebadaUed wear it till 1 oaobenge
lor a pUls
pUla gold
Jaatiea, tardy and imparfaot. la docw
to Un aifcgy aad tamlly of tba lata
Jotia Beaob by tba paMce ia tba boue
las TtMaday of iba bUl alraady apfoored
tv tba aanaupayiaff ^nO.IMl to tba
bail* of Jobs Boaob. Tbit paynaat te
tor labor aad BNtorial. dockage aod da
toicioa and aeeo|Ntioa of yardt aod
abopi tor tba gostraata Obieago, Boatos
and Atlanta.
The nun of Jobn Boaob by Ibo flr«
Clatelaod admlniatratloo li ooo of tba
All of the late and popular magazlnea, as
weU as the weekUes and daUies, at
tory. PolUloa «
and eery malidt
proved to be. Jobo Eoacb bollt
Taarlaand bollt tbem welL He did
work for (be gaveruniatit. and ooiil iba
aereJaud admiuiatratino came is (bm
It of bia work. Ha fioI Uhed the Uolpbio aoca after SeoreUry
! wi„ino, became aeeretary of the oar;
Markham Block.
auu >V naa proooaooed stmctorally
a trifle delllimaa,
delllienae. and
sod a
a ,
and *ii,i.00 waa taken off tbe
' imie Ume at bli dlHHWal. aowaeumei. t;in greoiiaie u lea uipcteu lo la'liipiniit.
cp„h«m .nanrlmo
____ . Intoariitlngroom.eeparelcd fromanoth- Uut th.x -n-Urth very l«p|.y (or allUm^
apendiug Tbe
Pbiladalpbl. Record ia a roeent '
rnidouvol the iro«l marriage, ui. wirth 1 P««y of
on the atfeiiglb^ "VSooI
"Wnol \em»a
Wrraa SHbddy
SHntdv" I ,^0 voice of
./ ...
, asylog to her might never have oume to pnw> had It not . ening of the Uolpbin'a atructore U waa
article enlUled
bla ________
claiBi that one reason why pfioe* of mother:
. ban fur that llule lung <ivo rpiMxl. of s { aonl un s Inp aroaod tbe world snd
wool and wonlena have not adTaUoed to I
“.\n. mamma. I (analnly will mit be girl In s pink frock UieUlug puaa lor dtu i bat beau doiug active doty ass dupatub
tbe.lcTel of tbe dalles Wider the Ding- 1 esen at thle/huur In thia dirty old dri-a. bur —I'niiwaa.
1 bwt e»et iiuoe. It baa proved itaelf a
)ey tariff la becaoae of the largely in- '
lueket In It and my (rii.gv nm ,_____________________ ^
.troctwally ttroug. yet tbe
mand oae of tbe cheep rabrUtotea for i ®“T_ ______ _
t4Mt#.i fVepie e« brtb.
Of imporUso* in using
Boydell's Prepared Paints.
1 gaS.OOO baa not been refoodud. tboogb
ru B great abuke made by uent parties oaing palat u In potUag os the trst
pore wool in neoofactoring ftnffe for I
j,,,. «eui„. ii,,r»ro and and '
The lar.icit aod dirtioii pt-oplu lu the ' e bill lor ibat porpiw ia psoding.
uo„ ™ ™ . .eeemno
clothing, it then qnotea a ptruninent .
B»eu wui very aurry not to w-u hlui.'j world have (ecetllly been discttrered iu I
The bostile attitude of tbe Clevelaod
dealeraiwylnglhaflbemleeofihod- tut abe wa^ in b«l with a bad h.adarbrtbe Cao’mroa They live In an loaooaas- admiolatrauon to Mr
Mr. Roacb
Roach dertroyed
dertroyed 1
"A girl e ho put. uii a dirty
,.r., ur,--tn
dn-wi In the Iblfi
Ibis uionnutn range between Ibe Buck bii credit.
He bad three other governa end i.'IUbU It noKbuwlIrrur
nut Ibo w Up fur )
Ibe Oaanian
Oaapian an.
aea. and ai tbev
they nwit vewrila In band; bot. owlBg to tbe
« probable that this dealer
U. like Tbe Beoord. e free trade advooaU. BSd tlut bii borioea aa an im
porter of wool and wbede.^ haa anffered
trwn tbe opentioo of tbe Oiugley tariff.
11 UiU dealer la well Intonned. be maM
know Ibat tbe awertion be luakee' la not
U fa a fact that daring the WHm
tariff period tabriciof Engluta oanalaotnra wen largely loaded with iboddy.
and U Ig alao e teel that tbtM manotaotwm' ptollu on toeb gooda wera
enonnotialy great by reason of tbe vast
qaanticiei of eboddy and inmgo wbiob
ware mtwtinted tor pwa wool In tba
pcooeaa <d manofaetBie.
None of tbe« tabrioa are made of
pore wool, for If they war* it wobld be
Impoaeibla for the maonfacinreie eoo-
away. and. turning
gwu IroiD witboot, iben la i oeruin
Tlliat. br rauK the brll of a duur e bldb
> Ibe chain aud fund a Iltlle way piciore«i|oeaoaa eboDi a Svanctian vllie naiitasa. {^ege, altboagb it merely oonaiata of
giri be had ; miaorabis atooe boveia wltboot any atM ku-ahtna I umpket fiwpi or adornment. Within
try waa poalyaed tfatoogb tba tree
trade provitiona of that tarifft
Does any one sappoBO that these Bag.
/ lUh tnennfaetarora aant ns pore woolga
fabrics while (bey were eopplying oth
er eooDtriat with tbodfly gooda? It ia
le tbal tbe ■■
fabrics of Eagliab maniiteetan wera
oven mora largely ibipped to tbla oonn
try dorlng tbe period of tbe Will
tarir ibiu
(Jnrl&g any (i
The sboddy of ^11
a qhality of
goods which is regardeduvety enitsUe
for tbe am of the labering alaam of
Orut Britain,
of tabrioa
wool (or tba cbeapeat Unm of doth
Xn tbe foroiga librio (be groaeat deoeg'
kton is practioed; to ibe Aaerioas fab
ric tbe goa«t an fauiestJy made, and
^ate li no misraprmeotatiem u to their
This Is tbe diffaranee berwean Knglleh and Aaerinan aaan&oInmA
Iba nderlyiag aana fv tha Philadelpbla Beeord'e marl aemt to be
that a aotoctive tariff hu well nigh
iiMwiyaa tbeAuerloan market (or EngIteb eboddy aod f<* foreign maonleoreowl fabrka. wtalob bev. beea ao ovakoded with thia adnllerent u4o worMOBriy Iniwua the peoflu eff- 'the Eng“ ■
rtalnly ra> point of
▼tew. bat k it Mt btAter ttat If gay
‘a li-* ••• -
poor grads of achra. alxed with a ebaap. adnllorstad llnaeadwll, or a alnaal
oil. whbh b sUII wone.
declared tbe oontr»:M (orfeitad. took
poaealoo of bia yards, aod the boau
sooh a primer It b lapass'bla U gri good rwthird oaat.
• ‘>rtck or atone howar. that tbo faudatka
.................lapbrttno,. *4 It U ala ooverad ora.
Bvary oaa kaowe what'thera■IdbewUhapoortonadationaadarahMaa; It woatd ho aoro to araek. «
It b jut the eaaa with paUt.
Inga la every town where the paint b craekad and paellag off; tbs eaoawd anat
geuthebbar. whin ia reality the (onndatioa a prialagooat bat fanlL
our PRBPABED PAIITT for hath drat and aoeowd eante. thlnaiaff tha SrU uat
reotitallca to tbe beln of John Boaob.
noeordlag to diraetkae: brtiah out
aad jm will have a paint Ihnt wUl art>
Mr. Onamtnga b a OUweiat. bat be
wear anythingla the aarket.
Thb ia no Mu/, hat can ha valSed hy pnrttu
fore all ao baoeat aan. wbo believes ia
wbo bare oud it In aim t every lawa la the Onlew.
jnetloe. He told kbe bona:
"I know that politiw waiat tbe botI (ff Hr. Bonofa-s mlafortiiMi and
that my own party at tbe time wu ugag«d in the dennoebtianA That b
what I know I dielike to ay so. bat it
b ina There never wu e man in the
world truied more onjoally than thb
booeat old tridaun. Be (all into tha
band, of politlal Murki aod bad bU
baslDeaniiDed thereby. Hewuboaiided to bb dath for pertben papOBee."
Tba huoae. by a vou of 169 to 67. ap
proved of tba bill to make good to tbe
Boacb eeate tbe loa that lu barah and
enjoat trutmait of John Roach enbiied on that old riilpbulder.—PfaUadelphUPreu_
S. E. WAIT, Druggist.
The Trrmr of tbe SpaoUb asvy li a
She belongi to that olMi
bon which much la erpectad in oat of bostUJtiM. bat of wbieb little U yet
kaown positively—(he iorpado boat daairoyer. She U of 408
Bfries tbe oibal u:ail rapid fira goM and Isrpsdo tabs and U maoned by a
BTW of ra men lu charge of Cnnitnaadat 9. da la Booha
8ooM good bu already aooroed to tha
federal goverament (roa the lurcbiag
invesugatbma Into tbe andavaleation
of importMl uerobaodbe which u be
ing oandneud. anda eotbenty of the
She i* Bid to be erne
tbe (aatBi veeseia in tba world.
deyi ago iodiatiog that eerbiD peraona
,by ■ who have been engaged b bringing for-
Um sarvant ao.wenal hb aummeu end ,
eot bb way.
ao* VDira
third eiri
girl bv
nvat.. w
to cau
all uii ...ru j
balfaaUraw.y. Tbch...i»wua».llaod ■
her pannu had the n'l'utaiton u( uot be->
Ing ver3' eell uff. lie knucked and gave
Ibeame aucMgetuihe maid as be bad |
duuat t>wOmi buUH. Hbe
Hb« >u not an ;
•oiouiplKbed bouwmatd and le
Steodlng at the opra door whUe «l
aed spuir lu bvr young mlatrvm in
roaok liunwc board tbe quint
vd be I
‘‘Aafc Mr. Tweiiikm to
e annoy bool;
wu ebown atnlgtal Into tbe
puke, whore HIm Mary Jonai at la a
lew ohair with a M«»ubledUb on bn lap
y* ■
peu on tlN
flea beeldo bar. She wuro a oy pink
Che uiiddlr m
o( tm.
the Bon.
In tbem
boow< ueo aod woaeo and childreo
•■oddled wgeibrr During (be long
winter uiooib. they are abot In fv
da.vt at a time. Ibe taul* otlen aharlng
ituir qurtera
Every apenore bu 10
tie closed uo
on aeeuent
aoeonnl of tba cold. Tbt*
loog iupriBQoueot U perhaps tbe caoar
it tbr drgradatioo of Ibe people. Hwi
Ole dianue. reaoll (roa it wbieb are
aa abaarmal oooanmpddo of arwok, Ibe evoogdiattlled
of (he Analii
loraruole rale to make foor days a
week bolidaya wub ainU' days aa ex
riiuce they have adopted the boll-
g"*** '“W
tioo. It waa evidently qnlu a utnn
thing (a ber toabrll pem in the moniing. usre 1
balahe laugbrdand ulkvd ao |.b«tantlj ej. _ New York Ledger
lUt Hotaoa-mntd Ull tbe bad AnUbad and ‘
to take ber peu
Wbauver may bava twen tbe Ippea-*
■ton left Bfos tbe miad of tbe ooosigiim
U visit to tbe spprslaer't toqsiaiby bU
tioo ro
sntbcrltieB rsoriv
lory : dtae onder examination, with the valnee
iru I advanoed 6 per cent aod 40 per cent sdIdUiooal Aaocam{Nnying tbit new In
I Totoe wu so ezplaoalloo Ibat tbe doco-
euae (or coming again, and. though ha ^Wbm tbe eoaqurror came o« npon
overlooked tbe doomed
still talked of .
griog to tba olty them
them did “*
be any burry eUrnt It.
tnty. bla stern face lighted
quite uqulckwiindm'
••boUforul be eiuJaimed.
i>7 J'
' girl. ai>d soon
b undurstood
undurstoad wbat ha
"la it yoor exoellency • wish.'' asked
It, so 'I gvt one o( her bniibcn tooon ao offloer of the sriillery. gallopiBg op
. to
o bira
bln in the most raaiial way In tbe
tbeo, "that (be town be abelledr"
worlirthal.be »B. engaged Uscuratcio
north ami iber a.ru to uT
Horace did nut go to/tbe city tfcwa tmt
to a(rw wei-k. be returned and tlvud with |
bU (atber and a middle aged bcuaefceepat
till tbe old mao dird. E<ra <beu'be aada !
DO preu-ui.' u( being a marrying iuaB.and '
wbun ebaSed a>>nt alogle blowodoaw by :
bla irirad told tbe alary <d tbe pra abelliog ! whom be wlebed to give bim tbe beoa^ Unxhingiy aid be most writ fa fit of tbeir raffrngea "I briieve in a
"bn. lteb.wm ’|r'*".„‘?'2
teveson (bwe wlU oartalntv be bo bmd
Noaoow to Modtw ber to ahell (nu. Von cab give a wife '
^ believe In tbe vlrtM of Ameriqnlu a One aaubllabmeot now and a cuva*- ^ werahip Che old stare aod
ttogeloM Ibe bargaia. "
Kripea. I believe In raiMag on high oa
wUe to to the ewea^dom^ womanly , *»aiaKa wu
woaaDthstaaoeynritberbuyaoarspulla. '
and. thaigb I may Joke aboni Mary 's
•wr, 1 BT
ma w
going to Glrton,
bla tha
and 1 don't aappam Mw men knows bow
to aboU peaa BM. tor rilltol. 1 beUeva pledga at a vota flraa every ana {sea-New Tork World.
abeMtoraottorovw again tnaUiaaa-
u’ wu dated on tbr day .„
jowing (be Brat invoica. TbI. cvwreeted
, uvoioe made a oneaiderable addmon to
I tbo revanora of tbe Uniud ljutm govbigb cnatomi ofilola] to remark that If
nuilar "oorrectiooi” ooold to made of
all iovoiom that bore evidence of fla
grant nadervalnaiiaDS the governmeni
wtald to beoeflted to the extait of ail
UoBS of dollara
looked npon In the soetb u treason to
Deaometic prinedplaa (Jovanor Onl<4Tk
Taxu. wbo
ia a modidato (or
tbs United fltnua aenata. In a reomt
tuieaanv Intended u a reply to Sanstar MUlt' BMqriiCBt os ibU robjeea.
I laD-Oemoctatie. On the
eontraiy. ha ebows (hat tbe tariff of
1648. known m the Welkv toriS. end
eoBiidared a ate Oeaooatie tariff
etaodard. plaetd dattoa cb Boat of tte
w enonre, will to npttoated in too
uu fay e au having tnod riewt 00
inestlcm, and tbu nddto
“Mori 1 Mar ayaalf awayP' he mled.
"Alae.1 fear yon auti" she rtpUed.
Then wu aaeb of trvtt in what
pot of line (B toe amt OB wbito he bad
toonghtlealy town Mtttog te toelam
twnhoHS. DbMb Ibtiy anaMted ton
nwUwuevlABM IhnltewobMhBM
cooniry <»
Ao impuruiioo of embrolderia
wai entered el ao low a valnatlon that
the appmbar's euiuioer esapacud that
; aomeUiiag wu wrong and n rept
to bia obiel
It (V tbe o
etgnee. the goods having c
"(be ooosigiwd p^" end not u tbe
I antnal Imporutlonof an Amnrloan boy
| eV, and aobjeewd bim to e rigid exaa: tnacian regarding tbe cost aod rauket
■ valoe of the merobandlaa Evideoeewu
i proonred from other and trnatwortby
aoorem that tbe lovoloe flgnru did not
fairly ivpnseot the market ralu of the
qeUeblgboB ber Uesat u>d her balr wa. '•>*■-»
m coita^ it is not eorJnat u Dkely done aa wbvc be bad laN pruiug mat (be man flnd iKlJa time for
aaeo ber St a Clndnvlla aanoi.
Fanning, bm oQlinrv aod oaltia
down lotto nartitfognmyvIatMi tor tba
Ultla toaUy tosHAl bar poraou had plan
ned lor bm twcBty-firot Uitbday- The
yoong folks ealM bim'‘Ubcle Hctnm."
nnd Mvm louldwnd ^ days and boUdaya wd tonflia tojla warn eoapiiti
wUboatUa. Be tavMaU nlgUeed
wrikad ep to toe ffrmth wtodow M toe
aodai dlBlag reoa. where lbs toUt waa
laid fm breaktom. toongh ngbody wm
dmnyetetoaptGeairtongl^, Bhswgi
vaBol. while tba TBier td
UaHad Stales navy te one of tba Tory large waft.
poeu of tbif material have bora b« lit
tle more than I.800.UIX) poonda. Tbla
afford, (nrtber evideooe of tbe tralb of
tba oontaicioa tbu tbe outitomptlon of
____.______ _ the free trade
>■ Inntwtbnn
•aetiee tariff it in operaikm.
Tbrongb tbe am of ibe lowest grade
of Iboddy. epon with oottoo in snob a
aairaer that tbe cfaaraoter of (ha (cMe
To iwBady thb. wbos «mf PEEPAHED PAIITT
, eolte, ao aauor what kind of paint U oaod (or eoeoad or
AIM wub niRA vermin aod
. ,
eapabla of being more exteocivciT need
in tsbricB than ia tbe case with tbe nutarisl elsewhere toanatactwod. English
•aids are epecially adapted to tbe work,
aad by their nee iboddy. which ooMi aa
little ai 8 cenu per poond, can be ^aw
with from 6 to lO pee oento^oottoo. b
it sarpiialng that EaglUb tatwlca. wade
of toob obeap autarial. can oompew
with goods of boooK maosfaotora In
the Unitad Biatee, and la than not good
oaoae (or prouctiagonrwonlM tndoatry
by imporioR a tariff npon (oceign bbrica and npow tbs riioddy and Bongo
Tbe problMtory tariff
spoD foreign Mioddy ii reported to taavo
bad e depr^ng effect npon the indnotry in England Tbla. then, is good «ri.
denoe tbal onder tbe Wilson tariff tbs
. eonaomption of eboddy and of adolurated bbrica waa eDormons and proAtaMe.
•The I, .
operation of the Wilacm Uriff amoatited
to mure than Th.OOO.OOO pooBda. while
andei tbe McKinley tariff iBportatkma
prialog oosi WO thick.
or perhaps tnabia down.
This Will Be Looked After by the,D. S.
Flying Squadron.
_ - . .
>e goods
alvely edttlurated with shoddy and
nimga. and they oan be pradooed at
pricM tanging tran IS oenu to $4 per
D It leaeonabla to nppooe that with
tbe facilitiee wbiob tbeoa manofaotnrore
of tebrioa In the beery woolen dlMriot
of Bngland enjoy they p
largely eopplying
guoda adnlurated w___________ .______ .
tbe period of tbe Wilson urtff. when
' ' iniaelf
we reeomoand that from a qaart W a ball galloB of pwra
•‘■•eed oU be
(N oaed
need la
la every galloo of patov Soma people aay thalaaytUag
will do for a priaer. ea It it covered over aad aevar aaea, ao thay oftaa eaa a
Tte diaeoverj at a copy ft Ite C
The Fair.
25 do*eo children’s bl^ck bo«e. sites •from S-9^4,
former pritie Sc, sow soling for 5c a pair.
SO dozen children’s tan colored hofle, sizes
at 6c a pair.
20 dozen ladies’ fanej colored hose at 3c a pair,
sold everywhere else for 7c.
60 dozen black and grey at 4c a pair, regular
value 10c.
Fleece lined hose at b}4c.
Extra fine seamless hose for 9c. regalar{15c
Ladies' fine Lisle thread, fast black and dark
brown at 19c pair, worth 35c.
If in need of anything in this line call on us.
We have bargain sales for yon in all departments.
244 Front Street.
Brooch Block..
•• I
My Lineof Silverware
Is the fiuest iu'Hortbern HlchiailL O^ieand
secure an Ornamental Clook or a .One OoM
Mmrsoa BI.00K.
F. I. EDI, Jewiibr:
■•fareidM (be pride and antliDeDt aod dotr
U tble (blog. Umo U brtchb hard, jrilow \
gold to be caved or made out ot looktaf '
attee foot hoabaad'e wardrobe. Wbeo
JobD act op hie asoooie >t (be <e>d oT tU I
a bad ieUen (w
below (be oaoal Ugatw. be gave'me a loog.
At flret (be other manted
pree- aeareiilbg____
glasee. aefced tur wbx I wMted
aaljwrwl mod Uugbed AOd (rul
aokljraug- mom lu thla world, and 1 oatd >
focted that >b<^ had
ingJobD'a -HlUee^tAj
pockets at oigbt or eauiua
. uu
tbe ragmaD. but ebe got a word lo at
•o loterestlng
bow £) fund (or (be cbToobllUi
br (bat Bhe out oolj ellenord b«r aecua
botaeat (
K ww (be trivotooe fcoklac little woidas with tbe blood tang wbo loM bow ebe
had eated cooticb
at diSanoi colored U«buoa vese«kth>i ban teDded lo «ttm*e tbe
Mm |la» tbecrlM erf M ^exa a«n.
lUd. greua. bine aod white o« weolored
glMi WM (ami. ud (be dereJopneai (rf
muff lenderir. -I beve wm»«l cblochllU. <«> “>e futon trend of D..-dlcal developthe
we* foaod lo be greeteat uiever vitKv 1 mirriwl. aod. tboogb John neot It UkM into aocuont and etnpba-1«
tfxred. Belt grtecew under white, next BOdoiibuvUr ba* an cxocllaoi bueJnrm we alaei and ntilitea tbe eSeol of tbe mibd ^
tiader gre« «nd text esder blt»L Tbe doo't proMid lo ba rich prople. and I oo tbe bodr and iovolvm tbe prnsaoaot
IMMlitP <rf tbe light uder tbe glam eouWn-ierrwwmrcoundenptotbepolnt improvem-ol In ebarncter brtbeoontmi the lempenttare varied with the ^e.klogited«-xboriolrimegoludvbt ,iooo„ eobeUtnCicm <rf bmllhvforvldlff«eat oolora beiog treaien for tbe ,
White Klaa and l«ut for (be blv. bat >ouod
•rhw tbe aiperiMDti were ao o>rfdM(mrevarlctuui ejo about in terncet ibcf 'P^“dte tbe dlgeallghted on inr bardworklog biieband tuiu- tios w>d tbe alwp and improve tbe genbllBg liim bie overeat preparatorr (O glv erel appearance of ■ patient and bow
log mea haatr motet klaaanddmblog ont rmpidlr grief and bad proepeoU bUoeb
attar bU earibe lace and lower rwerj viul fanoliad.
agowbeti be went a-pounlng. Tbe iuntnete oonnectloo U-tween emo-
"rb.nk?llM:\o*e‘^?tb blm
aa much iJr ble «qui!lLj w-leoX*^ uL
d IrnpruecbebU
petfectir flttlng
SlD« our marboot* ee nnviblng
(rM !«■ bad bBCYi.eertorlrUge I had locOnfr
ally at lcael.|going rUiadny down bill.and
that very dayy I detamiliied to turn bliu
rlgbc about (■
•d M to rroder tbe temperaioie tb«
MM oader each glam tbediffereboea in
•rowlbetillrvBiaised. Itwxalaofuand
that (be ooloriog of tbe Intf and flower
«l the plant wae in Kime cam iofloMoed br tbe color of tbe light. Lillw
tbatwue pink to clear light, fortsmww. twritoe white noder green glam.
All of then reralteareciiggeriive in tbe
growing of window planta.
Tbe Popnlar 8desoe Mewe eutee that
eriee of exparimeoie bx
One of Spain's Big Fleet Headed Tnis Wdy.
The Fnrag U tm of tbe '-SpaniA baneta"
BMBtgM nr* doito
■miM iBflnenoe oo (be growlDg parta.
There are no virible external lojariee
'wreawbes tba parte areazpoaed at eloae
XBSge a Urge part of tbe time daring
TtfKir In eqalpmeni ud tpeed.
She U vary fintUar to the
Bar length U ttO fmt. beam tt feet, draft
t)i feel abd dlrplacement WO tone
She U veer fari abd oab reel oA W
fcboM an bonr noder fenced draft at any tinm Berbormpower U 6.000. and eba
earrtea two torpedo tntae In addlHon to tbe nmal light battery for eloae work.
Mvera! dareTbU la the
the gMcnl impiMricn ii that tbe rayc.
•fM wilb ortnpantivelr ebori expo•ma, are injoriona to tbe baman tiagmo. Tbe rart were found to have no
/toxic or tnming Infloeuoe on pla
Ho diffwenoe in growth wx prodnCM
bj expaanre (o the Boeotgeo ravA Tbe
Sbe wonld irobably baa formidable xIagcBim
Bxeommandwu Chptaia a
OnrUer. and bar erew nombm ft.
nra neitbrr lobibitod nor hMtened i
growth. Baoliu were expoaed for boon |
to tbe rare, but it waa foond that they '
had no Infloeoea on tbe dictribntloo of ;
- the bacilli in tbe liquid, nor on their
vKalliy torkba langlta
mglb of
Of tbe
tbe XSOann.
pert ae khbetllijiir MoocBy. T HertAM
myirif I alweys damnl hi. aocke and put
on ble button., as any gaud wife sbould.
and when I w>-nl bum--andi added
^ batter's
^ and
’f,inirt to Ond ibat he enuillv
.pent even >ear nearly double wbal 1 did
oo dr.«a.
"Of retme. uiy Drat oatoral feminine
Ineiinct me, to wold
Happily. I griuay
^ bl. room Brau his cltwru. eop,b,
obnnituig nbt ao moon at gasmo ixouIty X of Improper amimiUtion. Sb«
WM glvm a ey.temalic ayatem of tnin-I
tod perfnmai
ing in (
onrrfnllv otelbodixed
aod tait
raocvwinD of rvtuMDl.rauoea of agrwwLle guvtatnrv and aibvr bungrr ftwlinga
and tliirat fcvliuga. tbt- tnining U-4Ug
erdvYrd at ibe aanie boor
Tbii was cQDtiiiotS foi two montbs. at
tbe end of wbicb (br amiuiilative pow-
dlOruItT b
;ktlva were handily swing- |
"All hi.
r,-. u,
had gained vn n-,
the KM Bilun-.
to coll.r-1
colirri cvrrv
rvery bit
bit <
wm- kicked u^ld. I 1» weight and more than SO per oat in
Of dost: bU drees
imer .wewter*
' atrength. Tbo cure wx effected nmply
down In acloaat t_____ _________
cl more and
tbe very path of tbe motba. band- by raoring the brai
I gulf twrrd. (ameduwnfrom a shelf I briter ctlmali to the dig)alive ergua
aln-ady )-Im-w«1 lni..^p-vUwai>^ and—but o,, ,i,a other baod, pervona
lepariyoulunberharrowlogdctaUA I.etlj^
po,itively loathe food tT
|t muf^ txt 1 u-k that pathetic w.,dmb.’ j^ ooDstaoliy being onmpclled to at tbeu
Bonaparta-e aecTa-
of tbeSobnylkil
•bUl to The Ladiee' Homo Jontsel
f'Hie tml deetinetioo was tbe Swim
at Prangini, from wl
bad fled two yean betore. ucTbii
object to tacnra the treaimre which
had been boried >u tbe ground ot the
Mtaia ou tbe wt- of bis fligbt. Maillerd
Connd tbe bcTitv) packeu. and with
tbem be would alw bnve bmagbl to
PbiladelphiB vowD Jolie If ber I'byn
bad not oumpetled ber to rvnoouoe
IJ, W. Slater’s House taisliing Store
X2S-X32 E'3?03n.-t Stiree-b.
noeotlr been carefnllr made br Prolaw Atkisaoo to deteraine tbe esaot
Mtica of tbe Boeotgeo rar* on growing
plabta. Tbe reenUa. anfortitn'atelr. «re
•( a Terr sogative obaraoter
He foond
that tbongb pladt timoee abeorb the
•■Id leit Jaxpb
We carry a fine line and are selling them g
S close. We have the following; Barnes’ Famous »
S White Flyer, Steams, Eagle, World, National §
S and Pyramid, besides a cheap wheel.
We have a few of the '97 Eagles left—They S
g are bargains. I got an order from one of the f
w clerks in the senate chamber at Lansing for one 2
I of them.
eliber cored x verr greaiir modiflrd br
irfHo.iw^h kJwiiciooe coorm of btaio building,
priodple Ueaenili
Udy’e maM. while b . glove, and tied the caae of . womao who bed been euflooked >0 dlercTsiUible IDIJ hU «A«ul»lAe- fe3A<a«*-i»« T«era_tr?m, dyrpepeia.
ba a traveling agent for Uifard'i oommareial boom ud viriring Girard', ocrCMpondenti in BolUbd and dwitaerWillUm l*efTioe write. *1
n.0UN.l.«n, or the pn«,me
pbr»'oel amimiUciqo and decuup<im»i«iobviooa Tbe eexoai pervert.
tbe kleptomaniac, tbe cblld of vicioct
temper aud tbe pereou wiiboot iiatoral
affectiem are all now claaaed u t.vpee in
wbicb tbe aboormal coodiiiuoi can ba
UKUally .pent
hisrnt In owldllDg my o
a. atuffliig my sloevea with I liu>ae
■iiy ribbun. to attendWc eoiildn't
I.U lo Jo
flord a VI 1, but I |iiww«lthe bouia-mald
inlo K.-rvloe aod uodor my dltecUot.
quite uola-known «" uur’IoUin we worked
•ulue miraclea
"1 bad Jubn's t<
secliona, end Ihi-re
ed by a c
1 laid hi.
| Urs and
bale to’ have ihclr
tbinav kept III laiii-v. m l)l)<- tbry wUl Ink.kindly lo a M«il<.iml drsmer. After (bii 1
In acaw fur bl. (opbat.
(be project of joining her huibaud.
-Tbe jewel., which were vMxd M .
|I,000.000. wet* atnfled into n belt. 1
wbiob Maillerd wore' on bi. per-nu
«ha retominB ncrua- tbe Atlantic and
Wltb which b*^. gla.idlv rvcvived bv
|‘XK!l“TwpLd"ml\-^rd b'TS'pn*
pr.-il«., T1
«ho»-.-.Ulw i..ald huw.byu.log ii.phitia
c.rm.T.lya pl.-.-uf l.rcmn )aipcr a
.- .-ndly
b.u in. -. ai«rt. rouid b.•«.,I1t i-radi.
and vi 111. ibc< lii aiy ii'AM- I taugbl
[ii\»a J.-hn'a cl.dbc.
bit maetef Id the Uoadowoe boom.
" Filially 1 i<Tauad<d John
MBT Philadelphia. It wx atxiot tin.
i lo bUEliK-*. luudaya
time that wild rumora began tociren
Jill l>y alt.rnaimg beimt-<'ii
late in Pblladeipbia oooovroing tbe ex . thplJh.wn.and1 il,.-gray,
alway. I.. .,-.v
king'a rieba antrtf the buard. of apecia . line .lilt lo n-wt up for a day nod uudcrvu
' aot-n'ibuslMtlc airing, bnirl.lnganil prva.lug Tbvu every iiiuriilng laid out (or bliii
rlotbiw. qulta
quite trlap ami »«wi
Mvaieriona havy boxea. acaled with wa. a wt: of clotbea.
WBX. were believed by Ointrd’n clerk. >ii'<'!ilng-atrf to h.-lp^ihc g.»J c«u« of
«*(«. tha
iaval. nf Snain uraUlcatlng tbe clop, uf tuljauco and gon-
ty or ondar
nu-ala In onoongaial
. and Ibe ro
ily a form erf dy.p*p»ia aeeuU is oaoall
,, j»ycbir. The change to leea r»„llent auiToondioga will do inBniM-ly
mirficine.—St Looia Ulobel>emocrat.
It ia of ooorae well known (bat In
tbe pmwot in. ib«d of inaortug theflneri
reahlts lu d.-.-nruliiiK cblha unt ouly are
.ilver and g.dil and iroo tbe pnucipal
Not a phraa eoaveylbg an impmaileo of wUi* fellelty, y« It may ba
fonod that amtor. hot. bx mnlfold
WM anCt U peenllarly abla In MrtalB
plaoM to afforil oomfort and i«U«t A
pbyaidaB wbo bx Sried it aayi that do
Bgat ao qnickly relieva naoMn and
vomiting x water, bot x it on be
For eaatijjatlaB drink of hot
water a riicrt time before retiring M
night. DyrpeptiM are baeflied by alpplug a enp of hot watag an hoar before
euliog. Tbv aame practice (oda to fleata
prodortiot^ and la on. of tberolM given
aumetimes ui preaoHptiatia for (be core
of lauienea*.
At water ia ao considerable an eleyticwl atroi-iwe, it ia io
food, tbusgb—knowing,
too, that witboDi it life cannot be aopported—11 it mil otnally regarded in
Ibui manncT. and the knowledge that a
weak ntiiiiacb will retain but wi
nba it mill uoebing elaemay beoli
liuir-k of value.
Lei Iboae wbo are Indined to a>ee
boil. Died with cream abd angar x (or
If coffee, u may believe, aeoontgea dvapepria, and lea raden ita
conaumera cubjeol to badacbea. while
a cold fluid with warm fluid
gieoic. II anaw.-re to roaon that If any
drink mnsi be oaed at mealA tbe one
we arm conaidenng (or elae bot milkj,
bavmg nunc of (beir objectionable qxlRiea. ia ptvfetwble.
To wxd off tbe cold tbrataned by a
cfailly aaMiiian. dnuk a cup. To looeen
a tight cough, tip water ae bot x it cab
b« burne. A but romprvaa. with • dry
flannel over it. peraivteully applied to
tba tbmai and cbent wtU cure a viubboni o.BgU. a aore throat and cat aborf
In lie incipi.-iicy cougwtiou of thaltfega ;
Tu dip a cinib m boj, water and lay it
qnickly over (be (■-•( ui pain u oome- .
lime, a relief m ot-uralgia
apphraliiiu uii tbe Htuuiai-ta will baniab
oolic. In troop place abonl tbe neck
flanijel wrnug out of but water. For
apraiD. b<il (cqnematlnn. ah-exoelleDL '
lu au< h cae.-. ewru vb.ioJd be Ukeu Ibat
“ »«>
^rt^'-JealTv nnd«
nut to
I'n’o-s, n..t
geMraiiy ouderuuocr
siKxi. ua» Hi be h-Kirted lo ID Oder to .
rxira. t .be available lui-dium from tb* >
To Cure
That Spring Gold
illse Rose’s Pine Expectorant.
BMdle Boildinc.
i f Spring and
Summer Terms!
metal. Tbo. lu lli.< caiw uf guldthU.
« be kcol
euriootxd lulcreatiog proo-.a 'tepe-L^" ,
dally illoitratcd
A (A guldpiooe ia]*®.
lu vi-iMUS place the afflicted child X
placed In a graduat'd glaju- and upon ;
licUy a. possible In a but Xtb—that
beaiMi a. moeb M comfort will
Hid of .iiaul V
■***“ ■
illow. Tlie uouvulse.1 frame will be re-.
laxvd and uolbud by it. coniacl with
day (be
iliwjlvua Uie guld. by
metal and and foninng a chlvrid# of
(jn tbe g..|d l--ing Mitirely diafoJeed tbetv-api.-ar. a etnall dep-ivil of
poimre will do much m prevent lb*.,
'uUlue of X inittnUina diseaaa. An 00- '
anoiial (nil bot bath npio rotiriug te
of great bvoefit in iudu< lUg sleep Even
liR-b I, I'lil- ride of vilvet Irriu tba
«at ywr*. wbo were tbeo among tboae
a (outbafb will be (ooud a help xa
alloy 111 till- g'dd. Tbe aolutiuo of guld
Ole^ have told bow Joapb wonid ait
means to tbe wme.
' '
ia carefully pimred off into aootber vmIn (ba bank (alking with (bam affably
Wfaeu a penmu la tired ud bated. ^
•el tu get nd (if (bi> drpoait of ailver. tatbiog tbe (ace wub warm water will [
Wbilt WBliiug (or tbe grai bukar ”
ly wouldn't permit Johiito buy hi. ciotbes. , It is Ibt-n diluted with water and pro prove i6of% (ximfuruble x well x le*a j
bole oboap, i.oal lliilomeo. vtbo will put tosolpbaie of irou added to effect predasgww Ibx tbe o«« of cold. Weak .
00 (rrab braids, nifaue troum
an<i cipitaiion
immediately the liquid beeya*ue made atroager by baibiug tbem j
do odd blla of Ullorlng M a low price Tr.{ cornea
olubded. i
Tbasmy—Pa. what ia "bora mmF'
regnlarly Ui water x bot x can be'
bill, I took .quAut|^ Tuk^
^in. (o fall
Mr. CMHper*-lt ooniiati InkDowlbg
la a. or no lunner uae. ana a __
bomu. If they are tired, xeb bathing,
wbw (0 xy D«igb. my «»n.->N*w fock
to wbicb ii Bomeiima added a litUe
xlt. will wobderfBlly real tbem.
Dd* tba impiaarioo that they never won powder waabed aeveral tima with clear I
and velvety
) crater It la diwinad and placed lo a abml- (kin
never nie cold, bat warm water
••lirJqoladabrtef«ro«laontbep.rt'low plate before a fire to dry. after wxfaing tbe face. It may X flrri waata! mlatna and maid to learn bow a man a
ed with ooap oad bot water, tbx riumd
clotba are properly folded, that
with tepid water. To Xtbe the fax
dally In but wattt wUC >( it mid. ita
' “ii “‘‘si
move piniplM. And tX appeanbM at
them bloeked, but we bar* tamed—) ud all *ada of red.—Mew Yr
wnnkla may X graUy delayed, it U
laamad.even to do op John', patent talb-:
Xlievod. by ibe CUB (if (X bot Xth.—
OB InvtiraaebebB XkI aaw bla coat but-,
Bt. Loaia bepobllo.
CetUag la lu Wera.
tooaon witboat putting tba tbrad thtoogb
Ibe tweed xd lining, too, xd making ,
Figure tbe llBiiacliona upon whaleveryUilBg puckv.
Doiog ia CX grat thing, for if rxomioB rexnnable;
er bxia
"Uetween (be tvro irf x we tarn ent a Buowiug uuuu.-i.uiis (ram Ibe tiolauoe latady paopi. dif wbal ia right to time,
medal man every Bromlng. a awari, aniii
for freight Co luivigu buttom.. credlliu (bay euua w like doing it.—Botkin.
-log. immecuUie crature, with never a
net retom <rf ais urilieo. etc . abd It la
wrinkle In bl* walcteoat Iront. with (aoltHa ------------at AIL
laaeraaaea down bla irouirn legf xd bl. cUII very manjlvrl ibat e bavy M>m of
overeat-pockeu waring tbrlr flapa out mooey ia doe m civdiiora in ibi. coonPrtkaen—Wby. 1 don't believe XMr
ride inated u( lo. Altucetbu-r tbe eon of tty. wbicb mast be paid iu guld: all of woald melt in ber monib
aarwbo touka a. 11 bu wUe kept ber eye
Bnnell—It woaldn'l get e ebxa at
■ok m
(btoa falm end took
■ mneb pride la
owXnae. We never Xveanythlng X»
M X ber own.
'ttOik.—£l Loaia btx bayitigo.
.‘:&«(ba loBg«»dnbo((oUi lejadlat"
otoo.-fiaahm Xnuoripa
and Book-Keeping
" -
I Traverse CityBusiness College. |
For umu call on
^xo^arijotor*. *
^“7 7f
Tut OabMUw aad KarUl VIi«d Upon and Fortiflofttlona D«.
aoUahed—Xany BpaaSiuda War« Baportad Klllad
but th, Amtiloan FlMt Vninjurad.
In-rasloit of Oaba Will be^ Next AcTTofaive Xovemant by
th« Arqpy and MaTy and Pl^ are Mow Bncrou-
I % \
inff the Attention of Hi^h Officials.
See our Red Prices on Wall Peper.
H«w S««r. April M.-n« Oeriua aaoTcd Mo wm OommcMI the Mlcb
CmreMatku«pA«nd A w«nhlp to
i«u TelaotMn.
piwoMd to MmIUo wiU tbo Btmt PKlal to Tn MoBinaa KaooBs.
Woabloctoo. April U.—lod
ftbocttbo toorAepwtmoatun
April 80.-Tb« dltp^teb
tbet It Mjbody fotc the ■
cat Dolpbln cMOutend * -v^oatoir
rn at brifadiar goamal ot
prt*o ^ccUrdor m4 Mt OM moo wiu
tha volaataara It wUl be Adjatoat Qtmbwr te port thU monlof. 8bo te ibc
oral Iriab.atOovaraarnagrae-a »aS.
flcblof cebccMr LoUa, bwad tor Ho
It la alao hiatad that Oaa. Hathaa
CSiareh ot Ithaoa. Mioh . la to gat aa
Nhw Tork. April SO.—u b now ba- Oeaaral Milea' •taff.bacaaaeot tha iaag
Ibvad that the prise stsamtr Paaama trtaadahlp aziiting batwaaa Uoaaral
wlU aarar be retoraad U Spaia. She Miles aad Oaaarhl Chnreh.
b ae aoalliary erobar. Twa boadrad j Alger, hewevar. may veto tkb it 1^
Manaer riflea aad a large qnaatity at i waau to.
•words. bayoBebaa4am«uBltloB were! Balbble aathority says Miebigaa
bwpc at Mtattaaoaca Hava nrokaa Oaap aad Oaoc to Tampa. Mbcra tooad aboard. ________
| will gat twa brigeabra la Ilaa at
Thap Wm Form the Tint loradiar Foroa far tba Iaiand-aaa<
.Waabiagtoo, April so—NntioM have
OarcU aad Oomaa WUl Hare Zacorgaala Do Moat at tha riatatiap aad
bapa ported both la tto army aad navy ’
« laaeUre aad eaaSdoat of a
tha Taliid Btraagth at Onbaaa Witt UnttaA StaUa Boldlam WiU Driao
departments, plaelag a sirbt lajoacSenator Barrawt’ mall today
UoB Of the aecretary ai
' ttaagbl that bemai aad OaroU
of ai>pUeathms for miliaadar paaaltyaf d
Haw Tork. April SO.—A Key 'Weat aa aittated t^at they will bare the lataiy appatatmaota.
Waabtagtoa. April SO.-Ooagrma
igialal te the New Toric Jaoraal uya aarreatsAo noataf the Bjrbtiog. The
that the torUfiad tawa of Ckbaaaa. SS rowanaat baa girea aetica that it Oarlbs today raparud from the <|
Blleawaatef Baraaa.
Arad ea by win bombard aay eltr It daalrw with- aatioo eommittce a bill eztaadiag the
•ha Hid Mot Arrive at Mia /aalaca
tha flaftbip New York iaet araaiag oat rlriog aay aotiea of coeh aetioa la powers ot the Datioaal ^^jpwtlae
Witt the Oregoa.
maaf plaeiog it in ttb
aptoUltoTevMoutm Kwxnu.
the Mariae hoitpitol earriee.
It la (opartad that maay Bpaaiab
Wattingtha. April sa-Advksaa aaChanaucoga. April SO.—Tba aatira
troapa ware IdUad ar woaadad darlaf
Chienga, April sa -Normaa Barriag- BOBBriag the arrival of the
eight battoriaa of arUUary, alao the
tha bombardmaat. The Amariraa aklaa
Htb iataatry aad »th. oavaliy broke tM, who taead tba Baroalaaa mab. U Oregoa at Bio Janiara say that oothlog
wata Bat iajarad. bat owe maaer waa
lartrielaa. Ha b aow aa araenag b beard of the goabmtt Mariatta.
camp at Chiokamanga yaaUrday aad
Baer aad la eharga of tba larttUara aapaetad to reach Tampa toalghk
Tha aenf»»t Uatad flttaaa ailaAr tralae will be glvaa >he pretar- tloB of maeblaary shipped by tha AUai bty will be fait ragardiag her sataty.
eSwaad waaeaoW by alre tram' tha
Oompaay to Madrid aad Barealoam
whaca at tha terpado boata. Parttr aad aaoe aad a spaed of tweaty-dra mOaa or
All tba latra-Otiaka, flaaat tea eraai
mare le agpaetod.
1 3-4c for Double BolL
Sao Front Street
Art all rifbt in their way, but they can never take
the place of a UAMMOni^ >«■■"
‘"o. H '
yon prefer the nWIVIIVIUOI\ Hammock buy at
caiM.1 i>nm.id'.;Markh8iii Bloct
Would You Use Soap
If You Could Get It
At priara that ara rigkt. WaeaaaaU
yea Tarkbh Bath at &e per cake. Notttaap .
ao^k. bat oaa that b balUoa haaor.'
Maay other braada,at lOe, toe, ate.
Ue, SOc and 7Sc par sake, the rid aad well
kaowa Qaakman Beqaat tor toe.
JAB. O. J0HH80H,
Wheel Enameled For S2.50
TbaywOl probably ambark tamarTwa Spaairii rubaata triad to aaeapa
rowaad jeiatha Oabaa tareae aadar
yhoai Havana harbor yoatorday. The
Ooaiai aad Oareia at Hataama for drivMAT oar A OMAMCM TO FIOMT
leg tha Spaaiah teraw tram tto hlaad
ly, bat they got back to thair harbiw
aad glviag raUat to tha otarring raeoaUhasta.
Ttaahatowaraflrad. Tba Now Tork
Brad eight wall dlraetod okalla from a
oda-laeb ^a oa bar part bow aad two ara graaUy dtaappoiatad at being left
Vtala MeXatosb Oflbrad to yolBBtram oaa of tta alghVdaeb goal ip bar
tw with FaU Oompaay—Hlg Mally
teward twral aad oaraplata^ allaoaad
Waahtagtoa. April 10.—Gaaoral Milm
la Oity Opera Khmaa Toaaday Might
tha g«M of tha two Spaaiah torto at •ay* that thora Is a dbtUet eftort from
—Marie. Bpaaohse aad Patrlotie
Spaaiah aooroaa to create terror at
Hathoriaam wUlha tha Frogram.
AoMrtoaa rtHaataan aver tha ta
Tbara are iadioatloei now that, the
Waahiagtoa. April W.-7hapraatdaat
btlag eoadHieaf in
Haaaah BIfles wlU have a chaaoa U go
haaracalTad naoffielaladrieaa tram the
Bart that the towa at Marial. la tha yellow fever aad mala^ bat it will U the boat to fight the
Ihajellowiag telegram trem Intpartor
art daUy the praliorioary exped
* '
preriBoa ot PUar dal Bin. abaat ttir^.
Oaaaral Caaa to ChpUla Molatoah. wUI
. Bva milea wont at HavBBa, had alra
oz^a itaalf;
'* '
lalaad Lake. Mich . April SO.
Oaptata J. V. Melatoah—Fravtdtag
MadatoBamoregivea. batU b aapH oaa bo arraagod would yoa Uko to
'gcoad that tba torte hod apaaad Bra aa
Ooraplataly Xarwtod Baatiago da
aoraa of tha vaaaeb ad tha float while
F. K. Oaaa,
CMba aad Ooatrab the Bauth
they ware doing aooot daty.
Maatara Poftiaa ad laiaaA
Waahiagtoa. April M.-Caanl Oaa- aptoW to Tn aotoin* RioeBn.
to Oaaaral Oaaa that tte Baaaab
Haw York. April sa—A Hiag
«nJ Laa toy* the towa oT Martel.
Fltm were aaMg to go to tba fraat aad
hoshaMad by tha Qaltod Stotaa. b af oahb rapoStt that Oaaarnl Uateb's, Traveraa City dheld taad a fall earngrapt- valna. It haa flaa raada wUeh arm^ haa ootoplatoly ievaatod Baa- pMTTba praaaat aempTImait af the Mbhbad from there to Harma^ aad tha Mage da Ooba. An attaek by tha laigaa troops b S.SOO sBaa. bat t.lOO are
ritab feared.
MW oallad tor. which wUl aecem
The famatto traeha auMt ^ Geamal
have naahad Oanda's oamp aafoly,
Campaabaglaa Share.
Ia riaw at thb *1
Oareia appsan to aoetrot tha sltaatiaa Ukely that the Hunah Biflaa wlU ha
Haw Tark. April W.—A Madrid spaeagthaaatara Oaty.
oaa of the flrat bodba of
. «al to tha New York World ray* that
aome Ubm past tte membon of
riUMCB have been eeireat la the ^aampaay have beea eagerly woittah eapMal riaaa flva a'eloric thb meniag for aa opportaalty to Joia tb
lag that the Amarleaa and Spaabh
farees. Tbalr hopes ssaa
Baato mat aS the FUIlp|daa lalaadt, .FlaM Willi
abool ta be reallnd. There have beei
ria to flpanbh Flotilla.
aad that the Spaabh dafaatad
many addlUoaa to the oompaay btely IF
•pwUl u Tn msosns karaas.
aad aoorea waold sigh tte mnrtei
^wiariraai. aUkiagttrae-Ualtod Btatra
Waahiagtoa. April SO.—Ordora have i-f_th«ra was aay abow to era so.___
bead given Admiral Sampaoa'a float aad Tbofa has bees a groat deal of peat op
Bat at ttsMw* of tts aacagm
tha flyiog aqoadroa to oamblu taraa* --■‘■Blaam in tte city since tba war
■not aaoM avar a Spaabh cable
aan the Unisad States aad Spain
off tba AtUatic eaaat la aatiripathw
Bang Kang, tha report b aoaildar
■ baVasyatnopablledamoMtraot tha early approach at the pawertol
Haw. hawaver, arrangamaeb
vary aaraliabla.
Spaabh flaataald to be oa lb way to
are In program tor tha greatoat patri■aag Kaag. April M.—A stoamar the raliaf af Siaaaa'* army ia Caba.
in yaara.
For thb parpoao the City Opera Baoaa
^arrived from MaaUadid aat eight
ha# baaa aagaged far that porpoaa.
: tha Amarieaa float, which b aappoaad
Tha Parte BaUad Into Maw ,ToA Tba pramlaaut boslnam man.
f- to balmahoR, bylag
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Oor Hew
213 Front St
FletehersOrs^,teto titled'
If yon wecoiBg to make g^en do not fflU to bm oar
oomplete Btook of Floww, Oflrdeii and FiBld
Re* anf Pleasiij. ^
Tork Harbor Aarid WUdaat
New Yoric April to.—Tha onber
Haw Tork, April to.—A Bo^ Ka^ •Tala, tovmarly thaAmerlean
dpaolal to Talagram. dated t p. m.. Parte, Bhoat which there toa bean ao
•oya aa wotd ot too MaaUa aoafliet has
•nnialy. aneoaadad U atadlag
naahad thora yrt
tha Bpaakh warahipa Bad raadtod her
I;-':, WMhtogtoa. April SO.-li b ballavad Haw Tork doek tkb moralag. She
I/j^hWa that attar Admiral Dewey eatUm braogkt ana kaadrad aad fifty p
gsn aad a cargo at maaltlons af war
t f rtn-m, M-u» n.~io. « O.W, ter tha Caitad
daya aat Tha Parte raorivod a groat,
*I» -•l-Uo. ck tt. .nn. ovattoa apea hwarrtvtoflhteteBnIag
m. kmJ. M Ih. UKF ud Tba dnaka won orowftd with a
ehaariag aalUtada. Blaam wkteUm
at Ite
aaaanllatiaa at any
mattma impmtaat to tha
OrBfOB at Mlo Mo flaanlfe.
It b Bat ballavad Ibara b apmtal le tn Keasma BaooM.
^' MiM tn«^ to aaka naa af tha ImB& Oa Janrira. 'April M, e yi. bl—
kbatlhangalartraapa wOl ga Tka wBnktp Ongoehto jmt Birtrad
toUawad hy vidBatoma It- k
______________ _____________ ■. R. TATffiAW.
Salisfactory anj Sensible.
In pBokagB or btUk.
248 Front Street.
Alfred V. Friedrich
: arith the laaargaata. Tha Spaabh
fleet WM eralriag ontrida Maalia.
Hardware. 146 Front St
The R^t Kind
Holley ft fVw«w.bito
The Popular Shoe Noese.
area City loyalty to the United States
la tha ptaaeat atraggia.
ale MndM dad
Bapaira Ilaba
aba he^ra
r- Bspriro,
Tba Maaaab Biflm wUl ha praaaat aad -1--------« workman to da yonr work
tha Bays' Basd wUl lUipmi tha aawork te ha
tlaaal alia. Tha mayor aad dty aMelab wUl be praaaat a^ it b ezpoetod
thir^ hall WlU ha arawdad to Ito
tolbat eaparily. Ladim ara Mpaeblly
iaritad aad ante wUl ha
Carpet Dept.
bnrinrof aU ktoda. &mvB
-laMg^Msaw. Thaai
^ mn b._n. ...n, . „ n,
•pm. am e»i e an.
im —me . I—m i».
been appreeUted.
InfraiMfroml9ciiptothebe8tLowdljtndart* .
ford brands. We also make low pri<xs <at Bnissds
Wi^w S^. nireadj mom.tSl(from 9c np.
Sbrtra MK WindowShnde.ai.de 4 order for oort .
of material. No charge for Ubor.
V / '
itfsMhrp PriOM.
wiMt-k ftfantttroflt
TBB KOMMra faqom, ■OTPAT. lUT I. I Ml.
cxa Kounaa
ora Of m raanxMT.
FOR ONLY $2.50
noitMMOoinsWhjrDI hofU M
ttMy Taut lUMM SMartalMd
tha iMU to Borthorn raoorta and bay
■oBtafna Kail Xmat Kitbh
■M. ». LwruroJ. W.Eamwk
|,r t. W. Haxui. fe4>tcr ud MaMfcr.
Oao a« t)w prattlart parOdi of tha
otaaaa waa ylm
tho food
timo waa
both of UtarilyeWoraBARtod y«
drantof by twao-
day by lor. 3. A. Brwdy.
ty-ol* yonny ■Iww. to aa oqoal bobbarof Uairboy frirada. Tha oaaaa of
Side Sbakaapaara Clnb|
will Beat VoBdar afiemooB with Mra.
Montayaa ball,
wbieh waa elaborotoly and taatofnlly J. J. (My. oo Webator ctroeU at tha
d In fToeni d fold, tha llfhu nanalbonr.
SSSni: - ■ ■
;• ••.
with Uair eolored ahadaa, tha polata,
Tbora wiU ha* rafolar Beeliaif of
aad fema. and the aofl eaay eoahloma DoehMChBp, No. tS4S. Modero Woodin every aook and oomar maktof a Biaa of ABorioa. Monday night in Monpretty aetUof tor the marry tiaaa that tafoa Ball. All Bamben arc reqneatfallowed the arrtral of tha rocau. The ad tohttond.
iBTitalions aeoi odi a faw daya afo. oa
Alderman Cook ia makiaf elabormU
dainty fraan note paper, r«*d aa tol-
Will ole.n It^lhoronBhlv, tree the »h.i l^ ^ive .ny ^lor ora»monthl wrk you winb, onamel or vami»h your rinia for nbore prico.
CaH hod floe ^ple.
Wo ^ BaUd Wheels to Order, do it cheaper and give better toAterial Aod work than any abop iu the city. &ve hadeorerhl
yem expone&ce and gnarastoe SAtiafactioD
Pleaae give iu a trial
BLL18, 811 Pront dt. Best.
If -You Have Logs to Sell
I keantlfylof tka baiidlnf with a new
I porch, plate flaaa windawa and other
I iapraremeBta.
It tb« kil^ad raporto to Vodrid eoitha SfMitk ud ABerieus Boeta.
b* aliod vp with Blaoeo'i aecoii^t of
After a<
- Ako-bOBhordBOBtofM*U«zm. it may
playing |
I dim ef Uraca EpUcopal ehorch
le «■— apaot in rialUOf and |
* ■opper at Korrmtem' Hall
mea delieiooa enka and let
\ boMtelyeo«e)a2led that if abattla haa
B. foarht it waa aa ABerican vic
meat aarkeL
I. O. O. T. OfBaara.
' Vox SopoitBOiit ViU Taka Prompt
Haoanroa to StroBRthaa Tkom
•paeUluTaaHoBaniu llncas.
OmwB. UyrUa and Lelah UlUdr. Geor-!
gla’Monran. ElU Scboelder. Louisa j
Era Thacker. FauBle Ureenstead, Nita
Porktoa aod Whiw hare had a lose Cora aad MayVoruoa. Grace HaaUDga.
Btkal Oibbe. Wlolfred Puller. Edna
.aanfereaea with (heaecrotarr of war
•a to tbo defoBMlcaa eoBditiOB of Ua
Nice Templar—Jeaaie Curtiaa.
ThoIOo «oaat
I’aatChiaf Teuplar-1. D. Uobba.
baeretary—Maiwt Brown.
AsalataBt •JeervUry—May Boyeton.
ly King,
Guartf—Bert Wood.
(toDtinel—Lee Swan.
Moflatt, Jaaia Murray. Kathrya ParThe Jewelry atore of W. C- and B. A.
rwnl, Rbeda Rattenbery, Gnea Orbelt.; Gaai
t has aeriargaae a very atlrac
Circuit Oourt Aifjoaraad.
Loot Hisht.
LMdaa.. April
U roportod
that ffladatoBO U rapidly aiokliif aad
'almoatein renderad a Tardiet of
Last Week’s Circulation of Tke
Morning Record.
S. :
Tha court was pd jouraed to Hay J3rd.
Vow Tork. April 30.—A Kay Waot
* raporu the aoddaht to the Caahiaf aa
aat aariooa and daa to aa esploaioB of
• roealrer.
8ba wUI be raady tor i
Sunday. April 24......... 8S1. .294. ..
Tuesday. April 26.. . . . . 896 . . . 106 ..
Thursday, AprU 28 . . . 966 144.
Friday, April 29
981. . . .119 ..
Saturday, April SO . . 997... 139
prise, was la the city on boMnam ya^
FormmaL .
Baldan's eighth birthday aad sba and
ibar af ber fricadi spent a very
buppy afternoon at tba boat of Mra.
G. B.. Utfarop at Edgawood, ,b».
SB joyed a delicicns supper.
Dave Sieber came over fro
Mra. DavU returned to Old Mhaio*
Bay yesterday.
Wilbur P. GUI of Glllt Pier.
the city yeatarday.
io today after a short visH with Mho
o. W. Gbrfb,, bt 81, Pbbl. U U.;
gudPtof Hoe. Perry Hannah.
Un, Cb«,.J,. B.,. wbo b.. bbb.
'apeading aame time in the city
MIm Oraoe U Forge of Elk BApida.
*( Mr. and Mra. H, Montagu*,
baa> bean viaiUug
vialling Mim aavaUad.
left Tmtevdav
ymterday far Uarvaenia,
Taken by tha Kartgagao.
Tha mortgage oa the fair grounds
property was foreeloaed yraterday and
Bi^D M.. Peake baa
raturuad to j where aha will apend tha ai
sold at sheriff's >Ale tv Joku Omaopd,
the mortgagee, for (3.328 08.
Vo Adapted by Board of .Suporolaora Vast Tueoday.
Total .... 5.591
9 70
Today's Edition.................................... 1200
oflioe, bat uodered tha tarvicas of hia
liaemaa. Tboass Drak. to Fire Cbiaf
eoart hosae coaailtea waa to bara
xoeefrad plana for the prepeaad oouatr
Mldtog. Meaan.
aad Puleipbar
warn tha only mamben preseat. Mr.
Walker not (Miag able to get
The toll e»Bim(tee. however, wilt meet
Reanie (or the besefit of the ire deXxnaptianal Musical Talaat
aoagaia Friday Dighl'econoerl. where
of which mdieate. a good |
Mr. Itoak is aa efficient and
sjgep ic the eegiae bouse nigbu
^ and
^ writa_f haben^corpua will
vary difficult barmoBieaUoD was doaalP'*'^
MB Of plsM ^ apeelBcAtioBs
byMiaa Crawford, who Brat -had to
tranipoaa tha original solo aad then ]
Boon roeaived and another U expected
ioproviaetke accoBpaaimsnU
-'atoon at tha Beetini Tuesday.
iisemsn mud' will make a ralua, expert
* *•'7 •^tracOve daaign of ^ b e additioa to the 8re department He
The friaud. of Mias Alice Crawford
will be lateraeted to kbow that ia tbe
Itoaday to thoroughly iaveeiigau the the saag tbe S'>Ie part with hummlag
ory to aeeompoaimaat by tha quartet, tbe
n to the beard of a
Manager John Barry of tbetelcphoaa
exebaage and Weatera I'nioa ulegraoh
Taatarday waa iba day upon which
■ PeTo> 1U-. after a short viait in tha dty;
Editor Nelson of the Leelanau EbUwKafgaiat Boldoa'e Birthday.
OpaetaluTBi Hobiibq Barcas.
that' CapUla
Sacaivar tor lolaad Zdtmbar Oa.
Wilbur P. Gin was yesterday ap-j
Lan Sogga. traasurar of Leelanna
UendersoB will leave Monday for BelUlre. to attosd the ADtrim eonoty Cir- pointed receiver af Ue Laland Laabar i»a>ri7- wasovarfroB LeU»d yaatm*
Co. dolagbualBamalUlapd..
enit cnart.
Yaeterday waa IKUe Him Margaret
eaase of action.
Judge Corbett aad Court Stenographer
aaa hardly laat Uroofh tha Glybt.
. dlapateh
Ia the Circuit court ymleiday ^e
ary In the case of H.
tp'irlil toTai Woaauia Bacoaa.
Mill MaohiDcry of all deAcripUona. including Two EDginiee,
Pet Works, Carriages and Saam. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
orge Unnter.
to ftoo tha matter prompt atteatloa.
Vaa Wat Sapoetad to Loot Threncb
Treasprar—Warren Mitore.
Rer. J.A. Bready will take far
Tbo aocretary promiiea
OX.AMTOVX sarxzHo.
PiDaacial Secretary—Ellsworth Hale.
IN»l. No. 1)^. U. A. R.. will attend aar-
bis subject -The
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
.Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
Chief Templar-W. W. Goble.
Tha Haanab Siflm and MeCfaeraoo
the easning quartar:
Margaial Tice iu tha Plrut M. E church this even.
Loedoa.' Nellie Urdie. Loin Calkiat.
tha fallowing uftlcera ware elected for
wasagift protolaed by
<»«• k«r 8n.t letler.
Grace Smith. Mamie Poharal.
the maatiug of
Lodge. -So. 4il. I. (t. T. T. laat night,
braryoia U
Supper SO crou.
paraned by Mra. J. \
^nilam Baltner has shipped a tVarThe penyo
B. MartlB and tha r. UBf ladim flriaf '"•'r hlcycle to bis daugbur Ida. who
it were tha Miasm Alice WaiV Hilda,'* ■“ **»« “hool for feeble minded at
CorrsApond with the Traverse City Lumber CompaDy.
W^bave for sale Good,
Ob Teeaday ereelBf. May 3. tha la-
' Mralnr tke oxpoeud UtUe teti
Jnst Received Spring St|les, New Designs'
readyin case of tire to l<«k af-
beap-1 ter i-lewinog ofbuildings ia danger
'« the kupreaae court ia lbr!of tire
seatenced '
for .aevan 1
These ““'’‘hafor assault and totUry.
ou the !
.. T^hua.
City News Co.
tbe '
a aeoteece to tba reforms-1
ftea Saginaw. Tbeot received are two and tbe encore eong were amoag the
tory for that offenav
lav IS
U UlegaL C. G. Ii
Dr A.,
I.. Von
von uolcxe
Dolcka will be le
ie the
tha eitr
teaplsMfromP. a Moore and W. A. mast delightful aombera ou the praSaturday aad Monday to att: DsvUare looking '
Tureer aad Pratt A
each gruB. In this conaeclion a ward ia
; tend to pstimia sod will give free ooaafter Pierce's case.
Worn Milwankoe. Grand Rapids, aad
' I soltalioD and advice to these seeking It
-thdlanapollA. .The beard *111. adopt given the qearwt by Mlec Crawford
- -............ from
be amlsB. Her amistaace U diarrt(i-a ever since the war aad hare |
iho <m thw daaa beat suited to
aratiau aad carrying out af tba used all kinds of laedlclnea for It- At'
■Mda«»«emeaUng Tnaadsy.
last I r.tand one remedy that has been |
eoneert added anch to Ha ancccas.
ftonn, loenl arehitoeU aad one
T *"a j
berlsin's Colic, Cbelc
■ ^by Idgkt Olub Sipkabet
' Remedy.—!•. E. G
FollewiagUtba clobi
Of the ! La. For sale by 8
Ruby Ugbt aub. read frem the club
t aad Diairhr
Your Wife
one to baag tbe paper
druggUt- j who will not dlaappol . either ia the
I workmanship or the t la be promises
Tara fruit juices and bast tea
Tka presldant of lbs AlBrnni Aaaoala- paper "It" at tbe Friday night Beet-!
I to coma. That's me.
!aaly are sold at (5. B Waifa
toe* yastorday made the foHowlng ap'aoDUiB.
: Pann
pototaapto of eomaittoea far tha au- A Is lor Alhee. a high vch.*] irlrl. >1
ngl raeeptien:
bs at tbs club and the Lyeeam
«o Look Aftor the. BaUtU of the
Frank Friedrich.
PlAoa of fneaUng-Parm C. QUhart.
VottiaC. Gray. WilliaB H. Poater.
DoeovAtiODs-AIieeL. Crawferd.SaUs
KaU. Will Heramaa.
and that psu n.- in wind
John R. Santo,
General Insurance.
' ivunbun
Trsvvrav City. Mich
' peAB, Blswarth Hals.
Smith. 1>7; Wialfred f>mpv«a. •«S;
floorge B. lUlbonme,'»(; Praao -Oage.
*»1: Mra. CynUia Douflas. *9^
T. Trade. 'SI; WUI Galdwall. '00; Mary
Bntnar, ’89;
Mra. Chiria Plerea,
.FecTto WkllBan.-^T: Mabal Batm, '86;
Mra. Matilda McMaaua. '63.
BefraakBaato—Alan Uaaprea.
1 !•.# crotipof Mwe alee Utile cliaps;~^
'bPlr wasroBl4ii-l COBS ootSey sat ue Iniihms.
I U(or Hord;sbs-.aaead, bolsbe's nlee.
ti our }€.» wbse «e oar a pUl* mice
^ Albvxr
B I.babaotbe
nnalagtou. HlnBle & Walt. Eraeat a. Allyu. Parm C.
»»hmeU, Alma Daapraa. Hany Knay
Vardlct Againat Jneknan.
Pis ler pMk, wbo is fond of the truth;
Poe bts vlfe, nho !• praetteed In gteur rapm
P Is (or Perry, vbo to xotox to rawp oni.
apetacTlgetsUoaecw adtotof leosl.
V to foe quad, out ot date bat stUI ene.
■ ra. J. A. JaekaoB waa eouelnd- B to Uto kaby Usbi dob ererj Uwoi
8 Is lor itoTeranev W* hope sbs vUl "Jiee."
.ddlntha Circuit court yaeterday. averdiet hsiag teadarud in favor of tha T la (or Tylw. as gevd aa the beet
vs tba botiae and vs de Iho rest
f)nlAtiffiBforS3?o.is. Tba enae Invovad
tadstcrWalt.vh»atartedtbs(ee: .
Aka attornaya toes la tba enaa of the
TMseeaaof J. J. Tw.
MMhiffiO" Brawtog Oo. va. Jaekaou,
u^ldh waa triad in the Circuit aourt
Whoaplng OaBgh.
IhadullUle hoy
dead fraa aa
who waa nwrly
ef whoop^i^
E. B. Barbour,
Theatre Co.
Supported bp
New Specialties.
Mary Sbnar Dsnd.
>’s Cougn Remedy.
—'tMt Blrkb at 11 e'eloe^AUty. tha
not ihlak thak any medlciae w.
iBtoat duthtm of Mr. and Mra. C J. help him. bat after gIvlAC hiB a
doees of that raaedy I aotlood an
provement. and one botUe curad____
«- malriag syrapa
g^^fc^tnin. a. V. Wait.
XnaOtuM BnAAr-Tha baat-s oMta
. ffiffitoitAt^ffitWklMngBtora.
n‘‘wWSSE:'’VraeTthtog la nuat. elaan and now
Opening Piny:—
“A Ghee^l Liar.”
BsAU an
At box efiea
Om lady (rsa Monday night If aoeom^ by A per*, holding a paid »c
^ ^
CoimeDciDg Moudi; .Efesing, |^
IMIay 2,
Btolnberg, EateUa dekneider.
^ Once More
I Washington
Steinberg’s Grandig
-'V^eptloa—Marion Eobaru. •»<;; Jea-
I Has invaded the^Iand in the interest of humanity, and once !
more in the interest of those who intend gettii^
IA New Carpet Or a Floor CoYoriDg
OF A -NT-^ -pg-T-NTT)
We mention the fact tbat we offer tbe best, have the :
; largest sEock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- :
: isthotion than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.
•aa xoBjmfo bboosd.
Cubc't *‘Buteh«” Oef«Bd« Himfor Hi* Court* White
Oovomer 6*nor«L
rsTsiaba* br Maappettk* CfcukM,
8|>rlDKflrId, Ilia.. OpMl H.—Tbc snprana court lua IM nicbt fllad • daclaloo In tbc
of WllUam Hoonar
eouBi'r clerk
of Wifl counlr. eakliui
6anM» at XOiW*. m. oa ‘Tba Wada will ba balpiral to raal
Matt. nit-H.
at bpM plaaaa briar teas wltb
UTS ms A0T8
M ifc. 1-i.u-l bT >prtlla tha Nnaaft. Vr.alM> nC Mm
aatir-MI«ai>rae'B A«T»ra *a
aantatiVa from i
trtct. c npuwd O
diatrtct belod
«lli« cumposad o
of Will and Dui'>«r. ‘
court m bia daclalun
nida that tba
aanatorial appon
bill paaaad bjr
itcpubiK'BD icKialaiurc at the apal araalun la ut-L'onatltullonal. Tba
Taka, baarty part 1b tba suala.
Mbaol at
cloat of
Joaier Cbrlaiian BadWror at ;
Y. P. 8. aE.at#-JBp.«.
V from <- I
At 7;B0 p. B. tba plater will pranah
■ annlTtraary aerann.
TbU ia tba
I ON....
Blatb aonlvataary of bla paatorata ja
Utataax Ar^ Tnra'aaad.
Madrid. April JO.-Purlb* tha dabaio
In tha wbi.'a ypt.-rAty 'lanarai Waylar.
In a clear voiraand uinid atianllon fiMin
Khulf houBc ttbd tba catlarlo.
apotopiaad l.ir ptol.-ncln* the tiebale.
piaadtng that hi wulJ not aJIuw the
opportunity ta-p-aa ol drfindlnt himaair adainat tnucl'm.
Wiih much
wamiih ha dt-rmd.d hia p-.iitical and
MlUlarr acle of aav. rliy ID Cuba, ahnfr.
e that be daamad^ih-ni vitally nacaT and that tiny »on- juaun.-d by the
> they pn»lui-.'d. (to much waa
la raar. ba dailart d. that bad ba
bran bIIo'^.hI ala moniha
Innai-r b'
ironid h*».- .ntir.ly rruahad tha InaurnctlUR and would have .raatlaed the
protniaa ha Rioda to Rvnnr Can"Voa dal
Caallllo that by April, laps, ha would br
llnola prx.vidat. that tha ktale ahall ba
apportlonrd after each fedaral cenaua.
TJia defenaa b.ld that the apiwrtti.nmenl ivul.l Iherafore ba mada ni nriy
llme, but the aupi. ina court h. lda that
tba Axina by ih.x oonatitution »r u
lima and mnda for the d-dns of aiu h net
waa hy Imiili.atlon a r.irlilddlnc -d any
othar time or m.Kle and a pr>'hlhlilon of
tha axArrse of Die p- war In any .><lo r
way. The dreiai.in la by JudjTe Ca-iwrlrhl. Ju.lcaa Wilkin and I'arier .1 ila-rempl.-ry w'rli of mandainua
la ordarad lsa ae<I us aakad
roBBd la Thair H..ina I
Chh-t*o. April 3o - ri..a|H-d In .airli
orheraarnia John Aaknlih, 7a yaara u d.
and hiH wife Uarf:ar.'I. 74 yrant .Hd,
wara found dead .-n the floor of their
Canal alno.i yaaierday by
Id a poMU'in 10 offar him &‘i.00t> vatarana | bonia at
'to Btlai-k IHV Vnltad Slat.-a. Oaiiaral I |~>li<-.'iiiai
-om me canaliuri avenua
— .
- I, ,h, h„n,..
iinted nbl-Ida. but an inveallL'decivciua It. and hr i-.iMlu.hsl xMfh
gailun d.-valu|>ed the fact that they had
aaphyglaled, the
a d.aplay of ci
room* l>elng full of
aping gaa. Aak•*»T.
CaaaamtiTM ta.lowM ttrrler.
with and him wife
S-olrh, and eooTha Duka of Teiuan and I.u-uienani dgc-tad a notion elora on the Brat floor,’
Oancral .ktcarnipa iln-lar. d that the while the up|K-r hour waa Ou-upled aa
Conaarrativa party
elwaya apiinn.-d alaaplag aparimanla
■nia oflli'arw f.ircad an aniranae to the
•nd arceptad tba rmponaihlllly f. r the
kcts of Oaneral W.jrirr In Cuba.' Theae •tore by a rear doer, but It wa» ei-varwl
Oeclaradona alford.-d Manor Morel.
nilnuiea bafora they could enter. W. Patary for the ■-■iloiiie*. an.l o|>i>>r lunity cau»e of the na Fnnally tha -imcera
of avoldln* a da ate with Oeneral Wey- manacad to make' their-way upatatrw.
lying on the floor near the aiepa
■ lar. fSenor Mom declaring that
acouree would ha uaadvtnable at
claxpad It
•Dt and would better ba laf> for “
wbeD Biaiaamen can tlnd lime for
a mlnlaier of war. flanaral Oorra
On /ha lower
iB tba Chtml»-f nr depoila*. raplytno I overcome hv the gaa.
for particular* In regard to the bom- I Door the oRIx-ar* found a J*l hid bean
iBardmanfaf the fort* at Mttanxaa.aald I left open, from which tba deadly gas
. tba govemmatii had dc-ided to pubitah j «'ai eacapinr
•■aU the newa received, good or bad."
1nik> o( lb* Mwawu. AOnlr:
Continuing. General Curran told Ihl
«epult»* Ih.M tha rmiad State* wiuad
roB flrrd aixiy pr-J-cil.v*. and that ihi
New Y..rk. April SO.—Itradalrkct'a
•niy vktlm w.i* a mul*. n remark
m.uiK the
Yha luck cf axcltamanl. nrr%-ouawhhh arouF'il laughl.-r
Infomei !
“f Ihi-rrupilon to the ordinary or»
houae that -he Ameri.-ati wanbips ^ drrly runducl of public aftalra. and parwere .Injured oy
the fire of the ; tu-ulariy
Lu»1nc** .ii^ralii.Ba.
Bpsnl*h baiiaiic*. and ofillnulng aa- ! w hi.b tbia M.untrv h>* pn***d from
serted that tha ln*urgani* ware acting i p..acc to w-ar»c,-iiia Ilk.-., i.. lH-...ne hl«SB conjunctiup with the I'nli-d Stal.-s | t.<r:.-al
The lrn-|.*r ullh u hich tha
fbrea*. a* lliay advam-ad In ih- dire - 1 counlr)- baa rvi-ogii r.-.l ihr ouihraak of
tlOB of Maianxa* while iha l...miMrrt- 'hcwtljlil.-* with a fm-ign jMWer 1* mu
Bant waa procaedliu:. "But." ad-<l the ' .ml) pr.e.f ihil tha. dullpr** and d.-■d^terfor war." th. ) were er.nu .c>aiy pre,*:un of tha paat aix weeks have
pained." In r.mclu*k,n Genarwl iVirreu . Urg.-lv dl»c..urt*d the HT.-i i uaually
glorloua day f-.f'; wiir.e»*r.|. i-ui fuiniah. * a valunbl.- ini.—n.-ral jW.inl of y
•wteaaay Miawld lalcafrrw W t>*a I
•srMb IMiaaad Herb Aailow
svhdat.xat i. ism.
Incldeau will ba related.
Pleaa^obaorre the aerolnr aerrioea
are a balf hour later.
All are 'eordially iovited.
Be»,a. 8al»b*rj, P«.ior.
Service* at lOi.tn.
Kundaj eubool at lliM.
Young people'* Beetinr at 0 p.
Preaching at 7 o'ciork.
Prayer Baeviag on it edueaday arenIng and laacber'i meeting la eoi^ac
A cardial iorltalioa U extaoded ta all
to attend Ibeaeaarrlcca.
Bowaaa Haore aed Vary Mnora. Pa«»r*.
Comer Oak and Klflb atraeu.
Bible acheol nl h:4h a. m.
Morning aerrica 11 a. m.
Junior mwelia^ 3:(I0 p. B.
C. E. maating at u:K..
Eeenlng acryiee at 7 o'alocb.
hearty weleoBe to all af
Servlcea in K. U.
T, ^<ban.^isi
Front atracl.
iBUi JanuBlem.
Owing to Ibe abaeaec of tba rector
tha lervieaa ia Grace ebareb toBorrow
We shall do just as we have been doing for :
: the past month or two, viz:—Give the best
; jalues in tbe largest assortment of patterns
; shown in the city or elsewhere at the popular :
: prices—S7.60, $10.00, $12.00.
|i :
Himdreds have been convinced of this—
_ : You will be when you examine these fine ■
^ garments.
will obaaUt of lay raadiag at I0;S0 in
tbe Barsiag and
boDday acbdial »t
Clothins: Co.
erenlngbyBlabopGillaapia. Hr. blout
la expected to be borne 1b tlBe to take
part In tha Monday aeaninf aerrieea.
rta*T-MgTR00l*T CUl-BCH.
Be*. 3. a. Braady. imam.
Class mealing at 0:30 a. m.
Sobday acbool at 12 m.
Jnalor League at 1:SU p m. aad Epwartb League at r..O p. m.
i Moraing
Uornlnx aublacl:
auhWi "Tbe
"Tha Dabi nf iha
Tba Debt of the
!i-koreh to tba rbildran," and in the
j.eeaBiag. tha
aubjrct will
will be."The
I bpaBitk-Aaiaricaa War."
Tbe aaaaah 11
Riflaa aad Ike Mcl’beraoa I'est of tbe!
l|*,n g.-n.-r;i; trade dlttnhu,th.b ..f *n unrav"ru..|.- char*, tar
Kfc-plible la the rat,onB of lha p
Dondon, April
Tha Karlin
Bpondrnt of Tlw Standard aaja; "ITInca »cvk.
Btomarck think* that Germany muM '
G. A R. bare bees invited and bare: I
kindly accepted Ibc inelutloa.
Thurwdsy prayer mealing at 7
Koratal daaa at Ae aose.
n.itahl*. ben
Amusemrnt Votaa.
FIlBt sugc.
Tbe clacuical effects [
exeepiioDslly flac and afforded |a'!
iBual ancceaslon of startling »ur-{
A Grand Offer!
Tbe date* of Robert Dowoiar't ea•Bfl poaalble, but that ahe mu*t imerf.-re ;Tham- adv.n.-.-. loo. h.ve m.i i-Mn ,
iasUntly and moat enargeiliaily ih* i flnad to f.«Kl pr du t* but in, luda many
electric sparks, bebtad which were
aaemant bar iDiacests demand Intarfar- | w idely dtfrannx arn, lea. alike of home ably be Hay 22rd aad 24th. at which ^,n
a the witchaa aad imp* raaalliBg la
•Dce. Therefore he IhlnLa Germany 'and foreign enwth. Wheat, eom. oata time ba will be seen in "Tba Gladia- their
ir Saedisk aecrlmeav"
eagbt not to bind bar bands by neutral- : and flour have udvancad, while pork and'
Ity daclaratluna."
| other anlmul pr.Klu.f*. m.iahly l*rU.
r feel tbs efMaey aid
London. April W.—Tha CUdm corra-| baron and hum* have al*.. been marked Uteioberr'a Gnad Opera Boaae. MasaoTTice they aadured
•pondant of Tba Times says: "Wbantba j U|v The demand for aleal plaice for
d—™ ..c
Mr. Gao d.
feMileahIp NumsBCla arrlvaa from Car- : vaaaal* l« alao * feature i,r Iniareal. knd
aad tba
af —...
theatre-gaa.a „ jvoasvuie.
Roaeviiie. i
conaU, Feoa
Fepo , wno ..
tagana the squadron will be prepared, m- ouihn.k la for arllvity In ihe shipfor bringlnf aa atUwetJoa of tfaii stag- saw* the hardest klad of ■ervloe at tks !
lnduMr>' for some
a -I'alayo.’lhe VlUorta. .............
nitnde here. Mr Dowaisg siaad* u,- ^
'* “o* frequesUy troubled with
-o XIII, three torpedo b<«t de- come. The ccj. situation generally
Btroyor* aad.ihcee torpedo boats, to of a m,«t grullfylng kind, but pai
leava Imadlau-iy."
llcu'afly *o la that of wheut and utbi
f BarlcBD atage.
of ChamherlslB a Paia KalB. It did so
Madrid,^prll^.-A great tmprenlon grains.
----------------ouch good that ! wonld like ta know ]
baa been pnulucad hare b) a rumor that
Bualnm failure* in tha United Stall
la addiUoB to the other big attzwcthe Grrman goxtfnment has
f this weak number S4S. a gain of twantytioB to be'aeoD ia Traaarae City during
Bote declaring that II will not oppoie ona over last weak'* l,,ial. and compar
'the landing ..f iiuu|« in the Philippines, ing with 244 In the corieapondlng weak May by loeeri of nantaBenta. I
but w ill n-.t |« null a bombardment, ow of IW7, IS4 In 1*9S and 20* jtns*:.
will also ba tbe eagsgeBFDt af "Darkfamily eboDld bare a t«tUe of it la
ing to ihi- Imiurtani Garman mcn-ancat Amarica.” TkU aggregaUan will
their homo, not only for rbeamalUm.
tUe Inirreeia in all tbe lowna of tba
Bomber fifty people, and promise* to but lame tack, (praiaa. swcIllDg*. cam.
Wanda. fW-iir.ai )'* umlaslon to declare
a groat pradnetian. It will ba ber* bmtse* aad boras, for which it iaeuiralll) la h. id to give color to thi*
wlherw Psainer,
eqaalod. Por aaia hy Ci. K Walt. ,
before the end af -May.
n Paso. Tax.. April 30
London. April m.—A tpaclal diapatch
J K,unil Foutham PacIBc paasenger train
A pleasant cTaaiDg will be erjoyad
from Ua-:il.l re,
n No. 2* was taken In rharga by
by all who atlaad the performance of Ooiag Out of tbe rbotograpble Bis.
tb^ point of <-MH Iiiig *11 . lUr.-niTof Vbe maaked man M-Comato-k. Tex., at mldFor the last fire years 1 kara enjoyed
■■A Cbeerfal Liar" at htoiaberg'a Grwad
©nitad KlMiea fr,,m bialii.
[ night• Thuraduy night and t«» mllaa
the librral patronage of the Qoaea
tomorrow oveniag. Tbe Barboar Com
London. A|,rfl » - It i* *nn,,unaa<| In I **'■•* "f ‘^e aiaflon lha exprer* car
doriag wbich Ubc ll has baeD ay l_ .
pany. accarding to all reports, la as to twler te the Ideas of ay different pa- whOO WADt«d.
*apa<-lal diapatch fr,,in Ma,lil,l that th.- '•‘nxini-a ware de-lachad and run a ■
captain ofihefSjianlrn *i.-*m»-r Muntaer. ! <li*i»n<-a.
The robbers wrai-ked
good a papular priced alirwctlon
troBS. To plaaac all has bean my aia.'
.rat. tha leaael which waa la.iind f,.r . G'rough wafa and liw,k th* aiiilra money will rtait Traveraa City ikU seai
aiid Id doing so hare Wen amply re
Havana with a valuable cargo and ‘'""'• '‘i*- “'’“’Ub'li'K «o I2C.WI0.
paid. not only from a fioanclal view, bat
Their repertolro coasisu of all
which auccaedad In making the port ,,f
Injured and none of lha .
bare bad the pleasure of aaeiog ay |
latest aad beat camcdlaa, among which
Claofucgaa.has bcei\.jle«orated with thi gers was dlaturl.ed. Tha robbera
Bad t'roaa and has
ll southward toward the Mexican are "A Bachslor't Wadding," "A Yan
pren planted a tp.-- - *
b-irdt-f. • _________________ ____
dal pension.
kee Is Caba." "The Oanatry Girl," aad airely. bat in other branchea of por
London. April *0.— TTia Standard's
trait work a«d fraBleg. aad bare
"An IrUb Alderman." While Ue prinw.r.- oa tbe tUII PtoU.
. Meaniw- corrcapondanl says Runda has
reached the point wiikontany alteraa0 per doxea
eee for this engegemeat haae 'beca Ure ofmaklagmy choice of portrait j will „
rccatvad a severe blow In a auapactad
Chicago. April 20.—Ta^arday'a
. grtendly axreamant between tbe United in l*-acue duunonds were: At
placed at to, ro and SO oaata. tha per- work or photography. Either hraaeh card stylse oe aqnara cards, fmaerlr
fUataa and Ki,gland, charging Ajnaiica
fariiianeas will eompare vary favorably leqoire* ay whole attoatioa to de It I made at »2. will now be $1.20. and th*
iialnirg-iinclnnall B, Piitaburg 2; at
jaetliw. therefore I bare decided to kaalt card $I instead of $1 22 per dox
ClcvcUnd- St. t> ula 2. Cleveland *; at with mneh blgher prioad attraelloB*. abaadon obotegraphT. bet before leer-1 ra.
We bare eUer elylm at rahioed raUa
daau arc OB aale at tha baa afflea.
^ I Chicago—I^-ulawlla 2. Chicago U.
lag t
tbe old rat wklcb I hare followed f All piciarm finM ia tbe elatlBO or
1 W.-^ryaa. six I w.-atcra League: At Hllw-sakae—Coipwardi ef 20 yearn, win place be-' gloat axeepl lha $1.1
Vlias from hate,
vlalird yealarday , lumbuB S. Milwaukee 7; at Rl. Paultba ^public a few indaoemeBm,wm balagloaioely
by one of th* moat ext*n*lva and dam-fKana ■ ihty 4. Si. r
Bgtng mine aetillnga that has aver oc-loUaVMInni ,
SDlage .....................,
yoor Uas; fiatabad at the
eurred In this jwri of tbe anthracite
Fhnat. la be given la tllalBbarg'n Oraad
a 7. Detroit
It will ha ay ala to keep ay work at
jeoal regions The cava took place all
May 14(b:
par. ir net above the bVh mark, raever the old working* In tba Hallslaad
•aaUwg CrwwS %-*.,M»r Lsat.
' 'Paaat' waa gives a worthy da
gardlea ef any iadaeaaaBts wbataver. Bat lha Bast BargaiBS aad Bara to!
mlna. and affect*, more or ieaa, ora
Aslorla, Ore.. April SO—Tha pilot beat
aalng tbe beat of mstariaU aad laklag
Plaaaa Are Is tb* Portrait Line.
and aeealc prcaanU^ hy ^
bundrad at,,res and dnallinga
tba aeae palaa to plaeaa all. Havtag
_ we _____________
■ ■f.
mn. Thomas Wllllamt and David Em- Ban Ji«a rrporls having Ylpbkap tha
White aadbUeampsBy at Staae'a
From say photo
have takea dar-1
aaaling schooner Doris, of Vancouver.
agaia laenred ibabclpof Mr Saitb.
BBueL are entombed In tbe mine. Mr. White aa axpert fialsbar, will ba able to gat lag th* last five years we wiU make a
Tha Doris recently lost most of her opera hoM last night.
pertralt ta black:toe*lwafer$$.
or eelwa
CMaWMaB* frwm Orwal's Wesk-ltaMh.
men. While hunting they were blown gdva an artlMIe portrayal of Ika part, all srork eat MapUy.
Galena. Ills.. April M.—Before his da- awny from the reasal and were naable
BagiaalBg Hay lad. and for lha felUlo. aad was aeeordad axeelpanarc from Oaler.a Judge Spear, tha to again r«rh bwt___________
iawiag 00 day* only, tba bUb of ay
leat aapport by ArsoU Maaaiald aa
e wa pill not alight
deqnant aouthern uraior who paid such
work and ladBaaeam will ba pab■ss sad Wllb SUM al a Craalwc.
■Faaai.' filaalay Jabac aa ValaaUaa. lUhad la toaorrow'* laBaar LMk tbea Ue work, hat giv* yon tba beet raealta
B glowing tribuia to General Grant at
far tba amacy, aad will ba made at tbe
MMi Cbarlotta Craig aa Dama Martha, over earofallj and If yea taka advan
Iba mamorlai axarclaas held here, was „Appleton.
. wWla.
_.w.April IS.—Tbooiaa
o.„ * .
regalar pries aay time after Jane POtb.
wife ware
ware kill**
killed 1
Breaenled by tbe employes of thaQalena
"ifl *>ls wife
and Miaa Olga Varaa. wboBO latarpra- tage do aa at aa early data, aa tba Uat Sbeald you not have a pictare that
Ocaetle with a cane made from tha
* •oulb-bouiid freight train
days always aed ia a nab.
aaite yoa, we wlU nsake eae Mttiag
blatorlc workbench used by aeaeral
Chicago and _ Northweatem rall- UUOB af Ua rata of Margaeilta ooaMow ior tba ladaeomaBta.
Walsh was%Betantly killed, but tribatad to tha dramaUe part of tba
dSaanl before lha war.
Oar prices far aaMaam have beaa
As to tiaaae, vre are iW addl^ a
his arlta lived about half an hour.
^armaBee oae of Ita abiaf aharaa
$130. $2 and S2 par doaao; bow with fin* atoortaeal which wQl be sold at a
Tba BlDor eharaotara wm la goad each dOMB of $3 aahUata we will give
BMP of the national W. C. T. U. have
doaBieallr it waa -parhapa tba eaa artra baaatifgUy tlatad photo la
: aatft a paUtlon to Prasideat McKlalay
idBeUaa of ‘PbBCt'avar glaaB water e^ora. ■eouBiad apoa a vary fiae eaU aad aea-oar werk after May m.
OcBBial Mllaa raquaatlag the prohl- of Democratic aenatera ycoterday aftarfixlO card, tbe mmo etyto ea to eeU at
ia tbia lAtj, tba gardaB mm» U tba
u, .tittCB of tba caUbllabmaat of ---------------. BOOB SenatorOorman radgaed aiebalrif in tba dty. With aaab doaat far $1
P;)B CBB90.
I manr of the .Democratic caucus and wM aaaoBd act belB|[^a»)aaBaoMhly OM of wOl ba.gtvaa ms exto» aahtoet, a rar
'anccoeded bg Benawr Turple.
alar alba, aad heanttlBUy ttatad. oS.11 Hm*
Every i>air of shoes sold in my store from April SS feo
H»lf-Soled Proe of ChnzE*
A. S. f^'RYMAN.
Bicycle Riders.
pairing aad enaaeliag. and that I caa
aad do give yon tba bast wi^rk at any
one in tba citv for tba aonay.
ba deceived .tywbatotbarataUyoB to
t^^trary. bet eoae aad eae tor
I gaaraatea all ay work to ba ri^t.
-^^f it doe* not prove ao I aaka it
rtgbtStop in tni $ 0‘doek every avealv.
Seaday. la tb* OaldweU A Lo«df twUdlag^jf-Bartb mi of D^ea
L2!T“ 5:.“-Jii •
MwsU*. «r oda
r yoa have aold*.
ato. aay farm ef
»m eaaviaee tbe meet ehipWwl.
Por'Paelal hapnitfyiat. ratoovtag
THB MOEaatQ MtPOBl), S01>*^.Wt
TlwDtfntor OtriW^ Hook«r It
mf Wu*r White B* tay *»■■<»«
Bm ina« P»<tel»<w
(h» i
WhidilnctoM^fll M.-"Uhr I <• Ui*
MBl«-«rMrr or • sr»«t bhiti*."
•Mhtor Burron thU mornloc. “lUrtr-avf )-chn hso OB that day Ocoml
SiBOkrr led hit aymy arrow U
back of rnnlerlrfcabutv. Va..
Iwicbu of CbanrelloraMlIe aad tbtro
BBcafod ibr t'oofedcrate army under
OaBtihlltee aadOeoeral Jackm. Hook-
that the war win taai (or at twat
moElba and nay be loiurer. m aayi
that the boya who enUtt to r> on a picBle may aa well take their hn
and haeecaaeka with tham. He baUaraa
that ihe ramp at Chattaaeoca win be
matnuined. and the troc«ia will not
amt to'Cnba until eome time In t
fall-afirr the Cuban noay acaaon
orer. That will be eome time dnrth«
Ihe latirr pert of September or early
la Ortober. Miller la a cloee friend ot
•ecretary Al(er.
CnntuI Brtce, who recently relumed
from Ualanxaa Cuba, wa* at the Cap
itol today,
today. a<
. hen I I
there <
them and urted them to leaee. but they
entertained the ot.lnlon tlyit diplumatte
necoiiatloni would reault In peace. 1
apprehend that all of them will be anaaawlnated
I do not believe
raroncentradoa will he killed.
«r had every advantace oa that occathrouch eome Inexplicable
• loot bla advantai
Lae to vloUtc one of the Mapoleoalc
axhMna not to divide an army In the
preaeiwc of an enemy
DIrecily In the
ptwacnce of Hooker and hja army Om«ra! Lee divided hla ermy and aeni GeaJarkaon lo aiuck Hoofcer-e rear.
S%e movement wai enccewful. and
Meeker waa defeated, but the Coofed•rataa k<el Ihetr ableai lieutenant sen•lal. for "StonewaU" Jackaon waa abut
by mlauke by aome of ble own men."
Coacreawnan Spalding of Monroe
aald: "I left the Army of the Potomac
acreral moniba before the batUe of
Chanrelloravnie waa fought. 1 waa at
tha_«^ of Torktnwb. hut « a« drialled
pml.er reading It In detail
Bvcaybody t a* then afraid that WaahtngtoB cdly wuuld be captured.
Ocnera! Lee
jndertake that
moreBtimt. but oa the onirary . be
t-aded ftnnaylvanla. and
I driven
bad! from Oettyabur*. That
high water mark of the Confederacy."
BplHI >f Hte Mataer.
-I waa wounded at Chancellftwrtlle."
naya Colonel Lounsburry nl l^'^'liai
•ad TwentyOftb Michigan. "White I
waa lying there ub the Held al mldnl
and I
the aplrli of my mother
* "
It 1
aaved my 111
n a aplHiuall..
It araa auggeeled that one of the atetera of m.-i.y ntlghl have given him
that water und that. In hla weakaaed
coBdItlon h- Imagined that It waa hla
MMher. But no. he win never believe
anything other than the Impreoalon be
received that night.
Tt 1* nrange how aetf-lnlerwat over- ,
loaha patHottem." aaya CoogTcaatnaa I
Cnrllaa •Noia-Hhiitandlng the fact that ’
thin country la engaged with a foreign
power in a war which may affect our
•Dtlre future, the people are aUll lend
ing in petitlona for and againat the
anO-acalper bill: for and agalnal all
1 until rvccnlly Several daya beleft there I obaerved Spanigh offlcera aurveying the harbor, particularly
the channel* leading to the buoya
m aatlafled that now mine* have
0 placed ao ibal II will be dangerfor our warwhlpa. or fo* our ship*
vrryliig f,
auppllc* to enter the har•There are now more than
food aupplle* In Malanxa*.
have been dlnnl.uleil lo ihe reenrentradoa by the Pritteh cinaiil Of courwe.
now that tbe war la on, ihe Spaniard*
will conllacale all that food and will u»e
their own aoldlere Inaiead of glv.
lag II lo the aiarvlng people Therefore,
except for the purpone of ahowlng
the world that bnmanlurten phlU
thropy actuatea our people. It would be
unelea* to aend another ahip loaded with
provialona at Ihia lime
---- -
orrxviAL PBoeanwM
O. BomoM.
Ton NkLaoB,
1*RU SwAMoa,
Mwodbyllr. Pyhoa^that tha oom
— —
ha raf<wrad:^io f
Of thB BoaH or Xdtwattei «e tte
of SraTwaa Oi^. Boh.
Banlar mahUBf of Board of BdaeattoBhald te'OMBoU Boos April rr,
Maatlar waa eaUad to o>«w hj tha
rroaldaat. W. W. Smith.
fVaaaB^ Memhan HoitaU. Mama,
Kiebola. Boaod aad Stearaa.
. 8.1U, i*rarido.t.
Laataa of >aat rerolar meetiaf rmd'
MoUon imrrked
Eaport of 6
Bedow lanUrtofthebBriBrhmlaril-
Key Weat. Fla.. April sa-Captate &
F. Uarrihatoa. conimander of the Daltad fluiea moaitor PuMiaa, andlbe commandlna omrer of the Cardenat fleet,
who haa Juat rome from there, epodfleally and etcphalleally denlea the
----------- ------------------- of the alltced bomlwrdmeot of that
Pon by the nx.nltor Terror and sunboat
Machlaa He aays there are n.. htanteb
balterlea theia aad that the entire etory
la untrue.
There a abaolvtelr no i
1 rne.ru
•from here
e effect i
wa< pnaoatad aad read.
treapoB haa been dlacovered oa board
Mbaed by Hr. Mom that the a
I'njtd Staten monUor Puritan The
It he laid oj
BoAd of enter Wnrabnec. City Troaa- rumor* arow fr.ut. the etrange actlooa
nrer. in the aom of STO.uoo 00 with 6 J.
TrwTerwa aiy. Mich., Apr. n. 1«M.
Horraa. J. M. Bnallmaniel, Antpn w
name, aow uoder re*treini <m the war
ship because of hte eccenirb-itlee.. The
7I> the Booni tif EduecUkm, TVoeera* Bartakaad Charlaa Wilhnlm aa
Uaa, waa praaoaied aad oa owUoa nf oBlcera ot the Puritan de< larv there la
CUv. Mkhiptin.Mr Pyboa duly
‘ '
earrind. waa i
no thought or trying the man by courttiurriAiMn—We
ronom- aadordnrnd
d placed oa flla.
martial, and that pU r
imd the payment of Ue folluwli
--------------aCUy, Hleh., April M.19M. treason I* absurd.
Bepurt •( Utee apant a* truaat ofloar
It appear* that a few days ago
oa aad foond etwrcet:
from Feb. !i to April ao, IIM.
man in queailon waa seen In one ol
Feb. fS.-M da*. U,- H day
i Mda.
monitur'a lurrela and tbe man who
him reported lhal he had bl* ban
Har. 1-1, i-S- M. 8 S. »-l. U->* 4H "
Twekeiw i«r twU April
Mar. 18-S. 17-1,, 18 S.fM.M MtS "
the lock of the magoalne. where,
Har. IS-H. 18-1. w V
st^ ••
the llr«i man was pla<ed under
Stretnt. The crew of the monitor
ApL 1-H. U-t. is-li. 14-H, 18-1
81* "
came egcited and declared there w_____
J. wood
itechTU. »•»«
Total. 14 vA. Bpanteh ■!'> on tv.ard. Thpoogh (fai* ib«
Me. kaaiug wao4 ..
«:a ML •Xtrwvagant ai-.rl-w wervronri-K-ted Tbe
mber aot offlceni of the l^l^lun believe ihetmon
- . ,
---------------- vde three la a fuban In tympalh} with the Co-real*. Oae la »«t on •napeaded *«a•noe.
F D M*avig.
HoTwl hy Hr Moore that tbe atateRaletgh, N. C . April M —Tbe chat- '
d aad Uin biU ordered
tenge to General Lee and Captain Slgs- {
bee It Lieutenant Carrania, of the i
14 W
Spanish navy, haa
ar-nie. .1 a .North I
7b C- T. Oravn. Cilp
Tra*e*ee Bay B*i^. >ob w
Carolinian. William N
Ballard, of'
T>kA» 8ll:—»Vr propone «make.
de- Astirville. formerly .m the poiw force'
It lleer aad let up In Ihe Ceatra!
atra! School there, who has writier General Lee re-' ^
- 'Balidiag. 1 Ked Uak Book Che* end queetlng that, la caa- the general doee
Btaad aa fellow*: Slie ot eaae « feet
d.f1re 1.. meet tbe Bpanlah officer I
high by e feet wide. IS iacbm deep,
he field of honor, hr be allowed ta !
afaeleca adjustihla Top (orniataed with
O. C. Murrarr,
aaitahle corniee. 2 glaaa door* fitted
J. A. Mosiut.
up aad ready (or buslMw
with brM abeavm lo roll on hi
■e oa VTaya aad Meaw
with tb* beat ice cream cods W> be had
track. (A* U* doen, will aeceeae
Heved by Hr. MoSatt that tbe report be qnlU large aad liahu to «*arp.
. at B. B. Walt's Boda FeanUl*.
auaof Mr. Moore duly
“* “
_ _.mpiad aad
KaportofCity Traamrrr for meaith
of Mareh, ISSS, waa praaeatod aad on
BoUoB of Mr. MadUU, daly earriod.
aoMpted and otdatwd plaead <m
^ ....
■c'fe,-. ,
Ko*ret Anil*
The harbor of Maianaaa la open nad
eaay of accena. and la not ao land
locked with a narrow enirwncc aa the
harbor at Havana. It la eleven milea
from the harbor entranre to tba oily be aceapt^ a^ aad ad^t^ aad the
of Maianaas. and' the long diatance claim* oril*
Mellon Cl
power of our rilled gunt wilt be tboroughly lealed In order to prove Ihelr
«n<l deatrurilblllty.''
V..O tl,*,
____ k____ . -__
haacberuB a great
deal of public Intereat ventera In the hiring of the teaehan aad y
commander of tbe army. Al the begin.
ecUve aalarlea aaariforth
Bing ot tbe civil war Lieutenant Gen
■ ■
eral Scott waa la command of tbe fed
eaeept that Hr. Gilbert done
eral army. General B<-..ti waa a aelfrooemaendlng M. A. Cobb,
made aoldler. never having received a
oommiuee oalla atUnUon of tha
mfllury edocailon.
Board to the fact that we moat hav*
Although there are many Wegt Pointera In our army, the aenlor major genaelf-made w.ldler. never hav- action theieoa.
military educnllun. -Gencornea Of a agbtlng atoch, be
ing deocendrd from that race w hich baa
participated In Ihe battle* ot tbe world,
alwaya on the aide of freedom and lib-
clamor* for home rule at the haads of
Great Britain
HI* mother. Ml«a CurUos came from Engiteh anceetry. Gen-
Sd^SiSS?^*^ •*-“-**-
propoae to make aaaie with aecUoaed
^ae eaae aad eeheer aaae. which wUl
iaaare them against warpiag.)
Chee u he akanated 6a heavy aak
table 16 u M laebea high, aad wide
t ledge e to 8 laebee
}. «. Paleeia
Moved by Mr. Kowd that the proposiUea be aoeepted aad tbe caae •rdaced
will la aonordaaro tharwwith.
W. P.-Orctem
* a* t I
Attoraeya at .Law.
OAoos I* Woeiagaa Ateok. Tm»*«a* Ch&. MIth.
Same le have 1
Dr. Hi^ns,
a n.nnowN. 41001*07 •** 0*aamlt*rel
0. Lew. apodal aooatla* w MiteeiteM
aatiiiveyaealag. tllPtoatm
^ungrr e uam. Anonvys. npKioi
^ wetUmtopTobMepraeUco. BaomataM
witheot pula Med.
of tenth
Latem UAdKOit
Matloa evriod.
Meved by Mr. Moer* that the eopmda—baaothorisad---------------------------dlplouao.
Schedule of PosiHoes, Teachers aed Shlaries, 1881-99.
*jn |I<T.
XJ loru ot tew. OAeok City Opera Bees* Blk.
TT7 B. POffTEE. ittofam at Law. flpaMl
itbPrev. 0«j
dJ Veteea
^Glal bills granting pension* to them
"Now. the right of prUllnn canno
PriDCipal .
tIlOO 00
and ought not to be abridged
Pbyaice anc
540 00
D ought alway* to pay heed t.
t<^fat againat King |:
540 00
tbe petujon* and reguret*
Philip, the Indian chief, w ho became *o! ‘
540 00
pie; but It 1* Jurt aa well for the peo
Lillian Downing
403 00
ple to pay aome bred to the Ilmltalloni celebrated aa a aurcesidul leader of the I
the encroaching I
Halea A Nertoo
405 00
of power which a congressman pos- aborigine* against
lAtta and German.................................
General Mites’
Itea’ grai
grandfa- ['
403 00
aeaae*. I cqnld a* easily fly to the moon Caucaslana
a a soldier I
loth 04. Bag and Am LIU
e war of 181L
450 00
> get rongreea lo consider private
Ceml. Bras, aad Paa. la grades
Eophemia JickJiag..
mattrr* Just now. and t don’t think !
We«*d*d •
wounded three
t peoplr ought to overlook the fart '
0«"TUl Milea brevet of briga
t we are at irar. and that rongreai '
•“'* f«-elved
3 BIgblh Orada. Div. A. .
Lucy Severence .
il rather than perFloroaea Warner
or irill
In action at Chanoelloravttlr. Hay
aeual and Individual matter*."
Satie E Prall
On- yrar later, timuai on
War teewte ter the Lahra.
13 Blgth.........................................................................
Edith Gibbs....................
aame ground, when the army of
WhOr the war goes on the prcllmlm
QtX oiktn WANTTb-Al the kolr 4iMteae
14 FifU Grade.......................................................
Alma Coek..'...............
405 00 I1 0
pDiomac croaord the ttapldan and
tea for the new war vessel to take I
15 Fourth Grad*...........................................
Chrieleua Patou..........
3*t 50 1 ceat of Muitabper-* Ona4 Opera niaai, SW
gaged ID that lerrMc grapple wJth the
place of the Hldalgan on the gie*
Ifi Third Grade
Mary E Cryaler.
34J 50
army of northern Virginia In the WllCVatluaati
lake* are under consldera^on In th
.-pasrno'C VA.VTgD-Voaaa wMtea tram Tveteeasrimtiem
17 Becnod Gtude.....................................................
dernea*. be rendered
or a aad PWaskey at IM a. •.
na»7 deparimenl. The money
I» A FlralOfuda................................................
Edith Burd..................
moled U
Vo-rkMOW mck
iteago w TUU p a.
appropriated, plana are being
Jenal* L Bard. . ..
ot t>rlgadter general fur gallantry in I» B FitulOrude.............................................
. .paved, and It la aim
. . a qoew
** *** *■
I J^vrac Ltewo^-llrw' Oeorge V :
d nille time vbrn contracts will be lei that action. He fought In the Wllderneaa. al Po river, dpotlsylvanla Court to prlacipal-oih and 7U> Grades
and Ihr work begun
o j kgpte*VUM^r^^pqpil.*^pZeo'Sd
' Honar. North Annr and
Senator McMillan nowaday* a
»l Fifth Grade..................................................
few of hi* buMneu and political leitei*.
Harbor, a Uiiie which contmurd tt Fenrth Grads................................................
Boby Dees . .
O 00 ' y
rroni M
All of hi* nikll I* handled by hi* con- ^*8’ and night for more than a month. *3 Third Grade......................................................
V mt ,
kerehlet. plad
Ida Covert-.............
Mentlal aecrelary, Charte* Moore, and ”* ***™f'«»
attention of General f4 Beeead Grad*.............................................
Lllliaa USelle .
Senator McMillan »ee* only auch IcUeia
armyaiReam’i fS A. Firat Grade..........................................
AugusU Adawa.
gaaiaolry he was
.aa hi* aerrelary deem, neteaaarj. lo
“d to' 'h*t g^lanlry
B. Firat Grade..................................................
Jeesie Cbmp ....
place before him The average huolnea*
Oct. :i. IWf,. be VOS com•|7»0« SALg -BM>e<
Biae employ* a rirr.turrapher. and Ibl* *“*• "■
D trade, >
K atMl. elU le*.
mlaalnned full major general ot volun
aeeeml'atr. . grcai je.l „t
o-.-.-.b aad ru Grades ..
Ague* Bate*
teer* and remained In the aervlce wiui
dictating leltera- The »uperior_________
Lain Bnabee..
grade unill Bept- L 1888. When he
Loey Uanaett
waa emiHoy* a confldenllal •ecretary. '
. -ilrd Grade..
Who can write Mier. on all auhjecle wa* mualered out of the volunteer
Beeead Grade....
arltbout dicuilon
Such a M-creian' te •emlte. Thai, in hrtef. I* tbe history
during the five year*
A FIrvt Grade...
Mr. Wooee. and he la InvaluaUe to the.
whKh he *peni in the volunteer amUe*
B. Firat Grads...
aenator In hla political work
of 111- country, am] It Is urparulleed
for gallanHT and succesaful scbieve. JUI eorta of rumor, re*.
meet in the field.
Me waa without 34 Principal—7th aad Stb Gradea .
Nettie Filkias
— tea concerning pillileal <
Gertrude iliggioa..
hMeUgan. but w-e don'i know -what t.. scholaailc irilning. bl* original tnfor- 33 Fifth and Sixth Graae* .................
Clara Carr
believe or 4ll|be>leve. There wa* a man niali. n comerning milliary affaira waa ' Foertb Grade..............................................
Third Grade
. Faanie Taylor
here receniny-from Michigan who. aa:.l vrububly lea* than that of many men
Qraee Cleveland
that gioo.ere have been rateed lo re* I snwii xewr urv k,.^ i—
___ _ i
Edith Somers
eiect Burvowa to the senaie, and a* for there mere cultured, educated men 3» A. First Grade,
405 no 1 It yuu »ol your ubwl i>B> l>
soon a* this etory excite* intereei. in
at a Twowtoatev pnev cell oe
cornea a man from Bay City, who *ay« ba-.li- f.-r Ihe I'nlon. Hut he wa* a '
I laiorloeheB.......
HolCuwvth Uioek Ooslk I'ol.
PUor-u awtieh..
that Plagree ha* unlimited wealth ■ unstant student, keen, alert and p
41 Firat and SeooAd Grmdaa.
~ laktrwau’u WUL
backliK him. Theee riorie* which reach
•k for tee tklilM
-r Co *e If
Waahlngton are probaply blowing over n»- and command the attention of
tbe prairlea and soughing over the •ui-erinr offieera- On »rch 3. 1587.
450 00 QA/\ Actvu ot load lor oote ebewp. or will
received the brevet of/ijriftadler general
CongTsaamaa Bishop gave half a dol- and major general tn tbe regular army
Meeed hy Mr Pyboa that the rep
ratlrood . M oerv* wrIJ Im
' lar to a poor but reapecubte-looking In ree.ignliion of hla services *l Clian- be aoeeatsd and adopted aM the pv
> aad orrbord, sod bfw 4
ceilusvlllt and SpotsylvanlA
■ire of N C. Wc|vr. Moa
' beggar woman on Pennsylvania avelogaire
deafand clerk he antkorisad lo a
htesUentioa aad valuable oervlee rea- Itoli.
miim oa Alhtete.
aur The correepondenl wltneaaed the
the eoatrueu with the toAohara 4
ooufo notm.
dared sa membor of the Bovd of BdnGeneral MU^ I* a bard rider.
orcurrenca. and alow])' walked after the
te an athlete. He te tall, erect, aoldterwoman, accompanied by Mr Bishop
Oa moUea of Hr Gilhtft, duly
The woman walked two blocks, entered ly ID aiipearsnce. a splendid buraeman.
ava.fmv«a* city. Kick
tteiUy Ik
Moved by Hr QUbort that the vaei
a aaloen. cam* out wiping her Ups. and aed a perfect niorkaman either with a
ev la th* sehodoU ot teoehat* to be a
rpkaarcD xtbsb—miw Bauu* w-i—i- *
aarrylng a pint fla.k m her hand. It rifle or a revolver. He rides * blo'cle plo^. bo filled by the aapnriateadi..
X greSaate of ibo CalrersUy BaapUaX Aaa
e is a swimmer.
- wlH be a long time before Bishop gleae
ArW. will
te eoU* for stwalag. 01
SAd comaittoe oa Sohoola Md Teachany marc, money to street beggar*.
Bu matter where be
Motion earriod.
I oa (orol•tgn reUUntu Buffalo Bill says ther
Moved by Hr. Ollbort that tha
of which WTIUam Alden Smith Is a a ^ecUy equipped man for. I
laU 0*4 okl
Travona CBy LomWv
aember. U practically without occupa fighting to th* eatlr* army, and Cody lar of employing )anlU>r* far th* «
ivCO. M-U
SaeelBl meeting of City OoaneU held
tion, now that the fubtn-Spanlah af- baa great reepact for all of the offleera lag aehool year, be defan-id until
U &ty
Ity CTerkte eSom April tt. ia»*.
«alr haa gone bryond thr timita K dl- and men of tbe army, for he has Brat meeting lu May.
letiBg wM enlled bj order bj W.
Motioa carried.
ptomacy. There la a etroffg likelihood. served with a number of
W. Smith, Mayor.
. He would say
Trovurae Civ, Kloh.. April 14. im
bewever. that the comniiitec win soon
kldermra Parhnr. Koatw
:ory of any offleer. t
.be mulrwdle.Kk« up (or con*lderailon
Th Me HouoMUe School Board of TraoImrdl*.. OATrianA and W "SupMij* y*>elS^re«mv^MSl^S
-awna' proposition* tooUng ce a treaty
ereeCUy. inch..
ot kind with Great BrtUln. That eral Mllao.
luinu lu lonBiiini ii
li- so! T'ahll" '
riedbT- -
The Nea Perce* CbleC Joocpti. who
r tt looking with great klodnem
of tb* crestest of Indian Mad
this republic. But It seems to be
L had been punued
by a
_____ te* *b» heed* kelp forufc immelua nghters Atb good
tflute future.
3 bad eluded sU ot them.
Bed Kenendy. tbe hasdaon-.e young
Milea. however, fonowed him
-tjpMtMAnt doorkeeper of tbe bouse of
tugmentutlvea. would tike to go to the and surrounded him. and when th* old
«gM with 0 Michigan rogimenu But chief realised that he had been outBert la MW a papa, soad be cannot go gyneraled In bis own style ol warfare,
•way. Be If like tbe man In BcTlptar* and in hte own eauotry. be sapresaed
"Who Ja this
who wa* hidden to the wedding (east, amaxement. aad oold:
•Al emit »AC«'verd that "he had mar- new ctilef, that has outwitted me?
know It {bust be a Asw chief for the
V M • wit* aad could not come."
XMrKt Ce^nfipOAdant Milter beSevM MhaOLAN ehUdrom-
On.TrLnuM—W« herohy
. wlUHoAfT I________
BKke you ua ofiar far the aAooI henaa
Bartaha* BaroUaa. a
oa Baal Ntalo atroat, arhkh w* under *a moGoA of Alderm
stand th* nrioo I* bo aerun hundrod
Oamntiawef A
Wa. aa new haglnnen in onr ledge,
would Ilk* to aaio yea on oflor of oa*'
W.-«lCKZK>. City Omk.
kandrM doUaru dowu and puyaacot
(oar timaa a ysnr a* ensy as th* teraae
eould ho made hy you gMtlomaA. Aud
orthapnaulng flw
set M Um* that we could pny tt uU. in
y let, im. KynOA* yoM or t^ with InMraA nt oU
L*n«« yew ortes At odkn or «All np
Hacl:, Bos and Baggage
nAdmlgnod. ora eoKKlttia
-Phone No. 8.
|4THE uses and
ICop}-H«ht. IM.1
THE warfare ot \oda7. whether
t be on land or aea. draamlte la
bound »o be an Important faeior.
Tb# Hmtted knualed** of Ita poe■UBHltlea a«d the frt«blful dander
lit uae an elctnenta
mm Ef lOBffl WME
I shipa may aafeiy steam. This
■ riT>» pioatna. by Ibe way. com
le. The lerrlWe runs of tJ
can moreorer. drop a II
are dynamite »un» de-
pneumatlc bbattery- at Sandy
ports, the pneumatic
■ fuardins
^ tne rntranoe to
Hook. N. J:
-’ork. t* the moat
tba harbor of New
defetiee In the erortd.
of defe
. «noplete
,e em>erli
■uvlue a
the '’eeu'l
trials of tbane weap«i
a BocA and Fort Lafayette I
tklshly natufactory. The
tocluded ranite. accuracy.
—.toadlnr and nrlne and pro T action i
the ealve mechanuma It
B^dW that the t inch run must he
•bir to uover all ranices from 100 to J.OOO
yards with a ahell cnntaJnln* too pounds
«( axploaire delatin and from lOO to
BMO yardi with abeil. contalnin* M
found In the near future which will mercury, which In turn Irnitea a
aallafacloniy answer all requlremenU." run cotton. The run cotioD Ores
explosive relsUb. which explodes
proJecUle. ThU relatln. thourh very
, raeots In this direction
destrucUve. cannot be Irnlted with heal :
Oeoeral Flacler appear
almost prophetic. The Sima-Dudley run below r* derreea. This explains the ;
present* Ot the several layers of explo- i
to dd It
them. The excessive slauxh- usinc tor a couple of years asalni
mrte upon
ter that will follow will appear more their Si>aalah oppreaaore appears lo
like Whbteaale murder than the stereo- meet the views of the chief of ordnance
a and fniarantees
typed 'civilised warfare." But. at any in their broad aspects. This run W
coast can be kept
rale, the use of these weapons by the loaded with powder, which, when experfect
fectly clear of forelm warahips.
Cubans has aatlsBed the military mind
adapted for Ibis
of their value Cor offensive purposes.
rk. for Ibe run. besides belnr
uV.V have p
emiu no flash asd has o recolL These '
points render It uf peculiar advancare
le uQ turn or other small craft,
tbe dynamite 'projector" will be
In other locations than on our
The Cnlted Stales
Bu-amer Vesuvius, With t4|>e< lal lieferencr to Her Hneumatlf Uailery." Is the
way by Ueulenant .
Commander Srutl.n Svhnnder. 1‘. B N., I
.ne time in C'lmmand of that vessel. '
admits filar she was deslRtied sIm- .
to carry the runs and to satisfy tbe
Isipulsr ami somewhal erralir cry foi
1 speed and that the latter object
attained at tbe sacriOce ot other '
A sironr point In favor of the pneu
matic run Is this Tbe luriiedo strikes
under s*ater. the armor plerrlnr shell
altaeks Ihe porilon of the hull above
at flrwt were able to exterror in the hearts of their asislly Imagine
---------------- the
- ...
what batteries of (. IS andI » «ubs.
cubs, as
are u> be found at many defenalee
II be able
d SUlea. win
The U Inch run. with » ed that (lynamlle can be thrown with|
pounds, must ranr* from 100 to t.MU safety by means of compressed air. and i
yardai^wlth lOO pounds, to 4.S00 yards, by the use of this system the projectile [ pioded. com
• turn expels
with 90 pounds, to S.ua yards, imd Is dis- harsh-d without shock.
Hrigadler r.eneral Daniel W, Flagler, lutely no dsi
» Srith SOO pounds. .10 S.OOO yards. The
crated b
finalrn1 result was moi* than attained In chief ..f ..rdpanee. Is connneed that dy. m, pjece
play a considerable [lan In veriest tyro, as has been proved by
every Instance
it 4s kne»-n that a namite
He sulNJIvldcs („.t that many ..f Ihe gunners In I'uha
Pbsll containlne JOC pounds ->f dynamite the warfare of today.
srUI blow Itie lantewt Ironclad afloat out the.dlffirulty of handling Ihe substame who have handled them had been farm
the water' If It strikes squarely Into two heads, aaying that It Is nec- hands who had never previously seen
•ralnst tbe sid. or deck
The latter
reference amdles .f Ihe surr-sted use Ihe highest order that ran l>e fired : 'There bas Just 1-en brought out a
cf dynamite dn>pt».ri_ from i.ail.»<ns on safiiy—that Is. wrihoul danger of ex-. new form of this dynunirie gun wui»h
tbe'Secks of a fleet at th- heads of an plosion fr.'m the shcK-k in the breech of |a a great Impti.vement over Ihos*. In
a SI-1- ..f wartare that Would 4he gun-and. s—ond. one which will use In ipba
Although so deadly that
hardly seem alU.oable amone civilised n' t burst from Ibe sh-yck of Impart, but 1 everything within a distance of 40 ftet
e projectib■atlons.
ftring desired l.y the gunner
He adds* "We . Is smashed t"
The rapidity of loadinr an<
- from a shor>' battery, fort or ot ■r for- h"w use high expl.istv.-s' or dynasub- very simple in . .-nsirucllot. I'nd.
Then* tube from wlii l' the proj-ctlle Is
tlAcailon varies with the am. inl ot I marine mines and i.T|“-d'-'S
tbe explosive In lh- shsll. but I - time ' form a part of our system o' coast de- is another cnn-. i—I witii it
xnnst not exe.-.d three mlnui-s )r one fense The compressed air guns ithus Is place! a charge ..f smokeless
•hell of son poiTnds or 40 mini •s for he terms dynamite gunst are built to powdet. WheWflied iTis p.'"der
discharge large charg.-s uf hirb exph -' presses the air to su. h an extent
ton consei-ulive rounds.
tests "have demonstratedI the projectile Is nurled to a distance of 1
chanted with I'W pounds two mlnul“s aives.
___ allowed or 2T mlnuf-s f..r ten cm- their al'lllty to do this work
BSCuUve rounds
The rale ..f rapidity desire, howeier. Is to obtain s..me sysTh- projectile Is a k e tube, which
continues toIn.-rease
smaller teni by whb'h the rxplosiies ran l-e contains a lap that la iii.-y ny an inohanrea asmany
as tenrounds in
tired long distances. The simple cm- genl.ius Krraogem.nl when the projecl—
- .Inch
method falls to give this re- , lie strikes either eaith or water. Tbe
ig reachedThe t
press I) minutes
if fulminate of
I iMHlev- 1
4 system will be leap s
1 five rounds w llh sn and suit,
enn win be
either ahead o- aslero of the enemy,
and while It may i** rarely possible for
a single ship to rho-ise Ifs position vesaels of this class, hontlnr in ci.uples,
which Is the best of Uclirs should And
imie difficulty, by sepsratlnr. In rslUnr their victim In the moat favorable
p.*luon for dellvenn* a fatal blow from
one or the other
The rnlted BUtfS *overr.ni»nt. rscocniaing this fact and pri>p..sing
, death dealing t
i-oui'les has lately
•r Nlctheroy. 1
Sll the dvnamite n
by tbs officer In the connlnr tower, be
cause they are fixed In the boll and
be controlled by the one who
On Nov. It. itW. It was staled that
Old Olory came down forever from the
Nlctheroy and the flax -r Brasil
“-----------------raised Co the peek, but
a «M pound Charre
1. and her
propels her at tb
knots an hour. Her encine
e belOK 1
B la M fe
n enUrely under water,- bvt
s wiu be awash,
ghe U painted ■
I lead color, aatf
mnipent c
DTNAUITE IN WARPARE1 pneumatic gun. one 4
ig guns,
a and foti
orpSo tubes- The efficiency of tl
pneumatic weapon, burling
Ing col
coloaaai e
Id but when the provisional v
for B-aall was ..r-ganlS'st In 1
1 continue
las reihrlstened the Nlcthen.y. i
early so much damage
ji h-r dynamite gun which was
. ' la done v
ui-.n to ciuell the ret>ell|on In
i proving ground firti American lepubMc
H-r late
Inga This Is demonstrated In the romhoeeiei. precluded the test
ttiva.umis gor n-s a .-.re ... .a paratlvely slight Injury done to ths
,-he- and throws pr..)-c|lles carrying Hua-e.r In her gallant ronfllct with
ton is. and
t-omds of nlUo- two Chilean IroncUds and the diaapi-eerin the range ..f nr- rarylBg fcc- pointment felt a; the Inadequate rer.bnr to the weight The officer coin- suits of the b.-inl.ardmenl -“
I Id July. I*S1.
, • Frenm f
e Alexandria (Rgrpti forts by
posalble for a foe to pat a ahot lnt»
It time, when the subjsot
tpark of martial feel^
nay not be amisa to cz>“ •*“ “»“■
appeatance tod proesas o<
manufacture Dynamite,
lie, or g
gtant powthe invention of Alfred Nobel ot
cakea. or It
leb: eu be made
sticky past*
be converted lot
enveloped la
1 or metal t*
a defeated mtz.
ture of to.w OW-.W .o.acid, autpharic acid and r
- wilt aswdi
e cocoa. To some it appsars Uk*
rse brown engar. ‘'BxpInsiTe gain'*
)f pure nltriqflycertn and run cottna
re highly charged with nltrata.
1 is the cap and the cartridge naed
«ve with 100 pou
.unds In the shell, while
tlre-j ihr.— roundsthe IS inch will
with to. eight wit
«. ten with JOO and!
«ve With SOO.
The pneumatic
•ones. Is quite at
of bytlraullc pumps, tmlle
and reservoirs Th.* guns are so mount«d as I" h- pointed In any direction and
to be elevated to ;s degr.—s Tbe latter
aan be done either by hand or hy pneu- '
matte, hydraulic or eleciric power. It;
Is obvious that some of the ol.Jectbms.
raised agninsi th.. us.- of such a form
of armam..nl ..n -hlpl.oard do not ap-
i that he exploded a cartridge in faU
' mouth. Instead It was tbe much small*
er but Just as deadly cap.
I 8ep«- wr-rw;. Ueufeoant E. t* Zallii.
: ski of Ibe United Btatas army, now »
i captain on the retired Hat. gave bit flrM
■ successful d-monslrallon of lb* experi
ment* he b^ been for some time cob*
l^amiie gun. Secretary of the Nsry
I tvhitn-y and mrmbe'rs ot the ordnaaca
comnuiiee were present- The doomsd
old coast surv.-y sailing vessel BIlllmaB.
which had outlived Its us'-fulness tad
w*aa to end Its marine existence In tb#
presence of a dlallngulshed and ad*
miring crowd, was aacbored Just below
the Narrows, shout a mile end a quar*
' ter from Fort Hamilton PhortlJ- aftsr
! o'clock there was a trial shot. A wfalS.
ting noise was heard, a long drawn out
•ro-oo-oo-oe-ee." ven much like that
made by a rocket, and a Jet of water
rose in the air JO feel astern of th#
siarlkiard quarter of the Stillman. Tlier#
w tut no dynamite In thla or In th#
•— .n.1 sh.ll which fell eight yards to
tl... starboard side of the veeael. Th#
il.ird shot, with more preienalon in iu
sound and movements^he projecttl#
; contained M pound* of explosive ge!a(In—shattered a mast. The fourth ebot
made a lerTtflc nqise as It expk-di-d. lb#
spray was Intermingled wiih srac* and
small pieces of wv«1 and biackeued with
smoke, and th. Sllllman. struck directly
' under (he middle of the hull, was lifted
bodily out of the water and wrecked
^motlli.m hy
vesyrl or ex|.)...|e t-neulh
I studelfls - f "r.li'.ir... that the
ose of dynamite juHill..- th- ,iis.n1i. '
tore of millions of d-.tlar- wi.er.- tli'.usands have previously I.— n -xp. n1..d. ‘
The dynamite gun can Im used in forti- .
Ileatlons. as a lorpod.T^i f.-ns.- "f a liar, i
bor or. In swift m-.ring tmpe.|.. bouts
as a defense of m.-n-of-wat again.st
ttoval'le iorped.»-s or for‘siege i.p<-ra.
tlons on land by regular approaches.
Tb* appllcsii .n of the dynamite princi
ple of ordnan.-c to a clasa of gun* light. .
easily manipulated and quickly moved
will In all prohahlllty eventually dls- ‘
place field artillery.
Dynamite guns
may be mounted upon a fast nnarmored ]
.weasel or a whole fleet of them and Ihe (•
0xnl-powd>-r shells shot Inin the enemy i
with such tierce rapidity as to quickly I
lODder him helplca*. Virtually the expense of armor and heavy steel guns ts
rendered unnecessary hy Oie use of
pneumnib- dynamite guns, at least so
far as "inshore" lighting Is concerned.
The war In Cuba may be primitive in
its ireneral methods, aa tl has been bar
barous I; Its l.uirhTy. but It has had a |
madernlxed asi-. t in the use of dyna- i
Silte and other . xpiosives as weapons I
«r offense and def.-n.- To the dynamite
gtm used by the Insurgents In tbe weaterp provlnc*. Plnar del Rln. may he at
tributed more than to anything else tbe
poteworthy succesoe* of Msceo a year
and a half ago. and lately with tbe dy.
namite guns su<y»«sfull.v Innd^Tmm
fUlbusterinc expeditions near Nuevita*
Ocoenil Gome* has been able to push
bis forces more vallanOy on toward tbe
anvirona nf Havana.
. ' Invisible bullets, thougb deadly tn
.tbelr effecAs. seem trifles In comparison
with a dynamite shower of liquid devsatatlng fire. It Is little wonder that
d against feucta
A. Md U tbs C
The. lubmarioe
ably f
base IS what
sea nmt.
the BiitUhcalla "torpedo chaser.-o< thr
Tarrow type, named tbs Uanlcy. She
Oalhmann's dynamite gun IsalsocoB*
aldered a terrlhle engine of war. but
as It throws a torpedo shell tt should
properly he termed a torpedo gun. On#
ot them, h- elalma of tbe same weigbt
as tb
wtn throw 1
siv* acrurwtely a dlstanc
three miles. No ship o
would emliark on their errand of death
with many chance* against a safe return. She carries an enormous supply
of dynamiu. end a hostile prujectlle
oorrecUy aln#d would eAPlo^r tbla
leaving not a trace of vessel or men.
She will either hurl dreadful but sudden death upon her enemies or sutler
annlhllaUon. perhaps both. Should a
rapid movement
ent be mad* against any
will precede our
.oding all tbe mine#, a
____ ____ ran rwach. Her three IS tBCb
guns will distribute explosive ab#Us IW
feet apart, tbe fuses being regulgted #0
aa to explode only after tbe bottom of
the channel has been too^sd. Every
bidden torpedo, mine or wbniarlne b#i-
singt* Impact, and tbe rock of OlbraRar
would rrumble. with the garrlaoB. lot#
1 the MedlterTanraa-under a day*# boB*
| bardment.
Tbe ZaJInskJ gun Is 75 frwt long, or U
feet longer than tbe Eropp 19 toe gm
{ and naturally murli less In weight, as
|( |* simply a pnoumatlc tube. With
i f.ooo pounds preasgte this pleee of ord| nanc* will aend iM-pounda of dynaadte
; JH miles at a spa#d et l.4Of0mt a asc
[ ond. This prodke## upcAlte objant
smick by tbe. sbat an I ' ' '
picspcre of aboqt M« pMBda''p*r
square tncJi. Tbe coM o( tbs gu I#
•light. IU manufactore do*# aet raqulr#
any special puot. and is «xlgseel«# U
French aolaaa fa #Bd t# h««#
. of th* three gum there will world. Tbe thunder li
I be cleared a safe channel m fe«t wtd# tag. aad tb* peal# cot
land IM t««i leiw ever which oar war-'oinn
IbeaiiaDBlrepartoftbeNew Fork
U jour l.ideo baa law runnlns a nunilwr atate aapenotauideiilot babka. tentaadc
of jean and jouliarenot aocumuUtert ■ public,
public, affordi
iff '
meet eoorlnciog
fsoonj jou bate Dot ueed (ood boalona
pmf of the fact of reTired proeparftj
metboda. and bankruptej will be jonr fate.
Id tbi* Btete. Frotn tbla report il ap------ Fellowi’ Hormld.
• New
'ark III lariuga banka, and___ _____
tailed last j«ar. Ouij one inetUatioii
abowa a oonditlon Itxllcwting a probable
ennalden.l>le octKlij of lata and ouaebt to lioprieaa stroRgle for exiatrnce. That
abvw Q|i well Id Uie ntporu.
JTosMe ID this bank waa oecaaioDed
ti by
d ibroufib tbe failore of a
A lod(« luaj uae Ue tonda In bIrlDK
atrben for tu own or iranaleDt sick national bank which lield______________
Ibird of Ita depoaila.
•Wtowl-Ckip* rrwm
raker tar tteodcr to KMb«B
Cnn ol CbKnpw. «i»o<l teremaB o( New
Ba«Und I'nlMd WorktuMi. He we« bora
U New Tork tS jaw* aco. Hr. Craij
> Wb«1 the order or a charter iMrabw of
Meam PIcaeatrt todm. Id which be held
•Ona ter wreral jaar*. At the (raod lodfca
■wtoD lo I8W be waa made a membar of
•bebad aunggled raliantJy for her In- i
dependeooe and bad woo renown daring *
tbe fieroe oonu na belweeo tbe Uneli
;partlBne of tbe pope) and ItiaGbl
limwipartiBinaafOieemperDr). Tbongb
Plaa bus long since forgotten tbe .
of ber greatucM. tbe world cannot
gel them when it iock* apon that w....- drnotlr beanlifai grasp of (oor marble ' •
white boUdiuRs Rending apart in tba i f
BBored oorut-r—tbe oattaedr^ tbe bap- I
tlstcry. the oampo aanto lor burial |;
To help each oiher Id time of need la
Tbe total amonnt dne deposltori in grosu'll, and. wbat intenwta oa mcMt of |
tbowork ufan (bid r'allow. narabmild be Mviiie* banka on laat Jaa 1 waa |TQ6,- all. tbe remarkable campanile, ao well!
forimt that the ilaj of adveraUj tuaj eome 8KJ «I6. a gain darinc the year of #t8.- known aa tbe “leaning tower." Tbtt
to blm
I 60-.027. or |22,0W.,67ij more than wai famona inwer waa bailt in I17A
conatruoiioD ia pecoliar. Tbere is in tbe
lodge deeldee that qailllp l«aiuwl during tbc preriona year.
and not queudij ja d.-Rjralile
At tbat time tbe aggregato
I <*t“*'r a bol
hollow brick tobe a
d<'sJrable In loeiuberineiuber-II
agcregato reaoarcws
ablp. there will b.. Inw lunucil end enl-! of ibcec inatltotionB were fS69,7£1.244 | around ibis pUin raoud lower II
snrplDa fund *10S!.4J«.h02. '
tbe grand
and tbwDoinberof openaoc'ionu I.804.b*-*n'iifal. rlendiv coiamna .
In our luvo Tor thii order wc
•e lO^piildoTer-, jhO, roptwDliuR gains since Jan
white marble sopporting semicircular
look and (orm-c os far as
!TS':>n reacertvs, of
Tbe general .ffnet ia one of
Ino Sllahts
sllffht. n'r
nr ij,dicDltl.ru.'.tm-r
ferod b* offending memhnri
‘■*•*^24 lu snrplns and of 6b.812 in •
delicacy and liKblmaa.. a fairylike
watobmao bj Grand Hnater Workman
Binrtna Ajeorlaterbe
ftiMewtd In nm gnod
Pirn aMma like a tleepiogoity. aa dta
^nteUy and gently alcng tba *
two border* cd tbe riker Amo. Bbe fell ' •
Mlesp aerer*l bundrud y<nr* ago. after *
It thed.-clslons of tbc Brand sirehranmo
Uw. why am they Dot .-nflo lch*^mi
traretarr far dl.tHboiloD a.....ng lodgaa. a..
tbattboM) Ignoramly Ulaobying tbe lawt
may ba lad t.. du rightr
Tbeoffioersof ihu lodge hare tbe right
U> ibelr res[iectlra posliion opoD (bn staff
In Iho regular ludue wurk and cannot be
| tower ..f wouderfol grace. Tbc enniniil
t-'an^l-riug further. tb>. gain in re«l>e Kronud. Aa yoo all
slnioat exactly twloe at k»o«. the tower leans 13 feetootof
RK'X inJK97 at in User., in turplus
perpeodicular and looka aa i
coDhiderubly more than threefold, and , »'"»*<* ■'■''■b' fell otct at any moroeni.
e'^^Dts more IbaD 00 p>-r rent, bat, a* tbn center of gravity ia still
Tbe avenge amount of each account ia willilaltiLaae.it ia aa nfe as if it
i »4S4. 71.
were erect Tbefoandatlonswerepnib'
exceptional prosperity •Wy imperfectly bolU et tbe start, for ^
in anolber part of i___________
___________ _
began to lean before i
Tbe seoretatj U __________
to iDseri____
tbe ; thn shape of the report of tbe Nebraska '
finished, and we i
« where at
rank of a memberwbo takea a •rUbdrawal
bureau of indtuirial stoiistiea giviDg"^”
tried to faring it:
tbe reenlti of tbr lately completed comas mUL-h as poesible to tbe vertioU :
■I of New York pllaliuu of tbe murtgage record of that
*’J ntaklng the oolnmna on tbe low
paid out to membara laat year llb.tti.'v
is promotkiD it wall deserved.
Tbe period <vv«r$d-is the laR six ,
bigber than the otbe^ Tbe walla
Orett aotivlcy la bvlng abuwn In ...
i IroD bars.
Past Ofund Haster Worknuin SUget
iodgm at Houat Starling, Harla. Coving
j Fancy tbe ooottarnmon of tbe aroblja tbat lb* order 1s doing w*U In Arton. Newport and Lndlow. Ky.. tbe latter
tecu when they mw their beaatifol
having 1ft InUlatlona at a recant mvUog.
; tower leaning over and tts foimdaticiu
A staff la a volnatary organlaiUoa and
' sinking in tbegrou^l It req
tba oaptalD aboold be seleewd by
vwy ransDoabl
esdy ne
of farm and city t
wbo are to oompaas ttgrivUagm wbk
Tbemoble grand baa do rtghtto appotnt
Bembw. Amoant. Mben we are on the leaning sida
an iDveRIgatthg eoumitlea lo InvesUgnta
■■"baf Cbaflaa Didlena mys
rumora iDvoIvlDga................................
plaint having been
Otj. reiaaawi........................... k.im
4.xti.Mi I ll«ly“In tbe oouraa of tbe aaoent to
Mgs In Provideoee. together with tbc
------------------------------y, tbe top tbe UKlioatlaB la Dot very an- !
fast that tbr grand rblaf of booortbUyear
I parent, bat at tbe subbiU U becomes
Is a abode Uland Rater. Is alrmdj a<a
sod gives one tbe senmcioa of being i
attoa MBit Ba ■aaramj Kspt. ,
pushing gnat good lor tbs {Mitoedi
a ship tbat bat heeled over tbroogb ;
blpi raem the TMtpto.
------ -LrU> mrrimi nf eti
.• ■
tbe action of an ebb
tide. —.
Tba effect
-ptclans- la admluad to tbs
The necemlty cjf a vlgoroai c
upon tbe low side, ao to apeak, lookinga
mated drete of Uw fraleratty. ba entera
:r from tbe gallery and^welag
and meing tAe ;
■: total mmntwr roluntarlly end of bla own aoDonL Ha enIblna baa j
> fokma 00HI pact with bU mm- in Cbl
bla ledge and with tbeenUre
Tbe trade of tba I tling. and 1 saw a nervoos truv^bold
rkmaa of New
fratafultj. It la a eumpaet, ao agnoownt. United Staim aTAnericawUb oor east- on to Uw tower involuntarily after
. tS
tte :
Tlgorooa effetta on put forib la HI |urtHletlone to wla tbs *1,000 prtas effciad
X. C. Btabl la now grand mmtm wwkmtm of New Jersey.
■ataaans Paad-nama TimMater OeDml Carasbao appeals to eneb
....--------------------- ..J funds cb
gMtHbuted wtU be am aside and known
Asunlform rank fuDd for tbe Katbbone
MnUDODtand will be raligteoalydevoted
praettom of
I govseaed. Iilaapaei_______
walk nprigbUy by Uw ptemb of reoUtuda.
to do and to fortwar doing. Tbla Unds
aneb membm et tbs craft, and It Is a eord
wUeb botda tbea togatber.
Tbe art worka of tba law John Barmin
ire DOW on exblblUoD Id tbe Ubrarj of tba
UaaonIcMmpK PhllmWpbla.
Tbe iDcisnslDg praetkw of lodges and
uethren Id pnbUablng tba doings of Uaaonie bodies la an evil, tayi Orand Haatar
SeoU of Ullnola.
era pomeadani U euttlng into that of
British raanafacturer* so nrlonsly chat
■ New York yooroaj
teernal annoonoed
annoonoea a nguteamabip arrvioe tbenoe to
I if tbit is prerasture tb*
facta are serions rsongh. Ooocracts for
than S«.000 bsi of steel rails
tor India have b
1 given u
lofacturer*. wbo propose to dn
rconaigiinMataBt regular Intervals,
• to begin thedirect Reamerservioe.
. n frosD tbia tbe United Btatm ban
jOoMed Uanohreter from Cb« Bed sea
|ud Bomaliland trade Id> pito
plrae gooda
ird by regular
---------- ---------------------------..w.,.. ~ Liverpool and Marmilleo. and
ele«rtUwPriT)ooofVraI«lortbclweDty-jtbeDoe by “Iralnpa” lo the
tbe Bed
Profamorr Cbaries NHson^et Oxford, a.
kntrlDg been
ID axpeUsd tram tbeetdmfar
I L O. K. P.. bas emplojed
d bcoogbt salt I r *10,000 di
. Toung has bsan sisemd grand
Bmnard HeBj
mamtwri of Uw otdm in
* Tba total memberablp of tbetMmon
Marafa 1 was lM.ft0ft.
Jan. 1 was 6.118. TbU grand JartadteUoo
boa Uw tmalloR aonliil membaiblp <d aU
^nnd JorladIcUoDa only 96ft. Tbe Wdlea
ngtnumbar tb# male members by *00.
eoprems Saermary Rarray bas iMDtds
bndbook of Uw Older wfaleta ts a bandy
trerfc and one of uwmaat oompteia and
uwnpmkwiitreof tba kind ever tmowt
Mater nils a Hoyar of Raadlng has
bMB appmnwd obainaen and eblaf mar
M «f toa X O. a dlviuon of tba saaqul-
Awwmndtaitbs reemt
jggi—etodga iiiil BwhlQbprevtdmtbat
d Bonk I* iwe.vt««g very
1 dhsetuia ef Bow Tor* etty haaa
Dry Goods Depaitment.
There Isn’t
Nobody Gan
A Man in Town Spread News
Tbat doosa't nerd i black
Every day more and more
frienda abont the goodneaa of
demonatrated that
Clay Worsted...
New Idea
Whstheryon live in Trarerae dty, or ten milea, or aoreral hundred miles from here,
tbe cost for New Idas PmU
Is the moat serricaabUi and
well-looking cloth
tenu ia the
to yon~
tea oaoto for any »^I»~>
delivered fma of poatage to
boauasa, or drens
want yon to eee
Band for monthly toabioB,
sheet—DO charge.
IVu a plaMor* to be able
to riiow yon aoch
Dress Goods
As is DOW here for yont attootioo.
Tbe effeets an very
pretty, and
taken care
tbatt^pricea will please yon
folly as much
valoee than the other atone
can offer yov-
thene prices:
line of
In Black Clay Woratoda, at
Like a pleasant woman.
suit o{ some kind or other, on
aa the gc^
Tbe finer etnfb
ooae moetly in aingle drea
ieosths, eo that the styles an
"Yee," mid Nevada Ned. “I’m as
woolen textUra required by the Am«riret CaogblUwluilaetboalasmuf anaoU
«D people. During tbe McKinley pe
A mottob in
D ooni
oonfiiet wHb tba bylawi riod the lloit of domMtio masolsotura
Uioald not ba pot to ■Uw oonaul. If aocb
abont 60 per oeot of tbe wooleni
motion abooldI be made. Uw eoofOl
eoofol abotUd
abould sand by toll nation. Under tbe Dingley
declare it out of ordw.
(at least for tbe year 1696) AmeriIn balloUug on a
(Oa Mtgbbor voUng does Dot addrsM ormlutaaltbw
aontnl or adviser,
than nnder tbe HoKinley^u"
When UwlaR
In Joly next, it a Ratod'thH^toJuwm
bare base lufflolaDt willaeMd to pay all tba
beneflolartaa of «ba dead In elam B and a
sorplus of about *ao.OD0. wbM weald be
svpUad toward Uw parnwei of eniwil
Clothing Department.
—--------mpecially againn tbat
»“Ue mtUemeoi of bam* and ex-eonTiota railed Coyote City. Bnt tbla bar*
a pal patrioUam ean be ooniad too
lar. And I'm of Uw opinlao that our
W*rn oonnoil. wbila, of eonria. aetuated
w world bat never seen a flnw dis
play of magnanimity than it affcMed by
tbe dietrltuUoo of tblploadt of Ainerioan raUefeappliesanteiigRarTingSpaotto oubteots at tbe very time when tbe
United StotM goveniiiMat it pr^arlng
xaot repnatioa tram Spain fcr a
irdly attaok on tbe natteoal flag.—
“Yea. but wbat wot Itr
“Why, you ees. od* of oar boys got
abot at Coyote City Ur week. We
didn't make any turn over ik Bncb
tbiogils expeeted to bsppeo now,la
•wblU But it set ibeo teller* ovor
there to blowiu lifcs a staom mgiaa
Tbsir^Uttls local paper bas a wboU
page d< tekM on tbe tnsrkemanUilp of
oaa^a and they've
os to HI torts of abootin scrapes. Tba
thing was tairiy*etao unbearable, and
latt nigbt oor town oouooil took a»Utm. Tbe oouDcll rwolvad to mod weed
to Otooto Olty offerin to stand taa of
our dtiseos-np in a row In front of tba
lea of tbeir best sbota and tb^
Mid }aH awom Uw eiMt and sboot t
oar men until tbey bad cmptlad every
ehambsr In tbeir guns. It anybody waa
bik oor town was to bmr all tba exMow. ftr one. I don’t mlad
staodln sp tbere. but I don’t juR ralish
tbi idm td bavin my guns minowbMS
aUo dnrin Uw pmfocxnaiiea “
And 1 tanwSsway. anzteas to Sal^
The most rabid aad aBeamptomlM^
7 baaknem la Obetas Onlob and bo
tma dlvwito is Ml laglag tba HlgbtMt
l awny btfma UUs eonlm* of Aill Mak
I fl*0a.—W. O. Btooks In Up lo Data.
atar MUU of lexM only bMams a gold bog aftm ba bad "strook Ua” In bU
bonk yard. Otberiilveritai eroold also
beeanm goUbags if tbeyooald strike
all or affsarts vein.
leUiM Hit Mt CDR IS (MUg bm
praiiewonby rnoilvaa. have
plumbago and iniliaoell
“ Well, yon see. tbsn was a quit
ImporUng into Uww
PreamBiao" appear* foi
little rivalry between our town and
plaoea ber
cheaply in bulk.
I stanite Sfiof Bdward
We're each tryln to do op
II algnlfled
wbo[andber pieoe goods, wbi^'are prefer- you City.
worked In fraeetooa as
, I red as bolb more dur-.hle and ebrap tbe other lo boRle. ratorprise and ev■a wbo buUlwaUaof It
. than those of tiraat Britain. TbeAms- etyibiog tbat goes to make up a pro,: icau boosea wbo tntey Uie beneflu of gremlve modem city. Now. sa I mid.
I'm tor CactoB Uuleb fink UR and alir free trade and go^
' way*. I never gc pver to Coyote City
! but wbat I have a fight before 1 bav*
been there five nunutea
When tbey
lynch one mao over tbere. as
must lavHe a post maaur to do Ik
oomparative tofferera—Landoo Ne
we bear of it we go et il and lysob
Iwa If tbey make tng jmimiationa for
a bowUn old Poartb of July oelebraa mrnbw wbo looks at bto taambt
Uoo. we lOR do a little braclin and
ID tbe Hodare Woodman of Amen
e melaty bas . token In
atlno* Jan. lUwD there
are mambwa in many molatles that bar*
keen dotng boRnam tor aeveral yaaia
this when yon ee« the gooda.
j"**manolactur. Tba grand lodga of Hai « ta vi»^„u I
laln tlrglnla
ebiefly. h will certainly pay well
bat mada a/rangemaou
I oektanUAb*
for Mew York to run cargo steamer* dioestaoDlal of tb* daetb
“ root to Calcutta for tbe in to and bidra >
Dm. 14, 1800.
. .
----------------------of appll
eanti and not oa Uwtr moral or aoolal
eMDdtog. ' Tb* proper Ume and place to
ga^oa tb* latter Is at oouncU wltb tb*
glancing dotro. aa if be had some idm
I td propping it np. “
When w* tmeb tbs sneult,
____ ___________
' not forget that tbit was where tbe gnat
aRronomer UaJileo watobed tbe stars,
i dxperimeBtad cn tbe fall of bodim and
| studisd tbs law of grarltsUon
Owtba^UwaytteiD of moraliiy which land ooooanut olU for llgbting
year Mt
eent tb*
tbe Unlud
UbiS StaiM
aiuw flv*
' laat yaar
toaxuaot tbe a
' I timaa more than U reoaivad in tba tana
Ibe rawleatlon of Urand Uagenl W. Holt
Apgar of New Jertej
here, ia all the latest styles,
yudlities to suit everyone. Ladies', peals’, boys', miss
es aad child's sizes.
Best assorted line of work shoes we have
ever shown. Prices $1.00 to $2.00.
of nwb faat to Uw grend raaoWr. be sufDelent (noae for tbd orraR of tbeebarto <g
tba tooge Id which Uw offeoae oocura
............ ......................are Imperlababla
--------------------------------- b.revlewedo,ob4Dg-|«
ad to tb* grand lodge Tb*re I* noappgal. |
.Bt of Uw medknl ntanUBR
gtappUaanti Is a prollffe onaj henna tbere
AH alwajaarlstBg qowUout pro nnd eon
MgamllBg tbs rHaUvs Impormnot of nwdexamIneUociAnd tbe tborougb Invea■•■Uoo of Uw appUeanta' standlnA bj tba
r Uioroogb nwdkal
; iban 12.000 pounda Tbe bell fonnder*
, of Ftm bad ■ wide repstailon for oast! ing belli of bmotifnl uaa sontvoos
sod bannoniODa, They Uvlsbed on
> them all tbeir artknd tbeir Wlent.
Tbe Paaqnareccia i tbe Paachal bell),
ir n»wt famooa of tbe Pimn balla tb*
One wbicb was tolled when erimlnaUi
were lakt-n to execoiion. U ornamraied
wiib a ngure of tbe Virgin end Uw dovtoee of Pim and baa a riob. full Una
room by any Iwotber
'« '• taooming underbroclwr of
at any
«n, book poraStporW- !i “
FnmityneveroasMa dwdow on tbe
tng to give Uw___ — or aowrlua w^
l>y Ibe cheaper Ruff from Bomia
Bema never wounds a buman bmrt
of tba tbrsa degrees. If permuted by tbe ' osrried in balk, and tbat rivalry would
............. a hmnan sooL
the tone and Iqjal Pythian is a man
mmr ssnas of Uw word, a manly mi
Of Tan.
Well, Now!
Ever Burned Out?
If ao you know
Wbat am I offered for a r
tbe value of
T-NTWT-n=?A To-r-t-gi
slraWa place, ean be bought oa Mtb
O. P. OARTKR. Agent
ly paymmita.
Let talcu U exekaafa.
AUe good boose aad U feat let. Oak
Park. Waahingtoa straK.
Red Prices
Wall Paper
1 3-4 cts. for Double Roll.
Bn mmaim of k stoMetir* tariff ra•nUaa padi of vdvea wboae pear
fcM«aoapad*oa pUoaeff nfatr- Tbap
Wiu> fat* the asimiUj whtoh tliai»
TletiM •oioTt.
taoantly boaodad
Rraa trada advooBtaa.
taattika, ■urJ at areryiWng vbiob raariadf tbem of ibair Io« opportmltp to
Sariro; Amaricaa iodottrtM. Tba; aack
to balinla tba protperlty wbieb U aoIc^ by tboaa of tba eoamliBity wbo
by Ibe inlqnltooa
■rSB^aaMBvoaaaaMtftaa 47IMSB aiM)
bMatr, wklak ^
ae W aMibtr'a
tbal da dM act aattoa bl0 aod waa
b^aalvtopn thaohalra to tha labto
OMO t^ a wbaa ba riatpad la.
Masd tbat Iha ^attM alafatbaanr
-C^naoU ^caaaa. .wUt a aanater'
na a ftri akaniac (Mat far tba CaAUy diB- OM aaaaiatB,'ara«B« loar laa, aao laae
ibaotbancoBtlMotaas to. aod tbe; aU
It wM ao odd noark. bot Un
M lalkad n B>aeb at>d •
lioraca M t»aodantad
bU old tatbar «aa aarr anxlouB that ba
you^n <m to eat bis aocu bmd
donld D>arT7 aod lala« booN a wUe to < u>d butMt jori aa aba bad dooa (or bar
kerp boota aed make U bomellke fcatban ' noiSar. WbUa aba dM It............................
both, aa tbe BMbar bad lone baaa dead «atek.aat»bla haadaaad.
■■Aliaoat aa gmTal aa deUlBf paaa."
Tba aldat Hao anllad aod eicbanred
not actuallr la k>»» with
aor one. bat there were tbraa girU be
tteboaa wttb bar boabaod. bba bad ao
rather admired, ao be tried an exprrlmcoi.
dot uf wbat oaa oomloa, aod wbea, lalar
Ha aoiiounicO bla InleDlloo of Uklng a ; |ti tba iuanilD(.
uiorolDC. *aba aav llorarc a^ bar
bolldar ur, at all ercou, of aolog oier to Olrtoo girl eiromi
U>e city for a trip, anyln
anylnir be wot not quite Uwo abe
le would t
abir to h'turn. (uriT.lNa.
nly Ibty oauui IU||eU>cr.
About II v'clutk u
Bing bowi-nlio and Uureev Nkl qul
^ boma o( the girl be: liked beat, and
"Mary haawIlowedW
bera ring
aed Ke
ate to
give bCTa
: when ihodoor okiuhI »askedrorbllei KIloo (or her birthday preaenk
;reaen\ and pruuilwd
prumlw] tu
bange It lot
aaythatbebadaUed wear it till 1 oaobenge
lor a pUls
pUla gold
Jaatiea, tardy and imparfaot. la docw
to Un aifcgy aad tamlly of tba lata
Jotia Beaob by tba paMce ia tba boue
las TtMaday of iba bUl alraady apfoored
tv tba aanaupayiaff ^nO.IMl to tba
bail* of Jobs Boaob. Tbit paynaat te
tor labor aad BNtorial. dockage aod da
toicioa and aeeo|Ntioa of yardt aod
abopi tor tba gostraata Obieago, Boatos
and Atlanta.
The nun of Jobn Boaob by Ibo flr«
Clatelaod admlniatratloo li ooo of tba
All of the late and popular magazlnea, as
weU as the weekUes and daUies, at
tory. PolUloa «
and eery malidt
proved to be. Jobo Eoacb bollt
Taarlaand bollt tbem welL He did
work for (be gaveruniatit. and ooiil iba
aereJaud admiuiatratino came is (bm
It of bia work. Ha fioI Uhed the Uolpbio aoca after SeoreUry
! wi„ino, became aeeretary of the oar;
Markham Block.
auu >V naa proooaooed stmctorally
a trifle delllimaa,
delllienae. and
sod a
a ,
and *ii,i.00 waa taken off tbe
' imie Ume at bli dlHHWal. aowaeumei. t;in greoiiaie u lea uipcteu lo la'liipiniit.
cp„h«m .nanrlmo
____ . Intoariitlngroom.eeparelcd fromanoth- Uut th.x -n-Urth very l«p|.y (or allUm^
apendiug Tbe
Pbiladalpbl. Record ia a roeent '
rnidouvol the iro«l marriage, ui. wirth 1 P««y of
on the atfeiiglb^ "VSooI
"Wnol \em»a
Wrraa SHbddy
SHntdv" I ,^0 voice of
./ ...
, asylog to her might never have oume to pnw> had It not . ening of the Uolpbin'a atructore U waa
article enlUled
bla ________
claiBi that one reason why pfioe* of mother:
. ban fur that llule lung <ivo rpiMxl. of s { aonl un s Inp aroaod tbe world snd
wool and wonlena have not adTaUoed to I
“.\n. mamma. I (analnly will mit be girl In s pink frock UieUlug puaa lor dtu i bat beau doiug active doty ass dupatub
tbe.lcTel of tbe dalles Wider the Ding- 1 esen at thle/huur In thia dirty old dri-a. bur —I'niiwaa.
1 bwt e»et iiuoe. It baa proved itaelf a
)ey tariff la becaoae of the largely in- '
lueket In It and my (rii.gv nm ,_____________________ ^
.troctwally ttroug. yet tbe
mand oae of tbe cheep rabrUtotea for i ®“T_ ______ _
t4Mt#.i fVepie e« brtb.
Of imporUso* in using
Boydell's Prepared Paints.
1 gaS.OOO baa not been refoodud. tboogb
ru B great abuke made by uent parties oaing palat u In potUag os the trst
pore wool in neoofactoring ftnffe for I
j,,,. «eui„. ii,,r»ro and and '
The lar.icit aod dirtioii pt-oplu lu the ' e bill lor ibat porpiw ia psoding.
uo„ ™ ™ . .eeemno
clothing, it then qnotea a ptruninent .
B»eu wui very aurry not to w-u hlui.'j world have (ecetllly been discttrered iu I
The bostile attitude of tbe Clevelaod
dealeraiwylnglhaflbemleeofihod- tut abe wa^ in b«l with a bad h.adarbrtbe Cao’mroa They live In an loaooaas- admiolatrauon to Mr
Mr. Roacb
Roach dertroyed
dertroyed 1
"A girl e ho put. uii a dirty
,.r., ur,--tn
dn-wi In the Iblfi
Ibis uionnutn range between Ibe Buck bii credit.
He bad three other governa end i.'IUbU It noKbuwlIrrur
nut Ibo w Up fur )
Ibe Oaanian
Oaapian an.
aea. and ai tbev
they nwit vewrila In band; bot. owlBg to tbe
« probable that this dealer
U. like Tbe Beoord. e free trade advooaU. BSd tlut bii borioea aa an im
porter of wool and wbede.^ haa anffered
trwn tbe opentioo of tbe Oiugley tariff.
11 UiU dealer la well Intonned. be maM
know Ibat tbe awertion be luakee' la not
U fa a fact that daring the WHm
tariff period tabriciof Engluta oanalaotnra wen largely loaded with iboddy.
and U Ig alao e teel that tbtM manotaotwm' ptollu on toeb gooda wera
enonnotialy great by reason of tbe vast
qaanticiei of eboddy and inmgo wbiob
ware mtwtinted tor pwa wool In tba
pcooeaa <d manofaetBie.
None of tbe« tabrioa are made of
pore wool, for If they war* it wobld be
Impoaeibla for the maonfacinreie eoo-
away. and. turning
gwu IroiD witboot, iben la i oeruin
Tlliat. br rauK the brll of a duur e bldb
> Ibe chain aud fund a Iltlle way piciore«i|oeaoaa eboDi a Svanctian vllie naiitasa. {^ege, altboagb it merely oonaiata of
giri be had ; miaorabis atooe boveia wltboot any atM ku-ahtna I umpket fiwpi or adornment. Within
try waa poalyaed tfatoogb tba tree
trade provitiona of that tarifft
Does any one sappoBO that these Bag.
/ lUh tnennfaetarora aant ns pore woolga
fabrics while (bey were eopplying oth
er eooDtriat with tbodfly gooda? It ia
le tbal tbe ■■
fabrics of Eagliab maniiteetan wera
oven mora largely ibipped to tbla oonn
try dorlng tbe period of tbe Will
tarir ibiu
(Jnrl&g any (i
The sboddy of ^11
a qhality of
goods which is regardeduvety enitsUe
for tbe am of the labering alaam of
Orut Britain,
of tabrioa
wool (or tba cbeapeat Unm of doth
Xn tbe foroiga librio (be groaeat deoeg'
kton is practioed; to ibe Aaerioas fab
ric tbe goa«t an fauiestJy made, and
^ate li no misraprmeotatiem u to their
This Is tbe diffaranee berwean Knglleh and Aaerinan aaan&oInmA
Iba nderlyiag aana fv tha Philadelpbla Beeord'e marl aemt to be
that a aotoctive tariff hu well nigh
iiMwiyaa tbeAuerloan market (or EngIteb eboddy aod f<* foreign maonleoreowl fabrka. wtalob bev. beea ao ovakoded with thia adnllerent u4o worMOBriy Iniwua the peoflu eff- 'the Eng“ ■
rtalnly ra> point of
▼tew. bat k it Mt btAter ttat If gay
‘a li-* ••• -
poor grads of achra. alxed with a ebaap. adnllorstad llnaeadwll, or a alnaal
oil. whbh b sUII wone.
declared tbe oontr»:M (orfeitad. took
poaealoo of bia yards, aod the boau
sooh a primer It b lapass'bla U gri good rwthird oaat.
• ‘>rtck or atone howar. that tbo faudatka
.................lapbrttno,. *4 It U ala ooverad ora.
Bvary oaa kaowe what'thera■IdbewUhapoortonadationaadarahMaa; It woatd ho aoro to araek. «
It b jut the eaaa with paUt.
Inga la every town where the paint b craekad and paellag off; tbs eaoawd anat
geuthebbar. whin ia reality the (onndatioa a prialagooat bat fanlL
our PRBPABED PAIITT for hath drat and aoeowd eante. thlnaiaff tha SrU uat
reotitallca to tbe beln of John Boaob.
noeordlag to diraetkae: brtiah out
aad jm will have a paint Ihnt wUl art>
Mr. Onamtnga b a OUweiat. bat be
wear anythingla the aarket.
Thb ia no Mu/, hat can ha valSed hy pnrttu
fore all ao baoeat aan. wbo believes ia
wbo bare oud it In aim t every lawa la the Onlew.
jnetloe. He told kbe bona:
"I know that politiw waiat tbe botI (ff Hr. Bonofa-s mlafortiiMi and
that my own party at tbe time wu ugag«d in the dennoebtianA That b
what I know I dielike to ay so. bat it
b ina There never wu e man in the
world truied more onjoally than thb
booeat old tridaun. Be (all into tha
band, of politlal Murki aod bad bU
baslDeaniiDed thereby. Hewuboaiided to bb dath for pertben papOBee."
Tba huoae. by a vou of 169 to 67. ap
proved of tba bill to make good to tbe
Boacb eeate tbe loa that lu barah and
enjoat trutmait of John Roach enbiied on that old riilpbulder.—PfaUadelphUPreu_
S. E. WAIT, Druggist.
The Trrmr of tbe SpaoUb asvy li a
She belongi to that olMi
bon which much la erpectad in oat of bostUJtiM. bat of wbieb little U yet
kaown positively—(he iorpado boat daairoyer. She U of 408
Bfries tbe oibal u:ail rapid fira goM and Isrpsdo tabs and U maoned by a
BTW of ra men lu charge of Cnnitnaadat 9. da la Booha
8ooM good bu already aooroed to tha
federal goverament (roa the lurcbiag
invesugatbma Into tbe andavaleation
of importMl uerobaodbe which u be
ing oandneud. anda eotbenty of the
She i* Bid to be erne
tbe (aatBi veeseia in tba world.
deyi ago iodiatiog that eerbiD peraona
,by ■ who have been engaged b bringing for-
Um sarvant ao.wenal hb aummeu end ,
eot bb way.
ao* VDira
third eiri
girl bv
nvat.. w
to cau
all uii ...ru j
balfaaUraw.y. Tbch...i»wua».llaod ■
her pannu had the n'l'utaiton u( uot be->
Ing ver3' eell uff. lie knucked and gave
Ibeame aucMgetuihe maid as be bad |
duuat t>wOmi buUH. Hbe
Hb« >u not an ;
•oiouiplKbed bouwmatd and le
Steodlng at the opra door whUe «l
aed spuir lu bvr young mlatrvm in
roaok liunwc board tbe quint
vd be I
‘‘Aafc Mr. Tweiiikm to
e annoy bool;
wu ebown atnlgtal Into tbe
puke, whore HIm Mary Jonai at la a
lew ohair with a M«»ubledUb on bn lap
y* ■
peu on tlN
flea beeldo bar. She wuro a oy pink
Che uiiddlr m
o( tm.
the Bon.
In tbem
boow< ueo aod woaeo and childreo
•■oddled wgeibrr During (be long
winter uiooib. they are abot In fv
da.vt at a time. Ibe taul* otlen aharlng
ituir qurtera
Every apenore bu 10
tie closed uo
on aeeuent
aoeonnl of tba cold. Tbt*
loog iupriBQoueot U perhaps tbe caoar
it tbr drgradatioo of Ibe people. Hwi
Ole dianue. reaoll (roa it wbieb are
aa abaarmal oooanmpddo of arwok, Ibe evoogdiattlled
of (he Analii
loraruole rale to make foor days a
week bolidaya wub ainU' days aa ex
riiuce they have adopted the boll-
g"*** '“W
tioo. It waa evidently qnlu a utnn
thing (a ber toabrll pem in the moniing. usre 1
balahe laugbrdand ulkvd ao |.b«tantlj ej. _ New York Ledger
lUt Hotaoa-mntd Ull tbe bad AnUbad and ‘
to take ber peu
Wbauver may bava twen tbe Ippea-*
■ton left Bfos tbe miad of tbe ooosigiim
U visit to tbe spprslaer't toqsiaiby bU
tioo ro
sntbcrltieB rsoriv
lory : dtae onder examination, with the valnee
iru I advanoed 6 per cent aod 40 per cent sdIdUiooal Aaocam{Nnying tbit new In
I Totoe wu so ezplaoalloo Ibat tbe doco-
euae (or coming again, and. though ha ^Wbm tbe eoaqurror came o« npon
overlooked tbe doomed
still talked of .
griog to tba olty them
them did “*
be any burry eUrnt It.
tnty. bla stern face lighted
quite uqulckwiindm'
••boUforul be eiuJaimed.
i>7 J'
' girl. ai>d soon
b undurstood
undurstoad wbat ha
"la it yoor exoellency • wish.'' asked
It, so 'I gvt one o( her bniibcn tooon ao offloer of the sriillery. gallopiBg op
. to
o bira
bln in the most raaiial way In tbe
tbeo, "that (be town be abelledr"
worlirthal.be »B. engaged Uscuratcio
north ami iber a.ru to uT
Horace did nut go to/tbe city tfcwa tmt
to a(rw wei-k. be returned and tlvud with |
bU (atber and a middle aged bcuaefceepat
till tbe old mao dird. E<ra <beu'be aada !
DO preu-ui.' u( being a marrying iuaB.and '
wbun ebaSed a>>nt alogle blowodoaw by :
bla irirad told tbe alary <d tbe pra abelliog ! whom be wlebed to give bim tbe beoa^ Unxhingiy aid be most writ fa fit of tbeir raffrngea "I briieve in a
"bn. lteb.wm ’|r'*".„‘?'2
teveson (bwe wlU oartalntv be bo bmd
Noaoow to Modtw ber to ahell (nu. Von cab give a wife '
^ believe In tbe vlrtM of Ameriqnlu a One aaubllabmeot now and a cuva*- ^ werahip Che old stare aod
ttogeloM Ibe bargaia. "
Kripea. I believe In raiMag on high oa
wUe to to the ewea^dom^ womanly , *»aiaKa wu
woaaDthstaaoeynritberbuyaoarspulla. '
and. thaigb I may Joke aboni Mary 's
•wr, 1 BT
ma w
going to Glrton,
bla tha
and 1 don't aappam Mw men knows bow
to aboU peaa BM. tor rilltol. 1 beUeva pledga at a vota flraa every ana {sea-New Tork World.
abeMtoraottorovw again tnaUiaaa-
u’ wu dated on tbr day .„
jowing (be Brat invoica. TbI. cvwreeted
, uvoioe made a oneaiderable addmon to
I tbo revanora of tbe Uniud ljutm govbigb cnatomi ofilola] to remark that If
nuilar "oorrectiooi” ooold to made of
all iovoiom that bore evidence of fla
grant nadervalnaiiaDS the governmeni
wtald to beoeflted to the extait of ail
UoBS of dollara
looked npon In the soetb u treason to
Deaometic prinedplaa (Jovanor Onl<4Tk
Taxu. wbo
ia a modidato (or
tbs United fltnua aenata. In a reomt
tuieaanv Intended u a reply to Sanstar MUlt' BMqriiCBt os ibU robjeea.
I laD-Oemoctatie. On the
eontraiy. ha ebows (hat tbe tariff of
1648. known m the Welkv toriS. end
eoBiidared a ate Oeaooatie tariff
etaodard. plaetd dattoa cb Boat of tte
w enonre, will to npttoated in too
uu fay e au having tnod riewt 00
inestlcm, and tbu nddto
“Mori 1 Mar ayaalf awayP' he mled.
"Alae.1 fear yon auti" she rtpUed.
Then wu aaeb of trvtt in what
pot of line (B toe amt OB wbito he bad
toonghtlealy town Mtttog te toelam
twnhoHS. DbMb Ibtiy anaMted ton
nwUwuevlABM IhnltewobMhBM
cooniry <»
Ao impuruiioo of embrolderia
wai entered el ao low a valnatlon that
the appmbar's euiuioer esapacud that
; aomeUiiag wu wrong and n rept
to bia obiel
It (V tbe o
etgnee. the goods having c
"(be ooosigiwd p^" end not u tbe
I antnal Imporutlonof an Amnrloan boy
| eV, and aobjeewd bim to e rigid exaa: tnacian regarding tbe cost aod rauket
■ valoe of the merobandlaa Evideoeewu
i proonred from other and trnatwortby
aoorem that tbe lovoloe flgnru did not
fairly ivpnseot the market ralu of the
qeUeblgboB ber Uesat u>d her balr wa. '•>*■-»
m coita^ it is not eorJnat u Dkely done aa wbvc be bad laN pruiug mat (be man flnd iKlJa time for
aaeo ber St a Clndnvlla aanoi.
Fanning, bm oQlinrv aod oaltia
down lotto nartitfognmyvIatMi tor tba
Ultla toaUy tosHAl bar poraou had plan
ned lor bm twcBty-firot Uitbday- The
yoong folks ealM bim'‘Ubcle Hctnm."
nnd Mvm louldwnd ^ days and boUdaya wd tonflia tojla warn eoapiiti
wUboatUa. Be tavMaU nlgUeed
wrikad ep to toe ffrmth wtodow M toe
aodai dlBlag reoa. where lbs toUt waa
laid fm breaktom. toongh ngbody wm
dmnyetetoaptGeairtongl^, Bhswgi
vaBol. while tba TBier td
UaHad Stales navy te one of tba Tory large waft.
poeu of tbif material have bora b« lit
tle more than I.800.UIX) poonda. Tbla
afford, (nrtber evideooe of tbe tralb of
tba oontaicioa tbu tbe outitomptlon of
____.______ _ the free trade
>■ Inntwtbnn
•aetiee tariff it in operaikm.
Tbrongb tbe am of ibe lowest grade
of Iboddy. epon with oottoo in snob a
aairaer that tbe cfaaraoter of (ha (cMe
To iwBady thb. wbos «mf PEEPAHED PAIITT
, eolte, ao aauor what kind of paint U oaod (or eoeoad or
AIM wub niRA vermin aod
. ,
eapabla of being more exteocivciT need
in tsbricB than ia tbe case with tbe nutarisl elsewhere toanatactwod. English
•aids are epecially adapted to tbe work,
aad by their nee iboddy. which ooMi aa
little ai 8 cenu per poond, can be ^aw
with from 6 to lO pee oento^oottoo. b
it sarpiialng that EaglUb tatwlca. wade
of toob obeap autarial. can oompew
with goods of boooK maosfaotora In
the Unitad Biatee, and la than not good
oaoae (or prouctiagonrwonlM tndoatry
by imporioR a tariff npon (oceign bbrica and npow tbs riioddy and Bongo
Tbe problMtory tariff
spoD foreign Mioddy ii reported to taavo
bad e depr^ng effect npon the indnotry in England Tbla. then, is good «ri.
denoe tbal onder tbe Wilson tariff tbs
. eonaomption of eboddy and of adolurated bbrica waa eDormons and proAtaMe.
•The I, .
operation of the Wilacm Uriff amoatited
to mure than Th.OOO.OOO pooBda. while
andei tbe McKinley tariff iBportatkma
prialog oosi WO thick.
or perhaps tnabia down.
This Will Be Looked After by the,D. S.
Flying Squadron.
_ - . .
>e goods
alvely edttlurated with shoddy and
nimga. and they oan be pradooed at
pricM tanging tran IS oenu to $4 per
D It leaeonabla to nppooe that with
tbe facilitiee wbiob tbeoa manofaotnrore
of tebrioa In the beery woolen dlMriot
of Bngland enjoy they p
largely eopplying
guoda adnlurated w___________ .______ .
tbe period of tbe Wilson urtff. when
' ' iniaelf
we reeomoand that from a qaart W a ball galloB of pwra
•‘■•eed oU be
(N oaed
need la
la every galloo of patov Soma people aay thalaaytUag
will do for a priaer. ea It it covered over aad aevar aaea, ao thay oftaa eaa a
Tte diaeoverj at a copy ft Ite C
The Fair.
25 do*eo children’s bl^ck bo«e. sites •from S-9^4,
former pritie Sc, sow soling for 5c a pair.
SO dozen children’s tan colored hofle, sizes
at 6c a pair.
20 dozen ladies’ fanej colored hose at 3c a pair,
sold everywhere else for 7c.
60 dozen black and grey at 4c a pair, regular
value 10c.
Fleece lined hose at b}4c.
Extra fine seamless hose for 9c. regalar{15c
Ladies' fine Lisle thread, fast black and dark
brown at 19c pair, worth 35c.
If in need of anything in this line call on us.
We have bargain sales for yon in all departments.
244 Front Street.
Brooch Block..
•• I
My Lineof Silverware
Is the fiuest iu'Hortbern HlchiailL O^ieand
secure an Ornamental Clook or a .One OoM
Mmrsoa BI.00K.
F. I. EDI, Jewiibr:
■•fareidM (be pride and antliDeDt aod dotr
U tble (blog. Umo U brtchb hard, jrilow \
gold to be caved or made out ot looktaf '
attee foot hoabaad'e wardrobe. Wbeo
JobD act op hie asoooie >t (be <e>d oT tU I
a bad ieUen (w
below (be oaoal Ugatw. be gave'me a loog.
At flret (be other manted
pree- aeareiilbg____
glasee. aefced tur wbx I wMted
aaljwrwl mod Uugbed AOd (rul
aokljraug- mom lu thla world, and 1 oatd >
focted that >b<^ had
ingJobD'a -HlUee^tAj
pockets at oigbt or eauiua
. uu
tbe ragmaD. but ebe got a word lo at
•o loterestlng
bow £) fund (or (be cbToobllUi
br (bat Bhe out oolj ellenord b«r aecua
botaeat (
K ww (be trivotooe fcoklac little woidas with tbe blood tang wbo loM bow ebe
had eated cooticb
at diSanoi colored U«buoa vese«kth>i ban teDded lo «ttm*e tbe
Mm |la» tbecrlM erf M ^exa a«n.
lUd. greua. bine aod white o« weolored
glMi WM (ami. ud (be dereJopneai (rf
muff lenderir. -I beve wm»«l cblochllU. <«> “>e futon trend of D..-dlcal developthe
we* foaod lo be greeteat uiever vitKv 1 mirriwl. aod. tboogb John neot It UkM into aocuont and etnpba-1«
tfxred. Belt grtecew under white, next BOdoiibuvUr ba* an cxocllaoi bueJnrm we alaei and ntilitea tbe eSeol of tbe mibd ^
tiader gre« «nd text esder blt»L Tbe doo't proMid lo ba rich prople. and I oo tbe bodr and iovolvm tbe prnsaoaot
IMMlitP <rf tbe light uder tbe glam eouWn-ierrwwmrcoundenptotbepolnt improvem-ol In ebarncter brtbeoontmi the lempenttare varied with the ^e.klogited«-xboriolrimegoludvbt ,iooo„ eobeUtnCicm <rf bmllhvforvldlff«eat oolora beiog treaien for tbe ,
White Klaa and l«ut for (be blv. bat >ouod
•rhw tbe aiperiMDti were ao o>rfdM(mrevarlctuui ejo about in terncet ibcf 'P^“dte tbe dlgeallghted on inr bardworklog biieband tuiu- tios w>d tbe alwp and improve tbe genbllBg liim bie overeat preparatorr (O glv erel appearance of ■ patient and bow
log mea haatr motet klaaanddmblog ont rmpidlr grief and bad proepeoU bUoeb
attar bU earibe lace and lower rwerj viul fanoliad.
agowbeti be went a-pounlng. Tbe iuntnete oonnectloo U-tween emo-
"rb.nk?llM:\o*e‘^?tb blm
aa much iJr ble «qui!lLj w-leoX*^ uL
d IrnpruecbebU
petfectir flttlng
SlD« our marboot* ee nnviblng
(rM !«■ bad bBCYi.eertorlrUge I had locOnfr
ally at lcael.|going rUiadny down bill.and
that very dayy I detamiliied to turn bliu
rlgbc about (■
•d M to rroder tbe temperaioie tb«
MM oader each glam tbediffereboea in
•rowlbetillrvBiaised. Itwxalaofuand
that (be ooloriog of tbe Intf and flower
«l the plant wae in Kime cam iofloMoed br tbe color of tbe light. Lillw
tbatwue pink to clear light, fortsmww. twritoe white noder green glam.
All of then reralteareciiggeriive in tbe
growing of window planta.
Tbe Popnlar 8desoe Mewe eutee that
eriee of exparimeoie bx
One of Spain's Big Fleet Headed Tnis Wdy.
The Fnrag U tm of tbe '-SpaniA baneta"
BMBtgM nr* doito
■miM iBflnenoe oo (be growlDg parta.
There are no virible external lojariee
'wreawbes tba parte areazpoaed at eloae
XBSge a Urge part of tbe time daring
TtfKir In eqalpmeni ud tpeed.
She U vary fintUar to the
Bar length U ttO fmt. beam tt feet, draft
t)i feel abd dlrplacement WO tone
She U veer fari abd oab reel oA W
fcboM an bonr noder fenced draft at any tinm Berbormpower U 6.000. and eba
earrtea two torpedo tntae In addlHon to tbe nmal light battery for eloae work.
Mvera! dareTbU la the
the gMcnl impiMricn ii that tbe rayc.
•fM wilb ortnpantivelr ebori expo•ma, are injoriona to tbe baman tiagmo. Tbe rart were found to have no
/toxic or tnming Infloeuoe on pla
Ho diffwenoe in growth wx prodnCM
bj expaanre (o the Boeotgeo ravA Tbe
Sbe wonld irobably baa formidable xIagcBim
Bxeommandwu Chptaia a
OnrUer. and bar erew nombm ft.
nra neitbrr lobibitod nor hMtened i
growth. Baoliu were expoaed for boon |
to tbe rare, but it waa foond that they '
had no Infloeoea on tbe dictribntloo of ;
- the bacilli in tbe liquid, nor on their
vKalliy torkba langlta
mglb of
Of tbe
tbe XSOann.
pert ae khbetllijiir MoocBy. T HertAM
myirif I alweys damnl hi. aocke and put
on ble button., as any gaud wife sbould.
and when I w>-nl bum--andi added
^ batter's
^ and
’f,inirt to Ond ibat he enuillv
.pent even >ear nearly double wbal 1 did
oo dr.«a.
"Of retme. uiy Drat oatoral feminine
Ineiinct me, to wold
Happily. I griuay
^ bl. room Brau his cltwru. eop,b,
obnnituig nbt ao moon at gasmo ixouIty X of Improper amimiUtion. Sb«
WM glvm a ey.temalic ayatem of tnin-I
tod perfnmai
ing in (
onrrfnllv otelbodixed
aod tait
raocvwinD of rvtuMDl.rauoea of agrwwLle guvtatnrv and aibvr bungrr ftwlinga
and tliirat fcvliuga. tbt- tnining U-4Ug
erdvYrd at ibe aanie boor
Tbii was cQDtiiiotS foi two montbs. at
tbe end of wbicb (br amiuiilative pow-
dlOruItT b
;ktlva were handily swing- |
"All hi.
r,-. u,
had gained vn n-,
the KM Bilun-.
to coll.r-1
colirri cvrrv
rvery bit
bit <
wm- kicked u^ld. I 1» weight and more than SO per oat in
Of dost: bU drees
imer .wewter*
' atrength. Tbo cure wx effected nmply
down In acloaat t_____ _________
cl more and
tbe very path of tbe motba. band- by raoring the brai
I gulf twrrd. (ameduwnfrom a shelf I briter ctlmali to the dig)alive ergua
aln-ady )-Im-w«1 lni..^p-vUwai>^ and—but o,, ,i,a other baod, pervona
lepariyoulunberharrowlogdctaUA I.etlj^
po,itively loathe food tT
|t muf^ txt 1 u-k that pathetic w.,dmb.’ j^ ooDstaoliy being onmpclled to at tbeu
Bonaparta-e aecTa-
of tbeSobnylkil
•bUl to The Ladiee' Homo Jontsel
f'Hie tml deetinetioo was tbe Swim
at Prangini, from wl
bad fled two yean betore. ucTbii
object to tacnra the treaimre which
had been boried >u tbe ground ot the
Mtaia ou tbe wt- of bis fligbt. Maillerd
Connd tbe bcTitv) packeu. and with
tbem be would alw bnve bmagbl to
PbiladelphiB vowD Jolie If ber I'byn
bad not oumpetled ber to rvnoouoe
IJ, W. Slater’s House taisliing Store
X2S-X32 E'3?03n.-t Stiree-b.
noeotlr been carefnllr made br Prolaw Atkisaoo to deteraine tbe esaot
Mtica of tbe Boeotgeo rar* on growing
plabta. Tbe reenUa. anfortitn'atelr. «re
•( a Terr sogative obaraoter
He foond
that tbongb pladt timoee abeorb the
•■Id leit Jaxpb
We carry a fine line and are selling them g
S close. We have the following; Barnes’ Famous »
S White Flyer, Steams, Eagle, World, National §
S and Pyramid, besides a cheap wheel.
We have a few of the '97 Eagles left—They S
g are bargains. I got an order from one of the f
w clerks in the senate chamber at Lansing for one 2
I of them.
eliber cored x verr greaiir modiflrd br
irfHo.iw^h kJwiiciooe coorm of btaio building,
priodple Ueaenili
Udy’e maM. while b . glove, and tied the caae of . womao who bed been euflooked >0 dlercTsiUible IDIJ hU «A«ul»lAe- fe3A<a«*-i»« T«era_tr?m, dyrpepeia.
ba a traveling agent for Uifard'i oommareial boom ud viriring Girard', ocrCMpondenti in BolUbd and dwitaerWillUm l*efTioe write. *1
n.0UN.l.«n, or the pn«,me
pbr»'oel amimiUciqo and decuup<im»i«iobviooa Tbe eexoai pervert.
tbe kleptomaniac, tbe cblld of vicioct
temper aud tbe pereou wiiboot iiatoral
affectiem are all now claaaed u t.vpee in
wbicb tbe aboormal coodiiiuoi can ba
UKUally .pent
hisrnt In owldllDg my o
a. atuffliig my sloevea with I liu>ae
■iiy ribbun. to attendWc eoiildn't
I.U lo Jo
flord a VI 1, but I |iiww«lthe bouia-mald
inlo K.-rvloe aod uodor my dltecUot.
quite uola-known «" uur’IoUin we worked
•ulue miraclea
"1 bad Jubn's t<
secliona, end Ihi-re
ed by a c
1 laid hi.
| Urs and
bale to’ have ihclr
tbinav kept III laiii-v. m l)l)<- tbry wUl Ink.kindly lo a M«il<.iml drsmer. After (bii 1
In acaw fur bl. (opbat.
(be project of joining her huibaud.
-Tbe jewel., which were vMxd M .
|I,000.000. wet* atnfled into n belt. 1
wbiob Maillerd wore' on bi. per-nu
«ha retominB ncrua- tbe Atlantic and
Wltb which b*^. gla.idlv rvcvived bv
|‘XK!l“TwpLd"ml\-^rd b'TS'pn*
pr.-il«., T1
«ho»-.-.Ulw i..ald huw.byu.log ii.phitia
c.rm.T.lya pl.-.-uf l.rcmn )aipcr a
.- .-ndly
b.u in. -. ai«rt. rouid b.•«.,I1t i-radi.
and vi 111. ibc< lii aiy ii'AM- I taugbl
[ii\»a J.-hn'a cl.dbc.
bit maetef Id the Uoadowoe boom.
" Filially 1 i<Tauad<d John
MBT Philadelphia. It wx atxiot tin.
i lo bUEliK-*. luudaya
time that wild rumora began tociren
Jill l>y alt.rnaimg beimt-<'ii
late in Pblladeipbia oooovroing tbe ex . thplJh.wn.and1 il,.-gray,
alway. I.. .,-.v
king'a rieba antrtf the buard. of apecia . line .lilt lo n-wt up for a day nod uudcrvu
' aot-n'ibuslMtlc airing, bnirl.lnganil prva.lug Tbvu every iiiuriilng laid out (or bliii
rlotbiw. qulta
quite trlap ami »«wi
Mvaieriona havy boxea. acaled with wa. a wt: of clotbea.
WBX. were believed by Ointrd’n clerk. >ii'<'!ilng-atrf to h.-lp^ihc g.»J c«u« of
«*(«. tha
iaval. nf Snain uraUlcatlng tbe clop, uf tuljauco and gon-
ty or ondar
nu-ala In onoongaial
. and Ibe ro
ily a form erf dy.p*p»ia aeeuU is oaoall
,, j»ycbir. The change to leea r»„llent auiToondioga will do inBniM-ly
mirficine.—St Looia Ulobel>emocrat.
It ia of ooorae well known (bat In
tbe pmwot in. ib«d of inaortug theflneri
reahlts lu d.-.-nruliiiK cblha unt ouly are
.ilver and g.dil and iroo tbe pnucipal
Not a phraa eoaveylbg an impmaileo of wUi* fellelty, y« It may ba
fonod that amtor. hot. bx mnlfold
WM anCt U peenllarly abla In MrtalB
plaoM to afforil oomfort and i«U«t A
pbyaidaB wbo bx Sried it aayi that do
Bgat ao qnickly relieva naoMn and
vomiting x water, bot x it on be
For eaatijjatlaB drink of hot
water a riicrt time before retiring M
night. DyrpeptiM are baeflied by alpplug a enp of hot watag an hoar before
euliog. Tbv aame practice (oda to fleata
prodortiot^ and la on. of tberolM given
aumetimes ui preaoHptiatia for (be core
of lauienea*.
At water ia ao considerable an eleyticwl atroi-iwe, it ia io
food, tbusgb—knowing,
too, that witboDi it life cannot be aopported—11 it mil otnally regarded in
Ibui manncT. and the knowledge that a
weak ntiiiiacb will retain but wi
nba it mill uoebing elaemay beoli
liuir-k of value.
Lei Iboae wbo are Indined to a>ee
boil. Died with cream abd angar x (or
If coffee, u may believe, aeoontgea dvapepria, and lea raden ita
conaumera cubjeol to badacbea. while
a cold fluid with warm fluid
gieoic. II anaw.-re to roaon that If any
drink mnsi be oaed at mealA tbe one
we arm conaidenng (or elae bot milkj,
bavmg nunc of (beir objectionable qxlRiea. ia ptvfetwble.
To wxd off tbe cold tbrataned by a
cfailly aaMiiian. dnuk a cup. To looeen
a tight cough, tip water ae bot x it cab
b« burne. A but romprvaa. with • dry
flannel over it. peraivteully applied to
tba tbmai and cbent wtU cure a viubboni o.BgU. a aore throat and cat aborf
In lie incipi.-iicy cougwtiou of thaltfega ;
Tu dip a cinib m boj, water and lay it
qnickly over (be (■-•( ui pain u oome- .
lime, a relief m ot-uralgia
apphraliiiu uii tbe Htuuiai-ta will baniab
oolic. In troop place abonl tbe neck
flanijel wrnug out of but water. For
apraiD. b<il (cqnematlnn. ah-exoelleDL '
lu au< h cae.-. ewru vb.ioJd be Ukeu Ibat
“ »«>
^rt^'-JealTv nnd«
nut to
I'n’o-s, n..t
geMraiiy ouderuuocr
siKxi. ua» Hi be h-Kirted lo ID Oder to .
rxira. t .be available lui-dium from tb* >
To Cure
That Spring Gold
illse Rose’s Pine Expectorant.
BMdle Boildinc.
i f Spring and
Summer Terms!
metal. Tbo. lu lli.< caiw uf guldthU.
« be kcol
euriootxd lulcreatiog proo-.a 'tepe-L^" ,
dally illoitratcd
A (A guldpiooe ia]*®.
lu vi-iMUS place the afflicted child X
placed In a graduat'd glaju- and upon ;
licUy a. possible In a but Xtb—that
beaiMi a. moeb M comfort will
Hid of .iiaul V
■***“ ■
illow. Tlie uouvulse.1 frame will be re-.
laxvd and uolbud by it. coniacl with
day (be
iliwjlvua Uie guld. by
metal and and foninng a chlvrid# of
(jn tbe g..|d l--ing Mitirely diafoJeed tbetv-api.-ar. a etnall dep-ivil of
poimre will do much m prevent lb*.,
'uUlue of X inittnUina diseaaa. An 00- '
anoiial (nil bot bath npio rotiriug te
of great bvoefit in iudu< lUg sleep Even
liR-b I, I'lil- ride of vilvet Irriu tba
«at ywr*. wbo were tbeo among tboae
a (outbafb will be (ooud a help xa
alloy 111 till- g'dd. Tbe aolutiuo of guld
Ole^ have told bow Joapb wonid ait
means to tbe wme.
' '
ia carefully pimred off into aootber vmIn (ba bank (alking with (bam affably
Wfaeu a penmu la tired ud bated. ^
•el tu get nd (if (bi> drpoait of ailver. tatbiog tbe (ace wub warm water will [
Wbilt WBliiug (or tbe grai bukar ”
ly wouldn't permit Johiito buy hi. ciotbes. , It is Ibt-n diluted with water and pro prove i6of% (ximfuruble x well x le*a j
bole oboap, i.oal lliilomeo. vtbo will put tosolpbaie of irou added to effect predasgww Ibx tbe o«« of cold. Weak .
00 (rrab braids, nifaue troum
an<i cipitaiion
immediately the liquid beeya*ue made atroager by baibiug tbem j
do odd blla of Ullorlng M a low price Tr.{ cornea
olubded. i
Tbasmy—Pa. what ia "bora mmF'
regnlarly Ui water x bot x can be'
bill, I took .quAut|^ Tuk^
^in. (o fall
Mr. CMHper*-lt ooniiati InkDowlbg
la a. or no lunner uae. ana a __
bomu. If they are tired, xeb bathing,
wbw (0 xy D«igb. my «»n.->N*w fock
to wbicb ii Bomeiima added a litUe
xlt. will wobderfBlly real tbem.
Dd* tba impiaarioo that they never won powder waabed aeveral tima with clear I
and velvety
) crater It la diwinad and placed lo a abml- (kin
never nie cold, bat warm water
••lirJqoladabrtef«ro«laontbep.rt'low plate before a fire to dry. after wxfaing tbe face. It may X flrri waata! mlatna and maid to learn bow a man a
ed with ooap oad bot water, tbx riumd
clotba are properly folded, that
with tepid water. To Xtbe the fax
dally In but wattt wUC >( it mid. ita
' “ii “‘‘si
move piniplM. And tX appeanbM at
them bloeked, but we bar* tamed—) ud all *ada of red.—Mew Yr
wnnkla may X graUy delayed, it U
laamad.even to do op John', patent talb-:
Xlievod. by ibe CUB (if (X bot Xth.—
OB InvtiraaebebB XkI aaw bla coat but-,
Bt. Loaia bepobllo.
CetUag la lu Wera.
tooaon witboat putting tba tbrad thtoogb
Ibe tweed xd lining, too, xd making ,
Figure tbe llBiiacliona upon whaleveryUilBg puckv.
Doiog ia CX grat thing, for if rxomioB rexnnable;
er bxia
"Uetween (be tvro irf x we tarn ent a Buowiug uuuu.-i.uiis (ram Ibe tiolauoe latady paopi. dif wbal ia right to time,
medal man every Bromlng. a awari, aniii
for freight Co luivigu buttom.. credlliu (bay euua w like doing it.—Botkin.
-log. immecuUie crature, with never a
net retom <rf ais urilieo. etc . abd It la
wrinkle In bl* walcteoat Iront. with (aoltHa ------------at AIL
laaeraaaea down bla irouirn legf xd bl. cUII very manjlvrl ibat e bavy M>m of
overeat-pockeu waring tbrlr flapa out mooey ia doe m civdiiora in ibi. coonPrtkaen—Wby. 1 don't believe XMr
ride inated u( lo. Altucetbu-r tbe eon of tty. wbicb mast be paid iu guld: all of woald melt in ber monib
aarwbo touka a. 11 bu wUe kept ber eye
Bnnell—It woaldn'l get e ebxa at
■ok m
(btoa falm end took
■ mneb pride la
owXnae. We never Xveanythlng X»
M X ber own.
'ttOik.—£l Loaia btx bayitigo.
.‘:&«(ba loBg«»dnbo((oUi lejadlat"
otoo.-fiaahm Xnuoripa
and Book-Keeping
" -
I Traverse CityBusiness College. |
For umu call on
^xo^arijotor*. *
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