The Morning Record, July 03, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 03, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




fieoood Tecr—'No 364

f Terrible Battle Continaed at Santiago Testerday, Blit No Bellbb’e Bep'orts of
Details Beoeived.





iSBtip ob4 Vsorir Esschstf
a Moans* Baoent.
’•Zld” Olaaarw wu in the tbe Box tor
Traeoree Olty and lot the OolU
—Tke flrinr praettosUp su^psd st i
»own With Only Two Hits.
o'elosk iMt alFkt *0 be rsssMd this OpMslteTuMessuie Aecoae.
Maatstoe, Uieb.. Jaly t.—Tbe HastThsBrhttBrwssfiorestUl <
laca. with •*KU” Gleaeoa is tbe box.
<amd s esssstioB.
Ihs satirs rsssrres of the i
Mlanebaa waa Ut freely. Oie^
srmy ware orAerwl to the InMt st oms, arm let tbe Colts down with ooly two
eridestiy with the latoBtios «t fore- bUs. Tbs Oolto fdaysd ncffed la tbs

Red, White and Blue
Never Run.
That is the way with the colors of our new stock of
hammocks. The colors are all fast and warranted. -W4
are having a special sale of them. (5et one and be cool
during the hot days that are sure to be here.


Oricinml EsUmate of Killed and Wounded was Too Ijow—
Great Anxiet7 Kanlfested In Washington Beoause of
Gie l4tok ot Details of the Flgrhtlng Testeklay—Unof*
Scial Beports Show that the Axaerioans Fonght Mobly.
Washington July 4—(Special)—A dispatch from an oper­
ator near the battle-field to one of the administration’s ' of­
ficials this afternoon gives other details of the battle.
He states that the fighting has been going on all day and
fas» been terriffic on both sides. The wounded are being
rapidly brought to the rear for treatment by the surgeons.
Judging from the number of wounded, the operator
states that the loss on our side must be very heavy ; indeed
. beyond expectation. Officials are very much concerned over
the news and fearful that the capture of Santiago is proving
very much more difficult and hazardous than was reckoned
upon when the attack was made.
The President and Secretary of War have also learned
that the engagement has continued all day. The wounded
are coming, in rapidly and indications point to heavy losses.
THe dispatch does not indicate decisive results in any

^ v;
' Washington. July 2.—(Special)—The profoundest con• cem Ifaroughout miliUry and official circles marked the open­
ing of the second day upon i^ich the battle of Santiago
being fought. The desperate Aaracler of the fighting is now
-^lly known to the war department. The information is in
addition to the repprt made by General Shafter last midnight,
•' when he roughly estimated bis casualUies as above 400.
A later report, official and direct from the field, indicates
.f that this estimate was far too low. The military authorities
^ were alert early in the day, despi^ the fact that they had
been up well through the night, anxiously waiting for the
latest leports. Secreury Alger and the adjutant general of
the army, General Corbin, held a conference as soon as the
secretary arrived. Then Surgeon General Sternberg was
sent for and Joined in the conference. It is understood that
the surgeon general will sen^I a large force of medical offi
cers, some forty for fifty, in addition to those already with
' General Shafter’s men. All suiuble appliances will be provided. An impressive seriousness pen-aded all miliury cen= ters.

The news that our gallant men had pressed their way
{o6i by foot up to t^e commanding plateau of El Caney was
welcome indeed, but there was now a full realization that this
had been done in the face of a withering fire.

SksUs soppossd to bars ooate from
the SpSMlth flset did beery exeentlra TBLLbw FXVBB AT SAVTZAOO.
SBOOC tke AaseriesB troope.
> ie Balldinff ^
Uaitod atatoo Pootal Btatloa.
lo Txa Moaaiii* KacoBo.
Maw York, Jaly S.—The Jonraal’s


BUT Bsiqalri eabl* uyi that In the next
baUdiaff to that oecnpled by tbe Amer­
ican pssul departstost. which dslirThirtp-Tbird end Fiist Bettslioa of erod UO ponnds of mall to tbs troope
Thlrty-rsnrth Kichlaen ▼olnaUsra Theraday, is a famUy of five, tbre* of
dndsr e DastrasUTs Firs end •*▼whom ar« down with a disease diaffami Wars zm*d Beoosd Battelaoaed as yellow ferar.
ira sf Tkirtp.Fearth, WBleb lacloCss Oompear K, Wes Wot
Tsttpstatore Tsstsrdsy Komlnff was
KewTerk. Jely I.—The World’s
106 XlsffTOM In tbs ebids.
speelel froa tke front detsfi two wiles
s|wel*lt«TnMoBn>B Baroao.
from UsbUsco ymtardsf itotM that
New York. Joly t.-A special say*
morcieeBtof tks eiiey jwtsrdsy.
M tbermcmeler arbacd Santiaco
e renerel edrecce to ektetn tke
stood lOS dsgreo* abore t >ro early this
Spenlsb ootpisu. To the asstwerd.
cb* rifbt eier- ne/e^OsMtel Lawton.
WM to ceptare Ceoey. the ceator was
There will b* a patriotic serric* in
to take tke beiebts of See Jeee esd be MetbodUt ebereb UU morainetke left wise wee to ceptare Afoe- The sabjact will be; "Tbe final rseolts
he Spaaish-AmeiicaB war."
Ike TUrtytblrd Mlcbifen e^ one
betteUlOB of the* TUrtyfourtt left
Slboeer at 3 o-eleeb la the monies by
tmto for Aroedome.
eralMr New York end tke kettle
ablp Iowa etaemed elSM into abore ead
eSelled tbe betUriM to oorer the n
aaeate of the troopeAs the aoldieiB dUewberked Ires
tbe trehi, a sbell exploded, killler two
Misblffea Men end wooediaf eerereL
Tbe troope deployed Into the woods
ead ley flat while the eoesy poored
efaot ead sbeU -la their direction.

Washington,. July 7.—[Special;J—The deepest suspense
existed throughout military' and official circles here as the dgy
progressed and no word came from General Shafter. At 3:30
o'clock, when a round was made of all the points of the war
and navy departments, where dispatches are utfualy receiv^,
nothii^ was forthcoming as to the situaAon on the fi^.
Adjutant-General Corbin, to whom the first miliury reports
are submitted, reiterated what he bad said earlier in the day,
that nothing lud come froffi General Shafter since 4 o’clock
this mproiog. Officials were not even aware that the battle
(Cootinutd on Second Pjge.)


The boabecdsMeLof tbe flmt felled
to dialodve IBe eapay end at t o’clock
tbe Miebiirea troope boarded the train
to retam to filbMcy. At that jnnetora
another eb^ karat in tbe aiddle of
tke ftooe. kUUsf and woondtnr oereral
If tke ^jeet of this moreneat
to captors AFnadores, it was a fallore.
bat blffh offidaU sUte that Its aotir*
was to nske a dsBonstratioa to bold
the enemy's sttent^ from tbs front,
and prerant tbe force there from retraatinr to Saatiseo, thna relnlor
tbe already larre fore*.
Meaawblls the eestreaad rlckt, la

Instead of a skirmish on the right flank, as later reports Cto>tiiiiar their patios, ent off Afnayesterday indicated, it was now clear that a general engage­ dorse from SsaUaroand exposed the'
garrtooa to attack In the front and
ment, and a terrific one, had been fought under the broiling rear, with tbe oertafnty of nUimato
- tropical sun and in the tangled vegetation northeast of San- Sarreader.
ti^o. From a strategic point.of view, Lawtpn's taking Ganey
yesterday gave an elevation oh the right vsiitg serving the
double purpose of di\-erting the enemy from the left and
opening a way to ouT left wing, and also of giving our troops Has Tsksa Flac* <ff tbs Bt Faal In
a more commanding sw^p at the enemy's northern defenses. Blocksfiinff Fsrt Baa laan d*
Porto Bieo. '
Incidentally it accomplished the important purpose, at least SpMlaluU*Hwa.*Baoni>.
to some extent, of preventing Pando coming down with Nsw Ywk. Jaly A dispatch from
reanfofreements from the north and turning our right flank.
Kiareton. Jamada. lays tbaS the aax-



miarywuivi Yoaemite. eommandad
bythsMiehiyaB nsral resarrm, ii now
blockadinr tbe port of
Joan de
Porto also, harlny Ukea the pies* of
the BV Paul. Noa* of U* Spanish ressel* bare ns yet ssolMted bar. They
bare romainad Wifi* tiw harbor' trer

Buy Sticky Fly Paper, at


Markham Block.

Macti Is Said ,
AM Ice Gmid and Soda FoDDtain DiMb.
Therefore we will ^ that yon will find our Ice
Cream delicious, our Soda Water true to flavor, our vari­
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to ouf
list from time to time. *
Fountain open week days only.

Jas. G. Johnson.


A GiRiit

Powder Firecracker

I Touobed off In a man’s hip pocket is a surprise. But
^lat is more snrprising is the low prloea
on Clothing and Gents Fornishing Goods at

I T.J. Host's Great RemoTal Sale

46o bnyse
a Underwear, msu’e sizes.
Me bays a boy's Washable 8oit, with Sailor Collar and
48o bays a men’s heavy Cottonade Paula
lOo bays men’s np-to^iate Caps.
43c buys mea’s fine Dress Shirta
$3.98, $4.48. $5.38. $6.38. $7B9 bays men's stylish AU
Wool Saits, wortB from $8 to $115a
It's not a sarpriss to as that we do the clothing bnamsas of
the city at these prices. See

rn.jr, sost,

i 124 Front Skoel.

Fri^** Block,

Don’t Ruy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
rntUrcoMcnliwrUtiM. I k*»p aneh *a •zMariTC Uu crT

abS msSriM*

Are always good bar­
gains, Here are a few
of the many.

Remember My New Piece-

Ladles' Pice Shoe*. Silk Vr«t.
iBf Top. Black or Tan. reroldr
S3.7S akcea. at

312 South Union Street, Oppoeite C. t W. M. Bepgt
m itmt m num 10 bsl he. gibbs, Propr.

150 palm Ladies' Piae Oxfords,
r*raUrS3.00 yoods. at

WhUe Caa'


Hastings’ Beal Esiale Agency.
SI toot IM. ■w*lJ houM. ftpr loraSoc. lib aUMl. e*B b* bMXbl for mm
Ufast >01, BOOC dartlfoc, rrraweod. SS foiro
110 par macth aal'i


87c.i \
Ladles’ Kid Oxfords,




It pays to look here.

Alfred y. Friedricli.

II Wool
Stylish Suits

Telcpbons Na »4.

Mim«rs U^t' wsi^t salt*.
ostly Hrbt oelora, at S« M.
Cbeie* of tb* bwt licht colsrad vmitb’s eaitt. S4-98.
BiMcie^wool paats well mads, Sl.U
Imkm’ dark taa blqyel* sbcca. 11 laeb top.~mads af fis* vW ktd

atoek. c* At $2.

looBt 10 ud i), Bafie BNk.
Ovr FrMt an* Caw 8u.

Beslnnlce June 2Stti,
Until Eoltrely Sold Out
We Will Sell Seteral
lots of—


Popular SbM Bouse.

-• Traierae Cilj 8cli»l of linel

Baplds rscralts to Oamp Alffsr toali^t
witk a rrand asad-off.

Holley & OonnaU*

Is mdrs effective in the early sammer mom ***■«» hatf a dozen alarm clooka

Bopknre BBOS.

HmSTiio Bxcobd—Tbe n
4^ wUi arrive at Travarsb City Moa""
(My Booa. Wa aeat tk* IM of Ika »f


One Small Ffy

Ws ms Sffain ready, with a lacffa
siac* the St. Peal, aeat to* Terror back [stock of lea. to dMliar tbe same to sey
' part of th« city.
Maple block wood also tor aala.
OlBean will Arrive fr*m Bi« Baplds
Tc Sscor* Hen from Her*.


WT 220 Front Street

Uf s wsjr iBto SssUscs.

General Bhafter Oalls For Forty Additional
Surgeonaand Hospital Ship To Oare
For Wounded Soldiers.

Tha troops last two Inalaca.
have odTSMSd nearly to the dty, hnt
Tbe Hoetiers pUj^ a •tit-ady* iram*
IhsatlaoB are tstj stronc.
Tbe ecM* by Inaiaffa ie ae foUowe;
Amriaan lossM yesterday we' heayy.
{ Ao officer trom the field, estimate* the Haatlera..! 3 0 0 0 1 S 5 •—1* U *
Colts.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0— 0 t 4
kUled and woondod at mors than
snories-GlssMw aad Hast; Minas



The Boston Store,



THx KbsHnra ksoobd, Binn>A.T, tttlt s. ism.
sn xourxiro bboobd.
rwuTtumcrrt. . mcHioAii

DESPERATE WORKIf^^ "““NJcym works!
Chrtpest and most reliable place to get yoor bicycle repaired aiid
pat in giM ronning; order. Have bed eeveral yean experience and
, know how it aboold 1be done. Sataafacliun maraLteed. { am telling
; bicycle tondrin
ahoat cost. New and eecund band wheels
and to rent. Pleaae give
ive ob
OB a trial.
Bnzing a qiecialty.
BT.T.rS, 811 Front

k T. BAtM *Ja> t. W. BAnn.
1. W. HAmi. Editor wd lUaHtw-


(CoAinued from First Page.)
itself was in progress, so far as the information received to­
day was condfcmed. The* lack of reports
mainly to tha fact that General Shafter- was sa thoroughly
occupied with the imperative -duties of the hour that there
was scant time or opportunity forl^iving the progress of bis
movements. The secrcury of war did not return to the war
department up to a late hour this afternoon. The navy de­
partment also was,lacking information, although there, ,too,
was the deepest anxiety and suspense over the copditigR of

General Shafter has informed the war department that
his first estimate of the losseTin yesterday’s battle is proba­
bly too low, but he makes no new estimate. Immediately
upon receiving General Shafter’s telegram concerning the
killed Rnd wounded, Surgeon-General Stfcrnberg of the army,
called on General Van Rcypea, surgeon-general of the navy,
and the two held a long consultation regarding the course to
be taken.
Fortunately the ambulance ship Solace is now in the
Pally iasae of The Horning vicinity of General Shaftcr’s army and will be utilized for
Beoord for the week ending
cases which may arise.
While the navy ship Solace is designated primarly
Ssnday. Jane 86............ 1|3CP
for the use of the fleet she can be put at the disposal of the
Wednesday, Jane 29___1,300 army whenever that may’be necessary and the navy and
Sunday, Jane 80......... 1,300 army ships will be used interchangeably.
Mday, Joly 1................ 1,300;
Hurried preparations are being made by the war depart­
fiatnrday, July 8...........1,376 ment to send General Shafter the assistants in the medical
he asked for to attend to the needs of the
Total for the week... 'f^86
wounded as the results of yesterday’s battle.
Today’s tssae, 1,476.
■MMUoaolWar Vn
Iteble AmtkwlUM indioAto th*ktbohattiastauitUcx)cmlBiied»U d*7 jmMtdaij. ABd it WM » torriftc
kMwMB AmerlcM maA SfMtok terooR
Dp to 2 o'olodc a m. tber* wv«
•ofartkcrdcrolopmoBUthAstbo Wr«
iwt that tho bfttUa WM still !■ prof'
No deUUo » » obUiMMa ud
latraTaraaatr tha paroBU aad
frtaada of the BMMbm of tbs Haaaak
Sttaa, Ooapanp
K. TRinp'foorth
BfMlffu roloBlaara, ware (rcaUr
•leiwd orar the ee&satiomal report
that the Travdiaa Clip aoldiera and
ttair coMradee of ether eiUaa bad ar(M aad ware ia the thick of the
SHtainlar beery ioaeee of Ufa. TtUa
fapert aatarally npaet the berrea ef the
aad reUtirM of tha Trareree
aoldiera. Bat effarta to eoa&RB
She Mpart led to ao olBeial aewa that the
Iteeard had eran arritad off SaoUaro.
Sidnagb ttlatfaaaportwaa daa then
I Rboomd n Caracad with a «eUa-

Washington. D. C., July 2.—(Special)—biding to the
many conflicting reports of the losses of American troops in
Friday’s engagement it has been thought best by the war
department officials to make public the text ef General Shaf­
ter’s last dispatch, received this morning at 4 o’clock- It is
follows: ‘‘Siboney, via Playa del Este, July i.—Adjutant
General. .Washiagtoo.—I fear I have underestimated today’s
casualties. A large and thoroughly equipped hospiul ship
should be sent here at once to care for the wounded. The
chief surgeon sa>’s he has use for forty more medical officers.
The ship must bring a launch and boats for conveying the

Washington, July 2.*—The president and secretary of war
through a private dispatch coming from the battlefield, learn
that the engagement was resumed this morning and has con­
tinued all day' The wouiAed are coming in rapidly and in­
dications point to heavy losses. Tbe dispatch does not indi­
cate a decisive result in any direction.

New, York, July 2—(Special)—The Journal’s London cable

WHliam Miekera'm was ia Town Taatard^, Piret Time in Many Teaia.
' Mr. William Ifiekeraoe came in from
Hannah yeaterday for a viait. with hte
aonO. G. Nlckereoo.
Mr. RIekerKm
wasMoe a prominent flgnre la Ibte
•eettea bat bav sow paaoed beyond hte
wonted netivity thro^ the Inflecfie^:
of Father Time. He te B6 yean of 'ago
Oa^aay of . Bight Loft Wexford anditteaeves yean alnoe.'he vtelled
Travel ee City. The old geatlemaa
TkoteriMy toyoin Bfith Bagimeol.
The viUage of Wexford hoa eent ite virited amny of hte old time frieedi in
qaote ef the notloa'a defeaders. They town aad waa greeted heartily by theoe
left yeaterday. eecorted te the traia by who were bpya when he waa active in
tbe martial band, amid tht'greataat the development of thu oeetioa.
onthnateam. The eompaay waa omaU,
only eight of them, but they an made
np of the flower of that rfdaity. aad
are yonng men wboee fathere fonght
in the late rebelUoa. They ate memhero of George W. Melvlo Camp. No.
241. SoaeW Veteraaa, ae followa;
O. Oatreoder, Gey Johaeon, Frack
Beymmr, Albert CereeU. George Biekett, Fred Blckett, Glea Jndd and AUen
The eompaay bave gone te join the
Thirty-fifth raiment of Michigas volnnteore at Iiland Laka

junior ZAigue Baoo'oa
The JaniOT Leagn-* gave an iee eidhmi
eodal laet night ns the lawn of the M.
E church. A neat little aam waa ad­
ded to the treaenrr. The grennda were
prettily illamlned with Japnseoe laaterae and the eorial portion of the
plant waa happily carried ont.
Mim Myrtle Langwerthy, a stndeat
ef the Bnainem College, wUl leave to­
morrow bornlng for Kalkaakn, to take
a peeltlOB aa atenogrepher for ToUaa
A Pkelpo.

Last ifight'a Lnnar Balobew.
Last sight a p
ttemoky attracted the atteotica of Tkareree City people. It waa a
Insor rainbow, perfectly formed and
it in coloring, thongh made Indtetinct by the darkneoe. TbU te a
aad few in tbte
loealUy kave ever teen oa'e of Ihte kin A
•ImUarte a rainbow after a
heavy r^o, tbongk lem brilliant.
. Tbe Shooting Oonteqt.
The ekooting eonteet yceterday be­
tween the Bnahwackm and the Sharp'aefollowe:
-Mnrrel, 45; Paaee, 44;
CnnU. 4«; Edwarda, 4D. Total, 233.
i-Jabraea, 47; Broeeb.
4B: Robleaon. 43; Hoover. 41; Pilbi
46. ' Total, 224.

Ing the eaemy oat of El taney the
inwpitook pywiioa of the vUlage
and dettreyed tbe Spnaiab fort by
which It had Van defended,.^ The
la ftod tatethe city of tkattago.
• Theloooaaeo both sidea were heavy.
The boraUng of a Spanlob aheU almoot
asnikUated an entire oompany of
AcoerlcaB troopa.
baleoa waa naod for tbe paryewa of
Antt-ealoen Addraaaa
Bar. J. F. Brut aad Dr. Barka of obtaining aoenmte informnUaw na to
OBaware. O
w .
» arrived in the
VMS city
the location of the onetny and the
Bay. They are Aatl-aalooa Leai
okameter ef tbe defeeaea and it proved
warkan. Mr. Brut wil^ apeak Uis
of ineetiaabU eervice. It floated jnat
taoraiac la the O
tha trao tope and waa eaeliy g^
aa« ia the eveBinyia the BIM M. B.
ad along the three
offroad to-

Up-to-date Paioter
and Paper Hanger.

Shop Opposits Eftgle Offles.

AU the aapmn pabliohed 1

tlna loateveaiag, oaylag they wnald
not appear today. AU the
pnblio^ are bennd by aa
to isp^ oaennoiier la the erent of ^
•trike in aay of the euehaaical departmenu. It te expected that there wUl
' be ioek a nmh of itereotypen te Chi*
cage that the papere wUl eoon he
teaned r^larly.
AbU-BsIoob Xmagne IbatiBc.
A owetlag nadrr the anaplees of the
anti-aalooa loagae wUl be held today
at three c^eloek in the parlcre ef tbe
Oongrogatiena! efanreh. Evatybedy te
invited to aUend this meeting.

A Strictl)! .Waterproof Perilioa,


Gor. State and Dnioi Sts.
One Kight Only.

Friday, July Sit
Singing and dancing.'

•tationa os oosneetii r llnm. Boya’
Band and ball team go os 5:U a. m.
R. W. OnaxixoBAM, Agt.
P. A. MiTcnKLU O. P. Ari-


life aad cholera infantam
birth, and all that we coold
do for him did not)
sot oeem to i
y rell

want to rive yon title b
•ridenee of oor gretitn.
gretitnde. not that yon
need it to adverttee yonr meriterioDi
remedy.—G. M- Law, Keoknk, town.
For oale by 6. E. Walt, Drnggtet.

ladies' It iach taps, black
or tan, ills. Compare tben
with any $3 shea la the city.
New and nobby last.



118 Front Street.



Prodeo^. on a large portable
•tege, «0x40 feet, nader

. Geo. R. Winnie,


Cmet nolle prm*'A........................
SaatUod............................................... ;*
TbsaccroNaleaaountof flna
fOL beaMa tbe oata in aaeh ease,
wbieb wm aUo paid.
Tba'anreyal* noabar of aooths
iauaiaoninent Sxed for thea aentai
aaaini wtbe aad «o daya.

Joshua Simpkins !

Watch for tbe parade ait neon.

DR. HIGGINS, dentist


The great reallatio

B. Co^pm• of El Bio. Cnllforsla.
The Ponrtii at Xaniotae.
•mall ehlldren we fled
-• • it
•• ecpeeially
U. A K. E treina wUl nm aa faUowa
rSeeuve." Par tale by 8. E Wait.
on Jclytlb: Leave Tiaveree City for
Mantetee at 5:80 and 9:85 a- m. and 3:40
p. m. Leave Manlotae for Trnveroe
ilT 2nd l
limit July Bih.
tiooa os tke M. A

led wita

f day-e araata and particularly da- says that an official dispatch Jrom Santiago received at Mad:
a to tha h^paaiAfa ef tha after- rid read “The enemy advanced in force and cannonaded
i, aad tha aipht ap to t a. a. aaeh
El Caney, General Vara DeVey, w'ho was in command of
Otw MeXaBwn-. SbovSun.
ty. Yeaterday woraiar tha RaoOBO
paiated a rery faU aecouat at tba Snt the Spanish forces with five battalions was defeated."
batUa at tlaatiaffo. Thle
liW thara ia a aoaplata report of tbe
ward the enemy'a liae. Whenever It
I rirea out €row oflielal
halted for taking a photegrapk of tke
it Waablnrtoa, and it may be
fortifleatiooa. tbii Bpaaiarda took' pot
a 1^ tbe reader! ef OLOBI0178 TIOTOlir rOBAJEBBaboU at it.
Sho paper to be tboroupUy up to data
>ee ft hong over San Jann. not
aad reliable. If at aay tine tbere ie
more than 500 yarda from tbe enemy.
asythiac laportaat to bo dlepeaied ia
The Spaniarda tried vainly topnnetare
•an Mttar, up > o'oloek la tba owralato tke Oity—XI Oaaey Also Oap%Ubo Jtt QMd lor
or tnakiac rtinrticn m
ia«. tba raadetS of tbe Raooas aaay detnred—Balloon Did Good Barvtoo ia
P«td upon hatinp tbe details la tlna
OMainlnK Aeeorata Information of
tm breakfast, frain tba
of tbe 1
Btnke of Printers Tied Up tt'e Big
Not la bnlletin fom. but
jonmali Teeterday.
New York. July S.—A <
ia istaraatinr dataU. aad coaplata.
dieyatak to Ue Erenlac World (ram aptclel te Tev Honanie Kecoon.
Jom ALDBica of Cadillae. Jadpa of Playa del Bite aaje that San Joan
aieago, Joly s-Nooe of tbe Eer
- ^ da Tweaty-Cirhth judicial circuit, is
Heifkti have tellen aad the way te ■k pnpen were pablUked in Cbieage
•deaaeed a* a caadidata for tba Batoday, owisg to a atrlke among tke
prms beach- Judye Aldrich la as able new open )or tke adrenee cm Morre
Jariataad tbera U ao reason why Re- CheUa It wwaglortaBa vietary, bat atereoiysc^ They demand a redac­
in boofi of jabor ABC an inereaae;
laefaorttaara Midlyaashould very dearly yarebaaed
■otaa^ort bias lor tU i
In wageo. It waa refnoed and aa a re-:
Sl^balp to alaet him U be it oboaaa at
6 o'clock laet night tba stemo-'
oetpeet. weU fortified and valiaaUy detha coaresUok.
feaded. Tbe |MalUoB waa exeeUanU typera refnoed 40 work. T^e following
have entirely anoaended
San 2nan hill U etaep and an artillery
battery waa laeatad thereon. It Wmi pnblieatioa pending a aettiement of
ftuTTi That Thara Baa sot Baaa alto ooeopied by a barraekt aad other theioene: Timee-Hanad.Bmrd.TribStadb Orima la This Oauaty DnrbaUdinc*. Bot the Aswteaa towraa aae. Ckrenlele. Inter Ocean. Evening
.iay tha Peat SU abmtfaa
•termed the beighta and Syaaiah valor Poet. Daily Newa, Evcaing. Jonraal
rrcaaentiar attacaap J. J. Twaddle
to riaM to tbe balldog Maaeity aad DitpaUdi. ThU was canoed by
pasterday tied bU
a otrike atooag tha atereetypara. Who
dr de als wootaa eadiay Juae M. The and eoaiace of tke Anglo-Saxon.
Tbe Spaaiardi are demwallud. BI demsaded aa iaerenoa from $3.25
that Oraad TrararM
■aasty ia eoaparatirely free from Oaaey U takes. Thegeaeml advance, to St.oo parday, and a redaction ef
btaldaa. thia ia the least wUek waa begna at t p. m. waa oac- the werkiag day from eight te oevea
•Saber raportad la seine Uae:
OMofnl all along tha lino. After drfv. honrt.with 75 casta sa hoar far orer-




m ■ i.'5' ^ ^

Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair of ShMs, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ;
of Men's Shoes. Ton Shoes are the favorites at th e seasoh of :
; the year, and we have themin all shades for Walking, Bley- ;
cle Siding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable :
and the







Tu rAXKiom Of ovb^

aetteDBltadStaUakaiit^lylar wlU
. anMaUBee
iBlaMSt Is kttt «B7 Uttl« nB4«r«tood,
Tte CMml iim hM bM th»4 tfcej
•M U>C*)7 MB «f AlrkBB 6met*X,
B«1 MMcdiat to BOB* Of th« dMOriptkMWhieh bB*»4wn prisUd U a«w*fBpBn BSd flur^tlDM wc mlfbt eMily
ia featarca, credo la
apparel sad rad* la demeaaor. Doriar
to* pBsi wiBtortooaibs whea the Csbaa
is thie
eoaatry was etralalor
Lan a
T- erery aarre aad
~ aaarc* to latereet the sympathy of
^ AmariaaB* for the soldier* of Oaba la
thaJaaprgaBt army, they determlaed
to bria« seme of their aoldlar* op here
aad show them to Amerlea. Uaralar'
Of this Bcheme Ool. WlUiaa t. Cody,
(BaSalo BUI) offered to the Jenta to
earry these mea aboat the eooatcy
with hia esfaIhUlen. aad rH** them *0
o^ortonlty to *h< w vbemM:eea to 'the
pablie Of toe country TbeJont* was
ylad to (map at the idea sod took adTSBtact of the off«'r, kaowiny that it
wwald r>rc thrm aa oo^raUeed oppertoat^ to carry oot toe aeheme.
Thareaclii* toat a tasod of aboat
Wvalee ofi -ere and eipht priTotas repaesf^tiarth* dUT.-r-"**
of the

B»lB«rd, MtBB.. BB« «n IUbIb M0I
f»n. 0n« plaaeat foBM* «f Um
BVMl will bBthsekrtetealBrofth* U»7»Ue MiBondr. »Bd Mr*. Obbbtbb, WIU- lerd»7 by hi* PM dof. which SBddenly
iuB DbbU*o». Th* e*r»Boay wlU W .
md, whUe Mr. BBd Mrp 0*bb
f«iomBd by E«t. C. T. StBurof Otbob ^
pBiMnf BloBf .WelllBrfaB street
ChBTBb. Th* ekritUBlay raW, «Ueh OB
• their wsy to pleb berries. The dof
U bMBUtal BBd ol to* texUr«, to be showed
sifu oi dlstrsM Bod when Mr.
worn by the Utile oae. bM bem is the ICobb etopped to asres* it. the seloisl
temlly far ee»*r*l yesetBlioB* *Bd wm fasteaed
Ito teeth iato Mr. Onea'e
lUd to Mr. Cbo»eroB*s sother by wrist. The dor frothed at toe moato
her rrpBdmotber ia > Seotlaed. Erery ^ sad iu coBdlUea was readily reeJited
00* of the OsaeroB family has worn' by its awaera. Th* erias of the mao
toe robe whea ehrlsteaed. This aaeo- a*d wotua attracted the atteatioo of
elatlaa beaidm the renaloa wlU add WilUam Pairehlld, who prararad hi*
plaaaare to to* ratoeriaf.
jrarolrar and shot the aaiaml. Th*
■ ■
'ehotwaeaot effacUre, aad Mr. Fair*•»*»»**
! child borrowed a rifle of Mr. dareUad
E. C Oomptoa of to* Whitlnr waat aad flaished toe work. Mr. Oobb
to Maatoa ytotorday.
Boaated Mr. Faireblld'b bleyel* and
Mr. aad Mn. Ralph Ooaaabl* aad rode to toe offioe of Dr. A. B. HoUidsy
daoybter Dorothy have feae to Petoe-’whoeaatorised to* wraad, which he
key for a few day*' rislL
proaoooerd very aerioBa. A* the efPrsakEBrabaatsrrltpdfromOraad feet* o[.tbe bit* of a oiad doy ai* aet
Rapids last eveaiac to j<da Mm. Bra- immediately dirnwraible, feaie ef
iMt. they will flo to Rortoport today toa* Iraoble are aot yet allayed,
to eaead toe Foortb.
Mm Brtber Beaton of Sooth Bpraoe
street, west to Oraad Rapid* yoetorday rorbiahed by tbs Bespacti** Oharchas
to visit frieada
riBST BsmsT .
MlasMUol* Oarpeotar has ffoa* to
Otowa for a few day*’vWi.
^ ,o;». paMic worship. SM'moa by
Mim Id* Coartade weal to BparU «« Pastor. Rev. J. C Oarmea. SobyeetardaytoviailfrioBd*.
..BeJl»ioo* Baralem- Neb. «:*.
Mr. aad Mm Henry ToaimUar
Bible eehool.
for Chicago yeeterday to ^^d the
voong People'* Service. Lead' er. David E Carmen.
Mr.amJMm Ffaak smith vraat to
Bear Creek yeeterday for tore* days'
The Mimhm of Amerlea among the Naflshiag.
tkw*. Deot. 11:13.
Mr. aad Mm JoUns Stolabarg will
A hearty weleome to alt.
go to Petsalcey today to apead the
Aooday eehool at 11;S0 a. m. .
Member* of to* 0. A. E and alt oth

JT 2sr';;


wu In U» cJ>7 !«■ I


j, f.
sat of toe Anti-ealoon Leagac, will

‘Tu 0.7,0.™ 0. u..,


o™ 00.
riaer octhodist.
BCT.J. a.Br«aer. aaslor.
Mm' D. F.
Bonle of Northport
8and*y-Preachiag at '10:30a. m. aad

^^keiaoa of Haansh trsMse»»»• Co^regallonal and
tod'l^MlntoeeltyyaattnUy. *0. in a great Tcmpataoce meeting to be
eompanlad by his fath*r.‘
C1. 01
~ 1.
perinteadent of toe Abtl-ealopn league,
city yesterday.
ass* mectiag at »:t0 a. m.
I. L. Bobart of Fraakfart was la
toe city on bnaiaeas yesterday. .
R<)win Clark came la from Mayfi*)d
Junior LmgnestIttOp ..#a EE
worth League at C:1S p. m.
Fred Eiagdon of Long Lake was la
Tl)nr*day prayer meeting at 7:80.
toe city y
ulB.U.crnur..aiut.MlI>t ham
Bexmi* MporvmeMsrsMewv. PsMm.
d indlvidnslly to toe sadlenoe. Lapeer
Corner Oak and Fltlb strMta.
aad his vramd as enpplied by tbe Co- at home.
Mm Joarab-Entnnr'U <
B government tra'y stated. It wH
VeeIev of Elk
Bible school at-#:« a. m.
her sifter.
t arlry of Elk ^
mrvim. 11 a. ib.
aaryriae many who eee them to learn
Jnaior meeUng at 3:30 p m.
that they are overly all met with feaV Rapids.
T. T. Child o*f Alden wee here ye*tor- j
-C E meeting at «;IS.
aras a* finely chiseled *s * cameo, aad
whilst many of them are ewartoy in
aomplaxiaa with hlaek hair, there are
among them blondat as fair aa see;
° a” o”a.’., »a Mi... v.b.
Bsrtfiaiiglimatea. Bach of these
has a history toat read* almost Uke a InthccitvyratardsT.
J. A Scripture of Aem* wa*
rotaaaea. They have from tw*
twelve years for liberty aad ao hope of
reward except ia to* freedom of their
-ay >»< "Vbt^
u ib...
eonntry. Among them is Celoael Man- Spriia., «ri.rf ^
^ tie naioa -r-lTg of
oel T'Ageera, who ha* been U fifty- to Spend tot anmmar srito bar ana,
five battles, wounded eleven time*. Us
Oabaa *o.disrs are to be eecn at each
aahlWtioB given by Cohmel Cody. They
me of them
legteae aad some armless, aad alt of
them too mneb crippled to be of far­
ther oae la toe army. As toe Cohan
aoldiors are all cavalrymen, theee men
are ridem and despite their geaersUy
amimad condition ai c able to stick on s


Tuesday morning we shall be ops”
: business and still continue the' Special Sales ^
we have been advertising lately.

% Several Dozen Pairs Pants, $1.48 per pair.
Several Dozen at SI.95 per pair.
Several More Dozens at $2.45 pair.
The above are goods that retailed from $2
Sr to $3.50 per pair, and are great bargains at:
^ prices now offered to close.
Remember to ask about our Suit Sale- - ^
^ $7.60 buys many a $1^ or $12 suit in tbe odd ^
^ sizes we are closing out.

c i* ranched, j
laltnalloB* until the cUi
Today’s Bxcimioaa.
to tb^ third act, when a bnmaa betag I Thta mwaiag toe Qneaa of the Opened toie Week la th* Baa- to
U heVptiMly beand to a log to hg»ent »iu ^iv. an exen^ ioa to Omena. Tha
dla Block.

ia twaia by A mammoth bnzs saw, aad boat ieavee tbe dock at«JO a. m.
Tb.Tr.«n. 01.7 S.b~l <■<«■.>« „ „,j ...rfb7tb.tto.l, .rri«l ot
,iil b. op..rf lbU w«b.
Jo.b. -J-i™ SlEpbin'
The Lon A. Cnmmiaga will give aa
------------1, as alraady anaouscad, wUl' written wlto-a view of keeping aa aa- j«
I to KcebtawaaU and Omnu.
be toe Misso* While. Wilhelm. Bo^! 41,00,
ieaving toe dock at iO o’clock.
ert* aad Crawford. The ladle* have
the comedy parta to say great aztont, will raa on East Bay a* fallow*:
wpeeWly as studios aad I
ton* prodoclag a pUy tbA b aot cmly
Tbe ladies wiU hegla aog and thriUlag. bnt b aaid 1
rly this weak. The bartive work
moey daaae* will ba th* first foratod.
Tbeflratof tomewUlbebold oD Tneaday and tbe aext on Friday.



Hasort Votaa.
Dr. aad Mm. Frank MairiU
J tbe city yaeterday
CU^floiU an ronU forr Neca
ab-to-waato. They wUl occupy their
.w,.HU.p«aU,^-10, U..IT
year ago. He is a griszli
comer WssSIdsho st-wi mS BoerOnssAvc. cottage toe real at.the
who made hU escape from Cabana* alttor, Mrs. Ha^ J Elldr.
Hm U. J-Nafn* of Hagiaaw i# the B*T.Cbss.T. aiest. Srcior.
Fortres* only some tore* weeks before
Morning service and aermon at 10:30
. to* party came to this eonatry Anoth­ gneetofher danghtor. Mm Barry J.
a. m. followed by tht Holy Commnnioa.
er of them, Lientensat Mssorra. was Slier.
Mr. aad Mm S. A Jewltt aad four
C. A. Benav. who is atonring tbe
Butday aehool and Bible daaa at 18.
the principal tenor of the grand opera
children arrived
a^vedyyesterday from Chica­
at Havana before tbe war broke onl, nortbera Mhshlgaa reedrt* in the in-; yeaper service at « p. m.
.............................cordially invited to theee aergo aad wiU apend the anmmar at Forand is a man singularly handsome, tarests of the Chicago later Oeeaa. b
rwtLo^ga. -They
with a snperb voice, aad U tbe com- •uying in th* clw fof ^ f»» d^a.
by Gao. a High of Chieag*.
Nr. J. J. Conbon of
posse of toe Cnfaan nationp) hymn, the
Mm J. S. Jenaing* and dangbUm
Boraiog th^ra will be an adwords of which were written by'the risiUag bar sbtor. Mm.-P. J. B^er- ^
‘ dram by one of the AnU-saloon League Mbaea KmUy and Mary, aad J. 8. Jaa. presldctttef toerepnblic. Msaso. T^e awn of Union strack
MiaaBwwie Perkiaa of Norwood.'b epeakera.
aiags Jr., arrived from Detroit last
entire list conid be gone torongh, 'hot
They wlU Join the real of
tome two are snfBdant to give w^rne
toeir famUy at Na-ah ta-waata.
idoaef their ehara^.
of 8k Igasas,
J. a Darb and wife came op from
arrived last sight oa tbe O- R. A I. to |
Buipriaed J. BL Tbomaa.
Aaa Arbor tost nighk They wlU apend
Choral Boolaty Plea.
apaad toe anmiDcr with herabter.Ulsa
A anmbir of old friend* oaUed opon the BtosoB at Ne-ab-to-wanta.
Prefmsor C E. Barat to maeUng with
W. P. Briaky arrivefi from Ana Ar­
aatlahbplan Agae* ScDaesi, of Washington atraok J. M- Thomas at hb borne 00 Webster
--------------------------street Friday Crewing. It wa* ia hoaor bor ywterday and vrtll g* to CbartavoU
start a choral aoelety ^ toe dty.
' of hb Wrthdsy analvamary and wa# a to apend toe aeaeoa.
Tbe idea
Tber* wUl ba aa cacurNoa to Ke«bE. C. Bluing* came np from Oraad
approvd aafi it b
U-wanta Friday eveoiag on toe ColamBaaoltttioBS of Bymyathy.
Bapld* last Bight aad wiU virit hb
r Honrt will a
bia, under toe anspiraa of tbs Cengremalher and aiatar at “ *
definite plea.
W. A Wood aad wife aad A A Wood
To Camp at Long laka.
^ moat, wonby neighbor, Lewb and wUe arrived yeautday from ClnTbe Three Qaarter B. B Club aad aatevening OD toe bay.
maaati aad will go to Omaaa.
tbair invited friends will go into camp
?HKBaAB, By the death of onraelghW. C Qrcighton and wile of Lonbtob BO^iag at Long Lake, ebaaeroa- apeak at tbe Volnntoer halt thb after- ^
ville, Ky.. arrived last nighk They
".ST s.'
•d by Hr*. TomllB*OD.and Mm Good- „■«,,«. soPE... EE
merly in charge of the Volunteer* ia ,4^
ha* lest a valued end respected have engaged raom* at toa Park PJaoe
^wed of Grand Rapids.
tor the anmmer.
Aitoard Easton and -mUa arrived
rLS4$XMX FAJULT BEirHlOM. “iirior-uA ^ U«E w.~
invited to atuad a ^eaie
picnic todav at
from Lczlagtoa. Ky.. last ^bt to
mo, PqdarPcdak
bbbgtAa. awBiwwv wB >v
apead a few week* here.
Mr aad Mm M. A Kara of WatoBcaalvcdi^ Dochees Qtmp
Camp No.
« far tha First Tim*
Amnsamaoit Mote*.
.... ______
of Ma
.a Seven Team
tondonr derpeat sympathy
Dae *f tbamovalttaaof to*
a baby boy wh* arrived yMtarday.
paraota aad
ralatlve* of
of' onr da- WlU bejtprodnettoaof “Jnahna Simp' ralative*
Mr. aid Mrs. A. F. (
Thara wiU be BO freight teaia OB toa «easad aeighbor. aad be it farther
tsrtaiaiag Mr. aad Mrs. Alac. Cameron
klaa” wider oaavaa. which wlU^ ap­
A Moadayonawmat
M-7.7PP.~-. ». .E,
of Tbrab Lake. Tbe oeosalon of their
pear her* aaxt Friday avaaiag. July
vtoit b a rennloa of the members of the baleg a holiday.
..............B. that a eapy of the** reaoln- eih. ydfa^
xJr. 7~-E. A-M. - C-UU. S,"p.'S-'““
seat to toe
“'’-famUy of onr de- aad Onhrn atreeU- Itbastrong
Gaaieroataaily, who have not been tooam«igbbor.toat
gatoer far seTeml yearn Tb* gatbov was ia th* city yeeterday ealUag apoa,eea*-* "
ady drama,'apaalag srlth a raalbUe
mia of toe daily :
wfU be at the raatdoaee of Mr. aad hb frieada of the legal fraternlWaoan*
Ufa, ahawiag
aaa toat they be epread upon a
The ladlM’ of the Beetera Star gave
Mm O. C. Moffat today, aad tomecraw
Skiaadr Uvani. with Dacia Jobab srild
*** hMU of Mr. apleaeaBtlawBaaelalattoe home of
b^ farm is th* dMaaea. th* pUy
Mm S.C Deapraslastaighk
OaiMroa on Wahater streak
II iato their plaao tnad.
a of toe family p.-e*aai- ocoda


ipletely poetrating me aad
attack* oornp!
rendering me unfit for my dntiea at the Fourth
- Of Jnly
hotel. Abootiwo years ago a ealeaTinest line in the city. Get your
• •• gave me a amlall t
SB •kindly
. jambsHain’s Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoe* Remedy. Mnch to my eni-priae
BoTTsh far
to* Fourth.
sad delight iu efleeto were immedbto. 1 Get your patriotism
at A. A. McCoy A
Wbeaaver I felt eymptom* of toe dl- Sin's. Laiirgmt Unc in to* dty. 8Cl-«
seaael would fortify myself agalaat
the attack with a few doaca of tob val­ Special Train to OadlUac tha Fourth.
uable remedy. Tbe resnlt has been
wtbtaetory aad almoet oompletc atNmd^r^^tlMa^'^ilfa^t^
relief fi
from tbe sfilictioa.'' For sale by Q. A 4 I
log Traverse aty at 7:1S a- m. One
fare for the ronod trip. Retaralag
tralB leave* Oadillae at 10 p. m.
Badn^ Batoa.oa 01 &. * X '
C. Ia. Lockwood.
C. A MoBaaTA
Ifanrto of July—Chfa fare for roand
G. P. A
trip. SeU Jnly lak Good to ratara
So* sy new Jewelry etera whea
Buffalo.. . .
yon oome to toe poetoffiee and take adtrip. Hell Jnly
tarn Sepk lak
fs oenU. 'sell Jnly 18th good to ratnr

July «to ria M. A N. A aad A A A


Fourth of Jnly Fbewotoa at KoOoyfa.
Jnne 87th and 88th return Jnly 4to.
Finest line ia to* dty. Get year
Indbnapilb. one fare tor round trip
mply early.____________________ >61-6t
SeU Aognat 8tb. return Angnst 15tb.
Lnalngtoai'one fare for round trip
BeU Jnly 8M to Angntt 6th. retnra
Angnat Ulh.
Bmtoga, one fare tor round trip.
Angnat lai, good to retnra August
S«£ Angnat...................................................
trip. 8eu Augna* sstn, *
gond to retnra S#pk eih.
Vermin^ O.. 0*4 fare far round
lasnea toe moat liberal Hleknom aad
S^Angnst faV ^fDod
Acddeat Insuraaoe Policy of the day.


ProtectiTe Asmtios

dv toe Htoto 1

“■CSTl. ..

18. C. E. Mnmy,
G. P.J


pollduri wanted. Addnaa or eaU «a
r Sortowestora Mid
Dbtriet agsat for
gan. Travdraa, aty, Mich.




Tbe plAgne. <r pMtlleiio*. tbat mytiWriow nid
viiitatiQawfakh bai
biond Ita bo*u iL «te w»ke oE mnlea
toalAjiinnthAoiwiaeU, ii mppcMed
te bare fixitarlgiRAWd amoQg tbedenw
inaMea of |MOide wbo oowded tamtber
b the 8i«atcltiea of AaU aad Egypt, or
. vabfomedtbeeMampaMatorXema,
Oyn» and Tameriatw tb« Ibrtar. B
aFrang from the imparity
^icfa mut ba*« odKed in the midm
' of oDcb TOA gatbaiaga and in part alao
Crain karinf the onbaried deadnpon.
(be dcM nf
At any rata the
r artire a
.Jwaya been war and the marcA of
Rmtiea that haa qnod it ictmdaAtnrer
tbe world from ttana tOftime. and aa
war became Icoa frwniwt and leaa
woridwlde tbe treqaency and extent o<
nvagea hara laaaaoad alaa
1 Tbe flrat recorded outbreak of the
}b«Re in Enrope occurred in the otxQaith centiuy. tx came fnnn lower
Egypt. TbiKwaatbeflratUppingoEttw
^ratbat reached, into tba aaat again,
-bare to atay iu morement on far aa tbe
waat wa* oonottned nstil 644 A. D..
libeD tbe tetnniiug legiona of tbe Em­
peror JoAiniao bcongbt it again into
weatem wcrld' from tbe battlefielda
loC Persia. *Gontantinop1e wsa tbe firat
'ptaoe it attacked. iHcte in a aiiiide day
' ^tnanyae iO.COQ pcncaiB are aaid to
kBTefaUenTictimatoiL BattbepUgoe
^not Kopwitfa Oonatantincpla. It
Wd found a too congenial acdl in Bnripa. which was Uttle elae than one
great battUflald at tbo tima It waa
oairiad into Oanl, where it folioated
«kne in • tbe wake of ^ Ftankiah
«RDiea, and tram ■Oapl it mored into
Italy, with tbe Loenbarda, and ap doraatated tbe ooontry aa to leare It entirely
. «t tbe meicy of tbe inradoa
• I The ▼arioaternaadee. which extended
nirar a apace of about *00 yeare. no
d^bt did mtu^ to bold tbe peatilenoa
la Eoropa for tbey Krred to keep open






••XalkiiV n^ war timaa " mid tUa
old oolooei, **fiid any of yon near hoar
tbeatcry.of Jim AdUnaT'
••WelL I'm anrprlmd. Bveryhodyln
the aettlen»ent knew it. Jim was a no
•ooont s»t of a faUow and the dd man
waaaaxionstogetrld'af.liitn. aowben
tbe war broke out anti tb^ wen look­
ing atoaad for men tba old man gave
him away. *'
“Gave him awayF’
“Ym. Jim waa ia the hayloft, and
they were aboot to leave withont him
wb«i the old man winked and pointed
to the baza.
••That waa enoogh. and tbey got him
and marched him to the front
"The old man waa sony after Jim
wmgoM end hla oonadenoe bnrt him
bad. fiat he tu^ed for the beat ontU
one day be got a meornge that told him
Jtm had been killad sad bo^ud on tbe
••nten he packed his gripond atartod
right off to bring Jim’s body home, if
pr—>KtA, for the grief stricken mother
would have nothing else and made life
mioerabk for him with her reprnaAiea
"He went to Virginia, and was there
informed that it woold be imposAble to
ramove the body. So be etood over tbo
spot where it was bnried and wept for
three days Then he wont sadly home.
"And. lo and behold, the firA man
be mM as be neared bis gate was Jim
—safe, mond aud right Ade op with
•Tt waa tome time before the old
man oonld say a word, bnt when bo
found it waa really Jim—in AeAi and
blood—that tbey bad got Jim mixed np
with some oth«r Adklua, and he hadn’t
tsen Ulled at aa the old man waa
bot( Ho Aowly divested himauif of hit
cost, then railed up bis Aeeres and
madetor him! It was the liveliest Rtap
yon ever mw—4be old man on top, and
the two of 'em wallowing in tbe doAl
"It took the old lady and tbe three
girls and two stoat darkies to poll the
old man off.
“He nera did explain why be did it,
and Jim didn't ask any qncstiaaA bnt
the next morning be told bis mother
that while his fnrlongh woAi't oat still
be knew bis ooantiy needed him and
be oooldn’t Aand to Aay at home under



tieoAng tor tbe old man and lo(A the
firA train forthefrant.”—AtlantaOco-

(aa> atoSess la Fasts m••On and after fols date," wrota
Vapoleon 1 to Poncho "am thm the
fingUshoia axpeUed tram Paria."
finch aa e^ woold mem a veey
large otdtr at the tmeent day. bnt It
waa by no meana a small one in N^oloon’s rime. What woold the Paris of
today be wlthoat ita RngUah oolonyT
From Sir Edmond Mensaa, onr mnbaaaador. to the pale boy who filea foe
EagUsli Jounwla at Nml’s Utoazy in
t^Boe Oastlgllooe the Oiglfab ate
ia PariAanlifa.
"There has been an EnglUh oohmy la
Ate Freaxh e^iital for many oeotoriee,
yet one might stnrafa in vafo for a aimilar FfAKh. oolooy in London. Tba
Leioeattr and Soho sqaara distriota, althongh owning to a Urge Ft«oah popslatioo, pomem hardly a traoe of the
Oavnr or mien that dlsringniafaes tbe
Quarter tbe English ftoqnent in Paris,
•adit U not a fifth the sUe.
. To speak Wwdly, Buis baa within
Ita walled betden a little London of
many thonmnd persons od aqualld
and tmpovirisbed. bnt boasting qilendid tiiaiiA'M. fine ahops, boO^
chnrriKM, IxMpicaU and lilnrica, aad
•U them tu snob aa extent that it U
difflcult to believe one U not in tba
British capital itaelf.
The Inhahitanu of Ihit ooleny might
roughly becatulogo^ aa follows: Befired peo]ile and j.
. .
seen better
those who d*-slra to
bayo iholr children ednoated in tbe lan­
guage, bnAnoM people, aatbors. artists,
sradcuts. joarnaUsts and protewional
men. Ihose who have tbo beA d private
•reaaous for living onl of En^and ahd
ciaalu. which term incladcs certain individnals who for aome eanse or other
have dovAoped a fcellug of hatrad for
the Uud of their birth. Kmrly all are
exiles of their uwa acoosd.
On bnnday tbe Aite of tbe English
oolooy turns oot to tbo Church of tbe
Ernbaasy in tbe Rnod'AgoeAean. Here
for a nnmber-of years Dr. Kayes, who
waa fcrmorly a Leytrotijoe Inonmbeot.
haapiead>«d..iiad here a oolUetion tag
goes iijgnlarly ronnd, and ia aa regular­
ly racornod in a oenditioa of oompoiatire ompAnesa For your Engllahman
English oAooy is Atber In a oondRion lohAp largely SBpport the ohnrah
told does or Aae gives Dotiung A all.
One thing most be said about the
—■• —'----- wbogotoParia
Tbey support tbe dty. ' Without their
patfonage there U soaro^ a big chop
on tbe bonkvarda that would nA oloee
iu doors within afew months.—London

aadtbeeeaeem to b
■ with wbat ia
known in biatcryaa tbe black death.
Tbe. black death waa more fatol to ba­
nian life than any other Angle omae
Scribbler bad come home from tbe
Anoethdworldbegin. TbebaTOcof war oOloa in tbee%ening qoite "playedoot,' 'Tbiaas wbMh Bm Bitaasa rroto
wia nothing in oonparisan to it. It beoanaa. d tbo ont^ of bis pen and
Oiasp Ib Tbs— BaMtoBd Toon.
■wept tbe wbede (tf. Emope. learlng In train fbat day. Be waa lying on tbe
Macaulay drew this picture of the
Ua path each luiaety and dearitntianaa ooDcb in tbe Atting raom after eapper. 'power of Spain 800 years ago:
tba world bad nererknown. ItkSledln when Hia Scribbler, who had boea
Tbe empire of PhlUp U was undoubt­
edly caie of - tbe moA powcoiol and
leading a magsrine, aud
Bftcb figaree stagger
“Bee ben. George Scril^er. hero U .qiksidid that ever existed in tbe recorda of tbe ttme cannot be •omeAiiag that fiu yoa to a T. and I Il is DO exaggoratitn tu say that daring
dODbted. The entire popnlatkm «E fin- want yoa to Rad it."
amrel yegre hla power ^er Europe
Ttgte Is catimatod to hare been about
waa greaCeRthan eran that of (^pAaon.
“Wbat'a it abootr’
1^,000.000—kept do«rn m it was by
"It's aboot those funny kind of men In Amarira Lia domhiianB exfoiided oc
tUeconstantwarfaro-andoftbeaelOO.- who muA have ewytbing juA so in faoAi Ad« of tbe equator into tbe tem­
090.000 at leaA a fooith pniAwd.
tbAr b«ues,/oo matter bow bard it perate sane. There is reaasi to bqfieve
.The raragea d the pUgne in Italy, makes it ^ others You know that yon' that his aanoal reranaea amounted in
Where it eame ins ttte track of tbe war are one of the fnunieA men alive, firary tbo reason d ghl< 'greaust power, to a
of tbe GtMlphs and Gbibellinea, was rag and'chair and book muA be ekacriy sum tai tinMa oa large as that vriiieb
particnlar^ disastrona to mankind It |n iu place, and a little ilnA sets yno England yitSdod to £luabM|L Ho had a
mg^ wi£ tcnible
in Ka^ea. to aoolding. Yoa moA have a Aeon Anndliat army oft 80,000 troops wbai
wbetb OOTOOO penona iSe mid to hare aajMn twf-rv lural. and yoo cannot eat Englaud did not have a Angle ifctalion
died. ‘It fai BpoPtHaa and arren ua( of it thire is a any s; ot on tbe tablecloth, ia OQOstant pay. He held, what no oth­
eKery ten r^abed ■ BaHteriy and for- and evwytbipg moA be serred }uA ex­ er prince Bt modern rimes haa held, tbe
erer drstrcryed the proapoity of Siena. actly ao or yon get grumpy. Kow, U dotnfnian both of the land and the Qpa.
Dnrliqt tbe greater part of bis reign he
not tW true?"'
190,000 of the 1
"A man likes M see things in order waaaupwaueon bothAementaiHisoAwere literally wiped off the face of the mills own boose," said SotbUer.
diers marched up to tbe capital d
earth. From Italy It morod into Pianoe.
hia Aripamsiaoed Cfaa.ahotre d
"Uf oowse be doea and 1 try to koi
where tbe mortality was .almoat oa things in orderJbat 1 defy uy woflii
England. Spain ^ sriut Ka'pAeon degnat; inParia'aloueOO.OOO penpleEied to maintain tho^efoee-of ordm' ytm e
from it One d tlu- wont fmtnMa pre- pect with four or five ehildfen hi A
aosced by tbe biatoty of tbe black death bouse How. this article refos to juA
She long me
1- the trade A
was tbe owel peiaecntian it nroaaed each nnreaaonsM.e fu4r nxn w yoa Amoriea and A the Indiananeon. ___
«4«inR tbe Jewe. They were aappoeed are and it is not tme bit ^severo even the goft A. the wqA and A1 the spioea
to bare inf
tbe air in aomo myeA tbe east were reoui^ and dlAribntunnoK n.ann<% an'd they were aeooaed
edbyher. Evui Ater^ defeat A the
' of. bsriug pdmaed tbe welle and wUfa that yoa woold read tbe ortide-V annada Eogliab Aatesnai oonAaned
wrings: InStramborgS.OOO^of them
"Tdflo’tnrad to." replied Scribbler, toloAiwit^ great dread-on the mari­
were barieu ante lu then- own bnrial
time pa^ift A PbiUp. • • • Whoever
wisbee to be WAl acquainted ^th the
Tbe order of the Flagellanto aroee at
morbid onatc|^ A goresnuM^ wl(0Ads time, oomlng'fmm tbe belief that
evm-.wlstM ft know how great staM
sins tif (be world bad at lhat braagl)t
may t« made fecHo aud wrefohA.
ooWB the wiarb of burren. It waa the
ahiiald%ady tbe falAosy A Spain.—Exb^inniug of tbe so cplled Hnndrtd
•Ww TUm.Years', war that carried tbe bbu^ death
A rbM^s AppW Tm.
into Cantod. where iu Looduo iU ric- : A little story that appei^ not Ung
tlms nnnijered >00,000. When at last sgp iu a-fipaniA qomic paper isVnt tu - The Amisican Cnltirator aays that
tbe'^sgne bad worked^ its ravages, it osHiyjxrrespQDdeDt to Aiow bow Span­ tbe.origlDal greontng apple, tree ia still
doubled hack over iu disap- iards thoagbt of Ihetr nai^ faetora the •tviding cai the' fario‘’ot SAom’an
pet^r in the mst. In iS4B it apputrul -prasont eveou A Spanish admiral Drn^e M Moont Uygria in Korth
qgaln in England, first '‘roong tbe sol- Modiiug at some foreign port in the Feater, &. i. Tbe true was a very old
evenu calls on tbe oqewbcn the farm was sold iu 1601.
dbnofgRlchmand after tbe tattle of {pitaral coarse
TbeaAler Tofortued tbe pnrebaaer that
fioewortb Field, and: when the rioto- gm-vmur of the local fort, aud^m
xioas amy marched, to Londut the lefora call thugoverqjr oees tbe we \it- it was a pil^ tbe Ad true waa going
plague went aritb them (o work its tie guu pf the SpMUhb man-<ff-war ran into decay, as it prudneed tbe beA fruit
haroo'tbere. As long as it lasted tbe ont (oflrv a (vtnni mlute.^t at the A aoy-treo in tbo orahard. Tbopurinanity waa ns great as that <anaed critical mniucut the Spanilb admiral iriiaaer dc-tenuiabd tu sue how'loug be
by tbe black death half a oeutary be- rcNhtwwp and throws tbe gun. carriage could keep it Aivc. and h Aill aorvivee,
after almost another oenfoty has been
fen Fire thoniaud puoplc died in five aud AL into tbu siai.
“JVhat!" exclaims tbe disAnguished added to iu veneraAo years. Bnt it
wmts. and then tbe {ftagne 1«A London
- as aoddeoly as it bad appeand th«se. to viAtur.j "Why do yon throw your gov- Aiows Agna A final decay, and the parrat A all the lamous Bhode lAand
cninwnt's guns overlmrd'r'’
nroep orer^tbe rest of
If E
Engl '
"Because " replies the admiraL “if greening which has bA iu grafu on
eTbattle of. Lang- the gun biuV^u£ <ff. it would bare the orAiarda A ahnuA all the worH
. oida, ^en Qneon
was dethrotitid, blown thU whole *hip tu pieces! That will soon be but a neighbvbood memo­
ry. It ia donbtfnl if there is a more tabat no rooords of thoimartality it ooca- means another decoratiun fm mel"
moua apple tree to' beifonnd in A1 Fo“How’s thatr: aioned seem to bare been preserved.
“For my ooiuage in oaviu tUs ship mona's groves trOA oSB to end A tbe
Ttu plagne -^ted Lendou in 1976.
This followed after tbe dril war which ftomAeAroction.'Loodor^ews.
. estdnd with tbe d(«tb lof, Charles ll bnt
so xnany years interrmed that tt ia imTom Eecne was a good atoty tAler.
Bxdted Ladyiat Atlantic City—Why
.pooAbW totnoeanyoonnectiQa bettram
CFqr Ceo years," ao went one A bis
. Hbe two eventa lu modem wan danger -Ji’t ramething dcaie -fur> that ship in Ules. “1 bOD^t.ali my iheatrutt <x»
from (he tdagoe aeemat gradnally to distil? Why den’t sbme d yaa— .
Life^ver (hurriedly)—W6 have sent anmeSFftom one’ dealer, and ai^nring
haiia lessened, pethaps as a result of
mneh A that time I was playing many
better mnitary oonditions maintained tbe crow a linn to come aahnrk unm.
Exrited Lndr—Of At (^ings!^ Were new paru in tbe old Galifoniia Cheater
bythapnmea d today.—PbUadelphia
they waiting ft r a furuial lavltaticn?-^ stock oompanp A San Francisco hay
trade waf a matter A oonaidaable imKew York Weekly.
pmianoc. When 1 was about to leave
iwunes to tto Vers:
the alope and oume eaA. I went to make
-^teOenrer Post takes rime byCk
a final erder and bid my luatuma goodA
• and lanuchto
'• f<
'I'm very eorry yon're going,' be
mother stiU flogged him daily, abed
For PmddBOt,
‘Here. Jake!' calling to a Acrk.
hnrs one day iu the oomiamrof ftkods.
Mdr B«s^t of •
“Whydoyouweepl^'aiJtedWie. "Alas, ‘Bon oat and get Hr. Keene a good
things are not as (}ky txse^ to be!" be quarter A a dollar cigu.’
"Aa Jake'Axrted
ouAnmeg-whiaBWUb namwrs laasenied. '"nw potw woman's —
petod behind^ baadTTwo for a quard fb ttoni .
gB.Hrt'feeWcr every day. "^Ht
t*. Jake; twoTorAqaarur.’ *'

The Lendon BoononriA A AprU • re­
marks thaMthr aUuv.-iag A Brttiah imperU and oxporu fur the month A
MarAi is aa unreriafoctosy ona. Oempared with tbe reme month hut year,
the imporU biorcHBd in valoe $18,788,.
876. the tout for March. 1808. b '
$*17,064,145. Tbe evp.«u for
mentb Were $104.169,886, agaitA
$10&.236.846 for Matvh. 1898. a docreare A $4,067,0*0; while the oom
of imports over expnfts for the month
amoonted to $112,804,810.
The flguree fer the fiiA quarter A
1898 Show the aanic i^vmable balance
A trade. For that period tbe Imporu
aggregated $695,498,046. an Increare
A $7,816,880 as comparad with the
firA quarter A 1897, whUo the exporU
for Jannary. Febrnaryand Marah. 1898,
$*88,686,590, wore $7,956,048Irea than
for tbe flxA quarter A tbe inerloas year.
Tbe exoere A importa over exports for
tbe firA three mouths A 1896 amepnU
to the eoarmoas earn A $806,960,466,
A Che rate A $1,2*7.841,630 for foe
whole year.
Whan this van deUt ia ooutraAed
with a fovocablc trade balanne A
$470,000,000. or A the rate A more
than $887,600,000 for a foil year,
which atandstotbe credit A tbe UAted
States for the firA nine mentha A tbe
fiscal year ended Marah 8L fou showing
may woU be pronoonoed “nnaAiafectory" by foe Losidoa Kcxnomist A differancoA over $1,800,000,000 In favor
A pratecticn and againA free trade can
bardiy be conaidered a strong argument
iafow A tbe Oobdcnlto theotyTbe EconomlA finds thA the falling
off in foe valne A Britisb exporU haa
oocutred mainly in ahipmenU to the
UAted States WoAfoipmcnuA thU
ooontry fAl from $1,000,000 to $800,too, and woolen and wnreted goods
Ihow aa oquA degree A shrinkage. The
Dln^ tariff ia chiefly iwqioiuible for
Great BriUln'a low A $8,000,000 ia ex­
ports for the firA quarter A' 1698, and
for keeping at home that «■>" and many
millii-ris bceideB which were spent info
patchare A foe prodneuA onr ow
taotorireandworicsbopa instcadA be­
ing tent over to BurapetoiAy fer goods
that ought tohomanulaotarcdAbame.
It would certainly seem tliA proteetloa
haa much the beA A foe a^gnmotL .

<to UiBcvd mt the rurel
Toam Blah Waur ■
That the United fitatea ia destined at
no distant day to become tbe creditor
aatica A thevrisld, {wovidod the Amer­
ican policy A tbe peoaent adminlstratiaa
' ia evidenced by the ferwatatiaticaAti
Tbe record A tbo fiacA year, wfairii
ends with next fnonfo, will ahow foA
onr exporte have gam far beyond foe
high water mark A 189*, which was
the moA proeperons year in onr oonntiy’e history. The figures srill alao
■how font while foe volume A our Aports aorpasns all reoarda there baa
been a ouReeponding decpi|jirejn our
imports. In fock it is
finring foe firA ten memfos A foe ivesent Ascal^year the rooufis A which an
already complowd. wo bare sold to foraign ooontria^^ble
----- •■! vre havrtRibt from ti
porta by $902,875,-686. wbUe foe
A expwta ovtwimpnfu during foe ten
twmt^ A the ipeaat fiscal year amounts
Co $511246,496. It ia bigfaly jonbable
that notwithstanding foe diAuilMqoe A
bnatnere cooditions foot wonld,(aeitnlly bo expected oa a roenll A our war
vrith Spain tbo exoere balance A- ttiHla
in oortfaver tea theSnll'fiscal yeor.w}ll
not toll belo«^>100.000.00a
. Tbe total erperU for 1892 were $888,686.83A while 'foot Tor foe firA ten
monfoa A 1H98 amounU to$l.Qt6,4$6.681. The moA gratifying fttforwA this
reuuriahle abowlug (g foe ^ foot
brea^atnffa formed a very laf^ foare
A theexporta an^Junoe a good portldb
A the prebpcrltyriCram heavy fpreign
aalen baa oome to tbe ' ~
it is well distrlbotod among all dep^
menu A praduettve industry. The ex­
ports A agiiculratml praduotp during
foe ten months ere more than 3io(kOOQ.OOO in excess A fooao A tbeWre•poudiag pm;^ A last yegr. and very
far iu excess at focne A any ygar in our
oopntry'a history.
If tbe United t>utsn cooHnneato have
a trade A nearly $*.0q0,000 pgr
day ih iu favew, it; it bnt a qneati»A
Hm<rwheu it muA beoome the tnditA
naritoi A. the globe.-H3umgo Timea-

Oregon hre dona nobly, aad foe msolt revotla the ohange A asattment
tlulliaa been oaaaed by foe falsity A
foe &yan hrgumoaU A 1896 befog axpeaed.-Wilmington Kewa
oreara aaewi tto Way.
The Eagle, m an hlAoricaUyDemostatic paper. li pleased that foe gold
4smlard party in Oregui woo all fos
•vrau in Munday'aelectlau.—Brooklyn
,^-4glu(iud l>um. >.

vaatagsi A imydi«>lay7fins
L. M. Ba
Finwotkal Mnmh fer foe Foarth.
Oetyoor patrlotieB at A. A. MeCoy A
iloa^ Largret Uae in foe dty. S6l-5t



Ever Buracd OotT'
If Boyonkaow

Bicycle Aiders.
Bemember that I do aU kinds ot npaliteg aad esaiaeling. and foal I can
do give yon foe beet woric A any
^ in the city tor tbe money- DonH
te deceived by what others tell yoa to
foe ceatrary, bat eome and aee for
t rnaruntee Al my work to ba right,
aad if itdorenotprovaao I maka-lt
Stop in till 8 o’clock every evening
except SttBtbiy, in foe CUdwall A Lon­
don hAlding, at north aad A Daloa


Attorneys at Law.
OBOM la HeeucM BUek. Tisvnreatr.Klek

Horsb Hotel.

Busrsssa cards.
re w

LiKiT, Sale (lid Feed Ban..

TTT f. l(OOS.Phj«etaaBnddo«««.u


Bneaqa a Ilxtana;,

Kl-w. B.MU

mBmro .L-g.t -w —11.



ta JaUai StsiDbws- MS tl.

WVOB asLK-n UM (real an atnfe anrav.
V aearWaSiranb. alao boare eed Im as
rifib sUMi srer WaSitoerta. BMarendasIrable. ACarewer eaU oa PBleSle A 0»om>^
JUW^8AL»-Portabl« ■•ralll
Oesaasotreet AKraC
'Oa-rer aalaWf.






aaaaaaaaaaaaa a
SgZRSStegSgfiggS 8
SBTeTa ~r'8 8TE8-i<8bg
Aaaa a eaeaeeeea
8<«h 8 888S8888S i
• f-ew S


anadBapUaB«A m. eirepUg and Sialac

Cbi3?^£srf:£?:-rta“'-•a-^^tSs’nSiSid. Fbrt way.


>lt aad Oraad ■aplre.vxs p. a. Pretar
reOal car trere EtatrsU oa UUa trala.

oidniretaa. (ora^. WIU Uka ealBearebefeC

lUBita ID naneiaim li:
Te take eORM OBBday. into te. tVt.


wUI irate lor

f Tiarares City t-arebar Cl


ss;ia(M. ’ -


t aaettSlrtr pelraef abeca ta hall aoW araiT tar; t oT ns at work sa tba bases
Masranrabciaa; wsrk dboa while'yoa wail;
seMara Maat tOrasM; work toaaSmeUaa
aaly. AS rrrresB.mmrelatreei-

SealA Prepoaato.
Nollea ta bcrrbr elrea that aaalM eramali
will ba-rweeltat aatlKalr Il.tjLB.. faralllAIH
toraat aalrHalfw a achool hoaaa at dt
■naalea.bcco^li.auiplana sat uwclAcaUaea
* ^eews MUv *»••. ,
aow OR ela at Bj eSIca at Old iflaaioa. IM
ioi*)aet ear aad all Wda It raarrrad.
Betim re^ng to foe tfo'pUteia. firat
BO t> ,
BaasT (.aar a. Director.
dMtry in Grfot Britalu, aagfresi ip Tho
Labor Gazene. ebow a heavy docnare
In acti’ ■






mills. 881 mills wore woririhg daring
MatA) A jthis yesw, foos ksavfog 4t
idle. Tbe explanation b fonnd^ the
rge foemore A h>wncnude tirlplatt
air BIrbard Baa
nr being need in the United Sfotre.
This is an fodnstiy which a tree Wade aed ta locatad axi
preeldcpt A foe United StateaJunrgto** roaaidS. Ba A,
ago aneeaed at and fioabtefi foe dtfiBeooe

---- ‘sine Baara:Sn. ■>.
r.lta. IB. in 7 a as.
A CrwCII «• tha Party.
It Is to foe credit A foe dominant
party ia coagrere that foty teve not at­
tempted to makA a portiawnseA foe
lUcearityfarrerfoaelegislariiB. Huice, afeeda madlrtsa had Aaaaaaant lha eyaor by
foe bill is a revenae measore, pun awl aanwhoBrrvrstBdlrC ta > paCIcal eeUafa7
and nA a pertiren tariff bill.
is also free tress any poostble


nee Attempt to exempt tbe rich from
their Jortiidiare A the narional bardra.
nor U there an Afdrt to fevor tbow A
IAS against the weai.^.
If foe bill becomfe a taw, it wiU,^
ted. X

John. R. Santo,
Geairal iKHiin.
TravetM CMy. Mtek


3, 1808.-PABT TWO.

Spain’s Oily Eimaiipj Mony In Hie West
Indies tlie Next OtijectiTe ol ffle Forces ■
o! tie United States.'
•Tlie Ladrone and Caiolme Islands, TOcli
/ ■ May Also Shorfly Come Into
: Onr Possession.

ChJeaeo. so that the HImsttc condUloos
prevalHnc on the Uland aio such as
would soon reconcile themselves to
most dwell
Tbe rslny season lasts from Ausust
to December, and so copious Is the rain*
fall north of tbe mountains that the cuU.
tlvated delds and planuitens are fre>
quently inundated, and swamps are
formecL The mean annual rainfall av.
inches, and occasionally it
has reached 81 Inches.
The prevalllnK diseases are yellow
f proper

rcop»nl»lit WM
^ow for Porto Ricor
TXacle BAm'a brave aailonnrn and
bold land flabtera harlna vot tbe dona
•n tb* mn and Cuba belns practlealiT
loat to tbe cntra of Spain, tbe unlveraal err la -Now for Porto Rico!" It
awaepa frbm north to aouth. from east
to went ip a mlabtlr cadence that to
tbe taldalsoe oMut aound like a funeral
kneU t<x tb^r drraa of continued aov*
actfcntr ever their erstwhile poseas
•tons to tbe West Indies.
It the Dnlted Btatea will
' decide to bold Porto Rico
after abe shall bare captured It retoalns
to be seen. Tbere art those who be«
Hers that we cannot conelstentlr do
' s else, while there is a very nuWMcna seetiOB of our people wbo ars <(

tbe South American coast. Incloainc on
the srestward the Caribbean sea. A
strait of 70 miles separates Porto Rico
from Haiti on the west and t&e dls>
lance from Ban Juan, tbe capital of the
iBland. to other strateflcaJ points ts
AlOO miles to tbe Cape Verde Uianda.
I.0SD miles to Key West and I.4M mllea
to Hampton Roada Porto Rico it an
Uland obkmK In abape. 108 mllea lone,
about n mllea broad and has an area
of A400 square miles.
The reneral conformation of tbe Is-

squal portlona
north, so that tbe rivers flowlne
Uiroufti tbst section to the coast are
much tbe loncer. From this mountain

Unce of *0 milaa amas the lilsnA.
Bpanisrds xvnerslly arc poor road band­
ers. but bad aj are tbe roads In Porto
nico they are superior to tboae In Cuba.
There are several lines of railways now
In coarse of construction, a sjutem beInr projected around the Island. HO
miles in lenirth. Tbe telegraph system
also in an inootnplete sute. and the
The tecutth t

i U about 8H kllo-

Ueslco. Panama and thelcoasts
South American continent. Another
connects tbe Island with St. Thomaa.
Jamaica and the rest of the world.
Accordlnp to tbe censns taken on Dec.
n. IMT. tbe popntatlon of the Island
8U.7W. of whom 4W.W7
were white. TT.TSl neftroea and 2lAfW
half castea Tbe women numbered more
than tbe men by about LOW. but tbe
ImmlyratiiB from Bpain bcln* mostly
men-tbe aclual ratio between tbe two
sexes as remrds the native population
would be lanrely In favor of tbe fem­
inine. Tbe forelirn
.000. off whom H.OW were natives of
Spain' and 8.0W of other countries. Thir­
. per
P cent of tbe white popuUtli
76 per cent of the nesro were clasaed in
tbe census as Ulwera.
The tnhabitanu of Porto Rico are
scattered all over tbe countryj<th^land
belny extremely subdivided. . Efforts
have been made by tbe sutboritiss to
have the people collected Into rlllaceo.
but they have almost Invariably resUted a ehan^ which would not suit (bo
conditions of their lives or tend (o Im­
prove their ststua As tbe population
of the island has been eteadlly Incresa.
Inc since the beclnnln* of thU century,
if the same ratio of Increase has pre­
vailed rinee tbe last census was taken
SB that cxlsUnr before, tbe population
should now approxlmaU closely to

ble for much of the Illness on the Is­
land. Even yellow fever, the most fatal
of these diseases, could probsbiy be
rooted out were proper precaotlons
adopted and all the means svailsbie
used to prevent Its
The soli
oil of Porto Rico U of remarka­
ble fTtlUty. and Us dominant Indus­
tries are sprlculturc and iumberinc. In
the elevated redoes the v^table pro­
ductions of the t«
itrowD. There are more than 600 va­
rieties of trees found In Ita forests,
many of them valuable, and tbe plaint
are full
. .
Leon in 1610. 11 U located on the mnall
i. coffee, cotton, rice, toalse. Uland of Mom. now connected wltb
(be mainland by the Ban Antonio
r times the amount re- bridre. end bss about 2T.W0 Inhibiunts.
ulred for borne consumption.
On tbe western end of tbU small Uland
Well deve^t^ as tbe Uland U sett- Ponce de Leon built the governor's pal-

imports after the Sr«nlsh Ushlon. but II has
excellem hai
which affords i
rins the barrfe
cane season. Tbe populaWoo
jUWoi of this
capital Is a little more than 6.0W.
Tbe nativee of the 1
u.8n Ins to tbe ethnolostsU. are <
The principal exports from tbe Dniilted from a rovlnr band of Orceka and te
mr. pork. lard, lumber and support of this theory it U mentlOBoff
Utes are flout
that many of their words ate pure HoL*
Tbe xovernmenl of tbe Uland la ad­ lenic.. R’ben MasHlan discovervd UW '
ministered by a captain praeral. assist­ Ulands, a form of repubUcaa soverse
ed by anadmlnlstratlve council appoint­ ment s-as In vosue. It traa liberal is
ed by tbe government at Madrid. The the extreme, the few oSemlers asstnsd
revenue le about >4;000.000. conaiderably tbe unwritten U«-s of the Und bflnff
tried In the open air by the entire mats
from customs and the rt
population. There were no real rutefS
Uun. direct and Indirect.
aa we underttand tbe term. The La*
Porto Rico has been a ftmnisb pos- drones are about L7W mllea from Ms>
asloD since the days offKnoe
•ede Leon. nlU and about UM miles from Hono*
and fertility of the UUnd (hat he ImThe natives of the Carolines are taucU
axlned he could there And the foqbtain more warlike than those of the Laof perpetual youth for which he so Ions drone*. and they have several times rsaousht In vain. In 16M San Juan-was iM-lled. thoush without euoresa asalast
sacked by an
the authority of Brain. Some years asoh
by Drakt
tke. and three years Uter the whifr James G. BUtae was secretary bf
If Cumberland atucked it and sute. tbe wanion sfaelllns of aom*
laid It In ruins after tbree dayt of flshtproperty cam*
Ins- It also sustained other attacks at
various times, but none of them aertously affected Spanish authority on the



... K

As early as 18» the Ponb Ricans at­
tempted to sain their Independence.
IbU was Ions before Cube had made
e Spanish
any attempt to set rid
yoke. This flfst rebellion was auppresaed after a short suerilla war. as
were several other abortive attempta
1886. tbe year of the steal uprtslns in Cuba, that the moet formida­
ble outbreak occurred In Porte Rico.
After two months of severe flshtins
the Spanlih resulan were vlctortoua
and the leader of the rehela Dr. Ramon
E. Betanoea now residins In Paria was
captured, as was also J. J. Henna sloe*
a New Tork physician. All the prison.
0 be shot on Nov.

tives, who are fond of all whites
cept the doss.
doss, Kot eves s month lateff
by kUlliu svei>ry Spaniard on the Islaaff.
of Tap. from tbe g
I privau. -Butcher” Weyleff

be sent an expedition,
line naUvea promptly cut to
Tbes a laryer force was
"Butcher" had the saUafaetloa aff
candne blood to flow Uke srater.
The CaroUnes arw SKtramely fertO%
and land le so triesttfui on the haadrsdff
the *To«p ttaafl
ose may take all he cares' m eoUtvalA
Tbere are one or two partly Porttflej
tosrna and tbe popalatien of the ardOe
news reached the ieland that Queen pela«D It about M.S80. while the a
IsabciU bad been deposed, and the po­
litical prisoners were pardoned. They


J '■W

■ i I’



aoe. inelooed within tbe Sanu Catillaa
fonjficatlona where also are tbe cathedrak town bouse and theater. This
portion of the city Is now known as
Pneblo Viejo and I* tbe seat of an epis­
copal see. subordinate to the arahbtshop
orSenUayo de Cuba.

lha opinion (bat It Is

and I
(eased object
to asublltb tbe principle of territorial
acquIslUon. 8UU others tbere are wbo
tn a vacue sort of way think that Porto
Rleo would not bs worth bavlac. aves
thooffh tbe dons wen to offer to cive
tbe Island to ua The Impression appear* to prevail that Cuba la the only
place In the West ladles which la of
special value.
This Is of ceurve tbe wildest eori of
orror. It is sold by tboae who have InvesUcated the subject that more can be
raised on an acre of land in Porto Klco
than tn
In any other spot in tbe world.
In addlUon to thie, It is also a tact that
tbe climate of Porto Rleo U excepUoaally salubrious and that the daaffor
from yellow fever except on the
If tbe stars and stripes are to wave
permanently ever ptt fertile little Island, which is really the yarden ipot of
the world, then U certain to be a mar.

prise Porto Rico, “now despised, and r
iWe tnlleb cow. will take on
a new existence and will. In the words
of the port, "blossom as the rose.Tbe Island of Porte Rico was diseorered by Colnmbos on Mot. 18. Uts
and the first Spanish setUement was
formed then by Pootw ^ Leon la
1518. The Island la the moal rastern of
the Greeter AnUDsa In tbe West Ih• dies. On the cast the teaser Antilles
sxtend in - curve towafd Triaidad, aa

chain several spun dlverye toward the
north coast, yivtny It a ruyyed. broken
appearance. Pari of tbe mala ram
called Sierra Grande, or Barroa .
northeast spur is known os tbe Sierra
de Loqulllo. and that on the northwest
Is the Sierra Lareo. There ara laterestin* caves Is these amaaUlns.
moot noteworthy belny those of Aynas
Buemu sod Cisles. This ctevsted ridys
tnleraecttny the Island
trartfaesst trade winds, blewlny troae
the Atianoc, apd deprives them of their
molstnre. ao t^t tbe rainfall of the
north section la>wer7 eoploua This has
the effect of redorinc the rain south of
rail, and the |

ilu attali
Porto Bieo ts a
streama Koae of tbsa/ls or CO
L bwt of the cBtira

and wbolesme. so much so tbaL-thera
le quite an industtr In »s ahlpraekt for
sale to other West India ialanda
The dtmate. thouyh hot. Is ayisrably
tempered by tbe prevalllny northeast
winds. A temperature as hJyh ai n(
deyreea bas been recorded,- but It seldom
exceeds >T deyrees tn the shade duriny
the bott^ part of tbe day. and at nljAt
' ~or8»dayreaa Soeh a
perature duriny nlytata. eaperisliy li
ason. would be a dellyhtfut * people Of Mew Tork o

culturally, It admiu of yreat expan­
sion In this direction. Under a differ­
ent political reylme and freed from
vexatious sad opprasatve taxation ths
island would certainly become mors
productive and prosperona
Gold, copper. Iron, sine and coal
ndnSs are known to exist, but bare aot
been developed. There are also valua­
ble and extenalra sponye fields which
have scarcely been touched owltaff
tbe lack of capital and other
Tbe eame Is also true of qua
whiu stone, crantte and marhlb. There
are salt wofka at Guanlea and Sellnss,
on tbe eoath edasL and at Cape Rojo, on
tbe wesL and this conatltutes the prin­
cipal tnineral Indnsur
Porto Rico.
Hot vrtnys and mineral waters are
found at Jnpn Dias. Ban Sebastian. San
Loreuao and Ponoa but the most fa­
mous are at Coamo. saar the tnsrn vt
Sanu Isabel.
Tbe moat predaceous qaadruped ou
the Island U the wild doy. and It chiefly
cka piss
animals, Ml>
tbe yreat pests of
they are kept down by
eales, tbe snakes, which
reach a lenytta of tram six to nine feet
Nnineroas species of anU and bees ex­
ist ss weU as flreflles. ot cucnxoa Oothey fly In yreat iBsases.
und wsird effects
the tropical nlyfats. Ponltry Is abun­
dant. and tbe Sana and rtveio are full
of tbe finest fish.
Railways on ths
ara 00 tar In
ttaetr Infs any. and cart roads ara very
primittvs. some of them hslny UttM
better than tracks mads by oarila
There Is, however, one fins road axtondtag L-pm flan Juan to Pdbos, a dia-

were afterward banished, but In (heir
exile (hey have ever since been active
s for tbe freedom of
the Island.
It has be
d that, no matter

certain to comp>-] Spain to give up to
ber either tbe Ladrone or Caroline lelands or perhaps both. It U admitted
by miuury and naval strateyuu that
with ibese isUnds in our poasesBloii. to
be .used as coaling stations and as
on tbe east
bases of snpply, we would have nocauoe
tbe west It le sbelterad by the islands to fear any eompllcauona that might
of Cabra and Csbritra. which a rand arise In tbe east
bank prsetlealiv connects wltb tlx
There is perhaps do more beautlfal
mainland. Thtnside of tbe city com- place Id the world than the Ladronea.
prises four atndll bays and two recks, which received their name from Mayelof which the one nearest the coast
The great
half a mile west ot the Mom. It
explorer decUred that tbe natives wet
stronyly fonifled for yuardlny tbe enttwnce to the outer hartwr.
Tbe Interior harbor is landlocked and In reality the simple aborigines who
covetous and bas been dredyed t
went on board tbe ships and wbo bad
uniform depth from the docks to tbe never seen utenslU of any sort made
aneboraye of 28 (rat. Tbe old city U dl- of metal were so eochsnted fair the
Tided Into four wards, throe belny ont- bright blades and cooking nt^U of
Blde the fertifieauena Tbe booses are tbe sallofs that Qiey helped themselves
of stone, osuaily one story - hlyh. and to whatever they fancied, though, to
have roof ymrdeni, from which fine ara their credit be It said, they were not
rollty of attemptinc to oDnoeol tbe (act
garden in lu patio, or
tbey hod vioUtsd tbe Uw of
court. *n>e other cltJea of
-menm at roam.” niey simpty knew
tbe UUnd ora Areefbo. AyuadlUa.
better oad did not raallse that tbey
Mayaynra. San Gennay and Pones.
were doing wrong.
According to tbe Utest Bpanish
Tbe Ladrone. or Variana. islands
tUtles. the ImporuUons Into Porto Rico ra located approximately to longitude
duriny U88 amounted to tU.M8.7n and 168 oast and Utitiide U north, being
about toe miles doe north from the CaroUnes. Only five of the Ladrone Isira takatoted. and tbrae. nnisini
os AMUot; FYwee flpatn com
the tost ftMinlab ceasua. taken
wines, rice. oUa floor sad textues: from
England, machinery. textUec salted
ban a d^ade age. contatosd
provlslona rtes and cool; from Prance, about MO males^nd only haU a dooen
a small amount of textiles, some Jewel- females of purP>flstive blood. The peo­
ry and perfumery and some fine wines ple are naturally docile and hoeplUWe,
and liquon; from Italy, frlaei. vermi­ but tbey have been bled to such an ex­
celli and rice; from Otrmany. ytoos and tent by tbe Spaniards that *belr gen­
eral coedition Is one of extyeme pover­
candled traUs. beer and Itquora; from ty. There had been up tw> short time
Holland, cheese: from Cuba. rum. sugar before Che beginning of the Spanishand tobacco: from the United States, American war about one Spanlih soldier
petroleum, Ironwara. ytasswnra. chem­ to every three persons, and the effect
icals. textUea. paper, lumber. barreU as may be supposed, has beeu dlsasmachinery. eoRUyea. dried and salted trouB to on toduotilal sense. Tbe wobatter, yreoae. codfish, floor.
too. who have foGowed tbe Bpontbe Islands have net
tended to Improvf tbetr moraUty. Ths

though they have
had UtUe opportunity to work at ff
profit on account of"the----------------------the mUmanoyemesI
Of the BponUrda wbo have •nconragofl
them to drink. Twice a week on maap
of tbe lelonds there ts a public debouell
led by tbe chiefs sad porilclpsied In bp
a children.' U M
o see anmbets at
r reeUng toward thrir ho
of these drinking Jinuta
only tnlBsionartes in ^ srahipslafftf
ara Amerlosna If tbe Carollnra sboa
eventually-come under our flog tl^
will offer an unusually tempUng flsifl
for tbe explolUUon of oar capital and
enterprise. Tbe Gennans t.
eaUy control busUess tbere.

A Story of Marioe Aadways
They tell a good story of Marine An- tbeny. the one wbo aelated Coptolfl
Sifsbee end ao coolly sold. -I have to
Inform you. sir, that tbe ahlp Is btowa
up." Antboay woe once a aergaant and
as each was atuched to the marine ra*
eruittog office li«.Nen( Tork. Now. ol
thtogHmltloD Anthony ^xerelaed 00Mld*>
crabJe Power ever appikania. and hS - 1
mafle that power felt to such a wag /
as to cause his -raductlon to the ranha^ " *■
which was follawsd by hM dstgU eg
Captain Btgsbse-t ordraty and his coassv
quant rise to fame.
Anthony didn't core mneh for for* .
eicaera He was son the martos corpdi
would be tbe better U native bora}
S»««| Ir^M alone
>1-.— ----------—- «
IL After'
AMhooy hod beoii oa his deraU (or smU
tlae it eame to (be knowladgs of tbs
officer that
sergeant was torping
away oU men wbo had been born
abroad. While aocordlng to the racent
rules la ell enim of tbe Uolted Butse
military end naval setrtes. a man to
be enffletsd mnst be a dtlnsn. sudi aa
arbitrary procoedtog as throwing out
ail bnt the naUve born was clsarty be*
sergeanL So. they say. flergeent
tbony was relievsd of his detail and
duoed to tbPranka.

lnr^;riu?rh.S^anrbS: J

THM MOMmro mmo6vD. stnrPAT. jvi.t ». iros.______ : .


tk An AsaoBMoCttoe*

Ckl^ F?i< tta TiiMQll
Lt tbo Uit «tswl cwaUTeof tlw«m>d
MMdeiT of ICtMuKlw eUet InMMrt


boowfoU toMorrUFitdBeU.wbo

ebowBtothehlcbm oHW* IB Ibe
(t* of tber«i>d
^mUKksT. Mf.
fieU fleam from. btcntlr before the


of fall
psoonlneotspositloD a tfae Ulanatt
'mid. be beliig adjutant deoentl. Befaaa
1^ been aotfTe In tfae oowmaDderr. and


lAa tad friend of tnine named SUat Ziag/
! took, who fonnerly U»ad in StotkH^
■land adiolwbtr
adrnlrabt] adafnd to tbt;
rr^riilimilr —’.waBe, »«. wnr ■
<B of a borne.

anfns wanted eery
■ at a ame when ho ■ _.
• to toe permlttod to go oot Mr. Zlngtook ,
There are no lodges of
wlthaSnial membw^p of
®P • cootritrauee «dieret7 tta
dHire oonld be giatifled in ^
easeof I.assnm-tat rnr. j youKMp’* J
1 the
Be set sp a blowef in tbe V
laeten Dew lodaee
I hack parlorrhelMd it to an engine in. (%
ThededlcptfOB <n the new Odd Frilows* I >»ck parlor. faelM
1 in MUwauke. reeentlT wto the cellar below, and when ererytUng
KMt Interring
Aid Iteportent | war
was aU tead^be
teMl^be started
earted tfae
the fan and
mnu tn tfae hlKoij of the order la the nrodoc^ a cotRDt of air that ww
• to
• float a kite.
Tbe worti OB the new mM bnlUliic
and chapel at the niinota Orphans*
Mt in tfae bedk parlor and fly bis kite
in tbe front, and for a time ercsTtfaing *
Tfae TeWao BetiAah awonlertfdi ot went all right, tout oo an
UliMKtri U toemslBg in aenibenbip.
Tfae imet nMBberriilp of tbeonln-ts


Have added another pair oi nne bicycles to our <
2 large line of high grade bicycles. It is the Gy-'
cloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cycle Co., of a
§ Grand Bapids, Mich., and is one of the best and
simply constructed miachines on the mar- ^,,«o»..idi.b.^!», §
They have patented a bell ringer that is
out of sight.
Come in and lodk them over.

Zingtock. who, tfaoagh..Aicfa, t
! also thri^. bsd bad a ebaaoe w buy
ie of, IbU plant mound band cbeaper than a
w plant of smaller sise would bare
leadliw tfae KnlitfatB to-------------------_
- J __ ■__L..X <•
rtatc a* W«fbm» Dcit Octohto. for wblcb
Tbs duty of cw3b lodge wU^teto^^ east and k> be took it and had it set
and every morning be used to adjust
•he snnd oommaDderr ^>I>«|>Utod tV
nMSQbas who hars goDs to tbs fcont^^ it aD that it would not go above a oerlader that tbe reeort maybe tatar^ A
tain speed, and aeTeral times be had
■ - ^ I-.-

- 4«t *tu..nwwl teidT.


irwltb6ralB tsnotwwow

W. asd an tmposlne Maaoolo
> held Id Bo<S^ oatfaediBl on that dar




|J. W. Plater’s Hoose FurnisligStorel

“Abontone minute after Bnfnsdid <
I tooeb it CO tills morning when be want- <
The total amount donated for an Odd , ux i*
kjov harder

! c..P

Ifamplan in lx
‘ tanUp of «S4.
At Uet rqxfft tfaoe wm 1.47S Ktffl^
Vaaptare tn Vbglnla Id 80 oo
T«f CaUteolaat
an decided that
tta meat annnal oooekse


126-132 :Hb?oxi.-b S-bx-ee-bL

---------- --- daHng lodge «^od. tabloswore upeet. hric-a-hrac
ssSrbusitmrbii* to »“ knocked into ftiadera. and tbe
-----------whole parior was awrsek. with the big A Pew Tr-s.wlag Mssfato. TsosrtsUi
snbmof OMsorderto entltfasd t
blower going at top speed and ebnming
eveiytfaing there
» ii
into tnwmenu

and&^ WilUam Sekwamweber. a St. Louit
Aboot 1.000 Kni^ ttonplare peittdblowing tbe detris out of tbe windowfa- inventcr. bias obtained letters patent for
‘■That ended tbe fatUbr.'sindulgenoa.” a proipecting
prwnecting machine that will obviate
all diffic^dm arising from tbe frosan
thsOr' ground ef ^ Alaskan placer flelcU*
Oaorge B. Jenkins Is now grand .. .
Nfew ORLEANS POLITENESS. '^Tlins far it has been noeemuyfe*'the
Mndtf of Kansas Knigbu Templaza and
One nwmbm in tbe lodge ktoktng at tbe
A. M. CaDataan grand morder.
■itnwm to
to build Area cm tbe frosen grav.
-• to *tod a SofQie riven in order to remccre erw
■ Ksip a I
The grand commander^ Knights Tob>. oflVxn and at tbe grand ofBoers and erttleUag tin policy and manyeipent of tbe
• tjngfau
afev iadhaufdirt. Six incbm d..^ U
tbebalI the eerrteto
raa given a good estopteof nthof the uaembere osn ifo good. If be
of that state.
ditesuds tbe other night.” mid a
has not tbe scimot preprieeyto rrfmln , ^
lAOOinen. to
D trmn tbe ncsth. “1 bad gone
Ortth Spain.
Id of tfae grand todgesof that he dews one or the othsr.-Omsear. 1 oon a lady borne. She was also a «IMa Itold to tbedoetrineof
city and was mopping with
. a few otaiiD alz

Ulasito ap- eome trinds cm Bourbon street, about
three blocks tfae other side of the opera
proved 114 appikatlcma
it was only a efacn distance
V. T. Morgan.i* gn>»d n
Tfae grand lodge of 1
„ the
__ ._________
.. tfae six ; we dedded to walk. 1 was of oonrse
. .......... ___
tfaeoSer of Tbe 6<iaare and Compees to of
Btolea of Deorgta. North and Bontfa Caro- , unauy
totally Bano^uaiuicw
unacquainted with
u*... tbe
its offlelal Mgan fra of expense.
I and wbaiwe left the ligfau bf tfae opera
, bemse 1 felt very much at aea. Tbo
tat Tor ts bS grand lodges was nearir W.

EN to thirty cents saved on everj paper pattern
^Tyou nse during the year, means a goodly sum to
Vi/you. Just this amonnt you save by buying ‘*New
Idea* Patterns, and you get as; good-patterns as there
are made. too. Any style wrts yon but Ten Cenis.
Fashion Sheets for August now here—Call for one

To Induce You

ssiS'.jsJrwSr’.s.srs r,u-s^i.d-»d


Id be prood of the |S
arbieb has been made by tbe efad^mest
snfccf tfaeonfasrof KnitriiU of PTtbUs
and the high poidtlon wblcb It now oocn“ pleiintheworldof cooperaaTelnsnianoo.
Ithas DosapcrlorlD tbaicUasof Intnrs systems and U giving to Pytbians
__ .ywbaoa safe and anmre'Indemnity
•nob m Is fumUMd by no other organlsatfoo In the ooimtty.—Pyfblan Knl^L
TbegTwnd lodge eg Csltfcniiahasafrawd
11.000 KnlghM of Pythias of tbe uniform
ank to tbe president tn cam they on
seeded for war doty.
Klgadler Ocmetal B.tS.
of tbe unlfonD tank'in the
York.M a heUbant
cfBesrazid akiUfnl taotlclan.
SlftKnigbtB will bereepmsted to provide
tamselnswltfa tbelroWB tdsnkeu and
•oUetartlelm at tbe supromeencampmenL
a at tfae1^
t will be floored
jBppUed wttb tablm and thairt freei
ttwUl be madetoflooranym

that be protnbly didn't need or dldn'tj
number*, and it
only by tbe
number that tbe lady oonld iduntlO' her
, bonMing plaoA as she had only been
m«nherd,loof lO.Ul: deermtof bc«- |
"Ahead of mewraa a small o
(11). after being tevlod. Is
pay tbe Uabillcim for tfae year. tbe*> a
____________j. fora
astl^ tbo soTphtf liability of t]
tkm needing relief.
D toe A_ u.

may b(

I. It doesn't


to KT waa me soswered very politely
that be did not. but was going that way
and shmld help me hunt. He told an- ’
other man in front of him about U,«ad
diet man told some of bis friends. In a
geaClemen bad formed
few minntes tbe gen
: an advanoe guard in out interest. We

Silk Gapes-



KMsey of the AAeptlea of tfae

iking matebes and Icnkingfor tfae
number. Tbcroww eight of tfa»a^
--- ----------------------------------------w oou> PBoarxcnira uxcxnrx.
tbeirnmtehea would go Off w after ^ gmddwed * good thaw, and Are afwr


To Loavo Your Money
With ns. we’re making rerj> special prices on many
lines of merchandise—all' desirable styles and quali*
ties. Here are some of them, from tfae ready-made
garment nepartment

to,b»Kl«HiidW umtowtod

IW-.OTBUU. -ito. It U.'tto.»«l
tU fumd. Mt.
«ont ^
Schwmw*«r-. touitiu wUl wU.
Tbe Improrod. Older of Red Moi dates u
a. bo™ npldlT
„p.„pe., „. dq«h oJ M
hmk to lT«8,and Ito motto to 181* at Fort
a tfae first wort.
Later on tfaeo

•Mendsblp. was adopted. Then ^ j for tito efforts. •Nothi^ »t ^
i* wwked into the gro^ like a
pJotoetir. mid in-itad poUtoly. and tbeentlreeight trtsed
euranoe feate
word, "ebaiily," eompli
Tbo Older DOW {avaecu Its
and within the cylinder is a well bmkgiving life for life U its week fa carriad
XUlmry Csang*.
M, which has an opes bottom. Into
soe «|uuB.iuu
qutoos V.
rf the uomp^va prodirt and giuvel
Jerome Hite
foroed. When fnU. this budmt U dePatriotic lodgea abould show UberaU^ Penn^lvanla
wm prouauij ix ucu»uu..v.a.
. .
it and ran
groat dilef of leoorts.
There am 8.100 Ba:
Datud Staua servtoo for tfae t
Yort rceervatton. .
ain at least Cor tbe time they.
ochalui--------------Tta order In k
Oi^ndSoatlnelT. V.DotT«^K«*Tork.
brave. Ttay know very wall however, i
ts,irsiiss ■•ns*.
■ever testing In doing good work. U f«eley are nejt, and when oohflden-'
, . . . .
^ ^
p^ng for a vigorems mldsommer earn; ttal willful., a
Ha lad ot tb. biwm. od ita
palgn fer tbe betfeflt of tbe ordm.
mbnt. where the " was nothjtstivm to the grand lodge
diarinliDfL and
and srvere
tUl tta
f New York wUJ be deoted by
^ mareupinl
be aOl’ *-m on tfae'fliet meetings In
ad the land of bonea. In Kew South
AugUit. This U now tfae law. Tbe grand to tbe govero^t
' SSfStotafc^y^'
lodjcevUl tomtatSaiauga Bprtn0ieo tfae of lbei«iDtry'sb^atamttac»uaeaf|havetaen know^ to acknowledge that
. meood Tuesday in Septmibar. wbm unllv4musibetor«e<iMd.welcDow!rtthp{r
«» •‘‘n***-. /nm PW*"*
a betortoiud. wekDcw ! gf their men. who aK
are aa
as brave as to
any •*“
doubtiertly Giand Dictator Thomas Flttsettler has a nog or two <d bis own. and
gatmik will probably bs roolected.
riding to
! to bis duty at falsa
try's oaU. __ _____________ _
even ours, which a man enters only rf
I be tncxmoeivable in a
Order s( SeoetoI trm wtQ. there is a certain ptopurtian
Tbta ere about kOM Knlifamof tbe
Tbe ctroulor mot with tfae---------------- ------------------, --------MacobbemlntCeDtntky 1
stricken with a ooct of
One of tfae ob)ecta of tfae eedm-ta to pro- noUoo. explaining the oew rimree tend ; (ears Ttay are stnekenwichaaortof
1.260,000 the oolony owna
The proportion it probably *“«*2®*^*'^
■Hte hood cdtlscDshlp. and In Its bsastUnl law. Is very favorably reodved. There has
bOO.OOOhorma. AndMwnow
a vast amonnt of miseonoeption <rf I not hipt,
d.. bajoriw, a »bb.«b»ib°<l.<«
high in any
IltualbD tfae lesson of patiiotlstD la flt.
expoetn ntnm ton a rapidly ineremdng
lb bealch.
dolbidr dtiiv
ti^,«Mh.^d.,.Ev«y t^ta «
lnl8S6ttaookmy«>i«wd l,M8
__ _ Ifledgee himself to yield up bis
and having '
_____ k o< tta ratimaart value of *IAAsoM bis eountiT or Its Insdtutioiis
proportion high
neither Di
746; in 18»6 tta tuunber waa &188.
' euch a mertfkm. bat that be wU be
who literally feel DO fear.—L
value Cm.&oa and laK year there waa
loyal to hie country as
•os to ble ooomry
a farther increnae. India being tta lead­
A OtoIUW Parrtlm.
ing cuattaaer. Auamlian bune* bgiDg
* Deoibcdaln
DeoibcdalmswIU bcpaMtobendlclarlm
CycUxta in rural Ptanoe are well a
. .
nf'mdmbenwitoare kiUed while atwar
t for milltniT
srtthlfaemiDefacllI^ that elalzui are paid
ta»ttaemteied for in delightful Uule coontxlSed pnrpoM in that pert of tta
ie who remalD at borne.
GAfea with open air ubie* eften aet in pij«. Bonea are exporud aloo tan
an Arbor of .nergreena A tano and* a■ Kew Bcmtb Walea to Vlettria. Hew
tnwronra on metaim who may be kUled : half
two will get you a perfeetiaa cd
■ten AnstraUa. Fiji, tta
» lodge hae granted a die* during tfae w wiU^ prmpUy p^ . 4 ! an omelet, a plate of «ewed
i»b- st
meota Java and tta Fbil• to all members cd the eeder who
to pay tta
who may go to war during their tonn
Orty a r*Hil» SoromA
enoogfa to let ber do ia will Inflate biJ
anrtng Urtr abooDoe from borne
Iktber-rWell. my»oo.dJayoBenovtelevleAforJi
ctaa the meteai "marchand de vina” eeed in trakfaig tta new bacMoo ttay
. gtatr SRiin from Uw war
tta proud pomammed ^ooMelnnd
. BoSeatbelaimetavelaanpRaeDtadier
, gigndard pump.-Oater«r.
Jeatntmthe U ttaUetataor tfamgeeon.
Sc^Bo, tatar, but I broke tta ta
fliBBMttwin begin to look aa though a
dnaUydisingtdMi. ciage."—Hew T«k Weekly.
■aMtohitaitptn tfaliorder pcmamiid tome
1 by tl
____ How thia dtainotlon doea not obBe-Ttan !■ tfaet deteWaUeyt .
-ataIgMa rt the taUto tagto.
orta, and tta war veoid U <d a totally
SimpUiu. Be pnqneee lo evwy girl ta
difftrest oonwnotiaD.
aud tmTofad over lA4ue luUm.
,1 HIM tae—Itatodaee him to b%
JcAd W. BtdM U gtaad coBU

$3.50 for $5.00 values.
$4.50 for $6.00 values.
$5.00 for $6 50, $7.50
$7.50 for $10 values.

Ladies’Suits$4.38 lor $5.50 values.

$5.25 (or $8.50 values.


navy art CoteiBlae.
Aim Oran MUtom.

$6.23 for $9.00 values.

$8.50 for $I2JW and
$13.50 values.


..<-ib„u .4-oS.r^'S:! -


I- ; -


'■Sfedal Sfll« flf (Met
At 79c. worth Si«>.
At 9^ worth $1.35.
At Si.19. worth Si.s©
to Si-75- ■
At $148, worth $2JX>
to S2.25.

Silk WaistsTffjkutoaidlMli.
Gtnati taflir bMl
$3.50 value at $2.38.
$4.50 value at S3.25.
$5J» value at
a S3.75.
55.50 value at $4-25.
86.50 value at $475.

Tour Oollns do heaiy ftty whet yoo
briig then to

SeUable Drj GoMls, Cupit ui CtoUdBl Hobl

TajatroarBO Oi*ty,


Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.


"New Process” Vapor Stoves.
-w. J-. SOBBS,
14e rrmit

etaintaw ata J. a Bobrnta grand ntow







accede in Acer loieer^ and deqmticB
Thof were ^nlto a ecnpaiiy reM» •ndaatabllMa oenter
wbw tbe paam tent tor berand triad
Among ttaa rode tbe oolctwl and and todal enjoynent.
to pomade bet. from a aenee of da- bit friend Philip UringatoL Tbe colo­
fortbaflnttim #
cam. Dot to daaoe anr non that nel wee atiU gnnhiliig abont tbe beat risoe bt had oOMaied at ber
aatriagi, S
ateoisg. Bst the deril ia Bctaap woe and tbe barae tte fliee bad made of bia and bia preaeaea bronght it aU aovtridoal7 the urn aroaaed, Tbe poog
tt to beraiod again that aba fenced aftFtolioghaMDwaa eoead. eogoada. I
erward tbai At anet bava troetod bta
ISTBB88 Bfit> to UtUe eridenoe of tbe lore abe
taeked the lege of aU tbe patriote bekrw eery coldly. Be tboogbi bcreweetac.
6E 7 a«ed tB raattagfor. Hie manner droeo bar v
tbelr breeefaea They bad even gone togUdden tb« btw Bare^tenaeagain. Sbedanoedwi^ aide and, ao it waa mid, ep^lly and
After tbe estontlon of Andre tbe Van
of tbc goide t»- Mwtoo. Hie BM«ntfloeat pbytbiM aad racUetoly tortninated tbe debaW.
' Eonea wwt «w<* to Baratogi. wblofa
grace aod flattery earned ber away on berried and eacited bad con great
toern aerved tat acane time aa a garriafter blf latbcr’e tbe wlngt of impolriec yootb. Tbe two that tbe beet of Jafferaon'e draft wai aoo. Tbaaon of tbe general in coenmand
death. No other
aaBoed. They dapoed tlU, oot oar and tbe tnoat qneatlouble part wee vary attentive to tbe fair' aea and
coIoDlal raaid ^ vaddiog ooopie had taken tbelr waa. all that waa left. ' ne oorapany gave an iapetne to eoeiaty that nade
bad eoob a Icng plaoeeio
io tbe
aoaefa and
loor and tbev
tbU when ; tbe yoong peopU lively. Betoay .began '}
braid ol bair at were oalled reepeotJvely n
'— --------to wear dlk dreeme again and to grow abe. none eoeb a
They t
man like MCI
ber UKJ
did cbeorfnl BBU,
tell, klM
tta UB
fleetand gnoefbl bridal ocaob at far at BarloB on Ita rode apart.
leaning that a daavter bed keen
etep. eoob a wtO' five days' tonmey to Boston.
‘‘Bad newer* aekad tbe latter.
bttmgbt ins who wne
a tailor «uo ^
fint Reginald Moieoa did not intend
peoad keeping
Frelingbaaen imparted il at dnoa.
bia ae naafnl in tbe ttn[ling bim
to pan from Beteey ea« then. Be fol­
’‘ByGodt VTbat a clever bodygnard
r. atea. 6ot>ey Van Ho
lowed ber back boae on foot to declare yoomake! Give me tbe panloolara.”
When tbe newe oeme tbet an EnglUb
-..-yandakittiebaeayotagcoli. Tbeiti, «,entioni to Colonel Van Bona,
ofBoer named Reginald Hinton bed been
Tbe yoong man detailed tbea
totroon watyoong. diffident, connaone | ^be family wwo at.'their Albany real"Ton eeem-d—d weU aoqnaintod killed in peremiel oombat. At
0 the left d<*r^. Bewaa toa acttw- ^enoe. HU walk bid given tbe yoong
yoimg with their movemente; quite wall wm reioiciug uter tbe dei'^etanoe of
I f« bit faiber. tbe lamented Fta- lover eoae dUtinedae. bat. it wet not edongb to
General Greene in tbe eor.ib, and aa
aotber’t love bad of tbe kiod likely ae win nirtriot a dU"1 aeoompanlled and laairied them.' many gave way to tears of tbaokfal.
... itobc^fconodboebaud. He believed dplinarlan ae Colonel Van Hone or began hU luformanV
nee*. Betwy's weeping we* not fpecial'
.kbat Beaey. deipite ber yonthfnl waya tbe^^aar’-------------- ------------- ------------"
coonmaato a«1 Where
Sbee wu
was a wMo<
^ad ktvb anoogb in ber beart to.beal
bit aorrow. But there grew op in foted. aod tbe colonel Iriaeelf, to make | ~"^ben~ tbe oolonel bad learned tbat
Waablngton bad taken tbe precidenf UUtrea Bftaoy a aenee of plqne ba- enre of fail poeltlao. led tbe yonng man bU daagbter waa with tbe Van
tUI oath, and be. bit lady and bU enlt
t ponee of Frelingbaaoi’a very gentlo- to tbe wharf and tM bia aboettl tbe; Uern and Begy back at bit qoorten, be were keeping bonee in tbe flrto esecnI neat. Herixi^i:li tl&iiug wi.bed to be Hew Tcrk tloop. Beternlng boae be, tnraed on bii beel witoont more ado tive maneioD jnit ont of Pnnkllo
earrled by rr-—
1 ouieo
oUled nil
bii naegnier
daegbur to Dim
him ana
and toio
told ner
ber:: and after rpenfcing
rpenfclng to Urtngitoa
Liringtocn and
aod eqnare. Social foncUont of torprioing
f Tbe beaei
^Bty, the Tiracity tni tbe m-; what be bad dona "My wUhee will be , bowing to tbe oompany gaUoped ahead,
organlaed. The joymg of teuey werv w*, “»e , „„pe«ed. Ptomiae me to have nothing i At tbe door of tbe Klng*e Anna, the
■ theme of ber Inver niirt tbe vU age alone. I ,0^0 with him by wort or letter."
i renderTooi of tbe doablog ymmorwl-:
One town on tbe An
^ACtbeolc1 manoriabPooF-^wivm'lierfaBnt Beiaey’t ortor waa not cooled. ! owU and prorinoial dandiea ion Grown | ttoeot. New York, gained arepnta
.aner re;

etbanated boree dropprt., for Inxnry and folly eqoal to tbe d
"Wbat. do yon mean to disobey mar'______________
Oot oo tbe rear,______
the cl Esrope.
"ImeanloasDcNbiodmytoKtlwUl river and gartene in tbe mldet of a
eoterulnmeot, tbe oolobel
colonel beU wai dlaonaalng tbe pieaid«it'a flrto the­ MONSOH
:>ery oegroea paoert in thHr arrange
Tbe Uaoe was made. Tbe ooloeel, In a few wbitpored words with Begy Mm- ater party and ipeoalatiag oo who
; Inent and n-pUivnifCt oi t .e big log* view of bis coming Jonmey to tbe balli tom, and it
wonld be Invited to tbe nest wbeo O*'itotevee. They cmld rot
tbcireyet at congreaa in PhUadeliAia. oalled In tbe that tbe yonng dandy mnat navor Onm I anl Frt
ftm tbe dancing flim" •-i ■ j'ctsry. It yoting patrooa and desired him to re^
main in bii bones during bU abaaboe
; lydnvped in Joat prevlone to tbe ooria- and gnart bU dangbter. Be felt perfaiUdea of Cbe evening. Tbe yonng mao
: waa jealoni of tbe oegroea who watebed prove a better aod lea* irksome i
lur. bol there was no wort pr eign to of eecoring Betoey’e obedienoe tba
maka tbe ^rl nepect It Tbp patroon'a
'landawerelt miW aqnare. and bU tenBat tbe a
.toDta* aUeglance-eincere and nnlted be- bodygnart. tond ber father waa no mo:<UM be adminietoed Jnrtioe with a cr gone cm fait ala dayi' jonmey to Philft'gBwegm band than be mede;love. Tbe adelpbia tban ebe began to draw tba
maid Betsey knew tbat feotber over tbe eyes of love and tamed
the tablet by pUying tweetbean and
bodygnart to tbe yonng patroon. For
le erMenoe of aflml- love (d bim. eo ifae mid. ebe beeame ar­
Mm k^lelded.
dently patriotic. Sbe briped a oommiiSo mottere stood when--------some------------,
to bind an nnjnot tea denigboogfa diicaat reladvea aertred nl tbe « .aj Mrve tbe oommnnity witbtoa at
tbelr own prioe. Sbe did tbe binding


'We wSldloee oot ■ few broken lots of Shoes, st'im
espedallT low fi^re- Tbe; ore aU. solid leather and
good wearers. We ca-ry a large stock Id all styles
and all prices aiwl can please yoo. For a good wear­
ing shoe get them of


My Line
of Silverware

Is the finest bi northern Michigan. Come and
secure an. Ornamental Clock or a fine Gold

F. .A. EARL, Jeweler.





Celebrated Clicage Ciedies.
8. H. ROSE & SON'S.

B Beadle Baildiog.

looked admiring, aikanoe. over tbu eaoaimde. bot abe pleaded partoo aod
patriotiam ao sweetly
tbat they omiled.
Meanwfaile tbe Impatient Reginald
Uortoo bad managed to have a lettw
mfely delivered into tbe banda of MUm Betaey. and one fine evening Betdiepatebed
ber devoted bodygnart
on a preenmably patriodo mraod tbat
the fait wonld keep bim all nigbt. Tba
yoting man waa willing mongb to go.
bok nnkoown to Betmy. be wai nn


patroon *1 to be married, entertained and
oent on tbdr way rejoicing. It was tbe
ocoarioo cf Bcneey'e first i
k apnff ofallv«T*M*ei>
form of a globe oo a fonndatioo of
white mtln. baring a doable wing In
large pUita and little onrls falling jnst
to the neck. Nothing ooold exobed tbe
plqnatmy of tbe faoe In its | tsnooenk
merry pride (ram under tbUpileof mil­
linery and buiTowed bair. Ber ailver.
bigb'heeled aboee popped In nod ont
beneath ber green silk petdooal in tbs
dance with a rwiftoem and vigor that
threatened to esoeed tbe eolnranoa of
ber pertneri. Oaocing waa nuverml at
tbat dace, bot Betsey danced m if for a
wager. Tbe real renton waa afeeling of
reeentment against ber host, ibe yonog
patmon. Be had with tl

Ebe gmdgtngly yielded bim ^e dance
aod diedainiug evoy OM elk danced
wiib tbe chanoellor till they were both
fatigoed. Bot even then B^ey wonld
allow ber middle aged partaet only a
moment to rest. On tbe floor again be
seemed to catch tbe spirit at her
People began to look on in omaae
wbicb gradnally became aSrlgbt->-tbe
dwnoellor'e face bad beocaUe ptnple.
BUbold on tbe gifl reUsel and be
dropped to ibe floor, dead, it wee tbe
patraon wbo raiaed bim aid looked
iritb blnereproacbfol eym ob Betaey.
Sbe flood trrmbiing in tbe middle at
tbe floor, bnt at bU look love.j pain, an­
ger flamed np in ber yoong botom aod
rite acioally tossed ber bead and tnmed
on ber beeL
Tbe chancellor wai carried and gnU•bly eoooned to ' ' '
aary people weredeuited in aitendanoe.
amd tbe festivities wenton. Soeban oocorrenoe oms not dnb>-art ot It only
left a really deep iDi^restioD on tbue
pecqile preaeat—tbe iniroon. BetMy and
one otbar. Ha waa cne of tbe groom'a
timea. an English officer, a redooat,
popnUr on botb sides—Reginald, or
more commonly Oagr. Morton. He bad
made bimmlf tamona by walking to
. .Pbiladelpbla

‘ed by
^bii cboma on beraabnefc and in

light he mw two moffirt figona noder
tbe yonog girl'e window, .tt e low
ifUe tbe
window eoftly'opeoed and
a rope was thrown np. Attached to tbe,
rape was a rope Udder, which, tnaklog
......-------j------- j.j A carriage
waited la tbe sbadowa Thltbcr tbe
yonog potrooD followed them, aod jnii
a* tbe rioeked aod hooded maiden wai
abunt to enter tbe vehicle be pot bU
arm abont ber end ttaraw book ber bood.
Betsey never screamed, bot ibcre waa
tbe rattle of nm sworti in two eeabbard*, and tbv^crooo with uplifted
baud aaid qoit tly. "1 am yonr friend,
Morton, aas long aa Miiscrees Van Borne
yon warn
•laed baiA and give me a word with
The sworte rattled back, and tbeydM
aa be impelled tbem.
"Betsey.•' mid tbe patroon. ^'tben
yoo do not love iner'
Beuey ntterad a yebement.
And yoo are determined
Uortonl Enough. I will pertono tbe
ceremony. ln(am yonr lover tbat 1 aoooropany yon."
At tbli Betaey well nlgb broke down,
bot with bend bold bigb abe epoke to
Hrnoa. Tbat offioer held oot bis band
to Freliogbaasen. wbo did not. bowev«i, appear to we it They were drive
to tbe rtva. where s boat waa waiting
to take tbem acrom On tbe other side
were tbe oooeb and pair. Tbe oeremony
was perfotmed in tbe ooaob. amid tbe
boom of oanoon and iUomlnatiane
wbivb wire greeting all over tbe land
tbe daring and tbe bmrery of tbe aign-


If You Have Logs to Sell
Corra.ipoi^ with the TmTWrae City Lumber Comimny.
We have for sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring, ,
Short Maple Wood.


T.A-PTT-ba won



heart. Bot tbe sight of tbe oontratt abe
between ber gay apparel and serions yonng general waa, however, brongbt
face melted tbe stcrnoldooldier to pity, into tba circle for greetings'and oonAt tbe end of baU on boor sbe was aob- ' gratnlatione. aod tben bis boetvas dUbing on his riioalder conovrning oaruln - patched him to tbe library, whisperdiscloepres which as Morton’s wife she' iug bar intentinn ot aending Betsay
mnst know.
; ttaltber.
"Take me back, yea and tbe good | Xnd tbitber Betaeyooma after a onitpatroon. and -fet me never aee my fana >aUe womanly deUy. came all apparelbond's face again."
fad in gray taSeta and obeeny gaosa.
"Tbe good {wtroonl Tbegood idiot!" ' 8be walked anight into tbe general's
Betaey fired np. "Bedid oa 1 deaUifl arms in ber own bigb banded, nnexplaobim."
/ : otory fasbion. aod tbe panoun asked DO
"B'ml Then yon made an am of! qnaotiona
bim. and yoo most taka tbe oenw•••••••
^"^TSdn’t make an am of him. and be', tion in tbe cocial and diplomatii
lau't one. and I love bim."
! ot tbe new oariob for wbow todepeod"Good iiOrt! Married to oneabd lorence be bad fongbtao bravely, and it
II well nnderetood ioj
. I tbat tbe general owed not 0 lltUe of bis

thnnahtnf ber
liar tutornntnr.
aerved t driveallI tbooghtof
Collate B ■niage from tbe mind of Bet^Itb tbe fortanea <d
. Wl

10 <1» uct «.a

' •“*

■ of bU dainty little «

Boeray far tbe patriotie dtiosi wbo
keepe booming the cry. "We mnit have
an old fubioort Poartb of July this
yeori" Tea. tbU year let it be of tbe
JoteAdamt type, '
by aol
a day of '
dewMon to God Almighty, aolet
not fall into tbe baode of
with pomp and pomde. with i
and ebcrtly after abe wai helping ber
opc^ gtma bdiA bemflree and
btber entertain tbe Britieb geoasal wjw
latlooa frem one esd d tbe oonIRK WAUD etSAiOBT irro n
bad canWdtbeirfaU manorial retidenoe tineot to tbe other." Tbe old world le
Soratogatobelaldwaata Beryontb- lookiag at tbe new ne never before ia
Forelgiiers oboold
_________ __________ „iiaawn aow Begy tnl diarm and bravery benngbt teare to oor history.
boek to bU regiment from vrbtob be Ue eyen and apologiea for tbe neeewf- tragfat tbat wfaUa bonding eneyfiM _
to tnakig tbe wtidemem and totting in
had only ptoonmd a taw bona' Uava,
. .
dniing hU atay in Albany. From > tbe anndiine of material pravarlty tba
Albany tba Van Bomea went to PblU- Amerieon paopU
' bava onitivstod
then took berm to PhUadaipfcia. knplag ....................................................................... totoogood loiltag

log dmnem to bU frienda Ue wai tbe
ttvelieat of tbeeomponynow.'As nii^t
have been expeeted bo eaxried bia annmb, athletie fignre over to one of bis
Mtmds and ezpcemod a wUb to dasoa
»«lMi tbe girl wbo fam dene a eban- ThU faapp(nad.a
g'/odmUk" Betsey waa about to tiiMdayoBt

into tbe niche of a heroine. Sbe beeame
foruDost In (be aooiotiet farmed
eoonomy previoss to tbe moat
-Mpa of tbewnr. Sbe '
from Albany
to Saratoga to tring away

ha tkanghtan Mw

BUU UacbiDeryofalldescriptioDS,iDcladiiigTwo Enginee,
Bet Works, Carria^ aod Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
lor sale.

fnthm wbo in tbotr <
Itasidowaaa amiUticyadvtow. Vb- tbe aahUaa mb. "Alla
te aad do^blw took a boom tktn

AH Kinds of Soap.
Qaality and quantity, high price and low price, hot all are
high quality for the price.
Our line of toilet soap is unequaled io tbe dty.

S46 Front 8ts«et

There Are Times
When You Want To Be Cool.
i And when those times com^ you want a
f good Hammock to enjoy. We have a new
stock. There are 44 different styles and
oolors, and they are aU warranted to be
just as represented, that la good In every
way. See the prices that we are making.




IOiWll>t.t. OM.

**»«• '
liirtoriw M« dI e a t rpgudioc
tbe lint oelebrauof tbeaoBl'

fall aeoiDan of aU. 8ayi
vaaia l*acket of Jaly 6. r
*'Lan Fridaj, tbe 4tta of Jolj. bdag
ttMflntannlTenatyof tbeiodepeodeaoe
of (ba United Stataaof America, vae
rwliilA'iil io this clt7 adlta demooatni'
ioT asd fertiTity. Aboot oooa
all ibe armed diipe and eallari in tbe
rlrer wen drawn ap before tbe city,
«*’0!»nd inibe paye*t munn, with tbe
-■■if — L'oired State* and ecream<
i at 1 o dook, tbe
; . ■ ..ciUft properly manned, they fae(an tbe day bya diiobartte of 18 oannon
from each of tbe abip* and one from
aad) of tbe 18 galleya in honor of tbe
18 United Siatea. In tbe aftemo
elegant dinner wai prepared for
gieat. then in eeeaian at PblladelpbU.
to wbiob were inrised all dietingaUbed
efUMnaand etrangenof eminenoe. Tbe
Bcaalan band of miulo, captored at
beigbteaed tbe fectlrity wltb eome fine
peiformancM •niied to tbe oocailna,
wbile aoorparf GrdUb dneertera, be­
ing drawn np bt-(ore tbe door, filled op
tbe Intarrali with fe«x de Joie. * * *
Then erening waa eloaed with tbe ring­
ing of!d at nlgbt tbnrewaaa
grand esbibltion of fireworkt on tbe
eommon, and tbe city «a» beaacifnlly
iUnminated. • • • Tbni may tbe
Poortb <rf Inly, that glorioa* and mem.orabU day. be pelebraled tbrongbont
. Vmerioa by the eone of freedom from
We to ege till time cball be no mote.''
Abost tbree mootfae aftm tbel timt.
u it aboold be
l>hiladei]diie «ae ooonpied by tbe Britieb, and Tbe' Packet of Joly 8, 1778,
haetbiiannoanoemeot: "OnTbnreday,
the IStb elt.theBritlab army nnder
' '
nation of tbte dty after having poaaeaV - -fit abootninamantba"
. .oUiueiitbie card to tbe
pouio: “Kotice U hereby given tbit
the honorable oongraeedoei not espaet
that tbe InbaUtanta cf tbe eity will 11lomlnate tbetr boaaee tomorrow even­
ing. Tbe exoemlve heet of tbe weather,
the jreeent ratroity of oMtdiea and other
OoMdntiaoe indnoe tbe oonnoU to
teoommend tbe meeiBre." Kavertbeleea, even thoegb there waa no Beeiian
tend to play patriotic alre and no BriP
lab desertera to let off “fenx de joie,"
yet tbe "bonorebletbe oongreei bald a
grand featlval at tbe city tavern, at
■which tbe priodpal dvil and military
ofBoere were preeent by inviuiion and
a tsnmber < IS) of petriotick teaato
dfenk." Tbefonrtb “petrlotiek" i
waa. "Tbe happy aera of tbe Independeoee of Ameriba;” tbe twelfth,
“May tbe people oontinoe free for­
ever;’’ tbe tbirteentb, “May tbe Union
of tbe American atatee be perpetoaL"
Their oonrage wae good tbomdaya,
and«ol only tbat,.bnt they oonld afford
a langb. For InManee, The Packet fdr
Jely 4 qtwter- "When Sir William
Howe General Bnegoyna andSlrl
Cilntod eo'barked fv Amerioa, in
tbe following hnee appeared id a Lon­
don pap»:
“BriMld Uw Oerfamu tlw AUnnUe plow,
eanre. OiiAua. i-uri<Twe.Bow*l
*'We leave to oor readm to deter­
mine wbvUjer tboee miliury -doga of
war' have done anything bat bark ever
■Ince they came to America. ’’
Kot only in Philadelphia, bet la
Bocton. CbaiicetoQ. Annapolia and in
other town* not in ppaaeialon of the
BritUb. wu tbe day obaerved in tbeaa
mid an. owding yeara. Finally. In 1788,
8be ooluulm iiuvc good
to re^c«. for a treaty of peace ba* been ne­
gotiated and ii in prooH* of definitive
•MtlamenL Tbe Salem (Maaa) GaaetU
<ff July la 1768, pnblltbeaaleuerfrom
BoiWn of date Jnly 7. Which cbronlcU
-The aoolvmary of c
I ofaeerved by tbe cltisens
town in a mani^ becoming tbe happy
n. Tbe^oy
Tbefloy cf
of tbe day waa
was annoonoed
' tbe ringing of bells and tbe
d by
geofoBODott. (Jvdlgniuriearepairud to tbe ebnreb in Brattle street,
where tbe Rev. Or. Cooper, wfier a po­
lite and elegant addrew to tbe auditory.
Tetnrned thanks to Almighty God for
hligooduen to tbeae American atotes
and Qte glory and^ mooeea with Aieb
be bad crowned tbeir exertions. ’’
Tha next yeac. 3784, to Boatoo:
.“Sonday, tbe 4tb into, being the annivearary of tbe politinl birth of tbeea
United State! as a sovereign, free and
Independent empire, tbe rame wai inlehrated bare on Mtmday. Tbe 4^g of
oanocn and the ringing of bRiiwelnamed tbe ^ons men. At 1S o’clock
Ua boDor tbe lienteuant governor, tbe
hounble coonoil, tbe ranate and the
hoewe of ropriaintodvea repaired to tbe
<Ud Sontb Meeting Bonaa, where an
<aUe and wall adapted prayer was made
•nd aoomprebenalve, Ingenious, elegant
and dldaeciek ofntloo was pronoaDoed,
after wbiob the brUsde ^ dined to­
gether at tbe Bxebange tovern and the
tnllida ofBoers at tbe Bonob of Qnpea,
whice 18 patriotiek toaatB woedrank by
eaob eerpa.”
Kew York, so Icmg pcevrated by tbe
pnaenoe cf BrilMi troopa tram indnigenee In patriotic manifcMtiooA joined
its Biater sta lee as soon as lived from tbe
hated enemy. In 1798’’the milMa went
In prooeasion to St' Panl's ebmek,
where tbe Dedanitioo of Independenoe

Jwt IM yean ago, on the Fosrtb of

met at Fhoqnart’a tavern, la Kew
dty. aad atootly drank to 18 toaate—
then Uw cnetomary nnmber—one of
wbiob. received with nine obeera, waa,
“Peaoe with honor or war witbootfear:
may America neveracoeptan Ignominlooa nor reieot an eqniuble treatyl"
Anotber, alaa wbiob may aaggaat refieedon at tbe prieent day. *^be patriota of tbe Kerolotion; may tbe Union
wbiob ipeaDB from a Britiab war be pnaerved from a British alliaaoet’’
In tbe year 1796 first crope ont that
expreasicn ainoe aomocb need andabeaed. ^Tbeday wqcelebrate.’’
Toasts in honor of UenoraFWaabington incceaoe in nnmber and in fervor
with tbe olosing year* of tbe oentnry.
Tbaa, in 1799, bat one of many aimUar,
“General Waabington; may bU de­
clining yean be tweetened by tbedoaeatlok tranqnillity In the paaoefnl

^'^'^'^ttl^APtewItaanstaoqsCMst aid Pw!|*et«.ih*r**BOns Scoot. Tbe PsrtaooelF

Col. W. T. C0DY--“BUFFAL0 BILL,”

Battle tosto bestdea uuet
M afcUUol dflrta*.





TwbIt* Fsaeos rtcbUBcOSom u

"A* »LWA^^i>^inArn« obatio*
•badea of Monnt Vernon." A few
mootbi later be had paoaed away, ani
on tbe Fonrth of Jnly, 1800, tbe ord«
of the Cincinnati drank to tbe fold­
ing: "Waablngtoii. oor Um file ifadfoond near hi* beadqnartera at tbe final
PoUticB wa« beginning to mix wltb
patriotiam about tbl* time, tmi fioaUy,
when tbe Uat year of tbe la« oaitnry
arrived. It found tbe Foartb atUl oeUbvated with nnabeted entboaiaam. sWa
tbe Colombian Ceotlocl of Boeten, anderdaleof Jnly 6. 1800: “YeetwWy
tbe promnlgatinn of the anniveraary at
OBT independenoe in 1778 wai aolemnlaed. The morning ran advanoed to
the mndek of tbe eniUery of fbti
town, end tbe bell* immedtately ewk
np tbe eignal of march. Care, dnllnem
and bnilneH. all bad a fortoagb for tbe
dey, and ell egee toook alnmber born
their eyet, emyed tbamaalro* in tbelr
bem attire end repeired to the fective
Tbe PbibK
r of the
remote dale aaya, “Tbe day was
devoted to tbe greeteat hilarity and or­
der and In the evalng. ^eo tbe ran
was oaatiBg bis last rays over tbe coun­
try. tbe eompany dispersed and retired
witbgreat nnanimity and oordial pleas
ore to tbelr bnti... ••


uLoi lun






Tba'Teuaa Aiawleaa Msikassaa* m a






A*^ ae
Oeaeb'-Bet Baraheab aed SadOa BaoM______
Baaiaaaa. Boeah Aawneass. Arsba aad Ceaaaaha AAiaekratba
Oaem^baPoeyBi------------------------ -------------- - -


Groml Intradoctoni Renew of the Ereot Eqiestrint

■V vuTumw* rwuB ths fabow* numt MBmCKT O. B. CAVAlftT.




Of wklefc am a stacia eBear or aoldier waa left u taU the avtnl talA

I uiag eMRiB 9 iQtBT Ka raw n fEBsiL Eta
Paruespasad la by Bobw of tbe Samga eiouz Brana Praaaat at the
XB.ur Maapaera -

H 01.111, lust Ft Wm i ciimeiiiil II11! Hlflgii
t. sad CoBcIndiaa with
TV da* la tbe U«ew> u ont (pr e II7. •
She eeaBcn aad abo.ria ell Umd with
Tbe horaoD!-<nie«
Blf loj aatwIibceB
erlT loap
>• that ecar«



P H«1

»Msnov nononoM ttuMmotm nw avo ***»


Ibe Ml* sr* ftll rtnnrw M M h Uwy ma.
ThvtpirilU o-T.mi) «s#ibram loose.
AbA eraka mmktA
......... . to Du J
~ B sDbeleBOBektiDt tt ita fllfbl Uha A
llo poegvst seeat Uafws
Amtd ibanrlhLroer
Aod tcUs of U» 8ra<m
Tbet now an eo mwe.
Tbs “Star BpaaaM flunit” Is plarto by Of
TbonDfAuwatuepraoekors baart IB^


Tbe Baadtada et
Pioyad la TUa 1

Lad to tba WoUd-raaona. gnpatbl, Monated Cowoey BtM


Tbt’ gaf ,>kn
■ weerow o'artbr lea that eartomtatbe
. tauaed
Tbaaenrut Uw atnap spetoer'a beard la 1


^DiimniiiiiiatiL cmiB.


m pm


Wortd. -it ia Semabodya Crhaa’ll Afl tba Ch)^ De WwiS

Umbered Goaps, Actul Reserted Seats YiU Be Sold Oa tbe Daj Of Exhibition, it tbe POST OFFICE REVS STAND.

•pnmduB to m> Q^an tkal pop «n Mb
Tbe tunhls la
IkdhM U> bla epoak.
Be a rwr tra blowtag
All day ad the punk
Bagjjgd^ Me farmtiar. Jay tsaatbt. la Me


Aa IiupnMit*. PaaelaaUfC Btreat Xbaptay U Bsesca PicwaitraadKiUtSfTPesp. An MgeaaBMa Katnb a( Battsea.

Ill Eiiilifiti! DiiiF, lUi nr. Sliii.
adr* Tbst uti Ibf ONK Oreat Eniertslainc sal BduratlenU EUtibMoe af

Tbe ntapoc t^ biUe end Uw eanaya lepato
Tib* patiiol'a aSai a the atle.
Tbe-y^^deTiMbleeaBd filee dears tbe


n tba ruld ct Aetlea.

At to a. iw„ each da-v of exhibi-tioiv. raziw or rhuve.

longue pboapbarna tipped wooden
•lilinta now In nae will be leaned by a
btody little tool that may be curied in
tbe poefbMt bong np ccnveoieuily for
ftrikiog a ligfa* when wanted. Alrrady
there it on the market a gaa lighter
wbiob affordi more than a
of the eiectiio match of the
« twist of tbi- handle genetatiDg nzffideab ^leotrioity to aoecoflUab the
purpose ;* ml BO there are several- etylis
or cigar llghtera which depend for their
•apply of eteccrieity npoo vtorage betteriea. For rane yean past tbe gae jet*
in tbeatera and peblio beUdtngs bava
been ligbtod by tbe eleetrio epa^ In­
deed most pennn* bave M«n tbe enriona experiment of lighting tbe gas wltb
the finger attor a afaolBe aorom tfie oarpet to generate tbe electricity naad*d.
To BSoertaiu wfaetoer cr not a ttXBi
Is damp a kllagzam of faeah lime
toonld tie placed therein after heeneCioally cloalDg docn and windowi. In 14
bouts It tooold be weigked.-and U the
kilognun^has abaorbed mere Than ton
graiM ef water—that 1a more than
1 per oent—the room tooold becouidend damp, anfi jlimed at nbeaUhy.

nc queetion of the dampn
, .
togs ia a beqnent cMse of dtopste'^ be­
tween landlord and'tenant
tenant and-aia
natorally solved In tbe9 negative
br the
former. Tbe gnegtica
n am ba letUed in
the fntase ^ the test cf the hydraUnn
cf lima, wblbh wiU 1
proof of tote validity of ncli ooraplalnt
—Mew T«k Dietetoo and Hygienie Qa-

An EngUih bishop, as he was goliw
about Ua diooera, aakad the porter of a
lunatic asylum how a
1m, the Uabop, bad lately ^poiatod,
was getting cn.
“Oh, my lord." said the tBaa. "Us
~ The UdbotoyaUpartiekler."
A London carats the otb*
oMved an aatonishing ansi
qniry after a pariahlcni
“Well sir,“ mid tbe


If you have read Mane dorelli’s great work you can­
not help but admire the character of the heroine—‘'Thel­
ma.” This is also tme of the latest perfume named “Thel­
ma.” You cannot fail to admire its exquisite aad lasting
odor once you have tried it, For sale phly by

S. E. WA\T,


I feels nohow and there be timm when
I feela aa stiff as a hlcamiage.."
Persaos UIMb by tbe tiger mate of
Anstialla die ahoam tnatoatiy, then
btong no known antidote far tbe tfito cf

• Jl.

' y

0 City,

213 Front St
■. X -

BUtomore Stock Breplved Ibrae ‘nmM a Weak
oaots, 40c p«r qonrt
Stnndnnli, 8(>c par nuart
‘^td Meats.

Flttilisr's 0|itltr Dtpot 111 Rungiut

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