The Morning Record, June 14, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, June 14, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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V- '9'



p Ko DeciBive Action Until Shaiter's Army Joins
Sampson Off Santiago for the
Invasion oi Cuba.

Its Purpose Thought to be to Uneaten the
Spanish Main and Watch
Cadiz Fleet.
OAi&ara's Squadron ia Said to be TotaUy Unfit for Sea—In
ICadrld it Is Denied that American Foroee Have Landed
at Quantanamo—Spanish Officials Declare that Spain is
Hot Dl^uraeed Hot Short of Besooroeo to Oontlnne
eiirlilliTrnTT-------- —
Vmebimrtom. Jbbo ll.-The Wwt ImAtMdtmmttomtomIsbtaomoof wmltlmc of whieb Tbodoio BoomeroU le Ilomtommmd wmtcbimv. Dedolfo metiom U mot mmt-ooleaol. The auMmtod riSoaom
•xpeetod Ul) the ooaWmed nmeml mmd lemeo tkir imoamu beblmd, owlmr to the
Umd Uommion beflae om the mrritml of tm^ of moooaaodmtiooi for bona od
Tke ftm oxpoditiom amrt mlromdy bo
Im thovielml^.
wlUboaottmtedUlor im Onbm, ottbor
TboiSoc7 0f tboaotilmttomof Amt- from the stock of mmtieo borma. a
Idmm moldtam elmim im eommtmmmao fame froa aoutm thmt fAtow troa tkle
mwomaa ImdliriimUom hwo mmd wUl ro- oommtoj.
mmlt im mtrietor resnUUoae ooeotmln*
priMorm of wmr in the fmtmre.


VenoldmMo Vow rm
leTa Keom* Baonm.
Tw Omptmred by Ormimor St.
Kow ToA, Jmme II.—Ike Jonnal’m
Imdm Afta m Obmoo.
WmtUmrtom mpocdml a^ "Am mtetod im
Hew York, Jmme IA—A dlepmteh to
the dimpmteba moreiml dmyt mco. the
The Hermld troa Mole St. Kiehtdme.
pramMomt hma doeidod on the fon&mtira
BmyU. ajm the Morcbmmf mm ap■ faeerria on
tnrod by the St. Lomto Imet FrMmj mlrkt
.tll^tic. It ia
the.other oide of the Al
Ob bemrd the Twicl
mric wU; be the flofebip of the Soet
teuofeomlfatheSpmmieh Seek She
The pmrpoa of the orcmmiatiom of the
ha been meat a m
to Key Week
SeotlooolomeiWylortheprotoctiom of
The aptmred allier to m Lemdaa
r Atlmntie eemet. bmt m m Better of
mtemmer, wbleb west flimt to Mmrttoiimet. It wiU be ant to tkromtee the
iqoo, apeetimf to eSeet m jametioo
fHwnlib tmein. mud pertm eooat dmty
WiU AdBinl Cerrerm'e .a^emdroB mt
tm the ridalty of cmdU. At lemet two
ooewtod AimertemB Umere wUl be mtWord wa broorbt to AdsOrBl Smaptmebod to the eq«mdrom, boama of
m thmt the TwiekomhmB bed loft Mmrtheir post epeod.
timtqee Wedaeedmy. The Sk Lento
walmBedlmUly dtopotebed to iatorepwtaltoTaHo)
apt ba.
Mmdrid. Jmme Il.p-A
Twenty aila cutef Eiaretoa Friday
might Ue Bk Lento fell ia wiU Ue
iTte of openTwlekeahmia. Ooainr into elea rmace
tloa ia OBbm, mad deaia that AimeriaB Ue Sk Lonto enrprtord Ue ooUla by
faea bma otated m Imadiac mt Gamam ebot merna ha bowm. ^e
ekenkma. laetood of etopidag. pat
on fall etaa mad tried to got mwmy.
mamkom atotake ia iaarlmiav ttat
Quickly orakmnUag the Eogitobama.
Spmlatodtoeoormcodmadat the mod of Uo 8k Lento flrod afmia. The aptmia
berromooroa On the oontary, Spmia of Ue wUia. oaing flight
tofnllof bopemad deterained le eee- elUe. boro to. mmO wa barded by m
‘tlane Ue wmr.
bomth aew froa Uo 6k Lonto.
la Uo flrorooa m ana ia aermlto wa
Omdls naot Oaat Pa Sen.
Wmehla(tom. Jue 13,—Word ba toBBd who epoke only epmatok. Afta
beaa reodeed here froa mhich, thonrb a Tigoroa aooo«mmaiamUon by Ompmaoficiml. eonra thmt Adalrml Omamimb anU anatod CmdU flat to total­
ly Beat fa MO. This to Ue flat thmt
ba aaed Uc mery depmrtaat
mnmiety. a it ha <dtea
It would take m dmU mi onr Atlmntie
comet, ud it ha baa two a Uree
tiaa repatod a waia( to Cerrem'e
mid. TbePelmyo, Ueetroncatofehipe


Punt KmU AdvioM Booetred Pfoa

Ooaaml Sbmfta. who
Oardod Key Vat'tebUs.
apoditlom. ba wiU bla 7TS offioere apeelalloTDMoanse mscoss.
Pvt Tmapm. FU., Jae li.—Ihe Bormad 14.908 emltotod aen.
ane Cutter McLeu orrired here Uto
The repnlmr troope aeke up
grata port of Ue force, Uere Uiaff Bomiag fa wmtor, troa Somarba leUad. when she ha bees gumidlag the
bat thra rolatea orpmmUAtSw
tteehlpe. TbeamreUe Serontyfiimt Key West abia Oeaerml Mila to here
Mew Yak Imlatry, Seoomd Mesaebe- irmm Thn^ obserrlrg Ue aetiri|y om


Fifty Koabem Thirty Seoomd AsoBe VUl Put His What la Trust WIU
•ncod to Siek OmQ Teetardmy.
Aleago Beaks to Sere it Bsiag
apeetel to Ta II
POned oa Maxtook
moto Park. Tiya. PU.. Jma 14At kto poraommU^nat Omptmlm Prod
CUoKO. <>«•• II.—AatetlMW tri«Bd Alga ba boa^amtokod troa Oomerml
•f Mr. LeiUru4oMMieT^UkBow
Mila’ euff oad wlU matot Imepoetor
IdmbU ftbMt hi* bcwd «f trU»
kMbMM. MkU Ihb ftttmooB: “Mr.
!sof Uo ThliW Sooomd
Uit«r ku mot tmUoA. mar B»4e mm mmMtoUgma roportod mt Uo siek emU this
•Acmamt. mnd I 4o mot tkimk ho wUl.
Moa, eafforiBg fitai stoaoek
d be to mrtmmrliv to m«t mil
tooablo. Priato Doboar of Oo. O. of
Uo wkeml Im troot with ^mmka boro,
Ormmd Bmpids
mmd to prevemt Ute otoff tioa botmf
iptioamlaa lariagglsUad lake.
foroedomtheamrkoi. Imamotmwmro
He will be eent homo.
of mmr omtstmmdimc oomtimeto om the
There wa m bary rmia boa lat
board. You earn rest maeret that U
than to any trouble In etore fa Mr.
Lriter be wUl fma St Uke Ue ama that
be to,"
r ShoBld SiapUy the MmCbteogo, June il —AU Uelntoratom
tieaml Oolorm.
■ ha ban ianod by
the dolmge of Joapb Uita mmdUoro- Uornraor Piagra aaiag today. Juo
ralaof btofmaoabirdeol la wbdmt. 14U, a Flag Day.
The trnmendone elnap in prloa to f**' Umt flags ba dtoplmyeil on all pablic
botldlan mad mt priato bulldiage a
orally mttribatod to
far a pootiblm. Atoo that Ue etmte
bia. AeeotdiBf W oae mnUoriiy, dopmrtaeata make eaek ceoogaltiom of
Lolta. ordered mil bis trmdm oloeed ont
day a Uolr offioea any deoa
mt Ue o^lnf of the dmy e trmmemotloam, mad Umt mt lemet 8 000,000 bnmba
eoramU Boamd Orar.
of what won Itqnidmtod fa bla tm
Bugeaa Coraelt, who wa mrattod
Ue CUomfo market mlae.
aorerml dmye ego a a charge of aThe eerorat breaks im pelea wao ta tnetimg Sl.OM from mm Adame Etoprea
Uo NorUwat. whore it wa emid Leita
brought betoa Jattoe
had Mp lima
wbat la DnlmU Sruwa yesterday moraiag. He wmiad
mad wa bound orar to
went off 10 aato mmd U Mlanapolto 17
I. BmU mm boa before the eloa of Ue Ciremit court ia the eua of 91,000.
gma Uo poeoeamry security oad
LoUerto ala Cbiemfo today plmemd wa released. Be wat bock to Grmmd
airb 10,000.000 baebele.
Jaiy wbat cloeed mt 79 oate mr^met
MeeatomSmUrdmy. Onoe today Jnly
I MTa Mosnss rnome.
went down to ~i amt*.
Wahimgtoa. June II.—Tbs wmr ro­
eloood mt m not ioa of thra ama.
ans blU wa brought to Ue White
Jeoopb L^ta mdaittod U bto triads
loose by m bona messoager Uto mftot|
Umt be bmd lat aooey. bow anU be
a mad mignod ^ Ue prumidrak
deeliaed t# ay.
Leita mdaittod Umt bto fmUa bmd
wiUdrmwm bto apport.
Lettsca Pound oa Penem of Vdaaido
Xoatoal Mot laeriaiamtiBg.
BpceUl lo TM Konlss mMOrd.
Kow York. June IS.—Tbo Sub
Wmoklagtoa spoetol ays Ue wmr departmoat today ordered Uc relase
troa mUitory mrrat of Edawdo Matosi. o! Brooklya. wbo wa mrreotod oo
bemrd Ue mtemoubtp Tmrttr Primee mt
New York, Smtardmy. ehmrgod
emrrylag letters to
fonatiom rogmrdiag our allitory ad
arml epotmtions. The lettore fand
upon Moatomi turned out to be nniaportent mnd at iaerialamtlag.
That to S^ to bo Uo Datimmtlom of
the Thirty Sceoad Biebigmu.
OpwlM M Ta* VoBsois BsoobbJoae IS.—It to amid
Umt Us Thirtr-emooito Miehigma rolaatosru will bo ia Uo aoxt apodltkwi
to lare Tmapm end will go to Perto
Bieo WiU Oaorml Oopplagor.

tria SoodriU of Ue 8k Louis Uto a
Wmmbimgtom, Jnam 11.—Tbo wmr domdalUed Umt ha warn Spmatoh offit
pmrtmeat mmaouneod Uto mttamoom
la charge of Ue omryo. Be wa seat
Umt it ba begum meUre propmrmtiea
a m priaooer of wmr to Key Wat w
wlU Ue Boeomd mray of iaraima.
board Ue aptared otomaer*
to believed it will go to Porto Bieo.

ia Ue Spmatoh ary. to aid U W
Battle of KanUm.
poor oa tria, mad Ue alntota of
Opwlsl to the Mosnss Raoao.
amriatofarfaUbonteoadlac hi
Wesbiagtea, Jnae It.—Nmry depmrtway frma boae. It aw mppemn Umt
aeat tonight ruerira Ue first amU
Ue encina ee naay of Ue emtoei* are
mdriea froa Adaiiml Oswey siaa bs
ia bad ehape mmd the flat Umt Ue
Spmmimrdc aid wa mboat U do a ameb reabed Mallm, aader date May 4.
OmVfto. be glra m deutlod meooaet of
UobmtUe laMuUmBm.v. The moeonai
Trooa How Uada Ww.
to mn olmbormUoB of Ue ablegrma
^Mlal to m Mo»»e Kecoa
eat emrlior. The epedml fature to
WablmptOB. June 11.—It ba bea
Ue urae of high prntoe in which he
teramlly anonaeed mt Uo wa depertepemks of Ue crews of hto ships, aytag
aeat Uet the Sm allltmiy empeditiem
ba Boror bmd offieai so loyal ad sneh
loft Key WatmtdmyUcht todey baud

■Kto Imfmat^ ud two



SMond Tev-No 848


•^ ■ rv .' :^ W .'T>T-:

XMxoH Bmfcmt ia Treubto for Meklag

' Hto IktoTM Too Ufht.
upteiMi w as Moaxua bbmbii
Detroit, Jue IS.—The mrrat of m
maiaoDt baker, John Oeuiado,
eellimg short weight brad, ka led to
Ue dtoeorery Umt maaorma Detrrit
kakers here resorted to Ue dooepUa
to mvoM mdvmariBg Ue price of lomae.
The mllegud ebortoge to oa to Ura
wetompenad. BoeerderChmaberu
ays he will proeeente Ue cma r


For Next Wesk.
300 Vairs Childrea's Tan
Shoes, lace or button, size
to 11. Compare with
any Sl.25 shoe sold.

200 pairs of Misses’ Tan
Shoes, lace or button,- sizes
11 ^ to 2. Better than lots
of Shoes at $130.



Gen. Shatter and His Troow
Hare sailed for Santiago, and onr new stock of wall paper
has started from Chicago, an4 it will arrive here tomoT'^
row. The prices are the lowest that bare ever been nude.
b^ any firm in the city. You hare a room or two that fOB
didn’t paper, and now you can at these prices.

230 Front Stmrt. .

Holley ft OonnAble

Keep to the Right
Is the rule of the road. To start right ride an

Outing Bicycle.


Martban BlacL

Newest in Ties!
Zurich Silks
Hare just been received here. Come in Fonr-in*
hand. Imperial, Puff, Club and Bow styles. Prices
are 25c to 50c. See these goods.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.

ONLY $91

WiU buy a fine Niagara, Roanoke or
Pntnam Bicycle. Elegant new Use
just received.

119 Front Street.


Strong Points
Are our $6.88 suits—competltioii price is
$8.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point

stock ia going down, but thero are numy ba^aina latt
The sooner yon ooma the better selections yon get.


I 124 Front Street

Friedrich Block.

with slltMUtssimasUBsiT }«M toesd for Aslsc mU
«f Bleyeis BnlMlag
issBrsalag, MiisnilugM4 ta/ulMlnc memdrtss ct *U dsstTt|SiOi

150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
in Via Kid. $3.00 goods at

WmMa»Msi*rBkwmirsM.epp*Mt*tMC.AW.Il Osps(.whw« 1»UI bsM
fsT busiasss TUssCsj. r>DC i.
All Work iSauwBtMd—Prloc* Right

125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes. |
Regular S3.50 goods.

Many other special prices
n good shoes.
\Ve want your trade.

Alfred V. Friedrich
Pepnlar Shoe Honae.

Aotorh Xoulmln ArtUleiy.
BpMtslioTallMnuse Becoss^
New York, Jna IL-John Jmeob
Astor's bmttory of aoutmla mrtiUkiy.
acmmped in euburbm. Uto eftormoon
left for Sod Pnnetoa. wbore Uoy wOl
Wm mn mgmim nmSy, wlU m Imtge
form m part of Ue Ulid MuUm oxpodl- etoU of lea «• deUw Ue emme to may
toom. la epite of food food, etoilo troa rnmn^Ueftf.
Maple bloeb wouA mtoa fer emU.
relotirm mad Ue eoaspmtotive eoi
emato life Uo aa are eager to oea
See Borrleo.


H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle IUb.

Mid-SRiRRier ClDtIling
Right iDUDB.
For m little moMy you earn gram eool. m
», eoetly gmmeat wbkb eouU be lmi4 aeray for eaUer
Aatoag Ue auay gno« Ulage we offer mre:
Mea'e White mafl Blmek; Blae mad Blmek; Bnwa aM Tbm aMIpped
to Oemtm mt SOe.
Mea'e Fmet Blmek Smtoem Oemu far 9»e.
Mea'e L1b« Wmabmble Suite. nemUy atmde, for SI.M.
A bettor quality Fmaey LUw WambmMe Suite, nty dmey, for 94.8$.
Menb aU wami AoabU hremated Skelmtoa Blae Serge Oomte mad Teato
fer 96.68
A fiae qmaUty mU wori Serge Sketoton Aottble bnaetoS Coat mad
Veto, eery nobby, tor SS.oa


The Boston Store,


f!|ai Koiunwo BXOOBP.

aot. T. Batw


J. W. H*am.

«. W. Bamewm. ^ior uA ltuK«BUBB0WPT101I8.



t *rtn>j»« cttr,

Ptaoaaaf Wkleh Bpoilod a BMo fbr
▲tteraoy Lstaagor.
John Loraagor ha* a now
S&AV nOVBAJTM fun SBaad baa tbocoachly Baolond tbo aaoehlaa. WbUo bo haa givaa It a vigor_________ vUl Fana Fart ^ tbo
ow ooano of laatruetioa the wboal h
•taad Parade aad Promlasaa VUl
ry at ttBoa J«dia
Be OflMod Pec tho Soot Peoeoatod took o Icmg ride Buadoy over the Boat
Btoyoto-Kvo PotailB Arraatod Bay read, bat at the brUga b* ei
grief. Tb* wheel beeawo uama
g the bridge aad a
Tbcre wa* a larfoly attoaded atoev
lag loot evoaiag of the Bxoeattve Oooe dlaaaur ooeUTod. Thia bridg* la ao
what difforant from the bridge*
Bltto* aad ch^TBoa of the aak
Blttoeetoairaag* forthegreat Mao- town aad the wbool waa afraid of It.
to be held here Jane But John datermlaod that that bleyela
Flaae arc k^ rapidly perleeted would Croat that bridge or olao tbaro
oad the prc^eet* now are ezeellaat tor would bo ttoeble. There wut trooUo.
the blggoet and beat oalebratiaa of aay The wheel would not keep in tho mid­
■r bold la Soithara Ml^lgaa. dle of the rood aad the apood which
The uata aad Uvea already notifying wa* obaerved la approaeUag the bridge
thair lauutlea to ooaea la a body re- waa *0 great that Ita eonre* could not
prearat a aosberahip of over aad readUy be ohoekad. lathe
th* raU ef Ue bridge got la the way
a wiU be tboaMnde not moa
of the:«rder, but who wUl ooeee to at- aad Mr. Loraagar took a header.
toadtheealekcattoo, witoeee Ue groat ‘Ikoro la a awiftly Bowing atream nnpandoaodbavoagoodtlao goaorally. der th* bridge
ipletaly over 2he raU, down
The axooedia^ low ratoe laade by
tko railroad* aad boat line wiU draw a beak Into Ue water. Ibia i* the etary
aa okiai rer told of Ue oeeurrenoe.
groat crowd.
At tho nooUag laat ovealag It wi
eldod to Urlto all the whoolaen aad
wheel ladieo of the city aad vidaity to
join la tho poiada There wUl
jdty Sunday.
prowluB* of BS-OO. BS.OO. aad B3.W
John Oakley of Maalatoe waa a rialfor the beet ooetoined ridor aad tor hero Sunday.
beat dobocatod wheal, thca* prlsoa
A. F. Cameron wont to Central Imke
balng for both lody aad goaUewen ridC Camptoa aad daaghtor a
wa, a total of «M la piaslaoM.
eamalttoo wan ^poialod to look after riaiting at Bead aty.
Bev. S.oBolaberT U *
thia natter oonaieUBc' of Clare Csrtla,
of Sutton* Bay.
Ooeor Prtodrieh. Chaa. Back. Mia* Fiaae
A. W. Palo*, formerly of thia city,
Ctoga. Mca Aeaaada Smith aad lira W.
ow of Albaay, arrivod bare yaaterday.
H. Bbsor.
J. M. TorwUlgor. editor of the File
Tkaca will bo a mootiac of tko Pa­
rade oommlttoe at tko ofioe of O. P. Lake Moaltor, waa ia U* rity yeater-

«to b« • Mteb 1» tb*
F to-the I*fi— of Uratmat Ootew asd hi*
BBllaBt coarado*. Th* BfMtiih oC^1* h**« a nore lofty opinlaa of tk*
(•Utir* T*lu ef Aaarieaa wOm Uaa
<h*yh*T*W«BBiTeiierodltfor. Whatmrm ikMj aay tblak. bowmr. U aU
■•h* Baantek prtooam ia ewMdy at
4Ut Uau cxnU W axcksacad lor Ue
>Mrieaa *aUor«, tU* coo* try would
mU Vjr the traaeaeUea. Bach atea a*
^ohaaaaadUaoow are too valaahU «arvor. at« o'doek tkla ovealag. Thia
to bo allMrod to naaia loac la a Cpaa- eommlnoe ooMiatt of J. XT. >i<inh—,
a J. Ebaar, J. G. Blidaall, Jaaa* Orlftth, Alloa Murphy. Clara Beetor, Oraeo
Ip th« atteatloa of the otratocT doatioc. AU mombara of thia oommltboard and the prwo eeaMr eaa be di- tee are reqaaatod to be preaeat, at flaal
•ortadtroaBaa^ofotothe load oper>ta Boat be Bade at thia
•ttoM at OnaaUBaiBO lor a abort time, BOoUagfortha parada
yvbap* Ad-iral Baapooa wfll bo aWo
There vrUI be a BaeUag of tko oxbo capture Cerrera, •ubjufat* BaiHuo oentlve oommittooat'tho ofBoo of the
«Md ftr* the pobUc food to Mtiefy a MoBsme RaooBD at e:M thia Bora tag.
«avis( for a groat Tictory. Buck a
ooeae, too, adgkt allow aa ^pwtaaProd EoroVa Bebool for the Violin.
Itg to devote a little atere atteatioa to
Prof. & B. Bant wlU arrive this
«faea>7*tariOB* Uaetlon of the Oadlx Boaa from Saginaw, to make Travene
City hia haadquartera He will b&mediaUly atart a a^ool for the violin, hi*
la ^lito of th* war exeltOBMt t)
lo aa nadcr current of iatoreat la th* atadi* beiag In Btainbaarb Grand Oplonaa A auabar of po^ have
gi—gold telda. uad maay ar* hoJag carried uwuy by It. Now that the ulready beea aaeared. He vriU alao beiatearity of the Interoat In the vrar la gU a eerie* ef rehearaala of Steiaborg-a
BodoruUng Bovasenu In thl* dlroe- Grand Opera Qeuae archaatra with th*
lU orgaaUatlon of 11 tnombora
jteaoje baeooiiag moro notlcaWa
Prof. Horut’a loeoiJng U Trovoroe
flpaauH 'loaaea In Cube ar* th^ eubJoet of dlacnaaio* all over the comntry. City Bst^ a diatlnet event In mualeal
crrelw bote la keepiag with th* adMaept Chicago: where the loaaoa of
_emaat aad progrea* of thia city.
/caopb Leltor in the wbwt mariret oV
a—ererythlng elae for the time be- Be la a Bnaleiaa aad laAmetor of vary
groat abili^. and wUl b* given
hearty aneonrageaent and antaoUaUal
eBamaatby thapaklle.
Kpt loag ago yonng JoeriA LMtar
jnetleaUy ccraarod the wheat of the
^try. Now the wheat market kaa Oaeoa ot U* lakaa Ha* Good Bating.

CapUim A. B. Jobaatoa baa
Botiea from the Groat Lake* Bagistor
that tb* ‘-Gneaa of U* Lake*" has boea
In^aatod by Ualr rapreaaaUUva, aad
•alBaaafBataaOiaixn th* Orodit that a valuation of tr.soo ha* boon
plaaod on Ua atoomer, sad that ah* has
haaa rated as A :.

gBaiTr-* Leltor.


goair TOOK A glBTlEE.


Brutuff* fipBalBlty.

Cbeapent and most reUablo pUee to gtt yoor bicycle repaired and
pat in go^ numiog order. Have bad seven! yean experiextee SDd
know how it aboald be dme. SatiafacUoD
SatiatacUoD guaniiteedgaani<<eed- I am aal*‘—
I bievtie
soadiw at aboot cost.Net
Kew and• second• •band
^ vbaeU 'for
a to rant. Pleaae giva ns a trial.
*1X18,811 Front «t,l


Ao el«'> ktortril »»

T^lamaburg whoelmen were naked ta
which they did. but the Bate* boy*
teooBOfardoaaallth* work on Ue
pMk^eUeWiUiaBBburgboya '
U the ahada and if Uere U any honor
It baloag* to the Bata* wheelman.
fThoa we fOTiaed the club each i
bor wa* to work a day or pay a dollar
tpwardi fixing Ue paU, aad Ue BaU*
whorlmtii have nearly aU worked o*
«ha path, but U* WlUlaBabarg wheel
•ea have not, aad we do not wiU to
tov* It go boforo U* public aa U*
-WlUiamabarg path.
U you wlU plena* atat* the eorrocUoa
^ U* lUmaol your paper Ue club will
dUoB It a* a favor.

are &ood


"Ko better Sfte uaVuee xoere ever
e^erei \.u TlTets
ttqlet are iettrabVe, ttve qaalttVes coattierlaq ttve price are
ealraorilrvarq. 'better cee ttvera
\\ qoa \\aoe ireea qwAs \rv koar

ToQBg eiri of Loalaaan Ooway Bald
to have Baoa Aaaanltad by a
It was reported that a girl, aged
IS, waa Ue ricUm of tho brutality
of a tramp Saturday afternoon, aoar
bar heme in Eimwood townUip.
was sUtod Uot tn* girl bod gone
pick wintergreeas and when at ao
dUtance from hutoe was aaaanited by aa
The faUer ia aakl
to .have inatltnud a aearch
party wlU a rifla. Vat did not euccood

“Miaa I'raoeis of Yal* will begroetad
by a very larg* house next Friday 0*w
aiag, June 17. for whieh date it haa
boaa aecured by Maaogor Bwinbeig for
prodacUm at Stainboig'a Grand. It is
a aoUble attraction.
This from
S.H la the The New York Jon real of Nov. mber 9
iry Oakley af I
city rialtiag friaada aad doing a I


We do not

••TbrwedMiaetUUwenaeotod last belOHS tO tll6 COmbiUfttiOD.
E W. Seymour of UoKorthom Mich­ Bigkt at Ue Maabattaa Theatre
igan Traa^ortatian Co., 1* ia the olty
Mi« Bertha Boddoa aad Mia* Ethel
■ left yaaterday for an extoadad riait is Grand Bapida.
Mrs L. M. Harris ef West TU street
will go to Pert Huroa today aa * dele­
gate frem Ua W. B. C af this cl^.
E. O. Sbermaa. formerly of UU city,
now oeaaected wiU Ue Grand Bapida
Bwald. is ia Ua dty la Ua inUreaU of


t* Bot eoafloed to tho famale aide
••m*a Piaueia «f Yole," of which he is

the author, was as fall of noisy hilarity
aa a New York audienoe comld poeaibly
WiU, Aad Mr. Btienae Glrardot was
dbla for a personal aaceea
that delighted everybody. Tb* aaeoad
doaes ia nprowioaa eoofaaio* aad
rrimoaL For oomplieaUoa in Ue
Ulrd act oven goes oaa batter than Ue
Jobnaan oad W. B. Thack­ aeeond. and Prank'*, or really "Mias
er returned Soturday eveniag from De­ Pranei* of Yale'*" cmaie dlficnlUa*
troit. where they had bean to rapraaaat moat be aeaa to b* naCerstood and
Ue L. O. T. M. ef Traverse City.
Miu. Lackey. moUar of George
Lackey, formerly of Uis plaoo, and
Mrs. Bay Steele aad ehildroa, arrived
la Ue city yesterday from Loa Aagslea,
' Judf* Corbett. Boa. W. B. FoM.
J. W. Patehia and City Attorney P. C.
OUbert went to Lelaad yesterday to aV
tend Ue Cirenlt court held there Ui*
Stodtc S> Slelsbnu'e Oral
MoeCar. Jae* tftbJ. O. Plank, the noted resort hotel
man of Chicago, whose
at at«lsbM(-e at uSMBirraatw.
loimted at St. Joseph, Mackiaaw aad ia
r loealiUca, waa In Ue city SaUr-


Teacher of Violin.



• fa lookiag over the itoma ef your
«aacrl»w an article about bicyel*
palbo.aoyiag that th* WUlluia*4gkMlm«vrar«baUdiag a path
fnulaBahuig to Bate*, a distaaoe of
fpr- "»«■- The dlataaee la only two
nad further, the WiUiaBSbnrg
^•yu ura aot leading U th* oatorprlae.

Cycle Works.

J. O. Jeason A Co. sold il bora** at
Ueir aaeoad anetiaa sale last Saturday
The Boyal Neighbors will give a toaauppar at Mantagne hall W<
day evealng fiwm 6 to fl o'clock.
of Ue Y. W. C. T. D.
are roquaeUd to meat at Ue Frieads
ohnrek Uis ovaalar at 7 o'clock
CoarOaad Brevracll of Travorae Qty
ha* been grantod^n Ineruaso of panaion from |6 to tS per nmath.
a E. Murry of Uo G.
A L baa
purchased s fine cream oolored posy
ef J. O. Jenson A Co. for Mrs. Murray.
Tko P. A P. H. baa* ball team taraed
U* tablto *a Ue Maalatoe Oelte Sandoy, by dofoatlag thorn by o ooot* of 8


Today is Flag Day. Ua aaalveiaary of
Ue adoption of Ue national emblsm.
Everybody shonld display Ue Amertaan
Th* sale ef seaU far “Mkm Fn^
of Yale” will opaa at Uo box ofieA^,
Steiaborg’* Oraad tomeri
at 7:*0 o’clock.
BpworU Laagua Blaotlon.
All U* Bemboia of Travetto City
The following ofiioors wore alaeted
Lodga, Order Mutual
by Ue BpworU League of Ue First
raqnoatod to attend Ue rognlar Boct
E. Church for tb* coating six lagtSKavonlag in Ml
months laat night:
The Ch^Hrea's Day exarekwa of Ua
Friaada Sunday school will b* held
>V--^M«^Cora I
next Sunday. An ofleHng will be tak*B to fialah paying for Ue
Harvoy Curtis brought to Ue Bxcoac
laet sight Uree grant snowball UoaUe laiyori measuring 18 ineke*
In eireamaonee, aad Ue oUais oearly
Bowstary-Maas Shield*.
as large.
Iiiaaoil* Tknmat Parker.
It was aBDonaced In Sunday's Bscjnsaa ML London, Dentist
ORD that Bon. Geo. G. Oovetl woald
give a leetnr* Jnae 17 in U*
Jamto M. Loudon, so* of Wm.
4ea of Uis pises, a graduate of Ua eekoelboaaa.
Maaly C. Dodge will deliver U* lecture.
Tnnn. raw EWh idtoE, wUl
nto Ui* yror from Ue the college ef
Dr. Snyder and Frank Mead* wont
dMlaleargoiy. Oaivaraity of Michigan. tUiag up Ue Booidmon yeetesday.
Inritatkms to th* graduaUag oxetciaea Oo Urir wav koek Ue doctor rod* 1
*rtand* of “ehalalsoi” bUynU Ue loot two mUeo.
Hr. Lwaaoa. ,
Ibar* are a few fiU left Uar* yoL

Onv McKawis-e Shoe Btms


WiNT Work
For your Bonay? That's what yon get
when yon employ (.ieo. B. Wlanie—
your toooey'a worth la good kooest

Opposite Ea^le Office.

*e t ♦
Tltallswl Air sandal
lor afamtatM pslsUa> •xtiaeUae cf
itnirtiraB af teeth vihboBt
^ABadoUfTto rttj


- ar, no. obU*«i to toll



We bsTS •

tj,e beet western oom-fed stock and can fomisb yon fits
beet CbiciBo btef killed at home

Bingham Bros., Fnit StmL

In the
Swimis —M of people wbo
are apdo-date and are
recognized whererer
they go for their correct
knowledge of life and
People in the swim
are the people who
because theb' are posted
on what is 1^ for their
There are lots of such
2,559,817 pain of SELZ shoes were
made last year alone.
In offering yoa these shoes we declare
them the best in the world for tlw
money, do
prww jg
#1.50 or *5.00.

arwar I


1 How Fitzsimmons I
Friday, Jane 17.|g

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.

Original “Charlej’s Aunt,”
and that great cast in

“Miss Francis
of W
Funnier than “Charley’s
Better than “My Friend of

m Rth! Bah!
Ills Ftaicls of Tilt!
She’8 AU Right!
PoptUar prices, 25, 35, 50,
and 75c.
Kcaerved seats at box office Wednesday morning.

Hit Corbett


’ In tbs solar plexus has always been a deep mystery to his :
admirers. How we sell


• At such low prices ia a mystery to the admirers of a good ar­
ticle. The unexpected will happen sometimet, and we will ;
: give everyone a chance to secure a beautiful floor covering :
at a low price if you come quick.





H OF if 111
that Hn etalntd th« 8etl of
Ouba in This WvJt Shod
■t Caimanon.

•bMl UM NtOan bt thd vulaity el
nirr--------«Ucb Ilea at tbt entrawe
rfct 1——• harbor. Ouantanamo City
to inlADd about ftftaen nJlea. Tb* two
hartaoia are connacted by a narrrvw
It la the outer harbor »hlch
no bolda with a bat.
or B«arl»ea on the ctctI ofablunttapped eminenee comnaodlns the en*
trance on ibe aeetem aide. In the Inner
are t«o amaU Bpastab yuabcata.

yiwtxM EouBs OF nQHxno

Negligee Shirts!
PrM*nt ntcal Tw
Rtcerd Ort* for AgricuU
tural Products.


Elegant assortment at 39c, 50c, 65c, to
$1.50. Call in and see them. Just the
thing for comfort.

Pallm tbc LwidiBc cf BmitiBCteB'i
Puty o(

0—iIOm mm4 BacaUn Baap Tp a Bal
BU« «a Oar Vartaaa KlU Baar aa4
«Tat»iaOtl>ar.Ka K~«*ata l«a«l>ap


Wahinytoe. June U.-Tbe farmera of


. fi

other paria of the world for more mon­

iS«p» Wayllm. Haiti. Juna 18.—tCopf*

Sicbt Ibonaanfl Americana,
to a priTate dlapatch



Siaiaa aaxlUarr

cntlBw St. Louis arrived at Mole 8L

June U.—Up



o'clock this mOrrlR* the report that 8.NO American troopa bad bean landed
near Santiaitu cannot be conBrmed

AonoetoUd PreaOlapntcfaBoa^Danntto«..oS Guantanamo. June U. via Hole
• WL Nlcholaa. June U.-lCopyrl«ht. 108.



botUUoa of marinea encamped on tbe
kill cunrdlos the abandoned cable nation
at the entrance to U>e outer harbor of



almoot oonUnoom

The flchtln* wax

thirteen boon

The advance

killed to Aaalaunt Suryeon John Blair
Qlbfaa. non of Major Glbba. of the re«ntor artny.whnfelllniheCcater maaaacrc.
Bto home waa at Rlcbtnmd. Va.
Xam« of (be Mni Killed.
The Othera killed are Betceant Chaa.
H. Smith, of Smallwood; Private Wllllam Dnnphy. of Ul'^uceater. Maaa.. and
Pilvate Jamei UcCulyan. of

B In the 1
spite of the
capital U
aiacance. The Spirit of tbe people ts
The delnaes have l<een
cteawd; fresh haltallons of volunteers
have l»ee organised, the place la vlctnaled for two months, and the insurhave not ventured to make an at-

dayllcfat at the p «itlnn« tbe Spantarda
occupied Indicate fatalillea. but tbelr
comrades carrlvd off the killed and
wounded. The enyayement beyan with
daaultnry flrtnK at the plrkela a thouaand yard* inland fn^rn the camp. Cap­
tain ^icer'e company waa dolns yuard
duty and was driven In. dnaUy rallylnK
on the camp and repulalnc the enemy at
I o'clock.
Bedim of tbe Deed BnUleted.
The larre caMtIes caused by tbe hulIcta. which Insicii- u ranse of
have a rotary mutlcn. indicate that the
vtctlma were killed at df»« ranre. The
kadlea were stripped of shoea. bats and
cartridtee belts and horritily mutilated
with raachetca. The 8|.anlarda feuxht
from cover till mldntrbt. discoverable
only by the flaahes. at which the martoes flred voUeys. The Uarbtebead
tounrh. a Colt machine In uer
her bow.
•nahed up the bay. enflUdlng the Bpantarda and It Is thought that some were
hJIM. Tbc marines trailed much blood
to the water's edge and there kat it.
Sharks are numerous In the vldnlty.
apulsnle rbsrge «p the Bill. Bbortly after midnight come the main
The Bpanlards made a charge
op the southwest slope, but were met by
1 Toilers from tbe mate b^y
- -and broke; but they came so cloae that
at points there ^ alw.ost a hMd-t<^
hand Stniggle. The offl^ra used th^
evolvrrs. Three Spaniards je


trill Be toe

ade becomes stricter It will be urgent
to send war a?.ires, as hU supply Is mnnlns short, the government has Uken
steps to dispatch abundant supplies by
fast vessels from 8t«nlsh and foreign
porta. The more Important supplies
from Spain wUI be strongly convoyed
and will be sent linmedutely."



camp. It waa during this assault that
Assistant Surgeon GHibs waa killed. He
was shot In tbe head tn front of his own
tent, the farthtut point uf attack. The
attacks werr ontliiued at intervala
throughnui the nighi. w ith firing from
pmall squads In tarious directions.
Toward tnnmln^ the fire slackened.
MenKhuwed N<
Lieutenant Olonel llunlinglun and
Major Ow-krcll gave high praise to the
Berve and et<-ailln"Sa uf the l•fflc<■^s and
aieo. especially the ycunp one*, aa tbs
engattepicnt was a baptism of fire for a
la^ majority. •ni<- men were In darkansa and In a sirdno- hind. l>ut they
ptood t*' their t>osla with courage
(ortUude and there w as nu symptom cf
panic. Next morning
r^blehcaT Eski!
were landed the Marblehead.
tlmates vary as ic the attacking fnree;
•erne aay h« and 'the’«’rur»'"Tin'li
lonel CanuiiDB th»
high as l.o>n.
Cuban guide, said the Spaniards wire
aaostly Im-gulars. but the reports of
tbe discharge of Mauser rifles would IndScste that they were regulars, as most
of the guerriltof carry Remlngtuna.

Thrti Barry Away.
Dauntless, off Guanunsmo Bay. Jone
IL via Klngsuin. Jainalcsi. June t2.—
{Copyright. HSt tq Assurlatrd Press.]—
la ci-atrolling th- cuter harbor of
OaaBUnamo, where Colonel HunUngtas's battAllon or. marines landed on
lay. Bear Adt
« of the Cutoti terminus



eabell, but Ihe cable atr«mwrecked byei
— ..
Adria ha*'
and operotnrs
aboard and direct communlcailno with
Washington will e.Kin be established.
The dlsuncc overland to Bantlago,
around the baj-. la about sixty miles,
aad the made have been rredered im.
paaable by Ihe Cnbaai under Pedro
Perea. The first dlvlMcai of the Cubaa
away claims to have 4,900 men. but
theec figurea are probeldy over-«eU■Bted.
TheCubaM hHleveAlut there an


Ban Prapclac'*. June J3.-Major Oenral M<^(t,wants more troops. He la
uow in^n>mnH>nit'BttoD with Waablngtoo on (he auld^i and hopes to receive
word that addlCPmal forces have been
granted him and started on the way.
Prom gcud ,s-*unt-s H is learned that
Mcritu has demanded the fuU quote of
»,0M men.

Newp-rt XewA Va.. June U--The
German stfamshlp Constantla. whose
i1 np,,ear«nce
apiwarance off
off the capes Friday night
-tn, mnaatlop^nimora m to
lurking in that
; ^rtnliy. arrived here Saturday. ~


; To bo Bold la Port Bnron Juno


Beat of the


the year will
conalderaUy in ezceoa p,rt Buroa. Wodneaday and Tbomday.
of, the total for tbe year
belnx likely to reach t8to.00o.IXW. Never
tolament of the vtsiliair velaraBa had a
large attendance is expected.

^ /m

Hotel Whiting
Tkatebbi Citt, Mioh.

Daeid Warm, an old ploaaer of thto

FRIDir, JUNE 17, 1898.

Sunday night at tbe age of 60 yeara
Deesasid leavea tear


aad three

One Day Only Baek XoatA.

Two of kU aona are luaid-

lag at Elk Baplda.

Tbe funeral srUl

OonsiUttotion Bad ExamiaAtloB Ftm aad Strictly

be held from Lang Lake ehmrck this


maoa at 8 o'clock.
Itoa XUwankM OarnJval.

>«oUtbalrattsotl«>U) Olataae* of the Bra. Bar, Tkieat ^ Lfaab

It to propoaad to give a monster
coneartatMUsrankea dnring Ckmival
weak Jnse S7 to July 8.

At a


rt. Ptomscli.aad


ooBcart la Mllwankea givaB at one
of t^a largest tkeatrsa. tkoaaanda weiu
unable to gain adtotoalon.



for this concert to to have all the big
ekaral aoeieUea of



aad aldad by a hraM band of ona hund­
red ideeaa, give a wnr eascert In
Expwitlon building.

srSssr SJSr S'K.iS'cSrssi:
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men



Back a eoaeert

The Carnival


•ithoat adds, k^w ^ or et— .

wiU attract almoat aa many people aa



FUea. Tape Hone, thfi

itkai to dlBcnlt.y

the sreak’a aBWnalnmeat.

s end to e—re ether ptyrirlane have
secteteftwoor three eanree ot sHae

Aaaoeiatlon baa sue-

ee and tert wedtolae amt

eeaded in gettiag reduced ratea of one

oatmsal being mure than W per cent,

fare for return trip on all railruada
ever last year and that of oats IN per
and one oeai a mile on the opening day
cent., while In rye the gain la also
foed to retam until July 4.
phenomenally large. In pruvlslona.
which tirm are Included beef, h.-g and
Ezeomloao for I
dairy products, there Is abw a markad
Inc-Tvase. the total exp>irta uf pruvlalons
Tbe Queen of tbe T^kM took 18S
to paaaeerera to Snttens Bay Sunday.
Oapuln JohnsM will have the boat re­
painted aad
aad otherwise
otberwiae improvaa
improved ana
of painted
baron, whhh were l3i.l8T.HT in value remain here with her until after tbc
last year, being likely to reach 844.0M.- 2Srd. Be will run several exconlona
lard showing a almh
137.. oo Ike Uy OB that day for the pleasure
lar IrcTease. I>elng llk->'y lo P-acb 137.000 OU this y.-ar. or a rain « f n-arty
' r »*.- jof the etoitors to the big Mi
curalea. Soon alter that the boat will
Live l»ef seems t^^g^nlngJnjK>pu. | ^
^ Charlevnlx to engage in tke
Urtty with our forelu---------- .-------- --------excniaiea buslnesa to Harbor 'Springa
exports of beef cattle having increased
materially, while those of »«*£. either sad In that loesHty dnring tke snmi
fiwah. canned or salti-d. have failed to
show any lnrr>-aae. In most rases a de­
A Bride From Big Bapidm
cided talUng off being n-.tUeahle. The
P. X. Andruws. of tbe Uemld compow
tbe first months of the flsral year lag reoyi. left for Big Rapida yeaterday.
were STS.MS. against SlO.Ct In the While away Mr. Aadrewa will take fw
corresponding months of last year, while a bride Hite Dorothy D. bwartont of
fresh beef In the same period fell friim
Uke V{ew. The wedding will take
242.1C8.S04 pounds In ten months of INST
to 22T.434.3T3 pounds iB the c-im-spond- place at the borne of the pareaU af tke
Ing ten months of I8M.
Salted beef bride. After a two weeks' tour the cou­
shows a fan uf to per e«L for the year, ple will return to Traverse City, where
and canned beef from 44.MS.OOO pounds
tker will make their future boan
In Ion months of INT to 84.01U2S tn the

London. June ll—The Times,
menting on the landing of marines in
Cute, says: "It 1* Interesting to raeall
the fart that the last time the AmerU
can irooiis lanued In Cuba. In 1782. they
were uiider Briltsh Culora"

SHOT row* Ef^dbiS bloob.

In ten mnnlha of 18S8-___

To Tlait Xingaley Blva.
Mg tneveew nf Oar Fsporta.
Tbe sewing circle of Tmvarae Bay
Tfsshington. June 12.—Exr-ris ct do­
mestic produce for May were valued at aive, Xo. 571. has plaaaed to visit
tf2.Cf8.OOC: for Ih* eleven months ended Kingsley Hive XTedneeday, and
May a. *Tit.<i72.««. rompared with INI.will be ready to start at
673.008 In rtsT. Exports of breadMuffa
m. from tbe reeldenees of Mrs. Minnie
f..r May were MS.rsi.noo, and for the
el'ven m-mthe. 231<o,683.0(in. compared Smith. Mrs. C. C. Mace. Mrs. May Som­
With IIT?.wn.00C for the previous year.
ers and -Mrs. A. B. Brawn, where tbe


Springfield, O., June 11—Otway Lo, wealthy farmer residing at South

Rohm, a town eighteen miles south of
berti. was Biot down and killed la cold
i bU-rf by Charles 8. laer. aged IS years,
i The murderer Is still nt large, although |
irmed men hsv> been searching for him

roatwkcMecaBcas 11 ronewptortasm. Tbei art rospoi

DRS. B. S. 8c CO.

lasf>rihc Nativew
I.lverpol. Juhe 13. — Sleamera which
have arrived here from Sierra Leone
report that LOOO persona were killed in
the recent uprising tn that dliirirt. One







Lock Box 160.

If You Have Logs to Sell
CorreepoDd with the Traverfie City Lember Company.
We have for sale Good,

Sound Hepilock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Usehinery of all descriptioDS, indoding Two Eagioe*,
Bet Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant


Udiea are requested te meeb

Women's Oxfords

Lang JUy be Pardaaad.

Tks Mardeiwr Aflerwaid Defyiag
body la Taws la Atrast lUia.

A pardon baa bean recommended for
Jobn Long, who wtseoBvicted in tke
Leelanan Circuit eonrt of a charge of
taking indecent llbertlee with m yonag



ou tbe vray at popular poiota until S1.60 to

Lang was eantenoed te loala by

Judge Corbett last Nevembar.

Prices etarl at 60e and are up. etopping


Styles uru CMn. Balldag aad

Cammua Seaee.

Bdault of a OoUialon.
bush by the "war b<'ya " and undoubt­
WhUe driving near the oeraer af
edly met a worse fata Tbree hundred
friendly natives were killed, and bealde Beventh aad Union eireett last evening
the white misslorarles alg oulurad mis- C. H. Peterson collided with Tbomae
alonariep of the I'nIU-d Brethren of
u who was on bto wheel. Tke rim
Christ were murdared ot Maaobbai
7%e Bngilab mlaMonarles are at the of the kind wheel of the ble.vele was
merry of the war boya. but have
badly brakea.
rapidly away unmob-sted. He drove Into
Cedam-llle but wee not known at Ibe
Mtoa Marioa Bokerte came ay from
time. Here he atend<ned bit horae and
BOU- Daye at the Krbroeha Fair.
buggy end !<•<* t<. tbe woods. Officers
Omaha. .Neb.. June 11. — BcglnBlag Ann Arbor last ni^b
are bnt on hie ttalL___________
with Nebraska Day. June 14. a large
l>onatus. tne lamolu aire oy Longnumber ot state and other epeeial days fellow, out of Semper Felix, died BaturAalhoraf-wwort Rye aad Bye" Dead.
Richmond, Ills.. June 13.-IJr. R..FIU- have been arranged for at the Trae
day at Itunnymede atock farm near
Lexington. Ky., of colic.
popu- Mlsslcalppl exp-oklcn. Closely folM>'
lar hymn. "Tbe
Kye and Dye." Ing Nebraska Day are Wlacuiisin. June
By ao vxploMoB of mice gas tn tbe
died Raturday evening u the age of H IT and U; nUsoto. June N; luwa. June South WllkvstaaiTe shaft of tba Laklgh
Dr. Dennett had bi-en
....................... ,
aad Wtlkeabaire Goal oompany, ten
tor over a year, and for many monthe
miners were badly barned.
Ktogar May Have es Fight Bavagt
hla sight had bem affrcied.
Thieves entered Notre Dame. Reman
London. June IL—Tbe Cape Town
Catholic rburrh. CUppewe Falla., Wla.
corresixmdent of Tbe DaUy Mall a
Aosee la Ihe Bell Field Agolo.
and carried off over tl.SM worth ot
"War between the Transvaalaadta
New Turk. June 13.—AdrUn C. Ai
^ o«i-ia
for many yean with tbe Cbleagoa. le

'^■Tra«»«S Ike crime ta not
i known, but II to said that ao old feud to
Iling Lucas Reiser Jumped Into
After klllli
a bugey lod ran'a^ borer up and down
street <if the vlUage, daring
o takr him. Aa

The Swaal king hae 29,600 warriorfi, well
armed and drilled, and there le gnueh
anxiety in the Trenevaal."

85c: JSy. 79c; September. 70X«7ic;
December, 71c.
Benin. June 12.—Finy persons have
Oom-June, 8JM«; July. Wk«8»e;
been made sick by irlchlnosU this week
Tb-Man Wte Flads Oat SeereM.
Seatembex, 89c.
liondon. June U.—A dtopatek to Ike In the o-lfhburhood of Zwlrkau.8axoay.
Oate-Jana 88c: July. UKe; Bepsad It te amerted that Amerieaa pork tember, 21 He: May. tSXc.
Dally HaU from Nagasaki. Japan, i
-1 have trurtworthy Information that was respnnalble for lb Bnt when proof
Park-JnM and Jnly, M.60.
Getmanr ta determined to prevent bCMf of this aaseitloa was tavlUd U waa hot
Grand Bapkto, Jttu 18.—Wkaat, Me.
terdmeat of Manila.''
Cerwuus MoA* U1 by BsUag Peek

and dlrected the gatna______

Tb^OfiUtefittd 8p6dAllfU;

FUusar af Long Lake Olsd 6aBda7.

Com meal oata and oatmeal and rye
abow a striking Inervaae. the gain In

Whs* Wet

^w the manager cf the New Tork
Ball elulu Tbe contract


aecUoB. diad at kia home at Lang Lake

any atkar single feature anggeated

CoDstanila Is huiind from New Orleans
to Hamburg and came to this port for



a Day.

Lnndui. June 13.—The Madrid corre­
spondent of Tbe StanrUrd. telew^

Merritt Waste M,OO0 Mem


... ■, ■

and 16.
exportatloaa which have tvached tbe
bureau of aUtlaUeo make It quite ap­
parent that the ayrlcultural expona of j O. A. B. of tfiehiran will

have the ei^rta of
reached the tSOO.tX«.MO line, and
:«1ce have they been as much
at IToo.Wip.coo. the two occasions In
which they pamtd the rw.WO.ON line
being In Itol and itat.
r InnwMe tn BraMIstngk.
d with tbe last fiscal year tbe
Increaiv in exports of agriculturalprodmil be fully and ftmtpared with the ptvcedlng year tbe In­
crease will be over t:&0.<W,eoo, while the
total wUI be f
of that of the
stuffs alone the exports of the year wlU
amount to nearty 11.800.000 for each bnaof the Oregon, the Marbfchead and tbe inew day. and will be more than tlOO,Toiwmtte. This first Unding in the rl- 8N.OOO In excess of last year's exports
Nearly all anlclrs
dnlty of Guamniiamo was accomplished
In broad daylight. The Spaniards made claaaed aa breadatuffa have participated
a feeUe attempt at resistance, but they In thU Increase. Of wheat the value
• forced tn flee under the heavy fire of the exports for the fiscal year l*>8
of the Amervian vessels. So hasty waa will be more than double those of the
fiscal >-ear 1S>T, while tbc Increase la
their departure that when tbe Amer­
uty waste
haul flour win be nearly 60 per cent., and of
icans landed their first duty
waa tebaul
ftbythe enemy. com nearly U per cent, in value. May
exports of com were Urger than thoae
ts place waa i
stripes, at the sight of which the i
of any other month In the history of tbe
rines became wildly enthualastlc.
ts i
mntry.. while tbe total exp<irts
ir the year
for tbe first time will pass
the toO.r'C.ooO-buBhel line, the toul In
ihK-e pttcedlng years baring
mlU. dated June
reached lOC.OOO.OCO buahela.
the alluatlon there as
It aaj-a:

Cnarrlllao and repular* Once I o’clock
•otvday afternoon.

month. Tbe prellmlnnry reporta of

carraiii csaxtBa B. CLan.»deroriheClte «mi
and at Caltnanera there » a battery.
An expedition of three ateam lannchee.
officered l>y Lieutenant Norman. En■ten Eurtia eon of Jamea D. Euatla
United Ptatea
and Cadet b. Van Orden. nnder I
the ireneral command of Lieutenant Anderson. who distinguished biroself
1 a dingy within fifty
yards of the fort wiihont being dlseovereA He found the fort to cooetat of
•onry. with three guna mounted ne*wnrd.
poMtlon on the hill held by Hunt­
ington was captured Friday afternoon,
alter a brief engagement. In which a
regtmeni of Spanish Infantry waa drivheadlong from Its position and *»
leriean marines landed on Ibe east-

OnaBtanaaw haa been enpaxed In beadlac eS o n>*h

thia month than in any
In the tOatory of the ooueiry. Even the
hlyh water mark of it*, when our ex-1_________


Pitoec. ha« lan^d very Bear 8antta«o
da Cuba.

ey In the llacal year which enda mitb

porta frf ayricuKural produele amounted
to j:».S*.SSL will be aunwaaed by the

ISSS. by the Awoclated Preaa.1—


the pnlted Statea are drawloy upon

—BaoM* af tha CaltrB Mata* Bartaaa


If you need anything in thto Une' ws
may bavu what you waab
ahoee are kuauUse.
of ne.

Our uUk My

Come and bay uhoua

We will euroly save you noaey.

A. S. Fryman,
Prftotical ShoemBiL.
135 Front StrMt.

Asparagus, Lettuce. Eadishee, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
’Fhona 167.

S«8 Front StTMt.




sicht of SM eye. The doctor who sxamlBsd tts wound «ld ha found plsess
at rtass in It and doesn't beltovs ths
■hSOflQd StOTT.
But ths Story of a br«M Bama aad
abootUiB got out among the '^yys" and
tbe first thiag thought of was lynehlBB.



Prices of tsa bare advaaced 1 otnt to
I cenu a ponnd la n wsMt at Nsw
Ex-Senator Sasryer presented tZLttO
to Oshkosh. Wto..te aid In estabashlnga
wlthdraiTB from the Social Demoerwey puUlc UbraJT.
of America. They have formed a new
Marls Nagel. thw^sM penon In that
organlMUon caUed tbe "Boclal Demoof lUiaola died at Belleville
lye done, how- ersUe Party of Anterlca." Tbe spat Saturday, aged •• yean.
ever, to work off the excliemeBi
The Ameilcaa National bank of Uma,
tbe soldtors proceeded to demolish BakO.. has been authorised to begin busi­
afs pUcs. They broke up the tumltors. making a poHUcsl party of tbe orgaal- I ness witb B capital or
•csttered the gsoihUBg paraphemalls
Fire at Detroit destruyed the Case
la tbe street and srere only deterred
Powder building on Congrem street,
fsvoted rvrehase of toad to form s so- west. Six firemen were severely burned.
bf u
FlMt of
C H. Ames. Third IlUools; Thomaa
After a discussion lasting twelve
ipsny I.
Fourteenth New- York, aad houra, (he ooloatostion factioB la the reg­
ty, killed himself si Fort MePbernua.
**Judd" Sharp. SUteentb Penssylvaala. ular eoaventJon In Ullcb's hall won out
Oa., Saturday.
were oundlng ootop of a oar. the train at t:M o'clock Sunday morning by s
Bute Treasurer Steel, of Michigan,
imiles as hour, when vote of It to gl. Tbe mlnoHty immcwill receive bids unUl noon June flO for
dUtely withdrew to Parlor A. of ths noo.ooe of t per cent, war bonds, at par
Revere House, and adopted a platform and accrued Interest.
off. They
icy ai s iB tbe hospital, but act
In sympathy w-lth lu Ideaa
C»p(mM«r Warn J—-latlMttow TVal
Tbe various camps of tbs Modem
fatally hurt.
Woodman in Amertca of western WtoWUM Wftrk Is at Bast—
The foUowing Michigan aotdlers ars tbe new party: Wtlllara Msllle. secreeonsln united Saturday la a Monster
Bmt* CMm Cmb»
W«» U1 at tbe geaeral army hospital at Attsry. and ‘
picnic at Onalssks. Wto. .
UbU; a. G. Brandt, company H. aad beaded by Eugene V. Debs NaUonal
Fraak A, Kelley, company A. Thirty. beadquarten will be esuuisbed some­
Wubtiicioo, Job* It—T^4«t
Second regiment.
where ouUld* of Chicagn. The platform
Am OidmasM.
MAt of Major Oeneiai Sbafler tbe
Washlnrton.JuBs U—Tbe reslgnaUon of the new pfirty declares for ths vigor­
ftrM tlTlsIon of Uw UottcO 8Ut»t army
1 ordlnanos aaUUed *'Ah Ordlof Brigadier Oeneral Charles Flu Sim- ous use of tbe ballot remedy for all la­
anacc relative to the omstmetioa of
aaUcd last nl^t frtun Kry 'Wesl for ens. of Chicago, reached the war debor evils; public ownership of all moBaoUaKo de Cuta to bsslsre aadcaptsrt partment Saturday and It to probable
telegraph • llnee.
An Ordinance relative to the oomthat town. Tbsarmy
General James H. Bsrkley. the other mines; Introduction of the MlUsllve and
•tnction of eement sldewaUm.
rai of the Iiiinou NaUen
in Burebor. len -Fort Tampa Saturday
referendum: abolition of a-ar: women's Connell of Travene City oedalns:
and wont as far as K«y W««t. Tbe eon. al Guard. wlU be apfralnted t
rights; natloasUsstJon of farm
Sxenox 1. Tbs eonttmctloo of eeroylBS B-arahlps ars believed to number
t rages: Improvement of farm land by ment sidewalk adjacent to any preaij the use of the national credit, andsnnl- sea In tbe eity may be ordered by the
>f HHlUrr Plawu.
between aixteen and nineteen, and wl.tb
I form postal lUU for tbe transporutlon council upon the termt and oooditioat
ttala powerful foree there to no lM)g«r
as berelnatter epoelfied. aad when so
ordered the city shall be liable
ports can be attacked auecwaafnlly by
Ode third of the actual coat
any Spantoh warabipa. even If such
provided ths total oast s^ not exocfd
--------------- -----------------------------among tbe • ratted Matas MaawtortwtMsflay Oae Tax
abould have escaped tbe vUtUant search
states and tbe regular army Following |
lajaiws Them Abrwad.
of the naval commanders ht Key Wat are some of the sppointmenu; lUlnols. |
and oil Havana, it la believed here that l«; Indians. W; low*. U; Michigan. IS; '
bers of the cycle trade In the Cnlied
the Ally out of Havana of the three
States arc desirous of having congrets
^antob yuBba.rts was inleBdedCo create
reduce the tariff on blryxiea. and to that
the Inpreaalon that they were prepared
Vetaatam Have rinty ef
end a petition to congress to now bsing to bis or her premises may peUtioo the
to. U
Chlcsksmsuga Park. Ga.. June IS.— j drawn'up
which It to expected tbe eonncil to order the oosstmetioa of the

Mitwy Exp*dttion It Actually on
Ite Way to Awist 8amp>
•on’t Squadron.

LsaMng. Mich., June It-Dr. Oeerg*
H. Cattannoto. flUtv beard of haslU «xport. has ratnmrd tram Lewtoton. a
samll vinsge In
where br Invratlgsied s sarieua out­
break at dlphihrrta. There have been
thirty-five caara and five '
May L five of iba vlctlma being chudrtn of O. L. Kneelsnd. who ware
by Cbrtottsn Science.

Every precaution has been taken by
tbe rovemment to ensure tbe atfety of
the troops SB routs to Cuba. The naval


roarncATioBt at aaa jcai

being asked by the Aatodated Press In regard to tbe stories of
abort food supplies at Camp Thomaa,
sent out to certain senaatlonal news­
papers. said In effect that the ttorlea
were Ilea out of whole cloth, manufac­
tured by
wspapsr corre■pondenu.

Washlrtgton. June U.—The prtaldeiit
has authorised canned aalmon to be
added as one of the meat coraponenu of
the army ration. Ordinarily fresh beef
srIU be Issued to Ute troops six days
ten. salt mcaU three days la up and
cafiaed salmon one day la ten.

nw wanzT t&vbt
New York.

rr- •.: ; u..
,...iirstlona ftr
of the ffuatdsblpa
transports wilt be kept as closely to.
and tbe «
aatem aad on ^b«r flank. Tbe fleetest
scoutlnc vessels will be thrown tar
in adranre of the transports, and In order to easure scalnst an attack from
r some of thi se veseto. «{Cb as
y armed cruUfoa The battleship Indians leads the
procession of shlpa which will be the
! In American
iratera since the civil s
Tb ten days’ time, t
obsucles are encountered, tbe move­
ment upon Porto Rico will bepln. The
war department has been In close communlcailon by teleSTaph with Oeneral
Hlles at Tsrrrs. and all rf the neces■ hre been Ktven to tbe
Hon of th- mlllUry forces t
depsnment has been sulvlsed
purpose of the army, at.d the war
beard ye^erday wss maklnK arrsaires for the supply of the svnvoyin*
in b
be of a
•eet. ThU win
character than that wbid) wlUi the
BanUayo expedition, for ihe plans conUBtoflate Joint stuck upon the Baa
dusB forUAcatlcmi by the army and
OoMpo^Jtlea of the E
Way to Waallaao.
Ibmpa. Kla. June U.—Tbe expedition


U.-Tbe foUowtag

faas In ronnectloa with the orgaalsa-

a high authority. Tbe company alll be
capitalised at tS4.ODO.flOO. of which tlt.OOO.OtO will be common stock aad ts.000.000 ? per cent, cumulative preferred

company. It to claimed, contains every
distiller} and dlstributink company In
the Cnlted Stales outside of the AmerlB Spirits Msaufset^ng company,
d a-lll have a wurkJng cash capital of

and distinct institution from the
lean Spirits Manufacturing company,
but both companies will be operated
ironclad agreement and there­
by the Inleresu of both wlU be subserred. The new comuny
company wlir be In
operation on July 1. Tb^ various plaate
come Into the new compsayupoe a basts
of valuation made some time ago to
owaers. none of whom appraised hto
owB plsni.
•seres aa the nail rteld.

each fnmi the First. Third, S.xth. Ninth
Mght troa ps Ilf volunteer cavalry ti
from Itoorevelt's rough riders. M men:
(our ^t(e » ofllght sriiUery, SOO men
and mt-guns; two batteries of
_ is; .the
men; signal and buspital corps, etc.,
about MO men: a grand total of V.MO
The reguinn were practically picke
in, as not a single recrwlt wras takei
(he regiments t anying only tbe eld sea•mokestacki of every one cf
porta whlclf formed tbe fleet were
painted large while numiien. and Vy
them tumlwra the boats wereoffldally
known, their orlglaal names bmng dis­
carded. This was for the purpose of
- CnclIlUlIng signaling between the flag•hip and the other boats of the fleet.

An Ordlnnaea.

' *■' other vehicle which to dmsm by oae
« horees, anules or other a


_________________ ..Traverse City. Michi­
gan faster than a walk.
Sec. S. ThU ordinanee shall not pre­
vent the moving of teams and apparat­
us of the Fire departmeat as rapidly
as may be neesssary ta the discharge
of dnty.
Sec. s. Anv riolatiea af this ordinsace sbsll be pneUhed by s fine of
net lew than oae dollar aor mere than


Bb'TUffl BATXSOrTBArknXCnr SkAle
of BuA flss


Wheat, old. per bn...................

« to psy ssid flse aad costs be Impris_jed is the city prises or in Grand
Travene eonnty Jail until sneb las
rechimprieI period ef

—Detroit 1. St. Paul P

O. P. OAMVSR. Agamt

that I do nil kinds aS rennd nnsineUng. and that I cu
the best work oT any
one In the dty tor the Moapy. 'Don’t,
be deceived by what ottton t«n yon to
the oontrary, bat tonM and aea tor
aU ay work to bs tigbU
and If It doesiBOtproveao
not prove fli I i


Horse Hotel.
Liieij, Sale and Feed San.


Firit-elass Riga. Evorythlng new
and neak Ratos as reasonabls as any
flm-elaM barn in tbs eity. Give us a
call and get our prioss.




TpoB BALK-« am farm la Kartbvra Krw
T York ttoprovad •srrltoet toral Ued. koM

B. J. Morgan,


On X. * H. E. &. E.
All Emggage, bus asd hfick work
for said road should be left with
me. Office 239 State street, tele­
phone 3. All orders left with me
will receive prompt attention.

i TwraaaT^AHJtekeaek.TVsvtaarCiiv!

' aed remala
la feree
nance shall _____
im A rood A
a period of five years and no longsr.
L. BlM-brork.
Sxc. c. ThisoidlaaacsshalltSte la____ llat* effect.
We do hereby certify that the fore­
going ordinsaoe was pawed by the
Council of the eity of TVaverne City on
TrawtoMOttF Marhot.
die. lUploloe MS**
tbe Olh day of Jnna, lt»8.
W. W. 8«TB.
BMow in a list of (be buying and seUTTrANTKD-BouMbold mraUara. Stevao.
A. W. Btmns,
VV Irr Bnzro. Brtrivvratoro. Pmurv rramoo
prieoa of yustsrdajr for grooerlea,
41 HsmllB
audCurpralvr'.to.oUoia‘ a
‘ HItlor'o ~
CiW Clerk.
-totons and (arm pr^ncU la TrnvBumreeut -uwt-

An ordinanM relative to rate of
travel on bridges;
Tbs Connell of
Traverse City ordains;
Section■'^It shall not be lawful to
“ I ride, drive or propel any wagon, cart.
“ I carriage, dray. gig. bns. omnibus, hack



BpMtsl utostiUoa W
raariag. tllPrauiM

being eliher hanged
the Utter, wbereup
_scene forty
fifty shots wera
fired Into hto body, resulting In Instant

uLLDio raick.

the vaiaaof

Btop in tm • o'clock
every avanlng,
o'cloeke--.,--------------AtUrMjs at Law.
exo^ Sonday.
Sonday, in ths Caldwell A Lon­
Lon•moM is Meuisgac miaek. TMvsna ntr. mek. don bnUding, at north «md
' ai
‘ Onion


_____________be fnntsbed by the Qiy
Engineer at pahJ*
Sxc. &. L'nlsM

-Pltuburg t.
aeveland Chicago—St.l^ls
cage 2.
Western League:
dtanpolls 1. Omaha 1; al Kansas City—

that walled from hers to Key W’est pBor
«s Rulnx to Rantlaico was msde up of
Bcarly twenty reylnients of rscular ta.
fbntry of bc>n> SOO to MS meB each. 1b>
clutMne. besides the rvRUnents of the
Flfth'army con«. four n«lii>soU of 1btsntry that have been Id camp at Mobile
and whii h formed part of Major Oer.
oral C,.pplncer-s cotuBiaad at that
The total force seBt aloax of rewnlar
Infantry was alanit men. There
were also two reclmenis of volur

Natcbm.' Him.. June U.—At Oak
Ridge. L*.. a negro get fbU of liquor
and whsD an

Chicago. June 11.—Ssturday's Lom
tcores at base ball was as follows:
Bro<.klrn—New ^



and in such peUtlou shall specmms, at
J d
dimeaslans of such
ify the loeatloa and
be atuebed.
wslk and a
shall dsseribe briefpropmod walk
This movement has been pniBpi
Und and proi
proportion of
ly tbs kind
agUaUon now being made to a
be used and ths price per square
Europuan countries, where maBufactur- j*rd.
era are bringing preasure te bear on
Sxc; S. Upon reoeirlng such pstitloa
tbeir governments to increase tbe duly the eennell may. la iudtoeretioa. order Arto. will
u> eulU far aaraiBg. HI
on AmertesB Mcyclet. owtag to the fact the ooastmctioB of the eeMont side-,
that their Intreducilon to materially In­ walk at asked for or may take ench
juring tbe trade of the native msnufao- other action thereoa i
I aoaaell

a fact.

wilt Be espHaUsato
OMMae with the Other Cwwcwrw.

Ulpb V.
ircldad t
cond'Uen of tbto gift that an eqnsl
sme-nt shall br contributed by other
trienda of the inaUlatlan. thernUre fund
to ba tecurad b>' Oct. 1. ItM, and to eonstliute s buUdlng snd endowment fund
at JOO.flflfl.

If floyoakBOw

Bicycle Riders,


Aad K«7 WMt LMt Niftt, Cae*iv*a


Y^VOR SALE nRTBADg-Alarmol IRlAenv.
f woUlorotod. Auoihrrcuod (arm ou tbe
—in orU rkcap for eaah
ea«h ar
or li
trad* lor
poBlDsuU. Win

tor omsH ragtaa.
A. •FAIS."larladtarkaiUra______________
OoetataosU aboot armlao. eavlaa. faru sad
wsrsbipa afbotb asUonr aad arraj^lrmu>ry »{
- .1.
Kukio*ibr"taiarp^toedrr lor O
llbro la Iba halU af Coagrvaa. Yko rroaw-.
war boot pubUakod; *JD (araw pagoi: 100 aaporb UlnotraUoea, masr io rirkool eolatu. Bao

.STS j£r-j's»"ss

Grand Sajilda ft Indlau K. I

t m' II u



______ Mka

Hack, atr





Ft. WsysB



■obacribrr rveatTMgToad lino pra^BiB frwo.
Domaod roorwtoiu: karrroi for scrE»«. M
dar« rrodli: trelcbl paid: nolBl frvr. Write
rrtvBi at MHB a. i
todai . Addiv»o.Tb« ytaikaal Book ------------lwavao» ^ •^jj^j^Y.AfsaV
Dopv li, B« Drarbore •trrvi. Chleafo.
LOOKWOOD O. P.A-Otaadnmiga. Y70R BAIA-Oor Ml oat
f ol Howard arbUlag.


lUBn UDIQimi8Rlll.l

«s taka sesat SssAar. Jsso M. tan,

effect in twenty days after iu publtoatloa.
Ws da hereby eertify that the fereby Us
golog ordihaaos was
wss pa^
7 of ‘rrsveiBO City on
Uo «U
W. W. Bxim. Mayer.
A. W. RtCKnnn. Olerit.
Treveme City. Htob

John R. Santo,
Eeaeral lasurance.
Haasa talks Aheal Aai
debaiO la the house began f
Six speeches were made, ooveriag gen­
erally the contentions of tbe support
the resolutions proBltt and ~
tiding foi
morv of Arksnsaa the ranking Rspublican snd Demneratlc members respectely of the committee on foreign affairs.
I-ened the debate for and against an-

atid Glllrtt In edvmscy of tbe pro;^t-mom-w i.rd 'A •-dr.enlay and
fiTty meti Ix-rs wilt make Spee
Kab 4 u. Ike Omaha «Mi
Omaha. Nell., June It.—Chairman
Cald-..oII has i.i-tibi J tbe exposlilon authoriilcs i;at s|f<iai rates have been
Buth..iUc-d l.r Nebraska day. June It
SB follows: Frcm Nebraska points withIn about >W< mibs of Omaha. 1 cent a
mile, from Nebraska polnia bejxad the
1-cent-a-mlle-llmlt. one tai«
plus bridge (are. The' programme ineludes spetchas
chas by William Jennings
Bawa and uthen.


Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.-

“New Process” Vapor Stoves.

Will br rorvivod at the aOrr of W. A. Nrowm.
Ooaat} Clerk. oaU! tbr mb daf of daor ItM. at
I o'clock a. ■ for all tabor aad naimal for
eeutractias a coon bouoc oo tbe lot owood bg
Ike cou^Tkoowo ao Coon Doom nqvaro la


ss,-str *.*==-£=ffifsa==

UB Jrront StTMt

Hastings’ Rnl Estate Agency.

■‘rrapaaatotorBaUdtogOemBoasr'aDd b4->
dtcBooO IO Wm. A Vawiae. Oaaair Ctork. Travarao air. Htob. Reek Md mom br arrempaotod wMh a bond to tko BOW of moAOX ligBod to

dnwtd le««wlalro» la Ike laMvoal af tba
' br tbaboUdiBgaemOs lad air of Trara

BMoosXMwgs s
Brigadier Eewlgas.
ChSekanauga Park. June It. — Hun­
dreds <if soldiers were glv. n Uave of
absence yesti-rday and one r- iult then -


BWb. Al
whisky dleb uf Joe Baker
an ArksMBB pitvatc gat tniu a row with
Baker SI alleged because Baker eras
•toying ths “brase game ' on the pHvata Tbe prlvaio dadarad that Baker
^t at him wia a revolver^ hHi
him nsar ths cys ^ dsstroying

bi;i u hlch hss Just passed
ISM of SLUV.VM a month as a minimum,
said tbe
lni>r.-a»e of ellwer outngSc
would be al^t ti.400^_aj-ea*.
Yellow rever OeU Oat of KeBrwry.
Lnrel. Miss.. June Jt.-NewB pom
ycutlo announevs that J. M. McNeil.
Henry, who was quatantlnrd at tbe
ratodenoe of hto brother Dr. McNeil, last
Fklday, to alck with fever. McNaU left
MeBsnrr five fia}-s k

W foot lot. aasll k®nm. Baa leeatta.. *U awmt. esa ba bought fair KflO.
Mfuot M. road dwtousg. dowt. aad HO par muetb sail paid for,
HuurastluarmUmaoBthsodwaailroaiUwelW bead flood.
weivfed. yaasf arrkmd Tkla to a Immls for Bolr flljta
mHaeraslrnUr wait, all ttopruved. >111 baaoto iauaa ptoeaor divided teaaH. Uek ttto
up. OtbwplsoaajMisadaatrabUormtprvm.
Juhaaoo Block, pkoaan.

313Tront St


Stock Beoeyred Three

a Week

40c jPor quart
:p«r quart
SSaPdanlfl, SOepr-------------' Wid Msata.

Fletcher's Bister Oepet aed Restairail



af ftork^ 1 *jsawiUI'toSr

’With Bari, tlif Jawtiw.


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