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The Morning Record, December 31, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Second Tear—617
scausT wncroo TO avBopa
[ Wm OemmMid Flaet to ae.Sn»bliah
King Humbert Siifna Pardon
■early S.Ot(6 Persona.
G... Ludli,. Forbid. B.mReports of Bitter Weather,
I Borne, Dec 3n.—Rfog Humbert toonotration lo Havana
ber of importktit eboDre* Is tbe perProm Northward
1 dag signed . decree graullDg amnesty
•oaoel of tbe high gnodea ot the norg
large number of peraons who were
Vpoa Ue OcowloD of Oepkrtve ot bare been deolded oo bj Secretary rbeHorthweat in tbs^Ormap * An'®»»lctedof psriicipatiog in the Usy
Loog. Tbe order* hare not 1^0 twoBpasieh Soldioro Tot
I ed bat will be wbeo tbe reeoecUre eavicM Delag in the latermto of P<
':Cinelee occur or the Beeenitg ariaee
and Wllh Koreree the Order—Amer- ^ (or diahioe BUigmoeoU.
S4 Degraea Below Zaro »t West 8u-1 Anna KullMhoft. a Bosalan aoelalisl.
iOBB* Will Help OelebratcJLater Oo. i Bear Admiral WiaGsId 8. Scbley bai
lU..... Oc. •»—Th. C.b..p..rl j
.1.110“ oI
U».CobMi.l.wj“,. 'docl.rt.ndbu.lU I. tbe
nma mes. at a mectior wbieh laatod '
«»><Hand of j Uoo frum tbe Northwest U^etrackod ^ 6oldl«r at Fana, ZU., Suffered
aoUl « o'clock IhU mamlng decided to i'***
forie to be sent to European on the ^y. the protaabmt/ea are that,
■ field without roaerrallon lo the wtabea ^
Adml?^l Sebley a flagship wUl | Chicago and the Ube regi^ will be in |
.iael“.m™ke..d te.er.lL.dlb.jl-l'i'CblW
| tbe .rip el
...ib.r e. New Ve.r'.!
„ „TT^
,1 Bear Admiral Sampaon wiU be ro-; day.
Soginaen Called Out bg Uoioa—One
tained in command of tbe Nortb At-. All tbe Northwest is Id tbe grip of I Tbooaaad Dollars Beceiredfor Aid
_ of Ha-!
•“‘■'o" 8“*- Oommodore Hen-; the cold aoap.*aDd at Uinnipeg. the'
In the Aulke of the Hinei*
Ifeato to the
i)Ad popul
command the Bos-;..4,ldi,i point heard from last night, ai p„.
. rw v. p. i u—i
vanaonthe llp^s of Gea^l todloWs'^r*'*-‘'‘«’^e*»'
replg to tbe Buggeation
leatiOB t>nbc
pn _____
—1.»—.1““. qnoliog some porliona of A. Howison will aueceed Commodore
reported. Harre. Mont, was lhej„jk,i,^
on guard duty
j I'bilip as eommsoder of a difision of coldest point
'!!.'_ ‘■-"I'f’-.l**!!' I “
P»“* Herring enlersd an old
Tbe Unban citizens of Hsraoa and,theNorUiAtlantirflretwbrre r. degrc<
coal alied for protection from the rain.
the Cnbnn soldiers onUide the eltysre'
Be stumbled < r tbe coal and as b
Intenaelg eaciled. bnt the-pstrlotie
fell. bU gun dropped
sommlttee and the miliury chiefs of
post twentg-fonr hoars was remark
charged. Tbe ball passed through
the Cabans think that theg can .j^lel
able. At Bapld City. N. f).. a fall ot K Herring's heart.
this feeling pod prefent riolent Inci-, TrapseS Fertormer Fell Twen. degrees wss reporwd. sad si srrrrsl
It is Dine months today since the
union miners left the pita which are
bring operated by the negroes.
low's reply to tbe Caban depntatioa
I in aid of •k-.■'lb.,.,
the strikers, tbe Brotherhood .
..d ptriiwb*!..,.... AC ib... u.. Ad.
a tbe ^tern
jofHine BoUUng Eogineeis today call-!
eented a wriUen program tor the six | nitnric Bull
d But Fortun., board.
ODt the day and night engii
Between Chicago and tbe Atlintic
auly He Bonps Were Broki
at tbe Pans Coal compaoy'a mine. The
An accident wfaieh came eery near !«**t the weather has been
Managers also
Everything you want from a ball of
pins to a letter presa
! 220 Front 8t.
“City Bookstore.**
«F F..t I. sfinb..*-.. irr'Tb^:.;:'
died out John Dnddg. who ha. for
sfHaranadnrinrtheneit week, of the I berg's Grand last night just before the
“Z (eight gears been mine manager of the
ezebangeof tbeostlonal flagslhalwm cloaeof IhesnterUinmtntgirenbylhe •‘‘to™*? morning I-oreasler Cox eayeth. wb","Zri'w».
take place on Jan. 1. as I promised goo. | Coroell Concert Compang.
I bare Uken oemsion siso:to asceruin |
Uoft. one of tbe traprse perfor- «.ia...p.bl.h-.« l“l .bo., tbr™ ^ „
the flews of Gsosral Brooke, coromadd-1 me™, missed tbe Uapese bsr while do d.y». ..d b-.t-.rap.ni.d b, .Uood |
ing Ur difisionSr Cuba, upon the sob-' iogatnm frith bis partner.!' ilg feet gslec and light enow flurries.
He ri»n‘ down
will steadily Inm^
increase -aay
todaj '
The cold w„l
w^rThTa^fv 8^^'
ject I regr#l to Inform gon that a cel-1 shofe Ue andleoce. "
and by tomorrow morningU. nercary j
ebration of tbla ebarmeler will not at' with a crash and canted a shudder
thU Ume be deemed expedient and : pu* «fer the large crowd preaenl.
WarranU are out for two
in'l for the present be anlhorlzrd
[ was thought at first that he bad met
onoerior. w is . uec.
, oegroe* who in s ftmily fight fatally
“HaranahasloralongtiiaesnBerediwith fatal Irjury., but fortunately i
‘J*®"™ =6
fehoi Willism Snyder, a fellow miner.
from strife and contention, and it it bedfJ^ped inu Ue aisle, although *«™- It was 3* degrets below during. Tbe strikera today reeeired Cl,000
Ueanpreme duty ot all at Ibis critk-allhis body strack against ons of
e organization to aid in
period to snppreaa disorder and pre-Iaeata.
He fell .'on bis face andj St- Hfc'< »«• W —Proifi SJ abore zeaer*e Ue puWie peace. Another con-' snstained a bad brnise on Ue ri^bt' ™ y®***"**!-**« “'""T has dropped-------------------------tiderations for .the moment should glfc I c'leek. The jar, howerer, was serious. ^ ™P'<>'y'‘®^*yOBBBB6 AKBEZOAH BHOZJTBB.
waytoUis. At the present lime Uejand it waa'nearlv an hour before he : ^0 below at Moortiead. 30 below at
-----------only means of mainulning order is the j wasoble to help himself. Dr. Moon : Winnipeg and 2o below at DalnU.
Indian Ot>T,mment Reding to «ui
Conn try for
presence of the I'nited Stales troops in I waacallod and after a careful ezamin-j
-----------------------Ue cily aalhe local police in seferal atlon annonoced that no bones rers . IDAlTCO riAQI?!! QPACAU
Glasgow. Dec- 3U.—Tbe Ulaagow,
.afiw.. ' k—o... —
ADViili)!! uuuijulf uCiauVIli.
districts dissppeared with
with th»
tbedepar-lbrokenorseriousinternalinjariessus; Herald says that It is informed that Ue
tore of tbe SpsnUfa soldiers.
[ Uined. although be was badly hurt-1
iindis office authoiilir* are order’n:!
-It Is in the inuresu of both the | g,
jbe hotel short-, MtchlgAB Fishermen
'Will, locomotivea for tbe India railways
citizens geberally. and particnlmrly of I ly after the performanee closed,
bnilt In America.
Fight the Traet.
tbe more dlstineUrely Caban cllizenai Tbe accident spoiled Ue enterUlnCharobenain'e Colic. Cholera sod'
Uat the'oecasion should be one of f
^^e audience. Uongb
Diarbooa Remedy can always be de-1
peace, order and quiet rejtieing only. [ i,,e progiam was finlshpd. Tbe Injnr- Declare Cloaed Seaeaa an lajuatitt pended upon and
id liis pleasant and safe
and «at ererg one should be conuolled s ^
to Fish Dealers and of Benefit Only
to take. Sold by S E Walt.
by a pauiouc desire U dc -hat U best L ^
to Ue Big Chrabine.
Social Saaee.
for the community
The Amertcsnl
Tbe firvt annnal New Year's danceof
A meeting ot thirty-fire members of
» aympatblse fully wiU tbe
Cuban fesllnk of rejoiciug. and at the EASHONOPOLTOFTHBHABZBT ^rib,„.c....riri .-rib.™.,;.
aasoeiatioo was held a few days ago in i cent supper served from t to 10
proper time b^yafter. when affairs arc
Detroit with all tbe important C-biiing. o'clock, p. ra.
in a m-.we aettltd eondilioQ. they will
Enropean Wheat Ztemaods.
jdlstricu represented. Among those [
--------- '
be glad to forUer and participate in
New. York. Dec. 3n-Aitbough i|,e!p«»«o‘ were Presideol Casper Alpem ;
the plans of celebration Theg a
. few of I
bandsnmp I
export bnsloets in wheat showed tome I of dlp*o»: Secretary N. J. Orr of Bay!
conrineed. bowerer. that this is not
(ft. which
diminution yesterday, as compared j Bo»t; *1»° rep™«sntruTes from Hi. Jos-j
sollabTe or expedient time for it.”
bought at the City Bookstore
‘This soraing tbe cUg and subnrbt with the recent very heavy demand. ®P*»- Grand Barcn. Charlevoix, Petos- ;
were absolutelg 'q'lieL
Lsat night Ue total sales, nevertheless, approxi- j keg. Mackinaw. Cheboygan and Bay j '
there was ro Instance of dUturbanee. maud SOO.OOO bnshels at tbe Atlantic ' City.
The United 8ut«s patrol and officere porto, and-Chicago reported IfO.Otml A proposed amendment to -UesUU
fish laws was adopted nnanimonsly
were kept keenly alert.
bnshels sold there for export.
Fr. Bdrice Mora said to Ue AescclaV
In two days Ue salcsal tbe Atlantic landwill he submiiud to the leglsla•d Press today: -We are sorry that we porta, have been ab-mt l.fba.OTio bush tare. It cal’s for Ue repeal of tbe
cannot excente onr program,
els. Yrsterdv'* clearances from the cloaed uason slatuU, Secretary Urr
agree with General Budlow's desire, aesboard wcic co Irm than l.ion.ouo says4hat'lll^ measure is backed by a
lip will hare dlSiculty in keeping Ue bushels, making, in round numbers. majority of UKxUU fish camicission.
.low people down sod nestrainlng Ue S.ISIO.ISIO in fourdaya
by all of iu empioyea and by the Michpoung people in tbe army, but
ime weeks past America has t^n employes of the federal fisAi comsure that only detached acU of dlstnr- eopplied e.1-, per cent of the Enropean'^ion.
He argues that .'..noo men are
bance will occur. Notbleg will be r<H|uiremenU. Argentina. U
Stat-r^oppofted by tbe Industry and that 30.done In combination against the Ameri od. was offering wheat more freely.
people are dependent upon them. |
can wUhee. Now is Cuba's opporlunt- Irut the trade are not disposed to look These SS.OOt* inhabitants of tbe suie.'
ty. If we go.wroag now we will nerer f.w serious competiUon from Argentina it is a%oed. are entitled to a most reatUin ind. pendence and never reach
much before April I, and in tbe mean- apeclful bearing, as- they are unanipaUonal life, and the Americans will
lime this couoiry will have a practical mooa. Suft, Clark, of the Northviile
nerer leave Cuba."
t'olted Hutes hatchery, favors Ue
monopoly of^tbe European markcU.
Cora, too. was in brisk demand for abollabmentof the closed season, and
export, and Ue plearanees yesterday Dr. Blackford, of the
tbe eeaboard were orer l.TUO.OOO ion of Ue I'nited Slates fish eommlsaion, expnased tbe same opinloa when
In the fefttnree of comfort
Old Olotg Will Float'Alone in Cuba hnshelaForeignera were baying wheat fn- visiting Ue NorthriUe hatchery last
and fABhionable appearance
tnrea. too. gesUrdag, and Uoogh prices week. Secretary Orr declares that nait liaa DO riraL
fisherSoroeiE ehoen hare the en
were lower, many ragi^ed Uc decline
Waahisgton. Dee. ,30.—NeiUer tbe as a natural reactionUe recent men are shut off during Ue beat part
dorsement of fashionable
Prtmideat nor aeeretarg Alger will sharp advance.
of Ue year for fishing.
women and are worn and re
“This, be says, "allowa Ue Booth
commended by leaden of so
syndicate of Chicago U get very high
ciety everywhere.
prieee for frozen fish. Uken and frozen
Ko imitations “Jost ^
at Lake Winnipeg and oUer Canadian
Budget for IBM to Exceed That of
iraoslerrlng Ue government of Cuba
fishing points The only banefit from
The price places Sorosis
frum Spain to Ue United 8UM next
the present law is to Ue syndicate.
shoes within the reach of (he
I.«ndon. Dec.
A dispatch from The closed aeasun is obnoxloos to every
Snodsy. ‘Hie
economical buyer. Bold in
Oeoeisl Bcqoke'e stand, and he le act- Paris to Ue Exchange Telegraph oom- one inlereeted In fiU In Michigan.’'
variably at
la under ord^
pany mys that the Pweb Parliament
^eae orders wereverbal and liberal, will be asked to vote Ue aom of 3M,and were given before General Brooke MO.ooo franee (tT8.kOO.000) to Ue naval Bnt Fmnk Behaub ia Vow Beit 131-. I
laft Washington.
It has I budget for lAdi. of which a
'We are exclusive agents
BP desire to ignore the Cobans iooo.ooo franea («34.SOO.OOO) willbeexH
in the city.
or give Uem cause for oSeuB. Bathe pended upon the eonslmctlon of sixty
homed while partielpatlag
lo •*—
pereeivee tbal Uere can be hut one threercaselialreadybegnnandtweniygovernment and one flag in a countryr eight others Ube started in U»9. Tbe Christmas exercises at that pUee, Is
at Ue same Umt Since Ue United Frenefa naval budget for 1898 was 384.- slowly Improring, althongb his ininrSUtea U U uke control of Cuba and be. TliS.800 franea, and Ue increase pro lee were so aeriona that his recovery
was a few days ago diipalred of.
raeponslble for tbe Uland.nntil a stable posed U Uns orer 100,000.000 ftanca.
government can be cttablished by tbe
Cabans.be desire* that it shall be made 8eu3lSDM.
clear In Havana, as in Porto Rico and
The first aaniial Mew Yearb danoe of
Ue Philippines, that the I'nited States
Ue Oreeent band vriH take place In
flogliUeooeand oo
soly emblem of anForeslera' ball Mondayevening. Ten
Uority while Uis <
cent supper aervedfroa 4 Uloo'cloek
It Fteantere BalL
The New Shoe For Women.
It’ll Certainly
Pay You
To see the qualities and prices we’re offering
in Lad\es’, Misses and ChildreH’s
j —All new, stylish and of this season’s manufacture
J Do not sffend ?ny money for Cloaks until you see tbe
I wonderful values we offer you.
Tell That Husbaad
Of yours to just drop in and get ^ou a pair
of those I4.60/8hoes.for $.100. They are
certainly the finest injbc city for” the mon
ey. Just received a shipment of tbe latest
styles Ladies' Boots.
Now to call at the elegant jewelry’ store of Bamom A
Rarl. We have a finer stock than ever before, oomprisiDg
the latest d««fiigB8 in Watches. Chains, Charms, Bings of
various .patterns. In Uiamonds we can show yon soma
fine stones in sizes to suit. Our stock of Silver and Plated
Goxis -is very complete. Everything in Table W*re and
many articloB^ in Useful Novelties. Rich Cot Glass, Gtdd
Pens—airstyles. Call and look over our stock.
Popular Shoe House.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House, f
New Y^ars
For yoor n Ife that has been
worrying yo.: so mobh of late,
needn’t bother you any motejust give her a pair of
Pingree & Smith
$3 and $3.50 Specials
And start her off into a New Year on good footing. Wfi are
showing a new line of $2.50 Hendricks’ make that are nrianera-
118 front Street
The OM Reliable Shoeman
! MOSimrO BEOOM). SATTjaPAT. DEQgMBBK 81.1898.
F. %. Prrtr Rnented, AccoMd '
SmbeoitbR Voney Fro* A*oriOM VnpteeoOo.
F. 8. Ferry, no employe of the AmdrBwe* oompuy ed the V. A N.
Mot. *.
w. HAnn
_ jond. d1wpp«ort>d lut Wedneedey
j W.
Bdttor And IUaA««r. from Chief Uke. Boreml money order*
belvC«»r *»“>*“"**»» dtanppei
at Ue eeme Ume. Be b nleo chm
with h*Tlnr “*•" non* of money.
». betoPfln« to the mllroea
__ #ow 0«cer* of Tmetree City Tent Watob Xeetint in the Bvansdi^
The yowr BM enme. to thU ei'y
Church Toniebt.
•nd ABnndn Hive.
Wedaewlhy nod epeot thp day nod port
Ibere wTU be n wnuh meetinr nt
Loot nlyhl the naonnl reelew of
of Ihenlebtberu. He wnennented nt
TmrereeOity Toot. Ko. 8tl. K. 0. T. II the Bvnnyelienl ehnreh ibb eveniny.
White Cloud Thntedny nboot noon nnd
wM held end offleer* elected for the en beyinniny at ti o'clock. All are invited
Uken to MnnUtee. w^ hb einmlnn
euioy yenr. The oSatn of Amnode to attend thb mretiny nnd have
av tion wne held yeeterd^4 M
________________ Hire were elected to the nfiemoon. yood time. An Icviutlon b extended
^ BrenUe*.
J Afua-the review Inet evenlny thonew to all the ebter eburchrt of the city.
Cbnn. Godfrey nnd wife of Omtun. Jiy ,ieci*d cfBcere eet op nbenquetfor
The Son lo> Orlppa Vure.
Vo Sftirt fthonltf Bo •pored.
are vbitlnF-wiih the family of P. Bnn-1 jbe member* of the Uot. nnd * jolllfiThere b no lue auSerioy from thb
Bi.8eMU>r lidDiiodo hw prr|«r^ aoB Mr. Godfrey wne nt tbeneylum dloo "*• the order of theeveolny. dreadful malady, if yon will only yet
apM f»«tt tor ooBoidoroUoB it> *low of far adme Ume. lenvlny abonl fl»e year,
w*: , the right remedy. Yon are having pain
I were elected u follow*:
tho bill MW before eonrew to promote ayq. Be now own* and run* a floe
Paat commaoder-A. V FriedricI
AmerteoB eblpplsd end commerco farm In Kent mniy. but be b eUll of
■it^ B.
iilr Knight commander—Mcrri<
.bilion, have a bad oold, in fact ar*
kbroM. end in ibe oonrM of hU de- of the optoWb that Truverae > Hy b the djllev.
4w)j9U the eenntor eeyr:
•r-Joa. C. Smith.
bwt town4n the *taU.
prcinpl and »ure relief. They acl’dl-l
act dl- '
•<U b 0 well-known fnet thnt the
The WHtem Union Trleeraph com
Kecord keeper—Jerry T. Shtelda
cdRid- '
meUy on your Liver. Stomaeband
jUTMt mnrkeu of the wprtdT not »1- pany bave'-Bpened an oSce at Glen
Finance keeper-JoefG. UlrdaaU.
.m and
oey*. lone up tbe whole ayatem
tmij weU deeeloped, ^ to be xwfht
Phyalcbn—Wm. B. Moonmake you feellike a new being. They
far. end foBnd in Bnet^ Aobu Three
are guaranteed to core or pr
Cbaplain-E. A Evana.
The Creaeeot band haeenyayed Proed. For aale at the Drag S
- mnrKoU ore ooBTenieet ^ ncoeee from
Beryeant—Bdward Peaae.
.maor Muruuyh. Mbe Capitola Vader
B. Wait and J. U- JolMOO.
p^J^BcooMt, end will be nlmoet
and Mr. Chamberlain to fnmbh the
>qnnll7 M *«»» «“» MbnUo eoeei mule for their dancin* parly In PorfalM.ol*.-J. W.PiekeU.
when the enonl cromlnff the Uth.
ti H. of U.—Frank Bonn.
•aieru- ball next Moodey nlyht. • Thb
•{ Klnnnrnn ebnU hnre been built prombee to be a very a very enjoyable
tJentinel-Geo. Edgar.
The Aral annual New Yeurt* daoceof
nader the nnplo* of the United
Picket-Maren. 8mUh.
tbe Creeeeol band win taku place in
aoclal event.
Forutera- hall Monday <
Jack Litney of JInttoM Bey gave a
••It b obvlou that the atmgyle of dance In the new-hall at that place
Ten-cent anpper aerved from
Pact Lady Com.—Mary Evana.
o'clock, p. m.
aartalo natlou for political and mill- Thnreday nlyht. Amoay the yoeeU
l^y Com—Tareaaa Johnaton.
lary aopremacy and vpheroi of lofla prowniwereannmber of^onny peo
Lieutenant Com —Eveline Kidder.
•Boe in Buiem A*la. n» well u ie ple from thl* city. An_eleyaol apread
Record Keeper-lda OUbert.
Africa. h»* been, and b. wlUi perhapa at Deoiter Park Holei waa erjoyed by
Finance Reeper-Amaoda Smith.
a ainyle exception, founded upon a de
Chaplin-Ullvc Dill.'
lire wobUin a dominatiny loflueore the yueate.
Sergeant-Amelia Cnaboc.
Tve bukel ball-yame at the ladle*
aver the market* to tboee region*.
Uiatru* at Arm*—Jewie UriSth.
marlreta. the' yymna.io« Tbnraday evening between
Seouoel—Minnie Pickeli.
o have, fair op lMoBUe. and the;-Whltu;.-WM very
Picket—Liuie Harrb.
WWUnitytocomneU. Tbifeannot beiaplnled. At the end of the
Tbe tent and hive will have a joint
More itood e to S io^
obu,... w,.bb« o„ b-b
“u.. Inataltatlon January 13, at which time
Grace Baallnge !
•kipa end our own flay. The ■
yeotlimen will barquet tbe fadie*
adequate provuioo b made to tfab end eight balU baaketo*
Flag day* for January are tbe 1*1.
the lee* will be the diflienUy and the
ynater will be onr reward. To attain
Dr. wnibm* of Kinyaley. waa .in tbe
Ibaae objecU no expenee to the com- mnea of the-emaoeipatioo proclama
^ treaaury in aid of chip bnildiny tion. the birth of Charle* Snmner. A’- cUy yealerdaj. Pe rag'axered and to k
aad ehip tradlny can be too great, for exander Hamilton. Benjamin Frank
We haw everythinit nice and
the trade onee eatablbbed. will be per lin. and the admbaioo of Michigan to tbbeonoty.
Waiter Murray of Lake City b *hakmanent; noaided; now. It will be lo»t Um Union. lUpeeUvely- v
. , useful for Ibe cbiklren — deeka,
' Tbe .Sotttb SMe Sbakeapeare Cinb
wUl meet TueMay afternoon with Mr*.
l the AmericaniCbarteaoIt b very proper ------------------------;Chart* S. iravi*
Travbof|E*»t Ninth •troet- Waif* drag aiore uriil several month* Su(; horses, carts, rockofS Bud bigb
iMlat upon a port- ]
be leader.
Every one la iDvilM to get their
^aiud by the Cotaau In Havana to mark New Year'* dinner today at Grange
tb« departnre of the Spanbb iroope
v* . w
Tkn oelcbration will beep and can be
J. A. Perry of thbeUy ha* accepted a at Elk Rapid* peite^y.
given <jut w wrtl a litUe later on. poaiUon in B. Ballard'* hardward rtore
I'rofC.T drawn haa.retnmedtromi
Bouse Furnbhing Store..
when tbe Spaniard* are away and at Manton. He will begin work In hi* Unsiog.
when there wUl be no chance of a new locatioo next Monday.
C S. Cavi* retorned laat night from
Claeh aad tbe nnneoeuary shedding of
Grand Rapids, where be asaiated fa or-1 - •'
Wood, wbleb would sorely follow if
SxeiUng Bonaway.
ganiring the new Blgb Court of the I n
lha Onhana were perilled to jobilate'
; ‘
team of colta belonging to Peter Poresfars for western Michigan.
M the day* of the ^partore of theii Laidie of Marion. c*n»ed e^cli
M.tiberlin'of Bingham dfaedaithe
I------from the bland. B’bUeUb
Front atreet yerterday afler- Calnmbi* yesterday.
•ttlny that no Mih demonitratton be
FredH. Pratt 1* in BnttououproI. When n>ar tbe 0. B.
admitted at thb time, it will be dilK- railroad erae*log on Ewt Front fetalonal baslnee*.
^t lor the American anthoriiie* to •treel. they became frightened
John Fowle, Jr-, went to Grand
•■Mm the lower ^menukmony whom
Rapids where be attended the funeral
and dashed down
We have a hoe assort
•n hotbeub bliodV tbr oonaeqae
They /an a* far a* the of hi* aunV Mr*. Wilifam Fowle.
•y laahoeu- But t« ordos have been Mercantile Compiny* block and went
Hr*. C, T. Drawn b enjoying a vbil
IWned and General Lndlow will aee np on the sidewalk near tbe aboe de from her brother*. B. E. and J. B.
ment. and at right prices,
they are enfewced If it reqairea partment. where one of the horMt
powder and bail to preserve •lipped and ffe. cauing tbe other one
R. Balfard and danghtcr Etbelyn of
tofallabo. Tbe Uam waa attached Manton are vUtting Landlord and lira.
with the Bnest perfumes
to a cutter, bnt no damage reealled to E. C- Compton of ibe Whiling hotel.
to 611 them.
Mr*. MikeGheitngof Old Mission and
> ena I vadinc Bnsiness
Pmkea Creak Flo in Hoaler Broc. Morgan Paige narrowly escaped belog
■ ■iriiniir ornr. • xiomoAi)
MS-Vti-SAhtraX t«- j
S AneXXotva tm XXvaX acetnmX. >
vtquXaT ^Tvees. J. W. MILLIKEN. I
^ ^Buying
. .Logs!. I
WE ABE ■*-7
If you have any to aell oorreapond with the
Traveree City Lumber Co. Wo have aleo
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
lands For Sale-Suitable for Farms.
Mill tuBcbinory of all deecripUons, including two engines. set works, carriage and aawB. A complete
saw mill plant for aale.
Haw Hill Besnlted fa Grant
Dawaga to Machinery.
Oa Tboradsy a bad accident in the
•aw mil) of Hoaler Bra*, at Prnvem
■•eaaailatrd the porchase of a new
•gfaa- A crank pin was broken cansiny
Iht cylinder ST tbe engine to bur»l.
- which vesolted in tbe wrecking of tbe
' •ayloa Luckily their wu no one near
•t the time or tbe accident might have,
irtimaa life. Tbe Arm hu tniranother engine of IVaab Fried-
lojnred by the team.
Considerable good locsl lalont helped
add' to the exeeUenee of the prograni
given by the Cornell Concert Compam
In bteinbere's Grand last night. Thr
prir-r. a gold filled wswb. was awarded
tolitUe Mis* Stella We'sb. who
a fine feature in alnglng and
Mlm Mande Compton eiecnled very
prettily n *erpent/he dance. Casele
Wbitlng sang a very pretty . song. JenBarker tecitod very ereOttably.
rieh.Joaic Nimlu gave a moon dance txVZKBBBSHIF OBOWJVG.
biWUoti nicely and Owen Emney
y.—.b BifiM WUl Have Regular readered a vosal selecUon. This will
be the last night of tbe engagement of
DriUa Rvery Week.
the company.
Tha Bannah Rifle* held another
pasting fast night to perfect the
•tyanlsatioD. bnt tbe committer
•OHUtntion and by-law* were not
pvM to report, aothat pan of the
*'p«eeMllng* vra* deferred.
MW member* were added, Arfaging
r n**! .
|M membership fa oearty aeventy. Artx-gfn talking abont s^it
•MgemeBts are being raade'for regnlar gates and narrow wayiPS? ^Would He b»
WMkly mMtiogsand drills in Forei- regarded m sbondlnga
verily believe that if
IP*' hall. The night for the meetings
wlU be decided In a few days.
wonld r
Thankful word* written by 1
R. Hart, of Groton. S. D. • Wa* Uken
with a bad cold which settled on my
• set• in
• and
-d flnall
Anally termln
r*___ J
cave me np. raying 1 could live bnt a
NicIiUt<> Accident AssocitUoD.
K.l.T.V-Ml'-k ioora !»•.
with us. You will think so when you see
the superior quality of our “BEST” 6our—
It can't be equaled for bread-pastry dr cake.'
NailBDsl Bank.
E. I '. OsTT»S.
B«sr BsnofS
A. U. Ms.*** ’
of Drr4> Kslswam Co
-«»•. V*ltl>«.».
Tallur siul
WbolMslF msitooerv.
No one can or will match us in low prices in this line. For *
k the next thirty da/s we shall unload as much as possible of our «
AMBto Wanted iu Un..-L!-
« present stock to get ready for our new spring stock of furniture. »
j Bargains are in order, and you can get them by coming to k
k ue. Don’t, In any case, buy until one of our courteous clerks can J
k show you through our furniture, crockery and carpet depart- k
k ment. The place—
with my friend*on earth. I wonld meet!,od pre
‘ ' *'
This same treatment will
*' ‘
fame back in a few bouT*. Sold
eovety for Consumption. Congbs and j,y s. E. Wa!kit.
Colds 1 nve It a uial, took In all;
ritslliad Alra
Forester* ball Monday evening._ Tbn-
His way again, and the farmer
When the farmer is happy prosperity ia
wonld be this word "nnr-'
3. U. Jowett.'
%e chest when a perMD has
tendency toward
of flsene!
with Chamberlain * Pain Balm
•atlle Bid.
« Uod
•Halt Bpoa Mr*. WiniaDt, a
rallar waived vzamiftatloa
»aad over to ibvCireoll eoarl
L He wee takeo to jUI at Frankfort In
*30^ 0^ TRXMqaTv.
' *-S|
B. H. wnilaiaa a pienem- of Oilead
towneblp. eotertalped bit ebildrea and
rnandeblldren ata Cbriitmu ^bt^eriar- Tbetreeonwfalebtbe aced pio.
aeer hamte bln iritu U a big limb eat
tr«a an apple tree that (rew from the
need be broafbt from New Tork 'aad
planted In ljU.
mdownbyar.AP. Bnaow
plow and neriOBBlj injarad. bat wUl re--
, ............. ,______ _____________ _
aearOkomoa, who foand them In bit, igricaltDre 70a oaonotnee (be Kiowtb.:
tool hooM aod marebed them before ; Pati Ibat oooDtry two montba afterand
bib at tbe taaule of a abotfaa to Ma- there it a differenoe. We aoqalre firm__ k.
_____I ...__ _____ BM neea
end ex08ri.-nr«
and experience
: Botiaa. evray word. cteT meal, ia part
! of oar trial and oar dlacipHoa We ate ,
:oaiJw bligbtii
Desire to Thank
The Public
................ ..
dollari. of Padaeah. Ky . waa privately go on quietly and gradoally in tbeaoiil.
"U* ■=» " Mp«nin « tbe
married Tharaday to Frank E Ball, a We only ooant the ebodta in oor jonr—
Harrino bLSeal of Wbikornb. Ind.
probably bolda tbe toiiuE terurd of tbal
U better known ihroughoBl theantb 6°” «»■—*^«t-di:rick W.,Ko
atate. Be voted for Jackaoo in 1828
a<the ebannlDg belle of Kentocky. Uie
and for each Oemocntio pretidential
When H. J. Oaatlee of Oxford went to {UUeahe waa given by eevetal of tbe
UaOaban war be promlaed to aendj leading aoatbem papere, ban been
boaae a tooth oat of tbe .drat Bpaalard {teadii
ding tbe aaoitarinm at Benton Bar-1 Life ia not tueaut tp be a pacta td uaee, ' anting for a wbnie day. but ia never
ba kUled..The other day hU folka
forttaepaat few weeki in hopeaof ^ bat ate^ and mgp^, Md it la only wilboul aclgar between bia Hpaaod
aarpriaed to receive a faomaa toOtb being relieved from an attack of nerv- tluoogh eelf dei^l. dieooaragcmcnt, , aeyi ibat tbe eigar
diacipiine and Uial
you may
aiuin nuevar been pnt togetfaer.
y attain,
t^oedtoagold chain.
la proatmtioD.
hiBhcr life. Bolit-vefue. yonicaifuo ' Ooloael Rooeerell'afirstliteraty work
to fiud its way into prim waa a atoiy
which came oot ia Tbe Harvard Advo
gtrla employed In the telephone ex- through the bead-With a tl-calllber' phyiie.l.-"Lixht
cate. a paper of which, in fait Junio
ehnnge. Tboee who conld not nttend rifle. He left tbe home of bla daugh-1
became one of the edllura
tonr daya ago. So notlee waa taken of |
Edward Rowell baa published ao
fattabaeneeilotllThorwley. aa be t
Mr*. Mary Catteral of^ton,
innwrcemis ii no ruffl- , «H«r»>«w with Budyard Kipling, it
gMtanffererand wiibed ebe might in tbe habit of viaiting.
which he describe* the ambor as taav.
„ lo,
getacofiu for a OiriaXmaa preaeot «u Io..« I. u. old .hodly. Th, ddo. ■
Ing "a prectial, eprom. elbletic, well
your iirsynr doea nut n'n-i to aak ’ Ftoo^rd Imle tigma ' The aottai___
She died ChriaUnaa eve. aged 66 yeara wee looked. He had a eilck In bit
band and tbe rlfie lay aeroea him. He ^ for tbe Divine mercy. .Some have pray. | •<>» Pl<*»«d.
She came ao this aoeUoD In ISSt.
The career of Jamea J. HilL'tb#
At Kilea.Oeorge C. Tappan. a mannfaetorer, waa badly ecalded by a etove Lewlaou. wboae boabtnd tbot bimaelf , aodreadfolly wicked. Otberaintbisage! Nottbwealem railway tnagnaie. baa
four yean ago with.tbe same gun.
! ntber faoan of tbeir extradegiee of sin-j bneo ibiu summented; Age, 60: per.
toppling over.a|Aiiiag a kettle of water
birth, Cenadien
Krenk Fuller of Honor, wv arrested . eotly
npon him.
more -fit form
D.—Reform- initial aslary, 60centa aday; presoul
Mra. Preston Eellt«g left Uettle at that place Toeeday— tbe charge
income. IS.OOOaday.
CreekThnredaytoj^ioherhtiabaad at; -wpMicrrxwiuHki, tbe former tenor, wbo
Manila, fbllipplne Ulanda Dr. r,,.
ii now a porter in a betel io Uaooea.
France, wai a cnni favorite only 14
A . year* ago lu IbhC price* were donbled
* fm
• bis
• appeuii r»iul
lu Leiiwic and Dn
la a brother of Dr. Kellogg of tbe aaal-1 i
den. a tact wbii b mean* moeb.
tarium io Battle Creek, and bat been|?
Cliarlm Paul Angu-.le Cnvillier. wbn
»t the bead of tbelr breneb aaoitariom | i
the Delmnnico of
la HodoIuIu. and received bit appoint-'•j Paris Hi* catering eitvoded to all tba
meat wbeo tbe war brake out, going
Brirer Uoghe* of the Are department changed each bore the following in- j royal fauilie* of Enrope. and many of
wilb tbe flmt troopt to the FbUlppinee. -----of Kew York cay. saved ten liven at a seripUon:"All honor to the commander, , them rent wreelb* and other flnnl tribBellkeathe country and climate to
tenement bouae lire laat.week.
flbe oflioen and the cn-w of tbe warwell that be baa eent tor bia family.
An interaationa] eoinrreacc basrd:*^^P Dregon. victoriou* io tbe navsl
Mtaa Daisy Beta, adopted daughter npon tbe diaarmament proposals of the I^^^bat off Saotiago de Cuba, on tbe Jd
of Rev. John Heseof Ludington. Wed
ish,.,..,. !. •* ■ uaiuwuaiica. jir.siigj. ,
caar baa been fixed for 81 Petereburg ' r**!' of ■>'»'?•
This plate it giveo teoeut tried to commit suicide by jamp-1
nesday nlgbt met her tlx aiatert and
about tbe beginning of May oexu
*• • »«vUBK»ny “f the patriotic gratl- lug Iron a Viunus bridge luto tbe Oao.'
one brother for tbe flnt time known to
D.. Cbiawo
b.. lorbUd.. t-i. «I .U C.b..
P.r.-nba His power to add figure* was fail
theta When ebe was 6 months old her
Twenly-three diseased bogt suBering lug and be bad learned no other means
inotber dleor^ her father was already tbe use of Ue whip in the house of
I from tbecbo’era and a numoerofdead of earniiiga living.
dead, and While tbe older ebildrea of eorrertioa.
Witlism (Aiiiui is ettidited with 1.000
were kept tofetber, the wes adopted
It Waaid that tbe Indians of Alaska ones dressed for tbe market wire found
ouavieiionii lu the Luuiluu pulieeconrit
byBev. Heaa.\Oae conditioo of tbe have petitioned liovenor Brady to go on tbe K>>tb farm, cortb of ToMo. by of lieiog drunk aod discaderly. and on
<1 a numb.
adoption was tAat tbe tboald oot to be to Wasologteo to represent them in the sute fc^ iospector a«il
of other places developed eases of tbe tbe IS8t occasion it wa» sbuwu that bia
viaited by her relatiee* or know that
oocnpalioD was that of a temprraoev
same disease. Tbe farmers hare bwn
abe waa'an adopted daughter. S^y lias
The village of (lien Eyre. Pa.. U ad. killing tbe diseased meat and shipping lecturer and poet. Hr was in tbe bsbil
juit become of age and to nettle tbe vertiaed for sale by tbe sheriff.
it to Toledo for sale and by
Farmers of New Jei
with angar beets are
-3“; 5 StwaV 'KtMos
SVcawcdi *5Tom SMcratJoWa!
bar Ufe. Ooi of her sUters is the wife I
otGeorgcE Cogshall a former mem-^
jr of Ibe board of aseemon.
«>^bnm cane
^ become alarming and warranu wUl be
At a policemen's ball held in Omaha issued at once for tbe people who have
Wkels of eight partiei-; been violating the law. Thursday tbe
---- ------------ ‘eked, and four umbrellas first case of poisoning by diseased mes t
oaU were stolen from the I was reported to the police. Tbe lit le
'i cloak room.
' aonof FraskMasWrs is io a critical
aanaw, and fourteen in Ibfe bouae.
I On January I tbe judgee of tbe New | dition trpm eating poisoned bologna.
Borne uoknown admirer of Justice; Hprk eonrt otgeneral sessiona Will ap-! which waa bought from one of these
Stanberg. of Muskegon, sent him fori pear on the bench in gown* cf black ; farmers. All sbipmenU of meat from
‘‘■•“‘W-1nUk. with large Bowing aleeres.
jeoutbern Michigan which come from
and thick in proportion.
i Admiral Dewey re'u*es to aoceot^be vicioity vuited by tbe Inspector
John Cable,
i. of Alj \ „*
'leave of abvenee. He has a*ked the I
held and thoroughly examined
um... m.. ..d
u 1...Id... th.,
I. 1.the
for service on the three captured Span- ““«*“>* Toledo.
knife did the r^t When be-removed i,b war vessels.
Mrs. Charles Dufy, aged us jeare. ro
tbe haodvery hastily a moment later
^ !siding at Pottsville, lies at ber hone
'Admiral Dewe; ban a valntbletallaoUeo of «ott«rtlM. wbicb la Inaared ta
Bl Clair OfeKelwtj U (be
be beat pab I
He ipmker in the boroasb of
»f Brooklyn,
New ToAcltp.
Oearral Wbeeler waa ibe roanrai
jo ,b, Coiifoderate army to alt^o
,j,e rank at iieoleaaot geoetaL, He WM
, uv wm
s^lrLirirt^^UU^Jp-obablyfam^^^ hurt, from tb. bug.
010.t,nl.«d.. hi.U.lti-™!';iphhj. hh. ..lied dji.
WaabingioD ^tb bis application for a i Tbe steamer Farrlon has arrived at'
pension He jaat received them back {’’nnttle from Alaska with a camber of
^passengers from .Dawson City. KionFrederick Stearns A Co. of Detroit,
Tkv Mre. Oney asked tbe girls
>n of Daws:m bss increased to ber. Ulling them they we
a collection of i
tbe cost of living has also
Not tblnkiug t>i«y
t doing
now h»
be Ob- i
bat i-tTieyiVmUnued their hu*-.
forty rare drug* obtained. .by ..
tbe aenior ' decreased. (tiwwt
(Jood mmU
meals MR nnv
B-rnbcr of the firm in bU treveU'
the old
abroad, same of these drug*, a U' Tbe nine hundred Indians of the cuilap.«ed. i A pnysxlsn
thongbt. cabnot - be dup!ieau-d in
reaervation of tbe atate
aUte of
of;- w
wbi-o iywKs asei-rtained that abc bad
itVashingtoo, will oppose tbe govern-i srreralVi to ami her bn-ast bone fract.A urrible neeident to-fel', the ■; year> «nvnl aHbimriU of the l.sdo.OOu acres 1 nred,
ured, toWides
bto&e being bruised and Injared
■n of Henry Kleino. a farmer
nnlees the govrremeut paya
t fry I ioternaily. Her condit:
ing three aod on.-half miles north of
land, as it did the Nez Fercea and j The young , women
n (tol their position
seems ^at—wvuu
Charles aod John 0>«<>r d'Alenea. They Want 81.800.oon. I keenly.
- — - -It---------r
•gWlSand >i respooUTely. were fool
Tbe Canadian government baa pnr.| At St. Lonli a moovtar tarantula
Ing with a abotgnn belonglog to their [chaaed‘ llu "
Eskimo doga for afaipmut fell from a packageAf bananas io tbe
(alber, who-bad been sbt^Ung.apar-: to the Klondike region, where the can- wailing room of tbe I-'nlon Railway
rows and bnd been callod^bway for a ! iuea will be used to carrv the mail*, station and created e panie among ifae
few momenta. Charlee, tbe elder of [The animals were imported frorn crowd. Women and cbildren ran
tbe boys, had tbe gun In hU banda..! Greenland andUbradoral
screaming out Into tbe street, and tbe
wItUe bla brotberatooda fewfeet away
each.'and —
men fell over tbemaelves in finding tbe
watehlng blm. la aocna manner lui
exita. Tbe big inteel chased a slow.hand slipped and tbegaa«xploded, in- weight.
moving fat man and had him cornered
Jning him in a Urrible maonar. B'e
Before leaving Cnfaa.Maralial Rlaneo. when Clerk Harry Joaea landed with
thongb not requested to do ao by the both feet and a broomhaodle on tbe
.^rry Murphy, a well known miner Americ
________ excitement maker eruebing him. The
Uving In Calumet, aold bia big St. Ber- tbal tbe rich silver palace Uble service ! ^At man wbo barely eaeaped a pslaonBard -114™./'' to w Klondike party be left for the Americans, and that the
- oigbieea months agm Tbe dog wae magniticeatfnraitorec^tbe reception
taben to Dawson CUy and performed rooms he also left for the American
Sadie Wright, the 13-year-old girl at
good service.
MoDdey night
Harney |ocenpaat«.
Pei-bam. Maine who fell asleep while
lutphy'it borne 41) Cal-1 When Emma Spreckln of San Fran-! ntniying the Bcbool room two weeks
_____ _ ..
I_____nod baa slept eeer since. awnVe
•net. How he succeeded ia rewralng_ 'cisco.
tbe .lovejMo
from Alaska is a mystery.
of Thomas Watson, abe married better { Thoreda.v. .She waa very weak aod |
orda. I’b.vsiu ans'
Simon lielberic.gioq, a young
than abe knew. Her husband' ia the:
ui!Jd errey known
«f Gladwin township, was killed by a heir of »45.00(i.o00 worth of Engliab awaken her. bat without success.
I'faUlng tr^al H iss-ennjp Wodoeadsy. Iproperty. acoordlng U a bundle of
Dg docbmei
Frsnk Edison. ihr«e of. I
from the Ionia prison Hii...___
. ^ sign of peTKiuaJ piety aud oertain ssfoagain in their old quanere.
. -....................
awned by a great graod-aant of bis. | *.»• «Cbri,i denomiiialrtl tbe biads of
baeu captured nearMumken by Deputy|«d that while descending ibrongb a!*l“ ‘vvlvfu-tibal deivirtmuiu of Hil
acrifi Canfield, of Eay>n
Katun county.
coDDtv. Just
Jnst: H
aA of'
of * many heirs ..
it faa» swelled i„ .I 6*7
. “* • "gintratiiro of
before tbeir capture they* ento^od the | »*lBe »«»lU Wodsy It la worth tf.OoO.OOo. j
I farmer uamed John
latloa oniferm ii tbe farmer', store, people.
Tl^ three others, l-'iauk Fisher. Wm. Caban reaidenU of Pern met tbe battlea«lU> and Jamep Miller were captnred ehipa^ the ofl^ and presented to
by n famar named Wheeler.' living; •eeh a ffoU pl^ With tba name
pentanoe " Hypocrisy will save no
man beotsoe be hoppens to to tbe beed
of scone eoeleiiestrtal depertoWL—i
Obwnb Slandsrd.
• For their liberal patronage during the past year,
a Our business has been very satisfactory during that
, tune. Hoping to receive a fair share of your pat-
S ronage in the future, and wishing all a happy
prosperous New Year, we remain,
Front Street.
N E. STRONG. Manager
“Diamond J'
or “Traverse Belle’
Sold by all dealerv
A. W. JAHRAUS, Toonelier SlocL
lOc a quart
248 Front Street
B. J. Morgan,
Seoit HndMO ha* driven eight borise i
with rronnisaf 2:11 or letler.
I Itwasr
A 2-yeaf olii brolhcr to Airtblp.
. .
8:111.4. bi* brru named Kitiihip
cf eiuplo.v^ of American maanfartor.
H , o ' - i_
. u I iMi yrsHDcetbe opevHiiou of (he Ulngley
other ludu-tries—agncnliure, tuioiug
At Looieville (hey are Ulking of end oommcrii—with a to.i* of 44 per
making many of (be eluu eveuu next cent gam. would give a grand total of
year 2 aod 2 ioiirsd of a aod 6.
: #?.0(KJ.000,‘J00 paid to (be laboring
Ffrd Kcyre. ttuiner aod diiver, of men of this country per year in excess
Clrvelatid. ba* situml a oootract to go of ibe amuuul paid oiider tbe Wilson
to Uar-.iB, and bs» already stalled.
law. This increase was due both to Che
Kirhard Curtis recently move
dtove Xbe
The .| •«*rl<>J-»ornt “•
of »uuio
mure meu
men auu
and •o*
tbe I*ypay
larger wagre. aod all i* due to
Maid, a yeari
yrara old. 2:l.i‘4,
2:l>i‘4, pacing, e,
«... «
, .fc.
bbe is b,
bv ,1.1
Hal iuilex.
«• «« U...
«*»« p™^.,Ob
protection _.,,d^b„«
and boaeit .' Kljj
w B.„,d,b,bb
r.";,'::,'”.! = ‘r’-.r"sirb."'.;d'7b^. r
.v,;,.™; i,T„77.7r.s:r.rdV.r'’“'
Two-Seat iieijlis,
Ttret Seat SleiRhs,
Four-Seat Sleighs.'
You need something
at times to build you
up, to insure a good
appetite,or to restore
restful sleep.
I Ojic-n bur ibat will rarrj' fifteen
' pcriiontF.
' OliMH-ci Hae^ to make yoar rwlla
j Diin't fnrt^l it when yoa want k
' comfortable conveyance. EIB
B.J. MORGAN. Telephone Vo. 8.
Steinberg's Grand
{ Cornell D '.1
Comp an y.
. . BM>sl
will add strength to
your nerves, sharpen
your appetite, bring
sound and refreshing
sleep. The best msilt
the beet tom-onte
in town.
last of the Engagoinont.
OompleU new program.
15 First Class Artists!
A Meflned Company.
-Admissioii, 5 aad 10c.
- ?.
Ab rrrtekl AaAsrAB ABOslOg iDCideOt UOBBTTBd lO QS»
ANXIOUS Fofe DEliiT.;' Christian endeavor.
P)N<j kAvrr
—*------ •
I yw, _Es. AA.ii. ai-Si.
i frleadi to hnnro me court tbat boonstat
HrboUUfiNl »n nwl before tbr.-.'oltf.!)’
Afler '
cnarl aid to the
in complained of:
i„rii,« had Irfi Eijrpf and ••UisToryvvidtm
r, Ihil 70B loiew I
mil offenie. If!
tin ir wnv to
thi-l«ncl of OauiiD. i belter Ibao to com
leou liniTwn>
After OBoiinp at c«-n»tdcTabla Irairth ' They Deeded a RBiili- iu tb.- hllderuee*. i too------------------ .
le waiatDR cf Scabcaul mat thme ii aod f:i<d prnviilM tbeni wiiti in«. de- I trotild bare Sued yoo $10; Imt. nodi
-pcit^ •
■■ '
«, 1-o.ihAAhe the/l»n Her Vh« tee ,
FU.II %e»»« •
«f Mariae
. ,
«nd that tbe lolo loDUdaii not Ameri«mb Indepeodence of forcipn mipboilrtMl may be ••datroyed by tb« petly
that p««^ «>e DiuRley Ul!. the iaoFrandioe Call ukee np the alarm ai
witb the Ripid .•ii'anmiajof our foreign j xbir mekci UiH Kuidatim. infallible and ,
uade ibat need will lucrcsee by Impe ^ worthy of oor
oaruiAl and com-,
Far anpetior to OHlmeal or
other breakfast foods, .it is
the id-al morning food.
This excellent arlicle of
dtn niiilji^^l line of
It eye and!
• the uionRbtlol mind there are riiible
- \{
ue aigOA and lokini of great oerrone- i
II lest BritiAb lUleresU ahoold be offended by the exieuliou tit uiarme of tbe name principle j
r pmlertion
nlertion ibat bat
bas produced sneb
splendid reenlt* in nr eoaetwiie trade
a OD land
OBgbt to be no racb DerTotumeea
Hriiitb iDlereeti hare been offended
for lo tbeee mioy yean by tbe Ameri
can policy of borne derelopmenl. end
tb'-ati ramu intereru are prepared to be
offended agaiu if tbii pnlicy shall be
applied to oor ot erAV* commerce Nererttaele** they folly expect nicb a re
enlt and will be profonmlly and agree-
For sale at the store of
Union St.
General lasurance.
TraTcrMCltT. me*
(t'enrbura Kioak
s| Dr. J. W. Gaaatlett,
< Opera Ball mark
’ as,-.
Ready for Cooking.
ark of Urlie*'poMltde grade, riai
*Pork s vyerlkllj-.
yi” He »i
..^0, I am witb t
Two Fointe ’ aumuont Aaked.
Hja uiw:apiaa.
dieciplaa We u.
need —
an ,
pre*- ;
. • - f~-•
of making a better
|-Bide. Hany inim*t tbcniMlrea tot wbat U tbe
„jgbt. bol not lor tbe day. We i »nicle than yoiinr competitor if you can
not get a better price for If/
irnngh tbe day
An*.-A* there U no difference In
^i,rn erleep el nigbl.
Thon it it Ibat
gbl. “•
ibe price the public will buy only the
^ra meet tbo trial*, temptation* and dotie* of life, and
wo need Ood tn Cbriet most.
be much grea'-er iu tbe aggregate.
8, Cbririitan adaptive guide. ;uBe|
an you get the public lo at
pillar adapted ittclf to tbe nerds of ibo ■
make i* the b.-af
peorle- In Ibe daytime it was a eland. ,
it botli article* are brought prominat Dightlime a fire. At one lime it lenllr before tbepublic Im’b are cerUln
moved iu front as a gnlding bacon, at j to be Ui^ and the pillilic wl
BUOtbiT itH-tiiidovcr tbu camp as a quickly paas judgmebl on tbei
Baanab. I.*y * Oc. Wock.
309 South Uoion St
Istn PEj-Oic ledlniD.
firiDd Rapids & iodiaua R. B
your city.
TbU lady baa many leaUmouials from
r^p „!* bv S K.
^,]| Lriug ns alely lo tbe home Thicb op„gg,4i.
He has Hepanxi ftn tiA.
XIV. Iti-J-i; Fr.'txv. S-10; ixxi.
1 a; xxxii. Ml; xlviii. 14; lixin. «ai:cxix, 105; ^eh. is. !»: Isa. il.
a5.81; Iviii. 11, If; Math, xsvili. 18, !
aO; Lokel. 70 T’J; John xjv. 1 ‘
all .kinds of impirtant mattcra and oe;,i
--------bava full
Te take cBvci BucUar, Oei
atliMa'elvcka a
lock tie, and a apie sli pping wood de
livered on llBonab Lay A Co. dock or any
UJVDOS. I*»ni'«i; OT
*rfi»M at I0« ». ■
TTNln Umriiir Trarrrw City at SiflS p. B. ha
Ilerprr Itob liranC Kaplflt lo Cbicage.
aaa <•*<
Lorsl liranrb lr*lD
Tub Barr Salts in the world forlieftmy bed and board without j“»l!A!l citle* she visit* I* her reliable rsCuU. BrubKW. Soroa.
cause or provocaUco.
I herabMnfbid ^ ^
RaUsfaetton or mOBRbenm. Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped ,11 persons from harburing or trusting ^
got Ibe kind Hand*. Chilblain*. Coras, and all Skin ber on my.ccouol.
lished if i
^ ey refunded.
, Eruption*. *ad positively cures Piles.
IkaVed this Sfod dsv of December,
Ask to see Madame* developer* and
orno parreqnircd. It it guaranteed i-yj
iBs Cii*'*.
Cream for rcmnviag wrinkle*. Special
logive perfect aatlsfacUon or,money;
toilet article*.
irrfnnded. Mee SSccntsperboi. Por( .
I'.ale bv J. O-JobnroD mnd-S. E Wait.
ease, fe Aoilelpete C**i|>rll<l
tkystera. oriitara.
Jo«l received a)
a>eBi Bsrupe'e Cheeu l-roUecfa
----------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------- :
trrah lot Of Baltimore oyster* in cau* [
! or bulk.
1 saaaaaaaaaaaaaa aeasa
AtUlgSS£ASff2£«£C8 88£££
~ gg-----affawnaagaa
j weeks and where ebe met with wjn-
Cures Without Medicine
c aas-a
'I«:S8 S SwS Se6«
;derful mceoa
Hour* t* a. m. to !•
That my wife. Blla
h** p.
Call over Jl! Sootn
t nion aireev.
Bll* Hell Chase,
Ch*»e. ha*
Sooth Union
WorreritK.M tbsl 4be puAtma*ler
gencrul bu- bev ii i iiiruppcd into the cxprsKriun.iY the (ipiuiou that a "mudifi(atioD ill the prcitoclive tariff i* coming
^ni. new mvtiiods made
CMS ol esportt i/t muDulartuni*
- and common sense like t ) all. F
render ‘’oor indartric* largely inde-!
n,p Jfprn,^ of di-.-Ase from
from *dl _
pendent of l.-BiAluliim." Few of our , p,pu of the vy,-.e-n at one time, inai
lUBOufavlumig ludolEies have made , are causing suffering tnu pain aod flAJ
Bucb progi. AR tbst they do sot now fear j ,ng op the vitality of men.
foreign cimpetitiun, end evra tbvse IsXeri.sel at iiWrly the contraevd
m^;w®‘(ill”and ! short time.
All invited to call and get
■e me at.d gel vour
your monev’s
moner’s worth ctrcniara. Come* here from MaoUtee
I’DioD street. South Side.
510 lot i „j,ere she bM been for the past eleven
BucItUna Arnica BalTO.
1 lock of hair and time of birth.
. most pr Molnent people consult her in
; .U ciUc. on buriocss. etc. Here for a
good bsokiug grouod on Grand Travwlior »<
e. Boom
two tea-uiis: First, to
•ii"'-'** j iii„.paug condiiioo. and in nomc c*i-»
this CiCuliT L.liig m.11.1 a dtimy.ing •
meci.-inr cab be given to
gtonod or slniivlitu market lor boro-| j,p p
pppi^.y, ii,..V;ood, and Icee any
jj-on nir}.lini pfnduilN. and. second, t*- j a,.,k organ-, noie-er.
■ -P>i..rlelan and ituiawin. tPvat.
cuuse-it IS r.a»"iiahl« to ati-omo that ; Th-iq>-»r.dN have been cured after ail
the caKvix iiitu: of piodortiou wbivh tM ; elw used failed.
4y .-'•T
way o
bwn IU1.U.S I■l0l•u lu Ihir ooumry dur-|_ «r
I o^iv^cTriXch hlorka. •Ph.c-, l-«« and olis tbe uni
lOsekaaa ........
1 c>BrLaaa ■.. •
[ Chief Lake.
Ever Burned Out'
If so you know
.ep-Bltk ....
tbe value of
labor of tla« coniilric*. competition: • |
<ur the coolrol of oor matkeW may'
tons become inovh sharper than it now
h to oor iruu aud steel IndnilrieB.
I^y are. of courao, trill moro appliesHe to onr woolen, pottery, glass and
oiaay Mber leading iudnsoiet wbicta
ate not largely leprwcnted in out expomiada and wuicb have even now to
(tmtend wiib heavy impurtaiiuoa m tba
iMRDe market
. Go long a> w e send abroad from $100.OOO.OOO to li'OO.tiOO.OOO annoal’y tor
goo^ tba't conld be prodoced at bmna
protection will be n<-ed>si and nearly on
tbemmeJiuMM are provided in Ue
Dit:g;vy unff.
A* tbe Dinpley uriff is tberelcsA
atill needed for protection it abuuld be
let elone eo fei m itsprouelivelaatoroi
an concerned. If more revenue li need
ed to meet war expeom* than ii now
provided, il abould n« be raiwd by r^docing duties to incretse
of maonfaciurcd good*, nor abonld tlri
daliua «o tbe taw materiaU omd in any
U onr manulaotiiring tndniitriea be incceMed. It la not likely, however, that
any Incrsaae iu Ibe war n venoei
be needed in tbe near foiore
Ibe war
cevenne act of June IS may inrtu-d pr“daeemore revenue than n- ii,-.-.ltx» tc
meet Ibe expenaaa of the war.--i’dila
•alpbia HolietBL
»i„i jout ailmenU are. or
.. ^
. ------------------ ..I *» •
,1 Law. .Spaeial
^----------------------------- -----------R rhauniAti.a. pvalyklk_________
oey trouble*, bead..•hea. catlarrh. deafnea*. in fact every
ailment too numerous to mention, men
and womeu suffer from can be cured in
u abort time and perm*
l>vl,emar. up-sUirs 31U 8 Union street
TruTf-rae City.
Here .while after
weeks in HaniaUe. Casea can be treat Arbor. -Ill reeBOOCio call* for onfalac. «»
ed bv writing; tend letter with parllcu- B Sthstrwel. SSa-lf
lara.tntirelynew method of diagnosing
your case, correctly showing wcakMISCELLANEOUS WANTS
ncaae*. location and doration of die
Erery person I treat cau have priInslructliiD* free, how to be tbcir •
doctor, and keep tbrmaelvee and (*mily in good health for few eeeu per
If latiefied with your doctor,
continue with him. if not call and gvi
my circular and free advice. I haw
little lime for talks with curiosity
seeker*. Everybody call.
rTASTSO-Oooa rw>k si
ShllM H,
ires daily
l>rirate diseases of men and women
.jufidentlally treated,
cured,and wasted organ* made stronger
lh*D ever In a *bort tli
■aoce* WAWTBik--^f-«
neat bnsiDeta.
Lamar. Astrological Medleii
5th atreet. Detroit.
UGrIppe cured in * or three treatTbI* ad. appeara eesty
while here. (Clearly.
ether day
O P. CARVER. Agent
--------- •* Oteamag..
Traeaisc Baserv...
___ ^
_ . olon •treat of Mr.
Vengborn to run and I bave It furoUbed in first clam order; and baring
bad lou of experience lo the bn*lnea* OwSar Bui.'.'.'.V.V.'.'. ••
I aoUeit a share of the public patron
age. Satisfaction gnarantaed or no ruw* awuch......... ■■
charge will be made.
Pioneer LiYery Stable!
B. J. Morgan, Prop.
Ba lIXo live. E
TiaiamBaacrt ...
Batch'* Oraarias— "
........................ “
*« Teb.::::
qeg wailon*. traM*e*ar* ter palsia aenk
3-r/a.S^a'j:^ ut. -am M4
Ibe Barth aide c
BOuBdcnlial. Those living
»u *
v.u.h, *»»,
Wait.' out of tbe city----------------- .
' for terms, readlug* can be given *rilb
eeeeseebb ee
asESS sssESseaa 8*
cllica all BrouDd yoo of baslnesa und
enrreoeea peculiar in Uvea of people
••U.-wuri' of Him and •’I’'’?'
If we ol»yChtii-l, Hi« guidance
Mme. DeLamar a Imthfal and re
liable medium, la now in
twreu Urail and Its eueniiw
i*'"'' berlain * Cougb Eemedy.
Tbe people which baa been done aucceasfoliy
Christ us u diriUH guide ts ...............................^
,nd hare --------------------.
She gieea past
tnrpri«ed if their etpectatirm*
thugiecd* and wants of all '
.*-«i it c.n alwa»« be dependedaccruatol*-atnd adei
_________ perr'Ui
tboold prove srooudlooe. They
Tbi- will o*e
n>e vuricu^„j„„ T...
Xbey m.1
may occusionall.T ^
po... under
..a™ ail
all affair* I.
in life v„b'pn.
both private and bu*ierery agency
;ency in tbiir
ibtir n itrol—and tbe 1 circmu«luDCrN
el^ ^on
ageocie* tliey can ua^
tbo evil dayjpd or life will no a failure. If wv dif- certain to re’urn n the one remedy sbonld call and give tbU mediuma
trial, to -know tbe future la snccea.
when the gruilrstOBliaO of tbe earth i „iir Cbnst. life will vud in lutscrabie : that they know
shall come into its rigbtfnl Abure of tbo j
u couiuicioe and j
transporiBtiou cf it.owu
•ball' bo a« powolnl
powQinl on the mm it U
on the luud. bnt Ibcy hardly dare hope
for ultimate or peniiereiit enecert In
their hcireuiM and c.>utrivanccs for retainius Ibe anpremaej tb»t is to them
w> ptMuctivp BUd eo valuable Delay
for Uby rdORo or ou any pretext would
be grrativ to tbcir liking, but tbu-Urittab AbipoAiDs and allied tuteresta,
kuowlng ih^Le Yankees are a abrewd
and AtUAible jicople. will not be surprised .1) »r« tbe policy of iqaritic proput iu force by tbit
A. a
k. Ii . ITi i-’r. T. W. Premr,
H. lA. HT»il.-Bt I’UTODIAD, Wllli cnniulimc I‘tJAnd Aurc-'>0». AOd jmilrt.ioDAl dViIva
Jacob Furtsch, ; John R. Santo,
on tbe ocren a* well a* on tbe laud
aboald be onitod and reedy to meet
the i-ABewbeu itcomee.''
While it would eiNim tbet tbe p«iibility of ibr- paneetle by tbe proicut
ably rhoRo tbieforiji of mauifi>*JiUR Hi-i Butter, per fc-----mw or it* aouoetror of e free fbip bill ; preH*c«. Day and niebt Hu went be | E*F*. per doien..
-------------------------------------------------------------- - pontoee. per bo..
lb. a.,. K- ...j .bibb. --Y
and bound*. To ni»>cl tbe detoend we | p|, ie aiEvplanre.
-------------■■■'-*•- I ^ a. CbriAt L«iprETprc«ulRnide. By ,
dav iu the pillar of cloBd, by night in: strme bats
Rome action mim be epeedily Ulicn.
th^ pillar of br.., Uwi«'Kuidod
.. _
end tbe edrocatesof American indoklry Uriiuiale were BOmMoinod lo mBtvbioK > "beat, old. per o^..................
^arantee all my work to be rishi
and if it doea sot prore eo I make 1- ,
stop iB tin 8 o’clock erery ereslne
aBLUve rMOB.
■T bbl. C
>*“• i Cloai*Pork
•K‘“-1 Clear Pork
uiuh* of oach uew ywr. bceauNj at tbal 1 short Cut I — time we cbiuk ninru abiml it. We n<-ed ^bort Cnl Pork per Ib.
d yet op a auiilR. aud tied bar providid or with'Flour. H L. ACo.f^V.^
to tble time oothinR to that ~.u
, one
one alKi.
aieo. the
mo rauio
imoid Koldr.
au*«*r. tbe
-w,. Lord;
- ---. H,
-■ L.
^* Co. Beak.
beeo done. It ir unr^nBO noder the ; Jeroe. tbe ••Annil
"Ad|!I'I cj
<4 tbe Oorenant."
Ooruoaiit." W“*'’ H! J- A g' »“*and rc
elrcnmrtaDcee thdl jonroali like Sea ;„,iymBoifo»t.dandn.v«alodonloiiiio,i;.^-^;^;f
board ibnold W«in to doobl tbe itaod
faith of tbe parir-abd bo alamcd Ictl a
CooceruiuB Cbrirt a« tbe euB«l proe-1
j«r Ih
frw ebip till aboald be cnaoUal initead
?, vre may
Imtu tbsl:
|| Rotter
Rotter per
per lb
lb Daii
. CbriAt in a dirioi-(tBide. It. war : Ccearoery Botter.Bi..
cf tbe promisod protection.
I'k anBi l. Ood
luerM'upcr. whodi
Ib ................
r luwM'npcr.
-1 Checie per B)
••Tbe nrcat. of tbe tear bare demoo(old).........
. “Mt name." aid the i Uati per bu (f
aneted tbe OEad of an eolarccd nicr..Old..........
Cbrirt in diviut. i Com per Vo..
Beraember that 1 do all kinda of rr
pairing and ebamelioF. and iKat I eat
and do Fire yoo t»»e beat work of ab>
one in tbe city for tbe money.
be d(«elred by wbal otbera tell you k
the contrary, bnt come and aec fe
The New Wheat Food
^iTanV" w th^Lii f j'. ,:rA . aiiemim-j Uo/OiDub Auimala
eelt. \rbo pnided iMael in tbe pillar of
elnodlTdey and iu ibe pillar of Are by I
City MarfeM.
•■Whether tliere i* any enfflclanl
foaodaticn for tbi« waraioRtir not. It
t« talsb Imie for tbe fiicudi of Amori• can ebippiiiBtonnte.lbecohclioontaf
- le«ialatioo to promote tbe lodoetiy.
the Week
Jhh.; of oor cooKi reoBOil?. A
conihr ■»«.». u. Oorle] p1»ln8d olfor ciucJlJ toholmau WO^»
^1 ,a,eoDindir.lilel.oo.b«ofbUw«IUi7
Fonr paire of b«Ty bob Bleighi,
two BqoBre box cotters and *
' ewell imy cotter.
Second Tear—617
scausT wncroo TO avBopa
[ Wm OemmMid Flaet to ae.Sn»bliah
King Humbert Siifna Pardon
■early S.Ot(6 Persona.
G... Ludli,. Forbid. B.mReports of Bitter Weather,
I Borne, Dec 3n.—Rfog Humbert toonotration lo Havana
ber of importktit eboDre* Is tbe perProm Northward
1 dag signed . decree graullDg amnesty
•oaoel of tbe high gnodea ot the norg
large number of peraons who were
Vpoa Ue OcowloD of Oepkrtve ot bare been deolded oo bj Secretary rbeHorthweat in tbs^Ormap * An'®»»lctedof psriicipatiog in the Usy
Loog. Tbe order* hare not 1^0 twoBpasieh Soldioro Tot
I ed bat will be wbeo tbe reeoecUre eavicM Delag in the latermto of P<
':Cinelee occur or the Beeenitg ariaee
and Wllh Koreree the Order—Amer- ^ (or diahioe BUigmoeoU.
S4 Degraea Below Zaro »t West 8u-1 Anna KullMhoft. a Bosalan aoelalisl.
iOBB* Will Help OelebratcJLater Oo. i Bear Admiral WiaGsId 8. Scbley bai
lU..... Oc. •»—Th. C.b..p..rl j
.1.110“ oI
U».CobMi.l.wj“,. 'docl.rt.ndbu.lU I. tbe
nma mes. at a mectior wbieh laatod '
«»><Hand of j Uoo frum tbe Northwest U^etrackod ^ 6oldl«r at Fana, ZU., Suffered
aoUl « o'clock IhU mamlng decided to i'***
forie to be sent to European on the ^y. the protaabmt/ea are that,
■ field without roaerrallon lo the wtabea ^
Adml?^l Sebley a flagship wUl | Chicago and the Ube regi^ will be in |
.iael“.m™ke..d te.er.lL.dlb.jl-l'i'CblW
| tbe .rip el
...ib.r e. New Ve.r'.!
„ „TT^
,1 Bear Admiral Sampaon wiU be ro-; day.
Soginaen Called Out bg Uoioa—One
tained in command of tbe Nortb At-. All tbe Northwest is Id tbe grip of I Tbooaaad Dollars Beceiredfor Aid
_ of Ha-!
•“‘■'o" 8“*- Oommodore Hen-; the cold aoap.*aDd at Uinnipeg. the'
In the Aulke of the Hinei*
Ifeato to the
i)Ad popul
command the Bos-;..4,ldi,i point heard from last night, ai p„.
. rw v. p. i u—i
vanaonthe llp^s of Gea^l todloWs'^r*'*-‘'‘«’^e*»'
replg to tbe Buggeation
leatiOB t>nbc
pn _____
—1.»—.1““. qnoliog some porliona of A. Howison will aueceed Commodore
reported. Harre. Mont, was lhej„jk,i,^
on guard duty
j I'bilip as eommsoder of a difision of coldest point
'!!.'_ ‘■-"I'f’-.l**!!' I “
P»“* Herring enlersd an old
Tbe Unban citizens of Hsraoa and,theNorUiAtlantirflretwbrre r. degrc<
coal alied for protection from the rain.
the Cnbnn soldiers onUide the eltysre'
Be stumbled < r tbe coal and as b
Intenaelg eaciled. bnt the-pstrlotie
fell. bU gun dropped
sommlttee and the miliury chiefs of
post twentg-fonr hoars was remark
charged. Tbe ball passed through
the Cabans think that theg can .j^lel
able. At Bapld City. N. f).. a fall ot K Herring's heart.
this feeling pod prefent riolent Inci-, TrapseS Fertormer Fell Twen. degrees wss reporwd. sad si srrrrsl
It is Dine months today since the
union miners left the pita which are
bring operated by the negroes.
low's reply to tbe Caban depntatioa
I in aid of •k-.■'lb.,.,
the strikers, tbe Brotherhood .
..d ptriiwb*!..,.... AC ib... u.. Ad.
a tbe ^tern
jofHine BoUUng Eogineeis today call-!
eented a wriUen program tor the six | nitnric Bull
d But Fortun., board.
ODt the day and night engii
Between Chicago and tbe Atlintic
auly He Bonps Were Broki
at tbe Pans Coal compaoy'a mine. The
An accident wfaieh came eery near !«**t the weather has been
Managers also
Everything you want from a ball of
pins to a letter presa
! 220 Front 8t.
“City Bookstore.**
«F F..t I. sfinb..*-.. irr'Tb^:.;:'
died out John Dnddg. who ha. for
sfHaranadnrinrtheneit week, of the I berg's Grand last night just before the
“Z (eight gears been mine manager of the
ezebangeof tbeostlonal flagslhalwm cloaeof IhesnterUinmtntgirenbylhe •‘‘to™*? morning I-oreasler Cox eayeth. wb","Zri'w».
take place on Jan. 1. as I promised goo. | Coroell Concert Compang.
I bare Uken oemsion siso:to asceruin |
Uoft. one of tbe traprse perfor- «.ia...p.bl.h-.« l“l .bo., tbr™ ^ „
the flews of Gsosral Brooke, coromadd-1 me™, missed tbe Uapese bsr while do d.y». ..d b-.t-.rap.ni.d b, .Uood |
ing Ur difisionSr Cuba, upon the sob-' iogatnm frith bis partner.!' ilg feet gslec and light enow flurries.
He ri»n‘ down
will steadily Inm^
increase -aay
todaj '
The cold w„l
w^rThTa^fv 8^^'
ject I regr#l to Inform gon that a cel-1 shofe Ue andleoce. "
and by tomorrow morningU. nercary j
ebration of tbla ebarmeler will not at' with a crash and canted a shudder
thU Ume be deemed expedient and : pu* «fer the large crowd preaenl.
WarranU are out for two
in'l for the present be anlhorlzrd
[ was thought at first that he bad met
onoerior. w is . uec.
, oegroe* who in s ftmily fight fatally
“HaranahasloralongtiiaesnBerediwith fatal Irjury., but fortunately i
‘J*®"™ =6
fehoi Willism Snyder, a fellow miner.
from strife and contention, and it it bedfJ^ped inu Ue aisle, although *«™- It was 3* degrets below during. Tbe strikera today reeeired Cl,000
Ueanpreme duty ot all at Ibis critk-allhis body strack against ons of
e organization to aid in
period to snppreaa disorder and pre-Iaeata.
He fell .'on bis face andj St- Hfc'< »«• W —Proifi SJ abore zeaer*e Ue puWie peace. Another con-' snstained a bad brnise on Ue ri^bt' ™ y®***"**!-**« “'""T has dropped-------------------------tiderations for .the moment should glfc I c'leek. The jar, howerer, was serious. ^ ™P'<>'y'‘®^*yOBBBB6 AKBEZOAH BHOZJTBB.
waytoUis. At the present lime Uejand it waa'nearlv an hour before he : ^0 below at Moortiead. 30 below at
-----------only means of mainulning order is the j wasoble to help himself. Dr. Moon : Winnipeg and 2o below at DalnU.
Indian Ot>T,mment Reding to «ui
Conn try for
presence of the I'nited Stales troops in I waacallod and after a careful ezamin-j
-----------------------Ue cily aalhe local police in seferal atlon annonoced that no bones rers . IDAlTCO riAQI?!! QPACAU
Glasgow. Dec- 3U.—Tbe Ulaagow,
.afiw.. ' k—o... —
ADViili)!! uuuijulf uCiauVIli.
districts dissppeared with
with th»
tbedepar-lbrokenorseriousinternalinjariessus; Herald says that It is informed that Ue
tore of tbe SpsnUfa soldiers.
[ Uined. although be was badly hurt-1
iindis office authoiilir* are order’n:!
-It Is in the inuresu of both the | g,
jbe hotel short-, MtchlgAB Fishermen
'Will, locomotivea for tbe India railways
citizens geberally. and particnlmrly of I ly after the performanee closed,
bnilt In America.
Fight the Traet.
tbe more dlstineUrely Caban cllizenai Tbe accident spoiled Ue enterUlnCharobenain'e Colic. Cholera sod'
Uat the'oecasion should be one of f
^^e audience. Uongb
Diarbooa Remedy can always be de-1
peace, order and quiet rejtieing only. [ i,,e progiam was finlshpd. Tbe Injnr- Declare Cloaed Seaeaa an lajuatitt pended upon and
id liis pleasant and safe
and «at ererg one should be conuolled s ^
to Fish Dealers and of Benefit Only
to take. Sold by S E Walt.
by a pauiouc desire U dc -hat U best L ^
to Ue Big Chrabine.
Social Saaee.
for the community
The Amertcsnl
Tbe firvt annnal New Year's danceof
A meeting ot thirty-fire members of
» aympatblse fully wiU tbe
Cuban fesllnk of rejoiciug. and at the EASHONOPOLTOFTHBHABZBT ^rib,„.c....riri .-rib.™.,;.
aasoeiatioo was held a few days ago in i cent supper served from t to 10
proper time b^yafter. when affairs arc
Detroit with all tbe important C-biiing. o'clock, p. ra.
in a m-.we aettltd eondilioQ. they will
Enropean Wheat Ztemaods.
jdlstricu represented. Among those [
--------- '
be glad to forUer and participate in
New. York. Dec. 3n-Aitbough i|,e!p«»«o‘ were Presideol Casper Alpem ;
the plans of celebration Theg a
. few of I
bandsnmp I
export bnsloets in wheat showed tome I of dlp*o»: Secretary N. J. Orr of Bay!
conrineed. bowerer. that this is not
(ft. which
diminution yesterday, as compared j Bo»t; *1»° rep™«sntruTes from Hi. Jos-j
sollabTe or expedient time for it.”
bought at the City Bookstore
‘This soraing tbe cUg and subnrbt with the recent very heavy demand. ®P*»- Grand Barcn. Charlevoix, Petos- ;
were absolutelg 'q'lieL
Lsat night Ue total sales, nevertheless, approxi- j keg. Mackinaw. Cheboygan and Bay j '
there was ro Instance of dUturbanee. maud SOO.OOO bnshels at tbe Atlantic ' City.
The United 8ut«s patrol and officere porto, and-Chicago reported IfO.Otml A proposed amendment to -UesUU
fish laws was adopted nnanimonsly
were kept keenly alert.
bnshels sold there for export.
Fr. Bdrice Mora said to Ue AescclaV
In two days Ue salcsal tbe Atlantic landwill he submiiud to the leglsla•d Press today: -We are sorry that we porta, have been ab-mt l.fba.OTio bush tare. It cal’s for Ue repeal of tbe
cannot excente onr program,
els. Yrsterdv'* clearances from the cloaed uason slatuU, Secretary Urr
agree with General Budlow's desire, aesboard wcic co Irm than l.ion.ouo says4hat'lll^ measure is backed by a
lip will hare dlSiculty in keeping Ue bushels, making, in round numbers. majority of UKxUU fish camicission.
.low people down sod nestrainlng Ue S.ISIO.ISIO in fourdaya
by all of iu empioyea and by the Michpoung people in tbe army, but
ime weeks past America has t^n employes of the federal fisAi comsure that only detached acU of dlstnr- eopplied e.1-, per cent of the Enropean'^ion.
He argues that .'..noo men are
bance will occur. Notbleg will be r<H|uiremenU. Argentina. U
Stat-r^oppofted by tbe Industry and that 30.done In combination against the Ameri od. was offering wheat more freely.
people are dependent upon them. |
can wUhee. Now is Cuba's opporlunt- Irut the trade are not disposed to look These SS.OOt* inhabitants of tbe suie.'
ty. If we go.wroag now we will nerer f.w serious competiUon from Argentina it is a%oed. are entitled to a most reatUin ind. pendence and never reach
much before April I, and in tbe mean- apeclful bearing, as- they are unanipaUonal life, and the Americans will
lime this couoiry will have a practical mooa. Suft, Clark, of the Northviile
nerer leave Cuba."
t'olted Hutes hatchery, favors Ue
monopoly of^tbe European markcU.
Cora, too. was in brisk demand for abollabmentof the closed season, and
export, and Ue plearanees yesterday Dr. Blackford, of the
tbe eeaboard were orer l.TUO.OOO ion of Ue I'nited Slates fish eommlsaion, expnased tbe same opinloa when
In the fefttnree of comfort
Old Olotg Will Float'Alone in Cuba hnshelaForeignera were baying wheat fn- visiting Ue NorthriUe hatchery last
and fABhionable appearance
tnrea. too. gesUrdag, and Uoogh prices week. Secretary Orr declares that nait liaa DO riraL
fisherSoroeiE ehoen hare the en
were lower, many ragi^ed Uc decline
Waahisgton. Dee. ,30.—NeiUer tbe as a natural reactionUe recent men are shut off during Ue beat part
dorsement of fashionable
Prtmideat nor aeeretarg Alger will sharp advance.
of Ue year for fishing.
women and are worn and re
“This, be says, "allowa Ue Booth
commended by leaden of so
syndicate of Chicago U get very high
ciety everywhere.
prieee for frozen fish. Uken and frozen
Ko imitations “Jost ^
at Lake Winnipeg and oUer Canadian
Budget for IBM to Exceed That of
iraoslerrlng Ue government of Cuba
fishing points The only banefit from
The price places Sorosis
frum Spain to Ue United 8UM next
the present law is to Ue syndicate.
shoes within the reach of (he
I.«ndon. Dec.
A dispatch from The closed aeasun is obnoxloos to every
Snodsy. ‘Hie
economical buyer. Bold in
Oeoeisl Bcqoke'e stand, and he le act- Paris to Ue Exchange Telegraph oom- one inlereeted In fiU In Michigan.’'
variably at
la under ord^
pany mys that the Pweb Parliament
^eae orders wereverbal and liberal, will be asked to vote Ue aom of 3M,and were given before General Brooke MO.ooo franee (tT8.kOO.000) to Ue naval Bnt Fmnk Behaub ia Vow Beit 131-. I
laft Washington.
It has I budget for lAdi. of which a
'We are exclusive agents
BP desire to ignore the Cobans iooo.ooo franea («34.SOO.OOO) willbeexH
in the city.
or give Uem cause for oSeuB. Bathe pended upon the eonslmctlon of sixty
homed while partielpatlag
lo •*—
pereeivee tbal Uere can be hut one threercaselialreadybegnnandtweniygovernment and one flag in a countryr eight others Ube started in U»9. Tbe Christmas exercises at that pUee, Is
at Ue same Umt Since Ue United Frenefa naval budget for 1898 was 384.- slowly Improring, althongb his ininrSUtea U U uke control of Cuba and be. TliS.800 franea, and Ue increase pro lee were so aeriona that his recovery
was a few days ago diipalred of.
raeponslble for tbe Uland.nntil a stable posed U Uns orer 100,000.000 ftanca.
government can be cttablished by tbe
Cabans.be desire* that it shall be made 8eu3lSDM.
clear In Havana, as in Porto Rico and
The first aaniial Mew Yearb danoe of
Ue Philippines, that the I'nited States
Ue Oreeent band vriH take place In
flogliUeooeand oo
soly emblem of anForeslera' ball Mondayevening. Ten
Uority while Uis <
cent supper aervedfroa 4 Uloo'cloek
It Fteantere BalL
The New Shoe For Women.
It’ll Certainly
Pay You
To see the qualities and prices we’re offering
in Lad\es’, Misses and ChildreH’s
j —All new, stylish and of this season’s manufacture
J Do not sffend ?ny money for Cloaks until you see tbe
I wonderful values we offer you.
Tell That Husbaad
Of yours to just drop in and get ^ou a pair
of those I4.60/8hoes.for $.100. They are
certainly the finest injbc city for” the mon
ey. Just received a shipment of tbe latest
styles Ladies' Boots.
Now to call at the elegant jewelry’ store of Bamom A
Rarl. We have a finer stock than ever before, oomprisiDg
the latest d««fiigB8 in Watches. Chains, Charms, Bings of
various .patterns. In Uiamonds we can show yon soma
fine stones in sizes to suit. Our stock of Silver and Plated
Goxis -is very complete. Everything in Table W*re and
many articloB^ in Useful Novelties. Rich Cot Glass, Gtdd
Pens—airstyles. Call and look over our stock.
Popular Shoe House.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House, f
New Y^ars
For yoor n Ife that has been
worrying yo.: so mobh of late,
needn’t bother you any motejust give her a pair of
Pingree & Smith
$3 and $3.50 Specials
And start her off into a New Year on good footing. Wfi are
showing a new line of $2.50 Hendricks’ make that are nrianera-
118 front Street
The OM Reliable Shoeman
! MOSimrO BEOOM). SATTjaPAT. DEQgMBBK 81.1898.
F. %. Prrtr Rnented, AccoMd '
SmbeoitbR Voney Fro* A*oriOM VnpteeoOo.
F. 8. Ferry, no employe of the AmdrBwe* oompuy ed the V. A N.
Mot. *.
w. HAnn
_ jond. d1wpp«ort>d lut Wedneedey
j W.
Bdttor And IUaA««r. from Chief Uke. Boreml money order*
belvC«»r *»“>*“"**»» dtanppei
at Ue eeme Ume. Be b nleo chm
with h*Tlnr “*•" non* of money.
». betoPfln« to the mllroea
__ #ow 0«cer* of Tmetree City Tent Watob Xeetint in the Bvansdi^
The yowr BM enme. to thU ei'y
Church Toniebt.
•nd ABnndn Hive.
Wedaewlhy nod epeot thp day nod port
Ibere wTU be n wnuh meetinr nt
Loot nlyhl the naonnl reelew of
of Ihenlebtberu. He wnennented nt
TmrereeOity Toot. Ko. 8tl. K. 0. T. II the Bvnnyelienl ehnreh ibb eveniny.
White Cloud Thntedny nboot noon nnd
wM held end offleer* elected for the en beyinniny at ti o'clock. All are invited
Uken to MnnUtee. w^ hb einmlnn
euioy yenr. The oSatn of Amnode to attend thb mretiny nnd have
av tion wne held yeeterd^4 M
________________ Hire were elected to the nfiemoon. yood time. An Icviutlon b extended
^ BrenUe*.
J Afua-the review Inet evenlny thonew to all the ebter eburchrt of the city.
Cbnn. Godfrey nnd wife of Omtun. Jiy ,ieci*d cfBcere eet op nbenquetfor
The Son lo> Orlppa Vure.
Vo Sftirt fthonltf Bo •pored.
are vbitlnF-wiih the family of P. Bnn-1 jbe member* of the Uot. nnd * jolllfiThere b no lue auSerioy from thb
Bi.8eMU>r lidDiiodo hw prr|«r^ aoB Mr. Godfrey wne nt tbeneylum dloo "*• the order of theeveolny. dreadful malady, if yon will only yet
apM f»«tt tor ooBoidoroUoB it> *low of far adme Ume. lenvlny abonl fl»e year,
w*: , the right remedy. Yon are having pain
I were elected u follow*:
tho bill MW before eonrew to promote ayq. Be now own* and run* a floe
Paat commaoder-A. V FriedricI
AmerteoB eblpplsd end commerco farm In Kent mniy. but be b eUll of
■it^ B.
iilr Knight commander—Mcrri<
.bilion, have a bad oold, in fact ar*
kbroM. end in ibe oonrM of hU de- of the optoWb that Truverae > Hy b the djllev.
4w)j9U the eenntor eeyr:
•r-Joa. C. Smith.
bwt town4n the *taU.
prcinpl and »ure relief. They acl’dl-l
act dl- '
•<U b 0 well-known fnet thnt the
The WHtem Union Trleeraph com
Kecord keeper—Jerry T. Shtelda
cdRid- '
meUy on your Liver. Stomaeband
jUTMt mnrkeu of the wprtdT not »1- pany bave'-Bpened an oSce at Glen
Finance keeper-JoefG. UlrdaaU.
.m and
oey*. lone up tbe whole ayatem
tmij weU deeeloped, ^ to be xwfht
Phyalcbn—Wm. B. Moonmake you feellike a new being. They
far. end foBnd in Bnet^ Aobu Three
are guaranteed to core or pr
Cbaplain-E. A Evana.
The Creaeeot band haeenyayed Proed. For aale at the Drag S
- mnrKoU ore ooBTenieet ^ ncoeee from
Beryeant—Bdward Peaae.
.maor Muruuyh. Mbe Capitola Vader
B. Wait and J. U- JolMOO.
p^J^BcooMt, end will be nlmoet
and Mr. Chamberlain to fnmbh the
>qnnll7 M *«»» «“» MbnUo eoeei mule for their dancin* parly In PorfalM.ol*.-J. W.PiekeU.
when the enonl cromlnff the Uth.
ti H. of U.—Frank Bonn.
•aieru- ball next Moodey nlyht. • Thb
•{ Klnnnrnn ebnU hnre been built prombee to be a very a very enjoyable
tJentinel-Geo. Edgar.
The Aral annual New Yeurt* daoceof
nader the nnplo* of the United
Picket-Maren. 8mUh.
tbe Creeeeol band win taku place in
aoclal event.
Forutera- hall Monday <
Jack Litney of JInttoM Bey gave a
••It b obvlou that the atmgyle of dance In the new-hall at that place
Ten-cent anpper aerved from
Pact Lady Com.—Mary Evana.
o'clock, p. m.
aartalo natlou for political and mill- Thnreday nlyht. Amoay the yoeeU
l^y Com—Tareaaa Johnaton.
lary aopremacy and vpheroi of lofla prowniwereannmber of^onny peo
Lieutenant Com —Eveline Kidder.
•Boe in Buiem A*la. n» well u ie ple from thl* city. An_eleyaol apread
Record Keeper-lda OUbert.
Africa. h»* been, and b. wlUi perhapa at Deoiter Park Holei waa erjoyed by
Finance Reeper-Amaoda Smith.
a ainyle exception, founded upon a de
Chaplin-Ullvc Dill.'
lire wobUin a dominatiny loflueore the yueate.
Sergeant-Amelia Cnaboc.
Tve bukel ball-yame at the ladle*
aver the market* to tboee region*.
Uiatru* at Arm*—Jewie UriSth.
marlreta. the' yymna.io« Tbnraday evening between
Seouoel—Minnie Pickeli.
o have, fair op lMoBUe. and the;-Whltu;.-WM very
Picket—Liuie Harrb.
WWUnitytocomneU. Tbifeannot beiaplnled. At the end of the
Tbe tent and hive will have a joint
More itood e to S io^
obu,... w,.bb« o„ b-b
“u.. Inataltatlon January 13, at which time
Grace Baallnge !
•kipa end our own flay. The ■
yeotlimen will barquet tbe fadie*
adequate provuioo b made to tfab end eight balU baaketo*
Flag day* for January are tbe 1*1.
the lee* will be the diflienUy and the
ynater will be onr reward. To attain
Dr. wnibm* of Kinyaley. waa .in tbe
Ibaae objecU no expenee to the com- mnea of the-emaoeipatioo proclama
^ treaaury in aid of chip bnildiny tion. the birth of Charle* Snmner. A’- cUy yealerdaj. Pe rag'axered and to k
aad ehip tradlny can be too great, for exander Hamilton. Benjamin Frank
We haw everythinit nice and
the trade onee eatablbbed. will be per lin. and the admbaioo of Michigan to tbbeonoty.
Waiter Murray of Lake City b *hakmanent; noaided; now. It will be lo»t Um Union. lUpeeUvely- v
. , useful for Ibe cbiklren — deeka,
' Tbe .Sotttb SMe Sbakeapeare Cinb
wUl meet TueMay afternoon with Mr*.
l the AmericaniCbarteaoIt b very proper ------------------------;Chart* S. iravi*
Travbof|E*»t Ninth •troet- Waif* drag aiore uriil several month* Su(; horses, carts, rockofS Bud bigb
iMlat upon a port- ]
be leader.
Every one la iDvilM to get their
^aiud by the Cotaau In Havana to mark New Year'* dinner today at Grange
tb« departnre of the Spanbb iroope
v* . w
Tkn oelcbration will beep and can be
J. A. Perry of thbeUy ha* accepted a at Elk Rapid* peite^y.
given <jut w wrtl a litUe later on. poaiUon in B. Ballard'* hardward rtore
I'rofC.T drawn haa.retnmedtromi
Bouse Furnbhing Store..
when tbe Spaniard* are away and at Manton. He will begin work In hi* Unsiog.
when there wUl be no chance of a new locatioo next Monday.
C S. Cavi* retorned laat night from
Claeh aad tbe nnneoeuary shedding of
Grand Rapids, where be asaiated fa or-1 - •'
Wood, wbleb would sorely follow if
SxeiUng Bonaway.
ganiring the new Blgb Court of the I n
lha Onhana were perilled to jobilate'
; ‘
team of colta belonging to Peter Poresfars for western Michigan.
M the day* of the ^partore of theii Laidie of Marion. c*n»ed e^cli
M.tiberlin'of Bingham dfaedaithe
I------from the bland. B’bUeUb
Front atreet yerterday afler- Calnmbi* yesterday.
•ttlny that no Mih demonitratton be
FredH. Pratt 1* in BnttououproI. When n>ar tbe 0. B.
admitted at thb time, it will be dilK- railroad erae*log on Ewt Front fetalonal baslnee*.
^t lor the American anthoriiie* to •treel. they became frightened
John Fowle, Jr-, went to Grand
•■Mm the lower ^menukmony whom
Rapids where be attended the funeral
and dashed down
We have a hoe assort
•n hotbeub bliodV tbr oonaeqae
They /an a* far a* the of hi* aunV Mr*. Wilifam Fowle.
•y laahoeu- But t« ordos have been Mercantile Compiny* block and went
Hr*. C, T. Drawn b enjoying a vbil
IWned and General Lndlow will aee np on the sidewalk near tbe aboe de from her brother*. B. E. and J. B.
ment. and at right prices,
they are enfewced If it reqairea partment. where one of the horMt
powder and bail to preserve •lipped and ffe. cauing tbe other one
R. Balfard and danghtcr Etbelyn of
tofallabo. Tbe Uam waa attached Manton are vUtting Landlord and lira.
with the Bnest perfumes
to a cutter, bnt no damage reealled to E. C- Compton of ibe Whiling hotel.
to 611 them.
Mr*. MikeGheitngof Old Mission and
> ena I vadinc Bnsiness
Pmkea Creak Flo in Hoaler Broc. Morgan Paige narrowly escaped belog
■ ■iriiniir ornr. • xiomoAi)
MS-Vti-SAhtraX t«- j
S AneXXotva tm XXvaX acetnmX. >
vtquXaT ^Tvees. J. W. MILLIKEN. I
^ ^Buying
. .Logs!. I
WE ABE ■*-7
If you have any to aell oorreapond with the
Traveree City Lumber Co. Wo have aleo
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
lands For Sale-Suitable for Farms.
Mill tuBcbinory of all deecripUons, including two engines. set works, carriage and aawB. A complete
saw mill plant for aale.
Haw Hill Besnlted fa Grant
Dawaga to Machinery.
Oa Tboradsy a bad accident in the
•aw mil) of Hoaler Bra*, at Prnvem
■•eaaailatrd the porchase of a new
•gfaa- A crank pin was broken cansiny
Iht cylinder ST tbe engine to bur»l.
- which vesolted in tbe wrecking of tbe
' •ayloa Luckily their wu no one near
•t the time or tbe accident might have,
irtimaa life. Tbe Arm hu tniranother engine of IVaab Fried-
lojnred by the team.
Considerable good locsl lalont helped
add' to the exeeUenee of the prograni
given by the Cornell Concert Compam
In bteinbere's Grand last night. Thr
prir-r. a gold filled wswb. was awarded
tolitUe Mis* Stella We'sb. who
a fine feature in alnglng and
Mlm Mande Compton eiecnled very
prettily n *erpent/he dance. Casele
Wbitlng sang a very pretty . song. JenBarker tecitod very ereOttably.
rieh.Joaic Nimlu gave a moon dance txVZKBBBSHIF OBOWJVG.
biWUoti nicely and Owen Emney
y.—.b BifiM WUl Have Regular readered a vosal selecUon. This will
be the last night of tbe engagement of
DriUa Rvery Week.
the company.
Tha Bannah Rifle* held another
pasting fast night to perfect the
•tyanlsatioD. bnt tbe committer
•OHUtntion and by-law* were not
pvM to report, aothat pan of the
*'p«eeMllng* vra* deferred.
MW member* were added, Arfaging
r n**! .
|M membership fa oearty aeventy. Artx-gfn talking abont s^it
•MgemeBts are being raade'for regnlar gates and narrow wayiPS? ^Would He b»
WMkly mMtiogsand drills in Forei- regarded m sbondlnga
verily believe that if
IP*' hall. The night for the meetings
wlU be decided In a few days.
wonld r
Thankful word* written by 1
R. Hart, of Groton. S. D. • Wa* Uken
with a bad cold which settled on my
• set• in
• and
-d flnall
Anally termln
r*___ J
cave me np. raying 1 could live bnt a
NicIiUt<> Accident AssocitUoD.
K.l.T.V-Ml'-k ioora !»•.
with us. You will think so when you see
the superior quality of our “BEST” 6our—
It can't be equaled for bread-pastry dr cake.'
NailBDsl Bank.
E. I '. OsTT»S.
B«sr BsnofS
A. U. Ms.*** ’
of Drr4> Kslswam Co
-«»•. V*ltl>«.».
Tallur siul
WbolMslF msitooerv.
No one can or will match us in low prices in this line. For *
k the next thirty da/s we shall unload as much as possible of our «
AMBto Wanted iu Un..-L!-
« present stock to get ready for our new spring stock of furniture. »
j Bargains are in order, and you can get them by coming to k
k ue. Don’t, In any case, buy until one of our courteous clerks can J
k show you through our furniture, crockery and carpet depart- k
k ment. The place—
with my friend*on earth. I wonld meet!,od pre
‘ ' *'
This same treatment will
*' ‘
fame back in a few bouT*. Sold
eovety for Consumption. Congbs and j,y s. E. Wa!kit.
Colds 1 nve It a uial, took In all;
ritslliad Alra
Forester* ball Monday evening._ Tbn-
His way again, and the farmer
When the farmer is happy prosperity ia
wonld be this word "nnr-'
3. U. Jowett.'
%e chest when a perMD has
tendency toward
of flsene!
with Chamberlain * Pain Balm
•atlle Bid.
« Uod
•Halt Bpoa Mr*. WiniaDt, a
rallar waived vzamiftatloa
»aad over to ibvCireoll eoarl
L He wee takeo to jUI at Frankfort In
*30^ 0^ TRXMqaTv.
' *-S|
B. H. wnilaiaa a pienem- of Oilead
towneblp. eotertalped bit ebildrea and
rnandeblldren ata Cbriitmu ^bt^eriar- Tbetreeonwfalebtbe aced pio.
aeer hamte bln iritu U a big limb eat
tr«a an apple tree that (rew from the
need be broafbt from New Tork 'aad
planted In ljU.
mdownbyar.AP. Bnaow
plow and neriOBBlj injarad. bat wUl re--
, ............. ,______ _____________ _
aearOkomoa, who foand them In bit, igricaltDre 70a oaonotnee (be Kiowtb.:
tool hooM aod marebed them before ; Pati Ibat oooDtry two montba afterand
bib at tbe taaule of a abotfaa to Ma- there it a differenoe. We aoqalre firm__ k.
_____I ...__ _____ BM neea
end ex08ri.-nr«
and experience
: Botiaa. evray word. cteT meal, ia part
! of oar trial and oar dlacipHoa We ate ,
:oaiJw bligbtii
Desire to Thank
The Public
................ ..
dollari. of Padaeah. Ky . waa privately go on quietly and gradoally in tbeaoiil.
"U* ■=» " Mp«nin « tbe
married Tharaday to Frank E Ball, a We only ooant the ebodta in oor jonr—
Harrino bLSeal of Wbikornb. Ind.
probably bolda tbe toiiuE terurd of tbal
U better known ihroughoBl theantb 6°” «»■—*^«t-di:rick W.,Ko
atate. Be voted for Jackaoo in 1828
a<the ebannlDg belle of Kentocky. Uie
and for each Oemocntio pretidential
When H. J. Oaatlee of Oxford went to {UUeahe waa given by eevetal of tbe
UaOaban war be promlaed to aendj leading aoatbem papere, ban been
boaae a tooth oat of tbe .drat Bpaalard {teadii
ding tbe aaoitarinm at Benton Bar-1 Life ia not tueaut tp be a pacta td uaee, ' anting for a wbnie day. but ia never
ba kUled..The other day hU folka
forttaepaat few weeki in hopeaof ^ bat ate^ and mgp^, Md it la only wilboul aclgar between bia Hpaaod
aarpriaed to receive a faomaa toOtb being relieved from an attack of nerv- tluoogh eelf dei^l. dieooaragcmcnt, , aeyi ibat tbe eigar
diacipiine and Uial
you may
aiuin nuevar been pnt togetfaer.
y attain,
t^oedtoagold chain.
la proatmtioD.
hiBhcr life. Bolit-vefue. yonicaifuo ' Ooloael Rooeerell'afirstliteraty work
to fiud its way into prim waa a atoiy
which came oot ia Tbe Harvard Advo
gtrla employed In the telephone ex- through the bead-With a tl-calllber' phyiie.l.-"Lixht
cate. a paper of which, in fait Junio
ehnnge. Tboee who conld not nttend rifle. He left tbe home of bla daugh-1
became one of the edllura
tonr daya ago. So notlee waa taken of |
Edward Rowell baa published ao
fattabaeneeilotllThorwley. aa be t
Mr*. Mary Catteral of^ton,
innwrcemis ii no ruffl- , «H«r»>«w with Budyard Kipling, it
gMtanffererand wiibed ebe might in tbe habit of viaiting.
which he describe* the ambor as taav.
„ lo,
getacofiu for a OiriaXmaa preaeot «u Io..« I. u. old .hodly. Th, ddo. ■
Ing "a prectial, eprom. elbletic, well
your iirsynr doea nut n'n-i to aak ’ Ftoo^rd Imle tigma ' The aottai___
She died ChriaUnaa eve. aged 66 yeara wee looked. He had a eilck In bit
band and tbe rlfie lay aeroea him. He ^ for tbe Divine mercy. .Some have pray. | •<>» Pl<*»«d.
She came ao this aoeUoD In ISSt.
The career of Jamea J. HilL'tb#
At Kilea.Oeorge C. Tappan. a mannfaetorer, waa badly ecalded by a etove Lewlaou. wboae boabtnd tbot bimaelf , aodreadfolly wicked. Otberaintbisage! Nottbwealem railway tnagnaie. baa
four yean ago with.tbe same gun.
! ntber faoan of tbeir extradegiee of sin-j bneo ibiu summented; Age, 60: per.
toppling over.a|Aiiiag a kettle of water
birth, Cenadien
Krenk Fuller of Honor, wv arrested . eotly
npon him.
more -fit form
D.—Reform- initial aslary, 60centa aday; presoul
Mra. Preston Eellt«g left Uettle at that place Toeeday— tbe charge
income. IS.OOOaday.
CreekThnredaytoj^ioherhtiabaad at; -wpMicrrxwiuHki, tbe former tenor, wbo
Manila, fbllipplne Ulanda Dr. r,,.
ii now a porter in a betel io Uaooea.
France, wai a cnni favorite only 14
A . year* ago lu IbhC price* were donbled
* fm
• bis
• appeuii r»iul
lu Leiiwic and Dn
la a brother of Dr. Kellogg of tbe aaal-1 i
den. a tact wbii b mean* moeb.
tarium io Battle Creek, and bat been|?
Cliarlm Paul Angu-.le Cnvillier. wbn
»t the bead of tbelr breneb aaoitariom | i
the Delmnnico of
la HodoIuIu. and received bit appoint-'•j Paris Hi* catering eitvoded to all tba
meat wbeo tbe war brake out, going
Brirer Uoghe* of the Are department changed each bore the following in- j royal fauilie* of Enrope. and many of
wilb tbe flmt troopt to the FbUlppinee. -----of Kew York cay. saved ten liven at a seripUon:"All honor to the commander, , them rent wreelb* and other flnnl tribBellkeathe country and climate to
tenement bouae lire laat.week.
flbe oflioen and the cn-w of tbe warwell that be baa eent tor bia family.
An interaationa] eoinrreacc basrd:*^^P Dregon. victoriou* io tbe navsl
Mtaa Daisy Beta, adopted daughter npon tbe diaarmament proposals of the I^^^bat off Saotiago de Cuba, on tbe Jd
of Rev. John Heseof Ludington. Wed
ish,.,..,. !. •* ■ uaiuwuaiica. jir.siigj. ,
caar baa been fixed for 81 Petereburg ' r**!' of ■>'»'?•
This plate it giveo teoeut tried to commit suicide by jamp-1
nesday nlgbt met her tlx aiatert and
about tbe beginning of May oexu
*• • »«vUBK»ny “f the patriotic gratl- lug Iron a Viunus bridge luto tbe Oao.'
one brother for tbe flnt time known to
D.. Cbiawo
b.. lorbUd.. t-i. «I .U C.b..
P.r.-nba His power to add figure* was fail
theta When ebe was 6 months old her
Twenly-three diseased bogt suBering lug and be bad learned no other means
inotber dleor^ her father was already tbe use of Ue whip in the house of
I from tbecbo’era and a numoerofdead of earniiiga living.
dead, and While tbe older ebildrea of eorrertioa.
Witlism (Aiiiui is ettidited with 1.000
were kept tofetber, the wes adopted
It Waaid that tbe Indians of Alaska ones dressed for tbe market wire found
ouavieiionii lu the Luuiluu pulieeconrit
byBev. Heaa.\Oae conditioo of tbe have petitioned liovenor Brady to go on tbe K>>tb farm, cortb of ToMo. by of lieiog drunk aod discaderly. and on
<1 a numb.
adoption was tAat tbe tboald oot to be to Wasologteo to represent them in the sute fc^ iospector a«il
of other places developed eases of tbe tbe IS8t occasion it wa» sbuwu that bia
viaited by her relatiee* or know that
oocnpalioD was that of a temprraoev
same disease. Tbe farmers hare bwn
abe waa'an adopted daughter. S^y lias
The village of (lien Eyre. Pa.. U ad. killing tbe diseased meat and shipping lecturer and poet. Hr was in tbe bsbil
juit become of age and to nettle tbe vertiaed for sale by tbe sheriff.
it to Toledo for sale and by
Farmers of New Jei
with angar beets are
-3“; 5 StwaV 'KtMos
SVcawcdi *5Tom SMcratJoWa!
bar Ufe. Ooi of her sUters is the wife I
otGeorgcE Cogshall a former mem-^
jr of Ibe board of aseemon.
«>^bnm cane
^ become alarming and warranu wUl be
At a policemen's ball held in Omaha issued at once for tbe people who have
Wkels of eight partiei-; been violating the law. Thursday tbe
---- ------------ ‘eked, and four umbrellas first case of poisoning by diseased mes t
oaU were stolen from the I was reported to the police. Tbe lit le
'i cloak room.
' aonof FraskMasWrs is io a critical
aanaw, and fourteen in Ibfe bouae.
I On January I tbe judgee of tbe New | dition trpm eating poisoned bologna.
Borne uoknown admirer of Justice; Hprk eonrt otgeneral sessiona Will ap-! which waa bought from one of these
Stanberg. of Muskegon, sent him fori pear on the bench in gown* cf black ; farmers. All sbipmenU of meat from
‘‘■•“‘W-1nUk. with large Bowing aleeres.
jeoutbern Michigan which come from
and thick in proportion.
i Admiral Dewey re'u*es to aoceot^be vicioity vuited by tbe Inspector
John Cable,
i. of Alj \ „*
'leave of abvenee. He has a*ked the I
held and thoroughly examined
um... m.. ..d
u 1...Id... th.,
I. 1.the
for service on the three captured Span- ““«*“>* Toledo.
knife did the r^t When be-removed i,b war vessels.
Mrs. Charles Dufy, aged us jeare. ro
tbe haodvery hastily a moment later
^ !siding at Pottsville, lies at ber hone
'Admiral Dewe; ban a valntbletallaoUeo of «ott«rtlM. wbicb la Inaared ta
Bl Clair OfeKelwtj U (be
be beat pab I
He ipmker in the boroasb of
»f Brooklyn,
New ToAcltp.
Oearral Wbeeler waa ibe roanrai
jo ,b, Coiifoderate army to alt^o
,j,e rank at iieoleaaot geoetaL, He WM
, uv wm
s^lrLirirt^^UU^Jp-obablyfam^^^ hurt, from tb. bug.
010.t,nl.«d.. hi.U.lti-™!';iphhj. hh. ..lied dji.
WaabingioD ^tb bis application for a i Tbe steamer Farrlon has arrived at'
pension He jaat received them back {’’nnttle from Alaska with a camber of
^passengers from .Dawson City. KionFrederick Stearns A Co. of Detroit,
Tkv Mre. Oney asked tbe girls
>n of Daws:m bss increased to ber. Ulling them they we
a collection of i
tbe cost of living has also
Not tblnkiug t>i«y
t doing
now h»
be Ob- i
bat i-tTieyiVmUnued their hu*-.
forty rare drug* obtained. .by ..
tbe aenior ' decreased. (tiwwt
(Jood mmU
meals MR nnv
B-rnbcr of the firm in bU treveU'
the old
abroad, same of these drug*, a U' Tbe nine hundred Indians of the cuilap.«ed. i A pnysxlsn
thongbt. cabnot - be dup!ieau-d in
reaervation of tbe atate
aUte of
of;- w
wbi-o iywKs asei-rtained that abc bad
itVashingtoo, will oppose tbe govern-i srreralVi to ami her bn-ast bone fract.A urrible neeident to-fel', the ■; year> «nvnl aHbimriU of the l.sdo.OOu acres 1 nred,
ured, toWides
bto&e being bruised and Injared
■n of Henry Kleino. a farmer
nnlees the govrremeut paya
t fry I ioternaily. Her condit:
ing three aod on.-half miles north of
land, as it did the Nez Fercea and j The young , women
n (tol their position
seems ^at—wvuu
Charles aod John 0>«<>r d'Alenea. They Want 81.800.oon. I keenly.
- — - -It---------r
•gWlSand >i respooUTely. were fool
Tbe Canadian government baa pnr.| At St. Lonli a moovtar tarantula
Ing with a abotgnn belonglog to their [chaaed‘ llu "
Eskimo doga for afaipmut fell from a packageAf bananas io tbe
(alber, who-bad been sbt^Ung.apar-: to the Klondike region, where the can- wailing room of tbe I-'nlon Railway
rows and bnd been callod^bway for a ! iuea will be used to carrv the mail*, station and created e panie among ifae
few momenta. Charlee, tbe elder of [The animals were imported frorn crowd. Women and cbildren ran
tbe boys, had tbe gun In hU banda..! Greenland andUbradoral
screaming out Into tbe street, and tbe
wItUe bla brotberatooda fewfeet away
each.'and —
men fell over tbemaelves in finding tbe
watehlng blm. la aocna manner lui
exita. Tbe big inteel chased a slow.hand slipped and tbegaa«xploded, in- weight.
moving fat man and had him cornered
Jning him in a Urrible maonar. B'e
Before leaving Cnfaa.Maralial Rlaneo. when Clerk Harry Joaea landed with
thongb not requested to do ao by the both feet and a broomhaodle on tbe
.^rry Murphy, a well known miner Americ
________ excitement maker eruebing him. The
Uving In Calumet, aold bia big St. Ber- tbal tbe rich silver palace Uble service ! ^At man wbo barely eaeaped a pslaonBard -114™./'' to w Klondike party be left for the Americans, and that the
- oigbieea months agm Tbe dog wae magniticeatfnraitorec^tbe reception
taben to Dawson CUy and performed rooms he also left for the American
Sadie Wright, the 13-year-old girl at
good service.
MoDdey night
Harney |ocenpaat«.
Pei-bam. Maine who fell asleep while
lutphy'it borne 41) Cal-1 When Emma Spreckln of San Fran-! ntniying the Bcbool room two weeks
_____ _ ..
I_____nod baa slept eeer since. awnVe
•net. How he succeeded ia rewralng_ 'cisco.
tbe .lovejMo
from Alaska is a mystery.
of Thomas Watson, abe married better { Thoreda.v. .She waa very weak aod |
orda. I’b.vsiu ans'
Simon lielberic.gioq, a young
than abe knew. Her husband' ia the:
ui!Jd errey known
«f Gladwin township, was killed by a heir of »45.00(i.o00 worth of Engliab awaken her. bat without success.
I'faUlng tr^al H iss-ennjp Wodoeadsy. Iproperty. acoordlng U a bundle of
Dg docbmei
Frsnk Edison. ihr«e of. I
from the Ionia prison Hii...___
. ^ sign of peTKiuaJ piety aud oertain ssfoagain in their old quanere.
. -....................
awned by a great graod-aant of bis. | *.»• «Cbri,i denomiiialrtl tbe biads of
baeu captured nearMumken by Deputy|«d that while descending ibrongb a!*l“ ‘vvlvfu-tibal deivirtmuiu of Hil
acrifi Canfield, of Eay>n
Katun county.
coDDtv. Just
Jnst: H
aA of'
of * many heirs ..
it faa» swelled i„ .I 6*7
. “* • "gintratiiro of
before tbeir capture they* ento^od the | »*lBe »«»lU Wodsy It la worth tf.OoO.OOo. j
I farmer uamed John
latloa oniferm ii tbe farmer', store, people.
Tl^ three others, l-'iauk Fisher. Wm. Caban reaidenU of Pern met tbe battlea«lU> and Jamep Miller were captnred ehipa^ the ofl^ and presented to
by n famar named Wheeler.' living; •eeh a ffoU pl^ With tba name
pentanoe " Hypocrisy will save no
man beotsoe be hoppens to to tbe beed
of scone eoeleiiestrtal depertoWL—i
Obwnb Slandsrd.
• For their liberal patronage during the past year,
a Our business has been very satisfactory during that
, tune. Hoping to receive a fair share of your pat-
S ronage in the future, and wishing all a happy
prosperous New Year, we remain,
Front Street.
N E. STRONG. Manager
“Diamond J'
or “Traverse Belle’
Sold by all dealerv
A. W. JAHRAUS, Toonelier SlocL
lOc a quart
248 Front Street
B. J. Morgan,
Seoit HndMO ha* driven eight borise i
with rronnisaf 2:11 or letler.
I Itwasr
A 2-yeaf olii brolhcr to Airtblp.
. .
8:111.4. bi* brru named Kitiihip
cf eiuplo.v^ of American maanfartor.
H , o ' - i_
. u I iMi yrsHDcetbe opevHiiou of (he Ulngley
other ludu-tries—agncnliure, tuioiug
At Looieville (hey are Ulking of end oommcrii—with a to.i* of 44 per
making many of (be eluu eveuu next cent gam. would give a grand total of
year 2 aod 2 ioiirsd of a aod 6.
: #?.0(KJ.000,‘J00 paid to (be laboring
Ffrd Kcyre. ttuiner aod diiver, of men of this country per year in excess
Clrvelatid. ba* situml a oootract to go of ibe amuuul paid oiider tbe Wilson
to Uar-.iB, and bs» already stalled.
law. This increase was due both to Che
Kirhard Curtis recently move
dtove Xbe
The .| •«*rl<>J-»ornt “•
of »uuio
mure meu
men auu
and •o*
tbe I*ypay
larger wagre. aod all i* due to
Maid, a yeari
yrara old. 2:l.i‘4,
2:l>i‘4, pacing, e,
«... «
, .fc.
bbe is b,
bv ,1.1
Hal iuilex.
«• «« U...
«*»« p™^.,Ob
protection _.,,d^b„«
and boaeit .' Kljj
w B.„,d,b,bb
r.";,'::,'”.! = ‘r’-.r"sirb."'.;d'7b^. r
.v,;,.™; i,T„77.7r.s:r.rdV.r'’“'
Two-Seat iieijlis,
Ttret Seat SleiRhs,
Four-Seat Sleighs.'
You need something
at times to build you
up, to insure a good
appetite,or to restore
restful sleep.
I Ojic-n bur ibat will rarrj' fifteen
' pcriiontF.
' OliMH-ci Hae^ to make yoar rwlla
j Diin't fnrt^l it when yoa want k
' comfortable conveyance. EIB
B.J. MORGAN. Telephone Vo. 8.
Steinberg's Grand
{ Cornell D '.1
Comp an y.
. . BM>sl
will add strength to
your nerves, sharpen
your appetite, bring
sound and refreshing
sleep. The best msilt
the beet tom-onte
in town.
last of the Engagoinont.
OompleU new program.
15 First Class Artists!
A Meflned Company.
-Admissioii, 5 aad 10c.
- ?.
Ab rrrtekl AaAsrAB ABOslOg iDCideOt UOBBTTBd lO QS»
ANXIOUS Fofe DEliiT.;' Christian endeavor.
P)N<j kAvrr
—*------ •
I yw, _Es. AA.ii. ai-Si.
i frleadi to hnnro me court tbat boonstat
HrboUUfiNl »n nwl before tbr.-.'oltf.!)’
Afler '
cnarl aid to the
in complained of:
i„rii,« had Irfi Eijrpf and ••UisToryvvidtm
r, Ihil 70B loiew I
mil offenie. If!
tin ir wnv to
thi-l«ncl of OauiiD. i belter Ibao to com
leou liniTwn>
After OBoiinp at c«-n»tdcTabla Irairth ' They Deeded a RBiili- iu tb.- hllderuee*. i too------------------ .
le waiatDR cf Scabcaul mat thme ii aod f:i<d prnviilM tbeni wiiti in«. de- I trotild bare Sued yoo $10; Imt. nodi
-pcit^ •
■■ '
«, 1-o.ihAAhe the/l»n Her Vh« tee ,
FU.II %e»»« •
«f Mariae
. ,
«nd that tbe lolo loDUdaii not Ameri«mb Indepeodence of forcipn mipboilrtMl may be ••datroyed by tb« petly
that p««^ «>e DiuRley Ul!. the iaoFrandioe Call ukee np the alarm ai
witb the Ripid .•ii'anmiajof our foreign j xbir mekci UiH Kuidatim. infallible and ,
uade ibat need will lucrcsee by Impe ^ worthy of oor
oaruiAl and com-,
Far anpetior to OHlmeal or
other breakfast foods, .it is
the id-al morning food.
This excellent arlicle of
dtn niiilji^^l line of
It eye and!
• the uionRbtlol mind there are riiible
- \{
ue aigOA and lokini of great oerrone- i
II lest BritiAb lUleresU ahoold be offended by the exieuliou tit uiarme of tbe name principle j
r pmlertion
nlertion ibat bat
bas produced sneb
splendid reenlt* in nr eoaetwiie trade
a OD land
OBgbt to be no racb DerTotumeea
Hriiitb iDlereeti hare been offended
for lo tbeee mioy yean by tbe Ameri
can policy of borne derelopmenl. end
tb'-ati ramu intereru are prepared to be
offended agaiu if tbii pnlicy shall be
applied to oor ot erAV* commerce Nererttaele** they folly expect nicb a re
enlt and will be profonmlly and agree-
For sale at the store of
Union St.
General lasurance.
TraTcrMCltT. me*
(t'enrbura Kioak
s| Dr. J. W. Gaaatlett,
< Opera Ball mark
’ as,-.
Ready for Cooking.
ark of Urlie*'poMltde grade, riai
*Pork s vyerlkllj-.
yi” He »i
..^0, I am witb t
Two Fointe ’ aumuont Aaked.
Hja uiw:apiaa.
dieciplaa We u.
need —
an ,
pre*- ;
. • - f~-•
of making a better
|-Bide. Hany inim*t tbcniMlrea tot wbat U tbe
„jgbt. bol not lor tbe day. We i »nicle than yoiinr competitor if you can
not get a better price for If/
irnngh tbe day
An*.-A* there U no difference In
^i,rn erleep el nigbl.
Thon it it Ibat
gbl. “•
ibe price the public will buy only the
^ra meet tbo trial*, temptation* and dotie* of life, and
wo need Ood tn Cbriet most.
be much grea'-er iu tbe aggregate.
8, Cbririitan adaptive guide. ;uBe|
an you get the public lo at
pillar adapted ittclf to tbe nerds of ibo ■
make i* the b.-af
peorle- In Ibe daytime it was a eland. ,
it botli article* are brought prominat Dightlime a fire. At one lime it lenllr before tbepublic Im’b are cerUln
moved iu front as a gnlding bacon, at j to be Ui^ and the pillilic wl
BUOtbiT itH-tiiidovcr tbu camp as a quickly paas judgmebl on tbei
Baanab. I.*y * Oc. Wock.
309 South Uoion St
Istn PEj-Oic ledlniD.
firiDd Rapids & iodiaua R. B
your city.
TbU lady baa many leaUmouials from
r^p „!* bv S K.
^,]| Lriug ns alely lo tbe home Thicb op„gg,4i.
He has Hepanxi ftn tiA.
XIV. Iti-J-i; Fr.'txv. S-10; ixxi.
1 a; xxxii. Ml; xlviii. 14; lixin. «ai:cxix, 105; ^eh. is. !»: Isa. il.
a5.81; Iviii. 11, If; Math, xsvili. 18, !
aO; Lokel. 70 T’J; John xjv. 1 ‘
all .kinds of impirtant mattcra and oe;,i
--------bava full
Te take cBvci BucUar, Oei
atliMa'elvcka a
lock tie, and a apie sli pping wood de
livered on llBonab Lay A Co. dock or any
UJVDOS. I*»ni'«i; OT
*rfi»M at I0« ». ■
TTNln Umriiir Trarrrw City at SiflS p. B. ha
Ilerprr Itob liranC Kaplflt lo Cbicage.
aaa <•*<
Lorsl liranrb lr*lD
Tub Barr Salts in the world forlieftmy bed and board without j“»l!A!l citle* she visit* I* her reliable rsCuU. BrubKW. Soroa.
cause or provocaUco.
I herabMnfbid ^ ^
RaUsfaetton or mOBRbenm. Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped ,11 persons from harburing or trusting ^
got Ibe kind Hand*. Chilblain*. Coras, and all Skin ber on my.ccouol.
lished if i
^ ey refunded.
, Eruption*. *ad positively cures Piles.
IkaVed this Sfod dsv of December,
Ask to see Madame* developer* and
orno parreqnircd. It it guaranteed i-yj
iBs Cii*'*.
Cream for rcmnviag wrinkle*. Special
logive perfect aatlsfacUon or,money;
toilet article*.
irrfnnded. Mee SSccntsperboi. Por( .
I'.ale bv J. O-JobnroD mnd-S. E Wait.
ease, fe Aoilelpete C**i|>rll<l
tkystera. oriitara.
Jo«l received a)
a>eBi Bsrupe'e Cheeu l-roUecfa
----------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------- :
trrah lot Of Baltimore oyster* in cau* [
! or bulk.
1 saaaaaaaaaaaaaa aeasa
AtUlgSS£ASff2£«£C8 88£££
~ gg-----affawnaagaa
j weeks and where ebe met with wjn-
Cures Without Medicine
c aas-a
'I«:S8 S SwS Se6«
;derful mceoa
Hour* t* a. m. to !•
That my wife. Blla
h** p.
Call over Jl! Sootn
t nion aireev.
Bll* Hell Chase,
Ch*»e. ha*
Sooth Union
WorreritK.M tbsl 4be puAtma*ler
gencrul bu- bev ii i iiiruppcd into the cxprsKriun.iY the (ipiuiou that a "mudifi(atioD ill the prcitoclive tariff i* coming
^ni. new mvtiiods made
CMS ol esportt i/t muDulartuni*
- and common sense like t ) all. F
render ‘’oor indartric* largely inde-!
n,p Jfprn,^ of di-.-Ase from
from *dl _
pendent of l.-BiAluliim." Few of our , p,pu of the vy,-.e-n at one time, inai
lUBOufavlumig ludolEies have made , are causing suffering tnu pain aod flAJ
Bucb progi. AR tbst they do sot now fear j ,ng op the vitality of men.
foreign cimpetitiun, end evra tbvse IsXeri.sel at iiWrly the contraevd
m^;w®‘(ill”and ! short time.
All invited to call and get
■e me at.d gel vour
your monev’s
moner’s worth ctrcniara. Come* here from MaoUtee
I’DioD street. South Side.
510 lot i „j,ere she bM been for the past eleven
BucItUna Arnica BalTO.
1 lock of hair and time of birth.
. most pr Molnent people consult her in
; .U ciUc. on buriocss. etc. Here for a
good bsokiug grouod on Grand Travwlior »<
e. Boom
two tea-uiis: First, to
•ii"'-'** j iii„.paug condiiioo. and in nomc c*i-»
this CiCuliT L.liig m.11.1 a dtimy.ing •
meci.-inr cab be given to
gtonod or slniivlitu market lor boro-| j,p p
pppi^.y, ii,..V;ood, and Icee any
jj-on nir}.lini pfnduilN. and. second, t*- j a,.,k organ-, noie-er.
■ -P>i..rlelan and ituiawin. tPvat.
cuuse-it IS r.a»"iiahl« to ati-omo that ; Th-iq>-»r.dN have been cured after ail
the caKvix iiitu: of piodortiou wbivh tM ; elw used failed.
4y .-'•T
way o
bwn IU1.U.S I■l0l•u lu Ihir ooumry dur-|_ «r
I o^iv^cTriXch hlorka. •Ph.c-, l-«« and olis tbe uni
lOsekaaa ........
1 c>BrLaaa ■.. •
[ Chief Lake.
Ever Burned Out'
If so you know
.ep-Bltk ....
tbe value of
labor of tla« coniilric*. competition: • |
<ur the coolrol of oor matkeW may'
tons become inovh sharper than it now
h to oor iruu aud steel IndnilrieB.
I^y are. of courao, trill moro appliesHe to onr woolen, pottery, glass and
oiaay Mber leading iudnsoiet wbicta
ate not largely leprwcnted in out expomiada and wuicb have even now to
(tmtend wiib heavy impurtaiiuoa m tba
iMRDe market
. Go long a> w e send abroad from $100.OOO.OOO to li'OO.tiOO.OOO annoal’y tor
goo^ tba't conld be prodoced at bmna
protection will be n<-ed>si and nearly on
tbemmeJiuMM are provided in Ue
Dit:g;vy unff.
A* tbe Dinpley uriff is tberelcsA
atill needed for protection it abuuld be
let elone eo fei m itsprouelivelaatoroi
an concerned. If more revenue li need
ed to meet war expeom* than ii now
provided, il abould n« be raiwd by r^docing duties to incretse
of maonfaciurcd good*, nor abonld tlri
daliua «o tbe taw materiaU omd in any
U onr manulaotiiring tndniitriea be incceMed. It la not likely, however, that
any Incrsaae iu Ibe war n venoei
be needed in tbe near foiore
Ibe war
cevenne act of June IS may inrtu-d pr“daeemore revenue than n- ii,-.-.ltx» tc
meet Ibe expenaaa of the war.--i’dila
•alpbia HolietBL
»i„i jout ailmenU are. or
.. ^
. ------------------ ..I *» •
,1 Law. .Spaeial
^----------------------------- -----------R rhauniAti.a. pvalyklk_________
oey trouble*, bead..•hea. catlarrh. deafnea*. in fact every
ailment too numerous to mention, men
and womeu suffer from can be cured in
u abort time and perm*
l>vl,emar. up-sUirs 31U 8 Union street
TruTf-rae City.
Here .while after
weeks in HaniaUe. Casea can be treat Arbor. -Ill reeBOOCio call* for onfalac. «»
ed bv writing; tend letter with parllcu- B Sthstrwel. SSa-lf
lara.tntirelynew method of diagnosing
your case, correctly showing wcakMISCELLANEOUS WANTS
ncaae*. location and doration of die
Erery person I treat cau have priInslructliiD* free, how to be tbcir •
doctor, and keep tbrmaelvee and (*mily in good health for few eeeu per
If latiefied with your doctor,
continue with him. if not call and gvi
my circular and free advice. I haw
little lime for talks with curiosity
seeker*. Everybody call.
rTASTSO-Oooa rw>k si
ShllM H,
ires daily
l>rirate diseases of men and women
.jufidentlally treated,
cured,and wasted organ* made stronger
lh*D ever In a *bort tli
■aoce* WAWTBik--^f-«
neat bnsiDeta.
Lamar. Astrological Medleii
5th atreet. Detroit.
UGrIppe cured in * or three treatTbI* ad. appeara eesty
while here. (Clearly.
ether day
O P. CARVER. Agent
--------- •* Oteamag..
Traeaisc Baserv...
___ ^
_ . olon •treat of Mr.
Vengborn to run and I bave It furoUbed in first clam order; and baring
bad lou of experience lo the bn*lnea* OwSar Bui.'.'.'.V.V.'.'. ••
I aoUeit a share of the public patron
age. Satisfaction gnarantaed or no ruw* awuch......... ■■
charge will be made.
Pioneer LiYery Stable!
B. J. Morgan, Prop.
Ba lIXo live. E
TiaiamBaacrt ...
Batch'* Oraarias— "
........................ “
*« Teb.::::
qeg wailon*. traM*e*ar* ter palsia aenk
3-r/a.S^a'j:^ ut. -am M4
Ibe Barth aide c
BOuBdcnlial. Those living
»u *
v.u.h, *»»,
Wait.' out of tbe city----------------- .
' for terms, readlug* can be given *rilb
eeeeseebb ee
asESS sssESseaa 8*
cllica all BrouDd yoo of baslnesa und
enrreoeea peculiar in Uvea of people
••U.-wuri' of Him and •’I’'’?'
If we ol»yChtii-l, Hi« guidance
Mme. DeLamar a Imthfal and re
liable medium, la now in
twreu Urail and Its eueniiw
i*'"'' berlain * Cougb Eemedy.
Tbe people which baa been done aucceasfoliy
Christ us u diriUH guide ts ...............................^
,nd hare --------------------.
She gieea past
tnrpri«ed if their etpectatirm*
thugiecd* and wants of all '
.*-«i it c.n alwa»« be dependedaccruatol*-atnd adei
_________ perr'Ui
tboold prove srooudlooe. They
Tbi- will o*e
n>e vuricu^„j„„ T...
Xbey m.1
may occusionall.T ^
po... under
..a™ ail
all affair* I.
in life v„b'pn.
both private and bu*ierery agency
;ency in tbiir
ibtir n itrol—and tbe 1 circmu«luDCrN
el^ ^on
ageocie* tliey can ua^
tbo evil dayjpd or life will no a failure. If wv dif- certain to re’urn n the one remedy sbonld call and give tbU mediuma
trial, to -know tbe future la snccea.
when the gruilrstOBliaO of tbe earth i „iir Cbnst. life will vud in lutscrabie : that they know
shall come into its rigbtfnl Abure of tbo j
u couiuicioe and j
transporiBtiou cf it.owu
•ball' bo a« powolnl
powQinl on the mm it U
on the luud. bnt Ibcy hardly dare hope
for ultimate or peniiereiit enecert In
their hcireuiM and c.>utrivanccs for retainius Ibe anpremaej tb»t is to them
w> ptMuctivp BUd eo valuable Delay
for Uby rdORo or ou any pretext would
be grrativ to tbcir liking, but tbu-Urittab AbipoAiDs and allied tuteresta,
kuowlng ih^Le Yankees are a abrewd
and AtUAible jicople. will not be surprised .1) »r« tbe policy of iqaritic proput iu force by tbit
A. a
k. Ii . ITi i-’r. T. W. Premr,
H. lA. HT»il.-Bt I’UTODIAD, Wllli cnniulimc I‘tJAnd Aurc-'>0». AOd jmilrt.ioDAl dViIva
Jacob Furtsch, ; John R. Santo,
on tbe ocren a* well a* on tbe laud
aboald be onitod and reedy to meet
the i-ABewbeu itcomee.''
While it would eiNim tbet tbe p«iibility of ibr- paneetle by tbe proicut
ably rhoRo tbieforiji of mauifi>*JiUR Hi-i Butter, per fc-----mw or it* aouoetror of e free fbip bill ; preH*c«. Day and niebt Hu went be | E*F*. per doien..
-------------------------------------------------------------- - pontoee. per bo..
lb. a.,. K- ...j .bibb. --Y
and bound*. To ni»>cl tbe detoend we | p|, ie aiEvplanre.
-------------■■■'-*•- I ^ a. CbriAt L«iprETprc«ulRnide. By ,
dav iu the pillar of cloBd, by night in: strme bats
Rome action mim be epeedily Ulicn.
th^ pillar of br.., Uwi«'Kuidod
.. _
end tbe edrocatesof American indoklry Uriiuiale were BOmMoinod lo mBtvbioK > "beat, old. per o^..................
^arantee all my work to be rishi
and if it doea sot prore eo I make 1- ,
stop iB tin 8 o’clock erery ereslne
aBLUve rMOB.
■T bbl. C
>*“• i Cloai*Pork
•K‘“-1 Clear Pork
uiuh* of oach uew ywr. bceauNj at tbal 1 short Cut I — time we cbiuk ninru abiml it. We n<-ed ^bort Cnl Pork per Ib.
d yet op a auiilR. aud tied bar providid or with'Flour. H L. ACo.f^V.^
to tble time oothinR to that ~.u
, one
one alKi.
aieo. the
mo rauio
imoid Koldr.
au*«*r. tbe
-w,. Lord;
- ---. H,
-■ L.
^* Co. Beak.
beeo done. It ir unr^nBO noder the ; Jeroe. tbe ••Annil
"Ad|!I'I cj
<4 tbe Oorenant."
Ooruoaiit." W“*'’ H! J- A g' »“*and rc
elrcnmrtaDcee thdl jonroali like Sea ;„,iymBoifo»t.dandn.v«alodonloiiiio,i;.^-^;^;f
board ibnold W«in to doobl tbe itaod
faith of tbe parir-abd bo alamcd Ictl a
CooceruiuB Cbrirt a« tbe euB«l proe-1
j«r Ih
frw ebip till aboald be cnaoUal initead
?, vre may
Imtu tbsl:
|| Rotter
Rotter per
per lb
lb Daii
. CbriAt in a dirioi-(tBide. It. war : Ccearoery Botter.Bi..
cf tbe promisod protection.
I'k anBi l. Ood
luerM'upcr. whodi
Ib ................
r luwM'npcr.
-1 Checie per B)
••Tbe nrcat. of tbe tear bare demoo(old).........
. “Mt name." aid the i Uati per bu (f
aneted tbe OEad of an eolarccd nicr..Old..........
Cbrirt in diviut. i Com per Vo..
Beraember that 1 do all kinda of rr
pairing and ebamelioF. and iKat I eat
and do Fire yoo t»»e beat work of ab>
one in tbe city for tbe money.
be d(«elred by wbal otbera tell you k
the contrary, bnt come and aec fe
The New Wheat Food
^iTanV" w th^Lii f j'. ,:rA . aiiemim-j Uo/OiDub Auimala
eelt. \rbo pnided iMael in tbe pillar of
elnodlTdey and iu ibe pillar of Are by I
City MarfeM.
•■Whether tliere i* any enfflclanl
foaodaticn for tbi« waraioRtir not. It
t« talsb Imie for tbe fiicudi of Amori• can ebippiiiBtonnte.lbecohclioontaf
- le«ialatioo to promote tbe lodoetiy.
the Week
Jhh.; of oor cooKi reoBOil?. A
conihr ■»«.». u. Oorle] p1»ln8d olfor ciucJlJ toholmau WO^»
^1 ,a,eoDindir.lilel.oo.b«ofbUw«IUi7
Fonr paire of b«Ty bob Bleighi,
two BqoBre box cotters and *
' ewell imy cotter.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.