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The Morning Record, April 16, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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FiiBt W~Ve S»7
•e Anno
xats iast
Blory or Ooptoro «i PorV Vbo
OMVoyoil th* XUoo X>obM.
Ohl«o«o. April U.—Tko TtMdor•U Ub MToiOff prtatod OMOMtl
•lor/oboalthearrwt of Um MO rofor the MelM oaplaoiott.
There bMb
MT or BBkLLXAVT OBATOBT Uaseoco er >» u?
M*Bto »t -Waohlartoa of the Mary.
\ A^BMAMAnomm.
Th«> rerereBul eecret eerTtoe
BlM it.
Oeralry. Xnfbatry ahd ArtOlery to
Be . VobUteed at Bow Orteasa,
llBCta* tB* Lte WhM AoosMtf of
ChleaBteUCB, Tampa aad VoMleAMtaf V«« Toft Jotinul U Oabola the Moat Sicnlfleaat War
Tbo Mobmmom OmoUob ViU Toko Hie Beil Beduoed from $10,000 te
$800-He Volred Ba
■toreBMt Made Bteee Mia BabaUtea aad' Keaae Bapld Ttaparatlea
The ezohlootion of On; Pkree, who
Today Md tt WUI Kma V'or
i VUh
for VoetUlUea.
ie cherped with feMonlt apoe SbearMr
lom, wee to here tekeo pleoe lo epMtelteTBsMo*BnMUacoBn. f
e’«rfi Ik wk— .k.
Browe’m ooort yeoterday. bet
Wa^ilaytoa. April as.^Decidedly
WMhbkCKW. April It-Whee U«;p4^
ooeiBlaellee ud.wee
eeohte odJoerBod tooirht it had boo* :
Otremltooort ie*^Ue
leteoet warlike stepa tekee by the
•freed that a rote ea the Cabwi reeo- ^ eoa of p3<» ball, which wee feraiabcd. nary departmeat la promey for a
lothwe wwild he takea-before adjoei a-1 The anoaat of the ball orifInally was peealble raooaater with sW«^ •»'
MOt loiortijTT -That waa the' eelwl- •io.OW. bntae lha lojarire of BaoaoB aararated wbea order* wereWied to
. naUae wt a day of oratOTy that laated
«atU 10:4S toaUrht aed waa fell of dra-
rLT^r.’::r™ SPAM’S appeal U
W.UIW«>.( Mw,U.a;j
bat It waa aftrrward apblaffi ~
to the eeaate by deaator Meney. >
alee WaBlaftoa had iuatod that Moaey
' had foae oa a trip to Oaha aa a aoi
peodeat of the Now York JoeraU aed Opialoa That Beral Semoaetrettoa
Soaer latwted, •'Yoa Uar” aed iaOf Hatleae of Bnrope b Xmprebhble-BeUered That BofUad Would
-ritad WalUafftea eet U the alley.
Befoae to Participate ta Parer of
Frleaft laterreaed. hewerer. aed hoeSpain.'
tOltlaea a ardlded for a tiaa.
Boae, April It.-Tbe PepMo Boaaao
eaya it aaderelaada the powen of Bari>pe will iaterreae belweea the Ueltod
StAtea aad Spala ia faror of the Utter
MdehaVtWMU be proloafad Oil »UU
>uy. aad adda, aoeordiap te laforteaichb ' ae it waa the lateaUea of aatUa patheredUa
Ctelmaa Darla tefiwea a eaatiaaoaa tera, that the laterwatlea will i
aiYtiie aeUl the Cohaa naolaUoaa are the fora at a aaral deaeaetratloa. la
which all the powere wQI partlclaaU.
Mr. OalloB of lUUeb ^Irered a
Laadoa, April 1> —The Brilbh for. aarafally prepared epee eh eereriny the eipa oMae Am aot haliae the power*
CaMral Cahas qoMtlon. Mr. Celloa wUl aaka a aaral deaoaettatloe. aad
dedared the hoar for aeUca by thU tbaat BritaU haa refaMd to enter the
oeaatry waa ahont U aUika.
StephyatepSpalahaa beea paahed
frwB the weetera bealaphere aad aew
AprilriS.—A epeelal from
•hebaheotle loee the ebief yea of Madrid. pablUhed tbbafuraeoa'brya:
her eotaaial aoaeeetoaa If Spate b "The aote U the powen froa Spain
to he peraltted to ponae her eoeree ia will rdrUw the whole Col
Oabaebe wUIfooe wiUeel'iaaeiae. poiaUap cat that all the troahle with
aed deetroy, if poeeible. the patriou to the UaltodSUtea ariaea throafb the
the Uet aaa. Ber black eriaa call elaaor ef eafar aaeulactarera, who,
for ^aor«»Me; that reayaaaoe will be it b cUimed. foraeatad and oryanUed
tekea by the Aadrioae people' la the the aaUre rerolt. Alteatloa wUl he
latoraat of haaeaHy.
ealled to the allayed aaaerlied Ai
Mr. .CaUoa rerUwed the
__ ^Uboeteriiwa; it wUI be
ataaeee of the Maine dlMeter and dothe ehUt inearyeat leedere are
olared it WM a dallbaraU and atroaUae •at f^hana. bat adreotoren of all
y«ardor. TBe paeple Ihiwo^oat the nattonalllUa. whooe parpae b pleoda.
■ f ooaatry deaandari that'the , arenfiaf
by Spate will
J \ blow be Btraek wicheat delay. We be Moaeated aad the aote will eay
letodoeardaty toOad aad that while Spala ha done-ereiythtey
bean aad force SpaU to withdraw her poaeibU to padfy the blaad. the Uait^otew aad Sa« fit» the bland.
od Btata oanaeU' hare eoaetit
Be aade an extended erynaant far theaialra iMoryeat ayeau aad the
' iaaedUte aetioo U the eoaree of farther etatoaeat will be aade that
which be paid a trihnte to Mr. Me- when aotoooay proabed the daelted
Sereral otha ^aeha aloay the to Caba to eaeoarayo the li
aaac Iknee were aade and Cohaa tndo- Wd oat."
paadeaa otroayly arywL
t with deelartet
that Spate, hariay i
aeaa of peaea, U relaelanUy coapelled te prepare for warewl te Syht Cer
To the MeBcey ef XdtOe Ooetya ZlAathe aateteneaoe of iU riyhu aad
•eaTeetardey Afternoon!
Thmaye of frien^ tllod the Wat
Waklaytea. April i
eido Chapel YeeteAay afteraooa to
repdrt of the r
pay leet loriny trlbatee to the aeaery
erwiay. The white eaeket eet near
the alter wa enrroaaded by beaatlfnl
floral offrriay*. Ue
belay a Urye floral pUtew froa the
Baaah RIflee. of wbkb Mr. KUeaa
b a popalar officer. The
ooadacud by Her. D. Oahlia. who
^ke words of ooaifort la behalf of the
baraared faaily. whoec alBletUn wa
aade drably bard to bear by
tha aadden aad friykifal maana af the
death of thalr aoD. AppraerUie hyaa
ware ew by e chair eewpoeed of Hbe
CrawfoM. Mra. Bachaat. E. E. White
«ad Ralph Balatt. Aaeay Uoa who
.wUaaaaad the aad boom were aaoy
~eeapealrai and paplboftha Saeday
•cheat of which Oeaye wa a aaaher.
Tha aadaaa of the ctrenauiaaca earreuadlnr the death of the ted ^e the
' eeraUee daply afllattey aal etecare
eyapathy wa exprand tor the Ua41y. The pall haarau were WUliaa
Sa^ Jr., Oeocye Raff. Oaad Vaader. Tora aad rraak OaanaU, aaahwa of
. hhe Hannah BIflea W. A Andarara
had ebarye of «ha fnnatnl and the re-aatee were Interred te the Oakwoek
lUre that ue complete eoallUon caa be
■eenred ie anr,. rcry radical pralaat
•yainat the L'nltad Stetee. Howerer.
Uap ooaeldcr it p
m will be r
fate. becaoHrll b uaderatood all Rarape feat* teat a war over Caha aay
inrolre all Earope.
‘The elcraeal te the oouate that e
aad tbaee aenatore wy litUa laportance woold altecb te tha reptaae
iteu If aata
Vedc •paaylch lanpa.
mtetdey aftemoaa Made Spaayla
had a narrow eeeape from drawnlay.
He wae pUylny t^icn the lirer hank
near the Beadle block when he faU bi
te the water, which at that pMnt hte a
iwlft earrent. Had it not beea far the
eoaraye of litUo Dos Bteyhaa who
was pUylay with Made ha would here
beea drowned. Don yraaped him by
the eelln' when he teU U and bald bis
aatO Ms.'Spanyla. attracted by the
boy'e eriee, catea tc the reaoaa and ha
aafely pulled out.
Opera House.
aeellBteted te Ue eondiUoaa of a teora
trepteai climate baa bean ander eenelderaUoa by Ue preaidha't and eahteet
far BOOM Ume.
The yorenimeat hee Bartered Uc
euemahlpe St. Paal, St. Loate. New
York and Paije of UwAa^rteaa lino.
Leaelny, A|wU tt.-Tbere b eridratly a mix-np aad a decided atreteh of
eermsily aemewheta reyardlay that ofli^1 haUotaaedatUaepaeial aen
tel aleeUoatethatwaaty-aereaU dbtriet teat weak. A few day* eye Ue
Barrowa people were ebowlay oeptea
ef a ballot allied te he ofBetel. aad
wiU a plelar* ef Oorerner Pleyn
a Tiyaatte for Ue eilrer Bcpnbllean
ticket, ie eppoclttea te Ue reyuter BepaWioan notateea. Tbday e earUfled
dapy of the official ballot aeed at Ue
alaotioa wae reeetred at Ue yereraer'e
ofilce, aad it coataiaed ae riynette
wbaterer. eimply a blank epaee wbare
Ue riynette ehoald hare braa. Thte
Playree Tiynctte wee Ue etroey point
la the Barrow* anaafremeat of the
, and wiUont tb* portrait at
aU. Uelr eeee falte fiat.
Thte dtepateh wae erat te Ue B*eaIny Preee la Grand Bapide and Ue follewiny appeared in
"Wa expect that Ue Ptnyree crowd*
would try te dadye." eaid one ef Ue
when ebown Ub
dbpeUk Ub afternoon. "They ■
a abtehe np there and knew U. Bat
Uey caa't yet oat of it whea Ue troth
known. Tbay need that . Playree
riynette all Uroayh Ue dUtriet, axeept in Wexford eeuaty, and it wae
Uelr owa tyaoranee that eented Ue
They eenta yreat hly
eat of Piayrae, bly eBooch to coror
half Ue ballot, to Ue Wexford oeaety
pAple to be need aa a riyaelta It
ae Urye that they coaid net yet it .on
Ue ballot, and Uaratee ao Tiyaatte
wee steed. Bat in the other eoaatli
Ue dtetriet U«y need Ue riyaette.
Thie ora here." aad he prodaeed a bal
lot marked official, bearloy Ue Plnyrra
portrnlt. "b ora of Ue klad need by
Traeeree aty."
SaO-Froot Street
HoUsy & OonnsU*
It’s mtly for
bat ws bBTs got them, St
beet yet.at the
!} Bur “Re* liM" Pattetis, "tis.’
ID Celts Each.
If It's
I Wash Goods
ӣ Wheel Enameled For S2.50
Monday Night, I ooDs AND EKor
i hsTs s number of odds sod ends in tbs grobery S
^ I rMwntly bought of Mrs. Buni^ eS6 Front street, 9
which I must dispose of to meke^room for new etoek. {
April 18th.
But e Oraed Bapide Han Olatnaa te
Knew Diflhreat aad Zteclaree tha
Senatertel Ballot af Trarerte Otty
Bore the Blayrea Tiyaatte.
Will Paper at 4 teats, a DoaUa Hall.
Wall Paper at S teats a Oaeile Roll.
Wall Paper at 6 teats a Dwbie Roll.
Tr*rer«e city b temeo* for expert
wtedow drueaora . Yeeterdey Stela-'
bery'i *t^ preaeated a rery prettv *ppearaaee: with e daeoratlon ef ettractIre drete tebrie* aad Ulmifalac*. The
wiadowaof Ue Bmiob Store are a1*o
and Ue window* of J. W. Bmikeo'e
•terd preeeot f*ecin*Uny attrsetion*.
day for eoaerutratiOB atJoar
The ladle* of TnVerwt H*y Hire will
the Boath ef »U reylmeau of oaralry,
reyimenu ef lafaatry and llyht hat- yire a ten-e^nl aapper at Moatayne
ball thU erralay from 4 to 7 o'clock.
terlraaodflre reyfiaente of arUllery.
AfChlekamanys tbete will be el* Teilffieauofearalry andllybt batterieeSed
•ra reylmenie of artlllerv: at NeyLOr.
lean*. 4fht rryitarnte of IcfaBi^'; at
Tampa, acren reyimeate of Infaatry,
atel at Mo^ eerpa reytterau of in
Slaee the elril war pa enoh proportioai of areiy hare been ma'bUiaed aad
the teOTOteeat Itaelf te heat eridi
ef the yrarlty of Ue eltaetioe a*
looked' upon by the preeldent aad hb.
The determlaation te raadrtreai
troo^ te Ue aouU bhere they can be
Tha Way of tha Tranayracaor.
John Iioaea. who wae aoeaeed of haT>
lay etolea a baflbte robe and whip
from Ue riy ^ Herbert Kraate
March wra takan before Jody* Beheria
yeeurday aad flswl KS and S4.7e eoeta,
maklay a total coat of the arUetea
SM.70. aad which be wiie irqaired te
retars. Mklay a no t lea* of the amouat
The amoaat *rae paid
The teiaetral Bbow *411 he i
WUl be War.
thbbreutey, at 10 aad IS oeau for the ptompUy.
• Laadpn. April IL-The Aaatrian aa- beacfil of tha partlc^aate. The perhhVi^nr adaiutbathahaa ffltna up fanaaaee te worth aaSthar crowded
Fouy IMpnen
kefeofBurapep*o*auU^*mr. r
Keettey Tueedny to Bleet OfReera end
Arranyo Andnal Baaynet.
There will be a meetlay of Uc
Alamal Amoctetloa of Ue Trareree City
Blyh eehool la the aeamably room of
Biyh eehool bnUdtey, Tueeday.
April le, at 7:10 p. m.
Tbb meetlay te for the eleettoa of
eaeara.arranyteyforUe annaal baaquet aad Ue ceneidituUee at each
other baelaoee ae may eome before the
BratT ammber ahoald attend who
can, M matter* of aan*aal lat«r«*t wiU
b* bmybt Imfor* Ue meeUny.
A Sort If Cleauiig Oit SSe.
They will be eold out ut low prlMA
j um>SUn,S»RMSM.
JVSbn,wnw!ML j
Try a Pair Of Onr School ShoBS
Good solid leather oonntera, spies and nppsrs—that Is the kind that wears.,
40* Union Sowt.
If you are going to makr garden do not fhU to eee our |
complete etook of Flower, Oarden and Field
30 Artists.
In the beaaUfBl eemle eper*.
Xn package or bulk.
!»»..» n*uc.
Seau Oa Sale Satarday Moralay at Box
plea^ of swki
te d« yoar srork
promptly. I yn
beet aad Uw;1owatt la prtoe. I
wheaU te ordar. they wa braeliee. Oall and eee Uem.
EaameliBg aad Dacaratiag
ia the Latest Styles.
Brariay of all ktodx. tire. Taleanteed.
madeaaynedaa.npw. Tbeaalynp-tedkte ahop U the city. All srork-year-
H. L GIBBS, Propr.
Snnib SlOa Sbm Ston.
34S Front Street.
For DIB waaK mly. bagiaaine Igril Uth, n will saw aid
lay lay of oor oil wool lopoio.Ciiiats
' Em Of Chorge.
Tfa'ia ie so extraordinary offer, eonddering ohr lew priers
in tbifl depertment As we do not add the ixwt of sewing fend
Uying onto the prire of the carpet oor prices being jut es low
•a erer. T$ks udwuntuge of this opportunity se tbs •pee'
ial d^ler will not last loog.
THB nemimro jumobp, •ATtrmpAT. Antn. le, ibm
Tn B*g1e wMoppoMd to bondlmK
Ik* eo«ator tor a aew ooart konae.’ bat
Md «e are
to have tke «wrt kotue. ibe Bacl«
«Hiae (ward wlU a pittpoeltloa for
Ifca city to add diO.OOO ar tlt.OOO to tke
•rpreprlatioe aad sake a >lat eaterfriee e< tke balWlay. At flfet flaac*
Mia piaa «Urkt aeew to ke a feed
bat tke afZairaot toe maty are ao dto
dte^y aevarato froa Uicae of tke city,
lhai H woald be wry. aawiae for
mok aa arraafemat to awtare, as it
woaU ealy lead to eadleea eeafasloa
Bad diaeaUatacttoa. Let tke eoaaty
hare a baUdtay all tia awa aad w>ea
toe city toaWetokaUdaoiv kail let
B be a yeod oae aad coaatraelcd eepaetaUy for tke Beads ol toe city, tke
aacle alee aaffeala a^aroel atraetora. TUs is a rood aagrMOea aad R
% aaitaklebnildiarawdeeatlraly Arepeaef caa be baUt for the a«oaat ayftayrtated it woald be preferable. If
B B aot snaeteat to
b « balldlac toea close
•ttaatiaa to Aret cIsm raalto «IU be
SaeoaB tok raeeat eeaatorial elae
toeattitedi of J. W. kUUIkea aa toe
toa^aaUoa aad ctbcr measarw adOorerver Piafrae, was a
^tad by’ 0«
jmtter af eeaei
■'>lacree.ma IBCtiealarly. Sea
' ^ ^ to rate ca toe railroad Uxatioa bUI,
hat wae tkere la tine to rate aa toe
ktU la laereaM tka laxae apon asp
«ea>paaies.E-Jt reqclr^ aaa rot
‘ Barry - toe atrascre aad It rrae Saaator
ICniikea’e rota wbieh aiade it a Urr.
.Se rdtod alaafar toe kuastoteadere aad
* Militia Mattara, wbieh ware also tatoarad kg Oarrr*or Piafrea. -WkateraT
BOMS yaople May tolak r^ardlay Mr.
MUUkaa’i aaaUiBeau toward Uoreraor
nayrca. a»4 wbaterer tke eanroe froai
: wklah toe bUla ryfarrad to aByiaatod.
hB aoane ia aappertlBr toa bills learea
' aa dbebt aa to kB yoalilas aad aeatiawBU rervdlac tka UitoraaU wbiek
Ua elaaaat to toa taxyayere partlealarly
«Md tka paopldBesaMlly.
WoMtaB Ohtb PleoBiMd KaMeda of
Badnetot ALcyraTatiac B*Ud
Bad VBBpartoat.
Third ABSoal OaavsBtMa ot Travame
Oi«r A. E dMBBlaHfs.
dBeeaaad at tto WomaBB QaV yeetardsy aftarMDB aadar toe laadanhip of
Mra. M E. C Bataa. aad fortiBbed
food tar fartker tkoarbt aa aerecal 1bparteat eableoB.
The preltBiaary kaeiBwe see
was to ckarie ad tto faeaMebt Mi
A. Moeuyaa- Tto oUm to parllaBaytary drill was aBBoeaoad to Met
wltk Hie. Curtis oa Saterday. April ti.
at t p. s, Tto olaas to hoase'
wlU seat wito Mrs. B. B.
arxt Tknieday aftentpof aad
■raetlMl desoMiratloae to eaokliiy..will to yiraa.
Atom ottoaaka
d for toe I
MpUaa aad to Patebto A Oalser for
toe ase of toeirTttoea.
The IBV at oomBOUaea for toe c
toy year was read. All sasban Bto
tore aerred for two} ears ea aay. aae
easslitee were trsBsferred to a dlftoe aririleye of renstotoy as before.
A special saatiay of toe elob B ealled
for pasi^Frlday sftermooa at S oBlaok
hick Umeetolrsea will be elaetad,
eastof ypar'*
work oatllaad. aad toe dtsrasloe of toe eity
water sepply problem tdlll to takea ap.
The rayaiar proymto was opeaed by
a ehatoBlayly assented ptsao solo by
Mbs LoaBe Back after whiok tto Mblaet od eoeial prableas was'totrodaaed
by Mn. totaa. Sto ^a af too raapoasibllity to tto eolvtoy at msoy of
wkleh laate
apoa tto wosea as wall aa the sea.
aad aspbasitad toe too oftea feryottaa fact toat there B always tto «dnty
af toe esployed to tto es^oyera as
wall as ito oftea yeatad re^MoalbUlty
f eapltal to labor.
Porerty i
aab>ei of a Aae paper by Mra Cbaaa.
Abe irasUd^toat toa Use will cose
wtoa Bot aaly paaparBai. bat poverty
wUl to reyardad as a dBease md peo
ple win study to aHeeiau ratoar tbaa
to ooadasB.i_dtotooayht that tralalay was la a la^ seaiara raspaoslbla
for bath, aad said toere akoald be a
law to ooatral 'BMaay-.saBfa*' as wall
I dlpeosaaia aad U^toaiaBU.
Mm. J. O. BaasdaU yaveaa able talk
OB bow te erold ttoee troeblrs sad adeoastod the traialay of ebUdraa to
msUera pertstotoy to tto ways of
E J. WarBor af Bast Jordaa iato tto
W. H. Fester has letaread toom
OoBtt Beoas Oomnlttoe Beady to
Oiva Active Atieattoa to tke
H. A. CBadae, slate a^t for tka
Jiew York Mataal Ufa laaoraBca Oa.
rropoaed Oaoafy BoUdtoy.
The board of eopenrBore adjoervad
r retarBad last avaalay
yeatardsy aooo, after, dispostoy af
. . -- ____lltoaCtoUtoyCa
IMBc Aadie Crapoaad Mrs. Oaa I
raayisf far proyraae to toa oaoaty
aaart bouse matter. Theooa^lttoe oa Foats - • '
Biildtay was aatbortsed le advertise
te plays aad dlreclad to call a seettoy
«d the fell board as eooo as ttasy are Albert FiUerof lUd Bla
fOady to report. The bosmlttee expeet te to ready eo that a aseeUay eaa sBier ef Ue Isto Mm. Aamaol Aaderto aaUad for May Sad. Caanty dark eoa. whom sto bsd net eoca for UlrtyMewtoa was appototod eeereiaiy for Arayears.
tto eommUtee.
ffktoayo Market.
Asoay tto elkistpreaaaiai.wCs that
«< Ola Bostras for beafdtoy toe Jary
Cbieayo. A^'l5.—Wbm)
jSly.^^JiciBeptoitor, T!'.
to toe ParaMlae case tores years ayo.
Tto MU was before daased'exeeslve
May. »Sc«Xe;
BBAwaere>etod. It was also rr>eetad Jcly. »ON(*>Ic:
(OSIe; Aopia
Aoptombar. Wke.
Uats—April, SSSw c; May.
MS'e: Jaly. I»c; mpiembar.
- Bbar. >lH(*ka
AMMastaly Karkst
;-AprU.I .TT; Hsy.M.aa Tto L^iae* Aid 8oeia«y of tto Oea-
IBs tkird aaa«sl Aaadsy Aebeal eoavsatloB ^ Travaras Ctly was baU to
tto P^t MaikodBtaboreb yeatsrday
afurBooB aad evaatay.
Pt««adl*y tbs rvyBtor sesioa tkarc
Was a prmotkal mesUay of tbs eooaij
oxsceUvo eommittes wtU^ IWideai
ThsooBvastioo was led at 4 a'cleek
to a Bortoal boar an tto aodl savlay
work af tke taaeker, by Bar. 3. C. Cartosn.
Baraeet partMyaiioo by all preseat
made a meat eajoyabie aad pioAtoM.e
bayiBBtoy of thB year’s
Tbs'fallowiiy were at.
mluee on nomtaatlau to report at tto
aveBiny eaadoa: Mrs. Battle McWetby.
Mrs- Uraca Bory and B. Wilhelm.
At • o'clock E O. Ladd, the preaids&t
Of the city aasoeistioa. aoBoanoed a
I. aad totrodoead
Bev. C T. Atent.
r of Ue Araee Bpboopal 'chnreb,
wbo eoBdnetad devaiioBSl sarricee.
Mr. Udd followed with a brief ad
dress OB the plaee aed valoa of toeaa
Asodsy aebool asaoelaile^
OmadBspUB. A|«U is.—Wheat. 91a
a w. ouMc. a p.
SI moST ST Ctol*
\ Btevlttea
Tbe raeqUse-Unaeb Fot. a Athiay
boat of Kortbport. was la tbU port ymtordayftosnpplles.
Dr_A^- E Miny le« for Osasds yretrrdsy with the rvmnlasof his wlf*.
wto died Tbaredsy.
The sale of eeau for "Frm Dlavolo’
will beyia at 7:S0 o’elnek this moratny
and tkere promBve to be a lively aerimmsyc for best eeat^
UeaL H-ipkiDs. formerly CBpt.
Smith, who oryaaltvd the Volantoers
la thB city, is bare for a abort time to
mmist ie Up wbrb.
' Tbe atteadsace oTev^' ~meiber
lally rrqnrated at Ue meetlay ef
Us Oood‘Templam laalyht. Blectioa
eleyatos to Ue dlstriet eoavaation
will mke plsoe. L’sosl proyram after
toitiatory earomaaiea.
axvdi KHowia^.
For presidsBl. d, dTam
.3. TNBi^le;
secretary. O. A. Jahaaoa
Levi T. Peaxtoytaa. Tbry w<
once elected.
A very spicy aad snyyesUve
was prsMaUd by Mrs. Nora C. Qaraett
apeo tto sabieet. "Bow to keep a dam
toyviker." The sabjeet was eamesUy
aased by C. E Bates. Bav. D. i?aebIto. Mrs. McWatky aad otkam.
The eloday addram of tke eveeley
aa yivea by Bo*. 3. A. Bready, oa
oadamaatal BIMe Atadlea. yivtoy aa
At tbe raview ef Travame aty Teat.
laieresUay ooUtosof Normal stadivs
:o. $71. K.O.T.U. last evaaiey It
that onybi take taken op by every
was voted tp
• dnaee aa tto areaAaaday aebaol teaohar.
tke nth. sad
The siaylay was happily ooDdaetod
"May 1 ailTwbieb of ttoedty>e poUtiwere made for work ia preparmtlea od
eal tacrioB yoa belooy toF’ mid tto
Us My eelebrstioa to tabs place to
Tbe bom looked at him toeraty aad
Tksatoiaal Mataa.
At Us K. O. T. M. meeUay Isst
tea teepooded, "What yOB doobUem
iber Ust I do all kinds M reFrs DIavala tke.S act comic opera to
eaa to ask. air. la which poUUeal tesad Uat I eaa
I praaeaud Moadsy eveatny by tto lyht aemeose-Bisde a mBtake sad
rive yon Ue beet work of say
MOB beloncaloma."—WaUtoytoBBtac.
Abiwtt Opera Oa at Htotobary-e Umad. earried aff Jallaa AulaberyB hat, a
dty for Ue money. IBa’t
wUl be yreeted by a larye aad fasbien- ■wry rood article ed wsariay apparel.
abla aodtoaos. At least sscb would to
espeetsd from the plessed eommeat trade back wlU tto parly wto amda
ttst the aoooaacemeal of the sUree- tto mBtake.
talamsat If worUy of «
ttioa. Tto mnsloal dlrpetloa <
yivea by Prnfsmor Martaayh. wbo a
ably aasBtod to Ito yeaeral amayemaai by WUl OermMaa. Tto (eatues
of Us Amt part were vary amastoy aad
local "yays" kept tto andieaee npoo
Ue qel rive for tbe saeeoedlay yaod
U. Tnroer carved as toterloentor
wblle Ue bODco sad umbos were. Duff
McOcBald. Ed. Bonaer. E E Wblte;
aad Asm CaamWrlsto. Tbe ealolsts
were y. B. Uernee, E E White. DnV
MeLkmsld. W. O. C. Uermatoe.
Leon Tltas and W- J. Bobfas.
'Tbeeaeciad part eoasistad of a baajo
solo by 8am Chamberlals, a plaatoUoa
jsMJoe. sad aoto eaiored head.
ottordtofeatarewasaaexhlbittoB of
maalpaltatioa of Ua totoa by Ben
Wtoais, wbo earprised even bB friends
by hB ekUl. Dr. Aayder may "I'be
Hsroes Wbo flank wfU Ua Malaa" la
U% Amt part also was a qaartet eoasBttoy of Mceers. Orotear, flaydar.
Hayaee aad Wbitaiaa.
Tae parformaaee eaaeladed wltk a
yreat LoaBBaa oake walk in which '
Momra Oermaina Tilaa. MeDoaald. |
MoGqy. Boaimr. UalaCbamberlatoaad <
''omos participated.
OnaoeenatofUeeaceeaeof Ue pro- <
deetloa aad aaesaroM reqaaats it bss i
bean deterratoed te repeat Ue ebo- t <
UiseveniDy.atpricieefadmtosMnoflO i
aad 1» eeats. Hb time Ue proceao. t
wlU, yo towards recompense for Uaee I
wto aselsted toelad.iay Ue Boys' Band *
aad Prat. Mnrtaeya's orchestra. Tto 4
proyram toalybt wUl be oampletely 4
ebabyed aad new feataiee wUl to to- 4
Card od Thaaha.
Ehemaattom Oerad
tbe eaddea deaU of ear eoa Oaorye.
kiad «ords aad friendly aU and eympatby earved to make uar serttm
tu bear, and we desire to axprom
>14 nee for wbieh we have faaad
- good friends aad aalybbam •
yntofttl Uaaks tor Ueir kltoaeasaa. U v^oabto.-W. J. CvTUto. Bed Cheek.
^ rapcelally do we wBb w^mpha-. Oovler B oae af tto *—■»*~r moritert UB rillaye aad oaa af Ue
Carte. r«.Ckap(B.&C
lapto. & C Daspi^ A. Baaaab RlAea. '
W. ja.^rarix.^£uo^^t>eto‘%srXkBF*a,W. W. Deam. F. Deaa.
-------------fbr aale by a E Walt, Dr^yBt.,
Bt M. E UaskMI-sb
r at two o'clorii.
Tto doliowtoyladtos era asked to ooatribata arUclas to to plaoed oa sals;
Mra. Ttoktom. Tbomaa. C V. Wriykt.
X W. Wait. Weed. Ebaor. F. BamUtoa.
C. WBbalm. C. E Back. E Li Dni'ili
D. Ootolin. H. J. OartU. O. O.
FOR ONLY $2.50
W,.l«,Bllii<J WhMU to Ordw, do i.ch«.p.r.ndirive bet
ter I0.t.nil Md .ork -lb.ii uy .hop to tbo dt«. H.y. bnti.venl
yearn t-xpenonee aad^arantee aatufactioii.
Pleaae give os
_________ ELLIS. 811 Prottt tfL. EkAt.
Bsies to tto ebair.
Uoa has cteaied. The music af Fr«Diavoto B very beaoUfal. aad tto aath)B of tto opma B at all times plsMiay. A vela of kaa^ perrsdes U all
tbroeyb, yet does aot affect tto
etreacib ef tto plot. That the Abbott
Oompaay will prceeat the play la a antoroayhSkltcbaa. yardeae aad to every park Btaaaar there B eo doebt. aad
possible way.
«ree aly Ueatoryoam will as}oy a
rare treat. tbB belay tto Aret opera
oae of toe yood toatybu batoy toat eompaay of aay aota that has bees laebUdru, rieh aad pyor alike, shaald daead to visit bare for eeversl yesrv
to taoykt to work, aa to toB way toalr
crowded bones tkatonybly oaJoTed
eaoe epoa atoer eklidtaa woald to
for road, aad woald tend to Use to do the miastrel perforataace to tke City
Opera Honee last alybi for tto beavAt
of the Hustlers aad tbe base baU team
e tramp probles '
by Mrs. M. K. Back to a briybt talk, will reap a baadsnme beasAt tbroayb
ylrto^ some of ber awa axperiSBeea tbe eacnretic efforu af tbe yoaay awa
with toe yeans baba, aad « lively dB- brboysve tto show. Tbcreealpta
eaaaioa foUowvd. to wbieh tto ysmeral A»«M. which B remarkable for aa i
af apialoa was that reyalar tour perforaaaee of aay kiad.
The prayraa) was Ailed wltk bamcrtrasya sbeald be dBeoenyed to every
poaelble eray; bat- eiiy
oas featares aad tto soays wei .
eboald aim to amBt worthy people lay aad tomirably yivea by tto yoaay
who were eeeklay fer work, to ways asee wbo araeamberedaiadBy tbe beat
bieh sboBld aot taad to tower toetr vocal toleat of the eity. The * boriself respect.
Tbhk aMM Ubaaatata ef aareai
<B Oraad Bayids r^ardlay tka '-oS.Btol" senatorial baUatU toB dButot.
U kaa beaa akawn by raUabU aatkarttg toat tka only eoaaty la toe dBtrtet
* erkaae baUaV bore Ptairraa'a rloatto
evae LaeUBao, yata party la Oraad
Bayids daelares tkat to kaawa arary
BBahty U toe dUtrlet eseapt Waxtocd
hBd a kaUat with toa faeeraarb portrait Sira. A. J. Umy rsad i
m, aad attbeeame UMprol
> to tto
, BU'i»id aayy of too Trarbree City bal- Foram. yivtoy kar owa axparieaee aa
IM ao Olaetratod. Wbeerar toe-party wdl.
to arideatly ^oeaBot kaaw wbat to B
Tto idea
IBlkiocaboetorBtbertottoi of a po- Ity to tkaae qaast
MUeal delosloa. It be ebeald a^y to pbaelaod by the leader to etoetay with
•to peblie oMoere of toB maty be will the racommaadadoa that tbeae aad
leara tost he bss beM delibaratoly
ktodfW mattcre be more frcqaeatly
iBferwed. aad that toe effioial ballot of
* ' to tto home aad to aaetol
Tiararee City bore se portrait «f Oor- ystberlays.
•TBV Plarrae.
Bmwa. ScmtotiiBmri Bpsssm
- tedtotoirtomef iBiHriia
8VikqVv&mt fv _
Gottoa bviXUTvqt, wC.
tail avM moEAit
Viv txnri itpartmeat
Si. AD.’MLvVVvVea.
Bicycle Riders.
What’i tbe rnaturl Fide B way down I
•taim. yelping a. if be were I»*l I
mbs linle dear?
HdsbaDd>bI Urttw btot Mabatylar.
—New Yj^k W«MI^
Mattes to Arckiuela.
- '■ ^
Fopo»«he City,
If You Have Logs to Sell
to br'tmlll Is
MS 1“
W ousts lb* &aess> swrorrtSI^,
t»®dMS to M
*U : Bu,-
M> »j* **0*04*0 IS atssiar m>Bs4*. lor «B*oi- ‘
«»”J^stm B»«mv. Srsotar rUos s«4 *pr*ie-,
HoM rIsB* ss4 •p**ie*MlaM asM b> briar*
tb* Ooaafl** oa or twfw* IV oVbo-k s ■
Satttrts . SHrtim. IBS Bsliabl* bawSa vUl
br *w|alr*4 tSst tb* btUMdic *ma b* *oa-
. CorreBpood with the^tnrerae Oity Limber Coo^Bar.
We have for aalejaapd,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
eGeo. r. Winnie
Dpposli* Coyle OfTtee.
' Util Maebioer/of all deflciiptiaBfl,iD«liidiiigTwo EngiiMB,
Pet Works, Carriage* asd SawE A complete 8a* Mill Pint
for idle.
at^ts the person who examines our sew !
i I
Stock of Carpets..!
We have eurprised ourselves as weU as done our
selves proud on our selections of Value and dual
ity, and at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. No oneJuu yet gone
away dissatisfied.
TH« Mmyuro juroo«o,:8ATinu>AT. aphil le.. 199%.
Bsnt apOB
at tbs apsDlBh das evsr Cubs coaM
pot le&ssr bs tolsutsd.
Rs bald tbsrsfore that ws tnvtt di*
rsctly and as anoo as powlbls sxpst
Spain tram ths Island. Ptsca could not
bs aacurad Uars aacapt throusb such
«WTB lUT BE lyanai teib heei, rapiilslos. PiialD 'esRDut prsrani -tbs
dlsnirbancas of iba paaca and prvspaRty
of tba l^and. Wa can. and wa mnat.
Bat It Is N«t St All Csrtste, ss Msay Hoar daHarad his bsltaf that fha da*
of tba Malna was a mcdlutad
Wsst Ts B«'H«siC
i atmrtloD
act. fur which BpaDlah oAciala ware
••MM Will Sillily Tillc Omi Um
Ciibui RiwiliitioM Until
«• WUl Pall Dp ssabto tbs Watossi JSto
Klatay AcrasB vtth Csafstto.
Lstodon. AprU U.—AcccrdlBs to •
toaclal dlitetcb from Madrid tba sa*
prama cea^ af stata has aoUorlsad
Satwr GaUcat the foralra lalatstar. to
ordar tba Bpanlab mintoiar at Wash*
Iarton. Banos Polo da Barnaba. to twturn to BpaU dlracUy Praaldant McKlnky acaapU "any rsaoluttpo of con*
trass wbkb slUrfcs FpalD's sea. rrtxnty
in Cuba." Tbs Buuiiint papara ars
llllsd wiu dispatchsa frata tbs eontlnant. naaHy all <it Us rama irnor. Tba
twllef that aar Is inavltsbia la unWartol. as wall aa Ua faallDt of bosUllty
to tbs t’nitad Stalaa. Tbs papsra conUln alnu nornsroua articka apreotaUnc
upon ths ai act of arar upoo saeurlttea,
the marfcsts and uUar dotarsats.
Tbs MadHd CMTsapcadani of lbs
Anniversary Days
Today and Monday Next.
Spring Display of HatS^
Shirts, Neckwear, etc.
^ The flu—t y«t,
► ETwythittg new find hfindsome.
Farrknks of lodUna aald la Sffat^
that tl» had stood ool acalnst war. but
as matiars now wars bs baHsrad war
•himid bs wacrd Jf Daraaaary to Rlva
psacs to Cuba. Turpk of Indiana spoke
for a mors radical rrralullon than Ual
of tbs Ainmilllss. Kvsry aanator that
icint Ua raaoluspoke farorad InlsrvsnUua.
tlunf tifcpossd In iba.l’nitad Btatis asnaia aod passed by Ur teusa of rsprr*
arntatlves cauasd mora Inditaailon and
' Cubsi
•at Ubs Wsadtosd as Madrid Bto Ma Sk.'dkpUsurs ;:f Madrid than , srae tha
Is Os to;
I prsaldsntlal mrssasr. Nut a sUibIc
«tn« at tk* CssUoI jrFtirrSsr vhlk tkr
>ui>|sisliloo that a
rtwoluikes rsponcd b; UQ* scMto coin. April
BalUisore' Stock Kacelr«l *ntrae Tlsito a #a^
Tbs Spanish ' per admlls ihr euplHi
Bittto OA furvlsm kUUob* wsiw usdsr mhUstar. Ssnor P«lo. has toads final prelensicns coul^ be lulnwled^by any
CouqU. 40c pur quart
sosWttersUoA. th»_ iDosi Mimi&c«Di prsparatlons tar his dapanurs from CO'-amment d«*slruua of kerplnc in har
StandfinU,..30ie per quart
mony with the unanlrnuus feelincs of
I mbodlly Inta
of tbs day »sf u aitsmiit tO'flx • WajSilmcion.' but no actual aiap in that the
Solid Maato.
row'snd Us Zsllur* to du •« oe sccuuai dirretioo will ba taken until aparlfli In*
if sbr hadn't Obrated Rwomof see
S< lbs dtolr* of mssy Kiiaton to de- alrucUons art rscwjvad frum Madrid.
aquafiy Arm.
wMcbword (n Ulnc but loya.’*si>- ibouchi.'-I woulon't
' bsto Us rtootutlon »t ooiuldsrsbls
oBIcial clnlea la tu
taara earvd so tuwb. but u> be rabbahtd a
isnctb. It is toiputoibls DOW' to say tha mt«l tniportant i.wseiaJon of the fanalve, armly. SHallln
lllns lh^<devrl«i^
ll lakes two ptopk to uiaka a
wbsii a T«u win bs taksa. and the ut- Spanlah iapatlon. have barn srakd 4n meat of Pn-ridanl McKInleyfi^ scUbn boiue. sod Hleti and Irypbray aiw mardlMoiha- ' rkd. and John s wife <k»'i like ms. and UU-smaa <7 a stow are or Mr
»0M tbs tnseds of Us naulutlon bops raadlnaaa to place in charts
r lu dot, bui Uer toonUs
•d aUlet- I'm a kmely. faunwlcm oM woman. " »be
Is to SBCurs a viots by ihs snd of Ur Franeb ambassador. M. t-mpibun. Until
At an early staca U bar Xmef
r a wo^ do Huy say aboto <b*t
In Spain undarsland perfectly that Braaned. with an ststodon of Jai pity that
wDok., AU day load soBrsrsftm of »♦«• yaslatday tbs ftpanlsh ’ inlnlstar
in whiMs Uaduw Uey stt wblk dincaiiica besBiL Tba puay brake k
the declarwrtons of their uwn yovern- was a luxury in ttoeU. "If she hadn't
Ue secuod mebt oat. a
stars toarc bsld loufcins to piaalblr conllDWad to aceepl Ur sm-laJ c<
aymmeni and i.f-Prasldaoi McKirky do ■tok him truDi lae-1 know brr—bar
Ij. Kattad btosalt w iU dried recasabte.
SdtasBMBt npoo Us form of rsM>lDiii>n flSas astanded 1« bim. thrarbsiaxnumsr* not by any means ti^e Imposkble a •miles and pretty ssylnas and boU btock J«bymtMt UUMl uim-m ■
Xn.lMu-.- rnr-..hl
Mrw Andrews'
ibeucki —-nrfwsBtkrw lack Tbeae. tacethto wiU doc tdacnito and a
to ba asDt 'to Ur pmldmt. (Srrai af- OUA and Includlnt Usj biapitalUy of paaoefUl and conrlUalory solutlob 1f Mui-neuM
and •be .few fosiBds of tots ared fraa tba pratorts ws»a nadr for ths bou»s mulu* cablnat vAcrn and otbara high ‘
ctrcnmstsnras permit." ,
gorarmrant s^irs.
Barrel, os. April Ik—Uasi evanlnc as
ttea. which w'aa luiyaD to bs aatwac
w«ta bto flsoal foddar.
In view, bowsito. of Ua raportt of
uwinciotba tack of 1 .
tarr to tba wvatdmt. aod whh-h wai tha furalpn cunmiura in oonirreas and the crowd was cominc ftton tba butt, fraoJofae Iwfurr now. but that woman
.. .or tmtie^ la UewastI 1 hope I may
foo4. Wbirb bad qaita nm oet i
•spponsd by tba o'DasTvaitTs scnatoia of tbs trava trend of affairs, bs hss da* flew orcanla^ ...
r the rA\> It took fiacs wban Ua books araopMMd
than il bobUs bsforw Aa 1 cspsoied.
It is Dot bsllsrrd ibai thr liotks' rmi- elded not-to accept further courtaaka
AmeritWB day.'‘Ua Uouabt tremUindly. "if Uiy prure su stcunc- and. turalnc ber syss Ua aniteit of dried ▼^ataUas brooebt
intloDa css |iaas tbs tsnais. and ths of this character, as II necessarily ID‘ throash tbw sirens
Vroopacts aua that Ur cymmltua rra- vdIvps fais Mimlnt into cloar personal
I faar.ami sbamo Ikto lbs Ottor «M a sartoas iUimto. to rtonady ^bkb
SlaUea artll ha<
'ralatltass with pubt
n wbomaybsva bourn, cryinc: "VIvs KspwnA" whk.linc
Armltafrawl 1 dabbed bvetber Up
IU place oa Ua wbito ;
and sbovUnr the conrul locklas down small iaiup. From lu
brr hiTs mlcbl bare aarrd Ur wall snppJy^ piUs which wa bad
a ray* fell dimly npon Ua J^ZZ_sL
yudtmret - unwarranted—danuorlstlon from tba window. The aoternor eserted inamrtob.'lf iu
wiib ua. BepMfiasd.1 tblbk. two ▼••mall
of Bpain In official raportw It Is Ua
riacito at pitta, and Itad a naubto of
faaltns U diplomatic circks that under
pravi-cstlvr auiiuCr of the Stwnlsh oana mated cbaliw. Ue hatrrknb and wU
podopbyUta; so wa made np a does of
Tba cousnatlaa asnalora brlkvr ths ordinary drcumstanrec the actluo
B all. wbicb I ateiataurad lo oar
report of tha two foral
hooar protxadituD.Mlll win to cunfsrbk
inralid ptMy.‘ mixed up in aome ixuqto
liners. Us passacs of rsauinti
bslns that
I tat from car -to7Hi«
lbs huuss,
thiuss, and Us rbarwctrr of the
house wUl iiMfc to yisi
in order 1^ tbs
Isid and
Wmloauac l^.
l«b. Tbta. 1«1
stpina BCair-l t
"i l:nl States, espe .piintod aaorns and smlonf d walnut
Fm. , RolU. ' .1^
h-i tb*
enact d at
to prsvsBt'furthsr dslay
friends of debate—would make It Incumbent
*l»d .w
Id aay. bai
n>e*Bpwnlsh minister to Irwva without
' a (Mbs rsbrts in Us osnsts « UI sc*
, rsattoinebtotobaakh.
aacr. .MrKli try h i-jniared t<> Pi-ntlur
nw> bad Anlsbed bis bttolneasintbai '
«ap« tba bouns' propoaltloD. Whan ths i
iber than Ual of'rcodlnc. h
Pilate, and ih’r Atrrrtran c^jnerwes to
drifiin* alctnwlU
tabk Tbr wbuk roum Wmai
kcwlnst Ibis it Is known thkt tha
and : of liumatiity toward tba Ptonsylaasta
It is feared will extend to.tha i amrs- Ua prtelsh>n of a Carprntrr’s square• al
to ask Ua eanalr to A «nn* ' fipaolsb covernman whi not’, al
•lons of other naikuts as wall as Uiwe Ud the took of I
> lbs MMkto tfi
anar'tba brctnnlnc of Ua i ih* withdrawal of tha mlninar
matter suiucOUHa scqulrrs when It k UD-i
af Spain.
dm dmpoSk runirul. bylrla uotad about! tbC be Was pamlB*.
tba:room lacut-ly for a few mtauta* and ' This is wbat be read: **Voc
. On the contrary, thr anMre policy
a iw olbar way of brlndnc ibe maiat lari nervously rvarrUgwl a book in'dmii*w"
• i*
. ter to an laiur." ba said. "1 of coutws at Madrid, it Is sCat^. is to re—-------STU0XVT8 MAKE OBJtCnOn. ; hasty ftor km lu
•dew'should not bslni ^amjtaofa
-f ,nrlrlnirinn llshtiilsn bisIntoagaotin IbM. Bdora Uta aoUfadcw'stamWnot
alTa until the Vnlted Blatrs
• fio not atiioy nlchi
rsact tMralkl wHb that uf anoUer;
Urn ' nnfnt^shn st^^Uni^ STsnrt »
Ucr; Uan
was taken acarcaly one lettar ia a
^_rtoMt, mat.
Hors, butlappraciatalba makrw thr tender of war but sxrculss
• Ihoo '■
•brif and
• ,|^ hoiMitt.
wak foaad wtU a sump afflxad.
Imporunca of cauins tba speechrs off it by unmistakable overt acu. It has
lUa p
r «-TT—«
Today US postefllcasqf Ua oouatry aaU
Galtoborc. Ills.. April
ik-^udams uf , ggp
wad of aacurlnc a vuts ai Ihr swrilsst further beet dsveluped as tba
Mslhk hour.*- '
tsksbla putkT. of Spain that ■
collrca fiiadr a'*pubik demon-rmUradof ira.-'shatboucblpstnlanl
stompad sfiwalopto and stampa Of
raalrt armad'lntarve^tlon in Cuba aswn Strattoi Wednesday nicht and another ; ly. *'ll • Wiwk. Uinisy »tiiff. as.rbow. I'r« to bim as be stepped up to Ua a
Muy siastiss Wawt to npswh.
kinds). Tdasd at •70.000.000. dwABmoot as Davis and Mharr of his •tuck upon her suvereljnilr. and jclU
to. iKp.
and aftar alowly lookin* bar otsc bs all
mind are for ■ speedy vote ibe Indicw* aceepl any auch ai-t as mranlnc war. culty rullncs wbicb
ttoaa are for consMrrablr delay. Ths, Tha
•tudanu I think. ' ••••••» on. Blirrs mtauw. "that
'Ezrum tns, snadBU. but air yqu tbs
▼lea tavMdrnl has already rrvsirsd re* ilacallons was that Ihr action In
band aod banners t.> th*
In. and ymr Ml 1 nsrar have p
only oos Uajr'Ts cot «■ band at preaquasts from about twenty arnalors for i »rato made w-ar Inavllablc. and that Ul'
peak, and oihara are as- (ir '▼ no fiinhar chance n-mslnrd
Below la a Hat o) Ua buyto* sad ••&■■Tba 'otilT OM on hand* WlM da
psetad to n
u.AU eMpa from It.
tbaaa Insist that they have no Inianthm
ware buried with carrmuny.
1 Uu InjuMhw of foRunw
»“ ^
«P>y- . TiLWa OP roKs|'L'M«AM>.
Mllltan drill has barn made com-' Tin i« w» slk-ivcs fur a minuto. broken ^ “Tba oulr woman, uf'ccoraa. 1 batb*t
of spaaUnc for the purpoto of cwu#nc 1
dalfiy. but nsrartlklrM Uey wifi con- aaj% Ue cwbas SHwax
pukery. Tha sludanu struck yracerdav i than by Ur aoand of a stop on ur pumb fU Haosar aloo* wlib ms todaj. IhB 1,
SfiLLom pm
•amamany bourn of time. iiw-ouWnaafn ‘
at Ua drill hour, and paraded Ur and a knock at ihr door. .*Tlris opened it ootieed that Ibis Wto a wrctnab'sqx-Ctafir Po^tosr bbL saw
now that araii In case of a conttnnoun
‘bars, s »omsn whom ebauRa. an i tboagbt I’d drop U aaiOsar Ptoksto ft
Bo«on. Aprtl U. - Consul McOarr, campus and nrfosrd to tsU In. The
•Stolon *0 vote would not be pnibahla who has been sutlonsd ai Cisnturcua. faculty ruled five man off the h«n !
*hr i^d
look oraf wl,ai yoo htol ofi hand
It Sbort Cut iQi.................
U 71
before Satnrfiwy. Thr list of tbesa who Cuba. Is quoted by The Globe «s fol team and the drill ruins tba irack tram. ,
•‘••'“re sndapalr of tales, dark j
looktcf anyof ria I'dbrin* Short Oat Port perl....
a desire
trail Dsr to flu Mtoto.
! ••l.tbkMlriFylrtaBra.nnF’asktolUs «h«
»0SDea to tba ban time 1 ooma
duds* Us followtac Sana___ _; Cullocn.
______ lows: 1'^ da<-larait<i(i uf war acalnst
S 00
les would bs
auincton. April It-Tbr .atoon of 'strsi.crr. Inackor. raorto. vokw.
to Ua dly an make a tradw”
^ Jr
ZiawkL rrre. Tilhnaa. Wolcott. Spoon* ,
by tbs
I u
house was dull and abaolutHy dr- ' " Vto." toW elylvta, wiihdrawinc • few
OasiUy but firmly Ue lady to «itou*a r~J' S'
er. Chilton. Platt of Coanactinit. Can* .crkvuus mlsuks Tbr wliuaiiun In Cuba
ficplatoad bls Biistnka *to him. and Mr.
MW. Pattlcrew. Prortor, Burrows, Ba- [bn* been m<rsi cr««<'Iy and crimlnalty void of Inirrast Tha xsllartas and Ur ' pm»*"Wm'i you coma In*'
coa, Walllactoa. Stewart. Caffsry. *'aaaccsratsd by irT«*pun«ll*J* priwons floor were almost dewnad. Durtn* the t Xfas riranesr stapps^bn^ into tbs Biram Hsapcki of Fra* Hollow itofito- c^sbpto^.........
lor the pun>uss «
• ««toitaii urdpaffc....:;;;:i.::;
of n.« particular or cmaral Iniarast »x■OAm trunr or tbc cat
j belwrrn Sp
crpt one fo.r thr prosecution of parw>mr
g, U»
n “g',™,’
PUgThr people
makinc falrr sRIdavlu In panaloncssaa
lurprlsffi ai the idea of war bstwasu
rra-------- -- ---------------_.^.-_ilva apeaeh Spain and Ue fnltrd Stales when '
I of tor Strmphl
• itok.
dnrinc yaatarday in t|jl asnaU waa that kfi tbete 1 don't know what wll this Mrnu of thr Indian Trrrltory. li proI'B M^^rA^,irri^'toUy.*’Us'poll^^
Mvy Anui
of Hoar of Massachusetts. Ha arcuad fias m.ons. Why. wl(an 1 embarked Vidas for-thr arltkmrnl of qurallons inUrfcart. aeeotdtog to Ua lasCliDatiy
lasCliDatiy «f
that tba Btlackat upoo the pnwidant tor Iwkid last Friday morr.lnc It srss Vdlvlnc lS.S00.«e acr« brloaclnc to Ua •■M---------------------------------...-------------------Cbkfcasaws. Craaki. Cbocta < , hyixta started and ciwqadaenrnsrW his borne paper, wbicb aays of htai:
iirtoinis nii
•eiUudvUkl and moat Ill-Umadrtbaf" qulel at nentarcus ae it Is In Ua and Samlnoks. and now occupied by “sstalf.
l^e |.r
iwaad of condemnation of Ur polky 1
was atpacially •
•STue esecwtlve the country
intry and.the
and.Ua 1 ,tbr
«ae point
uurnt that
«iui« Aniarlcwns
•• mei ir-Mwe rerir in no
• m.tSS-acras of land.
------- - . ------ d Ua PtasWent
d»B,erwt Clenfd*wow He said that so
Wbrat. a. ________________
to bis afforu mwklffc for paaca. so
o lonf ‘ Ur
tm as ba was
waa abk
able tu Irani tha rebato
e married. If it is alleged, staaling ooSUb tron WU Oats. Ho. I. par bfi. (fiaw)..
>t -I . aliboul Cianfueaos numbered about SS.' she »ai<i. with ham Hardy, colurad. Cioero was taUa fiSS.
flrfal of Senator Burrow s against tbr an odd. abrupt laufb. "you roigblI hs.e....................
I dictad for 1<
iy.andwbue the gjy
United Biaies .for his sublime seU-rr"How about re.oDcentnuJosrrriion Inailon of Guvertinr Plnsrwe has been ciainiii tu to. Strad.^ me to you. was out iJioBOi»Daway. Tbe jary
Btrwtnt la ibis emarfsMcy. abd-for bold- I They number l<etwaeo 1.M9 and 1.1SS opened r Ith the publlcsU n of an out- fiVJl. be died
lac bark ao far as be could the step in Clenfuesos." said McGarr. "Tbriv's line'
...... uf
the rrasuns for •lypuslox him.
-nylnc they are In a bad condition r u j» claimed
tosrards war." "J am old enoush." , ao drnylnc
Plnxrea Is not a Ra'!■**•. prad
Mdd Hoar. 'To rrmrmbrr same of thrsf , vsusad by tba rrbrU firlnir thr suysr publican; that hr Is an enemy of Ibe gsuil
•itln btori-tek M irwrarm an star. »*»«* »« *»Frd happily ever aftotward."
ttfnprsls of popular exclirmanl to coo- ! fields and pmenlln* Uykrlndln* of party, a serkrr for pcrsunsl rlevaiion IWMgrltl
. (sngar."
It WM luhl. laiuily. saui I < "
firrss and nui of ll
-------------------------w «f tbc
and a disturbing alcment He has, H to bo Iwstl
, Ihr siramrr ware ^•lca Consul is asserted, bean filrllog with olbar pocry 9 1
0 Rletamoiid:'*ana the 'Canovaa. bto son and a Main- phyiArtaD ilUcal psr’lias, and In Ue special sena ofUrbrri.wa.br>-'
j -Look nere, enudBctoc." aald
Many people gstber tbone by tolling
Kyiv:.Miusd. no morion of dentaL \ i Bsrf.n. pawe-nger. "I notiea Uta tnm
charr*-* of Impolanrr and corvardk-s'and to thrir Inlrrvirw lh--y flatly t»n- torial rbwUon la the Grand Trsveiue
o bred tbc warning sent Mt Vv dita
wblth Were hratwd upon Abraham Ue
I "And wbM>bswssurad.aiHl l itraasr
dlstrirl ll IS held that hl> portrait
totteu and tlk track out <d Itoa a«ed kidneye coated tarngm- gajgb,^
coin. tb.m.
usid i»s the vlsnatie* ov-r r sliver Re.
w hpanish than the Siianiard* II
cfasmtgrr wi«h that wa migtai forget
publican tirk-t. The flkht
Bull riun.
all over 'he state at an early dale, and go. lwa.Byi»>»uUilDkolri>oieuDethol *«7 dafigeroBS
w of kMaev and bUdder ireablA
me. or owwl m. •
ta worry a taotoen*.’ fifiHe Urn rspuily retiavrd • fraat
will be made as hoi a> the governor's wonUJbvgtat, A.
! klinlt.rMsiai I'll ulieu tboughiof you and swered U« ooudnoWr “Tbe MBpafiy Take Ctoh Kldaey Braaaatoera—(bay
many Intrrnuil'msl cases, wtifa rifikopponents tan make It.
I bow br'iliSeia >.>u'0 m vu msrrkd. snd 1 bar lakefi, proper ptrasutioos. Every will cure eon—they have cared tbsme
tloas from IntriTistlurlBl law to abow gsito thr -nry«~ That'Hr
Usm Ns
: U.>uyfail ticoni «M: tarauat. " Uv mhI into carries a life tosuiwMaagetit. wbo aeds of otberw. Tar. Tiaxga'any Pai»*
that the rar>«ntl<,-n uf thr prrsaut gov- J
Msra Ths* A.y Ammrsm
snnfHtA (smite L'ub E>da.y Wrara.
I eagvny. " I thoagbrU Urre was anybidy —o write
erninrjit of t;utia ».,uid i, mirnkwl lot T^ashlnirt.m, April «-Ganrrnl ntaUilwaukse. April U-HenosaSrhuUs ! to UeworidlhstbOgbUu begtadtoswioe YouTI fino at:
h“*»» ^ y-surdaydat lined Ur honor
tos ihsl*bs
who has Just served out his term u!
SUM la tbs
clvUlsad nations. Tu rlCantaru^tJ. ! ^
"fwi""'" trodefrd him when-tbr Jhree years al the Waupun prism for
•gtianls," said the iKtialur. -«ouW ba I coounltlrr waited upun him to iWcIvr theArime of arson, was t-rougbl lo Mil yuuwbst you owe me. Tuu never ran:
Muri and wa
drt 'slun. Hr started Ms speech waukee for exam luilion by physicians. ’ imagine wbst rrbsarod yon-from." she I
to Ignore our rb<,lr
P»r -lehteen months lie has nut apokea told wiU .uddcoTcbeinsSMSi "Us shams I
It flying to the fs.e of thr whole
a word, and nolbtoa nan Indu.-e him to
Jab. O. jWnw- Dr^tat
y of tha world
IJ.uvr said the "»■«" of fact tone. I havrn I done a spenk. Whether It Is feigned or real
Tbo bravo, utong mice tanks, aod 8yla saw b« ■< ber torib upuoUer lips.
street and Ueo wabble back again, and
Cuban iBSurgania had a great title lu “>tog that either one of you. or any
tba eympglbles of this ruuntry. Tln v Amrritwn tillhan would not have dune, OUL
... ......................................
He ts sCiU held SS a...^ ..............‘•'toke off j.dir bonnet,*' stod Sylvia be WM sore troobtod.
were struggling tor freedom: they w>rt1
there should be any
.use be may be eeni to .0 Insane ; #">‘'75 "beoaoss.
«-urss. you'll May
••Hi, Uere?" be yeUed at tasc. “Git A^fiTdis^rpir'^^'brara and reaoluK. The asplrai^n .>f'^nss made about dt
lyium. If II I* shuwn that his Inability 1 *J‘**
■ off Uat wheel waMt till I asa wl
slipping basUly o« of ^
Ue room. '' yoQ'Tc drunk.''
Oanwa aaamad U ba toward Ua-tstab-, ■
**< F®® to Ulnk I'm tu speak
peas ;• due to come raeolal derangerange; db*
Hatameai of k black tvPuUlc to ih. untrsieful. for 1 •% not; bui I have
Well be knew tbat on I ^ioycl•tt
--------: ber tragract. sttomtog cup, ebe siuppril M!'
Wtot Indira. "And." saw Huar. "I nudlcd ever the matter and 1 feel satttodta.Pra.dri ba.si.town,
woDdsr wby bto Uia toDdy as It sUll wasI! signs
- of toatartoty are i
honar him and bless him for ihaiaaplra- ls^bd that ll wuuld ba batter noi to
April Ik-Tbs stfd promtaed to ba siiddMily swensd essl- Itadtog—Cbioago Fost.
Iton." Tha Inagrget.u, however, be dW ,>*»'e thr recaption. I don'i wanl for an . ffhawneeiowB. Ilh
Mary Callnwar. er to bmr, nml tbe Efivw at once Ustabs
not rttink wara wlUout ftnll. l,.ong to.- Inisst,i for r.nyb-tdy to tblrkthil i wish ' bcdl's of Itoii
must -de- daughters of Fberlff Galloway, and Mm. was glad to bo Ires fruB Us bflrdsa of bta~
to imt myself forward, and
V eSset
the t
Edwdtd Fleck have been found. Tbe twvtnrasnL
, cMnr your moat kind offar.
“Wby doM MUsBowler let bervetot
“It's good Ma," said Mra'Andrewa tamke sowbes Ue. is itofto*'Ob Ua
il to. or eUsrvtas destroyed, everyRtoS^OedtotoeM
of tbe WabaUr “
aa C^. April JD.-M.Jof
to?iw«r* *"
A. 1. ■Dcn to Join to the search for tbe dead. “I'm gtad you like It." ritol ityivta Am Banka
“Tbat's ber idra c< rsaltato. 8ba
•Hv-^harge of Ue
The water ts farang rapidly. Inspectton' ply i Uten. aftar a few mtootas' lauris
wae made of (be levee, and It was found ‘and now tell ms wbat Iowa Is Ilk.—Us knowa then ain't a river to tbeworM
that oan btOd a csDdle to tbe WakaU^
trapoSS.1. tar Ue ralauag bonwr. dld;r*''r* ^
thrt.^h tbeMmmta..r,- a t-UI wreck. It will toflulre nW.«H aops and sbaclluiataand tbe tnika "
arlers at f
far tover'B agofi"—Ctavfilaad Flaifi' ~
to put ll In condlllon.
tiet in any way detract from our own
The mule
respoaribltliy. He thought It Ue right
Us-NrirlCnglaiidtown. ___________.
and duty of the Amcrtoafi people ta deal
Many BfigilU
'a giUiU taksit (ur nutsiog nod ta to n
with Ue difflculilra Ho prewounced thobatge an extra.preaiain
------------------ -Woniostant.KytrtaUInks.
report of the foreign retatlocis aominlllast right and aelevted Aberdeen M tbe lor pylria'a borne to Mra Andrews' fauwltee a masterly docutnsBi and paid lu:
Italy Wrab T. Be aolb.
place to hold Ue state convenllen. on
to wl tab sbe returns at toswrals
•nthof (Davlsi a high cosapl'
Itomc. AprU Ik-Tbe Mtnarnu an* June «. Ue same Ume the populists quartan,
to report tb. dstalto oi ba- —~p.igra
nounceo: All nsgotlatlons tar tbe ante hold Ueir eonvendon. KeMduttons were byltta mitoto bw wben goo. and tangefer
Istr patolara agUBetiofi of taatb.
of Ue Italtan crutaer OsribaMl to Bpaiq adopted toeo-operatawlththe PopuRate bar bumeOMuiug.
Anttdolar. for extawetioa of toaU
rsport. that Ue Called BUtaawar^raceouat of Ue gy they ran ascure reprstkmattasi o
Tbs twowtauea tat sogeUer tgtha wto- Boetb Africa estunaM Ueir Iomm by svitbeat pain used. Lalam sad mU
praparatiU .yak «••« Iw
MrflreaBd igBBd maay aa bunt dtojaai :
patttag aa end to tbe borrwrn
ii«*« df their ovrii.
toe Mrs. Lstta's lack of wisdom to lUMt- Uey toocTVto about cme-tmlt
«I.I.W tUttm, H.W Am. SmTCbm
••Ml nua Bhr wm mi.«u ■• ssw
MIwmmw r-i. hMsM lip SwMirto Lm««
—WUI Xmrm «>. AMklm Om to
rwsfc A-toM.S.r.
Out sprite s«its art tltractiig'i put dul of atteiiioi.
flttclws Ofstet Depot ud Retiumi.
ANXiCi;s.To jriwoer
nous n JIT Dm.
' 2,:j
^ -r“ -'‘f.
Dr. Higgins,
■ Dentist.'
(11** ♦ I
win Mska.Om Mer« Effort to
Provont m Spaniohli.
Amorlean War.
. \ aWCsA. La iI
u- ■
t^rtmor **««•! of Cob*. tb« intnUr
K^ffaaxin asd ati the pHnetpaJ au>
thonUca <* ffax-mna manlfcai^d from
the flrU tnomrat thr profounl Mnttmenu of horror »hlrh that imraroae
tnlcfoTtune mdard ihrm. ard (hr arm*
pathy whlrh cn that iri«t Md occaMon board thnn to.th« Amrrtcap gor*
•mmvBt and pe^lr.
proofa of thla wrrr the rlaiu of
Uie charge
chars« d-aftalrea
d'aftalraa of H. U. to the
tlluatrloui pieaident of the . United
ptAtw thow Of the hlwfawt Bnanieh i
>iut woA workiiio
wnt a Bat .ogeiber and keep bonee. bni |
. -•»
'Ob,lhautogobona. It'awork bard
all day. and than go b^ at night wtba
bell bednns of a boarding booce. wUb
»““'log pk^t or cbmrfoL
added lAmlaa.
night, whlrh atande as the last
uken In the diplomatic negotlatlotu.
hecarre Avallabli«esl<-rda> and begins
potenilaty »f dpaln bkk the honor 10 tnfonn the bonfuwble a«Teury of slate
of (he t’nlled Slate* of Amt rtca that H
queen iwgent. yieMIng.tn (ke r. •
. (he qi
luted request* of hi* »
_____ ______
John R. Santo,
Geieiel Insoraan.
Wartoarg Btoefc.
(„ried oror tba wUo
If ibe new inreotiaB
i 5rr,r4^
United Scat** to gee
"bu b^’end (alb npon (be floor, : bappesiag cm tba oppodia ride q( lb*
_.j«d and bleteilng.
Alibuugh a imiuluer. be ptayi to aome
What am I eflerad (or a gop^ boaae aad
tn bm Ibm a month Mna. Marie end .
Loube had
-------------- --- ------
the drug bo.Iheee 1
V-., —•.
- r'of bottbemaelvea
I gm,,, w.ii, a .hnl b
rouud of bb i
of thl« remedv end ncarlT e’l nlher
One evening after dlnni^jg-1^ were
, i-atcry u eootber. tie crawui^
ared. wb1
tbe parlor
------ ,
HI, V Mtu
», jL>and
^ '| PCIVIW upun bi>«tomai-li. gelliilbefertber- ;I onuM* '
whV M"rle ^ to^fruJ^ IWlb I rSel^dr/li^
fTomaOlrlal»olDt of Mew
the girb
' : glare o' llgOi sotl IP.twO shuuh
Nothing »Ung» him. no Uot
him of the .IX burltd at him.
He plcngm ibrougb the water to fats
lew. But Mna *wau*d thoughtful, and I
road and liursalung. wblMle* I
ifrawhll* laUI
laU down
down her
her Awing
siwing and
and ^^1^ with bis remalniag-inuih.
tum«l to the pimm.
play^ an tW
,, t^n^Hn
(Bshkmcid love aon«,_ but saddeiily Ue
i, ivUxl. tliruwn Into a wagon
touslr broku off. (t^ste said
Attorseya at L*w.
•Glrtw will you tell me why
^'*uS?^S^»Ughl*'i»d I
Boeiag*. Bhwk. Trae«se nty.Mkk.
enoagband pomrswri of the .Sverwge ae-^ hh>, l«r
rriiiM* adcisen iimiu.
eampUshmeDU ami aWIlty—why It I. that
dta,,. ,i„
»# toiUld not U- each Ibe mtatrma of a ,
ij-hl. Uw (iii.
happy hohiA Insksad of vh(»llna oqiBBl^ goBnled with groat ciwemwa. bm ihlstlii;*
r.1— .
Into tb* bellM that we ate happW as in- 1
ui^Vrst. he hm trokeo out | fa«H BBOWN. Aimiw
dsneodent bachelor girls?
,. si,.,,,.. Mni-iir
Iaw. Special ati^liss '
g tbe OBeeTte force and
while Kin.:,
tkmaurtjed her
luysirrious way and supplied I ^tLBKBT a UA--------------------------
BirsisBss C
■*I do not believe ibat My girl Uses onA aay. Sk yean old wUbcmi baring
tome sort of a love eptand* ibsl at ees
time promised to be Uw reality of her lllb.
Olrls, I Bin goltdr to to»
*"7 krie
him with
« blend* I • are driving fa
off to aafrty.
He dor. (Ml know where they drive, for
be has umriy faliiud. They Mbow. bow. Tbewrn 10*. lat. IM
ever, and rush onward and into afoiuto.
where (bare Is a hunter's but.
JIISSTh™ ! vi-j
iebnaon Etoek-
Hack, Bus and Baggage
When In need of Mything In thla
line remflmber thb is the plaoe to laavn
your order* Md get prompt work.
ticare yoar orders at officn or.call up
—Watch Repairing^^
—John Verly.
**kUrle let Miss Betl’e be6k (all into her
lap-while tbedaMc* and bultetvupe In
tbe centerplene Imulsewus etubroblerlng
grew (asicr aad (aakw Into ibelr eolots of
terday afternoon by Dulgi Memervlll. a blneandgold.
"You know. 1 bare/net always bean a
PO8TES. hunesw at lav.
barber. GlovanrU
GlovahtU Lombardi. CO
» yeai
years of
elt) girl." said Kina, "but grvw op ln.a
. attsatloa to tax titles.'
a Harhrtnlth. wo* the victim.
Ilnle oounuy town. Kalph Hadl^ was
lAimbardt was Invited- by tbe bsrWr
my earnest playmate. He was three years
They say #2.000 reward 1* offered by tbe
the latter's shrp tn be shaved, lie
older than I. but I kept up with him Itr j iwte lor bU Wy. and they Uugh all the
arreifled tbe Invitation. In tbe midst
■railvn ..f shaving the man
M..M . ilule: but, Uke/WbltUer-t ...
suddenly drew tbe raaor
BiaM. 'sroulB not. b*»uJ* I loved blui.
On (be third day be Hue partly oovetrd ,
». «
across his' vletlm's (hroaL
Mehtcrelll waa food of morie and iras so peoud when
wIlbmowwKhlD Ibc bnt. with bisvjm T
gave himself Up'to the police. I< I* said
I could play the organ in the vUlage
feud bad existed betwwn tbe
church and Ralph led the choir. . Then '‘“^iP'"**®***'*’’*®
tot to*
families of ih^twe men for some time Ralph want sw^y to Et. Louis to Bnd rm- One of (be men tnine* back from tbe town
and after looking at blu a mooMil goes
pknmwii. • Ur wtuts me soeh bmullfol outaldo to talk with the Otber. wbUa ba
ktora of the new life In the city and^iow
Uvely Time la Ike CMveultM.
Ustoos curiously.
Bpringfleld, lUA. April 16.-The aiorm- dWetuM It was from (hvconntry.and bow
Onr of them saya "He m asleep." And'
leet-poliUcaleonventlonever hel»ln this 1 would enjoy it. Some one b««rd him
city was the Demm ratic county as sing in a big cburcbsndbwutiw laivreated
bb eyes «i«en wide; they mare
semblage Wedneaday. E U Merritt Md in him. and then be wrote that b*
,j|e bead. UcsWaliw hiscars; his
VANTgD-Te «• g
R. M. RIdgely were candidates for state
hMth (.1
senator and a dispute over a dotegate
able to talk go
to learn Ibat u*re*gv. B-ByBaa.Mt Weakcaused the trouble. PlDsUy. a eomproBM«
both candidates
*ath streel. fasti
withdrew and tbe convention
tt sfogiw ba would
riM kwaU^^way
An hour after they awake him to aay
Inated Georgy W. Fonderbunk.
L“lSi,riS ^
that tfavrv Is danger, and they must go toMIm CealMema Feth to Deride.
trained vllUge atalden. k> I d
morrow at night aod blOucIstiwbere. He VwtRL WAHTBD-rer geasral ae
mie to tbe rity. wb«« 1 would Un|i*ov<
DbBtHI*. TIIa. April li.-The confevJ
Toniurrow ooinea. VT tagslte at Wo fit W. W> atreri.
(ence of mine operulora bring held here
lyarit ao much that ba would not b
Mgbtoatues. He hMes^ lion bar to htt
dofu>a That waa myui
resulted In an adjoummenl without
•htei. and they Kri I lOiO tbe wagOO CSUrultable wife (or Ralph.
reachlr^t a decision or srllleroent. Min
each' sideof blm. and diriu rpiro NEW KCN have beee *Bgs«ea to------I spile of my paivnu' opposition 1
ers Md operators met here In good
ruad wfald>-f#rka
•i bey c
JL after tbe work la my Heyrie rvprir sbop
to Cbloago end found eiuptoymacit
faith on Ratrbford'* assurance that he
would be pn-sent. but be failed to make as a rierk. 1 worked hard in the dayttmn
i. and m the e
topkass myw
his appearsficA_________________
—"i> —>““' Esitsassi^
... 1 o^'isssfiairss.ia,."'^
-^Front Street.
Gruil Ripidi« bdiui 1.1
OmatwT-rkem Cheap by the IM
Omaha. Neb.. April It.-UnUI May I
It will be pomlble t>i purchase admission
tleketa to the Transtnlsslsslppl esyswi.. ..
the rul" of SC cents each If
purrluised 1h Iota of UO. Tbe regular
prtfe (d odmlmt'iri U W cenu. The gates
will he open'jrom K a. m. to ll p. m.
Wahinglon 'Park. Chicago, certainly
srin resume raring this season.
The ('harlee Kill fumtiure store at
Dfivenpoft la., burned. Losa. ITS.OW;
insufanre. lu.wn.
Vaclay Haas, a farmer residing near
Monroe. Neb,, killed kls iwo children
and wife Bjid rommlUra suicide.
Ku^ne MclAugbnn committed aulHde at Lacon. ilia., by sbt^tUig blraself
through the lemplr. Family trouble.
Four-year-old Anton lAvinskt. play
ing In frodt*of Ms fath.-r's bous- at
Chlruco. waa run .ivei' and killed by u
; eicciitc
The iremorandum tben Bays that Dlanai the-*uggesll..n
of e*-l*rraldenl
CO he. hastened to carry the J"'*" * |
. land the . lr.-iuoh. club. Chicago,
order into ..nert and aay* that tb^ii-,b,. banquet l| waa
UuT l.stndkd musfc and Freneb and 6e»- j
man and attended nnlyevslty extension
1 wamJwd Mmriy tb. b«ntlful 1
came Into the wore and tried
to make my manDors and speech a* {deasanlioa tbetrs. Oh. bow bard I warfced.
bo^ng that Ralph would be proud of
^■1 had not bad a letter from Kalpfa for
mot* than a y«ur, -when one day 1 saw In
tbe paper a
that be bad sung briar*
a eritical (orrign andienee wiU> great
Va„ «
i lari aventag at Nor-
Danriilata fm t£ welfare The pennant, and tLMO It ibey-antah
a of lu ll
, *Tb« gevanmsat of H. M. duM nbt* ValeaUa* Nevak. 11 year* old. wps
doubt that the government of tke Unit, swinging on a guard gattosi the Ne
ed State* mari recognise this, aa It wll pif street crosslBg of tbe Norttawestem
reeocnim (fee mMUsm lnj(«lce srith taUroad. ntlcago. Hie gaU broke,
wklrii a pan of pubUr .optntem la tU» ssrlnglng the boy on tbe trackto-ps a
cmmtrr pemume* to find 'geapoaMbU- trsdn was paaatng. The laM car oMaad
tMtnapafalatbebarrittraMropiw o<rir«Maftalgle«B.aadhawaiprirtia*«kkdiotoartod.laik*paRotdavaaa|WrdlA
..to m otoply.
CV^ BALA-Dse tot
C oee-TWoldmOl.B
Dae..KU.tA. T. B. A
«i2ff«!SS'i.5*.rv,em.s. ..B. a. .
im the horse sharp to the left, tbe lor*
O B.sfCV'*!?-O.ULOOKVOOD a.r.A-Om^RM4a.
uiBTu UD nmunm 11
m .tbe «o«moi»
sight, oot- of mind, about sums up a ;
(.11 tioiniber upon the sod.
peie/itoe*rr*u, ei»
.naoonsMocy." . ,
n,.} all ru*k-«pon lilui end diag blm iTkni
•\ou Judge too barsfaly, Louise." mid
p„ia hi,i> tlghU.
- ‘ ---------(bentoa
trae. 'I ujTAPLB VOODtorsi
Marie. "AU men arv
arc not nxe
Hke that."
Ueeen. a pale lace, I M. her Co te U_
| IA
n>|« loUows.
^J^ttore M him and keep
sharp cry. a 1 flTBi. WAirTKD-Oe
n and u*,
» »•
I Matched and have
and bleeding. I'
bliu last. _j
He U
U ent
His two Uitrayers stand belure bins and 1.
fear, and when
ben at lari bis eou.jtoy was 1
to apto-ri at tbe Auditorium I (
III with eiclU meiiA I sent a IllUe
Buto to the ht^gri lng »r^dd« Tb. j
1 annual.
promiaty. Ittead:^
|huv. iwu"'be ebouts. nodding ■Ue«froei
■Dxaa FnitsiJ Ntsa-My wife and |.b>* ,
,*o Is-torv blui. "1 h««d Ibeffa ‘i*:J
sM*n.ii)« at tbe Awiiiutlum
Atsliioiiua. At
Awwa. hu^ »• : ,,1,0
tom uu- o»rrto>ou- I bturd (ban
tofaave JOB call cn my wife,
pUn out (be bluud iuoney brtwerii them I ;—___
Kauri UaOuBT.
r« bOAB—We k
They hkie played me lalw ' T^/,rr te- ,
oerr to loss ee bt
iThai is my,love ««»ry." aald Nina,
pitoDood to Us (rten^
tumlog again to tbu '
out uf yalt in urdc^to ■ erya.freTerw
They belpiri
tbetle silirics as sbe saiUly- (oi«bal
He *, m aborrtble fury. He burst. |
(rutu JhiW eel>tor* with his berculcan tw Loytum
emmvnl tf H, M.
i hold-ArwIl a until the national ertaU
***• t***’*
tneasufOias crowned Its extraordinary '
"Yw. I iuvtJ aman
efftk-ts to . i.taltr the iwril.eatlon of '
,, „
lan has been aalccted by' Md preiulsud I would be true to blm. but
*nA riaWt "
stboD I found out that be cared more for
'tvilllam K. Var
anotbar giri than be aand for me. wby. I
put hltu out of my tulod. and now I work
and Mork and work every day and never
think of him. ‘Tbere's aa good flab la
Edward RuBBril' a tailor was kilied
«be sea as hat ever been oaugbt.’ i’
at Alexandria. Ind..- by a passenger
gratae was notblag U not prmtleaL
The r^of tbe de. i tram Oh the Big Foifh rdllwar.
And yet.'’ mid Marla, "tbe womaa
Me then goes
a ia kripplly married Is beat off. 1
exue of reconcentraUon.
itqulieagnwwiib UUsa Dell Inexkinds which the guvert
pseUag ao maeb of a husband. Bacanm
has giMted Md has .
given to the reconcentiB^. have put
srblrii has full khowled** of the far
ao distortw U tK*y *mve been and are
actually, m everything rvferriog to t
Cuban qmseUon. can srlib JusUceebarg
Epaln with belu remlsa In seeking
n>eans (or pacifying the Island.
Be elnke lack m( of algbi and ^
.J tbe grfirraMi
,lef nf the army of Qu'» in "nler that
he should contrde an immedi
Fite at Apideton. Wl*., caused a loa*
of hostilities for such
, ‘ ;<»f |3f>;o«» to the ComHned Locks Paper
be -ahall deem 'prudeBi f-r i>reparlng^„, gf
Van Nortwicks The mill 4*
and fadlltotlng peace in (hat IslMd.
.M end to a lamentable state of affalra
which was the Ineriiable consequence
of the bloody conflU-t provoked b
•mall minority of the eons of Cub*,
reried and wupponed principally -by
••A word ba tba wla# ia anfflaiMt" and MftletoB l6lbatraot.waat? Aeacydnenvy the girl with a home.
word from the wire abonld b* tnfB airabla plaee. cm ba bon^t oa moiMbSal'Ibd*’ba^ p. hi.*’feet a^ g?a*pe a
"nbr don't wo have tbe
_ btttgiby. taitirod ooll of etrlppad bedclotb clant. batyoo nak. who arc the wine?
booM«. tben, and make a baim
1(10 a ADmpof a reioatnlng I Thnaa who know. Tbe nft repaaUd ly paymentA Lot ^ea la aartiaaga.
aelre»r'aikod llarle. tba iBvanUre on*
________ _____mgea
outward and downward egperienee of truatwortby pertMo nmy
Alao mod taonae aM W (oM lot, Oak
' by tbe w£ir ’
be Ukea for knowladge'
knowledge '.Mr. W. K.
Park. WaabiagtM efret-T
Hl*palma Tnrry mya Chauberlain-. Cough 1
Washington. April IS.-The fuH text
of the Epaiilsh^lnlrter's note delivered
to the Bocreiary Of state la^t Sunday
Ever Burn^ OnW
’it aoyoB know
O. P. CA&VXB. Ag«M
atmuariy w
pbouc. Bcieetiots astdatn tbe tnuumiUaioo of aouud (
(be theory of acFOOd rrarad. TheinrMiur
g* tbe n.-w Inainimciil. Ipfaeb U called
I a-femeober.-claim. tbatbiTapplltop. aa afla.h aom« upon
itabMuitt light waraa yiutaatba
I7 oleoOicily.
Etalea. Btatlng In detail the many cun,;2ew*inna *hr ba. made and pointing out
/ that It wa» In rraponae to the urgent
y reprvavnUtlM K the ala Joint power*
that the laat conceavloB qf an armldlce
waa granted. .If the piweie determine
(■• act their Influence probably will be
particularly directed toward Inducing
tbe United SUtte to graDt Spain autCcient time witbin which t» u-y the ar•
rnlaUce recAiily procUlmed:
the recent Joint action of the powera
their main Infloemv Wa* exerted at
Madrid, the only adlon at Washington
belitg tbe couneoua egprwion of hope
fer peace. Ilut (he prroeni movement
contemplates that the innufm e ahall be
exerted at Washington rather than at
Tbisk. npalB ahMld Kave Tliae.
.It b (he commun belief In diplorruitir quarter* that (be Madrid autborltle* ha-ve reached the limit of cmcesaiona and should new be given ade
quate time to try vb^ they and the
ymwers have offered aa a means of re-'
atoring peace In Cuba. TTiare la no auggeallon. hoW-ever, ibat ibl* Influcbce at
present will be of a material characte'.
. but it Is expected tobeanagsmloeof all
-.tbe moral influence of the powers tn
checking lendenHea s-hirfa. It Is '*>•■
lleved. lnevtt^My sill lead to war. Ur
to a Ute boor laat night word bad rwt
been received at tbe various foreign
, .
escabnabmenu that any common hast*
of Joint action had been reached. a1(boogh It waa the general Impression
' that there would he illtle dlfBctAly
Arriving at thi* common ground In vli
of the pn-valllni^aentlmei « abroad
^ I -SSritZ.™ ■
ai welt aa the funeral
. _ .
provided by tbe munlHpallt)- of Bavana and the notea addreaaed to the
department bt atgte by jhla legation on
PVb. 1C and K and Aprtl 2—numbrra U.
WaBhlnmaai. AprU U.—It waa tmned
IS, li and S3 reapecllvely. The oOcera
laA BlCht in bl«b diplotnaUr quaneri Md cfew of tbe r^la It a-ar of H. U.
ttat an aachansr of notea baa befun near ibo kUlne. dlaregardlng (he evt.
katweea tba European eapItaU with a dent danger whk-h threatened them, aa
Tlav to maltlnc etronc repraaenUtloTt* tbe oAceia of (bat American batUeablp
m ibe Opaiitah-Amariran riioatlon. In recegnlaeB. immedtarely lowered their
tbe aame eoBnattna an lafomal meet* boaia and aaveda numherof the drown
Ins of the ambaaaadora and mlDletrra ing who only owe their livea to the
prompt and effleadoua aid of the «pMtn thU dly of .the Ua creat powera of
lab aallom.
£urope waa brM late In the day. Scv>
"It U eirange that tbeae notgrlona
oral of ibe f»rvlj;n cstaWshmrhU tw fan* and three aolemn manlfeatatlonB
eUred cable advlcee from tbalr sovem* appear to be f.wTfotlen by puWlc-oplnii:ents laat ni«hA ae to the opening of Inn. which give* cretUt on the other
the eachaiige Of nutea. Tfali had been hand to the moat Btaurd and offrn.ive
antu:patcd In view of. the prevailing hypotheela The, govemnieiil of li. SC
aentiDtenl Id all the foreign quandra .would be deeply grateful to the Jiialloe
trre that the acUea tbua Car taken In ' and nmrteey of that of the Unlled
eoagrma ma'dr war lae\-ltal>le. . Thla Buiea If It should te-egtabllah omrially
•cAmoo opinion had -been otilelall)- ra- the truth of (ana which appear to be
poned to the lu-veral European capl> Ignbred or not B|ipre> (ated. and Ignortala, and
of whlfb contribute* an |H>werfully
In eiarWng. the trllve earhange be-1
tween the great powera yeelerday.
menl which eu<Ungers.w|ih<iut any lea‘ mollvg. the friendly relallona be
Will hot Be Mo MiM 11U. TlNie.
tween the (WO natUrBA
"With reference to theflauestlon Of
I puwei* preeented
fart which reauUa from the diversity of
ident klc.KInlry. mildly urging a peace oplnton Iwtween the report* of the Span
ful aettlvinem wlib Spain. It w under- ish and North American commlaoiona
attHvd. however, that the pre.rqt move^ tbe goverrment of H. M-. which a* yet
mem U not »f tbe aamr mild chaT- doe* not know the nfllclal text of these
v' acter a* the former one. ^Imuluneoua opinions, ha* hastened l» deeUre Itself
with the opening of the rachange word ready to sulunlt the question to the dee
came from Madrid ibal tbeSpanbh gov. cirion of Impartial «nd dlslniereamd exemmetit waa about to ie«ue another pertA Bctertlok In advance the declalon
of the arbitrators named by both parUee-an evident proof of the loyalty
Initiatory tn the concerted action of Md gm>d faith with which Spain pro
the po»erw.»nd there la apparent agree- ceed* on tills, aa well a* on all ocgrteM in advance that the appeal will caalona." _______________________
receive favorable consideration.
ap^B'WUI BmHa GrUvMtow
To aw «ha Oaawa.
Ab Aannan UTCDUir daidm tohm
TwalMatBldbt; aatmuy.btockaltbt;
•» elwHrKal apparatea by itoa
Mma BoAim ut lipfataltitf apon aanolM > ve ^ wbicb a panun may «u In a dark
prtot.; aim a »Wod oI a man aawlDf -nwn aod look at a mw in aiMb«
mraprtjat bU lam liara In Uw acooed th». , part of tba town, retraidlaai ut cortMTi,
brl»bt and bandm^Mand poMaalnd «be
,b, wt on 'prrtloo. nlabia and
otdtsl to , wrrMod b>* work nitb blunt aollod bread.
liidlvldoallty .(bat avowd
u QrotaaaioD abe bad obfun..
{ rubbed luto «be fitiniK. Now be baa c
and U at work Upon lb* ___
Nwtblna bad bwo ttinber from tbeir '
Tta window b
fioor, and
' far’abora
' w abort tbe~
»—Teal aTlmaar\th.Ar*MU.
at tb* JM* OIrw the l*ra*ldeat a* fata LaU baaoay.
as follows:
________________________________ toOa«lMk
OoMPti^iaraaKn, Uartowaaanbrary
• DotelgiiUy beta
a tbrt.w Is loadc over a Umb, W Hgbta
minVUie sir. bU sbouto «tl vengea
mn baanl abd a plUloDvd form, writfa..
■ "
and distorted, ahuuw Into tba air a)
A BEICr-t0^^iy«^mes
ttniKglo*. U becuiuea qoM and etUL
Tbty prove that ll Is dead. 1^ tom
tbtit lights togelbcr ambrteerflefccly au<r
dlmppnir in AU dIffcROI path*. wl*b
murderer and twoaeouadMia tba Im
New York'.Sews.
From the retuotari tlmm women tev*
theft bngen srith rlaga,
to adorn t
uinmmica foond bi tba
U had tbelr Ungers liter-
they were
piAtery v bm«a, aceutdlng no
■ another that teg ,
•« tbe wealth of tbe wcarata.
A riag U bssduwed la BsarrlafN bauanm
n was anclaaUy a ami by waioh erdtr*
,srmesigBed.aiid tbe delivary of the ring
. . ' wma tokan that amas^e* tbebmrmof
It power to act aa hi* deputy. Tb(- a
■ woman,baring barboahaad-aalgaatrlDg.
“*•* to powtobrio* ordma a* b* hlamsU
A ClsMae BUT Al^
her frionda.
•Y««." mM Mari* mdly. "Vbeatk*
Mm. Gabb—Ate you goto to ham year
time cam* fm IM Tooboomhsiwsmi a tra* darim lake mttsie lamunaf
>'a love aad a eormr for asymlt, I
MmOadd—N-o.Lguam»DA. Stasbatot
peoadly cboa* to attain the caicM I
WoSiV ladipriidiriA and aow"—
""idt*. 0a£—WaU. 1 wooMB'tbt dUnoor••YMiVietttr-aBkedlMlBa l«idat tbat. Mebfay *b* mlgbl Mania
-ym," mdd Maria.—EridmafA .
pUy elato aaybow—Srw York VettOy.
jjiWAi. mraro
oueaco * Vertb VtoUcaB Ballroafi OBatpaay.
■ i
FiiBt W~Ve S»7
•e Anno
xats iast
Blory or Ooptoro «i PorV Vbo
OMVoyoil th* XUoo X>obM.
Ohl«o«o. April U.—Tko TtMdor•U Ub MToiOff prtatod OMOMtl
•lor/oboalthearrwt of Um MO rofor the MelM oaplaoiott.
There bMb
MT or BBkLLXAVT OBATOBT Uaseoco er >» u?
M*Bto »t -Waohlartoa of the Mary.
\ A^BMAMAnomm.
Th«> rerereBul eecret eerTtoe
BlM it.
Oeralry. Xnfbatry ahd ArtOlery to
Be . VobUteed at Bow Orteasa,
llBCta* tB* Lte WhM AoosMtf of
ChleaBteUCB, Tampa aad VoMleAMtaf V«« Toft Jotinul U Oabola the Moat Sicnlfleaat War
Tbo Mobmmom OmoUob ViU Toko Hie Beil Beduoed from $10,000 te
$800-He Volred Ba
■toreBMt Made Bteee Mia BabaUtea aad' Keaae Bapld Ttaparatlea
The ezohlootion of On; Pkree, who
Today Md tt WUI Kma V'or
i VUh
for VoetUlUea.
ie cherped with feMonlt apoe SbearMr
lom, wee to here tekeo pleoe lo epMtelteTBsMo*BnMUacoBn. f
e’«rfi Ik wk— .k.
Browe’m ooort yeoterday. bet
Wa^ilaytoa. April as.^Decidedly
WMhbkCKW. April It-Whee U«;p4^
ooeiBlaellee ud.wee
eeohte odJoerBod tooirht it had boo* :
Otremltooort ie*^Ue
leteoet warlike stepa tekee by the
•freed that a rote ea the Cabwi reeo- ^ eoa of p3<» ball, which wee feraiabcd. nary departmeat la promey for a
lothwe wwild he takea-before adjoei a-1 The anoaat of the ball orifInally was peealble raooaater with sW«^ •»'
MOt loiortijTT -That waa the' eelwl- •io.OW. bntae lha lojarire of BaoaoB aararated wbea order* wereWied to
. naUae wt a day of oratOTy that laated
«atU 10:4S toaUrht aed waa fell of dra-
rLT^r.’::r™ SPAM’S appeal U
W.UIW«>.( Mw,U.a;j
bat It waa aftrrward apblaffi ~
to the eeaate by deaator Meney. >
alee WaBlaftoa had iuatod that Moaey
' had foae oa a trip to Oaha aa a aoi
peodeat of the Now York JoeraU aed Opialoa That Beral Semoaetrettoa
Soaer latwted, •'Yoa Uar” aed iaOf Hatleae of Bnrope b Xmprebhble-BeUered That BofUad Would
-ritad WalUafftea eet U the alley.
Befoae to Participate ta Parer of
Frleaft laterreaed. hewerer. aed hoeSpain.'
tOltlaea a ardlded for a tiaa.
Boae, April It.-Tbe PepMo Boaaao
eaya it aaderelaada the powen of Bari>pe will iaterreae belweea the Ueltod
StAtea aad Spala ia faror of the Utter
MdehaVtWMU be proloafad Oil »UU
>uy. aad adda, aoeordiap te laforteaichb ' ae it waa the lateaUea of aatUa patheredUa
Ctelmaa Darla tefiwea a eaatiaaoaa tera, that the laterwatlea will i
aiYtiie aeUl the Cohaa naolaUoaa are the fora at a aaral deaeaetratloa. la
which all the powere wQI partlclaaU.
Mr. OalloB of lUUeb ^Irered a
Laadoa, April 1> —The Brilbh for. aarafally prepared epee eh eereriny the eipa oMae Am aot haliae the power*
CaMral Cahas qoMtlon. Mr. Celloa wUl aaka a aaral deaoaettatloe. aad
dedared the hoar for aeUca by thU tbaat BritaU haa refaMd to enter the
oeaatry waa ahont U aUika.
StephyatepSpalahaa beea paahed
frwB the weetera bealaphere aad aew
AprilriS.—A epeelal from
•hebaheotle loee the ebief yea of Madrid. pablUhed tbbafuraeoa'brya:
her eotaaial aoaeeetoaa If Spate b "The aote U the powen froa Spain
to he peraltted to ponae her eoeree ia will rdrUw the whole Col
Oabaebe wUIfooe wiUeel'iaaeiae. poiaUap cat that all the troahle with
aed deetroy, if poeeible. the patriou to the UaltodSUtea ariaea throafb the
the Uet aaa. Ber black eriaa call elaaor ef eafar aaeulactarera, who,
for ^aor«»Me; that reayaaaoe will be it b cUimed. foraeatad and oryanUed
tekea by the Aadrioae people' la the the aaUre rerolt. Alteatloa wUl he
latoraat of haaeaHy.
ealled to the allayed aaaerlied Ai
Mr. .CaUoa rerUwed the
__ ^Uboeteriiwa; it wUI be
ataaeee of the Maine dlMeter and dothe ehUt inearyeat leedere are
olared it WM a dallbaraU and atroaUae •at f^hana. bat adreotoren of all
y«ardor. TBe paeple Ihiwo^oat the nattonalllUa. whooe parpae b pleoda.
■ f ooaatry deaandari that'the , arenfiaf
by Spate will
J \ blow be Btraek wicheat delay. We be Moaeated aad the aote will eay
letodoeardaty toOad aad that while Spala ha done-ereiythtey
bean aad force SpaU to withdraw her poaeibU to padfy the blaad. the Uait^otew aad Sa« fit» the bland.
od Btata oanaeU' hare eoaetit
Be aade an extended erynaant far theaialra iMoryeat ayeau aad the
' iaaedUte aetioo U the eoaree of farther etatoaeat will be aade that
which be paid a trihnte to Mr. Me- when aotoooay proabed the daelted
Sereral otha ^aeha aloay the to Caba to eaeoarayo the li
aaac Iknee were aade and Cohaa tndo- Wd oat."
paadeaa otroayly arywL
t with deelartet
that Spate, hariay i
aeaa of peaea, U relaelanUy coapelled te prepare for warewl te Syht Cer
To the MeBcey ef XdtOe Ooetya ZlAathe aateteneaoe of iU riyhu aad
•eaTeetardey Afternoon!
Thmaye of frien^ tllod the Wat
Waklaytea. April i
eido Chapel YeeteAay afteraooa to
repdrt of the r
pay leet loriny trlbatee to the aeaery
erwiay. The white eaeket eet near
the alter wa enrroaaded by beaatlfnl
floral offrriay*. Ue
belay a Urye floral pUtew froa the
Baaah RIflee. of wbkb Mr. KUeaa
b a popalar officer. The
ooadacud by Her. D. Oahlia. who
^ke words of ooaifort la behalf of the
baraared faaily. whoec alBletUn wa
aade drably bard to bear by
tha aadden aad friykifal maana af the
death of thalr aoD. AppraerUie hyaa
ware ew by e chair eewpoeed of Hbe
CrawfoM. Mra. Bachaat. E. E. White
«ad Ralph Balatt. Aaeay Uoa who
.wUaaaaad the aad boom were aaoy
~eeapealrai and paplboftha Saeday
•cheat of which Oeaye wa a aaaher.
Tha aadaaa of the ctrenauiaaca earreuadlnr the death of the ted ^e the
' eeraUee daply afllattey aal etecare
eyapathy wa exprand tor the Ua41y. The pall haarau were WUliaa
Sa^ Jr., Oeocye Raff. Oaad Vaader. Tora aad rraak OaanaU, aaahwa of
. hhe Hannah BIflea W. A Andarara
had ebarye of «ha fnnatnl and the re-aatee were Interred te the Oakwoek
lUre that ue complete eoallUon caa be
■eenred ie anr,. rcry radical pralaat
•yainat the L'nltad Stetee. Howerer.
Uap ooaeldcr it p
m will be r
fate. becaoHrll b uaderatood all Rarape feat* teat a war over Caha aay
inrolre all Earope.
‘The elcraeal te the oouate that e
aad tbaee aenatore wy litUa laportance woold altecb te tha reptaae
iteu If aata
Vedc •paaylch lanpa.
mtetdey aftemoaa Made Spaayla
had a narrow eeeape from drawnlay.
He wae pUylny t^icn the lirer hank
near the Beadle block when he faU bi
te the water, which at that pMnt hte a
iwlft earrent. Had it not beea far the
eoaraye of litUo Dos Bteyhaa who
was pUylay with Made ha would here
beea drowned. Don yraaped him by
the eelln' when he teU U and bald bis
aatO Ms.'Spanyla. attracted by the
boy'e eriee, catea tc the reaoaa and ha
aafely pulled out.
Opera House.
aeellBteted te Ue eondiUoaa of a teora
trepteai climate baa bean ander eenelderaUoa by Ue preaidha't and eahteet
far BOOM Ume.
The yorenimeat hee Bartered Uc
euemahlpe St. Paal, St. Loate. New
York and Paije of UwAa^rteaa lino.
Leaelny, A|wU tt.-Tbere b eridratly a mix-np aad a decided atreteh of
eermsily aemewheta reyardlay that ofli^1 haUotaaedatUaepaeial aen
tel aleeUoatethatwaaty-aereaU dbtriet teat weak. A few day* eye Ue
Barrowa people were ebowlay oeptea
ef a ballot allied te he ofBetel. aad
wiU a plelar* ef Oorerner Pleyn
a Tiyaatte for Ue eilrer Bcpnbllean
ticket, ie eppoclttea te Ue reyuter BepaWioan notateea. Tbday e earUfled
dapy of the official ballot aeed at Ue
alaotioa wae reeetred at Ue yereraer'e
ofilce, aad it coataiaed ae riynette
wbaterer. eimply a blank epaee wbare
Ue riynette ehoald hare braa. Thte
Playree Tiynctte wee Ue etroey point
la the Barrow* anaafremeat of the
, and wiUont tb* portrait at
aU. Uelr eeee falte fiat.
Thte dtepateh wae erat te Ue B*eaIny Preee la Grand Bapide and Ue follewiny appeared in
"Wa expect that Ue Ptnyree crowd*
would try te dadye." eaid one ef Ue
when ebown Ub
dbpeUk Ub afternoon. "They ■
a abtehe np there and knew U. Bat
Uey caa't yet oat of it whea Ue troth
known. Tbay need that . Playree
riynette all Uroayh Ue dUtriet, axeept in Wexford eeuaty, and it wae
Uelr owa tyaoranee that eented Ue
They eenta yreat hly
eat of Piayrae, bly eBooch to coror
half Ue ballot, to Ue Wexford oeaety
pAple to be need aa a riyaelta It
ae Urye that they coaid net yet it .on
Ue ballot, and Uaratee ao Tiyaatte
wee steed. Bat in the other eoaatli
Ue dtetriet U«y need Ue riyaette.
Thie ora here." aad he prodaeed a bal
lot marked official, bearloy Ue Plnyrra
portrnlt. "b ora of Ue klad need by
Traeeree aty."
SaO-Froot Street
HoUsy & OonnsU*
It’s mtly for
bat ws bBTs got them, St
beet yet.at the
!} Bur “Re* liM" Pattetis, "tis.’
ID Celts Each.
If It's
I Wash Goods
ӣ Wheel Enameled For S2.50
Monday Night, I ooDs AND EKor
i hsTs s number of odds sod ends in tbs grobery S
^ I rMwntly bought of Mrs. Buni^ eS6 Front street, 9
which I must dispose of to meke^room for new etoek. {
April 18th.
But e Oraed Bapide Han Olatnaa te
Knew Diflhreat aad Zteclaree tha
Senatertel Ballot af Trarerte Otty
Bore the Blayrea Tiyaatte.
Will Paper at 4 teats, a DoaUa Hall.
Wall Paper at S teats a Oaeile Roll.
Wall Paper at 6 teats a Dwbie Roll.
Tr*rer«e city b temeo* for expert
wtedow drueaora . Yeeterdey Stela-'
bery'i *t^ preaeated a rery prettv *ppearaaee: with e daeoratlon ef ettractIre drete tebrie* aad Ulmifalac*. The
wiadowaof Ue Bmiob Store are a1*o
and Ue window* of J. W. Bmikeo'e
•terd preeeot f*ecin*Uny attrsetion*.
day for eoaerutratiOB atJoar
The ladle* of TnVerwt H*y Hire will
the Boath ef »U reylmeau of oaralry,
reyimenu ef lafaatry and llyht hat- yire a ten-e^nl aapper at Moatayne
ball thU erralay from 4 to 7 o'clock.
terlraaodflre reyfiaente of arUllery.
AfChlekamanys tbete will be el* Teilffieauofearalry andllybt batterieeSed
•ra reylmenie of artlllerv: at NeyLOr.
lean*. 4fht rryitarnte of IcfaBi^'; at
Tampa, acren reyimeate of Infaatry,
atel at Mo^ eerpa reytterau of in
Slaee the elril war pa enoh proportioai of areiy hare been ma'bUiaed aad
the teOTOteeat Itaelf te heat eridi
ef the yrarlty of Ue eltaetioe a*
looked' upon by the preeldent aad hb.
The determlaation te raadrtreai
troo^ te Ue aouU bhere they can be
Tha Way of tha Tranayracaor.
John Iioaea. who wae aoeaeed of haT>
lay etolea a baflbte robe and whip
from Ue riy ^ Herbert Kraate
March wra takan before Jody* Beheria
yeeurday aad flswl KS and S4.7e eoeta,
maklay a total coat of the arUetea
SM.70. aad which be wiie irqaired te
retars. Mklay a no t lea* of the amouat
The amoaat *rae paid
The teiaetral Bbow *411 he i
WUl be War.
thbbreutey, at 10 aad IS oeau for the ptompUy.
• Laadpn. April IL-The Aaatrian aa- beacfil of tha partlc^aate. The perhhVi^nr adaiutbathahaa ffltna up fanaaaee te worth aaSthar crowded
Fouy IMpnen
kefeofBurapep*o*auU^*mr. r
Keettey Tueedny to Bleet OfReera end
Arranyo Andnal Baaynet.
There will be a meetlay of Uc
Alamal Amoctetloa of Ue Trareree City
Blyh eehool la the aeamably room of
Biyh eehool bnUdtey, Tueeday.
April le, at 7:10 p. m.
Tbb meetlay te for the eleettoa of
eaeara.arranyteyforUe annaal baaquet aad Ue ceneidituUee at each
other baelaoee ae may eome before the
BratT ammber ahoald attend who
can, M matter* of aan*aal lat«r«*t wiU
b* bmybt Imfor* Ue meeUny.
A Sort If Cleauiig Oit SSe.
They will be eold out ut low prlMA
j um>SUn,S»RMSM.
JVSbn,wnw!ML j
Try a Pair Of Onr School ShoBS
Good solid leather oonntera, spies and nppsrs—that Is the kind that wears.,
40* Union Sowt.
If you are going to makr garden do not fhU to eee our |
complete etook of Flower, Oarden and Field
30 Artists.
In the beaaUfBl eemle eper*.
Xn package or bulk.
!»»..» n*uc.
Seau Oa Sale Satarday Moralay at Box
plea^ of swki
te d« yoar srork
promptly. I yn
beet aad Uw;1owatt la prtoe. I
wheaU te ordar. they wa braeliee. Oall and eee Uem.
EaameliBg aad Dacaratiag
ia the Latest Styles.
Brariay of all ktodx. tire. Taleanteed.
madeaaynedaa.npw. Tbeaalynp-tedkte ahop U the city. All srork-year-
H. L GIBBS, Propr.
Snnib SlOa Sbm Ston.
34S Front Street.
For DIB waaK mly. bagiaaine Igril Uth, n will saw aid
lay lay of oor oil wool lopoio.Ciiiats
' Em Of Chorge.
Tfa'ia ie so extraordinary offer, eonddering ohr lew priers
in tbifl depertment As we do not add the ixwt of sewing fend
Uying onto the prire of the carpet oor prices being jut es low
•a erer. T$ks udwuntuge of this opportunity se tbs •pee'
ial d^ler will not last loog.
THB nemimro jumobp, •ATtrmpAT. Antn. le, ibm
Tn B*g1e wMoppoMd to bondlmK
Ik* eo«ator tor a aew ooart konae.’ bat
Md «e are
to have tke «wrt kotue. ibe Bacl«
«Hiae (ward wlU a pittpoeltloa for
Ifca city to add diO.OOO ar tlt.OOO to tke
•rpreprlatioe aad sake a >lat eaterfriee e< tke balWlay. At flfet flaac*
Mia piaa «Urkt aeew to ke a feed
bat tke afZairaot toe maty are ao dto
dte^y aevarato froa Uicae of tke city,
lhai H woald be wry. aawiae for
mok aa arraafemat to awtare, as it
woaU ealy lead to eadleea eeafasloa
Bad diaeaUatacttoa. Let tke eoaaty
hare a baUdtay all tia awa aad w>ea
toe city toaWetokaUdaoiv kail let
B be a yeod oae aad coaatraelcd eepaetaUy for tke Beads ol toe city, tke
aacle alee aaffeala a^aroel atraetora. TUs is a rood aagrMOea aad R
% aaitaklebnildiarawdeeatlraly Arepeaef caa be baUt for the a«oaat ayftayrtated it woald be preferable. If
B B aot snaeteat to
b « balldlac toea close
•ttaatiaa to Aret cIsm raalto «IU be
SaeoaB tok raeeat eeaatorial elae
toeattitedi of J. W. kUUIkea aa toe
toa^aaUoa aad ctbcr measarw adOorerver Piafrae, was a
^tad by’ 0«
jmtter af eeaei
■'>lacree.ma IBCtiealarly. Sea
' ^ ^ to rate ca toe railroad Uxatioa bUI,
hat wae tkere la tine to rate aa toe
ktU la laereaM tka laxae apon asp
«ea>paaies.E-Jt reqclr^ aaa rot
‘ Barry - toe atrascre aad It rrae Saaator
ICniikea’e rota wbieh aiade it a Urr.
.Se rdtod alaafar toe kuastoteadere aad
* Militia Mattara, wbieh ware also tatoarad kg Oarrr*or Piafrea. -WkateraT
BOMS yaople May tolak r^ardlay Mr.
MUUkaa’i aaaUiBeau toward Uoreraor
nayrca. a»4 wbaterer tke eanroe froai
: wklah toe bUla ryfarrad to aByiaatod.
hB aoane ia aappertlBr toa bills learea
' aa dbebt aa to kB yoalilas aad aeatiawBU rervdlac tka UitoraaU wbiek
Ua elaaaat to toa taxyayere partlealarly
«Md tka paopldBesaMlly.
WoMtaB Ohtb PleoBiMd KaMeda of
Badnetot ALcyraTatiac B*Ud
Bad VBBpartoat.
Third ABSoal OaavsBtMa ot Travame
Oi«r A. E dMBBlaHfs.
dBeeaaad at tto WomaBB QaV yeetardsy aftarMDB aadar toe laadanhip of
Mra. M E. C Bataa. aad fortiBbed
food tar fartker tkoarbt aa aerecal 1bparteat eableoB.
The preltBiaary kaeiBwe see
was to ckarie ad tto faeaMebt Mi
A. Moeuyaa- Tto oUm to parllaBaytary drill was aBBoeaoad to Met
wltk Hie. Curtis oa Saterday. April ti.
at t p. s, Tto olaas to hoase'
wlU seat wito Mrs. B. B.
arxt Tknieday aftentpof aad
■raetlMl desoMiratloae to eaokliiy..will to yiraa.
Atom ottoaaka
d for toe I
MpUaa aad to Patebto A Oalser for
toe ase of toeirTttoea.
The IBV at oomBOUaea for toe c
toy year was read. All sasban Bto
tore aerred for two} ears ea aay. aae
easslitee were trsBsferred to a dlftoe aririleye of renstotoy as before.
A special saatiay of toe elob B ealled
for pasi^Frlday sftermooa at S oBlaok
hick Umeetolrsea will be elaetad,
eastof ypar'*
work oatllaad. aad toe dtsrasloe of toe eity
water sepply problem tdlll to takea ap.
The rayaiar proymto was opeaed by
a ehatoBlayly assented ptsao solo by
Mbs LoaBe Back after whiok tto Mblaet od eoeial prableas was'totrodaaed
by Mn. totaa. Sto ^a af too raapoasibllity to tto eolvtoy at msoy of
wkleh laate
apoa tto wosea as wall aa the sea.
aad aspbasitad toe too oftea feryottaa fact toat there B always tto «dnty
af toe esployed to tto es^oyera as
wall as ito oftea yeatad re^MoalbUlty
f eapltal to labor.
Porerty i
aab>ei of a Aae paper by Mra Cbaaa.
Abe irasUd^toat toa Use will cose
wtoa Bot aaly paaparBai. bat poverty
wUl to reyardad as a dBease md peo
ple win study to aHeeiau ratoar tbaa
to ooadasB.i_dtotooayht that tralalay was la a la^ seaiara raspaoslbla
for bath, aad said toere akoald be a
law to ooatral 'BMaay-.saBfa*' as wall
I dlpeosaaia aad U^toaiaBU.
Mm. J. O. BaasdaU yaveaa able talk
OB bow te erold ttoee troeblrs sad adeoastod the traialay of ebUdraa to
msUera pertstotoy to tto ways of
E J. WarBor af Bast Jordaa iato tto
W. H. Fester has letaread toom
OoBtt Beoas Oomnlttoe Beady to
Oiva Active Atieattoa to tke
H. A. CBadae, slate a^t for tka
Jiew York Mataal Ufa laaoraBca Oa.
rropoaed Oaoafy BoUdtoy.
The board of eopenrBore adjoervad
r retarBad last avaalay
yeatardsy aooo, after, dispostoy af
. . -- ____lltoaCtoUtoyCa
IMBc Aadie Crapoaad Mrs. Oaa I
raayisf far proyraae to toa oaoaty
aaart bouse matter. Theooa^lttoe oa Foats - • '
Biildtay was aatbortsed le advertise
te plays aad dlreclad to call a seettoy
«d the fell board as eooo as ttasy are Albert FiUerof lUd Bla
fOady to report. The bosmlttee expeet te to ready eo that a aseeUay eaa sBier ef Ue Isto Mm. Aamaol Aaderto aaUad for May Sad. Caanty dark eoa. whom sto bsd net eoca for UlrtyMewtoa was appototod eeereiaiy for Arayears.
tto eommUtee.
ffktoayo Market.
Asoay tto elkistpreaaaiai.wCs that
«< Ola Bostras for beafdtoy toe Jary
Cbieayo. A^'l5.—Wbm)
jSly.^^JiciBeptoitor, T!'.
to toe ParaMlae case tores years ayo.
Tto MU was before daased'exeeslve
May. »Sc«Xe;
BBAwaere>etod. It was also rr>eetad Jcly. »ON(*>Ic:
(OSIe; Aopia
Aoptombar. Wke.
Uats—April, SSSw c; May.
MS'e: Jaly. I»c; mpiembar.
- Bbar. >lH(*ka
AMMastaly Karkst
;-AprU.I .TT; Hsy.M.aa Tto L^iae* Aid 8oeia«y of tto Oea-
IBs tkird aaa«sl Aaadsy Aebeal eoavsatloB ^ Travaras Ctly was baU to
tto P^t MaikodBtaboreb yeatsrday
afurBooB aad evaatay.
Pt««adl*y tbs rvyBtor sesioa tkarc
Was a prmotkal mesUay of tbs eooaij
oxsceUvo eommittes wtU^ IWideai
ThsooBvastioo was led at 4 a'cleek
to a Bortoal boar an tto aodl savlay
work af tke taaeker, by Bar. 3. C. Cartosn.
Baraeet partMyaiioo by all preseat
made a meat eajoyabie aad pioAtoM.e
bayiBBtoy of thB year’s
Tbs'fallowiiy were at.
mluee on nomtaatlau to report at tto
aveBiny eaadoa: Mrs. Battle McWetby.
Mrs- Uraca Bory and B. Wilhelm.
At • o'clock E O. Ladd, the preaids&t
Of the city aasoeistioa. aoBoanoed a
I. aad totrodoead
Bev. C T. Atent.
r of Ue Araee Bpboopal 'chnreb,
wbo eoBdnetad devaiioBSl sarricee.
Mr. Udd followed with a brief ad
dress OB the plaee aed valoa of toeaa
Asodsy aebool asaoelaile^
OmadBspUB. A|«U is.—Wheat. 91a
a w. ouMc. a p.
SI moST ST Ctol*
\ Btevlttea
Tbe raeqUse-Unaeb Fot. a Athiay
boat of Kortbport. was la tbU port ymtordayftosnpplles.
Dr_A^- E Miny le« for Osasds yretrrdsy with the rvmnlasof his wlf*.
wto died Tbaredsy.
The sale of eeau for "Frm Dlavolo’
will beyia at 7:S0 o’elnek this moratny
and tkere promBve to be a lively aerimmsyc for best eeat^
UeaL H-ipkiDs. formerly CBpt.
Smith, who oryaaltvd the Volantoers
la thB city, is bare for a abort time to
mmist ie Up wbrb.
' Tbe atteadsace oTev^' ~meiber
lally rrqnrated at Ue meetlay ef
Us Oood‘Templam laalyht. Blectioa
eleyatos to Ue dlstriet eoavaation
will mke plsoe. L’sosl proyram after
toitiatory earomaaiea.
axvdi KHowia^.
For presidsBl. d, dTam
.3. TNBi^le;
secretary. O. A. Jahaaoa
Levi T. Peaxtoytaa. Tbry w<
once elected.
A very spicy aad snyyesUve
was prsMaUd by Mrs. Nora C. Qaraett
apeo tto sabieet. "Bow to keep a dam
toyviker." The sabjeet was eamesUy
aased by C. E Bates. Bav. D. i?aebIto. Mrs. McWatky aad otkam.
The eloday addram of tke eveeley
aa yivea by Bo*. 3. A. Bready, oa
oadamaatal BIMe Atadlea. yivtoy aa
At tbe raview ef Travame aty Teat.
laieresUay ooUtosof Normal stadivs
:o. $71. K.O.T.U. last evaaiey It
that onybi take taken op by every
was voted tp
• dnaee aa tto areaAaaday aebaol teaohar.
tke nth. sad
The siaylay was happily ooDdaetod
"May 1 ailTwbieb of ttoedty>e poUtiwere made for work ia preparmtlea od
eal tacrioB yoa belooy toF’ mid tto
Us My eelebrstioa to tabs place to
Tbe bom looked at him toeraty aad
Tksatoiaal Mataa.
At Us K. O. T. M. meeUay Isst
tea teepooded, "What yOB doobUem
iber Ust I do all kinds M reFrs DIavala tke.S act comic opera to
eaa to ask. air. la which poUUeal tesad Uat I eaa
I praaeaud Moadsy eveatny by tto lyht aemeose-Bisde a mBtake sad
rive yon Ue beet work of say
MOB beloncaloma."—WaUtoytoBBtac.
Abiwtt Opera Oa at Htotobary-e Umad. earried aff Jallaa AulaberyB hat, a
dty for Ue money. IBa’t
wUl be yreeted by a larye aad fasbien- ■wry rood article ed wsariay apparel.
abla aodtoaos. At least sscb would to
espeetsd from the plessed eommeat trade back wlU tto parly wto amda
ttst the aoooaacemeal of the sUree- tto mBtake.
talamsat If worUy of «
ttioa. Tto mnsloal dlrpetloa <
yivea by Prnfsmor Martaayh. wbo a
ably aasBtod to Ito yeaeral amayemaai by WUl OermMaa. Tto (eatues
of Us Amt part were vary amastoy aad
local "yays" kept tto andieaee npoo
Ue qel rive for tbe saeeoedlay yaod
U. Tnroer carved as toterloentor
wblle Ue bODco sad umbos were. Duff
McOcBald. Ed. Bonaer. E E Wblte;
aad Asm CaamWrlsto. Tbe ealolsts
were y. B. Uernee, E E White. DnV
MeLkmsld. W. O. C. Uermatoe.
Leon Tltas and W- J. Bobfas.
'Tbeeaeciad part eoasistad of a baajo
solo by 8am Chamberlals, a plaatoUoa
jsMJoe. sad aoto eaiored head.
ottordtofeatarewasaaexhlbittoB of
maalpaltatioa of Ua totoa by Ben
Wtoais, wbo earprised even bB friends
by hB ekUl. Dr. Aayder may "I'be
Hsroes Wbo flank wfU Ua Malaa" la
U% Amt part also was a qaartet eoasBttoy of Mceers. Orotear, flaydar.
Hayaee aad Wbitaiaa.
Tae parformaaee eaaeladed wltk a
yreat LoaBBaa oake walk in which '
Momra Oermaina Tilaa. MeDoaald. |
MoGqy. Boaimr. UalaCbamberlatoaad <
''omos participated.
OnaoeenatofUeeaceeaeof Ue pro- <
deetloa aad aaesaroM reqaaats it bss i
bean deterratoed te repeat Ue ebo- t <
UiseveniDy.atpricieefadmtosMnoflO i
aad 1» eeats. Hb time Ue proceao. t
wlU, yo towards recompense for Uaee I
wto aselsted toelad.iay Ue Boys' Band *
aad Prat. Mnrtaeya's orchestra. Tto 4
proyram toalybt wUl be oampletely 4
ebabyed aad new feataiee wUl to to- 4
Card od Thaaha.
Ehemaattom Oerad
tbe eaddea deaU of ear eoa Oaorye.
kiad «ords aad friendly aU and eympatby earved to make uar serttm
tu bear, and we desire to axprom
>14 nee for wbieh we have faaad
- good friends aad aalybbam •
yntofttl Uaaks tor Ueir kltoaeasaa. U v^oabto.-W. J. CvTUto. Bed Cheek.
^ rapcelally do we wBb w^mpha-. Oovler B oae af tto *—■»*~r moritert UB rillaye aad oaa af Ue
Carte. r«.Ckap(B.&C
lapto. & C Daspi^ A. Baaaab RlAea. '
W. ja.^rarix.^£uo^^t>eto‘%srXkBF*a,W. W. Deam. F. Deaa.
-------------fbr aale by a E Walt, Dr^yBt.,
Bt M. E UaskMI-sb
r at two o'clorii.
Tto doliowtoyladtos era asked to ooatribata arUclas to to plaoed oa sals;
Mra. Ttoktom. Tbomaa. C V. Wriykt.
X W. Wait. Weed. Ebaor. F. BamUtoa.
C. WBbalm. C. E Back. E Li Dni'ili
D. Ootolin. H. J. OartU. O. O.
FOR ONLY $2.50
W,.l«,Bllii<J WhMU to Ordw, do i.ch«.p.r.ndirive bet
ter I0.t.nil Md .ork -lb.ii uy .hop to tbo dt«. H.y. bnti.venl
yearn t-xpenonee aad^arantee aatufactioii.
Pleaae give os
_________ ELLIS. 811 Prottt tfL. EkAt.
Bsies to tto ebair.
Uoa has cteaied. The music af Fr«Diavoto B very beaoUfal. aad tto aath)B of tto opma B at all times plsMiay. A vela of kaa^ perrsdes U all
tbroeyb, yet does aot affect tto
etreacib ef tto plot. That the Abbott
Oompaay will prceeat the play la a antoroayhSkltcbaa. yardeae aad to every park Btaaaar there B eo doebt. aad
possible way.
«ree aly Ueatoryoam will as}oy a
rare treat. tbB belay tto Aret opera
oae of toe yood toatybu batoy toat eompaay of aay aota that has bees laebUdru, rieh aad pyor alike, shaald daead to visit bare for eeversl yesrv
to taoykt to work, aa to toB way toalr
crowded bones tkatonybly oaJoTed
eaoe epoa atoer eklidtaa woald to
for road, aad woald tend to Use to do the miastrel perforataace to tke City
Opera Honee last alybi for tto beavAt
of the Hustlers aad tbe base baU team
e tramp probles '
by Mrs. M. K. Back to a briybt talk, will reap a baadsnme beasAt tbroayb
ylrto^ some of ber awa axperiSBeea tbe eacnretic efforu af tbe yoaay awa
with toe yeans baba, aad « lively dB- brboysve tto show. Tbcreealpta
eaaaioa foUowvd. to wbieh tto ysmeral A»«M. which B remarkable for aa i
af apialoa was that reyalar tour perforaaaee of aay kiad.
The prayraa) was Ailed wltk bamcrtrasya sbeald be dBeoenyed to every
poaelble eray; bat- eiiy
oas featares aad tto soays wei .
eboald aim to amBt worthy people lay aad tomirably yivea by tto yoaay
who were eeeklay fer work, to ways asee wbo araeamberedaiadBy tbe beat
bieh sboBld aot taad to tower toetr vocal toleat of the eity. The * boriself respect.
Tbhk aMM Ubaaatata ef aareai
<B Oraad Bayids r^ardlay tka '-oS.Btol" senatorial baUatU toB dButot.
U kaa beaa akawn by raUabU aatkarttg toat tka only eoaaty la toe dBtrtet
* erkaae baUaV bore Ptairraa'a rloatto
evae LaeUBao, yata party la Oraad
Bayids daelares tkat to kaawa arary
BBahty U toe dUtrlet eseapt Waxtocd
hBd a kaUat with toa faeeraarb portrait Sira. A. J. Umy rsad i
m, aad attbeeame UMprol
> to tto
, BU'i»id aayy of too Trarbree City bal- Foram. yivtoy kar owa axparieaee aa
IM ao Olaetratod. Wbeerar toe-party wdl.
to arideatly ^oeaBot kaaw wbat to B
Tto idea
IBlkiocaboetorBtbertottoi of a po- Ity to tkaae qaast
MUeal delosloa. It be ebeald a^y to pbaelaod by the leader to etoetay with
•to peblie oMoere of toB maty be will the racommaadadoa that tbeae aad
leara tost he bss beM delibaratoly
ktodfW mattcre be more frcqaeatly
iBferwed. aad that toe effioial ballot of
* ' to tto home aad to aaetol
Tiararee City bore se portrait «f Oor- ystberlays.
•TBV Plarrae.
Bmwa. ScmtotiiBmri Bpsssm
- tedtotoirtomef iBiHriia
8VikqVv&mt fv _
Gottoa bviXUTvqt, wC.
tail avM moEAit
Viv txnri itpartmeat
Si. AD.’MLvVVvVea.
Bicycle Riders.
What’i tbe rnaturl Fide B way down I
•taim. yelping a. if be were I»*l I
mbs linle dear?
HdsbaDd>bI Urttw btot Mabatylar.
—New Yj^k W«MI^
Mattes to Arckiuela.
- '■ ^
Fopo»«he City,
If You Have Logs to Sell
to br'tmlll Is
MS 1“
W ousts lb* &aess> swrorrtSI^,
t»®dMS to M
*U : Bu,-
M> »j* **0*04*0 IS atssiar m>Bs4*. lor «B*oi- ‘
«»”J^stm B»«mv. Srsotar rUos s«4 *pr*ie-,
HoM rIsB* ss4 •p**ie*MlaM asM b> briar*
tb* Ooaafl** oa or twfw* IV oVbo-k s ■
Satttrts . SHrtim. IBS Bsliabl* bawSa vUl
br *w|alr*4 tSst tb* btUMdic *ma b* *oa-
. CorreBpood with the^tnrerae Oity Limber Coo^Bar.
We have for aalejaapd,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
eGeo. r. Winnie
Dpposli* Coyle OfTtee.
' Util Maebioer/of all deflciiptiaBfl,iD«liidiiigTwo EngiiMB,
Pet Works, Carriage* asd SawE A complete 8a* Mill Pint
for idle.
at^ts the person who examines our sew !
i I
Stock of Carpets..!
We have eurprised ourselves as weU as done our
selves proud on our selections of Value and dual
ity, and at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. No oneJuu yet gone
away dissatisfied.
TH« Mmyuro juroo«o,:8ATinu>AT. aphil le.. 199%.
Bsnt apOB
at tbs apsDlBh das evsr Cubs coaM
pot le&ssr bs tolsutsd.
Rs bald tbsrsfore that ws tnvtt di*
rsctly and as anoo as powlbls sxpst
Spain tram ths Island. Ptsca could not
bs aacurad Uars aacapt throusb such
«WTB lUT BE lyanai teib heei, rapiilslos. PiialD 'esRDut prsrani -tbs
dlsnirbancas of iba paaca and prvspaRty
of tba l^and. Wa can. and wa mnat.
Bat It Is N«t St All Csrtste, ss Msay Hoar daHarad his bsltaf that fha da*
of tba Malna was a mcdlutad
Wsst Ts B«'H«siC
i atmrtloD
act. fur which BpaDlah oAciala ware
••MM Will Sillily Tillc Omi Um
Ciibui RiwiliitioM Until
«• WUl Pall Dp ssabto tbs Watossi JSto
Klatay AcrasB vtth Csafstto.
Lstodon. AprU U.—AcccrdlBs to •
toaclal dlitetcb from Madrid tba sa*
prama cea^ af stata has aoUorlsad
Satwr GaUcat the foralra lalatstar. to
ordar tba Bpanlab mintoiar at Wash*
Iarton. Banos Polo da Barnaba. to twturn to BpaU dlracUy Praaldant McKlnky acaapU "any rsaoluttpo of con*
trass wbkb slUrfcs FpalD's sea. rrtxnty
in Cuba." Tbs Buuiiint papara ars
llllsd wiu dispatchsa frata tbs eontlnant. naaHy all <it Us rama irnor. Tba
twllef that aar Is inavltsbia la unWartol. as wall aa Ua faallDt of bosUllty
to tbs t’nitad Stalaa. Tbs papsra conUln alnu nornsroua articka apreotaUnc
upon ths ai act of arar upoo saeurlttea,
the marfcsts and uUar dotarsats.
Tbs MadHd CMTsapcadani of lbs
Anniversary Days
Today and Monday Next.
Spring Display of HatS^
Shirts, Neckwear, etc.
^ The flu—t y«t,
► ETwythittg new find hfindsome.
Farrknks of lodUna aald la Sffat^
that tl» had stood ool acalnst war. but
as matiars now wars bs baHsrad war
•himid bs wacrd Jf Daraaaary to Rlva
psacs to Cuba. Turpk of Indiana spoke
for a mors radical rrralullon than Ual
of tbs Ainmilllss. Kvsry aanator that
icint Ua raaoluspoke farorad InlsrvsnUua.
tlunf tifcpossd In iba.l’nitad Btatis asnaia aod passed by Ur teusa of rsprr*
arntatlves cauasd mora Inditaailon and
' Cubsi
•at Ubs Wsadtosd as Madrid Bto Ma Sk.'dkpUsurs ;:f Madrid than , srae tha
Is Os to;
I prsaldsntlal mrssasr. Nut a sUibIc
«tn« at tk* CssUoI jrFtirrSsr vhlk tkr
>ui>|sisliloo that a
rtwoluikes rsponcd b; UQ* scMto coin. April
BalUisore' Stock Kacelr«l *ntrae Tlsito a #a^
Tbs Spanish ' per admlls ihr euplHi
Bittto OA furvlsm kUUob* wsiw usdsr mhUstar. Ssnor P«lo. has toads final prelensicns coul^ be lulnwled^by any
CouqU. 40c pur quart
sosWttersUoA. th»_ iDosi Mimi&c«Di prsparatlons tar his dapanurs from CO'-amment d«*slruua of kerplnc in har
StandfinU,..30ie per quart
mony with the unanlrnuus feelincs of
I mbodlly Inta
of tbs day »sf u aitsmiit tO'flx • WajSilmcion.' but no actual aiap in that the
Solid Maato.
row'snd Us Zsllur* to du •« oe sccuuai dirretioo will ba taken until aparlfli In*
if sbr hadn't Obrated Rwomof see
S< lbs dtolr* of mssy Kiiaton to de- alrucUons art rscwjvad frum Madrid.
aquafiy Arm.
wMcbword (n Ulnc but loya.’*si>- ibouchi.'-I woulon't
' bsto Us rtootutlon »t ooiuldsrsbls
oBIcial clnlea la tu
taara earvd so tuwb. but u> be rabbahtd a
isnctb. It is toiputoibls DOW' to say tha mt«l tniportant i.wseiaJon of the fanalve, armly. SHallln
lllns lh^<devrl«i^
ll lakes two ptopk to uiaka a
wbsii a T«u win bs taksa. and the ut- Spanlah iapatlon. have barn srakd 4n meat of Pn-ridanl McKInleyfi^ scUbn boiue. sod Hleti and Irypbray aiw mardlMoiha- ' rkd. and John s wife <k»'i like ms. and UU-smaa <7 a stow are or Mr
»0M tbs tnseds of Us naulutlon bops raadlnaaa to place in charts
r lu dot, bui Uer toonUs
•d aUlet- I'm a kmely. faunwlcm oM woman. " »be
Is to SBCurs a viots by ihs snd of Ur Franeb ambassador. M. t-mpibun. Until
At an early staca U bar Xmef
r a wo^ do Huy say aboto <b*t
In Spain undarsland perfectly that Braaned. with an ststodon of Jai pity that
wDok., AU day load soBrsrsftm of »♦«• yaslatday tbs ftpanlsh ’ inlnlstar
in whiMs Uaduw Uey stt wblk dincaiiica besBiL Tba puay brake k
the declarwrtons of their uwn yovern- was a luxury in ttoeU. "If she hadn't
Ue secuod mebt oat. a
stars toarc bsld loufcins to piaalblr conllDWad to aceepl Ur sm-laJ c<
aymmeni and i.f-Prasldaoi McKirky do ■tok him truDi lae-1 know brr—bar
Ij. Kattad btosalt w iU dried recasabte.
SdtasBMBt npoo Us form of rsM>lDiii>n flSas astanded 1« bim. thrarbsiaxnumsr* not by any means ti^e Imposkble a •miles and pretty ssylnas and boU btock J«bymtMt UUMl uim-m ■
Xn.lMu-.- rnr-..hl
Mrw Andrews'
ibeucki —-nrfwsBtkrw lack Tbeae. tacethto wiU doc tdacnito and a
to ba asDt 'to Ur pmldmt. (Srrai af- OUA and Includlnt Usj biapitalUy of paaoefUl and conrlUalory solutlob 1f Mui-neuM
and •be .few fosiBds of tots ared fraa tba pratorts ws»a nadr for ths bou»s mulu* cablnat vAcrn and otbara high ‘
ctrcnmstsnras permit." ,
gorarmrant s^irs.
Barrel, os. April Ik—Uasi evanlnc as
ttea. which w'aa luiyaD to bs aatwac
w«ta bto flsoal foddar.
In view, bowsito. of Ua raportt of
uwinciotba tack of 1 .
tarr to tba wvatdmt. aod whh-h wai tha furalpn cunmiura in oonirreas and the crowd was cominc ftton tba butt, fraoJofae Iwfurr now. but that woman
.. .or tmtie^ la UewastI 1 hope I may
foo4. Wbirb bad qaita nm oet i
•spponsd by tba o'DasTvaitTs scnatoia of tbs trava trend of affairs, bs hss da* flew orcanla^ ...
r the rA\> It took fiacs wban Ua books araopMMd
than il bobUs bsforw Aa 1 cspsoied.
It is Dot bsllsrrd ibai thr liotks' rmi- elded not-to accept further courtaaka
AmeritWB day.'‘Ua Uouabt tremUindly. "if Uiy prure su stcunc- and. turalnc ber syss Ua aniteit of dried ▼^ataUas brooebt
intloDa css |iaas tbs tsnais. and ths of this character, as II necessarily ID‘ throash tbw sirens
Vroopacts aua that Ur cymmltua rra- vdIvps fais Mimlnt into cloar personal
I faar.ami sbamo Ikto lbs Ottor «M a sartoas iUimto. to rtonady ^bkb
SlaUea artll ha<
'ralatltass with pubt
n wbomaybsva bourn, cryinc: "VIvs KspwnA" whk.linc
Armltafrawl 1 dabbed bvetber Up
IU place oa Ua wbito ;
and sbovUnr the conrul locklas down small iaiup. From lu
brr hiTs mlcbl bare aarrd Ur wall snppJy^ piUs which wa bad
a ray* fell dimly npon Ua J^ZZ_sL
yudtmret - unwarranted—danuorlstlon from tba window. The aoternor eserted inamrtob.'lf iu
wiib ua. BepMfiasd.1 tblbk. two ▼••mall
of Bpain In official raportw It Is Ua
riacito at pitta, and Itad a naubto of
faaltns U diplomatic circks that under
pravi-cstlvr auiiuCr of the Stwnlsh oana mated cbaliw. Ue hatrrknb and wU
podopbyUta; so wa made np a does of
Tba cousnatlaa asnalora brlkvr ths ordinary drcumstanrec the actluo
B all. wbicb I ateiataurad lo oar
report of tha two foral
hooar protxadituD.Mlll win to cunfsrbk
inralid ptMy.‘ mixed up in aome ixuqto
liners. Us passacs of rsauinti
bslns that
I tat from car -to7Hi«
lbs huuss,
thiuss, and Us rbarwctrr of the
house wUl iiMfc to yisi
in order 1^ tbs
Isid and
Wmloauac l^.
l«b. Tbta. 1«1
stpina BCair-l t
"i l:nl States, espe .piintod aaorns and smlonf d walnut
Fm. , RolU. ' .1^
h-i tb*
enact d at
to prsvsBt'furthsr dslay
friends of debate—would make It Incumbent
*l»d .w
Id aay. bai
n>e*Bpwnlsh minister to Irwva without
' a (Mbs rsbrts in Us osnsts « UI sc*
, rsattoinebtotobaakh.
aacr. .MrKli try h i-jniared t<> Pi-ntlur
nw> bad Anlsbed bis bttolneasintbai '
«ap« tba bouns' propoaltloD. Whan ths i
iber than Ual of'rcodlnc. h
Pilate, and ih’r Atrrrtran c^jnerwes to
drifiin* alctnwlU
tabk Tbr wbuk roum Wmai
kcwlnst Ibis it Is known thkt tha
and : of liumatiity toward tba Ptonsylaasta
It is feared will extend to.tha i amrs- Ua prtelsh>n of a Carprntrr’s square• al
to ask Ua eanalr to A «nn* ' fipaolsb covernman whi not’, al
•lons of other naikuts as wall as Uiwe Ud the took of I
> lbs MMkto tfi
anar'tba brctnnlnc of Ua i ih* withdrawal of tha mlninar
matter suiucOUHa scqulrrs when It k UD-i
af Spain.
dm dmpoSk runirul. bylrla uotad about! tbC be Was pamlB*.
tba:room lacut-ly for a few mtauta* and ' This is wbat be read: **Voc
. On the contrary, thr anMre policy
a iw olbar way of brlndnc ibe maiat lari nervously rvarrUgwl a book in'dmii*w"
• i*
. ter to an laiur." ba said. "1 of coutws at Madrid, it Is sCat^. is to re—-------STU0XVT8 MAKE OBJtCnOn. ; hasty ftor km lu
•dew'should not bslni ^amjtaofa
-f ,nrlrlnirinn llshtiilsn bisIntoagaotin IbM. Bdora Uta aoUfadcw'stamWnot
alTa until the Vnlted Blatrs
• fio not atiioy nlchi
rsact tMralkl wHb that uf anoUer;
Urn ' nnfnt^shn st^^Uni^ STsnrt »
Ucr; Uan
was taken acarcaly one lettar ia a
^_rtoMt, mat.
Hors, butlappraciatalba makrw thr tender of war but sxrculss
• Ihoo '■
•brif and
• ,|^ hoiMitt.
wak foaad wtU a sump afflxad.
Imporunca of cauins tba speechrs off it by unmistakable overt acu. It has
lUa p
r «-TT—«
Today US postefllcasqf Ua oouatry aaU
Galtoborc. Ills.. April
ik-^udams uf , ggp
wad of aacurlnc a vuts ai Ihr swrilsst further beet dsveluped as tba
Mslhk hour.*- '
tsksbla putkT. of Spain that ■
collrca fiiadr a'*pubik demon-rmUradof ira.-'shatboucblpstnlanl
stompad sfiwalopto and stampa Of
raalrt armad'lntarve^tlon in Cuba aswn Strattoi Wednesday nicht and another ; ly. *'ll • Wiwk. Uinisy »tiiff. as.rbow. I'r« to bim as be stepped up to Ua a
Muy siastiss Wawt to npswh.
kinds). Tdasd at •70.000.000. dwABmoot as Davis and Mharr of his •tuck upon her suvereljnilr. and jclU
to. iKp.
and aftar alowly lookin* bar otsc bs all
mind are for ■ speedy vote ibe Indicw* aceepl any auch ai-t as mranlnc war. culty rullncs wbicb
ttoaa are for consMrrablr delay. Ths, Tha
•tudanu I think. ' ••••••» on. Blirrs mtauw. "that
'Ezrum tns, snadBU. but air yqu tbs
▼lea tavMdrnl has already rrvsirsd re* ilacallons was that Ihr action In
band aod banners t.> th*
In. and ymr Ml 1 nsrar have p
only oos Uajr'Ts cot «■ band at preaquasts from about twenty arnalors for i »rato made w-ar Inavllablc. and that Ul'
peak, and oihara are as- (ir '▼ no fiinhar chance n-mslnrd
Below la a Hat o) Ua buyto* sad ••&■■Tba 'otilT OM on hand* WlM da
psetad to n
u.AU eMpa from It.
tbaaa Insist that they have no Inianthm
ware buried with carrmuny.
1 Uu InjuMhw of foRunw
»“ ^
«P>y- . TiLWa OP roKs|'L'M«AM>.
Mllltan drill has barn made com-' Tin i« w» slk-ivcs fur a minuto. broken ^ “Tba oulr woman, uf'ccoraa. 1 batb*t
of spaaUnc for the purpoto of cwu#nc 1
dalfiy. but nsrartlklrM Uey wifi con- aaj% Ue cwbas SHwax
pukery. Tha sludanu struck yracerdav i than by Ur aoand of a stop on ur pumb fU Haosar aloo* wlib ms todaj. IhB 1,
SfiLLom pm
•amamany bourn of time. iiw-ouWnaafn ‘
at Ua drill hour, and paraded Ur and a knock at ihr door. .*Tlris opened it ootieed that Ibis Wto a wrctnab'sqx-Ctafir Po^tosr bbL saw
now that araii In case of a conttnnoun
‘bars, s »omsn whom ebauRa. an i tboagbt I’d drop U aaiOsar Ptoksto ft
Bo«on. Aprtl U. - Consul McOarr, campus and nrfosrd to tsU In. The
•Stolon *0 vote would not be pnibahla who has been sutlonsd ai Cisnturcua. faculty ruled five man off the h«n !
*hr i^d
look oraf wl,ai yoo htol ofi hand
It Sbort Cut iQi.................
U 71
before Satnrfiwy. Thr list of tbesa who Cuba. Is quoted by The Globe «s fol team and the drill ruins tba irack tram. ,
•‘••'“re sndapalr of tales, dark j
looktcf anyof ria I'dbrin* Short Oat Port perl....
a desire
trail Dsr to flu Mtoto.
! ••l.tbkMlriFylrtaBra.nnF’asktolUs «h«
»0SDea to tba ban time 1 ooma
duds* Us followtac Sana___ _; Cullocn.
______ lows: 1'^ da<-larait<i(i uf war acalnst
S 00
les would bs
auincton. April It-Tbr .atoon of 'strsi.crr. Inackor. raorto. vokw.
to Ua dly an make a tradw”
^ Jr
ZiawkL rrre. Tilhnaa. Wolcott. Spoon* ,
by tbs
I u
house was dull and abaolutHy dr- ' " Vto." toW elylvta, wiihdrawinc • few
OasiUy but firmly Ue lady to «itou*a r~J' S'
er. Chilton. Platt of Coanactinit. Can* .crkvuus mlsuks Tbr wliuaiiun In Cuba
ficplatoad bls Biistnka *to him. and Mr.
MW. Pattlcrew. Prortor, Burrows, Ba- [bn* been m<rsi cr««<'Iy and crimlnalty void of Inirrast Tha xsllartas and Ur ' pm»*"Wm'i you coma In*'
coa, Walllactoa. Stewart. Caffsry. *'aaaccsratsd by irT«*pun«ll*J* priwons floor were almost dewnad. Durtn* the t Xfas riranesr stapps^bn^ into tbs Biram Hsapcki of Fra* Hollow itofito- c^sbpto^.........
lor the pun>uss «
• ««toitaii urdpaffc....:;;;:i.::;
of n.« particular or cmaral Iniarast »x■OAm trunr or tbc cat
j belwrrn Sp
crpt one fo.r thr prosecution of parw>mr
g, U»
n “g',™,’
PUgThr people
makinc falrr sRIdavlu In panaloncssaa
lurprlsffi ai the idea of war bstwasu
rra-------- -- ---------------_.^.-_ilva apeaeh Spain and Ue fnltrd Stales when '
I of tor Strmphl
• itok.
dnrinc yaatarday in t|jl asnaU waa that kfi tbete 1 don't know what wll this Mrnu of thr Indian Trrrltory. li proI'B M^^rA^,irri^'toUy.*’Us'poll^^
Mvy Anui
of Hoar of Massachusetts. Ha arcuad fias m.ons. Why. wl(an 1 embarked Vidas for-thr arltkmrnl of qurallons inUrfcart. aeeotdtog to Ua lasCliDatiy
lasCliDatiy «f
that tba Btlackat upoo the pnwidant tor Iwkid last Friday morr.lnc It srss Vdlvlnc lS.S00.«e acr« brloaclnc to Ua •■M---------------------------------...-------------------Cbkfcasaws. Craaki. Cbocta < , hyixta started and ciwqadaenrnsrW his borne paper, wbicb aays of htai:
iirtoinis nii
•eiUudvUkl and moat Ill-Umadrtbaf" qulel at nentarcus ae it Is In Ua and Samlnoks. and now occupied by “sstalf.
l^e |.r
iwaad of condemnation of Ur polky 1
was atpacially •
•STue esecwtlve the country
intry and.the
and.Ua 1 ,tbr
«ae point
uurnt that
«iui« Aniarlcwns
•• mei ir-Mwe rerir in no
• m.tSS-acras of land.
------- - . ------ d Ua PtasWent
d»B,erwt Clenfd*wow He said that so
Wbrat. a. ________________
to bis afforu mwklffc for paaca. so
o lonf ‘ Ur
tm as ba was
waa abk
able tu Irani tha rebato
e married. If it is alleged, staaling ooSUb tron WU Oats. Ho. I. par bfi. (fiaw)..
>t -I . aliboul Cianfueaos numbered about SS.' she »ai<i. with ham Hardy, colurad. Cioero was taUa fiSS.
flrfal of Senator Burrow s against tbr an odd. abrupt laufb. "you roigblI hs.e....................
I dictad for 1<
iy.andwbue the gjy
United Biaies .for his sublime seU-rr"How about re.oDcentnuJosrrriion Inailon of Guvertinr Plnsrwe has been ciainiii tu to. Strad.^ me to you. was out iJioBOi»Daway. Tbe jary
Btrwtnt la ibis emarfsMcy. abd-for bold- I They number l<etwaeo 1.M9 and 1.1SS opened r Ith the publlcsU n of an out- fiVJl. be died
lac bark ao far as be could the step in Clenfuesos." said McGarr. "Tbriv's line'
...... uf
the rrasuns for •lypuslox him.
-nylnc they are In a bad condition r u j» claimed
tosrards war." "J am old enoush." , ao drnylnc
Plnxrea Is not a Ra'!■**•. prad
Mdd Hoar. 'To rrmrmbrr same of thrsf , vsusad by tba rrbrU firlnir thr suysr publican; that hr Is an enemy of Ibe gsuil
•itln btori-tek M irwrarm an star. »*»«* »« *»Frd happily ever aftotward."
ttfnprsls of popular exclirmanl to coo- ! fields and pmenlln* Uykrlndln* of party, a serkrr for pcrsunsl rlevaiion IWMgrltl
. (sngar."
It WM luhl. laiuily. saui I < "
firrss and nui of ll
-------------------------w «f tbc
and a disturbing alcment He has, H to bo Iwstl
, Ihr siramrr ware ^•lca Consul is asserted, bean filrllog with olbar pocry 9 1
0 Rletamoiid:'*ana the 'Canovaa. bto son and a Main- phyiArtaD ilUcal psr’lias, and In Ue special sena ofUrbrri.wa.br>-'
j -Look nere, enudBctoc." aald
Many people gstber tbone by tolling
Kyiv:.Miusd. no morion of dentaL \ i Bsrf.n. pawe-nger. "I notiea Uta tnm
charr*-* of Impolanrr and corvardk-s'and to thrir Inlrrvirw lh--y flatly t»n- torial rbwUon la the Grand Trsveiue
o bred tbc warning sent Mt Vv dita
wblth Were hratwd upon Abraham Ue
I "And wbM>bswssurad.aiHl l itraasr
dlstrirl ll IS held that hl> portrait
totteu and tlk track out <d Itoa a«ed kidneye coated tarngm- gajgb,^
coin. tb.m.
usid i»s the vlsnatie* ov-r r sliver Re.
w hpanish than the Siianiard* II
cfasmtgrr wi«h that wa migtai forget
publican tirk-t. The flkht
Bull riun.
all over 'he state at an early dale, and go. lwa.Byi»>»uUilDkolri>oieuDethol *«7 dafigeroBS
w of kMaev and bUdder ireablA
me. or owwl m. •
ta worry a taotoen*.’ fifiHe Urn rspuily retiavrd • fraat
will be made as hoi a> the governor's wonUJbvgtat, A.
! klinlt.rMsiai I'll ulieu tboughiof you and swered U« ooudnoWr “Tbe MBpafiy Take Ctoh Kldaey Braaaatoera—(bay
many Intrrnuil'msl cases, wtifa rifikopponents tan make It.
I bow br'iliSeia >.>u'0 m vu msrrkd. snd 1 bar lakefi, proper ptrasutioos. Every will cure eon—they have cared tbsme
tloas from IntriTistlurlBl law to abow gsito thr -nry«~ That'Hr
Usm Ns
: U.>uyfail ticoni «M: tarauat. " Uv mhI into carries a life tosuiwMaagetit. wbo aeds of otberw. Tar. Tiaxga'any Pai»*
that the rar>«ntl<,-n uf thr prrsaut gov- J
Msra Ths* A.y Ammrsm
snnfHtA (smite L'ub E>da.y Wrara.
I eagvny. " I thoagbrU Urre was anybidy —o write
erninrjit of t;utia ».,uid i, mirnkwl lot T^ashlnirt.m, April «-Ganrrnl ntaUilwaukse. April U-HenosaSrhuUs ! to UeworidlhstbOgbUu begtadtoswioe YouTI fino at:
h“*»» ^ y-surdaydat lined Ur honor
tos ihsl*bs
who has Just served out his term u!
SUM la tbs
clvUlsad nations. Tu rlCantaru^tJ. ! ^
"fwi""'" trodefrd him when-tbr Jhree years al the Waupun prism for
•gtianls," said the iKtialur. -«ouW ba I coounltlrr waited upun him to iWcIvr theArime of arson, was t-rougbl lo Mil yuuwbst you owe me. Tuu never ran:
Muri and wa
drt 'slun. Hr started Ms speech waukee for exam luilion by physicians. ’ imagine wbst rrbsarod yon-from." she I
to Ignore our rb<,lr
P»r -lehteen months lie has nut apokea told wiU .uddcoTcbeinsSMSi "Us shams I
It flying to the fs.e of thr whole
a word, and nolbtoa nan Indu.-e him to
Jab. O. jWnw- Dr^tat
y of tha world
IJ.uvr said the "»■«" of fact tone. I havrn I done a spenk. Whether It Is feigned or real
Tbo bravo, utong mice tanks, aod 8yla saw b« ■< ber torib upuoUer lips.
street and Ueo wabble back again, and
Cuban iBSurgania had a great title lu “>tog that either one of you. or any
tba eympglbles of this ruuntry. Tln v Amrritwn tillhan would not have dune, OUL
... ......................................
He ts sCiU held SS a...^ ..............‘•'toke off j.dir bonnet,*' stod Sylvia be WM sore troobtod.
were struggling tor freedom: they w>rt1
there should be any
.use be may be eeni to .0 Insane ; #">‘'75 "beoaoss.
«-urss. you'll May
••Hi, Uere?" be yeUed at tasc. “Git A^fiTdis^rpir'^^'brara and reaoluK. The asplrai^n .>f'^nss made about dt
lyium. If II I* shuwn that his Inability 1 *J‘**
■ off Uat wheel waMt till I asa wl
slipping basUly o« of ^
Ue room. '' yoQ'Tc drunk.''
Oanwa aaamad U ba toward Ua-tstab-, ■
**< F®® to Ulnk I'm tu speak
peas ;• due to come raeolal derangerange; db*
Hatameai of k black tvPuUlc to ih. untrsieful. for 1 •% not; bui I have
Well be knew tbat on I ^ioycl•tt
--------: ber tragract. sttomtog cup, ebe siuppril M!'
Wtot Indira. "And." saw Huar. "I nudlcd ever the matter and 1 feel satttodta.Pra.dri ba.si.town,
woDdsr wby bto Uia toDdy as It sUll wasI! signs
- of toatartoty are i
honar him and bless him for ihaiaaplra- ls^bd that ll wuuld ba batter noi to
April Ik-Tbs stfd promtaed to ba siiddMily swensd essl- Itadtog—Cbioago Fost.
Iton." Tha Inagrget.u, however, be dW ,>*»'e thr recaption. I don'i wanl for an . ffhawneeiowB. Ilh
Mary Callnwar. er to bmr, nml tbe Efivw at once Ustabs
not rttink wara wlUout ftnll. l,.ong to.- Inisst,i for r.nyb-tdy to tblrkthil i wish ' bcdl's of Itoii
must -de- daughters of Fberlff Galloway, and Mm. was glad to bo Ires fruB Us bflrdsa of bta~
to imt myself forward, and
V eSset
the t
Edwdtd Fleck have been found. Tbe twvtnrasnL
, cMnr your moat kind offar.
“Wby doM MUsBowler let bervetot
“It's good Ma," said Mra'Andrewa tamke sowbes Ue. is itofto*'Ob Ua
il to. or eUsrvtas destroyed, everyRtoS^OedtotoeM
of tbe WabaUr “
aa C^. April JD.-M.Jof
to?iw«r* *"
A. 1. ■Dcn to Join to the search for tbe dead. “I'm gtad you like It." ritol ityivta Am Banka
“Tbat's ber idra c< rsaltato. 8ba
•Hv-^harge of Ue
The water ts farang rapidly. Inspectton' ply i Uten. aftar a few mtootas' lauris
wae made of (be levee, and It was found ‘and now tell ms wbat Iowa Is Ilk.—Us knowa then ain't a river to tbeworM
that oan btOd a csDdle to tbe WakaU^
trapoSS.1. tar Ue ralauag bonwr. dld;r*''r* ^
thrt.^h tbeMmmta..r,- a t-UI wreck. It will toflulre nW.«H aops and sbaclluiataand tbe tnika "
arlers at f
far tover'B agofi"—Ctavfilaad Flaifi' ~
to put ll In condlllon.
tiet in any way detract from our own
The mule
respoaribltliy. He thought It Ue right
Us-NrirlCnglaiidtown. ___________.
and duty of the Amcrtoafi people ta deal
Many BfigilU
'a giUiU taksit (ur nutsiog nod ta to n
with Ue difflculilra Ho prewounced thobatge an extra.preaiain
------------------ -Woniostant.KytrtaUInks.
report of the foreign retatlocis aominlllast right and aelevted Aberdeen M tbe lor pylria'a borne to Mra Andrews' fauwltee a masterly docutnsBi and paid lu:
Italy Wrab T. Be aolb.
place to hold Ue state convenllen. on
to wl tab sbe returns at toswrals
•nthof (Davlsi a high cosapl'
Itomc. AprU Ik-Tbe Mtnarnu an* June «. Ue same Ume the populists quartan,
to report tb. dstalto oi ba- —~p.igra
nounceo: All nsgotlatlons tar tbe ante hold Ueir eonvendon. KeMduttons were byltta mitoto bw wben goo. and tangefer
Istr patolara agUBetiofi of taatb.
of Ue Italtan crutaer OsribaMl to Bpaiq adopted toeo-operatawlththe PopuRate bar bumeOMuiug.
Anttdolar. for extawetioa of toaU
rsport. that Ue Called BUtaawar^raceouat of Ue gy they ran ascure reprstkmattasi o
Tbs twowtauea tat sogeUer tgtha wto- Boetb Africa estunaM Ueir Iomm by svitbeat pain used. Lalam sad mU
praparatiU .yak «••« Iw
MrflreaBd igBBd maay aa bunt dtojaai :
patttag aa end to tbe borrwrn
ii«*« df their ovrii.
toe Mrs. Lstta's lack of wisdom to lUMt- Uey toocTVto about cme-tmlt
«I.I.W tUttm, H.W Am. SmTCbm
••Ml nua Bhr wm mi.«u ■• ssw
MIwmmw r-i. hMsM lip SwMirto Lm««
—WUI Xmrm «>. AMklm Om to
rwsfc A-toM.S.r.
Out sprite s«its art tltractiig'i put dul of atteiiioi.
flttclws Ofstet Depot ud Retiumi.
ANXiCi;s.To jriwoer
nous n JIT Dm.
' 2,:j
^ -r“ -'‘f.
Dr. Higgins,
■ Dentist.'
(11** ♦ I
win Mska.Om Mer« Effort to
Provont m Spaniohli.
Amorlean War.
. \ aWCsA. La iI
u- ■
t^rtmor **««•! of Cob*. tb« intnUr
K^ffaaxin asd ati the pHnetpaJ au>
thonUca <* ffax-mna manlfcai^d from
the flrU tnomrat thr profounl Mnttmenu of horror »hlrh that imraroae
tnlcfoTtune mdard ihrm. ard (hr arm*
pathy whlrh cn that iri«t Md occaMon board thnn to.th« Amrrtcap gor*
•mmvBt and pe^lr.
proofa of thla wrrr the rlaiu of
Uie charge
chars« d-aftalrea
d'aftalraa of H. U. to the
tlluatrloui pieaident of the . United
ptAtw thow Of the hlwfawt Bnanieh i
>iut woA workiiio
wnt a Bat .ogeiber and keep bonee. bni |
. -•»
'Ob,lhautogobona. It'awork bard
all day. and than go b^ at night wtba
bell bednns of a boarding booce. wUb
»““'log pk^t or cbmrfoL
added lAmlaa.
night, whlrh atande as the last
uken In the diplomatic negotlatlotu.
hecarre Avallabli«esl<-rda> and begins
potenilaty »f dpaln bkk the honor 10 tnfonn the bonfuwble a«Teury of slate
of (he t’nlled Slate* of Amt rtca that H
queen iwgent. yieMIng.tn (ke r. •
. (he qi
luted request* of hi* »
_____ ______
John R. Santo,
Geieiel Insoraan.
Wartoarg Btoefc.
(„ried oror tba wUo
If ibe new inreotiaB
i 5rr,r4^
United Scat** to gee
"bu b^’end (alb npon (be floor, : bappesiag cm tba oppodia ride q( lb*
_.j«d and bleteilng.
Alibuugh a imiuluer. be ptayi to aome
What am I eflerad (or a gop^ boaae aad
tn bm Ibm a month Mna. Marie end .
Loube had
-------------- --- ------
the drug bo.Iheee 1
V-., —•.
- r'of bottbemaelvea
I gm,,, w.ii, a .hnl b
rouud of bb i
of thl« remedv end ncarlT e’l nlher
One evening after dlnni^jg-1^ were
, i-atcry u eootber. tie crawui^
ared. wb1
tbe parlor
------ ,
HI, V Mtu
», jL>and
^ '| PCIVIW upun bi>«tomai-li. gelliilbefertber- ;I onuM* '
whV M"rle ^ to^fruJ^ IWlb I rSel^dr/li^
fTomaOlrlal»olDt of Mew
the girb
' : glare o' llgOi sotl IP.twO shuuh
Nothing »Ung» him. no Uot
him of the .IX burltd at him.
He plcngm ibrougb the water to fats
lew. But Mna *wau*d thoughtful, and I
road and liursalung. wblMle* I
ifrawhll* laUI
laU down
down her
her Awing
siwing and
and ^^1^ with bis remalniag-inuih.
tum«l to the pimm.
play^ an tW
,, t^n^Hn
(Bshkmcid love aon«,_ but saddeiily Ue
i, ivUxl. tliruwn Into a wagon
touslr broku off. (t^ste said
Attorseya at L*w.
•Glrtw will you tell me why
^'*uS?^S^»Ughl*'i»d I
Boeiag*. Bhwk. Trae«se nty.Mkk.
enoagband pomrswri of the .Sverwge ae-^ hh>, l«r
rriiiM* adcisen iimiu.
eampUshmeDU ami aWIlty—why It I. that
dta,,. ,i„
»# toiUld not U- each Ibe mtatrma of a ,
ij-hl. Uw (iii.
happy hohiA Insksad of vh(»llna oqiBBl^ goBnled with groat ciwemwa. bm ihlstlii;*
r.1— .
Into tb* bellM that we ate happW as in- 1
ui^Vrst. he hm trokeo out | fa«H BBOWN. Aimiw
dsneodent bachelor girls?
,. si,.,,,.. Mni-iir
Iaw. Special ati^liss '
g tbe OBeeTte force and
while Kin.:,
tkmaurtjed her
luysirrious way and supplied I ^tLBKBT a UA--------------------------
BirsisBss C
■*I do not believe ibat My girl Uses onA aay. Sk yean old wUbcmi baring
tome sort of a love eptand* ibsl at ees
time promised to be Uw reality of her lllb.
Olrls, I Bin goltdr to to»
*"7 krie
him with
« blend* I • are driving fa
off to aafrty.
He dor. (Ml know where they drive, for
be has umriy faliiud. They Mbow. bow. Tbewrn 10*. lat. IM
ever, and rush onward and into afoiuto.
where (bare Is a hunter's but.
JIISSTh™ ! vi-j
iebnaon Etoek-
Hack, Bus and Baggage
When In need of Mything In thla
line remflmber thb is the plaoe to laavn
your order* Md get prompt work.
ticare yoar orders at officn or.call up
—Watch Repairing^^
—John Verly.
**kUrle let Miss Betl’e be6k (all into her
lap-while tbedaMc* and bultetvupe In
tbe centerplene Imulsewus etubroblerlng
grew (asicr aad (aakw Into ibelr eolots of
terday afternoon by Dulgi Memervlll. a blneandgold.
"You know. 1 bare/net always bean a
PO8TES. hunesw at lav.
barber. GlovanrU
GlovahtU Lombardi. CO
» yeai
years of
elt) girl." said Kina, "but grvw op ln.a
. attsatloa to tax titles.'
a Harhrtnlth. wo* the victim.
Ilnle oounuy town. Kalph Hadl^ was
lAimbardt was Invited- by tbe bsrWr
my earnest playmate. He was three years
They say #2.000 reward 1* offered by tbe
the latter's shrp tn be shaved, lie
older than I. but I kept up with him Itr j iwte lor bU Wy. and they Uugh all the
arreifled tbe Invitation. In tbe midst
■railvn ..f shaving the man
M..M . ilule: but, Uke/WbltUer-t ...
suddenly drew tbe raaor
BiaM. 'sroulB not. b*»uJ* I loved blui.
On (be third day be Hue partly oovetrd ,
». «
across his' vletlm's (hroaL
Mehtcrelll waa food of morie and iras so peoud when
wIlbmowwKhlD Ibc bnt. with bisvjm T
gave himself Up'to the police. I< I* said
I could play the organ in the vUlage
feud bad existed betwwn tbe
church and Ralph led the choir. . Then '‘“^iP'"**®***'*’’*®
tot to*
families of ih^twe men for some time Ralph want sw^y to Et. Louis to Bnd rm- One of (be men tnine* back from tbe town
and after looking at blu a mooMil goes
pknmwii. • Ur wtuts me soeh bmullfol outaldo to talk with the Otber. wbUa ba
ktora of the new life In the city and^iow
Uvely Time la Ike CMveultM.
Ustoos curiously.
Bpringfleld, lUA. April 16.-The aiorm- dWetuM It was from (hvconntry.and bow
Onr of them saya "He m asleep." And'
leet-poliUcaleonventlonever hel»ln this 1 would enjoy it. Some one b««rd him
city was the Demm ratic county as sing in a big cburcbsndbwutiw laivreated
bb eyes «i«en wide; they mare
semblage Wedneaday. E U Merritt Md in him. and then be wrote that b*
,j|e bead. UcsWaliw hiscars; his
VANTgD-Te «• g
R. M. RIdgely were candidates for state
hMth (.1
senator and a dispute over a dotegate
able to talk go
to learn Ibat u*re*gv. B-ByBaa.Mt Weakcaused the trouble. PlDsUy. a eomproBM«
both candidates
*ath streel. fasti
withdrew and tbe convention
tt sfogiw ba would
riM kwaU^^way
An hour after they awake him to aay
Inated Georgy W. Fonderbunk.
L“lSi,riS ^
that tfavrv Is danger, and they must go toMIm CealMema Feth to Deride.
trained vllUge atalden. k> I d
morrow at night aod blOucIstiwbere. He VwtRL WAHTBD-rer geasral ae
mie to tbe rity. wb«« 1 would Un|i*ov<
DbBtHI*. TIIa. April li.-The confevJ
Toniurrow ooinea. VT tagslte at Wo fit W. W> atreri.
(ence of mine operulora bring held here
lyarit ao much that ba would not b
Mgbtoatues. He hMes^ lion bar to htt
dofu>a That waa myui
resulted In an adjoummenl without
•htei. and they Kri I lOiO tbe wagOO CSUrultable wife (or Ralph.
reachlr^t a decision or srllleroent. Min
each' sideof blm. and diriu rpiro NEW KCN have beee *Bgs«ea to------I spile of my paivnu' opposition 1
ers Md operators met here In good
ruad wfald>-f#rka
•i bey c
JL after tbe work la my Heyrie rvprir sbop
to Cbloago end found eiuptoymacit
faith on Ratrbford'* assurance that he
would be pn-sent. but be failed to make as a rierk. 1 worked hard in the dayttmn
i. and m the e
topkass myw
his appearsficA_________________
—"i> —>““' Esitsassi^
... 1 o^'isssfiairss.ia,."'^
-^Front Street.
Gruil Ripidi« bdiui 1.1
OmatwT-rkem Cheap by the IM
Omaha. Neb.. April It.-UnUI May I
It will be pomlble t>i purchase admission
tleketa to the Transtnlsslsslppl esyswi.. ..
the rul" of SC cents each If
purrluised 1h Iota of UO. Tbe regular
prtfe (d odmlmt'iri U W cenu. The gates
will he open'jrom K a. m. to ll p. m.
Wahinglon 'Park. Chicago, certainly
srin resume raring this season.
The ('harlee Kill fumtiure store at
Dfivenpoft la., burned. Losa. ITS.OW;
insufanre. lu.wn.
Vaclay Haas, a farmer residing near
Monroe. Neb,, killed kls iwo children
and wife Bjid rommlUra suicide.
Ku^ne MclAugbnn committed aulHde at Lacon. ilia., by sbt^tUig blraself
through the lemplr. Family trouble.
Four-year-old Anton lAvinskt. play
ing In frodt*of Ms fath.-r's bous- at
Chlruco. waa run .ivei' and killed by u
; eicciitc
The iremorandum tben Bays that Dlanai the-*uggesll..n
of e*-l*rraldenl
CO he. hastened to carry the J"'*" * |
. land the . lr.-iuoh. club. Chicago,
order into ..nert and aay* that tb^ii-,b,. banquet l| waa
UuT l.stndkd musfc and Freneb and 6e»- j
man and attended nnlyevslty extension
1 wamJwd Mmriy tb. b«ntlful 1
came Into the wore and tried
to make my manDors and speech a* {deasanlioa tbetrs. Oh. bow bard I warfced.
bo^ng that Ralph would be proud of
^■1 had not bad a letter from Kalpfa for
mot* than a y«ur, -when one day 1 saw In
tbe paper a
that be bad sung briar*
a eritical (orrign andienee wiU> great
Va„ «
i lari aventag at Nor-
Danriilata fm t£ welfare The pennant, and tLMO It ibey-antah
a of lu ll
, *Tb« gevanmsat of H. M. duM nbt* ValeaUa* Nevak. 11 year* old. wps
doubt that the government of tke Unit, swinging on a guard gattosi the Ne
ed State* mari recognise this, aa It wll pif street crosslBg of tbe Norttawestem
reeocnim (fee mMUsm lnj(«lce srith taUroad. ntlcago. Hie gaU broke,
wklrii a pan of pubUr .optntem la tU» ssrlnglng the boy on tbe trackto-ps a
cmmtrr pemume* to find 'geapoaMbU- trsdn was paaatng. The laM car oMaad
tMtnapafalatbebarrittraMropiw o<rir«Maftalgle«B.aadhawaiprirtia*«kkdiotoartod.laik*paRotdavaaa|WrdlA
..to m otoply.
CV^ BALA-Dse tot
C oee-TWoldmOl.B
Dae..KU.tA. T. B. A
«i2ff«!SS'i.5*.rv,em.s. ..B. a. .
im the horse sharp to the left, tbe lor*
O B.sfCV'*!?-O.ULOOKVOOD a.r.A-Om^RM4a.
uiBTu UD nmunm 11
m .tbe «o«moi»
sight, oot- of mind, about sums up a ;
(.11 tioiniber upon the sod.
peie/itoe*rr*u, ei»
.naoonsMocy." . ,
n,.} all ru*k-«pon lilui end diag blm iTkni
•\ou Judge too barsfaly, Louise." mid
p„ia hi,i> tlghU.
- ‘ ---------(bentoa
trae. 'I ujTAPLB VOODtorsi
Marie. "AU men arv
arc not nxe
Hke that."
Ueeen. a pale lace, I M. her Co te U_
| IA
n>|« loUows.
^J^ttore M him and keep
sharp cry. a 1 flTBi. WAirTKD-Oe
n and u*,
» »•
I Matched and have
and bleeding. I'
bliu last. _j
He U
U ent
His two Uitrayers stand belure bins and 1.
fear, and when
ben at lari bis eou.jtoy was 1
to apto-ri at tbe Auditorium I (
III with eiclU meiiA I sent a IllUe
Buto to the ht^gri lng »r^dd« Tb. j
1 annual.
promiaty. Ittead:^
|huv. iwu"'be ebouts. nodding ■Ue«froei
■Dxaa FnitsiJ Ntsa-My wife and |.b>* ,
,*o Is-torv blui. "1 h««d Ibeffa ‘i*:J
sM*n.ii)« at tbe Awiiiutlum
Atsliioiiua. At
Awwa. hu^ »• : ,,1,0
tom uu- o»rrto>ou- I bturd (ban
tofaave JOB call cn my wife,
pUn out (be bluud iuoney brtwerii them I ;—___
Kauri UaOuBT.
r« bOAB—We k
They hkie played me lalw ' T^/,rr te- ,
oerr to loss ee bt
iThai is my,love ««»ry." aald Nina,
pitoDood to Us (rten^
tumlog again to tbu '
out uf yalt in urdc^to ■ erya.freTerw
They belpiri
tbetle silirics as sbe saiUly- (oi«bal
He *, m aborrtble fury. He burst. |
(rutu JhiW eel>tor* with his berculcan tw Loytum
emmvnl tf H, M.
i hold-ArwIl a until the national ertaU
***• t***’*
tneasufOias crowned Its extraordinary '
"Yw. I iuvtJ aman
efftk-ts to . i.taltr the iwril.eatlon of '
,, „
lan has been aalccted by' Md preiulsud I would be true to blm. but
*nA riaWt "
stboD I found out that be cared more for
'tvilllam K. Var
anotbar giri than be aand for me. wby. I
put hltu out of my tulod. and now I work
and Mork and work every day and never
think of him. ‘Tbere's aa good flab la
Edward RuBBril' a tailor was kilied
«be sea as hat ever been oaugbt.’ i’
at Alexandria. Ind..- by a passenger
gratae was notblag U not prmtleaL
The r^of tbe de. i tram Oh the Big Foifh rdllwar.
And yet.'’ mid Marla, "tbe womaa
Me then goes
a ia kripplly married Is beat off. 1
exue of reconcentraUon.
itqulieagnwwiib UUsa Dell Inexkinds which the guvert
pseUag ao maeb of a husband. Bacanm
has giMted Md has .
given to the reconcentiB^. have put
srblrii has full khowled** of the far
ao distortw U tK*y *mve been and are
actually, m everything rvferriog to t
Cuban qmseUon. can srlib JusUceebarg
Epaln with belu remlsa In seeking
n>eans (or pacifying the Island.
Be elnke lack m( of algbi and ^
.J tbe grfirraMi
,lef nf the army of Qu'» in "nler that
he should contrde an immedi
Fite at Apideton. Wl*., caused a loa*
of hostilities for such
, ‘ ;<»f |3f>;o«» to the ComHned Locks Paper
be -ahall deem 'prudeBi f-r i>reparlng^„, gf
Van Nortwicks The mill 4*
and fadlltotlng peace in (hat IslMd.
.M end to a lamentable state of affalra
which was the Ineriiable consequence
of the bloody conflU-t provoked b
•mall minority of the eons of Cub*,
reried and wupponed principally -by
••A word ba tba wla# ia anfflaiMt" and MftletoB l6lbatraot.waat? Aeacydnenvy the girl with a home.
word from the wire abonld b* tnfB airabla plaee. cm ba bon^t oa moiMbSal'Ibd*’ba^ p. hi.*’feet a^ g?a*pe a
"nbr don't wo have tbe
_ btttgiby. taitirod ooll of etrlppad bedclotb clant. batyoo nak. who arc the wine?
booM«. tben, and make a baim
1(10 a ADmpof a reioatnlng I Thnaa who know. Tbe nft repaaUd ly paymentA Lot ^ea la aartiaaga.
aelre»r'aikod llarle. tba iBvanUre on*
________ _____mgea
outward and downward egperienee of truatwortby pertMo nmy
Alao mod taonae aM W (oM lot, Oak
' by tbe w£ir ’
be Ukea for knowladge'
knowledge '.Mr. W. K.
Park. WaabiagtM efret-T
Hl*palma Tnrry mya Chauberlain-. Cough 1
Washington. April IS.-The fuH text
of the Epaiilsh^lnlrter's note delivered
to the Bocreiary Of state la^t Sunday
Ever Burn^ OnW
’it aoyoB know
O. P. CA&VXB. Ag«M
atmuariy w
pbouc. Bcieetiots astdatn tbe tnuumiUaioo of aouud (
(be theory of acFOOd rrarad. TheinrMiur
g* tbe n.-w Inainimciil. Ipfaeb U called
I a-femeober.-claim. tbatbiTapplltop. aa afla.h aom« upon
itabMuitt light waraa yiutaatba
I7 oleoOicily.
Etalea. Btatlng In detail the many cun,;2ew*inna *hr ba. made and pointing out
/ that It wa» In rraponae to the urgent
y reprvavnUtlM K the ala Joint power*
that the laat conceavloB qf an armldlce
waa granted. .If the piweie determine
(■• act their Influence probably will be
particularly directed toward Inducing
tbe United SUtte to graDt Spain autCcient time witbin which t» u-y the ar•
rnlaUce recAiily procUlmed:
the recent Joint action of the powera
their main Infloemv Wa* exerted at
Madrid, the only adlon at Washington
belitg tbe couneoua egprwion of hope
fer peace. Ilut (he prroeni movement
contemplates that the innufm e ahall be
exerted at Washington rather than at
Tbisk. npalB ahMld Kave Tliae.
.It b (he commun belief In diplorruitir quarter* that (be Madrid autborltle* ha-ve reached the limit of cmcesaiona and should new be given ade
quate time to try vb^ they and the
ymwers have offered aa a means of re-'
atoring peace In Cuba. TTiare la no auggeallon. hoW-ever, ibat ibl* Influcbce at
present will be of a material characte'.
. but it Is expected tobeanagsmloeof all
-.tbe moral influence of the powers tn
checking lendenHea s-hirfa. It Is '*>•■
lleved. lnevtt^My sill lead to war. Ur
to a Ute boor laat night word bad rwt
been received at tbe various foreign
, .
escabnabmenu that any common hast*
of Joint action had been reached. a1(boogh It waa the general Impression
' that there would he illtle dlfBctAly
Arriving at thi* common ground In vli
of the pn-valllni^aentlmei « abroad
^ I -SSritZ.™ ■
ai welt aa the funeral
. _ .
provided by tbe munlHpallt)- of Bavana and the notea addreaaed to the
department bt atgte by jhla legation on
PVb. 1C and K and Aprtl 2—numbrra U.
WaBhlnmaai. AprU U.—It waa tmned
IS, li and S3 reapecllvely. The oOcera
laA BlCht in bl«b diplotnaUr quaneri Md cfew of tbe r^la It a-ar of H. U.
ttat an aachansr of notea baa befun near ibo kUlne. dlaregardlng (he evt.
katweea tba European eapItaU with a dent danger whk-h threatened them, aa
Tlav to maltlnc etronc repraaenUtloTt* tbe oAceia of (bat American batUeablp
m ibe Opaiitah-Amariran riioatlon. In recegnlaeB. immedtarely lowered their
tbe aame eoBnattna an lafomal meet* boaia and aaveda numherof the drown
Ins of the ambaaaadora and mlDletrra ing who only owe their livea to the
prompt and effleadoua aid of the «pMtn thU dly of .the Ua creat powera of
lab aallom.
£urope waa brM late In the day. Scv>
"It U eirange that tbeae notgrlona
oral of ibe f»rvlj;n cstaWshmrhU tw fan* and three aolemn manlfeatatlonB
eUred cable advlcee from tbalr sovem* appear to be f.wTfotlen by puWlc-oplnii:ents laat ni«hA ae to the opening of Inn. which give* cretUt on the other
the eachaiige Of nutea. Tfali had been hand to the moat Btaurd and offrn.ive
antu:patcd In view of. the prevailing hypotheela The, govemnieiil of li. SC
aentiDtenl Id all the foreign quandra .would be deeply grateful to the Jiialloe
trre that the acUea tbua Car taken In ' and nmrteey of that of the Unlled
eoagrma ma'dr war lae\-ltal>le. . Thla Buiea If It should te-egtabllah omrially
•cAmoo opinion had -been otilelall)- ra- the truth of (ana which appear to be
poned to the lu-veral European capl> Ignbred or not B|ipre> (ated. and Ignortala, and
of whlfb contribute* an |H>werfully
In eiarWng. the trllve earhange be-1
tween the great powera yeelerday.
menl which eu<Ungers.w|ih<iut any lea‘ mollvg. the friendly relallona be
Will hot Be Mo MiM 11U. TlNie.
tween the (WO natUrBA
"With reference to theflauestlon Of
I puwei* preeented
fart which reauUa from the diversity of
ident klc.KInlry. mildly urging a peace oplnton Iwtween the report* of the Span
ful aettlvinem wlib Spain. It w under- ish and North American commlaoiona
attHvd. however, that the pre.rqt move^ tbe goverrment of H. M-. which a* yet
mem U not »f tbe aamr mild chaT- doe* not know the nfllclal text of these
v' acter a* the former one. ^Imuluneoua opinions, ha* hastened l» deeUre Itself
with the opening of the rachange word ready to sulunlt the question to the dee
came from Madrid ibal tbeSpanbh gov. cirion of Impartial «nd dlslniereamd exemmetit waa about to ie«ue another pertA Bctertlok In advance the declalon
of the arbitrators named by both parUee-an evident proof of the loyalty
Initiatory tn the concerted action of Md gm>d faith with which Spain pro
the po»erw.»nd there la apparent agree- ceed* on tills, aa well a* on all ocgrteM in advance that the appeal will caalona." _______________________
receive favorable consideration.
ap^B'WUI BmHa GrUvMtow
To aw «ha Oaawa.
Ab Aannan UTCDUir daidm tohm
TwalMatBldbt; aatmuy.btockaltbt;
•» elwHrKal apparatea by itoa
Mma BoAim ut lipfataltitf apon aanolM > ve ^ wbicb a panun may «u In a dark
prtot.; aim a »Wod oI a man aawlDf -nwn aod look at a mw in aiMb«
mraprtjat bU lam liara In Uw acooed th». , part of tba town, retraidlaai ut cortMTi,
brl»bt and bandm^Mand poMaalnd «be
,b, wt on 'prrtloo. nlabia and
otdtsl to , wrrMod b>* work nitb blunt aollod bread.
liidlvldoallty .(bat avowd
u QrotaaaioD abe bad obfun..
{ rubbed luto «be fitiniK. Now be baa c
and U at work Upon lb* ___
Nwtblna bad bwo ttinber from tbeir '
Tta window b
fioor, and
' far’abora
' w abort tbe~
»—Teal aTlmaar\th.Ar*MU.
at tb* JM* OIrw the l*ra*ldeat a* fata LaU baaoay.
as follows:
________________________________ toOa«lMk
OoMPti^iaraaKn, Uartowaaanbrary
• DotelgiiUy beta
a tbrt.w Is loadc over a Umb, W Hgbta
minVUie sir. bU sbouto «tl vengea
mn baanl abd a plUloDvd form, writfa..
■ "
and distorted, ahuuw Into tba air a)
A BEICr-t0^^iy«^mes
ttniKglo*. U becuiuea qoM and etUL
Tbty prove that ll Is dead. 1^ tom
tbtit lights togelbcr ambrteerflefccly au<r
dlmppnir in AU dIffcROI path*. wl*b
murderer and twoaeouadMia tba Im
New York'.Sews.
From the retuotari tlmm women tev*
theft bngen srith rlaga,
to adorn t
uinmmica foond bi tba
U had tbelr Ungers liter-
they were
piAtery v bm«a, aceutdlng no
■ another that teg ,
•« tbe wealth of tbe wcarata.
A riag U bssduwed la BsarrlafN bauanm
n was anclaaUy a ami by waioh erdtr*
,srmesigBed.aiid tbe delivary of the ring
. . ' wma tokan that amas^e* tbebmrmof
It power to act aa hi* deputy. Tb(- a
■ woman,baring barboahaad-aalgaatrlDg.
“*•* to powtobrio* ordma a* b* hlamsU
A ClsMae BUT Al^
her frionda.
•Y««." mM Mari* mdly. "Vbeatk*
Mm. Gabb—Ate you goto to ham year
time cam* fm IM Tooboomhsiwsmi a tra* darim lake mttsie lamunaf
>'a love aad a eormr for asymlt, I
MmOadd—N-o.Lguam»DA. Stasbatot
peoadly cboa* to attain the caicM I
WoSiV ladipriidiriA and aow"—
""idt*. 0a£—WaU. 1 wooMB'tbt dUnoor••YMiVietttr-aBkedlMlBa l«idat tbat. Mebfay *b* mlgbl Mania
-ym," mdd Maria.—EridmafA .
pUy elato aaybow—Srw York VettOy.
jjiWAi. mraro
oueaco * Vertb VtoUcaB Ballroafi OBatpaay.
■ i
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