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The Morning Record, August 05, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
PollUeftl cbufM do aot taflosaea
, »ad the U Bor« (araociac la rafard to
^ Uo roTorasMtof W tplritaal nV
tbaa wt. ae we eu Mfelj eaj eke
wUl da wkat b beat
Amj In Porto Bioo Eeto "AatowkatoarUaekuvk wUl aal- ImmsdlAts KamoTAl of ShBfttar la aay way from Ua poUUeal
er's Army Ordered.
md Little Pi«littng.
ehaan* Ukaly to take plaea la tke
PbtUmlaaa aad otkar Spaalak ialaada.
RRST STAND AT ARBONfTO. IdonoltWBkaayoaawhokaowa the
AaerleaB paaple weald far a tooseat
At That Point I>e^>erat« Sls-. eatartala the tkoafhi that Ike ekareb Monuok Point, Long IslanA ’ WBldaat XcKUley Win Kake Titwill be laurtared with la aay way
tinp Boopaitloa of GaUantry
the DestlnAtion.
latanoe Expected.
wkeUer Ue Ueltad States by eeaqaaet
laae acquiree paeasastoB.
Bapona ladioata That Saa /aaa
WaUinpun, D. &. Anpast 4.—The
cbasfe ef poveruBeet will take place, Work of Kouiap Titwpa WiU Be
, proaldeat will pies foil reeopslUoa to
be XaaUy Takea, aa the epaalah
bet I expect to see ereryUiap te fo
Berried oa Bepidly aa Poaaibi*— the pallant and meritorioaa ooadaet of
Voree baa baea Greatly «xa<ierat aa la Us past.”
Dataa Pixad for Arriral of Traaa- navel effbera aad xoBat. derinp the
ed iald to be bat 6,000 Baldleia
porta to Take Spanbh Priaomera war WiU Spale. Secretory Loap praThere Who Kay Baneader.
In Older that Uere may be ao
Back to Spain.
SoeeU le Tb> Hoanto Bmobd.
just canae for eomplaiat that tbe doOpnemi to Tat Uouttc aacoiiix
paruaeat baa overlooked daaerviDp
Poaee. Aorutt t.—Aa tar aa kaowa
^poiat a Exard of offitars to
followas farther forward Boeeataat will be
lap oflebl ttateiaeat has been baned. bivaatipate aad report oa Ue aaiWicaB
Btada by tbe Aiaerleaa troopa natU the
ef man reeommeaded for premeiloa.
arrleal at more traaaporta. wbleb are
From presaat ladleaUmta the pruaidaat
aaptoUd bcnirly. Thera baa
an AooeptBnoe is Ex- office —The seoretary of war haa order will promote Oommedorc Schley aad
ed Oenjral Bhaftor't troops ruUered
woe is Ue
flrBUac ap to tbe praant. Se tar aa
p»ct*d SatordAy.
from farther doty at Saotispo as fast order aamed. and abe all Ue eoBkaowa tbe Spaalardi are expeeted to
aaadera ef vuaaeb who participated le
Make tkeir Ant ataad at Arbealto. ti
aa transportatioe caa be prorided and
the dmtmetion of Cervera't fieot. The
transfer of Spaabh prUonera wilt proposed board will lavestlpata Ue
aaUaa troM hart, wbara I.OM or 5.000
admit ef a redsetloa of Ue parrboa. |
Bpaalah recoil are baliaeed to ba aaef Uoae of lower ruak who parWill
Ships for Ue Spaabh prisooen wlU Uelpetad la Ue batUe off Saatlapo. is
traaohed. Praaeat proapeeta are that
I Maaile bey. sad la Ue nuBereas Binor
thara will be ae actaal ArbUaf far
arrireat Saatlapo oa tba folios
Terms of Psace.
tpameata aloap Ue ooMt of Cuba.
dates. Aapoit ». If. U. 14. Ifi aad 10.
aeeeral daya.
la tbe MeeaUMe reporta came froM •paBisb Oabiaei Xai Teatarday After- Total oapUity ia.404. Toe Aweriraa
OoadlticmaSaa Jaaa ahowiaf ikat It U aot nallka*
■poru new at Saotlapo are aa fel
Flcuraa Saa,- lows; Cataab SOD Ben. Oataa (»ty 000.
ly that tkat place will reoelre oar eolaoaad to a 0
Graad DaUww l.foo. Miami 000. Mau- Friande of Ua Unfortanats Henry
dian at Poaae did.
«. Haddow Looked Upon Kb
Paople troM Saa Joan eay tkat laaat ap.aeUcihe Kesnse BacMa.
7t0. ViplUmoe goo, Olirette WO.
Face Cdi Ue Last Tima.
VTaabiagtoa, Aopuat 4.—Tba prcal- Berkshire isa Total, s.rro aea. These
«( Ue cUlMoe will welooMe AMarieaa
Yesterday afternoon Ue friends of
Maexatiaa, aad eay alaa tkat the rw eat baa AaUy refuaad to oaoaider aay will sail for New York at fast as Uey
te nafartanaie Beery G Beddow.
part a( tka aenbar of SpaDiah toldlara
eao he coBfortably eBbtrbed.”
viewed bb famUlar feautrte far tba
thara U fraaUy exarreratad. They Spala, except that Ue oaBBlealaaen
Te Kova MerU At Onoa.
Inst time at Ue aaylum. A tooU.np
atoart that there are aat oeer e.ooo Bay BMSt la Paris. Spala'a aeeaptaaee apertol to Tut Woemra naoees.
fanerai eervice waa held, which v,aa
eded by a praat Uroap of friri da
Uoo;a there, aad maay ef tbeto are ae la expected by latorday. but Uere will
Weahiepton. Anpust 4.—The praaibadly frlcbuaed ae the aeldian at be BO sa^waaioB of boatilltlca tlU auah dent to-day held a coaferaoee wiU of Ue deceased. The service waa cimdueted
by Bev WUey K. Wripht sad
Poaoe were. They will aarreader If aaswer le reoeired.
Secretary Alper, Secretary Leap aad
cireoBstaneea sniroandinp Ue
itaBt Secretary ef Us Navy Allan, deaU of Mr Haddow made Ue Mrrioe
they r*t a ehaaee.
Gaoes Bepeat Pn
at which prompt acUoa was takea for particularly pathetic. The remaiaa
la the taeaaUBe tbe el(ht of Ue
aawbl w Tn keumie aecose.
warablpe. which are ooapr»pt ban^artatioa 1 ’ General ware escorted M Ue depot by a Urpe
Madrid, Aupnit 4.-The Spanbh cab
Montauk repreeaotation of Court Traverae. I. 0.
ataatly ersiainf oauide of Saa Jnaa, la
Sbafur's army from Cuba 1
inet Bet Ub afternoon, Ue qnaea re
F-, led by Ue Soya' Band aod fulloMcd
bariar a ro«d effeei- Tbe blockade
Polut. The eoafereaee oe
by a leap Une of enrriapes Ailed wiU
ap, and Ue peace propoeaU
hours and Uere was an laformal paae- frieadi.
«f the port la eftecUea.
Oaoe la a
mad. Appareaily so defi
ral pruaeataiioa ef the oceds ef prompt
The pall bearera were B Soma. F.
while a wanbip comes la eloee to the
nite deebion was arrired at. Seaor
action and of meau at baud to effret Cram. E- Halcblstoa. J Morphy. A
ahore. aad thla, wiU the eoaataai
dapMta will oeafer Ub ereainp wlU
IL It was finally ooucluded that Uere Knipbl. A- Rcaaer all as».>:iate ati-nnmore of iMBlaent bombardBeat
tome of Ue dbUapubbed poUtb
daaU endmeaberi of Ue Asylum btae
kaepa Ue Spaaiarde in eoaUsaal fri(ht.
was aaCelent veaeeU off Ua eoaat bnU toam.wbo were seiecled at the |arwho bare been snBBoned to Madrid
Uere now for Ue pnrpoee. When
If Ucre are aay loyal Sp
tlcolar request of tbe deceased.
for that purpoae.
aeeiinp ceded, it was eOlcially ttatad
The remaies were takea to Pslo.
Porto Blee Ue ABertoaBi
that Ue nnaber ef vamab now Uere Mich., where they WlU be laid in Ue
found Uem. Tba army baa been kere
alBsat a week aad wlU the exeeptian
waa adequate for Us lumoval ef Ue I family lot. They were accompneied by
i the bereaved soUer and Charles
«f oaee aot a Uoi haa baea Ared.
Paaaeaper Train Baa Into a Fralpbt army. The dUpatch of troooe home
Tbe latter reproseatmp
Baptse aad One Kaa Killed,
accordlaply will be bepun at eaee.
Beatdee Ue towaa already
: Conrt Traverae and who was selected
nine oUen bare aipalSad Uelr delipht apmtel te Tn Meexnr bacon.
to take charpe ef Ue arranpemeala of
Conditions Meoaoaltata EaAa.
Ue body.
apoeul 10 Tu Hoaxixe Raoeas.
at Ue esBiac of Ue ABerieaaa. Tkaae
West heuad paaaeapar trala Ko. SI.
Washlnptoa. Aspaat 4 —Aa a rasalt
towma are Arrayc, Patillaa. Yabui
Ftanoo WUl Bodooe Dubea.
b.. aad dna of a sUtTlap iriler wriltaa by Colonel
Salisaa, Seats Isabel, Adjaataa, PeaaeIn Ubdtyat 4;OT^4ollidad kaei-u Bactovalt to Gaoeral ShafUr abowiap
Paris. Anpntt 4 —The povemmi
laa, Ooayabal. aad OaayaBa. Thera
Ub afternoon wiU aawitcblap trelpht Ue awfnl ooaditten Into whloh Ue has accepted Ue ovarturm ef <
ware Bpaabb troopa is all of Ue latrain from Ue D^barr dirbloa oa army at Saatlapo b new falUsp. Ue United States looklnp ta Ue rodnetien
portaat towaa In Ue Ust.
of Ue customs dutlm on eertaia AmrriWaakiaptoB itreet bridpe. One man. work of reaovlap Ue army aorU will
eaa prodoett Uat wee* aot included la
Itoac Darb, u > kUlod.
be bnrried forward as speedUy as poa- tke May coaveaUon Neputbllons wUl
Bible. Geaeral Bbaftar iaalsU that Ue bepin forUwiU.
work he dome within two weeka
^'raddy” Booeerelt Olrea Adrloe Mot
hb dental elfiee
Tlatteriap to ▼olontaoia aad
CoBcladod Tbolr Seaaioa in Patroit
Inp Thursday noon of Anpnst 4U sntil
After BloeUBf OfiBoora.
Xa Called Dowa.
Wodaeaday oooe August loih. A xA
eaeetal W The Horom« BacoM.
qaest issxteuded topntrouasd friends,
Simcbl to Tax Uoum btooes.
dental serriem. to kindly
Waabiapwe. Aupott 4. — "Taddy”
Detroit Aspaat 4.—The Leapae of OFFBBBD BY BFAVlSH AT HAK- wsit hU rulors.
Will vbll lesdlap
Booaeralt has written Secretary Alpar, Americaa MaabipallUes eoaeloded lU
dental offices aad labratones in Detroit
and mlo visit Ue KslU.
adriaiap whet traope abonld ha east to work Ub aftcracoa. Mayor Block of Boportod That Oommander Aprood W
Offlos will be open for Uose wbblap
Porto Bico. and drawlap compart
Allow General Garcia to Take Ue to mske appointment same as ususl.
mbna. proaldeat; Mayor Haybory
batwesD his troops acd the repulan, Detroit rice preaideat: Mayor* Tappart
Town If Ke Would Permit Spnnlnrda Telephone 115.
To LoaTS WiU Anna.
aad Ue roinataer army, noferarable to and UilkiraoB were ro-«leetod UaaaSanliapo.
the latter. General Alper returaed a arer and eecretay reepeetirely.
rmraaader In Maaaanillo. aecordtap
atlnplap rebake, adriaiap biB aot to
to a report hrenpbi W Ub city by a
spoil Ue effect af palUat aeUea by hU
P.re at Bip Baplda.
Cnban courier, kai writtan a letter to
sp»ria; 10 Tmt Ueuit** Recoaa.
oommaad by abusa af plaia aoUiera
General Garcia offerinp to surrender
Bip RapidB. Aupo4t 4.—Johaaoa*a that plato ta Ue Cnbans If Oareb will
Ue Aeld of acUea.
eat aterket aad buUdlnp were to aUew Ue Spanbk troops to march out
tally deitroyed by fin tonlpht
Loot of Ue city WiU Uelr arms
General Garcia's army b aarehinp
about H.ouu.
s Bolpnin, and Ue Cataun leader b re
Xer. Betaastian KarUneUl MIerua
ported here to have pained a notable
AaaexaUoa ProAtaMa All
WOKXM VVBSBS DBBIBABIA victory over Ua Spnnbb repulara tn
Ue Ipbtinp near Hayari. Many SpaaBoatoa. Haas . Anpust 4.—Ber, So- That b U* Zletennlnaboo of Sarpooa bh paerillaa. it b aaaerwd by a Unban
baatian Martiaelli. Ue papal delepata,
Ouaeral Stare borg.
Qonrier, joined Ue loauireBta bafora
Who hAP Added a fall
was In Boetaa lut arealnp aa hla way
faatUe. and Garcia eaptnred Ue
Waeklapton, Aupuai 4.—Surgeon
to Bar Harbor. Iranor this Bomlap. Qeaeral Starabeip. who kaa declared town of Mayari and took SOO Spnnbh
line of
Aa to Ue effect of aoaexatioa of Porto
.iUty to Ue Bed Croaa aorpeoai and prboBora.
Two boadred Speabfa familiea have
Biao to tbe Uaited Stataa. be said:
tea aad to female anrues pueerally.
■■laanota poliUciaa. and de aot aeat Ub talepram yestarday U to the ekartered a staamahtp of the Preach
kaow oaoupb about that place to tall chief aarpooB of Ue BerenU army Tramaetlantie Una, ihroupb the French
oonsal here, ta take Uem to SantanwbeUer It would be e benefit ta Ub >rpa at JackaohriUe: ■
To hlB ondeztaklnK entnbllnhaauBtty to own It. Aa far aa Ue la-, "In r«ply to yonr letta- of Jnly 2*. I ,dST.
Seme of Ue wealUleot merckantt ment. Tbe ftimltare will ooterasta of Ue Porto Bioaat are eca- hare to iafora you that I do not apoened, ao doabt Uay will prafit by prore erf harlap female anraM with of Saatlapo. faarinp Uat Ue Cnhana oupy the front of the building
povtke ekaape.
troepe la Ue field or la caBpe of In- emBenl, are prvparinp to leave on and the ondertaking basineea
“WheUar By Juriadleton W41 extead atructlee.
the rear.
tku vcaael._________________
to Ue blaad when aaaexed b a qaea"ButU poaoralhoBpltab or U per
tlaa far Ue Holy Sae to aaswer. hty
tnant ceape. wboro faeUlMea oxbt XATOB VAK WTOXW BBATBBT
Un« of juriadkUoa an already dram for taklap care of Uem. Uey may reaaad I eaanot extaad Uom wlUont a dar ralaahle asabtaaoa, aad f appeora Vew Tork'e Bxnentlro Bavod Lina
Of Tbrao Wonmn.
paalUra ardor from Bobo Wbat wlU of Ue employaMat of properly traiaod
he dOM. if aayUlsp, U a qaeatlon of
tie aaraoi aadar aoeh dfoaaataaNow York, Aapnat 4.—Mayor Bohort
tbe fatoro. aad oao apoa which I hare
SM Union Btraet
A Van Wyek of Ub city waa Ue kore
TUs IS and 25
Per Gent Discount Sale
On Bam Ball Goods will obI; ran tfll
tile aorpltu stock ia sold.
oar sorploB goee nt 15 nnd 2S ppr eeatr
off of regolnr pricos.
City Bookstore,
280 Front St.
FOR $5.00, OF
. (.'
The Birth of
the American Flag I
We have some Fine Pictures of “The Birth of the
American Flag’, that yob will admire, and when yon eee
one you will want it.
MarUiam Block.
Ita-FisUn SMi toSdRM
lof Bt-OB Fat Om
The baUnea of ov
Ladies’ Silt Waiste
We WDO*t
eell it nil nt ench roinons prioes, bot
Tvo Oeate,
of Ue hour at Woodeleft tan. Freepm^
L.L.Ubaftamooa. He plaapcd into
Ue broad eaael la front of Ue hotel
and reeeaed three yoaap womoa from
Tbe wosaa are Mbs
Lowadea of Ub dty and Mba Clara
Prita aad Mba Elisa HeifbetBer. boU
af ClaelaBaU. They are pueata at
Woodeleft Ian. where Mayor Vaa Wyck
b also atayiap for the anaaar.
Wo have Bade priem Uka Ub: SAM fiw
«t.ts values. «i-M for S4.I3 valum, SAM
ssi:i:s-i*'t'SiA''.TrD'S'i5:s=7"jr.^ vs sL-nrsfi
Remeaiber Mji Re* Place-
312 Soutli UoioB Street, ORResite C. t W. M. De|M.
H.E.0IBBB. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correepood with tbe Travetee City Lumber Company.
We hktre for Mde Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of all deecriptiaDA, inciading Two Enginee,
flet Works, Carriagee and Sawa.
for Bale.
A complete Saw Mill Pleat
Hastlogs' Raal Estate Agency.
eofcwi 1st. >BSll bouM.fio* koesUOB. Kb suvrt. css bs taossbt rsrBM.
tUfsst isi.x«od .Iwcllliic. rvruwssd. SeCsws ssCflO periaaaUi bsI'J »sM kv.
4t scM tarw Mllx sosib ssd vest (raw ts« eltr toad ftsed. wsU wstsved. rvuax SS>
sn) Thuua bsrrsis (sroBlr tl,ea
KH aena 1 wlkr •'rat. sU toprorad vUI ba aeU Is oe* plSe* or dlvIM to suit, tosh Ma
. OtbarpUcraiaaiaadaalrsMeorBeraaa.
dobsass Bloek. Fbsasn.
Bicycle Riders.
Bemember Uat I do all kinds of rapairinp and enameliop, and Uat I cat
sod do give yon Ue best work of sny
one in the city tar Ue money. Don't
he deceived by whst other* toll you u
tbe eontrsry. Irat ooms sad sea tor
* -usrsntoe sU my work to be right .
if it does not prove so I make it
■numsw xss.i
Stop in tut I o'clock every evaoisp
except Sunday, in Ue<laldweU A Lon '
don bonding, at norta end of Dnlor
While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Op
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of allIt will pay you;,to try onr 13c bulk coff«—a gw^
wholesome beverage at a wtwall price.
■Phona 167.
MS Vremt Start.
Tsx Mosvnro sboosd. fsioat. Augutr b. iots.
g^iixaumw BBOOBD.
^^l¥■■l^^ cmr, • MiCHiOAii
•OOM Br AUneUn XaproTMMat.
ABoetfated the Joiat park oomBlttee of tke eeaaeil aad the beard of
edaeatioa wm beU laet alfkt far tbe
pvpoee of taklBV aettoa epoa tke liaproeeMB t of the Oeo tral ecboel rroaade
TkeMkefepreeeat wore AUor«hk
CMkt!, »Axm AJP J. W. H*»m.
#. W. HAno.
utd lUufftf
of tke tool.
I deat IraeW meek
akeat it
ter oer lateat Utter* mat
papeia rtlU ^te U Jaae. We kaard It j
tkoBffk, I eaa aaeore peeWriUacoaarreeep plaUdoeea*t g9
Tetj well eorU wind op. I lorpet to
t^ abent ratloaa Otoooraawa aeok
Cook pork aad frp
kardtaek la tke freaee. cook heeee, poUtooe aad oaleoe and Bake eUffaat
•« at tte TcMi*ir> •( 7
Bov. JorBAiLEr.«ne •{ U* proal.
Mi elolwMU to tke UodoMkip of tbe
! talMrity iB U« kooM of
k kM voloBloorod to iBI of lk« <
irM* ia tko MTtborB BtaUo vitk kU
olowB of tki oouUtBtloo. TkU oochi
«• kofo the effect of ploelaf » ijoietoe
«■ «h«M ffoaUeiMB who- kere
. It U tke parpoea of tke eomee to devote tke $80* aivrapriated
Is tke beet poeelbU Baoaer to beasUfy
the pTOusde and tranefono the ackool
(rve late aa attraoUva park isttead
of tke asattreetire epot eow preaested.
Do BotloB of Mr. Booad the city
eaciseer waa cBployed to eet the trade
■take* and eeUblleb tke lereU, at a
oast Bot to exoeed lit. U was also de
cided to nwd one Iseb ef clay over
the PO'. face aad npoo that throe laches
of rich eoll. Secretary Heyt wae emered to proems bide for faraUhlaf
too loade of tbe clay and soo loads of
tke eoll. The Btatorlal wlU ko ad* '
MM as it oaa be proeored aad tka
k advaaoed as rapidly as pooslkia.
Ibe ootsBlttoe wUl meet affais Mosday evsDlnr la tbe eoapdl rooaie.
WiU the aaooat approprUted tke
ooMBlttee expects to make aa inomeat that will be approved aad
k BMrolj to keep «p the orreBia bf tke porty.
•f AppiPprUlUff iBff* Owaod by
Aaotkar, Bat He Appealed.
Tn Mew York Dm
Yesterday afteraoes Jay Cbaaat
d tke poUtieel reaelM of Deeld
B. Eill aad ptopoee to five tbe eooBtrp CMvleted IkJsfUee teowmb aonrt ef
teallof iQffB. The oonplaloantwi
m imltoUtm of • tUU eoMpelrn.
la.Mo.A wkoelal-ed ewperakip to
I rtver,
Tax kwiicM people ore
eartalD Ufa' alanr B
which neaant kpa been eattiar
MffpaUti tke idee tket B o
mill. JmsMee Brown fined Oosant fi:5
aad apispied him the eoeta amoaata MoeMBrilp-be » bed oltiaen.
iaff to ^7.60- rreeeeetor Tweddls
TmB KaaMs farmera are koally ea- iacted the ease for the people aad P.
U payiar off mertrnr*s
C. UUkert IW the dafeafiaat. Tke o
was appealed to the Clrealt onart.
yptitaf down PppnUat praUra
far we kavs more of that thaa any
tbUc elaa I toai wtu Bobarts aad
ret aioar Ant rate Axlar np »ew disk*
M to sat. I Made a sUw fraia some
caaaed baaf tkU moralar that beat
aaytkiar that 1 ever ww. Tke road
aeroas the creek la several places
bat afur it Is olear the water Is
even while It Is warm. I took a rood
bath la It thU momlaraad washed my
only salt of oodercloihee. I threw |
away my bias elotkea. keeplnr my Hlw Lake were la tke eity yeakrshirt aad now havs a easvaa aait ef tey.
ArUar Dewar Bad sUter of LodUigla splU ef the rains we oaa't catch tM are vUltlag tkelr pareau on
eold and as we will be oat of Ooha lear
b'fore this reaches yoo and may be la
MUe LiUie Petereon of Sortbport
thr SUM before fall, yellow fever wae In town yesterday.
do. a Bot frlrhiea me la tbe leaat. I
Mrs. Nathaa Patman of Mortbport
have felt food all the Ume and atroar- mads a trip to Traveme City yeaterar than ever.
Tbe mail r*«s la a few mlaatea. I
otseaors C R. Dockeray and Oaney
rot yoar letwr eayinf mother was ro- of tke Normal lastituta. will leave (olar to Chlcaro Jnly i. I hope abs bad merrow for a day’s ftsblag oa Carp
rood vialt aad Carroll, too. Doyle is Uke.
Uelrlar boeanae a bif tarantaU was
Bomal Wallace of Grand Replds. port?atIt waa three luehea ebaslag agent of the C. A (f. M.. U In
lear sad about aa lock kifk. Life U tke city.
too abort for each worriea, hi
, A. D Eeatof Oreeefleld. Tcoa.. ar
I hope to ret aoolher lettei this af rived in tbe city last ovealar. Hr.
Love to all.
Rent U latercslcd la tbs WelU-Hirmaa
Blswoptu Bsul
Basket Co.
> to norlda Oa
a Xtaasporl.
J. M. Thomas has reaelved a letter
Bps Us aoa Verlla. who Is U qnaraaIlM at Brmeat Qaay. Fla.
Tatlla was one af tka volnateera
- tt»m tbs field hospital to r* law tke
fipper'kee^taL He overwerkod wklU
te the latSM' plaea. aad la <
e sick, and for asarlv four days
tram a hard attack ef malarial
IkOPr. Bowevsr, he reoovared to each
•■•xteataste be able to r* <>■
kaaspnil Baatiaro aad start far the
D^Ud Staiea Be says that ample
pPPPteloB of feed for tke sick
MW oa board tke boaL bat so one
oat te tM aboat them, and tke eaplaia
-MWblod" everythlnr.
§mt Vn
■ of tke Inotttnte.
fbe Menaal laaUtaU Is at present
pMteet ktve of workora With only
am sreek more eaek boor is valnahle
fho Bnrllsk history olaso has been
Birlnf tbs kUtory of the klar* to tbe
Mae of John aad the rraailof of the
Hafaa Charta.
Tka ■■CemmlUeeof ir'asa study U
teo opsalnr work of tke aftenooa aad
tePdeMcr liamey osei It ee lectors
week before the InstltaU as a wkoU.
rrofeaeor Dockeray is bnelly soa
■iar tbs blrkways and byways fi
mn"-------aaalysis la tbe botanical
•eck, two specimens of tbe tmblatae
Mac aeml yeetarday.
tMs axeonloa planned by tka bb
aeroas scbeol ma'ams ef tbe sute inaMtnU materialised last eveninr. the
Ml--------Cammlari with the wide
•wake Creeeeat baed belar ebartered.
Aboat one hnodred school ma'anw aad
Cbetr friends
ffreatly enjoyed
trip arooad Marion Uland.
beat was a veritable bees' eset of war
asi^ Ungkler and lively ebatur
VfelU the band farnisked several pretW ealeeUeM to order.
Depot Bmpleyoe Okaaro.
Tkere has
a ftnmi shlfiinf
arsoad asd atoviar up at the C. A W.
X. fiapot ewlaf to ike transfer of Will
^amsMn U tke roaoraloHeea at Grand
Bapide. HU place as trairkt clerk will
As taken by Bert Jameson, formerly
Mrekooker. F. Manh U Umnifetred
AWM karrMT* master to ear ekeeker
aafi kU place U taken by Ooerre
fkUpa_____________ _
Thirty Poanda of Piek.
Aa tka renalt of one day's fisbiar la
OMplake, Robert Pierce aed eon Reb.rotnraod to Traverse Beach ycater^ with over thirty poaods of pUkerel
Ibeea Oarp lake ukee the palm
ter fish tkU aammer. asd tke maa who
, _met r«i onoarb for all kit nelrbbora
M wtD aa klmaelf U a poor Aibermsa
Alexander Ba* Ote Fever.
BA letter from the ragimontal ehaplate Mate* that O. Alexander, a mem
trn* o< Company M. has keen atrtekra
«vMk yaUow lover, knt of a very mUd
igpa. It U rtportod that he U in a
te'7 way to raeovar.
lUsworth Bale Writes Of Ylytag Bnllota aad Onllaary Hatters.
e-.* a
Saatiare. 8naday. July, IT.
Daan Oras j
bail waated to wait oBtll Saatiare sarrendored.
Probably you have read all aboat it In
tbe papera bat I'll tell yoa wkat I
aad beard. We had a had Ume laodlag. fortbeaea waa very high.
Harvard went ap to the tamoas cbaansl menu of the harbor ef Saatiage
and weaaw the enUre fleet: that
oar fleet. After oar laadiag at about
irked getUag provUiena
from ahore to camp- After sapper we
packed ap and moved oat at S:S0 that
eveniog. Tbe Tklrty-thlrd had a aklrmUh that day aod aaw two of tkelr
dead men buried and akoat Ifteen bad
ly katteiW mesUy by a abell from
hidden battery. Tke Spaalards
have Manaer riflaa, rep«*tiag five time*
wttk oaly a little noiee aad nsiar
amekaleea powder. The eoantry aroaad
Santiago U very meaaulnoas and
tke vallcya the caetoa and gmoea and
palms grow so thick that tbe roads
tke only pomlble way of r«U>n(
tkrongk. Ceeaaaat palms are very
boafay at tbe top aod half of oar men
wore dUablod by akoU fired by ekarpekooUm hlddca there. We marebod
all night until S:M the next morning.
TbU U tke kerinnlng ef tke rainy acwand it raiaa every day. ThU makea
the low roada always maddy aad a few
.UmofthUand Urd clUaking made
laay of the fellowa throw away every
tkiag bat their arma. We met wagonloadaof woaaded oomlng from tbe
fmt The day wd lauded. July 1, was
the dsy of tbe botteat figkUar aad tbe
that really took fiaatiara If yon
conld eee wkat shape tke land kere U
la. whet bill* and vaUeya aad Ue aiv
of their blockhoaaee and trascboa. asd think that their army oatanmheredonn. yoa .
that took our man ever the
hUU overlooking tbe city
We rested
that moralng at Oeaoral fikafter'a
headquartera. Here we eonld hear tbe
firing In front and began to get de
cidedly naeasy. Several of Ue fellowB ware Ulet from Ue march, and
the heat natU after the aooa rata
awfal. We marched np to Ue firing
line, six mltoe mere, and oaoa bee
need W Ue whltring of Ue bnUeU catGog grass around as and Us ocream
and oereeeh of shells over oar beada
They have moved as all over sleea
Uen, for yon know a tmee was de
clared Uat Suadsy. We have bnried
men aad malee. built rands aad toldgm
aad did all kinds of Ulnga. Ue last
being to sapport battery Don Ue right
flank daring Ue Inst sogagomoat
: only lasted two or Uree kenra.
p enty long enough to suit me and to
bring dowa tbelr flag and pot op onra.
Tbe flmal arrnngemcnu were mads
yesterday and at nooMtU Us Spaniards
in Santiago provtneo mareked ont and
M*a George PsoqaeUe of Cheboygan
U viaiUeg C. 8. Vader aad family.
and Mro. J. F. Keesey will ar
rive from Chicago UU meralng aad
will spend oome time with Mra Recuey's father. Hon. Perry Hacaak.
Mlm Agnes Bakbrll of BensoaU U
tke recet of Mra. J. E. Urellldc ea her
way to Nertkport for a vUlt.
J than* who left today oa
C A W. M excnnlon to Niagara FalU
were A F. Cameron, Dr. W J. Blggias,
M. W. raderwood, Dr. B. D. Aebtoe
aad Phil. Sbermer.
Kye Jordan came down from Battoa*
Bay ycaterday on a short bosiaew
^W«. Babbler ef Lake Abb. was here
J. 8. Qriea came here from MaaUtee
yeeterday ea boilaeas.
Mlm Birds Moore arrived last svealag from AugosU. Mich., for a visit!
with MUi Gertrude Monlagae of 8taU
Mis* Ethel Gibba U eetartaiaiag her
ooueio. Hiss Mabel Gibbs of H*yficld
Edward Arllagtoo amd Toay Craadall, advaaoe repreeentativea of "Other
People * HoBey" to be giveo in 8telaberg’t Grand next week, are in the city
In the latereet* of tbe ofgregeUoo.
Mleso* Whaley and Jeuie Roecoe and
Mra. E. H. Rios left yesterday on the
steamer ColambU for a vUll at Peloekey and Harbor dpringa.
T. LndgaU ha* retnrbed from Grand
Dr. A. E. Ming returmod yesterday
from a batlneM trip to Frankfort. •
Barton Celvla has gone to Pctoakey
OB boaiaeas. He will a’oo vUlt other
amall town* In that eeetloo.
J. D. Slater of Elk Rapida passed
threngb the city ycaterday oa hU way
to St. L-mU, MUb.
Jake Rampeaga. formerly window
draiaer for Jalies Steinberg, retorned
last night from CharlevoliMra J WiUoaof Beaooala U vUlt
lag her daughter Mra. Will WiaaBt of
Seath UaioB atreet. Wilfred Mabaaab
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
Is His Famous Oomady
Just as presanted with rreat
success at Hoyt's Hew
Fork Theatre.
Specitl Prices, 26, 36, 60 cts.
fetoaiy Rlglit, iijiut 10.
Hnetlere Beiamed From Bay View
With Two Tictorlee Te Tkelr Credit.
CheapMt and inofif rehab)* |dae« to get yonr bicycle repaired aad
pat in go^ mnniog otdei. Have bad aeTeral yean experieoee aad
know boff it abonld be done. Satistection gnarauteed. I am telling
bicycle eandriee at aboat eoet. K«v and tecond band wheel* for iaI*
and to rent. Pleaae gir* as a trial.
Brazing a specialty.
iLIsIB, 311 Front dt^Bfifft
Watch This Column For Bargains!
<18 COM
American Steam Laundry SJJ'U.S 'SSTteoUmt^ior
and deliverod.
Ask Us For Prices,
Prteee wiU be rlchl. A. 8 FRYMAN. 8H0B8. lU Front street.
Do Yob Wut a Boat?
beild a good one cheap, aleo rvpair at short
notice. Call and eee what yoa can gaU. WM.
PETTERLY. 81$ Monroe street. West Bide.
Spectacles, 26c to $6.00. ^
5 ceDts-Smoke Cracker Jack Oigars-5 centsBest Ptvp Cent Cigar Hade. THE GILBERT CIGAR Oa
Guard Chains
Fine Piano for $140.
»$$s. ...........
Decker Broe'. Sqnare. medera Aealga.
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Baktag Powder ^ Coffee
ts. so and S5e. FnU line <3:
COOR. Star Oroeery,
Oroeery. S4S Front Street.
Bon Bens, Cbolce Confections.
The Haetlera took both tke gamec
at Bay View yeetereay. The moralag “
IS, 15,
e world finer than tkoae ■
, and Park etreeta.
Furniture Bargains
« aad Dntea ste.
:“,7‘.‘r::’ru“*Jr.rX,No More Atlas Coupons Si’ll
Isoued after Aaffoot L tat reasernkte
and so ia the afternoon. Thebattoriee aad r«d raspberries, for canning pnrpnaw THOI
la tbe moralng game were BeUer aad BAKERY, owner Union and ?th str.
Beat, Brunner and CharcbUl. In the
afternoon Rutherford and Huat. McCoy
and CkurehiU.
Lueebce in Ue werld for lie. Open Ml night.
Jerome Wilhelm made tbe longest
bit ef tbe oeason in tbe afteraeoo
Ton^ht'B Se^ StosA
game. The team retnmed leat night.
Columbian Restaurant
The Beat Bemmedy for fflux.
A, a well known
olaski, Ry., mye:
feriag for over a week with
ay phyalclao having failed to
relieve me I was advUed to try
CkamberUo-* Colic, Cfaolsra aad OUrrboea Remedy, and have the pleasure ef
HUtiag that 'bslf of oar bottle cured
" For sale by S E. Walt
Poimon fly paper reedy e L It km
the ate*. S ceuU a oackaga at Wait'
Drug Store
Tonight Ue We-qne-toag elob paily'
Tony Fotertyl Freparinff To Start Xn
WiU take place etUe elub kooae naff
pr^nraUnne made by tke tofflaa m
Arehlteet W A. Dean ts proparing
plans for a new two sloiy brisk build
ing for Aatkooy Petsrtyl. Tbs bond
ing will be ervclsd on Us corner of
Suu aod Uahm streoU. aad will have
a atoae fonndatioo aod gravel root. It
wUl be BOM as a earriogs and wagon
factory. wlU a firat clam blaeksmiU
shop la eonnscilon. An 'elevator is to
be pot la aad Ue machinery will be
raa by electricity.
This will add anoUer impertaatlndnstry to Ue cUy.
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to^late Paliter
apd Papar Haager.
Shop Opposlts Baffle Ollloe.
Bicycle Riders!
Dorm esrrr m Aeekdeat PolU,- U
leof *r<ridrou. CUIsi, sCJue
(on»U lloJeof
• Itbooiit^ibr oiakl nsouDl ■
Arrldrol Mid OlrknM* Id
bolll OSperBootb. CbJI wS lD-w.lirs>e t
relied StbiM iMifTolealHorUcr «t s^ibea
IuieslerI iGMBinct
Tbe Rev. W B. OoaUey. of Stoekkridge. Ga., while attondlng to his
pastorial detiee at Ellenwoc
' that
te. was attacked by
ky cholera
choiora morb
myo. "By chance
ebaaue 1 happened to gget
bold of a botUe
of Ckambcrlie'e
CkomberliB's Coi
Cholera aed Diarrhoea Remedy, aod 11
^iTlie Way They Settle!
oale by S. E. Walt.
^ ^
."'o.'::'’' sin-.
Dear Sin:-I reemvvd today tkraagh
"The Droggibt'' s eent
elekle amoke in town
Drag Stora
your dUtri.-t iBbatger. W. R. brdy.
■ ekeek of teO M. tn full nettloMOt od
my aorident claim.
Thaaldng you for the fair and prompt
manner in wblek you have aetUed wiU
ma 1 rwmla a mwntaer ef yev ms»claUon.
Opomox BaxamrTA.
ISOl Vine ftreet.
ManUtae. Mieb.
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ;
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ;
of Men's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th<s seasonlof ;
; the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy- ;
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ;
and the
TBB aBnnriwa»v*oiuu>,HJBtB*TrA-uou*i * laes.
AU n VDTmxasT vo» dxo.
hk kdcaae raaaarhM»«fi ^
aad whndhpy lavaMraCdd they f>
XUUar aad oa* horae dead.
Bctuaiac Hlan Brlac ]>*WB ]Tt»rif OS^^OOO la 0«U Bat XbMa.
tredooed reaolatJeaa'
are BmUag Back to the Plnfree
whl^ ware
■til— Ma»dia*i
Idle -lira la voted down.
Bawaoa aad ■oeh BnAriac.
Dr. Odorr* B. Riebmoad. who hae
Viotorla. B. a. Aacut 4.—TkrM- Jatt died la Laatiar at the apa of
qaartaia of a biUUob dolUn Is
yeara. waa a man of rare reaiaa.
Aaat aad fall; fc.ooo.ooo la dralu oa wu a deatkt by profvasioa. bat had
the btf Haika>(^iaBardal aompaar devoted ceaaiderable time to eeieBUfle
aadbaalatkatare dolac toeaiacw la Inveatioa. Qe at one tint* iaveated aa
Dawaan Olty arrivad Uis morataf oa eleelrie telephooe which h* pat into
tka- KtawMr MaaseBae, farMerlj a ai* tn that city. It wa* oaed with *ae»lea«ara yacht of a wealthy Eayliah- o*** b*lw**B Laetiag aad ether eitiee
mas. aadaurra raeaaay falacly ered- prior to the dlaaovery by Dr. Bell, who
itoi with harlac bees fitted oat aa a obtalaed the patent. Dr Blebmoad
privateer to prey oa the Kloadlke fold alw) bad an appilcaUoB for a patent
hoaU. TbU fortaae la divided betweea which eo alarmed tbe Bell oomoaBy
the CM paaaearers. Bone retora very that It keUlmed they cffered liu.ooo
wealthy, bat aot alt of them took the for tbe inveatioa.
iroU oa t ef the rroead. a aum ber beiar
ChpL John g AndereoB ef Company
apocalatore who made their mooey, or
E. Thlrty.thlrd Mtehlraa voUal
rather daat. la varleai kinda of epecahu reached hU borne at Sariaaw.
bae loet *^ty posed* aad wae eearcely
The mieeae aay affain are aoae too
recoralxabla Almoat th* Aral werdi
bright la Dawaoa City, aed aoeordiaf
apokea by Andrew Q. Lor-kwood. l
to a aecaber there are bow over 10.000
Biambw of Company D, Third-tbird
■aan oa the way down the Vakoa river
Blchlcan volaoteerv, who waa *fa*t la
in aaiaU boau. Tfae people are leavlar ih* loot at Saatlar*. an reaeblag hom*
I^waao in hoadreda. The kireeta are
waa tfae qoeaUoa, "la that Caban flar
fiUad wltb idle men. for work ie bow
•tUl flylnr over oar boaa«r‘ B*iar
dlflealt to yet. ae the city U maeh over told bo, b« laid; "Doa't pot it ap
araia. Th* Cabas*.’ be eaya, -are
A majority of the paeaeareta of the wortbleM fellowe, do food for
Mmauaae caoie down ibe river la the
• ateamere J. J. Hea;y. Merwia. Alioe, thlar-''
Will Bata* and Sadie Bewton. the
aad Maryareu the last to reach the
Addlaon roaawaya. have been hronrht
■ooth of Ue river
The fiealy ar
rived Jeei twe weeke are. the day the back by Depaty Sbcrifl Bertram fi^p
Maaaeaae eaUed. She left liawaea Van Wert. Ohio. Bate* wa* ladred la
July Ifth. aad leporu the river rapidly jail, whil* th* pirl waa take* ham* by
falUar aad maay bare dim«U to eroM. ber par*Dta. Mr. Newtoa lodfvd
oomplalat aralait Bate* for itMliaf
Mach infferiar It aaid to eziet aloac
the Lower Yokoa. maay little rroape hU borae. bar^aad hamem. Batm
claimed that he did aot latend to alepe
Of Btraaded miaera who at* witheat
faad* aad prerialona beiaf aeea at with hk IS-ycar-old aweetbeart,
peiate aJeay the river. At St. IClehael'a parpM* belnr V> taka ber to friend* la
Ohio, brnmaae ahe waa aot treated wall
aFalre are looklap eztreately black aad
dverythiaf polnU to tronble in the near
The Illlj
who went op
oa the kti
ara la a very
badaHoailoa. The men ef the Com
BWetal coaptay refnae te allow them
aahore, and th* Bteamablp eompaay
owatof the veaBcl U onable to take
them ap the river, havinp loai iu river
ateamera, which were to have taken
pamearere to Daweon. Many of the
paaaeaper* wbo have fond* have tranaahlwmd to acme of the river ateamera.
bat the freatcr aomber are etranded
OB the oeeaa veaael. Tbe aitnatlon la
indeed a precarloo* one, for when tbe
Maaueaee eailed the proriaioa* had all
bat riven oat.
Tbe beach is crowded with auandad
niner*. Many who kav* drifted down
the river have aot euffieient money to
pay their fare *oalh and there they re
main. waiUfir for eomeihiutf to turn
“ WWl... th.,»h H„bor. o.
Betamed Brom Oalifcrala.
Mia* Uianle Beitaer, who ha* baca
epaadia; the peat year at Loa Aayelea.
Cal.. arrived home last evealnr. Mim
Baltaer'i many frtesda will be pled
learn of ber arrival aad oempieU rw
eovary ef her health.
Mim Beitaer
waa net ezpected for aeveral day* and
ber arrival wae a dellphtfal aarpriic to
bar paraau aad frienda
Little TraTeie* Befatta.
Everybody like* boat rae«* aad admiu ther* is no sport so pretty oi
teresiinr. So it will b« weleom* e*wt
to all to hear the anaonnoemant that
tbe asDnal repaita of tbe Little Treveree Boat Cleb will occor Amraet 10.
Foil pa-nlcclar* will be rivea later.—
Hetoakey ReeordBravtUea
w. , *
•ni. bmd
ud .a, 1,.
lar la pile* oLArewood alonp U»* bar
ren Alaakaa eoast.
Advkce from tbe Copper river
ooantiy state that there are abogtC.OOo
people oa the rl*eier. raehiar oat a*
faAae poesihle. They are afraid if
the rorerament dom not *m»d ralicf to
them KMB there will be eoare* to die
ef stai-ratioa and expoeore
Th* iee
I* melttnr faat and the ttreams are
pwollea. maklair it danreroe* to an
dmiake to ero*s them, but rather tbae
atay there and surve to death • tbe
praapeelori will risk aBythier-
ee the P. Pari* pine* this
sends a hip sheaf of eau that apeak
well for tbe fine crop be ezpecu to barvast thii year. They sverapv foor feet,
and the beads are very larp* and fall.
There will be a aeetiapof tbe Ladtea
Aid Society of tbs Cooprepatlonal
chnrcb Friday at 3:>o p. m..
home of Mrs. J. G. Johnston. A larpe
attendance is desired.
CTbe first Pupils Beelml ef the
mer will be held at tbe School of Ha*ie
in the Beadle block this afurnoon at
Tbl* recital la for pupil*
only, and all pupil* are requested to be
Mba Lotti* Dcapherty of Elk Rap
A fin* lot of horsM arrived yesterday
id* arrived yeaterday to visit the Misses t the steamer Pevwkey from Phicape
Smith- They wUl yo to Csrp lake to for J O. JensoD
They wiU be **ld
day to apaad a few day s campinp.
A new cement wslk is belnp laid In
front of A V. Friedrich-* shoe storn.
^JdtJdliitJdLAL ML Sit jpt A SM M
~ £|*ndtb«n*w bulldlop to be occupied
^rvj w .uw
ThaW u b,inr
? <*on« by Nelson A Bedf..rd of G.-aod
Xattei*oi InierMt From All a ;
*. _
..V ur. V.
"• ' r^oan. thr *rchiuel. ha* -rnde
Part* of Klchlpan.
fe | plans for the »e- w:ho.,l bnlldlnp
East Jordan, He is etso mskinp plaas
Mr*. A. Pitch of AlhioB, Ul.. and for a uew residcace for W. P. Poller of
three ether lady tourisU were thrown that plaee.
E. L. Ksnsom shipped from hU
from their earriape by a runaway team
al9t.Ipnaec. Mra. Fitch suatalned a farm yestcHay ui eases of Mortlla
fraelored rib and left abonider. Tbe cherriee, to Cblcapo. All picked be
aooidcni was eauaed by the bore** tak- tween the boars of : s m and 4 p. m..
and be wants to know who can bast
inp fripht at a staamer-i whUtle.
Arthur Bappelyea was acorebiap oa
F. B. Skeel*. surveyor of the lands
JliebiPaB aveeue at Sapinaw. .The of th* Apricultural collepe. and who i*
treat fork* of bis birycle broke and also a candidate for State L«nd ComUh rider wa* tbrowB violcatly to the mfamioner, arrived la tb* city last aipbl
pavemant. Oae ear was tors off. bia OB boslneto eenneetod with hli sfii.:*.
head was badly Injured and he rmelved
Oeorpe Swalnsto*. snpervWof Parsthtamal injuria*. It U feared be wUl dlae towaahlp. 1* lyinp very ill at his
boma Dr. Halliday wae Bammoned
Mrs. Joha Baker, aped
who waa
to Kinpsley yesterday ia a eonanluran away with Wedaesday nipbi at tton with aaother phyeldan.
^ Ealaeioo, died at 1 o'clock ibis monThe Traverse City Bepieter ofBoe is
lap. A year apo. while vuitlnp brr belnp moved from the Furtach haildlnp
aom, Marras B^er. in n-aabiopton, she
on South Colon itraet to the balldinp
toBBheeriykUled in a runaway.
formerly oecnpled by 0. A. Joboeen.
- At Otvere. Mr*. Lydia Davie and the drnppfst.
fiMpbe r mare alttlap oa a paper mill
•hoA Munic at Btif Frioa. alao
Ira^ which tipped over aad threw
IJMO pPUBda of paper oa them. eerioBaly fejnriap Hr*. Davis.
Qiatpt Miller, aped M yeara, while
*^ban Boe*a." •'Thelma* and aU
firaala«« Aeld Wednesday wae klUad the lateat pwlamea at Waif* Drap
by Urhtaiur. Meichbota aaw oae «f
OamABy** Xlac Fay* -Trtbot*
Tb* AMry artfaa Lata
Berlla, Aapaat 4.*-The Katoer has
addressed Uc follomlap imperial reaerytt to Prlnoe Hohealobe, th* imper
ial ohaaeeUor:
-WIU my htpb allies aad wiU the
whole Oarman people I stand moaratap at the bier of Ue first chaaeellar
of Ue German empira. We wh*
wiueme* of hi* epleadld Uheem, who
looked up to him in admlratloa aa a
matter In eUteeeraft. a* a fearloM
fiphter la war or peace, aa * meet de
voted soe of U* taUerlaed, and
faiUful aervanl of hU emperor aad
klap, art deeply alfeetod by U* deaU
ef Ue man whom God Ue Lora faabtoned as Ue lastrumeat to achieve U*
realisation of tbe uedyiap aapiratJ
for Germany's unity aad prealaeea
TbU U not Ue moment to enumei
all Ue aebievemenu of Ue preat n
History alone can da him jeaUea. and
will enprava them all upon hrasae
Uhleu. I am. however. impeUed to
r1v« exprcaaiou before lb* whole world
to U* anivaraai aorrow aod prauful
admiratleo wbleh today animate Ue
whole sstioB. and In the name of Uat
aaUaa to vow that he. Ue preat Chaa<
oellor, aadar Emperor WiUlam Ul
Great, created. I will maintain and
develap and. if need be. defend wiU
hleod and treamire. Iu UU may God
Tbe Haaborper Kaebriebtoa publiahea a eommunleaUen from IMnee
Barbart Bkmartk ia reference to Ue
cxprenalona *t aympaUy received
Ue eeearioB of hU fatber^ daath.
Tl^eee. he saye. are ■* everwbelmlnply
semmtma that it U impeasible for him
to thank Ue eeadere isdividnaliy. aad
he thsTefore uraa U* paper as Ue
diam fm thaaklnp. ia behalf of Ue
family, "all thoac who by tbelr words
of eomfort and hy floral tributes frern
Uoac wa have never seen have plven
expremion to U* splendor of Ue
row which fille ear land."
Amid Uc pereoaal and political aspaeuof Prince BUamrek'searMr which
are akeorbiap U* atteotlon of Ue
preas and public much attaation
fixed *a U* cartons choice of Ue
prinea for Ue sit* of bU
This I* la a peuto field In as open
space la the fiachseawald. U U elc
to U* railroad an* Is flanked by telepraph pole*. Tb# slnpularly nnromantlcsorrouBdlops jar Tentoalc remaaticlam. aad do not barmosit* with
Ue prlaee's love ef rurai quiet,
old frieod. Berr Ixsmbacb, tb* painter,
prieved at Ue nusultabllity of tbe
site sBd ss.v* Uat U* prtsee oupht
b* baried wiU kis forefelbers in I
■k at Sehonbausen.
MMaay Lareyle. U* eoaaadlaa aad
ttor of 'lOtbar Peopla** Moaay.” haa
hMamakflBc extmsaira improvaatcau
at hU oenatry pUea. ap at Bye. aad
ap other Ihlapi. aa addlttoa to
bb baaaa b baUdlap. Th* foamUttoa
reqniraa a praat deal of blastlnp, aad
wheaasm anyof Ua family hear Ue
waralnp ery. -nr*r from the workmea Uey mahea mad rash for a baUroom-at the aad of Ue psaaap*. where
noatonaimn pcaelbly craah ia.
LOToyle ha* bees eniertainlnp a eonaln
of hla. a elartymaa. lately, a^ a few
moralnpa apo all Ua family eat at
braakfaat tepether.
-nie etvrpyman
asked a blcealnp. Amoap eUer Ulaps
h* said; “We tbauk thee for Uy kindly
durlap Ue past nlphl, and we
know that Uon do*t s* watch ever us
that wa have aaapht to fear; Uat w*
■aie------------" Juet Uen some one
yelled-Fir*r and the entire Leroyl*
family raahed for U* bathroom. Tb*
elerpymaa was in U* dash. Indeed, he
reached the plae* of refupe flrak "Heanee^'*. he pasped. "are you aur* we're
safe here?"—Waahiupton Po*V
No ^y ha* attracted so maay dtoUnpnisbed aad notable people as has
"Other People's Meaty". Cbanney M.
Deaew, Bx-Goveraor B. P. Flower,
Dave B. BUI. and oUera were frequeat
vtoiton durlap Ua leap raa U New
York aad Ue qnaiat odditira aad basinesB maxims of Hennsaey Lerayls afferded thorn keen onjoymeat. At 6uiabeiy’a aeit Wadaeaday.
/. H. LaPaacleGtaat Two Bine OlrcBA.
Kovelty. axeoltoan*. oripiaality aad
laapaltodeaadBtriklnf eharaetaristtoa
ef J. H. ImPearl-B clraas performaaera
Ui* leaaoB. In UU department ar*
inltltuda of new i
<w dbpUya arc ]
ray of arenic talaat that for thrna
solid hour*, tw* rinps and elevated
atap*. a world ef aerial apparatus, Ind'
U* ImmeaM eaTTvuadiap raee ooana.
are occupied wiU saasatioaal dUplays
participated in by over !W pearlaea artUta New featurai are Ua rala, Ua
eld Urn* worn nnmbera have bees dtomi to wax* iwom for U* nmay
part* ef U* werU. Ia th* two rlnpu,
clevaud atap* aad upoa Ue serial apperatus eoataiaed in J. B. ImPearl's
Coleesal Parilltoa. Us ehamploaa ef
every country meet la frieadly rivalry
for soprcaacy. and compeae U* moat
varied aad praadeet ar«aic exhibiUoa
SMa under canvas. WUl exhibit
at Traverse Cily Tburnday. Aupust IS
Th* followiap are lau arrivab at Ue
b*teU at NorUpon;
The Waukaneo.
<'BeM>ri Motes
J. G Benjamin, A. A Miller. TravMrs. J A. Knapp aod two ebildi
■■eCitv, W. W White. A B. Eyeraon
of Chlcapo. are puesta at Trare
SBd SOB. WaukepoB; Georpe A. Felder
aed wife. Grand Btpids. HissMarparet
U. J Ulmaa and taml’T. whe bsv« Felder. Maesfleid. O ; Frank B Orr
been apendlnp some time at Tr*'
and wife. Cbieapo, Mr*. Oeorp* LariBeach, left yesterday for Petoakey and
aad *00. Cedar Baptds. Mlcb.; Oeo.
Maehinac islaiid. before rclnrnlnp to UlUer. Charlevoix.
r*. C. A- Webb of Xortbpori. aod
Ul* Larson. Gnltoas Bsy. Jaeepk
ber eister. Mlaa Glennie Graham ef H«naea. Traverse City; O. A Du. ChiCaesopolU. came down from MorUport capo; W. H. Borlbul sod wifa city: G.
tbe fiteamer Creseeat and epeat last C. dllvera. Acme; E I. Adama Maple
evenlop In Uc city.
City; Georpe Taylor, B GTdley, Em
aod Mr*. H. Blowmaa and Plre.
danpbteref Detroit are (uecto at U«
Good Tim* at "Fairriev."
H«UI WhUlnp.
YeeterdsyUe Three gaarter B. B
Mi«*ea Susan and EllubeU Donphty
and Jeaie and Keltle Camp of Lansinp club enjoyed a jolly picnic at ••Fairview." Uc country home of Mr. aad
are Isle arrivals at OmenaMra. Jacob Culoian. on lb* peniasala
Mn. W*et of Grand Rapids arrived
The ptieeu of booer were Mra C Bixrr
Its BorulBp for Ke-ah-U-wanta.
MorrU. UU.. and Mr. and Mr*.
Miss H. F. Cutebeen and Mist M B. NlchoU of Kankakee. IIU. Mra Cul
Wbllwan came down from Ooseoa vee•erred a refreahtop lancheon aad
terday to meet friend* who ctme ea the party made a dellphtfui day of
tb* oonn train.
Mu* Royd. who has beee spondinp
Vsrrowly laesped Injnry.
several weeks at Omena. returned yes
While'driviup ane ef bU spiritod
terday to ber home at Omaha, Ne learns yeaterday afteraoon Tom Shane
fcad a narrow escape {ram eerions
Mb* Speed ba* a'rived from Mem- jury.
Th* team became fripbtaned
phis. Tent)., to spend some lime at tbe at a* spproaebiDp eopia* aad atarted
•mens re>orU
to run away
Had not Ue flapman
Mise Jojasoo o' <>!d UlMien. took stopped tbe iralD Utre woold have
dineer at Ue Park Place yeaterday.
been a dUastroos collltl'to.
Walter Bower* ha* retnroed to New
ark, Ohio, after spendinp aome time at
Bad Kick by a Morua
Wbn* Frank AusUa was attesdlap
F. 8. Jebasen and htmily of Cleve to a borae yeaterday neon. U* animal
land. are at Uc Park Place hotel.
kicked him ia Ue f*r«b^ inflicUnp a
A party eonsistinp of H. D. Macon danperous wound. Baaides a paxh'
»d Mis* Gertrude MeOarpe and D. K. Boarly three inch** loop. hU *kuU h
Msaon arrived last evenlap from Pitta- fractured. Austia U a farmer aad Kv**
burp. Pa- They will leave Ub mero- about Uree nUlea west ef Ue city Dr
ap on U* boat for aome oa* of Ue Moon attondod th* man.
bay resort*.
J. A. Linder. H. J Some and John A.
Dnltarian d«rvie*a
Oathiat. Urc* pcntlemaa from Save.
Sunday, at th* City Opera Bona*.
:il.. ara la Ue city aad are prepariap B«v. Leslie W. gprapu* of Grand Bap* IT a llshiap esoadillon to Carp Imke. Ids. will bold Dnitarian sarviee*. He
Mrs. F. C. Hall of HoIIaad. Mlcb.. U WiU deliver n nermoa on ■•Bettor News
rapburad at U* Park Place.
of Ue Expanded Gospel" In th* snenWlliiam C. Kader. a
iap. aad la U« *v«»i^ hU mihjeet wUl
of the Marsha] Field Co.. Ohtcap*. en- b* “Praym WlthMt Worda" Bev.
oyed Ue breeies off Uc bay the past Sprapne U of th* Daitariaa aad lad*iw* daya Be wUl return to Chiespo pasdent dtorehaa
UU m-uelnp.
Old firntton Fieaic Poa^aBad.
Mra V*r Camp, aecompasied hy her
Bnrdiekvill*. Anpnst 4.—Owtap to
tw* children, arrived la U* city last
STBSlap from CincinaatL They srill th* ^plracaat wsaUar '‘Th* Old
fietUen Pipnie" was paetponed antil
he paeau at Ue Park PUea
WedBMdny. Aapnat 10th. Everyen*
WllUamh Fetoekey Orsam. oare U iaritod to attomd and aajay a pood
The tame exaBltent pn^ram
ileaa epoone and plaeeee, Tkb mlx- praparad for Aapant IrdwUltaeraaderw eonrttutee our toe etmm soda at
W^th aoda fouatalB.
: You Reach
The best way to do so is to i]'
employ the
Dtlir citcvutTioV
The MoffliiM
For three months, ending
August 1, was
These Figures Speal folumes to the Progressiie idvertiser
Reaches the masses. That is
the reason its
If you want to buy anything or want tQ
sell anything
Try the Record Want Department
tkto TMDf lad7«
kw taaotr M
■»*»>« MO of
ttalftr wltbont • Kaur for her bv>a. tk*
^M^D Of Mr. SolotBoe Boggi «ui be bbQp to tt« tUrtr-vraOi fmt al bt*
4Mlct>ter'e exlrtoMe tk« onir md «bc
kal wooed bar wu • gtsiUemu (ron
MaKloo.wbo.Jwt le the olokof dmft.wai
(awid to powaaa three otbeh wItw.
•o tonuoDtod and lirltotod did Me.
Bom becMM that Uttle \rj Uttle bu «Bboidlaatoe bweme filled with lew ead OB-
■aw «aain Dwd Um.
jMpaetar ^nreaww at ttaa
bwd of ^ datacMTa b«am ia ttiM
aty. ba Miaillihiid • aflaia fcr pR»>
taaCii« Mm >aara(ry dtetrkit and WaU
, artika aocD bw»n» fanoaa aa
■CRnks’ dead Una." DataeMaw
«B tfaa^wacob daring Iwirintaa
ttotm to faaacBt uaj weU kiwMrn <Bodk
CrcBs ge^Dg down (awn below FUtos
•tnat. thla plan atret
a namber d
Douiooa oobfidenoa n>eo and' Bfak
thlrrea fran a dlaolat (bat had pro^
«e tbetn. After Bjtim left
Scarce Mm "•dead line" wwDot cloae-
«*Wora tow aayWr aiaHtabrf
fMdlac Pate oanMnptaoaaly. « be
threw aMife tbe paper. "Ole Is da Mnfli
ptocsn rre wen cd dat mefi. Aa na
"Well," repUad Meandering Mika.
**we-got«M grtb an bear it. Weeaa'I
when bo glto to be e bero ee ^ do
rbea be*! took for de regoea'gaUecy."
•^•WaMtiagUD Star.
Oaptatc MgCltiaky did wben be
took tbe management of tbe drteotire
btmna ww to {e-eetnbUab it. Two ot
McCkMky't deteoclTt) WTgeniMi were
pa Irani tbeii dtoa- (tonrtlng at tbe ocm« of Broadway and
John MreM one day laet weric when a
tall, wdll boMt man, wbo from hie ap'
b that eboold
Mdoan tb«
light bare b4«o
__ n done br Mr. Bo^ himieU and to brriKT. walked pant tbem w if oo boaiaeatna orv bti drek eroiT mornltig a boga
I MB of pap-r* to make It look at thengb
«id one of tbe deaect1
ftin-Ucioan wae a tertflo man ct
I . .11: ■< think a-rioneJyo* ra- Irea. foUerwing the man amiaapfkag
WITT htmtolt the blm CD (be Mioolder.
. ..
,.__ and of mtahlUhing
How dare yon rtop tne ta that taabVIU DU mt-Uiei a email elgar ((and
V' Bid tbe nan. with a gnat abow
of ikdiguaMoo.
In atRlodwl (trertwhere Indglngiw
“Now, doo-t make a fuea." Mid tbe
to be obulned at a ridloulotuUy low figara
and where the prioetpal featoim of (ba deterti^B. “Ton are below tbe dwd
Undmape cooeUtod o< waebid cIoUmb hung Hoe and yoa will bare to g<i tamk <W wa
will nice yon op to buntbinanera.
aat to di7 and oloud* nf aodt eiuanattl
TSre man loet his bravado al
from the ebimDor* lived Jamm ISiruka
Bight a<a«Be the oonrt from Janwa Pa- aud promptly beggtri for aicrey.
»«ke Ured Margaree MalStu. and twtwren toaakuowoto (lie polioe as “Dia
tbem there eztned a romaatlc fouling that Jac“ Morphy and b« has ivoenUy fin.
belaaged to (j-lvan grove* end babUlAg ished a term in a w-wtoru prlam. Morbeoofci and wae aDUrelj out of plaoe In
pliy ckplaiund Uiot be did not expect to
each a tocalitr
be recogniuxl. and on bis promising to
Jam« EVul
leave town tbe dulMKires reieaeud him.
ttoD to the office of the
retorr of U>e enaetwUe trade. wIk« be —New Tork San.
ocBBclaBUoualT ivrtormrd Ibe taake oi 10
high uffidal*. w bo on their parto Iwt a
WhW Ui* EaglUh Kbw Wants.
acme of dlgnltr to the offioc.
One of tbe tnast Important points in
But the lore that ezl*tod between Ji
and Mtogaret was not a bread and batter any uavy is t':e battle training, tbo edat. the lack ol tboto olemenu In oaticEi in Krategy and taetioa glvna. It
deed bolng the oolr dtowback to Ita hapfir is pTwcaioally certain tLet oar Eogliih
flaets will have to face oaostaitt oigbt
eoaiuni matlon
Mr. BawKi., having attended a raee
of the ooiiimlnoe on pnw and oonm
wedged in bohe channd to ge<
•ween two living (tunea
aoold not drew It
. Penike,
ting the foot tree again, for which act of
fcfndiMto Mr B<wpi invltod him to hU
botue to take diuner and meet bia daugb
A dieringniritod Britleb offloer. Oap.
taki May. not very long ago wrate two
paper* OO Mctics. oODolnding
with an appeal to authority to eamblitfi
a tactical sobool cxoolle^ eiwwcnng
to tbe French higber naval sebool end
Mmilto InMltaticEn ta Genaany and tbe
United Btetto. Hu appeal kas eo fkr
been fntiUees As e oatum we are a(K
lo derpisQ knowledge and (obelleretbat
orotbi-r ’ tootsedebrtmiUers'
OB the day of battle. Oonfidcnce U
tolvea Is good and wboleacme, bat It
•bonld not lead os to furgot tbe toot
tbat eetoaoe baa a way of taking a ttorikde M»ge apou tboor wbo deeptee
bar —a. W. WilsoB toFtrtDigbslyRevlow.
Tbe aoqnatDtaoc
I not long beftre
be botueof tboflrit
ftmctlnoaiy t
■ thnrougbir poeted
shout WerTtblng t
Blssbelb Boggs
But all ihu time tbe heads of J<
Peruke and Margaret Muffins were filled
with s wUd and desperate seboue.
Jaiues..whou be vlMtod Miss Boggs, as.
(UiDod s lovtwllke famlllarti}. All this
Wtoduly Imparted by Miss Ellssbctb to
her father, end be agreed with bv that
tb>. oaly thing that pewentod aa avowal
on tbe iMit of Jamce Peruke was dallaaW
toougnltiOB of bU poor oaiato.
A word to tbe bonerable tbe seeretefy
of the coastwise Cnde from bis friend, tbe
A geoUsnan at Balcigh (be other
llrM funetlonary of tbe lord mayor, would rveoing was btdng ctmgiacalBted by a
ft to rights
friend cm bevtog eecured a goeemmest
ocEitract for gCu.OOO wenb of gtm cne.
eda bulky doci
ten. Tbe poeweatw of tbe conCract did
amis sod Imnro
not appear to be very gsreUy elated.
Uand lUBdrd It Id his t>
“U u a dangmone bcsinMa " bemid.
(be (Uly-Hret dh Isluo.
The chief of the slxty-fim dlrldo
dlrUloe In- "and. tboQgfa tbe prefiu semu Isige.
gdlaioly waited upoo JasMS Poruk.
Poruku. wbo wb«n you cousider (be risk cocneeted
eat et budmk copying a
witb the prodoudoa of tbe eaploeire
by the oommandur of tl
the Ninth brigeds
antoeutb InspBcwr of tbe royal Inkstand '
' g of the royal Ink ^
For a moEBEDt Jamm Peruke's bred
•warn, and he was eoUniy troahletogmsp
tbe MtusUoD.
As eooa as be could eoHes his m*i«s
Jtonm emnod to ask tbo riuaf If be might
absent btmsolf ferttwday; but. remem
bering tbo ricuatlan bo now bold, bo look
ed bond Instood and ninmrkid;
"I think—BW—1 tbhik 1 will go home.
Please am vcy my regards to the huncrabis
(be serrelarr' of the euastwtae trade and
toll biin I «nsii toll (o pay my itopaete to
morrow '•
All till* time Margaret Moffito was
qulrily lursutfig hu’ bourebold vocations
uneuas i .u. of the
mx-nw that were
eudduily the donr was flung tlolently
Open, snd In cam., iaimw, th.. WTcntremth
iocpectoruf the royal Mikstood. breathlem,
totllant. happy.
The cab ws> waking oDlsldu. snd Margarvt rou up Msir. Ui pui »n her brmnei
end oMueback loikliig e>KW>v* m<l blush
ing SI prettll) tlini Janina i'imkr fu)t a
•viiiul"U« tJirill run duvea tiU u>lntml o>1 :
l at the Ups
• of his
t fin 1
oniD and n
fiH) on ibu order from the govammmit,
bu: tWorvtbe (toll it delivered we may
two or tfanw uKS killed, and we
have, of oesam. to make a oaMi tokMeDHBi witb toeir tomiliea
■ Men who are dtottnyed *y b
pluncm of gon ootton ore blown into
fra^xoita there bumg ngtbiug left of
tbe rematse Cor bortsL It amoonts
oompleue pbyoieal onnihilaCicgi. But (he
dMigers of Ui* businebs du out deter peo
ple fooui taigaging m M. and oampeti
tkn is os kwu in tbat Hoe os osy atbm
tadasiry.Wtohinguo Fom.
l now e- cloud
- - Ugoa
„ . to suttto
. over
. . ,
old and jofoon of Mr Solon.on
n aad for tbeiarmrai ware thrown
main bontoranis
Axnln and egeto did Mr. Hogg* go up
totlH oflire of the revEtiUCTUi Inviuctor
of (til- roynl Inkstoud. but on luOezllitc attandant sulil that Mr. Porukc was cngogid
t oould not te lDU»Tu,.i^mad«e any
eircHinnancNs Tb« fim funocUioaiy w
ta di-s|«lr
FluoJIv The Ually T.Tnmgont come out
wllb a gnjjiliir sioouni of e gurgxms re
»>ll<iii g|vm> ly till-niff-of Hun Jonas
Rrutv. SI wbirb uoUIr povons wura prenent k) gnvii Duiulicre. Ur Sutuiuin Etoggs
Md II whllr lie
at bnmkfaM and
As toiiQ w b<- com* to bl* sense, bs hostoDud to the liuiiomlile tiw trer«4ar> of (be
liialia Isi Ubde er.d d«aiandi.xl that '-|---Peruke's a>miiito-l‘<u U- revokni
TTie buBonihl.- sivoiArj loukid grwe
Be was aftuld Itouuldn i Im donu. The
'•fipulOlaeDt bad l»-o uiodu and eon
Inoed. and the ooruoatit nf micli m high
ofBoeas that of wi*i.-iiti*wtb li^iiuctor of
the royal Inkstand oould uoi tw lampervd
As for tbe sovcntconth Insiivcuw of th*
royal Inkstand, be a
meat of bis bigb ofBcr and pnuwuus oM
apr. tbe actual Inspurion cd ku- inkstand
Mng attended to by on InWIBgum la,y of
W roars, wbo woshod It out and rtiUltid to
army mofnlng —F-xebonge.
s[-l- ar at Acherva By docej tbe Mwog*
li I'l* w,-rr- covired thick with them,
The pasMigu had takeu sbout eight
bnarv. tbi' ••wiv» (rurrling five miles
f.^rmi-ut^iUon itoxwy wowimookD tbu bund.
’ bare derided e
I MUitOtiOO. Opponats of Ibe sewage form tystem et
AchdM bad doctored that tbe dreinoga
In tbe city was ee Mow that it lock
two or Umuc woks hr (he ag^sge to
nucta tbo pompkig Mauoo at CUcky
and that the fonaaMatMU going on m
At Banter (bis yiar a gnat
It Is said tbat William Ravage, ooa
of U-w.v'smilurs. firand a ooaoidenble
quantity of liqo'g at Chriu; tbe day
after toe stnkiag of tbe Spanlsb fieri
otxl nodo widi lire uf to Uiat when
found iiy hi* supaei'ow hewM uuly able
to’nto«r<SM'vnxri—"lltiiTkiir' TbVtubm^oiinl wiart liOirtlaJ w-otsnrrel Inm to
18 tbiys 111 rliabot l-sl «h»<u !li<- luiditig
td Ibe cum was fssas»l up to Aduiiful
b«- wr-ito >«> It "TImi tir'svNritopi af th* niori ap> iU't>r'>*'<t. ths watoun ko Akoi]iir<Aivl sn-l ili" a>ve>si.d.
Wllftam Hassop'. 1s ieil*r*d tettmirvl th&s (sal hi uaisriireiio*, of u*>: ri<>ii,ins
victory won ly ib» fi**d pmW uiy <.ow
IV* isoot* re ow AM »# Wreeavs.
One of toi- ni»»><*l
ixvis !•eweim tbis vm.t omI tlw lovt i* Um inocasrd nscuf tMrlaiwh' III liifodtry rigitmarnt. It Is far h-re suli)rai to ditbiigfa
fbon «M <mu owl can lo lH<erd
gaagts- Al —-Y" TIh' bogl*' ta urll
adopted tu tbe greatly mlotgid turui of
|ri^ieblqg oow a ppe of Uitokaa.—Mo
New Departurei
Dr. A. B. Spinney, of I>etrolt, alee
prnpfietor of stood City Sasitariom. is
oomlngto yoor town.
Eyer Borned 0«tT
U ooyo* kmow
too value of
UTBT7RA 19'Oa.
^John R. Santo,
Geitral lasuiaice.
that cannot eee him et hie Sar
Thedoctorbee eo mneh U
experteoe be
^ in toting|
cbfottlc dtereees that be will gl.
i only a mOe away, and the walk erety
mootb’e treatment and medium
ifaw Terk 6erald.
Al.ao nas scacicat oPEranowe to day le Dw»«ia..«.i
the eoontry. and eEamining and treat
ing thooaaode of chronic case*, has
prepared him to cure when the general
pra^tioner fails. Have
e yoa beeo
been aick
for years
we can cure you or not. If we esnnet
care you. we will tell yon wbat relief
Chimmy Ibe Rat—Wbatl Me mind
yer baby a muretoan yonseoomenistais
oot Ki yell. "Dme’s his fader.jrot ilo-•
amted os r' aa tne git pi
—New York Joonuil.
Tbebeir and bopo of tbe family ■!
Black oaetlewae e little rogue of about
8 enmmer*. Quo day el losob be was
T«7 dtsobedHSt. His fatbor, w*»oBe orders hod hmn reniwtodlT hroored. at
IsM BtioiA the to^ to eeecntsate hie
'Vamywwld. |bla*'Mld tbe peUM-
iteB to the deeOM.
••■B«rr4 (batr*
*‘Tob pntlad Brown'e taotbandba
aaifi tbae it gnl»nebtagee«»a Ipallad
hla noaeand be ewora that it aobed
woae (ban ererf"—DitoiMt Free Pnaa
"Ooodneat. BMnebe, don’t toll tne
man sommeriag at Vay^unkl Wbat
frtg^tal nwne to bead your leeaera
erery patient wUl etate to tbeir frienda
tbe reeolu obtained by his treatment.
AU forms of cbronlc dieeaees and delormitire treated. Ko man in this
State bae bad each extended rsporieoca In tbe treatment of CATARRH.
DISBA5BS as tbe doctor. Be grada
ated n years ago from Clereland,
Ohio; wae 18 years In general prac• i; after that loctored as Profea»or
■ ~
nlogy la Detroit
" "ege for *
BomeopaTu^Medial Coflege
tendent of
ycarat was 8 years Saperistend
Alma and Vpailanti Ssni
will ran ea Bast Bay as fallcrws:
Leave Old Mttoioo.................... «:» »•
7:10 s. m.
Arrive Elk Banide..
7140 a. m.
Ltove Elk Rapids
8:t0a. m.
Arrive Old Mltoion
Leave Old Mission..
Arrive But Ucad...
S;00 p a
Leave But Read...
6:>0 p m.
Arrive Old Mlaelon.
tJO p. m.
p. m.
«Kn p m
Leave Elk Eaplds
Arrive Old Hitoios..................8;M p. a.
'Bus vrlil leave the Hereentile Co's
Block, Hotel WhlOng and Pork Place
at f:10 p m. 'B*s will also connret
with boat at ll:to a. a. PrnitKmr will
be at But Heed oa Tueedays. Thundeya aad Seturdeye. Veeasngrr* and
fmlt will be taken on et any point
along Pentosnla ebore by coming ont
to a btal
%»*Remembef. one month will be
,t^jntely free—medicines, turgicol
eperntioos, end tbe beoefit of oU onr
skill to all who are too poor Ao pay. ^
Onr methods of treatment U all that la ;
1*, s^iti
koowo by all the oebooto, with U« Old ^ooeTsrsselsf.
<>* clectncity. that most wooderfnl of I______ . n ■rmT.ri.tL.i.. ____ ____ ~
TrsTto»eOtty 1
Below is a Uei of tbe bnrisg and ariltog prleaa of yeetorday for gteceriae.
pr^hms and farm prodnea to Tr»vClly:
$IZ so
Cigar Pork per bbl. m
Qaar Pork nor ft>....
iCnl ftjrk..........
Bye Flour. B. U A Co. BeeV..
Meal. B. L. A Co. Beet.............
Feed. a. to AOa Bast.............
Egg! per dos................................
Oodftsi per ft................................
Lard per ft.....................................
Buiur per lb Oain....................
Creamery BnUer.m....................
Cbeeu per ft. ..............................
Oats per bn (old).........................
Cor* per bu.. old.........................
PoUtoea. per bu.........................
Salt per bbl..................................
Bran per 100.................................
eatm or Tmamn cr
Wheat, old. pur bn....................
WbeaL new, pnrbu..................
Oats, Na 1. purbu.
Com. per bu................................
Bggo. per dotes..........................
ly. William.,yon forget who I tonP
system. Oo early, as my'—
Tbe relret ey^ i mp looked np eod offic< is always crowded.
-Casesrv Tva»- — I ooa Otds
witb MiKto simplicity seiA
ev ret by B are vj
you're enty intrrTer't bushond,
tbe hereditary legistoSar resatoed WVireu
diwssss o< all
sii forms
(eras tr»aisd
tnoisd •sac.
uiu tb. teun
crai In nor standing equadroos, Iboagh
week after week tbe French Meditew>
raneon and noatbera fleeta retaeane nob
^....................................- ----------- -----------I trcsiBSBt lb* lowMt ot uy sssiioriaa or boo-
CNdwud-Tea, bM tbtok of ouriDOtb.
(sw-to-tow being able lo esjoy e UJa '
lo^eelty.—Atoriee'e Magaane
S. lbs sr< U« _•
0.0.* * s a s a s « s a s s 4 s s
88 8 8
setp.m. Tslspbres-Jl
tbeir proaptneos and satisfactory men- COLUMBIA AMD LOU A. OUH
aer in the sotUrmrut of my claim.
Tbaoe young BSB have recently located
hare and have opened a broeeh office
la the Johnsea block for this most vxSolng north .dally e*«»pt Sunday,
erilant company, and it is
or« that I roeommend ihci
KeabtawanU .
The eampany is not a new one os
1 bave carried proUetion with them for
tbe past five year*, and this kind of
el pretoetioD is socetbing that each
Cbarlrvoix .
end erery man should carry. ”
Bey \
of sickness or eecidi
•• Heriwr'p
Ar. Borbor Spriagt
d toey ore at liberty at aay
ler to me tor refereaea.
Gol-r^oath dally ex.
Harbor Spriog!
V. rjoi-A ,
.. j|,,.bor Point
Bay View..
" Fetoskey........
Wheeba*. It bos pleased DIvlea
•' Charlevoix........
Providenoe to call our beloved aad
late brother. B G Boddow. to bit
I*:SO p. u
lal reward, wbo woe a worthy
member of our order, the Indepeadeat
" Omena
Order of Forestero. Court Treverw*. No ; '
Ar. Truvorae City
hip ...
lodge and active lebor* for the welfare
of tbe order have greatly eadenred blm
to the member* ef Court Treverve.
Going south dot
therefore be It
Leave Northport.
Baoalvad. That wbUe we deeply
" Gmena .............
lonro our loco we bow 1* enbmitslos
" Huttons bay . .
I tbe mandate* ef the Ruprem* Chief
" Neabtawanta..
Boager os high to whom we all ow*
Ar. Traveroe Cily
Resolved, That la the death of BrothGoing north dally except Snuday.
Leave Travatue City..................NOO p. m
•' Neahtowunta.................... S;00 "
kind and dutiful oak and the eommo" Suttont Bay......................4Je
nity at large skB baaorable eltixen.
" Omena................................,T:lt "
Resolved. That we. the officers end
Ar. Northport...........................6:18 "
iber* of Court Treverre. extend w
bereaved foatUy and iclimata
trieids our beartfeUoymaatoy and oe-1
sure them that we moarn with them la Daily aarnlBa XguaraioBS Froin
tbe hour of their dls«reae. aad further,
Beealvad. That onr cbortor be dropTrEwaraa City.
(d In moorniog for thirty day*, that a I
,t*am*r at 8:40 a m. for Kaobcepy of tbeae rreolntlons be wnt to th#
^toc* yoa sri.l connect with
droeoaed brotheri* family ond that
retaralog to Trevtoey be epraod open tbe mlnatea of
^7^^' T*
this order and nuWUhed la the Mo«^
C?And“be mod. erery morning.
If you wito * loogar ride the hoot will
i«-J you nt Umeun or Northport where
yoa will connect
5t with stoomor reu
bV to Travaree Clt;Mtt 4:00 p. ^
Travoras City, Mich., Augnat 4,180B.
Fnrte Oraea—The pure staff. Na
eha» adulteretiuM. u oaate a poand
M Woiva Drug Btiwa.
GruA RifUi t IiAliu R. B
----------- :--------------Bednoed mates un O. B. A I
Abent eat montb ago ay child, which
u fifteen aoBths eld. bed an attack ef
Ciecloneti, one cent per mile. Bell
diarTkeoaseoempanled by Tomiliag. I September to. good to retoru October
gave it suck remedies u ere nsuelly tsd.
given 1p tueb caeca, bat u notblsg
lodlanapllis. one fare far round trip,
rave relief we unt for a phyeletoa end Sell Aagust Nth. retam August ISth.
It was under his care for a week- Al
Lndington. one far* for round trip.
tkU time the child hod been sick for Sell Jnly 2«tb to August Stb. return
abent Un days aod was having about Augus'. 18tb.
iwaoiy-five eperatious of tbe bowels
Saratoga, one fare for round trip,
every twelve bourn, and we were coo- Bell August 1st, good to return August
vineed that nnleae it soon abuloed re- list.
lief It would not live.
Toronto, Ootorio. one far* for round
Colie. Cholera and Dioirboea Remedy trip, iiell Aagust I4tb. !Stb. aad t7th,
was reoommeoded. aed I decided to go^ to rstoro Sepu 8th.
try It. 1 soon noticed a change for tbe
Vermillion. O , one fare for round
bettor; by iu eentinned Dse e complete trip Sell August let. good to return
care was brought ubont ecd it is per- August list.
feetly faaolthy —C to UuOGS. BtompReduced rutsa to other pointa. Phone
town. Gilmer Co , W Va For sale by U C, E Merr»y. Agent.
8. E. Wait druggist
C. L. Lockwood. G. P. A..
Greod Rapids.
Fords That are Worth Bomelbtog.
I wish to thispehlic Baneer to thank ,
averyosoi aae aaoru ai luownewe
A. H-Bol.
To parUas af Ire er more a rets of
me tare lor the roasd trip wlU be
8 SS8888
X tahstrett. tm tf
S' ■7”":
L"”." ..’’.S.'Sf
ESi;'™,™,'"..’.™ 5S.."H."SK
4 O
8882 a 8
ilIBB ■
SS8S8 8
400000000000000 o
sastasesssssaas a
foU porUeiLlan wrtle tos owosre. ^sy A
S-m. W 1. BrewD. *E tree. ElnU s*re^^
nBd*T plssM l*ST* s> lb* EarorC
i'SSSriOrsudEopUstima. m. glisping ooa «miog
OM boast cor frvw Dmrolt re this tralo.
a E. geXSAT. AgraO. L. LOOAWOOPO. F. A r. A- OiaaS BapAs.
t:i7TE:^E;;.rE:.s -’i t
Joy**'* »1 41
tWJR EB1«T-Tb* room* over Chomprey A
r giotrSoo S4SIS *tre*»- fOI re Ore. W
noS. Bl >r
ryoreES F>B SALE-Ore HOO. «M ihlA
br Irevlas s« ibr Rserep oBe*.
Wsnied-nr sn* iinprereMi rre
DO T0UW«iT5r..i7:
UD loniumn li
*• inks sBret Euadoy. Jnaa a, MBF,
oono MOE1X.
PollUeftl cbufM do aot taflosaea
, »ad the U Bor« (araociac la rafard to
^ Uo roTorasMtof W tplritaal nV
tbaa wt. ae we eu Mfelj eaj eke
wUl da wkat b beat
Amj In Porto Bioo Eeto "AatowkatoarUaekuvk wUl aal- ImmsdlAts KamoTAl of ShBfttar la aay way from Ua poUUeal
er's Army Ordered.
md Little Pi«littng.
ehaan* Ukaly to take plaea la tke
PbtUmlaaa aad otkar Spaalak ialaada.
RRST STAND AT ARBONfTO. IdonoltWBkaayoaawhokaowa the
AaerleaB paaple weald far a tooseat
At That Point I>e^>erat« Sls-. eatartala the tkoafhi that Ike ekareb Monuok Point, Long IslanA ’ WBldaat XcKUley Win Kake Titwill be laurtared with la aay way
tinp Boopaitloa of GaUantry
the DestlnAtion.
latanoe Expected.
wkeUer Ue Ueltad States by eeaqaaet
laae acquiree paeasastoB.
Bapona ladioata That Saa /aaa
WaUinpun, D. &. Anpast 4.—The
cbasfe ef poveruBeet will take place, Work of Kouiap Titwpa WiU Be
, proaldeat will pies foil reeopslUoa to
be XaaUy Takea, aa the epaalah
bet I expect to see ereryUiap te fo
Berried oa Bepidly aa Poaaibi*— the pallant and meritorioaa ooadaet of
Voree baa baea Greatly «xa<ierat aa la Us past.”
Dataa Pixad for Arriral of Traaa- navel effbera aad xoBat. derinp the
ed iald to be bat 6,000 Baldleia
porta to Take Spanbh Priaomera war WiU Spale. Secretory Loap praThere Who Kay Baneader.
In Older that Uere may be ao
Back to Spain.
SoeeU le Tb> Hoanto Bmobd.
just canae for eomplaiat that tbe doOpnemi to Tat Uouttc aacoiiix
paruaeat baa overlooked daaerviDp
Poaee. Aorutt t.—Aa tar aa kaowa
^poiat a Exard of offitars to
followas farther forward Boeeataat will be
lap oflebl ttateiaeat has been baned. bivaatipate aad report oa Ue aaiWicaB
Btada by tbe Aiaerleaa troopa natU the
ef man reeommeaded for premeiloa.
arrleal at more traaaporta. wbleb are
From presaat ladleaUmta the pruaidaat
aaptoUd bcnirly. Thera baa
an AooeptBnoe is Ex- office —The seoretary of war haa order will promote Oommedorc Schley aad
ed Oenjral Bhaftor't troops ruUered
woe is Ue
flrBUac ap to tbe praant. Se tar aa
p»ct*d SatordAy.
from farther doty at Saotispo as fast order aamed. and abe all Ue eoBkaowa tbe Spaalardi are expeeted to
aaadera ef vuaaeb who participated le
Make tkeir Ant ataad at Arbealto. ti
aa transportatioe caa be prorided and
the dmtmetion of Cervera't fieot. The
transfer of Spaabh prUonera wilt proposed board will lavestlpata Ue
aaUaa troM hart, wbara I.OM or 5.000
admit ef a redsetloa of Ue parrboa. |
Bpaalah recoil are baliaeed to ba aaef Uoae of lower ruak who parWill
Ships for Ue Spaabh prisooen wlU Uelpetad la Ue batUe off Saatlapo. is
traaohed. Praaeat proapeeta are that
I Maaile bey. sad la Ue nuBereas Binor
thara will be ae actaal ArbUaf far
arrireat Saatlapo oa tba folios
Terms of Psace.
tpameata aloap Ue ooMt of Cuba.
dates. Aapoit ». If. U. 14. Ifi aad 10.
aeeeral daya.
la tbe MeeaUMe reporta came froM •paBisb Oabiaei Xai Teatarday After- Total oapUity ia.404. Toe Aweriraa
OoadlticmaSaa Jaaa ahowiaf ikat It U aot nallka*
■poru new at Saotlapo are aa fel
Flcuraa Saa,- lows; Cataab SOD Ben. Oataa (»ty 000.
ly that tkat place will reoelre oar eolaoaad to a 0
Graad DaUww l.foo. Miami 000. Mau- Friande of Ua Unfortanats Henry
dian at Poaae did.
«. Haddow Looked Upon Kb
Paople troM Saa Joan eay tkat laaat ap.aeUcihe Kesnse BacMa.
7t0. ViplUmoe goo, Olirette WO.
Face Cdi Ue Last Tima.
VTaabiagtoa, Aopuat 4.—Tba prcal- Berkshire isa Total, s.rro aea. These
«( Ue cUlMoe will welooMe AMarieaa
Yesterday afternoon Ue friends of
Maexatiaa, aad eay alaa tkat the rw eat baa AaUy refuaad to oaoaider aay will sail for New York at fast as Uey
te nafartanaie Beery G Beddow.
part a( tka aenbar of SpaDiah toldlara
eao he coBfortably eBbtrbed.”
viewed bb famUlar feautrte far tba
thara U fraaUy exarreratad. They Spala, except that Ue oaBBlealaaen
Te Kova MerU At Onoa.
Inst time at Ue aaylum. A tooU.np
atoart that there are aat oeer e.ooo Bay BMSt la Paris. Spala'a aeeaptaaee apertol to Tut Woemra naoees.
fanerai eervice waa held, which v,aa
eded by a praat Uroap of friri da
Uoo;a there, aad maay ef tbeto are ae la expected by latorday. but Uere will
Weahiepton. Anpust 4.—The praaibadly frlcbuaed ae the aeldian at be BO sa^waaioB of boatilltlca tlU auah dent to-day held a coaferaoee wiU of Ue deceased. The service waa cimdueted
by Bev WUey K. Wripht sad
Poaoe were. They will aarreader If aaswer le reoeired.
Secretary Alper, Secretary Leap aad
cireoBstaneea sniroandinp Ue
itaBt Secretary ef Us Navy Allan, deaU of Mr Haddow made Ue Mrrioe
they r*t a ehaaee.
Gaoes Bepeat Pn
at which prompt acUoa was takea for particularly pathetic. The remaiaa
la the taeaaUBe tbe el(ht of Ue
aawbl w Tn keumie aecose.
warablpe. which are ooapr»pt ban^artatioa 1 ’ General ware escorted M Ue depot by a Urpe
Madrid, Aupnit 4.-The Spanbh cab
Montauk repreeaotation of Court Traverae. I. 0.
ataatly ersiainf oauide of Saa Jnaa, la
Sbafur's army from Cuba 1
inet Bet Ub afternoon, Ue qnaea re
F-, led by Ue Soya' Band aod fulloMcd
bariar a ro«d effeei- Tbe blockade
Polut. The eoafereaee oe
by a leap Une of enrriapes Ailed wiU
ap, and Ue peace propoeaU
hours and Uere was an laformal paae- frieadi.
«f the port la eftecUea.
Oaoe la a
mad. Appareaily so defi
ral pruaeataiioa ef the oceds ef prompt
The pall bearera were B Soma. F.
while a wanbip comes la eloee to the
nite deebion was arrired at. Seaor
action and of meau at baud to effret Cram. E- Halcblstoa. J Morphy. A
ahore. aad thla, wiU the eoaataai
dapMta will oeafer Ub ereainp wlU
IL It was finally ooucluded that Uere Knipbl. A- Rcaaer all as».>:iate ati-nnmore of iMBlaent bombardBeat
tome of Ue dbUapubbed poUtb
daaU endmeaberi of Ue Asylum btae
kaepa Ue Spaaiarde in eoaUsaal fri(ht.
was aaCelent veaeeU off Ua eoaat bnU toam.wbo were seiecled at the |arwho bare been snBBoned to Madrid
Uere now for Ue pnrpoee. When
If Ucre are aay loyal Sp
tlcolar request of tbe deceased.
for that purpoae.
aeeiinp ceded, it was eOlcially ttatad
The remaies were takea to Pslo.
Porto Blee Ue ABertoaBi
that Ue nnaber ef vamab now Uere Mich., where they WlU be laid in Ue
found Uem. Tba army baa been kere
alBsat a week aad wlU the exeeptian
waa adequate for Us lumoval ef Ue I family lot. They were accompneied by
i the bereaved soUer and Charles
«f oaee aot a Uoi haa baea Ared.
Paaaeaper Train Baa Into a Fralpbt army. The dUpatch of troooe home
Tbe latter reproseatmp
Baptse aad One Kaa Killed,
accordlaply will be bepun at eaee.
Beatdee Ue towaa already
: Conrt Traverae and who was selected
nine oUen bare aipalSad Uelr delipht apmtel te Tn Meexnr bacon.
to take charpe ef Ue arranpemeala of
Conditions Meoaoaltata EaAa.
Ue body.
apoeul 10 Tu Hoaxixe Raoeas.
at Ue esBiac of Ue ABerieaaa. Tkaae
West heuad paaaeapar trala Ko. SI.
Washlnptoa. Aspaat 4 —Aa a rasalt
towma are Arrayc, Patillaa. Yabui
Ftanoo WUl Bodooe Dubea.
b.. aad dna of a sUtTlap iriler wriltaa by Colonel
Salisaa, Seats Isabel, Adjaataa, PeaaeIn Ubdtyat 4;OT^4ollidad kaei-u Bactovalt to Gaoeral ShafUr abowiap
Paris. Anpntt 4 —The povemmi
laa, Ooayabal. aad OaayaBa. Thera
Ub afternoon wiU aawitcblap trelpht Ue awfnl ooaditten Into whloh Ue has accepted Ue ovarturm ef <
ware Bpaabb troopa is all of Ue latrain from Ue D^barr dirbloa oa army at Saatlapo b new falUsp. Ue United States looklnp ta Ue rodnetien
portaat towaa In Ue Ust.
of Ue customs dutlm on eertaia AmrriWaakiaptoB itreet bridpe. One man. work of reaovlap Ue army aorU will
eaa prodoett Uat wee* aot included la
Itoac Darb, u > kUlod.
be bnrried forward as speedUy as poa- tke May coaveaUon Neputbllons wUl
Bible. Geaeral Bbaftar iaalsU that Ue bepin forUwiU.
work he dome within two weeka
^'raddy” Booeerelt Olrea Adrloe Mot
hb dental elfiee
Tlatteriap to ▼olontaoia aad
CoBcladod Tbolr Seaaioa in Patroit
Inp Thursday noon of Anpnst 4U sntil
After BloeUBf OfiBoora.
Xa Called Dowa.
Wodaeaday oooe August loih. A xA
eaeetal W The Horom« BacoM.
qaest issxteuded topntrouasd friends,
Simcbl to Tax Uoum btooes.
dental serriem. to kindly
Waabiapwe. Aupott 4. — "Taddy”
Detroit Aspaat 4.—The Leapae of OFFBBBD BY BFAVlSH AT HAK- wsit hU rulors.
Will vbll lesdlap
Booaeralt has written Secretary Alpar, Americaa MaabipallUes eoaeloded lU
dental offices aad labratones in Detroit
and mlo visit Ue KslU.
adriaiap whet traope abonld ha east to work Ub aftcracoa. Mayor Block of Boportod That Oommander Aprood W
Offlos will be open for Uose wbblap
Porto Bico. and drawlap compart
Allow General Garcia to Take Ue to mske appointment same as ususl.
mbna. proaldeat; Mayor Haybory
batwesD his troops acd the repulan, Detroit rice preaideat: Mayor* Tappart
Town If Ke Would Permit Spnnlnrda Telephone 115.
To LoaTS WiU Anna.
aad Ue roinataer army, noferarable to and UilkiraoB were ro-«leetod UaaaSanliapo.
the latter. General Alper returaed a arer and eecretay reepeetirely.
rmraaader In Maaaanillo. aecordtap
atlnplap rebake, adriaiap biB aot to
to a report hrenpbi W Ub city by a
spoil Ue effect af palUat aeUea by hU
P.re at Bip Baplda.
Cnban courier, kai writtan a letter to
sp»ria; 10 Tmt Ueuit** Recoaa.
oommaad by abusa af plaia aoUiera
General Garcia offerinp to surrender
Bip RapidB. Aupo4t 4.—Johaaoa*a that plato ta Ue Cnbans If Oareb will
Ue Aeld of acUea.
eat aterket aad buUdlnp were to aUew Ue Spanbk troops to march out
tally deitroyed by fin tonlpht
Loot of Ue city WiU Uelr arms
General Garcia's army b aarehinp
about H.ouu.
s Bolpnin, and Ue Cataun leader b re
Xer. Betaastian KarUneUl MIerua
ported here to have pained a notable
AaaexaUoa ProAtaMa All
WOKXM VVBSBS DBBIBABIA victory over Ua Spnnbb repulara tn
Ue Ipbtinp near Hayari. Many SpaaBoatoa. Haas . Anpust 4.—Ber, So- That b U* Zletennlnaboo of Sarpooa bh paerillaa. it b aaaerwd by a Unban
baatian Martiaelli. Ue papal delepata,
Ouaeral Stare borg.
Qonrier, joined Ue loauireBta bafora
Who hAP Added a fall
was In Boetaa lut arealnp aa hla way
faatUe. and Garcia eaptnred Ue
Waeklapton, Aupuai 4.—Surgeon
to Bar Harbor. Iranor this Bomlap. Qeaeral Starabeip. who kaa declared town of Mayari and took SOO Spnnbh
line of
Aa to Ue effect of aoaexatioa of Porto
.iUty to Ue Bed Croaa aorpeoai and prboBora.
Two boadred Speabfa familiea have
Biao to tbe Uaited Stataa. be said:
tea aad to female anrues pueerally.
■■laanota poliUciaa. and de aot aeat Ub talepram yestarday U to the ekartered a staamahtp of the Preach
kaow oaoupb about that place to tall chief aarpooB of Ue BerenU army Tramaetlantie Una, ihroupb the French
oonsal here, ta take Uem to SantanwbeUer It would be e benefit ta Ub >rpa at JackaohriUe: ■
To hlB ondeztaklnK entnbllnhaauBtty to own It. Aa far aa Ue la-, "In r«ply to yonr letta- of Jnly 2*. I ,dST.
Seme of Ue wealUleot merckantt ment. Tbe ftimltare will ooterasta of Ue Porto Bioaat are eca- hare to iafora you that I do not apoened, ao doabt Uay will prafit by prore erf harlap female anraM with of Saatlapo. faarinp Uat Ue Cnhana oupy the front of the building
povtke ekaape.
troepe la Ue field or la caBpe of In- emBenl, are prvparinp to leave on and the ondertaking basineea
“WheUar By Juriadleton W41 extead atructlee.
the rear.
tku vcaael._________________
to Ue blaad when aaaexed b a qaea"ButU poaoralhoBpltab or U per
tlaa far Ue Holy Sae to aaswer. hty
tnant ceape. wboro faeUlMea oxbt XATOB VAK WTOXW BBATBBT
Un« of juriadkUoa an already dram for taklap care of Uem. Uey may reaaad I eaanot extaad Uom wlUont a dar ralaahle asabtaaoa, aad f appeora Vew Tork'e Bxnentlro Bavod Lina
Of Tbrao Wonmn.
paalUra ardor from Bobo Wbat wlU of Ue employaMat of properly traiaod
he dOM. if aayUlsp, U a qaeatlon of
tie aaraoi aadar aoeh dfoaaataaNow York, Aapnat 4.—Mayor Bohort
tbe fatoro. aad oao apoa which I hare
SM Union Btraet
A Van Wyek of Ub city waa Ue kore
TUs IS and 25
Per Gent Discount Sale
On Bam Ball Goods will obI; ran tfll
tile aorpltu stock ia sold.
oar sorploB goee nt 15 nnd 2S ppr eeatr
off of regolnr pricos.
City Bookstore,
280 Front St.
FOR $5.00, OF
. (.'
The Birth of
the American Flag I
We have some Fine Pictures of “The Birth of the
American Flag’, that yob will admire, and when yon eee
one you will want it.
MarUiam Block.
Ita-FisUn SMi toSdRM
lof Bt-OB Fat Om
The baUnea of ov
Ladies’ Silt Waiste
We WDO*t
eell it nil nt ench roinons prioes, bot
Tvo Oeate,
of Ue hour at Woodeleft tan. Freepm^
L.L.Ubaftamooa. He plaapcd into
Ue broad eaael la front of Ue hotel
and reeeaed three yoaap womoa from
Tbe wosaa are Mbs
Lowadea of Ub dty and Mba Clara
Prita aad Mba Elisa HeifbetBer. boU
af ClaelaBaU. They are pueata at
Woodeleft Ian. where Mayor Vaa Wyck
b also atayiap for the anaaar.
Wo have Bade priem Uka Ub: SAM fiw
«t.ts values. «i-M for S4.I3 valum, SAM
ssi:i:s-i*'t'SiA''.TrD'S'i5:s=7"jr.^ vs sL-nrsfi
Remeaiber Mji Re* Place-
312 Soutli UoioB Street, ORResite C. t W. M. De|M.
H.E.0IBBB. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correepood with tbe Travetee City Lumber Company.
We hktre for Mde Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of all deecriptiaDA, inciading Two Enginee,
flet Works, Carriagee and Sawa.
for Bale.
A complete Saw Mill Pleat
Hastlogs' Raal Estate Agency.
eofcwi 1st. >BSll bouM.fio* koesUOB. Kb suvrt. css bs taossbt rsrBM.
tUfsst isi.x«od .Iwcllliic. rvruwssd. SeCsws ssCflO periaaaUi bsI'J »sM kv.
4t scM tarw Mllx sosib ssd vest (raw ts« eltr toad ftsed. wsU wstsved. rvuax SS>
sn) Thuua bsrrsis (sroBlr tl,ea
KH aena 1 wlkr •'rat. sU toprorad vUI ba aeU Is oe* plSe* or dlvIM to suit, tosh Ma
. OtbarpUcraiaaiaadaalrsMeorBeraaa.
dobsass Bloek. Fbsasn.
Bicycle Riders.
Bemember Uat I do all kinds of rapairinp and enameliop, and Uat I cat
sod do give yon Ue best work of sny
one in the city tar Ue money. Don't
he deceived by whst other* toll you u
tbe eontrsry. Irat ooms sad sea tor
* -usrsntoe sU my work to be right .
if it does not prove so I make it
■numsw xss.i
Stop in tut I o'clock every evaoisp
except Sunday, in Ue<laldweU A Lon '
don bonding, at norta end of Dnlor
While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Op
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of allIt will pay you;,to try onr 13c bulk coff«—a gw^
wholesome beverage at a wtwall price.
■Phona 167.
MS Vremt Start.
Tsx Mosvnro sboosd. fsioat. Augutr b. iots.
g^iixaumw BBOOBD.
^^l¥■■l^^ cmr, • MiCHiOAii
•OOM Br AUneUn XaproTMMat.
ABoetfated the Joiat park oomBlttee of tke eeaaeil aad the beard of
edaeatioa wm beU laet alfkt far tbe
pvpoee of taklBV aettoa epoa tke liaproeeMB t of the Oeo tral ecboel rroaade
TkeMkefepreeeat wore AUor«hk
CMkt!, »Axm AJP J. W. H*»m.
#. W. HAno.
utd lUufftf
of tke tool.
I deat IraeW meek
akeat it
ter oer lateat Utter* mat
papeia rtlU ^te U Jaae. We kaard It j
tkoBffk, I eaa aaeore peeWriUacoaarreeep plaUdoeea*t g9
Tetj well eorU wind op. I lorpet to
t^ abent ratloaa Otoooraawa aeok
Cook pork aad frp
kardtaek la tke freaee. cook heeee, poUtooe aad oaleoe and Bake eUffaat
•« at tte TcMi*ir> •( 7
Bov. JorBAiLEr.«ne •{ U* proal.
Mi elolwMU to tke UodoMkip of tbe
! talMrity iB U« kooM of
k kM voloBloorod to iBI of lk« <
irM* ia tko MTtborB BtaUo vitk kU
olowB of tki oouUtBtloo. TkU oochi
«• kofo the effect of ploelaf » ijoietoe
«■ «h«M ffoaUeiMB who- kere
. It U tke parpoea of tke eomee to devote tke $80* aivrapriated
Is tke beet poeelbU Baoaer to beasUfy
the pTOusde and tranefono the ackool
(rve late aa attraoUva park isttead
of tke asattreetire epot eow preaested.
Do BotloB of Mr. Booad the city
eaciseer waa cBployed to eet the trade
■take* and eeUblleb tke lereU, at a
oast Bot to exoeed lit. U was also de
cided to nwd one Iseb ef clay over
the PO'. face aad npoo that throe laches
of rich eoll. Secretary Heyt wae emered to proems bide for faraUhlaf
too loade of tbe clay and soo loads of
tke eoll. The Btatorlal wlU ko ad* '
MM as it oaa be proeored aad tka
k advaaoed as rapidly as pooslkia.
Ibe ootsBlttoe wUl meet affais Mosday evsDlnr la tbe eoapdl rooaie.
WiU the aaooat approprUted tke
ooMBlttee expects to make aa inomeat that will be approved aad
k BMrolj to keep «p the orreBia bf tke porty.
•f AppiPprUlUff iBff* Owaod by
Aaotkar, Bat He Appealed.
Tn Mew York Dm
Yesterday afteraoes Jay Cbaaat
d tke poUtieel reaelM of Deeld
B. Eill aad ptopoee to five tbe eooBtrp CMvleted IkJsfUee teowmb aonrt ef
teallof iQffB. The oonplaloantwi
m imltoUtm of • tUU eoMpelrn.
la.Mo.A wkoelal-ed ewperakip to
I rtver,
Tax kwiicM people ore
eartalD Ufa' alanr B
which neaant kpa been eattiar
MffpaUti tke idee tket B o
mill. JmsMee Brown fined Oosant fi:5
aad apispied him the eoeta amoaata MoeMBrilp-be » bed oltiaen.
iaff to ^7.60- rreeeeetor Tweddls
TmB KaaMs farmera are koally ea- iacted the ease for the people aad P.
U payiar off mertrnr*s
C. UUkert IW the dafeafiaat. Tke o
was appealed to the Clrealt onart.
yptitaf down PppnUat praUra
far we kavs more of that thaa any
tbUc elaa I toai wtu Bobarts aad
ret aioar Ant rate Axlar np »ew disk*
M to sat. I Made a sUw fraia some
caaaed baaf tkU moralar that beat
aaytkiar that 1 ever ww. Tke road
aeroas the creek la several places
bat afur it Is olear the water Is
even while It Is warm. I took a rood
bath la It thU momlaraad washed my
only salt of oodercloihee. I threw |
away my bias elotkea. keeplnr my Hlw Lake were la tke eity yeakrshirt aad now havs a easvaa aait ef tey.
ArUar Dewar Bad sUter of LodUigla splU ef the rains we oaa't catch tM are vUltlag tkelr pareau on
eold and as we will be oat of Ooha lear
b'fore this reaches yoo and may be la
MUe LiUie Petereon of Sortbport
thr SUM before fall, yellow fever wae In town yesterday.
do. a Bot frlrhiea me la tbe leaat. I
Mrs. Nathaa Patman of Mortbport
have felt food all the Ume and atroar- mads a trip to Traveme City yeaterar than ever.
Tbe mail r*«s la a few mlaatea. I
otseaors C R. Dockeray and Oaney
rot yoar letwr eayinf mother was ro- of tke Normal lastituta. will leave (olar to Chlcaro Jnly i. I hope abs bad merrow for a day’s ftsblag oa Carp
rood vialt aad Carroll, too. Doyle is Uke.
Uelrlar boeanae a bif tarantaU was
Bomal Wallace of Grand Replds. port?atIt waa three luehea ebaslag agent of the C. A (f. M.. U In
lear sad about aa lock kifk. Life U tke city.
too abort for each worriea, hi
, A. D Eeatof Oreeefleld. Tcoa.. ar
I hope to ret aoolher lettei this af rived in tbe city last ovealar. Hr.
Love to all.
Rent U latercslcd la tbs WelU-Hirmaa
Blswoptu Bsul
Basket Co.
> to norlda Oa
a Xtaasporl.
J. M. Thomas has reaelved a letter
Bps Us aoa Verlla. who Is U qnaraaIlM at Brmeat Qaay. Fla.
Tatlla was one af tka volnateera
- tt»m tbs field hospital to r* law tke
fipper'kee^taL He overwerkod wklU
te the latSM' plaea. aad la <
e sick, and for asarlv four days
tram a hard attack ef malarial
IkOPr. Bowevsr, he reoovared to each
•■•xteataste be able to r* <>■
kaaspnil Baatiaro aad start far the
D^Ud Staiea Be says that ample
pPPPteloB of feed for tke sick
MW oa board tke boaL bat so one
oat te tM aboat them, and tke eaplaia
-MWblod" everythlnr.
§mt Vn
■ of tke Inotttnte.
fbe Menaal laaUtaU Is at present
pMteet ktve of workora With only
am sreek more eaek boor is valnahle
fho Bnrllsk history olaso has been
Birlnf tbs kUtory of the klar* to tbe
Mae of John aad the rraailof of the
Hafaa Charta.
Tka ■■CemmlUeeof ir'asa study U
teo opsalnr work of tke aftenooa aad
tePdeMcr liamey osei It ee lectors
week before the InstltaU as a wkoU.
rrofeaeor Dockeray is bnelly soa
■iar tbs blrkways and byways fi
mn"-------aaalysis la tbe botanical
•eck, two specimens of tbe tmblatae
Mac aeml yeetarday.
tMs axeonloa planned by tka bb
aeroas scbeol ma'ams ef tbe sute inaMtnU materialised last eveninr. the
Ml--------Cammlari with the wide
•wake Creeeeat baed belar ebartered.
Aboat one hnodred school ma'anw aad
Cbetr friends
ffreatly enjoyed
trip arooad Marion Uland.
beat was a veritable bees' eset of war
asi^ Ungkler and lively ebatur
VfelU the band farnisked several pretW ealeeUeM to order.
Depot Bmpleyoe Okaaro.
Tkere has
a ftnmi shlfiinf
arsoad asd atoviar up at the C. A W.
X. fiapot ewlaf to ike transfer of Will
^amsMn U tke roaoraloHeea at Grand
Bapide. HU place as trairkt clerk will
As taken by Bert Jameson, formerly
Mrekooker. F. Manh U Umnifetred
AWM karrMT* master to ear ekeeker
aafi kU place U taken by Ooerre
fkUpa_____________ _
Thirty Poanda of Piek.
Aa tka renalt of one day's fisbiar la
OMplake, Robert Pierce aed eon Reb.rotnraod to Traverse Beach ycater^ with over thirty poaods of pUkerel
Ibeea Oarp lake ukee the palm
ter fish tkU aammer. asd tke maa who
, _met r«i onoarb for all kit nelrbbora
M wtD aa klmaelf U a poor Aibermsa
Alexander Ba* Ote Fever.
BA letter from the ragimontal ehaplate Mate* that O. Alexander, a mem
trn* o< Company M. has keen atrtekra
«vMk yaUow lover, knt of a very mUd
igpa. It U rtportod that he U in a
te'7 way to raeovar.
lUsworth Bale Writes Of Ylytag Bnllota aad Onllaary Hatters.
e-.* a
Saatiare. 8naday. July, IT.
Daan Oras j
bail waated to wait oBtll Saatiare sarrendored.
Probably you have read all aboat it In
tbe papera bat I'll tell yoa wkat I
aad beard. We had a had Ume laodlag. fortbeaea waa very high.
Harvard went ap to the tamoas cbaansl menu of the harbor ef Saatiage
and weaaw the enUre fleet: that
oar fleet. After oar laadiag at about
irked getUag provUiena
from ahore to camp- After sapper we
packed ap and moved oat at S:S0 that
eveniog. Tbe Tklrty-thlrd had a aklrmUh that day aod aaw two of tkelr
dead men buried and akoat Ifteen bad
ly katteiW mesUy by a abell from
hidden battery. Tke Spaalards
have Manaer riflaa, rep«*tiag five time*
wttk oaly a little noiee aad nsiar
amekaleea powder. The eoantry aroaad
Santiago U very meaaulnoas and
tke vallcya the caetoa and gmoea and
palms grow so thick that tbe roads
tke only pomlble way of r«U>n(
tkrongk. Ceeaaaat palms are very
boafay at tbe top aod half of oar men
wore dUablod by akoU fired by ekarpekooUm hlddca there. We marebod
all night until S:M the next morning.
TbU U tke kerinnlng ef tke rainy acwand it raiaa every day. ThU makea
the low roada always maddy aad a few
.UmofthUand Urd clUaking made
laay of the fellowa throw away every
tkiag bat their arma. We met wagonloadaof woaaded oomlng from tbe
fmt The day wd lauded. July 1, was
the dsy of tbe botteat figkUar aad tbe
that really took fiaatiara If yon
conld eee wkat shape tke land kere U
la. whet bill* and vaUeya aad Ue aiv
of their blockhoaaee and trascboa. asd think that their army oatanmheredonn. yoa .
that took our man ever the
hUU overlooking tbe city
We rested
that moralng at Oeaoral fikafter'a
headquartera. Here we eonld hear tbe
firing In front and began to get de
cidedly naeasy. Several of Ue fellowB ware Ulet from Ue march, and
the heat natU after the aooa rata
awfal. We marched np to Ue firing
line, six mltoe mere, and oaoa bee
need W Ue whltring of Ue bnUeU catGog grass around as and Us ocream
and oereeeh of shells over oar beada
They have moved as all over sleea
Uen, for yon know a tmee was de
clared Uat Suadsy. We have bnried
men aad malee. built rands aad toldgm
aad did all kinds of Ulnga. Ue last
being to sapport battery Don Ue right
flank daring Ue Inst sogagomoat
: only lasted two or Uree kenra.
p enty long enough to suit me and to
bring dowa tbelr flag and pot op onra.
Tbe flmal arrnngemcnu were mads
yesterday and at nooMtU Us Spaniards
in Santiago provtneo mareked ont and
M*a George PsoqaeUe of Cheboygan
U viaiUeg C. 8. Vader aad family.
and Mro. J. F. Keesey will ar
rive from Chicago UU meralng aad
will spend oome time with Mra Recuey's father. Hon. Perry Hacaak.
Mlm Agnes Bakbrll of BensoaU U
tke recet of Mra. J. E. Urellldc ea her
way to Nertkport for a vUlt.
J than* who left today oa
C A W. M excnnlon to Niagara FalU
were A F. Cameron, Dr. W J. Blggias,
M. W. raderwood, Dr. B. D. Aebtoe
aad Phil. Sbermer.
Kye Jordan came down from Battoa*
Bay ycaterday on a short bosiaew
^W«. Babbler ef Lake Abb. was here
J. 8. Qriea came here from MaaUtee
yeeterday ea boilaeas.
Mlm Birds Moore arrived last svealag from AugosU. Mich., for a visit!
with MUi Gertrude Monlagae of 8taU
Mis* Ethel Gibba U eetartaiaiag her
ooueio. Hiss Mabel Gibbs of H*yficld
Edward Arllagtoo amd Toay Craadall, advaaoe repreeentativea of "Other
People * HoBey" to be giveo in 8telaberg’t Grand next week, are in the city
In the latereet* of tbe ofgregeUoo.
Mleso* Whaley and Jeuie Roecoe and
Mra. E. H. Rios left yesterday on the
steamer ColambU for a vUll at Peloekey and Harbor dpringa.
T. LndgaU ha* retnrbed from Grand
Dr. A. E. Ming returmod yesterday
from a batlneM trip to Frankfort. •
Barton Celvla has gone to Pctoakey
OB boaiaeas. He will a’oo vUlt other
amall town* In that eeetloo.
J. D. Slater of Elk Rapida passed
threngb the city ycaterday oa hU way
to St. L-mU, MUb.
Jake Rampeaga. formerly window
draiaer for Jalies Steinberg, retorned
last night from CharlevoliMra J WiUoaof Beaooala U vUlt
lag her daughter Mra. Will WiaaBt of
Seath UaioB atreet. Wilfred Mabaaab
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
Is His Famous Oomady
Just as presanted with rreat
success at Hoyt's Hew
Fork Theatre.
Specitl Prices, 26, 36, 60 cts.
fetoaiy Rlglit, iijiut 10.
Hnetlere Beiamed From Bay View
With Two Tictorlee Te Tkelr Credit.
CheapMt and inofif rehab)* |dae« to get yonr bicycle repaired aad
pat in go^ mnniog otdei. Have bad aeTeral yean experieoee aad
know boff it abonld be done. Satistection gnarauteed. I am telling
bicycle eandriee at aboat eoet. K«v and tecond band wheel* for iaI*
and to rent. Pleaae gir* as a trial.
Brazing a specialty.
iLIsIB, 311 Front dt^Bfifft
Watch This Column For Bargains!
<18 COM
American Steam Laundry SJJ'U.S 'SSTteoUmt^ior
and deliverod.
Ask Us For Prices,
Prteee wiU be rlchl. A. 8 FRYMAN. 8H0B8. lU Front street.
Do Yob Wut a Boat?
beild a good one cheap, aleo rvpair at short
notice. Call and eee what yoa can gaU. WM.
PETTERLY. 81$ Monroe street. West Bide.
Spectacles, 26c to $6.00. ^
5 ceDts-Smoke Cracker Jack Oigars-5 centsBest Ptvp Cent Cigar Hade. THE GILBERT CIGAR Oa
Guard Chains
Fine Piano for $140.
»$$s. ...........
Decker Broe'. Sqnare. medera Aealga.
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Baktag Powder ^ Coffee
ts. so and S5e. FnU line <3:
COOR. Star Oroeery,
Oroeery. S4S Front Street.
Bon Bens, Cbolce Confections.
The Haetlera took both tke gamec
at Bay View yeetereay. The moralag “
IS, 15,
e world finer than tkoae ■
, and Park etreeta.
Furniture Bargains
« aad Dntea ste.
:“,7‘.‘r::’ru“*Jr.rX,No More Atlas Coupons Si’ll
Isoued after Aaffoot L tat reasernkte
and so ia the afternoon. Thebattoriee aad r«d raspberries, for canning pnrpnaw THOI
la tbe moralng game were BeUer aad BAKERY, owner Union and ?th str.
Beat, Brunner and CharcbUl. In the
afternoon Rutherford and Huat. McCoy
and CkurehiU.
Lueebce in Ue werld for lie. Open Ml night.
Jerome Wilhelm made tbe longest
bit ef tbe oeason in tbe afteraeoo
Ton^ht'B Se^ StosA
game. The team retnmed leat night.
Columbian Restaurant
The Beat Bemmedy for fflux.
A, a well known
olaski, Ry., mye:
feriag for over a week with
ay phyalclao having failed to
relieve me I was advUed to try
CkamberUo-* Colic, Cfaolsra aad OUrrboea Remedy, and have the pleasure ef
HUtiag that 'bslf of oar bottle cured
" For sale by S E. Walt
Poimon fly paper reedy e L It km
the ate*. S ceuU a oackaga at Wait'
Drug Store
Tonight Ue We-qne-toag elob paily'
Tony Fotertyl Freparinff To Start Xn
WiU take place etUe elub kooae naff
pr^nraUnne made by tke tofflaa m
Arehlteet W A. Dean ts proparing
plans for a new two sloiy brisk build
ing for Aatkooy Petsrtyl. Tbs bond
ing will be ervclsd on Us corner of
Suu aod Uahm streoU. aad will have
a atoae fonndatioo aod gravel root. It
wUl be BOM as a earriogs and wagon
factory. wlU a firat clam blaeksmiU
shop la eonnscilon. An 'elevator is to
be pot la aad Ue machinery will be
raa by electricity.
This will add anoUer impertaatlndnstry to Ue cUy.
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to^late Paliter
apd Papar Haager.
Shop Opposlts Baffle Ollloe.
Bicycle Riders!
Dorm esrrr m Aeekdeat PolU,- U
leof *r<ridrou. CUIsi, sCJue
(on»U lloJeof
• Itbooiit^ibr oiakl nsouDl ■
Arrldrol Mid OlrknM* Id
bolll OSperBootb. CbJI wS lD-w.lirs>e t
relied StbiM iMifTolealHorUcr «t s^ibea
IuieslerI iGMBinct
Tbe Rev. W B. OoaUey. of Stoekkridge. Ga., while attondlng to his
pastorial detiee at Ellenwoc
' that
te. was attacked by
ky cholera
choiora morb
myo. "By chance
ebaaue 1 happened to gget
bold of a botUe
of Ckambcrlie'e
CkomberliB's Coi
Cholera aed Diarrhoea Remedy, aod 11
^iTlie Way They Settle!
oale by S. E. Walt.
^ ^
."'o.'::'’' sin-.
Dear Sin:-I reemvvd today tkraagh
"The Droggibt'' s eent
elekle amoke in town
Drag Stora
your dUtri.-t iBbatger. W. R. brdy.
■ ekeek of teO M. tn full nettloMOt od
my aorident claim.
Thaaldng you for the fair and prompt
manner in wblek you have aetUed wiU
ma 1 rwmla a mwntaer ef yev ms»claUon.
Opomox BaxamrTA.
ISOl Vine ftreet.
ManUtae. Mieb.
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ;
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ;
of Men's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th<s seasonlof ;
; the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy- ;
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ;
and the
TBB aBnnriwa»v*oiuu>,HJBtB*TrA-uou*i * laes.
AU n VDTmxasT vo» dxo.
hk kdcaae raaaarhM»«fi ^
aad whndhpy lavaMraCdd they f>
XUUar aad oa* horae dead.
Bctuaiac Hlan Brlac ]>*WB ]Tt»rif OS^^OOO la 0«U Bat XbMa.
tredooed reaolatJeaa'
are BmUag Back to the Plnfree
whl^ ware
■til— Ma»dia*i
Idle -lira la voted down.
Bawaoa aad ■oeh BnAriac.
Dr. Odorr* B. Riebmoad. who hae
Viotorla. B. a. Aacut 4.—TkrM- Jatt died la Laatiar at the apa of
qaartaia of a biUUob dolUn Is
yeara. waa a man of rare reaiaa.
Aaat aad fall; fc.ooo.ooo la dralu oa wu a deatkt by profvasioa. bat had
the btf Haika>(^iaBardal aompaar devoted ceaaiderable time to eeieBUfle
aadbaalatkatare dolac toeaiacw la Inveatioa. Qe at one tint* iaveated aa
Dawaan Olty arrivad Uis morataf oa eleelrie telephooe which h* pat into
tka- KtawMr MaaseBae, farMerlj a ai* tn that city. It wa* oaed with *ae»lea«ara yacht of a wealthy Eayliah- o*** b*lw**B Laetiag aad ether eitiee
mas. aadaurra raeaaay falacly ered- prior to the dlaaovery by Dr. Bell, who
itoi with harlac bees fitted oat aa a obtalaed the patent. Dr Blebmoad
privateer to prey oa the Kloadlke fold alw) bad an appilcaUoB for a patent
hoaU. TbU fortaae la divided betweea which eo alarmed tbe Bell oomoaBy
the CM paaaearers. Bone retora very that It keUlmed they cffered liu.ooo
wealthy, bat aot alt of them took the for tbe inveatioa.
iroU oa t ef the rroead. a aum ber beiar
ChpL John g AndereoB ef Company
apocalatore who made their mooey, or
E. Thlrty.thlrd Mtehlraa voUal
rather daat. la varleai kinda of epecahu reached hU borne at Sariaaw.
bae loet *^ty posed* aad wae eearcely
The mieeae aay affain are aoae too
recoralxabla Almoat th* Aral werdi
bright la Dawaoa City, aed aoeordiaf
apokea by Andrew Q. Lor-kwood. l
to a aecaber there are bow over 10.000
Biambw of Company D, Third-tbird
■aan oa the way down the Vakoa river
Blchlcan volaoteerv, who waa *fa*t la
in aaiaU boau. Tfae people are leavlar ih* loot at Saatlar*. an reaeblag hom*
I^waao in hoadreda. The kireeta are
waa tfae qoeaUoa, "la that Caban flar
fiUad wltb idle men. for work ie bow
•tUl flylnr over oar boaa«r‘ B*iar
dlflealt to yet. ae the city U maeh over told bo, b« laid; "Doa't pot it ap
araia. Th* Cabas*.’ be eaya, -are
A majority of the paeaeareta of the wortbleM fellowe, do food for
Mmauaae caoie down ibe river la the
• ateamere J. J. Hea;y. Merwia. Alioe, thlar-''
Will Bata* and Sadie Bewton. the
aad Maryareu the last to reach the
Addlaon roaawaya. have been hronrht
■ooth of Ue river
The fiealy ar
rived Jeei twe weeke are. the day the back by Depaty Sbcrifl Bertram fi^p
Maaaeaae eaUed. She left liawaea Van Wert. Ohio. Bate* wa* ladred la
July Ifth. aad leporu the river rapidly jail, whil* th* pirl waa take* ham* by
falUar aad maay bare dim«U to eroM. ber par*Dta. Mr. Newtoa lodfvd
oomplalat aralait Bate* for itMliaf
Mach infferiar It aaid to eziet aloac
the Lower Yokoa. maay little rroape hU borae. bar^aad hamem. Batm
claimed that he did aot latend to alepe
Of Btraaded miaera who at* witheat
faad* aad prerialona beiaf aeea at with hk IS-ycar-old aweetbeart,
peiate aJeay the river. At St. IClehael'a parpM* belnr V> taka ber to friend* la
Ohio, brnmaae ahe waa aot treated wall
aFalre are looklap eztreately black aad
dverythiaf polnU to tronble in the near
The Illlj
who went op
oa the kti
ara la a very
badaHoailoa. The men ef the Com
BWetal coaptay refnae te allow them
aahore, and th* Bteamablp eompaay
owatof the veaBcl U onable to take
them ap the river, havinp loai iu river
ateamera, which were to have taken
pamearere to Daweon. Many of the
paaaeaper* wbo have fond* have tranaahlwmd to acme of the river ateamera.
bat the freatcr aomber are etranded
OB the oeeaa veaael. Tbe aitnatlon la
indeed a precarloo* one, for when tbe
Maaueaee eailed the proriaioa* had all
bat riven oat.
Tbe beach is crowded with auandad
niner*. Many who kav* drifted down
the river have aot euffieient money to
pay their fare *oalh and there they re
main. waiUfir for eomeihiutf to turn
“ WWl... th.,»h H„bor. o.
Betamed Brom Oalifcrala.
Mia* Uianle Beitaer, who ha* baca
epaadia; the peat year at Loa Aayelea.
Cal.. arrived home last evealnr. Mim
Baltaer'i many frtesda will be pled
learn of ber arrival aad oempieU rw
eovary ef her health.
Mim Beitaer
waa net ezpected for aeveral day* and
ber arrival wae a dellphtfal aarpriic to
bar paraau aad frienda
Little TraTeie* Befatta.
Everybody like* boat rae«* aad admiu ther* is no sport so pretty oi
teresiinr. So it will b« weleom* e*wt
to all to hear the anaonnoemant that
tbe asDnal repaita of tbe Little Treveree Boat Cleb will occor Amraet 10.
Foil pa-nlcclar* will be rivea later.—
Hetoakey ReeordBravtUea
w. , *
•ni. bmd
ud .a, 1,.
lar la pile* oLArewood alonp U»* bar
ren Alaakaa eoast.
Advkce from tbe Copper river
ooantiy state that there are abogtC.OOo
people oa the rl*eier. raehiar oat a*
faAae poesihle. They are afraid if
the rorerament dom not *m»d ralicf to
them KMB there will be eoare* to die
ef stai-ratioa and expoeore
Th* iee
I* melttnr faat and the ttreams are
pwollea. maklair it danreroe* to an
dmiake to ero*s them, but rather tbae
atay there and surve to death • tbe
praapeelori will risk aBythier-
ee the P. Pari* pine* this
sends a hip sheaf of eau that apeak
well for tbe fine crop be ezpecu to barvast thii year. They sverapv foor feet,
and the beads are very larp* and fall.
There will be a aeetiapof tbe Ladtea
Aid Society of tbs Cooprepatlonal
chnrcb Friday at 3:>o p. m..
home of Mrs. J. G. Johnston. A larpe
attendance is desired.
CTbe first Pupils Beelml ef the
mer will be held at tbe School of Ha*ie
in the Beadle block this afurnoon at
Tbl* recital la for pupil*
only, and all pupil* are requested to be
Mba Lotti* Dcapherty of Elk Rap
A fin* lot of horsM arrived yesterday
id* arrived yeaterday to visit the Misses t the steamer Pevwkey from Phicape
Smith- They wUl yo to Csrp lake to for J O. JensoD
They wiU be **ld
day to apaad a few day s campinp.
A new cement wslk is belnp laid In
front of A V. Friedrich-* shoe storn.
^JdtJdliitJdLAL ML Sit jpt A SM M
~ £|*ndtb«n*w bulldlop to be occupied
^rvj w .uw
ThaW u b,inr
? <*on« by Nelson A Bedf..rd of G.-aod
Xattei*oi InierMt From All a ;
*. _
..V ur. V.
"• ' r^oan. thr *rchiuel. ha* -rnde
Part* of Klchlpan.
fe | plans for the »e- w:ho.,l bnlldlnp
East Jordan, He is etso mskinp plaas
Mr*. A. Pitch of AlhioB, Ul.. and for a uew residcace for W. P. Poller of
three ether lady tourisU were thrown that plaee.
E. L. Ksnsom shipped from hU
from their earriape by a runaway team
al9t.Ipnaec. Mra. Fitch suatalned a farm yestcHay ui eases of Mortlla
fraelored rib and left abonider. Tbe cherriee, to Cblcapo. All picked be
aooidcni was eauaed by the bore** tak- tween the boars of : s m and 4 p. m..
and be wants to know who can bast
inp fripht at a staamer-i whUtle.
Arthur Bappelyea was acorebiap oa
F. B. Skeel*. surveyor of the lands
JliebiPaB aveeue at Sapinaw. .The of th* Apricultural collepe. and who i*
treat fork* of bis birycle broke and also a candidate for State L«nd ComUh rider wa* tbrowB violcatly to the mfamioner, arrived la tb* city last aipbl
pavemant. Oae ear was tors off. bia OB boslneto eenneetod with hli sfii.:*.
head was badly Injured and he rmelved
Oeorpe Swalnsto*. snpervWof Parsthtamal injuria*. It U feared be wUl dlae towaahlp. 1* lyinp very ill at his
boma Dr. Halliday wae Bammoned
Mrs. Joha Baker, aped
who waa
to Kinpsley yesterday ia a eonanluran away with Wedaesday nipbi at tton with aaother phyeldan.
^ Ealaeioo, died at 1 o'clock ibis monThe Traverse City Bepieter ofBoe is
lap. A year apo. while vuitlnp brr belnp moved from the Furtach haildlnp
aom, Marras B^er. in n-aabiopton, she
on South Colon itraet to the balldinp
toBBheeriykUled in a runaway.
formerly oecnpled by 0. A. Joboeen.
- At Otvere. Mr*. Lydia Davie and the drnppfst.
fiMpbe r mare alttlap oa a paper mill
•hoA Munic at Btif Frioa. alao
Ira^ which tipped over aad threw
IJMO pPUBda of paper oa them. eerioBaly fejnriap Hr*. Davis.
Qiatpt Miller, aped M yeara, while
*^ban Boe*a." •'Thelma* and aU
firaala«« Aeld Wednesday wae klUad the lateat pwlamea at Waif* Drap
by Urhtaiur. Meichbota aaw oae «f
OamABy** Xlac Fay* -Trtbot*
Tb* AMry artfaa Lata
Berlla, Aapaat 4.*-The Katoer has
addressed Uc follomlap imperial reaerytt to Prlnoe Hohealobe, th* imper
ial ohaaeeUor:
-WIU my htpb allies aad wiU the
whole Oarman people I stand moaratap at the bier of Ue first chaaeellar
of Ue German empira. We wh*
wiueme* of hi* epleadld Uheem, who
looked up to him in admlratloa aa a
matter In eUteeeraft. a* a fearloM
fiphter la war or peace, aa * meet de
voted soe of U* taUerlaed, and
faiUful aervanl of hU emperor aad
klap, art deeply alfeetod by U* deaU
ef Ue man whom God Ue Lora faabtoned as Ue lastrumeat to achieve U*
realisation of tbe uedyiap aapiratJ
for Germany's unity aad prealaeea
TbU U not Ue moment to enumei
all Ue aebievemenu of Ue preat n
History alone can da him jeaUea. and
will enprava them all upon hrasae
Uhleu. I am. however. impeUed to
r1v« exprcaaiou before lb* whole world
to U* anivaraai aorrow aod prauful
admiratleo wbleh today animate Ue
whole sstioB. and In the name of Uat
aaUaa to vow that he. Ue preat Chaa<
oellor, aadar Emperor WiUlam Ul
Great, created. I will maintain and
develap and. if need be. defend wiU
hleod and treamire. Iu UU may God
Tbe Haaborper Kaebriebtoa publiahea a eommunleaUen from IMnee
Barbart Bkmartk ia reference to Ue
cxprenalona *t aympaUy received
Ue eeearioB of hU fatber^ daath.
Tl^eee. he saye. are ■* everwbelmlnply
semmtma that it U impeasible for him
to thank Ue eeadere isdividnaliy. aad
he thsTefore uraa U* paper as Ue
diam fm thaaklnp. ia behalf of Ue
family, "all thoac who by tbelr words
of eomfort and hy floral tributes frern
Uoac wa have never seen have plven
expremion to U* splendor of Ue
row which fille ear land."
Amid Uc pereoaal and political aspaeuof Prince BUamrek'searMr which
are akeorbiap U* atteotlon of Ue
preas and public much attaation
fixed *a U* cartons choice of Ue
prinea for Ue sit* of bU
This I* la a peuto field In as open
space la the fiachseawald. U U elc
to U* railroad an* Is flanked by telepraph pole*. Tb# slnpularly nnromantlcsorrouBdlops jar Tentoalc remaaticlam. aad do not barmosit* with
Ue prlaee's love ef rurai quiet,
old frieod. Berr Ixsmbacb, tb* painter,
prieved at Ue nusultabllity of tbe
site sBd ss.v* Uat U* prtsee oupht
b* baried wiU kis forefelbers in I
■k at Sehonbausen.
MMaay Lareyle. U* eoaaadlaa aad
ttor of 'lOtbar Peopla** Moaay.” haa
hMamakflBc extmsaira improvaatcau
at hU oenatry pUea. ap at Bye. aad
ap other Ihlapi. aa addlttoa to
bb baaaa b baUdlap. Th* foamUttoa
reqniraa a praat deal of blastlnp, aad
wheaasm anyof Ua family hear Ue
waralnp ery. -nr*r from the workmea Uey mahea mad rash for a baUroom-at the aad of Ue psaaap*. where
noatonaimn pcaelbly craah ia.
LOToyle ha* bees eniertainlnp a eonaln
of hla. a elartymaa. lately, a^ a few
moralnpa apo all Ua family eat at
braakfaat tepether.
-nie etvrpyman
asked a blcealnp. Amoap eUer Ulaps
h* said; “We tbauk thee for Uy kindly
durlap Ue past nlphl, and we
know that Uon do*t s* watch ever us
that wa have aaapht to fear; Uat w*
■aie------------" Juet Uen some one
yelled-Fir*r and the entire Leroyl*
family raahed for U* bathroom. Tb*
elerpymaa was in U* dash. Indeed, he
reached the plae* of refupe flrak "Heanee^'*. he pasped. "are you aur* we're
safe here?"—Waahiupton Po*V
No ^y ha* attracted so maay dtoUnpnisbed aad notable people as has
"Other People's Meaty". Cbanney M.
Deaew, Bx-Goveraor B. P. Flower,
Dave B. BUI. and oUera were frequeat
vtoiton durlap Ua leap raa U New
York aad Ue qnaiat odditira aad basinesB maxims of Hennsaey Lerayls afferded thorn keen onjoymeat. At 6uiabeiy’a aeit Wadaeaday.
/. H. LaPaacleGtaat Two Bine OlrcBA.
Kovelty. axeoltoan*. oripiaality aad
laapaltodeaadBtriklnf eharaetaristtoa
ef J. H. ImPearl-B clraas performaaera
Ui* leaaoB. In UU department ar*
inltltuda of new i
<w dbpUya arc ]
ray of arenic talaat that for thrna
solid hour*, tw* rinps and elevated
atap*. a world ef aerial apparatus, Ind'
U* ImmeaM eaTTvuadiap raee ooana.
are occupied wiU saasatioaal dUplays
participated in by over !W pearlaea artUta New featurai are Ua rala, Ua
eld Urn* worn nnmbera have bees dtomi to wax* iwom for U* nmay
part* ef U* werU. Ia th* two rlnpu,
clevaud atap* aad upoa Ue serial apperatus eoataiaed in J. B. ImPearl's
Coleesal Parilltoa. Us ehamploaa ef
every country meet la frieadly rivalry
for soprcaacy. and compeae U* moat
varied aad praadeet ar«aic exhibiUoa
SMa under canvas. WUl exhibit
at Traverse Cily Tburnday. Aupust IS
Th* followiap are lau arrivab at Ue
b*teU at NorUpon;
The Waukaneo.
<'BeM>ri Motes
J. G Benjamin, A. A Miller. TravMrs. J A. Knapp aod two ebildi
■■eCitv, W. W White. A B. Eyeraon
of Chlcapo. are puesta at Trare
SBd SOB. WaukepoB; Georpe A. Felder
aed wife. Grand Btpids. HissMarparet
U. J Ulmaa and taml’T. whe bsv« Felder. Maesfleid. O ; Frank B Orr
been apendlnp some time at Tr*'
and wife. Cbieapo, Mr*. Oeorp* LariBeach, left yesterday for Petoakey and
aad *00. Cedar Baptds. Mlcb.; Oeo.
Maehinac islaiid. before rclnrnlnp to UlUer. Charlevoix.
r*. C. A- Webb of Xortbpori. aod
Ul* Larson. Gnltoas Bsy. Jaeepk
ber eister. Mlaa Glennie Graham ef H«naea. Traverse City; O. A Du. ChiCaesopolU. came down from MorUport capo; W. H. Borlbul sod wifa city: G.
tbe fiteamer Creseeat and epeat last C. dllvera. Acme; E I. Adama Maple
evenlop In Uc city.
City; Georpe Taylor, B GTdley, Em
aod Mr*. H. Blowmaa and Plre.
danpbteref Detroit are (uecto at U«
Good Tim* at "Fairriev."
H«UI WhUlnp.
YeeterdsyUe Three gaarter B. B
Mi«*ea Susan and EllubeU Donphty
and Jeaie and Keltle Camp of Lansinp club enjoyed a jolly picnic at ••Fairview." Uc country home of Mr. aad
are Isle arrivals at OmenaMra. Jacob Culoian. on lb* peniasala
Mn. W*et of Grand Rapids arrived
The ptieeu of booer were Mra C Bixrr
Its BorulBp for Ke-ah-U-wanta.
MorrU. UU.. and Mr. and Mr*.
Miss H. F. Cutebeen and Mist M B. NlchoU of Kankakee. IIU. Mra Cul
Wbllwan came down from Ooseoa vee•erred a refreahtop lancheon aad
terday to meet friend* who ctme ea the party made a dellphtfui day of
tb* oonn train.
Mu* Royd. who has beee spondinp
Vsrrowly laesped Injnry.
several weeks at Omena. returned yes
While'driviup ane ef bU spiritod
terday to ber home at Omaha, Ne learns yeaterday afteraoon Tom Shane
fcad a narrow escape {ram eerions
Mb* Speed ba* a'rived from Mem- jury.
Th* team became fripbtaned
phis. Tent)., to spend some lime at tbe at a* spproaebiDp eopia* aad atarted
•mens re>orU
to run away
Had not Ue flapman
Mise Jojasoo o' <>!d UlMien. took stopped tbe iralD Utre woold have
dineer at Ue Park Place yeaterday.
been a dUastroos collltl'to.
Walter Bower* ha* retnroed to New
ark, Ohio, after spendinp aome time at
Bad Kick by a Morua
Wbn* Frank AusUa was attesdlap
F. 8. Jebasen and htmily of Cleve to a borae yeaterday neon. U* animal
land. are at Uc Park Place hotel.
kicked him ia Ue f*r«b^ inflicUnp a
A party eonsistinp of H. D. Macon danperous wound. Baaides a paxh'
»d Mis* Gertrude MeOarpe and D. K. Boarly three inch** loop. hU *kuU h
Msaon arrived last evenlap from Pitta- fractured. Austia U a farmer aad Kv**
burp. Pa- They will leave Ub mero- about Uree nUlea west ef Ue city Dr
ap on U* boat for aome oa* of Ue Moon attondod th* man.
bay resort*.
J. A. Linder. H. J Some and John A.
Dnltarian d«rvie*a
Oathiat. Urc* pcntlemaa from Save.
Sunday, at th* City Opera Bona*.
:il.. ara la Ue city aad are prepariap B«v. Leslie W. gprapu* of Grand Bap* IT a llshiap esoadillon to Carp Imke. Ids. will bold Dnitarian sarviee*. He
Mrs. F. C. Hall of HoIIaad. Mlcb.. U WiU deliver n nermoa on ■•Bettor News
rapburad at U* Park Place.
of Ue Expanded Gospel" In th* snenWlliiam C. Kader. a
iap. aad la U« *v«»i^ hU mihjeet wUl
of the Marsha] Field Co.. Ohtcap*. en- b* “Praym WlthMt Worda" Bev.
oyed Ue breeies off Uc bay the past Sprapne U of th* Daitariaa aad lad*iw* daya Be wUl return to Chiespo pasdent dtorehaa
UU m-uelnp.
Old firntton Fieaic Poa^aBad.
Mra V*r Camp, aecompasied hy her
Bnrdiekvill*. Anpnst 4.—Owtap to
tw* children, arrived la U* city last
STBSlap from CincinaatL They srill th* ^plracaat wsaUar '‘Th* Old
fietUen Pipnie" was paetponed antil
he paeau at Ue Park PUea
WedBMdny. Aapnat 10th. Everyen*
WllUamh Fetoekey Orsam. oare U iaritod to attomd and aajay a pood
The tame exaBltent pn^ram
ileaa epoone and plaeeee, Tkb mlx- praparad for Aapant IrdwUltaeraaderw eonrttutee our toe etmm soda at
W^th aoda fouatalB.
: You Reach
The best way to do so is to i]'
employ the
Dtlir citcvutTioV
The MoffliiM
For three months, ending
August 1, was
These Figures Speal folumes to the Progressiie idvertiser
Reaches the masses. That is
the reason its
If you want to buy anything or want tQ
sell anything
Try the Record Want Department
tkto TMDf lad7«
kw taaotr M
■»*»>« MO of
ttalftr wltbont • Kaur for her bv>a. tk*
^M^D Of Mr. SolotBoe Boggi «ui be bbQp to tt« tUrtr-vraOi fmt al bt*
4Mlct>ter'e exlrtoMe tk« onir md «bc
kal wooed bar wu • gtsiUemu (ron
MaKloo.wbo.Jwt le the olokof dmft.wai
(awid to powaaa three otbeh wItw.
•o tonuoDtod and lirltotod did Me.
Bom becMM that Uttle \rj Uttle bu «Bboidlaatoe bweme filled with lew ead OB-
■aw «aain Dwd Um.
jMpaetar ^nreaww at ttaa
bwd of ^ datacMTa b«am ia ttiM
aty. ba Miaillihiid • aflaia fcr pR»>
taaCii« Mm >aara(ry dtetrkit and WaU
, artika aocD bw»n» fanoaa aa
■CRnks’ dead Una." DataeMaw
«B tfaa^wacob daring Iwirintaa
ttotm to faaacBt uaj weU kiwMrn <Bodk
CrcBs ge^Dg down (awn below FUtos
•tnat. thla plan atret
a namber d
Douiooa oobfidenoa n>eo and' Bfak
thlrrea fran a dlaolat (bat had pro^
«e tbetn. After Bjtim left
Scarce Mm "•dead line" wwDot cloae-
«*Wora tow aayWr aiaHtabrf
fMdlac Pate oanMnptaoaaly. « be
threw aMife tbe paper. "Ole Is da Mnfli
ptocsn rre wen cd dat mefi. Aa na
"Well," repUad Meandering Mika.
**we-got«M grtb an bear it. Weeaa'I
when bo glto to be e bero ee ^ do
rbea be*! took for de regoea'gaUecy."
•^•WaMtiagUD Star.
Oaptatc MgCltiaky did wben be
took tbe management of tbe drteotire
btmna ww to {e-eetnbUab it. Two ot
McCkMky't deteoclTt) WTgeniMi were
pa Irani tbeii dtoa- (tonrtlng at tbe ocm« of Broadway and
John MreM one day laet weric when a
tall, wdll boMt man, wbo from hie ap'
b that eboold
Mdoan tb«
light bare b4«o
__ n done br Mr. Bo^ himieU and to brriKT. walked pant tbem w if oo boaiaeatna orv bti drek eroiT mornltig a boga
I MB of pap-r* to make It look at thengb
«id one of tbe deaect1
ftin-Ucioan wae a tertflo man ct
I . .11: ■< think a-rioneJyo* ra- Irea. foUerwing the man amiaapfkag
WITT htmtolt the blm CD (be Mioolder.
. ..
,.__ and of mtahlUhing
How dare yon rtop tne ta that taabVIU DU mt-Uiei a email elgar ((and
V' Bid tbe nan. with a gnat abow
of ikdiguaMoo.
In atRlodwl (trertwhere Indglngiw
“Now, doo-t make a fuea." Mid tbe
to be obulned at a ridloulotuUy low figara
and where the prioetpal featoim of (ba deterti^B. “Ton are below tbe dwd
Undmape cooeUtod o< waebid cIoUmb hung Hoe and yoa will bare to g<i tamk <W wa
will nice yon op to buntbinanera.
aat to di7 and oloud* nf aodt eiuanattl
TSre man loet his bravado al
from the ebimDor* lived Jamm ISiruka
Bight a<a«Be the oonrt from Janwa Pa- aud promptly beggtri for aicrey.
»«ke Ured Margaree MalStu. and twtwren toaakuowoto (lie polioe as “Dia
tbem there eztned a romaatlc fouling that Jac“ Morphy and b« has ivoenUy fin.
belaaged to (j-lvan grove* end babUlAg ished a term in a w-wtoru prlam. Morbeoofci and wae aDUrelj out of plaoe In
pliy ckplaiund Uiot be did not expect to
each a tocalitr
be recogniuxl. and on bis promising to
Jam« EVul
leave town tbe dulMKires reieaeud him.
ttoD to the office of the
retorr of U>e enaetwUe trade. wIk« be —New Tork San.
ocBBclaBUoualT ivrtormrd Ibe taake oi 10
high uffidal*. w bo on their parto Iwt a
WhW Ui* EaglUh Kbw Wants.
acme of dlgnltr to the offioc.
One of tbe tnast Important points in
But the lore that ezl*tod between Ji
and Mtogaret was not a bread and batter any uavy is t':e battle training, tbo edat. the lack ol tboto olemenu In oaticEi in Krategy and taetioa glvna. It
deed bolng the oolr dtowback to Ita hapfir is pTwcaioally certain tLet oar Eogliih
flaets will have to face oaostaitt oigbt
eoaiuni matlon
Mr. BawKi., having attended a raee
of the ooiiimlnoe on pnw and oonm
wedged in bohe channd to ge<
•ween two living (tunea
aoold not drew It
. Penike,
ting the foot tree again, for which act of
fcfndiMto Mr B<wpi invltod him to hU
botue to take diuner and meet bia daugb
A dieringniritod Britleb offloer. Oap.
taki May. not very long ago wrate two
paper* OO Mctics. oODolnding
with an appeal to authority to eamblitfi
a tactical sobool cxoolle^ eiwwcnng
to tbe French higber naval sebool end
Mmilto InMltaticEn ta Genaany and tbe
United Btetto. Hu appeal kas eo fkr
been fntiUees As e oatum we are a(K
lo derpisQ knowledge and (obelleretbat
orotbi-r ’ tootsedebrtmiUers'
OB the day of battle. Oonfidcnce U
tolvea Is good and wboleacme, bat It
•bonld not lead os to furgot tbe toot
tbat eetoaoe baa a way of taking a ttorikde M»ge apou tboor wbo deeptee
bar —a. W. WilsoB toFtrtDigbslyRevlow.
Tbe aoqnatDtaoc
I not long beftre
be botueof tboflrit
ftmctlnoaiy t
■ thnrougbir poeted
shout WerTtblng t
Blssbelb Boggs
But all ihu time tbe heads of J<
Peruke and Margaret Muffins were filled
with s wUd and desperate seboue.
Jaiues..whou be vlMtod Miss Boggs, as.
(UiDod s lovtwllke famlllarti}. All this
Wtoduly Imparted by Miss Ellssbctb to
her father, end be agreed with bv that
tb>. oaly thing that pewentod aa avowal
on tbe iMit of Jamce Peruke was dallaaW
toougnltiOB of bU poor oaiato.
A word to tbe bonerable tbe seeretefy
of the coastwise Cnde from bis friend, tbe
A geoUsnan at Balcigh (be other
llrM funetlonary of tbe lord mayor, would rveoing was btdng ctmgiacalBted by a
ft to rights
friend cm bevtog eecured a goeemmest
ocEitract for gCu.OOO wenb of gtm cne.
eda bulky doci
ten. Tbe poeweatw of tbe conCract did
amis sod Imnro
not appear to be very gsreUy elated.
Uand lUBdrd It Id his t>
“U u a dangmone bcsinMa " bemid.
(be (Uly-Hret dh Isluo.
The chief of the slxty-fim dlrldo
dlrUloe In- "and. tboQgfa tbe prefiu semu Isige.
gdlaioly waited upoo JasMS Poruk.
Poruku. wbo wb«n you cousider (be risk cocneeted
eat et budmk copying a
witb the prodoudoa of tbe eaploeire
by the oommandur of tl
the Ninth brigeds
antoeutb InspBcwr of tbe royal Inkstand '
' g of the royal Ink ^
For a moEBEDt Jamm Peruke's bred
•warn, and he was eoUniy troahletogmsp
tbe MtusUoD.
As eooa as be could eoHes his m*i«s
Jtonm emnod to ask tbo riuaf If be might
absent btmsolf ferttwday; but. remem
bering tbo ricuatlan bo now bold, bo look
ed bond Instood and ninmrkid;
"I think—BW—1 tbhik 1 will go home.
Please am vcy my regards to the huncrabis
(be serrelarr' of the euastwtae trade and
toll biin I «nsii toll (o pay my itopaete to
morrow '•
All till* time Margaret Moffito was
qulrily lursutfig hu’ bourebold vocations
uneuas i .u. of the
mx-nw that were
eudduily the donr was flung tlolently
Open, snd In cam., iaimw, th.. WTcntremth
iocpectoruf the royal Mikstood. breathlem,
totllant. happy.
The cab ws> waking oDlsldu. snd Margarvt rou up Msir. Ui pui »n her brmnei
end oMueback loikliig e>KW>v* m<l blush
ing SI prettll) tlini Janina i'imkr fu)t a
•viiiul"U« tJirill run duvea tiU u>lntml o>1 :
l at the Ups
• of his
t fin 1
oniD and n
fiH) on ibu order from the govammmit,
bu: tWorvtbe (toll it delivered we may
two or tfanw uKS killed, and we
have, of oesam. to make a oaMi tokMeDHBi witb toeir tomiliea
■ Men who are dtottnyed *y b
pluncm of gon ootton ore blown into
fra^xoita there bumg ngtbiug left of
tbe rematse Cor bortsL It amoonts
oompleue pbyoieal onnihilaCicgi. But (he
dMigers of Ui* businebs du out deter peo
ple fooui taigaging m M. and oampeti
tkn is os kwu in tbat Hoe os osy atbm
tadasiry.Wtohinguo Fom.
l now e- cloud
- - Ugoa
„ . to suttto
. over
. . ,
old and jofoon of Mr Solon.on
n aad for tbeiarmrai ware thrown
main bontoranis
Axnln and egeto did Mr. Hogg* go up
totlH oflire of the revEtiUCTUi Inviuctor
of (til- roynl Inkstoud. but on luOezllitc attandant sulil that Mr. Porukc was cngogid
t oould not te lDU»Tu,.i^mad«e any
eircHinnancNs Tb« fim funocUioaiy w
ta di-s|«lr
FluoJIv The Ually T.Tnmgont come out
wllb a gnjjiliir sioouni of e gurgxms re
»>ll<iii g|vm> ly till-niff-of Hun Jonas
Rrutv. SI wbirb uoUIr povons wura prenent k) gnvii Duiulicre. Ur Sutuiuin Etoggs
Md II whllr lie
at bnmkfaM and
As toiiQ w b<- com* to bl* sense, bs hostoDud to the liuiiomlile tiw trer«4ar> of (be
liialia Isi Ubde er.d d«aiandi.xl that '-|---Peruke's a>miiito-l‘<u U- revokni
TTie buBonihl.- sivoiArj loukid grwe
Be was aftuld Itouuldn i Im donu. The
'•fipulOlaeDt bad l»-o uiodu and eon
Inoed. and the ooruoatit nf micli m high
ofBoeas that of wi*i.-iiti*wtb li^iiuctor of
the royal Inkstand oould uoi tw lampervd
As for tbe sovcntconth Insiivcuw of th*
royal Inkstand, be a
meat of bis bigb ofBcr and pnuwuus oM
apr. tbe actual Inspurion cd ku- inkstand
Mng attended to by on InWIBgum la,y of
W roars, wbo woshod It out and rtiUltid to
army mofnlng —F-xebonge.
s[-l- ar at Acherva By docej tbe Mwog*
li I'l* w,-rr- covired thick with them,
The pasMigu had takeu sbout eight
bnarv. tbi' ••wiv» (rurrling five miles
f.^rmi-ut^iUon itoxwy wowimookD tbu bund.
’ bare derided e
I MUitOtiOO. Opponats of Ibe sewage form tystem et
AchdM bad doctored that tbe dreinoga
In tbe city was ee Mow that it lock
two or Umuc woks hr (he ag^sge to
nucta tbo pompkig Mauoo at CUcky
and that the fonaaMatMU going on m
At Banter (bis yiar a gnat
It Is said tbat William Ravage, ooa
of U-w.v'smilurs. firand a ooaoidenble
quantity of liqo'g at Chriu; tbe day
after toe stnkiag of tbe Spanlsb fieri
otxl nodo widi lire uf to Uiat when
found iiy hi* supaei'ow hewM uuly able
to’nto«r<SM'vnxri—"lltiiTkiir' TbVtubm^oiinl wiart liOirtlaJ w-otsnrrel Inm to
18 tbiys 111 rliabot l-sl «h»<u !li<- luiditig
td Ibe cum was fssas»l up to Aduiiful
b«- wr-ito >«> It "TImi tir'svNritopi af th* niori ap> iU't>r'>*'<t. ths watoun ko Akoi]iir<Aivl sn-l ili" a>ve>si.d.
Wllftam Hassop'. 1s ieil*r*d tettmirvl th&s (sal hi uaisriireiio*, of u*>: ri<>ii,ins
victory won ly ib» fi**d pmW uiy <.ow
IV* isoot* re ow AM »# Wreeavs.
One of toi- ni»»><*l
ixvis !•eweim tbis vm.t omI tlw lovt i* Um inocasrd nscuf tMrlaiwh' III liifodtry rigitmarnt. It Is far h-re suli)rai to ditbiigfa
fbon «M <mu owl can lo lH<erd
gaagts- Al —-Y" TIh' bogl*' ta urll
adopted tu tbe greatly mlotgid turui of
|ri^ieblqg oow a ppe of Uitokaa.—Mo
New Departurei
Dr. A. B. Spinney, of I>etrolt, alee
prnpfietor of stood City Sasitariom. is
oomlngto yoor town.
Eyer Borned 0«tT
U ooyo* kmow
too value of
UTBT7RA 19'Oa.
^John R. Santo,
Geitral lasuiaice.
that cannot eee him et hie Sar
Thedoctorbee eo mneh U
experteoe be
^ in toting|
cbfottlc dtereees that be will gl.
i only a mOe away, and the walk erety
mootb’e treatment and medium
ifaw Terk 6erald.
Al.ao nas scacicat oPEranowe to day le Dw»«ia..«.i
the eoontry. and eEamining and treat
ing thooaaode of chronic case*, has
prepared him to cure when the general
pra^tioner fails. Have
e yoa beeo
been aick
for years
we can cure you or not. If we esnnet
care you. we will tell yon wbat relief
Chimmy Ibe Rat—Wbatl Me mind
yer baby a muretoan yonseoomenistais
oot Ki yell. "Dme’s his fader.jrot ilo-•
amted os r' aa tne git pi
—New York Joonuil.
Tbebeir and bopo of tbe family ■!
Black oaetlewae e little rogue of about
8 enmmer*. Quo day el losob be was
T«7 dtsobedHSt. His fatbor, w*»oBe orders hod hmn reniwtodlT hroored. at
IsM BtioiA the to^ to eeecntsate hie
'Vamywwld. |bla*'Mld tbe peUM-
iteB to the deeOM.
••■B«rr4 (batr*
*‘Tob pntlad Brown'e taotbandba
aaifi tbae it gnl»nebtagee«»a Ipallad
hla noaeand be ewora that it aobed
woae (ban ererf"—DitoiMt Free Pnaa
"Ooodneat. BMnebe, don’t toll tne
man sommeriag at Vay^unkl Wbat
frtg^tal nwne to bead your leeaera
erery patient wUl etate to tbeir frienda
tbe reeolu obtained by his treatment.
AU forms of cbronlc dieeaees and delormitire treated. Ko man in this
State bae bad each extended rsporieoca In tbe treatment of CATARRH.
DISBA5BS as tbe doctor. Be grada
ated n years ago from Clereland,
Ohio; wae 18 years In general prac• i; after that loctored as Profea»or
■ ~
nlogy la Detroit
" "ege for *
BomeopaTu^Medial Coflege
tendent of
ycarat was 8 years Saperistend
Alma and Vpailanti Ssni
will ran ea Bast Bay as fallcrws:
Leave Old Mttoioo.................... «:» »•
7:10 s. m.
Arrive Elk Banide..
7140 a. m.
Ltove Elk Rapids
8:t0a. m.
Arrive Old Mltoion
Leave Old Mission..
Arrive But Ucad...
S;00 p a
Leave But Read...
6:>0 p m.
Arrive Old Mlaelon.
tJO p. m.
p. m.
«Kn p m
Leave Elk Eaplds
Arrive Old Hitoios..................8;M p. a.
'Bus vrlil leave the Hereentile Co's
Block, Hotel WhlOng and Pork Place
at f:10 p m. 'B*s will also connret
with boat at ll:to a. a. PrnitKmr will
be at But Heed oa Tueedays. Thundeya aad Seturdeye. Veeasngrr* and
fmlt will be taken on et any point
along Pentosnla ebore by coming ont
to a btal
%»*Remembef. one month will be
,t^jntely free—medicines, turgicol
eperntioos, end tbe beoefit of oU onr
skill to all who are too poor Ao pay. ^
Onr methods of treatment U all that la ;
1*, s^iti
koowo by all the oebooto, with U« Old ^ooeTsrsselsf.
<>* clectncity. that most wooderfnl of I______ . n ■rmT.ri.tL.i.. ____ ____ ~
TrsTto»eOtty 1
Below is a Uei of tbe bnrisg and ariltog prleaa of yeetorday for gteceriae.
pr^hms and farm prodnea to Tr»vClly:
$IZ so
Cigar Pork per bbl. m
Qaar Pork nor ft>....
iCnl ftjrk..........
Bye Flour. B. U A Co. BeeV..
Meal. B. L. A Co. Beet.............
Feed. a. to AOa Bast.............
Egg! per dos................................
Oodftsi per ft................................
Lard per ft.....................................
Buiur per lb Oain....................
Creamery BnUer.m....................
Cbeeu per ft. ..............................
Oats per bn (old).........................
Cor* per bu.. old.........................
PoUtoea. per bu.........................
Salt per bbl..................................
Bran per 100.................................
eatm or Tmamn cr
Wheat, old. pur bn....................
WbeaL new, pnrbu..................
Oats, Na 1. purbu.
Com. per bu................................
Bggo. per dotes..........................
ly. William.,yon forget who I tonP
system. Oo early, as my'—
Tbe relret ey^ i mp looked np eod offic< is always crowded.
-Casesrv Tva»- — I ooa Otds
witb MiKto simplicity seiA
ev ret by B are vj
you're enty intrrTer't bushond,
tbe hereditary legistoSar resatoed WVireu
diwssss o< all
sii forms
(eras tr»aisd
tnoisd •sac.
uiu tb. teun
crai In nor standing equadroos, Iboagh
week after week tbe French Meditew>
raneon and noatbera fleeta retaeane nob
^....................................- ----------- -----------I trcsiBSBt lb* lowMt ot uy sssiioriaa or boo-
CNdwud-Tea, bM tbtok of ouriDOtb.
(sw-to-tow being able lo esjoy e UJa '
lo^eelty.—Atoriee'e Magaane
S. lbs sr< U« _•
0.0.* * s a s a s « s a s s 4 s s
88 8 8
setp.m. Tslspbres-Jl
tbeir proaptneos and satisfactory men- COLUMBIA AMD LOU A. OUH
aer in the sotUrmrut of my claim.
Tbaoe young BSB have recently located
hare and have opened a broeeh office
la the Johnsea block for this most vxSolng north .dally e*«»pt Sunday,
erilant company, and it is
or« that I roeommend ihci
KeabtawanU .
The eampany is not a new one os
1 bave carried proUetion with them for
tbe past five year*, and this kind of
el pretoetioD is socetbing that each
Cbarlrvoix .
end erery man should carry. ”
Bey \
of sickness or eecidi
•• Heriwr'p
Ar. Borbor Spriagt
d toey ore at liberty at aay
ler to me tor refereaea.
Gol-r^oath dally ex.
Harbor Spriog!
V. rjoi-A ,
.. j|,,.bor Point
Bay View..
" Fetoskey........
Wheeba*. It bos pleased DIvlea
•' Charlevoix........
Providenoe to call our beloved aad
late brother. B G Boddow. to bit
I*:SO p. u
lal reward, wbo woe a worthy
member of our order, the Indepeadeat
" Omena
Order of Forestero. Court Treverw*. No ; '
Ar. Truvorae City
hip ...
lodge and active lebor* for the welfare
of tbe order have greatly eadenred blm
to the member* ef Court Treverve.
Going south dot
therefore be It
Leave Northport.
Baoalvad. That wbUe we deeply
" Gmena .............
lonro our loco we bow 1* enbmitslos
" Huttons bay . .
I tbe mandate* ef the Ruprem* Chief
" Neabtawanta..
Boager os high to whom we all ow*
Ar. Traveroe Cily
Resolved, That la the death of BrothGoing north dally except Snuday.
Leave Travatue City..................NOO p. m
•' Neahtowunta.................... S;00 "
kind and dutiful oak and the eommo" Suttont Bay......................4Je
nity at large skB baaorable eltixen.
" Omena................................,T:lt "
Resolved. That we. the officers end
Ar. Northport...........................6:18 "
iber* of Court Treverre. extend w
bereaved foatUy and iclimata
trieids our beartfeUoymaatoy and oe-1
sure them that we moarn with them la Daily aarnlBa XguaraioBS Froin
tbe hour of their dls«reae. aad further,
Beealvad. That onr cbortor be dropTrEwaraa City.
(d In moorniog for thirty day*, that a I
,t*am*r at 8:40 a m. for Kaobcepy of tbeae rreolntlons be wnt to th#
^toc* yoa sri.l connect with
droeoaed brotheri* family ond that
retaralog to Trevtoey be epraod open tbe mlnatea of
^7^^' T*
this order and nuWUhed la the Mo«^
C?And“be mod. erery morning.
If you wito * loogar ride the hoot will
i«-J you nt Umeun or Northport where
yoa will connect
5t with stoomor reu
bV to Travaree Clt;Mtt 4:00 p. ^
Travoras City, Mich., Augnat 4,180B.
Fnrte Oraea—The pure staff. Na
eha» adulteretiuM. u oaate a poand
M Woiva Drug Btiwa.
GruA RifUi t IiAliu R. B
----------- :--------------Bednoed mates un O. B. A I
Abent eat montb ago ay child, which
u fifteen aoBths eld. bed an attack ef
Ciecloneti, one cent per mile. Bell
diarTkeoaseoempanled by Tomiliag. I September to. good to retoru October
gave it suck remedies u ere nsuelly tsd.
given 1p tueb caeca, bat u notblsg
lodlanapllis. one fare far round trip,
rave relief we unt for a phyeletoa end Sell Aagust Nth. retam August ISth.
It was under his care for a week- Al
Lndington. one far* for round trip.
tkU time the child hod been sick for Sell Jnly 2«tb to August Stb. return
abent Un days aod was having about Augus'. 18tb.
iwaoiy-five eperatious of tbe bowels
Saratoga, one fare for round trip,
every twelve bourn, and we were coo- Bell August 1st, good to return August
vineed that nnleae it soon abuloed re- list.
lief It would not live.
Toronto, Ootorio. one far* for round
Colie. Cholera and Dioirboea Remedy trip, iiell Aagust I4tb. !Stb. aad t7th,
was reoommeoded. aed I decided to go^ to rstoro Sepu 8th.
try It. 1 soon noticed a change for tbe
Vermillion. O , one fare for round
bettor; by iu eentinned Dse e complete trip Sell August let. good to return
care was brought ubont ecd it is per- August list.
feetly faaolthy —C to UuOGS. BtompReduced rutsa to other pointa. Phone
town. Gilmer Co , W Va For sale by U C, E Merr»y. Agent.
8. E. Wait druggist
C. L. Lockwood. G. P. A..
Greod Rapids.
Fords That are Worth Bomelbtog.
I wish to thispehlic Baneer to thank ,
averyosoi aae aaoru ai luownewe
A. H-Bol.
To parUas af Ire er more a rets of
me tare lor the roasd trip wlU be
8 SS8888
X tahstrett. tm tf
S' ■7”":
L"”." ..’’.S.'Sf
ESi;'™,™,'"..’.™ 5S.."H."SK
4 O
8882 a 8
ilIBB ■
SS8S8 8
400000000000000 o
sastasesssssaas a
foU porUeiLlan wrtle tos owosre. ^sy A
S-m. W 1. BrewD. *E tree. ElnU s*re^^
nBd*T plssM l*ST* s> lb* EarorC
i'SSSriOrsudEopUstima. m. glisping ooa «miog
OM boast cor frvw Dmrolt re this tralo.
a E. geXSAT. AgraO. L. LOOAWOOPO. F. A r. A- OiaaS BapAs.
t:i7TE:^E;;.rE:.s -’i t
Joy**'* »1 41
tWJR EB1«T-Tb* room* over Chomprey A
r giotrSoo S4SIS *tre*»- fOI re Ore. W
noS. Bl >r
ryoreES F>B SALE-Ore HOO. «M ihlA
br Irevlas s« ibr Rserep oBe*.
Wsnied-nr sn* iinprereMi rre
DO T0UW«iT5r..i7:
UD loniumn li
*• inks sBret Euadoy. Jnaa a, MBF,
oono MOE1X.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.