The Morning Record, February 10, 1898

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The Morning Record, February 10, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




fintT«tt—Ko. 241.


O. C. Uoffatb a I’ybM. f>aak telth, ]

P. C. Gilbert aod Dob Dean will fo out
of offioa. Then it lUUe or eo talk yet
^gPIBAVn FOB TBBABUBXB a« *0 the letanUoaa of tbeee' faetloBTTILBXVO fBVOBB
mee. or of aapiraote for tee faoabn
they bear oa tee aebool beard. Mr.
■W. J. Hobta, Victor Fotor^l utf Maflatt la ooaalderiac the matter ^
Wiui« is tha Field ter Mr. Pybua la dilUut to return If he ia
Bomiiuitioo—lUTor needed. Don Dean baa b»ea oat of the
SmlUi Bm OoMMtMl to Batar Mmc* ettj eereral moDthe aod then will be a
ehaaee for a rood caadidate is the
Bc«ia—Tb« FnMf* Ontlo^
tfthward. The oteer r«itteaaes hay*
It ta DMTlj two teoatlu Won -Ue not yet aaaoaoeed whether they will
•prU( «lw3^ Ivtfaa
bat elroody be eaadidatea for naomlnaUon.
loDMo an bolair (waatraeted by aafIrTbm U aothlnr yet heard aa te
•■u for poUUoal booon. A oafeital
Uae lor the offleaa
view of the tetan woold lead- one to wiewed.
.beliere-thatthMaia to be little exdleBient U the eonlef ooatoet. While the
olecUoa Itaelf. bowcTer. may or may
Bot be exdtiac. mad tee reoalt le yet
eeilod te tee obecorily of the. feten.
OMOictod of Murder
nble riBy a Jury U Obleer9 Xmat
teen ia a proapect of e
•nlry for n
Ibe npablieasa an already epM:la} isTaaHoawuanaieaii.
leehlut toward! the pomthillUes and
Cbicaco. Feb. .t
thanteenreto be aberp oosleau for
«maker, wtm found rnllty
name of tea ■omlsattena. Tbe moat


uwaaitJ uuai

wi mntiu.


“niHB are nuiinents vhea roe wan| to be aloie.
Bet foe wait ta bin a letter frojii noat "Owa."
Tbe saisoi eaioes tat oace a yeaf.aail now it is the tini,
for ran ta m.aka ‘W rerj ham, ini toy a taleatieb

j, a. l^raafer nturned laat
Lelaad. whtee He baa been av


Mra R J Mer^ and Mlm Grace
---------Morfas ntorned yerierday from a
Ooeupanta Jump from Saoaod Story I moetha' eialt in Cbimco.
Vladows U Xaeape With Their! Mr. and Un-Benry Tosselier
Lteea-SaUdinr and Ooata^T^tal 11» Bestea Harbor Toeaday lo riatt nlLoaa. Amnratisr Abopt 918.000 '
ToaoeUm- will r» to Cla.
-Mn. ZMasuuad Serloodly lojurod. elanaU and LouitTille befon niarslnrTbay will be away about three weeka.
epwlaHe tea Mown Bww.


Mkb.. Peh.
Lndiaeahould call OB Mlm Battle V.
ar take adranplace enffered a dlaaatreua fin laat, Oadiey at Park Place aod
1st in the city, the
whiak waa noVqult* mpletod. Ihe |
buildisr waa uaed aa a boiel and aten. All popular aheet rnnme for the next
Thb kolH wa. no by Mn. Dia*eml Oo.,
>“ :3t Front etnea
who had Jntt pat ia a larye quantity of
fine furoiture, .much of it betoy rewivad only yeeterdey.
Fin brokeoaH'at 11:10 p.
the oocapanu of tbe buildiny were!
. ealeep and fourteen people banly ee- [
iped with their line. Tbe buildiny!



Valentines I


finiabed is modern etyle. The upper
It is tee pesltentiary.
BtoiT:- waa not yet finUhed. Tbe store
Aatae ia tee field and each an at work |
to the buildiny ^ma qecupM hv D S.
r teair frieada. Malcolm Winnie. { •
Slawaon, dealer in yenerul mervbaswho kaa filled tee office alnee the eity i
diee. Be carried a very larye stock of
of Soretsl Xnqibrtsnt
test he weald yield to tee
a'is Oirenit Oeurt.
la leas teas an hour after tbe fire
of many
Bs-Aldermaa Bobba kaa
Ualand. Mick.. Feb. 9,-Tbe Cireull wae diaeorered tee buildloy was lev­
^! court of Leelanau county ia in nemios eled and reduced tom beep of ruins. !
So fael did the flawee wrap tee
bear upon him and he alao ia a candi­
Btrueton teat tee occupenta of tee
date. Victor Petortvl U lo tee field
cam of The People wa. Ole Mar> upper Btory wen .forced te eaeape
tkesis to rmp^ne to tee wtohee of bto
. eharrml with beetardy.
thronyb tbe wtodovn. Moet of them
hpd no time to dreee end
d wrell quallflad dtUena to tee field.
D^id bieber waa ebaryed with a vie. injured, by dnpplay U tbe yround.
I to be an toloreaUay
UUoa of Ue liquor law. but waa found
time at tee city courantlon.
ntoruQty. C. L. Dayton appeared for from e eecead etory window to the the fiseat bedrMm auiu
Haym W. W. Smite It noteoekiny a
the people and J. A. Lorauyer of Trar- walk below and waa aerioualy harV *• an offerimy thie weak at low prlcda
, but already efforte
I City, for tea
botoy made to Induoe him to allow hia
name to be uaed eyala to oenaeetloa
old, aod
wlte tee aomlaatloa. Usdar teeee
itw is tee buildiny, bad a sai^ ' oMfnl sad ec
a Mayor Smith faeU It hia
row cecape. He had baniy time toi^^*****^"
vAniy to aubmit to tee wiahea of the
partially dreee himaelf and as tbe to-1 J -TMT Of A'T'UU’C
poopto Aa yet then have been no
«h.,ui»«i».Ua.dI«Ik..E~ol|K.tu. WeU ^ Cpun. b, D»- tertor of the boildiny was filled with IJ * W •
fin be wae forced to break thronyb the'
Hottte FurnithiBc Store,
window and dr^ to tee yronad.
u.. i«u.. w■M«y ofilcialateeneoemato be a yeoTeetorday Aftemeon.
etralsed by the tail asd had one 188-lJS Front 8L TEAVBESF. CITY.
«nl deem to ntalo City CTerk Blelmrd
la to jail ayaln. Ska of hia bands cot by broken ylass.
'-'to the Important and Veaposalbla office enjoyed bat a abort period of freedaa,
Samoel Wim«.ownm-of tee baildlsy,
whieb be haa filled oaomptobly. and and it will not be tea fault of ghmiff emmped to bisBiybtelethioy thronyh
Mr. Biekqrd toeU that It U hia duty to Simpeoa if tee woman ia not properly a window, leaviay bis ciolhiny bebiad.
heed tee wUbea of hia frieadr No lutroduocd to Jadye Cerbeu at tee next Inhlaveat poeketo-werea yold watch.
. other eaadidatoa hare yet aanoueced tenu of tee Circuit eourt to asawar to and 8730 in biUa. Bffons to aeenre the
If yon want a bicycle built to fit yon
Ue eharye of larees.v from a store.
clothlay and valaab'ea wan nnavaU* leave yenr. erdrr and spwiflcaUons at
ycotorday morsiay lit­
Tbe toni of-touatloe -8. M. Brown
will expire thla aprisy and he trill tle proapect teal Mattie would be aapallow hia name to be need ayato for a tared, as ub trace of her oonid be found Holmes lost a compieW outfit of tools
valued at aearly tTS. Andrew McFee,
Then haa hnn so to tee ci«.v.
Otear candidate yet adraneed lor teat bad taken every preeauUoa te elude an employe to the stave factory, was
punattaad it waa anppoeed teat she badly bnrued about tbe face and hands.
sharper thau she provW to be. 1a tea aeoond atory were lea men aad
-SaperriaonTbaekar, Deirow, Perry,
Perkatt asd Black will all ye out of Yeaterday morniny l.-adenheriff Ash- one woman.
1 wilt yire yon 3 coat work in any
of Mra. Dlamoad. who is ayent »lor. tes best bakiny enamel and teroffice tela aprisy and it ia quite proh- ton took a tAp doWn U« branch of the
of the O. R. & L for tee purpoee of for a bicycle manufaetariay firm, loat ibh- elean all tee beartnye aad true
able teat they wii|
Ae wfaeeto. all for the above priee.
if tee woman had heea a nnmber of wheels wbldb wen to the
la the fborte ward J. A MmU^
ChllW ew samples at
the paadidate to aacceed1 aaywhennlony tee line. When bear- boildiny. aad all of the eoaieaU of fur*
Mr. Perkatt. Is tee fourth, howarer,, rind at Kioyaley be beard of a eonple allan wen oonsomad: only a few
a to be the uanal atruy- who had driven into teet plan at five piecee of fitUe value wen Mvod.
yle. John Wilhelm, es-anperrlaor, lai o'elorit ia the moraiay and youe to Dr.
Tbe local fin department worked
>D'e botoL Tbe officer riaitad herd to aeve tbe building but Iheuyb
betay atronyly oryed to aoak tee demoeratic nemlnaUon.
Ne other eandi-: the howl and ean eaouyb than jvae ever.r
«.c... means
—.m. pomible
.u.c to
w stay tbe
uir flames
Aatea have yet appeared.
jMetUa.' She evideatly dH not aepaeV' wm tried tee baildiuy ia e wreck.
t of tee I
^ obUyed to nturn to Sberiff 8impWhile there were several boarders in
Then will bet'
tee hotel it waa not nyularly opeaad.
teouyb it would' have been In a few
T. Beadle aad Alderman Goodrich. ' V teat tbe “jiy-lwas up." 8be v
Mr. Beadle aDBOnaced to tes Itecxinii very ntJeent abonl toiliny her eaper- days. Tbe lorn on the hotel buildiny
I am aliou-iug; a few Bicycles
toot evenlny teat be .was pooltlvely out I ience and elmply stated that ahe wanv and turnitare will be at least $h.M)0. wbich I Uave R*-Enameled.
with no Inaeranee. The Ions on Slawefit teb yepr aad did not want the of­
Look at them in E. E. Miller’s
son's stock of merchandise, tools, ete.,
fice pyato. Tbs aa^ of John UUUs b atroayly suspected that tbe woman
heiny favonbly
tntloaed for the aided in yettiBy away, hat Mattb de­ b folly with tosuranoeof W.OOO.
offiee. iChlla Mr. OMdrieb has not an­ nied teat anyone had helped her meape.' TbU U a heavy blow to WUlU aad Mn.
andaJoaenlsoto Thompaobnounced bb totentioDe reyardiDg a nvUle.
domination, it b probable that be will



lit to tie Ui -Foo, Loop' Boot Ik ho-1 «oi

A line of choice creations in the tfay of Embroideries,
Laoes, etc., just received. Particolarfy choice valuea
Can and see them.
• '


IN Jill mm.

Only $2.50 to
Enamel loiir Wheel.


Manjf Differeni Styles.


LPdiaaefBt FrandaCltorch.Wtll Bn>
• j tortain Friends.
Sarny Wffl be Made Boon by M. A
The.ArTanyemeBtt for tee eocbl to
he yivea by the ladles of 8l Frances
Maabtee. Fet>. ».-v^amee MoOnln,
ehnreh in Montayue ball toasorrow A. J. Keddb aad J. E. Cody of Bear
eveniny an about oompleted. Tbe Lake farm a oommittca eeat hen tor
ladies have arranyed tee order of tee tee pnrpoee of holdlny
dveai as fellows:'
with tee M. A N. E. R. R. oSclaU with
Overture. “MeivyWiveeofWiadaor'- nfereaee to the extension of tee M. A
—Missea Garni I.
N. E. R. R. fromOnekama to Bear Lake.
BedtaUon-UosaUe BtoShtL
Tbe committee wen iaformed that
8oay-Mrm. Joba Barry.
aoteiny definite conid bedeaeanUta
Piano aolov-Ube A. Mertea.
earvey eonld he made, whtek Mr. HubAlderinan Onllick wiU 'ba<
aaw finished
KeeUation—Mra. Dr. Martin.
■heH weold make aa. aooa as tee snow
hb term pleo. and It U -qaT
Grand Medlv—Vidtoa. Mlmea J. dbappeara Alteouyh tee meetlay dU
teat he wUl neepde to tec reque»
of Baekar, M. Cbrrol, B. Fnlyham and -L.
not develop any definite aeUen, the In Kood shape,I, but we can bupply
lendlny eeoond ward dUseas
as and ^ase Tnyeai msnftollns. Moaara. K. OairoL
foal confident teat a branch yonr wants lor some time to come,
UmMll at tee dbpoeal of tee electors' A. CuBBlnyham; yultar,
and ai
Of the wpcd.
Dvea and V. Huellmantel.
The tebd ward is nprcMoied by
Fqlbwiny tee proyram wUl he the
Anxious to
Alderman Cook, wkoaa good work
‘, preyimsive pedro, awprdlny iSf prizea
Lower .onr stock,
»>v heard has prompted citUsos to aad nfnshmeato.
Toy Fraate P. Oelkea Came in Tee- And are offering some Bargsins
^t ward to urye him to acospt a eec-1 tj,* voUay coatost wiU CMtlnue
terday vrith a Oaryo of Fleh/
wbich yoD wiU do vrell to take ad­
end term.
Mr. Cook haa expressed duriay the eaUra eveniny. The <
It U a very unneual think f»r boate vantage ot A choice stock <A
/ bimseif as wUUny to try it ayain.
test premises to he vary inleraatlay.
Alderman Oeorye'Lardbb the only each of tee toUowi^ yeuny ladice b tonaviyutoen Grand Trav|era« bay to Bakery Goods always on hand,
man yet mentlpnea to thp foarth ward delermiacd. that the beauUfnl quUt February, yet yeeterday a itoam toy and we would not have yon looe
tee bey vrithent expert
sight of the foot that tbe
up to tecTreeent tima tor the nomlna- ahall be her property at tee close of
tee poUs tbU evaalnr Mbem Mae tee Blifhteet difficulty, ai there b ne
eept a very little enow-iee
.Then ere three a^lraatt tar"the
CoUtos. Julb Backer aad Anna Cun
Tbe b^t wae is the best, and that it will pay
^uhlican nominallen to tbe fifth emrd. ntoyham.
No one ehoold fail tc aloBff . tee ehoree.
. Aldcrmaa Uanieon ie wUliay to run attend, m tee ladlea have made a the Frank P. Griken of Charla
yoo to try a aack if yon have nerer
nyaie if tee people dceln hb earrioM. epaqial effort to make it a pleasaat •he eame to with e larre quanUtr of need iL
fieh for direct ehlpme.t by raU.'
WUlbtn W. Fairchild bee ben uryed
liny tor all. Tbe

Goponl Bopiini Ik Eipirt Ennilv


To Take Mtantage of Our Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off


toeater tee race aad D. B. Wriyht b as pruvimuly aanouncad will b« 10
Bcv. J. G. Neubor ef SnUent Bey.
maktoy a eauvam Th«« prMnbm to eeata. which ^ ^Utie tee holder to will leMet Eev. 8. fiabbery teb week
.ha*n lBtoTe.iiuy eonteet to that ward. prortBBL preirreeelv^ pedn and re< and'M^ to tee nevlval meettofe heh«
«B.^e board of educaUmt. Mamn.


Relial^a^Dry Goods. Carpet
and Clothing House.

I Our shoes stajnd bard knocks bet1 ter than most and cost you less I
“to begin with. Try a pair.

Kickers? i

Bicycles Built to Order. I

friends to teb cmneetloa. B. W' Hastinys. however, b heiny montloned
imiaenUy for tbe office frM the eeo. ond
d ward, y
Alderman FarkerU
a will expin
tUs spriny. Mr. Barker bes deelarud
that be does not want tee offiee ayaln.
hot tofleentlal terpaTon in the flrut
ward'have aryed him to reocnalder teb
deprainalion, and it is quite probable
teat Mr. Parker will not, turn jp deal
«ar te mUb tor valuable pubillicet

' Wr. 8. HOLLEY,

Boys, we

The Popular Shoe Bouse
ofTraTcne City.

Gaining in Popularity.

Laat Month Excelled All Past Bosineas.

All Dealers Sell Then for

3 CEiiTrrs

ICanofsotared by

-A-. -W- JABrR.A-TT3,
. TonneUer Blofdc.

If You Have Lo^s to Sell
Correspond with tbe Traverse City iLnmber Company.
We hare for aale Oqod,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short M^ple Wood.
MUl M«,hmer5- ot .U d,«^pUonm inindiog Two-Enginai,
Bel Wori», C.rmg» and S.*,. A complete Saw Mill PUnt
for sale.


A Tremendous Cut!
> Rig Sicritice To ReJoct urieier Stoct

90 dozen Ladiee Oombinati3t Sqita,
a worth 75c for..............8&o
15 dozen
Ladiee Oorabination
----------------------------- Wool
-J Suita, worth <1.50,
for 79c
10 doz One all wool Ladies ComtNnation Suita, worth ^ $IB9
lOdoz Miaaee half wood Combination Suita worth 75c___89c
Jjadies Fine all wool Worsted Tights, worth *2.00, for.. .$1B9

^ .
SmaUfir sizes ci same go at....................................i. 19c a piaoe

TraYarsa Olty.


Oor. 7th hnd Vnion Btreeta.


k wakwcikia^Ar!!

. 'T--^ ■:


TH» MUBlrura it«OOM>> T^UBBDA-g, rHB»PABT 10, 1B9».



to kdoni B Ml*.
nuar tbBt^rfvt th* bMUhm* la mtfanou iMfbUr Uroaftoat tka araa-.

Tks advaao* sale af aaata for Ua
to W pvM
Tmn*. T, Bates axs 3. W. Ba«». Slolobarr'a Graad VVIday aod. 8aMr>
day. WM raty baary yeitenUy. Tbe
J. W, fiAnn. Bdlier ud Muacir.
larfc aadlesoea for botk erea*
la^ Tha Marebaat of Vealoe wUI be
iclraa Friday nlcbt aad Jalloa (
aa Bauqday eraalo(. The Daily KaTbi., MBtka l>rMU.
prase of darerh. 111., priated Ua Mais Miiba. br ■«». ■
Oasyw.bTUU, •
lewiat oaaieiaBt Jaaaary tt.
"na auay werds of warm oam*
Btoadatios which heialdad Kllhu E.
G^eer to Aeraia were aeltber flattery
aer fnltama praise.
"This aaw tUr la Ue hist^ioaie firBiamaat lasde his debut la dnrera be­
Utch..MMeaed e
fore aa larre aa andleaeeaa baa receotly frosted aay.of Ua alder trafcdlaaa
is atatad that Dupvy DeLome. aad made a dtotipet suoosas aa Shylack
tbe 8|^lab,MiiiUt«r at Waabiactoa. iu Bhakeapeaie's master oeoiedy, the
bat addressed leitwa to a confidaaU ia "Meiehast of Vaales." The yeaoc
Spam, to which Ua praafdeat of Ua mao. for Speacsr is ia hit UlrtyflfU
Uaitad 8uta% U tafarred to ia laanlUar year, irare a fiolaha’I laterpreutiaa of
tanas, allodiag \o Mr. McEialey as the famooacbsracter aad oae whleh at
waalt. eeanc aad a low poliUeiaa. Tha eoce ssUblUbed-falD apoa a lerei with
report baa created a atir ta WaahioK* aay of Ua trafediaos aioos BootST'^e
* too aad if It-ahaU be abown that te the equal of sithsr Ward, James,
Ua miaister U r«^Ity of aoab atteraa. Keeae or blrlaaer.
"The VeaeUsB comedy was spleadidOM Ua praaldaat will be jaaUfied la
adoptiaf eterTik«aanree that will aot ly atafed last eveaiaf. adequ
help Ua SpaaiU cause la Ua Cabaa affecU beiaf provided. Tbe
ware aew aad handsome aad Ue anp.trbabla. la a^ eaaeeraat^
be ahapiag Uemaelrea la eoagreae la a portiaf company U moU straafor Uaa
naaaer which laay result ia deflaite b usually founa behind a star. Of Ue
ia Ue east Fraak Beaalf b probaettoa by Ub
abl\- as well hnowa as Mr. Spaneor
Till lioetfert ■eamtlon has catered hi^f. Mbs Isabel Peafra as PorUa
apoa lu fla^ atacas/^ Tbs aetorioiis was partienlarly food aad b aat only a
b a
. sauMfe amker has baaa fboad ruUtj
ebarmlBf yonnf woman.*'
of murder by a jury la Cbiesfo aad


lass lafal maaeureiiaf shall iaterfare
- Me will be removed from fortber atteatUa of a loaf tofferiaf public ia Uart

‘niaru will be a- t^mlar macUaf af
Ue N. A. 8. E. Ub eraaiaf.
John Foote af Blrnsroad b daafarotmly ill wiU aeuialfU of UeatamaU.

Soi-ra Ambmica b emalatlaf'
Caitad Sutea la away Uiafs. Tha
Teatorday afteraooa JaaUea Brown
ayadleate habit has baea eaetractad ia
united in marriaf* Bufrae Pbher of
aa affravated form. Amerieaaa beiaf
Aan Arbar.Md Lfllb l^eOraff of Ub
There was a larfs atteadanee TusaJKBS. Xn^AQO’fl GOOD ntZ*MS0
day evsaimf at Us soeial at Ue raslGive Bar a neaaaat durpiiaaTtuaday dsaoe of Nr. aad Mra. C. U. WhIUey.
by Ue mamhera af Oraer ehureh.
The result was a happy sneesaa both
swfiaUy and laaacblly. BsfraUi
luff by Ue members of hsr Soad^ wsreaerved aad oae of the pleaaaat
features was music by the Howard
aehoot clmm of Ue Firit M. £. Cbarch.
There wars about JS presaat. The ab- hroUeiB.
ilors look posseesloo of Ue premises
while Bct. sad Mra. Kelloff 'were sbaent from boms.
Music, rssdiufs, fames aad rsfresbaMata formsd a plesaaat orofram. Bsfora Ue evealaf closed A. J. Bradshaw.
labehaUof Ur membenof Ue class.
prMsated Mrs. KsUoff with a haadsome silver bread plate, as a toksa of
wteem ia which Ue b held. Thb vras
fnily as freat a surprise as U« visit of
her (rboda aad Mr*. Kelloff sxpraased
hsr spprecisUoa ia words full of tssliaf. The occaaiob vras oae of apecbl
pleasure boU to Ue| members of Ue
Kslloff family aad Ue fueats.




into tbe Kew Tcrk
poataOioa the other jlay wiU a bnadle
of mbdlredtad Mamped enrelopH la bb
pookei to see if Uncle Mam wopM not
redeem them tor oaah. Be foiiod a
wimlow in a room ca tbe seeood floor,
where Ub U tbs special bosiuesai at­
tended ta Unde barn's td^veaentative
loUed over tbe lot of
hack five. wiU tbs osU for Us oUsn,
and mid:
"Yoa wilt bare tb cUeatriphoFaUs
get thoes four
redeemed, and bets is one we won't re­
deem at all. Yon see. it is this way: k
does not matter .where an havelope is
addremed to; tbs point U where it
empm from—what poviofRos imoed it.

Depers. WU, Feh. t.-Alexb Oarsmom. who carrlvd .Uncle Bsm's msfl
on- foot from Oreen Bay to Chlcaco
alBir-etx rear* SCO.died res'erdar.aoM
tr. He repeated the trip durlnr the
-World-* fair. He was boro In «. Iimsc*
aad served la Ue Black Hawk war la

ua. '

Msvsl* sad Asir osvm.
Maleolm Towasmd has pointed o
etdaoidsooes of events U tbe livm
UacEiln aad Jeff Davia BoU wrn born
in Keotooky—liaoola in 18oe. Ibvb
la IBOfl. Both removed from Uelr nstire state in chlldhaod. Davis going to
tbe souUweet. Lmooln to Ue aorthf
west. In Ue Blaok Hswk war Darb
was a moond lieateeant of n«nlar*.
Uaooln a captain of rolnatesra Both
began Uelr polidoal career at tbe mm«
pmod. 1644. Devb bring a preeideotbi
Both were

Tcluie shows <w Uu face of it that some j lAsti^ia the mnlc year and almost Ue
.. they were called oo to pte...
I side over tbedeatlnieeof
loU at____
Ub cee. Here io Ue govemmeatA Davis ha president <d I
>ow io____
Feb" K JMl. and
>er b a note. 'After ten <byi n\i
Ue Unitod
su mr. aiBoa. raus
- tr. NeU'
iieo. Eri*.»»- .
deatiy tbe Kalb Citr iioetoffice imund I iitatea, March 4. tbdl.—New York
Uat, and yon will .Jnvo' to go tbirr. l-< 1 Frus*.
gel it ivdupAicd if ruu ure food of long
distance oounomy <d Uiat lut. Tliiw
'dopes byre wiU PO'Ketarn
■KeUtn to* m>i
If timiwtfe Bjouey. tramps wohld
y Lave
have beta Imood by Hom
oflioe, bot.we bare no means of kauw- be roUiug ia wealth.
H kisses were iatosioating. lovers
ing ft and take Uetn on faiU. Here b
oue marked^'Betnrn to P. U. boxS.GSC. would nevtr favor prohibitioo. ‘
New York
’ Wo will take Uat. f<»
U it b traivUst poetry nm* in tbe
weevideoUrimediiL The prtnciple blood, it luuet be ta tbe poetical rein.
u siuiplf. even if ita workings luuk'
If a man b at all sharp, no oUer
oosupiicated. ”
man net tries to ait down oa him more
Tbe repoHer remladed Ua pltrk that than uiKw.
be bad ref card <me enrejt^ altugrUer.
'If dduaioua woald
-oald make a man bap^
Tbe dork mb it up aad
id looked
py. whji a jolly world' thb would be'
It bad DO "Hetarn to" note la Ue enrfur married tuvu!
ncr. hot Ue itame and -mddrem were
If tbe wife would practnw ail her
printed on It.
"Well, you sec. that cornea nader a hosbaixl I'rtwUeK Urre woold be few
different ralo. ' be rootinoed. "Tbe aiaU'Uuuu;Kl tsilarea.
ret* paid
idiw ts to ivdetmi cDvdopHs wbicb bare
I bo in*.
been miaiBreord by uoeidsnt. This man
has spoiled Uia envelope to help on hi*
btudDem. eesdlug it to sosne oorrsiqxiiKlent indoaed with a btter asking for a
buainose order likely. Hs expected the
other man to uae Uia
Ub <are]<^
tare]<^ oBiy
only in
writing to him and to keep him ia mind
The Board of Bducattoa wi)) aell Ue
of it be printed
pruned bia address on it He
Hs Esat Bute atreet school prmerir. ooeins' abUar of loU :i> and ». block B. Haadid aoi 'iaiead to fnraish free sum;
he nah. Lay A Co's tU addiUoa, U«eU>er
for bb
WiU UebnUdiagUersoa. at private
them back <
aala far *700. For farUer laformattoa
A..W. Bichfjip,
either did not iwod biiu an order or sent apply te
U3 tf
City Qerk.
it la a new'eavelupa Now yon want to
get hack 8 oeata Tbe tnuinnm man
spent that.8 otmu simply to boom bb
but iness. Uncle bam b aot bouanlng
say ane's ImiinMA even to tbe extent
of 8 ceniA. except where all share alike
Urongh gestoal prosperity. Youemnnot
Tbe reporter thanked Uo clerk. AUer
calcalatlng tbe oust of a crip tu Ketoa*-

Kpunped saveiopra wbicb might be ro-!
Baatr«^TbaibpS|Utic BaU.
dewiiwi by it be coDoloded it wasebeap. I
Mbs Hattie V. Hadley, a taleatad er on tbe whole tndropUe.eDvclopes ia
atudeat af Ue emloeat Or. Ludwif von Ue waste paper bssket.—Kew YurkSoD.
Dolcke of Cincioaati.Voa b Ue most
oelebraled eeieaUflo pipfesaor of elec­
AbWwss ssS M ark.
tro Ueropeutics io Ue west, has se­
All buitt Ubor. all rough aad uacured spartmeats is the Paik Place
jre IUe will treat women aad ikiikd Ubor, u. uad owing to the beat
cbildrea. Mba Hadley uses ao modi- of Ue cUaiate mast b-. done by blsckt.
ciae whatever, but effeete curea sf Ue and ia a avw country like Matabeb land
di.fficnil chrmic
the bluc'ka ibough Uey cun suuieiimea
of Ue
cabmet,-. beioiluiwd to till tix- lead, alv
oI Dr, .0.
eabiaet baa attracted mod
ey, and
.0 .. p.™,,
Uoa amoBg pbrsbiaas of Ue
o lu
aad boadredk have uatited
The nae of Ub baU eabiaet in tbs ing with his tribe and rnltivatiug uk-uIOMS or TBX PBIZS WIBMXM
____ J of Mia*
MI Hadley
- -• baa proven a ice or Kaffir nn are cootlDed lua barum
boon to Biany who bare baea afflicted iskin cloak) li mom piwea of ivtcua '
By I wiU diteaee. %Ast aeasoa she spent si Tbe proepnl of leaving bis tribe to go
Feloakev and comes to Traverse. City and work iu a mine in order Chat be
! with very fUtWriogle^imoblaU f^' may earn wagm wberevriU be oui buy
Mrs. J. n. Mlliikva whaae beautiful leading c
^tographic studtea have long excited Mim Hadlsy
p bare ta lacate
Ue admiraUoa of her frieada. was one ! pe-BaBeatly and Dr. von '^Icke wW I “ *«*’
'laaia here a fewAavs to rwder bbri
The white n»s*>. anxion* to get to
of U* four amateurs to rcoeiv* special 1^1“
. ^ .~.i Ue asaUtaaoe aeeemaiy in gatttag |
on the gold netN are annoyed ml
af Ue ; •.mbllaked She will be prepared to rbai ibiy ca)i tbe etopidity and UxiBtate Photographers' Asaoctatioa at 1 reecrve
rve,, palieou
tomorrow moraing.; atw of the native and osnally clamor
Imaslag. , Har 'exhibit iaelnded a < MbsHAdley
masaare t^tment aad- beaoti- <
and work, adding, of ootuse. that
number of'characteriatlc and Picur-I
culture aed htr snceea* ia iVtoa- i
aaque iiraad Trareree view*. This w ' I key li
is of HoaU
Ue Ulrd annual meeting of the asaoci-1 general public.
Ladies will be inter-1 '“
•““•'w-— aioj-o
iblic. Ladi*
ui™ .nd t»,
' -t«l 1. tkU ..UioJ .nd . ,»11 o. FH- 1
m J“»~ “TT™.
• .V
A«T- •> tha

Ue kd.lal
hotel ^111
will prove of benefit..
a verv large aad flae. over feor huadred photographers makiag axblbita
I'spusmou hi iiieranite has been
Traesrae-Oity Market.
affvriedI by Un< citvumwauoe that be
^ Belo^alUlo^^bu^gaadf»K-|“*’
Below U a list of the b
The Foreata^rBall. ^
ttaings exct'llt titly wbirb in
Forester* are preparlag for a
gvoerai -view arv iucutapitible. in
ia Trav wbirb case pipulsr opiuioo gt'Uenilty
good time next Monday evening when ew Cll^ **
. I flxt s tin iln< jtiieriilr gift as re|avM'iitiug
they will give a 8b Valehtia^hall- It
Mixjxr. I'Hi
I _ I tbe wtiut's rtal capacity. He was a
will be aa inviuUoa affarr.aSa~;p
;aSa~e fine Clear Po-k per bbl. eew..
tuau" as well asa lyric
. c
aoelal event i*
‘ * er- Clear Pork per *■..............
in'50 ‘ riwl quaiiiy and lanivrt aims ami was
chestra will fornUh the muAlc.
lAlc. -lovi. Short Cut Pork per th,. ..
- and vingtnal iu the Siwnier : ^
SN I M> admtnible
taUan* can be ecoared of Ueorge Boon. Flour. H L. ft Co. Beat..
tSS'and mure s'konOaui cbaiuctcr that it ^
John Aab ar Jud. Cameron.
Bye Flour. B. L A Co. Beat.
4 001 protably cuuwd uuuiy to regard Uc ^
Heal. H. Id. A Co “
1 *5 serioos verse as mbrely an ambitious ^
Bpaotal Aaaembljr M. ft 8. M.
^ ;bidf<r a repuiatiuo it sra* nut in the
Mr n.
in I
l>c»'er to achieve. Hood doubt- j ^
There will beaaparial ame'mblv'UK
.Sight of Traveree City Ooaacdl B. A 8.
. I«..n by practically
/ M. Work in the B. A & M. d^raea
I seriouK poetry for eosue 16 yeat
All mambeia are deaired to he la atH,j Uon life. Bui that Ui«'was due to a
aevesriiy fur hudUg a rvddy market few
bis ware* is. 1 Uiok. tayixid a donbL—
Tbeat^ Hotw.
Ainger'i "PoemB of Tboma* Ubud.
The aatortainmeat ib Ue City Opera




Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c perDozen.

Enterprise (Grocery,
Opposite Steinbeck’s, ’Phone 146.

213 Front St. '

[ Beeatvad ITirea Timea a Week.
Counts. 40c per quart

Fletcher's Ojfster Depot and Restaeraat.




T* IW Wmtkmk Wnb Can.
"Yea," said tbe maB whom aana-tivtoarealmiM iovariaUy intereattag.
"1 had some curious esperieDOca U Uat
muiiug eunmry. Uoe day 1 piat two
obildna wiU Ue dirttcat faeaa 1 ever
"Poor UiagB’-'
"That;* what I Uo^L 1 said to
tbfta., '(Aildrea, why dao'tyoowaah
you Ui«sT' and um <d them answered:
‘We'dnseb t We've been playin oo
pap'e best claim, aad he's iUhte to loss
Ohioago Market.
BMoey if aayUxly uKtMapa Oot him.' ”
Chisago. Feb.
WheM—Fehraary, —Washington b'^r.
Wic: May.
July. bTkc: d^ta»
bar. Tm: DeoMsber, TTlie.
-remary. i
ThaoUsday aa amatntr aiyMl «aa
ly. agts^Ne.
.— -FehrMiy'. tie; May. 8^^Xe; pndaeiag same mpid shatohsato aaaaa
htoobUdren. Ha drew a aketift cd a b«
July, S3i»»Nc
1‘ork- ■
•10.M; May, giaaa
Grand BapMa, Pah



^ Tlie fut'Depimneat Brings Qnicl Retnns. ^
Watch for Illagtratod Featorea in

yermar Prices »s..«o lo M DO



Steinberg’s Grand Opera House I
Jl'Lll S STEINBEgO, Proprietor and .Manase'r.


Friday and Saturday, February 11th and 12th. ^



1 axelMd the pity of thoee
who baud hto atasT wlU aU tha trimpalaga whieh oaly aa Iriahama eaa naa


Shoes At CostI

atroek a popalar chord. A large asdiaaee aajoyed it aad Ue veraaUiity of
Mr. Coaary waa admirably denieastratad la hia aplaadid I
aevaral chaiactois. c
1 io every.
day life, but who* I pccaliar personaiiUqi are not oftaa dlapUyed before
aa aadlenee. The entartalnmeai Incladed UaparnoBaUaBB af a dude stud
astt WiU a yaaraiag to display hi* elaeieal kaowledge. a drummer of the happy-go-Inoky
tbe farmar whose lack of book learuiag stood oat la bold relief, aa IrhU-

Fancy Dairy Batter


$2.98 SUE NOW OR;

■•nae laat nigbt. -Aroond Uig'dtove,'
,hy Hoyt Id-Coaniy, waa oaa of 'the

we are Belling

ft.ocx»cs>AftrxaB a-r


Aod ooe of tbe laiyeat ud noat expenaive companieti traveling,
with hia own aeoaeiy. preaentiag.

And -Shakespeare’s Sublime Historical Tragedy,

__rWCB;-BD B»U, T5t .«1


OntaUn tau ud m.> two Dm. <it DnaCinl..
Am Ore].. U.. BUun of

U wd Ud.. Pi



te «»t
UMwer.- Btacr D«p«y
t0 ham*. U« BpuiUh mlDtxer. railed
al tbr sutr (Wrartirirni aad nmit bob*
time In rtinmltkU,
I KaMoa. the



J In* rvrr vhr ntDfiMrd treaOr* to be ar•MftanrtlAn Sn eK« f»t.t.a'

,l»t»een Ihr Tnllrd State, and



F»r Easttm Sky.V

Wi* Said to Dominate the

; Cahan junu there baa Kl>-an out cuplee

--------- ■------

"* -1 tSeced'letter ‘ tlrned


•PHONE 167

Th., Teribi. ws, ciosd Tho! cu’Sj'S, r

Fraparstlon in ^ United StatM gp^. «».«« that the p™rre»made
, Senate to Blew Them Into
far u ehc^raatni to both parties
Kil^om Come.
It-lwirntn ..7* that the

mamarp n lo riiomvi; oedem,

: cardlpc tba loan. )l hope la a few dan
** Ur the papM^ Oh the Ubir deallaa
lb IL but f wan the noble ean that
tbe iBfonaUoD will be ezceedlnglr
, araal whn^ appear*."


»«» ^ue to in* orrupactoa of the
ChllraJ nor to fanatlrlem. bat to terrw
at the apprvarh of. rlt lUaatlea. It a*M
onlr latphded to ocropy aurb addltlonat p. -




r Of Spain at
------------ ------------------------led to Jom;I BAUBBSST BLOWBlTOUT'OFa&ST: minurr autborfii*-*
n«pea»an’. The addreaeVaa
.1.JM. .who «;eBt to Cuba Uat Sep-1
ed. after which the bouac i
I tember .aa Premier flamata'i prraonal
VMOaageeM B> te^.r'IVtley to Caba-i reprraenUtlve. In thi* letter the Span • | lUrer Wa* Aa y Claad. ta raat. Eatapl »• j
lU, mining ,«,V. 1. Pn-lia,,,, M.KUIrr a*
blr." a
aim to Bland well with the }lna«ee of
hi* party.~ Tbe Junta InaUU t>at the
aepaUtr aa T
letter U aenuf&e. and aay* It wu» atolen
Waahlngton. Feb. *.—Three propoet- 'fniRi Canalrjaa M'hen a cipy waa
doD* dlBerlnc utalrrlaUr aa to loetboda' ehown to Minuter I)e 1.ome he prompiwere preeented to the acetate mtetdar 1r pronounn-t It a fonrery. An oIBc-tal
tor the lellef of tbe Cuban taaurtcenta. Of tbe etate depariineni dUruiwIns the
A»u of .Nebraaka oSn^ aa an amend- inatrr raid: - |>e Lotse did n«I OTlle tbe j
Jeuer, The-Cuban JanU baa been
ncftt to the diplumaUc and conauUr

poaed upon by non’elsody.”
appropriation UU a rraoloUon rccocnliH.a^l
iBg the bvlIlavreD^- of the InaunteBVt.
and a^d that be hoped thua to aSord


the aenata an oppoHunllr to vote oa terday miered upi*n tbr roiu
(hat nmnUlii^.
i- «..
» f. »,
‘'f ***^ Aiancn i'l wman coi leate.l el«c-.


c™,™.. j




epala tr MeKlaler AeW t'paa -1

tar ChbMae
Tb*r ■•r I
II «• rea. Lthl. AbMt lb.

fH— I^Me. WaMa Ufa

Li'hdon. Frh. 1—iBtemt lo t
■ who lEutltuied the recent Ib-<[ "
aemblln* of parilament >H«tetdat w a* ^„„„uob bf prUon affalra. Warden i_____________________
tenter.^ In tbe lord* more than the ;
^as-ic* of the '
Vl^l I
tommoBa.brcm« tbe*e Lord SalUbary.;
It waa hoped. mUbt aaiy eom«hl»a ;
about the altualloB to tbe ter eaat. The :
•l*~rb from tht ih'run. »aj<l pra. tirslly '
nothing the leH.pir wantol to know. It
^raieed the brar« ry of Itrlilah and na.

—~ee ee.-A.

b..rd of ...ntrol aa lo .larttn* . L/W
,-rlmlnal »r-v-dlnc» ayalmt the j«-r-!
Bone who, ai\-.>nllnj[ t>
Umony before the board dtmnx tb- In'•■•tiKalloh. were rtiHty of BmuKpilnc
•• ”'Ti> In and out of the prt«oB for coovlvia
oeraoM «hn



» .


.e twtuma wa.

Coneequently the houie of lord*
aeeidon rewierdax t
« "vasd- j «“»«'» •“« "'H ««'■«»t tbe allomry
veced after the formal aflecnoon aea- ! WetwL Memben aay that the tew te
i alon. All the kall.-nea w^ fllled be- ^ ' ery t lear. and that there te little t)uea_____ _______ ______ ______ _______ _ .
but that the parUea'wlll be .
White. I L-tetary bf the Uhlled •<'”>...........................—.....................................
State* (■ « rtmlnal ottenae.

1 the tew te



didate. The motion waa peudlng at adJoummenl.

eml^aarv. and Mr^ •While. *nJ Jam^ :
R. Carter,
aecrs tary of tb.- I
lAeaM- Mea (raal a Clwaa.
I'niled State* emimeay.
ww In the ■*« CWrlaaThlaa AbMl It !• TW
Waalllngton. .Feb
— A delegallo ; diplomatic Kwllery The IWtnte of Walea ;
I ■■Hir. Will lu Arersted.
repreaentlnic Yb^r dtetlHlng and t
. and the Duke of Y.
Hurllngton, 3a.. Feb. S.-A mob of Lly tlpM
] g« |»-o,,le siiij-.iundcd lb* I»»w Hulne*
pearwd befiae the way* and m»an*<
After tbe addrv
^y to tnj county Jnll te.< iitelU *‘nd demanded the
*>"«»«• T«'«»nJ»y to urge an atneodmem ■leech from th. throne had be«-n moved |
r. e.,.«
a fact that
and seconded tbe tterl of Klmoerly. tb* ' k,?^7k.S
’'*' Iniemal revenue tewa
.................................................................. .to Wa|M-llu,
“out **,'•• ehall be allowed on Honor
1 la- hut .the crowd refused to believe K.
held in bond Iwyond four year*.
replied-Uial .he rrganled

, and still demanded tbe murdefer. Tw o
erument of Irrtend as being oi


«-■. -I



most imtwrtani sultlects of th<. OU...O.'.
speech, and while be regarded tbe^vvmment meaaure favorably be was
nirtleld. la.. Feb. t.-Rx-Ooremor compelled to add that the Llb-ral-psrt:
remained of the opinion (bat the om*
Horace Holes made an addreM on the
wa> to permanently mlisfy Ireland
question here test ntgbl. It by e*l*»il1*Mn*
eatabllsMn* home lule.
The ear.
I drnt utterance on the subject mildly crlUcised the government's policy
outside publl.. There are dally add!In the Siiudan. West Africa and tbe far
Uous lo the macerials whUh may eauae
east, blit he said he iriabed to extract
ilosion. kteploalve* *.re aintlered
When a
all over tbe landscape, and the dipio- J aacred and Irrevocable nature of party no emtiarrassing mrormailon
J Buitk- branch of the government te per- | plalfurm*. and mrisled that tbe imtet* cabinet minister, however, spokeof war.
(cmnlng police duly tn subduing the | Tor free ixdnage of sliver al the ratlb be thought It lime iiarllamcnt was told
’ Spirit of truulde which appears to be | of Jl to 1 having been fought under tbe plainly what was m- ant.
mitebary ladaiwes Mteh».|Hwen.
rife and in preventing ibr <ummls*lon ; mnet favomide itrvumstance* and the
The Marquis of Kallebury then aixwe.
af any overt art which might pivclpltal. ; demand defeated at thg polls the Ueroo,tbc two nation* Into a war '
| crwtH- l«rty should abandon the UnaD- and fortifying with a glass of
and l.'anlns hi* hand* upon tbe
clal plan^ of ISBC and endeator tc rally
whlrb separa
, OB new ground. HI* speech last night
Onlslde of iheae Cuban rvwolutiuns
it low, r
1 in
‘ embodied a plan for a redeemable gnv. p.>sltlon, iwgan
buMneas waa done In the senate.
tones, as If addressing 1
CBeeulK'e seeakui Pettigr
atone. The first aunouDcemenl wbic
apeecb that was not cumpleit-------- ---Jonmmenl; In f*« hla s,>e«<h pnunlses .
EB-Oovemor liole* said in part: “In tvi.voked •Hear, bear.- was that l«forc
to throw
Morgan a efforU iiiio th* j
‘han,.| dcade ihe national many months be hoped that Ihelr ef­
Outd*: as IViugreWs ulk- yeslerday ihold tjie pur*e-teilngs of this forts In Rgypi would result to the cap­
ture of Khartoum. Whrp the premier
waaa continuation of a *i>eech he • look ; FS''"""" "' -■ •••- '
. of Cblite tbeiv
recess or." a week
>k ago.
aao. He attacked ,: *
. . . ..
The pa­
th* argument lh*t H/v ail la a necrsalty ! *»ave .-run.t.led and veptiWI. • have dix
te jyere rei-elved
for defoneitepunKiars • JlU as absurd.—| srp-ared- or they will be upon the high
iltd relief. Tb> Anal and complete extinction.
etactelmed the senator, -to talk of' de- ' H>*d
manjul* said:
"I will not use a word
folding Sar Pranci*A-o fe-m Hawaii as
which seems to grutiltTa,U> talk of d,4endl|^Nrw York frt»ro of such a Iperteclly • a.-un*
e*r«. but I may aay I* no H
Jretend, fur the diauWe I* about the.
would not tr
cmetllutiiwi. with gold hnd silver ao wH.h this •.-viito
Pettigrew at S o'clhrk
nounced Ihnt he had not (..nclutted hla interwoven nnd welded atenit ti that no railo-r than low <-ur treaty rlgbta
the same time no one ba< evinced the
tear them apart
speech, hut would continue \„day. Tl.e power on eorwh^an
eliglitoer Inleflilon of Infnrging those
right of Hon. Henrv W. t'orbetl lu a "lahe onr th.- *ii|-rl..r of the ..ther.
mat in the sehat* fr-m Oreg.m occupied i
t-'llr. a «!nvle dollar
teatemeat la tbe ttermaa Melebabm.
T change
the senate'* altentloli for two hour*;
hours'1I <
naib-na; - U':-ncy. w
tWrIm. Feb.
In tbe evunx- of a
lake li I re- I
of seating I '
.- way •• Tbe gov. jStalem-nl rcrar-Mne th
i entor's w-heme
le wni a v^r
atl..r of that
........ j "f Kteo-J*h..u liaroh v
NICARACH'AH AXltUAL RBrOI enpV known a* th- Wii J.-m pUp, -----------pp,poaJd
' -■ "Ucaplte

I Rngllnh
by William Wlnd-in. wb-n bs was al ' nev.-srte|vr*. .t is welt kr-.wn tn authe bead of the (leasury.
. I th-iritatlve guaner* In Lun<r»n that In
f th. Inieiesis -f p-si.- and culture we
MEEYiNG OF T.HE CAME WARDENS. d-sir* to’cultivatv re’atlun's of harm-inlfrom iteptaln le-ulse. c.-mmanding
oil* co-operatlm
with Great Britain.
I aUh Ihe I
U S. S. Alm..nuw at Han Juan del Siir,
IHenew.-d rbef-w J
Our mvdesi de.
•wv-nalbel.ewaad FMu
Nicaragua, the cunimatider informs th*
mand* have net'-iier mena>ed the Integ­
Ojicag-. Feb. I.—Y'esiorday'a icMlon
rity of China r -r call-d for JuslitUble
na»7 dcjwrtment that be ha*I tended ;ot.theC-h
^ ot.!he C-h and game H-nfepen-was enobjections «-n b-r
Von Hiu-K.w
marlnea to procx-i th. I nlied Futet nr-tj
* dis-u.ri-n of t'he
tep,-ated that Oermshy d.-sirvd the con^1.1.. «„lrhl.SI,
There was a lonaeut
1.^ exlslince
exlslincc of the Cblneae
Chinese empire.
tevulutprf In Nliwragds It aasumtng a
p.r~in* who seek t.. tak I anil eaw no ri jB..n w hy It she
should .n. .
serious phase
•gram sent ad'anbtge at tia- hunting aewson* 1
Iasi another KOI yearw Nor had GerMondsy r'analn I.euts* a
I the rev..- : the northi
any Intention
luUonlalt liud taken poae
I of the haired from llullng, a mr-.rliet f.-r the !
: way up-m Hie Inleresta
r>f Jaiian.
W..S O. c-au eoaii uei cur. anu that Ihe game they kill A i-s-.luil.
goveramen-. triop* were dlgxltig rifle trcommendlng that hunif-r
pit* In theauburlw pre,tet*i..r>'lomak-1 terse game I- i-.m teiled
- lake ijr DirrAtu
log sn attempt t- dtelodge them. Y-s- j nrensM ..n the te.sis ,.f SI

scaion .1

terday he lelegmjlhe.1 that ibe.goiem- •
m.-m fotcra were -01180*111* the city. ,
San Juan dri Hlir te near the western
“ raragu canal, and la
terminus of the .Nicaragua
he fnlteU
a caljr- station. The
Stales has
three*i»i«hlpneai-ihe*c-eneofthc-distiiib-n-e a«il ample measure* will be .
laV-u lo. protect An-erimn imrresta
Yeeterdsy afirmooti another latle-i
*«II. V.-. re>e;vetj at the ngvy depart* I
meri . I.-lliB*
i.-llin* of Ihe
the pr.iian-sv.-f
i.riwr.-** «-f tbe r*V-r*i--'I
oliniom.., n..,^,t. Tie captain tteld
that h - be.l lai. kVl u.force for the pro- }
t^tlim of ihe i-nli.d tt|8,e, cmautete.
«nd as III.- te-v.-rnm- m fon-.-a bad given i
nolle. ..f their Irt-ntlot Jol.enbard tbe '
town he had Isl,.-ii -n the .\terl all of <

‘•umtnli'"'* fri>m ibetnob aiereadmiited
• *” 5'**’
•'"5** **>e cell*, and they
------ ------------- ..... refused lo believe their
committee* and demanded that
Plorm* Iw deliveiwd U. them. Finally
the mdh.WBs induced lo believe the fact
and It dispersed. The leaders w ill be ar-

tM af WlehteM galls.
Urslng. MUh.. Feb O.-LThe coat of
mainultili.g the county Jails of MIehlnn lust year waa tllw.S»l. ..f which
IIM.W!- was laid lo sberlSa for b-ard-

Wasbinxinn. Feb.

It I* said at the

BUI. dvpartm-nt that all attempU to
BUte the nature of ihe Spanteb rqtfy
tAMIntst-r M'oodford', note of teat Deewmbite, at least
atdp uf the AiianUr arc eohennod. are purely ,|e-. uteiive. andniust
b* ao of nareasio. -for the rvaaon that
ttp to thte time the d.aprtmeat liaett
Aoff not even know the subBtaae* ot
tb* tBpIy. Thte -dtepoort of tb* ftortea
that haw* Apearrt to th. HTect that tba
•dalBltUaUen had bwn d.-.piy aUned
by «nbleg*^m* from Wcdfimd telatir* •

18 ON A


c county Jails, M« being c

The demand for Improved aind Un­
B. .1. MORGAN,

Hack, Bds and Baggage
'Whaa in need ef anything in thb

improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk. Ihave

line remeoitter ihU te Ibe place to leave
your orders Mprtg.t prompt work.
HaUtfartioh f uaranieed orbo charge.
Leave ^oiif't rdifra al c-Sce or call up

•Phone'-lTo' 8.

E.W. Hastings...
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.

Two or Three Houses and Lots

and a Number of Well Lociited

Money Jo Loan-Vaggnt Residencelots

Improved Farms and
City Property.
Johnson Block. 'Phone 78.

in-Traverse City that wiU be sold



eads the Record.


win m,tp omta Vte the Ca>t
Des Moines la.. Feb. t.—Tbe McFar­
land Grain .company has concluded that
the grain iralBc ftym this atctkin will
hereafter be diverted W the gulf. At
a rrault it has a bandoped Ita elevaloas- r“>.
al Madrid and other pi.lnts on th* main
line of ibs Chicago. Mllwaultee and 8|.
Paul. tribulaSg to Chlcnco. and will en­
ter** It* purni in Ite* Moines by the
cunstruction of an e1evab.r\*t which
300.000 bushel* of grain a day can be
cleaned and handled.

rerident hutuen iir.itetite
season tar
. U. Have
non-iesldeht hlilil.r?^
It «ke Malter.
Such a low I. n..v In
In Mlchll.oVa Hallsbury -obi me ,-■
gar an.l Wlw- n«ln; ami sc-ariting
tise statement* id theylelegaie* works ih. c->\;en)i»eiii bad ask.-d In return f.g
aatl-fa. i. rll>
Another re#..|utU.n fa. lb.' I'tilo.-s.- l.«n wer'e wltbvUI MCep.
vors-i.-Kt.inil.m pn.hll.mne ih- sale of Ili^ dirtied ti-waidlm-rcu-ingandfree.
gam. klll-d In the m ritaw,.<iem suite. ing lb* trad.- w ith .’lilna. -.iid conulne.1
jtev.ral gam.- aar.l-ns .|--ke ..n Uii*
,w,int. in«leiir.i thm an l.l.-uil.-ai m.-asu
urshoul.j t i/lnti-'-dii.r-l
lepialB- -J.ien-Wsn." said
lure*tdf^ta|.-at th.--.
Ihforii'd UB fhai
In order n- iirotMt game ihst te nowbeing rwrldly aitWi litet-J. V-ste rday
ihe enfet-n.-e
mtesurws for Ihe proiAli-.n of Ash.
.-mfort ami well le-hig. ihey *xi
The cnfer-tice om-jud-d it* I i-r—
1 the deelre that v.- should t.
“I •'**"’21
’■ •*b- (wred for , test nfght. A i-rmanent ..rgaiiltatlonj ln»h
this proiaesl. Wbeheup>’h
bcnilM, t-egan Mon- waa effe-terl i„ l.e kn.,np a* the In- -i.-plled that tbe pr..,H.*al __
q*y. and *" ihe vnd the r.-l«ls wei« terwiatr Gam-and FishPridectlv. ateo-> Hal.
Ihciigh we (bought. II ndvanlag. onven^t of town, which was entered ; ctelh.n
Senator J. H.
Oreen. .uT Wls|e..te». and 1
sugg-sied. aaa empro. and taken poar^i-.n ..f by it..--g..veriH^ consin. was elected president. Tbe aaao- ' mise. that ihe ..(wnlng of Ta-Uen-Wan
mem trt.otw. TM rih-b,.aisd tu- clstlor. odvoiaie* the enaciment of uni-j I- def--rred umtl the railway'rvacbed
wards the Interior of th- ...ohiry, rti* : form gam. and flab law* for th. north-Mh. port.
Vlnim among the«l Ail.-rfcwni i wealern stei-*.
V—lt-te obvious lo any one knowing th.
Is that the ln*urTe.-ti.,n ha. k-ite-a.,
--- .r.-T ~=—.
Veil that the txaimry behind
tnlstkke from thi-begitmiug. and that ltd
»***■• Can>«- ■els^ T«a d.r Abw,
i 7,0is i-raiticallv w-orthlews
U doomed to taapr. . oalng ic the pr.-|- J PUtsl'vrg. Feb. fc. -fhrta Von dw Ah».
• atntlone mgd. by JTt-sldeni z.tey»
i^hc st. I.oul* base lui M martiau-. arriv.-d ,..,rhed the ,-.n
a f, w ul, * «f, tbe atoHB. Th. ..uttv.m- .,f il,)* . *l «bc AHeghepy c-unty Jail at I:1S last |
j,,, Ma< Donald renorted
uprising te awaltsd wHh much inter.,,
When the ^rty reached the Jail, j^ttihe cutnn.m-lse was accepirdas a
because It I. the Amt real lest Chai hit* 'h-y wwre rngt by I-nlt.-d Htaiss author*.
L-.-n (Bade of tJte ability of Ih-greater
Rn-,.hiic ,0 carry out that part- of the
trip,.tlte agreement-that pledge, utiUiM
a febellion In any ci




.^.omlaed a bill givtn. m-.r.- clvU liberty . «a,u,e
to the Irlah len.ple. an'd urged upon Ihr letteni In till* maarer an ofTenw-frunboua* pf comnH,n» tbn n-td of very tobahle by tmpHwmiiiem tn the atau i


1- of the Cubana and arlthlB
dayw thereafter would aaaert tbe
ladeoeeof tbeCuban republic. Ma-|
--------------- -i.w
abn fllUnolal. followed
with .
a ftaoluUon
,«aqiMaUns the preeMent to notify Spain
1 that the Cuban war mu»t reaae at once
' and declare the intention .of tbe United
Btatea to reatore and malnlalB peace
cm tba taland of Culia. Hoth Cannon
and Maaoc gave*noitce of ihelr Intentloa to apeak upon their rewolutlona to­
__________a Wan
VerM. Delate
the tetvaola*
a gentleReferring
rhed teal es nlng: The
man bwe r-rmajhed
pnrpoae of thii opening of thedla^
of the Cuban rituatlun la plelnly under­
wood to everyUKly.' It U t.. fore the
I'a handa. and to «>>mpel
mpel him.
I* pjclfk'
poaalbte. to abandon
policy and take a< Hub which
Ich will
up hbelen
tb* climax It la eridenl that Cuba
give u* no real. It continue*
Ar«l pjaev In the eye*
and apparently In the attemton


If You Do. Tr3'The Want DepatTment of
i -

terwl a rewlutlon oryHag the preiddem.| r.:*TbrmaS.‘’:nro"
W notify th* kingdom of Spain that « It ; re,.tried ,n favor of aratlng the Repubdid But recode tbe independence of Ikan .abdldate on the ar-nind of ••..n-,;
the Cuhai^rtpnbllc U-for* Manb 4. im. .piracy.,a» allegatlun vlgoroualy dunked ■
the United SUMe would recognla* tbe by the DemorrwUc
------------- -------------------


have heart no mote a^ul Ta-I.lenl«>'cd i.y JAdg. Itofflngton and eistmed
prt»-ner. IVnd-1 i^fus-d 1.. deliver,
n-mh llrer.-,t-d
t —crnily
e ihat any pi.rt they obtain leave to
siilerable w-ranrllng <hte was done and ;
Marrhal Gamble took charge of Voti
der Ahe, J Scoit F.tgnson. hta attor­ of th'to couniry. A fr— 1
ney. th.n signed a U.1I land for »L»0,
which released ijje magnate until this
m<.mlns at id o'clock, when a hearing
In the habeas c.-rpu* pris-eedlnB will
be had.
rawtpaay Pays the Bark SWxte
■We*i Kuiterior, YVia. F.h.
BB ortte JU*l l*urt by th- frtetalrourt

ne.m. and has mad. _____
whereby H wiB pay during tb*
rent of fitLMO of iu-hack tann. The
total amount of taxes du* ticgn tbe
company 11 1300.000. >

■1 roar *4r
■imlUr anuiraiKc*
have been mad. by the German government respecting the t-rrllury they re­
cently occupied. It)decd. the Oerroa
■gv.mmenl went further and w«
more Aatlering to tia for


When yon want to take a riil'e
remember tbe beat place lo go. I liave a Urge <^n boa, a o neat
aleiRh and a
bux All vary

Sleighing Parties,

At Low Prices
it sold NOW.

Come and ask about

them, if yon want g home or a good

Alao a lot of the vary beat Port,
land enttora, tiro and throe seated
I can fit yon out with any kind
of a tnnioot.

PlosMT tlnry lUa.

THos. T. Bates.



iHB yojjitnro KjooKi), ihto»p*t,^bkpaht lo, laes.

mm THE n.
Mexican cf High Family Wada the
Woman Who Cot Hia Raleaaa from Priaen.


WK ».-Two bo>-« 8t^«D
^ ,nd aGphn U.e-

aprlnsftfld, lllr..F>k. I.—An impectaat [
btaneboftM Ofhi beCirem (l>f raUmO
CompaniM af lh« cvuniry and (bv Uckai'

WCTPkl. AfOd 10. fought with hDiVM
Tb* lad* quarrHrd over aomr trivial
tnalK^r. and d^dMl to toiUr tbr difHe uUy altb treaiMiiis in aroulaf thux

broken, vhich l« aoa- on.brf..rr eon-i'•■*>'<«-


KfinMi* niy, Feb. I.—A irloB of a no.
Vie Mrxiian famU)' Uaxulabioc us.
kno«n In the Kaiuuir state penltPBt>ai7

Mb-ta TV)P|ib«>pCo.i'peci
J V fcmibet. library PI
O. R. U<btwpat>«



lered ess s frsud upon Ibe
supreme court to detelrc and trick that |
triburyil inio rendmiur that opinion,
The pvtltlon- as« pivsr^ied l.y Judae
tnarr^aro by a-)UBtlop of the peace, cul. Pendersast. <»f Chlcajto. counecl for the
tninatina in a revelaiicn of his Identliy. tlcksi brokers. Tbe Judjtee entorultied I
the mmlon fr*r a rule on the attorney
e the chapters In a laort
morj’ of real life made public yesterday. general of Illlnoii and upon th. agenu:
and aiiomey* of tbe railroads
The |>rlscfnal> are PresvUllana 1.. Corplicated IB the serious chargea to ahow 1
Ule father. PrescllllaHa O.r- | Jii^'V'h'y the opinion ahould
pte-^aa amllllonlare and .•a-p.»tma*lcr ,i„uiied and expunged.
tmiinnc Aflnn on the part of the ma.
troD of that Inetltuilnn. and fbhir final

e..iiPS rrao.
^ B.\m ,;ClS

Wtes Mine. Altsuli sto«s before tbe
]Oum. sbe itralwaye'TtSlBtMed to Mulsh
_____ ____ .._iatv,
(Ptnht JsBwarT eatorr_____
with the'"Bine UeUs of bcotland." P.C.QUbsn. Jaaaaryawtaiy ..............
«bicb Is a auecul lavvite »iUi b«
B. R. g. L. * P. Co., light lav Jaaaary
_ ...
*»"»«*“« P- Allan of, Urontm, W.
Jobs wukota. r
has Just crleliraieri bia tee
biuidred ahd acveoib birthday, says
Mocslag Keeord. oartol prtsUsg
that be fouthf in ibe firitiab atiuy

active iutereai In pnHtica aiitoe be ?cfignrd tbo pttdiiiiTidflp. Heirsiid
Uisiiisruk in
i xuaiiy
laitots of
Wllbesbarrc. d^.. Feb.’f.—The testi- ,
mony in the trial of Sheriff Martin and ;
tala deriutles yosierday wae all along the j
Tbe ahl) nf tbe lute lIcBrT Jiarnbart,
same line—relating to the 'scenes at Ihe | ’me of tbo Wealtbicst
pioDoers nf
<d Cali.
iltbicst pioD'wr*
of dUlurbanc. and Bhuuing that fomin. itiuslste .of oaK >h words and
the etnktr* were unn m d. J.>lu: Pun- *aya eiraply. "I difteC raai my pnipert.v
„ hek said thnj^ Chief «I Ibe vS>al and shall b«' dbiKiMd nf aixtsding to tbe

The Ptorr M most Interesting. In fbe ; TesUsisay l« All la the Naise Use—gsdgi
aarty techitos a young Mexican aboj
Thibateimd s» i.rtier.

gave his name ay famhio Jp-p^ came
Ksnsa* niv with a hunch of csiiic |
Jbxwn Ouanajiiato. >lex„ 11# |i. m.v. He l
*aa a bandsornc. dashinc fellon uh« |
Ore«*-d Sell and sp'-nl m. t.ev fi ely In ■
a abort Un*. hte money
pccp. I’c
Wlrhtta. Kan. and made a
living as a street vender.
was Ihe man " ho
WlM-B Hill Tr..sblr IS geo.
lore the flag at West HasMon. Flmun
One nlght-fttier an uiiuicsKy go.H] Kowalski said;
"Mr. I>ods. n, a deputy,
day's husinese he ua» hue.' Inli. a re- came over as 1 was helping a wouteed
Ttbya Mr*. HamrudMin T' .l»ir.s*.i.r.
and said:
'You nm aaay or I'll
arrived on the and begun nmklng shout
trouble for the Mexl.ah
Vn.. ISMlsun
Claitned In court, .sler that tbkison waa pointing
demanding an .explanation nf the Mex* him.
■ lean's cosducu und Uie Udxliati aald
Counsel for the defense claimed that
that I>odra and his wife had tried in iHstri i Attorney Martin was merely
mfa him. At any rate Lopez stabbed taking up tlDie in asking each witness
Dertam -to death with a Inng.tdsded if the
I>ipea <«uld not Ulk F.ng1lsli
admit iir' asked Martin.
and he did not know go about ^ "Ku. sir; we admit nothing,
making a defense The court asslgncl ;
'Then we win go ahead and prove It.’'
him an attorney, and Jn the trial he was ! “Oo on." said Palmer; "It will take you
convicted of murder. Judge Chrlstn|>her j seven yean'."
Reed senleoi-ed him to thlrty^esrs Is !
Judge Woodward had a senaallon of
tbe penitentiary.

, hla own. He anr.ouncejl that he had
Meets the Wemaa Wbe Saved Rlia.
j received a letter threatening htm If he
The generwl opinion was that the acn> ‘ did or did not do this nr that.
tenre was un)u«t. but Lopes hadneilhi-r . Judge said the writer was a coward and
Isfluence nor money with Which to ae- ! seousdrel. but did
prnlientlan' P''‘Ju"
fMerr the leurr origtoaled.
Lopes 1-arnea to talk EngiKh r.pmsiv. I
...^ ...■
», .ark-l .< .h. ,.ll.,r
hi, wi.
«h™v, frrcurntly. .hd
Buie linsr Issued article* of ln'-»-rt*irathevr jnrt and l-num- acqualnteif
IlOB to "Tbe Bryan and Allgeld Demu.
With Ihe matr<,n. Un Mattie U. Pee<
eracT." a new poiiucal
bter- The mainui bcarps Intervetad
whose chKf obp^ U to keep off the
-'In the gnod-icklng Mexican, and aa
rsthUar parijr ticket all candidate* wbo
they often worked together she drew
are trying to dodge the silver lesue.
from him htasi'iry.
Feeling positive
Tbe iDcorporauia are the following
that TAwwk uA innoeont. Mr*. Peebi<w
•et aiMvut to prove <n In the gothmor.
Wallate. John J. t’orcoian. John J
Shexleiled Wichita and galhViod farta
Page. Edward E. Gurv. ITmI W. Proudto show that the killing of Ie«ie.T wa*
do^ In »>.lf'.dvfenee, • ,T^en »hr -ol^
Jpnr*. Frank H. -Sov-k. Harria F. Will
tnlDfd the wtgnalnre* rf iwomlncriT n;cR
Ian*. Prao.1* K. Uagley and Dan H
to u petitinii hirjil* rrleaee
It Waa
Jesse. three year* ago thU mnmh that Mr*.
Oning* «r lb* minni* Wkdntoi*.
Peehle* began lo Interest herself in
3*i|,ez‘.behalf, and on Jan. It of this
pardoned by -Governor


Tmkm HI. UrMs to Ike Kh Polka.
Tn the meantime Mattie Peebles had
left the penitentiary-andwaa living wllh
'a growti eon and daughter near IMepaleh. Ka» , HoH. of her children have
ye.-ently married, and for a lime she
bad been llvlr.g alone. When Lopes was
freed he wr'>le her a lung letter, II re-'
■ulted In bringing Mrs. Peebles to Kanaa* C»> Sunday morning, and K was
given out y.wierday ihat they wers
mairied by Judge Eb. rl In a room In
the Brevnort House, a ■•eond-flai* ho.
tel. Th- ti f..11owed th. rrvelatl'm n! the
maK*a tdeiiil;)'. The I* short and
Slender. He ha* detk-nt- featoie*. Umg
strstghi bis'k hair aind i-lerelns black
ey*«. The iiiarringe lletstse i.lacee hi*
age *< <1 ye*r« and that . f hi* bride at
She I- rather tall. ' Her fare I*
Vinipd and full, white her dark l.rown
h»ly l« ;v,‘<».d with gray
The oouble
bar etartex*',.. Mevh-r ,.n a hone>m,».n
rlsll to Orwi.h.'a fan>I!y.

SprlBgflvld. nia.. Feb.
The huuse
revenue bill was read a aecond lime to
ay. and on Dunto|Vs
! measure 'waa subSraure

Mira Kiui'iws K. Willard, who wa*
Yeas—Aldermen Parker. Ifontarse.
Orellick. Goodrich, Cook.
and Jahraua.

Tbe d<«n of dt Ampb delighted a
Ladoo crowd rerciilly by.sprinting
after a pinkjiockcl and catebiog him.
Tbslbicfbad atolco tbe dean's wife’

STATginurT or


or rrnuc wogga.

San-Pr .Ii.lnrn,
— rtaiter DW'lrder; a*onv I, i,d of wren'klng a mar
train hearing a gnaid orTnlied Rute.
soldier* iiear Fairwmenlo. Csl.. durlnx
Ihe strike of I«m; and In wbone. behalf
the sunmbe tvurt of the United Rtate*
declined in Isk'e favorable ocilim In hi*
plea for a new trial, ho* e<mte*sed hi*
crime to Onvemor Hudd, with a view
tn recelviM; a tommuiallon of ib<.
'death KenCViu-efrom'lbe eaecuilre of the


Warden'*, eon
JtoT.1*. and 'dvrS the full deUlU of the
ertm-. t.-Illng that he wl|h oevrpgl oUora bad b; -n -irdeved by a c-ommitlee of
striker* to f move the rails near Tolo
brldr,-. f..r i»..- puriusr of w^-klng the
train casrvirg ibe iroo|W. Ilcjcivrs thr
- name* of tu> »<., i.mplicW snd'teakva
*1# -k_
>. unknown to Utoeaeral publk Kx-Pieaidcm Cleveland In­
terested bimaelf In Worden'* behalf out
of Bvmpalhy for tbe moUer of Ue COOAemned niai,.
Xew rrasMswl (be M
Monmouth. 111*.. Fch H —The sedate
of^Montnouih collrgr yratrirdar after''VBoon akvled Uev. Samuel R Lyoni.
/ tuiatnr of Ihe I'nlinl PreahylerUn
Churcb. Bluomlngton. Ind.. a* presideM
Of the CBlIegr, Lyon* to a bhinmoutb
graduate of ItTT and during n-cent |-eara

Juat aniyed hera of Ue murJi. .. _
Mexican Is Ue placer dlttriit of Tepacht. m mile* ««M of Bermoalltlo. m« a
result of which
is Jail al Tei
Strike sf a.
New York, Feu.
About LMO trouser
tsakrra nf New Tort Brodktyn and
BroWaavitle. went os sulks yesttoday
fsr an advance tn wages.

A. W. BiCKgRP. City Clerk,

TXBca rinmrt.

. a.S. : r.B. 'Lv. : At. i
II 1»; »«* Tvsvjciw:


wjwia I
I 1C


7 B Kaltaaka
e » Pswitof



I poe^cibook to oburcb while she wai
matching ber faDatend petform a marriago ceremony.
Major (ienetal Deogoogb nf (be BritIMi army, who died mTiitly,
India for a dniai'mal order
tbe medital staff

Ihe curas and ont ibe toe nails of^£
n to order' <o im|gove tbe nmrehtog
I efflcicixy of 0»e dlvikion.
„ .
____ ,
; , Profee^ T^ore Mommsen, the
‘'-'"I*,,. I. . m«, ol «».U





SboTvIlng UKor

J avoir poBDgvSflPT S«t*gto«B.
Tvalas arrive trow OIssIbs
da as< PMeakvr oi 1 do p a.
PV War**,OT*sSnr

Ja*. U. JnHxnos. DrnggbL


TntBsris Uttb _
a^Uiill. Turn »Bji

(tame almost i-uisctoitd. but b« Mill has
tbe Mi^y and the power nf work that
one mi|;bt expect in a man half hia agv.


• .toaerastol'Sop.w.

^ B MUXJUT. A-to. '

auUSOKVOOD O.F.A-.OraadBaslg^Moved by Alderman

Jolca MamtAst, ibcpreocb ounpeser,
lu. «UHmncte Gut be will «nte im '
morewptaa*. MarsMut hs* s rmar be-J

Garrlaan that II. V. Palchia.


He j,

d nay vote.

never aic-pi* soeiiil iuviuiiom,. m v. r
Yeae-Aidermsn Parker. Montague,
attenda ivni-nDiiucc* of hit. uwn a-.gk* ; tireliek. Goodrich, Cook.
| f t'NPl a« rvl.vanala and to til au exewd
HoeUmastel Gairtoon and Jabraua.
, ingl.v UITVOO* babit

Attorneya at Law.
om*ra IB Kwtagoe Btsek. ttuVerBc C«u- MKb.

Chicago —
West Michigan.


Q 'M. BROWN. Ausitor sag CouiBaUeri
Fohrnary 7ih. iSito,
O. Law. SpFTial aLoaiWa to cwllsrWea
To Ihe HcmorilMe. fhc ifopor o>«d Clfi/
CteiicU nf theCtfpoif TVoorrsc CUti,' Q.ILBg^ A OAH^ Altccwa.
ItotoJfidiipim10. MsreaatUe Go. Btork'
CgXTiJiMgif—Relative to tbe taxes sf
A. R. Celbsrs A Co., wbleb was rsfsrrsd tome. I make Us foltowinggs-

Frtooe Oscar of Ewedm. who

'. time ago gave np bi* niysl tank to
|marty Miv Kbba Utmek sufl to Bow
: known as Coant uf Wtotonx. baa derid
t c.d to gn to Africa an a wiaeionary. to-

“rl:nJt'mnJf;! 1

-Watchj RepairinifPtik;^
—John tterly.
—Front Street.

stmts ntnus buuoftct.

We do hereby certify to the ConneU
of nid city that the follewlng is an ac­
curate acconst of tbe oast of repairs ns
itrau sad ^
!.« .mMnt at m.tarl.l u«l ... Uu hsTves—grant wUI power.
expesee thereof, and the street .. food eaasot avpply Us vital farces
place where such material was used or which people wiU acUve braipa and
BUtla PUlt lead Us
labor performed: also the somber of bodtra reqalrc.
';e tbe misd bright, maselea
days <H lab
:e flesh and blood and gtoa
perfect bealU to Mm and
Trx Tt-B.'ntMi or pRiuAOgUTitA make
m Prsnlnt. i
SaSCuisr bridfT"
rkr*. rstof Ctork Kaltoaal BowL
B. D. I'.. MttavB tksi to wa* all ran
Drwwta^ott aad I

ichriicing on aaVages wbo bavc visited

I was dune Is the Utookbulu wiib cnvtdiog abtms.
Nbumii, the antic;-esi lorer, to

t tl^ Uat under the contract of sals

•Ph«»*.itetot i*


TWS.MIWM* Killed Is a a»—, ■
t swBsd by
iW reraear. <
— - ■
Galena, III*., Feb »,-A mining shaft i^
^ icil^ifrn A Ccy-at Ua"tl« Ue,
collap^Hl at Iiomumbe. Wto.. a village ' ^emand.tla ton. of gJ.IXK) caali to ad- .^^waa'mads agd Uat Ue
near r.alma. and two mlnerw. Th.ona* ▼«»»;. that all bis Aixpenacs and Ue ex- ment to Usithns void.
and Ue*>rce Bimiins. v>4-re ponaea of fail lecture abottld be paid, ,
I forther flsd that ns am
fclUed. The nics were at wnrk jn a drift {and Uat bo Uosld liave flO jivr rat efl I having been made of Uia propetiv to
Ar.Tiatw* CItr .
when, without a momeni's warning, th- Ue rematooer of Ui- igorada. if Ut re ' the Traverwe Cilv Lumber Co.. U'ere- T^h. H. R. GARNER. ikirswB. Ovar Plm
U Ssiloiia] Baak. Talaptoaa IW. hpaetol
entire mine caved IB. iwrylng iliem-bn-.l greth uny.
I («»« Ue taxes are not eolJeeUbic by
J-EMWR. Agnt. Trsrar
der ten,* of earth.
OBO DB MA^N. Oes^JPaygr^
{ proceea of law.
In cmi
T\ODOg A OQt'gLU Alleraerir sad ca
__ ______ __
j ever. 1 bad a short canfereuce wllh Mr. LJ .Iar* aiUv. Odtoea-Clty Opera Beoa


0, .h. O.U O.,,.,,, ^O.. C,» o,, ,,,. I
1 while be was aware Uat they could
A co|.y of .1,, flrat kllwarnoch edition


<;ity Council,

not legally be




W Law. Bpaebl

unsrn i|ii iienusiEn l i

f"lHA8 G. TCRN'ER. Atunri at tow.
UUKid Hlllia«iiUtok.rrnm,nu

si iaDe'eiBcJia m.

O. -K;JK;STLr.S.''ESi\IS

A.B. tl. Ms* AdinlU Thai He Wtwhed
That Train In Chllftwnln.

hy^rsnto wherever
Motion carried.
On iBOlinn of Alderman Jabrana.
dcly earned. Cosncil adjourned.

Traversa City, Mkb.. Fab.



. 6nil Siplds S Igdiui K. E

lawstjf tbe state of tiiliforaia."

tween bi* lip*almost aH ib.-liu.c.

^conpenl— ha^ly



reporlid iy uu ludiana papi'f *<■ If
po^ u> cn-dsraiiou. tins wriq

famnni to

O. P. ^RTER. Agsat

1 Husllj
St n >
« on I
Moved by AMermah Jabimsa that the,
ato'f nnd oosniy Ux ameoBtuif to I.
" • *|*T» aaewied to E. P. .WUhalm m i S.T’.T,*::;
. bonds be omitted.
Motion earried by yea and nay

Yeas. Aldeymen,Parker. Montarse.
Uretllck. tioodrieS. Coek, Dasmoad.'
HsellmaPtel, Garriaon and ddbrasa
Kays, none.
Moeed by Aldciran Jafarasa that the.
state and eossty tax
«L&7 eaeeaeed oo land betongtog W
•ntf Northera Michigan Aaylnm be rMsitted.
Moved bv Alderman fleodrieh that
MoUos vried. by van and any eate
the report be adopted and the elaimt ss follows;
be ordered paid.
Tees. Aldermen I'arker, Mostague,
Motion carried by yea and nay voW. (Ireillek. Goodrich. Cook.
Yeaa-AJdermen Parker. Mostarue. ......................................TisoB and .labraaa.
ftreniek. Goodrich. Cook. Deamosd.
Nays. L
Usellmante]. Oarrieonand Jahreua.
Moved bv Aldermaa Desmond that
eoU of thanks be tendered to Mr. T.
r. Bill of Westers L'nios Telegrspb Co. LudgSle far hsvisg viilan'aril
of »1.M for tel^raiaa (vaa preeested the pernniisl taxes
snd read.
Gelbors A Co
Moeed by Aldermss Jabraaa that tbe
Motion carried.
bii) be allowed and t»id.
Moved by
Mot^^carrled by yea and nay vote

agaiokl Kapolecm^


. MMiur,,.:


fiogae)ann lioliaiiau Tirax, RsiiRary'a
gnatvM «taitfMi]au, bai neg taken «ny




Pai libeo. JaiTuerr «ia»y

".nr.hir7hp‘’'cs::;*ln™';~h .l«.Eai«ah.eMdH0*


£ taportiiiUo Pr|ipertj BoWhs!


a K Xoribam reiaire ..

to be indicted last mosih snd yesterday I
fUaign.T of Ibe Coniedffthe indletcd ticket brnkt4e filed theirraonaft** *o »» «vclvd al Sw A»petition aaklnx that this uplnioo bees, tooia
C •
pwed apd assuUad.
pnfaworF. A. Vntmr of JJewark. K.
^ The rwond tot fhta pemion la that I j.. wJk. hoMribc weordof II b<«wand
the otHSlon wu ouiaihed by fraud and g
^hallrugnS all oomen to
collusion «

for (lx years for'kimn* done in aelfdefrnrr. hie pHtUmi afler three years of

Merrtll. •vppMea


Eve^ Banied Out?

TW Pirat Katleul Bash, by
Q. A. UxuuoMi, Caabtor.
Murad by Alderaas Jahraaa that
- bid be aeoeptod a»d that the >lnt!
» . Battoaal Bask be rives the eaatody of i
<m|tkaeliyfoBd>foetbe sms^ year at'

i3 * ^
^l«y bal-'
^3<Ab«eaaa per bill.
* Ml
MotioD eaiTted.
' "
Moeed by Aldrrinap IteaBMod that
"■’• the Nlchiffas Telepbose Co be re
; tjolrrd to pay to lha rity Eluu.u)
, I year, for Uta ose af tbe street*
i n i alley* to the city, said rvntalio be-paU <
■f *• I qsarterly to adeasee
MuUod earriad by yaa and nay vote


T- - Tin
- - - - - - - - »- - ''r of• >-Sen

caused all ihe ticket hrokvrs of Cbicaxe,

•ad TafcMNertaMtaVMallf IB Me:
atary far a NaeelM.

xfJfBa»t>»n. Mtypitps . .
A.W RtPkeed. aapidlee
M ae tmUaiBC in-


will probabljr^dlp._



a A Krcrard.bUokl

dfvol..i>.d h-rp roaierdar to
(rartMl thr . attiuUnn nn n«hhnra
«an.,rt.lnoU. Thrill. ----------------------------rad c^MJiVfv'iald »yat ir«i”ho't^ I
Ln»»r*»kl waa «ak-nVA* bo»the
nn th-m
H»a1. arUb a xaoh m-hi. rtrht ton* and
Ulen.-p of the Iltlonia aiatule prohibit.


tbalr |T7a>wV


of the tillnols Kupreoie coon I
In WK that the atirtule war valid and
conaiiiuttons]. —

npiteew Ulia

IVmaa tl. kha^H^rius K
hThlrAlwmcv Be Hafcoa

IVwt a»^


'ff»«-Grei1ick.Cook, Desmosd. Itofdle. offer I reported to the Mayoraud the T A-TBOMninN. M. I) OaoiBBsaUtta
Ur.* Koi.r^ cik.t.
UloeUmaBtel. Garriiioa and Jahraha I memberw sf tbs Censed! and particular- X. A Ulllikra BIwk. Boors.* lo 11 a. w.. :
lolp.lB. T*lepboa..A
Minute* of lest regular meetiag
casgh'. (l/e fr,
and approved
have heep
These genUemen directed me to ask
Jcihn l-umberaoB.
Travera^flty. Mick.. Peb. 7. 1M8.
Mr. Ladgute to pav tbe (nil faos of the
the U*t)sui
U*t)surv1vnr but ose of Uie War of
7b the Brm/rmt<le, ihj Mrfi/nr und City tsk.-viz: Sltoi.S'.i. whieh amounl bs ba>
al BtlUranre, aged
paid to me. to be Uraed ove* to tbe
' CutmcH o/ thtf'iJf/o/ tWireraeCUV,
Ciiy Treasurer is sstUsmeat sf Uc
Admiring Crirnd* of Mayor Uarrinon.
of CbicsB'k bare preaenied hire with a
GgN'Ti.KMX5—I wotfid rtopoetfoliv peI desire to sat Uat it u Urough Mr.
Utionyoor honorable bodv for as ex- Ludgate's klndosM that Ub rranlt has
gnrr thereon.
tanaios of time to March 1st. IdBii.
been obtained, as Ue pav
The 4-yiar-old «<m vC William HIbb*. Ue colleeUoo of taxca. aad that my which the Uw could not
>t enforce.
'eset of I—Jtovl::». III*., was burned to warrast he rosewed natil Uat time.
a aanolr botUr. For asto at E E. 1
•a reapeetfslly.
dnegnorv. IlsrTdataUvat. HOIK
drii'.h. HI* mother left him alone and
]>. 0. OlUlgKT.
wei 1 vtoltlng.
City Attorney.
A'tom ItuIrMna. of Ilu<liu;n.
ilu<liu;p. was 1fouM
Moved by Aldermao Cook Ust tbe
Earsaor Tvnaa,
Moeed by Aldermss Jsl
IshraoB Uni
ar Akron. Ou BoomanTWaahreport be aoMpted and Ust the Ciiy
;:.|..-I v.-irtk
ipeiitiosbe rranted aiid Us t
e wa* chopping
Attonsey be sulhorized ts settle wiU
lanu be renewed.
r r.j! him
Mr. Lndgate on receipt of pavmeat of
M per day
■ ao i'ogue. living
Ue full fsos of Ue tax. viz tlM.89.
____ ___ __...__________a SBd taaai* iwg will
Traverse City. Mich.. Fab. 7. 18'<*.
U.1-, will,.- rr-lurning; frr
MotiSD esrrisd by yes snd -osy vote.
• ear euddoiy strli-ken'W^ D. Wir Jion/mthto. tog Jgopur and CUf/
Rich, flpdt. *t
beau d * n • art«l d’ed
Council of tog C’(R» Af TVarcrag City.





£T.'“,3iK" sssrv2:i'..'TL2:.r

Daniel ^yi re. oi I'nn.clon. Ind. took
moipbin*-' VyriK I* In luvr with aAdlas
nasB'. hut *h- d-i-a not cn-lprocats.Ue
alleellni!. H,- may recover.

Ur.KTLKUKX—In respsaseto Ue peti­
tion of Michigan Telephone Co. to Ml
pole* to coBDset wHb n

of A.
I'slri'.lnt Manufacturing com- W. Peck on Bssi uib atreek ws would
N-» liedfurd. MasS;. with a .taeommrnd Ust Ue poles be allowed
^Ual of
and empl,>niig LOOP
neiagst tbe alley
hands. I* to gu out of vzlatunce.
It of Union street SBd ruBPlag •frosi
Thnmae A. Hean. of Decatur. Ills.,
I alley betwete tab
pleaded guilty of using the mall* for
- Mr. PsekV^rsa!
fraudulent purp->ses and was sentenced,
to eighteen month* in Chester psnitestIaiT
Cotap'Alnl reaches tbe poctofBcs de­
Osau&itlee sa Btresta and
partment that transfer clerlui at railMoved by Aldermaa Huelimantel Ust
Ua rsport be aeeepted and adopted.
and forward mall aaOer wUhont anlB;
Motion rerried by^^snd^ay vote:
dent postage..
A syn^ratc of New Yortiera baa ot>talned a con. c-sduo to eostrol fur twesty*-flve .years the vxportatlun and tmpurtailuQ of live slock from and,U Uc
republic of Honduras.
In the Illinuto Stale Orocers' and
Merchants' ~aas^clailon In seaaleB at
JarksnnvlHe J,
(ell. of Cblcagd,
ahd E. A. Btevena.
Eajit Bt.
prasccied fleiT rcshmUonaaitAcklag Us
grai departaeflt gtorus.

' oono BOTTTB.



Bunllmsntel. OarritoB aad Jabrans. u
Travenedty. Mich., Feb. 7, 18B8.
TbUg MoRoroMg uic M(«or aad City
OoKBoU itf fht CUvAf Trottrtt CUy,
Gxsn.XKK«—Wa your OommitUs oo
daima aad aosoamts. hare Uveatlgatsd
Ue foUowlag elsiam, (ouod Uem oor-

Nst»—Aldermao Goodrich. ,
Cilv Treasnrsr's report for aonU of
JsrnsTT, 18PS. waa pressateid gad rsaid.
snd. on motion ot Aldermss Cook, duly
esrrisd. waa receiVsd sad placed oa
. l>ruggbi<* boad of P. W. Kma wiU Ar^. wlllrto^edioealto lor narviag.
J. M. I^rlg________
I^rig sad Rbfasrd Round us
anretles. was proseuted sad,on motion
of Aldsrmso Greilbk duly earried. was


Bl todesAas..^.

'''Mmi^by Alderman ^hrsua that Ue
latter of ren
(erred to Us Committee oa Pin and
Water aad that Ue> Monre bids from
V. A A. Petortyl aad Caldsrell A Lsndon for said work and report at naxt
regular meeting.
MoUoo earried.
Traverus City. Hloh. Jan. IT. 1S»7.
3V>' toe UmomUe (Ac Mayor <md CHiy
Coufudl of tog City Rf IVoeersc City,
We hsNhy bid for Ue!!

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