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The Morning Record, March 29, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
ME Mormhg record.
or HAnra m«A«m
>!hsn«MMtSapM aS«ua oT-^mttM vOt IHtfau th* OouM
■p^ ia Bwliae
*b« Situttos
•■tHAitoiUp Yrma that Xxpie*
' B of *1^ PMtrppad tlto War
iUp U Bstm Xatbor-
WMhlartn, Hank 9&.IalaraM ia
t^Ao«ta«.ofthaMalMbaai^ of ia*Urj «*a at a whlM beat kcre ta<ar/k% «arU|«t people were aeeUac ea/ bcaaoe to tbe OtfiuiL P* bean be/ Im« Booa, wbeatbe two bonoee oon'
aaaod.tbeatotrwa7-were eboked with
poopU paaeiBg toward^tbe falloriaa.
wkbsb were fall at« o*aock aad the
-.•lairwaye oootlaeed Jaataed with
Ibdap to Bead lathe tceuwoap te:kea
before the beerd of iaqalrp With the
aeport. ^ aieaben ef the foteiga
relatioM aownlttee of Ae eeoaU i
elgeroea proieaU peeterdep end Ub
Boraing acMaat ^e foroer procraia.
eepiag 4t woMd be e fi
> the flodlege of the
aeari ead withheld the UetUeonp.
wee eleo pMated oat that tbe withholdlag ef teetlamp woald he cooatraod
bp eose peiem to moo aa attempt
wae beiag aude to kaep tra«a ooagreec
aad tha peoplathe tecUmoop which
araa ragerded a* i>enaatloaal.
« of tbe
paaplag tbe report aad tMtlmoep, wat
'' preaeotod to tbe booM ae aooa ee that
1 St aooa. After tbe
reediag it wae referred jrltboat drbete
«e the oewmltlee ee foreiga affaire
wader the ralee. Ko meUoa wae made.
The.beeee at 1I:1B adjoaraed.
—Tte menage of Preeldeat If cKlelep
dealt with tbe fledlogi of tbe ooert In
detail tbe eabbteade of whleb are girae
ta etbar dlapatebaa todap. aad
oladee with:
“! directed that the flndleg ef the
woart ef laqeirp eeirthe rlawa of thto
gorarataeet tbereoa be eommenlcaua
OothogofaraBBoatof hor.«aJaetp. the
. aad Ideaotpenalt apaelf to
doabt that theaeaeeotjeatioe of the
Bpealah aaOaa wiU dieute the eomrae
d bp tha hoBor aad
irioadlp rclatioaa of the two gererw
elonffe bee «
It ii tboQirht thatabaet 1.000 b
ele are ^oUed; Tbe ehate erf the doer
aUl wee alaeat eebaerfed with water
peeterda^. whleb wae dowior frba the
daa la a toneav while at the wiU of
tbe rrarene Citp Lnaber Oo. a larpe
lUtj of ba*dwaed Ion are drlrea
together'BO that the free flow of. the
water ia iatortered with at tlaea.
ladleatioaa Tbet fpeta te WOUag ta
Make Knterial riaiiinlnni tali
Chat Imperatire Rota -Bee Been
AUeped Zbat dpeoal Bleetiaa Voti.
Beat to Bedrid—Che Adalmistra^
pee Were M Peated TXatil dattlee Ftm.tB ita PoaiUen AActfag
ordap Xaateed of Pridaj;.
Ot)ban AAlra
aa^ee Bap. Miab.. Bank ^Tke
Waablagton, March M.—It to
ia thta oeaatp U pe- nonnoed offlelallp todap that tbe gorealiar aad It !• now a natter of naeer- .eraor baepr«aent<d.'thiymgb Mlatoter
t^tp ai to wbetbar aa cleetlea for Woodford, at Madrid, e'canfnllp pre-.
Blaa aeaator eaa be legallp'bi
peiwd aeto deallog with tbe dtotreaeingaeaatorlal
oeadlUona la Cuba, and making clear
BrMap rrealar. TowaiUp aerk Sea* that this gorrmarat cannot o
waeDotatheaBeaadUe noUeee
not poated seUl Satardap. K<
» bring the prraratltrn^le,^^ tl
local poIiUUaaa arp rerp aeeb ia troa rafferlng it U oeca^oning, to a elcee.
Me, aa Prldap wae tbe lateet tbe aoUoaa
Tbe note wae aobmitted to tbe Spanoeeld he poated legallp. borne eep it U lab goremBcat the Utter pert of lari
all right aopwap. otheca aap aothiag week.
aad BtUl othere think that
A . brief cable waaivcelredtMm Mr..
electioB loir Biato eeaator at thle time
bnt thto la hewoald be Ulegal.
llered not to bare oonreped the Spaniab
replp. at it waa 4-oofloi>d Urgrip to lapnirp. It can be atab-d poaiUrelp,
howerer, that the Speaiah anawer haa
been made, and it ennoot he donbted
that it to in the haada of the anthoriUea bareBotb tha note of the United SUtaa
^4 tbe aaawer of Spaia are oenaermtire. whleb, bewerer, deee not ovrr> the dignified firmaeee which
addition to thtoaedoB a r.
• •
and bU taaattea bUl
Tbe Daiaoeratopiel
tU field
> ead decided
tbet it
apt expedient te piece e
Demecfwtte rwedldate in tbe fielA
Ir all kinds of
We osU spedsl Attention
to our
You have
the prettiest
in town.
i; 1T.0M boabria of pelateoa U
I to Ue
aemtoiy «f Ue manttok aad Mr. Qas^
At onr Une of Wl^eel. befoi-^ rod bnj—We hive the
“Outing,” the easy. miminK bicycle oi 189a
Marthan BlocL
now on sslB.
tog. AUladtoal
aao FR««T 8TRCET.
Spring Hats. jYeRtenlay
bald U Mariregna. «U1 be givna at Ufa from oatsde Ueeityl Dr.
Sale of all popnlar Sheet Knaio et
half price will Im eoatfaned for thirtr
dipa longer. W. W. Kimball On.. US
Bicycle Repairing!
Aatb bask tanadar
4e A doable roll
6o A donUe roll
6e A donble roU
8o A doable roll
lOo A doable roU
Mr. ead Mra Ike Win
girl Satardap sight at
Blaghaat; weight, eight poaada.
Begalar BepobllMB Roaalaee
•tate Seaator Opealp XleMarea that
Waahlngtoa. March M-—The eabiaet
Be Woald Reattilp Popport Anp
meeting todap was Urgalp derolod to
to Lift tbe Borraadieg tha praaldeet'a memage. After
rfea Pmn the People-Rie PoeiUoa
dtopetohed ti the Capitol, aonte
Oleerip Set Forth la a Fow Words. Uam wma ■naat !e the oonaideraUea of
Borrpa M<«iibie Bacuai>—Haring re- UU mceeagre from Mink
oaired the aowloatloo ae Bepablicaa Althoogh the drtai'i of tbeee diipatebe aot made pcblie it l« keowa that
caadldate to rrnrrannl thU aeaatorial
thep are reeaaurtog in.tkelr ehancter
diatriot In the aUt* lerialntere, end aad glre baaia for the belief that the
tbe fact that apeelel legblaboa will be
int atralncd relatlona will yet be
ncted^npoa ettbe preeent eeaelon, it aetUfaetorilp reliered. A member of
Tor which we^ A^nte.
map be- le order for me to eteU mj the cabinet eald after the meeUag that
mach more bopetol.
pOalUoB apoe tbe qeeetloa uf unlioe.
tbaa tbep were three dapa ago. It IsJ
beUrre le the eqeel ae^e.t
1a wiinagi
and other prwp- to make Impertasto
This to Ue meet p&pnUr Hat
ertiea, 1 Uorenghip and «nn|p he- agroeiag to withdraw her troops from
made, aa Ue wearer always b«e
U« asaeraoec et cerrecteiylcaad
Itora U baring ereipud all kinds of Cnha. tm eondltloas more liberal and
eoaelllaterp than aapthlag hltheru rw
Ue beak
proper^ pep iu fair share ef Ue pabeelvbd. Ue erldentlp hopes to aretd
It will be aap datp aa ei
Ile berdees, aed anp maaaure that war. erea If oompalUd to make aaeri■ ef the reenlt. aad i
lid bring ahent thU reanlt wanld fleea aerar before eoealdered. Kot> eoweideratloa la in- hare mp heartp snppcrt.
withaiendiag the hopefal eigne
aegnUatleea bare net pemad tbe daaJ. W. Mtr.nn
ger point. !t to beliCTddHbnt this gorarament will aceepl so
that dona net UrMra tbe prwipt aeoeatUmef hoatUiUaa
pads flotiUa With Raral
Vwola Sam aad Will Boaaat
WeoUagtaw, Karebtt.—Sp^bbear
Madrid. SpaU. March tt.-It to de To FroTldo TeUag Plaaae aad Ooaof grace la rapldlp abertealeg. Breato
eldar Bl^ Water in tbe Biver.
are eewoaw^iriag to bring tbo orieia clared Uat Um Spoaiah goremmeat
eoentor clai^ against the Unit
toebcedteloadapeartwo weeka at
Ibe coaacil met in epeeUl eeeaion
ed Sletea; eUe tbu it refnaea to admit peeurdap aftereoon to ooeaidar the
the farthaat
The aagarwaaa of tbe ural
mnttor of iocatlon of regtolrp and poll ieiNtad Mryete rvpMrar Md bcUCr. a. wy
I aw mtlac tbe Jiea'i
to atop tba SpaaM torpedo beat flotUU relief direct te the
ing places U tha dtp for next SatenUp worhrOTw
before its arriral la Amariou watcre Brea te Bea4 relief indlreeUp by the aad Monday, reapeetirelp.
la additua
addiUoa ooe wrwwitad -Tit"
sireip. -- la
^ rvtatair ,i;:r“t'K7;
worhi. t have
rl|, I aa bulldhaa W to aodie wodlfloatioa of the OalUd Sutee to regarded aa hanag a te UU. a petltUa of
A. W. PhiUlpa to ! thr tmi Molpped Bh^In
plaaa of tho admlalatAtioa. Tha Bpaa- hamfal aide.
• n dwelling, -earuud.
the wuPkauMbl,. u> ibvM tabM-li. Doc
Ub torpedo boaU will not gat ai
matter of Ue onflow ef Ue Board- ' epM-i
>♦ yoiiv •]
. ^ Breritua
.. yrfdf *
Coba than Porto lUeo. There tbap ariU
ana rirer waa Uken ap and Ue Urge
rantee It >illb*r«acltv,driiti.
Tha Jo^as cleared from Batteaa qnahUtp of logs et tbe Trarerae Clip
be tea tlmae ee far frott Herane aa oar
fleet aow aaeboM near Kep Weet aad Bap no tbet the Creeoeat eaa now get Lamber Co. tokea Uto eonaideratien.
I do alt kinda of Braaiag, Valeaaiiin and oat.
After aomedlacnaaioa Ueboard of pabMra. Abiwhnm Aiait reeaired notiee Ik works wa* aBUoriaeJ to clear Ue ing. and mp BeaaaeliagV Ue fineat
It la tbe preeeat pnrpoae ef tbe adUai pon caa get anpwhera, and far the
■ Sp^ bereetf flada pmlerdap that aha had hoes graated a rirer ee that Ue hacking np of Ue least money.
a wap eat of the dUemma. to bring on widow's peariOB of S8 per moeth.
water ahoeld not occur.
Come la and aee
Mtoeee Orace aad Inna Ceaniagbam
the criaia before tbla Beet renobea
. S. 0-ZB13S,
•■oothwiter. One of two thinge U were preeeated bp their father Satari
. therefore prettr anre to happen dnripg dap with a flae •■Conatest” biepaU.
Tbora will be a masting of Travaree Bald a Beetu« Teetordar aad
reader Cuba tor a eaeh
Oitp U. B- K. p. at tbair nnaorp tbiic
Mamed H. B. OampaU for
aa Oomea aogimu or In aoM ytto oreslag at 6 o'aack. All ara mqnaated'
- Tbe State Saa^
wapaolre tha problem, or Pracld^ to be praoeat for dr^
afieneoa a aew phaaa in
McRlnlep will ley the whole matter
Sam CbambarUU, a talented baajo
waa prebefore oengrcee in Ume ta permit eo-^
ooUtot, who baa pUped U the laiga eeated. wbea.ataa Imprempta amettioa wbleh will enable onr flplng
caatora tbeatraa, to here aad wUl aaatot lag of a few toeal tree silver adv»sqnndnw to Intercept the armada be- U tha'mIastrM partermenea April litb.
eaten, la Ue ofiee ef Hr. C. J. Ki
fore it eaa read Barana.
land. n. 0. O
Ost npea tha open ocean tbcea tor- .TbijVwlUba
an n free allver I
- pado hoata w«mM be at the merep of Friday erealag of Tmreme OityChap(or tbe ntete naante. to fill tbn pUen
oar jfalaari Tbap are not effecUre Ur. Ne. 101, A A M. Work U Ue
fonanrlp oeenpUd 1:7 (Uorge 0. OovellJ
ban.aara 4a oomparaUralp amootb water.
It WM tbn original Intoatker of Ue
Ibair earner aeerop woald be easily quek
aea LaegwerUr to pr^ariag to Demonmlatosamen candidate and a
daptiwped, aad wlthont freqeaai re- ae«^ of thrir coal ea#plp the horaeU reevnae tbe herberiag bwriaeee et hto meeting ef Us
-of the Spaatoh- sarp woald noon fall old ktand weet of tbe Bentca Ston, np Ue 9TU dtotrlet was called at tha office
rtotlam to oer rapid (ire gnna. T^eir etalra. B. B. Sltrembasaceeptodape- o( Pratt A Davto.
la the jaeaaUma 3ndge Jaman 0. ' Ten want a earrUge that fa diSereat
great speed wweld ernU them aotfaieg aiUoe in bto ebop aner Statoberg'a
am^ell waa aetivals a movement to from what evaipeae eUe haa. and we
withoat fnal. ead is e dap or two Oraad.
have them. The bodlea are all made
iaeto, en n free eUver BepaMtoea
8. ta. Selur et But Bap. ah cntheRlaDae|M& aa4 Oolbmbto eooid
in diffenat^ofsaad Uere aranevnral
plope ia Staafa abisato mUl, mat wlU ticket. B. D. Oamptoll. «bo waa a can
oapUiwor sink the. last owe of tham.
aa accident peaUrdap wbtU nealtod didate hetora Ue BrpcbUcan eaaato^
Onll U end look them
iawbadlpUeeratodhaaA Dr.Oarsnr eomaalttec at Ito rrgnUrlr 6alUd
over and pon will eap Uat Uep areUe
attended tbe iojared.^aa aad ampata- lag lut FrMap evaoing, and faUed to
fiaeat line of Baby Oamagmpoa evw
BIgto Watarin tba S
reaalvn t.ba eadoraemaot ef Ue commit
ted a Unmb and finger.
saw. aad Ue price to no higher than oa
Tbe Toaag Ladiee^ Foreign Mtoakm- tee. J. .W. BUUku recelrUg tbe aom'
yon have aua
Tbe rirw to Ugfaar aew than it baa rp eoetotp of Ue. Oongregatkaal iaatkia.
^aea far awap paan aad botworn the UorA will meet Wedacedap erenUg
Oalea street bridge at tbo H. A K. B. attbebbmaef MtoaAUeaOrawferd. A
lag In Ue oOee qMtrXaM]
aad tbe Freat ato^ tact^ tba
of Ue
at wbkb Uere ww M repr
One Place In Town To
Save Money By Buying Wall Papon
Auotlier lot of aelect a^Ies in Drees Goods Patterns e
y quality, get jronr new drein st
RelUble Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
Wheel Enameled For S?.5tt
Good solid leather oountera, soles and up
pers—that is the kind that wears.
904 Union BtTMt.
8onth81d» Shoe Stan.
Wa hlva nloa Appln, Onagn Ind ian, Hu
Drtod Aprluti, ItauhoA PnmiA
fe{etables, Cttoaie, ligts arf Huts.
B« *87-
MS Front SIreM.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Poetry Contest
iin End AprU 1st
Bobooi girls should not forget {that
their poemsmuathe at onr atore not later
than April let._Wo_believe tl^_to be a
very interesting ae'well as'a.ve^y'■lnBtruotive contest. -mm
Girls, do not miss this chanoe of try
ing to earn a new dreeel
S44 Pront Bt________ BrosehfiXook.
I Komrara bboobd.
^wuTiatia omr. • laomoAii
8tolabaq«a Oraad aflar that data. aHU
I taiBtobad maMe bp tba orubaatra.
rrafiiiiM Borat AAd.Qtaaaee wlU
taka pa^ tka Siot weak la Map. ob
- Mtaalhto-
TOR ONLY $2.50
ComplPte Abrtrset of tha Oeov
in At tba
torp.BAUap tbalr ba
EaCdrty Awsitad.
Aboak tba aaooad weak la Jalp. lhap
\j. W< HAnu. Bdftor ud Mvufw.
WiU apoa A Baaaamtarp. with aa raSUSS0aiPT101t8.
taifad fabatip, TbawalB wlU ba to UIE> FBOX TEE BETOBT nmj
‘aataUtob a pamaant eaaaarsatarp af
Bdata. aad Baba Trawaa aip tba
ttn* mMta.tr MO.
aiBSto eaatraottbtopartaf tba atata. CeeUlai^ tba Para Batabitobod bf
tba Coon af taqoup (tan
aad aa adeb. ta ba aaeoBd ta
«My«mkrma. .
tba Bttdaata.
Tbap wOl ataoarpaalM a tarpa orOm OOMtuM
ebntn for ooacart work aad wUI plra
kick elan aaocarta frea tlBS ta Uaa.
V Cm «. SAtai Am i. W. HAna.
• •STTMtata oHr. MMtA. n MA7te»«U u atew
ot tba famtf rMrAa of
' ^Uamb. Mr. T. BaUi OIanob to »i
•mMBitel «leM.
prtawi U« BOBital dlTMtar At AIiaa
CtoltofA. n* to A KTAiuta of tte Amr*
i«AA OoUen 6f BAAto At Maw ToA
aIao a pApa of OhArtoA BaUa
mrpwblitai ntr TuM.
Ftar Aickt pfAn ba WBB At tba baod
WmiUjmof tba Klorb Oobbv Babaol ol MBoto,
BroeklpB! K. Y. fnarwArda ba took
tba B<^ dapartBaal At
BaoBooU OoUara. BasBOoto. Mtob..
Vor atj itmMmr—
rbara ba raBiBlaad fsrtwo Pbata. laor' YIC^ PBTSKTYL.
lAC tbara to taka op tba poBlUoA ba
fbrMoo] iMptcMFoow bolte At AIba OoUafA. -Hto oa. 0BA8LB8T. ORAWK.
Btoo laalBdaa tba laadaiAbip sf a
■tar Mmbm Bovd at PaUie Wc
baad of fartp plaoaa At Atborp PAHt,
K. J.,tortwo peA*A.
AaboProteaaarBi--------------,----------TBOIUS MOtn^TOH.
taadad tba rtelii raoitAl clraa bp bta
■tar JhUm 9t tb* Ptaueao SAtardAp a*aolBir. la Staiabarf'a
OMd. AAd'
bp MAAArar Btaiaborr. MOda BA farthar
iBtrodBatlan to ba ABaAiad of bto AbUltp. BatoBMoftbaateattAlaAtadBAd
hia oolj ktad wotAa to
akillad TidUatotBOf tbaatata. aad baa
«■ of^OB. B. D. CAmpbaU. «bo
idwUSad Artth bbbIc
bto UIa
1 pABtardAp bp tba Mlaar Baba 'to At ptaant boUlac A proBiBaat poBittoa at
for atata BMAtar. botOBl
taAtlBfflp ABd ABBwarrlArlp aopporta blBAOoUata—that of tba baad of tba
a dapartAMBt. Ba to a cradaAU
Mr. J. W. KUlikaa, tb^ rarAlar aemiof tba uciaaaraattirpofBBriB at WUa■aa of tharapabUcAapArtp. Yba pa-
•ttfao takaa bp Mr. MllUkaa OABAOt
d fABtlaaBOB to asart tbalr oaarfp
MtaBaattbaanrav^of exacp talr—aab-Klt to tba daetoimtlaA of a aad abUttiak tbara wlU ha bo rai
wbp tbto oil* aboaU aot baaoBo
■AB wha^baa tba U^aat aad boat 1baw of BaaltaloaliaralB_BartbatB
baraat of|tba wbota paopla at beartj MtoblfAB.__________________
•^wbepropaaaatoaettBpartiAllpABd ta
■oWBBhIp MOBBlMtkBa.
Btoacat teiraeaa BpcB all oocabIob
tba axicaBeiettaf tba aaaa map daaaBd.
It la tba baaaat deelaratloB of a
. arbo eaalba traatad at aU Mpiea aad la
TreoBBrar—Praak M. BabUb.
•U plaaaailta do tba rl^bt tbtac. Ybto
OAwiatoaloaar of Bipkwapa-Baph
la ^ tbBl^LBptmAB oofht to ba aakad
m do. Mr. MlUikoa' to tba rafraUr
■ABlaaa of tb<BapabUcaa pari>. Bto
•bUltp aad tetacrltp^ asqDeatlo
Srarp Maod of rood foimBaat
OBfalp rota far.tbe r^alar BapabHaaa
■oBlBaa and ba aartala that Ib aa
OMlIaat decraa wfll tba lataraBta of
tbodtotrietBBd tbaatata bo aartoetod.
Tbb aaatraat balweaa laber oaodlMem U Barepa aad>ii(.tba Uaitad
Mataa aadar ito protaebra tariff to
pbiBtad oat 4a a reeoBt report froB
towltaarUad bp Coaaa)-Oaooral Daboto.
vbo abowa tba ararafa wapaa of aar■aatan aad j^ara la Baropa to ba 80
eaala a
a^alaat St.17 1b tba yaltad
Btatea, aad aapa that aa a raaalt tboao
•C Borapa are oompaUad to lira abaaptp. tbata- ebl^ f^ baiarbraad aad pa
tatoaa. aaldom uiaf maat, Utiap la
•aaoBaat boaaai aad la ararp waa laaa
araU paid it fbair aaralaca aawaat to
SR por Boatb. wbUa tba ordiaarp toeotaottra firoBoo ia tba Uallad Stataa
- aora aaaallp tSO par BMStb. TbajoarBapBoa tailor la Oaatral Baropa c«to
OBlp SS for «t boan' work. wkUa hto
iallow-warkBoa la tba Uaitad Stataa
pota $U far ao boarm' work. Par aH
foods parebaaod la Baropa. lAborara
Mure But pap as BQcb aad fieqtwatlp
taora tbaa AuertcAa workuaa pap for
lha, taBo Uad. aad qoall^ 1a tbto
COALBlaiv. wbiebaaffarod aaeb A
daprmloB udtr the low tariff ratw
Bad tba pAaatal ataaafaetulap aad
Witooo Uw. to belap preatlp baaetud
bp tba hlpbar tariff a^ rariilaplodaatctoa of tote Oiap^op Uw. Boporta
tooB tba Marplaad alaaa aap that tba
ladsst^ tbara **to ahowiap prastar
.'Mritp At tbia Aeaaaa of tba ymr tbaa
at aap aoaaoa la iu btotar7.”.wbUa raforU from other aaettoas ato aqaallp
fiatUplAp ABd show that tbo-eeal bU'
on AS wall aaotfaart latoraatad la tba
JadaotriasW the oanalrp Bade bo Btodaln la roUap far protoetloa ta 1898.
■leMnora Bant aad Otaaaoa wiU
Pl»« giw U . trid.
Steiiilief(t Grud Open fleni
Traverse Belle.
Diamond J.
and for Ten Ceots^ the—
Made by A. W. JAHRAUS,
— u. Quo, ^atoou.
....OF THEL.
ill ThiTWeek.
Comedy Co.
Mr. Me Simon
A New Feature aud a Long Felt
Wa are opaatag a full aod aottftata
ca.LHM.hf. Ml Ota
Baddaa Paatb ta MaaQalciaa
Bowtaad Doaptaa raoatrod a tatac
pntardap attaraooa aaaonaHap tba
^tb af tbo wUa of bto taotbar, Baapaa Deaplaaa. at Maantaaa.
Doaptan died rarp aoddaalp. Baapaa
Ooaptan waa fonaorlp'bf tbto atp.
wbara ba baa naap trtaada Bo waa
oapUipad at tba aaplaB. lulMp aa
baa baao ta Hebratba, wbara btorMfa.
aaaetadtaaiM iolablB.
^ -
Bicycle Riders.
Millinery Departnient,
aooe. la tbto departaMbt wa------ aotgatagta dovtoto (lota oar
tang aalabltobad nraettoa of' givU
Ivtag tba beat vmlaaa for tba .laoat moo«y. Oat
^ Boat parttoatariy wUt----------------------be to
BiUtaerw doparttacot a tuaort tetba most tasbtooAbU. PABISIA
.BISIAM MODEL pattara tela oaatod by oararttatto
MisaJaAAto B. Talmer.
whom wo
kava ongngfdTor tba aai
ra eiqatoita ta dattga haoottfol la lira aad gattore. Ws're drvotiug a
wbtob wa ora aow farAk
Our purchases in Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes
have been immense. Go<^s |
looming in by tbe car load.
Many of them now on sale.
“The Tickei
Of Leave Man.”
Clothing Department
Oar wABk fabrtea ora
^ tat^dawaatto o^~ farotga pro-
Popular Prices,
Shoe Department
We extend an invitation to
an to examine onr daily arri>
vals, a spec^ one for onr
sfiring opMing, which we ‘
win announce later.
Xa oar.-------
Dress Goods Department
Cloak Department
Row taOor modo jolto. tataat stylo.
Jactoott aad Oapao. KhtoooUo Wrta.
BvMytb^^ to nyltoh ^ aobkr
low It
10, 20. 30c
Boston Store,
Qian Btodi.
A LONG . ^
ttu start aad para a
rnairtrr jrbtob aapt ap tat
taterest aU tSa araatap, wblla. “Tba
Paetorp UirP waa batap prnaatad
aad taarktar. At fraqoaat tatarrata
■padalUn ware tatrodooad bp atorar
paqttoaadfallpappractotaA Thalrst
alpbt tna a aoBcan far the oo^aap.
' •Tbe Tbdut of Lnra Mao”
tba attraettoa.
XlddS, Sll Vront BL, But.
that the best for Five Cents is the—
riHw •( • «lu t)Mw ta* Vrwsl..
Atmaa M tar aais •• ta* rim Kaau.
wm cmatusa *1 ia* wma obom
Ai-uo ruu ta>
WasblastoB. Hatoh ^-lAXoclatad
Mtoi Bobrooa Kidd who koa baaa vtoPrraa Abatrset M Oeun ofSMulrp Ba- lOac frtoads ta tba elty. roturaad jaaport. Copprishi. UM. br iba Aaaoclated terday to Truoqoa Ule^eouatij.
Jadfs BoberU raluraed jrtatarday
brrrwUb. A coBipleu abatrart of the re (roB GraadTtlta wbaru ba attaodad
port ft ibc eourt of taoulry wbJcb ta- tba fuaarALof tba Bolbar qt Mru. Bobrestlgateo the r r^klns of ibe battle- urto.
v-w- —
ablp Maine. Thieabetraet It made from
Tba Mtoaas Jdaata aad Beaato Falrtbf report lleelf. act.«et to which waa baajta of Bad ^agkat. Mtob.. aru tba
obialaeO yeeterdey deepiu att^al •»- gneeta of Mi*a LaBrooJp They are aa
crarr KsparaUeled la the baMlItit of tbalr way aoatb.
offirtai pepera The report Is atads up
Bev. Howard Moore U axpaetod boas
aC eight parti, as foUowa:
today froB Onaway. Presque Isle eouaPint-Tbe court flads that at tbe
ty, wburu be baa been aaatottag Bor. L.
tim of tbe nptaaloa the
Bufr la a aartoa of BMettafa.
Maim wme lying in Are and oae-balf te
Mtoa Giato Itoaaley of Mapta City, bus
Ota tatboiBB or water.
Aecond-The dlectpUae aboard tbe baoo vlaiUnr frlsada bera tar tbo taut
ablp wrae cseeRemi everrtbtag stewed few days. Today sbo aUrtt ter ter
iaaw to attead tbe Chrtotlaa Baitoatnc
tIOrra. etc. Tbe temperature of^ ibe
BAgaslnre at 8 p. m. wae aortnal'‘cxerpl It- the after ten-tacb augaali.e.
and that did not explode,
aats Alimm riM I
Vbtrd-The exploaloo occurred at trtS
O'eloek OB tbe evening of Feb. U. There
were two cxploUpna with a very ahurt
Interval between tbdin. Tbe ablp lined
on tbe nret exidotton.
Ftairth—Tbe court can toRn ao deftalie otHnioti of the condition of tbe
wreck from divers' ertdenea.
waa explodad under tbe ahlp on tbe
port Blda
Pixib—Tbe axploalen was dtw to no
fault of thoae oo beard.
Aeventk—Optaloa of tbe court stating
that tbe explosion of tbe mine catwed
tbe exploeloB of two magaamea
Eigbih-Tbe court dectarea Ibat It
cannot And evidence to Ax tbe reeponiablUty.
CIvre ta* Mm Spm *. DAetpaM.
The report li onantrrooe nnd ta algned
by all the member* of the court. It dun
aot refer to the cxiBlenee Or noo-existJpatloe af tba PsAca—Jaba W. Sbaw. ence of mlnee In the harbor of Havana,
Beard « Bartow—Pardtaaad F>o^ except In the spKlAc finding that a
mine wae expludid under the ehip and
tbe opinion (hat the explooloD of tbe
two magasinee was caused by tbe exploMoe of a mine. Tbe report as a wbole
la a formal, dlspaaslunate recttnl of
faeta and bears the stamp of that
—WUba WIpkto
atrtrt ufflclalliim which marks naval
proeedure. l( Is brief: not exceeding
^ HopkiBA
eighteen hundreds words, and among
Trsasatar-A. M. C. Lawto.
the eight pan* goes to the greatest
Sebotd laapaotaf-Gao. MarraU.
length under the aecond beading which
Board af Bartow—H. OUbart.
deals with the discipline and order of
the ekip.
Jaattaaof tba Paaoa-faU tarB, 1
lM-p*erM aeetOeetst Cm
U. H. Owaapar.
This the court spedfiea with extreme
ninutecHoa. (he least detail of the aatlsSeperriaor-CbaA. Tbonpaoa.
faciorr bondmon of ererrtblng onboard
being given. The normal temperature
Qark-Cpraa Marrall.
of tba Urge forward magashies at 1
Triaanrai ft B. Cartto.
o'clock—only on hour and forty minuter
Seboal laapaetor-L. W. Lpaa.
Board af Bortow-A. A. MorraU.
JnUoa af tba Paaea-faU torm. DaU
optnlon that the explosion of a mine un
Brldpr, abort toTB. Waa. HaMard.
der the port aide of ibc ablp caused tbe
explosion of tbe two magaglnes. This
•attorn By Motn
will explain the remartutbie destnvtlM.
Dr^Lopaa irUlAa^toarA for Ptaito. wrought, the explosion thus belnp
Mleh..wberabahaa A aaw.SOd. Bo shown to have combined ih* frree of a
learn Baap trlaada aad takaa tbalr ndoe without and two n .. azine* with
pood wtobaA4o bis aaw boau.
The potato inaoo' baa aot apaaad abort Interval between them, is an addi
owtap la tba oaadlUoa of tba raada Uonal deUM abowlng that (wo tome
Tbara are Are bapan for tba foiwptora operated in causing the dcstracHon.
ABd napaUUoa wUl ba Urolp.
t that the tal
Tba aprtap Meettoa to andtlap a
pood deal af latomt. Tbara are tarn
toekatt aad atrarml OABdUAtea.
of tona Tbe feature of the report of
Tka aereapa of petataw wlU ba poa- deepest
Intereet to tbe nary Is the comaiWp ua par ent. ta neon ot-taat plete exonerattoB of Captain BIgabee
and all on board. Tbe Inability of tbe
court to And evidence to fix rasponMTbaatrlOAl Motn.
bdlty. es stated la tbe etghtb part,
A crawdad boose proeted ibe BIbob makes t he re portso guarded ID cxpreml oa
Ooaudp Co. ta Statabarpta Oraad Opan of bUmc that neither Bpalo nor the
BooMtastaicbt. TbaeoBpaapca^t Apanltb are mntlojted tbroucbouL
Prafaaur a B. Boast my* T. Bath
Otaaaoa. both Bow of AUu Ooltara.
Mkto . to orpmataa aad oaaldBM^AtrietIp- tbaatra cwbaetta. ttwlD ba\oanT. Xtotb Otaaaoa aad O.B. Bant waad
paaad of tao BsabBs. ndh of 'totooB
wfUbatrst-etantabtollao. la fbot, tafkaakfortpaBtardapattorBooBior a
8bo orebtattm. wbkk wOl bo baiFa oo (aw dapa’ rWt, bafera ratantap ta
'Otolabaip's Oraad Opna Baaao OrobnUA." w&l boAspaod. oomUtoitap
in alaa, AB aap ta tba atota, wttbaot Mawa Oa., bn ntiniid dam
«V.1«> Solid WhMU to Onto, do it ok«pw ud oin Ml« materul ud work lb.ii u; .bop in tbo dtp. Ho« lud oerenl
pevo-expenure ond gurutoo Mtiifaction.
^ Is agood thing to have, especially when it Is weU filled. But i
yonosnhny so much for your money in
at tlfis store that yon don’t need one.
... . jBbar tkal I do aU kinds of rapalrtac aadwnaBaUac.aad tkat 1 eaa
and do flvB von tbo bast work of aoy
OM la Ibe dty tor tko Boaaj. Doe>t
ba diaalved by wtat otbara tall jvr
ooiaa aad aaa :
'^I^nsHMtas all aiy work toko rifkt,
aad U It doBBol proto ao 1 ataka ll
la tm«(MoekaaaBT ovMtaf,
oaaana Saadar. laYho OaUasMl to Uio^toaBdtar, at aortk oad rt Uatoa
Our values in this line are 80 go<>d that pnrohasen enoe :
we customerssJwsya WeareshowingoOtTeotspring styles i
. In shoes.
thb »ommra MdoM>,;rniwPAT. imtcH s9,
»IS mill m Bn
usm urns .to
Thtj Ara ToM TWt tk* Tim)a Mur
hpaiB •eearac ta ca*>i
peace, ter the preaeat at least There ti
SM>d autbonty for aayias that SpBlah
prebtBt a-tab U to Bccorc a ceesatloB
of tetnitiaa In Cuba raiber ibaa to
BBfBcafna war with tbe Uolted Btat^
aad that K Is more than probable tbati
at the UhlM states and the Bainsta
»lnlslry will take that tun - la tbe
Banedlais future. Tbe preseat Spaatab
miniatnf has professed a pacibc dUpoaltloa from tbe beftanlnf. and tbe
ladicatkma are stronc now that it wlU
avail Uaelt of tbe food offices of tbs
(IL OEiufiE Of RAii
Fftila 07r*r tha PraW* StatW. Pith
th« Rivars and Flood* the
Farm Landa.
. Suua,
btlndnc »o aa end Uw bostUiuta-la
On tbe i«rt of tbe adminlrtratioa R k
• - «eay Vkmiiiv.
tbWktak<b» »>i^bn«t ap«i.en^M atated that tbe deveiopmcat of the sitaatloa will not reualre a rreat letiftta - uoaosaiy risidiSac atob«'caseMwu«ae
of Ume. aad brace that ibere wiu be ao
ywapto Astoee-N.. Uvs* ara««*4 Um.
extended delay. A ppUcy has beeB«rnUy
Bprtnyftold. Ilia. Matoh rt.-fUiu
determined upon by tbe president It
Is to briBf the Cuban war to a dose. poured down In lorseats nearly a^ ^t
Tble will be acoompilehed by plated' uittay nlybt and yeaietday forenoon,
laterrentlnn. tf neeeaaary;
and the rula fan la elybteen hours was
i far preferable that the
w yu k«t
1 , llArri)
he“ra^ 4.to Inches, the yreaieet rain fall la
sbonid c
> the result of pesceful twraiy.fnur hours for elybtera years.
«.—8«u»«*» ni*bt ii 1
an that It should be acThe preniptiaUuB duriny M^rcb.-bM
ttMU OB BUe«ed toot B«4bertir U»:
been h.il liK.-beA the yrealdC' cveii
ttM PBlBoe oOdala bu« h«a NMlrad b the part of tbs United States. I
known here. Tb^Sanyahven riVer to
Btpte- diBpBteli from'lUdrtd which to tbe dlsposltloii of Ibe president
badly ovarfl.-wao abd la still rlBin^>w{'i
««Mt wUd n>rcpBr* for w»r."
an armltUoe with the Cubqas and lo to expected at the Water works that
aUow her a reasbnable time In wbicb tb* flies under tbe boilers trill be exthat thtf Unt* for-a%
>a or «clB7 on to come to an ondcratandinf with tl
tlnyulabed. sod It may be several days
«te port Of BpBla >
tbrn bernre-walA- can he pumped. RailII caa be statdl upon bifh authority road trajcnr is badiy .rippled.
that there has been no Abatement of
MIUmMs KIvwr (Vmwiwb •'» ttapMly.
tODdoB. lUrcb a-Tho audrtd cor- the pteeldfnt-B inUntlon to see that the
Tleardslown. Tli* . March r* —A severe
‘ NBpandmt of The StBBdard sare: "1 war Is terminated—when It la dosed— rata storm visited this iMH-ilon BaturBpoe terms that wOl render the Cu day Blyht'and yesterday. The IIUm^
able to bUU that
fotlowin» ii bans practically a free people. It Is not
yesterday raised alxicra Inehca^
Um real ooarae of tbe BecoUatioita: believed that they would accept say- river
----- - --------------- overflowiay Its
tblnc lest, nor that Americans would banka and Inundaiillny tb
tbiniBand* of
UbIM «tBta MlBluar W9odtord had bs aaOsned If we should enconrace a
nd. A htor«e portkw
under water.
BB qOelal >otart-le«r ^(b tbe mlaletwret lorelKB attain aad tbe eoleadee.
amon OuUon aod MorBt. at tbe prirate
residence of tbe fomer. It Uated two
a day at least.
bonra. Oeacra) Woodford lefT with
■nu. looUnfto ibe ei
tlMB mn official note explalalar folly
'st. Louto. March a.-^Speclals to Tbs
the new* and iatemieoa of the AmerRepublic
received from tbe foUowbas loaf, been the hope of tbe ad- Iny lowais'ln Illinois;
IB tble docDinea
mlrJttratlon to brine Spain to
lUiopolto-Tbe Wsbaabralrnadbridfe*
r Intimatloa
point of jnaklnr prc-porttlons
aaj dau taed.-hot it wae tiearly and this ^character as the basis
Bnilr sUted 'tlM the Unltwl SutcA a settlement most aailsfaciory u
•orenuDcnt coiild Dot loafer wlthbold parties, and It 4s hoped from Bpsle's
Chn coBfreea the correapoDdeDce and attitude that this time has arrived. Tbe
lumed the
coa«^ nporta which cot only put Id frtend* of the adminisinition feel tbai . .
... and everyCab«fbt U» coDditiOD of the dletreMcd the Bltusilon U a very delic ate one. and tblny to flooded. The IINnoto and SbaIbat much will depend upon the eo
rtu<d popolaUOD of Cuba, tbe loade- cencresa may puisue. - In the meaatlmc yamob rivers are raylny abd tbe ad
qaate reUef and tbe peraieience of die.
Idem will en -Wedneaday send jacent lowland flooded tlx to elfbt feet
deep, dolny yreat damaye.
diSectloB. bat aJao abowed that tbe new
Petersbury—Tbe Sanyamon^ river has
‘*Bh>itlal policy aad other efforteof Bpain
risen tbree feet in the last twenty-four
/ had not prodDced tbe result* that would
hours and to sill) rtriny an Inch an hour.
jBMlfy holdlBf out tbe prospect of wriy
More than flfty fair.lilcB h*ve ^>era drlv.
from their hohies by tbe flood and
loiTT—1>— *e Csai y»rj Bbm.
are bciny cared tor by rittoena.
‘'CoBaaquenUy the American cote lay*
Heevlewt tialw *wr Iblrtr \trnn.
•tre** tipoo tbe tact that contiafendn
Wastalnirtm. March A—Tbe impec^
mdlerevllie—Tb* heaviest raJn•r*.BOw fast approachlitf for tbe action tani event of tbe week In coapTcsa wHI
r that has been known for thirty
' which was foreshadowed In presidential
fell j-esterday. dsmsyiny dty
irnnsmiUlBf tbe report on the property to ihe extent of Cl.oev or mor*
dance ao trequenUy and clearly dnnnx
It three years. Tbe American UalDe court of InqnlrT. which la ea- and private property to about tbe sa.
•- - - ” ' ■■
d the ianfoace of Ooneral Wood- pevted ear^y In the sesale^ today, The
e with SenorGullOB BBderatandlBf In the senate I* that tb* water, rs
_ — -- _ _ _
MTC DO doubt Ibat ^ is tbe iBteoUon report win be refered to tbe committee ly and sweepKto everyL_
Uhlrayo, Pe
Of tbe Waabinfton sovertiment to act
forelm relations aad sent to the
Tory sooib beflnnlny wub ib* cotn- printer without belnr read or mote than oria and 8t. !./>uls railway bare forte
brMye. Tbe
B M tbe above document aad inrtdratally referred to. and that after
Sanyamnn river to rlslny very fast and
tbu BotUnf more will be «ld eoacern- tbe three rall-oad brldyes north of hetw
lay It un;U tbe commlitee shall tevc are In yreat dsnyer of bciny carried out.
bad a-reaktnaUc opportuniiy to con- Several levee* have broken and seme Of
alder It or until some further commu the tamllle* had oaiTOW esmpes. Tboe
at any of tb* diurcfaeB
nication may be received from tbe preoyesterday.
. eral Woodford bad by appointmem an- Idcni on the Cuban quealloa
FhniMiw AUsaesalwu Their
There bas been a rraeral app^
Other official latervlew with Seaor OulMaacootah—The reports from ^ove
Indicate that the yreat levee twenty
‘'r until the
the have
ot tn* apanun rovemmrat to tae ,„bje«
prt aldcBi can
an miles up the -Kaakaakla are expected to
opportunity to develop bis jwUcy. aad be swept away. Many farmers areabandonlny ibeir home* In the lowlands
t tbe Spaaiab forUktny their families and live stock and
ntmaat eaanot ayro* with tbe coikIu- econply w ith the ivcinest. Siltl there to iMVIny other farm
Iona the American yiTveramem ha* BO doom that tbe iraate would frow merry of the finnda Between Payeltecawa from laaecarate informatloa that reiT<eetlve under delay.. If tbe presi
and Pi. JJb.d7 the KaskaskJa to
eaa not tally with tbe recent activity
all over
rf tbe mllUary operatloiu
report the senate at once would become land traffic has twen abandoned. Spe
cials say that the MtuatSon is-crlUcai In'
the center of
of w hich would be aomc red- towns and vlllayea aoptb of Sprtnyfleld.
leal dcclaretlon ayalnst Spa‘n. Tbe
.problem now is to hrtd the cspreMon
▼ermrtea of borne rale In tbe colony.
of opinion down
iMptoCeaybr AMraw
----------------------- —— -........ccmnrttteee.
The latyeai crowd which baa attended
a aeasion of conyrciw in years was at
tbe Capitol today waltiny to hear the
official report of the board
Inquiry part of tbe city lyiny alony Bear creek
ider water, msalny travel Impoa^ tbe Maine disaster Exito limtnicexcvpl lu sklRa or vehicles TUt
■ttoos had been Issued to ihf attendant*
and admtosicn to tbe teiwr > eJ yaberles must damaye was done In Bear creek
era* strictly by catfl. Not one-teatta^of valley, wh-re a larye number of colthe people who stormed tbe doars could layes are ]•« Bled. Doth the'city and
yaln admission. The^bouse awaited tbe the Hiosobii. Kansas aud Texas rallreport wlldi feverish anxiety.,and there rvMd dykas yave way. flbodiay a •ectloa
'ew vacant seat* on the floor. two mile* louy and aroustny tbe aleep^Tiyre will be nq wild furore of oratory, iny Inmates, who barely had tluto to
In the bouse nftax the report to read. escape. Ibere were many narrow e*The ruies and tbe apesker will see to apes and bad it not been for the
that-^peovided a wave • of excitement prompt aaslslancc tendered by those
does aot sweep away iheniles Afterthe who owned boats many would hare
report I* read Reed will rccoyntoe perished. Many poor fainlliry arc made
Hitt to ipov* Its refersBoe. and this mo- .
- -------------- .
tlon I* not dehcuble.
. i destroyed. Fortunately there wei
committee the flndlny* of the j totallllr*.
Tbe rallrvadi suffered
board will remain there until a report la ! STvrrely.
caade by the comitiice. which wUl cer-1
Hannibal and Bt.
talDly not be until Spain’s reply makes
Railroad company Is nraabed
In many places. Their enylnea. except
tlon. Meantime the precitiiutlaa of tbe one. arv In tbe eouad b?u*e aad canluatn toeued between Spain and the Doi be moved owlny to the condition of
tbe track. Two bridye* on this road
between Hannibal and Oakwood are
nroutsL cABiKKr rorwen.'
washed out. TDr (reck ballast at tbe
Missouri. Kansas and Texas railroad la
1 Saate Xsw-Fsli<y ..f ihe r.«.We.t.
lubject tor f
e aettletneni. nn- washed out fur llfleen blocks. The eaa;
WaAlayton. March ZA-Tbe pmidrat
rad of tbe costly Iron bridye between
tbe outer depot and round bouse Ce:i
saw A number of the members j.>f the now anticipated wbicb
In the ansruouB. Tbe tons will be heavy.
cablifetat tbe White Houae yesterday ' Immediate action. Juat bow tbe
Ibe rains In tbe Oksw river boitoms In
They dropped In one fay on* unui Ui.we i efforts of tbe admlntotratlon anda< .
prearat tnclbded Saowtariw Bli*a, Al- ««rallra leaden In conyresa arTdevotad 8L Clair county have swotien that river
•o that-It Is la mewt places from three
cer. dace sad Attorney Oeaeral OrtyK* ^ to'hoidlny down conyreaa
to four mile* wide aad mere than tt«
With tbam also was Assistant Beer*.
persona have been forced to kav* their
tarT Zkay. e< tbe stAte depamneni. The
Irld. Mal^:St.-The etocUoes lo bomea.. Damaye to tb* torms win by
yathertny was nrt a special cabinet
iplta4-«:eW 1
PMeUay In tb* saade ia. waicta Uiai term
Ibe Air t-ta* train* are unable to ran
to yenerally assd. but was almply a
over their traefca because of a waaboni
talk between tbe prealdem and hto ad- eervailvea. De^te yreat prwcautlons at Gulden Oats, about IfO mile* from
Ttoers auch as occurred Sunday week at Bilbao there was much dlaorder. A SL' Louis. Tb* washout to exlenelve
erf on
n which be desired body of in miners tried to ommlt acts aad It' wfl] be acveraJ days before It
of vlolrttce. It la rvported that a Bo- paa be repaired. Prom Tandalla. Monat
o consult them. Ther Cuban
_____ _________
. _______
and the
« report 01
of tb* Maine court e( in- olallM
VeraoR. RfBnybam. Charteaion. Green'
date there. AU tbe other prqrtaeeu are -vtUe. Pittsfteld and Nashville, nts^ cmh
qulrr were tb* topics dieeusaed. but ■
toax as could be aaoenalaed aotbln
reported cahn. The Sayasts parto' wfU reports of rtofny streams and of wash
a bly tuajoruy In tbe cottea.^
outs on tb* tallcoade beeanec of the
I of the eahiaet Mylny aubaeheavy ralae. _________
TM Vary Uyht la HavaMV.
quently that there was Dolhlny new m
Havana. Marrti Zl—Teeterday was WAm «o» RBOm W UtOIASA.
•tartUay In the situatien. At tta* Miu.
r aad navy departments there'kaa- election day in Uavana and was more
ffartay tbe ewrtier portloM of tb* day ’Kulet tbaa many rlertJo'iia la New Tork.
Cbicaye and other larye Amerlran
tittle eembUnce of Sunday.
ledlanapoUa. March t>.-Tbe WRbaeh
Tbe developmrau of tb* day la tbe kUea. It to too aoea to ylv* tb* rmuK
3 the Meotioiu. .but clalas are lasdc and White river* are nn a rwmpaye. la
Oahaa MU.................................
aitoae pcattoRe of aeatbera Indlaaa tb*'
Wabash to said to ba ten nOea wM*.'
Moeb Hv* mtvek be* buaR ^rawMd la
edty bas baeer very Jlybt.
tbalowtaada Tbe Baltimore and Bowtb*«paln.'’ the reply.oonUDuce. ‘-cana
Mturally admit tbe int^erebe* wbl<
to foreshadowed lb the Arnertcan nou.
aad deprecates the aeadlny of offletal
reUef and war vsssrts to Cabs, as belof
ntarded the pseilleaUon of tbe
colony. Spain reminds tbe AmcHeaa yoveramenl of all tbe coacessioes
ab* has made to preserve peaceful reUtloBs and to conciliate tbe Unlied
Btates. tbe Ust proof beiny her wUlInimess to submit the coaSIrtiny com
mission reports Bf ta tb* Maine to arbi
UmHafC"In conclusion the 1
Show* that the-yovernment bellevea *t
has reached the -xireme limit Of concessions compatible with tb* boaor and
dlyntiy of Kpain. and will not admit
racroachmccu <m her rlyhts of eoVCnrlynty insihe »> p,i The matter now
reata with the i>rvmdrnt end both foveernmenta evldt nily ...nsldrr the Maine
affair a mere imi.irnt it. the more imporuat Imnea aU-ui t., he raised by tbe
conduct of the ^<ied Fiatcs *'
‘ Call and see the iine represented by Gee. pier'
fc Special measures-Tall men,'stout men, fat men, stub and ;
twist, lean men. all got fitted.
wcutera re*d has lest bearOy. s—y
hundreds of fc«( of roadbed havioy
been washed away. In Sullivan rou-.r>
tbe people tanted out haturday and yes
terday lo secure portions of ll:« levee
that were lbreatvi«4. Wheat all al' n.;
Indiana'* souttiern
icbms I
Bedford aad ttloomli
Indiana roods On. Hal branrb uf the
Peanryltanla road frum^Vips.eonak to
Indianapolis not a Ir^iinhas lassed
olnce last Tuesday. TT^ Wabsth iev-o
•ear Umtoop. twelve mites lung, protcclIny many tfaomand of mores pf land.
tKaU b*> a vM M knuU
wVMl WL caaMc liiiui
Vincranta. lad.. March a.-The flood
situatlob here bas SMumed an alarmtban t
00 the Indiana ktda and BaUeyrade
levee, on the llllnota aide, have broken.
Boodlny ab the t»w IsDda Hundreds of
farm* am submerged, and people
worked all Frtday f^bt moviny (beii
stock and familierfju biyh land. A
waihout occurred oa Ibe Baltimore and
Obto railroad a mil* west of this oily,
and was dlacoversdTuat in time lo'pte
vent a whole train ^unyina into it.
Rrincetoa. In^l, March ZL—Tbs water
In Ibe Wabash cenlinues lo Hs* al tbe
rale of 1-3 of an Inrb an boor, and the
Whits and Patoka livers arc rlatny at
about the same rate. Railroade are
swilchlny around'evary way lo yet to
deslloatlona. but all mnner-lion will
noon -be cut off from here, except lolocal point* I'nlee* the wair-r* Mwii
reryde tfcouaand* of dollars will tw lost
to bottom farmers There sm a cnSaturday. Much damaye haa tveen
done H. atfeey4nd watoajn this cHy.
MrRHicabR IX ixbia» TtcMfroav.
Se Tbmlly RUM br fhe WtM-BItoSouth McAlrster. I. T. March Zl-A
tenifle aind siorm swept over tbecountry'between ihla place and Leblyfa and
Colyale Saturday nlybt. Knur farm
bouse* were demoltobed Th<«* reportkilled
rs fteafoam. srlfe and
three Children,
Paenenyets. arrtvtny
from Lehlyh sti t that >D
D IIhe country
nado did yreat
damaye. and that many
killed and iniuTMl.
Pbyalrlaa* from
various towns alony tbe H K. and T.
railroad have been sent to the aerae of
tbe reported disaster. Ip-the Immodtote
vicinity' of South McAMter conaUarable minor damayr was done.
Ardmore, 1. T., March 3 -^ destracvr wind storm aceompanled by a
psvy dowap^r of rain struck tb* div
Satunlay nlybL In the path
I. which was not over «• yards
Bixieeti dwrtliny* were truved
their foundalluns Tbe bone of
McCnIlouyh was wrecked, and
Mr* MrCbillourt was sert^pfly Injured
to Tbe Journal from Atoka. L T_ dtorredltw the report* from Boutta McAle*.
ter of heavy loa* of life In Ibe vicinuy
of Coal Gate and Lehlyh as a rewult of
the storm.
UncolB. Neb., Marrb M.—A
Btorm. probably tbe worn of the
ter. prevailed In central and eoutfaeast
Kebraaka yesterday afternoon. Tbe
driven by a hlyh wind was blind-
AU-tnlm Vlaiatai wM.
■Ba*ai«tt-eio»" SW»» ana rtsliSL
SUk 'brocatu. ADWacnia. rtc.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Pom.po«i .iU. tk.
at, Umbw Coot..,.
We hare for aale Good, '
Sound Hemlock Lumber, ■
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
UiU HKkis«Tof>Ud
tiooy, inclodiiig Two BngioM,
Pet 'Workfl, Cariiegea and San- A oomplete Saw MiU Pbat
for mIb.
213 Front St
Baltimore fitoek ]
Tlire* Time* a Waak
Counta. Me pwr quRrt
Fletdier's OfSKr Depot tHJesIn^'
'TwZwpMexx* isa.
deyrev*. In Lincoln, street car traffic
wn* badly Inferfrred with, but railroad
tzalna were little delayed. The coly had
Vto ••The Laad
effect apprehended 1* to spriay wheat
and fruit tree*, which with many da^s
of onusnally\warm Weather had madi
rapid develeilbetit
of IbeBot
Portsmouth, 0.,'March tt.-Tbe Ohio
river Is rtolny oae^Iourth of an inch
per hour. A bis force of men bas been
wortrtny strenytheniny the terafloran'
levees to keep the water out of the braulifa) eaeaerr. ufs rich aad^^le
center of t>-e city, thus preventlny laad aad Ue many reaurts which lie
heavy drmaye Fife ratine* are pump- aloof iU Itaea.
Iny out the sewers I', an effort to keep
" ta Florida aad eaeape tbe ihao<
tbe water fium rracblpy the threatened
and dtoarreraHe da.v* of winter.
dtotrlii tbrotiyb thsi source. The
eatber to warm, cloudy aaddl
AMERICA, where heavaa aad earth
teem ta meet smoafst the nay of tbe
Oaal Htoea PIIIIb* wlih Wa«ar.
Brasn. lad.. March Zl-The overflow bcaatlee of aatare. See tbe irraadaet
la Aaiarlaa aad BUtmorwing of a creek in tbe coutb part of the
county did iBunetuie damaye. Two ______ AaMTicaW oaly PaUae. tha
mlaes belonclay toBaniaoa A Aadrews. Cbaleaa of Owa. W. VaodarbUt. Or
larye coal opermton. were cumpletely
flltod with wa^er. wttUn six laches of to Ftarlda; eaa ro via Cbatta*
the roof, tbrowtny «W men out of em pasalay Loakral HoaataU. aad i
ployment. A miB* la tb* Bonh pan of
the county bcioaytay to tbe Ebmch
taeetiaa with tbe Qaaea A .Greaeaat Eoata, the Banthara EaBway
vwtfbalad train'
ly tbe preuent freabet of tbe Ohio river elieplae, dUaw aad tAalr eaia. lb*
will very eooe pour itself late the Ids- TJaa Par-eMlieae* of tbe Soatb.
BlMppl -Hvwr. Praai Porttmoutb «
For maps aad tafermatloa. apply to
war aaareffi aoapoB ttokat affaat or
Wm. B. Tatuib.
Ami Oaal. Paea. Afeet,
Maduoa, Wto.. March &—The DalKe.^^rwih^Aan
retaiiT of Wlaci
off tb* later-eo
venliy. because of tbe c
torr tactics of the “Hawkeyea."
Mtoa I^dla Baadraaa ad tUa altp rM
Hs Ha* PrwcttowUy <?wt ta R.U.
Mtoa Ape* Seaiwal y/ 8t- Inaea t
Cedar RapMa la.. March ttWoweph'
Daffic. while eawtay. wood, atiempted
whara tbrn iwOl be
to atouBt the frame «< tb* dtcular eaW
ta meed tbe ladtoaaf 1
feO BpOR tbe raptfiy rwvoNiny aaw,
eh praatoeany aarKsd bla hedy at'
Opthalmic Srecat-WT.
Plaa fvU* Crm wMlaamr BAM wvdar.
Ibe paper to all aaw deidfOA - Pitep.
Chas. Mastic. !
41* LiSsATMiM,
■uraiMrn KM'floSi)'MX 1
rtrthig ahotlw HtarytoWat- tbk. aij reoli^Uaa. It to with nfrot
to tba Moitiaa of aaeb, at tbat Ido Ibtoaa I am. mad alwajahaec
«Mr M Bi*
proaparity I
Banc MoaL. UardbB.~i>atrlek War.
Mt ba adoptad aad |Baaad.
1!>ksr. a mlnw. hx bMn^rnKad formoot
aad flandUb crMitjr ^ wa
Tneana Clly. Ktoh.. Mar.»». IM.
_____ ___
-lUir. Wb«
aba Iboucht bar huataand bad ten Uta
teuab abe tried to com* >.at thraach a
trap door to tbe (toor. Murpby, who
araa on tbe awh. Jumped on the door
aad eauirbl oneot her arms between tbe
door and tbe floor, where be bdd itflnn.'
Then be alolrlr i^red a kettle ofacald*
ln« water
wuman'a pitroua erica and raoana for
‘oiled f
7b ^ Bom of Sdmenaok,
OanuMni—Wo. poorOoHaiUoa on
Waya aad Ueut. herewith preoeal the
raynlar meeUnf <
followiwdatolaawl roeooi«qpd thetr
TBMmaa' ati.«ana m».
Taaahar'c par mU. Mareb.» *ba............
uamaa' axuam mto.
JaaUen'oar reU. March, iw................
----------------------...------------------- to aol
ioa ••A" of paracrapb one. aeetloa tbr«e
of the bv-Uwa of the Board of Bdoeaof Trarerae aty, tha aaiae to read
prepare a report of the teaeb*
- To prepai
era whom they .
or and
-j ^ mta (oc aami to tba Board at any rep•
•I n alar or apoelal meotlnr In tha month of
W to Mcy aUtlBA alao tba aalary to ba aV-
Repreaeniaiite John SlmklnA^f HM*
•aebuaetla. died .oC baarc {allure Satur
day niahu lie waa only K year* old.
and Anihoey
young sona of John Aldereniotc were
kUtod by an,electric airect car.at Ak-
r apM aaid report.
KadcetoSerebrelrea test curaBsat U> aa
Placed on file.
‘ erOw aC U* OsTerww ap this Stale Iweed
Beport of aoperiatend&t of t^-real- March M.IMM. aoS nav mt Ole In (kla uMee
(hat a spiwla] electV-n vUI be hrlC la •bcivcp.
dost toiUoii oolloeted in^.Mar^
r the
i:, i'SKS.'ilfeSlil'ii.mi.V
Vary rMpaetMly.
O. C. MorTATT,
J. A. Moouk.
Oommittoe oa Ways aad Maan
Moeed by Mr. MoM that thp report
be aeoepted an^elalma be ordeiod paid
Motion carried
at .Decatur. Ilia., Saturday night. ..
Waa rector of Bt Pairfc li'a church, and
one of the best known prieau In Illi
Tbe fauuaci of Ednard Hansman at
Kent Minn., war In'med.. and all fhe
family iieil-'ted In the names tndodlnr
Mr. Hansmgii, hia wife, and five chil M^B^x^m: ^tima.
The wreattlng match at New Torit
between Yousaoiiff.
the Turk,
Oiaeco-ltoman wrrsiler. was a fiasco.
Roeber kept away until theTurkyuabed
at him and pushed him off the plaUorm.
wrenching bis backT The match went
to Roeber oa the fnni
« Waraer..
'dale eatrlad.
IS acoeptod add
aa MoaSar. Aaril PoerUJ rlpMeea k
on file.
ao4 Blpetjwtolit. loeieet ar- — “-------Moved by Mr. Beond that tbe an- Ike eneaner
_______ ___________
eaUaeC hr
_ ______ ,______.1 aa
uaAev the ren*4 MUtce hr Otorpi O.
periatondeot be aotboriged to anbaitt
&»e^«rto»s^ electee fiwwl^ dlelrlcl Re
apeclflcat'eaa and aocure bids for Uo
ion nf a antuble bookeaee for
1 an4 aleelr-elcli
a grade lib!
library aad
Is tesllaiwr «
nexi regular meeUag
hand UUaUbdi
Holloa carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore tbavr&pt. r.
T. Orawn be re-engaged for eneb Ume
as by tbe board isdeemed'best at the
same salary and with tbe aame dnUea
as be to now serving under.
Motioe carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore that Mr. Orawa
bvieby girrs thai Ihr Boards pf
ha re-engaged for a term, of 5 ysara atj
iraikwor e - 'her Uw e«v wards of Ibr
$1000 00 per year, each party reeervioglStf^^^
a at tbe loIlo.la« oawrd
tbe right to larmlnat* tbe oontract byipia-eseB
. April Set. 1W*. fmSB rigUt
SOB oiilH right oVlock to
glring a notice 3 menthe prior to tho
___ ____-je peruusr_______
____ __
clcoe of anv eefaaol year.
laaliard rirclors wnhla tba
the city,
who are
Motion Miried.
to tbe City OuUBril Ri
Moved by Mr. Pt-biia that no adore
pupils be admitted inte tbe kinderletbr
H-Beeawe WatO. la tbaC. R. K. P. B. BaD
garton deparfoent far tbe balanea ef oa Merood atrr«l '
la tbe Third Ware, to the Sbat
tbe prvaeot school year.
' Motion carriad.-'
Moved by Mr OoobHu that the maV tiButb Vsloa suwn.
la tbr Pttib War*, to the PrisblT Mari
ter of,proridlBgroomtortbe 4th and
5th gradca at the Boardman Avanna
aebool for Ike next sbhool year ba re* baad tbto 1Mb day ct March, iwa
referrod to the Committee on SekooU
tbe CUy of Trarrree City,'
and Teachers to report at aext ngnlar
a.Wgbtoa, mrelib^:.
Trwyerae City. Mich.. Mar. 17, im.
Mr. and SlTa Thnmaa Xtowllng, of
Cbarleeior.. Ilia., Saturday celebrated Tto the Board <tf EduMtbm.
the nrty>Bm>b annlveraarv of tbefr
GaisTUURX—Yonr eommtttee of oa
aecariain tha
per ea^U
The body of Wimam Marvin waa 8al________adneatloa 'in oar High aebool.
nrday daken from tbe debrta'of the
aabmita tbe foUowiag report abowing
Waharh avenue Ore at Chicago Blptb
tbe per capita cost In tbe ditferent
dlBerent <debody recovered.
partmenu of our aebooU taken from
/ Oxford won the annual boat race the
irollmantof Merck 4th. ]
/ agalDxt Cambridge Saturday oa tbe Prii
Cambridge waa "not In It"
from the atari.
It to (he talk In boxtng clrdea at New
Torit that PI tealmm ana wUl give Mc>
Coy a chance to abow wbai aon of
TRACMna' aai.aaixa.
ebamptoB be U.
Illinois tMchera In atnaleb at Jadc>
$4S0 00
aonvtUc elected David Felmley, Normal.
.-405 00
Gertnide B. Chapin.
Galreburg. secretary.
360 00
Orneral'William Booth. <
160 00
tn-cblef of ihe Salvation Army, baa
arrrlved at Chicago, and been given a
405 00
reception by the -.esxclub.
Delia Sadville. who bad ber knee
sn 50
pennancnily injured by falling ihruugh
360 00
a defective aldewalk at Chicago, baa
300 00
aecured a ver^ct of SlO.ew ygalnst tbe
Below to a )tot of tha boyiarvid
farm pr^ncta is .Trav-
•10 7S
t M
4 00
1 U
8. be cAdufe
arse City.
Pt the ettr of Ti
sr Cooaty. MIrbtgi
rlott-eisbr^byclrrutasi tbr abaaal ebi
ter rimloa will be held in this CHy oe 1
foartb dbt of April. A O m». for the psrpi
of rwtluc tbe terefal City aad Ward oSn
John R. Santo,
Gemral lisgraite.
'Ml, M and Baggigi
When In need of anything fa thto '
line remember tbb la the pUee to lane*
yoor orders and get pronfrt work.
(totUfaeUoB guaranteed or DO ebargm '
Leave .vonr orders at office or call ap
'Phone No. 8.
1. E. Bnekc'. Olef Clerk RaitcMsI Btnal.
Waakluete-, I>. c.. teMIBciMbei he «’se all ran
Cowi>-wa>s>badovarhlsfom>c- -. if-Bleoto
Frasklln. Can be bougfat (or $lfO tom
than cosh value if taken before April
Uup atone,
One 50-foot lou
Barlow street. Oak
Beigbta. at almoat y4hr o
. ipriwU
II ill'.. Tursywar
L w.HtsniGs;
t Law.
—Watch Repairing,
10. McreasuJe Co Btech.
‘v —John Verly.
—Front Street.
'PboMS KH. »», l»
^«aM eT^rUnT^n^be readwted la aerw
aacr wUb the prorialaaa of the riiy rbar
and tbe grasaT cleetMa lawe ef tbe State
Gnat. Itfiili t lidiui B. I
larSBiv wf walesriPmsesse
b asset rvb.m,nm.
at bsw. Bparisl
•We Mayor
Ooo beboea ||
of tho et varal wards of
bald oa Satnrday. April ind.
SB. 169S.
I asB. as
tbe annual city aleetkm a be
'held I
city oa Manday, April 4tb. 1698.
1 be bald In aacb
of tbe ‘
of the city at the
' '
places, vlx :
he following
360 00
First ward, in tka Couacfl roam an
405 00 Oaasatroov
160 00
Socond ward. U tka C. B. K. P. S.
405 00 ball on Sooobd street.
300 00
Third ward, la tho Skadek btOtding
at aoutbwrst oorw of Union and Sixth
tIO 00 strewUto: 50
Founh ward, la tba Engine booM on
600 00 South UaioB atraei.
Fifth ward, U Uo Primary eAool
Total Amt. Gram, grades.. .$5,965 00 bnildiag os Bnat State street.
C-Bigh School;
Moved by Alderman Jahmat tbat tbe
I. H. Ban
•olnUon be adopted and paaoed
450 00
Motion carried by
veawad nay bote
Harriet Bonldia..
Enpbemla Jigblln.
Lillian UewDlag...
Saperiateadent « Time..............
rri^BoM^WbUe «
d IS ik'ii
I »,Trav. City
^P1ftb*Vari.to ibr'Priisarr aebool baUdtog
eleettoo^l Iw yeed ^
W. Smith_________
seres o'eloek to tbe fwwouou woa aoow Ibetw
«(\er as waf he bad wlllrrmala opea oalll Oeo
tagae. Ue
UMdricb. lArdie. Buell
o'eloek la th> arienwon ofoaldday
and Jabre
aad W. W. Smith,
At aoe* riewitoii Use loUowtBg oEleors bf« to
he ttortod. eawoly- '
600 00
Traverse City. Mieb.. March 96. IBM.
rJ im
t W Kalhmto
T A. TSOMPSGN. M. D 0»ee to BnUUB
1.. A HUllkee Btom. BoefS. 4 tc U a m^ t
404 p.m. TblepbWMwTl_________ ________
'owTjuttea of ta
la each Word ol tb* euy:
Oo* SoperetaoT (or ooe yearOoe AMorwaa (or i wt> years.
Ooe taaponoe of Rtoetloa foe two ywars.
Ooe MMSbrr of tbo Board of gdoeeUoe lor
UuollBgbtvaewiyacmwl. I will
Mamam.lisa OaaMl Lalamee.
Ooe Oeeotarie ter ooe yoor.
Kotleo Is olsoberrOy »l»e* tbat the preperiUod to adopt tbe systow erf live text books aa
prorifUd by AelKowhwr I <; ol the PoMlc Acts
of nm. teeoiw to tb* paWIcseboelt ef tbe Clly.
wtu be oobwilUAdtotbe qBailftod
T^R BALE-WUl orll boas* and 1st. or boBM
?-*Srthe city Ol tboAMB
JT aloes to b» rsMBind from tbo tot; beows
LSSTte^'wris asrim. at Wdi a. m
t the boltol will be OS foUews:
b»d rtbakUo ouoeta.. rraah
HaMtUsa. t
. ................... SI boobs aa prorided by Aet r____
O.ULOtlRWtXW O.P.AMOraadStogs. '
bCTlCofibeltobUeAetoofUea Ye*. U
»p-Ot^TOJtE;ri-4»wod hoMS. 8
Per free ten boofea aa prorided te AM Kbmber IffoftboPBHIeAetool tws. Kb. ( {
bstew aad to guri eoarflUou. AMly to Ban
Id UoitMoor Bbsiiaif I bare borooawoot my Krel.BaMllteBCteUitogOo.
band this IMb day o( Hareb. IMS.
linns UD lonnisnu li
TpORSALRCRRAP-A good OotnXt Bate; a
Chirk of lb* Clly of Tsoeorse Clly. Oroad Tme- ‘ J! so a laarblr top *ssh stsot. EouBtr* i
-----A ^ Laagwonby s barber sbop. xa Prwai suvs
a»isee<risekb •.
\>rOREY- TO LOAK-Ws base oe dwposll
AXL brrw BOBSy to teas se lsiprw**d city —'
wroewny. Cfderwwat A Cwlor, A
Th$ Cfibbntfid SpfidfiUfti,
Hotel Whiting
iiu>m'SelarioaO’eorlg»6-7) $9317 65
Fosl (Veer I6M 7)..............................
017 33
Tbatbbbi Citt, Uiob.
FRIDM, m 1st, 1898.
ouweo kwk..:
f w inatrucUon w«nld make the mt
|wr eapltb for the departmoat aa fel0arp-Ma‘rch.S8ke^May.»^c; inly.
XlecUon MoUea.
Third Ward. latbeBbaOek balMlag. twa«t
^ ITbIm) aad Oittb sismna
Teonfa Ward, to tl oRagler boast oe Boaib
Special meeting of i:
beldinCUy Clerk's ofi
• per b
Bye, per Im..
, McTJnlyT
inveatigalioa abowe that men wbo
soeoecd are moa of br«is»—atroitg
BCTTea grrat will power.
food cannot supply tbg viui furcca
which people with eetive brsios and
bodice require.
Bioola PiUl feed Ue
-make tbe mind bright, mnaclea
alroog—makefleabard blood and give
^rfflet health to Men ami Hi.tneru
Tag Tnurgaa or PaiLjtMtU'UU make
4 Is tbe tritowtag
plar-es la said elty.
PItwt Ward, to the Coairell Reeas aa C
Coat pw'eaiMU for inetmeUon, baaed
Burwo RATMorTKA'
--Ever BQiTied Out?
Of tba Oity Oeoneil eftho City of Trav-
Total Amt. for High S^ool, $4.TI6 00
In Vlrhlran.
effect to dtopoae of tbe btU In its present
asdcoSTcgabcUg. tlirsoetsi
Moved by Mr.-Coehlln tbat tbe earnexerelace/for tbe echeol
year ie»T-t8.
dbg tbe gradaaliagelaaa.
Motion eaariod.
On motion of Mr. PybBa.daIy-onrriod
board adjonmod.
A. W. RiCEERp.
Oerk of Board of Bdaention.
..... ......
TravaiM OMy.lbtftost.
nvoBzn Bxri 7ailui&
asasi lawrw ■ag»Tf Wni M S
triwB II b
M^ by AtdermaB Ooodrid that
A. W. Pbltifja be givao permtoakm to
lAsrtng. Mich.. MaAcb tt^t Is tbe
mnvw bit oU dwelHng. Bltnated da the' talk bere tbat OoremorPfoHee's bill
for tbe taxation of the property at ranaad West acraea Wayne atreet to Mob- road, telegraph, express and lelepbooa
roe street, on eoodlUoB that he file Uto companies at Its market value la as
repaired b >od.
good SB dead, and that the governor
Moved hr Ald<
Idermaa Lardto that tbe will have to submit a revised pn>.
Board of ^hllc Works be anthoriaad gramme Bhe Michigan Central to the
to aulBcleatly olear tha riser bed from cokpany that » la meat
desired to
legs to prevent the wator from haAtag rearil, but Fred A. Baker, chalman of
tbe Drmoeratlc stale crmn-Ittee. who
came here on Plngree s Inviutlop. ad
On toet<oB of Alderman Jabraae, vised the lerlalatora In an argument
duly carried.
dl adj.wmed.
I. W. BlCgCBD.
pealed the paamge of tbe Pingree bin
wonid not affect tbe company a par
ticle. hut would Pimply make matters
worse for Its weaker oompetlU'n. He
Kaetten Motioe.
furthehnorc said the bill, waa oreoaatltatlonil In certain partlcnlara. and as
ABBEEtlATED Tfcl2ok&M8.
Oiadatone'a conditton to that of an
Moeed by Mr. Ooeblih that the reatr.
to tbe Bombem Induiia .1
reaah Keoeem.
efatlon convention all aute reeordtwere
broken. BbelUftlUe la to hare the cooTcntic.n next year The oflleera elected
ere: Prealdent. 3. P.r»ok. Xew Albaajrj
•eereian. Janie Demine. ShelbyrlUa.
'window slaaa to up : per ceaL at tbe
order of tbe truat.
Tin plate baa Ullen to StTO per UO |
Iba. becanae the miat to dlaraptod.
Flour to ISO a barrel and ntarraUen
preTalla In tbe interior of the republic of
Oeodrfeh, lAfdto,
May. «)»'»
'lWk-Mar«V $6 46; May, $6.sa
Primsry Ondea. $J9.01 per year or 93X
ceeu por week.
dl*IMT. ydor or
37A-6tenta per w
High H^I. $16. 7
fTper yaar-OT U l-«
eantSLpbr week.
Preoeot ratee now charged;
Primary Ondea, $10.80 per year
eeoti per week.
Grammar Orades, $14. 40 p4r ye*r or
40 oanta per wpek.
HOT tha Board of Bdueation of (ha 01^ filgk Sobool, $16.00 peryear or Sfi
per week.
odiyavtoietOHy, Mich.
CBRiirroei^ Ptbpi.'
» OooneU Bomn 1
Moved by Mr. Moore (hat tbe report
acespted WMW
and |placed on file, tbe
' MaoUng waa ealled toor^
bythe eommlttbe be give
a vote of tfimnks
Frsaidant. W. VI. Smith.
for tbe comptetena
of UeteptriW
Piunsav "
-X>ybos. Mkhols.
Btaarsa and W IV. Smith. I
1 amaadment
lat of
(a) of aeetloa I of DaUeeof Ooma
imltteaa Tb Od Honoroble OMSman and Board
of EdMulkm qr.3rane>w COg, Mieit.
ia by-Uwe and order
of boalnoM'_____
_____ ______________
sef ttm
Beard ef Bdueatlon
ttloD of Travaraa
Traverae City,
. to prepare a report of the
to come and realising that Is tbe
fianeheri whom they wr-*'-------------------- '
mlgbt be better to
tor the esMtog yw
•M6«kmU tba aame to the Bceed at have aoma ewo is my piaea wbo eoold
.-IMiB^ilor meeting in (ha mooU o< sltoiM (he maoU^ t«Bsloriy. 1 tasder
One Day Only Bndi Month.
Oonfioitaaon itod EwiniBBtlon Tr— uid Btriotly
A-fi^a OO. devWAbstrattantton to Mxmwix ri tto lys. 1^, Tbfritx gri lay;.
Orahd B^ida. March td-MFbeat. 6»e.
omoiAi. PHoosBDnros
» OSS ri knlte. eaasUe or !%•<«•• <
-To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
toltesto dlAeoM cases sri
•sittoriamri tkelro SI md Mvs msdttrna seni
Kibhicsa BsUrosd Oompany,
DRS. B. SsiSc GO.
Look Box leO.
ME Mormhg record.
or HAnra m«A«m
>!hsn«MMtSapM aS«ua oT-^mttM vOt IHtfau th* OouM
■p^ ia Bwliae
*b« Situttos
•■tHAitoiUp Yrma that Xxpie*
' B of *1^ PMtrppad tlto War
iUp U Bstm Xatbor-
WMhlartn, Hank 9&.IalaraM ia
t^Ao«ta«.ofthaMalMbaai^ of ia*Urj «*a at a whlM beat kcre ta<ar/k% «arU|«t people were aeeUac ea/ bcaaoe to tbe OtfiuiL P* bean be/ Im« Booa, wbeatbe two bonoee oon'
aaaod.tbeatotrwa7-were eboked with
poopU paaeiBg toward^tbe falloriaa.
wkbsb were fall at« o*aock aad the
-.•lairwaye oootlaeed Jaataed with
Ibdap to Bead lathe tceuwoap te:kea
before the beerd of iaqalrp With the
aeport. ^ aieaben ef the foteiga
relatioM aownlttee of Ae eeoaU i
elgeroea proieaU peeterdep end Ub
Boraing acMaat ^e foroer procraia.
eepiag 4t woMd be e fi
> the flodlege of the
aeari ead withheld the UetUeonp.
wee eleo pMated oat that tbe withholdlag ef teetlamp woald he cooatraod
bp eose peiem to moo aa attempt
wae beiag aude to kaep tra«a ooagreec
aad tha peoplathe tecUmoop which
araa ragerded a* i>enaatloaal.
« of tbe
paaplag tbe report aad tMtlmoep, wat
'' preaeotod to tbe booM ae aooa ee that
1 St aooa. After tbe
reediag it wae referred jrltboat drbete
«e the oewmltlee ee foreiga affaire
wader the ralee. Ko meUoa wae made.
The.beeee at 1I:1B adjoaraed.
—Tte menage of Preeldeat If cKlelep
dealt with tbe fledlogi of tbe ooert In
detail tbe eabbteade of whleb are girae
ta etbar dlapatebaa todap. aad
oladee with:
“! directed that the flndleg ef the
woart ef laqeirp eeirthe rlawa of thto
gorarataeet tbereoa be eommenlcaua
OothogofaraBBoatof hor.«aJaetp. the
. aad Ideaotpenalt apaelf to
doabt that theaeaeeotjeatioe of the
Bpealah aaOaa wiU dieute the eomrae
d bp tha hoBor aad
irioadlp rclatioaa of the two gererw
elonffe bee «
It ii tboQirht thatabaet 1.000 b
ele are ^oUed; Tbe ehate erf the doer
aUl wee alaeat eebaerfed with water
peeterda^. whleb wae dowior frba the
daa la a toneav while at the wiU of
tbe rrarene Citp Lnaber Oo. a larpe
lUtj of ba*dwaed Ion are drlrea
together'BO that the free flow of. the
water ia iatortered with at tlaea.
ladleatioaa Tbet fpeta te WOUag ta
Make Knterial riaiiinlnni tali
Chat Imperatire Rota -Bee Been
AUeped Zbat dpeoal Bleetiaa Voti.
Beat to Bedrid—Che Adalmistra^
pee Were M Peated TXatil dattlee Ftm.tB ita PoaiUen AActfag
ordap Xaateed of Pridaj;.
Ot)ban AAlra
aa^ee Bap. Miab.. Bank ^Tke
Waablagton, March M.—It to
ia thta oeaatp U pe- nonnoed offlelallp todap that tbe gorealiar aad It !• now a natter of naeer- .eraor baepr«aent<d.'thiymgb Mlatoter
t^tp ai to wbetbar aa cleetlea for Woodford, at Madrid, e'canfnllp pre-.
Blaa aeaator eaa be legallp'bi
peiwd aeto deallog with tbe dtotreaeingaeaatorlal
oeadlUona la Cuba, and making clear
BrMap rrealar. TowaiUp aerk Sea* that this gorrmarat cannot o
waeDotatheaBeaadUe noUeee
not poated seUl Satardap. K<
» bring the prraratltrn^le,^^ tl
local poIiUUaaa arp rerp aeeb ia troa rafferlng it U oeca^oning, to a elcee.
Me, aa Prldap wae tbe lateet tbe aoUoaa
Tbe note wae aobmitted to tbe Spanoeeld he poated legallp. borne eep it U lab goremBcat the Utter pert of lari
all right aopwap. otheca aap aothiag week.
aad BtUl othere think that
A . brief cable waaivcelredtMm Mr..
electioB loir Biato eeaator at thle time
bnt thto la hewoald be Ulegal.
llered not to bare oonreped the Spaniab
replp. at it waa 4-oofloi>d Urgrip to lapnirp. It can be atab-d poaiUrelp,
howerer, that the Speaiah anawer haa
been made, and it ennoot he donbted
that it to in the haada of the anthoriUea bareBotb tha note of the United SUtaa
^4 tbe aaawer of Spaia are oenaermtire. whleb, bewerer, deee not ovrr> the dignified firmaeee which
addition to thtoaedoB a r.
• •
and bU taaattea bUl
Tbe Daiaoeratopiel
tU field
> ead decided
tbet it
apt expedient te piece e
Demecfwtte rwedldate in tbe fielA
Ir all kinds of
We osU spedsl Attention
to our
You have
the prettiest
in town.
i; 1T.0M boabria of pelateoa U
I to Ue
aemtoiy «f Ue manttok aad Mr. Qas^
At onr Une of Wl^eel. befoi-^ rod bnj—We hive the
“Outing,” the easy. miminK bicycle oi 189a
Marthan BlocL
now on sslB.
tog. AUladtoal
aao FR««T 8TRCET.
Spring Hats. jYeRtenlay
bald U Mariregna. «U1 be givna at Ufa from oatsde Ueeityl Dr.
Sale of all popnlar Sheet Knaio et
half price will Im eoatfaned for thirtr
dipa longer. W. W. Kimball On.. US
Bicycle Repairing!
Aatb bask tanadar
4e A doable roll
6o A donUe roll
6e A donble roU
8o A doable roll
lOo A doable roU
Mr. ead Mra Ike Win
girl Satardap sight at
Blaghaat; weight, eight poaada.
Begalar BepobllMB Roaalaee
•tate Seaator Opealp XleMarea that
Waahlngtoa. March M-—The eabiaet
Be Woald Reattilp Popport Anp
meeting todap was Urgalp derolod to
to Lift tbe Borraadieg tha praaldeet'a memage. After
rfea Pmn the People-Rie PoeiUoa
dtopetohed ti the Capitol, aonte
Oleerip Set Forth la a Fow Words. Uam wma ■naat !e the oonaideraUea of
Borrpa M<«iibie Bacuai>—Haring re- UU mceeagre from Mink
oaired the aowloatloo ae Bepablicaa Althoogh the drtai'i of tbeee diipatebe aot made pcblie it l« keowa that
caadldate to rrnrrannl thU aeaatorial
thep are reeaaurtog in.tkelr ehancter
diatriot In the aUt* lerialntere, end aad glre baaia for the belief that the
tbe fact that apeelel legblaboa will be
int atralncd relatlona will yet be
ncted^npoa ettbe preeent eeaelon, it aetUfaetorilp reliered. A member of
Tor which we^ A^nte.
map be- le order for me to eteU mj the cabinet eald after the meeUag that
mach more bopetol.
pOalUoB apoe tbe qeeetloa uf unlioe.
tbaa tbep were three dapa ago. It IsJ
beUrre le the eqeel ae^e.t
1a wiinagi
and other prwp- to make Impertasto
This to Ue meet p&pnUr Hat
ertiea, 1 Uorenghip and «nn|p he- agroeiag to withdraw her troops from
made, aa Ue wearer always b«e
U« asaeraoec et cerrecteiylcaad
Itora U baring ereipud all kinds of Cnha. tm eondltloas more liberal and
eoaelllaterp than aapthlag hltheru rw
Ue beak
proper^ pep iu fair share ef Ue pabeelvbd. Ue erldentlp hopes to aretd
It will be aap datp aa ei
Ile berdees, aed anp maaaure that war. erea If oompalUd to make aaeri■ ef the reenlt. aad i
lid bring ahent thU reanlt wanld fleea aerar before eoealdered. Kot> eoweideratloa la in- hare mp heartp snppcrt.
withaiendiag the hopefal eigne
aegnUatleea bare net pemad tbe daaJ. W. Mtr.nn
ger point. !t to beliCTddHbnt this gorarament will aceepl so
that dona net UrMra tbe prwipt aeoeatUmef hoatUiUaa
pads flotiUa With Raral
Vwola Sam aad Will Boaaat
WeoUagtaw, Karebtt.—Sp^bbear
Madrid. SpaU. March tt.-It to de To FroTldo TeUag Plaaae aad Ooaof grace la rapldlp abertealeg. Breato
eldar Bl^ Water in tbe Biver.
are eewoaw^iriag to bring tbo orieia clared Uat Um Spoaiah goremmeat
eoentor clai^ against the Unit
toebcedteloadapeartwo weeka at
Ibe coaacil met in epeeUl eeeaion
ed Sletea; eUe tbu it refnaea to admit peeurdap aftereoon to ooeaidar the
the farthaat
The aagarwaaa of tbe ural
mnttor of iocatlon of regtolrp and poll ieiNtad Mryete rvpMrar Md bcUCr. a. wy
I aw mtlac tbe Jiea'i
to atop tba SpaaM torpedo beat flotUU relief direct te the
ing places U tha dtp for next SatenUp worhrOTw
before its arriral la Amariou watcre Brea te Bea4 relief indlreeUp by the aad Monday, reapeetirelp.
la additua
addiUoa ooe wrwwitad -Tit"
sireip. -- la
^ rvtatair ,i;:r“t'K7;
worhi. t have
rl|, I aa bulldhaa W to aodie wodlfloatioa of the OalUd Sutee to regarded aa hanag a te UU. a petltUa of
A. W. PhiUlpa to ! thr tmi Molpped Bh^In
plaaa of tho admlalatAtioa. Tha Bpaa- hamfal aide.
• n dwelling, -earuud.
the wuPkauMbl,. u> ibvM tabM-li. Doc
Ub torpedo boaU will not gat ai
matter of Ue onflow ef Ue Board- ' epM-i
>♦ yoiiv •]
. ^ Breritua
.. yrfdf *
Coba than Porto lUeo. There tbap ariU
ana rirer waa Uken ap and Ue Urge
rantee It >illb*r«acltv,driiti.
Tha Jo^as cleared from Batteaa qnahUtp of logs et tbe Trarerae Clip
be tea tlmae ee far frott Herane aa oar
fleet aow aaeboM near Kep Weet aad Bap no tbet the Creeoeat eaa now get Lamber Co. tokea Uto eonaideratien.
I do alt kinda of Braaiag, Valeaaiiin and oat.
After aomedlacnaaioa Ueboard of pabMra. Abiwhnm Aiait reeaired notiee Ik works wa* aBUoriaeJ to clear Ue ing. and mp BeaaaeliagV Ue fineat
It la tbe preeeat pnrpoae ef tbe adUai pon caa get anpwhera, and far the
■ Sp^ bereetf flada pmlerdap that aha had hoes graated a rirer ee that Ue hacking np of Ue least money.
a wap eat of the dUemma. to bring on widow's peariOB of S8 per moeth.
water ahoeld not occur.
Come la and aee
Mtoeee Orace aad Inna Ceaniagbam
the criaia before tbla Beet renobea
. S. 0-ZB13S,
•■oothwiter. One of two thinge U were preeeated bp their father Satari
. therefore prettr anre to happen dnripg dap with a flae •■Conatest” biepaU.
Tbora will be a masting of Travaree Bald a Beetu« Teetordar aad
reader Cuba tor a eaeh
Oitp U. B- K. p. at tbair nnaorp tbiic
Mamed H. B. OampaU for
aa Oomea aogimu or In aoM ytto oreslag at 6 o'aack. All ara mqnaated'
- Tbe State Saa^
wapaolre tha problem, or Pracld^ to be praoeat for dr^
afieneoa a aew phaaa in
McRlnlep will ley the whole matter
Sam CbambarUU, a talented baajo
waa prebefore oengrcee in Ume ta permit eo-^
ooUtot, who baa pUped U the laiga eeated. wbea.ataa Imprempta amettioa wbleh will enable onr flplng
caatora tbeatraa, to here aad wUl aaatot lag of a few toeal tree silver adv»sqnndnw to Intercept the armada be- U tha'mIastrM partermenea April litb.
eaten, la Ue ofiee ef Hr. C. J. Ki
fore it eaa read Barana.
land. n. 0. O
Ost npea tha open ocean tbcea tor- .TbijVwlUba
an n free allver I
- pado hoata w«mM be at the merep of Friday erealag of Tmreme OityChap(or tbe ntete naante. to fill tbn pUen
oar jfalaari Tbap are not effecUre Ur. Ne. 101, A A M. Work U Ue
fonanrlp oeenpUd 1:7 (Uorge 0. OovellJ
ban.aara 4a oomparaUralp amootb water.
It WM tbn original Intoatker of Ue
Ibair earner aeerop woald be easily quek
aea LaegwerUr to pr^ariag to Demonmlatosamen candidate and a
daptiwped, aad wlthont freqeaai re- ae«^ of thrir coal ea#plp the horaeU reevnae tbe herberiag bwriaeee et hto meeting ef Us
-of the Spaatoh- sarp woald noon fall old ktand weet of tbe Bentca Ston, np Ue 9TU dtotrlet was called at tha office
rtotlam to oer rapid (ire gnna. T^eir etalra. B. B. Sltrembasaceeptodape- o( Pratt A Davto.
la the jaeaaUma 3ndge Jaman 0. ' Ten want a earrUge that fa diSereat
great speed wweld ernU them aotfaieg aiUoe in bto ebop aner Statoberg'a
am^ell waa aetivals a movement to from what evaipeae eUe haa. and we
withoat fnal. ead is e dap or two Oraad.
have them. The bodlea are all made
iaeto, en n free eUver BepaMtoea
8. ta. Selur et But Bap. ah cntheRlaDae|M& aa4 Oolbmbto eooid
in diffenat^ofsaad Uere aranevnral
plope ia Staafa abisato mUl, mat wlU ticket. B. D. Oamptoll. «bo waa a can
oapUiwor sink the. last owe of tham.
aa accident peaUrdap wbtU nealtod didate hetora Ue BrpcbUcan eaaato^
Onll U end look them
iawbadlpUeeratodhaaA Dr.Oarsnr eomaalttec at Ito rrgnUrlr 6alUd
over and pon will eap Uat Uep areUe
attended tbe iojared.^aa aad ampata- lag lut FrMap evaoing, and faUed to
fiaeat line of Baby Oamagmpoa evw
BIgto Watarin tba S
reaalvn t.ba eadoraemaot ef Ue commit
ted a Unmb and finger.
saw. aad Ue price to no higher than oa
Tbe Toaag Ladiee^ Foreign Mtoakm- tee. J. .W. BUUku recelrUg tbe aom'
yon have aua
Tbe rirw to Ugfaar aew than it baa rp eoetotp of Ue. Oongregatkaal iaatkia.
^aea far awap paan aad botworn the UorA will meet Wedacedap erenUg
Oalea street bridge at tbo H. A K. B. attbebbmaef MtoaAUeaOrawferd. A
lag In Ue oOee qMtrXaM]
aad tbe Freat ato^ tact^ tba
of Ue
at wbkb Uere ww M repr
One Place In Town To
Save Money By Buying Wall Papon
Auotlier lot of aelect a^Ies in Drees Goods Patterns e
y quality, get jronr new drein st
RelUble Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
Wheel Enameled For S?.5tt
Good solid leather oountera, soles and up
pers—that is the kind that wears.
904 Union BtTMt.
8onth81d» Shoe Stan.
Wa hlva nloa Appln, Onagn Ind ian, Hu
Drtod Aprluti, ItauhoA PnmiA
fe{etables, Cttoaie, ligts arf Huts.
B« *87-
MS Front SIreM.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Poetry Contest
iin End AprU 1st
Bobooi girls should not forget {that
their poemsmuathe at onr atore not later
than April let._Wo_believe tl^_to be a
very interesting ae'well as'a.ve^y'■lnBtruotive contest. -mm
Girls, do not miss this chanoe of try
ing to earn a new dreeel
S44 Pront Bt________ BrosehfiXook.
I Komrara bboobd.
^wuTiatia omr. • laomoAii
8tolabaq«a Oraad aflar that data. aHU
I taiBtobad maMe bp tba orubaatra.
rrafiiiiM Borat AAd.Qtaaaee wlU
taka pa^ tka Siot weak la Map. ob
- Mtaalhto-
TOR ONLY $2.50
ComplPte Abrtrset of tha Oeov
in At tba
torp.BAUap tbalr ba
EaCdrty Awsitad.
Aboak tba aaooad weak la Jalp. lhap
\j. W< HAnu. Bdftor ud Mvufw.
WiU apoa A Baaaamtarp. with aa raSUSS0aiPT101t8.
taifad fabatip, TbawalB wlU ba to UIE> FBOX TEE BETOBT nmj
‘aataUtob a pamaant eaaaarsatarp af
Bdata. aad Baba Trawaa aip tba
ttn* mMta.tr MO.
aiBSto eaatraottbtopartaf tba atata. CeeUlai^ tba Para Batabitobod bf
tba Coon af taqoup (tan
aad aa adeb. ta ba aaeoBd ta
«My«mkrma. .
tba Bttdaata.
Tbap wOl ataoarpaalM a tarpa orOm OOMtuM
ebntn for ooacart work aad wUI plra
kick elan aaocarta frea tlBS ta Uaa.
V Cm «. SAtai Am i. W. HAna.
• •STTMtata oHr. MMtA. n MA7te»«U u atew
ot tba famtf rMrAa of
' ^Uamb. Mr. T. BaUi OIanob to »i
•mMBitel «leM.
prtawi U« BOBital dlTMtar At AIiaa
CtoltofA. n* to A KTAiuta of tte Amr*
i«AA OoUen 6f BAAto At Maw ToA
aIao a pApa of OhArtoA BaUa
mrpwblitai ntr TuM.
Ftar Aickt pfAn ba WBB At tba baod
WmiUjmof tba Klorb Oobbv Babaol ol MBoto,
BroeklpB! K. Y. fnarwArda ba took
tba B<^ dapartBaal At
BaoBooU OoUara. BasBOoto. Mtob..
Vor atj itmMmr—
rbara ba raBiBlaad fsrtwo Pbata. laor' YIC^ PBTSKTYL.
lAC tbara to taka op tba poBlUoA ba
fbrMoo] iMptcMFoow bolte At AIba OoUafA. -Hto oa. 0BA8LB8T. ORAWK.
Btoo laalBdaa tba laadaiAbip sf a
■tar Mmbm Bovd at PaUie Wc
baad of fartp plaoaa At Atborp PAHt,
K. J.,tortwo peA*A.
AaboProteaaarBi--------------,----------TBOIUS MOtn^TOH.
taadad tba rtelii raoitAl clraa bp bta
■tar JhUm 9t tb* Ptaueao SAtardAp a*aolBir. la Staiabarf'a
OMd. AAd'
bp MAAArar Btaiaborr. MOda BA farthar
iBtrodBatlan to ba ABaAiad of bto AbUltp. BatoBMoftbaateattAlaAtadBAd
hia oolj ktad wotAa to
akillad TidUatotBOf tbaatata. aad baa
«■ of^OB. B. D. CAmpbaU. «bo
idwUSad Artth bbbIc
bto UIa
1 pABtardAp bp tba Mlaar Baba 'to At ptaant boUlac A proBiBaat poBittoa at
for atata BMAtar. botOBl
taAtlBfflp ABd ABBwarrlArlp aopporta blBAOoUata—that of tba baad of tba
a dapartAMBt. Ba to a cradaAU
Mr. J. W. KUlikaa, tb^ rarAlar aemiof tba uciaaaraattirpofBBriB at WUa■aa of tharapabUcAapArtp. Yba pa-
•ttfao takaa bp Mr. MllUkaa OABAOt
d fABtlaaBOB to asart tbalr oaarfp
MtaBaattbaanrav^of exacp talr—aab-Klt to tba daetoimtlaA of a aad abUttiak tbara wlU ha bo rai
wbp tbto oil* aboaU aot baaoBo
■AB wha^baa tba U^aat aad boat 1baw of BaaltaloaliaralB_BartbatB
baraat of|tba wbota paopla at beartj MtoblfAB.__________________
•^wbepropaaaatoaettBpartiAllpABd ta
■oWBBhIp MOBBlMtkBa.
Btoacat teiraeaa BpcB all oocabIob
tba axicaBeiettaf tba aaaa map daaaBd.
It la tba baaaat deelaratloB of a
. arbo eaalba traatad at aU Mpiea aad la
TreoBBrar—Praak M. BabUb.
•U plaaaailta do tba rl^bt tbtac. Ybto
OAwiatoaloaar of Bipkwapa-Baph
la ^ tbBl^LBptmAB oofht to ba aakad
m do. Mr. MlUikoa' to tba rafraUr
■ABlaaa of tb<BapabUcaa pari>. Bto
•bUltp aad tetacrltp^ asqDeatlo
Srarp Maod of rood foimBaat
OBfalp rota far.tbe r^alar BapabHaaa
■oBlBaa and ba aartala that Ib aa
OMlIaat decraa wfll tba lataraBta of
tbodtotrietBBd tbaatata bo aartoetod.
Tbb aaatraat balweaa laber oaodlMem U Barepa aad>ii(.tba Uaitad
Mataa aadar ito protaebra tariff to
pbiBtad oat 4a a reeoBt report froB
towltaarUad bp Coaaa)-Oaooral Daboto.
vbo abowa tba ararafa wapaa of aar■aatan aad j^ara la Baropa to ba 80
eaala a
a^alaat St.17 1b tba yaltad
Btatea, aad aapa that aa a raaalt tboao
•C Borapa are oompaUad to lira abaaptp. tbata- ebl^ f^ baiarbraad aad pa
tatoaa. aaldom uiaf maat, Utiap la
•aaoBaat boaaai aad la ararp waa laaa
araU paid it fbair aaralaca aawaat to
SR por Boatb. wbUa tba ordiaarp toeotaottra firoBoo ia tba Uallad Stataa
- aora aaaallp tSO par BMStb. TbajoarBapBoa tailor la Oaatral Baropa c«to
OBlp SS for «t boan' work. wkUa hto
iallow-warkBoa la tba Uaitad Stataa
pota $U far ao boarm' work. Par aH
foods parebaaod la Baropa. lAborara
Mure But pap as BQcb aad fieqtwatlp
taora tbaa AuertcAa workuaa pap for
lha, taBo Uad. aad qoall^ 1a tbto
COALBlaiv. wbiebaaffarod aaeb A
daprmloB udtr the low tariff ratw
Bad tba pAaatal ataaafaetulap aad
Witooo Uw. to belap preatlp baaetud
bp tba hlpbar tariff a^ rariilaplodaatctoa of tote Oiap^op Uw. Boporta
tooB tba Marplaad alaaa aap that tba
ladsst^ tbara **to ahowiap prastar
.'Mritp At tbia Aeaaaa of tba ymr tbaa
at aap aoaaoa la iu btotar7.”.wbUa raforU from other aaettoas ato aqaallp
fiatUplAp ABd show that tbo-eeal bU'
on AS wall aaotfaart latoraatad la tba
JadaotriasW the oanalrp Bade bo Btodaln la roUap far protoetloa ta 1898.
■leMnora Bant aad Otaaaoa wiU
Pl»« giw U . trid.
Steiiilief(t Grud Open fleni
Traverse Belle.
Diamond J.
and for Ten Ceots^ the—
Made by A. W. JAHRAUS,
— u. Quo, ^atoou.
....OF THEL.
ill ThiTWeek.
Comedy Co.
Mr. Me Simon
A New Feature aud a Long Felt
Wa are opaatag a full aod aottftata
ca.LHM.hf. Ml Ota
Baddaa Paatb ta MaaQalciaa
Bowtaad Doaptaa raoatrod a tatac
pntardap attaraooa aaaonaHap tba
^tb af tbo wUa of bto taotbar, Baapaa Deaplaaa. at Maantaaa.
Doaptan died rarp aoddaalp. Baapaa
Ooaptan waa fonaorlp'bf tbto atp.
wbara ba baa naap trtaada Bo waa
oapUipad at tba aaplaB. lulMp aa
baa baao ta Hebratba, wbara btorMfa.
aaaetadtaaiM iolablB.
^ -
Bicycle Riders.
Millinery Departnient,
aooe. la tbto departaMbt wa------ aotgatagta dovtoto (lota oar
tang aalabltobad nraettoa of' givU
Ivtag tba beat vmlaaa for tba .laoat moo«y. Oat
^ Boat parttoatariy wUt----------------------be to
BiUtaerw doparttacot a tuaort tetba most tasbtooAbU. PABISIA
.BISIAM MODEL pattara tela oaatod by oararttatto
MisaJaAAto B. Talmer.
whom wo
kava ongngfdTor tba aai
ra eiqatoita ta dattga haoottfol la lira aad gattore. Ws're drvotiug a
wbtob wa ora aow farAk
Our purchases in Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes
have been immense. Go<^s |
looming in by tbe car load.
Many of them now on sale.
“The Tickei
Of Leave Man.”
Clothing Department
Oar wABk fabrtea ora
^ tat^dawaatto o^~ farotga pro-
Popular Prices,
Shoe Department
We extend an invitation to
an to examine onr daily arri>
vals, a spec^ one for onr
sfiring opMing, which we ‘
win announce later.
Xa oar.-------
Dress Goods Department
Cloak Department
Row taOor modo jolto. tataat stylo.
Jactoott aad Oapao. KhtoooUo Wrta.
BvMytb^^ to nyltoh ^ aobkr
low It
10, 20. 30c
Boston Store,
Qian Btodi.
A LONG . ^
ttu start aad para a
rnairtrr jrbtob aapt ap tat
taterest aU tSa araatap, wblla. “Tba
Paetorp UirP waa batap prnaatad
aad taarktar. At fraqoaat tatarrata
■padalUn ware tatrodooad bp atorar
paqttoaadfallpappractotaA Thalrst
alpbt tna a aoBcan far the oo^aap.
' •Tbe Tbdut of Lnra Mao”
tba attraettoa.
XlddS, Sll Vront BL, But.
that the best for Five Cents is the—
riHw •( • «lu t)Mw ta* Vrwsl..
Atmaa M tar aais •• ta* rim Kaau.
wm cmatusa *1 ia* wma obom
Ai-uo ruu ta>
WasblastoB. Hatoh ^-lAXoclatad
Mtoi Bobrooa Kidd who koa baaa vtoPrraa Abatrset M Oeun ofSMulrp Ba- lOac frtoads ta tba elty. roturaad jaaport. Copprishi. UM. br iba Aaaoclated terday to Truoqoa Ule^eouatij.
Jadfs BoberU raluraed jrtatarday
brrrwUb. A coBipleu abatrart of the re (roB GraadTtlta wbaru ba attaodad
port ft ibc eourt of taoulry wbJcb ta- tba fuaarALof tba Bolbar qt Mru. Bobrestlgateo the r r^klns of ibe battle- urto.
v-w- —
ablp Maine. Thieabetraet It made from
Tba Mtoaas Jdaata aad Beaato Falrtbf report lleelf. act.«et to which waa baajta of Bad ^agkat. Mtob.. aru tba
obialaeO yeeterdey deepiu att^al •»- gneeta of Mi*a LaBrooJp They are aa
crarr KsparaUeled la the baMlItit of tbalr way aoatb.
offirtai pepera The report Is atads up
Bev. Howard Moore U axpaetod boas
aC eight parti, as foUowa:
today froB Onaway. Presque Isle eouaPint-Tbe court flads that at tbe
ty, wburu be baa been aaatottag Bor. L.
tim of tbe nptaaloa the
Bufr la a aartoa of BMettafa.
Maim wme lying in Are and oae-balf te
Mtoa Giato Itoaaley of Mapta City, bus
Ota tatboiBB or water.
Aecond-The dlectpUae aboard tbe baoo vlaiUnr frlsada bera tar tbo taut
ablp wrae cseeRemi everrtbtag stewed few days. Today sbo aUrtt ter ter
iaaw to attead tbe Chrtotlaa Baitoatnc
tIOrra. etc. Tbe temperature of^ ibe
BAgaslnre at 8 p. m. wae aortnal'‘cxerpl It- the after ten-tacb augaali.e.
and that did not explode,
aats Alimm riM I
Vbtrd-The exploaloo occurred at trtS
O'eloek OB tbe evening of Feb. U. There
were two cxploUpna with a very ahurt
Interval between tbdin. Tbe ablp lined
on tbe nret exidotton.
Ftairth—Tbe court can toRn ao deftalie otHnioti of the condition of tbe
wreck from divers' ertdenea.
waa explodad under tbe ahlp on tbe
port Blda
Pixib—Tbe axploalen was dtw to no
fault of thoae oo beard.
Aeventk—Optaloa of tbe court stating
that tbe explosion of tbe mine catwed
tbe exploeloB of two magaamea
Eigbih-Tbe court dectarea Ibat It
cannot And evidence to Ax tbe reeponiablUty.
CIvre ta* Mm Spm *. DAetpaM.
The report li onantrrooe nnd ta algned
by all the member* of the court. It dun
aot refer to the cxiBlenee Or noo-existJpatloe af tba PsAca—Jaba W. Sbaw. ence of mlnee In the harbor of Havana,
Beard « Bartow—Pardtaaad F>o^ except In the spKlAc finding that a
mine wae expludid under the ehip and
tbe opinion (hat the explooloD of tbe
two magasinee was caused by tbe exploMoe of a mine. Tbe report as a wbole
la a formal, dlspaaslunate recttnl of
faeta and bears the stamp of that
—WUba WIpkto
atrtrt ufflclalliim which marks naval
proeedure. l( Is brief: not exceeding
^ HopkiBA
eighteen hundreds words, and among
Trsasatar-A. M. C. Lawto.
the eight pan* goes to the greatest
Sebotd laapaotaf-Gao. MarraU.
length under the aecond beading which
Board af Bartow—H. OUbart.
deals with the discipline and order of
the ekip.
Jaattaaof tba Paaoa-faU tarB, 1
lM-p*erM aeetOeetst Cm
U. H. Owaapar.
This the court spedfiea with extreme
ninutecHoa. (he least detail of the aatlsSeperriaor-CbaA. Tbonpaoa.
faciorr bondmon of ererrtblng onboard
being given. The normal temperature
Qark-Cpraa Marrall.
of tba Urge forward magashies at 1
Triaanrai ft B. Cartto.
o'clock—only on hour and forty minuter
Seboal laapaetor-L. W. Lpaa.
Board af Bortow-A. A. MorraU.
JnUoa af tba Paaea-faU torm. DaU
optnlon that the explosion of a mine un
Brldpr, abort toTB. Waa. HaMard.
der the port aide of ibc ablp caused tbe
explosion of tbe two magaglnes. This
•attorn By Motn
will explain the remartutbie destnvtlM.
Dr^Lopaa irUlAa^toarA for Ptaito. wrought, the explosion thus belnp
Mleh..wberabahaa A aaw.SOd. Bo shown to have combined ih* frree of a
learn Baap trlaada aad takaa tbalr ndoe without and two n .. azine* with
pood wtobaA4o bis aaw boau.
The potato inaoo' baa aot apaaad abort Interval between them, is an addi
owtap la tba oaadlUoa of tba raada Uonal deUM abowlng that (wo tome
Tbara are Are bapan for tba foiwptora operated in causing the dcstracHon.
ABd napaUUoa wUl ba Urolp.
t that the tal
Tba aprtap Meettoa to andtlap a
pood deal af latomt. Tbara are tarn
toekatt aad atrarml OABdUAtea.
of tona Tbe feature of the report of
Tka aereapa of petataw wlU ba poa- deepest
Intereet to tbe nary Is the comaiWp ua par ent. ta neon ot-taat plete exonerattoB of Captain BIgabee
and all on board. Tbe Inability of tbe
court to And evidence to fix rasponMTbaatrlOAl Motn.
bdlty. es stated la tbe etghtb part,
A crawdad boose proeted ibe BIbob makes t he re portso guarded ID cxpreml oa
Ooaudp Co. ta Statabarpta Oraad Opan of bUmc that neither Bpalo nor the
BooMtastaicbt. TbaeoBpaapca^t Apanltb are mntlojted tbroucbouL
Prafaaur a B. Boast my* T. Bath
Otaaaoa. both Bow of AUu Ooltara.
Mkto . to orpmataa aad oaaldBM^AtrietIp- tbaatra cwbaetta. ttwlD ba\oanT. Xtotb Otaaaoa aad O.B. Bant waad
paaad of tao BsabBs. ndh of 'totooB
wfUbatrst-etantabtollao. la fbot, tafkaakfortpaBtardapattorBooBior a
8bo orebtattm. wbkk wOl bo baiFa oo (aw dapa’ rWt, bafera ratantap ta
'Otolabaip's Oraad Opna Baaao OrobnUA." w&l boAspaod. oomUtoitap
in alaa, AB aap ta tba atota, wttbaot Mawa Oa., bn ntiniid dam
«V.1«> Solid WhMU to Onto, do it ok«pw ud oin Ml« materul ud work lb.ii u; .bop in tbo dtp. Ho« lud oerenl
pevo-expenure ond gurutoo Mtiifaction.
^ Is agood thing to have, especially when it Is weU filled. But i
yonosnhny so much for your money in
at tlfis store that yon don’t need one.
... . jBbar tkal I do aU kinds of rapalrtac aadwnaBaUac.aad tkat 1 eaa
and do flvB von tbo bast work of aoy
OM la Ibe dty tor tko Boaaj. Doe>t
ba diaalved by wtat otbara tall jvr
ooiaa aad aaa :
'^I^nsHMtas all aiy work toko rifkt,
aad U It doBBol proto ao 1 ataka ll
la tm«(MoekaaaBT ovMtaf,
oaaana Saadar. laYho OaUasMl to Uio^toaBdtar, at aortk oad rt Uatoa
Our values in this line are 80 go<>d that pnrohasen enoe :
we customerssJwsya WeareshowingoOtTeotspring styles i
. In shoes.
thb »ommra MdoM>,;rniwPAT. imtcH s9,
»IS mill m Bn
usm urns .to
Thtj Ara ToM TWt tk* Tim)a Mur
hpaiB •eearac ta ca*>i
peace, ter the preaeat at least There ti
SM>d autbonty for aayias that SpBlah
prebtBt a-tab U to Bccorc a ceesatloB
of tetnitiaa In Cuba raiber ibaa to
BBfBcafna war with tbe Uolted Btat^
aad that K Is more than probable tbati
at the UhlM states and the Bainsta
»lnlslry will take that tun - la tbe
Banedlais future. Tbe preseat Spaatab
miniatnf has professed a pacibc dUpoaltloa from tbe beftanlnf. and tbe
ladicatkma are stronc now that it wlU
avail Uaelt of tbe food offices of tbs
(IL OEiufiE Of RAii
Fftila 07r*r tha PraW* StatW. Pith
th« Rivars and Flood* the
Farm Landa.
. Suua,
btlndnc »o aa end Uw bostUiuta-la
On tbe i«rt of tbe adminlrtratioa R k
• - «eay Vkmiiiv.
tbWktak<b» »>i^bn«t ap«i.en^M atated that tbe deveiopmcat of the sitaatloa will not reualre a rreat letiftta - uoaosaiy risidiSac atob«'caseMwu«ae
of Ume. aad brace that ibere wiu be ao
ywapto Astoee-N.. Uvs* ara««*4 Um.
extended delay. A ppUcy has beeB«rnUy
Bprtnyftold. Ilia. Matoh rt.-fUiu
determined upon by tbe president It
Is to briBf the Cuban war to a dose. poured down In lorseats nearly a^ ^t
Tble will be acoompilehed by plated' uittay nlybt and yeaietday forenoon,
laterrentlnn. tf neeeaaary;
and the rula fan la elybteen hours was
i far preferable that the
w yu k«t
1 , llArri)
he“ra^ 4.to Inches, the yreaieet rain fall la
sbonid c
> the result of pesceful twraiy.fnur hours for elybtera years.
«.—8«u»«*» ni*bt ii 1
an that It should be acThe preniptiaUuB duriny M^rcb.-bM
ttMU OB BUe«ed toot B«4bertir U»:
been h.il liK.-beA the yrealdC' cveii
ttM PBlBoe oOdala bu« h«a NMlrad b the part of tbs United States. I
known here. Tb^Sanyahven riVer to
Btpte- diBpBteli from'lUdrtd which to tbe dlsposltloii of Ibe president
badly ovarfl.-wao abd la still rlBin^>w{'i
««Mt wUd n>rcpBr* for w»r."
an armltUoe with the Cubqas and lo to expected at the Water works that
aUow her a reasbnable time In wbicb tb* flies under tbe boilers trill be exthat thtf Unt* for-a%
>a or «clB7 on to come to an ondcratandinf with tl
tlnyulabed. sod It may be several days
«te port Of BpBla >
tbrn bernre-walA- can he pumped. RailII caa be statdl upon bifh authority road trajcnr is badiy .rippled.
that there has been no Abatement of
MIUmMs KIvwr (Vmwiwb •'» ttapMly.
tODdoB. lUrcb a-Tho audrtd cor- the pteeldfnt-B inUntlon to see that the
Tleardslown. Tli* . March r* —A severe
‘ NBpandmt of The StBBdard sare: "1 war Is terminated—when It la dosed— rata storm visited this iMH-ilon BaturBpoe terms that wOl render the Cu day Blyht'and yesterday. The IIUm^
able to bUU that
fotlowin» ii bans practically a free people. It Is not
yesterday raised alxicra Inehca^
Um real ooarae of tbe BecoUatioita: believed that they would accept say- river
----- - --------------- overflowiay Its
tblnc lest, nor that Americans would banka and Inundaiillny tb
tbiniBand* of
UbIM «tBta MlBluar W9odtord had bs aaOsned If we should enconrace a
nd. A htor«e portkw
under water.
BB qOelal >otart-le«r ^(b tbe mlaletwret lorelKB attain aad tbe eoleadee.
amon OuUon aod MorBt. at tbe prirate
residence of tbe fomer. It Uated two
a day at least.
bonra. Oeacra) Woodford lefT with
■nu. looUnfto ibe ei
tlMB mn official note explalalar folly
'st. Louto. March a.-^Speclals to Tbs
the new* and iatemieoa of the AmerRepublic
received from tbe foUowbas loaf, been the hope of tbe ad- Iny lowais'ln Illinois;
IB tble docDinea
mlrJttratlon to brine Spain to
lUiopolto-Tbe Wsbaabralrnadbridfe*
r Intimatloa
point of jnaklnr prc-porttlons
aaj dau taed.-hot it wae tiearly and this ^character as the basis
Bnilr sUted 'tlM the Unltwl SutcA a settlement most aailsfaciory u
•orenuDcnt coiild Dot loafer wlthbold parties, and It 4s hoped from Bpsle's
Chn coBfreea the correapoDdeDce and attitude that this time has arrived. Tbe
lumed the
coa«^ nporta which cot only put Id frtend* of the adminisinition feel tbai . .
... and everyCab«fbt U» coDditiOD of the dletreMcd the Bltusilon U a very delic ate one. and tblny to flooded. The IINnoto and SbaIbat much will depend upon the eo
rtu<d popolaUOD of Cuba, tbe loade- cencresa may puisue. - In the meaatlmc yamob rivers are raylny abd tbe ad
qaate reUef and tbe peraieience of die.
Idem will en -Wedneaday send jacent lowland flooded tlx to elfbt feet
deep, dolny yreat damaye.
diSectloB. bat aJao abowed that tbe new
Petersbury—Tbe Sanyamon^ river has
‘*Bh>itlal policy aad other efforteof Bpain
risen tbree feet in the last twenty-four
/ had not prodDced tbe result* that would
hours and to sill) rtriny an Inch an hour.
jBMlfy holdlBf out tbe prospect of wriy
More than flfty fair.lilcB h*ve ^>era drlv.
from their hohies by tbe flood and
loiTT—1>— *e Csai y»rj Bbm.
are bciny cared tor by rittoena.
‘'CoBaaquenUy the American cote lay*
Heevlewt tialw *wr Iblrtr \trnn.
•tre** tipoo tbe tact that contiafendn
Wastalnirtm. March A—Tbe impec^
mdlerevllie—Tb* heaviest raJn•r*.BOw fast approachlitf for tbe action tani event of tbe week In coapTcsa wHI
r that has been known for thirty
' which was foreshadowed In presidential
fell j-esterday. dsmsyiny dty
irnnsmiUlBf tbe report on the property to ihe extent of Cl.oev or mor*
dance ao trequenUy and clearly dnnnx
It three years. Tbe American UalDe court of InqnlrT. which la ea- and private property to about tbe sa.
•- - - ” ' ■■
d the ianfoace of Ooneral Wood- pevted ear^y In the sesale^ today, The
e with SenorGullOB BBderatandlBf In the senate I* that tb* water, rs
_ — -- _ _ _
MTC DO doubt Ibat ^ is tbe iBteoUon report win be refered to tbe committee ly and sweepKto everyL_
Uhlrayo, Pe
Of tbe Waabinfton sovertiment to act
forelm relations aad sent to the
Tory sooib beflnnlny wub ib* cotn- printer without belnr read or mote than oria and 8t. !./>uls railway bare forte
brMye. Tbe
B M tbe above document aad inrtdratally referred to. and that after
Sanyamnn river to rlslny very fast and
tbu BotUnf more will be «ld eoacern- tbe three rall-oad brldyes north of hetw
lay It un;U tbe commlitee shall tevc are In yreat dsnyer of bciny carried out.
bad a-reaktnaUc opportuniiy to con- Several levee* have broken and seme Of
alder It or until some further commu the tamllle* had oaiTOW esmpes. Tboe
at any of tb* diurcfaeB
nication may be received from tbe preoyesterday.
. eral Woodford bad by appointmem an- Idcni on the Cuban quealloa
FhniMiw AUsaesalwu Their
There bas been a rraeral app^
Other official latervlew with Seaor OulMaacootah—The reports from ^ove
Indicate that the yreat levee twenty
‘'r until the
the have
ot tn* apanun rovemmrat to tae ,„bje«
prt aldcBi can
an miles up the -Kaakaakla are expected to
opportunity to develop bis jwUcy. aad be swept away. Many farmers areabandonlny ibeir home* In the lowlands
t tbe Spaaiab forUktny their families and live stock and
ntmaat eaanot ayro* with tbe coikIu- econply w ith the ivcinest. Siltl there to iMVIny other farm
Iona the American yiTveramem ha* BO doom that tbe iraate would frow merry of the finnda Between Payeltecawa from laaecarate informatloa that reiT<eetlve under delay.. If tbe presi
and Pi. JJb.d7 the KaskaskJa to
eaa not tally with tbe recent activity
all over
rf tbe mllUary operatloiu
report the senate at once would become land traffic has twen abandoned. Spe
cials say that the MtuatSon is-crlUcai In'
the center of
of w hich would be aomc red- towns and vlllayea aoptb of Sprtnyfleld.
leal dcclaretlon ayalnst Spa‘n. Tbe
.problem now is to hrtd the cspreMon
▼ermrtea of borne rale In tbe colony.
of opinion down
iMptoCeaybr AMraw
----------------------- —— -........ccmnrttteee.
The latyeai crowd which baa attended
a aeasion of conyrciw in years was at
tbe Capitol today waltiny to hear the
official report of the board
Inquiry part of tbe city lyiny alony Bear creek
ider water, msalny travel Impoa^ tbe Maine disaster Exito limtnicexcvpl lu sklRa or vehicles TUt
■ttoos had been Issued to ihf attendant*
and admtosicn to tbe teiwr > eJ yaberles must damaye was done In Bear creek
era* strictly by catfl. Not one-teatta^of valley, wh-re a larye number of colthe people who stormed tbe doars could layes are ]•« Bled. Doth the'city and
yaln admission. The^bouse awaited tbe the Hiosobii. Kansas aud Texas rallreport wlldi feverish anxiety.,and there rvMd dykas yave way. flbodiay a •ectloa
'ew vacant seat* on the floor. two mile* louy and aroustny tbe aleep^Tiyre will be nq wild furore of oratory, iny Inmates, who barely had tluto to
In the bouse nftax the report to read. escape. Ibere were many narrow e*The ruies and tbe apesker will see to apes and bad it not been for the
that-^peovided a wave • of excitement prompt aaslslancc tendered by those
does aot sweep away iheniles Afterthe who owned boats many would hare
report I* read Reed will rccoyntoe perished. Many poor fainlliry arc made
Hitt to ipov* Its refersBoe. and this mo- .
- -------------- .
tlon I* not dehcuble.
. i destroyed. Fortunately there wei
committee the flndlny* of the j totallllr*.
Tbe rallrvadi suffered
board will remain there until a report la ! STvrrely.
caade by the comitiice. which wUl cer-1
Hannibal and Bt.
talDly not be until Spain’s reply makes
Railroad company Is nraabed
In many places. Their enylnea. except
tlon. Meantime the precitiiutlaa of tbe one. arv In tbe eouad b?u*e aad canluatn toeued between Spain and the Doi be moved owlny to the condition of
tbe track. Two bridye* on this road
between Hannibal and Oakwood are
nroutsL cABiKKr rorwen.'
washed out. TDr (reck ballast at tbe
Missouri. Kansas and Texas railroad la
1 Saate Xsw-Fsli<y ..f ihe r.«.We.t.
lubject tor f
e aettletneni. nn- washed out fur llfleen blocks. The eaa;
WaAlayton. March ZA-Tbe pmidrat
rad of tbe costly Iron bridye between
tbe outer depot and round bouse Ce:i
saw A number of the members j.>f the now anticipated wbicb
In the ansruouB. Tbe tons will be heavy.
cablifetat tbe White Houae yesterday ' Immediate action. Juat bow tbe
Ibe rains In tbe Oksw river boitoms In
They dropped In one fay on* unui Ui.we i efforts of tbe admlntotratlon anda< .
prearat tnclbded Saowtariw Bli*a, Al- ««rallra leaden In conyresa arTdevotad 8L Clair county have swotien that river
•o that-It Is la mewt places from three
cer. dace sad Attorney Oeaeral OrtyK* ^ to'hoidlny down conyreaa
to four mile* wide aad mere than tt«
With tbam also was Assistant Beer*.
persona have been forced to kav* their
tarT Zkay. e< tbe stAte depamneni. The
Irld. Mal^:St.-The etocUoes lo bomea.. Damaye to tb* torms win by
yathertny was nrt a special cabinet
iplta4-«:eW 1
PMeUay In tb* saade ia. waicta Uiai term
Ibe Air t-ta* train* are unable to ran
to yenerally assd. but was almply a
over their traefca because of a waaboni
talk between tbe prealdem and hto ad- eervailvea. De^te yreat prwcautlons at Gulden Oats, about IfO mile* from
Ttoers auch as occurred Sunday week at Bilbao there was much dlaorder. A SL' Louis. Tb* washout to exlenelve
erf on
n which be desired body of in miners tried to ommlt acts aad It' wfl] be acveraJ days before It
of vlolrttce. It la rvported that a Bo- paa be repaired. Prom Tandalla. Monat
o consult them. Ther Cuban
_____ _________
. _______
and the
« report 01
of tb* Maine court e( in- olallM
VeraoR. RfBnybam. Charteaion. Green'
date there. AU tbe other prqrtaeeu are -vtUe. Pittsfteld and Nashville, nts^ cmh
qulrr were tb* topics dieeusaed. but ■
toax as could be aaoenalaed aotbln
reported cahn. The Sayasts parto' wfU reports of rtofny streams and of wash
a bly tuajoruy In tbe cottea.^
outs on tb* tallcoade beeanec of the
I of the eahiaet Mylny aubaeheavy ralae. _________
TM Vary Uyht la HavaMV.
quently that there was Dolhlny new m
Havana. Marrti Zl—Teeterday was WAm «o» RBOm W UtOIASA.
•tartUay In the situatien. At tta* Miu.
r aad navy departments there'kaa- election day in Uavana and was more
ffartay tbe ewrtier portloM of tb* day ’Kulet tbaa many rlertJo'iia la New Tork.
Cbicaye and other larye Amerlran
tittle eembUnce of Sunday.
ledlanapoUa. March t>.-Tbe WRbaeh
Tbe developmrau of tb* day la tbe kUea. It to too aoea to ylv* tb* rmuK
3 the Meotioiu. .but clalas are lasdc and White river* are nn a rwmpaye. la
Oahaa MU.................................
aitoae pcattoRe of aeatbera Indlaaa tb*'
Wabash to said to ba ten nOea wM*.'
Moeb Hv* mtvek be* buaR ^rawMd la
edty bas baeer very Jlybt.
tbalowtaada Tbe Baltimore and Bowtb*«paln.'’ the reply.oonUDuce. ‘-cana
Mturally admit tbe int^erebe* wbl<
to foreshadowed lb the Arnertcan nou.
aad deprecates the aeadlny of offletal
reUef and war vsssrts to Cabs, as belof
ntarded the pseilleaUon of tbe
colony. Spain reminds tbe AmcHeaa yoveramenl of all tbe coacessioes
ab* has made to preserve peaceful reUtloBs and to conciliate tbe Unlied
Btates. tbe Ust proof beiny her wUlInimess to submit the coaSIrtiny com
mission reports Bf ta tb* Maine to arbi
UmHafC"In conclusion the 1
Show* that the-yovernment bellevea *t
has reached the -xireme limit Of concessions compatible with tb* boaor and
dlyntiy of Kpain. and will not admit
racroachmccu <m her rlyhts of eoVCnrlynty insihe »> p,i The matter now
reata with the i>rvmdrnt end both foveernmenta evldt nily ...nsldrr the Maine
affair a mere imi.irnt it. the more imporuat Imnea aU-ui t., he raised by tbe
conduct of the ^<ied Fiatcs *'
‘ Call and see the iine represented by Gee. pier'
fc Special measures-Tall men,'stout men, fat men, stub and ;
twist, lean men. all got fitted.
wcutera re*d has lest bearOy. s—y
hundreds of fc«( of roadbed havioy
been washed away. In Sullivan rou-.r>
tbe people tanted out haturday and yes
terday lo secure portions of ll:« levee
that were lbreatvi«4. Wheat all al' n.;
Indiana'* souttiern
icbms I
Bedford aad ttloomli
Indiana roods On. Hal branrb uf the
Peanryltanla road frum^Vips.eonak to
Indianapolis not a Ir^iinhas lassed
olnce last Tuesday. TT^ Wabsth iev-o
•ear Umtoop. twelve mites lung, protcclIny many tfaomand of mores pf land.
tKaU b*> a vM M knuU
wVMl WL caaMc liiiui
Vincranta. lad.. March a.-The flood
situatlob here bas SMumed an alarmtban t
00 the Indiana ktda and BaUeyrade
levee, on the llllnota aide, have broken.
Boodlny ab the t»w IsDda Hundreds of
farm* am submerged, and people
worked all Frtday f^bt moviny (beii
stock and familierfju biyh land. A
waihout occurred oa Ibe Baltimore and
Obto railroad a mil* west of this oily,
and was dlacoversdTuat in time lo'pte
vent a whole train ^unyina into it.
Rrincetoa. In^l, March ZL—Tbs water
In Ibe Wabash cenlinues lo Hs* al tbe
rale of 1-3 of an Inrb an boor, and the
Whits and Patoka livers arc rlatny at
about the same rate. Railroade are
swilchlny around'evary way lo yet to
deslloatlona. but all mnner-lion will
noon -be cut off from here, except lolocal point* I'nlee* the wair-r* Mwii
reryde tfcouaand* of dollars will tw lost
to bottom farmers There sm a cnSaturday. Much damaye haa tveen
done H. atfeey4nd watoajn this cHy.
MrRHicabR IX ixbia» TtcMfroav.
Se Tbmlly RUM br fhe WtM-BItoSouth McAlrster. I. T. March Zl-A
tenifle aind siorm swept over tbecountry'between ihla place and Leblyfa and
Colyale Saturday nlybt. Knur farm
bouse* were demoltobed Th<«* reportkilled
rs fteafoam. srlfe and
three Children,
Paenenyets. arrtvtny
from Lehlyh sti t that >D
D IIhe country
nado did yreat
damaye. and that many
killed and iniuTMl.
Pbyalrlaa* from
various towns alony tbe H K. and T.
railroad have been sent to the aerae of
tbe reported disaster. Ip-the Immodtote
vicinity' of South McAMter conaUarable minor damayr was done.
Ardmore, 1. T., March 3 -^ destracvr wind storm aceompanled by a
psvy dowap^r of rain struck tb* div
Satunlay nlybL In the path
I. which was not over «• yards
Bixieeti dwrtliny* were truved
their foundalluns Tbe bone of
McCnIlouyh was wrecked, and
Mr* MrCbillourt was sert^pfly Injured
to Tbe Journal from Atoka. L T_ dtorredltw the report* from Boutta McAle*.
ter of heavy loa* of life In Ibe vicinuy
of Coal Gate and Lehlyh as a rewult of
the storm.
UncolB. Neb., Marrb M.—A
Btorm. probably tbe worn of the
ter. prevailed In central and eoutfaeast
Kebraaka yesterday afternoon. Tbe
driven by a hlyh wind was blind-
AU-tnlm Vlaiatai wM.
■Ba*ai«tt-eio»" SW»» ana rtsliSL
SUk 'brocatu. ADWacnia. rtc.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Pom.po«i .iU. tk.
at, Umbw Coot..,.
We hare for aale Good, '
Sound Hemlock Lumber, ■
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
UiU HKkis«Tof>Ud
tiooy, inclodiiig Two BngioM,
Pet 'Workfl, Cariiegea and San- A oomplete Saw MiU Pbat
for mIb.
213 Front St
Baltimore fitoek ]
Tlire* Time* a Waak
Counta. Me pwr quRrt
Fletdier's OfSKr Depot tHJesIn^'
'TwZwpMexx* isa.
deyrev*. In Lincoln, street car traffic
wn* badly Inferfrred with, but railroad
tzalna were little delayed. The coly had
Vto ••The Laad
effect apprehended 1* to spriay wheat
and fruit tree*, which with many da^s
of onusnally\warm Weather had madi
rapid develeilbetit
of IbeBot
Portsmouth, 0.,'March tt.-Tbe Ohio
river Is rtolny oae^Iourth of an inch
per hour. A bis force of men bas been
wortrtny strenytheniny the terafloran'
levees to keep the water out of the braulifa) eaeaerr. ufs rich aad^^le
center of t>-e city, thus preventlny laad aad Ue many reaurts which lie
heavy drmaye Fife ratine* are pump- aloof iU Itaea.
Iny out the sewers I', an effort to keep
" ta Florida aad eaeape tbe ihao<
tbe water fium rracblpy the threatened
and dtoarreraHe da.v* of winter.
dtotrlii tbrotiyb thsi source. The
eatber to warm, cloudy aaddl
AMERICA, where heavaa aad earth
teem ta meet smoafst the nay of tbe
Oaal Htoea PIIIIb* wlih Wa«ar.
Brasn. lad.. March Zl-The overflow bcaatlee of aatare. See tbe irraadaet
la Aaiarlaa aad BUtmorwing of a creek in tbe coutb part of the
county did iBunetuie damaye. Two ______ AaMTicaW oaly PaUae. tha
mlaes belonclay toBaniaoa A Aadrews. Cbaleaa of Owa. W. VaodarbUt. Or
larye coal opermton. were cumpletely
flltod with wa^er. wttUn six laches of to Ftarlda; eaa ro via Cbatta*
the roof, tbrowtny «W men out of em pasalay Loakral HoaataU. aad i
ployment. A miB* la tb* Bonh pan of
the county bcioaytay to tbe Ebmch
taeetiaa with tbe Qaaea A .Greaeaat Eoata, the Banthara EaBway
vwtfbalad train'
ly tbe preuent freabet of tbe Ohio river elieplae, dUaw aad tAalr eaia. lb*
will very eooe pour itself late the Ids- TJaa Par-eMlieae* of tbe Soatb.
BlMppl -Hvwr. Praai Porttmoutb «
For maps aad tafermatloa. apply to
war aaareffi aoapoB ttokat affaat or
Wm. B. Tatuib.
Ami Oaal. Paea. Afeet,
Maduoa, Wto.. March &—The DalKe.^^rwih^Aan
retaiiT of Wlaci
off tb* later-eo
venliy. because of tbe c
torr tactics of the “Hawkeyea."
Mtoa I^dla Baadraaa ad tUa altp rM
Hs Ha* PrwcttowUy <?wt ta R.U.
Mtoa Ape* Seaiwal y/ 8t- Inaea t
Cedar RapMa la.. March ttWoweph'
Daffic. while eawtay. wood, atiempted
whara tbrn iwOl be
to atouBt the frame «< tb* dtcular eaW
ta meed tbe ladtoaaf 1
feO BpOR tbe raptfiy rwvoNiny aaw,
eh praatoeany aarKsd bla hedy at'
Opthalmic Srecat-WT.
Plaa fvU* Crm wMlaamr BAM wvdar.
Ibe paper to all aaw deidfOA - Pitep.
Chas. Mastic. !
41* LiSsATMiM,
■uraiMrn KM'floSi)'MX 1
rtrthig ahotlw HtarytoWat- tbk. aij reoli^Uaa. It to with nfrot
to tba Moitiaa of aaeb, at tbat Ido Ibtoaa I am. mad alwajahaec
«Mr M Bi*
proaparity I
Banc MoaL. UardbB.~i>atrlek War.
Mt ba adoptad aad |Baaad.
1!>ksr. a mlnw. hx bMn^rnKad formoot
aad flandUb crMitjr ^ wa
Tneana Clly. Ktoh.. Mar.»». IM.
_____ ___
-lUir. Wb«
aba Iboucht bar huataand bad ten Uta
teuab abe tried to com* >.at thraach a
trap door to tbe (toor. Murpby, who
araa on tbe awh. Jumped on the door
aad eauirbl oneot her arms between tbe
door and tbe floor, where be bdd itflnn.'
Then be alolrlr i^red a kettle ofacald*
ln« water
wuman'a pitroua erica and raoana for
‘oiled f
7b ^ Bom of Sdmenaok,
OanuMni—Wo. poorOoHaiUoa on
Waya aad Ueut. herewith preoeal the
raynlar meeUnf <
followiwdatolaawl roeooi«qpd thetr
TBMmaa' ati.«ana m».
Taaahar'c par mU. Mareb.» *ba............
uamaa' axuam mto.
JaaUen'oar reU. March, iw................
----------------------...------------------- to aol
ioa ••A" of paracrapb one. aeetloa tbr«e
of the bv-Uwa of the Board of Bdoeaof Trarerae aty, tha aaiae to read
prepare a report of the teaeb*
- To prepai
era whom they .
or and
-j ^ mta (oc aami to tba Board at any rep•
•I n alar or apoelal meotlnr In tha month of
W to Mcy aUtlBA alao tba aalary to ba aV-
Repreaeniaiite John SlmklnA^f HM*
•aebuaetla. died .oC baarc {allure Satur
day niahu lie waa only K year* old.
and Anihoey
young sona of John Aldereniotc were
kUtod by an,electric airect car.at Ak-
r apM aaid report.
KadcetoSerebrelrea test curaBsat U> aa
Placed on file.
‘ erOw aC U* OsTerww ap this Stale Iweed
Beport of aoperiatend&t of t^-real- March M.IMM. aoS nav mt Ole In (kla uMee
(hat a spiwla] electV-n vUI be hrlC la •bcivcp.
dost toiUoii oolloeted in^.Mar^
r the
i:, i'SKS.'ilfeSlil'ii.mi.V
Vary rMpaetMly.
O. C. MorTATT,
J. A. Moouk.
Oommittoe oa Ways aad Maan
Moeed by Mr. MoM that thp report
be aeoepted an^elalma be ordeiod paid
Motion carried
at .Decatur. Ilia., Saturday night. ..
Waa rector of Bt Pairfc li'a church, and
one of the best known prieau In Illi
Tbe fauuaci of Ednard Hansman at
Kent Minn., war In'med.. and all fhe
family iieil-'ted In the names tndodlnr
Mr. Hansmgii, hia wife, and five chil M^B^x^m: ^tima.
The wreattlng match at New Torit
between Yousaoiiff.
the Turk,
Oiaeco-ltoman wrrsiler. was a fiasco.
Roeber kept away until theTurkyuabed
at him and pushed him off the plaUorm.
wrenching bis backT The match went
to Roeber oa the fnni
« Waraer..
'dale eatrlad.
IS acoeptod add
aa MoaSar. Aaril PoerUJ rlpMeea k
on file.
ao4 Blpetjwtolit. loeieet ar- — “-------Moved by Mr. Beond that tbe an- Ike eneaner
_______ ___________
eaUaeC hr
_ ______ ,______.1 aa
uaAev the ren*4 MUtce hr Otorpi O.
periatondeot be aotboriged to anbaitt
&»e^«rto»s^ electee fiwwl^ dlelrlcl Re
apeclflcat'eaa and aocure bids for Uo
ion nf a antuble bookeaee for
1 an4 aleelr-elcli
a grade lib!
library aad
Is tesllaiwr «
nexi regular meeUag
hand UUaUbdi
Holloa carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore tbavr&pt. r.
T. Orawn be re-engaged for eneb Ume
as by tbe board isdeemed'best at the
same salary and with tbe aame dnUea
as be to now serving under.
Motioe carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore that Mr. Orawa
bvieby girrs thai Ihr Boards pf
ha re-engaged for a term, of 5 ysara atj
iraikwor e - 'her Uw e«v wards of Ibr
$1000 00 per year, each party reeervioglStf^^^
a at tbe loIlo.la« oawrd
tbe right to larmlnat* tbe oontract byipia-eseB
. April Set. 1W*. fmSB rigUt
SOB oiilH right oVlock to
glring a notice 3 menthe prior to tho
___ ____-je peruusr_______
____ __
clcoe of anv eefaaol year.
laaliard rirclors wnhla tba
the city,
who are
Motion Miried.
to tbe City OuUBril Ri
Moved by Mr. Pt-biia that no adore
pupils be admitted inte tbe kinderletbr
H-Beeawe WatO. la tbaC. R. K. P. B. BaD
garton deparfoent far tbe balanea ef oa Merood atrr«l '
la tbe Third Ware, to the Sbat
tbe prvaeot school year.
' Motion carriad.-'
Moved by Mr OoobHu that the maV tiButb Vsloa suwn.
la tbr Pttib War*, to the PrisblT Mari
ter of,proridlBgroomtortbe 4th and
5th gradca at the Boardman Avanna
aebool for Ike next sbhool year ba re* baad tbto 1Mb day ct March, iwa
referrod to the Committee on SekooU
tbe CUy of Trarrree City,'
and Teachers to report at aext ngnlar
a.Wgbtoa, mrelib^:.
Trwyerae City. Mich.. Mar. 17, im.
Mr. and SlTa Thnmaa Xtowllng, of
Cbarleeior.. Ilia., Saturday celebrated Tto the Board <tf EduMtbm.
the nrty>Bm>b annlveraarv of tbefr
GaisTUURX—Yonr eommtttee of oa
aecariain tha
per ea^U
The body of Wimam Marvin waa 8al________adneatloa 'in oar High aebool.
nrday daken from tbe debrta'of the
aabmita tbe foUowiag report abowing
Waharh avenue Ore at Chicago Blptb
tbe per capita cost In tbe ditferent
dlBerent <debody recovered.
partmenu of our aebooU taken from
/ Oxford won the annual boat race the
irollmantof Merck 4th. ]
/ agalDxt Cambridge Saturday oa tbe Prii
Cambridge waa "not In It"
from the atari.
It to (he talk In boxtng clrdea at New
Torit that PI tealmm ana wUl give Mc>
Coy a chance to abow wbai aon of
TRACMna' aai.aaixa.
ebamptoB be U.
Illinois tMchera In atnaleb at Jadc>
$4S0 00
aonvtUc elected David Felmley, Normal.
.-405 00
Gertnide B. Chapin.
Galreburg. secretary.
360 00
Orneral'William Booth. <
160 00
tn-cblef of ihe Salvation Army, baa
arrrlved at Chicago, and been given a
405 00
reception by the -.esxclub.
Delia Sadville. who bad ber knee
sn 50
pennancnily injured by falling ihruugh
360 00
a defective aldewalk at Chicago, baa
300 00
aecured a ver^ct of SlO.ew ygalnst tbe
Below to a )tot of tha boyiarvid
farm pr^ncta is .Trav-
•10 7S
t M
4 00
1 U
8. be cAdufe
arse City.
Pt the ettr of Ti
sr Cooaty. MIrbtgi
rlott-eisbr^byclrrutasi tbr abaaal ebi
ter rimloa will be held in this CHy oe 1
foartb dbt of April. A O m». for the psrpi
of rwtluc tbe terefal City aad Ward oSn
John R. Santo,
Gemral lisgraite.
'Ml, M and Baggigi
When In need of anything fa thto '
line remember tbb la the pUee to lane*
yoor orders and get pronfrt work.
(totUfaeUoB guaranteed or DO ebargm '
Leave .vonr orders at office or call ap
'Phone No. 8.
1. E. Bnekc'. Olef Clerk RaitcMsI Btnal.
Waakluete-, I>. c.. teMIBciMbei he «’se all ran
Cowi>-wa>s>badovarhlsfom>c- -. if-Bleoto
Frasklln. Can be bougfat (or $lfO tom
than cosh value if taken before April
Uup atone,
One 50-foot lou
Barlow street. Oak
Beigbta. at almoat y4hr o
. ipriwU
II ill'.. Tursywar
L w.HtsniGs;
t Law.
—Watch Repairing,
10. McreasuJe Co Btech.
‘v —John Verly.
—Front Street.
'PboMS KH. »», l»
^«aM eT^rUnT^n^be readwted la aerw
aacr wUb the prorialaaa of the riiy rbar
and tbe grasaT cleetMa lawe ef tbe State
Gnat. Itfiili t lidiui B. I
larSBiv wf walesriPmsesse
b asset rvb.m,nm.
at bsw. Bparisl
•We Mayor
Ooo beboea ||
of tho et varal wards of
bald oa Satnrday. April ind.
SB. 169S.
I asB. as
tbe annual city aleetkm a be
'held I
city oa Manday, April 4tb. 1698.
1 be bald In aacb
of tbe ‘
of the city at the
' '
places, vlx :
he following
360 00
First ward, in tka Couacfl roam an
405 00 Oaasatroov
160 00
Socond ward. U tka C. B. K. P. S.
405 00 ball on Sooobd street.
300 00
Third ward, la tho Skadek btOtding
at aoutbwrst oorw of Union and Sixth
tIO 00 strewUto: 50
Founh ward, la tba Engine booM on
600 00 South UaioB atraei.
Fifth ward, U Uo Primary eAool
Total Amt. Gram, grades.. .$5,965 00 bnildiag os Bnat State street.
C-Bigh School;
Moved by Alderman Jahmat tbat tbe
I. H. Ban
•olnUon be adopted and paaoed
450 00
Motion carried by
veawad nay bote
Harriet Bonldia..
Enpbemla Jigblln.
Lillian UewDlag...
Saperiateadent « Time..............
rri^BoM^WbUe «
d IS ik'ii
I »,Trav. City
^P1ftb*Vari.to ibr'Priisarr aebool baUdtog
eleettoo^l Iw yeed ^
W. Smith_________
seres o'eloek to tbe fwwouou woa aoow Ibetw
«(\er as waf he bad wlllrrmala opea oalll Oeo
tagae. Ue
UMdricb. lArdie. Buell
o'eloek la th> arienwon ofoaldday
and Jabre
aad W. W. Smith,
At aoe* riewitoii Use loUowtBg oEleors bf« to
he ttortod. eawoly- '
600 00
Traverse City. Mieb.. March 96. IBM.
rJ im
t W Kalhmto
T A. TSOMPSGN. M. D 0»ee to BnUUB
1.. A HUllkee Btom. BoefS. 4 tc U a m^ t
404 p.m. TblepbWMwTl_________ ________
'owTjuttea of ta
la each Word ol tb* euy:
Oo* SoperetaoT (or ooe yearOoe AMorwaa (or i wt> years.
Ooe taaponoe of Rtoetloa foe two ywars.
Ooe MMSbrr of tbo Board of gdoeeUoe lor
UuollBgbtvaewiyacmwl. I will
Mamam.lisa OaaMl Lalamee.
Ooe Oeeotarie ter ooe yoor.
Kotleo Is olsoberrOy »l»e* tbat the preperiUod to adopt tbe systow erf live text books aa
prorifUd by AelKowhwr I <; ol the PoMlc Acts
of nm. teeoiw to tb* paWIcseboelt ef tbe Clly.
wtu be oobwilUAdtotbe qBailftod
T^R BALE-WUl orll boas* and 1st. or boBM
?-*Srthe city Ol tboAMB
JT aloes to b» rsMBind from tbo tot; beows
LSSTte^'wris asrim. at Wdi a. m
t the boltol will be OS foUews:
b»d rtbakUo ouoeta.. rraah
HaMtUsa. t
. ................... SI boobs aa prorided by Aet r____
O.ULOtlRWtXW O.P.AMOraadStogs. '
bCTlCofibeltobUeAetoofUea Ye*. U
»p-Ot^TOJtE;ri-4»wod hoMS. 8
Per free ten boofea aa prorided te AM Kbmber IffoftboPBHIeAetool tws. Kb. ( {
bstew aad to guri eoarflUou. AMly to Ban
Id UoitMoor Bbsiiaif I bare borooawoot my Krel.BaMllteBCteUitogOo.
band this IMb day o( Hareb. IMS.
linns UD lonnisnu li
TpORSALRCRRAP-A good OotnXt Bate; a
Chirk of lb* Clly of Tsoeorse Clly. Oroad Tme- ‘ J! so a laarblr top *ssh stsot. EouBtr* i
-----A ^ Laagwonby s barber sbop. xa Prwai suvs
a»isee<risekb •.
\>rOREY- TO LOAK-Ws base oe dwposll
AXL brrw BOBSy to teas se lsiprw**d city —'
wroewny. Cfderwwat A Cwlor, A
Th$ Cfibbntfid SpfidfiUfti,
Hotel Whiting
iiu>m'SelarioaO’eorlg»6-7) $9317 65
Fosl (Veer I6M 7)..............................
017 33
Tbatbbbi Citt, Uiob.
FRIDM, m 1st, 1898.
ouweo kwk..:
f w inatrucUon w«nld make the mt
|wr eapltb for the departmoat aa fel0arp-Ma‘rch.S8ke^May.»^c; inly.
XlecUon MoUea.
Third Ward. latbeBbaOek balMlag. twa«t
^ ITbIm) aad Oittb sismna
Teonfa Ward, to tl oRagler boast oe Boaib
Special meeting of i:
beldinCUy Clerk's ofi
• per b
Bye, per Im..
, McTJnlyT
inveatigalioa abowe that men wbo
soeoecd are moa of br«is»—atroitg
BCTTea grrat will power.
food cannot supply tbg viui furcca
which people with eetive brsios and
bodice require.
Bioola PiUl feed Ue
-make tbe mind bright, mnaclea
alroog—makefleabard blood and give
^rfflet health to Men ami Hi.tneru
Tag Tnurgaa or PaiLjtMtU'UU make
4 Is tbe tritowtag
plar-es la said elty.
PItwt Ward, to the Coairell Reeas aa C
Coat pw'eaiMU for inetmeUon, baaed
Burwo RATMorTKA'
--Ever BQiTied Out?
Of tba Oity Oeoneil eftho City of Trav-
Total Amt. for High S^ool, $4.TI6 00
In Vlrhlran.
effect to dtopoae of tbe btU In its present
asdcoSTcgabcUg. tlirsoetsi
Moved by Mr.-Coehlln tbat tbe earnexerelace/for tbe echeol
year ie»T-t8.
dbg tbe gradaaliagelaaa.
Motion eaariod.
On motion of Mr. PybBa.daIy-onrriod
board adjonmod.
A. W. RiCEERp.
Oerk of Board of Bdaention.
..... ......
TravaiM OMy.lbtftost.
nvoBzn Bxri 7ailui&
asasi lawrw ■ag»Tf Wni M S
triwB II b
M^ by AtdermaB Ooodrid that
A. W. Pbltifja be givao permtoakm to
lAsrtng. Mich.. MaAcb tt^t Is tbe
mnvw bit oU dwelHng. Bltnated da the' talk bere tbat OoremorPfoHee's bill
for tbe taxation of the property at ranaad West acraea Wayne atreet to Mob- road, telegraph, express and lelepbooa
roe street, on eoodlUoB that he file Uto companies at Its market value la as
repaired b >od.
good SB dead, and that the governor
Moved hr Ald<
Idermaa Lardto that tbe will have to submit a revised pn>.
Board of ^hllc Works be anthoriaad gramme Bhe Michigan Central to the
to aulBcleatly olear tha riser bed from cokpany that » la meat
desired to
legs to prevent the wator from haAtag rearil, but Fred A. Baker, chalman of
tbe Drmoeratlc stale crmn-Ittee. who
came here on Plngree s Inviutlop. ad
On toet<oB of Alderman Jabraae, vised the lerlalatora In an argument
duly carried.
dl adj.wmed.
I. W. BlCgCBD.
pealed the paamge of tbe Pingree bin
wonid not affect tbe company a par
ticle. hut would Pimply make matters
worse for Its weaker oompetlU'n. He
Kaetten Motioe.
furthehnorc said the bill, waa oreoaatltatlonil In certain partlcnlara. and as
ABBEEtlATED Tfcl2ok&M8.
Oiadatone'a conditton to that of an
Moeed by Mr. Ooeblih that the reatr.
to tbe Bombem Induiia .1
reaah Keoeem.
efatlon convention all aute reeordtwere
broken. BbelUftlUe la to hare the cooTcntic.n next year The oflleera elected
ere: Prealdent. 3. P.r»ok. Xew Albaajrj
•eereian. Janie Demine. ShelbyrlUa.
'window slaaa to up : per ceaL at tbe
order of tbe truat.
Tin plate baa Ullen to StTO per UO |
Iba. becanae the miat to dlaraptod.
Flour to ISO a barrel and ntarraUen
preTalla In tbe interior of the republic of
Oeodrfeh, lAfdto,
May. «)»'»
'lWk-Mar«V $6 46; May, $6.sa
Primsry Ondea. $J9.01 per year or 93X
ceeu por week.
dl*IMT. ydor or
37A-6tenta per w
High H^I. $16. 7
fTper yaar-OT U l-«
eantSLpbr week.
Preoeot ratee now charged;
Primary Ondea, $10.80 per year
eeoti per week.
Grammar Orades, $14. 40 p4r ye*r or
40 oanta per wpek.
HOT tha Board of Bdueation of (ha 01^ filgk Sobool, $16.00 peryear or Sfi
per week.
odiyavtoietOHy, Mich.
CBRiirroei^ Ptbpi.'
» OooneU Bomn 1
Moved by Mr. Moore (hat tbe report
acespted WMW
and |placed on file, tbe
' MaoUng waa ealled toor^
bythe eommlttbe be give
a vote of tfimnks
Frsaidant. W. VI. Smith.
for tbe comptetena
of UeteptriW
Piunsav "
-X>ybos. Mkhols.
Btaarsa and W IV. Smith. I
1 amaadment
lat of
(a) of aeetloa I of DaUeeof Ooma
imltteaa Tb Od Honoroble OMSman and Board
of EdMulkm qr.3rane>w COg, Mieit.
ia by-Uwe and order
of boalnoM'_____
_____ ______________
sef ttm
Beard ef Bdueatlon
ttloD of Travaraa
Traverae City,
. to prepare a report of the
to come and realising that Is tbe
fianeheri whom they wr-*'-------------------- '
mlgbt be better to
tor the esMtog yw
•M6«kmU tba aame to the Bceed at have aoma ewo is my piaea wbo eoold
.-IMiB^ilor meeting in (ha mooU o< sltoiM (he maoU^ t«Bsloriy. 1 tasder
One Day Only Bndi Month.
Oonfioitaaon itod EwiniBBtlon Tr— uid Btriotly
A-fi^a OO. devWAbstrattantton to Mxmwix ri tto lys. 1^, Tbfritx gri lay;.
Orahd B^ida. March td-MFbeat. 6»e.
omoiAi. PHoosBDnros
» OSS ri knlte. eaasUe or !%•<«•• <
-To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
toltesto dlAeoM cases sri
•sittoriamri tkelro SI md Mvs msdttrna seni
Kibhicsa BsUrosd Oompany,
DRS. B. SsiSc GO.
Look Box leO.
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