The Morning Record, August 16, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, August 16, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Surrendered to Americans Before
Peace Report Arrived.^


•ABTZAHO lm»roin Bsoxim

Vtam July )flO to Aucuat 18 Thera
Airired Saddealy from Mew Toik
Baa Taken ta tM, 445.94.
Laat Might On a Thirty
Saya’ Tnrloagb.
Verlin Tbomaa, a member of the
Hannah Eiflea, who left here with the
company when they marched to the
front aa a part of the 8«tb Mlcbiyaa
hU pareala and
iari.erealay. After apeedlag about
ilrea daya tn nuaranUae an roate
from Cuba he arrired at New York on [
He left there |

WaabingtAB. Anfaet U.—Oaneral
Shahar haa r^ortad to the war
partmaat oonoeralng tba eaatoma
celpa at Raniiaco aa foUowa: '*1 hare
the honor to report for yoar informaUm that there were taVen in cuatooM
herefrom JnlySOth to Aayaat 13th Inalaeive. SSS.ttsM."


Meager Reports to Tbat Effect Have Been Re­
ceived by Way of Madrid.



Red, White and Blue
Picture Moulding
Is the Utest. SaodAy, read the late magasinea.



* ao Front street._______

Only a few left.

eame by way of Niagara PaUa Detroit j

HoUbf e Ocnmsld*

If you want a cheap one



IDtaicaa Saval B«Mr*M ea BwwS
and Grand Baplda arrlTlng here onjMarknlfn BIOCI.
tiM ToMiBiW WUl ProtaWr b*
the O. E. A I. train at 7:0S laat night , _
BelMMd This Weak.
rary mnch tatigned and to etUI i
Sper'al to Twr Mxunae Bacons.
Captain Oanaral Blanoo Has Beatgned His Office and De* WMhiart'’a- Aosiui IS.—!%• crew J. M. Tbemae bad aece^rtalned tbat'
arrired in New'York, bnt i
cliu.aa to Snperintend BTaonation of Havana-He
•( tfie Vobcm'te, iDeliiduif ibe Miehifu BSTsl iwMrtM, trill soon b« BIW bad not heard from him. On bto way j
Cabled His Oetennination to Madrid.
down town laat ereaing be alopped at
terad oat. Tb« ines trill probablj r«t
U what you’ll pay now if you want a
the G. B. A 1. depot thlekinr if Verlin |.
thplr releaae beforeSatarday. It tore- came at ail he would probabiy arriTe ■ $
Spartal U Tn KOBBIM Moou.
wd wlU U7 Botblrg Bioro tbas tbat
Madrid, Augnat 15.—The enr- be U rolD« lo Spain at tb« flm oppat^ ported that the Yoaemlte will tail from j over that road, and waa Tcry mueb aurNrwport Kewa Tnreday or Wedneaday |
render of Manila occared after the tOAity.
Mr. Tbomaa aUted that
Our atock of tbeae goodf fall tbto ___ I’a atyle) w at greatiy «nf pridaa
for Uagne laland. where the men wlU “train.
I wonld not bare known bi» aon bad be
It U a BlsBlfleast fact that while
—eSctogSTS. Valnea are S1.U to Si.oo. Better Me tkem. at
laat aUacka made upon the city.
ct U..1. db..h..n. OU... ...1.., „,hl.„, k. ...
A meager report ia rewired that^ teatealffolsr crolMtr brongbi Ooserml ernleera will Ukewtoe go oiA of com- hero on the Ipok-ont for him. Ha to
Reliable Dry Goods. Caipet
Ao<«aU.abe brooght ealy a amall
greatly changed nnd to not tba aama
a bombardment of the city waa beand Clothing Honse.
j i. .1. pwikeKd *aU lor tb* Qermaa ooaaal.
rugged appearing boy he wae when be
gimbf Devey, .opportsd by the
k«.„ b.t u
left here with the rent of the boya. Ua
land .fOTOee. The city anmndered to asppoeed that Geaeral AngacU fled
la borne on a thirty daya’ farlongb.
Varlia waa greeted at home by m
immediately and before mnch dam> liem the PhiUpplaet..
throng of vlsltora abortly after bto ar­
. age waa indicted.
rival. bnt waa toofatignad to Ull of the
hardahlpa he had endured at StnUtgo
To atop a Battle Between Oeneral and aiDce he left Cuba for the atetaa.
epMialwTei Mounan Baeona.
Tied Prom the PhlUpplace.
Breoketo Oommand and a body
Gorrespoad with the Ti«t<
Madrid. Aafwt lE.r-Oenaral Blaaoo
SpMtoltolteltMnae Baoeos.
nber Cospaoj.
of Spaniariu Maar iHmyama.
atoward and had aa experience \
floBf Eoac. Aaftnl iS.-OMiaral eablaa hit roaiffnatioa. Ba doaa aot
We have for sale Good,
Onayama. ria St Orolx. D. W. I., ha wUl Bayer forget.
Aosaeti, Captata Ooeeral of the Pkll- trlah to BOperiatnad the eracBatioa of
Ipplnea. arrlred hr «Ae Katoertn A«r
ta La Oorreapond- Aug- 19.-Oeaaral Brooke moved from
Arroyo At daybreak Friday, and at
A da Bepsna.
«ata. He refoaee to be iatarrlewed
noon -ha paaieil Gnayatna and marckad
thr*« milea to the place where
If thU
OfflM of Dr. BlniM Ftoited and a
Quantity of Gold Stolato
hr the
General MUw eaya that the
Spaniard* laat Tnaeday. The SpanSaturday MighV
iarda ware Intrenched In the eame poel,
Dr. M. J Biggin*' dental ofiee wa*
Um aad the Americana were about to
attack them, when tbay were atopped entered Saturday night by burglara,
eatenanu Baaaaa and French aad
nnd eavea dwt- of go’d, two gold
by aa order from Oaneral Milea
2>mand-: ttonor Anloota Unroraa. oae of the inBattery B waa aightlng iu flrat gnea crowna. agoldnoggat aUck pin. two
ed From Ohma the
anrgent teadere. were aant out today when Llauteoaot McLanghlln of the bridgea and nine bookt of gold valned
Set Wt.
of Xa Hons Obnnf.
thronsb the eonntry north and weat U nigsal eorpa galloped np to Oenei«l at 54 each, wan taken from tbe operaSpaeul mVu MOBsin Baooan.
for sale.
raiac the American flag te all of the Brooke aad delivered a dlapateb fiom tiag room, and from tke Inbvutory eevLondon, Ancnat is.—The forelrn ofGeneral Milea atoUng that be bad been cml gold b*nda aere uken.
It to believed tbat the parti-« whe
informed from WaaUagton of the anaHoe report todty.. thoafb the report
look tbe fwd* know anmeth(ng ofj
paaaloo ofhcaUIlUea
Ineka eonfinnatlen. that It latenda to
The Boldiera did not receive the newa dentutry. Entrance to the effis
demand that the Cblneae soremmept
with very good grace, aa they were gained by the oae of a akeleton key.
I Maual
dtomtoi Prince LI Haag Tlhaaf from Being Planned for 1
anxloni to force the iarna with the Tbe property to mined at $S0
Upon Tholr Arrival
Tbe antboritiea were ootifled and a
powar; on the grcraad that hr to rnaponaaamy. From General Brooka'a poalin Detroit,
UoB tba Spanlarda could be aeea altUny aearcb for tbe ibief to in pt
aibie for the recent AaG-BrltUh attl- j
npedai toTu koavD > RuoH>.
the edge of the bill, a* tba Ameri­ Biggin* offrra'a reward of Sas for tbe
tnda of the L«oac Li Yemen.
Detroit, Anguat iS —A meeting of cana tamed and made thdir way to recovery of the property, and Sheriff
foreUrB offiee niao aaaerted that there
Simpaon offi-n- an additional $3i for in­
tke home offieera of t*a naval rcaarrea Onayama.
toaabeen under epeeial
All tba troopa of Oeneml Brooka'a formation that will lead to Ui£ arrrat
waa held in the offioe of F. E. Sibley at
the<inmtioo of aelzlnc
1^*>now her*. Tja naUvM aad convieUon tbe party.
noon today, and it waa dadded to bold
jubilant over tba eaamtion of kanFonrtb on the Gulf ef Pekin at the
a mMttng of all the active raaervea at
Tonterday’a Wii
u at Windnor.
month of the Pekin rtrer and tke ei^
home on board tke Yaatle at 7 o'clock
Special (oTd MoasamBaonmi.
of Tien, port of Pekin In event of China
tocBcvrow evaaing to eonaider a plan of
Detroit. Auguat IS.—Talent fared
retnaing to oom^y with the demand,
a reception aad entertainment to be
wallatWindBor Foaenro. Mtoa Trtx,
holding all nntD oompliane* to aaanred.
mblom Again Reata la
tndered thoae on the Toaemite, who
t Farley. King Camiml, Boyal
nwhlla tba Mml-oflicial Journal De
Onban Oapltal-The People of the
will bamnatere^ont of active
and Bggler were tU wfi
Olty Been Bnlievad.
6t Petenbu^ in todny'a
•Pholik 167.
S48 Front StrMt:
on thalrratnm. Another meeting on
New York, Angnat IS.—Tba Herald'a Allle Farley waa a prohiUtiva favorita.
ciatm the tone o( the Brittoh prem,
the tame anbject wlU be held in tba
with the whole Add aad
Havaaa eorraapondent aaya that the
and Sayai
BaaaeU Ueuae and both tke active aad
Ualted Sutea dUpatcb boat Motmn en. wen aa abe pleated. FMcanoand B <yfurther aoiuialtiona in the far aaat"
the veteran membera wiU ba expected
Ured the -harbor ycaterday and an­ al Cboiec aold 5 to 1.
Aa a great proportion of the Nin- to participate.
chored baa|da the wreck uf tba Maine.
Cnwaug trade to in American mnr
Tbe D. A. C. ba*e ball Mam wa*
It WM the flritabip flying Ibe United
4toe. tke qaeatlon to one that ban
aatoM lot. n*l! boQw. (
feated at C%arleroix yaaterday aft^r*0 lovi IM, (Md dWlllB*
Staiee flat that baa been in the hnrbcr
than aeadamie Intereat for the United
I by the Charleeoix teui. Tba
41 aerw IteM wilvt voa-.* aol w*«
tierxiUafor OBlytima
ainoe OoaanI General Lae'a departure.
latter won ont In tbe tenth inning by etevd.~ ThU It*
tatca AafortheCblaraethemaelfna.
t WlU wvt. vU iBproTcd ^eeMMlawwpt
ToodaaciM WhUa Spain to In an
^b«r piveti javt »>
Havaaa waa orderly, though large aaeoreof 3 to *.
they retard the preaent toane between
Vafortunate Poattloo.
rowde were on promenade, bnt no
Bnmla and Great Britan aa a anprame
larger than la uiual on a Sunday after•aa. likely to decide tka whole of
Undon, Anguat IS—A apaeial dieChlna’a fntnre. In each condltlikma
patch from Looemn, Switaerland. eaya
bo far aa one la able to judge by the
’ tba Londoa praaa woadera whether the the following Inaplred atat-ment haa
rawlanl. Ml.
American mlntoter at Pekin haa given bean made there; '•Notwltbatandlng look! of the people, there ia a geneml
Bvmember Uat I do all kinds of re­
brl P. wait*.
M. Wllbrp
tiring and raamellng, and Uat I can
eirOlanda MeBnald aU 'the aupport bla dlaepproval of the oourac the gov- feeling of relief in Havnaa now thnt,
id do give you tbe beet work of any
ha could. aad-'lt/aad« with 111 c-woealed emmeatat Madrid to taking, Don Om- the fvar to ever.
one In Ue-clty for the money. Don't
be deceived by what otben tell yon te
Oharglu ibstaaatof the Enaalan preaaj j,* maintain* a Arm intenUon to dtoTHUS BALL OAKBS.
tbe c-uitrary, but come aad aoe ter
whicbaaanrra the world that the'jo,
any acigat riving in Spain, & A. O’#. WUl Play Hen Wedse*I guarantee all my week to be right,
United Sutexhaa hnd enough of
day. Thumday and Friday.
nalag all bto inflap^oe to qaeU laanr«nd if it doea not prove ao I make it
and that In any conflict between
m fortuer
V/n-ma^ •aamK.aa
membera ^
of Ika
Abe fin
aad attempted
S^p to till V o’clock every evening
Bneeia nnd Great Baltaln Amcrlea'a nprtolaga on tha part of hto devoted have bean hnatUng te aeU. tlekete te
execin Snnday, In'the Caldwell A I«n
the ball gamaa hare tbto w«^ and have
•npnert of tba former would be purely foUowcfa"
don bnllding, at norU end of Untor
auooeeded admirably. Tbe boya hare
given auoh good aport bare tbia
that everybody to glad te chip ia ter
ibeir benefit and at tha
il But ^ Divimoa of Troopa
Who has added a full
•ome good ball game*.
Bear That Spaniab Troopa Kay TerDR. HIGGrNS, DENTIST
Hnv# Bailed and Eemaindar Will
It will pUaae the tana U learn that
rorlM the Inbabiiante Daring
Have L. ft by Tbnnd^.
Ovw HeNawafn'* gbo* Stem
Peace Megotiatoona,
dfwptel w Tna kuainve Racoaa.
a date and play three gamaa hare inPmm. Anguat IS—Tba volnnte
Waahingtoo, Angnat IS.-A cab’e; *te«l of two aa
amnuicmi to gat homa. now tbat tba maaaaga reeeived by Um vmr depart-1 Toe gamaa will be played Wedneaday.
and hM eoma. though nrdera have been n*ant Uto murning from Gaaent Shaft-' 1‘bnradsy and Friday. As tbe HiaUeiv
establish.iMB^tomaka Ike troopa aa comfort- ...V ..P..U u..u...,...!
snant. The foxsltara will oo«
abU aa peariMe during Ua intrim.
kl. con. U, U,. ..W
JS k.
The troopoAhat have arrived here on toft Santiago for U« United Statep by | TheaartoswiU be axciUng aad thn. cupy the front of the bnilding

Just Part
of the Price




If You IJave Logs to Sell



Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple’ Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.



lYhile The
Price of Tea Has Rone Up

We will endearor to keep it within the reach of aH
It will pay yon to try oar 13c bulk coffee-a good"
• wholesome]^rerage at a small price.



Hastings' Baal Estate Ageitcji,



Tnvem Citj ScM of liisic!

Bicvcie Riders. Steinberg’s Grand
Opera Hoiue.

our A





Thursday, Aug. IB.;

H. LEDERLE. TneiAucmno success



innep^ we being dieembarked
erdnn to the oeatrary having been reoeivad.
Pnare nre expmeeod by the natlvea
that daring thn pericri of the treaty ae.
gi^tottona Ue Spantoh troop^ maj be
j^viMfreelleeseewiUia the Uaee to

Thumday. General Skaiter wiU atari | •utolde playem will rrceivo
for homa next teUrday. All Uat reGrom tha gaaite.
maiaa M bs uan*ported to Ua ThlH
Fryman had a amall bloM ia hto
dIviUea oommaaded by Oeaaral Batea. shoe atora laat evening. WbUn a man
waa lighting bto cigar n aperk feU «n
Tbene Uoc^ arOl ba
dan rapUa ceuoh nnd bomed Uroagh Ua cov­
Idly a* their tUMpi
ering late Ua CMlaior. A paU of
water ax Ungutobed the hUta

and the nndeitnking boaineaa
tbe rear.

H. L. CApfR,

«e I «


. TIlaltotdUrM.___ ____
-ion ml vMd tor owkiB* «

Prices, 25,35, SO aims cia’--------

Sesti OB sds Bt Bos Office Mo^'
dsy morning.







I Moajmia beoobd. ffAfiBDIMnHIDSrtlO.


k T. B4Vi A«p 3. w. HiJOBi.

^ A W. HA>n>. Bdlu»- ud Itencor




a fer mobit bOmb^
Bill be uUm aielB-

WUM to


aw. OB


<», c KorrArr, aonBuryTn D«a«erkUe pBrty to oa
«k* booM «1 r«pr«MnUUTW M t«Ubc
•• dtofrueblM ISt.QOO ot tho bMt u»d
a«t wortbj yoBBt B«B of tbe Onlted
•MtM. B»mBl7, tbe eoldien la tbe
%M. Wbaa aa effort wae Made U
•Mb a aeUoaal etataU allowlac Ue
^Uiare U tbe field to eoW at tbe €*>»
eooffrwaloaal eleetioaa, tbe DeraJtfin aoltod and fonrbt etabboraly
KMMre. nelnr all parliiaMtarj
. ffbatlMe poMlbU tor lu defeat. Tbe
<%U1. bbtrerer, peeeed tbe Boaae. bet
ffMtod a eleeplBf-plaoe la tbe Seaato.
where tbe DeBoerau and Pcvaltou are
• ■•JorUp. Aeeordtnf to tbe Deaiomttc eoaetmetloa, a eoldier sap be
jaad eaaarb to eacrifiee bto life for tbe
pab^ Ottbe reaablle, wblcb paerde
. ^ oalp tbe bose bet tbe baUot-bo>
•• well. bat. baelBC denaed tbe eeldam of a eoldier. be to no loaper fit. la
dbe epee of tbe Deiaoorate. to eaet a
teH«t lor tbe Biea who eball repraeeat
kte la tbe noet aaaieroae braaeb of
Mw batloaanefUlauire.

s«t to OOBBSU by HoUep dk OoaaaMe fbr Femit to OantiBae to Malataia Their War BaUetia, Bat Altemea Xteeaed It • TiMatioa of
the Lew aad Bejeoted the PetlMae—Bthez Thlape of Bpeolal Ia>
There eraa net a fall atteadaae
the ooaaell meetlep laat alpbt aad for
a time it aeemed ae if there weald be
aetiBomm. bat flaallp eaoapfacai
ple« oae to epere for eaoopb to do boolaeae. Aldermen Jahraaa and Deemood
are eamplnp at Carp LaCe aad Alderjnaa OreUiek wae not fortboomlnp. bnt
tbe other aldermen eaon came topetber
aedpreoeededtodtopoeeota bateh of
boalaoM more ot lew taportaat: moetIp more.
Ibe tmt tUap to deemsd the atUatiea wae a petiUoa from tbe Pouto
Implemeat Uompaap for permtoeloo to
erect e frame ebed near their faetorp.
18*76 feet Itwaefoaadbp tbe ofdl.
aanoe that tbe elee wae too larpe tc
be allowed In • freme etmelare, but
tbe metier wae referred to tbe «
mitlM OB fire tftd weter to eee if brick
or coaid not be eabetitated or
■aeioae cbaaped. Tbe eomml
IB pivea power to act
. of Snperrtoor
yofiy fit 47 pereooal laz'wa* remlUed
U Joba A Loedinp. be barlap paid it
Tbe moat lalereetlnp matter of tbe
reatap aad tbe one wkicb exolled the
most debate wee tbe petition of HoUep
Coaaable. tbe emtlonerp firm, to be
permitted to conUane to maiataia
tbelr war balletia oa tbe ootar edpe
of the walk U froat of tbelr etore.
The petiUon we« maap feet la leapth
aad eontalned orer »00 aamce of eiti-

Alderman Lardie moved atoaee that
tbe peUtlon he praated, bnt Alderman
pteodricta declared that toe war wa*
evar aad there weald be ao more meed
!b a bnltoUa, beeido* it would
aembitob a bad precedent la permiltiap
Tielatlea* of ordiaaaeee. to praat toe
Alderman Moatapae, ehafa-mab of
the Committee on Police, eabmittod an
axbaasUre addraee apea tbe enbject
aad axpialaed wbp the ballotta board
bad beea ordered from toe walk. Ue
■tetod toatellthebiepcle rack* apon
Front itreet had been ordered aet beck
to wltola toe Umit of three feet from
tbe baildinpa. or removed eatlrelp. Be
explained that tbto waa toe eeiltarp oxeeptien aad tkoae who bad oompUed
with the law bad proteeted apalnet
UotUp A Cenoablo belnp allowed to
Tn Dewoeratlc partp la Nebraeke leintelB tbelr balletia aa it baa
bae been oeod for faebloa aarpcMe to beee
eeeeral mnoto* pwL
m*b aa exteut that tbe nasc to aboat Alderman
eUtod that
^ there to left to it.
bad ao peraoaal Lntemt la
too matter other than to de bto dntp
and eee that toe erdlaaaee* of tbe eitp
are enforoed, aad declared that if It
mtlBf The wee not a violation ef the law be would
willlnplp oaatribato 96 to atainuin
•nUap aad Uondap were paU depe eneb a balletia. Bat there wa* a law
fer tbe mcmbere of tft. Franeia ebareb. apalnet each Ulaga. aad be believed ae
YMterdap wae tbe feaet dap cowmeai- leap ae the ordiaaneee extotod tbep
«eBttap tbe aeiiarioa of tbe Bleeacd ebonld be enforoed; it not. tfaea tbep
^pia. aad Uroe epeelal eerrleea were eboald be repealed. Beexplalaed tbet
fcty Ob Saodap ereaiap the priaei- tbto partlealar balletia board waa a
«al anretoee took place, a pret^ fea- bnaiacM advertiaemeat dtoplaplap tbe
ftm belap tbe praeeeeiea ot tbe Chil- ehanetor of the baeinaae of the firm
Am of Marp aad tbe Yoanp Udiee
riap toe parpoaa atoo of a bal^iABAaav. the cbUdrea aad pmap ladlH letia beard.
•U ilrewinf la white aad earrrtap flowAldenaan Bnellmaltel aoDpht to find
mn. There were aearlp aeeeatp la a wap wberebp the balletin mipbt be
Ahetlae. Tbeebareh wae beaetifallp
I. toonph be did
ptiBBed with flowi
rere fer tbe
not want to have tbe law violated.
aad as elotjoebt eermoa waa preached Alderman Lardie oooatdered that e
hpFetber Meaa, Father Baaer coopermit mipbt be plrea, bnt
jootiBf the aerrlce aiaUted bp Joba
.n Hoatepae declared that
a^ Itoanto Keedbam. both of whom
there eboald be no permiu tot violeare etedplep for the prie«.tbood.
tlon* of tbe law. If tbto firm waa elloned
oeaUaae tbe ballatlB ee now.
Two Teaie in Obtae on a Vbeel.
toen everp peraon who bad before roWmiarn 8. Lae. a Chinaman who baa
moved tbelr biepcla racke wonld bave
.aoqelred a poltob aad refloemeat bom
the ripht to violate the ordlaaaee bp
af a aeperor edacatloa aad cloee aaeopattinp them back apaia'aiation with adacatod Ameiicaa* and a
When it came to a vote apon tbe
Ptadp of oar loatUnUoaa. to in tbe dtp qaaetlon Alderman Lardie waa too
TlelUap frlenda. Mr. Lee rrcentlp reonlp oae who voted epaiait the mo­
tnrnmd from a li
tion to re)>«t the pettUoa; and the war
I CUne and to wlliap to eater
baUetln board man pu:even it the war
toia hto frieade with informelioo of bto 1* over.
Mllee land from tbe eiandpoiat
dpoiat of M
A. Petenpl we* praated a permit to
d Celealtol. le to aafaerect e two.etorp bri^ baildinp for a
aweetlBp peraoDBp* aod tfaoroeillp
grrf*^ apon the aaaaen and onatome wapoa faetorp aad-biukemitb abop on
toe eoreer of L’nion and Sute auweto
la China.__________________
Tbe report ot toe committee reoom■arip Freeetone Feaebea
mendlap a walk on FUtb atreek wai
Dr. Ol 3. Kneelasd bronpbt from accepted and adopted.
' Oowfll aul farm peeterdap aome
The committee on fire and water
jtaahM of the tTM etooe earletp called
recommended that onlp tooae firemen
Aha Barlp Trlamp'i. which are tbe firat
eboaid receive pep. The report
' fneatooee to ripen in tbto looalilp.
who were aetaallT on datp at fire*
> ^ Thiy are ae pellow ee tbe Crawford*,
M awaet, aad ripen before the Alenaa- accepted and adopted.
The oommittoe on eU«eU aad walk*
4«B are patherad. TbeM are the tlrat
fi ttto kind ever ratoed in tbU localltp, did wot favor the Improvvmeat of the
^■d were tried ae ee experiment bp ue al>p between Second aad Third etM«u
dorttnr Oe bu lOO tree* of term aed aad tbelr report waa aceepted and
BOW aaeared that tbep wiU be a adopted.
gnu aneorta in tbto repion.
latoe-mattorettbepapmeat ot toe
elalm for the chemical amplne
• Bof. V. & OwUip, of Stock claim wat not allowed at tbU time ae
. Ga.., whUo aMBdlap to^i.
certain etUrhmeaU fw extra eb
eala aad bead exUapalehera bed
pet been perfected. L. K. Oibbe. tbe
apent of the Baeiaa Fire Bapiae On.,
waa preaeet aad arped toe papmeat of
toe einim, at part of tbe addlUomal
work had boM aeeompliehed aad the

J. Q. ELLIS °g*vv">«

wae aboat pwteetoA aad
ipleta. Thera waa ao ac>,
ee wlU report
tioo aMl the
tepoetcra toTbe board of b
ported that Win L.Bnrw«.wbote baildlap toe hotel at toe eoiMr of Front
aad Park etrMt^ had oompUed with
their aeppaetlona repardlnf hotter
foandattea and addiUoaai fire eecepe.
My work is 6rst cUss and prices that are in reach of all. I am
The report waa aceeptod and the chairmaa of toe committee. C. M. Frail, wee
prsparod at all timee to ta^ care of tbe trade. I make a spedaltp io
laetraetod to eee that all toe reqaireBlazing, Vokaniziug end Enameling. A. fine line of wheele for aale
menu were adhered to.
Tbe etme eommittee reporUd that
and to rent.
J. O. EIXI6, Sll Front street, east
toe new Friedriob bnlldlnp wee belnp '
bailt atrieUp in eecordeaoe with the
plan* and epeeifleatioa* and waa ealiafaetorp to tbe eommittee.
The iB^pectora reported that toe apt-'
tern of fire eeeapee from to* third etorp
of tbe Hotel Whitlnp are InadeqnaU
and reeommended that throe eeoepee '
‘ that work and
be cuntUacted. The eommittee oe fire BDBFMISBD OOJC&ADB DXFLBT.
jprice. wlU berlpbt. A 8. FRTMAN. SHOES. 135 FToitatoeel '
and weur were direetod to eee that tbe
proprietor of the bowl provided toe Kembero of VePbereon Foat Honorod theYeMraa LastMlphl.
aeeevearv eeeapee.


Watch This Column For Bargains!

Ask Us For Prices,

Do Yon Want a Boat?

A V Friedrich aed &. -Sbomberper, Aboat twenip-lve of tbe membe
FCTTEBLY. 812 Monroe etreet. We*t Side.
were allowed tbe amount atenmed bp j MePbereob Poet, U. A. B . pave tbelr
meat walk*, [comrade vetoreo, Cbarin tiiplrp.
tor eitp for tbelr
•arpriee lut iveniap at bi*
Wlien^ihe bUl of Leo Solomon for
fisrs for (br fire team for toe chemical bomeen Eaet BtphtoatrMk Tbe even- Store. 137 Front etreeA
Irp wa* tpebi •o-ieltp aad refreabenpioc. was broupbt np.
Mcmiepa* vuted to tbe oonneil. tbet mrau ooDolatlng e' cake, fruit and
itortneloD were •erred bv Mm Dt^
while it waa too late to proleat apaiaal j„
puei^u reriap broupbt the
toe coaree ot toe eommittee in toe par- net',
ito toen Tbe cveat we> In
iolep'* 75tb
7Sto bBeet Five Cent CIpar Hide. THE OILBBBT CIGAR CO.
obaae of U<e team, pet be deetred to honor ot Mr. Diole;'*
iivemarp and he will have o<
Impree* Opto the cooncil that be did
iber it for a I mp time to come
notoonai..i-r that tot committee had with frelicp* of pi -aauie.
done ripbt in pnrebaalap tbe team
A baodtome rocker, apoo tor l^k
from an (>atalder.lpnorlap local dealrre. of which wa* rnpravrd toe name and
aepeclaU} li. J Morpan, who babeavp nambrr of toe poet, toe name of tbe
honored member, tbe dew aod od
taxpaper aud fallp able to furaltb a wh*t oceatioo. waa prearnted to Mr.
It cl*** team to tbe clip for a* Dip’ep ee e ukan of toxotw bp toe and teet lu qaalitp ot tone. W. W. KIMBALL CO.. M. E. STRONG. Han^,
835 Front etreek
little or let! monep. Alderman Lardie member* of the pm*.
defended tbe eommittee bp eutinp
that tbe l**t team boi^bt of Mr. Morpan wae not aetlafectwp, and altooapb
bo had aprved w make the team pood
if not aa rtpreecnted, when one of the
'orld finer than tboae made
boreea became eick aad unfit fer datp,
Each and evoep m** eboald eerrp e
_ HcLELLAN, eomer Frees
Mr. Morpeu ebarped tbe eitp S50 extra Cident and *l.-hnew protection. It cr«
and Park etree\t.
makinp aa exebanpe. Alderman peaonlvtioo per ineato in the lorp- ------------------------------------------- -A----Cook ktatod that while a week apo be
woold have taken toe ume tide a* Mr. Society of Saplaew. throuph tbelr
Mobtapai', be bad looked into tbe areal*, look after pou when poo arr
metier and waa now prepared to apree. aick. Tbelr maap teatimonUl* from
la tbe proper plaee to bep i
with toe eommittoe. Alderman Garri- elUxeneof Trsv«
tst they are fi
eon wa* peaitiee ie hi* app-«v*l of tbe
action of the committee However, a*
toe learn wm Id eommiaeion there wa*
no partienlar object la tbe debate oth­ ilatrlel Maaaevrv. T,ar*i*r Oily. Sray* ejer then to eoiee toe Individuet view* of
iLnoebee in tke world for 15c. Open all alpbt.
pSr^riUWv xlrvou W^STrc'.
the member*, and no farther action
-a* la order.
The kUtemeot ot the board of paklie works thowed an ezpendltnre of
S3»0 4».
The matter of the dock Iloe w*.
broapbt'op end a* there wa* not a fall
'board it waa deferred til! enotber
Alderman Goodrich referred to tbe
74 pair* -Pinffree” $3 CO. $3.60 and $4 00 lAdles’ Shoes
matter of toe Greet etrMt improTemeat
and declared that it woeld reqnire at
at $1.98.
leavt fiSOO to complete it properly and
pairs ‘‘Pingree” $4.00, $6.00 and $6.00 Men’s Shoes
Ueaakiap tbe subject b* eaid tost
at $2.98. ^
it looked like e aystem ot boesUa In
which tbe city enpiaeer was tbe beea.
60 paira “^iDgree" $3.00 Ladies JuUets st.......... $1.98
aiy Bapiaecr Nortbrup replied to ibU
113 psits ’'Plngree” $2.00 and $2.60 Ladles' Oxfords
aseertioB by referring toe eoapcU to
toe eommittee to tee aboat the bomUm
baaiaeea and coaciuded by eaklng the
80^in Ladies $160 end $1.76 Oxfords at..........$1.00
council to locto over toe work. Mr.
pairs ■iBBeB*$1.00 and $1E6 Oxfords st...........76o
Goodricb also deolred tbe eonncll toj
look it over. There wa* no further
Children’s and Miaaes’ Calf Shoea st....................... 80o
City Clerk Bickerd aappokied toe adleability af baring toe tax notice
printed in toe Rscoeo ead Herald and
hie euggesUon wa* adopted.


5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Gigars-5 cents
Guard Chains

Hue Yon Tried The KimboU?

Take Only the Best

Bon Bens, Choice Confections.
Furniture Bargains;

The Palace Bakery


iColumbian Restaurant

Summer Shoe Snaps!

led man; ether hrokee lien reduced ie price.

TP-na.-n ~k- IPi?iedj?ic!hL

Tbe Special Faatnrae ef toe -Little
Trixie" oompanp i* toe charmlnp little
artist. May Smith Bobbin*. She stand*

Tjxe Oxa. ReLlalaLe S2xoexn.axx.

! different ebaraestae aatnme* only help to display
vonatile power*: at toe City Upera
se nexfTbursday. Anpnet 18tb.
t'riee. 26. 35 aod bOcenta.
Sheet Knaio at BaU Price,


N. C. StroDp. manaper.

To Him That Hath
a henae to paint

Shall Be Given
Oea E. Winnie,
Up-to-date painter and paper ba^er.

City Opera House
One Niffht Only.

Thursday, Aug. 18

In toe mnaieal eoinedp,

st tbe Hewa Stead. P. a BaOdiar.

Wliicbever you may wiab when suiting younell with a pair ;
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this season of ;
the year, and we have them in aU shades for Walking, Bicy- ;
ole Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ;
and the





ika&tito. titbsdat; Atrovst te. iws.

tlKWnwmwnrynMirurmm »•«
WWW ♦*»«»'****

fiern. TVy wiu bring tt home tt th*
gorerpmMideent lata it away from
That wna tha Snd Fat* of •'PM
Lyman and Ira Van Xei
later Famd Away
Ohaitw* Onrlsan. tha teh
Tb* enh* walk propmly had ftsarigtn
Uttia broUan aged reepoi
saong the Fieoch asgrom of Irwilrimia
It yean, who had been mtaalng ftlnc*
Detroit, Mteh.. Anyatt li.—OoL Jotaa
Chart** Carlson, the fish peddlar. falastTbnreday afternoon, web* fonnd
AtUaMa died of nenral^of the heart
drowned ia Maskagon lake about 3 flUUarly known a* "Old Cbarley." has of tb* old Fnncfa ponomy dsDce*. b xs(aaflna peetorta) at the reeideem of
saldde. Bis body wa* ■emblm serernl of them in term. From
o'clock Bnedey afternoon. Th* bodice
Mra. /. J. OeepaH, Ko. M8 Wcet Tort
of Ue bay* were fonadTIn separet* fonnd on Ue beach near th* monU of Mew Orleans it apreed orer Ue mtln
.elr*et,yeeterdayetJlo'clocka.». BK
rirer, aboot six o'cloek Sondsr SDuU and Ueooe Dortfa. It wa* fonnd <1
taktnroft wea moat aadden. He wae
K«v teattafo. 0«W, Jaly M, )»M.
ling by Adam Omier. Sheriff ooBTcnimice to tbe plnamiioa negromi
at hia aBca and ahont the city laat
Dkab Okb at B0MIL-W«n. ru bt- Wa an wmped os a
SimpaoB and Coroner Moon war* earn- ney were not wedded by,^lrense, aafi
ibrM ail lee back of Santiaso. Tbe Friday, apoarently in perfect banlth.
(iB aiy Itttw u I alwayi did, b;
monad, an iorestlgatlon saade and a, it wna Rldotn that tbe serrloei of a
John Atktneon.
far r«« down: wkr dwt job wrlUT larolara are dolnc carrUon doty »*
jury empaoelad.
After bearing U*i preacher were oalied in.
the Firet district of Wayne eonnty.
Th« dm fltall lor two wceki com In
The OOee of Secretory of Btate te Be* testimony thr jary rendered n rerdiet] At a oske walk a mao might legitL
BMteiy show bis pretereooe lor a wom­
tod«7»nd Idtd*otc«ta*lrB*< • iS,** ionad eoe raflMBt in a place aronnd bom In Wmrwidt. Lnmbtoa county, On­
Her* Seeretoty Say—Whltolv
of saicid* by drowning, and Ue body an and Un* pnbliriy claim her fee a
Mr. I don't know wbotbrr yon at* *U Um city OB bl(b land to keep tario. May 24.1S4I. Be mae to MicbiBald Will go to BaglnoA
1 wife. In effect tbe oaks walk was DCl
.Uiem healthy. We all ret tbe mona- ran\n tSti, loeallar at Port Hnroa,
ted *r oiok or anrAldAr n^ot yonOarleon was s Norwelgaa. about S6 differfoi frara tbe old Scotch msrriam
Wsahlngton. Angnat 1»—President
erhere he acquired hia early edneatlon.
8nnUnc« onmndared U* Utk and
year* old. When a yonag man be wn* : which required only pnblle arfcni.wladr
bat a day or two ano ere afe alt rirbt Be audied law in the oSee of WiUiact McKinley bus rreelrad Ambaaa
bean dell dnce.
Hay'aneoaptaaeeof UeofiMof secre­ a saflorandftUelaimrd that at on*; miml fn;a the contracting pnrtire. 8a
bare ntored oaly once and that wat acalB. For ioatanee, I jeu fot
T. MitebeU aad Barrcy MeAlplne of
tary of state, soua to be raeatod by UsM he was ehlpwreckcd off Ue ecast' Ulsfeatiral heremo in aome aenae a
droM where wn were rnaedlnr BatUry batorday: and Moad^ (yeetarday) 1 Port Baron, and atuaded tbe law deJudge WUlUm B. Day. Mr. Day will ofPortnsal^ Be came to Uta part of I wooing, an aocopunce or rejictlon an4
Sot tbe Ui, and aa eooB an the eurreo- walked to tieboaey and back, about partMCbt of tbe Uaieeralty of MIcUn cmemcoy. Tbi« explain* its popoUt«
- '
bend Ue Asmiiean twee* eommii
the etate abont si yean ago and to ity wiU Ue black*, oobade of iu beandor aad tbe haBbnrdznent atopped. we twenty milea, aad leal rood tkb eren- ran. where he was rradnnted in March.
aad wiUraenuhiaoaeeaaaoonaa hia Uirteen yean engaged mt fishing at tlea. wiU Ue aeoompaBlment of mnnoaedtoaaoredwnfortable poeltlpn. lor- Bo yoa aee 1 an In rood abape.
Nortbpurt. Ue cam* here abont 1887 ric. which ii cnupeM.t u ail tiam* M
on hia
^ ;
We landed <w Jnly let. the day of tbe
Ve are np in the nonntaln* abont flee
July 25. toos. he entlstod and wai
aad earned a liring by fiabiag and sellsiloa troB the city; we are all beajthr > blf &r>>L' *»d pitched onr tenU at Be- >B»laaioaed eecond Uentennnt. and
Cake a-alking has impnrred, ns de .
Colonel Hay ta now making prepara- lag hta fiU on Ue street and from
and feelinr rood. The air ie pnre ae. boaey about noon, and that erenlnr we in Ua next ten days ha organiaed I
Uoas to retnrn to Ue UcUed States, bonce to bona*. HU mind wa* no: most tbtogs that are oorstsntlypcaetto '
in Miehlrnn. bnieomewhatoonler (nit), roiorderetomomaad enrry ihreednye- panyATwtoty second Michigan infaaaod abont fire yean ago be ed. It h**lomit*old#l(rnlfio*Pce|atU^. —
■eety day ahont 2 or • o'clock U ralan; raUona with na. We. broke camp at 10 tfy. of which be aerred aa captatafrom and It la expeetod he wilt take ekarge
south. Negroei now trt njam«G. wbre
lahsa so
to tbe
toe aejiam.
mylnm. but
ras was.Bei
was not
of Up Stow d^arimeat abont Saptam was iMtaB
nod eoola oft tbe air nleelr.
] e'cloek that nirbt and marcbcd down to Angnat 14, !Mf, nnUI Jnly 29. 1864.
they ciatry at all. in tbe white folk/
• "***
kept Uere long. Bta hobby waa'Ual fssbiox It ha* bwcr,-t. become a pan­
bar 1.
leerotao much to aay aad nak lithe front; arrirod at General Soafter'a Captain AUlnaon was proBOtod
ex-mintator to he bad been to boU beaWn ,aad hell. tomime dam*. Prej >rly perfermed U

don't know where to hario. 1 enpeet I beadqnartora at daylirbt next Bominr; Bsjor of Ue Twenty leeond regiBaat,
if a beaotilol ojD. lue^cake U not me H
yon are worryinr abont toe and worry- oeakod onr breakfaat taare (or part of aad Out 18, 1864. Was saade lientenaul Frano*. barboea offered aad baa aadid aad the others laid down and eolaaet of tbe Third Miehigaalnfaairy. oepted Ue place a* ambamadar to U* only Ust Friday afternoon he wae at at a prise. Uongh Ue negro ba* a ewml
Inr why I don't write. Bat yon nneer
oonrtofSt. Jamas to aaceeed Colonel th* warchonse of Ue Trarerae City tooth.-New Orirena T'
aiop to think I want to hear from yoa. •lept; but for my part I didn't care to After Ue batilae of Franklin and KaohBay. Ha la already ~«vi«»g prepara­ Fish Co., where he aume'JraM obtained
I haren't acen a eirk nay sineo I left Bleep.) By thu Ubb Ue firl>A beran
the Third regiBCnt Jidned the
of fish, and wben tedd by
tion* to go to London, and wUl probab­
boBe and 1 don't tbiok I wilt. Tbe eli- and the ronr of Saapaon’a fleet than- army of the Cembcrlaad aad partici­
ly oocnpy U* realdenc*. temporarily at oae of Ue men Uat they bad no fish,
■at* b tnu and y»n nerer bear aayoae derinr at Mom Oaatlo. nlnrlod with pated to nearly srery aagagemea
and eoDaeqaently eonld not sell him wTwer, dne to expanrioo aad eootnpleast, now lisiad by U* proaent
noa^ or blow their note here. ' the fletd arUllery and rattle of rifle Uat army nttiil Ue anmader «f Lee
ttoi. baa been atndied by Coloo<t Bus.
aay. he complained aad said that no•ot. who reoenUy explained' to Ua
We have all the fmit we can fire, were rinriar in onr enra. AU this aad Johnson.
body eared wbeUar he llred *r aUrred. Academy of Sriencee that tbe expaaiicn
entjoatbyrolnreBd plokinr >t. aaeh with the woaadod me
boon after the war be retnrnnd to
to* a matur of gemip to aereral Bis only knowo relatira ta a broUer ia of tbe metallic compooenta ot Ue etneM bananaa. eooiauuU. uiauroina aad nirbt roiar back to Biboney and dead Port Boron and was npputoted eelNorway. Abont 3 yean ago n nephew
dWareot kiada of plaina. and 1 «w n men Uyinr bentde the road bronrht lector of cusmbs at Uat place by An­ day*. It can now be atatod 00 Ue anfeUew today with aome dates. Oranrea the daorera of war home, to as and drew Jobnson to IMS. and eerrad nntU tbority of Urea pereoaa tnUy cogsl- of hta was drowned at Northport.
WheUer Charley had any money or
and leBCBs are Jnat r^tUnr ripe, bat when we Bored OB from beadqnartera. Marob «. 1666. at Ue same time foUow- saat ofallUe facta Uat Uere ta ao
IcBgnr aay doubt on this enbject, and •ot ta oaknowa. Abont fire dollar* tlfc night, ns tbe oolninB becomm cool­
we knee bad plenty of Ubmo. . Lime- the strain wa% rtalbla on erery mt
tag U* pcaetio* of tow.
In 1870 b*
lOBBd to btaelothing.
Bta bar- ed. n> that tbe Ughbiing tod bn Un
Uat ColoMl Bay has aceeptod the effaea aa we marked on in aUeaoe.
ada oeeiy day for dinner
•Oimnit of Ue tower ia to ocoaum o».
mored to Detrtot where be hia* atnoe
tpcaaaa will prabably be paid by
of U* portfolio of secretary
Bob Walter rot a letUr from home BUa or two bnmrbt na to where an oo- bean engaged tn law praetlec. In poUtton. Colonel Unmedat, dbeetor cf Ue
GawrraMlre dec Ara etMetien, beiag
eaelonal shell woald abridc orer oar lion be wa* talaed n democrat and re­
today and Uey wtld they beard
to Gnat Britian.
Chrlsoa was extremalT bccen^U and appealed to to eonflnasuon at Oolonri
bnied in the battle of San Joan Bill, j htada and then epent bnlleu beran tn mained one noUl Ue tariff lasn* beeareleminlita habits and Ured alone
Profaaor Moore. I
'Jnly L Now if they abonld aen Be..|alar: the nearer we rot> ^ thicker
I prominent to 1881, since which
and wbreeaproially at Beni tiBe.wheni tbe bnlleu. bat meat of ibes'want time he had been na ardent rw»bliean. retnry of elate, has tendered hta renig- tn a little hat oa the bay ebore not far
nation and it hna been aooeptod. Tb* from U* spot where hit body was
Z aa oooklnr my dianer orer a bot fire: orer oar heads. They marohad na rirht
was Ue democrat candidal* to
yenra. and Uat tbe Mnlli giren were
•rrldlar a Cnfaaa male to the creek for U the rear of the flrior Hn« oa tbe attorney general in 1870 aad a rapnbli- ebaage will tab* effect aa noon aa hta found. An exnmtontion of Ue
lam rarealed noUlng of mine and Ue perfectly e:
r, (hrr weald think 1 was Uie Ure- eeater; hot here we bad tbe protaetioa eaa candidate to eengrese to 18S4. In anceeaser ta appointed, bat the oMee
only article of food fonnd wa* n loaf intfTian of Iron by heat and cold eia
U«t dead man ttary erer eaw.
of Saa Joan hiJ and were praetkaUy 1897 be wa* elected to Ue boose of Ue will aot be filled nntil Ue new
tory of etate has been eoaanltod in re­ of rery stale bread.
wril known, aod tbe toww rimpty obeya
Wa kmt all kinds of reporu abont na safe. Arrired there abont lOo’cloek. Michigan Leaiaiatnra and asrred darlitaUenght
tbe idiyrical law of twnpemtim InffnCp to this time not n
aorinr. bat ddn't know whether wa
tog Ue Bcnalon.
and drownad himself Satarday night. -eooe. InanmmcrtbeexpanrieBUgmMhnrt, and it seems almost
Oreee Obuch OonfirmntHm.
etny oo Ue ialaDd anUl Ue attack apBe wn* last seen aUre abeat 6 o'clock er than in winter, and tbe moeeBunl
teacln. Abont
•n Barana la Ue tail or wbeUar we
Cbnflrmatioa aarrtOM were hald^
tercram at nirirt. owing to oononatien
caored to the left in a rarUe. to sapgo to Ue aUua.
Manton. Mich., Angnst U-—The Free Iraee chnreb Snaday. Very beantUal
dne to Ue oooll^ down of tbe nmin
' laeoaeof UeieUenUat the boye pert a weak ptaee In tbe line 1 anppoae leUodist ooaferenee and camp meetYet Uis twlittog, this torrion, te na
ansU wa* rendered by a Aolr <
got today Uey heard that I got die- and lost the proucUoo of the hiU and tog at Paris bss elcaed, aad among Ue poaed of Mtaaea Ltodley. Crawford.
Tbs l>s*tb Beeord.
the auUdity ot U*
charted. Sow 11X am. I ahonld Ilka to were placed U a rarine where Ue «nitotmenu are; Tbe Ben. J. B. Saa- WUtaelm. Cdca and Mre. Garland, and
Albert Bsrwtae. a ^necr of Wex
hnew It. for I woold Uke to poll for j emy'a buUeU fonnd na. They ent tbe dere of Trarerae City, to M*i.ton; Eer. Memre Kenyon. White and HoUey., ford ooaniy. died Satnrd^ eight at
, homn, not that I am tired of it. or sick: bnsbee all aronnd na and aeren of Pritchard to Colfax. B M. Bnaselt to Tbe chnreb was handaomaly deoor
Ue home of Lon Hopkins, near Wex
em Them Klsae.
. ct my barraia or homesick bat I dm'v' gsr men were wounded.
After two Greenwood. C. A- Gallop to Cadillac, with fern*, white flower* and sweet ford. DacesiBd was SI yeare. old and
A Grrefc fruit dealer asked n fnsriag
want to be doing wbet I em end not hours of thia wa were mored back to aad Charles Spenerr of Manton,
peas. Bishop GiUespi* confirmed a baa lirod to Uta region to 3S year*, pedeetrian to step Into hta store end adreoelTe any pay for It. I can't eee the hUl where we were firaU Onr 'tererac City.
elaaa ot tonr ladies. Be area saalsted haring come from Kew. Jersey,
dtem a letter for him. It* deril nation
eriiy I don't grt off for Uere is a ymtog company escaped wltboat a eetateb
to the lerrice* by Ue rector Be*, a T. owaad a fine farm in Wexford eonotr. was. "ZsleofPntXDOs.*'
fallow Uat ha« b>en s<ek erery a'nee ' but bad many narrow escapes. B? Ula
jSLJhtJiimLMiMiMt Merit totMen. Stoub
"Do yoa kDow."eaid Uestrci^
ba* no relatirea in this regloo.
he left Camp Alger but aot anyUing time we had got used to Ue noiae:
Th* fanaral wae held TmUrday after- oa be wmu. "Uat John wtote 'BefnlaPnreonaL
I and Uey dieebarged him today cooked onr dinner nod sapper in
Booo at Ue Wriford M. E efanrch, an tiona' to PmOomf
and eUrted him home; he lieee in Man
at 8 o'clock and
"Ob, yes—John. He sell finds—be
Hr. and Mrs. H. M. Meaoaky re- der the anspleea of Ua Moaree Centre
letee. fils name la Send.
ta quiet nntU ton, when M Mniten of Interest From
tnroed from Van Bnren yesterday with lodge. I. O O F. Uidertsker Ander- write letter—I many bta stats; Hs
come 'Mcrica&cx'yoor.AUsatoODB1 was orer to a little town th* the bpanlarda made aa attack an
a flee catch uf iroat.
aoa bad charge of U«'faa*ral.
Pans of Michigan.
ether day in aenreh
reUea im,, ^nd in flee micnirs wa ft
Miss Pearl of Waabtogton street redied-late yesterday
NtmnwwriMmtK tarned from a nalt to Beadloeh ' yes­ Ihoma*
m4 I got aome dandle*. I got a Spao- ^ [g
age mvebed-n^ Ue bill
• KtaOpBaxon.
nftarmoon at hta home on Weal BighU
leh kalfo, Cnbaa pipe, a Hpanlah offi-, tbe flrtog Uce gar* them .neb a warm
ly.jedgCL ToMAt
There la rrry litU* atlr orer coal op- terday.
oer'a spars, a nnmbsr of «paniab coins., reeepUim Uat Ury retired afur 20 eretlon* ia Bay eeonty. bat, nerertheMre. Piereon wbehaa been risittog ctreet <4 oM age. Deceased was 7C
Jim Brawn be I *
Md Ua beMlgotwBB a pair of ear mlnntea. snfferiagaT^ bcary lose. AU Irss. Gontiderablc work ta being done la WUltomsbnrg.retnrncd home yaater- yearS^d had came from Cbichgo berr a pnh of aces and apah 0’ ktaga"
to lire lathe year 1868.
"Whstdldyuo barer*
rlngaIboorbtofanoldCobaBwomaB.’[taiaUmeweBad beeo more or laae e*Ue qniei. Pnwpaettog U coaiiaahere
Bhe took them oot of a lltUe girl’s | poMd W Ue enemy's Are bat had not log WlU naabatrd rigor and aereral
"What <Ud Jim dor*

Oorntog. N. Y., are Uegneat* of Mrs. Chicago, aut after remaintog Uere
«araabontUreayeAieold. aodabebadiMea^Spaiaardor fired a
good find* bar* been made.
"Jim, be drew.”
Elsie M SteteoD of Washington street. awhile came 'oaek here agato and to
wnm them ao long Uey bad become! went bauu to bwi with order* to
"What did be drnrr*
Stato Treaaarer Steel has jnat com
Harrey Brenner arrired yesterday noarly nine year* post has made bta
tost in her earn. T 9 are little half steep on oar nnnt aad Ue night paes>d
"Be drew a rasa
plated bi* report for tbe fiscal year from Grand Rapids to a rtait wlU bom* to Uta city. Be was father of
Boona mads of aolid
I waat to I witbont fiirUar Iscldoot. 1 Ulnk srery
lend PlaiD Dealer.
anting Jon* 30. 189*. from wUch it
fonr ehnaren, Uree of whom are
friend* to the city.
get n ring now aad aome more Boney. I aap was aalaep in U minnlea after he
appoan Uat tbe balance oa band Jnly
Ifrlag. Besides bta children. Yieur and
The families of Jnd Cameron
They are great people for jawelty andj^oi back to bed fur harinc marched all
1. 1897. Waag?e3.888.0i; toUl fcoslpta. R E. Wearer bare retnraed from 1
Albert Petertyl aad Mra. Otto HaaAecm of tbe Emerald Isle who bad
laeea, and the rich class are great feriBtfbtibe nigbt before aud all were
$3,122.869 36: totol In Ue trenaory, eamp at Carp Lak*.
lenee* a wife to monrn hia Ofentnrnrcd bnilding a wall roeod hta
lery. They all smoke eigaroue*'
$3,906.747 40: disbaracBenta. $4,690.Dr. Stewart Johneon aad Mtas Grace loo*. The fnnmal wUl b* held to­ lot of raUre nncoiwfnon dimcnatMis
. mBd* of Uaeana tobacco, bat
While we really did no fighting
tear feet high nod six feet
SSt 79; balance Jane 30.1898, $1,216,*
Unaonof Waski'ngtoa. D. C are risit­ morrow aftsraooa at 2 o’clock from
te beet can get it now.
were Uere anb^eet to ordtfs bat were
was ariced Ue object at ii by a frtand.
tog Ue tamllic* of J. E aad J.G. Jokn- the rerideace. 206 West ElghU street.
t enw two peoplo die of
held in reeere* and mw onongb of Ue
"To mre repnira. my hooey. Don’t
S-*reral monUa ago tbe eoancil of
•ad many more Uat there was aoUlBg j brnrora of war to naUsfy all of na We
you see that if U (-rW falls dmruit wiB '
Bay City passed a milk ordlnanoe. Ue * ’Stre. Jokn Griffin has retnned 1
be hi^er Uau it ta now?"—Mnggets.
•flhem bataklo aod bua I took my were kept under Ue hUl nntil Friday
prioeipfil prorUioa being f,>r the pny- a two week's rtait at Mayfield wlU a
hannraaek fall of bard tack o*ar wiUlgg^were pat on oatpeat duty nntU
fhe adeane* sale of sests to ■■Lilt!*
mantofnlieenaeof$IUpeiryearby all stater wbo ba* recently morod Uere,
a* and traded it for what 1 get and 1 saaday. whan wa were mored orer on
daalera There was no dtapooition oa whom she had not seeo to Uirteen TVixta" will begin at the City News
"Oh. tbe tow’s detoysl" xi^Ue
eoaU not take aeythiog from
,g aapporl a battery.

fiUnd UU moRitog.
toir young girl Ue part of tbe majority of the dealere
them andaUaatltookitwUeweak-.^^^l^rtfie range here bt
There will be s epeetol merttog of
Bow Ury tried bee bent
to pay this license and warrsaw ware
daaBer from akolia when U* enemy
Her ense bMl dragged along to yean
wme time to Patch in A Cros er'e U* Baatoreii Htor chapter Uta erentor
Isaned for Ue arrest of half a dozen.
ThU U U1 0.. wHtlw P.J- I U™,,
B„. b«t Ul.!,
The city ofB:>al* agreed 00 one case aa ofica. ha* U'sen a aiaUar position with tar Ue eoaferriog of degree*. A fall ■bd yearn
d I bad to borrow Uls of E->b Wal­ sbtfUa fell abort. A flag of true* ^*hen—wfaoi. ob, wbeo woold foog
aUeadaac* ta desired.
a test and hare wasted aereral days for Blakaalee A McCormick.
ter. He woold aot sell it for he «
Lawyer bircaDe Locaticn propCM^
'. up mo.t of this time and Ue flghting Ue commencement of proceedings
Mrs. P. E Finch of Union atreot, ta
-d It b»k
Bwm I«ia.k.t
. t.1,
„a .p
Finally Saturday they decided to taka entertolBing her faroUer and ataur S>.aU Side fibairespear* dab yesterday
p „
prompt aeUon and Uree-of Us itonlen from (Iraod Rapidt.
sltcrnooB at her beme on east EigkU
p,k U U.™ -1th th.
4.,, „
**Ko." mid Mr. HnbhleU. "I ten
Mra. J. D Martin reterned yaste
were arrsighod. foonJ gnilly and fleed
' hut we can't go In yet.
General Sbafter wna eery bamana to
<T firs days to Jail, being giren anErwin Artitp enflered n dislocated find tbe atmosphere of refinenMot bean
' Bow ia grandpa new? BashisbenlU' them and gare - them aU Ue ehane*
ttmt we hsTe to Boston."
Monday to pay or appeaL Tbit
abonlder to a fall from hta boggy naar
tanprered any U
Mim Wrettol^-Ofa, if yon’n lorid^
there was to anrrandar aad arold blood
will probably bring Ua matter to a to Ida, Is sialttog wlU Fred Wnrsbnrg.
Qrawn Snnday afternoon. Dm. Moon toan stmospbweef wfltMiiient, we <nn
Too need not buy any bores , for I
IS rery toon.
G^rge B. Swan aad family hare ro- and Rosa attended him.
irod a bpanlah horee, aad Ifa jnat mored to where m still are aad as for
foniish Uat tool W* bare a txaaU ofi
baadsid Oil wotkabrnw-Oitofs
n dandy. 1 am going to 'bring him Ue fdtnre. don't l^ow what ..
Theaehooner Blla Eleawood ta to
Mosm in a ahee box. He U a back akin will bring, bat UlnffUere will be n* n Ureaklnp machtoe, tFUllam Holme*. after a rtait wiU Ue family of WUllam port to ba landed wlU ton-bark fer Bewn
Walker townailp farmer, was Lore.
•ad weighs about 100 ponodo.
I can more fighting to speak of.
Malcom WUlle to skipment to Milbrangbl to Ue Grand Rapids jail 8nnMtaa Margaret Londoa of West wankee. In aa attempt to make a
either ride or walk wiUont getting off, Too much eanaol be aald to
Eldw Berry—JohhNi Bade a h^
of him.
ralor and eonreg* of th* regular army day to safe keeping by cx-Depoty' BighU street, anterutod Uat Snnday UadtogUeerew were nnable to gat iMk la ehinrii udey.
What did yon do oa the FonrU
Sheriff Allen. “I am ora^." repeated the Miaaaa May and Lanra Rowaon of
line faswned and the boat ran
Mm Bwiy—TYhat did be dot
Where did yon ge? -To Maniate* I exne*. aa bo was brought Into Ua Grand Rapids.
Elder Berry—finbeeribod $10 towsed
agronnd near the watework*.
get back to Ue atatea aa wlU aU of na.
—Dr. Ihutlly to Enrc^ and efI got a RxooBO today and it gars
jaU emcc to regtatering. Be ta abont
T. J. ArmstroBg, ligfaUonss keeper
Well, how is ereryUing at kema? I
toed to douhto Uc amoimt if tb^ wadd
•a aeoennt of Ue rietorloa TraTerae
AS years of age. and baa spent U* last OB fionU Manlton talasd. ta to Ue city
bqpe yon are getUog along nil right,
make it Africa.-HsilciB Ula
eron U ManUtee Ue 4tb.
Uroe monUt ranning a threabtog
rtaiUag hta parents.
diana i_______________
and don’t worry abont me for 1 can
ru nerer forget mr 4U aaiong. aa I
F. M. Bamlto aiB’ wife ot Monroe
etaad It aa r^eU aa the brat of Umi. chine through U* eonnty. It ta eaid
Uee 1 was out in Ua bot Cobnn sun n
■--*------- from Q.
Ust Ue ratUc anddin of th* macbii
Centre, were to Ue city yestorday,;^
The Beet Bemedy to Flax.
My name baa aot been on tha sick re­
made a record ia atone croak^aoTWing np Ue dead mniea and raBoy Zerren an^ Nate HHl rode on
nnaettW bi* mind.
Hr. -John MaUtoe, a well known
port alaoe 1 left bomo. We don't gat
_ eren yard* of “kard
bniyipg Ua dead aoidicra. I bw aigbu
thair bleyelea to Charierelx finndny. heads” were polveHscd per hreir, wlU
Daniel Snlliraa of
' ' '
of Pntoekl. Ky..
any maU bore at all. I got cne letter
g to orer a weU i
They cam* baric by boat.
jaws act to clcaeailM Inches. Mr.
Che 8tb. wa* fonnd
D A- McLeod of Mantatoa, ta in Ue Bonghey any* Uat Uta beaU all prerida of jaw ernshei* not haring
adt bflUpu
I by E. F. Bradt
more than 8x16 Ineher, Cbambertln's Oolle. Cholera and Mar~ j..t^ .j^,i,
Mtaa Mary BelUer ha* gone to CM- _________—
____ machine. AU who wlt- rhnea Remedy, and kara Uapleneaceef
eago oa n rWt
aemad Ue tesiNrere well pleaaad wiU - ing that half of one bottle eared
' For sal* by a E Walt
ran bad had noUtog to eat ia hta nix
Ue rapidity and ease wtU which it did
Q. W. Tbomaa was to BsIlatM <
Ue w^k. only reqniri^ right hcesa
days' wanderinga oxoept berrica.
boys bare aome of Uelr
boU U*
abont me for I'm aU right
Tbe Mtanm Strinbetg nr* eatertato"The
Srnggtat" 6 erm
elersM to U^ Uelr
May left yet. I must close wlU lore
Walter B. Faster of Flint, hna r»- tog Mtas BUol Fox of Gmad Rapids,
fnlleet e^mrity. The eemmlmtoaem ttlebto smoke la town
U aU. and regards to aU enqniriBg
A. a. Umbaol of U* MermatO*
grreent aad Ue ran was made Drag Store
tnrnad from aerriee in Cnba wlU OomtrUBls. Ooodbya,
Ue enperTisien of Joa Begl*.
Gaonen Dotls.
pany A. ThlrW-UIrd Miehigaa. Ba Oempoay's shos departmoat, is eajsy--------- *. eealsted by W. PhOB** and
P. & TaU Mra. Bala that BtoworU
d*d>am* on acKBBt of mal- iag a sheet racaOcB.
BnatUffo da Oaba, Jaly w. ie»l.
Vednetey orentoE Ue Om
John Sehleaaer. feadera, airi ^liam
Uaderaberifl Martia Brown *f La- ytoaa avm—W* am etiU held bar* la aU light and hM not ban aMc ataU, nriat ferer.-. He mya th* Flint bpya
---------------------- >«aaU Bto. Mari*
token near Ag^ laad, was ia the dig yeatetey.
MraMpntpoM.Idon^ now what. I Ulnk.

***** ***********






'H; rl -:t:3-Vi .-TiCil'. r; ■:': 5;- '_ T :; •;; .'t::;.-: 1 ;!:t


TH* iiiMmta liatHtes, tubsday, AironsT lA i8»e.


fM« *»»»«#»* COUDHMTXilSONOEU.

Aorao. They will bring H kerne if the
(■meat deeapt take U nwayfroB
vudLada tbem.
LttAiwn dMea
That ww the Sed Pate of “Old
Lymea and Ira Van Kereen. toe (wo
UtorVMMd Avar
Oharier- Oarlaon. tke Ptoh
Tbe eaka walk ptupprtyfand Itamfgia
little bcotbera eged reepeetirely B and
e«ioB of LontofMu
ltyeara.wbcbad baen mlaalng rinee
n«troll. MMt. ABinial 1».-0dL Jolia
Them to litCharlre Oarlton, tbe flak peddler, fe more than a ceotuxy
laatThnreday afternoon, were found
AtkioMB died of BesralflA of tbe keart
Blllarly known na “Old Charley.” baa Ue douU Uiat it to an offritoot of eoae
of tbe oU Fretwfa ponatry dasom. It rw at Ue Tdald^ of
anidde. Hto body waa Bxnblee aerenl of (hem in (bb. Fna
e’cloek Sunday afternoon. Tbe
k(n. J. i. OmpaH. No. 90S Wc»( Van
of the boya were tonnd in eeparate found oa the bearii near tbe Booth of Mew Orleana it spread over the mtin
•tTMl. jMtv«a]r»tUo'e>oekA.n.
(bo river, about aix o'cloek Sander
.rtb. Itwnsfooadct
« Mew Butlaro, Odte, iBlr »e. 1WB.« !bat Isoppow the cotarafDwt doM. j
^IT ww mott anddca. H«
morning by Adam Umler. Sberifl cooria>iem» tu
p»ui>uuu u«niw«a.
hia effioe and abont the city laai
Dkab Om AT BoMa.-Wall,- I’U be- We are camped on a plateau abont
Slmpaon and Coroner Moon were enm- '»ey were not wedded by IWnee, nnfl
flBKp.letter ulriwaje did. by eall- toree milee back of danUaro- Tbe Friday, apparently laperleet health,
mooed, na InreaUgaUon made aad a i
^ serrlcoi <tf a
taf yon dovra: Wky don't yon wrlUT r^nlara arc dolnr rarriaon duty In
Jury empaneled.
After bearing Um i
The d^i nail tor two weekt catte In the city and tbe Tolanteert are stav tbe Piret dlatrlotof Wayne county, waa Tbe OOee of •eeratniy or State to Be­
today and I did not ret a aiyn of a let­
bora in Warwick. Lambtoncounv, Oalieve ■eoretasy Bay—Wbitelaw
ofMleida by drowning, and (be body
ihna publicly claim bet for a
city on blrb laad to keep tarlo. May M. 1841. He eame to Michiter. J don't know whrtber yon are all
Bold Will go to SogimmA.
-na removed to CartertoBUrgua.
Jo effect the cake walk wee not
tedorelekoraaytUaratoatyon. ' then healthy. We all ret tbe
rae in leS4. locailnr at Port Boroa.
WeaUngtoa. Augnet IS—Prealdent
Oarlaon was a Kerwei^. abont SS diflerenl from tbe old Scotch ntarriag^'
Santfaro enrmndered tbe 14th and tain ferer, bat it doee eot la*t where be acquired bla oarty edueatioa.
McKlulay baa rreeired Ambaaaador years old When a young man he waa wbiefa reqoiird only pnlilic acfcouwle^
•eerythinr baa bean doll elnce. We bnt a day or two mo ete are all rirht Be atedimi law in tbe office of WUliam
Hay'saoceptaneoeftbeofllmof aeere- a aallor and U is claimed that At one mebl fn-ui tbe contracting parttoa. 8e
bate etored only ooee and that wae : arnle- For iaetaaee. I jort pat owe It T. Kltofae'J and Uarrey McAlpina of
off Abe eoesl ^
feotlvei became In some erime n
tary of state, soon to be raeatod by
«!«■ where we were rn*«llM: Battery j Uainrday, and Monday (j^lerday) I Port Huron, and attended tbe law deJudge WUliam &. Day. Mr. Bay wiU •f Portugal: He came w ibto nart of I »««*«»#• •“ eoecptaiKe or rej.ction and
Kof tbe let, and na » n ae tbe eurreo- walked to deboney and back, about partatent of the Dnireretty of Mlehl, we! twenty milea. and feel rood thli even- tan. where be waa graduated is March. bead Abe American neeoe eomBk
deraad tbe bembardi
and will racate hla office na soon as hia thirteen ycara engaged at flablog at
________ 1 of moBored to a more c/>*fortobIe poaitipn. | Inr- So you aee I am In rood abape.
on bU
He earne ber* abont lt»7
^ omnpetei.t at aU daeo toWearenplBthemonDtaiaaaboot drel We landed on Jely let. tbe day of tbe
July SS. teas, be enitatod and waa
and caned a living by flabiag and aeli-. eoanmand negro rapport,
»Uea from tbe «f^; we arc all healUr > blf flrbU aud pltebed our tentt at SeUenunaat, and
Colonel Bay to now making prepara- ing hto flab on tbe street and from [ Cake walking baa improved, ae de
•ndfeellardood.^be air la pore at ,boaey about noon, aed that ercalnr
is the next MB days he oiganisrd Com­
houee to bouee. His mind srna net' moot ibioga that ere coratanUy pnet^
in MteUran. bnt aoeaewkni cooler (nil).! rot orden to more nnd uarry three day*- pany ATwenty second Michigan infan­ tleaa to retnre to the Coited Staieo, balaneedand about Are years ago he :
It baa IcetitaoldeigalSraitoe in U»
Bwy dar abont S or I o’clock It rnlna raUon. with na. We broke amp at lo try. of which be cerred aa eaptaisfrom aad It ia expected be will take charge
sobth. Kegnes now f,et marriod. wbm
of tbe state department about Saptem waa taken to the asylum, bnt waa not '
o'cloek that night and marched down
and eoolB nff the air nieelr.
they oiarry at all. io tbe white fria-'
Aagnatl4. I86t, until July SS. 1M4kept Uera long. Bto bobby was Uat laahiuL It has
bar 1.
I'rep’tM moeh to aay and ack I the front! arrired at General Saafter'a Captain Atklnaan was promotod
ex-mlntotor to he had been io both heaven aed hell. tocoime dsm.'v. i*ri-i rrly pelfcr '
don’t know where to b^n. I expect keadqnartofU at daylight next morninp major of the Tweaty aaeond rugie
Franee, has beea offered end bea aeHe waa always very dtopondent and is a beantilul oue. luecnke U no; me h

you are aorrylnr about me and worry- onekad our breaklaat tnere (or pert of aed Oct. 18. 1M4.
made Ueutenaat
did and the otbera laid down and eolrael of tae Third Michinn Intaalry. eepted tbe place aa amhamader to tbs
inr why t don't write. But yon Barer
Ua warehonae of Ue Traverse City
nop to think 1 went to bear from you. Ulept; but for my part I didn't care to After tbe bnulrn of Franklin aad Nash- eourtofSk James to eaeceed Coloael
FUb Ca, where be aumetimsa obtained
1 huTcn't aeco u el< k day alnce I left eleep.) By tbia time the Aght begaa rills the Third regiment Joined the Bay. Bo to already making preparaTke man Teoev twiated.
boBe and I don't think! will. The ell- aud the roar of Sampoon’e fleet tban- army of the Comberland and parUcl- UOBB to go to London, and. will probab­ qaaaiitienof Ash. and when told by
Tbe daily uoremeat of tbe SUM
ly ocenpy tbe rmldenea, temporarny at oae of Ue men Uat they bad no Ash,
Bata to ftnu and ym nemr bear anyone dariog at Morro Cattle, mingled with pated in nearly orerj engagement of
tower, due to expaurioa and oontrak
oonrh or Mow their ooee here. tbe fleld nrdllery aad rattle of rifle that army aniil the aurrender of Lee leaet. now; laaeed by the prceent am- aad conaequently conld not aell him tion, baa been studied by Coloael Banaay. be complained nnd raid that no­
Wa hare ail the fralt we can fire, were rieglag la onr earn. All thla andJohimoa.
•ot. wbo reoratly cxplaitNd to the
body eared wbeUer he lived or aUrved. Academy of Soieooee (bat tbe expatuUm
eat fact by tolar and piekiet it. aaoh with tbe wonnded men we met all
Soon after tbe war be retnraad to
Bight going back to Sibouey and dead Port Huron aad waa appointed eel- or teae a matter of gemip (or eereral Bto only known relative to a brother la of tbe metallie oanpoorala of tim^AiBOdUfMcnt ktada of pluma. and I eaw a mea laylag beaide tke road brought lector of ennuma at that plaoe by An­ daya. It can now be atatod on tbe aa- Korway. About» yean ago a nephew tare prodocoe a toraian movemeat froa
fellow today with acme datee. Oranrea the duBgeru of war home to ua and drew Jobaeco ia iMft. and aerrad natU Uority of Uree peraont tnUy eogni- of hto w*a drowned at KorUport. enartae to ennmt. Tbia movement to iw
whea we mored oa from beadquarUra. March 4.18«8. at tbs same time follow- xaal ofnllUefeeU Uat Ucra to no Whether Charley had any money or peated in an invmoe diractira daiiif
aad laBoaa are jnat
loBgar any donbt on this aubjoet, and not to onknown. Abont flve dollars (tae night, as tbe oolnmo beoomee cool­
we hare had plenty of Usea. , Lime­ the BtraiB wae rtolhle on erery mi
lag the praetica of Uw.
In ISTO he that Colonel Hay baeneeeptod the of­ werafonadtnbtoelotbinf.
Hto bur­ ed. eo ttmt'tbe lightning rod oa tbe
face aa w« marched on in alleaee.
ade erery day f»r dinner.
■ummit of Ue towte is in ccnatatiT BR>mored to Dauolt. where he has eiiMe
Bob Walter cot a letter from home Blla or two hronghv ua to where aa oe- been engaged in law practice. In poll- fer ol Ua portfolio nf oeeretnry of ial nxpeaaea will probably be paid by tioB. Cola>el lanwedat, dtnotcr of the
Oonservatoira de* Arts et Metieri being
today and Uey aaid they hoard I wae
tloi he wea raised a democrat aad reto
appealed to for oonAnnetion of Ookmri
killed in tbe battle of San Jnna Hill, j htada and then opent bnlleU began to malaed oae naUI the tariff toane be­
Profamor Moora, Aral naatotaal
enreloB ia bis haMto nnd Ilvad alone Bmaot's etatementa. ateted that be had
Jnly L Kow if they abonid aee me, {elor: the nearer rre got. tbe thlokar came prominent in 1881. ainee whieb
aad Bore Bpedaily at Beal time.when ; tbe bolleU. but meat of them went tioM be had been an ardent repnbltoan. rotary of state, haa tendered hto realg- ta a little hut on Ue bay ehore not far carafntlv followed ColoMl Bamot’a iaI am eooklor my dinner orer u hot fire orer onr heado. They marched na right Ha was the dmaoerat candidate for natloa and it hna been aeoepBd. The from Ue spot where bU body waa
yean, and that tbe nralto given e
arridliy aOnbaa male to the ernek tor U the rear of the trlng Itao oa the attorney general is t8?0 and a rnpuhli- ebange will take effect aa aara as hto found. AoexamlnatiOBOf the pram- parfleotiy exaot.
leeoaBar to appointed, bnt tke office tsB revealed aoUtng of valna and Ue
-wntB. they would think I • a tbe llre- eenter: but here we had the pn
eaa candidate for oengreaa in IM4. la
Tbe la*e of tbe <
only anlcU of food (onnd was a loaf
uf San Joan hU aad were praetieally 1897 he wea elected to the honae of Ue will not be Ailed antll Ue new at
Itont dead mao they erer aa*
tnetion of iron by beat sod -raid an
aafe. Arrirbd there nbont lOo’olnek. Miehigaa LectoUture end atrred dei- tery of stale haa bees eansBlled in re- af very stale bread.
ereli known, and tbe iowerriaz^ obey*
It to Ueugbt be be<*»<
pbyrical law of temperatan inffaL'p
Boring. bet don't
whether we
iag the eeealoD.
end drowned himeelf Saturday aijUl. stay on the ialand natU the attack np- ’ beaa hurt. and it
Grace Obarab Ooaflrmntiem.
He waa last seen aliva about 9 o'cloek er than in wUlor. and tbe i
About noon we were
. Free Ketbedlat AppointBentn.
om Baraaa la the fall or wbeUer we
CraArmation aerv.ece were held
Uat eventog.
mored to the left la a rnriae, to eupgo to the atatea.
Mastea, Mich.. Angnat IS.—Tbe Free Grace church Buoday. Very brautlfui
doe to Ue oooUng down <
In Bonte of the lettora that the beye pert a weak piace in the line 1
Methodist eoaferenee and camp i
Vet Uia twitting, this tonica, ia am
music was rendered by a lAotr qpm-.
got today they beard that I got die- and loat tbe protection of the hill and iag at Paris has cloMd, and among the
The D*aU Jtecord.
the edidity of tin
poeed of Mtoeea Ltndley. Crawford.
ckafgnd. Kow If 1 am. I abonid like to were placed la a rarlne where tbe en- appoinunenu are: Tbe Bera. J. E SaaAlbert Barwloe. a pioneer of Wex
Wilhelm. Uden and Mr*. Garland, and
.know it, for I wonld like to pull for |«By e bnUeta fouad ee. They
dera of TrarerM City, to Mautou: Ber. Mmi* Eeayoa. White aad- Holley. ford oounty. died Saurdny night ai
kema, not that 1 am tired of It, or etek ' buahm all aronud ua and aerea of Pritobard to Colfax. B M. Buaaell to
The chnreh was bandaomaly deoorated Ue home of Lon Hopkins, near Wex
«d By bargain or bemealek but I don't i onr men were wounded.
Alter two Greenwood, C. A. Gallop W Caditlac,
wiU ferns, white flowers and aweet ford. Deeraaed waa 98 years, old aad
want to he doing wbat 1 am and not bonra of thla we were mored beck to and Charles Spencer of Maaton, to
peas. Bishop GlUeeptr onArmed a baa lived In Uto region for 99 years, pedestrian to elep into bia eum and a
fneeirn. any pay for it. I can't aee the hill .where we were flnt. Our Trareiae City.
clam of four ladies. He waa maaiatod haring oome from Mew Jeraey.
dieas a letter for him. Itodeednatioa
why 1 don't get of! for there to a yenng company eeeaped without a eorateb
ia the lorriera by Ue rector Bev. C. T. owned a fine farm ia Wexford oonntv. was. “Irie of FaOzKia. ”
• fallow that hat -b*«n eiek erery a*aee' but bad many narrow eaeapea. B? thla
gjAuPlJtoitojtotoiMtxKtoLtoLjtoMck. Stout.
but haa no relatives in Uto n^ioo.
“Do yon ksow,“ntid tbestnmgen
be left Camp Alger hut not anything tine we had got used to tbs notor;
Ttte fnneral was held reeterday alter- as be wn>te, “that John wrote 'BcaalaFeraonal.
•eriona aad they diacbargedblm today cooked<bnr dinner and sapper In one
Booo atUe Wexford M. B. ebureh, na- ticos' in PatmooT’
meal and went to bed abont 8 o'clock and
Mr. nod Mr*. B. M. Mcaceky rv- der Ue anaplenaof Ue Monroe Centre
"Ob. yce—John. He aell fiuU—fan
ere^ihlag was quiet until ten, when « Maitan ol Intareai From All |! inroed from Van Bnrea yesterday with lodge. 1.0 O F. Dnderteker A^r write letter—I marry bis riatao'. He
oome'Mcrioa ucx'year. “—AtlADta OCB.
a doe catch uf trouv
f ' I orer to a little town th* the Spaniards made an attack on
aon bad charr* of 4be faneral/
Peru of Michigan.
riitttK*. _________ ■

day ia eeareh
Tellca hoes and . in five mlDuiea wa form- ^
Miat Pearl bi Waabiogten street re1-homaa Patertyl dM tote yeeterdav
Mfl I got some dandies. 1 got a Spaa- ^d in list ano raircbed np the hUl
turaed from a nail to Beadlook yea' "—
—- ~r - g-T
afternoon at hto bm^on West ElgbtB
, tob knifa. Caban pipe, a Spanish offi-, tn, flrtog Uoe gave them such a warm
*1t was this a-wey, Jedga. Te
There is very little atlr over coal op­ terday.
eorto epnn, a nnmbar of Syanlah coins.. reception that thry retired after SO erations la Hay county, bnt. nevarUeMrs. PlcrnoD who baa been vlaltlag street of old^ga-^Oeosased wa
dakd de oardH, and Jim Brawn be haA
aad tbe beetlgotwae a |Mlr of ear aiUiu(ra.aufferiBgaTcrynvaryloee. All Ires, eoaalderable work to beiog done in Williamabnig.reinraed borne yester- year* old matframe from Obiebgo here a pab of aoea aud a pafa o’ kings “
to live la the yeer 1869.
After living
"Wbat did you baver
. riaga 1 bea^t of aa old Cuban
taia time we had b«ca more or lem cx- on Ue qntoL Praapaettog U eoelinu“Tbree aceik Jodge, and**~Mbs took them out of a UtUe girl's poeed to tbe euemy'a flr* but Iwd not ing WiU qpabated vigor and several ^ Mr. and Mn C. B OreenAeld of here fpreo^etime he went hncj
“Wbat did Jim doT’
Corning. K. T.. are Uegneats of Mr*. Cbtoatge. not after remaining t
ears abont Uuwe yean rid. and abe bad
Spaioard or fliwd a shot
good flada have been made.
“Jim, be draw."
Elsie M StetsoB of Waahingtoo street. nwbUe came oack bera again aad for
worn tbem eo long they bad becomei ssant back
bwi irlt>i orden tp
Stave Treeaurer Steel baa Joet com
Harvey Brenner arrived yesterday nearly nine year* past baa made bto
fiat in bar earn. T ey are llUle half
on uar
and the night pemed
“Bedrew a raxaer, Jef
plated bla report for tbe flseel year
from Grand Bapida for a virit wiU home ia thto city. He was taUer of land Plain Dealer.
« made Of erild gold. ( want toj srithout further
U 1 think otery
ending June SO. 1«M. from which it
four ehlldrea, Uree of whom are now
friends in the city.
get a ring now aad aoae aaore money, ^aa was asleep is It mlaatoa after be
appear* Uat U« balance oa band July
The famlliee of Jud Cameron and
They are great people for Jewelry and j got back to bed fur baring marebed all
1. 1887. was t78S.888.01; total reoalpto, B K. TTeaver have reUraed from their Albert Pctertyl and Mr*. Otto Haneon of the Emerald lalewbo bad
laoea. and the rich claaa are great far
the night before and all were
tS-i82.8S0 SO: totol in Ue treasury, eamp at Carp Lake.
leavee a Wife to mewro bia oonimenrad Imilding a wall loond bit
parfamery. They allemoke eigarattce' rurj Ured.
*S.koe.747 40; dlaburaementa, t4,080,lot of rather tmeommoe dimrarit—
Dr. Stewart Jobnara aad Mtee Oraee :oa*. Tbe funeral frill be held
e of Havana lobaeco, bnt none bet
While sre really did no figfaUng we
fret high and rii feet tbiok—
Johnaon of Waahtogton. D. C aravieittkn beet can get it now.
ware (here aubTeev to orders bet
aa asked (be object of it by a friend.
lag Ue famUieeof J. R. aad J.O. Jokn- the rceideaee, 806 West ElghU streetI eaw two people die of starvation held In reeerve and Bw eaough of the 112.01.
“To mre rapain. my bcocy. Don^
S-'veral monUa ago Ua eon^eil of
•ad maay owre that there sraa aoUhig borrera of war to eattofy aU of
if it i-rrr falls deWb it wiU
Bay City pasted a milk ordinamm, Ue * ’mv*. John OrifflB baa ratnraed from
•f them bnt akie and b-jne. I took my
be bi^ titan u to tw«rr’-nKngge(s.
kept under tbe hlli niiUl Friday
■o aveek's vtoit at Mayfiald wiU a
kaweraulr full of bard tack over with and were pnt en outpoal duty natil principal provtaiOB being fur the pay“fhe advance tale nf ecatt for “Little
mentofalioenaeof 810 peryeaiiby all slater wbn haa raeently moved Uera.
Xicwb Mmw
me and traded it for wbat i got and 1 snaday, when we were moved over on
daelera. Tbeiy wea eo dlapoallion on whom she bad not smo ia Ulrteu Trixie’' will b^B at tbe Qty N<
“Oh. tbe law’e delays!’’ al^tba
•onid not Ukeaoyihing from e..tae of,^^,,,^ „
a.battery. We
dund Uto morning.
Ur part of tbe majority of tbe dealers
fUryoong guL
b.t i. to pay Ula hceoae aud wam^U were
There will be a special meeting of
How they tried bee be^
«i»d,... uu.u..».
U..,« Iro. .1.1U wh.b u..
Her case had dragged along teyan
•na. 1. .11 u.. wrtiiia P.P., 1 h.„., toeoed for Ue arrest of half a doten. fnraome time ia Patabln A Cbos aria the Bastoret) Star chapter Uto cveoirr a&dyeara
for tbe eoaferriog a( degrees. A full
1 bU to bom.. IbU ol Bob l».l-!
„„ .u Tbe city officials agreed on one ease at office, baa ta'aen a similar poaiUon with
^’bni—when, ob, when srbuld ymg
aiundancn to daeired.
.Ur. B. .ooWbolulllKorbembi-,^
U« «,bilor a Upt and have wasted several days for HlakBlee A McCormiek.
Lawyer Slrcome Loentioo prapoaek—
Mrs. F. B Finch ol Unioo atreet, to
Ue eommeneemant of proceedings
Mr*. C. B Dockery eaUrUired
.d 11 Urk uon. E«ro.
,„ud . bbif d., « . u.. ..d ..
w-----*-t this in Santiago yoeterday.
‘ i would go the flag of traee
aad Anally,
prompt action and Uree nf Ue dealera tram prand Bapida.
alteraooa at her borne on cast EighU
gOB la there with the amll every day.!

“Mo," mid Mr. Unbbleta. "I don't
Mrs. J. B Martin retnrned yaeUrday street.
were arraigned, found gnilty and flaed
Mntweean tgolnyet.
| General shi
Shatter wae very humane to
r five daya in Jail, being given nn- afternoon from her rtoit at Bay View.
Erwin Artlip enffered a dialoeated Bad tbo atmo^tbse at reAnenent baa
Bow to grandpa aewf Has hto health them and gave them all the ekanea
that we bare in Boonm. ”
shoulder la a fall from bto boggy
•laprnvedany thtoenmaanr.
there ______
waa to surrender and avoid blood
Wtetlake—Ob. Ifyoo'nloaktaff
WiU probably bring Ue matter to a fo­ ids. la visiting wiU Frad Wonboeg.
Grawa Sunday afternoon. Dr*. Moon or an atmoepben al ntaaaeou we on
Ton nend not buy nny boree for I;
George B. Swen eed family have re­ and Boee attended blot.
paptnrad a Spanish hone, nad Ife Jest moved to where' sre aiili are and ae for ie very own.
faralab that tool We bare a teaDch ut
Driven to inaanlty by wortdag aronnd turned to Uelr home in Grand Bepida
• Anady. I am going to bring kirn tbe future, don't know what
Tkeachoeaer Ella Eltonweod to In tbe Standard 00 wtxks ban.—Cbioage
UraUlng machine. WUliam Holmes, after aririt wiU the famUy of WUliam port to bo loaded with tan-bark far Kara
kerne in a shoe box. He la a bnek akin will bring, but think there will be ne
Walker towns tip farmer, was Lore.
/Mifl'weigke about 100 ponada.
I oaa more flghUng to speak Of.
Haleom WUlto for ehipaMOt to Mil­
bronght to tbe Grand Bapida JaU Son‘ either ride or sralk without getting off
Mlaa Margaret London of Weet waukee. In an attempt to make a
Too mneb canaot^ oatd for Ue
Elda Bary—Joblota made a bad
I valor and onurage of the regular army day for safe keeping by ex-Depnty BlghU eireet. eatorulnd leM Snnday laading Ue crew ware unable to get Inak ia chureb today.
miat did you do on tbe FonrUl
Mra Berry—Wbat did tae dot
' at thto place, but Uey will be glad to Sheriff Allen. "I am oraxy.” repeated Ue Mtonee May and Laura Bownon of a Une faataoed and Ue boat ran
Wbera did you go? To Manistee 1 exHolraea. as bo waa bronght Into Ue Oraad Bapida
Elder Berry-Subecribed glOtnwart
aground near the watoworka.
get back to Ue eutee aa will all of ua.
peet. 1 got a Rucobd today and it gave
tending Dr. Thirdly to Enr^ and «f- jail effice for ragtoUriag. Re to abont
T. J. Armatnrag. UghUouM Inener
Well, bow to everyUlng at heme? I
mm neeouat of the vietorim Traveraa
AS ynats, of age, and haa epent Ue last on SouU Manltou inland, to in Ue city
bope you are getUug along ail right,
make it Amca. -Bariem Ufa
WOP ie MaalsMe the Uh.
Uree monUa rnnolng a Ureablng ma- vlaitiug hto parentt.
The new Indiana rack eruaher. reaad don’t worry about me for 1 ean
rU aevnr forget my 4th aa long aa I
F. M. Hamlin and wife of Monrae
1 by the board of eooB
Btand it aawellaaUe best of Uem. eblne Urough Ue eonnly. It to raid
lie* 1 was out in the hot Cohan sun a
that the ratlle and^Ln of Ue machine Centre, were in Ue city yceterdey.
teioBcra. from Q. E
The Baat Bamedy fla Flux.
My uama baa not been on Ua sick re­
•oreriag np tbe dead mules and reunanttled bis mind.
Boy Zerran aad Mato HiU rode on
port alnoa 1 left boma- We don't get
bntyiar tbe dead eoldlera. I eaw alghu
Daniel SnlUvan of Marqoelte. who Ualr bicyelea to Chari«vrix Sunday. lug
heads'' were pulteriavd »er hour, wtU
any mnU bare at aU. I got one lettar
that day ^tni never forget.
aodered awny from home os Monday, They came back by boat
^ Jaws set to eioaeatJM locbOa Mr. '‘ Aftaaufferiag for over a week
fr-im Lyale dated Jane MU. 1 UUk
-dkto to abont my apace aad now svrite
Ue 8U. was fouad last Snnday afterD. A. McLeod of Mantotra, to ia the Boughey eaya Uat thto bnatt aU previ­ Anx, aad my pbyulelaa havlag failed te
'to me often and let me know how yon that to aU siaee 1 have been bore. Tell
ous records of Jaw eroaher* not having raltove me I was advtora to fry
I by E. F. Bradt bf bhpemiag. rity.
Margie that Captain to ataadlng It very
eoealag of more than 8x16 laebee, CbamberliD'a Oolia Cbelera and Diprora and nend me Joal enough paper
while out driving on the Cnscada road
Mtoe Mary Beitaer has gone te Chi- an
Ue lize of Uto maeblae. All who frit- rbora Bamedy. and have tbepleaeereef
well and tends bis love. We hnve net
several miles above lahpeming. Snlll- ragoonavirit.
neeeed Ue teat wera wall pJaaoed wiU stating Uat half of one bottle eared
liaeo paid for June yet, bat dent need
TbU Dril Squirm 1 get hto lattm aad
van bad bad noUlag to eat in bto nix
O. W. Thomaa wm in Brilaira over Ue rapidity and ease wiU which it did me.” For tale by S. S. Walt.
: any money bare. 1 Ulak moot of Ue
Ue work, only reqalrlng right '
^ WPnld -newer it U I
days’ wnsdarlnga axoupt berrira Be Sunday,
boya have same of Ualr sragm tram
r to run boU th* i
.bu> B. Ut I'm bUrlibi
to qnlto rick from hanger and e^uenre.
The Mtonee Strinberg are natertalaMay left ^t. I mimt eloae with leva
•BiwUlbebOBenoep. Good l>ye.
Walter B. Frater of Flint, baa re- Ing Mlm CUri Fox nf Grand Bapida.
to nil. and ragarda to aU eaqnMv
tnrned (ram aerriee in Cnhs wlU Oomfrtomto. Goodbye.
QpBPon Oonm.
pany A. Tblrty-Ulrd Mtobigan. Be Oamprayaakoe department, to nnjey-ae. anriatedby W.-TkOlin* aad
lag a ehsrt vacatioa.
T. & Tell Mre. BaU tbaivBawerU
> Bebleaaar. feeder*, aad William
tJadenhnriff Martin Brown of hoto all right aad baa not bera akri stall.
Mceoa. wiginaer.-Ganll Sin. Marie .fFeraetcnwUlglve*a tea-eant n^
per at their baU U Ue Broach tateeklaad. wae U the city ynetaiday.






»»»«««»««* «»««» »*»«»««««««

HU HiS iCetfriO







DR. SniRET £!£.%&;


New Departure!

“Bomt >wn •go," aUda qnttac

aad Wab

Othwt• a*
•• toad,

tOBo. "when Seaaoter kept* bUliud
toom ia tbit dtr. be wm alwaTt nndy
to play*11 aotacn wbo dedrud afiu>*
Mmy atnnffvn and inoplc nuknown to
SdMiefar uawnaiy ttrolkd in; nmoy.
too, who
irbo probably
irebBbir did not
iiot fcndw
know him.

. they are dna, with satuUUed proraiM' «y. bm I’U tcU yoa what 1 will do—11
«to repaln aad 1
U pUy a gaina. the later t
tbt wocli! add ¥> nmrth to uw oomfort . bunaa
Olaon." U the aeat attiaetioa of aote
Aid with isaoy other anBoyaaoet I "Om day an old tanaer aotered the that will hold tha boarda of the local
that make him tha bub tmlUa, tfaa '
wanderiag aboat look- j theatre, and U prmt aotlcaa are any
a nnfaltbfni. the nu bottila
pictorea on the walla and e». ‘ erilcrioo of tbe art’atie »er'u of tha
' aniimng tho tafalm be arked If there
>'-n cltar.yor jodpa him Wrly. Ao- ,, ntnal, mid that he woold nlar the
- T rfuter:- iwnr moring d*y or | an»np«.
W we
' •»
rp ijprfiravtareapt^ “‘Bow uindt ahall we play forr aak•
. \.iy dlko.'nwable I ed the farmer.
}.. —. iudi.-l v-ith f«wof thehifdnr, ’"1 nercr play for moDoy.' nplkd
*, Bnnuui attribetea orclae tha reverie. I
1 will play yon for tbe
■DdinWmvantiinewo pay r«t and ’**??^*« *?«
All ncbi. aud tbe farmer. ‘How
Ut and ihTlaw pm.en. him.

iVrhapt the l ast example of the
wpljM echn'for domorely In ,
Amrrinin hurflrTd it Aslor. or rether . ““
IbeAttert. Tboiuwn*!. of thU famooi'
“ J>“‘ pl«J-«««» r» are |
Hww York family a.-e to nm: «ww md 1
““I.* ^' I
00 extensive.
vddely .li^tribotcd and ‘ ^
00 varied in cbMctT. that at laudlostia ''T'**f‘^‘"*^~“***- The hella were j
ttey hold away ever all ciatwt of ao-'
Schaefer t
,0i«t7. ocoupyiij rveiy kind of amKV
otux and it feU ;
•tore. Thoa^^i:-eA«TTtai«tvpiilta *«‘f;* ••« ««®1>'® Jlw
: Jbat DO acDti;.;< « t::ur» into
1 opm^
in a UlHard game
fluent of ihrir pv.i«rrjes. and ait«'difflmlt one. aa moat I
•athUk ttoeof\bro..u^aSeSt S
know, m.d Schaefer, probably 1
m<m real eetnu- in til* citj^
uidiCerwiec, mi««l it He not
At landlerdu tbe .\stora dr .-uind the I only mimst it. bni left tbe balb dote j


XrawMOIIf Hnrttat.

TtofoBrMtmadMl «Mdy diUM
wiUlwnlth* Otty Opm Bobm nut
n«rtdty mnlaf Aufut Ulh. Tb«
tnt«it«d llitit ooMdlan, May anith
Bobbin, playt Uo UUe role Is a my
aoeeptable naanor and betldea the
% A. B. Bt^ncy. of Detroit, alar
llnle rtrlltb romp. She appeart la difwletor of Keod Oty S^tarium. b
fareat paru of the play aaa mkhievou
yoaaaater.aod pri^blte Oermaa dower testain forooe day only
alrl. a freneb prlu doeaa aad a little aick an opportanlty to cooault hitc
that eaneot aee him at hit Saoitarinm.
‘Ibedoctorhaa to moch faith in the
axperieneo be haa had in treating
Chronic diaeasea/hat be wlU give one
month's treatment and medicine free.
Also feei avaciotL orEt*Tiost to
The Baam'a 61^1 Baeoaaa. ‘-Ola

AllthAt he atkt in rctarn it tbAt
ererypatient will state to tbetr friends
tho retulti obtained by hU treatment.
All forma of chronic diseasea and doformitiea treated. Ko man in tbU
State haa bad aneh extended expo.

Ever Boroed OntT

provUeas and farm prodneta in Tm*

If so yon know

COear Pork per bbl, nan
'Tlear Pork per It............
IbortOnt Pork................
ibortCnt Pork per l>...

4 SO
1 Is


Batter per nt ua:rr.
Creamery Butter ft.
Cheese per ft..........
Corn per ba.. old....
Potatoes, per bo....
Balt per bbl.............
Bma per too.............
) nATnoPTnATEBaa

Wheat, old. per bn................
jDiSBASBB na the doctor. He grad a Wheav new. pm fan..............
lated S7 years ago from CleTelasd. Oata. No l. per ba. (new)..
> Ohio; was IS years in general prac Com. per bn............................
Itice; after that lectured as Professor Bye, oer b«..............................
i of Anatomy and Physiology in Detroit Ratter, per ft..........................
Homeopathic Medical College - for 3 Bwrs. perdospD..................
yean.; wasSyears Superistendeot of Potatoes, per bn.....................
^ma and YpsiUntl Sanitariams.
rinms. _
This experience, combined with «“7ll

the Way They


John R. Santo,
Deieral Ipsataice.
Wartbarx MoA.

'Travsne city. RMi

I Proa tba Bonth oat tbs
O . R R I.
Tba G. R. A I. will have axeaiukw
Into Traverse City as followa:
Augnst *J from points between Fort
Wnync and Gmnd Baplds tnclnsiea.
„, August nth from polnU on F. A P,
' M. By. Ineloding Detroit aad Toledo.
. .
Sti AngastSSihfrompoiiitaonAnaAr^bar B. B-. sU points.
August »th from poinU on L S. A
. n to 11 M. S. By all poiau in aoetbam Mkh .
Of igaa.
15 : Aoguit sou from poinU an G R. A
I By- between Riehmond aad Fort

Sep. 3rd-7Ui
3rd-^ Prana.
Penna. noinU
point* Lou
lodlanspolls. Terre Haute. W. Loula. ,
pruciitioner fails. Hare you been sick
- Manistee. MIeb.. Ang. 1. IMS. I Tbe first five exenrul«at*ek«a'ABad .
for years? Are_yon discouraged? Home
Protective Ass'n .Qsylord,
---------Mich for ten
‘ dsys
^ —,
Call .ad aee us. we will teHyoa whether
Dear dlrs:—I received ^a^t^mgb
Fim Obio. ladainaaad Prana. Uek-'
yoor district manager.
lardy, good 30 day*
B check of tSO 00. in full
C. B ' MrxasT. Agant.
rc c n give you.
my accl'trnt clsi
C L. Locewood. O. P. a T- '
at Remember,. one month will be
ting yixn for tbe fair and prompt'
ab>o xtely free—medicines, aorgical maoner ia
I which yon have settled with '
and the benefit «' “
who are too poor to pay. "stion”*"*"
, Wmism>B Pa^ay Oream. ' pure x
Our methods of treatment is all that is
1*01 Vina street.
ManUiev. Mich. *r"'*
sparkling a^ water.
known by all the schools, with the aid
*>•*» spoons aad glaasea. This mix*
nf-electricity, that most wonderful of
torn ooostUutes onr ice eraam soda st •
»t ket rata for rent;* mtd .lyZ^d ,
all agents in ParalysU. Loss of Power,
Wait’a soda fountain.
H the first of every mooth or ^oaner. | ^ ^>»at “ uainod m biUiard parlanoe j be , veritable Klondyke. as tbe & E. O. Rhenmatism. and all diseases of the
nervDBs system. Go early, as toy
' K. L0LTlOX.D»llsl.O re»lo VarUsw
office is always crowded.
H. B.-Cssesrs. Tsaiars. Bleed aad SUi a M. BBOWK. aiwrwrr sss OMSseil
be paid on a lease tbe Aston will allow
ea^bra.M>srst«m. Pllesmradu 0« Law. Opeelsl skra’ius I
oaa. ambneing as it doaa almost all
a bonae to remain vacant, not one seat- shot Rc then gated at tb.
ssOenevtesaclBS SIIProntK
the orlginaU. all clever peopla ThU
pen or ytnr only, bot two, three or menv laid dowu bis coo aix
^iLBBBTa uaTXB.a>
Is Indeed an attraetien that attracta.
•nore yean, and if then a good tenant
At Steinberg'a Grand Opwa
la lUresmUv Od. BIocvF'
Is not at hand tbe boUding will be sl­
ony matUu.ta e«s« Isly A ima.imed. iwoTided tho oondiUoy m liiu rf til old farmer, bot as Bclmefer had Tharaday. Angut Itth.
■eighborhood mqnR.'s u. U is appar­ i: -r .J to make the game aa Icng or
tdfcet «d,i> •>>
-uort as the fanner desired bo had to be
Remember, we give a written nai
ent *h ~
•• it the Asters
Rancrt Hotaa.
aoaaa* asau aae
mdsfled. Sebaefur of oonrae had to in­
antee to cure every caae of PILES and
. C'■»T>«»r'im;u 1 tl. highB«
B£8e«« 98SS B88
Thtaahhoaaeof tbeOetanary olnb RUPTURE. Alao, we t ire a lying-^n ^ g KOOP.PhiwelssssAAirraai.least.
mmmw-m w-sg -ww
in. < ..n« luAenoriRta. vite all preaent, inaodingbis ooBqooror,
W • west of lb* ere sad *sr. t«aai C<w•a the ahore of Oarp taka wna a popa bosfAtal department it oar

o.-e Wi 1: i;..
the avenge.
Send for Jouma*.
boose. As tbe crowd laughed and drank lar r«Mrt Sunday. About aeventy-flve
Mk IVvdrleh bloekv, 'riss.*, bx--. __J ot-|
,uoi.>6«‘.l..,-re<itdrei moeeasi■R88S8S88SS888S8M
s.t# < f tvapooBbihey in tenanm thM> behaefar remarfad that tbe ganaa wu vMtnra from tha city want over aad
*r SI Uw. OSees. OHy Opsts BosM Kk.
. tite >' A Bederenoee as to character the aboTteat be had -ever played, and admired tba pratty atruetnra and
. and .msudal atandiug most bo fwtbrmunda and enjoyed the koaplUlUy of
Yexk THUuMk
eomingif yon would bvan Astor tenant,
susolWK. iO ox dtlm.
therasortMaltbeelahalaoothara at
nod they most be inaro th.n paper ref.
Camp Deway. Large nnmbatu of Ine
RadaoM Ratna on O. &. * I
' anocos, foe they will be investigated
taken from tbe lake SatoraaicfnJly. If yon are imkuown or canCinelnnail. one cant per mile. Sell
day and Sunday by the namaroaa
BOt show wbo yon are and wbat yon
^ptember »d. good to retam October
have got and that ytm are fairly oerOne of tbe lepntaiTe fentuea <rf tba
tain of being able to nioecafaerent fer Uwx under wbiefa tbe Natchet
Indlanapilis. one fare for round trip,
Alderman Cook and family have reell Aaguet 8th. rrtum Aaguat ISth.
the term of the Icsue. do not try to rent Were g.n-«ned was that whan a izaem- tanadtrom Oaiap Deway on Oarp
Ludington. one fare for round trip.
an Aster bonse. Yon will be rvfpsed.
ber of the royal family of tlie nation lake.
Sell inly S5ih to August Sth. retaru
As a msniT af fscl, the Astor rent Aitd it was uwtmary that Kercnl ocbora
Angaa MeOoll haa laaaed twMty
aolla if otM ooold stvareocipiai of them. of tbe praple shunM accouipauiy him to
Sarabiga. one fare for round trip.
wtraH U) an cz?ell«Bt oomoH-Kial di- thi’ tomb by splT.-nng duauh at tbe nerea of Uad m the ah-wa of Carp lake Sell AugDfet 1st, good to return August
and U camping npon it with bU fam­ list
lecterr, tax more reliable within tbe bands of exemiiuBen.
BiBl B a
T'bcn the
aeaa e *, acapa •
-Umih'd spbt-re. perliapa. rl.«n anything "girat RID.” the hereditary chief cf ily. He ta kaildlng a bani and driwa
Toronto. OnCirio. one fsre for round
’aver ittempu-d in this dty. Kiaay-flve the whole nation, died. aU hla wives, Into the city often enough1e look after trip Sell Ang<i,.t 24!h. ssih. aad rrth,
s-E- s wawsg m _
T OW-OooS l-wbtvlU. ta
'per watbf tbe isrsons wboso names uie
vre preMded with mate hU bnsinum.
Verm -lion, ii , one fare for round
ao them pay the nait they agnxd to pay than ana. and sIm arvrral of his anbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
The Creaoent bund Is
•leg for trip. Sell August 1st. good to return
^en tbe first of e\-ury mouth. Tbosu on ^ecta. were obliged io fniiuw him into
I exeurtlon to Elk Bapida Friday I *
the n>ll» wbo do itot dimpprur wLcn
------- s
tbe vale of ebadoWA Tbe"1ittlesana,"
Bedured rates to ether point* I^onc
tedr leaaea are np or before if puiwible. kcoundary ebi.-fa and also lueubcrs ft night, on the iteamer Columbia.
Ii C- E Hurray, Agent.
The Aston are not bard landlords, bnt tbe royal family. lOurwiae claimed,
aaaa a easaeaeaa
C. L. Lockwood. G. P. A..
It ia Good to Be a Porvatnr
;|bey are very bnanesslike, and tho di*. when dying, their tribota of di«lb from
as«k 8 8C8SS888S
<?t*nd Baplds.
•*-S" S r-r«-w«w.-w
• roMsied towbtn- tin !i'.
C Css>|>bell-s
Court Travetue, No. (‘?l, 1. O. F. have
In additloa to tbi« the inexombielaw also iiudemned to d<«th received a check for liuoo in favor
Though of Oateb Block tbe Aston aityman of ttie Ki.tcbes moe who had
mother of the late B.
vuvet. SrsCTMae es*1 of U^ds
hare no fei-Uug of frltmdUneas for tbe married a girl of the rqyai line U tha
—' - T UrswT). m» If
Aayulm. who
Uquur trafiia Tbe saloon kevpiw is not- "snuA " On tb.- oocaidcai of ber death Naddow of
died of iojnries
wanted, even at the high wt-ehc offae, be was called upon to aooompany her.
and neixbcr is any other of tcuanT
"I will narrate to yon npc« this seb- playing baae ball a short time ago. Tne
*%ystm mni^trom Blrhwe^. F«n Wsyna,
who is likely to clash'with the polico. ject,'* writes an old rreachrimnider chrek will be sent immediately to Mrs.
IVpm time to tim« . of entuvo. isteons of LuiuslaDa. "the story of kn Indimi Baddow who livea at Palo. Mich. Tha
M In favor with the authmitijs creep who was not in a burner to snbmit to claim was aeut in io tbe ^preme
tntoAsror ixopertita, lui wb. n dtwov- this law. Hla name was EttaatfUal. Be
Coart of the Foresters Augnst S, and
crod ti,.y are ousted ast^picklyaad as bad coutracied an allianoe with tbe
arrived bare laat evening, eonanmlng
foietly as poMible.
'eons.' Tbf-honor came mar havinga bnt teudayn.
bofcrasunppovemcBtsgo. t&eeatntee faul nwuU for him. liis wife fell sl^
are h>-hind many of tbe OLu^r laige and as anoo as be perceived that aba
landlor b and a host <J tbeamaUcr ouea was approaching h» aid he .took
Tbe grocery on tbe earner of ElmUp to n v.iy remit period the manage- ^bt. embarking in a pirognr on tba wood avenne and Randolph atreeta sHII
mesit 03 tLr fatuily nm>^irxis wu* usjd sought a rafnga it.'
b* managed by B. 6 instead of
PMditigly anprugrunddC. and it is hard-:
placed bimwlf nndi _ Mrs. Jones as Dated a few days ago.
ly np to wbat nfigbt be expocbd of it protection of tho garcnicir. who was st
yet It is used in defunee of this polky that lime H. de Bienville, offering himAbout one month ago my child.whinh
that varions ■ectioos of the city in
to be tbe govemcr's banter. The
Which Asuir holdings aiv Lug* are-at trovemw accepted bis wvion. and in* ia fifteen nnonuis eld. bad an attack of
W«uot ondergouig a diauge ad tbtl tovsu-d buiiwlf in btl U^lf with tbe dlanhoea accompanied by vomiting. I
gave it such remedies a* are usually

' Ur in duiroctur will Numbea. wbo di«Ur«k in aOswer, that
at as nothing
he made lator. That is the trouble with | U had nothing to fear.
pbrilcisn iDd
tbe ^OTA ni<y
. —
BIX) —.
always backward
...uM r| —W4M9
a)rcmotiy was „*u,,
ovix. —■■■
and■ —as- he ,.M|
had iitji
not I li Was under bis csre for m n
tn silling B clisugv, Tnuir rausi.-rvstinu i hi<n ptxismit wb«i it took ulaoe be was '
holds theni in riiook. while suuiller and I no loapcr available ns a csiuilldate for!
having about
oprrutina* of ib*
tb* Ibowsls
weaker tuin takv tla- rial;, anil often i e*«.n:Uou."—New
twnniy-flve operation*
every twelve boors, and wp were eontSeyauud in the way of pru*Test ly
v’Dced that uul*ta it soon obuineff reim-sofiting
UrK-kii .«f
of Ji.-olitrfyj
-..............---------------------*M«wwr i-micuvru.
Kef it would not live.
CbiiiDberlain's I
Colic. Cbnlera and Olairboea Bemedy 1
•vas recoirmeoded. and I *di-rid,ri toj
■thenj. they will nk,-r al*u, but tU-y
n l■eaatlfol trilmte to “Some Conyt
aljrs.r* fu* last to Ui. so ■
i'auijiT* to
Rose” ptUiSbnd in
In thi las-uT of iu>liT3doaI repairs, Tb<- Vl.onui.ii-s Hume CoatAoioi, lu cr. ... bro,tl,t ,b-«t .nrt 11 1.
debxir.tti.'i.* tin i:,.v thi-v are not which she says:
i«ni, h..iik,,,-c 1. 2"“;:',;:
town, (tiim. ro,, W Va. For sale by
liik-r *. I Lt tt.y ‘,4vi- IOC nj.ti.atiim of
".\s a.rule, womea tnaku tbe beat 8.
E. Walt. drugglA
jiruj.iiti Usually rewi. a<nv«.T|istmi ra The moi wbo tixnd la
d-;ji'.x.xi.i, ... -miutlj Ltfim. the new titi* liruiK-b td ^ are ramparutivcly
l-ujtm fu tL. and fb -n the occupant low, iwwi wbcti xvo oiuj.ider Ibo smaU
Kay Bm-th Bobbins Is the muMeal
lr.s f. M-i I-.-V V
liisDuiea- nomlier
il«r <d
<d artixf.
artt^i of imb scnu< who comed.v. "Little Trixi,." at the City Leave Traverue City.
pctvx. tv;
--h* th-t i;;nch money I tore uajuire-dreginurtiim In the piPtnr- Opera llooae next Thursday e«*BlBg.
" Neabuvrunta
mb. liiigbt, sparkling music,
• Jjl ic; Iiiu;..auc bout*, umxpt at ; mg of fl-.irShi. The n-nwm uuoidiffl. pretty girl*,
" Bnttous Bay.
gracuful ilae.-*rs. aad a
leolttomr Tbi- uvtrage woman baa a boat of noveltiaa are tbe leading
" rimena............
Tl-e ^UTs h,.H few tm.-uH-uU aad [ firndnias fur flowers braigt bur turtu. Price 35, 85 and io oeota.
Ar. Nurthport—
fiats diixxUy. tijiiuirli iIm-v oxvn tbe ■ into cfac eluant rmj;wthy with Uiem
gfimufl upi4i wbi'ii l.nii-IrMk of aneb i and eusblus her to'apprevistoand onPolalOB Sy papar rea< y cut It killa
stroeriuvs Klbud This Lu;<l of bnflAlng i derstaud them Of nitm (••idenn da In Ibefifba. EoeoU a paakage at WaltU
in not {Mputcr v.-irb rithur br.iueb of I tho hiM rj>retBtb« of aertatn subtle Drug Htore;
iLc fsiail.r..(aid iboy only b&x,-to do pban-a of fl.ral life b<-r seuritlvc ternTake atearaar at S:40 a. m. for Neahwitb it so far as nivffviug 1
hold | pvramvni and the ^cnliarlysytstatberio
s fioholarahlp.
snd oim hsail for siiaeknrnu
a u-berc }ou will connect with
renmare-mu(9):ti:‘d. DuuNwgi m feeling that abe is aja to* Unug m bw
Tbe TVuvaraeOity Biklo'
Collet steainsr
n.,1 Crw-ert
Ci~.-ri ruturalng
nuniln, lo Tr...
Muaiber sndcomiirixiuK all kinds, from labor of lore wpocisUy ^.ilify h«r for and....................t'lnle
Kwmxl lei
tffen, s 75
City at lo;4S a m. TbU wlU give os« rois tout (or uciu;mi
'«K bringing in LuudrcAs ywrly to ime I ftiguglBg in ibis departtneiu of pietwe scbolarubip for one-third
Bird off tbe rag*
Tufduig tbouauid*. and busiuo** nud ; making, lu isupt of terhiiral abdify lar rate* If you deaire ooe of these
oflibe hciliUugs and hotel* art- ubiefiy I •’ine marvelonsly clover wivk has Uxai srholarsbiM attend to it at oner, as the If yon wish a lODger ride the boat ..
Dt. w. j HMs*. la* owner of *s* -X—the luoow* iiruicixmt asidv troui the ' dhiio by artins of the gentler sex in the offer will be for a abort time only.
land you at Ouiraa or Nortbpoft where
)h*asiDo»s4 I sliruor as s<
C. B DocxaaaT. Piop.
1 rx-prodnotiao <f flewm and in tbe
yon will euooeet with steamer rctnrn- luformsiloa
iB| TTthTR -f 11
tvs4lB( to tOo
log to Tnsversr City at 4:00 p. m.
•Bou* much tiiuM-twutiamrmut toiler-; tnaoueotof difikmllanbjecta"
^ .u.,u<c wnea me gvoerai



«8fiz s s saass s

4U3-*. X u D.t-W,

haps only tbe Ainurs esn «i:
Faria Oraes—‘The pore stuff
real cstub; of tbe two LratH-hes of the
fantUy 1* worth nearly tiw.iXUj.bQO.
i Walt's Drug Store.
aoocrOdag to a i-oii-.rrvatiTc esiimata, pBtbl Bimidy eteganU
and must iif It is r- ntod. If It armgd
Rosura—I -mblad you like it. fiaapa
•'dabu Rraea." •'ThebBA” and'all
r trat. tbe- )-iOd would be 89.0UQ.tbe latost perfnmes at WMiU Drug
m 810.000.000 a yoiE. to be3iyMad :
hatweea two<iMa.-«a« YutkHmaUL |

vb-itoo of lb* pani.

Afternoon axcuruinos from Truveraa
City. Uke tbe stramer Crescrat ercry
aftwnrcD at t;0o for NrahUwantt
where yon will oonnact with atviamcr
returning M> Traverue City at 4:00 p.
To partica of flea or mora a rate of
one fare for tha round trip will be

abonff of O*so4 Tiuvens OoeBty. i

— uaior-.vkaarvaiJei
__ _j2IiHSS!


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