The Morning Record, February 24, 1898

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The Morning Record, February 24, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






|il»t«ftdof U*B w boMd. uti «u aoi



It Vas Aaothar Kaab Saloea.
So^ tins afo Mra. H: S 6Hley beThe aaw ralea foromlair tbe'dattos
ran soil araiast Petar Bootron and his
of JanltMs were prseanted by BopatVATOSSO ST BOA&S 07 BDVOBmOAl. STATS 07 ASSAIB8 bondaneo foraelUnr li^oor to her boainteadaat Orawa and oBaaimonaly
Is said to hare tbrowo a dollar across the Delaware,
band. Yaaterday the suit was with­
nr 8Avij(Ar~N:
and some oae has explained it by saying that a dcOlar west
drawn, aaaa -------- ^
Mr.'Boonds i^tad Ip kaow who had
Ton WTLL SB Tmv AT THB Sxad the rau of talUoa for forol|a pn- oossvr Gts i.n nijui 70s it was la anotbor salaca that Oldley farther in those days than it does now, bnt we say that if
d li^Bor.,
pila at BS par woath. • He was oallfbV
AimuoASB nr ottsa:
you trade with ns we will show you that it will go much
onod by Hr. Fyboa who ataud UmI it
WUI Zaltiata nfky.
fsrtb*r. Try us and see.
Tm Sir* SxtlBcakS«M DMddad Tpu was tbs old boyd to oBoa bofore tbe Thay An Ad^rlood to Laoro tha
The Good Tenths ara oxpaetiair ai
Booada wantad
a\salioa. ^r.
Sor tb« School SoiMisfo—Tho


BoMd IM^ooodofSoTonl IUMm
Tnaehacy la Mains IHsastor aad ‘Tban wUI ba at least Shy, aad par- >
tloB was aafleUt
to pay Ua prepor«r OrMt bnsorUm 1* a .1
Aa Oatbrsak Is Paand #haa
. who w^ tabo tho sabordioadee^ay thd Blfb
Tbe i^tb;s wUl ba do-1;
aebool aad norod that a eennlttoe of
dat last throe dUsens not nonbert Of the
ertalslac t^ aaw, i
MowTork. Pbbrn —A Tkfbaao dls**
Blot’s taoeUaf <rf tha boaid «f adnea' board be appointed to ooUaet tha nae- ‘ pnlch fran Barmaa nys that the oottioB thaa at aay
BaHlaf aanry daU and report at the nan i loak la Coha doaanat row noropransUiee last opriof. It was aearly toa
>iiat- Mr. Pybaa thoorht each ajialajr. Tbe ffonrnnont efietaia wen
o'clock before tbs decks wore cleared oooroe wonld bo a nSoetton yw tha nanr so mceb dUtorbod aa today,
AU popular shaat wnsia for the aast
M days at half pnoa, W. W. KiwbaU
aad when the meetlof adjocraed
board end Sooerinteadoat Orawn slat-1 This is portly dae to Uformatioa trow Oo., ras Treat atnot. Loan orden for
ad that o nry litUe ftr»riac woald j Wa^iortM and Madrid.
■lattan bad bwo properly dispoaed of.
quleklfdatonatoa tbe par capita j Thaatatoweet that the dWera bare
One of the rraUfyiap thlofa aaoow oost to each forelrn popll. Tbe woUon ! poaelntod tbe forward port of
pllabad was that of prqrtdlor for Are of Mr. Bound did not preTall and on I Malnoond fonod netbinc in tbo wao*
aatiaroiabars lo each nf tbe pabllc noUoo Hr. Pybat was appolaud to' slaea then to Indlonto an osploatoa
aebool iMltdiofa Tbe oonmittae roeOoattaaad OB Pa(« 8.
!eooaa to be nriSed. Tbe teoUwomy
I the perehaaa of toa.'as fola^nt ribratioB ^nader water beton
Iowa: a for the Oak Park bnildlar.
Ua Maine weat'to piaeoa ii awpbatlc.
for tba Boardmaa Araaoe school.
AdUputobtoThe World trow Uav/ a for Ue Caatral and : for Unwapd
asa says; Sows of Ua bwl esiwris
Tha ooawittoe also
now bollen Ue exptoaioa was Ue rvPASSBD AWAT AT . >:1S
Bondod that tha Bex aposrstas be paraall
of ireaebery. “^ey do not beli-ve
ehaaad of tbs loesl areol. b C. OasUa aUni*i> oScers bad icaowledxc of
pros.atflSaa«h. Other btddare ws'e
The oxp’oslon is brTbs Haiuiab A Uy Meroaatll* Co., lbs |
Hand to have ban set off hy a faaaUe.
Bax: L. K..Ulbha, tbs Baolae: O. U. ' .Oraad Trayersa Bagios Has dolaod
Ooaaal Qaneral-j^i haa IbforwaUy '
MUler. tha Holloway. Tban
tho Silwrt XA)ori>7 After Wo^ of
IS Dot aaoawarily <
Ue diHenaca la the prlcaa. but than
BuOkriat—A' Brief Skatah tf Bar talaad hen to leave for bowe
win tha
Many fawlIUa wUI aaU toworrow.
Tha bid of L. M. Ulbto
Uat Uaaa oa Ua
At 1:IS UU wornlttf Mra. Ann A.
as that of Mr. Dcapraa. battbeMtataltRelUble Dry Goods, Carpet
Baaaah paaaed away after a loais and tronod raallsa Ua pcaalbillty of troobla
toa aalacud the Baa on aooonnt of
arialat anddealy aad thdlr laabllUy to
and Clothing Honw.
It In tbe cap which they ooapretoet Ua wowea and chUdno Ifaa
aldand sapertor to that of tbo othora
oatbreak aboald oocar.
Mr. Gibbs woanreoaot and ^otod that Hon. Perry Bnnnab. Uoir aoa Jnlloa
bad. he knowo tbare were to be so T. Baaaah aad daufhton Mrs.. J. 7.
Havaaa. Fab. !l -Tba fartkar the
many ordered ho woold ban aodi
Eaeaap nad Mra Oaorta W. Sardaw. inquiry lato Ua rauaaa Ual lad to Ue
Ipifer price, bat he was lafometf t
Mra Haanab was as yaora of afo oe Maina diaastar proeaads Ua
Wa'bavo six of tho lateot style isut
only foar won aaodad. Tha nport of
Uat nay arlUa »U of last Deeowber.
•odel. and Upy on beoaUas for SIS.OO.
1 aooapi^ and the
deaoa will be diaeonnd to abow Uat
Wa will aaU Uew to you UAs sroak.
If aayaoe abooto safe mo Jow woottoa tba
Tbo denU of Mra. Maanab sraa not tba dlwstor sraa doe to aacidaat
M) for SI*.75.
eidod. kowerar. to perohmsa only al^t whoUy
Ue poDon't wait aad expect Tha six wiU
rnUbera. aa it bad baaa anesnUd riaoriy ill ^ four waaka aad for aiUwi of the oorpaw toond ia Ue srraU
ba tone before Wc^ne^y
by Chief Bennie that Ue two la nae many days Ua end af her Ulnoas bar
haadrad of wfaieb wen SoaMat
ia tbe Oaaaetroel aatriaa booae
only aqnaatioo of Uwe. Sewn about Ua ton oowpartwaata. All of
tblnt wore tbon'o year ofo Mra. Haa­ Uaaa wan ia bawwoeka aad aU bad
and that U Ue board would Uka thaas nab bad a aeoen illaaas frow which abe
I enmd npsrard, as if Uay had
House Farnishing Stors,
• Uow. SvaryfeodT sails thaw.
it would caablis Ua departwaot to nenr fally roconred, and aboot a baaa startled by aowa aeddea shock of
proeora two of smtar capacity, a wai­
lU apo an neute attack of pneuwo- daator and srere in Ue act of narhlat ItS-lU PreatSt TB^VBBSB CITY.
-A.. *W. J'.ASK.A.-Crs,
ter which will ba called to Ua auon- nia denlqpod. and while Uere bar*
tlOD of Ue oocnell.
Umea when Uereaoowad atroqr
Claiaa ware allowed to Ue awooat hopes of ynorery. yet day by day
The slx-tneh uataxlne sviu burled la
strsattb waned and lUe passed array.
iUy^poslto to Uat of
Tba free text book wattor was dia- Tbe death of one wbe baa been aa loaf
Ua ton-inch mataxlaa One of Ua
poaed of apd t^ qnaatiaB aa to wbeU- aad aointiwatsly conaeetod with Ua
cylindrical taak. for Ua alx- leo*; yoor ordar
er Ua eit/ will cows nadcr Ua law of history of a town west alwars prove a
Ineb taaraxhia vraa found by Ua dlvuru wy shop, aad I fuarantec to suit yoa
1«»T or tha law of 168« will be aubwit- abock.
in worirwanship, watcrial and price.
la Ua wreck of that atouetun.
tad to tbe people at Ue alaetioo in tbe
Mr. and Mw.
lalainod bo powder ehartu.
apriaf. The
tna nfamd to January 1. lU:. and soon after tbe
The tea-iaob wafaxlas baa not baea
tba oowwUtoe oa text books aad
Pveryttinf PmU aad Ue Beat.
yonat eonple cawe to Ue Uea wilder- cloaalyoxawlaed. but
aaa of atody at Ue last msatlns and new abbraa of Uraad Traverse Bay. aad
of it aa vraa wade iadicatea Uat a blf
last mlcbt they praaaa'kad Ueir report, wade Ueir bows uBdar the piaea oa
pile of twisted smekace Uat liw
wbkh U oowi^ta aad ffiraa food and Ua wide baaob of yaUow .aad. acane
aboat tba top of it la oowpoaaS of anaafieleal renaoea wby Uia city should marked by o Blarla poU when the ploexploded toa-ineb ebarsns.
r. Ue beat baktof eaawel a
not ba bound to aeeapl tbe books aa- nem of Ucoa early days nwe aad
T>a raeovaiy of a ton laeb powder
laetod by a aoBwiwtoa. Tha proris- want ItwasahomainwonUaBUe
sn. foUowlar Ue Sadtoff of (ha atx
toes of boU laws refarrad to «
name, for Mrs. Uaamah wads lU wal- Ueb eylindar. leads to Ua belief Uat
tellltaaUy reviawad by tbs eoi
fan aad wall kaopint bar ebJaf aiw. a aobaldcraUa part of Ua. Malaa’a exTba law pawed by Ua laat l^Utore and UU was a ebaractortstic of her
SobU Oniaa'Stnet 6r^
ploairaa in tbe fi
providea that a
whole Ufa. It was mol as aaviable lot aUU intact Tkb woald rather indlractie^ 6^e Bailder. aad Bm
of Ue state board of «
la Uose days to Iost# all Ue advao- eoto that U« axplaaloB Uat wrecked
li^atoB UaloB St.. Bear Frm
tatas ofUe treat world without for Ue abip did not cow* from wlUia.
tbo text hooka, to bo naod by
Ue anavoatfal Ufa and rude ways of
achools of Uaatoto, aftortbo Irst of pfoaeer lirint- ae abut ia as Ue little
January. IIW. This same act allows baw'at was from evea Ue beoriat of
000^ aebool district to decide by a
"*• •
bntlbe loyal Spala Has XwphatieaUy Bo BUtod.
of Ua aleetora whether to oowe n
wUe aad devoted woUer never
New York. Fbb. **.—Tbe
ito prarisiona or not. The law of INS plained.-bat wade bar hnibtod'a for- Madrid oorraapoadant aaya: Aa tbe
I sbowiug a few Blcyoles
And all the Celebrated
proridea that each district shall adopt Uars bers. and kept the bowe baarU
iUoo of Ue purebaao of Cabo U which I have_____________
> He>EaBDioled.
Ue frae text book aystom If daalrod warw aad britbt always.
amlB beiof puUad ia Waabinftoo it
Look at them
E. MUler’a
and U so daeidod by a vote of Ue oU
There ie a Ue beUvaea Uasa Tcara way ba of aaa to atato and I hara it Drag Store.
tors, it also rives local control to ao4
and tboae to Uoes who can look back oa the bifhaH auUority-Ual Spain
dUtrieu as #ote to edtna nader Ue law. to Uem frow t^ preaaatall aloat Ue will never, no waiter what revarafor Sve years
way, which Ue late comers can aerer,
is la posrer. eoaaidar any socb
248 Front Street
The cODBittoe pan a
kaow. And wbea dsotb stops la and •urffeatiea or nay aowprowiaa ia Caba
aive review of the effects to ba azpaetPhone 157.
kps anoUer link in Us ebala, old beyond Ua broad waosore of
pd if it u decided to oowe under Us
oowe Sodiiat in and brtnf dratted by Ua liberal r
-new taw.' It it arraed that at ooly a 'wiU Uew o flood of toador roeollecThis ia ao abaoluto. imveoabla de­
few cillvs will decide to come uodar it ttoasUai for tbe Umo ot
cision. Psopla wbe soffBCt uaythluf
Uere will be a lack of tha ualformlty oUor.Uoncbto. It la Uii
else are oal^oasilof time aad arooswblUtbaactUiotendad to aatabliah.
hif nofoaaded hopw ia Ua wlada of
Another i^d was that Ue present
and aeifbbor to
&»* Uerabela.
ayetaw would have to be dlaealdad aad nab. and ia all Ue years Uun an aa
that we would be ubilted to wake aa
If aha
almaatoompleUcbaDrcof text boUs. bad aad boors Ue world never knewlt,
Timtomal Myatle Oirela WUI ftiva a
Uanby eataUiav moeh caaeoeasary aad bar rneUas
always eboaiy
Banaflt SoelaL
■axpeaae to patnas of tbe Bcboola. The aad bar face brifbt wiU swilaa tbat
advaatotaa of tbe free Uxi book sya-, wade Ue day tbe auxaier for Ue
At a woatlnf of Ua Tntorml MyuUc
Uw won calorfod npoa aad tbe cobCtrclaiaatavaalucUa
Jaittoo anaalmoualy
Tbe years won oa,—Ue old fdoneor ad to fin a Mcial. Ua proeeoda to fe
Is good abape, bat we cao aapply
tUa diatrSet adopt Ua free ay^a
dsys wen paaaed. Ua ebildraa-wbo to Ua Caban aaffenn. A aolleiUnf
that Ue wattor be aabatit^ u
Bittoa was appolaled. Tba data TOOT waota Bor aoma time to eome.
eassa to Ue happy boras by >be
paopU at Ue sprint slw ‘
i bay, rrew up. toarriad, aad broafbt
Tooowweadattoas of. tha
Anxious to
book to Ua





Tour letters on any old thing when you
can get the latest in Writing Papers at



“In Ua* Flittg Skeeb F«r fm^ Mf

t> tarm


Our Half Price Sale


Bedroom Setts.



I Diamond J.—IQc
Or the Traverse Bblle—Sc.



Bicycles Bnilt to Mer.i;



Faiey Sroceries. EjeisetmuB'e CeayressM Teist.

Dili $2.50 to
Enamel Toor Wheel.




Manf Different Styles.

Pickled Pigs Feet,
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,

Cloh House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat


CeDSC tome nd Sipert luwto.


To Tate Idraetafe of Oer Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off

A NDw Bank Just Started
InLthe Orand Traverse Beglon.

TO FU N Per Cat lotocst .ei Tm imttKitt!

alerk was laatnetod to pnpare Ike j looked Ua blue water. Then iwwa
tweaowry aotioaa. atoo Ua priaUar Inlpi,^,
^,1, ^ ■__________ _
p.nn.1.. ICC U.rc*»toIll..
ut It Icotod

to Ue pauona of tba aohoala Uronsh
/ Mr. Moore filed nottea that at Ue
/wextraruUr ineeUas ha srosdd offer
am aweadwaat to Ua aeeUon wbicb
providw for Ue report of the eowwlttoo on toaebers. r^rardlaf tho hlrinr
-of toaehera, to be aubwlttod to AprU
taotoad of May as herertafon. This
sno token as a wove to allow Ua old
«iHrd to «tar« the toaehwo «oh year

quiet evaalnjt after life’s busy hoars
ire over. Bet It is oU floisbod. and
rone, Iwvlnc lonallaow aad .heart ache
bUlnd. To Uooe oo benavod.-to Uo
one BO oapocially bemvod who will
wlw ao deeply Ue falUful oewpaakw
loaf way.aboaadlBf sywpaUy frow woay haarto
wbicb would be wen than find :
heavy weifbt of aomw
oaly K oould ba dooa.
M. B. c B.

■d to Osa Tear u Triaea.
Parte, Tab. u.-SaU v
fiiUty an all couaia ta Ua w broofht
aralnat him by tba |
It far hit
oeoraa in tba Drayfwa awttor.
Ha wna at onoa watannd to
ysar% iwprtedamaat and to pay a fine
ot 5.000 franw.
m Kadl«y fives Bleetn Cbl
Baths at Park naee. Over liO 1
to aolt Ue varinea patieaU.
Ladtea, try Ua Xlactip.-n«capeiUlc
_Utoat hath Bead at Park Plane by
Mlw Hattie V. Badiay.

Lower bur stock.'
Aod are offering some Bsrgsins
which yoo
do well to_______
f take
Untage oL A choice stock of
Bskary Ooods-wlwaya on band,
and we would not have yon loae
sight of the fact that the

is the best, and (hat it will |»y
yoo to tcy a sack if yon have never
need iL


Oor. TOi ADd UnioB 8tn

We will guarantee, under gOYertunest
bonds, if necessarj, any Cape or Jacket
for Ladies, Misses or Children, any
Overcoat for Men, Boys or Children,
porebased of ns within the next week a
saving of 50 per^eenl. on your investjnent

TravnrM Oltjr.


•. .1

I xoBimra

bsoobp. WUf**.
U wlU e


B. Wytosop of nacMqy. to to tba

»i d » Mio dttf^.Obd
daek^oakb ba* opoaed a bOlaM
Bolow Ua Uot of tbe boytap asd asllar arte** of yasurtUy for proeerb .
ft ftattok)* iwom IM Mcb
' A. Goldfarb o1 Blk
A«4 OevwBor rUfTM J>diT*r*« a baU at Baser.
, wai la werUm aad farm prodocu to Traefftmll.T ftwd ft ktlebeft ft»d ctor* rooM.
tb* city y«Bta»day.
ef thq toiaetral abew
Awidftpweh will pftrtiftlly ftorroowd
Bo*w*II Lrarltt. aa attoraey of Bol, S«qod.
tk* boOdlBf ftod (b* ciwoads will b*
at tbeaarlato Cor tb*
Uira 1* a craat at Park PlaoeT
Detidt. r*b. M.-IV* 'Mleiaffta tb* patieato
ily Iftid *«V Midair tb* pUo*
Mra. CharUa hex asd chlldtra ef Bk
I* Tft
. ItoM. T. Baob a»i» J. W. ajjan ft ddirhtfftl MBBMr iwftort fer tb* dob kMqo*t Tocoday aicbt"^ ae
Bapld« are rUitlar tb* family of Jaeob
ib*r»of tbcelBbaadftplfteawbere a-qaftliftrd •»c«mw Ib ***tt way.
i, W- Bamkem. Batter ud MkMfvrCalBaa and other frtood* lo tbb dty
they aaa oaUrttla tbdr Irieada.
i Nearly rrtry ooonty <a tb* atftU w*»
It of tb* Haaaab
M. darlaa ef -Tb* Fair” dry pood*
d by Repablbas party loft<l A LayMtf
■e day tbb •torareraraed yraterday fraa aa ea§m vMk. br ««Rtn.
Uoraraor Piofrae welooroed tb^
Waded trip to th* eaaura mai^M* -afroeftb.
Tracie Xtaatb of WUUasa BrarooiiadOoraraor Plafrae *ald i* part, is bb
MlB Wlalfrad Preu will ^ totiraad
at Hobto* Oaatar.
B^d*.today for a flra week*' rMl.
Oa Toaeday at Moara* Oentar WUIbom* os Webater amatibb
Doriap ber abeeae* ah* will aUeod'tb*
ft aarioo* aad Be laid dowa wbat tbe pbtfM ebeald ait:M o'tioek.
dUtoC. B oonrentloo at Sapiaaw.
i wbieb roftoltad la bb b* ft* follow*:
Mra. Bryan Matttew* of Grewa.
lV*t-^Bqoftl sad impartial i*x*
, dcatb a few boor* Utw.
Bran per n*i____,
oam* bar* to *bil tb* family of A. O*■bUac UsBft Tooley to botebar a eow tloa for all alike, wbetber be be rteb
mosey U ralber a qaecT -Same ;
trmader a abort time apo aad wa* tawbaa the wiadlaBiftoae fell. eMklac or poor, aa iBdiddoa] or a oorporatkie.
WBcy. u II not* Tet that i» tbe ! poutoe*. prr tm......
towhfttbeq- b*a •eriooaly 111. H*r friend* wUl b*
oy which tbe bram mnoey wfairh svyuk, utra up to*
oo tbe bead, laTn boMd ef
to be «re<A in Banuada to 1615 .
flbUar'a fraetor* whbh reeoltad (ft- oiubb. do* to chanced ralac* aad CUd to know Uat *be U eoaraleecioc- i _
froper etmiw iMt atcbi is tevoriac
Th* llureur* aad bbtory dlrbioo* i «**• *" he known. Ala cse fao* of il i Fhrav oid. per be..
tolly. The aomdeat oeeorrod at aaea eeadltlM*. Id rallniaa toHfl* aad raiea
^ (TM W*t b<»k tyitem whick b pro■
“I” ■ -“'P ”<
■»'. p.r b«.
aad at II o'oloek Tneaday nlfht b* aad all other form c« iadlrwt ton- r U» Knu,'. ci.b wm u.t I. Mo.. I' *"
P"‘“*- rh. •mni ... nrj nmMid (MU. No i.pulu <:
«M«d by the Uw ef ISW.for ttaoM dbdbd. Be died at the booto of rraak
«4eb which cbooM to kdept tb»t kyw
••Tbtrd>-A tearlrea eppotlUoa to
Hatolla. wbar* be bae aiftd* kb boB»

Tl” WmuJ "> (ki* a-lu i> corlra ; 5"'~-P".........
tam- *Ibc text book low p—ed br Uc
tiwu. pooU aad all eoakplraeb*
iMi bffbl»Mr«. If pot into fore* (• ibb fer tbe pact U yaat*. D»eea*ed waa U aolaat trad* la jiolatioa of feder*! March Srtl.
--------1 bj J... IMrioMla ..d « IM ,
wooid eaUU moob odded cxpeaM yean of •»*. The oaly relatt** he b •Utbie*. aadab* eaactoieBt of alBilar
ToBlphi will be the cbaace of a life-!
*o<J»ha with* rarpo of bopa * _ ^
to bare I* os* brotbar la Cbl» th* pwtrou of the Mkoob Md fore*
The fooeral erlll be held ftt tb* ■Uto law.
UM. p, „.
M..., I
I wkloh wooid for o Ub* di|
-Id tbe last campalfo wkatorar wa* Bocal t*l*at will piee a flr»t cUb en-i
i*tl0:S0. Tbe'lBtena«ot will beta the nid by yonr raodidat* for co»eroor WtaUmeat for the beurSt of the!
ardto to relieee voraeleewlrato tb* praMoore* Conter 'eemetorj. W. S. An- inpa* tbeee wnb wa» ool uid lo a
Theadraaee **1* iDdicatoul it
M of tbb Iftw tb* people tout rate
a crowded bouae
■a charfe of tbe foaara). wbbpd-. Thoae i»»ae*
Biigllehdl»cm,r.d u lu (U Blue w.y ; Core-F-braarr. SV>»c; M*y. ¥>\t.
to Mt eoM* nader it. which rtrbv b
Id Hor. maanlaclea* phra***. bot were
AHeoltBU. Marie paper my«: VMim 'aatberipasiardK An Enplbb *bip wu* ' Jo}y.oi<i(r5(e: Septemher. S3c.
Citm to *«oi7 dbUlct. ia tb* prorbootopokw aad abthloc waa done la a
of tbe Loader'* BllUsery 'wmkid tbi-rv. i« it asy woudtr that | Oat^V*broary. S6|,toS«'ie; May.
tea* of tb* aqt. 11 w* do not rate opoo
tbe ttracberoutdsu pot frvmtbrSiau- MNwMKe: July. MHUIlHc.
left tbb Boreiap for Cbl- I AMU
^ "sAKj BuiJ isb alike the name <d
the qototloo w* wUl be Umnd by tbe
rebrasiy. »lu T&; May. dlb-M
y la Miehi-LrltbeBe
UCA -Apr. .0. ..II >I(ud Ul. .pH., -D.v.r. loud! '
I. i, u. „I U..
aot after tbadiatafaaxtJaaaary. If
can etaad for eartain ore) I defleed
OoBtianed From Pa»e 1.—
Graad Rapid*. Keb. 2S -•Tbeat. asc.
mUUaeiy; openiap*.' Mb* Johnson'* mort UsoUIdI crarti in th.-wurld, and
we rate aot to oeme nader that Uw
prUcIpie* which toei

' tbea we nay adopt tbe free text book
rlcbt. U*t it br aadentood tbat w*
to know of ber •auowa at tbe Boo.
; Urditmnueau effi.-ru are uct at all
ayetoB aooordlac to the act of l«d0 If what praportion of the total ooat of ar* tbe party of the plaU people,
Tomorrow aad Satorday nUbto u*
Tbe Board of BdacaUes will **11 tbo
wo *0 dc^re.. Tbe board U*t aifht ronnlac tbe BIch eebool wa* paid by party caaDOt root oa lu laoreb. hot
be the irUbd id dhsfci-Kpmre'* Bast Mute surat •ebnol proprrtv. eeodw-b1*i1 to aubtolt tbe mavtor to tbe tbe foreico aeboUra.
-MyatU Midpel." will bepl«l by lb. “*^ *“ *^
moat have lira bane*
“TrdpcM " Tbe etranpe naiw* which teUap ef Jott i» aad t9. block t. BanThe
people at tbe *prlBK elrcUoa aad r*optnd* paplb of tbe Central eebool U omrliien braid ccniiux fnan tbe ^ud Mh, Lay A Oo.’* ?th addltioB. topetbrr
ototoaaded that we adopt tby frc* *yw deat popib for February wae am- ■tatoarr fair and hoorat. and rraty tb* City Opera Bouie. Tb* aalr Tor to­ ant] which they did not kiiuw were prodinail
•aleferfTuo. Korfortber informaUor
Uto. Tbb will rare naaj dollar* to aonaeed aa CM SO.
dbaoB morrow nipbt b rary brary. Tb* rr- docecl by bup* csoMd them to toy tbat
A. W Ricxcnn.
Mr. OUb*rt*anratod tbat aa bflert p-iblira
it y..;> haontrd and ui reperl weird
oacU MWoo of tbeloeal tcboob aad
tbreida of tbe people la three quew rarrad seat pUt for Saturday nipbt
aiy Clark.
tboib aboold be no oppoaiUan.
WiU be pUeed at tb* CGy New* *ta*d
beard to farmbbSnc *eUae* for the Ura*.
-The Rrpoblieaa pany U Mlehlraa. tMBorrow Boralnp when tb* pratoflU*
Tasaa ares
Oeairel achral craoada, eo tbat they
irDaaU. tor to* Fmora
HnndroU* of tbooBud* uf peuple deand for that matter. oatUsally. must
tba baaqoet pf tbe UUbicaa dob to eool^ be oaod anaaortof park. '
--------------------------I rate their lira* from rbildbood to bwniDamdt wooid mark ao epeek U tbe
Tbe treaeorer'a report abowcd a bal­ ba the p*rtj nf tbe people or go nader.
Tksatrioal Votaa.
top hi twirl tbeirlepa lapidlytdanrer*).
It most atoad for tbe Utoe boaoiod
Mto*7 of tbe eanpaica of Ooraraor. ance of CAOSLU
Thii week wUI prraeat a 8o*r arrsT ^ ” *“
bf rlcbt, joattee aad hamaaptncree fora raaomlaatlos
la <bb
*WB«oad a Utter
',ly(tnodcUi.M. cr to drawwiib paint
of aasrament by local taleoi tbaa
raepoct the coaorml p
Iroto tbe praeideat of tbe Uoiraralty >=7 "
-iaad repraMBi what they see (*rti»t»>. op
..u I— pr—«.d 1. . .ld,l,-—^
rartdad. bat with may of tbe oppo- atoUac that tbe torm U which Bleb
ud .Uml Ih. dPUnAi.dUdU .Ul Ad
P, ..„.p ....A Add Uu. pdP
totUa to tbe coraraor db^ipouttoeat
«the rlfotu of itaoi to par- pJe: .nften very ktod aod cicrer and
U fait hocaeee they tboocbt be
Pr**byt*rioa C. Z. IVU^tfttlly Zstortwipateii
pablv of all sort* of oKfal Ubm. prow
wosld Bay aometbiac
de eom
tbe oroemary dlploi
Ubi*d at Mom* of Dr. Holiday
tblaf which wooid tore tbe tide wooid expire with tbb urm.
Yastorday w
aod hecam* oo* aided |
will b* piraa U tb* City Open Boas*
ocalset him. The
fooled' atatlnc that if It wa* daaired to raoew
of the orpanUstie* of tb* C. £. of tb* wbUb b to b* in tbe band* of tb* brat aadae?1
dnil to i
bb aaatoU* aad dellrarad an addrm tb* arreacomaat It wonld be aaemary
t of life, aad
Fr«*byt«rUa ebnrch. aad to
modUed wltb prabworUy
One Solid Week.
to bare aa'inritotioB exteaded to a craU the oocaaloa a happy pathrrinp
>>eal porikm of tb* p'rapram will b* to
' Soeh an addreea a* wUI pleaa* tbe
ol'tb* faeolty of ibr ooll*c«
ity ratonalaed
:barpe of E*rof***or Mortaopfa and tb*
s of tbe people who barabeoa hi* to Tbit tha'BiC^ acbool to detormioe if
home of Dr. and Mr*. A. H. Uolliday.
——rr---------- — -rr------- 1 we are olicibl* for a renewal of tb* aron WaabUptes atreu Braids* toe .ce
boalarra aad
Chronic Mereooa Pbeao** i
troab aad BonepeUra wa. opea aad he j
oo moUoa Mr. Grawa eUl festore* of tbe craatnp rrfrrahprofr**ional men U the city. The pro- esrad br Dr. Voo Dolck*** Eleeiriral
wa* sot at aU aparioc la kb treataant | wu^atborUed toextesd tb*-------- j
moau were rairad and a deliphtfol pram will be replete wUb fnnny altoa- melbod ■ Boe him now at Fork PUeo 1
ef them. Instead of bb *tr*octb d<- jioTjUtk
propram rendered. Tbe panicipanu in UuM aad popaUr aoap* will prorall. Ooaaolutioa aad adriee ft«* for a abort j
Ume «uly■dnbhiac by nSfoo ef bb attoToaoea
before Bd>areaeat Soperio- tbe propram numbered many wboee
topetber with feature* whick ao other
attbebaaqaat itb
toadeat OrawB aoUfled tbe beard tbat toleat* are ebaerfolly piree when cUaaof entertaUmea’
—A . offer* opporio
traaeap* aad braotMytop coltbe co»rr»er ba* added arw friead.;^,^ ood tract a* eopariatobdeat i.._
retiDltod aad U*t aipht
aad laepliad reaewed acUrity U bi.j^pj^
eepUoc. fUcb number waa apjeodi^ly it I* assnred tbat tbe treasury of the! lady.
JwoDld pleaa* hlB to ieare a* i
pieea. Tbe Mirara Brown rrndrred a Hoatlersforafaara baH food will be
Tax peopb of tba oouaiy -wiU be ooneenbDt whether bb aerrioto wooid piano dart, an ametinp m-Uatioa
swelled. matcrUliy when the r*wra>
Ladle* will Aod it prt
pled* by Faaoie Blackburo *od Kee
aalUd npon at tba eamlac eleetloa to be reqnbed for another unn.
* counUd up.
. _ toe new drcMmakiep 'Arm eomW. 'K. Wripbtaad MbsK'ine •anp. a j
rate opoa the naattor of bmdlnc for
Ipoaed of Mra. Laora Siau aad Mrw
lorte* br * FleAW naipast vf f:
tmOH BnLB B^Dt.
dbarmlnp daeC Cbarlre and Loul*
Opeate* MU. lb* b>*«i fulSiAi
pW.ODO for aaewceoDt.rconrt boa**.
WlUUm Courtney, adrasee repre- MUole LanreaW. They b»ra opraed
C»m*6f DrmmM.
I....1.... „„ th« »S«re of
Tbe impofupoeof tbU matter cftaabt Adraaeo Topic to bo Stndlod by All B*Im enUruined with tbetroiur and aenUt^e ^f tbe C
m^ndolU. which wa* followed by a
Vbe ileslro to ParUdpate.
be cxpreeeed la too fordbl* tore**.
i* la toe city prepariap tor a week *
n« C”*t aeceaelty of a aew ooort
It b not Utooded that tbe CaloB splendid rraltoUoa by Ml** 0*rra enpiTroiiee.1 of tbe aeprepatloa ie toe
Botie* U Taxpayora.
L* for the rapMIy cro*' Bible eUa*. orcaaized U*t Mopdsy U’NreL AqaartotcompiaMlof HiMM C ly Opera llanra. bdpiDPinpnext Mon­
The City Oosoell ba* axteeded (bej
tac aerd* of tbe coonty.
eraalac- shall. h* coaftoed to one or Gilmore and Kline *ttd Ralph Coooable day. This eompaay ha* appeared here time for the ouliecilon of Uxaa to';
for •***»! yean aod It mu*t eooa be two ehorcboa
Already ocarl^' all the and Boy Tbomprao pare a mIwUod many tloiea and ba« made new frieada March Ut. 1«M
drllnqueDi taxraai that Ume will
d«eld«4 whether we are to bar* a eult- eburehc* are repraaeoted ia tbe cjus which wa* entoosiasilcally enenred each Tltit, by tbeexceUeht wanoer In hrAll
retnraed to tbe Counly Trra*nrar. |.^ ^
aMc> placa for tb* *af* ketplac of our
aboot forty member*.
There and they responded with a wfaistHip which tbe at
Cora Walter
ealoabl* record* and better facilltlec
BO«emei>t in the chorehe* all arlfeti.m.
They are to MaaiiUe Ihli week aad
for tb* tranaaeUoo of tbe
.Fpp*lil^Fri«o*. lOawd la*.
orertbe Uadia tbe ditweUoa of Bible
boelDea* of tbe county. Tbe board ef study. There i* a*
|lr*i aWbt If aer».|«a»f
Mporrbork hara 6xad tbe amooat to of 3.7MJ at tbe creat onioa Bibte cU**e* and Mra Holliday.
“SUndlDproeinoDly'wa* to be had) r44-FVb 27
be rated open at a minlmom dcore held each week U differeat part* of
by Ute comer* at toe opera bouse U*tl
Beviewml a Good Book.
and erery ^payer shaald feel it kb tbe city of Cbiuaco under the direclloe
eraninp. Tbe company I* twan alroag-1
The meetiupof toe Conpn
dsty to cast bb rale Id faror of bond- tbe Ber W.
Newell of tbe Moody
, or tbaa when It laat vUIUd tol*
Bible inttitnte. Thera alt<
t..,r.A Aid MK-Ul, ,™i.rd..r .'t—„p,„.dr. .1 ranll.x
>tr__ __ ________
^ di.rA.d 1.T »„r.l .ilnctln
.rerant tweoty-firi-d
A *ery Aa* review of
‘I work tbe mem*-er* of too ouiu|iBii; «r^
I tbe cUara* ar* attooded a'.*a bv many featurra.
Hi* step,- waapire. by Mira l*o*np^. and tbi. portion of
Adtabodral Club Ohaaced Ito Waa I jwboare not member* of asy church. 1__
-AM___ A-J_____I. I- __
___ a _____ .L
.Will c»**0 it Ihnreurhiv. fu* tbe ahevU. ptra y«o aay oriiamaaial work
AtoA Au to(to.(to
..... to '
asd Bonebt Freparty for a PUaa- ti5.d. mUM Mbi. .1—.
(O m*y • Uta and any oolor. Bra' bakiop oven in city. Oaly tbe very brat ea—
I tant^’to.>>—<'.»
,1.1. toi-A.. I
D>'i tbli and see bompleand Jodpe for Toorrair km-iory pHnra and Aaiab.
aat Baaort on Carp Imka.
(>rar>!ca1 Meyrie rep*<rer*. Brat work for ib* laaat mooey. All work
laiaateed. Hra'rinp
irinp a specialty.
Jaai aipht PI waa decided U ebanpe toe I
Aurora, Bl|ri*. Kancsha.lw.. reviewed by Ml** Downtop Ua;_,,_a*d"
____ - .to
-ar-h .
__________ i_......... ......A,____J ________________
to ••Octaaary’'
------------------- -----------------------------Ball# Marie.”* preuv Ave-aci
famillea. Tb* ream of the
Albany aad altawhere. { ni-w f. ature In the ao»-irt.v work was a)
__ ^
nkanpolstoat tba club 1^ made ar-1
I «,,Vet. co.d.oted after tbe manner of ;
1. a pUt wl-i, draervra a foli
napemanu'foraaortof fa«»y rrM.rt ^
U,*»: AH <?bo . ihr Saturday m.rkeis of the sanuper. '
^ ‘
whuh will be enjoyed by toe mrminu-rrated are oordUtly Uvitad toiT-- ladle* broqpbt arUcIra of »o.>d. |
bei* of tbe. clob. toeir UmilU* aad
Tbe Am meet- euoked a*d aaenoked. wblcb were sold :
|rieBd»durioptoaoomi*pandMeceed-j,n,»iii be In the BaptUl..cbnrob oh ! and the pr..c«e<U added to tbe
•ieiy> ;- Tomorrow nipbt will be pmentod In
! tima to^Oome I Monday of aseb weak at V o’clock. The | fund*
B*ra for 4
Aftor toa book ravUw cake* | th* City Opera House to* prettiest.
> of to* onnnlratUa book of Matthew it to be ttodiedr^next i and coffra were m
ilqueand riaborata spectsevisr
Corrwtpiind witli thr Trararae City LniBber Cunpany..
nmalM unebanped and at^l eooaUU i^ooday aveblnp. Feb. 7f»lb. Ft^W.-.;
Soparrare iViaL
raUr^ai^at tol* city ha. rrer wit
We bq-re (or «]e Goad.
Of O F. Oarrar. W J. R^Wm. D. Inp are *appratkuis for toe etody ofAb*
The popils of toe Oniral
Ouspball. K. L lira. W. F. Kean^- A. poapel aococdlnp to Mark, which i^l
Th,.».mb.r.ol tb. Co.,r.«.lly..l
. X.W W-b. ,,..
A„A. ™d.r ,h. dWU..
W. Jfbraus. M. B. Gate* and_9 «• j-be to* work for to* week andlap Moa- .h,r.h ...
I day. March Tib.
Tba Bccoan mentioned
ol ,b.
, Fray that tbe Holy itplriliasy load d.,
apo that the club was arranpiap to yon Into tb* troth t*od ha* In tbl* hook .A.r.A.,d,l™, ,A. X.
x ..Mpxl.
,X Udxx IXrj
ametaoottap* oo the shore of Carp for yon. .U«.d..l, .X ~d,Xl,v ^„.A, wAkA l.»idUb.U.. dx.1
lake for tbe cBjoymeot of to* mem___
_ _ thraaph.
_ If poasi- tovitod Tb. X,!, p." X lA. .~XA. j X
X, J
2. ___
the book
bma aad their famllie* dorl^ tbe *om- Ali’ X o..’.TlUorV tod (A™ rxd IcX. 1 ............'.------------------------------------!(-«•> «» (-IA
7“" trainer from New York, declare* that
isar month*. A eompleto deserlptlon if you can.
ilaplothe auditorium of tb* ch/rch.'^^ .y,
tb* bral'preereuUon he
of to* propmed ootUpe wa* alau print3 Bead with prncU In hancL-markIradrnihlp of , Dr. Nny*'". i ^
od. NoiF arranpemenU bare
lap to* different aecOon. In the chap-by toe particlpacuarem* to iodkale'
oempleled aad toe plans of toe eottape tare,
and any .Irikiap or new truth
and to* that b* 1* ripbt. _
Mill blacbiDerj-of all deacriptiooi, inelQdiog Two Eneioea.
n*re will be crowd­
•ppxxd.xX xxpt^l. Th. pr.,xr..V i
coidlTu"™ ib pii.iii(.' x x.. !
A. X ..-J m. U. ed bonsra both nlpbU asd toe rffortt;:
Pet Wurka, Carria«rs aod Saws. A complete t^w Mill Plant
WA1.A lA. .I.b Ax bX 1. .1.- lo, Aia.x,
.b^, ,i,.b px. - - - - - b,.brrxA(xl.t«l.
- - - - - - - - - -OU...
- - - pl.x
- „„ l,„l. ,„,b. xll b. .xo.xr-d 1
for sale. .
ant. fcatnre* wtll ba introdaead and i ^
llbeial tiaUuuaaa
- - Um.hx IxT. pmbxX ..d
,1b, p,xh.,««U..
rxpoeted to b* particularly I________ ^________
oommltlee appotatod
loiAaftertoel , yiriim on tb* slip toore new or toe rrant 1*
datall* of toe a*s*tr«etii Dof to* build-treto**nd
najovabl*. Next Sunday
list of Iwttere
lap. The land Mieared 1* located on'iaud
„A ’tl^Vu’.
.s* o j..»t)nn*
van would
wonld Uko u, j ^
stloa* vra
.______ —
toe a*»l shore of Carp lake, aboot one baVe afsoered: alao tb* analrai* of the
Sanetap rridaTvI^i





cUo. M> b.


A Su.lJiI SiriJr' '' ''




City Opera House

Monday, FebmiixM.

A.. TA. MI.M.™

M !«.

I U;i.

^ ^5(“ 'V..S


La Belle Marie.”
iv® Espanola

Bicycles Enameled at Front St. Cycle Works


Fr<Am $1.60 up to $2.60



ELLIS, 3H Front St , East.

If You Have Logs to Sell

SouVid Ucnllock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


mile by water from Foneb and conaiaU
of a frontap* oa toe lake of alx roda
aad a depth of $6 rods. Oa* ploaaant
foatare of the parchase U • Ane prove.
Wo^ will at oaoe b* aiartad aad toe
<a$$apa «riU b* ready for waa eariy tb*
Aa balwa atatad. to* atraaipn t

book which yonr rradlnp bn* ebabied
I rare. TySmral'Sx'iwa^y tSS?
mbar to* amembly at Prefeo
vUl ptraw MO -aCvvrtlMaTVb mu.
you to makr
SBvore’aaademy lomortow alpbt. Ad !^M.M:Mraa.
I Atorama: Mr. a.
23 oento: ladi«* tree.
I rmw. «m.aura
■otow. EqM. ■.
. Balt, t D. '
Trra Ooaaultatlos aad advlc* will
^ plvea a ll^t^ anmbar for a few
A*y* naly bp Dp V«m Dolekc. to* oel«bratad Urreator of toe Bratro Tbaro-


praM CabkMb-Bato. OaU at Bark


i Btoek Bwwirad Thiw* Ttm** a Weak.
CotiiiU. AOe p«r quart


Fteteber’s Ofster Oepit ui RestiimL
813 Front St.

fc Jj^dr.ieiA






I ijf Iwfura lb* r«cut^ opvraUuiu b^U.
lTbt«* M« ^m^rw9t^rr M»p« <ahtch pr^

Th* CofMui Oentrml AdvitM All I
Amtrieam In Havana
TO VJO noma.


ui* mun
«>uta^t*d «t noatoa.


I '■«"*
N«rf»lk. with • view to beclnnlc *«t«n»i\r opmttcM vtlhla a
I *frk.

he pay.
a at the
f nn per day r<^ their reavlar
additional wnicm of ISOO
the Maace.** Am I P-‘°< ^
Ilf the Monarch
___________ Ip" <»*> :
•chile the latter I* actually Mnployed.
e K«t Vf« AM* le ■
An ext>reaa prnvielun la mnde'ibat the
the Want a»4 ■
may terminate the, con­
• N* -tha tract at any moirent. It la alao pn>vidod that the cunipi-halun ahall nut ex­
Nea Torfc. FVb. U.-a diapatch to ceed the rum of money ttZOO.MO) apChe World frvai Haeana aaya: The alt- nvpriated »-y rOBim-ee f.» thia puiuatioii toniKM U more (rave than at roae In the Joint reecl-jiion nataed Men-

Cuba Comw Up in
tiv* SeMlon of thV


aad KtHW* by Mr. Ka.
tuTtM at ho Mae »e*aU
Mtnhda) ai the (aallal BUI fAarma..
lae Aiet^t fhoera hy Ibr>»


Waehinatan. Frb.' a—Cuba Baur|.ed
the place of llaMall 18 the exrruU.t

ore. This piucecdlnr war baaed upon
dotumciil prcteDied t v Pecaior Mur


believe that the exploaloB wax the re­
mit or treachery- They do ool lielleve I

.i-a.a* ibe Maine,

that Bpawafc'ifficlau were part of the I
f^Hadelphla, F.b. 3—A number of
the evidence now la I pl.ot..*™i.h* of the areihed baiUeabip
their pfnmaiB they believe the 8i«n- Mali..-, takc-a Boon after tlu- cxpl-adon
lahm.verament. Ccneral Blanco, and Iwvurred. nerc rul-tiiHU-d to Charle* H.
a^l* military ruhrodlnate* were xvlli- ' t'cb't-r ,'e«i.-Td.iy t<-r exiN-n .pinion.
inlas th. ni Mr.
M aUke of kiM>al.H!se of tM- partlWtw-.arefolly examinlo
r ai-elnc t

: been perpetrated by
Pema ..t ef Olmr.

eau». of ibe dWarier TITe api-ea:
Naval offirera fear Ibai whee the fart*
of the orerk lodlcaie* that there
are'knoan ll may be ltnpuaaib.e to retwo .ir tnoie terrlllc expluilous.
airain puMIr aentlnieat
Thiy do not
Ihlnc I* .main, if the wre,-lt Is aa bad
vxpoct any public revrlallona. .or any
belod the water as It apijear*
radical vhanae
above, and (he laference ii natural ^t
Con*ul General Ix-e fonoaily adthe portion cM-erelf by the water U Ja
viaad Amerlcanr not oeceraarily de­
a worse mal- than that above, tbe'etw
tained here to leave- for borne aC once
ernment will never be able to raise ib
tlasy famllb s W'llT aall by Che OllvrUe
and twtated tnaa> of alee! except
tomorrow. This It Indication Ibat tboae i .
my opln-

—lu. ,b,


ran of Alabama o* u -i-ff suit of an iiiiirv'leto-b. IV een l.bii-' . and a Mr,
Koop, of licepiu. In preseiiilnx the dteuwieBi 8er>ator Uonian said that Mr.


».™-. Th. H.r.U Uhl
"f "'I'-'
the PiMi.lsh lno(« aitd for thr lack ut
Journal correep.indcntB at Havana CVSnicenaary.
food. He declared Uiat_ there was no
ctir that Ooarul Vleueral l.av- {[a* adAdmiral Haaee Metarat t MIL
evidence lu the i rovimes'vt a more lib.
vtaad AmerlcAQ* to quit Havana. They
New York. Felt li-Admlral llunhe, eral ireaimeni of these unfurtunste
aay be aatlr Ijidie* nollnjt there
•-onimandani ol the nnvj yard, relumed pe.iple uider the sdmlnlslratton of Oeneveru of the Mi
e dlaasler belnp ad- the ulAiial vlall of c'aplatii KuUic. of eral BIsnw Ihsn there bad been under
jadeed lalrnil<-i
the Bpanlth ivulwr Vlz-aya ^etierdai
tbe Wejier rvrime. snd said that the
Admlr«l Ilunce »*■ arrvmpanled by bU peopl- In iteneesl were In Just at d plorin.h- wider. Captalu Gllmoi ■ and IJeu.
sMe t«ndltli..|i now at they had been
they Have a
tenant Ward They left the navy yard before th> thanse. In no case wera ih-board tbe lOmniandanl's banc- Un- teconceiHrado* allowed to pt' irulaMe
Havana. Feb. St-The .-..urt of Id~ line and steamed down the bay.
ihe milliBry i-ets !•> rolleci food, and
.aulry iDvrstlcatlna the Maine cxploalon three oBUerr wore their full dremi ual- -while there war umie eflnrt In rarlaln
rro«- iTvps In the Imipedl.
opened at 10:30 and look a revea* at *orm«. The visit was aliuirether formal.
ate rlclnlly of il.r parrlanns these cp-p
lAeuieuam G. F. W. Holman,
arvasdld not . xtepd more Thar SOfyard*
aavlpaiid' and vrdaasce oRlcvr of the
New Torli. Feb. 3.-The flrel of
frvicn tbe lortr.' He added fhal If In*
Maine, was exsiiilsed at (he niuinlnc ex|iected projectile* fium ihe I'aip-nter
people were s;hm-«d to pel out they,
■ iMlun
The court met for the afler- Fteel wurks arrived at ibe Urvoklyn could
er-'orl Ic. eat t- kiep aoularid
noon KoaloB ai l:Xv, and Uedlenanl navy yard yesterday There were about body toreiher. hut that . when . v n
iwrtaht. j^scAuiivc !.$m0 of them for the six. elsbt nnd
small children atlem]Med to po nui«lde
oSker uf the Maine, was rall^
(m-b run* of the .viuaerw and laltle- of the ruaryl Ilnra tbeye w err shei down
WitBem atand. fJeot.-uant Commander ahlps. A nuirber of torpedo heads from
mthle*<t.r ss If they were -nemlre
Wainwrtcbl has tieeii in immediate .\e« RncUnd-Vnanufacturen see
»rm» He sold lhal he had *>en wov-abnrae of the wreck wIikw the cxploaion. |M>cted* today ‘ The’cvlle. thm «»f nran and children abus^ *>• the ppaffPour dJvera are ai work. i>u> in u>a cnunitlott.’' said' an ordnance officer
Uh w-ldlery and that a fivortfe yawtlme
fore pan of the sbip and the ••iber* aft. ''does not mean that we expM-t Imme. seemed p- be’ to Sli* the w iimen alw-ut
The taak la
n mrftt
labvriena. and the rn-n duile W*|, These suppllew were ordered
If ibi y were d-a*.r limnlha a
have bad to w oi* In i-umpieie da:
Mr- Hoop also devolrd cxinsIderaUc
•eteO To ■
and several have, bad l«d fallB KIcctric >
1. Frb a -Major OMrerai spate at Senator Muruan's ausceailon
Ucblw from the Mupnvs'e .are now I
the acheoie «f auiopumy under Ihe
ten. ivmniander »if Ihe National
^ BvallaUe arid much cood
IJberai mlr-virt and pmnounied tl a
(iiiard of Pennsylvania, has iuued fen.
rrum them.
Keariy all the puastUh; sali-aite baa eral orders to every offir-r In Jibe state faHiire frnai one end of Iheclsland to
B been made from the ealdb alT. Tbe to recruit hi* coinmsml up ii; the full anol'-er. He aald that bnMnese was at
a sundstlll throuytaiAit the muntry
iota tv-^ul
tv-^ulr d liy law . The order* wi

It |i expected to And budlea
Two rasi-s of ter,.Inch
aBmuntllon have tieen found, ihe op*
bavlax exploded. Che other full of
These were found forward.
TIM work of securlnc 4he U>dle* under
tb* hatch has b rn niwt dinh ult In ibe
dark, but It Is hoped that tbe electrk
Mxhls will be of (real aBalstame. Tbe
r mu<h muillatid and
are iiarUkll)’ bonmi. The . Itliyis »r tbe
VVUII of llMlUlO' l<ald oiliolhei visit to
the wreck rest. iday. fapielr rianipwon.
> thr visits of the merntw-ie ««f ihe
I and Ad>

»u«il nve days a«u with Insirudlons
r he' kept a profound ycr^t
-ra w.r.- iRslrui'ted to'have

rwweao,. Milh., F- b. ri-Tbe Otaeco
F^'rtrni.n s adsoi-h tiwii wlrcl the war
■■•ij«nn:eet yeaterdi.J aflein.-on as fol!..*• ' Hste -crolo-d tire full ix>miian>
.rJnhb-Utll-t! ,\oi.-r..i rltlemen tor active
«ori|*«. In cast «f .Vmerivan-Bpaiilsh
oni. aeA ran double the numlwt K jvi-’ieod In tw . t ty-fuui hours' tine-.” The,
1- -.n; . 1 i;.T at-: H R. Omrad. capIHn, It •' I' Hfblev. Itr-t Heulenanti
J. F. I'-iiriid wiT.nd lieuteBsiit.

d-eolalii B and ruin stare.1 tbe traveler
'n It. lu-c wti-revlenew.
conseein-ni-e property
claleel-In .value and-the iieople
preatly rtlMonraaed- He aald that the
veneiwl estltraie wa* that the war had
alreailv reruli-d In the !<“• eif dtO-'O*
live* and .v'l Ke»-i> himself dhl not iv>nslder ihe-*e osioe* -xaxrerale.1. There


Utcin. F-b. 3.-The
Bccomi«nle>t by Pecrclary
clary Porter,
WasblnctuB Usi •tvniiw

No pUce tutsid- tf Havana, be aald.
WB* nry efforl made to take care of rbo
recuncentrad^m. and he declarvd that
Ibr pe<-t ir were dylna la treat nunibeia
In allplNM-s In whicl ibey had hern c<l-



Wasbinrtvb. Feb. th—The senate yestcrilsy pbssed s rasoluUen dlrv< tins ibcoii.uillt e on aaval sUslra to ua.ertslb
If a whip to l» equal to any In iKr w-o; 'J
snd to br named the Ge.uue WashlnSwithin 1
Bil.d States ehlpprds.

Kw-i- wax I cpiliBiist who ha^but rv
centlk' tviuri eii irotn Cuba after a must
exiMUstitt ixploraUun it the lidaiid.
Keiiaior M»u:i.ii. laid considerable xn««
m-'n th. :iii]>rtaiKe oi ibr dncnmctit
wbkh i.aulied from a strB-icrwphb re.
^.T1 of ute inlervlrw b^wi-en Heitator
Morxon and kii. Koop. The documei-l
cvBslstid.uf quo
qu»ib>n* by tJetialor Uicnu and rei l'ew by Mt. Kooio The lat
nad l-een In ihlrty-r»ur
provlm-tk and bad iltieni
■<aih of thelu
th^ prosecution
Uri^taOrval Naatbetw.



ConauJ tiarher i
Baarua Ua Orwade.
Cuba. acknowledcItiA (br r-relpt oI
Hef m«i»ey (or the aumn* tnhaUiaaU
o( the lalaad. Ur. Rti«cU4ayc»nntrd
roDdlUooa oa the lalaad laxt rail and
about two week* aph received a letter

Waabinictpn. Feb n.—H>
Rhalrpth. of Cubmdot iBlroduced a blU
yeslenlar irraatlbx to the nrapeetlve
stales in which, they are . situated all
arid lands of Ibe United (ttatra nut held
for mll’isrr of Indian reserratlons or
oiher public purposes. These *r* deOned
to he land* not m'nrrai. which t ill pro­
duce apnculiura! <-roi« uoly by aroflclsl


Allboujrh the officer* of the a

that aotne of the bem.naval expert* aoa

THE hme to buy


me , b

tt ioqttlry preaerVe an Impen
aerte. The Wot

»n .1..

ebiireh as^ aebmAbulldlapa aadcn»M«i
for corerptheat purpoaee by the Uallad
Stalea mlUtary
lata war and all daoiare clalma reaalrlax from voreraroeat uae of ruralahloaa
or matertala la Iboac hulldlnra

Pitisbura^ Feb. *3. —l*lttsburK iniy
have the pleasure of entenalninr tbs
executtves of the two xtewtewt repub­
lic* of the American c-untUseoL Borne
lime axv an iBVliaOun was extended to
Prrrtdrni Ucas tonnciude Jhllsbujv
i|la Itinerary ihn-urb thr I'cUled mate*.
To thU a most favorable reapooae was
msde. snd now an eBort U belOMtad*
to have him here March ». th* date of
the Cham.wr of COranrene * annual
lianqurt. Tl-ere is every reason to be­
lieve thai this iBvitaiMa. urn. wiu be

The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property Is beoom-'
inx brisk. I have

An InvItMlop has been extended to
Preeldent Mi Rlnley, and. a*,the prealdent xenerall) accepts Pmaburf*s InvltalioR*. II Is nol
e xursis at the tenquet table
B.. two prejddrnts.

Florida Tra ••Tb* £bnd

oT tba

Two or Tliroe Housos and Lots

The Mlfhly bnuthern Railwav Sy*
b o>. Uaverainr the elfb> Grant 8tab-«
of the Hnomiar Hnotk. desire* to call
toe attentioD of the Health-seeker, tbe
t^d-seeieer. the Pleasnre-aeeker. tbe
IVcei-ewekrr seed the Firkie Trsvelinr
Pnblle. to tbe mane adeairtares, the
brdntifni scerrry. thr rich and fertile
1*sd and theuMay resKirU srfaleh Us
lory lu Hue*.
Oo to He>rMa and .es-spe tbe maby
Bid and dlaarreeahls
llaarreeahls davt nf winuy.
atop at A*^RGVII.LB. "Tbe Land
of the sift.” 1HEHW1TZEKI.ANT) of
AMKRK A. wbeer heaven and rartb
IT of the
See the rraad«at
in Amerioa-and
1 House.
ArD^rlc*'* OP'T Palse-e. the
Chatenn of lieO W VanderhIlL
•tbe iraee'er, who lain a bsrey to net if
to Florida. MB Fo ,1, fhattanoDfa. ,
ptaslBP 1.^'ut H'''"'talB. and aernaa '
the BSbi RaMie eeicl*. wblek
itieta'eofihe strife brtwsws tbe Blue'
and the^MwT.

and a Number of Well Loemted


•■y ftennt.n. M e«.vn“ Oallinxer «nd Mshui no oiTlclal ae-'ilon wn* taken.
*orio« the Orest Th->urb Trer<b-|.'lne '
Heimlcr M**on said tbe statement wa*
to the Sm.-h aod Florida
•re than he had expecied in hear,
eest'buled tr*in*. eaerrinr' thro«Bh
and Henatnr GalMncer declared that Ihe
aleepiwp diolre and ch-ir eniy. The
plrture dniwn «•*• a elenlorahle nne.
e Far-escelleDee of tl-e S .nth
He said that Iwc- year* ae*> he had adOf nspsaad iBfo-marion app'v lot
I that the I'nllc-d Kiates should la.
r nearest ecopow •‘eWe* scent or
i-rvene Je. < ui.a slap to Ih- War and
Wu t> TxvU»«.
tiat -veri

Asst tJen-' lets ^ent.
1 of Ihe vuxpi-sllon
'.No. till F--meth AeuBS.
Iconivenie. KentoeVy

Military <w-wM0le«O>«aala>as.
that nmhi
Ib.idiiu; !•*, Fe|,.
.Ity exa tbofiuch InvesilRsiioik They offered 'sruilve commifl-e of the Am- ri- an Pri- tti plvr aiy heH> In clndr power. Caie lecllve A««-ivla:le-ti 'ii:-i «-sterday and
tain AamiwoB nf-ned to the vUlis a* I>c|mty fHuie peesldent Taylor we«j a
*Tendltik to promote a better undrr- tel-rrsm tu tVashluxion otT.rlnK to #6*
Kos-erninrni the aAvIce* -if lh» enUr*
Ainocr the aalvace were the table membershtp of l.ew In this dJotrirt tei
ararr atui tbe Mlwr acvvice b. lona CA the event eij h-*l'lli<rw. Orrati s t'on .d
to the Maine, tle-.r*.- W. Koeiw-ler. of f.'Ui m;'i tey ce • |i Bli-s hae b.->- . under
Brt^klyn died y.sieiday at the mltidurim: the past iwenty-feeur
Uty hoepiuu. .til thee, .her Injured ebow huur*
a<m.- ieii|<n>vrim-hl.
l4i l.U'-ha In an
nsOet «cw IM tleArtihMe Uaae.
edl!«i 111 cumimnl* ui>oi; the nnCsIr-

Olehe-ltiM se Ibe Nolaaal (Wpflal Km

ISawn. .••■nn.. Pel.
ae*« ..1 the- I'nlted FUtea in utakl&x
‘('aptkiti kii.-sIkv- Ibe advlwr and as- Am-rualS Audnaniv of
sleiani e.r tin- exiun of Inquiry '
The r«-un., has/nqx l«.d 1^- tvlesrupb from
le . vl^iftly Ui*'^ een Inevrioct If Vice i;esld-i>i al V'ashli.kUin an
taf»rnii.i..>n fr. m the t'lili-d Biaii« a* •>rdi-i (r I'-ity'.s «lv-|vwinlehat el -i';i-n. I>-r.- «-ay li i* tmi-rxslble I'l.i. hkhw eeu s. rhe r I* '..r qab-k
ml Ihe cuns -«;;i ail lie d—
uneb I I’ lu,.-* |.11- ‘ iilnx luiisl ri'Urts j dell\iBhoui ihi-x- tnonih*
of tnqus
y. thut i... .ap!a:a iximmand- ; UvenA
Inn •’111- -I t
IMm: I.e ,
'cvnirt. levny li

lluit Ilf
reclmrnt. which was f\ Irued hy
.\B i'Auni m ets-y M- i * General
Netoe.]’ A. Xlii*. tlM u,s.ilrt cotimii*
■loner*, s Urv< I'si-y eef e-nstun an'
n-pn,*' iit.itiie* and v: ce s frwRi all I

VaeMnlrtewi. Fei^ It -Tht- crlebratlon
of %Vn>diliv;t..n'« hirtbuay -O ih • rapltsl i
.. ........................ .....
■•«. Ttie .lei.
V p;
d pnl^m

Vacant ResidenBe Lots


in Traverse City that will be sold

fool lot: r—i mU!. with a very f»lr
kitoaled on Ma<i-.-n street
Itold on emy terms, em'v »i:ai


At Low Ppiees

fXu'U' srniy pe .i. in ki. l. aJoul the
Various b-a. ruliitia cumieann '
aiiH- p-'ra I e! for Ihr.r oan eilUratlon.
JehnaM Bloek.
n i^IvsWs duty
.the Irid HO ineetliic*. ilie nwi l Ine .-braiietw.'
> a*. IP tb- f^s
w.» Ibiet o! Ihe Nohs ed tb
s'ew Y'ork F le. '.S.—tt tlie'>ieetl-«
!>■: ii claim* ahCi
ii<-v.>:t"M-1. whi-0‘. aft. i a
Ihe ftaii-r eUy ■••n-mmec lire |.»on-|Uir>- le aol ixmatl«i«l-'-,.-'i ..1H»|. iw.. r«-iuiiin» e..ntuted as II Mould le m esy .iH-^f the
> Uiient: 1.1 reih<* t.i Cu'ix ami the
Brest puwttv. h'il In Ihl. |ariu-n\«r
the i *» ••
I'rt- id ••nllined. «a* •.ubmite-d
.Woree-li-Hklev wlk,th vwu-d diewei.
papee I* evldetilly
-jn'o-rf^ [tx-MiJ'-r Tbonius F. Gllrwy.
^•joldisl .ihald'kiiis u*MH-(atlin her I
ther nv*>iifunhai<o’
n - -i tbe plan ntnl *c.i|e i-oirniltt’
Ji* annua, if-, t.nxaodjekd HK-IVcIara-------- *-------'
■ll •bis •been decld.d
drcldxl -Ills' -•
the '-e-lelerae.f In.l. I-p.'enf as has beim It*
PUM-NtCLlKy of Tilt: M tINfi.
tie"' •bnll cucllnuv three <U>o. Juay x.;
•m -n teilA di.> frum time Im,
4 M.rd
The flrat day it to |•rupe•selt
KasaieiatUU 'MleltU.j
*• , k,.
-. tiarade. f.dlm. .d tn tbe i nu-m j
Who.- mvmiwr* are
«D*‘n J'^u waul lo akh a ride! .
ei .«l„c by l!li
r rary and hiMi-rical . •...
_ _
tbe ..niol .1 u.earaians .if The errat while j rettPIlibiT thf* ImkI place tu |io.
Wasblrploa. heb. 3—The
ol e-l*-« Ir i* nun'Urr «*f bslis thwui.’^'Ui
shafi. h- ld its uousl i
i-nc and i
the wrxUns ex|avlUi»n t-r the ie-h..r the lamivch* of'Manbatidn nnd fSeok
sir'tad edilier* The L
of th- Maine were .umpirtrd y.-i-t. id.y ; lyn ’ There ai- lo br ilrewierk* ».f
Amec.. . Uetmuilem and the Children
^ ‘
■ces between, heen-'
public of the Arnrrirhn Kivivlull.-n
al*e> mef!'
.ivlulh-n sl*e>
The •rcoltd da> . w lilch.
tarn la’i'k uix* the rwpr>eei»atieea
wljmaiispO the da) hy am>ruprtato '
noli 1. y
tb* Merritt A
Jfew York, sad the Bu*UW Tu« lieat ' 'h'’‘>'Sh"Oi ih.- stale, there will be a
Aoraiisny, The cumpanlss had exiwciod I
paraile. a B>snd r-cepHunand
Warhioaton. Feb. 3—In lb* Benati
to bi-Bln work ta Havana harbor In '
•'''••nlTiK. with fireworks Id
about a week. I.ut at the last moment G'*'>'''>'<>1 "onarvs. The third day th'-re- Rawiry reported Ibe bill f.w the- In­
Secr -lary la-iut Insisted that a provision ; J* !'!
l«rad* ..f the evunmrredsl and crease of the Brtiiien' Arm ..f the snny
'shou’e: I- i-.Hdi- for ro-ndlnc forwnad al i
nien with a Iwr-iued In tbe hy iwo redln'e-nts ll wa* |.a.-*-d
I'ndt'Flhv latitude allowed
iHMl*“ to believed that the pro. -.-.e-at ivaai
-.*Jr-R U
ally be adopted deibqie .-q appreqwjailon teltl* Johasoa
N, Wltfl eelveni I
This *
(Kep t of Imllana created wmiewhAI «f
I murt rhunae.
MBreeet I" BiKl a dl*i«ud> was **■■( lo
a sriiBitlon In Ih* house by ab em­
the e-apiuiD i-r the sea wrecker RIsbt
Too tlrtlBMaC a Kreek.
K reek
phatic speicch oidsalnc Haawllan. an­
AniL'nuv. at Key Wen. to stupend fal*
Olopfqwiet. Mas*.. Feb, 3—Thebmtte*
. .
^Ivate V ork there and proceed at once nfth. - to H*i«na. Al the rame time a dis­ Ur-fau-d schooner Mar.-.!1u*, of Feapatch 'va» *e-i;i' Hi the New York «.f. porl. Me., whl h ws*,wre.k-d otf Ta.lWashlnstem. Feb 3.-Th* bouse
ficM of tbe company to send two of the Iyer’s Neck during ifie btlcxard of Feb. mlttee on war Hstm* has aak'-d for a
MMM eXlwrietKed dlvi-ra and wrectwf*
he beach y*sier- rule.keltUis apart ti day durinc this


-r^Tli’e !

.IS <;oo»!



.k.; J F‘j*;-.,;

Sleighing Parties,

i s


U sold NOW.

Come and ask about

them,' a you want a'hom.e or a good

Also a lot uf tbf Tt>ry U«f FbrtlAod cattots, two and three sratrd
■ItOfHisI can fit von out with uj ktnH
of a tnnioal.

aa^b* nirti a™l

r of the RlBbt Am M

day a few hundred yards
from <a'ber*
tbe wr*cka«e came qahoT*. Both bodies
-------- bsdiy deemmposed and could net
be indenttfled

month .for tb* cnaalfleratloe of tbe '
the Bseretary -of wpr to


ThoseT. Bates.


Aik£*d RipUy County, Indimni,
Lyncbor* Tkk*n bite
' ^Cufftody.

ttia lEBten Am n fouov.

dLioiAmo mn iifii;rKn>
Atndi K. nw. proprietor of the Ffttfa
Avenue hotel at New Teak. Ip dsad.
aced n yeara.
It has been estimated that there are
hetwoni 1«A and !W women who are
practlrHlif dentutry In the United
raplalfi AlKshee. nf Ihr Maine, announcew that the ithtal becard has BecMed to Dbmrre ytn>i aKiv<T <a the
teettmony txdhre It.
i hy Ibe Unlied
ii^lly fyr prlntlBK pafei uioney.reeenim and piwtaiee stami*.

r lUtMt
•IaUa< W »Ur

U a •

niiKhi«. «U(<(

Mrw. Rttmbeth Ooom. alieB m. 'a Mow
of Job Oonm. an old anidler. was adJpdped Insane at Ithlnelaade*. A la., hnej
eommltted to tbe Northern hcwpital
John Drake, a tamer living near Ban
aalre. Wto.. w'As' hadl)' Injiw-d In a
runaway In that ^Ity, hts team dasbing
Inin .a lek-qraph pole. He Is In a pre-

fnlW anuth Ot Vrrnillca.
amviaS I'J OuMlabla Jcaar Hunt«T. nf Cnxw Pl3lns. on (he rullowlBK
loss nf the Maine, that nailnn will Iw
reonleed to pay from tlS.aea.eW to tlk*
•OO.Mu Indemolly.




FTPtXtB* Ajw FmM.

••|nai.blM! AnyooMDIkaisr
Fanaas city. Mo_ ---- -----------are. fantk at us Us re yow mm
repvlar wwwkly mceCng af tkaJfohKreMwrpathmal
inintsien Oen«c:(y William
••Tm. Aba wiMMii 1 base arM tw the
Booth, foonder of
Salvailoa Army,
U« time to ntiwBn from him—joq know
who la irmrtDx this t-ountry. and his
srhaL HemvIvedmencibciterihaocMnal.
amy were made ibe aubjert ot an at­
(Ml Dow.AinocextrsquIiles hs,e bcoome intack by Or. Jamei O. DonaheHy. of tbe
First Cenpretatlonal ebunb of Kan- dl»|irns9l.le. M W prncsvd asagreed upon.
Klrmaou. donniw. my buy! TW nioas
Baa aty. Ka*. The
tbon fo
by Mr. DnuL^eny was later mdor».-d by npoa Ihr stroke
the niher .nlBls<ara present.
F0II.1W un you see bim enuring a
lert for Denver after hpldlMt,
hnldlna darkanUdcwetnAmns-i. tbenpouaea B{nn
(as le(T
days-revival in ihU vMT Borne I, ,
a reported
eeMcriMi to
In imve
hsve brtm
brXi otte^
Uttered .
........................... -r
.. so ,i,y, «,
hy the kad- r during his stay here led ,,

Thia wrll ti«ars dare )'<
r-irwlabU- Hunter alao I
(or the asml uf Ar< h \Vii;:l c furi'' liy
bnrleodei t..| the Kot>.\«i
(Ms.ind. hui who i.o«
ii itilaCO, havlna liunr Uirre after an pi
to SABaselnaTr him. a< nii- t> '> w<eij>k{n>
. A iarce nimtiM-r df wHluiWee Kati be.*fi
SMbteensed /rum tres'e-d kndVi tralllir.
The trial
b.-ld y.-e .-rdny afierniAin al t'lr-es I'liiln*. Al this
hour Ifire- art' all |he wamals that
* have been lamed. Otlur arrests, hdwe likely to be made at any time
The ainitavlu were Bled befiTr Will­
iam K. Ctwlic. Juailfe of (he i-eate here'.
In-medlatHy warrants were lemed (or
Art'b Wrlphl.' a bartender In a saloon a(
rmanod. and Hesektab Huches. haperIniendenl of
ttir county iwr farm.
Hiirtifs was arrested early yeelerday
tnorniDS. but has not yrt been brouchl
here. Wllnewee la these two i-sotes
> appear here
today, when the prellmlnan Jrtal srUt
be held; Wrisht le reported lo hare
. toll fur miiaro 'a se.k aco. hut the
Mute. It Is l>rliete«l. will produce bih.,
'and then- is a riiinur that far all] turn
■tate'a I'vldepte.
Waal rUrtask «ea la AIL
Wbrranta hbre bseti lirrpaieB for the
a present plmfiB. are to
be brought In from day Co day.' At’or*
ttie I'eneral Kelr'iam le b'ere and will
i- all the week
The JuaUt
hon. Lh>- wanwDls
bare beer, iswoin
It la a irlalo^uhrst. deiermliied
who says he ta dulnc only his duly as
a sworn ofllier of the law. The cuunly
Is Ju«i tieclnnlni! l« learn of the presenir."»f the etale'e 'representative here
and esdten.ent U at bleb pltcli.
llie sovernor aud the altpmey cener*
al conld nut have had amoreoul-i'f-the, way plaw from whirh to operate. The
<x>mspoiideat reachln* there from the
neareet point «lirlr« fourteen mllea
lads without boitoma. The plans
n welUmaared.
of the stair I

>ro( (be H'M fesrasous I
,Kew- Orlesps. Feb. S2--Lasl nlrtt tbs
hlyatir Kfvwe of Koinus appeared oo
dK- slro u rUb one uf the must «or-

Phlaallx. the Prenrh auihi^iy «n


n7iictap>TaMJdr. tbo^cd
tkat ipeiaded U>a yrmcrip—



-----------HZI----------- -tlrsira OM .
"BcTe." said tbe plilianth»Ti|iBt.


^ *»•* «*▼« 7«* a Uttlo
ndTtcu Kev«'’—
"goU (Ml"
inierrmpud Bldaeby
-‘Take Uiek
fcock ytrar
ytrar 'niimiT~
io*e« priw fbP liaunia to

U 60 «BU."-CbkBC0 Kewa.
'We swear.
'TIswall. I Shalt be prorat hand and
Win aW« Kes( ta ihlsaga
wM.-h ?l>e rciolts ••
OBTlnnaU. Feb. *3. - The raecutlTe
Thtee Ipditliluala ihos roB«« did
^Alntber^Wbat ia tba iiiattw. mj
cOBitoiltrr Of (he laterBallonsI Asa da(le utdisary
tlon of Qlst'rlbuturq. which Is an organlinak'iiwlotw Un.- of them hr who s
aatlon of p-rnuns
nuns engaac-d
engaaed In the dJa- ;
onlcrorlsa acnitei! to •
DBsgbUr <*B ttanH-ObBriaS
.MAS Md other
of ! STTgood mn of ritl^ wall rhkM. ' »»»
» taWB>« »B fii» hilBla?
general adverUMn* lu» by a vote ^i>
,j„,.e„rto»s and sBeh a B* wetil ott afHr dtBurr and dlda's
l9 mall, dec ided to boM the next
BoaJ merlin* in Cbirajp. July l» io 8



teflm—Tkat'a all riflit, hiama.
I'm Bot finding anr (afalL I'lliriTapow
t* An »kke it oO.—Cbimico I'rlbnaa.

O F. OAETSR. Aewt.


10 the dlwusMon.______________

In bu.
rioruc^Ung ahserxalile In the galL I
While follow-lnir the
' louk and anarvdtly dls>olslal'
y^e ane'hm-by vwmniaDdcd lo arrrei C
ToorfM — 1
Aiken. S C. Mrs. Wllllam'C. WhUner. «OB aty. Is prc;|deDI ^fJb^saoriatMn
baUBcbas would Ined youtobellexc that
iluch.> and Iirtny hli>. runhwlUi he- Jkife of eK-pecretarj' “I the Navj Whlli this man employed hlrowdf alaomeverT

fk-re toe at m> uRtve «■ anaarr to bav> ney. was knnrked from her horse and
— .'comiBon tradi-.'wfairh. thsi we'mar make Biatlugnishid Amertoaa ladycmaocoB*
8t. Petershur*. Feb.
, pf h« pretty took
lU. In aaid n-ual). uo or aU>u( Uia.Ulb qglle x-iionsly hurl
uf laat
mi'er, tC9t. pnri>uaedl>- and
Tbe sn.alW M the retnelnln* two bed '
JUrqnie-Dat ts it Dat As it IM
a plank ihr««a fnan a saw In a «iUI Venture. s--remry.^ the,^uin^
with |mrn»4llaiaa t^allee. ktlM om
■efs-es 3
l-:s(nn. ncdr Waoaau. Wta.. struck a
|*attT way abh (ooU .Be. biUa—Kew
•untrar}' to the auintea ynunr mail named.Karl Kurtmla' In the

. cs. k
cf .
»‘M-ri')«tli.gprr.U)»ls.tPo»W Y<»k Weekly
tr Bvch <-aM« madr and prvvideti. breast and Infltried'ToJuflea from which vo.leer a« (he h.-xme of a lady »^'ib 1
wb^ he bad quarreled.
•::<inat the pea<v and <ttimUy -of the
I'd a few hours later.
Mail' of Indiana, as James kloUOl baa'alnrd uiKlei uaifa. and have y.iu
tlL'.ii an*inhe,T thU'arU. •
-W. «- Cl A!'*. J P.~

Erer BaiiedW^

. BBeerrr.Ooctor. 1 paid jm a doIl«topat tbU poeooa
dids't t?


to BOW MBsand te give tbs rtUsssa af (Ms
epylBe BeacMaf ewe* fsSBrKaM.BaS Me

25bu 2S?i22iJir *’^*‘*** *“**^ “*"

■ .




Hack, Bhb iDil Baggigt
Wbea iB Bead of afa/thlng In tfaia
Ube ramembu- Oils ia tbe pU«b to Uas*
jrborordaraaBd get p

gaaranued or no ehUffa.
I month WMcenctrcled with s^ntyAqd Urpe
•«,!?! *^ !*«? **
i teeth, and e.ld to all Urts-bo ws# humpttal li>cnl(a|at a beUef u Use've your orders at eflee or call ep
Itaekwi. Hytbe uMtsady allmmsr of a Uugeperal facility of hoaabnammh.'*
; lamp swinging In (be Bighi wind It was
“Can yoa show up say raanipUr’
I nut ljn{«sailils to psrrolee thattbe ks^
"Yea. I'lu a meubtf of aooBiniti
1 irlaocrdwitb delight tbst't iflTMii^iiiMrtntBU.CaeraUBd
BIX hprwe. have bem declared out of
« pMM „bk:b
;b be held In hb right eiMn
eiMs Dealer'
be suburban handicap, among thc-m :-a.—,
bal cunferwetlus. panouk tu Bome manSenator
White, of California,
6b*—Hercisaacb a rmiv UttleeurT
a cwxi®Watt4_per of a ndBUonsblp bMween hb two aastated that he wllKiatew Oauni. wHhated and eadavaouB in tbe paper abunt bow £disoa cune lo
(or re*ekcllnn.
Bob ArmatTong defeated Tank Ken- > iuoklbg. hb Mi arm taimd. as If io point
H.^1 *'irb tame of tbim brtgbi
.ofairtaot. Itga'o
ner lb five
rounds at' the America ...................................
lance to egltdwL
espUio bow I
Athletic asBorlatton.
Wm It canie lo many.—(Mncimisti i^Kpiireg.
Tkeplan tohypaouarMurderer Mosblkfrom eoM tw imrt Dwaa midqIghL
when he
executed at Bt. Pkul March
From a bouse well known In ibeqaeitar
It baa betn glx-ce up.
of 8c Martin alowD poutvd out Marly
Spats has nine powerful
am ,wo
School TeBcbcT (ruBdiagtB
tharnnmo. Tbe
the Philippine islands ready to sail for Bale ever 00 the Mere wau Iwiog aV; *>^>-ABtJ
feU by tbe wayMda.
Cuba at an houFa notice.
tbicevels. for tbe purpose Q^reronooUar-1
Tommy (f---------- ------------ aa_._ c------------ Tbe Irish loc'sl govcnuneal bill was'
preeenlad In Ute Brillah bouw of com1. tboee dsya—Ytmfcen 8
moBS anc! jiassad to second reading.
al least 8ti llimw toaobecbantlwalianwr.
Scurx y has di vetopd amonig (be ndnAtlM>tnbibt<yr«plcdttaebelfigfif CMr
Bessy W
ere-at In-nver to such so extent (bat asBreb. it wees kind of fashiuiiabls abl-ormmlimi
there arr Phw aevvntwii esM In tbe
public bost-ltal
Dr. Bauareill is reported to be meeting
with grenl mucceas lb Brasil In bis work
of preventing and curing yellow (ever
hy hjs new svrom
Newl-ld il. Troller, of Media. Pa..
(he wei;-kr>--in> animal palmer, died at footsteps m
At amir C'itA. N. J.. after a three we -ks' log aU at
U sutyietily
dreed lo tbsl of boldi
lllnewa. He_was >> yekts .dd.
eulErleot tliM
srtU power
nniiah ba.i.eablp Virlurious. sutpprd abort and Mlowcd
fond eanaot anpp’y tbe vital ftneea
which XASS as^nee for some lime qB (or iboae lu come up w
Hr. snQ Mra. Aa^one have guoe i

Immune Ce that of the viper..-----Falth-riire doc iors arv nut entitled 10
Toxer reniunersilnn for (heir aerfloe*.
1 least It wae en held by a Bslllmore
Judee, on the around tbal (he patients
s|irh physic lane ee.elve no apparent
benefli from (heir attenllon.
•eoepUaa to PrcsAdesl Jtole.

FranrlsA-n. Feh



Haxkali. was tendered >
cttulaa at tbe c-bamber nt
r^ptaln uharles Nelson, vt
uf Ih- chamber, welconrd him I
raomr and Inlnduced Hem. James .D.
iTwstdenl Dole was presented
By 'Mayor FhMan lo Ibe audlenre. Fnllowing him was an address by Hon. IrBrntt and tljls eonciuded tbe
formal ceremonies. Cereral RhafiyT ,
retqesented by his staff officers and j
a dc-tall of oPIc-ers fropt (he I'nlted ■
Blates cruiser Hohlran trpiv-etUed


'Phone Ho. 3t


—Watch Repairing
—John Verly.

—Front Street.

Peoria. Ms.. Feb. 3 - The Peoria
DeipiKralir club cc-Ielitated Washing­
ton's btrihday last night at the N'atipnal .
I by a liarquel at which Mayor |
Parrls.-n. of Ckieagci, was the principal
•pc-aker. and whic h was genemlly re­
garded as the launching of his guher•Htn
side of Chic ago b f-on- i-rne-'
r ve hun­
ing Mgl^ ipurwlngblra
dred iruesis wdre present. The Klckap-w) Pori P.-l . naessltailngher
■ cenai.
1 . "HblU" crb»one«f tbr.u. “Money or
club. Ike leeding It;-puhncan oT^nisa- ered. has aaP-Iy traxerac-d
tk'B of ct'Mral Illinois.Ie.eliraied Wwrh.
Mayor Van Wyt* rcms»d to apeak to
"Eh* Wbatl EbF'
-Ingloo's birthday last night by a ban­ CaplMn Bulale. of the Ficanlah cruiser
"HoDcy or lifer*
quet at tbe Hotel Fey. Two hnndrvd Tltraya. uhvii the :a:ier form«;:yca«ed
And tbe iixenthaaf two piamlawcre peeBpoe him as (be omnal heed of the New
aented. tbe cine at bM bat, tbe otiwr at the
York cit) government.
F*-1lvnker,-a Trial.
brlakl of Ms sunqaeb.
John Mulligan, ptesidenl of tbe Con'BpcMi a wesd and yon are a deed
l«Crea*e. WIs.. Feb. 23.—The trial of
neetlcot Hlver rMIroad andTme of the
ex-Banker John I-lenl. kken began here.
beet-known ralltrcad men of Near Eng­
). I bawa
A Jury was secured without much dlfflland, died at bis hom - In Bpringtic-ld.
-sh'iig to give. I pcMNW. buk tbif
cuKv and DIsirirt Altorney John R.
Mass., of d abetea. aged 7» yeara
I. IIS a plBchtaok nne "
MrOnniac-II c-oiuluded Ills opening ad• A bomb was exploded at Uoittpetler.
-'lu tbal rwae. tbco. oS srttb.yonr
drms io tA-JUO'before Docm. LlenlnkFrance, at the reside are of M. Hc^slne.
who for many years conducted A
a former prvaldrnl .of the chamber ot
prlxate bank hc-re. assigned Bepl. 2C.
eommcrce. fterlc-us damage was done, myktaL I-baToof late luaoe tbe ilaaraat
In August l.lcntokkeo' was ar­
bat there a'aa ne loss of life.
aacMk^-lociotbe myaHI. klypoofagwi
rested op cumtclslpl of fieorgs D. Bbort.
The tblrt>--thlrd annuM meeting ot .^W darted bersMI her UiUe eamlngs
who charged him with arceptlng a sum
the lUlools Prcea aasoclatiOB baa opened (Bpay ftwiny oul.ll.''
Of money on deposit on BepL 8. UM.
In Odd Fellc.wg hall at Springfield.
"liar! tiWwlU'ytiarcoal.sedBOdslay
knruinc hlr bank to be InsolveBt.
Preslfcnt Cun lea U. Unney. of NVaim
Abai'to oounuuDcm, throw away
glnlA dellver»-d the annual addruaa
Detroit. Feb. 8.—Tbe Obfo eoal trust
bmuilfnl. iniprrfioe black
wss-|>erfceted here yeeterday under tbe
obUat. X«M can ge, i«> frnoca for U boy" of the Ontral roeland Coke eofnUnods J. Carter bai f<
wbere If tbe tailor baa not d«rired ma"
. . U is Inenrperaied under the laws
of Otdo and lu headquarters wm be ramping nboot with "Tbe Bean of Chi-


6ru4 RipUs t liten R. I.

SETTIB lonpiis lUnOPICT.

^hkib people -ith aeUve bealaa aad
KooU Wl*
MM l»ofi
feed Ue
________ ___ .ke the mind bright, mnselea
' BtroDg—make flesh and blood and give
.nerftet bcfaltb to *cw (rod «omonTn fTtragcm or FntAnKU*nA make


J. t Bwrkvv. C»lef Clerk----------------------------Weaklastof.D.C-.Mstim*(bsibsWM allrwB

over Avrety peoMs after uslag iMw.
Jab. U. JoHseox, Drsgrist.


Anorneya al Law.


penus and .M the same time InieresUBR Columbus. The capital Mock U (SM paceanie that -has ever appeared in eoe. but this Is a notnlnM figure, and the
New Oiieacs The fhi'nre was "irtiakrs- rest eaplikllxatlon is. not yc-i known. U
in bia oompany next mmoo for "Tb<
I-*arr " and all the famllfar characters la undetri-M-d that-pric-es will be raised
and playa were pictured with a faith- and that Ihc coal canring rqads In Ohio Kivala"
WiltOB imekaye wUI art Bext ia 1
fulness a'nil sp’endur unsurpassed. Aft- win be allo,^ an Inc rease In Bates aftei the pemde the/UyetIr Krewe enter.
le eeltleVeot of (be pitvoeed strike
frcBD Lever'a "Ctmrle
laliie*l with a crand ball at the French
ninera In easlerti Ohio. whIcK U
Ol>eT* Hou>e.
M-heduled fur April 1.
Chariea Boyt it writing a play tor
Hex et.rei3y'r~t hfl loyal siihjei'ts
Hvry UiUuil of tbe robber hmAX enwith a luillal the lnip>rlal palace, which
Madison. «'U., Feb, a.-The mc-etlng UUkI "Saooua Uildboad."
was coryeously decorated. The thnaie
f the ftlalr liar aaacH-lallua'w as slim*
. was ercli-rt al one end of the spacious
Dainty Ida Unllr hns Monrefi tbo
Inll nrum and dM-«rai>d In ibe royal ly altended owing to the blcx^kades on rigbu cf Awrigal of Dntu'a plays and
r-olor* and yamei - and ermine. The the tellroada Burr W. Jcihes was se- will star In Uxon next srsaun.
kina, fTartee a. Faraeli. a well-km-t r lecujU IO an as serrelary In'lhe absence
Vincent 8terorayd will play Bontio
jil>»-scnalor .W. K Vilas
supar. alaplcr. rhos' as bis quec-n Mi
Siie! KoViiylhe. a bekcUfQl-rouna wom­ Seemnn of Milwaukee rlAsd bis address to tbe Bamlr-t of Forbee
an. .'Ill rntre^ her hlch poaltlOD a- and Cart C. Pope of Bupertor read a pa- tbo Boyal Conn theater, ^lin.
Ihouirh she hsd been term to the pur- t-er on "Equity Id Cilmlnal lAwa." Profc-ssor Charles H. Ore-gory read fils pa­
I>*e. lloih ha IN were thronyed and u< r>
anxious to dnunaiiaa Opis
dian. 1
per on "Gtivernment by Inlunctioa."
Iromente a.- lal successes.
Bead's "Wives of Ibe Projdict.''
Bis. WhIlMy Resdat WeU.
Usod Grauger lirtoidi to star apaln
Aiken. 8. C..-Felc. fk-Mra vhuiam C.
as Bcmi as aba oan Cud a suitable play.
Whitney, who was thrown Trom her
taaernl hentneOear the JM-malBS of 'M
hone yestc-rdicy. It .caellng xxell‘nnd Wbat's tbe matter with "Gaiulller'
. Willard at rknsehsme,|i^. V.
Eyrie BMlew is receiving a good deal
Chuichvllle. K. Y.. a eh. S3.—Funeral sbe-xxa a marked ‘mproveroent. A allgbl
CO- - naston of the spine Is the meet seri- of praise in London for bis strong and
over the retiwns nf Miss
mes symn-im. IT. Hull, of Nfe' York, vivid acting as Marat in "(%arlotte
Frames R WHlartl Weifr held In th!reerh-d he: - on a si-c-cUl iralB to al­ -Oorday."
Tlllar at II o'clock pAtawtey. The ien 1 Mrs WHui.y,
In Pinora'a new play. "Trelawney of
spetUI train c-onveylny the rapmioa and
in ft MneMa iyu4.
tbe WMla" tbeaetnenaaraall dreaaed
' the otlKc re rtf the national on^nlsatiou
|'Mfx-Tix*::c. Ky.. Fell. A — Austin
aiilt c-d at 10 .. . lurk and the My was
ng*> I
taken immediately to the Conyren> f!o;i.:*Ve» c1l”<1 yes'-r-ley ««ed tS year*. seta, ai ib IHiiU.
llunal church.
Ii was Ulsa Willard's rkillaher_*ii.s f e hoyhiud coftxpanloa
.Cbrirtie MacDonald D mid to have
Th-y were b«e*
dyilui request Ihst her body should bf i.f Al-rcf Act I.tii- -in
C s
I B '.«• ' S spd stiendsd school made qailo tbe tfruatert ancoem of ber
bruuaht hete »n the
to Kvanaiool a'i •• •cix-i' at enw* as Minntram In boom's oonio
Thc' ppHoaiun ihroufab the vlllade tii#i-ili-'
was ve,y iD.m- aud twsaed the eottaye the ri-V id It. ow. Hfe ff .» drowning. opara."Tbe Bride Elsot.


nil Uirtn slre. t where Ulaa Willard was
The sen ues war* of w Mmpi*
BIS ninSdsv B'asoa Feh. M.
charaiier. Ilrlet addirsseo were made
hy the pastor of ibr ihureh. and by
Fans, Ilia, Fch. 8.-Alixandar W.
Mrs..lUrker. national treasurer of thi Cbll died yealaiday of a paiaiytlc stroke
W C. T V. ■ At Ihr close ot Ibe faer- anstalned while slMing at the break*
elee* the Iwdy War taken at once lo fart ubie. Call waa one of Fana'a oldthe rallrruid atatlon where a special eai and moot reapeeled reaidenla
train was Is wattina to c^rry the fn
................. -hUllfe'
- ceral patty to Chlrwip>.
that although he wet U years of age
•r Whita.
- be had seononly sixteen blrtbdaya hay­

IbiI year Greece wm boyiag finna
ud ibU year it baa ordmd 10.000
Is Ksome City. Kan., one-balf of tbs
d«« tax D oisd fn




.nor-wy aM OeuweiMra.
t attoBltM to c«Dm*‘—

‘Now oB with tbe twrt.
"Ub. niwrifulbeatba! TbeaoiepaDl ■a MercaotUe Ca. B
pomcm. For pity'a anke, genlkcimm. for
pity!" A peal uf tangbteranswered bU
tun>Ucailun and tbemmevoieu coo tinned:
"Awaywlib .von a»d beware bow yem
look behtm) yon '


(UBIU lU lUnDIIBl 1.1
telakeogeesaBaSag.Jitasa.IBr. '

tMoro HOkTH.
lion. U« siagJon blscoorwa profwlkd for­
ward by the freab mornlog famae and a
ailgbt ctnik of a whlpwhlch descooded
rwae he « s inrolng tbe first
hla si
Be reoetved (be (ullowtng morn-,-------------------------------------J^t^tbeearllal pc*l.


yon as mneb a oowerd as i
tL'FOfiTEB. Attoeaar ai
oalrival tan night (oarti Vy. aiienttaavotai tlllsa.
men. Paul and Klrmann.
acraaa your i
cboroUtc pistol,
off tbom. * •
by my w


aSlffi::;;:::: SrSSi,-.:::;;::: -

-c' T”"'""*'**

wbleh yon bad rvloscd paytagma
have done right, lor we are n<m qnlta
Cetangiylf yon rlHXM and rerelre tbs

Btot^. U^la*


*■ AlMka

"They hare a qwwr tray of bnntiBg
raouDUIti-goaM bp lu the inoonMlna bock I ^^AWTEIX^Te exekssgs- .gwMMaryvaek
of Kkagguay." mid U. J. MeKloiwy. tbe
''ms.rur (if 8ki
"Tba buys at one i

yS.E'i.ES.' ‘■•S'Wir

buiTi Uwiu. Of (wurse 1 did,
anon ellmblng high pp ea tba moontalna.
away above tbe elUluda ibrt t ibougbt
and ap «re t.......... ........................................
get abuvr a place wbere they bad mra tbe
gnaias few days before. «'ban they had
I<x»led ibc pnpw polnv they mleewd a
bnge buwlde^^got majojl^tt'^tlig

paiii Ajrevyj^


BearOrMh........... **


the pnblto library of tbe dty.
tbmTtrfiBm^ttim^Skatarsid. When MMr^vw^feallstaramrriag.
-By tbe year IBOO JapsB.wUl fanve to It did get to Miltat. tbe havoc Itmnmd on
BerUa. Fafa. tt-The rmptlon of the ing been born Feb. ri. ISM. Us taavm pay $26,0^ 000 a year as intsrsston tea way down to) tbe valley was ma
tJnltad matsa ambaaaador, Andrew D. a wife and five chtldren.
lu natlQoM debt.
faaffttl. Tine tin boys told me to gee
WMla. ydatarday in honor of Washiny
trady fiw a eorprlaa Ws all got our riflaa
Tbe tonr aronod tbs
ton's MrtMayr vaa.atteaded-. by about
ready and waited. It was endy a abort
of tbo oolarg^ city of New Yorii oocn...___ mbets of tbe Amertewn colony
UnM outU »e mw emerging from tbe
. laqvlr* of Orel «
Tbe Oewnna-Amertena society
aarubby growth below us three fine goam.
E—Chief Wangbo ^
oiwcums ban took plaee ■»
I. I OieUlekC*. I
e bonds and bmmwira Bsmyeyon
KMadhewFi imaliin Kx|ilsmy.
lot ends talaoonntty onlcmyosagrm
Tboontfltof an oyrtra tOBgmra'e oa- Idangw <l«y wW running into.
^ Fliilsdelphla. Feh. SL-Tbs pramstHTE •a pay bia price.
ja«M of «-and we
axi-lusion b- a charge of draamite yeaAfrienn Explonr—Wbat dom be
broogbt dewD an tfarea.
toBgi. n pair of nlppm s ontttog
tarda)- in a atone qnarty nt
"I learned then that tbe gouelwiys
a kUM Uiroo Mabaos
baud, nevenlMTIiBc^bUniBerB, a eon- tries to get above rolling raeka and that
Vine atresta
TwtUhttda td tbs nymlale cf fanU kbabei b^em asd u Iroa

lavtgtte way of bnnUng



F“fi—Juf'sVSSng. tSS

m yov nskt boefc. UndaiTlt-






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