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The Morning Record, July 20, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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’•Sr 1,836
Beooni r«ar—No 880
-Cubans Disappointed With Attitude of the
Americans at Santiago.
Bitter Feeling Between the Disurgents and
Soldiers of United States Army.
Owneral (imreia DeoUned Invitatioii to Attend Ceremony of
Saiaing the American Flag Oyer the City, Thus Bmphaaizing Beeentment Manifested By His Followers—Cubans
Expected Santiago Would Be Turned Over To Them So
They Could Bevenge Themselves Upon the Spanish.
BotnntahlnUieontet eonldatoaiaoh
New York. Jnlj IB.—The SeBtisfo
theatnaafleracapple nf days' trial.
4iapelchea preface teankte that oofbThere is a peenliar. Aiaafreeable smell
■erratlre hesulB bvr* aotieisaUd; that abont it that tarns yon.'
Oahasa wonld espaet the priTiier^ of
"The retnraad soldiers are in a pitia
aactnor Spaaisb poMeMioiia and wreak
ble auu, so tar as clothing te ooning reranre on Spanish eitisena. A
oemed. There teaot a compiate uni
taet iBpreaaed more and mera neei7
form ia the «hole ontflt. Some earns
day npan AmeriCM offiocra and men in
aabore last night wrapped in blaakeu
^ inercMinr the atralaod relatiMa hete hide their nakedneea Tha majority
tareen the Americana and Ganatal Garhatlma Net a dosen pomamed a
eia'a Cuban aoldian. The aitnatian haa
wb<da eaav Sheas were eearne. and
MW reached a point where there is no
there ware two lastaaoea of men wllhcoatmnnieatioa between the anaiea
eattroBMra All this came abent beend their relatieni herder oa tfaoae a!
.nae of tha heat ia the maraaeee and
tderbmsb near Slboney and San
oB« would anppoac ahonld exist beJaan. The men threw away every
twtai allies.
thing that added to their temperatnre
After Oenaml ShafterAanonaoed
and the snrgeaaa oompleted the work
I net to 1st the Cnbaa JuU
-h.t llltl.
enter the city of Saatiacn. deep
Unj b„ Lit u r-t
UlL -citd.
terlnga srare heard amonf Uenisnl
Scott's equipment oonbUte of a shirt,
a.pair of mUitary tronsera that wonld
It la evident that tha Cabans ars
shame a Cuban voinntaer, aad shoea
freatly dlsappcdated at steps taken by
Be hae no coat nor hat. nor doee he
the Ammicaa eommandcra for they
kaow where hte gun te. Be expects to
had oonfldently cionated npos bavinr
retain to Cubs without a fnrlongh.'
Santlafo tarried over to them to loot
aad plnader. sa they bad in
eaeked.BaiqnIrI. SIbooey and ElCaney,
htiy tbeir diaappolnlBnsta
m when they ase«rained that
e not to be allowed to Uke
oaeral OBffleld Kay be KiUtofy
Gpvarsor In OubaifBe Bocovan
Yrom Yellow Yevar.
apvcisltoTnMoBjiiSE Bscou,.
. Waablngton, July Ui.—Seeretaiy AIg» te credited wiU Ue statement Uat
General Doffield woald have been made
Military Governor of all Cnban lerri
toiy captared, had he not been token
aick wlU yellow fever. General Shafter was offered Ue aame position bat
declined it. Be wonld not have a job
Uat would keep him in that elimato,
and be aaid so wiU all tbs foroe of hte
fine rosUc voeabnlary. It te desired to
have a ooldler for govareor, aad Chaf
fee or Keifer, each of whom te a law
yer, may getit. Oenaral Wheeler be
ing rejeetod, it te said, b^nae of hte
atroag sympaUy for Ue Cnbana.
doval was disabled in any way. i
the arms, ammnaltloa. pnhUe bnildings or barracks at OalmaDora or Gnan-
Two Cent*.
When a Popnlar Pattern
Of Wall Paper U nearly sold ou^’
tlu, last room goes at Hslf Price—
it's a “one room remnant” — good
staff, loo—pay yon to fill an old trank
for-next year’s ose. Some is axtm
width—21 inch goods at 3c dooblG
toU-wUl all be sold this week.
wonld not be treated as prteonars of
The flag was banled down this after
noon. Prom a Spanish source It te
learned that tha tot^ foroe at Onantao aad Oaimaaara amonnta te hut
5,000 maa. of which only abont S.OOO
are fit fer service, the others being dteahied hy aleknaaa aad wonnda
The priaonert have yellow fever
ArigMonaraatlae will
Pine Pieldiag aad. Good Team Work
Prevanted the Oolu Prom Get
ting a Single Score.
Yesterday's hall game between Ue
Celts of Mantetee and the HnaUera was
played in a drizzling rain moat of the
and the nnpteesaat weather
spoiled the attendance. Bowever.
those present saw a good game and
220'Front 8t.
witnessed the second shnl-ont
have given the Colu thte
The local i am can well be
lUrmed Ue f
in the staU. as there has been no lesm
ia the cute so far this season which
Of Kipling, Brame, Doj-ie, Stevenson, Hope, Jerome, Corelli^
has pat npsnch good ball as Hantetee.
The teams now stand even as to the Ward, Duchess, Weyman, Haggard, Barrie, etc., in bound Tolames
gsmes won aad with the'^^f
- (rood books.' At
AwiTTwsT. dsWST
won his fonrth against Mantetee this : ■
>Bsioa ana
and iwo
two oj
of laem
WiU a Xtamaad for a plsplay ^ •bason
t The first three innings weresbat-onls
Oi>Ur a>p«itlor
To Ua Oermaa Haval
thority at Kartna
K.W Vork, Julj
j ning, Manistee's wild Urows and.timeB„„, ljklUb-'ULJI“iLr...ti,aiwo™.L.
A base on bslls, a aacriflee aad
Kong dispatch aays that Admiral iWhceler'a two-bagger over Ue left
Dewey recently by a
field fence in Ue fifth brought in an
QeraaB admiral whether
other ran, Bant crossing Ue platet
"Jocko" Weaver. Ue new Srat heee*
United bUtM and Germany are at
peace or war. If at peace be deamad- man, ahowd. up In fine form aad kte
fine work ini gaUerfag in a hard Urow
cd that Ue German warshlpe pnrsne a atirred np the fant and awakened them
different conrae; If at war. he wanted to Ue taet Uat the
to know it BO he oonld goverp'himaetf all right. "Joeko"giveapr6mteeof heiag
very bandy with the stick, as one
dandy hit evidenced U Ula
Par oereral waeha Germany baa been
The featoree were Wheeler's third
eonstaaOy enlarging ita'flaet in Uem base pUy. a pbenominal one-hand atop
watme, nntU mw ail German aUpa oa by Mqier and Ue ail around good
Ue Aaiatle atation^ wiU the exception fielding by Ue whole team.
In the fifth Inning, after Uefluatlera
■f the DentecUand, Ue Arcoaa aad the
,i..h,r I. Hull. W, «r had Uree rnna. two men oat and two
atrikeaonUe Coll at bat. Behan of
L lu
Th. G.rmu t»™l olUe Colu wanud Ue -game called oa
ficere L-ava token pains to show parti- aecotini of the lala, but Umpire KuUcnterfriandtlnesttoward UeSpaniards. erferd declined to call Ue game, and
as for axample. in salnting the Spanish seven innian' were play^, until Ue
flag at Manila on the arrival af every diamond beeame so modd^ Uat It was
not advtesble to play Ue ether two
addiUonal Germaa ship. The German
Following te 'Ue score by
officers .have visited Ue Spsateh flertificatlona and trenches and the Manila
Unstlera...................oa-o-s-1-0 o—5 7 I
nswBpapers have aosertod Uat the Colu......................... om„4j.,Kw>—o 4 5
presence before Ue city of ae many
Bstlrrics. Gleason and Rnr-t; BufliagGerman ships enable the Spanish er and McConnell. Two Imse hiu.
anUorlties abd the people of Manila Wheeler. Stolen bas's. PiUnsn, Bent.!
S. Wilhelm, Boyce. Hit by
to regard Ue American fleet wiU
pitched hall. B'lyce. Bases on bails.
Off Baffinger. 3. Umpire, Bntherford.
Four days ago Admiral Dewey eent
The HosUen- tbU keasen are a really
an officer to Ue German flsgahip with j strong K^gregatioo. and they
ing what may Justly be termed wonIt that i
atotement «f the Germaa atUtnda ia | dertol ball. They are well orgaoiied,
well managed and work together
« of the- city, npoa General
Toral'a aarreader. Bnadreds of anek
InsUneea are being told around the
camp ftrea. and very rarely U a kind
word spoken of them. In fact la some
snartem there tea dtepoeitlon to propbmy aa early oollisloa between out
At Us aama Uma he delivered a pro-|u,e team te ezceptioaal and Ue boys
men and the Onbaaa Oeaeral Sfaafteat against various aettem by German ! are ail good fellows aa well aa g)^
ter yesterday morning teat lavlUtlOM
offleeim. aneh as have beea mentioned! t*” p'ayera This and the efforU
to Oenetal Garcia attend Ue ceremony
..Iof Ue mai
here. The German admiral aent an
af raising Us Americas flag
flrst claw ball by a crack team ebmld
immediate expIanaUon.
Two days induce tbe lovers of tbe game to accord
ago. bat Ua Cnbaa Uenaral abewed relater, however, he eent a proteat to liberal patroaage to Ue gamea. To
aentment, by aendlag a reply which
Admiral Dewey against Ue aetioa of day's game will be a warm ooetost, as
amply ceafirmed Ue eooree be and
American aSoers in boarding German the Colu do not want to go back to
hte ragged, ignoraataoldim hate fol
Mantetee wiU Ue odd game ia favor
coming to Manila from Mariveles.
lowed. daring the weeka of hard fightof Ue UnsUern, therefore the gronnda
He cited us Incident of tbe McCnllocb ahonld
tag. which bss resalted in the fall of
BnUerferd or Batler will be on Ute
It te eald. however, U*t if Genenl aad Ue Irene at Corregidor.
Baatte^. He declined Ue invitotion.
Admiral Dewey replied to Ute very slab for Ue local team and Bruner lor
' e^ he haled Spaniards and added Uat DnfSeld makee a quick
Ue Colts.
he did not want to be where any of may yet he made govemor, if be da eoortoonsly, bat very firmly,
alrea it; beeanee he combinea Ua milit pointed out to tte German admiral
Uat iatornatlonal law
Slnee that time the Cabaas have re ary rash, legal ability aad bnsiaam
■under of a blockading fleet an- Yor Thirty-Third and Tbirty-YonrU
mained la eamp. eatiag American ‘ra- perience.
Xichlgas Valantoen in
Uority to ocmmnnicate wiU aU ahipn
Uoaa. Md onr troopa have had no comTRAKR BOOA8B T09X XT.
Xhte War.
mnnioatioB with Uem.
atoring a blockaded port An intorWashington. Jnly 19.~Secretniy Al
Won .
Z:04 Pacing Baaa at national law parmittod warablpa to fly
that he bad received Ue
any flag Uey chose in order to deceive
8iw»j luTne UaamsaHiDusi,.
tha enemy. UeulionaUty of vmeete must positlTcassuraace from Ue front
'itetroil. JnlT Ik.—Frnnk Hagaah won entering Ue bay conld not be deter that Ue fever which bad token hold of
AJtbnr Scott of Oo. M. TaUu to a
Ue nnfintebad Srflt pace today. Bou- mined abaolnlely wiibont oommna
Oeaeral Dcffield and several Michigan
Sepettor u> Mew York OTty.
benstein secoed. Bnmps third.
Ibe ing with Uem. Be anaonnoed hte in volanleera te of an exceedingly mild
'Telegraphic dtepatobee from New
track was hoof-deep wlU mnd.
Be- tention to commnnioato wiU all ahipa type. Be dees not know bow luny cf
York elate that Arthur D. SeoU
dinds won the 2:JS pace aad Aehey Ue eatering Ue hay.
For Us Oeraun Ue Michigan troops bsve Ue conta
comdhay H. stU Miehigan rolnntoera.
»;1C tret. The great M. and M. atoke admiral'a further information Admiral gion, but he te hopeful Uat Ue numwas amlgned to Ue mariae heepttal on
spoatponedon accaant af Ue Dewey told him that ff Germany was bm- te email. Be eays Ue department i
Staten Uland. In a report of Ue ar
atorm. Twelve Uousand people were at peaoe with Ue United fitotos the te hnnrly expecting a detailed report.
rival et Ue hoapital ahip Olivette the
It is altogeUer likely that Ua out
German naval oSoere here would hare
Detroit Tribune has Ue following:
to change Uelr moUods, and that If break of fovar will pot an effectnal
•■SoeU te the least serfontly UJ^
stepper npaa any fnitbsr mlllinry npGermany
Of Ue thrw. He U saffering from a
he deaired to know it at onee in order nraUona «f Uaneral Deffieid'a command
■aasbed flager, received wbUe Ue
GjUBtab Yoreana
aa well as subject Uem to aa ladaflnito
Uat be might act aeoordlngly.
troops were being disembarked -on Coa Ketifled of Ue I
atay at Santiaga
faaae^ This incapacitated him for
. ofSantlaga
"The departmant boa decided to
. military duty and be was snnt into Ue
Ctemp McCalla, July 18. 7 a. m., via I
teolato Ue Thirty-third and Thlrtyhnepitol ehtp aboard the OllveUa
Playn del Brie, inly 18.-Copyright
i W,U Be Ynrntehed Ue Troope Going foorth-MlohigaBandNinU Miirho" 'My experieaoe.' said he, 'has been the Aaseeiatod Prem.—A launch from >
hatta regimeato nntU all danger of
prindpaly on the trip tram eastern Oaba th.
Urir spreading Ue fever U pemed"
to New York. All Ue wounded men
to Verteaya dal Tore, oppo- General Corbin has anonneed Uat. Ua
said Becretary Alger. “They will be
. rno^ved the best of care at U* baade siu Caimanef*. and aotUUd Ue Span
troops for Porto Bico will he fnrntehed plaeed npoa tb^ high alUtodM aarof the daetora, bat Uey did net get
of the anitnnder of ■a fast as poadble wiU Kragg-Ji
rennding SaBttege." where It 'te eald
l^whA they shoald have had in Ue way Toral's troope, wlU UeeaadlticM of
sen rifles.aad Uea
fever .cam be easily eomhattod.
7of food. We have bean fed-the Ue eapltolation. A llmitod time was
powder eartridgea. The depart- None-of Ue eommaads wiu be sent
woondad and Ue well alike-on a caa- fixed for banllog down Ue Spanish
to Porto Bico or any oUer expediUra,
mealhasareeervestockofM.CNMExag. 'nod oonooction called prime roost beet flag over Cteimenara. Tbaoffieiategavn
Jorgenaona and Ue factory baa an ouV hat aa aeea aa it te tale to do so Uey
. ul.ntuU.hl. lor hot oUahtu .*4l.oUoothhtu th.Sn.Uh ruthoottointrf'l.oJIS.'
wiU be brongkt back home.’'
And take a look at the valaee we offer In
Csdsimere Suita as low as $3.90. Others at any price above
tkat you want to pay. All are good values. ^ them, st
If You Have Logs to Sell
L>>rreapoDd with the T»reree City Lamber Compuijr.
We ha»*e for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
TjA^TPS :fOE. aAT.-m
Mill Maehiaeryof nil descriptions, iaclading Two Epginon,
flet Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Dr Get Dne Repaired
Remember My New Place312 South Ueion Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Depet
In nuh lid Tudw to Ini
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastiogs’ Real Esiale Ageocy.
sn tool Isl. nazU booM. Cm loesUoz. Gh bi
mtent lot.zooC J>rrlllsc. FvninoeC.aCo
41 oerVa thFVv bHf. Miiib bs4
(roai tl
ud TbUUal<BF(BiDforoolrltmC
<hcrw> I wIIf WBBI. sit iBpr
Olbet plseCB )UBI«
«vt. esn b* ttoacht for teRL
ro BOd lie per Doub nnlU paM lor.
■ eltr- lAcul ro«l. wbU wsiereS. rvoot arI plBM^or ClvldMl^ sslb^^o^thls
A Matchless Bargain
50 do^en Misses' fast black seamless hose, sizes
from 5 t» 8ji, at the low unheard ol price of 5 cents
per pair.
A lot of straw matting, remnants of onr large
spring stock. Some fair sized pieces. Values rang*
ing from 15 to 25c- To close quick we have put
them at 10c per yard.
Big reduction in Ingrain remnants. , ■
Our millinery departmeht is creating quite a
sensation. Our finest pattern hats. $6 and $7. going
at $3.50.
. •
The Boston Store.
■> .f*;' ^
- r
mATKME omr, ■ linTHlOAM
W. BAmnai, Editor ftad
■m veefc. to eitrrter.
ekftruMr udj»-
B« ridM hi> hoTM lilM ft Cmtftftr fto4
wiU) ft rrvse thfti Usd* ft ob%rm Uftt
biatmftilftdbj the ftMoeiftUoft* eoftBftCtod wUb ft brUliftBi cftrMr.
tft tka ftfMniMB tke
Iftff the areOft ««■ threBfed with people,
ftmoftir then hudreda of todlftiia from
17 whoM latereai I
The aefttlnr
w»a plftlftl7
eftpftoitjr wft« taxed ftBd ftfMTWftTda
the ticket taker reported 14.0K pereona
in fttteadftnee. la the eTeftio( there
M«)r« Ton WlIliaiDi now tine m
«o)(t ma tbe ■Ko7 af nua at Oolonel Gib
TTriicbt'f KdreiiMm in Bonth Cftraiiiu
iu the rlndui; moutfa* of the wv.
It Menit that GMu<nl Kilpnarick, the
Fe.ii.TiU eftvftliT
- tvred ft BQinber et l>«ted«Bieft, mud
WriKbtwaDftnxionii If roTCue them. Ho
eall.U for »olnm.?.T» to jp t«th him
into the
thu-e arbo respondod.
The Fedml tmopera wtjt^ nnarltig
, in
ii tbeir camr and on both sidi*
of the road
m leadin'^ to it. and Ueir pr»ou.-r* dom'd by a flir near (be center.
Just how they got there wcreld be
hard to explain, bat Rburtly after midntghi Gib 'Wright, at the bead of a frw
CPU. rrtdcatageiitir parr intotbeoamp
Tbo drowiy FuduratK took Uem for a
party of their own men muniing from
a sront and paid nu attention to theiu.
Everything was workiiig smoothly nutfl
one of the prietaierp c-.inght a glimpee uf
(heuewcomers. Thefellow lost hisfacad
and miiirdlbewbolelmNiucm. Ue imp
ed to his fu't and looked into the fiKcs
of tbe adTanrimi Coufodurata.
• Horray. boys!" he shonted in his
delirious delight ‘‘Hang mo. if tbero
ain't old Gib Wrigiit and his crowd.
Uuruedif Ue wh'.le Gaifedurato army
ain't right ooblud him!"
Thepri.->ouer»aii rnUpd forward with
the n'gulsr rebel yell, and Ue sleeping
Ftrietals auddunly U-<«uie very wide
awake From every aide they sbuwi-red
btilleta on their vinToni. and Wright
and bill men had atuin«i a miracnlons
deliverauoo. Sereral were killed and
wouhiiud. Itit the ladir and the ma
jority nf tlie party mniuigud to get
away.—AUonta ConsUtnUon.
Cboapest sad most rcJuble place to get yonr bicycle repaired aod
pnt in go^ ruDDiDg order. Hare bad eereral yeara experi^ce and'
know bow itabonld be done. SatiefacUon guaranteed. I am felling
bierale aondriee at about coat. New and second band wheels for sale'
and to rent. Please give ua a trial.
Brazing a specialty.
ELLIS. 811 Front St, East
We are
Strictly In the
Owing to the storm the attendance at
OatCaftceurea night was redaced. The leatnree of
UashewarenBiqseaa weU sa intertpbWMti eating. Cnaler'a Isal rally was oe
the most intereeting. 'ssd Ue exhibi
tion U. S. earairy maaenvere nzeited enthusiasm.
The Cabaas
the display Inrited almaet deafening
applause, while the performanere et
the Arabian borsemea were rery en
tertaining. The reailatle repfEdneties
Two ▼aloabla Bams l>Mirayed and
of aa attack by Indians npoa a praemigrant train recalled
thrilling stories of the paei, while the
section yaterday morning crated con'Phone 167.
848 Front Street,
ridlag and shooUag of the cowboys de
aiderable damage. Lightning struck
lighted the heart of the small boy and
a bam owned by Capt. B. E. Chase on
and excited the admlraUoa of erery.
UeWrsl Side and Ue bnlldieg was
Else Aanle Oakley gave some
burned to the ground In a very abort
srkable exhibitions of ts^cy shoot
time, being beyond M*ing by U« Bre 1
At laet the Thirty-eeocwd Miehican ing and Johnny Baker displayed splen
department. A large qsantiiy of bay
velnntoera hare reeeired orden to did ekUI in the same line, Colonel
and some tools weredatmyed. but Cap■ore—sol to the treat, bat ont .of the Cody exhibited bU skill with the rifle
toia Chase suoeeeded In removing
■ud-hole is which thep hare bees also and his nnerringaim wasCTldenee.
other valnsblea.
Tbe bam was
CMplsE tor eerersl weeks pest, to a
insured and the loM will be probab
le to deaoribe in
■ore baelthp lecatioa. The ehasga ia
ly g3oo. This is Ue second disaster.
It f
t' 1.
weleome, bt>t the danfer, host and dU- detail the rarioos feaiaree of the pre•emforteadered by their eosusdesof eentatien and do them Jssiloe. Eneogh
OeUlBg Cp.
aUehifftB is Cabft, wonld be tar pre- to Bay that thU was the real and only
The Bake of Wellington slept on an was stmek by llghUiag, bol Ue damderable to the IMe of iaacUrUj and ex- Wild West and that it is a performance Iron estop bedetead lu iui-bn wide and
figs was slight.
yaetfttiea which they hare bees leed- which iB appreciated and endersed argned that “wlifu a niou wants to torn
Soon after tbe lightoing etmek tbe
ahererer it Is girea.
oxer it ii tii-e to tom not." lildwnrd
Ipf aisee they went to Tampa.
Oonsidering the great crowd la the Everett Hair rootrs (Ins remark of the
Brur day. aimoat, brings farther city there was lUtle disorder and dep- duke ia the "T.-n TiiiKw Ow Bocurd”
of the city, was ■tenck.'’TAenty
•eUeacea of the ability and good gen- redaUoBS of Uterce were not reporto
Baltimore Stock Received Three Tima a Weak
ciplo IS well enongb," says Dr. Hale, teat of bay were consumed, and other
•csbhlp of Admiral De^ at hfanila There was considerable dlmlpstlc
htit 1 thmk the detail U wrong. Sle p
onnU. *f)c per quart
■a has firmly bet oonrteonaly Imprea- among tks rititing Indians from the ^0>tmr loo important 10 he mode nneoro- valnabla. and Ue.ioM including
Standanla, aoc per quart
itryand sereral spent' forfatlilc. ’* Ur. Hult> ipies nn to tell of bam will aggregate about toou.
■ed npoa the comnunder At the UerSolid Mats.
■fts fleet in ibeee waiere that ao loag the night in the eoep.
rariooi ingeiiiotiB d.-vine for
*'3 front bt.
The hotels were taxed bat ^ey eared
•ft the United Sutee ia »t peace with
wily waking a det-pcr. A friend of bis H. Griffith wu shattered by lightning!
and oUer trea in various portions of
led hisabrm no that at thefc
Oennany the blockade of ManiU and well for the crowds.
ed moment tho boU-Jotba
were dragged Uecity andsnburbesufferedslmUarly. ■
ABerkan aathoHty matt be respected
from tbe bwL The anue g<mtlcu>an
hg the aftral repreeentaUree ef that
fnoud another oontrivanoe which work
Why should
Tstoerday's Happy Kartiage.
■atioB. and the tactics fre<inenUy reyou arrv Inss
a mateh.
■orbed to mnst oeese or there will be What Troops will Go m Porto Bioan which lighted the lamp which boiled
WiU “*
Adsit aad Mr.
II yoraagoby two hnsUingyonng
the water for Roesiter'e shaving. If OrU were married last eveaiaiF *1' ,»v~.
WaUilngton, Jnly 4.—(Special)—It Bonriter staid In bed too Jong. Ue wa-1 Mta. AdsU's raideuoe on Washington ] and pa««.” They clipped,
Tnx preelamatlea of Preeideot Me
ter br.ilod over upou bin raxor and rli-an sUat,
suat. wbich-wu charmingly decoratdecorat and rewrote As ad'
Siniay aatnbUahing a farm et govern- Is lafe to ay that it U not known yet; shirt and Ue prayer book his mnthirr ed with eummer flowers for Ue oees- smpbyed mi a cocimiau‘"i of 25 per |
Beaase if you are sick 14 daya or
■Mt for Santiago is one which has no what troops wUl go to P<wte Bico. gave him andCoJ(ridg<''«ontc«ffnph and Mom. The ceremony wu performed sent, and it wua caoticiti Ue way be
day you
and all Ue other
praeedanl ia the history ef asUons, and General Alger said tonight that be
by Rev. J. C. Cknnan. who ame from
ho coold putmaUistoi;/
pDi iu a basin
ttontec.m.rictewe« m«iefar.!Sar;iU.i\c;rmr^^
ia me which will inspire every astira wonld not give ont Ue Uat till ail Ue
nniienieatb when
D he
itlobed: aohe
^ present. Tbe wed- „,outh: aonie for Uree nxa.tha. aome month. I will all at yonr laideM
with raapeci for this goremmeat ahd changes had been made.
bad to get vp before that niotauut' **.Ug wu a very pretty aad quiet oae. for a ytwr Tb<i <
is nt carrying on the war.
jooly Ue immediate relativu being
half of tbo cot
$7,000,000 OF GOLD.
.j present,
r-——~ and Mr. and Mrs.V.
-J »uu
and herr uaui mm
money to Bej yon Fith.
a u,e uuOtTBCt WU tUmed i “
A Osuea.admi.Ma.
family will lave ml on« for Wayne, U.
| Stop and Ulnic. Tall
Battmaind That That Amount Baa,
Tholxmdmj<:ropb.oUn.tbofollow. Kaa.*.. wbere Mr. OrU bu a flourUh-i Prrer4rity p.vp.d from Its pnga The
ing story nlamt Haua Riditur it
Bhea Taken in Klondike.
cle "hcvxidoctor*;
TABT 0B0WS8 XHJOTXB THB SpeeUl le the Moavna Rsmbd.
Dr. Ricbter'a pt^ralarity with bir
iBCOQver. July 19__ Letters <oat re
I is etucly' intdliglble. for while
ceived from Ue managers af Ue Cnna- notliiiig«erapi>s ids argcsi-yed vigilance e«to"d hearty congraiclallou aad bat
came in. The wntcr and
tbe monU to <---------------------------------------------------------- .*
.ftnnd Bapreoentation of
in dlsa banks at Dawson say .Ue gold bealwaysreocigni»-s U<1 ncknowh-dga I wlaha to Uesa. Mr. Orth wu for' wiDi around at the md
good work. A few ytsrv ago, while he Isome yearsa raidentofTraveru City ' collect fniui the 90 day adviTnsGis and DR
..BlMorleal Poatnrea-Bongh Bidera
imissioner estimates Ue prednetioa wii*coa.;ofting—fromnM-mory.unmaltaad an active member of Ue Baptat I what do you sniiposeiiappcocd? HeUil-,
UtlM I lO I
d Ua World, Fancy Sboottng.
Owe MeNsman-s iibosfltom.
of gold in Ue Eiendlke at gr.OOO.OOa
of RiUtn's orert^ St Stie^u„j,,„gpreMrs.UrUhualsobeen •dwfind.mclEvcryadvcrtia.mfBtwu
BmiarkabU Horaemasabip and
**«W ba^
eamat worker, fur many i •
There wiei- no mteh inuno. no
e.t."asilr. Hapgardtn«dto«y. Itaad ”
„ch buriuoscs. no mK-b addrwea u
Onphic Beprodnobon Of Scenes of
oud conductor l,s-t Irmch for Kvural ^***^ She will he much «ise-««-s— the agent brunglit in for pnblicatiim 1
•tlrriag Times ea tbs Flaina.
• - ehnreb cornecUons here.
He hap|a-ned to have an engageraeot in |
Judge Boberta Be-Blected Frenidant. bai^ aod wlH'n Die pitoc wu ended Dr.
••BnEalo BUIV Big Wdd West and
Ricbtereignali'dtuthe urcliestrs to play
’ Hew Jersey co that fatefnl day and 1
The regnlar monUly asylum board tbi< ciynmue again fruui tlic beginuing.
Oongresi of Bongh Elders of Ue World
never-hu bnm se n ainoc. Contracts |
has come and gone and Yoaag Amer- meeting was held yesterday wiU TVas- This time cver^'tbing went withunt a
■app>isod to be worth flu.000 were not
worth ft cent. Tbe magSTtne died.—
ka in UU locality has satisfied a crav teea Roberts. Dsvis, Maywood, ttackua hitch, and at the cluse Dr. RidiUr
andiNew York Hrmn
ing U rase Bpon the here ef Ue wild and Bates in attendance. Tku
waatera country and wlincas reprodae- tbe annual meeting and Jadge Boberta mutakowu nune, not Ue archotn'
of tab.
Uone ia Ue ecenee ia the life of the was re-elected preeideat of Ue board a gottxons udmisaicxi wk
Trnsgroat aoont whose name is a houaebold
salvo of.spplansc.
; toes Batoa. Cummer aad Boberta were
. arord ail over Ue oonntry.
Cartrls-s B«
CMonel Cody'e prodncUoa is a revela- appointed andlting committee for the
AUtlte posulftr mame of U« d»
Oor rronl sod Cm M*.
iton to Uoomndt and at Ue same time ensuing year and Trustees Davis, May
Jruchim, the prreat violinist, was laand everything in Ue mnots Uau. W.
HIM Alte- K.CrsWon). MIm Allrv T. goben - W. Kimball Co N. E Strong, mnnogsG
M odocator in Amerieaa historv which weed and Backna executive commit- trodured to Carlyle by a luntual friend.
MIm Habel P. Wbtte. MIm toMts
aliout to take fiis 'moming j
U WltbrlB
S3S Front strecL
irnima ^
haa Ue merit et beUg realUUc and
walk, and be adted Joachim to aoooci- '
true to life. Over seven heudred perpany bun. During a very long walk in
•eaa are required to present Ue permain until after tbe joint bUrd meet- Hyde fork Carlyle ki-ptthecnDVcmBtiuo
Iwmanee and care tor the properties
ling GO Cvcriuajiy and its gnat men
lag of nil Ue asylum beards of Ue
and 4B0 horses, all valuable anlmala,
(• FrediTicks. Holtko anil Bixuarck '
ttate. which will be held here on
and many of Uem high bred, form a
—nutilatla.rt Juachim thooKbl,itwu
his turn to takua had. iind bo started
part of Ue ebow. The rrpreeenUUvee
witii the inqnuy. "Do you knowtiteraBeooR Votes.
Of Ue various naUons afford an illusDr. W. K. Breaky, of Ana Arbor, dslf njiiueuy".
WsUon which ooold be given in no
•‘No,”wu tbe reply, and. ,after a
oUer way and accomplish so mneb. wiU hts family are spending Ue earn
luso. "I don’t (.nrogcurnilly lor tunidThe shew ieenlighteniag as well as mer at Old Mission, pained threogh cuuis; tiny arc an (.-niiKy. wind buggr
Intensely interesting and entertaining. Ue city yeeterday on hie sray frocu saRofp^lu."
•Bd to Otdoael Cody Ue American fwo- that reeort. where he has been for a
pU are indebted for a portrayal of fa»v days, aad was Ue gneet pf Dr. and
«ho wild ecenee of Ue great Wat | ^'*^00101 at dinner. Dr. Breaky is
Playing gooHOxrry or "toplaygoos*whiU formed so "important a part in the medicnl
medical deparimeat of the IUai- berry" IscMitimoo < tvngb in ounneetioa
with sweettacaniiig. A lam arraugui a
i of a vast
wiU a lad. L.t fbr amne reasno
Titory of Ue ceuatry. The eoena are
The family of 3: A. Montagu^ wUJ
■arefally depicted wiU elcee attontion leave today for Old Mlaloa where Uey abo does not rare to go alutie, to ahe
takes a fneiid. another girl, and the
to det^ and Uey will live ia Ue mem- will epend a couple of days each week
(ricud “plays gnosubviry." Stanetiina
nry of Ue beholder longer than any at the resort
the girl wlio is invited to share the
EwnipUoaa in books.
Mr. and Mrs Ueorge M. Rogers and walk refuses, saying. "Nay. I’m not
Tbe parapberaalia carried wiU Ue daughter. Miss Boyd Rogers, aeeom- giftng to play grtJseUwy. ■■ The girls
■how la enormooi and complete. The paaied by M. Jama MeCennsll. came spuak of tho lad in Uls eonneciiou u
gooseberry fouL " By tbe way, green
graat arena is iliumlnated wiU elee- aver from Farat Lodge and attended
oosebemes slewed wiU a 1
toiearellgbu wIU clcctrielly geacr- to WUd West
l constiinte
sn___ mi____ __________^_______________ ».*._____ x. xv_._____
. •tod from a portable dynamo mrried
'wiU Ue shew aad operated by expert
Aa trMlFtaissd ffeM.
•leetriciaaa. and Us great Unts are set
Peter Lombard points a tnonti in the I
Just fe
Bp and moved by a small army ef meh
‘bisstoty:! a bfitclicr’s lad went to deliver wune
tritose dntia are performed wiU the
ngnlarity of clockwork without «osteton er delay. The arrangemenu
<or eariag for great crowds are admirI. . -bort nb».b,.ibini««.ol
■hle and Ue attendants as a role couri
*""“® rab boi and -Irore itm amtniU M—
toons and careful after Ue comfort of
K,tbuotbwU,y.,MndbBO-. nuirCope“nu. h. l,m.-n rnoT' Uw «kM. Mthe patrons of the performsnoe.
».'l lb.
The parade yaterday Uroogh the
H' H! HiTl
Basiness and can keep your live stock
alive for months if you will give ,us a
john j.brezina
Only 50 cents
For Half Soling Shoes.
ancF Heels, 50 cents.
For Tops
Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
New Store and Bepalr Shop.
Fletcher's Ofster Depot aed Resturm
Protectiie AssoclitlM
Geo. R, Winnie,
Up-to-date Painter
aed Paper Hanger.
* ♦
Traferse City School of Inslc!
IMBI10 ud 41, Bafle Hoet
Shop Opposite Baffle Office.
nw. I —
little water.
Whichever you may wish when suiting: yourself with a pair ^
of Shoos, you wUl find in our handsome and up>to*date stock
of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes sre the favorites at this season^of
the year, and we have themin aU shades for Walklng.tBloy- ^
------------------pjg luding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ^
g~~ and the
prlnelpU streets was aa lasplriagelgbt
and attended with historical interesi
<Moael Cody headed the cavalcade of
ropreeentativa ef all nations, Indtsns,
cowboys and American cavalrymen:
Md while FaUer Time hae eprinkled
hit flowlog locks WiU stiver Ureads
the great aenut atm kss a diatingmiah■d bearing, perfect physical manhood
S-.rK-d'vrfi.bJ'S ss
■;r^u "• ■*'bj
ProwUe’s addtosB?' -Ob.it
pmd; bw. yod we, .bfi only wiat twit
way.' -Whatever do yon-tnos. Mm
Toddla.*’ said the young woman. ‘Well,
mtm. she didn't tell ns what she doa
when Hr. Prondie ootna home drunk.
WeuhocUdUka ■ little ndvluecBthtt
^ point’ "
on run.
.«.u,.b..d.--ub.-.e!-,"b —t. ^Tc J« ^
rta no- DrBoiL
Mr. de Atnor irxbibiting bU Knight
Templar charm)—l.n. h-o< Ckn you
tell me. Rtbel. what that nmanm
Ethel <bia love's Urtle stater)—Yeth.
thir. lU when your watU lU.—
Jewelers’ Weekly.
«««»» »««»
« Traverse City Soldier Soys Write'tjpon
atters of Interest at Santiago.
ber (b Bto^ Ai the In-oe
rcfuaed to'obey a Bhei: iras aent acrom
htr bow aad a aibali loat went to dia>
wver what ahe waa .lr:nf. The Oerland laaNted that
Oertnaa ahlpa had a ncbt t
harbor without beloa .earched, a
t'bleh Admiral L«>>e,drcllntd to
laid Btfdr* th* Spanith Cpov
mandar at Manila and Ra*
jactad Promptly.
It la report'd that AdVrat ToR D*d.
Mrba. who i» la tommacd <if'th» OertEBEAT OF A BLOODY XASSAOBE man agurdroii at Uanl^a. Interviewed
A Treat for as Aged Woman.
Certain CbiO^ster. of the Brilieti
A feeble <dd lady arrived ia town
enileer tioTnwrtar
do If the Oortnana Intorf-rod j bright and early
. yeaterxlay
^ etteP^UipiM. Fi..It’KtUUuj 1.! *;
with the hotnUrditirnt < f Man la. Cap- 1w.-«—
fiir the. show, bavlar t.r.
left home 17
Stona the City.
tain ChleluKior rorlivj that uniy j
miral Deary and hlmreir knew that.
, milei diBtaat. at 3:30 a. m. She bad
Hara are a faie more lettara from , We only bad two hard-tack for a meal faenethlaerepermtieUd Pr
Ttarerae City aoldlera written to jaad do eoffee or aAytblnA elae until
lw««ir»etii i^.der--He
triaada and kindly yiven tha Bncoan! nearly li o'clock that nigkt
I Maae vrii-ed. «Hb tb. tioa. aed Eetabfor publication:
j 1 told yon we laadad July l.
Weir «* •
i ..le se» t.
------------Uatnhrhtatioo'clockwe at.rt.vl oa
On beard theemiser Harvard. fo»«--,g
_______ W I—-.-to^b-MarbloB!>-*•«•'
ll.niu. J.l, H VI. M™. K,.!!.
a'eloek in the morntiw. Juii^ss. is»8. We iyot Where we now are about eight
An imporUr.t interview has Juat '
Fbibto Arcbie—I am teklui adrM- o’clock the next momloc.
bren h(-l.l between Crn.'ral Acutnaidn'
’ tam of a quiet hour on dock before
Tobacco is wonk money here.
a€<roUry. l.egArijB. and a | rumlnnit .
anurlae, and t i»ly wUb yen eoold Oa I . II
*1 . SAW ■
fellaf gaveflsfo-a
SO-ceot __
of B.uve whUiand the EnSTilsta
> anJoT it with me.-for eeords chewing; another gave »S8
for a 9
idrr. rpi.taln Gmsral Auguati. i
cannot expreaa the aensalioo after
ing Moped up all night below deck
•a cbew." Smoking tobacco. 5 and lo 0«nir*l Auru»ii to eumndi.r the city,
get a ehasea to fill your Inage with the cent paekagea bring 7Sc and fl.SUapa aeBcnine ih«t M.ono inBummta nur-1
paract air on i.od'a earth. Yon
't get at any priea.
better pasted on afftira in regard to
We are right at the front aad yeateraastiagn than we are and It is a matter day Liantenaat Holaon and the Bailor
of eoujectorc wbetber we will aUy boya were exchanged and they came to
there'or push on to Porto Eleo. But unr llnrs and we miked witk them.
whathCT there or ayme otherr plae
place it That to cue advantage in being ia tbe
11 ODiV: be a tew daya until tha
front, we see and bear more than tbe
Thirty-fourth Michigan ^111 b« letting fellows behind ua da. There hasn't
loaae a battle cry that will be beard been one la oar company hurt since
'from one end of I'ncle dam's damalo to we struck shore, but quite a number
the other, -Bemembrr the Maine." I are sick. All of the 'Burg boye are la'
am glad to see that our bora have Bat good health aad spiriu and expect to
tled down to tbes'lid fa-1 laat we are remain that same way. Cooper and I
' la it to aUy apd the closer we draw are chumming together nod we make
■ear to the enemy's country the more quite a team. He la working on some
1 eee by their nctiona that they are detail ao I mast make our coff«e and
•oUag tbemaelvea for the worat fiy baeoa.
that may happen and will be upon v
in a short Uma
Santiago Cuba, July
9.—Dear '
Wk. B Batews.
Momka—I will drop yon a few Unes^
One-half mile out of fiantlago, Cnba. to let you know that we are all rl|^t
Jnly 7.189«.
Deab Sibtkb: We
landefi Aar*
ohr company
oa Cuban eoU Jnly 1. ahorUy after
We are bulldiag ■* •“T moment. Thur far, they added,
themooB hoar. 1 iriak I could dea- slightly iajured.
bemb- rnnof eatrenekmeau in the the Ineutreine had Wn reBiralned with
erite the Bom that met our eyes
•luLKe “.rLey ilb r^wr to
k- »
R.-ntsets continued
whan Cuba was first sighted Ue even .............................
Btubhom tbe result would be that the
W. .r,
„,„u I.,
M ... vomlag before we raached our landing ko»^ .1..CI.J
and at. rm the city, "with the inplace aad the next morning.
It is witkin a mile of tke place at prescat
BOl drive ns ont with eviuble alsughur. nniwralleled
truly a beautifni country and was,' aad they
- Muld
-nt of bat« so before it vraa dealroyed bv ! «•«“
But If aayone telU you
k*'‘VllLtLLT"the ravangea of war. Everything
BeewaeiUatloe C'ltovr a Kepnblle.
frewB very rapid^ here and what was they do not know aaythiag abont jt.
Urge ptaatatlons three ybara ago are .They are tke nervleel davUa nabung, ttom advli»-d him t<. dirrepBi
I but do hot worry ab«wt''»e fori will clal flnlona regarClnr alli-ged Finnish
IMM.;. „..|«oib.b,».,l..pp«- 01.. ,r.rr. J™'’
Phillrr-tne islands,
. bread-fmita. oranges and tueb •"«
l>«»t respects and tell them pr..p..rH a r«-ondmatiFTKiillBii'-n h*to'yeti itM
Ulngacloae to our camp, or will whan that I would not trade 10 acres of Bpan>«r4s in the
\- !>{>mr>|.lntw
uhder a re.
they are ripe. Only the mangroves Michigan pine land for all I Aave seen pnbll. an ilae and a Join’ eiidtavor t<
etiliU..T kep
Fi«to» ClT..k .k...
• by what: these people running a government of th>- r^pr-w'-Me
►•T.letlvEW ..f. t.- • ir.jurgi-r
ai-i Mil I
We haven't got any mail their own. they could nol run a peanut
1 i ndeti'... of the Ptllrecojtrire
' ninee Jnne 24, ao we aren't very well atond and run it right, so good-bye.
Thi- t nf.t:iin ger-ral reEC«Mt LAkOASThB,
'f'""'poeted in outsideaffaln.
. pl|. d ti •nt he must l^ht. hi ivt vet h'peCo B. 34tk Mich., Manieu
Our Fourth of July was a dead oae.
e FlJintsh <-sotr . l.<-B»rilB th*-n
. returneil to o-vHe. inklnc '-tih him tbe^
Xba X>thtti Saoerd.
Ufa. Mai^hret Pewisa, afed »S, diad
In Elmwood Mondar of old afo. The
foprral wiJ take place this mocainr at
JO o'clock from the home of tbcaon-iaI law -of the deceaaod, Jamea Corrifaa.
] Eee. A. £1. WdU will officiate and the
at wai Uka place la Oakwood
Hrw T^lTcoha.
wuw.m™, jm
Scitntific Palmi»t.>
•moon the |ir-«ld>rt eltmcd a de(v«e
UUIahJnjr the tarlT that In ,to rule In.
Cuba, where the rr,n»-l P!alo» •« in
TSemeetiogtif Omce church guild
and Pblaage Chartn to a
charee. Ho took as Itt IiobIb th.- rale*
to meet Wednesday afteraooerdod to the oxleilna FManiah tariff
' icuetpmer ibis week free of ebarga.
none at Mra. Spngtie'a, will
I Scientific life reader through tha
all muntn- r. nol r-vn worpl- I Mra. Stout. 3<s State etreet iusteaA
t -xLiri
ky.n board preaented by
Ci.ban rrodncir, and t
Mrs. Jamea Uurnc. It ia an aitractira
tax on Iron urv. are retained f
..d...f.l.dd.ti<.I.I.Vh. ,b.,.k ....
BIS coimiBB n moii.,
“ The tog Ryan owned by CrelickBrea.. DOW being used by the Rehamberg liardsmod I.umher Co. at Good
Harbor, has' heeb brought here for rowittern Imn lard*. lAode thU Btat.
Cfvneemtns the rutr> red mnaolldalidn of j pain to her wheel,
the tlllooli gieei cimpary. MRincaota | gall |fame today at S;30 betsreen thi
hae tvs.-n hui on.- prellnitnaiy ivitifen-nre
loojtica tu tbe coniu.lida(fnn of NorthT.«H*terR ati-el and Ir-.Ii oonranlea. In
the form of ronB»Itdatl»n I am inrllncd
t« nppoae ll. If. however. pr(.per lenns
a benelic lo
would dee
••HhouMeurhimereete street., accept
gulisbie trrma I would gladly far<.r
ibe <fonButimiatloB ..f with an agreement. H w.iuld tend tu make |.
net)! trade relallnni which would be uf
InewtlRiahle benefit. Fhnuld this matter
be broui .1 to a auereaaful innp Ihf re
would not necessarily be any conflict
with the pfiesem fUx-k< Mler.Carnecte
arranxement. as Supplies would only
bv furnlshetl for the rempany's own usiupon a minimum l«sla’‘
BBat news ta tiMh Paper.
Appleton. Wli.. July
Is report
ed here that tbe Western IJook Tapermaker^ ae*<rf-latlon, which c<impi1*eii
chiefly the WIec. naln. Michigan and
Ohio tnanufarturera of this grade of pa
New Departurei
port. kk„.,.r..FF....,-..k.u
.. u,.
fiatisfactloB gnaraotoed,
iloura k a. ra. to V p. m.
Next week ebargea gl aed
Private and retired parlors at
Sunni Bank Hotel.
Sir Bichird Eaatoe advieaa upon'
affairs and toUs what trade ot
yon are beat adapted (or. A
ether hot game.
Ida May. tbe only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Orrea Brondlgc V Inlaad
Unlop atreev aext to Union cttMt
dlrd yeat^ay at the age of^wo years. bridge. Udy la attendanee.
tbe funeral wilfuke place Mday.
No display of signs made. Come to
The lady membera oT tba M. a ».
friends with a-hide and seek r party
this rvvnlog at the bomeof Miss Praada Grellck.
i Several yean age; B. J. Plemmifig
the Cats atreat blacksmith, whl e in
Detroit, did a^e work in horae-abociug for-Buffalo Bill." Yeaterday an
inritatiois was seal tbe Colonel to
bring bU favorite aaimal to be abod.
Tbe inritatloa was accepted and great
ly apprecUted.
Monday night tbe home of Mr. and
Mr*. Prank Conklin of Long Lake was
brigbtrood by tha arrival of a boy
J. W. Klater will go to Chieago tkls
by bis broth)
J. D. Slater of Elk Bapids. after a few
ths mills leran tinder t
new lines of furniture for bU new store
which Is aow in course of erection ad
asking wtiilcg pa- joining tbo Friodricb block.
boildlDg Is being rapidly crashed snd
C.niklOer tbvTiH-Meat ClMed.
when completed will make a budLonil.-n. July IB-The'Borne corre- aesM ornament lo tbe street and a fins
*p--nd»nt of The Dally Mall avvs: Th-»
Ital an fipre.gn oBt.-e lyarna Tr- m Wneh- stole.
Inct'.n )b»i ih-Coi'itnbiir tov-rnm-nt
By Special Bequest.
baa ao^rud the'.Twarl -1 « *«si mad8|r Kicbard Esstoo will contipne
by rr> sl-1. nt Ovsiand to Km-st.i
Ceruttl. an Ua:ian wif-i t. In a cimm give seeInKfle resdings la
made by ' him agAinst the r< public of aad pfarrcology
.. V 1th esch reading free of charge.
Coi -tr'Ia, -nnd they puw consider the givi p
tiatisfaction gna»
eed. Irfsiluate.of
the lAltne Paimtsirv
Imtsirv school. Paris.
France. Will call at private rrsideocca
aiul give a palmistry enteraini
It at
.people by
a goarantee of five or
;band. wboisemplcyMnn.th, store of
hours IB advance.
ArUeWait'bas returned from a long the Hamilton Clothiog Co.
. ' The nvtiv.« in nc-- th. rlty ray they
street next to dridge.
vfait to Jaekaon.
I' M. J. Combton of Manton, was In the received a f.-rtnli-ht ego a ei-nM-r—d
9:S0p. m. PosiGvely last week at
Mr. Abbou of Alba spent Snaday I eitv yesterdar to vi.ii his brother.
l-f i>nre
st.Tmi.g i e walls. clans (hat he <llcd from the ( ITm ts of an
A second slilenal. flxlr.g the date of Ui‘- overdose of mon^hlije and tngulry de- cheap prices.
I the family ■< A.: Landlord C-oplon of ths Hotel Wuitloprd ■the fact that It was token with
y..) *..-.=n IrsiKvl. snd
W. Wait, whom Mra Abbott has been : ing. and to see the big sbow,
i a teacher of
th>y are tlr>-d -f walling and arc losing SBb'Ida! intention,
vMitlng some time.
| Capt- O. E. Wi.bur of Charlevoix vat faith In Amilnsld.'. Tl.^ latter, it is sl- languigc*.
>. a prominent miller in tbe d'y yesterdsy accompanied by Icgcd. finds It oxtrwm-ly difflciilt lofi'ptabbreviatmi telco&aka
^ nre the tor n (urtlflcat’ons. His prevlciuj'
of Oopemiah, was in tbe city yesterday bU ton.
SQccnuies. It Is pointed r.iit. wv-rc easy.
Mr*, n-ckhlll, the wlfe’of W.W.Rockto attend the Wild Weet.
A. C. Wyokoop of Odar w
In town because of the nature of lh» country. hlll. rnll<-d Htotes minlrier lo Greece.
Cndenheriff Martin Brown of Le- :yesterday accompanied-by bis two which suited hla skirmishers.
i died at Albont of typhoid fever.
SODS, toesjoy tbe Wild West. Mr. ***•'
laed was In the eitv yesterday.
Senator Cullom. chairman of the
Major Hatton of Alden sras In the Wyakoop has been in poor health.
Dr. A. B. Srinoey, of Detroit, alao
proprietor of Seed City Sapitarium, ii
city yesterday to meet Us old friead.
l* pr
coming to your town, where 1 e will
Col. Cody, with whom be was assodaV
n for one- day
< nly to give the
U tedious and troubW<im>- work. They of the ChU ag'i Federation of Lab
ad several years on tba pialaa.
. to consult
▼iaitoratrnm all Dlractions.
also obtaining detailed rrpiirts of feallng William iJunne for .-re-election. _
W. F. GUI of om-t Pier, was in the
Tbe Indian Teaviiers of the I'nlK-d tbat cannot see him at his Ssnitarii
TheGnroaoftbe Lakm brought in the romiJilon of aflalra from the inside fttste*. are in seegti.n at Colorad-) Tbe doctor baa so much faith ia the
aty yesterdip.
Bl-Tlnga. Colo., wi'fa s large aven'1s:.ce. lexpcrience he has bad In treating
to™Ck^..kl« FOOrto, ,"
. Jerry Sullivaa of Cedar, was in the “
Mrs. E-lward Harris., of .Richmond. ^Chronicdiaeaaes that he will give oae
morning arrivieg about II oeloek. , Admiral T-eocy is esiahllrhtng a tnor*
M<v, is yoers old. has given birth to month's treatnent and medicine free,
' Solomon the horse dealer, ar She left last aight and will remain for- strict blockade, t- si H !>-.• inveiidaled by twins for the stvenih Ume. They arc-*n ! Also FRK* BiTROiCALorERATioNs TO
a week at Charlevoix, -pnctiag in her 'prymltimc D'-mrats to visit t'avite and living
rived yeaterday from ladisna.
aeasoa's work allernallng between Valait-niindsendanrtrf iv.-mBilsenSc.y.fieM, of Wisconsin, has' All tha*
■- '----------- *>—
MIWU E-jo.ir.reoreeptltlousFPi'H-hdlsp.t.h-e
J. M. Terwiillger and wife of Fife
------- ypat
will aUtc to their friends
He has thresten.-d t.. Ft..ilon tvsrsljrs cWm’^'iss^MViod-'k. Tb^^^^
Lake werav:sitoralB th- city yeater- Charlevoix and Traverse C^.v;esulta obtatoed
obtained by hia traatraenh
In, thateut*’, to chrtsieu the , fhe results
Columbia ww.
came in bright
and r, oppcsKc
>rty., which
rr.lchi I'l.
• —V —ww
w B..U
.M- .. 1I..K1-1
- IV*
- * *
ms of chromed:
chronic d I seases and deearly
K. Tbo
a abukiaess i
I. cam* to tbe city yes
terday to attend Uie aboir.
a. and made no stops.
the rcins.-gueocea The serend tnstalj- 'a Uaim for SM.Out f,
TheCreaecat left that port at tbe ment >-f Amerlran tPu p* is ,expected - claim will Is: corlcstcd,
W- L. Gregory of Fife Lake i
. _
as the doctor,
! Clarence Vlsrirar.crtprrd twice con- ated-----ClD
same boor but made all tbe bay port's
town yesterday.
3* yeare ago from
AS 19 years lo general prac«... nod Mra Charles W. Fox of'RfYivlng op sebednie time with a large'
pirut timk twas cvrh ivomk
! pi‘,’*«ii"**hi^J'*i"';iast^vvn*^haw^^
^ .
Grand Eaplds eajjyed Buffalo Bill'* j crowd of eicurslopUta
' .. ..... mi.-'nisi Ws^ «■ t porh in Carls | fteoraetewn. Kv.—i.v the aher.g. by Uiel of Anatomy
my and Physiology
in Detroit
Wild'West show last evening.
Trains entering the cHy brongbt
ithic Medical
College for i
*' *'
issac; Kenow;th. a Wc
'as S rears Superintendent of
years; wssS
. Mim Flora Pox of li
ar.|Frral throngs of paaarngera, all tbe
Washington. July is-A statii paper
(aimer at Limtiln. Ills.,
rived yesterday morning oa an exteoU- coaches being mowded to their nUBMt that will Uc hUiuil: . inarl-lr.g an epoch Irsene. fcitioalrg
a sewre tJncM ani ,Xbiaexperience, oomUned with many
In Amerlian hinorv. wAe IssUM
ad vlait to bar mother, Mra Lnuinoa
work snd worry on a mrchanlcai^- years' study in the beri hospiuls la
night by* dircfllon of IVesidenl Me- vl<-e,
Fox of Washington
j ihe Muotry,
MUOtry, and examining and
a< treat
has arrived ing tboaaanda of chronic casea,
<%arlea NeUoa of Northpart took in
from SL
prepared him to,carc when the general
Buffalo Bill's Wild West yiatorday.
_____ ______
State Teaekera'
at _____
tentlago d« Cubs and is the Aral doou- miners returning from the Klondike ormmiUener fails. Have you been sick
roumry snd with B.OjO.OOC In gold aad for years 7 Are you disco
Call and aeena.we will tell yon ■bether
tke ,
wii.n-soe piaos in
^ Setremrj Alger Adjntont GenIn an endeavor to resepe hts brother. we can cure youor noL If -we
-wc caonri
■me up from Nortbpon oa
order, but the regular pro- eral Cori.ln ixat night cabled the docu- II yeat«s>ld. from drowning tn toe lake
ire yon; we wiB teU yon what ilief
retlMn.!.)-' *M
. _
...................... .............. ■
etanmer. Columbia
to attond *ka
the akM«
ahow. > gram vrill
to Get
aot be used for a day or ao.
at Chicago. Walter Kerns:. 14 years olA
« can give you.
- W. B. Portorof the-popular Porter
wHI be
Profeaaor Gurney will conduct toe
.utely free—mcdicioes. nurgi
Bouse of Northport, rusticated la Tradrowned.
fit of air
Private Karry Childs, company A. operations, and' the •benefit
aaraa City yesterday.
dva governmeal, physiology. - and The gweroi
of the captured terri- Fifth nilm.l
akitl to all
c Deiatur. <died
Lawraaee Gagnon aad John Thomas sefaoal law for dais work.
proclamation to tb* the r-gimvniAl hoSpiul st Chick/rauga Oar methods of treatment i* all that ts
' lory, hut u
of the In entloo* park
of Morchport took in Travarae City
Park . of MofraiM p-rtsonlnx. having ! known by all tbe acboola, with tbe aid
___ _____
ef .electricity, that
alghu yeaterday.
been 111 only a Bhort time.
agents tn ParalyaU. Loss of Power,
The coovruttoo of the Baptist Topog __
People's Union, which hss been Jn aes- Bbeumatism. and alt diaeaaea of tbe.
Charles 'suieahtatory.
---------- -L.faraweekoeao,
------ -------------------of '^■'’“
t new polHlcal power In toe island of moB St Buffalo. N. T„ alnce Wedneadsy nervona system. Go early, as ny
Van Bracklin.
Mim Wigbtinan
wlU conduct toe .-—I,..—
«* toe people of the of last week, has adjourned, to meet olBce la always crowded.
_ ..... l.k ,W- — .MIA- AvlAmAH
R. B. Oabcot. TBwsrs. Blcedj^ Wa
Beoty Anderaoa. tba Kewadin marnext year at Rlchmopd. Va.
ehaat. brought hia family over to toe
Dean Harry Pratt Judaon. at Chieago
teacblng and give inilreetlon lo ih^, private rights and rvlailons. as
Cnlversliy. Is looked upon as a Airony Mnrivau dIssBsm of all forms tnatsd secblackboard sketching, while Miss Gray w<]i as security to tbclr-peraons and candidate for toe presldenry of Brown
O. L. Conitorof Central Lake was in will teach ortkognpby and the subject Pr"prr:
nniverstty. to succeed President Anthe city yesterday. IKMAK CBI'IREB.
drewa who hss been elected to the post,
of grading orantiy acbooU.
tlon of spperlntendcnt of tbe Chicago
Mr. Owen of Elk BapMa, a former
OaveriWwerVOtiBkoatiatopsnvr Brtt.' publlr
Tkavane Ci^ man. was bare jrasteiday
we give a written gnap
bh CaptslaSi MignISraBI Rrnarfcs.
t Glencoe. antes to cure every
Bavaraed by auprama Coat,.'
- ^ caae of'—.eSiod
Plt-BS and
enUing os aid aeqnalntanoaa.
London. July I*.—The H*.ng Kon*
RUPTURE. Also, we h ire a lylngdn
The lax title caae of Kneelaad and
Mra. H. H. Noble atrlvad last avaarrsipondsnt of Tbe Dally Mall says:
and lived to see tbe boepital department it our Banitarwid will be tba guaat af Han. H. C. Cole va Herman Bymnn, deekfrid tnl'UntM SUtsa Consul Wlldmai
rise and fall of Napoleon I-. aad ea- inm. Send for Joamj
Daria aad wUa
Jfctoivei^aff xanUa. abnt the Gme toe famous battle of
Mra. Jamas Di^aom arrivad from ama, has been ravereed in tba aapeame!' tor other l^of
day. the United Btota a
CUIfenia yeaterday to Join her bna- eoart.
r.;. r.rrk';;r,r:
the Last Week
at Cheap
Sir Richard Easton ^
A. Prompt Settlement !
Tbe Qilted SUlffi Bmlest Sodeti
Certili]} Leads Tlea JUL
Traverse Qty, Mick, July Ittb.
A MeCormick. District Managera. Traverae Cl'y, Mich.
Geotlemco: Allow me to tkankyoa
for check for »40. for Josa of finger. I
wiab to
say that the AeiUemoat *
very satisfactory, as I eallad at yonrofflea In tbe
be Joboson
Johnson block and reoeivtd
raeeli '
my money. 1 sm always wiillagtomy
a good word for yonr eompany aad
think them superior to all others.
Years very truly,
Jobs K'At rjt.
003 Second stroet.
Tmene Bij Line ofSteuDen.
Going oortb daily exeepl Saoday.
Leave Traverse C...
-.R:40a. m.
*' Neafatowaom
...V:4<l ••
'• OmcDB..........
-.11:10 *•
'• Northpert...
..iciop. tn.
•• Norwood ....
“ Charleroix...
..9:00 ♦*
..9»I0 “
•• WMjononsini
.9:30 “
..5:40 ••
Ar. Harbor fiprlagv..
Going south dally except Bonday.
m Fprloi
..?.-M>a. m.
.r Point.
.. .7.-0S ••
...7:16 *•
.. ..7;»9 ••
.. .g.-oo ••
...joax) ••
..11:19 ••
■ .U;30p.m. .
" Omens................
“ Neahtanranu..
Ar. Traverae City ..
Going south daily exeept Konday.
Leave Northport.......................«:30 a. m.
Going north daily exeepl Bonday.
Leave Traverse City................. taxip. to'
ania.................jan. •'
•' BattonaBay..
•• Oraena........
Ar. Northport....
Daily Horning Eecaraions Frm
XrnTeiwe Pity.
Take steamar at 8:40 a. m. for NcabtawanU where yon wi>! connect with
stoamcf Creanat retorolag to TravCity at 10:4$ a. m. This will gfvn
a pleasant ride of 24 mile* op tbe
toy ap'd can be m^e ^ every
If you w Ish a looger ride toe boat i
land yon at Umcna
or Nonbpert wbero
yon will oooocct with steamer retu
returaing to Traverae City at 4:00 p, m.
Aftornoon ezeuralons from Travs
CresMBt every
tbes steamer
relornig to Traverae City at 4:00 p.
partica of five or more a rate of
bretor tbe roand trip Al be
will run oe East Bay as follows:
Lrave Old MiibIob. .
7:10 a. m.
Elk Bapids...
7:40 a. to.
gtfOa. mu
-Old Mission..
9:00 a m.
Leave East Head—
Arrive Old Mission..
... 5:«lp.as.
Leave Old MIsa
... 6:40p. m.
... 1:00 p.m.
•Boa wUl toave theMm^^ C
Block, Hotel WblUag and Park Plabe
at f:»o p. m. 'Bos will alM oowM
wltoboatatiltWam. FraltcvwtU
alow PenlMvlaobara
y^ HUMfMro —ooBi>.w»DyBai)AT.n)i.Tao. tsw
•a4 8«eoft4 krlaadw •< ais •nor eem,
TbcM^ u* 0» «4dlUMt to
0«Dml ErMi’a Wrai* at Chari wm>
—F>i«t dtvlBlon; Second briradc-<2eB•BQ
i-cnn*> iTsnm:
iaini .
■ Hnr/lt Ba Stnick Tbati That Meade. Oiloaei j. 8. cu vcr. F.tat Ken- NOW Manacet Net Only the Paaca
tacks ^ifd Kemudoj, hnh niinoia j
but tha Dynasty of
a WM Stili Furttw Par«tyz«
beevod division. <
^ th« Spaniard.
commandine: First brigade. Brisadier I
I BOT on icmt 01 sabil
■MM «r
to -oneaf tha auM tsaMoam^ 4WMeu <rf Parts a mock siarTiaxvwM »entlf (daDiied for the pnrpona «d aaoof
Wmb CnwM wtth Mk.
Pana. tits. Jutj' U.—An at(er-pt to >«•
Ever Borned <hrtf
log a rather lUaffennis Innattc An «»tnetiva Foanjt pawn oamsd MUa De-
Bune epcratlons b>' the I'cnKcil Ifin nf
campaar reaierdaywldi nea>uBtoD mia.
Upltnne ww sittlofr ta bar txradoir Uw
T. 9 1>. ..
company bad given notice tfe-o-gh tb*
General C
T. Kwe. 71i>rt>'.nrat Hlcbtpapers'
tbat It would resume with bon*
ean. First Georgia.
GeursriB. One H'
a..-j trom HUlsboro. and a
I Pixttrth
IrdaDH Bee. nd brigs'*. Cen- OAHIOB’ rOiOES BECOME ACTIVE.
th lr.dAn«:
deputy aher Rs and exira
McKee, iMrth Ohl-i. One IloDdredl
Hundred I
on the scene lu protect ar.y
one Fifty-Eighth In'llsns. First West
Vlrglnle; Third brigade, lirtRad.rr Gen- ■eld To Bo Pm..oH.«
euempt to enter in*
,|| 0,,^, premises and
erni Rosser. B>c.«d Uhlu, First Fenn- • a- 1 . .a
sylvsttls, Fourn-enlh Mlnnerota.
w. I^ai I^apaa, f .fc,
The part which ihe navy '■ to tak- lo
, vjiih onion mlneia and their wires.
Ihc aesautt a:sln/t Porto Itiip l-aa b'.» ti
I The sbertffs and pollre attempted lo
neattateo-UHtdoB Tlatta Brvlews t
dls^M the cr.wd^ but not a
fully tnaiured. The several tnnaport
fle.>ls will have with them one or tao
n *•« a Rts War •• auxiliary rrafj carrying strong secondLondon. July U.-The Madrid corre-1
Ih7 m”^^fH^ndr^“n^^r^^
ary batteries of six or . ight slx-i-a >ndOpondenl of The Daily Mall aays: It! their i^ase r bond. IVh sties a
Vbcm. T» B* feUawed
lUpIdIr a*
for some lime past 1 other three mine* werv I |.jwn Bimulhad
■ PbMMb br Tr».p. reasi ChaHMIoit.
10 attr ^ri the 1 nen e n eaAdmiral
' VaaipB aad CbIchaiBBBeB ' MnRa«ea
iricMIea M«-a l« «.»alB la Cabd aad As te-tbe naval plans he would only si^ slorea anrs and ammunition In many | »rsted at the Teowell
that dhey would ro-nperalc In every of the smaller towns ol.:ng the French
the mlrerr and give the o- n. «b»td aakOaO*'
way 1^-ith the. raov.-menj or the array, side of.the frontier. TllieD the signal for
.......... .
»'rly i» - Aner three
win. BE Gltk-N A BErsT.
a ^Ilst rising it given the taking of ....^010 n e mine,
d ■
the preal.
these supplies snd tnunltlons of war j
to pi. msde*^i
/»4^ei - and Oenecal
will odcupy at n>ost a single night, as I to carry- Ft«i'sJ
rtiaiiM, duniiE irhicn thi-re were trethe men are ready and knew where they • some or abc m ai
Wsahlngton. July 1!.—It has been
must «n to rvc-lve arras and equip, will be held on duty and
Bilea at: 1SItwno. lire dwalls of the flnally decided that none of the uwopa
hunts.The Rasque provloc-es seem very tvnpt will he male.
Porto Rlean esped tten have been
that participated in the actual flghUng
quiet, bui this is explained by the fact
Pfwral street flghis hsv* occurred
tectBd aad the esiM-dittoa Itseir
before Banllagn shall he employed on
that th. orders of Don Carms are m.-si' «■“«**
keen aelien undnr way. General hUla the p.wto lllio esiw-dlUon. There are
with Bome aril.lery sod Irootxi aalUnc two reas-.ns for this; Fim the men v“T'“‘
union n
Jehle. a n^-unlon ndner. wsi
reeierday for f..rl« Rlro on the coo- hove eur cL-d aevertly frnni hatdihlj? I
clhnate and from’ fevers, and are
»■’ be general, seven-ly beaten as « result r
Verted rrutser
Vale, to br foilowvd
BVlcklr by an array of abent Jo.OM men. eDlltled to a rest; aeiv.nA It la deemtd
to be very bad pranlce to allow the a.I*
There- are eome rutal.J*- dlfTervrcr-s In
other day In a boose eitoated la a
ft-«e« oS the Booievard 8t. Gettnata.
Soddcnly a ring cauo to the donr, and
aoe td bur serranM. baTlag opened K,
Bsbefed in a well diveaud wan iooiung
Baa« 8a«B Perfectad aad the Werfc
Has Sees Secu bf
' MUa Delaplnwe U»t he had a letter
' trom ooe of ber fneoda. s oonmaes. and
! as tbo y«mg wuuan pat her hand out
I u, mvlv* tba nlwlva the miisw
I oolffd W finiEera. tm-w-tid thAntnfaia
Jibe • sapi*lor nert of valet.
I w's office in order to have the napti^
: knot tied
Bicycie Bidets.
He told
MUu. I
> Atw by the nwB's
j flyos tbat he was dangcroosly mad. and,
. fdarfol of a tngddy. she accepted big
‘ bRbi with appazuit cslimiesi.___
| tarited the stpaiigo vleitor to the mayThe man acooutianied ber
If ao yea know
h that I do oil klnda of ra
peirihg aad anaraeling. and that 1 ooa
and do give yon the beat work of war
one. in tbe dty
rtty for Ute money.
be deoelved by wbat otbeia toll yoa to
tbe oontroiy, bat eoma and nee far
t gnarmatoe oil my work to be right
)d if H doM Bot prove oo I moke It
Ship in tUI « o'clock every erealar
ezeept Snnday, in tbe Caldwell A f
(tondon bailding, at north 'ead of Di
questiun. where a aeoreury. inforawd
ouent esn
by a di tectivc to tbo police depot nndw
the plana for this expeditrun. and for
that mhlch sallrd tiN iu Turioj to at-
John R. Santo,
General lasuraece.
______ ________ ________ _____________
that he was botwiffar a
If wedding imaklasi. The
nan was, it appeara fomietiy employ
ed as a valet by one of MUa DelapI lane's tnenda—Paris Lettor.
oiamjwao* scaie.
fr>ej. friHii the I'nlted SUtea. There Is I f'>«> Virsgs. two points of strategical K,tlo«al r*veoHea l*eclde.That K Most
tack Santisfo
llmt. tli.r. • will be I aWstlH anb’tlrt-'r'Mion-d’
the last rlvll wai
y mlll- importance 1
ItaUMi «P
PTMlIo^Ir no natal .vnvoy*: il,«,e u j larr one. Ten th.-uer.nd sW-o .h...
July U.—The Nutlonal
">»* dl'rs are at U-lpuln. Usnsanlllo and
le signal for the rising probat-ly p^^'Xass' W..
Indies Uiat dale thrust it» i. w out ol other points within strlklos dmunee of
port In the .rcon.l . lac- tl;r expedi- j SsntlsBo. and might
o oppor-
famlablBg awre.
We are again ready, with a faif«
be given In th. «.untry I*- r‘"‘ ‘''r.'
1 ports,
own wsy to their dcstinatloa without
concerted nurvements.
Oenecal Miles
leads th* way. He bad been promised
by the preaident that be should go to
Porta Rico, and the promlm was re
deemed when the Talc beaded yestcr-
rreoTer the ground mat at Navarre, where Don Carlos has blrrmwl ."'"^ F'“” ago. which wgl gv^ge
Basque -h^ut SO per n-nt. higher’ than last
Cieotly protected.
provln. cs a-ould follow when the garri- j year s acale. shall become efr<-ctlve for
Therefore Shafieris enttrv array Is to sons there shall have been weakened by the coming aea»ra. The natl.mal con'bills In the j the necessity of sending troops to flgkt j v.ntlon went on record yeatetday by In- the <*arUaw in Navarre. I have Infor-1 simcilag the conMrenee committee to
mation also that the Republicans, espe- ! present such a nemie to the manufactwUl take a tarn at the Spaniards if
clally those of Valencia and Andalusia. {urem President Spilth, whs gives out
can be found, and It may be that 6bsf- are buying arms. General Weyler U the news, gives the following reason for
terii march will end at Havana. Ha rrporiea 10 o. in corr.municauon wiinjtne *t»p Ulcen:
will work as far from hit base as possi
both the CarllstsaodtheRepublleana Ell "About three years ago the wi
ble after bis array Is tborooghly re- Imperclsl accuses President McKinley'glass blowers were reduced afl alt
Maple block wood also for eolA i
emd Rtpids & iBiUu B. R vri
SSrC-"-' ‘
.ana* e
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-g- •
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aseu s 8R8SS8E8S
liiism uiioiTnuniiLi
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1 KS.'S;::::.:;:: n
•ggntai. DumaiB
Uion u™. -n...
>TO,p. :
Attome/s at Law.
OBee* Is Meeiagae ■leek. Tisutw Oltv. KM.
a M. BBOWK. attorney a
.......................................... -. enable
0 prelect manufsciuerer* O. La*, apeeisl aiwatie
fiiSflSfl CflEfl ME
- nsraxaDelsg. til gram
. nen. and a h
D TO BB KSAOT. England la the final setiiement to de
rive territorial advantages at Gibraltar creased trade has resulted
or In the Canaries.
tax placed on Imported goodr but so
BMM-lly et Petwe Adralllad.
far the raannfseturers bare been the >0.M.icaBUl« Oo. Blsek
■ lEEflEEiEflEMEMfi
aad upon him wlU fall the r'sp^nslbillThe Madrid correspondent of Ibe
Chickamauga Park. Oa.. July II.—The
•Imes says: Captain General 1
Bouthem and X’estern and AtlaoUc
and General Toral were given 1
of partially restoring the forracr wages
rallmad offlrlats received orders yes
band in the surrender of Santiago, as of giasB wo^er
terday to provide cars for rasvlng as
the government did not desliv lo expose
aa a a
a aaaaaa
many as C.OOO troopa and last nUbt cKe
Itself to such criticism ak folhiwed the
S8 & «
« S98888
side tracks just outride ibeswlub yards
Blnomingtorv. II
dee traction of Admiral I'ervenTs squad
of both roads were filled with Pullman
ron when It was alleged that the gov- TUIdwIn. of Quiary. and Lee Cheny,
passenger coaches ready „ .. etnmenl ordered Admiral C.rvers to, Bloomington, made a balloon asenaion
rushed 10 Itit«gold and hosfv.lle.polats quit the hay. The neoeaelty of making '•»
»*• *" F«tortay tron this rtty.
r embarkation, at a moment's notice. peace Is now unlv.rntlly sdmiued. but ■
<«ltlons were favorahte for a long
TVhlle this order indicates.a speedy 1he necessity of making It quickly U ; ?““"»•■>’ ^ ‘
The balmovement no ofBrial notlflraUen
for less generally reallied. and partly ow,
‘be northeast, and the
nny reglrr.ento to pro'eed
prcKeed to
to Chag'.««toQ
Char'.*«too i„g t„ setnw Sagasu's Indecision
a*r«>nauts hoped to aeacli Chicago.*But
; was at th. park last lUgbt. and In fact
‘fill.?" i
nolN^eflnne le bring d!S^ t
“>»* «<»•«
I none Is r-xpicted uaui
uaui General
General Brooke
twenty-live miles north
s hr
th. government,
*n. .
t oe*r Colfax, twenty-flv
by the
east of Bloomlngtcn. one hour and ten
burry to make_^prnpoMlt.
sciale Wtok-______________
Bpc-utotioii wiu rife throughoutCamp
ninuteo after Hm- ascent began.
Thomas as to what reghnents will go
with Genera] Bn>oke to Porto fitco.
4SS* « a
PnlM tha PrssMrat'a Palley la the M
tolp.m. Tatarfioos.Tt_____________________
Tb-re Is ,m.i a regiment In the First
ler «r the karreader.
C88Z a s
nllure store of lUrkl.y A Lsx was mSAIKKO Kmsg-MU. R*ull# Boleoaib. a
c<g|« but what Is expected to form a
Tixw or TSK sax juax rtwriiacATiaga
X riwAuBWnr ibe DBrieiwKx Bcap'tal. Ann
London. July ». — The TD
closed liy rtxdltr-rs and lb. sbi-riR res
ty for the er.ecuiii.n <if th. details of bts part of the Pwrto tUeaii force. ar>d
Arbnr. irlll ropotri to calls for BDiwlag. SI
its weekly j terday oeratnenced yelling the stock.
•uperieris t>lam-.
U Is estlmaird that many of them are buoyed by a feeling morning.
"The Samlaso n-g .Ua-j General Jarr.ef H. Barkl-y. the senlir
General hilira should strive try tnm'>r- that they are sure 10 be included in the t
row night at the goUit eeU^td for the
Illinois NaUon«l
thoroughly; and itoelr succei
landing, and wjU hoUt the American
Wes probably due to
reoently appi>lnted a
ver p. rta Rl-an soli. Tne J
every regiment In the the wise and staueman-llk. ••uiicesalon
a^aa a -eaaaaaaaa
-r general of trailed Fta-..s vol- T^B BALg-taaies- Meaarrb btcyrle- <
*'>I> t>e In readln-ss, bnt In ac- of Waehlnrtoii to send the Span.sh gar
point cbesei for bis Isnding Is kept !
j! SB
nnteers smi Is under General Fltghttgb Iriynnr. rrsaeGa
eordsTU!- V. ith the lati-si
••-2* 2 e-se-«aa».«
fromlTcshingtOD It Is not expected that rison home. The prospect of n-galn- Lee at Jackaonvltla. Fla.
Brigade Ba* Maried
Inc ifcelr native land Is naturally g ale
The dlsumce from Charleston, where more than two divisions of General
WeU.ler fctesri.
Brooke's eorro will be called for. For ful to wearied tr>» ipa.Biid th's strcKv of
the Aral le^dy ot troops for Miles'
J«lii y will pp-bably haw a grval effect
pedltlon wav to start yeslerJsy. Is more this reason tbe anxiety in the corps la
I^TUM Oity HarkM.
on the garrison at Havana. There Is
HA# per week
than doub.e tbe dlstcnc^f.-um Santiago greasly Increased.
JtalBs antra froa Maeklaae rily, Petaakav,
ant the Bllghiest doubt that troops
rasbioa. CaUatJ.trslster'sfBrBltnmnarc Cbteaga aad Oraad Rapids, l:M^ m. CRolr
to FOrto Rico, au Ibal the transports
Gm. DaBeU lurMlM Perar.
Below U a Hat of the baying and aell- or<a
- —
possessed of sneb crest figbUng ca
- sr aad baflet ear oa tUs irala
Which anri r-om the former cltv can
prieee of yeaterdav for groceries,
tVaahlngton. Jt-ly »-The following pacity as the Americana have shewn
Tralat antra frea Rlebssond, Fort Waya*.
pcarrei.r reach General Mllrir bef r. the telegram w-aa recttVvd from I>r.l.agrads
s ibr elir nf Detroit aad Oraad Ba|dsato» p. ai. Pariof
could have at any time storm<-d FanUAV VpsUsBil. Mlehtg
■ale. or wosl4 aad baffat car from DetMi on ibis trals.
early part of next we k Thes- C. aries
lagardlng tbe case of General Daffleld. ago. Happily a uaeles, sa.rAce of life ,
eiebsagr for Traver •
O. X. MURRAT, Ae*ston tro ijrs are the First Irigade erf the
has been averted. Tbe direct gnin to '
>D O. P. a T. A- Oraad RaoMa.
First dlvtslcn of the First urmy con’s,
the tlnlted Stales from the capitula-p,
and are commanded by Brigadier Gen
ultmralrarablMUoe pu)
tlon Is small, but the Indirect resulu
eral Gserge H. Ehnat.
The brigade
are Iranonaul In the wt.wrth nt miHsal T:*~ - iPi, *”''
comprises the Second WiacOnalii. Third
Short Cut 1*
Trisronsin and Sixteenth Pennsylvania
&ort Cut Fork per ft
I* taka oflaet OaBear. Jnat 44. tWI,
d gover—‘
rsglmints. Th. rnrpuse of Seendary
rr, t5-bpiwe pwwer eorlne. X
Ronr. U L. ACo. Iiaat..
fi 50
atldSa'claaba m.
that It thay now alK.ndun a b«: e
. ALraau Osxavaabn. MS R r
Aiger is to make the Porto Rican camEye Flour. H. L. A Co. Best..
4 50
titude w4trioiU l -as of military be
jalgn s sh-n on.
/n i>r«wwbelm’nt
Meal, II. L-ACo. Beat................
"Tbe wb«li- Santiago campa.j
wmpa*gn.cooQ.IBL WANTCD-Uood'l
force will 1»- ihr.rwn 'u;K>n the IsUnd
rtctly I.
and it la possible that a h1n»dl<«s vdcEggs per doz..............................
Call ai» Ean h'l^b sirM
•he Am
to*T will lie achieved wbrn the Spanish
Codfish per tt>............................
played conspicuous ahlllly. Torpedoes
become convinced tbat they have no
Lard per Ib...................................
have played a leas Important part than
• p^op^'b*^’."."*'^
u euccessfully.
Butter perlhDaiiT..............
tnreru R Wood *70 tt
Kcwlaad................. •*
waf anilcii-oicd aiidltmayU..h-'p dthat
Creamery Batter.fr..............
: Oanpt................... ••
over-weter d srhaig.'S on ' OjrJeruuirrs
It WOMEN waaUsi
‘ OaokawaJet......... •>
Cbeeac per Si...........................
wli: now be abandon.-d, If indeed these
! ^ki;k.a...~~rAn “fra
Oeu per bn (old>.................
aavaraMMI WlU Mak. U. r.ree tOMO
craft may not l*e exefhi tcd from the
rrplj—tonseixtb »tre«. Traverse City.
<Vim per bu., old.......... ;...
Men If It Is hiwrasary.
Incubus of the tor|»do. Judging from
? OmU^Jo.......Lt*
Potatoes, per bu.....u...
Tbe'expedition Is lo comprise IS.inn
the American .xp^ment at Santiago
t Cki*{ lab*........... •*
' RcarOiwck............. ••
men at the start, ani it win «>e sneilrd ]
the pri-sf-Ht of bnmlurdment from InBran per ]00................................
l^f^Croaslag.. »
Tlaible naval sia'.l-ras over cliffs will
soon to 40,000 men. and If necessary to i
jiot be very aUrmlnc In future war
10.«e0 mbn, the equipment of the voluns 1
BinTSe RATES or TmAVKUECITT. DIALCopesUb............... "
teer forceo having now prugreasod sol
■The prob
pfobt- m at Manila 1 S'mMes
wel) as to warrant tbr> statement that
that dual eulred el .«'in
' latcrleeh** .........."
thu cumber of .men can be. ready foi |
; Pllor's evltch....... “
mllttary condllli-n
' dnormaa-stoa....
servin In I'orto Kioo »iuun a very '
iialever, Gala. No. 1. per bn. (new)..
Milt>ri)ird -slvna of the Oer-jCora per bn
A TravrrwCUyLuiaber.Oi
rampa will be taken, numbering ! ^
, l^r•
ar. n,i i!H,.iy to he fur- Rye. per bn................................
PoB*bl!l?? i?;.!'.?!? "
, abutn IX.OUO men and IndudJig a lot .01
th*ro.'-t.>tl.r ireiH- affVlr. j Rutter, per fti...................................
; Ratek’aOraoatag.. “
heavy and light artillery unuer cum
whMi p-.'v I
ivp i.a t.. aerinua Bgp, perdoian..............................
tlllaoU Mri-Wnd Call Men.
xnand of Genera] Kodgern. Tbe ezpedl«>nro-ijen<fV
IroJ Orw.-y'a
; Tmswsa Glty........ An
Springfield. Ilia.. July J».-The Ninth
i- n n
Tiu- burricene
nunols infantn' now has a bonA ope of
’J- In Ibr r' :i- M-..W Is now fast
1 l.y Ocnersi Randolph t
appi^au ' :t»« s n>! Bfter the experience
VV eras aiy t-sabor Co.
be drawr apon.
>:d«by _s e
at >ar'<-’ r ■- r- n e -o kevp a large
The Tnmi-n irooie.an- known as the
Colonel Cumpiril nag
mil'.to- r f V.- . w s.'pd In ihc watvraRSORT TROPEBTT FOB KALS-IRe beasFourth rorp*.under Major C'e'.e a' C»p- ctived assurante*
ssurante* from tbe
the g -ve nment
> y n ay p oliatriy t« expinger. romi-nartig tin- Second dlvlsf.n that it win furnlefa the Inau-umeila. iwcted."
trader Brlgsdier nen ral Slmbn Snyder, Company I. of the Eighth rrgiraeat.
August iuia.
Sn.t « OB tbe Illawowd.
aad made up of the First irigade. Quincy, woa mbstervd in yesterdAy.
Ciadnoati. oneaent per mna. Sell dm.awWaablBeiaaiM.Tr*«*rasOUr.
Bl-tf |
rhiearu.'-.-ly U-.—1-earue score* at
Brlgndl.-r <;.-n.ra! Bohwan, Elivenlh
fl^tombor U, good to ratam October
FlmtCaptared Mpaaisb rii«.
asr hall yesterday'* ere: At Boston—
and Ninel.- mil ITniled Stai-s icfjmrri
'Waahtagton. July U-—Tbe flrat Spa
Flllsburg I; Hitstnn fc at BrrvAlyn— Hi,
I Second
Detroit, one for* for round trip. 8*11
■' Carpenter, ?e<-ond New T<-rk ani Fifth lab battle flog captured lo Cube by t
Louis 4. rirxiklyo T: at tVashlngton— Jane trtb aad *6tb retnra Jnly 4th.
CtoR BALE-AaooddOaem
Cleveland t, tvsshlngtoh J-rleven laMarylsna; Thlrdhrlgade.Brlgnd-epGCTiIndianaplIU. one for* far ronnd trip,
General Curfoln nltigs; at NVw York-LodtsvHle 1. New
«ral Hudson. Third Pcr.asjIvanla. Oiw portroeni yesterday.
sll Aoguat 8tb. reutrn Angnat ISib.
Huodr-'d and FWly-aevcnthlnthma .'q-i displared U to view on the back of a Tosk C: at nsltlmore—Thk-ago t. BaltlTiassies City LaisLediogton. tma fora far rooad trip.
■ Flrwt Ohio.
Third dlv:s..u;—ll;,gndl.j chair In Us ofllee. It was captnred by
General Kl'a*
Fi^t oompany B. Firet Lnlted Sutea Infan
Angnat 15th.
.brigade. Colonel C. L. Kcnnan. PiflU try rotnlora.
Saratoga, one for* for round trip.
Ranaos City 4. lodlsnspoiu 4; at DeOhio. First Fl--;^s and TWm--s ly^-.nd
Wesusdrii Arrive at F«t Tbomaa.
Sell Angnat 1st, gnod* to retora Angnat
Michigan; Seci-nd Irigade. tVEsdl-r
CibcinnaU. July U—The second boa- troK—Ft. Frail S. Deir>A »; at Mllwan- lUL
General UKttc. S-x’>-nJnth New )Tork. plUl train with elgbty-four sick and kee-MIrinrapoUs t. Milwaukee T.
' Jrwrd Ohlc a«wl fr.nwd G-.irgl;;- prou wounded soidlen from Santiego has ar
Chloeh Dagsla IlUaoia
want tbiny pairs of aboaa m AMf sols a*
Ttolona’ CKvalrj brg.ide.C I nel Noyes: rived-at Pf.rt Thumaa Ky .and dll were
FaJrbury. llkt. July IS.-A line rata good to ratara Sept. dlh.
.. FVib rrltril Kiaps and deu-bnients reported doing well last night.
H Is relieved this scetton Sarday. Every
VarmillioD, U., qpe fara for ronnd
,of the Ftcsi, Second. Third. Sixth and reported
are «0 and V)that there
are no eomus thing gronliig was sufferl.ng. «.pecially
t^ good to ratora price*
IS Profit *lrrat.
'Tbnlb T]nlt-d
cavalry and eight
cases on the tlst. All wlU recover.
-troegw or R-.ugh Rld -ra.
Bay View Corap MwUng. otw
or want of rain. Chinch bug* are
Wale* Ffariuim a Baae Cap.
Aruli-ry tit.gad. General Banlolph.
rand trip. Sell Jnly Uth t
two llchl aad trn hasvy baticrlrii. ft
X>.mdon. July !*.—A biilleUs lasned
good to retora Ang. S*tb.
4s posril-h- that all of tbe cavalry'will last night »i UeMiNiruugb House, the
~ Maced
' rate
tuatoiother aoialo. Pheae
takes powetslbo ct the corn field* gd; y»ot be called upon.
landun reridence of the
~-i wbo B*m *tSl«d**faV*^d\ra1*mlJ*iia?
C. E. Mart
Jscael. stripping tbe stalto from tbe
CeO. Brooke wUl take wltb htm tram
OMckamaaca park most of the Flrwt
' irsisrjsr^.::: ■
Boduood Batoa on O & AI
y Itth good to ratom
J. IF. oAVjmdcr*
Beooni r«ar—No 880
-Cubans Disappointed With Attitude of the
Americans at Santiago.
Bitter Feeling Between the Disurgents and
Soldiers of United States Army.
Owneral (imreia DeoUned Invitatioii to Attend Ceremony of
Saiaing the American Flag Oyer the City, Thus Bmphaaizing Beeentment Manifested By His Followers—Cubans
Expected Santiago Would Be Turned Over To Them So
They Could Bevenge Themselves Upon the Spanish.
BotnntahlnUieontet eonldatoaiaoh
New York. Jnlj IB.—The SeBtisfo
theatnaafleracapple nf days' trial.
4iapelchea preface teankte that oofbThere is a peenliar. Aiaafreeable smell
■erratlre hesulB bvr* aotieisaUd; that abont it that tarns yon.'
Oahasa wonld espaet the priTiier^ of
"The retnraad soldiers are in a pitia
aactnor Spaaisb poMeMioiia and wreak
ble auu, so tar as clothing te ooning reranre on Spanish eitisena. A
oemed. There teaot a compiate uni
taet iBpreaaed more and mera neei7
form ia the «hole ontflt. Some earns
day npan AmeriCM offiocra and men in
aabore last night wrapped in blaakeu
^ inercMinr the atralaod relatiMa hete hide their nakedneea Tha majority
tareen the Americana and Ganatal Garhatlma Net a dosen pomamed a
eia'a Cuban aoldian. The aitnatian haa
wb<da eaav Sheas were eearne. and
MW reached a point where there is no
there ware two lastaaoea of men wllhcoatmnnieatioa between the anaiea
eattroBMra All this came abent beend their relatieni herder oa tfaoae a!
.nae of tha heat ia the maraaeee and
tderbmsb near Slboney and San
oB« would anppoac ahonld exist beJaan. The men threw away every
twtai allies.
thing that added to their temperatnre
After Oenaml ShafterAanonaoed
and the snrgeaaa oompleted the work
I net to 1st the Cnbaa JuU
-h.t llltl.
enter the city of Saatiacn. deep
Unj b„ Lit u r-t
UlL -citd.
terlnga srare heard amonf Uenisnl
Scott's equipment oonbUte of a shirt,
a.pair of mUitary tronsera that wonld
It la evident that tha Cabans ars
shame a Cuban voinntaer, aad shoea
freatly dlsappcdated at steps taken by
Be hae no coat nor hat. nor doee he
the Ammicaa eommandcra for they
kaow where hte gun te. Be expects to
had oonfldently cionated npos bavinr
retain to Cubs without a fnrlongh.'
Santlafo tarried over to them to loot
aad plnader. sa they bad in
eaeked.BaiqnIrI. SIbooey and ElCaney,
htiy tbeir diaappolnlBnsta
m when they ase«rained that
e not to be allowed to Uke
oaeral OBffleld Kay be KiUtofy
Gpvarsor In OubaifBe Bocovan
Yrom Yellow Yevar.
apvcisltoTnMoBjiiSE Bscou,.
. Waablngton, July Ui.—Seeretaiy AIg» te credited wiU Ue statement Uat
General Doffield woald have been made
Military Governor of all Cnban lerri
toiy captared, had he not been token
aick wlU yellow fever. General Shafter was offered Ue aame position bat
declined it. Be wonld not have a job
Uat would keep him in that elimato,
and be aaid so wiU all tbs foroe of hte
fine rosUc voeabnlary. It te desired to
have a ooldler for govareor, aad Chaf
fee or Keifer, each of whom te a law
yer, may getit. Oenaral Wheeler be
ing rejeetod, it te said, b^nae of hte
atroag sympaUy for Ue Cnbana.
doval was disabled in any way. i
the arms, ammnaltloa. pnhUe bnildings or barracks at OalmaDora or Gnan-
Two Cent*.
When a Popnlar Pattern
Of Wall Paper U nearly sold ou^’
tlu, last room goes at Hslf Price—
it's a “one room remnant” — good
staff, loo—pay yon to fill an old trank
for-next year’s ose. Some is axtm
width—21 inch goods at 3c dooblG
toU-wUl all be sold this week.
wonld not be treated as prteonars of
The flag was banled down this after
noon. Prom a Spanish source It te
learned that tha tot^ foroe at Onantao aad Oaimaaara amonnta te hut
5,000 maa. of which only abont S.OOO
are fit fer service, the others being dteahied hy aleknaaa aad wonnda
The priaonert have yellow fever
ArigMonaraatlae will
Pine Pieldiag aad. Good Team Work
Prevanted the Oolu Prom Get
ting a Single Score.
Yesterday's hall game between Ue
Celts of Mantetee and the HnaUera was
played in a drizzling rain moat of the
and the nnpteesaat weather
spoiled the attendance. Bowever.
those present saw a good game and
220'Front 8t.
witnessed the second shnl-ont
have given the Colu thte
The local i am can well be
lUrmed Ue f
in the staU. as there has been no lesm
ia the cute so far this season which
Of Kipling, Brame, Doj-ie, Stevenson, Hope, Jerome, Corelli^
has pat npsnch good ball as Hantetee.
The teams now stand even as to the Ward, Duchess, Weyman, Haggard, Barrie, etc., in bound Tolames
gsmes won aad with the'^^f
- (rood books.' At
AwiTTwsT. dsWST
won his fonrth against Mantetee this : ■
>Bsioa ana
and iwo
two oj
of laem
WiU a Xtamaad for a plsplay ^ •bason
t The first three innings weresbat-onls
Oi>Ur a>p«itlor
To Ua Oermaa Haval
thority at Kartna
K.W Vork, Julj
j ning, Manistee's wild Urows and.timeB„„, ljklUb-'ULJI“iLr...ti,aiwo™.L.
A base on bslls, a aacriflee aad
Kong dispatch aays that Admiral iWhceler'a two-bagger over Ue left
Dewey recently by a
field fence in Ue fifth brought in an
QeraaB admiral whether
other ran, Bant crossing Ue platet
"Jocko" Weaver. Ue new Srat heee*
United bUtM and Germany are at
peace or war. If at peace be deamad- man, ahowd. up In fine form aad kte
fine work ini gaUerfag in a hard Urow
cd that Ue German warshlpe pnrsne a atirred np the fant and awakened them
different conrae; If at war. he wanted to Ue taet Uat the
to know it BO he oonld goverp'himaetf all right. "Joeko"giveapr6mteeof heiag
very bandy with the stick, as one
dandy hit evidenced U Ula
Par oereral waeha Germany baa been
The featoree were Wheeler's third
eonstaaOy enlarging ita'flaet in Uem base pUy. a pbenominal one-hand atop
watme, nntU mw ail German aUpa oa by Mqier and Ue ail around good
Ue Aaiatle atation^ wiU the exception fielding by Ue whole team.
In the fifth Inning, after Uefluatlera
■f the DentecUand, Ue Arcoaa aad the
,i..h,r I. Hull. W, «r had Uree rnna. two men oat and two
atrikeaonUe Coll at bat. Behan of
L lu
Th. G.rmu t»™l olUe Colu wanud Ue -game called oa
ficere L-ava token pains to show parti- aecotini of the lala, but Umpire KuUcnterfriandtlnesttoward UeSpaniards. erferd declined to call Ue game, and
as for axample. in salnting the Spanish seven innian' were play^, until Ue
flag at Manila on the arrival af every diamond beeame so modd^ Uat It was
not advtesble to play Ue ether two
addiUonal Germaa ship. The German
Following te 'Ue score by
officers .have visited Ue Spsateh flertificatlona and trenches and the Manila
Unstlera...................oa-o-s-1-0 o—5 7 I
nswBpapers have aosertod Uat the Colu......................... om„4j.,Kw>—o 4 5
presence before Ue city of ae many
Bstlrrics. Gleason and Rnr-t; BufliagGerman ships enable the Spanish er and McConnell. Two Imse hiu.
anUorlties abd the people of Manila Wheeler. Stolen bas's. PiUnsn, Bent.!
S. Wilhelm, Boyce. Hit by
to regard Ue American fleet wiU
pitched hall. B'lyce. Bases on bails.
Off Baffinger. 3. Umpire, Bntherford.
Four days ago Admiral Dewey eent
The HosUen- tbU keasen are a really
an officer to Ue German flsgahip with j strong K^gregatioo. and they
ing what may Justly be termed wonIt that i
atotement «f the Germaa atUtnda ia | dertol ball. They are well orgaoiied,
well managed and work together
« of the- city, npoa General
Toral'a aarreader. Bnadreds of anek
InsUneea are being told around the
camp ftrea. and very rarely U a kind
word spoken of them. In fact la some
snartem there tea dtepoeitlon to propbmy aa early oollisloa between out
At Us aama Uma he delivered a pro-|u,e team te ezceptioaal and Ue boys
men and the Onbaaa Oeaeral Sfaafteat against various aettem by German ! are ail good fellows aa well aa g)^
ter yesterday morning teat lavlUtlOM
offleeim. aneh as have beea mentioned! t*” p'ayera This and the efforU
to Oenetal Garcia attend Ue ceremony
..Iof Ue mai
here. The German admiral aent an
af raising Us Americas flag
flrst claw ball by a crack team ebmld
immediate expIanaUon.
Two days induce tbe lovers of tbe game to accord
ago. bat Ua Cnbaa Uenaral abewed relater, however, he eent a proteat to liberal patroaage to Ue gamea. To
aentment, by aendlag a reply which
Admiral Dewey against Ue aetioa of day's game will be a warm ooetost, as
amply ceafirmed Ue eooree be and
American aSoers in boarding German the Colu do not want to go back to
hte ragged, ignoraataoldim hate fol
Mantetee wiU Ue odd game ia favor
coming to Manila from Mariveles.
lowed. daring the weeka of hard fightof Ue UnsUern, therefore the gronnda
He cited us Incident of tbe McCnllocb ahonld
tag. which bss resalted in the fall of
BnUerferd or Batler will be on Ute
It te eald. however, U*t if Genenl aad Ue Irene at Corregidor.
Baatte^. He declined Ue invitotion.
Admiral Dewey replied to Ute very slab for Ue local team and Bruner lor
' e^ he haled Spaniards and added Uat DnfSeld makee a quick
Ue Colts.
he did not want to be where any of may yet he made govemor, if be da eoortoonsly, bat very firmly,
alrea it; beeanee he combinea Ua milit pointed out to tte German admiral
Uat iatornatlonal law
Slnee that time the Cabaas have re ary rash, legal ability aad bnsiaam
■under of a blockading fleet an- Yor Thirty-Third and Tbirty-YonrU
mained la eamp. eatiag American ‘ra- perience.
Xichlgas Valantoen in
Uority to ocmmnnicate wiU aU ahipn
Uoaa. Md onr troopa have had no comTRAKR BOOA8B T09X XT.
Xhte War.
mnnioatioB with Uem.
atoring a blockaded port An intorWashington. Jnly 19.~Secretniy Al
Won .
Z:04 Pacing Baaa at national law parmittod warablpa to fly
that he bad received Ue
any flag Uey chose in order to deceive
8iw»j luTne UaamsaHiDusi,.
tha enemy. UeulionaUty of vmeete must positlTcassuraace from Ue front
'itetroil. JnlT Ik.—Frnnk Hagaah won entering Ue bay conld not be deter that Ue fever which bad token hold of
AJtbnr Scott of Oo. M. TaUu to a
Ue nnfintebad Srflt pace today. Bou- mined abaolnlely wiibont oommna
Oeaeral Dcffield and several Michigan
Sepettor u> Mew York OTty.
benstein secoed. Bnmps third.
Ibe ing with Uem. Be anaonnoed hte in volanleera te of an exceedingly mild
'Telegraphic dtepatobee from New
track was hoof-deep wlU mnd.
Be- tention to commnnioato wiU all ahipa type. Be dees not know bow luny cf
York elate that Arthur D. SeoU
dinds won the 2:JS pace aad Aehey Ue eatering Ue hay.
For Us Oeraun Ue Michigan troops bsve Ue conta
comdhay H. stU Miehigan rolnntoera.
»;1C tret. The great M. and M. atoke admiral'a further information Admiral gion, but he te hopeful Uat Ue numwas amlgned to Ue mariae heepttal on
spoatponedon accaant af Ue Dewey told him that ff Germany was bm- te email. Be eays Ue department i
Staten Uland. In a report of Ue ar
atorm. Twelve Uousand people were at peaoe with Ue United fitotos the te hnnrly expecting a detailed report.
rival et Ue hoapital ahip Olivette the
It is altogeUer likely that Ua out
German naval oSoere here would hare
Detroit Tribune has Ue following:
to change Uelr moUods, and that If break of fovar will pot an effectnal
•■SoeU te the least serfontly UJ^
stepper npaa any fnitbsr mlllinry npGermany
Of Ue thrw. He U saffering from a
he deaired to know it at onee in order nraUona «f Uaneral Deffieid'a command
■aasbed flager, received wbUe Ue
GjUBtab Yoreana
aa well as subject Uem to aa ladaflnito
Uat be might act aeoordlngly.
troops were being disembarked -on Coa Ketifled of Ue I
atay at Santiaga
faaae^ This incapacitated him for
. ofSantlaga
"The departmant boa decided to
. military duty and be was snnt into Ue
Ctemp McCalla, July 18. 7 a. m., via I
teolato Ue Thirty-third and Thlrtyhnepitol ehtp aboard the OllveUa
Playn del Brie, inly 18.-Copyright
i W,U Be Ynrntehed Ue Troope Going foorth-MlohigaBandNinU Miirho" 'My experieaoe.' said he, 'has been the Aaseeiatod Prem.—A launch from >
hatta regimeato nntU all danger of
prindpaly on the trip tram eastern Oaba th.
Urir spreading Ue fever U pemed"
to New York. All Ue wounded men
to Verteaya dal Tore, oppo- General Corbin has anonneed Uat. Ua
said Becretary Alger. “They will be
. rno^ved the best of care at U* baade siu Caimanef*. and aotUUd Ue Span
troops for Porto Bico will he fnrntehed plaeed npoa tb^ high alUtodM aarof the daetora, bat Uey did net get
of the anitnnder of ■a fast as poadble wiU Kragg-Ji
rennding SaBttege." where It 'te eald
l^whA they shoald have had in Ue way Toral's troope, wlU UeeaadlticM of
sen rifles.aad Uea
fever .cam be easily eomhattod.
7of food. We have bean fed-the Ue eapltolation. A llmitod time was
powder eartridgea. The depart- None-of Ue eommaads wiu be sent
woondad and Ue well alike-on a caa- fixed for banllog down Ue Spanish
to Porto Bico or any oUer expediUra,
mealhasareeervestockofM.CNMExag. 'nod oonooction called prime roost beet flag over Cteimenara. Tbaoffieiategavn
Jorgenaona and Ue factory baa an ouV hat aa aeea aa it te tale to do so Uey
. ul.ntuU.hl. lor hot oUahtu .*4l.oUoothhtu th.Sn.Uh ruthoottointrf'l.oJIS.'
wiU be brongkt back home.’'
And take a look at the valaee we offer In
Csdsimere Suita as low as $3.90. Others at any price above
tkat you want to pay. All are good values. ^ them, st
If You Have Logs to Sell
L>>rreapoDd with the T»reree City Lamber Compuijr.
We ha»*e for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
TjA^TPS :fOE. aAT.-m
Mill Maehiaeryof nil descriptions, iaclading Two Epginon,
flet Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Dr Get Dne Repaired
Remember My New Place312 South Ueion Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Depet
In nuh lid Tudw to Ini
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.
Hastiogs’ Real Esiale Ageocy.
sn tool Isl. nazU booM. Cm loesUoz. Gh bi
mtent lot.zooC J>rrlllsc. FvninoeC.aCo
41 oerVa thFVv bHf. Miiib bs4
(roai tl
ud TbUUal<BF(BiDforoolrltmC
<hcrw> I wIIf WBBI. sit iBpr
Olbet plseCB )UBI«
«vt. esn b* ttoacht for teRL
ro BOd lie per Doub nnlU paM lor.
■ eltr- lAcul ro«l. wbU wsiereS. rvoot arI plBM^or ClvldMl^ sslb^^o^thls
A Matchless Bargain
50 do^en Misses' fast black seamless hose, sizes
from 5 t» 8ji, at the low unheard ol price of 5 cents
per pair.
A lot of straw matting, remnants of onr large
spring stock. Some fair sized pieces. Values rang*
ing from 15 to 25c- To close quick we have put
them at 10c per yard.
Big reduction in Ingrain remnants. , ■
Our millinery departmeht is creating quite a
sensation. Our finest pattern hats. $6 and $7. going
at $3.50.
. •
The Boston Store.
■> .f*;' ^
- r
mATKME omr, ■ linTHlOAM
W. BAmnai, Editor ftad
■m veefc. to eitrrter.
ekftruMr udj»-
B« ridM hi> hoTM lilM ft Cmtftftr fto4
wiU) ft rrvse thfti Usd* ft ob%rm Uftt
biatmftilftdbj the ftMoeiftUoft* eoftBftCtod wUb ft brUliftBi cftrMr.
tft tka ftfMniMB tke
Iftff the areOft ««■ threBfed with people,
ftmoftir then hudreda of todlftiia from
17 whoM latereai I
The aefttlnr
w»a plftlftl7
eftpftoitjr wft« taxed ftBd ftfMTWftTda
the ticket taker reported 14.0K pereona
in fttteadftnee. la the eTeftio( there
M«)r« Ton WlIliaiDi now tine m
«o)(t ma tbe ■Ko7 af nua at Oolonel Gib
TTriicbt'f KdreiiMm in Bonth Cftraiiiu
iu the rlndui; moutfa* of the wv.
It Menit that GMu<nl Kilpnarick, the
Fe.ii.TiU eftvftliT
- tvred ft BQinber et l>«ted«Bieft, mud
WriKbtwaDftnxionii If roTCue them. Ho
eall.U for »olnm.?.T» to jp t«th him
into the
thu-e arbo respondod.
The Fedml tmopera wtjt^ nnarltig
, in
ii tbeir camr and on both sidi*
of the road
m leadin'^ to it. and Ueir pr»ou.-r* dom'd by a flir near (be center.
Just how they got there wcreld be
hard to explain, bat Rburtly after midntghi Gib 'Wright, at the bead of a frw
CPU. rrtdcatageiitir parr intotbeoamp
Tbo drowiy FuduratK took Uem for a
party of their own men muniing from
a sront and paid nu attention to theiu.
Everything was workiiig smoothly nutfl
one of the prietaierp c-.inght a glimpee uf
(heuewcomers. Thefellow lost hisfacad
and miiirdlbewbolelmNiucm. Ue imp
ed to his fu't and looked into the fiKcs
of tbe adTanrimi Coufodurata.
• Horray. boys!" he shonted in his
delirious delight ‘‘Hang mo. if tbero
ain't old Gib Wrigiit and his crowd.
Uuruedif Ue wh'.le Gaifedurato army
ain't right ooblud him!"
Thepri.->ouer»aii rnUpd forward with
the n'gulsr rebel yell, and Ue sleeping
Ftrietals auddunly U-<«uie very wide
awake From every aide they sbuwi-red
btilleta on their vinToni. and Wright
and bill men had atuin«i a miracnlons
deliverauoo. Sereral were killed and
wouhiiud. Itit the ladir and the ma
jority nf tlie party mniuigud to get
away.—AUonta ConsUtnUon.
Cboapest sad most rcJuble place to get yonr bicycle repaired aod
pnt in go^ ruDDiDg order. Hare bad eereral yeara experi^ce and'
know bow itabonld be done. SatiefacUon guaranteed. I am felling
bierale aondriee at about coat. New and second band wheels for sale'
and to rent. Please give ua a trial.
Brazing a specialty.
ELLIS. 811 Front St, East
We are
Strictly In the
Owing to the storm the attendance at
OatCaftceurea night was redaced. The leatnree of
UashewarenBiqseaa weU sa intertpbWMti eating. Cnaler'a Isal rally was oe
the most intereeting. 'ssd Ue exhibi
tion U. S. earairy maaenvere nzeited enthusiasm.
The Cabaas
the display Inrited almaet deafening
applause, while the performanere et
the Arabian borsemea were rery en
tertaining. The reailatle repfEdneties
Two ▼aloabla Bams l>Mirayed and
of aa attack by Indians npoa a praemigrant train recalled
thrilling stories of the paei, while the
section yaterday morning crated con'Phone 167.
848 Front Street,
ridlag and shooUag of the cowboys de
aiderable damage. Lightning struck
lighted the heart of the small boy and
a bam owned by Capt. B. E. Chase on
and excited the admlraUoa of erery.
UeWrsl Side and Ue bnlldieg was
Else Aanle Oakley gave some
burned to the ground In a very abort
srkable exhibitions of ts^cy shoot
time, being beyond M*ing by U« Bre 1
At laet the Thirty-eeocwd Miehican ing and Johnny Baker displayed splen
department. A large qsantiiy of bay
velnntoera hare reeeired orden to did ekUI in the same line, Colonel
and some tools weredatmyed. but Cap■ore—sol to the treat, bat ont .of the Cody exhibited bU skill with the rifle
toia Chase suoeeeded In removing
■ud-hole is which thep hare bees also and his nnerringaim wasCTldenee.
other valnsblea.
Tbe bam was
CMplsE tor eerersl weeks pest, to a
insured and the loM will be probab
le to deaoribe in
■ore baelthp lecatioa. The ehasga ia
ly g3oo. This is Ue second disaster.
It f
t' 1.
weleome, bt>t the danfer, host and dU- detail the rarioos feaiaree of the pre•emforteadered by their eosusdesof eentatien and do them Jssiloe. Eneogh
OeUlBg Cp.
aUehifftB is Cabft, wonld be tar pre- to Bay that thU was the real and only
The Bake of Wellington slept on an was stmek by llghUiag, bol Ue damderable to the IMe of iaacUrUj and ex- Wild West and that it is a performance Iron estop bedetead lu iui-bn wide and
figs was slight.
yaetfttiea which they hare bees leed- which iB appreciated and endersed argned that “wlifu a niou wants to torn
Soon after tbe lightoing etmek tbe
ahererer it Is girea.
oxer it ii tii-e to tom not." lildwnrd
Ipf aisee they went to Tampa.
Oonsidering the great crowd la the Everett Hair rootrs (Ins remark of the
Brur day. aimoat, brings farther city there was lUtle disorder and dep- duke ia the "T.-n TiiiKw Ow Bocurd”
of the city, was ■tenck.'’TAenty
•eUeacea of the ability and good gen- redaUoBS of Uterce were not reporto
Baltimore Stock Received Three Tima a Weak
ciplo IS well enongb," says Dr. Hale, teat of bay were consumed, and other
•csbhlp of Admiral De^ at hfanila There was considerable dlmlpstlc
htit 1 thmk the detail U wrong. Sle p
onnU. *f)c per quart
■a has firmly bet oonrteonaly Imprea- among tks rititing Indians from the ^0>tmr loo important 10 he mode nneoro- valnabla. and Ue.ioM including
Standanla, aoc per quart
itryand sereral spent' forfatlilc. ’* Ur. Hult> ipies nn to tell of bam will aggregate about toou.
■ed npoa the comnunder At the UerSolid Mats.
■fts fleet in ibeee waiere that ao loag the night in the eoep.
rariooi ingeiiiotiB d.-vine for
*'3 front bt.
The hotels were taxed bat ^ey eared
•ft the United Sutee ia »t peace with
wily waking a det-pcr. A friend of bis H. Griffith wu shattered by lightning!
and oUer trea in various portions of
led hisabrm no that at thefc
Oennany the blockade of ManiU and well for the crowds.
ed moment tho boU-Jotba
were dragged Uecity andsnburbesufferedslmUarly. ■
ABerkan aathoHty matt be respected
from tbe bwL The anue g<mtlcu>an
hg the aftral repreeentaUree ef that
fnoud another oontrivanoe which work
Why should
Tstoerday's Happy Kartiage.
■atioB. and the tactics fre<inenUy reyou arrv Inss
a mateh.
■orbed to mnst oeese or there will be What Troops will Go m Porto Bioan which lighted the lamp which boiled
WiU “*
Adsit aad Mr.
II yoraagoby two hnsUingyonng
the water for Roesiter'e shaving. If OrU were married last eveaiaiF *1' ,»v~.
WaUilngton, Jnly 4.—(Special)—It Bonriter staid In bed too Jong. Ue wa-1 Mta. AdsU's raideuoe on Washington ] and pa««.” They clipped,
Tnx preelamatlea of Preeideot Me
ter br.ilod over upou bin raxor and rli-an sUat,
suat. wbich-wu charmingly decoratdecorat and rewrote As ad'
Siniay aatnbUahing a farm et govern- Is lafe to ay that it U not known yet; shirt and Ue prayer book his mnthirr ed with eummer flowers for Ue oees- smpbyed mi a cocimiau‘"i of 25 per |
Beaase if you are sick 14 daya or
■Mt for Santiago is one which has no what troops wUl go to P<wte Bico. gave him andCoJ(ridg<''«ontc«ffnph and Mom. The ceremony wu performed sent, and it wua caoticiti Ue way be
day you
and all Ue other
praeedanl ia the history ef asUons, and General Alger said tonight that be
by Rev. J. C. Cknnan. who ame from
ho coold putmaUistoi;/
pDi iu a basin
ttontec.m.rictewe« m«iefar.!Sar;iU.i\c;rmr^^
ia me which will inspire every astira wonld not give ont Ue Uat till ail Ue
nniienieatb when
D he
itlobed: aohe
^ present. Tbe wed- „,outh: aonie for Uree nxa.tha. aome month. I will all at yonr laideM
with raapeci for this goremmeat ahd changes had been made.
bad to get vp before that niotauut' **.Ug wu a very pretty aad quiet oae. for a ytwr Tb<i <
is nt carrying on the war.
jooly Ue immediate relativu being
half of tbo cot
$7,000,000 OF GOLD.
.j present,
r-——~ and Mr. and Mrs.V.
-J »uu
and herr uaui mm
money to Bej yon Fith.
a u,e uuOtTBCt WU tUmed i “
A Osuea.admi.Ma.
family will lave ml on« for Wayne, U.
| Stop and Ulnic. Tall
Battmaind That That Amount Baa,
Tholxmdmj<:ropb.oUn.tbofollow. Kaa.*.. wbere Mr. OrU bu a flourUh-i Prrer4rity p.vp.d from Its pnga The
ing story nlamt Haua Riditur it
Bhea Taken in Klondike.
cle "hcvxidoctor*;
TABT 0B0WS8 XHJOTXB THB SpeeUl le the Moavna Rsmbd.
Dr. Ricbter'a pt^ralarity with bir
iBCOQver. July 19__ Letters <oat re
I is etucly' intdliglble. for while
ceived from Ue managers af Ue Cnna- notliiiig«erapi>s ids argcsi-yed vigilance e«to"d hearty congraiclallou aad bat
came in. The wntcr and
tbe monU to <---------------------------------------------------------- .*
.ftnnd Bapreoentation of
in dlsa banks at Dawson say .Ue gold bealwaysreocigni»-s U<1 ncknowh-dga I wlaha to Uesa. Mr. Orth wu for' wiDi around at the md
good work. A few ytsrv ago, while he Isome yearsa raidentofTraveru City ' collect fniui the 90 day adviTnsGis and DR
..BlMorleal Poatnrea-Bongh Bidera
imissioner estimates Ue prednetioa wii*coa.;ofting—fromnM-mory.unmaltaad an active member of Ue Baptat I what do you sniiposeiiappcocd? HeUil-,
UtlM I lO I
d Ua World, Fancy Sboottng.
Owe MeNsman-s iibosfltom.
of gold in Ue Eiendlke at gr.OOO.OOa
of RiUtn's orert^ St Stie^u„j,,„gpreMrs.UrUhualsobeen •dwfind.mclEvcryadvcrtia.mfBtwu
BmiarkabU Horaemasabip and
**«W ba^
eamat worker, fur many i •
There wiei- no mteh inuno. no
e.t."asilr. Hapgardtn«dto«y. Itaad ”
„ch buriuoscs. no mK-b addrwea u
Onphic Beprodnobon Of Scenes of
oud conductor l,s-t Irmch for Kvural ^***^ She will he much «ise-««-s— the agent brunglit in for pnblicatiim 1
•tlrriag Times ea tbs Flaina.
• - ehnreb cornecUons here.
He hap|a-ned to have an engageraeot in |
Judge Boberta Be-Blected Frenidant. bai^ aod wlH'n Die pitoc wu ended Dr.
••BnEalo BUIV Big Wdd West and
Ricbtereignali'dtuthe urcliestrs to play
’ Hew Jersey co that fatefnl day and 1
The regnlar monUly asylum board tbi< ciynmue again fruui tlic beginuing.
Oongresi of Bongh Elders of Ue World
never-hu bnm se n ainoc. Contracts |
has come and gone and Yoaag Amer- meeting was held yesterday wiU TVas- This time cver^'tbing went withunt a
■app>isod to be worth flu.000 were not
worth ft cent. Tbe magSTtne died.—
ka in UU locality has satisfied a crav teea Roberts. Dsvis, Maywood, ttackua hitch, and at the cluse Dr. RidiUr
andiNew York Hrmn
ing U rase Bpon the here ef Ue wild and Bates in attendance. Tku
waatera country and wlincas reprodae- tbe annual meeting and Jadge Boberta mutakowu nune, not Ue archotn'
of tab.
Uone ia Ue ecenee ia the life of the was re-elected preeideat of Ue board a gottxons udmisaicxi wk
Trnsgroat aoont whose name is a houaebold
salvo of.spplansc.
; toes Batoa. Cummer aad Boberta were
. arord ail over Ue oonntry.
Cartrls-s B«
CMonel Cody'e prodncUoa is a revela- appointed andlting committee for the
AUtlte posulftr mame of U« d»
Oor rronl sod Cm M*.
iton to Uoomndt and at Ue same time ensuing year and Trustees Davis, May
Jruchim, the prreat violinist, was laand everything in Ue mnots Uau. W.
HIM Alte- K.CrsWon). MIm Allrv T. goben - W. Kimball Co N. E Strong, mnnogsG
M odocator in Amerieaa historv which weed and Backna executive commit- trodured to Carlyle by a luntual friend.
MIm Habel P. Wbtte. MIm toMts
aliout to take fiis 'moming j
U WltbrlB
S3S Front strecL
irnima ^
haa Ue merit et beUg realUUc and
walk, and be adted Joachim to aoooci- '
true to life. Over seven heudred perpany bun. During a very long walk in
•eaa are required to present Ue permain until after tbe joint bUrd meet- Hyde fork Carlyle ki-ptthecnDVcmBtiuo
Iwmanee and care tor the properties
ling GO Cvcriuajiy and its gnat men
lag of nil Ue asylum beards of Ue
and 4B0 horses, all valuable anlmala,
(• FrediTicks. Holtko anil Bixuarck '
ttate. which will be held here on
and many of Uem high bred, form a
—nutilatla.rt Juachim thooKbl,itwu
his turn to takua had. iind bo started
part of Ue ebow. The rrpreeenUUvee
witii the inqnuy. "Do you knowtiteraBeooR Votes.
Of Ue various naUons afford an illusDr. W. K. Breaky, of Ana Arbor, dslf njiiueuy".
WsUon which ooold be given in no
•‘No,”wu tbe reply, and. ,after a
oUer way and accomplish so mneb. wiU hts family are spending Ue earn
luso. "I don’t (.nrogcurnilly lor tunidThe shew ieenlighteniag as well as mer at Old Mission, pained threogh cuuis; tiny arc an (.-niiKy. wind buggr
Intensely interesting and entertaining. Ue city yeeterday on hie sray frocu saRofp^lu."
•Bd to Otdoael Cody Ue American fwo- that reeort. where he has been for a
pU are indebted for a portrayal of fa»v days, aad was Ue gneet pf Dr. and
«ho wild ecenee of Ue great Wat | ^'*^00101 at dinner. Dr. Breaky is
Playing gooHOxrry or "toplaygoos*whiU formed so "important a part in the medicnl
medical deparimeat of the IUai- berry" IscMitimoo < tvngb in ounneetioa
with sweettacaniiig. A lam arraugui a
i of a vast
wiU a lad. L.t fbr amne reasno
Titory of Ue ceuatry. The eoena are
The family of 3: A. Montagu^ wUJ
■arefally depicted wiU elcee attontion leave today for Old Mlaloa where Uey abo does not rare to go alutie, to ahe
takes a fneiid. another girl, and the
to det^ and Uey will live ia Ue mem- will epend a couple of days each week
(ricud “plays gnosubviry." Stanetiina
nry of Ue beholder longer than any at the resort
the girl wlio is invited to share the
EwnipUoaa in books.
Mr. and Mrs Ueorge M. Rogers and walk refuses, saying. "Nay. I’m not
Tbe parapberaalia carried wiU Ue daughter. Miss Boyd Rogers, aeeom- giftng to play grtJseUwy. ■■ The girls
■how la enormooi and complete. The paaied by M. Jama MeCennsll. came spuak of tho lad in Uls eonneciiou u
gooseberry fouL " By tbe way, green
graat arena is iliumlnated wiU elee- aver from Farat Lodge and attended
oosebemes slewed wiU a 1
toiearellgbu wIU clcctrielly geacr- to WUd West
l constiinte
sn___ mi____ __________^_______________ ».*._____ x. xv_._____
. •tod from a portable dynamo mrried
'wiU Ue shew aad operated by expert
Aa trMlFtaissd ffeM.
•leetriciaaa. and Us great Unts are set
Peter Lombard points a tnonti in the I
Just fe
Bp and moved by a small army ef meh
‘bisstoty:! a bfitclicr’s lad went to deliver wune
tritose dntia are performed wiU the
ngnlarity of clockwork without «osteton er delay. The arrangemenu
<or eariag for great crowds are admirI. . -bort nb».b,.ibini««.ol
■hle and Ue attendants as a role couri
*""“® rab boi and -Irore itm amtniU M—
toons and careful after Ue comfort of
K,tbuotbwU,y.,MndbBO-. nuirCope“nu. h. l,m.-n rnoT' Uw «kM. Mthe patrons of the performsnoe.
».'l lb.
The parade yaterday Uroogh the
H' H! HiTl
Basiness and can keep your live stock
alive for months if you will give ,us a
john j.brezina
Only 50 cents
For Half Soling Shoes.
ancF Heels, 50 cents.
For Tops
Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
New Store and Bepalr Shop.
Fletcher's Ofster Depot aed Resturm
Protectiie AssoclitlM
Geo. R, Winnie,
Up-to-date Painter
aed Paper Hanger.
* ♦
Traferse City School of Inslc!
IMBI10 ud 41, Bafle Hoet
Shop Opposite Baffle Office.
nw. I —
little water.
Whichever you may wish when suiting: yourself with a pair ^
of Shoos, you wUl find in our handsome and up>to*date stock
of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes sre the favorites at this season^of
the year, and we have themin aU shades for Walklng.tBloy- ^
------------------pjg luding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ^
g~~ and the
prlnelpU streets was aa lasplriagelgbt
and attended with historical interesi
<Moael Cody headed the cavalcade of
ropreeentativa ef all nations, Indtsns,
cowboys and American cavalrymen:
Md while FaUer Time hae eprinkled
hit flowlog locks WiU stiver Ureads
the great aenut atm kss a diatingmiah■d bearing, perfect physical manhood
S-.rK-d'vrfi.bJ'S ss
■;r^u "• ■*'bj
ProwUe’s addtosB?' -Ob.it
pmd; bw. yod we, .bfi only wiat twit
way.' -Whatever do yon-tnos. Mm
Toddla.*’ said the young woman. ‘Well,
mtm. she didn't tell ns what she doa
when Hr. Prondie ootna home drunk.
WeuhocUdUka ■ little ndvluecBthtt
^ point’ "
on run.
.«.u,.b..d.--ub.-.e!-,"b —t. ^Tc J« ^
rta no- DrBoiL
Mr. de Atnor irxbibiting bU Knight
Templar charm)—l.n. h-o< Ckn you
tell me. Rtbel. what that nmanm
Ethel <bia love's Urtle stater)—Yeth.
thir. lU when your watU lU.—
Jewelers’ Weekly.
«««»» »««»
« Traverse City Soldier Soys Write'tjpon
atters of Interest at Santiago.
ber (b Bto^ Ai the In-oe
rcfuaed to'obey a Bhei: iras aent acrom
htr bow aad a aibali loat went to dia>
wver what ahe waa .lr:nf. The Oerland laaNted that
Oertnaa ahlpa had a ncbt t
harbor without beloa .earched, a
t'bleh Admiral L«>>e,drcllntd to
laid Btfdr* th* Spanith Cpov
mandar at Manila and Ra*
jactad Promptly.
It la report'd that AdVrat ToR D*d.
Mrba. who i» la tommacd <if'th» OertEBEAT OF A BLOODY XASSAOBE man agurdroii at Uanl^a. Interviewed
A Treat for as Aged Woman.
Certain CbiO^ster. of the Brilieti
A feeble <dd lady arrived ia town
enileer tioTnwrtar
do If the Oortnana Intorf-rod j bright and early
. yeaterxlay
^ etteP^UipiM. Fi..It’KtUUuj 1.! *;
with the hotnUrditirnt < f Man la. Cap- 1w.-«—
fiir the. show, bavlar t.r.
left home 17
Stona the City.
tain ChleluKior rorlivj that uniy j
miral Deary and hlmreir knew that.
, milei diBtaat. at 3:30 a. m. She bad
Hara are a faie more lettara from , We only bad two hard-tack for a meal faenethlaerepermtieUd Pr
Ttarerae City aoldlera written to jaad do eoffee or aAytblnA elae until
lw««ir»etii i^.der--He
triaada and kindly yiven tha Bncoan! nearly li o'clock that nigkt
I Maae vrii-ed. «Hb tb. tioa. aed Eetabfor publication:
j 1 told yon we laadad July l.
Weir «* •
i ..le se» t.
------------Uatnhrhtatioo'clockwe at.rt.vl oa
On beard theemiser Harvard. fo»«--,g
_______ W I—-.-to^b-MarbloB!>-*•«•'
ll.niu. J.l, H VI. M™. K,.!!.
a'eloek in the morntiw. Juii^ss. is»8. We iyot Where we now are about eight
An imporUr.t interview has Juat '
Fbibto Arcbie—I am teklui adrM- o’clock the next momloc.
bren h(-l.l between Crn.'ral Acutnaidn'
’ tam of a quiet hour on dock before
Tobacco is wonk money here.
a€<roUry. l.egArijB. and a | rumlnnit .
anurlae, and t i»ly wUb yen eoold Oa I . II
*1 . SAW ■
fellaf gaveflsfo-a
SO-ceot __
of B.uve whUiand the EnSTilsta
> anJoT it with me.-for eeords chewing; another gave »S8
for a 9
idrr. rpi.taln Gmsral Auguati. i
cannot expreaa the aensalioo after
ing Moped up all night below deck
•a cbew." Smoking tobacco. 5 and lo 0«nir*l Auru»ii to eumndi.r the city,
get a ehasea to fill your Inage with the cent paekagea bring 7Sc and fl.SUapa aeBcnine ih«t M.ono inBummta nur-1
paract air on i.od'a earth. Yon
't get at any priea.
better pasted on afftira in regard to
We are right at the front aad yeateraastiagn than we are and It is a matter day Liantenaat Holaon and the Bailor
of eoujectorc wbetber we will aUy boya were exchanged and they came to
there'or push on to Porto Eleo. But unr llnrs and we miked witk them.
whathCT there or ayme otherr plae
place it That to cue advantage in being ia tbe
11 ODiV: be a tew daya until tha
front, we see and bear more than tbe
Thirty-fourth Michigan ^111 b« letting fellows behind ua da. There hasn't
loaae a battle cry that will be beard been one la oar company hurt since
'from one end of I'ncle dam's damalo to we struck shore, but quite a number
the other, -Bemembrr the Maine." I are sick. All of the 'Burg boye are la'
am glad to see that our bora have Bat good health aad spiriu and expect to
tled down to tbes'lid fa-1 laat we are remain that same way. Cooper and I
' la it to aUy apd the closer we draw are chumming together nod we make
■ear to the enemy's country the more quite a team. He la working on some
1 eee by their nctiona that they are detail ao I mast make our coff«e and
•oUag tbemaelvea for the worat fiy baeoa.
that may happen and will be upon v
in a short Uma
Santiago Cuba, July
9.—Dear '
Wk. B Batews.
Momka—I will drop yon a few Unes^
One-half mile out of fiantlago, Cnba. to let you know that we are all rl|^t
Jnly 7.189«.
Deab Sibtkb: We
landefi Aar*
ohr company
oa Cuban eoU Jnly 1. ahorUy after
We are bulldiag ■* •“T moment. Thur far, they added,
themooB hoar. 1 iriak I could dea- slightly iajured.
bemb- rnnof eatrenekmeau in the the Ineutreine had Wn reBiralned with
erite the Bom that met our eyes
•luLKe “.rLey ilb r^wr to
k- »
R.-ntsets continued
whan Cuba was first sighted Ue even .............................
Btubhom tbe result would be that the
W. .r,
„,„u I.,
M ... vomlag before we raached our landing ko»^ .1..CI.J
and at. rm the city, "with the inplace aad the next morning.
It is witkin a mile of tke place at prescat
BOl drive ns ont with eviuble alsughur. nniwralleled
truly a beautifni country and was,' aad they
- Muld
-nt of bat« so before it vraa dealroyed bv ! «•«“
But If aayone telU you
k*'‘VllLtLLT"the ravangea of war. Everything
BeewaeiUatloe C'ltovr a Kepnblle.
frewB very rapid^ here and what was they do not know aaythiag abont jt.
Urge ptaatatlons three ybara ago are .They are tke nervleel davUa nabung, ttom advli»-d him t<. dirrepBi
I but do hot worry ab«wt''»e fori will clal flnlona regarClnr alli-ged Finnish
IMM.;. „..|«oib.b,».,l..pp«- 01.. ,r.rr. J™'’
Phillrr-tne islands,
. bread-fmita. oranges and tueb •"«
l>«»t respects and tell them pr..p..rH a r«-ondmatiFTKiillBii'-n h*to'yeti itM
Ulngacloae to our camp, or will whan that I would not trade 10 acres of Bpan>«r4s in the
\- !>{>mr>|.lntw
uhder a re.
they are ripe. Only the mangroves Michigan pine land for all I Aave seen pnbll. an ilae and a Join’ eiidtavor t<
etiliU..T kep
Fi«to» ClT..k .k...
• by what: these people running a government of th>- r^pr-w'-Me
►•T.letlvEW ..f. t.- • ir.jurgi-r
ai-i Mil I
We haven't got any mail their own. they could nol run a peanut
1 i ndeti'... of the Ptllrecojtrire
' ninee Jnne 24, ao we aren't very well atond and run it right, so good-bye.
Thi- t nf.t:iin ger-ral reEC«Mt LAkOASThB,
'f'""'poeted in outsideaffaln.
. pl|. d ti •nt he must l^ht. hi ivt vet h'peCo B. 34tk Mich., Manieu
Our Fourth of July was a dead oae.
e FlJintsh <-sotr . l.<-B»rilB th*-n
. returneil to o-vHe. inklnc '-tih him tbe^
Xba X>thtti Saoerd.
Ufa. Mai^hret Pewisa, afed »S, diad
In Elmwood Mondar of old afo. The
foprral wiJ take place this mocainr at
JO o'clock from the home of tbcaon-iaI law -of the deceaaod, Jamea Corrifaa.
] Eee. A. £1. WdU will officiate and the
at wai Uka place la Oakwood
Hrw T^lTcoha.
wuw.m™, jm
Scitntific Palmi»t.>
•moon the |ir-«ld>rt eltmcd a de(v«e
UUIahJnjr the tarlT that In ,to rule In.
Cuba, where the rr,n»-l P!alo» •« in
TSemeetiogtif Omce church guild
and Pblaage Chartn to a
charee. Ho took as Itt IiobIb th.- rale*
to meet Wednesday afteraooerdod to the oxleilna FManiah tariff
' icuetpmer ibis week free of ebarga.
none at Mra. Spngtie'a, will
I Scientific life reader through tha
all muntn- r. nol r-vn worpl- I Mra. Stout. 3<s State etreet iusteaA
t -xLiri
ky.n board preaented by
Ci.ban rrodncir, and t
Mrs. Jamea Uurnc. It ia an aitractira
tax on Iron urv. are retained f
..d...f.l.dd.ti<.I.I.Vh. ,b.,.k ....
BIS coimiBB n moii.,
“ The tog Ryan owned by CrelickBrea.. DOW being used by the Rehamberg liardsmod I.umher Co. at Good
Harbor, has' heeb brought here for rowittern Imn lard*. lAode thU Btat.
Cfvneemtns the rutr> red mnaolldalidn of j pain to her wheel,
the tlllooli gieei cimpary. MRincaota | gall |fame today at S;30 betsreen thi
hae tvs.-n hui on.- prellnitnaiy ivitifen-nre
loojtica tu tbe coniu.lida(fnn of NorthT.«H*terR ati-el and Ir-.Ii oonranlea. In
the form of ronB»Itdatl»n I am inrllncd
t« nppoae ll. If. however. pr(.per lenns
a benelic lo
would dee
••HhouMeurhimereete street., accept
gulisbie trrma I would gladly far<.r
ibe <fonButimiatloB ..f with an agreement. H w.iuld tend tu make |.
net)! trade relallnni which would be uf
InewtlRiahle benefit. Fhnuld this matter
be broui .1 to a auereaaful innp Ihf re
would not necessarily be any conflict
with the pfiesem fUx-k< Mler.Carnecte
arranxement. as Supplies would only
bv furnlshetl for the rempany's own usiupon a minimum l«sla’‘
BBat news ta tiMh Paper.
Appleton. Wli.. July
Is report
ed here that tbe Western IJook Tapermaker^ ae*<rf-latlon, which c<impi1*eii
chiefly the WIec. naln. Michigan and
Ohio tnanufarturera of this grade of pa
New Departurei
port. kk„.,.r..FF....,-..k.u
.. u,.
fiatisfactloB gnaraotoed,
iloura k a. ra. to V p. m.
Next week ebargea gl aed
Private and retired parlors at
Sunni Bank Hotel.
Sir Bichird Eaatoe advieaa upon'
affairs and toUs what trade ot
yon are beat adapted (or. A
ether hot game.
Ida May. tbe only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Orrea Brondlgc V Inlaad
Unlop atreev aext to Union cttMt
dlrd yeat^ay at the age of^wo years. bridge. Udy la attendanee.
tbe funeral wilfuke place Mday.
No display of signs made. Come to
The lady membera oT tba M. a ».
friends with a-hide and seek r party
this rvvnlog at the bomeof Miss Praada Grellck.
i Several yean age; B. J. Plemmifig
the Cats atreat blacksmith, whl e in
Detroit, did a^e work in horae-abociug for-Buffalo Bill." Yeaterday an
inritatiois was seal tbe Colonel to
bring bU favorite aaimal to be abod.
Tbe inritatloa was accepted and great
ly apprecUted.
Monday night tbe home of Mr. and
Mr*. Prank Conklin of Long Lake was
brigbtrood by tha arrival of a boy
J. W. Klater will go to Chieago tkls
by bis broth)
J. D. Slater of Elk Bapids. after a few
ths mills leran tinder t
new lines of furniture for bU new store
which Is aow in course of erection ad
asking wtiilcg pa- joining tbo Friodricb block.
boildlDg Is being rapidly crashed snd
C.niklOer tbvTiH-Meat ClMed.
when completed will make a budLonil.-n. July IB-The'Borne corre- aesM ornament lo tbe street and a fins
*p--nd»nt of The Dally Mall avvs: Th-»
Ital an fipre.gn oBt.-e lyarna Tr- m Wneh- stole.
Inct'.n )b»i ih-Coi'itnbiir tov-rnm-nt
By Special Bequest.
baa ao^rud the'.Twarl -1 « *«si mad8|r Kicbard Esstoo will contipne
by rr> sl-1. nt Ovsiand to Km-st.i
Ceruttl. an Ua:ian wif-i t. In a cimm give seeInKfle resdings la
made by ' him agAinst the r< public of aad pfarrcology
.. V 1th esch reading free of charge.
Coi -tr'Ia, -nnd they puw consider the givi p
tiatisfaction gna»
eed. Irfsiluate.of
the lAltne Paimtsirv
Imtsirv school. Paris.
France. Will call at private rrsideocca
aiul give a palmistry enteraini
It at
.people by
a goarantee of five or
;band. wboisemplcyMnn.th, store of
hours IB advance.
ArUeWait'bas returned from a long the Hamilton Clothiog Co.
. ' The nvtiv.« in nc-- th. rlty ray they
street next to dridge.
vfait to Jaekaon.
I' M. J. Combton of Manton, was In the received a f.-rtnli-ht ego a ei-nM-r—d
9:S0p. m. PosiGvely last week at
Mr. Abbou of Alba spent Snaday I eitv yesterdar to vi.ii his brother.
l-f i>nre
st.Tmi.g i e walls. clans (hat he <llcd from the ( ITm ts of an
A second slilenal. flxlr.g the date of Ui‘- overdose of mon^hlije and tngulry de- cheap prices.
I the family ■< A.: Landlord C-oplon of ths Hotel Wuitloprd ■the fact that It was token with
y..) *..-.=n IrsiKvl. snd
W. Wait, whom Mra Abbott has been : ing. and to see the big sbow,
i a teacher of
th>y are tlr>-d -f walling and arc losing SBb'Ida! intention,
vMitlng some time.
| Capt- O. E. Wi.bur of Charlevoix vat faith In Amilnsld.'. Tl.^ latter, it is sl- languigc*.
>. a prominent miller in tbe d'y yesterdsy accompanied by Icgcd. finds It oxtrwm-ly difflciilt lofi'ptabbreviatmi telco&aka
^ nre the tor n (urtlflcat’ons. His prevlciuj'
of Oopemiah, was in tbe city yesterday bU ton.
SQccnuies. It Is pointed r.iit. wv-rc easy.
Mr*, n-ckhlll, the wlfe’of W.W.Rockto attend the Wild Weet.
A. C. Wyokoop of Odar w
In town because of the nature of lh» country. hlll. rnll<-d Htotes minlrier lo Greece.
Cndenheriff Martin Brown of Le- :yesterday accompanied-by bis two which suited hla skirmishers.
i died at Albont of typhoid fever.
SODS, toesjoy tbe Wild West. Mr. ***•'
laed was In the eitv yesterday.
Senator Cullom. chairman of the
Major Hatton of Alden sras In the Wyakoop has been in poor health.
Dr. A. B. Srinoey, of Detroit, alao
proprietor of Seed City Sapitarium, ii
city yesterday to meet Us old friead.
l* pr
coming to your town, where 1 e will
Col. Cody, with whom be was assodaV
n for one- day
< nly to give the
U tedious and troubW<im>- work. They of the ChU ag'i Federation of Lab
ad several years on tba pialaa.
. to consult
▼iaitoratrnm all Dlractions.
also obtaining detailed rrpiirts of feallng William iJunne for .-re-election. _
W. F. GUI of om-t Pier, was in the
Tbe Indian Teaviiers of the I'nlK-d tbat cannot see him at his Ssnitarii
TheGnroaoftbe Lakm brought in the romiJilon of aflalra from the inside fttste*. are in seegti.n at Colorad-) Tbe doctor baa so much faith ia the
aty yesterdip.
Bl-Tlnga. Colo., wi'fa s large aven'1s:.ce. lexpcrience he has bad In treating
to™Ck^..kl« FOOrto, ,"
. Jerry Sullivaa of Cedar, was in the “
Mrs. E-lward Harris., of .Richmond. ^Chronicdiaeaaes that he will give oae
morning arrivieg about II oeloek. , Admiral T-eocy is esiahllrhtng a tnor*
M<v, is yoers old. has given birth to month's treatnent and medicine free,
' Solomon the horse dealer, ar She left last aight and will remain for- strict blockade, t- si H !>-.• inveiidaled by twins for the stvenih Ume. They arc-*n ! Also FRK* BiTROiCALorERATioNs TO
a week at Charlevoix, -pnctiag in her 'prymltimc D'-mrats to visit t'avite and living
rived yeaterday from ladisna.
aeasoa's work allernallng between Valait-niindsendanrtrf iv.-mBilsenSc.y.fieM, of Wisconsin, has' All tha*
■- '----------- *>—
MIWU E-jo.ir.reoreeptltlousFPi'H-hdlsp.t.h-e
J. M. Terwiillger and wife of Fife
------- ypat
will aUtc to their friends
He has thresten.-d t.. Ft..ilon tvsrsljrs cWm’^'iss^MViod-'k. Tb^^^^
Lake werav:sitoralB th- city yeater- Charlevoix and Traverse C^.v;esulta obtatoed
obtained by hia traatraenh
In, thateut*’, to chrtsieu the , fhe results
Columbia ww.
came in bright
and r, oppcsKc
>rty., which
rr.lchi I'l.
• —V —ww
w B..U
.M- .. 1I..K1-1
- IV*
- * *
ms of chromed:
chronic d I seases and deearly
K. Tbo
a abukiaess i
I. cam* to tbe city yes
terday to attend Uie aboir.
a. and made no stops.
the rcins.-gueocea The serend tnstalj- 'a Uaim for SM.Out f,
TheCreaecat left that port at tbe ment >-f Amerlran tPu p* is ,expected - claim will Is: corlcstcd,
W- L. Gregory of Fife Lake i
. _
as the doctor,
! Clarence Vlsrirar.crtprrd twice con- ated-----ClD
same boor but made all tbe bay port's
town yesterday.
3* yeare ago from
AS 19 years lo general prac«... nod Mra Charles W. Fox of'RfYivlng op sebednie time with a large'
pirut timk twas cvrh ivomk
! pi‘,’*«ii"**hi^J'*i"';iast^vvn*^haw^^
^ .
Grand Eaplds eajjyed Buffalo Bill'* j crowd of eicurslopUta
' .. ..... mi.-'nisi Ws^ «■ t porh in Carls | fteoraetewn. Kv.—i.v the aher.g. by Uiel of Anatomy
my and Physiology
in Detroit
Wild'West show last evening.
Trains entering the cHy brongbt
ithic Medical
College for i
*' *'
issac; Kenow;th. a Wc
'as S rears Superintendent of
years; wssS
. Mim Flora Pox of li
ar.|Frral throngs of paaarngera, all tbe
Washington. July is-A statii paper
(aimer at Limtiln. Ills.,
rived yesterday morning oa an exteoU- coaches being mowded to their nUBMt that will Uc hUiuil: . inarl-lr.g an epoch Irsene. fcitioalrg
a sewre tJncM ani ,Xbiaexperience, oomUned with many
In Amerlian hinorv. wAe IssUM
ad vlait to bar mother, Mra Lnuinoa
work snd worry on a mrchanlcai^- years' study in the beri hospiuls la
night by* dircfllon of IVesidenl Me- vl<-e,
Fox of Washington
j ihe Muotry,
MUOtry, and examining and
a< treat
has arrived ing tboaaanda of chronic casea,
<%arlea NeUoa of Northpart took in
from SL
prepared him to,carc when the general
Buffalo Bill's Wild West yiatorday.
_____ ______
State Teaekera'
at _____
tentlago d« Cubs and is the Aral doou- miners returning from the Klondike ormmiUener fails. Have you been sick
roumry snd with B.OjO.OOC In gold aad for years 7 Are you disco
Call and aeena.we will tell yon ■bether
tke ,
wii.n-soe piaos in
^ Setremrj Alger Adjntont GenIn an endeavor to resepe hts brother. we can cure youor noL If -we
-wc caonri
■me up from Nortbpon oa
order, but the regular pro- eral Cori.ln ixat night cabled the docu- II yeat«s>ld. from drowning tn toe lake
ire yon; we wiB teU yon what ilief
retlMn.!.)-' *M
. _
...................... .............. ■
etanmer. Columbia
to attond *ka
the akM«
ahow. > gram vrill
to Get
aot be used for a day or ao.
at Chicago. Walter Kerns:. 14 years olA
« can give you.
- W. B. Portorof the-popular Porter
wHI be
Profeaaor Gurney will conduct toe
.utely free—mcdicioes. nurgi
Bouse of Northport, rusticated la Tradrowned.
fit of air
Private Karry Childs, company A. operations, and' the •benefit
aaraa City yesterday.
dva governmeal, physiology. - and The gweroi
of the captured terri- Fifth nilm.l
akitl to all
c Deiatur. <died
Lawraaee Gagnon aad John Thomas sefaoal law for dais work.
proclamation to tb* the r-gimvniAl hoSpiul st Chick/rauga Oar methods of treatment i* all that ts
' lory, hut u
of the In entloo* park
of Morchport took in Travarae City
Park . of MofraiM p-rtsonlnx. having ! known by all tbe acboola, with tbe aid
___ _____
ef .electricity, that
alghu yeaterday.
been 111 only a Bhort time.
agents tn ParalyaU. Loss of Power,
The coovruttoo of the Baptist Topog __
People's Union, which hss been Jn aes- Bbeumatism. and alt diaeaaea of tbe.
Charles 'suieahtatory.
---------- -L.faraweekoeao,
------ -------------------of '^■'’“
t new polHlcal power In toe island of moB St Buffalo. N. T„ alnce Wedneadsy nervona system. Go early, as ny
Van Bracklin.
Mim Wigbtinan
wlU conduct toe .-—I,..—
«* toe people of the of last week, has adjourned, to meet olBce la always crowded.
_ ..... l.k ,W- — .MIA- AvlAmAH
R. B. Oabcot. TBwsrs. Blcedj^ Wa
Beoty Anderaoa. tba Kewadin marnext year at Rlchmopd. Va.
ehaat. brought hia family over to toe
Dean Harry Pratt Judaon. at Chieago
teacblng and give inilreetlon lo ih^, private rights and rvlailons. as
Cnlversliy. Is looked upon as a Airony Mnrivau dIssBsm of all forms tnatsd secblackboard sketching, while Miss Gray w<]i as security to tbclr-peraons and candidate for toe presldenry of Brown
O. L. Conitorof Central Lake was in will teach ortkognpby and the subject Pr"prr:
nniverstty. to succeed President Anthe city yesterday. IKMAK CBI'IREB.
drewa who hss been elected to the post,
of grading orantiy acbooU.
tlon of spperlntendcnt of tbe Chicago
Mr. Owen of Elk BapMa, a former
OaveriWwerVOtiBkoatiatopsnvr Brtt.' publlr
Tkavane Ci^ man. was bare jrasteiday
we give a written gnap
bh CaptslaSi MignISraBI Rrnarfcs.
t Glencoe. antes to cure every
Bavaraed by auprama Coat,.'
- ^ caae of'—.eSiod
Plt-BS and
enUing os aid aeqnalntanoaa.
London. July I*.—The H*.ng Kon*
RUPTURE. Also, we h ire a lylngdn
The lax title caae of Kneelaad and
Mra. H. H. Noble atrlvad last avaarrsipondsnt of Tbe Dally Mall says:
and lived to see tbe boepital department it our Banitarwid will be tba guaat af Han. H. C. Cole va Herman Bymnn, deekfrid tnl'UntM SUtsa Consul Wlldmai
rise and fall of Napoleon I-. aad ea- inm. Send for Joamj
Daria aad wUa
Jfctoivei^aff xanUa. abnt the Gme toe famous battle of
Mra. Jamas Di^aom arrivad from ama, has been ravereed in tba aapeame!' tor other l^of
day. the United Btota a
CUIfenia yeaterday to Join her bna- eoart.
r.;. r.rrk';;r,r:
the Last Week
at Cheap
Sir Richard Easton ^
A. Prompt Settlement !
Tbe Qilted SUlffi Bmlest Sodeti
Certili]} Leads Tlea JUL
Traverse Qty, Mick, July Ittb.
A MeCormick. District Managera. Traverae Cl'y, Mich.
Geotlemco: Allow me to tkankyoa
for check for »40. for Josa of finger. I
wiab to
say that the AeiUemoat *
very satisfactory, as I eallad at yonrofflea In tbe
be Joboson
Johnson block and reoeivtd
raeeli '
my money. 1 sm always wiillagtomy
a good word for yonr eompany aad
think them superior to all others.
Years very truly,
Jobs K'At rjt.
003 Second stroet.
Tmene Bij Line ofSteuDen.
Going oortb daily exeepl Saoday.
Leave Traverse C...
-.R:40a. m.
*' Neafatowaom
...V:4<l ••
'• OmcDB..........
-.11:10 *•
'• Northpert...
..iciop. tn.
•• Norwood ....
“ Charleroix...
..9:00 ♦*
..9»I0 “
•• WMjononsini
.9:30 “
..5:40 ••
Ar. Harbor fiprlagv..
Going south dally except Bonday.
m Fprloi
..?.-M>a. m.
.r Point.
.. .7.-0S ••
...7:16 *•
.. ..7;»9 ••
.. .g.-oo ••
...joax) ••
..11:19 ••
■ .U;30p.m. .
" Omens................
“ Neahtanranu..
Ar. Traverae City ..
Going south daily exeept Konday.
Leave Northport.......................«:30 a. m.
Going north daily exeepl Bonday.
Leave Traverse City................. taxip. to'
ania.................jan. •'
•' BattonaBay..
•• Oraena........
Ar. Northport....
Daily Horning Eecaraions Frm
XrnTeiwe Pity.
Take steamar at 8:40 a. m. for NcabtawanU where yon wi>! connect with
stoamcf Creanat retorolag to TravCity at 10:4$ a. m. This will gfvn
a pleasant ride of 24 mile* op tbe
toy ap'd can be m^e ^ every
If you w Ish a looger ride toe boat i
land yon at Umcna
or Nonbpert wbero
yon will oooocct with steamer retu
returaing to Traverae City at 4:00 p, m.
Aftornoon ezeuralons from Travs
CresMBt every
tbes steamer
relornig to Traverae City at 4:00 p.
partica of five or more a rate of
bretor tbe roand trip Al be
will run oe East Bay as follows:
Lrave Old MiibIob. .
7:10 a. m.
Elk Bapids...
7:40 a. to.
gtfOa. mu
-Old Mission..
9:00 a m.
Leave East Head—
Arrive Old Mission..
... 5:«lp.as.
Leave Old MIsa
... 6:40p. m.
... 1:00 p.m.
•Boa wUl toave theMm^^ C
Block, Hotel WblUag and Park Plabe
at f:»o p. m. 'Bos will alM oowM
wltoboatatiltWam. FraltcvwtU
alow PenlMvlaobara
y^ HUMfMro —ooBi>.w»DyBai)AT.n)i.Tao. tsw
•a4 8«eoft4 krlaadw •< ais •nor eem,
TbcM^ u* 0» «4dlUMt to
0«Dml ErMi’a Wrai* at Chari wm>
—F>i«t dtvlBlon; Second briradc-<2eB•BQ
i-cnn*> iTsnm:
iaini .
■ Hnr/lt Ba Stnick Tbati That Meade. Oiloaei j. 8. cu vcr. F.tat Ken- NOW Manacet Net Only the Paaca
tacks ^ifd Kemudoj, hnh niinoia j
but tha Dynasty of
a WM Stili Furttw Par«tyz«
beevod division. <
^ th« Spaniard.
commandine: First brigade. Brisadier I
I BOT on icmt 01 sabil
■MM «r
to -oneaf tha auM tsaMoam^ 4WMeu <rf Parts a mock siarTiaxvwM »entlf (daDiied for the pnrpona «d aaoof
Wmb CnwM wtth Mk.
Pana. tits. Jutj' U.—An at(er-pt to >«•
Ever Borned <hrtf
log a rather lUaffennis Innattc An «»tnetiva Foanjt pawn oamsd MUa De-
Bune epcratlons b>' the I'cnKcil Ifin nf
campaar reaierdaywldi nea>uBtoD mia.
Upltnne ww sittlofr ta bar txradoir Uw
T. 9 1>. ..
company bad given notice tfe-o-gh tb*
General C
T. Kwe. 71i>rt>'.nrat Hlcbtpapers'
tbat It would resume with bon*
ean. First Georgia.
GeursriB. One H'
a..-j trom HUlsboro. and a
I Pixttrth
IrdaDH Bee. nd brigs'*. Cen- OAHIOB’ rOiOES BECOME ACTIVE.
th lr.dAn«:
deputy aher Rs and exira
McKee, iMrth Ohl-i. One IloDdredl
Hundred I
on the scene lu protect ar.y
one Fifty-Eighth In'llsns. First West
Vlrglnle; Third brigade, lirtRad.rr Gen- ■eld To Bo Pm..oH.«
euempt to enter in*
,|| 0,,^, premises and
erni Rosser. B>c.«d Uhlu, First Fenn- • a- 1 . .a
sylvsttls, Fourn-enlh Mlnnerota.
w. I^ai I^apaa, f .fc,
The part which ihe navy '■ to tak- lo
, vjiih onion mlneia and their wires.
Ihc aesautt a:sln/t Porto Itiip l-aa b'.» ti
I The sbertffs and pollre attempted lo
neattateo-UHtdoB Tlatta Brvlews t
dls^M the cr.wd^ but not a
fully tnaiured. The several tnnaport
fle.>ls will have with them one or tao
n *•« a Rts War •• auxiliary rrafj carrying strong secondLondon. July U.-The Madrid corre-1
Ih7 m”^^fH^ndr^“n^^r^^
ary batteries of six or . ight slx-i-a >ndOpondenl of The Daily Mall aays: It! their i^ase r bond. IVh sties a
Vbcm. T» B* feUawed
lUpIdIr a*
for some lime past 1 other three mine* werv I |.jwn Bimulhad
■ PbMMb br Tr».p. reasi ChaHMIoit.
10 attr ^ri the 1 nen e n eaAdmiral
' VaaipB aad CbIchaiBBBeB ' MnRa«ea
iricMIea M«-a l« «.»alB la Cabd aad As te-tbe naval plans he would only si^ slorea anrs and ammunition In many | »rsted at the Teowell
that dhey would ro-nperalc In every of the smaller towns ol.:ng the French
the mlrerr and give the o- n. «b»td aakOaO*'
way 1^-ith the. raov.-menj or the array, side of.the frontier. TllieD the signal for
.......... .
»'rly i» - Aner three
win. BE Gltk-N A BErsT.
a ^Ilst rising it given the taking of ....^010 n e mine,
d ■
the preal.
these supplies snd tnunltlons of war j
to pi. msde*^i
/»4^ei - and Oenecal
will odcupy at n>ost a single night, as I to carry- Ft«i'sJ
rtiaiiM, duniiE irhicn thi-re were trethe men are ready and knew where they • some or abc m ai
Wsahlngton. July 1!.—It has been
must «n to rvc-lve arras and equip, will be held on duty and
Bilea at: 1SItwno. lire dwalls of the flnally decided that none of the uwopa
hunts.The Rasque provloc-es seem very tvnpt will he male.
Porto Rlean esped tten have been
that participated in the actual flghUng
quiet, bui this is explained by the fact
Pfwral street flghis hsv* occurred
tectBd aad the esiM-dittoa Itseir
before Banllagn shall he employed on
that th. orders of Don Carms are m.-si' «■“«**
keen aelien undnr way. General hUla the p.wto lllio esiw-dlUon. There are
with Bome aril.lery sod Irootxi aalUnc two reas-.ns for this; Fim the men v“T'“‘
union n
Jehle. a n^-unlon ndner. wsi
reeierday for f..rl« Rlro on the coo- hove eur cL-d aevertly frnni hatdihlj? I
clhnate and from’ fevers, and are
»■’ be general, seven-ly beaten as « result r
Verted rrutser
Vale, to br foilowvd
BVlcklr by an array of abent Jo.OM men. eDlltled to a rest; aeiv.nA It la deemtd
to be very bad pranlce to allow the a.I*
There- are eome rutal.J*- dlfTervrcr-s In
other day In a boose eitoated la a
ft-«e« oS the Booievard 8t. Gettnata.
Soddcnly a ring cauo to the donr, and
aoe td bur serranM. baTlag opened K,
Bsbefed in a well diveaud wan iooiung
Baa« 8a«B Perfectad aad the Werfc
Has Sees Secu bf
' MUa Delaplnwe U»t he had a letter
' trom ooe of ber fneoda. s oonmaes. and
! as tbo y«mg wuuan pat her hand out
I u, mvlv* tba nlwlva the miisw
I oolffd W finiEera. tm-w-tid thAntnfaia
Jibe • sapi*lor nert of valet.
I w's office in order to have the napti^
: knot tied
Bicycie Bidets.
He told
MUu. I
> Atw by the nwB's
j flyos tbat he was dangcroosly mad. and,
. fdarfol of a tngddy. she accepted big
‘ bRbi with appazuit cslimiesi.___
| tarited the stpaiigo vleitor to the mayThe man acooutianied ber
If ao yea know
h that I do oil klnda of ra
peirihg aad anaraeling. and that 1 ooa
and do give yon the beat work of war
one. in tbe dty
rtty for Ute money.
be deoelved by wbat otbeia toll yoa to
tbe oontroiy, bat eoma and nee far
t gnarmatoe oil my work to be right
)d if H doM Bot prove oo I moke It
Ship in tUI « o'clock every erealar
ezeept Snnday, in tbe Caldwell A f
(tondon bailding, at north 'ead of Di
questiun. where a aeoreury. inforawd
ouent esn
by a di tectivc to tbo police depot nndw
the plana for this expeditrun. and for
that mhlch sallrd tiN iu Turioj to at-
John R. Santo,
General lasuraece.
______ ________ ________ _____________
that he was botwiffar a
If wedding imaklasi. The
nan was, it appeara fomietiy employ
ed as a valet by one of MUa DelapI lane's tnenda—Paris Lettor.
oiamjwao* scaie.
fr>ej. friHii the I'nlted SUtea. There Is I f'>«> Virsgs. two points of strategical K,tlo«al r*veoHea l*eclde.That K Most
tack Santisfo
llmt. tli.r. • will be I aWstlH anb’tlrt-'r'Mion-d’
the last rlvll wai
y mlll- importance 1
ItaUMi «P
PTMlIo^Ir no natal .vnvoy*: il,«,e u j larr one. Ten th.-uer.nd sW-o .h...
July U.—The Nutlonal
">»* dl'rs are at U-lpuln. Usnsanlllo and
le signal for the rising probat-ly p^^'Xass' W..
Indies Uiat dale thrust it» i. w out ol other points within strlklos dmunee of
port In the .rcon.l . lac- tl;r expedi- j SsntlsBo. and might
o oppor-
famlablBg awre.
We are again ready, with a faif«
be given In th. «.untry I*- r‘"‘ ‘''r.'
1 ports,
own wsy to their dcstinatloa without
concerted nurvements.
Oenecal Miles
leads th* way. He bad been promised
by the preaident that be should go to
Porta Rico, and the promlm was re
deemed when the Talc beaded yestcr-
rreoTer the ground mat at Navarre, where Don Carlos has blrrmwl ."'"^ F'“” ago. which wgl gv^ge
Basque -h^ut SO per n-nt. higher’ than last
Cieotly protected.
provln. cs a-ould follow when the garri- j year s acale. shall become efr<-ctlve for
Therefore Shafieris enttrv array Is to sons there shall have been weakened by the coming aea»ra. The natl.mal con'bills In the j the necessity of sending troops to flgkt j v.ntlon went on record yeatetday by In- the <*arUaw in Navarre. I have Infor-1 simcilag the conMrenee committee to
mation also that the Republicans, espe- ! present such a nemie to the manufactwUl take a tarn at the Spaniards if
clally those of Valencia and Andalusia. {urem President Spilth, whs gives out
can be found, and It may be that 6bsf- are buying arms. General Weyler U the news, gives the following reason for
terii march will end at Havana. Ha rrporiea 10 o. in corr.municauon wiinjtne *t»p Ulcen:
will work as far from hit base as possi
both the CarllstsaodtheRepublleana Ell "About three years ago the wi
ble after bis array Is tborooghly re- Imperclsl accuses President McKinley'glass blowers were reduced afl alt
Maple block wood also for eolA i
emd Rtpids & iBiUu B. R vri
SSrC-"-' ‘
.ana* e
Sff C88Z a S SS8S« 8
*♦• «ss= c - wa-et-e a
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
£8Z8SSesS£S£S9S 8
-g- •
!■ li
aseu s 8R8SS8E8S
liiism uiioiTnuniiLi
......... .
1 KS.'S;::::.:;:: n
•ggntai. DumaiB
Uion u™. -n...
>TO,p. :
Attome/s at Law.
OBee* Is Meeiagae ■leek. Tisutw Oltv. KM.
a M. BBOWK. attorney a
.......................................... -. enable
0 prelect manufsciuerer* O. La*, apeeisl aiwatie
fiiSflSfl CflEfl ME
- nsraxaDelsg. til gram
. nen. and a h
D TO BB KSAOT. England la the final setiiement to de
rive territorial advantages at Gibraltar creased trade has resulted
or In the Canaries.
tax placed on Imported goodr but so
BMM-lly et Petwe Adralllad.
far the raannfseturers bare been the >0.M.icaBUl« Oo. Blsek
■ lEEflEEiEflEMEMfi
aad upon him wlU fall the r'sp^nslbillThe Madrid correspondent of Ibe
Chickamauga Park. Oa.. July II.—The
•Imes says: Captain General 1
Bouthem and X’estern and AtlaoUc
and General Toral were given 1
of partially restoring the forracr wages
rallmad offlrlats received orders yes
band in the surrender of Santiago, as of giasB wo^er
terday to provide cars for rasvlng as
the government did not desliv lo expose
aa a a
a aaaaaa
many as C.OOO troopa and last nUbt cKe
Itself to such criticism ak folhiwed the
S8 & «
« S98888
side tracks just outride ibeswlub yards
Blnomingtorv. II
dee traction of Admiral I'ervenTs squad
of both roads were filled with Pullman
ron when It was alleged that the gov- TUIdwIn. of Quiary. and Lee Cheny,
passenger coaches ready „ .. etnmenl ordered Admiral C.rvers to, Bloomington, made a balloon asenaion
rushed 10 Itit«gold and hosfv.lle.polats quit the hay. The neoeaelty of making '•»
»*• *" F«tortay tron this rtty.
r embarkation, at a moment's notice. peace Is now unlv.rntlly sdmiued. but ■
<«ltlons were favorahte for a long
TVhlle this order indicates.a speedy 1he necessity of making It quickly U ; ?““"»•■>’ ^ ‘
The balmovement no ofBrial notlflraUen
for less generally reallied. and partly ow,
‘be northeast, and the
nny reglrr.ento to pro'eed
prcKeed to
to Chag'.««toQ
Char'.*«too i„g t„ setnw Sagasu's Indecision
a*r«>nauts hoped to aeacli Chicago.*But
; was at th. park last lUgbt. and In fact
‘fill.?" i
nolN^eflnne le bring d!S^ t
“>»* «<»•«
I none Is r-xpicted uaui
uaui General
General Brooke
twenty-live miles north
s hr
th. government,
*n. .
t oe*r Colfax, twenty-flv
by the
east of Bloomlngtcn. one hour and ten
burry to make_^prnpoMlt.
sciale Wtok-______________
Bpc-utotioii wiu rife throughoutCamp
ninuteo after Hm- ascent began.
Thomas as to what reghnents will go
with Genera] Bn>oke to Porto fitco.
4SS* « a
PnlM tha PrssMrat'a Palley la the M
tolp.m. Tatarfioos.Tt_____________________
Tb-re Is ,m.i a regiment In the First
ler «r the karreader.
C88Z a s
nllure store of lUrkl.y A Lsx was mSAIKKO Kmsg-MU. R*ull# Boleoaib. a
c<g|« but what Is expected to form a
Tixw or TSK sax juax rtwriiacATiaga
X riwAuBWnr ibe DBrieiwKx Bcap'tal. Ann
London. July ». — The TD
closed liy rtxdltr-rs and lb. sbi-riR res
ty for the er.ecuiii.n <if th. details of bts part of the Pwrto tUeaii force. ar>d
Arbnr. irlll ropotri to calls for BDiwlag. SI
its weekly j terday oeratnenced yelling the stock.
•uperieris t>lam-.
U Is estlmaird that many of them are buoyed by a feeling morning.
"The Samlaso n-g .Ua-j General Jarr.ef H. Barkl-y. the senlir
General hilira should strive try tnm'>r- that they are sure 10 be included in the t
row night at the goUit eeU^td for the
Illinois NaUon«l
thoroughly; and itoelr succei
landing, and wjU hoUt the American
Wes probably due to
reoently appi>lnted a
ver p. rta Rl-an soli. Tne J
every regiment In the the wise and staueman-llk. ••uiicesalon
a^aa a -eaaaaaaaa
-r general of trailed Fta-..s vol- T^B BALg-taaies- Meaarrb btcyrle- <
*'>I> t>e In readln-ss, bnt In ac- of Waehlnrtoii to send the Span.sh gar
point cbesei for bis Isnding Is kept !
j! SB
nnteers smi Is under General Fltghttgb Iriynnr. rrsaeGa
eordsTU!- V. ith the lati-si
••-2* 2 e-se-«aa».«
fromlTcshingtOD It Is not expected that rison home. The prospect of n-galn- Lee at Jackaonvltla. Fla.
Brigade Ba* Maried
Inc ifcelr native land Is naturally g ale
The dlsumce from Charleston, where more than two divisions of General
WeU.ler fctesri.
Brooke's eorro will be called for. For ful to wearied tr>» ipa.Biid th's strcKv of
the Aral le^dy ot troops for Miles'
J«lii y will pp-bably haw a grval effect
pedltlon wav to start yeslerJsy. Is more this reason tbe anxiety in the corps la
I^TUM Oity HarkM.
on the garrison at Havana. There Is
HA# per week
than doub.e tbe dlstcnc^f.-um Santiago greasly Increased.
JtalBs antra froa Maeklaae rily, Petaakav,
ant the Bllghiest doubt that troops
rasbioa. CaUatJ.trslster'sfBrBltnmnarc Cbteaga aad Oraad Rapids, l:M^ m. CRolr
to FOrto Rico, au Ibal the transports
Gm. DaBeU lurMlM Perar.
Below U a Hat of the baying and aell- or<a
- —
possessed of sneb crest figbUng ca
- sr aad baflet ear oa tUs irala
Which anri r-om the former cltv can
prieee of yeaterdav for groceries,
tVaahlngton. Jt-ly »-The following pacity as the Americana have shewn
Tralat antra frea Rlebssond, Fort Waya*.
pcarrei.r reach General Mllrir bef r. the telegram w-aa recttVvd from I>r.l.agrads
s ibr elir nf Detroit aad Oraad Ba|dsato» p. ai. Pariof
could have at any time storm<-d FanUAV VpsUsBil. Mlehtg
■ale. or wosl4 aad baffat car from DetMi on ibis trals.
early part of next we k Thes- C. aries
lagardlng tbe case of General Daffleld. ago. Happily a uaeles, sa.rAce of life ,
eiebsagr for Traver •
O. X. MURRAT, Ae*ston tro ijrs are the First Irigade erf the
has been averted. Tbe direct gnin to '
>D O. P. a T. A- Oraad RaoMa.
First dlvtslcn of the First urmy con’s,
the tlnlted Stales from the capitula-p,
and are commanded by Brigadier Gen
ultmralrarablMUoe pu)
tlon Is small, but the Indirect resulu
eral Gserge H. Ehnat.
The brigade
are Iranonaul In the wt.wrth nt miHsal T:*~ - iPi, *”''
comprises the Second WiacOnalii. Third
Short Cut 1*
Trisronsin and Sixteenth Pennsylvania
&ort Cut Fork per ft
I* taka oflaet OaBear. Jnat 44. tWI,
d gover—‘
rsglmints. Th. rnrpuse of Seendary
rr, t5-bpiwe pwwer eorlne. X
Ronr. U L. ACo. Iiaat..
fi 50
atldSa'claaba m.
that It thay now alK.ndun a b«: e
. ALraau Osxavaabn. MS R r
Aiger is to make the Porto Rican camEye Flour. H. L. A Co. Best..
4 50
titude w4trioiU l -as of military be
jalgn s sh-n on.
/n i>r«wwbelm’nt
Meal, II. L-ACo. Beat................
"Tbe wb«li- Santiago campa.j
wmpa*gn.cooQ.IBL WANTCD-Uood'l
force will 1»- ihr.rwn 'u;K>n the IsUnd
rtctly I.
and it la possible that a h1n»dl<«s vdcEggs per doz..............................
Call ai» Ean h'l^b sirM
•he Am
to*T will lie achieved wbrn the Spanish
Codfish per tt>............................
played conspicuous ahlllly. Torpedoes
become convinced tbat they have no
Lard per Ib...................................
have played a leas Important part than
• p^op^'b*^’."."*'^
u euccessfully.
Butter perlhDaiiT..............
tnreru R Wood *70 tt
Kcwlaad................. •*
waf anilcii-oicd aiidltmayU..h-'p dthat
Creamery Batter.fr..............
: Oanpt................... ••
over-weter d srhaig.'S on ' OjrJeruuirrs
It WOMEN waaUsi
‘ OaokawaJet......... •>
Cbeeac per Si...........................
wli: now be abandon.-d, If indeed these
! ^ki;k.a...~~rAn “fra
Oeu per bn (old>.................
aavaraMMI WlU Mak. U. r.ree tOMO
craft may not l*e exefhi tcd from the
rrplj—tonseixtb »tre«. Traverse City.
<Vim per bu., old.......... ;...
Men If It Is hiwrasary.
Incubus of the tor|»do. Judging from
? OmU^Jo.......Lt*
Potatoes, per bu.....u...
Tbe'expedition Is lo comprise IS.inn
the American .xp^ment at Santiago
t Cki*{ lab*........... •*
' RcarOiwck............. ••
men at the start, ani it win «>e sneilrd ]
the pri-sf-Ht of bnmlurdment from InBran per ]00................................
l^f^Croaslag.. »
Tlaible naval sia'.l-ras over cliffs will
soon to 40,000 men. and If necessary to i
jiot be very aUrmlnc In future war
10.«e0 mbn, the equipment of the voluns 1
BinTSe RATES or TmAVKUECITT. DIALCopesUb............... "
teer forceo having now prugreasod sol
■The prob
pfobt- m at Manila 1 S'mMes
wel) as to warrant tbr> statement that
that dual eulred el .«'in
' latcrleeh** .........."
thu cumber of .men can be. ready foi |
; Pllor's evltch....... “
mllttary condllli-n
' dnormaa-stoa....
servin In I'orto Kioo »iuun a very '
iialever, Gala. No. 1. per bn. (new)..
Milt>ri)ird -slvna of the Oer-jCora per bn
A TravrrwCUyLuiaber.Oi
rampa will be taken, numbering ! ^
, l^r•
ar. n,i i!H,.iy to he fur- Rye. per bn................................
PoB*bl!l?? i?;.!'.?!? "
, abutn IX.OUO men and IndudJig a lot .01
th*ro.'-t.>tl.r ireiH- affVlr. j Rutter, per fti...................................
; Ratek’aOraoatag.. “
heavy and light artillery unuer cum
whMi p-.'v I
ivp i.a t.. aerinua Bgp, perdoian..............................
tlllaoU Mri-Wnd Call Men.
xnand of Genera] Kodgern. Tbe ezpedl«>nro-ijen<fV
IroJ Orw.-y'a
; Tmswsa Glty........ An
Springfield. Ilia.. July J».-The Ninth
i- n n
Tiu- burricene
nunols infantn' now has a bonA ope of
’J- In Ibr r' :i- M-..W Is now fast
1 l.y Ocnersi Randolph t
appi^au ' :t»« s n>! Bfter the experience
VV eras aiy t-sabor Co.
be drawr apon.
>:d«by _s e
at >ar'<-’ r ■- r- n e -o kevp a large
The Tnmi-n irooie.an- known as the
Colonel Cumpiril nag
mil'.to- r f V.- . w s.'pd In ihc watvraRSORT TROPEBTT FOB KALS-IRe beasFourth rorp*.under Major C'e'.e a' C»p- ctived assurante*
ssurante* from tbe
the g -ve nment
> y n ay p oliatriy t« expinger. romi-nartig tin- Second dlvlsf.n that it win furnlefa the Inau-umeila. iwcted."
trader Brlgsdier nen ral Slmbn Snyder, Company I. of the Eighth rrgiraeat.
August iuia.
Sn.t « OB tbe Illawowd.
aad made up of the First irigade. Quincy, woa mbstervd in yesterdAy.
Ciadnoati. oneaent per mna. Sell dm.awWaablBeiaaiM.Tr*«*rasOUr.
Bl-tf |
rhiearu.'-.-ly U-.—1-earue score* at
Brlgndl.-r <;.-n.ra! Bohwan, Elivenlh
fl^tombor U, good to ratam October
FlmtCaptared Mpaaisb rii«.
asr hall yesterday'* ere: At Boston—
and Ninel.- mil ITniled Stai-s icfjmrri
'Waahtagton. July U-—Tbe flrat Spa
Flllsburg I; Hitstnn fc at BrrvAlyn— Hi,
I Second
Detroit, one for* for round trip. 8*11
■' Carpenter, ?e<-ond New T<-rk ani Fifth lab battle flog captured lo Cube by t
Louis 4. rirxiklyo T: at tVashlngton— Jane trtb aad *6tb retnra Jnly 4th.
CtoR BALE-AaooddOaem
Cleveland t, tvsshlngtoh J-rleven laMarylsna; Thlrdhrlgade.Brlgnd-epGCTiIndianaplIU. one for* far ronnd trip,
General Curfoln nltigs; at NVw York-LodtsvHle 1. New
«ral Hudson. Third Pcr.asjIvanla. Oiw portroeni yesterday.
sll Aoguat 8tb. reutrn Angnat ISib.
Huodr-'d and FWly-aevcnthlnthma .'q-i displared U to view on the back of a Tosk C: at nsltlmore—Thk-ago t. BaltlTiassies City LaisLediogton. tma fora far rooad trip.
■ Flrwt Ohio.
Third dlv:s..u;—ll;,gndl.j chair In Us ofllee. It was captnred by
General Kl'a*
Fi^t oompany B. Firet Lnlted Sutea Infan
Angnat 15th.
.brigade. Colonel C. L. Kcnnan. PiflU try rotnlora.
Saratoga, one for* for round trip.
Ranaos City 4. lodlsnspoiu 4; at DeOhio. First Fl--;^s and TWm--s ly^-.nd
Wesusdrii Arrive at F«t Tbomaa.
Sell Angnat 1st, gnod* to retora Angnat
Michigan; Seci-nd Irigade. tVEsdl-r
CibcinnaU. July U—The second boa- troK—Ft. Frail S. Deir>A »; at Mllwan- lUL
General UKttc. S-x’>-nJnth New )Tork. plUl train with elgbty-four sick and kee-MIrinrapoUs t. Milwaukee T.
' Jrwrd Ohlc a«wl fr.nwd G-.irgl;;- prou wounded soidlen from Santiego has ar
Chloeh Dagsla IlUaoia
want tbiny pairs of aboaa m AMf sols a*
Ttolona’ CKvalrj brg.ide.C I nel Noyes: rived-at Pf.rt Thumaa Ky .and dll were
FaJrbury. llkt. July IS.-A line rata good to ratara Sept. dlh.
.. FVib rrltril Kiaps and deu-bnients reported doing well last night.
H Is relieved this scetton Sarday. Every
VarmillioD, U., qpe fara for ronnd
,of the Ftcsi, Second. Third. Sixth and reported
are «0 and V)that there
are no eomus thing gronliig was sufferl.ng. «.pecially
t^ good to ratora price*
IS Profit *lrrat.
'Tbnlb T]nlt-d
cavalry and eight
cases on the tlst. All wlU recover.
-troegw or R-.ugh Rld -ra.
Bay View Corap MwUng. otw
or want of rain. Chinch bug* are
Wale* Ffariuim a Baae Cap.
Aruli-ry tit.gad. General Banlolph.
rand trip. Sell Jnly Uth t
two llchl aad trn hasvy baticrlrii. ft
X>.mdon. July !*.—A biilleUs lasned
good to retora Ang. S*tb.
4s posril-h- that all of tbe cavalry'will last night »i UeMiNiruugb House, the
~ Maced
' rate
tuatoiother aoialo. Pheae
takes powetslbo ct the corn field* gd; y»ot be called upon.
landun reridence of the
~-i wbo B*m *tSl«d**faV*^d\ra1*mlJ*iia?
C. E. Mart
Jscael. stripping tbe stalto from tbe
CeO. Brooke wUl take wltb htm tram
OMckamaaca park most of the Flrwt
' irsisrjsr^.::: ■
Boduood Batoa on O & AI
y Itth good to ratom
J. IF. oAVjmdcr*
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