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The Morning Record, October 18, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Becood T«i
Straok KansM and the W«et
With Force FeBterdajr.
Omaha Uuder Bix lachee Of
Snow Last Hight.
OrMt Su»rin* 04u*«i amoB*Poor
VamlUM Wb«
Vnpr«su«S for th« at«rm-T«Ufr»pb Oomp*n>** SoSbr MBUriUly
«Bd-B«Uw»y Trafic luumptetf.
^ia,WAX ruBisxHT
Oieea a Tbranhtair by Thru XHnnhargcd Smployea.
ssrclsl te Tbs Homiss Bseonn.
Biehmeod. Oei. IT.—Goorfe Fisher
of New York, prwldentof the electric
Blc Stonn la Wide Spread Sut and
Another Oommittee Provided •
.apectsi to TU Moraine aeeera
I VTanhincton, Oct 17.—The etorm ■
-------------I centre is ellfbily changed since morn.!
Three Aldermen and Tiro Oltteenn ■ i«,. Uie trough of which extended.!
WtU be Appointed to Puralsh the | wnttaward and swnn^ronnd to the'!
attacked him for an alletnd lejnstiee
Ooaneil With Information Wb.eh is!
to the eonth AUanUc cout.!
Bury rains prerail in the middle, cut
in remoTiny them.
Sxpected to Xmad to a Syatem of
era and gulf eUtu. and the etorm will i
City Osrnerehip.
poulbly strike New York and wwtera '
laet erenlng there sru barely e quo New England with oouiderable force.
That Title Kay be Xe-eatabliabrd for
rum at Ue mSeUar of Ue cmaeil. and
notwlthstandlar the deelelon at the
tal toTu MsSBtse.asMUp.reriou meetinc to meet promptly at
Wuhington. Oct. 17-Repreuatao'clock it sru nearly 8 before the
mmtuioaer Day Prusnted Am<
tire aUborn of the narpl affaira com-/Mren aldermen wbe formed the meetcan Demaada in Plain Tanna
mlttee. uye be belieru eoagreei *lll|ingeame together.. Bnt when they
to Spaniards.
I the Utle of rice admiral get together they took hold Jut u
of the nary to bestow npon Djsrey.
though they were all preuat and u if' 8peci*t u. the Mobsisu hscosb.
they had been on time.
{ London, Oct. IT.—A i'aris dispatch
The mul important considsrailon ' ssys that the pnace commluion reacBwu the action of Alderman Lardie in : ed a crisis for the first time today. Mr.
again hrimring the sraUr works prob- j Day preuated the dsmands of the
Will Answer John Wilhelm's lem before thooenncil. Ue reminded American commiuloners and used
the board that two wuks ago he offer- terma which the Spanlarda conld not
Charges Tomorrow.
ed a raaoIntioB npon which action sru I mistake,
deferred to tbie meeting.
While he 1
Xeaolntiona Presiding for X>efaau
with vim—.by tb.
Committee, Adopud by Board of aad with epeedy action in the msiur; Will be tbe Send of Oied Oorersmaat
in slew be offered tne following ra»o-.
^^^0 Blco Afur
Superriaors Teaterday.
Or a pen holder, or some ink. or a rubber rul
er, or a copying book, in fact we have euerything yon
want to fit out your office.
Holley & Connable,
220 Front Street
'‘City Bookstors.”
A New Thing
—And a fine one —the very latest In Crepe
Tissue Paper—Have you seen it—We have
apreia) wTh» llornlo*
Kansu CitjL Mo.. Ocl. 17.—“»• b»*sard which V»ck
locality hu
broBcht prcat &®afe to property. It
te the Btor® which twnally follows
warm wutber In thU sooUon and this
time It cornea so suddenly u to cause
inUDM suflerluf to poor families who
Of the popular inen*s fin-'
are utUrly unprepared for lu raTafes.
The bllusrd preralls throofh the
eet (all pore vorated)
• southwest and west. Snow bu fallen
slniw a o'clock this morsiur and.drlren
, by a stroBf wind, bu proswaud wlru
in all dlrectlow and-delayed railway
The beard of uperrleon
Ruoired. By the couacil of the
tra«e. The sidewalks are Uree loehes day aftaraoaa fa
Doable breaated atyle (plain
SpMlal loTu UeuikS Rbcobo.
deep in slush.
to giro farther atuatloa U the county j mayor u' aad^bereby u empo<
WdshingtoD. Ocv 17.—When Porto}
or silk faced) tailored in
The brunt of the blliurd seems U eenrt boau matter. As soon u the and dlrecud to a^ppoint fire members
the beat poaeible maimer—
be felt by the telefiaph companies. reading of the mtnntu ef the prerieu
O.b.t.1 »"»b. wUl b»>s.
CptonooaitwulmpoMiblB to pene mutleg wu ditpoeed of John Peld- b.pbo«> Ifo. U>. city pccpll .cl
with best poaaible
two from the ruldent laxpayi
lyere of the! the
head of the c
trate wMt ef Kansu City. Nota word pher of the bnllding oommittee. pre- city, out side the ooenell, aad the may-1.tend of more troope helog cent ureral
mings and linioga, and are
with Topeka, WlchiU or ether unted the foUowing resolntlon:
or ehall be a member of snch committee !
-i.i w.
points between here and Uenrer. The
la addition to theu thns ehoun and
perfect fitting garments.
Editions at noon, while elearinf le
114.00 and flo.Oa
mlttae shall
I by rsMolmtions efferad by Mr.
gally. appeared to be fettlac woru
Wilhelm, the enperrlsor of the
apMlsl te Tbs Kosnuie Bsceu.
Other gardes at tlO.OO and
west ef Kansu City.
The followinc hnlieUn hu been U "wHK^B*'^t^ia^a*prtnclplo in the j
arailable uuree
Shafur, who vieited hU brother here,
*•«; I*** c“Jsued by Obserrer Connor of the local geurnmeat Jf theu^UaitSd statu
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
wu preunted with a large beqaet by
weather bureau: ••Stena of freat force
inrutigateu to U.
Sycamore Lodge. OangbUrs ef the
Clothing House.
central In the Miaeisaippi ralley. wbieh
id^^rtUl irlia for thf purpo.; ef
In the neat »t hours will hare a aorth- gitiar such person or peruu
chance ‘y*-” «« 7*“^
^ ^ provided Ulobe. Emma Zell, who made the prea cha.ee,
he eherru i
*ke city, and to procure informa- uaUtien. kisaed the general. euterly oouru. earryinf It orer the
* '{tion npea this line u to the retsUss
irreat lakee. caulur a hoary preclplUtipu and calea. Since thle mernin* mlttee hare the privilege of calling I
Fenrtees Ocati A Weakrain hu bun fsllla( in the Miseinippi
:idThsKh‘:i‘^>->-T. Uke.ncb^Uon on kinsailer from'St. Paul to . Memphis. - In l:7htNu’Tfo
Br.i'oHD can have the (irand Baoids
qnuUon. u the council shall
Herald delivered to them slao for an
outrrn sutu the Umperatnra hss iJr^ertiou aid ilj^werTb. rmiuced
The world lovee to get hold of pie handle end of a bargain. It is beUW
'writinruu to make them a matter 1
tl«e direct. Thisi comcom--i
four oenu per week, mak- fallen to the freezing polnL"
uTlag money: it is
raing money: itL is uvlag
S2 for
Sl. The
of remwA"
, miltee ehall have no authority ^
ing onis 14 CTBU
cenu oar
per week It
for tba
iper in northern Michigan and
The reaolnilonwu promptly
the but metropolitan paper in Ibe
Obicafrd Obbiled Spoiled. ^
ed by Supervisor Wilhelm, the author I Feurih-To’report to the eouDcl!
0 extra cost. ItiaaM
PUc«a your hand on the Uroute of extra heat a
stau. Teiepbone73.
lent. 'itisspendUgfil
Itisspendlagfil to make
makes:. AtUehed to etove or furnace piM
«pMlal to TBS MOBSISS Bsoonn.
of the ruolnUon eeniaining the charges 1 the reeult of such invutigation togetbiavutment.
paues it aronad tbs
kSUd up Ue chimney and
it eatekilu Ue beat niuaU/ wasted
17.—d cold ruin hu
room. Coau bnt UtUa
fallen inceeuntly throuyhont the day
and intorfered with the JnbUce cere*------------itiog ths fesolnlioB Super- j ever reqeesud by the oonacil to make
r .monies. It prerented the bicycle pe- viapr Pntcipher declared that bU pnr- snch rsport.
Dated October 17. 1696.
*^rade tonlyht. h'lsa Jabilu archee pone wu to affzrd the committee a
After eome disenulon tbis r
cbaace to meet the chargee made with
were destroyed.
witaeaeu in the committu'a behalf. wu adopted nnsnimonsly.
it wu adopted.
Chieaga. Oct. 17.—Heavy winds, aeThere wu eoasiderahle diaenuionj
mompanled by cold weatfaer and rain,
the Urns Ue committee ehonld I
s»u another clanu in Ue meu•re uhednied for Lake Mlcbigaa I have to prepare ite answer to the i ■«» "kich provided that a eommluioa
p he ulected from
Aatorm U Jnsl wut of here, wbieh tchargea in Mr Wilhelm's
hu brought enow to eome local- I ard some argument sru made by Super- ehonld he appointed u a permanent
iUu. The wind will be wuterly and 'iaors Monroe and WUhetm agaiaat the water board, u provided is Ue city |
I committee having Ue uy u to when eharur. There wu considerable dis-'
; the matter ehonld he called up. Final eoMlea apoa Ue advluhility of this
ly OB motion of Mr. Wilhelm Ue clanu and Alderman Goodrich urgent
•WBimro ovu iowa.
reeolntiou he offered were made a ly objected. Mr. Goodrich alu urged
apeeinl order for Wedneeday at S o'clock Uataoemmitteebe appointed to eoaSno^ ABd
in Ue afuraoon. when the eommitiu fer wiU H. i). Campbell A Sou with
Among Btook on the Basgu.
/"Weribave bought a big lot of for eollarettea. Eluant clean eUek for SOe
will be expected tosute iU cnee before the view of aeeerUining what those
mprcIsUoTu Mosaias Kscraa.
on^e dollar and will i^ve Ue public Ue benefit for 6 dayM beginning Mem>
werke could be bongbt tor by the elty.
day. Oct. 17. nntU Setnrday, Oct. St.
Desmelncs, la., Oct. 16.—A cold wave, Ue board.
' TbeooIUrettesUsteoldatS3.SO. S3.D0. S3.48. will be sold to clone at fil.K.
nlmoet a blizzard, la swuping over
Priewa will be reduced proportionately on higher grade goode daring Ue eale.
Iowa, generally In aa eulerly dlru- with contractor Qibsoa regarding his
Remember Ue plaM.
ru argued,
claims for eztru wu not prapared U partlcnlarlT by Aldei
IngUe lut SB bourn. There are no report, Mr. Ulheoa act havioK reUraed that the reeolatlon p
I gave the
•igu of a change. The sleet aad uow
oemmittee Uo power to eounll every
Ob a reqnut from the
are fierce and diautroiu for stock on
menu that wonid offer informatioo
claims aad accounts for itemised bills
which would benefit Ue city In the
of the paymenu made on the conrtpremism.
While the reeolnlton did
konu.Chairman Perry sUted that Arch
osirxaAi. s&srs oohkavb itect Bowman wu preparing each item net specify that Hr. Campbell-ehould
be eouBlted It would natarally be lor
' ArrlTod TeaUrday From Forto Blco ized sUtemeaU.
Ue latereete of the city to uke that
Onr store withoat seeing onr VegeUhle exhibit We hsTS
After soma discussloa npon Tarioiu
Cpulaltetfee Meuise Ilscomb
matter into caretnl consideration.
one every year, and this one cape them all. We bare a
minor polnU in the eontroveray the
" New York. Oct. 17.—The transport
Alderman Gsrrieon argued that thU
large quantity and a large variety.
board adjonrned for eommiitee work
Mlnnewaka wlU.General Bnt and
rcMlnUoa wu directly in line wiU a
nntllUis DMtrBlng.
I'Olanct in our show window.
reaolution he offered at a previous
•US and one tbonuad troope arrived
muting and he gnve it his bdarty eup
today trodi Porto Bioo at Hukeneack,
MS Pront Strnnt
port. Uough another wonid get Ue
We keep the best I Phone 167.
credit for it. Mr. Oarrieon referred to
rubbers that are made.
United autee will Take Formal the proviso in the charter which rej]nired the council to peu a reaolntion
PoeaceiiOBof Island of Porto
> Trlnmphal
-Hero of I
Bear this in mind wbe^
expreuing that it would be expedient
Kareb Throogb Hew York 8UU.
Bioo Today.
^6COOd ofLwUm*.MImmud
you want rnbbers for
to enter into the purebau or coulrneBpMlsI U> IbvUnsiiiKa BsroU.
SiNctsI UTu Hoesiso Enooso.
tioa of a eyetem of water works.
^anJnan, Oct. 17 —At noon tomor
Olons Falls. Oct 17.—Colonel Booeyour feet.
Mr. Montague argued Uat afUr the
evelt aiTived tonight and addressed row lbs I'oited.Sutes will uke formal
immltlM provided for la the reeolntwo monster msM moeUaga
He ro- pceaeuion of Porto Rico, by firing ths Uen made Uelr report then it would
•eived an ovation at all Ue sUtiona national aalnte. raising of the Amerl- be Ume to so express the sense of the
I can flag on Ue PaUoe. Fort Sen ChrlsMl ronU.
tobal and Ue public buildings ea the
D. Csmpbell wu preuat and
plau. The troops will give an e1nbe- upon permission to addreu Ue coun
Oirl Died of Loehjav.
The early trade in this department has been Leyosd onr
raU parade. Tbe/Eleveatb regnlara cil he SUted that he ooasidered Ue
•pectel Up Tai Homviva Xseosn.
arrived today.
net parted a good one, and
New York, Oct. l7.-BerUa HohorWe were enconnged to increase onr stock, to the extent,
be wonid be at Ue comtqpnde of the
fsr.aged nix. ran a splinter in her hand
d by the bnlUn.
that we can now claim .without any hesitation that onr stock of
>ittu if they dmlred toeoasnlt
tbM mornlog and died of lockjaw sU
apeeui la Tu Mosnsa Bktobd.
cloaks is by far tbe largest in the city.
him. The epuial commitue which
While fit and appearanoe is to be taken into oonsidsrstion, ~
OoutanUnopIe. bcL U.-Bmperor j uiade Ue lnveeUgnUon wlU Engineer
look well te the qnality, a practice which is sadly neglected by
bad not conenlted him, and
Kednetion of Postage to BngUnd William and party arrived this after-!
the majority.
n and were received by Ue Snltan. UUoommittee wu not obliged to. bat
•pwlal lo-TsB Houiiss Rsoobd.
Here is where we bold forth biggest values, here we save' \
be wonld,be willing to let the matter
Omaha BxpoalUon Deaerted.
Wuhlagton. Ost IT.—Third Awlsf yon au amonnt worthy of yonr conaideration.
Uke Ue eouru dwmed wiu by Ue
Unt Poctmuter General Merritt rec- apvcisi to TBS Houisv Bsooss.
Tf in want of a garmSDt why not investigate, (^alloins— W
—Hard or aoft
ommenda a reanction in postage to
Omaha, Oei. 17.—Omaha hu six in
figure with you, and if we can't make it interesting fat i
Alderman Montague believed thU
- Ungland of S ceaU.
a yon we will not urge you to buy.
ches of snow and Uo Expuition is deIContinned on page 3.]
We are money savers of
g u Fight abarkey.
Enafireai of piaUy doth
-AU for horning.
Fitea in Dismal awamp.
jackeU. Qcif eapw aad all Ue new Aleo Ue Almya Beady Fire Kindlen
•p«eU) to the Moralat BecoiA
II.. Vork. 0.k 17.-PwU.t OotfU
oellarelUi U HarUn. Mink. Persian.
Norf^ Va., Oct. 17.—Firos In the
to aurt yonr fine.
Lamb and Beaver far. at Mia. F. M.
>1M« Block, f
Ashtoa'a millinery atore. Oct. «4.
Diamal Swamp are driving wild aaland «6.
mals out and Uey are deatroyiag stock.
» br,« .p .b. „.b,r «.<. |
Another Lot
||||gE|| Q£|(ER»l BROOKE
Serge Suits.
Reduction Sale
At The Fair,
^ 0n Collarettes.
Jackets and Capes!
Popular Shoe Noose.
nuTCMB onr.
u T. Batw
3. W. BAm.
t. W. BAira. Bdltor
FupBAad U Form a Big Party From
■ata to Toko to UXA Brood BapU*A
'•BotTimkA anggAAtloA hoA bAon mode that
TiawAA City go ab maatA to Orood
Bapida to Uke in tko caratval next
week. It ia propoAAd M form a pony
Af 900 or moTA from thla city Aod
Aronnd tke Adjototog oooBlry and go
down witk A boAd nod lot Oroad Bor
ids kAow thAt there ia en«.k a plneo oa
tke map ea TraeAne <^ty. The Maa
OMAU With ooBalderaklA favor and offorta ore baing mode to aoeare rat«a oa
ooa Af tke railroAda vhlidi wiU imincA
A Urge eroard to toko to tke -hot
Dealer in Bicjfclesi Bicycle Sundries
tUAi nn
My work u w,o*
first vinee
cIam obu
ab<1 priwn
pric«s tbnt
are io reach of oil. I
I make a apecialty is
line of wbeeU for
J C. BLLI8, 311 Front street, eaiL
prepared at‘ aU..........................
timee to take raree of
of the
the trade.
brazing. VaicAnizing and l^oamelini
eliDg. A fise
' The meettog waa ealUd to order by
the rice' preeldent, J. 'T. Beadle, and
the flaoday aeboola In tbe townahlp for
tba lAAt three esoBtha waa given.
An latercating ooBfemsoe la wbU-h
many teak port, waa led by Fmak
UamlltoB. QD -Adalt Claaies " Tbe
of thb work waa nrged asd
\hat it might not be <
I dbenmed aad
* Tmtotm Ov>
A ekoBgo of ume oa tka G. E. A I.
B. B. Atorta tba )1:1S a aa. traia ant at
1 given by
that Uam bet it will go tkrongk
OlAciaBAtl toataod of only to Ohiengo. Prut. CettoB, of BeazoBia Collage, on
Tbe 4:t0 nftamAon triiB Ume boa bean “The Aatkority of Ike Word." He flrat
*^*«aSn^ PINOBU or Wapne.
sbongadto S:0S rataming at 7:30 to- apoke uf -Tha Chrial Lite." He then
oaid that one grew to know tha aaibor>
ataod of 7:99.
ImprAvamantA ie the wny of bard ity of tba Ward by famUairity with it.
One reaean glv'an for It waa iu Inflawood fleartog.
have been added to the factory of tke eaceon CkrUt bimaalf.
Tke president and aeemtary having
■- OBKN*Of ntppcvm.
Potato Implement Go.
rcaigned, Emanoel Wilhelm was aleet. The aaembera of McPhenon Poet, No.
ed president snd Mrs. Boxbnrg secre
18.6. A. B., wilt aaeat at ana o'cloek
tory for the mmeiader of tke year.
"""imiSS A . FEBMCa el rmeoo lalc.
akorp tkla oft«rnoon. at tkalr poat
rooma. U attend tb# fanaro] of their
UU Comrade Lnplow, which will take
place from the Flrat Mathodiat ekarch from a family reeniOB in Clare eonaty.
JBrBeceeicf tbcColTri^lr (laattorm)-.
3. BYBON Jin>KIK8 of Beol.
at 2 o'cloek. The Belief Oorpe wUl aleo
left last evening for bu
ffWMeaber Met* Beerdet Bdiwettea <ebe attead in a body.
nanal trip te Segtoaw and north to Al
OlAAlBg •oaMob toBoadap Bekoal Marf
The laat meeUag af tba Saaday
aabeal Normal tnaUintA wae bold on
BnndAy attamooA at the BapUnt ebnrek
AtoitootodAdtheaemi amai neettog:
eftbe Treverea towaahlp tinaday eekool
The Soetk Side SkAkaapeare Clak
wiU meat tkU Afternoon At 2;»0 o'clock
wltk Mm. i. W. TraeU.
Ikam will bo A ApaciAl maeUmg of
the order of the BaAiern Star Ulaareatog At 7:30 for apoeiAl work and knai-
CAptnto ChATlea Wabk.of tbe ateonur
CrAaoaa^ left yaatarday for CAaaopolia
by Mra. Webb. They will
>• ta IM Sim* lofta
DlelrlMAtteAd while la OnaaopolU n gathering
B. roOTBB ol Oread Tremee. to be oddreaiif by the obief englBeer
of Admiral Sampeon'a flAgekip New
York, wko Uvea at Uat ploee.
Dartog tbe Abaeoce of Oaptaln Webb
**'*Wl!2lA5r aT KBWTOK.
Geo. P. Joknaon, aoa of OAptoln F. 1
JehABon, will comMAd tkeCreaoent.
Tke moektoery for A. Petertyl'a
■lege foetary U coaetantly arriving.
Tbedrilla. pnaekee. rtola. »wa. enginee, boilers, etc. ore being plneed in
:bb a uatbs.
poAltioA. Mr. Petertyl expeett to be
randy to 811 wnUtog orders wlikto tea
BW.lULUKBlI.of Oread Tt*tWm.
ZBeoBrAfing IndnstriAl OOBditlra.
LMt woek'e Dan'* lUrlew gloet Ike
iBUowlog'eDeoarArlDg AnBoaocesent
••It hA» Beror been pos»lble to uke
• BOre MtUteciorr querteriy report of
^BlTarM dorinr the Ire year* irbick Are
BOrered b; (he retarna
Ij by tbU paper ttiAD cab be zoAde for
poat qBATter. While a lew hoArj
MlnrcA awell the Aggregate for the
iMt qaArter.thoae In real eatale brokeror epecBlAtloD olooe conotiag for
•ore thAD II percABt-of the AggregeU
•rltb ea mock
•( aU reflecting the genenl aute of
BBAUAAd. the AggregAU wee BererthatoM Amoiler than in any other month
BOTATAd by onr retama from mABj
. Bnaebea of biuli
IB# fBlfnrAA IB Beptember or iB Angoat
AWA Ue ABIAlleAt iB ABy mODlb, ABd
•lAO in iBABy AtbAr talloreA for tke
^AArtor WArA tke amAUeat in any qaar-
the beaiaeu pauing Into thebaidsof
George Gane. Mr. Gane will caaducl
at tbe same stand, hie son
WUliam having cbarga.
Mr. TburteU retiree from tba baaieaa to engngs actively with the Northera Telephone. Co., which la about te
establiah an exehange io this city.
Bvrrvbody who Ukee Thk Mormkg
Rxomn ean I are the Gmnd Bapida
Herald delivered te them also for an
additional four rente per week, mak
ing only 14 cent* par week for
but paper In eoribem Michigan
tbe be*> metrepoKlan paper in
state. Telepkope23.
*507 'BUitkeW.
Uc ^ardij
SemVese Skeetuv^, \0-^ xnAt.
TAW C«seb, Uf W. kmsU\W«4.
cWtT WWfe>*ckcai.f.
The Morning Record
and Grand Rapids Herald for 14c Week.
Haoiiali & Lay Go’s.
Pfomsular-stove. all furnish-lj
I .
with 32 pieces.
Beportod.Death of Wiiiton Fsirie. | We are giving a Special]
Mayor Smith receivd itat eight a Sale On Iron Beds ihis week.'
Bucklon-a Arnica Salve.
Tux Best 8olvb in tbe world for
C"t*. Braises. Sores, Ulcem, Salt
Fever Sores, Tettetr, “
.... 69c]
H Coslv>^^«rrpoaTcont^oT\«T.
tdegmm from 'ibnukawk, Wis.,
nouDcing tha death of Wmiarn Peddy*.
and oslring what dbp altion aboeld be
made of tbe body. Inquiry led to tbe
belief that the deceased waa WlllUm
Pettys, a young man abont 23 who «olisteo with the Hannah Biflea. but who
was rej-:eted at Island Lake. Pettys
stated to a friend here acme weeks ago
that be was going to Bmplm and from
there to WiseoDiin. Mayor Smith tel
egraphed to relativu of Pettys at
Grant. Newago county, aod was noUflto that armogemeota would be mads
to bring the remains home If the dead
man proved to be William Pettys,
which is likely as tbe name first rep rt-ted was prubsbly dne to an error in
e \s taa fUTWhse.
| Bronchitis and all tbroat and InngafpneiUvaly cumd by Dr.
Jeho T. Snnahall is in Lndlngten oa |
Ring^a New Diocoverv for fJonaomp-1
Uon. Trial b '
J M. OUlatt ia on a Inmbar inapect- Btores of S. E
lag trip to Waslord and vicinity.
Attorneya B. S. Pmtt, J. W. Patehin,
W. B. Faster aod J. J. Tweddls am in
Latlm dent bay
Leland attendingCircoll ooart.
a cioAk or cape or eellamtte nnUI
Meedamos 8. C. Deapree and L Boole
yon see tbe gmnd dtaalay at Mrs.
Grand Bapida Satorday
F M. Asbton'a
mlllineryparlom Mob
Taesday and Wednandav. Oct.
avening. They attended a meeting of
24. 29, and f
494 3t
tbe Gmnd Chapter of the order of tke
Friday or Saturdaif,
samt. Orve
Mrs. Michael Zeron died at her heme
Slfi East Eighth street, at 9 o'cloek last
evening of conRcmptloa. She lee'
hnsband and five children to monm her
loss. Deceased was aboatST yearn ef
age. There will be a short fnneml aerTice at tha melrience at « a. m. today,
at which Bev. W K. Wright will oB'
elate- 7%# remains will be taken to
pena. Mackinaw and other p^ia.
U. Z. Ward of Grand Bnpids.la in the Central Lake for bnrial
city today. Mr. Ward rc^naenu tke
Beau the Sic
Michigan Moiaal Lift Insnmnee Cumpanyof Detroit end is bam to ssiUe
the death claim of tke late John Grei- oovery than hsa yet been mad# in Ike
Klondike. For yeom be soff ted nnlick.
„ my frqm coDRomplit
coDBomplian. acc'-m
After experiencing a fntigniog earnpanied by hemorrhage*: and waeabeo_______ _
peiga ia the terviee of Uncle Sam in lately cored by Dr. Ring's New
Cnba tke past summer. JaUns JebnmNi ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds.
of Compaey M. kae mtnraed to bU old Be declares that gold is of lUUe mine
litioa to the employ of the Board-
|Are You
Going To Get
grtonda baturday evening, *t her home I
bv H. E Wail
East Eighth street, which lasted. G H farb'ion in dreu may be r«vl
UtU late io tbe evening. Tba young! but no old fashioned medicine can ._
tody was bopored with mlnabie gifu, 1
Colic Cbolem and
takens of esteem from ner mends. Ate-1
toAekmanU formed a part of a deligbtfaiaoeial pmgmi
wUI be ouDtipued at toe New York
BiO'e, M< idav. Tuesday and We<
;t 17ib, IX'b ai
nr patrons
oonld not get
I on. an <
innlty to bny
good* at aala prldaa.
ATb oantiM
Mrs. Kelley, to ekArgeofone of the Baatem Star.
Aaylam CoUAfee. la aerionaly aick.
Mra. D F. Hoxie and children, oft
Northport, were viaiwrs in tbe city
Another excBnion will be rni
Detroit by the M. A. N. E next Thare- ycaterday.
Mm J B Henderaon and dsmgbter.
day by wny of Copemiak end Dumnd.
Isabel, of Cadillac, v sited with Mr.
Flva dollnra for ika lonnd trip.
Theateamar Cbnrlavoix brought in Henderson st Park Place over Sundsy.
Jay Masenicb is in the city from Cad
38 band of flna beat cattle for Fmak
i B|
' !_ J «
Brcecb A Soil* dnodny momlBg from illac for a visit wltk bis molber.
Miu Ediyh Orr. of Gmnd Ksp-^ls.; Nia ffl P [1 f
North MAoltonlalABd.
wbofaasbMB vUiting MiuUttMcCoy.
•turned home today.
If so, hare the knot tied in i J
Judge Corbett opened Circuit coert
W. Thurtell Be'iree From ibr Firm in Lialand for Lealsnau cuunty yceter- onr nice show window next)a
day morn log.
to Go la to tkaTelepbcBe Buoln*
Attorney M. K. aod Mra. Oates, eio
Tba firm of Thnrtell A Gane. lim
ited. proprietors of the Palace Bskary, Union street, returned last night on and pet free of charge a nice IS
bas bees ditoolved by mutual eosseat, then o'clock C. A W. M. tminfrom r»
XVBTBBIBO our OF 00. it
IB rafaUng the
ofABBBbArof Bewapapera wbleb ora
BtiU trying to InflaencA the fall aIac- The HABBAh Biflea WiU be Beliared
From Db^ ob WoTember 6.
UoBA by A tirade of nbaae AgaiBAt PreaIdABt McEinley. the WnabingtoB Ppal.
Oapuio MclBtoab of Company If bna
MAOftbe leading iodepeadent newa-: roeeired from Oaptaln Irrine. tke anaIMpert In the United Stetea. remarks
r of Michigan, abtlea
In Its laeae of OcU lOtb: "Aa to the on- that Company M will be mustered
on November 9. He hat also been no_ Anet of tbe war. we beg to mfer
omry to tbe recent atetemente ! rifled by Colonel Patermann that tke
: Wftwo distiDgnisbed Southern Dei
will be mustered out at their
orala, one an ndvooate. tbe other an home station.
Opponent, of free eoinage, Gen. Lee
Bonlo Ho-ored.
Md.Oen. Wheeler. And that ia all we
Mm. L. Soule of this city.was elected
Aare to say right hem on that bmneh
Worthy Grand Warden of the Gmnd
Af tbe nutter in band."
Chapter of tha order of the EMtern
Tu city aldermen are proflUng by
Star, of the Steteof Mlchigan.at Grand
«ho experience of tke board of SuperBapida, last week.
rieeri They provide for a committee
to take Btepa io the water works nutMm. A. B. Brown is attending a
tar, bnt every step ln*tbe progreu of
meeting of tlie Grand Lodge of tbe
tbe oommittee muat be reported to the
Bebekaba. at LaDalag. this week.
Amneil. ilad the board of supervisors
bad tbe legal advice they were entitled
Bow to Prevent Oronp.
to (aod for which they pay) at tbe ontWe have two children who i
oat to the county court house project, a
icksoferbup- ^
imlngoW my wife
Ife gives them
large amount of money would have
„ Remedy
and it
been saved
county and the present j ^“t*nmve.
tke attack. It U a
•neavory controversy would have been ■ L-jusehold ueccesity in this countryraod
I DO matter what else we rnn out of.
mid nut do U> be witbont Cbamb
CbamberXiM Word Burprieed.
! Iain's Cough Eemedy. M> • of it
Miu Hnlda Nord was pleasantly snr-! sold here than of alt other
If ongb Budlsrtaed by a party of about flifiy of her i cinee^comWoed.-J M. Nk
Oytatog nla vrieti
'tdasV '¥.006.1
Tke Death Baenrd.
Frederick Leplow, aged 94. died
his home on •liarflald avenae Saaday
evening. MePhemon Poet. O A. B.
and Woman's Belief Carp* will attend
Ike fnneml services at tbe Fimt M B.
chnrek this afternoon at 9 u'clock and
aeeompany the remains to tbe cam»tery.
rou All KNOW
It Stands the Test of Time.
Large line and low prices.
J. W. SLATER, House PuTDisbcr. J
ITe-wr a-b03?e.
^ We are still talkhe to yoo
^ abom our/~T».
I Bargains in Furiure!
This time it is Parlor goods. We offer a fine upholsterSr ed Parlor Suite worth $30.00 for only $22.00. Nothing Uke
it to be had anywhere else.
We have some beautiful three piece Mahogany suites, in
Emisg School
Of BuHinma
liege will open at the
The latest designs of upholstering, and at prices very low
Omnge ball
londav e'renlng. OH.
Those desiring to take
Bp'lling, arithmetic, penmanship, y— considering the goods.
book-keeping, sbortbaod; or any of
toe common branebea 'will be ac ^
We have about 60 upholstered, odd Chairs and Eockers
^ on sale at greatl'- re'tuced prices.
Ladies.dean yonr kid gloves with
Miller Olorelire. It ia not a liquid,
make a selection and we wiU set it away
leaves DO odor and can be nsed while
0.V aS? ^
for It i° c^so you don't want it at ones
iTo trouble at ril to us. We want to help you to get the best
thing for *he money.
The p’ace—
Krupijons,and positively euree PUee,
orn.. par required. It ia gnaranteed
Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
Shop opposite Eagle office.
*MJ( ltufttrl«0 UOOBD.TUXSDAT.OOTOBaS 18,1898.
J-inriE imrs snips. {
eB6mnifo floeiAi smr.
pIoadaiM the Jawiah qaartar. himar
10 paraoM aad woaadlBf saay othata.
Tba awraiaaBt to mii to be apreadlag.
Troopa ban baaa. dtopaUhed to tba
Sariooa <
(roB Moroeoo. Praaeb aftata are aaaDectad of iaeiUar tba robelilaa.
A band of de^radoea aaBbarlny
-.000 with t.ooo dtobaadad Maacbn aoldiatatt
B of tba raid alaaa
north of Kirin. China, and are bladar.
Plraaant Ebuaewvaainr ' at L. B.
Wbaaler’a “Snaaet I«dga*’
Omena. Mkb. Oct- IS.—Tba crown1 nr.
aoetol arant of the aaaaon waa tba I
hanaawarBinr at tbe naw faame of Mr. I
and Mra. Laonard U. Wbaalar, at'
On the ptetnraaqne blnff orerlooklnr . a
tbe villare and harbor, atarda "Snnaei »
Lonre.'* ebriatanad aa aock by Mtoa^a
Bdna Graham.in tbe preaanee of alarrn’•
•mblareof frienda and neirbbon, j A
laatTneaday ereninr!9
Mr. and Mn. Wbealer rrere realdanU $
of OBena essay years ayo. BBslaeasintoraaucalled Hr Wheeler from hereto
Beloit. WK Since than be baa, with Mn.
Wbaalar, jonrnayed to alBoat all pam
af tbs world, and the fact is noted with
yreat eaUafaation that they,in all their
toareU, have found notblny Bore attractire than thto little nook intbe for
est land of tbe Great Lakes.
Tkey bare come to remain, and Mn.
Wheeler pointed onl a alynifloance in
tba BSBe cboaan for this home, that
here they would spend tba aanset of
tbeir lives, and we all trust that thto
tors may inclade many, many happy j •
terrestrial annaeto.
[OoBtlaaed from para oae.]
the eoaneU did aot want to fo oa
record at thto Use ia a aafotlattna for
aay aort of iratar worka, aad Uia
idea waa aopportad by tba opinion at
Oa 8atariay Mn. 8m«1i Bwd :«daCity Attorney OilbertWmtad the alxtj-Bintk MBivanary «f
bar iwaideDce at NUea. •
Howerer. the conacll by tba abora
raaolattoD baa prarldad for aapaeial
FarBci* in the BorUaaatara part of
coBBlltaa aad Mayor Smith wlU apBerriaa aad Caaa coaaliea are botharad
polat the Bam ben at oi
by woWaa, thoarh H wai Iboaybiall
Preriona to the above action a peti
of tbr« had baas axtarmlaated. Tba
tion fiym the Mieblran Telephone Co.
uprlainr bat oeeurrad in Hainan, to erect polct in tbe aileya
ot leap, pira and poultry barn ‘
daronrad. One farmer loat n;Cbi*». **>d tba Ameriaan oonanl baa Fifth and Sixth atraeU and Tenth and
V> protect the American I Blerrntb atreeta. to connect frith tba
dbaap ia one nirbt.
reaidcncaaof Father Banarand Will,
At Detroit, Willie Tmdell. at*d C.
Flooda in Japan have done gnU lam Lore, rraarmntad
wbUa playinr aronnd the cart traa mn
Oa petition of A. J Patertyl a cron
oaar by a Grand Tmak paaaaarer tiala laanre to cropa and many Urea bare
man loab Alebl prnfaetura, wbieb toalk wan ordered abihe oernar of Stole
and kOlad.
aaenu to bare aoScrad moau lost S» and Union on ika latter street.
B S. Daria of Dartobnrr kna one of
Ua petition of i:aton street raaidanU
bonaee rraabad array, l.SUO orerthrorro,
tba Boat noted barda of Gallotray eat tie
i:o partly rrracked. 418 Irjared and | tie
of» new aewer eonnaeUon
aad fiamboailetu aheap in tbe aUU.
Ha h— .A..A.,ti. vi,i.in.n .nm. .h—«
Sereo Urea Wen losl. ;« *•>* corner of tierenth and Union
_ “• 'oeonMy abippao aom
b p to ,
hundred acres of land wire ! atraata was referred to the committee
Baropa. At tbe fain this fall be
!oa aewer-- - 1.., ..-.rfer to acL
•ear Ifteaa first prizes, twelve seconds
Dr. Darwin MctlwrnU and Mn. Me !
Telepboie' Co. sent in
Md fire thirda
stance of the ordinance recent
Parbapa fbe oldest of all tfaoae who llwralh, tbe Chicago btcylUto who re- '** **
canUy complctod a tour of tba world.;
attended \ba noreilinf of tbe Blair
ooreriny SO.OOO mllea, left Londtw for !
*® ®‘*
Btataa at Lanainy last week waa Zadok hoBaonSatarday. It to .aid that tba I The coBmiltae on atreeta and walk,
Waakbarn, of Leslie. Tbe old yeatlaeoat of their anUn trip wa.f30.ooo. and ,
impro.a-ent of
■naa taaaieen n'oCyalz yeanoome aad
It to ctoimed that they rode tbronyb-'
Waahinyton .treat to attAsmant flbows a Subatantial Profit'
go, but ha anj >yad bimialf on this oc
stit tbaeonaty
•ont in the i
which they bad tbe river be d*'------ »—-----------casion aa wall aa anyona there.
of Hearty $8,000.
when they left Chicago, and flaally, it ‘
& S. Bam of Laneiny waa amated
.tobareaored from tbe iapreradstract.
Grand Bapidi. Mich, Oct-17—Over
; Aldemah Goodrich favored tbe recsB- ts.oou abend ia tha raeard of which the
eonntarfait money. Be to also a«id to
^ remark that it diractora of tbe sUU fair are qatU
A Havana .lu—..V
disyat^ nayn Umt
inot the county needed a little prond. Aatttlemeat waa made by the
bare mlaad f l blUa to sie.
leaden bare’ a diflctoUto ragnrding
rB»m«..daUa. bualneea eommlUee Saturdays, and
AwoQld-b< maaberat Sayiaaw yot tbs rnllng of
>f the tolapd.
Freaidant i
whan all expenses were paid there waa
•neb ajabbinjr fnmahat plain tbe Maaao aldta with tba 4LB
The coBBittae OB atreeta and walks a balance to tbe good of $2,589 32.
hnada of an infariatad yirl that be wiU
itt the army diabandad. General
raooBBtnded the rcBoval of the stand Other receipts from the apemi depart
be ratraaely careful for aoBa Uba
Oomez. on the other hsad. wanto abaopipe in front of ths resldenee of D. K. Bent are expretad. whiek willmtoa the
Em. Dr. Jaaaaa of OkaBoa fell ayninat Into lodependanea and
; Wynkoop on Wnahington street to the total to about $3,000.
• rad hot at<toa and racained aeriona lead an nrmad rnvott mthar than dtoaonth-e It comer of Railroad aveaoa
The diebnrafmaala amount to $418.arm hi. men, while Americaa andl^^^
loo.OT. With the excaptian of the naTbe aaaior class at tbe Michiyaa HU- Spantoh Bildlen n«ain In Caba.
tTplad «d
paid premiums of tiwt. tba saelaty to
: lUty Aeadcmy nnsban twenty.
At Tacoma. Waabingtoa, an expraaa. The board of building inapecton ra- oat of debt and tbe aamben of tba
During the year aadiny O.-lobar 1 it oompany baa completed arrangeBenU j ^ud that the planaI of lthe new Tonboard of directors fee) mnah ancauragcoat-tha county of Oanaaea ona-Unth for malnUInlng n eeml-ownUly dog aelltr block
with tba rcqulrai
ad over tba proapeet.
. aa Boeb for sparrow bonntlea aa it did trein mail and expraaa aarviee to Daw- and rec)
that a parBit be
for the anpport of the deaenaent poor MB over tbe ke. commaBciDg Nav. 1.
On Account of n Balky Boras.
granted to erect tbe bnllding.
of the eonn^.
Tbe comaittaa 00 etreeta and walka
A telephone Una between Tacoma
Yeaurday tbe Traverae City Hah Co.
Bobs of the laryaat eabbayaa grows and San Fraaetoco, wi^ brunch llnea reeoBBaadad tbe paysenhwf tbe fol- had 4000 pounds of white fish to sand
ware ablopad from Three Oaks last to Brittob Colombia And Mazioo. to lowiag clalBS. being tbe city's abare of to Oiieago na American Bxprcea Tbe
week. Fonr eabbsyea weighed
jntt completed. Baking tbe longest tbe expense of new eement walki: Jnl- fish were ooauined in 16 barrvls. four
oaa hundred pounds and tbs larytat Ulepbone Unt in tbe UnttilkStntaa
Ina Steinberg, $I7«1:W J. Biggin*, of which were aafely delivered ia good
one waa nearly five feet in cirenmfertime at tbe depot. The Ideal ageat
BTbrea hnndred ot tbe marinee of $■.31: Bamny Aade<-MD. $85 44: D.
hired an extra Seam to take tbe ether
HnnUogtoo'a mrn from Norfolk, Va.. Wyneoop, $h 33. Tbe report was
WllllsB Jones, who Urea i
eented and tbe claiBs oHered paid.
1* barrels to tbe depot, but by raaaon
WiU be Bni to go to Manila.
Twining, aged »S years, while hnnUoy
The ataieBcnt of tbe board of public of a balky bor^e the load arrived two
■naday afternoon in the woods, aeelworks eallnd for an expandltura of Binut*a late aad the condactor rafnaed
Aantly shot kimMlf by drapploy bla
to wall for the load;
tha fish had to
*yaa. the conteoU passing into h to aide.
Alderman Goodrich called tbe atten be kept here over night. This U the
A Diaeaea Vhicb ia AnnihilaUBg ValBe will probably die.
tion .-f tba cooneit to a atone culvert largest abioment ever made from hi
oabto Orchards Throughout
They raise potatoes in Comatock
towaabip, KalaBat-so Co., -aa are pota
which he asked the eonnell to inspect. 1 u bat ib. Bant* and l.«aatiic
Tbe vast peach orefaarda of soutbtoes. ” Winlhrop Ford dng forty-five
Aldaraan Montague bad akmd, look- i
waslero Michigan aie being destroyed
wbieb filled a bushel basket to over
editover and was pleased with iL i „.
. ■
. ..
by n new tree disease which to fourfold
no action.
I MlCWgaO ACCllleDt ASSOGiatlOD.
more damaging than tbe dreaded yel
Alderman DMmoed called atuntion [
----- ^-----The public acfaoola nt Cryattl Falla
lows. It was first nuiicrd near haugabare been closed on account of diobto the fact that the Sjuih Umon atreai [.rnTn* Pi
tnek two years ago. and owing to Ua bridge bad ao abnormal swing to ill Wr.ibr ■■■,d'naetu-<i.ber*bv prnifj’umi taai
tberta in tbe city.
pecollar effeit. which is a atnaning of when heavy load, passed over it. tin
The Ropes gold Bine, near labpam. the fruit when atxiut thr size gf
m .tiou toe c-imtuit(«e op b-idgea waa
I Ibttan 0l Inftmt Wnm
Pam or.KleUcaa.
llwnvr ifMVMVcivnvriir »r larm «TK
Am Adwflrtifled,
o«r liae of Plngree
For womeo.
Our complete Fall and Winter Line^is in. J
Call and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Shoeman.
118 Front street.
Wurzburg Block ^
Consultation and Eiamlnatjon Free and Strictly Confidential.'
DRS. H. S.& CO.
iDcrican Medical and Snrgical Institnte of HasAegonj Midi.
■Wla.i'biOQ.g, Tara.-^er-se Olbjr,
Saturday and Sunday, Oct 22 and 23, 1898.
Office Hours from 9 a u to 4 p. m.
III r.rrz out lo ISsIsiirr aiiir oMori
pronpecu than for aome years
| name of • lilGt- peaches.”
.tlirym*) lorur Wr won'4 furllirraav
commissi iner.
f-nmanalvr knna- i.r lb. nrlbo-l.ai.J
At Bay City, two men are laid up aa | has bean iu ravages, arnuuntlog in aev.
Alderman M mugue in behalf of!
a rvanlt of aiippary walkicansed by tba | eral inalaneat to tbe utter aonibilation
over l.MKI bicycle ridm. calird alien-l-waesxr* and mndonrU
BtlnaouB rain. George fiiaor, tailor, of large oridiarda, that tbe groweta
lion to tbe atonaa and blocks of wood ^
fait and broke bit left arm. and fiila*
petitioned the agricuUurai bnraan and kindred obstrueiioas which are
Bwaany, aged eg.fall and broke hU bip.
allowed to remain in tbe streeu. He
Mr. Staor ia need to broken limbi, hav pomologiai to iaveetigala it.
It rint Nstlooal B.
argued that tbe bicycllau were enE.t . D.iT.i
ing bad kis right arm and right leg
In reap <ose to t'lia petition. Prof
V T Biskza
titlrd to aa much consideration as the
broken on former oecaaiooa when he Irwin Snmb. putb->l<«iat of tbe pomoman who dwna a horaa and carriage
logieal departoiraiof the agrieuUnral aad for whom tbe streets are conataot■hwimsw.r. Kalaasfoo.
A. M Brtssv.
Tbe Kgat Bnceenaful and flei
C. O. Ayarn, of tha E>atrolt Talbnne ou'eau. arrived at Sangatuok aooni ly bring fixed np. In this connection
Mayor «> K:
ALSexr W. a-1
eompoaing room la Mmawbat of a auy- ton days ago for the parppae of investi be referrad to the fact ,lbat Street
gating ^tbe new
A.V Sum.
er on tba wheel. Ha bad aome b
_ duea.e and
iCatumistioner K«11y spent too macb
Ki-rt‘'<rr nl DreSa KalaBasneCo.
irral all I
to attend to in Ooaba recently, ac be
Cb4> vatsi> -»i
“' I” U., 1. d.,l« .....I i.bor.Ub,,,Tall.ir anO (iCDt
a Pniiilablag.
bitched up bia bike and on fiepL je. | «*fuuk and Ganges e >in >U>glcal aouiety
tllBg Ataeasei aad deof a proper iospretioB of tbe
------------------in Huretrai DIaraara, Apnie and Cbrsalo
slarud for tbe ExpnalUon city, be I
*****d tfaaihe bad been naable to BtreaU and tbe conetaot needs
Thnwi and Lunra. t> app|*'a. Brirbl'a ' laraae. DlaTatar B. Dlar-aar. ot thr Ejr, gar,
brtea Kltarj. Llvrr. XlaSAer.Caraveraged under leo milea a day. and i
<»“v or character of tbe many places wfakb are being ntglecled.
F aala uul Ftpiual Dta-aapa apaeuUy rami by Irrainaei ithat bra u-’rr
rr lallrd IB
Is th-B*au,la
thof • aara itaal Ba bees pnioaiiBred bp}nBi) boyc.
finaUy got there. Ttaea bia bnalnem disease He also stated that be bi- BsaUU-dtliat in front of tbe MrrranM^^ltropir
i .Ira'h PV-ry >rar ab - tsiybl bare bt>pu raslorM U> perircl aeaJtb bad Ibrg
ibHr raara Is tba ham- oT r»|>rrta.
iranaacted. be began to pedal back to licved It to be highly oontagi- ut. which tile Co 'a stora they were 7ompe:led to
afirr yrara of acpPi-IrBer. ha*
Detroit He rolled down Woodward waa already well known to tbe growan emoloy a men to keep the gutUrv Live A^ntfl Wanted in T7n>
tbr ar*. Fpaialp dlarwara ooalt
• bt hoar If
avease las-. Friday nunc the woraefjr hare, and reuom nei.ded that tbedlseas- e'ean, a work wbieb ihonid be looked
baralraa and peaiiy aifbrd. OoBBulUtlOB Free and BtiloUy 0occupied Tetritory.
ad trace be prom jtiy cot down and deTbe distance from iJatroil
DA OrrXAN ooe^tra auppraarull,* and ^SRAFMZS^I Ptirr W par erni of all eaaaa.
after by the street comniiasignsr. lie oiw
I«10|rar1y for anutat ryra, pirrxeluw. Irldar
Omaba ia roughly computed at i.soo
a* a»on aa diandverad. aleo revirxl tr» f irmer sngge^lon tbat
lomj. lurclHeTij ..r uui .if rjr la bra of lUla.
DKCHASGIXG EAKSPurrd In ppery caae.
milea Mr. Ayers ia amUiiiuus and may
the trea raenipraacribed by law some of t^e man wbo ara being aided
cloaiiTT of iSr durt aixJ all i
rATARKU Of TliP h'OXF.. broopbil'a an«
las,; l(UuMrs..t-aua.d tram ralarrh. posUUslj'
by tbe city should be ntilized to keep
res-mb ea tbe j-*:llowa and by many is
icooridered a ne V form of that diavaae:
ibuTitspraadsmocb mire rapiily and
IS tba tree to din nt tba end of tbe
Bfoond year; while with tbe yallovs
Tber Omaha ezpoalUon has n cub the trees will live from thrM to flee
er^U of over $300,(100.
At Saagatuck alone abont 4.000 tiwra
Bnaineaa ia alill at a eUnd atill in
Caha,aaa11are waiting a settlement have been dealroreu this ncason. and
of poliUnal affairs. Sugar and tobacco nnlMS a reme<ly is sojn foond
I farmers of BOBtbw(-strrn Michigan will
crops are atill nnsown.
Tbe seal akin entoh ia reported aa go ontof tbe peai-b bufineaa.
«M*na Hr B Hoten of
■such beltbrthan last year aad aeala
•re plentifnl, eapoelally north of the
First T«aperanee Oonenrt.
At the ‘tcmperarca ctmoert in the
It U predicted that General Oomez |
by tbe Kunday acbool .there
will be tbe first president of Cuba.
doelnrrd that if na much energy was
expended on tbe city btrerts m ia put
npontbe a-(jtoeot forest roa>i» by the
city, It wnu'd be better for tbr i-ity.
AldermaD .Dr< m-ind deplored tbe fact
that on Sundays laUl t too many drank-
Steinberg’s Grand
; for
DlfiORDZaS yield rapid'y to bU akllUtU
directed bn nee that tbe atreeta were
■kept clear of intoziented per
tbe Sabbath.
Ohitego Oai
Aerom Two
au Fignr ng ob a Out
Oonntira to
n«Ue, Batnrriay.
I dent Horn spoke a few words in the in-1 Chicago eapiUllato relative to tbe atepa
Pr«MD* raporu concerning the loaa I tereal of tbe Anll-tialoon League,
7 to be taken tor tbe organot the steamer Muhecan wroclcA fiat- finnday
Sonday acnoola
acnoola ot
of tbe
the city
city have
hav< been ' ieition of a company to conaWnot a
nrday night give 50 persons as saved, Invitett to give like enteruinmeou for' canal from Bay de Nocqoet to Lake
U budlea recovered and' 7.'. mlssiug.
tbe aaar pnrpoae dnnng the following . Soperior, aerose Alger and debooleraft
awful pffrei’ul peril rk-p and vhr i«-
Opera House.
lTP»ir -•
PILS8.F18TVLA AMD &B0TAX. VL0BB8 ruar»nip-<l puppd wlibom pals or dw
tPDiluii In.iii busi- PS*.
Oop wepk ipipppl Wedopsds;
Moedaj, OcL 17.
fl'RE fop all opyanlp wsabsraoae
«l RfU'i
raytsc t
,Dd and U>dy wlU thclr
p. IbPaa wboae soUDR OI'
lary taUt tano •tpsa t r» rninad latb mlaW
usSltlBS Ib I ter aiady. aeclsv
POsmVZLT OTTABD PmaJv WpskBPS* aad all dp’lpaie Cisordar* pM-alisr to
elibprse*. poaltlircly cunsl, aa wpII a* fUDPXARRILIl ____ lloiial dlsorilPntUiai rt->u1t froo) yunlbful fol- bapp> llfplansrsotpl
lis* OP Ibp PIPPW* of salore yrara
.SPEriALTIV.-: Catarrb. SsiD DWi
TO ri'RE BPraw*
Son-*. P.mplp*. Ib-mtuta. Blo-d Taln'a.Epi
blPiy. rartpopplp. att
Oanew. PilP* and DUnaaM of Wows
sod all Mdsay aod b
treslaiPSt sa purvupd by iaaalloi
AmeriPsasd loropp.
< but p.
abould asad»r
tr>’i t u. t oudpp. of urme
aiaaloallos a
fpiTPdi. wbirb sill ppppIpp a <-......... - -.
a. wto kaew
►I h^b>
ruIbP,! iQbsal
aarHUPuaoaiyatsw.UbPVlPPO P-rsao.pul
IrlfUax wlUitbPOi moD h afu-r mooib. yl'lax
frt Gi tRsxm
“‘’alilTn *”a
ISOqupMioos fppo.
Addrras, with peatarr.
Larger Store..Double Stock-
Elegant New Linessa
AgoneiHo, special rnvry of Hie i'hil- two week*, and tbe scc'Tnd H. E. fine-] coantiee.
tppine insurgent government, 4«aebed Aay aebool.Sproce street, haa responded
n would connect Lakes Mlehlgnn
Lot* of specialties by entire (»(0|BBy
and will give on$ next Sundsyevening. and Bnperior. The canal would be nt ench performance.
Do not Bias beu4ng the floe bund and
isttbe Kaiser
- ----------------------------thirty-five milea long aad would aave orchestra.
hhonriydlncoveredtohe more Impor-, T«rteea C»nU AWaik] about ooo miles of travel between MarW.Jcbl<.rlh.p«.d,.
I„„«i«Jdi.pla5 FiDe W.trhe,. Fin. Mo.
tut. DoenmvnU founddisduaea well
Everrbady who takes Tub Mokxiso quelle and Cblcaco.
Rrciud can have tbe Grand Rapids
---------striogred Honicsl In.trnmenta Striiii;. for all
aatnrwl plot to kill King BnmberU
Herald delivered
:rrd to/tbam
' '
also for i
Fun I FUU! Fnn T: land China Ware. EvwytkiDK new.
Mo regiment is to be sent south un
ar cMia par week, ma:
at tbe New York Store wHl. find the
ing only 14 centaper
wta'^ week
weak tor G
til tbe yellow fever la nntireiy eradiTake • louk tbrougb our elegnnt new qaartera.
stock mora complete than on tempobeaf^prr in northern MFcn
:fi7gan a
rwpr nfieninv. We thank onr friends
I mpimp-11-sD paper
aer in 1
for tbeir liberal patronage. 454-tt
ABlI-Semltle riots coenrred in An | state.
Jewelry, Silyerwarel
inatrameida. Havi
TEB KOBimrOKBOOBr TUB8OAY.O0T381S Ift. 18 88.
AmnMBMt VntM.
r%» elcqaent OaImoI O^eUnd will
appear In 8telntorr’« •^r%»d Wedneoday eveniny. tbe firat attneUan In tbe
aiffb eebeol leetora eoaroe. Colonel
Cepelaad will be remembered by TrmT.
one City oa belny one of ibe flncet eratore who aeer imeed a Inoal platferm
and he will be yiven a warm welcome
No leae an anibority than the Detroit
Free Pr«a any* tkU of him:
"For an boar and a half Iheeloquent
leetnrer bald tbe atuntton bf tbe e
e bat ool
wajAk 1 o'?'3ck in tbe Afternooti tb«
OTT mm Ow%mimm That WTrr. Sh*«lA j daoRhU.r. %bo b*d looked After my
^Oeainbeie !• oa» w«y «r Aaetber | wA&ti At the table, ioformed me that if
te the Pa.d. of (he Paaiir.
I bad no objeoUou ibe woald -ride a
SSfSiKS."*""';::;:::; ®‘“
0oona-rrotbM> Bed Bpnn^ .
When W. 8. J
Ohio leet week be bronffht nmonr
other intereetlnf oonrenlre, a bed
apreod with a tbiek eoeerlnpoffoooe
tenkbera. wbieb were eewed on one by
one by bU ayed gTnnJmotber. who
apcnt three yearn at tbe work.
Free FUU.
free aample
. box of Dr. King'aNew Life »Ila. A
I trial will ooDTince you of tbeir merita..
j^|Th<iu: TtillHAi-r eai.y in action and are
” I ponlcnfarly rffeetire in the cn
j B.,tt*rper ibDiirt!!!;".;!;!!'
olae bat i
j. Ui'm eftber ibinkin, tOwaH tbe Onmlwrland rlrer. whicbili™ *«dlence. HU power in
^ ConatipatioD and Nick ileadacfae.
weconldaee lying like a ailrer tbreod from tbe ladierooa te the enblime ia [ CrAmery BeUer.lb..
Mrr. Mugnogin. ' Mid tbe neighbor.
■ be green Talley far below no.
{woaderfu]. For aim.............................. ......
been proved invalnable. They ore
"Anworae than nooeiuae aomeaT tbe
guaranteed to be perfectly free from __
“I preantue.’'I Mid, twwiDg with adi the time bia
toime, Mrt- MeGlaggerty," tbe widow
ery deleterioos safaetaace and to be ms'mMa
laoghur. and during tbe ether <
•eplied. "It'a hor-r-d to tell wan day
irely vegetable. They do not weaken [aMOsam
fwbat tlioy'll have in tbe nan. Fnrhln wonld pcnuit, '*tbet U any of yoar tbtrd they lUuned in broatblem ettenee j .Salt per bbl..........
2 bytheiraction.butbyglTingtoBetotbe twswn ss las h*rmi prtc or ssj ■assil» m
^ w ''dinB Mptthcr my to Ua appeals."
it ain't war, it’s aoosyoide, an J.O.O
fwhin .L.
] Brio «er 100...
JX stomach and bowels greaUy inTigorate
-f-------- ...■
wonld ecarMly be mfe from tbeir
ain't aoarycide it'a Taunamy Hall
Hall, an
4 00
There are still abont 12-S good seaU ;
it ain’t.......
Taunt imy Hall it’i tbe jenloni rage.
I “Oh. Irec
reckon 'tnin't so tad's that, left and good cheice in ein.Tle admU-|«?Tino nATnaorntATl cemr OBAi^
im Ink, begorrab. Mra McOlaggerty,
“I'm anre they ore not ao indifferent
renrtwB Otnte A Weak.
an ao it goea an fraiii dayto day. wan
Brerybedy wbo take Tbe Mobxipo
day ttaia an wan day that, an tbe ooxt os yon would h-ad me to think Pretty
Eecom) can have the Crand Rapida ,
dayaometbin elae, ontil they don't lalTe girla ore not so plenty in tbe moon-•iby a large i
Herald delivered to them also for an >:
^Jorand Uet eTeniog.
OTir aiTin rinset a leg to abtand npoo, Uins." r smiled, and abeblostied.
•k. mak- [
additional four centa per
-Well. 1 B'posotf Jimwos bere,-, MTsterr”
Mnt.-bIoGlaggerty. Sore an do ye know
IngoBly 14 csinuper week for tbe
be rich n “^"*7
fwbat me dangbtor Toocy wax readiu to sbe beaimted. "it mightn’t
beet paper in northern Michigan and rur;.'o nr.s m
Jin’. mi.btr b.9 i -pUkl.
Potntoee. per bn___
me laaht noigbt* Ui'll bowld ye tin picnic n.1 it Inoka ter Jim’s mighty bad ''
....................................... - --------- io tbe
•boo. ID. lb.,-, wlijbi .m'l
. few
einta ye'd onver gneas it in a tbonimnd BOW.’'
eute. Telephone S:
tioBB the characters were Tory srell
Three Doeton la OoneolUticA.
yeaTa,.bIn. UcGlaggerty. ATcoaraeye
wrdn't, an naytber wnd anny wan elae.
more interest and not nearly ro nincb „dw..U, .1 It.
-h.l .ot.;ik.
Mrs. MeGlaggerty.
bow and palsTir.
tbia; eoaeoouy
planae they receiTod. Mr Bryan baa : beat -h to be efansen for a mediciae in
u was uiis:
axeo toe
4. LOUDOK.OeBtJst.O'eeMta
“He shot a bole tbrongb tbe last fel
kantnn abnd a woile aim bor own lirin,
the good fortuae to tnrround himeelflthe flat place: wftat experience tells
ler I rid;witb and bad to uke to tbe
an Home ninny at n caaythare—tome
Q M. BROW*. Attor-iey aa« Ooeowl
woods till be gits well.
yoi faced owld maid. Oi anppoee. that
O. Lev. Ppcelei M-raUoa t» c»Ua
ability and Uu eogogement promisee | j, be,.
cboaec in tbe lost place, eod
roBTe.raa>1a«. tllProetPl
|.;i to aim her own an foindt it bar>r.d
to be sneeeaatal both artUtically and ; but if ron can get Dr. Inclination. Dr.
asitnilgl|t hare Wn, but 1 oonli
ake I oil] indi mnte, to aay uawibin
' "
mn away frnui tbe lady, so I rrmained. fiaanclally. Tonight "Mr. Bradford's Experience and Di ~
PT.;Uo lay an Tifitil.ln, Mm. MeGlag
“Well,’’I roid la a tone of strong 1>woble."wm be the attraction and r;rb“;^"t
ttat*^" ta‘LS.’"
gerty. ops \^tbb< r pin su k-z—yia,
you tbe
dimpproral. “uo yon intend to marry a
adranee sale indleaics a good
na'vMtin tmt juabt an roigbi that
When yon bare-a bod cold I>r. Inman like that?”
clinatiou would recemBend Chamberwnle abnd pitch in an Undabandto
“ Tain't «fo to marry any other—
'PhoOM IDS. IH. im.
lain'* Co
tbe owldman nowan tbin, an partlckly
not fer bim ncr me neitber, even ef I
aff it abnd be neciMary. do ye moind.
wanted to. which IHoo't. Jim’a plenty
ould.reeo _ . . I it becaui
Kow. fwbat dit ye ibink ar that. Mm
In Memory of Mrn S O. Ladd.
oniuble ferme."'act a speedy and oe
Me laggerty? Tbu oidaya ar nyin that
“ Beoaen wonld r'
“Dore your mother approre eg your
Ataregnlormionof tbe Woman’s
n wuife ebad go oat to worrofc to help
TraTcrea City, held Friday. ommend It becanaa it Is prepared on
aarixHt ber taoaband I Fwby it’a prt.
Cli, Oper>B<««BU.
body might be foond wbo wonl< «**•! October It. IBVI. the following roeolu- adaaUfie prineiplea. and acta on napuriltarriim Mrx. MeGlaggerty.
tore's plan In rsUeTiag tbe Inags,
to tbe reocne.
,__ ^{tlonawere paaaed npon the death of
''Fwby\wbin my man Dluny waa
‘No. " obe reapoD^ easily;
aloire he'^Wo tcote think at axin me
Mrs. E. O. Ladd;
ain’t lalkin one way ner t'other. 8be'a
to no ont to b< Ip biu carry tbe bod
been married fonr timee and baa made
tbaa b.- <1 dar' to lift bii band to me—
■ncta a dratted mnas nr it erery time
t Title. Bml
r "bis Bowl, poor maul Be belaired
foartaab Ooati A Vaak.
Bmsb 1. Ho.
that abe aays she ain’t a flttiu person to Ladd. Vhei__________
doia tbe womk himaelf, an be
Everybody wbe Uken Tn 1
giro adTice on tbe marryin qneatioo,
Ecoolved. That in ber death the
t ongbt borne hie wagee any Monday
RncoKO can have tbe Grand Bapida
nobow. even ef I wasn't old enongb to Weteaa's Clnb of TraTeroe City has
Uarald delivered to them aleo tor aa
1 .i^t aa tegnlarly aa the clock, nxoept
do my own piefcin an cboosio,''which loat a vslned and eararot worker, ms
i per week maknow an tbin whin be et<^ in at Dinky- seemed to be such an nnanawerable who ever held tbe beet intereeU ef the
mRAtinCD KrUB-KlM Eele»s BnleMSb. •
ItcenU ner
apii-l'a an tbe tawnier an Cbar-rley
argument that 1 retired from tbe Geld.
sr in Bortiiern Miehlgan and Arinr.'^l] neneeA u> eoUs tm bs^os'. 81
Einniaey tale bim n game nr two at —Wnafaington btar.
•r work among oa, and la the
sr la the B eih*uM. oa-it
U. b_tIt melroj>nl.t
Ever Burned Oat?
forty-fuires.' Bat aa for me goln oat to
Telephone S:
worrak—Dinny ad anoner cot his own
If no yon know
He Waa t
bead ar fwbiaken off. aa see me do It,
Did be threaten lo commit snidda yet feel that she has be..
a higher spbere of nsefnii
Mis. Mriilaggerty.
TTTAjrrnD—Olrl *or f
when she said it oonld nuTer be?
lat the memory
of ber faithful aed
“^taat die me daagbterXooty think
Oct. SOtb tbe 9:35 a. B. ria M. A N. W 4irWe.tpe>eatbwi
Well, taordly.
■Iflab life shall Insure oa with freab E.-A.
A n G n A M. B. R Lia- T owr. PTBAYED. o' KTULBK-A vb<U
AT it? Well. Oi don't oxncily know,
O. P. CARVER Agent
He got np, brni
mshed the dnat from tbe zeal in every gtxid
A> BrsAle pavpr. brovB ear* I
me frind. At cootm. abe'a dead abtack knees of bis trunrure with a silk bandThat we extend our loving eympatby I
M of "Orwer-. SoliaMe
on Delmonicky (iayaooebeit on tbinka herebicl. and raid;
to ber husband and family Is tbek be
becaore be plays gawrfs in abort pants
“1 fuel that yon bare made a rich reavement. aad
e. L. Ztm Tdlst LstloBi
on is the iood mr pclanoey stbreet, that man of me.”
Cob be procared of Mm. C. B. Rector
b’e (be whole sbootlu match, an tber’s
r records In tovlag remembronee
“Made a rich man of yonfaheesat I4t Lake Avenne.
44$ 26t
e who baa gene ent from oa forno wan else loik bim. Oi anuustly ta- daimed. “How?f
laire meself. Mrs. McGlaggeriy. that
“i iball never marry,” be replied.
renrtaes Costa A Watk.
abe'd be ooneba enoogb to go ont an Andaa bo wandered ont into the cold
ing. one
Everybody wbo take* Tiir Moioum,
werruk for him aff be axt tael, but aff world there was just a tnoe of a smile
and do gve you thet beat m
Rki*>kd caa have tbe Grand Rapids
tbe nver did, me frind, an Oi cnogbt on bis face.—Mecnipuliun.
Herald delivered lo them ol*o for an ^yAWTTO-^jprl toe
bur at it, Oi'd give ber tho dangdrrt
additional four uenU per week, makcontrary, but i
taitin sbe n?er bad since sbe was tin
XIoBciBg Sebeel
lag only 14 cents per week far the
beet paper in norther---------- ■*
years Ok. 1:1, nn at fnr that coriesrrew
.etbeuk. lo>l
And dance Umlgkt at I
•Tbe atSce» of tbe
a ralsshl,*
i»hle« nf Bfsr 00I7 to ovoer.
1 gnarontoe all my work to be right.
the beet metropolitan
in the
abanked j <od, Delmonicky, Oi’d bild a Smitbeuniau in«tito(icin are baring tbe
ire to BaruSo eSW. 443K
bowItATbua bo tho tbroal till Oi’d rbaiterut mookeyspbonugrapbodin Ibe
choked him lo death wid nvry won ar bope (bat in time tbuir langoage
may | danuea. 453-11.*
V U br proTtn* proeei
paries tor tkl.
Stop in till S o'clock every evening
' e. Coll »< Katvmi, <i
bit own cniked gmwrt obticks. Mr<. be nnderstoud, and it may be possible |
except Sandny. in the Caldwell A Lon
toeonvcrsi' with them.
don boilding, at north and of Unioa
“Pew-nbl Fwbat noniioae to talk
Mrs. Du Sot-no—Isn't that grand? 1
aboall -Oi’d loike. to see the man that
sfatondi io two iboea that od make me ftrn tbiug wLatbur wo are dreconded
vpOB HALE—Lumber re
from tbtm or not:—New York Weekly.
C ol alldeaeriptloB.; <
s Bstote. SUsPts.
"FwbAt BonrtDM tber dis mt In tbe '
^ypem, Mn MoGln«^.”*^id tbe
“*■ ■**
«ddy motmttln meid I aat«
- —. j'S.’SSS
o. 'i.ssrLfs,;
DR. SPIDDEf tS'S£&^Sr.lS
• nrerrRoAJS-OBj. ‘
Bicycle Riders.
Oysters! Oysters!
k Wiiild
■artac (fee BeBMmta.
Mrs. Nrwed—1 wisi
aiLoku sc ’.-oh. Jack,
1 are only
Nov .-d.; (Interrapting) — Rmnkiwg
rains uumao'e bsnltb.
Mrs. Nnwed—Wbo Mid it did?
ily going to say that yon were
only raining mycsrtaiua—Upto Dale.
Famous Baltimore Couots,
Selects aod Standards.
I atock rsc«lvc4 t,/ <
.FieUiier'] Coinmblio Bestiinit
Engliabman—Yea, Blivers ii a nice
faorsy, don't -yon
ebap. but rather horsy,
think? Always wears tight trooaers nod
gtitera and all that aort of thing, yon
F^cbman—Idonotfcnow. Zebotsea
do not ao vere 1 come from.—Pick Ma
riUllMd Air UI
larabselals pale...... .......... JCUCBOM*
astldolar. (or *str*ci»os of M»th
It boat
psiQ u>d LasrstsDd
7 prvpsrsuM ret save (or a
srs.»s;,K”« sw.'sr.'-.S:
If You Have Logs to Sell
warzbofs aioek.
Ttaveroe City, ■
unsiH in iHnuraii li
Ce take eSM nmodop. Jus St. Ufl.
beodtvelre treat Mompa (or panes part 0BI7
o< Ibe pastas* aloo*. Drop all irosh aod eleor
tarTa mouth ullb our esriuaiee Jureeltea.
Tes Nanosoi Book CexcsHS. JcraeiLk Dsrv.
>ae veU loeawd.
ruio. Mre. W F.
__________ <mtf
efore Oeu V. vlll
m tb* roreer of Eistath mod *
•les II.
CorreBpoDd with the TraTeree City Lumber Coupnny.
-We have for sale Good,'
jar this morning. I'm certain I locked
t np tigbt but nigbt.
Hre blaver—Ata. if yon lotked it np
tight, that BcooonU for it. 1 anspeoled
“Say. painter, when yon gel my^ aa mnob.—iioalon Tnmacript.
wHe'a picture done, won't you bare
toongb oolora left to make a little piotnre of my daegbter:''—Fliegeude Blat“Ma.“uid Hobby, “ii It wrong for
little buy* U> tie fcuttlea to dogs’ Caila?”
“Derirl.uiy wrong, Bobby. 1 hope
iBproTcS Mathentadrs.
“Wbal are you working on now?” yon will never do ancta a Ibiiig as that'
“Nn. indeed, ma,” replied Bobby
waaaskvd of tbe man wbo is always In1 do is to bold tbe
Tenting. but never inTunts.
“Moibiug Teiy big jnst at preaent.
I’m abont oompleiiug a method for colBhaSe
eolatiug compound iuieroat with a rub
Mamie—Why do yon think be is jnst
ber sump
Docroit Free PreM.
from Boaton when ta claims to be Eng-;
He Was Bhart.
Anna—He wrote a little poem abont'
“If tbe police are looking for tbe
short man.” be euid roefnliy, “they me tbe otber evening and made my
might do worautban to get bold of ma” aam« rhyme with "banner.”—Chicago
However, it was merely tocanse bis • Mcwa
abort.—Chicago Post
devote my entire time to other pnr-|
init* I wuh to expreos my gratitude to
Brawn-My wife aaya 1 talk in tny emr friends and patrons for tbeir liber-;
ol support and patronage in tbe poiL !
Jonen—Well, you’re Incky.
and oa I have sold oot mv good will
firawD—Unw eo?
with tbe basiDeae.1 aincere'ly bope tbat
imma-My wife dore all tbe toUdog our patrone will oontinne tbeir anpport
fa mine.—Chicago News.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood
aiDBWXL^pi-ANK — TeD lota aidevalk
O p^kforsol*. TreerreaChrLum^Cu.
^W. fitekS^dB 5” »***
tcUfsau J.
IpoS KALB -Two wheeled sreepm ood two
C oluahen Trerera* (tUj t«m<wr Co tS-tl
Trgrente Ctlj Lumber Co.
Mill Machiiiery of all descriptions, mcloding Two EiigiDM
Bet Works, Carriages and iSawe. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Sleepleoa SlamWre.
Queer, lan'l ItT
Tom—It's _-r ' 10 rtnve ouyibisg fa- ; ThseVlus
ag onr many patrooa for post
Irm.Wun.ge■ •and earaesUy soliciting a
Dick—It sbonldo't bo.
ion of
of ^s
fas some for tbe bnalTtnn-Why?
bsm. In.
Dick-His bend is ao ao(L—Dpte
Sineenly Trare.
tour bo^
seeded fer imie UUCP to pi
* "-■ ”■
S Priee*
raese (one Hr tn KJA
Larpe boeku
»«EA eorh
orerfloelos vHb bapi x UloMretloao Treaeedooswllrre. HathlBsIlketbes Font moeihs
soldeo barreailer eorrsvtie vorkere Credit
John K. Santo,
Geoiral lisoraon.
!^*0B sals—Lsaber.
oih aed uhloclee.
r Trarerur cup Lumber Co. ]dS-4(
001X0 Boon.
17«B SALX-S oad 4 tool mreoru wood. Bmllh
r*aull. Pboueirr.
. «4Mf.
VstiM ef Dl*sel«ties
Tosvkkaa CtTT. MIeh. Oct. «. IS
- panuerehip I
Waller TbuneU.duL
hwvsl eeraor of Neve
•. la Traecrua Clip. Hlebit
tBOWU ao ThurwU
A Ooo*.limited. tsi
llatialred b]r mutual ___
aaee all eredtts due.aad ■51ip”iu’ttii^hs®
Horwowud bp sold firm.
dap otoei.
WHMUe Itadr hoods :
Mottw to Tax Pnyotn.
Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle--6 Cts.
8tm on top. Best oigsrs/or tbe money on the market
—Union made, too.
] Sold by all dealer.
Tonn^er Block
IMS. tor the purpoM <
aed clip taiea end spr
In the Alp for the prew
Iruent eVlock t
Tueodop ood Fridop e<*
rrem f oVloek to S o'clork.
Oa oU tosus paid befoe* Oelober
per ceel. peeeltp for
oodon al
r* paid no ood en.
■t UBIll K<
or 1st. U«K there wl
• w.QimaQMo^u-^_ __
Becood T«i
Straok KansM and the W«et
With Force FeBterdajr.
Omaha Uuder Bix lachee Of
Snow Last Hight.
OrMt Su»rin* 04u*«i amoB*Poor
VamlUM Wb«
Vnpr«su«S for th« at«rm-T«Ufr»pb Oomp*n>** SoSbr MBUriUly
«Bd-B«Uw»y Trafic luumptetf.
^ia,WAX ruBisxHT
Oieea a Tbranhtair by Thru XHnnhargcd Smployea.
ssrclsl te Tbs Homiss Bseonn.
Biehmeod. Oei. IT.—Goorfe Fisher
of New York, prwldentof the electric
Blc Stonn la Wide Spread Sut and
Another Oommittee Provided •
.apectsi to TU Moraine aeeera
I VTanhincton, Oct 17.—The etorm ■
-------------I centre is ellfbily changed since morn.!
Three Aldermen and Tiro Oltteenn ■ i«,. Uie trough of which extended.!
WtU be Appointed to Puralsh the | wnttaward and swnn^ronnd to the'!
attacked him for an alletnd lejnstiee
Ooaneil With Information Wb.eh is!
to the eonth AUanUc cout.!
Bury rains prerail in the middle, cut
in remoTiny them.
Sxpected to Xmad to a Syatem of
era and gulf eUtu. and the etorm will i
City Osrnerehip.
poulbly strike New York and wwtera '
laet erenlng there sru barely e quo New England with oouiderable force.
That Title Kay be Xe-eatabliabrd for
rum at Ue mSeUar of Ue cmaeil. and
notwlthstandlar the deelelon at the
tal toTu MsSBtse.asMUp.reriou meetinc to meet promptly at
Wuhington. Oct. 17-Repreuatao'clock it sru nearly 8 before the
mmtuioaer Day Prusnted Am<
tire aUborn of the narpl affaira com-/Mren aldermen wbe formed the meetcan Demaada in Plain Tanna
mlttee. uye be belieru eoagreei *lll|ingeame together.. Bnt when they
to Spaniards.
I the Utle of rice admiral get together they took hold Jut u
of the nary to bestow npon Djsrey.
though they were all preuat and u if' 8peci*t u. the Mobsisu hscosb.
they had been on time.
{ London, Oct. IT.—A i'aris dispatch
The mul important considsrailon ' ssys that the pnace commluion reacBwu the action of Alderman Lardie in : ed a crisis for the first time today. Mr.
again hrimring the sraUr works prob- j Day preuated the dsmands of the
Will Answer John Wilhelm's lem before thooenncil. Ue reminded American commiuloners and used
the board that two wuks ago he offer- terma which the Spanlarda conld not
Charges Tomorrow.
ed a raaoIntioB npon which action sru I mistake,
deferred to tbie meeting.
While he 1
Xeaolntiona Presiding for X>efaau
with vim—.by tb.
Committee, Adopud by Board of aad with epeedy action in the msiur; Will be tbe Send of Oied Oorersmaat
in slew be offered tne following ra»o-.
^^^0 Blco Afur
Superriaors Teaterday.
Or a pen holder, or some ink. or a rubber rul
er, or a copying book, in fact we have euerything yon
want to fit out your office.
Holley & Connable,
220 Front Street
'‘City Bookstors.”
A New Thing
—And a fine one —the very latest In Crepe
Tissue Paper—Have you seen it—We have
apreia) wTh» llornlo*
Kansu CitjL Mo.. Ocl. 17.—“»• b»*sard which V»ck
locality hu
broBcht prcat &®afe to property. It
te the Btor® which twnally follows
warm wutber In thU sooUon and this
time It cornea so suddenly u to cause
inUDM suflerluf to poor families who
Of the popular inen*s fin-'
are utUrly unprepared for lu raTafes.
The bllusrd preralls throofh the
eet (all pore vorated)
• southwest and west. Snow bu fallen
slniw a o'clock this morsiur and.drlren
, by a stroBf wind, bu proswaud wlru
in all dlrectlow and-delayed railway
The beard of uperrleon
Ruoired. By the couacil of the
tra«e. The sidewalks are Uree loehes day aftaraoaa fa
Doable breaated atyle (plain
SpMlal loTu UeuikS Rbcobo.
deep in slush.
to giro farther atuatloa U the county j mayor u' aad^bereby u empo<
WdshingtoD. Ocv 17.—When Porto}
or silk faced) tailored in
The brunt of the blliurd seems U eenrt boau matter. As soon u the and dlrecud to a^ppoint fire members
the beat poaeible maimer—
be felt by the telefiaph companies. reading of the mtnntu ef the prerieu
O.b.t.1 »"»b. wUl b»>s.
CptonooaitwulmpoMiblB to pene mutleg wu ditpoeed of John Peld- b.pbo«> Ifo. U>. city pccpll .cl
with best poaaible
two from the ruldent laxpayi
lyere of the! the
head of the c
trate wMt ef Kansu City. Nota word pher of the bnllding oommittee. pre- city, out side the ooenell, aad the may-1.tend of more troope helog cent ureral
mings and linioga, and are
with Topeka, WlchiU or ether unted the foUowing resolntlon:
or ehall be a member of snch committee !
-i.i w.
points between here and Uenrer. The
la addition to theu thns ehoun and
perfect fitting garments.
Editions at noon, while elearinf le
114.00 and flo.Oa
mlttae shall
I by rsMolmtions efferad by Mr.
gally. appeared to be fettlac woru
Wilhelm, the enperrlsor of the
apMlsl te Tbs Kosnuie Bsceu.
Other gardes at tlO.OO and
west ef Kansu City.
The followinc hnlieUn hu been U "wHK^B*'^t^ia^a*prtnclplo in the j
arailable uuree
Shafur, who vieited hU brother here,
*•«; I*** c“Jsued by Obserrer Connor of the local geurnmeat Jf theu^UaitSd statu
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
wu preunted with a large beqaet by
weather bureau: ••Stena of freat force
inrutigateu to U.
Sycamore Lodge. OangbUrs ef the
Clothing House.
central In the Miaeisaippi ralley. wbieh
id^^rtUl irlia for thf purpo.; ef
In the neat »t hours will hare a aorth- gitiar such person or peruu
chance ‘y*-” «« 7*“^
^ ^ provided Ulobe. Emma Zell, who made the prea cha.ee,
he eherru i
*ke city, and to procure informa- uaUtien. kisaed the general. euterly oouru. earryinf It orer the
* '{tion npea this line u to the retsUss
irreat lakee. caulur a hoary preclplUtipu and calea. Since thle mernin* mlttee hare the privilege of calling I
Fenrtees Ocati A Weakrain hu bun fsllla( in the Miseinippi
:idThsKh‘:i‘^>->-T. Uke.ncb^Uon on kinsailer from'St. Paul to . Memphis. - In l:7htNu’Tfo
Br.i'oHD can have the (irand Baoids
qnuUon. u the council shall
Herald delivered to them slao for an
outrrn sutu the Umperatnra hss iJr^ertiou aid ilj^werTb. rmiuced
The world lovee to get hold of pie handle end of a bargain. It is beUW
'writinruu to make them a matter 1
tl«e direct. Thisi comcom--i
four oenu per week, mak- fallen to the freezing polnL"
uTlag money: it is
raing money: itL is uvlag
S2 for
Sl. The
of remwA"
, miltee ehall have no authority ^
ing onis 14 CTBU
cenu oar
per week It
for tba
iper in northern Michigan and
The reaolnilonwu promptly
the but metropolitan paper in Ibe
Obicafrd Obbiled Spoiled. ^
ed by Supervisor Wilhelm, the author I Feurih-To’report to the eouDcl!
0 extra cost. ItiaaM
PUc«a your hand on the Uroute of extra heat a
stau. Teiepbone73.
lent. 'itisspendUgfil
Itisspendlagfil to make
makes:. AtUehed to etove or furnace piM
«pMlal to TBS MOBSISS Bsoonn.
of the ruolnUon eeniaining the charges 1 the reeult of such invutigation togetbiavutment.
paues it aronad tbs
kSUd up Ue chimney and
it eatekilu Ue beat niuaU/ wasted
17.—d cold ruin hu
room. Coau bnt UtUa
fallen inceeuntly throuyhont the day
and intorfered with the JnbUce cere*------------itiog ths fesolnlioB Super- j ever reqeesud by the oonacil to make
r .monies. It prerented the bicycle pe- viapr Pntcipher declared that bU pnr- snch rsport.
Dated October 17. 1696.
*^rade tonlyht. h'lsa Jabilu archee pone wu to affzrd the committee a
After eome disenulon tbis r
cbaace to meet the chargee made with
were destroyed.
witaeaeu in the committu'a behalf. wu adopted nnsnimonsly.
it wu adopted.
Chieaga. Oct. 17.—Heavy winds, aeThere wu eoasiderahle diaenuionj
mompanled by cold weatfaer and rain,
the Urns Ue committee ehonld I
s»u another clanu in Ue meu•re uhednied for Lake Mlcbigaa I have to prepare ite answer to the i ■«» "kich provided that a eommluioa
p he ulected from
Aatorm U Jnsl wut of here, wbieh tchargea in Mr Wilhelm's
hu brought enow to eome local- I ard some argument sru made by Super- ehonld he appointed u a permanent
iUu. The wind will be wuterly and 'iaors Monroe and WUhetm agaiaat the water board, u provided is Ue city |
I committee having Ue uy u to when eharur. There wu considerable dis-'
; the matter ehonld he called up. Final eoMlea apoa Ue advluhility of this
ly OB motion of Mr. Wilhelm Ue clanu and Alderman Goodrich urgent
•WBimro ovu iowa.
reeolntiou he offered were made a ly objected. Mr. Goodrich alu urged
apeeinl order for Wedneeday at S o'clock Uataoemmitteebe appointed to eoaSno^ ABd
in Ue afuraoon. when the eommitiu fer wiU H. i). Campbell A Sou with
Among Btook on the Basgu.
/"Weribave bought a big lot of for eollarettea. Eluant clean eUek for SOe
will be expected tosute iU cnee before the view of aeeerUining what those
mprcIsUoTu Mosaias Kscraa.
on^e dollar and will i^ve Ue public Ue benefit for 6 dayM beginning Mem>
werke could be bongbt tor by the elty.
day. Oct. 17. nntU Setnrday, Oct. St.
Desmelncs, la., Oct. 16.—A cold wave, Ue board.
' TbeooIUrettesUsteoldatS3.SO. S3.D0. S3.48. will be sold to clone at fil.K.
nlmoet a blizzard, la swuping over
Priewa will be reduced proportionately on higher grade goode daring Ue eale.
Iowa, generally In aa eulerly dlru- with contractor Qibsoa regarding his
Remember Ue plaM.
ru argued,
claims for eztru wu not prapared U partlcnlarlT by Aldei
IngUe lut SB bourn. There are no report, Mr. Ulheoa act havioK reUraed that the reeolatlon p
I gave the
•igu of a change. The sleet aad uow
oemmittee Uo power to eounll every
Ob a reqnut from the
are fierce and diautroiu for stock on
menu that wonid offer informatioo
claims aad accounts for itemised bills
which would benefit Ue city In the
of the paymenu made on the conrtpremism.
While the reeolnlton did
konu.Chairman Perry sUted that Arch
osirxaAi. s&srs oohkavb itect Bowman wu preparing each item net specify that Hr. Campbell-ehould
be eouBlted It would natarally be lor
' ArrlTod TeaUrday From Forto Blco ized sUtemeaU.
Ue latereete of the city to uke that
Onr store withoat seeing onr VegeUhle exhibit We hsTS
After soma discussloa npon Tarioiu
Cpulaltetfee Meuise Ilscomb
matter into caretnl consideration.
one every year, and this one cape them all. We bare a
minor polnU in the eontroveray the
" New York. Oct. 17.—The transport
Alderman Gsrrieon argued that thU
large quantity and a large variety.
board adjonrned for eommiitee work
Mlnnewaka wlU.General Bnt and
rcMlnUoa wu directly in line wiU a
nntllUis DMtrBlng.
I'Olanct in our show window.
reaolution he offered at a previous
•US and one tbonuad troope arrived
muting and he gnve it his bdarty eup
today trodi Porto Bioo at Hukeneack,
MS Pront Strnnt
port. Uough another wonid get Ue
We keep the best I Phone 167.
credit for it. Mr. Oarrieon referred to
rubbers that are made.
United autee will Take Formal the proviso in the charter which rej]nired the council to peu a reaolntion
PoeaceiiOBof Island of Porto
> Trlnmphal
-Hero of I
Bear this in mind wbe^
expreuing that it would be expedient
Kareb Throogb Hew York 8UU.
Bioo Today.
^6COOd ofLwUm*.MImmud
you want rnbbers for
to enter into the purebau or coulrneBpMlsI U> IbvUnsiiiKa BsroU.
SiNctsI UTu Hoesiso Enooso.
tioa of a eyetem of water works.
^anJnan, Oct. 17 —At noon tomor
Olons Falls. Oct 17.—Colonel Booeyour feet.
Mr. Montague argued Uat afUr the
evelt aiTived tonight and addressed row lbs I'oited.Sutes will uke formal
immltlM provided for la the reeolntwo monster msM moeUaga
He ro- pceaeuion of Porto Rico, by firing ths Uen made Uelr report then it would
•eived an ovation at all Ue sUtiona national aalnte. raising of the Amerl- be Ume to so express the sense of the
I can flag on Ue PaUoe. Fort Sen ChrlsMl ronU.
tobal and Ue public buildings ea the
D. Csmpbell wu preuat and
plau. The troops will give an e1nbe- upon permission to addreu Ue coun
Oirl Died of Loehjav.
The early trade in this department has been Leyosd onr
raU parade. Tbe/Eleveatb regnlara cil he SUted that he ooasidered Ue
•pectel Up Tai Homviva Xseosn.
arrived today.
net parted a good one, and
New York, Oct. l7.-BerUa HohorWe were enconnged to increase onr stock, to the extent,
be wonid be at Ue comtqpnde of the
fsr.aged nix. ran a splinter in her hand
d by the bnlUn.
that we can now claim .without any hesitation that onr stock of
>ittu if they dmlred toeoasnlt
tbM mornlog and died of lockjaw sU
apeeui la Tu Mosnsa Bktobd.
cloaks is by far tbe largest in the city.
him. The epuial commitue which
While fit and appearanoe is to be taken into oonsidsrstion, ~
OoutanUnopIe. bcL U.-Bmperor j uiade Ue lnveeUgnUon wlU Engineer
look well te the qnality, a practice which is sadly neglected by
bad not conenlted him, and
Kednetion of Postage to BngUnd William and party arrived this after-!
the majority.
n and were received by Ue Snltan. UUoommittee wu not obliged to. bat
•pwlal lo-TsB Houiiss Rsoobd.
Here is where we bold forth biggest values, here we save' \
be wonld,be willing to let the matter
Omaha BxpoalUon Deaerted.
Wuhlagton. Ost IT.—Third Awlsf yon au amonnt worthy of yonr conaideration.
Uke Ue eouru dwmed wiu by Ue
Unt Poctmuter General Merritt rec- apvcisi to TBS Houisv Bsooss.
Tf in want of a garmSDt why not investigate, (^alloins— W
—Hard or aoft
ommenda a reanction in postage to
Omaha, Oei. 17.—Omaha hu six in
figure with you, and if we can't make it interesting fat i
Alderman Montague believed thU
- Ungland of S ceaU.
a yon we will not urge you to buy.
ches of snow and Uo Expuition is deIContinned on page 3.]
We are money savers of
g u Fight abarkey.
Enafireai of piaUy doth
-AU for horning.
Fitea in Dismal awamp.
jackeU. Qcif eapw aad all Ue new Aleo Ue Almya Beady Fire Kindlen
•p«eU) to the Moralat BecoiA
II.. Vork. 0.k 17.-PwU.t OotfU
oellarelUi U HarUn. Mink. Persian.
Norf^ Va., Oct. 17.—Firos In the
to aurt yonr fine.
Lamb and Beaver far. at Mia. F. M.
>1M« Block, f
Ashtoa'a millinery atore. Oct. «4.
Diamal Swamp are driving wild aaland «6.
mals out and Uey are deatroyiag stock.
» br,« .p .b. „.b,r «.<. |
Another Lot
||||gE|| Q£|(ER»l BROOKE
Serge Suits.
Reduction Sale
At The Fair,
^ 0n Collarettes.
Jackets and Capes!
Popular Shoe Noose.
nuTCMB onr.
u T. Batw
3. W. BAm.
t. W. BAira. Bdltor
FupBAad U Form a Big Party From
■ata to Toko to UXA Brood BapU*A
'•BotTimkA anggAAtloA hoA bAon mode that
TiawAA City go ab maatA to Orood
Bapida to Uke in tko caratval next
week. It ia propoAAd M form a pony
Af 900 or moTA from thla city Aod
Aronnd tke Adjototog oooBlry and go
down witk A boAd nod lot Oroad Bor
ids kAow thAt there ia en«.k a plneo oa
tke map ea TraeAne <^ty. The Maa
OMAU With ooBalderaklA favor and offorta ore baing mode to aoeare rat«a oa
ooa Af tke railroAda vhlidi wiU imincA
A Urge eroard to toko to tke -hot
Dealer in Bicjfclesi Bicycle Sundries
tUAi nn
My work u w,o*
first vinee
cIam obu
ab<1 priwn
pric«s tbnt
are io reach of oil. I
I make a apecialty is
line of wbeeU for
J C. BLLI8, 311 Front street, eaiL
prepared at‘ aU..........................
timee to take raree of
of the
the trade.
brazing. VaicAnizing and l^oamelini
eliDg. A fise
' The meettog waa ealUd to order by
the rice' preeldent, J. 'T. Beadle, and
the flaoday aeboola In tbe townahlp for
tba lAAt three esoBtha waa given.
An latercating ooBfemsoe la wbU-h
many teak port, waa led by Fmak
UamlltoB. QD -Adalt Claaies " Tbe
of thb work waa nrged asd
\hat it might not be <
I dbenmed aad
* Tmtotm Ov>
A ekoBgo of ume oa tka G. E. A I.
B. B. Atorta tba )1:1S a aa. traia ant at
1 given by
that Uam bet it will go tkrongk
OlAciaBAtl toataod of only to Ohiengo. Prut. CettoB, of BeazoBia Collage, on
Tbe 4:t0 nftamAon triiB Ume boa bean “The Aatkority of Ike Word." He flrat
*^*«aSn^ PINOBU or Wapne.
sbongadto S:0S rataming at 7:30 to- apoke uf -Tha Chrial Lite." He then
oaid that one grew to know tha aaibor>
ataod of 7:99.
ImprAvamantA ie the wny of bard ity of tba Ward by famUairity with it.
One reaean glv'an for It waa iu Inflawood fleartog.
have been added to the factory of tke eaceon CkrUt bimaalf.
Tke president and aeemtary having
■- OBKN*Of ntppcvm.
Potato Implement Go.
rcaigned, Emanoel Wilhelm was aleet. The aaembera of McPhenon Poet, No.
ed president snd Mrs. Boxbnrg secre
18.6. A. B., wilt aaeat at ana o'cloek
tory for the mmeiader of tke year.
"""imiSS A . FEBMCa el rmeoo lalc.
akorp tkla oft«rnoon. at tkalr poat
rooma. U attend tb# fanaro] of their
UU Comrade Lnplow, which will take
place from the Flrat Mathodiat ekarch from a family reeniOB in Clare eonaty.
JBrBeceeicf tbcColTri^lr (laattorm)-.
3. BYBON Jin>KIK8 of Beol.
at 2 o'cloek. The Belief Oorpe wUl aleo
left last evening for bu
ffWMeaber Met* Beerdet Bdiwettea <ebe attead in a body.
nanal trip te Segtoaw and north to Al
OlAAlBg •oaMob toBoadap Bekoal Marf
The laat meeUag af tba Saaday
aabeal Normal tnaUintA wae bold on
BnndAy attamooA at the BapUnt ebnrek
AtoitootodAdtheaemi amai neettog:
eftbe Treverea towaahlp tinaday eekool
The Soetk Side SkAkaapeare Clak
wiU meat tkU Afternoon At 2;»0 o'clock
wltk Mm. i. W. TraeU.
Ikam will bo A ApaciAl maeUmg of
the order of the BaAiern Star Ulaareatog At 7:30 for apoeiAl work and knai-
CAptnto ChATlea Wabk.of tbe ateonur
CrAaoaa^ left yaatarday for CAaaopolia
by Mra. Webb. They will
>• ta IM Sim* lofta
DlelrlMAtteAd while la OnaaopolU n gathering
B. roOTBB ol Oread Tremee. to be oddreaiif by the obief englBeer
of Admiral Sampeon'a flAgekip New
York, wko Uvea at Uat ploee.
Dartog tbe Abaeoce of Oaptaln Webb
**'*Wl!2lA5r aT KBWTOK.
Geo. P. Joknaon, aoa of OAptoln F. 1
JehABon, will comMAd tkeCreaoent.
Tke moektoery for A. Petertyl'a
■lege foetary U coaetantly arriving.
Tbedrilla. pnaekee. rtola. »wa. enginee, boilers, etc. ore being plneed in
:bb a uatbs.
poAltioA. Mr. Petertyl expeett to be
randy to 811 wnUtog orders wlikto tea
BW.lULUKBlI.of Oread Tt*tWm.
ZBeoBrAfing IndnstriAl OOBditlra.
LMt woek'e Dan'* lUrlew gloet Ike
iBUowlog'eDeoarArlDg AnBoaocesent
••It hA» Beror been pos»lble to uke
• BOre MtUteciorr querteriy report of
^BlTarM dorinr the Ire year* irbick Are
BOrered b; (he retarna
Ij by tbU paper ttiAD cab be zoAde for
poat qBATter. While a lew hoArj
MlnrcA awell the Aggregate for the
iMt qaArter.thoae In real eatale brokeror epecBlAtloD olooe conotiag for
•ore thAD II percABt-of the AggregeU
•rltb ea mock
•( aU reflecting the genenl aute of
BBAUAAd. the AggregAU wee BererthatoM Amoiler than in any other month
BOTATAd by onr retama from mABj
. Bnaebea of biuli
IB# fBlfnrAA IB Beptember or iB Angoat
AWA Ue ABIAlleAt iB ABy mODlb, ABd
•lAO in iBABy AtbAr talloreA for tke
^AArtor WArA tke amAUeat in any qaar-
the beaiaeu pauing Into thebaidsof
George Gane. Mr. Gane will caaducl
at tbe same stand, hie son
WUliam having cbarga.
Mr. TburteU retiree from tba baaieaa to engngs actively with the Northera Telephone. Co., which la about te
establiah an exehange io this city.
Bvrrvbody who Ukee Thk Mormkg
Rxomn ean I are the Gmnd Bapida
Herald delivered te them also for an
additional four rente per week, mak
ing only 14 cent* par week for
but paper In eoribem Michigan
tbe be*> metrepoKlan paper in
state. Telepkope23.
*507 'BUitkeW.
Uc ^ardij
SemVese Skeetuv^, \0-^ xnAt.
TAW C«seb, Uf W. kmsU\W«4.
cWtT WWfe>*ckcai.f.
The Morning Record
and Grand Rapids Herald for 14c Week.
Haoiiali & Lay Go’s.
Pfomsular-stove. all furnish-lj
I .
with 32 pieces.
Beportod.Death of Wiiiton Fsirie. | We are giving a Special]
Mayor Smith receivd itat eight a Sale On Iron Beds ihis week.'
Bucklon-a Arnica Salve.
Tux Best 8olvb in tbe world for
C"t*. Braises. Sores, Ulcem, Salt
Fever Sores, Tettetr, “
.... 69c]
H Coslv>^^«rrpoaTcont^oT\«T.
tdegmm from 'ibnukawk, Wis.,
nouDcing tha death of Wmiarn Peddy*.
and oslring what dbp altion aboeld be
made of tbe body. Inquiry led to tbe
belief that the deceased waa WlllUm
Pettys, a young man abont 23 who «olisteo with the Hannah Biflea. but who
was rej-:eted at Island Lake. Pettys
stated to a friend here acme weeks ago
that be was going to Bmplm and from
there to WiseoDiin. Mayor Smith tel
egraphed to relativu of Pettys at
Grant. Newago county, aod was noUflto that armogemeota would be mads
to bring the remains home If the dead
man proved to be William Pettys,
which is likely as tbe name first rep rt-ted was prubsbly dne to an error in
e \s taa fUTWhse.
| Bronchitis and all tbroat and InngafpneiUvaly cumd by Dr.
Jeho T. Snnahall is in Lndlngten oa |
Ring^a New Diocoverv for fJonaomp-1
Uon. Trial b '
J M. OUlatt ia on a Inmbar inapect- Btores of S. E
lag trip to Waslord and vicinity.
Attorneya B. S. Pmtt, J. W. Patehin,
W. B. Faster aod J. J. Tweddls am in
Latlm dent bay
Leland attendingCircoll ooart.
a cioAk or cape or eellamtte nnUI
Meedamos 8. C. Deapree and L Boole
yon see tbe gmnd dtaalay at Mrs.
Grand Bapida Satorday
F M. Asbton'a
mlllineryparlom Mob
Taesday and Wednandav. Oct.
avening. They attended a meeting of
24. 29, and f
494 3t
tbe Gmnd Chapter of the order of tke
Friday or Saturdaif,
samt. Orve
Mrs. Michael Zeron died at her heme
Slfi East Eighth street, at 9 o'cloek last
evening of conRcmptloa. She lee'
hnsband and five children to monm her
loss. Deceased was aboatST yearn ef
age. There will be a short fnneml aerTice at tha melrience at « a. m. today,
at which Bev. W K. Wright will oB'
elate- 7%# remains will be taken to
pena. Mackinaw and other p^ia.
U. Z. Ward of Grand Bnpids.la in the Central Lake for bnrial
city today. Mr. Ward rc^naenu tke
Beau the Sic
Michigan Moiaal Lift Insnmnee Cumpanyof Detroit end is bam to ssiUe
the death claim of tke late John Grei- oovery than hsa yet been mad# in Ike
Klondike. For yeom be soff ted nnlick.
„ my frqm coDRomplit
coDBomplian. acc'-m
After experiencing a fntigniog earnpanied by hemorrhage*: and waeabeo_______ _
peiga ia the terviee of Uncle Sam in lately cored by Dr. Ring's New
Cnba tke past summer. JaUns JebnmNi ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds.
of Compaey M. kae mtnraed to bU old Be declares that gold is of lUUe mine
litioa to the employ of the Board-
|Are You
Going To Get
grtonda baturday evening, *t her home I
bv H. E Wail
East Eighth street, which lasted. G H farb'ion in dreu may be r«vl
UtU late io tbe evening. Tba young! but no old fashioned medicine can ._
tody was bopored with mlnabie gifu, 1
Colic Cbolem and
takens of esteem from ner mends. Ate-1
toAekmanU formed a part of a deligbtfaiaoeial pmgmi
wUI be ouDtipued at toe New York
BiO'e, M< idav. Tuesday and We<
;t 17ib, IX'b ai
nr patrons
oonld not get
I on. an <
innlty to bny
good* at aala prldaa.
ATb oantiM
Mrs. Kelley, to ekArgeofone of the Baatem Star.
Aaylam CoUAfee. la aerionaly aick.
Mra. D F. Hoxie and children, oft
Northport, were viaiwrs in tbe city
Another excBnion will be rni
Detroit by the M. A. N. E next Thare- ycaterday.
Mm J B Henderaon and dsmgbter.
day by wny of Copemiak end Dumnd.
Isabel, of Cadillac, v sited with Mr.
Flva dollnra for ika lonnd trip.
Theateamar Cbnrlavoix brought in Henderson st Park Place over Sundsy.
Jay Masenicb is in the city from Cad
38 band of flna beat cattle for Fmak
i B|
' !_ J «
Brcecb A Soil* dnodny momlBg from illac for a visit wltk bis molber.
Miu Ediyh Orr. of Gmnd Ksp-^ls.; Nia ffl P [1 f
North MAoltonlalABd.
wbofaasbMB vUiting MiuUttMcCoy.
•turned home today.
If so, hare the knot tied in i J
Judge Corbett opened Circuit coert
W. Thurtell Be'iree From ibr Firm in Lialand for Lealsnau cuunty yceter- onr nice show window next)a
day morn log.
to Go la to tkaTelepbcBe Buoln*
Attorney M. K. aod Mra. Oates, eio
Tba firm of Thnrtell A Gane. lim
ited. proprietors of the Palace Bskary, Union street, returned last night on and pet free of charge a nice IS
bas bees ditoolved by mutual eosseat, then o'clock C. A W. M. tminfrom r»
XVBTBBIBO our OF 00. it
IB rafaUng the
ofABBBbArof Bewapapera wbleb ora
BtiU trying to InflaencA the fall aIac- The HABBAh Biflea WiU be Beliared
From Db^ ob WoTember 6.
UoBA by A tirade of nbaae AgaiBAt PreaIdABt McEinley. the WnabingtoB Ppal.
Oapuio MclBtoab of Company If bna
MAOftbe leading iodepeadent newa-: roeeired from Oaptaln Irrine. tke anaIMpert In the United Stetea. remarks
r of Michigan, abtlea
In Its laeae of OcU lOtb: "Aa to the on- that Company M will be mustered
on November 9. He hat also been no_ Anet of tbe war. we beg to mfer
omry to tbe recent atetemente ! rifled by Colonel Patermann that tke
: Wftwo distiDgnisbed Southern Dei
will be mustered out at their
orala, one an ndvooate. tbe other an home station.
Opponent, of free eoinage, Gen. Lee
Bonlo Ho-ored.
Md.Oen. Wheeler. And that ia all we
Mm. L. Soule of this city.was elected
Aare to say right hem on that bmneh
Worthy Grand Warden of the Gmnd
Af tbe nutter in band."
Chapter of tha order of the EMtern
Tu city aldermen are proflUng by
Star, of the Steteof Mlchigan.at Grand
«ho experience of tke board of SuperBapida, last week.
rieeri They provide for a committee
to take Btepa io the water works nutMm. A. B. Brown is attending a
tar, bnt every step ln*tbe progreu of
meeting of tlie Grand Lodge of tbe
tbe oommittee muat be reported to the
Bebekaba. at LaDalag. this week.
Amneil. ilad the board of supervisors
bad tbe legal advice they were entitled
Bow to Prevent Oronp.
to (aod for which they pay) at tbe ontWe have two children who i
oat to the county court house project, a
icksoferbup- ^
imlngoW my wife
Ife gives them
large amount of money would have
„ Remedy
and it
been saved
county and the present j ^“t*nmve.
tke attack. It U a
•neavory controversy would have been ■ L-jusehold ueccesity in this countryraod
I DO matter what else we rnn out of.
mid nut do U> be witbont Cbamb
CbamberXiM Word Burprieed.
! Iain's Cough Eemedy. M> • of it
Miu Hnlda Nord was pleasantly snr-! sold here than of alt other
If ongb Budlsrtaed by a party of about flifiy of her i cinee^comWoed.-J M. Nk
Oytatog nla vrieti
'tdasV '¥.006.1
Tke Death Baenrd.
Frederick Leplow, aged 94. died
his home on •liarflald avenae Saaday
evening. MePhemon Poet. O A. B.
and Woman's Belief Carp* will attend
Ike fnneml services at tbe Fimt M B.
chnrek this afternoon at 9 u'clock and
aeeompany the remains to tbe cam»tery.
rou All KNOW
It Stands the Test of Time.
Large line and low prices.
J. W. SLATER, House PuTDisbcr. J
ITe-wr a-b03?e.
^ We are still talkhe to yoo
^ abom our/~T».
I Bargains in Furiure!
This time it is Parlor goods. We offer a fine upholsterSr ed Parlor Suite worth $30.00 for only $22.00. Nothing Uke
it to be had anywhere else.
We have some beautiful three piece Mahogany suites, in
Emisg School
Of BuHinma
liege will open at the
The latest designs of upholstering, and at prices very low
Omnge ball
londav e'renlng. OH.
Those desiring to take
Bp'lling, arithmetic, penmanship, y— considering the goods.
book-keeping, sbortbaod; or any of
toe common branebea 'will be ac ^
We have about 60 upholstered, odd Chairs and Eockers
^ on sale at greatl'- re'tuced prices.
Ladies.dean yonr kid gloves with
Miller Olorelire. It ia not a liquid,
make a selection and we wiU set it away
leaves DO odor and can be nsed while
0.V aS? ^
for It i° c^so you don't want it at ones
iTo trouble at ril to us. We want to help you to get the best
thing for *he money.
The p’ace—
Krupijons,and positively euree PUee,
orn.. par required. It ia gnaranteed
Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
Shop opposite Eagle office.
*MJ( ltufttrl«0 UOOBD.TUXSDAT.OOTOBaS 18,1898.
J-inriE imrs snips. {
eB6mnifo floeiAi smr.
pIoadaiM the Jawiah qaartar. himar
10 paraoM aad woaadlBf saay othata.
Tba awraiaaBt to mii to be apreadlag.
Troopa ban baaa. dtopaUhed to tba
Sariooa <
(roB Moroeoo. Praaeb aftata are aaaDectad of iaeiUar tba robelilaa.
A band of de^radoea aaBbarlny
-.000 with t.ooo dtobaadad Maacbn aoldiatatt
B of tba raid alaaa
north of Kirin. China, and are bladar.
Plraaant Ebuaewvaainr ' at L. B.
Wbaaler’a “Snaaet I«dga*’
Omena. Mkb. Oct- IS.—Tba crown1 nr.
aoetol arant of the aaaaon waa tba I
hanaawarBinr at tbe naw faame of Mr. I
and Mra. Laonard U. Wbaalar, at'
On the ptetnraaqne blnff orerlooklnr . a
tbe villare and harbor, atarda "Snnaei »
Lonre.'* ebriatanad aa aock by Mtoa^a
Bdna Graham.in tbe preaanee of alarrn’•
•mblareof frienda and neirbbon, j A
laatTneaday ereninr!9
Mr. and Mn. Wbealer rrere realdanU $
of OBena essay years ayo. BBslaeasintoraaucalled Hr Wheeler from hereto
Beloit. WK Since than be baa, with Mn.
Wbaalar, jonrnayed to alBoat all pam
af tbs world, and the fact is noted with
yreat eaUafaation that they,in all their
toareU, have found notblny Bore attractire than thto little nook intbe for
est land of tbe Great Lakes.
Tkey bare come to remain, and Mn.
Wheeler pointed onl a alynifloance in
tba BSBe cboaan for this home, that
here they would spend tba aanset of
tbeir lives, and we all trust that thto
tors may inclade many, many happy j •
terrestrial annaeto.
[OoBtlaaed from para oae.]
the eoaneU did aot want to fo oa
record at thto Use ia a aafotlattna for
aay aort of iratar worka, aad Uia
idea waa aopportad by tba opinion at
Oa 8atariay Mn. 8m«1i Bwd :«daCity Attorney OilbertWmtad the alxtj-Bintk MBivanary «f
bar iwaideDce at NUea. •
Howerer. the conacll by tba abora
raaolattoD baa prarldad for aapaeial
FarBci* in the BorUaaatara part of
coBBlltaa aad Mayor Smith wlU apBerriaa aad Caaa coaaliea are botharad
polat the Bam ben at oi
by woWaa, thoarh H wai Iboaybiall
Preriona to the above action a peti
of tbr« had baas axtarmlaated. Tba
tion fiym the Mieblran Telephone Co.
uprlainr bat oeeurrad in Hainan, to erect polct in tbe aileya
ot leap, pira and poultry barn ‘
daronrad. One farmer loat n;Cbi*». **>d tba Ameriaan oonanl baa Fifth and Sixth atraeU and Tenth and
V> protect the American I Blerrntb atreeta. to connect frith tba
dbaap ia one nirbt.
reaidcncaaof Father Banarand Will,
At Detroit, Willie Tmdell. at*d C.
Flooda in Japan have done gnU lam Lore, rraarmntad
wbUa playinr aronnd the cart traa mn
Oa petition of A. J Patertyl a cron
oaar by a Grand Tmak paaaaarer tiala laanre to cropa and many Urea bare
man loab Alebl prnfaetura, wbieb toalk wan ordered abihe oernar of Stole
and kOlad.
aaenu to bare aoScrad moau lost S» and Union on ika latter street.
B S. Daria of Dartobnrr kna one of
Ua petition of i:aton street raaidanU
bonaee rraabad array, l.SUO orerthrorro,
tba Boat noted barda of Gallotray eat tie
i:o partly rrracked. 418 Irjared and | tie
of» new aewer eonnaeUon
aad fiamboailetu aheap in tbe aUU.
Ha h— .A..A.,ti. vi,i.in.n .nm. .h—«
Sereo Urea Wen losl. ;« *•>* corner of tierenth and Union
_ “• 'oeonMy abippao aom
b p to ,
hundred acres of land wire ! atraata was referred to the committee
Baropa. At tbe fain this fall be
!oa aewer-- - 1.., ..-.rfer to acL
•ear Ifteaa first prizes, twelve seconds
Dr. Darwin MctlwrnU and Mn. Me !
Telepboie' Co. sent in
Md fire thirda
stance of the ordinance recent
Parbapa fbe oldest of all tfaoae who llwralh, tbe Chicago btcylUto who re- '** **
canUy complctod a tour of tba world.;
attended \ba noreilinf of tbe Blair
ooreriny SO.OOO mllea, left Londtw for !
*® ®‘*
Btataa at Lanainy last week waa Zadok hoBaonSatarday. It to .aid that tba I The coBmiltae on atreeta and walk,
Waakbarn, of Leslie. Tbe old yeatlaeoat of their anUn trip wa.f30.ooo. and ,
impro.a-ent of
■naa taaaieen n'oCyalz yeanoome aad
It to ctoimed that they rode tbronyb-'
Waahinyton .treat to attAsmant flbows a Subatantial Profit'
go, but ha anj >yad bimialf on this oc
stit tbaeonaty
•ont in the i
which they bad tbe river be d*'------ »—-----------casion aa wall aa anyona there.
of Hearty $8,000.
when they left Chicago, and flaally, it ‘
& S. Bam of Laneiny waa amated
.tobareaored from tbe iapreradstract.
Grand Bapidi. Mich, Oct-17—Over
; Aldemah Goodrich favored tbe recsB- ts.oou abend ia tha raeard of which the
eonntarfait money. Be to also a«id to
^ remark that it diractora of tbe sUU fair are qatU
A Havana .lu—..V
disyat^ nayn Umt
inot the county needed a little prond. Aatttlemeat waa made by the
bare mlaad f l blUa to sie.
leaden bare’ a diflctoUto ragnrding
rB»m«..daUa. bualneea eommlUee Saturdays, and
AwoQld-b< maaberat Sayiaaw yot tbs rnllng of
>f the tolapd.
Freaidant i
whan all expenses were paid there waa
•neb ajabbinjr fnmahat plain tbe Maaao aldta with tba 4LB
The coBBittae OB atreeta and walks a balance to tbe good of $2,589 32.
hnada of an infariatad yirl that be wiU
itt the army diabandad. General
raooBBtnded the rcBoval of the stand Other receipts from the apemi depart
be ratraaely careful for aoBa Uba
Oomez. on the other hsad. wanto abaopipe in front of ths resldenee of D. K. Bent are expretad. whiek willmtoa the
Em. Dr. Jaaaaa of OkaBoa fell ayninat Into lodependanea and
; Wynkoop on Wnahington street to the total to about $3,000.
• rad hot at<toa and racained aeriona lead an nrmad rnvott mthar than dtoaonth-e It comer of Railroad aveaoa
The diebnrafmaala amount to $418.arm hi. men, while Americaa andl^^^
loo.OT. With the excaptian of the naTbe aaaior class at tbe Michiyaa HU- Spantoh Bildlen n«ain In Caba.
tTplad «d
paid premiums of tiwt. tba saelaty to
: lUty Aeadcmy nnsban twenty.
At Tacoma. Waabingtoa, an expraaa. The board of building inapecton ra- oat of debt and tbe aamben of tba
During the year aadiny O.-lobar 1 it oompany baa completed arrangeBenU j ^ud that the planaI of lthe new Tonboard of directors fee) mnah ancauragcoat-tha county of Oanaaea ona-Unth for malnUInlng n eeml-ownUly dog aelltr block
with tba rcqulrai
ad over tba proapeet.
. aa Boeb for sparrow bonntlea aa it did trein mail and expraaa aarviee to Daw- and rec)
that a parBit be
for the anpport of the deaenaent poor MB over tbe ke. commaBciDg Nav. 1.
On Account of n Balky Boras.
granted to erect tbe bnllding.
of the eonn^.
Tbe comaittaa 00 etreeta and walka
A telephone Una between Tacoma
Yeaurday tbe Traverae City Hah Co.
Bobs of the laryaat eabbayaa grows and San Fraaetoco, wi^ brunch llnea reeoBBaadad tbe paysenhwf tbe fol- had 4000 pounds of white fish to sand
ware ablopad from Three Oaks last to Brittob Colombia And Mazioo. to lowiag clalBS. being tbe city's abare of to Oiieago na American Bxprcea Tbe
week. Fonr eabbsyea weighed
jntt completed. Baking tbe longest tbe expense of new eement walki: Jnl- fish were ooauined in 16 barrvls. four
oaa hundred pounds and tbs larytat Ulepbone Unt in tbe UnttilkStntaa
Ina Steinberg, $I7«1:W J. Biggin*, of which were aafely delivered ia good
one waa nearly five feet in cirenmfertime at tbe depot. The Ideal ageat
BTbrea hnndred ot tbe marinee of $■.31: Bamny Aade<-MD. $85 44: D.
hired an extra Seam to take tbe ether
HnnUogtoo'a mrn from Norfolk, Va.. Wyneoop, $h 33. Tbe report was
WllllsB Jones, who Urea i
eented and tbe claiBs oHered paid.
1* barrels to tbe depot, but by raaaon
WiU be Bni to go to Manila.
Twining, aged »S years, while hnnUoy
The ataieBcnt of tbe board of public of a balky bor^e the load arrived two
■naday afternoon in the woods, aeelworks eallnd for an expandltura of Binut*a late aad the condactor rafnaed
Aantly shot kimMlf by drapploy bla
to wall for the load;
tha fish had to
*yaa. the conteoU passing into h to aide.
Alderman Goodrich called tbe atten be kept here over night. This U the
A Diaeaea Vhicb ia AnnihilaUBg ValBe will probably die.
tion .-f tba cooneit to a atone culvert largest abioment ever made from hi
oabto Orchards Throughout
They raise potatoes in Comatock
towaabip, KalaBat-so Co., -aa are pota
which he asked the eonnell to inspect. 1 u bat ib. Bant* and l.«aatiic
Tbe vast peach orefaarda of soutbtoes. ” Winlhrop Ford dng forty-five
Aldaraan Montague bad akmd, look- i
waslero Michigan aie being destroyed
wbieb filled a bushel basket to over
editover and was pleased with iL i „.
. ■
. ..
by n new tree disease which to fourfold
no action.
I MlCWgaO ACCllleDt ASSOGiatlOD.
more damaging than tbe dreaded yel
Alderman DMmoed called atuntion [
----- ^-----The public acfaoola nt Cryattl Falla
lows. It was first nuiicrd near haugabare been closed on account of diobto the fact that the Sjuih Umon atreai [.rnTn* Pi
tnek two years ago. and owing to Ua bridge bad ao abnormal swing to ill Wr.ibr ■■■,d'naetu-<i.ber*bv prnifj’umi taai
tberta in tbe city.
pecollar effeit. which is a atnaning of when heavy load, passed over it. tin
The Ropes gold Bine, near labpam. the fruit when atxiut thr size gf
m .tiou toe c-imtuit(«e op b-idgea waa
I Ibttan 0l Inftmt Wnm
Pam or.KleUcaa.
llwnvr ifMVMVcivnvriir »r larm «TK
Am Adwflrtifled,
o«r liae of Plngree
For womeo.
Our complete Fall and Winter Line^is in. J
Call and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Shoeman.
118 Front street.
Wurzburg Block ^
Consultation and Eiamlnatjon Free and Strictly Confidential.'
DRS. H. S.& CO.
iDcrican Medical and Snrgical Institnte of HasAegonj Midi.
■Wla.i'biOQ.g, Tara.-^er-se Olbjr,
Saturday and Sunday, Oct 22 and 23, 1898.
Office Hours from 9 a u to 4 p. m.
III r.rrz out lo ISsIsiirr aiiir oMori
pronpecu than for aome years
| name of • lilGt- peaches.”
.tlirym*) lorur Wr won'4 furllirraav
commissi iner.
f-nmanalvr knna- i.r lb. nrlbo-l.ai.J
At Bay City, two men are laid up aa | has bean iu ravages, arnuuntlog in aev.
Alderman M mugue in behalf of!
a rvanlt of aiippary walkicansed by tba | eral inalaneat to tbe utter aonibilation
over l.MKI bicycle ridm. calird alien-l-waesxr* and mndonrU
BtlnaouB rain. George fiiaor, tailor, of large oridiarda, that tbe groweta
lion to tbe atonaa and blocks of wood ^
fait and broke bit left arm. and fiila*
petitioned the agricuUurai bnraan and kindred obstrueiioas which are
Bwaany, aged eg.fall and broke hU bip.
allowed to remain in tbe streeu. He
Mr. Staor ia need to broken limbi, hav pomologiai to iaveetigala it.
It rint Nstlooal B.
argued that tbe bicycllau were enE.t . D.iT.i
ing bad kis right arm and right leg
In reap <ose to t'lia petition. Prof
V T Biskza
titlrd to aa much consideration as the
broken on former oecaaiooa when he Irwin Snmb. putb->l<«iat of tbe pomoman who dwna a horaa and carriage
logieal departoiraiof the agrieuUnral aad for whom tbe streets are conataot■hwimsw.r. Kalaasfoo.
A. M Brtssv.
Tbe Kgat Bnceenaful and flei
C. O. Ayarn, of tha E>atrolt Talbnne ou'eau. arrived at Sangatuok aooni ly bring fixed np. In this connection
Mayor «> K:
ALSexr W. a-1
eompoaing room la Mmawbat of a auy- ton days ago for the parppae of investi be referrad to the fact ,lbat Street
gating ^tbe new
A.V Sum.
er on tba wheel. Ha bad aome b
_ duea.e and
iCatumistioner K«11y spent too macb
Ki-rt‘'<rr nl DreSa KalaBasneCo.
irral all I
to attend to in Ooaba recently, ac be
Cb4> vatsi> -»i
“' I” U., 1. d.,l« .....I i.bor.Ub,,,Tall.ir anO (iCDt
a Pniiilablag.
bitched up bia bike and on fiepL je. | «*fuuk and Ganges e >in >U>glcal aouiety
tllBg Ataeasei aad deof a proper iospretioB of tbe
------------------in Huretrai DIaraara, Apnie and Cbrsalo
slarud for tbe ExpnalUon city, be I
*****d tfaaihe bad been naable to BtreaU and tbe conetaot needs
Thnwi and Lunra. t> app|*'a. Brirbl'a ' laraae. DlaTatar B. Dlar-aar. ot thr Ejr, gar,
brtea Kltarj. Llvrr. XlaSAer.Caraveraged under leo milea a day. and i
<»“v or character of tbe many places wfakb are being ntglecled.
F aala uul Ftpiual Dta-aapa apaeuUy rami by Irrainaei ithat bra u-’rr
rr lallrd IB
Is th-B*au,la
thof • aara itaal Ba bees pnioaiiBred bp}nBi) boyc.
finaUy got there. Ttaea bia bnalnem disease He also stated that be bi- BsaUU-dtliat in front of tbe MrrranM^^ltropir
i .Ira'h PV-ry >rar ab - tsiybl bare bt>pu raslorM U> perircl aeaJtb bad Ibrg
ibHr raara Is tba ham- oT r»|>rrta.
iranaacted. be began to pedal back to licved It to be highly oontagi- ut. which tile Co 'a stora they were 7ompe:led to
afirr yrara of acpPi-IrBer. ha*
Detroit He rolled down Woodward waa already well known to tbe growan emoloy a men to keep the gutUrv Live A^ntfl Wanted in T7n>
tbr ar*. Fpaialp dlarwara ooalt
• bt hoar If
avease las-. Friday nunc the woraefjr hare, and reuom nei.ded that tbedlseas- e'ean, a work wbieb ihonid be looked
baralraa and peaiiy aifbrd. OoBBulUtlOB Free and BtiloUy 0occupied Tetritory.
ad trace be prom jtiy cot down and deTbe distance from iJatroil
DA OrrXAN ooe^tra auppraarull,* and ^SRAFMZS^I Ptirr W par erni of all eaaaa.
after by the street comniiasignsr. lie oiw
I«10|rar1y for anutat ryra, pirrxeluw. Irldar
Omaba ia roughly computed at i.soo
a* a»on aa diandverad. aleo revirxl tr» f irmer sngge^lon tbat
lomj. lurclHeTij ..r uui .if rjr la bra of lUla.
DKCHASGIXG EAKSPurrd In ppery caae.
milea Mr. Ayers ia amUiiiuus and may
the trea raenipraacribed by law some of t^e man wbo ara being aided
cloaiiTT of iSr durt aixJ all i
rATARKU Of TliP h'OXF.. broopbil'a an«
las,; l(UuMrs..t-aua.d tram ralarrh. posUUslj'
by tbe city should be ntilized to keep
res-mb ea tbe j-*:llowa and by many is
icooridered a ne V form of that diavaae:
ibuTitspraadsmocb mire rapiily and
IS tba tree to din nt tba end of tbe
Bfoond year; while with tbe yallovs
Tber Omaha ezpoalUon has n cub the trees will live from thrM to flee
er^U of over $300,(100.
At Saagatuck alone abont 4.000 tiwra
Bnaineaa ia alill at a eUnd atill in
Caha,aaa11are waiting a settlement have been dealroreu this ncason. and
of poliUnal affairs. Sugar and tobacco nnlMS a reme<ly is sojn foond
I farmers of BOBtbw(-strrn Michigan will
crops are atill nnsown.
Tbe seal akin entoh ia reported aa go ontof tbe peai-b bufineaa.
«M*na Hr B Hoten of
■such beltbrthan last year aad aeala
•re plentifnl, eapoelally north of the
First T«aperanee Oonenrt.
At the ‘tcmperarca ctmoert in the
It U predicted that General Oomez |
by tbe Kunday acbool .there
will be tbe first president of Cuba.
doelnrrd that if na much energy was
expended on tbe city btrerts m ia put
npontbe a-(jtoeot forest roa>i» by the
city, It wnu'd be better for tbr i-ity.
AldermaD .Dr< m-ind deplored tbe fact
that on Sundays laUl t too many drank-
Steinberg’s Grand
; for
DlfiORDZaS yield rapid'y to bU akllUtU
directed bn nee that tbe atreeta were
■kept clear of intoziented per
tbe Sabbath.
Ohitego Oai
Aerom Two
au Fignr ng ob a Out
Oonntira to
n«Ue, Batnrriay.
I dent Horn spoke a few words in the in-1 Chicago eapiUllato relative to tbe atepa
Pr«MD* raporu concerning the loaa I tereal of tbe Anll-tialoon League,
7 to be taken tor tbe organot the steamer Muhecan wroclcA fiat- finnday
Sonday acnoola
acnoola ot
of tbe
the city
city have
hav< been ' ieition of a company to conaWnot a
nrday night give 50 persons as saved, Invitett to give like enteruinmeou for' canal from Bay de Nocqoet to Lake
U budlea recovered and' 7.'. mlssiug.
tbe aaar pnrpoae dnnng the following . Soperior, aerose Alger and debooleraft
awful pffrei’ul peril rk-p and vhr i«-
Opera House.
lTP»ir -•
PILS8.F18TVLA AMD &B0TAX. VL0BB8 ruar»nip-<l puppd wlibom pals or dw
tPDiluii In.iii busi- PS*.
Oop wepk ipipppl Wedopsds;
Moedaj, OcL 17.
fl'RE fop all opyanlp wsabsraoae
«l RfU'i
raytsc t
,Dd and U>dy wlU thclr
p. IbPaa wboae soUDR OI'
lary taUt tano •tpsa t r» rninad latb mlaW
usSltlBS Ib I ter aiady. aeclsv
POsmVZLT OTTABD PmaJv WpskBPS* aad all dp’lpaie Cisordar* pM-alisr to
elibprse*. poaltlircly cunsl, aa wpII a* fUDPXARRILIl ____ lloiial dlsorilPntUiai rt->u1t froo) yunlbful fol- bapp> llfplansrsotpl
lis* OP Ibp PIPPW* of salore yrara
.SPEriALTIV.-: Catarrb. SsiD DWi
TO ri'RE BPraw*
Son-*. P.mplp*. Ib-mtuta. Blo-d Taln'a.Epi
blPiy. rartpopplp. att
Oanew. PilP* and DUnaaM of Wows
sod all Mdsay aod b
treslaiPSt sa purvupd by iaaalloi
AmeriPsasd loropp.
< but p.
abould asad»r
tr>’i t u. t oudpp. of urme
aiaaloallos a
fpiTPdi. wbirb sill ppppIpp a <-......... - -.
a. wto kaew
►I h^b>
ruIbP,! iQbsal
aarHUPuaoaiyatsw.UbPVlPPO P-rsao.pul
IrlfUax wlUitbPOi moD h afu-r mooib. yl'lax
frt Gi tRsxm
“‘’alilTn *”a
ISOqupMioos fppo.
Addrras, with peatarr.
Larger Store..Double Stock-
Elegant New Linessa
AgoneiHo, special rnvry of Hie i'hil- two week*, and tbe scc'Tnd H. E. fine-] coantiee.
tppine insurgent government, 4«aebed Aay aebool.Sproce street, haa responded
n would connect Lakes Mlehlgnn
Lot* of specialties by entire (»(0|BBy
and will give on$ next Sundsyevening. and Bnperior. The canal would be nt ench performance.
Do not Bias beu4ng the floe bund and
isttbe Kaiser
- ----------------------------thirty-five milea long aad would aave orchestra.
hhonriydlncoveredtohe more Impor-, T«rteea C»nU AWaik] about ooo miles of travel between MarW.Jcbl<.rlh.p«.d,.
I„„«i«Jdi.pla5 FiDe W.trhe,. Fin. Mo.
tut. DoenmvnU founddisduaea well
Everrbady who takes Tub Mokxiso quelle and Cblcaco.
Rrciud can have tbe Grand Rapids
---------striogred Honicsl In.trnmenta Striiii;. for all
aatnrwl plot to kill King BnmberU
Herald delivered
:rrd to/tbam
' '
also for i
Fun I FUU! Fnn T: land China Ware. EvwytkiDK new.
Mo regiment is to be sent south un
ar cMia par week, ma:
at tbe New York Store wHl. find the
ing only 14 centaper
wta'^ week
weak tor G
til tbe yellow fever la nntireiy eradiTake • louk tbrougb our elegnnt new qaartera.
stock mora complete than on tempobeaf^prr in northern MFcn
:fi7gan a
rwpr nfieninv. We thank onr friends
I mpimp-11-sD paper
aer in 1
for tbeir liberal patronage. 454-tt
ABlI-Semltle riots coenrred in An | state.
Jewelry, Silyerwarel
inatrameida. Havi
TEB KOBimrOKBOOBr TUB8OAY.O0T381S Ift. 18 88.
AmnMBMt VntM.
r%» elcqaent OaImoI O^eUnd will
appear In 8telntorr’« •^r%»d Wedneoday eveniny. tbe firat attneUan In tbe
aiffb eebeol leetora eoaroe. Colonel
Cepelaad will be remembered by TrmT.
one City oa belny one of ibe flncet eratore who aeer imeed a Inoal platferm
and he will be yiven a warm welcome
No leae an anibority than the Detroit
Free Pr«a any* tkU of him:
"For an boar and a half Iheeloquent
leetnrer bald tbe atuntton bf tbe e
e bat ool
wajAk 1 o'?'3ck in tbe Afternooti tb«
OTT mm Ow%mimm That WTrr. Sh*«lA j daoRhU.r. %bo b*d looked After my
^Oeainbeie !• oa» w«y «r Aaetber | wA&ti At the table, ioformed me that if
te the Pa.d. of (he Paaiir.
I bad no objeoUou ibe woald -ride a
SSfSiKS."*""';::;:::; ®‘“
0oona-rrotbM> Bed Bpnn^ .
When W. 8. J
Ohio leet week be bronffht nmonr
other intereetlnf oonrenlre, a bed
apreod with a tbiek eoeerlnpoffoooe
tenkbera. wbieb were eewed on one by
one by bU ayed gTnnJmotber. who
apcnt three yearn at tbe work.
Free FUU.
free aample
. box of Dr. King'aNew Life »Ila. A
I trial will ooDTince you of tbeir merita..
j^|Th<iu: TtillHAi-r eai.y in action and are
” I ponlcnfarly rffeetire in the cn
j B.,tt*rper ibDiirt!!!;".;!;!!'
olae bat i
j. Ui'm eftber ibinkin, tOwaH tbe Onmlwrland rlrer. whicbili™ *«dlence. HU power in
^ ConatipatioD and Nick ileadacfae.
weconldaee lying like a ailrer tbreod from tbe ladierooa te the enblime ia [ CrAmery BeUer.lb..
Mrr. Mugnogin. ' Mid tbe neighbor.
■ be green Talley far below no.
{woaderfu]. For aim.............................. ......
been proved invalnable. They ore
"Anworae than nooeiuae aomeaT tbe
guaranteed to be perfectly free from __
“I preantue.’'I Mid, twwiDg with adi the time bia
toime, Mrt- MeGlaggerty," tbe widow
ery deleterioos safaetaace and to be ms'mMa
laoghur. and during tbe ether <
•eplied. "It'a hor-r-d to tell wan day
irely vegetable. They do not weaken [aMOsam
fwbat tlioy'll have in tbe nan. Fnrhln wonld pcnuit, '*tbet U any of yoar tbtrd they lUuned in broatblem ettenee j .Salt per bbl..........
2 bytheiraction.butbyglTingtoBetotbe twswn ss las h*rmi prtc or ssj ■assil» m
^ w ''dinB Mptthcr my to Ua appeals."
it ain't war, it’s aoosyoide, an J.O.O
fwhin .L.
] Brio «er 100...
JX stomach and bowels greaUy inTigorate
-f-------- ...■
wonld ecarMly be mfe from tbeir
ain't aoarycide it'a Taunamy Hall
Hall, an
4 00
There are still abont 12-S good seaU ;
it ain’t.......
Taunt imy Hall it’i tbe jenloni rage.
I “Oh. Irec
reckon 'tnin't so tad's that, left and good cheice in ein.Tle admU-|«?Tino nATnaorntATl cemr OBAi^
im Ink, begorrab. Mra McOlaggerty,
“I'm anre they ore not ao indifferent
renrtwB Otnte A Weak.
an ao it goea an fraiii dayto day. wan
Brerybedy wbo take Tbe Mobxipo
day ttaia an wan day that, an tbe ooxt os yon would h-ad me to think Pretty
Eecom) can have the Crand Rapida ,
dayaometbin elae, ontil they don't lalTe girla ore not so plenty in tbe moon-•iby a large i
Herald delivered to them also for an >:
^Jorand Uet eTeniog.
OTir aiTin rinset a leg to abtand npoo, Uins." r smiled, and abeblostied.
•k. mak- [
additional four centa per
-Well. 1 B'posotf Jimwos bere,-, MTsterr”
Mnt.-bIoGlaggerty. Sore an do ye know
IngoBly 14 csinuper week for tbe
be rich n “^"*7
fwbat me dangbtor Toocy wax readiu to sbe beaimted. "it mightn’t
beet paper in northern Michigan and rur;.'o nr.s m
Jin’. mi.btr b.9 i -pUkl.
Potntoee. per bn___
me laaht noigbt* Ui'll bowld ye tin picnic n.1 it Inoka ter Jim’s mighty bad ''
....................................... - --------- io tbe
•boo. ID. lb.,-, wlijbi .m'l
. few
einta ye'd onver gneas it in a tbonimnd BOW.’'
eute. Telephone S:
tioBB the characters were Tory srell
Three Doeton la OoneolUticA.
yeaTa,.bIn. UcGlaggerty. ATcoaraeye
wrdn't, an naytber wnd anny wan elae.
more interest and not nearly ro nincb „dw..U, .1 It.
-h.l .ot.;ik.
Mrs. MeGlaggerty.
bow and palsTir.
tbia; eoaeoouy
planae they receiTod. Mr Bryan baa : beat -h to be efansen for a mediciae in
u was uiis:
axeo toe
4. LOUDOK.OeBtJst.O'eeMta
“He shot a bole tbrongb tbe last fel
kantnn abnd a woile aim bor own lirin,
the good fortuae to tnrround himeelflthe flat place: wftat experience tells
ler I rid;witb and bad to uke to tbe
an Home ninny at n caaythare—tome
Q M. BROW*. Attor-iey aa« Ooeowl
woods till be gits well.
yoi faced owld maid. Oi anppoee. that
O. Lev. Ppcelei M-raUoa t» c»Ua
ability and Uu eogogement promisee | j, be,.
cboaec in tbe lost place, eod
roBTe.raa>1a«. tllProetPl
|.;i to aim her own an foindt it bar>r.d
to be sneeeaatal both artUtically and ; but if ron can get Dr. Inclination. Dr.
asitnilgl|t hare Wn, but 1 oonli
ake I oil] indi mnte, to aay uawibin
' "
mn away frnui tbe lady, so I rrmained. fiaanclally. Tonight "Mr. Bradford's Experience and Di ~
PT.;Uo lay an Tifitil.ln, Mm. MeGlag
“Well,’’I roid la a tone of strong 1>woble."wm be the attraction and r;rb“;^"t
ttat*^" ta‘LS.’"
gerty. ops \^tbb< r pin su k-z—yia,
you tbe
dimpproral. “uo yon intend to marry a
adranee sale indleaics a good
na'vMtin tmt juabt an roigbi that
When yon bare-a bod cold I>r. Inman like that?”
clinatiou would recemBend Chamberwnle abnd pitch in an Undabandto
“ Tain't «fo to marry any other—
'PhoOM IDS. IH. im.
lain'* Co
tbe owldman nowan tbin, an partlckly
not fer bim ncr me neitber, even ef I
aff it abnd be neciMary. do ye moind.
wanted to. which IHoo't. Jim’a plenty
ould.reeo _ . . I it becaui
Kow. fwbat dit ye ibink ar that. Mm
In Memory of Mrn S O. Ladd.
oniuble ferme."'act a speedy and oe
Me laggerty? Tbu oidaya ar nyin that
“ Beoaen wonld r'
“Dore your mother approre eg your
Ataregnlormionof tbe Woman’s
n wuife ebad go oat to worrofc to help
TraTcrea City, held Friday. ommend It becanaa it Is prepared on
aarixHt ber taoaband I Fwby it’a prt.
Cli, Oper>B<««BU.
body might be foond wbo wonl< «**•! October It. IBVI. the following roeolu- adaaUfie prineiplea. and acta on napuriltarriim Mrx. MeGlaggerty.
tore's plan In rsUeTiag tbe Inags,
to tbe reocne.
,__ ^{tlonawere paaaed npon the death of
''Fwby\wbin my man Dluny waa
‘No. " obe reapoD^ easily;
aloire he'^Wo tcote think at axin me
Mrs. E. O. Ladd;
ain’t lalkin one way ner t'other. 8be'a
to no ont to b< Ip biu carry tbe bod
been married fonr timee and baa made
tbaa b.- <1 dar' to lift bii band to me—
■ncta a dratted mnas nr it erery time
t Title. Bml
r "bis Bowl, poor maul Be belaired
foartaab Ooati A Vaak.
Bmsb 1. Ho.
that abe aays she ain’t a flttiu person to Ladd. Vhei__________
doia tbe womk himaelf, an be
Everybody wbe Uken Tn 1
giro adTice on tbe marryin qneatioo,
Ecoolved. That in ber death the
t ongbt borne hie wagee any Monday
RncoKO can have tbe Grand Bapida
nobow. even ef I wasn't old enongb to Weteaa's Clnb of TraTeroe City has
Uarald delivered to them aleo tor aa
1 .i^t aa tegnlarly aa the clock, nxoept
do my own piefcin an cboosio,''which loat a vslned and eararot worker, ms
i per week maknow an tbin whin be et<^ in at Dinky- seemed to be such an nnanawerable who ever held tbe beet intereeU ef the
mRAtinCD KrUB-KlM Eele»s BnleMSb. •
ItcenU ner
apii-l'a an tbe tawnier an Cbar-rley
argument that 1 retired from tbe Geld.
sr in Bortiiern Miehlgan and Arinr.'^l] neneeA u> eoUs tm bs^os'. 81
Einniaey tale bim n game nr two at —Wnafaington btar.
•r work among oa, and la the
sr la the B eih*uM. oa-it
U. b_tIt melroj>nl.t
Ever Burned Oat?
forty-fuires.' Bat aa for me goln oat to
Telephone S:
worrak—Dinny ad anoner cot his own
If no yon know
He Waa t
bead ar fwbiaken off. aa see me do It,
Did be threaten lo commit snidda yet feel that she has be..
a higher spbere of nsefnii
Mis. Mriilaggerty.
TTTAjrrnD—Olrl *or f
when she said it oonld nuTer be?
lat the memory
of ber faithful aed
“^taat die me daagbterXooty think
Oct. SOtb tbe 9:35 a. B. ria M. A N. W 4irWe.tpe>eatbwi
Well, taordly.
■Iflab life shall Insure oa with freab E.-A.
A n G n A M. B. R Lia- T owr. PTBAYED. o' KTULBK-A vb<U
AT it? Well. Oi don't oxncily know,
O. P. CARVER Agent
He got np, brni
mshed the dnat from tbe zeal in every gtxid
A> BrsAle pavpr. brovB ear* I
me frind. At cootm. abe'a dead abtack knees of bis trunrure with a silk bandThat we extend our loving eympatby I
M of "Orwer-. SoliaMe
on Delmonicky (iayaooebeit on tbinka herebicl. and raid;
to ber husband and family Is tbek be
becaore be plays gawrfs in abort pants
“1 fuel that yon bare made a rich reavement. aad
e. L. Ztm Tdlst LstloBi
on is the iood mr pclanoey stbreet, that man of me.”
Cob be procared of Mm. C. B. Rector
b’e (be whole sbootlu match, an tber’s
r records In tovlag remembronee
“Made a rich man of yonfaheesat I4t Lake Avenne.
44$ 26t
e who baa gene ent from oa forno wan else loik bim. Oi anuustly ta- daimed. “How?f
laire meself. Mrs. McGlaggeriy. that
“i iball never marry,” be replied.
renrtaes Costa A Watk.
abe'd be ooneba enoogb to go ont an Andaa bo wandered ont into the cold
ing. one
Everybody wbo take* Tiir Moioum,
werruk for him aff be axt tael, but aff world there was just a tnoe of a smile
and do gve you thet beat m
Rki*>kd caa have tbe Grand Rapids
tbe nver did, me frind, an Oi cnogbt on bis face.—Mecnipuliun.
Herald delivered lo them ol*o for an ^yAWTTO-^jprl toe
bur at it, Oi'd give ber tho dangdrrt
additional four uenU per week, makcontrary, but i
taitin sbe n?er bad since sbe was tin
XIoBciBg Sebeel
lag only 14 cents per week far the
beet paper in norther---------- ■*
years Ok. 1:1, nn at fnr that coriesrrew
.etbeuk. lo>l
And dance Umlgkt at I
•Tbe atSce» of tbe
a ralsshl,*
i»hle« nf Bfsr 00I7 to ovoer.
1 gnarontoe all my work to be right.
the beet metropolitan
in the
abanked j <od, Delmonicky, Oi’d bild a Smitbeuniau in«tito(icin are baring tbe
ire to BaruSo eSW. 443K
bowItATbua bo tho tbroal till Oi’d rbaiterut mookeyspbonugrapbodin Ibe
choked him lo death wid nvry won ar bope (bat in time tbuir langoage
may | danuea. 453-11.*
V U br proTtn* proeei
paries tor tkl.
Stop in till S o'clock every evening
' e. Coll »< Katvmi, <i
bit own cniked gmwrt obticks. Mr<. be nnderstoud, and it may be possible |
except Sandny. in the Caldwell A Lon
toeonvcrsi' with them.
don boilding, at north and of Unioa
“Pew-nbl Fwbat noniioae to talk
Mrs. Du Sot-no—Isn't that grand? 1
aboall -Oi’d loike. to see the man that
sfatondi io two iboea that od make me ftrn tbiug wLatbur wo are dreconded
vpOB HALE—Lumber re
from tbtm or not:—New York Weekly.
C ol alldeaeriptloB.; <
s Bstote. SUsPts.
"FwbAt BonrtDM tber dis mt In tbe '
^ypem, Mn MoGln«^.”*^id tbe
“*■ ■**
«ddy motmttln meid I aat«
- —. j'S.’SSS
o. 'i.ssrLfs,;
DR. SPIDDEf tS'S£&^Sr.lS
• nrerrRoAJS-OBj. ‘
Bicycle Riders.
Oysters! Oysters!
k Wiiild
■artac (fee BeBMmta.
Mrs. Nrwed—1 wisi
aiLoku sc ’.-oh. Jack,
1 are only
Nov .-d.; (Interrapting) — Rmnkiwg
rains uumao'e bsnltb.
Mrs. Nnwed—Wbo Mid it did?
ily going to say that yon were
only raining mycsrtaiua—Upto Dale.
Famous Baltimore Couots,
Selects aod Standards.
I atock rsc«lvc4 t,/ <
.FieUiier'] Coinmblio Bestiinit
Engliabman—Yea, Blivers ii a nice
faorsy, don't -yon
ebap. but rather horsy,
think? Always wears tight trooaers nod
gtitera and all that aort of thing, yon
F^cbman—Idonotfcnow. Zebotsea
do not ao vere 1 come from.—Pick Ma
riUllMd Air UI
larabselals pale...... .......... JCUCBOM*
astldolar. (or *str*ci»os of M»th
It boat
psiQ u>d LasrstsDd
7 prvpsrsuM ret save (or a
srs.»s;,K”« sw.'sr.'-.S:
If You Have Logs to Sell
warzbofs aioek.
Ttaveroe City, ■
unsiH in iHnuraii li
Ce take eSM nmodop. Jus St. Ufl.
beodtvelre treat Mompa (or panes part 0BI7
o< Ibe pastas* aloo*. Drop all irosh aod eleor
tarTa mouth ullb our esriuaiee Jureeltea.
Tes Nanosoi Book CexcsHS. JcraeiLk Dsrv.
>ae veU loeawd.
ruio. Mre. W F.
__________ <mtf
efore Oeu V. vlll
m tb* roreer of Eistath mod *
•les II.
CorreBpoDd with the TraTeree City Lumber Coupnny.
-We have for sale Good,'
jar this morning. I'm certain I locked
t np tigbt but nigbt.
Hre blaver—Ata. if yon lotked it np
tight, that BcooonU for it. 1 anspeoled
“Say. painter, when yon gel my^ aa mnob.—iioalon Tnmacript.
wHe'a picture done, won't you bare
toongb oolora left to make a little piotnre of my daegbter:''—Fliegeude Blat“Ma.“uid Hobby, “ii It wrong for
little buy* U> tie fcuttlea to dogs’ Caila?”
“Derirl.uiy wrong, Bobby. 1 hope
iBproTcS Mathentadrs.
“Wbal are you working on now?” yon will never do ancta a Ibiiig as that'
“Nn. indeed, ma,” replied Bobby
waaaskvd of tbe man wbo is always In1 do is to bold tbe
Tenting. but never inTunts.
“Moibiug Teiy big jnst at preaent.
I’m abont oompleiiug a method for colBhaSe
eolatiug compound iuieroat with a rub
Mamie—Why do yon think be is jnst
ber sump
Docroit Free PreM.
from Boaton when ta claims to be Eng-;
He Was Bhart.
Anna—He wrote a little poem abont'
“If tbe police are looking for tbe
short man.” be euid roefnliy, “they me tbe otber evening and made my
might do worautban to get bold of ma” aam« rhyme with "banner.”—Chicago
However, it was merely tocanse bis • Mcwa
abort.—Chicago Post
devote my entire time to other pnr-|
init* I wuh to expreos my gratitude to
Brawn-My wife aaya 1 talk in tny emr friends and patrons for tbeir liber-;
ol support and patronage in tbe poiL !
Jonen—Well, you’re Incky.
and oa I have sold oot mv good will
firawD—Unw eo?
with tbe basiDeae.1 aincere'ly bope tbat
imma-My wife dore all tbe toUdog our patrone will oontinne tbeir anpport
fa mine.—Chicago News.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood
aiDBWXL^pi-ANK — TeD lota aidevalk
O p^kforsol*. TreerreaChrLum^Cu.
^W. fitekS^dB 5” »***
tcUfsau J.
IpoS KALB -Two wheeled sreepm ood two
C oluahen Trerera* (tUj t«m<wr Co tS-tl
Trgrente Ctlj Lumber Co.
Mill Machiiiery of all descriptions, mcloding Two EiigiDM
Bet Works, Carriages and iSawe. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Sleepleoa SlamWre.
Queer, lan'l ItT
Tom—It's _-r ' 10 rtnve ouyibisg fa- ; ThseVlus
ag onr many patrooa for post
Irm.Wun.ge■ •and earaesUy soliciting a
Dick—It sbonldo't bo.
ion of
of ^s
fas some for tbe bnalTtnn-Why?
bsm. In.
Dick-His bend is ao ao(L—Dpte
Sineenly Trare.
tour bo^
seeded fer imie UUCP to pi
* "-■ ”■
S Priee*
raese (one Hr tn KJA
Larpe boeku
»«EA eorh
orerfloelos vHb bapi x UloMretloao Treaeedooswllrre. HathlBsIlketbes Font moeihs
soldeo barreailer eorrsvtie vorkere Credit
John K. Santo,
Geoiral lisoraon.
!^*0B sals—Lsaber.
oih aed uhloclee.
r Trarerur cup Lumber Co. ]dS-4(
001X0 Boon.
17«B SALX-S oad 4 tool mreoru wood. Bmllh
r*aull. Pboueirr.
. «4Mf.
VstiM ef Dl*sel«ties
Tosvkkaa CtTT. MIeh. Oct. «. IS
- panuerehip I
Waller TbuneU.duL
hwvsl eeraor of Neve
•. la Traecrua Clip. Hlebit
tBOWU ao ThurwU
A Ooo*.limited. tsi
llatialred b]r mutual ___
aaee all eredtts due.aad ■51ip”iu’ttii^hs®
Horwowud bp sold firm.
dap otoei.
WHMUe Itadr hoods :
Mottw to Tax Pnyotn.
Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle--6 Cts.
8tm on top. Best oigsrs/or tbe money on the market
—Union made, too.
] Sold by all dealer.
Tonn^er Block
IMS. tor the purpoM <
aed clip taiea end spr
In the Alp for the prew
Iruent eVlock t
Tueodop ood Fridop e<*
rrem f oVloek to S o'clork.
Oa oU tosus paid befoe* Oelober
per ceel. peeeltp for
oodon al
r* paid no ood en.
■t UBIll K<
or 1st. U«K there wl
• w.QimaQMo^u-^_ __
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.