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The Morning Record, March 25, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
^HST wxu. aor vAn.
1—M Onwt
ihartar AxamOmtmu Vet to >a O
■IAiriAkt»»ao»ol laaotoo,
Mayor i
adTMBC kUa tkaa tko propoaki okart*;
------ tka oiaaiU oootkt
to ka«a pawii at tka apaetal aiiiliia ot
tka lacWatara, ooald mot ka eoMd«Aa tkka U a apaetal aaatlaa aod
iMXIlkt oanadforaapaeial parpoaa. aa otkor
MM Ite mt kwlaa«aaab.aoaaMi
BasaH aak Xamodlat^sMt^. AM
Takaa to Watak tka Tpaai^ Baat
^laportaat Ckaagaota
Ipaia’a Tor.
nuT osioAeo boat.
flkaitovatx vtU X«aa>o than A«rU
• 4 or f.
ItoiTk M.~UkrtMui
Tba-ent Ckiear> boat la tkia r»ar
fUMMirtir Miili Ilf 9mX eoMpu* «m be tka ChariaroU. 'wUek wUi
bMrti« tk* T«rwi o( tb« u»tM laaaa Ckkaca A|>ril «tk or Mk.
. «Mirt of to««li7. nmM WMkter
tM «» »:U loBifkV
W*k Wl»c
. mmUj «■ ttee.
w ^mm »t tU-atftttM ttet th« MBMUTATIOVS AT OOWSMTIOM
cinzEiis' CITY nixn.
•Waak Aa^” Bat Bnwk Ac*ia aad
U Baok U JaU.
^ aawBMy «f tka nary aroalA •»«
■ tyfra-tkOraporttoolrkt.
roTMT Tiatraa OaUa kpaalal BaaUoa to Till Taoaacy la tka
CUm faMowvor tal«Taaaa, raaalTod by
AarlS Slapaoa at l:» tkia ■antaf
*m asyUta tkaaaaltao. Tka aoafoe
* taMtorBaaaUiatkarata plalaly aaaa.
B apaebl Aaatlaa la eallad ky tka
—MMor ta dU tka racaat^ <*f •«»*•
aaaaterMda ky tke ayyalobMot of
BataUaa Ballad Stataa Diatrtat Attor»•»:
Balkaaka. twataaaii apd Wexford, oa
Mnday Aptal dU. alyhtaaa kaadrad
aad Bitotar aiykt. to aUet a Btata
Saaatar ta flU tka raaeary epaaad by
Ua oaeaptaaekafaB ofiea aadar Ua
Cailad lltateo ky OomyaO. Oaetal. who
waa elaalM troM tkat dtotriet Rommbar Ulrd.'alykMnkaadred aad ataaty
alx. aad waaaa tana weata ka«e a^
ffb*A DaoeMkM Ukiy-flnt. atyhtan
kaadndaadataaty-aiybt. TkaoT '
•atlnaf Ub alaattaa kwheoatarwarded by MoUtayoa. Tkia talayraM
win aaabla yoa to prepare yoer tawaaklp aad aUar aatleaa. aad ka«e thaw
poatdi aeeordtac talaw Iwawdlataiy.
BxMvai. A Kb*ri>t.
Dapaty Baarelaiy ta Btato.
Sbarlff BUapaaa wUl early thto
Moratay peat Ua amlnty a«
Uroeyboat Ua city aad UMayk Ua
aaaaty at OBoe.
Wall Papar-4c a Doybl|i Ron,
Waaklaytaa. Marab ti.-Tka taUlar
■ala of aU popalarBbaat MMd<
of tte Spaakk torpakc ftoUOa fraaa the kalf artaawuTbaatattlaaadfdr tklrty
Ckaary Uaada far C*> la refrardad aa daya laacar. W. W. KlmkaU Oo.. m
of tka fataatlca. at TraatatfoaL
Spaia to r«kt iaiarrMtlaa at a^r
wktah tO Mpplj food for tka atarrlaf
of Cuba, tke aaaal aatbarItiea expect Saala to rraUf. aad tkat
oar « m eaaoe aa Ike raaaU of Bpaia'a |
act. It la expaetad tka reaalt of a «oa>,
teioaoe held today katwaea Aaalataat
>lt aad tka araatdpat
«m katketaaoaaee of erdara to tiM
float, aad t^M8J/alayat cMo Of rx-rr
of tka faateat erakeere lo aatr-k tka proLaat al^ttka
row of Ike 8paaM flotilla.
I for tka
It k a eowotoa brltef lo-lay tkat
rarlooadlyoaoaa. TkaM waa ket aaa ^pala wUl reoeire ao deaaad tor Ueeataat aad tkat was baiwaaa Dr. & J.. dewalty aow oo aeMpkt af tke laea of
Kaaalaad aad Oaai^ W. BaU tor tka tke Maiaa aad tkat adiyMt of tka re
ilaattoa far Mayor. Wkaa tka
port of tka aoari of laqalry oUl ka
) B R. Kao
laatiaaa i
ta oiibdraw tka|~;'
. proTlded tka
^Metor'a aa*#. bat B. MeNaMara aUUd j
aa eowpUalp m tka
tkk Dr. Kaaalaad kad atatad ta klm'
Tk& will laare tka A
tkat ka waaU kowlUliic ta raa far Ua
>tla a peaUloB to proeoed
Wkaa tka rota* at tkr^ala- witk Ita aaoraa at aatiaa tor Ua .ralief
Cataa ware eoaatad Mr. Ball waa taahd of Caka aad yat aot prarwt It later
ta ka tka wlaaar k}' a aarroo marvla. froai atakfay dowaada tor aay aairlaet
AU tka other wwlaatloBa ware Made «ia tka part of Spaiak
ky aankwartna, ikeM belay taw wb»o t') properly ptotaaiUa Main ta Bar-;
eared ta be taerUopd far Ue paklk aa harbor.
Tka More of Spata ta aeadtay oB tke
Tka eaatreatln waa eallad to ardor torpedo fleet la recorded to aowa ax-;
ky B. McMaaiara. ckairwaa of tka Clt- teat aa a koatUe dawowtiBtlao ayaiaat
nnwmlHiti M. W. t'adar- Ula oaoatry. Tka float eaaaiau of alx
wood waa aawad Wwporary akairwaa tarpado koala aad wwaa torpedo kaat
aad. B. U Bprayn taaeparary aacM: oaa ta tka
Laaa^. klak.. March M. IttA
BkociCafOTmadTraMMaOtmaty. Traranaaty. Mtak.:
WItkoat tall aaa to It tkat aetlaoa of
■piBlal Aaatlea of StaU Baaatar
paatad taaMrtowi Macek tltlh^la Ikm Ury.
Ob Btotloa Ua eoMMlMaa aa parMO«t tka Moat pakUdplaaM la oaeh of tka
tawaakipa aad warda.lt aay. la y«ar aat ortmlnBaa waa Made ap at B.
. aaaaty. ky tkatawaakly alark ar la- MeNoMare. V. A Oeaa; C M. Bala.
Joka WUkalM aad a G. MUlar. Tka
iwiuaa m eradeaUaU waa
paaad of Ua aoMO yaaUoMaa AU bat
iMaalay, March »4.1IB&.
aoMB af tka 77 dalacataa
■BartB af Ormad TraMraa Oaoaiy,.Tiaw
roportad preaaat aad Ua
X Ua taMpcraiy orBtau at Mlaklyaa-Offlaa of Ua kae>
yaalMtloB ka Made porMaMML
MMiy of etato-Laailay. Marek M.
Tka tallara weM B. WUkalw. J. M.
IM. To tko'BkwlT of tka Canty at
BaaUwaatat O. O. MUlar. W. P. CMt6ln-rToB on karaky Botiflad that Bwaad 9. A-Oaaa.
Tka taUoirtayalty tlekat waa aow
pamaat tp aWardar ta tka ya«e
. «f tkia atato UMBay Iwaad nd aow
Tar Mayar-Oaorya W. Ball. •
n flla ta tkta oMea. Uat a ^wetal ataw
Tar Oty Ctarh-0. O. MUtar.
tlaa wUl ka ktad ta Ua twaaty-aaMaU
for City Traaaarar PaUr Warekary.
•ontartal Alatrtft. aoMpriatay
ta keep UaaaTyd
ataly ad*M n Ua d
float trow Ua CkaaHra.
a ta Ua
Spring Hats.
xpaaU attar hto aoMtaatioa. What ba
wM waa ahorVaadto Ua potat. Ba
aald: >'It I yat kaataa 1 wlU hary Ua
Mtti Oraaaatadk Witak Vafty.
nttafaaUM ta kaawtay that 1 aM do-’
Wadaaaday aiykt aboattarty yaaay taatad by a yoad *Ma.- Tkaa ha
I ta Mia.Ofaaa- tteakad Ua dtaeyataa tar Ua kaaar
atadkkoMa aa Wakaita atoeat. aar^ aad daelarad Uat akoald rktaty aoMa
I^MtoaOraaa. Tkavtoltaca
hto way be woald da kto daty aa tka
ataead ky Are yoaay tadtoa i
aparta^otUa ‘
ta .Mlad raadlay aad
attar wbtok Mtoa
lUd wiU
«f art.
WltUaa- Daarktar." by '
Into BdUI fkathu la ayraaafal aad '
approprfata Maaaar. Mr. Aaderw>a that aaek ta - tkaaa caadUatoa kaaw
flhaaaMaaadUaaaacBikly wiu a
wkeake bad aald wwyk.
ttaMoa kto yraHapkoaa. which
iUntotala addnaoM^wara alU
foUowod ky yaMoa anaayad tor tke oemade by A V. Trtodrkk aad M. W.
caaka, aafl aarrtay ta lataaaha
Ue Beatactoy kMMty darted dowa Ue
wayaaadarat taated aalt water,
tke fliet dtp Mtoa Bradlry, daaybk
Kavtaakyk yoraraar. broke a kottia of
fOM aprlay water dvcr tka Wy aklpk
bow aad aoMcd It Ua Kaataaky.
Tka KoataUy aad Kaaraarya a
MMtpowarfal caoat dataadeea ta tke
dMwicaa nay aad bm a atreay-addlttoatatke/ •
units'wniTt TIES asgtaJtR’aBsjat&'sas;
New Things
In Dress Goods n»i»Bc«ivBo.
Dry Goods, Carpot
aiwl Clothlni Sonse.
Enameted For S2.50
that the best for Five Cents is the—
Traverse Belle,
Diamond J.
and for Ten Cents, the—
For whicl^kN at*
Madebj A. W. JAHRAUS.
Tkia to Ua eaoaVpopalar Bat
wade, ae Ua wearer alwari kaa
the eaaemee of aarreet atyU aad
qaaUty tka boat.
WilbelmBfos. TTaPlirOfOurStSoiilSIiws
Good solid leather cotmtera, soles and up.
pers^that is the kind that wean.
404 UntoB BBoot.
Staple and FaDcy|ipi#
You have
the prettiest
in tom
Too wnt a cairtoya that to dUtomt
troM what eraryaaa alaa kaa. aad wa
kata Uaaa. Tka kodtoo are aU a
Tka daltbaMtloBC ta Ua acaraaitoa.
ware wlUo« aay fitotka ar rieplty
dwlrakto. ,Cail ta.aad look Uea
Dalaraa TiBaay. dapaly atataXeto- aad Ua aoataatkaa waM Made pAd
aad yoa' wiU mj itet tka/ are Ua
ry ta^wctar.taBlyBapUa. to la^Ua aU Ua bwlaaM flatokad ta akoak aa
flaenUaata'toakyOamecaoyw aear
city ce ao ofieial taapaetka trip. Yaa- koar.
aaw, aad Ua price to ao kiyte Un'ba
karday ba rtoitad «ka koakat aad oeal
tkaaa iommim oarrtoyea yaa hara aaa
wood <toh faotatka BawUlflatokkto
.. week akoav Moaday. Mr. TUlitT
BlatM Uat wlUafaw Mlaor axoaptan TaUey ta tka Tratadnt.
day ta tahaaTotottoa ae oapaetak
Maaa.Ua law to katay MMpUta
Laaalay. Maiak M.—BaU heaaai at
IUb alW aad Uat than to a CBafta
Ua tojtoiataia ban ada^ taaala/MroMtoHi aa tkaptakal yn
toimliy-tke adMatotoaT
r' to-aranutkalrfaekertoatatka atotet- 1
^ «pkMt*lHMaatataUalaw.
• J
At la o'ckak tka Kaarawya toft Ua
trayapleayed kearily tata Ua water,
aad taaa yiaaafaUy roaa aad Uybtly
floated Ua iMaaU ikata, wblla Mm.
WlaMaw teoke a kottia ta
dttil»flyifa oeeHk W dad aaMd< it
Ua Kaaroarye.
M UiMaad patrtatk Kaataeh
d Taatarday WIU Oteat Otraaaaay^Two Towartol Dafeadara
KewpartHawaVa.. MarUM.—*Aa
rraat kaUklklpa Kaaraarya add Btoatacky wade Uair waldaa |4aaye tata
Ua watan ta Baraptaa Boada Uto tarkaooa amid Ua ekaara ta thooMada of
OapUia fliyekaa aad other ofieace from
Ua baulMhlp Maiaa at Baeaaa aad
ordarlay Uaat to -proceed kaaaa to
await ordere. G
I will fire yoa t aaat work ta ny
who to la eharya of Ue wieeklay afar- eolar, Ua boat kaktay eaaMcl aad earatloaa, raMain la Baraaa.
atoh oleaa all Ue beariaga aad traa
ka wbaaU. 'all for Ua a^ price.
Call aad aoe WMplae at
' M. B. MOlACr. »
Bicycles Built to Order.
waiA a. A. Laaywarihy; Third ward,
a B. Baki TBarU ward. Jaha WUbalM; fifth warA a a MUlar.
Tka rota oa Ua aoMlaat
Mayw rwalted la Ik 1-7 for UaU aad
n ft-7 for Kaaaalaad.
After Ua eloae of Ua kaalaMa of, the
MMBtioa Mr. Ball wee kroayht kefoM Ue. deleyataa aad ba i
flaildiM niocL
1 foTMldakla torpado
Tkara te a daaldad aaireat af aaatlMeat anoay aaral oBoaM. taoladiay
r of Ua kiykaat. ta faear ta daeiai?e aad iwatedlata aetiaa, They lay
Uat froB a aaral atiatayic rlaw H
weald ka woat aofortaaata to kare
Ula yraat tarpado flotilla broeykt
wiUta aaey reaekta oaraqaadrn at
Kay Waat. II waa daa ta Ua kiy iwtaea ta Ula MOMMaat Uat la
New Goods At That
At onr line of Wheels before tod buj—We have tbe
•■Outing,” the tuy mniiiiiK bicycle of 189a |
Waahtaytaa. March t«.—CtopL Rahlay a Braaa. kaowa aa •‘Ptybtiay
Boh- Brana. reached hare Uto Mermiay
waa IwMcdtoMly ordered ta taka
aaad ta Ua waiehlp Iowa.
GaptalB Uawpaoa ta Ua Iowa, aad
aid. .
Maiaa aaaritalwielry. w
Tar MOMkaMtaUa Board ta Paklk
iwaad Ua NorU AUaaIf JOB waat a btoycle kaUtta flt yaa
Wcrka 41. A IwaywerUy.
lay Adwlrel StoarA who taava yaar wdcr aad epeetflcatleac at
doM Schley U all pMka- ■y ak^ aad 1 yaa^y^ta yt yn
■ Tke attyadtaMlttae aaaatota ta Ua
AatoMOBtatbaeartaaa ward aoMMlt- bUity will ka pUaad la cnoiakaad ta Ua
a at Hanptoa Boada.
'jl«0«l., I
Jeka MaN^ aUaa vBlaek
la tMortO'kfala. Ko aooaar kad ka
boaa roMaaod from a tae-daya'eoadaat^aU Wadaaaday wkaa ka waat
off aa aaatkar taar aad waa la tka tolte
acalB kafora alfkk. Ba waa fatkarod
la ky Cklaf of Mloa Baaala aad jmtCTday wan tag takv batoa Taatlaa
Bakartaoaaekattaof draakaad <Haordorty. Ba aaa aaataaaad to it daya ,
tkk Um aad aait tim^ tka paatU- ,
aaat will ka MOM aerara.
■Wtjr Uft lh« Mis MtaU* tk« *k«d
mA took «urUc« for
Halt far Mayor. Tatar
Bmo. wkm Ite ottom k)oat tb«
Wwatoarp. Tiaaaarar, aad O. O.
•Ifhl. n« oBoon w«r* OMl »l tk*
IMlIar fer OUrk-Sr. a 3. Kaaalaad
«Mtek7M*M\oaet.k«f Ua u«r
Waa Dofaatod for Vamlaatfoa fbr
—■ tkaa tk»i
TRAVB^ OITI. mCH, mlX&T.'HABOH S5, 1896.
m-iaiMX wnnuBiB
Sprinff da^s are here,
and with them cemes our
Silk Capes.
We have also just received a great many Ooth
Capea. We would be fdeaaed to «how you onr n^
line. *Prtcefl we know will be satUfacto^.
Dreflfl 8kirU-r-We have the finest Ime in the city,
and if yon need one oars will be sure to plesac Jon.
S44 Front St
Bibadh Block.
"^■D'aioinraro w
Pi.liiiir H«UI*.»
M- T. Bum ub i. «. Bun
. 1. W. a4na. I
•* *
Tto» I^ttoi* AMM4toya< »a Oa*: r«iMtoM) «b^ friu tou » *«tot
•a* i
ti tk. •MnM
Tito iwtif an **•- •edalMtoS:Mlo4*'dMR. Ttosark*
titac to tk« «1>7
lUMfw otwaitototoarr*oCMr*.B. i. Oar*
Ua, aad tto CaUowtoc todka ar* aafeadf
to eoawib*^ w-..--MM c. K. Book,
UBaeha*AlXOaeUto. H. J.Oarito.
omM On* B*J«
"-ow A.
«..mi.*iMii~*i* Tnwiub.. B. L. OorbMA a O. Ooaall. C. W. CEadaptoMl lN»t a»A
wklok wtok. O. P. Oarw. D. R. Oaftar. P- 0.
Otopt*. 8. C. Davraa* C. Datwe. W.W.
wUl to U
Dto*. r. Daaa. A- Daapraa. Arttolaata
TiwfctoT Vtow will Mktot m m
•HZTTintmt- Bont to «m «t ito to e*p*U*d ar* brood. ^ Moto**.
imM tolMtto -rtoUatot* to Mleucu Mad catot. i*toda.*te.^J|aNbm a«
4toMr. StotatoctftotortoMtotototoc ito akarto aad'.aoMoty ai^aipiAalty
»W« to to4«Mtoto to Mtoftoia hto r*4}***t*d to totaraat ttoak^^ •“
OM>w!tr meC*^ .
WJLU4M w. surra.
Irw MwtonBeu««l ItoUle W«rto*
r«r JmUm of tto Fmm—
it of ofTMltoi*
. ^ of wpMtol totoroto to fm«n to
totf ato* to* fr*ot toprowoMk
^to« (d AU tors atoek oaS tom
^•‘^’^odorti to tto past 7*ar. “Tto tom/ «*e4ttoUmittdStoU*.’'>toto qootod
/ M aoTtof. “h«** TMaivto *o«wtAtoc
* Mb* SlM.toO.OM Bor* for ttolr oarwl
««p* Um ttoy Aid to IIM. oad SM.SM.0W wro toaa for tto** of **7 »*w
- • INS. Tto h«7 vep.
r it WM tto toif**t
'^»d*d M i**t*M*d prto* p« to*;
«*ol to hiftor. oaatoAmbU hittor
Itoa *k »*T tlB* atoe* mS; Md *11
otos prodoeto. ^tk tto *so*pUo* of
Mtot ovor tto e^ittoa* of
Tto •tottotic* T^*lto» to tom oalsol*
^•UllBer**lff*lSc*at. Dortoc ia»7
Sto &m teoM towoiitol to niat
BH.WO.mo.* tto ■oltoom S6.OM.000.
, ovto SlOt.OOO.toO.
ktoap SIS.000.000.
kotol Lueirwii oftomst^ af *09*■ dblM Ub* Sti0.000.000.
•tow that thto rmortobto toewe to
mloto to woU dUtritotod ***r toe
•ooatrj. toor* betof oot * •!>«}• *tou
m ttorltorr wtoek doM sot report
» impretiinifiit to Ur* ■toak. *a
tooUMtomprodaeU. IsOtoao-toltod
Vortcagto ptoetorod .tattoof KaMa*
todBobrsaka. ttoTalaaof tom aai—,1m!. toeraaaNI dartoc the 7*ar SM.SdAOWto tto fermr aad omSJS.OoNMNtettolpttar. tto toaraaea totoC *«
TB» ooxmrmT Hwar xvm*
Mtoitbl* Ooadmoa* ca tto laUad
Oaoeritod by aa Bj* >Wl>toaaOaly Oaaa* by A«*taaa latoi
tlaa-«r*pbie Ztoaeriptlaa of Satnm of Bpaakto Tytaaay.
rWMktortoa. Marak M.--AB tow aad
a tolf bate* tto aaaat* oooToaad to
day tto fallartoawar* crowded wH>.
peo^ aaatoa* to toor tto aroiatoad
MCtoa of tto Oabaa qaaattoo. Baa-
mn dmi it thocoQgbhr, tme the vbceU, wive aay color gaassMtal worii jrott ykh, ntoM or vtrtiMb yotf nsia tor aben priesOsUsodsssssBple.
tls to Ordor.
OrAsr, do it cbMj
cbMwr and cive batittUd Wlisola
tsrnatariAl and
sod work
than aoy shop io tbs city. Bstb hsd
yssn* experisDcs and gnarante*
lies BStktaetko. ,
Pleaae give ns a trisL
BLlis, 8U Protot SL. Bsst.
Jaka Slwaa aad bto aaoipaay to “My
Mottor-to-law toet alfkb Mr. Sinoa
a* Oaraaby H*. to a poor toopackad
baabaad witk a aery >aie** wife aad
a torror of a • Mothar-to-Uw." played
hi* part with bto aaaal ala aad (a
Be wa> aepportod by A. R. BitMr, wbo
pUpad tto oppealto part to kte to a
•aatoer that did h>» credit.
Mr*. Ulttoa AUaa Deaara. aa Uh.
Btomblow. tto ■pthar-to-tow.dld
aaiy fi>U work, aa Back *0 that a
yraat aiaay Bea-to tto aadieaaa r*Barked that ttoy wara ftod ttot eto
a* aoi tbair “Mot^to-tow “
Mto MaBto SIbm tookod aary pret
ty aa Mr*. Pi*, aad playad bar part
•all. aad BtUy naaara, Paari StaaUy.
P. V. Meraboe. Oa* Beara aad tto othlaabaf* of tto eocapaay did Jaatio*
Set* ntolyaapaaltostottodowb
af tto raribs* call^ aafTMem far
eaaaaaooand ttot Reaate Tharaloe of Nabroaka waa to addraw tto aaaato apoe tba pollttoal
> of tto Cabal
Mw^iebtoar* 1
________________ ,.Bbtor*Mat totpto _ crav^ aaBbar, wan well reoeind.
to* totoad. to* trip toat.br*BfbrblB Th* aiaciac of Oa* Haora aad to*
to* low of bto wife.
niMMir too* akatah of Dnan aad Aliea
After to* loattaa baataan Mr. ■ado tto'blbafto* ovaalM- >‘nri
Tbatauabacaabtoapaeek. H* traatod Btaalay. Fnd Manboa aad Billy Da
rn* wan alas rmf coed la ttolr r«aofbfapar- M*oUn apadalUaa.—Maabta* Adm
t^M|i tow weald aot oote bl* atoto■aata.' Be daeirad to to boaaat. aoaMaascar Swiabarc b aacatMtiac for
aarratinaadjaat. Ba bad ao pwpoa*
Cnad pndartiea of ••PSaot" by a
toatir tto pabUepaaakw aaaaeaanrily.
.mSImj ate. wbo wUl ptiiiat tto atbattoooaldBotaattofy kt* t
tneUoawitoaftfBtriaaaeoBpaay aad
auapt by apaabiar aow.
aaparb aqalpBoat of oeaaarr. to a
Ha waat toCaba baltorias ttoritaaI, bat to aow iadoraarf abort ttob. tto date to to And to a
wary watd of to* earate aad apaeldad tawdaya.
Proste. Mr. Tbaiatoa aaM ia part:
Mr. aad Mr*. E W. Baattoc* an
“After tore* y*ar« of warfare aad
toppy ©var tto arrival of a baby-ciri.
toa aa* of SH.OM troop*. Saaia baa Icat
Tto Baaaab A Uy MeroastUa Oo.
eeaCtol of ewy foot of Cato aat
raasdad by aa actual iatraaebBaat neatnd yaatorday a tec* aapply of
aad pnteetod by a tetiSed pitoat Uaa.
Trann* City Cbaptar, No. IM, E A.
-«ke bold* pawaaatoa wito bar 1
toaof to* lortiSed aeaboard tewaa
M. wUl' bold a epedal oeoneatloa ueaaaa toay. ar* aadar tto rirtaal pr*- algbi at ;;M te work to tto P. M. aad
toettoa of a Spaaiah wataklp.
b* iiiiiiliillnaMta*-i to abaatato
"BeW S»\Tvt
Ttoatotaal MoN*.
Ito Rbae* Oomdy Oo. will plaaM
laaal toaatrartor* aa>^*^bsrb Onsd. Ban to to* way tbap
or Txa asroAssoa.
N »»«*»
lIttClB EMMBED "“SSS,"™*
Mob* BtoallMbs Tbla.
> *b* abaaid BbaJI^ w^bat law
. -Naaaaa aad^ Naito Pol*." to
to dalivwad Satmday alcbt by Piaf.
C B. Bar*, la McatoC«« ball, aadar
aiairirn of toe WoBaab Clab.
ProtrwN- Bor* ba* aad* a darp ^y
of tob aabieet aad all wbo ban baard
tetof* pnooaacr U of tto Boat
lataa** latoraat aad kicbly toanetlv*.
ibrioa will to bat tM oaab.
WIUMb B. Elacaad Aaaa Kreaw
«n aaiiad ta marriac* by Bto.
Cbarlaa T. Stoat, nctor of Oraa* Eptoeapal oharto. Wadaaaday. Tton
a qalst weddiac at tto boB* of tto
WIdtr* Bbtoer.
0^ CWiCA%s\s sM M mVUs \ob« smi
’BtW £A.Ttt
\5 axvt \0« iMCMunurtMl..
£&e ioT'vnlRntdock.
bOe, )
Steiiberg’s Gnod Open Htiu
h\.00, (
l-8olid Wosk-l
Oommoacing ^,
MondayJarch 28
SmU»v’ VI
•»» Vo- nt nsVt W
VaWs uVn»
nefereU nm tmV nkia antW>
miM rt«k.
AWniaV nVwt Vm SU.t^ >0^ A tt. t> at
tba OalihntoS
Comedy Co.
For 25 Cents.
Mr. Jake Simon
Cbaasa af HU atshtlyopaatarPiap: .
Job Lot Children’s Knee Pants
Ws BATS lilBosd on SAls te
“The Factory 6iri.”
ly baU to* Waad, toeladtof tto a**V C D. Stoaloy of Sattoaa Bay. waa la
Box.PBSoa X B-OOBIKMC e< OolaB- an prattoaaa. SaaUaco da Oaba aad toWB yeaterday.
Popolar Prices,
Pawto Prtodpe.
Jaae* 8. Laob of Patoakey. waa to
Sto Maaatetarac*' Baaord la qaotod aa ttoy'tonaetabibbad a tem of cor10. 20. 30c.
areBoaV ttoy levy aad eoUaat tasaa.
wwtGaoTKia Beat draam be Utote ^Btato amto* aaf^CNarally lary
tfoBrtb*Ua*ofd*adiaaa«a.wid stot tribBBBMa"
Hrv W. a Uwraaa* rataibed toat
Atop froB poUtkal paatewaat tto •totoor#wl------ --------------- --------------- airht frOB a trip to to* BiUtoory do•aay daBacofaaa wbo fattoa apaa to* bdlerad. apaa tto aatln railroad aya- partaanU to Cbleaco.
^adtoa* of tto paopla Lataoettora t*B of to* b^. ,
B. L. RaaaoB waa nawpaad to tto
•paakcndeal Irn to uaditkaial ota•■Uadw tto iBbasaa palloy df Way- poatoam part of to* etoto yaatarday by
Seryaad taato tto pa^tl* tto aoaad tar 4M.M0 aalf-aappartiac- paanabi*
lUaaB of
Oa MoadM anatoc ladb* wm to
laaa eoaauy paopto
adBi^^ tree wba* aemapaabd by
an tto aoato eaa reach to* poaittoa t*
ttolr boBW ia tto acri
Dick SeboBbarc. of tto SekoBborf oa* paid 30a aaak
tto iadnatrial world wblak ato atoll
tea of tto Spaabk pro*Oa. of Good Harbor.
Tbta la tor of to* maay arideaeae of a lae* ta tto dOw aad tepriaeaad apoa pwaed toraoeb towa yaatarday ao 1
r* of eeatlmaat la tor New Boatb. .barraa waataoatrida tto raaidaaee way boca* from MUwanka*.
orthB aad wltbla tto Uaw of inWaite M. Pack of Seato bead, lad.,
Now both parti** ban aaoiad toair
idalltUabanad. b to* gnmx of Mr. aad Mr*. A. W.
aaaAUata* for eity aad ward ofleaa aad Tbair boBOB wan baraad. toair SaMr Pack aad will aprad aanml Boato* la
H tiBato* te eenat to* baltota T~
bdd waste, ttolr impleBaaata of-Aa* ttority.
an coed cItUaa* apoa tto Uitiaaaa
MIB Saal* Walker arrind la tto tUf
titoeu: bel to* Repabllcaa aaadM
yeatarday oa bar way froia Cbleaco to
ban all qaairSeatioa* aad raeoft
ker kona ta OM MbaVta. Mba Walker
abUUy for the nrlow ofSooa te wbtob toaa ban alraadv atarvad.
ba* baaa takiM » cMra* ia a trainlac
ttoy ban baea aaBad. aad maay ol
“Spala baa oanr oostribatad a dol aeboal for aartea U Cbleaco. bat waa
toaa ton baaa trlto aad aot foato lar to provide to***, ito own citi- fonad to nUrn borne oo aecoont M
waattof' They are food Bas. rittoea*
of totacHty aad to wboia Bay aafaly
“Itora eaa b* oo aBotloratioo of toe
be entraaiad to* alain '*f tto a
aitaatkw ovoapt toroock tto charity of
PUttbnns, M*r. h 3* -The pro«nWB*
toe people of toa Uattad State* Spala for the winol convention of the A^
aaBaeteaBqaav ttoiaaarcartaaad eaa- mmated Anoctotlon of !«» a^ Steal
AU Stnama an SwoUaa.
aot ra aaUbllab bar aonraicaty onr Workei* to to the hand* of toe printer*
lit” ^readr 1a about «» d^
Baporta troB all avar tto atato toll ay'co^idanbla portloe of toe tolaad.
The eoftvnUon wlB be bald I* Or
Of tto aattaordtoary bleb water ia all
.iiXbb altaatloo toaa to not of war,
tore* atrabtoa aad eow»sa*at traat bat a ebaoB af donatatioa aad dapopa- «nd In
dasac* to property. Tto BaardBaa latioa of udeflaad daraUoa, wtos*
-rinr tob Nriaf b sato bicber toaa aad a* Man eaa a**."
Cbeatout. near hrf*. w*. raJded at m
to year* aadoa
'Barep* Bay talant* SpaUb axbt- early hour yeaterdayBomlM
o ovarflow ito baah* aad obob, bat Gad CMBt that bate* aaeto- feaalonal nm of aafe Mower*. »to t^
the cltlaan* and eacapad with
bat rertaaatoly
ar ChrbtBaa toa laat vtoibl* alca of mtoed
money and valuablea aner cratoinc
yrate ba* aabaidad dartoc tto paat law Spaabk tyraaay aad eppraa
tear aafe*.
Choice of any. all stylem cokw*. pwttenn. prices bwE
ralaes. rnooiog from 50c to $1.00.
i .
' All most go at
25 Cents a Pair.
Oyoa^agg -WrtWB
Boston store,
Vsv Glaas BloRk.
ITIn Kii%sliiHy-
• __________ f'
Eisniiiiiii - I rr----------- Tto racalar anUac of ^ W. C. T.
O.wiUto bald at toa bW.^ Mr*.
Oaraott. 717 Waahlactoa atrdL tob
■ftoratKin at tolf paat two ^eloak.
Baobnaaber b raRaaatad to^bdac
nBlaipaeaeae fiOB to* Ufa of to* lata
^ WMt O. *. Kent WUl Batartoia to
BlaliiTiirra Sataidsy jrickA
Laat al^t PnfaaaorT. Bath Olanaa
Bav. E Edward*, paate af tto EayUah Bapltot ebarnh at Mlnararill*. Pa.,
wbea aaSartoc with rbntoatbto, waa
Mlvbad te try .Obanbariala'* Pato
Bala. H* nya: “A few appltoatoaa
af tola ItolBaat pnrad ofenataarvie*
fleet ot Bans*, which aay* to Spala. tote. It aabdaod to* laflawitaatioa
fsHavad toa pain. Skoaldaayaaflean tto btood: )«a^ tb«a* brotoan aad
SerSr snftt tr civtoc Pbte Bala a trial
of oar* to fom oaa carry oa a coraraBant te ttoBBolvaa Saab totemnUon woaid not of ItoHf Sa war. It
would aadoabtadlyOaad to war. Bat
Cbleaco. ManA M.~Wtoat-N*rto.
if war <»B* It woaid ooaa by aa act af
Spala ia raabtoaaa of toa Ubarty aad
N to* Caban paapla." .
nk i v
d^t1 by Prof, a E Bent, a tsleatod
^Wtobtwtoblaatoifaaflto vioUa tally Mtetotood toat sicht hy
Aa^teant to AlaaOnUagc. Prafaw TItw at ttototeot hb
•tor------------------- »■ ------------ *----------- WshteralnaA
lSSgW.h.N47; May.flSto.
d Eaplia. Manh stoWtoat. SSa
Oolon-*-Bla<^ lUdoro, Eoina. Steel, Pearl, Burgundy, ^
Salmon, Seal Brown, Cuba, Kyrtla
I Tin Ciilpiipper Stiff H8tS“
Oolors-»aoV, Brown, Bodia, Kapla
Tbesi am the latert styles, best makes, and altogeth- ^3
er the nobbiest bats offered.
' ' ■ ■
iteAtmaB or ns VAin qabb.
M <h» anata «M «y«lB« ■■■tawW
|t*» the prealdaat Uraa to carry «KM>
rwa pedley. MUm aald that la Ha e«Ae
too the A^ttnite AoaM ba cared flat
aad that peareful maaaa wnald bilav
aboat the taadom of Cuba. Ittakaowa
that a waat daal of
baa bee* ilqM
aboot tw aeaate by amatora who at*
baaa ayMe that the aeaat* await tha afc
Uea of the praaWent aad that ao Carthar atlaaapn be made to Intraatty tha
llaroh. of DUaela.'
caOad on aeoaral Alccr. aeerotary of
'tai!iro«itnwsnan.»smaT.'ida>OH«e. laea
' ■
Hanilsoniest Line
Of Spring Suits
Ugly PelKiehl Bcmndal Owwtdpd
lUgirdinr th» CKidkbr CH]^
* Water Wofkb Ddd.
atau adUtla. which abooM ba laTllod
to TOtaateer for the ooinuy't datawa.
thaae mea. be pointed oat. are wall orpaalsed. wHI drilled aad oSeerad. and
(B— tboM at 97.50.)
ai» la a .poaUloe to reader very ofPhOadelpbM. Marah M.-^
fectlre a< moe. Za view ot iheae facta Isas to develop into the agtlMi. p»uuCOME Airo SEE THEM.
Marah believed that It waa the duty
of the aovemmem to can. upon tbeae («] scandal ever tnOleted t^an . Vedty
rltlaea aoldleta for duty ta eaac they waa revealed la eouit bar* yeatnday
care to volunteer. If any membera when one member nf the qaandl oonor offleera of ^e Kuaid pt*f*»red not taead the aceeptaooe of a bribe; anto enUat becau^ of faodly or boalaan
cam aad reapoaaibtUtiW. then their
plaeaa lalcfat be taken by voioaieera tbe bribe*. The whole affair grawa o
fma oaialda the aervtoa. Barretary Al of tbe o
ger was very mueb iatemled la the lease tha city water works to ibe
arpumeote made by Marsh, aad while
ScbaylhUl Taltey Water company.-qad
«M» Of orManw that deflalta r^M aot commltUag taliaaelf on that aub- tbe alle^ ktteatpt by Nelson Q.Oreact.
teet aeemed to repard the supfestloaa
mannaa the Main dlBaater and the amde by bUa as pracUcabla
qf Mew Terk. lepreeMUag the com BaMOammttSM Ba> a Wn le Maattha
Ctthaa aaeaOoa In cenriu were aboat
pany. to qUalB a Hvorable report
Maria nye tl b a L*n
to.be mebed. Ammic the pMaldentB
from tba water committee by the payJathaonvllla. na.. March ttr-Ueo- meat ot between JU.MO and Ci.OM. tbe Republican mb-commlttae.* n bank.
aanaca ware Beoatorb thxAreU. Twrple
teaaat Commander Marta, bearlap-io DurlBg the recent qonslderailoa of tbe lag and cuTTcney was Uld before tbe fan
•ad rorakac. Omera! Dan •lekela (tor
Mr VBitad.Buua nlalster to Madrid) ' Washtapton lie fladlnpa of the Maine bill In oomasoD oouacils Walter O. lakPhDIi™" «aember.hlp of tbe eommiu
Wb hBTB nioe ApplBB, Oriu
Md RepmecUUve William AJdett coart of inquiry, reached tUa «lty at Btevraann. a member of. that body | tee yreierday.
This aub-committee,
■adth. ot Mlchicao. who haa maatlj' t:e last nlpht dad left at I o'clock. charged that KAH ^ beca offered to ■ which was appointed a month ago to
Drisd Aprleou, PMChM,' Pnmn, rig^ DatM and
DorlBi; the short Ume of the star «o
Mamed trora a trip to Cuba.
this city aa Associated Trcae reporter bim by Peter M. Bmlth, a member of report a general Uaklag and'
measore. coasista
McCieary of MlnUeotenaat Marla a dlapoMh
fba eaU o( OocfcaaU and turpM war Aoired
aasota. chairman: Prlac* of imaola and
from Miami that appeared in the afler- for the btiL
aecarded aa parUealarly atcnllleant. aa noob paper* In which he waa quoted aa
Watk-e Ptwaa a OesA Win
Mitchell of -New Tork. The un they
ther are rwraeentatlvc Democrau. la
A eonadrinvestlkatlng co
have reported Is eninied. "k blllfto prothe aasata aad their visit followed that
I utteriT
«d OemaB iSinday. It em seae
IMstrict Attorney (Jrabam promptly for the reUefxjf tbe UnlUd Blsan treaa•ateatood that la the prceent e
took up the case, and Brnflb waa held BIT. and for the amendment of tbe laws
. «e^ the pnetdnt deelm patriotic
»S Pronraii—L
tn tlO.OW ball and ynateriUy'a aeoaa- relating to oatlonal' baaklng aaaoclaaMtjr arlthout reference to party. 8ertlona''
AtaiT Lobe aald that the Maine reThe method of dealing with tbegreen. part probably would reaib Vaabipctoa
hacks Is not by direct' retirement, but
/ taalghu It however. It did aot come
: 'That tb.
by tbe nibaUtuUon of a legal teadar
haferc I o'clock thlt cvcnlnr Loaaeald greoa of tbe Called Btati
atea of Aa
Louis J. Walkar declared that b* and note which the banka are required to
ba probably would sot receive ft udUI parUripaU with the people of the Unit,
Uderin ^ Smith had each
and for the redemption of which
tonorrow when It would be Uid be ed Btatcf ta the deep Itilemi wMcb
maa Cbartaa they are required to Bod the gold so
ta* the prewdept Inmtedlately. There they feel for tbe success of the i>e<q>le
a eoeimlttea. long as they are------------------------a Bolv«i
--haa bMs BO ebahee la the plaa of aeed- of Cuba, wbo-ar* struggling to eoub< He also avei^ that
213 Front St
laa the report to teuatve* early
llah their liberty and indepeadeace. and Ejiery Byram had previously offeiod
wo^ probably Monday, accotopi
do hereby recognise the lodepeadance him U.M to vou for tbe %UI la the
ferItDaaaape from the prealdeaL
of the republic of Cuba.
chamber, but be bad refnaed the moaer
and voted aniast It When Oooncll■elp ta Cete tmt iWoeeea*.
Washington. March M.-Aa amead- mae Walker was called as a wimesa
tha Bcaaace aad the paper* aocombe was at Itret very nervoua. Be aald
paaylnp It will rHaU esrluMvely tc meat to lbs sundry ctvil bUI M pend be did jloi know OracB: had sucepied
the Malae dlaaatcr. It win aot take up ing before the ecaate committee od no mofiey and knew of none bavlDg NatloBal Boaod Meeicy League, founded
appropriptlag SMO.tM to
tha eondiUoo ot affair* la Cuto aa
b year ago to apboU tbe gold aisadard.
been accepted.
peoAowa by tha raporta o< United Bute*
was held here yastetday. Tbe talowing
gaagstau Hlia S* Tell the IVeth.
(dc of Cuba. It ts agreed that this is
Biiioli. lhasa baUp reserved Hr :
Judge Bregy then sa^d to him Im officer* were elected: PreaMeaL J. Ster
a more effectlee way to .relieve the dfaOom-pomi .ilh th,
tress than by primta subacription. and pressively: "With Ood aa your Judge, ling Morton, nf Nehraak* aecrelaiy, K.
besides dlatrfbatA the coat over the were you offered any moneyr' Wal V. Bmalley. Beeretary Smalley read the
^ Web.™ fn-aletfSnl,
ker hung hle bead and after a mo annual report.
Whole of our peotJe.
Referrirtg to tbe .eorreivcy reform
ment's elletw*. replied: "Tea. I waa."
IMl*e«iW* Are Briapm Bate war.
aad be named the men by wbose per- movement the report Ml"*: "Reports
liastod. March M.—Him. T. Jefferboa saaalon be bad falien. The moaer. h» from all part* of tbe country are enCoolldge. ex-minister to Praaee. la aa skid, waa paid la Oouacllmar Beger'i
aglng. They shew that while the
tetrrvirw yestevdsy on tbe Bpain-Cuba aaloon aad be bad
silver movement Is atlil arUv* It wID
Mtuatlon. said: "1 believe we arc going Edwin Bmlib receive the tSW at the not he able to hold together at an
to bate war. and that Sntla will de same time with Umeelt. Smith here other mtuinal electles tbe great vole
clare It when we interfere with Cuba. took the stand and denied baring re It ran at the elecUeb of USC. in tbe'
1 do aot think that the Bpantsh dynasty ceived' any money. A like denial waa opluinn of ynor seemary the w..r*'^
league Bhuuld be eonttpned without
If It did not dectaie made by A R H. Morrow, wbu was
d Btates undertakaa chairman of tbe sub-commitcee.
■apdsu actlaa and a later measape to
rrintTMi Ihe raatark attributed 'to
By Way-fthe Ailnlte OaMa.
J testimony.
Adodial Bleaid at KerWaai Toeadar
femw That Mmoor OiVM Tbta MlanwMt
po^oB. March r«.-Tbe WasUagton
Hill M«hm»,ot.lld«criptk«^MQdi.,gT™E.«iTO
W— Badly BiriewiA
ta tha affaet that the ease of the Mali
ThI* bill
Gorreapoadeat of ne Daily News say* bad come to him aad *alJ
BprinHIe^. Ills- March M.—Near Vtrth%t President UcKbley declared to a' la going io.be a law. l%erc la ao qoesl>>tWork,,Crrii«»o,d 8....
A oo>iOa. 8.. MiU PUil
Uatery of modern ttmea la latnprsted recent vWltor at the White Hoiwe: "I tloB about It. Belect council will pass den Tuesday night WIU Kent was shot
tart as clearly ladicaUnf- that the dl- beUeve that then- will be ao war aad It and common council will past it and al^d fatally wounded by hU hretber,
net respoaaihUity for the rxpioalor. 4 am determined to prevent It If poo- the mayor will sign It. I wiib you .Vohle Kent, of Peoria. Roth are sons
would Interview .the member*' of coun of Perrin Kent, apromlnent fanrernear
cannot be Hacod. '
slble. by aU tbe means in my powar."
cils for aie. Bom* of them wtU have Vtrden who died recentljr, leaving his
MonMaw<Nta»d Me beeriea.
War Telk beprmaas the Mariiri.
to be seen and Axed.. Tf you will And property to Will. KdMe waa greatly
ProbaUr as notable a taint ot the
New Tork, Martb M.—Tbe doobt ovay oat for me who they are and what they *nri«ed at tbe faiher'a aclIon and made
oilkal nate of affair* as had bees
plTMi ta the detanBinaUon of Beer*- the otucome ot the Cufaaa eontrover*y want ni look out for the rest. Thai threats against his brathcr’s Ufa Tues
tary lioap to ordar.^v dooHe-tnrreied between tbe tfaited Sutre aad Spain ta my business aad Tra used to that day nigbt Noble crept to tbe wlitdow of
kind ot work."
BoHtor* Puritan affl Terror to Key
tbe farm house of the Ketiu and Bred
Brla^omt aald be aot only retoacd
Went, where they win reJatore* the Btoek mkrkei
nkrkei yc*i>lerday. aa it t
wm. the ball entering the Uttsr'a
market for
apoadroo In those waters and to tartar
> la the to de this but has alhce bad aothlag bead.
Into service the elpht e&pW twreted
to do wHh Qreea.
Boaltocn at laapoe iala-id navy yard.
aooTBau. ui DCsaKCB vtiA
I have baen aOietad with rhenmaittm
PUlaBMphla. ttro of phich will be seat
for fourtcea yenra aad M^tbing aaamed
to BoMoa. two to New Tor*, aad faar
tarnwsaeV Pteswre I
lorfwanr rsllef. 1 was sMa to fee
held la reserve at Phitadelphla. In ad
dition to lu othW pretarauoaa for poaB. Southall. smund all the tlma. bni contaaily
I bad tried ceerTthlnr I
Hble ttauble tbe navy ■department took
atepo towardi oilUHap ua of the saa- picture of the bvrrut* and barbariuaa river dlvlsloa of tbe United BUtes eti- ennld hwr of aad at last was told to
CfeamfeerlalB'a Paia Balm, which I
goliip revenue certter* -iar use aloap tbe of coaeeairauoa on tbe ialaad of Cob*
Immadlatelj ralleved aad
Attaatic couL
OaUInger ot N** UampsHre. He has to th* extern ot nearly tSM.dOO were la a ahort^tte eared. lam happy to
it MCMaimT.
vhdted Cabo recently. Be added ooth- made puUlc yestetdar. was arrasiad be
UM except la rbitortc to the story told
by proctor, but closed wftb a declam- I'nised BUtes Usrahal O'Connor, and aale fey 8. B. W^t. Oragrlst.
Uoa that meant desire for war with later in the Bight appmjvd before Unit
Spain and a charge that Spain blqw up ed Bute* Curnmlaatcner J J. McCaf erthe kUJae. by ImpIlcaUoa. He was ly. Hta attorneys waived prcUtalnary
examination and pleadlns, and being
loudly hpiuauded. What Uaie was a
R Jaterv
nliable to secure bondsmen up to I8;M
taken pp r ‘ .....................................
i. boi H le'poamrely eiaied by discussion
p. m.. bond having been fixed at tS.aw. Boutball was committed lu tha
one of the m who la ckwe to the pt«M* bUl. but ao actlcta
dent that the tataiywiUqa will aot come
ooxas PfeKB.
K. T. Tborp was glv«n ‘he saai from Ran-say county JaIMn charge tt Depaostil after the report otthe board of the Pdorth VlrglnU district In tbe ty r. A. noBabower. being held for aplaqulry Id (be Maine disaster poea to bouse. Epea.'wbo obtained the carUA- pMrance before the 'Knllrd SUtei
oonrress. "The- two qaeotwas will be cate of election, was aaseated by a grand Jury In ibis city on lune » next.
nu charge lo .wMrb-flouthaJl must
.......... ’Vu
treated eef.srately." said be. "and the Mrict part^ vote. Tbe RepubUoans
mesasK- r'isluV to Cuba alll be sent wltboal a fmak
Thorp nad sMtrer ts that Of uttering false claims
against the United Bute* goveramenL
to oorsrees n>jn after the report on the tbe Dem
Maine qoe»tj..u.” The Cwlwa meaaapc.' escepHon of Howard ot aiabama.'a TJte charge Is tn three oimnU. copies Of
aa forecasiid l>y a pronTlReaC Bepatatlc- Pepullst—voted for Epea. Thorp eea- three ftaudnlenl time cbetke being atah. will waive the question ofthaMaine tasted Die aaat of Kenney la th* last lacbed to thedorament. Aside from tbe^
arrest and bearing of Boulhall there
iWAatrr. and fuitinc aside that aerful
do all kiada of i«» and was seated.
oceamaev win be to effect a daelaraata that
-aa, 1m eaa
Rbea of Keatucky and Hay of Vlr- were no developments In (he ease yes
Of^HALMic Specialist. o<H..ag aw, aeamhllaff.r. aad
aad do ffie« ran tha beat work of any
tlee to Spain that the presaat aietboda glata spoke Is Epss' fsvor mad Tborp terday. those who had suffered orfeared
ot warfare In Cuba must cease. U will •ddSMsed g>e house In DU own bebalL they had Kwt prrierring to kep the tact
one ta tba dty to ih* money.
to themselvm.'-'T'tae amount of Ume
raadll In tatercdmion in case Bpala de-, At yMoif the boose adjourned.
be deceived bjr what other* tail you to
ebqcki ouuunding U aUB 'unknown,
e will be aoeompaalad'
tha^trary. but omaa a»d aM to
and baa been estimated varioualy from
r which
«M*AM to over
R la probably
^Tcaamataa aU my work to ba rl^t,
ataoat I5«i.e». ________ ^
■caieat haa atiaiaed such * powerful
aad U itdomaatproeeaa I mak* H
hold oa coQpreaa. as well es moei of the of life by the burning of tbe Ayer
hl«h oOkelaM wUhlB adminlairaiion In- bnlldlag on Wabash avenue last week,
ia taiBo*eloaki*eeiy
----------. ts'Mrpvfy predicated upon tbe derided nhat bad asM building been
axeagt Saadfey. In tba OtOdwall A Laotbaeer that Bpala cannot and «ili n<a
doB bnUdlaff. at aorth and of 0«ttB
Held tta'teedafBBDds which this country escape*, as prarMed by law. the d»PxovtdeiK*. K- L. March f4. Peastem
irfU aB3fa. DotUver says that imervm- eeasad woald not hafe awt hla dc*tk la traadk mM fey tbe iaresUgaUag agent
Uos-'es bwaaae grounds will piece our the manner and tarn above dmalbiA. 'of the peasloa department t» be the
Bctloa tapoB a moral level that w^m We tberetaeceasni* the owow ad said
caenmaad the broad sympathy ot the buiidi>« la that r*9*et, aad moom- greMcot ever known ta tbe United
world. We conld afford, be aws. i.. m-nd that th* matter be referred so
Two arrasta t e mads Mobday
waive an qamUeii aa to tha Maine, if the grand jurr tor furtbar Htwtl^
the board dsao aot da tbe
It agataat-claim aganta'ot thU
r oa Bpala. la order
tothtaaalmmad Tiearityf
r aad atbw*. dwrged
London. March M.—Replytag to tbe'
AursiJon whether there was any truth
Tbe Bjnouat
Ui. sccnsatlom Htmght fey ibe tTatkMlaa LydU Boadnan of thla dty aad^
Blatea oensie coaimltlcee on teeHgn
. !laa Aff«ea Saaeeal of StT Inaoa feavu
aUons ta the committee's Hawaiian
la DO* CM alone tU.iOO has facmi •Bsaad dyem makiag parkm at :
report to the effect that Great ^tata traced. Tboae already amated are
s plotting for the a
e of Ha- WBHam J- Oamit. a-elgar Men dark, WaaUagtoB ■treat, oaa doer aaat
Aaptttt ^areh. whaea they will
PraakUa. Oaabe bauffbt for tlM leas
wait, Cumon. la tbe boua* of_____ _
mad CWfeeUua Draper, who has no am- plaaaed to meat tk* Udias of ~
than m^valaa if taken before AerQ
aald thete was ao truth pt all la the
Wmy S>* the BoMaeky T,aa*rii»A.
l^feta. at almoat yoar owa Vrtea^
Waafeiagtoa. March ».-»aHy Lod
A be wttaemed tte algthe pansmaar oa tbe face.
people Urt WaaUBgtoB ymtaday ta patm
DcmlOTVlIkoarta LaMartanate
tritnasa lb* lamwlilng of the faattW- Ceapar tt ekarfte with aw*aria|( Catt*
mp Kaatwky, wfeleb task rWh at trHaaaa Itta tamar amwad fealL TlHV
MewtMft Mews thu morali*.
—«Pni ■■■«<■■■
WaAtectoB. lUrA M.-Th«
oBlrcrMl ifamwhnit oOete) e(r7*«er<U)r tlwkt tba cBlalB«U«B <U
•twnlA eri«a waa mbt M haad.
WtU A«T«i>on «c ttM Matot c<nm of
iMitfrr Mtjr a Ktaa «Wle oft, with th«
White Boiva !th« aaatar of laa* aod
D the.praal.
Hamilton ClotMog fompy.
legetaUes, Cakbage. Bagat 8i( IMS;
■ouxD Monr isaoux xxxn.
Fl^s Orstej De^ ui RBstamwt.
If You Have Ldp to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
.Maple Flooring;
Short Mkple Wood.
'' '
Friday and Saturday,
April 1st and 2nd.
Mi::: 1 C.H.KIN6^ Bicycle Riders.
- -
Hack, 60S and Baggage
’Phone No. 8.
^ ev.iusnus,
John iR. Saiito.
Banral htiitia.
vfM »waM 3iiiooMi.»^^
^iimisgnilai srasrrsi.'riss:
Wh»n h Mmim TMrtsM Rminy
* Dsjrt^oHew^ ky ii flood
Ooollnc ft Hillioiw '
wl^. Tbt me* of Ck* >f*w B(^0
p. SL WU' IT fOM ftBd « TMiM«. ft Hm 0(
BtM lAchM la ttam ftoun. It will b*
over M (set. aad vUlwul furtbet «»1b
Via probfthlr iftbAajML .-; ,
DO*« Vita ft n»m oii i^mnruxB
tftJlFlUTEif n war*Br*«tJi
‘ WBI ■•* y«»y .Wniy, t
lb* OftV h ll»*.l.
All (M-Cta*
^ JttiUc-rMal > * < M Um
' (
. IftdtftMpQlbt. . Wuch U.
tftlftr ftftra'ln March luvo teoufht TJt
IbAm of ft«icr to tb« •ftfth.'Of this
•Mowt LK iBCbM >ftrt faltaft Udc*
Mftdftjr. Yhr hftiTliM MtatftU o( tiM
)wr uftuuivl Tiiiftrtft/, OftlateaUac t*
* OowftfMir Id tlM OTMlav which
SIshth wart and porta
or feur other ward* are aftbmetvtd.
Fot« thoftaiid peofilr bare been driven
froei thrir bomea and -i ery f< w of them
ferta. ......... ........
(unihd down Lee street a half mile
and la warhlot out everrthin* »n Iti
path. Therr bar* been a reor* of nar-'
earapee and mure tban Dflr prr*
ape mlMlaft. Two budlea have
baeft rveuvered.
The aopplr of akifra waa wbollr Inftde.
ftiiate to reoewe the people asd It took
an Dlfthti to fet tSeai B dry lai
Keen- railroad enlerinc the city I* t
ftp and all of them have esperit need
ddesla. The number of Uvea hwl bere
la atlU a matter of ranf«>'iure alihuuch
It win not reoch th< ortffcal eeilmaie
-»te«f WhyT!
‘■Whyf Tia> the aaM Bteint te«l
In the ewtll^k
perbsift you are afraid, ftiv poo afraid of
’■AftaMof yoal Ob. dear, nel” And
iho looked at him lan|*te«ly- Bfdliisteg
tp. ibo ran to the pMoo and stneka wMl-.
M^W. MtitL'. HartSt a-4ter. Or-,
scat O.Tarlor.al>al)*a.Or..praa<^.srb*
bbs baaa la Jail bate for eeversi todatha.
and asalast whom proceedlBss for aeaortbd money under (alaa pretense*
hdva bee« draBlcd akmd In the etrcult cosrt fof a year or more, waa
yeoterday sentenoed by Jude* Snow to
sis year* In the Jacksan peisoa. TWe
eomplalnate.' Or. O. B. Cornell. allc«ed
that Tsylctr Induced bim to boy IkOH
worth of tetarea la tbe latorstate In
vestment eWpany. of Dalle*, Ora, a
wmeani rftOeb did, not wdaL
lan^fts. Mkh.. March
6bo was usually oool. acU yiftiwuleft psr- baofttead* by lasaruncv CoBialanKnier
> tbe
“Bnt FrsuBoftnoa. what lathe ttettw
with your"
She WM bowU Bftslni
'Sooaie Path
Uka U
n’t you:
iansTiAZiD tBaB&UA
The Central relict aiaUon la Havana
te feadlac UAM persona dally.
Since Jan I lUtt peraao* hav* left
Beattie for Alaska. Of thaaa Am want
te Copper river.
Ourman relebsug yeuicrday
aieamahlp auhoMy MU paausd
iu thlrt reading. '
Ntarty l.OOO KentuMdans made a up
to p*« tba teuBob
of tb* battlewb
Rev. M. D. TerwUllger. of tb* Port
Huron conferenr* of tbe MetbodlW
eburefa. dlad at Detroll yaaurdar.
The Pacific, mill, at Taooma. Wash.,
rgeat iablngle min In tb* world,
the Mrfteat
r dcslreyed by fire. Loaa.
There te a general bailey 'that May
win ae* a atrtke ofaU organtead tebof
In SL Unite (or an clghl-hopr day and
ten beurr pay.
Merry Hendome. a yoong .farmer roslftlag tt«ar OaceoU, la., was (atamr
shot by Nlgbt Waicbman Barttett for
Prt> 1* ftwtebOT Mm Mm.
hands wandtvsd over the keys, and kmc,
San Francisco.' March te. — Peter
soft toMu crept from under her flbdera
Jie was more putslol than eecr. Wha* Jateson wa* given a roualte welcome
last night when te-«l*ppM into tbe
«ftr op to XM UetM. WhIW rtrar. Bl«
elnply could not aadeeetand bw.' Two ring to meet Jim'Jeffries in a twenty■ftOia ftftd rftII*crMk ar« ool ot-thdr
round go. It wia. Jacksna's Brut pubBinntaieMtiwtf
tow hftflhft ftoa bftndiftd* or aena of
He appearance berr aiace lisi. whan be
be knew as abe
iavrstigatlon shows that aen -who
lowlftftOft ftiw OKOfOowod ud mu7
and full of fnn, bol ■
(ongbt with Jim Coriott Wtgiderart's
laoeed are mm of bealo* strongwblme—wberea* now—
paklWon held ».«« enthualaat* -to see _arvcs—grea*. win posror.
ftUBUlM hft«« -Uca drtrcB frwn their
BedM not dare to Intami0 the moMe, the fight, which again demoastrated food cannot supply the vital force*
kecBM. The damwe ftlrMdx ftoee 4a
and bU tewonderweciwemoD steadily
which pw>pl* with notlss bmlne aad
•raftL Several hrliiiea are reported on all BtftfaL
food the
VftMMd awar.
raflraada are oofPliubuf*. March «-Three ftreat biraua* waa the music be bad baart her
'■■■ta-' maku the mind brigbL Beaol**
•HlftS aa a taoult of Voodod raadbedi rtvera^e Monon»ahel#
Alleftieny play befors, sod ha bad tboudht that such
asmse* DM by Aewosoc
ig—aaake fllaah and blond and gle*
ftftd ftOfttlr an tralaa are late, while and Ohio—are now In a
Martaette. Wli.. March a.-Joha •arfset health to Men ond ■’omen.
wa* iho rc^tlon of bee own self and
> and there i* every
•ibera have been abandeBOl. }teporta
that sb* knew ou biber. He had nevee Wlakler waa arrested yesterday on Thk Ti-anus OP Pun.ADKLniiA maka
1^ to
Bo* aU over the atate tell of the dladnasmedof her playlod neethoreti. least of suepicion of having kUIed William SManUft..
Birhed eoedlHen and deatnictloo br
Sotnem. who wa* found dying on the
i a. Burk-T. Chter Oterk Ns’lmsl BowL
Sooda. Uaar Inporuei towaa am eelliwe that of the freshet of UPl Al ____ And bow perfooUy ibo
•Tbo- trsrft* near PenUdne on Sunday WMhtoetos. D C . tesalSn tkst to <rM all res
—WM a «ka*o» «it hi- tem-f p>U-ftlreU
lamporanir cot oBaod train* have been
Inc' iti She put her heart and soul
An loquest was held sfter Wlnblefs
loime* ajntreaatlra ll».«0. while maiitt- B. Bot, then, to tbli
arrest snd the death decided to be
ink of■ liosrt
ODtlrelr aboDdened on anmr road*.
•botorlna Intereat* are *o *e\erely ta eoDTWcUon with bo
ber was fuoltsb LAo te ecetdruL
Jaa G. Joubox, DrtigglsL
crippled that areat lea and Icconven- crerythlDS *he did, bee rvoderteg of Hoelenre must ne<e*B*rIly<ru l <«.
tboeeft was. be tried to iieiuuad* bliumlf.
Newark. O.. JUrrti J4 —H. C. R*’** of trteksry. She wda a chew netTese. thU
te% Oough Sftteady.
I UP In the hundred* o( tbouaand*.
/Perhaps the Saure* mar reach ILOOu.
ThU remody.l*________ ....................
T. Klnkead l« mlfvlna nrd believed to
i already 11
/ «M. Ail the otraam* are »verf
for eottgbs colds, eronp, wbaoplag
have been drowned. The I'ennrylvanta
y thMr banka, boiiaea and railroad
cough and Infloenia. It has baeoenr J.W.P.uhiB.
have been waabed away, cruulna crop* briflae has beep swept swrv and tnahy
fsiDoat forlteeureo of tbaa* dUoaaes,
have baM aeeloualy dabsaart: In (act.
8|>HncfleId'. O.. U^h ft.—The water were patelblo. sod It was all done u
to stel- cTor a largo part of tba elrOized world.
ceneral havoc baa been created by the
Attemeya at Law.
The Most flauarlng toaUinoniaU hae*
ftlemaata. Wreck* have been reported
been reoalead, g
• of ite •ere I. fteeiMae Bteekfront dlftcreot twrt* of the atate. and four feet hidher tban In !»•». the btdb' tlos and Botblnf mare, for abe 1 id i» good worita: of tea agfr
ag and
M ewr known- The dsmafe Is cstl- heart. Tbe vory Idea was rtdleokma Sb*
railroad iraflkt In Indiana, eaat of itala
it baa cortKtyrf
aauitrd at mO.OM in the clip and
ettr. la demoraliaed. Not a paaaenacr
w°Drt^tb^ted bnaib. and ver* ootda
tlftla leached tbta dtp (roai the teat
TVIawstv. O.. March tt.—The flood as tbs twilldbt deepened Into darkneaa-tb* te lu aootblag oflecta. and of tbs
or' left yealertay over the Bla Four,
rf eroup it baa eu
which bodsn Tuesdsy
apMi itew imds and more powerful. garoDS attack* of
ond other lioee eoat fared no better.
life of tbe child.
all,dap yesterday, lorrvnu of water Would be ever aee her apBlnf Ned Ukely.
__________ ______
poortDd throttdti the bttslneas aireeu. but even It It should happen be woold
a shown ihst it robs that 4la««a« of
squree of bbslnea* boner* are never allbtr any deulsrsUou of tore to pass
e danuacloihathMallirtebeai leaai
all dangotous ormtequaaooa. Sold by
ttM.aW. Nearly l.Cte pMple arc unwliu nnder water and *t<Kk Is either dam- bU Ups, not If bis bean should bursL for S. E. Walt. BrugrUL
If betboftld so far teas eoutrol over him
sed or eomplFlely rule
laa sneai* In that dtp. there hartna
eolumbu*. n..Harcb 2..
bean fto train* departlna flnce lb*
Xnlehcrhoekee l*rt at l o’clock for Cin- Iasi nldhi (he dander fmm the flood
---------------------------.bOa Board of BduoaUrniwmaeU tbe
Manatl Tneaday nlaht tUl boon pestef in this rtty snd virtnitp had passed, the
bad to ooufes* to hlmmll that b# Boat State stFooi school property, oonSap. Baht heavily loaded paaaenaer water In the Scioto rteer havind fallen
sDftrmiJ slmost lu U>* point of dedar-1 .teUng of loto <« and M. block E. Hantralna wor* Iplna there at one itma. At ahoQi three feet This was a rreai re bad
abelbpTOle the fiver levee broke and lief to eeversi thousand people oa the Ingbl* lovv. But just at that tuomeatlB^), Lay A Oo's Tib addilioa. loge '
him and had Wubad ^with tbe building tbareon. at private
lb* rcoldetu* portion of the city was weal aide of the city, whoese home* abo had Uugbed»atwith
ber besoUlDl grey sale for rOO.
flooded, caualna ct.ntiderable loaa had been Inundated i>r the river break- eyas.
ins over the levee*. Sydney H. Brel*,
"Keully.srs you going to leavs met Aiv
hich waier.v Hartinsvill* and Oolum- fort, of the xrmied State# Express ran sure that b DO mere speaeb for efleeU
bn* are teolaied iroln the Vest of the oompany. and Percy Mayo, an employe Bow nha It will be fur you. won't Itf
•Uta for the time beint and from many of the Ohio Central railroad, are mlasOtwenyOyMeft
At which be bad galosd mastery over ALOMO TBI OftSAT HIOH
•(her polnu coax tale* of arpai -no*. int and it I* feared they arc drowned. hIniselL and Iboo they bsd lougbed toOVTRATSL.
All (he bottom land natlylna Indian*
getber. as they always Old when be called.
■pelta la covered with water and White
They had odver exsbsugsd a serious word. To Florida Tift “Tb» Land «r|lba
I. nia.
river la slowly ritina. but no areat ap* ..........
luted by *1
•kE.Otehenalon 1* (dL_____
defunct Elmoood State bank called
iM bare-almost furg»tlea
MlgktyOoatbarn BaBway
pbiiwbj oyw
fiyaAuditor of Ihjbllc Aceounto McCullough
m Oft ftlOHT PKATMft POmBI
while to hlui sbo Would Iw only a
tern, travcral^
- tba- sight
'-M Great btetca
yesterday and asked him to turn over
ullful reiiH-mbraaoe, as of the Hoomliif booth,
Meortp BvWp Maa tea (Wew te Wmehtes the assets In tbe committee. McCul.. desire*
dtslrss te eali
Mato aetM* Bart.
aiteoUoa ofthe
tbeI Healtb-seakor, tb*
lough refused to do ae. and wllltustliute Otto Blsiuarcfc exrelhmUy says—but BdU : the
, Laod-seekor, the PlMuro-a_____
Coternbu*. Ind.. March M -A tiftfii proceedings In the aute courts to have*
uom wax Oiled with tbe Profli-aoakar and ibe^kle TravaUag
receiver appointed for the bank. It is
conMatlfta of ft pftsaenaer coach, eah
whltewetlrd Crom t^lPablie. te tb* Baay advaat^sw, ‘
believed the ameU will bs auffletent to
• M1S0ELLAMXUU8 WAMTftplabo. .
kbsriob a^ fartllc
of twentyfonr men aboard,
bs ssee except tbs wlbite keys, with ber Uaj BBd tbe maby ruooru which Ha
Low FsrM fse Mwdwsto
wrecked noar bere test eveOna- The
tor. ami tee bmd of .loug iu Uute.
bands OastlDg over ibeiir.
poft^eaiJ^troj »n>e»ressf
- liver hei»e kver lu bank* and
New York, March «.-The managers the Juno la tbs owner.
erearrew Ih* let; k_. _
Oo te FJorlda aad meap* tba Baay
of the Joint TrsIHc
BollstfOiea. bewttcbad.Ulb»ii>ualo, anfl oold aad dlaagreeabl* days of wlster. reueabiftreftea*
wondmed why bo was so woted. Wa* It aM step at ASBKVILlI -Tb* Laad sudFruuklterteert
tiMtied by boats. Th* enalnear oanbot
really shat Bus tuuUoulsa sb* mi there! of tbe Sky.'* TBB 8WITZBBLAND of xjotjagTOK
Wbst musk ber flogers wsdet So. It wa* AMBBICI. wbar* bcaeaa aad earth A lagww su<
Itt found. The «r«an wa* washed
not the womau be bad known; a nan*•wap and swalli to • tree, where be
Dnualhn bad taken place.
waited to be reaoued. but on account of
Suddenly It eecurred to bim that be bad
the darknsas and the swift current tt
_ Amertea and ...............
ible to teach him.
______ABoriea'u oaly Palnoa, Ue
teat possible, even If dUUcult In Imsglns. rhauau of Oeo. W. VandurbilL Or
■ built about half
Hoppusiog ibai bsr light, flippant gayety
itai life and bepe.
I* tree*
leelur, who te.ia a barry te lut
I *t lb* Osugregs;
WM only* BMk. undsr which tbe rml
the tweotp-fonr
• Florid
t,go via a-------------dretec Into a arwer aud dubwned.
woman was diwulaod. Hv hlm«U bad
• or tesa iniumd. Sts or olfh
Frtata have enUrsly deatroyed the trom a »aak. Lib* bar, b* Mmoed te be
ap die.
badly ininred and- map
fruit crop lu the lowar Ban Joaquin vnl- wbal be WM not. H* bml pauMftdrt to tbT"'^y ‘ite^flMdA 'wblob
retarulsg w Mn
Prank Lseoaby, of f
Ute ^laa
bon moder. lac Boderu aoelaty dwaands
•lobabir die. Bnatneer Conoell. of Lo- lay of California.'
An crganlaatlon known as tbe Ind*-' Ibaiall ttelfeoUng aadumoUeo faeuon- Md ibaOry.
sunapoft. and ta« brakemea are mUapandent
IM and map be daad. The toUotrlnrare
danger of being ridSeuted. It mlgbt bs for A the Great Ttmagh-Trunk-Ua# - - Irere Ml a
conanctor Fraaklla
and perfected at SL Lonla.
Pred Oon*#. of Oraen Bay. Wla,
(bat abe bad only mirrored him.' It might te tba fioutb aad Flortda. Blegaat
Chartea hpsfha Iswanaport: flamoM
Talhinetno, New Albany; •WllUam arrerted on a ebarge of threatening to b* test sbo. loo. bad KrioM (bougbia edTlIbulad tralna. earryiaff tbroagb
wbtcb she (earwd to axposs to ridteula
Moore. Pellersvllle: Juoepb Bcotl, ADy
Why should ah* Oust him. ■ moftar. eorFrnnk
tin: WHUam Wbtteoa, Momphl*-aU te
ley. T^i*.. was struck on the hand by a OMtlyr AodsUnbtebMrtwMtelUadsnd
bte ll|xL wore oteoad by lb* tear o( bs*
A man namad McCnne mfs
Uugb. Um Ungbl Bow madTh*
a brakeman waded tlmuvh the
from New York for Havana yeeterdar. danlugly Booking It wmI
wlier and canted O
And a reoulleetloa flatbed neooss hb
cftiTled ttO ton* of Cuban reUqf eupto the end of the a ........
Bind. Ho bad made ber ocgoalntence In
^ lap him dciwa. McTune went back to pllea.
the teteo! Wightdurleg tbs preelooa sumJpft help the others and neither the eondneOf th# ttc.fl#0.C» approprtaied fW the
Unn day they were standing before
tor nor brakeman bav# born aeen atnee. national defense MS.0CC.II0C ha* been «g> mar.
lb* omerwid green fit. OaiberlB*. From
pend'd or contracts enlerad into tor tta thesumiuliof tbe bill tb* ruins looked
A coachload of achool
for the state meetlnt
down u|ion them. All around was boly
had passed over the place whsps the
By the unasntlng of Spa*. Fwrtb Vlr- qotet. It snemodn* If oator* were biding
washnui and srroek ooenrred only a tew gtnia dMrteb and tba aaating of Thorp, her deaport. puraat tboogbta in tb* rieb
Bomenu hetees the fatal aOalr.
BatwtallteB. Ibat party bas H majortty aUlIncaa Aa osoal. abe bigan >okliig and
te tb* national bonne.
aeofling. Boddonly from tbe hlUtop «am*
PbOOO in
A pfttortigar train waa bald ftp bf two tbeeoboof bcrtaoftl
men at Croat creak bridge, four mil**
AU O**o*s tmm On. aite te tea ales
aonth of Trnvar. CaL. and the exj
away Into sHeDOsand tba room wasatUL
Ctnctnnatt. March M.—A pooolter aaft ‘ear robbed of ftb unknowa aam.
At FounulB and Frank Ubart. Of fiuddMly aba haft lb* piano and auod beinmarkabie flood U fiUw ih* banks of
for* him- _
the Ohio mer. U u peculiar te tba
••Surely you havenT baan aateipl Sow,
alrntmatence that trom WhesUnf to
~w(«*a Ireallybalteeeyanwsredaalnft."
Cairo n('\trtbuurp on the left bank of
Bar Totea soundad Ju« a* tteual. and
the river make* the aU(bt*n oonlrtbuA New York MaraM <
tton te thU arsat tratecL Had the te> beUeves (bnt Lord SalUbory is noon to
pour of waters trom atimas eft tba maKB the Britlab paamlcttetp and that
left hank been oonal te that of teeoe oa ba srUI be sueevadad by tb* Otte* of
the rtihi the flood woold have eauallod^ Paronthlr*
that of ite»-j*rhapa enrpasoed
IM Sleep 1 iteall nerer *m you agaJa
: Ton know wvibaU notB*«aft«taitlsbi,
pUfs of water at PitUburs ts
.«mL There has been a f-_ ----bars sine* last Saturday, darted whlob
Ume I.M incbiB have fallen' at this Satotuttag.
toot Urti........................
pelnl. of which (our-flfths of an inch
nran K Maundar. a bntetetr.
Ml pHthin
ihiny-ais houipTXews from
shot aad BortsUy wounded formrus^
rteen. B* bud lakaa ^ bal.~
lana and
a poiDU In Indlai
to obey the eommanto of four ^khva UDd at he grasped .toe bund batoM:
ate Ynd^I
who Invaded John T. Bwbe'a
"And DOW foudby."
aU of frdm
w—•««- city.
■ _
It was bte late bopa A* to oouW art
April te. Staphen A. Deogla*' Mrtb- ae* ber too* to tresud (bat toe band BtgU
day. wm be eriefaeatad by tb* lre«note treabte. But no, aba wa* mU poeiMad as
club. CWcago. Ex-Preuldent CMveland evM. One* Bern be »M vefy OMtly.
and Senator Vites wlB deUvar addreBM "Oeodby-"
10 are ettbar crippled o
“Oeodte.” to* aaewotwl. KM a weed
iftUy diaaUad tor tb* pfuaanL This te at .the AadltoriuB.
- Iter Cunom baa pro* anted to Ow BM. HswfaL bot Mapped ter a
hen*tier of waoboau. dangerous and daat tto door and toned. Attbutl
gtroyad bridgM. and tbe like. AH cvci-'OWo and Indiana, except F«bap* In tbe
gntnow Mribsre pans railroad trafllc
- la aaoutalteed. Tb* fliiNaiiigaftL tb*
Mtea Margaret Fnltar, a grandalao* «( were(Mltogdown Met*
Boeklag. tb* Bdote aad th* two Miami
rtvarwte Obte seam bbsty to brook ihrir Chief Justice- FuUer, mada bar flnt
■ Tuesday at the
reeert (NB aaorb* to Booth ter Ugh
tbaaue. Now Tort,
Tort. to SSTmm Sb* NM*d bat baud m bte
gtagoa^jd water aad- ter daaug* and
tb* Utle rote of tb* rptm ventea eC MmUm and dU aM toftflk---------- -
sinus nivoDsiiRMncT.
Jifr'A'ataTs ’te-aa/.sz
New Departurei
Mft&tiFtaYoar town, wber* l«-vUl
rnuteinforOM day only to giro tba
Mdk aft oMMrtBnity to cMsult U«
that naaoim btm at hi* Bsniterinm.
Tba doeter ha* ao much faith la tb*
baa bad in tratlag
I that ho ariU give oo*
Atao bftCft ftcrKOiCAL omaTRma TO
atx TBoas THftT aft* Tw tooft re r*T.
AUtbat ba'ftftka to rctara U that
•very p* tloftt trill utate to tbr'
tbo rasulte obtaised by Ua tn
AUfomsaof ebrouiediaeaoe*
fonattie* treated. Mo i
ated 87 yuara ago from CVtaiaikH
of Aaatony and Ptayaiolacy la Detroit
Bomeo^ble Wedical CoBe^ for «
This experleaee. combined urith maay
yuan' atady la tba best boapitala 1«
tbe ooBStry. aad egaminiagaad treat
ing thonaamla of etaronig caaea. baa
prepared blxn-to care wbeaUtogBsenl
Ma^tloftorfalla. Bayeyoa bate^
for yuaraf Am you diaodaraged
Call asd aee Ba.we will
we can cure you or not. If tea caaoo
cure you, we will tell yoa iHtet relief
wecaa ^veyob.
on* BOSa'-trta te
ftn?tbebe^?of%t oor
a^ to ftU who are too poof' to pov,
Oor method* of treotmeat Is all that In
kpowB^ftU i^sctec^ urittai^aM
1 ftgeot^nlterftlynU.Loss of Itotrer,
leomattom. and bU dtoeaaM of tte
reooB ayaUM. Oo ftorly. as ay
...joetoriw*y»qowded._ .
. _
ler, are civ* a urrittea cnaD
ire mere case of PILBS
atrtcetocanavetye-----------------------KUPTt^ Also, we f tea a
UNI aw at Clnrinaia ««b Iba
^HST wxu. aor vAn.
1—M Onwt
ihartar AxamOmtmu Vet to >a O
■IAiriAkt»»ao»ol laaotoo,
Mayor i
adTMBC kUa tkaa tko propoaki okart*;
------ tka oiaaiU oootkt
to ka«a pawii at tka apaetal aiiiliia ot
tka lacWatara, ooald mot ka eoMd«Aa tkka U a apaetal aaatlaa aod
iMXIlkt oanadforaapaeial parpoaa. aa otkor
MM Ite mt kwlaa«aaab.aoaaMi
BasaH aak Xamodlat^sMt^. AM
Takaa to Watak tka Tpaai^ Baat
^laportaat Ckaagaota
Ipaia’a Tor.
nuT osioAeo boat.
flkaitovatx vtU X«aa>o than A«rU
• 4 or f.
ItoiTk M.~UkrtMui
Tba-ent Ckiear> boat la tkia r»ar
fUMMirtir Miili Ilf 9mX eoMpu* «m be tka ChariaroU. 'wUek wUi
bMrti« tk* T«rwi o( tb« u»tM laaaa Ckkaca A|>ril «tk or Mk.
. «Mirt of to««li7. nmM WMkter
tM «» »:U loBifkV
W*k Wl»c
. mmUj «■ ttee.
w ^mm »t tU-atftttM ttet th« MBMUTATIOVS AT OOWSMTIOM
cinzEiis' CITY nixn.
•Waak Aa^” Bat Bnwk Ac*ia aad
U Baok U JaU.
^ aawBMy «f tka nary aroalA •»«
■ tyfra-tkOraporttoolrkt.
roTMT Tiatraa OaUa kpaalal BaaUoa to Till Taoaacy la tka
CUm faMowvor tal«Taaaa, raaalTod by
AarlS Slapaoa at l:» tkia ■antaf
*m asyUta tkaaaaltao. Tka aoafoe
* taMtorBaaaUiatkarata plalaly aaaa.
B apaebl Aaatlaa la eallad ky tka
—MMor ta dU tka racaat^ <*f •«»*•
aaaaterMda ky tke ayyalobMot of
BataUaa Ballad Stataa Diatrtat Attor»•»:
Balkaaka. twataaaii apd Wexford, oa
Mnday Aptal dU. alyhtaaa kaadrad
aad Bitotar aiykt. to aUet a Btata
Saaatar ta flU tka raaeary epaaad by
Ua oaeaptaaekafaB ofiea aadar Ua
Cailad lltateo ky OomyaO. Oaetal. who
waa elaalM troM tkat dtotriet Rommbar Ulrd.'alykMnkaadred aad ataaty
alx. aad waaaa tana weata ka«e a^
ffb*A DaoeMkM Ukiy-flnt. atyhtan
kaadndaadataaty-aiybt. TkaoT '
•atlnaf Ub alaattaa kwheoatarwarded by MoUtayoa. Tkia talayraM
win aaabla yoa to prepare yoer tawaaklp aad aUar aatleaa. aad ka«e thaw
poatdi aeeordtac talaw Iwawdlataiy.
BxMvai. A Kb*ri>t.
Dapaty Baarelaiy ta Btato.
Sbarlff BUapaaa wUl early thto
Moratay peat Ua amlnty a«
Uroeyboat Ua city aad UMayk Ua
aaaaty at OBoe.
Wall Papar-4c a Doybl|i Ron,
Waaklaytaa. Marab ti.-Tka taUlar
■ala of aU popalarBbaat MMd<
of tte Spaakk torpakc ftoUOa fraaa the kalf artaawuTbaatattlaaadfdr tklrty
Ckaary Uaada far C*> la refrardad aa daya laacar. W. W. KlmkaU Oo.. m
of tka fataatlca. at TraatatfoaL
Spaia to r«kt iaiarrMtlaa at a^r
wktah tO Mpplj food for tka atarrlaf
of Cuba, tke aaaal aatbarItiea expect Saala to rraUf. aad tkat
oar « m eaaoe aa Ike raaaU of Bpaia'a |
act. It la expaetad tka reaalt of a «oa>,
teioaoe held today katwaea Aaalataat
>lt aad tka araatdpat
«m katketaaoaaee of erdara to tiM
float, aad t^M8J/alayat cMo Of rx-rr
of tka faateat erakeere lo aatr-k tka proLaat al^ttka
row of Ike 8paaM flotilla.
I for tka
It k a eowotoa brltef lo-lay tkat
rarlooadlyoaoaa. TkaM waa ket aaa ^pala wUl reoeire ao deaaad tor Ueeataat aad tkat was baiwaaa Dr. & J.. dewalty aow oo aeMpkt af tke laea of
Kaaalaad aad Oaai^ W. BaU tor tka tke Maiaa aad tkat adiyMt of tka re
ilaattoa far Mayor. Wkaa tka
port of tka aoari of laqalry oUl ka
) B R. Kao
laatiaaa i
ta oiibdraw tka|~;'
. proTlded tka
^Metor'a aa*#. bat B. MeNaMara aUUd j
aa eowpUalp m tka
tkk Dr. Kaaalaad kad atatad ta klm'
Tk& will laare tka A
tkat ka waaU kowlUliic ta raa far Ua
>tla a peaUloB to proeoed
Wkaa tka rota* at tkr^ala- witk Ita aaoraa at aatiaa tor Ua .ralief
Cataa ware eoaatad Mr. Ball waa taahd of Caka aad yat aot prarwt It later
ta ka tka wlaaar k}' a aarroo marvla. froai atakfay dowaada tor aay aairlaet
AU tka other wwlaatloBa ware Made «ia tka part of Spaiak
ky aankwartna, ikeM belay taw wb»o t') properly ptotaaiUa Main ta Bar-;
eared ta be taerUopd far Ue paklk aa harbor.
Tka More of Spata ta aeadtay oB tke
Tka eaatreatln waa eallad to ardor torpedo fleet la recorded to aowa ax-;
ky B. McMaaiara. ckairwaa of tka Clt- teat aa a koatUe dawowtiBtlao ayaiaat
nnwmlHiti M. W. t'adar- Ula oaoatry. Tka float eaaaiau of alx
wood waa aawad Wwporary akairwaa tarpado koala aad wwaa torpedo kaat
aad. B. U Bprayn taaeparary aacM: oaa ta tka
Laaa^. klak.. March M. IttA
BkociCafOTmadTraMMaOtmaty. Traranaaty. Mtak.:
WItkoat tall aaa to It tkat aetlaoa of
■piBlal Aaatlea of StaU Baaatar
paatad taaMrtowi Macek tltlh^la Ikm Ury.
Ob Btotloa Ua eoMMlMaa aa parMO«t tka Moat pakUdplaaM la oaeh of tka
tawaakipa aad warda.lt aay. la y«ar aat ortmlnBaa waa Made ap at B.
. aaaaty. ky tkatawaakly alark ar la- MeNoMare. V. A Oeaa; C M. Bala.
Joka WUkalM aad a G. MUlar. Tka
iwiuaa m eradeaUaU waa
paaad of Ua aoMO yaaUoMaa AU bat
iMaalay, March »4.1IB&.
aoMB af tka 77 dalacataa
■BartB af Ormad TraMraa Oaoaiy,.Tiaw
roportad preaaat aad Ua
X Ua taMpcraiy orBtau at Mlaklyaa-Offlaa of Ua kae>
yaalMtloB ka Made porMaMML
MMiy of etato-Laailay. Marek M.
Tka tallara weM B. WUkalw. J. M.
IM. To tko'BkwlT of tka Canty at
BaaUwaatat O. O. MUlar. W. P. CMt6ln-rToB on karaky Botiflad that Bwaad 9. A-Oaaa.
Tka taUoirtayalty tlekat waa aow
pamaat tp aWardar ta tka ya«e
. «f tkia atato UMBay Iwaad nd aow
Tar Mayar-Oaorya W. Ball. •
n flla ta tkta oMea. Uat a ^wetal ataw
Tar Oty Ctarh-0. O. MUtar.
tlaa wUl ka ktad ta Ua twaaty-aaMaU
for City Traaaarar PaUr Warekary.
•ontartal Alatrtft. aoMpriatay
ta keep UaaaTyd
ataly ad*M n Ua d
float trow Ua CkaaHra.
a ta Ua
Spring Hats.
xpaaU attar hto aoMtaatioa. What ba
wM waa ahorVaadto Ua potat. Ba
aald: >'It I yat kaataa 1 wlU hary Ua
Mtti Oraaaatadk Witak Vafty.
nttafaaUM ta kaawtay that 1 aM do-’
Wadaaaday aiykt aboattarty yaaay taatad by a yoad *Ma.- Tkaa ha
I ta Mia.Ofaaa- tteakad Ua dtaeyataa tar Ua kaaar
atadkkoMa aa Wakaita atoeat. aar^ aad daelarad Uat akoald rktaty aoMa
I^MtoaOraaa. Tkavtoltaca
hto way be woald da kto daty aa tka
ataead ky Are yoaay tadtoa i
aparta^otUa ‘
ta .Mlad raadlay aad
attar wbtok Mtoa
lUd wiU
«f art.
WltUaa- Daarktar." by '
Into BdUI fkathu la ayraaafal aad '
approprfata Maaaar. Mr. Aaderw>a that aaek ta - tkaaa caadUatoa kaaw
flhaaaMaaadUaaaacBikly wiu a
wkeake bad aald wwyk.
ttaMoa kto yraHapkoaa. which
iUntotala addnaoM^wara alU
foUowod ky yaMoa anaayad tor tke oemade by A V. Trtodrkk aad M. W.
caaka, aafl aarrtay ta lataaaha
Ue Beatactoy kMMty darted dowa Ue
wayaaadarat taated aalt water,
tke fliet dtp Mtoa Bradlry, daaybk
Kavtaakyk yoraraar. broke a kottia of
fOM aprlay water dvcr tka Wy aklpk
bow aad aoMcd It Ua Kaataaky.
Tka KoataUy aad Kaaraarya a
MMtpowarfal caoat dataadeea ta tke
dMwicaa nay aad bm a atreay-addlttoatatke/ •
units'wniTt TIES asgtaJtR’aBsjat&'sas;
New Things
In Dress Goods n»i»Bc«ivBo.
Dry Goods, Carpot
aiwl Clothlni Sonse.
Enameted For S2.50
that the best for Five Cents is the—
Traverse Belle,
Diamond J.
and for Ten Cents, the—
For whicl^kN at*
Madebj A. W. JAHRAUS.
Tkia to Ua eaoaVpopalar Bat
wade, ae Ua wearer alwari kaa
the eaaemee of aarreet atyU aad
qaaUty tka boat.
WilbelmBfos. TTaPlirOfOurStSoiilSIiws
Good solid leather cotmtera, soles and up.
pers^that is the kind that wean.
404 UntoB BBoot.
Staple and FaDcy|ipi#
You have
the prettiest
in tom
Too wnt a cairtoya that to dUtomt
troM what eraryaaa alaa kaa. aad wa
kata Uaaa. Tka kodtoo are aU a
Tka daltbaMtloBC ta Ua acaraaitoa.
ware wlUo« aay fitotka ar rieplty
dwlrakto. ,Cail ta.aad look Uea
Dalaraa TiBaay. dapaly atataXeto- aad Ua aoataatkaa waM Made pAd
aad yoa' wiU mj itet tka/ are Ua
ry ta^wctar.taBlyBapUa. to la^Ua aU Ua bwlaaM flatokad ta akoak aa
flaenUaata'toakyOamecaoyw aear
city ce ao ofieial taapaetka trip. Yaa- koar.
aaw, aad Ua price to ao kiyte Un'ba
karday ba rtoitad «ka koakat aad oeal
tkaaa iommim oarrtoyea yaa hara aaa
wood <toh faotatka BawUlflatokkto
.. week akoav Moaday. Mr. TUlitT
BlatM Uat wlUafaw Mlaor axoaptan TaUey ta tka Tratadnt.
day ta tahaaTotottoa ae oapaetak
Maaa.Ua law to katay MMpUta
Laaalay. Maiak M.—BaU heaaai at
IUb alW aad Uat than to a CBafta
Ua tojtoiataia ban ada^ taaala/MroMtoHi aa tkaptakal yn
toimliy-tke adMatotoaT
r' to-aranutkalrfaekertoatatka atotet- 1
^ «pkMt*lHMaatataUalaw.
• J
At la o'ckak tka Kaarawya toft Ua
trayapleayed kearily tata Ua water,
aad taaa yiaaafaUy roaa aad Uybtly
floated Ua iMaaU ikata, wblla Mm.
WlaMaw teoke a kottia ta
dttil»flyifa oeeHk W dad aaMd< it
Ua Kaaroarye.
M UiMaad patrtatk Kaataeh
d Taatarday WIU Oteat Otraaaaay^Two Towartol Dafeadara
KewpartHawaVa.. MarUM.—*Aa
rraat kaUklklpa Kaaraarya add Btoatacky wade Uair waldaa |4aaye tata
Ua watan ta Baraptaa Boada Uto tarkaooa amid Ua ekaara ta thooMada of
OapUia fliyekaa aad other ofieace from
Ua baulMhlp Maiaa at Baeaaa aad
ordarlay Uaat to -proceed kaaaa to
await ordere. G
I will fire yoa t aaat work ta ny
who to la eharya of Ue wieeklay afar- eolar, Ua boat kaktay eaaMcl aad earatloaa, raMain la Baraaa.
atoh oleaa all Ue beariaga aad traa
ka wbaaU. 'all for Ua a^ price.
Call aad aoe WMplae at
' M. B. MOlACr. »
Bicycles Built to Order.
waiA a. A. Laaywarihy; Third ward,
a B. Baki TBarU ward. Jaha WUbalM; fifth warA a a MUlar.
Tka rota oa Ua aoMlaat
Mayw rwalted la Ik 1-7 for UaU aad
n ft-7 for Kaaaalaad.
After Ua eloae of Ua kaalaMa of, the
MMBtioa Mr. Ball wee kroayht kefoM Ue. deleyataa aad ba i
flaildiM niocL
1 foTMldakla torpado
Tkara te a daaldad aaireat af aaatlMeat anoay aaral oBoaM. taoladiay
r of Ua kiykaat. ta faear ta daeiai?e aad iwatedlata aetiaa, They lay
Uat froB a aaral atiatayic rlaw H
weald ka woat aofortaaata to kare
Ula yraat tarpado flotilla broeykt
wiUta aaey reaekta oaraqaadrn at
Kay Waat. II waa daa ta Ua kiy iwtaea ta Ula MOMMaat Uat la
New Goods At That
At onr line of Wheels before tod buj—We have tbe
•■Outing,” the tuy mniiiiiK bicycle of 189a |
Waahtaytaa. March t«.—CtopL Rahlay a Braaa. kaowa aa •‘Ptybtiay
Boh- Brana. reached hare Uto Mermiay
waa IwMcdtoMly ordered ta taka
aaad ta Ua waiehlp Iowa.
GaptalB Uawpaoa ta Ua Iowa, aad
aid. .
Maiaa aaaritalwielry. w
Tar MOMkaMtaUa Board ta Paklk
iwaad Ua NorU AUaaIf JOB waat a btoycle kaUtta flt yaa
Wcrka 41. A IwaywerUy.
lay Adwlrel StoarA who taava yaar wdcr aad epeetflcatleac at
doM Schley U all pMka- ■y ak^ aad 1 yaa^y^ta yt yn
■ Tke attyadtaMlttae aaaatota ta Ua
AatoMOBtatbaeartaaa ward aoMMlt- bUity will ka pUaad la cnoiakaad ta Ua
a at Hanptoa Boada.
'jl«0«l., I
Jeka MaN^ aUaa vBlaek
la tMortO'kfala. Ko aooaar kad ka
boaa roMaaod from a tae-daya'eoadaat^aU Wadaaaday wkaa ka waat
off aa aaatkar taar aad waa la tka tolte
acalB kafora alfkk. Ba waa fatkarod
la ky Cklaf of Mloa Baaala aad jmtCTday wan tag takv batoa Taatlaa
Bakartaoaaekattaof draakaad <Haordorty. Ba aaa aaataaaad to it daya ,
tkk Um aad aait tim^ tka paatU- ,
aaat will ka MOM aerara.
■Wtjr Uft lh« Mis MtaU* tk« *k«d
mA took «urUc« for
Halt far Mayor. Tatar
Bmo. wkm Ite ottom k)oat tb«
Wwatoarp. Tiaaaarar, aad O. O.
•Ifhl. n« oBoon w«r* OMl »l tk*
IMlIar fer OUrk-Sr. a 3. Kaaalaad
«Mtek7M*M\oaet.k«f Ua u«r
Waa Dofaatod for Vamlaatfoa fbr
—■ tkaa tk»i
TRAVB^ OITI. mCH, mlX&T.'HABOH S5, 1896.
m-iaiMX wnnuBiB
Sprinff da^s are here,
and with them cemes our
Silk Capes.
We have also just received a great many Ooth
Capea. We would be fdeaaed to «how you onr n^
line. *Prtcefl we know will be satUfacto^.
Dreflfl 8kirU-r-We have the finest Ime in the city,
and if yon need one oars will be sure to plesac Jon.
S44 Front St
Bibadh Block.
"^■D'aioinraro w
Pi.liiiir H«UI*.»
M- T. Bum ub i. «. Bun
. 1. W. a4na. I
•* *
Tto» I^ttoi* AMM4toya< »a Oa*: r«iMtoM) «b^ friu tou » *«tot
•a* i
ti tk. •MnM
Tito iwtif an **•- •edalMtoS:Mlo4*'dMR. Ttosark*
titac to tk« «1>7
lUMfw otwaitototoarr*oCMr*.B. i. Oar*
Ua, aad tto CaUowtoc todka ar* aafeadf
to eoawib*^ w-..--MM c. K. Book,
UBaeha*AlXOaeUto. H. J.Oarito.
omM On* B*J«
"-ow A.
«..mi.*iMii~*i* Tnwiub.. B. L. OorbMA a O. Ooaall. C. W. CEadaptoMl lN»t a»A
wklok wtok. O. P. Oarw. D. R. Oaftar. P- 0.
Otopt*. 8. C. Davraa* C. Datwe. W.W.
wUl to U
Dto*. r. Daaa. A- Daapraa. Arttolaata
TiwfctoT Vtow will Mktot m m
•HZTTintmt- Bont to «m «t ito to e*p*U*d ar* brood. ^ Moto**.
imM tolMtto -rtoUatot* to Mleucu Mad catot. i*toda.*te.^J|aNbm a«
4toMr. StotatoctftotortoMtotototoc ito akarto aad'.aoMoty ai^aipiAalty
»W« to to4«Mtoto to Mtoftoia hto r*4}***t*d to totaraat ttoak^^ •“
OM>w!tr meC*^ .
WJLU4M w. surra.
Irw MwtonBeu««l ItoUle W«rto*
r«r JmUm of tto Fmm—
it of ofTMltoi*
. ^ of wpMtol totoroto to fm«n to
totf ato* to* fr*ot toprowoMk
^to« (d AU tors atoek oaS tom
^•‘^’^odorti to tto past 7*ar. “Tto tom/ «*e4ttoUmittdStoU*.’'>toto qootod
/ M aoTtof. “h«** TMaivto *o«wtAtoc
* Mb* SlM.toO.OM Bor* for ttolr oarwl
««p* Um ttoy Aid to IIM. oad SM.SM.0W wro toaa for tto** of **7 »*w
- • INS. Tto h«7 vep.
r it WM tto toif**t
'^»d*d M i**t*M*d prto* p« to*;
«*ol to hiftor. oaatoAmbU hittor
Itoa *k »*T tlB* atoe* mS; Md *11
otos prodoeto. ^tk tto *so*pUo* of
Mtot ovor tto e^ittoa* of
Tto •tottotic* T^*lto» to tom oalsol*
^•UllBer**lff*lSc*at. Dortoc ia»7
Sto &m teoM towoiitol to niat
BH.WO.mo.* tto ■oltoom S6.OM.000.
, ovto SlOt.OOO.toO.
ktoap SIS.000.000.
kotol Lueirwii oftomst^ af *09*■ dblM Ub* Sti0.000.000.
•tow that thto rmortobto toewe to
mloto to woU dUtritotod ***r toe
•ooatrj. toor* betof oot * •!>«}• *tou
m ttorltorr wtoek doM sot report
» impretiinifiit to Ur* ■toak. *a
tooUMtomprodaeU. IsOtoao-toltod
Vortcagto ptoetorod .tattoof KaMa*
todBobrsaka. ttoTalaaof tom aai—,1m!. toeraaaNI dartoc the 7*ar SM.SdAOWto tto fermr aad omSJS.OoNMNtettolpttar. tto toaraaea totoC *«
TB» ooxmrmT Hwar xvm*
Mtoitbl* Ooadmoa* ca tto laUad
Oaoeritod by aa Bj* >Wl>toaaOaly Oaaa* by A«*taaa latoi
tlaa-«r*pbie Ztoaeriptlaa of Satnm of Bpaakto Tytaaay.
rWMktortoa. Marak M.--AB tow aad
a tolf bate* tto aaaat* oooToaad to
day tto fallartoawar* crowded wH>.
peo^ aaatoa* to toor tto aroiatoad
MCtoa of tto Oabaa qaaattoo. Baa-
mn dmi it thocoQgbhr, tme the vbceU, wive aay color gaassMtal worii jrott ykh, ntoM or vtrtiMb yotf nsia tor aben priesOsUsodsssssBple.
tls to Ordor.
OrAsr, do it cbMj
cbMwr and cive batittUd Wlisola
tsrnatariAl and
sod work
than aoy shop io tbs city. Bstb hsd
yssn* experisDcs and gnarante*
lies BStktaetko. ,
Pleaae give ns a trisL
BLlis, 8U Protot SL. Bsst.
Jaka Slwaa aad bto aaoipaay to “My
Mottor-to-law toet alfkb Mr. Sinoa
a* Oaraaby H*. to a poor toopackad
baabaad witk a aery >aie** wife aad
a torror of a • Mothar-to-Uw." played
hi* part with bto aaaal ala aad (a
Be wa> aepportod by A. R. BitMr, wbo
pUpad tto oppealto part to kte to a
•aatoer that did h>» credit.
Mr*. Ulttoa AUaa Deaara. aa Uh.
Btomblow. tto ■pthar-to-tow.dld
aaiy fi>U work, aa Back *0 that a
yraat aiaay Bea-to tto aadieaaa r*Barked that ttoy wara ftod ttot eto
a* aoi tbair “Mot^to-tow “
Mto MaBto SIbm tookod aary pret
ty aa Mr*. Pi*, aad playad bar part
•all. aad BtUy naaara, Paari StaaUy.
P. V. Meraboe. Oa* Beara aad tto othlaabaf* of tto eocapaay did Jaatio*
Set* ntolyaapaaltostottodowb
af tto raribs* call^ aafTMem far
eaaaaaooand ttot Reaate Tharaloe of Nabroaka waa to addraw tto aaaato apoe tba pollttoal
> of tto Cabal
Mw^iebtoar* 1
________________ ,.Bbtor*Mat totpto _ crav^ aaBbar, wan well reoeind.
to* totoad. to* trip toat.br*BfbrblB Th* aiaciac of Oa* Haora aad to*
to* low of bto wife.
niMMir too* akatah of Dnan aad Aliea
After to* loattaa baataan Mr. ■ado tto'blbafto* ovaalM- >‘nri
Tbatauabacaabtoapaeek. H* traatod Btaalay. Fnd Manboa aad Billy Da
rn* wan alas rmf coed la ttolr r«aofbfapar- M*oUn apadalUaa.—Maabta* Adm
t^M|i tow weald aot oote bl* atoto■aata.' Be daeirad to to boaaat. aoaMaascar Swiabarc b aacatMtiac for
aarratinaadjaat. Ba bad ao pwpoa*
Cnad pndartiea of ••PSaot" by a
toatir tto pabUepaaakw aaaaeaanrily.
.mSImj ate. wbo wUl ptiiiat tto atbattoooaldBotaattofy kt* t
tneUoawitoaftfBtriaaaeoBpaay aad
auapt by apaabiar aow.
aaparb aqalpBoat of oeaaarr. to a
Ha waat toCaba baltorias ttoritaaI, bat to aow iadoraarf abort ttob. tto date to to And to a
wary watd of to* earate aad apaeldad tawdaya.
Proste. Mr. Tbaiatoa aaM ia part:
Mr. aad Mr*. E W. Baattoc* an
“After tore* y*ar« of warfare aad
toppy ©var tto arrival of a baby-ciri.
toa aa* of SH.OM troop*. Saaia baa Icat
Tto Baaaab A Uy MeroastUa Oo.
eeaCtol of ewy foot of Cato aat
raasdad by aa actual iatraaebBaat neatnd yaatorday a tec* aapply of
aad pnteetod by a tetiSed pitoat Uaa.
Trann* City Cbaptar, No. IM, E A.
-«ke bold* pawaaatoa wito bar 1
toaof to* lortiSed aeaboard tewaa
M. wUl' bold a epedal oeoneatloa ueaaaa toay. ar* aadar tto rirtaal pr*- algbi at ;;M te work to tto P. M. aad
toettoa of a Spaaiah wataklp.
b* iiiiiiliillnaMta*-i to abaatato
"BeW S»\Tvt
Ttoatotaal MoN*.
Ito Rbae* Oomdy Oo. will plaaM
laaal toaatrartor* aa>^*^bsrb Onsd. Ban to to* way tbap
or Txa asroAssoa.
N »»«*»
lIttClB EMMBED "“SSS,"™*
Mob* BtoallMbs Tbla.
> *b* abaaid BbaJI^ w^bat law
. -Naaaaa aad^ Naito Pol*." to
to dalivwad Satmday alcbt by Piaf.
C B. Bar*, la McatoC«« ball, aadar
aiairirn of toe WoBaab Clab.
ProtrwN- Bor* ba* aad* a darp ^y
of tob aabieet aad all wbo ban baard
tetof* pnooaacr U of tto Boat
lataa** latoraat aad kicbly toanetlv*.
ibrioa will to bat tM oaab.
WIUMb B. Elacaad Aaaa Kreaw
«n aaiiad ta marriac* by Bto.
Cbarlaa T. Stoat, nctor of Oraa* Eptoeapal oharto. Wadaaaday. Tton
a qalst weddiac at tto boB* of tto
WIdtr* Bbtoer.
0^ CWiCA%s\s sM M mVUs \ob« smi
’BtW £A.Ttt
\5 axvt \0« iMCMunurtMl..
£&e ioT'vnlRntdock.
bOe, )
Steiiberg’s Gnod Open Htiu
h\.00, (
l-8olid Wosk-l
Oommoacing ^,
MondayJarch 28
SmU»v’ VI
•»» Vo- nt nsVt W
VaWs uVn»
nefereU nm tmV nkia antW>
miM rt«k.
AWniaV nVwt Vm SU.t^ >0^ A tt. t> at
tba OalihntoS
Comedy Co.
For 25 Cents.
Mr. Jake Simon
Cbaasa af HU atshtlyopaatarPiap: .
Job Lot Children’s Knee Pants
Ws BATS lilBosd on SAls te
“The Factory 6iri.”
ly baU to* Waad, toeladtof tto a**V C D. Stoaloy of Sattoaa Bay. waa la
Box.PBSoa X B-OOBIKMC e< OolaB- an prattoaaa. SaaUaco da Oaba aad toWB yeaterday.
Popolar Prices,
Pawto Prtodpe.
Jaae* 8. Laob of Patoakey. waa to
Sto Maaatetarac*' Baaord la qaotod aa ttoy'tonaetabibbad a tem of cor10. 20. 30c.
areBoaV ttoy levy aad eoUaat tasaa.
wwtGaoTKia Beat draam be Utote ^Btato amto* aaf^CNarally lary
tfoBrtb*Ua*ofd*adiaaa«a.wid stot tribBBBMa"
Hrv W. a Uwraaa* rataibed toat
Atop froB poUtkal paatewaat tto •totoor#wl------ --------------- --------------- airht frOB a trip to to* BiUtoory do•aay daBacofaaa wbo fattoa apaa to* bdlerad. apaa tto aatln railroad aya- partaanU to Cbleaco.
^adtoa* of tto paopla Lataoettora t*B of to* b^. ,
B. L. RaaaoB waa nawpaad to tto
•paakcndeal Irn to uaditkaial ota•■Uadw tto iBbasaa palloy df Way- poatoam part of to* etoto yaatarday by
Seryaad taato tto pa^tl* tto aoaad tar 4M.M0 aalf-aappartiac- paanabi*
lUaaB of
Oa MoadM anatoc ladb* wm to
laaa eoaauy paopto
adBi^^ tree wba* aemapaabd by
an tto aoato eaa reach to* poaittoa t*
ttolr boBW ia tto acri
Dick SeboBbarc. of tto SekoBborf oa* paid 30a aaak
tto iadnatrial world wblak ato atoll
tea of tto Spaabk pro*Oa. of Good Harbor.
Tbta la tor of to* maay arideaeae of a lae* ta tto dOw aad tepriaeaad apoa pwaed toraoeb towa yaatarday ao 1
r* of eeatlmaat la tor New Boatb. .barraa waataoatrida tto raaidaaee way boca* from MUwanka*.
orthB aad wltbla tto Uaw of inWaite M. Pack of Seato bead, lad.,
Now both parti** ban aaoiad toair
idalltUabanad. b to* gnmx of Mr. aad Mr*. A. W.
aaaAUata* for eity aad ward ofleaa aad Tbair boBOB wan baraad. toair SaMr Pack aad will aprad aanml Boato* la
H tiBato* te eenat to* baltota T~
bdd waste, ttolr impleBaaata of-Aa* ttority.
an coed cItUaa* apoa tto Uitiaaaa
MIB Saal* Walker arrind la tto tUf
titoeu: bel to* Repabllcaa aaadM
yeatarday oa bar way froia Cbleaco to
ban all qaairSeatioa* aad raeoft
ker kona ta OM MbaVta. Mba Walker
abUUy for the nrlow ofSooa te wbtob toaa ban alraadv atarvad.
ba* baaa takiM » cMra* ia a trainlac
ttoy ban baea aaBad. aad maay ol
“Spala baa oanr oostribatad a dol aeboal for aartea U Cbleaco. bat waa
toaa ton baaa trlto aad aot foato lar to provide to***, ito own citi- fonad to nUrn borne oo aecoont M
waattof' They are food Bas. rittoea*
of totacHty aad to wboia Bay aafaly
“Itora eaa b* oo aBotloratioo of toe
be entraaiad to* alain '*f tto a
aitaatkw ovoapt toroock tto charity of
PUttbnns, M*r. h 3* -The pro«nWB*
toe people of toa Uattad State* Spala for the winol convention of the A^
aaBaeteaBqaav ttoiaaarcartaaad eaa- mmated Anoctotlon of !«» a^ Steal
AU Stnama an SwoUaa.
aot ra aaUbllab bar aonraicaty onr Workei* to to the hand* of toe printer*
lit” ^readr 1a about «» d^
Baporta troB all avar tto atato toll ay'co^idanbla portloe of toe tolaad.
The eoftvnUon wlB be bald I* Or
Of tto aattaordtoary bleb water ia all
.iiXbb altaatloo toaa to not of war,
tore* atrabtoa aad eow»sa*at traat bat a ebaoB af donatatioa aad dapopa- «nd In
dasac* to property. Tto BaardBaa latioa of udeflaad daraUoa, wtos*
-rinr tob Nriaf b sato bicber toaa aad a* Man eaa a**."
Cbeatout. near hrf*. w*. raJded at m
to year* aadoa
'Barep* Bay talant* SpaUb axbt- early hour yeaterdayBomlM
o ovarflow ito baah* aad obob, bat Gad CMBt that bate* aaeto- feaalonal nm of aafe Mower*. »to t^
the cltlaan* and eacapad with
bat rertaaatoly
ar ChrbtBaa toa laat vtoibl* alca of mtoed
money and valuablea aner cratoinc
yrate ba* aabaidad dartoc tto paat law Spaabk tyraaay aad eppraa
tear aafe*.
Choice of any. all stylem cokw*. pwttenn. prices bwE
ralaes. rnooiog from 50c to $1.00.
i .
' All most go at
25 Cents a Pair.
Oyoa^agg -WrtWB
Boston store,
Vsv Glaas BloRk.
ITIn Kii%sliiHy-
• __________ f'
Eisniiiiiii - I rr----------- Tto racalar anUac of ^ W. C. T.
O.wiUto bald at toa bW.^ Mr*.
Oaraott. 717 Waahlactoa atrdL tob
■ftoratKin at tolf paat two ^eloak.
Baobnaaber b raRaaatad to^bdac
nBlaipaeaeae fiOB to* Ufa of to* lata
^ WMt O. *. Kent WUl Batartoia to
BlaliiTiirra Sataidsy jrickA
Laat al^t PnfaaaorT. Bath Olanaa
Bav. E Edward*, paate af tto EayUah Bapltot ebarnh at Mlnararill*. Pa.,
wbea aaSartoc with rbntoatbto, waa
Mlvbad te try .Obanbariala'* Pato
Bala. H* nya: “A few appltoatoaa
af tola ItolBaat pnrad ofenataarvie*
fleet ot Bans*, which aay* to Spala. tote. It aabdaod to* laflawitaatioa
fsHavad toa pain. Skoaldaayaaflean tto btood: )«a^ tb«a* brotoan aad
SerSr snftt tr civtoc Pbte Bala a trial
of oar* to fom oaa carry oa a coraraBant te ttoBBolvaa Saab totemnUon woaid not of ItoHf Sa war. It
would aadoabtadlyOaad to war. Bat
Cbleaco. ManA M.~Wtoat-N*rto.
if war <»B* It woaid ooaa by aa act af
Spala ia raabtoaaa of toa Ubarty aad
N to* Caban paapla." .
nk i v
d^t1 by Prof, a E Bent, a tsleatod
^Wtobtwtoblaatoifaaflto vioUa tally Mtetotood toat sicht hy
Aa^teant to AlaaOnUagc. Prafaw TItw at ttototeot hb
•tor------------------- »■ ------------ *----------- WshteralnaA
lSSgW.h.N47; May.flSto.
d Eaplia. Manh stoWtoat. SSa
Oolon-*-Bla<^ lUdoro, Eoina. Steel, Pearl, Burgundy, ^
Salmon, Seal Brown, Cuba, Kyrtla
I Tin Ciilpiipper Stiff H8tS“
Oolors-»aoV, Brown, Bodia, Kapla
Tbesi am the latert styles, best makes, and altogeth- ^3
er the nobbiest bats offered.
' ' ■ ■
iteAtmaB or ns VAin qabb.
M <h» anata «M «y«lB« ■■■tawW
|t*» the prealdaat Uraa to carry «KM>
rwa pedley. MUm aald that la Ha e«Ae
too the A^ttnite AoaM ba cared flat
aad that peareful maaaa wnald bilav
aboat the taadom of Cuba. Ittakaowa
that a waat daal of
baa bee* ilqM
aboot tw aeaate by amatora who at*
baaa ayMe that the aeaat* await tha afc
Uea of the praaWent aad that ao Carthar atlaaapn be made to Intraatty tha
llaroh. of DUaela.'
caOad on aeoaral Alccr. aeerotary of
'tai!iro«itnwsnan.»smaT.'ida>OH«e. laea
' ■
Hanilsoniest Line
Of Spring Suits
Ugly PelKiehl Bcmndal Owwtdpd
lUgirdinr th» CKidkbr CH]^
* Water Wofkb Ddd.
atau adUtla. which abooM ba laTllod
to TOtaateer for the ooinuy't datawa.
thaae mea. be pointed oat. are wall orpaalsed. wHI drilled aad oSeerad. and
(B— tboM at 97.50.)
ai» la a .poaUloe to reader very ofPhOadelpbM. Marah M.-^
fectlre a< moe. Za view ot iheae facta Isas to develop into the agtlMi. p»uuCOME Airo SEE THEM.
Marah believed that It waa the duty
of the aovemmem to can. upon tbeae («] scandal ever tnOleted t^an . Vedty
rltlaea aoldleta for duty ta eaac they waa revealed la eouit bar* yeatnday
care to volunteer. If any membera when one member nf the qaandl oonor offleera of ^e Kuaid pt*f*»red not taead the aceeptaooe of a bribe; anto enUat becau^ of faodly or boalaan
cam aad reapoaaibtUtiW. then their
plaeaa lalcfat be taken by voioaieera tbe bribe*. The whole affair grawa o
fma oaialda the aervtoa. Barretary Al of tbe o
ger was very mueb iatemled la the lease tha city water works to ibe
arpumeote made by Marsh, aad while
ScbaylhUl Taltey Water company.-qad
«M» Of orManw that deflalta r^M aot commltUag taliaaelf on that aub- tbe alle^ ktteatpt by Nelson Q.Oreact.
teet aeemed to repard the supfestloaa
mannaa the Main dlBaater and the amde by bUa as pracUcabla
qf Mew Terk. lepreeMUag the com BaMOammttSM Ba> a Wn le Maattha
Ctthaa aaeaOoa In cenriu were aboat
pany. to qUalB a Hvorable report
Maria nye tl b a L*n
to.be mebed. Ammic the pMaldentB
from tba water committee by the payJathaonvllla. na.. March ttr-Ueo- meat ot between JU.MO and Ci.OM. tbe Republican mb-commlttae.* n bank.
aanaca ware Beoatorb thxAreU. Twrple
teaaat Commander Marta, bearlap-io DurlBg the recent qonslderailoa of tbe lag and cuTTcney was Uld before tbe fan
•ad rorakac. Omera! Dan •lekela (tor
Mr VBitad.Buua nlalster to Madrid) ' Washtapton lie fladlnpa of the Maine bill In oomasoD oouacils Walter O. lakPhDIi™" «aember.hlp of tbe eommiu
Wb hBTB nioe ApplBB, Oriu
Md RepmecUUve William AJdett coart of inquiry, reached tUa «lty at Btevraann. a member of. that body | tee yreierday.
This aub-committee,
■adth. ot Mlchicao. who haa maatlj' t:e last nlpht dad left at I o'clock. charged that KAH ^ beca offered to ■ which was appointed a month ago to
Drisd Aprleou, PMChM,' Pnmn, rig^ DatM and
DorlBi; the short Ume of the star «o
Mamed trora a trip to Cuba.
this city aa Associated Trcae reporter bim by Peter M. Bmlth, a member of report a general Uaklag and'
measore. coasista
McCieary of MlnUeotenaat Marla a dlapoMh
fba eaU o( OocfcaaU and turpM war Aoired
aasota. chairman: Prlac* of imaola and
from Miami that appeared in the afler- for the btiL
aecarded aa parUealarly atcnllleant. aa noob paper* In which he waa quoted aa
Watk-e Ptwaa a OesA Win
Mitchell of -New Tork. The un they
ther are rwraeentatlvc Democrau. la
A eonadrinvestlkatlng co
have reported Is eninied. "k blllfto prothe aasata aad their visit followed that
I utteriT
«d OemaB iSinday. It em seae
IMstrict Attorney (Jrabam promptly for the reUefxjf tbe UnlUd Blsan treaa•ateatood that la the prceent e
took up the case, and Brnflb waa held BIT. and for the amendment of tbe laws
. «e^ the pnetdnt deelm patriotic
»S Pronraii—L
tn tlO.OW ball and ynateriUy'a aeoaa- relating to oatlonal' baaklng aaaoclaaMtjr arlthout reference to party. 8ertlona''
AtaiT Lobe aald that the Maine reThe method of dealing with tbegreen. part probably would reaib Vaabipctoa
hacks Is not by direct' retirement, but
/ taalghu It however. It did aot come
: 'That tb.
by tbe nibaUtuUon of a legal teadar
haferc I o'clock thlt cvcnlnr Loaaeald greoa of tbe Called Btati
atea of Aa
Louis J. Walkar declared that b* and note which the banka are required to
ba probably would sot receive ft udUI parUripaU with the people of the Unit,
Uderin ^ Smith had each
and for the redemption of which
tonorrow when It would be Uid be ed Btatcf ta the deep Itilemi wMcb
maa Cbartaa they are required to Bod the gold so
ta* the prewdept Inmtedlately. There they feel for tbe success of the i>e<q>le
a eoeimlttea. long as they are------------------------a Bolv«i
--haa bMs BO ebahee la the plaa of aeed- of Cuba, wbo-ar* struggling to eoub< He also avei^ that
213 Front St
laa the report to teuatve* early
llah their liberty and indepeadeace. and Ejiery Byram had previously offeiod
wo^ probably Monday, accotopi
do hereby recognise the lodepeadance him U.M to vou for tbe %UI la the
ferItDaaaape from the prealdeaL
of the republic of Cuba.
chamber, but be bad refnaed the moaer
and voted aniast It When Oooncll■elp ta Cete tmt iWoeeea*.
Washington. March M.-Aa amead- mae Walker was called as a wimesa
tha Bcaaace aad the paper* aocombe was at Itret very nervoua. Be aald
paaylnp It will rHaU esrluMvely tc meat to lbs sundry ctvil bUI M pend be did jloi know OracB: had sucepied
the Malae dlaaatcr. It win aot take up ing before the ecaate committee od no mofiey and knew of none bavlDg NatloBal Boaod Meeicy League, founded
appropriptlag SMO.tM to
tha eondiUoo ot affair* la Cuto aa
b year ago to apboU tbe gold aisadard.
been accepted.
peoAowa by tha raporta o< United Bute*
was held here yastetday. Tbe talowing
gaagstau Hlia S* Tell the IVeth.
(dc of Cuba. It ts agreed that this is
Biiioli. lhasa baUp reserved Hr :
Judge Bregy then sa^d to him Im officer* were elected: PreaMeaL J. Ster
a more effectlee way to .relieve the dfaOom-pomi .ilh th,
tress than by primta subacription. and pressively: "With Ood aa your Judge, ling Morton, nf Nehraak* aecrelaiy, K.
besides dlatrfbatA the coat over the were you offered any moneyr' Wal V. Bmalley. Beeretary Smalley read the
^ Web.™ fn-aletfSnl,
ker hung hle bead and after a mo annual report.
Whole of our peotJe.
Referrirtg to tbe .eorreivcy reform
ment's elletw*. replied: "Tea. I waa."
IMl*e«iW* Are Briapm Bate war.
aad be named the men by wbose per- movement the report Ml"*: "Reports
liastod. March M.—Him. T. Jefferboa saaalon be bad falien. The moaer. h» from all part* of tbe country are enCoolldge. ex-minister to Praaee. la aa skid, waa paid la Oouacllmar Beger'i
aglng. They shew that while the
tetrrvirw yestevdsy on tbe Bpain-Cuba aaloon aad be bad
silver movement Is atlil arUv* It wID
Mtuatlon. said: "1 believe we arc going Edwin Bmlib receive the tSW at the not he able to hold together at an
to bate war. and that Sntla will de same time with Umeelt. Smith here other mtuinal electles tbe great vole
clare It when we interfere with Cuba. took the stand and denied baring re It ran at the elecUeb of USC. in tbe'
1 do aot think that the Bpantsh dynasty ceived' any money. A like denial waa opluinn of ynor seemary the w..r*'^
league Bhuuld be eonttpned without
If It did not dectaie made by A R H. Morrow, wbu was
d Btates undertakaa chairman of tbe sub-commitcee.
■apdsu actlaa and a later measape to
rrintTMi Ihe raatark attributed 'to
By Way-fthe Ailnlte OaMa.
J testimony.
Adodial Bleaid at KerWaai Toeadar
femw That Mmoor OiVM Tbta MlanwMt
po^oB. March r«.-Tbe WasUagton
Hill M«hm»,ot.lld«criptk«^MQdi.,gT™E.«iTO
W— Badly BiriewiA
ta tha affaet that the ease of the Mali
ThI* bill
Gorreapoadeat of ne Daily News say* bad come to him aad *alJ
BprinHIe^. Ills- March M.—Near Vtrth%t President UcKbley declared to a' la going io.be a law. l%erc la ao qoesl>>tWork,,Crrii«»o,d 8....
A oo>iOa. 8.. MiU PUil
Uatery of modern ttmea la latnprsted recent vWltor at the White Hoiwe: "I tloB about It. Belect council will pass den Tuesday night WIU Kent was shot
tart as clearly ladicaUnf- that the dl- beUeve that then- will be ao war aad It and common council will past it and al^d fatally wounded by hU hretber,
net respoaaihUity for the rxpioalor. 4 am determined to prevent It If poo- the mayor will sign It. I wiib you .Vohle Kent, of Peoria. Roth are sons
would Interview .the member*' of coun of Perrin Kent, apromlnent fanrernear
cannot be Hacod. '
slble. by aU tbe means in my powar."
cils for aie. Bom* of them wtU have Vtrden who died recentljr, leaving his
MonMaw<Nta»d Me beeriea.
War Telk beprmaas the Mariiri.
to be seen and Axed.. Tf you will And property to Will. KdMe waa greatly
ProbaUr as notable a taint ot the
New Tork, Martb M.—Tbe doobt ovay oat for me who they are and what they *nri«ed at tbe faiher'a aclIon and made
oilkal nate of affair* as had bees
plTMi ta the detanBinaUon of Beer*- the otucome ot the Cufaaa eontrover*y want ni look out for the rest. Thai threats against his brathcr’s Ufa Tues
tary lioap to ordar.^v dooHe-tnrreied between tbe tfaited Sutre aad Spain ta my business aad Tra used to that day nigbt Noble crept to tbe wlitdow of
kind ot work."
BoHtor* Puritan affl Terror to Key
tbe farm house of the Ketiu and Bred
Brla^omt aald be aot only retoacd
Went, where they win reJatore* the Btoek mkrkei
nkrkei yc*i>lerday. aa it t
wm. the ball entering the Uttsr'a
market for
apoadroo In those waters and to tartar
> la the to de this but has alhce bad aothlag bead.
Into service the elpht e&pW twreted
to do wHh Qreea.
Boaltocn at laapoe iala-id navy yard.
aooTBau. ui DCsaKCB vtiA
I have baen aOietad with rhenmaittm
PUlaBMphla. ttro of phich will be seat
for fourtcea yenra aad M^tbing aaamed
to BoMoa. two to New Tor*, aad faar
tarnwsaeV Pteswre I
lorfwanr rsllef. 1 was sMa to fee
held la reserve at Phitadelphla. In ad
dition to lu othW pretarauoaa for poaB. Southall. smund all the tlma. bni contaaily
I bad tried ceerTthlnr I
Hble ttauble tbe navy ■department took
atepo towardi oilUHap ua of the saa- picture of the bvrrut* and barbariuaa river dlvlsloa of tbe United BUtes eti- ennld hwr of aad at last was told to
CfeamfeerlalB'a Paia Balm, which I
goliip revenue certter* -iar use aloap tbe of coaeeairauoa on tbe ialaad of Cob*
Immadlatelj ralleved aad
Attaatic couL
OaUInger ot N** UampsHre. He has to th* extern ot nearly tSM.dOO were la a ahort^tte eared. lam happy to
it MCMaimT.
vhdted Cabo recently. Be added ooth- made puUlc yestetdar. was arrasiad be
UM except la rbitortc to the story told
by proctor, but closed wftb a declam- I'nised BUtes Usrahal O'Connor, and aale fey 8. B. W^t. Oragrlst.
Uoa that meant desire for war with later in the Bight appmjvd before Unit
Spain and a charge that Spain blqw up ed Bute* Curnmlaatcner J J. McCaf erthe kUJae. by ImpIlcaUoa. He was ly. Hta attorneys waived prcUtalnary
examination and pleadlns, and being
loudly hpiuauded. What Uaie was a
R Jaterv
nliable to secure bondsmen up to I8;M
taken pp r ‘ .....................................
i. boi H le'poamrely eiaied by discussion
p. m.. bond having been fixed at tS.aw. Boutball was committed lu tha
one of the m who la ckwe to the pt«M* bUl. but ao actlcta
dent that the tataiywiUqa will aot come
ooxas PfeKB.
K. T. Tborp was glv«n ‘he saai from Ran-say county JaIMn charge tt Depaostil after the report otthe board of the Pdorth VlrglnU district In tbe ty r. A. noBabower. being held for aplaqulry Id (be Maine disaster poea to bouse. Epea.'wbo obtained the carUA- pMrance before the 'Knllrd SUtei
oonrress. "The- two qaeotwas will be cate of election, was aaseated by a grand Jury In ibis city on lune » next.
nu charge lo .wMrb-flouthaJl must
.......... ’Vu
treated eef.srately." said be. "and the Mrict part^ vote. Tbe RepubUoans
mesasK- r'isluV to Cuba alll be sent wltboal a fmak
Thorp nad sMtrer ts that Of uttering false claims
against the United Bute* goveramenL
to oorsrees n>jn after the report on the tbe Dem
Maine qoe»tj..u.” The Cwlwa meaaapc.' escepHon of Howard ot aiabama.'a TJte charge Is tn three oimnU. copies Of
aa forecasiid l>y a pronTlReaC Bepatatlc- Pepullst—voted for Epea. Thorp eea- three ftaudnlenl time cbetke being atah. will waive the question ofthaMaine tasted Die aaat of Kenney la th* last lacbed to thedorament. Aside from tbe^
arrest and bearing of Boulhall there
iWAatrr. and fuitinc aside that aerful
do all kiada of i«» and was seated.
oceamaev win be to effect a daelaraata that
-aa, 1m eaa
Rbea of Keatucky and Hay of Vlr- were no developments In (he ease yes
Of^HALMic Specialist. o<H..ag aw, aeamhllaff.r. aad
aad do ffie« ran tha beat work of any
tlee to Spain that the presaat aietboda glata spoke Is Epss' fsvor mad Tborp terday. those who had suffered orfeared
ot warfare In Cuba must cease. U will •ddSMsed g>e house In DU own bebalL they had Kwt prrierring to kep the tact
one ta tba dty to ih* money.
to themselvm.'-'T'tae amount of Ume
raadll In tatercdmion in case Bpala de-, At yMoif the boose adjourned.
be deceived bjr what other* tail you to
ebqcki ouuunding U aUB 'unknown,
e will be aoeompaalad'
tha^trary. but omaa a»d aM to
and baa been estimated varioualy from
r which
«M*AM to over
R la probably
^Tcaamataa aU my work to ba rl^t,
ataoat I5«i.e». ________ ^
■caieat haa atiaiaed such * powerful
aad U itdomaatproeeaa I mak* H
hold oa coQpreaa. as well es moei of the of life by the burning of tbe Ayer
hl«h oOkelaM wUhlB adminlairaiion In- bnlldlag on Wabash avenue last week,
ia taiBo*eloaki*eeiy
----------. ts'Mrpvfy predicated upon tbe derided nhat bad asM building been
axeagt Saadfey. In tba OtOdwall A Laotbaeer that Bpala cannot and «ili n<a
doB bnUdlaff. at aorth and of 0«ttB
Held tta'teedafBBDds which this country escape*, as prarMed by law. the d»PxovtdeiK*. K- L. March f4. Peastem
irfU aB3fa. DotUver says that imervm- eeasad woald not hafe awt hla dc*tk la traadk mM fey tbe iaresUgaUag agent
Uos-'es bwaaae grounds will piece our the manner and tarn above dmalbiA. 'of the peasloa department t» be the
Bctloa tapoB a moral level that w^m We tberetaeceasni* the owow ad said
caenmaad the broad sympathy ot the buiidi>« la that r*9*et, aad moom- greMcot ever known ta tbe United
world. We conld afford, be aws. i.. m-nd that th* matter be referred so
Two arrasta t e mads Mobday
waive an qamUeii aa to tha Maine, if the grand jurr tor furtbar Htwtl^
the board dsao aot da tbe
It agataat-claim aganta'ot thU
r oa Bpala. la order
tothtaaalmmad Tiearityf
r aad atbw*. dwrged
London. March M.—Replytag to tbe'
AursiJon whether there was any truth
Tbe Bjnouat
Ui. sccnsatlom Htmght fey ibe tTatkMlaa LydU Boadnan of thla dty aad^
Blatea oensie coaimltlcee on teeHgn
. !laa Aff«ea Saaeeal of StT Inaoa feavu
aUons ta the committee's Hawaiian
la DO* CM alone tU.iOO has facmi •Bsaad dyem makiag parkm at :
report to the effect that Great ^tata traced. Tboae already amated are
s plotting for the a
e of Ha- WBHam J- Oamit. a-elgar Men dark, WaaUagtoB ■treat, oaa doer aaat
Aaptttt ^areh. whaea they will
PraakUa. Oaabe bauffbt for tlM leas
wait, Cumon. la tbe boua* of_____ _
mad CWfeeUua Draper, who has no am- plaaaed to meat tk* Udias of ~
than m^valaa if taken before AerQ
aald thete was ao truth pt all la the
Wmy S>* the BoMaeky T,aa*rii»A.
l^feta. at almoat yoar owa Vrtea^
Waafeiagtoa. March ».-»aHy Lod
A be wttaemed tte algthe pansmaar oa tbe face.
people Urt WaaUBgtoB ymtaday ta patm
DcmlOTVlIkoarta LaMartanate
tritnasa lb* lamwlilng of the faattW- Ceapar tt ekarfte with aw*aria|( Catt*
mp Kaatwky, wfeleb task rWh at trHaaaa Itta tamar amwad fealL TlHV
MewtMft Mews thu morali*.
—«Pni ■■■«<■■■
WaAtectoB. lUrA M.-Th«
oBlrcrMl ifamwhnit oOete) e(r7*«er<U)r tlwkt tba cBlalB«U«B <U
•twnlA eri«a waa mbt M haad.
WtU A«T«i>on «c ttM Matot c<nm of
iMitfrr Mtjr a Ktaa «Wle oft, with th«
White Boiva !th« aaatar of laa* aod
D the.praal.
Hamilton ClotMog fompy.
legetaUes, Cakbage. Bagat 8i( IMS;
■ouxD Monr isaoux xxxn.
Fl^s Orstej De^ ui RBstamwt.
If You Have Ldp to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
.Maple Flooring;
Short Mkple Wood.
'' '
Friday and Saturday,
April 1st and 2nd.
Mi::: 1 C.H.KIN6^ Bicycle Riders.
- -
Hack, 60S and Baggage
’Phone No. 8.
^ ev.iusnus,
John iR. Saiito.
Banral htiitia.
vfM »waM 3iiiooMi.»^^
^iimisgnilai srasrrsi.'riss:
Wh»n h Mmim TMrtsM Rminy
* Dsjrt^oHew^ ky ii flood
Ooollnc ft Hillioiw '
wl^. Tbt me* of Ck* >f*w B(^0
p. SL WU' IT fOM ftBd « TMiM«. ft Hm 0(
BtM lAchM la ttam ftoun. It will b*
over M (set. aad vUlwul furtbet «»1b
Via probfthlr iftbAajML .-; ,
DO*« Vita ft n»m oii i^mnruxB
tftJlFlUTEif n war*Br*«tJi
‘ WBI ■•* y«»y .Wniy, t
lb* OftV h ll»*.l.
All (M-Cta*
^ JttiUc-rMal > * < M Um
' (
. IftdtftMpQlbt. . Wuch U.
tftlftr ftftra'ln March luvo teoufht TJt
IbAm of ft«icr to tb« •ftfth.'Of this
•Mowt LK iBCbM >ftrt faltaft Udc*
Mftdftjr. Yhr hftiTliM MtatftU o( tiM
)wr uftuuivl Tiiiftrtft/, OftlateaUac t*
* OowftfMir Id tlM OTMlav which
SIshth wart and porta
or feur other ward* are aftbmetvtd.
Fot« thoftaiid peofilr bare been driven
froei thrir bomea and -i ery f< w of them
ferta. ......... ........
(unihd down Lee street a half mile
and la warhlot out everrthin* »n Iti
path. Therr bar* been a reor* of nar-'
earapee and mure tban Dflr prr*
ape mlMlaft. Two budlea have
baeft rveuvered.
The aopplr of akifra waa wbollr Inftde.
ftiiate to reoewe the people asd It took
an Dlfthti to fet tSeai B dry lai
Keen- railroad enlerinc the city I* t
ftp and all of them have esperit need
ddesla. The number of Uvea hwl bere
la atlU a matter of ranf«>'iure alihuuch
It win not reoch th< ortffcal eeilmaie
-»te«f WhyT!
‘■Whyf Tia> the aaM Bteint te«l
In the ewtll^k
perbsift you are afraid, ftiv poo afraid of
’■AftaMof yoal Ob. dear, nel” And
iho looked at him lan|*te«ly- Bfdliisteg
tp. ibo ran to the pMoo and stneka wMl-.
M^W. MtitL'. HartSt a-4ter. Or-,
scat O.Tarlor.al>al)*a.Or..praa<^.srb*
bbs baaa la Jail bate for eeversi todatha.
and asalast whom proceedlBss for aeaortbd money under (alaa pretense*
hdva bee« draBlcd akmd In the etrcult cosrt fof a year or more, waa
yeoterday sentenoed by Jude* Snow to
sis year* In the Jacksan peisoa. TWe
eomplalnate.' Or. O. B. Cornell. allc«ed
that Tsylctr Induced bim to boy IkOH
worth of tetarea la tbe latorstate In
vestment eWpany. of Dalle*, Ora, a
wmeani rftOeb did, not wdaL
lan^fts. Mkh.. March
6bo was usually oool. acU yiftiwuleft psr- baofttead* by lasaruncv CoBialanKnier
> tbe
“Bnt FrsuBoftnoa. what lathe ttettw
with your"
She WM bowU Bftslni
'Sooaie Path
Uka U
n’t you:
iansTiAZiD tBaB&UA
The Central relict aiaUon la Havana
te feadlac UAM persona dally.
Since Jan I lUtt peraao* hav* left
Beattie for Alaska. Of thaaa Am want
te Copper river.
Ourman relebsug yeuicrday
aieamahlp auhoMy MU paausd
iu thlrt reading. '
Ntarty l.OOO KentuMdans made a up
to p*« tba teuBob
of tb* battlewb
Rev. M. D. TerwUllger. of tb* Port
Huron conferenr* of tbe MetbodlW
eburefa. dlad at Detroll yaaurdar.
The Pacific, mill, at Taooma. Wash.,
rgeat iablngle min In tb* world,
the Mrfteat
r dcslreyed by fire. Loaa.
There te a general bailey 'that May
win ae* a atrtke ofaU organtead tebof
In SL Unite (or an clghl-hopr day and
ten beurr pay.
Merry Hendome. a yoong .farmer roslftlag tt«ar OaceoU, la., was (atamr
shot by Nlgbt Waicbman Barttett for
Prt> 1* ftwtebOT Mm Mm.
hands wandtvsd over the keys, and kmc,
San Francisco.' March te. — Peter
soft toMu crept from under her flbdera
Jie was more putslol than eecr. Wha* Jateson wa* given a roualte welcome
last night when te-«l*ppM into tbe
«ftr op to XM UetM. WhIW rtrar. Bl«
elnply could not aadeeetand bw.' Two ring to meet Jim'Jeffries in a twenty■ftOia ftftd rftII*crMk ar« ool ot-thdr
round go. It wia. Jacksna's Brut pubBinntaieMtiwtf
tow hftflhft ftoa bftndiftd* or aena of
He appearance berr aiace lisi. whan be
be knew as abe
iavrstigatlon shows that aen -who
lowlftftOft ftiw OKOfOowod ud mu7
and full of fnn, bol ■
(ongbt with Jim Coriott Wtgiderart's
laoeed are mm of bealo* strongwblme—wberea* now—
paklWon held ».«« enthualaat* -to see _arvcs—grea*. win posror.
ftUBUlM hft«« -Uca drtrcB frwn their
BedM not dare to Intami0 the moMe, the fight, which again demoastrated food cannot supply the vital force*
kecBM. The damwe ftlrMdx ftoee 4a
and bU tewonderweciwemoD steadily
which pw>pl* with notlss bmlne aad
•raftL Several hrliiiea are reported on all BtftfaL
food the
VftMMd awar.
raflraada are oofPliubuf*. March «-Three ftreat biraua* waa the music be bad baart her
'■■■ta-' maku the mind brigbL Beaol**
•HlftS aa a taoult of Voodod raadbedi rtvera^e Monon»ahel#
Alleftieny play befors, sod ha bad tboudht that such
asmse* DM by Aewosoc
ig—aaake fllaah and blond and gle*
ftftd ftOfttlr an tralaa are late, while and Ohio—are now In a
Martaette. Wli.. March a.-Joha •arfset health to Men ond ■’omen.
wa* iho rc^tlon of bee own self and
> and there i* every
•ibera have been abandeBOl. }teporta
that sb* knew ou biber. He had nevee Wlakler waa arrested yesterday on Thk Ti-anus OP Pun.ADKLniiA maka
1^ to
Bo* aU over the atate tell of the dladnasmedof her playlod neethoreti. least of suepicion of having kUIed William SManUft..
Birhed eoedlHen and deatnictloo br
Sotnem. who wa* found dying on the
i a. Burk-T. Chter Oterk Ns’lmsl BowL
Sooda. Uaar Inporuei towaa am eelliwe that of the freshet of UPl Al ____ And bow perfooUy ibo
•Tbo- trsrft* near PenUdne on Sunday WMhtoetos. D C . tesalSn tkst to <rM all res
—WM a «ka*o» «it hi- tem-f p>U-ftlreU
lamporanir cot oBaod train* have been
Inc' iti She put her heart and soul
An loquest was held sfter Wlnblefs
loime* ajntreaatlra ll».«0. while maiitt- B. Bot, then, to tbli
arrest snd the death decided to be
ink of■ liosrt
ODtlrelr aboDdened on anmr road*.
•botorlna Intereat* are *o *e\erely ta eoDTWcUon with bo
ber was fuoltsb LAo te ecetdruL
Jaa G. Joubox, DrtigglsL
crippled that areat lea and Icconven- crerythlDS *he did, bee rvoderteg of Hoelenre must ne<e*B*rIly<ru l <«.
tboeeft was. be tried to iieiuuad* bliumlf.
Newark. O.. JUrrti J4 —H. C. R*’** of trteksry. She wda a chew netTese. thU
te% Oough Sftteady.
I UP In the hundred* o( tbouaand*.
/Perhaps the Saure* mar reach ILOOu.
ThU remody.l*________ ....................
T. Klnkead l« mlfvlna nrd believed to
i already 11
/ «M. Ail the otraam* are »verf
for eottgbs colds, eronp, wbaoplag
have been drowned. The I'ennrylvanta
y thMr banka, boiiaea and railroad
cough and Infloenia. It has baeoenr J.W.P.uhiB.
have been waabed away, cruulna crop* briflae has beep swept swrv and tnahy
fsiDoat forlteeureo of tbaa* dUoaaes,
have baM aeeloualy dabsaart: In (act.
8|>HncfleId'. O.. U^h ft.—The water were patelblo. sod It was all done u
to stel- cTor a largo part of tba elrOized world.
ceneral havoc baa been created by the
Attemeya at Law.
The Most flauarlng toaUinoniaU hae*
ftlemaata. Wreck* have been reported
been reoalead, g
• of ite •ere I. fteeiMae Bteekfront dlftcreot twrt* of the atate. and four feet hidher tban In !»•». the btdb' tlos and Botblnf mare, for abe 1 id i» good worita: of tea agfr
ag and
M ewr known- The dsmafe Is cstl- heart. Tbe vory Idea was rtdleokma Sb*
railroad iraflkt In Indiana, eaat of itala
it baa cortKtyrf
aauitrd at mO.OM in the clip and
ettr. la demoraliaed. Not a paaaenacr
w°Drt^tb^ted bnaib. and ver* ootda
tlftla leached tbta dtp (roai the teat
TVIawstv. O.. March tt.—The flood as tbs twilldbt deepened Into darkneaa-tb* te lu aootblag oflecta. and of tbs
or' left yealertay over the Bla Four,
rf eroup it baa eu
which bodsn Tuesdsy
apMi itew imds and more powerful. garoDS attack* of
ond other lioee eoat fared no better.
life of tbe child.
all,dap yesterday, lorrvnu of water Would be ever aee her apBlnf Ned Ukely.
__________ ______
poortDd throttdti the bttslneas aireeu. but even It It should happen be woold
a shown ihst it robs that 4la««a« of
squree of bbslnea* boner* are never allbtr any deulsrsUou of tore to pass
e danuacloihathMallirtebeai leaai
all dangotous ormtequaaooa. Sold by
ttM.aW. Nearly l.Cte pMple arc unwliu nnder water and *t<Kk Is either dam- bU Ups, not If bis bean should bursL for S. E. Walt. BrugrUL
If betboftld so far teas eoutrol over him
sed or eomplFlely rule
laa sneai* In that dtp. there hartna
eolumbu*. n..Harcb 2..
bean fto train* departlna flnce lb*
Xnlehcrhoekee l*rt at l o’clock for Cin- Iasi nldhi (he dander fmm the flood
---------------------------.bOa Board of BduoaUrniwmaeU tbe
Manatl Tneaday nlaht tUl boon pestef in this rtty snd virtnitp had passed, the
bad to ooufes* to hlmmll that b# Boat State stFooi school property, oonSap. Baht heavily loaded paaaenaer water In the Scioto rteer havind fallen
sDftrmiJ slmost lu U>* point of dedar-1 .teUng of loto <« and M. block E. Hantralna wor* Iplna there at one itma. At ahoQi three feet This was a rreai re bad
abelbpTOle the fiver levee broke and lief to eeversi thousand people oa the Ingbl* lovv. But just at that tuomeatlB^), Lay A Oo's Tib addilioa. loge '
him and had Wubad ^with tbe building tbareon. at private
lb* rcoldetu* portion of the city was weal aide of the city, whoese home* abo had Uugbed»atwith
ber besoUlDl grey sale for rOO.
flooded, caualna ct.ntiderable loaa had been Inundated i>r the river break- eyas.
ins over the levee*. Sydney H. Brel*,
"Keully.srs you going to leavs met Aiv
hich waier.v Hartinsvill* and Oolum- fort, of the xrmied State# Express ran sure that b DO mere speaeb for efleeU
bn* are teolaied iroln the Vest of the oompany. and Percy Mayo, an employe Bow nha It will be fur you. won't Itf
•Uta for the time beint and from many of the Ohio Central railroad, are mlasOtwenyOyMeft
At which be bad galosd mastery over ALOMO TBI OftSAT HIOH
•(her polnu coax tale* of arpai -no*. int and it I* feared they arc drowned. hIniselL and Iboo they bsd lougbed toOVTRATSL.
All (he bottom land natlylna Indian*
getber. as they always Old when be called.
■pelta la covered with water and White
They had odver exsbsugsd a serious word. To Florida Tift “Tb» Land «r|lba
I. nia.
river la slowly ritina. but no areat ap* ..........
luted by *1
•kE.Otehenalon 1* (dL_____
defunct Elmoood State bank called
iM bare-almost furg»tlea
MlgktyOoatbarn BaBway
pbiiwbj oyw
fiyaAuditor of Ihjbllc Aceounto McCullough
m Oft ftlOHT PKATMft POmBI
while to hlui sbo Would Iw only a
tern, travcral^
- tba- sight
'-M Great btetca
yesterday and asked him to turn over
ullful reiiH-mbraaoe, as of the Hoomliif booth,
Meortp BvWp Maa tea (Wew te Wmehtes the assets In tbe committee. McCul.. desire*
dtslrss te eali
Mato aetM* Bart.
aiteoUoa ofthe
tbeI Healtb-seakor, tb*
lough refused to do ae. and wllltustliute Otto Blsiuarcfc exrelhmUy says—but BdU : the
, Laod-seekor, the PlMuro-a_____
Coternbu*. Ind.. March M -A tiftfii proceedings In the aute courts to have*
uom wax Oiled with tbe Profli-aoakar and ibe^kle TravaUag
receiver appointed for the bank. It is
conMatlfta of ft pftsaenaer coach, eah
whltewetlrd Crom t^lPablie. te tb* Baay advaat^sw, ‘
believed the ameU will bs auffletent to
• M1S0ELLAMXUU8 WAMTftplabo. .
kbsriob a^ fartllc
of twentyfonr men aboard,
bs ssee except tbs wlbite keys, with ber Uaj BBd tbe maby ruooru which Ha
Low FsrM fse Mwdwsto
wrecked noar bere test eveOna- The
tor. ami tee bmd of .loug iu Uute.
bands OastlDg over ibeiir.
poft^eaiJ^troj »n>e»ressf
- liver hei»e kver lu bank* and
New York, March «.-The managers the Juno la tbs owner.
erearrew Ih* let; k_. _
Oo te FJorlda aad meap* tba Baay
of the Joint TrsIHc
BollstfOiea. bewttcbad.Ulb»ii>ualo, anfl oold aad dlaagreeabl* days of wlster. reueabiftreftea*
wondmed why bo was so woted. Wa* It aM step at ASBKVILlI -Tb* Laad sudFruuklterteert
tiMtied by boats. Th* enalnear oanbot
really shat Bus tuuUoulsa sb* mi there! of tbe Sky.'* TBB 8WITZBBLAND of xjotjagTOK
Wbst musk ber flogers wsdet So. It wa* AMBBICI. wbar* bcaeaa aad earth A lagww su<
Itt found. The «r«an wa* washed
not the womau be bad known; a nan*•wap and swalli to • tree, where be
Dnualhn bad taken place.
waited to be reaoued. but on account of
Suddenly It eecurred to bim that be bad
the darknsas and the swift current tt
_ Amertea and ...............
ible to teach him.
______ABoriea'u oaly Palnoa, Ue
teat possible, even If dUUcult In Imsglns. rhauau of Oeo. W. VandurbilL Or
■ built about half
Hoppusiog ibai bsr light, flippant gayety
itai life and bepe.
I* tree*
leelur, who te.ia a barry te lut
I *t lb* Osugregs;
WM only* BMk. undsr which tbe rml
the tweotp-fonr
• Florid
t,go via a-------------dretec Into a arwer aud dubwned.
woman was diwulaod. Hv hlm«U bad
• or tesa iniumd. Sts or olfh
Frtata have enUrsly deatroyed the trom a »aak. Lib* bar, b* Mmoed te be
ap die.
badly ininred and- map
fruit crop lu the lowar Ban Joaquin vnl- wbal be WM not. H* bml pauMftdrt to tbT"'^y ‘ite^flMdA 'wblob
retarulsg w Mn
Prank Lseoaby, of f
Ute ^laa
bon moder. lac Boderu aoelaty dwaands
•lobabir die. Bnatneer Conoell. of Lo- lay of California.'
An crganlaatlon known as tbe Ind*-' Ibaiall ttelfeoUng aadumoUeo faeuon- Md ibaOry.
sunapoft. and ta« brakemea are mUapandent
IM and map be daad. The toUotrlnrare
danger of being ridSeuted. It mlgbt bs for A the Great Ttmagh-Trunk-Ua# - - Irere Ml a
conanctor Fraaklla
and perfected at SL Lonla.
Pred Oon*#. of Oraen Bay. Wla,
(bat abe bad only mirrored him.' It might te tba fioutb aad Flortda. Blegaat
Chartea hpsfha Iswanaport: flamoM
Talhinetno, New Albany; •WllUam arrerted on a ebarge of threatening to b* test sbo. loo. bad KrioM (bougbia edTlIbulad tralna. earryiaff tbroagb
wbtcb she (earwd to axposs to ridteula
Moore. Pellersvllle: Juoepb Bcotl, ADy
Why should ah* Oust him. ■ moftar. eorFrnnk
tin: WHUam Wbtteoa, Momphl*-aU te
ley. T^i*.. was struck on the hand by a OMtlyr AodsUnbtebMrtwMtelUadsnd
bte ll|xL wore oteoad by lb* tear o( bs*
A man namad McCnne mfs
Uugb. Um Ungbl Bow madTh*
a brakeman waded tlmuvh the
from New York for Havana yeeterdar. danlugly Booking It wmI
wlier and canted O
And a reoulleetloa flatbed neooss hb
cftiTled ttO ton* of Cuban reUqf eupto the end of the a ........
Bind. Ho bad made ber ocgoalntence In
^ lap him dciwa. McTune went back to pllea.
the teteo! Wightdurleg tbs preelooa sumJpft help the others and neither the eondneOf th# ttc.fl#0.C» approprtaied fW the
Unn day they were standing before
tor nor brakeman bav# born aeen atnee. national defense MS.0CC.II0C ha* been «g> mar.
lb* omerwid green fit. OaiberlB*. From
pend'd or contracts enlerad into tor tta thesumiuliof tbe bill tb* ruins looked
A coachload of achool
for the state meetlnt
down u|ion them. All around was boly
had passed over the place whsps the
By the unasntlng of Spa*. Fwrtb Vlr- qotet. It snemodn* If oator* were biding
washnui and srroek ooenrred only a tew gtnia dMrteb and tba aaating of Thorp, her deaport. puraat tboogbta in tb* rieb
Bomenu hetees the fatal aOalr.
BatwtallteB. Ibat party bas H majortty aUlIncaa Aa osoal. abe bigan >okliig and
te tb* national bonne.
aeofling. Boddonly from tbe hlUtop «am*
PbOOO in
A pfttortigar train waa bald ftp bf two tbeeoboof bcrtaoftl
men at Croat creak bridge, four mil**
AU O**o*s tmm On. aite te tea ales
aonth of Trnvar. CaL. and the exj
away Into sHeDOsand tba room wasatUL
Ctnctnnatt. March M.—A pooolter aaft ‘ear robbed of ftb unknowa aam.
At FounulB and Frank Ubart. Of fiuddMly aba haft lb* piano and auod beinmarkabie flood U fiUw ih* banks of
for* him- _
the Ohio mer. U u peculiar te tba
••Surely you havenT baan aateipl Sow,
alrntmatence that trom WhesUnf to
~w(«*a Ireallybalteeeyanwsredaalnft."
Cairo n('\trtbuurp on the left bank of
Bar Totea soundad Ju« a* tteual. and
the river make* the aU(bt*n oonlrtbuA New York MaraM <
tton te thU arsat tratecL Had the te> beUeves (bnt Lord SalUbory is noon to
pour of waters trom atimas eft tba maKB the Britlab paamlcttetp and that
left hank been oonal te that of teeoe oa ba srUI be sueevadad by tb* Otte* of
the rtihi the flood woold have eauallod^ Paronthlr*
that of ite»-j*rhapa enrpasoed
IM Sleep 1 iteall nerer *m you agaJa
: Ton know wvibaU notB*«aft«taitlsbi,
pUfs of water at PitUburs ts
.«mL There has been a f-_ ----bars sine* last Saturday, darted whlob
Ume I.M incbiB have fallen' at this Satotuttag.
toot Urti........................
pelnl. of which (our-flfths of an inch
nran K Maundar. a bntetetr.
Ml pHthin
ihiny-ais houipTXews from
shot aad BortsUy wounded formrus^
rteen. B* bud lakaa ^ bal.~
lana and
a poiDU In Indlai
to obey the eommanto of four ^khva UDd at he grasped .toe bund batoM:
ate Ynd^I
who Invaded John T. Bwbe'a
"And DOW foudby."
aU of frdm
w—•««- city.
■ _
It was bte late bopa A* to oouW art
April te. Staphen A. Deogla*' Mrtb- ae* ber too* to tresud (bat toe band BtgU
day. wm be eriefaeatad by tb* lre«note treabte. But no, aba wa* mU poeiMad as
club. CWcago. Ex-Preuldent CMveland evM. One* Bern be »M vefy OMtly.
and Senator Vites wlB deUvar addreBM "Oeodby-"
10 are ettbar crippled o
“Oeodte.” to* aaewotwl. KM a weed
iftUy diaaUad tor tb* pfuaanL This te at .the AadltoriuB.
- Iter Cunom baa pro* anted to Ow BM. HswfaL bot Mapped ter a
hen*tier of waoboau. dangerous and daat tto door and toned. Attbutl
gtroyad bridgM. and tbe like. AH cvci-'OWo and Indiana, except F«bap* In tbe
gntnow Mribsre pans railroad trafllc
- la aaoutalteed. Tb* fliiNaiiigaftL tb*
Mtea Margaret Fnltar, a grandalao* «( were(Mltogdown Met*
Boeklag. tb* Bdote aad th* two Miami
rtvarwte Obte seam bbsty to brook ihrir Chief Justice- FuUer, mada bar flnt
■ Tuesday at the
reeert (NB aaorb* to Booth ter Ugh
tbaaue. Now Tort,
Tort. to SSTmm Sb* NM*d bat baud m bte
gtagoa^jd water aad- ter daaug* and
tb* Utle rote of tb* rptm ventea eC MmUm and dU aM toftflk---------- -
sinus nivoDsiiRMncT.
Jifr'A'ataTs ’te-aa/.sz
New Departurei
Mft&tiFtaYoar town, wber* l«-vUl
rnuteinforOM day only to giro tba
Mdk aft oMMrtBnity to cMsult U«
that naaoim btm at hi* Bsniterinm.
Tba doeter ha* ao much faith la tb*
baa bad in tratlag
I that ho ariU give oo*
Atao bftCft ftcrKOiCAL omaTRma TO
atx TBoas THftT aft* Tw tooft re r*T.
AUtbat ba'ftftka to rctara U that
•very p* tloftt trill utate to tbr'
tbo rasulte obtaised by Ua tn
AUfomsaof ebrouiediaeaoe*
fonattie* treated. Mo i
ated 87 yuara ago from CVtaiaikH
of Aaatony and Ptayaiolacy la Detroit
Bomeo^ble Wedical CoBe^ for «
This experleaee. combined urith maay
yuan' atady la tba best boapitala 1«
tbe ooBStry. aad egaminiagaad treat
ing thonaamla of etaronig caaea. baa
prepared blxn-to care wbeaUtogBsenl
Ma^tloftorfalla. Bayeyoa bate^
for yuaraf Am you diaodaraged
Call asd aee Ba.we will
we can cure you or not. If tea caaoo
cure you, we will tell yoa iHtet relief
wecaa ^veyob.
on* BOSa'-trta te
ftn?tbebe^?of%t oor
a^ to ftU who are too poof' to pov,
Oor method* of treotmeat Is all that In
kpowB^ftU i^sctec^ urittai^aM
1 ftgeot^nlterftlynU.Loss of Itotrer,
leomattom. and bU dtoeaaM of tte
reooB ayaUM. Oo ftorly. as ay
...joetoriw*y»qowded._ .
. _
ler, are civ* a urrittea cnaD
ire mere case of PILBS
atrtcetocanavetye-----------------------KUPTt^ Also, we f tea a
UNI aw at Clnrinaia ««b Iba
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