The Morning Record, January 27, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 27, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


nwt T«m-|no. 229.





ia • hot OTOB, Md la ini rifbi i^atM tba dalieloM jroldea browa dalatlca war* beiac paiaad arona<r ^ «o-


I.. MarehaU.

Two Ceote,


seed eirht years. |

d the tco UbU I
Biac of heart taUare..The mUa
tjoeation itut now, are you posted on CltbdB nwttaah
BOB7 a 'rraTerae Cttj botae last aifbC
fiti had foeomred froa a. ee«er« attack
attesk or Any Of
of Uie
tiie new qoentxnp
qoestioiis of tbe
the day. Boy tbe nen
▼a'Are to paetdo Vbotbar «e Ooata
AtfTMUki 9U &ew«^Zaof dipktbarla aad it waa thoarht that 11^ ported.
posted. We hare
bare them all. Oor news coonter
counter hAs'Av«BfbiiiBi^6<
baa ST«BlbiM|S
than waa ao fortbrr daiwar.
i that yoQ
70° wAOt io tha
way of iofortBatioa.
flMBMWf V»lmi Mm Vrtt U Xm- pceseat the (edpe U ftrea berewftb:
wall beatm. a piaeb of salt
latara Ocboote Are Sow Omrded faaeral will taka plaoe today.
added; oae cap of eweel mUk, oae eop
pd Baatlait Oaiiadtr taxed Ba>of while Soar. Wbao the ^
Baipriaed Mr. aad Mn. Onlerno.
raettea Pm Itaa SxtlBCviabm.
beatm pal la half the allk. add the
**0 niOMT BTREtl.
board lot odDoatim diepoaad of | A party ofaduxen ladlaa aad gealAB^. Ju. SAptlw bow« of slow eap of Dov aad beat awooth. tbsa add
Ooman drove out to tbe home of Joe
^ •Bdlfain bM aotarAlMd th«t Ut a*b- tb9 rest of the wilk aad bmt acais.
Oaierao. two miles soeth ol the dty
«rt SsiU Priatla^ eomfuj-b Wd oo Peer the tbla alxtare la tary hot, weU last abrbh Thera wee aethlar
last Bight, aad predplUtod a pUMant
the note priMljAC «M Wt to U« UUrtlM aaAbake ai^t mla- apodal ittpaetaaoe to do eaoept
surprise «e that goaUemaa aad hU
las baaiaMa.batafew food eac«al of tb« •!»«•. aad tb« eontmot bM ates la a tary hot are
goodwlfa. Thoooapaayephata jelly
beu kwuAcd to tiMa Ur two ^t»r»,
At the 'meetiar a t
>iag aad enjoyed several tonn of
oomameiaf JqJj i. Tb« oontraer for tha aakiae of m
lO eomxtlUoe & wbye aad ■
Wecmr«»dii«, th.6oertg.ui.of Pirtou Ghua to he had ia
bisdtec wm' »wu^ to Uie Eeriew of oo^clac arrs wUl ha dtaraMad. The
rted ' elaima. laoladiar toaohoTB'
«Bd Hcnld Pobl^a
ittf ocmfur of reclpee rlrea atAheae meeHage ^ baUnited Stete.. New lot jort recivol Oar piotai. taaag to
Creak- Tha|
bid of the Robert | laf preaarrad with a riew to pciatiaf a t^arlaa. actl^atlaf dS.TSS.lT, whieh
We gaarantoe satufaciicm—try tu.
were orderedipald. The repert of aty
tltb PrlaUBfPrlBUof- oc^paay
ocmpuj oa bladiar ooak hook at some fatare day.
TreasaroT'Wtaaie showed a balsaoe on
tbe aae«4l peromt. hllbw ihaa
band of N.STT.tS.
;iar a
Ml Uddor. nailor
• diffaraaoa

Tbs eommittee oa balldian aad
■ «it.aoD. '
IWmwBBtiDfol'I red ia the priatiaf WuLm BlacAaiaa. vm Befbi Sait . roaads reeoiamoadad ttet the StaU

stroet ackool ptxtperty he piaoed on thd
Mtnetonromva.tiOO.OOO. halaf eaToday Por«8000X>aau«M For
market for Bale aad that the price
Unl7 bw Ubor/tbott
Falae Impriaonmsat.
shoaid he rpO. The derk was author».».j
while thal
I Udien’ ^ver .IfiaCeta, $iiO........ . .for $3X)Q
tvmiaw Blaekataa, who woa his salt Uad to advert tbe property for aale
r dasares la the Cireait ooart at that Ariiia. Tbe eommittee
Dmoad4 that the aodeties bow
Soiltab hid oa UiiorloUBA was $».■
^ Paradbe
Ibr 17.9ft
aainc the baBdlax he permllUd to use
itaadlaold. The repert was acerpied
for ft&9»
aad azpabae of hs^ny the work done
^ ON
Udien’pioabca^S'S;:;;:::; forfttaft
H the baUdlnr which the bwedish deas
at Battle Creek iarkaad of at Lanaiac.
Udie*’ doth Cnpen.............ftl.26, $2J2«, «Ce.
of America oCered to parebaca.
woeld wore thaa o^t that diffarraoa
the imii Jely U and kept him ia eaataPraak f'liedrieh isigfeaiod that la
indooaaiderUitwettlda't be a wUe plan for you to look Into thU-________
The BaUla CraA pUpla are muck dledy over Saaday. apoa the papers Isaaed mob ^ the pohlie eebool balldlacs
way for you to save ntoaey than te invest hate at the above prices '
' appelBted orar their taUore to («t the
from the oosn of Justlee Chaae la Par­ there be placed a band fire extlaraishprtaUar eoBUaet. Tbe Bmitb people
adise towaahlp. aad which aredoelared erfiwiuaiacMofflTe. Tbe so(|rew
aay the AdreatisU are eartala to leaa
to have bean irr^lar. Aotioo vrttl he tioa was reoahrsd with favor and the
Bsaaay oa the bladlap ooatraeL
Bltue on band lace aad froands
a to ba Ttry waU aat- heffan this moraiaf aralnat the aharifl
for damafee la tbe sam of ptOOO.
was laatraeud to obtain pricae aad i«taflad with the
_jmn kleUar beeanae Uey didn't r«t the
Onr shoes stand hard knocks bet*
la aciitiae oak', elm. asb. maple
prlaUac eoauaoi. while ortaalsad
Uaro^beoaea a aaa-uaiom To bs Msoossad by T. W. O. T. V. rMldaat tnttim teas ooUoetod for Jaa- or MabogaayT If eo we can gire you
ter than most and cost yon less
aary. amoasdiaR tePta.W. alsoel
tbe fiaeat bedroom auiu made, wkicb
ofiea is to do aay atata woik at all.
Xtarlnc Maxt Thins Months.
to begin with. Try a pair.
ieai Uboratory tees aRRveRatlBR »i
we are offeHag thU weak at low prices
UniM the two eoatraetore wark harAt ths Htaors "T” mssttaR Tassday
for theae who are ecuDomleaily ieeUaHoaloQsly. there wUl ba aa aad of
rahtar tha followtac profram far the
Tbey on the beet valae for Ue‘
UnM*. The' A^Usta will be reaoooual of D1 health. •
money we have ever sold, aad will fit
paired to pay fral^t oa all sheets seat
Superiatoadeal Grawa reported that ap a roam neatly, while they are as
to BatUe Creak and to deliver toa
Baby Daaa. Isadar.
Boys, we
MUe BdlU Somers, who hat heretofore usetal aad oomlcrtable as the mor
boaad Volamea at the bapliol without
The Popular Shoe Houw
Feb. n—Pablie roeeptloa, in charye filled a emdetfe posltloe la tbe Oak Park peasiveaela.
«aat to the state Tbe Smith company
r SapaHateadoat Anna OvUtt.
of Tramraa City.
Buildlag. bad beaa placed ia Mbs
soya illoel nearly S4.000 OB the biadiar
LeadWaive place. Oaaeoount oftheredaceontract durior tbe past two years aad
tIOBOf the aamber of yoaag pupils
the new fifcires are vary moeh lewar.
HouM FoFnlahlnf Store,
caused by ridkneM it Ufoead anaeceoTbe AdrenUsis my they will not i
March »;-nowor Ulmioa Work. aary to employ a cadet at thU Uma.
«epl the state bladiaf ooalract withIM-m Front BL TRAVBBaB CITY.
prealdoat of the bmrd aad tbe
«it the priatlBC. Hr. Oibeoa mys thM
if the prleUiv waa done in
Loyal Tampmaaee Lq
tract with MUs Socaeie at the same rate
«ad of trouble woald artaa from it. as
paid Mim Walk
the fanslBg company ooald hold hack Leader. MUs LiUiaa Sheffer.
April l»—Sabjeet to ba ^oeea hf
Saperintoodeat Orawa gave eoimiderworic aad make Uf delaya with a lorn
ahle iat<
- la time and money to the Review aad
Laat Month ExoetUd All Past Budneee.
All Dealov Sell Tlwa far
diUoas of the various tchooU aad the
la the High sehoM he
■liRtat BamaRO te MaadU Partary
capacity of the department aad tbe isMaaafactared by , '
Teeteiday MerainR.
XaiRMt BateUmeat la the Bistocy
ton much lar^ earoU­
of the BehoaL
Fire was discorered oader the Boor meat next year. There are
all alRhU.
Saporiaiendeat C. T. Oiawa reperts le Deleaey A ByaUa handle factory at pupiU la the High sebooL .W of
that hiRk wpur mark was reached ia Thoapaeoville early ycatorday mornToaadMr Blook.
the BiRb school attaadaaoe yeatMdv, laR. _It had evidenUy been amolderiaR superiauadoat staled that
with 411 Rooth I'BkadU
90S papils belBR enrolled. ThU U not for boars or pafibaps even days ia the
present iaerMBe tbe earoilonly the laTfesl number for IhU year, mwdasi before breaklaR oat. Am It meat wentd reaeh hetweea 850 aad 4(Xi
the loes was sliRht. bat e serloea
bat U betwMB forty aaA fifty asore
and It erould be
waa narrowly averted.
t^aa were ever enrolled atone time be­
for the board of edoeatfim to oenaider
fore. The BiRh eehool and reeltatloa
the peoposltloa of aa axelasive High
Beau the X
rooms are crowded, aad it U bard to
aebool baildiag. Bvea now there are
home time aRO the Rks>u> printed
flad aoeommodatioM for all.
>thawwhe»m«« tSrtlr wSwU «Mkae/to>
aa item i^iRardiaR a larRe piae tree cut





^et; you are ready to,









Gaining in Popularity—

We are
Still "Very Busy


-A.. -W-.

Free Storage
for Bicycles.

ia ^ey Durthera peaiasals. wblch
acaia~6.000 feet aad which was
ported aa tbe larRcat tree ever :et in
that locality. ChUf of I'oliee Radale
suted yeaierday that he cut a piap Ko
Loor Lake lovraahlp la 1885 whieh eat
'tlsRS of jaiz loRk aad scaled s.tit feeb


maed OuUnazy Art aad
Joyed Bemo Praetlea!

are aow fifty dames and some of I
are too lar^ for good work by the
teacbera Ue thought-it would he aepemary aext year to iamesae the force

The queeMoa ofe
I far the
BrevttMO. ----_________combinlBR as
Mr. Met
it was decided to set aride
Uey do the literary aad the pnleUcal
Mrs. William DeWitt Uqaite tU' aad
received ia feee from puplU
aide of Ufa When ft waa d^ed to mined to hM room.
who use the laboratory, ss s fund to be
make these meeUaRs aaI lafor^
oookWilbur BDl'of miU Pier aad R^h'
oommaad of the superinlag school thUwlator.. ia br^lttyhe Case of Klagalcy; have been drawn m
leodent for the equipment ol tbe lab­
•boDsewises should esebaaRe views''dwl the grand jery. ,
aid es<A other by their own expeH^
The Ladles' Aid eocUty of the First
Mr. Onwa report^ that he had eold
oee In the home, the Idea met vrith M. B. ehareh will nerve a ten-ceat sap­
qaiek fsvor For the last three meet- per, Etatorday eveaing from 4 aaUI 1 three old fimks that had onUived
their uaefuinesi hareAo the Bingham
iaRStheftub}Msthssbeea ■■Bread” Ip lu o'eioek.
varioas forms Yesterday the proRram
Yastc^y Jastloe Rrowa aaftod ia
was U cbsrgc of Mrs C. J. KoealanA marrUge Mra Almeda J. Oooaor of
whe i^ve a paper oa -Tboae LneviUble Lerlsnau conaty. and Myron C Waias demand decUlve action noon U that of
the free text heek ayeUm. At tbe ^
^jatbwvera,” full of excelleat bints aad of LoBg'tA^e.
of the l^Ulatara a'law
praetleal euRgeotioos. affording new
The prayer moetiag of tha Piaeby-food for thought as well ss for the Uriaa church thUbrealag wiU be bald pamed pawTidlag that free tat books
be farnUbed to e^ooU of elUm,
' Ubla.
la the preuy new atone cbvreh. Rogand
the sdeetkma ol the
Mr*. J. V. MUIikeo hss s dmerved ular a^rriosB will he bald there aext
I be made by the. staU
fepoteHoa tor her- gayiM botton Snaday.
board, of odeosUoa aad three omaty
browa bread, aad she
deO.- F. Watkiaa. who pUebad lor the
The amtter
ua bor method of making
aaklng\ aad also Bustlere lastaeasoa, has heso oNfaged
bm^V to the attmUoa of tba' boaid
Rave her radps for Orabam Rems.'
by the AUdeUe boaid of the oalveralty
^ MUa Tsraar. who U a notable code. at Apa Arbor as chief ooaohar for the by SuperlnUadeat Grawa, who eUted
that tbe board mast deehU at the apriBR
Rave bar reeipea tor graham bread aad oolleRe
rieetioa If they Ao aot want to ba govwkeatgama.
I - Work to prevent farther damage to
araad by that Uw. It U opUoaal with
Mrs. John Felonon was
able to: tbe rlrar haak wl^re the oave-ia aedUtrlcU of, thU clam whethar they
,t. but Mrs. Sseelaad Rave! curred boaday''ihomlBR, U etill eoaUa■ws oader that Uw or noL but
her r^pe .for rye bread, aad a leaf
• • oed. C<
it they do aot want to come uadar tbe
which Nira. Pateisos had aaat was yesterday.
Uw. do not want the frm text hook
sampled and pttmoaaoad dslkdona A
Joe Major haa rstaraad from Ceatml
system at alL er U .ttwy waal tp eMabRaaeral dUeusaloB on th^ aaVJeoU oi Uks, where he has dUplayed a stoek
rye and ladlaa bread was freely par­ of clolhlaR for T. J. Most for about lUbafreamtWB •hder'lhs amaagemmt od the lo«l board, theh the pw>ticipated in.
two weeks. Mr. Major reporU ovefyple mast dneUe at the eomiag spring
Unr of the
thiaR ruBhing st Coatral Lake.
Ua. Th* matter iras referred to
- «f the afteraeoa was pop-ovtre "mada
Ths newly otgaaisod literary soeiely
pommlube oa^ text brnks aad
While you wait-” Mta. J. Q. Johasoa. wlU aol meet at the teaidaaee of A. W.
counm of ntady to UvmUgaU aad td;
M of TisTerse Citj
P«k Friday night as prevknsly aikpepars, was ready with bar oooldaR laagad, oo aoeouatofths club party mpwt at thn next regular mUor.
■ateriaU and stirred up a Ma full e< which was poatpoeed from last Friday
JcAa J. BiMiaa. the gruear U the
pap MSTV. givlag bar recipe as she did to Friday of thU week. The literary Broooh-hladk,U mow emneetad na with
'_________•____ t—
an. Ibme srere deposited la a.f«m Up ,
will meet oae week later.


(JlvesTorfect Satisfaction.



HENBY T.'gnw.WT.’P.

Tg Tate hliagitp ol Oar Sale.



-------- =ddi=;a===rrrr^^^


Our Goods ,
Are Moving Off
lo good sbape, bat tre «aa aopply
ybur wanta tor somn time to oome,
Anxious to
Lower oar slock.
And are offering none Hargnllis
which you will ^ well to take adviDtage k. A cb<dce stoek. of
Bakory Q90<U always oa taod,
aud we woald not bare yon Jone
sight of the fact that the

is the beat, and that it will |»y
you to try a sack if yon bam nerer
need it



ud Uqlon StnMtej

To all to make their pnrehasM where tbey think they cando best We wish to remind yon that OUr Store is the
pU(^ and a trial will satisfy yon.


gyg MOMflHO aB06^PTl[HPBgDAY. JASVAKY 97, 1
Oanfel e( Ml* ■eaHk.
tee teens of a Georgia oooaty to tbe
WiDirai Dmb H<^cUt *71 that
segraprimner. “Have y«oaayraqtieatt
TBAVX&8S C1TT. . mCHlOA; tboBU fimUw AMrlob wm Um wittUM
make todayr*
Tb» otbei Koalae Ukw drai^ad to> to “Only
one. aoh." replied tee ptecnar.
of tiMSal- ,to tlM Kall«i7 of • pbotosmiber vbo "I Want yoawa a gnat favor Mr fit aw
ttkiag tbe a pair er tenadclote hritebes or be faapTatioa Amy Lm been eloetadL.falhnr bM toDft made • apecUty
pictOna ot ibaaninJ ericMtiM •
an 1 waste 'em party thick
y»»- X- Haiw ahp >. w. HAUcn.
veaHTD ni«i who cuae^M* ’ksw I always sraa mighty easy iw
Sir Alcaodor
r Markesclf
"it::: uxt Sir Ar- hi* w«id.u»ph«ogniphCT.
Atlanta Goostinitiao. <
«b«r SslUvan b«T« bMD
wan «lee(«4
®iei*« bmoi
Be«n-behiod the wmuuT, wiio kuew katcb ooL
bm of tbe 8w«dii<) Acadeny ct Mwia ,ibe caller, bad Jn« beai readlnR in a
Pnkidaot Hayaa Utaly BarrSafl aoacd tive riiyrd ObicsKO. She banded tbe
«MMk.h7«fTtet. '■
paper to tee ¥^eeten»w to read, expect­
Smith, at PnaiMGt, O.
ing to get aotte amnaanent ost of bis
WaablogtoB Frotbingbam.'tba Saw oonmesta Tbe Cbicsgcan was in tee
York oorTM^noSent of tb« Tray Tiaiai. midst of hii reading. brlaUlng wUh
hM oomplMad M> yaan of eontiBwm wrath, 'When tee bnabaod cf a well
knows Bctreta entend tbe ftKnn.
aerrioe In taat capaoity. .
Oorham Ball U tba nama at a farm* framed portrait cd the sctnet ti
lo Gteoiwoad oooaty, Ua. vb«a sereial yean a^ Moon on aa easel in a
Wbea la seed af anyteing in teia
tMrmr. The bnaband Walked up to tbe
aotber'a Dame waa Add Dwham aM
Uaa raatambar tela >a tba place to leave
Uf tatbar-t JaoaUuui BalL
a few minstea mid:
poor oMeri and get prompt work.
Nicbotaa HeQainu
‘■My wife la certainly a remarkable
gnarantaed or no tearge.
1 birthday anniTanary at v^-oman. That plctare was taken all cd
r., by teadlnR a dance with fire yean ago. yet abe Ujroonger Jook- Leave yonr orders at ofiea or call up
Tn aiatleT of a ayatas of (raa teaC Bootbold. N, T......................
hU daier. wbote age is »1 jrearn.
. . beaka for tha local pabtk aeboaU b
Jdiei. Mary Bair of Valpaw
j Jnrt ,lb«> tee
/ aaa whkh moat aow raeaira aamaat
3T«f (be cntein-Qt tb«
Tba last iarUUtora tionM
think," be axoUIteed
atmai bank
uaua of
lu that
iu*v city. Is
«» theyomwatei,
•• v> pjt. i...... ................
|m-----* a Uw praaMinc tor lie atUb- and firvt woman director of an InatiUta )ondly and empbatlcnlly. Cbrowlug the
of fine arta
i pn|>rr down n|Hjn tb^awfiUT.
bai taakiac ftopUoDa) with dUtriou
Captain Brown of tee Briflteteipj
“ riAt have ytm. bit. to think
’ wbalbtf thay
csoma oadar the
rinOvrdid bae spt«t 40 yaan milte in j anything aboot it?" dami
mice 1> trw>'
bnteand angrily.
Jaw. la «?der aot to come ooder tba
--rctioaoaa Ha br^ on a Iftah*
* tew a rata mast be taken at a rarDlar when ]« yean old and baa bom in tbe | ••Who gara yon ecncrol ova-'my
probably than any, tbiukrrf" actoned tbe aetottitead west2B7 Front Street.
or apaeial election. Is this city the
wrwM* at MclaUaa AAib'kCeeieeWge
patter abonld be decided at the epring
tfaetton. otherwise we mnst oome no­
te the law and he ohl»»ad to hara onr Hdod. bus he.* received into tbe
man Ontbolie chtticb. He la tbe lineal aboeied
tet books aeleetad by the at^ board
’■•Yowwifri? Wbrratosbfcl Areyon
of tbe Icrd chancellw of
«f odoeatimi abd a commiaato. The Gwige m and Geatge IV. who vras tbe alonaticr' ,
Now Baady For Bni
‘■No, sir. bpt yon nmatdg bnlly."
maCDitode and ezeellence of the Trav- most itnbbeni opponent cf Ceibolio
cried tee bnaband. dnneing with wrath.
Otte City eiteoelB ancraate that onr oars emancipation.
Tbe huh-woman Ishind tbe coonter.
board of adoeatiaa is more eapable of
Mgr. Della Volpe. tba pope'a major who bad been casTolstA with langhter.
4stermteiDC what oar text hooka shall dome, will be made a cardinal soon and tried to explain tee mistake, bni tee inwill be sncceeded in bis offloe br Mgr. digiouit hokbaad refoad to line*.
bo than aay other body. In thU
teat the Notbuig bat an apology wonld mtisfy
aeeUoa It world be weli to take imme- Stonof.
English prcla
Ateta actloa toward anbmlttiiur
l;irn. and be msdp a dramauc exit Irnm
tee gallery, rsying teat tee westwner
matter at the apria* elacUon. We can period, be rabed- to tbe a
tee post of oiejor domo is always nn- vrtmW "bear.from bim again." He
father rata to hare a free text book derstood to l«wd to. tbe purple.
went borne and wrote a lettor to tee
^taa> nndaroar«^tral^or ^
Thomas A. Edisan. Jr., thinks be ba. Ihotograpbw saying that be bad ben
to aaaae aader the taw.
diacm end an im|gov<-meot on tbe in- iasnlmd and threstening »withdraw
note aa It at all. thea we unat
enndmeeut lamp iiiTmied by bia father. Lli wife's cqstm if tbe
swiw the tew. The trae tyataki te He says teat he baa devised a n?w vaomingt Tbe«ographerwaa
•hicb enables a wrekman obliged to write Miveral letters before
fatatec in tawamfitia tba apiaiOB
^ the RBxmuthalwe ^oold decide 'to exbaiwd ten bniba in tee time that be ctjdj
lU. aprtnr to adapt tba tee ....... it DOW requires for one. He also claims Meantitne tee Chicagoan went bonw,
that be baa atiew.prooam for gettiog a firm in tee amvictico teat be bad ur,,_.*bok teten. bat nadar oar own
pnrd carbon‘fill

t&itoBHlKO BBOO»>



If You Have Logs to Sell
Corregpood with the Traverse Ci^ Lomber Gnnimn;.
We hive for wle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Hack, Bos and Baggage

Uni Mnehiner; of ill dwcriptioai,iDc]adiQgTirQ EngfnM.
Bet Worki, Cirnigto ind Siwi. A oomplote Saw Mill PUat


Thone No. 3;



Cbsap Caiib Grocery


FinUHtf Fi^udStilileGrMritt


Real Estate *»„• Fire Insurance.

Money tp Loan

Taa tewiradm are tryiac te.tell
Iba people that the canoe of the radneTbe LOU
tfoa of wapa in tea New Bactead oot- tbU see son every other nigbttea "»«ie U faobi in tea tobtaltoaa , Beerbohm Tree U to play Sberlote
Fir JaiMi ^lawyer, a well known pfaySii^loy tew. Wbaa
Holmes In n plsy by Oman Doyle.
sician iff Birmiogbam. Ikigland, bas
an pamistanUy made by <
Tbe venenble acness Uma. Peaisi is
y point te a late of ain- MTlnosty ill at ber bntne in l^ateington. town tee secret of longevity. Keep tl
esamlmtkm of tee
. and b
OtirBarian bai joined tee toad onm- following 19
■ Mtbayaalatabowa
uiy playing "A Stranger In New
I raMSi wby yon abonld
elearly that tbe operaliona of Cbe tariff
not lire to b^It
law nave aothlag whatever to do with
Jten Manning, tee old time minstrel.
R- Meep on your right MdA
a of wagee and tbe atHkaa Is said tu be
dt bis borne in Cin­
■9. Keepyonr badroom window <g*i
U New England. It is simply a quea- cinnati.
Gbarlee OotteUn’s play "Tbe Boyal aUnigbt.
toon of Internal nntopetitlos and tbe
4. Have limit to yoor bedronm door.
£ ' ' i
ability of aentbern eottoa maantaetnr- Bos" will be seen in■ England
A Do BM bare yonr brdsUiid igaiaat
ara. >y reason of lower wages aad lem
tbe wall.
Msxgsrrt Matber to expected to try
frai^t teargea. to place their finlabed
«. No cold tntj in tea iboraing. bat a
prodnetopon tee market at a lower ber fortnse npon tbe Loodcsi stage be- bate at the temperafnre at tbe body,
fose long.
t. Extrciie befeta breakfam.
tgnre than the New England i
e. Eat little meat and me tbto tt ia
‘ •
well cooked.
•'nostiof pradocUon among the Sew
V. (Ppcadoltip Drink no
Boland miUa. and baa rcaalted ia a
10. Eat plenty Of fat to feed tbe. edit
It to told teat CwinnnkMt M0.000to
flntlnteawsgeaof tee employea.
rhicb destroy diwam
LUhan Bnsai-irs old opesn. "An Amer- which
di>e«se getma.
n. Avoid intaxitwnu. white detorcy
lean Beamy."
Meeting of SaladinXtonpla
Era Vincent will fday tbe tcadiag teow edit. .
1*. Dally exeevdae
exewdae in tbeopmt
tee opm alt.
Invitationa are ont for the annaal cbaractw rede in a Sootob oaoredy testAllow no pet animala in yonr llv2y to be pudnoed.
toeetlng of kaladln Temple. Nobles of
esmy abonS
pi«. .
tee MyaUe Sbriac. te>e held is Grand
berolaeof "Cumberland’Cl” baa been'**'***
14. Live in tee o
Baplda February 11. Like all pravions
taken by Jlsrie HbotweH.
IS. Waicb the te^
aflerts tbU U a work of typographical
^ and uiqne originality. Erwy w>- tmderuke n surring tnnr npou tbe con- water, damp and dnina
IG. Have change of
-Me Uoemmanded to be present with dndoti of tevlr brief cs«BgeBMttt In
17. Take frequent and teocthoUday*
bU. far-(and faU dress anlt. If he kaa vandeville.
naa. aad in the ataaenec of a dress anlt
Baperdt. tbe Engliah eetor.ud barbe U iavltad to ersM anything. U only onet. wW was knighted daring tee
qoeitoV inbllee. will give a aeriee of
a aweel sml^.
nwdingt in teia conntry.
Tbe actliiiy aad fwwtr of intoUeet
f tee tote H. nty l.«a»edid not
.. A wrilei in Tbe BaE J. Pete of Settona Bay was in
Tnverae City Market.
view of Kcrifws »ays that this qnalHy
Iowa yaat«day.
/Below U a lUt of (be bnviag aad eell- •»a '^Uie jcM of htv circle."
Jerry Bnllivaa of Cedar, was in the
prleea of yeaterday for grocartea. I
<ataw cMw]>ed liiui. I beard bhn mf
pravUiona and farm pradMto In Travalty ytoterday.
Mr. Dayton, tbe oandidate on bia
HfB.iLoaie'E. Jonee of Tbompaonvne ene£i|y:
tiikctforcmiiptrolWr aad one of tee
bc*t known men in New York:
was in ,tbe el^ on bnalncM ycaflrdav.
'Yon won't ml lid it. litope. if I for­
aemenrHoatweat to Grand Bartda
$10 M
get your iiami-. I am wit-on.-dciuof tbe
Tneeday to meet Mm. HesV^^bo baa
.datjgvr of getting niuiit* wrung teat
Wen rUiUsg at that ^aee., V.___
when tbe need of mbemlwieg comet ••
Mr. and Mra. Wm. Nottallof MWIsFloor. U L
aitlu* tw, awl away tee name goes.
' tM 'were tbe gneau of Mrs. JoaepbjH< Byeinour. a, U AOo. I
Ill; came late to sUinntr at tbe Lotas
Meal.II. LACo.B«at,..
loah yi
club, where be was to dUenrn With eowe
frii nd. tb.' qoestion <rf bia bttog a oanX W.*•^yler. repreaentlng the Amer- I Feed. H. I. A Oo. Beat..
Iran Exfaw Co., of Detroit U ia tee
wasrainiag, and be took tram liispocket
«Uy cm bnaineaa for tee txHipany.
tee alipiiera with wbiofa Mrs. George
Mrs. Dr. Grant bpear and Mrs. 6. L.
Moada. came up from MaaUtee yeaterbe ahoulri get bia feel wet..ind aa be
^y to vUlt tbe family of I'fenk Meads.
put them on be apologised with btoest
Ain. \V. a. Moyar of buttons Bay.
* .
in-—* terosgb tbs city lyaaterdsy on
"lloft time looking foe
ber way lo Ohio, ie aearcb of renewed
r as KiDwite ■
It bis right name was Marimi)ty.
asi 1 think teat was wbat be told i
J. D-.Bornsof Kalaamraa. a promi­
arrutd »AT*aorT
nwbeblf^d him."
nent attanjsy ef that place.retorned to
Bbt there was no i
thU city yesterday after a visit to Leof thebnsinewi in hand
laad anTe^ bnateem
auaad: be was ketn and wida'awakn
bate No.*i. per
bn. (newl
E. C Orlatt ttavellng
agent of tba boo Line, was ia the 'dty Com. per b«....
Potatoes per bo..
yentorday on batessm eomnected vrite
tec arrangemento of the line for gold*
yon going to dor*
oeeken who eonUmplate going to tbe


..................... ..

New Woman Pbyiielan—George, it
tbtnany ptoqMotof ItoJenriogoff veiy

to eome over aad eee bw itaree di^ ago.
1 have -.
_n waitisg evw
evw rinee fcr
it to dear off. lamnieibawfDbatt-


ma—PbUadelphto Norte A»to

DrlmtnidhviokhillicbanaB .
I of
BUM Iff a small
to tea isle
Mall ocBUtoing
tokiiWtoate ~Hasr they patmoaa» it to
amytociT ««»ly ko be solved by«na
BM aoqt^tod with Goello.

r.tss'ei May. UK«<to:
OnsLt Britain and Iralaad eoateia
. $9.97; Miy. $10.07.
$$0 banka, tea mo« impcgttnt beiiii
tee fiank (ff T^land. wb^ob baa a cap­
Qtn^ SapMa. Jin. M.—Wbau. Ito. ital M «



Improved Farms. and
City Property.
JohuKm Block.

The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk. I have

*PhoD« 78.

-jrpn wint to tike • ride
remember fh<; lisaf place to go.
1 Live 1 lii^open bas.a 5 leat
•leigh 1D<1 1 top bos. All viry
comfortable for

Sleighing Parties,

Two or Three Houses and Lote
and a Number of WeU Located

Vacant Residence Lots

in Trav$ree City that will be sold
Alio 1 lot of the very best Port­
land cattori,-tiro iDd three netted
I can fit yoQ ont irith aay kiiMl
of i tomont.


At Low PMces

PioBMT Liwery Mrb.


it sold NOW. Come and ask about
them, if you want a home or a good

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verij ,
—Front Street.

TL10S.T. Bates.

Our Gtearauce Saliu
on Warm Footwear is on. Tbe
price we have put on them wUl sell
tbem. We can aave you fSrom 26 to 60
per cent on this line of leaver and
----Felt FootOetthemof.......




116 Pnmt 8tre»t, Wotxbarg Block.

l - 'f
■■ .1

*H* iioun«a sBooitK imrasoAv, lAiratsy w i88e.

mm ARfl TELLt:
Do tho Moct Talking In tho Son.
ato About tho Silvor Dollar

ta M tk» r*M StiTvr Um 0«N* u>fl..


WMbterton. J&B n.—TNtwOaW*-*Mob of-tt* ta-nfcle vm» ctaoiwtcrtM
mia> or <tc nnancHAl «UMtlon. For n»ar^ tour boun ib« Teller reaohitlo* u ■ '
•peOchM b«P« nuid* Tijr .A^UK^n. li- i
of JLrkoBMu. Mi'd Hear. Tbr »luiri<
«oUoqis> «M Bt Uhm IndoJowi .1
tween ibr advoost.'-r and t:>; .j i.•f tbe manUnbrn. thr d li:
proiKMnit bliu-mm. T .
a rgr. •
Teller. tb« Buthur uf tiu

• '

.•ttXemrrt. .alllrr ' .>1 . .
irom Hoar tl^oi hr «t.
. .
ltBT« them etrlrk.ii
U C- it
In teepiiiiM. co un imjnliT by ; |
Ve*i edmlttrel hr th<n.:;liC il.^
teiB of oolna»r rrfrxTfd to In th- 1 — :
tloii inceiu the frw end usllmlit.d i
B*e ct aiver. ttvLtI adm.eidon o|<l b <
eouiafacUon to ibr
tbe mronire.

iB lerma that fbr bond> ohlltatluo.^
the Koveninrot were pa>abl» la «llv<
In reply Allhioo quoted tbr ta«-, thir
the buDd* erir'iayaUr in "i-ulii:" bi'
■ that «aa not aallateclury to Wli
who iBtUBtrd upon an atwarr yP» ..
AOlaon detUnrd to have «ord* put
hla mouth, in r««p»nar to a qureiion
of THlrr. AUtaon aaid be th«usht

.1 "

I either'MIt-rr or cold
“but,’ declared AlUeon, ’the eei-mer.
«C the trrasurr. If be la bb boheat
IB reachinc hie declelon aa to a.-il.ia
linn that point, reuat (hke Into
Mdemtlor rzlatltw condlllona. -a
which II that thlanvemment la pirdard
to maintain ahe '^Id and alltrr
-of the niunto' at a partly
Veto af AilitoW Tpealy Veen Xxw.
That reprewnla AlUaon'a poaliion oc
the queatlon. Bert^f Arkanaaa. In an
extended apeeqh. dKlaied the pendlna
tuuoIuUoB waa preclaely tbe aamr aa
that for which AllUoB voted twenty
yearu ayo. if it waa not' a viuUtion of
public tallb maintained It could
not br BUcb now. One ef tbr reuaona
why Berry waa dealroua (>r the lytaaaye
•f the reaidutlau waa that U would dJaprove the charye brouRht ta IW that
the DemoeraUc party waa compoaed of
repudlatloBlatB and
. .
belher. In view of
Aldrieb laqutred
the fall In the price of allver. Berry
baUeved the yovemmem ouybt to take
of lu (Tedltnra and pay them
In the cheaper metal.
Serry rriAied that hr waa aa mucta'in
favor of malntalntnx .the honor of th^
opuntry aa tbe wnalor from Rhode Uland. but he held that the bondboMeru
•nyht to be williny to live uprto their
ntradt and acTept “colti"
Baevy OewW Aay KtwaMaiaaaiay.'
Ludxr aald that It waa well nnder•tood that the bond purvhaeea were to
be paid ta xold aa the)- i>aid yoM for
the Umda, and he quoted from a epeech
at TeBcr abowinx that he (Telleri bad
e Idea. Berry denied that there
waa auch undentandlnx and he would
defy anybody to eaiablia^ aa a Carl that
there waa auchIn the coutwe of hla remark# Beiry
said that Ihr ci.untry had before It the
H>ptaHe of a eaneiary of the treaaury
who wanted n>-redeem allver dollar* In


would have tbe enllrr qpeech atrldcaa
from t]*f t-coed."
Hale detOared that l6e debate durtBc
Ihe day had ertu.-d tbe fact that It waa,
the dealre of the advocatca of tte reeototlais to brtw tbe evuntrr to a atlvar
1 to make the payrfeui of an
debte. pubUf and priTUte, In .alleer.
artiicb waa'now worth leas than haU
what cold la worth. He waa wUUac. be
eaJA to have the pet^ilc of the oovDtrr


Veat Inalatfd that the Maine aenatoc'a
retnarka had placed the adrocaua of
the renolutlon in a falie licht. "Wc an
monomrtalDita.’' told he. *-bat blBWIamata"
AlllaoB a*ed Veet abetberbetboucht
the Bland'AUlaon
etanrllanre with he conairreBt reaolu-


Four Hundred Butlnou <l^n
For«gath«r at tho Indionm

rTbU to r
.. -The amator from loam
told Teat,
ouirht t.. knou- what the AUlameiBtohd
art meant. I>ecauae he framed It him*

John J. Brezina

Cbleaco, Jan. A-Ohlo and Paenayl*
Tania mtna ^leratura yeaterday apreed
to break tbe deadkwk ertatch haa ex*
lated between choee two ataiee for at'



leaat aeves ycara. with the eondliloh
that the cewvention of epetotora and
ntner* arrive at an underutaadlnc os
the othrr dUerenrea named in the calL
Tbto threw the .burden of yem>oBalblttty
upon lUiDola and Indiana eperatora.
who uere atin at l.wurtluada i«i iha
mine run and doublr-riantord ai'etaTna.
Tbe operat.WB of Oblo a«reed not to al*
low tne queutkia of tbe differential be*'
_________ tween Ohio and tVnaayivanU to riand
ft, er toea. toe iWtMtoat
•«*—?—1! between the eettiemenl of the laauea
before the .xMivrmloa. pnnidinc thelal' UT were all aolved..
n Indfana^ Hit*

deleicalee ware preernt at the O^nd
Opera Houae ytotartlay when Cbaimmn
■T want It underateod.'' declared AQl- Hanna, of tbe executive
-that the reeoltiiloii of ItTt did not
'railed the thonetory oeotWntlon to' or*
meu free cUntdeof Ulvet.
tbe aetta
tore from Culncado and Mlw.nail bav<
both aald that thto
queatlon. and If tbe llrai IndlBDapotu rvnveotluB u( a >
Tba hal) preaeated the ap- |
it require# a'Vnanclal klndersarten i«.
m-e of a national eoarettUoa of i
obtain an anewer I would like to have
the •enalor from Utoeourt open ruch a
f the two treappoktlcwl partlea. i
• vartoua dHeaaiea brine Indicted ]
did not deani tt nereumrt. be 1 ™ ’'X*

be aneelied and whether wacea
ahail be lutld upon x<w] aa It cumee uut
of-the pit or ecreened cuaL Thr »>utbfxn iK.nlon cf Indiana competea
the aouthrm |>irttoa of Illlnoto. ana in*
asmurti aa nUuMa mlneTu und operatnru
arrr.-d toai tall to adopt (he ‘
ter U> waive that ayreement la carder to
parity Indiana. Thto waa the next palpi
•“'J '« “ l-rileved that It will

fwsetPldclBB, lOc per dos«n.
Sweet Klxed Plokles, 80c per qasrt.
Soar Pickles, 7c per dosen.


d-ub'-' etai^rd-mlne run and

toiler the parllamenurr
parUamenUTT flriloa ofM«B«laa
of!*BB«laa weir tUM
fliW wiin
with aamiaome.y
eommiurr that no re|«rt
today. nitn«la..p*
eifirutolnB the Indian apptoprtalioB bill i drraaed r- preaenUni the wealth , e„uM be
tbe aft'
the houae devoted almoai the eullre-day, an.l. culture of IndlanapoIU. and the | eraioru and mlneiu » •t dndne II
•m.K.n aad di
]«>llUcal delate
yrtevan.ea of the operwtoru tould be
qoeolK>n wa> whether pruaprrlly
amiKiiied over. It to UBdrralood that a
come to thr rounit-)’ ah a rrault of the
Adt-ant rjf the prieent admlaiatratb-n.
Two ffoveraiiraMount of Indiana cwmralll>e came to an ayteemenl
Aa the nweehea were hmiled tu five and flhaw of luw-a—were the wpeaken make aome ccnneavlona to conipetiny
mimitea each, many membrra partlrl* at the aflrmooD aesaion. Mount drilv. territortea In Indlaat. and aaklny tor
pated an.1 parttoan aplrlt kept the in* em Ibi' aprn’b Of welcome and ffbaw UieAame ranaiJerAtloB ai the basda of
the fndiana imple.
• which
kracterlart I p„id aundard and the reiirvnwni of the that the acate.ayreed Wwm would he
Wh /lebalei
almoat enllrrty ah- ' yreenbacka. He apukr tv an audience equivalent toacnened rate.** ceata.and
atat. dot alihouyh xood-naiured aome
bualneaa men who th'W- mine run mte. 4« twnta. for rompeUny
hard knock! were ylveu and received. ouBbly appreciated hto annmeni for an «eld* In Indiana.__________
Knitib. the drlhcaie from Arta. na. made
An attach ub the ayitem of eduratlnc
thr Indlaaa and Walker muted to atrlke
out the ai’propiialloB for tbe ('artlale
achooL Ko vote war taken on the moti<m.
to Teller'e ItoBelva.
Mb»w Am
M.**Thr fotlowiny
la tbe text of ah amendment
.Mler allver Teaotvtlon ..ffered
Ipodye: "That all the bond# of tbe Uatied Btatea, laaqrd cr aothorlaed to be
lamieA under aald aeta of ranffreaa. are
coin' < .
oUier payment without the e
would »
tbe public faith aind In derocattoa of kl>
rtxhta."__________ . _l:_w
tow If Sa raa Obtola BtoW Rame K> May
KllOffaPlyha ■
Chicaye. Jan.
Jamea jf. rorbett
laat alcht atyned arttclea ralllny for a
flyhl with Robert F1tBBlmm<ina. wblrh
Oeorye Conildlne. of Detroit. Iw confl*
dent he car pull off next mummer. The
articlva atw ideoji'-al wUh thoae yuvem*
lay- the ftahi at Caraon pity, with the
■ptinn of the purae. which In tbto
. la IS.WO. aa ajcBlnat tiLOOO at Car*
t’Uy. .'oneldlne ayters to poal a
forteli of tS.onn to yo to the men In eato
he lalla to pull off the flyht. In retorna
Iw demanda a furfelt froin each of tk*
Ooeirldlne aald that bealde the puree
for Ftltolnimona and Corl-rtt be would
effer fl5.«» for Kid McCV.) to yo ayulum
Cboynaki. Jeftri.-e. Maber <
ConiKjlne le to ni.-et Flu
trolt Fundav. and rxpmveu bimaelf i%
conhdenl «a l-elnc able i>i Induce Ihr
champion ta write Ma name bealde that
(d CorWtt OB .tbr arUrlca of aym-meBt.
I.ondon, Jaa. 3k-It «# reported, that
Lord Itolamrnn'a <^neOltlon baaraacbed
FkatHxIa. UB the klver Nile, about «»

elaatlc ruirrm-y baaed upon commefvlt)
drUiBatra did out Include
MaiylaM Repabitma* ei-topTayMhermany bankaru. but Included
«<a iqi4«ew.
of lante affaliw and aome of national
AnnatMlia Md.. Jaa. H —Judye Lewla
promlhem-a. Amoac tboae who arrived
fuat before the cuuventioD met waa E. Mciv-»iaa waa ' yeaterday
Oeneral Blmnn B. BurkneT. of Kep*
<«d Arthur
tti'k}. the ir«ld Deni<K.raHc landldatt r. Gorman. The lalloi ui«>n whlt-b ha
for vl.e pmddent two year! axo. There aaa elected, the Ural of th>day and the
war alan flenemi Charlea IVacy. of Al- etyhth alnee the rob:e*t beyan. rvaultad
t»ny. who uaed to repreerBI the Cleve; in bla x.-ttluy « vole* to t for i
.land BdmlDl»trulU<B In tbrOybta ayulnai ana.T KUw. of Italtlmore. the only
free allver In cunyrraa.
ether Republican wbo'ccmalnid
race. Oormao ynl 4* vulaa. tl
lovra Tied with lDdlai»-fbr. the honor Drmocraik atnncth In both I
of the larxcai detoyatlos on the Boor, Tbe break to McCumaa came as the re*
and made an impreaalve appearance Bolt or Monday alybl'a caUL-us.
when tbe deIeyail(fi:artiac_eo maaaa to which McCema* waa pracOcully vnanlcheer Oovertior Shew. Tb'erc wetu moualy nominated. T*n RepubJean del*
aboitl sixty
atoty of
4.f the luwa
Jowa deleyatlon and
aad ^
fy,.B> Baltimore city, and Senator
Caere w*tr alao atrooy d-ie^Uor.# Rom ] wemrott. of Kent rounty. however, re
Wlaconam. Mlchlyan. tlllnoto and Ohio. }
lake any part In the caucw
Franklin MaeVeayh. w^
1« to cvnalder themarivee bound by it.
ocraUr candidate for United Bute* nen* 1
the hour of noon yeaterday
or eome years ayo. waa. aamna thr ^
balloilni waa rewumed. no one
.leaco deleyatee with H, H. Kobl^U \
the Chlcayo Tltnea-Hefald, and Pto--.
u w aa iherefore with
LauiTBce I.auyhUB.
of | ,1^
tniraae lateaert that the hal*
e monrury C
lotlny waa.w-at.-hed. and when tbe
. In the
aa Wimom E Onto.
Hem* «*-«*i>re»ideM of thr CoCtOB Kx-'|
»Tcn- one knew that
chanxe). Gustav H.hwab and J. lUruen '
rheertny waa
' tremendolw Speaker Schaefer waa the
ChototoSa MoauB (»yM«d wito Aaptowr.
5e rwalcltruntn toj come In
It waa 3 o'clmk when H. M. HanBa. |'line,
,of 'hem-Owaal. Baldwto.
of Indtanai-illa. Uw .-hainnan of the I Short fnd Delacoup-alpck to the bolt
executive c.KtimIlte4. called the ronvanu the Oal.
tten to order. He 1nrt\>da'-e<|. Rev. M. |
I. Halaea. of this cH>. wh.. ottered a j
brief i>rar«-r. at the .wncluabm of which
Hanna arow to intrudix-e
Oovemur ......... ....
Mount, of Indiana, who waa to deliver 1 rami>aU)'a ofBie here aome time dlirthe addreaa of welcome.
Aa Hanna | lay the nlybt. The d.wr
stepped fonvard to th- front of the t and 'he aafe doors were blown open
platform M' wye yueetr-d by a -burat of 1 and the aafe looted. Bealdea a qnaBtlapplaiiae which eonllnued fora fullj ty of porket*knl»-»-# used for adveytlsmtnule. and whU-h eeaaed on'.y wbeu 1
waa ohrioua that tbi- m lplrnl waa.em
burraeaed b> tbia cordial irlbuir to hto ' atrel money bux t a curried away by
perwiinal rrmuUrity. Oovertior Mount | the bnrytara. '
apoke briefly. Hto apeeeb w-us appro* *
prtate I'o the ot-caaloa and a
e*i plea for tht laintenaB'-e of the yoI<l I


213 Front St

BalUmora Stock Raoaivsd Thraa Time* a
CounU. 4«c p«r qaart
StaodenU, SOe p«r



Fletcher's Ofstei Depot and Destauraiit
we are SeUing

Fancy Daily Buttar
1 3 c POUND

Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per'Dozen.

Enterprise Ghrooery,
OpposiU Steinberg's, 'Phons 146.

‘‘Famous Politicians In Private Life.”
Being s eketoh of tbe hsbite and <
of some of the.foremoet men in>he TXnited

Among His Law Hooka


P)me timd ayo.

I at Mliw-aukfto.
Aftri Sbaw'a^neecb waa .roududi-d
Jutidr- James M Brown to dcud at
the. rail w ax madejor membetw of the Peru. Ind. He bad been mayor aa«'
rraoluilona rummltteq to to reported at '
iiHlcra of honor,
rp TBK Qromoh.
ChldBr/jan tt.-k bllrdlny anow
the evening at«lun. at whlrb time thr ^
Waller lead* the bike rare
Storm wbich rayed all day yeeterdaydM
hla rradlt.
Aatoar af toe Ra^attoa (tot. ptotoe*
o. .h*.
Schinneer It next with 4S) mllou
Vratoya) UtaOprpoaei
Iny aa follows. Indiana,
Uup'jin a Co., allk tnanufacturcrw of
Teller took tbe door und de<-lu-ed tbe • iroubJe for atrsei cur companies imd. nola. MaeVeuyh: Iowa. N<
•lion of law and railways, und .-auaod.tbe loam of oaeltfe.
reaplatton wap a queeilun
Choriaa Munthy. a laborer, was tvpulrtf mei_at once by Hoar. whodUoeatad
Hon. C. fltuurt Pattoraon. ..f PhitoaeU «•“«* Pi*"*

Iny the top oFlhe ninety-loot tow-ef'of
iptaiubn and tnyed that it
the IrvquulK Furrmn- tumitony. w-ben
aw no a qucstloB ot honor. owtny |o the wind, which al tlmra
Thto ta not a que«k.a of law," aalAhe, at the rale of eixty mile an'Tlour. be
' question Of the (iolaUon of lc«t hla hold and fell to the around. He It i* no Jlme l«. reireut; If to.thr time to
naaaed through Jaaea
the -inihiii- fa'iih. Sbylock bad tlw law- waa luaiaoUy killed. The suburban
rban ari* The •f'^t ISi"
-ruTTal mldhiiht^ route lu Waabi
«B hto >i4e fur a yood white, kbt
rice ua the raltn«da aa well
body *u|.pi«ed that Rbylock. ^Uhout alrevl rallwaya usf drtayed fi
' wrrA
daroeaiion uf tbe rtyhia of 'Antoto. Many ttulna fr«.m ontold- lolnia were
Th. -eev-rrral
---------------------V- li*•
_ lid lahi ihe pound of ne»n.
miow*bt>und. uml all brhlikl arbedulc
IrCllmi I
Teller vunp-naed that be bad quite m time.
South (.Ttlcayo w-ua rrucilrallv
mocb refeanl for the national boBBT to tocdxted laat evenlny. aa far a* railway
had other iiietiil>er> of the eenaie. "I am truAe was concerned, and thr lowna
yettiny tir«l." «h<ru«d he. "of tbe pout* aurreundlny It were in almoat Ua In* when the coBVenllon kdjourned th“ adh>onimeni to aub)«ct if. the cull «f the >
Hen- TroJSB.editor uf theBerlln KUdUoB uawiued l> -ertaln aerator* Herr
and not-.flaal aOouromenl. • derdai.wdi.-baa tocB untenced
becsuue they lU. Id the .-uei-rn part of , Three a
n tralK* OB t^e BUbuIb
„ .......... .................... I to a run
I that i month.'
tbr country. Th- y are no more honest: Central a ■V aialled Ir the anew half Rboadea withdrew hto motion
majeate to cartooBtoy Einpew
tbey are no more atrenuuua in uphold*' way ID fr II H.mth Chi.uyp. Tbe auh, Cline, bol will renew » today. HI* I
puar la lo |iU.* tt In: Ihr iKiw-er of
liny tlie,puhlic hunor ihaB I am.
c Chicago,
urhas l!n
Torvinio bus
rXtcutU-eeirniniliteet.i mil. .
warn to aay her. and hu» that-1
'iwBolution that no BUeoapurraaenlallvee cf Hu- i.u.lnea* community I adopted ---------------balleva in payiny the d*Ue <i( the yov>t any time during the fight In : Ucutarty the vnttjeci. of the United
'a^ent In alliwr even .f :h*t to tbe olierboun and et enUy. Oiherroadawure .togriber ui
when their Influ.-uce oeeraa j etoteu. ahall be bereaftar employed on
aheaper metaL
Tbe yovemnu-nt hua In equally aa bad rhape. JB tbr rtty ______
■ tba riytx t« the dlfferener. an. idiny to ■the snow wax.M blin.licy that to was likely to be fw’t.-nt. Tbe ITltooia delaya-( any civic work.
Oi*n aetil a congialulaiory lelegnun to '
Nln*lron aurvlt-oru of tbe auapected
Ha oomtucC.Tbe allver duMO)- whi. h the
for leumatera and yripmeo
Hon. Ueorge » . Iriiwe at Weahtoyton 1 fuibuatertag steamer TllUe. whk-b prob'
a auya to aa
... »or ahead of Utern. and ua u remit
for tbe.-ihe flrni ataiad you have tMcan < ubl>- sank eff Baroryai. were landed at
(he ytdd dollar to paid
'A*'''- there were u number c< minor aecifor rurreiK-y reform In ihl*. acmloa of | Provldeooe. IC k coaailny ackooBer
th* artisan and the Iwtoirer Id iiquir.
. deni*.' Of through trulna on Unea cen*
yr-t«daT. Four meo w.-rv toat.
«t-0 of obllKa.UOBa tocurrrd with ibem. terlBg In Chlcayu'twoarerrported mtoaTb* MerchBOta' uoaoclallon of New
liBivB VMi Butow. G.rman mlnlater
1 hold that Uie bu«d purchaa>y to Inr
Tbe aaorm waa general over a
Turk ha* propoaed a monetary ecbeme for foreign aSalrt. dented to( tbe
■ • •• e liHaho U ll.-r tUaD 'tbe n.aa
numtKT of weateni aad
Aam.-ng ito polnta of which are tbe f..l* retch»t^ budget oommltiee that there
tored hand, and ought to be paid to iK. aiaie*.’
i lowing: "Leyal under note*, romm.uity had toA rclattoca of any kind belwaen
„«me>-. Tbe secretary of tl..
Lriolrirk.* «rok.<wlH«kried*
Drrmaa reprraaBtaUw** or o«esU and
trasKun to tow bound by law to reyai-d
lUM be retlrod by the uae of Drevfua.
Chh-ago. Jan. fC.-The yrand Jury laU _
the imerrat# of the people, but that de.
VJ-ciheat haa been maklay law to xuli last evening \-oled ibdlcUBelita upoB the money' to tbe trwMury and by tbe la*
roUowlDy ticket broker* doing hnstoam poe of t.toy time, low iBtervot bekrtay
ttaelf for iwesty yearu"
Pairbuka asooe and andeavorad to In thto clt). GeoYge Frank. Albert J. bon*. Notional banka obould be al­
United ,
»rop.-uii2 a queatlon to Trilar.
TIf Oeta. H. G. Co»iiy. B. D. Marka Oearyr lowed lo.purebaae theae bond* and uae with hla cyra. Hla alyb\ ta falUng rapMdown.-' .-rivd th<- culoradoaBiiator. "Fve McK. nxl.. W. IL Jdfciieon, tV. A. Nye. them at i»r aa thehaato for tbedreutat- ly and bis
E. unman. Lewla Hlrta. R C. Duvla E
Sean tadgered .-nougb."
give blm relief.
iMr- AH 1
Hoar m.lled to Teller 1B a uneach tn Brook., r. A. Stoat,-David Waaaarmai
Rev. a O. Brown, who wm« ao^eadril
und Hrnneit WuaaannaB. Tbe
■vblch he
e defh.rod
Uonal hunka abaJI be/roqulred for
by the Bay coBference two ycoi* ago
ugulnn nil of the men la riotatlua^f tbelr botca
Botca loyoW c^B. National
a mtnIatCT and
tbe llilDoia law ayulfiat aelllny Uekeia' ahall be atk>wed
who afterward waa paotor of a Chlca'
r pari cf the country. By mfana go efaurrfa. omfeuard at Ban rtandaet
at Jayui.lower, but of honor and good without a llcqiae.
• ‘ , Be would not aay that tba
that he woa'yuniy.

itor Dmd Odorado bad "aqalramd" oat
paaoing a Chleayn. Pcbool
for the B»orioy of cropo aad tl
uEba queatlon. nor would be orta* blm
vblto the cbildran were going tbrouyt u
NaMtTilta. Traa. Jan. M..-Tba Dana- euttoy of yaaafal buatoeaa" ,
nu Mt down- aa be bad ordmE tbe
An drtU. tbesybl tbere nally waa a
oaUc (uuBus met ayaln laat nlyhl and
•■■Msrtrom Indiana
fire aad tmrnad to on atonn. Ill*
•SooflaMl______ _ -*«Uar-*l Win icrfke that am «C sty to* 'atflbtaaa buData TW laat aad
0ttm arrived qad (bare waa a a
etytty-anb ballot Blood—McMlUln. »;
paale amemy tb*
* Judy* NawmaB. A
"H I wtn tba aenator." ouM Hear, n Twrtey. r-. Taylor. M,
e prealdent
had ^t the nerve ‘to ktela Mm out of
• tbe caHnei."



tof (toa Uto-BoUwv



.. .'Jp,.-. V.J

As a Reporter.

And Other Noted Hen.

Speciil Article Appropriitelj Dlistrited,

Another Fine Festnre.

(As Told By The Jltdffe.)
By Eerbert B. Ward.

Znteiisely^torestixiR Story.
AUikasesnd Other Fine Festorss In



THE MOMmrq ^6kd, thttbspat, jaji?a&t

Bian at Caat SL Uuia Ucka Up
of Prapar^.
aMK wMh i.ue.0M ■-•h«u «r
Mawlr Cw«--r(r»^ a»» PM Lm«
AIM. Om Op vUli Mur IuKpJ 0»n
■M tbp'Onlm Tiuifc.r HUMm—Hlu
- Utm tfUblr LM i» Ihf WpptiPf Pit*
—n<fp Qpfflply IMK,
81. tAKiM. Jan. M.-Od* «f the' won
OlUPtnnu.nrra exrenetv^'ln Cut 'flt.
Ziont*' la maiir yur* i>tarted about 9:44
Uet nlpbi In the t'Dloo elrt ator. the
latent buiiairp <f lu kind eltber here
or In Rust Kt. L«ula. and before-lt bad
tmreed lta*eir out pru|K-rtr to the ««Utnated v%loe of ttOw.oM waa denroyrd.
The eleiator and <u aaotMita. aoppoa<4
to be not far from I.ZSlLWe buataeU ot
atalD; tbe rhlcaao. Burllscton and
ten cattoada of nirrcRandlae: elKblyflve rv'l'Md* of rom. and a number of
ainall d«relllrjc« were burned. I.inether
trltb (he aialKea of fbe St. Luula Tranefer company. The Are waa dlecoeered
bj- the elevati.r watrhipan eomedlaunee
(Turn tbe enplne room. Before be oiuld
turn In an airrm the flame* bad put
aurta a aurt, betna fanned by a atroiic
Boi^werterly wind, that they lUH.n en>
veloped tbe Wh.'le bulldWip.
CMI^ (ur Heir fenaa M I uK.
- The elei-ator had a cBpacllj- o( 1.23#.#00 bpahela and «aa> atmui full of sraln.
' a preater pan of-It l>elnp ram owned
by IM. l.«i|ila tlrras. Thle made an Intenaely hot (Ire and wto pm.n alUaae all.
over, the ptTonp olnd »en.«nc epacla
and bum'lnp errh»r» for at leaet a quar­
ter of a mile. }tef»re-iBe fire had been
burnlnp ah hour the elevator^nd lie
comenta were d.Miined and the flames
bad apread 10 ibe • Murtlppton firtpht
bouse to tbe south, about t» feel ionp.

«f U* rMUr Ohm l>
T%IM* Bma.
Wbo iM* IKK
of tboPerdau
J«re»*—thrir gloty, U>«ir nuntwr. imparant qae>U<au when in . joint aaaemUlr it etaoM Mannu A. Hniina mbtill •
atorfor the t«ta wbldi qada Uarcfa 4.
pwoock throne II
mnd my»)( IS99. and for the full luruf eif
r waaUb u- wbirh euiU Harcti 4. I»0&. In rirw uf
the cioei'Otna of tbe iMKi'-e in the aniate
mmalHl is
and tbe\ital icupirUBor of tbe cmirul
________ ___ _ _ ____
of that body by the Bepubhca&a tbe
will, bowet-M, dtauia tbenbblab and
»» «» i» congratnlatod on ihif
renolt. -It #(airinnea in i
■trong, ftalwah ItepuhlkBa. a man Who
is a politieian iu tbe t»st aeoM
eal. were tal les .if gold, nailed. 1 ahud- term, and at tbe aame time one of tbe
best cquippod bnsinraemiui in tbe ooundered tn puie, with tb# oonuDODaH
try; a man wbo bas knowiedpeof afblack beaded tacka.
At tbe far eud of tbe toam era# tbe tail*, is well iofmioed as to tbe needa
vooder of the wcpld. tbe puaniek of tbe eoontry. Iwlieece tborongbly in
tfaixinr. Wbetbv it is CBe «f tbe weta tbe policy, dummcic aad bimpn. of tbe
tlinme# of tbe great mogul a^ was' Bepabliean ^artr and is tesolafc in
bruagbi frutu DuJbl 1 doB’taABOw, bat ptandlng by what be eaneelew to ha tbe
it is cone plv tbe most ooMlj araamotH right
It wa# ■ nrui^ty
Beimblicaii mthat tbe.cyv ui nan can look apoB. I
inspecCtd I) ttua. carrfally. It is entire­ oem that tbe sBoreseoroC H^rctary Sii«vly of tdlvcr a pr«j}i oajnp bed atmeture. man In the senate ebonJd be a.strong
bnt modeled in lorely dMlgna It is in-. party meu It is of etiil gieater impnetbac the BepobUoan wbo is to repCTPSted from end to aid aad from top to |
It Ubio lnUte senate for aeeen yean
bottom with dianxBuU.
is tbe rigfa<
• 'PVty man. in
At tbe back is
with tbe ndministtatian and
miAi* yoa blink. Tbe rag'bo whk-b tba
Bub aits U'vdped with prw-i«.iBS etene^ tbe dopDlnadt wiag of tbe party. Most'
bam to bare
which be rocUiww is
plaoudlntl4> cMute a Dcmoonc ora
milkund w»ler Bti^blioan. Ohio and
tbe ooontrytuve csoyied a grtat danKrr
inpA b .
nrvtr amid pot bcyiaid dctUring it to and tbe election id eauiorHaniu clean
be a soperb ji wcL 8u(M) pcujili! tuee
raloed it at £o^M>O.OOb. li» tvwl valac
is between i,l!.tK><i.oOU aad m.WXl.OOU. by tbe voce waa that |i
Bni. tboupb.the peanwk. ilir.Ai. it however vvQrd, is in tbe tryaa <d politi.
tbe nuforatu opn* of On- Fcrpijui . r..i\i» dana and p^plc plain tnason and that
Jewels, it by no hmuois eaiiupm'bt* ibc men wboMptifln- principle in the inter«ot of-private rceomoent or personal
the otUir tnwM'fv
Wbo eas att<«ipt. bowera. to tvcuuni ambition ure. when all ip nid aad dona,
■tbe number of U-jewi lul arma the roy­ when all eacnars bare bem made and
al arms, tbe flatbiuu aipn Is. tbe nays all defenHw brard, simply ttmiton Tbia
piltd op with cut ami odco8 Moure Mid may not abow mi morb In iba narrow
tbe bowls tilted with iieuris ibal you margin of tbe taB' in tbe lapiilatvra
cam ran tbruugb ^oor bupen iilu a bnt it doe* show iu tlie manifMUtino of
handful ot Hm? Every one bus bewd of popuUr frv-linp in Ohio.
Kerer lus tbe old state been more
tbe Uaria-i-Kur. or iSea of Llgut. «Utsr
diamond to tbe Kotainuor, orUosmtaib (tiired than by rtai* diai<7aliry of nnai
of Light. Every one baa also bebrd «f who askai tbe people's mffragea a* B»nblicsnsaad
tbcB oonapired with tbe
tbe tilobe of tbe World, nude by tbe
bemonats to bring about party defeatl.
Snob men gboold haru oo Manding ta
tbe party. Tbe memba of tbe Ohio

no Impreiudon eould be made on tbe Are'
and tx-lp was asked from -ftt. Louts.
Three enplnm ^ereaento\-er and helped
to keep tbe flames fn.m spreadlnc^urtber.
Two ■■BdfWd Haeses M««H.
In tbe railroad ynrds between tbe ele­
vator and frelpbi house wpre oeeeia]'
hundred cars tuaded with praln. A
rrealyr ji#rt of these were. puined out
by pwlteh enpIXea and saved, but It la
thourhi at leusi elphly-flve rara. each
ecmalnlnp SM busbela of corn, were BM* BUawMte aad Oartp eiil|MalI«y at
burned. .Arropa the street east from Ibe
1 beard Uut tbe Bcdoeiint gave me
a number of abantlep
Abaiil iweivsof th.-ro w- ntup In flamei. jbe name of tbe walkiup Engllahman
and oDoe (r twice were kind enougb to
a» »'
tiouls Transfer company. Fifteen out of my that I wai one of 4b.mwJv«. Trithe fnrty.five waK‘>ns. a'nd all of the 204 flea like tb«M arejmptirtant wb4B dualbetse*. with their hamesa. were sayed. tup «itb men wbo have tbe minds of
At mtdntphi the tire was ionllned withIn Ibe limli* nan.fd. but h will be many obildlwu. With them wtwiber you are
to live or die drpoide so olien on a tri­
hour* bi^<Te U bums ll#elf out.
fle that it is as well to have aa many
■ustsst lames by the Fite.
The heaviest luaere are thouphi to be triflea arpiBsiblc in your favor. I wun*
flhe K 8. Vblte (Srain company. H. C. tbeir dress in my trip to biwaa not with
Haarsllck ftrdln Corrmlsslon company, tbe idea of taklug any one in at cl<iaa
and III.' I'nlun Kl. vat»i company, which' qusriert, bat of nuking myself ttunoowned the bulk cf the prntn In the eh- ticnaUie at a diatwn. Igtaierully walk­
vator The E It. White company had ed eume way in troot ofIf my men and
Just t-ompleied tbe loadinp of elflbiy- enmeU. 1
dtbU twoiiuutbe
flve can of corn for pfalpment to Kewport Rewr for'ezpnrt. and li ta thoupkt
aomc of tbcio are among tbe cars decouldn't
get im wiiboot bte
_____ •
-eternal song I nsid to pot alnilif be­
tween us wbcB tbe trnok a as olent.
VoorOtbet* Aiw Mlasiap—Lstssl from tbe
Btwst MUas at spnkue,
ftpokane. Wash., Jan. 24.--F*l\e lives
and prohaliiv nine were lost Monday
Biphi In Uo' Are In tbe Great Eastern
.bl.K'kflre. They were; Miss Alice Wllauii, aped n. cthpluycd as a bat trimtner. Maud WJIadn. slstes' of Alke. aped
b yeara; Mlaa Hose Wiulih. aped a). Mrs.
M. U, Uwvis. an elderly lady from Ne­
braska niy. Neb., wh.. fell In dracendInp fnmi Ui- fifth *t..ry ami died at tlw
hojpltal. tv II. Uuxlsn, a mlninp eo' pliKvr and cajs-rt. Mra Cnra IV-trrs
and dauphler* Ethel and Altna. aped *
and T jr.-ais resisiiivr'.y. are mlMlnp.
IS also tbirughi that her son fharles
y'-aiw. j-#l*hed. but there srV
He was salts] and taken
'Into Ibe cuuiiiry by relalivea.
Mr* Itavtei. was llvinp at h?r (Uupbter s, Mr*. J. T. Pronper. They liad
rooms.on the fourth fluor and were cui








tbe auDatc and tbe taonae oopbi to reoign. In tbe.ifitereM of party bannaoy
and for tbe oedlt of -the Mate tbev ought
at least Ui give tbeir ooDstitnarta a
obanoe to pkse upon ibHr action cd Uw
InM few wndra^OilcwKo lolar Ocean.

Tbe vindicatida of tbe tariff of IMT
as a ret woe |gadoeer is modertly set
fiwtb in tbv fulluwiag statemaDt by

^nenase of more than tf.SffO.UOO over
tbal of Neveniber and g7.600.0UU over
tbul of September and eren egoeedt tbe'
FxpPii'ditnre* Ira Ihcemle-r ntgrly #1.760.000 Tbe official figures t.p Decem­
ber (etdaditig tbe 831.716.204 reoeited
during tbe month on aca.Dot of Ibe i>acik railiTWd sale and tbv gfiOO.000 paid
out tuqosliiy tbegosenuueutreireevniOnce or twice, on reacblug'tbe bow aHve to bid in oase eff tbe mle of tbe
of a mod biH, J would find myself in Kanma Pacific) make tbe reonlpts #if7.sight of a string id camrU Tbe flrst gSI.464, mq>eiiditnieegSM96.000 and
■nrplBs|l;73ti.-a«. TbU sorplna bow1 downs t
load aad bold tbeir flintlocks _ __ ever. ariiM from Ibe fact that tbm
lumi. It istbe I
i>een.itlniaet DO internet paymeuu
ready. They meant
tbe deoert, at
tbe.tmtb. wtairii makes tbe





W.f. OieWH-


Ever BontBd OvtT

AUornnya at lAw.Ctakapo, Jan. *#.—Lortpw eonptotad
bU peraonal tiwtltp.<ay ysainday. Be
Bian»d down from the wiineaa etand OMsss la Meauga* Mesf. Tabser* oHr. Ml*.
sbortty after S p. n>.. when fltateW Attorney Dsnsaa broupbt tbe croas-examBVtmnUK CAMIg
teatlon to an abrvnt cloae. Tb* Mp
defendant had anibiiutrd aaoiber day
under Are. and tbe sharp "thafa air' : — ^ beowh. atw-Mj
of tba prosecutor surprlaed blm. The IO. Imw apscUl si.swius «•
details uf lAieipen-B life—his moral^F
moilves'aud avtloa's-r*arc entered Into, |
•ATan. AUsrwsrs S|Mlal
but few o( them bad any direct beaiinc > w <
ut*:n the actual dlaapieuranra of Mrs.

If ao you know
tbe r^ne of


o. P. CAByn. Agant.

Suits to Order.


then, after some controversy bciweci
thr lasyeto rwparding tbe production
court of cehaln txrak* jwl.icb the au
UoOa on tbs
of LBetpert. thr defetigam waa nu-nssd.
Pbllowlnp Lbetgcrt came the entire
police force,of Monmouth, IIM.. a real
eeute mvi and a dally nrw^|.cr re­
porter. They-were afaorn tbe |g>oUipraph of Mra. lAjripeK. and aworr they
^ud eccn a woRiBfl w'ho looked wy
much like the picture In Mobmoulb «o
Aup. a last. Today Mra Thompaon. of
Eew-ance. wUI add her teetlmdny to tbe
Monrnoulh evidence, and tben tbe de­
fense eziwets to aprinp Ita most recent
Bcwtion—a man who wlU swear that
he'Ww Mrs. Lueirert come out of her

loiwrUiit til Pnpgtj BiUn!

(THE MO. R. smo IGEICr
wL-rouno BLock
aweeg leeatv^vo letuiac aaS re-

;~E|fir«iiniipidi I Mitu R. i
Atuiraeyat lue. flpaeiallj

Wew BaiM Msssgeraswl.
CarthaPT. Ills.. Jan. H-Pcnmlnent
cliltecs <d, luharpc. this county, base O KsMwudC^*
organised a new bank manapemenL
John H. Hungsie. president of lb*
Bank of Lahanw- has sold his hank
buildlnp and datures to them for 6.###.
and dlspoMd of CB.M# wonb of tftidtio
dtlaens. ' Fennsneni urpaolaalU>n wQl
be formed Maturday.


••Bver n-ady flM
Old black Bcaekiab waa driving b!> <
r plsaiie liaee w
lean andogedraw bumeonenigbt wbio . _______________________________ .


................._A5twoftrt*. and h«w tbe ’
Mopid beaob pcn-eesely irx& flu wrong I!
one and went WMlering off by ber^ J
ibMrch of odvenuirta. lume and rben'-:^
ma'tlc as be was the old
'' ~

nau> oToap w»at»
sfweCli) LasilwrCe I

m in.bis difficulty be balled a raflged
boy idly sitting-on n fence with:
“Bay. dar. bead dat eowr'
LOT roa»ALP Wee toast.
"Read'erf Vtay. flu's dene got a
“I mean turn'er."
"Elbe looks to me to be right side oot < TWR OALa-A loi laonaih, ear. Wad
J. aaC Klrreaib. nrehrdrsBtaciWM
"No; no, yon bnmk nucil: ^eak to aB-aiir*. so-e*
•er. wra't yraV
ly toowga AOsliav“bttiek to 'cr?
bara laquln of Oval Weo4 Dtok 6a. I
•erenln. Mim BcM^r—New
‘^riraa ^'wuw^OrasS^topfds, DraeOt aad
T]ftWU rOB OaLa-Bewlock. per e
day JonrsaL
CbtopoatTBSp m
W reote:
reow: baaAls#
eKstan. «iaO: b
LeStrakrttea brmadkeiTlraaet linaa. a ibTrvds.
•to Ban tto Art, bat BMpt Koew IL LouberOe. tit U
O.L.LOCKWOOD Q.r.a-Gratonasgs
"Tell me." pleaded tba ahleMinaid. A GOOD rABH tor t
"wberan lies Ole oeeret of tbe art of
Pauhto 94-100 ** *
an OAB Looa WAimcD-Call OS or adTbe mpeaiwaiDed tbeattitnde be a
erwMj. a OraUicbco m-u
-wont to asenme wbra in tbe ne( o< in- j|XV
parting wisdom and said:
iCaia SALB—Laaber, taU aad «
"My Cblid, listen."
T Trw.e.w.CliyLawberOe. MSHl
j'^ listening," brealbkMly abe|prop BBKT-Wraibi

Chicago.— ■»•■.■"West Michigan.

e- “'V^elk rnyebiW." be rejamed, "that
i# all there ia -dt tbe art of
=Ca»»sago Tribnne.

a tCMSaa tor saw at or arr isao
Apply to TrararM Ow

"Kitty, I can have bird wibga on my
hat all*c all. "
“Why. it iscTBfl"
"No. tbe miUiMp i«ys tbesa w« the
wings which tbe idrds abed natBrnUy
qvtTT renr."—Cb^gapo Beocpd.

-Money to Loan





k KATPB. -TisiiirriiHi 4|mi
1; sideraUy above tb* avaage and liavv a
i deticicBOT (or the umth. uotwithstand.
- -Tilt 0fll8to»t8d fipteUUiU.
' log the rejenoe trill pntebly rise to at
tbvy lad it
W*MU I <
wnx BP AT
p]*^ a suliury Ih-diioin watching bis' "Ou tbo bawsof ibe esKiuate of tbe.v
of .amt'ls grazing. That man bod
C* *•» treasury that ibcex■^ihablv not seen a banuB tadiig bn prtidHnrvs Lr the {wsent Aacal year
oooro pocn.
weeks Hewa*H,.iaUingontbegnaind. i »iU be W73.000.00ti—a iitilc otw
He nritber moved nor totued bia brad. | »«».XKK).*00 baring bora already wmuxsomn.
1 ask«d him for mUk, and hr puintod io ' ponded—the areroge monUily etpendlTut-EBaz CiTT, MlOH.
bis cornels and said, "lake itAs tbe ,
•>* tDcnths ta«tuning Jinmilkiog cBffielsnevts-formed |mri i«i»7Vil> be ebont gtO,000.000.'aa tbe
y f.'houl currii-nlnm tbis-lnvimtuKi ezpradienrea tor tlw first balf of tbe
cal year ore amudersbly largcg tlmn
ladilvrs'-lu the tlfib el'O'- ••winK t" a
tb<*« for tbe lost bolt on ooxaint of tbb
tanri' of elvtlilr liirht and tr:ri>h»n*
sasponkirai of many public work* in tbe
On# l>ny Only Mneb Koatb.
wirr*. rruopei vsupJii i«gi>0B(av sir.
wiubT H-usoD and the large Jolv psyrunnhip up the ..«i. r wall of the buiW' ix-sniiMv; ns an i , ...
mniu uf llabUiUes of the {ovvioas fixal
ine. H.' craslcd duwydhsoe to ih-J —tfoignphiJnl JoutiuL
BrarOraekP'.'.r.'.li "
Ftm udHtriott^
b story
•y aand matuK^to catch the ;
Bow Alaskaa laSlaae Trap
top of tbv swsyini:
iwaytni: I)laddrr^'-tM^diraccDd- i
"There is ob doubt in trensory cir­
«d to fhr pn.uBi
n.und and so* foUAk-vd back '
William B. Oiii, wbo tus btte aU cles that 'the rovtaue under tbe uew
' up the ladder
der bby a fireman cjrr> lnp a ji OVfTlbe
wcpld as tme of Ibe ioblbyolo- tariff- law'fmn Jou. 1 to July I will
B B.A oo Brant* tbMraiiscrtto U> DiwW* <p tb* Pje. Bw, ‘IlHcM Md L
llphi ladder
r rwi
nn hi* shoulder. "^Is »as Ij pi-ia
In Uu employ of tbe gomtiioeat, caiwed in tboaggrepateeapendiiurM for
e«innc«-trd to. the lauiv laddiv.
pitownwfto.r.... •*
..... sjK-uauig of bis eipoltooe in Alaska. tbe mine period, DotwithstBuding JonMra. rronptv rauplil It and mode
^1 at tbv aihe'r ei«d. and rhe ih^ti :
dspa-tid-M In Saf.-iv Meanwhile Mr*. , btripsfff wbaiebcateon folded into--------for payment
—----------------od qnartta-ly Inieieat, «
Dau-S hud tried io f..liw« Pr^.tiper, boi '
shape of the letter'b.-ienveJoped in ; show a laiaDceAn the wronp aide
nuikr site mimed tbr US-! 'huuks'ul fat and frozen that way. Tbe ; "The rtveune was only 8
in iht d
tipstara. Oto* oaK b*
, d*r. ‘Phe cauiv on down hand-wer-j let lbu( prepaitd is left in promising , in AiipusU87.VOU.000 frumouMaraa). iu
'fcaud umll eM reavbod ihvi
tjou for gnat wbiK bear* to devour.
of tbe la^ imiLrtatiaos
■' Ust her hold and
Aloop oomiv one of tbe moaaterkguliniiii
w March I and
I’eti'cnt. She a as <:
a lamp down whole. Tbe pnotric juices. jiatiou of
t tbr new tariff. Itroaetogn,^ Iiavtos.'ls postur <
melt ibc fat'and elt away tbe strings of | ooo.OtM
.000 in beptember(8».00u.000frcau
Bapilih choivb attutumwa la
g:(4.000.{X>0 in Uetober
UnobM ^nV^^StS CAKraaa mred wHboet oeto. kalto. pale er *me. B*w WatboOs.
N-mv of tbe retnaln* of tbooelttsl haw teoduB. with which the whalebone isIcuMoms). to 824.000.000
oat'<8u.7&U.OOv (torn otMooMl. to836,0v0.
b*en'r>-coveml.- Tli.- four walls of tha
«to. TUP. Wee
igbt Bcroes tbe aniBurs Momaoh, 000 (89. 760.000 from cnnumsi in tbe
bip liulldInK remain Intact, an# the Are
|M~W*eUlplramratolsitasiiaBte Oltoell cosra soS'w
ta atlii burnlnp ir. ih.- basemem. In that and prraently it dira Neat day Mr. K«- ■ebon montb of Norember, and now falMtoeer*.
igraea* applriap fra treafrat wUl tOeo*. briar •
mass of falackruvd debris He tbe bodtes klmo coimea along and gotben in a be»- rise* to tjk.000.00o to Deoamber(8il.^to mij^ peratolar* ef totr ras* asa tove toSIrto smt
of th- rictlm*. .Tlie local board of,ln- fliin worth avverol qnoru of wbioky.
600,000 from onstuma)." '
•urance opeou esUnuies tbrtotaliirop- PoctfiiDd Urvguuinn.
raty toas.a^t^WO; lusurauiv. tiM.OOO..
Tto* WUI
b«srt rc« take no Harass H y——jSSrto^!*\wr ay rMpnasIhlf eaS Alkga^” ^
The fmi
wbo dr# tdtber mmxniairi* U«blail<s ItolacB.
' yon* think that Bently la prodnoera nr pet tbeir views from imHprtm^vld. Ills.. Jon. 2C-Tbere'waa
uf P. .judgmont. Bowdidyoa portcra. raised tbe bowl about tbe duty
not a Quotum m-svnt in ihe senate
yesterday muruinp and no buMnesa waa
on tin that they ore now ratstag apainM.
attempted. In-the house the Oral nine
tba Dinglty till os a rareBaa promoter.
'amendmest* pf the ooomdttee to tbt tba other day.
.^1 tbe growth of 'the tin industrv in
revenue WU were adopted. One ameadOotdtm—Aod beewnoe be refnaed yon tbeHnited 8taC^ aa *own in a recent
nienf p!ve* Ihe board of Trriew the qnesrion bis jndpmtetl
tnoanry npwt.oata^tMj fllenoed
po« vr to "refuse tbe oasesa
-li^Lao. He let me have It tbe cUmcT /d^Oat-- bcanemnde tin.
port tberaofr____________
Walt a IHUe-whUe. ud Acy will drpp
Tto Okie nrlbmr laese
^ ^ •4^.*' ^ IWKrtfJ bj^ 'totb
('•.lurobao. O, Jan. 3d.—Tb* oeuate
Is migbt^nad will prevail.
o.mmittee Invesftpatlnp tb* ollcpod atIf Ton Do, Try Jhe .Want Department of
It amplified by Ibe Brnillcais Pariflen#, lBdez-AjT>eal <Dem.>.
temii tr. bribe RepremntaUve Otis
the re<em penatorioi Meetloa did t
which baveanaoeeded tbe Duval leoUM-'
bold a sesslnn yesierdajb The oeimaitt- TontB. One eon got a good dinner at
tee .vdp urti'd to tb* oaO ed Ibe cAotr* these pfaibli ter * MunU sum—(or better ^
snei .mil liispoi cettled peolitvely
. tb* coDiinittee will meet opotn.

unsoE US lotnsumi l i

Hotel Whiting


FfllDAT, r£BRUUY4tli. 1898.



To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men .


DRS. B. S. & CO.




i'k-. jSJ



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