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The Morning Record, May 06, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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tbrtXau-No )IU
.Adminl SampMU** Fle«t 6«id To Have Been Ordered To
Take That Port and Seoore Ita
War SappUei.
^Mopa Started in the Steamy OUvette Teeterdasr to Beln^
foroa Oeneral Oomea—Bapid Xovemento
Kay Hew Be Bzpeeted.
■ New Lot of Cheap Wall Paper
Wnehtogton. Mnp
Tbe govern
So B*jb
J, Wbft ia Mmdr *•
tot will not allow cipher cahlw to
Aid Um nalMd BtatM if
feraiga eotoab to Cabn on n ganrmptoe
>ovw latudM*.
Unt the Infermalton b not givao to
8»kM loTn MoaanJbaoab.
WuhiDCV^ Ibj L—U b lUted tk»t'
MiretlkOeei m U preigr—
Hoag Kong. Chian, Mnp 5.—Tbe D.
Omt BritflB b to aaptiart the Ueltod S. etoaBtr Hngb MeCoUoagb nrrived
StotM to «Me the powwe sehe ew hera. hnvtog left MnaUn on Satnrdpp
taTM to totorme 'to behalf of Spato toet. before tbe bnttia
Bp ihb
Uaitod Stotoa
Heehtoftoa, Map S.—All Ue reperto
b to Uke the Oaeartee esd eeda the«
wkleh have been printed nc to Ue
to Ureat Britain.
red dmtInnUoa of Ue United Stoue
Aoetria-e aMtode iadkatoe that eh»>
Will be here Saturday. This ts-onr fifth stock thia
HollBj * OoimaBl*
290 Front Street'
wUt take aa annariea etaad for Spain
bat Bnftoad deelann that ehe ekaU
net totertara.
Is called a team, bot what tbe team calls tbe um{^
wouldn’t loot well in print.
Taapa, Map S.—Tea Uooaand tr«
Bay Base Ball Goods at
Wpaatob OaMaet Tear. United Stotoa WUl Take Forte mioo and Seonre
wlU be leaded ia Oaba oa Snadap.
Teet aonitigr Amtnnntaoa and tappUee Btored Ciere -laceeto XxA platond War Sltnatton to Oablaet and Oneea Begent—Iteaearee laaag.
arMd to
to Oaall XHetarbaaoee at Berne and Foah the War | BODY OF SFABlABDe BOUTZD
dap evening onttide Ue Ueatres here ] ——-------------------op laeeae of.«&tmlam to toaneaee poo- i ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- t
WaaktortOB. Map S.—|
be oaptoMd bp the Uaitod.Statoe- The tooporarp aeqi
to deeiaed a nUitorp aMneltp. With the Ueltad Statoe deg flptog erer the
Taapa. Map S-Calimel Lawton of
Fhfllpptoee.PartoBiaaaBdOBtaa.Spato'apoBtohnaBtaad hatolltoUoa will be DISPATOE BOAT UhBDBO SUP- Oeomal Shafteria etaS haa a^led tor
. ^Bwaplete.
Kep West, it b believed to map oat a
.WaAtogtoa, Map 5.—<8podal.t-Ia the Weet ledlee the erderi are to eetoe
plan for aa earip fmward Bovaaeat.
Fortt Eton and to ptopare to Beet the Spaabh fleet: and toad aa amp of laeaWeaaded to Sanu Olara Fro
New York. Map &--tA train load of
«toe to Oaba at the earlieet poBlble aoBaaV Tbe Pre^daBt’a riewa are that It
I Wara From Beekhoaee DemolMkad bp BoaittoM at war wore UlppW to Saa
WDoU be faUp far the Spaabh fleet to trp to toUreept the Oragaa. He beltorae
t and Bereral Bore of Franebeo laet night fee Ue relief ex*
the fleat hae rataraed to Oadb. ae reported bp Ltopdn.
padltlon af Ckptain Dewep. which
Weehtogtaa. Map S.—(SpeetoU—Whee Senator Barrawe left ,the preeideat
MeUlwTu Mokenis heroeo.
eaib to tea dapa
dodapkaeahl. ••Porto Bhw will be earn to twe dapa”
Kep Wcat. Map S.—Per Ue fleet time
Oeaeral XU« to laadp to laad an ar«p af IB0.000 treopa ea the b)aad of
Waohtogtoa. Map S.-Ordam have
the American flag Itae beea aatarled ip
Caba Jototip wiU Ue Caban eolora. the bsM given to Captain P. Olaw to take
Kep WwV Map s.—(Special.)—The traaapart OUeatte tolled todapewitb
wiotBaoii af the eniber Cbarieetoe.
dbpatofa beat Lepden hae
tooope far Oaha, with CaBBodare Wateea to eOBiaaaA
after delivering n eoatmb
to Cea-'Tke erder eepe ■iBBedlate.’' The
Hew York. Map
(Special.)—A WabhlngtoB dbpatoh Mjn that the Caba
cKlalep. jcraber will eenvcp a relief expeditioa
eral Ooset trea Preeidei
ax^ltioa will etart within 18 koan aad will eentato apwardd of SO.OOO
Tbe partp landed to &nta Clara pro-! to CoBBodore Dewep.
It to balieTod that Ue fleet bM alreadp taken a Cabaa part.
vtoeo, where, wiU Ue laeargoate. Ucv
Watotogton. Map S.-|8peeiaJl-A dbpaieh >la Kep Weal etaU^ that Gan.
ancoantored a bodp of Spaniarda. a
<kMeei b Barchtog.towardi Raeaaa with an arap ef U.O06 toeargeiM.
fleroe bat Uort battle entaed aad the
New York. Map S.—[Spaaial]—A Baa Praaebeo dbpateb to the Hew York
Spaniards ware vanqabhed. Tbe gnnSaa Mpa that Admiral Klriclaad of the Mare lelaad He»p park hae rcoMved a
beat Wilmtogton participated to Ue
«lpher dbpatoh from the naep dapartaeat that CeBBodera Dewep had eae- engageBeat and dred apon Ue enewp.
tatoed e loa of flftp killed aad two kaadred-woaaded to the battle of Manila.
Sixteen Spaniarde were left dead ia Ue
The ganboau Ceneord aad Petrel were Wlp dnaagad.
Madrid Aiudoiia^Abont Porto Bioo
Madrid, Map s —|Speetol-]—At tkeWbtaet
laet aeeitog
todep the qaaea regasi
aitoettoh aad anonaeat
maided. Pioaier Beaar Sa^ta explatoeS^e
; ibe safe airieal at Porto Bioe of Ue Alfeai a Mil. kaetogaa board retotareeBtoU at troeps aad a earp ealoable cargo. I nclodtog aBBanlUoQ aad war sap.
pUaa. The pramtor alee anaoBaoed the opaaing ef the Cobaa parllaBeat.
- TbeqaaeatogaataignedUawarretorTeabUl.
Tbe eablaet held aaoUer meetlDg ami ddiberatod npeo Ue finaaelai etu•ttoa and seaenrea to preaerec pabUs order to the leealitlee where dbtnrbaneas have aoearred.
Anaietv b expruaed here for Ue fate ef Porto Bloe. It b feared that Ad
miral 8aS[»oe's eqaadron has gone to aeiu Saa Jaaa. the eapllol of that eal«ay, aad Ue Spanbh eoppUee at that port.
AdBlral OaBari. who will tt^tomw coBBaad Ue Spaabh reaerre eqoadToa at Iddlt. will hebt hb flag aboard Ue battleship Pelapo. Tbe appototmeat hMTiaBid Boeh aatbtootloB aaeag Ue naval Beo of Spain
goveroBeet tog ettcBptad to land enppUes for Ue Cabana, bat a bodp of
Spaabh eavalrpBen attempted to pre
vent U# laadlDg. bot were driven eff
bp aketo froB Us WilBingtoa. vLatcr
Ue WilBingtoa. fliod e« a bloekhooee
farUer dewo Ue beach. A noBber ef
Spanbh regolnrewei, aittiag on Ue'200 psirS^.Ladies’ Fine Kid
top af thb kooee watehtog Ue Lepden |
and Ue tossi^te. The flnt ehet;
went wild, bat Ue twelfU and laatj
ahet waa a boll'e epe. When the smoke
kad cleared awap Ue
and all bad dbappt
aa Upogb I
•Wallewed ap. The Spaobh eolen.
that floated froB Ue hones were esse
high op ia a tree wbare tbs Uot bad
Waahiagtoa. Map S.—The aeereUcp
of Ua navy today ordered Neval Uatractor Cappe of San Franebeo, to pro
ceed at Ue wrUeet poeelble mmaeat
WiU the ateemer dtp of Pekin to meet
Commodoro Dewep-s oqandrea at Maalln.
Mr. Onppt wU) select from Ue Mwa
blnad anvp yard toree a aoBber of Ue
meet experienced and toleUlgeat work,
men to lake wlU kim. Be wQl plane
•board a faU aapplp ef machine toela,
•teal pleu and nil. Bsteriab needed to
make tompemp repairs oa Ue^lps
ladbtraos. Tke porpaoe of Ue depart■aatto Baking Ue order b to pet
CoBBodore Dewagb fleet, at the enr~
Ueotiibe^ble Bomeat, ioto fliat-clam
eoadltioa. In nddition to Ub he wUI
mlee and repair Ua Spaabh sbipa aarraadered or nnk U Ue engagameat
—d capable •< bMngbnrigntod ai
ha.ve bees beard from before tbb.
They fear be may be penned np In
Menlla harbor.
Tbb Imprenalon b
gaining gmad in admlabtimUo* dr.
etoa, sad at Ue aavp department. ^
It b reeallected that the eattaaeo
to Manila bap b throagh a channel
planted wiU Blaea Dewep peeaed ever
Ume in the night, aad ao oppenoaltp
given the Spaniarda to Are Uem.
Bat If Dewy ban not fereed Ue sorreader of Ue dtp and gained control
of Ue ewltohbonrd |ped in flrlng Ue
nerged exptcdvae. aa attempt to
Imve She harbor bp any ana of the
and Tan. pointed toes,
fine fitters, good
Regular$2 Shoes
Be Bap Accept FoetUen of Acting
Zx^ition te Xnav* Sna Frianetaoe
- KiUtarp Ooveraor of PbUipptoee.
Serioue SitueticD Oaoeed bp Biottog
WlU a Oempleto OntUt to Bepalr
npeeiel toTni
to Spain
Ue Wnrnhipa at Knatto
Waebingtoa. Hap s.^-Senator Sewall
Weabtogton. Hap S.—Spala b afraid
npTCl»l u Tee Moaxn« Becoeiv
haa been neked to oeBaand the troope of bar armp aoeordiag to advlcee re
' Waahiagtoa. Map S.—Thb baa been
thntare U hold Ue Philipplnee. and U
aaoUer dap of qnlet eoapenae, hnl new eoaaidering whether be care* U ceived here. Mntinp aad cevelt are
buap with Ue rash ef preparations to accept Ue task of acting militarp gov. appeanag. Troops are betog called oa
deal with Ue varlone phaaea of Ue war emor of Ue Spanbh East Indb Archi- to eheot down riotora ia provincial
towns, bat Ue reaponiee to Ue ealb
aitaatioB spreading over twe bemlare half-hearted. Ramore ef the feeling
Tbe departmeol have ao
Id Ue armp are reaching Madrid
donbt of tbe advmDtages gained in Ue
Ue Urane and cabinet are trembling
PbUippinea. bot'are soxieus to make-j
It Worried at IMap far Ue faarfal climax which seems
«nrs that Dewep is in a poeitloa to bold
ef laformatioB and Abeeace of
to oeme in e few bonn.
what be baa gained aad to cstablbh I
jtetail of Kngagemanv
Slots ere oecarriag in maap pli
Ue anUcritp of Ue I'tlW Slates. Aid |
Washington. May S.—The report seat' Martial law bat b^a preclaimed In
WlU be mshed to blm with all Ue|
I report bad beea received /diae erroae- from Oartbagena, R.OOO Blaer* are riot-1
ellenee b attribotod M kb not having
^joas. I’reeideet McKtolep and Seere- ing. A eoafliet wiU Ue troope haa|
a beat to spare or aet baing able to!
, ,
' ..
|tarp Long had a eonsnlUtlon Ub
coatrel the road Itoding to Ue cabie J
' morning. BoU arp worried aboat AdoSoa, evan if Ue oaMe b repal red.
|Dlral Dewep. Tbep Utok'hc aboold
j| uuRtr^oozE«s;p^f^^as^'IsasrJ^is^
To Close,
At 86c, 60c; 76c, $1.00, $1.B6, $1.60, )
up to $2.60. Handsome styles, and garments that t
fit perfectly. May we show yon onr offerings?
The Papular Shoe House.
The Finest Line j
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Hardware. 146 Front St.
213 Front St
Stock Beeelved Tkree Timee a Wodi
ouaU. 40c per quart
Fletchef's OystBrJtfot aid Restairiit
If you are golug to make gardec do not £iil to soe evr
oompleA etoek of Flower, Oardan aad Field
In package or bulk.
Front Street.
At the right time and place. We are at all times to
the front. Too cold for gauzy stuff.
Enameline aed Decorating
in the Latest Styles.
For snits and skirts are the right things at the pres
ent time. Onr stock is immense, styless^tty, qual
ity for the price nnaj^roachable.
That Fonetion in Havana Was OoaaBemembeil have a faU Hae of BlepdOB of Oroat Ihaplap.
cle Sandriea and Bepaire. I alao have
plenty ef^orkmen to do poor work
Opsclai to Tbs HoBBais Xacoao.
promptly. I raaraalce all work to be
Bavaaa, Map(Dalaped in tmae- Ue beat aad Ue Ipweet in price. I
Bbden.) Tba fltatantoaetabteaagrmB beUd wboeU to order, they an beantica. Call aad aae Uem.
ef Pnha hae been formallp opaaed bp
eapt. Oeneral Blaaeo. Tbe Spanbh
eOd^ made aapedal effort to give
briUlanep toUeoeeadaa.
Brasing of all ktnda, Urea vnleaalaaid.
ip and I awde as good sa aew. Tbe only np-to*>toP
gasrBbaeomade .. (. aatoedtogiveeatlafacUonornoeharge.
WheeU eold en easy papmeab. Bleyden and Thadeaw to mat at IIB Union
n in tauter w
Btoaet, near Front.
Tke BoAde Fellowe Ue Oregon.
•CMlsi ta Tax ■aoiaa Baceaa.
SnoM Apraa, Map i.—i dbpatoh
wodd be met wiU aa nttnek tram Ue arrived hwa today from Kb Jandro
Blaea. It b boUaTod Uat Dewep anaanadag Uat Jhe Onltod Stotoa
weald Mt-rtait a aUp te Ua pvpaaa
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
Wheel Enameled For S2.Iill
Salfkd V.
NovDity Spring HnniiiRs
se uu all weal aevaUp flasMl. good aad Arm nt thd ter
XT inch plain cpring flaaaaL all WOOL per yard........... ..............
Kimball Piaaas anil Organs
at factory Prices.
H. L GIBDS, Propr.
Front 8tr~t.
I X. or r. wmBAS.
Tom SbAM neoiwd a oarioad of tea
EUlS, 311 Frost St, ElstC^
Cycle Works.
Brsdnff s Spedslty.
«A*M aM Baa««M VaUovad.
Tka aUAB bai«B Alloa H..«m ar
CheApest nndyDost rebabla place to get yonr bicycle reim
0tt7 Ladga, Mo. 7«. K. o< P.. rived last aiAht attar luBbar.
pat in go^ ronning order. Have bad aeveral years experiei
4M imaU pmd AfAla laot alckt totk / A Blaor of PhUaadar P. B»iU kaa
knoww bow it aboald be
b« done. SatUfaction guaranteed. I an
an selling
la tba aotartaiaaieat at vwta tram
ao«. T. Bam amo- 9. W. BAnn. :ateaadaadUa maaaar la whkk Ue ^a rraatod a paaaloa of flio a Boath.
'e enndriea
at abont ooet New and aeoond band vheeU for aal*
PTosoeulor Twaddle has (wo oa a
andd to rent.
Please give os a trial.
[ WM eaadaoted. Slztaea flaadl* t. W. HAm, Bdltor um9 ^UMfcr.
ELI.18. 811 Front 0L. BssC.
4ataa wan flvM Ua Tkird nok. Ashlar aspedlUoB to Ua LUUa MaabSUBBOHlPnoilB.
wklek WM ooafamd laampUlad farm toa river.
Th«e will ka a apeelal BoaUaf ^
Bari; la tba cToalac a apaolat trala arrtvaa from KalkMka arar tka aaw liaa MePhwsM Poet. Q. A. B.. next Wadmaa; la4iaa|<iaBa wlU ibe part;. aaada; eveolnrTkara wen|7S aboard tka tiaia. which
A noaaWin la honor of Mr. and Mrm.
aaaaiatai af two eoaekaa. ao4 tblrt; of
Boa Wood wUl be ri*«> tbtorda;
tka BMB attasdad tka lodra.
raainr at the hose of J. U Stautoa.
Aftar the work a ftaa apread waa
The Barbour Theatre Oe. will praaeat
aarrad. It waa praparad b; Ckef C. 8.
, aver; lad; porchMlaf a JCHsaat
Chrla. wheoa^akiU ia prepartar baa- ticket Ualrht a Malaa aouvealr epoow.
qoaU is baeofiilic proverbial. Doriaf
___ .jster Eaff bus now arraarad to
Ua banquet Dr. A. B. Bollida; served
have Bad eoat oa Ue ba; boat over;
Tnn an faan ia tka aav; daparv ae toastBasUr aad an laproBp(o eoThe asall cloaee for Uat ronlo at on tba ether. Tbe Blvan sburs.
meat that Admiial Daws; ma; ka tortAiBBoat waa eojo;ed. Ikb
vocalbU aod dasverti WilllaBS aad
yaaaad np ia Maallla ba; aad la daa- (Be of Ue flaest spreads ever rl*oa b;
l™. • j
"O-Ml.... ..d K., S..dol,*,
gtt. Baeaat anats have abowa tkat
™, ..d ir.. d..i..d, -wi. U.I—i-l-i -a
.1 U.
Atanded of an; elBllar
tkA plaek; eommaader is partecU; abla
n,l«« ..d BO.U B..d, I»l. Wkll. i -P-l-"-”
' to taka ean of hiowelf. aad with Ua avaat la-a lenr time.
Tkoae wbo oontribnted to Ua enter- away he experienced u raiirsad wreck j
' ' -------------------------Bpastek float oat af tka wa; it caa ba
aaaarad that be aad kb float an aa^ talameat were. M. B. Uall^. A. W. ut eecaped lujury.
nkann. Wkile then
be daa- Pock. A. V. liYiedr cb. J. W. MiUlkcn,
The rerrlar -aeUBr of Ue W. C. T. I - ,
. _
Americas PlSA WiU
wm be hvldlotb. parlor, of
ira^ tram tarpodoaa ia-Tarloaa parU of Tboa.' T. Bates. Aatoa Oleean; Or.
Saoa Float There.
toalba;, Admiral Oawa; b too abrewd Babooek aad a a Jenka of Kalkaska. snmratioeal eburcb Ub afUrnoon ,
•dm to ka caarbt off kb wlU spaelAl fsatuna o; Alrar and at half pMt two o'clock. Bubiect. "Is | New York. May &--A WaUlairtOB
Barek of Ue Barboar Tkeatn
uniaa aggrewivc'.’" Mta. Buebea. special says It is believed Uat whea
transport for Ue i'bilipplaes reach
Bewail to ukeoa coal aod supplies.
meat Votea.
AdBiral Miller. Id command Uen. will
Here b e Ibt of some of tbe oririnal I receive laetruc^ons to rabe the Aoerl7«Laioro Wen ampoaalble far a X>a- electrical effeeu. that will be seen le ^ cas flay at oace.aed declare Ue blaade
Kkow Oaaaa Wk; Bw P»*raa
Urtatful Social Affklr.
tbe produclloa of Feusi by the Porter aaoexed to Ue fatted euua.
■kooU Bot ba Baloaaod.
Oae of Ue deirfbaul eoebl avaan J. WhiU eompeoy on Bay 31: Tbeelee' Tka flaproBe eoort has fnated a af Ua ;esu- took place la HontartK tric niB af fire, Ue electric itlra, Ue
fire-aiee. tbe electric morainy
ball iMt evealiir- It was Ue raoepc arrit of kabaoe eerpoa ia tka
Piano, wbo isaeateaeod to the tiOB tendered to the aealer BIrh aebdel ylorieu. Ue cleetric sword duel, tbe
elasi b; Ue lunlor elaae. About too electric circle ef Are, tbe elecUic flewer
7 apoD coDf
Fled at Xaplatoa.
bed. Ue electric skull and Ue ^tric
; ^ eharta of assaaU aad batter;,
Mia. Mary E. Klay died of oaMnBp>bar of Ua tmehare aa veell m Ue i
tklaea. Thet Ue perfofhatooe by
to tka TooU who had Ue eao
Fife Lake Oanadl Wanld Mot Aoeapt tkw at bar borne ia Mapletan. yaaUF'
----- Aalde tno
Mr. WhiU aad bis clever cospnay will
wttk Bbeaeier Raasos cb Proat ben of Ue
day Borainy at 10 o'clock. Deeaaaad'
Deplaatyb Liquor Bond.
•toaat aarl; one moraiac eome Ubo pleasaat eacial featarea a pleaaaat pre- attract a very laryc andicDce. b ^-CerWM es yean af aya aad laavaa two
••«. The writ was applied for oa Ue rram waa nadand. TbU.wM epwaad Ulnty.________
Down at Fite Lake Ue villaye coan
[ekiUraa. The fnaanl will ba bald
b; aa addraaa of welcome b; Bobert
[ell refused to aooept Ue Uquor bond:^
Robert Downlny will aot ba seea in
Ue OydaBeburyekarok Satorday
Wallera. tollewed b; a plaao aolo b; Traverse City aetil some time next
iibopoppa«lt*£ecbomee. :
. Deplaai,
aad b. bM app,ladi
of J;_______
MbsAiklae. X plaealnrraellAlloa
Ur a
* writof
wrUof was. W*®™**!
I u Ue Oreult court for
Mlt aad battarr
)B. AaoUer ooamnalcaUon today
rivea b; Mba Dowatar aad Bdfvard reoelvad by Hanayer Sulabary. from
damns uoompslUe eouncil to Issue! L A. Clark, editor of tba Barker
Mersaaaa favored with a toaat. "The ifr. DewBluy. lUua that ke bM defhim a license to do bnstneaa. 3ndya Sprinye Repablieaa, b la Ue eily loolf
eeaioia." Ball Nerliarar reepeaded la
Corbett made an order for Ue eonadl lay efur amayeaenUfar Ua Q.'A. fL
ioluly decided U close his eaaean tbb
to shew eauM why tbe writ ibonld not entoapBeat to be held ben 3aac lOtk.
•ha Xaa beaped froB tka Bafuce appropriate words. A soar b; Mbs week at Milwaukee. Be will yive Us
Ur. Clark it eoBBaader af Ue aMOcisGraee EMtiare wm oaa af Ue ao)o;aba ynsud.
L'Bdaimherifl Aebtoa lion of Indba veterans wbo bow live ia •
Homo la Oraad Bapida.
a dau next eeaeoe, however.
bla DQBbara and a toast "Ta Ue toasbserved Ue paper* upon Ue praeldeat Miehlyaa. and wb# voUd to keU Ueir
MatUa Wade who flAorad la Ue Cir- sfu." was riren b; Mbs Nsllis Oraat
eneampment here ip 3uae.
ef tbe villaye.
•Bit ooart bare aoBO tiaao ajro on a Tbb was reapaaded to b; SnperlataadrtiTT- Of laraea; fron a etore.b beard ent Orawn. The Arioa quartet eloeed be likely to draw a bly crowd. The
toOB afain. She was let off b; Jodfa |.tbe profraB vriU oae of Ueir bnt parforaaece is eneb m to coshlse all
Oorbett on enspended sesteaee oa eoa- _
kinds of ArutcthesenUrUinment. eaUrdltloa Uat ebe would ro to Ue Befare .
U Ue Usie* of all eleseea of pcoI followed Ue
“ • ( Borne la Oraad Eaplde. Mettle made !
The ball was pntOI; trimKlfly Bcyroei comprise Ue com; >ha promise
prOBba ireeiy
freely ana
and wM-wa,rwwas aaeortod w-, aod wiU the esaUr clam ooloia. yellow
Jtha borne by a member ef Us balv*- ^
oornerof Ue kaU
Barbour Tbeatra Co. yavc ayeod ;
f «to« Arthy. uader whose ausplen Ue t
performance bet eveoioy at Suin-;
a b salnulned. Yeaurday
.. ■■•*‘*"|whenUeUlnl
bory'e.Cirand. presentiny 'A Country'
•AM a Ulema came from tbe
j peached with 1<
Uirl." Clever specialtie* were iatro-1
mt Ue heme sutler Uet ibe
duced by CbM W. Burch. The sUye i
hadrieft tbe place aad Uat her wbi
'‘’•'Tfl Tbe elaae ta la<
■lltou were nakaowa. It U probafal
'*•41 for Ue nee of ee.
Ue flve-aci oomedy druSsa. “liroayht |
«lmt ahe wUl be bronrbt back here m
to Justice." will be yiven aed Ur |
dbnnetid of in a mere severe biaaner.
Burch will preeeut new •peclaltln. To ‘
.«r, i«i, r—b-UK . >....1
i colored company of merit.
a aonveolr spoon af U« bsttleabip
Paairp of a Oraad Xaplda Firm ac- Maine will ba ylvaa. Ue same m on .
headed hj
Bupal Xaatiap of Stockholders ef
eapUd b; Bnparriaoia.
'TrsTwas Clt; Bailnad Taaurd^r.
AfUr eirarrllnr «lth Ue pnblaa of lay yood parformaaoee and deserve*
The atockboldera of Ue Tnveree
oaurt honae plaaa for tw. aad oae-balt yood patroaeye^_______
OU; Ballway Oeaspaay held Ueir asdays, the board of eoparvbars eame U
■aal Boetlar la Uta clt; ;eeUrday. adeebleayeeurdayaboDi aooa. Tbe
Price's Cuban Craolee and Cake WalkOre$t Hung«riAn
Tko report abswed an Increase ia Ue
fitml q^iea wm Ue plan ef Boab. How- re (Colored Co.) will be et Swlnbery's
met aarainra for
*rer Ue preriane
VlollxilAt and Warbler.
Biaa A'baeb. arcblUcU of Uraad Rap Uraed Opera House next Tusksay evenpaar. The rne* earalare for 19*7 wen
ids aad Ua sseoad, Uat bf U. B. M>
SI#.tU.«7. Bxpaaaea and taxea were
Tbe yeanine cake walk b a form of
of Ub elty. The former repreaeat aa
SM.I97.M: net earntnra, M.nd 97'; paid
•raU struetun U be eonstrneud eDterulBBant Uat, while ylvaa by
laurmt on bonds. r.UO.M, laaviar a
a-premsd brick aad Iriamed wlU colored artbte, caeool but prove ploMwot balesoe uf •USl<i.B7. For Ue year
toy to tbe Traverse City public.
1AM the mas aaratar* «en rrMUr- aitlo. The dlBeasions an U ba IW x
TMA ouo aauABLff anoffMAN.
Tbe Urend Bepide I'rMs. also Ue Bly
bet Ua expense* were aleo rmUr. ea
p"~- •< >»■
.ni 300
104 feet.'. The coat of Ue
Akat Uan wm a deflclt af $007 If after
of Ue bttlldiar prapoeed will be too.noo where Uis eoapasy pleyed. speak very
faytar Ue Inuraat on the boade. Tbb
eoapleu, Mide from the furniture. biyoly of Uu oryaaizatioa. wbbh bl
Akowa Ua earnlnre far 19«7 U ka $S.principally a auelcel eatortaiaBant.
JYbeu eompleUd Ua bnUdlur will fa«
■ $14.07 la excess of Uoae of 19M.
ProfsMor McKanlaeetsa Bnnyarbn
-e aod admirably ar‘nufollowlardlreetoruwan eleeud
rasrad for Ue aaea far which it b la- vlolinbl. and bM much talent, belny
for Ua ooBlnr year: Parry aanaafa,
The epaelfleatloiu will he
;ibOBai T. Ibue. I). C. I.<eacfa. W. H.
oampiled at oaca. aad should Uey not Be aleo plays two eerncle at once aod
• A Mltckel, W. O Burbart, W. R. Shel
meet with the appnval of Ue board, tbe same time, eapraoo oe oae aad alto
by, 3. H. P. Hurharl. After Ue meetor ehenid tbs board aot eonelder Uat
tor of ptoekbolOen. Ue board of dlrecten met and elected tbe followlar of- Ueksildinr can be caaatrncled for the
flrare aamed. Uen Mr. Moore's pUns
Soon: T. T. Bates, preeldeat; E. R.
ary; W. E Shelby, would he adopUd Tbe Tatter are floe
plane and there wm n etranr probe
blllty Uat bb would be Ue Brel choice.
* Ae eeae m Ue epecifloatlone an
I celved. If Uey an all eaibfactory. bide
Wbaat Suddenly 3uBpad W $1.50 ' for Ue erecUen ef Ue bnildinr will be
called far at onoa.
iUTMtsBonr. - auoBKMJi
.____ .
rsa-ST'. ■. •. . =
bs better tbau CaVvec. M's one
\V\riw4eT. ft qaris
equaVio $ qatds oi C.a\\co. M's a<A
oaVa Vt'SCT
?4s beamer as.4 eoaseqaeutt'a laWV vnear better. "MDe are
seWvrvq a ^ero stqVes at 4c.
qoa coarvV a roasb 4,ress tts a
qocA 'wvoesimett ^or qovx.
. ______
Geo. R. Winnie,
Steinberg’s Grand
Cuban Creoles
Cake Walkers.
jQ8t ReceiYed Spring Styles, lief De^
Prof. Wm. MoKanlass,
IS~People In The Company-15
Steinberg’s Grand;
Cbleare. May 1.—May wheat opeaed
to $l.S7. a Jump of sevea eeata onr
yaatorday-e cloalat. 3ulv lald over Ue
doUar Burk for Ua first Umc Ub year.
SaMtllaBal cables were Ue IseeaUve.
WM reported that Leltar sold iMt
■Irfat t.ouo.ouo buUeb of Ko. f >ad
wheat to Praaea.
Lator May wheat roae twenty ceaU
. lteloaadat$l.Mabuibel. Ue talxbast
prloa alaot
The exeiUBent ia
tka wheat pit darinr Ue cleelar boar
ana iatooaa.^ I'bc market fluetaatad
aialtoUy all Ue Borslor-
Thank! to Beat Bay Townaklp.
We. tbe Baabara of 'Ue Waai
Saentary and TkaasBrnr-J. K. Mar- Cemetery lapravaBaat Aaaecbtian. do
. Aereky Uader our Uaaks U Ue t
skip ef BmI Bey for Ue free bi
Ueir road Baeblne oo tka new toads
made la Ua Oakwoad eematary.
IUb. 3. r CUltopb. Sea.
Oiice More
I Washington
GHas invaded tbe land in tbe Interest of humanity, and once
E. B. Barbour, f- more in the interest of those who intend getting
THE I'alji^TTaa
Xlabarats BnUrtaiamaat/Vadar
Auspices of Ua W. O. T. V.
Toalrbt a vary elabanU anUrtkinaeat b U ba ri*ea la tbe First M. E.
chorcb under Ue VMpleea af Ua W. C.
T. C. Tbe ebiaf featnra will ba aa
elseuUonary prise coataat la which
Birbt wUI parUeipaU. Besides Ub
Uen will be flee fnasie aad several
novel faatanaef
wUl ba wonby of a laiya andli
The affair hM baaa prepared by Mta
J. B. Mania, wbo will eoadoet Ue pr«KototandLadarOa. Beotioa. .
. na anpaal caeatlar af Beak and rraa. Admbciea wUl be IS oenu and
I«ddar Oa. {To. 1 took place In Ua 0am everrbody b Invlled to attend.
tonal nnrlnakooaalaalalrbtand Ue
Frank Friedrich.
Snpported by
IA New Carpet Or a Floor Covering
Theatre Co. ^
New Specialties.
■aatwUlbapnaaatod wlUaaoavsBb toMB e< tka •■Malaa."
We mention tbe fact that we offer the best, have the :
: largest etock to select from, sell cheaper and give bsHer sat- !
: isfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let uB.oonvlnce you.
TM yoMmro Mtooap. feioat,
I t Eftmpten** FiMt 41u Another
And Mer* ExeHinc 4»b
on Its Hands.
I ^ una n uoi roit tPAiuiiie.
Win ScMt tlw Ocaut' tf> L«eai* tbt
I r
8p«aish Saipf WboM Wb«e-
HM7 Mar •» An«r IW c
lie aalUng ol
B queai, as it la U-.
ileeed. of the epanish fleet that had
haen ao long at Capo Verde lalands until
It sailed Ifacnce a week ago, te some*
thing the authorities here will not talk
The preaa dlapalch ann.
|'‘'■W^^tha return of the Spanish fleet
.m H(UW Kens, tbt eshte Ur>
Tb« fltnrialii ImrdUtrIr taU
■rio an'air rxi>rcuui<r. a-alUns (araoa«
aenS from AOmlral Drway that vouldnot only coaflmi eOclally the lUrtUit
Bewi .4 the hatUe of Manila as report,
ed by the preM. hut tell what had
happened elnce the cable was Interrupt,
ed. Up to the cloar of oSce hours no
Word had come frocn Hons Kong a«d
the offldale who believe ttal the 'He*
Culloch was really In Mira bay were put
to dev-lslaa Incpolous esplaoatlans at
the delay In the recel|>i of a <»ble«rwni.
—e touched upon the twelve buuri
>, the distance
Mira lay to Hong Kona
Great Iniereet le felt la the reported
return of the Spanleh Cape Verde fleet
to Cadis, hut while admitting the poaalblllty of Ihe fast veraels of the Spanleh
flying squadron making the passage la
the Arc days that the veaaela ha-'e been
out from St Vincent, the naval ofllcera
were dlS|»M-d to regard with great suSp:clon neds
this kind emanating(roni
Puriugal. b.-c'ausc uf
the ro-ugnls’-d
■ympathy o( the Pnrtugurse with the
S|>anlsh side It would be worth a g.Kwl
! deal to ih- Pnanlsh admiral emmand: Ing the flying squadron- au|>i>»liig Iw
were on his way scrcMW the Allantii—
to throw u's ofl our guard by having us
' believe that h-- hiid returned to l>|>aln.
^ No new offl.ial news ha* .-..m.- lo i-..n*flrm the re|><>rt fmm Hawaii that the
IslandsJ^ve been tendered to the l.'nlt-
to loin the one now forming
St CuW
i. or
the Canaries, h
department Hut
ft may be asld IhsL^reiary temg and
.kla aids are preparir.g tu rer,i«e that
e piupo.
Ing Tnall brought
mion to San Framlsco ii w.n,oi
.here, on arcount of lia Importance, but would Y
forwanled by the railway malls, whi.h
sesaa fleet In twu piai-eji-oti l•^ma..l•
Swwo oe .W t»oe.e fjl
1C ..
r., . 1 , '
^ or oft HorlO nitn. If it .omes to
^ nite Riov. the »«cean s. “uti will know ,
IL 'Uil does not come, they wiil know ^
ft, and It will be ptv.umed to have e rne I
to destroy the Oregon, when- the fnlt-.ii
ad sutce fleet will pursue It.
baba Laohing for the fleegoaf
■Washington. May S-A • rack Spanleb
"’'‘boUt elcepllon the nSVal ..mcers
welcome the po»e«el. nof Hawaii
jyaj at this moment, as alTordlng a
magnifleeni bgse for naval operations
In the Pa.iffc,
dent’s Dob 's nrvt»sfllon must Iw aubmitted to congreM so that II W III be for
the leglilatlve branch In the end lo pass
Upon this offer.
The nomlnatkiD of a numlwr of ma)r generals and brigadier
at Usrbad.H • In I an Indication »f the purpose ot the ptea*
V arc conm. iing 1 Ident to avail himself of the full numl-r
, believed
zm. la reported
the West Indies.
raports on this point, however, and .. _ ,
CtMiser Is Ihera she may be the I'sriua :
V. which left Madrid some time ago for ]
**■" 1^' I are not enough commands to go around
ol'Shlan |I p^^^ly air;ng .Kft aupiK^ c^se ■ along the »I«n«h
the i.m
ofll.era slresdy
aaaau ?he Alj.honso .\in is “ n** i nomliMted. AaalatantBecreisryIt>~iaepiuiaeted cruiser of kc^i.msdupla.*-t„„_
^ Ueuien.ai Colonel
m«t with egielleniurdnsn.e while the I
received several
Okrtoa V U. atm more
! gratlfyln, lelegrsm. from Ihe west sn«d onr •.«0C tons. The tlrsl nsmci^ea. - bouncing the rapid organisation .of
sur^ to.
ha at Cadis, so there la s«-nie confusion
ta the reports. Buppuslng any cruiser'
----------------DU>CW^ TI*W or T«K -WAft.
Is In that aecilon of the West Indies she
W^ld be almost In the pathway ot
•saat Approev It. Sal M oald Fight I
' OfUgon coming mmlhward.
vat a ism.
Amooc tbs very fTsst VKilsty c(
Hungs tbsi may bs bovgbi ■l-mscHd*
hsBd are smokmmehs d iron or o(
stesL It may be tbet ss etUblUhmeat
pna in e higjiw boiler end war
To Talk Back
carefully and a new one ssi up. The old
y be sold to e dealer il
band boilers tad maebineiy. or lb«
ownee may Jtsep it and mil It bimmlf
' that wanta a seoundbaod
Mnokasiaok.' If it is sold to a dealer, be
may remove il to bis own yard, or II'
may be that tbs original owner keeps it,
on bis preniiM's until the dealer has:
sold it. A manufacturer may move from [
one pjsoe tovsnolber sod sell the old ^
plant, or-pariii of it Here would .be a'
aecundliaud^ a&iokeetaok.
stacks are bongbt ly v
ki slack uf an estabwu. and tbet the boiler, _
I a s<'CuudhBnd stack
would lart I It Ihv life of Ibe UuiKr. In.
For you will readily agree with us that our assortment
of patterns in Hsn's Suits at popular prices are even,
better values than we claim for them—$7.&0—$10.00—
$ie.OO. See them.
tudi a raw tb..n«rwould get a second-;
hand .u.-k it be cold tlD.1 <mv eoileblw
j(rm. W C. Nelson of Lelaad was la
Hh blown down in a windiiomi and tbe
‘‘hcriff MmpMo and rr«l Pratt vrent
iscreopplT the plaoe of il with oue 'to KiDgels.v yasterday on boeiaeaa.
booght MSkiDdhend.
Bussell Wallace. purebaaiBg agent of
A *i.vl or imu slack ookM about half the C. A w. M Ry. Co., U la the city
M tuuob ai a brick stack. Aetvondbaud on busiaeaa.
iron suck costs aboot half as much as a:
oewium. black, of uictal are made now
Tb. .u,l ...l™...
now lr«i than vrrouRlii iriiu
Tl.vre i»
an iucreasiug bee ot etwl in.iesd of!
Vsir*m.iwiw wbH
I Good Farm
Draft Horses
■ i
J***'™*?Hn. Loren Eo^t and
brick eurka Steel elatke up lo tf ahd 71 Marion left yeatorday for Palladelpbla
feet in diameter vroolil be classed, as ’ to join MUa AKee.
portable ftarki; larger stacks wodld bs i
Mi.. Mabel White arrived la ibe dty !
of more or lea. pennabcbt character. '
ewlng from Cloverporl.
m.k..lKk. .r. 1.0. o«l« OP IO
u. -Uer.
lb feet in disaeicr. N er> lame imaKe-1
Btaeks nay U'lined with brick.
Lnderaberiff Martin Brown of LeSeeomlbaud smokestacks opto >toe(,| land, pnsasd throngb the euy yealor-
Carload Fioe Staek last Reeaiiad.
in diameter are likely to be foi^d in l day on bis way from MaalatM.
stock in the yard of the dealer in eeoood*^
Miaa Oerinde ICnealand ratomsd
bind boilers and mscbioery. and b>Tsl
likely to ^ve stocks of larger slim* else-1
There Is alweys a demand for,
^hand smokestocka-Kew V«k, ^
First Glass Animals at Reasonable Prices.
^Ight from Big Baplds. when the
tkr hard aervlee they eadured
during the war. Mr. Oeo.-ri Andenen
of RjMSTllle. York oonnty. Peon . i
1 a aever* attoek
sve sumethlnK to leara IKua |
h, mya, and proeotwd a bottle
wumeo in lbs art of warding off. of Chamberlain's Pale Balm. Udldao
"lupcbea• " for ciiiu. vSoniru rvspuod to macb good that I weuld like to know
such rvqorst.
OFSt. about once ID every ibou-, what ynn woold charge me for one
Zey West, Kls..^ May 1. - Tuesday
Cleveland. May 5 —Hon Cbauncpy M.
utific in .dosen bottifw" Hr. Andei
the most effef-tlve pari' of Depew. who was In Cleveland yesterday Mod limss. but Ibey
ibeir reinsula A Wi
attending the annual meetings of the.
Vesivrday the fleet sailed and Lake Shore and XUkel Plate railways. with a repnutum as
It la learned that II has sailed, proba In speaking of the war, said: “I am of op at ll.r bum* of oneofbvr friends the family aboold hare a botll.
bly. fur I'orio Itlco. and that the other
otoer morning wub a much du« over
the opinion that had President McKin
AlrWon. lonsistlng of tha smaller craft,
. stKiut a per*
has been left behind lo maintain the ley been k-ft lo himself we should have drsosmsker and ■
blockade of Cuba The vessels In the no war. The trouble la that In congress the l<«n—"par it I
flsat that sailed were the flagship Raw there sre s numlwr of mm who sre
tain”—of $i.
clsmni^’us for a flght. No. I do not
" Why. my dear, oerialnly." was tbe,
Datroit Tree Prega ar Tribune dewar ulk Is sometimes escellenl pollUcal pIcBMUt response to her carefully re- , llvered fer luc per week,
W7 if
City Newt Co.
S.N.ner or Isler they wo'uld bearstkd 1‘iuls yarn. •'Ytin poor tblug. '
hhve embroiled
the nation
yon! JuM wait till 1 run op stairs and 1
War over the v'ul«o question, whether get my purse. "
Ue. Maine Incident had happi-ned
Rbe on up stoira. The male bead of
tbe bouse happened 0
X{C<>w that we have engaged in wi
he etdinnued. ‘t tielieve It should
prose<uled with vigor worthy of a t
aud drliUralk ly rt more a wad ol bills '
ter oi.iwnent. The c-oniesi should
from it. leaving about S* rents in silvrr
made short, sban' and de>isi>e.
solely with a view to a apeedy victory and copper in the chau|ra receptacle.
over Spain, but betause of the object The man was omab enough to ttwn or«r
lesson It would alT> rd.Kumpean .
the stair railing when his wife went
ers. They will rvsie-vt’ us more if ihqy -down stairs to the parlor with her flat
sre that when w-e .jigsge In a flghl,
toned pocknbook in her band.
J- occur Saturday, but it will
are a unii>-d t-fople wiin but one >
"Oh. I'm so.M<rry, Mra X," fa
In view, and that the upholding of
not pivveul our
beard her ny. "but I really tbougbl
national honor
"I believe that the friendship of the bad the mouer. 1 find, though, that
John, as usual, has been at my pun
Kngllsh is?pple for us. which
so ceimnted during the po>sent crisis, Ibivtrdhim my aomrlbiug abuot
will result >n something more Ih
tling a plnuiber's bill last uigbi v
mere understanding lietween the
was half a»leep and the ibenu thing
natloaa in the future. It would
-has only left me eoougb for car fere.
glorious alUan<e—I
Tuu badi Of course, eon know, if I bad
Tork. the Tndlana the Iowa, -the Cin
it, " etc. —WashingluD Post.
inlly and
' KOing to have <
cinnati. the Drmdi. the Mayflower and
•the Marblehead,
The purpose »f the
•PT Off THK t-KrL«» nr. PAI'I.
Ths Cola Caak# Itoah.
move so far as can be Judged la to
“I baveoics or twice resul bow (mall
----------------meet the (t|>anl8h fle«-i that sailed from Baugh Diwfl ot the lateelor of (he Vmai
tbe liciTtd was. '• mid a yotuig fellow.
As an flxtra indu vatrnt we will
PowlHl I'poe Him.
. Oa|>e Ve de isAnds last week. Cur flael.
"and once or iwice 1 have ».-n Moriea gjve a check on onr tula fountain
.It la sabl. will Slop and ea|>lure Porto
Rbnadetphia. May k—It was learned
, sito ‘ n II. «.iy and then meet the yesterday that the name of the'ausjwct of Uie nine kind 1 am going lo tell
evkofess I n.-v.r b,-lieve<l ihem, bot now
SpanlurUa -u s< a
! amountint; to 25c.
on the rrulw-r Rt. I*aul Is Howard Han
1 kuuw belter. Last summer, wbeu in
nan. He
Conn* nnd see what
however, says
New Viwk on me annuii visit, 1 was
Austrian and
«M»lhb Her. IS at Cadis. The {tpanlah
Mttisk with a
whim and svfc if you do not buy.
Hannan aoatobedniy initialseii a 2a rent piece,
Oae day only. Saturday. May 7
and had
.also auld that he
cutting into tbe »t) 0 deep eiiougli to
mlrant^wtu.i.d., rn.ioiu.1,Colon, and given up Us Job
mskt a lasiiuy itui
ivii. I j«id lor a
Paul. At the esamlnalion yesterday
cigar lU Ibe iii'Cnau Ilou.ewitb lb«
Hannan simtuousiy denied tbel his
trmions had been hostile to the ship, coin and guyed- u>y*el( with bung fnolh
but net wHhslan'baybIs denials a rough ilb. 1 bad torgt-iieii all sUiui the qusr
of the vessel. shOW- ter when 1 eolervd a t'atrulUoucar and
ber magBSliies and gave a bull dulIaTKitbecandoulor. Im
' the Canary islands is ai.-ut s:s mllrs. em:in»s. was found In his
agine my suriwise wbeu be banded me
aud the dlslamv' /nxif Ihr Csnsry l*l 1
Hr has nut bern plaivU In Iruns. but a lu change Ibe kb cent picie 1 sp.-ol in
andt to Cadis stout iuo milr.. ,.r
ktrl-t wal<b Is malntslnrd over him.
Ibe Hoffman House! Itbiuk I willke<-p
miles from the i-afe Verd- Islends
He will br put ashore at League IsUnd
tbe ooiu DOW aud ever more as a roriosCadlA The Spanish squadron, b-inc nav> yard wh.n the Rt. I*aul passes
The prisoner "ill then be dralt icy." and tbe ,>pesker pulled tne muoey
bis pocket and showed U in venI s* iKe K"«crnmi-rl authorilicsmsy
ficatiem of bis story-—New Urtoans
n pr. i--r' _______
spasish Warship* t'pMi VsT
State street Sale and Feed Bam.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Corraapood with the Traverse CiVf Lnmber Oom|itnj.
We have for aale Gpod.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
\Iaple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
x..n.ri^r>s s-os
Special Sale
of Stationery
Which '
that day.
■ its's ’"lun.,:.": j“
South Side Pharmacy,
6. i. M» , Prip. 40S UalN 8L
Palace Bakery
a. May
Fla^lp Kruvkiyn. <
hauA -f till- tlernian
1. the gen
wig. " iiirli atTri ed yesierday from
he rtyme sqi
Maytl. naims to have lieen puraoed add
wiiiiiD iweniy-four boura,
tired .-n b% a S|oinlnh m.n-of-war off
1 ar the cnosk-r New Orleans
^.rtiutas Aipril :v jkjfi atl.-r sundown.,
A Co
•hli y has been
only refused
ftsd that
cruli-er Columbia has been
Dg ahead un
sdiym. and that
der full power of sl.-a:n with shot after
tbs New Urlc-Iinir
lake hrr place,
abot coming after him and soon out
So tar as flghim
fighiing ahlUly 1* concerned
distanced his purruer in the darkneaa.
tbs Sen on,.an. is superior to tb« Co
Shipping men i-k-nrlder ihv most s*-rious
lumbia. le nc nu.ie heavily armed and
aspect of Capiain Aarliaus report the
Without m- oioi-li fleet.ard and upper
evldeM fan that Spanish sbliw of w
worto toAcI as a largei. The squadron
are closer lu our coast than seems to
tb* opinion of lh« naval aulhorittes
lustocbuot-iu. nrsi-vlaaa battleship:
T%na. aerood-vlsu baiueship. Rniolc.
Ig*. armorvi cruiser; X.-w Orleans, of
Tampa. Fia., Hay
It ai-ears lo be
tbe type of the Raleigh on.l fln.lnnatl, almcel a settled belief amoog army
■Bd tfaie floorplun. a fast armored yacht, offlecra here that no movrineni of Uelt.
with four (-inch and four six-pounder ed States troops luward Cuba will take
Vtoalatoe Has News (tom Dewey
WMbiOgton. Hay (.—A senpaUoarlm
gBuaad tbroughoot tbe city by tbe sews
toat came yetterday tnomlng of tbe ar.'
tbk diedltftval of a veesel suppoaed to be the
pateb btot McCulloch at HIrs bay. forty [
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. MORGAN, Prop.
leTs^ .'S
v,.y::i' *1:
■ niit irct-UAtCM AT ftlMf
Mill Machinery of all deacripti
ing Two Enginea,
Bet Worka, Carriagee and Sawa. A c«nplete Saw Mill Plaat
for aale.
Is the place to buy your C^es and of tbeXH ar© gOOd On©8.
The biggest and beat loaf
of Bread in the city for five ceota.
Aocidrat iDsurapce puliem have tak- ,
an mauy cariuos ibspea. tauging trow j Pies,
the pwiiny IP Ibe alui to the conpoo m
tbe weekly newspaper, but tbe limit
has been reached in Luod<io, when Ibe
purobasn ol e book of cigurcite paper
ta insured loi (uO for a period of TO
daya Tbe anboal cost of cbts amounl
of iDioranoe is about 16 rents a year,
provided lbs bolder at tbe uuvel policy
U 901 a dgarecte OcoA Tbe gmoual ot
I is spaciflcally ael aside for
Their Bread Is
Full Weight.
qhtaago Market.
Cbleaffo. Hey S.—Wheat—Hay. Si 50;
July. SI tog; Slumber, s&e: De
her, SlHc.
Corw-^a^^Se: July, MS»»tc;
Oa^M^y. MMK Joly. MHe:
Aoimali ai« often able to bear vesy
protnotodfastibg. lo tbe baliaa earthqoakto of 179S two boge were buried
plaiv until after the meeting of
ia tbe ruins of e bnildlng- 11>«y were
Spanish flotllU with Rear Admirat
taken out elite dl days latar. bot very
Sampaoo'a aquadron, which la Dow be
leauBDd weak.
lieved lo be Inevitable.
twtoo thin;
recruited li
yesterdav a
cTbao roiid<
Twenty head this week. All good ones.
Size from 850 to 1600. Well matched Fairs,
Single Drivers, good blocky 1800 weight horses
for the farm.
I can fit you out in the horse line if you
will give me a caU.
I also have several cheap horses that I
have taken in exchange for good onea Some
Duriog the lest SO yean Great Brit
ain baa been at war more trequcatly
tbaa any otber oathw. The total nunibw of larie and taaaU wart wafed dar
ing tbat Oaa atoonota to aboai M, or
Also pore Home Made Maple
Sugar, lOc Ib.
Foil stock first cIsh Qrooerito
always on hand.
Thnrteil & Gue,
Bicycle Riders.
Baatowbar that 1 do aU klada ed re>
itoiring aad ——illuf gad
I «aa'
Hork-^May, Sll.Bt: July. SH-M.
IffwaraBtaealttaywarktobe rMt.
Grand Baptaa. May S.—Wheat. SMS- ^ U It doea apt proto ae I atake it
8to^ ta tm • o’cloak eeary aae^aff.
a>eeM Suaday. ta the OaldwaU A Loa*
I have bars a sufferer tram ehrook doa halldtaff. at aorta aad ed Oalw
diarrbtea ever alaee tbe war sad have
need all kiada ot aedidiiee tor kit. At
laat I foaad aaa ratoedy that has 1
a BBcceea as a eaia,
earn, and that is a
bcrlalB'a OaUe, Chalera aad___________
■.-V. Z CatsatM, Gaaru HlUe. , S^^,mapMe BetaM « TWsws
deUvered for lOe per vreek.
gwtakff aZWaib dnggtat.
aiy MamOa.-
Im. 8«wdl, WhMiw and Wllaon
\ liMnimt*dteL^dth«Vo»*
untMr Soldiary.
wat«4 ttnwitrw ■
th* pott bOiVttll
(roB he*ry eoMa rantneted durtnc tW
Qalt* • BBtDbcT of men w« mlMtn» from «»mp niid b*U«rcd te^av«
homa. and otbera have
dlaebartea. Coloocl Tounc baa reealred
aver fifty lettera from a-lvri aod motbete alDce Buaday bemne that (heir men
tolka be aent home.. Eunday vlatta by
relatlvea trem out of town piwved very
dlaorvanUlnt to Ae men. asd tbe word
went out that Sunday ezenraionlau
wocid not be Welrome In ibe future.
Relatives have a weakness for uklna
men aside and working on ibeir feellnca
to Induce them to c»ve up tbe aervtce.
Country CHdtrsets^ with War
Without and Crlin Anar^y WithiVi.
Ssnor. Merers^oli^ of aatonecn)
ehajmeterUed as a fhrec and as a.
lately enpneona
As for the <^iba
Montgoraser. Ala. May L—Tbs PopsHat Bttte eonveetlon yesterday bob*
mated a full Mte ticket with Q. B.
Dsans for governor.
Ever Burned OntT
they asver Inlasdad to accept It. 'Ths
present conflict" he eonUnued. "proves
the real inienuoo of tbe Tankeea Spain
must now (see her InlematlonaJ ene
, hat never of self i
my. snd she should Bot^aste a tlnale
peseta to ytve (hr Cubans suloaocny.
whieh would be one step towards iBde- made.—OetiDit Pres Prera.
pendrDce. Tbe war requires the enerry
of all clames to defend the klnc and tbe
In aennaiy. lo preveai pnac* Mag
oMlned for evil pnrpoeoa. BdDe U al
SpoiKlrnl o
Dally TeJrsrapb says: lowed to be Hid wttboBt a wtlw or•Those » ho are best Uiformed as to tbe
yoverrment's view alirse 'lhst If the
Spanish arms suffer another reveres
like, that at rsvlte the r'vrmtneBI
d tbs tewltwt May a
t btrbetes
cases as they do a bad effect ts pro
duced on whole command*.
Behalf af tbs >
Colonel J W. Washburn, eommandlna
the rounh redment. I. N a., tendered
his reslynsUon to Governor Tanner to
take rfTect Immediately, and It wa* acWasblDctan. Hai7 L—Tb* ■
eapled. Colonel Washburn isft for V«n- ■Emperors Wullsm sod Nlcholassre dls- 4he be« possible terms i.f peace. Many
daUa. hU borne, at once. Osremor Tan- turbed at the situation la the Phillip- ' Uberala consider that Spain, havina
“.mor and juslllled her
Dsr held a conference wl(b other nffleer* pines and imervenlloo Is .xiremelyV
I chivalry, can no» alTord to yield to
■Whldi had be«B ant U> Mrtler In
reyardlnx the reaiim*- probable.
superior foree.
but tt Is doubtful
. 4*r br tb« pTMldroU Id (he can of tlon of Colonel WaaDburc.
Ixmdnn. May
Special diapatebao ' vhel'htv piTbllc
d approvt
MmMt 8*«r*ll Um renflrauiloQ
las! Chlraro, May t,_Oeneral John Mci Nnlta received Ibe followlnK lelesram from MadHd say tei^ble things may this line of action.••
ImsMAlata. the anihie (oUovIdc ua
last nlcht from Aaslslani Eerreiary Mmrtly bapica ihere. T1>e govarnmedt
Wheal ««* tell.so at ■
Rooaevelt. recatdlny me ealllny out of cannot r»., on the army. A apeclal
Baltimore. May S.—Tbe prtce of wbaat
tBtUaa af a fellow member without any
the IlUnoUjiseal reserve: -The Illinois
dispatch from Vienna says tbe Idea of reached the highest point In six years
ratereoce to cuinmaiee. The other
resignation of the regency by Marla on 'change yesterday At the close *i.i«
bamea ware ivremd to the commitiea U an opponunity for ullUalng their i
there, a bushel was bid. against tl ltta. tbe
«• military aSaJia aad were alisoat im- vices- I have no tower le say mpro .. ' Christina la seriously c
-e tbs ' closirut price of Tuesday.
Milwaukee, May 1 —Therouslerlng In
tlleve* Msw Drowsed.
to the Vnll--d States array of ihe Wls- throne.
eonslB volunteers now quartered at
The Standard aaye there Is a grow-]
st Johns Sd May ii.--The srhoooer
CampHarvey began yesterday, the rvg- iDg Impression In official quaners that;
- ''nMain l.irehau. was lost off
Imsnial surgeons being the first to take the Spanish queen and government are!
’■>o*dh>. and her entHe crew of
the examination. Dr. TllloB. I' 8 A., ID favor of some arrangement to lead I
-h men were drowned. All of them
assisted by tbe surgeons of each regl.
to an early ending of tbe war.
tnent. Is ondociltig the eksminstlona
aknother apeclal from Madrid says
It U thought a week or ten days will
elapse before Ih'e work Is romplried. that aU the dements of a lorrg civil war
............., exiai ID Spam.
when-orders are expected
Chattanooga or i
another Madrid special says tbe •■'vstdei
tbe troops.either
. About gleo.ooa.
. governmem would be content to cede,
May t.—Governor I
>° America, but wdbid not paj- an ' Gouv.
N y. May
-Bank ExTies Uolnea Is.
Indemnity betausr unable.
ranken has arrlTed tnthl*
Bhsw will review
.har*.- of the First NaOsmp McKinley tomorrow f
Madrid, May t-The sKuatloD
has Trade a parphyMcal eaemlnaUoD ..f the guards-, province* I* un< hanged snd ewryw here Us dnore Tuedsy
meB by the goverrunem medical hoard ■ ,be di*astl*fa< ti-.n is xr..w)nx, especial- tlsl InveslmwiH.n.
Is being rapidly pushed. A surprising | |y over tbe price of bi^ Act* against xgxjro
of the
ibe bank
twn arr In a very muds of
feature of it Is ibe Urge number of men authority etc becoming etore ^ more djog condlllon. AC least a week will
reiectad owing to phyelrol diaablllly dl- overt At Cacere*. capital
blrvman• before an arcurwle toUl of PresrecOy traceable to bicycle riding. Palpi- j d„ro. the popula.v marched Into the ,g,Bt Myers' dafalcatl-m win be obtalnUtlon cf the heart 1* the most common | railway station m prevent the export of .ki.
The pec-uUtloak begaln In IXU.
BSdlalely afterwards favorably re- trouble Bald Major Davldaon: "Btcy. , provUlon. and
overpowered the *ol- ,wo years afterMyers
Myers .a.
was cboaeo
'Toned.the commitlee'avotc balhg takeo Cle riding ts doing
estroy the , girn on guard, capiurtng fourteen car- prealdent
On* of themeneonoeclsd
la the senaip 'chamber. ConflrmalloB health qf our your *“♦; load* of wheat flour. All Valencia 1* In with tbe bank aUle* that further inves,w
we bear ao » alate of: siege. At CauUn the rioter* ,^„,on ha* lncre*aed th# ahottag* to
toilowwl tn all case* wlihoul comment whisky cur*e of
captured the mayor and town council- i
neixhborbood of tlCC.Oee.
•aeept In that of OeneraJ Wilson- Sen much." Major Davidson
Habitual scoreherw.
snd demandrd s ransom
On the I
Myers has loaned dlsUht relatlvea
ators Bacon and Undsay look occasion cle rtder
amlning surgsons say. uauaily
msynr protesting he wa* s
■trough I with only note* a* aeourtly Hr ts also
to speak of him
the leg. after which the i
I'arraea . parwonslly Involved heavily.
terras. Senator Bacon relatln* that durdlsperaed the mob.
iDf the war of tbe rebellion be had been
! aecurltlrs are available, but some are of
Weiaea Take a Hand la Ike aiwt.
! Utile value, and these which may bc
' captured by OeneraJ Wilson, who was
BwrWHaro at MWhlawa t aleerolly.
at (bat time an officer In the Federal
AI Talevara (he Holers were most, realised upon will silll leave a large
Ann Arbor. Mich., May 5 —Presldenia
p Bacon was a Confedersle.
Ilrierrained. sa< king many bakeHe* and : amount due tbe bank. The Cartbags
a therefore able to apeak Klnnett and Idema. of (be warHng seltingon flreseveral government build-I Bfcvingi bank, closely allied with the
aophooiore and freshman class**, were
from cKperleBCt when he testified to
Ing*. In the town -,f AguUas. In the First National, ha* given thirty days'
on the carpet before President Hutchins
General Wilson's capacity as a soldier
province of Murcia, a mob mostly com- notice lo dr|«#itor*. and It Is believed
and were told that the halr-cutung
and his character as a man.
poaed of women burned ihe store- ihsi before the expiration of that Uma
which has been going on tor tbe past
Ksrae* nr the BiMt PenmlscBL
hoiiaes and nffl<-ea. Tlte flaherw.imen all deirands can be met.
week must slop at once. There hsvr
Pollowina are the names or Ibe
who broke out against (he octroi due*
PlhM Bsat* WarasA Is Bewsse.
been tsemy-flve victim* from' both
prominent cf (be civilians and army
classes, but the freshmen have had th* St GIJod received the moat determined
New York. Hay a.—Order* have bee*
men mimlnaisd: Tu be major tencrals
assistance from the tobaco girla To
best of It.
Idema himself has been
Brtfiadlei tlenersl Jiweph C. Breckingether they sacked several tiakedraand Issued to the fleet of Sandy Hook ^oU
sheared, but took his medicine goodthat Ihe busts on Ibe southern station
rtdre, iDspo'tor ceneral foiled Slates
burned all tbe cwirol offices, with all the
naturedly. The rooms of several of the .
array: Bnyadler General Etwell 8. Otla
_ .
foreign ships off Lung Branch, the eastern sisUon s(
boy* who have l»-en espeeially active In
Fire Island,- snd the station bool off
Vnited Siaies army. Urlcsdier Genera. .nrhoalnroa sr. adoroLd with handful. ! ‘“•'‘"'•f
»>• karl
Sandy H.~.k lightship.
John i Copplngcr. Brtcadier Qroeraf
srarowf New* a Threwt.
t dark
William It. Shslter. Brlgadl
May 5-It I* the absenc.
dlcr Onen
. William H Graham. Brtcsdl
swear that they vrlM clip every |aclua: news as tr. the war ci-rsil.ins „ f.-,rvd
vent of (he Spanish
y yiiB~* F. Wade. Brlgsdirr <lei
lener|4l Hes
the literary department; which Is causlTiggreai anxi- ly. especial
n—t falling Id with one of the pilot
ry C. Ucmsrn: James H. Wljsi.n.
before they are through.
IsMU the SiMiniard* would I.ke posses^
DeUaaee. Fllthugh L-e. of \1ritli
o. p. CA&vn. Atm
John R. Santo,
GsmiiI lisiruu
Wall, Now!
“■> > -........ .. .......
• 01^ Market.
Below is a IMt of the baytng asd saUig^|pri^ of yeatarday tor g
disquieting feature
| Anentu.n is again Hveied up..n Siwin .
, fne speclo' dl«p:'i<hes from Madrid in; qicate that tbe quesUrwts of the future
government of iBb cvAiolry were begir| nlng lo tw discussed as if the ngurrs of
qu.en regent and King AlP-ns., had
Nsrolaaled for rosgrsro.
I* ttceopy the Phlllpplsf*.
Should I be decided finally bv tht
Fairfield. 111*.. May k—J R. WillIsms, of Carml, wa* nominated for reppresident o send troops to saslst Com
inrdore Desey to hold Manila
war I resentatlve from the Twentieth Illlaols
itrtet St the IVnue rallc convention
department offlrUls say that the small
number of remlar aoldlei-s available are
id here yesierday.
ready to move. Ii Is thought, however,
Pteudll Wiu> (be Derby.
that If troops are eeut they win be
Idsudll ’w -n th
made up largely fr..m the volunteeKentucky
I>T-rbyyesterday, Lelber ,Ksr
forces that resullly could iv ron.vnsecond:
Isabey, third:
time. '!:«
trated at San Prwr.rlsco from various
■tate* west of the Ru;ky mountaina
‘ Tbe en'litmenis in tbe volun.eer army
the first iwo days during which this was
tn progress sm-iunied only to something
The widow of iheTIchborneCUImant;
over TM Mare than.100 of these were of 1* pennUvas, and a relief fund I* belhg
officers, and the greater, pan of them
surgeons.which accviunis for the Umlted
Much interest is manifested St Wash- ;
BUmN-r mutn-rod Ip
Six burdrefl pri Ingliii. m the a. «siuiis nt the National
vates have so far been enlisted. With Moth-r*' congreits.
tbe surgeons quaJlfied to extmlne the
Yousouf, the Turk, won two straight,
soldieis rapid pii>gress srtih the regular
wrestling match with lUd
toUa I
eoUstmeni work Is looked for.
The Js|ianes(- government hi* under
consldeiatloti a pisr for the esiat.HshBall of I.UB I nOon Fauset ta Ihe lllieals ment of banks with foreign cspllsl.
H11 na^ ( aai p.
The American bark Fcresl yueen.
Camp Tsrn-r. Epringfieid. Ills..May 1 Captsin Beasley. fH>in Tae-ima. Wash.,
—In spile ul the emphatic d-nlal nf Maieb (, Jtas iven given up as lost.
. General Barkley, |k>s1 commander, and
.Ominnatl br-wers have added H a
Colonel F«si-r. of the Slxlh regiment
barrel to the pro e of beer In antlclpathat dynainilv or any other eXploBlve
bad be- ii,fou*d III the quarters-ol Com
II returns from «
at 81. Paul give . •Hepreserlsllve '
pany L. It >«>w drvrioiw (hal Ibb SUiry
Klel.-r tltep-y I
Is true. The comtiianding i.lllrvr stuck
tables, bu
Lwvh cun
pluslv-s k
■ '.i
I a je.siciffi.v- In the Cuban p'<
. lupled by the United Stales.
nnd Is believed to hive been pul tbi
kiln Louis*- McEli^-. whi
Bur.day by rome |■eIS(.Il who look i ' since her lutb yesr/llie ''daughter" uf j
vsnlac* of th- ..pp-rtunllygiven to'v •! Ihe &-o.n<5 low* regiment, may go to,
Hors to gn through quarters.
I the front with her rvgtmeni- ,
When Hr boys packed tbe chest 1
The secretary of (be navy bos sent to I
fere coming to Springfield there w ' the svilsie a deileicnry ratlmstr of OO.h mati-nal t
•iKS.W» for me remainder of the preaen:
IB overhauled. ' fixvwl year
D account of tl
There is but one Inference,
the high explosive was placet]
Dr. John M. Manly, prufessnr of £ngSunday What the purpuoe was
-sb SI Brown university, has accepted
hk* attempted to guess. Hsd the stun the posltiop of brad professor of Eng•xidoded n would hsv* blown out the Usb Isnguage and Uterature Im^e Uni
side of tbe building. Te*u were made versity uf Chicago.
of the stuff on s..me brirk* st Cami.
Inlormailun has been received of the
Idncoln Monday and again late in the death at Oakland. Cal . of MJss Helen
sfurnooc on some stones In each case A. Butler, who served for forty yean
the-bricks and stone were crumbled Into os teacher and principal tn tbe pQbUc
SBmll bit* snd powder.
aebaois of Chlengo.
OcnersI Ttsrkler received whst ws*
Negroes at Springfield, O.. chased the
left of the brick and alone snd finally proprietors of a ranseum troin the dty
Admllled the atuft be denied being so because they ezhlUted (be embalmed
explosive was gun cotton. Tbe test was remains of two negro mnrderera lyaebcd
gnsde by Ordnance Sergeant Baker, At Blmingnom. Ala.
srho' my* It would be hard to And a
Prince victor Emanuel, the count of
•lore dangerous explosive. The officers
Turin, and a nephew of the king of
explain ifas atlempt to keep.tbe matter Italy has arrlwed st New York oo the
«Axk by oaring that the awdr would re- North Oennm^loyd ttSAmshlp Kslaar
antt in many of tbk men who are not
Wnhelm der Orosa*.
eiffisted returning home. There sre
Robert Johnson at Chicago stnmMed
nsay who «o not feer Spanish hnUet*
over the body of a dying woman on the
rallrrod tracks under the Erie street
Tladact and the polkv have not Imad
of guB coUon.
•M* to learn her IdenUty.
DrrRiTs: is
w arm in
< <>m:r»>w.
Waiting <sr Asolber Urklag.
sMbld plaea, daa ka hoBgki oa ■et»i
•It to
Clear Pork per bhl. ae
Clear Pork per tt...........
Short Cat Pork...............
abort Out Pork par lb.
Flonr. U L. A Co. ba
Bye noar. H. U A Co
Meal. H . U ACo. Be*
Peed. » U A Co. Bee:
ly payaaats-
Lot takaa la ekehaaga.
Also (*od botMS b»d M to*t Wt, Onk
Park. WasblnfftAD stowot.
E. W. HtSmiGS.
p,;,aio*a, per bn .
nnrtkd kana op mavu
| _
Owrac kcoBrAaAszra*a«Ma*0Bai
'boat, new, par «m
OMa. Ko 1. par ba.
Cora, per bn...............
Butter, per tt>.............
** t »
WkMpiac Onnek.
. bad a little hoj who was Bsariy
dead from an attack of whooping
cS^rlkfnEcovh^B^*! did
BOt 'ttalnk Uat any medlelae wMtd
help him. bat after rteing him a few
doaea of that reraad* I aoUead aa l»proeement. and oee botUe enrad him
entlrelT It ie th* beat eoagh Bodltrioa
I ever bad In tbe house.—J. U Mooke.
^tb Berrettatown, Pa- For aale by
ABfittoter. t
• Of tAOtk.
fMttO« Of tMth
tffiUrt Md matt
Srul mifi t li^ 1.1
B. R Walt, drocriet.
OHg •aAtMa.ta*!
AUorwsrs M Law.
•rl T ffi^KAiiu
GATB. aueewe^ BpactalM
Vjr tesuratoPr
10. KereaBUte Co.
•Pbooss im. t0(. u»_______________________
popog A OOYgU. Auorrora^a^^roaasjid-
ar at Law. fiposial
Bliro to tax tltlw
Troissamesfroa Cksils aiil. Otasd
M UUaro^MS^Traeorot
k—Public suentlon
ceniered again yesterdat In tn* con
gress (lower hous*- of tbe eoriesi. There
Rlgt.m to Aaa Arhsr.
was a rr|K'tlll(-n of the great crowds of
. Ann A'l-T. Mich. May 5—The qhtTuesday, Ihe pulbe and civic guard*,
veratty faculty Is rejoicing over an ex
besides tbe snivi police, mingling with
pected gi't c( an estate valued at llJi.the pc-pple The gallene*‘n| the house
T A. TH0HF8ON. H. D Offie* la HwatWssi
A. A Mtllikaa Block Bewra. t to II A m.. I
•'»* many Imlie, were
S^'erwl I.mn lnent senator*
.Wiupled seats t. side deputies .n th‘he , hitii.i.e, Senor iieverter.
mmist-r cf nrai .e in ihe < an. va* mln■(frmunica- ootJ a year
‘s'ri. and the hero
-fended the,
men-.iv an., p. ..r Kl Meraldn. ,
New Y-rk. M.iv i
hch. r 1 iina,- ,.(s •
a eatn* TS and ■ Press from Kv y Wes'
replying <Iwit i:|.
-.ni of Can-'has Is-en l--mbiaOed
ee t-.ldneas," Marblehead silence I
X|»OR 'ALS-<
f Will u- •<
—.J ebeap
uiism lu lonniRBi LI
AtlffSqtcMcka m.
oona ffOKK.
*bo .lule tbe brs»e. (rero «ae eagtoe to sbed i
I weal o< ' be wsler worts Trarerss CUT Iron |
d. rteafsegow
■Worve XI3 t(___________________________ _|£_______
t special lo 1
says L'lenfuegcT*
I only did
ballcnea of lb*
of April Id,
, min- ahelled the town iis-lf, playing havoc baod or oew ptaoo“1d(lr^*w“
Hsineld. Alrb llftt
. W,y. iwilh the buildings and driving th.,uAnver--“i”*"
InhaJ.Hants to the in-
; ssJL'is:..
I T i»»r-on rrem •>
! Xu leo-blet. Find'
ooiffo nortw.
rrauarCD imtan-llla* IsUUe Bolesrob. a
i^irri.s'^ss."a^7as: “si
1 Will Hue 1 Carload of Horses Here Neit Saturda;, la; 9.
If you waot horses come aod see me before baying
elsewhere, I can save yon money.
These horses were purchased at Monroe*, Wisconsin,
and will stand the climate of Korthem Michigu better
than horses brought from further south.
Weight from 1100 to 1600.
Can be seen at tbe Cutler Bam.
»«, Teas. OUT
■i, ..j .w
Brotro SB Uie Ball Pteid.
Chicago, May t—Following fcre y**tarday * l.eagoe arrires at base ball: At
aeveland—Louisville J, Cleveland *. at
BriTOklyn—Wsehington t. Brooklyn II;
St BaHlrocre—I'blladeipbla 2. Baltimore
«; at Ptusburg—Chicago J, PUtstwirg >:
St New York- Boston S. New York I. at
ClncintiBlI- llaln.
Western League: AI Minneapolis—
Kansas ritylC, Mlmveap-lls T; .1 8tPaul—Omaha 4 St I’sul t, at Detroit—
Milwaukee 10. Detroit 7. at Indianapolls-lum __________________ _
Dr. Higgins,
Lard pertt..........................
Batter per tt> Dairy.
Oeamery Buttor.tt. .
Cbaaaepertb -------------Oats per ba (old).........
Cora per bn., old............
Balt per b1
Bran per
I'Bited Slntes Senator, W. J. Sew*U_nt
IBiot aiwVletlBi rrotn Behled.
Kew Jerse> . Joseph Wheeler, of Al^
Madison. Wia.. May k—tViihoui any
bams B<-sldes these there are elghleeD
apparent reaaun Christian F. Larson
colonels of the regular army promoted
walked into the paint shop of B. Nels..n
to be brigadier generals and seven Ueuat McFarland, near this city, and fataltenant colmiele in the aarne grade, be• ly shut Nelson In Ihe head from be• aidet numVrous other promotions Tes
hlnd. LArsoriwasaiTestrd. It la thought
terday was a great day for the rvgulai
Wkat am I ottered tor a gaed beaae m
rr—Wrol Ball of
I* Va>eamA?lw»tw^*M»-M^
Hac^ Basand Ba^e
Whon in nned of AaTthing In tUs
line lAmembAr this Is tbe plnee to 1aa*«
jOAT orders oAd get prosM.worfc.
SAtMtoetloB rswMtoed or M
[••*• yov osdsn at aOee nr caII
Thpne Ho. 8.'
tbrtXau-No )IU
.Adminl SampMU** Fle«t 6«id To Have Been Ordered To
Take That Port and Seoore Ita
War SappUei.
^Mopa Started in the Steamy OUvette Teeterdasr to Beln^
foroa Oeneral Oomea—Bapid Xovemento
Kay Hew Be Bzpeeted.
■ New Lot of Cheap Wall Paper
Wnehtogton. Mnp
Tbe govern
So B*jb
J, Wbft ia Mmdr *•
tot will not allow cipher cahlw to
Aid Um nalMd BtatM if
feraiga eotoab to Cabn on n ganrmptoe
>ovw latudM*.
Unt the Infermalton b not givao to
8»kM loTn MoaanJbaoab.
WuhiDCV^ Ibj L—U b lUted tk»t'
MiretlkOeei m U preigr—
Hoag Kong. Chian, Mnp 5.—Tbe D.
Omt BritflB b to aaptiart the Ueltod S. etoaBtr Hngb MeCoUoagb nrrived
StotM to «Me the powwe sehe ew hera. hnvtog left MnaUn on Satnrdpp
taTM to totorme 'to behalf of Spato toet. before tbe bnttia
Bp ihb
Uaitod Stotoa
Heehtoftoa, Map S.—All Ue reperto
b to Uke the Oaeartee esd eeda the«
wkleh have been printed nc to Ue
to Ureat Britain.
red dmtInnUoa of Ue United Stoue
Aoetria-e aMtode iadkatoe that eh»>
Will be here Saturday. This ts-onr fifth stock thia
HollBj * OoimaBl*
290 Front Street'
wUt take aa annariea etaad for Spain
bat Bnftoad deelann that ehe ekaU
net totertara.
Is called a team, bot what tbe team calls tbe um{^
wouldn’t loot well in print.
Taapa, Map S.—Tea Uooaand tr«
Bay Base Ball Goods at
Wpaatob OaMaet Tear. United Stotoa WUl Take Forte mioo and Seonre
wlU be leaded ia Oaba oa Snadap.
Teet aonitigr Amtnnntaoa and tappUee Btored Ciere -laceeto XxA platond War Sltnatton to Oablaet and Oneea Begent—Iteaearee laaag.
arMd to
to Oaall XHetarbaaoee at Berne and Foah the War | BODY OF SFABlABDe BOUTZD
dap evening onttide Ue Ueatres here ] ——-------------------op laeeae of.«&tmlam to toaneaee poo- i ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- t
WaaktortOB. Map S.—|
be oaptoMd bp the Uaitod.Statoe- The tooporarp aeqi
to deeiaed a nUitorp aMneltp. With the Ueltad Statoe deg flptog erer the
Taapa. Map S-Calimel Lawton of
Fhfllpptoee.PartoBiaaaBdOBtaa.Spato'apoBtohnaBtaad hatolltoUoa will be DISPATOE BOAT UhBDBO SUP- Oeomal Shafteria etaS haa a^led tor
. ^Bwaplete.
Kep West, it b believed to map oat a
.WaAtogtoa, Map 5.—<8podal.t-Ia the Weet ledlee the erderi are to eetoe
plan for aa earip fmward Bovaaeat.
Fortt Eton and to ptopare to Beet the Spaabh fleet: and toad aa amp of laeaWeaaded to Sanu Olara Fro
New York. Map &--tA train load of
«toe to Oaba at the earlieet poBlble aoBaaV Tbe Pre^daBt’a riewa are that It
I Wara From Beekhoaee DemolMkad bp BoaittoM at war wore UlppW to Saa
WDoU be faUp far the Spaabh fleet to trp to toUreept the Oragaa. He beltorae
t and Bereral Bore of Franebeo laet night fee Ue relief ex*
the fleat hae rataraed to Oadb. ae reported bp Ltopdn.
padltlon af Ckptain Dewep. which
Weehtogtaa. Map S.—(SpeetoU—Whee Senator Barrawe left ,the preeideat
MeUlwTu Mokenis heroeo.
eaib to tea dapa
dodapkaeahl. ••Porto Bhw will be earn to twe dapa”
Kep Wcat. Map S.—Per Ue fleet time
Oeaeral XU« to laadp to laad an ar«p af IB0.000 treopa ea the b)aad of
Waohtogtoa. Map S.-Ordam have
the American flag Itae beea aatarled ip
Caba Jototip wiU Ue Caban eolora. the bsM given to Captain P. Olaw to take
Kep WwV Map s.—(Special.)—The traaapart OUeatte tolled todapewitb
wiotBaoii af the eniber Cbarieetoe.
dbpatofa beat Lepden hae
tooope far Oaha, with CaBBodare Wateea to eOBiaaaA
after delivering n eoatmb
to Cea-'Tke erder eepe ■iBBedlate.’' The
Hew York. Map
(Special.)—A WabhlngtoB dbpatoh Mjn that the Caba
cKlalep. jcraber will eenvcp a relief expeditioa
eral Ooset trea Preeidei
ax^ltioa will etart within 18 koan aad will eentato apwardd of SO.OOO
Tbe partp landed to &nta Clara pro-! to CoBBodore Dewep.
It to balieTod that Ue fleet bM alreadp taken a Cabaa part.
vtoeo, where, wiU Ue laeargoate. Ucv
Watotogton. Map S.-|8peeiaJl-A dbpaieh >la Kep Weal etaU^ that Gan.
ancoantored a bodp of Spaniarda. a
<kMeei b Barchtog.towardi Raeaaa with an arap ef U.O06 toeargeiM.
fleroe bat Uort battle entaed aad the
New York. Map S.—[Spaaial]—A Baa Praaebeo dbpateb to the Hew York
Spaniards ware vanqabhed. Tbe gnnSaa Mpa that Admiral Klriclaad of the Mare lelaad He»p park hae rcoMved a
beat Wilmtogton participated to Ue
«lpher dbpatoh from the naep dapartaeat that CeBBodera Dewep had eae- engageBeat and dred apon Ue enewp.
tatoed e loa of flftp killed aad two kaadred-woaaded to the battle of Manila.
Sixteen Spaniarde were left dead ia Ue
The ganboau Ceneord aad Petrel were Wlp dnaagad.
Madrid Aiudoiia^Abont Porto Bioo
Madrid, Map s —|Speetol-]—At tkeWbtaet
laet aeeitog
todep the qaaea regasi
aitoettoh aad anonaeat
maided. Pioaier Beaar Sa^ta explatoeS^e
; ibe safe airieal at Porto Bioe of Ue Alfeai a Mil. kaetogaa board retotareeBtoU at troeps aad a earp ealoable cargo. I nclodtog aBBanlUoQ aad war sap.
pUaa. The pramtor alee anaoBaoed the opaaing ef the Cobaa parllaBeat.
- TbeqaaeatogaataignedUawarretorTeabUl.
Tbe eablaet held aaoUer meetlDg ami ddiberatod npeo Ue finaaelai etu•ttoa and seaenrea to preaerec pabUs order to the leealitlee where dbtnrbaneas have aoearred.
Anaietv b expruaed here for Ue fate ef Porto Bloe. It b feared that Ad
miral 8aS[»oe's eqaadron has gone to aeiu Saa Jaaa. the eapllol of that eal«ay, aad Ue Spanbh eoppUee at that port.
AdBlral OaBari. who will tt^tomw coBBaad Ue Spaabh reaerre eqoadToa at Iddlt. will hebt hb flag aboard Ue battleship Pelapo. Tbe appototmeat hMTiaBid Boeh aatbtootloB aaeag Ue naval Beo of Spain
goveroBeet tog ettcBptad to land enppUes for Ue Cabana, bat a bodp of
Spaabh eavalrpBen attempted to pre
vent U# laadlDg. bot were driven eff
bp aketo froB Us WilBingtoa. vLatcr
Ue WilBingtoa. fliod e« a bloekhooee
farUer dewo Ue beach. A noBber ef
Spanbh regolnrewei, aittiag on Ue'200 psirS^.Ladies’ Fine Kid
top af thb kooee watehtog Ue Lepden |
and Ue tossi^te. The flnt ehet;
went wild, bat Ue twelfU and laatj
ahet waa a boll'e epe. When the smoke
kad cleared awap Ue
and all bad dbappt
aa Upogb I
•Wallewed ap. The Spaobh eolen.
that floated froB Ue hones were esse
high op ia a tree wbare tbs Uot bad
Waahiagtoa. Map S.—The aeereUcp
of Ua navy today ordered Neval Uatractor Cappe of San Franebeo, to pro
ceed at Ue wrUeet poeelble mmaeat
WiU the ateemer dtp of Pekin to meet
Commodoro Dewep-s oqandrea at Maalln.
Mr. Onppt wU) select from Ue Mwa
blnad anvp yard toree a aoBber of Ue
meet experienced and toleUlgeat work,
men to lake wlU kim. Be wQl plane
•board a faU aapplp ef machine toela,
•teal pleu and nil. Bsteriab needed to
make tompemp repairs oa Ue^lps
ladbtraos. Tke porpaoe of Ue depart■aatto Baking Ue order b to pet
CoBBodore Dewagb fleet, at the enr~
Ueotiibe^ble Bomeat, ioto fliat-clam
eoadltioa. In nddition to Ub he wUI
mlee and repair Ua Spaabh sbipa aarraadered or nnk U Ue engagameat
—d capable •< bMngbnrigntod ai
ha.ve bees beard from before tbb.
They fear be may be penned np In
Menlla harbor.
Tbb Imprenalon b
gaining gmad in admlabtimUo* dr.
etoa, sad at Ue aavp department. ^
It b reeallected that the eattaaeo
to Manila bap b throagh a channel
planted wiU Blaea Dewep peeaed ever
Ume in the night, aad ao oppenoaltp
given the Spaniarda to Are Uem.
Bat If Dewy ban not fereed Ue sorreader of Ue dtp and gained control
of Ue ewltohbonrd |ped in flrlng Ue
nerged exptcdvae. aa attempt to
Imve She harbor bp any ana of the
and Tan. pointed toes,
fine fitters, good
Regular$2 Shoes
Be Bap Accept FoetUen of Acting
Zx^ition te Xnav* Sna Frianetaoe
- KiUtarp Ooveraor of PbUipptoee.
Serioue SitueticD Oaoeed bp Biottog
WlU a Oempleto OntUt to Bepalr
npeeiel toTni
to Spain
Ue Wnrnhipa at Knatto
Waebingtoa. Hap s.^-Senator Sewall
Weabtogton. Hap S.—Spala b afraid
npTCl»l u Tee Moaxn« Becoeiv
haa been neked to oeBaand the troope of bar armp aoeordiag to advlcee re
' Waahiagtoa. Map S.—Thb baa been
thntare U hold Ue Philipplnee. and U
aaoUer dap of qnlet eoapenae, hnl new eoaaidering whether be care* U ceived here. Mntinp aad cevelt are
buap with Ue rash ef preparations to accept Ue task of acting militarp gov. appeanag. Troops are betog called oa
deal with Ue varlone phaaea of Ue war emor of Ue Spanbh East Indb Archi- to eheot down riotora ia provincial
towns, bat Ue reaponiee to Ue ealb
aitaatioB spreading over twe bemlare half-hearted. Ramore ef the feeling
Tbe departmeol have ao
Id Ue armp are reaching Madrid
donbt of tbe advmDtages gained in Ue
Ue Urane and cabinet are trembling
PbUippinea. bot'are soxieus to make-j
It Worried at IMap far Ue faarfal climax which seems
«nrs that Dewep is in a poeitloa to bold
ef laformatioB and Abeeace of
to oeme in e few bonn.
what be baa gained aad to cstablbh I
jtetail of Kngagemanv
Slots ere oecarriag in maap pli
Ue anUcritp of Ue I'tlW Slates. Aid |
Washington. May S.—The report seat' Martial law bat b^a preclaimed In
WlU be mshed to blm with all Ue|
I report bad beea received /diae erroae- from Oartbagena, R.OOO Blaer* are riot-1
ellenee b attribotod M kb not having
^joas. I’reeideet McKtolep and Seere- ing. A eoafliet wiU Ue troope haa|
a beat to spare or aet baing able to!
, ,
' ..
|tarp Long had a eonsnlUtlon Ub
coatrel the road Itoding to Ue cabie J
' morning. BoU arp worried aboat AdoSoa, evan if Ue oaMe b repal red.
|Dlral Dewep. Tbep Utok'hc aboold
j| uuRtr^oozE«s;p^f^^as^'IsasrJ^is^
To Close,
At 86c, 60c; 76c, $1.00, $1.B6, $1.60, )
up to $2.60. Handsome styles, and garments that t
fit perfectly. May we show yon onr offerings?
The Papular Shoe House.
The Finest Line j
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at
Hardware. 146 Front St.
213 Front St
Stock Beeelved Tkree Timee a Wodi
ouaU. 40c per quart
Fletchef's OystBrJtfot aid Restairiit
If you are golug to make gardec do not £iil to soe evr
oompleA etoek of Flower, Oardan aad Field
In package or bulk.
Front Street.
At the right time and place. We are at all times to
the front. Too cold for gauzy stuff.
Enameline aed Decorating
in the Latest Styles.
For snits and skirts are the right things at the pres
ent time. Onr stock is immense, styless^tty, qual
ity for the price nnaj^roachable.
That Fonetion in Havana Was OoaaBemembeil have a faU Hae of BlepdOB of Oroat Ihaplap.
cle Sandriea and Bepaire. I alao have
plenty ef^orkmen to do poor work
Opsclai to Tbs HoBBais Xacoao.
promptly. I raaraalce all work to be
Bavaaa, Map(Dalaped in tmae- Ue beat aad Ue Ipweet in price. I
Bbden.) Tba fltatantoaetabteaagrmB beUd wboeU to order, they an beantica. Call aad aae Uem.
ef Pnha hae been formallp opaaed bp
eapt. Oeneral Blaaeo. Tbe Spanbh
eOd^ made aapedal effort to give
briUlanep toUeoeeadaa.
Brasing of all ktnda, Urea vnleaalaaid.
ip and I awde as good sa aew. Tbe only np-to*>toP
gasrBbaeomade .. (. aatoedtogiveeatlafacUonornoeharge.
WheeU eold en easy papmeab. Bleyden and Thadeaw to mat at IIB Union
n in tauter w
Btoaet, near Front.
Tke BoAde Fellowe Ue Oregon.
•CMlsi ta Tax ■aoiaa Baceaa.
SnoM Apraa, Map i.—i dbpatoh
wodd be met wiU aa nttnek tram Ue arrived hwa today from Kb Jandro
Blaea. It b boUaTod Uat Dewep anaanadag Uat Jhe Onltod Stotoa
weald Mt-rtait a aUp te Ua pvpaaa
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
Wheel Enameled For S2.Iill
Salfkd V.
NovDity Spring HnniiiRs
se uu all weal aevaUp flasMl. good aad Arm nt thd ter
XT inch plain cpring flaaaaL all WOOL per yard........... ..............
Kimball Piaaas anil Organs
at factory Prices.
H. L GIBDS, Propr.
Front 8tr~t.
I X. or r. wmBAS.
Tom SbAM neoiwd a oarioad of tea
EUlS, 311 Frost St, ElstC^
Cycle Works.
Brsdnff s Spedslty.
«A*M aM Baa««M VaUovad.
Tka aUAB bai«B Alloa H..«m ar
CheApest nndyDost rebabla place to get yonr bicycle reim
0tt7 Ladga, Mo. 7«. K. o< P.. rived last aiAht attar luBbar.
pat in go^ ronning order. Have bad aeveral years experiei
4M imaU pmd AfAla laot alckt totk / A Blaor of PhUaadar P. B»iU kaa
knoww bow it aboald be
b« done. SatUfaction guaranteed. I an
an selling
la tba aotartaiaaieat at vwta tram
ao«. T. Bam amo- 9. W. BAnn. :ateaadaadUa maaaar la whkk Ue ^a rraatod a paaaloa of flio a Boath.
'e enndriea
at abont ooet New and aeoond band vheeU for aal*
PTosoeulor Twaddle has (wo oa a
andd to rent.
Please give os a trial.
[ WM eaadaoted. Slztaea flaadl* t. W. HAm, Bdltor um9 ^UMfcr.
ELI.18. 811 Front 0L. BssC.
4ataa wan flvM Ua Tkird nok. Ashlar aspedlUoB to Ua LUUa MaabSUBBOHlPnoilB.
wklek WM ooafamd laampUlad farm toa river.
Th«e will ka a apeelal BoaUaf ^
Bari; la tba cToalac a apaolat trala arrtvaa from KalkMka arar tka aaw liaa MePhwsM Poet. Q. A. B.. next Wadmaa; la4iaa|<iaBa wlU ibe part;. aaada; eveolnrTkara wen|7S aboard tka tiaia. which
A noaaWin la honor of Mr. and Mrm.
aaaaiatai af two eoaekaa. ao4 tblrt; of
Boa Wood wUl be ri*«> tbtorda;
tka BMB attasdad tka lodra.
raainr at the hose of J. U Stautoa.
Aftar the work a ftaa apread waa
The Barbour Theatre Oe. will praaeat
aarrad. It waa praparad b; Ckef C. 8.
, aver; lad; porchMlaf a JCHsaat
Chrla. wheoa^akiU ia prepartar baa- ticket Ualrht a Malaa aouvealr epoow.
qoaU is baeofiilic proverbial. Doriaf
___ .jster Eaff bus now arraarad to
Ua banquet Dr. A. B. Bollida; served
have Bad eoat oa Ue ba; boat over;
Tnn an faan ia tka aav; daparv ae toastBasUr aad an laproBp(o eoThe asall cloaee for Uat ronlo at on tba ether. Tbe Blvan sburs.
meat that Admiial Daws; ma; ka tortAiBBoat waa eojo;ed. Ikb
vocalbU aod dasverti WilllaBS aad
yaaaad np ia Maallla ba; aad la daa- (Be of Ue flaest spreads ever rl*oa b;
l™. • j
"O-Ml.... ..d K., S..dol,*,
gtt. Baeaat anats have abowa tkat
™, ..d ir.. d..i..d, -wi. U.I—i-l-i -a
.1 U.
Atanded of an; elBllar
tkA plaek; eommaader is partecU; abla
n,l«« ..d BO.U B..d, I»l. Wkll. i -P-l-"-”
' to taka ean of hiowelf. aad with Ua avaat la-a lenr time.
Tkoae wbo oontribnted to Ua enter- away he experienced u raiirsad wreck j
' ' -------------------------Bpastek float oat af tka wa; it caa ba
aaaarad that be aad kb float an aa^ talameat were. M. B. Uall^. A. W. ut eecaped lujury.
nkann. Wkile then
be daa- Pock. A. V. liYiedr cb. J. W. MiUlkcn,
The rerrlar -aeUBr of Ue W. C. T. I - ,
. _
Americas PlSA WiU
wm be hvldlotb. parlor, of
ira^ tram tarpodoaa ia-Tarloaa parU of Tboa.' T. Bates. Aatoa Oleean; Or.
Saoa Float There.
toalba;, Admiral Oawa; b too abrewd Babooek aad a a Jenka of Kalkaska. snmratioeal eburcb Ub afUrnoon ,
•dm to ka caarbt off kb wlU spaelAl fsatuna o; Alrar and at half pMt two o'clock. Bubiect. "Is | New York. May &--A WaUlairtOB
Barek of Ue Barboar Tkeatn
uniaa aggrewivc'.’" Mta. Buebea. special says It is believed Uat whea
transport for Ue i'bilipplaes reach
Bewail to ukeoa coal aod supplies.
meat Votea.
AdBiral Miller. Id command Uen. will
Here b e Ibt of some of tbe oririnal I receive laetruc^ons to rabe the Aoerl7«Laioro Wen ampoaalble far a X>a- electrical effeeu. that will be seen le ^ cas flay at oace.aed declare Ue blaade
Kkow Oaaaa Wk; Bw P»*raa
Urtatful Social Affklr.
tbe produclloa of Feusi by the Porter aaoexed to Ue fatted euua.
■kooU Bot ba Baloaaod.
Oae of Ue deirfbaul eoebl avaan J. WhiU eompeoy on Bay 31: Tbeelee' Tka flaproBe eoort has fnated a af Ua ;esu- took place la HontartK tric niB af fire, Ue electric itlra, Ue
fire-aiee. tbe electric morainy
ball iMt evealiir- It was Ue raoepc arrit of kabaoe eerpoa ia tka
Piano, wbo isaeateaeod to the tiOB tendered to the aealer BIrh aebdel ylorieu. Ue cleetric sword duel, tbe
elasi b; Ue lunlor elaae. About too electric circle ef Are, tbe elecUic flewer
7 apoD coDf
Fled at Xaplatoa.
bed. Ue electric skull and Ue ^tric
; ^ eharta of assaaU aad batter;,
Mia. Mary E. Klay died of oaMnBp>bar of Ua tmehare aa veell m Ue i
tklaea. Thet Ue perfofhatooe by
to tka TooU who had Ue eao
Fife Lake Oanadl Wanld Mot Aoeapt tkw at bar borne ia Mapletan. yaaUF'
----- Aalde tno
Mr. WhiU aad bis clever cospnay will
wttk Bbeaeier Raasos cb Proat ben of Ue
day Borainy at 10 o'clock. Deeaaaad'
Deplaatyb Liquor Bond.
•toaat aarl; one moraiac eome Ubo pleasaat eacial featarea a pleaaaat pre- attract a very laryc andicDce. b ^-CerWM es yean af aya aad laavaa two
••«. The writ was applied for oa Ue rram waa nadand. TbU.wM epwaad Ulnty.________
Down at Fite Lake Ue villaye coan
[ekiUraa. The fnaanl will ba bald
b; aa addraaa of welcome b; Bobert
[ell refused to aooept Ue Uquor bond:^
Robert Downlny will aot ba seea in
Ue OydaBeburyekarok Satorday
Wallera. tollewed b; a plaao aolo b; Traverse City aetil some time next
iibopoppa«lt*£ecbomee. :
. Deplaai,
aad b. bM app,ladi
of J;_______
MbsAiklae. X plaealnrraellAlloa
Ur a
* writof
wrUof was. W*®™**!
I u Ue Oreult court for
Mlt aad battarr
)B. AaoUer ooamnalcaUon today
rivea b; Mba Dowatar aad Bdfvard reoelvad by Hanayer Sulabary. from
damns uoompslUe eouncil to Issue! L A. Clark, editor of tba Barker
Mersaaaa favored with a toaat. "The ifr. DewBluy. lUua that ke bM defhim a license to do bnstneaa. 3ndya Sprinye Repablieaa, b la Ue eily loolf
eeaioia." Ball Nerliarar reepeaded la
Corbett made an order for Ue eonadl lay efur amayeaenUfar Ua Q.'A. fL
ioluly decided U close his eaaean tbb
to shew eauM why tbe writ ibonld not entoapBeat to be held ben 3aac lOtk.
•ha Xaa beaped froB tka Bafuce appropriate words. A soar b; Mbs week at Milwaukee. Be will yive Us
Ur. Clark it eoBBaader af Ue aMOcisGraee EMtiare wm oaa af Ue ao)o;aba ynsud.
L'Bdaimherifl Aebtoa lion of Indba veterans wbo bow live ia •
Homo la Oraad Bapida.
a dau next eeaeoe, however.
bla DQBbara and a toast "Ta Ue toasbserved Ue paper* upon Ue praeldeat Miehlyaa. and wb# voUd to keU Ueir
MatUa Wade who flAorad la Ue Cir- sfu." was riren b; Mbs Nsllis Oraat
eneampment here ip 3uae.
ef tbe villaye.
•Bit ooart bare aoBO tiaao ajro on a Tbb was reapaaded to b; SnperlataadrtiTT- Of laraea; fron a etore.b beard ent Orawn. The Arioa quartet eloeed be likely to draw a bly crowd. The
toOB afain. She was let off b; Jodfa |.tbe profraB vriU oae of Ueir bnt parforaaece is eneb m to coshlse all
Oorbett on enspended sesteaee oa eoa- _
kinds of ArutcthesenUrUinment. eaUrdltloa Uat ebe would ro to Ue Befare .
U Ue Usie* of all eleseea of pcoI followed Ue
“ • ( Borne la Oraad Eaplde. Mettle made !
The ball was pntOI; trimKlfly Bcyroei comprise Ue com; >ha promise
prOBba ireeiy
freely ana
and wM-wa,rwwas aaeortod w-, aod wiU the esaUr clam ooloia. yellow
Jtha borne by a member ef Us balv*- ^
oornerof Ue kaU
Barbour Tbeatra Co. yavc ayeod ;
f «to« Arthy. uader whose ausplen Ue t
performance bet eveoioy at Suin-;
a b salnulned. Yeaurday
.. ■■•*‘*"|whenUeUlnl
bory'e.Cirand. presentiny 'A Country'
•AM a Ulema came from tbe
j peached with 1<
Uirl." Clever specialtie* were iatro-1
mt Ue heme sutler Uet ibe
duced by CbM W. Burch. The sUye i
hadrieft tbe place aad Uat her wbi
'‘’•'Tfl Tbe elaae ta la<
■lltou were nakaowa. It U probafal
'*•41 for Ue nee of ee.
Ue flve-aci oomedy druSsa. “liroayht |
«lmt ahe wUl be bronrbt back here m
to Justice." will be yiven aed Ur |
dbnnetid of in a mere severe biaaner.
Burch will preeeut new •peclaltln. To ‘
.«r, i«i, r—b-UK . >....1
i colored company of merit.
a aonveolr spoon af U« bsttleabip
Paairp of a Oraad Xaplda Firm ac- Maine will ba ylvaa. Ue same m on .
headed hj
Bupal Xaatiap of Stockholders ef
eapUd b; Bnparriaoia.
'TrsTwas Clt; Bailnad Taaurd^r.
AfUr eirarrllnr «lth Ue pnblaa of lay yood parformaaoee and deserve*
The atockboldera of Ue Tnveree
oaurt honae plaaa for tw. aad oae-balt yood patroaeye^_______
OU; Ballway Oeaspaay held Ueir asdays, the board of eoparvbars eame U
■aal Boetlar la Uta clt; ;eeUrday. adeebleayeeurdayaboDi aooa. Tbe
Price's Cuban Craolee and Cake WalkOre$t Hung«riAn
Tko report abswed an Increase ia Ue
fitml q^iea wm Ue plan ef Boab. How- re (Colored Co.) will be et Swlnbery's
met aarainra for
*rer Ue preriane
VlollxilAt and Warbler.
Biaa A'baeb. arcblUcU of Uraad Rap Uraed Opera House next Tusksay evenpaar. The rne* earalare for 19*7 wen
ids aad Ua sseoad, Uat bf U. B. M>
SI#.tU.«7. Bxpaaaea and taxea were
Tbe yeanine cake walk b a form of
of Ub elty. The former repreaeat aa
SM.I97.M: net earntnra, M.nd 97'; paid
•raU struetun U be eonstrneud eDterulBBant Uat, while ylvaa by
laurmt on bonds. r.UO.M, laaviar a
a-premsd brick aad Iriamed wlU colored artbte, caeool but prove ploMwot balesoe uf •USl<i.B7. For Ue year
toy to tbe Traverse City public.
1AM the mas aaratar* «en rrMUr- aitlo. The dlBeasions an U ba IW x
TMA ouo aauABLff anoffMAN.
Tbe Urend Bepide I'rMs. also Ue Bly
bet Ua expense* were aleo rmUr. ea
p"~- •< >»■
.ni 300
104 feet.'. The coat of Ue
Akat Uan wm a deflclt af $007 If after
of Ue bttlldiar prapoeed will be too.noo where Uis eoapasy pleyed. speak very
faytar Ue Inuraat on the boade. Tbb
eoapleu, Mide from the furniture. biyoly of Uu oryaaizatioa. wbbh bl
Akowa Ua earnlnre far 19«7 U ka $S.principally a auelcel eatortaiaBant.
JYbeu eompleUd Ua bnUdlur will fa«
■ $14.07 la excess of Uoae of 19M.
ProfsMor McKanlaeetsa Bnnyarbn
-e aod admirably ar‘nufollowlardlreetoruwan eleeud
rasrad for Ue aaea far which it b la- vlolinbl. and bM much talent, belny
for Ua ooBlnr year: Parry aanaafa,
The epaelfleatloiu will he
;ibOBai T. Ibue. I). C. I.<eacfa. W. H.
oampiled at oaca. aad should Uey not Be aleo plays two eerncle at once aod
• A Mltckel, W. O Burbart, W. R. Shel
meet with the appnval of Ue board, tbe same time, eapraoo oe oae aad alto
by, 3. H. P. Hurharl. After Ue meetor ehenid tbs board aot eonelder Uat
tor of ptoekbolOen. Ue board of dlrecten met and elected tbe followlar of- Ueksildinr can be caaatrncled for the
flrare aamed. Uen Mr. Moore's pUns
Soon: T. T. Bates, preeldeat; E. R.
ary; W. E Shelby, would he adopUd Tbe Tatter are floe
plane and there wm n etranr probe
blllty Uat bb would be Ue Brel choice.
* Ae eeae m Ue epecifloatlone an
I celved. If Uey an all eaibfactory. bide
Wbaat Suddenly 3uBpad W $1.50 ' for Ue erecUen ef Ue bnildinr will be
called far at onoa.
iUTMtsBonr. - auoBKMJi
.____ .
rsa-ST'. ■. •. . =
bs better tbau CaVvec. M's one
\V\riw4eT. ft qaris
equaVio $ qatds oi C.a\\co. M's a<A
oaVa Vt'SCT
?4s beamer as.4 eoaseqaeutt'a laWV vnear better. "MDe are
seWvrvq a ^ero stqVes at 4c.
qoa coarvV a roasb 4,ress tts a
qocA 'wvoesimett ^or qovx.
. ______
Geo. R. Winnie,
Steinberg’s Grand
Cuban Creoles
Cake Walkers.
jQ8t ReceiYed Spring Styles, lief De^
Prof. Wm. MoKanlass,
IS~People In The Company-15
Steinberg’s Grand;
Cbleare. May 1.—May wheat opeaed
to $l.S7. a Jump of sevea eeata onr
yaatorday-e cloalat. 3ulv lald over Ue
doUar Burk for Ua first Umc Ub year.
SaMtllaBal cables were Ue IseeaUve.
WM reported that Leltar sold iMt
■Irfat t.ouo.ouo buUeb of Ko. f >ad
wheat to Praaea.
Lator May wheat roae twenty ceaU
. lteloaadat$l.Mabuibel. Ue talxbast
prloa alaot
The exeiUBent ia
tka wheat pit darinr Ue cleelar boar
ana iatooaa.^ I'bc market fluetaatad
aialtoUy all Ue Borslor-
Thank! to Beat Bay Townaklp.
We. tbe Baabara of 'Ue Waai
Saentary and TkaasBrnr-J. K. Mar- Cemetery lapravaBaat Aaaecbtian. do
. Aereky Uader our Uaaks U Ue t
skip ef BmI Bey for Ue free bi
Ueir road Baeblne oo tka new toads
made la Ua Oakwoad eematary.
IUb. 3. r CUltopb. Sea.
Oiice More
I Washington
GHas invaded tbe land in tbe Interest of humanity, and once
E. B. Barbour, f- more in the interest of those who intend getting
THE I'alji^TTaa
Xlabarats BnUrtaiamaat/Vadar
Auspices of Ua W. O. T. V.
Toalrbt a vary elabanU anUrtkinaeat b U ba ri*ea la tbe First M. E.
chorcb under Ue VMpleea af Ua W. C.
T. C. Tbe ebiaf featnra will ba aa
elseuUonary prise coataat la which
Birbt wUI parUeipaU. Besides Ub
Uen will be flee fnasie aad several
novel faatanaef
wUl ba wonby of a laiya andli
The affair hM baaa prepared by Mta
J. B. Mania, wbo will eoadoet Ue pr«KototandLadarOa. Beotioa. .
. na anpaal caeatlar af Beak and rraa. Admbciea wUl be IS oenu and
I«ddar Oa. {To. 1 took place In Ua 0am everrbody b Invlled to attend.
tonal nnrlnakooaalaalalrbtand Ue
Frank Friedrich.
Snpported by
IA New Carpet Or a Floor Covering
Theatre Co. ^
New Specialties.
■aatwUlbapnaaatod wlUaaoavsBb toMB e< tka •■Malaa."
We mention tbe fact that we offer the best, have the :
: largest etock to select from, sell cheaper and give bsHer sat- !
: isfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let uB.oonvlnce you.
TM yoMmro Mtooap. feioat,
I t Eftmpten** FiMt 41u Another
And Mer* ExeHinc 4»b
on Its Hands.
I ^ una n uoi roit tPAiuiiie.
Win ScMt tlw Ocaut' tf> L«eai* tbt
I r
8p«aish Saipf WboM Wb«e-
HM7 Mar •» An«r IW c
lie aalUng ol
B queai, as it la U-.
ileeed. of the epanish fleet that had
haen ao long at Capo Verde lalands until
It sailed Ifacnce a week ago, te some*
thing the authorities here will not talk
The preaa dlapalch ann.
|'‘'■W^^tha return of the Spanish fleet
.m H(UW Kens, tbt eshte Ur>
Tb« fltnrialii ImrdUtrIr taU
■rio an'air rxi>rcuui<r. a-alUns (araoa«
aenS from AOmlral Drway that vouldnot only coaflmi eOclally the lUrtUit
Bewi .4 the hatUe of Manila as report,
ed by the preM. hut tell what had
happened elnce the cable was Interrupt,
ed. Up to the cloar of oSce hours no
Word had come frocn Hons Kong a«d
the offldale who believe ttal the 'He*
Culloch was really In Mira bay were put
to dev-lslaa Incpolous esplaoatlans at
the delay In the recel|>i of a <»ble«rwni.
—e touched upon the twelve buuri
>, the distance
Mira lay to Hong Kona
Great Iniereet le felt la the reported
return of the Spanleh Cape Verde fleet
to Cadis, hut while admitting the poaalblllty of Ihe fast veraels of the Spanleh
flying squadron making the passage la
the Arc days that the veaaela ha-'e been
out from St Vincent, the naval ofllcera
were dlS|»M-d to regard with great suSp:clon neds
this kind emanating(roni
Puriugal. b.-c'ausc uf
the ro-ugnls’-d
■ympathy o( the Pnrtugurse with the
S|>anlsh side It would be worth a g.Kwl
! deal to ih- Pnanlsh admiral emmand: Ing the flying squadron- au|>i>»liig Iw
were on his way scrcMW the Allantii—
to throw u's ofl our guard by having us
' believe that h-- hiid returned to l>|>aln.
^ No new offl.ial news ha* .-..m.- lo i-..n*flrm the re|><>rt fmm Hawaii that the
IslandsJ^ve been tendered to the l.'nlt-
to loin the one now forming
St CuW
i. or
the Canaries, h
department Hut
ft may be asld IhsL^reiary temg and
.kla aids are preparir.g tu rer,i«e that
e piupo.
Ing Tnall brought
mion to San Framlsco ii w.n,oi
.here, on arcount of lia Importance, but would Y
forwanled by the railway malls, whi.h
sesaa fleet In twu piai-eji-oti l•^ma..l•
Swwo oe .W t»oe.e fjl
1C ..
r., . 1 , '
^ or oft HorlO nitn. If it .omes to
^ nite Riov. the »«cean s. “uti will know ,
IL 'Uil does not come, they wiil know ^
ft, and It will be ptv.umed to have e rne I
to destroy the Oregon, when- the fnlt-.ii
ad sutce fleet will pursue It.
baba Laohing for the fleegoaf
■Washington. May S-A • rack Spanleb
"’'‘boUt elcepllon the nSVal ..mcers
welcome the po»e«el. nof Hawaii
jyaj at this moment, as alTordlng a
magnifleeni bgse for naval operations
In the Pa.iffc,
dent’s Dob 's nrvt»sfllon must Iw aubmitted to congreM so that II W III be for
the leglilatlve branch In the end lo pass
Upon this offer.
The nomlnatkiD of a numlwr of ma)r generals and brigadier
at Usrbad.H • In I an Indication »f the purpose ot the ptea*
V arc conm. iing 1 Ident to avail himself of the full numl-r
, believed
zm. la reported
the West Indies.
raports on this point, however, and .. _ ,
CtMiser Is Ihera she may be the I'sriua :
V. which left Madrid some time ago for ]
**■" 1^' I are not enough commands to go around
ol'Shlan |I p^^^ly air;ng .Kft aupiK^ c^se ■ along the »I«n«h
the i.m
ofll.era slresdy
aaaau ?he Alj.honso .\in is “ n** i nomliMted. AaalatantBecreisryIt>~iaepiuiaeted cruiser of kc^i.msdupla.*-t„„_
^ Ueuien.ai Colonel
m«t with egielleniurdnsn.e while the I
received several
Okrtoa V U. atm more
! gratlfyln, lelegrsm. from Ihe west sn«d onr •.«0C tons. The tlrsl nsmci^ea. - bouncing the rapid organisation .of
sur^ to.
ha at Cadis, so there la s«-nie confusion
ta the reports. Buppuslng any cruiser'
----------------DU>CW^ TI*W or T«K -WAft.
Is In that aecilon of the West Indies she
W^ld be almost In the pathway ot
•saat Approev It. Sal M oald Fight I
' OfUgon coming mmlhward.
vat a ism.
Amooc tbs very fTsst VKilsty c(
Hungs tbsi may bs bovgbi ■l-mscHd*
hsBd are smokmmehs d iron or o(
stesL It may be tbet ss etUblUhmeat
pna in e higjiw boiler end war
To Talk Back
carefully and a new one ssi up. The old
y be sold to e dealer il
band boilers tad maebineiy. or lb«
ownee may Jtsep it and mil It bimmlf
' that wanta a seoundbaod
Mnokasiaok.' If it is sold to a dealer, be
may remove il to bis own yard, or II'
may be that tbs original owner keeps it,
on bis preniiM's until the dealer has:
sold it. A manufacturer may move from [
one pjsoe tovsnolber sod sell the old ^
plant, or-pariii of it Here would .be a'
aecundliaud^ a&iokeetaok.
stacks are bongbt ly v
ki slack uf an estabwu. and tbet the boiler, _
I a s<'CuudhBnd stack
would lart I It Ihv life of Ibe UuiKr. In.
For you will readily agree with us that our assortment
of patterns in Hsn's Suits at popular prices are even,
better values than we claim for them—$7.&0—$10.00—
$ie.OO. See them.
tudi a raw tb..n«rwould get a second-;
hand .u.-k it be cold tlD.1 <mv eoileblw
j(rm. W C. Nelson of Lelaad was la
Hh blown down in a windiiomi and tbe
‘‘hcriff MmpMo and rr«l Pratt vrent
iscreopplT the plaoe of il with oue 'to KiDgels.v yasterday on boeiaeaa.
booght MSkiDdhend.
Bussell Wallace. purebaaiBg agent of
A *i.vl or imu slack ookM about half the C. A w. M Ry. Co., U la the city
M tuuob ai a brick stack. Aetvondbaud on busiaeaa.
iron suck costs aboot half as much as a:
oewium. black, of uictal are made now
Tb. .u,l ...l™...
now lr«i than vrrouRlii iriiu
Tl.vre i»
an iucreasiug bee ot etwl in.iesd of!
Vsir*m.iwiw wbH
I Good Farm
Draft Horses
■ i
J***'™*?Hn. Loren Eo^t and
brick eurka Steel elatke up lo tf ahd 71 Marion left yeatorday for Palladelpbla
feet in diameter vroolil be classed, as ’ to join MUa AKee.
portable ftarki; larger stacks wodld bs i
Mi.. Mabel White arrived la ibe dty !
of more or lea. pennabcbt character. '
ewlng from Cloverporl.
m.k..lKk. .r. 1.0. o«l« OP IO
u. -Uer.
lb feet in disaeicr. N er> lame imaKe-1
Btaeks nay U'lined with brick.
Lnderaberiff Martin Brown of LeSeeomlbaud smokestacks opto >toe(,| land, pnsasd throngb the euy yealor-
Carload Fioe Staek last Reeaiiad.
in diameter are likely to be foi^d in l day on bis way from MaalatM.
stock in the yard of the dealer in eeoood*^
Miaa Oerinde ICnealand ratomsd
bind boilers and mscbioery. and b>Tsl
likely to ^ve stocks of larger slim* else-1
There Is alweys a demand for,
^hand smokestocka-Kew V«k, ^
First Glass Animals at Reasonable Prices.
^Ight from Big Baplds. when the
tkr hard aervlee they eadured
during the war. Mr. Oeo.-ri Andenen
of RjMSTllle. York oonnty. Peon . i
1 a aever* attoek
sve sumethlnK to leara IKua |
h, mya, and proeotwd a bottle
wumeo in lbs art of warding off. of Chamberlain's Pale Balm. Udldao
"lupcbea• " for ciiiu. vSoniru rvspuod to macb good that I weuld like to know
such rvqorst.
OFSt. about once ID every ibou-, what ynn woold charge me for one
Zey West, Kls..^ May 1. - Tuesday
Cleveland. May 5 —Hon Cbauncpy M.
utific in .dosen bottifw" Hr. Andei
the most effef-tlve pari' of Depew. who was In Cleveland yesterday Mod limss. but Ibey
ibeir reinsula A Wi
attending the annual meetings of the.
Vesivrday the fleet sailed and Lake Shore and XUkel Plate railways. with a repnutum as
It la learned that II has sailed, proba In speaking of the war, said: “I am of op at ll.r bum* of oneofbvr friends the family aboold hare a botll.
bly. fur I'orio Itlco. and that the other
otoer morning wub a much du« over
the opinion that had President McKin
AlrWon. lonsistlng of tha smaller craft,
. stKiut a per*
has been left behind lo maintain the ley been k-ft lo himself we should have drsosmsker and ■
blockade of Cuba The vessels In the no war. The trouble la that In congress the l<«n—"par it I
flsat that sailed were the flagship Raw there sre s numlwr of mm who sre
tain”—of $i.
clsmni^’us for a flght. No. I do not
" Why. my dear, oerialnly." was tbe,
Datroit Tree Prega ar Tribune dewar ulk Is sometimes escellenl pollUcal pIcBMUt response to her carefully re- , llvered fer luc per week,
W7 if
City Newt Co.
S.N.ner or Isler they wo'uld bearstkd 1‘iuls yarn. •'Ytin poor tblug. '
hhve embroiled
the nation
yon! JuM wait till 1 run op stairs and 1
War over the v'ul«o question, whether get my purse. "
Ue. Maine Incident had happi-ned
Rbe on up stoira. The male bead of
tbe bouse happened 0
X{C<>w that we have engaged in wi
he etdinnued. ‘t tielieve It should
prose<uled with vigor worthy of a t
aud drliUralk ly rt more a wad ol bills '
ter oi.iwnent. The c-oniesi should
from it. leaving about S* rents in silvrr
made short, sban' and de>isi>e.
solely with a view to a apeedy victory and copper in the chau|ra receptacle.
over Spain, but betause of the object The man was omab enough to ttwn or«r
lesson It would alT> rd.Kumpean .
the stair railing when his wife went
ers. They will rvsie-vt’ us more if ihqy -down stairs to the parlor with her flat
sre that when w-e .jigsge In a flghl,
toned pocknbook in her band.
J- occur Saturday, but it will
are a unii>-d t-fople wiin but one >
"Oh. I'm so.M<rry, Mra X," fa
In view, and that the upholding of
not pivveul our
beard her ny. "but I really tbougbl
national honor
"I believe that the friendship of the bad the mouer. 1 find, though, that
John, as usual, has been at my pun
Kngllsh is?pple for us. which
so ceimnted during the po>sent crisis, Ibivtrdhim my aomrlbiug abuot
will result >n something more Ih
tling a plnuiber's bill last uigbi v
mere understanding lietween the
was half a»leep and the ibenu thing
natloaa in the future. It would
-has only left me eoougb for car fere.
glorious alUan<e—I
Tuu badi Of course, eon know, if I bad
Tork. the Tndlana the Iowa, -the Cin
it, " etc. —WashingluD Post.
inlly and
' KOing to have <
cinnati. the Drmdi. the Mayflower and
•the Marblehead,
The purpose »f the
•PT Off THK t-KrL«» nr. PAI'I.
Ths Cola Caak# Itoah.
move so far as can be Judged la to
“I baveoics or twice resul bow (mall
----------------meet the (t|>anl8h fle«-i that sailed from Baugh Diwfl ot the lateelor of (he Vmai
tbe liciTtd was. '• mid a yotuig fellow.
As an flxtra indu vatrnt we will
PowlHl I'poe Him.
. Oa|>e Ve de isAnds last week. Cur flael.
"and once or iwice 1 have ».-n Moriea gjve a check on onr tula fountain
.It la sabl. will Slop and ea|>lure Porto
Rbnadetphia. May k—It was learned
, sito ‘ n II. «.iy and then meet the yesterday that the name of the'ausjwct of Uie nine kind 1 am going lo tell
evkofess I n.-v.r b,-lieve<l ihem, bot now
SpanlurUa -u s< a
! amountint; to 25c.
on the rrulw-r Rt. I*aul Is Howard Han
1 kuuw belter. Last summer, wbeu in
nan. He
Conn* nnd see what
however, says
New Viwk on me annuii visit, 1 was
Austrian and
«M»lhb Her. IS at Cadis. The {tpanlah
Mttisk with a
whim and svfc if you do not buy.
Hannan aoatobedniy initialseii a 2a rent piece,
Oae day only. Saturday. May 7
and had
.also auld that he
cutting into tbe »t) 0 deep eiiougli to
mlrant^wtu.i.d., rn.ioiu.1,Colon, and given up Us Job
mskt a lasiiuy itui
ivii. I j«id lor a
Paul. At the esamlnalion yesterday
cigar lU Ibe iii'Cnau Ilou.ewitb lb«
Hannan simtuousiy denied tbel his
trmions had been hostile to the ship, coin and guyed- u>y*el( with bung fnolh
but net wHhslan'baybIs denials a rough ilb. 1 bad torgt-iieii all sUiui the qusr
of the vessel. shOW- ter when 1 eolervd a t'atrulUoucar and
ber magBSliies and gave a bull dulIaTKitbecandoulor. Im
' the Canary islands is ai.-ut s:s mllrs. em:in»s. was found In his
agine my suriwise wbeu be banded me
aud the dlslamv' /nxif Ihr Csnsry l*l 1
Hr has nut bern plaivU In Iruns. but a lu change Ibe kb cent picie 1 sp.-ol in
andt to Cadis stout iuo milr.. ,.r
ktrl-t wal<b Is malntslnrd over him.
Ibe Hoffman House! Itbiuk I willke<-p
miles from the i-afe Verd- Islends
He will br put ashore at League IsUnd
tbe ooiu DOW aud ever more as a roriosCadlA The Spanish squadron, b-inc nav> yard wh.n the Rt. I*aul passes
The prisoner "ill then be dralt icy." and tbe ,>pesker pulled tne muoey
bis pocket and showed U in venI s* iKe K"«crnmi-rl authorilicsmsy
ficatiem of bis story-—New Urtoans
n pr. i--r' _______
spasish Warship* t'pMi VsT
State street Sale and Feed Bam.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Corraapood with the Traverse CiVf Lnmber Oom|itnj.
We have for aale Gpod.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
\Iaple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
x..n.ri^r>s s-os
Special Sale
of Stationery
Which '
that day.
■ its's ’"lun.,:.": j“
South Side Pharmacy,
6. i. M» , Prip. 40S UalN 8L
Palace Bakery
a. May
Fla^lp Kruvkiyn. <
hauA -f till- tlernian
1. the gen
wig. " iiirli atTri ed yesierday from
he rtyme sqi
Maytl. naims to have lieen puraoed add
wiiiiiD iweniy-four boura,
tired .-n b% a S|oinlnh m.n-of-war off
1 ar the cnosk-r New Orleans
^.rtiutas Aipril :v jkjfi atl.-r sundown.,
A Co
•hli y has been
only refused
ftsd that
cruli-er Columbia has been
Dg ahead un
sdiym. and that
der full power of sl.-a:n with shot after
tbs New Urlc-Iinir
lake hrr place,
abot coming after him and soon out
So tar as flghim
fighiing ahlUly 1* concerned
distanced his purruer in the darkneaa.
tbs Sen on,.an. is superior to tb« Co
Shipping men i-k-nrlder ihv most s*-rious
lumbia. le nc nu.ie heavily armed and
aspect of Capiain Aarliaus report the
Without m- oioi-li fleet.ard and upper
evldeM fan that Spanish sbliw of w
worto toAcI as a largei. The squadron
are closer lu our coast than seems to
tb* opinion of lh« naval aulhorittes
lustocbuot-iu. nrsi-vlaaa battleship:
T%na. aerood-vlsu baiueship. Rniolc.
Ig*. armorvi cruiser; X.-w Orleans, of
Tampa. Fia., Hay
It ai-ears lo be
tbe type of the Raleigh on.l fln.lnnatl, almcel a settled belief amoog army
■Bd tfaie floorplun. a fast armored yacht, offlecra here that no movrineni of Uelt.
with four (-inch and four six-pounder ed States troops luward Cuba will take
Vtoalatoe Has News (tom Dewey
WMbiOgton. Hay (.—A senpaUoarlm
gBuaad tbroughoot tbe city by tbe sews
toat came yetterday tnomlng of tbe ar.'
tbk diedltftval of a veesel suppoaed to be the
pateb btot McCulloch at HIrs bay. forty [
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. MORGAN, Prop.
leTs^ .'S
v,.y::i' *1:
■ niit irct-UAtCM AT ftlMf
Mill Machinery of all deacripti
ing Two Enginea,
Bet Worka, Carriagee and Sawa. A c«nplete Saw Mill Plaat
for aale.
Is the place to buy your C^es and of tbeXH ar© gOOd On©8.
The biggest and beat loaf
of Bread in the city for five ceota.
Aocidrat iDsurapce puliem have tak- ,
an mauy cariuos ibspea. tauging trow j Pies,
the pwiiny IP Ibe alui to the conpoo m
tbe weekly newspaper, but tbe limit
has been reached in Luod<io, when Ibe
purobasn ol e book of cigurcite paper
ta insured loi (uO for a period of TO
daya Tbe anboal cost of cbts amounl
of iDioranoe is about 16 rents a year,
provided lbs bolder at tbe uuvel policy
U 901 a dgarecte OcoA Tbe gmoual ot
I is spaciflcally ael aside for
Their Bread Is
Full Weight.
qhtaago Market.
Cbleaffo. Hey S.—Wheat—Hay. Si 50;
July. SI tog; Slumber, s&e: De
her, SlHc.
Corw-^a^^Se: July, MS»»tc;
Oa^M^y. MMK Joly. MHe:
Aoimali ai« often able to bear vesy
protnotodfastibg. lo tbe baliaa earthqoakto of 179S two boge were buried
plaiv until after the meeting of
ia tbe ruins of e bnildlng- 11>«y were
Spanish flotllU with Rear Admirat
taken out elite dl days latar. bot very
Sampaoo'a aquadron, which la Dow be
leauBDd weak.
lieved lo be Inevitable.
twtoo thin;
recruited li
yesterdav a
cTbao roiid<
Twenty head this week. All good ones.
Size from 850 to 1600. Well matched Fairs,
Single Drivers, good blocky 1800 weight horses
for the farm.
I can fit you out in the horse line if you
will give me a caU.
I also have several cheap horses that I
have taken in exchange for good onea Some
Duriog the lest SO yean Great Brit
ain baa been at war more trequcatly
tbaa any otber oathw. The total nunibw of larie and taaaU wart wafed dar
ing tbat Oaa atoonota to aboai M, or
Also pore Home Made Maple
Sugar, lOc Ib.
Foil stock first cIsh Qrooerito
always on hand.
Thnrteil & Gue,
Bicycle Riders.
Baatowbar that 1 do aU klada ed re>
itoiring aad ——illuf gad
I «aa'
Hork-^May, Sll.Bt: July. SH-M.
IffwaraBtaealttaywarktobe rMt.
Grand Baptaa. May S.—Wheat. SMS- ^ U It doea apt proto ae I atake it
8to^ ta tm • o’cloak eeary aae^aff.
a>eeM Suaday. ta the OaldwaU A Loa*
I have bars a sufferer tram ehrook doa halldtaff. at aorta aad ed Oalw
diarrbtea ever alaee tbe war sad have
need all kiada ot aedidiiee tor kit. At
laat I foaad aaa ratoedy that has 1
a BBcceea as a eaia,
earn, and that is a
bcrlalB'a OaUe, Chalera aad___________
■.-V. Z CatsatM, Gaaru HlUe. , S^^,mapMe BetaM « TWsws
deUvered for lOe per vreek.
gwtakff aZWaib dnggtat.
aiy MamOa.-
Im. 8«wdl, WhMiw and Wllaon
\ liMnimt*dteL^dth«Vo»*
untMr Soldiary.
wat«4 ttnwitrw ■
th* pott bOiVttll
(roB he*ry eoMa rantneted durtnc tW
Qalt* • BBtDbcT of men w« mlMtn» from «»mp niid b*U«rcd te^av«
homa. and otbera have
dlaebartea. Coloocl Tounc baa reealred
aver fifty lettera from a-lvri aod motbete alDce Buaday bemne that (heir men
tolka be aent home.. Eunday vlatta by
relatlvea trem out of town piwved very
dlaorvanUlnt to Ae men. asd tbe word
went out that Sunday ezenraionlau
wocid not be Welrome In ibe future.
Relatives have a weakness for uklna
men aside and working on ibeir feellnca
to Induce them to c»ve up tbe aervtce.
Country CHdtrsets^ with War
Without and Crlin Anar^y WithiVi.
Ssnor. Merers^oli^ of aatonecn)
ehajmeterUed as a fhrec and as a.
lately enpneona
As for the <^iba
Montgoraser. Ala. May L—Tbs PopsHat Bttte eonveetlon yesterday bob*
mated a full Mte ticket with Q. B.
Dsans for governor.
Ever Burned OntT
they asver Inlasdad to accept It. 'Ths
present conflict" he eonUnued. "proves
the real inienuoo of tbe Tankeea Spain
must now (see her InlematlonaJ ene
, hat never of self i
my. snd she should Bot^aste a tlnale
peseta to ytve (hr Cubans suloaocny.
whieh would be one step towards iBde- made.—OetiDit Pres Prera.
pendrDce. Tbe war requires the enerry
of all clames to defend the klnc and tbe
In aennaiy. lo preveai pnac* Mag
oMlned for evil pnrpoeoa. BdDe U al
SpoiKlrnl o
Dally TeJrsrapb says: lowed to be Hid wttboBt a wtlw or•Those » ho are best Uiformed as to tbe
yoverrment's view alirse 'lhst If the
Spanish arms suffer another reveres
like, that at rsvlte the r'vrmtneBI
d tbs tewltwt May a
t btrbetes
cases as they do a bad effect ts pro
duced on whole command*.
Behalf af tbs >
Colonel J W. Washburn, eommandlna
the rounh redment. I. N a., tendered
his reslynsUon to Governor Tanner to
take rfTect Immediately, and It wa* acWasblDctan. Hai7 L—Tb* ■
eapled. Colonel Washburn isft for V«n- ■Emperors Wullsm sod Nlcholassre dls- 4he be« possible terms i.f peace. Many
daUa. hU borne, at once. Osremor Tan- turbed at the situation la the Phillip- ' Uberala consider that Spain, havina
“.mor and juslllled her
Dsr held a conference wl(b other nffleer* pines and imervenlloo Is .xiremelyV
I chivalry, can no» alTord to yield to
■Whldi had be«B ant U> Mrtler In
reyardlnx the reaiim*- probable.
superior foree.
but tt Is doubtful
. 4*r br tb« pTMldroU Id (he can of tlon of Colonel WaaDburc.
Ixmdnn. May
Special diapatebao ' vhel'htv piTbllc
d approvt
MmMt 8*«r*ll Um renflrauiloQ
las! Chlraro, May t,_Oeneral John Mci Nnlta received Ibe followlnK lelesram from MadHd say tei^ble things may this line of action.••
ImsMAlata. the anihie (oUovIdc ua
last nlcht from Aaslslani Eerreiary Mmrtly bapica ihere. T1>e govarnmedt
Wheal ««* tell.so at ■
Rooaevelt. recatdlny me ealllny out of cannot r»., on the army. A apeclal
Baltimore. May S.—Tbe prtce of wbaat
tBtUaa af a fellow member without any
the IlUnoUjiseal reserve: -The Illinois
dispatch from Vienna says tbe Idea of reached the highest point In six years
ratereoce to cuinmaiee. The other
resignation of the regency by Marla on 'change yesterday At the close *i.i«
bamea ware ivremd to the commitiea U an opponunity for ullUalng their i
there, a bushel was bid. against tl ltta. tbe
«• military aSaJia aad were alisoat im- vices- I have no tower le say mpro .. ' Christina la seriously c
-e tbs ' closirut price of Tuesday.
Milwaukee, May 1 —Therouslerlng In
tlleve* Msw Drowsed.
to the Vnll--d States array of ihe Wls- throne.
eonslB volunteers now quartered at
The Standard aaye there Is a grow-]
st Johns Sd May ii.--The srhoooer
CampHarvey began yesterday, the rvg- iDg Impression In official quaners that;
- ''nMain l.irehau. was lost off
Imsnial surgeons being the first to take the Spanish queen and government are!
’■>o*dh>. and her entHe crew of
the examination. Dr. TllloB. I' 8 A., ID favor of some arrangement to lead I
-h men were drowned. All of them
assisted by tbe surgeons of each regl.
to an early ending of tbe war.
tnent. Is ondociltig the eksminstlona
aknother apeclal from Madrid says
It U thought a week or ten days will
elapse before Ih'e work Is romplried. that aU the dements of a lorrg civil war
............., exiai ID Spam.
when-orders are expected
Chattanooga or i
another Madrid special says tbe •■'vstdei
tbe troops.either
. About gleo.ooa.
. governmem would be content to cede,
May t.—Governor I
>° America, but wdbid not paj- an ' Gouv.
N y. May
-Bank ExTies Uolnea Is.
Indemnity betausr unable.
ranken has arrlTed tnthl*
Bhsw will review
.har*.- of the First NaOsmp McKinley tomorrow f
Madrid, May t-The sKuatloD
has Trade a parphyMcal eaemlnaUoD ..f the guards-, province* I* un< hanged snd ewryw here Us dnore Tuedsy
meB by the goverrunem medical hoard ■ ,be di*astl*fa< ti-.n is xr..w)nx, especial- tlsl InveslmwiH.n.
Is being rapidly pushed. A surprising | |y over tbe price of bi^ Act* against xgxjro
of the
ibe bank
twn arr In a very muds of
feature of it Is ibe Urge number of men authority etc becoming etore ^ more djog condlllon. AC least a week will
reiectad owing to phyelrol diaablllly dl- overt At Cacere*. capital
blrvman• before an arcurwle toUl of PresrecOy traceable to bicycle riding. Palpi- j d„ro. the popula.v marched Into the ,g,Bt Myers' dafalcatl-m win be obtalnUtlon cf the heart 1* the most common | railway station m prevent the export of .ki.
The pec-uUtloak begaln In IXU.
BSdlalely afterwards favorably re- trouble Bald Major Davldaon: "Btcy. , provUlon. and
overpowered the *ol- ,wo years afterMyers
Myers .a.
was cboaeo
'Toned.the commitlee'avotc balhg takeo Cle riding ts doing
estroy the , girn on guard, capiurtng fourteen car- prealdent
On* of themeneonoeclsd
la the senaip 'chamber. ConflrmalloB health qf our your *“♦; load* of wheat flour. All Valencia 1* In with tbe bank aUle* that further inves,w
we bear ao » alate of: siege. At CauUn the rioter* ,^„,on ha* lncre*aed th# ahottag* to
toilowwl tn all case* wlihoul comment whisky cur*e of
captured the mayor and town council- i
neixhborbood of tlCC.Oee.
•aeept In that of OeneraJ Wilson- Sen much." Major Davidson
Habitual scoreherw.
snd demandrd s ransom
On the I
Myers has loaned dlsUht relatlvea
ators Bacon and Undsay look occasion cle rtder
amlning surgsons say. uauaily
msynr protesting he wa* s
■trough I with only note* a* aeourtly Hr ts also
to speak of him
the leg. after which the i
I'arraea . parwonslly Involved heavily.
terras. Senator Bacon relatln* that durdlsperaed the mob.
iDf the war of tbe rebellion be had been
! aecurltlrs are available, but some are of
Weiaea Take a Hand la Ike aiwt.
! Utile value, and these which may bc
' captured by OeneraJ Wilson, who was
BwrWHaro at MWhlawa t aleerolly.
at (bat time an officer In the Federal
AI Talevara (he Holers were most, realised upon will silll leave a large
Ann Arbor. Mich., May 5 —Presldenia
p Bacon was a Confedersle.
Ilrierrained. sa< king many bakeHe* and : amount due tbe bank. The Cartbags
a therefore able to apeak Klnnett and Idema. of (be warHng seltingon flreseveral government build-I Bfcvingi bank, closely allied with the
aophooiore and freshman class**, were
from cKperleBCt when he testified to
Ing*. In the town -,f AguUas. In the First National, ha* given thirty days'
on the carpet before President Hutchins
General Wilson's capacity as a soldier
province of Murcia, a mob mostly com- notice lo dr|«#itor*. and It Is believed
and were told that the halr-cutung
and his character as a man.
poaed of women burned ihe store- ihsi before the expiration of that Uma
which has been going on tor tbe past
Ksrae* nr the BiMt PenmlscBL
hoiiaes and nffl<-ea. Tlte flaherw.imen all deirands can be met.
week must slop at once. There hsvr
Pollowina are the names or Ibe
who broke out against (he octroi due*
PlhM Bsat* WarasA Is Bewsse.
been tsemy-flve victim* from' both
prominent cf (be civilians and army
classes, but the freshmen have had th* St GIJod received the moat determined
New York. Hay a.—Order* have bee*
men mimlnaisd: Tu be major tencrals
assistance from the tobaco girla To
best of It.
Idema himself has been
Brtfiadlei tlenersl Jiweph C. Breckingether they sacked several tiakedraand Issued to the fleet of Sandy Hook ^oU
sheared, but took his medicine goodthat Ihe busts on Ibe southern station
rtdre, iDspo'tor ceneral foiled Slates
burned all tbe cwirol offices, with all the
naturedly. The rooms of several of the .
array: Bnyadler General Etwell 8. Otla
_ .
foreign ships off Lung Branch, the eastern sisUon s(
boy* who have l»-en espeeially active In
Fire Island,- snd the station bool off
Vnited Siaies army. Urlcsdier Genera. .nrhoalnroa sr. adoroLd with handful. ! ‘“•'‘"'•f
»>• karl
Sandy H.~.k lightship.
John i Copplngcr. Brtcadier Qroeraf
srarowf New* a Threwt.
t dark
William It. Shslter. Brlgadl
May 5-It I* the absenc.
dlcr Onen
. William H Graham. Brtcsdl
swear that they vrlM clip every |aclua: news as tr. the war ci-rsil.ins „ f.-,rvd
vent of (he Spanish
y yiiB~* F. Wade. Brlgsdirr <lei
lener|4l Hes
the literary department; which Is causlTiggreai anxi- ly. especial
n—t falling Id with one of the pilot
ry C. Ucmsrn: James H. Wljsi.n.
before they are through.
IsMU the SiMiniard* would I.ke posses^
DeUaaee. Fllthugh L-e. of \1ritli
o. p. CA&vn. Atm
John R. Santo,
GsmiiI lisiruu
Wall, Now!
“■> > -........ .. .......
• 01^ Market.
Below is a IMt of the baytng asd saUig^|pri^ of yeatarday tor g
disquieting feature
| Anentu.n is again Hveied up..n Siwin .
, fne speclo' dl«p:'i<hes from Madrid in; qicate that tbe quesUrwts of the future
government of iBb cvAiolry were begir| nlng lo tw discussed as if the ngurrs of
qu.en regent and King AlP-ns., had
Nsrolaaled for rosgrsro.
I* ttceopy the Phlllpplsf*.
Should I be decided finally bv tht
Fairfield. 111*.. May k—J R. WillIsms, of Carml, wa* nominated for reppresident o send troops to saslst Com
inrdore Desey to hold Manila
war I resentatlve from the Twentieth Illlaols
itrtet St the IVnue rallc convention
department offlrUls say that the small
number of remlar aoldlei-s available are
id here yesierday.
ready to move. Ii Is thought, however,
Pteudll Wiu> (be Derby.
that If troops are eeut they win be
Idsudll ’w -n th
made up largely fr..m the volunteeKentucky
I>T-rbyyesterday, Lelber ,Ksr
forces that resullly could iv ron.vnsecond:
Isabey, third:
time. '!:«
trated at San Prwr.rlsco from various
■tate* west of the Ru;ky mountaina
‘ Tbe en'litmenis in tbe volun.eer army
the first iwo days during which this was
tn progress sm-iunied only to something
The widow of iheTIchborneCUImant;
over TM Mare than.100 of these were of 1* pennUvas, and a relief fund I* belhg
officers, and the greater, pan of them
surgeons.which accviunis for the Umlted
Much interest is manifested St Wash- ;
BUmN-r mutn-rod Ip
Six burdrefl pri Ingliii. m the a. «siuiis nt the National
vates have so far been enlisted. With Moth-r*' congreits.
tbe surgeons quaJlfied to extmlne the
Yousouf, the Turk, won two straight,
soldieis rapid pii>gress srtih the regular
wrestling match with lUd
toUa I
eoUstmeni work Is looked for.
The Js|ianes(- government hi* under
consldeiatloti a pisr for the esiat.HshBall of I.UB I nOon Fauset ta Ihe lllieals ment of banks with foreign cspllsl.
H11 na^ ( aai p.
The American bark Fcresl yueen.
Camp Tsrn-r. Epringfieid. Ills..May 1 Captsin Beasley. fH>in Tae-ima. Wash.,
—In spile ul the emphatic d-nlal nf Maieb (, Jtas iven given up as lost.
. General Barkley, |k>s1 commander, and
.Ominnatl br-wers have added H a
Colonel F«si-r. of the Slxlh regiment
barrel to the pro e of beer In antlclpathat dynainilv or any other eXploBlve
bad be- ii,fou*d III the quarters-ol Com
II returns from «
at 81. Paul give . •Hepreserlsllve '
pany L. It >«>w drvrioiw (hal Ibb SUiry
Klel.-r tltep-y I
Is true. The comtiianding i.lllrvr stuck
tables, bu
Lwvh cun
pluslv-s k
■ '.i
I a je.siciffi.v- In the Cuban p'<
. lupled by the United Stales.
nnd Is believed to hive been pul tbi
kiln Louis*- McEli^-. whi
Bur.day by rome |■eIS(.Il who look i ' since her lutb yesr/llie ''daughter" uf j
vsnlac* of th- ..pp-rtunllygiven to'v •! Ihe &-o.n<5 low* regiment, may go to,
Hors to gn through quarters.
I the front with her rvgtmeni- ,
When Hr boys packed tbe chest 1
The secretary of (be navy bos sent to I
fere coming to Springfield there w ' the svilsie a deileicnry ratlmstr of OO.h mati-nal t
•iKS.W» for me remainder of the preaen:
IB overhauled. ' fixvwl year
D account of tl
There is but one Inference,
the high explosive was placet]
Dr. John M. Manly, prufessnr of £ngSunday What the purpuoe was
-sb SI Brown university, has accepted
hk* attempted to guess. Hsd the stun the posltiop of brad professor of Eng•xidoded n would hsv* blown out the Usb Isnguage and Uterature Im^e Uni
side of tbe building. Te*u were made versity uf Chicago.
of the stuff on s..me brirk* st Cami.
Inlormailun has been received of the
Idncoln Monday and again late in the death at Oakland. Cal . of MJss Helen
sfurnooc on some stones In each case A. Butler, who served for forty yean
the-bricks and stone were crumbled Into os teacher and principal tn tbe pQbUc
SBmll bit* snd powder.
aebaois of Chlengo.
OcnersI Ttsrkler received whst ws*
Negroes at Springfield, O.. chased the
left of the brick and alone snd finally proprietors of a ranseum troin the dty
Admllled the atuft be denied being so because they ezhlUted (be embalmed
explosive was gun cotton. Tbe test was remains of two negro mnrderera lyaebcd
gnsde by Ordnance Sergeant Baker, At Blmingnom. Ala.
srho' my* It would be hard to And a
Prince victor Emanuel, the count of
•lore dangerous explosive. The officers
Turin, and a nephew of the king of
explain ifas atlempt to keep.tbe matter Italy has arrlwed st New York oo the
«Axk by oaring that the awdr would re- North Oennm^loyd ttSAmshlp Kslaar
antt in many of tbk men who are not
Wnhelm der Orosa*.
eiffisted returning home. There sre
Robert Johnson at Chicago stnmMed
nsay who «o not feer Spanish hnUet*
over the body of a dying woman on the
rallrrod tracks under the Erie street
Tladact and the polkv have not Imad
of guB coUon.
•M* to learn her IdenUty.
DrrRiTs: is
w arm in
< <>m:r»>w.
Waiting <sr Asolber Urklag.
sMbld plaea, daa ka hoBgki oa ■et»i
•It to
Clear Pork per bhl. ae
Clear Pork per tt...........
Short Cat Pork...............
abort Out Pork par lb.
Flonr. U L. A Co. ba
Bye noar. H. U A Co
Meal. H . U ACo. Be*
Peed. » U A Co. Bee:
ly payaaats-
Lot takaa la ekehaaga.
Also (*od botMS b»d M to*t Wt, Onk
Park. WasblnfftAD stowot.
E. W. HtSmiGS.
p,;,aio*a, per bn .
nnrtkd kana op mavu
| _
Owrac kcoBrAaAszra*a«Ma*0Bai
'boat, new, par «m
OMa. Ko 1. par ba.
Cora, per bn...............
Butter, per tt>.............
** t »
WkMpiac Onnek.
. bad a little hoj who was Bsariy
dead from an attack of whooping
cS^rlkfnEcovh^B^*! did
BOt 'ttalnk Uat any medlelae wMtd
help him. bat after rteing him a few
doaea of that reraad* I aoUead aa l»proeement. and oee botUe enrad him
entlrelT It ie th* beat eoagh Bodltrioa
I ever bad In tbe house.—J. U Mooke.
^tb Berrettatown, Pa- For aale by
ABfittoter. t
• Of tAOtk.
fMttO« Of tMth
tffiUrt Md matt
Srul mifi t li^ 1.1
B. R Walt, drocriet.
OHg •aAtMa.ta*!
AUorwsrs M Law.
•rl T ffi^KAiiu
GATB. aueewe^ BpactalM
Vjr tesuratoPr
10. KereaBUte Co.
•Pbooss im. t0(. u»_______________________
popog A OOYgU. Auorrora^a^^roaasjid-
ar at Law. fiposial
Bliro to tax tltlw
Troissamesfroa Cksils aiil. Otasd
M UUaro^MS^Traeorot
k—Public suentlon
ceniered again yesterdat In tn* con
gress (lower hous*- of tbe eoriesi. There
Rlgt.m to Aaa Arhsr.
was a rr|K'tlll(-n of the great crowds of
. Ann A'l-T. Mich. May 5—The qhtTuesday, Ihe pulbe and civic guard*,
veratty faculty Is rejoicing over an ex
besides tbe snivi police, mingling with
pected gi't c( an estate valued at llJi.the pc-pple The gallene*‘n| the house
T A. TH0HF8ON. H. D Offie* la HwatWssi
A. A Mtllikaa Block Bewra. t to II A m.. I
•'»* many Imlie, were
S^'erwl I.mn lnent senator*
.Wiupled seats t. side deputies .n th‘he , hitii.i.e, Senor iieverter.
mmist-r cf nrai .e in ihe < an. va* mln■(frmunica- ootJ a year
‘s'ri. and the hero
-fended the,
men-.iv an., p. ..r Kl Meraldn. ,
New Y-rk. M.iv i
hch. r 1 iina,- ,.(s •
a eatn* TS and ■ Press from Kv y Wes'
replying <Iwit i:|.
-.ni of Can-'has Is-en l--mbiaOed
ee t-.ldneas," Marblehead silence I
X|»OR 'ALS-<
f Will u- •<
—.J ebeap
uiism lu lonniRBi LI
AtlffSqtcMcka m.
oona ffOKK.
*bo .lule tbe brs»e. (rero «ae eagtoe to sbed i
I weal o< ' be wsler worts Trarerss CUT Iron |
d. rteafsegow
■Worve XI3 t(___________________________ _|£_______
t special lo 1
says L'lenfuegcT*
I only did
ballcnea of lb*
of April Id,
, min- ahelled the town iis-lf, playing havoc baod or oew ptaoo“1d(lr^*w“
Hsineld. Alrb llftt
. W,y. iwilh the buildings and driving th.,uAnver--“i”*"
InhaJ.Hants to the in-
; ssJL'is:..
I T i»»r-on rrem •>
! Xu leo-blet. Find'
ooiffo nortw.
rrauarCD imtan-llla* IsUUe Bolesrob. a
i^irri.s'^ss."a^7as: “si
1 Will Hue 1 Carload of Horses Here Neit Saturda;, la; 9.
If you waot horses come aod see me before baying
elsewhere, I can save yon money.
These horses were purchased at Monroe*, Wisconsin,
and will stand the climate of Korthem Michigu better
than horses brought from further south.
Weight from 1100 to 1600.
Can be seen at tbe Cutler Bam.
»«, Teas. OUT
■i, ..j .w
Brotro SB Uie Ball Pteid.
Chicago, May t—Following fcre y**tarday * l.eagoe arrires at base ball: At
aeveland—Louisville J, Cleveland *. at
BriTOklyn—Wsehington t. Brooklyn II;
St BaHlrocre—I'blladeipbla 2. Baltimore
«; at Ptusburg—Chicago J, PUtstwirg >:
St New York- Boston S. New York I. at
ClncintiBlI- llaln.
Western League: AI Minneapolis—
Kansas ritylC, Mlmveap-lls T; .1 8tPaul—Omaha 4 St I’sul t, at Detroit—
Milwaukee 10. Detroit 7. at Indianapolls-lum __________________ _
Dr. Higgins,
Lard pertt..........................
Batter per tt> Dairy.
Oeamery Buttor.tt. .
Cbaaaepertb -------------Oats per ba (old).........
Cora per bn., old............
Balt per b1
Bran per
I'Bited Slntes Senator, W. J. Sew*U_nt
IBiot aiwVletlBi rrotn Behled.
Kew Jerse> . Joseph Wheeler, of Al^
Madison. Wia.. May k—tViihoui any
bams B<-sldes these there are elghleeD
apparent reaaun Christian F. Larson
colonels of the regular army promoted
walked into the paint shop of B. Nels..n
to be brigadier generals and seven Ueuat McFarland, near this city, and fataltenant colmiele in the aarne grade, be• ly shut Nelson In Ihe head from be• aidet numVrous other promotions Tes
hlnd. LArsoriwasaiTestrd. It la thought
terday was a great day for the rvgulai
Wkat am I ottered tor a gaed beaae m
rr—Wrol Ball of
I* Va>eamA?lw»tw^*M»-M^
Hac^ Basand Ba^e
Whon in nned of AaTthing In tUs
line lAmembAr this Is tbe plnee to 1aa*«
jOAT orders oAd get prosM.worfc.
SAtMtoetloB rswMtoed or M
[••*• yov osdsn at aOee nr caII
Thpne Ho. 8.'
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.